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Применить Всего найдено 5915. Отображено 200.
27-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2235185C2

Изобретение относится к области эксплуатации и подземного ремонта нефтяных и газовых скважин с применением гибких непрерывных труб. Установка для ремонта скважин содержит платформу с домкратами, барабан с гибкой непрерывной трубой, транспортер гибкой непрерывной трубы и мачту. Стойки мачты шарнирно соединены с платформой и связаны с кареткой, установленной подвижно вдоль этих стоек. Стойки мачты выполнены с участками, связанными с кареткой, и с участками основных опор, образующими с участками, связанными с кареткой, со стороны платформы тупые углы. С платформой шарнирно соединены участки основных опор, а на стойках мачты смонтированы дополнительные опоры с домкратами. Технический результат заключается в уменьшении нагрузок на устьевую арматуру, особенно имеющую значительную высоту. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

27-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2235186C2

Изобретение относится к области эксплуатации и подземного ремонта нефтяных и газовых скважин с применением гибких непрерывных труб. Установка для ремонта скважин содержит основание, жестко соединенную с ним стойку, кабину оператора и пульт управления, размещенный в кабине оператора и закрепленный на стойке. Кабина оператора установлена с возможностью перемещения относительно основания. В кабине оператора выполнено отверстие, через которое проходит стойка. Кабина оператора установлена с возможностью вертикального перемещения относительно основания. В другом варианте конкретного выполнения эта кабина может перемещаться и в горизонтальной плоскости. Отверстие в данном конкретном примере выполнено в полу кабины оператора. В другом варианте конкретного выполнения отверстие может быть выполнено в одной из боковых стенок кабины оператора. Стойка снабжена ограничителями перемещения кабины оператора. Стойка выполнена в виде направляющей кабины оператора. Технический результат заключается в упрощении ...

20-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2513319C2

Изобретение относится к нефтегазовой отрасли, в частности к технике ремонта гибкой насосно-компрессорной трубы, и может быть использовано для ликвидации трещин, свищей, разрывов и других видов дефектов гибкой насосно-компрессорной трубы (ГНКТ), в которой проложен геофизический кабель, на базах подготовки производства (ремонта) без нарушения целостности и изоляции самого кабеля. Суть изобретения заключается в том, что ГНКТ вместе с геофизическим кабелем наматывается на транспортный барабан, доставляется на ремонтную базу, разматывается, участок трубы, имеющий дефекты, вырезается на специальном сварочном стенде-кондукторе и удаляется, а на его место ставится ремкомплект - часть ГНКТ и производится сварка ремкомплекта с торцами вырезанного участка ГНКТ. Затем из ГНКТ вымывают кабель, вырезают ремкомплект, стыкуют концы вырезанного участка ГНКТ и сваривают их, а затем в ГНКТ, намотанную на транспортный барабан, замывают (пропускают через ГНКТ) извлеченный ранее геофизический кабель. На этом ...

27-04-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2771157C2

Группа изобретений относится к системе гибких насосно-компрессорных труб. Технический результат – безопасность, простота применения. Модуль гибких насосно-компрессорных труб и канатно-тросовой установки содержит: основание, компоновку гибких насосно-компрессорных труб, прикрепленную к указанному основанию, и канатно-тросовую установку в сборе, прикрепленную к указанному основанию. При этом указанная компоновка гибких насосно-компрессорных труб имеет барабан гибких насосно-компрессорных труб и вал. Указанная канатно-тросовая установка в сборе имеет барабан канатно-тросовой установки и по меньшей мере один блок подшипников. При этом указанный вал указанной компоновки гибких насосно-компрессорных труб размещен в указанном по меньшей мере одном блоке подшипников для прохождения через внутреннюю часть указанного барабана канатно-тросовой установки, вследствие чего указанный барабан гибких насосно-компрессорных труб выполнен с возможностью вращения независимо от указанного барабана канатно-тросовой ...

26-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU196351U1

Полезная модель относится к области нефтегазовой добывающей промышленности. Инжектор агрегата выполнен с возможностью замены тяговых цепей путем замены всего инжектора, которые установлены с возможностью изменения расстояния между двумя смежными диаметрально противоположно расположенными колодками для прохождения наконечника трубы большего диаметра, чем сама сталеполимерная труба путем изменения расстояния между ветвями цепи. На транспортной платформе установлено, по крайней мере, три барабана намотки с приводом и с гидравлическими рукавами высокого давления. Гидравлические линии одного барабана соединены с герметизирующим оборудованием, другого – с противовыбросовым оборудованием, третьего – с инжектором, а в гидравлической линии устройства прижима установлен гидравлический клапан с электромагнитным управлением для контроля давления на стенки трубы при помощи управляющей программы. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

20-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU20126U1

Подъемная установка, содержащая платформу с закрепленными на ее конце шарнирами, телескопический подъемник, включающий первую секцию, установленную на шарнирах с возможностью поворота в вертикальной плоскости, проходящей перпендикулярно общей горизонтальной оси шарниров с помощью гидроцилиндров подъема, и выдвигаемую с помощью гидроцилиндров выдвижения вторую секцию, траверсу, одним концом шарнирно закрепленную на второй секции с возможностью поворота в вертикальной плоскости, и другим концом кинематически соединенную со второй секцией с помощью гидроцилиндров траверсы, и механизм подачи с направляющей дугой, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена продольной кареткой, установленной в траверсе с возможностью продольного перемещения, поперечной кареткой, установленной в продольной каретке с возможностью перемещения поперек траверсы, подвеской, установленной на оси в поперечной каретке с возможностью ограниченного поворота вокруг нее, а механизм подачи подвешен на подвеске с помощью другой взаимно ...

27-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU43033U1

Полезная модель относится к нефтегазовой добыче и предназначена для спуска и подъема длинномерных гибких труб в скважину. Установка содержит, размещенные на самоходной платформе кабину оператора, барабан с приводом и укладчиком для непрерывной трубы, направляющую дугу, транспортер с прижимными элементами, выполненными из твердой резины, превентор, установленный между барабаном и направляющей дугой прямолинейный жесткий телескопический ствол, который состоит из секций конической формы, вкладывающихся друг в друга и имеет разъемные соединения с направляющей дугой и счетчиком барабана. Технический результат заключается в повышении надежности работы трубы, увеличении срока ее службы, в возможности обслуживания скважин с высоким устьем на большом расстоянии от установки, повышении безопасности проводимых работ.

27-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2114285C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для использования в скважинах, включая нефтяные, газовые, водяные и скважины для освобождения от загрязнений. Скважинный фильтр включает удлиненный и гибкий трубчатый фильтровальный элемент, намотанный в форме катушки. Фильтровальный элемент содержит полотно в форме ленты, состоящее из удлиненных опорных стержней, расположенных параллельно друг другу с заданными промежутками, и проволок в виде стержней, расположенных поперек опорных стержней и приваренных к ним. Фильтр может дополнительно содержать удлиненную и гибкую перфорированную трубу, выполненную с отверстиями, расположенными с заданными между ними промежутками, при этом трубчатый элемент расположен по ее наружной периферии. Это позволяет иметь при изготовлении фильтра ровную поверхность катушки без трудностей при намотке фильтра. 3 с. и. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 6 ил.

10-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94028724A1

Установка подъемная предназначена для спуска и подъема непрерывных труб или штанг, на которые подвешиваются погружные насосы, струйные аппараты и насадки, и служит для проведения промывки, подземного ремонта и исследовательских работ в нефтяных, газовых и других скважинах с использованием непрерывных труб. Использование подъемной установки позволяет упростить монтаж и обслуживание подъемной установки. Установка содержит самоходную платформу, размещенные на ней кабину оператора, барабан с приводом и укладчиком для непрерывной трубы, выдвижную раму, смонтированную в направляющих, закрепленных на самоходной платформе, размещенный на выдвижной раме телескопический подъемник с платформой, механизм подачи с направляющей дугой, смонтированный на платформе телескопического подъемника и механизм осевого наведения механизма подачи на центральную ось устья скважины, блок превенторов и захват для его фиксации. При этом захват для фиксации блока превенторов смонтирован под платформой телескопического ...

10-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96117597A

... 1. Агрегат для спуска и подъема непрерывных стальных труб, содержащий смонтированные на монтажной базе транспортного средства подъемное устройство с механизмом подачи, барабан, и укладчик витков стальных труб на барабане, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен блоками прижимных валиков, смонтированных на раме барабана с возможностью его охвата для взаимодействия с витками стальных труб и разведения для замены барабана. 2. Агрегат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что подъемное устройство выполнено в виде вращающегося под действием приводного узла стояка с направляющими балками, каретки с направляющими коробами и роликами, установленной с возможностью вертикального перемещения по направляющим балкам под действием гидроцилиндра, размещенного внутри вращающегося стояка, соединенного с ним и связанного канатом через полиспастный блок с кареткой, и выдвижной рамы, установленной в направляющих коробах каретки с возможностью перемещения под действием привода, при этом механизм подачи шарнирно связан своей рамой ...

27-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU99100837A

... 1. Механизм подачи, содержащий две вертикальных параллельно установленных стойки, одна из которых закреплена на платформе, а другая стойка установлена и подпружинена относительно первой с возможностью перемещения в горизонтальных направляющих, две бесконечные цепи с прижимными элементами, расположенные на звездочках, размещенных на концах стоек, при этом каждый прижимной элемент выполнен с двумя отверстиями крепления, в которых остановлены оси звеньев бесконечных цепей, а рабочие поверхности прижимных элементов обращены друг к другу на внутренних ветвях цепей, отличающийся тем, что нижнее отверстие прижимного элемента одной цепи и верхнее отверстие прижимного элемента другой цепи расположены на одной горизонтальной линии, при этом рабочая поверхность каждого прижимного элемента выполнена выпуклой. 2. Механизм по п.1, отличающийся тем, что при выполнении прижимного элемента прямоугольной формы отверстия крепления расположены на одной диагонали.

10-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006117329A

... 1. Комбинированная система для обработки нефтяной и/или газовой скважины, содержащая единственный прицеп, имеющий установленные на нем единственный двигатель для обеспечения первичной энергией для работы насосов и двигателей, установленных на единственном прицепе, барабан для наматываемой на него насосно-компрессорной трубы для введения в скважину текучих сред для обработки скважины, инжектор указанной насосно-компрессорной трубы, способный продвигать насосно-компрессорную трубу в ствол скважины, систему для закачивания текучих сред в ствол скважины и резервуар с жидким азотом, при этом инжектор, система для закачивания текучих сред и резервуар с жидким азотом приводятся в действие двигателем. 2. Система по п.1, дополнительно содержащая кран для подъема и опускания инжектора насосно-компрессорной трубы. 3. Система по п.2, в которой кран приводится в действие единственным двигателем. 4. Система по п.1, дополнительно включающая первый гидронасос, приводимый в действие двигателем для управления ...

16-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2669818C1

Группа изобретений относится к системам ввода кабеля с трубчатой оболочкой в гибкую трубу. Технический результат заключается в создании поперечных сил, противодействующих изгибаниям кабеля. Система ввода кабеля с трубчатой оболочкой в гибкую трубу содержит устройство ввода кабеля, гибкую трубу, имеющую внутренний диаметр и открытый конец плети, в который вводится кабель с трубчатой оболочкой, и устройство для противодействия изгибаниям кабеля, расположенное между устройством ввода кабеля и гибкой трубой. Устройство для противодействия изгибаниям кабеля содержит канал, в который вводится кабель с трубчатой оболочкой из устройства ввода кабеля. Указанный канал включает: проход малого диаметра, имеющий внутренний диаметр, препятствующий изгибаниям кабеля с трубчатой оболочкой; участок среднего диаметра, имеющий внутренний диаметр, допускающий ограниченный изгиб кабеля с трубчатой оболочкой; первый переходный участок конической формы, расположенный между проходом малого диаметра и участком ...

20-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95103476A

Скважинный фильтр, содержащий удлиненный и гибкий трубчатый элемент, намотанный в форме катушки. Трубчатый фильтровальный элемент может содержать опорные стержни, расположенные по форме цилиндра и проходящие в осевом направлении, и проволочное средство, образующее щели заданной ширины. Фильтр может дополнительно содержать удлиненную и гибкую перфорированную трубу, снабженную отверстиями, расположенными с заданным между ними промежутком.

27-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97112531A

... 1. Способ бурения нефтегазовых скважин, включающий создание отрицательного перепада давления в системе "скважина-пласт" путем облегчения бурового раствора и применения бурильного оборудования в составе бурового насоса, двигателя привода бурового насоса, барабана с непрерывной гибкой трубой, гидравлического винтового забойного двигателя и долота, отличающийся тем, что через непрерывную гибкую трубу и гидравлический винтовой забойный двигатель прокачивают буровой раствор, облегченный полимерными газонаполненными микросферами (микробаллонами, пламилонами), а расходом бурового раствора во времени управляют по закону Q(t)=Q0 +ΔQ•sinωt, где Q0 и ΔQ- соответственно среднее значение и амплитуда, колебаний расхода бурового раствора; ω- круговая частота; t - текущее время, для чего привод бурового насоса выполняют регулируемым, вводя в состав бурильного оборудования силовой преобразователь и блок программного управления, причем выход блока программного управления соединяют с вторым входом силового ...

27-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU99100364A

Подъемная установка, содержащая платформу с закрепленными на ее конце шарнирами, телескопический подъемник, включающий первую секцию, установленную на шарнирах с возможностью поворота в вертикальной плоскости, проходящей перпендикулярно общей горизонтальной оси шарниров с помощью гидроцилиндров подъема, и выдвигаемую с помощью гидроцилиндров выдвижения вторую секцию, траверсу, одним концом шарнирно закрепленную на второй секции с возможностью поворота в вертикальной плоскости, и другим концом кинематически соединенную со второй секцией с помощью гидроцилиндров траверсы, и механизм подачи с направляющей дугой, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена продольной кареткой, установленной в траверсе с возможностью продольного перемещения, поперечной кареткой, установленной в продольной каретке с возможностью перемещения поперек траверсы, подвеской, установленной на оси в поперечной каретке с возможностью ограниченного поворота вокруг нее, а механизм подачи подвешен на подвеске с помощью другой взаимно ...

27-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000111704A

... 1. Мобильный агрегат для бурения и ремонта нефтяных и газовых скважин с использованием колонны гибких труб, содержащий тягач, соединенную с тягачом шарнирным сцепным устройством транспортную базу, состоящую из рамы с тележкой и смонтированными на раме кабины управления агрегатом, барабана с колонной гибких труб, противовыбросового и скважинного оборудования, аутригеров, а так же шарнирно соединенной с рамой мачты с возможностью размещения ее в транспортном и рабочем положении, опоры мачты в транспортном положении с замком, механизмы перевода мачты и других узлов агрегата в рабочее положение, отличающийся тем, что рама снабжена не менее чем одной дополнительной опорой с замком, при этом замки всех опор установлены с возможностью обеспечения жесткого соединения рамы с мачтой при установке ее в транспортном положении и передачи в процессе транспортирования агрегата нагрузок, воспринимаемых рамой на мачту. 2. Мобильный агрегат для бурения и ремонта нефтяных и газовых скважин с использованием ...

23-12-1971 дата публикации

Способ укладки длинномерного тела

Номер: SU324375A1

23-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1836554C

30-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1813179C

07-11-1992 дата публикации

Подъемная установка для обслуживания нефтяных скважин

Номер: SU1774985A3

Использование: для ликвидации гидрат- ных, гидратно-парафинистых и парафини- стых пробок в насосно-компрессорных трубах, проведения технологических, ремонтных и исследовательских работ с применением непрерывных стальных труб без глушения скважин. Сущность изобретения: установка состоит из транспортного средства , на котором смонтирован барабан с укладчиком и непрерывной трубой. Узел подъема, в направляющих которого установлена платформа) на которой жестко закреплен механизм подачи с другой направляющей, перемещается на устье скважины посредством трособлочного механизма с гидроприводом. Управление уста- новкой осуществляется из кабины оператора. Установка подъемная обеспечивает обслуживание высоких скважин при упрощении ее монтажа. 4 ил.

30-04-1993 дата публикации

Устройство для накопления шланга подачи бетона в аппарате для укрепления горных пород

Номер: SU1813179A3
Принадлежит: ОЙ ТАМПЕЛЛА АБ

Использование: в горном деле для укрепления горных пород. Сущность изобретения: устройство содержит барабан для шланга. Барабан смонтирован с возможностью вращения на опоре, а тот конец шланга , который, крепится к барабану, соединен с устройством подачи бетона. Для того, чтобы навивающее устройство можно было использовать для направления шланга в скважину, а также для выведения его из скважины, барабан окружен кольцевой опорной стенкой, к которой прижимается шланг в процессе вращения барабана в направлении разматывания. Имеется невращающееся направляющее средство помимо опорной стенки, которое направляет шланг при его сматывании с барабана под действием выталкивающей силы, приложенной к шлангу вследствие вращения барабана. 4 з.п.ф-яы, 6 ил. ел С ...

28-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069618645D1

03-06-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001233909A

26-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001436739A

... 1436739 Liquid transfer apparatus COFLEXIP 11 Sept 1973 [13 Sept 1972] 42572/73 Heading B8E [Also in Division F2] Apparatus for transferring liquid from a well in deep water to a ship or other surface point comprises a lower bundle of flexible tubes 7-12 connected to a base 2 of the well and maintained in tension by floats 4-6 and independent upper flexible tubes 7a-12a connected between the tubes of the bundle and the delivery points. The upper end of the bundle is maintained below the zone of surface swell. To set up the apparatus a barge 18 is used having a cut-out part 19 and reels 20-24 on which the tubes are wound and from which they pass through drive devices 25 having caterpillar tracks to maintain a controlled feed. After securing the tubes 7-12 to a counter-base connection 3 it is lowered until the joint for attachment of the float 6 is reached to which while it is supported by a crane 27 the tubes are secured in recesses in spaced relation by collars 16. Lowering is continued ...

26-03-2003 дата публикации

A method of controlling downhole pressure during drilling of a wellbore

Номер: GB0002379947A

A method of controlling downhole pressure during drilling of a wellbore wherein drilling fluid is returned to the surface via a return line 132 which comprises selecting a desired bottomhole pressure P2, determining the bottomhole pressure and controlling a pump 30 in the return line in response to the determined pressure to control the bottomhole pressure at the desired pressure by changing the speed of the pump.

12-12-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002232451A

A water gland includes a hollow barrel member (1) having at least one side aperture (11, 12) in flow communication with an inlet (10) formed in a housing (6) which is releasably clamped to the member (1). A releasable split sleeve member (17) is provided for engagement with one end of the barrel member (1) and a restrictor (5, 15, 16) is provided for engagement at the other end of the barrel member (1). ...

07-05-2003 дата публикации

A mast for handling an oilfield apparatus

Номер: GB0002381548A

A mast 10 for suspending a coil tubing injector and a blow out preventer over a wellhead comprises two telescopic segments 12B and 14B that extend and retract synchronously within their respective telescopic arms 12 and 14. The mast 10 is pivotably mounted onto a support base 18 that permits the mast 10 to pivot in forward and aft directions to allow the mast 10 to retract to a stowed position. The support base 18 may be a part of a vehicle that allows the mast 10 to be transportable. The mast 10 comprises a cross member assembly 16 linking the upper ends of the two telescopic segments 12B and 14B. The cross member assembly 16 further comprises a trolley 32 with a latch 36 for hoisting the blow out preventer. The trolley 32 is linked to a pulley mechanism 28 that allows the latch 36 to move sideways, and the support base 18 is linked to a base slide mount 64 that allows the mast 10 to move forwards and backwards, both the pulley mechanism 28 and the base slide mount 64 is used for aligning ...

