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20-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2418982C2

Изобретение относится к ротору, в частности к ротору, который применяется в различных типах компрессоров, генераторов и двигателей. Ротор содержит вал 6 с осью А-А', в котором в направлении этой оси выполнен центральный внутренний охлаждающий канал 8 с входом 9 и выходом 10 для охлаждающего агента. Канал 8, по меньшей мере, в его части, снабжен направленными внутрь ребрами 11. В канале 8 около входа 9 расположены средства 24, обеспечивающие тангенциальную составляющую скорости охлаждающему агенту. Средства 24 содержат звездообразный профилированный вставной элемент 25 с конусообразным концом, направленным от вышеупомянутых ребер 11 против направления движения потока охлаждающего агента. Изобретение направлено на обеспечение эффективного охлаждения ротора. 2 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

10-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2369776C2

Изобретение относится к области компрессоростроения и касается компрессоров с катящимся ротором. Ротационный компрессор с катящимся ротором содержит корпус с торцовыми крышками, всасывающим и нагнетательным окнами, в последнем из которых установлен одноименный клапан, эксцентрично размещенный в корпусе ротор и взаимодействующую с ним разделительную пластину, расположенную в подключенной к источнику охлаждающей и смазывающей жидкости полости корпуса с образованием поршневой пары. Компрессор снабжен кожухом, охватывающим корпус и соединенным с упомянутой полостью через распределительное устройство, выполненное в виде отверстий с установленными в них втулками, имеющими конусообразные усеченные внутренние выступы с меньшим и большим диаметрами. Последние обращены в сторону источника охлаждающей и смазывающей жидкости. Разделительная пластина выполнена с переменным поперечным сечением. Меньшее сечение обращено в сторону ротора, а большее - в сторону полости корпуса. Площадь пластины, обращенная ...

27-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2371610C2

Винтовая компрессорная станция предназначена для обеспечения сжатым воздухом различных пневмосистем. Винтовая компрессорная станция содержит раму, капот, блок электродвигателя с винтовым блоком и с маслоотделителем, масловоздушную систему, блок управления компрессором, систему предпускового подогрева компрессора и блок охлаждения. Блок электродвигателя с винтовым блоком и с маслоотделителем установлен на раме с помощью виброизолирующих резинометаллических опор. Система предпускового подогрева состоит из блока ТЭНов, установленного в шахтную полость рамы компрессора, и электровентиляторов. Со стороны электродвигателя компрессора на капот установлен обтекатель для создания застойной зоны при включении обогрева и направления всего объема воздуха на корпус электродвигателя при работе блока охлаждения. Охлаждающий воздух всасывается через входное отверстие, расположенное в противоположном торце капота, в подкапотное пространство. Блок управления компрессором выполнен с возможностью по сигналу ...

28-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2780601C1
Принадлежит: АТЕЛЬЕ БУШ СА (CH)

Группа изобретений относится к корпусу многоступенчатого насоса, а также к многоступенчатому насосу, который, в частности, может представлять собой вакуумный насос. Корпус многоступенчатого насоса содержит, по меньшей мере, первую рабочую камеру (20), вторую рабочую камеру (21), соединительный канал (26а), обеспечивающий сообщение выхода (27) камеры (20) с входом камеры (21), и герметичный проход (40) для циркуляции охлаждающей жидкости. Канал (26а) представляет собой боковой канал корпуса многоступенчатого насоса, который имеет по меньшей мере одну теплопроводную стенку (33), частично ограничивающую канал (26а) и имеющую наружную поверхность (34). По меньшей мере часть канала (26а) проходит между поверхностью (34) стенки (33) и проходом (40). Группа изобретений направлена на повышение эффективности отведения тепла, выделяемого при сжатии газа в корпусе многоступенчатого насоса во время его работы. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

10-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU43925U1

Изобретение относится к области компрессорной и вакуумной техники. Задачей изобретения является сокращение массогабаритных характеристик, повышение ремонтопригодности и экономичности машины. Сущность изобретения состоит в том, что в машине объемного действия, содержащей рабочий цилиндр 2 с размещенным в нем основным ротором 3, имеющим, по крайней мере, один выступ 4, радиус которого равен радиусу цилиндра 2 и вспомогательный ротор 7, имеющий впадину 8 для размещения в ней выступа 4 основного ротора 3, причем оба ротора имеют кинематическую связь, обеспечивающую их синхронное вращение, отличающаяся тем, что основной 3 и вспомогательный 7 роторы размещены таким образом, что их оси скрещиваются, а плоскость вращения вспомогательного ротора 7 находится под углом 90° к плоскости вращения основного ротора 3, причем торцевая поверхность 6 вспомогательного ротора 7, обращенная в сторону цилиндра 2, расположена относительно оси вращения основного ротора 3 на расстоянии, равном радиусу основного ...

25-09-2023 дата публикации

Винтовой маслозаполненный компрессор с регулируемой производительностью

Номер: RU220598U1

Полезная модель относится к области компрессоростроения, в частности к винтовым маслозаполненным компрессорам с регулируемой производительностью, и может быть использована в компрессорных агрегатах повышенной мощности (>600 кВт). Винтовой маслозаполненный компрессор с регулируемой производительностью содержит блок цилиндров 4 с установленными в его расточках под винты ведущим и ведомым роторами 9, 10, золотник 11 со шпоночным пазом 15 и канал подвода масла в рабочую полость 18 блока цилиндров через шпоночный паз 15 золотника 11 с подводящим участком 16, выполненным в нижней части блока цилиндров. Компрессор также содержит дополнительные каналы 7,8 подвода масла в рабочую полость 18 компрессора, выполненными по горизонтальной оси блока цилиндров 4 в виде отверстий в его боковых стенках, сообщающихся с расточками под винты. Полезная модель за счет организации оптимальной комбинированной подачи масла в полость сжатия компрессора обеспечивает эффективную и надежную работу винтового маслозаполненного ...

15-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005915C1

Использование: в качестве вакуум-насосов и компрессоров. Сущность изобретения: муфта соединяет вал ротора с приводным валом электродвигателя /ЭД/. Разделительная перегородка /РП/ размещена между качающим узлом и ЭД и торцевая стенка, расположенная со стороны ЭД, установлены с образованием вокруг приводного вала кольцевых полостей, обращенных навстречу друг к другу, в которых размещены подшипниковые опоры. Торцевая крышка качающего узла закреплена на РП с образованием замкнутой полости, сообщенной с каналом отвода. В приводном валу выполнен сквозной осевой канал и сквозные радиальные отверстия, выходящие в подшипниковые опоры. Вал ротора соединен с приводным валом муфтой с образованием зазоров для прохода рабочей среды из замкнутой полости, образованной торцевой крышкой и РП, в осевой канал приводного вала. В РП и торцевой стенке, расположенной со стороны ЭД, выполнены перепускные отверстия для прохода рабочей среды с возможностью сообщения с выпускным патрубком. В торцевой крышке выполнен ...

30-08-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018712C1

Использование: в преобразователях энергии. Сущность изобретения: в цилиндрическом корпусе с каналами входа и выхода рабочей среды, в которых установлены обратные клапаны, размещен с образованием кольцевой рабочей камеры ротор с поршнями. Подпружиненные разделительные пластины установлены в радиальных пазах корпуса между каналами с возможностью возвратно-поступательного перемещения и взаимодействия с кулачком. В поршне со стороны, противоположной направлению вращения, выполнен ряд прямоугольных прорезей. 6 ил.

27-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2592949C1

Изобретение относится к области насосо- и компрессоростроения и может быть использовано для одновременного и попеременного сжатия жидкостей и газов. Машина состоит из цилиндра (1) с ротором (2) с пазами (3), в которых имеются подпружиненные пластины (4), и с двумя серповидными камерами (6) и (7). Камера (6) соединена с источником жидкости через всасывающее окно (8) и с потребителем жидкости через нагнетательное окно (9), линию нагнетания (10) и рубашку охлаждения (11). Камера (7) соединена с источником газа через всасывающее окно (12), а с потребителем газа - через нагнетательное окно (13). Между камерами (6) и (7) имеются уплотнительные щели (14) и (15), в пределах длины которых на поверхности цилиндра (1) размещены канавки (16) и (17). Канавка (16) соединена с канавками (18) и (19) на торцовых крышках (20) и (21) и соединена каналом (22) с линией нагнетания газа, а канавка (17) - с линией нагнетания жидкости через канал (23). На торцовой крышке (20) имеется канавка (26), а на крышке ( ...

18-07-2024 дата публикации

Спиральный компрессор "сухого сжатия"

Номер: RU2823152C1

Изобретение относится к компрессоростроению и может быть использовано в холодильных спиральных компрессорах «сухого» сжатия при их работе в холодильных системах и системах кондиционирования воздуха. Спиральный компрессор содержит согласованные друг с другом подвижную спираль 6 и неподвижную спираль 7 и охлаждающие каналы, связанные с подводом и отводом холодильного агента, выполненные в виде гибкой трубки 9, проходящей через отверстия 10 и 11 в основании неподвижной спирали 7, при этом по центру пера неподвижной спирали 7 выполнены отверстия 12 и 13 для ввода и вывода гибкой трубки в перо неподвижной спирали 7, а само перо неподвижной спирали выполнено с канавкой 8, сообщенной с этими отверстиями, причем гибкая трубка 9 проходит через отверстия 12, 13 по центру пера неподвижной спирали и размещена в канавке 8 пера под уплотнительным элементом 14. Дополнительные каналы 16 впрыска охлаждающего агента выполнены в основании неподвижной спирали 7 и соединяют полость сжатия с источником холодильного ...

10-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008126269A

... 1. Компрессорная установка, содержащая компрессорный элемент с впрыском воды, к которому присоединены входная линия (4) и выходная линия (5), входной воздушный фильтр (13), к которому присоединена упомянутая входная линия (4), водоотделитель (6), в который подает воздух упомянутая выходная линия (5), и обратную линию между этим водоотделителем (6) и компрессорным элементом (2), причем упомянутый входной воздушный фильтр (13) представляет собой корпус (14), содержащий отверстие (15) для впуска воздуха, отверстие (16) для выпуска воздуха, к которому присоединена упомянутая входная линия (4), подложку (17), которая вставляется в этот корпус (14) и через которую проходит всасываемый воздух, отличающаяся тем, что упомянутый входной воздушный фильтр (13) представляет собой влажный фильтр, к которому присоединено устройство подачи воды; причем упомянутая подложка (17) состоит из материала с открытой ячеистой структурой; а упомянутое устройство подачи воды содержит, по меньшей мере, одно из: линии ...

15-04-1985 дата публикации

Ротационный компрессор

Номер: SU1150401A1

РОТАЦИОННЫЙ КОМПРЕССОР, содержащий корпус с всасывающим и нагнетательным окнами, в последнем из коJ nompedumefiHi торых установлен одноименный клапан эксцентрично размещенный в корпусе ротор и взаимодействующую с ним разделительную пластину, расположенную в подключенной к источнику охлаждающей и смазывающей жидкости полости прилива корпуса и имеющую дроссельные отверстия, отверстия для впрыска жидкости и канал, сообщенный с ними и пространством полости над пластиной, отличающийся тем, что с целью повыщения КПД, полость подключена к источнику охлаждающей и смазывающей жидкости при помощи обратного клапана, a пластина расположена в этой полости с образованием порщневой пары. Л7 насоса (Л ел ...

01-01-1942 дата публикации

Способ повышения производительности компрессоров

Номер: SU61809A1
Автор: Аэров М.Э.

07-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1779789C

18-04-2002 дата публикации

Spiralverdichter mit Flüssigkeitseinspritzung

Номер: DE0069330685T2

28-01-1993 дата публикации

Vorrichtung mit Kühlkreislauf

Номер: DE0004119557C2

31-10-1951 дата публикации

Geblaese, insbesondere Rootsgeblaese mit Gehaeuse- und Laeuferkuehlung

Номер: DE0000819442C

05-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003836643C2

20-10-1988 дата публикации

Cooling arrangement

Номер: DE0003810052A1

A description is given of a cooling arrangement of a machine, for example a scroll-type compressor (1), which has a driving mass (6) that is supported on an eccentric collar (5) of an input shaft (3) via a bearing (10) and can be driven eccentrically at high speeds. In order to be able to reduce the lubricating oil requirement of this bearing (10) without prejudicing its service life, the proposal is to provide a heat tube (25), this being held in the input shaft (3), projecting coaxially to the eccentric collar (5) and being held in an axial bore (26) made in the input shaft (3) from the input side. The heat tube (25) can furthermore expediently be in heat-transmitting contact with lubricant return conduits (19) which carry the lubricant fed to the bearing (10) to an outlet (22). ...

30-04-2003 дата публикации

Gas compressor apparatus, has discharge pulsation reducing cooler with jacket in which cooling passage is formed for conduction of cooling liquid to cool the delivery passage

Номер: DE0010248448A1

A discharge pulsation reducing cooler (B) provided within a compressor has a delivery passage (41) through which compressed gas flows and a jacket (43) covering a portion of the passage. The delivery passage is cooled, by cooling liquid conducted through the cooling passage (42) formed by the jacket.

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Lagerung und Antrieb für einen R718-Verdichter

Номер: DE102018001519A1

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf die Verdichtung von Wasserdampf als R718 insbesondere für die Kälte-, Klima- und Wärmepumpen-Technik. Um das zuverlässige und effiziente Betriebsverhalten zu verbessern bei gleichzeitig geringerem Bauvolumen sowie reduzierten Anschaffungs- und Betriebs-Kosten, werden für eine 2-Wellen-Rotationsverdrängermaschine bei jedem Spindelrotor (2 und 3) erfindungsgemäß Radial- und Axial-Wassergleitlager (6 und 7) auf einer feststehenden durchgehenden Trägerachse (5) mit integriertem Außenläufer-Motor je Spindelrotor (2 und 3) bei elektronischer Motorpaar-Synchronisation (20) vorgeschlagen, wobei Staurohrpumpen (9) an jedem Spindelrotorende das aus den Wassergleitlagern (6 und 7) austretende Wasser aufnehmen und drehzahlabhängig die Wasserpumpe (11) zur Druckwasserversorgung (16 sowie 6.z und 7.z) entlasten, wobei außerdem die Trennung zwischen pals Einlass- und pals Auslass-Druck des Verdichters an der durchgehenden Trägerachse (5) vorzugsweise am Axial-Wassergleit-Widerlager ...

06-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003785192D1
Принадлежит: LEYBOLD AG

The pump (1) has at least one suction space containing a respective rotor pair (8,9) defined between two end plates and a side space containing a synchronising drive (23,24) with two cog wheels. One end of one shaft (2,3) is coupled to the drive motor, (22) with both shafts (2,3) of the vacuum pump (1) arranged vertically. The side space for the synchronisation drive (23,24) and the coupling between the shaft and the drive motor (22) are positioned below the lower must rotor pair (8,9). Pref. the pump inlet (29) lies above the uppermost pump stage and the outlet (36) is below the lowermost pump stage.

18-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003725688A1

28-02-2002 дата публикации

Twin-shaft Roots pump has hollow shafts to carry the lubricating oil for the pair of drive cogwheels, with an oil pump at one shaft

Номер: DE0010040482A1

The twin-shaft Roots pump has at least one pair of claws and a pair of drive cogwheels with oil lubrication. The two shafts (2) are hollow, to carry the lubricating oil. An oil pump (1) is at one shaft, linked to an oil monitor with a short circuit through a bypass.

04-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010302791A1

Bei einem Elektrokompressor mit einem Motor (30) und einem elektrischen Schaltkreis (40), der mit einem Kompressionsbereich (20) zusammengefasst ist, ist ein Teil (42) der elektrischen Bauteile des elektrischen Schaltkreises in Räumen zwischen einer zylindrischen äußeren Fläche eines Motorgehäuses und einer imaginären flachen Fläche (S) angeordnet, die in imaginärer Weise die zylindrische äußeren Fläche berührt. Daher können die Räume wirksam genutzt werden, und kann der Elektrokompressor in seiner Größe klein gestaltet werden. Weiter kann der Teil der elektrischen Bauteile wirksam durch ein Kühlmittel im Motorgehäause gekühlt werden. Andererseits wird die äußere Fläche des Motorgehäuses als eine Fläche (122) verwendet, diei einen inneren Raum eines Gehäuses (131) zur Unterbringung des elektrischen Schaltkreises begrenzt. In diesem Fall kann der elektrische Schaltkreis durch das Kühlmittel im Motorgehäuse wirksam gekühlt werden.

28-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE602004002915T2

18-05-2000 дата публикации

Einrichtung zur Kühlung und Wellenabdichtung eines Verdichters

Номер: DE0019806346C2

11-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0059812093D1

11-12-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002508417A1

28-06-2001 дата публикации

Screw-type vacuum pump has sleeve located between shafts and associated rotors and with sum of wall thicknesses larger than depth of screw threads, the two sleeves having same wall thickness

Номер: DE0019963173A1

The screw-type vacuum pump has two shafts(5,6) each carrying a rotor(1,2) with one or more outer screw threads(3,4). A sleeve(9,10) is located between the shafts and associated rotors and the sum of the wall thicknesses of the sleeves is somewhat larger than the depth of the screw threads. The two sleeves have the same wall thickness. The rotors are over-mounted, and the sleeves may be constructed in two sections. The sleeve may be fitted between one of the two shafts and associated rotor.

12-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0019882987T1

19-06-1930 дата публикации

Drucklufterzeugungsanlage mit mehrstufigem Drehkolbenverdichter

Номер: DE0000500283C

29-09-1988 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003420343C2

25-08-1941 дата публикации

Luftgekuehlter zweistufiger Umlaufverdichter

Номер: DE0000709715C
Принадлежит: DEMAG AG, DEMAG AKT.-GES.

30-03-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003527671C2

03-11-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002027272C2

09-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE502006002979D1

07-06-2017 дата публикации

Dry vacuum scroll pump

Номер: GB0002544968A

A dry scroll vacuum pump comprising a pump housing 12 having a housing inlet 24 and a housing outlet 26, a fixed scroll 22 fixed relative to the pump housing, a drive shaft 14 having an axis 70 and an eccentric shaft portion 16, an orbiting scroll 20 connected to the eccentric shaft portion so that during use rotation of the shaft imparts an orbiting motion to the orbiting scroll relative to the fixed scroll for pumping gas between a mechanism inlet 25 and a mechanism outlet 31 of a scroll mechanism 60 comprising the scrolls, an inlet vacuum region 30 at inlet pressure within the pump housing for conveying gas from the pump inlet to the mechanism inlet during said orbiting motion, a cooling flow path 74 formed inside the orbiting scroll for guiding flow of a cooling fluid 80 for cooling the orbiting scroll, the cooling flow path having a fluid inlet located in the inlet vacuum region, and a sealing arrangement 82 for sealing the fluid inlet from the inlet vacuum region so a cooling fluid ...

24-09-1935 дата публикации

Improved cooling systems for rotary compressors, exhausters and pumps

Номер: GB0000435612A

... 435,612. Rotary compressors ; centrifugal fans. NICHOLS, T. W., 63, Capel Road, Forest Gate, London. Feb. 6, 1935, No. 16804. Divided out of 433,459. [Classes 110 (i) and 110 (ii)] A cooling medium is circulated through the rotor, and may also pass over the outer casing, by means of a fan or impeller or pump. Air enters at k in the hollow shaft h, passes through the hollow rotor d and is sucked out of the part l of the shaft by the fan w, which is bolted between shaft-coupling members s, t. The fan may also have an extension v containing impeller vanes x, to cause a flow of air over the casing c. An outer covering e is secured to the casing c by projections f, which may also act as air baffles. Water may be used to cool the rotor and caused to flow by means of a centrifugal impeller on the outlet side of the hollow shaft. The above cooling means may be combined with the system described in Specification 433,459. If water jacketing is employed for cooling the casing, a single fan w is used ...

19-03-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001387891A

... 1387891 Rotary positive displacement pumps GARDNER-DENVER CO 3 Aug 1972 [5 Nov 1971] 36250/72 Heading FIF A helical screw compressor 10 comprises male and female rotors 12, 14 located in parallel intersecting bores 18, 20, a bearing housing 34 for the rotors providing a low-pressure face 37 with an inlet port 36 and an intermediate housing 30 providing a high-pressure face 32 with an outlet 52, and a capacity control valve including a valve-member 66 axially movable in a bore 64. The valve-member 66 forms a movable wall portion of the working chamber of the compressor and includes a piston 78 integral therewith which has a face 90 which is acted upon by the highpressure of discharged gas in a chamber 54 to open the control valve by forming a vent between the mating surfaces 68, 70 of the housing 16 and valve-member 66. Thus if the hydraulic pressure from the lubrication system to a chamber 81 behind piston 78 fails the valve will be opened by pressure on face 90 so as to minimize the load ...

