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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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01-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2754389C2

Описаны устройства, системы и способы обнаружения и предоставления предупреждения касательно наличия жидкостного загрязнения в линии пневматической сети и/или пневматическом приборе. Устройство для обнаружения жидкости, обнаруживающее жидкостное загрязнение в пневматической сети и предоставляющее его индикацию, содержит: корпус; электронный датчик содержания влаги, расположенный в указанном корпусе и выполненный с возможностью соединения с пневматической сетью и обнаружения наличия жидкости в указанной пневматической сети; и устройство беспроводной передачи данных, расположенное в указанном корпусе и выполненное с возможностью передачи данных от электронного датчика содержания влаги в узел передачи данных компьютерной сети предприятия. Электронный датчик содержания влаги содержит датчик содержания воды, выполненный с возможностью обнаружения наличия и/или количества воды в пневматической сети, схему обнаружения, соединенную с датчиком содержания воды и выполненную с возможностью определения ...

20-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2306456C2

Двигатель предназначен для использования в качестве гидропневмопривода. Содержит баллон-цилиндр в виде сильфонной рабочей камеры переменного объема. Ее подвижный торец связан с приводным устройством. Входные и выходные магистрали выполнены из отрезков упругого трубопровода, выполняющих роль как запорных клапанов при их перегибе, так и распределительных запорных устройств. Приводное устройство выполнено в виде кривошипно-шатунного механизма. Оно состоит из подвижного торца рабочей камеры. На ней установлен проходной тройник-шатун, который через фрикционную втулку, скрепленную с шатуном и насаженную на шейку коленчатого вала, преобразует пульсирующее возвратно-поступательное движение подвижного торца рабочей камеры во вращательное движение коленчатого вала. На коленчатом валу установлен маховик. Входная и выходная магистрали расположены по обе стороны и поперек осей рабочей камеры и коленчатого вала. Подвижные концы магистралей соединены между собой и рабочей камерой проходным тройником-шатуном ...

11-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2771655C2

Изобретение относится к устройству передачи давления, системе, содержащей устройство передачи давления, комплексу, содержащему систему, и применению устройства и комплекса передачи давления для перекачивания текучей среды с давлением выше 500 бар. Устройство (1', 1'') передачи давления содержит корпус (1', 1'') напорной камеры и по меньшей мере один соединительный канал (3', 3''), причем по меньшей мере один соединительный канал (3', 3'') выполнен с возможностью соединения с помощью средств (26', 27'; 26'', 27'') соединения по текучей среде с устройством (2) распределения жидкости с повышением давления двойного действия. Корпус напорной камеры содержит напорную полость (4', 4'') внутри корпуса напорной камеры и по меньшей мере первый канал (5', 5'') для впуска и/или и выпуска текучей среды в напорную полость (4', 4''), сильфон (6', 6''), определяющий внутренний объем (7', 7'') внутри напорной полости (4', 4''), причем внутренний объем (7', 7'') сообщается по текучей среде с соединительным ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Составной поршень диафрагменного насоса

Номер: RU2780389C1

Изобретение относится к диафрагменным насосам и предназначено для использования в нефтедобывающей промышленности, в частности, при отборе жидкости из скважины, так же может быть использовано и в других отраслях промышленности и сельского хозяйства. Составной поршень диафрагменного насоса, содержащий толкатель с коаксиально установленными на нем кольцами. Новым является то, что толкатель выполнен с поверхностью, находящейся под углом к поверхности на корпусе, на которую опираются кольца, а также, вместо колец, возможна установка спирали. Технический результат - упрощение конструкции, увеличение надежности, долговечности, исключение разрыва эластичного тела в различных видах насосов, где используется диафрагма, мембрана, увеличение возможности создания больших давлений на перекачиваемую жидкость, и возможности использования таких насосов для установки на скважинах со значительными глубинами. 10 ил.

16-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU8743U1

Гидравлическая часть дозировочного насоса с подпиткой по положению мембраны, включающая рабочую мембрану и подпружиненный толкатель, отличающаяся тем, что толкатель выполнен грибообразной формы и установлен соосно с рабочей мембраной.

16-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU4344U1

Мембранный насос с электромагнитным приводом, содержащий рабочую камеру и механически приводную мембрану, отличающийся тем, что насос снабжен промежуточной камерой, заполненной жидкостью, нейтральной к перекачиваемой, и гидроприводной мембраной, расположенной между промежуточной и рабочей камерами и разделяющей рабочую и перекачиваемую жидкость.

10-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2263820C1

Устройство предназначено для использования в области насосостроения, касается сильфонных насосов, работающих с переменным давлением на выходе, и может найти применение в системах создания вакуума и других объектах техники. Насос содержит полый поршень, выполненный с возможностью продольного перемещения, и сильфонный элемент, один конец которого герметично закреплен на поршне, а другой в основании впускного клапана. Внутри поршня расположен полый шток с, по меньшей мере, одним отверстием и выпускным клапаном, имеющий возможность продольно перемещаться относительно поршня и перекрывать впускной клапан в одном крайнем своем положении. Поршень снабжен защелкой, взаимодействующей с упором, выполненным на штоке, и фиксирующей шток относительно поршня в крайнем нижнем положении поршня со штоком, и освобождающей шток относительно корпуса в крайнем верхнем положении поршня со штоком. Имеет простую конструкцию, надежен в эксплуатации и имеет относительно высокую производительность. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ...

06-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2761147C1

Группа изобретений относится к двухмембранному насосу для использования в аппарате для гомогенизации текучего продукта и способу определения утечек в указанном насосе. Способ включает этапы, на которых определяют физическую величину, представляющую свойство текучей среды, содержащейся внутри мембран (6, 16), и устанавливают, связана ли определенная физическая величина с первым условием, характеризующим смешивание рабочей текучей среды с указанным текучим продуктом, или связана ли она со вторым условием, характеризующим смешивание рабочей текучей среды с гидравлической текучей средой, или связана ли она с третьим условием, характеризующим смешивание рабочей текучей среды с текучим продуктом и c гидравлической текучей средой. Группа изобретений направлена на обеспечение возможности обнаружения повреждений мембран, точного определения их местоположения без необходимости разборки насоса. 2 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2153101C1

Предназначен для использования в бытовых и промышленных целях. Состоит из подачи жидкости под давлением с ее последующей фильтрацией. Для этого подают поток жидкости за счет циклического прогиба упругой диафрагмы рабочей секции. При этом изменяют при помощи вентиля проходное сечение потока жидкости от нуля до максимума и одновременно контролируют давление в донной части емкости или ресивера при открытых вентилях. Устанавливают воздушное пространство ресивера в пределах от 10 и более объемов пространства, которое заключают между двумя сфероидальными поверхностями. Обеспечивают автоматизированный переход в режим холостого хода подачи жидкой среды при прекращении подачи жидкости из нагнетательного трубопровода системой регулировки давления. Жидкость подают под нормативным давлением после открытия выпускного вентиля при максимальном колебании диафрагмы и отсутствии выброса жидкости из ресивера или равного производительности насоса. Одновременно изменяют расход подаваемой жидкости от нуля до ...

20-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96106174A

... 1. Автоматизированная водоподъемная установка, содержащая насос, трубопровод, гидропневматический аккумулятор с датчиком - реле давления, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена распределительным устройством, установленным на гидропневматическом аккумуляторе и содержащим программное реле времени, управляющее электромагнитным клапаном, обратный клапан, переключатель режимов, отводы для водоснабжения и орошения, причем распределительное устройство служит основанием для клапанов и фиксирования упругой емкости в емкости постоянного объема гидропневматического аккумулятора . 2. Установка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве электропривода насоса применен электромагнитный резонансный вибровозбудитель.

20-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007117032A

Вибрационный насос, содержащий корпус с крышками с отверстиями для всасывания воды, шток, якорь с эластичной подвеской, рабочий и всасывающий клапаны, электромагнит, включающий магнитопровод и две катушки, установленные на каркасах, отличающийся тем, что магнитопровод и якорь насоса выполнены одинаковыми в виде элементов Г-образной формы, причем длинная сторона якоря вставлена внутрь каркаса одной из двух катушек электромагнита, а короткая сторона якоря закреплена на штоке, короткая сторона магнитопровода зафиксирована в корпусе насоса, а длинная сторона магнитопровода вставлена внутрь каркаса другой катушки.

20-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000108022A

... 1. Солнечный насос, содержащий рабочую камеру, нагнетательную и всасывающую трубы с клапанами, отличающийся тем, что сильфоны, контактирующие торцовыми частями и соединенные рабочей камерой, с нагнетательной и всасывающей трубами с клапанами, находящимися в прозрачном цилиндре, нижняя половина которого имеет зеркальные поверхности и выполненного с возможностью возвратно-вращательного движения. 2. Солнечный насос по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что имеется механизм теплового действия кинематически связанный с цилиндром, выполненного с возможностью возвратно-вращательного движения, относительно сильфонов. 3. Солнечный насос по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что рабочая камера может быть выполнена в виде сильфона с двумя патрубками и клапанами. 4. Солнечный насос по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что во внутренней полости сильфонов находится газ с высоким коэффициентом теплового расширения. 5. Солнечный насос по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что во внутренней полости сильфонов находится легкокипящая жидкость.

10-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011104247A

... 1. Блок (10) сосуда высокого давления, содержащий: ! a) удлиненный цилиндрический сосуд (12) высокого давления, который имеет продольную ось (20), первый конец (16) которого выполнен по существу полусферическим и содержит отверстие (22) для первой жидкости, и второй конец (14) которого выполнен по существу полусферическим и содержит отверстие (18) для второй жидкости; ! (b) удлиненную эластичную камеру (60), которая расположена в сосуде высокого давления, конец (64) которой выполнен по существу полусферическим, противоположный конец (66) которой содержит горлышко (68), взаимодействующее с сосудом высокого давления с наружной стороны с обеспечением герметичности и которая образует емкость (192) с изменяемыми размерами для второй жидкости, расположенную между наружной поверхностью камеры и внутренней поверхностью сосуда высокого давления; и ! (c) удлиненную клапанную трубу (34), которая проходит в камере вдоль указанной продольной оси (20) и которая содержит отверстия (46) для прохождения ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012134990A

Диафрагменный насос, включающий мембранную головку с двумя полостями, образованными мембраной с корпусом и крышкой, между фланцами которых закреплен край мембраны, а также подвижным штоком, установленным с возможностью перемещения относительно корпуса и крышки, на котором жестко закреплена центральная часть мембраны, при этом мембранная головка снабжена парой нагнетательных и парой всасывающих клапанов, по одному нагнетательному и одному всасывающему клапану в корпусе и аналогичными клапанами в крышке, отличающийся тем, что корпус со штоком снабжены уплотнительным узлом, состоящим из двух уплотнительных колец радиального сжатия, которые размещены в коаксиальных канавках корпуса, разнесенных вдоль оси штока, и накопительной полости между ними, отделенной перемычками от уплотнительных колец и охватывающей шток, при том в корпусе выполнена цилиндрическая камера с размещенным в ней поршнем того же диаметра, связанная каналом с накопительной полостью со стороны, обращенной к штоку, а с другой ...

10-02-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95101581A

Изобретение относится к гидроприводным объемным насосам с эластичным рабочим органом и установкам с такими насосами, предназначенным для откачки жидкости из глубоких скважин. Изобретение решает задачи увеличения срока межремонтной эксплуатации насосов, повышения их ремонтоспособности и расширения диапазона расходов откачиваемых сред. Эластичная диафрагма разделяет полости для приводной и откачиваемой текучих сред (жидкостей). Полости формируются одной или несколькими камерами, установленными в полости кожуха насоса между торцевыми стенками полости кожуха. Полости для откачиваемой среды свободно сообщены с полостью кожуха, являясь ее частью, и через всасывающий клапан с источником откачиваемой среды, а через нагнетательный клапан - с каналом ее отвода. Полости для приводной среды (жидкости) сообщены соответствующими патрубками, расположенными в полости кожуха, и каналом приводной среды с ее источником, которым может быть гидродвигатель, расположенный на поверхности земли или непосредственно ...

20-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010123069A

... 1. Вибрационный насос, содержащий электромагниты, установленные с двух сторон рабочей камеры, образованной двумя резинометаллическими амортизаторами и корпусом, в котором размещены клапана всасывания и нагнетания, отличающийся тем, что усилия электромагнитов, выполненных по броневому типу, направлены в одну сторону, а один резинометаллический амортизатор, образующий рабочую камеру, непосредственно жестко связан с якорем электромагнита, а другой резинометаллический амортизатор, образующий общий объем рабочей камеры, связан с якорем электромагнита через шток, электропитание насоса осуществлено от полупериодного выпрямителя переменного тока, где от одной полуволны запитан один электромагнит, а от второй полуволны запитан другой электромагнит. ! 2. Вибрационный насос, содержащий электромагниты, установленные с двух сторон рабочей камеры, образованной двумя резинометаллическими амортизаторами и корпусом, в котором размещены клапана всасывания и нагнетания, отличающийся тем, что клапаны выполнены ...

10-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003136065A

Устройство для перекачки жидких сред, включающее цилиндрические емкости, в каждой из которых размещен разделитель внутреннего объема, образующий напорную и приводную камеры, выполненный в виде эластичной диафрагмы цилиндрической формы, связанной с жесткими опорными элементами, расположенными вдоль образующих цилиндрических емкостей, установленные внутри емкости с возможностью взаимодействия с диафрагмой компенсаторы, каждый из которых выполнен в виде жесткой перфорированной пластины, закрепленной опорными элементами, расположенными вдоль образующих емкостей, с получением выпуклой формы пластины, каждая из которых симметрично обращена своей выпуклостью в сторону оси емкости с образованием напорной камеры, заключенной между скрепленными с соседними опорными элементами и частью образующей емкости между теми же опорными элементами, при этом число напорных камер равно числу перекачиваемых жидких сред, отношение площадей поперечного сечения напорных камер равно отношению объемных расходов перекачиваемых ...

23-07-1986 дата публикации


Номер: SU1245750A1

23-02-1992 дата публикации

Насос с тепловым приводом

Номер: SU1714191A1

Изобретение относится к насостроёнию и может быть использовано в различных отраслях народного хозяйства и при работе в условиях невесомости. Насос с тепловым приводом содержит корпус, гибкий разделитель, выполненный в виде сильфона, образующий приводную и насосную камеры, стержень-испаритель, имеющий охлаждаемую стенку, в котором установлена тепловая труба, электронагреватель, магнит, установленный на стержне-испарителе, магнитолровод, размещенный в центральной части гибкого разделителя, всасывающий и нагнетательный клапаны. При подводе тепла к тепловой трубе электронагревателем часть тепла идет на испарение легкокипящей жидкости на стержне-испарителе, при этом в приводной камере повышается давление паров и при определенном перепаде давлений между приводной и насосной камерами разрывается контакт между магнитом стержня-испарителя и магнитопроводом центральной части гибкого разделителя и происходит нагнетание через клапан. После отключения электронагревателя в приводной камере уменьшается ...

15-02-1985 дата публикации

Насос с тепловым приводом

Номер: SU1139884A1

... 1. НАСОС С ТЕПЛОВЫМ ПРИВОДОМ , содержащий корпус, в котором с образованием приводной н насосной камер установлен гибкий .разделитель, а в приводной камере, имеющей охлаждаемую стенку и частично заполненной легкокипящей приводной средой, размещеи стержень-испаритель , отличающийся тем, что, с целью расширеиня функциональиых возможностей насоса, центральная часть гибкого разделителя выполнена из материала с высокой теплопроводностью, а стержень-испартель закреплен на центральной части разделителя и по меньщей мере частично выи f I ууу 11 полнен из капиллярно-пористого материала . 2.Насос по п. I, отличающийся тем, что в верхней части приводной камеры в зоне охлаждаемой стенки установлена перфорированная перегородка, в отверстиях которой размешены выступающие вверх втулки. 3.Насос по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что в центральной части перегородки установлена вставка из капиллярно-пористого материала. 4.Насос по п. 2, отличающийся тем, что в центральной части перфорированной перегородки выполнено ...

31-01-1935 дата публикации

Насос для глубоких колодцев

Номер: SU41347A1

07-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1793099C

07-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1779768C

23-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1803604C

30-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1784745C

05-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: SU564436A1

23-01-1992 дата публикации

Объемный насос

Номер: SU1707232A1

Изобретение может быть использовано в различных отраслях народного хозяйства для перекачки вязких жидкостей, в частности для подъема жидкостей из скважин. Цель изобретения - увеличение всасывающей способности насоса путем заполнения каждой эластичной трубчатой камеры в про цессе всасывания с обоих концов. Насос содержит корпус 1, в котором размещен связанный с приводным валом 2 эксцентричный ротор 3 с роликом 4. взаимодействующий с пластичными трубчатыми камерами 5. установленными в корпусе козксиально продольной оси, закрепленными по торцам на крышках 6 корпуса. Соединение полостей камере полостями всасывания и нагнетания осуществляется распределителем, выполненным в виде двух торцовых распределительных шайб 7 и 8, приводимых в движение валом ротора. При вращении приводного вала, а с ним и ротора, ролик перекатывается по трубчатым камерам. Полости сжимаемых ротором камер сообщаются с полостью нагнетания через окно 9 шайбы 7 и отсекаются от полости всасывания шайбой 8, а полости разжимаемых ...

07-07-1987 дата публикации

Гидропневматический аккумулятор

Номер: SU1321950A1

Изобретение относится к гидроприводу и позволяет повысить надежность гидропневматического аккумулятора . Эластичная перегородка (ЭП) 2 закреплена в корпусе 1 с образованием гидравлической и пневматической полостей 3 и 4, сообщенных между собой гидролинией 8, в которой установлен обратный клапан (ОК) 7. Выход ОК 7 подключен к полости 4 на уровне максимально допустимой деформации ЭП 2. При аварийном режиме работы ЭП 2 перемещается выше заданного уровня . При этом открывается ОК 7 и рабочая жидкость поступает в полость 3, заполняет ее и препятствует дальнейшей деформации ЭП 2, исключая ее прорыв . J ил.

23-09-1983 дата публикации

Объемный насос

Номер: SU1043351A1

ОБЪЕМНЫЙ НАСОС, содержащий корпус, в котором с образованием рабочей камеры установлен рабочий орган из двух концентрично расположенных сильфонов с герметичной полостью между ними, заполненной упругой средой, отличающийся тем, что, с целью обеспечения автоматического останова насоса при нарушении целостности одного из сильфонов, полость между сильфонами вакуумирована.

30-12-1992 дата публикации

Насос с тепловым приводом

Номер: SU1784745A1

Использование для прокачивания предварительно прогретых текучих сред. Цель: повышение равномерности подачи. Сущность изобретения: в теплоизолированном корпусе 1 установлен гибкий разделитель в виде двух сильфонов 4 и 5 с образованием приводной 2 и насосной З камер. В приводной камере 2 размещен стержень- испаритель 7. Насосная камера 3 связана трубопроводом 9 с дополнительным гибким разделителем 11, выполненным в виде силь-, фона с заглушенными торцами, один из которых жестко прикреплен к корпусу 1, а полость 12, образованная между стенкой корпуса 1 и стенкой гибкого разделителя, соединена трубопроводом 13с полостью 14, образованной между стенкой корпуса и стенкой разделителя 11. Положительный эффект: повышение КПД за счет обеспечения непрерывной подачи однотемператур- ной предварительно подогретой среды. 1 ил.

23-03-1993 дата публикации

Ленточный насос

Номер: SU1803604A1

Использование: насосостроёние, в частности перекачка текучих сред ленточными насосами. Цель -упрощение конструкции и увеличение производительности. Сущность изобретения: насос содержит корпус с цилиндрической расточкой, размещенные в ней неподвижный разделитель и эксцентрично установленный ротор. При этом, последний и разделитель охвачены с образованием рабочих камер эластичной лентой, закрепленной в нижней точке расточки корпуса, совпадающей с точкой наименьшего удаления разделителя от корпуса. а в корпусе и разделителе имеются окна подвода и отвода рабочей среды, причем разделитель выполнен в виде вертикальной пластины, а ротор и эластичная лента в зоне взаимодействия снабжены зубьями. 1 ил.

07-02-1993 дата публикации

Пластинчатый насос братьев Потаповых

Номер: SU1793100A1

... 1/ изв-с обра обретение позволяет увеличитьпроплабтинчатого Насоса. В корпусе 1с ованием рабочих камер, имеющих всасывающие и нагнетательные клапаны 7-10, шарнирноустановлены две пластины (П}2,3, шарнирно сочлененные с двумя про- тиволежаЩими П 4, образующими четырёхгранник . Четырехгранник связан общим ребром со штоком 6. П 2, 3 длиннее П 4. Корпус 1 выполнен в виде цилиндрического сегмента с радиусом кривизны, равным длине П 2, 3. П 4 выполнены в виде рамок. В местах соединения П 2 - 4 установлены уп- лртнйтельные ролики 11, взаимодействующие С корпусом 1. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

30-08-1989 дата публикации

Диафрагменный взрывонасос

Номер: SU1504363A1

Изобретение позволяет уменьшить энергопотребление насоса. В корпусе 1 с образованием насосной и взрывной камер 2,3 установлена трубчатая диафрагма 4. Камера 3 снабжена подпружиненной крышкой 10 и источником 16 воспламенения. На крышке 10 установлены зеркало 17, призма 18 и линза 19 для фокусировки солнечных лучей. Источник 16 выполнен в виде барабана револьверного типа с галлиевыми воспламенителями 20, расположенными в фокусе оптической системы при нижнем положении крышки 10. Воспламенители 20 расположены на бесконечной ленте. При этом не требуется энергии для воспламенения горючей смеси. 1 ил.

07-06-1990 дата публикации

Скважинный диафрагменный насос

Номер: SU1569425A1

Изобретение относится к насосостроению и позволяет повысить автономность работы скважинного диафрагменного насоса. В корпусе 1 выполнены камеры (К) 2, 3 и 4 соответственно насосная, электролиза и сгорания, сообщенные между собой каналом 5 с обратным клапаном 6. Корпус 1 снабжен каналом 8, сообщающим нижние зоны К 3, 4. В канале 8 на выходе из К 3 и на входе в К 4 установлены соответственно подпружиненный отсечной клапан 9 и обратный клапан 10. Замкнутая циркуляция газов и воды по каналам 5, 8 обеспечивает постоянство возвратного заполнения К 4 рабочей жидкостью. 1 ил.

23-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: SU1566072A1

Изобретение позволяет повысить надежность работы объемного насоса. В корпусе 1 размещен гибкий рабочий орган 2, выполненный из материала с эффектом памяти формы. Между органом и корпусом 1 образованы рабочие камеры 3. Орган 2 выполнен в виде изогнутой плоской пластины с отогнутыми в сторону концами 6. Пластина прикреплена к корпусу 1 в местах отгиба концов 6. Нагревательные и охлаждающие элементы 4, 5 размещены за пределами камер 3 с возможностью контакта с концами 6. За счет этого происходит изменение формы органа 2. 1 ил.

