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20-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2295705C2

FIELD: navigation. SUBSTANCE: gyroscopic drive comprises a mechanism that is based on the use of the momentum conservation law and is mounted on the platform. The mechanism transmits torque to the platform EFFECT: expanded functional capabilities. 2 cl, 10 dwg ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 2 295 705 (13) C2 (51) ÌÏÊ G01C 19/04 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2004114847/28, 11.10.2002 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÃÅÐÐÅÐÎ ÏÀÄÐÎÍ Õóàí Õîñå (ES) (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 11.10.2002 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): ÈÍÕÅÍÜÅÐÈß, ÄÈÑÅÍÜÎ È ÀÍÀËÈÑÈÑ, Ñ.Ë. (ES) R U (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 17.10.2001 ES P-200102290 (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 27.03.2005 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 20.03.2007 Áþë. ¹ 8 2 2 9 5 7 0 5 (56) Ñïèñîê äîêóìåíòîâ, öèòèðîâàííûõ â îò÷åòå î ïîèñêå: ÍÅÓÑÛÏÈÍ À.Ê. Ãèðîñêîïè÷åñêèå ïðèâîäû. - Ì.: Ìàøèíîñòðîåíèå, 1987, ñ.133134. GB 2225424 À, 30.05.1990. US 3741500 À, 26.06.1973. DE 4017474 À, 05.12.1991. DE 4243273 À, 28.04.1994. SU 1810756 À1, 23.04.1993. (86) Çà âêà PCT: ES 02/00482 (11.10.2002) C 2 C 2 (85) Äàòà ïåðåâîäà çà âêè PCT íà íàöèîíàëüíóþ ôàçó: 17.05.2004 R U 2 2 9 5 7 0 5 (87) Ïóáëèêàöè PCT: WO 03/042632 (22.05.2003) Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 129010, Ìîñêâà, óë. Á.Ñïàññêà , 25, ñòð.3, ÎÎÎ "Þðèäè÷åñêà ôèðìà Ãîðîäèññêèé è Ïàðòíåðû", ïàò.ïîâ. Ñ.À.Äîðîôååâó, ðåã.¹ 146 (54) ÃÈÐÎÑÊÎÏÈ×ÅÑÊÈÉ ÏÐÈÂÎÄ (57) Ðåôåðàò: Èçîáðåòåíèå îòíîñèòñ ê àâèàöèè, ìîðñêèì ñðåäñòâàì è íàçåìíûì òðàíñïîðòíûì ñðåäñòâàì ñ äâèãàòåëåì, à èìåííî ê óñòðîéñòâàì, îáåñïå÷èâàþùèì âîçìîæíîñòü îðèåíòàöèè ïëàòôîðìû. Îñíîâîé ãèðîñêîïè÷åñêîãî ïðèâîäà âë åòñ ìåõàíèçì ñ èñïîëüçîâàíèåì ñîõðàíåíè ìîìåíòà êîëè÷åñòâà äâèæåíè , ïðè ýòîì îí ïåðåäàåò âðàùàþùèé ìîìåíò (êîëè÷åñòâî äâèæåíè ) ïëàòôîðìå, íà êîòîðîé îí óñòàíîâëåí. Òåõíè÷åñêèì ðåçóëüòàòîì âë åòñ âîçìîæíîñòü îðèåíòèðîâàòü ïëàòôîðìó ïðè êðåíå, óãëîâûõ êîëåáàíè õ èëè ðûñêàíèè äë îáåñïå÷åíè íóæíîãî ïðîñòðàíñòâåííîãî ïîëîæåíè áåç ...

20-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2448013C2

Изобретение относится к механическим движителям, предназначенным для преобразования энергии вращательного движения в энергию поступательного движения. Тяговая вибромашина содержит приводной двигатель на основании, упругую и демпфирующую связи между основанием и рамой машины. На основании закреплены четыре вибровозбудителя, каждый из которых связан конической зубчатой передачей с приводным двигателем. Корпус вибровозбудителя содержит установленный на шарнирных опорах входной вал, в котором перпендикулярно его оси на двух шарнирах размещена ось сателлитов. На концах оси сателлитов жестко закреплены две неуравновешенные массы, центр тяжести которых находится на определенном расстоянии от оси сателлитов и оси входного вала. На оси сателлитов симметрично от входного вала размещены два конических зубчатых сателлита, находящихся в зацеплении с конической шестерней, установленной неподвижно на корпусе вибровозбудителя. Число зубьев конической шестерни равно числу зубьев конических зубчатых сателлитов ...

20-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU164025U1

Маховик с изменяемой геометрией, оснащенный зубчатым механизмом, содержащий вал маховика, на котором жестко закреплен трехлучевой кронштейн и установлена с помощью подшипников центральная шестерня с возможностью поворота вокруг вала маховика, на концах трехлучевого кронштейна с возможностью поворота закреплены соосно маховичные секторы и зубчатые секторы, жестко соединенные друг с другом планками, причем зубчатые секторы находятся в зацеплении с центральной шестерней, в полости, образованной валом маховика и центральной шестерней, расположен накопитель потенциальной энергии, выполненный в виде пружины кручения, навитой вокруг вала маховика, концы которой соединены с центральной шестерней и с валом маховика, отличающийся тем, что для передачи вращения с коленчатого вала двигателя на вал маховика содержит коническую зубчатую передачу, образованную конической шестерней маховика и конической шестерней промежуточного вала, а также электромагнитную фрикционную муфту, при этом вал маховика установлен ...

20-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2126505C1
Автор: Кадеев Ю.И.
Принадлежит: Кадеев Юрий Иванович

Способ поддержания вращения маховика и устройство для его осуществления предназначены для использования в инерционных силовых установках с маховиками для привода транспортных средств. Способ реализуется путем периодического подвода дополнительной кинетической энергии при перемещении подвижных масс маховика от периферии к центру. Причем энергию подводят от двигателя внутреннего сгорания, поршни которого являются подвижными массами маховика. Устройство включает грузы - инерционные массы, выполненные в виде поршней радиально установленных цилиндров свободнопоршневого двигателя. Последний выполнен в виде двигателя внутреннего сгорания с периферийно расположенными камерами сгорания. Изобретение позволяет упростить конструкцию и повысить надежность в работе. 2 с.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

27-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2114497C1

Способ усиления мощности на валу электродвигателя заключается в том, что раскручивают маховик-эксцентрик, жестко закрепленный на свободном валу, механически связанном с валом электродвигателя, затем коммутацию электропитания электродвигателя осуществляют дискретно на определенных углах положения маховика-эксцентрика. Ротор электродвигателя может быть выполнен в виде маховика-эксцентрика. Технический результат заключается в том, что на валу получают усиление мощности по отношению к потребляемой. 1 з.п. ф-лы.

20-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2150983C1

Средство для передвижения в среде содержит плавучее основание, установленные на основании подвижные элементы и механизм перемещения элементов относительно основания, включающий стойку, большую шестерню, соединенную с малой шестерней, сидящей на оси малого электродвигателя, и третьей шестерней, и контактную систему для подачи питания к электродвигателям. Стойка установлена на основании со смещением от центра, на стойке закреплена пластина, а большой двигатель установлен в центре этой пластины, при этом большая шестерня расположена на оси большого электродвигателя, а третья шестерня установлена в подшипнике на стойке и имеет маховик, причем малый двигатель установлен на пластине и несет стержень с грузами, а контактная система расположена в центре большой шестерни. Предложенное средство предназначено для изучения нетрадиционного движения в условиях плавучести. 3 ил.

20-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2314854C1

Изобретение относится к плавающим механическим игрушкам и может быть использовано в учебно-познавательном процессе. Средство для передвижения в среде содержит плавучее основание, большой электродвигатель, неподвижно и со смещением от центра закрепленный на основании, малый электродвигатель и контактную систему для подачи питания, при этом средство имеет дополнительные малые электродвигатели. Все малые электродвигатели расположены вокруг большого электродвигателя, причем все электродвигатели установлены на плавучем основании неподвижно посредством установочных площадок, связанных с их статорами и с возможностью перестановки по поверхности плавучего основания. Роторы малых электродвигателей имеют возможность вращения против часовой стрелки, а ротор большого электродвигателя имеет возможность вращения по часовой стрелке. Средство для передвижения в среде позволяет изучать нетрадиционное движение в условиях плавучести. 2 ил.

10-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003123507A

... 1. Маховичный накопитель, содержащий маховик и привод с опорами, размещенные в разделенных между собой вакуумированных камерах, заполненных разреженным газом с различным уровнем вакуума в них, причем в камере с низким уровнем вакуума помещен привод с опорами, а в камере с повышенным уровнем вакуума помещен маховик, отличающийся тем, что камера привода с опорами отделена от камеры маховика по меньшей мере одним уплотнением, выполненным герметичным, по крайней мере, в режиме рабочих частот вращения маховика, причем давление газа в камерах приводов и опор выше максимального давления выпуска турбомолекулярных насосов и относится к низкому вакууму с критерием Кнудсена ниже 0,01, а давление в камере маховика относится к вакууму с критерием Кнудсена выше 0,01. 2. Маховичный накопитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что уплотнения между камерами выполнены гидродинамическими. 3. Маховичный накопитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что уплотнения между камерами выполнены статического типа. 4. Маховичный накопитель ...

10-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU94023161A1
Автор: Чинарев И.П.

Предлагаемым гравитациомный двигатель предназначен для работы в энергетике. Работает двигатель за счет сил гравитации. Двигатель включает в себя колесо с закрепленными на нем по периметру с равномерным шагом камерами с изменяющимися объемами. Колесо посажено на вал, установленный горизонтально в станине двигателя. Каждая камера снабжена грузом, обеспечивающим изменение их объема. В исходном состоянии камеры заполняются жидкостью на половину своего объема. Внутренние полости диаметрально расположенных камер соединены между собой трубами для объмена жидкостью. Грузы работают согласованно так, что объем камер и, следовательно, вес на однон стороне колеса от вертикальной оси симметрии всегда меньше, а на другой его стороне всегда больше. Камеры с большим объемом и весом стремятся опустится вниз и будут перетягивать собою камеры с меньшим объемом и весом, которые из-за этого поднимаются вверх, и колесо медленно поворачивается. При поворачивании колеса камеры поочередно перемещатся на противоположенную ...

20-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004129958A

... 1. Привод механизмов или машин, содержащий вал привода, барабан, размещенные в барабане две параллельно расположенных простых планетарных передачи, каждая из которых состоит из солнечной шестерни, присоединенной к валу привода, промежуточной шестерни и коронной шестерни, при этом коронная шестерня первой планетарной передачи через обод присоединена к внутренней поверхности барабана, а коронная шестерня второй планетарной передачи присоединена к неподвижной раме, водило, присоединенное к промежуточным шестерням, взаимодействующее с валом и выполненное с возможностью вращения вокруг него, отличающийся тем, что в привод дополнительно введен источник, создающий силовое воздействие на вал привода, при этом источник выполнен в виде предварительно сжатой (растянутой) пружины, один конец которой присоединен к барабану, а другой - к неподвижному объекту, или в виде груза, присоединенного посредством троса или цепи к барабану, причем диаметры делительных окружностей шестерен второй планетарной передачи ...

20-09-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU94002212A1

Устройство и способ для преобразования энергии относится к области общего машиностроения и теоретической механики, в частности к гравитационным двигателям. Целью изобретения является получение более дешевой энергии. Устройство содержит лопасти и генератор с валом. Новым в устройстве является то, что оно снабжено двумя звездочками с общей цепью, на внешней стороне которой эвольвентно - шарнирно закреплены лопасти, генератор скреплен валом с одной из звездочек.

27-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2468488C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, электромеханики и систем автоматического управления и может найти применение при построении замкнутых аппаратов, движение которых осуществляется без расходования реактивных масс, выбрасываемых наружу, как в ракетах, или за счет фактора трения, как это характерно для автомобилей, кораблей, вертолетов и т.д. Предложенное устройство преобразования энергии вращательного движения в поступательное содержит два электрических двигателя, роторы и статоры которых свободно вращаются соответственно на двух осях, статоры двух электрических двигателей осесимметрично жестко связаны соответственно с парой дисков с постоянным механическим зацеплением между ними. Роторы двигателей механически связаны с дисками-эксцентриками с размещенными на них диаметрально противоположно центру сосредоточения масс эксцентриков электромагнитных тормозных приводов, включаемых в моменты времени, когда векторы количества движения обоих эксцентриков коллинеарны и совпадают с вектором ...

27-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018137803A

10-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU98107389A
Автор: Ломанов А.А.

... 1. Космический накопитель энергии, маховики которого набирают энергию при вращении электродвигателем и после отключения которого способны ее отдавать, отличающийся тем, что независимые маховики заключены в общий жесткий корпус, к нему с двух сторон жестко прикреплены кожухи электро и управления агрегатов, причем через них, свободно сквозь корпус и маховики в подшипниках и агрегаты, пропущена ось, способная перемещаться вдоль и вращаться, в середине ее жестко прикреплен двухконусный элемент муфты сцепления, соосно с ним, оставив зазоры, на маховиках жестко прикреплены конусные детали сцепления, которые при продольном движении оси поочередно приходят в сцепление с элементом муфты, чем обеспечена передача усилий от электроагрегата - накопление энергии в маховиках и при отсутствии питания агрегата, возможна выдача напрямую через управление, или через электроагрегат, как генератор. 2. Космический накопитель энергии по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в круговом трубчатом элементе торца корпуса, по ...

10-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU94023161A
Автор: Чинарев И.П.

Предлагаемым гравитациомный двигатель предназначен для работы в энергетике. Работает двигатель за счет сил гравитации. Двигатель включает в себя колесо с закрепленными на нем по периметру с равномерным шагом камерами с изменяющимися объемами. Колесо посажено на вал, установленный горизонтально в станине двигателя. Каждая камера снабжена грузом, обеспечивающим изменение их объема. В исходном состоянии камеры заполняются жидкостью на половину своего объема. Внутренние полости диаметрально расположенных камер соединены между собой трубами для объмена жидкостью. Грузы работают согласованно так, что объем камер и, следовательно, вес на однон стороне колеса от вертикальной оси симметрии всегда меньше, а на другой его стороне всегда больше. Камеры с большим объемом и весом стремятся опустится вниз и будут перетягивать собою камеры с меньшим объемом и весом, которые из-за этого поднимаются вверх, и колесо медленно поворачивается. При поворачивании колеса камеры поочередно перемещатся на противоположенную ...

10-02-2004 дата публикации

Электро-инерционное устройство к электромобилю

Номер: RU2002120551A

Электро-инерционное устройство, преимущественно для электромобилей, содержащее приводной электродвигатель, передачу и маховик, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено корпусом, выполненном в виде трубы с вырезом, маховик размещен концентрично внутри корпуса, а его вал размещен в подшипниковых опорах, установленных в торцах трубы, и имеет два конца, выступающих за опоры, причем на одном из концов размещен шкив, а на другом - зубчатое колесо муфты сцепления, выполненное с возможностью привода от шестерни стартера, приводной электродвигатель размещен на месте выреза корпуса, ось его вала параллельна оси вала маховика, а сам вал двигателя выступает за пределы корпуса и снабжен шкивом, при этом шкивы валов маховика и электродвигателя соединены между собой ременной передачей.

20-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93048971A
Автор: Чинарев И.П.

Предлагаемый поплавковый двигатель предназначен для работы в малой энергетике. Работает двигатель за счет сил тяжести и гидростатики. Двигатель включает в себя колесо с закрепленными на нем по периметру с равномерным шагом поплавками с изменяющимися объемами. Колесо посажено на ось, установленную горизонтально на подставки и все устройство закреплено под водой. Каждый из поплавков снабжен грузом, который обеспечивает поплавкам изменение их объема. Вас поплавка с грузом равен или как можно ближе приведен к весу вытесненной им жидкости. Внутренние полости поплавков, расположенных на противоположных сторонах колеса, соединены между собой газообменными трубами, перераспределяющими надлежащим образом газ в полостях упомянутых поплавков. Газообменная труба и грузы в этих поплавках работают согласовано, причем таким образом, что объем поплавков на одной стороне колеса всегда уменьшается, а на другой его стороне всегда увеличивается. Поплавки с уменьшающимся объектом стремятся погрузиться в воду ...

10-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007107220A

... 1. Маховик переменного отбора мощности, содержащий инерционный элемент вращения с реализованной на нем шестерней, зубчатым венцом, шкивом или роликом и находящуюся с ним в зубчатом или фрикционном зацеплении ведущую шестерню, шкив или ролик с входным валом, отличающийся тем, что шестерни, шкивы или ролики выполнены с переменными делительными радиусами. 2. Маховик по п.1, дополненный шестерней, зубчатым венцом, шкивом или роликом и находящейся с ней в зубчатом или фрикционном зацеплении ведомой шестерней, шкивом или роликом с выходным валом с переменными относительно их оси вращения делительными радиусами.

10-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013135967A

Способ преобразования величины электрической энергии, предусматривающий использование эффекта рекуперации кинетической энергии инерционного аккумулятора для привода во вращение вала синхронного электрогенератора, отличающийся тем, что накопление энергии инерционным аккумулятором производят путем его разгона до номинальной частоты вращения двумя трехфазными асинхронными электродвигателями, которые в рабочем режиме подключены к питающей трехфазной электрической сети и постоянно подкручивают маховик инерционного аккумулятора, поддерживая его обороты в заданном режиме, вращающий момент с вала маховика ременной передачей передается на вал синхронного генератора с самовозбуждением.

07-06-1984 дата публикации

Номер: DE0008018579U1
Принадлежит: J.M. VOITH GMBH, 7920 HEIDENHEIM, DE

10-05-2007 дата публикации

Rollendes mehrachsiges Spielzeug

Номер: DE602004005548D1
Принадлежит: TOMY CO LTD, TOMY CO. LTD.

27-08-2009 дата публикации

Energy converting device e.g. power plant, for converting inertial energy into local mechanical energy, has rotary mass that is movable along path, and drive device coupled with mass, where rotation of drive device enables movement of path

Номер: DE102008011487A1

The device (3) has a rotary mass for receiving local mechanical energy, where the rotary mass is formed as a double cylinder. A transfer device measures the local mechanical energy. The rotary mass is movable along a path (5) i.e. ring path. A drive device is coupled with the rotary mass, where rotation of the drive device enables movement of the path. The transfer device comprises a hub coupled with the rotary mass. The drive device comprises a drive component i.e. linear motor, that rotates the rotary mass at a constant angular speed.

12-06-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009109073D0

06-12-1995 дата публикации

Transmitting power to flywheels

Номер: GB0002289935A

Momentum power-storing apparatus for a vehicle comprises a system for transmitting power to at least one flywheel 12, 16, the system including a crown-wheel 4 vertically positioned within a generally rectangular housing 1. Up-stepping gearing is provided by the meshing of the crown-wheel gear with a pinion 8 or two pinions 8, 13 set 180 DEG apart each of which is carried on a shaft 9, 14 passing through a bearing 10, 17 in the housing to connect with a flywheel 12, 16. One-way clutches 5 incorporating sprockets 6 or pulleys positioned individually each side of the crown wheel 4 on the main transverse transmission shaft 3. The chains 7 shown are for connection to any preferred power unit. ...

12-12-2007 дата публикации

Rotating Mass Machine

Номер: GB0002438901A

Using naturally occurring energies to promote efficiency, a machine is provided in which a tilting action associated with a rotating mass upon templates 12 cut into guides 11a, 11b is presented with a constant and efficient downward gradient to stimulate rotation. A pivoted beam 20 encloses a rotating mass component comprising a hub 10a,10b, magnet material 15 and flywheel 16 to which magnets and/or field coils may be mounted at 17. The hub component is magnetically attached to shaped templates cut into the guides and rotates around the templates as the beam is rocked back and forth about pivot 21 with a specified timing. The templates (guides) are set in the pivoted beam and preferably a lever 22 is employed by the prime mover to rock the beam 20. This in turn perpetuates the rotation of the magnetically attached hub and flywheel component. The magnets and/or field coils incorporated in the flywheel comprises an electricity generating arrangement.

