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14-12-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2809637C2
Принадлежит: ЖПБ СИСТЕМ (FR)

Изобретение относится к резьбовому крепежному устройству. Резьбовое крепежное устройство содержит блокирующие зажимы (14), незакрепленный конец которых приводится в действие кулачковыми профилями внутри приводимого во вращение кольца (19). Зажимы создаются посредством удаления материала из основной части (11) гайки и перехода из заблокированного состояния в освобожденное состояние и наоборот посредством упругой изгибающей деформации. Блокирующая поверхность (16) на внутренней стороне зажимов имеет такую же резьбу, что и основная часть гайки. Технический результат: обеспечение надежной блокировки даже после нескольких циклов завинчивания/отвинчивания, простота при использовании. 26 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

27-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2357116C2

Изобретение относится к резьбовым соединениям конструктивных элементов в машинах и механизмах. Самоконтрящаяся гайка состоит из корпуса гайки и эластичного кольца. Эластичное кольцо установлено на гайку путем завальцовки его закаточным методом посередине юбки корпуса гайки. В результате повышается надежность и упрощается конструкция. 1 ил.

20-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2079737C1

Использование: для самостопорения резьбовых соединений, в том числе работающих в условиях повышенных вибраций. Сущность изобретения: соединение содержит резьбовой стержень, установленный в отверстиях деталей, и гайку. На взаимообращенных поверхностях детали или гайки выполнен секторный вырез. Вырез ограничен углом 110-160oC. Глубина выреза должна, как минимум, превышать величину упругой деформации резьбы. При затяжке гайки в резьбе создают два участка с различными по величине и направлению упругими деформациями витков. Один из участков располагается над опорной поверхностью, а другой - над ее вырезом. За счет создания упомянутых участков обеспечивается самоконтрение резьбовых соединений. 4 ил.

27-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2047013C1

Использование: стопорение резьбовых соединений. Сущность изобретения: гайка содержит корпус 1 с резьбовым фланцем 2. Фланец выполнен с пазами 4 U-образной формы. Пазы образуют круговые дуговые сегменты 5, которые сжаты спиральной пружиной 3. Пружина выполнена из оцинкованной при нагреве перед скручиванием стали. В случае работы гайки при температуре ниже 250°С пружина должна быть выполнена из пружинной стали. Пружина может быть выполнена из нержавеющей пружинной стали для температур выше 250°С. Корпус гайки может быть выполнен с электролитическим медным покрытием. 2 с. и 2 з. п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

10-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007120784A

Самоконтрящаяся гайка, состоящая из гайки и эластичного кольца, отличающаяся тем, что эластичное кольцо установлено на гайку путем завальцовки его закаточным методом с торца гайки, или посередине юбки гайки, или путем смятия «лепестков» гайки, образованных вертикальными разрезами юбки гайки.

30-08-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018731C1

Сущность изобретения: контргайка содержит корпус 1 с резьбовым отверстием 5. На одном конце корпуса выполнен жесткий участок 3, а на другом - деформируемая часть 4, имеющая по существу эллиптическое поперечное сечение и максимальную радиальную толщину в зоне малой оси эллипса. Этим обеспечивается требуемая степень запирания (контрения) контргайки трением после навинчивания ее на болт. Деформируемая часть имеет минимальную радиальную толщину в зоне большой оси эллипса. Это дает возможность уменьшить напряжения и пластическую деформацию, оказывающие отрицательное влияние на степень повторной применимости контргайки. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: SU745224A1

... 1. Способ монтажа и демонтажа самоконтрящейся гайки с упругими резьбовыми лепестками, деформированными в сторону ее оси, путем надевания монтажного инструмента на гайку и навинчивания или отвинчивания ее, отличающийся тем, что, с целью предупреждения задиров по резьбе и упрощения монтажа, лепестки гайки разводят в радиальном направлении в пределах их упругой деформации до образования зазора по резьбе в процессе надевания на гайку упомянутого монтажного инструмента, например, торцового ключа. 2. Устройство для осуществления способа монтажа и демонтажа самоконтрящейся гайки по п.1, например, торцовый ключ, содержащий зев с внутренней фигурной поверхностью, соответствующей форме наружной поверхности гайки, отличающееся тем, что на внутренней донной поверхности зева ключа выполнен кольцевой выступ.

15-11-1978 дата публикации


Номер: SU632839A2

30-11-1985 дата публикации

Колпачковая гайка

Номер: SU1195081A1

КОЛПАЧКОВАЯ ГАЙКА, содержащая резьбовой корпус с колпачком, отличающаяся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности стопо- рения, донная часть колпачка вьшолнена вогнутой радиусом, равным половине диаметра резьбы гайки, глубиной вогнутости, равной половине радиу са вогнутости, и толщиной стенки, равной одной десятой диаметра резьбы гайки. со сд х ...

15-02-1985 дата публикации

Самоконтрящаяся гайка

Номер: SU1139907A1

... 1. САМОКОНТРЯЩАЯСЯ ГАЙКА, содержащая резьбовой корпус, в основании которого выполнено цилиндрическое углубление и расположенные равномерно по окружности прямоугольные. пазы со скосами, каждый из которых направлен в сторону,, противоположную направлению закручивания гайки, втулку с фланцем и внутренней резьбой, соответствующей резьбе корпуса гайки, при этом фланец выполнен с элементами для его деформации, размещенные в прямоугольных пазах корпуса, о т л и чаю щ а я- с я тем, что, с целью повышения надежности и долговечности гайки, элементы для деформации фланца выполнены па его торцовой поверхности . контактирующей с гайкой, в виде выступов, высота которых равна глубине прямоугольных пазов, а длина их равна ширине этих пазов. 2.Гайка по п. 1, о т л и ч а ющ а я с я тем, что на периферии торца корпуса гайки, контактирующего с фланцем, выполнены местные углубления величиной, равной 0,007-0,015 i наружного диаметра тайки. 3.Гайка по пп. 1 и 2, о т л и (Л чающаяся -тем, что торцовая поверхность ...

07-03-1991 дата публикации

Самоконтрящаяся гайка

Номер: SU1633177A1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения . Цель изобретения - повышение надежности самоконтрения Самоконтрящаяся гайка является дополнительным изобретением к авт.св. № 1442729 и 2 снабжена дополнительным поджимным упругим элементом Упругий элемент выполнен в виде U-образного ребра, армированного пружиной, жестко сичзан- ной с металлическим кольцом Ребра могут быть снабжены дополнительными упругими вкладышами. Вкладыши имеют различную упругость, возрастающую в сторону защитного колпачка Упругие вкладыши могут быть выполнены о виде жестко соединенных с металлическим кольцом плоских пружин . Рабочая поверхность ребра может иметь кривизну с нарастающим в сторону защитного колпачка радиусом. Суммарная упругость ребер и пружин позволяет повысить надежность контрения. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

28-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: SU595554A1

23-12-1985 дата публикации


Номер: SU1200000A1

ГАЙКА с равномерно расположенными на опорном торце выступами, отличающаяся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности стопорения в условиях вибрационных нагрузок и при многократном использовании , выступы выполнены в виде упругих щетинок, расположенных одна от другой на расстоянии, не превьппающем половины их высоты, а отношение диаметра поперечного сечения щетинки к высоте находится в пределах 0,5-0,3. to ...

15-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: SU1821572A1

Использование: в машиностроении дли стопорения резьбовых элементов. Сущность изобретения: гайка содержит резьбовой корпус 1, нажимное кольцо 2 и кольцевой поясок 4, образованный кольцевой выточкой, Кольцо 2 установлено с возможностью деформации пояска 4 и резьбы стержня 7 при навинчивании гайки. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

30-06-1977 дата публикации

Самоконтрящаяся гайка

Номер: SU563516A1

30-03-1980 дата публикации

Колпачковая гайка

Номер: SU724813A1

30-10-1991 дата публикации

Самоконтрящаяся гайка

Номер: SU1687946A2

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и, в частности может быть использовано в конструкциях автотранспортных средств и их деталях. Цель изобретения - повышение эксплуатационных свойств путем повышения надежности стопо-рения и долговечности Гайка выполнена со сквоз ными пазами в коронке 2 В пазах размеще мы ребра защитного колпачка 4. R ребрах выполнены пазы б. В теле колпачка и ребра установлены элементы 9 из магнитного материала . Их одноименные полюса направлены один к другому. Вместо элемента 9 в теле колпачка из магнитного материала может быть выполнено кольцо 8 Элемент 9 может быть расположен в донной части колпачка . 3 процессе эксплуатации магниты отталкиваются и поджимают ребра к болту При размещении элемента 9 в донной части колпачка элемент притягивает торец оолта и повышает надежность стопорения. 3 з.п ф-лы, 3 ил ел с IO iCO N| о о ю ...

15-12-1974 дата публикации


Номер: SU453501A1

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Plate nut for holding e.g. screw, has plunging portion radially displaced inwardly and axially in direction of connection end against edge regions of edge, where edge regions are provided at sides of plunging portion

Номер: DE102011105927A1

The nut (1) has a cylinder-like threaded sleeve (2) provided with thread turns (3) and formed with an opening-free edge (7) at a free end (6) of the sleeve connected with a threaded sleeve carrier plate (5) at a connection end (4). A plunging portion (8) is provided at the edge of the sleeve and radially displaced inwardly and axially in a direction of the connection end against edge regions (9) of the edge, where the regions are provided at sides of the plunging portion. Inclination angles of a middle region of the plunging portion with respect to a longitudinal axis of the sleeve are equal. An independent claim is also included for a method for manufacturing a plate nut.

07-07-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003563098D1

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Befestigungsanordnung, Clipkörper und Clip

Номер: DE102015009644A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Befestigungsanordnung (50) mit einem Clipkörper (10), einer Befestigungseinrichtung (14) und einer Platte (18), wobei der Clipkörper (10) eine Halterung (12) für die Befestigungseinrichtung (14) aufweist, wobei der Clipkörper (10) an der mit mindestens einer Befestigungsöffnung (16) versehenen Platte (18) befestigbar ist, und wobei die Platte zusätzlich zu der Befestigungsöffnung eine Positionieröffnung (80) aufweist, so dass durch einen Anschlag mindestens einen Positionierelementes (20) an einem Rand (22) der Positionieröffnung (80) eine Positionierung des Clipkörpers (10) an der Platte (18) erfolgt. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass die Positionieröffnung (80) eine solche Größe hat, die ein zumindest teilweises Hindurchführen des Clipkörpers (10) mit daran gehalterter Befestigungseinrichtung (14) erlaubt und dass das Positionierelement (20) zumindest teilweise an dem Rand (22) der Positionieröffnung (80) anliegt. Die Erfindung betrifft weiterhin einen Clipkörper ...

02-10-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003008217A1

05-02-1970 дата публикации

Kontermutter und Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung

Номер: DE0001400801A1

12-08-1971 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007017317U

29-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001625377B2

18-05-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002055937A1

23-01-1913 дата публикации

Improvements in Lock Nuts.

Номер: GB0191209556A

... 9556. Thompson, H. April 23. No Patent granted (Sealing fee not paid). Locking nuts.-A nut is formed with two internal gripping-jaws C which are forced back on the passage of the bolt into prepared recesses D. The nut is tapped before the jaws are sprung inwards, and the jaws may be slightly compressed axially after being tapped, ...

30-01-1935 дата публикации

Improvements in cap screws or bolts

Номер: GB0000423340A

... 423,340. Locking-bolts. PLACE, C. E. S., Port Chester, New York, and WINKLE, M. VAN, One Exchange Place, Jersey City, New Jersey, both in U.S.A. June 9, 1934, No. 17163. [Class 89 (i)] A bolt or cap screw is made self-locking by providing its head with a centrally-disposed bore 8 and its under surface with an annular bearing- surface 11 spaced from the shank 5 by the annular recess 10. The depth and diameter of the bore is such that the annulus 13 left between it and the groove 10 is dimensioned to act as an elastic diaphragm to produce the desired locking effect when the bolt is screwed up.

11-11-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001212315A

... 1,212,315. Making lock-nuts; forging; welding by pressure. MODULUS CORP. 14 April, 1969, No. 19061/69. Headings B3A, B3H and B3R. [Also in Division F2] A method of making a lock-nut from a metal nut body comprises forming the body into a shape having opposed top and bottom faces and connecting side faces of polygonal periphery, plastically forming a group of flute portions inclined downwardly and outwardly from the top face along a group of side faces, forming a threaded bore in the body, and deforming a group of upper wall portions of the body and the bore inwardly to provide locking thread portions. The inward deformation is performed by a tool T 1 having a forkshaped construction and whose tines define an included angle which is slightly greater than that of the corresponding fluted portions. A projection weld nut 40, having a square periphery, is formed with weld projections 49 and a locating collar 48, which is engaged in an aperture in a workpiece W supported on a lower welding head ...

14-06-1967 дата публикации

Threaded insert

Номер: GB0001072254A

... 1,072,254. Screw-sockets; locking nuts and and bolts. STANDARD PRESSED STEEL Co. Dec. 5, 1963 [Dec. 13, 1962], No. 48164/63. Heading F2H. An insert to be retained in a tapped hole and to receive a screw has a first area of reduced wall thickness 12 where the outside diameter is less than the major diameter of the external thread 11 and where the internal thread 14 is distorted, Fig. 2 (not shown), to lock on the screw and has a second area of reduced wall thickness 15 where the inside diameter is greater than the minor diameter of the internal thread 14 and where the external thread 11 is distorted, Fig. 3 (not shown), to lock in the tapped hole. The thin-walled areas need not be at the ends of the insert. The thread 14 at the first area, shown at the leading end of the insert, is distorted inwardly at one or more points and similarly at the second area the thread 15 is distorted outwardly at at least one point. To provide a socket 16 for receiving a wrench for turning the insert in the ...

10-03-1965 дата публикации

Lock nut

Номер: GB0000985727A

... 985,727. Locking nuts. FEDERAL SCREW WORKS. Jan. 17, 1963 [Jan. 23, 1962], No. 2138/63. Heading F2H. A self-locking nut is formed by squeezing a standard nut (between two opposed flat dies) along a diameter so that the tops 42, 44 of two opposed corner edges 40, 34 are adjacent sections 46, 48 of the thread are deformed radially inwardly.

11-06-1919 дата публикации

Improvements in Lock Nuts and Process of Making the same.

Номер: GB0000129409A

... 129,409. Mackenzie, J. W., (Grip Nut Co.). June 11, 1918. Locking nuts.-A self-locking nut is formed with a flat ridge 4 on one face, of less width than the bolt-hole. After the nut is tapped, the ridge is compressed to displace the threads in its vicinity. The distortion decreases in width and preferably ceases about the centre of the nut. Pressure may be applied to the ridge by a flat or convex tool.

09-02-1949 дата публикации

Lock nut and method and apparatus for making same

Номер: GB0000617597A

... 617,597. Making nuts. TRIPP, C. D. June 8, 1945, No. 14603. Convention date, July 28, 1944. [Classes 83 (ii) and 83 (iv)] [Also in Group XXV] Forging-machines ; dies.-Nut blanks with locking tongues 26, Fig. 4, have these tongues bent, to cause the threads on them to be distorted from the pitch of the main thread of the nut, axially radially and by varying the helix angle. The deformation is effected by a die 33, Fig. 6, having a threaded shank to screw into a ram, a flange 55 with opposed flats, and a concentric annular part 57 formed with one or more inwardly and axially extending crests 58 by grinding surfaces 59 to an angle of about 10 degrees to a horizontal plane passing through the crests. A modified form of nut blank is produced in a forging- machine to the shape shown in Fig. 9. In subsequent stages the lugs 62 are bent or rolled over to the position shown in dotted lines in Fig. 11. A combined reamer and tap is then entered into the blank from the face 67 to tap both the main ...

31-03-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001227097A

29-03-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001268416A

... 1,268,416. Rolling threads. J. H. STOVER III. 18 Aug., 1969 [24 Oct., 1968], No. 41176/69. Heading B3M. [Also in Division F2] A self-locking bolt, stud or set screw is formed by rolling an unthreaded blank having a bore in its leading end between a pair of dies 12, 13 (Fig. 1) opposed parts of the thread on the blank being indented to provide a portion of the blank with an elliptical cross-section. The blank is indented by inserts 20 and 21 carried in the dies, each insert being held in a cylindrical bore by a screw 23. The threading grooves on each insert, Fig. 9, protrude outwardly to deform the blank in the region of a central bore provided in the end of the blank. The main threading grooves of each die are relieved in the region 12d following the insert. The bore in the blank has a length of 1D and a diameter of 0À35 to 0À5 D, where D is the outer diameter of the rolled thread. The diameter of the major axis of the elliptical cross-section is about 1À03 D.

02-09-1959 дата публикации

A nut unit

Номер: GB0000819406A

... 819,406. Anchor-nuts. ELASTIC STOP NUT CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Aug. 21, 1957 [Nov. 2, 1956], No. 26380/57. Class 89(1) An anchor-nut comprises a body 22, Fig. 2, with a work-engaging-face 24, a coaxial spigot 26 by which the nut is anchored to a work-piece, and a lateral-arm 32 to engage the work with its face 36 and thereby limit relative-turning of nut and work. The nut may be rendered selflocking by the formation of inwardlysprung-fingers 42. In a modification, the lateral-arm 210, Fig. 17, co-operates with a work-surface 224. In another arrangement, the nut 100, Fig. 7, is in two parts a nut-body 106 with spigot 108, and a sheet-metal-pressing 104 to form the lateral-arm 124. The body has arms 114, Fig. 8, engaging the pressing to prevent relative-turning, and the pressing is held assembled to the body by indentations 140.

17-07-1963 дата публикации

Expansible hollow rivet

Номер: GB0000931839A

... 931,839. Rivets. B. F. GOODRICH CO. Aug. 4, 1961 [Aug. 9, 1960], No. 28419/61. Class 89 (1). A hollow rivet 10 comprises a shank, part 13 of which may be bulged outwardly by shortening the rivet and is of substantially prismatic shape, the end 14 of the shank having a smaller bore than that, 18, in the part 13. The aluminium alloy, stainless steel, brass, non-metallic &c. rivet may be screwthreaded at 24 to receive the removable shortening bar 25, or shortened in a press. The head 11 may be flat, round or countersunk, and the shank passed through a round or polygonal hole in the work 17.

15-07-1967 дата публикации

Fastening by screw or bolt.

Номер: OA0000000672A

07-08-1968 дата публикации

Deformable nut with self-locking.

Номер: OA0000001126A

07-08-1968 дата публикации

Manufactoring process of deformable nuts with self-locking.