22-06-2005 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for removing cuttings

Номер: GB0002409226A

An apparatus and method for removing cuttings in a deviated borehole using drilling fluids. The apparatus includes a pipe string and a bottom hole assembly having a down hole motor and bit for drilling the borehole. The pipe string has one end attached to the bottom hole assembly and does not rotate during drilling. The apparatus and methods raise at least a portion of the pipe sting in the deviated borehole to remove cuttings from underneath the pipe sting portion.

11-08-1999 дата публикации

Composite spoolable tube

Номер: GB0009913815D0

27-05-1992 дата публикации

Pipeline cleaning apparatus

Номер: GB0002250076A

Apparatus for cleaning out underground pipelines, includes a base frame (18), a boom (28) pivotally mounted on said base frame, a cutter driving head (32) slidably mounted on the boom, and a rotatably mounted adaptor element (33) forming part of said driving head and capable of driving a connected string of flexible rods (12) carrying a cutter device. So that the flexible rods are protected against breakage, first and second hydraulic motors (40 and 42) are provided for rotating the adaptor element and for advancing or retracting the cutter head (32) along the boom (28), said hydraulic motors being powered by respective pumps (53 and 57) driven by a common power unit (52), the arrangement being such that any increase in the rate of advance of the cutter device along the underground pipeline is accompanied by an increase in the rotational speed of the cutter device. ...

19-07-2006 дата публикации

Variable size coil tubing gripping elements

Номер: GB0002411191B
Принадлежит: VARCO INT, VARCO I/P, INC.

09-11-2005 дата публикации

Pivoting gooseneck

Номер: GB0002407599B

17-08-2005 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for the laying of elongate articles

Номер: GB0000513923D0

14-05-2003 дата публикации

A coiled tubing reel assembly, stand and method of use for tubing injector system

Номер: GB0002381814A

A reel assembly for supplying coiled tubing of a type used in oilwell operations which comprises a stand 12 onto which a spool of coiled tubing 11 is lowered, a drive coupling (40, fig 1B) for transmitting rotational force from the stand to the spool, an axle 74 for supporting the spool on the stand and a pipe 100 slidably disposed within a bore through the axle for communicating fluid between the coiled tubing and a fluid source. The pipe is retracted to provide clearance for lowering the spool onto the stand and is then extended such that a first end of the pipe is disposed within the spool and a second end is disposed outside the stand. A swivel joint (96, fig 5) may be connected to one of the pipe ends, permitting the pipe to turn with the spool or to be held stationary with respect to the stand dependent on to which end the swivel joint is attached.

22-08-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for providing tubing into a subsea well

Номер: GB0002494558B
Принадлежит: BAKER HUGHES INC, Baker Hughes Incorporated

21-11-1984 дата публикации

Drilling boreholes

Номер: GB0002139929A

Difficulties are encountered in mining in making shot-firing boreholes from a narrow cross-heading into the lateral walls at right angles to the length of the cross-heading. The invention provides for this purpose a drilling unit with a flexible drilling shaft (5) formed by a steel spiral, which is brought up in the direction (7) of the cross-heading and is deviated within the unit substantially at right angles into the direction (10) of the borehole. The deviating station (3) provided for this purpose comprises, in a preferred embodiment, a turntable (11) fitted with pairs of rollers (12), which absorbs the substantial feed forces and reduces the wear on the flexible drilling shaft (5). The circulation fluid necessary for the drilling is conveyed through a pressure hose extending within the flexible shaft (5), which is connected pressure-tightly to the ends of the flexible shaft by means of special screw fittings. Special profiles, which are intended to prevent the turns from being rolled ...

18-04-2001 дата публикации

Device by reel for coiled tubing

Номер: GB0000104864D0

07-12-2005 дата публикации

Active controlled bottomhole pressure system & method

Номер: GB0000522209D0

15-09-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002094375A

In the analysis of rock ahead of a working face a probe is pushed along a borehole formed in any desired direction in the rock and data produced by the probe is logged for later analysis, or for in-situ analysis. The probe may produce multiple logs. The data logged includes lithological information on the rock and the angular direction of the borehole. The presence of fluids, such as noxious gases, in the borehole can simultaneously be detected.

02-09-1982 дата публикации

Apparatus for forcing tubular elements into and out of boreholes

Номер: GB0002093502A
Автор: Vann, Roy Randell

Apparatus for forcing a small tubular element 16, such as 0.10 inch outside diameter capillary tubing, into and out of a borehole includes an annular seal means 48 which sealingly receives the tubing therethrough. A pair of confronting rollers 52, 54 engage the exterior surface of the tubing 16 so that contra-rotational motion of the rollers in one direction or another forces the tubing uphole or downhole thereby stripping the tubing through the seal means as well as overcoming the piston effect brought about by the pressure differential between the borehole and ambient. ...

12-07-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008912020D0

28-03-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009002266D0

03-05-1995 дата публикации

Improved dual bore riser

Номер: GB0009505129D0

07-06-2000 дата публикации

Seabed analysis

Номер: GB0000009947D0

01-07-1998 дата публикации

A coiled tubing injector and gripper therefor

Номер: GB0009809416D0

01-03-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001265420A

31-05-2013 дата публикации

Riser for coil tubing/wire line injection

Номер: AP0201306878A0

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for cleaning fluid conduits

Номер: AP2013007171A0

30-04-2014 дата публикации

Tubular apparatus for the continuous completion ofhydrocarbon wells, and corresponding laying metho d

Номер: AP2014007603A0

31-05-2013 дата публикации

Riser for coil tubing/wire line injection

Номер: AP2013006878A0

10-08-2005 дата публикации

Method for transporting and installing an expandable steel tubular.

Номер: OA0000011795A

05-05-1970 дата публикации

Device of underwater coring.

Номер: OA0000002044A

16-05-2006 дата публикации

Subsea intervention system.

Номер: OA0000012357A

05-02-2003 дата публикации

Device of recognition of the basement

Номер: OA0000010841A

20-09-1969 дата публикации

Shoes for caterpillar of pulling.

Номер: OA0000001594A

13-10-2006 дата публикации

Pivoting gooseneck.

Номер: OA0000012892A

10-11-2006 дата публикации

Foldable gooseneck.

Номер: OA0000013072A

30-04-2014 дата публикации

Tubular apparatus for the continuous completion ofhydrocarbon wells, and corresponding laying metho d

Номер: AP0201407603A0

31-05-2013 дата публикации

Riser for coil tubing/wire line injection

Номер: AP0201306878D0

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for cleaning fluid conduits

Номер: AP0201307171D0

30-04-2014 дата публикации

Tubular apparatus for the continuous completion ofhydrocarbon wells, and corresponding laying metho d

Номер: AP0201407603D0

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for cleaning fluid conduits

Номер: AP0201307171A0

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000489323T

15-12-1984 дата публикации


Номер: ATA312781A

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000537328T

15-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000135439T

15-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000121497T

15-12-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000123475A

15-10-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000095587T

15-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000056496T

15-04-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000026326T

15-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000347020T

15-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000237736T

21-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007332791A

07-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000588090B2

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Control Line Installation Unit

Номер: US20120031627A1
Автор: Errol A. Sonnier
Принадлежит: Tesco Corp Canada

A tubing installer runs a string of tubing into a well while strapping a control line to the tubing string. The installer includes a base having a tubular connector extending downward for connection to an upper end of a blowout preventer. Hydraulic cylinders are mounted to and extend upward from the base. A support floor having support slips is mounted to the hydraulic cylinders at a fixed distance above the base. A traveling slip base containing traveling slips is mounted to upper ends of piston rods of the hydraulic cylinders. A pipe lifting assembly is supported by the base for lifting and positioning an additional joint of tubing to be added to the string of tubing. A pipe make-up mechanism is supported by the base for rotating the additional joint into threaded engagement with the string of tubing. A control line supply source for supplies control line to and alongside the string of tubing at a point between the base and the support floor.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Gripper assembly for downhole tools

Номер: US20120061074A1
Принадлежит: WWT International Inc

A gripper assembly for anchoring a tool within a downhole passage and for possibly assisting movement of the tool within the passage. The gripper assembly includes an elongated mandrel and flexible toes that can be radially displaced to grip onto the surface of the passage. The toes are displaced by the interaction of a driver slidable on the mandrel and a driver interaction element on the toes. In one embodiment, the toes are displaced by the interaction of rollers and ramps that are longitudinally movable with respect to one another. In another embodiment, the toes are displaced by the interaction of toggles that rotate with respect to the toes.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Conducting Earth Borehole Operations

Номер: US20120103632A1
Автор: Richard Havinga
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and apparatus for conducting earth borehole operations comprising a CT system comprising a first carrier with a reel of CT and a CT injector, a second carrier comprising a top drive rig having a mast, and a lifter operative to move the CT injector from the first carrier to an operative or near operative position with respect to the mast on the second carrier.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130075163A1
Автор: Harms Kent David

The present disclosure relates to mandrel loading techniques for downhole tools. In One embodiment, a downhole tool field connection segment a chassis extending between field connection ends. The field connection segment includes first and second collars each including a chassis portion. A collar connector is coupled to each of the collars and compresses a first axial load device disposed in the first collar. A second axial load device is disposed in the second collar. 1. A downhole tool comprising:a first collar;a first chassis portion disposed in the first collar;a first axial load device disposed in the first collar to exert axial force on the first chassis portion;a second collar;a second chassis portion disposed in the second collar;a second axial load device disposed in the second collar to exert axial force on the second chassis portion;a collar connector coupled to the first collar and the second collar and compressing the first axial load device.2. The downhole tool of claim 1 , wherein the first chassis portion and the second chassis portion comprise a single chassis extending between field connection ends of the downhole tool.3. The downhole tool of claim 1 , wherein the collar connector comprises an outer diameter approximately equal to or greater than an outer diameter of the first collar.4. The downhole tool of claim 1 , wherein the first chassis portion comprises a first mandrel subassembly claim 1 , a first flow diverter claim 1 , and a first mandrel extension; wherein the second chassis portion comprises a second mandrel subassembly claim 1 , a second flow diverter claim 1 , and a second mandrel extension; and wherein the first mandrel extension is disposed in the collar connector and coupled to the second mandrel extension.5. The downhole tool of claim 1 , wherein the first chassis portion comprises an axial loading mandrel extension that has a large flange of a first outer diameter approximately equal to an inner diameter of the first collar and a ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Sucker Rod Guide

Номер: US20130098601A1
Принадлежит: Tenaris Connections Ltd

A polymeric rod guide for a sucker rod, said polymeric rod guide having a body surrounding and coaxial with the sucker rod and molded in fixed contact with the rod. The body having a polygonal cross-section and a plurality of blades longitudinally disposed and extending from the body, each blade having a pair of planar longitudinal side walls and an exterior longitudinal edge, each of said blades having a first blade face disposed between a first terminal end of the blade and the exterior longitudinal edge and a second blade face disposed between a second terminal end of the blade and the exterior longitudinal edge, and an area of the body between the longitudinal side wall of a first blade and the longitudinal side wall of an adjacent second blade defines a trough having a plurality of planar surfaces.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Drum unit for a well intervention string

Номер: US20130161441A1
Принадлежит: C6 TECHNOLOGIES AS, Stimline AS

A drum unit for an intervention string for a well includes a drum with a radius for the intervention string, arranged in a structural frame and rotatable by a motor, the drum being arranged translating along a drum axis and driven by a translation motor, for controlled winding of the intervention string onto the drum relative to a first, fixed guide in the structural frame. A compensator includes a guide arch, the guide arch being displaceable in a direction orthogonal to the drum axis using a force device at the structural frame. The intervention string runs between the guide arch and the first fixed guide to or from a first end of the guide arch to the drum. The intervention string runs via a second, opposite end of the guide arch via a second, fixed guide at the structural frame, to or from the well.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168107A1
Принадлежит: Tesco Corporation

Control lines are secured to a completion string by a wrap wound around the completion string and control lines. The control lines are positioned adjacent to the completion string as it is lowered towards a well, and the wrap is wound helically around the lines and string in an open or closed loop manner. The placement and pitch of the wrap may be regulated, such as based upon the rate of advancement of the string into the well. One or multiple wraps may be used, and successive turns of the one or more wraps may overlap or be spaced from one another. 1. A method for securing a control line to a tubular string for placement in a well , the method comprising:lowering the string towards the well;placing the control line adjacent to an outer surface of the string;winding a wrap helically around the string and control line to secure the control line between the wrap and the outer surface of the string.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wrap comprises a generally flat tape-like structure.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wrap comprises a material compatible with a chemical environment in the well.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wrap comprises an adhesive layer for adhering the wrap to the control line and the string.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wrap is continuously wound around the string and the control line as the string is lowered into the well.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wrap is wound around the string and the control line in successive wraps that overlap with one another.7. The method of claim 1 , comprising winding at least two wraps helically around the string and the control line.8. The method of claim 1 , comprising detecting a rate of movement of the string into the well claim 1 , and regulating a rate of winding of the wrap around the string and the control line based upon the rate of movement of the string into the well.9. A system securing a control line to a tubular string for placement in a well claim 1 , the system ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175048A1

A coiled tubing support guide for maintaining an arch in a length of coiled tubing as it is unwound from a storage reel and feed into a coiled tubing injector connected with a wellhead is mounted to an elongated support structure rather than to the coiled tubing injector. The elongated support structure bears a load created by tension placed on the coiled tubing by the reel, thereby avoiding putting a bending moment on the wellhead. In alternate embodiment, a coiled tubing injector being held by a hoist line from the elongated support structure is coupled to the elongated support structure with a bending-resistant coupling that permits relative rotation of the coiled tubing injector. 1. An apparatus for coupling a coiled tubing injector from a boom or mast for positioning the coiled tubing injector above a wellhead , comprisinga first structure, adapted for connecting to a coiled tubing injector unit, comprising a first coupling member having an opening with a cylindrically shaped inside surface;a second structure adapted for connecting to an end of the elongate support, the second structure comprising a second coupling member having cylindrically shaped outer diameter for positioning within, and closely fitting against, the cylindrically shaped inside surface of the opening in the first coupling member, the second coupling member having an opening through which a line may pass for connection to the first structure.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first and second coupling members are elongated and free to move with respect to each other claim 1 , without decoupling claim 1 , a predetermined distance along an along an axis that is coincident with a center axis of both the cylindrically shaped inner surface of the opening in the first coupling member and the cylindrically shaped outer surface of the second coupling member.3. The apparatus of any one of claim 1 , wherein the second structure is adapted for connecting to a sheave axle on the boom or mast.4. An ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199793A1

A method of well intervention in a subsea well having a wellhead on the sea floor includes extending an intervention hose downwardly through the sea from a hose drum installed on a vessel on the sea surface into the well through a subsea intervention stack installed on the wellhead. The intervention hose is exposed directly to the ambient sea between the vessel and the top of the subsea intervention stack. In a method of well intervention, an intervention hose extends from a hose drum and into a well. The hose is driven out of the well without the use of an injector by pulling the hose out of the well with the hose drum. In a method of well intervention, an intervention hose extends from a hose drum towards a wellhead, with the hose being guided downward from the drum towards the wellhead by a guiding sheave. 1. A method of well intervention in a subsea well having a wellhead on the sea floor , in which an intervention hose extends downwardly through the sea from a hose drum installed on a vessel on the sea surface into the well through a subsea intervention stack installed on the wellhead at the sea floor , and in which the intervention hose is exposed directly to the ambient sea between the vessel and the top of the subsea intervention stack.215-. (canceled)16. A method of well intervention in which an intervention hose extends from a hose drum and into a well , wherein the hose is driven out of the well without the use of an injector by pulling the hose out of the well with the hose drum.1724-. (canceled)25. A method of well intervention in which an intervention hose extends from a hose drum towards a wellhead , comprising guiding the hose from the drum towards the wellhead , wherein the hose is guided into a downward direction towards the wellhead by a guiding sheave.2633-. (canceled) The invention relates to a method of well intervention and to well intervention apparatus. The intervention may be carried out on land or sea based oil or gas rigs.Well ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Tubing Apparatus and Associated Methods

Номер: US20130213662A1
Автор: Colin Nicol, Leigh Beck
Принадлежит: Helix Energy Solutions UK Ltd

A coiled tubing lifting frame ( 10 ) for deploying coiled tubing in a riser ( 32 ). The coiled tubing lifting frame ( 10 ) comprises a coiled tubing injector ( 12 ) and the frame ( 10 ) is configured to position the coiled tubing injector ( 12 ) relative to a support ( 44 ). The coiled tubing lifting frame ( 10 ) is configured to support the riser ( 32 ). Methods of deploying a riser ( 32 ) and coiled tubing in a riser ( 32 ), including supporting the riser ( 32 ) with a coiled tubing lifting frame ( 10 ).

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233571A1
Автор: GODDARD Timothy James

In an injector head () for handling tubing for insertion into and retrieval from a wellbore, a non-gripping portion of the path () of each chain loop (), which is otherwise susceptible to oscillations when running in at least certain conditions, is constrained by a chain guide (). The chain guide allows the chain to move freely as it is driven by the sprockets () in a loop, but dampens or prevents development of oscillations in the chain loop () when moving along one or more sections of its path in which it is not otherwise be pressed against tubing or constrained by sprockets or tensioners. 1. An injector head for transiting tubing in and out of well bores , comprising:a plurality of chain loops arranged adjacent to each other, at least one of which is driven, and each of which has disposed thereon a plurality of gripping elements; the plurality of chain loops being arranged for gripping tubing constrained between the chains and moving the tubing by movement of the chain loops along an elongated, closed path, the path having a gripping portion, along which gripper elements on the chain are being forced toward each other; anda chain guide for constraining movement of one of the plurality of chains along an otherwise free segment of a non-gripping portion of its path, outside the gripping portion of the path; the chain guide constraining movement of the chain with at least a plurality of points along the free segment of the non-gripping portion of the path, the points being spaced apart for effectively preventing oscillation of the free segment of the chain.2. The injector head of claim 1 , wherein the chain guide is comprised of a continuously curved member extending along at least a portion of the non-gripping portion of the path of the at least one of the plurality of chains.3. The injector head of claim 2 , wherein the chain guide is incorporated as part of a frame the injector head.4. The injector head of claim 1 , wherein the chain guide is comprised of a ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240198A1
Автор: Hassard Cecil C.
Принадлежит: Coil Solutions, Inc.