14-07-2004 дата публикации

Propulsion method using a spinning disc

Номер: GB0002397127A

An assembly, comprising a disc 1 fixed to a cylinder 2, of total mass M spins about an axis a not passing through its centre of mass l . A tube 8, extending from the case of motor 9 to cover part of axle 7, is fixed to a rod 10. This rotates about an axis q intersecting with the centre of mass C of the apparatus connected to tube 8, including the spinning assembly. When the cylinder 2 intersects with the x,z-plane, the assembly 1,2 undergoes angular acceleration and a torque t y acts on rod 10, rotating it about axis b and inducing a to precess about axis q . At any instant in time the centre of mass d has a linear momentum of P the reaction to which acts externally. When a lies along the x-axis, before torque t y has acted to rotate axis q and given that l x is constant, P = Mvy, where vy = l x w , and w is the perpendicular distance between a and d . A mechanism then acts enabling: i) the axis a to precess about q (e.g until a aligns with the y-axis), and ii) the angular ...

22-01-2020 дата публикации

A flywheel arrangement

Номер: GB0002575699A
Автор: GARY MURPHY, Gary Murphy

A variable mass flywheel arrangement including a shaft 13 with a flywheel (3, Figure 1) fixedly connected thereto is provided. The flywheel 3 comprises a cavity 17 with at least one inlet 26 thereto. The inlet 26 into the cavity 27 is in fluid communication with a source of particulate matter and the particulate matter 10 is able to pass into the cavity 17 of the flywheel via the inlet 26. The flywheel arrangement may be placed in a destructive containment vessel (1, Figure 1) which comprises an outer wall from which extend inwardly a plurality of destructive nodes (2, Figure 1).

29-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008827295D0

23-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001522180A

06-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001534393A

... 1534393 Flywheels GARRETT CORP 28 Nov 1975 [29 Nov 1974] 49035/75 Heading F2T A flywheel comprises a hub 16 with a plurality of spokes 18, and a rim 14 positioned on the spokes 18 and having a non-circular configuration at rest but a substantially circular configuration when the flywheel is spinning at a pre-selected speed, the rim 14 comprising a plurality of concentric tubular members 24. There may be two, three or four spokes 18, Figs. 7, 6 and 5 respectively (not shown). The rim 14 may be long axially, either in a single axial length, Figs. 8 and 10 (not shown), partially divided axially, Fig. 12 (not shown), or completely separate axially, Fig. 11 (not shown). The spoker may be repeated axially, either integrally, Fig. 11 (not shown), as a fabrication, Fig. 12 (not shown), or mechanical assembly, Fig. 10 (not shown). The rim sections 96 may be concentric but spaced by means of stepped spokes, either onepiece 92b or otherwise 92a, Fig. 13 (not shown). An embodiment uses a rim made of ...

30-04-2009 дата публикации

Method of generating rotation about an output axisand motor for generating rotation about an output axis

Номер: AP0200904825D0

31-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP2015008829A0

30-04-2009 дата публикации

Method of generating rotation about an output axisand motor for generating rotation about an output axis

Номер: AP2009004825A0

31-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508829A0

31-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508829D0

30-04-2009 дата публикации

Method of generating rotation about an output axisand motor for generating rotation about an output axis

Номер: AP0200904825A0

15-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: ATA800396A

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000357951T

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000466765T

15-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000347189T

15-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000032128T

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000328222T

18-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037593926T

19-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037354962T

03-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035589719T

13-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036261046T

07-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036210041T

30-01-2003 дата публикации

Gyroscopic thrust engine

Номер: AU0005590001A

05-08-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007918282A

29-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002763454A1

Disclosed is a high energy density flywheel having a central rotating axle for storing kinetic energy, the high energy density flywheel comprising a first member to be operatively mounted around the central rotating axle, the first member comprising a first material having a given high mass density enabling a given high kinetic energy storage capacity. The high energy density flywheel comprises a second member operatively attached to the first member, the second member surrounding an outside portion of the first member subject to radial forces generated by a rotation of the flywheel. The second member comprises a second material having a given high yield strength enabling a given high maximum rotational speed. The second member enables an operation of the high energy density flywheel at a given high flywheel rotational speed greater than the rotational speed that would be allowed by the maximal yield strength of the first material, to thereby provide the flywheel with a given high kinetic ...

30-06-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1103959A

The invention relates to an inertial method and device enabling the centering of a circular rim on its hub to be ensured and giving a practical solution to the problem of the static and dynamic balancing of rotors. The device comprises a rim, a hub, at least one linking arm with two branches passing around the hub. Masses localized at the ends of the arms ensure, in the course of rotation, the holding fast, by pressure, of the arm to the rim, on the one hand, and by traction on the branches on the other hand, of the arm to the hub, Anisotropic masses distributed between the arms keep the circularity of the rim constant. Electro-mechanical means ensure the static and dynamic balancing of the arm-rim-hub-assembly. The invention may be used for the rotors of kinetic energy storage system.

19-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002344725A1

A method of generating power at remote oil pumping installations. A firsts step involves selecting a remote oil pumping installation that utilizes a prime mover with a rotating flywheel. A second step involves providing an electric generator having an input shaft. A third step involves coupling the input shaft of the electric generator with the flywheel, such that rotation of the flywheel rotates the input shaft of the electric generator, thereby generating electricity.

16-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001031174A1

24-06-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000969780A1

22-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3119557A1

A flywheel arrangement comprising a shaft with a flywheel fixedly connected thereto. The flywheel comprises at least one cavity and that cavity is at least partially filled with particulate matter.

18-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3027650C

An energy storage system for renewable energy applications includes a renewable energy source, a bidirectional inverter connected an AC bus and a DC bus, an energy storage unit connected to the bidirectional DC/DC converter, and a control system comprising one or more controllers coupled to the bidirectional inverter and the bidirectional DC/DC converter. The bidirectional inverter is connected to the renewable energy source and a bidirectional DC/DC converter through the DC bus. The control system is configured to facilitate the operation of the bidirectional DC/DC converter and the bidirectional inverter. The energy storage system both stores energy from the renewable energy source and a utility grid, and also supplies power to the utility grid. The energy storage system is utilized in a method for supporting frequency regulation of a utility grid and a method for controlling an output power ramp rate for a renewable energy storage system.

26-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002701817A1

The invention relates to a self-contained electrical generation system (EGS). The power supply system incorporates a flywheel (with protrusions) being driven by high speed fluid. The flywheel rotor and a DC generator or AC alternator, are connected on a common shaft. The speed of the fluid is maintained by a pump which is operated by a variable speed motor driven by a portion of the electrical current from the DC generator or AC alternator. Excess electrical energy is used for other purposes.

24-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002193894A1

In a weight motor, it is known that friction can be among the most difficult elements to successfully accommodate. In this invention, three pinion gears are assembled to engage one another in-train and are further engaged by a cog wheel which surrounds them all, such that the sum of the pitch diameters of the three pinion gears equals the pitch diameter of the internally geared cog wheel. While the axles of the central pinion gear and one of the adjacent pinion wheels are seated in fixed bearings or journal boxes, the axle of the third pinion is un-anchored and unimpeded from rising or falling. However, because it must influence the activity of the other three gears (including the cog wheel) which together hold it in its place, its ability to achieve rest/stasis at the "bottom" of the system can never be accomplished. Its own weight, or similar pressure against it, must cause it perpetually to seek a final rest point, yet never to reach it. A further pinion gear assembly may be constructed ...

15-07-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000637190A5

28-11-1997 дата публикации

Kinetic energy storage device using flywheel weights

Номер: CH0000688582A5

The invention relates to a flywheel with four moving mass parts (1). Said mass parts move under the effect of the centrifugal force between a position at a minimum distance and a position at a maximum distance from the rotational axis (2), so that the mass inertia of the centrifugal mass also varies between a minimum and maximum value. In the case of known centrifugal masses, such as the axially displaceable revolving disk flywheel (5), the mass inertia is constant and determines the size of the necessary driving torque. The inventive flywheel only has to overcome a reduced mass inertia during starting or increasing speed which has previously decreased, so that a reduced driving torque is required. This results in a greater storage capacity at a given driving torque. The method and the flywheel can be applied especially to electric drives, especially with a battery or solar generator.

28-09-2018 дата публикации

Power generation unit with flywheel mass.

Номер: CH0000713599A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Energieerzeugungseinheit mit wenigstens einer Schwungmasse (5) zur Erzeugung von kinetischer Energie, einem Getriebe (6) zur Übertragung der kinetischen Energie, und einem elektromagnetischen Generator (7) zur Transformation der kinetischen Energie in elektrische Energie. Weiter ist wenigstens ein Magnetelement (10) derart neben der Schwungmasse vorgesehen, dass eine Magnetkraft beschleunigend auf die Schwungmasse (5) einwirkt.

29-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: EA200900906A1

Изобретение относится к области двигателестроения, в частности к инерционным двигательным системам с маховиками. Задачей настоящего изобретения является создание работоспособных способа и устройств для его реализации. Поставленная задача решена следующим образом. В способе получения механической тяги в механической гироскопической системе, содержащей хотя бы один гироскоп, заключающемся в придании гироскопу принудительного прецессионного вращения вокруг оси прецессии, оси собственного вращения гироскопа придают направление, непараллельное и неперпендикулярное оси прецессии, а механическую тягу вдоль оси прецессии получают за счет развиваемых в системе центробежной силы и гироскопического момента ...

30-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201100766A1

31-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000028078B1

Изобретение относится к способу электропитания рельсового электромагнитного ускорителя, отличающемуся тем, что электрический ток в цепи рельсового электромагнитного ускорителя (4, 5, 6, 7) инициируется по меньшей мере хотя бы одним генератором (3), принудительное вращение ротора которого осуществляется крутящим моментом, передаваемым от хотя бы одного вращающегося маховика (2), причем упомянутый маховик до начала упомянутого принудительного вращения ротора генератора (3) должен быть предварительно приведен во вращательное движение вокруг своей оси крутящим моментом по меньшей мере хотя бы от одного вспомогательного привода (1). Эффективная электромагнитная конструкция рельсотрона отличается наличием средств создания дополнительного магнитного потока, пронизывающего ускоряемый проводник (7, 8). Рельсовый электромагнитный реактивный двигатель создает реактивный механический импульс за счет электромагнитного ускорения в рельсотроне и последующего отбрасывания ускоряемых тел (8).

10-04-2018 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000124471U

25-02-2019 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000132572U

30-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201170499A1

Настоящее изобретение относится к переносу веса на рычаг (4), способный раскачиваться, соединенный с колесом (2), и, таким образом, относится к движению колеса, вызванного переносом центра тяжести. Целью данного изобретения является создание колесного рычага (1) для движения вперед веса, соединенного со ступицей колеса, при помощи которого изменяется центр тяжести системы.

15-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000029433C2

Инерционный двигатель содержит заключенный в вакуумированный кожух маховик, кинематически связанный с электростартером, аккумулятор с генератором подзарядки и инерционный регулятор. Электростартер электрически связан с инерционным регулятором.

15-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000047832C2

25-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000081045U

Зубчато-инерционный вариатор содержит дифференциал в составе четырех конических зубчатых колес: двух плеч и двух сателлитов, расположенных в корпусе дифференциала, первое из плеч зацеплено с двумя сателлитами, которые в свою очередь зацеплены со вторым из плеч так, что вершины образующих всех конических колес соединены, а их оси расположены в одной плоскости, каждое из плеч установлено в подшипниковых опорах корпуса дифференциала, а каждый сателлит посажен своей подшипниковой опорой на палец, установленный в корпус дифференциала, с возможностью передачи вращения от одного вращающегося из плеч через сателлиты корпуса дифференциала при приостановленном втором из плеч, и с возможностью передачи вращения от вращающегося плеча при блокировке двух плеч между собой корпусу дифференциала с вращением всего дифференциала как одно целое. Корпус дифференциала соединен с первым цилиндрическим зубчатым колесом, а первое из плеч соединено со вторым цилиндрическим зубчатым колесом и связано с маховиком ...

27-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000006126B1

Механическое устройство, содержащее гироскопический элемент (9, 10), вынуждаемый вращаться вокруг центральной оси (3) и отстоящий от нее, причем гироскопический элемент (9, 10) имеет ось вращения и является подвижным между первой ориентацией, в которой его ось вращения проходит через центральную ось (3) или близко к центральной оси (3), и второй ориентацией, в которой его ось вращения, по существу, перпендикулярна перемещению гироскопического элемента от центральной оси (3).

15-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000047832 C2

Транспортний засіб має дисковий маховичний накопичувач енергії, розташований у вакуумованому корпусі, обладнаний круговим диском магнітної підвіски, встановленим у верхній частині вертикально орієнтованого валу маховичного накопичувача і розміщеним у зазорі між полюсами постійних кільцевих магнітів. При цьому вал, нижня частина якого спирається на магнітний підп'ятник, фіксований за допомогою підшипників кочення, через блок трансмісії зв'язаний з віссю обертання коліс, електромашиною, акумуляторною батареєю і блоком управління.

25-02-2019 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000132573U

30-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200970366A1

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000038248B1
Принадлежит: НИОРЕ АйПи, С.Р.О. (SK)

Маховиковое устройство накопления энергии, содержащее по меньшей мере один вращающийся элемент (1), выполненный с возможностью нахождения и вращения на поверхности жидкости и(или) в жидкости, по меньшей мере один элемент, выполненный с возможностью переноса энергии на вращающийся элемент (1), и по меньшей мере один генератор (3), выполненный с возможностью переноса энергии от вращающегося элемента (1), причем вращающийся элемент (1) является безосевым. Способ применения маховикового устройства накопления энергии таким образом, что энергия накапливается в виде кинетической энергии по меньшей мере одного вращающегося элемента (1), который держится и вращается на поверхности жидкости или в жидкости.

30-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000014602B1

Настоящее изобретение относится к двигателям, а конкретнее к поворотным двигателям, которые могут подавать выходную движущую силу относительно выходной оси в ответ на входную поворотную силу относительно другой оси. Двигатель (1) содержит колесо (2), смонтированное на валу (3) для вращения вокруг первой оси (4). Вал (3) дополнительно смонтирован для вращения вокруг как оси (16) наклона, так и выходной оси (11) двигателя (1).

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000069649U

Двигатель инерционного типа содержит маховиковый накопитель и вариатор, который имеет два маховика, которые вращаются вокруг одной оси в противоположных направлениях. Вращающееся колесо соединено с валом двигателя, который прижимается к маховикам, выступает в роли вариатора и передает крутящий момент на трансмиссию автомобиля и имеет возможность заряжать маховики при обратной передаче крутящего момента при торможении, кроме того, имеет электродвигатель-генератор для зарядки маховиков от электросети или от аккумуляторных батарей и для выработки электрической энергии.

10-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: GE0000005657B

Двигатель 1 содержит колесо 2, смонтированное на валу 3 для вращения вокруг первой оси 4. Вал 3 дополнительно смонтирован для вращения вокруг как оси 16 наклона, так и выходной оси 11 двигателя 1. Пункты: 9 независ. 42 завис. Фиг.: 3 ...

29-06-2005 дата публикации

Dynamic wheel group having moment difference

Номер: CN0001633560A

The invention relates to a dynamic wheel group having moment difference, it combines the physical fundamental with the lever mechanism, and it can transform energy. The force caused by the object's weight or volume acts as the force of initial moment in the lever mechanism. In each dynamic wheel element of the lever mechanism, the initial moment is transformed into the ultimate moment via coupling action and lever fundamental, and the objects move to a positive work point from a negative work point. The line of zero moment is offset, so all ultimate moment and the initial moment out of a certain range are collected to give a net moment, and the rotary energy can be transformed into the output energy.

27-08-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002500539A


30-04-1981 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002467989A

L'invention permet d'utiliser l'énergie récupérée avec temporisation, indépendamment des conditions actuelles de la source d'énergie à considérer. A cet effet, on intercale entre la turbine T et le compresseur X d'un turbocompresseur alimenté par les gaz d'échappement A du moteur à combustion interne B, un volant rotatif S tournant librement dans ses paliers et relié d'une part à la turbine et de l'autre au compresseur par des embrayages K1 et K2. Ce dispositif est particulièrement intéressant à bord des véhicules assurant un trafic local.

18-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002511558A


28-03-1980 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002434968A

Dispositif inertiel permettant d'assurer le centrage d'une jante circulaire sur son moyeu et de donner une solution pratique au problème de l'équilibrage statique et dynamique des rotors. Il comprend une jante 1, un moyeu 2, au moins un bras de liaison 3 à deux branches 3a1, 3a2 entourant le moyeu. Des masses 30a, 31a localisées aux extrémités du bras assurent, en cours de rotation, la solidarisation, par pression, entre le bras et la jante, d'une part, et par traction sur les branches entre le bras et le moyeu, d'autre part. Des masses anisotropiques 4 réparties entre les bras conservent constante la circularite de la jante. Des moyens électromécaniques 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 assurent l'équilibrage statique et dynamique de l'ensemble bras-jante-moyeu. L'invention peut être utilisée pour les rotors des systèmes de stockage cinétique d'énergie.

10-09-1982 дата публикации

Drive for inertial propulsion - has bevel gearing driving massive arms via crank and connecting rod

Номер: FR0002501301A4

24-12-2004 дата публикации

Centripetal inertial force transformation device for e.g. power dam, has assembly with masses extended away from centre by pulling pulleys to transmit torque to drive pinions that turn around gears to produce self rotation of assembly

Номер: FR0002856438A1

Dispositif permettant de transformer la force d'inertie "d'un AXE" en travail mécanique. Dans un ensemble en rotation une pluralité de masses (14) et 14') tournent autour d'un axe (2), elles sont reliées à cet axe par une courroie ou ruban (9) qui s'enroulé autour de l'axe lorsque celui-ci est immobilisé. Cet axe est un tube bloqué sur un premier axe (3)placé à l'intérieur du tube (2). Dès, que les masses sont proches du centre, du fait de l'enroulement des rubans, le tube est débloqué par un système de came et butée (qui bloque et débloque le tube). Les masses s'éloignent du centre en tirant sur leurs poulies respectives (10) et (10'), lui communiquant un couple positif Ce couple est transmis aux pignons (11) et (11') fixés sur le plateau, ces pignons tournent autour des engrenages (12) et (12') fixés sur l'axe central, bloqués sur lui, ce qui produit une auto-rotation du plateau donc de l'ensemble en rotation.

15-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003060235A1
Принадлежит: THURIES

Système de stockage d'énergie composé d'un volant d'inertie de très grande masse. Avec 10 000 tonnes, par exemple, il est possible de restituer 100 Mégawatts pendant une heure. Ce volant est flottant sur un plancher solidaire du sol. Un des moyens de sustentation préférentiel selon l'invention est un gaz comprimé sous basse pression (0,8 bars par exemple). Des galets pousseurs permettent de contrer les accélérations de Coriolis dues à la rotation de la terre et de maintenir en place le volant. Des rouleaux entrainant des moteurs générateurs assurent la mise en rotation et le soutirage de l'énergie.

11-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002939480A1

Dispositif d'accumulation inertielle d'énergie, comprenant un bâti (2) et au moins un volant (1) monté en rotation relativement au bâti (2) autour d'un axe de rotation (3), des moyens pour exposer au moins une face (6) du volant à une pression de gaz générant par comparaison avec la pression appliquée à une face sensiblement opposée (11), une force de pression différentielle ascendante compensant au moins partiellement le poids du volant (1).

21-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101602287B1
Автор: 이상현, 이찬재
Принадлежит: (주)삼우티이씨

... 본 발명은 제1 외피로 형성된 챔버; 상기 챔버의 내부에 충진되는 챔버충진물질; 상기 챔버의 중앙을 통과하고, 상부에 위치한 투입구, 상기 투입구로부터 챔버 내부로 연결시키는 토출구 및 상기 투입구를 막아주는 투입뚜껑을 포함하는 회전축;을 포함하는 물 플라이휠 전력 저장 장치에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 따르면, 적은 비용으로 많은 에너지를 저장할 수 있도록 일상에서 쉽게 구할 수 있는 물 또는 흙, 그 혼합물을 이용한 디스크를 포함하는 플라이휠을 제작하여 친환경적으로 에너지를 저장할 수 있도록 하는 물 플라이휠 전력 저장 장치를 제공할 수 있다.