Номер: OA0000001124A

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000521816T

15-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000218494A

15-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000355468T

15-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000154434T

15-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000204955T

15-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000184374T

15-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000294338T

06-07-1995 дата публикации

Flexible lock nut and method of manufacturing

Номер: AU0007773294A

04-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003202658A1

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Bolt with restrained unscrewing

Номер: AU2016295259A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

The invention relates to a bolt (1) with restrained unscrewing composed of a screw (2) and a nut (3), said screw (2) or said nut (3) comprising, in the axial direction, at least three stepped portions of continuous thread (4), namely an introduction portion (5) for introducing the screw (2) into the nut (3), a restraining portion (6) and an intermediate portion (7) linking the introduction portion (5) to the restraining portion (6), characterised in that said restraining portion (6) has a thread diameter (41) that is constant and different from the thread diameter (42) of the introduction portion (5).

11-06-1998 дата публикации

Threaded device

Номер: AU0000692540B2

08-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000925781A1
Автор: GRIMM D

27-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002514289C

An adjusting unit for adjusting a spacing between a fixedly mounted first member and a resiliently mounted second member. The adjusting unit comprises an adjusting screw and a sleeve-like receiving member which are adjustable relative to each other via a pair of threads.The adjusting screw has an end provided with an abutment surface adapted to be supported against the resiliently mounted second member, and the receiving member has an annular flange adapted to be supported against the fixedly mounted first member such that the spacing between the first and second members is adjustable by adjusting movements of the adjusting screw relative to the receiving member.

20-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1246907A

Disclosed are two embodiments (40, 50) of a self-locking prevailing torque fastener featuring a common base portion (2) having an aperture (4) therethrough for receiving a threaded member that is at least partially surrounded by means such as a warped helical edge (6) for engaging the threads of the threaded member. Fasteners (40, 50) are provided with a pair of spaced-apart resilient torque arms having respective sections (8) that respectively extend downwardly from opposite edge of base portion (2) to sections (10) that extend upwardly to sections (12) that extend through respective openings (14) in each to respective free-ends (16) that are adapted to press against opposite sides of the threaded member. Each arm is provided with a tab (18) that extends outwardly away from section (12) and is adapted to engage opposite edges of an opening through an article such as a panel to which fastener (40, 50) is to be secured with sufficient force to inhibit loosening of the threaded member from ...

30-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA1136454A

An improved fastener indicates when a predetermined preload has been applied to the fastener. The fastener includes a body section which is connected with a thread convolution. A load transmitting and indicating section is connected with the body section. The load transmitting and indicating section includes a bearing section having a flat annular bottom surface and an undulating annular spring section which circumscribes the bearing section. The spring section has a bottom surface with crest and trough portions. The crest portions extend tangentially to the plane of the bottom surface of the bearing section. The trough portions are resiliently deflectable toward the body section to flatten the undulations in the spring section upon application of the predetermined preload to the fastener. The spring section is resiliently returnable toward an initial configuration to increase the amplitude of the undulations in the spring section to provide a visual indication that the connection between ...

24-09-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA955011A

09-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001119440A1

22-08-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002110588C

The present invention relates to compressible screw-type locking mechanism including an oversized locking screw (12) and a tool for compressing and rotatively driving the oversized locking screw (12) is a head portion (12a) and extending downwardly from the head portion is a threaded shaft (12G). At least one longitudinal slot (18) extends through the head and at least partially through the shaft to form a locking screw with plural resilient segments. The locking screw assumes a normal expanded state with its threaded pitch diameter being oversized with respect to its companion bore. The locking screw is compressed by engaging the head (12a) thereof with the tool (16). In one embodiment, the compression of the locking screw is achieved through a torquing action. In a second embodiment, the compression is achieved by the axial movement of the tool. In either case, by relieving the applied torque or removing the tool. In either case, by relieving the applied torque or removing the tool from ...

02-02-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002010847A1

31-03-1903 дата публикации

Side shift device at visor sheets

Номер: CH0000025151A

15-07-1941 дата публикации

Selbstsperrende Schraubenmutter.

Номер: CH0000215727A

30-06-1940 дата публикации

Ecrou à auto-blocage.

Номер: CH0000210253A

31-03-1943 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000226284A

31-03-1952 дата публикации

Ring mit Sicherung.

Номер: CH0000281830A

31-03-1961 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000353221A

15-06-1965 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000393840A

15-08-1965 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000397340A

15-02-1967 дата публикации

Ecrou indesserrable aux vibrations

Номер: CH0000430337A
Принадлежит: BEMEX S A R L, BEMEX S. A R. L.

15-11-1965 дата публикации

Selbstsichernde Sechskantmutter

Номер: CH0000402520A

15-11-1965 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000402521A

15-12-1969 дата публикации

Dado elastico autobloccante

Номер: CH0000482932A

31-10-1967 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000445955A

15-09-1967 дата публикации

Gewindeeinsatzbüchse, Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung und Verwendung derselben

Номер: CH0000443797A

15-06-1969 дата публикации

Sechskantige Sicherungsmutter

Номер: CH0000473989A

31-12-1961 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000359324A

15-04-1962 дата публикации

Ecrou indesserrable

Номер: CH0000361441A

31-05-1968 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000452283A

15-12-1967 дата публикации

Sicherheitsmutter und Verfahren zu deren Herstellung

Номер: CH0000448624A

31-12-1969 дата публикации

Ecrou de sécurité

Номер: CH0000483572A

31-10-1972 дата публикации

Sperrvorrichtung für zwei zueinander verschränkte Möbelbestandteile

Номер: CH0000529936A

15-03-1979 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000609754A5

15-03-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000585597A5

15-07-1977 дата публикации

Bolt and nut fastening - has metal bolt and distorting nut of pressed laminated material

Номер: CH0000589803A5
Принадлежит: MICAFIL AG

The bolt-and-nut coupling incorporates a distorting elastic nut. The bolt is of metal, and the nut of pressed laminated material. The ratio between the nut height and its thread diameter is at least 3:1. Glass fibre reinforced plastic can be used as the nut material, and this can be laminated in a direction at right angles to that of the load. compared with existing designs, the coupling distributes the load more evenly between the individual turns of the thread, apart from being appreciably cheaper to produce then an all-metal coupling.

15-03-1995 дата публикации

Self-locking dice.

Номер: CH0000685065A5

30-11-1994 дата публикации

Nut connection.

Номер: CH0000684707A5

10-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000085895C2

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может найти применение в резьбовых соединениях элементов конструкций, которые испытывают влияние вибрации и циклических нагрузок переменной величины. Самоконтрящаяся гайка содержит многогранный корпус и сквозное отверстие с нарезкой на всю высоту. Согласно изобретению, грани корпуса выполнены на всю высоту гайки. В верхней части гайки, симметрично одной из вертикальных плоскостей симметрии, выполнены одно или два углубления траншейного типа. Каждое углубление выполнено с тормозящим выступом, который поднимается над плоскостью углубления. Выступ выполнен в виде деформированной в направлении оси гайки усеченной пирамиды с возрастающими к основе углубления шириной и толщиной. При этом одна из боковых сторон пирамиды является деформированной частью поверхности сквозного отверстия с нарезкой. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение несущей способности гайки, уменьшение ее высоты и упрощение инструмента для ее изготовления.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Locking fastener

Номер: US20120230798A1
Автор: John Thomas Sterle
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A locking fastener is provided having a main body with first and second axially directed surfaces, where both surfaces surround an axis, and a threaded surface and a slot. The slot extends from the first axially directed surface to the second axially directed surface. A first portion of the threaded surface is located above the slot and a second portion is located below the slot. A locking recess is formed in the main body, and extends substantially parallel to the axis and extends to or through the slot. The locking recess has an internal threaded surface portion, which is configured to engage an external threaded surface portion of a locking member. The locking member passes axially through the locking recess and slot, and a tightening of the locking member results in a relative axial movement between the first and second portions of the threaded surface that locks the locking fastener.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130117996A1
Принадлежит: NEWFREY LLC

A nut for fastening a first workpiece defining a through recess to a second workpiece including a bolt projecting in an axial direction through the recess, and the nut comprises an axially extending shank and flange at a first end of the shank, and the nut defines a bore extending axially through the flange and into the shank and further defines an opening to the bore proximate to the first end of the shank, and the nut further includes an elastic holding section radially outward of the opening, and the nut partially defines a depression radially outward of the holding section, so that the holding section can flex radially outward into the depression when the nut is jammed onto the bolt. 1. A nut for fastening a first workpiece defining a through recess to a second workpiece including a bolt projecting in an axial direction through the recess , and the nut comprises: an axially extending shank and flange at a first end of the shank , and the nut defines a bore extending axially through the flange and into the shank and further defines an opening to the bore proximate to the first end of the shank , via the opening the nut being insertable over the bolt , and the nut further includes an elastic holding section radially outward of the opening , and the nut partially defines a depression radially outward of the holding section.2. A nut according to claim 1 , wherein the depression is an annular depression around the opening.3. A nut according to claim 2 , wherein the holding section includes a projection extending radially inward into the opening of the bore.4. A nut according to claim 1 , wherein the nut further defines an introduction taper claim 1 , which narrows from the flange to the opening.5. A nut according to claim 4 , wherein the depression is located radially outward of the opening.6. A nut according to claim 1 , wherein the bore is of circular cross section.7. A nut according to claim 1 , wherein the bore extends axially through the nut and the nut further ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Blind Nut and Mounting Method thereof

Номер: US20130205573A1
Автор: Kashimura Shuuji
Принадлежит: NEWFREY LLC

A blind nut includes an internal threaded portion, a hollow tube-shaped portion adjacent to the internal threaded portion, and a flange with an opening provided at the opposite end of the internal threaded portion. The internal threaded portion and the tube-shaped portion are inserted into the mounting hole of a member. The tube-shaped portion includes a first tube-shaped portion adjacent to the internal threaded portion and having a thickness less than that of the internal threaded portion, and a second tube-shaped portion between the first tube-shaped portion and the flange having a thickness less than that of the first tube-shaped portion. A part of the second tube-shaped portion is plastically deformed so as to enlarge the diameter, the deformation of the second tube-shaped portion elastically deforms the first tube-shaped portion so as to enlarge the diameter, mounting the nut to the member. 1. A blind nut including an internally threaded portion , a hollow tube-shaped portion adjacent to the internally threaded portion , and a flange with an opening provided at the opposite end of the internal threaded portion , the internally threaded portion and the tube-shaped portion being inserted into a mounting hole in a member , and a part of the tube-shaped portion becoming plastically deformed so as to enlarge the diameter , thereby securing the member between the deformed expanded diameter portion and the flange , and mounting the nut on the member;Wherein the tube-shaped portion includes a first tube-shaped portion adjacent to the internally threaded portion and the first tube-shaped portion having a thickness less than that of the internally threaded portion, and a second tube-shaped portion positioned between the first tube-shaped portion and the flange, the second tube-shaped portion having a thickness less than that of the first tube-shaped portion.2. The blind nut of claim 1 , wherein when a part of the tube-shaped portion is plastically deformed so as to ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130223950A1

The invention relates to a rivet nut () with a base part () and a cylindrical rivet section (), the base part having a central threaded cylinder (), an annular contact surface () that is coaxial to the threaded cylinder in a plane () perpendicular to the longitudinal axis () of the threaded cylinder, and that has an axially aligned annular groove (), said groove being arranged radially inside the annular contact surface and radially outside the cylindrical rivet section and said groove blending, on the radially inner side, into the outer surface of the cylindrical rivet section, and antirotation ribs () being provided in the area of the annular groove. The invention is characterized in that the annular groove, when seen in an axial cross-sectional plane, has a U-shaped cross-section with a radially outer lateral wall () which is relatively steep and which has, at the steepest point (), an inclination to the center longitudinal axis of the rivet nut in the range of approximately 45° to approximately −20°, preferably of approximately 30° to approximately 0°. The volume of the annular groove is chosen in such a manner that across a range of sheet thicknesses adapted to the respective thread size there is room for the volume of the respective folded region of the rivet section inside the annular recess () that is formed by molding the sheet part () into the annular groove of the element and that it does not project beyond the side () of the molded sheet facing away from the annular contact surface. 11012141616202224181424. A rivet nut () adapted to be used with sheet metal parts having a thickness within a pre-selected range; the rivet nut having a body part () and a cylindrical rivet portion () , with the body part having a centrally arranged thread cylinder () , a ring-shaped support surface () coaxial to the thread cylinder in a plane () perpendicular to the longitudinal axis () of the thread cylinder and an axially aligned ring groove () which is arranged radially ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236265A1

The invention relates to a self-locking nut () having an internal thread () with a core hole which has one or a plurality of regions () having a reduced internal diameter. 110121014. A self-locking nut () , said nut comprising: an internal thread () with a core hole , wherein the core hole of the nut () has one or more regions () with a reduced internal diameter.21014. The self-locking nut () according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more regions () with a reduced core hole internal diameter are provided and spaced equally over a circumference of the core hole.31014. The self-locking nut () according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more regions () with a reduced core hole internal diameter extend over a small section of a circumference of the core hole of preferably between 10 to 15° in each case.410141210. The self-locking nut () according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more regions () with a reduced core hole internal diameter merely extend over last three to four thread turns of the internal thread () or claim 1 , away from a side on which the nut () is screwed in.51014. The self-locking nut () according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more regions () with a reduced core hole internal diameter are formed by flat portions on the internal diameter of the core hole.61014. The self-locking nut () according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more regions () with a reduced core hole internal diameter are formed by sections on the internal diameter of the core hole being curved slightly inwards.71014. The self-locking nut () according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , a transition from a normal core hole circumference to the one or more regions () with the reduced internal diameter is formed by small radii.8101216181614122012. A self-locking nut () having an internal thread () with thread taps () claim 1 , said nut comprising: regions () between the thread taps () that are not flattened in one or more sections () of the internal thread () claim 1 , but are formed to extend ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236266A1
Автор: Esper Stephan
Принадлежит: Ruia Global Fasterners AG

This invention relates to a self-locking screw () in which the flanks (), which are loaded when the screw () is screwed, are provided with an arched portion (). 116116. A self-locking thread (; ) , said thread comprising:{'b': 18', '118', '16', '116', '20', '120, 'flanks (; ), which are loaded when the thread (; ) is screwed, are provided with protuberances (; ).'}21611620120. The self-locking thread (; ) according to claim 1 , wherein the protuberances (; ) extend over only a portion or over a plurality of short portions of each thread turn.31611620120. The self-locking thread (; ) according wherein the protuberances (; ) have a circular-arc-shaped cross-section.4161162012020120321611632. The self-locking thread (; ) according to claim 1 , wherein a height of the protuberances (; ) is selected such that the protuberances (; ) do not yet come into non-positive-locking engagement with the flanks of an opposing thread () when the thread (; ) is screwed in claim 1 , but rather only when the thread () is tightened.516116. The self-locking thread (; ) according to claim 1 , wherein at a specific location of the thread claim 1 , each of two flanks of the thread is provided with a protuberance.6161162012022. The self-locking thread (; ) according to claim 1 , wherein the protuberances (; ) are constructed so as to taper in a screwing-in direction of the thread with a rounded tip (). The present invention relates to a self-locking thread which can be used both as an outer thread, for example in screws or bolts, and as an inner thread, for example in nuts.Self-locking screw connections are in great demand. Securing elements according to the prior art often have chemical additives which pollute the environment and only allow a single securing action. A rescrewing operation with a new securing action is not possible and can be carried out only by using a new screw or nut.Other securing elements from the prior art produce their securing action by increasing the head friction, ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140017035A1
Автор: Michiwaki Hiroshi

A duplex threaded body having a right-handed and left-handed thread on the circumferential surface of a single solid member. A single-nut or double-nut type internally-threaded body demonstrates a locking effect at an intermediate position without substantially loosening by using a combination of a duplex externally-threaded body and one or more internally-threaded bodies. Moreover, a screw structure in which a pair of internally-threaded bodies can only be removed once they are mutually coupled when screwed onto a duplex externally-threaded body, making it possible to impart tamper-proof characteristics and a locking effect. The duplex externally-threaded body has, on the outer circumferential surface, an overlapping region with a clockwise spiral right-handed thread and a counter-clockwise spiral left-handed thread in an overlapping manner. A right-handed internally-threaded body in which a right-handed thread is formed, and a left-handed internally-threaded body in which a left-handed thread is formed, that are screwed onto a duplex externally-threaded body. 1. An internally-threaded body comprising:wherein a clockwise spiral thread and a counter-clockwise spiral thread are provided as a pair,wherein the internally-threaded body has a clockwise or counter-clockwise intermittent or continuous spiral thread formed on the inner circumferential surface of a tubular member having a roughly tubular shape, and has, on one end in the tubular direction of the tubular member, reverse rotation preventing means for preventing reverse rotation relative to the direction of rotation when screwed onto the duplex threaded body, andwherein the reverse rotation preventing means has one or more plate pieces, the plate piece is arranged protruding from the inner circumferential surface of the tubular member towards the axis of rotation of the internally-threaded body, the end portion of the plate piece serves as a clockwise or counter-clockwise spiral thread, and the thread formed by ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Tack Screw

Номер: US20140023452A1
Автор: Maloney Michael J.