A coiled tubing injector apparatus for inserting and/or removing coiled tubing from a well head comprising a first injector column and a second injector column forming a central pathway within a frame. The first and second injector columns each comprise an inner and outer band, the outer band containing a plurality of rolling elements for engaging the coiled tubing and the inner band creating drive force to energize the outer band. The inner band further comprises a wear plate designed to sustain the majority of wear for less costly maintenance and repair of injection heads. 1. A coiled tubing injector apparatus for inserting and removing coiled tubing from a wellhead , comprising:a first and second band of opposed gripping members arranged for gripping said coiled tubing in a central pathway;a first and second inner chain operable to drive said first and second bands;a first and second plate, each of said first and second plate defining a channel and a plurality of notches along both sides of said channel;a wear plate sized to fit within said channel, said wear plate further comprising a plurality of openings, wherein said plurality of notches and said plurality of openings align when said wear plate is inserted into said channel of said plate; anda plurality of clamps for fastening said wear plate to said plate, wherein a first end of said plurality of clamps fits within said plurality of notches and a second end of said plurality of clamps defines a tongue for insertion in said plurality of openings.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising at least one hydraulic cylinder operable for selectively compressing said first and second band of opposed gripping members.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of clamps are secured within said plurality of notches with a plurality of fasteners.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of notches each comprise a rectangular shaped aperture.5. The apparatus of further comprising first and ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Rod Suitable for Being Inserted Into a Deviated Wellbore and a Method of Manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20130269954A1
Принадлежит: ZIEBEL AS

This application is directed toward a rod () suitable for being inserted into a deviated wellbore () in connection with completion operations or intervention operations in a production well or an injection well related to the oil and gas or geothermal industries and a method of manufacturing the same, the rod () including a leading portion (L) and a trailing portion (T), wherein the rod () includes an outer structure () capable for holding a filler material () influencing the density of the rod (), and that the density of the rod () at the leading portion (L) is less than the density of at least parts of the trailing portion (T). 110110. A rod () suitable for being inserted into a deviated wellbore () in connection with completion operations or intervention operations in a production well or injection well related to the oil and gas or geothermal industries , the rod () comprising:{'b': 10', '10, 'a leading portion (L) and a trailing portion (T){'b': 16', '14', '10, 'an outer structure () enclosing a rod filler material () influencing the density of the rod (); and'}{'b': 10', '10', '10, 'the density of the rod () at the leading portion (L) is less than a density of at least parts of the trailing portion (T).'}210. The rod according to claim 1 , wherein the rod () is a continuous rod manufactured in one piece.3101011. The rod according to claim 1 , wherein the rod () is made up of two or more rod elements (′) connected to each other in series by a connecting means ().410. The rod according to claim 1 , wherein the rod () has a gradient density.5101010. The rod according to claim 1 , wherein the rod () has a density that increases stepwise from the leading portion (L) to the trailing portion (T).610. The rod according to wherein each individual rod element (′) has a substantially constant density throughout its length.71610101104110. The rod according to claim 1 , wherein the outer structure () of the rod () makes the rod () self straightening claim 1 , so that when ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Methods Of Using Enhanced Wellbore Electrical Cables

Номер: US20130292126A1

An embodiment of a method of deploying a cable into a wellbore penetrating a subterranean formation comprises providing a cable, wherein the cable comprises at least one insulated conductor, at least one armor wire layer surrounding the insulated conductor, a polymeric material disposed in interstitial spaces formed between armor wires forming the at least one armor wire layer, and interstitial spaces formed between the at least one armor wire layer and insulated conductor, the polymeric material forming a continuously bonded layer which separates and encapsulates the armor wires forming the at least one armor wire layer, and whereby the polymeric material is extended to form a smooth polymeric jacket around the at least one armor wire layer, introducing the cable into a wellbore and performing at least one operation in the wellbore utilizing the cable. 1. A method of deploying a cable into a wellbore penetrating a subterranean formation , the method comprising: (i) at least one insulated conductor;', '(ii) at least one armor wire layer surrounding the insulated conductor;', '(iii) a polymeric material disposed in interstitial spaces formed between armor wires forming the at least one armor wire layer, and interstitial spaces formed between the at least one armor wire layer and insulated conductor, the polymeric material forming a continuously bonded layer which separates and encapsulates the armor wires forming the at least one armor wire layer, and whereby the polymeric material is extended to form a smooth polymeric jacket around the at least one armor wire layer; and,, 'a. providing a cable, wherein the cable comprisesb. introducing the cable into a wellbore;c. performing at least one operation in the wellbore utilizing the cable.2. The method of wherein the cable comprises an inner armor wire layer and an outer armor wire layer.3. The method of wherein the armor wires forming the at least one armor wire layer are at least one of one bimetallic armor wires claim ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327515A1
Автор: Byers Drew, Korach Donova
Принадлежит: Nabors Alaska Drilling, Inc.

An apparatus including a coiled tubing unit coupled to a drilling rig, and an enclosure surrounding the coiled tubing unit. The coiled tubing unit may include a coiled tubing reel and a coiled tubing injector, wherein the injector may move relative to the coiled tubing reel. The coiled tubing unit is configured to move relative to the drilling rig in both longitudinal and lateral directions. 1. An enclosed coiled tubing boat apparatus , comprising:a structural framework;a coiled tubing reel and an operatively associated coiled tubing injector; andan enclosure that is operatively associated with the structural framework and that surrounds a portion of the coiled tubing reel and the coiled tubing injector to form the coiled tubing boat apparatus;wherein the coiled tubing injector is configured to move within the coiled tubing boat apparatus and wherein the structural framework is adapted for installation and operative association with a drilling rig.2. The coiled tubing boat apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the coiled tubing boat apparatus is movably coupled to the drilling rig and the coiled tubing boat apparatus is configured to move in at least two dimensions relative to the drilling rig.3. The coiled tubing boat apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the coiled tubing boat apparatus is coupled to a structural member layout on the drilling rig.4. The coiled tubing boat apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the coiled tubing boat apparatus is adapted to move between a non-operating claim 2 , coiled tubing reel exchange position and an operating position claim 2 , each on the drilling rig.5. The coiled tubing boat apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the non-operating coiled tubing reel exchange position includes a portion of the coiled tubing boat apparatus overhanging a rear of the drilling rig.6. The coiled tubing boat apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the operating position includes the coiled tubing boat apparatus positioned proximate the mast of the drilling rig.7. The coiled tubing ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333900A1
Автор: McCulloch David W.

A coiled tubing injector, rollers on the backside of grippers on a gripper chain pass over at least one shallow groove or depression formed in, or gap between segments of, a planar roller contact surface of a skate, thereby momentarily removing or reducing the force being applied by the skate to the grippers as the grippers pass through at least one predetermined location within a gripping zone of the coiled tubing injector. The reduction or removal of the force on the grippers allows the grippers to reset their positions on the tubing at one or more predetermined locations in order to accommodate changes in the strain caused by changes in stress as the tubing moves through the injector. 1. A coiled tubing injector , comprising:a plurality of elongated gripper chains, each of which is comprised of continuous chain loop having mounted thereon a plurality of gripping elements, the plurality of gripper chains each having sections that are arranged with respect to each other to form between them a gripping zone for gripping tubing when placed between sections of the gripping chains, the gripping zone having a central axis aligned with the center axis of tubing passing through the gripping zone;a drive system coupled with at least one of the plurality of gripper chains;for each gripping chain in the plurality of gripping chains, a skate extending behind the straight section the gripping chain for causing gripping elements on the chain to apply to tubing, when passing through the gripping zone, a force normal to the surface of the tubing;wherein the skate behind at least one of the plurality of gripper chains has formed thereon at least one strain relief region for dividing the gripping zone into a strain relief segment between two traction segments, the strain relief region on the skate reducing the amount of the force a gripping element applies when it moves into the strain relief segment as compared to what it applies when it is located within either of the two ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Mobile coiled tubing unit

Номер: US20130341001A1

The present invention is directed to a mobile coiled tubing unit that has a moveable coiled tubing reel and mast. The apparatus itself can be moved laterally using retractable jacks and hydraulic cylinders. The mast is retractable into a mast sleeve. The movable nature of the elements of the apparatus allow for easier alignment with the well head and balanced transportation. The reel can also be raised to increase clearance to facilitate transportation over rough or uneven terrain.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Coiled Tubing Injector With Limited Slip Chains

Номер: US20140000865A1
Принадлежит: National Oilwell Varco LP

A coiled tubing injector comprises a drive system for independently driving a plurality of chains independently but otherwise retarding relative motion between the driven chains when a chain begins to slip uncontrollably.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Floating Clamping Device for Injection Head of Continuous Oil Pipe

Номер: US20140000868A1

A floating clamping device for an injection head of a continuous oil pipe, including a drive sprocket, a transmission chain, a supporting plate, a pushing plate, clamping oil cylinders and a clamping assembly. At least two clamping oil cylinders are installed on the supporting plate fixedly. The pushing plate is fixed on the supporting plate through a pin shaft. The clamping assembly includes a saddle-shaped clamping block, a clamping block seat and rollers which are mounted on the clamping block seat. The clamping assembly is mounted on the transmission chain. A piston rod of the clamping oil cylinder is pressed on one face of the pushing plate, while the other face of the pushing plate is pressed on the rollers. The pushing plate has a simple structure and is convenient for maintenance; the clamping device has a compact structure and a reduced volume. 1. A floating clamping device for injection head of continuous oil pipe , comprising a drive sprocket , a transmission chain , a supporting plate , a pushing plate , clamping oil cylinders , and a clamping assembly , wherein , at least two clamping oil cylinders are installed on the supporting plate fixedly , the pushing plate is fixed on the supporting plate through a pin shaft , the clamping assembly comprises a saddle-shaped clamping block , a clamping block seat , and rollers mounted on the clamping block seat , the clamping assembly is mounted on the transmission chain , a piston rod of the clamping oil cylinder is pressed on one face of the pushing plate , while the other face of the pushing plate is pressed on the rollers of the clamping block seat.2. The floating clamping device for injection head of continuous oil pipe according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , one end of the pin shaft is connected to the pushing plate via a spherical plain bearing claim 1 , while the other end of the pin shaft is installed in a shaft sleeve of the supporting plate fixedly.3. The floating clamping device for injection head of ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014317A1

A drum unit for an intervention string for a well includes a drum with a drum axis and with a radius, arranged in a structural frame and rotatable by a motor and a tension compensator. The tension compensator includes a guide arch displaceable in a direction generally along the intervention string, orthogonal to the drum axis, using a first force device connected to the structural frame for keeping the intervention string in tension. At least a first end of the guide arch is laterally displaceable in a direction generally orthogonal to the intervention string, parallel with the drum axis. The intervention string runs between the guide arch to or from the first end to the drum. The intervention string runs via a second, opposite end of the guide arch via a second, fixed guide at the structural frame, directly or indirectly to or from the well. 1. A drum unit for an intervention string for a well , comprising:a drum for said intervention string with a drum axis and with a radius, arranged in a structural frame and rotatable by a motor;a tension compensator for said intervention string,wherein said tension compensator comprises a guide arch displaceable in a direction generally along the intervention string, orthogonal to said drum axis, using a first force device connected to said structural frame for keeping said intervention string in tension;wherein at least a first end of said guide arch is laterally displaceable in a direction generally orthogonal to said intervention string, parallel with said drum axis,wherein said intervention string runs between said guide arch to or from said first end to said drum;wherein said intervention string runs via a second, opposite end of said guide arch via a second, fixed guide at said structural frame, directly or indirectly to or from said well.2. The drum unit according to claim 1 , wherein the guide arch is provided with a second force device for moving said first end laterally so as for steering said intervention string onto ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034292A1

A tubing injector has a first injector pair and a second pair of cooperating injector mechanisms. The first injector pair are positioned on a first track and the second pair are positioned on a second track. The tubing injector provides redundancy to address safety concerns. The first injector pair is movable to the engaged position, when the second injector pair is moved to the disengaged position and vice versa. 1. A tubing injector , comprising:a base mountable to a wellhead and having a bore positioned on a vertical axis in alignment with a bore of the wellhead;at least one body detachably secured to the base;a first track positioned on a first horizontal axis and extending outwardly away from the vertical axis on opposed sides of the base;a second track positioned on a second horizontal axis and extending outwardly away from the vertical axis on opposed sides of the base and circumferentially spaced about the vertical axis relative to the first horizontal axis;a first injector pair of cooperating injector mechanisms one of which is positioned on each side of the vertical axis, the first injector pair being movable along with the first track between an engaged positioned engaging tubing positioned in the bore of the wellhead and a disengaged position spaced from the vertical axis;a second injector pair of cooperating injector mechanisms one of which is positioned on each side of the vertical axis, the second injector pair being movable along with second track between an engaged positioned engaging tubing positioned in the bore of the wellhead and a disengaged position spaced from the vertical axis;the first injector pair being movable to the engaged position when the second injector pair is moved to the disengaged position and the second injector pair being movable to the engaged position when the first injector pair is moved to the disengaged position;when in the disengaged position, either one of the first injector pair being removable for repair or ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Control line running system

Номер: US20140048248A1
Принадлежит: Weatherford Lamb Inc

A control line running system includes a control line storage unit and a guiding system having a guiding device and a guide rail for guiding a control line from the control line storage unit toward a well center. The system may also include a control line manipulator assembly for moving the control line toward a tubular and a control line clamp for attaching the control line to the tubular.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060807A1

A well logging- or well intervention string injector includes two adjacent motorized endless chains with gripper elements for bearing against the string. The gripping elements have an engagement packer against the string. The gripping elements run over the back supporting rollers carried by separate back supporting roller brackets. The back supporting roller brackets further bear against an elongated hydrostatic pressure equalizing cushion with hydraulic fluid. The pressure equalizing cushion bears against a back supporting rail. 1. A well logging- or well intervention string injector comprising two adjacent motorized endless chains with gripper elements for bearing against said string ,wherein said gripping elements have an engagement packer against said string,wherein said gripping elements run over back supporting rollers carried by separate back supporting roller brackets,wherein said back supporting roller brackets further bear against an elongated hydrostatic pressure equalizing cushion with hydraulic fluid, andwherein further said pressure equalizing cushion bears against a back supporting rail.2. The injector according to claim 1 , wherein said back supporting rail presses in the direction towards said string back supported by two or more springs.3. The injector according to claim 2 , wherein two adjacent back supporting rails are arranged and mutual forced against each other by springs.4. The injector according to claim 1 , wherein said pressure equalizing cushion comprises a flexible metallic hose.5. The injector according to claim 1 , wherein the cross section of said pressure equalizing cushion is rectangular.6. The injector according to claim 1 , wherein said pressure equalizing cushion has sealing ends.7. The injector according to claim 1 , wherein said pressure equalizing cushion comprises a valve for supply of hydraulic fluid.8. The injector according to claim 1 , wherein said pressure equalizing cushion comprises a ventilation valve to drain ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000894A1
Автор: Henderson Kris
Принадлежит: PREMIERE, INC.

A pipe gripping assembly includes, among other components, a fluid conducting swivel, a fluid-powered linear actuator and a pipe gripping assembly. The linear actuator has a central rod mounted within a multi-stage, segmented barrel assembly. Each barrel segment acts as a piston, with control fluid forces being transmitted to the barrel assembly to selectively extend or retract the barrel assembly in order to engage or disengage the pipe gripping assembly. By aggregating such force, the total combined force generated by the barrel piston assemblies, the actuator assembly of the present invention can operate using pneumatic control fluid, and can operate at much lower control fluid pressures than other actuators. 1. An apparatus for installing pipe in a wellbore comprising: i) a central tubular member;', 'ii) a barrel assembly disposed around said central tubular member and having an adjustable length; and, 'a) a linear actuator comprisingb) a pipe gripping apparatus adapted to frictionally grip a section of pipe;c) at least one linkage member connecting said barrel assembly to said pipe gripping apparatus.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said linear actuator further comprises an annular space between an outer surface of said central tubular member and an inner surface of said barrel assembly.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising at least one barrel piston member moveably disposed within said annular space.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein said at least one barrel piston assembly is connected to said barrel assembly claim 3 , and axial movement of said at least one barrel piston causes the length of said barrel assembly to change.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said linear actuator is pneumatically operated.6. A linear actuator comprising:a) a central tubular member having a through bore and an outer surface;b) at least one barrel segment having an inner surface, wherein said at least one barrel segment is disposed around said central ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Coiled Tubing Injector With Limited Slip Chains

Номер: US20160002987A1

A coiled tubing injector comprises a drive system for independently driving a plurality of chains independently but otherwise retarding relative motion between the driven chains when a chain begins to slip uncontrollably. 1. A coiled tubing injector , comprising:a plurality of chains, each of which is comprised of a continuous loop and carries a plurality of grippers, the plurality of chains being arranged for gripping tubing placed between the plurality of chains; the plurality of chains comprising at least two driven chains; anda drive system comprising at least two drive motors, each of the at least two drive motors being coupled, respectively, to one of the at least two driven chain for turning it, the drive system further comprising a controller for directing flow of power to each of the least two drive motors in order to permit different rotational speeds of the least two driven chains that is less than a difference indicating that one of the at least two driven chains is slipping, and to reduce the difference in rotational speeds when the difference in rotational speeds indicates that one of the at least two driven chains is slipping.2. The coiled tubing injector of claim 1 , wherein the at least two drive motors are variable displacement hydraulic motors that are coupled in parallel in a hydraulic power circuit; and wherein the controller dynamically changes displacement of at least one of the at least two drive motors to reduce the difference in rotational speeds between the at least two driven chains when the difference in rotational speeds indicates that one of the at least two driven chains is slipping.3. The coiled tubing injector of claim 1 , wherein the at least two drive motors are hydraulic motors that are coupled in parallel to separate branches of a hydraulic power circuit; and wherein the control circuit creates a shunt between the branches of the hydraulic circuit in order to reduce the difference in rotational speeds between the at least two ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003016A1
Автор: Basler Hermann

The present disclosure relates to a gripper assembly for handling continuous rod. The gripper assembly may include a gripper face with a gripper profile forming a surface in the gripper face and a texture on a portion of the surface. The texture has a plurality of ridges having a yield strength sufficient to transfer a shear force to the gripper assembly at least as large as a weight of a continuous rod. 120.-. (canceled)21. A gripper assembly for handling continuous rod , comprising:a housing; anda plurality of gripper bars rotatably disposed in the housing, each gripper bar having a gripper face defining a gripper bar profile, the gripper bar profiles collectively defining a gripper profile, wherein:rotation of at least one of the plurality of gripper bars changes the collectively defined gripper profile.22. The gripper assembly of claim 21 , wherein each gripper bar is rotatable independently of the other gripper bars.23. The gripper assembly of claim 21 , wherein:the plurality of gripper bars comprises two gripper bars; andeach gripper bar includes a gripper bar face having a gripper bar face width that is between about 40% and about 60% of a diameter of the respective gripper bar.24. The gripper assembly of claim 21 , wherein at least a portion of a surface of the gripper profile includes a plurality of ridges claim 21 , each of the plurality of ridges having a curvature of between about 0.5 and 1.5.25. The gripper assembly of claim 21 , wherein at least a portion of a surface of the gripper profile includes a texture having a depth of between about 0.010 inch and about 0.020 inch.26. The gripper assembly of claim 25 , wherein ridges of the texture have a yield strength sufficient to transfer a shear force to the gripper assembly at least as large as a weight of the continuous rod.27. The gripper assembly of claim 26 , wherein the yield strength of the ridges is between about 60 kilopound per square inch and about 85 kilopound per square inch.28. The gripper ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Segmented Bend-Limiter for Slickline Rope Sockets and Cable-Heads

Номер: US20190003267A1

A chain of bend-limiter segments is coupled together. The chain has a first end and a second end. The chain is bendable such that an angle between the first end and the second end is at least N degrees and a radius of curvature of the chain is at least M. A cable is inserted through the chain from the first end to the second end. The chain and the cable are coupled to a tool. The tool is pulled using the cable. The chain maintains a radius of curvature of the cable greater than M and prevents a stress level in the cable from exceeding a yield point. 1. A method comprising:coupling together a chain of bend-limiter segments, the chain having a first end and a second end, the chain being bendable such that an angle between the first end and the second end is at least N degrees and a radius of curvature of the chain is at least M;inserting a cable through the chain from the first end to the second end;coupling the chain and the cable to a tool;pulling the tool using the cable, the chain maintaining a radius of curvature of the cable greater than M and preventing a stress level in the cable from exceeding a yield point.2. The method of further comprising:coupling the cable to a surface equipment;deploying the chain of bend-limiter segments, the tool, and the cable into a borehole, past a first location where the borehole deviates;wherein pulling the tool using the cable comprises retrieving the tool from the deviated borehole when the tool passes through the first location.3. The method of wherein pulling the tool using the cable comprises lifting the tool from a first orientation to a second orientation different from the first orientation using the cable.4. The method of wherein coupling together a chain of bend-limiter segments comprises coupling two or more bend-limiter segments.5. The method of wherein coupling together a chain of bend-limiter segments comprises:dividing the bend-limiter segments into two or more halves;mounting the two or more halves about the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Systems, Devices, and/or Methods for Managing Well Pumps

Номер: US20190003268A1
Автор: Harold David A.