23-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: SU914804A2

03-10-1973 дата публикации

Насос для перекачки жидкости

Номер: SU399623A1

23-11-1987 дата публикации

Гидроприводной насос одностороннего действия

Номер: SU1355135A3

Изобретение относится к насосо- строению, в частности к гидроприводным насосам, и позволяет повысить быстродействие насоса путем снижения массы подвижных частей. Диафрагма 2 закреплена в корпусе 1 с образованием нагнетательной 3 и рабочей 4 камер. Слой 5, обращенный к камере 3, выполнен сплошным, а слой 6, обращенный к камере 4, - перфорированным со смещением его перфораций относительно перфораций жесткого центра 17 пружины 15. Центр 17 прифор- мован к диафрагме 2, что позволяет зафиксировать его, установив на технологических опорах, входящих в перфорации 18 центра 17. Это возможность уменьшить толщину формируемого слоя диафрагмы, т.е. ее массу, 2 3.п. Л-лы, 5 ил, § /« iff -О со ел ел ы ...

10-12-1992 дата публикации

Low wear electric membrane pump - has magnetic plate on centre of membrane moved by magnetic field from rotating magnetic plate

Номер: DE0004118628A1

The pump membrane (22) has the multi pole magnetic plate (24) attached to its centre and spaced from a similar plate (17) rotated by the electric motor shaft (16). The motor rotates the second plate and the membrane is moved in either direction by the interaction of the magnetic poles. No mechanical contact is provided, removing one cause of wear. The pump can be operated as a precision unit by having a multitude of poles, suitably spaced. The pump chambers can be similarly arranged in a preset number, each with non return valves. The pump operates on liquids and gasses. USE/ADVANTAGE - E.g. for carrying about person for taking gas samples to monitor danger to carrier. Compact drive, low wear, low pump drag.

04-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060036067D1

26-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: DE0029620094U1

27-06-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001951696C3

06-11-2003 дата публикации

Kompakte Saugpumpe

Номер: DE0010295375T1

29-11-2001 дата публикации

Einrichtung zur Überwachung der Unversehrtheit einer Membran

Номер: DE0010024118A1

Einrichtung zur Überwachung der Unversehrtheit einer aus einer oder mehreren Schichten bestehenden Membran (1) einer Membranfördereinheit mit einer Schicht verbundenen Widerstandseinrichtung (3) und einer Messeinrichtung die über einen Verbindungszweig (20) mit einer Stromquelle (15) zusammengeschaltet ist, wobei die Messeinrichtung eine Wheatstonsche Brücke (2) ist, bei der die Widerstandseinrichtung (3) in zumindest einem Brückenzweig einen Brückenwiderstand (S1, S2, S3, S4) bildet und ein beginnender Bruch einer Schicht der Membran eine Änderung einer Messdiagonalspannung (B-D) bewirkt.

28-01-1982 дата публикации

Method for a diaphragm pump to prevent diaphragm overstretching

Номер: DE0003121053A1

The invention relates to a method for a diaphragm pump to prevent diaphragm overstretching and can preferably be used in a hose-diaphragm pump, in which the primary working medium loads a tubular hose diaphragm on the inside. The method and the device for carrying out the method ensure that, when the conveyance of the secondary medium is interrupted on the suction side, primary working medium is not sucked up from the storage reservoir in each suction stroke via the top-up valve and conveyed into the pump chamber during the delivery stroke, with the result that an overstretching of the hose diaphragm and finally its destruction can be caused. This is achieved in that, when the conveyance of the secondary medium is interrupted on the suction side, an automatic ventilation or gassing of the secondary medium remaining in the diaphragm pump takes place, the system vacuum on the secondary side, which controls the ventilation or gassing in the suction phase, being lower than the system vacuum ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации

Pumpe zum Fördern eines Fluids

Номер: DE102014002720A1

Pumpe (10) zum Fördern eines Fluids, umfassend eine Pumpenkammer (12), die an einem Ende mit einer flexiblen Membran (14) verschlossen ist, und die mindestens einen Einlass (16) zum Ansaugen des Fluids und mindestens einen Auslass (18) zum Ablaufen des Fluids enthält, wobei die flexible Membran (14) an einer oder mehreren zu einer Schwingmasse (22) gekoppelten Schwingmassenteilen (26, 28) angeordnet ist, die bei Bewegung durch ihre träge Masse zu einer Bewegung der flexiblen Membran (14) führt.

24-09-2015 дата публикации

Vakuumpumpstand mit mindestens zwei Membranpumpen

Номер: DE202015005199U1

Vakuumpumpstand zum Anschluss an eine Prozessanlage, mit mindestens zwei Membranpumpen (2), die saugseitig und vorzugsweise auch druckseitig parallel geschaltet sind, mit einer zentralen Steuerungseinrichtung (5), an die mindestens eine, vorzugsweise alle Membranpumpen (2) steuerungstechnisch angeschlossen sind, und vorzugsweise mit mindestens einem auf der Saugseite des Vakuumpumpstandes (1) angeordneten und steuerungstechnisch an die Steuerungseinrichtung (5) angeschlossenen Drucksensor, wobei von der Steuerungseinrichtung (5) aus durch entsprechende Ansteuerung der Membranpumpen (2) das Vakuum in einer angeschlossenen Prozessanlage steuerbar oder regelbar ist und wobei jede der angeschlossenen Membranpumpen (2) bei laufendem Betrieb des Vakuumpumpstandes (1) von der Steuerungseinrichtung (5), ggf. auch manuell, einzeln ein- und ausschaltbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass mindestens eine Membranpumpe (2), vorzugsweise jede der Membranpumpen (2), einen in der Drehzahl veränderlichen ...

05-11-2009 дата публикации

Kolbenpumpenhinterteil mit Luftbälgen

Номер: DE602007002505D1

27-01-2005 дата публикации

Leckageüberwachung im Hydraulikdruckraum einer Membranpumpe

Номер: DE0010322221B3

Bei einem Verfahren zur Überwachung der Leckagen im Hydraulikdruckraum einer Membranpumpe wird derart vorgegangen, daß der Zeitpunkt (t¶3¶), zu dem der einer Leckergänzung dienende Schnüffelvorgang eingeleitet wird, kontinuierlich überwacht und mit einem Referenzwert (t¶1¶) verglichen wird, wobei eine vorbestimmte Abweichung (t¶1¶-t¶3¶) zwischen beiden Werten (t¶3¶ bzw. t¶1¶) eine Leckageanzeige auslöst.

27-08-1970 дата публикации

Membran-Pumpe,insbesondere zur Vakuumerzeugung bei aggressiven Medien

Номер: DE0001653369A1

26-11-1970 дата публикации

Elektromagnetische Membranpumpe

Номер: DE0001926313A1

16-10-1919 дата публикации

Means for Correcting the Variations in Delivery in Pumps with Elastic Pistons.

Номер: GB0000128205A

... 128,205. Soc. Rateau. June 7, 1918, [Convention date]. Diaphragm pumps.-In a diaphragm pump, variations in delivery are corrected by connecting the interior of the membrane or bellows b to the delivery reservoir h during delivery and to the suction reservoir j during suction by means of a valve e, which moves synchronously with the membrane.

18-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001425573A

... 1425573 Pumping water from boats DEFENCE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR 18 June 1973 [21 March 1972] 13091/72 Heading B7M [Also in Division F1] A single seat inflatable survival dinghy has a pump chamber 1 formed between the two layers 2, 3 of a double layer floor. One way valves 4 and 5 lead to the interior and exterior of the dinghy, and the pump is operated by using a handle 9 to expand and contract the chamber. Resilient reticulated foam inserts 6, 7, 8 bias the chamber to its expanded condition with such a force that the floor in the region of the pump can be depressed by acting on the handle 9 while the chamber 1 remains expanded. The pump can thus always draw water from the lowest point of the dinghy floor. The pump is located to lie between the thighs of an occupant so that ease of operation is assured.

06-04-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001269545A

... 1,269,545. Dispensing pumps; telemotors. PERPEDOS A.B. Oct. 23, 1969 [Nov. 8, 1968], No. 51968/69. Headings F1A and F1P. A dispensing pump for liquids or pastes comprises a housing 5 having a passage 6 therethrough, including a valve chamber 8 in which is mounted a valve comprising a pair of interconnected flexible conical flanges 10, 11 of rubber or plastics located by means of a valve plate 13 having axial passages 14 therethrough, a pressure bulb 3 being mounted on the wall of the housing 5, and manually operable to exert a pressure, via a lateral opening 15, in the valve chamber 8 between the flanges 10, 11. This pressure causes the upper flange 10 to seal against the walls of the valve chamber 8, and forces any liquid or paste in the pressure bulb 3 and valve chamber 8 past the lower flange 11 to the outlet 7. Release of the pressure bulb 3 causes the lower flange to seal, and another charge is drawn past the upper flange 10 from a container 1. In a modification, the flanges are formed ...

15-01-1941 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to diaphragm pumps for raising and forcing liquids

Номер: GB0000531971A

... 531,971. Diaphragm pumps. SIMMS, F. R., and JOY, B. C. July 14, 1939, No. 20534. [Class 102 (i)] In a diaphragm pump a substantial central portion of the diaphragm is substantially rigid and functions like a piston, whilst the peripheral portion functions like a valve. The edge of the diaphragm may be thin, beaded, dished, or slotted, and the diaphragm may be made of rubber, with or without canvas, wire, or metal plate reinforcement. In the form shown, the centre of the diaphragm 10 is stiffened by plates 11, 12 and is operated by a spindle 7 which may be actuated by a cam or eccentric against spring action, or by a hand lever. As shown, the plates 11, 12 and the sections 2, 3 of the pump casing may be given a streamline contour, and upward movement of the diaphragm periphery 13 may be restricted by means of radial ribs 26 or a coiled spring. Two parallel diaphragms on a common spindle may operate in a single chamber or in two distinct chambers, or a number of circular or sector-shaped ...

15-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001380812A

... 1380812 Peristaltic pumps J W CHAFER Ltd 5 Sept 1973 [28 Sept 1972] 44753/72 Heading F 1 F [ Also in Division F2] A peristaltic pump comprises a length of tubing 1 having an oval cross-sectional shape with an oval inner face 3 and an oval outer face 4 interrupted at diametrically opposite points on the major axis with an axially extending reinforcing rib 6. The ribs 6 are provided at the "corners" of the tubing that are formed when the tubing is rolled flat in use and eliminate the formation of cracks in the tubing. The pump, Fig. 2, comprises a framework 7 with a spindle 8 carrying three rollers 9 spaced at 120 degrees to roll the tubing flat against a backing plate 11 which also extends over an arc of 120 degrees.

10-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008318279D0

03-10-2001 дата публикации

Personal air sampling system and pump for use therein

Номер: GB0000119481D0

17-06-2015 дата публикации

An end fitting for a tube housed by a cavity and a method of installing a tube in a cavity

Номер: GB0002521226A

An end fitting for a tube 30 housed by a cavity, such as a peristaltic pump, comprising a bracket 6 having a first abutment shoulder 14a which opposes a port 4 of the cavity; a compression ring 16 against the first abutment shoulder to receive the tube therethrough, the compression ring defining a void; an insert 32 to be received within the interior of the tube such that the insert overlaps and extends beyond the compression ring; and a fastener 20 for connecting the bracket to the port to draw the bracket towards the port, where the compression ring is compressed between the first abutment shoulder and the port to seal the port such that the void defined by the compression ring is deformed; wherein the deformation of the void reduces its axial extent and increases its radial extent, thereby compressing the tube against the insert. A method of installing a tube in a cavity is also claimed.

13-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002112471B

20-03-1945 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to liquid pressure-actuated reciprocating pumps

Номер: GB0000568134A

... 568,134. Reciprocating pumps. HOLMES & CO., Ltd., W. C., COOPER, C., and INGHAM, C. June 9, 1943, No. 9283. [Class 102 (i)] In a multi - unit reciprocitiiig pujnpjng apparatus, particularly for bringing gases and/or vapours into intimate contact with water, as described in Specifications 331,592, '331,818, [b th in Class 55 (ii)], and 357,712, [Group XII], the inlet 6 of each liquidpressure-operated pump A is connected with a compartment 27 constituting a source of liquid to be pumped which is separate from the other compartments, the pumps delivering simultaneously, but separately to their respective compartments. The actuating pressure liquid may be supplied by pipes, 28, 28a from a doubleacting pump 29 operated by an engine 31. This pressure liquid is supplied to a chamber 1 containing a piston or diaphragm 12 and connected with a valve box 4 provided with non- return inlet and outlet valves 8, 9, the inlet 6 carrying a strainer 7. A dashpot effect may be obtained by means of recesses ...

11-06-1969 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the Manufacture of Plastic Articles.

Номер: GB0001154561A

... 1,154,561. Mixing apparatus. CLARKS Ltd. 9 June, 1966 [10 March, 1965], No. 10256/65. Heading B1C [Also in Division B5] A mould cavity 1c is connected by a duct 35 with a mixing chamber 46 into which a mixing head projects, the mixing head having a plurality of conduits 49, 50 through which the constituents of a moulding mixture can be injected into the chamber 46 and a rotary mixing element 45 within the chamber. In the embodiment shown in Fig. 9 the mixing head has a frusto-conical stationary portion 43 adapted to form a seal with a correspondingly shaped extension 44 of the chamber 46. The mixing element 45 may comprise projecting arms carried at the end of a high speed screw 40. Fluid pressure-operated valves 51, 52 control flow of the constituents of the moulding material, and the duct 35 can be closed by a fluid pressure-operated valve 47. Fig. 8 (not shown) shows another embodiment in which three constituents are supplied to a mixing chamber (34) opening directly to a side of the ...

30-07-1948 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to reciprocating pumps

Номер: GB0000605833A

... 605,833. Reciprocating motors. BOUGHTON, A. H., and SINGLETON, S. A. Jan. 7, 1946, No. 535. [Class 35] [Also in Group XXVIII] In a diaphragm pump, an electric coil attached to the diaphragm is vibrated by electric impulses while floating in the gap of a magnetic system. A diaphragm b carries an electric coil e excited by an alternating current and disposed in the field of a magnet through the turns of which a direct current passes.

03-01-1968 дата публикации

Diaphragm pumps

Номер: GB0001097236A

... 1,097,236. Diaphragm pumps. GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION. Dec. 15, 1966 [Jan. 19, 1966], No.56195/66. Heading F1A. The flexible pump diaphragm 18 is clamped at two radially spaced zones A and B between a flange 16 on casing part 10 and sheet metal plate 12 and casing part 14, respectively. The plate 12 is located in the part 14 by circumferentially spaced plate projections 34.

25-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008310646D0

01-05-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to diaphragm pumps

Номер: GB0001111770A

... 1,111,770. Diaphragm pumps. ALTEC GESELLSCHAFT FUR ALLGEMEINE LANDTECHNIKm.b.H. Nov.17, 1966, No. 51540/66. Heading F1A. A diaphragm pump comprises a diaphragm 3 clamped between a cylinder 1 and cover member 4 and reciprocated by a piston 2, the edges of the piston, cylinder and cover member being rounded and an insert 8 being located in the annular space produced by the rounding of the piston and cylinder edges. Insert 8 is annular and may be circular or triangular in cross-section, Figs. 2 and 3 (not shown). The insert may be of elastic material e. g. cross-linked polyurethane elastomer. The pumping chamber 5 has inlet and delivery valves 6, 7.

19-11-1969 дата публикации

Fluid Pump

Номер: GB0001170827A

... 1,170, 827. Flexible chamber pumps. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP. Oct.2, 1967 [Nov.7, 1966], No.44719/67. Heading F1A. A hydraulically-actuated flexible chamber pump, e.g. for blood, comprises a collapsible tubular member 10 mounted in a chamber of actuating liquid cyclically pressurized by a crank-driven piston 22, and connected to an inlet 14 and a check valve-controlled outlet 16, the resistance of the walls of member 10 to collapsing under pressure increasing from the inlet end to the outlet end. When the actuating liquid pressure is increased by piston 22, the inlet end of member 10 collapses first and closes off the inlet. The rest of the member then progressively collapses towards the outlet to discharge its contents via check valve 18. When the actuating liquid pressure is reduced by piston 22, valve 18 closes, and member 10 remains collapsed until the pressure is low enough for the inlet end to open to admit a fresh charge, thereby producing a self-cleaning action. The ...

16-02-1922 дата публикации

Improvements in methods of forcing or raising liquid and of producing power from liquid under pressure and in apparatus therefor

Номер: GB0000176067A

... 176,067. Rusdell, W. J. Nov. 16, 1920. Liquid-pressure engines.-A method of transforming the uniform rotary motion of a shaft &c. into uniform rectilinear motion of a liquid, or vice versa, consists in transmitting the motion through reciprocating pistons &c. operating in series and each in turn performing a power stroke of which a substantial portion occurs at a uniform velocity. In one form, the pistons 2, 2 are actuated by cams 9, 9 shaped to give uniform speed to the pistons during the delivery stroke. The liquid enters at 1 and passes through the valves in the piston 2 during the upstroke and is forced by this piston during its down stroke through the valves in the piston 2. The piston 2b during its upstroke forces the liquid through the delivery 5. The periods of uniform speed of the piston may overlap, and the valves may operate during such overlapping. In another form, three pistons are arranged in series. The valves may be arranged in a wall of the pump instead ...

09-12-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001215586A

... 1,215,586. Reciprocating pumps. PILKINGTON BROS. Ltd., W.F. BOYLETT, J. W. HILL, T.B. LEAMON and G. SHAW. Aug.21, 1968 [Aug. 25, 1967], No.39195/67. Heading F1A. [Also in Division F4] A cooling system comprises a sealed vessel 50 containing a refrigerant, e.g. solid CO 2 , a coolant circuit including a passage 52 in heat exchange relationship with vessel 50, a reciprocating pump 10 in the coolant circuit, a line 40 for conveying refrigerant vapour from vessel 50 to means D for reciprocating the pump, and valve means 23 in line 40, the valve means being cyclically operated between two settings corresponding to induction and delivery strokes of the pump. As shown in Fig. 1, the pump 10 comprises a chamber 11 with a coolant inlet 13 and outlet 14, and a diaphragm 12 which is connected to one end of a rod 16 the other end of which is connected to a piston 17 movable within a cylinder 18. Valve means 23 comprises two rotary valves 28, 29 connected in parallel to line 40 and having a common actuating ...

22-03-1950 дата публикации

Improvements relating to diaphragm pistons

Номер: GB0000634495A

... 634,495. Valves. CARBA AKT.-GES., and EICHMANN, T. Nov. 6, 1946, No. 33007. [Class 135] [Also in Group XXVI] An anchoring for the diaphragm 3 of a diaphragm piston for actuating a thermally controlled regulating valve comprises an anchoring mass 10 which fills an outwardly widening space 9 formed on both sides of the diaphragm and is connected to the latter and to the parts 1, 2 of the diaphragm casing by a fusing weld so that the two compartments 4, 5 formed between the diaphragm and the casing parts are sealed from each other and from the atmosphere, the casing part 1 being threaded to receive a cap 11 which is adapted to seal the anchoring mass from the atmosphere to prevent corrosion and also to press the casing parts together so that they grip the diaphragm. The anchoring mass may be of lead or tin cast into the space 9. Wedge-shaped annular sealing ribs 12, 13 formed on the cap are adapted to press against the casing parts to effect the seal. The rib 13 may alternatively be formed ...

29-02-1956 дата публикации

Improvements in flexible chamber pumps

Номер: GB0000745675A

... 745,675. Diaphragm pumps. DEB CHEMICAL PROPRIETARIES, Ltd., and WILLIAMSON, A. B. Sept. 6, 1954 [June 8, 1953], No. 15687/53. Class 102(1). A dispensing apparatus includes a diaphragm pump in which the diaphragm 14 is cup-shaped and formed integral with the outlet tube 21. The diaphragm abuts a disc 12a, fitted with an inlet valve 19 and is clamped to a container 13 by a housing 23 ; sealing washers 16, 17 are provided. The outlet tube is fitted with a nozzle 25 having an outlet valve 24, and a spring 28 is located between the housing 23 and the nozzle 25.

07-03-1979 дата публикации

A method of exchange between a flowing medium and a surrounding medium

Номер: GB0002003052A

The invention relates to a device for conveying a medium with simultaneous exchange of gas between the conveying medium and a surrounding atmosphere. The device compresses a plurality of resilient hoses 105 which permit the passage of gas and which are tensioned by the rotor 101 of a roller pump. The pump hoses are subjected to pressure from the rotor in such a manner that they are subjected to undulating changes in their cross-section and this pressure and the changes in cross-section achieve a very effective exchange of gas. By encapsulating the rotor in a casing 111 any desired atmosphere may be created for the exchange of gas. By having a liquid in the casing, the device may be used as a dialyser. ...

08-08-1979 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to seals

Номер: GB0002013287A

A flexible seal (2) comprises thickened inner and outer annular rims and a considerably thinner intermediate web integrally connected therewith. The seal has a pre- established configuration in which the rims are axially offset relative to each other so that the seal has a generally frusto-conical form. Curved section transition regions of comparable radial extent to the rims themselves blend into the rims and the web and provide a gradual change of section thickness therebetween. In one application the seal is mounted in a pump, being clamped by its rims between an axially reciprocating drive rod (22) and the pump housing (28). The seal is mounted under an initial radial compression such that in the operation of the pump its web is kept continuously in compression, or at most is subjected to tension in a small part of the reciprocating cycle. ...

28-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001541258A

10-05-1961 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electrically-driven membrane-type pumps

Номер: GB0000867775A

... 867,775. Diaphragm pumps. PULSATOR A.B. March 2, 1960, No. 7471/60. Class 102(1). An elastic member 5 reciprocated by an electro magnet 22 engages a seat 6 on a carrier member 4 in which is also located an inlet valve 8. The carrier member 4 is axially adjustable. The reciprocating mass is tuned to the A.C. supply to the electromagnet. The magnet may be immersed in oil to the level A and the armature 23 carries oil lifters 32 to splash oil between the armature, and magnet contact surfaces to reduce wear and noise.

31-01-1962 дата публикации

Diaphragm pumps and motors

Номер: GB0000888379A

... 888,379. Diaphragm pistons; engine valve gear. NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. June 17, 1960 [May 7, 1959; June 18, 1959; Sept. 30, 1959; Jan. 25, 1960], Nos. 15669/59, 20955/59, 33148/59 and 2558/60. Classes 122 (1) and 122 (2). [Also in Groups XXVIII and XXIX] The diaphragm 1, Fig. 1a, of a vapouroperated diaphram motor is shaped at least in part in the form of two isosceles triangles having a common base or having their bases separated by a rectangle, Fig. lb, of flexible impervious material, e.g. rubber, and the figure so formed has its edges clamped by frames 2 and is bisected longitudinally by rigid spine members 3, 12, 13 connected to the diaphram material articulated to each other at adjacent ends 17, 18, 19 to allow of relative longitudinal movement and pivoted at 15, 16 to the frames 2; the triangular portions of the diaphragm being rendered transversely inextensible, e.g. by securing textile strips across the rubber sheeting; the rectangular portion being rendered ...

05-10-1960 дата публикации

Improvements in pumps for liquids

Номер: GB0000850518A

... 850,518. Gear pumps. CARVER, P. W., and KONTAK MANUFACTURING CO. Ltd. May 29, 1957 [May 29, 1956 (2)], Nos. 16650/56 and 16652/56. Class 110 (2). [Also in Group XXVIII] A gear pump 110 having inlet and outlet passages 12, 11 circulates liquid to actuate a diaphragm pump (see - Group XXVIII). The pump is driven by an electric motor 111 and a reservoir chamber 117 is provided above the pump which is partially filled with liquid to a level 118 providing an air space 119 above it vented to the atmosphere. The pump delivers a greater volume of liquid than that required to actuate the diaphragm pump and the excess delivery is by-passed through a valve 120 to the reservoir from which liquid is drawn past a valve 121 to the suction side of the pump. Air bubbles in the circulating circuit flow through the inlet 12 and pass upwardsthrough an orifice 126 to a float chamber 125 containing a float valve 124 which controls an orifice 122 communicating with the reservoir chamber. As the air collects in ...