25-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101495663B1

21-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020110084186A

02-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120024633A1
Автор: John M. Vranish
Принадлежит: Individual

Gyromotor is a type of action and reaction motor which generates thrust without plume ejection. Whereas rockets react equal and opposite to ejected mass momentum, Gyromotor cycles gyroscopes, each mounted on the end of a moment arm, in a back and forth rowing motion to drive a spacecraft, without external mass ejection analogous to rowing a boat. Gyroscope inertial properties are configured to provide maximum resistance torque during the drive stroke and reconfigured to provide minimum torque resistance during the return stroke. The gyroscopes are turned by a moment arm so the torque resistance provides a useful linear pseudo force component to drive the spacecraft, with said linear force greater during the drive stroke than the return stroke, analogous to an oar in water during the drive stroke and in air during the return stroke. The space craft moves in reaction to the net linear pseudo forces and momentum is conserved. The pseudo forces are caused by the change of direction of each gyroscope spin axis during its moment arm rotation, similar to centripetal and coriolis effect, pseudo forces.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Automatic conveying device

Номер: US20130081884A1

An automatic conveying device includes a conveyer bracket, a wheel assembly, a transmission mechanism, and a loading assembly. The wheel assembly is rotatably assembled to a bottom portion of the conveyer bracket for supporting the conveyer bracket. The transmission mechanism is assembled within the conveyer bracket and connected with the wheel assembly, thereby driving the wheel assembly to rotate. The loading assembly is mounted upon the conveyer bracket and movably assembled with the transmission mechanism, for accepting objects as a load and driving the transmission mechanism to work. The loading assembly moves downward relative to the conveyer bracket under the weight of the objects placed on the loading assembly, and is capable of moving upward back to its original position, when the objects are removed.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130244537A1
Принадлежит: MATTEL, INC.

An inertia motor for a toy has a housing supporting a rotating flywheel. The flywheel has a disk with generally radially movable elements, movement of which vary the moment of inertia of the disk. Another element is supported by the housing so as to be movable towards and away from the disk and is located so as to be able to engage at least one of the movable elements when the flywheel has slowed sufficiently. Angular momentum and energy in the flywheel at engagement is transferred to the housing. The housing may also include a transmission such as a gear train to connect the flywheel with one of more elements of the toy to be powered by the flywheel. 1. An inertia motor comprising:a housing;a flywheel including a disk supported by the housing for rotation about a central axis; andmeans for transferring angular momentum from the flywheel to the housing when rotation of the flywheel has slowed sufficiently.2. The inertia motor of wherein the means comprises:a member supported through the housing for movement into and away from engagement with the flywheel.3. The inertia motor of wherein the means further comprises:a plurality of elements supported by the disk for at least generally radial movement with respect to the central axis whereby the elements are radially located at a rest position for engagement by the member with the flywheel disk stopped and are located more radially outwardly from the member with rotation of the flywheel at a sufficiently high rotational speed to avoid engagement with the member.4. The inertia motor of wherein the member is secured with the housing sufficiently so that rotational momentum remaining in the rotating flywheel at engagement of one of the elements by the member is transferred by the member from the flywheel to the housing.5. The inertia motor of wherein the member is a lever pivotally supported from the housing for movement of an end of the lever most proximal to the flywheel into and away from engagement with the elements.6. ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016480A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A control moment gyroscope includes: an inner gimbal; a rotor that is held by the inner gimbal to be rotatable around a spin axis; a spin motor that is disposed on the inner gimbal, and that rotates the rotor around the spin axis; a stator that holds the inner gimbal to be rotatable around a gimbal axis that is perpendicular to the spin axis; gimbal bearings that are disposed between the inner gimbal and the stator to face each other from opposite sides of a plane that is perpendicular to the gimbal axis and that includes the spin axis, to be in contact with the plane in question, or to include the plane in question; and a torque module that is disposed on the stator, and that rotates the inner gimbal around the gimbal axis. 1. A control moment gyroscope that is disposed on a spacecraft , wherein said control moment gyroscope comprises:an inner gimbal;a rotor that is held by said inner gimbal so as to be rotatable around a spin axis;a spin motor that is disposed on said inner gimbal, and that rotates said rotor around said spin axis;a stator that holds said inner gimbal so as to be rotatable around a gimbal axis that is perpendicular to said spin axis;gimbal bearings that are disposed between said inner gimbal and said stator so as to face each other from opposite sides of a plane that is perpendicular to said gimbal axis and that includes said spin axis, so as to be in contact with said plane, or so as to include said plane; anda torque module that is disposed on said stator, and that rotates said inner gimbal around said gimbal axis.2. The control moment gyroscope according to claim 1 , wherein said torque module is disposed on said stator so as to be in close proximity to said gimbal bearings.3. The control moment gyroscope according to claim 1 , wherein said gimbal bearings are constituted by two angular contact ball bearings that face each other from opposite sides of said plane.4. The control moment gyroscope according to claim 3 , wherein said torque module ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032643A1
Автор: Novak Miroslav

A flywheel energy storage device containing at least one rotary element () which is capable of floating and rotating on liquid and/or in liquid, at least one element which is capable of transferring energy onto the rotary element () and at least one generator () which is capable of transferring the energy from the rotary element () wherein the rotary element () is axleless. A method of use of the flywheel energy storage device in such manner that the energy is accumulated as kinetic energy of at least one rotary element () that floats and rotates on liquid or in liquid. 111311. A flywheel energy storage device containing at least one rotary element () which is capable of floating and rotating on liquid and/or in liquid , at least one element which is capable of transferring energy onto the rotary element () and at least one generator () which is capable of transferring the energy from the rotary element () characterized in that the rotary element () is axleless.21. The flywheel energy storage device according to characterized in that the rotary element () is at least partially hollow and at least partially fillable with liquid.315115511111. The flywheel energy storage device according to or characterized in that the rotary element () is provided with at least one opening () arranged on the rotary element () in such manner that when the rotary element () is on or in liquid claim 1 , at least a lower edge of the opening () is below the level of liquid claim 1 , while the opening () is arranged on the rotary element () in such manner that it is closer to the axis of rotation of the rotary element () than an inside part of an outer wall of the rotary element () claim 1 , thereby allowing the rotary element () to autonomously change its mass through filling and discharging of liquid according to the size of the centrifugal force caused by the rotary element ().412. The flywheel energy storage device according to any of to characterized in that the element which is ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220052581A1
Автор: Spinner Christian

A method is provided for operating an energy storage device that has a horizontal flywheel (). The flywheel () has a mass ring made of concrete () and is at least partially embedded in the soil (). The method includes operating a motor with energy from a first energy source to drive the flywheel () at a specified rotational speed and to store energy in the flywheel (). The method then includes introducing to the motor () energy from a renewable energy source in a sufficient amount so that the energy from the renewable energy source and the energy stored in the flywheel () maintain rotation of the flywheel at the specified rotational speed. 113. A method of operating an energy storage device comprising a flywheel () formed as a mass ring made of concrete () , the method comprising the steps of:{'b': ['1', '4'], '#text': 'arranging the flywheel () in a horizontal posture and at least partially embedding the flywheel in soil ();'}{'b': ['8', '1'], '#text': 'providing a motor () for driving the flywheel ();'}{'b': ['8', '8', '1'], '#text': 'operating the motor () with a first energy source to drive the flywheel () at a specified rotational speed and to store energy in the flywheel (); and'}{'b': ['8', '1'], '#text': 'introducing to the motor () energy from a renewable energy source in a sufficient amount so that the energy from the renewable energy source and the energy stored in the flywheel () maintain rotation of the flywheel at the specified rotational speed.'}21. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy from the renewable energy source is of an amount to compensate for frictional losses produced during rotation of the flywheel ().3. The method of operating the energy storage device of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:{'b': ['2', '3'], '#text': 'poviding a steel sheel () into which concrete () has been filled to form the mass ring.'}4323b. The method of operating an energy storage device of claim 2 , further comprising the step of providing a reinforced ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055948A1

A vacuum rotor system is provided comprising a hollow rotor with a rotor jacket that is open at both ends perpendicular to the axis of rotation and with at least two hubs that are connected to the inside of the rotor jacket and that are suitably mounted in appropriate bearings so that the rotor can rotate. A machine housing that encloses the rotor and that has at least one gas outlet opening to discharge gases from the machine housing. A vacuum system that is connected to the gas outlet opening and that has at least one forepump for generating a fore-vacuum pressure in the machine housing. At least one first gas removal device with a gas pick-up opening is arranged in the machine housing between the hub and the appertaining open end of the rotor jacket. 1. A vacuum rotor system comprising a hollow rotor with a rotor jacket that is open at both ends perpendicular to the axis of rotation and with at least two hubs that are connected to the inside of the rotor jacket and that are suitably mounted in appropriate bearings so that the rotor can rotate , also comprising a machine housing that encloses the rotor and that has at least one gas outlet opening to discharge gases from the machine housing , also comprising a vacuum system that is connected to the gas outlet opening and that has at least one forepump for purposes of generating a fore-vacuum pressure in the machine housing , and also comprising at least one first gas removal device with a gas pick-up opening that is arranged in the machine housing between the hub and the appertaining open end of the rotor jacket , at a suitable distance from the inside of the rotor jacket without making contact with the rotor jacket , in order to efficiently pick up gas whereby said first gas removal device is connected to the gas outlet opening , in order to discharge the picked-up gas and it is arranged in such a way that , at a rotational frequency greater than 200 Hz , the rotor itself conveys part of the gas flow that , due to ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Personal Electromechanical Hand Driven AC to DC Generator to Charge Mobile Devices

Номер: US20200059132A1
Автор: Nuytkens Mark H.

An efficient compact form factor for the hand powered mechanically driven flywheel electric generator for charging a smartphone or other personal device, in which the electric generator including a rotor and a stator, in which said rotor includes a plurality of alternating permanent magnetic fields arranged in a circular array such that a series of poles are established about the rotors circumference. 1. An efficient compact form factor for the hand powered mechanically driven flywheel electric generator for charging a smartphone or other personal device , the electric generator including a rotor and a stator , in which said rotor includes a plurality of alternating permanent magnetic fields arranged in a circular array such that a series of poles are established about the rotors circumference.2. The device of where the cross section of said rotor forms a C-shape core claim 1 , flux lines of permanent magnets are concentrated and routed via material of high magnetic permittivity forming a “C” shape core with minimal gap maximizing the field strength across the gap.3. The device of in which said stator is composed of a plurality of conductors arranged in a pattern to convert changing magnetic fluxes due to the relative motion of said permanent magnetic fields to electric potential and current.4. The device of where the said plurality of patterned conductors are constructed on a multi-layer Printed Circuit Board (PCB) This patent application claims priority from provisional U.S. patent application No. 62/764,921, filed Aug. 16, 2018, entitled, “Personal electromechanical hand driven ac to dc generator to charge mobile devices,” and naming Mark Nuytkens as inventor, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein, in its entirety, by reference.Illustrative embodiments of the invention generally relate to generators and, more particularly, to hand powered electric generators. More specifically, illustrative embodiments of the present invention integrate the functionality ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067451A1

The invention relates to a drive arrangement containing a rotational mass which is supported so as to be rotatable about a first axis, a bearing element supported so as to be rotatable about a second axis extending perpendicular to the first axis having a bearing for supporting the rotational mass, an oscillating body supported so as to be rotatable about a third axis perpendicular to the second axis having a bearing for supporting the bearing element, a drive provided on the oscillating body for generating a rotary movement of the bearing element about the second axis, a housing having a bearing for supporting the oscillating body, and a brake fixed to the housing for braking the rotary movement of the oscillating body in such a way that with each braking operation a driving force is transmitted to the housing. 1. A driving assembly comprising:(a) a rotational mass pivotably supported about a first axis;(b) a bearing element pivotably supported about a second axis, said second axis extending perpendicular to said first axis, said bearing element comprising a bearing for bearing said rotational mass;(c) an oscillation body pivotably supported about a third axis extending perpendicular to said second axis, said oscillation body comprising a bearing for bearing said bearing element;(d) a driving device provided at said oscillation body for generating a rotational movement of said bearing element about said second axis;(e) a housing with a bearing for bearing said oscillation body; and(f) a brake fixed to said housing for braking a rotational movement of said oscillation body in such a way that an angular momentum is transferred to said housing with each braking process.2. The driving assembly of claim 1 , and wherein said rotational mass claim 1 , said bearing element and/or said oscillation body is connected to a shaft claim 1 , extending along the corresponding rotational axis and which is pivotably supported.3. The driving assembly of claim 1 , and wherein said ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170085155A1
Автор: HWANG Gyu Eob, KIM Si Dae

A high efficiency energy production apparatus using potential energy includes a weight body, a circulation chamber allowing the weight body to be moved upwards by buoyancy of liquid, a buoyant chamber extending from an upper surface of the circulation chamber in a vertical direction and accommodating liquid therein, a falling chamber disposed at one side of the buoyant chamber and extending in the vertical direction such that the weight body raised through the buoyant chamber falls freely, a horizontal movement unit moving the weight body from the buoyant chamber to the falling chamber, a power conversion unit converting potential energy of the falling weight body into kinetic energy, a generator generating electricity by receiving the kinetic energy from the power conversion unit, and a control box supplying power for operation of the respective components and controlling the operation. 1. A high efficiency energy production apparatus using potential energy , comprising:a weight body having a predetermined weight;a circulation chamber allowing the weight body introduced thereinto to be moved upwards by buoyancy of liquid stored therein;a buoyant chamber extending a predetermined length from one side of an upper surface of the circulation chamber in a vertical direction and accommodating liquid therein;a falling chamber disposed at one side of the buoyant chamber and extending a predetermined length in the vertical direction such that the weight body raised through the buoyant chamber falls freely due to gravity;a horizontal movement unit connecting an upper portion of the buoyant chamber and an upper portion of the falling chamber and moving the weight body raised by buoyancy through the buoyant chamber to the falling chamber;a power conversion unit disposed in the falling chamber and converting potential energy of the weight body falling freely due to gravity into kinetic energy;a generator connected to the power conversion unit and generating electricity by ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Method for creating a propulsive force

Номер: US20160090969A1
Автор: Blanchard Alec

A method for creating a propulsive forced based on modifying the angular momentum of rotating masses by varying the radius of rotation of same. 15-. (canceled)6. A method for generating a propulsive force comprising the steps of:reducing a first rotational radius of a first object that is performing a first rotational movement around a rotational center axis by applying a first centripetal force to the first object at a first location along a trajectory of the first object, to increase at least one of a speed of the first rotational movement and a mass of the first object;increasing a second rotational radius of a second object that is performing a second rotational movement around the rotational center axis by applying a second centripetal force to the second object at a second location along a trajectory of the second object, to decrease at least one of a speed of the second rotational movement and a mass of the second object; andgenerating the propulsive force that depends on the mass of the first and second object, the first and second rotational radii, and the speed of the first and second object.7. The method according to claim 6 , further comprising the step of:modifying a direction of the propulsive force by changing an application direction of the first and the second centripetal force.8. The method according to claim 6 , further comprising the step of:coupling a first force generator that generates the first centripetal force, and the second force generator that generates the second centripetal force to save energy. The present invention is directed to a process to create a propulsive force. The principle of the process is based on the modification of the angular momentum of one or more rotating masses by changing the radius of rotation for these rotating masses. The detailed principle of the process is explained below.One or more masses are in motion by a rotational movement around an axis. On one or on a part of a half-rotation, an increasing centripetal ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170093247A1
Автор: Spinner Christian

An energy storage device has a horizontal flywheel (). The flywheel () has a mass ring made of concrete () and is at least partially embedded in the soil (). 11134. An energy storage device with a horizontally arranged flywheel () , wherein the flywheel () comprises a mass ring made of concrete () and which is at least partially embedded in the soil ().223. The energy storage device of claim 1 , wherein the mass ring comprises a steel shell () into which the concrete () has been filled.33. The energy storage device of claim 2 , wherein the steel shell is divided into a number of compartments into which the concrete () has been filled respectively.433b. The energy storage device of claim 1 , wherein the concrete () has been filled around a reinforced steel structure ().556. The energy storage device of claim 2 , wherein the mass ring is mounted on an air bearing and/or plain bearing () and/or steel wheels ().66622bb. The energy storage device of claim 5 , wherein the steel wheels () are running on rails () which are arranged at the bottom () of the steel shell ().78191896. The energy storage device of claim 5 , further comprising motors () for driving the flywheel () and/or generators () for decelerating the flywheel () claim 5 , the motors () and/or the generators () being arranged at the steel wheels ().8. The energy storage device of claim 1 , wherein the mass ring serves as a rotor of a motor/generator and the stator surrounds the mass ring in the form of a ring.97. The energy storage device of claim 1 , wherein the mass ring has stabilizers () on its peripheral surface.107. The energy storage device of claim 9 , wherein the stabilizers are air bearings and/or plain bearings () or steel wheels.111010a,b. The energy storage device of claim 1 , wherein the mass ring has a widening () at its bottom.1210b. The energy storage device of claim 11 , wherein the widening () starts at the mass ring claim 11 , and extends in the radially outward direction.1310a. The energy ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095633A1
Автор: SUNG Yong Jun
Принадлежит: INGINE, INC.

Disclosed are a wave power generation system for generating electrical energy by means of a hydraulic circuit, and a method for controlling same. The wave power generation system comprises a hydraulic motor for storing motion energy in a form of fluid pressure and volume if a plurality of tension transmission members, for transmitting motion energy by means of six-degrees-of-freedom motion of a movable object floating on the waves, move in one direction, and for maintaining the tension of the tension transmission members by means of the stored energy if the tension transmission members move in the other direction. Electric energy is alternately generated by means of the bidirectional motion of the plurality of tension transmission members. 1. A wave power generation system comprising:a hydraulic motor that is configured to store kinetic energy in forms of a fluid pressure and volume when a plurality of tension transmission members configured to transmit kinetic energy by a six-degrees-of-freedom motion of a movable object floating on waves move in one direction, and that is configured to maintain a tension of the tension transmission members by the stored energy when the tension transmission members move in another direction,wherein electric energy is generated by a bidirectional motion of the plurality of tension transmission members.2. The wave power generation system of claim 1 , whereinthe tension transmission members are connected to a converting body,the hydraulic motor is connected to one side of the converting body, anda power generation unit is connected to another side of the converting body.3. The wave power generation system of claim 2 , wherein a tank configured to store a fluid and a pressure accumulator configured to store the fluid are provided in the hydraulic motor.4. The wave power generation system of claim 3 , whereinwhen the tension transmission members are pulled, the hydraulic motor rotates in one direction and allows a fluid to flow from the ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210102600A1

A flywheel system comprises a flywheel rotor comprising a rotor disc and a rotor shaft and has a longitudinal axis extending centrally through the rotor disc and the rotor shaft. The system further comprises a journal assembly configured to facilitate rotation of the flywheel rotor. The journal assembly comprises a sleeve having an aperture extending therethrough from a first end to a second, opposite end, a rod at least partially disposed within the aperture of the sleeve, and a nut coupled to a portion of the rod. The rod has a length greater than the sleeve such that a portion the rod extends axially beyond the first end of the sleeve. A method of forming the flywheel comprises coupling the rod to the rotor shaft and pulling the second end of the rod to tension the rod. The nut maintains the tension in the rod when coupled thereto. 1. A flywheel system , comprising:a flywheel rotor comprising a rotor disc and a rotor shaft, a longitudinal axis of the flywheel rotor extending centrally through the rotor disc and the rotor shaft; a sleeve having an aperture extending therethrough from a first end to an opposite second end, the second end of the sleeve coupled to the rotor shaft, a longitudinal axis of the sleeve extending therethrough from the first end to the second end;', 'a rod at least partially disposed within the aperture of the sleeve, a first end of the rod extending axially beyond the first end of the sleeve and a second end of the rod coupled to the rotor shaft, a longitudinal axis of the rod extending therethrough from the first end to the second end wherein the longitudinal axes of the sleeve and the rod are coaxial with the longitudinal axis of the flywheel rotor; and', 'a retaining element coupled to the first end of the rod extending axially beyond the first end of the sleeve., 'a journal assembly configured to facilitate rotation of the flywheel rotor, the journal assembly comprising2. The flywheel system of claim 1 , wherein the rod comprises an ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Kinetic energy collector mechanism to generate electric power from passing vehicles, using a main axle connected to a flywheel

Номер: US20160111938A1
Автор: Hugo Roberto Diaz
Принадлежит: Individual

A kinetic energy collector mechanism for generating electric power from passing vehicles, using a main axle connected to a flywheel, wherein the main axle is supported on two bearings and/or rollers, said main axle having a half-cylindrical support section for the vehicle wheels, and having attached on each end at least one flywheel that is mounted so as to transmit load in only one direction while it can rotate freely in the opposite direction, said main axle rotating in an angle ranging between 0° and 120°, preferably 45°, equivalent to 1/8th of a turn as the vehicle wheels pass over the half-cylindrical section of the main axle, thus driving the attached flywheel; wherein the main axle is returned to its original resting position by means of springs, then reapeating the rotational motion every time the main axle is driven by passing vehicle wheels; and wherein, the flywheel has enough driving force to rotate and drive a generator and its corresponding regulator by mechanical means that transmit the load to said generator with its corresponding regulator, which in turn generates electric power that is either delivered to a power network or charged in batteries.