Certain exemplary embodiments can provide a reel, which defines a center aperture. The reel can be coupled to a motor and/or drive system, which can cause the reel to rotate. The motor and/or drive system has a relatively low output rotational speed of less than approximately 10 revolutions per minute. Once coupled, a flexible tube (e.g., a plastic tube and/or hose) that is coupled to a well pump can wrap around the reel and thereby lift a pump coupled to the flexible tube out of the ground. 1. A system comprising:a reel constructed to remove a well pump from a well, the reel defining a center aperture and comprising a tapered groove, the tapered groove comprising grit applied to the tapered groove; and the motor is constructed to rotate the reel at a rotational speed of less than 10 revolutions per minute; and', 'in operative embodiments, a flexible tube that is coupled to the well pump is gripped by the reel, thereby lifting the well pump coupled to the flexible tube out of the ground., 'a motor coupleable to the reel via the center aperture, wherein2. The device of claim 1 , wherein:the motor is coupled to the reel via a drive system.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein:the flexible tube is a plastic tube or hose.4. A system comprising:a reel constructed to remove a well pump from a well, wherein the reel defines a center aperture; and the motor is constructed to rotate the reel at a rotational speed of less than 10 revolutions per minute; and', 'in operative embodiments, a safety line that is coupled to a well pump is gripped by the reel, thereby lifting the well pump out of the ground., 'a motor coupleable to the reel via the center aperture, wherein5. A method comprising:causing a reel to be coupled to a motor and a flexible well pump pipe, wherein the motor causes the reel to rotate and roll the well pump pipe on or off the reel, thereby raising a well pump from a well or lowering the well pump into the well.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising: ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010632A1

Implementations described and claimed herein provide systems and methods for extending reach in a wellbore in oil well operations. In one implementation, a first coiled tubing string has a first coil interior surface, and a second coiled tubing string is disposed within the first coiled tubing string and has a second coil exterior surface. An annulus is defined by the first coil interior surface and the second coil exterior surface. The annulus is sealed proximal to a top end of the first coiled tubing string via a first seal and sealed proximal to a bottom end of the first coiled tubing string via a second seal. A fluid is sealed within the annulus at a pressure. 1. A system for extending reach in a well having a well wall , the system comprising:a first coiled tubing string having a first coil interior surface;a second coiled tubing string disposed within the first coiled tubing string and having a second coil exterior surface; andan annulus defined by the first coil interior surface and the second coil exterior surface, the annulus sealed proximal to a top end of the first coiled tubing string via a first seal and sealed proximal to a bottom end of the first coiled tubing string via a second seal, a fluid being sealed within the annulus at a pressure.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first coiled tubing string claim 1 , the second coiled tubing string claim 1 , the first seal claim 1 , and the second seal define a sealed concentric coiled tubing string configured for deployment in the well.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the annulus is configured to generate a buoyancy of the sealed concentric coiled tubing string relative to well fluids in the well using the fluid sealed within the annulus claim 2 , the buoyancy decreasing a force exerted on the well wall.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first seal is proximal to a first end of the sealed concentric coiled tubing string and the second seal is proximal to a second end of the sealed concentric coiled ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Compact compensating cylinder

Номер: US20170009537A1
Автор: Lars POEHNER
Принадлежит: MHWIRTH AS

A compensating cylinder unit for compensating relative movements between a stationary frame and a compensated frame which includes parts of a coiled tubing compensation system. The compensating cylinder unit includes a fluid reservoir configured to connect to the stationary frame, and a compensating cylinder configured to connect to the compensated frame, to at least partly enclose the fluid reservoir, and to be in a fluid communication with the fluid reservoir to allow for an axial displacement of the compensating cylinder relative to the fluid reservoir.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010408A1
Автор: Nguyen Dennis P.
Принадлежит: Cameron International Corporation

An isolation flange assembly including a body including a receptacle disposed therein, and a first seal assembly disposed in the receptacle of the body, wherein the first seal assembly is configured to sealingly engage an inner surface of the receptacle of the body and an outer surface of a tubular member extending into the receptacle of the body, wherein the first seal assembly includes an annular radially outer seal, and an annular radially inner seal in engagement with the outer seal. 1. An isolation flange assembly , comprising:a body including a receptacle disposed therein; anda first seal assembly disposed in the receptacle of the body, wherein the first seal assembly is configured to sealingly engage an inner surface of the receptacle of the body and an outer surface of a tubular member extending into the receptacle of the body;wherein the first seal assembly comprises an annular radially outer seal, and an annular radially inner seal in engagement with the outer seal.2. The isolation flange assembly of claim 1 , wherein an outer surface of the outer seal comprises a ridge extending therefrom claim 1 , and an inner surface of the inner seal comprises a ridge extending therefrom.3. The isolation flange assembly of claim 1 , wherein the inner seal comprises a radially expanded end and a radially reduced end claim 1 , and the outer seal comprises a radially expanded end and a radially reduced end.4. The isolation flange assembly of claim 2 , wherein the radially expanded end of the inner seal comprises a groove extending therein.5. The isolation flange assembly of claim 1 , wherein the outer seal comprises a radially inner surface disposed at an acute angle relative a longitudinal axis of the body claim 1 , and the inner seal comprises a radially outer surface disposed at an acute angle relative the longitudinal axis of the body.6. The isolation flange assembly of claim 5 , wherein the inner surface of the outer seal and the outer surface of the inner seal are ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Distributed Flow/Seismic Profiling And External Support Device

Номер: US20210010337A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

The present disclosure generally relates to oilfield equipment and, in particular, to downhole tools, and related systems and methods for characterizing flow in a wellbore. More particularly, the present disclosure relates to methods and systems for obtaining flow data for evaluation of production profiles of wellbores. A system may be provided that comprises a work string, an external support device secured to an exterior of the work string, and at least one data collection device coupled to the external support device. 1. An apparatus for flow measurement in a wellbore , comprising: a body, wherein the body defines a central opening for receiving a work string; and', 'stabilizers that extend outwardly from an outer surface of the body; and, 'an external support device comprisingat least one flow sensor coupled to the body operable to measure annular flow;a memory module carried by the external support device, wherein the memory module is coupled to the external support device for storing measurements of the annular flow from the at least one flow sensor; anda battery module carried by the external support device, wherein the battery module is coupled to the external support device for supplying power.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the external support device comprises a first portion and a second portion claim 1 , wherein the external support device has an open configuration and a closed configuration claim 1 , wherein the body defines the central opening in the closed configuration such that the external support device is concentrically disposed around at least a portion of the work string.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first portion and the second portion are joined at a hinged connection.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein fasteners are secured through opposing pairs of the stabilizers to secure the first portion and the second portion to one another.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one flow sensor is disposed in one of the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Hybrid Coiled Tubing System

Номер: US20210010346A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A hybrid coiled tubing system. The hybrid coiled tubing system may include composite coiled tubing, metallic coiled tubing, and a composite coiled tubing connector coupled to and joining the composite coiled tubing and the metallic coiled tubing.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011141A1
Принадлежит: ITREC B.V.

An offshore subsea wellbore activities system and method wherein use is made of a tower and a motion arm assembly with vertical drive adapted to move the motion arm along a vertical motion arm rail relative to the tower. Also use is made of a wellbore activities device comprising a riser tension frame having an upper frame section, a lower frame section provided with a riser attachment device adapted to attach a riser to said lower frame section so as to extend in a firing line, and a vertical riser load bearing structure, e.g. formed by struts. The wellbore activities device further comprises a coiled tubing injector, a wireline lubricator, and one or more pressure control devices associated with the coiled tubing injector and/or the wireline lubricator received by and individually movable within the riser tension frame. The wellbore activities device provides a lateral firing line access passage allowing to transfer an elongated wellbore tool or a wellbore tubular in vertical orientation thereof by means of the motion arm assembly in a substantially lateral motion between and a remote position outside of the riser tension frame and an operative position within the riser tension frame and aligned with the firing line. 1. An offshore subsea wellbore activities system comprising:an offshore vessel having a hull subjected to heave motion, said vessel being provided with:a tower,a well center through which a firing line extends,a heave compensated hoisting device,a vertical motion arm rail along said tower,a motion arm assembly comprising a base and an extensible and retractable motion arm, wherein the base is guided by said at least one vertical motion arm rail,a motion arm assembly vertical drive which is adapted to move the motion arm base along said vertical motion arm rail relative to the tower,a wellbore activities device comprising a riser tension frame, wherein said riser tension frame comprises:an upper frame section adapted to be suspended or suspended from ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Bell Nipple Assembly Apparatus and Methods

Номер: US20150013994A1

An apparatus including a bell nipple assembly defining a first internal passage that includes two sections forming first and second internal passages that may be aligned by a flexible connector disposed between first and second flanges in one of the sections to at least partially adjust for an offset amount caused by longitudinal axis misalignment of the other section. Methods of adjusting for longitudinal axis offset between two misaligned components, such as of a bell nipple zone, are also encompassed. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a bell nipple assembly having a first internal passage comprising:a first section forming a part of the first internal passage, the first section comprising:a first end portion and a second end portion, the first end portion having a first longitudinal axis; anda flexible connector disposed between the first end portion and the second end portion; anda second section forming a part of the first internal passage, the second section comprising:a first tubular member having a second longitudinal axis; anda second tubular member, a length of the first tubular member telescopically extending within a portion of the second tubular member,wherein the flexible connector is configured to at least partially adjust for an offset amount between the first longitudinal axis and the second longitudinal axis.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the bell nipple assembly further comprises:a containment housing forming a part of the first internal passage and having an upper portion and a lower portion, the upper portion configured to receive a drilling tool, drilling fluid, or both;a containment flange about the first internal passage and configured to couple the lower portion of the containment housing to the first end portion; anda flowline fluidically coupled to the containment housing;wherein coupling the containment flange to the containment housing forms a seal therebetween.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first internal passage is ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Continuous Rod Transport System

Номер: US20150014462A1

A transport system has a dedicated trailer for transporting a small transport reel (i.e., <18-ft in diameter) of continuous rod to the field. The trailer has a pedestal that can pivot the reel. A hub motor on the pedestal can turn the reel, and a transfer unit and rod bender on the trailer can curve or straighten the rod when being fed into or out of the reel. A power and hydraulic system operates the various hydraulic components on the trailer. In other aspects, the transport system includes stands that can hold the small transport reels on a trailer within a defined transport envelope. When empty, these stands can be stacked on top of one another on the trailer for return to a facility. 1. A method of coiling continuous rod into a transport reel for holding the coiled rod , the continuous rod being coilable into and out of the transport reel and being installable into and out of a well with an injection system , the continuous rod having a rigidity such that the continuous rod coils inside the transport reel and expands outward against an inside dimension thereof , the method comprising:conveying the continuous rod along its axial length toward the transport reel;providing a deformed curvature in the rigidity of the continuous rod while conveying the continuous rod toward the transport reel by permanently bending the continuous rod at an angle relative to its axial length to facilitate coiling the continuous rod against the inside dimension of the transport reel; andcoiling the continuous rod in the transport reel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein to facilitate the coiling of the continuous rod against the inside dimension of the transport reel claim 1 , the method comprises coiling the bent rod with the deformed curvature a number of times in the transport reel.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein conveying the continuous rod along its axial length toward the transport reel comprises feeding the continuous rod through a rod transfer unit disposed on a transport ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034180A1
Автор: Craig Brian, HOSIE Stanley

A system includes a tubing head spool (THS) installed in a non-plugged wellbore, the THS having a bore diameter to permit passage of one or more wellbore components corresponding to one or more wellbore components that pass through an associated blowout preventer (BOP). The system also includes an orientation sleeve arranged within the THS and installed, the orientation sleeve being positioned and aligned within the THS via one or more engagement features mating with one or more orientation features within the bore. 1. A wellbore system , comprising:a tubing head spool (THS) having a THS bore, the THS bore being a full access bore having a diameter to facilitate passage of one or more wellbore components;a blowout preventer (BOP) associated with and upstream of the THS, the BOP being installed after the THS and without plugging a well prior to installation, the BOP having a BOP bore, the BOP bore being a full access bore permitting passing of the one or more wellbore components; andan orientation sleeve arranged within the THS and installed through the BOP, the orientation sleeve having at least one engagement feature that interacts with at least one orientation feature formed along the THS bore, the at least one orientation feature positioning the orientation sleeve in a predetermined configuration.2. The wellbore system of claim 1 , further comprising:a tubing hanger installed, through the BOP, within the orientation sleeve, the tubing hanger being secured, at least in part, by one or more locking grooves formed in the orientation sleeve.3. The wellbore system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one engagement feature includes at least a seal and a locking device claim 1 , the locking device securing the orientation sleeve to locking features formed along the THS bore.4. The wellbore system of claim 3 , wherein the locking features are helical grooves.5. The wellbore system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one orientation feature includes at least one slot ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Device for conveying elongate objects

Номер: US20170015504A1

A device ( 1 ) designed as a chuck-jaw discharge system for conveying elongate objects includes two chains ( 3, 4 ) equipped with chuck jaws ( 5 ). The chains ( 3, 4 ) are driven by two drives ( 10 ). Each of the drives ( 10 ) includes an endless roller chain ( 11 ), in which toothed edges ( 13 ) that are fastened to the chains ( 3, 4 ) equipped with chuck jaws ( 5 ) engage. The roller chains ( 11 ) of the drives ( 10 ) are coupled to the straight, adjacent strands of the chains ( 3, 4 ) equipped with chuck jaws ( 5 ).

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Cable Spools with Sheaves

Номер: US20170016287A1
Автор: Dion Dennis
Принадлежит: PATCO MACHINE & FAB., INC.

A spooling system for deploying cable, hose, and/or umbilical connections may include a drum, an air motor, a sheave having one or more sensor, and an electronic control unit coupled to an electro-pneumatic drive for controlling the system. The sensors may provide information to the electronic control unit, such as a measured line tension and/or a length of cable, hose or umbilical connection that has been deployed, and the information may be displayed on the electronic control unit. The electronic control unit also may allow an operator to rotate the reel, stop rotation of the reel, increase or decrease the speed of rotation of the reel, increase or decrease pressure and/or line tension, and/or select between a normal mode of operation and a tensioning mode of operation. 120-. (canceled)21. A reel assembly for accepting , holding , and deploying cable , hose or umbilical connections , comprising:a spool assembly including a frame and a drum mounted in said frame, the drum including a core and end flanges for storing said cable, hose or umbilical connection;an air motor;a sheave coupled to one or more sensors;an electro-pneumatic drive unit including a plurality of pneumatic valves, electro-pneumatic valves, or both, the air motor coupled to the drum via the electro-pneumatic drive unit; andan electronic control unit coupled to the electro-pneumatic drive unit and the one or more sensors, where the electronic control unit receives user input and transmits electrical signals to the electro-pneumatic drive unit to cause the electro-pneumatic drive unit to control the motor to rotate the drum.22. The reel assembly of claim 21 , where the electronic control unit includes a touchscreen.23. The reel assembly of claim 21 , where the electronic control unit is fixedly attached to the frame.24. The reel assembly of claim 21 , where the electronic control unit displays status information.25. The reel assembly of claim 24 , where one or more sensors determine either at least ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017675A1

A petroleum well injection system is provided for an intervention cable with a well tool ran into or out of a well during a well operation. The system includes a blow out valve BOP connected to a well head at a well, a lock chamber at the BOP arranged to contain the well tool before and after the well operation, an injector for the intervention cable, with drive belts driven by an electric motor, and a sensor for measuring the injector force or the tension that the drive belts applies to the intervention cable, a guide arch at the injector, wherein the intervention cable runs taut over the guide arch to a first end of the closed bending restrictor channels, a guide arch load cell arranged to measure the backward tension between an intervention cable the first end of the bending restrictor channel, and wherein the other end of the bending restrictor channel is connected to a drum frame with a motor running a drum for the intervention cable.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017694A1
Принадлежит: Coil Solutions, Inc.

A propulsion generator which employs one or more unbalanced rotors, such as a fly wheels or other unbalance rotating members, which can be connected at a lower portion of a downhole coiled tubing string or other downhole tubular string for inducing propulsion of the coiled tubing. The unbalanced rotors may, in one embodiment, be oriented at different positions with respect to each other. The instantaneous fluid flow through the propulsion generator is substantially equivalent to the average fluid flow rate through the tool to provide relatively consistent fluid flow to downhole motors below the propulsion generator for operating the drill bit and/or cutters.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Coiled Tubing Rig

Номер: US20180016855A1

A coiled tubing rig includes a skid, a mast, and a drill floor. The mast may be pivotably coupled to the skid and may be moved between a horizontal position and a vertical position by a hydraulic cylinder. The drill floor may be pivotably coupled to the mast. The drill floor may be moved from a retracted to a deployed position by a hydraulic cylinder. The skid may include a BOP cradle and BOP controls. The coiled tubing rig may include a jib which may telescopically or pivotably extend from the mast. The coiled tubing rig may include a coiled tubing injector which is slidably positionable between a retracted and a deployed position. 1. A coiled tubing rig comprising:a skid;a mast pivotably coupled to the skid at a mast pivot, the mast positioned out of alignment with a wellhead;a coiled tubing injector, the coiled tubing injector mechanically coupled to the mast by an injector boom, the coiled tubing injector movable relative to the mast in a horizontal direction between a retracted position and a deployed position; anda drill floor pivotably coupled to the mast.2. The coiled tubing rig of claim 1 , wherein the coiled tubing injector extends from the mast such that it is in alignment with the wellhead when in the deployed position.3. The coiled tubing rig of claim 1 , wherein the mast is mechanically coupled to the skid by a hydraulic cylinder.4. The coiled tubing rig of claim 1 , wherein the coiled tubing injector is movable relative to the mast in a vertical direction.5. The coiled tubing rig of claim 1 , further comprising a jib claim 1 , the jib mechanically coupled to the mast.6. The coiled tubing rig of claim 5 , wherein the jib is pivotably or telescopically coupled to the mast.7. The coiled tubing rig of claim 5 , further comprising a hoisting boom mechanically coupled to the jib.8. The coiled tubing rig of claim 7 , wherein the hoisting boom extends from the jib such that the hoisting boom is aligned with the wellhead.9. The coiled tubing rig of claim 8 , ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Gripper System for Coiled Tubing Injector

Номер: US20190017337A1
Автор: Louie Greg H.