10-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008618853D0

12-03-1997 дата публикации

An air compressor

Номер: GB0009701416D0

09-08-1935 дата публикации

Improved cooling systems for rotary or reciprocating compressors, exhausters, pumps or engines

Номер: GB0000433459A

... 433,459. Cooling cylinders. NICHOLS, T. W., 63, Capel Road, Forest Gate, London. Feb. 9, 1934, Nos. 4300 and 6716. [Class 7 (ii)] [See also Groups XXVI and XXVIII] Compressed air issues from an injector j<3> and entrains air from the atmosphere which passes through an inlet h3 to a cooling jacket s<2>.

12-01-2005 дата публикации

Screw compressor

Номер: GB0002392738B

12-10-2005 дата публикации

Scroll compressor with hot oil temperature responsive relief of back pressure

Номер: GB0002412945A

A scroll compressor includes a protection device having a valve 59 movable between a position blocking flow from the back pressure chamber 42 into the suction chamber 28 and a position allowing flow. The valve may be bimetallic and movable according to oil temperature in oil return line 50. Under adverse conditions e.g. reverse running or low refrigerant charge the oil temperature is high and the valve allows a flow of refrigerant, likely to be at elevated temperature, into the suction chamber which assists the oil in actuating the motor protection switch 60 to shut down the motor. By relieving the back pressure chamber the scroll members are allowed to separate, thereby reducing potential damage.

08-05-1963 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to rotary pumps and compressors

Номер: GB0000925490A

... 925,490. Rotary compressors. BECKER G.m.b.H. GEB. May 10, 1961 [May 24, 1960], No. 17076/61. Class 110 (2). A rotary sliding vane compressor has a settling chamber 32 formed in its base, downstream of which is a cooler 34 and an oil separator (Fig. 3, not shown). The compressor is lubricated by oil forced into the working chamber and the bearings from an oil tank 19 by a pump 18. 50% of the oil in the delivery air is removed in the settling chamber 32, and flows back to the oil tank 19 under delivery pressure. The cooler 34 consists of cooling chambers 35 connected in series to form a continuous passage, and downstream of this is provided the oil separator comprising a ceramic filter (Fig. 3, not shown) which removes a further 45% of the oil. The compressor, which is driven by a motor 16 through a clutch 15, is provided with a fan 17 which blows cooling air over the cooler, which may alternatively be arranged as an annulus around the fan, and through cooling passages 14 around the working ...

04-02-1981 дата публикации

Oil cooled compressor

Номер: GB2053361A

An oil cooled compressor including a compressor member driven by a motor, an oil tank receiving oil therein and removing oil from the gas discharging out of the compressor member, an oil supplying device for supplying the oil in the oil tank into the compressor member, and a pressure responsive control device for controlling the operation of the compressor member. There are provided a first temperature detector detecting the temperature of the oil, a second temperature detector detecting the temperature of the gas, and a temperature responsive control device restricting the function of the pressure responsive control device in response to the temperatures detected by the first and second temperature detectors.

03-04-2002 дата публикации

Variable speed control of a cooling fan of a variable speed oil-injected screw compressor

Номер: GB0002367333A

A rotor of a single or multi-stage screw compressor 11 is driven by a variable speed motor 12. Oil, or coolant, injected into the compressor for cooling, lubricating and sealing is recycled by passing it through an oil reclaimer 13, an oil cooler, and an oil filter 20. The oil cooler comprises a radiator 17, and fan 18 controlled to run at different speeds by a motor and control unit 19 which processes signals received from a plurality of devices monitoring operating parameters of the compressor, such as the oil temperature at the oil cooler outlet, or such as the input power to the compressor, which may be calculated from the torque and speed of the compressor drive 12 or measured electrically. The motor for the fan 18 is separate from the variable speed motor 12 which drives the compressor rotor, so that the speed of the fan 18 can be adjusted independently to balance the heat rejected to the cooling air with heat rejection to the oil.

19-06-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008511729D0

03-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008429492D0

26-08-1946 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to blowers of the roots and similar type

Номер: GB0000580064A

... 580,064. Roots blowers. GODFREY & PARTNERS, Ltd., SIR G., and THEED, W. D. L. April 27, 1944, No. 7868. [Class 110 (ii)] The blower rotors A are provided with axial passages B, D through which cooling fluid is forced, or sucked by external means, and may also have an internal worm L or vanes A to assist motion of the fluid. Passages E, C<2> are provided in each rotor. The rotors may be. built up of laminations of sheet metal stampings. An oil slinger ring which prevents oil passing along the shaft, may have vanes and assist in exhausting the cooling fluid. Cooling fins K<1> are arranged on the casing K.

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000434133T

15-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000137308T

15-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000187528T

15-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000154102T

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000342446T

25-07-1974 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000316721B

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000336659T

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000343064T

15-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000278110T

15-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000267343T

10-03-1965 дата публикации

Rotary piston compressor with housing and frame cover cooling

Номер: AT0000238873B

15-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000251277T

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Rotary compressor

Номер: AU2018306966A1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

The compression section (12) of this rotary compressor (1) is provided with: an intermediate partition plate (140) disposed between an upper cylinder (121T) and a lower cylinder (121S); an upper vane (127T) for dividing an upper cylinder chamber (130T) formed within the upper cylinder (121T) into an upper suction chamber (131T) and an upper compression chamber (133T); and a lower vane (127S) for dividing a lower cylinder chamber (130S) formed within the lower cylinder (121S) into a lower suction chamber (131S) and a lower compression chamber (133S). The intermediate partition plate (140) has formed therein: an injection hole (140b) for injecting a liquid refrigerant into the upper compression chamber (133T) and the lower compression chamber (133S); and an injection passage (140a) for supplying a liquid refrigerant to the injection hole (140b). The injection passage (140a) is formed along a straight line (141) not intersecting a rotating shaft insertion hole (123) into which a rotating shaft ...

26-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002363666A1

11-06-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006468680A

02-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003234835A1

12-02-2009 дата публикации

Asymmetric porting for multi-rotor screw compressor

Номер: AU2003204426B2
Автор: Holden, Steven James

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Compression refrigeration machine having a spindle compressor

Номер: AU2015270514B2
Принадлежит: IP SOLVED (ANZ) PTY. LTD.

The invention relates to a spindle compressors without operating fluid in the working chamber, comprising a 2-tooth spindle rotor (2) and a 3-tooth spindle rotor (3) in a surrounding compressor housing (8) and having preferably non-parallel axes of rotation of the two spindle rotors, in particular for use in compression refrigeration machines. According to the invention, in order to improve the efficiency while providing flexible power adaptation, a multi-stage spindle compressor (1) whose compressor housing (8) and whose spindle rotors (2 and 3) are cooled by means of a partial-flow branch-off (25) of liquid refrigerant (39) from the main refrigerant circuit (24) is used as a refrigerant compressor, wherein the compressor housing (8) is cooled in a controlled manner by means of refrigerant evaporation (9), the refrigerant vapor subsequently being fed to the inlet (10), and, for power adaptation, there are, in addition to the inlet feed (11), also post-inlet feeds (12) into the working ...

06-10-1994 дата публикации

Scroll type compressor with injection mechanism

Номер: AU0000653590B2

07-09-1995 дата публикации

A pump

Номер: AU0000662590B2

22-07-2021 дата публикации

Rotary compressor

Номер: AU2018306966B2

The compression section (12) of this rotary compressor (1) is provided with: an intermediate partition plate (140) disposed between an upper cylinder (121T) and a lower cylinder (121S); an upper vane (127T) for dividing an upper cylinder chamber (130T) formed within the upper cylinder (121T) into an upper suction chamber (131T) and an upper compression chamber (133T); and a lower vane (127S) for dividing a lower cylinder chamber (130S) formed within the lower cylinder (121S) into a lower suction chamber (131S) and a lower compression chamber (133S). The intermediate partition plate (140) has formed therein: an injection hole (140b) for injecting a liquid refrigerant into the upper compression chamber (133T) and the lower compression chamber (133S); and an injection passage (140a) for supplying a liquid refrigerant to the injection hole (140b). The injection passage (140a) is formed along a straight line (141) not intersecting a rotating shaft insertion hole (123) into which a rotating shaft ...

31-07-2003 дата публикации

Rotary piston compressor with an axial direction of delivery

Номер: AU0000763843B2

29-03-2001 дата публикации

Compressor assembly

Номер: AU0000731455B2

26-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002406554C

The invention presented here relates to an arrangement for controlling the flow of coolant fluid in compressors, in particular in rotary compressors, which comprises the following: a coolant-fluid intake for coolant fluid discharged from the compressor and a coolant-fluid output for returning the coolant fluid into the compressor, a fluid cooler through which when necessary part of the coolant fluid can be directed for cooling, wherein a system-control actuator controls the magnitude of the part of the current of cooling fluid that is directed through the fluid cooler on the basis of system parameters, in particular on the basis of the temperature of the coolant fluid, by means of a fluid-control device. In addition a summer-/winter-operation actuator is provided, which can take priority over the system-control actuator so that in a summer position it completely or partially eliminates the action of the system-control actuator, in such a way that when the summer-/winter-operation actuator ...

08-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1156627A

A rotary compressor is provided with annular oil traps between rotor bearings and the working chamber at the intake and discharge end thereof. The traps are maintained under low pressure generally equal to the intake pressure of the compressor The oil traps communicate with a point near the intake of the compressor, whereby any trapped oil can be returned, either directly or through a storage container, to the lubricating oil feeding system. The discharge of the compressor is provided with a pressurized separator in which the oil carried through the compressor by the compressed gas is trapped and returned back to the lubricating system. The advance in the art is in that only short and relatively inefficient packing of the shaft will suffice because any oil leaking through the shaft bearings is safely recirculated.

03-06-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA968766A

24-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002594440A1

A scroll compressor having a fixed scroll member and an orbiting scroll member for compressing a working fluid where one or both of the scroll members are cooled to absorb heat created during the operation of the compressor. The compressor includes a cooling circuit for circulating a cooling fluid through a passage in the fixed scroll member which absorbs heat from the fixed scroll member. The cooling fluid is then pumped through the cooling circuit by a pump, cooled in a heat exchanger, and recirculated through the fixed scroll member. The compressor further includes a cooling circuit for circulating a cooling fluid through a passage in thermal communication with the orbiting scroll member. In other embodiments, heat pipes and/or thermosyphons are mounted to the fixed scroll member, orbiting scroll member and/or crankcase to absorb heat therefrom.

09-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001222733A1

25-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002426179A1

A fluid power transfer device (20) includes a wobble plate assembly (26) having a wobble plate (58) that rolls against truncated cone portions (42) of a housing (22) and has an inner extremity 60) rotatably supported by an axially inclined annular bearing (49), 49') on a spherical member (46) of the wobble plate assembly so as to rotate a shaft (24) during the wobbling motion. One embodiment includes a journal bearing (49) and an oil lubrication system (114) and another embodiment includes antifriction roller bearings (220) that support the wobble plate (58) on the spherical member (46), antifriction roller bearings (224) that rotatively support the shaft (24) on the housing (22') and seals (226) that rotatively seal between the shaft (24) and the housing (22'). The fluid power transfer device can be used as an internal combustion engine, a heat engine, a pump, a compressor or a fluid motor.

30-04-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000946342A1

24-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000995475A1

26-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001259970A1

10-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003000501A1

The invention relates to a compressor system with a system housing, in which heat generating system components are arranged comprising at least one compressor stage for compressing a gaseous medium. In addition, the compressor system has an air water cooler, a blower which generates a cooling air flow, and air conducting elements, which conduct the heated air from the system components to the air water cooler. In accordance with the invention, a cooling air channel is configured which has an inlet opening in the upper section of the system housing and an outlet opening in the lower section of the system housing, wherein upper air conducting elements are positioned in order to conduct the cooling air flow after flowing through the air water cooler to the inlet opening, and lower air conducting elements are positioned in order to conduct the cooling air flow from the outlet opening to the system components.

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003006510A1

Method for controlling the liquid injection of a compressor device (1), whereby this compressor device comprises at least one compressor element (2), whereby the compressor element (2) comprises a housing (3) that comprises a compression space (4) in which at least one rotor (7) is rotatably affixed by means of bearings (8), whereby liquid is injected into the compressor element (2), characterised in that the method comprises the step of providing two independent separated liquid supplies to the compressor element (2), whereby one liquid supply is injected into the compression space (4) and the other liquid supply is injected at the location of the bearings (8).

29-09-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001227468A1

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Compressor with liquid injection cooling

Номер: US20120051958A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A positive displacement compressor designed for near isothermal compression. A rotor includes a curved sealing portion that coincides with a in an interior rotor casing wall. Liquid injectors provide cooling liquid. A gate moves within the compression chamber to either make contact with or be proximate to the rotor as it turns. Gate positioning systems position the gate in this manner, taking into account the shape of the rotor. Outlet valves allow for expulsion of liquids and compressed gas. The unique geometry and relationship between the parts provides for efficiencies and higher pressures not previously found in existing compressor designs.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Displacement Pump with Internal Compression

Номер: US20120171068A1
Автор: Ralf Steffens
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a dry-compressing dual-shaft rotary displacement screw spindle pump machine for delivering and compressing gases. The spindle rotor pair therein includes multiple stages, having a primary delivery thread, a secondary delivery thread and a gas outlet collector chamber therebetween. The primary delivery thread head circle diameter decreases in the gas outlet direction, while the foot circle diameter thereof increases correspondingly for an application-specific matching inner “integral” compression ratio. The secondary delivery thread nominal delivery direction is opposite to the primary delivery thread nominal delivery direction. The secondary delivery thread is implemented such that the actual gas flow direction is opposite to the nominal delivery direction thereof, and is always directed away from the gas outlet plenum, having a gas permeation under ambient pressure just as the space in the gearbox. A control gas delivery stage is additionally provided for very high operating pressures.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Compressor and Refrigerating Cycle Apparatus

Номер: US20120301334A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Appliances Inc

In a conventional compressor, since a motor and a mechanical section of the compressor are disposed in one and the same closed container, the motor is exposed to high-temperature coolant and heated, and the efficiency of the motor is lowered. Further, during the operation of the compressor, the coolant circulating in the refrigerating cycle conveys additional heat generated by the motor coil. Thus the efficiency of the refrigerating cycle is lowered. The compressor according to the present invention includes a compression chamber divided into a closed chamber and an open chamber separated by a magnetic induction plate from each other. The closed chamber is filled with high temperature and pressure coolant and the rotor of the motor is disposed in the closed chamber, and the stator of the motor is disposed in the open chamber.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Structure for fixing electric part for motor-driven compressor

Номер: US20130021753A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Industries Corp

An electric part fixing structure for a motor-driven compressor includes an electric part having a plurality of leads and a guide member for positioning the leads. The guide member is made of a plastic and has a guide hole through which the lead is passed.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Scroll fluid machine

Номер: US20130149179A1
Автор: Junichi Asami, Toru Sato
Принадлежит: Anest Iwata Corp

A disc-like spacer arranged below a first roller bearing rotatably supporting a driven crankshaft that forms an anti-rotation system is formed with a plurality of notches in the circumferential direction. A spot face is provided to face the outer circumferential surface of the spacer, and communication holes and are drilled on the outer circumferential side of the spot face to extend in the axial direction of the scroll. Also formed is a communication hole communicating the communication hole with the first roller bearing via the notches. A grease nipple is mounted to the communication hole. To replenish grease, the fixed scroll is removed from the housing such that the orbiting scroll is exposed, and grease is injected from the grease nipple into the first roller bearing with a grease gun.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209299A1

A positive displacement rotary compressor is designed for near isothermal compression, high pressure ratios, high revolutions per minute, high efficiency, mixed gas/liquid compression, a low temperature increase, a low outlet temperature, and/or a high outlet pressure. Liquid injectors provide cooling liquid that cools the working fluid and improves the efficiency of the compressor. A gate moves within the compression chamber to either make contact with or be proximate to the rotor as it turns. 1. A method of operating a compressor having a casing defining a compression chamber and a rotatable drive shaft configured to drive the compressor , the method comprising: (1) a speed of the drive shaft relative to the casing is at least 450 rpm, and', '(2) a pressure ratio of the compressor is at least 15:1; and, 'compressing a working fluid using the compressor such that'}injecting liquid coolant into the compression chamber during said compressing.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the compressor comprises a positive displacement rotary compressor that includes a rotor connected to the drive shaft for rotation with the drive shaft relative to the casing.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein: moving the working fluid into the compression chamber through an inlet port in the compression chamber, and', 'expelling compressed working fluid out of the compression chamber through an outlet port in the compression chamber; and, 'the compressing comprises'}the pressure ratio comprises a ratio of (a) an absolute inlet pressure of the working fluid at the inlet port, to (b) an absolute outlet pressure of the working fluid expelled from the compression chamber through the outlet port.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the speed is between 450 and 1800 rpm.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the speed is greater than 600 rpm.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein said pressure ratio is between 15:1 and 100:1.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein said pressure ratio is at least 20:1.8. The method ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Double-screw liquid pump

Номер: US20130236334A1
Автор: Yan Tang

A double-screw liquid pump is provided, which is applicable to an Organic Rankin Cycle (ORC). The double-screw liquid pump includes a semi-sealed or fully sealed shell, and the shell includes a first cavity and a second cavity isolated from each other. A motor is disposed in the first cavity, and a main body part of a double-screw is disposed in the second cavity. At least one rotor of the double-screw is fixedly connected to a rotor of the motor, and the double-screw rotates through driving of the motor. A liquid refrigerant injection inlet and a refrigerant outlet are disposed on the first cavity, and the motor is cooled through evaporation of a liquid refrigerant; a liquid inlet and a liquid outlet are disposed on the second cavity. In the double-screw liquid pump applied to the ORC provided in the present invention, since a resistance torque of the female rotor is very small, the liquid pump does not wear even when the liquid viscosity is very low, contributing to good reliability, and thereby improving power generation efficiency of the ORC. In addition, the semi-sealed or fully sealed shell can effectively prevent leakage of the refrigerant.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Suction duct with stabilizing ribs

Номер: US20130251562A1
Принадлежит: Bitzer Kuehlmaschinenbau GmbH and Co KG

A suction duct for a compressor such as a scroll compressor may include a plastic ring body with a metal screen heat staked in a window of the ring body to filter refrigerant gas entering the motor cavity. The ring body may be in surrounding relation of the motor and resiliently compressed in the housing through intermittent contact with the inner housing surface to better seal around the inlet port. Oil drain channels and stabilizing ribs may be along the outside surface of the ring body.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130294957A1

A pump comprises a rotor arrangement and a stator arrangement. The stator arrangement comprises a first part made from a corrosive resistant material which defines a volume which in use is swept by the rotor arrangement for pumping fluid from an inlet to an outlet of the stator arrangement. A second part of the stator arrangement is made from a thermally conductive material which envelopes the first part so that heat generated in the first part can be transferred to the second part at the interface surface between the two parts. The second part has formed therein at least one duct for conveying a liquid coolant through the second part so that heat can be transferred from the second part to the liquid coolant for cooling the stator arrangement. 1. A vacuum pump comprising a rotor arrangement and a stator arrangement , the stator arrangement comprising a first part made from a corrosive resistant material defining a volume which in use is swept by the rotor arrangement for pumping fluid from an inlet to an outlet of the stator arrangement , and a second part made from a thermally conductive material which envelopes the first part so that heat generated in the first part can be transferred to the second part at the interface surface between the two parts , the second part having formed therein at least one duct for conveying a liquid coolant through the second part so that heat can be transferred from the second part to the liquid coolant for cooling the stator arrangement.2. The pump as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second part is a casting formed around the first part to provide intimate contact between the first and second parts to improve the transfer/conduction of heat from the first part to the second part.3. The pump as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said at least one duct is formed in the second part by one or more tubes made from a thermally conductive material which is resistant to corrosion by the liquid and the second part is a casting around the tube to ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302197A1

The scroll refrigeration compressor includes a sealed casing, stationary and moving volutes including spiral wraps engaged in one another and defining the variable-volume compression chambers, a delivery chamber defined by the plate of the stationary volute and the sealed casing, a heat shield disposed in the delivery chamber and dividing the delivery chamber into a first volume defined by the plate of the stationary volute and the heat shield and a second volume defined by the heat shield and the sealed casing, and at least one flow passage arranged to communicate the first and second volumes. The compressor further includes at least one bypass passage arranged to communicate the first volume with an intermediate compression chamber, and at least one bypass valve disposed in the first volume and movable between closing and opening positions for closing and opening the corresponding bypass passage. 1. A scroll refrigeration compressor comprising:a sealed casing;a stationary volute sealably fixed on the sealed casing and a moving volute following an orbital movement, each volute including a plate from which a spiral wrap extends, the spiral wraps of the stationary and moving volutes being engaged in one another and defining the variable-volume compression chambers,a delivery chamber defined by the plate of the stationary volute and the sealed casing,a heat shield having a plate-shape, the heat shield being disposed in the delivery chamber and being mounted on the plate of the stationary volute, the heat shield dividing the delivery chamber into a first volume defined by the plate of the stationary volute and the heat shield and a second volume defined by the heat shield and the sealed casing,at least one flow passage arranged to communicate the first and second volumes,wherein the flow passage is at least partially defined by the inner wall of the sealed casing and the outer peripheral edge of the heat shield, and the compressor further comprises:at least one bypass ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Compressor assembly with directed suction