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220173648A1
Автор: Vang Ronald

The present invention is the Mech-Elect Generator system that produces either AC or DC electricity on a 24 hour a day basis. The system has a Flywheel coupled to a generator to rotate together as one moving part and has two pairs of magnets; each pair has one electromagnet affixed to the frame and one permanent magnet attached to the Flywheel. The pairs of magnets are used to re-accelerate the device to operating speed after outside forces combine to slow the device. Magnetic Repulsion is the outside force used to bring the device back up to speed. The tapping system has an upper and a lower speed limit. Reaching the lower limit turns the tapping system on, while reaching the upper limit turns the tapping system off. Mech-Elect Generators can replace Wind Turbines, solar arrays, engines in Cars, Trucks, Boats and Ships, or provide electricity to remote locations; and more. 2142144. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first permanent magnet () and the second permanent magnet () are neodymium magnets.3142144. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first permanent magnet () and the second permanent magnet () each have a force of about 5 pounds.4152154. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first electromagnet () and the second electromagnet () each produce a force of about ½ a pound when energized.5146148. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first reflective material () and the second reflective material () are reflective tape or a mirrored surface.6146148. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first reflective material () and the second reflective material () each cover an arc of about 5% of a circumference of the flywheel claim 1 , or about 18 degrees of an arc.7172. The system of claim 1 , wherein the speed measuring device () measures the speed of rotation of the flywheel by counting the number of revolutions per minute or by measuring the power output of the generator.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system generates direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC). ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210123483A1

A clutch arrangement () with a friction clutch () and a dog clutch (), wherein the output side of the friction clutch () and the output side of the dog clutch () are connectible to a flywheel mass device (). A powertrain unit having such clutch arrangement is also described. 124.-. (canceled)253. A clutch arrangement () comprising:{'b': 8', '9', '8', '9', '4, 'a friction clutch () having an output side and a dog clutch () having an output side; the output side of the friction clutch () and the output side of the dog clutch () being connectible to a flywheel mass device ().'}26942804046. The clutch arrangement according to claim 25 , wherein the dog clutch () additionally comprises a jaw element ( claim 25 , ) having at least one input-side toothing () and one output-side toothing ().2742804. The clutch arrangement according to claim 25 , wherein the dog clutch additionally comprises a jaw element ( claim 25 , ) supportable on the flywheel mass device ().289. The clutch arrangement according to claim 25 , wherein the dog clutch () is formed as radial dog clutch.2989. The clutch arrangement according to claim 25 , wherein the friction clutch () and/or the dog clutch () are formed as normally closed clutches.308. The clutch arrangement according to claim 25 , wherein the friction clutch () is formed as dry clutch.31812. The clutch arrangement according to claim 25 , wherein the friction clutch () comprises a clutch disk () arranged on an input side.32810. The clutch arrangement according to claim 25 , wherein the friction clutch () comprises a pressure plate () arranged on an output side.3389. The clutch arrangement according to claim 25 , wherein the friction clutch () and the dog clutch () have a common actuation device.34488. The clutch arrangement according to claim 33 , wherein the actuation device () is constructed so as to first actuate the friction clutch () in a closing direction.358948. The clutch arrangement according to claim 25 , wherein the friction ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

System and method for perturbing a permanent magnet asymmetric field to move a body

Номер: US20210125764A1
Принадлежит: Green Wave Power Systems Llc

A system and method for perturbing a permanent magnet asymmetric field to move a body includes a rotating body configured to rotate about a rotation axis, a permanent magnet arrangement arranged on the rotating body containing two or more permanent magnets, and a perturbation element. The permanent magnet arrangement is configured such that an asymmetric magnetic field is generated by the permanent magnets about a perturbation point. Actuation of the perturbation element at or near the perturbation point causes a tangential magnetic force on the rotating body and/or the permanent magnet arrangement, thereby causing the rotating body to rotate about the rotation axis. The disclosure may also be used for linear motion of a body.

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Folding Exercise Bike

Номер: US20220176198A1
Автор: Nemetz Connor, Stump John

A folding exercise bike has handlebar telescoping members configured to support handlebars, seat telescoping members configured to support a seat, a lower frame member from which the seat telescoping members and the handlebar telescoping members extend, pedals having an attachment point above the lower frame member, a first pair of legs attached to one end of the lower frame member and a second pair of legs attached to another end of the lower frame member. Each leg of the first pair of legs extending at an oblique angle from the lower frame member in a deployed position configured to support the folding exercise bike on a surface and each leg of the second pair of legs extending from lower frame member at an oblique angle in the deployed position. 1. A folding exercise bike comprising:handlebar telescoping members configured to support handlebars;seat telescoping members configured to support a seat;a lower frame member from which the seat telescoping members and the handlebar telescoping members extend;pedals having an attachment point above the lower frame member; anda first pair of legs attached to one end of the lower frame member and a second pair of legs attached to another end of the lower frame member, each leg of the first pair of legs extending at an oblique angle from the lower frame member in a deployed position configured to support the folding exercise bike on a surface and each leg of the second pair of legs extending from lower frame member at an oblique angle in the deployed position.2. The folding exercise bike of claim 1 , further comprising a cam locking each leg of the first pair of legs and the second pair of legs into either a folded position or the deployed position.3. The folding exercise bike of claim 1 , wherein each leg of the first pair of legs and the second pair of legs claim 1 , in a folded position claim 1 , extend upward toward the handlebars and the seat.4. The folding exercise bike of claim 1 , further comprising a drive wheel ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210137019A1

An agricultural system including an agricultural baler including a rotary input shaft connectable by way of a baler driveline to a rotatable flywheel; a hydraulic pump for supplying the agricultural baler with hydraulic fluid, the rotatable flywheel being connectable to the hydraulic pump via the driveline. The baler is transferrable between a first state for driving the hydraulic pump by external drive power provided by a corresponding work vehicle, and a second state for driving the hydraulic pump by the rotatable flywheel. The agricultural system further includes a control unit that is configured to: receive input-power-data indicative of a drive power available for driving the hydraulic pump in the first state of the baler; and determine a control-signal for transferring the baler into the second state, if the input-power-data indicates that the available drive power is insufficient for driving the hydraulic pump. 1. An agricultural system comprising: a rotatable flywheel;', 'a baler driveline;', 'a rotary input shaft connected by the baler driveline to the rotatable flywheel; and', 'a hydraulic pump for supplying the agricultural baler with hydraulic fluid, the rotatable flywheel connected to the hydraulic pump via the driveline,', 'wherein the baler is transferrable between a first state for driving the hydraulic pump by external drive power provided by a corresponding work vehicle, and a second state for driving the hydraulic pump by internal drive power, particularly provided by a rotatable flywheel,, 'an agricultural baler comprising receive input-power-data indicative of a drive power available for driving the hydraulic pump in the first state of the baler; and', 'determine a control-signal for transferring the baler into the second state, if the input-power-data indicates that the available drive power is insufficient for driving the hydraulic pump., 'a control unit that is configured to2. The agricultural system of claim 1 , wherein the baler driveline ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Transfer-of-mass system and method for increasing rotational energy output

Номер: US20220178622A1
Автор: Lester Reid Hopkins
Принадлежит: Individual

A transfer-of-mass system for increasing rotational energy output thereof includes a sealed container having a central axis and an outer wall radially spaced apart from the central axis. A liquid partially fills the container. A motor causes the container to rotate about its central axis at a speed of rotation such that the liquid is acted upon by centrifugal forces to move it to the container's outer wall. Energy is applied to the liquid to cause at least a portion of the liquid at the container's outer wall to move towards the container's central axis wherein the container rotates faster than the speed of rotation caused by the motor.

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Gyroscopic Propulsion

Номер: US20150122057A1
Автор: Tippett Raymond Kelly

Three spinning ring rotors, functioning as concentric ring gyro motors, are angled at ninety degrees with respect to one another and are arranged in an orthogonal association inside a substantially spherical housing that includes a central hub with a plurality of spokes attached to the spherical housing with holes for the spokes and coils used for steering. The mass distribution for the rings is such that the rotating ring masses are maximized and the containing mass is minimized. There is minimum friction for the primary rotation of the spinning ring rotors with all other angular forces translated across the containment structures uniformly. These spinning masses remain equal, unless the influence of precisely controlled and oriented destabilizing steering coils are used to disrupt the stability of one or more rotors by placing a controllable and varying magnetic field, from weak to strong, parallel to the axis of the spinning rotors. 1. An apparatus comprising:a first ring rotor rotating in a first plane, the first ring rotor generating a first angular momentum;a second ring rotor rotating in a second plane, the second ring rotor generating a second angular momentum;a third ring rotor rotating in a third plane, the third ring rotor generating a third angular momentum; anda plurality of steering coils, the steering coils being configured to momentarily destabilize a magnetic field associated with at least one of the first ring rotor, the second ring rotor, and the third ring rotor.2. The apparatus of further comprising:a plurality of copper plugs embedded into each of the first ring rotor, the second ring rotor, and the third ring rotor; anda plurality of electromagnets configured to interact with the plurality of embedded copper plugs, thereby inducing an angular acceleration in each of the first ring rotor, the second ring rotor, and the third ring rotor.3. The apparatus of wherein the first plane is substantially perpendicular to the second plane and the third ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Intelligent clean energy generator

Номер: US20190113102A1
Принадлежит: Heng-Yuan Liu, Yi-Jung Peng

An intelligent clean energy generator contains: a case mounted on a base and accommodating a body. The body includes an accommodation chamber and an eccentric shaft, wherein a guide structure is defined in the accommodation chamber and includes a guiding face and a groove configured to guide a rotation stein. At least one flywheel is serially connected on the eccentric shaft, and each flywheel includes multiple inertial members, each of the multiple inertial members has a seat, a coupling bolt, and the rotation stein, wherein a distance between the rotation stein and the coupling bolt of each inertial member is identical fixedly. The seat has a slide rod on which a counterweight block is disposed, each flywheel is polygonal, and the rotation stein of each inertial member is movably arranged on each of corners of each flywheel so as to match with an energy release zone.

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Propulsion from rotating members

Номер: US20190120212A1
Автор: Christopher B. Hewatt
Принадлежит: Individual

A propulsion system includes a rotation member, a first mass and a motor. The rotation member has a length extending between first and second ends and an axle of rotation between the first and second ends transverse to the length. The first mass is coupled with the rotation member at the first end and rotatable relative to the rotation member about a first mass axis. The first motor is configured to, while the rotation member is rotating about the axle of rotation, translate the axle of rotation along a path perpendicular to both the length and the axle of rotation by applying a force to accelerate rotation of the first mass about the first mass axis.

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220270798A1

A system and method for perturbing a permanent magnet asymmetric field to move a body includes a rotating body configured to rotate about a rotation axis, a permanent magnet arrangement arranged on the rotating body containing two or more permanent magnets, and a perturbation element. The permanent magnet arrangement is configured such that an asymmetric magnetic field is generated by the permanent magnets about a perturbation point. Actuation of the perturbation element at or near the perturbation point causes a tangential magnetic force on the rotating body and/or the permanent magnet arrangement, thereby causing the rotating body to rotate about the rotation axis. The disclosure may also be used for linear motion of a body. 1. A permanent magnet asymmetric field system for moving a body , comprising:a rotating body configured to rotate about a rotation axis;a permanent magnet arrangement arranged on the rotating body containing three permanent magnets; anda perturbation element;wherein the permanent magnet arrangement is configured such that an asymmetric magnetic field is generated by the permanent magnets about a perturbation point;wherein two of the three permanent magnets are polarized in a first direction and one of the three permanent magnets is polarized in a second direction, the first direction being perpendicular to the second direction;wherein actuation of the perturbation element at or near the perturbation point with an input force causes a tangential magnetic output force on the rotating body or the permanent magnet arrangement, thereby causing the rotating body to rotate about the rotation axis; andwherein the actuation of the perturbation element causes a perturbation of the asymmetric field causing a release of potential energy from the permanent magnet arrangement to create the output force causing the rotation.2. The permanent magnet asymmetric field system according to claim 1 , wherein the perturbation element comprises a ferrous material.3. ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160138573A1
Автор: Teerlink Peter
Принадлежит: S4 Energy B.V.

The invention relates to a device for accumulating inertial energy having a rotor chamber in housing, a rotor in the rotor chamber having a first end face and a substantially opposite second end face, the rotor being mounted, so that it can be displaced and rotate relative to the housing leaving free a gap between the outer rotor perimeter and the inner perimeter of the rotor chamber, wherein a seal is provided in said gap separating a first section of the rotor chamber and a second section of the rotor chamber, exposing means; creating a differential pressure over the rotor for levitation thereof, wherein the device further comprises stabilizing means for counteracting vibration of the rotor. 1. A device for accumulating inertial energy , comprising a housing defining a rotor chamber , a rotor having a first end face and a substantially opposite second end face , the rotor being mounted in the rotor chamber , so that it can be displaced relative to the housing and so that it can rotate relative to the housing about an axis of rotation leaving free a gap between the outer rotor perimeter and the inner perimeter of the rotor chamber , wherein a seal is provided in said gap separating a first section of the rotor chamber and a second section of the rotor chamber , an exposing means for exposing at least the first face of the object in the first section to a gas pressure , which , by comparison with the pressure exerted upon the substantially opposite second face in the second section , generates a differential pressure force that at least partially compensates for the weight of the object , wherein the device further comprises stabilizing means for counteracting vibration of the rotor.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the stabilizing means are actively controlled.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the rotor has vertical rotation shaft claim 1 , and wherein the stabilizing means act on the vertical shaft.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Actuation Systems and Methods

Номер: US20160138690A1

Actuation systems and methods are disclosed. Such systems may comprise a motor having a drive shaft, one or more modules coupled to the drive shaft, each module comprising one or more energy storage elements and one or more actuating members connecting the one or more energy storage elements to one or more degrees of freedom, which are configured to actuate in response to a discharge of energy from the one or more energy storage element, and a plurality of clutches associated with each module to couple the energy storage element of the module to the drive shaft of the motor and to control an energy state of the energy storage element independent of energy storage elements of other modules. 1. An actuation system comprising:a motor having a drive shaft;one or more modules coupled to the drive shaft, each module comprising one or more energy storage elements and one or more actuating members connecting the one or more energy storage elements to one or more degrees of freedom, which are configured to actuate in response to a discharge of energy from the one or more energy storage element; anda plurality of clutches associated with each module to couple the energy storage element of the module to the drive shaft of the motor and to control an energy state of the energy storage element independent of energy storage elements of other modules2. The actuation system of wherein each module comprises multiple energy storage elements.3. The actuation system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more actuating members are isolated from the drive shaft.4. The actuation system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of clutches comprises:a first clutch for coupling the energy storage element to the drive shaft to charge the energy storage element; anda second clutch for resetting the energy storage element.5. The actuation system of claim 4 , wherein the plurality of clutches further comprises a third clutch for controlling discharge of energy from the energy storage element to actuate the ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200132039A1
Автор: Suddaby Loubert S.

An assembly for generating energy from waves, comprising a concentric ring flywheel operatively arranged to generate electrical current, the concentric ring flywheel comprising a first shaft including an input end and an output end, a plurality of rings, the plurality of rings including at least a first ring, including a first radially inward facing surface arranged to connect with the output end of the first shaft, and a first radially outward facing surface, a second ring arranged concentrically around the first ring, the second ring including a second radially inward facing surface and a second radially outward facing surface, one or more first clutch connectors arranged in a first space radially arranged between the first and second rings to non-rotatably connect the second ring and the first ring, and a wave energy capture device operatively arranged to rotate the first shaft. 1. A concentric ring flywheel arranged to interact with at least one stator for generating electrical current , the concentric ring flywheel comprising:a shaft; [ a first radially inward facing surface arranged to connect with the shaft; and,', 'a first radially outward facing surface;, 'a first ring, including, a second radially inward facing surface; and,', 'a second radially outward facing surface, wherein a first space is arranged radially between the first radially outward facing surface and the second radially inward facing surface; and,, 'a second ring arranged concentrically around the first ring, the second ring including], 'a plurality of rings, the plurality of rings including at leastone or more first clutch connectors arranged in the first space to non-rotatably connect the second ring and the first ring.2. The concentric ring flywheel as recited in claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of rings is hollow.3. The concentric ring flywheel as recited in claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of rings is hollow and comprises fluid therein.4. The concentric ring ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации

High Energy Density Composite Flywheels/Electromechanical Batteries

Номер: US20160153522A1
Принадлежит: Management Services Group Inc

This invention provides for a method to provide the highest possible stored energy density (Watt-hour/kg) in rotating composite flywheels, which in turn will enable an increased application of said devices. Segmented high density (mass loading) materials are positioned and bonded against all free inner surfaces of a high strength low density composite rotor/rim. Traditional composite flywheels do not incorporate mass loading of the composite rotor, i.e., most of the stored energy is contained in the rotating composite rotor. The segmented materials do not fail under the high centrifugal loads, thereby contributing significantly to the overall stored energy density of the composite flywheel system. The high strength composite rotor is engineered to withstand the additional centrifugal loading effects imparted from the segmented masses. An additional benefit from completely loading the inner surface of the composite rotor as uniformly as possible is that it minimizes any unwanted rotor dynamic instabilities.

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160160844A1
Автор: Saavedra John A.