The present disclosure provides an improved gripper system for accommodating tubing of different diameters of a coiled tubing injector. 1. A gripper system for use in association with continuous chains of a coiled tubing injector to move tubing of different sizes in a longitudinal direction , the system comprising:a first gripper block comprising a pair of longitudinally oriented side walls, wherein the inner surface of each side wall is a gripper surface, the gripper surfaces together forming a generally v-shaped major gripping channel; anda second gripper block comprising a pair of longitudinally oriented side walls, wherein the inner surface of each side wall is a gripper surface, the gripper surfaces together forming a generally v-shaped minor gripping channel,wherein the side walls of the second gripper block are sized/configured to fit within the major gripping channel of the first gripper block.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the gripper surfaces of the first and second gripper blocks comprise transversely oriented grooves.3. The system of or claim 1 , wherein the gripper surfaces of the major gripping channel form an angle of between about 90 degrees to about 120 degrees.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the angle of the major gripping channel is about 90 degrees.5. The system of any one of to claim 3 , wherein the gripper surfaces of the minor gripping channel form an angle of between about 90 degrees to about 120 degrees.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the angle of the minor gripping channel is about 90 degrees.7. The system of any one of to claim 5 , wherein each of the first and second gripper blocks is configured for direct attachment to a respective continuous chain of the coiled tubing injector.8. The system of any one of to claim 5 , wherein each of the first and second gripper blocks is configured for attachment to a respective continuous chain of the coiled tubing injector via an intermediate gripper carrier.9. The system of any one of to ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Well Pipe Removal and Storage Device, System and Method

Номер: US20210017821A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A device, system and method of use for removing well pipe and a subterranean well pump and storing such removed pipe on a spool.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022764A1
Принадлежит: SG HOLDING I LLC

In coiled tubing operations, a mast system is provided which allows for performing coiled tubing operations for multiple wells without repositioning the mast or reel of coiled tubing. The system has a telescoping mast, which is rotationally mounted on a transportable base. The mast is also pivotally attached to the base such that it can be tilted with respected to the base. Further, the mast includes a crown having a receptor configured to receive a coiled tubing injector, wherein the receptor can be rotated and tilted with respect to the mast. 1. A method of servicing a well comprising:(a) mounting a coiled tubing injector onto a mast unit comprising a transportable base, a telescoping mast rotationally mounted upon said base and a crown configured to accept said injector, wherein said telescoping mast can be tilted with respect to said base and said crown is adjustable so as to tilt and rotate said injector;(b) introducing a tubing from a reel of coiled tubing to said injector;(c) orienting said injector to be in-line with a first wellhead by one or more of tilting said mast, telescoping said mast and rotating said mast; and(d) orienting said injector by adjustment of said crown, simultaneously with step (c), to maintain an in-line feed orientation of tubing between said injector and said reel.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising leveling said mast unit prior to introducing said tubing in step (b).3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , prior to step (c) claim 1 , calibrating said crown with respect to said reel such that a zero point is established in which said injector has said in-line feed orientation with said reel.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said reel rotates in a direction to provide tubing to said injector and said in-line feed orientation varies no more than 10 degrees from a line tangent to said direction of rotation of said reel.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising automatically orienting said injector to ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Reel Control Systems with Data Logging

Номер: US20180023354A1
Автор: Dion Dennis
Принадлежит: PATCO MACHINE & FAB., INC.

An electronic control unit may, based on received sensor data, automatically direct the operation of a reel assembly for deploying a cable, hose or umbilical connection. The electronic control unit may operate in conjunction with an electro-pneumatic drive to control the reel assembly. Sensors may measure various parameters, such as a measured line tension and/or a length of cable, hose or umbilical connection that has been deployed, and transmit the measured data to the electronic control unit. Optionally, the sensor data and/or user control inputs and system status information may be logged. The system also may use this data to control the system, such as by activating an alarm when a certain alarm limit is exceeded by the data, adjusting the pressure or other parameters of the electro-pneumatic drive, and the like. The system also may generate a visual notification for an operator when an alarm is triggered. 1. A reel assembly for accepting , holding , and deploying cable , hose , umbilical connection or the like , comprising:a spool assembly including a frame and a drum mounted in said frame, the drum including a core and end flanges for storing said cable, hose or umbilical connection;an air motor;an electro-pneumatic drive unit including a plurality of pneumatic valves, electro-pneumatic valves, or both, the air motor coupled to the drum via the electro-pneumatic drive unit;an electronic control unit coupled to the electro-pneumatic drive unit, where the electronic control unit receives user input from a digital input device and transmits electrical signals to the electro-pneumatic drive unit to cause the electro-pneumatic drive unit to control the motor to rotate the drum, where the electronic control unit receives input and transmits electrical signals to the electro-pneumatic drive unit to cause the electro-pneumatic drive unit to increase or decrease an air pressure associated with the assembly.2. The reel assembly of claim 1 , where the digital input ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023524A1

A hose reel for use with a moveable oil rig is disclosed. The hose reel can hold a hose having a length of greater than 150 feet with a pressure rating of greater than 5,000 psi. As the rig moves, or as otherwise convenient, the hose reel permits the hose to play out as the hose reel rotates. A motor can help to rotate the reel. The reel can have plural sections to accommodate hoses of different sizes. 1. A hose reel for use with an oil rig , comprising:a rotating drum having a central axle;a hose configured to be wound upon the drum such that rotation of the drum causes the hose to play in or out of the reel, wherein the hose is rated for pressures greater than 5,000 psi;a port arm coupled to the hose and configured to provide a fluid passage with the hose; anda reel port rotatably coupled to the port arm to permit the port arm to rotate with the rotating drum.2. The hose reel of wherein the hose reel is not greater than twelve feet tall and not greater than twelve feet wide.3. The hose reel of wherein the rotating drum has a first section and a second section axially spaced apart from one another claim 1 , wherein the first and second sections are configured to a first hose and a second hose respectively having different diameters.4. The hose reel of wherein the first section and second section have different diameters.5. The hose reel of wherein a radius of the first section plus a radius of the first hose is equal to a radius of the second section plus a radius of the second hose such that a centerline on the first and second hoses when wound upon the rotating drum is at the same radius relative to the central axle.6. The hose reel of wherein the hose is configured to carry at least one of mud or cement.7. The hose reel of wherein the hose has an interior diameter of at least four inches and an outer diameter of at least seven inches.8. The hose reel of wherein the hose is between 40 and 150 feet long.9. The hose reel of wherein the hose has a minimum bend ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024098A1

A wireline system for use during drilling operations. The wireline system has a wireline assembly and a roller assembly. Both the wireline assembly and the roller assembly are positioned within a front portion of a drill rig. 130.-. (canceled)31. A wireline assembly configured to be operatively secured to a mast of a drill rig , the wireline assembly comprising:a drum configured for engagement with a drilling cable, wherein the drum has a rotational axis and defines an interior chamber extending axially relative to the rotational axis;a base portion;opposed first and second support brackets, wherein the drum is positioned between the first and second support brackets and configured to rotate relative to the first and second support brackets;a hydraulic motor positioned at least partially within the interior chamber of the drum and operatively coupled to the drum, wherein upon activation of the hydraulic motor, the drum is configured to rotate about the rotational axis relative to the first and second support brackets; anda spooling device configured to receive the drilling cable from the drum and direct the drilling cable to a roller assembly of the drill rig, wherein the spooling device comprises a mounting bracket secured to the first and second support brackets, and wherein the mounting bracket and the first and second support brackets define respective openings in communication with the interior chamber of the drum,wherein the spooling device is configured for selective rotation relative to the drum.32. The wireline assembly of claim 31 , wherein the spooling device and the drum are supported by the base portion.33. The wireline assembly of claim 31 , wherein the mounting bracket of the spooling device is rotationally coupled to the first and second support brackets.34. The wireline assembly of claim 33 , further comprising a connection housing positioned within the drum claim 33 , wherein the connection housing is operatively coupled to the first support ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for handling drill string

Номер: US20200024919A1
Автор: David Wyeth SIGURDSON
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus and method for pulling a drill string out from a wellbore and lowering the drill string back into the wellbore, with minimal or no disassembly of the drill string, are provided. The apparatus has a first tension mechanism, a second tension mechanism, an up-hole cable, a down-hole cable and a guide. To pull a drill string out from a wellbore, the up-hole cable is connected to an up-hole end of the drill string and the drill string is pulled upwardly into and through the guide. To lower the drill string into the wellbore, the down-hole cable is connected to the mid-section (and/or the up-hole end) of the drill string and the drill string is pulled downwardly from the guide back into the wellbore.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Multi-Conduit Coiled Tubing Assembly

Номер: US20150028168A1
Автор: Morris Collin Rickey

A coiled tubing assembly for use in a wellbore includes at least two continuous coiled tubing members which are joined by clamp assemblies at longitudinally spaced positions such that the tubing members are adapted to be collectively spoolable on a common drum. Each clamp assembly has a central portion spanning between the spaced apart coiled tubing members and clamping portions joined to the central portion to extend about the tubing members respectively. Each clamping portion is maintained in an elastically stretched state in a circumferential direction about the respective tubing member such that the internal circumference of the clamping portion is arranged to be elastically reduced about the respective tubing member when the tubing member stretches longitudinally in use within a wellbore. 1. A coiled tubing assembly arranged for use in a wellbore , the tubing assembly comprising:at least two continuous coiled tubing members, each defining a respective conduit extending in a longitudinal direction and arranged to receive wellbore fluids longitudinally therethrough; and the tubing members extend alongside one another in a parallel configuration; and', 'the tubing members and the clamp assemblies thereon are adapted to be collectively spoolable on a common spooling member., 'a plurality clamp assemblies connecting the tubing members to one another at respective clamping locations spaced apart from one another in the longitudinal direction such that2. The assembly according to wherein each clamp assembly comprises at least one clamping body having clamping portions extending about the tubing members respectively claim 1 , each clamping portion being formed of an elastically deformable material having an internal circumference in a relaxed state which is less than an outer circumference of the respective tubing member in a relaxed state such that the clamping portions are under tension in the circumferential direction about the respective tubing members.3. The ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Rapid Deployment Frac Water Transfer System

Номер: US20170030484A1
Принадлежит: TETRA Technologies, Inc.

A method of and apparatus for the rapid deployment of a fracturing water transferring system, along with the rapid picking up and storage of such system after use. In different embodiments the method in includes the use of a tensioning system to retrieve one or more segments of lay flat hose. 137-. (canceled)38. Apparatus for taking up a lay flat hose includinga plurality of joints of lay flat hose,the lay flat hose containing at least some fluid, comprising: 'a power unit that enables the chassis to travel over a selected terrain,', '(a) a mobile chassis having'} 'first and second opposed working end portions;', 'the chassis having'} [ in a position which is', 'closer to the first opposed working end portion', 'compared to the second opposed working end portion,, 'to selectively hold at least one of a plurality of hose reels'}, 'that is sized and shaped'}, 'a supportive reel base,', 'each hose reel having'}, 'wherein each reel is rotatable upon its supporting reel base;, '(b) a deck on the chassis'} [ 'that are each pivotally attached to the chassis,', 'one or more lifting arms'}, [ from a position off of the chassis', 'to a position on the deck of the chassis, 'to lift a selected reel from the plurality of reels'}, from a position on the deck of the chassis', 'to a position off of the deck of the chassis;, 'and also'}], 'the lifting arms being configured'}], '(c) the first working end portion having'} 'being supported on the deck; and', '(d) a selected reel from the plurality of hose reels'} 'when the reel is supported on the deck,', 'being rotationally connected to the selected reel'}, '(e) a tensioning system'} closer to the second opposed working end portion', 'compared to the first opposed working end portion,, 'which is in a position which is'}, 'at least one roller'}, 'the tensioning system comprising'} to pull portions of the lay flat hose', 'across the at least one roller winding', 'such pulled hose portions onto the selected reel', is moving generally in ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030792A1

A control system for a coiled tubing injector for moving a coiled tubing string within a wellbore, the injector including injector motors to power an injector drive mechanism, the injector drive mechanism engaging the coiled tubing to move the coiled tubing string, includes a controller for operating a power source to the injector motors to cause the injector drive mechanism to move the coiled tubing string within the well at a substantially constant rate. 1. A control system for a coiled tubing injector for moving a coiled tubing string within a wellbore , the injector including injector motors to power an injector drive mechanism , the injector drive mechanism engaging the coiled tubing to move the coiled tubing string , the control system comprising a controller for operating a power source to the injector motors to cause the injector drive mechanism to move the coiled tubing string within the well at a substantially constant rate.2. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the power source comprises a pump and a control valve for metering fluid flow.3. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to operate a check valve that controls fluid communication between a first hydraulic flow line configured to operate the injector motors in a manner to move the coiled tubing into the well claim 1 , and a second hydraulic flow line configured to operate the injector motor in a manner to move the coiled tubing out of the well claim 1 , thereby adjusting the rate of moving the coiled tubing into or out of the well.4. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to operate one or more counterbalance valves to send fluid flow in a direction needed to move the coiled tubing string within the wellbore.5. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to vary the rate of moving the coiled tubing string within the wellbore when a threshold limit is reached.6. The control system of claim 5 , wherein the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030793A1
Автор: Behrens Randall Dean

A coiled tubing transport unit includes a coiled tubing reel unit, a first mechanism for shifting the coiled tubing reel unit lengthwise along the coiled tubing transport unit, an injector head, and a second mechanism for shifting the injector head lengthwise along the coiled tubing transport unit. 1. A coiled tubing transport unit comprising:a coiled tubing reel unit;a first mechanism for shifting the coiled tubing reel unit lengthwise along the coiled tubing transport unit;an injector head; anda second mechanism for shifting the injector head lengthwise along the coiled tubing transport unit.2. The coiled tubing transport unit of claim 1 , wherein the first mechanism is hydraulically actuated.3. The coiled tubing transport unit of claim 1 , wherein the second mechanism is hydraulically actuated.4. The coiled tubing transport unit of claim 1 , wherein the first mechanism is selected from the group consisting of pneumatic claim 1 , electric claim 1 , and magnetic actuated mechanisms.5. The coiled tubing transport unit of claim 1 , wherein the second mechanism is selected from the group consisting of pneumatic claim 1 , electric claim 1 , and magnetic actuated mechanisms.6. The coiled tubing transport unit of claim 1 , wherein the coiled tubing reel unit is mounted on a skid.7. The coiled tubing transport unit of claim 6 , further comprising a hydraulic cylinder pivotally secured at a first end to the trailer and at a second end to the skid.8. The coiled tubing transport unit of claim 6 , wherein the skid further comprises a telescoping guide sleeve and an arm extension retractable into the telescoping guide sleeve.9. The coiled tubing transport unit of claim 1 , further comprising a third mechanism for vertically shifting the coiled tubing reel unit vertically.10. The coiled tubing transport unit of claim 9 , wherein the third mechanism is hydraulically actuated.11. The coiled tubing transport unit of claim 1 , further comprising a load balancing air suspension ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030801A1
Автор: SHAMPINE Rod William

Apparatus for deploying coiled tubing into a wellbore include a neck portion extending between end connections, where the end connections are configured to be attached to a coiled tubing tool string, and a main flow passage, at least one secondary flow passage and at least one electrical device passageway extending through the neck portion and the end connections. In some aspects, a wireline cable or an optical fiber is disposed in the electrical device passageway, and a well treatment fluid flows through the main flow passage. The main flow passage may have a substantially circular cross sectional shape. In some aspects, the apparatus includes at least one secondary flow passage having a substantially circular cross sectional shape, which may be a tube disposed within the main flow passage. The electrical device passageway may in some cases be a tube disposed within the main flow passage. 1. An apparatus for deploying coiled tubing into a wellbore , the apparatus comprising:a neck portion extending between end connections, wherein the end connections are configured to be attached to a coiled tubing tool string; and,a main flow passage and at least one electrical device passageway extending through the neck portion and the end connections, wherein the apparatus is shearable by at least one shearing ram disposed in a blowout preventer to provide a clean cut which is substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the apparatus, and wherein the main flow passage is substantially open to the well bore, and wherein the shearing ram seals the pressure of the wellbore from the atmosphere after the clean cut.2. The apparatus of further comprising at least one secondary flow passage.3. The apparatus of wherein a wireline cable is disposed in the electrical device passageway.4. The apparatus of wherein an optical fiber is disposed in the electrical device passageway.5. The apparatus of wherein well treatment fluid flows through the main flow passage.6. The apparatus ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048726A1

A drum assembly includes a support bar, expandable spokes extending away from the support bar, drum segments mounted to the expandable spokes, support brackets disposed on the support bar, a primary mechanical actuator extending between the support brackets, and secondary mechanical actuators extending from the support brackets. 1. A drum assembly , comprising:a support bar having a first end and a second end;a first plurality of expandable spokes extending away from a region proximate to the first end of the support bar;a second plurality of expandable spokes extending away from a region proximate to the second end of the support bar;a plurality of drum segments each mounted to the distal end of one of the first plurality of expandable spokes and the distal end of one of the second plurality of expandable spokes;a first support bracket disposed on the support bar proximate the first end of the support bar and moveable along a first longitudinal section of the support bar;a second support bracket disposed on the support bar proximate the second end of the support bar and moveable along a second longitudinal section of the support bar;a primary mechanical actuator extending between the first support bracket and the second support bracket, wherein the primary mechanical actuator is capable of moving at least one of the first support bracket, the second support bracket, or both;a first plurality of secondary mechanical actuators each extending between the first support bracket and one of the first plurality of expandable spokes or one of the plurality of drum segments, wherein the first plurality of secondary mechanical actuators are capable of moving the location of the first plurality of expandable spokes between the retracted and extended positions; anda second plurality of secondary mechanical actuators each extending between the second support bracket and one of the second plurality of expandable spokes or one of the plurality of drum segments, wherein the second ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Ambidextrous Pipe Elevator

Номер: US20190032429A1
Автор: Veldon Parton
Принадлежит: Individual

An ambidextrous pipe elevator. The ambidextrous pipe elevator includes a first collar hingedly connected to a second collar defining a central channel, the central channel configured to receive a pipe. A latch is rotatably connected to a latch pin via a roll pin, the latch configured to releasably engage a latch lock and maintain the first and second collar in a closed configuration. A first lift arm is disposed on the first collar and a second lift arm disposed on the second collar. Each of the first and second lift arm include an opening which provides access to a channel, such that the channel is adapted to receive a lifting device such as a crane or other pipe casing lifting mechanism. The configuration of the lift arms allows the orientation to be changed depending on the handedness of the operator, which speeds the pipe casing insertion and/or removal process.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032945A1

Drilling installation comprising a cantilever with a drilling floor for performing drilling operations; further comprising an independent operations handling system arranged for handling equipment underneath the drilling floor independent of the drilling operations on the drilling floor, wherein the independent operations handling system comprises a handling element for cooperation with the equipment to be handled, wherein the handling element is extendible underneath the cantilever. 1. (canceled)2. A cantilever for mounting on a drilling installation , the cantilever comprising a drilling floor for performing drilling operations and further comprising an independent operations handling system ,wherein, in an extended position of the cantilever, in which the cantilever extends outside of an area of a deck of the drilling installation, the independent operations handling system is configured for handling equipment underneath the cantilever.3. The cantilever of claim 2 , wherein the independent operations handling system is configured for handling said equipment underneath the cantilever claim 2 , independent of said drilling operations on the drilling floor.4. The cantilever of claim 2 , wherein the independent operations handling system is configured for handling said equipment on a jacket or well platform that is underneath the cantilever and outside of said area of the deck of the drilling installation.5. The cantilever of claim 2 , wherein the independent operations handling system is movable with respect to the cantilever.6. The cantilever of claim 5 , wherein the independent operations handling system is translatable with respect to the cantilever.7. The cantilever of claim 2 , wherein the independent operations handling system is mounted to a bottom side of the cantilever.8. The cantilever of claim 7 , wherein the independent operations handling system is mounted to a rail at said bottom side of the cantilever.9. The cantilever of claim 8 , wherein the ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Injector Head Tilt Mechanism

Номер: US20160040488A1
Автор: Behrens Randall Dean
Принадлежит: Premier Coil Solutions

A tilt mechanism for manipulating an injector head mounted on a tiltable platform attached at one end to a pivot mount on a base structure includes an articulated member attached between the tiltable platform and the base structure, the articulated member having a joint and a cylinder attached between the base structure and the articulated member, wherein an arm of the cylinder is extended to push the joint of the articulated member to an over-center position, thereby locking the articulated member. 1. An injector head mounted on a tiltable platform attached at one end to a pivot mount on a base structure , and a tilt mechanism for manipulating the tiltable platform , the tilt mechanism comprising:an articulated member attached between the tiltable platform and the base structure, the articulated member having a joint; anda cylinder attached between the base structure and the articulated member,wherein an arm of the cylinder is extended to push the joint of the articulated member to an over-center position, thereby locking the articulated member.2. The tilt mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the cylinder is hydraulic.3. The tilt mechanism of claim 2 , wherein there is substantially no backpressure on the hydraulic cylinder when the articulated member is locked.4. The tilt mechanism of claim 1 , wherein an angle between arms of the articulated member is substantially equal to or greater than 180 degrees in the over-center position.5. A method of manipulating a tiltable platform on which an injector head is mounted claim 1 , the tiltable platform pivotally connected at one end to a base structure claim 1 , the method comprising:attaching an articulated member having a joint between the tiltable platform and the base structure;attaching a cylinder between the base structure and the articulated member; andextending an arm of the cylinder, thereby pushing the joint of the articulated member to an over-center position, thereby locking the articulated member.6. The method of ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Coiled tubing unit locking knee-joint mechanisms

Номер: US20160040489A1
Автор: Randall Dean BEHRENS
Принадлежит: Premier Coil Solutions Inc

A knee-joint mechanism for a folding gooseneck used in a coiled tubing unit, includes a main structure having a distal end pivotally attached thereto, the knee-joint mechanism including an articulated member attached between the main structure and the pivotally attached distal end of the gooseneck, the articulated member having a joint, and a cylinder attached between the main structure and the articulated member. The arm of the cylinder is extended to push the joint of the articulated member to an over-center position, thereby locking the articulated member.