31-12-2003 дата публикации

A combination of a chamber and a piston, a pump, amotor, a shock absober and a transducer incorpora ting the combination.

Номер: AP0200302892A0

31-10-1991 дата публикации

Pompe à piston à mouvement alternatif, notamment à actionnement manuel.

Номер: OA0000009083A

30-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009172A0

31-12-2003 дата публикации

A combination of a chamber and a piston, a pump, a motor, a shock absorber and a transducer incorporating the combination.

Номер: AP2003002892A0

A piston-chamber combination comprising an elongate chamber which is bounded by an inner chamber wall and comprising an clastic-ally deformable piston comprising a container in said chamber to be sealingly movable relative to said chamber at least between first and second longitudinal positions of said chamber, said chamber having cross-sections of different cmss-scclional areas at the first and second longitudinal positions of said chamber and at least substantially continuously different cross-seciional areas at intermediate longitudinal positions between the lirst and second longitudinal positions thereof, the cross-sectional area at the first longitudinal position being larger than the cross-sectional area at the second longitudinal position, said piston including a piston body and scaling means supported by the piston body for sealing on said inner chamber wall. Said piston body being designed to adapt itself and said scaling means to said different cross-sectional areas of said chamber ...

31-07-1981 дата публикации

Pumps with gas compressed to pump liquids in particular in wells or drillings.

Номер: OA0000006483A

31-12-1984 дата публикации

Intallation of pumping and more particularly diaphragm pumps for double purpose.

Номер: OA0000007461A

31-07-1980 дата публикации

Sophisticated pump.

Номер: OA0000004621A

15-09-1992 дата публикации

“Suction pump driving back by hydraulic fluid power”.

Номер: OA0000009347A

31-03-1989 дата публикации

Sleeve elastically deformable for pump at improved lifespan.

Номер: OA0000008778A

31-05-1981 дата публикации

Group membrane motor-driven pump

Номер: OA0000005729A

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Pump for vehicle suspension system

Номер: US20120098215A1
Принадлежит: Oshkosh Corp

A pump includes a housing defining an interior volume, and a diaphragm, where the diaphragm partitions the interior volume into a pumping chamber and an actuating chamber. The diaphragm is formed from a polymeric material, and the pump further includes a diaphragm support configured to limit a stroke of the diaphragm. The diaphragm support includes an array of apertures through which fluid passes to interface with the diaphragm during operation of the pump.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for the production of cells and cell products and applications thereof

Номер: US20130058907A1
Принадлежит: Biovest International Inc

A cell culture system for the production of cells and cell derived products includes a reusable instrumentation base device incorporating hardware to support cell culture growth. A disposable cultureware module including a cell growth chamber is removably attachable to the instrumentation base device. The base device includes microprocessor control and a pump for circulating cell culture medium through the cell growth chamber. The cultureware module is removably attached to the instrumentation base device. Cells are introduced into the cell growth chamber and a source of medium is fluidly attached to the cultureware module. Operating parameters are programmed into the microprocessor control. The pump is operated to circulate the medium through the cell growth chamber to grow cells or cell products therein. The grown cells or cell products are harvested from the cell growth chamber and the cultureware module is then disposed.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Peristaltic micropump and related systems and methods

Номер: US20130287613A1

A peristaltic micropump comprising one or more conduits configured to transfer one or more pumped fluids, wherein each conduit comprises: an inlet ( 106 ), an outlet ( 107 ), a central portion ( 102 ) between the inlet and the outlet, and an actuator ( 103, 105 ) configured to engage the central portions of the one or more conduits.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140017102A1

A magnetic-force interactive fan includes a base, a plurality of clamp portions, an actuating portion, a main blade, and at least one interactive blade. The actuating portion has a fixed terminal and a moveable terminal; the fixed terminal is connected to one of the clamp portions. The main blade has a free terminal and a connection terminal; the connection terminal is connected to the moveable terminal of the actuating portion and a main magnet is disposed on the free terminal. The interactive blade has a top terminal and a bottom terminal; the bottom terminal is connected to another clamp portion and an interactive magnet is disposed on the top terminal. The main magnet is disposed corresponding to the interactive magnet and the main blade is driven by the actuating portion to swing, thus producing wind by synchronously swinging the main blade and the interactive blade. 1. A magnetic-force interactive fan comprising:a base;a plurality of clamp portions separated to each other and installed on the base;an actuating portion having a fixed terminal and a moveable terminal, the fixed terminal connected to one of the clamp portions;a main blade having a free terminal and a connection terminal, the connection terminal connected to the moveable terminal of the actuating portion, the main blade further having a main magnet disposed on the free terminal thereof;at least one interactive blade having a top terminal and a bottom terminal, the bottom terminal connected to another clamp portion, the at least one interactive blade further having an interactive magnet disposed on the top terminal thereof;wherein the main magnet is disposed corresponding to the at least one interactive magnet and the main blade is driven by the actuating portion to swing, thus producing wind by synchronously swinging the main blade and the at least one interactive blade.2. The magnetic-force interactive fan in claim 1 , wherein the actuating portion is a piezoelectric element.3. The magnetic-force ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Pump for transfer of liquids containing suspended solids

Номер: US20140079573A1
Автор: Kirby Norman Pabst

A pump for transferring liquids containing suspended solids comprises a bellows-type chamber retractable and extendable by a reciprocating drive means. The pump is fed by feed stock inflow controlled by a flexible tubular pinch-type valve, and propelled out of the chamber through a substantially identical pinch-type valve. Programmed control means is inadequate to properly regulate volume of flow, and independently interventional means are disclosed to correct aberrant pump cycles.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000423A1

One or more electroactive polymer (EAP) strips are circumferentially or lengthwise embedded or mounted around the fluid passage member. The EAP strips are configured to function as a pump when a prescribed electrical charge is applied and removed from the EAP strips, which causes the EAP strips to expand and constrict accordingly. A series of these strips may be mounted along a portion of the fluid passage member and electrically actuated in a prescribed manner to exert a squeezing force around the fluid passage member, which functions to pump fluid through the fluid passage member. The EAP strips also change electrical characteristics (e.g., capacitance, resistance) independent of the applied actuation as they are stretched, so they may be used to measure fluid pressure and/or fluid flow rate. 1. A self-pumping fluid passage member comprising:a fluid passage member having an outer surface, an inner surface, a fluid inlet port, and a fluid outlet port;a plurality of strain actuators, wherein each of the strain actuators is spaced apart and coupled circumferentially around at least a portion of the fluid passage member;a controller coupled to each of the plurality of strain actuators, wherein the controller is configured to selectively activate each of the strain actuators to force fluid through the portion of the fluid passage member.2. The self-pumping fluid passage member of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of strain actuators are electroactive polymer strips.3. The self-pumping fluid passage member of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of strain actuators is configured to apply a first compressive force against the outer surface of the fluid passage member in a first state and apply a reduced compressive force against the outer surface of the fluid passage in a second state.4. The self-pumping fluid passage member of claim 1 , wherein the controller sequentially applies a drive current to each of the plurality of strain actuators.5. The self-pumping ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003166A1
Автор: BEENKER Jan W.

A conveying device at least for conveying a fluid, includes at least one conveying space, with at least one conveying space element, which at least partly delimits the conveying space and is embodied in a rigid fashion, and with at least one elastically deformable conveying element, which forms the conveying space together with the conveying space element, at least the conveying space element and the conveying element together form an exchangeable unit. The conveying element is arranged on the conveying space element in an at least partly convexly curved fashion, following a deformation, the conveying element automatically seeks to re-assume a basic shape, and the conveying element is connected to the conveying space element in a non-releasable manner. 1. A conveying device at least for conveying a fluid , with at least one conveying space , with at least one conveying space element , which at least partly delimits the conveying space and is embodied in a rigid fashion , and with at least one elastically deformable conveying element , which forms the conveying space together with the conveying space element , wherein at least the conveying space element and the conveying element together form an exchangeable unit , wherein the conveying element is arranged on the conveying space element in an at least partly convexly curved fashion , wherein the conveying element is embodied in a spring-elastic fashion , wherein , following a deformation , the conveying element automatically seeks to re-assume a basic shape , wherein the conveying element is connected to the conveying space element in a non-releasable manner , wherein the conveying space element comprises at least one concave recess for at least partly forming the conveying space , wherein an inner surface of the conveying space element , which delimits the concave recess , forms a wall of the conveying space , wherein the conveying element comprises , in a load-free state of the conveying element , a conveying ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003203A1
Автор: CHO Sung Am

An extrusion pumping module including a pumping unit, wherein the pumping unit includes: a plate member in a plate shape, at a center of which a flow hole opened is provided and which is formed to be inclined gradually to one outer side with respect to the flow hole; and a coupling member provided so that the pair of plate members overlap, wherein the pumping unit is coupled such that as a gap between the pair of plate members is narrowed, an accommodated material in a liquid state accommodated in the inside is extruded through the flow holes, as the gap between the pair of plate members is distanced, the accommodated material is introduced into the internal space, and a plurality of the flow holes communicate with each other. 1. An extrusion pumping module including a pumping unit , wherein the pumping unit comprises:a plate member in a plate shape, at a center of which a flow hole opened is provided and which is formed to be inclined gradually to one outer side with respect to the flow hole; anda coupling member provided so that the pair of plate members overlap so as to form a space in the inside and the outer circumferences of the pair of plate members are mutually fastened,wherein the pumping unit is coupled such that as a gap between the pair of plate members is narrowed, an accommodated material in a liquid state accommodated in the inside is extruded through the flow holes, as the gap between the pair of plate members is distanced, the accommodated material is introduced into the internal space, and a plurality of the flow holes communicate with each other.2. The extrusion pumping module of claim 1 , wherein a sealing member is included between the coupling member and the pair of plate members to perform buffering and sealing.3. The extrusion pumping module of claim 2 , further comprising a fastener which is fastened passing through the outer circumference of the plate member claim 2 , the sealing member claim 2 , and the coupling member wherein a plurality ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010634A1

A pump is formed by a housing () having an inlet () and an outlet () for a fluid. The housing () contains a rotator () provided with at least one surface recess () that forms with an interior surface of the rotor a chamber () that, on rotation of the rotor (), conveys fluid from the inlet () to the outlet (). A flexible seal () is provided on or as part of the housing () and is located between the inlet () to the outlet () to engage the rotor () to prevent fluid passing from the outlet () to the inlet (). A second inlet () is provided leading to the outlet () for the supply to the outlet () of a second fluid and the second inlet () also supplies the second fluid to the back of the seal () to urge the seal () against the rotor (). 1. A pump , said pump comprising:a housing having an inlet and an outlet for a fluid and containing a rotor provided with at least one surface recess that forms with an interior surface of the rotor a chamber that, on rotation of the rotor, conveys fluid from the inlet to the outlet, a flexible seal being provided on or as part of the housing and located between the inlet and the outlet to engage the rotor to prevent fluid passing from the outlet to the inlet, a second inlet being provided for the supply of a second fluid to the outlet to mix with fluid in the outlet and also to the seal to urge the seal against the rotor.2. A pump according to wherein the second fluid is supplied to the outlet at a first pressure and is supplied to the seal at a second pressure claim 1 , the first pressure being less than the second pressure.3. A pump according to wherein the housing includes a seal chamber surrounding a surface of the seal opposite the surface of the seal engaging the rotor claim 1 , the second fluid being supplied to said seal chamber to urge the seal against the rotor.4. A pump according to wherein the second inlet has a first branch and a second branch claim 3 , the first branch leading to the chamber and the second branch leading to ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Pumping System

Номер: US20180010594A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Provided is a pumping system that includes a parallel dual chamber pumping mechanism and an attachable disposable cassette. The disposable cassette includes a multi-laminate membrane which facilitates efficient, accurate and uniform delivery of fluids. The multi-laminate membrane is held in intimate contact with the pumping fingers of the pumping mechanism by electrostatic or magnetic attraction, thereby allowing the pump to pull a vacuum without the need for a preloaded elastomeric pumping segment.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016440A1

A conductivity sensor is provided. The sensor comprises at least one electrode being embedded in a cylindrical non-conductive body such that one end of each one of the at least one electrode is exposed to a sample volume, wherein the sensor further comprises a support body to which the cylindrical body is engagable with, which support body comprises means for attaching said support body to a frame structure in a fluid tight manner. 1. A conductivity sensor , comprising at least one electrode being embedded in a cylindrical non-conductive body such that one end of each one of the at least one electrode is exposed to a sample volume , wherein the sensor further comprisesa support body to which the cylindrical body is engagable with, which support body comprises means for attaching said support body to a frame structure in a fluid tight manner.2. The conductivity sensor according to claim 1 , wherein said non-conductive body is formed by a sintering process.3. The conductivity sensor according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one electrode is made of platinum.4. The conductivity sensor according to claim 1 , wherein said support body is formed by a cylindrical body in which the non-conductive body is insertable.5. The conductivity sensor according to claim 1 , wherein said sample volume is formed as a recess in said non-conductive body.6. A membrane assembly for a high-pressure pump claim 1 , comprising a frame structure being sealed on opposite sides by two separate membranes claim 1 , wherein said frame structure comprises a radial through hole for accommodating the non-conductive body as well as the support body of a conductivity sensor according to .7. The membrane assembly according to claim 6 , wherein said frame structure has a circular shape.8. A high pressure pump claim 6 , comprising a membrane assembly according to for transmitting pressure from a hydraulic side to a product side.9. The high pressure pump according to claim 8 , further comprising a control ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017975A1
Автор: JR. Matthew G., Morris
Принадлежит: Altra, Inc.

Provided is a pumping system that includes a parallel dual chamber pumping mechanism and an attachable disposable cassette. The disposable cassette may include a multi-laminate membrane, which facilitates efficient, accurate and uniform delivery of fluids. The membrane can be held in intimate contact with the pumping fingers of the pumping mechanism by electrostatic or magnetic attraction, thereby allowing the pump to pull a vacuum without the need for a preloaded elastomeric pumping segment. 1. A pumping system comprising: (i) a body having a sealed top side, an open bottom side, an inlet port disposed on a first end and an outlet port disposed on a second end;', '(ii) a first pumping chamber disposed within the open bottom side between a first inlet valve and a first outlet valve;', '(iii) a second pumping chamber disposed within the open bottom side between a second inlet valve and a second outlet valve, wherein the first and second pumping chambers are positioned in parallel with each other; and', '(iv) a multi-laminate membrane adhered to and sealing the open bottom side defining a fluid path between the inlet port and the outlet port; and, '(a) a disposable cassette comprising (i) a chassis configured for removable attachment to the disposable cassette;', '(ii) a motor disposed within a length of the chassis and positioned in parallel to the flow path;', '(iii) a camshaft disposed adjacent to and in mechanical communication with the motor, wherein the camshaft comprises a plurality of lobes disposed along a length thereof;', '(iv) a first finger drive arm hingedly attached to the chassis and positioned parallel to the motor, wherein a bottom portion of the first finger drive arm is in mechanical communication with the camshaft;', '(v) a second finger drive arm hingedly attached to the chassis and positioned opposing the first finger drive arm, wherein a bottom portion of the second finger drive arm is in mechanical communication with the camshaft, and wherein ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018303A1

A piezoelectric pump includes a leaf spring including a disc portion defining an actuator, an outer frame portion defining a housing, and an elastic support portion. The actuator flexurally vibrates from a center portion of a principal surface thereof to an outer periphery thereof. The elastic support portion includes a beam portion and connection portions and elastically supports the disc portion on the outer frame portion. The beam portion extends in a gap between the disc portion and the outer frame portion in a direction along an outer periphery of the disc portion. A first of the connection portions connects the beam portion to the disc portion. Second and third connection portions are offset from the first connection portion and connect the beam portion to the outer frame portion. 1. (canceled)3. The actuator structure according to claim 2 , wherein the beam portion has a substantially straight shape.4. The actuator structure according to claim 2 , wherein the beam portion has an arc shape or substantially arc shape.5. The actuator structure according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in each of the plurality of elastic support portions claim 2 , the side wall connection portion is connected to an end of the beam portion.6. The actuator structure according to claim 2 , whereineach of the plurality of elastic support portions includes two of the side wall connection portions; andin each of the plurality of elastic support portions, the actuator connection portion is located between the two side wall connection portions.7. The actuator structure according to claim 2 , wherein the beam portion is configured such that a beam portion length is provided without folding the beam portion.8. The actuator structure according to claim 2 , wherein the actuator has a disc shape.10. The pump device according to claim 9 , wherein the beam portion has a substantially straight shape.11. The pump device according to claim 9 , wherein the beam portion has an arc shape or ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023555A1

A method of assembling a pump for use in a radioactive environment includes positioning tubing between a rotor and a clamp of the pump. The pump includes a pump head that includes a casing, the rotor, and the clamp. The rotor rotates in relation to the casing. The method also includes rotating the rotor for a first period to compress the tubing against the rotor. The tubing is in a dry condition throughout the first period. The method further includes directing liquid into the tubing and rotating the rotor for a second period to compress the tubing against the rotor and direct the liquid through the pump head. The method also includes calibrating the pump. 1. A method of assembling a pump for use in a radioactive environment , the pump including a pump head that includes a casing , a rotor , and a clamp , the rotor rotating in relation to the casing , the method comprising:positioning tubing between the rotor and the clamp, wherein the tubing is in a dry condition;rotating the rotor for a first period to compress the tubing against the rotor, wherein the tubing is in the dry condition throughout the first period;directing liquid into the tubing;rotating the rotor for a second period to compress the tubing against the rotor and direct the liquid through the pump head; andcalibrating the pump.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein rotating the rotor to compress the tubing against the rotor comprises rotating the rotor at a speed of at least 300 revolutions per minute.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein rotating the rotor to compress the tubing against the rotor comprises rotating the rotor for at least 6 claim 2 ,000 cumulative seconds.4. The method of further comprising dispensing liquid from the pump claim 1 , wherein the liquid is dispensed in discrete shots.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein dispensing liquid from the pump comprises dispensing at least 1 claim 4 ,000 shots claim 4 , and each shot includes approximately 10 milliliters.6. The method of further comprising ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042506A1

A push-pull micropump includes one or more pairs of channels configured to transfer one or more fluids, each channel pair having an aspiration channel and an injection channel; and an actuator configured to engage the one or more pairs of channels, wherein the actuator comprises a plurality of rolling members and a driving member configured such that when the driving member rotates, the plurality of rolling members rolls along the one or more pairs of channels to cause individually the one or more fluids to transfer through each channel pair simultaneously at different flowrates or the same flowrate, depending upon actuated lengths of the aspiration and injection channels of each channel pair, wherein an actuated length of a channel is defined by a length of the channel along which the plurality of rolling members rolls during a full rotation of the driving member. 1. A push-pull micropump , comprising:one or more pairs of channels configured to transfer one or more fluids, each channel pair having an aspiration channel and an injection channel; andan actuator configured to engage the one or more pairs of channels, wherein the actuator comprises a plurality of rolling members and a driving member configured such that when the driving member rotates, the plurality of rolling members rolls along the one or more pairs of channels to cause individually the one or more fluids to transfer through each channel pair simultaneously at different flowrates or the same flowrate, depending upon actuated lengths of the aspiration and injection channels of each channel pair, wherein an actuated length of a channel is defined by a length of the channel along which the plurality of rolling members rolls during a full rotation of the driving member.2. The push-pull micropump of claim 1 , wherein each channel pair is configured such that the actuated length of the aspiration channel is longer than that of the injection channel claim 1 , whereby the aspiration and injection channels of ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Method of assemblying a segmented vein air pump in a tire

Номер: US20140109405A1
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co

A method of assembling an air pump in a tire is provided including: opening an axial air passageway of an elongate flexible air tube at one end; inserting one by one a plurality of one-way check valves into the air passageway from the one end to form an axial array of spaced apart check valves along the air passageway, each check valve having an external nominal width greater than a nominal width of the air tube passageway; establishing a press fit engagement between each check valve and air tube internal sidewalls defining the air passageway to place each check valve at a respective preferred position within the air passageway; retaining the check valves in the respective preferred positions within the air passageway by radial pressure from the air tube internal sidewalls and closing the one end of the flexible air tube.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037838A1

A piezoelectric pump includes a leaf spring including a disc portion defining an actuator, an outer frame portion defining a housing, and an elastic support portion. The actuator flexurally vibrates from a center portion of a principal surface thereof to an outer periphery thereof. The elastic support portion includes a beam portion and connection portions and elastically supports the disc portion on the outer frame portion. The beam portion extends in a gap between the disc portion and the outer frame portion in a direction along an outer periphery of the disc portion. A first of the connection portions connects the beam portion to the disc portion. Second and third connection portions are offset from the first connection portion and connect the beam portion to the outer frame portion. 1. (canceled)2. An actuator support structure comprising:a plate-shaped actuator arranged to flexurally vibrate from a center portion of a principal surface thereof to an outer peripheral portion thereof;a side wall surrounding an outer periphery of the actuator; anda plurality of elastic support portions elastically supporting the outer periphery of the actuator to the side wall, the plurality of elastic support portions being separately provided and spaced apart from one another around the outer periphery of the actuator; wherein a beam portion extending in a gap between the actuator and the side wall in a circumferential direction along the outer periphery of the actuator;', 'an actuator connection portion connecting the beam portion to the actuator; and', 'a side wall connection portion connecting the beam portion to the side wall provided in a position offset from the actuator connection portion in the direction along the outer periphery of the actuator; and, 'each of the plurality of elastic support portions includesthe side wall connection portions extend outward in a radial direction from the beam portion towards the side wall and are directly connected to the side wall.3. ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037840A1

The present invention concerns a diaphragm pump comprising a delivery chamber separated from a hydraulic chamber by way of a diaphragm, wherein the delivery chamber is respectively connected to a suction connection and a pressure connection and the hydraulic chamber which can be filled with a working fluid can be acted upon with a pulsating working fluid pressure and the diaphragm can be reciprocated between a pressure position in which the volume of the delivery chamber is smaller and a suction position in which the volume of the delivery chamber is larger. In that arrangement the hydraulic chamber is connected to a working fluid supply by way of a leak replenishment valve, wherein the leak replenishment valve is so designed that when the pressure in the hydraulic chamber in the suction position of the diaphragm is less than a predetermined minimum value pthe leak replenishment valve opens and the hydraulic chamber has an outlet passage which is closed by a pressure limiting valve which is so designed that if the pressure in the hydraulic chamber rises above a predetermined maximum value pthe pressure limiting valve opens and working fluid can leave the hydraulic chamber by way of the outlet valve. To provide a corresponding diaphragm pump which automatically reduces the metering power in the overpressure situation without the use of additional sensors being necessary it is proposed according to the invention that the working fluid supply is arranged in a first and in a second chamber, the two chambers being connected together by way of a first connecting passage. 1. A diaphragm pump comprising a delivery chamber separated from a hydraulic chamber by way of a diaphragm , wherein the delivery chamber is respectively connected to a suction connection and a pressure connection and the hydraulic chamber which can be filled with a working fluid can be acted upon with a pulsating working fluid pressure and the diaphragm can be reciprocated between a pressure position in ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045190A1