An apparatus for generating power may use potential energy and the acceleration of falling objects due to Earth's gravitational force. The apparatus for capturing the energy of a falling, accelerating load may include a vessel for holding a working mass. The vessel may be hermetically sealed and the working mass may be a fluid, a solid, or a plurality of fluids. The apparatus may include a device for translating energy from the movement of the working mass. This device for translating energy may be a hydraulic cylinder connected to a hydraulic generator, a fluid flow generator, or a flywheel gear box assembly connected to a permanent magnet generator/alternator or conventionally-powered alternator or generator, or a combination of one or all of the above. 1. An apparatus for capturing energy of a falling , accelerating load comprising:a vessel for holding the load;a device for filling the load into the vessel;a device for elevating the vessel a vertical distance above a reference point, the device for elevating the vessel having a trigger causing the vessel to be released and to fall once the vessel has reached a predetermined fill level; anda device for translating the energy of the falling vessel and load into power.2. The apparatus of wherein the device for translating the energy of the falling vessel and load into power is a hydraulic cylinder operably connected to a hydraulic generator.3. The apparatus of wherein the device for translating the energy of the falling vessel and the load into power comprises a flywheel operably connected to a gear box which is operably connected to a conventionally-powered alternator/generator.4. The apparatus of wherein the load is water.5. The apparatus of wherein the load is selected from the group consisting of rainwater claim 1 , storm water claim 1 , and sanitary sewage form an adjacent building.6. The apparatus of wherein the vessel is rigid.7. The apparatus of wherein the vessel is an expandable bag.8. An apparatus for ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200158095A1

The present disclosure relates broadly to an energy apparatus comprising a flywheel assembly, drive means operatively coupled to the flywheel assembly, and an energy generator operatively coupled to the flywheel assembly via extraction means. The drive means includes biasing means connected to an actuator arranged to provide stored energy in the biasing means. The apparatus also comprises transmission means coupled between the flywheel assembly and the biasing means wherein release of stored energy from the biasing means provides a driving force which effects rotation of the flywheel assembly which gains momentum. The extraction means is arranged for rapid extraction of the momentum of the flywheel assembly. The energy generator generates electricity from the rapidly extracted momentum of the flywheel assembly. 164-. (canceled)65: An energy apparatus comprising:a flywheel assembly arranged for rotation;drive means operatively coupled to the flywheel assembly, the drive means including biasing means connected to an actuator arranged to bias the biasing means to provide stored energy in the biasing means;transmission means coupled between the flywheel assembly and the biasing means wherein a release of the stored energy in the biasing means provides a driving force that drives the transmission means to effect rotation of the flywheel assembly which gains momentum;extraction means operatively coupled to the flywheel assembly for rapid extraction of the momentum of the flywheel assembly; andan energy generator associated with the extraction means for generating energy from the rapidly extracted momentum of the flywheel assembly.66: The energy apparatus of claim 65 , wherein the actuator includes a drive motor coupled to the biasing means which is biased under the influence of the drive motor to provide the stored energy in the biasing means.67: The energy apparatus of claim 66 , wherein the biasing means includes a spring coupled to the drive motor which is rotated to ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190165645A1

A kinetic energy storage system is provided. The kinetic energy storage system comprising: a vacuum container enclosing a vacuum chamber; and a flywheel located within the vacuum chamber, the flywheel being configured to convert electrical energy into kinetic energy, wherein the flywheel comprises: a rotor assembly and a stator assembly located within the rotor assembly. 1. A kinetic energy storage system comprising:a vacuum container enclosing a vacuum chamber; anda flywheel located within the vacuum chamber, the flywheel being configured to convert electrical energy into kinetic energy, wherein the flywheel comprises: a rotor assembly and a stator assembly located within the rotor assembly.2. The kinetic energy storage system of claim 1 , wherein:the rotor assembly is configured to rotate relative to the vacuum chamber.3. The kinetic energy storage system of claim 1 , wherein:the stator assembly is configured to remain stationary relative to the vacuum container.4. The kinetic energy storage system of claim 1 , wherein the stator assembly further comprises:a stator core; andone or more stator pole cores, each of the one or more stator pole cores being located proximate a distal end of the stator core.5. The kinetic energy storage system of claim 4 , wherein:the stator core is disc-shaped and the one or more stator pole cores are about equally spaced around the distal end of the stator core.6. The kinetic energy storage system of claim 4 , wherein each of the one or more stator pole cores further comprises:an upper stator pole operably connected to an upper side of the stator core; anda lower stator pole operably connected to a lower side of the stator core.7. The kinetic energy storage system of claim 6 , wherein the upper stator pole further comprises:an upper stator pole face, wherein an upper inset area is interposed between the upper stator pole face and the upper side of the stator core, the upper inset area having a diameter less than a diameter of the upper ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180171988A1
Автор: Fothergill Alexander

A drive assembly for providing a driving force includes: a first track declined in a first direction through a first declination; a second track, extending in a second direction and arranged to pivot with respect to the first track between a first position in which the track is substantially horizontal and a second position in which the second track is declined in the second direction through a second declination; and a shaft connected to a flywheel and. A first vehicle is arranged to travel along the first track between a first drive location and a first idle location to drive the shaft in a first direction and to cause a second vehicle to travel along the second track between a second idle location and a second drive location; and, the second vehicle is arranged to travel along the second track from the second drive location to the second idle location to cause the shaft to rotate in a second direction and to cause the first vehicle to travel from the first idle location to the first drive location. The shaft is coupled to the first and second vehicles and arranged to rotate in dependence of the travel of the first and second vehicles. 1. A drive assembly comprising:a track along which a vehicle is arranged to travel, the track arranged to pivot with respect to the drive assembly between a first position in which the track is substantially horizontal and a second position in which the track is declined;a counterweight;a shaft coupled to the vehicle and the counterweight, the shaft being arranged to rotate in dependence of the travel of the vehicle and the counterweight; wherein,the vehicle is arranged to travel along the track between a drive location and an idle location to rotate the shaft in a first direction and to cause the counterweight to travel between a lower position and an upper position; and,the counterweight arranged to descend from the upper position to the lower position to cause the shaft to rotate in a second direction and to cause the vehicle to ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190178337A1

A utility power generator includes a flywheel that includes an outer perimeter that is operable between a planar position and a plurality of sinusoidal positions. A hub is concentrically positioned within the flywheel, wherein the hub defines a rotational axis of the flywheel. An axial fitting traverses relative to the hub and along the rotational axis in an axial direction as the flywheel operates between the planar position and the plurality of sinusoidal positions. The flywheel, the hub and the axial fitting are rotationally linked to synchronously rotate about the rotational axis. Rotation of the flywheel biases the axial fitting toward the planar position. A transfer fitting is coupled to at least one of the flywheel, the hub and the transfer fitting. Rotation of the flywheel about the rotational axis operates the transfer fitting to operate a tool. 1. A utility power generator comprising:a flywheel that includes an outer perimeter that is operable between a planar position and a plurality of sinusoidal positions;a hub that is concentrically positioned within the flywheel, wherein the hub defines a rotational axis of the flywheel;an axial fitting that traverses relative to the hub and along the rotational axis in an axial direction as the flywheel operates between the planar position and the plurality of sinusoidal positions, wherein the flywheel, the hub and the axial fitting are rotationally linked to synchronously rotate about the rotational axis, and wherein rotation of the flywheel biases the axial fitting toward the planar position; anda transfer fitting coupled to at least one of the flywheel, the hub and the transfer fitting, wherein rotation of the flywheel about the rotational axis operates the transfer fitting to operate a tool.2. The utility power generator of claim 1 , wherein during rotation of the flywheel claim 1 , movement of the axial fitting away from the planar position defines an axial force that is exerted parallel to the rotational axis.3 ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190186597A1
Автор: Lester William Terry

A kinetic energy storage device, a pumpjack inertia capacitor (PIC), for use with an oil well pumpjack, the PIC includes a primary shaft assembly to transfer power and torque between a prime mover of the oil well pumpjack, a flywheel assembly having one or more flywheels, and an output assembly, the one or more flywheels absorb and then transfer torque to an oil well pumping unit to enable the oil well pumping unit to operate at a near constant speed; and the one or more flywheels enable the prime mover to operate at a near constant speed and a near constant power. 1. A kinetic energy storage device for use with an oil well pumpjack , the device comprising: a primary multi-groove pulley;', 'a primary gear;', 'a primary output gear; and', 'a primary shaft extending between the primary multi-groove pulley, the primary gear, and the primary output gear;, 'a primary shaft assembly configured to transfer power and torque between a prime mover of the oil well pumpjack, a flywheel assembly, and an output assembly, the primary shaft assembly havingthe flywheel assembly having one or more flywheels and one or more flywheel gears connected via a flywheel shaft; and an output gear;', 'an output multi-groove pulley; and', 'an output shaft coupling the output gear and output multi-groove pulley;', 'wherein the output assembly transfers power and torque to a gearbox of an oil well pumpjack;, 'the output assembly, havingwherein the primary output gear engages with the output gear;wherein the one or more flywheel gears engage with the primary gear;wherein the one or more flywheels absorb and then transfer torque to an oil well pumping unit to enable the oil well pumping unit to operate at a near constant speed; andwherein the one or more flywheels enable the prime mover to operate at a near constant speed and a near constant power.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:a frame for mounting and supporting the device between a prime mover and a gearbox of the oil well pumpjack ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200208616A1
Автор: LEE Soobum

Energy harvesters (EH) which can effectively harvest wasted vibrational/kinematic energy and convert it into electrical energy for battery-free sensor operation are described herein. The energy harvesters can be integrated with a power management circuit and a wireless sensor for monitoring wind turbine blades. The target application of the energy harvesters includes powering the wireless sensors used for wind turbine blade structural monitoring. 1. An electromagnetic energy generation unit comprising at least one asymmetric spring , at least one nonlinear spring , at least one magnet , and a coil , wherein the at least one asymmetric spring connects the at least one magnet to a first location on a wall of the generation unit and the at least one nonlinear spring connects the at least one magnet to a second location on a wall of the generation unit , wherein the at least one magnet is supported within the generation unit by the at least one asymmetric spring and the at least one nonlinear spring , and wherein the coil is wound around the generation unit.2. The generation unit of claim 1 , wherein the generation unit is placed in or on a rotating object.3. The generation unit of claim 2 , wherein the rotating object is a wind turbine blade.4. The generation unit of claim 1 , wherein the generation unit is connected to a power management circuit and storage unit.5. The generation unit of claim 1 , wherein the at least one nonlinear spring is a leaf spring.6. A piezoelectric energy harvester (PEH) comprising a gravity-induced rotator and a piezoelectric cantilever beam claim 1 , wherein said gravity-induced rotator comprises an impact bar claim 1 , a weighted mass and a bearing claim 1 , and the cantilever beam comprises a fixed end and a cantilever tip claim 1 , wherein during every rotation of the rotator claim 1 , the impact bar exerts a force on the cantilever tip such that the cantilever beam vibrates and generates electrical energy.7. The PEH of claim 6 , wherein ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации

Rotation assistance device, rotation assistance method, and power generation device

Номер: US20140319845A1
Автор: Shigeyoshi Kuramoto
Принадлежит: NAPONE Co Ltd

A rotation assistance device ( 1 ) is equipped with a rotating shaft body ( 11 ) and multiple rotation assistance bodies ( 20 ), which are equipped with rotating bodies ( 40 ). The rotating bodies are equipped with a rotation-promoting body ( 22 ), having a mass that maintains rotation, and with a spring shaft ( 23 ), one end of which is connected to the shaft body ( 11 ) and the other end of which is connected to the rotation-promoting body ( 22 ), and which expands and contracts in the lengthwise direction by means of an elastic body. The rotation assistance bodies also are equipped with guide rails ( 21 ), which guide the rotation-promoting bodies ( 22 ) of the rotating bodies ( 40 ) so as to rotate in an elliptical orbit. The rotating bodies ( 40 ) are attached to the shaft body ( 11 ) such that their respective attachment angles around the axis of rotation are displaced with respect to each other.

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200240397A1
Автор: HSIEH Chih-Ching

An inertial rotation device includes: a central member with an axial direction, a first engaging portion on the peripheral surface of the central member, an inertia member with a mounting hole, and a second engaging portion on the wall of the mounting hole. The inertia member is mounted around the central member and can be displaced between an engaging position and a released position along the axial direction of the central member. The inertia member can rotate together with the central member when at the engaging position, where the two engaging portions are engaged with each other, and cannot rotate together with the central member when at the released position, where the two engaging portions are disengaged from each other. The magnitude of the torque of the inertial rotation device can be changed by switching the inertia member to the engaging position or the released position. 1. An inertial rotation device , comprising:a central member having an axial direction and two ends; a first engaging portion provided on a peripheral surface of the central member, the central member is configured to rotate about the axial direction; andan inertia member formed as an annular body, the inertia member having a mounting hole passing through the inertia member and has a second engaging portion provided on a wall of the mounting hole; the mounting hole is fitted on the central member and the inertia member is displaceable between an engaging position and a released position along the axial direction of the central member; when the inertia member is at the engaging position, the first engaging portion is engaged with the second engaging portion to enable simultaneous rotation of the inertia member and the central member; and when the inertia member is at the released position, the first engaging portion is disengaged from the second engaging portion to prevent simultaneous rotation of the inertia member and the central member.2. The inertial rotation device of claim 1 , ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210296961A1

The present invention relates to an electromechanical battery comprising a single pole-pair Halbach array of permanent magnets incorporated into an annular flywheel, which together comprise a rotor assembly, a means for levitating the rotor assembly using a “double-lift” attractive magnetic levitator under active control, and a means for actively stabilizing the spinning rotor assembly by interaction with the fringe fields of the Halbach array. 1. An electromechanical battery comprising:a rotor assembly comprising: 'the Halbach array has a substantially uniform unidirectional magnetic field in the central through-hole and nonuniform fringe magnetic fields with radial and vertical components at its top and bottom surfaces;', 'a. a vertical columnar single pole-pair Halbach array of permanent magnets that define a central through-hole, the array having an upper end, a lower and, and essentially planar top and bottom surfaces, wherein the planar top and bottom surfaces are perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the columnar array, wherein,'}b. an annular flywheel coupled to the rotor assembly;c. a stator disposed within the through-hole of the Halbach array and substantially centered on the longitudinal axis of the array;d. windings disposed within the stator; ande. a coil at the upper end and a coil at the lower end of the Halbach array, wherein the coils interact with the fringe magnetic fields;a sensor that detects changes in radial position of the rotor assembly when the rotor assembly is levitated; anda controller in communication with the sensor wherein, upon receiving radial position data from the sensor, the controller directs current through the coils to affect the radial position of the rotor assembly.2. The electromechanical battery of claim 1 , wherein the sensor comprises:a light source that directs a beam of light at a longitudinal edge of the rotor assembly such that a portion of the beam is blocked by the rotor assembly; anda detector positioned on ...

07-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210308903A1
Принадлежит: ENERGIESTRO

A method for binding a cylindrical part by the tensioned winding of fibers, the method including a preliminary step of passing the fibers around at least two braked tensioning cylinders in order to increase the tension in the fibers, wherein the method includes increasing the diameter of the cylinders as the tension in the fibers increases. 112-. (canceled)13. A method for binding a cylindrical part by the tensioned winding of fibers , comprising a preliminary step of said fibers passing around at least two braked tensioning cylinders (C; C) in order to increase the tension therein and consisting of increasing the diameter D of the cylinders as the tension in the fibers increases , wherein , n being an integer greater than or equal to 2 and m an integer strictly less than n , said method consists of maintaining a constant diameter for the first m cylinders (C; C) then increasing said diameter of the last (n−m) cylinders (C; C).14. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the diameter of the last (n−m) cylinders increases arithmetically.15. The method according to claim 13 , wherein it consists of increasing the peripheral velocity of the cylinders as the tension in the fibers increases.16. The method according to claim 15 , wherein claim 15 , n being an integer greater than or equal to 2 and p an integer strictly less than n claim 15 , said method consists of maintaining a constant peripheral velocity for the first p cylinders (C; C) then increasing said peripheral velocity of the last (n−p) cylinders (C; C).17. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the peripheral velocity of the last (n−p) cylinders increases arithmetically.18. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the diameter Dof the last cylinder Cis at least equal to 10% of the diameter of the cylindrical part to be bound.19. The method according to claim 13 , wherein all the cylinders are synchronized by gears claim 13 , or by a chain claim 13 , or by a toothed belt.20. The method according to ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190264868A1

Disclosed is a device for lubrication of a unit turning under vacuum, such as a flywheel, where the unit includes an axle rotating relative to a fixed bearing structure, via at least one bearing or roller, and where the unit is placed in an enclosure connected to a vacuum, with: a lubricant reservoir connected by pipes both to the bottom of the enclosure and also to the bearing; and fluid suitable circulator for connecting the reservoir either to the vacuum, for filling the reservoir from the enclosure by gravity, or to the atmosphere for lubricating the bearing. The fluid circulator includes a three-way valve connecting the reservoir either to the vacuum or to the atmosphere. 110-. (canceled)11. A device for lubrication of a unit turning under vacuum , where said unit comprises an axle rotating relative to a fixed bearing structure , via at least one bearing or roller , and where said unit is placed in an enclosure connected to means for drawing a vacuum , wherein the device comprises:a lubricant reservoir connected by pipes both to the bottom of the enclosure and also to the bearing;and a means for circulation of the fluid suitable for connecting the reservoir either to the means for drawing a vacuum, for filling the reservoir from the enclosure by gravity, or to the atmosphere for lubricating the bearing.12. The device for lubrication according to claim 11 , wherein the means of fluid circulation comprises a three-way valve connecting the reservoir either to means for drawing a vacuum or to the atmosphere.13. The device for lubrication according to claim 11 , wherein a two-way claim 11 , normally-open valve is provided disposed between the reservoir and the enclosure.14238410. The device for lubrication according to claim 13 , wherein said two-way valve is controlled by a piston cylinder () where one chamber is connected to the reservoir () claim 13 , and the other chamber to the enclosure () and the piston controls said valve ().15. The device for lubrication ...

25-11-2021 дата публикации

Braking Device and Method

Номер: US20210362693A1
Автор: Öztürk Mustafa Naci

A braking device comprising a body; inner supporting means for supporting the body for rotation about a first axis; outer supporting means for supporting the inner supporting means for rotation about a second axis; means for rotating the body about the first axis; means for connecting a rotation that is desired to be braked about a fourth axis to the body so as to transmit rotation and torque to the body () about the second axis (); suspension means for supporting the outer supporting means. 1. A braking device comprising:a body;inner supporting means for supporting the body for rotation about a first axis;outer supporting means for supporting the inner supporting means for rotation about a second axis, wherein the first axis is oriented with respect to the second axis at an alpha angle (α) which is greater than 0 degrees;means for rotating the body about the first axis;means for connecting a rotation that is desired to be braked about a fourth axis to the body so as to transmit rotation and torque to the body about the second axis, wherein the second axis is oriented with respect to the fourth axis at a beta angle (β) which is greater than 0 degrees and less than 90 degrees;characterised in thatthe braking device further comprisessuspension means for supporting the outer supporting means, wherein the suspension means is so configured as to allow rotation of the second axis about the fourth axis, and the suspension means is so configured as to prevent rotation of the outer supporting means about the second axis;wherebythe body is further allowed to rotate about a third axis which is the precession axis about which the precession of the body occurs as a result of rotating the body about the first axis and applying torque to the body about the second axis,the rotation of the body about the first axis and the torque applied to the body about the second axis together cause the body to further rotate about the third axis,the body rotates about the first axis, the second ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200269998A1
Автор: Sinclair Larry D.

The disclosure relates to a method and apparatus of rotating mass propulsion. The method and apparatus entails rotating a mass to generate thrust. Varying the speed and direction of rotation provides some control of the magnitude and direction of the thrust generated. The method and apparatus of the invention pertinent to a propulsion system for spacecrafts or astromotive vehicles under conditions of zero to low gravity and atmosphere. 1. A rotating mass propulsion system for a spacecraft comprising;an engine mount to attach to a frame of the spacecraft; an electric motor to rotate a shaft;', 'a battery to drive the electric motor;', 'a control unit to control the speed of rotation of the shaft;', 'a rotating mass attached to the shaft;, 'a rotating mass propulsion unit coupled to the engine mount the rotating mass propulsion unit further comprising;'}a solar collector to provide power to the battery.2. The rotating mass propulsion system of claim 1 , wherein the rotating mass is a disk.3. The rotating mass propulsion system of claim 2 , wherein the disk is thicker at the disk's circumference and thinner at the disk's center.4. The rotating mass propulsion system of claim 1 , wherein the battery is a rechargeable battery.5. The rotating mass propulsion system of claim 1 , wherein the control unit is an electronic speed control unit configured to pulse direct current to the electric motor.6. The rotating mass propulsion system of claim 5 , wherein the electronic speed control unit is coupled to and electronically controlled by a flight controller configured to receive steering inputs and translate the steering inputs into speed control outputs at the electronic speed controller7. The rotating mass propulsion system of claim 1 , wherein spacecraft is configured to operate in low and zero gravity non-atmospheric conditions.8. A rotating mass propulsion unit of a rotating mass propulsion system comprising;an electric motor configured to receive Direct Current (DC) ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Device for the study of self-contained inertial vehicular propulsion

Номер: US20150300325A1
Автор: Gutsche Gottfried J.