Номер: US20140069139A1
Принадлежит: Emerson Climate Technologies Inc

A compressor may include a shell assembly, a compression mechanism and a conduit. The shell assembly may include a fitting through which fluid is received from outside of the compressor. The compression mechanism may be disposed within a chamber defined by the shell assembly. The conduit may extend through the chamber between the fitting and a suction inlet of the compression mechanism and transmit at least a portion of the fluid from the fitting to the suction inlet. The conduit may include an inlet that may be spaced apart from the fitting and an outlet that may engage the compression mechanism.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220003234A1

An oil-free water-injected screw air compressor comprises a housing that encloses two rotors for generating compressed air, an air water separator for separating the water from the compressed air. Injecting water during compression can remove the heat of compression and thus enhance efficiency of compression. However, injecting water may complicate bearing lubrication. According to the present subject matter, these challenges are tackled using a sealing system for isolation of bearing lubricant from water used for cooling. 1. A screw compression device comprising:a housing defining a working space in which air is to be compressed;a male screw rotor disposed in the working space;a female screw rotor disposed in the working space, wherein an intermeshing of the male screw rotor and the female screw rotor causes compression of air;a separator tank to separate air and water in an air-water mixture and to supply water to the working space for cooling the working space; a first bearing to support at least one of: the male screw rotor and the female screw rotor;', 'a lubricant sump to store lubricant for lubrication of the first bearing;', 'a first gear coupled to one of: the female screw rotor and the male screw rotor; and', 'a lubricant splasher coupled to the first gear, wherein the lubricant splasher comprises a groove to collect lubricant from the lubricant sump and splash the collected lubricant on the first bearing during rotation of the first gear;, 'a first bearing chamber displaced from the working space in an axial direction of the screw compression device and comprising a ring seal;', 'a first labyrinth seal;', 'a second labyrinth seal, and', the first annular space is connected to a low-pressure point on the working space that is to be maintained at a pressure lower than that of the first bearing chamber,', 'the second annular space is supplied with compressed air from a compressed-air source through a flow regulator, and', 'the third annular space is open to ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001791A1

The present application discloses an air compression device, including a housing in which an air compressor is stored, the air compressor being configured to generate compressed air; and a filter through which air passes, the air being sucked into the housing. The filter may include a plate member having a first main plate portion provided with air holes through which the air passes. A surface of the first main plate portion is oriented in a first direction, the air holes extending through the plate member in a second direction intersecting with the first direction so as to change a flow direction of the air. 1. An air compression device , comprising:a housing in which an air compressor is stored, the air compressor being configured to generate compressed air; anda filter through which air passes, the air being sucked into the housing,wherein the filter includes a plate member having a first main plate portion provided with air holes through which the air passes, andwherein a surface of the first main plate portion is oriented in a first direction, the air holes extending through the plate member in a second direction intersecting with the first direction so as to change a flow direction of the air.2. The air compression device according to claim 1 ,wherein the filter includes a second main plate portion aligned with the plate member in a third direction different from the first and second directions, andwherein the second direction has a first intersection angle with an imaginary plane which perpendicularly intersects with the first direction.3. The air compression device according to claim 2 ,wherein the air holes in the first main plate portion include a first air hole, and a second air hole aligned with the first air hole in a fourth direction along the surface of the plate member,wherein the second main plate portion includes a third air hole extending in a fifth direction having a second intersection angle with the fourth direction, and a fourth air hole ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002818A1
Автор: Stover Robert C.

A compressor includes a housing, a partition, a first scroll, a second scroll, and a valve assembly disposed within the second scroll. The valve assembly includes a valve housing, a valve body, and a first biasing member configured to displace the valve body from a first position to a second position relative to the valve housing. When in the first position, the valve body inhibits fluid communication between a fluid source and one of a series of compression pockets formed by the first and second scroll. When in the second position, the valve body allows fluid communication between the conduit and one or more of the series of compression pockets. The valve body is displaceable between the first and second positions in response to a change in operating temperature of the compressor. 1. A compressor comprising:a housing;a partition disposed within the housing, the partition defining a suction chamber and a discharge chamber, and including a discharge passage in fluid communication with the discharge chamber;a first scroll supported within said housing and including a first endplate having a first spiral wrap extending therefrom;a second scroll supported within said housing and including a second endplate having a first side, a second side opposite the first side, and an injection passage, the first side having a second spiral wrap extending therefrom and meshingly engaged with said first spiral wrap to form a series of compression pockets, the injection passage being in fluid communication with at least one of said series of compression pockets; andan injection system including a conduit and a valve assembly, the conduit having a first end in fluid communication with a fluid source, and a second end in fluid communication with the injection passage, the valve assembly including a valve housing, a valve body, and a first biasing member configured to displace the valve body from a first position to a second position relative to the valve housing, said valve body ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Liquid ring compressor

Номер: US20150017027A1
Автор: Gad Assaf
Принадлежит: Agam Energy Systems Ltd

A liquid-ring, rotating-casing compressor comprises a shaft carrying an impeller having a core and a plurality of radially extending vanes rotatably coupled to the shaft for rotation around a first axis, and a tubular casing mounted for rotation relative to the impeller around a second axis that is parallel to and offset from the first axis. The casing and impeller define a compression zone wherein edges of the vanes rotate in increasing proximity to an inner surface of the casing and an expansion zone wherein edges of the vanes rotate in increasing spaced-apart relationship along an inner surface of the casing. An inlet port communicates with the expansion zone, an outlet port communicates with the compression zone, and a drive imparts rotating motion to the casing. The eccentricity ecr of the casing relative to the impeller is between about (1−c)/4 and (1−c)/9, preferably less than half (1−c)/3.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034316A1

A compressor includes a shell, a compression mechanism and a fitting. The shell includes an opening and defines a chamber. The compression mechanism is disposed within the chamber of the shell. The fitting is attached to the shell at the opening. Working fluid flowing through the fitting flows to the compression mechanism. The opening is partially defined by a first edge and a second edge. The first edge includes a first planar surface and the second edge includes a second planar surface that faces the first planar surface. A first portion of the fitting extends at least partially into the opening and a second portion of the fitting abuts against the first and second edges. 1. A compressor comprising:a shell including an opening and defining a chamber;a compression assembly disposed within the chamber of the shell; anda fitting attached to the shell at the opening, working fluid flowing through the fitting flows to the compression assembly,wherein the opening is partially defined by a first edge and a second edge, the first edge includes a first planar surface and the second edge includes a second planar surface that faces the first planar surface, a first portion of the fitting extends at least partially into the opening and a second portion of the fitting abuts against the first and second edges.2. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein the opening is a non-circular shape.3. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein the opening has opposing arcuate surfaces claim 1 , and wherein an outer diametrical surface of the fitting abuts against at least one of the opposing arcuate surfaces.4. The compressor of claim 3 , wherein the opposing arcuate surfaces and the first and second edges cooperate to define a circular shape.5. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein the fitting is a suction fitting claim 1 , and wherein working fluid flowing through the suction fitting flows to the compression assembly.6. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein the first portion of the fitting is a first ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Dry Dual-Scroll Vacuum Pump

Номер: US20220034321A1

A dry dual-scroll vacuum pump includes a driving assembly and an upper cover located above the driving assembly, wherein the driving assembly includes an output shaft, and a movable disk is eccentrically arranged on the output shaft; two groups of first scroll teeth that are centrally symmetrical are arranged on a side of the movable disk that faces the upper cover; a fixed disk is arranged at a lower end of the upper cover, second scroll teeth that are in one-to-one correspondence with the first scroll teeth are arranged on the fixed disk, and the first scroll teeth are meshed with the second scroll teeth to form a compression cavity; and the upper cover is further provided with an air inlet and an air outlet, which correspond to the compression cavity. 11666246. A dry dual-scroll vacuum pump , characterized by comprising a driving assembly and an upper cover located above the driving assembly , wherein the driving assembly comprises an output shaft () , and a movable disk () eccentrically arranged on the output shaft (); two groups of first scroll teeth () that are centrally symmetrical are arranged on a side of the movable disk () that faces the upper cover;{'b': 4', '23', '24', '4', '24', '23', '5', '1, 'a fixed disk () is arranged at a lower end of the upper cover, second scroll teeth () that are in one-to-one correspondence with the first scroll teeth () are arranged on the fixed disk (), and the first scroll teeth () are meshed with the second scroll teeth () to form a compression cavity; and the upper cover is further provided with an air inlet () and an air outlet (), which correspond to the compression cavity.'}224232121244236. The dry dual-scroll vacuum pump according to claim 1 , characterized in that a tooth tip of each of the first scroll teeth () and the second scroll teeth () is provided with a sealing groove () claim 1 , the sealing groove () is internally provided with an elastic sealing material claim 1 , the first scroll teeth () and the fixed ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034323A1

The present disclosure provides a pumping assembly, a compressor and air conditioning equipment. The pumping assembly includes a first structural body, a rolling bearing assembly, a second structural body, a third structural body and a main shaft passing through the first structural body, the rolling bearing assembly, the second structural body and the third structural body. The pumping assembly includes: a first lubricating oil path passing through a second structural part, the sliding sheet backpressure cavity, a third structural part, a second structural part and a rolling body of the rolling bearing assembly; a second lubricating oil path passing through the sliding sheet backpressure cavity and a first pressure relieving groove of the first structural body; and a third lubricating oil path passing through the sliding sheet backpressure cavity, the first structural part and the rolling body of the rolling bearing assembly. 1. A pumping assembly , comprising a first structural body , a rolling bearing assembly , a second structural body , a third structural body and a main shaft , wherein the main shaft sequentially passes through the first structural body , the rolling bearing assembly , the second structural body and the third structural body , and the pumping assembly comprising a plurality of lubricating oil paths , wherein the plurality of lubricating oil paths at least comprises:a first lubricating oil path passing through the second structural body, a sliding sheet backpressure cavity of a rotor structure of the main shaft, the third structural body, the second structural body and a rolling body of the rolling bearing assembly;a second lubricating oil path passing through the sliding sheet backpressure cavity of the rotor structure of the main shaft and a first structural body pressure relieving groove of the first structural body; anda third lubricating oil path passing through the sliding sheet backpressure cavity of the rotor structure of the main shaft ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017061A1

The present disclosure provides a compressor system operable for compressing a working fluid such as air. A conditioner is positioned upstream of the compressor to reduce the humidity and may in certain forms control a temperature of the working fluid entering the compressor. An aftercooler and an oil cooler is positioned downstream of the compressor. A first heat exchange system may direct water from a source through the conditioner to the aftercooler and oil cooler. An oil heat exchange circuit directs oil from the compressor to the oil cooler and then to a regenerator prior to reentry into the compressor. A control system is operable for controlling portions of compressor system to provide inlet air to the compressor at a desired temperature and humidity. 1. A compressor system comprising:a fluid compressor operable for compressing a compressible fluid including a mixture of air;a lubrication supply system operable for supplying oil to the compressor;a dehumidifier operable for removing moisture from a compressible working fluid upstream of the fluid compressor, the dehumidifier including a conditioner and a regenerator;an oil cooler configured to cool oil downstream of the fluid compressor;an aftercooler configured to cool compressed air downstream of the fluid compressor; anda cooling circuit having a cooling fluid passing through the conditioner, the oil cooler and the aftercooler.2. The compressor system of claim 1 , wherein the cooling circuit includes water.3. The compressor system of claim 1 , wherein the cooling fluid in the cooling circuit exits the conditioner and enters the oil cooler and aftercooler in parallel.4. The compressor system of claim 1 , wherein the cooling fluid in the cooling circuit enters the conditioner claim 1 , the oil cooler and the aftercooler in parallel from a water inlet conduit.5. The compressor system of further comprising a dehumidifier heat exchange fluid circuit defined through the conditioner claim 1 , an economizer and ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017062A1

The present disclosure provides a compressor system operable for compressing a working fluid such as air. A conditioner is positioned upstream of the compressor to reduce the humidity and in some embodiments may control a temperature of the working fluid entering the compressor. A working fluid aftercooler and a lubricant cooler is positioned downstream of the compressor. A first heat exchange system directs water from a source through the conditioner and then to the aftercooler and oil cooler in parallel. A second heat exchange system directs oil from the compressor to the oil cooler and then to a regenerator prior to reentry into the compressor. A control system with one or more control valves is configured to provide oil to the compressor at a target temperature defined to ensure that the temperature of the discharged compressor is above a pressure dew point temperature. 1. A compressor system comprising:a fluid compressor operable to compress a compressible working fluid;a dehumidifier operable for removing moisture from the compressible working fluid upstream of the fluid compressor, the dehumidifier including a conditioner and a regenerator;a lubrication supply system operable for supplying oil to the compressor;an oil cooler configured to cool oil downstream of the fluid compressor;an aftercooler configured to cool compressed air downstream of the fluid compressor;a controller operable for determining a target temperature of a compressed working fluid discharged from the compressor;a control valve operably coupled to the controller and in fluid communication with the oil cooler; andwherein the control valve controls an oil flow rate through the oil cooler such that oil is supplied to the compressor at a predetermined temperature effective to produce compressed working fluid at the target temperature.2. The compressor system of claim 1 , wherein the target temperature is the pressure dew point temperature of the working fluid plus a predetermined margin of ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017995A1

Oil-injected screw compressor installation including a frame or underframe (), a screw compressor element (), electrical cabinet (), oil separator vessel () and an air-cooled cooling module (), with as characteristic that on one side () of the frame (), the screw compressor element () is placed horizontally and with the electrical cabinet (), the oil separator vessel () and the air-cooled cooling module () being placed on the other side () of the frame (), with the cooling module () being placed such that this is perpendicular to the compressor element () and the air () sucked in by the cooling module () will flow between the electrical cabinet () and the cooling module (). 16-. (canceled)72365822365822839868778ab. An oil-injected screw compressor installation including a frame or underframe () , a screw compressor element () , electrical cabinet () , oil separator vessel () and an air-cooled cooling module () , wherein on one side () of the frame () , the screw compressor element () is placed horizontally and with the electrical cabinet () , the oil separator vessel () and the air-cooled cooling module () being placed on the other side () of the frame () , with the cooling module () being placed such that this is laterally over and perpendicular to the compressor element () and the air () sucked in by the cooling module () will flow between the electrical cabinet () and the cooling module (); and that the oil-injected screw compressor installation is further provided with a minimum pressure valve () with this minimum pressure valve () being mounted on the air-cooled cooling module ().811. The oil-injected screw compressor installation according to claim 7 , further comprising a valve manifold () in which all oil filters and thermostats are contained.911223a. The oil-injected screw compressor installation according to claim 8 , wherein the valve manifold () is on the same side () of the underframe () as the screw compressor element () is.10132. Oil-injected screw ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Pump apparatus

Номер: US20200018309A1
Принадлежит: Nidec Tosok Corp

A pump apparatus includes a motor that rotates a shaft, and a pump that is driven by the shaft, suctions an oil, and delivers the oil to the motor. The pump apparatus includes a first flow channel to suction an oil into the pump through a suction port provided in a pump cover using a negative pressure in the pump, a second flow channel to deliver an oil to the inside of the motor through a delivery port provided in a pump body using pressurization of the pump, a third flow channel provided between a stator and a rotor, a fourth flow channel provided between the stator and a housing, and a fifth flow channel to discharge an oil inside the motor through a discharge port provided in the housing.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018313A1

A scroll fluid machine includes a compressor body having a first scroll and a second scroll which form a compression chamber, a cover forming an air guiding space by covers at least a portion of the compressor body, and a blower fan supplying cooling air to at least one of the first scroll and the second scroll. A portion of the cooling air is supercharged into the intake port via the air guiding space whereby satisfactory compression efficiency is achieved with a simple configuration. 1. A scroll fluid machine comprising:a housing;a fixed scroll which is fixed to the housing and in which a spiral groove formed by a fixed wrap formed on a fixed end plate is blocked by a partition wall that partitions a low-pressure-side compression chamber and a high-pressure-side compression chamber;a revolving scroll which is accommodated in the housing so as to face the fixed scroll to form the low-pressure-side compression chamber and the high-pressure-side compression chamber together with the fixed scroll and is resolvable supported by a driving shaft;a cover that forms an air guiding space between the fixed scroll and the cover so that a portion of cooling air supplied to at least one of the fixed scroll and the revolving scroll can be introduced into the air guiding space;and an intermediate cooler configured to cool pressurized gas discharged from the low-pressure-side compression chamber by heat exchange with the cooling air in the air guiding space so that the cooled pressurized gas is returned to the high-pressure-side compression chamber.2. The scroll fluid machine according to claim 1 , whereinthe intermediate cooler includes a radiating pipe arranged in the air guiding space so as to connect a low-pressure-side discharge port of the low-pressure-side compression chamber and a high-pressure-side inlet port of the high-pressure-side compression chamber.3. The scroll fluid machine according to claim 2 , whereinthe radiating pipe is arranged to be folded back on an inner ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150023811A1

A compressor includes a compression mechanism drawing in, compressing and discharging fluid and a housing accommodating therein the compression mechanism. The housing has therein a discharge chamber into which the fluid compressed by the compression mechanism is discharged. A silencing and cooling device is provided in the discharge chamber to cool the fluid discharged in the discharge chamber and reduce pressure fluctuation. A dispersion wall is provided in the discharge chamber on downstream side of the discharge chamber that is opposite from an inflow port with respect to flowing direction of the discharged fluid. The dispersion wall is disposed to cover a part of the silencing and cooling device and cover at least a part of the inflow port. 1. A compressor comprising:a compression mechanism drawing in, compressing and discharging fluid; anda housing accommodating therein the compression mechanism and having therein a discharge chamber into which the fluid compressed by the compression mechanism is discharged, wherein a silencing and cooling device is provided in the discharge chamber to cool the fluid discharged in the discharge chamber and reduce pressure fluctuation, wherein a dispersion wall is provided in the discharge chamber on downstream side of the discharge chamber that is opposite from an inflow port for the fluid from the compression mechanism to the discharge chamber with respect to the silencing and cooling device, wherein the dispersion wall is disposed to cover a part of the silencing and cooling device and cover at least a part of the inflow port.2. The compressor according to claim 1 , wherein the dispersion wall is disposed with a gap between the dispersion wall and the silencing and cooling device set at such a dimension that the air pressure in a part of the silencing and cooling device facing the dispersion wall is greater than that in the other part of the silencing and cooling device.3. The compressor according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Screw compressor

Номер: US20150023826A1
Принадлежит: Atlas Copco Airpower NV

Screw compressor with a compression chamber that is formed by a compression housing, in which a pair of meshed helical compressor rotors in the form of a screw are rotatably mounted and with a drive motor that is provided with a motor chamber formed by a motor housing, in which a motor shaft is rotatably mounted, and this motor shaft drives at least one of the aforementioned two compressor rotors, whereby the compression housing and the motor housing are connected directly together to form a compressor housing, whereby the motor chamber and the compression chamber are not sealed off from one another and whereby the rotor shafts of the compressor rotors, as well as the motor shaft, extend along axial directions that are oblique or transverse to the horizontal plane.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Pump assembly having integrated controller and motor with internal active cooling

Номер: US20180023565A1

A pump assembly and a method for cooling the same are disclosed. The pump assembly includes a pump, a controller, and a driven electric motor. The pump and the electric motor are on opposing axial sides of the controller. The assembly also has a heat conductive plate positioned between the pump and the controller that conducts heat from the controller. A transfer passage is provided for receiving pressurized fluid output from the pump and to direct the fluid along and in contact with the heat conductive plate to conduct heat therefrom into the pressurized fluid. An outlet passage communicates with the assembly outlet to discharge the pressurized fluid.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030468A1