Illustrative embodiments of diaphragm assemblies for diaphragm pumps and methods for manufacturing such diaphragm assemblies are disclosed. In at least one illustrative embodiment, a diaphragm pump may include an inflexible central core and a flexible diaphragm body surrounding the inflexible central core. The inflexible central core may include a reinforced thermoplastic and the flexible diaphragm body may include a thermoplastic elastomer. The flexible diaphragm body is bonded directly to the inflexible central core. The diaphragm assembly may include a mounting bolt having a head end and a threaded end. The inflexible central core surrounds the head end of the mounting bolt and the threaded end of the mounting bolt extends outside of the inflexible central core. The inflexible central core may include multiple raised features that cooperate to define cavities in the inflexible central core. The flexible diaphragm body fills the cavities of the inflexible central core. 1. A diaphragm assembly for a diaphragm pump , the diaphragm assembly comprising:an inflexible central core; anda flexible diaphragm body surrounding the inflexible central core, wherein the flexible diaphragm body comprises an elastomer, and wherein the flexible diaphragm body is bonded directly to the inflexible central core.2. The diaphragm assembly of claim 1 , wherein the flexible diaphragm body is mechanically claim 1 , thermally claim 1 , or chemically bonded directly to the inflexible central core.3. The diaphragm assembly of claim 1 , further comprising an attachment member having a first end and second end claim 1 , wherein the inflexible central core surrounds the first end of the attachment member and the second end of the attachment member extends outside of the inflexible central core and the flexible diaphragm body.4. The diaphragm assembly of claim 1 , wherein the diaphragm body comprises:a central portion that surrounds the inflexible central core, an annular flexible portion that ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150050166A1
Принадлежит: DEKA Products Limited Partnership

Embodiments of the present invention relate generally to certain types of reciprocating positive-displacement pumps (which may be referred to hereinafter as “pods,” “pump pods,” or “pod pumps”) used to pump fluids, such as a biological fluid (e.g., blood or peritoneal fluid), a therapeutic fluid (e.g., a medication solution), or a surfactant fluid. The pumps may be configured specifically to impart low shear forces and low turbulence on the fluid as the fluid is pumped from an inlet to an outlet. Such pumps may be particularly useful in pumping fluids that may be damaged by such shear forces (e.g., blood, and particularly heated blood, which is prone to hemolysis) or turbulence (e.g., surfectants or other fluids that may foam or otherwise be damaged or become unstable in the presence of turbulence). 182-. (canceled)83. A flexible diaphragm for use in a reciprocating positive-displacement pump , the diaphragm configured to be interposed between a pumping chamber of the pump and a control chamber of the pump , and having a pre-formed hemispheroid membrane having a pumping chamber side and an opposing control chamber side;wherein the diaphragm comprises a plurality of raised elements on the pumping chamber side of the membrane.8485-. (canceled)86. A flexible diaphragm according to claim 83 , wherein the raised elements comprise raised bumps claim 83 , dots claim 83 , bars claim 83 , ribs claim 83 , or rings.87. A flexible diaphragm according to claim 86 , wherein the diaphragm comprises a circular rim attached to or formed with a peripheral portion of the membrane.88. A flexible diaphragm according to claim 87 , wherein the rim is adapted for interconnection with at least one of a pumping chamber wall and an actuation chamber wall.89. A diaphragm according to or claim 87 , wherein the rim and the membrane are made from silicone.90. A diaphragm according to claim 89 , wherein the rim and the membrane are made from high-elongation silicone.9198-. (canceled)99. A flexible ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048866A1
Автор: Buchalla Harald

A pump arrangement having a unit which comprises a material with a magnetocaloric action, an arrangement of conduits which are in the region of the unit and through which a liquid or gaseous heat-conduction medium flows and a pump system operating according to travelling-wave principles. 1. A pump arrangement for a device with a material having a magnetocaloric effect , the pump arrangement comprising:a conduit arranged in an area of the device through which conduit a liquid or gaseous heat transfer medium flows,a multi-pole axial flux electrical motor having a disc-shaped rotor rotatably, mounted on a shaft for rotation about an axis of rotation, and a disc-shaped stator, wherein the rotor is provided permanent magnets, wherein the stator is provided electrical coils, wherein the permanent magnets and coils are provided coaxially on the same plane relative to the axis of rotation, and an inlet and an outlet in communication with the conduit arranged in the area of the device through which a liquid or gaseous heat transfer medium flows and in communication with a tubular membrane provided on the stator,', 'a cam provided on the rotor, the cam in contact with the tubular membrane,, 'a pump system at least partially integrated in a space formed between the rotor and the stator of the electrical motor, the pump system including'}wherein rotational movement of the rotor relative to the stator causes the cam to pass periodically over the tubular membrane causing the liquid or gaseous heat transfer medium to be conveyed on the traveling wave principle from inlet to outlet.2. The pump arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the tubular membrane is provided on a radially inner surface of the stator and the cam is provided on an axial face of the rotor.3. The pump arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein means are provided for periodically subjecting the material having the magnetocaloric effect to a magnetic field.4. The pump arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049140A1

A peristaltic micropump includes one or more flexible channels configured to transfer one or more pumped fluids, and an actuator configured to engage the one or more flexible channels and rotate about a central axis. The actuator includes a plurality of rolling elements and a driving element configured such that the driving element operably rotates about the central axis and each rolling element operably rolls about a respective axis that is not parallel to the central axis. The plurality of rolling elements is disposed between the one or more flexible channels and the driving element. The driving element includes a cage configured to capture the plurality of rolling elements such that the plurality of rolling elements is located at different radii from a center of the cage. 1. A peristaltic micropump , comprising:one or more flexible channels configured to transfer one or more pumped fluids; andan actuator configured to engage the one or more flexible channels, and rotate about a central axis, wherein the actuator comprises a plurality of rolling elements and a driving element configured such that the driving element operably rotates about the central axis and each rolling element operably rolls about a respective axis that is not parallel to the central axis, wherein the plurality of rolling elements is disposed between the one or more flexible channels and the driving element, and wherein the driving element comprises a cage configured to capture the plurality of rolling elements such that the plurality of rolling elements is located at different radii from a center of the cage.2. The peristaltic micropump of claim 1 , wherein the driving element and the one or more flexible channels have a coefficient of friction that is substantially matched to each other claim 1 , and the driving element and the bulk material that contains one or more flexible channels have a coefficient of elasticity that is substantially matched to each other.3. The peristaltic micropump of ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051735A1

A method and apparatus for pumping fluid through tubing are provided. The method includes orbiting first rollers around the periphery of a first disk at a first tangential speed in a first angular sector and a slower, second tangential speed in a second angular sector, orbiting second rollers around the periphery of a second disk at the second tangential speed, and increasing the pressure of fluid in tubing between one first roller and one second roller by causing the one first roller to fully compress the tubing at the first tangential speed and simultaneously causing the one second roller to fully compress the tubing at the second tangential speed. The apparatus includes a first disk with a recess in its periphery, the first angular sector with a nominal first radius, and a second angular sector with a nominal second radius; and a second disk with the nominal first radius and a recess in its periphery. 1. A method of pumping a fluid through tubing that is positioned partially around the periphery of a first disk of a peristaltic pump and partially around the periphery of a second disk of the peristaltic pump , the method comprising:orbiting a plurality of first rollers at a constant angular speed around the periphery of the first disk such that the first rollers are constantly pressed into contact with the periphery of the first disk, the tubing, or the periphery of the first disk and the tubing, wherein the first disk includes a first angular sector that is configured to cause the first rollers to move along a first section of the periphery of the first disk at a first tangential speed and a second angular sector that is configured to cause the first rollers to move along a second section of the periphery of the first disk at a second tangential speed less than the first tangential speed;orbiting a plurality of second rollers at the constant angular speed around the periphery of a second disk such that the second rollers are constantly pressed into contact with ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Fluid isolating peristaltic pump

Номер: US20210062801A1
Автор: Michael Sean Gordon
Принадлежит: Fort Jameson LLC

Disclosed is a fluid isolating pump. The fluid isolating pump includes a rotating cage, one or more roller assemblies mounted on the rotating cage, a cam plate, and a non-rotating central shaft. The cage includes a front plate and a back plate connected by multiple connecting rods. Each roller assembly is rotatably attached to a corresponding connecting rod of the cage. Each roller assembly includes one or more arms rotatably attached to the connecting rod, a connecting bar coupled to the one or more arms, one or more levers rotatably attached to the connecting rod, one or more suspensions, and a roller. Each suspension is coupled to at least one arm and to at least one lever. The roller is coupled to the one or more levers. The cam plate includes multiple openings having a first end and a second end. The connecting rod of each roller assembly is configured to slide from the first end of the opening to the second end of a corresponding opening.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069461A1

A vale unit includes a valve frame and two valve plates. The valve frame defines a valve opening. The valve plates are formed with protrusions. Each of the valve plates has a connecting end that is formed with a notch. The connecting ends are connected to each other. The protrusions protrude from peripheries of the notches. Each of the protrusions has a contact end. The contact ends cooperatively define a gap therebetween. The valve plates are co-rotatable about an axis between a closed position, in which the valve plates substantially close the valve opening, and an opening position, in which the valve plates open the valve opening. The gap has a width varying in response to co-rotation of the valve plates between the opening position and the closed position. 1. A vale unit for driving a fluid in a flexible tubing , said valve unit comprising:a valve frame defining a valve opening; andfirst and second valve plates mounted movably on said valve frame and formed respectively with first and second protrusions, each of said first and second valve plates having a connecting end that is formed with a notch, said connecting ends of said first and second valve plates being connected to each other, said first and second protrusions protruding respectively from peripheries of said notches in said connecting ends, each of said first and second protrusions having a contact end, said contact ends of said first and second protrusions opposing each other and cooperatively defining a gap therebetween for extension of the flexible tubing therethrough;wherein said first and second valve plates are co-rotatable relative to said valve frame in opposite rotational directions about a rotation axis transverse to the length of the flexible tubing between a closed position, in which said first and second valve plates substantially close said valve opening, and an opening position, in which said first and second valve plates open said valve opening; andwherein said gap has a width between ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150078934A1
Автор: Lucas Timothy Swain
Принадлежит: Aavid Thermalloy, LLC

A diaphragm for a fluid mover, such as a synthetic jet device includes separate, concentric substrate sections. The substrate sections may be joined together by a resilient material at a junction between the sections, and the sections may include intermeshed cantilever tabs. The substrate sections may be joined to resist pressure-induced ballooning or similar deformation, yet allow for relatively large axial deformation. 1. A fluid mover comprising:a chamber having an outlet opening;a fluidic diaphragm having a portion movable in the chamber to cause fluid to move at the outlet opening, the fluidic diaphragm including two or more diaphragm substrate sections including first and second diaphragm substrate sections having cantilever tabs that are joined together by a resilient junction material, the cantilever tabs of the first and second diaphragm substrate sections being at least partially intermeshed such that one or more cantilever tabs of the first diaphragm substrate section is positioned between two cantilever tabs of the second diaphragm substrate section; andan actuator coupled to the fluidic diaphragm to move the portion of the fluidic diaphragm in the chamber.2. The fluid mover of claim 1 , wherein the fluidic diaphragm is flat claim 1 , has a center claim 1 , and the cantilever tabs have portions that extend radially relative to the center.3. The fluid mover of claim 1 , wherein the cantilever tabs of each diaphragm section form a directionally alternating and length-wise over lapping array of cantilever tabs that define a primary flexing portion of the diaphragm and wherein the alternating cantilever tabs provide mutual support of each of their adjacent cantilever tabs.4. The fluid mover of claim 1 , wherein the resilient junction material includes an overmolding layer that bonds the cantilever tabs of the first and second diaphragm substrate sections together.5. The fluid mover of claim 1 , wherein the first and second diaphragm substrate sections are ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Under-occluding wide flow channels for peristaltic pumps

Номер: US20200072210A1
Принадлежит: Smalltech Consulting LLC

A flow channel suitable for use with a peristaltic pump comprises: an upper wall having a bowed upward shape; a lower wall having one of a bowed downward shape and a flat shape; and one or more spacers between the upper wall and the lower wall disposed between lateral edges of the upper and lower walls, each spacer having a height. The upper wall, lower wall, and the one or more spacers define a lumen. When the upper wall is compressed toward the lower wall by compressing members, the one or more spacers limit vertical movement of the compressing members such that the lumen is maintained in an under-occluded condition. In some cases, the bowing of one of the upper and lower walls has a recurved shape.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210079910A1

A system, method apparatus including a bimetallic mechanical pump diaphragm for fluid handling including two walls forming a chamber divided by a snap-acting bimetallic mechanical diaphragm which uses the rapid, concavity inversing, buckling transition of the diaphragm pump fluid as thermal energy in a first fluid is converted to mechanical energy to push a second fluid as the diaphragm moves from a first position to a second position in the chamber. Two sets of inlet and outlet passageways include one way valves to control the flow of the first and second fluids having different temperatures. 1. A diaphragm pump for the conversion of thermal energy in a first fluid to mechanical energy in a first fluid and second fluid comprising:a first pump chamber wall having a first concave shape; a first pump chamber;', 'a second pump chamber; and', 'a bimetal mechanical pump diaphragm disposed between the first pump chamber and the second pump chamber, the bimetal mechanical pump diaphragm including a low thermal expansion alloy layer and a high thermal expansion alloy layer, the bimetal mechanical pump diaphragm having an outer edge, the outer edge being sealed between the first pump chamber wall and the second pump chamber wall;, 'a second pump chamber wall having a second concave shape, the first pump chamber wall secured to the first pump chamber wall, the first concave shape being opposite the second concave shape, the first concave shape and the second concave shape forming a pump cavity, the pump cavity includinga first directional inlet valve in fluid communication with the first pump chamber, the first directional inlet valve coupled to a first quantity of fluid having a first temperature greater than a high bucking temperature of the high thermal expansion alloy layer;a first directional outlet valve in fluid communication with the first pump chamber;a second directional inlet valve in fluid communication with the second pump chamber the second directional inlet ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Medical Peristaltic Pump

Номер: US20160082168A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Electric SA

A peristaltic pump includes a driver, a pump body, a hose, a rotor and a connecting member. The driver includes a supporting shaft. The pump body includes a chamber housing the rotor. The hose is assembled to an internal side of a wall of the chamber. The connecting member connects the driver with the rotor, and is received in the chamber. The rotor is configured to sequentially squeeze the hose to cause medium in the hose to flow. The connecting member and the rotor rotate about and are supported by the supporting shaft. The medical peristaltic pump has a simple structure and is easy to operate.

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Rotary cam actuated linear peristaltic pump

Номер: US20140161635A1
Автор: Ahmad Momeni
Принадлежит: Individual

A rotary cam actuated linear peristaltic pump includes a plurality of cams which actuate a plurality of pistons. The cams apply a force to the piston by way of a lifter for providing mechanical advantage so that a smaller motor may be used to rotate the cam. Each piston of a plurality of pistons is sequentially raised to the extended position to squeeze a tube so as to flow fluid through the tube.

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170096993A1

A tube pump and a fluid delivery method, the tube pump including a plurality of pressing portions and a tube that delivers fluid. The pressing portions is spaced apart from each other in a rotational direction and provided for a rotation body turned by a drive unit and the tube is provided on an outer circumferential side of the rotation body. The tube pump includes a control unit that turns the rotation body opposite to a delivery direction until the rotation body reaches a predetermined angle so as to restore an area of the tube, pressed by the pressing portion on a most upstream side in the delivery direction, by an increase in pressure within the tube accompanied with a movement opposite to the delivery direction of the pressing portion adjacent to a downstream side in the delivery direction. 1. A tube pump comprising: a plurality of pressing portions , the pressing portions spaced apart from each other in a rotational direction and provided for a rotation body turned by a drive unit; and a tube that delivers fluid , the tube provided on an outer circumferential side of the rotation body , whereinthe tube pump comprises a control unit that turns the rotation body opposite to a delivery direction until the rotation body reaches a predetermined angle so as to restore an area of the tube, pressed by the pressing portion on a most upstream side in the delivery direction, by an increase in pressure within the tube accompanied with a movement opposite to the delivery direction of the pressing portion adjacent to a downstream side in the delivery direction.2. The tube pump as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the control unit maintains a rotational position of the rotation body turned opposite to the delivery direction during a predetermined time.3. A fluid delivery method using a tube pump claim 1 , the tube pump comprising: a plurality of pressing portions claim 1 , the pressing portions spaced apart from each other in a rotational direction and provided for a rotation ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации

Peristaltic Pump

Номер: US20170096994A1

A peristaltic pump comprises a tube to transport a material in a transport direction and a conveying screw, which is configured to cause a transport of the material by causing a successive squeezing of the tube along the transport direction. 114-. (canceled)15. A peristaltic pump , comprising:a tube to transport a material in a transport direction,a conveying screw, which is configured to cause a transport of the material by effecting a squeezing of the tube along the transport direction, andat least one squeeze element for squeezing the tube which is arranged between the conveying screw and the tube when the at least one squeeze element is squeezing the tube,wherein a movement of the squeeze element in the transport direction is caused by a rotation of the conveying screw.16. The peristaltic pump of claim 15 , wherein the at least one squeeze element comprises a member configured to roll off on the tube.17. The peristaltic pump of claim 15 , wherein the at least one squeeze element comprises a carrier element claim 15 , which is in contact with the conveying screw when the squeeze element squeezes the tube.18. The peristaltic pump of claim 16 , wherein the conveying screw comprises a screw thread which is configured to move the at least one squeeze element along the tube in transport direction by applying a force on the squeeze element.19. The peristaltic pump of further comprising a guide member for guiding the at least one squeeze element claim 16 , wherein the guide member comprises a circulation system.20. The peristaltic pump of claim 19 , wherein the squeeze element has a start position and an end position in the circulation system and wherein the pump is configured such that during operation of the pump the at least one squeeze element is transported from the start position to the end position and back from the end position to the start position.21. The peristaltic pump of claim 20 , wherein the at least one squeeze element is transportable from the start ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100494A1

A compressor includes a plurality of synthetic jet assemblies. Each synthetic jet assembly of the plurality of synthetic jet assemblies is in fluid communication with at least one other synthetic jet assembly of the plurality of synthetic jet assemblies. Each synthetic jet assembly of the plurality of synthetic jet assemblies includes a first side plate and a second side plate. The first side plate includes a first bimorph piezoelectric structure. The second side plate includes a second bimorph piezoelectric structure. The first side plate and the second side plate define a first fluid cavity extending between the first side plate and the second side plate. 1. A compressor comprising:a plurality of synthetic jet assemblies, each synthetic jet assembly of said plurality of synthetic jet assemblies in fluid communication with at least one other synthetic jet assembly of said plurality of synthetic jet assemblies, each synthetic jet assembly of said plurality of synthetic jet assemblies comprising:a first side plate comprising a first bimorph piezoelectric structure; anda second side plate comprising a second bimorph piezoelectric structure, said first side plate and said second side plate defining a first fluid cavity extending between said first side plate and said second side plate.2. The compressor in accordance with claim 1 , wherein each synthetic jet assembly of said plurality of synthetic jet assemblies is coupled to at least one other synthetic jet assembly of said plurality of synthetic jet assemblies in a serial relationship.3. The compressor in accordance with claim 1 , wherein each synthetic jet assembly of said plurality of synthetic jet assemblies is coupled to at least one other synthetic jet assembly of said plurality of synthetic jet assemblies in a parallel relationship.4. The compressor in accordance with claim 1 , wherein:said plurality of synthetic jet assemblies includes a first synthetic jet assembly of said plurality of synthetic jet assemblies ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Pump, pump device, and liquid supply system

Номер: US20160115952A1
Принадлежит: Tokyo Electron Ltd

A stay of a liquid can be suppressed. A pump 100 includes a tube 102, having elasticity, in which a liquid as a target to be delivered flows; a tube housing 104 which covers an outside of the tube 102 and keeps a gas in an inner space V between an outer surface of the tube 102 and the tube housing 104; and an electropneumatic regulator RE configured to supply the gas into the inner space V and discharge the gas from the inner space V.