The present clinch screw can be secured through a hole in a sheet of metal by a simple press-in application like a tack pin. An undercut clinch feature on the screw shank just underneath the head and above a threaded bulb portion of the shank secures the screw to the sheet as material from the sheet cold-flows into the undercut. Simultaneously, sheet material also flows around and between the bulb threads which forms partial female threads in the sidewall of the sheet hole and provides added pull-out resistance. The screw can then be simply turned out to remove it. In doing so additional female threads are cut into the upper portion of the hole sidewall as the threaded bulb moves upward and then out of the hole. A re-useable threaded hole in the sheet is left behind. 1. A metal-clinching tack screw for attachment to a metal sheet comprising:a top most head being the largest diameter of the screw;a shoulder extending axially downward from the head immediately below it, said shoulder having a bottom surface for displacing material from a sheet of metal into which it is installed;a barrel-shaped shank beginning directly beneath the shoulder and further described as having sides of arcuate longitudinal cross-section which taper inwardly above and below a midsection bulb;integral heilical screw threads on the outer surface of said bulb; andan undercut located between the bottom of the shoulder and the bulb adapted to receive material displaced by said shoulder bottom surface.2. The screw of wherein said shank further includes a tapered bottom portion extending downward from said bulb to an end of the screw.3. The screw of wherein the diameter of the bulb is less than the diameter of the shoulder.4. An assembly of tightly joined first and second sheets face-to-face comprising:a top most head being the largest diameter of the screw;a shoulder extending axially downward from the head immediately below it, said shoulder having a bottom surface for displacing material from a ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Fastening Element for Preventing Unwanted Release of a Connection, Set Consisting of Fastening Element and Counter-Piece, and Use of the Fastening Element

Номер: US20190000519A1
Автор: Dmuschewsky Klaus

The invention relates to a fastening element for preventing unwanted release of a connection between the fastening element and a counter-piece. The fastening element is designed to come into engagement with the counter-piece through a rotary movement of the fastening element about an axis of rotation in a connection direction. Such fastening elements are suitable for use in a wide range of technical fields, for example the automotive industry, household electronics and medical technology, in particular in the field of instruments for implants or prostheses and modular systems of implants or prostheses. 1. Fastening element for preventing unwanted release of a connection between the fastening element and a counter-piece , wherein the fastening element is designed to come into engagement with the counter-piece through a rotary movement of the fastening element about an axis of rotation in a connection direction , and having:an elastic element, in particular a spring element, with a contact portion for making contact with the counter-piece,wherein the elastic element is designed such that it can be arranged, preferably also in a non-prestressed state, at least in certain portions at an angle to a radial, with respect to the axis of rotation, in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation.2. The fastening element according to claim 1 , in which the elastic element is designed such that prestressing can be applied to the elastic element in such a manner that contact can be ensured between the contact portion and the counter-piece at a contact point.3. The fastening element according to claim 1 , in which the elastic element claim 1 , preferably also in a non-prestressed state claim 1 , extends at an angle to the radial in such a manner that claim 1 , at least at the contact point claim 1 , the angle α between the elastic element and the radial fulfils 0°<α<90° claim 1 , preferably 5°<α<85° claim 1 , more preferably 5°<α<45° claim 1 , in the connection direction.4. The ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003501A1
Автор: Chen Chih-Yuan, WU Ming-De

A floating fastener includes a socket fastened to a first board member, a locking device axially slidably mounted in the socket and adapted for locking the socket and the first board member to a second board member, and an insulative barrel including a flexible barrel body attached onto the socket, a cap for capping on the barrel body to shield the locking device in the socket and to protect the socket and the locking device against corrosion and a flexible connecting strip connected between the barrel body and the cap. 1. A floating fastener comprising:a socket comprising a socket hole;a locking device comprising a head disposed above said socket, a shank downwardly extended from said head and axially slidably inserted through said socket hole and a fastening tip axially extended from a bottom side of said shank opposite to said head and axially movable with said shank into or out of a bottom side of said socket hole of said socket; andan insulative barrel made from an elastic insulative material, said insulative barrel comprising a barrel body, a barrel hole defined in said barrel body for receiving said socket, a bottom stop portion for stopping against a top wall of a first board member, a cap for capping on said barrel body, and a flexible connecting strip connected between said barrel body and said cap.2. The floating fastener as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising an elastic member mounted around said shank of said locking device and stopped between an accommodation open chamber and said head claim 1 , wherein said socket further defines said accommodation open chamber in a top side of said socket hole for accommodating said elastic member.3. The floating fastener as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said socket further comprises a bottom mounting portion extended around the periphery of a bottom side of said socket hole.4. The floating fastener as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said locking device comprises a driving tool receiving portion located at a top wall ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009514A1
Автор: GRUSZECKI Jaroslaw

An anchor for laminated glass includes an expansion dowel that has expansion appendices situated circumferentially, and is preferably made of a flexible material and having a conical cross-section with thickness increasing in the direction of insertion. Above the line of the expansion appendices is a circumferential groove, situated at the height of the edge of transition of the cylindrical hole into the conical hole, forming an empty space. 135561107. An anchor for laminated glass , set in a blind cylindrical hole with a conical undercut , in a laminated panel , composed of at least two panels , one of which is a support panel with a cylindrical through-hole with conical undercut abutting a second external glass panel , the anchor having a countersunk cap , onto which a dowel with an expansion anchoring part is placed , wherein the expansion dowel () has expansion appendices () situated circumferentially , preferably made of a flexible material and having a conical cross-section with thickness increasing in the direction of insertion , while above the line of the expansion appendices () a circumferential groove () is located , situated at the height of the edge of transition of the cylindrical hole () into the conical hole () , forming an empty space ().283411. An anchor according to claim 1 , wherein an empty space is located () between the conical frontal surface of the expansion cap () with compressed expansion dowel () and the bottom surface of the hole ().341934. An anchor according to claim 1 , wherein between expansion dowel () and the surface of the hole () claim 1 , a plastic cover () is placed claim 1 , reducing point stress claim 1 , while the diameter of the expansion cap () is larger than the diameter of the expansion dowel ().434. An anchor according to claim 1 , wherein the diameters of the expansion cap () and of the expansion dowel () are the same.55. An anchor according to claim 1 , wherein the surface of the expansion appendices () is covered ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010528A1
Автор: YOU Yihua

The disclosure relates to the general technology of equipment, and in particular relates to a connection pair of threads outlining asymmetrically and bidirectional tapered dumbbell-like shape having smaller-end conical degree. The disclosure solves the problems of poor self-positioning and poor self-locking of existing threads, etc. The disclosure is characterized that an internal thread () on the inner surface of a cylindrical body () outlines a bidirectionally tapered hole () (non-solid space) and an external thread () on the outer surface of a columnar body () outlines a bidirectionally truncated cone body () (material entity) and each complete thread body unit forms a special bidirectionally tapered body in a helical dumbbell-like shape () having a small middle part and two large ends, the left taper being smaller than the right taper (). 1969495964171. A connection pair of threads outlining asymmetrically and bidirectional tapered dumbbell-like shape having smaller-end conical degree , that is , a connection pair of dumbbell-like shape (a left taper is smaller than a right taper) asymmetric bidirectional tapered threads , comprising an external thread () and an internal thread () threaded with each other; wherein a complete unit thread of the dumbbell-like shape (the left taper is smaller than the right taper) asymmetric bidirectional tapered thread is a helical dumbbell-like shape () bidirectional cone with small middle and big ends , and the left taper () the is smaller than the right taper (); the above-mentioned complete unit thread comprises a bidirectional tapered hole () and a bidirectional truncated cone body ();{'b': 6', '2', '41', '9', '3', '71, 'a threaded body of the internal thread () is an inner surface of a cylindrical body () presenting as a helical bidirectional tapered hole () and exists in a form of “non-solid space”; a threaded body of the external thread () is an outer surface of a columnar body () presenting as the helical bidirectional ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017533A1
Принадлежит: RDO ALPHA

A bolt with braked unscrewing consists of a screw and a nut. The screw or nut includes, in the axial direction, at least three stepped portions of continuous thread, namely an introduction portion for introducing the screw into the nut, a braking portion and an intermediate portion connecting the introduction portion to the braking portion. The braking portion has a thread diameter that is constant and different from the thread diameter of the introduction portion. 19-. (canceled)10. A bolt with braked unscrewing consisting of a screw and a nut , said screw or said nut comprising in the axial direction at least three stepped portions of continuous thread , including an introduction portion for introducing the screw into the nut , a braking portion and an intermediate portion connecting the introduction portion to the braking portion , wherein said braking portion has a thread diameter that is constant and larger if it belongs to the screw , smaller if it belongs to the nut , than the thread diameter of the introduction portion.11. The bolt according to wherein the continuous thread has the same pitch and the same height along the introduction portion claim 10 , the intermediate portion and the braking portion.12. The bolt according to claim 10 , wherein the introduction portion represents at least one pitch of threading.13. The bolt according to claim 10 , wherein the braking portion represents at least one pitch of threading claim 10 , in particular the length of the braking portion is at least one third of the axial length of the nut.14. The bolt according to claim 10 , wherein the ratio between the thread diameter of the introduction portion and the thread diameter of the braking portion for a screw claim 10 , its inverse for a nut claim 10 , is between 0.92 and 0.96.15. A screw intended for collaborating with a nut to form the bolt according to claim 10 , wherein said screw comprises in the axial direction at least three stepped portions of continuous thread ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Fastener and Fastening Structure

Номер: US20170023049A1
Автор: Matsubayashi Kou

To provide a fastener having a high anti-loosening effect. A fastener has a thread structure including an upper portion of the crest and a bottom portion at the groove. The upper portion has a load flank surface inclined from the standard load flank surface toward the fastener seat while the bottom has an undercut on at least one of the groove side lower than the extension of the corresponding flank surface. 1. A fastening member having a thread structure including an upper portion provided on a side of a thread crest and a lower portion provided on a side of a thread root , whereinsaid fastening member being formed such that said fastening member is configured to fasten to a mating fastening member having a screw thread shape corresponding to a basic profile, wherein a cross-sectional shape of said screw thread shape of said mating fastening member including an axis of said mating fastening member is symmetrical across a straight line, which is perpendicular to said axis and which runs through a thread root of said mating fastening member, and wherein said mating fastening member has an included angle of 55 degrees or 60 degrees,said thread crest and a pressure flank surface formed in said upper portion are closer to a seat surface than a pressure flank surface of a basic profile of said fastening member corresponding to said basic profile of said mating fastening member within a range where a flank angle of said pressure flank surface of said fastening member is equal to or larger than approximately 18 degrees,at least one side surface of said lower portion is provided inwardly of an extension line of a corresponding flank surface of said upper portion and formed to be continuous from a lower end of said corresponding flank surface, said corresponding flank surface being flat when viewed in a cross section including an axis of said fastening member,when viewed in said cross section including said axis of said fastening member, said at least one side surface of ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Female threaded body, and threaded body fastening structure

Номер: US20180023615A1
Автор: Hiroshi Michiwaki
Принадлежит: Nejilaw Inc

A female threaded body ( 100 ) is provided with: a female threaded helical structure ( 114 ) formed on the inner circumferential surface of a hole ( 106 a ) in a cylindrical member ( 106 ); a contact surface ( 110 a ) formed on an axial direction end face of said cylindrical member ( 106 ); and a reverse rotation-preventing member ( 160 ), which has a protruding section ( 168 ) that is disposed and fixed on said contact surface ( 110 a ) and protrudes radially inward toward the rotation axis and in which the tip of said protruding section ( 168 ) configures an engaging edge ( 168 a ) that forms a continuous or discontinuous helix of a different lead angle and/or lead direction from the lead angle and/or lead direction of the female threaded helical structure ( 114 ). The engaging edge ( 168 a ) may allow a relative rotation of a male thread body ( 10 ) and the female threaded helical structure ( 114 ) in one direction.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042541A1
Автор: MIYAZAKI Gentaro
Принадлежит: Aoyama Seisakusho Co., Ltd.

Provided is an invention relating to a bolt having a crushed portion of a ridge formed on a regular threaded portion of the bolt. The crushed portion of the ridge is set to have a height at which no screwing torque is generated when the bolt is screwed into an internal thread, and the crushed portion of the ridge is formed on an entire half-circumference or a partial half-circumference of the regular threaded portion so as to form a spiral shape that advances toward a shaft tip in a direction opposite to the ridge of the regular threaded portion when viewed from a head. The bolt of the present invention is used as a locking bolt or an earth bolt. 1. A bolt having a crushed portion of a ridge formed on a regular threaded portion of the bolt , whereina crushing amount of the crushed portion of the ridge is from 7 to 22.5% of a ridge height of the regular threaded portion, the crushed portion of the ridge is set to have a height at which no screwing torque is generated when the bolt is screwed into an internal thread, and the crushed portion of the ridge is formed on an entire half-circumference or a partial half-circumference of the regular threaded portion so as to form a spiral shape that advances toward a shaft tip in a direction opposite to the ridge of the regular threaded portion when viewed from a head.2. The bolt according to claim 1 , wherein the crushed portion of the ridge is formed only in a single thread.3. The bolt according to claim 1 , wherein the crushed portion of the ridge has a size such that when the bolt is screwed into an internal thread claim 1 , only a bulge of a clearance flank surface comes into contact with a flank surface of the internal thread.4. The bolt according to claim 1 , wherein the crushed portion of the ridge produces a loosening prevention effect or a conductive effect.5. The bolt according to claim 2 , wherein the crushed portion of the ridge has a size such that when the bolt is screwed into an internal thread claim 2 , only a ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035535A1

The present disclosure relates to a screw coupling structure for preventing loosening, and more particularly, to a screw coupling structure for preventing loosening for preventing loosening between a screw portion and an engagement portion, which includes the screw portion having a predetermined length and the engagement portion having a screw hole through which the screw portion is inserted and engaged, in which the screw portion is formed of a shape memory alloy deformable by an external force applied thereto at a temperature lower than a predetermined threshold temperature and recoverable from the deformation by heating to a temperature higher than the threshold temperature. 1. A screw coupling structure for preventing loosening configured to prevent loosening between a screw portion and an engagement portion , the screw coupling structure for preventing loosening comprising:a screw portion having a predetermined length; andan engagement portion having a screw hole through which the screw portion is inserted and engaged,wherein the screw portion is formed of a shape memory alloy deformable by an external force applied thereto at a temperature lower than a predetermined threshold temperature and recoverable from the deformation by heating to a temperature higher than the threshold temperature.2. The screw coupling structure for preventing loosening of claim 1 , whereinthe screw portion has male screw threads formed on an outer surface thereof,the engagement portion has female screw threads formed on an inner surface of the screw hole, andthe screw portion is at least partially compressed or stretched in a longitudinal direction at a temperature lower than the threshold temperature, and, when heated to a temperature higher than the threshold temperature while being inserted into the engagement portion, expands or contracts in the longitudinal direction and recovers to a pre-deformed state, exerting stress on the male screw threads and the female screw threads.3. ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040708A1
Автор: Limatoc Arnold

A self-locking nut is formed with a rear nut body with internal threading and a front nut body having circumferentially arranged, crush-locking lips provided on a forward contact face of the front nut body and being spaced from the internal threading of the rear nut body by an internal relief cut for accommodating deformation of the crush-locking lips therein. When the nut is tightened down on an object on a fastener bolt, the crush-locking lips are forced inwardly and deformed on the threaded shaft of the fastener bolt into the space of the internal relief cut in order to form a permanent lock on the fastener bolt. In another preferred embodiment, the self-locking nut has a front “flying saucer” shaped part configured to work like a “jam nut” portion, and a rear “nut body” part having a front indentation space configured to work like an inner relief cut. The two parts are joined together by circumferential welding and flattening of the “flying saucer” part into the inner relief cut space of the “nut body” part while leaving a small gap between the parts. 1. A self-locking nut comprising:a rear nut body having internal threading for threading on a threaded shaft of a fastener bolt, anda front nut body joined with the rear nut body having circumferentially arranged, crush-locking lips provided on a forward contact face of the front nut body and being spaced from the internal threading of the rear nut body by an internal relief cut for accommodating deformation of the crush-locking lips therein,wherein when the nut is tightened down on an object on a fastener bolt, the crush-locking lips on the forward contact face of the front nut body are forced inwardly and deform on the threaded shaft of the fastener bolt and into the space of the internal relief cut of the front nut body in order to form a permanent lock on the fastener bolt.2. The self-locking nut according to claim 1 , wherein the crush-locking lips of the nut are formed in a slotted configuration by ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Fastener Installation In Composite Panels With Fastener Insert

Номер: US20170037886A1

Systems and methods provide for the installation of fasteners in a composite panel with a fastener insert. A fastener insert for a composite panel includes a body and a at least three arms extending from the body. The body has a top face and a central hub extending rearward from the top face. The top face has an outer dimension between opposing edges. The arms extend from the central hub on a rear side of the body. In a retracted configuration, the arms are folded inward toward the central hub so that the arms do not extend beyond the outer dimension of the top face. In an extended configuration, the arms extend outward from the central hub beyond the outer dimension of the top face. 1. A fastener insert for a composite panel , comprising:a body comprising a top face and a central hub extending rearward from a central portion of the top face, the top face having an outer dimension between opposing edges and the central hub comprising a receiving mechanism configured to receive a fastener through the top face of the body;a plurality of arms extending from the central hub on a rear side of the body and comprising a retracted configuration in which the plurality of arms are folded inward toward the central hub such that the plurality of arms do not extend beyond the outer dimension of the top face, and an extended configuration in which the plurality of arms are extended outward from the central hub beyond the outer dimension of the top face.2. The fastener insert of claim 1 , wherein the top face is circular claim 1 , wherein the outer dimension of the top face is a diameter claim 1 , and wherein the central hub is cylindrical.3. The fastener insert of claim 1 , wherein the receiving mechanism comprises a threaded recess configured to receive the fastener.4. The fastener insert of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of arms comprises at least three arms.5. The fastener insert of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of arms comprises is biased toward the extended ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140126976A1
Принадлежит: ZF Lenksysteme GmbH

A device for securing a unit in a housing, in particular for securing a fixed bearing of a pinion in a steering gear of a motor vehicle, comprises a securing element which is inserted into a bore in the housing. The securing element is provided with at least one latching lever, wherein the at least one latching lever latches into toothing gaps of a toothing geometry in the bore of the housing via a latching lug disposed at the free end of the latching lever, or wherein at least one latching lug is disposed in the bore, which latches into toothing gaps of a toothing geometry in the securing element. 1. A device for securing a unit in a housing comprising a fixed bearing of a pinion in a steering gear of a motor vehicle , comprising a securing element , which is inserted into a bore in the housing , wherein the securing element is provided with at least one latching lever , wherein the at least one latching lever latches into toothing gaps of a toothing geometry in the bore of the housing via a latching lug is disposed at the free end of the latching lever , or wherein at least one latching lever having a latching lug is disposed in the bore , wherein the latching lug latches into toothing gaps of a toothing geometry in the securing element.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the securing element is designed as a securing screw claim 1 , which is connected to an internal thread of the bore of the housing via an external thread claim 1 , wherein the securing screw is provided with latching levers disposed distributed around the circumference thereof claim 1 , and wherein the latching levers latch into toothing gaps of the toothing geometry of the housing via latching lugs disposed at the free ends of the latching levers in each case.3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the securing screw is designed as a hollow screw.4. The device according to claim 2 , wherein at least four latching levers are disposed distributed around the circumference of the ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051737A1
Автор: Budziszek Bobby Lee

A thread rolling and self locking fastener is provided. A thread rolling external thread is disposed along the shaft of the fastener. A non-continuous core thread is also disposed thereon. 1. A fastener comprising:a head from which a shank extends in a first axis, the shank having a thread rolling helical thread formed thereon; andone or more core threads disposed along the shank.2. The fastener of where in the shank has a circular cross section.3. The fastener of wherein the shank has cross section having three lobes.4. The fastener of wherein the one or more core threads are spaced approximately a width of a nut member apart along the shank.5. The fastener of wherein the one or more core threads are disposed between threads of the thread rolling helical thread along the shank.6. A fastener comprising:a shank extending along a first axis, a head connected to a first end of the shank, the head extending perpendicular to the first axis, wherein the head is configured to accept a driving force;a first thread disposed along the shank from the head to substantially a second end of the shank, the first thread configured to form internal threads in a nut member;a second thread disposed along one or more portions of the shank, the second thread forming material of the nut member into a locking mechanism when the fastener is inserted into the nut member.7. The fastener of wherein the second thread reforms material of the nut member when the fastener is removed.8. The fastener of wherein the first thread is a self tapping thread.9. The fastener of wherein the second thread is substantially periodic along the shank from the head to the second end of the shank.10. A system comprising:a fastener having a first thread and a second thread disposed thereon, the first thread being a thread rolling thread and the second thread being a core thread; anda nut member, the nut member being deformed by the second thread upon insertion so that the fastener and nut member are locked and ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Insert Fastener with a Compression Sleeve