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Method for Installing a self-supporting tower for Extracting Hydrocarbons

Номер: US20150041118A1
Автор: Chalumeau Alain

A flexible tubular structure for oil exploitation, said flexible tubular structure having at least one reinforcing layer and at least one layer of a fluoropolymer compound, wherein said fluoropolymer compound has a composition including a polyvinylidene fluoride homopolymer and a vinylidene fluoride/fluorinated comonomer copolymer, and a plasticizer. The proportion by weight of hexafluoropropylene monomer in the copolymer is greater than %. 1. A flexible tubular structure for oil exploitation , said flexible tubular structure comprising at least one reinforcing layer and at least one layer of a fluoropolymer compound , said fluoropolymer compound having a composition comprising on the one hand a poly(vinylidene fluoride) homopolymer and a copolymer of vinylidene fluoride and of a fluorinated comonomer and on the other hand a plasticizer;wherein the proportion by weight of fluorinated comonomer in the copolymer is above 25%.2. The flexible tubular structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said fluorinated comonomer is hexafluoropropylene.3. The flexible tubular structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said copolymer of vinylidene fluoride and of said fluorinated comonomer is present in said composition in a proportion by weight from 10 to 35%.4. The flexible tubular structure as claimed in claim 3 , wherein said copolymer of vinylidene fluoride and of said fluorinated comonomer is present in said composition in a proportion by weight from 20 to 35%.5. The flexible tubular structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said plasticizer is selected from dibutyl sebacate claim 1 , dioctyl phthalate claim 1 , N-n-butylsulfonamide claim 1 , the polymeric polyesters and combinations thereof.6. The flexible tubular structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said plasticizer is present in said composition in a proportion by weight from 1 to 5%.7. The flexible tubular structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the proportion by weight of said fluorinated comonomer in said copolymer ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038176A1
Автор: SHAMPINE Rod William

Methods include deploying a downhole tool into a wellbore with a conveyance apparatus by mounting a tool to a distal end of a spooled conveyance apparatus, routing the conveyance apparatus around a powered sheave assembly, which includes a plurality of grooves disposed on the outer surface of the sheave to accommodate the conveyance apparatus, and providing a power source for applying torque to the powered sheave. The powered sheave assembly then deploys the conveyance apparatus into the wellbore. In some cases a traction device may be disposed between the powered sheave and the wellbore to provide axial force in both directions. The conveyance apparatus is moved through a sealing apparatus, a blowout preventer, and a wellhead, with the powered sheave, after the routing the conveyance apparatus around a powered sheave. 2. The method of further comprising mounting the tool to a deployment bar.3. The method of wherein a traction device is disposed between the powered sheave and the wellbore to provide axial force in both directions.4. The method of where the powered sheave comprises gripping means which assist in application of force upon the conveyance apparatus to overcome pressure and friction resistance.5. The method of wherein the powered sheave assembly is attached to a pivotable mount and wherein the powered sheave is driven by a drive mechanism.6. The method of wherein the powered sheave assembly further comprises multiple rollers disposed adjacent the conveyance apparatus and the sheave.7. The method of wherein the conveyance apparatus may be wrapped on the powered sheave in its entirely.8. The method of wherein a majority of the conveyance apparatus is spooled on a separate reel.9. The method of wherein the powered sheave assembly further comprises a chain and gripper blocks disposed upon the chain for providing synchronization between the sheave and the chain.10. The method of wherein the powered sheave assembly further comprises a pair of powered rollers ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038217A1

An apparatus for protecting an electronics module used in a borehole may include an enclosure disposed along a drill string. The electronics module may be attached to the enclosure by at least one joint. The at least one joint allows a predetermined bending between the electronics module and the enclosure that does not mechanically overload the electronics module. In some embodiments, the joint may be a ball joint. 1. An apparatus for protecting an electronics module used in a borehole , comprising:a drill string;an enclosure disposed along the drill string, wherein the electronics module is attached to the enclosure by at least one joint, the at least one joint being configured to allow a predetermined bending between the electronics module and the enclosure that does not mechanically overload the electronics module.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one joint is a ball joint.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the at least one ball joint is mechanically preloaded to compensate for at least one of: manufacturing tolerances and thermal expansion mismatches.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the preload is created by one of hydraulic pressure claim 3 , rubber elasticity claim 3 , metal spring force or a combination thereof.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the at least one ball joint includes of a convex member associated with the electronics module and a concave member associated with the enclosure.6. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the at least one ball joint includes a concave member associated with the electronics member and a convex member associated with the enclosure.7. The apparatus of claims 2 , wherein the ball joint includes a non-spherical socket8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a restrictor restricts motion of the electronics module in a rotational direction about a longitudinal axis of the module.9. The apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the restrictor uses at least one of: rubber elasticity claim 8 , metal spring ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Expandable drum assembly for deploying coiled pipe and method of using same

Номер: US20200039781A1
Принадлежит: Trinity Bay Equipment Holdings LLC

A drum assembly includes a support bar, expandable spokes extending away from the support bar, drum segments mounted to the expandable spokes, support brackets disposed on the support bar, a primary mechanical actuator extending between the support brackets, and secondary mechanical actuators extending from the support brackets.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040732A1

A control system for moving a bottom hole assembly at an end of a coiled tubing string in a wellbore includes a controller configured to move the bottom hole assembly at an initial rate, unless the controller determines that moving the bottom hole assembly at the initial rate causes a predetermined threshold parameter to be reached, whereupon the controller is configured to default to moving the bottom hole assembly at a safe rate. 1. A control system for moving a bottom hole assembly at an end of a coiled tubing string in a wellbore , the control system comprising:a controller configured to move the bottom hole assembly at an initial rate, unless the controller determines that moving the bottom hole assembly at the initial rate causes a predetermined threshold parameter to be reached,whereupon the controller is configured to default to moving the bottom hole assembly at a safe rate.2. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the safe rate is calculated by the controller based upon the properties of a well obstruction or formation being drilled.3. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the initial rate is entered.4. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined threshold parameter is a predetermined differential pressure of the bottom hole assembly.5. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to determine whether the bottom hole assembly is moving within or outside a range of rates based on one or more sources of feedback from both the bottom hole assembly and the injector head.6. The control system of claim 4 , wherein the one or more sources of feedback comprise surface or downhole instrumentation.7. The control system of claim 4 , wherein the one or more sources of feedback comprise pre-planned or manually entered stage data.8. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the well obstruction comprises a plug.9. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the bottom hole assembly comprises a drilling assembly.10. The control system ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040672A1

Method and system for pipe conveyed logging (PCL) operations in which the drillpipe conveys a logging tool. The method and system coordinate operation of a wireline winch and drilling rig control systems to synchronize their operation, and/or the method and system attenuate the pull force applied to an upper end of the cable and transmit the attenuated force toward a lower end of the cable to reduce the risks of premature cable release and cable damage. 1. A pipe conveyed logging (PCL) system , comprising:a logging tool conjugated with a lower end of a drillstring;a cable side entry sub located above the logging tool;a cable connected to the logging tool and passing inside the drillstring from the logging tool, through the cable side entry sub, and outside the drillstring above the cable side entry sub to a winch;a weakpoint release formed in the cable at a point between the logging tool and the cable side entry sub to release the cable from the logging tool upon application of a predetermined release force to the cable at the weakpoint; andan integrated control framework comprising a rig control system to translate the drillstring in a wellbore, a wireline winch control system to translate the cable in the wellbore, and a controller to automatically synchronize the translation of the drillstring and the cable in the wellbore.2. The PCL system of claim 1 , wherein the integrated control system further comprises a databus in communication between the rig control system claim 1 , the wireline winch control system claim 1 , and the controller.3. The PCL system of claim 2 , further comprising a gateway between the rig control system and the databus claim 2 , a gateway between the wireline winch control system and the databus claim 2 , or a combination thereof.4. The PCL system of claim 2 , wherein the integrated control system comprises a human-machine interface in communication with the databus.5. A pipe conveyed logging (PCL) system claim 2 , comprising:a logging tool ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for cleaning fluid conduits

Номер: US20180043401A1
Принадлежит: Paradigm Flow Services Ltd

A method of cleaning a fluid conduit in a hydrocarbon production installation is described. The method comprises introducing a flexible hose into a fluid conduit system through a pressure control device, and running the flexible hose into a conduit to be cleaned while a fluid stream flows in the conduit. At least one substance is cleaned from the conduit by pumping a cleaning fluid into a bore of the flexible hose and expelling the cleaning fluid from the flexible hose into the conduit through at least one outlet in the flexible hose. The substance is carried the at least one substance in the fluid stream to a conduit outlet.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047182A1

The object of the invention is a spragging mechanism for application in a tube. It is provided with a band and clamping means. The clamping means are arranged within the tube, outside of which the band is provided. The object of the invention is also a system for guiding bore head, provided with an spragging mechanism, head, means transferring the pressing force to the bore head, and also a curled tube fed from the drum into the wellbore. The curled tube () constitutes means transferring the pressing force, exerted by the pressing mechanism () via a mechanism releasably connected to the curled tube (). The object of the invention is also a method of drilling a wellbore, wherein a bore head with an drill bit is lowered down the wellbore and pressed against its bottom, simultaneously inserting a tube into to wellbore. For pressing the head () with the drill bit () a tube () curled of strip (T) drawn from a drum is used, wherein the pressing force is applied to the tube via a mechanism () releasably connected thereto. 1121410. A spragging mechanism for application in a tube , provided with a band and clamping means , wherein the clamping means ( , ) are arranged within the tube , outside of which the band () is arranged.214121. A spragging mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein the clamping means consist of a drive () pressing the jaws () to the inner wall of the tube ().3121. A spragging mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein the jaws () are covered with a material having a high static friction coefficient on the surfaces contacting the walls of the tube ().4121. A drilling head driving system claim 1 , comprising a pressing mechanism claim 1 , a head claim 1 , means transferring the pressing force to the bore head claim 1 , and a curled tube fed from a drum to a wellbore claim 1 , wherein the means transferring the pressing force comprises the curled tube () fed from the drum into the wellbore claim 1 , and the pressing force is transferred by the pressing ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Method For Installation And Implementation Of A Rigid Tube From A Ship Or Floating Support

Номер: US20170044838A1
Принадлежит: Saipem SA

A method of installing and implementing a rigid tube ( 10 ) referred to as a “main” tube, wherein the following steps are performed: a) lowering an end of the main tube from a floating support or vessel ( 13 ) on the surface ( 14 ) to below sea level ( 14 ) to be connected to undersea equipment ( 16 ) that is immersed ( 17 ); and b) maintaining the main tube as immersed in this way for a given period of time. The said main tube ( 10 ) is caused to pass through a cylindrical orifice ( 4 ) of circular section in a stress limiter device, the orifice having a slippery internal coating ( 3 ) secured to a support structure ( 9 ) secured to the floating support or vessel, the service tube thus being suitable for sliding in contact against the slippery coating during steps a) and b).

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170044847A1
Автор: PINCKARD Mitchell

Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs) are more susceptible to meteorological conditions such as winds, currents and, most importantly, waves. These meteorological conditions generate a movement of the installation that will inevitably be transferred to some extent to the drilling pipe. A mobile offshore drilling unit can include a rooster box configured to move the rooster box along the height of a derrick to which it is attached. An injector configured to attach to an intervention frame of the rooster box, wherein the injector is configured to be releasably coupled to a conduit The injector configured to be positioned on-axis with the conduit in a first configuration and off-axis with the conduit in a second configuration. 1. A mobile offshore drilling unit comprising:a derrick fixedly attached to a vessel;a rooster box including a frame and a skid, the frame configured to move along the skid horizontal to the height of the derrick between an on-axis configuration and an off-axis configuration;an injector configured to attach to the frame, wherein the injector is configured to be releasably coupled to the conduit in the on-axis configuration and decoupled from the conduit in the off-axis configuration; andthe rooster box including one or more sensors for ensuring dynamic loads exerted on the conduit do not exceed a threshold load and in response to the threshold load being exceed vertically moving the rooster box.2. (canceled)3. The mobile offshore drilling unit of claim 1 , wherein the on-axis configuration is a coiled tubing mode.4. The mobile offshore drilling unit of claim 1 , wherein the off-axis configuration is a wireline mode.5. The mobile offshore drilling unit of claim 1 , wherein the on-axis or off-axis configuration is a joint-pipe mode.6. The mobile offshore drilling unit of claim 5 , further comprising a top-drive located within the rooster box claim 5 , the top-drive being configured to operating in the off-axis configuration by positioning a pipe- ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124219A1

A system for performing subterranean operations is disclosed. The system includes a coiled tubing having a first segment and a second segment. The system further includes a swivel joint positioned at an interface of the first segment and the second segment and a locking mechanism. The locking mechanism is operable to engage and disengage the swivel joint. 1. A system for performing subterranean operations comprising: 'wherein the coiled tubing comprises a first segment and a second segment;', 'a coiled tubing;'} 'wherein the swivel joint is positioned at an interface of the first segment and the second segment; and', 'a swivel joint;'} 'wherein the locking mechanism is operable to engage and disengage the swivel joint.', 'a locking mechanism;'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein when the swivel joint is engaged claim 1 , the first segment is rotationally coupled to the second segment.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the swivel joint comprises a first portion and a sleeve portion.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the first portion is positioned on the first segment and the sleeve portion is positioned on the second segment.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the locking mechanism engages the swivel joint by coupling the first portion and the sleeve portion.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the locking mechanism is selected from a group consisting of a mechanical system claim 5 , an electrical system claim 5 , and a magnetic system.7. The system of claim 3 , wherein the first portion comprises a latch receptacle;wherein the sleeve portion comprises a latch; and wherein the latch locks into the latch receptacle when the swivel joint is engaged.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the coiled tubing is directed downhole through an injector head; and wherein the locking mechanism engages the swivel joint when the first segment and the second segment pass through the injector head.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the swivel joint is equipped with a cleaning device; ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048670A1
Автор: Hassard Cecil C.
Принадлежит: Coil Solutions, Inc.

A coiled tubing injector apparatus for inserting and/or removing coiled tubing from a well head comprising a first injector column and a second injector column forming a central pathway within a frame. The first and second injector columns each comprise an inner and outer band, the outer band containing a plurality of rolling elements for engaging the coiled tubing and the inner band creating drive force to energize the outer band. The inner band further comprises a wear plate designed to sustain the majority of wear for less costly maintenance and repair of injection heads. 1. A coiled tubing injector apparatus for inserting and removing a coiled tubing from a wellhead , comprising:at least one wear plate that includes a plurality of openings;at least one skate plate that includes a channel and a plurality of recesses along a side of said channel, wherein said channel is configured to receive said at least one wear plate, and wherein said plurality of recesses of said at least one skate plate and said plurality of openings of said at least one wear plate align when said at least one wear plate is received within said channel; anda plurality of clamps for fastening said at least one wear plate to said at least one skate plate, wherein a first end of each of said plurality of clamps fits within a corresponding recess of said plurality of recesses and a second end of each of said plurality of clamps is configured to secure said at least one wear plate in position relative to said at least one skate plate.2. The coiled tubing injector apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said second end of each of said plurality of clamps includes a tongue configured to be inserted within a corresponding opening of said plurality of openings of said at least one wear plate.3. The coiled tubing injector apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a second wear plate that includes a plurality of openings;a second skate plate that includes a channel and a plurality of recesses along a side of ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054727A1
Автор: FLOYD Stacey V.