Compressor device that comprises a compressor element that is equipped with a compression chamber with at least one coolant inlet, and which furthermore comprises a gas outlet, a gas/coolant separation tank connected to it, and, a cooling circuit with a cooler that extends between the separation tank and the coolant inlet, and which is equipped with control means to adjust the temperature of the coolant flow supplied to the compressor element, whereby the aforementioned control means comprise a first and a second sub-controller, each with a different target parameter, whereby the control means also comprise switching means to place one of the two sub-controllers in an activated state and the other sub-controller in a deactivated state. 127-. (canceled)28. A compressor device that comprises a liquid-injected compressor element that is equipped with a compression chamber with at least one coolant inlet , and which furthermore comprises a gas outlet , a gas/coolant separation tank connected to the gas outlet , and a cooling circuit equipped with a cooler that extends between the separation tank and the coolant inlet , and which is equipped with control means to adjust the temperature of the coolant flow supplied to the compressor element , wherein the aforementioned control means comprise a first and a second sub-controller , each with a different target parameter , whereby the aforementioned control means also comprise switching means to place one of the two sub-controllers in an activated state and the other of the two sub-controllers in a deactivated state.29. The compressor device according to claim 28 , wherein the aforementioned first sub-controller is constructed in the form of a controller of the temperature of the coolant at the inlet of the cooler or a temperature practically equal to it.30. The compressor device according to claim 28 , wherein the aforementioned second sub-controller is constructed in the form of a controller of the temperature of the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030983A1
Автор: Lee In Cheol

The present invention relates to a technology of efficiently cooling a vacuum pump that produces a vacuum in a process chamber of a semiconductor manufacturing facility. The present invention provides a new type of vaccum pump cooling method that keeps the internal temperature of a vacuum pump at a predetermined level by circulating oil through rotors of the vacuum pump, such that it is possible to prevent a rapid increase in the temperature of the vacuum pump and smoothly lubricate bearings at the early stage of operation, whereby it is possible to ensure stability when performing processes and operating the pump and economically maintain the facility. 1. A vacuum pump with a cooling apparatus , comprising:{'b': 12', '10', '11, 'a pump housing () having an inlet () for receiving gas and an outlet () for discharging gas;'}{'b': 13', '13', '12, 'i': a', 'b, 'a pair of rotors (, ) supported at both ends in the pump housing () and generating vacuum pressure by rotating in mesh with each other;'}{'b': 14', '13', '13', '13, 'i': a', 'a', 'b, 'a motor () connected to a shaft of the rotor () to drive the rotors (, ); and'}{'b': 15', '13', '13, 'i': a', 'b, 'gears () for cooperation between the rotors (, );'}{'b': 31', '12, 'a first temperature sensor () disposed at a gas inlet side of the pump housing () to detect temperature of gas;'}{'b': 32', '18, 'a second temperature sensor () disposed in a main oil line of the oil supply unit () to detect temperature of oil; and'}{'b': 33', '31', '32, 'a micro processor () variably controlling temperature of oil on the basis of temperature values input from the first temperature sensor () and the second temperature sensor (),'}{'b': 16', '13', '13', '17', '16', '17', '18', '13', '13', '16, 'i': a', 'b', 'a', 'b, 'wherein holes () are formed in parallel along axial lines of the rotors (, ), oil supply pipes () are disposed in the holes (), oil is supplied into the oil supply pipes () from an oil supply unit (), and the oil cools the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030984A1
Автор: AIKAWA Atsushi, Sato Toru

A package type fluid machine includes at least one intake port which is provided in a housing and communicates with an installation region of a plurality of fluid machine units; a plurality of exhaust paths which is provided inside the housing, and includes a first exhaust path which allows gas passed through the fluid machine of the plurality of fluid machine units to flow, and a second exhaust path different from the first exhaust path; and a single exhaust port which is provided in the housing, communicates with downstream end portions of the plurality of exhaust paths, and collects and discharges the gas flowed through the plurality of exhaust paths. 1. A package type fluid machine including a plurality of fluid machine units installed in a housing , the machine comprising:at least one intake port which is provided in the housing and communicates with an installation region of the plurality of fluid machine units to allow a cooling gas to flow therein;a plurality of exhaust paths which is provided inside the housing, and includes a first exhaust path which allows the gas passed through the fluid machine of the plurality of fluid machine units to flow, and a second exhaust path different from the first exhaust path; anda single exhaust port which is provided in the housing, communicates with downstream end portions of the plurality of exhaust paths, and collects and discharges the gas flowed through the plurality of exhaust paths.2. The package type fluid machine according to claim 1 , wherein the housing has a plurality of side plate portions and a single top plate portion claim 1 , and the exhaust port is provided in the top plate portion.3. The package type fluid machine according to claim 2 , further comprising:a first stacking unit and a second stacking unit in which the fluid machine units are stacked in each of a first installation region and a second installation region respectively, the first installation region and the second installation region being ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032974A1
Автор: OH Hae Jin

An electric compressor may include: a housing part having a refrigerant inlet through which refrigerant is introduced; a boss part formed in the housing part, having a bearing installed therein to support a rotating shaft, and guiding the refrigerant to the bearing; a guide part formed in the housing part, and inducing the refrigerant introduced into the refrigerant inlet toward the boss part, while delaying the movement of the refrigerant; and a heating part mounted in the housing part, and configured to provide heat to the guide part in order to heat the refrigerant moved to the boss part. 1. An electric compressor comprising:a housing part having a refrigerant inlet through which refrigerant is introduced;a boss part formed in the housing part, having a bearing installed therein to support a rotating shaft, and guiding the refrigerant to the bearing;a guide part formed in the housing part, and inducing the refrigerant introduced into the refrigerant inlet toward the boss part, while delaying the movement of the refrigerant; anda heating part mounted in the housing part, and configured to provide heat to the guide part in order to heat the refrigerant moved to the boss part.2. The electric compressor of claim 1 , wherein the housing part comprises:a finished part having one side brought in contact with the heating part, and having the boss part formed at the other side thereof; anda circumference part protruding from the edge of the finished part, and having the refrigerant inlet formed therein.3. The electric compressor of claim 2 , wherein the finished part is formed of a thermal conductive material.4. The electric compressor of claim 3 , wherein only a portion of the finished part claim 3 , which is brought in contact with the heating part claim 3 , is formed of a thermal conductive material.5. The electric compressor of claim 2 , wherein the boss part comprises:a boss formed at the other side of the finished part so as to surround the bearing; anda boss hole ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032802A1

The present disclosure relates to the field of energy storage, and provides a rapid-response energy storage system and a using method thereof. The system comprises an air storage chamber, a compressor unit, an expander unit, a compressor unit lubrication station, an expander unit lubrication station, a compressor unit oil cooler, an expander unit oil cooler, a compressor unit oil pump and an expander unit oil pump; an outlet of the compressor unit communicates with an inlet of the air storage chamber through a heating pipe inside the expander unit lubrication station, and an outlet of the air storage chamber communicates with a heating pipe inside the compressor unit lubrication station sequentially through a regulating valve and the expander unit; the compressor unit lubrication station, the compressor unit oil pump, an oil way inside the compressor unit and the high-temperature side of the compressor unit oil cooler are sequentially connected end to end to form a first oil circulation loop; and the expander unit lubrication station, the expander unit oil pump, an oil way inside the expander unit and the high-temperature side of the expander unit oil cooler are sequentially connected end to end to form a second oil circulation loop. According to the present disclosure, rapid responses can be achieved and the lubricating oil can be heated without the consumption of external thermal energy. 1. A rapid-response energy storage system , comprising an air storage chamber , a compressor unit , an expander unit , a compressor unit lubrication station , an expander unit lubrication station , a compressor unit oil cooler , an expander unit oil cooler , a compressor unit oil pump , an expander unit oil pump , and an electric motor and a generator respectively connected to the compressor unit and the expander unit , wherein a heating pipe and a temperature sensor are disposed inside each of the compressor unit lubrication station and the expander unit lubrication station;an ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Oldham coupling with enhanced key surface in a scroll compressor

Номер: US20150037190A1
Принадлежит: Trane International Inc

An Oldham coupling structure for a scroll compressor decreases Oldham coupling pressure loading without increasing compressor diameter or significantly increasing orbiting scroll or Oldham coupling inertia. The Oldham coupling key height and area are increased by recessing the key face into the ring portion of the Oldham coupling, increasing the key height and adding pads to the involute side of the orbiting scroll base plate to extend the key slot, potentially resulting in reduced compressor diameter and/or reduced orbiting scroll and Oldham coupling inertia.

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Sealed Scroll Compressor for Helium

Номер: US20140119971A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Appliances Inc

A suction chamber and the oil injection port are linked, under a certain range of revolution angle, via a suction working chamber formed in the radially outer side by a orbiting scroll outer curve and a fixed scroll inner curve under a certain range of revolution angle. An opening of the oil injection port is provided on a bottom surface between teeth of the fixed scroll so that the suction working chamber formed, in a radially inner side, by a orbiting scroll inner curve and a fixed scroll outer curve and the suction chamber are positioned not to be linked with the oil injection port.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040668A1

Devices and methods for maintaining lubrication of a shaft seal of an open-drive compressor that is operating in a vacuum condition. The external side of the shaft seal allows retention of a volume of lubricant for extending the lifespan of the shaft seal for the open-drive compressor. The devices can also reduce and/or prevent deterioration of the shaft seal regardless of the operation condition of the open-drive compressor. The devices can further reduce and/or prevent leakage of a lubricant and/or refrigerant that can cause deterioration of components within a transport refrigeration unit (TRU). 1. A seal cover assembly for a compressor of a refrigeration unit , comprising:a seal cover configured to separate a suction side of a shaft seal from an external side cavity of the shaft seal and configured to maintain a volume of lubricant within the seal cover during a vacuum condition; anda drain tube connected to the external side cavity, wherein the drain tube includes a check valve for slowing a flow of the lubricant out of the external side cavity when in a vacuum condition.2. The seal cover assembly as in claim 1 , wherein the seal cover includes:a center opening; andan inner surface facing the center opening, the inner surface including a lubricant drain channel connected to a drain hole, the lubricant drain channel being configured to maintain a volume of lubricant in the external side cavity so that only lubricant above the volume is directed to flow to the drain hole.3. The seal cover assembly as in claim 1 , wherein the seal cover includes:a center opening; andan inner surface facing the center opening, the inner surface including a drain inlet, the drain inlet being configured to maintain a volume of lubricant in the external side cavity so that only lubricant above the volume is directed to flow through the drain inlet.4. The seal cover assembly as in claim 1 , wherein the seal cover does not have a continuously open vent to the ambient atmosphere.5. The ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Compressor Assembly With Directed Suction

Номер: US20190041106A1

A compressor may include a shell assembly, a compression mechanism and a conduit. The shell assembly may include a fitting through which fluid is received from outside of the compressor. The compression mechanism may be disposed within a chamber defined by the shell assembly. The conduit may extend through the chamber between the fitting and a suction inlet of the compression mechanism and transmit at least a portion of the fluid from the fitting to the suction inlet. 1. A compressor comprising:a shell assembly having a fitting through which fluid is received from outside of the compressor;a first scroll disposed within a chamber defined by the shell assembly, the first scroll including a first end plate and a first spiral wrap extending from the first end plate;a second scroll disposed within the chamber and including a second end plate and a second spiral wrap extending from the second end plate, the first and second spiral wraps meshing with each other to define compression pockets; anda conduit including a body and a mounting ring, the body extending through the chamber between the fitting and a suction inlet of the first scroll and transmitting at least a portion of the fluid from the fitting to the suction inlet, the mounting ring extending around and engaging a cylindrical surface of the first scroll.2. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein the conduit includes an inlet adjacent the fitting and an outlet adjacent the suction inlet of the first scroll claim 1 , wherein the mounting ring is attached to the body adjacent the outlet.3. The compressor of claim 2 , wherein the mounting ring includes a plurality of tabs that are circumferentially spaced apart from each other claim 2 , wherein the tabs extend radially inward and contact the cylindrical surface of the first scroll.4. The compressor of claim 3 , wherein the first scroll includes a block extending radially outward from the cylindrical surface claim 3 , and wherein one of the tabs of the mounting ring is ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Compressor Assembly With Directed Suction

Номер: US20190041107A1
Принадлежит: Emerson Climate Technologies Inc

A compressor may include a shell assembly, a compression mechanism and a conduit. The shell assembly may include a fitting through which fluid is received from outside of the compressor. The compression mechanism may be disposed within a chamber defined by the shell assembly. The conduit may extend through the chamber between the fitting and a suction inlet of the compression mechanism and transmit at least a portion of the fluid from the fitting to the suction inlet. The conduit may include an inlet that may be spaced apart from the fitting and an outlet that may engage the compression mechanism.

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Three stage scroll vacuum pump

Номер: US20170051744A1
Автор: Shaffer Robert W.

A three stage vacuum pump has three stages of fixed scrolls and orbiting scrolls that operate simultaneously. A motor drives the second orbiting scroll within the third fixed scroll upon three equally spaced idlers. One idler then transmits rotation and torque into the second stage. The second orbiting scroll has involutes upon both surfaces to engage the second fixed scroll inwardly and the first fixed scroll outwardly. The first fixed scroll has fins upon its back that extend into the atmosphere to transfer heat to air cool the pump. This pump also has a fan accelerating heat transfer. The pump operates the scrolls directly from a motor or from a motor and magnetic coupling so that the atmosphere does not infiltrate the pump. 1. A three stage vacuum pump for producing a vacuum comprising:a first stage having a first fixed scroll connected to a housing and a first orbiting scroll, said first fixed scroll communicating to a space selected for evacuation, said first orbiting scroll having an inner face and an opposite outer face, said outer face of said first orbiting scroll meshing with said first fixed scroll;a second stage adjacent to said first stage inwardly, said second stage in gaseous communication to said first stage, said second stage having a second fixed scroll, said second fixed scroll meshing with said inner face of said first orbiting scroll;a third stage spaced inwardly of said second stage, said third stage in gaseous communication to said second stage, said third stage having a third fixed scroll and a second orbiting scroll, said second orbiting scroll meshing with said third fixed scroll;a driving pin journaled to say second orbiting scroll opposite said third fixed scroll;a motor operatively connected to said driving pin, said motor imparting rotation to said driving pin, said motor being generally opposite said first fixed scroll and outwardly of said second orbiting scroll; and,said motor rotating said first orbiting scroll and said second ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150064040A1

A compressor may include a shell, a compression mechanism, first and second temperature sensors, and a control module. The shell may define a lubricant sump. The compression mechanism may be disposed within the shell and may be operable to compress a working fluid. The first temperature sensor may be at least partially disposed within the shell at a first position. The second temperature sensor may be at least partially disposed within the shell at a second position that is vertically higher than the first position. The control module may be in communication with the first and second temperature sensors and the pressure sensor and may determine whether a liquid level in the lubricant sump is below a predetermined level based on data received from the first and second temperature sensors. 1. A compressor comprising:a shell defining a lubricant sump;a compression mechanism disposed within said shell and operable to compress a working fluid;a first temperature sensor at least partially disposed within said shell at a first position;a second temperature sensor at least partially disposed within said shell at a second position that is vertically higher than said first position; anda control module in communication with said first and second temperature sensors, said control module determining a difference between a first temperature measurement from said first temperature sensor and a second temperature measurement from said second temperature sensor, said control module determining whether a liquid level in said lubricant sump is below a predetermined level based on said difference.2. The compressor of claim 1 , further comprising a pressure sensor disposed at least partially within said shell claim 1 , wherein said control module determines whether said liquid level is below said predetermined level based on whether data from said pressure sensor indicates a presence of liquid working fluid in said shell.3. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein said control module ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058901A1

A rotor for a compressor system includes a rotor body having a coolant manifold with an inlet runner and a plurality of coolant supply conduits extending from the inlet runner toward an inner heat exchange surface. The coolant supply conduits may have a circumferential and axial distribution, and extend through struts enhancing stiffness in the rotor body. 1. A rotor for a compressor system comprising:a rotor body defining a longitudinal axis extending between a first axial body end and a second axial body end, and having an outer compression surface structured to impinge during rotation of the rotor body upon a gas conveyed between a gas inlet and a gas outlet in a housing;the rotor body further including an inner heat exchange surface defining a cooling cavity, and having formed therein a coolant inlet, a coolant outlet in fluid communication with the cooling cavity, and a coolant manifold; andthe coolant manifold having an inlet runner fluidly connected with the coolant inlet, and a plurality of coolant supply conduits having an axial and circumferential distribution and extending outwardly from the inlet runner so as to direct a coolant fluid toward the inner heat exchange surface.2. The rotor of wherein the rotor body further includes a longitudinal central column claim 1 , and a plurality of struts connecting between the central column and the inner heat exchange surface claim 1 , and wherein the inlet runner extends through the central column and the plurality of coolant supply conduits extend through the plurality of struts.3. The rotor of wherein the plurality of struts are oriented so as to axially advance toward the second axial end.4. The rotor of wherein the rotor body further includes another plurality of struts connecting between the central column and the inner heat exchange surface and oriented so as to axially advance toward the first axial end.5. The rotor of wherein each of the plurality of struts includes a spray orifice fluidly connecting the ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063438A1

A screw compressor is provided with: a compressor body in which a screw rotor is accommodated in a rotor casing; a motor in which a rotator and a stator are accommodated in a motor chamber, the motor for rotationally driving a rotor shaft through use of a motor shaft; axial liquid supplying parts, provided on an anti-rotor side of the motor shaft; a motor shaft cooling part which is a cavity extending in the axial direction inside the motor shaft, the motor shaft cooling part for cooling the motor shaft by circulating a cooling liquid through the inside of the cavity thereof; and a liquid outlet part positioned on a rotor side of the motor shaft or a motor side of the rotor shaft and fluidically connected to the motor shaft cooling part so as to extend radially inward from an outlet opening formed in an outer surface of the motor shaft or the rotor shaft. 1. A screw compressor comprising:a compressor body in which a screw rotor is accommodated in a rotor casing;a motor in which a rotor and a stator are accommodated in a motor chamber of a motor casing, the motor arranged to rotationally drive a rotor shaft of the screw rotor through a motor shaft fixed to the rotor;a shaft liquid supplying part provided on an anti-rotor side of the motor shaft to supply coolant;a motor shaft cooling part which is a cavity extending in the axial direction within the motor shaft, the motor shaft cooling part arranged to cool the motor shaft with coolant supplied through the shaft liquid supplying part flowing through the cavity; anda liquid outlet part positioned on a rotor side of the motor shaft or a motor side of the rotor shaft and extending radially inward from an outlet opening formed in an outer surface of the motor shaft or the rotor shaft to be connected fluidically with the motor shaft cooling part.2. The screw compressor according to claim 1 , whereina discharge side of the rotor casing is connected to the motor casing, andthe rotor shaft is coupled coaxially with the motor ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066657A1

A compressor may include a shell, a compression mechanism, a driveshaft, a motor assembly, and a stator support member. The compression mechanism is disposed within the shell. The driveshaft drivingly is engaged with the compression mechanism. The motor assembly may be disposed within the shell and is drivingly engaged with the driveshaft. The motor assembly includes a rotor and a stator. The stator is fixed relative to the shell. The rotor may include an axially extending portion and a radially extending portion. The axially extending portion may be disposed radially outward relative to the stator. The radially extending portion may engage the driveshaft and may be disposed axially between the stator and the compression mechanism. The stator support member may be fixed relative to the shell and the stator. The stator support member may extend longitudinally through at least a portion of the stator. 1. A compressor comprising:a shell;a compression mechanism disposed within the shell;a driveshaft drivingly engaged with the compression mechanism;a motor assembly disposed within the shell and drivingly engaged with the driveshaft, the motor assembly including a rotor and a stator, the stator is fixed relative to the shell, the rotor including an axially extending portion and a radially extending portion, the axially extending portion disposed radially outward relative to the stator, the radially extending portion engaging the driveshaft and disposed axially between the stator and the compression mechanism; anda stator support member fixed relative to the shell and the stator, the stator support member extending longitudinally through at least a portion of the stator and axially spaced apart from the drive shaft.2. The compressor of claim 1 , further comprising a bearing housing rotatably supporting the driveshaft claim 1 , wherein the radially extending portion of the rotor is disposed axially between the stator and the bearing housing.3. The compressor of claim 2 , ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066873A1
Автор: Maeyama Hideaki

A compressor for use in a refrigerant circuit using a refrigerating machine oil being free of phosphoric ester and a refrigerant mixture inclusive of 1,1,2-trifluoroetylene includes a rolling piston and a vane in contact with the rolling piston in a slidable manner. The rolling piston and the vane are formed of a base metal, the base metal being steel, and the base metal is exposed at a contact portion between the rolling piston and the vane 1. A compressor for use in a refrigerant circuit using a refrigerating machine oil being free of phosphoric ester and a refrigerant mixture inclusive of 1 ,1 ,2-trifluoroetylene , the compressor comprising:a first member formed of a base metal, the base metal being steel, the first member including a first contact portion; anda second member including a second contact portion being in contact with the first contact portion of the first member in a slidable manner, whereinthe base metal of the first member is exposed at the first contact portion.2. The compressor of claim 1 , further comprising:a cylinder including a compression chamber;a rolling piston rotating in the compression chamber; anda vane separating the compression chamber into two spaces, the vane having an edge being in contact with an outer peripheral surface of the rolling piston,wherein at least one of the rolling piston and the vane is the first member.3. A refrigeration cycle apparatus comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a refrigerant circuit including the compressor of ;'}a refrigerant mixture inclusive of 1,1,2-trifluoroethylene and used in the refrigerant circuit; anda refrigerating machine oil being free of phosphoric ester and used in the refrigerant circuit.4. The refrigeration cycle apparatus of claim 3 , wherein no anti-wear agent is added to the refrigerating machine oil.5. The refrigeration cycle apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the refrigerating machine oil has a saturated water content of 1000 wt ppm or more.6. The ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067468A1