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200116144A1
Автор: Wu Jun

Disclosed is a hose pump rotor, which facilitates the adjustment of the positions of rollers in a radial direction such that a hose is squeezed to a moderate extent. A main rotating shaft comprises a main shaft and a rotor base which are fixedly connected to each other, roller support arms are symmetrically arranged on the rotor base and outer ends thereof are connected to rollers, with axes of the rollers being parallel to an axis of the main shaft, the roller support arms and the rotor base form a radially-displaceable limiting fit, and the roller support arms are fixedly connected to the rotor base via locking components. The roller support arms can be displaced on the rotor base in the radial direction and can be fixed by locking same via the locking components, that is to say, the positions where the rollers are fitted to the hose are adjusted, so that the force exerted by the rollers on the hose can be ensured, and normal operation of the hose can be guaranteed. 1. A hose pump rotor , characterized in that a main rotating shaft comprises a main shaft and a rotor base which are fixedly connected to each other , roller support arms are symmetrically arranged on the rotor base and outer ends thereof are connected to rollers , with axes of the rollers being parallel to an axis of the main shaft , the roller support arms and the rotor base form a radially-displaceable limiting fit , and the roller support arms and the rotor base form a locking fit.2. The hose pump rotor according to claim 1 , characterized in that the rotor base is in the form of a groove enclosed by a bottom plate and side plates disposed on opposite sides thereof claim 1 , wherein the bottom plate is fixedly connected to the main shaft claim 1 , and a groove length direction of a groove cavity on the rotor base is consistent with a radial direction of the main shaft.3. The hose pump rotor according to claim 2 , characterized in that inner segments of the roller support arms are located inside the ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210156372A1
Автор: Reinhard Martin
Принадлежит: ProMinent GmbH

The invention relates to a diaphragm pump comprising a diaphragm assembly and a diaphragm retrieval device comprising a tensile bar, said diaphragm assembly comprising a diaphragm and a diaphragm retaining device which secures said diaphragm, wherein the diaphragm assembly and the tensile bar are force-fittingly interconnected by means of a magnetic force of adhesion. 1. A diaphragm pack for a diaphragm pump , comprising:at least one diaphragm-holding element having a first connection section,a diaphragm having at least one diaphragm layer,a clamping element having a second connection section, wherein the diaphragm is sectionally arranged between the connection sections of the diaphragm-holding element and the clamping element,a guide element projecting from the diaphragm-holding element, and.a fastening means for connecting the clamping element in a threadless manner to the guide element of the diaphragm-holding element, wherein the diaphragm is braced between the connection sections by a clamping force, and wherein the clamping force is not set by the fastening means.2. The diaphragm pack of claim 1 , wherein the first connection section or the second connection section comprises depressions arranged in the form of concentric circles about a center point of the diaphragm-holding element or of the clamping element.3. The diaphragm pack of claim 1 , wherein at least one diaphragm layer of the diaphragm is produced from a polytetrafluoroethylene-based material.4. The diaphragm pack of claim 1 , wherein the diaphragm and the clamping element each comprise a cutout such that the diaphragm and the clamping element are plugged onto the guide element and are guided by the latter in two movement axes.5. The diaphragm pack of claim 1 , wherein the guide element forms a receiving collar for receiving the clamping element.6. The diaphragm pack of claim 1 , wherein the clamping element is connected to the guide element by welding claim 1 , adhesive bonding claim 1 , crimping ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180128266A1

Methods and systems for pumping fluid through tubing are provided. Methods include orbiting one or more first rollers at multiple angular speeds around the periphery of a substantially circular first disk having a first radius with each first roller travelling at the same angular speed as the other first rollers, orbiting second rollers at a second angular speed around a substantially circular second disk having substantially the first radius, and increasing the pressure of fluid in tubing between one first roller and one second roller by causing the one or more first rollers to orbit at a first angular speed greater than the second angular speed so the one first roller moves along and fully compresses the tubing in a first section of the first disk, and simultaneously causing the one second roller to move along and fully compress the tubing in a first section of the second disk. 1. A method of pumping a fluid through tubing that is positioned partially around the periphery of a first disk of a peristaltic pump and partially around the periphery of a second disk of the peristaltic pump , the method comprising:orbiting one or more first rollers at two or more angular speeds around the periphery of the first disk such that the one or more first rollers are pressed into contact with the periphery of the first disk, the tubing, or the periphery of the first disk and the tubing, wherein the first disk is substantially circular and has a first radius and wherein each first roller travels at the same angular speed as the other first rollers;orbiting a plurality of second rollers at a second angular speed around the entire periphery of the second disk such that the second rollers are pressed into contact with the periphery of the second disk, the tubing, or the periphery of the second disk and the tubing, wherein the second disk is substantially circular and has a second radius that is substantially the same as the first radius;increasing the pressure of a portion of the ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

A Diaphragm Pump

Номер: US20220275798A1

A diapharagm pump for a bioprocess system comprises a pump head () comprising: a common inlet (); a common outlet (); a plurality of pump cavities () each including at least one cooperating pair of one-way valves, the at least one pair of one-way valves including an inlet valve () and an outlet valve (), wherein the respective inlet valves () are in fluid communication with the common inlet () and the respective outlet valves () are in fluid communication with the common outlet () and wherein a centre of the outlet valve () for each pump cavity is positionable above a centre of the inlet valve () for the same pump cavity when the diaphragm pump is oriented for use to inhibit trapped gas; and a plurality of moveable diaphragms () each respectively provided in a respective of said pump cavities () for varying a volume of the pump cavities. The system further comprises a pump drive () which is configured to transfer a motion to the diaphragms () of the pump head () for accomplishing a fluid displacement from the common inlet () to the common outlet () of the pump head () as a result of said varying of the volume of the pump cavities (). 1. A diaphragm pump for a bioprocess system comprising: a pump head comprising:a common inlet;a common outlet;a plurality of pump cavities each including at least one cooperating pair of one-way valves, the at least one pair of one-way valves including an inlet valve and an outlet valve, wherein the respective inlet valves are in fluid communication with the common inlet and the respective outlet valves are in fluid communication with the common outlet and wherein a centre of the outlet valve for each pump cavity is positionable above a centre of the inlet valve for the same pump cavity when the diaphragm pump is oriented for use to inhibit trapped gas; anda plurality of moveable diaphragms each respectively provided in a respective of said pump cavities for varying a volume of the pump cavities; anda pump drive which is configured to ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Two-Stage Linear Peristaltic Pump Mechanism

Номер: US20150147189A1

This invention discloses a peristaltic pump composed of a two-stage linear peristaltic pump mechanism, which engages in different functions, charging and pumping a fluid to a patient. This peristaltic pump is capable of restoring the crushed tubing, caused by repeated compression or crushing of the tubing by peristaltic fingers, to its original circular cross sectional area so that it can provide a precise flow rate. The two-stage linear peristaltic pump mechanism substantially improves the consistency of a flow rate over time and extends the usefulness of peristaltic pumps to applications where they could not otherwise be used. 1. A peristaltic pump configured to act on a piece of tubing in fluid communication with a reservoir containing a fluid , the peristaltic pump comprising a two-stage linear peristaltic pump mechanism , wherein one stage of the two-stage linear peristaltic pump mechanism ensures a crushed area of the tubing on which the other stage of the two-stage linear peristaltic pump mechanism operates is returned to an original cross sectional area and to provide a consistent flow rate of the fluid through said piece of tubing.2. A peristaltic pump as recited in claim 1 , wherein the two-stages of the linear peristaltic pump mechanism comprise a charging mechanism configured to be positioned along an upstream charging section of the piece of tubing and a pumping mechanism configured to be positioned along a downstream pumping section of the piece of tubing claim 1 , the charging mechanism and pumping mechanism cooperating such that when the pumping mechanism is not operating claim 1 , the charging mechanism operates on the charging section of the tubing to fill the pumping section of the tubing with the fluid claim 1 , and such that when said charging mechanism is not operating claim 1 , the pumping mechanism operates on the pumping section of the tubing to moves said fluid further along.3. A peristaltic pump as recited in claim 2 , wherein the charging ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220282723A1

A method of transporting a material includes at least one series of interconnected tube sections that can be opened or closed. At least one downstream tube section holds the material to be transported. A liquid jet is generated which accelerates the held material upstream out of at least the first downstream tube section into at least one opening upstream tube section which then holds a material part waiting for a next liquid jet to propagate that part to the next upstream tube section. 1. A method of transporting a material comprises:using at least one series of interconnected tube sections that can be opened or closed, the interconnected tube sections including a first downstream tube section and at least one opening upstream tube section;holding the material to be transported in the first downstream tube section; andgenerating a liquid jet which accelerates the held material upstream wherein at least a part of the material is forced out of at least the first downstream tube section and into the at least one opening upstream tube section which then holds the part of the material waiting for a next liquid jet to propagate at least a further part of material to a next upstream tube section.2. The method according to claim 1 , in that by opening and closing the individually controlled tube sections claim 1 , successive parts of the material confined between closed tube sections are stepwise transported through the series of interconnected tube sections.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the interconnected tube sections are mainly horizontally configured.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the interconnected tube sections have a flexible inner tube fixed therein claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises pressurising or depressurizing a pressure space between the interconnected tube sections and the flexible inner tube a resulting in inward or outward flexing of the flexible inner tube that closes or opens the respective tube sections.5. The ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Abrasion and Puncture Resistant Diaphragm

Номер: US20190136844A1
Принадлежит: Ingersoll Rand Co

A diaphragm for use in a pump is provided. The diaphragm includes a flexible disc-shaped body having a first surface and an outer edge. The flexible disc-shaped body is made of an elastomer material. The fabric is applied on the first surface of the flexible disc-shaped body. And the fabric is composed of woven aramid based fibers.

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Pump for pumping a liquid

Номер: US20160146078A1

A pump for pumping a liquid has a pump housing with at least one inlet and at least one outlet. The pump housing has an eccentric rotatable relative to the pump housing by an axle. A deformable element is arranged between the pump housing and the eccentric, and by the deformable element, at least one pump path from the at least one inlet to the at least one outlet is delimited and at least one movable pump path seal is formed, which separates at least one closed pump volume in the pump path. The at least one movable seal is movable in a pump direction from the inlet to the outlet by a movement of the eccentric to pump the fluid along the pump path. The pump has at least one adjustable axial calibrating device, by which the deformable element is clamped in the axial direction parallel to the axle. 114-. (canceled)1511. A pump () that delivers a liquid , the pump () comprising:{'b': 2', '3', '4, 'a pump housing () with at least one inlet () and at least one outlet ();'}{'b': 5', '2', '5', '6', '2, 'an eccentric () arranged on the pump housing (), the eccentric () being rotatable about an axis () relative to the pump housing ();'}{'b': 7', '2', '5', '7', '8', '3', '4', '9', '8', '10', '8, 'a deformable element () arranged between the pump housing () and the eccentric (), the deformable element () delimiting at least one delivery path () from the at least one inlet () to the at least one outlet () and forming at least one displaceable seal () of the delivery path (), which at least one displaceable seal separates off at least one closed pump volume () in the delivery path (); and'}{'b': 12', '7', '13', '6, 'at least one adjustable axial calibration device () by which the deformable element () is braced in an axial direction () parallel to the axis (),'}{'b': 5', '9', '11', '3', '4', '8, 'wherein, by a movement of the eccentric (), the at least one displaceable seal () is displaceable in a delivery direction () from the inlet () to the outlet () to deliver the liquid ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172429A1
Принадлежит: CorWave SA

The present invention relates to an undulating-membrane fluid circulator having an intake port (), a pump housing () delimiting a propulsion chamber (), a discharge port (), and an undulating membrane () paired with a drive means permitting an undulating movement of the membrane () between the upstream () and downstream () edges thereof, the undulating membrane () being capable of moving a fluid towards the discharge port (). According to the invention, the circulator further comprises at least one means () for guiding the fluid, said means being disposed in the fluid propulsion chamber () near one of the edges () of the QI undulating membrane () and making it possible to channel the fluid flow in a direction substantially parallel to the displacement of the wave along the membrane (). 1. An undulating-membrane fluid circulator comprising at least one intake port , a pump housing delimiting a propulsion chamber , at least one discharge port , and a deformable membrane paired with an actuator configured to generate an undulating movement of the deformable membrane between an upstream and a downstream edge thereof , the deformable membrane configured to move a fluid towards the discharge port , wherein the fluid circulator comprises a first fluid guide disposed in the fluid propulsion chamber near one of the upstream or downstream edges of the deformable membrane to channel the fluid flow in a direction substantially parallel to the displacement of a wave along the deformable membrane.2. The fluid circulator according to claim 1 , wherein the first fluid guide is disposed near the upstream edge of the deformable membrane and wherein a second fluid guide is disposed near the downstream edge of the deformable membrane.3. The fluid circulator according to claim 1 , wherein the first fluid guide comprises at least one baffle.4. The fluid circulator according to claim 2 , wherein the second fluid guide comprises at least one baffle.5. The fluid circulator according to ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180142682A1

The present disclosure may relate to a pump including a centerless rim, a first roller guide shaped to roll along the centerless rim such that as the first roller guide is rotated, friction between the first roller guide and the centerless rim causes a corresponding rotation of the centerless rim. The pump may also include a second roller guide shaped to roll along the centerless rim, and a plurality of peristaltic rollers coupled to the centerless rim. The pump may additionally include a tube housing disposed proximate the plurality of peristaltic rollers, and a tube disposed between the tube housing and the peristaltic rollers such that as the centerless rim is rotated, the peristaltic rollers compress the tube against the tube housing to create negative pressure within the tube. 118-. (canceled)19. A device comprising:a centerless rim;a driven roller guide configured to roll along the centerless rim and cause the centerless rim to rotate;a peristaltic roller coupled to the centerless rim and configured to rotate with rotation of the centerless rim; anda tube disposed proximate the peristaltic roller such that as the centerless rim is rotated, the peristaltic roller compresses the tube.20. The device of claim 19 , wherein the driven roller guide is driven by a motor.21. The device of claim 19 , further comprising:a second centerless rim generally parallel with the centerless rim; anda second roller guide configured to roll along the second centerless rim, the second roller guide sharing an axis of rotation with the driven roller guide.22. The device of claim 19 , further comprising one way bearings associated with the driven roller guide such that as an axle of the driven roller guide rotates in a first direction claim 19 , the driven roller guide is also caused to rotate in the first direction claim 19 , and as the axle rotates in a second direction claim 19 , the driven roller guide continues to rotate in the first direction.23. The device of claim 19 , further ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190143034A1
Принадлежит: AbbVie Inc.

Device for delivering a beneficial agent to a user includes a cassette including a cassette housing with a fluid reservoir, the cassette housing having a cassette base region, and a delivery tube. The device also includes a pump having a pump housing containing a pump assembly and having a receiving region to receive the cassette base region. The pump assembly includes a fluid drive component, a display, a plurality of input buttons. The pump assembly also includes a first processor coupled to the fluid drive component and the display and configured to reduce power to the fluid drive component and the display when the pump is in an inactive state, and a second processor coupled to the first processor and the plurality of input buttons, the second processor configured to provide an activation signal to the first processor when one or more of the plurality of input buttons is deployed. 110-. (canceled)11. A device for delivering a beneficial agent to a user , comprising:a cassette including a cassette housing with a fluid reservoir defined therein, the cassette housing having a cassette base region;a delivery tube fluidly coupled with the fluid reservoir; a primary power source,', 'a secondary power source coupled to the primary power source,', 'a fluid drive component disposed proximate the receiving region and coupled to the primary power source and isolated from the secondary power source,', 'a first processor coupled to the primary power source and the secondary power source,', 'a second processor coupled to the first processor, the primary power source and the secondary power source,', 'one or more memories coupled to the first processor, and', 'at least one of the first processor and second processor configured, when the primary power source is removed or disabled, to utilize the secondary power source and the first processor to complete writing operations to the one or more memories prior to depletion of the secondary power source., 'a pump including a pump ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180149152A1

A micro peristaltic pump of a peristaltic pump device presses a rotor against a circular arc shaped flow path inside a microfluidic chip formed to be sheet-like, rotary-drives the rotor by a motor, and causes the circular arc shaped flow path to make a peristaltic motion by the rotation of the rotor, to send a fluid. The peristaltic pump device is provided with a rotation sensor that detects a rotational position of the rotor, a memory that stores in advance a rotational position of the rotor and rotation speed data of the motor corresponding to the rotational position, and a control circuit that calculates a command rotation speed of the motor from data stored in the memory based on a detection signal of the rotation sensor, and controls rotation of the motor based on the command rotation speed. 1. A peristaltic pump device comprising:a base that includes a cover member, and a chip housing portion formed inside;a sheet-like microfluidic chip housed inside the chip housing portion and has a circular arc shaped flow path formed inside; anda micro peristaltic pump to a tip end portion of which a rotor rotatably-pivotally supporting a plurality of rollers is attached so as to be rotary-driven by a motor, and which is fixed to the base by pressing the rollers against the circular arc shaped flow path, whereinon a flat surface perpendicular to a rotary shaft of the rotor, the plurality of rollers are pivotally supported at even angular intervals to freely rotate in pressure-contact with the circular arc shaped flow path on the flat surface,the circular arc shaped flow path of the microfluidic chip is formed into a circular arc shape by swelling out of a surface of the microfluidic chip, and disposed along a rotational trajectory of the plurality of rollers, anda discharge flow path is formed such that the rollers gradually separate from the discharge flow path on a discharge side of the circular arc shaped flow path when the rollers rotate.2. The peristaltic pump device ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Infusing Fluid Through a Tube by Appropriately Heating the Tube

Номер: US20160158437A1

A peristaltic pump disclosed herein includes a raceway, a plunger, a motor, and a heater. The raceway is configured to retain a tube (e.g., an IV tube). The plunger acts on the tube disposed within the raceway. The motor engages the plunger to actuate the plunger. The heater is disposed in thermal-conductive contact with the tube. That is, the heater, either through direct or indirect application, heats the tube. 1. A peristaltic pump , comprising:a raceway configured to retain a tube;a plunger configured to act on the tube disposed within the raceway;a motor configured to engage the plunger to actuate the plunger; anda heater disposed in thermal-conductive contact with the tube.2. The peristaltic pump according to claim 1 , wherein the heater is disposed on the plunger.3. The peristaltic pump according to claim 2 , wherein the heater is disposed on a back of the plunger claim 2 , the back of the plunger being at an opposite side of the plunger away from the raceway.4. The peristaltic pump according to claim 3 , further comprising a rocker arm coupled to the plunger claim 3 , wherein the heater is disposed between the rocker arm and the plunger on the back of the plunger.5. The peristaltic pump according to claim 2 , further comprising a temperature sensor disposed on the plunger.6. The peristaltic pump according to claim 5 , wherein the temperature sensor is a thermister.7. The peristaltic pump of according to claim 5 , wherein the temperature sensor is configured to measure a temperature of the tube disposed within the raceway.8. The peristaltic pump according to claim 5 , wherein the temperature sensor is configured to measure a temperature of the heater.9. The peristaltic pump according to claim 5 , wherein the temperature sensor is configured to measure a temperature of the plunger.10. The peristaltic pump of according to claim 1 , wherein the heater is disposed within the raceway and is configured to heat the tube retained within the raceway.11. The ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170157312A1
Автор: Woolford Brady

A pump system including a pump, an inflow cassette and an outflow cassette. The inflow cassette has a damping flexible membrane covering a damping region configured to dampen pressure pulsations in washing fluid passing through the damping region. The pump has a plurality of individually actionable pressing members that can each be individually actuated to pinch one of a plurality of suction tubes of the outflow cassette to at least partially prevent fluid flow through the one of the plurality of the suction tubes. 1. A cassette for a pump comprising:a housing having an internal flow path including an ingress path section and an egress path section;peristaltic tubing connected to the housing and being fluidly located between the ingress path section and the egress path section;an input tube fluidly connected to the ingress path section and being configured to provide a fluid to the housing, with the ingress path section being fluidly located between the input tube and the peristaltic tubing; andan inflow tube fluidly connected to the egress path section and being configured to provide the fluid to a patient, with the egress path section being fluidly located between the ingress path section and the inflow tube;the internal flow path including a pressure sensing region in the egress path section; andthe housing including a pressure sensing flexible membrane being fluidly connected to the internal flow path through a slot in a wall of the housing.2. The cassette for the pump of claim 1 , wherein:the cassette is an inflow cassette.3. The cassette for the pump of claim 1 , wherein:the housing includes a top surface with the pressure sensing flexible membrane being located at the top surface.4. The cassette for the pump of claim 3 , wherein:the top surface has a contoured area surrounding the pressure sensing flexible membrane for allowing a pressure sensor to easily be aligned with the pressure sensing flexible membrane; andthe contoured area includes a ramp surrounding ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170157320A1

A peristaltic pump comprises a tube for transporting a material, wherein the tube is arranged linearly along a longitudinal axis. The peristaltic pump further comprises a pump head for causing a squeezing of the tube, wherein the pump head is rotatable about a rotation axis. 1. A peristaltic pump , comprising:a tube for transporting a material, wherein the tube is arranged along a longitudinal axis; anda pump head configured to cause a squeezing of the tube, wherein the pump head is rotatable about a rotation axis, wherein the pump head comprises at least one squeeze member for squeezing the tube, and a support member;wherein the support member comprises a slot for supporting the squeeze member, the slot extending in a radial direction relative to the rotation axis, such that a movement of the squeeze member in a radial direction is enabled.2. The peristaltic pump of claim 1 , wherein the tube is arranged along the longitudinal axis at least in a section of the tube which is configured to be squeezed for transporting the material.3. The peristaltic pump of claim 1 , wherein the rotation axis is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis.4. The peristaltic pump claim 1 , wherein rotation of the squeeze member relative to the support member is enabled.5. The peristaltic pump of claim 1 , comprising a guide member for guiding a movement of the squeeze member.6. The peristaltic pump of claim 5 , wherein the guide member is configured to guide a movement of the squeeze member along the longitudinal axis.7. The peristaltic pump of claim 5 , wherein a perimeter of the guide member comprises a linear section extending parallel to the longitudinal axis.8. The peristaltic pump of claim 1 , comprising a plurality of squeeze members.9. The peristaltic pump of claim 1 , comprising a main part and an exchange part configured to be detachable from the main part claim 1 , wherein the exchange part comprises a tube guide for guiding the tube.10. The peristaltic pump of claim 1 , being ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200147281A1
Автор: DELNEVO Annalisa

The holder for a curved duct portion of a tube pump comprises: a supply-side connector comprising a first cavity and a first plate connected together, the first cavity being adapted for receiving an end of the curved duct portion, and a discharge-side connector comprising a second cavity and a second plate connected together, the second cavity being adapted for receiving another end of the curved duct portion, where said connectors are movable the one with respect to the other between a storage configuration, in which the supply-side connector is positioned away to the discharge-side connector, and an operating configuration, in which the supply-side connector is close to the discharge-side connector and in which the first and second plate are engaged together substantially on a same plane. 1. A holder for a curved duct portion of a tube pump comprising:a supply-side connector comprising a first cavity and a first connected together, said first cavity being adapted for receiving an end of said curved duct portion, anda discharge-side connector comprising a second cavity, and a second plate connected together, said second cavity being adapted for receiving another end of said curved duct portion, whereinsaid connectors are movable the one with respect to the other between a storage configuration, in which said supply-side connector is positioned away to said discharge-side connector, and an operating configuration, in which said supply-side connector is close to said discharge-side connector and in which said first and second plate are engaged together substantially on a same plane.2. The holder according to claim 1 , wherein said connectors are movable one towards each other so that claim 1 , in said storage configuration claim 1 , said cavities are staggered and claim 1 , in said operating configuration claim 1 , said cavities are aligned on said same plane.3. The holder according to claim 2 , wherein in said operating configuration said first cavity is crossed to ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Peristaltic Pump

Номер: US20140241923A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A peristaltic pump comprises a tube to transport a material in a transport direction and a conveying screw, which is configured to cause a transport of the material by causing a successive squeezing of the tube along the transport direction.