Номер: US20190055971A1

A two-part fastener with an insert and a compression sleeve. The insert is an internally-threaded fastener intended to be installed into a hole of a very hard panel. The insert itself is relatively hard with a knurled outer barrel portion and a flange at the bottom. A compression sleeve is made of relatively soft material and is preassembled around the barrel of the insert by friction fit. Upon installation into a panel with a blind hole having parallel sides, the compression sleeve is pressed into the panel and deforms outwardly between the insert and the side wall of the hole. Friction between the compression sleeve and the wall of the hole prevents torque out and pull out of the fastener from the panel. 1. A two-part fastener , comprising:a generally-cylindrical insert made of a first material and having a barrel with knurls on an outer surface thereof;a flange on said insert at a bottom end thereof; and, a bottom end abutting the top of said flange;', 'a bottom portion rigidly affixed around a lower portion of said barrel by friction fit; and,', 'a top portion with an enlarged internal diameter radially spaced away from an upper portion of said barrel., 'a generally-cylindrical, deformable sleeve made of a second material softer than said first material, having2. The device of wherein the knurls comprise axially-extending teeth.3. The device of wherein the bottom of the flange has a chamfer.4. The device of wherein the insert has an axial through-bore.5. The device of wherein the through-bore is threaded.6. The device of wherein the sleeve has a chamfer on the top end thereof.7. The device of wherein the diameter of the flange is approximately equal to the outer diameter of the sleeve.8. The device of wherein the top end of the sleeve extends upwardly beyond the top of the insert.9. An assembly comprisinga) a panel having a receiving hole; and, i) a generally-cylindrical insert made of a first material and having a barrel with knurls on an outer surface thereof ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Elastically deformable alignment fastener and system

Номер: US20150063943A1

An elastically deformable alignment fastener has the form of a unitary object having a head portion and an integrally formed body portion. The body portion has an elastically deformable lobular hollow tube having a proximal end proximate the head portion and a distal end axially displaced from the head portion. The lobular hollow tube has an outer surface having one or more retention features oriented to provide a plurality of radially extending engagement surfaces along a length of the hollow tube. The head portion has a flange that circumscribes the proximal end of the lobular hollow tube. Portions of the elastically deformable lobular hollow tube when inserted into circular apertures of first and second components elastically deform to an elastically averaged final configuration that aligns the first and second components in four planar orthogonal directions.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063487A1

The present invention provides a bolt that can exhibit a looseness-prevention function even though the bolt is repeatedly attached and detached. A bolt includes a groove that extends along a helix of a screw thread and that is provided on a peak of the screw thread . Further, the bolt is configured to include a plurality of the grooves being spaced apart from each other along a helical direction of the screw thread 1. A bolt comprising a groove that extends along a helix of a screw thread and that is provided on a peak of the screw thread ,the bolt comprising a plurality of the grooves being spaced apart from each other along a helical direction of the screw thread.2. The bolt according to claim 1 , whereina part of the peak of the screw thread positioned outside the groove is positioned more outside than an imaginary surface disposed on an extension of a flank formed by a base of the screw thread.3. The bolt according to claim 1 , whereinthe plurality of grooves is provided on the screw thread within one round of the screw thread along a circumferential direction of the bolt.4. The bolt according to claim 1 , whereinthe grooves that are adjacent to each other in an axial direction of the bolt are arranged so that end portions of the grooves are displaced from each other in the circumferential direction of the bolt. The present invention relates to a bolt.To take a conventional measure for preventing looseness of a bolt is known. Patent Literature 1 discloses a structure in which screw threads of the bolt are crushed to reduce a space between the screw threads that are adjacent to each other, as a structure of the bolt to which the above measure is taken. According to the structure disclosed in Patent Literature 1, it is possible to make each of male threads cut into a corresponding female thread, so that the bolt can be prevented from loosening.Patent Literature 1: JP 2002-122114 AIncidentally, according to the structure disclosed in Patent Literature 1, when each ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063785A1

A threading bolt () for stacking sheets provided with at least one threading hole (), in particular core sheets () of transformer cores, on a core stacking table (), on a building platform, on a stacking device or the like, at least one threading bolt () being positionable on the core stacking table (), on the building platform, on the stacking device or the like, wherein the outer diameter (D) of the threading bolt () is adaptable to different inner diameters (d) of the threading holes (). 112341412. A threading bolt () for stacking sheets provided with at least one threading hole () , in particular core sheets () of transformer cores , on a core stacking table () , on a building platform , on a stacking device , at least one threading bolt () being positionable on the core stacking table () , on the building platform , on the stacking device wherein the outer diameter (D) of the threading bolt () is adaptable to different inner diameters (d) of the threading holes ().2. The threading bolt according to claim 1 , wherein{'b': 1', '8', '4', '9', '8', '6', '1, 'the threading bolt () has a base part () which is detachably connectable to the core stacking table (), to the building platform or the like, a centering part () which extends vertically above the base part (), and a centering tip () which is provided at the upper end of the threading bolt ().'}3. The threading bolt according to claim 1 , wherein{'b': 10', '9, 'at least one longitudinal portion () which extends across a section of the centering part () is adjustable in the radial direction.'}4. The threading bolt according to claim 1 , wherein{'b': 1', '11', '10', '9', '11', '16', '15', '1', '11', '1, 'sub': 'a', 'the threading bolt () has a cavity () at least in the longitudinal portion () that extends across a section of the centering part (), said cavity () being fillable with a fluid medium via a connecting bore (), which extends from the lower end () of the threading bolt () to the cavity (), in order to ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071706A1

A fixing structure, configured to fix screw. Screw includes wide portion and narrow portion. Fixing structure includes plate part, holding component and elastic positioning component. Plate part includes top surface, bottom surface and mount groove. Mount groove penetrates through top surface and bottom surface and narrow portion is disposed through mount groove to allow wide portion to rest on top surface. Holding component and top surface together form space. Elastic positioning component is disposed on plate part. When wide portion is located in space and between holding component and top surface, and elastic positioning component is in holding state and located at side of wide portion, wide portion is prevented from being moved away from space. When elastic positioning component is switched to released state, elastic positioning component is removed from side of wide portion so that wide portion is allowed to move away from space. 1. A fixing structure , configured to fix a screw , the screw comprising a wide portion and a narrow portion that are connected to each other , the fixing structure comprising:a plate part, comprising a top surface, a bottom surface and a mount groove, wherein the top surface faces away from the bottom surface, the mount groove penetrates through the top surface and the bottom surface and the narrow portion is configured to be disposed through the mount groove so as to allow the wide portion to rest on the top surface;a holding component, protruding from the top surface, wherein the holding component and the top surface together form a space therebetween; andan elastic positioning component, disposed on the plate part;wherein, when the wide portion is located in the space and located between the holding component and the top surface, and the elastic positioning component is in a holding state and located at a side of the wide portion, the wide portion is prevented from being moved away from the space; when the elastic positioning ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Assembly with at least two components that are fixed together

Номер: US20140152036A1
Принадлежит: Brose Fahrzeugteile SE and Co KG

The invention relates to an assembly for a motor vehicle comprising at least a first component and a second component, for example a carrier and a guide rail of a window lifter which are fixed together by means of at least one fastening element, in this case by a plurality of rivets. A fastening element engages into openings of which one opening respectively is formed in a receiving portion of the first component and one on a protrusion of the second component, wherein a protrusion respectively protrudes in an associated receiving portion and a flexible or elastic edge section of a receiving portion can be shifted in the direction of the associated protrusion. The at least one edge section that can be shifted in a flexible manner is designed and provided for compensating manufacturing tolerances, such that the two components automatically align to one another in the area of the flexible edge section during the fastening process and can form a solid connection as intended, wherein the protruding section is locked in the receiving portion by the edge section which is shifted and pushed against the protruding section.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076579A1

The invention relates to a fastening bolt () comprising: 1. Fastening bolt comprising:A screw, said screw comprising a head, a threaded portion disposed along a first axis and a terminal portion, said terminal portion being adjacent along the first axis to the threaded portion, said terminal portion having a diameter less than the minimum diameter of the threaded portion, an end face of said terminal portion comprising a transverse opening groove;A nut comprising a front bearing surface, a threaded body disposed along a second axis comprising a threaded chimney, and an unthreaded crown, adjacent to the threaded body along the second axis, on the side opposite the bearing surface, said crown being drilled with at least two lateral holes, diametrically opposite one another;A rod, able to fit in the groove of the screw and in the two lateral holes of the nut; said bolt being characterized in that:the nut comes from a method comprising an elliptical deformation of the threaded chimney previously in a circular shape,the ratio between the outer diameter of the chimney before deformation and the nominal diameter of the nut is between 1.30 and 1.35 inclusive; andthe ratio between the height of the chimney and the nominal diameter of the nut is greater than or equal to 0.65.2. A fastening bolt according to claim 1 , such that the threaded body of the nut comprises a driving portion close to the front bearing surface claim 1 , an outer lateral surface of said driving portion being able to mate with an assembly tool.3. A fastening bolt according to claim 2 , such that the chimney is disposed between the driving portion and the crown.4. A fastening bolt according to claim 1 , such that a smaller outer diameter of the elliptically deformed chimney is less than a minimum outer diameter of the driving portion.5. A fastening bolt according to claim 1 , such that the nut comes from a method comprising an elliptical deformation of the threaded chimney and the crown previously in a ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180073539A1
Автор: Suttles Johnny Smith

Lockbolt collar feed mechanisms, lockbolt installation tools, and methods of installing lockbolt assemblies are disclosed. Lockbolt collar feed mechanisms comprise a collar cartridge and a mounting bracket operatively coupled to the collar cartridge and configured to be operatively coupled to a lockbolt installation tool. The collar cartridge has a delivery position, in which an exit port is positioned to position a lockbolt collar forward of the lockbolt installation tool's anvil, and a retracted position, in which the collar cartridge is pivoted and translated rearward relative to the delivery position. The collar cartridge is biased toward the delivery position and moves from the delivery position to the retracted position responsive to a user urging the lockbolt installation tool and the lockbolt collar feed mechanism toward and into engagement with a workpiece. 1. A lockbolt collar feed mechanism for use with a lockbolt installation tool that has an elongate nose assembly having an anvil at a distal end region of the elongate nose assembly for swaging a lockbolt collar on a corresponding lockbolt pin , the lockbolt collar feed mechanism comprising:a mounting bracket configured to be operatively coupled to the lockbolt installation tool; anda collar cartridge operatively coupled to the mounting bracket and configured to hold a plurality of lockbolt collars, wherein the collar cartridge includes an exit port configured to position a terminal lockbolt collar of the plurality of lockbolt collars for selective placement onto a lockbolt pin by a user of the lockbolt installation tool and the lockbolt collar feed mechanism, wherein the collar cartridge includes a workpiece engagement surface positioned to face and engage a workpiece when using the lockbolt installation tool and the lockbolt collar feed mechanism, wherein the collar cartridge has a delivery position and a retracted position, wherein in the delivery position, the exit port is positioned to position the ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Deformable Fastening Thread Providing Wedge-Effect

Номер: US20180073548A1
Автор: Eidinger Martin

Disclosed is a fastener that includes a thread having a groove formed therein to provide a loosening resistance due to a deformation of the thread, the deformation resulting from a threshold axial force applied to the thread by a receiving structure. 1. A fastener comprising:a head end; anda helical thread having a crest, an insertion direction flank facing away from said head end and a removal direction flank facing towards said head end, said removal direction flank having a groove formed therein, said groove having a depth allowing said thread to plastically deform at a plastic hinge near said root of said thread for increasing a major diameter of said thread due to an axial force.2. A fastener comprising:a head end;a helical thread having an insertion direction flank facing away from said head end and a removal direction flank facing towards said head end, said removal direction flank having a groove formed therein;said groove being disposed at a root of said thread;said groove being disposed substantially below a pitch diameter of said thread; andsaid groove being configured for allowing said thread to deform and increase a major diameter of said thread due to an axial force. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/264,742, filed Sep. 14, 2016, entitled “Deformable Fastening Thread Providing Wedge-Effect” and which the aforementioned application is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.The present invention relates generally to fastening mechanisms, and more particularly to a deformable fastening thread for increasing a loosening resistance of a threaded fastening arrangement.It is common for fastening elements such as bolts and nuts to be fastened to one another, or to hold down one material to another. A bolt may have an external helical thread and a nut may have an internal helical thread. The internal thread and the external thread may be configured to allow the nut and bolt to axially move relative to one ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099135A1

The self-locking threaded connection element, which can be a screw or a nut, and which comprises a thread with a set of several turns, characterised in that the thread comprises a thread pitch which varies from one turn to another, which enables the element to be self-locking, without seizing. 1. A self-locking threaded connection element comprising a thread with a set of several turns , characterised in that the thread comprises a thread pitch which varies from one turn to another.2. The self-locking threaded connection element claim 1 , according to claim 1 , characterised in that the set of turns comprises a first group of turns which includes a number of turns wherein the thread pitch is increasing claim 1 , followed by a second number of turns wherein the thread pitch is decreasing claim 1 , or the reverse.3. The self-locking threaded connection element claim 2 , according to claim 2 , characterised in that the second group of turns is located immediately in continuation of the first group of turns.4. The self-locking threaded connection element claim 2 , according to any of - claim 2 , characterised in that the first group of turns and the second group of turns have the same number of turns.5. The self-locking threaded connection element claim 4 , according to claim 4 , characterised in that the first group and the second group are each formed by three turns.6. The self-locking threaded connection element claim 4 , according to any of and claim 4 , characterised in that the last turn of the first group and the first turn of the second group do not have the same thread pitch.7. The self-locking threaded connection element claim 4 , according to any of - claim 4 , characterised in that the first turn of the first group and the last turn of the second group have a thread pitch of equal value.8. The self-locking threaded connection element claim 7 , according to claim 7 , characterised in that the second turn of the first group and the penultimate turn of the ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160091012A1
Автор: KONDO Kota

A bolt including a head portion, a shaft portion, and an external thread formed in the shaft portion, the bolt having: a plurality of thread collapsed rib portions each of which is composed of projecting portions that are arranged in a longitudinal direction of the shaft portion, each projecting portion being formed by collapsing a top portion of a screw thread of the external thread and by raising both sides of the collapsed top portion of the screw thread, wherein one projecting portion of the thread collapsed rib portion has a shape different from that of another projecting portion that is adjacent in a circumference direction of the screw thread of the adjacent thread collapsed rib portion in the shaft portion, such that an interference position with a counterpart internal thread varies in accordance with screw-engagement with the counterpart internal thread. 1. A bolt including a head portion , a shaft portion , and an external thread formed in the shaft portion , the bolt comprising:a plurality of thread collapsed rib portions each of which is composed of projecting portions that are arranged in a longitudinal direction of the shaft portion, each projecting portion being formed by collapsing a top portion of a screw thread of the external thread and by raising both sides of the collapsed top portion of the screw thread,wherein one projecting portion of the thread collapsed rib portion has a shape different from that of another projecting portion which is adjacent in a circumference direction of the screw thread of the adjacent thread collapsed rib portion in the shaft portion, such that an interference position with a counterpart internal thread varies in accordance with screw-engagement with the counterpart internal thread.2. The bolt according to claim 1 , wherein:the shape of the projecting portion is defined by a projection position that is a radial position from a shaft center of the shaft portion, and a projection dimension that is a dimension protruding ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Self-tightening Fastening Apparatus for Vibrating Work-parts

Номер: US20220136556A1

A self-tightening fastening apparatus for vibrating work-parts includes a male fastener, a main female fastener, a locking female fastener, an anti-rotation female fastener, and a first compression body. The main female fastener is threadedly engaged around a first threaded-shaft section of the male fastener, wherein a head of the male fastener and the main female fastener compress the vibrating work-parts together. The locking female fastener is threadedly engaged around a second threaded-shaft section of the male fastener. The first compression body is compressed in between the main female fastener and the locking female fastener. The anti-rotation female fastener is threadedly engaged around a third threaded-shaft section of the male fastener.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145915A1
Автор: Uhl Albert

A connecting sleeve suitable for the production of a push-pull link bar includes a main body, a coupling section which is formed or arranged on the outer circumferential side on the main body, and a through bore, characterized in that the connecting sleeve has a first seal which is arranged at least partially on the outer circumferential side and a second seal which closes at least the through bore. 1. A connecting sleeve suitable for the production of a push-pull link bar , with a main body , a coupling section which is formed or arranged on the outer circumferential side on the main body , and a through bore , wherein the connecting sleeve has a first seal which is arranged at least partially on the outer circumferential side and a second seal which closes at least the through bore.2. The connecting sleeve as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first seal and/or the second seal are/is produced at least partially from an elastic material claim 1 , in particular from rubber and/or a thermoplastic elastomer.3. The connecting sleeve as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first seal is configured as a sealing ring which is arranged so as to run continuously around the outer circumference of the main body.4. The connecting sleeve as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second seal is configured as a plug which has a part which is introduced into the through bore and a part which protrudes out of the through bore.5. The connecting sleeve as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a first opening of the through bore is open claim 1 , and a second opening of the through bore is closed by way of the second seal claim 1 , an access to a coupling point which is preferably configured or arranged on the inner circumferential side being configured claim 1 , in particular claim 1 , by way of the first opening.6. The connecting sleeve as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a maximum external diameter of the second seal is greater than a maximum external diameter of an end section of the main body claim 1 , ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145927A1

The present disclosure provides an anti-loosening screw pair and an anti-loosening screw component. The screw pair includes a first screw component provided with a first screw thread and a second screw component whose outer wall surface is provided with a second screw thread. The first and second screw components are in threaded connection. In a direction of the first screw component being screwed into the second screw component, sides of the first and second screw threads pressing against each other are formed into force-bearing fitting faces respectively, and opposite sides thereof are formed into non-force-bearing fitting regions respectively. At least one of the force-bearing fitting faces and the non-force-bearing fitting regions of the first and the second screw components is provided with a stopper so as to prevent radial displacement between the first and the second screw components. 1. A screw pair , comprising:a first screw component having an inner hole, an inner wall surface of the inner hole being provided with a first screw thread extending along a spiral line thereof; anda second screw component having a rod-shaped structure, an outer wall surface of the rod-shaped structure being provided with a second screw thread extending along a spiral line thereof and corresponding to the first screw thread, and the second screw component being in threaded connection with the first screw component,wherein in a direction of the first screw component being screwed onto the second screw component, sides of the first screw thread and the second screw thread pressing against each other are formed into force-bearing fitting faces respectively, opposite sides thereof are formed into non-force-bearing fitting regions respectively,wherein a first stopper is provided on the force-bearing fitting face of the first screw thread, and the first stopper continuously extends from one end of the first screw thread to the other end of the first screw thread along the spiral line ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Lock bolt assembly

Номер: US20190107141A1
Принадлежит: Kylin Sanitary Technology Xiamen Co Ltd

The invention discloses a lock bolt assembly comprising a bolt provided with a first external thread, a mounting nut correspondingly screwed on the bolt and provided with a first internal thread, and a locking piece, wherein in the length direction of the bolt, at least one cantilever part is formed on the mounting nut in an extension mode, and the first internal thread extends onto the cantilever parts; the locking piece is arranged on the mounting nut and can abut against the cantilever parts, so that the areas, where the first internal thread is formed, of the cantilever parts bend and tightly press the first external thread in an abutting mode, then different areas of the first internal thread on the mounting nut abut against and tightly press the first external thread in two opposite directions, and thus the bolt is prevented from rotating relative to the mounting nut.