A fluid conduit communicates fluid between a zipper leg and an oil and gas wellhead. The fluid conduit may be completely flexible, completely rigid, or partially flexible and partially rigid. The fluid conduit is coupled to the wellhead via a first flow block. The first flow block may include a first downwardly angled surface through which a first downwardly angled flow passage extends and to which a first end portion of the fluid conduit is connected. Similarly, the fluid conduit is coupled to the zipper leg via a second flow block. The second flow block may include a second downwardly angled surface through which a second downwardly angled flow passage extends and to which the fluid conduit is connected. 1. A system , comprising:one or more zipper legs, each including a first flow block;one or more wellheads, each including a second flow block; andone or more first fluid conduits, each connecting the first flow block of one the zipper leg(s) to the second flow block of one of the wellhead(s);wherein: 'at least a portion of the first fluid conduit connected to the first flow block of the at least one of the zipper leg(s) is flexible;', '(i) at least one of the zipper leg(s) includes a first swivel assembly; and'} 'at least a portion of the first fluid conduit connected to the second flow block of the at least one of the wellhead(s) is flexible;', '(ii) at least one of the wellhead(s) includes a second swivel assembly; and'}or(iii) both (i) and (ii).2. The system of claim 1 , wherein (iii).3. The system of claim 1 , wherein (ii).4. The system of claim 1 , wherein (i).5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the at least one of the zipper leg(s) is supported by a skid including legs each having an adjustable length.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more zipper legs comprise first and second zipper legs;wherein a second fluid conduit is connected between the first and second zipper legs; andwherein the second fluid conduit is supported by a stand including legs ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048979A1

A system including a bottom hole assembly and a ram positioned below a barrier of a well and methods for deploying the same are described. The ram is configured to secure the bottom hole assembly at an end of the bottom hole assembly to secure the bottom hole assembly within the well. 1. A system comprising:a bottom hole assembly; anda ram positioned below a barrier of a well, the ram configured to hold the bottom hole assembly at an end of the bottom hole assembly to secure the bottom hole assembly within the well.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the bottom hole assembly comprises a plurality of bottom hole assembly modules configured to be coupled to each other end-to-end independent of rotational movement.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the bottom hole assembly is configured to be installed within the well one bottom hole assembly module at a time.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein each bottom hole assembly module comprises an end configured to reversibly couple to a setting tool claim 3 , the setting tool configured to position each of the bottom hole assembly modules within the well.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the bottom hole assembly has a longitudinal length greater than 100 feet.6. The system of claim 3 , wherein at least a portion of the bottom hole assembly is hollow.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the bottom hole assembly is hollow.8. A method for deploying a bottom hole assembly within a well claim 6 , the method comprising:coupling a bottom hole assembly to a setting tool;positioning the bottom hole assembly within a lubricator;installing the lubricator, within which the bottom hole assembly is positioned, on the well;after installing the lubricator, opening a barrier of the well;positioning, with the setting tool, the bottom hole assembly downhole through the open barrier;securing, with a ram positioned below the barrier, the bottom hole assembly to secure the bottom hole assembly within the well;decoupling the bottom hole assembly from ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051474A1
Автор: Ledet Clement

A work platform for coiled-tubing downhole operations apparatus and method, for safe, efficient, and relatively inexpensive extended access to the elevated top of the section of riser pipe necessary for the use of coiled tubing for downhole operations such as drilling, production, intervention, logging, work-over, and fracturing the reservoir. The access is achieved by providing a shell-like riser-pipe sleeve which attaches securely, but removably, to the top section of riser pipe itself, in such a way that balanced support is obtained without placing dangerous strain on the riser pipe, and by providing a shell-like platform securely, but removably, connected to and supported by the riser-pipe sleeve, which in turn is supported by the riser pipe itself. 110.-. (canceled)11. A method of performing coiled-tubing downhole operations , on a worksite having joined sections of riser pipe having a riser-pipe-outside dimension , the method of performing coiled-tubing downhole operations comprising: [ (1) a shaped steel plate having a curved shape corresponding to a section of the riser-pipe-outside dimension, and having straight side edges of a longer dimension and curved top and bottom edges of a shorter dimension, and having an inner surface and an outer surface;', '(2) two mounting bears, each having a long dimension approximately five inches shorter than the length of the side edges of said shaped steel plate, each attached to a side edge of said shaped steel plate from the top edge to approximately five inches short of the bottom edge, adapted to mount to the corresponding said mounting bars on another said riser-pipe sleeve section;', '(3) a plurality of lateral ribs and vertical ribs attached to the outer surface of said shaped steel plate;', '(4) a brace-connector rib attached to the outer surface of said shaped steel plate near the middle of the length of the side edges of said shaped steel plate, adapted as a connection point for a diagonal brace;', '(5) two brace ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051521A1
Автор: Ledet Clement

A work platform for coiled-tubing downhole operations apparatus and method, for safe, efficient, and relatively inexpensive extended access to the elevated top of the section of riser pipe necessary for the use of coiled tubing for downhole operations such as drilling, production, intervention, logging, work-over, and fracturing the reservoir. The access is achieved by providing a shell-like riser-pipe sleeve which attaches securely, but removably, to the top section of riser pipe itself, in such a way that balanced support is obtained without placing dangerous strain on the riser pipe, and by providing a shell-like platform securely, but removably, connected to and supported by the riser-pipe sleeve, which in turn is supported by the riser pipe itself. An integral elevator or lift for personnel and equipment, which is stable without any attachment or anchoring to a work deck, which is safe for personnel, is provided. 110.-. (canceled)11. A method of performing coiled-tubing downhole operations , on a worksite having joined sections of riser pipe having a riser-pipe-outside dimension , the method of performing coiled-tubing downhole operations comprising: [ (1) a shaped steel plate having a curved shape corresponding to a section of the riser-pipe-outside dimension, and having straight side edges of a longer dimension and curved top and bottom edges of a shorter dimension, and having an inner surface and an outer surface;', '(2) two mounting bears, each having a long dimension approximately five inches shorter than the length of the side edges of said shaped steel plate, each attached to a side edge of said shaped steel plate from the top edge to approximately five inches short of the bottom edge, adapted to mount to the corresponding said mounting bars on another said riser-pipe sleeve section;', '(3) a plurality of lateral ribs and vertical ribs attached to the outer surface of said shaped steel plate;', '(4) a brace-connector rib attached to the outer surface of ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Roller chain with carrier plates

Номер: US20170051565A1
Автор: John A. Wright
Принадлежит: Diamond Chain Co Inc

A coiled tube chain assembly is provided designed for use with a carrier gripper block to grip the coiled tubing. The roller chain assembly provides the traction system for use in the coil tubing injector head. The roller chain is comprised of center plates and cover plates that are press fit onto the chain pins. The use of such press fit center plates and cover plates increases the number of link plates holding the chain pin.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051604A1

Techniques for determining depth of a downhole tool in a wellbore include running a first downhole tool into a wellbore on a downhole conveyance; generating time-dependent logging data with the first downhole tool in the wellbore, at least one of the depth-dependent logging data or the time-dependent logging data associated with an electric or a magnetic property of a wellbore casing or a geological formation; correlating at the first downhole tool the time-dependent logging data with the depth-dependent logging data; and based on the correlation, determining at least one of a depth of the first downhole tool in the wellbore or a speed of the first downhole tool in the wellbore. 1. A method for determining depth of a downhole tool in a wellbore , comprising:storing depth-dependent logging data in computer-readable memory of a first downhole tool;running a first downhole tool into a wellbore on a downhole conveyance;generating time-dependent logging data with the first downhole tool in the wellbore, at least one of the depth-dependent logging data or the time-dependent logging data associated with an electric or a magnetic property of a wellbore casing or a geological formation;correlating at the first downhole tool the time-dependent logging data with the depth-dependent logging data; andbased on the correlation, determining at least one of a depth of the first downhole tool in the wellbore or a speed of the first downhole tool in the wellbore.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein storing depth-dependent logging data in computer-readable memory of a first downhole tool comprises receiving the depth-dependent logging data from a second downhole tool.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the second downhole tool comprises a wireline logging tool or a logging while drilling (LWD) tool.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first and second downhole tools either are the same downhole tool or are coupled together in a downhole tool string.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060965A1
Автор: Layden Reginald Waye

The disclosure herein relates generally to devices and methods usable during well drilling and surface operations. More particularly, the disclosure herein relates to a rig incorporating a coiled tubing injector that engages downhole tools. 1. A coiled tubing service rig comprising:A. a mast having a long axis;B. a base structure for the mast, the mast pivotally mounted to the base structure, wherein the mast is able to pivot from a position substantially parallel to ground to substantially perpendicular to ground;C. a coiled tubing injector mounted to the mast and able to travel longitudinally along the mast from a position near to the base structure when the mast is perpendicular to the ground to a position away from the base structure when the mast is perpendicular to the ground, the coiled tubing injector further being able to rotate from a position substantially parallel to the long axis to a position substantially perpendicular to the long axis; andD. a pipe comprising at least one lubricator, the pipe further having one end being connected to the injector and another end not connected to the injector.2. The rig of claim 1 , wherein when the pipe is in parallel position with respect to the ground claim 1 , coiled tubing is capable of being passed through the injector in a horizontal position claim 1 , through the lubricator and out the end of the lubricator oriented away from the tubing injector.3. The rig of claim 2 , wherein a downhole tool is capable of being attached to the coiled tubing at or near the end of the pipe which is not connected to the tubing injector.4. The rig of claim 3 , wherein movement of the injector to a position substantially away from the base structure claim 3 , causes the pipe to move to a vertical position.5. The rig of claim 4 , wherein movement of the injector causes the injector to rotate from a position substantially perpendicular to the long axis of the mast to a position substantially parallel to the long axis of the mast6. ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060972A1

A drill pipe assembly includes a tubular body and a roller assembly for reducing friction between the drill pipe and the inner wall of a wellbore. The tubular body includes a substantially cylindrical body outer surface defining roller pockets. Alternatively, the drill pipe assembly may have a sleeve that fits concentrically and rotatably around the tubular body, with the sleeve outer surface defining the roller pockets. Each roller pocket has a roller assembly that includes an axle having opposed ends retained by the tubular body or the sleeve. A roller is retained by and rotates on each axle, partially disposed in the roller pocket and partially projecting outwardly from the outer surface. 1. A drill pipe assembly installable between an up-hole component and a down-hole component of a drill string insertable in a wellbore , the drill string defining an axial direction and a transverse direction perpendicular thereto , the drill pipe assembly comprising: an up-hole end adapted for connection to the up-hole component, and a down-hole end adapted for connection to the down-hole component;', 'an inner surface defining an inner bore extending axially between the up-hole end and the down-hole end;', 'a substantially cylindrical body outer surface defining a plurality of inwardly extending roller pockets;, '(a) a tubular body comprising an axle having opposed ends each retained by the tubular body; and', 'a roller retained by the axle for rotating axially relative to the tubular body, partially disposed within the roller pocket and partially projecting outwardly from the body outer surface., '(b) for each of the plurality of roller pockets, a corresponding roller assembly comprising2. The drill pipe assembly of wherein the plurality of roller pockets are arranged in at least one row circumferential around the body outer surface.3. The drill pipe assembly of wherein the at least one row comprises a plurality of rows axially spaced apart from each other.4. The drill pipe ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Riser Tension Protector and Method of Use Thereof

Номер: US20160060976A1
Автор: Plain Steven
Принадлежит: Icon Engineering Pty Ltd

A riser tension protector and coiled tubing lift frame assembly including same for use as a backup heave compensator is described. The assembly includes a frame having an upper frame section adapted for attachment to a top drive system and a lower frame section adapted to interface with a flowhead assembly; and a pair of pneumatic cylinders spaced apart from one another. The pneumatic cylinders have a respective cylinder barrel and a piston rod translatable therein, a free end of the piston rods being fixed to the upper frame section and a lower end of the cylinder barrels being fixed relative to the lower frame section. 1. A riser tension protector for a riser used in operations on a floating vessel comprising:a pair of pneumatic cylinders spaced apart from one another, the pneumatic cylinders having a respective cylinder barrel and a piston head and a piston rod translatable therein, a free end of the piston rods being operatively associated to a top drive system and a lower end of the cylinder barrels being fixed relative to a flowhead assembly;wherein the pneumatic cylinders are charged with a pneumatic pressure sufficient to cause the piston rods to remain retracted and stationary in the barrels when an axial load on the riser is under a predetermined operating load threshold and to extend on an upheave of the floating vessel when the axial load on the riser exceeds the predetermined operating load threshold.2. The riser tension protector according to claim 1 , wherein when the axial load is below the predetermined operating load threshold the piston rods remain fully retracted within the cylinder barrels.3. The riser tension protector according to claim 1 , wherein the pneumatic cylinders are arranged to be in fluid communication with one another in a manner whereby the pneumatic pressure in each cylinder is the same.4. The riser tension protector according to claim 3 , whereby the piston rods retract or extend simultaneously in response to the axial load.5. ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055793A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes, a GE company, LLC

An articulating wireline component includes a first integrally formed member having a base portion, a neck portion and a ball portion having a first diameter, and a second integrally formed member including a base section, a neck portion and a socket portion including an opening having a second diameter that is smaller than the first diameter. The ball portion is arranged in the socket portion and the second integrally formed member is formed from a solid material. 1. An articulating wireline component comprising:a first integrally formed member including a base portion, a neck portion and a ball portion having a first diameter; anda second integrally formed member including a base section, a neck portion and a socket portion including an opening having a second diameter that is smaller than the first diameter, the ball portion being arranged in the socket portion and the second integrally formed member being formed from a solid material.2. The articulating wireline component according to claim 1 , wherein the opening is coaxial with the neck section.3. The articulating wireline component according to claim 1 , wherein the socket portion includes an annular body having an outer surface and an inner surface defining a hollow interior claim 1 , at least one opening is formed in the annular body claim 1 , the at least one opening extending from the outer surface through the inner surface.4. The articulating wireline component according to claim 3 , wherein the first integrally formed member includes at least one pin extending outward of the ball through the at least one opening claim 3 , the at least one pin being integrally formed with the ball.5. The articulating wireline component according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one pin includes a first pin extending through a first opening in the socket and a second pin extending through a second opening of the socket claim 4 , the first and second pins being integrally formed with the ball.6. The articulating wireline ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058157A1

Examples of fiber reinforced and powered coil tubing include a hollow fiber reinforced composite coiled tubing with a tubing wall having an inner surface, an outer surface and a wall thickness. The inner surface is formed to prevent absorption of fluids flowed through the coiled tubing to the tubing wall. The tubing can connect a power source at a surface of a wellbore to downhole equipment positioned within the wellbore. An electrical power conductor is embedded in the tubing wall. The conductor can transfer power from the power source to the downhole equipment. The tubing can be used to lower, install and remove downhole equipment into the wellbore without a work-over rig. The downhole equipment can be operated by transmitted power through the electrical power conductor. 1. A tubing assembly comprising:a hollow fiber reinforced composite coiled tubing comprising a tubing wall having an inner surface, an outer surface and a wall thickness, the inner surface formed to prevent absorption of fluids flowed through the coiled tubing to the tubing wall, the coiled tubing comprising a first tubing end and a second tubing end, the tubing configured to connect a power source at a surface of a wellbore to downhole equipment positioned within the wellbore; andan electrical power conductor embedded in the tubing wall, the conductor configured to transfer power from the power source to the downhole equipment, the electrical power conductor having a non-circular cross-section, wherein a thickness of the electrical power conductor along a radius of the tubing is less than the wall thickness, wherein the electrical power conductor extends circumferentially within the wall thickness.2. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a communication line embedded in the tubing wall claim 1 , the communication line configured to transfer control signals from a surface of the wellbore to the downhole equipment.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the communication line comprises at least ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062591A1

A method of installing a reinforced thermoplastic pipe (RTP) () in a production tube is provided, the method includes the steps of preparing a bottom assembly () in a production well, swaging connectors () onto both ends of the RTP (), 1102. A method of installing a reinforced thermoplastic pipe (RTP) () in a production tube , the method comprising the steps of:{'b': '703', 'preparing a bottom assembly () in a production well,'}{'b': 707', '709', '102, 'swaging connectors (, ) onto both ends of the RTP (),'}{'b': 102', '707', '709', '701', '703, 'connecting respective ends of the RTP () with the connectors (, ) to top and bottom assemblies (, ),'}{'b': 707', '709', '102', '102', '116', '102', '118, 'characterized in that, the connectors (, ) further include metal collars that maintain shape of the RTP () and prevent pressure from escaping the RTP () and a blowout preventer (BOP) () is provided to cut off the RTP () when displacement is detected by a trip tank ().'}2102114102705. The method as claimed in claim 1 , the method further includes securing the RTP () with a rod clamp () to minimize damage to the RTP () during swaging process and make up to assembly ().3118. The method as claimed in claim 1 , the method further includes displacing released liquids and/or gases overflowing from reservoir into the trip tank ().4707703100. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the swaged end of the connector () is connected to the bottom assembly () into the CTU () for a predetermined top packer setting depth.5100102100. A coiled tubing unit (CTU) () for installing a reinforced thermoplastic pipe (RTP) () in a production tube claim 1 , the unit () comprising:{'b': 108', '106', '102', '705, 'an injector block () supported by an injector head (), used to direct the RTP () with assembly () into the production tube,'}{'b': 102', '707', '709', '102', '102', '118', '100', '118, 'characterized in that, both ends of the RTP () fit connectors (, ) with a metal collar, wherein the ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063638A1
Принадлежит: ITREC B.V.

An improved system and method for laying on the seabed a pipeline and/or installing a subsea riser including one or more accessories are disclosed. In the system, a trolley rail for an auxiliary trolley is provided which includes a retractable trolley rail part supported by the tower via an associated mobile rail support assembly. Displacement of the retractable trolley rail part together with the auxiliary trolley when arranged on said retractable trolley rail part with respect to the tower is allowed, between an active position, wherein the auxiliary trolley is positioned to engage on an accessory in the firing line, and a retracted and non-operable position wherein a clear envelope about the firing line is created. 1. A marine reel lay pipeline installation system for laying on the seabed a pipeline and/or installing a subsea riser including one or more accessories , wherein the system comprises:one or more pipeline storage reels for storage of pipeline to be laid;a pipeline launch tower, which is adapted to launch the pipeline in a firing line along said tower;a pipeline guide which is provided at an elevated position, the pipeline guide is adapted to guide the pipeline from a storage reel over the pipeline guide into the firing line,one or more tensioners, each tensioner comprising a tensioner frame and multiple tracks supported by said tensioner frame, the one or more tensioners being operable between an active pipelaying mode, wherein the firing line extends through the tensioner frame and between the tracks, so that the tracks are positioned to engage the pipeline and to support the pipeline in the firing line, and a retracted mode wherein a clear envelope is created about the firing line;a hang off device arranged in the lower part of the firing line, adapted to clamp and support the weight of the launched pipeline in the firing line;an abandonment and recovery (A&R) system comprising at least one A&R cable and associated A&R winch, and an A&R sheave ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Downhole protection apparatus

Номер: US20160069141A1
Автор: Chris BLACKMON
Принадлежит: Tendeka BV

A downhole protection apparatus, for use in protecting downhole control lines, comprises a sheath defining a channel configured to receive a control line. The sheath is configured to be attached to a tubing. In wellbore applications, the control lines associated with a tubing are inserted into the sheath such that the body of the sheath at least partially encompasses the control line and shields the control line from harsh downhole conditions which may include abrasive action from sand, proppants, wellbore cuttings and other debris. Therefore, the apparatus is configured such that after insertion of a control line into the channel, a body of the sheath protects the control line from an outside environment.