A novel device for the study of self-contained timely sequential vehicular inertial thrust drive is presented, comprising a tandem mechanical frequency modulated oscillator using the combined effort of straight line and rotational inertial reluctance contained in the mass of flywheels. The flywheels are having straight line parallel axial orientation, opposite freewheeling rotation and opposite alternate cyclic free flowing non-uniform reciprocal motion in union with vehicular travel by means of a straight line to rotational-coupled motion. The straight line to rotational-coupled motion accomplishes the cyclic realignment of the flywheel motion to combine the straight line and rotational motion into one timely gradient vector sum motivating thrust drive. The free flowing straight line and rotational inertial reluctance of the flywheel mass is used as the motivating drive kinetic energy by timely non-uniform mutual reciprocal separation against the device mass and the freewheeling rotational inertial reluctance of the flywheel's mass moment is used to absorb rotational mutually reciprocal contrary rotational kinetic energy. An integral motor-generators rotor contained within each flywheel accumulates rotational kinetic energy subsequently used for the propulsion of the device and is used to obtain the frequency modulation and non-uniform motions. The motor-generator with attached rotational-to-reciprocating transmission is directing the accumulated kinetic energy non-uniformly mutually reciprocally into the device in direction of vehicular travel and into the free flowing straight line and rotational flywheel mass. The cyclic sum of all mutual and reciprocal actions is a closed loop cycle with two self-contained superior centripetal inertial thrust drives. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации

System For Converting Rotational Momentum Into Versatile Linear Propulsion

Номер: US20200277938A1
Автор: Arbabian Morteza

Disclosed are systems for converting rotational momentum into linear propulsion. A propulsion system includes one or more thrust units with masses controllably driven by actuators to generate inertia that thrusts a vehicle with the propulsion system in a desired direction. The propulsion system can be configured to have multiple units, each configured to generate thrust in a desired direction and counteract or neutralize thrust in other directions. The propulsion system can generate thrust via two operational cycles and/or through continuous operation. The propulsion system may comprise two mirroring units, each configured to operate in mirrored synchrony to generate a net thrust in a desired direction and counteract or neutralize thrust in other or undesired directions. 1. A propulsion system , comprising:first and second thruster units each having a movable mass;one or more mechanical actuators that rotate each mass along a trajectory that deviates from a circular trajectory such that each thruster unit generates a forward momentum and a non-forward momentum;wherein the first thruster unit is positioned with respect to the second thruster unit in the propulsion system such that the forward momentums of the first and second thruster units are additive and the non-forward momentums of the first and second thruster units are at least partially neutralized.2. The propulsion system of claim 1 , wherein each thruster unit is configured to generate the forward momentum at a first segment of the trajectory of the corresponding mass claim 1 , and to generate the non-forward momentum at a second segment of the trajectory of the corresponding mass.3. The propulsion system of claim 1 , further comprising a controller configured to control the one or more actuators to set rotational speed for one or both of the masses of the first and second thruster units.4. The propulsion system of claim 3 , wherein the controller is configured to change rotational speeds of the masses to ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150308418A1
Автор: De Vries Carl Maria

The invention relates to a device for reducing the load on a supporting structure comprising a housing defining a chamber, at least one object having a first face and a substantially opposite second face mounted in the chamber by means of the supporting structure and is displaceable relative to the housing leaving free a gap provided with a seal separating a first section and a second section of the chamber, an exposing means for exposing at least the first face to a gas pressure, thereby generating an upward differential pressure force at least partially compensating the object weight, wherein the seal is supported by a movable part of the housing and the device further comprises a means for adjusting the position of at least said movable part. 1. A device for reducing the load on a supporting structure comprising a housing defining a chamber , at least one object having a first face and a substantially opposite second face , the object being mounted in the chamber by means of said supporting structure , so that it can be displaced relative to the housing leaving free a gap between the outer object perimeter and the inner perimeter of the chamber , wherein a seal is provided in said gap separating a first section of the chamber and a second section of the chamber , an exposing means for exposing at least the first face of the object in the first section to a gas pressure , which , by comparison with the pressure exerted upon the substantially opposite second face in the second section generates an upward differential pressure force that at least partially compensates for the weight of the object , wherein said seal is supported by a movable part of the housing and the device further comprises an adjusting means for adjusting the position of at least said movable part of the housing with respect to the object.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one object can rotate relative to the housing about an axis of rotation leaving free a gap between ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180294617A1
Автор: Mills Randell L.

A method and means to produce a propulsion force comprises a source of electrons and means to produce pseudoelectrons. A gravitating body such as the Earth provides a repulsive fifth force on the pseudoelectrons. Pseudoelectrons are produced by absorption of high-energy photons by electrons. The pseudoelectrons experience a fifth force (F) away from the Earth and move upward away from the Earth. To use this Fdevice for propulsion, the repulsive fifth force on the pseudoelectrons is transferred to a negatively charged plate. The Coulombic repulsion between the pseudoelectrons and the negatively charged plate causes the plate to lift. The craft may additionally be imparted with angular momentum along an axis defined by the gravitational force, and the craft may be tilted to move the vector away from the axis where a component of acceleration tangential to a surface of a gravitating body is achieved via conservation of angular momentum. 1. An apparatus for providing lift from a gravitating body comprising:a free electron;means for applying energy to said free electron;means for forming a pseudoelectron wherein a repulsive force away from said gravitating mass is created; andmeans for applying a field to said pseudoelectron;wherein a repulsive force is developed by said pseudoelectron in response to said applied field and is impressed on said means for applying the field in a direction away from said gravitating body.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the means of forming a pseudoelectron comprises an electron beam and a beam of high-energy photons claim 1 , wherein the beams intersect such that the electrons form pseudoelectrons.3. The means of claim 1 , further comprising means for providing an electric field to provide a repulsive force against the pseudoelectron and to receive the repulsive force on said pseudoelectron by said gravitating mass.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the means to apply a field to provide a repulsive force against the pseudoelectron ...

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200284317A1

A flywheel system comprises a flywheel rotor comprising a rotor disc and a rotor shaft and has a longitudinal axis extending centrally through the rotor disc and the rotor shaft. The system further comprises a journal assembly configured to facilitate rotation of the flywheel rotor. The journal assembly comprises a sleeve having an aperture extending therethrough from a first end to a second, opposite end, a rod at least partially disposed within the aperture of the sleeve, and a nut coupled to a portion of the rod. The rod has a length greater than the sleeve such that a portion the rod extends axially beyond the first end of the sleeve. A method of forming the flywheel comprises coupling the rod to the rotor shaft and pulling the second end of the rod to tension the rod. The nut maintains the tension in the rod when coupled thereto. 1. A flywheel system , comprising:a flywheel rotor comprising a rotor disc and a rotor shaft, a longitudinal axis of the flywheel rotor extending centrally through the rotor disc and the rotor shaft; a sleeve having an aperture extending therethrough from a first end to an opposite second end, the second end of the sleeve coupled to the rotor shaft, a longitudinal axis of the sleeve extending therethrough from the first end to the second end;', 'a rod at least partially disposed within the aperture of the sleeve, a first end of the rod extending axially beyond the first end of the sleeve and a second end of the rod coupled to the rotor shaft, a longitudinal axis of the rod extending therethrough from the first end to the second end wherein the longitudinal axes of the sleeve and the rod are coaxial with the longitudinal axis of the flywheel rotor; and', 'a retaining element coupled to the first end of the rod extending axially beyond the first end of the sleeve., 'a journal assembly configured to facilitate rotation of the flywheel rotor, the journal assembly comprising2. The flywheel system of claim 1 , wherein the rod is tensioned to ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150316036A1

A thrust generator developed for use in vehicles in general such as bicycles, motorcycles, motor cars and aircraft, as well as for other uses such as in wheelchairs, elevators or any other objects that require movement and/or fluctuation, the movement generator including a circular element having two portions of differing radius, in which an upper portion has a substantially semicircular circumference and a lower portion is substantially semi-elliptical, thereby establishing a circuit through which move peripheral sliding elements of equal weight and mass that rotate about a circular element in circular movements that provide different speeds to the sliding elements as a function of the stretch they are moving on, generating a directional vector and moving the unit and keeping it in movement or suspended in the air in a state of fluctuation and/or in a state of simultaneous fluctuation with movements, using the principles of centrifugal force. 1. A generator of directional thrust for moving vehicles and/or objects in general using centrifugal force , developed to be applicable in vehicles in general such as bicycles , motorcycles , automobiles and aircrafts in general , as well as for other miscellaneous uses , such as application in wheelchairs , elevators and any other objects requiring moving and/or fluctuation , the directional thrust generators comprising:at least one circular element of different radius, wherein an upper portion provides a substantially semicircular circumference and a lower portion having a substantially semi-elliptical complexion, establishing in that way a circuit in which a plurality of sliding peripheral elements move, of same weight and mass, which rotate around the at least one circular element with circular movements that provide distinctive speeds to the plurality of sliding peripheral elements, as a function of the trajectory they move along, generating a directional vector and moving the assembly.2. The generator according to claim ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170306940A1

The disclosure relates to a device for improving a vacuum in the housing of a machine, in particular a centrifugal-mass energy store, comprising a rotor, for example a shaft having a centrifugal mass arranged thereon, which rotor is supported on at least one superconducting bearing in a contactless manner and is arranged in a vacuum container. In order to maintain the operating state of the superconducting bearing, the superconducting bearing is thermally connected to a cold source cooled by a cryogenic medium. According to the invention, the vacuum in the vacuum container is improved by means of an adsorber thermally connected to a cooling apparatus. The cooling of the adsorber occurs preferably by means of evaporated cooling medium from the superconducting bearing. 1. A device for improving a vacuum in the housing of a machine , in which a rotor , which is contactlessly mounted on at least one superconducting bearing , is arranged in a vacuum container , wherein the superconducting bearing , in order to maintain its operating state , is thermally connected to a cold source cooled by a cryogenic medium , and in which there are provided means for improving the vacuum in the vacuum container ,wherein an adsorber that is thermally connected to a cooling device is provided as the means for improving the vacuum.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cooling device comprises a heat exchanger which is thermally connected to the adsorber and which is fluidically connected to a discharge gas line for evaporated cryogenic medium from the cold source.3. The device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the adsorber is arranged in a vacuum chamber that is fluidically connected to the vacuum container.4. The device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the fluidic connection between the vacuum chamber and the vacuum container can be closed.5. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein liquid nitrogen or a liquefied noble gas is used as the cryogenic liquefied gas in the cold ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации

Drive-In Electric Turbine (D-IET)

Номер: US20180309344A1
Автор: De Asis Samuel S.

A Drive-In Electric Turbine (D-IET) is an electric turbine that uses the locomotion of gravity through the weight of roving cars, loaded carts, rollers, trucks or trains collectively known herein as gravity-on-wheels (GOWs) that serves as ‘roving gravity’ that pedal down the D-IETs' levers that crank the flywheels that power-up the generators. D-IET uses as primary components: an ‘omega-like’ pedal lever, (tilted by default at 45-degree from the ground) heavy flywheels, free-wheel mechanism and generators interconnected through sprockets, belts and chains. To produce highest energy return of investment (EROI) a plurality of at least ten D-IETs arrayed across a circle or oval track is preferred with the pedal levers visibly protruding along the track's surface, The weight or gravity of the GOWs pedal down the D-IETs' levers to the ground level producing a rotational energy in the heavy flywheels and eventually the generators as they pass over the pedal levers. Then, one or two seconds right after the pass, the pedal levers are returned freely to their default 45-degree tilted positions again by the lever-restorer devices through the gravity of the counterweights ready to be pedaled down again by the next passing GOW even while the flywheels are still spinning because of the freewheel mechanism that allows forward cranking one way but can be reversed freely without affecting the rotating flywheel. And, inasmuch as the D-IETs are laid down and GOWs running in the same circle or oval train track (in train configuration), the ‘down-up-down-up-down’ movement of the pedal levers are being repeated over again and again producing a non-stop rotation of the flywheels and powering up of the generators. And furthermore, because in one embodiment (where the hybrid vehicle switches from gasoline to electrical) the GOWs and the generators can symbiotically power each other resulting in a potentially continuing operation. 1(1) two drum-like heavy cylinders serving as flywheels each ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160329776A1
Автор: Ha Sung Kyu

There are provided a hub for a flywheel and an energy storage flywheel. The hub for a flywheel is provided between a rotor and a rotational shaft of a flywheel to allow the rotor to have the same rotation speed as that of the rotational shaft. The hub includes a hollow main dome in which a through hole into which the rotational shaft is inserted is formed in one end and an opening is formed in the other end in a longitudinal direction of the rotational shaft, and that is formed by winding a composite material therearound; and a sub dome that is bonded to the rotor and is formed by winding the composite material around an outer surface of the main dome. Any one of the main dome and the sub dome expands in a radial direction of the rotational shaft along with the rotation of the rotational shaft and the rotor to allow the sub dome and the rotor to be maintained at a bonded state therebetween. 1. A method of manufacturing a hub for a flywheel that is provided between a rotor and a rotational shaft of a flywheel to allow the rotor to have the same rotation speed as that of the rotational shaft , the method comprising:forming a hollow main dome in which a through hole into which the rotational shaft is inserted is formed in one end and an opening is formed in the other end in a longitudinal direction of the rotational shaft by winding a composite material therearound; andwinding the composite material around an outer surface of the main dome to form a sub dome that is bonded to the rotor,wherein any one of the main dome and the sub dome expands in a radial direction of the rotational shaft along with the rotation of the rotational shaft and the rotor to allow the sub dome and the rotor to be maintained at a bonded state there between.2. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the sub dome includes a first sub dome wound around the outer surface of the main dome and a second sub dome wound around an outer surface of the first sub dome, andthe main dome, the first sub ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации

Hydraulic Systems And Methods To Control A Member

Номер: US20190315457A1

The hydraulic system can include a control member that is operatively coupled to a member. The control member can include a hydraulic control member and an integrated inerter. Hydraulic fluid at variable pressures is moved through the hydraulic system by pumps. The hydraulic system can be configured for hydraulic fluid returning from the control member to the first pump to be delivered to the second pump prior to reaching the first pump. A dual-spool valve is positioned between the pumps and the control member to control the flow of the hydraulic fluid. The dual-spool valve is movable to move the hydraulic fluid at variable pressures into and out of first and second chambers of the control member. The dual spool valve can also be configured to operate the control member when a spool is not operational. 1. A system to control a member , the system comprising:a control device comprising a hydraulic actuator and integrated inerter that is operatively coupled to the member;a first pump that delivers hydraulic fluid at a first pressure to the control device;a second pump that delivers hydraulic fluid to the control device at a second pressure that is higher than the first pressure;a dual spool valve that is positioned between the control device and the first and second pumps, the dual spool valve directs the hydraulic fluid to the control device; anda return line that extends between the control device and the first pump to deliver the hydraulic fluid from the control device to one of the first pump and the second pump.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the return line further comprises a spare line that extends between the return line and the second pump to deliver the hydraulic fluid that is returning towards the first pump to the second pump prior to reaching the first pump.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a valve positioned upstream from the second pump and movable between a first valve position in which the hydraulic fluid is delivered to the second ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации

Kinetic energy conversion device of punching machine

Номер: US20190316570A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A kinetic energy conversion device of a punching machine includes a punching table, a power unit, an air compressor, a clutch, a gas storage tank, a pressure detector and a generator. The power unit, the air compressor, the clutch, the gas storage tank, the pressure detector, and the generator are all disposed on the punching table. The power unit drives the clutch, air compressor, and generator to generate electrical power and high pressure gas. Therefore, the air compressor can operate without using additional energy. Compared with conventional punching equipment and the air compressor externally disposed and connected to the punching equipment, a large amount of electricity cost can be saved, achieving a power saving effect.

17-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150361966A1

The invention relates to an equipment for a bicycle wheel. The equipment comprises at least one profiled wing-shaped projection adapted to be secured to the inner surface of the rim of the wheel. 1. Equipment for a wheel of a bicycle , characterized in that it comprises at least one profiled wing-shaped projection designed to be secured to the inner surface of the rim of the wheel.2. Equipment claim 1 , according to claim 1 , characterized in that the inner profile of the profiled wing-shaped projection has the following geometrical characteristics with reference to the inner radius [{'br': None, '(R2)=0.6 to 0.8 (R1), {'br': None, 'i': H', 'R, '()=0.1÷0.2 (1);'}, {'br': None, '(α)=20°÷45°;'}, {'br': None, '(β)=20°÷45°.'}], 'of the rim3. Equipment claims 1 , according to anyone of the preceding claims 1 , characterized in that at least one through opening is provided on said at least one profiled wing-shaped projection.4. Equipment claim 1 , according to claim 1 , characterized in that said at least one profiled wing-shaped projection is integral with said rim claim 1 , or said at least a profiled wing-shaped projection is attached to said rim by means of a “dovetail” coupling.5. Equipment claim 1 , according to claim 1 , characterized in that the weight of said at least a profiled wing-shaped projection is comprised between 60 grams and 80 grams per wheel.6. Equipment claim 1 , according to claim 1 , characterized in that it comprises at least one passage on the body of said rim.7. Equipment claim 6 , according to claim 6 , characterized in that said at least one passage has a three-dimensional inner profile designed as a portion of a wing-shaped profile claim 6 , in particular claim 6 , a NACA profile.8. Equipment claim 6 , according to claim 6 , characterized in that said at least one passage has a three-dimensional inner profile designed as a Venturi tube.9. Equipment claim 7 , according to claim 7 , characterized in that on each of the two side faces of said ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180351433A1

A device for storing kinetic energy, which has a flywheel in a housing. The flywheel is mounted in the housing via a shaft. A motor-generator unit is provided for storing energy as well as for energy recovery. In order to improve efficiency, a vacuum pump for evacuating the interior is arranged in the housing. The vacuum pump is disposed on the shaft. 1. Device for storing kinetic energy , comprising:a flywheel arranged in an interior of a housing,a shaft connected to the flywheel and supported in the housing,a motor-generator unit for driving the flywheel and for recovering energy, anda vacuum pump provided in the housing for evacuating the interior,whereinthe vacuum pump is arranged on the shaft.2. Device of claim 1 , wherein the vacuum pump is arranged on the shaft as a separate component.3. Device of claim 1 , wherein the vacuum pump comprises a turbomolecular pump stage claim 1 , a gas friction compressor claim 1 , being arranged downstream thereof in the flow direction.4. Device of claim 3 , wherein the turbomolecular pump stage is a pump with a large pressure range claim 3 , wherein a compression from 20 mbar to preferably less than 10mbar is performed.5. Device of claim 1 , wherein the vacuum pump is arranged at least partly inside an outer casing.6. Device of claim 5 , wherein the outer casing comprises fiber-reinforced plastic material.7. Device of claim 5 , wherein the outer casing is connected to the flywheel or the housing.8. Device of claim 5 , wherein the outer casing supports rotor discs of the vacuum pump.9. Device of claim 5 , wherein the outer casing supports stator discs of the vacuum pump.10. Device of claim 1 , wherein the vacuum pump is arranged at least partly outside an inner casing.11. Device of claim 10 , wherein the inner casing is connected to the housing or the shaft.12. Device of claim 10 , wherein the inner casing comprises fiber-reinforced plastic material.13. Device of claim 10 , wherein the inner casing supports rotor discs of the ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160369783A1
Автор: Schofield Nigel Paul

The present invention provides an improved kinetic energy recovery and/or storage system for vehicles or other devices employing kinetic energy recovery systems comprising a flywheel supported for rotation in a first vacuum enclosure for receiving energy from and dissipating energy to one or more parts of a vehicle; a scroll vacuum pumping arrangement having an inlet arranged to be in fluid communication with an outlet of the first vacuum enclosure for evacuating the first vacuum enclosure; and a second vacuum enclosure having an inlet in fluid communication with an exhaust of the scroll pumping arrangement and arranged to be maintained at a pressure less than atmosphere for reducing the pressure at the exhaust of the scroll pumping arrangement, wherein the second vacuum enclosure comprising an outlet through which gas can be pumped periodically for maintaining the second vacuum enclosure at a pressure less than atmosphere. 1. A kinetic energy recovery system comprising:a flywheel supported for rotation in a first vacuum enclosure for receiving energy from and dissipating energy to one or more parts of a vehicle;a scroll vacuum pumping arrangement having an inlet arranged to be in fluid communication with an outlet of the first vacuum enclosure for evacuating the first vacuum enclosure;a second vacuum enclosure having an inlet in fluid communication with an exhaust of the scroll pumping arrangement and arranged to be maintained at a pressure less than atmosphere for reducing the pressure at the exhaust of the scroll pumping arrangement, wherein the second vacuum enclosure comprising an outlet through which gas can be pumped periodically for maintaining the second vacuum enclosure at a pressure less than atmosphere; anda second vacuum pumping arrangement operable for periodically evacuating the second vacuum enclosure to maintain the second vacuum enclosure at a pressure less than atmosphere.2. The kinetic energy recovery system of claim 1 , wherein the second vacuum ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

System and method for converting gravitational energy into rotational energy and movements

Номер: US20160369785A1
Автор: Areg Azizians
Принадлежит: Individual

The embodiments herein provide a system and method to convert gravity into continuous rotational motion of a wheel through non-compressible liquid. The system comprises a wheel. Several cylinders and pistons are arranged and equally spaced on the wheel. The cylinders arranged diagonally opposite to each other are connected through a pipe to provide a pathway for the non-compressible fluid. A folding bag is provided in each cylinder and filled with the non-compressible fluid. The folding bags arranged diagonally opposite to each other are connected through connecting pipes. The non-compressible liquid flows into the folding bags based on the motion of the wheel. Each folding bag expands and folds depending on the amount of fluid in the folding bag. The fluid motion maintains the imbalance of the wheel's weight and the wheel sustains the rotational motion.