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190107142A1

A nut with a nut body with several clamping segments at an upper end face of the nut body has an internal thread with at least a first portion and a second portion. The first portion has a first thread pitch that ends at a lower end face of the nut body opposite the upper end face. The second portion has a second thread pitch which is smaller than the first thread pitch. The internal thread may include a third portion having a third thread pitch at least partially located at the clamping segments, where the second portion is between the first and third portions. The third thread pitch may be the same as the first thread pitch. 1. A nut , comprising:a nut body;a plurality of clamping segments emerging from an upper end face of the nut body; andan internal thread extending along a longitudinal axis of the nut, the internal thread of the nut includes at least a first portion and a second portion,', 'the first portion has a first thread pitch which is constant over the first portion,', 'the first portion ends at a lower end face situated opposite the upper end face of the nut body, and', 'the second portion has a second thread pitch which is constant over the second portion which is smaller than the first thread pitch., 'wherein'}2. The nut as claimed in claim 1 , whereina height of the second portion along the longitudinal axis is equal to a height of the clamping segments along the longitudinal axis, andthe internal thread of the nut consists only of the first portion and the second portion.3. The nut as claimed in claim 1 , wherein{'b': '41', 'the internal thread of the nut consists only of the first portion (), the second portion and a third portion, and'}a thread pitch of the third portion is constant over the third portion and equal to the first thread pitch of the first portion.4. The nut as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe clamping segments taper along the longitudinal axis.5. The nut as claimed in claim 2 , whereinthe clamping segments taper along the ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140201972A1
Принадлежит: GAGE BILT, INC.

An air-driven feeder tool is provided for presenting swagable collars one at a time for placement on the shanks of lockbolts and thereby made ready for the application of a swaging tool. The swaging tool breaks off a pintail from the lockbolt and a vacuum system draws the broken-off pintails through a vacuum device and into a receptacle for safe disposal. The feeder mechanism comprises a magazine holding a supply f side-by-side collars, a presentation piece holding a short working collars and a worker-actuable trigger mechanism between the two queues for transferring collars, one at a time, from the magazine to the presentation queue. Two embodiments of the feeder tool are disclosed, each with a unique trigger position. 1. A feeder for lockbolt collars of the type having an axial through-hole comprising:a tool for holding multiple collars in a working queue and presenting collars at an endpoint for placement on a lockbolt shank;a magazine separate from but attachable to the tool for holding collars in a supply queue; anda trigger mechanism in the tool for selectively transferring collars from the supply queue to the working queue.2. A feeder as described in wherein the magazine is a hollow tube with an interior cross-section designed to hold collars in side-by-side relationship with the axial through-holes in parallel.3. A feeder as described in wherein the tool includes an interior channel with an interior cross-section designed to hold the working queue of collars in side-by-side relationship with the axial through holes in parallel wherein the number of collars in the supply queue is substantially greater than the number of collars in the working queue.4. A feeder as described in wherein a source of air pressure is connected to the magazine to urge collars in the magazine toward the trigger mechanism.5. A feeder as described in wherein air pressure from said source is communicated to the working queue to urge collars in the working queue toward said endpoint.6. A ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160131176A1
Автор: XU Songlin

An anti-loosening cylindrical threaded part has internal and external threaded parts. A cylindrical internal thread is arranged in an internal threaded part inner hole, a cylindrical external thread is arranged on an external threaded part screw having a cylindrical surface parallel to an external thread longitudinal center axis, and a cylindrical surface external diameter is less than an external thread maximum external diameter. Surfaces of the threads and the cylindrical surface are not covered with anti-loosening materials. After the threads are mutually screwed, the cylindrical surface and an internal thread crest are mutually close contact structures, that is, a horizontal locking structure. Loosening can be effectively prevented between the cylindrical internal and external threaded parts without longitudinal contractility of the threaded part and a workpiece, and the structure is suitable for loosening prevention in various connections of the cylindrical threaded parts, and the loosening prevention is stabler. 1. An anti-loosening cylindrical threaded part, comprising an internal threaded part and an external threaded part, wherein a cylindrical internal thread is arranged in an inner hole of the internal threaded part, a cylindrical external thread is arranged on a screw of the external threaded part, the screw of the external threaded part has a cylindrical surface parallel to a longitudinal center axis of the external thread, an external diameter of the cylindrical surface is less than a maximum external diameter of the external thread, surfaces of the internal thread and the external thread and the cylindrical surface are not covered with anti-loosening materials, characterized in that: after the internal thread and the external thread are mutually screwed, the cylindrical surface and a crest of the internal thread are mutually close contact structures. 1. Technical FieldThe present invention relates to an anti-loosening cylindrical threaded part.2. ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200132097A1
Автор: Bansal Amit

Disclosed herein is a fitting for attachment to a part. The fitting comprises a body and a nut assembly. The body comprises a nut portion. The nut portion comprises a nut receptacle having a converging portion and a central axis. The nut assembly comprises a seal and a nut. The seal is within the nut receptacle, non-translatably fixed relative to the nut receptacle, and spaced apart from the converging portion. The nut is within the nut receptacle, is translatable along the central axis of the nut receptacle, and comprises resilient fingers that are resiliently deformable away from the central axis. Translation of the nut along the central axis is constrained by the converging portion and the seal. 1. A fitting for attachment to a part , the fitting comprising:a body comprising a nut portion, wherein the nut portion comprises a nut receptacle having a converging portion and a central axis; and a seal within the nut receptacle, non-translatably fixed relative to the nut receptacle, and spaced apart from the converging portion; and', 'a nut within the nut receptacle, translatable along the central axis of the nut receptacle, and comprising resilient fingers that are resiliently deformable away from the central axis, wherein translation of the nut along the central axis is constrained by the converging portion and the seal., 'a nut assembly comprising2. The fitting according to claim 1 , wherein:the nut receptacle further comprises an annular groove; andthe seal has an annular shape and is fitted within the annular groove.3. The fitting according to claim 2 , wherein the seal has a triangular cross-sectional shape.4. The fitting according to claim 1 , wherein the seal is made of an elastomeric resiliently-flexible material.5. The fitting according to claim 1 , wherein:the nut receptacle further comprises a first anti-rotation feature;the nut further comprises a second anti-rotation feature; andengagement between the first anti-rotation feature and the second anti- ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170146050A1

A fixing assembly and a fastener structure thereof are introduced. The fastener structure includes an engaging member and a mating member connected together. The fixing assembly includes a fastening member and the fastener structure. The fastening member includes sequentially connected head portion, assembling section and fastening section, while the assembling section is assembled to the engaging member. A method of assembling the fixing assembly is also introduced, according to which the engaging member is first connected to the mating member, the assembling section of the fastening member is then forced through an insertion-hole section of the engaging member to be assembled thereto, and finally, a first inner retaining section of the mating member is movably connected to an outer retaining section of a locating member, which is connected to a workpiece. Therefore, the fixing assembly and the fastener structure thereof have a simple structure and can be easily completed. 1. A fastener structure for fixing assembly being characterized in comprising an engaging member and a mating member; and the engaging member being connected to the mating member and used to engage with a fastening member.2. The fastener structure as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the mating member is a hollow cylindrical body or an assembly of the engaging member and the mating member is a hollow cylindrical body; and that the hollow cylindrical body internally defines a receiving space.3. The fastener structure as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the mating member has a first inner retaining section for movably connecting to a locating member.4. The fastener structure as claimed in claim 3 , characterized in that the first inner retaining section has a first pressing surface claim 3 , which can be any one of a flat surface claim 3 , a bevel surface claim 3 , a curved surface and a cambered surface.5. The fastener structure as claimed in claim 3 , characterized in that the ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160153486A1
Автор: XU Songlin

A cylindrical internal thread is arranged in an inner hole of the internal threaded part, a cylindrical external thread is arranged on a screw of the external threaded part, the root of the external thread or the internal thread has a wedge-shaped inclined surface forming an included angle a or an included angle β with a longitudinal center axis of the external thread or the internal thread. After the internal thread part and the external thread part are mutually tightened, a surface of the internal thread or the external thread and the wedge-shaped inclined surface are mutually close contact structure, that is, a horizontal locking structure, and as long as the surface of the internal thread or the external thread and the wedge-shaped inclined surface are in close contact through pretightening force, loosening can be prevented in cylindrical threaded part connecting pairs having threaded surfaces and made of various materials. 1. An anti-loosening threaded part , comprising an internal threaded part and an external threaded part , wherein a cylindrical internal thread is arranged in an inner hole of the internal threaded part , a cylindrical external thread is arranged on a screw of the external threaded part , surfaces of the internal thread and the external thread are not covered with anti-loosening materials , the root of the external thread or the internal thread has a wedge-shaped inclined surface forming an included angle α or an included angle β with a longitudinal center axis of the external thread or the internal thread , after the internal thread part and the external thread part are mutually tightened , a surface of the internal thread or the external thread and the wedge-shaped inclined surface are mutually close contact structures , characterized in that: tan α or tan β is less than a dynamic friction factor between the wedge-shaped inclined surface and a contact surface of the internal thread or the external thread.2. The anti-loosening threaded part ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200139760A1

A wheel lock key assembly includes a wheel lock key portion configured to engage with keyslot features on a wheel lock. A driving tool coupling portion is connected to the wheel lock key portion and includes a surface structured to be rotationally coupled to a driving tool so as to enable rotation of the wheel lock key portion by the driving tool by a force acting on the surface. The surface extends along a plane extending parallel to the wheel lock key portion rotational axis. A retaining member is deformable to vary a radial distance the exterior surface extends from the rotational axis. A retaining member deformation mechanism is actuatable to deform the retaining member to vary the radial distance, such that the exterior surface extends at least a predetermined distance past the plane prior to rotational coupling of the wheel lock key assembly to the driving tool. 1. A wheel lock key assembly comprising:a wheel lock key portion including one or more keying features configured to engage with complementary keyslot features on a wheel lock to enable rotation of the wheel lock by the wheel lock key portion, the wheel lock key portion having a rotational axis;a driving tool coupling portion connected to the wheel lock key portion, the driving tool coupling portion including at least one surface structured to be rotationally coupled to a driving tool so as to enable rotation of the wheel lock key portion by the driving tool by a force acting on the at least one surface, the at least one surface extending along a plane extending parallel to the wheel lock key portion rotational axis;a retaining member coupled to the wheel lock key portion and having an exterior surface, the retaining member being deformable to vary a radial distance the exterior surface extends from the wheel lock key portion rotational axis; anda retaining member deformation mechanism actuatable to deform the retaining member to vary the radial distance the exterior surface extends from the wheel lock ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152876A1
Автор: Erpenbeck Till

The invention relates to an apparatus for attaching a first component to a second component and comprises a base element which has a thread which defines a thread axis; a connection means for direct or indirect connection with shape matching and/or material continuity of the base element to the second component; and an adjustment element which receives the first component and is in threaded engagement with the base element such that the position of the first component is adjustable relative to the second component, viewed in the direction of the thread axis, by a rotation of the adjustment element relative to the base element, with the base element and/or the adjustment element being at least partly elastically deformable such that the adjustment element receives the first component free of clearance and is in threaded engagement with the base element free of clearance. 1. An apparatus for attaching a first component to a second component , the apparatus comprising:a base element which has a thread which defines a thread axis;a connection means for a direct or indirect connection with shape matching or material continuity of the base element to the second component;an adjustment element which receives the first component and is in threaded engagement with the base element such that the position of the first component is adjustable relative to the second component, viewed in the direction of the thread axis, by a rotation of the adjustment element relative to the base element,wherein at least one of the base element and the adjustment element is at least partly elastically deformable such that the adjustment element receives the first component free of clearance and is in threaded engagement free of clearance with the base element.2. The apparatus in accordance with claim 1 ,wherein the threaded engagement between the base element and the adjustment element is self-locking.3. The apparatus in accordance with claim 1 ,wherein the base element comprises a base element ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170159696A1
Принадлежит: HEWI G. Winker GmbH & Co. KG

In order to optimize a nut and a method for the production of a nut, comprising a nut body which is provided or can be provided with an internal thread and has a polygonal section with a polygonal outer contour which has, on the one hand, edge areas and, on the other hand, key faces which are located between the edge areas and extend in key face planes extending in a manner conforming to standards, in such a manner that it has mechanical properties which are as ideal as possible with as low a weight as possible, it is suggested that the nut body have a plurality of recesses which extend into the nut body in the direction of the bore proceeding from the respective key face planes. 2. Nut as defined in claim 1 , wherein recesses extend into the nut body each proceeding from key face planes located opposite one another.3. Nut as defined in claim 1 , wherein a recess extends into the nut body proceeding from each key face plane of the polygonal section.4. Nut as defined in claim 1 , wherein the recess extends from the respective key face plane as far as a thread-bearing casing surrounding the internal thread in a stabilizing manner.5. Nut as defined in claim 4 , wherein the thread-bearing casing has claim 4 , proceeding from an external diameter of the internal thread claim 4 , a radial minimum thickness of 0.05 times the external diameter of the internal thread.6. Nut as defined in claim 1 , wherein the nut body has a first end face designed as a pressure side with a pressure surface and a second end face facing away from the pressure side.7. Nut as defined in claim 6 , wherein the recess extends as far as the second end face.8. Nut as defined in claim 6 , wherein the recess extends as far as the pressure side.9. Nut as defined in claim 6 , wherein the recess extends from the one end face to the other end face only over a partial section of the extension of the nut body.10. Nut as defined in claim 1 , wherein the recess extends as far as a pressure base provided on the ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210190127A1

The present disclosure provides an anti-loosening screw pair and an anti-loosening screw component. The screw pair includes a first screw component provided with a first screw thread and a second screw component whose outer wall surface is provided with a second screw thread. The first and second screw components are in threaded connection. In a direction of the first screw component being screwed into the second screw component, sides of the first and second screw threads pressing against each other are formed into force-bearing fitting faces respectively, and opposite sides thereof are formed into non-force-bearing fitting regions respectively. At least one of the force-bearing fitting faces and the non-force-bearing fitting regions of the first and the second screw components is provided with a stopper so as to prevent radial displacement between the first and the second screw components. 1. An anti-loosening screw pair , comprising:a first screw component having an inner hole, an inner wall surface of the inner hole being provided with a first screw thread extending along a spiral line thereof; anda second screw component having a rod-shaped structure, an outer wall surface of the rod-shaped structure being provided with a second screw thread extending along a spiral line thereof and corresponding to the first screw thread, and the second screw component being in threaded connection with the first screw component,wherein in a direction of the first screw component being screwed into the second screw component, sides of the first screw thread and the second screw thread pressing against each other are formed into force-bearing fitting faces respectively, opposite sides thereof are formed into non-force-bearing fitting regions respectively, and at least one of the force-bearing fitting faces and the non-force-bearing fitting regions of the first screw component and the second screw component is provided with a stopper so as to prevent radial displacement between ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140255123A1
Автор: WEINTRAUB Preston
Принадлежит: Canrig Drilling Technology Ltd.

Locking devices and methods are described. The locking device includes a non-resilient locking threadform that is expandable and a threaded expander. The threadform includes a threaded exterior portion and an axially-oriented, threaded interior recess at a proximal end of the threadform. The threaded exterior portion has a length and is configured to connect two articles in an axial direction. The threaded expander has a threaded exterior that is oversized relative to the threaded interior recess so as to expand the threaded exterior portion radially as the threaded expander is positioned in the threaded interior recess.