A positive displacement rotary compressor is designed for near isothermal compression, high pressure ratios, high revolutions per minute, high efficiency, mixed gas/liquid compression, a low temperature increase, a low outlet temperature, and/or a high outlet pressure. Liquid injectors provide cooling liquid that cools the working fluid and improves the efficiency of the compressor. A gate moves within the compression chamber to either make contact with or be proximate to the rotor as it turns. 1. A positive displacement compressor , comprising:a rotor casing that includes a compression chamber with a first end, a second end, and an inner curved surface;a shaft located axially in the compression chamber;a non-circular rotor mounted for rotation with the shaft relative to the casing, the non-circular rotor having a sealing portion, the sealing portion having a curved surface that corresponds with the inner curved surface of the compression chamber, and a non-sealing portion;a gate having a first end and a second end, and being operable to move relative to the casing to locate the first end proximate to the rotor as the rotor rotates.2. The positive displacement compressor of claim 1 , further comprising at least one liquid injection nozzle located to provide injected fluids into the compression chamber claim 1 , wherein the at least one liquid injection nozzle is configured to provide an atomized liquid spray.3. The positive displacement compressor of claim 1 , further comprising at least one liquid injector positioned to inject liquid into an area within the compression chamber where compression occurs during operation of the compressor.4. The positive displacement compressor of claim 1 , further comprising at least one liquid injector connected with the rotor casing to inject liquids into the compression chamber.5. The positive displacement compressor of claim 1 , wherein:the rotor has a first end and a second end aligned horizontally;the gate is located at the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071664A1

Exhaust gas recirculation pump () for an internal combustion engine that includes an electric motor () disposed within a housing (). A Roots device () is coupled to the electric motor () and includes a housing () defining an internal volume () in which rotors () are disposed and are connected to the electric motor (). The electric motor housing () includes a coolant path () formed therein which extends from a coolant inlet () to a coolant outlet (), both coupled to an engine coolant circulation system. The housing includes an oil path () formed therein. The oil path includes an oil inlet () extending to at least one oil outlet (). The oil inlet and outlet are coupled to an engine oil circulation system wherein the oil path () lubricates bearings () and a transmission assembly () of the exhaust gas recirculation pump (). 1. An exhaust gas recirculation pump for an internal combustion engine comprising:an electric motor assembly including an electric motor disposed within an electric motor housing;a roots device coupled to the electric motor, the roots device including a housing defining an internal volume;rotors disposed in the internal volume and connected to the electric motor;wherein the electric motor housing includes a coolant path formed therein, the coolant path including a coolant inlet extending to a coolant outlet, said coolant inlet and outlet coupled to an engine coolant circulation system.2. The exhaust gas recirculation pump of wherein the electric motor housing includes an end plate attached thereon claim 1 , the end plate including end plate inner and outer surfaces.3. The exhaust gas recirculation pump of wherein the end plate includes a coolant inlet slot formed therein extending between the end plate inner and outer surfaces claim 2 , the coolant inlet slot linked to the coolant inlet.4. The exhaust gas recirculation pump of wherein the end plate includes a coolant labyrinth formed on the end plate outer surface claim 2 , the labyrinth extending ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Scroll Fluid Machine

Номер: US20140154122A1

A scroll fluid machine having: a compressor body including a fixed scroll and an orbiting scroll opposed to the fixed scroll, the orbiting scroll orbiting; a drive shaft connected to the orbiting scroll; a cooling fan provided on another side of the drive shaft opposite to the orbiting scroll, the cooling fan generating a cooling wind; and a cooling wind passage surrounded by walls in all directions, the cooling wind passage sending the cooling wind of the cooling fan to the compressor body, when the cooling wind passage being disposed left and the drive shaft being disposed right when seen from a direction in which the drive shaft extends, a size of the cooling wind passage in the left and right directions being smaller in upstream than downstream of the cooling wind passage. 1. A scroll fluid machine comprising:a compressor body having a fixed scroll and an orbiting scroll, opposed to the fixed scroll, to make orbiting motions;a drive shaft connected to the orbiting scroll;a cooling fan provided on another side of the drive shaft opposite to the orbiting scroll, the cooling fan generating a cooling wind; anda cooling wind passage surrounded by walls in all directions, the cooling wind passage sending the cooling wind of the cooling fan to the compressor body,wherein assuming that the cooling wind passage is disposed left and the drive shaft is disposed right, as seen from a direction in which the drive shaft extends, a size of the cooling wind passage in the left and right directions is smaller in upstream than downstream of the cooling wind passage.2. The scroll fluid machine according to claim 1 , whereinin the cooling wind passage, an inside of an outlet is closer to the drive shaft than an inside of an inlet is.3. The scroll fluid machine according to claim 1 , whereinthe dimension of the cooling wind passage in upper and lower directions is larger upstream than downstream.4. The scroll fluid machine according to claim 1 , whereina fan casing having the ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074268A1

A compressor device with at least two compressor elements connected in series and at least two coolers of which there at least two split coolers that are split in separate successive stages, respectively a hot stage and a cold stage, that are connected together in one or more separate cooling circuits such that the compressed gas is cooled sufficiently between the compressor elements with a minimum coolant flow rate to keep the temperature of the cooled gas at the outlet of each cooler below a maximum permissible value and thereby to realise a desired temperature increase of the coolant in at least one of the aforementioned cooling circuits. 125-. (canceled)26. A compressor device for compressing gas in two or more stages , whereby this compressor device comprises at least two compressor elements connected in series and at least two coolers for cooling the compressed gas , i.e. an intercooler between each of two successive compressor elements , and if need be depending on the configuration , an aftercooler downstream from the last compressor element , whereby each cooler is provided with a primary section through which the compressed gas to be cooled is guided and a secondary section that is in heat-exchanging contact with the primary section and through which coolant is guided , wherein at least two of the aforementioned coolers are split coolers whose secondary section is split into at least two separate stages to cool the gas that is guided through the primary section in successive stages , respectively at least a hot stage for a first cooling of the hot gas that flows into the primary section of the coolers and a cold stage for the further cooling of this gas , whereby the stages of the secondary sections of the coolers are connected together in one or more separate cooling circuits such that the compressed gas between the compressor elements is sufficiently cooled , with a minimum coolant flow rate through the cooling circuits , to keep the temperature of the ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099088A1
Принадлежит: NIDEC GPM GmbH

An electrical screw spindle coolant pump is suitable for conveying a coolant circuit or other corrosive, liquid media. The electrical screw spindle coolant pump has a spindle housing with a spindle chamber and an axially adjacent motor housing. The motor housing has a motor chamber, in which a dry-running electric motor is arranged separated from the flow current. The motor housing has a thermal transition portion through which the flow current flows. The thermal transition portion is arranged between the motor chamber and a component boundary of the motor housing to the spindle housing. 1. An electric screw coolant pump for delivering a coolant circulation comprising:a spindle housing having a spindle chamber in which at least two screw spindles are rotatably accommodated;a pump inlet and a pump outlet for guiding a delivery flow through the spindle chamber;a motor housing arranged axially adjacent to the spindle housing;whereinthe motor housing includes a motor chamber in which a dry-running electric motor is arranged so the motor chamber is delimited with respect to the delivery flow; andthe motor housing comprises a heat transfer section, through which the delivery flow flows, arranged between the motor chamber and a component boundary between the motor housing and the spindle housing.2. The electric screw coolant pump according to claim 1 , whereinthe heat transfer section includes the pump outlet.3. The electric screw coolant pump according to claim 1 , whereinthe heat transfer section includes a delivery flow chamber that establishes a connection between a frontal delimitation of the motor chamber and the spindle chamber.4. The electric screw coolant pump according to claim 1 , whereinthe heat transfer section includes a bearing seat for a shaft bearing arranged between the electric motor and the screw spindles.5. The electric screw coolant pump according to claim 1 , whereinan electronic system for the electric motor is arranged inside the motor chamber.6. ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080561A1
Автор: Hong Tinggui
Принадлежит: Fieldpiece Instruments, Inc.

A light weight vacuum pump is made with either or all of the stator, rotors and vanes made of aluminum or aluminum alloy that has been subjected to high energy oxidation, such as plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO), electrolytic plasma oxidation (EPO) or micro-arc oxidation (MAO), to treat and harden the surface. 1. A vacuum pump system comprising:a motor; anda vacuum pump operably connected to the motor, the vacuum pump having one or more rotors and one or more stators formed from material selected from the group consisting of aluminum, aluminum alloy or sintered aluminum powder, wherein the one or more rotors and one or more stators are treated with a high energy oxidation process selected from the group consisting of plasma electrolytic oxidation, electrolytic plasma oxidation, micro-arc oxidation or spark discharge anodizing.2. The vacuum pump system of further comprising:a plurality of vanes operably connected to the one or more rotors wherein the plurality of vanes are formed of material selected from the group consisting of aluminum, aluminum alloy or sintered aluminum powder, and wherein the plurality of vanes are treated with a high energy oxidation process selected from the group consisting of plasma electrolytic oxidation, electrolytic plasma oxidation, micro-arc oxidation or spark discharge anodizing.3. The vacuum pump system of further comprising:a plurality of vanes operably connected to the one or more rotors wherein the plurality of vanes are formed of material selected from the group consisting of untreated polymer, carbon or graphite.4. The vacuum pump system of further comprising:an oil pump operatively connected to one of the one or more rotors.5. The vacuum pump system of further comprising:an oil tank configured to submerge the vacuum pump in oil during operation.6. A vacuum pump comprising:a stator having a cylindrical volute with a cylindrical inner wall, a first end wall and a second end wall;a rotor rotatably disposed within the stator, ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Pump Housing Structure of Three-Axis Multi-Stage Roots Pump

Номер: US20210088046A1
Автор: LI Yue, Rong Yi, Shen Miaole

A pump housing structure of a three-axis multi-stage Roots pump is provided, comprising a first-stage pump housing, a second-stage pump housing and a third-stage pump housing, wherein the first-stage pump housing is provided with a first center axial hole, a first left axial hole and a first right axial hole; a fixed bearing end cover is mounted on the side of the first-stage pump housing, three fixed bearing chambers are provided on the surface of the fixed bearing end cover; the second-stage pump housing is provided with a second center axial hole, a second left axial hole and a second right axial hole, the third-stage pump housing is provided with a third center axial hole, a third left axial hole and a third right axial hole, and the end surface at the outer side of the third-stage pump housing is fixedly mounted with a non-driving end bearing end cover. The present invention can accommodate and fix three axes through three fixed bearing chambers, respectively. Moreover, since the sum of the axial lengths of the second-stage pump housing and the third-stage pump housing is equal to the axial length of the first-stage pump housing, it not only can strengthen the center stiffness of the three axes of the Roots pump, but also can ensure that the total axial expansion is evenly divided, reducing the cumulated amount of thermal expansion at the end of the axis. 11231456567619110101110456. A pump housing structure of a three-axis multi-stage Roots pump , comprising a first-stage pump housing () , a second-stage pump housing () and a third-stage pump housing () , wherein: the first-stage pump housing () is provided with a first center axial hole () , a first left axial hole () and a first right axial hole () , the first center axial hole () and the first left axial hole () form a first-stage rotor pump chamber () capable of accommodating a pair of first-stage Roots rotor axes , the first right axial hole () is an independent closed axial hole , one side of the first- ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170089342A1
Автор: Steffens Ralf

The invention relates to a spindle compressor without operating fluid in the working space with a 2-tooth spindle rotor and a 3-tooth spindle rotor in a surrounding compressor housing-and preferably non-parallel rotation axes of the two spindle rotors, in particular for use in compression refrigeration machines. In order to improve the degree of efficiency while providing flexible power adjustment, it is proposed according to the invention that a multi-stage spindle compressor be used as a refrigerant compressor, whose compressor housing and whose spindle rotors are cooled via a partial-flow branch-off of liquid refrigerant from the refrigerant main flow circuit, wherein the compressor housing is cooled in a controlled manner by means of refrigerant evaporation, with the refrigerant vapor being subsequently fed to the inlet, and that, for power adjustment, there are also post-inlet feeds into the working space in addition to the inlet feed, and also pre-outlet discharges in addition to the outlet discharge from the outlet space, each with their own regulating device. 111-. (canceled)12. A compression refrigeration machine comprising a refrigerant main flow circuit , refrigerant located in the refrigerant main flow circuit , and a spindle compressor for conveying and compressing gaseous delivery media , the spindle compressor having a working space and being configured as a 2-shaft rotation compressor machine which operates without operating fluid in the working space and having a 2-tooth spindle rotor , a 3-tooth spindle rotor and a compressor housing which surrounds the spindle rotors and has an inlet space and an outlet collecting space ,wherein the spindle compressor is a multi-stage spindle compressor, the refrigerant main flow circuit has a partial-flow branch-off, and the compressor housing and the spindle rotors are cooled via the partial-flow branch-off with liquid refrigerant from the refrigerant main flow circuit.13. The compression refrigeration machine ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Rotary Expansible Chamber Devices Having Adjustable Arcs of Rotation, and Systems Incorporating the Same

Номер: US20150098851A1
Автор: Feustel Aaron

Rotary expansible chamber (REC) devices having one or more working-fluid ports that are adjustable, for example, in size or location. In some embodiments, the variable port mechanisms can be used to control any one or more of a plurality of operating parameters of a REC device independently of one or more others of the operating parameters. In some embodiments, the REC devices can have a plurality of fluid volumes that change in size during rotation of the REC device, and that transition to a zero volume condition during the rotation of the REC device. Systems are also provided that can include one or more REC devices. Methods for controlling various aspects of REC devices, including methods of controlling one or more operating parameters, are also provided. 1. A rotary expansible chamber device , comprising:a first mechanism comprising a first rotary component, said first mechanism partially bounding at least a first volume, said first volume moving with or substantially with rotation of said first rotary component during operation of the rotary expansible chamber device; anda second mechanism interfacing with said first mechanism to substantially or fully bound said first volume along a first arc of inaccessibility; said first arc of inaccessibility has a first extent and a second extent;', 'said first volume changes size during operation of the rotary expansible chamber device; and', 'said rotary expansible chamber device is designed and configured to allow for selective and independent change of said first and second extents of said first arc of inaccessibility so as to independently control the size of said first volume when said first volume is positioned, respectively, at said first and second extents of said arc of inaccessibility., 'wherein2. A rotary expansible chamber device according to claim 1 , wherein said rotary expansible chamber device has a second arc of inaccessibility claim 1 , the rotary expansible chamber device further comprising:a third ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Fluid-injected compressor installation

Номер: US20210095668A1
Принадлежит: Atlas Copco Airpower NV

Fluid-injected compressor installation ( 1 ) which is provided with: a screw compressor ( 2 ) with a compression housing ( 4 ) in which a pair of compressor rotors ( 6 a, 6 b ) are mounted; a drive motor ( 3 ) with a motor housing ( 9 ) in which a motor shaft ( 11 ) is mounted which drives the compressor rotors ( 6 a, 6 b ); an inlet ( 7 ) and an outlet ( 8 ) on the screw compressor ( 2 ) for the supply of a gas and for the discharge of compressed gas; with the compression housing ( 4 ) and the motor housing ( 9 ) being directly joined to each other; characterised in that the compressor installation ( 1 ) is provided with: a gear transmission ( 20 ) between the shaft ( 16 ) of one of the compressor rotors ( 6 a, 6 b ) and the motor shaft ( 11 ), consisting of a driven gear ( 18 ) and a driving gear ( 19 ); a motor bearing ( 21 ) on the motor shaft ( 11 ) next to the driving gear ( 19 ), and a dynamic seal ( 25 ) next to the aforementioned motor bearing ( 21 ), on the drive motor ( 3 ) side, such that the motor bearing ( 21 ) is between the driving gear ( 19 ) and the seal ( 25 ).

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100544A1

A supercharger constructed in accordance to one example of the present disclosure includes a housing, first and second rotors, a bearing plate and a pair of sleeves. The first and second rotors are received in cylindrical overlapping chambers of the housing, the first rotor supported by a first rotor shaft, the second rotor supported by a second rotor shaft. The bearing plate is coupled to the housing and has an oil cavity side and an air cavity side. The bearing plate is formed of aluminum. The pair of sleeves can be received by the bearing plate and support respective bearings rotatably supporting respective first and second axle shafts. The pair of sleeves are formed of steel. 1. A supercharger comprising:a housing;a first rotor and a second rotor received in cylindrical overlapping chambers of the housing, the first rotor supported by a first rotor shaft, the second rotor supported by a second rotor shaft; anda bearing plate coupled to the housing and having an oil cavity side and an air cavity side, the bearing plate formed of aluminum; anda pair of sleeves received by the bearing plate and that support respective bearings rotatably supporting the respective first and second axle shafts, wherein the pair of sleeves are formed of steel.2. The supercharger of wherein the bearings are press-fit into the sleeves.3. The supercharger of wherein outer races of the bearings are formed of steel whereby thermal expansion and contraction properties are similar to the sleeves such that the press-fit is maintained throughout thermal expansion and contraction events.4. The supercharger of wherein the sleeves each have a raised lip formed around an inner diameter thereof claim 3 , wherein the raised lips provide an axial barrier from the respective bearings.5. The supercharger of wherein the bearing plate further comprises a pair of seal pockets claim 1 , each seal pocket configured to receive a seal.6. The supercharger of wherein the sleeves are cast into the bearing plate ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210102536A1

The invention relates to a scroll pump comprising a pressure sensor integrated into the scroll pump. 1. A scroll pump , which is a vacuum pump , comprising a pressure sensor integrated into the scroll pump.2. A scroll pump in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the pressure sensor is integrated into a control of the scroll pump and/or of a vacuum system.3. A scroll pump in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the pressure sensor is provided for measuring a suction pressure of the scroll pump or a pressure between two pump-active spiral walls.4. A scroll pump in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the pressure sensor is screwed into a component of the scroll pump.5. A scroll pump in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the pressure sensor is arranged in a cooling air flow of a cooling device of the scroll pump.6. A vacuum pump claim 1 , in particular a scroll pump claim 1 , comprising:a fan controllable in its rotational speed for cooling the vacuum pump;a temperature sensor; anda control device that is configured to regulate the rotational speed of the fan in dependence on a power consumption of a drive of the vacuum pump and on a temperature measured by the temperature sensor.7. A vacuum pump in accordance with claim 6 , wherein the regulation takes place in dependence on a temperature of a motor claim 6 , of a motor winding claim 6 , of drive electronics claim 6 , of a pump body claim 6 , and/or of a housing of the vacuum pump claim 6 , measured by the temperature sensor.8. A vacuum pump in accordance with claim 6 , wherein a first threshold value of the temperature is defined claim 6 , and wherein the regulation only takes place at a measured temperature above the first threshold value claim 6 , and/or wherein the rotational speed of the fan is kept constant at zero or at a minimum rotational speed below the first threshold value.9. A vacuum pump in accordance with claim 6 , wherein a second threshold value of the temperature is defined claim 6 , and wherein the rotational ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170462A1

Scroll devices with cooling fluid supplied through a crankshaft are provided. The device may comprise an orbiting scroll operably connected to a fixed scroll and a crankshaft operably connected to the orbiting scroll. A first seal may be positioned about an outer surface of the crankshaft to form a seal with the outer surface. A second seal may be positioned about an outer surface of the crankshaft to form a seal with the outer surface. A first channel and a second channel extend through the crankshaft and are in fluid communication with the orbiting scroll and a fluid source and a fluid reservoir. 1. A scroll device comprising:an orbiting scroll operably connected to a fixed scroll;a crankshaft operably connected to the orbiting scroll, wherein the crankshaft extends along a longitudinal axis between a first end and a second end;a first seal positioned about an outer surface of the crankshaft to form a seal with the outer surface;a second seal positioned about an outer surface of the crankshaft to form a seal with the outer surface, wherein a first volume is at least partially defined by the first seal, and wherein a second volume is defined between the first seal and the second seal;a first channel extending through the crankshaft from the first end to the second end, the first channel comprising an opening in fluid communication with the first volume; anda second channel extending through the crankshaft from the first end to the second end, the second channel comprising an opening in fluid communication with the second volume.2. The scroll device of claim 1 , further comprising one or more idler shafts through which a cooling fluid can be transported to or from the orbiting scroll and at least one of the first channel and the second channel.3. The scroll device of claim 1 , further comprising one or more flexible conduits to transport a cooling fluid to or from the orbiting scroll and at least one of the first channel and the second channel.4. The scroll device ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170463A1
Автор: Cho Chong Du