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200347831A1
Автор: Watson Gary Alexander

An apparatus for generating electricity from falling material includes a capture wheel arranged to receive a falling material and be rotated thereby. The capture wheel may be mounted on a transportable housing having a generator therein. The housing may be a shipping container and the apparatus may be arranged to fit entirely within the shipping container for transportation. The capture wheel may include a hub comprising a central core encapsulated in a layer of resilient material; a wheel framework extending from the hub, wherein the wheel framework is connected to the resilient layer; and a plurality of bucket sections mounted on the wheel framework and arranged to receive the falling material. The hub may be a tri-layer hub including a central core, a layer of resilient material, and an outer support ring surrounding the layer of resilient material. A method of generating electricity using such an apparatus is also disclosed. 1100200. An energy-generation apparatus ( , ) arranged to be positioned below a falling material and to generate electricity from the falling material , the energy-generation apparatus comprising:{'b': '1', 'a cuboid transportable housing ();'}{'b': 2', '1', '2, 'a capture wheel () mounted on the housing (), wherein the capture wheel () is arranged to receive the falling material and to be caused to rotate by the falling material; and'}{'b': 10', '1', '10', '2, 'a generator () located within the transportable housing (), the generator () being arranged to be driven by rotation of the capture wheel () to generate electricity.'}21002001. The energy-generation apparatus ( claim 1 , ) of claim 1 , wherein the transportable housing () comprises a shipping container.31002001. The energy-generation apparatus ( claim 1 , ) of claim 1 , wherein the transportable housing () has a height and a width between 120 cm and 300 cm claim 1 , and a length between 300 cm and 2000 cm.4100200233121113. The energy-generation apparatus ( claim 1 , ) of claim 1 , ...

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160380479A1
Автор: Soueidan Bassem

Apparatus, system and method for providing supplementary power. A vessel is configured to receive and contain hydraulic fluid, where the vessel includes a piston configured within the vessel to be vertically displaced by the hydraulic fluid and provide pressure from the weight of the piston to a fluid supply line. A solenoid valve is operatively coupled to the fluid supply line; and connected to a flywheel power supply that includes a flywheel and a hydraulic drive adapter, wherein the hydraulic drive adapter is operatively coupled to the solenoid valve via the fluid supply line. A signal is received indicating a power outage, where the solenoid valve is further configured to open in response to the signal and provide the hydraulic fluid pressurized by the piston to the hydraulic drive adapter and causes the flywheel to operate and provide the supplementary power. 1. An apparatus for providing extend runtime for a flywheel rotary UPS , comprising:a vessel, configured to receive and contain fluid;a piston having a predetermined weight, configured within the vessel to have the weight of the piston independently and vertically displaced by the fluid and provide pressure from the displacement;a fluid discharge line, operatively coupled to an output of the vessel;a valve, operatively coupled to the fluid discharge line;a fluid supply line operatively coupled to the valve; a motor configured to rotate a flywheel for producing energy when power is applied to a main power input of the flywheel rotary UPS, and', 'a hydraulic drive adapter operatively coupled to the flywheel and to the fluid supply line;, 'a flywheel rotary UPS comprisingwherein the flywheel is configured to engage with the hydraulic drive adapter and the valve is configured to automatically open, when no power is received at the main power input, to provide fluid pressurized by the piston to the hydraulic drive adapter and cause the flywheel rotary UPS to continue rotating for an extended period of time ...

26-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190393754A1
Автор: Kuznetsov Stephen

An energy storage system includes a power source configured to generate power. The energy storage system also includes an induction machine coupled to an inertial flywheel, the induction machine configured to receive electrical energy from the power source, store the energy in the flywheel, and deliver a first portion of the energy to a first pulsed load. The energy storage system further includes a damping network configured to receive and absorb a second portion of the energy at a controlled rate to regulate torsional oscillations in a rotary motion of the flywheel caused by load swings or pulsations of the first pulsed load. 1. A rotating energy storage system comprising:a power source configured to generate power;an induction machine coupled to an inertial flywheel, the induction machine configured to receive electrical energy from the power source, store the energy in the flywheel, and deliver a first portion of the energy to a first pulsed load; anda damping network configured to receive and absorb a second portion of the energy at a controlled rate to regulate torsional oscillations in a rotary motion of the flywheel caused by load swings or pulsations of the first pulsed load.2. The energy storage system of claim 1 , wherein the damping network comprises a polyphase network with a controllable range of leading VAR claim 1 , lagging VAR claim 1 , and multiple power dissipation elements claim 1 , wherein the multiple power dissipation elements comprise:a saturable polyphase inductor controlled by an external DC bias power supply and configured to vary inductance over a range;a polyphase resistance bank in series with the polyphase inductor; anda capacitor bank comprising a combination of fixed and variable capacitors.3. The energy storage system of claim 1 , wherein the induction machine is a wound-rotor induction machine that comprises:a first stator port configured to receive the energy from the power source;a second stator port configured to output the ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200400129A1
Автор: Saavedra John A.

An apparatus for capturing energy of a working mass may include two or more immiscible liquids having different densities. The two immiscible liquids may include a predetermined proportion of oil and water. The apparatus may include a supporting structure, a hermetically sealed vessel, and an electric generator driven by fluid flow. The hermetically sealed vessel may have an elongate shape housing the working mass such that the working mass moves within the hermetically sealed vessel. An electric generator driven by fluid flow may be housed within the hermetically sealed vessel and having an inlet and an outlet. The electric generator driven by fluid flow may be configured to produce electric power as the predetermined portion of oil and water passes into the inlet and out of the outlet in response to a movement of the hermetically sealed vessel. 1. An apparatus for capturing energy of a working mass including two or more immiscible liquids having different densities , the apparatus comprising:a working mass comprising at least two immiscible liquids having different densities, the at least two immiscible liquids comprising a predetermined proportion of oil and water;a supporting structure;a hermetically sealed vessel having an elongate shape housing the working mass wherein the working mass moves within the hermetically sealed vessel, wherein the water having a greater density than the oil tends to settle in a lower portion of the hermetically sealed vessel than the oil, which tends to keep the water in the lower portion as the working mass moves; andan electric generator driven by fluid flow housed within the hermetically sealed vessel and having an inlet and an outlet, the electric generator driven by fluid flow configured to produce electric power as the predetermined portion of oil and water passes into the inlet and out of the outlet in response to a movement of the hermetically sealed vessel.2. The apparatus of wherein the working mass consists of the ...

28-11-2017 дата публикации

Dc traction substation with flywheel storage

Номер: RU2636847C1

FIELD: electricity. SUBSTANCE: DC traction substation with a flywheel storage includes a power transformer, rectifier, a smoothing filter with a reactor, flywheel storage, an energy conversion, control and redistribution unit, current and voltage sensors. The conversion, control and redistribution unit include an automatic drive that is connected to the storage and to an automatic transfer box. The transfer box is connected to a DC motor, a DC generator and a three-phase generator by means of shafts. The motor and the DC generator are connected to the positive and negative buses of the traction substation via semiconductor switches. The three-phase generator is connected to the three-phase supply network through a semiconductor switch unit. In this case, the control leads of the automatic drive with an automatic transfer box, all semiconductor switches are connected to the corresponding terminals of the control unit, to the inputs of which the terminals of the current and voltage sensors and the terminal of the storage charge level sensor are connected. EFFECT: improving the safety and reliability of the traction substation. 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 636 847 C1 (51) МПК B60M 3/06 (2006.01) H02J 15/00 (2006.01) F03G 3/08 (2006.01) F16F 15/30 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ На основании пункта 1 статьи 1366 части четвертой Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации патентообладатель обязуется заключить договор об отчуждении патента на условиях, соответствующих установившейся практике, с любым гражданином Российской Федерации или российским юридическим лицом, кто первым изъявил такое желание и уведомил об этом патентообладателя и федеральный орган исполнительной власти по интеллектуальной собственности. (21)(22) Заявка: 2016132116, 03.08.2016 03.08.2016 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кондрашов Илья Александрович (RU) Дата регистрации: 28.11.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 03. ...

16-04-2008 дата публикации

동력 발생기

Номер: KR20080032668A
Автор: 이승균
Принадлежит: 이승균

본 발명은 동력 발생기 중에서 지구 중력을 이용한 동력 발생기에 관한 것으로서 중심 축에 의하여 회동 할 수 있도록 된 회전체의 원판에 내부에서 외부로 다수의 곡선 가이드 네일을 설치하고 동일한 하중을 가진 추를 원판의 가이드 네일 에서 내 측과 외측을 왕복하며 회전체의 양쪽에 추로 인한 하중과 중심과의 이동한 길이의 편차를 연속적으로 일으켜 회전체의 원판이 회전하게 된다 원판 회전체의 중심과 외측의 중간부분에 동력발생의 시발점이 되는 추를 설치하기 위한 회전축을 회전판과 축 설치하여 회동 가능하게 하고 추의 무게중심은 회전체의 중앙부분에 위치하게 하고 축과 추의 사이는 로드로 연결한다 중앙의 추는 추와 연결된 축 부분에 가이드 네일을 설치하고 가이드 네일에 의하여 중앙의 추는 작동범위의 제어를 받으며 회전체가 회전하면 우측에서 하단 방향으로 떨어지며 작동한 추는 좌측까지 가이드 네일의 제어를 받아 그 상태로 회전체와 같이 180도 회전하여 가이드 네일의 제어를 받아 다시 하단으로 떨어지며 작동한다. 회전체에 다수의 축과 추를 설치하여 좌측과 우측에서 동시에 작동한 추의 동력을 이용하여 회전체에 설치한 가이드라인 내의 작동 추를 내부에서 외부의 상단으로 끌어올리고 반대쪽 하단에는 외부의 추를 내부로 끌어들임으로 회전체의 중심에서 작동 추와의 거리가 멀어져 있는 방향으로 회전체가 회전하게되며 이러한 작동 추의 이동을 연속하여 줌으로 회전체는 연속회전이 이루어진다. 회전체. 중앙 추. 밸런스 추. 작동 추. 링크. 제어 가이드 네일. 구동기어.피동기어

19-12-2012 дата публикации

Eccentric rotating device

Номер: JP5102904B1
Автор: 幸男 津金
Принадлежит: 株式会社ツガネマシーン

【課題】回転テーブルの回転支柱にかかる応力を軽減し、円滑な連続回転を得られる偏心回転モーメントを利用した首振り運動を伴う偏心回転装置を提供することを目的とする。 【解決手段】架台1上に中心軸Cが同一の回転テーブル5と回転軸受盤4と支点盤2を積層した構造で、回転テーブル5は、回転支柱6と重り7を有し、回転軸受盤4は、回転支柱6を回転可能に保持する回転軸保持機構14を有し、支点盤2は、回転軸受盤4と連結され架台1上に揺動可能に載置された支持部2aと回転支柱6に接続される接続機構10を備えた回転駆動体3を有し、回転軸受盤4を支持するバネ支柱13と、重り7の位置を検知するセンサ11の検知信号で動作する駆動部9とを有し、センサ11が重り7を検知したタイミングで、駆動部9が支持盤を押し上げて回転テーブル5を偏心回転させることを特徴とする偏心回転装置。 【選択図】図1 An object of the present invention is to provide an eccentric rotation device with a swing motion using an eccentric rotation moment that can reduce stress applied to a rotary column of a rotary table and obtain a smooth continuous rotation. A rotary table having the same central axis C, a rotary bearing board 4 and a fulcrum board 2 are stacked on a gantry 1, and the rotary table 5 has a rotary column 6 and a weight 7. 4 includes a rotary shaft holding mechanism 14 that rotatably holds the rotary column 6, and the fulcrum board 2 is connected to the rotary bearing board 4 and rotates with a support portion 2 a that is swingably mounted on the gantry 1. A drive unit 9 having a rotary drive body 3 having a connection mechanism 10 connected to the support 6 and operating with a detection signal of a spring support 13 that supports the rotary bearing board 4 and a sensor 11 that detects the position of the weight 7. The eccentric rotating device characterized in that, at the timing when the sensor 11 detects the weight 7, the drive unit 9 pushes up the support plate to eccentrically rotate the rotary table 5. [Selection] Figure 1

27-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004114847A

ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (51) ÌÏÊ 7 (11) 2004 114 847 (13) A G 01 C 19/04 ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÇÀßÂÊÀ ÍÀ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈÅ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2004114847/28, 11.10.2002 (71) Çà âèòåëü(è): ÈÍÕÅÍÜÅÐÈß, ÄÈÑÅÍÜÎ È ÀÍÀËÈÑÈÑ, Ñ.Ë. (ES) (30) Ïðèîðèòåò: 17.10.2001 ES P-200102290 (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 27.03.2005 Áþë. ¹ 9 (74) Ïàòåíòíûé ïîâåðåííûé: Åãîðîâà Ãàëèíà Áîðèñîâíà (86) Çà âêà PCT: ES 02/00482 (11.10.2002) Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 129010, Ìîñêâà, óë. Á.Ñïàññêà , 25, ñòð.3, ÎÎÎ "Þðèäè÷åñêà ôèðìà Ãîðîäèññêèé è Ïàðòíåðû", ïàò.ïîâ. Ã.Á. Åãîðîâîé R U Ôîðìóëà èçîáðåòåíè 1. Ãèðîñêîïè÷åñêèé ïðèâîä, èñïîëüçóåìûé äë ñîçäàíè âðàùàþùåãî ìîìåíòà èëè êîëè÷åñòâà äâèæåíè íà ïëàòôîðìå, íà êîòîðîé îí óñòàíîâëåí, ñ ïðèìåíåíèåì çàêîíà ñîõðàíåíè ìîìåíòà êîëè÷åñòâà äâèæåíè â åãî âíóòðåííåì ìåõàíèçìå, îòëè÷àþùèéñ ÷òî a) âåêòîð âðàùàþùåãî ìîìåíòà ïîñëå âîçíèêíîâåíè èìååò ôèêñèðîâàííûå íàïðàâëåíèå è ïîëîæåíèå â èíåðöèàëüíîé ñèñòåìå îòñ÷åòà, b) ìîäóëü âðàùàþùåãî ìîìåíòà, ïåðåäàâàåìûé ïëàòôîðìå, èìååò ïîñòî ííîå çíà÷åíèå èëè ñðåäíåå çíà÷åíèå ñ ïåðèîäè÷åñêèì âîçìóùåíèåì ìåíüøå 20% ýòîãî ñðåäíåãî çíà÷åíè , c) ïðîäîëæèòåëüíîñòü âðàùàþùåãî ìîìåíòà ïðè ïðåäøåñòâóþùèõ óñëîâè õ âë åòñ íåîãðàíè÷åííîé äî òåõ ïîð, ïîêà ïàðàìåòðû, êîòîðûå ñîçäàþò åãî, ïðåäíàìåðåííî íå èçìåí þòñ , è â ýòîì ñëó÷àå ãèðîñêîïè÷åñêèé ïðèâîä âûïîëíåí ñ âîçìîæíîñòüþ îñóùåñòâëåíè îäíîãî èç ñëåäóþùèõ äåéñòâèé ïî âûáîðó: ïðåêðàùåíèå ïåðåäà÷è âðàùàþùåãî ìîìåíòà, óâåëè÷åíèå èëè óìåíüøåíèå çíà÷åíè ìîäóë , èçìåíåíèå íàïðàâëåíè è/èëè ïîëîæåíè âåêòîðà âðàùàþùåãî ìîìåíòà, ïîñêîëüêó äë ñîçäàíè âðàùàþùåãî ìîìåíòà ïðè âûøåóïîì íóòûõ óñëîâè õ îí èìååò îñíîâíîé ìåõàíèçì, ñîäåðæàùèé ïàðû êîëåö, ðàñïîëîæåííûõ êîíöåíòðè÷åñêè, êàæäîå èç êîòîðûõ äåéñòâóåò ïóòåì ñîáñòâåííîãî âðàùåíè , à ñîãëàñîâàííûå âðàùåíè ñ íóòàöèåé îñóùåñòâë þòñ ïàðàìè. 2. Ïðèâîä ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùèéñ òåì, ÷òî âñå êîíöåíòðè÷åñêèå êîëüöà, êîòîðûå îáðàçóþò îñíîâíîé ìåõàíèçì, èìåþò îäèíàêîâûé ãëàâíûé èíåðöèîííûé ìîìåíò. ...

15-05-2008 дата публикации

Vane wind power converter

Номер: DE112005003534T5
Автор: Chuy-Nan Chio
Принадлежит: Chuy-Nan Chio

Flügelrad-Windkraft-Wandler, aufweisend: eine Windführungsvorrichtung (1), die an ihren beiden Enden mit Öffnungen versehen und als länglicher Hohlkörper ausgeführt ist, wobei die beiden Öffnungen als Windeintrittsöffnung (11) bzw. Windaustrittsöffnung (12) ausgeführt sind, und wobei sich der Querschnitt von der Windeintrittsöffnung (11) bis hin zur Windaustrittsöffnung (12) verjüngt; ein Flügelrad (2), das an einer der Windaustrittsöffnung (12) benachbarten Stelle angebracht ist und eine kreisförmige Unterscheibe (22) aufweist, wobei das Flügelrad (2) in der Mitte mit einer Mehrzahl von Windaufnahmeblättern (21) versehen ist, und wobei das Gewicht des Flügelrads (2) gleichmäßig auf das distale Ende des Außenrands der Unterscheibe (22) verteilbar ist; und eine Drehwelle (3), die zylindrisch ausgeführt ist und das Flügelrad (2) verbindet, um die Rotationsenergie nach außen auszugeben. Impeller Wind Power Converter, comprising: a wind guide device (1) which is provided at both ends with openings and designed as an elongate hollow body, wherein the two openings as wind inlet opening (11) and wind outlet opening (12) are executed, and wherein the cross section of the wind inlet opening (11) tapered to the wind outlet opening (12); an impeller (2) mounted at a position adjacent to the wind outlet (12) and having a circular lower disc (22), the impeller (2) being provided at the center with a plurality of wind receiving blades (21); Weight of the impeller (2) is evenly distributed to the distal end of the outer edge of the lower disc (22); and a rotary shaft (3) which is cylindrical and connects the impeller (2) to output the rotational energy to the outside.

12-10-2006 дата публикации

Wind power conversion apparatus driven by fly wheel

Номер: WO2006105690A1
Автор: Chuy-Nan Chio
Принадлежит: Chuy-Nan Chio

A wind power conversion apparatus driven by a fly wheel comprises a wind channel, a fly wheel and a rotating shaft. The wind channel is configured into a long hollow tapered tubular shape with an opening at each end thereof. An opening at one end, which being larger in cross section, serves as a wind inlet, while an opening end at the other end which being smaller in cross section serves as a wind outlet so as to conduct the wind flow into the apparatus via the wind channel. A fly wheel with several wind vanes is installed in the wind channel proximate to the wind outlet so as to convert the wind force into an adjustable rotating torque of the fly wheel. The fly wheel is able to keep rotating about the rotating shaft by its inertia for a certain duration of time even after the wind ceases to blow. With this apparatus, the kinetic energy of the wind flow is converted into an adjustable and storable mechanical energy to utilize.