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140259627A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

The embodiments described in this paper relate generally to a fastener configured to reduce a risk of doing damage to a high cost component. Various embodiments of fasteners configured to be threaded during insertion are described. This is accomplished by selecting a material for an engaging portion of the fastener that is soft enough to yield to a set of threads to which it is driven into. In this way, a complementary threading pattern is formed on an exterior surface of the fastener as it is twisted against threading of the high cost component to which the fastener is configured to be coupled. 1. A method for securing a first component to a second component , the method comprising:arranging a first end of a fastener through an opening in the first component and against a threaded bore disposed in the second component; anddriving the first end of the fastener against a plurality of threads disposed along an inside surface of the threaded bore such that an outer surface of the fastener is deformed against the plurality of threads, the deformation of the outer surface forming a threading pattern along the outer surface of the fastener that is complementary with the plurality of threads,wherein the threading pattern interacts with the plurality of threads to secure the first end of the fastener within the threaded bore of the second component, and wherein the outer surface of the fastener is not rigid enough to cause damage to the plurality of threads.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the driving of the first end of the fastener against the plurality of threads comprises twisting the first end of the fastener against the plurality of threads.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the driving of the first end of the fastener against the plurality of threads comprises vertically driving the first end of the fastener into the plurality of threads.4. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the interaction between the plurality of threads and the ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180170471A1
Автор: Lin Chi-Yi

A waterproof end cap for covering and closing an end hole of a bicycle head tube includes a threaded locking base, a locking member, and a sealing cover. The threaded locking base is engaged in the end hole. The locking member has large- and small-diameter portions. The end of the large-diameter portion that faces away from the small-diameter portion has an outwardly extending annular plate. The small-diameter portion is externally threaded, extends into the end hole, and threadedly connects with the threaded hole of the threaded locking base such that the annular plate is pulled to cover the end hole. The sealing cover is larger than the annular plate in diameter and has opposite first and second sides. The first side is free of water-holding spaces. The second side covers the annular plate detachably through elastic engagement. Water can neither accumulate on nor leak through is the sealing cover. 1. . A waterproof end cap for a bicycle frame member , wherein the end cap is configured to cover and close an end hole of a head tube of a bicycle , and wherein the head tube is connected with handlebars and a bicycle fork , with the end cap comprising:a threaded locking base centrally provided with a threaded hole and peripherally provided with a plurality of outwardly extending engaging plates, with the threaded locking base received in the end hole of the head tube, wherein the engaging plates of the threaded locking base are engaged with an inner wall of the head tube and are thus secured in position;a locking member having a large-diameter portion and a small-diameter portion, wherein the large-diameter portion has an end facing away from the small-diameter portion, is provided with an outwardly extending annular plate, and has an end face centrally and concavely provided with a receiving cavity, wherein the receiving cavity has a peripheral wall provided with an engaging groove, wherein the small-diameter portion is peripherally provided with an external thread ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180180088A1

A male threaded fastener for a female threaded fastener has a shank and a male thread having a proximate standard thread portion and a non-standard thread portion. The proximate standard thread portion has a plurality of standard male thread turns which define a standard pitch. A distal one of the standard male thread turns and a most proximate non-standard thread turn of the non-standard thread portion define a first pitch different from the standard pitch. 1. A male threaded fastener for a female threaded fastener having a female thread which has a plurality of standard female thread turns extending along a screw axis , each of the standard female thread turns having a pressure flank surface and a trailing flank surface , said male threaded fastener comprising:a shank extending along the screw axis to terminate at a head end and a tail end; and a proximate standard thread portion disposed adjacent to said head end, and having a plurality of standard male thread turns which extends along the screw axis and which define a standard pitch between two adjacent ones of said standard male thread turns, a distal one of said standard male thread turns having a distal standard pressure flank and a distal standard trailing flank, and', 'a non-standard thread portion configured to be thread-engageable with the female thread, and having a most proximate non-standard thread turn which is next to said distal one of said standard male thread turns, and which has a most proximate non-standard pressure flank and a most proximate non-standard trailing flank, said most proximate non-standard thread turn and said distal one of said standard male thread turns cooperatively defining a first pitch which is different from said standard pitch such that when said male thread is in fully threaded engagement with the female thread, said most proximate non-standard pressure flank and said distal standard trailing flank are brought into full contact with the pressure flank surface and the ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200182285A1
Автор: Hu Ping

The invention discloses a anti-loosing, and self locking structural member, which comprises a first threaded section and a second helical elastic deformation section with the same thread pitch, wherein axial sections of threads of the second helical elastic deformation section take the shape of a thin sheet; and the first threaded section has an axial misalign which is not an integral multiple of the pitch relative to the second helical elastic deformation section, such that the threads of the second helical elastic deformation section are helically elastically deformed when screwed into an internal thread, thereby achieving frictional anti-loosing and self-locking and a stable self-locking torsion. 1. A anti-loosing and self locking structural member , comprising a first threaded section and a second helical elastic deformation section arranged on the structural member , wherein the pitch of threads of the second helical elastic deformation section is identical to that of the first threaded section , and axial sections of the threads of the second helical elastic deformation section take the shape of a thin sheet; and the first threaded section has an axial misalign which is not an integral multiple of the pitch relative to the second helical elastic deformation section.2. The anti-loosing and self-locking structural member according to claim 1 , wherein the outer diameter and thickness of the thin sheet-shaped threads of the second helical elastic deformation section as well as the radial depth of a helical groove between the threads are adjustable according to the requirements of the self-locking torsion.3. The anti-loosing and self-locking structural member according to claim 1 , wherein a tool recess is also arranged between the first threaded section and the second helical elastic deformation section claim 1 , and the diameter of the tool recess is smaller than the radial extension diameter of the helical groove of the second helical elastic deformation ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210222726A1

A locking nut includes a first nut, including a nut base and a screwing portion protruding outward from a face of the nut base, where the screwing portion is provided with a plurality of longitudinal sectional grooves in a spaced manner, such that the screwing portion is formed with a plurality of screwing claw bodies, and a first inner threaded wall is provided on each of inner walls of the screwing claw bodies, and is used for threadedly connecting to a bolt; and a pressing ring, mounted and located outside the screwing portion of the first nut, where an inner wall of the pressing ring includes a pressing inner-wall for pressing outer walls of the screwing claw bodies of the screwing portion. 1. A locking nut assembly , for threadedly connecting to a bolt , the locking nut assembly comprising:a first nut, comprising a nut base and a screwing portion protruding outward from a face of the nut base, wherein the screwing portion is provided with a plurality of longitudinal sectional grooves in a spaced manner, such that the screwing portion is formed with a plurality of screwing claw bodies, a first inner threaded wall is provided on each of inner walls of the screwing claw bodies, and is used for threadedly connecting to a bolt, and outer walls of the screwing claw bodies are formed with symmetrical outward-protruding deformations; anda pressing ring, mounted and located outside the screwing portion of the first nut, wherein an inner wall of the pressing ring comprises a pressing inner-wall for pressing the outer walls of the screwing claw bodies of the screwing portion.2. The locking nut assembly according to claim 1 , wherein an outer wall of the screwing portion of the first nut is a tapered outer wall claim 1 , and the pressing inner-wall of the pressing ring is a tapered pressing inner-wall matching the tapered outer wall.3. The locking nut assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the pressing ring is a second nut claim 1 , an inner wall of the second nut ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации

High torque bolt

Номер: US20180209467A1
Автор: Arnold R. Limatoc
Принадлежит: Arnold Permanent Nut LLC

A bolt includes a main-bolt head, a threaded shaft, and a deformable-bolt head component. The main-bolt head has a recess. The threaded shaft extends from the main-bolt head. The threaded shaft has an external thread wrapped therearound. The deformable-bolt head component has an outer flange and an interior threaded bore. The outer flange of the deformable-bolt head component is coupled to the main-bolt head such that a relief space is formed between the deformable-bolt head component and the recess.

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210239152A1
Автор: Van Cor Dale E.

Key threaded systems that include key threads having a female lock and male key on a two-dimensional plane and in which the female lock envelops the male key when fully engaged and has a shape that creates lateral resistance to separation from the male key when the female lock fully engages the male key. 1. A key threaded system comprising:a first part having a body comprising at least one mating surface upon which at least one key thread is disposed, said key thread comprising a key train comprising a plurality of key profiles forming an outer surface and having a key train length defined between a smallest key profile and a largest key profile; anda second part having a body comprising at least one mating surface into which at least one key lock is disposed, said key lock comprising a plurality of key lock profiles forming an inner surface having a lock length defined between a smallest lock profile and a largest lock profile;wherein said outer surface of said key train of said key thread and said inner surface of said key lock are each shaped and dimensioned to form a key thread set that follows a same key rail around an axis of rotation;wherein said outer surface of said key train of said key thread and said inner surface of said key lock are each shaped and dimensioned such that each key profile has a cross section that is progressively larger than an adjacent key profile along said key length from said smallest key profile to said largest key profile and each lock profile has a cross section that is progressively larger than an adjacent lock profile along said lock length from said smallest lock profile to said largest lock profile such that said key train may be moved through said key lock along said key rail without substantial interference until said smallest key profile reaches a terminus position at said smallest lock profile;wherein said key train of said key thread and said key lock are each shaped and dimensioned such that each key profile has ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160223007A1

A screw which is self-locking screw has an elliptical screw body. The screw may be used, e.g., to secure implants such as spinal implants or, e.g., to secure bone or plants. 114.-. (canceled)15. A screw comprising:a screw body having a thread,wherein the screw body is elliptical.16. A crew according to claim 15 , wherein the screw body has an elliptical cross-section.17. A screw according to claim 16 , wherein a ratio of a length R of a large half-axis to a length r of a small half-axis of the elliptical cross-section such that R/r is between 0.01 and 2.0.18. A screw according to claim 15 , wherein the screw body has an elliptical longitudinal section.19. A screw according to claim 18 , wherein the ratio of the greatest diameter of the longitudinal section to the smallest diameter of the longitudinal section d is greater than 1.20. A screw according to claim 15 , wherein the screw body has an elliptical cross-section and an elliptical longitudinal section.21. A screw according to claim 15 , wherein at least the screw body is made from a metallic or a ceramic material claim 15 , a ceramic composite material or a plastic.22. A screw according to claim 15 , wherein at least a part of the screw body is provided with a coating.23. A screw according to claim 22 , wherein the coating promotes the osseointegration.24. A screw according to claim 15 , wherein at least a part of a surface of the screw body is roughened.25. A screw according to in a biological material.26. A screw according to claim 25 , wherein the biological material is a living claim 25 , regenerating or healing material.27. A screw according to claim 15 , wherein the screw is in a bone.28. A screw according to claim 27 , wherein the bone is a human or animal bone.29. A screw according to in an implant or transplant.30. A screw according to claim 29 , wherein the implant is a spinal implant or a dental implant.31. A screw according to in a trauma product.32. A screw according to claim 25 , wherein the ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150226253A1

A rivet stud bolt is disclosed. A rivet stud bolt for mounting an element to at least one panel includes a bolt portion to which the panel is assembled, a flange integrally formed to an end of the bolt portion, and a rivet portion integrally connected to the flange, in which at least two slits are formed, and the rivet portion is plastically deformed and connected to the panel. 1. A rivet stud bolt for mounting an element to at least one panel , the rivet stud bolt comprising:a bolt portion to which the panel is assembled;a flange integrally formed to an end of the bolt portion; anda rivet portion integrally connected to the flange, in which at least two slits are formed, and the rivet portion is plastically deformed and connected to the panel.2. The rivet stud bolt of claim 1 , wherein:the rivet portion is formed as a cylinder shape shank;the rivet portion includes a connecting end connected to the flange and a free end being an opposite end of the connecting end; andthe slits are extended from the free end to the connecting end of the rivet portion.3. The rivet stud bolt of claim 2 , wherein a length of the slit is shorter than that of the rivet portion claim 2 , and the slits are circumferentially disposed at the rivet portion at a constant interval.4. The rivet stud bolt of claim 2 , wherein the rivet portion comprises:a first portion integrally connected to the flange and having a circular cross-section; anda plurality of second portions integrally connected to the first portion and disposed between the slits.5. The rivet stud bolt of claim 4 , wherein the slit is provided with a triangular groove at the first portion claim 4 , and the groove is connected to a space between the second portions.6. The rivet stud bolt of claim 1 , wherein a rotation preventing portion is formed to an edge of the flange.7. The rivet stud bolt of claim 6 , wherein the rotation preventing portion is formed as teeth continuously formed to the edge of the flange.8. The rivet stud bolt ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Anti-loosening bolt

Номер: US20170219003A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to an anti-loosening bolt coupled to a bolt and a spring and, more specifically, to an anti-loosening bolt which can: prevent the bolt from being unintentionally loosened by a rotating object or by continuous long-time or momentary vibration; be fixed on a wall; be combined with a nut; prevent a periodic shaking phenomenon; and be reused.

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180231049A1

An improved locking nut and sealing washer for use with a threaded bolt. The locking nut has a flange. The sealing washer is attached to an elastomer and has retaining means provided therein. When the locking nut is seated on the sealing washer, a removable retaining insert may be manipulated to be received within the retaining means. Thereafter, when force is applied to the locking nut to move the locking nut in a first direction along the threaded bolt, the flange pushes against the sealing washer to push the sealing washer in the same direction and, when force is applied to the locking nut in an opposing direction along the threaded bolt, the flange pushes against the retaining insert to push the sealing washer in the same direction. 1. An improved locking nut and sealing washer for use with a threaded bolt , where:the locking nut has a flange andthe sealing washer is attached to an elastomer and has retaining means provided therein,where, when the locking nut is seated on the sealing washer, a removable retaining insert may be manipulated to be received within the retaining means and where, when force is applied to the locking nut to move the locking nut in a first direction along the threaded bolt, the flange pushes against the sealing washer to push the sealing washer in the same direction and, when force is applied to the locking nut in an opposing direction along the threaded bolt, the flange pushes against the retaining insert to push the sealing washer in the same direction.2. An improved locking nut and sealing washer for use with a threaded bolt according to claim 1 , where the retaining means is a retaining groove and the retaining insert is a retaining ring.3. An improved locking nut and sealing washer for use with a threaded bolt according to claim 1 , where the retaining means is a plurality of threads and the retaining insert is a dust seal that can threadedly engage the plurality of threads.4. An improved locking nut and sealing washer for use with ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Retention anchor for surgical access devices

Номер: US20210259729A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical access assembly includes a cannula and a retention anchor including an annular body and a washer secured to the annular body. The annular body includes an inner side surface defining an opening therethrough, and the washer includes an inner terminal edge defining an opening therethrough that is aligned with the opening of the annular body. The elongated shaft of the cannula extends through the openings. The washer is transitionable between a first configuration in which the inner terminal edge of the washer is coincident with or disposed radially outwardly of the inner side surface of the annular body so that the retention anchor is slidable along the elongated shaft, and a second configuration in which the inner terminal edge of the washer extends radially inwardly of the inner side surface of the annular body and engages the elongated shaft to fix the retention anchor to the elongated shaft.

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200224708A1

The invention concerns a unit () for a locking device, comprising: a nut () comprising two coaxial taps in opposite directions; and a ring (); said ring including a third tap (); the first () and third () taps being capable of engaging with a single first thread (); said ring including a second thread () capable of engaging with the second tap () of the nut. The unit further comprises a washer () configured () so as to be inserted around one () of the nut and the ring, the washer comprising an elastic engagement means () for engaging with the other () of the ring and the nut in an installation position of the unit, so as to prevent the ring and the nut from rotating relative to each other. 1. Assembly for a locking device , extending along a main axis (X) and comprising:a nut comprising a first and a second coaxial and opposite-direction tappings; anda ring;an inner surface of said ring comprising a third tapping; the first and third tappings being capable of cooperating with a same first thread;an outer surface of said ring comprises a second thread capable of cooperating with the second tapping of the nut;the assembly being characterised in that it further comprises a washer configured so as to be inserted around one of the nut and of the ring, in a rotationally fixed manner with respect to said nut or to said ring,the washer comprises a means of elastic engagement with the other of the ring and of the nut in an installation position of the assembly, so as to prevent rotation relative to the other of the ring and the nut from said installation position.2. Assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the washer comprises an annular body and at least one tab projecting radially with respect to said annular body claim 1 ,said annular body comprises a means for blocking in rotation with one of the nut and of the ring,said at least one tab being elastically deformable between a rest configuration and a stress configuration, in which the washer is respectively in axial ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180245621A1
Автор: Bogrash Philip

A lock-washer of conical, annular or other shapes capable of elastic flattening when the threaded connection, of which it is a part, is tightened and having tabs along the perimeter of the central hole. For most embodiments the tabs' tips form a circle of a diameter slightly larger than that of a threaded part which is to pass through the central hole. When during tightening the axial force acting on the lock-washer reaches a pre-determined level and the lock-washer flattens, its central hole diameter decreases and the tab tips enter the thread channel, which will cause the thread to jam, thus preventing further tightening, thereby limiting the axial load in the threaded connection to a pre-determined level. Another embodiment provides a lock-washer which compresses and expands radially during tightening providing a visual and/or audible signal for the worker when said expansion and a corresponding axial load reach the designated level. 1. A washer with structural means to produce its predetermined deformation , with said deformation resulting in overtightening prevention or elimination.2. The washer of wherein said structural means to produce its predetermined deformation are means to assure its flattening during tightening claim 1 , further comprising stopping means along the perimeter of its hole for jamming the nut claim 1 , whereby further tightening is prevented and the axial load in the threaded connection is limited to a pre-determined level.3. The washer of wherein said structural means to assure flattening are relief parts of the washer's structure.4. The washer of wherein said structural means to assure flattening comprise elastic element suitable for repeatable compression.5. The washer of wherein said stopping means are inclinable towards said threaded shank tabs disposed along the perimeter of washer's central hole for the purpose of entering said shank's thread to jam the nut.6. The washer of wherein said stopping means are tabs movable towards said ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190249707A1
Автор: KISHIDA Daisaku

Provided is an insert member for an open end wheel nut, which is capable of improving the workability of dressing up the car in the case of mounting a wheel using the open end wheel nuts. An insert member for an open end wheel nut includes a shaft body provided on an outer periphery thereof with a male thread to be screwed on a female thread portion of an open end wheel nut from one end thereof. The shaft body includes: a hexagonal hole provided at an opening on the one end of the open end wheel nut ; and a recess provided at an opening on the other end of the open end wheel nut . A spring that urges the shaft body in an axial direction thereof is provided in the recess 1. An insert member for an open end wheel nut to be used in mounting a wheel by tightening the open end wheel nut on one of hub bolts that are fixed to a vehicle , whereinthe insert member comprises a shaft body provided on an outer periphery thereof with a male thread to be screwed on a female thread portion of the open end wheel nut from one end thereof,the shaft body includes: a tool engagement portion provided at an opening on the one end of the open end wheel nut; and a recess provided at an opening on the other end of the open end wheel nut, anda spring that urges the shaft body in an axial direction thereof is provided in the recess.2. The insert member for the open end wheel nut according to claim 1 , wherein a ball that is urged by the spring toward the opening on the other end of the open end wheel nut is provided in the recess claim 1 , and caulking an edge portion of the opening of the recess of the shaft body prevents the spring and the ball from dropping off.3. The insert member for the open end wheel nut according to claim 1 , wherein a pin that is urged by the spring toward an opening of the recess of the shaft body is provided in the recess claim 1 , and screwing a bolt on a female thread provided on a peripheral surface of the recess of the shaft body prevents the spring and the pin ...

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200256375A1

A fastener which includes a first portion of a shaft which defines threads, and a second portion of the shaft, which extends from the first portion of the shaft, includes a planar curved surface. A method for securing a fastener to an e-nut, which includes the step of inserting the fastener positioned within an e-nut into an opening defined by and which extends through at least two components to be secured together, wherein: a first portion of the shaft of the fastener defines threads; and a second portion of the shaft of the fastener, which extends from the first portion of the shaft, defines a curved planar surface. 1. A fastener , comprising:a first portion of a shaft which defines threads, anda second portion of the shaft, which extends from the first portion of the shaft, comprises a planar curved surface.2. The fastener of claim 1 , wherein the first portion of the shaft is connected to a head.3. The fastener of claim 2 , wherein the head defines an opening for receiving an insertion of a tool.4. The fastener of claim 1 , wherein a diameter of the second portion of the shaft has a dimension less than a diameter defined by threads of an e-nut claim 1 , which is to be secured to the fastener.5. The fastener of claim 1 , wherein second portion of the shaft has a tapered configuration.6. The fastener of claim 5 , wherein the second portion of the shaft has a circular cross section.7. The fastener of claim 6 , wherein a diameter of the circular cross section of the second portion is greater in dimension than a dimension of a diameter of a second circular cross section positioned further away from the first portion of the shaft than the circular cross section.8. The fastener of claim 5 , wherein the second portion of the shaft has a truncated conical shape.9. The fastener of claim 8 , further includes a third portion of the shaft extending from the second portion of the shaft.10. The fastener of claim 9 , wherein at least a portion of the third portion of the shaft ...