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200149522A1

Described is a method for manufacturing a diaphragm assembly through the use of injection molding. The method can avoid the use of PTFE as a chemically resistant coating. Further, the method can increase overall adherence of a polymer diaphragm to an insert through the use of an interference surface on at least the surface of a head of the insert. 133.-. (canceled)34. A diaphragm assembly comprising:an insert having a head, a body and a threaded portion, wherein the head is located at one end of the body and the threaded portion is opposite the head from the body;wherein the body is cylindrical and the an outermost cylindrical surface of the body extends radially outward at least as far as an outermost cylindrical surface of the head; andan injection-molded polymer diaphragm configured to at least partially surround the head of the insert and extend into the grooved surface.35. The assembly of claim 34 , wherein the grooved surface is formed on the head of the insert.36. The assembly of claim 34 , wherein the head of the insert further comprises a tapped hole.37. The assembly of claim 34 , wherein the polymer comprises natural PVDF. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/466,211, filed Aug. 22, 2014, titled “SEALING DIAPHRAGM AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURING SAID DIAPHRAGM,” which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/870,072, filed Aug. 26, 2013, titled “SEALING DIAPHRAGM AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURING SAID DIAPHRAGM,” U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/870,679, filed Aug. 27, 2013, titled “SEALING DIAPHRAGM AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURING SAID DIAPHRAGM,” U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/919,556, filed Dec. 20, 2013, titled “SEALING DIAPHRAGM AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURING SAID DIAPHRAGM,” and U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/875,308, filed Sep. 9, 2013, titled “SEALING DIAPHRAGM AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURING SAID DIAPHRAGM,” the entirety of each of which is incorporated herein by reference.The present disclosure ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200149523A1
Автор: Di Leo Vincenzo

The invention relates to a positive displacement pump () comprising a pump body () comprising an inlet end () and an outlet end (), a pumping chamber () arranged between said inlet end () and said outlet end (), at least one membrane () active in the pumping chamber () and mobile between an expanded configuration in which the volume of the pumping chamber () is maximum and a retracted configuration in which the volume of the pumping chamber () is minimum, a delivery valve () arranged close to the outlet end () of the pump body (), an intake valve () comprising an intake mouth (), an outlet mouth () and a valve wall () that joins the intake mouth () to the outlet mouth (), the intake mouth () being coupled to the inlet end () of the pump body () and the outlet mouth () being inserted in the pumping chamber (). Said at least one membrane (), when in the retracted configuration, adheres to the valve wall () of the intake valve () and the intake valve has the outlet mouth closed. 1. A positive displacement pump comprising:a pump body comprising an inlet end and an outlet end;a pumping chamber arranged between said inlet end and said outlet end;at least one membrane active in the pumping chamber and mobile between an expanded configuration in which the volume of the pumping chamber is maximum and a retracted configuration in which the volume of the pumping chamber is minimum;a delivery valve arranged close to the outlet end of the pump body;an intake valve comprising an intake mouth, an outlet mouth and a valve wall that joins the intake mouth to the outlet mouth, the intake mouth being coupled to the inlet end of the pump body and the outlet mouth being inserted in the pumping chamber, wherein said at least one membrane when in the retracted configuration, adheres to the valve wall of the intake valve and the intake valve has the outlet mouth closed.2. The positive displacement pump according to claim 1 , wherein when said membrane is in the expanded configuration claim ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210190062A1
Принадлежит: Zaiput Flow Technologies LLC

Liquid pumps and related systems and methods are generally described. 1. A device , comprising:a first leaf comprising a rigid surface, a deformable surface, and a space between the rigid surface and the deformable surface; anda second leaf connected to the first leaf;wherein the first leaf and the second leaf define a cavity into which a deformable, liquid-containing reservoir can be positioned.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a deformable claim 1 , liquid-containing reservoir within the cavity.3. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a port fluidically connecting a source of a working fluid to the space between the rigid surface and the deformable surface.4. The device of claim 2 , further comprising a port fluidically connecting a source of a working fluid to the space between the rigid surface and the deformable surface.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the second leaf comprises a second rigid surface claim 1 , a second deformable surface claim 1 , and a second space between the second rigid surface and the second deformable surface.6. The device of claim 2 , wherein the second leaf comprises a second rigid surface claim 2 , a second deformable surface claim 2 , and a second space between the second rigid surface and the second deformable surface.7. The device of claim 3 , wherein the second leaf comprises a second rigid surface claim 3 , a second deformable surface claim 3 , and a second space between the second rigid surface and the second deformable surface.8. The device of claim 4 , wherein the second leaf comprises a second rigid surface claim 4 , a second deformable surface claim 4 , and a second space between the second rigid surface and the second deformable surface.9. A method of expelling liquid from a deformable reservoir positioned between a first leaf and a second leaf claim 4 , the method comprising:transporting a working fluid into a space between a rigid surface of the first leaf and a deformable surface of the first leaf such ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190162177A1

In at least some implementations, a diaphragm for a fluid pump includes a first layer formed from a first material that inhibits or prevents vapor permeation through the diaphragm, and a second layer coupled to the first layer and formed from a second material different than the first material. The first material may include at least one of fluoropolymers, perfluoroalkoxy (PFA), polyfluoroethylenepropylene (FEP), polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), liquid crystal polymers, nylons, thin metal foil or film, or ethylene vinyl alcohol, and the fluoropolymer may be a fluoroelastomer. The first layer may be continuous and without perforations in an area of the diaphragm adapted to be exposed to a fluid. The first layer may include a base material and a coating that prevents vapor permeation therethrough. The second material may include at least one of NBR rubber, H-NBR, NBR coated or impregnated fiber or nylon materials, or a fluoroelastomer. 1. A diaphragm for a fluid pump , comprising:a first layer formed from a first material that inhibits or prevents vapor permeation through the diaphragm; anda second layer coupled to the first layer and formed from a second material different than the first material.2. The diaphragm of wherein the first material includes at least one of fluoropolymers claim 1 , perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) claim 1 , polyfluoroethylenepropylene (FEP) claim 1 , polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) claim 1 , liquid crystal polymers claim 1 , nylons claim 1 , thin metal foil or film claim 1 , or ethylene vinyl alcohol.3. The diaphragm of wherein the second material includes at least one of NBR rubber claim 2 , H-NBR claim 2 , NBR coated or impregnated fiber or nylon materials claim 2 , or a fluoroelastomer.4. The diaphragm of which also comprises a third layer and wherein the first layer is received between the second and third layer.5. The diaphragm of wherein the third layer is formed from the second material.6. The diaphragm of wherein the second layer and third layer ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190162178A1

A fluid pump device includes an elastically deformable conduit, multiple volume displacement elements, and a controller. During operation, the controller controls movement of the multiple volume displacement elements (such as compensation volume displacement elements and occluding volume displacement elements) with respect to the elastically deformable conduit at different times to cause flow of fluid in the elastically deformable conduit downstream to a recipient. The controller controls movement of the multiple volume displacement elements to volumetrically balance: i) an input flow rate of input fluid conveyed from a fluid source downstream to an input of the elastically deformable conduit, and ii) an output flow rate of output fluid delivered from an output of the elastically deformable conduit downstream to a recipient. 1. A system comprising:an elastically deformable conduit;multiple volume displacement elements to contact the elastically deformable conduit and displace fluid in the elastically deformable conduit; anda controller to control movement of the multiple volume displacement elements to volumetrically balance: i) an input flow rate of input fluid conveyed from a fluid source downstream to an input of the elastically deformable conduit, and ii) an output flow rate of output fluid delivered from an output of the elastically deformable conduit downstream to a recipient.2. The system as in claim 1 , wherein the controller is operable to control the movement of the volume displacement elements to equalize the output flow rate and the input flow rate.3. The system as in claim 2 , wherein the input flow rate and the output flow rate are substantially constant.4. The system as in claim 2 , wherein the movement of the multiple volume displacement elements results in: i) constant uni-directional flow of the input fluid to the elastically deformable conduit claim 2 , and ii) constant uni-directional flow of the output fluid to the recipient.5. The system as in ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160178091A1

A composite tube includes a first layer including a thermoplastic polymer having a Tg of not greater than about 160° C. and a second layer adjacent to the first layer, the second layer including an extruded silicone material. Further included is a method of forming the composite tube which includes providing a first layer including a thermoplastic polymer having a Tg of not greater than about 160° C.; receiving, by an extrusion system, a silicone material; forming, by the extrusion system, a second layer including the silicone material adjacent to the first layer; and irradiating the silicone material with a radiation source to substantially cure the silicone material. 1. A composite tube comprising: 'a second layer adjacent to the first layer, the second layer comprising an extruded silicone material.', 'a first layer comprising a thermoplastic polymer having a Tg of not greater than about 160° C.; and'}2. A method of forming a composite tube , comprising:providing a first layer comprising a thermoplastic polymer having a Tg of not greater than about 160° C.;receiving, by an extrusion system, a silicone material;forming, by the extrusion system, a second layer comprising the silicone material adjacent to the first layer; andirradiating the silicone material with a radiation source to substantially cure the silicone material.3. The composite tube of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polymer has a Tg of not greater than about 160° C. claim 1 , such as not greater than about 100° C. claim 1 , not greater than about 80° C. claim 1 , or even not greater than about 50° C.4. The composite tube of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polymer is a polystyrene claim 1 , a polyester claim 1 , a silicone copolymer claim 1 , silicone thermoplastic vulcanizate claim 1 , a copolyester claim 1 , a polyamide claim 1 , a fluoropolymer claim 1 , a polyethylene claim 1 , a polypropylene claim 1 , a polyether-ester copolymer claim 1 , a thermoplastic urethane claim 1 , a polyether ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190168501A1
Автор: WAN Sing Yan

The present subject matter describes a system for ink pumping. In an example implementation, the system comprises a tube having a first end and a second end, a peristaltic pump to pump ink through the tube, a first ink port, and a second ink port. The system includes a first fluid chamber between the first end of the tube and the first ink port. The first fluid chamber is configured to hold the ink entering and exiting the tube through the first end to dampen flow of the pumped ink. The system also includes a second fluid chamber between the second end of the tube and the second ink port. The second fluid chamber is configured to hold the ink entering and exiting the tube through the second end to dampen flow of the pumped ink. 1. A system comprising:a tube having a first end and a second end;a peristaltic pump to pump ink through the tube;a first ink port;a second ink port,a first fluid chamber between the first end of the tube and the first ink port, the first fluid chamber configured to hold the ink entering and exiting the tube through the first end to dampen flow of the pumped ink; anda second fluid chamber between the second end of the tube and the second ink port, the second fluid chamber configured to hold the ink entering and exiting the tube through the second end to dampen flow of the pumped ink.2. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the peristaltic pump comprises at least one roller to squeeze the tube claim 1 , at different positions claim 1 , to pump the ink through the tube through peristaltic action.3. The system as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a first bi-directional interconnector claim 1 , wherein the first fluid chamber is integral to a flowpath of the first bi-directional interconnector claim 1 , one end of the first bi-directional interconnector being connected to the first end of the tube and other end of the first bi-directional interconnector forming the first ink port.4. The system as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180171995A1

A membrane pump includes a pump body having a working chamber and a head having a distribution chamber. The pump body and the head delimit a pumping chamber formed between a terminal wall of the pump body and a terminal wall of the head. At least one membrane in the pumping chamber is configured to separate the working chamber from the distribution chamber. The membrane is shaped to be moved by a fluid contained in the working chamber, from a suction configuration to a delivery configuration within the working chamber. The pump additionally includes a sealing device coupleable to the membrane that is shaped to define a first interspace between the terminal wall of the pump body and the membrane at the suction configuration of the membrane and/or may be shaped to define a second interspace between the terminal wall of the head and the membrane at the delivery configuration. 2. The membrane pump according to claim 1 , wherein said sealing device is shaped to abut on an outlet mouth of said working chamber at said suction configuration of the membrane.3. The membrane pump according to claim 1 , wherein said sealing device is shaped to abut on an inlet mouth of said distribution chamber at said delivery configuration of the membrane.4. The membrane pump according to claim 1 , wherein said sealing device comprises a substantially cylindrical element claim 1 , shaped as a thickened disc claim 1 , fixed or fixable on a surface of said membrane.5. The membrane pump according to claim 4 , wherein said sealing device is shaped to abut on an outlet mouth of said working chamber at said suction configuration of the membrane claim 4 , wherein at least one distal end portion of said disk claim 4 , has an edge shaped to abut to a corresponding edge of said outlet mouth.6. The membrane pump according to claim 4 , wherein said sealing device is shaped to abut on an inlet mouth of said distribution chamber at said delivery configuration of the membrane claim 4 , wherein at least one ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170175734A1

A reciprocating pump includes a housing, a rod, and a bellows. The housing surrounds a bellows chamber and a displacement chamber. A portion of the rod extends through the opening in the endcap and into the bellows chamber of the housing. A cross-section of the rod includes a lobed shape. The bellows is connected to the housing and to the rod such that the bellows surrounds a portion of the rod. 1. A reciprocating pump comprising:a housing surrounding a bellows chamber and displacement chamber;an endcap disposed on an end of the housing, the endcap with an opening;a rod, wherein a portion of the rod extends through the opening in the endcap and into the bellows chamber of the housing, further wherein a cross-section of the rod includes a lobed shape; anda bellows connected to the housing and to the rod, wherein the bellows surrounds a portion of the rod.2. The reciprocating pump of further comprising a bearing disposed between the endcap and the rod such that the bearing is slidably engaged with the rod claim 1 , wherein the bearing is configured to accommodate the lobed shape of the cross-section of the rod.3. The reciprocating pump of further comprising a seal disposed between the endcap and the rod such that the seal prevents transmission of a fluid between the rod and the endcap claim 2 , wherein the seal is configured to accommodate the lobed shape of the cross-section of the rod.4. The reciprocating pump of claim 3 , wherein the endcap is affixed to the end of the housing claim 3 , wherein the bearing is fit into the opening of the endcap claim 3 , wherein the rod is fit into the bearing claim 3 , and further wherein the endcap claim 3 , bearing claim 3 , and rod are configured to prevent rotation of the rod relative to the housing.5. The reciprocating pump of claim 3 , wherein the bellows is affixed to the rod by a nut such that relative angular motion between the rod and the bellows is prevented.6. The reciprocating pump of claim 1 , wherein the lobed shape ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200166028A1

A rotary pump comprising a housing (1) defining an annular chamber with inlet and outlet ports (12;11) spaced apart around the chamber, a flexible annular diaphragm (3) forming one side of the chamber spaced opposite an annular wall of the housing (1), the diaphragm (3) being sealed at its edges to the housing (1), a partition (13) extending across the chamber from a location between the inlet and outlet ports (12;11) to the diaphragm (3). The diaphragm (3) is configured to be pressed progressively against the opposite wall of the housing (1) to force fluid drawn in at the inlet port (12) on one side of the partition (13) around the chamber and to expel it at the outlet port (11) at the other side of the partition (13). The outer face of the annular diaphragm (3) has a trough (40) at the part of the diaphragm (3) which faces the inlet port (12) and/or at the part of the diaphragm 3 which faces the outlet port (11). 1. A rotary pump comprising:a housing defining an annular chamber with inlet and outlet ports spaced apart around the chamber, a flexible annular diaphragm forming one side of the chamber spaced opposite an annular wall of the housing, the diaphragm being sealed at its edges to the housing, a partition extending across the chamber from a location between the inlet and outlet ports to the diaphragm;wherein the diaphragm is configured to be pressed progressively against the opposite wall of the housing to force fluid drawn in at the inlet port on one side of the partition around the chamber and to expel it at the outlet port at the other side of the partition;wherein the outer face of the annular diaphragm has a trough at the part of the diaphragm which faces the inlet port and/or at the part of the diaphragm which faces the outlet port.2. A rotary pump according to claim 1 , wherein the trough is confined to the part of the outer face of the annular diaphragm which faces the inlet port and/or the part of the diaphragm which faces the outlet port.3. A ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170184088A1

A pump cartridge for mounting on a drive rotor includes a roller assembly having first and second hubs maintained in a spaced apart relationship and defining an axis, and a plurality of planetary rollers arranged in a circumferentially spaced orientation about the axis, the rollers mounted to the hubs displacement radially outward. One or more compressible tubing lines are interposed between the rollers and an interior wall of the pump cartridge housing. The housing and the first and second hubs collectively define a passageway through which a spreader on the drive rotor extends and may be rotated relative to the roller assembly to displace the rollers radially outward to thereby compress the tubing lines against the interior wall. A coupling feature on the first hub engages a roller driving feature of the rotor, so that rotation of the rotor causes rotation of the roller assembly about the axis. 1. A peristaltic pumping system , comprising:a pump console having a drive rotor that is controllably rotated by the pump console, the drive rotor comprising a roller driving feature and a roller spreader that each extend outwardly from an exterior surface of the drive rotor; anda pump cartridge detachably mounted on the drive rotor, the pump cartridge comprisinga housing, first and second hubs maintained in a spaced apart relationship by one or more posts extending between and defining a pump cartridge axis extending therebetween, and', 'a plurality of planetary rollers mounted on, and extending longitudinally between, the first and second hubs, wherein the rollers are mounted in a circumferentially spaced orientation about the pump cartridge axis, each roller comprising a roller body defining a respective roller axis, wherein each roller has respective axles extending from opposite end surfaces of the roller body along the roller axis, wherein the roller axles are positioned in respective slots in, or associated with, the first and second hubs that are oriented ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200182232A1

A tube for a peristaltic pump comprises an elastically deformable tubular body () made from a PVC composition containing: 100 phr of a PVC resin having a K value, measured according to standard ISO 1628-2, of not less than 85, from 40 to 100 phr of DEHA plasticizer, from 0.05 to 1.0 phr of lubricant, from 0.3 to 15.0 phr of stabilizer and co-stabilizer. The deformable tube, which is usefully employed for liquid transport in a dialysis apparatus, enables a high level of fluid transport efficiency to be maintained, even after many hours of peristaltic pump operation. 120-. (canceled)21. A tube for a peristaltic pump , comprising: (i) a vinyl chloride resin having a K value of not less than 85 measured according to standard ISO 1628-2; and', '(ii) a plasticizer comprising an ester of adipic acid;, 'an elastically deformable tubular body, the tubular body made from a material containing a blend of at leastthe tubular body being made entirely of a single layer of the material.22. The tube of claim 21 , wherein the material contains not above 100 phr of the plasticizer claim 21 , wherein phr means parts by weight per hundred parts by weight of resin.23. The tube of claim 21 , wherein the material contains above 40 phr of the plasticizer.24. The tube of claim 21 , wherein the material contains between 40 and 100 phr of the plasticizer.25. The tube of claim 21 , wherein the material contains between 50 and 80 phr of the plasticizer.26. The tube of claim 21 , wherein the ester of adipic acid is an alkyl ester.27. The tube of claim 26 , wherein the alkyl ester is DEHA.28. The tube of claim 21 , wherein the vinyl chloride resin has a K value of not less than 95.29. The tube of claim 21 , wherein the vinyl chloride resin has a K value of between 97 and 105.30. The tube of claim 21 , wherein the vinyl chloride resin has a K value of more than 100 and no more than 105.31. The tube of claim 21 , wherein the material contains: 100 phr of the vinyl chloride resin; from 40 to 100 phr ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180195506A1

A pump system is presented having a pump with a generally cylindrical pump housing that is arranged with a liquid inlet in one end and a liquid outlet in a second end. A tubular membrane is arranged inside the pump housing and a first passage is arranged in the vicinity of the liquid inlet for introducing pressurized fluid between the membrane and the housing. A second passage arranged in the vicinity of said liquid outlet for releasing said pressurized fluid where the membrane is arranged with an elasticity providing a local radial compression and an annular fluid compartment when a pulse of pressurized fluid is entered through the first passage. The annular fluid compartment travels along the housing bringing a volume of liquid with it. An expansion vessel can be operably attached to the liquid outlet for reducing pressure changes in the liquid caused by the action of the pulse of pressurized fluid. 114- (canceled)15. A pump system comprising:a pump having a generally cylindrical pump housing, where the pump housing is arranged with a liquid inlet in one end and a liquid outlet in a second end;a tubular membrane arranged inside the pump housing;a first passage arranged in the vicinity of the liquid inlet for introducing pressurized fluid between the membrane and the housing; anda second passage arranged in the vicinity of the liquid outlet for releasing the pressurized fluid,wherein the membrane is arranged with an elasticity providing a local radial compression and a ring-shaped fluid compartment when a pulse of pressurized fluid is entered through the first passage,wherein the fluid compartment travels along the housing bringing a volume of liquid with it,wherein the pump system further comprises an expansion vessel operably attached to the liquid outlet for reducing pressure changes in the liquid caused by the action of the pulse of pressurized fluid.16. The pump system according to claim 15 , wherein the pump during operation is positioned with the inlet ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Double membrane for a dust pump

Номер: US20190195216A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A double membrane for a diaphragm pump for fluidizing, covering and conveying dusty products, such as, for example, pulverized coal, with the aid of an inert gas at pressures of up to 7 MPa, the diaphragm pump having a porous, curved loosening element made from aluminum, monitors and ensures the membrane tightness by designing the double membrane with an integrated pressure sensor for monitoring leakages. A hermetically tight separation between the hydraulic chamber and dust chamber of the diaphragm pump can therefore be ensured and damage to the membrane can be promptly identified. Complicated repair and cleaning measures of the entire dust system or hydraulic system in the event of membrane damage are prevented and the tightness of the membrane is maintained during the incident. Particular refinements relate to the composition of the individual membranes and the interaction thereof.

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140294608A1
Автор: Warren Oliver
Принадлежит: Watson-Marlow Limited

A peristaltic pump is provided comprising a drive unit, a pumphead comprising a pressing element. The pumphead is connectable to the drive unit such that, when connected, the pressing element is driveable by the drive unit to exert a peristaltic action on a tube arranged within the pumphead. The pumhead further comprises an optical sensor, wherein the optical sensor comprises an emitter and a receiver which are mounted on the drive unit and a reflector element mounted on the pumphead. The reflector element is arranged on the pumphead such that when the pumphead is connected to the drive unit, radiation emitted by the emitter is reflected by the reflector element towards the receiver. 1. A peristaltic pump comprising a drive unit , a pumphead comprising a pressing element , the pumphead being connectable to the drive unit such that , when connected , the pressing element is driveable by the drive unit to exert a peristaltic action on a tube arranged within the pumphead , and an optical sensor , wherein the optical sensor comprises an emitter and a receiver which are mounted on the drive unit and a reflector element mounted on the pumphead , the reflector element being arranged on the pumphead such that when the pumphead is connected to the drive unit , radiation emitted by the emitter is reflected by the reflector element towards the receiver , wherein a reservoir is arranged within the pumphead to receive liquid which escapes from the tube arranged within the pumphead , the reflector element being arranged with respect to the reservoir such that when liquid is present in the reservoir , at least part of the reflector element is immersed in the liquid , the reflector element being configured such that immersion of at least part of the reflector element in liquid varies the amount of radiation reflected towards the receiver.2. (canceled)3. A pump as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the reservoir is an auxiliary chamber which is arranged in fluid communication with a ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170211567A1
Принадлежит: Merck Patent GmBH

The invention relates to a rotor device for a peristaltic pump comprising a housing, a supporting shaft extending in an axial direction and being mounted in the housing, a rotor comprising a rotor-body mounted on the supporting shaft and extending in a radial direction from the supporting shaft and a plurality of rollers, mounted on the radially outer portion of the rotor-body and a driving device connected to the supporting shaft for driving the rotor, wherein the peristaltic pump further comprises a number of roller-markers corresponding to the number of rollers, wherein the roller-markers indicate a dead zone, the roller-markers are provided directly or indirectly on the supporting shaft. 11050. A rotor device () for a peristaltic pump () comprising:{'b': '18', 'a housing ();'}{'b': 16', '18, 'a supporting shaft () extending in an axial direction and supported in the housing ();'}{'b': 12', '13', '16', '16', '14', '13, 'a rotor () comprising a rotor-body () mounted on the supporting shaft () and extending in a radial direction from the supporting shaft () and a plurality of rollers (), mounted on the radially outer portion of the rotor-body (); and'}{'b': 26', '27', '28', '16', '12, 'a driving device (, , ) connected to the supporting shaft () for driving the rotor ();'}characterized in that{'b': 10', '41', '14', '41', '41', '16, 'the rotor device () further comprises a number of roller-markers () corresponding to the number of rollers (), wherein the roller-markers () indicate a dead zone (DZ), the roller-markers () are provided directly or indirectly on the supporting shaft ().'}21042124216. A rotor device () according to claim 1 , further comprising an initialization-marker () to indicate an initial position of the rotor () claim 1 , the initialization marker () is provided directly or indirectly on the supporting shaft ().3104114. A rotor device () according to claim 1 , wherein the roller-markers () are spaced in intervals corresponding to the intervals of ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170211568A1
Автор: Blenkush William M.

A peristaltic pump comprises a drive assembly, a hose pump, and a hose bracket. The drive assembly is rotatably disposed within a frame to move a roller along a pumping path with respect to the frame. The pump hose has rigid hose ends connected by a bendable hose section with limited flexibility tending to bias the pump hose towards a substantially unbent shape. The hose bracket has a rigid body with a first central opening sized to receive the rigid hose ends at first and second retention locations, such that the natural bias of the pump hose towards a substantially unbent shape retains the hose ends within the first and second retention locations, positioning the bendable hose section along the pumping path of the roller. 1. A peristaltic pump having a drive assembly rotatable within a frame to move a plurality of rollers along a pumping path with respect to the frame , the peristaltic pump comprising:a pump hose having rigid hose ends connected by a bendable hose section with stiffness tending to bias the pump hose towards a substantially unbent shape; andan outer hose bracket having a rigid body with a first central opening sized to receive the rigid hose ends at first and second retention locations, such that bias of the pump hose towards a substantially unbent shape retains the hose ends within the first and second retention locations, positioning the bendable hose section along the pumping path of the rollers.2. The peristaltic pump of claim 1 , further comprising an attachment mechanism fastenable to secure the outer hose bracket to the frame claim 1 , and unfastenable to permit the outer hose bracket to be withdrawn from the frame and drive assembly together with the pump hose.3. The peristaltic pump of claim 2 , wherein the rigid body of the outer hose bracket comprises a substantially flat plate claim 2 , and wherein the attachment mechanism comprises a screw insertable through the substantially flat plate and into the frame.4. The peristaltic pump of ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Peristaltic micropump and related systems and methods

Номер: US20180209552A1

A peristaltic micropump includes one or more flexible channels configured to transfer one or more pumped fluids, and an actuator configured to engage the one or more flexible channels and rotate about a central axis. The actuator includes a plurality of rolling elements and a driving element configured such that the driving element operably rotates about the central axis and each rolling element operably rolls about a respective axis that is not parallel to the central axis. The plurality of rolling elements is disposed between the one or more flexible channels and the driving element. The driving element includes a cage configured to capture the plurality of rolling elements such that the plurality of rolling elements is located at different radii from a center of the cage.