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Spherical Ball Skate for Continuous Well String Injectors

Номер: US20160069143A1

A skate for an injector apparatus in which gripper dies on a pair of endless chains driven around respective closed loop paths on different sides a continuous wellbore string are forced against the continuous string by forcing a set of the skates toward theretoward from inside the closed loop paths of the endless chains. The inventive skate features a skate body carrying a plurality of spherical balls that are exposed on a side of the skate that faces toward the continuous string in order to allow riding of endless chains over exposed surfaces of the spherical balls as the endless chains are driven through the respective closed-loop paths, whereby the gripper dies ride over the spherical balls of said skates under the forcing of said skates toward the continuous string. 1. An apparatus for injecting or withdrawing a continuous string into and from a wellbore , the apparatus comprising:a plurality of endless drive conveyors positioned on different respective sides of a pathway in which a length of the continuous string is receivable, each endless drive conveyor comprising an endless chain and a plurality of gripper dies coupled to the endless chain, each gripping die having a gripping face that faces outwardly from the endless chain and is shaped to engage a periphery of the continuous string and a base surface that faces inwardly from the endless chain, the endless chains being arranged for driven movement around respective closed-loop paths on the different sides of the pathway such that the gripper dies of each endless chain are conveyed in a same direction along the pathway at the respective side thereof during a portion of the respective closed-loop path;a plurality of skates respectively residing on the different respective sides of the pathway with the closed-loop path of each endless chain closing around a respective one of the skates, each skate carrying a plurality of spherical balls that are exposed on a side of the skate that faces toward the pathway; ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069144A1
Автор: ROSS Robert Hamilton

It is an object of the invention to provide tubing-pulling system including: a hydraulic power unit including a power source and a hydraulic pump; a tubing-pulling unit; and a hydraulic hose adapted and configured to circulate hydraulic fluid pressurized by the hydraulic pump through the tubing-pulling unit. This object of the invention can have a variety of embodiments. 1. A tubing-pulling system comprising: a power source; and', 'a hydraulic pump;, 'a hydraulic power unit comprisinga tubing-pulling unit; anda hydraulic hose adapted and configured to circulate hydraulic fluid pressurized by the hydraulic pump through the tubing-pulling unit.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the power source is an internal combustion engine.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the power source is an electric motor.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the power source is mounted on a wheeled cart.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the tubing-pulling unit is removably couplable to the power source.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein upon removable coupling of the tubing-pulling unit to the power source claim 5 , a handle of the tubing-pulling unit is at least about 30″ from a base of a Wheel of the wheeled cart.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the hydraulic power unit further comprises:one or more foot pedals adapted and configured to control flow of hydraulic fluid to the tubing-pulling unit.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the tubing-pulling unit further comprises:at least one casing clamp adapted and configured press against a surface of a well casing.9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the at least one casing clamp is adapted to press against an interior surface of the well casing.10. The system of claim 9 , wherein the at least one casing clamp includes a light source.11. The system of claim 10 , wherein the light source is adapted and configured to illuminate a pitless adapter within the well casing.12. The system of claim 10 , wherein the light source is adapted and configured ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063514A1
Автор: Sorensen Bjorn Bro
Принадлежит: Quality Intervention Technology AS

Apparatus for gaining access to a well via a lateral access passage comprises a flexible conduit which is to be inserted into the well via the lateral access passage so as to deviate from a direction of lateral insertion to a generally downward direction down the well, the flexible conduit comprising a probe at a front end thereof, the probe comprising a spring at least 0.5 m in length. The apparatus comprises a probe container for accommodating the probe before it is inserted into the well and whilst the probe is exposed to well pressure in the probe container, the probe container accommodating the probe with at least part of the probe extending along a curved path. The apparatus may comprise a guide for insertion along the lateral access passage and for assisting deviation of the flexible conduit from a direction of lateral insertion, the guide being resiliently biased so that when a forward end portion thereof extends out of the lateral access passage into the well, the resilient bias causes the forward end portion to be directed in a direction different from the direction of lateral insertion. The apparatus may comprise a head portion configured to be inserted into the lateral access passage and to guide a flexible conduit into the well, and a cutting blade configured to cut the flexible conduit when it extends into the well. 1. Apparatus for gaining access to a well via a lateral access passage , comprising a flexible conduit which is to be inserted into the well via the lateral access passage so as to deviate from a direction of lateral insertion to a generally downward direction down the well , the flexible conduit comprising a probe at a front end thereof , the probe comprising a spring at least 0.5 m in length.2. Apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the probe spring extends continuously substantially the full length of the probe.3. Apparatus as claimed in or claim 1 , wherein the probe spring is a coil spring.4. Apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , or ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067301A1

Adjustable drill string housings are described for use in the directional drilling of wellbores, e.g. wellbores for hydrocarbon recovery wells. The adjustable drill string housings permit adjustment of a bend angle in the housings without removing the housings from a wellbore. In some exemplary embodiments, the bend angle can be adjusted by changing the internal stresses in a support member carried by the housings. In other embodiments, the bend angle may be adjusted by causing failure of sacrificial support members carried by the housings, and the failure may be caused by delivering chemicals through a chemical delivery system to the sacrificial support members. Methods of operating the adjustable drill string housings include multi-lateral drilling operations wherein the bend angle is adjusted when a casing window has been detected. 1. An adjustable drill string housing , comprising:an annular member having an upper end and a lower end, the annular member deformable about a bend axis between first and second operational configurations, wherein the annular member maintains an internal preload therein in the first operational configuration such that the upper and lower longitudinal axes are disposed at a first bend angle with respect to one another, and wherein at least a portion of the internal preload is relieved in the second operational configuration such that the upper and lower longitudinal axes are disposed at a second bend angle with respect to one another;at least one support member carried by the annular member, the at least one support member coupled to the annular member to maintain at least a portion of the internal preload in the annular member such that failure of the at least one support member induces the annular member to move to the second operational configuration; and an energy reservoir for the fluid disposed at the remote location;', 'a fluid conduit extending between the energy reservoir and the at least one support member; and', 'an ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Oilfield Optical Data Transmission Assembly Joint

Номер: US20150075786A1
Автор: Ullah Kalim

A joint for disposing between a rotatable drum and stationary surface equipment. The joint serves as a channel through which optical data from a well access line may be routed through the rotating drum and to the stationary equipment for processing. The optical data may be routed in a manner that allows for multi-fiber transmissions with one fiber dedicated to uphole transmissions and another dedicated to downhole transmissions. This is achieved through embodiments of the joint in spite of the separate optical channels involved sharing the same central axis to allow for data transfer between moving and stationary joint components. 1. An oilfield optical data transmission assembly joint , the joint comprising:a rotatable coupling for receiving an optical termination of a rotatable optical fiber, the fiber configured for carrying the data; anda stationary housing coupled to said rotatable coupling, said stationary housing having an optical termination of a stationary optical fiber for interfacing the rotatable optical termination to allow communication therebetween.2. The joint of further comprising a slip-ring interface between said rotatable coupling and said stationary housing claim 1 , said slip-ring interface accommodating an electrical termination from said rotatable coupling for electrical transmission through to said stationary housing.3. The joint of wherein the fibers are of a given diameter claim 1 , the terminations within about a few times the given diameter of one another at the interfacing.4. The joint of wherein the interfacing of the terminations for the rotatable and stationary optical fibers provides two way fiber optic communication thereover.5. The joint of wherein the interfacing is an interior interfacing claim 1 , the joint further comprising exterior interfacing with a termination of a second rotatable optical fiber of said rotatable coupling interfacing a termination of a second stationary optical fiber of said stationary housing claim 1 , ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Compensating well intervention method and apparatus

Номер: US20150075803A1
Принадлежит: Professional Rental Tools LLC

A motion compensating support assembly provides a support framework, attachable to well platform, floating vessel or other underlying structure, for supporting well intervention operations. The motion compensation function can be manually controlled, or set to passive compensation mode. Hydraulic clamp assemblies can connect the compensating well intervention support assembly to structural member(s) of an underlying support surface or substructure.

15-03-2018 дата публикации

System for Relieving Lateral Strain On a Rod String Within a Wellbore

Номер: US20180073305A1
Автор: Downing Randy

A system for relieving lateral stress on rods within a wellbore. A flexible sucker rod coupling has a top connecting member threadedly attached to a ball shank housing. The ball shank housing houses in a ball and socket fashion, a ball shank which extends out of the ball shank housing, defining a swivel gap to allow swivel movement. The ball shank is threadedly attached to a lower connection member. Both ends of the coupling threadedly attaches to an adjacent sucker rod within the wellbore. The ball shank is secured to the ball shank housing to ensure that the ball shank and the ball shank housing rotate together. 1. A system for relieving lateral strain on a rod string within a wellbore comprising: a top connecting member adjacent and attached to a ball shank housing, said ball shank housing receiving a portion of a ball shank therein; and', 'a bottom connecting member spaced from said ball shank housing, and connected to a lower portion of said ball shank; and, 'at least one flexible sucker rod connection assembly for attaching to adjacent sucker rods within said wellbore, said sucker rod connection assembly comprising an adjustment rod comprising external threads along a lower portion, said adjustment rod engaging with said polished rod and said pump jack', 'a load adjustment housing receiving said adjustment rod and being slidable along a longitudinal axis of said adjustment rod and attachable thereto at a desired location; and', 'an adjustment rod connector comprising internal threads on a top surface thereof, said internal threads threadedly engaging said external threads of said adjustment rod, and a lower portion comprising external threads., 'an adjustable adjustment rod assembly attached to a polished rod of a pump jack above said wellbore, said adjustment rod system comprising2. The system for relieving lateral strain on a rod string as set forth in wherein:said top connecting member further comprises internal threads along an internal top portion thereof ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071941A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes, a GE company, LLC

According to one embodiment of the present disclosure, a computer-implemented method for controlling a coiled tubing unit at a well site is provided. The method includes receiving, by a processing device, wellbore data. The method further includes generating, by the processing device, an automated coiled tubing control plan for the coiled tubing unit based at least in part on the wellbore data. The method further includes controlling, by the processing device, the coiled tubing unit using the automated coiled tubing control plan to cause coiled tubing to run into a wellbore at the well site to a target depth, wait a waiting period of time, and cause the coiled tubing to run out of the wellbore. 1. A computer-implemented method for controlling a coiled tubing unit at a well site , the method comprising:receiving, by a processing device, wellbore data;generating, by the processing device, an automated coiled tubing control plan for the coiled tubing unit based at least in part on the wellbore data; andcontrolling, by the processing device, the coiled tubing unit using the automated coiled tubing control plan to cause coiled tubing to run into a wellbore at the well site to a target depth, wait a waiting period of time, and cause the coiled tubing to run out of the wellbore.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein controlling the coiled tubing unit comprises controlling a hydraulic system that controls an injector head of the coiled tubing unit.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the automated coiled tubing control plan sets a coil rate claim 1 , a direction claim 1 , and a force for controlling the coiled tubing unit.4. The computer-implemented method of claim 3 , wherein the coil rate claim 3 , the direction claim 3 , and the force are set differently for different depths.5. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein causing the coiled tubing to run out of the wellbore at the well site comprises one of causing the coiled ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090494A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Systems and methods for instructing a device within a wellbore of a subterranean well includes a drill string with an actuator assembly extending into the subterranean. The actuator assembly has a first pipe member with a segment formed of a first material. A second pipe member is coaxially aligned with the first pipe member. A plurality of bearings are positioned between the first pipe member and the second pipe member. Each of the plurality of bearings includes a second material. The first material is reactive to the second material. Certain of the plurality of bearings are changeable bearings that include a dissolvable material. The actuator assembly is operable to instruct an operation of the device by generating an instruction signal by rotating the first pipe member relative to the second pipe member and interpreting a pattern of a reaction of the segment as a bearing rotates past the segment. 1. A system for instructing a device within a wellbore of a subterranean well , the system including:a drill string extending into the subterranean well from a terranean surface, the drill string having an actuator assembly; where{'claim-text': ['a first pipe member with a segment formed of a first material;', 'a second pipe member coaxially aligned with the first pipe member;', 'a plurality of bearings positioned between the first pipe member and the second pipe member, each of the plurality of bearings including a second material, where the first material is reactive to the second material, and where at least one of the plurality of bearings is a changeable bearing that includes a dissolvable material; and where'], '#text': 'the actuator assembly has:'}the actuator assembly is operable to instruct an operation of the device by generating an instruction signal by rotating the first pipe member relative to the second pipe member and interpreting a pattern of a reaction of the segment as the plurality of bearings rotate past the segment.2. The system of claim 1 , where ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071999A1

A drilling system for use in rotary coiled tubing drilling of deviated wellbores is provided. The drilling system includes a base, a derrick mounted on the base, a top drive system mounted on the derrick; and a coiled tubing module. The coiled tubing module is adapted to move a coiled tubing in and out of the deviated wellbore and coupled to the top drive system on the derrick. A capsule of the coiled tubing module, which holds a coil of coiled tubing, is carried and rotated by the top drive system to transfer torque to the coiled tubing moving in and out of the deviated wellbore to perform rotary coiled tubing drilling. 1. A system for drilling wellbores with rotated coiled tubing , comprising:a derrick having a derrick top and a derrick floor positioned over a wellbore;a coiled tubing capsule adapted to hold within a coil of a tubing;a top drive, disposed between the derrick top and the coiled tubing capsule, coupled to the coiled tubing capsule for rotating both the coiled tubing capsule and the tubing exiting from the coiled tubing capsule about a rotation axis of the top drive that is substantially aligned with the vertical axis of the wellbore and thereby transmitting torque to the tubing; andan injector device adapted to pull the tubing from the coiled tubing capsule and to drive the tubing into the wellbore as the tubing is rotated.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the injector device is coupled to a lower section of the coiled tubing capsule.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the injector device further includes a brake system to help adjust torque on the tubing as the tubing is rotated.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the injector device is rotated with the coiled tubing capsule.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein a drilling fluid from a drilling fluid pump adjacent the derrick is delivered to the tubing to run a downhole tool drilling the wellbore.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the tubing includes a cable extending inside the tubing between a ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078403A1
Автор: RICHARDSON Allan S.

A drill string management apparatus is disclosed. The apparatus may comprise a reel that stores a length of drill string and supplies the drill string to a drilling system. The drill string may be wrapped around a circumference of a reel in a coil. The radius of the coil may be large enough that the drill string is not deformed inelastically by wrapping it around the reel. The apparatus may be designed to allow the drill string to rotate about its longitudinal axis, even as the drill string is wrapped in a coil around the reel. 1. A method for deploying a drill string into a borehole , the method comprising:providing a drill string arranged to lie along a curving path outside of and adjacent to a borehole, extending a tail end portion of the drill string into the borehole, each point of the curving path having a radius of curvature greater than a threshold radius such that the drill string is elastically bent to follow the curving path; androtating the drill string about a longitudinal axis of the drill string while the drill string lies along the curving path.2. A method according to claim 1 , comprising rotating the drill string about the longitudinal axis while tripping the drill string into or out of the borehole.3. A method according to comprising providing a drill bit coupled to the tail end of the drill string claim 1 , and rotating the drill string about the longitudinal axis while allowing the drill bit to extend into the borehole.4. A method according to comprising flowing a drilling fluid through the drill string.5. A method according to wherein flowing the drilling fluid through the drill string is performed while rotating the drill string about the longitudinal axis.6. A method according to wherein flowing the drilling fluid through the drill string is performed while tripping the drill string into or out of the borehole.7. A method according to comprising monitoring a pressure of the drilling fluid in real time at a location proximate the tail end of ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080292A1
Автор: Vaughan Phillip D.

A stripper adapter mounted on a coiled tubing injector head unit includes a swivel ring secured between an upper thrust washer and a lower thrust washer, wherein the swivel ring is rotatable 360 degrees about a longitudinal axis. 1. A stripper adapter mounted on a coiled tubing injector head unit , the adapter comprising:a swivel ring secured between an upper thrust washer and a lower thrust washer, wherein the swivel ring is rotatable 360 degrees about a longitudinal axis.2. The stripper adapter of claim 1 , further comprising a support mount attached to the coiled tubing injector head unit.3. The stripper adapter of claim 2 , further comprising a lower plate configured to secure the swivel ring and upper and lower thrust washer assembly to the support mount attached to the coiled tubing injector head unit.4. The stripper adapter of claim 1 , wherein the swivel ring comprises a bolt pattern corresponding to a bolt pattern of a blowout preventer or wellhead. This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e) to U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/396,453 filed on Sep. 19, 2016, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.Embodiments disclosed herein relate to coiled tubing units. More particularly, embodiments disclosed herein relate to an improved stripper adapter for coiled tubing injector head units.In the oil and gas industries, coiled tubing refers to a very long metal pipe supplied spooled on a large reel. It is used for interventions in oil and gas wells and sometimes as production tubing in depleted gas wells. A relatively modern drilling technique involves using coiled tubing instead of conventional drill pipe.illustrates generally a coiled tubing setup. The coiled tubing is fed from a reel into the injector which effectively powers the tubing into the wellhead. The end of the coiled tubing string can be outfitted with numerous downhole tools including drill bits and other related drilling equipment. The “gooseneck” is the angled piece ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080293A1
Автор: Vaughan Phillip D.

A coiled tubing injector head unit includes a first bearing carrier and a second bearing carrier attached to a frame of the injector head unit that support an input drive shaft extending between the first and second bearing carriers, a sprocket shaft coupled to the input drive shaft that supports a pair of continuous parallel drive chains that revolve in a common plane and have opposed, elongated parallel runs spaced apart to form a path for engaging tubing passing there through, and a hydraulic motor attached to the frame opposite the first bearing carrier, and a gearbox attached to the frame opposite the second bearing carrier, wherein the input drive shaft is operatively connected to and extends between, but is not supported by, the hydraulic motor and the gearbox. 1. A coiled tubing injector head unit comprising:a first bearing carrier and a second bearing carrier attached to a frame of the injector head unit that support an input drive shaft extending between the first and second bearing carriers;a sprocket shaft coupled to the input drive shaft that supports a pair of continuous parallel drive chains that revolve in a common plane and have opposed, elongated parallel runs spaced apart to form a path for engaging tubing passing there through;a hydraulic motor attached to the frame opposite the first bearing carrier, and a gearbox attached to the frame opposite the second bearing carrier, wherein the input drive shaft is operatively connected to and extends between, but is not supported by, the hydraulic motor and the gearbox.2. The injector head unit of claim 1 , further comprising a stub shaft coupling the shaft and the gearbox.3. The injector head unit of claim 1 , wherein the first and second bearing carrier units comprise spherical roller bearings disposed within.4. The injector head unit of claim 1 , wherein the first and second bearing carrier units are conical.5. The injector head unit of claim 1 , wherein the first and second bearing carriers support ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Conduit fatigue management systems and methods

Номер: US20180080850A1
Принадлежит: OneSubsea IP UK Ltd

A technique facilitates monitoring and managing fatigue related a flexible conduit deployed from a surface vessel. Movements of the surface vessel may be measured to obtain vessel movement/position data. Based on this data, a flexible conduit bend profile may be determined via a computer-based data processing system. The flexible conduit bend profile may then be used to provide a flexible conduit fatigue profile for assessment of the flexible conduit in light of the environmental conditions. In some embodiments, the fatigue profile and assessment of the flexible conduit may be based on both functional loading and environmental loading.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079618A1
Автор: MAZARAC Kevin

A coiled tubing unit includes a coiled tubing assembly and a slickline assembly sharing an axis of rotation with the coiled tubing assembly. A shaft of the coiled tubing assembly is received by bearings on a slickline drum of the slickline assembly and extends through an interior of the slickline drum. A swivel joint connection is rotatably affixed on an end of the shaft as it exits the interior of the slickline drum, thus allowing for introduction of fluid or cabling into the shaft and into the coiled tubing. The coiled tubing drum and slickline drum can rotate independently and are powered independently of each other. The coiled tubing and slickline assemblies are preferably affixed to a removable module, the removable module being positioned on a skid having a power unit and appropriate controls. 1. An apparatus comprising:a skid having a power unit positioned thereon, said power unit having an engine, a first hydraulic pump and a second hydraulic pump; anda module removably positioned on said skid, said module having a primary reel assembly with a first motor and a secondary reel assembly with a second motor, said primary reel assembly and said secondary reel assembly having a common axis of rotation and being independently rotatable, said first motor being connected to said first hydraulic pump via a first hydraulic hose, said second motor being connected to said second hydraulic pump via a second hydraulic hose.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , said skid having controls positioned thereon adapted to operate said power unit claim 1 , said primary reel assembly and said secondary reel assembly.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , said controls being located in a control cab positioned on said skid.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , said primary reel assembly having a shaft and a drum claim 1 , said secondary reel assembly having a drum with at least one bearing unit claim 1 , said shaft of said primary reel assembly being received by said at least one bearing unit of said ...