The present invention relates to a fluid compressor comprising: a driving module comprising a driving motor embedded in a motor case; and a compression module comprising a rotor, which is rotatably driven by a driving motor and which has a plurality of variable blades radially provided along the outer peripheral surface thereof, a rotor housing for encompassing the rotor, and a cover of the rotor, for closing the rotor housing, wherein the compression modules are stacked and airtight to block contact between fluid passing through the compression module and air outside the compression module, so that the fluid flowing into any one compression module sequentially passes through the remaining compression modules. The rotary shafts provided in each center of the rotors are connected a shaft coupler. The present invention simultaneously achieves a high-efficiency compression ratio and reduces noise caused by the excessive velocity of any compression module. 1. A fluid compressor comprising:a driving module comprising a driving motor and a motor case in which the driving motor is embedded; anda compression module comprising a rotor, which is rotatably driven by means of the driving motor and which has a plurality of variable blades radially provided along the outer peripheral surface thereof, a rotor housing for encompassing the rotor, and a cover of the rotor, for closing the rotor housing,wherein the compression modules are assembled in a form in which two or more compression modules are stacked, the respective compression modules airtightly come in close contact with each other so as to block contact between a fluid passing through the compression module and air outside the compression module, so that the fluid flowing into any one compression module sequentially passes through the remaining compression modules, all the compression modules are driven by means of one driving motor, and rotary shafts provided in each center of the rotors inside the respective compression ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Waste-Heat Recovery System in Oil-Cooled Gas Compressor

Номер: US20220170666A1

A waste-heat recovery system includes a waste-heat-recovery heat a tank, a circulation circuit, a circulation pump, and a control device that is configured to obtain the temperature of the heat medium flowing through a heat medium outlet piping of the circulation circuit and the temperature of the water stored in the tank. The control device stops the circulation pump or reduces the rotational frequency thereof in a case where the temperature of the heat medium flowing through the heat medium outlet piping is lower, or lower by a predetermined temperature or more, than the temperature of the water. 125-. (canceled)26. A waste-heat recovery system comprising:a waste-heat-recovery heat exchanger configured to recover heat from a compressed gas by connecting to a gas piping that sends the compressed gas delivered from the compressor main body to customers;a tank that stores water that exchanges heat with heat medium exchanged heat with the compressed gas in the waste-heat-recovery heat exchanger;a circulation circuit that connects to the waste-heat-recovery heat exchanger and the tank, and in which the heat medium circulates;a circulation pump installed in the circulation circuit; and 'the control device stops the circulation pump or reduces the rotational frequency thereof in a case where the temperature of the heat medium flowing through the heat medium outlet piping is lower, or lower by a predetermined temperature or more, than the temperature of the water.', 'a control device that is configured to obtain the temperature of the heat medium flowing through a heat medium outlet piping of the circulation circuit and the temperature of the water stored in the tank, wherein'}27. The waste-heat recovery system according to claim 26 , further comprising:a unit configured to store the waste-heat-recovery heat exchanger; anda tank unit configured to store the tank.28. A waste-heat recovery system comprising:a waste-heat-recovery heat exchanger configured to recover heat ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180106255A1

A positive displacement rotary compressor is designed for near isothermal compression, high pressure ratios, high revolutions per minute, high efficiency, mixed gas/liquid compression, a low temperature increase, a low outlet temperature, and/or a high outlet pressure. Liquid injectors provide cooling liquid that cools the working fluid and improves the efficiency of the compressor. A gate moves within the compression chamber to either make contact with or be proximate to the rotor as it turns. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cooling liquid comprises a liquid hydrocarbon.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , after expelling the liquid out of the outlet port claim 1 , recirculating at least a portion of the expelled liquid back into the rotor casing via the at least one liquid injector.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the recirculating occurs without the use of a pump.5. The method of claim 3 , further comprising using a pump to recirculate the expelled liquid back into the rotor casing via the at least one liquid injector.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one liquid injector is positioned to inject liquid into an area within the rotor casing volume where compression occurs during operation of the compressor.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the injecting occurs during the compressor's highest rate of compression in terms of volume change per time.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the injecting occurs during the compressor's highest rate of compression in terms of volume change per degree of rotation of the rotor.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein injected cooling liquid is atomized when injected claim 1 , absorbs heat claim 1 , and is directed toward the outlet port.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the compressor further comprises a gate having a first end and a second end claim 1 , wherein the gate is operable to move within the rotor casing to locate the first end proximate to the rotor as the rotor turns claim 1 , and ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150118093A1
Автор: Steffens Ralf

A spindle rotor pair of a spindle compressor has a two-toothed spindle rotor and a three-toothed spindle rotor meshing the other without contact. The wrap angle related to the two-toothed spindle rotor is at least 800 angular degrees. A range of at least 30 m/sec is achieved as the mean circumferential speed of the rotor head. In the transverse section, both spindle rotors have arc sectors and cycloid profile contour flanks. In the case of the two-toothed spindle rotor, they are primarily above its gear-tooth pitch circle and of convex design, however, in the case of the three-toothed spindle rotor, they are below its ear-tooth pitch circle and of concave, i.e., hollow, design. Preferably, the transverse sections of each spindle rotor are symmetrical in a way that in each transverse section, the centre of gravity of the profile surfaces comes to lie on the respective rotor pivot point. 123-. (canceled)24. A spindle compressor operating in a working chamber without operating fluid medium as a two-shaft rotary displacement machine to convey and compress gaseous media for vacuum pressure and positive pressure applications , the spindle compressor comprises a spindle rotor pair driven true to the rotational angle and counter-rotating with an external synchronization arrangement outside the compressor's working chamber in a surrounding compressor housing with an inlet and a discharge outlet for the conveying medium , wherein the two spindle rotors are designed with a different number of teeth: one two-toothed spindle rotor and one three-toothed spindle rotor meshing the other without contact , with a wrap angle related to the two-toothed spindle rotor of at least 800 angular degrees , whereby the spindle rotors rotate at high speed such that a range of at least 30 msec is reached as the rotor head's mean circumferential speed , that both spindle rotors in the transverse section are provided with arc sectors and with cycloid profile contour flanks which in the two-toothed ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111676A1
Автор: Pal Debabrata

A cooled compressor system is provided including: a compressor that in operation compresses air; an electric motor that in operation drives the compressor, the electric motor having a back iron, a motor stator radially inward from the back iron, and a motor rotor radially inward from the motor stator; an airflow system fluidly connected to the compressor, the airflow system in operation directs air through the back iron and in between the motor stator and motor rotor; an airflow inlet that in operation allows an inflow of air to the airflow system; and an airflow outlet that in operation allows an outflow of air from the airflow system; wherein the air travels from the airflow inlet to the airflow outlet through the compressor and the airflow system. 1. A cooled compressor system comprising:a compressor that in operation compresses air;an electric motor that in operation drives the compressor, the electric motor having a back iron, a motor stator radially inward from the back iron, and a motor rotor radially inward from the motor stator;an airflow system fluidly connected to the compressor, the airflow system in operation directs air through the back iron and in between the motor stator and motor rotor;an airflow inlet that in operation allows an inflow of air to the airflow system; andan airflow outlet that in operation allows an outflow of air from the airflow system;wherein the air travels from the airflow inlet to the airflow outlet through the compressor and the airflow system.2. The cooled compressor system of claim 1 , wherein:the airflow system is fluidly connected to the airflow inlet through the compressor.3. The cooled compressor system of claim 2 , wherein:the compressor further includes a compressor inlet fluidly connected to the airflow inlet and a compressor outlet fluidly connected to the airflow system.4. The cooled compressor system of claim 1 , wherein:the airflow system is fluidly connected to the airflow outlet through the compressor.5. The ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180112664A1

A screw compressor comprising a compressor element with a housing in which two helical rotors are mounted on bearings by their shafts, and a gearbox—with a housing with a mounting surface that is built onto a mounting surface of the housing of the compressor element, and which is coupled in a torque-transmitting way to a shaft of at least one of the aforementioned rotors, whereby the compressor element is provided with an oil circuit with an input and an output for oil and a cooling jacket with an input and output for a coolant, wherein the aforementioned inputs and outputs for the oil and for the coolant are located in the aforementioned mounting surface of the housing of the compressor element, whereby these inputs and outputs connect to channels for the respective supply and removal of the oil and the coolant. 122-. (canceled)23. A screw compressor comprising a compressor element with a housing in which two helical rotors are mounted on bearings by their shafts , and a gearbox with a housing with a mounting surface that is built onto a mounting surface of the housing of the compressor element , and which is coupled in a torque-transmitting way to a shaft of at least one of the aforementioned rotors , whereby the compressor element is provided with an oil circuit with an input and an output for oil and a cooling jacket with an input and output for a coolant , wherein the aforementioned inputs and outputs for the oil and for the coolant are located in the aforementioned mounting surface of the housing of the compressor element , whereby these inputs and outputs are configured to connect to channels for the respective supply and removal of the oil and the coolant that are at least partially integrated internally in the gearbox.24. The screw compressor according to claim 23 , wherein the aforementioned mounting surfaces surround the shaft ends of the rotors at the side of the gearbox.25. The screw compressor according to claim 23 , wherein the shaft ends of the ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220178374A1

A diaphragm pump with a heat dissipation mechanism includes a seat body, a diaphragm assembly, and a rotor pump assembly. The seat body includes a rotating member therein. The diaphragm assembly includes a piston mechanism and a diaphragm mechanism. The diaphragm assembly and the seat body confine a first pump room in which a medium is received. The rotor pump assembly is disposed between the rotating member and the diaphragm assembly. The rotor pump assembly includes a casing. The casing includes a suction port communicated with the first pump room and a discharge port communicated with the at least one medium outlet. The rotor pump assembly includes an outer rotor rotatably connected with the casing and an inner rotor rotatably connected with the outer rotor. The inner rotor is rotatably connected with the drive shaft. The outer rotor and the inner rotor rotate at different speeds. 1. A diaphragm pump with a heat dissipation mechanism comprising:a seat body including a rotatable drive shaft inserting therethrough and a rotating member therein connected with the drive shaft, wherein the rotating member rotates upon rotation of the drive shaft;a diaphragm assembly including at least one piston mechanism connected with the rotating member and moving reciprocally upon rotation of the rotating member and at least one diaphragm mechanism connected with the at least one piston mechanism and moving reciprocally upon reciprocation of the at least one piston mechanism, wherein the diaphragm assembly and the seat body are connected together and confine a first pump room in which a medium for the diaphragm assembly is received, and wherein the diaphragm assembly includes at least one medium outlet communicated with the first pump room;a housing with inlet and outlet channels communicated with a space in which the at least one diaphragm mechanism is disposed and including a check valve disposed therein;a front cover connected with the housing with inlet and outlet channels, ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Waste-Heat Recovery System in Oil-Cooled Gas Compressor

Номер: US20190113251A9

The purpose of the present invention is: to enable hot water at a required temperature to be supplied, even in cases when compressor load factor is low; to suppress heat dissipation from a waste-heat recovery device; and to improve waste-heat recovery rate. A waste-heat recovery system in an oil-cooled gas compressor is provided with: a compressor main body (); an oil separator (); gas piping () which supplies, to a demanded destination compressed gas separated from oil by the oil separator; oil piping () which returns, to the compressor main body, the oil separated by the oil separator; and a waste-heat-recovery heat exchanger () which recovers heat from the compressed gas and/or the oil. The waste-heat recovery system is also provided with: a hot-water storage tank (); circulation circuits () in which a heat medium is made to circulate between the waste-heat recovery heat exchanger and the hot-water storage tank; a circulation pump () provided to these circulation circuits; and a control device () which, in cases when the temperature of the oil or the compressed gas subjected to heat exchange in the waste-heat-recovery heat exchanger is equal to or less than the temperature of the hot water in the hot-water storage tank, stops the circulation pump or reduces the rotational frequency of the circulation pump. 1. A waste-heat recovery system in an oil-cooled gas compressor including a compressor main body , an oil separator for separating oil from compressed gas delivered from the compressor main body , a gas piping for sending the compressed gas separated from the oil by the oil separator to a demanded destination , an oil piping for returning the oil separated by the oil separator to the compressor main body , and a waste-heat-recovery heat exchanger for recovering heat from at least either of the compressed gas flowing through the gas piping or the oil flowing through the oil piping , the waste-heat recovery system in the oil-cooled gas compressor comprising:a ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190113263A1

The present invention is directed to a controller for a compressor, more specifically for a first electrical VSD motor configured to drive a compressor element, said controller comprising a housing in which is provided a rectifier, a DC link with a DC bus and two inverters connected to the same DC bus, a first inverter configured to control the first VSD motor driving said compressor element, and a second inverter configured to control a second VSD motor driving a fan configured to cool the compressor. 112.-. (canceled)13. A compressor comprising a controller connected to a first VSD motor for driving a compressor element of said compressor wherein the controller is further connected to a second VSD motor for driving a cooling fan configured to cool said compressor , said controller comprising a housing in which is provided a rectifier , a DC link with a DC bus and two inverters connected to the same DC bus , a first inverter configured to control the first VSD motor driving said compressor element , and a second inverter configured to control the second VSD motor driving the fan.14. The compressor according to claim 13 , wherein said compressor does not have a relay cabinet.15. The compressor according to claim 13 , wherein each of said inverters comprises at least one IGBT which is connected to said DC bus.16. The compressor according to claim 13 , wherein the controller further comprises a separate cooling fan for cooling said the power electronics of said controller.17. The compressor according to claim 13 , wherein the controller further comprises a first current sensor for sensing the current going through a winding of the first VSD motor.18. The compressor according to claim 13 , wherein the controller further comprises a voltage sensor for sensing the value of the voltage at the level of the first VSD motor and/or of the second VSD motor.19. The compressor according to claim 13 , wherein the controller further comprises a communication module adapted to ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Rotating heating chamber apparatus and method of use thereof

Номер: US20210140317A1
Автор: Merton W. Pekrul
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention comprises a method for heating a fluid in an engine, including: a rotor rotating relative to a stator about a shaft and a set of vanes extending radially outward, relative to an elongated axis of the shaft, between the rotator and the stator, the set of vanes separating a set of expansion chambers, where the method comprises the steps of: (1) applying a shear force to the fluid to form a gas with a rotatable chamber within the shaft of the engine; and (2) exhausting the gas from the shaft to a rotor-vane chamber, the rotor-vane chamber comprising a void in a vane slot on a shaft side of a first vane, of the set of vanes. Optionally, the gas applies a rotation force by passing the gas from the first vane to a trailing expansion chamber of the set of expansion chambers.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210140430A1

A multi-stage rotary piston pump comprising two shafts in a housing, which support multiple rotary pistons. Corresponding rotary pistons form a respective rotary piston pair, wherein multiple rotary piston pairs are provided which form a respective pump stage. Neighboring pump stages are each connected to one another via connection channels. The multi-stage rotary piston pump also comprises a pump inlet that is connected to the first pump stage, as well as a pump outlet that is connected to the last pump stage. The built-in volume ratio is at least 15, so that high pumping capacities of at least 1500 m/h can be achieved. 1. A multi-stage rotary piston pump comprising two shafts arranged in a housing and supporting a plurality of rotary pistons ,wherein corresponding rotary pistons make up a rotary piston pair, and a plurality of rotary piston pairs each constituting a pump stage are provided,a plurality of connection channels each connecting neighboring pump stages to each other,a pump inlet connected to the first pump stage, anda pump outlet connected to the last pump stage,whereinthe built-in volume ratio is at least 15.2. The multi-stage rotary piston pump according to claim 1 , wherein the number of stages is at least three.3. The multi-stage rotary piston pump according to claim 2 , the following applies to the number of steps: n>√{square root over (VR)}−1 .4. The multi-stage rotary piston pump according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , for avoiding an overcompression claim 1 , at least one of the pump stages is connected to a relief channel where a relief valve is arranged.5. The multi-stage rotary piston pump according to claim 1 , wherein at least the second and the third pump stages are connected to a relief valve.6. The multi-stage rotary piston pump according to claim 4 , wherein the relief channels are connected to the environment and/or the pump outlet.7. The multi-stage rotary piston pump according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure difference of ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Two-stage oil-injected screw air compressor

Номер: US20180119601A1

A two-stage oil-injected screw air compressor includes an integrated compression casing, and the integrated compression casing further includes a first stage compression chamber, an intermediate cooling channel, and a second stage compression chamber parallel stacked in the integrated compression casing. A straightforward oil injector aims at the intermediate cooling channel to spray lubricating oil into the intermediate cooling channel.

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Cooled dry vacuum screw pump

Номер: US20220268279A1
Принадлежит: Fruvac Ltd

The present invention relates to rotary screw positive displacement machines used as a vacuum pump wherein additional intake air is provided allowing cooling to the invention which permits extended operation at extreme vacuum pressure. The rotary screw nature of the vacuum pump allows operation without additional lubrication with the additional intake air ensuring that thermal expansion will not disrupt the tight tolerances of the invention. The invention allows simultaneous operation as a vacuum pump and air compressor.

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210156381A1

A compressor includes fixed scroll () and revolving scroll () configuring compression mechanism (), compression chamber (), intake chamber (), discharge port (), muffler (), and heat-insulating member () provided between fixed scroll () and muffler (). After a refrigerant gas taken into intake chamber () is compressed by revolving scroll () revolving and compression chamber () moving while changing a volume of compression chamber (), the refrigerant gas is discharged from discharge port (). The refrigerant gas discharged from discharge port () is discharged into muffler space () formed by muffler (). Heat-insulating member () includes heat-insulating member discharge port (), lead valve (), and recess (). 1. A compressor comprising:a fixed scroll and a revolving scroll configuring a compression mechanism;a compression chamber formed between the fixed scroll and the revolving scroll;an intake chamber provided on an outer circumferential side of the fixed scroll;a discharge port provided in a central part of the fixed scroll;a muffler provided to cover the discharge port at an upper part of the fixed scroll; anda heat-insulating member provided between the fixed scroll and the muffler,wherein after a refrigerant gas taken into the intake chamber is compressed by the revolving scroll revolving and the compression chamber moving while changing a volume of the compressor, the refrigerant gas is discharged from the discharge port,the refrigerant gas discharged from the discharge port is discharged into a muffler space formed by the muffler, and a heat-insulating member discharge port provided in a portion facing the discharge port,', 'a lead valve provided on a surface, of the heat-insulating member, on a side opposite to a side facing the fixed scroll, and', 'a recess provided on the surface, of the heat-insulating member, facing the fixed scroll and provided in a 360-degree area in a circumferential direction facing the intake chamber., 'the heat-insulating member ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160131138A1

A positive displacement rotary compressor is designed for near isothermal compression, high pressure ratios, high revolutions per minute, high efficiency, mixed gas/liquid compression, a low temperature increase, a low outlet temperature, and/or a high outlet pressure. Liquid injectors provide cooling liquid that cools the working fluid and improves the efficiency of the compressor. A gate moves within the compression chamber to either make contact with or be proximate to the rotor as it turns. 1. A method of operating a compressor having a casing defining a compression chamber , an inlet port into the compression chamber , and a rotatable drive shaft configured to drive the compressor , the method comprising:moving a working fluid into the compression chamber through the inlet port, wherein the working fluid is a multi-phase fluid that includes gas and liquid components and has a liquid volume fraction at the inlet port of at least 0.5%; andcompressing the working fluid using the compressor such thata single stage pressure ratio of the compressor is at least 3:1.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the compressor comprises a positive displacement rotary compressor that includes a rotor connected to the drive shaft for rotation with the drive shaft relative to the casing.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the method further comprises, after said compressing, expelling compressed working fluid out of the compression chamber through an outlet port in the compression chamber; andthe pressure ratio comprises a ratio of (a) an absolute inlet pressure of the working fluid at the inlet port, to (b) an absolute outlet pressure of the working fluid expelled from the compression chamber through the outlet port.45-. (canceled)6. The method of claim 2 , wherein said pressure ratio is between 5:1 and 100:1.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein said pressure ratio is at least 10:1.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein said pressure ratio is at least 15:1.9. The method of claim 1 , ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180128270A1

A scroll compressor includes a shell, a fixed scroll and an orbiting scroll disposed in the shell, a first scroll wrap and a second scroll wrap that are provided in the fixed scroll and the orbiting scroll, respectively, and that are engaged with each other to form a plurality of compression chambers, a crankshaft that causes the orbiting scroll to perform eccentric revolving motion, a tip seal member that is inserted in the tip of the second scroll wrap along the spiral direction and that is in sliding contact with the first baseplate of the fixed scroll, and injection ports that are provided through the first baseplate of the fixed scroll and that introduce refrigerant at an intermediate pressure between suction pressure and discharge pressure into the compression chambers from the outside of the shell. 1. A scroll compressor comprising:a shell;a fixed scroll and an orbiting scroll disposed in the shell;scroll wraps provided respectively in the fixed scroll and the orbiting scroll, the scroll wraps being engaged with each other to form a plurality of compression chambers;a crankshaft configured to cause the orbiting scroll to perform eccentric revolving motion;a tip seal member inserted in a tip of each of the scroll wraps of the orbiting scroll along a spiral direction and being in sliding contact with a baseplate of the fixed scroll; andinjection ports provided through the baseplate of the fixed scroll and configured to introduce refrigerant having an intermediate pressure between suction pressure and discharge pressure into the compression chambers from an outside of the shell,whereinthe refrigerant is composed only of carbon dioxide or is a mixed refrigerant containing carbon dioxide, andeach of the injection ports has a diameter ϕinj and the tip seal member has a width TIP in a direction perpendicular to the spiral direction, the diameter ϕinj and the width TIP having a relationship of ϕinj≤0.95 ×TIP.2. The scroll compressor of claim 1 , wherein the injection ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Liquid-Cooled Compressor and Method for Operating Same

Номер: US20170130720A1

Typical liquid-cooled compressors use the effective means of reducing no-load power by repeatedly starting and stopping an electric motor according to the amount of required air, but sufficient consideration has not been given to the fact that frequent starting and stopping of large-output electric motors leads to a decline in motor reliability. In order to solve this problem, a liquid-cooled compressor for circulating a liquid inside a compressor body using a pressure difference, and equipped with a cooling channel for circulating said liquid for cooling, configured so as to have an intake valve for adjusting the air intake of the compressor body, to change the amount of air taken in through the intake valve, and as a result, to perform a low-pressure operation during no-load operation at two levels of reduced operating pressure consisting of a value no less than a minimum circulation oil supply pressure and a low value. As a result, possible to provide a compressor which balances ensuring the reliability of the compressor and the electric motor during no-load operation of a large-output electric motor, and improving energy efficiency during no-load operation by reducing surplus power. 111.-. (canceled)12. A liquid-cooled compressor provided with a cooling channel for circulating cooling liquid and so configured that the liquid is circulated in the compressor body by a pressure difference , comprising:an intake valve for adjusting the air intake of the compressor body,wherein during no-load operation, reduced pressure operation is performed at two levels of reduced pressure operation pressure, a value equal to or higher than a minimum circulation oil supply pressure and a low value by varying the amount of air taken in through the intake valve.13. The liquid-cooled compressor according to claim 12 , comprising:a channel letting a place, located on the downstream side of the compressor body, where a pressure is maintained and the intake valve communicate with each ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Housing for a rotary vane pump

Номер: US20150139845A1
Принадлежит: Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH

A housing for a rotary vane pump includes a suction flange and a discharge flange having a multi-angular cross-section with at least two sides extending parallel to each other, cooling ribs provided on an outer surface of the housing, with the number of cooling ribs in the region with a high internal pressure being greater than a number of cooling ribs in the region with a low internal pressure, inlet and outlet, with the inlet cross-section being greater than the outlet cross-section, and connection elements provided on the housing and each having two installation surfaces connected by a connection surface.