25-11-2021 дата публикации

Precision Torque Control Positive Lock Nut

Номер: US20210364032A1
Автор: Rice Donald Wayne

A torque control fastener system having a fastener nut, a helical wire insert, and a shaft, where the nut and helical wire insert have unique hardness and coefficient of thermal expansion relationships that produce improved performance. 1. A torque control fastener system , comprising:a fastener nut having a nut proximal end and a nut distal end, a nut bore extending from the nut proximal end into the fastener nut and defining a nut bore axis, a plurality of nut bore threads on at least a portion of the nut bore, and formed of a nut material having a nut Rockwell C hardness of no greater than 42 RWC and a nut coefficient of thermal expansion;a helical wire insert formed to create a plurality of insert coils forming insert external threads and a plurality of insert internal threads, and formed of an insert material having an insert Rockwell C hardness of at least 43 RWC and an insert coefficient of thermal expansion greater than the nut coefficient of thermal expansion, wherein a portion of the insert external threads mate with a portion of the nut bore threads in a portion of the nut bore and engage the fastener nut;a shaft having a plurality of shaft threads that mate with a portion of the insert internal threads such that an insertion torque is required to create relative movement between the shaft threads and the insert internal threads in a first direction, and a removal torque is required to create relative movement between the shaft threads and the insert internal threads in a second direction opposite the first direction;wherein a hardness differential between the insert Rockwell C hardness and the nut Rockwell C hardness is 2-13.2. The torque control fastener system of claim 1 , wherein the insert coefficient of thermal expansion is at least 1.5×10/° C. greater than the nut coefficient of thermal expansion claim 1 , the nut Rockwell C hardness is no greater than 40 RWC claim 1 , and the hardness differential is no greater than 10.3. The torque control ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190271351A1
Принадлежит: FINDMOLD CO., LTD.

The present invention relates to a bolt assembly having a non-loosening nut and, more particularly, a bolt assembly having a non-loosening nut in which a pair of non-loosening nuts that move along a male thread pitch of a bolt are prepared so that the pair of non-loosening nuts press and spread to each side a pair of adjacent male threads of the bolt, thereby restricting the rotation of the bolt to suppress the loosening of the bolt. To this end, the present invention provides the bolt assembly having the non-loosening nut, the bolt assembly comprising: a bolt including a first male thread; a first nut, which has a first female thread screw-coupled to the first male thread of the bolt, and has, on the outer circumferential surface, a second male thread formed in the direction opposite to the first male thread; and a second nut, which has a second female thread that is screw-coupled to the second male thread of the first nut, and has, in the center, a non-loosening female thread which corresponds to the first female thread and is screw-coupled to the first male thread via the first female thread. The bolt assembly having the non-loosening nut is characterized in that the groove depth of the non-loosening female thread is formed deeper than the groove depth of the first male thread, thereby forming a gap between the first male thread and the non-loosening female thread, while preventing a gap from being formed between the first female thread and the first male thread. 1. A bolt assembly having an anti-loosening nut , the bolt assembly comprising:a bolt comprising a first male thread;a first nut comprising a first female thread configured to be screw-coupled to the first male thread of the bolt and a second male thread formed at an outer circumferential surface of the first nut in a direction opposite to that of the first male thread; anda second nut comprising a second female thread configured to be screw-coupled to the second male thread of the first nut and an anti- ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200271153A1
Автор: Stadtfeld Hermann J.

A self-locking screw wherein the self-locking function is maintained during many cutter head building and truing cycles. The inventive screw includes a self-locking feature having high elasticity and high self-locking torque. The screw includes a slot filled with an elastic compliant material. 1. A self-locking screw , said screw comprising a head , a shaft and a tip , with the shaft having a shaft length with at least a portion of the shaft length being threaded , said screw further comprising:said shaft comprising a slot located within said shaft, said slot being open at the tip and having a slot width and a slot length with the slot length extending from the tip along a portion of the shaft length,said slot being filled with an elastic compliant material.2. The screw of having a ratio of slot length to shaft length of about 2/3.3. The screw of wherein said elastic compliant material comprises a thermoplastic material.4. The screw of wherein said thermoplastic material comprises polytetrafluoroethylene.5. The screw of wherein the threads extend along the entire shaft length.6. The screw of wherein the threads extend along a portion of the shaft length with a remaining portion of the shaft length being non-threaded and defining a shank portion.7. The screw of wherein the threaded portion has an outside thread diameter and wherein said elastic compliant material has a width equal to said outside thread diameter.8. The screw of wherein prior to a first use of the screw claim 7 , the elastic compliant material adjacent to the screw threads has no threads.9. A method of making a self-locking screw claim 7 , said screw comprising a head claim 7 , a shaft and a tip claim 7 , with the shaft having a shaft length with at least a portion of the shaft length being threaded claim 7 , said method comprising:machining a slot into the shaft, said slot being open at the tip and having a slot width and a slot length with the slot length extending from the tip along a portion of ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200291983A1
Автор: JR. Earl Allen, Size

A multi-piece locking fastener assembly including a thickened base layer having a first wider diameter passageway exhibiting a first interiorly threaded orientation and a second narrower diameter passageway exhibiting a second opposite threaded orientation and extending a distance in communication with and beyond a bottom end wall of the first wider passageway. A first bolt fastener has a first arrangement of exterior threads engageable with the wider diameter passageway of the base layer. The first fastener further includes an interior passageway. Following installation of the wider fastener into the base layer, a second narrower diameter bolt fastener having at least a partially threaded stem is threadably inter-engaged with the second passageway in the base layer to prevent loosening of either fastener via their counter-threaded orientations.

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180306232A1
Автор: Bishop David, Glover Kevin
Принадлежит: Mitee-Bite Products LLC

A readily removable expanding precision holding and locating pin for securing parts to a work surface or assembly. This device works equally well as a threaded in insert with controlled fit counter bore, press fit or controlled fit bore, a taper fit etc. allowing the device to be used in many standard fixtures without modification the fixture, for example, tombstone fixtures mounted on horizontal machining centers. The device itself can be furnished as an oversize mandrel that can be machined to less than 50% of its original diameter. The device holds and can position in the X, Y, Z, directions and also resists rotation along the C/L Axis. 1. An expansion pin , comprising:a cylindrical body having a sidewall and an interior cavity extending from a top end towards a bottom end of the cylindrical body, aa plurality of slots defined in a top end of the cylindrical body and radially emanating from the interior cavity through the sidewall, the plurality of slots defining a plurality of gripping fingers around a circumference of the sidewall,a tapered surface portion converging inwardly along an interior face of the plurality of gripping fingers; anda bolt having a frusto-conical head that converges inwardly from a top end of the bolt and terminates at a shank of the bolt, the shank having a plurality of external threads, wherein the frusto-conical head urges the plurality of griping fingers radially outwardly when the bolt is threadingly tightened to draw the frusto-conical head within the tapered surface portion of the cylindrical body.2. The expansion pin of claim 1 , further comprising:an annular expansion groove defined around the cylindrical body at a terminus of the plurality of slots.3. The expansion pin of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of external mounting threads extending from the bottom end of the cylindrical body.4. The expansion pin of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of internal threads defined in the interior cavity below the tapered ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации

Self-Actuating Lock Nut and Assemblies

Номер: US20180313393A1
Автор: Aguilar Albert

The present invention relates to an assembly of a self-locking hex head screw and a self-locking hex nut that use parallel screw threads of one or various types that lock against each other upon applying a torque. The resulting counteracting torque forces provided by the screw thread types are further enhanced by applying a physical lock using press fit surfaces on the nut and finally when a snap ring is deployed to that prevent these threads from prying loose later on. 1. A self-actuating lock nut comprising:a hex nut having a top surface, a bottom surface, a height dimension, and a generally hexagonal shaped wall having a central opening into a first central lumen, the first central lumen having a first inner surface supporting a first set of threads and a non-threaded annular slot proximate the central opening;a cylindrical sleeve in the first central lumen and moveable from a stowed position to a deployed position, the sleeve having a first end portion extending axially beyond the bottom surface when in the stowed position and an opposed second end portion extending axially beyond the top end when in a deployed position and having an annular groove on an exterior surface, a second set of threads on an exterior surface, and a third set of threads on an inner surface, the second set of threads engage the first set of threads and require a first amount of torque applied about an axis of the first set of threads to cause relative rotation of the hex nut and the sleeve to move the sleeve from the stowed position to the deployed position; anda snap ring in the annular groove and when the cylindrical sleeve is in the deployed position, the snap ring is in contact with the top surface.2. The self-actuating lock nut of wherein the third set of threads are for engaging a fourth set of threads on a separate body.3. The self-actuating lock nut of wherein a second amount of torque claim 2 , less than the first amount of torque claim 2 , is required to initiate co-rotation of ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190309787A1

A bolt includes a threaded shaft and a bolt head. The threaded shaft has a first end, a second opposing end, and an external thread. The first end includes a flared protrusion and the external thread is wrapped about the shaft and extends from the second opposing end to the flared protrusion. The bolt head includes an interior threaded bore for threadingly engaging the external thread of the threaded shaft, a front surface, and an opposing back surface having a recess configured to receive at least a portion of the flared protrusion of the threaded shaft therein. 1. A bolt comprising:a threaded shaft having a first end, a second opposing end, and an external thread, the first end including a flared protrusion, the external thread being wrapped about the shaft and extending from the second opposing end to the flared protrusion; anda bolt head including (i) an interior threaded bore for threadingly engaging the external thread of the threaded shaft, (ii) a front surface, and (iii) an opposing back surface having a recess configured to receive at least a portion of the flared protrusion of the threaded shaft therein.2. The bolt of claim 1 , wherein the flared protrusion of the threaded shaft has an outer surface that tapers inwardly in the direction from the first end of the threaded shaft towards the second opposing end of the threaded shaft.3. The bolt of claim 2 , wherein the recess of the bolt head has an inner surface that tapers inwardly from the opposing back surface of the bolt head towards the front surface of the bolt head.4. The bolt of claim 3 , wherein outer surface of the flared protrusion is inwardly tapered at a first angle relative to a central axis of the threaded shaft and the inner surface of the recess is inwardly tapered at a second angle relative to a central axis of the bolt head.5. The bolt of claim 4 , wherein the first angle is substantially equal to the second angle.6. (canceled)7. The bolt of claim 4 , wherein the first angle claim 4 , the ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170326300A1

A plunger rod system for syringes is provided. The system comprises at least one plunger and an associated rod for imparting force to the plunger. The rod comprises an end with a threaded member, and the threaded member comprises threads of a certain geometry that enable ease of installation of the rod within the plunger while also providing resistance to pull-out forces such as may be imparted when pulling or extracting the rod or plunger from a barrel. 1. A plunger rod useful for supporting and sliding a stopper in a syringe barrel , the plunger rod comprising:a first end and a second end;the first end comprising a user-interface portion having a flange;the second end comprising a threaded portion adapted for interconnection to at least one of a plunger and a stopper;wherein the threaded portion comprises a shaft having an external male thread and a predetermined thread geometry;the external male thread comprising a locking element, wherein the locking element comprises at least one of a barb, a spur, and a projection departing from a general path of the threaded portion, and wherein the external male thread provides enhanced pull-out resistance of the at least one of a plunger and a stopper.2. The plunger rod of claim 1 , wherein the external male thread comprises at least 15 threads per inch.3. The plunger rod of claim 1 , wherein the male threaded portion comprises a thread pitch of between approximately 0.050 inches and 0.075 inches.4. The plunger rod of claim 1 , wherein the plunger rod is integrally formed with at least one resin selected from the group consisting of cyclic olefin resins claim 1 , radiation-resistant polypropylenes claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polycarbonates and polystyrene.5. The plunger rod of claim 1 , wherein the locking element comprises a barb claim 1 , and wherein the male threaded portion comprises a thread angle of between approximately 5.0 and 10.0 degrees and the barb comprises a thread angle of between approximately 15.0 and ...

15-12-2016 дата публикации

Connection System, Clamping Screw, Method For Connecting Two Components And Tool For Producing The Connection System

Номер: US20160363157A1
Автор: Thomas Sobotta

A connection system for connecting two components, particularly two components of an aircraft, by a threaded joint, includes a clamping screw locked with a nut. A clamping screw for use in such a connection system and a method for connecting two components are also described. The clamping screw includes an axial borehole with an internal thread to receive a securing pin, an external thread for connection to the nut and a counter bearing for locking the nut. The clamping screw is designed such that is elastically deformable in the radially inward direction in the area of the counter bearing, and in this area has a greater radial extension than in the remaining area of the clamping screw.

21-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170363319A1

A mounting assembly for mounting a wall mounted air conditioner (AC) unit on a railway instrument house is provided. The mounting assembly may include a house wall including an outer metal shell layer, a middle insulation layer and an inner plywood layer. The mounting assembly may further include a threaded part coupled to the outer metal shell layer. The threaded part is configured to receive an AC mounting hardware of the wall mounted air conditioner (AC) unit to secure the wall mounted air conditioner (AC) unit to the house wall such that the threaded part enables the wall mounted air conditioner (AC) unit to be installed or removed from outside of the railway instrument house. The mounting assembly may further include an AC unit cage for protecting the wall mounted air conditioner (AC) unit. The AC unit cage has at least two side doors and a front door such that each side door of the at least two side doors is locked within the front door by corresponding bolts or a quick lock. The AC unit cage is configured for mounting on the house wall. 1. A mounting assembly for mounting a wall mounted air conditioner (AC) unit on a railway instrument house including crossing and wayside control systems , the mounting assembly comprising:a house wall including an outer metal shell layer, a middle insulation layer and an inner plywood layer; anda threaded part coupled to the outer metal shell layer, wherein the threaded part is configured to receive an AC mounting hardware of the wall mounted air conditioner (AC) unit to secure the wall mounted air conditioner (AC) unit to the house wall such that the threaded part enables the wall mounted air conditioner (AC) unit to be installed or removed from outside of the railway instrument house.2. The mounting assembly of claim 1 , wherein the threaded part is a nut or an insert that eliminates a need to have a person inside the railway instrument house during installation and disassembly of the wall mounted air conditioner (AC) unit. ...

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160377110A1

The invention relates to an insert () comprising a first end () defining a circular opening (), a cylindrical body () having an inner wall () and an outer wall, and a second end () defining an opening () and forming an enlarged flange (), characterized in that the body comprises a first portion () adjacent to the first end and provided with an outer thread (), and a second portion () adjacent to the first portion and comprising at least two cutouts () defining at least two flexible tabs () extending axially, and each tab has an outer thread () and forms an angle (α), towards the outside of the body, with respect to the axis (A). 110121416182022242830323436383234402428. An insert () positioned along an axis (A) , said insert comprising a first end () defining a circular opening () , a cylindrical body () having an inner wall () and an outer wall , and a second end () defining an opening () and forming an enlarged flange () , characterized in that the body comprises a first portion () adjacent to the first end and provided with an outer thread () , and a second portion () adjacent to the first portion and comprising at least two cutouts () defining at least two flexible tabs () extending axially , each tab has an outer thread () and forms an angle (α) , towards the outside of the body , with respect to the axis , and the second portion () further comprises , between the at least two cutouts () , walls () that connect the flange () to the first portion ().230382836. An insert according to claim 1 , wherein the threads ( claim 1 , ) of the first portion () and of the tabs () have an identical pitch.330382836. An insert according to claim 1 , wherein the threads ( claim 1 , ) of the first portion () and of the tabs () have different pitches.4403028. An insert according to claim 1 , wherein the walls () have an outer diameter (D) smaller than the root diameter (D) of the thread () of the first portion ().5422432302824. An insert according to claim 1 , further comprising a ...

13-01-1977 дата публикации

Die for rolling de-pitched prevailing-torque screw - has two equal-pitch undulating sections separated by greater-width parallel crest

Номер: DE2527557A1
Принадлежит: Glynwed Screws and Fastenings Ltd

The die is intended for use in conjunction with a complementary die for rolling screw thread of a de-pitched prevailing-torque screw bolt and is of the type having a first and a second section with parallel cruciform-pitch hill (5)-and-dale (4) corrugations, the corrugations of the first section being out of phase relative to those of the second section. The two sections are separated by a region (6) which is parallel to the corrugations and which is preferably formed as a rib (6) whose width is greater than that of each hill (5) of the corrugations. The thread produced by these dies has no abrupt interruption.

15-02-1957 дата публикации


Номер: CH319333A
Автор: Boegli Walter
Принадлежит: Boegli Walter

12-05-1982 дата публикации

Screw-threaded fasteners

Номер: GB2086516A
Принадлежит: RM AUTOMATION Ltd

A threaded connection primarily for a dart has a threaded spigot 3 provided with two thread portions A and B. The portion A is compatible with the threaded socket into which the spigot is screwed home but the portion B has an intentional error in pitch or dimension whereby friction produces a tight interference fit between the spigot and socket. Transverse bore 5 can be engaged by the point of a second dart to act as a tommy-bar to tighten the screw. <IMAGE>

03-11-2022 дата публикации

Screw-fixing device, with locking in the screwed state

Номер: US20220349438A1
Принадлежит: JPB Systeme SAS

A nut includes locking jaws, a floating end of which is actuated by cam profiles inside a rotary actuation ring. The jaws are produced by removing material from the body of the nut, and shift from a locking state to a release state and vice versa by elastic bending deformation. A locking surface on the inside of the jaws has the same thread as the body of the nut.

08-08-2022 дата публикации

Combination nut with loosenign prevention function

Номер: KR20220110439A
Принадлежит: 가부시키가이샤 다카쇼 기켄

한 쌍의 너트와 그 사이에 배치되는 로크너트로 구성되고, 복귀 회전을 수반하는 나사 체결체의 풀림을 방지하는 잠금 기능을 가지는 복합 너트로서, 피체결 부재의 견고한 체결과 나사 체결체의 견고한 잠금을 낮은 체결 토크와 적은 체결 조작량으로 달성할 수 있는 콤비네이션 너트를 제공하는 것을 과제로 한다. [해결 수단] 끼워맞춤 오목부가 형성된 한 쌍의 외측 체결 너트를 상기 끼워맞춤 오목부가 대향하도록 배치하고, 한 쌍의 외측 원뿔대형의 로크너트부를 이들의 대경단을 공유하도록 도치 대칭형으로 하여 일체 형성한 내측 로크너트를 상기 외측 체결 너트의 사이에 배치하고, 상기 로크너트부의 공유된 대경단이 상기 외측 체결 너트의 각각의 좌면으로부터 소정 높이 돌출하도록 조합하여 상기 볼트에 나사결합한다.