27-05-2010 дата публикации

Wind power conversion apparatus driven by fly wheel

Номер: AU2005330092B2
Автор: Chuy-Nan Chio
Принадлежит: Chuy-Nan Chio

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019112454A
Принадлежит: Романо ФРАНЧЕСКЕЛЛИ

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2019 112 454 A (51) МПК F03G 3/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2019112454, 22.09.2017 (71) Заявитель(и): ФРАНЧЕСКЕЛЛИ, Романо (IT) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): ФРАНЧЕСКЕЛЛИ, Романо (IT) 28.09.2016 IT 102016000097042 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 29.04.2019 R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 29.10.2020 Бюл. № 31 (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2018/060077 (05.04.2018) A Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр. 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" R U (57) Формула изобретения 1. Устройство для преобразования механической энергии в электрическую энергию, отличающееся тем, что содержит по меньшей мере одну опорную раму (2) для опорного узла (3), который выполнен с возможностью скольжения в соответствии с заданным ходом, причем узел (3) выполнен с возможностью размещения с возможностью вращения по меньшей мере одного вала (4), причем вал (4) и узел (3) выполнены с возможностью совершения качательного движения относительно рамы (2), причем верхний конец (5) вала (4), который выступает вверх от опорного узла (3), содержит радиально выступающий брус (6), обеспеченный оконечным инерционным элементом (7), причем вал (4) связан с блоком (8) для преобразования механической энергии в электрическую энергию, и источник (9) механической энергии, выполненный с возможностью возвратнопоступательного перемещения узла (3) на раме (2), причем вращение вала (4), синхронное с возвратно-поступательным перемещением узла (3), определено, для по меньшей мере одного нисходящего участка траектории бруса (6), по существу, силой тяжести, которая действует на инерционный элемент (7), и определено, по меньшей мере для восходящего участка, по существу, инерционным увлечением инерционного элемента (7). 2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что вал (4) соединен с узлом (3) ...

07-05-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus for generating by wind power

Номер: KR101975739B1
Автор: 윤성현
Принадлежит: 윤성현

The present invention relates to a wind power generation device configured such that, even in the case of weak wind speed, rotational power can be improved by the rotation moment action having strong propulsive force, while increasing wind pressure on a blade and minimizing drag thereof. In particular, the wind power generation device according to the present invention comprises: rotating disks installed at both ends of a rotary shaft after being opposed to each other at a predetermined interval; a plurality of blades installed at a constant interval between the rotating disks at both sides in a circular arc shape; a wind direction inducement member situated on the inside of the blade, and arranged on an outer portion of a central rotary shaft; and a flywheel inducement unit in which a plurality of water flow chambers composed of an enclosed water feeding pipe in which the weight of the water is provided to the rotating disks such that the weight of the water shifts the center of gravity to the circumferential direction of the rotating disks.

15-09-2020 дата публикации

Rotary motor

Номер: CN109690076B
Принадлежит: Wen SenzuoLujieluo, Xi LikeNataerKelaluosu


02-12-2009 дата публикации

Flywheel wind power conversion device

Номер: CN100564869C
Автор: 邱垂南
Принадлежит: Individual


10-03-2020 дата публикации

Device for storing kinetic energy

Номер: CN108368854B
Принадлежит: Leybold GmbH


08-05-1989 дата публикации

Remote control case

Номер: KR890002887Y1
Автор: 권영철
Принадлежит: 주식회사 금성사, 허신구

내용 없음. No content.

15-06-2004 дата публикации

Regenerative energy storage and conversion system

Номер: US6748737B2
Автор: Patrick Alan Lafferty
Принадлежит: Individual

A hydraulic circuit system and method for storing and converting hydraulic or mechanical energy to electricity wherein the hydraulic circuit system comprises: a power source for generating energy to produce electricity, a hydraulic power unit operably associated with the power source, one or more hydropneumatic accumulators operably associated with the hydraulic power unit, a hydraulic motor operably associated with the accumulators, a flywheel assembly operably associated with the hydraulic motor, a hydrostatic drive unit operably associated with the flywheel assembly, and a generator assembly operably associated with the hydrostatic drive unit wherein the generator assembly is further associated with the hydraulic power unit.

03-01-2017 дата публикации

Wave power generating apparatus using electro-active polymers

Номер: KR101692380B1
Автор: 안경관, 콩 빈 판
Принадлежит: 울산대학교 산학협력단

A wave power generating apparatus using an electroactive polymer is disclosed. The wave power generating apparatus using an electroactive polymer comprises: a base unit having a predetermined area; a buoy of which at least a portion floats on a surface of the sea; and an energy conversion unit having a first energy converter which has an electroactive polymer of which one side is connected to the base unit, and the other side is connected to the buoy and a second energy converter. The electroactive polymer generates electric energy by stretching and being relaxed in accordance with vertical movement of the buoy.

12-01-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230009204A1
Автор: CHEN Mengjing, TONG Lixin

The present application relates to the technical field of a wheel, and particularly to a stored energy transmission mechanism and stored energy-driven wheel. In particular, a stored energy transmission mechanism is integrated with a rotating component, which is used to drive the rotating component. The stored energy transmission mechanism includes a center shaft, an elastic component, a transmission cover, a flywheel, and a flywheel seat. The elastic component is sleeved outside the center shaft and positioned in the transmission cover, with one end being fixedly connected with the center shaft and the other end being fixedly connected with the transmission. When the transmission cover is rotated and fitted with the center shaft, it can tighten the elastic component to store energy.

10-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011116110A

1. Колесный рычаг (1), содержащий колесо (2), осуществляющее движение транспортных средств; ось (3), расположенную во внутренней части колеса; раму (5), к которой присоединен рычаг (4); и, по меньшей мере, один соединительный элемент (6), выполняющий соединение с осью (3) и рамой (5); отличающийся тем, что на рычаг (4), который присоединен к оси (3), переносится вес при воздействии силы, что позволяет переносить центр тяжести. ! 2. Колесный рычаг (1) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сила, воздействующая на рычаг (4), присоединенный к оси (3), приложена посредством зубчатой передачи, установленной на колесе (2). ! 3. Колесный рычаг (1) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сила, воздействующая на рычаг (4), присоединенный к оси (3), приложена посредством цепной передачи, установленной на колесе (2). ! 4. Колесный рычаг (1) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сила, воздействующая на рычаг (4), присоединенный к оси (3), приложена посредством ременной передачи, установленной на колесе (2). ! 5. Колесный рычаг (1) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сила, воздействующая на рычаг (4), присоединенный к оси (3), приложена посредством зубчатой передачи, установленной на оси (3). ! 6. Колесный рычаг (1) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сила, воздействующая на рычаг (4), присоединенный к оси (3), приложена посредством цепной передачи, установленной на оси (3). ! 7. Колесный рычаг (1) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сила, воздействующая на рычаг (4), присоединенный к оси (3), приложена посредством ременной передачи, установленной на оси (3). !8. Колесный рычаг (1) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сила, воздействующая на рычаг (4), присоединенный к оси (3), приложена посредством зубчатой передачи, установленной на рычаге (4). ! 9. Колесный рычаг ( РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2011 116 110 (13) A (51) МПК F03G 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (71) Заявитель(и): ЕРЙИЛДИЗ Рамазан (TR), КОШАР Хикмет (TR), ДОГАН Хикмет (TR) (21)(22) Заявка: ...

02-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR3058773B1
Автор: André Gennesseaux
Принадлежит: ENERGIESTRO

24-04-2019 дата публикации

Control moment gyro

Номер: JP6505262B2
Автор: 一彦 福島, 宗孝 柏
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

06-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR3001183B1
Принадлежит: DIAMANT WHEELS Srl

07-06-2013 дата публикации

Kinetic energy accumulator for e.g. recovering deceleration energy, in continuously variable and energy storage device of car, has lateral surface comprising conformations for setting rotation of gas in same direction as that of wheel

Номер: FR2983547A1
Автор: Roumen Antonov
Принадлежит: Roumen Antonov

The accumulator has a momentum wheel (8) mounted in rotation around a vertical axis and axially moved relative to a frame. A lower pressure chamber and an upper pressure chamber communicate by a gap formed between a peripheral face of the wheel and an inner lateral surface integral with a frame. A set of gas movement generators allows movement of gas of the lower chamber toward the upper chamber through the gap. The inner lateral surface is connected to the frame and in contact with gas, and comprises conformations for setting rotation of gas in a direction as that of the wheel. Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) a continuously variable and energy storage transmission device (2) a powertrain.

25-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR3001183A1
Принадлежит: DIAMANT WHEELS Srl

L'invention a pour objet un équipement (20) pour roue (WL) de bicyclette. L'équipement (20) comprend au minimum un appendice alaire profilé (25A, 25B, 25C, 25D ; 25A*, 25B*, 25C*) conçu pour être fixé à la surface interne de la jante (10) de la roue (WL) même. The invention relates to equipment (20) for wheel (WL) bicycle. The equipment (20) comprises at least one profiled wing appendage (25A, 25B, 25C, 25D; 25A *, 25B *, 25C *) adapted to be fixed to the inner surface of the wheel rim (10) (WL ) even.

29-02-1980 дата публикации

Mobile driven by inertia effect - has two eccentric gears rotating in opposite directions for alternate acceleration and deceleration

Номер: FR2432627A2
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: GOZLAN CLAUDE

The system of driving a mobile which utilises inertia by a flywheel with a single spoke. This addition to the patent uses the same principle but instead of driving the mass directly from the motor shaft, uses two eccentric gears which rotate in opposite directions. The arrangement assumes that the motor rotates at uniform speed and the rotation of the mass is alternately accelerated and decelerated. The separate elements may be connected with a Cardan joint and the mass may be distributed around the axis of rotation.

03-12-2010 дата публикации

Device for accumulating inertial energy to control and/or stabilize energy production of wind turbine, has inertia flywheel whose weight is partially compensated by differential ascending compressive force

Номер: FR2946097A1
Автор: Roumen Antonov
Принадлежит: Roumen Antonov

The device has an inertia flywheel (2) assembled in rotation relative with a frame around a fixed rotational axle (3). Exposure units expose a face (4) of the flywheel to gas pressure applied to an opposite face (5) of the flywheel. Differential ascending compressive force partially compensates the weight of the flywheel. A thrust roller bearing (10) is located below the flywheel in the event of failure of a levitation system.

21-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR3017664A1
Принадлежит: Franck Andre Marie Guigan

20-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: FR2567202B3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: GOZLAN CLAUDE

10-01-1986 дата публикации

Inertial propulsion system

Номер: FR2567202A3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: GOZLAN CLAUDE

Of the forces at work only those which perform motive work can be conserved, that is the forces the components of which parallel to the displacement are positive. For this it is sufficient for the centre of gravity of the wheel to be driven in a vibratory circular movement the trajectory of which is a semi circle. A two-stroke horizontally opposed twin cylinder engine will be capable of achieving this if the ignition advance is sufficient or if the compression rate is high and ordinary petrol is used. The movement of the piston is then reversed before the wheel has performed a half revolution.

24-04-2020 дата публикации

Cylinder stopping energy recovery mechanism based on VCM system of vehicle engine

Номер: CN108979984B
Принадлежит: Northeast Petroleum University


27-08-1982 дата публикации

Centrifugal inertia propulsion drive - has bevel gearing driving massive bars on rotor to provide centrifugal lift

Номер: FR2500539A4
Принадлежит: GOZLAN CLAUDE


03-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR2983547B1
Автор: Roumen Antonov
Принадлежит: Roumen Antonov

The accumulator has a momentum wheel (8) mounted in rotation around a vertical axis and axially moved relative to a frame. A lower pressure chamber and an upper pressure chamber communicate by a gap formed between a peripheral face of the wheel and an inner lateral surface integral with a frame. A set of gas movement generators allows movement of gas of the lower chamber toward the upper chamber through the gap. The inner lateral surface is connected to the frame and in contact with gas, and comprises conformations for setting rotation of gas in a direction as that of the wheel. Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) a continuously variable and energy storage transmission device (2) a powertrain.

03-06-1977 дата публикации

Generation of energy utilising rotation of earth - motion of gyroscope mounting drives electric generator

Номер: FR2330881A1
Автор: [UNK]

The rotor (S) of the gyroscope (G) is mounted on a spindle with axis (XX) which is aligned on a circumpolar star (C). The spindle bearings are mounted in the gimbals (S') and (S") which permit movement about the axis (YY). The gimbal (S") is attached to the gear wheel (CD)and mounted on the support (K) so that the axis (ZZ) is inclined at an angle equal to the geographical latitude. Because the axis (XX) of the gyroscope (G) maintains a fixed direction relative to the star (C) the gear wheel (CD) rotates relative to the earth an is used to drive the pinion (P). The pinion (P) drives the generator (A) which supplies energy to the element (U).

18-10-2013 дата публикации

Quasi automatic electrical energy production device for producing electrical energy for e.g. company use, has wheel unbalanced by weight placed in wheel portion and counterweight placed in another wheel portion opposite to former portion

Номер: FR2989431A1
Автор: Joseph-Lucay Maillot
Принадлежит: Joseph-Lucay Maillot

The device (10) has an unbalanced wheel (12) fixed at a primary shaft (A) and moved in rotation around the shaft. An alternator (13) is pulled by the shaft and adapted to convert mechanical rotation energy of the shaft into electrical energy. A motor (15) is placed in top of the wheel, and includes an end shaft i.e. secondary shaft (B), coupled to the wheel by a coupling system (17). The wheel is unbalanced by a weight placed in a portion of the wheel and a counterweight placed in another portion of the wheel opposite to the former portion by the primary shaft.

20-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR3085880A1
Автор: Andre Genesseaux
Принадлежит: ENERGIESTRO

L'invention concerne un procédé de frettage d'une pièce cylindrique (1) par enroulement de fibres (F) sous tension, le procédé comprenant une étape préalable de passage desdites fibres (F) autour d'au moins deux cylindres de tension freinés (C1 ; C2) afin d'augmenter la tension dans celles-ci , caractérisé en ce qu'il consiste à augmenter le diamètre D des cylindres à mesure que la tension dans les fibres (F) augmente. The invention relates to a method of hooping a cylindrical part (1) by winding fibers (F) under tension, the method comprising a prior step of passing said fibers (F) around at least two braked tension cylinders ( C1; C2) in order to increase the tension therein, characterized in that it consists in increasing the diameter D of the cylinders as the tension in the fibers (F) increases.

27-10-2016 дата публикации

Method of reducing consumption of electric energy from mains

Номер: RU2601286C2

Изобретение относится к электротехнике, а именно к устройствам снижения потребления электрической энергии из питающей сети. Способ снижения потребления электрической энергии из питающей сети заключается в накоплении инерционным аккумулятором (маховиком) кинетической энергии с последующей передачей накопленной энергии электродвигателям и синхронному генератору во время появления активной электрической нагрузки в цепи генератора. Технический результат состоит в снижении потребления электрической энергии из питающей сети. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 601 286 C2 (51) МПК H02K 7/02 (2006.01) H02J 3/30 (2006.01) F03G 3/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015108010/07, 06.03.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.03.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Скибицкий Иван Григорьевич (RU), Варламов Олег Львович (RU) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.09.2016 Бюл. № 27 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Скибицкий Иван Григорьевич (RU), Варламов Олег Львович (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 06.03.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 27.10.2016 Бюл. № 30 2 6 0 1 2 8 6 R U (54) СПОСОБ СНИЖЕНИЯ ПОТРЕБЛЕНИЯ ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКОЙ ЭНЕРГИИ ИЗ ПИТАЮЩЕЙ СЕТИ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к электротехнике, а накопленной энергии электродвигателям и именно к устройствам снижения потребления синхронному генератору во время появления электрической энергии из питающей сети. Способ активной электрической нагрузки в цепи снижения потребления электрической энергии из генератора. Технический результат состоит в питающей сети заключается в накоплении снижении потребления электрической энергии из инерционным аккумулятором (маховиком) питающей сети. 1 ил. кинетической энергии с последующей передачей Стр.: 1 C 2 C 2 Адрес для переписки: 445039, Самарская обл., г. Тольятти, ул. Автостроителей, 94, кв. 107, Скибицкий И.Г. 2 6 0 1 2 8 6 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2348097 C1, 27.02. ...

10-07-2008 дата публикации

Wind Power Conversion Apparatus Driven by Fly Wheel

Номер: US20080166228A1
Автор: Chuy-Nan Chio
Принадлежит: Chuy-Nan Chio

A wind power conversion apparatus driven by a fly wheel includes a wind channel, a fly wheel and a rotating shaft. The wind channel is configurated into a long hollow tapered tubular shape with both ends open. One end, which being larger is cross section, serves as a wind inlet, while to other smaller one serves as a wind outlet so as to conduct the wind flow into the apparatus via the wind channel. A fly wheel with several wind vanes is installed in the wind channel proximate to the wind outlet so as to convert the wind force into an adjustable rotating torque of the fly wheel. The fly wheel is able to keep rotating about the rotating shaft by its inertia for a certain duration of time even after the wind ceases to blow. With this apparatus, the kinetic energy of the wind blow is converted into an adjustable and storable mechanical energy to utilize.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Flywheel device for energy accumulation and method of its application

Номер: EA201891706A1
Принадлежит: НИОРЕ АйПи, С.Р.О.

Маховиковое устройство накопления энергии, содержащее по меньшей мере один вращающийся элемент (1), выполненный с возможностью нахождения и вращения на поверхности жидкости и(или) в жидкости, по меньшей мере один элемент, выполненный с возможностью переноса энергии на вращающийся элемент (1), и по меньшей мере один генератор (3), выполненный с возможностью переноса энергии от вращающегося элемента (1), причем вращающийся элемент (1) является безосевым. Способ применения маховикового устройства накопления энергии таким образом, что энергия накапливается в виде кинетической энергии по меньшей мере одного вращающегося элемента (1), который держится и вращается на поверхности жидкости или в жидкости. A flywheel energy storage device containing at least one rotating element (1) made with the possibility of being and rotating on the surface of a liquid and / or in a liquid, at least one element made with the possibility of transferring energy to a rotating element (1) and at least one generator (3), configured to transfer energy from the rotating element (1), and the rotating element (1) is axisless. A method for applying a flywheel energy storage device in such a way that energy accumulates in the form of kinetic energy of at least one rotating element (1), which is held and rotated on the surface of a liquid or in a liquid.

18-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR3058773A1
Автор: André Gennesseaux
Принадлежит: ENERGIESTRO

Dispositif de lubrification d'un appareil tournant dans le vide, tel qu'un volant d'inertie, ledit appareil comportant un axe tournant par rapport à une structure porteuse fixe, par l'intermédiaire d'au moins un palier ou roulement, ledit appareil étant placé dans une enceinte reliée à des moyens de mise sous vide, caractérisé en ce qu'il comporte : ○ un réservoir de fluide lubrifiant relié par des conduits au bas de l'enceinte d'une part, et au palier d'autre part ; ○ et un moyen de circulation du fluide apte à relier le réservoir soit aux moyens de mise sous vide, pour remplir le réservoir par gravité depuis l'enceinte, soit à l'atmosphère, pour lubrifier le palier. Le moyen de circulation du fluide comporte une vanne à trois voies reliant le réservoir soit aux moyens de mise sous vide soit à l'atmosphère. Device for lubricating a device rotating in a vacuum, such as a flywheel, said apparatus comprising an axis rotating relative to a fixed bearing structure, via at least one bearing or bearing, said apparatus being placed in an enclosure connected to means for evacuation, characterized in that it comprises: a reservoir of lubricating fluid connected by conduits to the bottom of the enclosure on the one hand, and to the other ; ○ and a fluid circulation means adapted to connect the reservoir to the means of evacuation, to fill the tank by gravity from the chamber, or to the atmosphere, to lubricate the bearing. The fluid circulation means comprises a three-way valve connecting the reservoir to either the evacuation means or to the atmosphere.