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220275803A1
Принадлежит: VHIT SpA

Pump ( 1 ) comprising:—means ( 2 ) for pumping a working fluid;—an electric motor ( 3 ) for actuating the pumping means ( 2 ); said motor ( 3 ) comprising a stator ( 31 ) and a rotor ( 32 ) that interact for the actuation of the pumping means ( 2 ); said rotor ( 32 ) being rotatable about an axis of rotation ( 320 );—an electronic unit ( 4 ) for controlling the electric motor ( 3 );—a conduit ( 5 ) for the delivery of the working fluid downstream of the pumping means ( 2 );—a line ( 6 ) for cooling the electric motor ( 3 ) and the electronic unit ( 4 ), said cooling line ( 6 ) being permanently open and drawing off some of the working fluid processed by the pumping means ( 2 ). The cooling line ( 6 ) comprises a first conduit ( 61 ) which is developed from a delivery area ( 22 ) of the pumping means ( 2 ).

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190128249A1

An electric compressor is provided which has: in a sealed container, a compression mechanism to compress a refrigerant and an electric motor to drive the compression mechanism, wherein the refrigerant contains 20% by mass or more of hydrofluoroolefin, and a refrigerator oil stored in the sealed container contains; polyvinyl ether as a base oil; an alicyclic epoxy compound in an amount of 0.1% by mass or more and 2.0% by mass or less relative to the base oil; an aliphatic epoxy compound in an amount of 0.1% by mass or more and 2.0% by mass or less relative to the base oil; and tertiary phosphate in an amount of 0.1% by mass or more and 2.0% by mass or less relative to the base oil. 1. An electric compressor comprising;in a sealed container, a compression mechanism to compress a refrigerant and an electric motor to drive the compression mechanism,wherein the refrigerant contains 20% by mass or more of hydrofluoroolefin, and polyvinyl ether as a base oil,', 'an alicyclic epoxy compound in an amount of 0.1% by mass or more and 2.0% by mass or less relative to the base oil,', 'an aliphatic epoxy compound in an amount of 0.1% by mass or more and 2.0% by mass or less relative to the base oil, and', 'tertiary phosphate in an amount of 0.1% by mass or more and 2.0% by mass or less relative to the base oil., 'a refrigerator oil stored in the sealed container contains'}2. The electric compressor according to claim 1 , whereinthe electric motor drives the compression mechanism through a rotation axis supported by a rolling bearing to be lubricated with the refrigerator oil.3. The electric compressor according to claim 1 , whereinthe hydrofluoroolefin is at least one selected from 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, trifluoroethene, and 3,3,3-trifluoropropene.4. The electric compressor according to claim 1 , whereinthe alicyclic epoxy compound is 3,4-epoxycyclohexylmethyl-3,4-epoxycyclohexanecarboxylate.5. The electric compressor according to claim 1 , ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Oil-Cooled Screw Compressor

Номер: US20190128264A1

The objective of the present invention is to reduce loss factors that occur inside an oil-cooled screw compressor and to improve energy efficiency. In oil-cooled screw compressors, compression is carried out by reducing the volume of an operation chamber in which a gas to be compressed and an oil are mixed and contained, and when a predetermined rise in pressure is complete, a discharge port opens and the gas to be compressed and the oil are discharged. In the operation chamber, the reduction in volume continues and reaches zero, such that the operation chamber disappears, and the opening area of the discharge port also gradually decreases. Immediately before the operation chamber disappears, the ratio of the oil within the operation chamber is high and the opening area of the discharge port is small. Therefore, the discharge resistance increases and the internal pressure dramatically rises, and this has led to increases in the torque rotating the rotor. Thus, in the present invention, a tooth crest arc of a fixed width is provided to the tooth crest of a male tooth profile, and simultaneously a tooth bottom arc is provided to the tooth bottom of a female tooth profile. Due to the actions thereof, the operation chamber immediately before disappearing exists only in a bottom half region from a line that connects the centers of the male and female tooth profiles, and the opening area relative to the volume of the operation chamber can be increased. As a result, the discharge of oil becomes smooth and energy loss is reduced. 18. to . (canceled.)9. An oil-cooled screw compressor comprising:a pair of a male rotor and a female rotor that mesh with each other around parallel two axes and each have twisted teeth,wherein a tooth profile of the female rotor has a circular arc section that coincides with an inscribed circle of the female rotor.10. The oil-cooled screw compressor according to claim 9 , wherein the tooth profile of the male rotor has a circular arc section ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200124050A1

A twin-shaft pump comprising: a pumping chamber; two rotatable shafts each mounted on bearings is disclosed. Each of the two rotatable shafts comprises at least one rotor element, the rotor elements being within the pumping chamber and the two rotatable shafts extending beyond the pumping chamber to a support member. The support member comprises mounting means for mounting the bearings at a predetermined distance from each other, the predetermined distance defining a distance between the two shafts. A thermal break between the pumping chamber and the support member is provided for impeding thermal conductivity between the pumping chamber and the support member, such that the pumping chamber and support member can be maintained at different temperatures. The support member and the rotor elements are formed of different materials, a coefficient of thermal expansion of a material forming the support member being higher than a coefficient of thermal expansion of a material forming the rotor elements. 1. A twin-shaft pump comprising:a pumping chamber;two rotatable shafts each mounted on bearings;each of the two rotatable shafts comprising at least one rotor element, the rotor elements being within the pumping chamber and the two rotatable shafts extending beyond the pumping chamber to a support member;the support member comprising mounting means for mounting the bearings at a predetermined distance from each other, the predetermined distance defining a distance between the two rotatable shafts; andat least one thermal path along structural elements connecting the pumping chamber and the mounting means;a thermal break in at least one of the at least one thermal path for impeding thermal conductivity between the pumping chamber and the mounting means, such that the pumping chamber and mounting means can be maintained at different temperatures;the thermal break comprising a portion of the thermal path where at least one physical property is different to a physical property ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Screw Compressor and a Compressor Body Thereof

Номер: US20180135631A1

A screw compressor and a compressor body thereof, in which the compressor body includes a housing provided with a suction inlet and a discharge end face, the housing is internally provided with a rotor chamber and a spool chamber, the housing is provided with a cooling chamber around the rotor chamber, the cooling chamber communicates with the suction inlet, and the cooling chamber is provided with an air inlet communicating with the rotor chamber. 1. A compressor body comprising: a housing provided with a suction inlet and a discharge end face , said housing being internally provided with a rotor chamber and a spool chamber , wherein said housing is provided with a cooling chamber around said rotor chamber , said cooling chamber communicates with said suction inlet , and said cooling chamber is provided with an air inlet communicating with said rotor chamber.2. The compressor body of claim 1 , wherein the amount of said air inlet is plural.3. The compressor body of claim 2 , wherein a plurality of said air inlets are a primary air inlet claim 2 , a first auxiliary air inlet and a second auxiliary air inlet claim 2 , said primary air inlets having a diameter greater than that of both said first auxiliary air inlet and said second auxiliary air inlet.4. The compressor body of claim 3 , wherein said rotor chamber comprises a female rotor chamber and a male rotor chamber; said primary air inlet is disposed in the middle of said female rotor chamber and said male rotor chamber proximate to said discharge end face claim 3 , said first auxiliary air inlet is disposed at the bottom of said female rotor chamber claim 3 , and said second auxiliary air inlet is disposed at the bottom of said male rotor chamber.5. The compressor body of claim 4 , wherein said discharge end face is provided with an opening communicating with said cooling chamber claim 4 , and there is a tapering cross section from said opening to said cooling chamber.6. The compressor body of claim 5 , wherein ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180138763A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A rotor core is configured by stacking a plurality of core plates each including: an inner peripheral side core portion; an outer peripheral side core portion; a magnet insertion hole; a radial connection portion to be connected to the inner peripheral side core portion; a circumferential connection portion to be connected between the outer peripheral side core portion and the radial connection portion, including a minimum width portion having a width smaller than widths at both ends, and having a width smoothly decreasing from both ends toward the minimum width portion; and a thin portion including a uniform thickness portion which is provided in the circumferential connection portion and which has a uniform thickness and a non-uniform thickness portion which is adjacent to the uniform thickness portion and which has an increasing thickness, the thin portion having the minimum width portion within the uniform thickness portion. 1. A rotor comprising:a rotor core configured by stacking a plurality of core plates in a direction of a rotation axis such that positions of magnet insertion holes coincide with each other, each core plate includingan inner peripheral side core portion provided at the rotation axis side of the core plate having a shape with n-fold symmetry about the rotation axis so as to correspond to a number of magnetic poles,an outer peripheral side core portion provided at an outer peripheral side of the core plate so as to correspond to each magnetic pole,the magnet insertion hole provided between the inner peripheral side core portion and the outer peripheral side core portion so as to correspond to each magnetic pole,a radial connection portion provided between each magnetic pole, connected to the inner peripheral side core portion, and extending in a radial direction of the core plate,{'b': 1', '2', '3', '1', '2, 'a circumferential connection portion connected to the outer peripheral side core portion and the radial connection portion, extending in ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152852A1
Автор: HOU Xiaoli

An externally-supported rotary fluid machinery and a method for eliminating axial rotor displacement. The fluid machinery includes a box body, an air cylinder and a rotor, wherein the rotor is eccentrically mounted in the air cylinder; the air cylinder is mounted in the box body; one end of a sliding plate is inserted in the rotor, and the other end is embedded in a wall of the air cylinder; a fluid inlet is provided on the box body, and a fluid outlet is provided on the air cylinder; a support end of the rotor protrudes out of the box body and is supported in a rotor bearing support structure; and a support end of the air cylinder also protrudes out of the box body and is supported in an air cylinder bearing support structure. 1. An externally-supported rotary fluid machinery , comprising a box body , an air cylinder and a rotor , wherein:the rotor is eccentrically mounted in the air cylinder;the air cylinder is mounted in the box body;one end of a sliding plate is inserted in the rotor, and the other end is embedded in a wall of the air cylinder;a fluid inlet is provided on the box body;a fluid inlet is provided on a working section of the air cylinder;and a fluid outlet is provided on a support section of the air cylinder; andwherein a support end of the rotor protrudes out of the box body and is supported in a rotor bearing support structure, and/or a support section of the air cylinder also protrudes out of the box body and is supported in an air cylinder bearing support structure.2. The externally-supported rotary fluid machinery according to claim 1 , wherein the rotor bearing support structure is mounted in an airtight space formed by a shaft sealing structure to improve a lubrication cooling effect claim 1 , and prevent a high pressure high temperature fluid from polluting a bearing and a lubricant in the rotor bearing support structure.3. The externally-supported rotary fluid machinery according to claim 1 , wherein the air cylinder bearing support ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Vapor injection device and compressor

Номер: US20220299026A1

Provided are a vapor injection device and a compressor. The vapor injection device includes an injector valve plate, an injector plate, and an injector reed valve. One side of the injector plate facing toward the injector valve plate is provided with an avoidance groove. A guide post is disposed protruding from one side of the injector plate facing away from the injector valve plate. The guide post is inserted into a fixed scroll of the compressor and provided with an injection channel. A vapor injection inlet cavity is formed between the rear housing, the injector valve plate, and the fixed scroll. The injector reed valve is disposed between the injector valve plate and the injector plate and attaches to the injector valve plate, the injector reed valve is provided with a movable sheet, and the movable sheet, the injector valve plate and the avoidance groove form a one-way valve structure.

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Liquid-Cooled Type Compressor

Номер: US20210190060A1
Автор: KOTANI Masanao

The present invention effectively cools air in a compression process at a high stage when an oil is supplied at the same pressure at a low stage and the high stage. Provided is a liquid-cooled type compressor including: a liquid-cooled type compressor body; at least one first nozzle; and at least one second nozzle, the at least one first nozzle and the at least one second nozzle each having a plurality of injection ports per nozzle and supplying a refrigerant through the injection ports into an inside of the compressor body, the second nozzle having the injection ports each having a diameter larger than a diameter of each of the injection ports of the first nozzle. 1. A liquid-cooled type compressor comprising:a liquid-cooled type compressor body;at least one first nozzle; andat least one second nozzle that is disposed on a high pressure side as compared to the first nozzle,the at least one first nozzle and the at least one second nozzle each having a plurality of injection ports per nozzle and supplying a refrigerant through the injection ports into an inside of the compressor body,the second nozzle having the injection ports each having a diameter larger than a diameter of each of the injection ports of the first nozzle.2. The liquid-cooled type compressor according to claim 1 , whereinan angle formed between the plurality of injection ports of the second nozzle is larger than an angle formed between the plurality of injection ports of the first nozzle.3. The liquid-cooled type compressor according to claim 1 , whereinthe number of the second nozzles is greater than the number of the first nozzles.4. The liquid-cooled type compressor according to claim 1 , whereinthe diameters of the injection ports of the first nozzle and those of the second nozzle are equal to or more than 0.5 mm.5. The liquid-cooled type compressor according to claim 1 , whereinthe angles θ formed between the plurality of injection ports are all 0°≤θ<150°.6. A liquid-cooled type compressor ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160169229A1

A heat exchanger includes: a heat exchange section through which a compressed gas flows; an upstream header section that is provided on an upstream side of the heat exchange section and communicates with the heat exchange section; a downstream header section that is provided on an downstream side of the heat exchange section and communicates with the heat exchange section; a gas inlet pipe that is connected to a wall surface of the upstream header section; and a gas outlet pipe that is connected to a wall surface of the downstream header section. A filter-cum-sound absorbing material of a porous material is mounted on an inner wall surface of at least one of the upstream header section and the downstream header section. The inner wall surface faces the heat exchange section.

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Scroll type device having liquid cooling through idler shafts

Номер: US20180163726A1

A scroll device is disclosed having a housing, a motor having a shaft, an orbiting scroll connected to the shaft for moving the orbiting scroll, a fixed scroll mated to the orbiting scroll, an idler shaft for aligning the orbiting scroll and the fixed scroll, an inlet formed in the housing and/or the fixed scroll for receiving a cooling liquid, and a channel formed in the idler shaft for receiving the cooling liquid. 1. A scroll device comprising:a housing;a motor having a shaft;an orbiting scroll connected to the shaft for moving the orbiting scroll;a fixed scroll mated to the orbiting scrollan idler shaft for aligning the orbiting scroll and the fixed scroll;an inlet formed in the housing for receiving a cooling liquid; anda channel formed in the idler shaft for receiving the cooling liquid.2. A scroll device comprising:a housing;a motor having a shaft;an orbiting scroll connected to the shaft for moving the orbiting scroll;a fixed scroll mated to the orbiting scrollan idler shaft for aligning the orbiting scroll and the fixed scroll;an inlet formed in the fixed scroll for receiving a cooling liquid; anda channel formed in the idler shaft for receiving the cooling liquid.3. A scroll device comprising:a housing;a motor having a shaft;an orbiting scroll connected to the shaft for moving the orbiting scroll;a fixed scroll mated to the orbiting scroll;an idler shaft for aligning the orbiting scroll and the fixed scroll;a bearing for supporting the idler shaft;an inlet formed in the housing for receiving a cooling liquid;a channel formed in the idler shaft for receiving the cooling liquid; anda radial shaft seal for preventing any cooling liquid to leak into the bearing.4. A scroll device comprising:a housing;a motor having a shaft;an orbiting scroll connected to the shaft for moving the orbiting scroll;a fixed scroll mated to the orbiting scroll;an idler shaft for aligning the orbiting scroll and the fixed scroll;a bearing for supporting the idler shaft;an inlet ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170167480A1

Disclosed herein is an electric compressor including: a main housing () having therein a suction chamber into which low-temperature refrigerant is drawn; an inverter housing () including an internal seating surface () formed adjacent to the suction chamber, with at least one inverter element () fixed at a surface thereof to the internal seating surface () while making contact with the internal seating surface (), the at least one inverter element () conducting heat to the main housing (); and at least one heat dissipation cover () disposed toward the main housing () while facing another surface of the inverter element () and enclosing the inverter element (), the at least one heat dissipation cover () having therein a receiving space () in which the inverter element () is received. 120-. (canceled)21. An electric compressor comprising:a main housing including a suction chamber formed therein, the suction chamber configured to receive a low-temperature refrigerant;an inverter housing including an internal seating surface and an inverter element disposed on the internal seating surface, the internal seating surface formed adjacent the suction chamber, the inverter element in thermal communication with the main housing; anda heat dissipation cover disposed in the inverter housing and at least partially enclosing the inverter element, the heat dissipation cover having a receiving space receiving the inverter element.22. The electric compressor of claim 21 , wherein the heat dissipation cover includes an first plate spaced from the internal seating surface forming an upper portion of the heat dissipation cover claim 21 , a second plate extending outwardly from the first plate claim 21 , a third plate extending outwardly from the first plate opposite the second plate claim 21 , and a fourth plate extending outwardly from the first plate between the second plate and the third plate claim 21 , the second plate forming a first side portion of the heat dissipation cover claim ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Waste-Heat Recovery System in Oil-Cooled Gas Compressor

Номер: US20200158377A1

A waste-heat recovery system includes a compressor main body; a gas piping, a waste-heat-recovery heat exchanger, a circulation circuit, and a tank with a water inlet piping and a water outlet piping that stores water that exchanges heat with the heat medium by connecting to the circulation circuit. The waste-heat recovery system also includes an inlet valve, a circulation pump, and a gas temperature sensor that detects the temperature of the compressed gas by arranging in the gas piping. The waste-heat recovery system also includes a water temperature sensor that detects the temperature of the water in the tank, and a control device that controls the inlet valve and the outlet valve according to detection temperature of the gas temperature sensor and the water temperature sensor. 1. A waste-heat recovery system comprising:a compressor main body;a gas piping through which compressed gas delivered from the compressor main body flows;a waste-heat-recovery heat exchanger for recovering heat from the compressed gas flowing through the gas piping;a circulation circuit through which a heat medium that exchanges heat with the compressed gas in the waste-heat-recovery heat exchanger flows;a tank with a water inlet piping and a water outlet piping that stores water that exchanges heat with the heat medium by connecting to the circulation circuit, an inlet valve that controls the flow of the inlet piping and an outlet valve that controls the flow of the outlet piping;a circulation pump that circulates the heat medium in the circulation circuit;a gas temperature sensor that detects the temperature of the compressed gas by arranging in the gas piping;a water temperature sensor that detects the temperature of the water in the tank; anda control device that controls the inlet valve and the outlet valve according to detection temperature of the gas temperature sensor and the water temperature sensor.2. The waste-heat recovery system according to claim 1 ,wherein the control device ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160177952A1
Автор: Larsen Hans