23-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016114534A
Автор: Анель ПАСИК
Принадлежит: Сканиа Св Аб

А 2016114534 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) РЦ ‘Зала чала 5349 А 3х < < (50) МПК ВбОК 19/52 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016114534, 11.09.2014 (71) Заявитель(и): СКАНИА СВ АБ (5Е) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): 17.09.2013 ЗЕ 1351063-1 ПАСИК Анель ($Е) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 23.10.2017 Бюл. № 30 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки РСТ на национальной фазе: 18.04.2016 (86) Заявка РСТ: ЗЕ 2014/051044 (11.09.2014) (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: УГО 2015/041585 (26.03.2015) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр. 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) РЕГУЛИРУЕМЫЙ АМОРТИЗАТОР, ВЫПОЛНЕННЫЙ С ВОЗМОЖНОСТЬЮ ПОГЛОЩЕНИЯ УДАРНЫХ ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЙ И ВИБРАЦИЙ (57) Формула изобретения 1. Амортизатор (4), содержащий резьбовую деталь (7), которая имеет проходящее сквозь нее отверстие (9) диаметром 41 и предназначена для заключения в нее соответствующего резьбового стержня (5), отличающийся тем, что этот амортизатор (4) также содержит буферную деталь (8), выполненную из упругого материала и имеющую на одном конце отверстие (10) диаметром 42, при этом буферная деталь (8) прикреплена к резьбовой детали (7) таким образом, что резьбовое отверстие (9), проходящее сквозь резьбовую деталь, и отверстие (10) в буферной детали соединены, причем диаметр 42 отверстия в буферной детали (8) меньше, чем диаметр 41 отверстия в резьбовой детали (7). 2. Амортизатор (4) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отверстие (10) в буферной детали и резьбовое отверстие (9), проходящее сквозь резьбовую деталь, концентричны. 3. Амортизатор (4) по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что буферная деталь (8), по меньшей мере, частично простирается по внешней окружности резьбовой детали (7). 4. Амортизатор (4) по любому из предыдущих пунктов, отличающийся тем, что буферная деталь (8), по меньшей мере, частично окружает резьбовую деталь (7). 5. Амортизатор (4) по любому из предыдущих пунктов ...

10-01-2006 дата публикации

fixing bolt

Номер: KR200405409Y1
Автор: 전대호
Принадлежит: 경신공업 주식회사

본 고안은 고정용 볼트에 관한 것으로, 보다 상세하게는 헤드와, 상기 헤드의 하부로 형성되며, 원통형상인 몸체와, 상기 몸체의 둘레 하단에서 상부로 점차 벌어지는 다수개로 구비되고, 각각의 외측면에 나사산이 형성되며, 탄성을 갖는 탄성편으로 이루어진 고정용 볼트에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a fixing bolt, and more specifically, the head, and formed in the lower portion of the head, the cylindrical body, and a plurality of gradual opening from the lower end of the circumference of the body is provided, each on the outer surface A thread is formed and relates to a fixing bolt made of an elastic piece having elasticity. 상기한 구조에 의하면, 볼트의 몸체 둘레 하단에서 상부로 점차 벌어지며 외측면에 나사산이 형성된 다수개의 탄성편이 구비되어 볼팅 체결이 아닌 손으로 밀어서 체결하는 볼트 구조로서, 너무 많은 볼트체결을 하거나 볼트 체결이 어려운 부위에도 용이하게 조립할 수 있어 조립성과 생산성을 향상시키는 장점이 있다. According to the above structure, the bolt structure is gradually expanded from the lower end of the circumference of the body of the bolt to the upper side and is provided with a plurality of elastic pieces having a thread on the outer surface, so that the bolt structure is pushed by hand instead of bolting. It can be easily assembled even in this difficult part has the advantage of improving the assembly and productivity. 고정용 볼트, 탄성편, 플라스틱 Fixing bolt, elastic piece, plastic

27-06-2009 дата публикации

Bolt tightening method and device for bolt tightening

Номер: RU2359812C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению. Согласно способу затяжки болта, преднамеренно смещают поверхностные давления резьбовой поверхности и опорной поверхности болта, создаваемые при затяжке болта, посредством передачи поперечной нагрузки, параллельной опорной поверхности болта, головке болта. В этом состоянии сообщают вращающий момент, вращающий внешнюю резьбу, головке болта для затяжки болта. Устройство для затяжки болта содержит средство сообщения затягивающего вращающего момента для передачи вращающего момента, вращающего внешнюю резьбу, головке болта и средство сообщения поперечной нагрузки для передачи поперечной нагрузки параллельно опорной поверхности болта головке болта таким образом, чтобы преднамеренно смещать поверхностные давления резьбовой поверхности и опорной поверхности болта, создаваемые при вращении внешней резьбы средством сообщения затягивающего вращающего момента. В результате предотвращается проскальзывание скрепляемых частей без покрытия резьбы стабилизатором коэффициента трения. 2 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 359 812 (13) C1 (51) МПК B25B 23/14 (2006.01) B23P 19/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007148973/11, 26.05.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.05.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 27.06.2009 Бюл. № 18 (85) Дата перевода заявки PCT на национальную фазу: 26.12.2007 2 3 5 9 8 1 2 R U (87) Публикация PCT: WO 2006/126742 (30.11.2006) C 1 C 1 (86) Заявка PCT: JP 2006/311040 (26.05.2006) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул.Б.Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", пат.пов. А.В.Мицу, рег.№ 364 (54) СПОСОБ ЗАТЯЖКИ БОЛТА И УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ЗАТЯЖКИ БОЛТА (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к машиностроению. Согласно способу затяжки болта, преднамеренно смещают поверхностные давления резьбовой поверхности и опорной поверхности болта, создаваемые при затяжке ...

08-07-2011 дата публикации

Position fixing bolt and bolt fixing structure

Номер: KR200454502Y1
Автор: 장기문
Принадлежит: (주) 다중패브릭

위치를 고정할 수 있는 고정부를 구비한 위치 고정용 볼트가 개시된다. 상기 위치 고정용 볼트는 내부에 고정용 스프링이 위치하는 수용부가 형성되어 있는 볼트 머리부; 상기 수용부에 위치하는 고정용 스프링을 지지하며, 상기 볼트 머리부의 하부에 형성되어 있는 연결부; 상기 연결부의 하부에 형성되어 있는 나사선부; 및 상기 수용부에 위치하는 고정용 스프링 및 상기 고정용 스프링을 누르며, 상기 볼트 머리부의 상부에 돌출 형성되도록, 상기 수용부에 위치하는 압착용 볼을 포함하는 고정부를 포함하며, 상기 압착용 볼을 외부에서 누르면, 상기 고정용 스프링이 압축된다. 여기서, 상기 볼트 머리부의 단면은 일 방향의 길이가 다른 방향의 길이보다 길며, 한쪽 방향의 회전만 허용되도록, 상기 볼트 머리부의 마주보는 한 쌍의 모서리를 곡선 처리한 것이 바람직하다. Disclosed is a position fixing bolt having a fixing portion capable of fixing a position. The position fixing bolt is a bolt head portion formed with a receiving portion is located therein the fixing spring; A connection part supporting a fixing spring positioned in the accommodation part and formed at a lower portion of the bolt head; A screw thread portion formed under the connection portion; And a fixing part including a compressing ball positioned in the accommodating part to press the fixing spring positioned in the accommodating part and the fixing spring and protruding to the upper portion of the bolt head. Is pressed from the outside, the fixing spring is compressed. Here, the cross section of the bolt head is longer than the length of the other direction, the length of one direction, it is preferable to curve the pair of opposite edges of the bolt head so that only one direction rotation is allowed. 커튼월, 고정용 볼트, 고정용 스프링, 압착용 볼, 볼트 고정 구조 Curtain wall, Fixing bolt, Fixing spring, Crimping ball, Bolt fixing structure

01-11-2000 дата публикации

Preventive structure against unwinding of screw connecting means

Номер: KR200201591Y1
Автор: 김경환, 김우환
Принадлежит: 김경환, 김우환

본 고안은 볼트 및 너트에 의한 나사 체결수단에 있어서, 체결하고자 하는 체결부재의 일정위치에 다각홈을 형성하고, 이에 방사상으로 분할형성된 상향 탄력편을 갖는 다각패널 및 마찰패드를 삽입하고, 별도의 볼트 및 너트에 의해 체결부재를 결합하면 그 다각패널의 탄성에 의해 볼트 및 너트의 나사산을 완전밀착하므로 볼트의 역회전을 최대한 억제하게 되는 것이며, 진동이나 충격에 의해 볼트머리부가 미끄러지는 경우에는 그 마찰패드의 마찰계수에 의해 역회전이 발생하지 않게 되므로, 진동 및 충격이 심한 공작기계 및 자동차등에 적용사용하므로서 보다 효과적인 체결이 가능한 효과가 있는 나사체결수단의 풀림방지구조에 관한 것이다.

26-09-2012 дата публикации

Self-locking nut with flange

Номер: KR101185765B1
Автор: 황인성
Принадлежит: 이진숙

PURPOSE: A release-preventing flange nut is provided to elastically transfer stress applied on a plane unit of a flange to a nut body and to safely fix the joined base material for long time. CONSTITUTION: A release-preventing flange nut comprises a nut body(100) and a flange(200). A female screw unit(110) is formed in the inner side of the nut body. The flange and the nut body are formed into one body. The flange comprises a plane unit(210), a first taper unit(220), and a second taper unit(230). The plane unit touches to the base material. The first taper unit is extended from an inner diameter of the plane unit, thereby having a predetermined inclined angle toward a direction separated from base material. The second taper unit is comprised between the first taper unit and the female screw unit of the nut body and has the inclined angle larger than the first taper unit.

07-07-2006 дата публикации

power nut with super strength

Номер: KR200421128Y1
Автор: 강태인
Принадлежит: 강태인

본 고안은 간단한 구성으로 강력한 체결 내지 풀림 토크가 발생할 수 있고, 제조도 간단한 초강력파워너트를 제공한다. 그 초강력파워너트는, 볼트 등의 숫나사에 맞물리도록 몸체(11)내에 암나사부가 형성되는 너트에 있어서, 하부몸체부(11a)와 상부몸체부(11b)로 상기 몸체(11)의 일부분을 분리시키는 절개부(15)를 형성하고, 그 절개부(15)를 더욱 벌어지게 하여 그 상부몸체부(11b)와 하부몸체부(11a)를 상대적으로 소성변형시킴으로써 그 상부몸체부(11b)와 하부몸체부(11a)에 형성된 암나사부인 하부암나사부(21)와 상부암나사부(22)를 상대적으로 변형시키며, 상기 절개부(15)에 메꿈부재(70)를 삽입시켜 구성함으로써, 상기 상부암나사부(22)와 하부암나사부(21)중 어느 하나의 암나사에의 숫나사의 체결시 상기 상부암나사부(22)와 하부암나사부(21)사이의 상대적 소성변형량의 탄성변형과 메꿈부재(70)의 탄성변형에 의해 상기 상부암나사부(22)와 하부암나사부(21)의 다른 하나의 암나사로의 체결시 그 다른 하나의 암나사가 상기 어느 하나의 암나사와 동일하게 변형됨으로써 그 변형량에 따라 체결토크가 증대되는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention can produce a strong fastening to loosening torque in a simple configuration, and provides a super strong power nut simple to manufacture. The super power nut is a nut having a female thread portion formed in the body 11 to be engaged with a male screw such as a bolt, and the lower body portion 11a and the upper body portion 11b separate the portion of the body 11 from each other. The upper body portion 11b and the lower body are formed by forming the cutout portion 15 and opening the cutout portion 15 further to relatively plastic deformation of the upper body portion 11b and the lower body portion 11a. The lower female screw portion 21 and the upper female screw portion 22, which are female screw portions formed on the portion 11a, are relatively deformed, and a puff member 70 is inserted into the cutout portion 15 so that the upper female screw portion ( 22) and the elastic deformation of the relative plastic strain between the upper female threaded portion 22 and the lower female threaded portion 21 and the elasticity of the puff member 70 when the male screw is fastened to any one of the female threads of the lower female threaded portion 21). The other arm of the upper female screw portion 22 and the lower female screw portion 21 by deformation. The other female screw is deformed in the same manner as any one of the female screws when the screw is tightened, so ...

01-06-1978 дата публикации

Mounting of a floating nut on a workpiece

Номер: DE2217490C3

02-03-2022 дата публикации

Horizontal force reduction type anchor system

Номер: KR102368295B1
Автор: 방경환
Принадлежит: (주)광원아이앤디

The present invention relates to a horizontal force reduction type anchor system (1). More particularly, the present invention relates to a horizontal force reduction type anchor system (1) to prevent the loosening of a coupling means inserted/fastened on the inside of an insertion ring (50) and to reduce the load generated in an emergency by inserting or fastening the insertion ring (50) made of a soft material into an inner space of a through hole (110) formed in a lower plate (10).

25-03-2015 дата публикации

Locking nut

Номер: KR101505425B1
Автор: 서영학
Принадлежит: 삼성중공업 주식회사

풀림방지너트가 개시된다. 본 발명의 일 실시예에 따른 풀림방지너트는, 일측으로 돌출된 볼록 돌출부를 구비하며, 볼트의 외면에 형성되는 볼트 나사산에 나사 맞물림 결합되는 제1 나사산이 내벽에 형성되는 제1 너트; 및 볼트 상에서 제1 너트와 선택적으로 맞물림 결합되되 제1 너트의 볼록 돌출부가 끼워지면서 결합되는 오목 결합부를 구비하며, 볼트 나사산에 나사 맞물림 결합되는 제2 나사산이 내벽에 형성되는 제2 너트를 포함한다. An anti-loose nut is disclosed. According to an aspect of the present invention, there is provided an anti-loose nut comprising: a first nut having a convex projection protruding to one side, a first thread formed on an inner wall of a bolt thread formed on an outer surface of the bolt; And a second nut having a concave engaging portion that is selectively engaged with the first nut on the bolt and is engaged while the convex protrusion of the first nut is engaged, and a second screw threadably engaged with the bolt thread is formed on the inner wall .

25-11-2015 дата публикации

Eccentric nut with circular groove

Номер: CN105090219A
Принадлежит: Aerospace Precision Products Co Ltd


03-02-1998 дата публикации

Clinch-type lock nut installation and formation process

Номер: US5713116A
Принадлежит: Penn Engineering and Manufacturing Corp

A two-tiered punch having an extending imprint head with impact surfaces is employed to deform the top threads of a clinch-type nut during installation to create a lock-type nut. As the deforming imprint is applied, a shoulder on the punch supplies the installation pressing force against the top face of the nut. As the imprint head moves downward into the material of the nut, portions of the top thread are deformed, being compressed axially downward. The size of the imprint head and the distance that the imprint head projects from the shoulder determines the depth of imprint deformation and, hence, the degree of thread deformation. The imprint head is centered on the nut thread and is configured in the shape of a polygon extending from the face of the punch. During deformation and installation, the nut is held in a center position with regard to the coining edges of the imprint head by a centering pin which extends from the end face of the punch. The distortion of the threads provides the desired prevailing torque against a thread-in bolt.

06-08-2020 дата публикации

Improved tapered fastener

Номер: WO2020160112A1
Автор: Pierre A DIONNE
Принадлежит: Duraforce Holdings, LLC

A vibration resistant nut is provided for attaching a working surface to a threaded stud, the stud extending through a hole defined through the working surface. The nut includes an annulus for receiving the stud. The annulus includes a cylindrical portion and a tapered terminal end portion for being received in the hole. The tapered terminal end portion extends from the cylindrical portion. The tapered terminal end portion has an outer surface that narrows diametrically from the cylindrical portion. The nut includes a head extending from the cylindrical portion of the annulus opposite the tapered terminal end portion, the head having outer engagement surfaces for engaging a tool for rotation of the nut, the head having a threaded interior for engaging threads of the stud.

25-11-2000 дата публикации

Lock bolt and nut

Номер: KR20000019732U
Автор: 윤진용
Принадлежит: 윤진용

본 고안은, 피 고정물을 체결하는 볼트 및 너트에 관한 것으로서,일정피치와 골지름을 두고 나선상으로 형성된 나사산 각의 외경부에, 중심부를 향하도록 양측 으로 부터 내측으로 경사지도록 삭설된 홈을 형성한 것을 특징으로 한다. 이에 의하여 ,볼트 및 너트의 동체에 직접적으로 풀림방지 수단을 설치 함으로써, 사용이 편리한 이점이 있으며, 특히, 볼트 및 너트의 풀림방지수단을 종래와 같이 별도의 풀림방지수단용 부품으로 제작할 필요가 없어 생산성 향상과 더불어 원가를 절감할 수 있는 풀림방지용 볼트 및 너트가 제공된다.

18-12-2018 дата публикации

Recessed spring washer flow drill screw

Номер: US10156251B2

A screw for use in joining workpieces, for example automotive body parts, is provided that includes a head portion, an externally threaded shank extending from the head portion, a flow-hole-forming tip disposed at a distal end portion of the externally threaded shank, and a recessed spring washer disposed under the head portion. The recessed spring washer is configured to apply a clamping load to joined workpieces as they expand and contract.

19-11-2012 дата публикации

A accuracy lock nut for one body

Номер: KR101202803B1
Автор: 황창연
Принадлежит: 두리마이텍 주식회사

PURPOSE: An integrated type precise lock nut is provided to form a first cut portion and second cut portion in both sides of a nut body and to insert and couple a headless bolt in/to inner sides of the first and second cut portions, thereby perfectly fixing a screw unit of the nut body to a screw unit of a fastening screw. CONSTITUTION: An integrated type precise lock nut comprises a nut body(20). A screw-thread is formed in the inner circumference of the nut body. A first cut portion(22) is formed in one side of the nut body. A first gap(21) is formed in the inner side of the first cut portion. A first fastening hole(23) is formed on the top of the first cut portion. A screw-thread is formed in the inner circumference of the first fastening hole. The first fastening hole is fastened with a first headless bolt(31). A second cut portion(25) is formed in the other side of the nut body. A second fastening hole(26) is formed on the top of the second cut portion. The second fastening hole is fastened with a second headless bolt(32).

07-10-2015 дата публикации

Flanging and riveting self-locking nut and machining method thereof

Номер: CN104963927A


24-08-2011 дата публикации

Self-tightening check nut

Номер: CN201944075U
Автор: 杨志清
Принадлежит: Individual