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210239109A1

A peristaltic micropump include a plurality of channels, each channel being flexible, having a middle channel portion, and being operably in fluidic communications with a first port and a second port, and the middle channel portions of the plurality of channels being arranged in one or more concentric circles; and an actuator comprising a bearing assembly driven by a motor, the bearing assembly comprising a plurality of rolling members and a bearing accommodating member for accommodating the plurality of rolling members, the actuator being positioned in relation to the plurality of channels such that when the bearing accommodating member rotates, the plurality of rolling members rolls along the one or more concentric circles of the middle channel portions of the plurality of channels to cause individually fluids to transfer between the first port and the second port of each of the plurality of channels simultaneously at different flowrates. 1. A peristaltic micropump , comprising:a plurality of channels, wherein each channel is flexible, has a middle channel portion, and is operably in fluidic communications with a first port and a second port, and wherein the middle channel portions of the plurality of channels are arranged in one or more concentric circles; andan actuator comprising a bearing assembly driven by a motor, wherein the bearing assembly comprises a plurality of rolling members and a bearing accommodating member for accommodating the plurality of rolling members, wherein the actuator is positioned in relation to the plurality of channels such that when the bearing accommodating member rotates, the plurality of rolling members rolls along the one or more concentric circles of the middle channel portions of the plurality of channels to cause individually fluids to transfer between the first port and the second port of each of the plurality of channels simultaneously at different flowrates.2. The peristaltic micropump of claim 1 , wherein each channel is ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210246893A1
Автор: Klein Jeffrey A.

A peristaltic pump system includes a peristaltic pump having a roller assembly and a roller assembly housing. The roller assembly is disposed within the housing. The peristaltic pump defines a tubing maximum diameter and is configured for use with conventional tubing having a conventional tubing wall thickness less than half of the tubing maximum diameter. The system includes peristaltic pump tubing including mainline tubing and outer sleeve tubing. The outer sleeve tubing is co-axially disposed about the mainline tubing. The mainline tubing and the outer sleeve tubing extend into, through, and out of the peristaltic pump and are engaged with the roller assembly. The mainline tubing has a mainline wall thickness. The outer sleeve tubing has a sleeve wall thickness. The mainline wall thickness and the sleeve wall thickness together are approximately the same as the conventional tubing wall thickness. A method of using the pump system is provided. 1. A peristaltic pump system comprising:a peristaltic pump having a roller assembly and a roller assembly housing, the roller assembly being disposed within the roller assembly housing, the peristaltic pump defining a tubing maximum diameter and configured for use with conventional tubing having a conventional tubing wall thickness less than half of the tubing maximum diameter; andelastomeric peristaltic pump tubing including mainline tubing and outer sleeve tubing, the outer sleeve tubing being co-axially disposed about the mainline tubing, the mainline tubing and the outer sleeve tubing extending into, through, and out of the peristaltic pump and engaged with the roller assembly, the mainline tubing having a mainline wall thickness, the outer sleeve tubing having a sleeve wall thickness, the mainline wall thickness and the sleeve wall thickness together being approximately the same as the conventional tubing wall thickness.2. The peristaltic pump system of wherein the mainline tubing has an outer diameter that is less than ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180223827A1

A description is given of a pump comprising a suction space which is at least partly bounded by a flexible body and which is located between end elements at least one of which can be driven so as to move in a reciprocating manner, a delivery space which surrounds the suction space and around which a housing is provided, and valves provided in the housing and in at least one of the end elements, the valves being constructed such that when the volume of the suction space is increased, a medium is sucked into said suction space, which, when the volume is reduced, flows through one of the valves to the delivery space from which it is expelled when the volume of the delivery space is reduced. 1. A pump comprising:a suction space which is at least partly bounded by a flexible body and which is located between end elements at least one of which is configured so as to move in a reciprocating manner,a delivery space which surrounds the suction space and around which a housing is provided, andvalves provided in the housing and in at least one of the end elements, the valves being constructed such that when the volume of the suction space is increased, a medium is sucked into said suction space, which, when the volume is reduced, flows through one of the valves to the delivery space from which it is expelled when the volume of the delivery space is reduced.2. The pump according to claim 1 , wherein the suction space is a substantially cylindrical space claim 1 , of which at least part of the circumference is formed by the flexible body.3. The pump according to claim 1 , wherein the flexible body is a bellows claim 1 , or a belt claim 1 , tyre claim 1 , in particular an outer tyre.4. The pump according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one valve provided between the suction space and the delivery space in the respective end element is a valve which opens and closes in response to excess pressure and reduced pressure claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , in the suction space.5. The ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170226995A1
Автор: HANNIBAL Ralf

A peristaltic pump with an oscillating drive and a diverter valve , having a cylindrical pump housing and the ports and are arranged in a end wall. The ports and are alternately used as outlet and inlet, controlled by the diverter valve and in dependence on the pivot direction of the pump head The roller or the sliding shoe constantly flattens the pump hose and in this way, forms an annular space that is distinguished into a suction and compression chamber. Due to the constant contact of the roller or the sliding shoe , a sudden space enlargement is prevented according to the invention. 1. A peristaltic pump with comprising:a cylindrical pump housing centered on an axis, having an inner surface, and formed with angularly spaced intake and output ports;a hose lying against the inner surface and having ends connected to or extending through the ports;a pump head pivotal in the housing and provided with a head that flattens the hose;an oscillating drive that can displace the pump head along a circular arc alternately back and forth as far as the ports while the roller or the sliding shoe of the pump head constantly flattens the pump hose during output and intake and does not disengage from the hose; anddiverter valve means connecting the ports alternately as inlet and outlet synchronously with oscillation of the pump head.2. The peristaltic pump according to claim 1 , wherein the diverter valve is controlled by the position of the pump head.3. The peristaltic pump according to claim 2 , further comprising:a respective position detector at each angular end position of the head for controlling the diverter valve and a change in the direction of pivot of the the pump head.4. The peristaltic pump according to claim 1 , wherein the diverter valve is electrically claim 1 , hydraulically or mechanically driven.5. The peristaltic pump according to claim 1 , wherein the diverter valve is mounted on the cylindrical pump housing or on an external container outside of the pump ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210254612A1

A multi-chamber wobble plate pump that includes a housing with an inlet port, an outlet port and a plurality of pump chambers. The pump further includes a plurality of inlet valves each located within one of the pump chambers to control fluid flow from the inlet port to the pump chambers. The pump also includes a plurality of outlet valves that control fluid flow from the pump chambers to the outlet port. A wobble plate is coupled to a diaphragm and a plurality of pistons. Rotation of the wobble plate moves the pistons within the pump chambers to draw in and force fluid out of the chambers. The diaphragm has at least one flex area with a leading edge and a trailing edge. The trailing edge of the diaphragm is thicker than the leading edge. The diaphragm may also have a plurality of diaphragm piston openings each with a diaphragm piston opening centerline. The wobble plate may have a plurality of wobble plate piston openings, each wobble plate piston opening having a wobble plate piston open centerline that is offset from one of diaphragm piston opening centerlines. 1. A multi-chamber wobble plate pump , comprising:a housing that has an inlet port, an outlet port and a plurality of pump chambers;a plurality of inlet valves each located within one of said pump chambers to control fluid flow from said inlet port to said pump chambers;a plurality of outlet valves that control fluid flow from said pump chambers to said outlet port;a plurality of pistons that move within said pump chambers;a diaphragm attached to said plurality of pistons, said diaphragm having at least one flex area that has a leading edge and a trailing edge, said trailing edge being thicker than said leading edge;a wobble plate coupled to said diaphragm to move said pistons within said pump chambers and cause fluid flow into and out of said pump chambers; and,a motor with an output shaft that rotates said wobble plate.2. The multi-chamber wobble plate pump of claim 1 , wherein each said piston is ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180230987A1
Принадлежит: Surpass Industry Co., Ltd.

To provide a tube pump which includes: a drive mechanism including a first roller unit and a second roller unit which rotate about an axis line while being in contact with a tube having elasticity, and a first drive unit and a second drive unit which cause the first roller unit and the second roller unit to rotate independently about the axis line; a holding mechanism which holds the tube in an arcuate shape about the axis line; and an attachment mechanism which detachably attaches the holding mechanism to the drive mechanism. 1. A tube pump comprising:a drive mechanism including a pair of contact members configured to rotate about an axis line while being in contact with a tube having elasticity, and a pair of drive units configured to cause the pair of contact members to rotate independently about the axis line;a holding mechanism configured to hold the tube in an arcuate shape about the axis line; andan attachment mechanism configured to detachably attach the holding mechanism to the drive mechanism.2. The tube pump according to claim 1 , further comprising a control unit configured to control the pair of drive units claim 1 , whereinthe control unit is capable of performing a first control mode where the pair of contact members are rotated in the same direction so as to convey a liquid in the tube, and a second control mode where positions of the pair of contact members disposed about the axis line are respectively fixed so as to prevent the pair of contact members from coming into contact with the tube.3. The tube pump according to claim 2 , whereinthe attachment mechanism includes:a housing mechanism configured to house and fix the holding mechanism; andan advancing and retracting mechanism configured to advance and retract the housing mechanism along the axis line, whereinthe advancing and retracting mechanism is a mechanism capable of changing over a state of the tube pump between a mounting state where the tube and the pair of contact members are disposed ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180230988A1

A pump for use with a tube, having a rotor having an axis of rotation and a plurality of rollers configured to define an orbital path about the axis of rotation, the orbital path defined by a radius, and a roller bed having a surface adapted to support the tube for peristaltic compression by one or more rollers, wherein the surface has a predetermined profile comprising a circular arc segment and at least one side segment, the arc segment having a first curvature defined by the radius, and the at least one side segment having a second curvature lesser than the first curvature. 1. A pump for use with a tube , the pump comprising:a rotor having an axis of rotation and a plurality of rollers configured to define an orbital path about the axis of rotation, the orbital path defined by a radius, anda roller bed having a surface adapted to support the tube for peristaltic compression by one or more rollers,wherein the surface has a predetermined profile comprising a circular arc segment and at least one side segment, the circular arc segment having a first curvature defined by the radius, and the at least one side segment having a second curvature lesser than the first curvature.2. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the orbital path includes a circular orbital path.3. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the at least one side segment includes a linear segment.4. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the arc segment spans between about +30 degrees and −30 degrees from an axis centered and perpendicular to the surface.5. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the arc segment spans between about +40 degrees and −40 degrees from an axis centered and perpendicular to the surface.6. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the arc segment spans between about +35 degrees and −35 degrees from an axis centered and perpendicular to the surface.7. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the at least one side segment spans between about +35 degrees and +40 degrees from an axis centered and perpendicular to the surface.8. The pump of ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190226469A1

A pump diaphragm for a diaphragm pump for conveying a fluid includes a solid core with a connection device for a drive rod of the diaphragm pump, and a plate-shaped elastic diaphragm body made of rubber having a peripheral clamping edge. The solid core is embedded at least partially in the diaphragm body and the solid core is produced from a thermoplastic and forms covalent bonds with the elastic diaphragm body made of rubber without adhesive. For this purpose, the thermoplastic, for example polyamide 612 or polyphenylene ether, and the rubber, a periodically cross-linked rubber such as EPDM, are selected in such a way that they are covalently cross-linked with one another at the boundary layer. In this way, a bonding layer that is susceptible to weakening or destruction is not present between the core and the diaphragm body. 1. A pump membrane for conveying fluids comprising a solid core with a connection member for a drive rod of the diaphragm pump and a plate-shaped , elastic diaphragm body made of rubber with a peripheral clamping edge , wherein the solid core is at least partially embedded in the diaphragm body , wherein the solid core is produced from a thermoplastic and forms covalent bonds with the elastic diaphragm body made of rubber without adhesive.2. The pump membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the rubber is a peroxidically cross-linked rubber.3. The pump membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic is a polyamide 612 or a polyphenylene ether.4. The pump membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the rubber is a silicone rubber or a fluorosilicone rubber (MVQ/FMQV) and the thermoplastic is a polybutylene terephthalate (PBT).5. The pump membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the solid core comprises a plate-shaped anchoring plate claim 1 , wherein the anchoring plate comprises a plurality of through-holes arranged in a circular manner around the longitudinal axis of the pump diaphragm claim 1 , which through-holes in each case have a ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210262462A1
Принадлежит: Hologic, Inc.

A pump cartridge for mounting on a drive rotor includes a roller assembly having first and second hubs maintained in a spaced apart relationship and defining an axis, and a plurality of planetary rollers arranged in a circumferentially spaced orientation about the axis, the rollers mounted to the hubs displacement radially outward. One or more compressible tubing lines are interposed between the rollers and an interior wall of the pump cartridge housing. The housing and the first and second hubs collectively define a passageway through which a spreader on the drive rotor extends and may be rotated relative to the roller assembly to displace the rollers radially outward to thereby compress the tubing lines against the interior wall. A coupling feature on the first hub engages a roller driving feature of the rotor, so that rotation of the rotor causes rotation of the roller assembly about the axis. 1. A peristaltic pumping system , comprising:a pump console comprising a drive rotor having a roller driving feature and a roller spreader, the roller spreader comprising a plurality of fins, each fin comprising first and second radially-outwardly extending sides that meet at an apex extending along a length of the respective fin; and a housing having an opening through which the roller spreader extends when the pump cartridge is mounted on the drive rotor,', 'a plurality of planetary rollers mounted in a circumferentially spaced orientation within the pump cartridge housing, each roller comprising a roller body defining a respective roller axis, wherein each roller has an axle extending along the respective roller axis, wherein the roller axles are positioned in respective slots so that the rollers may move in a radially outward direction toward an interior wall of the housing by travel of the roller axles in the slots, and', 'one or more compressible tubing lines, wherein angular rotation of the roller spreader relative to the pump cartridge housing displaces the roller ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170241451A1

The following description pertains to flexure structures, apparatuses comprising flexure structures, systems comprising flexure structures, methods of using flexure structures, methods of using apparatuses comprising flexure structures, and methods of using systems comprising flexure structures. The following description also pertains to methods, systems, and apparatuses for linear to rotary motion converters. 128-. (canceled)30. The system of claim 29 , wherein the at least one flexure structure comprises two or more flexure structures disposed around the nutation coupling.31. The system of claim 29 , wherein the first port plate has one or more ports disposed so as to allow fluid to enter or exit the interior of the at least one flexure structure.32. The system of claim 29 , wherein the first port plate has one or more ports disposed so as to allow fluid to enter the interior of the flexure structure and has one or more ports disposed so as to allow fluid to exit the interior of the flexure structure.33. The system of claim 29 , wherein the nutation coupling comprises a nutation shaft with a first end connected proximate the center of the nutation rig claim 29 , a drive shaft claim 29 , and a rotary union arranged so that the second end of the nutation shaft is connected with one end of the drive shaft by the rotary union at an off axis angle.34. The system of claim 33 , wherein the off axis angle is from 1 to 30 degrees.35. The system of claim 33 , wherein the off axis angle is from 2 to 10 degrees.36. The system of claim 33 , wherein the off axis angle is 4 degrees.37. The system of claim 29 , further comprising a second port plate claim 29 , one or more port plate connectors claim 29 , and at least one second level flexure structure claim 29 , the one or more port plate connectors being substantially rigid claim 29 , the one or more port plate connectors being disposed so as to hold the second port plate opposite the first port plate having the nutation rig ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180245577A1
Принадлежит: Microjet Technology Co., Ltd.

A fluid transportation device includes a valve body, a valve membrane, a valve chamber seat, an actuator and an outer sleeve. The valve body includes an inlet passage and an outlet passage. The valve chamber seat includes an inlet valve channel, an outlet valve channel and a pressure chamber. The pressure chamber is in communication with the inlet valve channel and the outlet valve channel. The valve membrane is arranged between the valve body and the valve chamber seat. The valve membrane includes two valve plates. The inlet valve channel and the outlet valve channel are closed by the two valve plates. The pressure chamber is covered by the actuator. The outer sleeve has an accommodation space. A ring-shaped protrusion structure is formed on the inner wall of the outer sleeve. Moreover, plural engaging structures are discretely arranged on a periphery of the outer sleeve. 1. A fluid transportation device , comprising:a valve body comprising an inlet passage, an outlet passage, a first surface and a second surface, wherein the inlet passage and the outlet passage run through the first surface and the second surface, an inlet opening is formed in the second surface and in communication with the inlet passage, an outlet opening is formed in the second surface and in communication with the outlet passage, and a coupling structure is concavely formed in the first surface of the valve body;a valve membrane comprising two valve plates, plural extension parts and plural hollow parts, wherein the two valve plates have the same thickness, the plural extension parts are arranged around the valve plates for elastically supporting the valve plates, and the hollow parts are arranged between the extension parts;a valve chamber seat comprising a third surface, a fourth surface, an inlet valve channel, an outlet valve channel and a pressure chamber, wherein the inlet valve channel and the outlet valve channel run through the third surface and the fourth surface, the two valve ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170248134A1

A pumping segment having a low shut-off force is disclosed. The pumping segment includes a tube having an interior surface with at least two notches on opposite sides of the interior surface. 1. A pumping segment with a low shut-off force , the pumping segment comprising:a medical-grade tube for delivering medical fluid, the tube comprising an interior surface comprising a first notch and a second notch on opposite sides of the interior surface such that the first and second notches divide a wall of the tube into a first wall region and a second wall region and divide the interior surface into a first interior surface and a second interior surface respectively forming interior surfaces of the first wall region and the second wall region; anda magnetic coupling element attached to a first exterior surface of the first wall region of the tube between the first and second notches, the first exterior surface separated from the first interior surface by a thicknesses of the first wall region, and the magnetic coupling element configured to magnetically couple to a pumping mechanism and be pulled by the pumping mechanism for separating the first and second wall regions of the tube.2. The pumping segment of claim 1 , further comprising an additional magnetic coupling element attached to a second exterior surface of the second wall region of the tube between the first and second notches claim 1 , the second exterior surface separated from the second interior surface by a thicknesses of the second wall region claim 1 , and the additional magnetic coupling element configured to magnetically couple to the pumping mechanism and be drawn apart from the magnetic coupling element by the pumping mechanism for separating the first and second wall regions of the tube.3. The pumping segment of claim 1 , wherein:each notch of the first and second notches comprises a respective tip; andthe first interior surface and the second interior surface asymptotically approach each other at each ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190240400A1
Принадлежит: KPR U.S., LLC

A pump set for use with a pumping apparatus having a rotor with a plurality of rollers mounted on the rotor rotatable about an axis of rotation is disclosed. The pump set comprises a cassette body comprising a stator member with a fixed portion secured to the cassette body, a second portion opposite the fixed portion, a reaction surface and a second surface opposite the reaction surface, the reaction surface defined between the fixed portion and the second portion, and a tube secured to the cassette body, at least a portion of the tube is disposed against the reaction surface. 122-. (canceled)23. A pump set for use with a pumping apparatus having a rotor with a plurality of rollers mounted on the rotor rotatable about an axis of rotation , the pump set comprising:a cassette body having a top, a bottom, sides, and a center defined by a point midway between the top and the bottom and midway between the sides, the cassette body comprising a flexible stator with a fixed end secured to the cassette body at a connection, a second end opposite the fixed end, a middle portion including a reaction surface and a second surface opposite the reaction surface, the middle portion defined between the fixed end and the second end, the second end being free from any structure of the cassette body aside from the middle portion, the flexible stator having an arcuate shape curving inwards relative to the center of the cassette body; anda deformable tube secured to the cassette body, at least a portion of the deformable tube configured to be disposed against the reaction surface, the flexible stator being arranged in the cassette body to permit the flexible stator to float in the cassette body as the plurality of rollers traverse the deformable tube over a length of the reaction surface of the flexible stator, the flexible stator being constructed to pivot about the connection to the cassette body and flatten out upon engagement of the deformable tube by the plurality of rollers of the ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170254482A1
Автор: Goldor Ori, Rotem Shachar

A medical device includes an interface unit body, which is configured to hold a portion of a flexible infusion tube. A hinge insert is fixed to the interface unit body and is configured to engage a hinge receptacle, which defines a hinge axis, on an infusion pump. A catch insert is fixed to the interface unit body and is configured to lock onto a catch receptacle on the infusion pump upon rotation of the mechanical interface unit about the hinge axis while the hinge insert engages the hinge receptacle, so as to bring the tube into engagement with a peristaltic mechanism of the infusion pump in order to enable the peristaltic mechanism to propel a fluid through the tube. 1. An infusion system comprising:a removable mechanical interface unit to support in a fixed position a tube through which a fluid flows;a device body with a catch receptacle configured to receive said mechanical interface unit through which the tube passes;a peristaltic pump connected to said body and positioned to propel fluid through the tube when the mechanical interface unit is engaged within said receptacle; andwherein said mechanical interface unit includes an anti-free flow mechanism biased towards a safety default closed state to prevent flow of fluid through the tube when said interface unit is disengaged from said receptacle, and which anti-free flow mechanism is mechanically forced into an opened state by: (a) a key structure functionally associated with said receptacle and which applies a force on said anti-free flow mechanism when said interface unit is engaged, and (b) a manual override structure functionally associated with said anti-free flow mechanism is reconfigured it into a default open state.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a door configured to prevent axial motion of the tube.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said key structure is embedded on said catch receptacle.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein said peristaltic pump includes multiple fingers.5. The system of ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации

Methods and Systems of Generating Rapidly Varying Pressure Amplitudes in Fluidic Circuits in a Dialysis Treatment System

Номер: US20170258979A1

The present specification describes a modular, portable hemofiltration system, for providing improved clearance levels of blood toxins, which includes at least one roller pump that is designed and operated to generate a rapidly varying pressure profile of fluid within at least a blood circuit of the hemofiltration system. 1. A method for providing increasing clearance levels of blood toxins comprising: a manifold, comprising a plurality of blood and dialysate circuits;', 'at least one tube segment in fluid communication with at least one of said blood and dialysate circuits;', 'at least one pump for pumping a fluid through said at least one tube segment and at least one of said plurality of blood and dialysate circuits; and, 'providing a portable dialysis system comprisingoperating said at least one pump to apply a force to said at least one tube segment to generate fluid flow through said at least one tube segment, wherein said at least one pump is configured to generate said fluid flow with a pressure profile that varies between a positive pressure and a negative pressure within a predetermined period.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said at least one pump comprises a rotor pump having a plurality of rollers.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein said rotor pump has a diameter no greater than 4 inches.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein said rotor pump has a range of 4 to 6 rollers.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein each of said plurality of rollers comprises a plurality of equidistantly spaced cylindrical pins.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein said plurality of equidistantly spaced cylindrical pins is in a range of 4 to 6.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein said fluid flow is any one of dialysate flow claim 1 , blood flow claim 1 , and infusate flow.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein a change in pressure amplitude experienced by said fluid flow is at least 100 mmHg and said predetermined period is less than 0.5 seconds.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein a change in ...