The invention relates to a mobile sludge exhauster including a tank for collection of sludge from a device that contains sludge and a vacuum system () for creation of suction. Sludge is sucked up and transported in a pipe unit to the tank. The vacuum system () includes a vacuum pump () and an air inlet pipe () for creation of an underpressure and a medium outlet pipe (). The vacuum system () includes a pressure sensor () for measuring the absolute pressure P in the air inlet pipe () or in the vacuum pump () and a control and adjustment unit () for registering the measured pressure P1 and for correction of the pump's () rotational speed. A sludge exhauster is hereby achieved, which functions no matter the atmospheric pressure. 115.-. (canceled)16. A mobile sludge exhauster , comprising:a tank for collection of sludge from a sludge containing unit, anda vacuum system for creating a suction, by which sludge is sucked up and transported in a pipe unit to the tank,wherein the vacuum system comprises a vacuum pump with a liquid medium and an air inlet pipe for establishing an underpressure, a medium outlet pipe and a pressure sensor for measuring a pressure,wherein the vacuum pump is a liquid ring pump and the pressure meter is designed to measure the absolute pressure P1 in the air inlet pipe or in the vacuum pump,wherein the vacuum system further comprises a control and adjustment unit for registration of the measured absolute pressure P1 and for correcting the pump's rotational speed, andwherein the rotational speed chosen by the control and adjustment unit is a function of the absolute pressure P1 and the control and adjustment unit is designed to change the rotational speed when the registered absolute pressure P1 takes a given and predetermined value.17. The mobile sludge exhauster according to claim 16 , wherein the vacuum system further comprises at least one temperature measuring device for registration of the temperature T1 in the vacuum pump and/or in the ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170175744A1

The application is directed to a compressor having a housing with a fluid compression region to rotatably support a compressor rotor. The housing includes an inner wall formed as a thin wall positioned about the compression region and an outer wall spaced radially outward of the inner wall. A cooling chamber is formed in a space between the inner and outer walls. A rib formed on the inner wall projects into the cooling chamber to provide structural support and prevent thermal deformation of the thin inner wall during compressor operation. 1. A compressor comprising:a structure configured to support a compressor rotor;fluid compression means coupled to the compressor rotor;a cooling chamber formed within the structure about a portion of the compressor rotor, the cooling chamber configured to contain a cooling fluid;an inner cooling jacket wall and outer cooling jacket wall defining inner and outer walls respectively of the cooling chamber; anda plurality of ribs formed with the inner cooling jacket wall, the ribs defined by portions of the inner cooling jacket wall projecting radially outward toward the cooling chamber.2. The compressor system of claim 1 , wherein the ribs of the inner cooling jacket wall define a wall thickness that is greater than a wall thickness of the inner jacket wall at other locations.3. The compressor system of claim 1 , wherein portions of the inner jacket wall between adjacent ribs have a thickness defined as a thin walled structure.4. The compressor system of claim 1 , wherein a cooling fluid is disposed within the cooling chamber to receive and remove heat from the compressor.5. The compressor system of claim 4 , wherein the cooling fluid includes one of a water based solution and an oil based solution.6. The compressor system of claim 1 , wherein portions of the inner jacket wall having ribs formed thereon is more than twice the thickness of the non-ribbed portions.7. The compressor system of claim 1 , wherein portions of the inner ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Dual helium compressors

Номер: US20170176055A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo SHI Cryogenics of America Inc

This invention relates to oil lubricated helium compressor units for use in cryogenic refrigeration systems, operating on the Gifford McMahon (GM) or Brayton cycle. The objective of this invention is to provide redundancy by having a water cooled compressor manifolded to an air cooled compressor and sensors to detect faults so that an expander can be kept running if there is a failure in either the water or air supply.

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200173439A1

A compression part of a rotary compressor includes an intermediate partition plate that is arranged between an upper cylinder and a lower cylinder, an upper vane that sections an upper cylinder chamber formed within the upper cylinder into an upper suction chamber and an upper compression chamber, and a lower vane that sections a lower cylinder chamber formed within the lower cylinder into a lower suction chamber and a lower compression chamber. The intermediate partition plate is formed with an injection hole that injects a liquid refrigerant into the upper compression chamber and the lower compression chamber and an injection passage that supplies the liquid refrigerant to the injection hole. The injection passage is formed along a straight line that does not cross a rotary shaft insertion hole into which a rotary shaft is inserted. 1. A rotary compressor comprising:a compressor casing that is formed in a substantially cylindrical shape, is vertically installed, is provided with a discharge pipe discharging a refrigerant at an upper part, is provided with an upper suction pipe and a lower suction pipe sucking the refrigerant at a lower part of a side face, and is hermetically sealed;an accumulator that is fixed to a side part of the compressor casing and connected to the upper suction pipe and the lower suction pipe;a motor that is arranged within the compressor casing; anda compression part that is arranged below the motor within the compressor casing and driven by the motor to suck the refrigerant from the accumulator via the upper suction pipe and the lower suction pipe, compress the refrigerant, and discharge the refrigerant from the discharge pipe, wherein an upper cylinder that is formed in an annular shape;', 'a lower cylinder that is formed in an annular shape;', 'an upper end plate that blocks an upper side of the upper cylinder', 'a lower end plate that blocks a lower side of the lower cylinder;', 'an intermediate partition plate that is arranged between ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200173444A1

A heat exchanger for changing a temperature of a pumped gas flow and a pump comprising the heat exchanger is disclosed. The heat exchanger comprises: at least one tube configured to contain a flow of fluid; said at least one tube being at least partially embedded within a block of material; wherein said heat exchanger comprises mounting means configured to mount said heat exchanger adjacent to a gas port of a pump such that a least a portion of said heat exchanger extends into a path for gas flow flowing through said gas port; wherein the mounting means comprises a flange, the flange being configured to connect with the gas port of the pump, the block being mounted to the flange such that the block extends towards the rotor of the pump when the flange is connected with the gas port of the pump. 1. A heat exchanger for changing a temperature of a gas flow , the heat exchanger comprising:at least one tube configured to contain a flow of fluid;the at least one tube being at least partially embedded within a block of material; andmounting means configured to mount the heat exchanger adjacent to a gas port of a pump such that a least a portion of the heat exchanger extends into a path for gas flow flowing through the gas port, whereinwherein the mounting means comprises a flange, the flange being configured to connect with the gas port of the pump, the block being mounted to the flange such that the block extends towards at least one rotor of the pump when the flange is connected with the gas port of the pump.2. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger is configured such that the block is within the gas flow path when the heat exchanger is mounted adjacent to the gas port.3. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger is mounted centrally within the gas flow path when mounted adjacent to the gas port.4. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , the heat exchanger comprising a plurality of heat transfer fins extending ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Inlet valve for the inlet of a compressor element and compressor and compressor element equipped with it

Номер: US20200173563A1
Автор: Joris Mertens
Принадлежит: Atlas Copco Airpower NV

An inlet valve containing a housing with an entry and an exit and an internal part which together with an external part delimits a flow channel between entry and exit, whereby this flow channel is closable by a valve. The valve includes a piston and a valve member. The piston slides in the housing and is connected with the exit and the valve member is formed by a valve shaft piston which slides in the piston such that in rest mode the valve member is pushed by the piston against valve seat. Between the valve shaft piston and the piston a chamber is enclosed which comes into fluid connection with the pressure vessel and has a blow-off exit forming a fluid connection between the chamber and the entry, whereby the valve shaft piston contains a bypass channel connected with the chamber and the sidewall of the valve shaft piston.

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150211519A1
Автор: Tabata Shingo

An electric pump is provided, which may include a motor unit including a rotation shaft, and a pump unit including a rotor having a vane groove accommodating a vane and coupled with the rotation shaft, and including a pump plate including an external wall portion and a cam ring having a cam surface on which the vane slides, and a bottom lid portion provided in the pump plate and being integrally formed with the external wall portion and the cam ring, and a connection unit being provided between the external wall portion and the cam ring to connect the external wall portion and the cam ring and protruding in a direction away from the bottom lid portion, and the connection unit is integrally formed with the external wall portion, the cam ring, and the bottom lid portion. 1. An electric pump , comprising:a motor unit including a rotation shaft;a pump unit including a rotor having a vane groove accommodating a vane and coupled with the rotation shaft, and including a pump plate including an external wall portion and a cam ring having a cam surface on which the vane slides;a bottom lid portion provided in the pump plate and being integrally formed with the external wall portion and the cam ring, anda connection unit being provided between the external wall portion and the cam ring to connect the external wall portion and the cam ring and protruding in a direction away from the bottom lid portion, and the connection unit being integrally formed with the external wall portion, the cam ring, and the bottom lid portion.2. The electric pump according to claim 1 , wherein the connection unit is provided on every predetermined angle along a peripheral direction of the cam ring.3. The electric pump according to claim 1 , wherein an end surface of the connection unit at a protruding side from the bottom lid portion is disposed to be located at a side closer to an end surface of a protruding side of the cam ring than the bottom lid portion.4. The electric pump according to claim 1 ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации

High Pressure, Single Stage Rotor

Номер: US20160208801A1

Rotors for a rotary screw compressor having geometries that increase the efficiency of the compression process. The thermodynamic behavior of the rotors may be improved through an increase in the number of male and female lobes of the rotors and/or by an increased wrap angle, such as, for example, using wrap angles that exceed 360 degrees. By increasing the number of lobes, the rotors may have improved resistance to bending of the rotors that may otherwise occur when the temperature of the rotors is elevated and/or the rotor is utilized in relatively high pressure compression applications. The improved resistance to bending may allow the rotors to retain the relatively small size of the work spaces between intermeshed lobes of the rotors in which captured working fluid is being compressed. 1. A rotary screw compressor system comprising:a male screw rotor having a male helical screw portion, the male helical screw portion having a plurality of male lobes, the plurality of male lobes being between four to eight males lobes, inclusive, and a male rotor wrap angle between approximately 350 degrees to 450 degrees, inclusive; anda female screw rotor having a female helical screw portion configured to intermesh with the male helical screw portion, the female helical screw portion having a plurality of female lobes and a female rotor wrap angle.2. The rotary screw compressor system of claim 1 , wherein the female rotor wrap angle is between approximately 250 degrees and approximately 325 degrees claim 1 , inclusive.3. The rotary screw compressor system of claim 1 , wherein the number of female lobes of the plurality of female lobes is greater than the total number of male lobes of the plurality of male lobes by one or two female lobes.4. The rotary screw compressor system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of male lobes comprises at least five male lobes.5. The rotary screw compressor system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of female lobes comprises between five to ten ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Thermal/Noise Management in a Scroll Pump

Номер: US20140294623A1

The main sources of heat in a scroll pump are cooled efficiently by a single cooling fan so that noise and, in particular, fan-generated noise, can be kept low. The scroll pump includes a pump head assembly, a pump motor, a cooling fan that produces a cooling air flow in the pump, a cowling in which the pump head assembly, pump motor and cooling fan are housed and juxtaposed with one another in an axial direction of the pump, and a shroud disposed within the cowling and extending around the pump motor to define a tunnel with the motor and through which the air flow of the cooling fan is directed. 19-. (canceled)10. A scroll pump comprising:a pump head assembly comprising a stationary plate scroll fixed in the pump, an orbiting plate scroll, and a drive shaft coupling the pump motor to the orbiting plate scroll;a pump motor coupled to the orbiting plate scroll so as to drive the orbiting plate scroll;a cooling fan that produces a cooling air flow in the pump;a cowling in which the pump head assembly, pump motor and cooling thin are housed as juxtaposed with one another in an axial direction of the pump, the cowling having opposite ends in the axial direction, the ends defining an air inlet and an air outlet, respectively; anda shroud disposed within the cowling, the shroud extending around the pump motor as spaced radially therefrom such that a tunnel extending longitudinally in the axial direction of the pump is defined by the shroud between the pump motor and the shroud within the cowling, andwherein the tunnel is open to and connects the air inlet and the air outlet, and the cooling fan is disposed in the pump such that the cooling air flow produced by the cooling fan flows from the air inlet to the air outlet via the tunnel to cool the pump motor.11. The scroll pump as claimed in claim 10 , wherein the cooling air flow output by the fan has a cross-sectional area claim 10 , perpendicular to the axial direction claim 10 , that is substantially the same as that of ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Thermal/Noise Management in a Scroll Pump

Номер: US20140294638A1

The speed of a cooling fan of a scroll pump is controlled such that fan-generated noise can be kept low. The scroll pump includes a pump head, a pump motor, the fan, a controller and one or more sensors. The pump head includes a plate scroll set in which a tip seal is provided to create a seal between the blade and the opposing plates of the plate scrolls of the set. The speed of the fan is cycled by the controller, and the power draw on the pump motor as a result is checked. These results are used to infer the state of the pump, i.e., to discriminate several different states of the pump from one another, including a state in which a new tip seal is being worn in, and to control the speed of the fan accordingly. 1. A method in the thermal managemement of a scroll pump having a stationary plate scroll including a stationary plate and a stationary scroll blade projecting axially from the stationary plate , and an orbiting plate scroll having an orbiting plate and an orbiting scroll blade projecting axially from the orbiting plate , the method comprising:monitoring at least one load on the scroll pump;analyzing the at least one load being monitored,wherein said analyzing includes determining from the at least one load on the pump whether a new tip seal, providing a seal between an axial tip of the scroll blade of one of the plate scrolls and the plate of the other of the plate scrolls, has just been installed; andregulating the speed of a cooling fan of the scroll pump on the basis of the analyzing of the at least one load.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one load on the pump is at least one of the temperature of a motor of the pump that drives the orbiting plate scroll claim 1 , the temperature of a component of an electronic control system of the pump claim 1 , the temperature of a pump head assembly of the pump which includes the orbiting and stationary plate scrolls claim 1 , the power being drawn by the motor of the pump claim 1 , the ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Scroll Fluid Machine

Номер: US20140294641A1

In a scroll air compressor as a scroll fluid machine capable of being downsized with an increased cooling effect, cooling air entering through a fixed inlet of a fixed cooling passage provided at the rear of a fixed scroll, and an orbiting inlet of an orbiting cooling passage provided at the rear of an orbiting scroll, is allowed to flow out of an fixed outlet and an orbiting outlet, respectively. Thereafter, the cooling air is guided to an outer periphery of the other end of the casing through a side duct and a guide duct, and then sucked into an inner peripheral side of a centrifugal fan to be discharged outwardly from an exhaust port provided in a fan cover. 1. A scroll fluid machine comprising:a cylindrical casing with an opening at either axial end thereof;a fixed scroll provided at the opening on one end of the casing, with a fixed wrap extending toward the casing;an orbiting scroll provided in the casing and having an orbiting wrap with a compression chamber formed between the fixed wrap of the fixed scroll and the orbiting wrap;a rotating shaft with one end engaging with the orbiting scroll to allow the orbiting scroll to perform an orbiting motion, and another end protruding from the opening of another end of the casing; anda discharging centrifugal fan provided on the other end of the rotating shaft,the scroll fluid machine including:a fixed cooling passage provided on a rear of the fixed scroll, with a fixed inlet opened to outside on one radial side of the fixed scroll and a fixed outlet on another radial side of the fixed scroll;an orbiting cooling passage provided between a rear of the orbiting scroll and a rear plate connected to the rotating shaft, with an orbiting inlet opened to outside on one radial side of the casing and an orbiting outlet on another radial side of the casing; anda cooling air passage having a side duct communicating with the fixed outlet and the orbiting outlet located on one side surface of the casing, and a guide duct ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170204860A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a dry pump and an exhaust gas treatment method which can improve an effect of inhibiting a reaction product from adhering to the inside of a gas outlet port of the dry pump, a gas exhaust pipe, or the like and can also improve an energy saving effect. To attain the object, the present invention includes the gas exhaust pipe disposed to be connected to the gas outlet port of the dry pump and to a gas inlet port of a detoxification device, and a heat exchanger which heats a diluent gas introduced therein using a heat generated from the dry pump and introduces the heated diluent gas into the gas exhaust pipe to heat a used gas to a temperature of not less than a predetermined value. 1. A dry pump which sucks in a gas exhausted from a process chamber ,whereina diluent gas heated using a heat generated from the dry pump is introduced into either a gas outlet port of the dry pump or a gas exhaust pipe connected to the gas outlet port.2. The dry pump according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , by introducing the diluent gas claim 1 , a gas in either the gas outlet port or the gas exhaust pipe is heated to a temperature of not less than a predetermined value.3. The dry pump according to claim 1 , wherein the diluent gas is heated by a heat exchanger which is disposed on with being in firm contact with an outer surface of a casing of the dry pump so as to perform heat exchange with the dry pump.4. The dry pump according to claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger includes a pipe having a rectangular cross-sectional shape and disposed so as to be tightly embedded in a groove having a rectangular cross-sectional shape.5. The dry pump according to claim 1 , wherein the diluent gas is heated by a pipe disposed in a casing of the dry pump.6. The dry pump according to claim 1 , wherein the diluent gas is introduced as a sealing gas into a casing of the dry pump.7. The dry pump according to claim 6 , wherein at least a part of the sealing ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140301881A1

A rotary compressor () includes a closed casing (), a cylinder (), a piston (), a lower bearing member (), a vane (), a suction port (), a discharge port (), and a partition member (). The partition member () is attached to the lower bearing member () so as to form a space enclosed by the partition member () and the lower bearing member () at a position adjacent to the lower bearing member (). A portion of an oil stored in the oil reservoir () flows into the enclosed space, and thereby an oil retaining portion () is formed. The oil retaining portion () is located on the same side as the suction port () with respect to a reference plane (H). 1. A rotary compressor comprising:a closed casing comprising an oil reservoir;a cylinder disposed inside the closed casing;a piston disposed inside the cylinder;a bearing member attached to the cylinder so as to form a cylinder chamber between the cylinder and the piston;a vane that partitions the cylinder chamber into a suction chamber and a discharge chamber;a suction port though which a refrigerant to be compressed is introduced into the suction chamber;a discharge port through which the compressed refrigerant is discharged from the discharge chamber, the discharge port being formed in the bearing member; anda partition member attached to the bearing member so as to form, together with the bearing member, a refrigerant discharge space capable of retaining the refrigerant discharged from the discharge chamber through the discharge port,whereinthe partition member or another member is attached to the bearing member so as to form a space enclosed by the partition member and the bearing member or a space enclosed by the another member and the bearing member at a position adjacent to the bearing member,a portion of an oil stored in the oil reservoir flows into the enclosed space, and thereby an oil retaining portion is formed, andthe oil retaining portion is located on the same side as the suction port with respect to a reference ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180209424A1
Автор: STOOP Koen

A helical compressor consisting of a casing with at least one fixed spiral; a rotor that has been placed in the casing and has at least one spiral that can be rotated within the casing; a crankshaft that has a main spindle that is mounted on bearings within the casing and an auxiliary spindle that is eccentrically positioned with respect to the geometric axis of the main spindle. The rotor is attached to the auxiliary spindle using a bearing and there is a mechanism present to prevent the rotor from rotating by itself. The rotor has an oil chamber that is connected to the bearing of the auxiliary spindle and a de-gassing channel for the oil chamber that goes through the auxiliary spindle and through part of the main spindle. 118-. (canceled)19. scroll compressor comprising a housing with a fixed stator with a fixed scroll; a movable rotor in this housing with a movable scroll cooperating with the fixed scroll; and a crankshaft that has a main shaft that is mounted on bearings in the housing and has a secondary shaft located eccentrically with respect to the geometric axis of the main shaft that is mounted on bearings in the centre of the rotor through the intervention of a ‘central bearing’; means for preventing the rotation of the rotor around its centre in such a way that the rotation of the crankshaft imposes an orbiting motion on the rotor , whereby the rotor is provided with an oil chamber that is intended to be partly filled with oil such that upon the movement of the rotor a part of the oil is thrown upwards in order to lubricate the central bearing , wherein the oil chamber is at a radial distance from the centre of the rotor and is connected to the central bearing by a narrower oil channel and in that the scroll compressor further comprises a fan for blowing cooling air along the outside of the oil chamber.20. The scroll compressor according to claim 19 , wherein the distance at which the oil chamber from the centre of the central bearing is greater than ...