21-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210322671A1
Автор: Susi Roger E.

An apparatus and method are disclosed for controlling infusion of liquid into a patient using a peristaltic pump. The liquid infusion apparatus includes a liquid conduit having a proximal segment, a distal segment and an intermediate segment. The liquid infusion apparatus also includes a flow valve in fluid communication with the intermediate and distal segments. The flow valve includes a shuttle member slidably disposed within a housing about the distal segment, the shuttle member being configured for lateral movement relative to an elongated axis of the distal segment. The shuttle member is configured to operate in a first configuration to impede fluid flow through the liquid conduit and in a second configuration for which fluid flow through the liquid conduit is unimpeded. The shuttle member includes a resilient grasper for selectively engaging and disengaging a mating actuator resiliently received by the grasper. 1. (canceled)2. A liquid infusion apparatus , comprising:an ultrasonic motor configured to provide displacement of a liquid from a liquid source through a liquid conduit;an oscillator that generates an output at a frequency;a circuit connected to receive the output from the oscillator to produce recurring output pulses at spaced intervals on a plurality of output terminals; anda resistor-capacitor (RC) filter with an associated time constant, the RC filter configured to cause sweeping of the frequency of the output of the oscillator when a motor control signal indicates that the ultrasonic motor is to start running.3. The liquid infusion apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a feedback signal that provides an indication of the operation of the ultrasonic motor.4. The liquid infusion apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the feedback signal operates in combination with the RC circuit to cause sweeping of the frequency of the output of the oscillator.5. The liquid infusion apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the feedback signal is indicative of motor speed.6. The ...

21-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210324842A1

A tube for a peristaltic pump comprises an elastically deformable tubular body () made from a PVC composition containing: 100 phr of a PVC resin having a K value, measured according to standard ISO 1628-2, of not less than 85, from 40 to 100 phr of DEHA plasticizer, from 0.05 to 1.0 phr of lubricant, from 0.3 to 15.0 phr of stabilizer and co-stabilizer. The deformable tube, which is usefully employed for liquid transport in a dialysis apparatus, enables a high level of fluid transport efficiency to be maintained, even after many hours of peristaltic pump operation. 120-. (canceled)21: An apparatus for extracorporeal blood treatment comprising: a rotor having at least one squeezing roller, and', 'a stator;, 'a rotary peristaltic pump including'} a vinyl chloride resin having a K value of not less than 85 measured according to standard ISO 1628-2, and', 'a plasticizer including an ester of adipic acid; and, 'a tube for placement between the rotor and the stator, the tube including an elastically deformable tubular body configured to be repeatedly squeezed by the at least one squeezing roller, the tubular body made from a material including a blend of at leasta fluid transport line in fluid communication with the tube.22: The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein the tube is insertedly attached to the fluid transport line.23: The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein the fluid transport line is positioned and arranged (i) for an extracorporeal blood transport claim 21 , (ii) as an infusion line for a medical fluid claim 21 , (iii) as a dialysis fluid supply line to a dialyzer claim 21 , or (iv) as a drainage line.24: The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein the rotor induces a negative pressure within an inlet of the tube of less than −200 mmHg.25: The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein the material is at least one of (i) not above 100 phr of the plasticizer claim 21 , wherein phr means parts by weight per hundred parts by weight of resin claim 21 , (ii) above 40 phr of the plasticizer ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150275886A1
Автор: Goldor Ori, Rotem Shachar

A peristaltic pump includes a plurality of effecters, actuated in a periodic manner upon by obstructive forces of a flexible infusion tube so as flow of infusion fluid is provided along said infusion tube, the magnitude of the obstructive forces being dependent upon the displacement of said moving effecters; and a plurality of balancing magnets providing balancing forces upon one or all the moving effecters, the balancing forces at each point along the path of motion of the moving effecters being of approximately equal magnitude to that of the obstructive forces at the point; such that the parasitic output due to work performed against the obstructive forces is approximately zero and yield is maximized. 1. A peristaltic pump (DDS) comprising a plurality of effecters , actuated in a periodic manner upon by obstructive forces of a flexible infusion tube so as flow of infusion fluid is provided along said infusion tube , the magnitude of said obstructive forces being dependent upon the displacement of said moving effecters; and a plurality of balancing magnets providing balancing forces upon one or all said moving effecters , said balancing forces at each point along the path of motion of the moving effecters being of approximately equal magnitude to that of said obstructive forces at said point; such that the parasitic output due to work performed against said obstructive forces is approximately zero and yield is maximized.2. A finger-type peristaltic pump (DDS) according to claim 1 , comprising a plurality of pressing-fingers claim 1 , actuated in a periodic manner upon by obstructive forces of a flexible infusion tube so as flow of infusion fluid is provided along said infusion tube claim 1 , the magnitude of said obstructive forces being dependent upon the displacement of said moving fingers; and a plurality of balancing magnets providing balancing forces upon one or all said moving fingers claim 1 , said balancing forces at each point along the path of motion of ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150275887A1

PROBLEM: To improve opening and closing operability of a door. 1. A tubing pump for transferring a fluid in a detachably attached tube by a pump mechanism , the tubing pump comprising:a pump body having a base to and from which the tube can be attached and detached;a door pivotally supported to be rotatable with respect to the pump body, so as to open or close the base;switching urging unit for urging the door in an opening direction in a first rotation range on a completely opened side and switching an urging direction to a closing direction in a second rotation range on a completely closed side; andclosing suppression unit for suppressing an urging force in the closing direction by the switching urging unit in the second rotation range.2. The tubing pump according to claim 1 , wherein the closing suppression unit is provided not to suppress the urging force in the closing direction by the switching urging unit in a specified range on the completely opened side within the second rotation range but to suppress the urging force in the closing direction by the switching urging unit in a specified range on the completely closed side within the second rotation range. The invention relates to a tubing pump for transferring a fluid in a detachably attached tube by a pump mechanism.Conventionally, as described in Patent Document 1, this type of the invention includes: a pump body () to and from which a transfusion tube () can be attached and detached; a door (door unit ) pivotally supported to open or close a base of the pump body (); and a handle () for closing valves (A, B) of a pump mechanism by a lever operation that follows a closing operation of the door.According to this background art, the transfusion tube () is attached to the pump body (), and the door (door unit ) is closed. Then, when the handle () rotates, the valves (A, B) of the pump mechanism are automatically closed. Accordingly, it is possible to prevent an unintentional flow of a medical fluid or the ...

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200256328A1

A pumping segment having a low shut-off force is disclosed. The pumping segment includes a tube having an interior surface with at least two notches on opposite sides of the interior surface. 1. A medical-grade tube , comprising:a pumping segment having an exterior surface;a first magnetic coupling element coupled to a first portion of the exterior surface; anda second magnetic coupling element coupled to a second portion of the exterior surface, the first and second magnetic coupling elements configured to magnetically couple to a pumping mechanism and be drawn apart by the pumping mechanism for separating the first and second portions of the tube.2. The medical-grade tube of claim 1 , the pumping segment further comprising an interior surface comprising a first notch and a second notch on opposite sides of the interior surface such that the first and second notches divide a wall of the pumping segment into a first wall region and a second wall region and divide the interior surface into a first interior surface and a second interior surface respectively forming interior surfaces of the first wall region and the second wall region.3. The medical-grade tube of claim 2 , wherein the first and second portions of the exterior surface are separated respectively from the first and second interior surfaces by respective thicknesses of the first and second wall regions.4. The pumping segment of claim 2 , wherein:each notch of the first and second notches comprises a respective tip; andthe first interior surface and the second interior surface asymptotically approach each other at each notch and sealingly meet at the tip of each notch.5. The pumping segment of claim 2 , wherein the first and second interior surfaces have equal widths.6. The pumping segment of claim 2 , wherein the notches are configured such that the first and second interior surfaces are in continuous gapless contact from the tips at least a portion of a distance towards a center of the tube when the first ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190264672A1

A volumetric pump, comprising: 112-. (canceled)13. A volumetric pump , comprising:at least one deformable enclosure, which defines at least one variable-volume chamber, each of said at least one variable-volume chamber being provided with an intake passage and with an outflow passage,magnetically-actuated means, which act on portions of said deformable closure in order to deform said deformable enclosure between an extended configuration, having a larger volume, and a compressed configuration, having a smaller volume,drive means for the actuation of said magnetically-actuated means,a load-bearing frame on which said at least one deformable enclosure and said drive means are mounted.14. The volumetric pump according to claim 13 , wherein said deformable enclosure is constituted by a closed bag made of plastic material claim 13 , inside which the load-bearing frame with the drive means is enclosed.15. The volumetric pump according to claim 13 , wherein said load-bearing frame comprises two walls which face each other so as to define an interspace that accommodates at least part of said drive means.16. The volumetric pump according to claim 15 , wherein said load-bearing frame comprises two intermediate partitions claim 15 , which extend transversely to a corresponding wall of said two walls.17. The volumetric pump according to claim 13 , wherein each one of said variable-volume chambers is defined between a portion of the enclosure claim 13 , a portion of said walls and an intermediate partition claim 13 , which extends from the corresponding wall.18. The volumetric pump according to claim 13 , wherein passages between two communicating variable-volume chambers each have a corresponding one-way valve.19. The volumetric pump according to claim 13 , wherein said magnetically-actuated means comprise claim 13 , for each one of said variable-volume chambers claim 13 , two magnetic bodies claim 13 , two for a first chamber claim 13 , and two claim 13 , for an adjacent ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Subsea Charge Pump

Номер: US20190264674A1

Fluid charging system can provide a higher inlet pressure than the ambient pressure for pumps intended to operated and comprises one or more subsea fluid reservoirs; one or more charge pumps configured to provide an output pressure higher than ambient pressure; various fluid conduits in fluid communication with the subsea fluid reservoirs and charge pumps; and various valves. Fluid is provided to a bladder at a first fluid pressure and fluid charging system used to provide protection for the subsea fluid reservoir and inlet conditions of the subsea pump. A second valve is used to protect the subsea fluid reservoir from pressure leaking back and a feedback loop used to protect inlet conditions of the subsea pump by setting the feedback loop valve to open near the maximum inlet condition. 1. A fluid charging system , comprising: i. a housing; and', 'ii. a bladder at ambient pressure, disposed within the housing;, 'a. a subsea fluid reservoir, comprising i. a charge pump fluid inlet; and', 'ii. a charge pump fluid outlet;, 'b. a charge pump configured to provide an output pressure higher that ambient pressure, comprisingc. a first fluid conduit in fluid communication with the subsea fluid reservoir and the charge pump fluid inlet;d. a second valve disposed intermediate the subsea fluid reservoir and the charge pump fluid inlet and in fluid communication with the first fluid conduit, the second valve configured to prevent pressure from entering the subsea fluid reservoir;e. a second fluid conduit in fluid communication with the charge pump fluid outlet; i. a first feedback fluid conduit in fluid communication with the charge pump fluid inlet and with the first fluid conduit;', 'ii. a second feedback fluid conduit in fluid communication with the charge pump fluid outlet and the second fluid output; and', 'iii. a first valve in fluid communication with the charge pump fluid outlet and the charge pump fluid inlet and configured to prevent over-pressurization of an inlet ...

18-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210355430A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

In the cell culture device, a volume of a space defined by a diaphragm of the diaphragm pump and a plane at an outer edge of the diaphragm is 1 cmor more and 20 cmor less, in a case where an angle formed by a straight line connecting a foot of a perpendicular line from the apex to the plane to each point in the diaphragm and by the perpendicular line is denoted by an angle A, a thickness H of the diaphragm is within a range of 0.5 mm or more and 1.5 mm or less where the angle A is from 0° to 75°, and in a case where a thickness of the diaphragm at the apex is denoted by H, the thickness H satisfies a relationship of 1≤H/H≤1.75 at any point where the angle A is from 0° to 75°. 1. A cell culture device comprising:a culture vessel containing a cell suspension; anda diaphragm pump for extracting the cell suspension from the culture vessel,{'sup': 3', '3, 'wherein a volume of a space defined by a diaphragm of the diaphragm pump and a plane F including a surface of an outer edge part of the diaphragm on a side far from an apex of the diaphragm is 1 cmor more and 20 cmor less,'}in a case where an angle formed by a straight line connecting a foot of a perpendicular line which is drawn from the apex of the diaphragm to the plane F to each point in the diaphragm and by the perpendicular line is denoted by an angle A at each point, a thickness H of the diaphragm is within a range of 0.5 mm or more and 1.5 mm or less at any point in a region where the angle A is from 0° to 75°, and{'sub': 'T', 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': H', '/H≤, 'sub': 'T', '1≤1.75\u2003\u2003(Expression 1)'}, 'in a case where a thickness of the diaphragm at the apex of the diaphragm is denoted by H, the thickness H of the diaphragm satisfies Expression 1 at any point in the region where the angle A is from 0° to 75°,'}2. The cell culture device according to claim 1 ,{'sub': Y', 'Z', 'Z', 'Y', 'Z', 'Y, 'wherein in a case where a thickness of the diaphragm at a thickest point among points in a region where ...

25-11-2021 дата публикации

Occlusion force reduction through multi-directional tolerance control

Номер: US20210361860A1

An infusion pumping mechanism includes a motor, a plurality of pump fingers and an opposing plate. Each finger of the pump fingers includes a body portion and a head portion. The head portion includes a tip that is configured to contact and occlude a tube installed in the pumping mechanism. The opposing plate includes an anvil with a plurality of force concentrators. A force concentrator of the plurality of force concentrators corresponds to a respective pump finger of the plurality of pump fingers. Additionally, the force concentrator includes a concentration surface configured to contact and occlude the tube. The force concentrator is aligned with a tip of the respective pump finger such that as the finger is directed towards the tube and contacts the tube, both the tip and the force concentrator provide pressure to opposite sides of the tube and at least partially occlude the tube.

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180283372A1
Автор: BAZAN Alberto L.
Принадлежит: Murzan, Inc.

A fully-draining check valve with a mushroom assembly having a tapered back edge and a drain line disposed with the lower rim of the drain line below the tapered back edge to ensure no fluid becomes trapped in the check valve when not in use. Additionally, a fully-draining diaphragm pump is disclosed having a drain line configured to drain the lowest point of a product chamber to ensure no fluid becomes trapped in the diaphragm pump when not in use. A method of cleaning a fully-draining diaphragm pump and fully-draining check valve assembly is further disclosed comprising inducing turbulent flow of water, wash solution, and/or sanitizer through the assembly and opening ball valves the drain lines of the fully-draining check valves to vent the assembly. 1. An apparatus comprising:a valve disc having a seating surface and a back surface opposite the seating surface;a valve body having a seat, the seat configured to receive the seating surface of the valve disc;a drain line coupled to the valve body at a drain line inlet; anda valve stem extending from the back surface of the valve disc;wherein a portion of the back surface extends at a continuous slope from the valve stem and terminates at the drain line inlet when the seat receives the seating surface of the valve disc.2. The apparatus of wherein the valve disc is configured to move between an open position with the seating surface not contacting the seat and a shut position with the seating surface contacting the seat claim 1 , wherein the valve disc is configured to move into the open position when the pressure at the seating surface is sufficiently greater than the pressure at the back surface claim 1 , and wherein the valve disc is configured to remain in the shut position when the pressure at the seating surface is not sufficiently greater than the pressure at the back surface.3. The apparatus of wherein when the valve disc is in the shut position the back surface directs fluid to the drain line inlet via a ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Pump device, tube device and method for movement and collection of fluid

Номер: US20150297811A1
Автор: Peter J. Schuman, JR.
Принадлежит: Peter J. Schuman, JR.

A pump device, tube device and method for the aspiration, peristaltic movement and collection of fluid. A rigid tube for drawing fluid connected to a primary flexible tube. The primary flexible tube inserted through a peristaltic pump.

13-10-2016 дата публикации

Floatable Bellows Container Assembly

Номер: US20160298619A1
Автор: Shyu Yuh Huei

A floatable bellows container assembly is provided. The floatable bellows container assembly comprises a small access opening and is composed of a large diameter bellows container and a small diameter bellows container. The floatable bellows container assembly is characterized in that: (1) the floatable bellows container assembly is expanded by weight of water flowing into the floatable bellows container assembly or its floatability no matter that the access opening is located in an upper position or a lower position; (2) if the access opening is located at the lower position, the floatable bellows container assembly is collapsed along with draining of the water. This invention is directed to an application of Pascal's law and can be used in a power generation system driven by universal gravitation. 1. A floatable bellows container assembly , comprising: a large diameter bellows container and a small diameter bellows container , whereinthe large diameter bellows container has an access opening, the access opening is sized to be smaller than a cross sectional area of the small diameter bellows container; the large diameter bellows container and the small diameter bellows container are floatable;if the floatable bellows container assembly is oriented in such a manner that the access opening is in an upper position, water flows into the floatable bellows container assembly, and the floatable bellows container assembly is expanded with aid of weight of the water and floatability of the large diameter bellows container and the small diameter bellows container;if the floatable bellows container assembly is oriented in such a manner that the access opening is in a lower position, the floatable bellows container assembly is squeezed by a heavy object on the floatable bellows container assembly, and the floatable bellows container assembly is collapsed along with draining of the water; anda push-down pressure is generated by putting the heavy object on a top of the floatable ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170292510A1
Автор: Bückle Norbert
Принадлежит: ULRICH GMBH & CO. KG

A hose pump includes a hose bed having a counter support, a carrier disk rotatable relative to the counter support, and a number of pinch rollers and guide rollers arranged on the carrier disk. A guide roller is arranged between two consecutive pinch rollers, and the pinch rollers press a hose inserted into hose bed against the counter support, while pinching the hose when the carrier disk is rotating in the conveying direction to transport the fluid in the hose. To ensure reliable threading of a hose section of a pump hose, when the hose section is somewhat too short and to prevent unthreading of the inserted hose section during operation of the hose pump, the angular distance between a guide roller and the pinch roller preceding the guide roller in the conveying direction is greater than the angular distance between this guide roller and the pinch roller following the guide roller in the conveying direction. 1. A hose pump to convey a fluid guided in a hose , the hose pump comprising a hose bed having a counter support , a carrier disk rotatable relative to counter support , a plurality of pinch rollers arranged equidistant from each other in a peripheral direction on the carrier disk and a plurality of guide rollers arranged equidistant from each other in the peripheral direction on carrier disk , wherein one of the plurality of guide rollers is arranged between two consecutive pinch rollers in the peripheral direction of the carrier disk and the pinch rollers press a hose inserted into the hose bed against the counter support , when the carrier disk is rotating in a conveying direction , while pinching the hose against the counter support to transport the fluid in the hose in the conveying direction , wherein an angular distance between a guide roller and a pinch roller preceding said guide roller in the conveying direction is greater than an angular distance between said guide roller and a pinch roller following said guide roller in the conveying direction.2. ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200277947A1
Принадлежит: IWAKI CO., LTD.

A tubephragm pump includes a tubephragm that has a pump head portion that forms a pump chamber, a driving head that holds the tubephragm and expands and contracts the pump chamber by directly pressing and pulling the pump head portion in a direction intersecting with a transfer direction of a transfer fluid, a driving unit that drives the driving head back and forth in a driving direction to expand and contract the pump chamber, and a control unit that controls the driving unit. The tubephragm is in a flat shape with a cross-sectional shape intersecting with the transfer direction of the transfer fluid of the pump chamber having a length in a direction intersecting with the driving direction longer than a length in the driving direction. A pair of liquid contacting surfaces opposing in the driving direction of the pump chamber move while maintaining a parallel state. 1. A tubephragm pump comprising:a tubephragm that has a pump head portion that forms a pump chamber into which a transfer fluid is introduced and from which the introduced transfer fluid is discharged to an outside;a driving head that holds the tubephragm, the driving head expanding and contracting the pump chamber by directly pressing and pulling the pump head portion in a direction intersecting with a transfer direction of the transfer fluid;a driving unit that drives the driving head back and forth in a driving direction to expand and contract the pump chamber; anda control unit that controls the driving unit, whereinthe tubephragm is in a flat shape with a cross-sectional shape intersecting with the transfer direction of the transfer fluid of the pump chamber having a length in a direction intersecting with the driving direction by the driving unit longer than a length in the driving direction by the driving unit, and a pair of liquid contacting surfaces opposing in the driving direction of the pump chamber move while maintaining a parallel state.2. The tubephragm pump according to claim 1 , ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Disposable Cartridge For A Peristaltic Micro Pump And A Peristaltic Micro Pump

Номер: US20170298921A1

A disposable cartridge ( 20 ) for a peristaltic micro pump, comprising a housing ( 21 ); a inlet provided on the housing and comprising an inlet connector ( 25 ); an outlet provided on the housing and comprising an outlet connector ( 26 ); a fluid channel ( 23 ) extending in the housing ( 21 ) between the inlet and the outlet; a channel section ( 22 ) of the fluid channel ( 23 ), the channel section ( 22 ) provided by a flexible tube ( 24 ); one or more openings provided adjacent to the channel section ( 22 ) in the housing ( 21 ) in such a way that one or more pump engaging elements of a pump drive can engage with the flexible tube ( 24 ) through the opening for compressing the flexible tube ( 24 ) in a pumping process for pumping a fluid through the fluid channel ( 23 ); and a mounting device provided on the housing ( 21 ) for detachably mounting the housing ( 21 ) in a peristaltic micro pump housing. Furthermore, a peristaltic micro pump, comprising a disposable cartridge ( 20 ) is disclosed.

27-10-2016 дата публикации

End Fitting for a Tube Housed by a Cavity and a Method of Installing a Tube in a Cavity

Номер: US20160312774A1
Автор: Oude Vrielink Ronald

An end fitting for a tube housed by a cavity and a method of installing a tube in a cavity are described which use a compression ring that defines a void having an axial extent and a radial extent. The compression ring is compressed between a bracket of the end fitting and a port of the cavity by drawing the bracket axially towards the port. This seals the port and deforms the void defined by the compression ring. The deformation of the void reduces its axial extent and increases its radial extent, thereby compressing the tube against an insert received within the interior of the tube. 1. An end fitting for a tube housed by a cavity , the end fitting comprising:a bracket having a first abutment shoulder which opposes a port of the cavity;a compression ring disposed against the first abutment shoulder of the bracket and configured to receive the tube therethrough, the compression ring defining a void having an axial extent and a radial extent;an insert configured to be received within the interior of the tube such that the insert overlaps and extends beyond the compression ring; anda fastener for connecting the bracket to the port so as to draw the bracket axially towards the port, whereby the compression ring is compressed between the first abutment shoulder and the port so as to seal the port and such that the void defined by the compression ring is deformed;wherein the deformation of the void reduces its axial extent and increases its radial extent, thereby compressing the tube against the insert.2. An end fitting as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the compression ring has an inner diameter which claim 1 , in an at-rest configuration claim 1 , is greater than or substantially equal to an outer diameter of the tube claim 1 , and which claim 1 , in a compressed configuration claim 1 , is less than the outer diameter of the tube.3. An end fitting as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the void is defined by the cross-section of the compression ring and is located between the ...


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