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27-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2357116C2

Изобретение относится к резьбовым соединениям конструктивных элементов в машинах и механизмах. Самоконтрящаяся гайка состоит из корпуса гайки и эластичного кольца. Эластичное кольцо установлено на гайку путем завальцовки его закаточным методом посередине юбки корпуса гайки. В результате повышается надежность и упрощается конструкция. 1 ил.

20-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2352830C1

Изобретение относится к креплению подшипника, которое обеспечивает уплотнение против просачивания масла и стопорение подшипника на валу. Узел включает корпус (2) с обоймой (3) под подшипник (1), гайку (4), опорный фланец (5) и маслоотражатель, который включает маслоотражающее кольцо (6), выполненное заодно целое с замком (7), имеющим форму чашечного с выступами (8) для исключения проворачивания относительно вала (9). На подшипник (1) установлено регулировочное кольцо (10) с минимальным радиальным зазором (11) относительно маслоотражающего кольца (6) и нормированным осевым зазором (12) относительно подшипника (1), причем цилиндрическая часть замка выполнена с возможностью ее обжатия в пазы (15) гайки (4) после затяжки. В процессе работы агрегата, например, на узле привода газотурбинного двигателя из полости (16) масло стремится проникнуть в полость (18), чему препятствует минимальный радиальный зазор (11) и маслоотражающее кольцо (6). В процессе работы в зазоре (11) образуется масляная пленка ...

27-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002131422A

... 1. Гаечный узел Землякова Н.В., выполненный из крепежной гайки и контргайки, между которыми размещена пружинная шайба, и которые установлены на резьбовом стержне, и при этом гайка и контргайка жестко связаны между собой фиксирующим элементом из пластически деформируемого материала, отличающийся тем, что узел снабжен тонкостенным профильным трубчатым или колпачковым фиксирующим элементом, установленным поверх гайки и контргайки, причем профиль его граней на уровне контргайки смещен относительно профиля граней на уровне крепежной гайки на угол α. 2. Узел по п.1, отличающийся тем, что профиль фиксирующего элемента выполнен шестигранным. 3. Узел по п.2, отличающийся тем, что обе торцевые кромки трубчатого фиксирующего элемента выполнены подвальцованными к гайке и контргайке. 4. Узел по п.2, отличающийся тем, что торцевая кромка колпачкового фиксирующего элемента выполнена подвальцованной к крепежной гайке. 5. Узел по п.1, отличающийся тем, что угол α составляет от 1 до 60°. 6. Узел по п.2, ...

07-03-1991 дата публикации

Самоконтрящаяся гайка

Номер: SU1633177A1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения . Цель изобретения - повышение надежности самоконтрения Самоконтрящаяся гайка является дополнительным изобретением к авт.св. № 1442729 и 2 снабжена дополнительным поджимным упругим элементом Упругий элемент выполнен в виде U-образного ребра, армированного пружиной, жестко сичзан- ной с металлическим кольцом Ребра могут быть снабжены дополнительными упругими вкладышами. Вкладыши имеют различную упругость, возрастающую в сторону защитного колпачка Упругие вкладыши могут быть выполнены о виде жестко соединенных с металлическим кольцом плоских пружин . Рабочая поверхность ребра может иметь кривизну с нарастающим в сторону защитного колпачка радиусом. Суммарная упругость ребер и пружин позволяет повысить надежность контрения. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

07-05-1992 дата публикации

Узел крепления детали на резьбе на валу

Номер: SU1732028A1

Использование: в узлах фиксации втулок на валу. Стопорение резьбового соединения летали 2 и вала 1 достигается установкой между буртом вала 1 и деталью 2 упругого кольца 3 из эластичного материала . При этом кольцо 3 обжато обоймой в виде двух фланцев 4,5. Изобретение позволяет расширить применение таких узлов в технике за счет обеспечения возможности установки детали 2 на любом участке по длине вала 1, а также существенно снизить материалоемкость узла за счет изменения формы и уменьшения массы фланцев 4,5 и замены болтов и гаек отрезками проволоки. 1 ил.

30-10-1991 дата публикации

Самоконтрящаяся гайка

Номер: SU1687946A2

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и, в частности может быть использовано в конструкциях автотранспортных средств и их деталях. Цель изобретения - повышение эксплуатационных свойств путем повышения надежности стопо-рения и долговечности Гайка выполнена со сквоз ными пазами в коронке 2 В пазах размеще мы ребра защитного колпачка 4. R ребрах выполнены пазы б. В теле колпачка и ребра установлены элементы 9 из магнитного материала . Их одноименные полюса направлены один к другому. Вместо элемента 9 в теле колпачка из магнитного материала может быть выполнено кольцо 8 Элемент 9 может быть расположен в донной части колпачка . 3 процессе эксплуатации магниты отталкиваются и поджимают ребра к болту При размещении элемента 9 в донной части колпачка элемент притягивает торец оолта и повышает надежность стопорения. 3 з.п ф-лы, 3 ил ел с IO iCO N| о о ю ...

15-09-1977 дата публикации

Самостопорящаяся гайка

Номер: SU572595A1

30-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: SU868156A1

22-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004113411A1

The invention concerns a unit provided with an external thread of which at least the end section is at least partially covered and/or at least partially replaced by a plastic element.

28-08-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002638937B2

21-12-2006 дата публикации

Locking connection for locking lock nuts on threads has peripheral section of annular protrusion that protrudes into profiling arranged on thread

Номер: DE202006016637U1

The locking connection has a lock nut (1) with a nut thread (4), a peripheral contour (2) and at least one annular protrusion (3). The thread has at least one profiling. A peripheral section of the annular protrusion protrudes into a profiling arranged on the thread.

18-03-1965 дата публикации

Schrauben- oder Mutternsicherung

Номер: DE0001189325B

11-05-2000 дата публикации

Selbsthemmendes Mittel

Номер: DE0003600186C2

27-12-2007 дата публикации

Securing nut, comprises locking element to be accessed from above by removal of insert

Номер: DE102007023981A1

The nut (1) has a hemispherical upper segment (2) and a hexagonal lower surface (15) for being tightened or loosened with an appropriate wrench. It is provided with a cylindrically shaped threaded inner surface (4,5) and a securing element (7) to be inserted from above. The securing element (7) has a stepped outer surface (6), engaging with a complementary inner surface (13,14) at the main part (2). A central insert (10) can be screwed into a threaded upper bore (9,11) and removed for an exchange of a worn out securing element (7).

28-11-1968 дата публикации

Selbstsichernde Schraubenmutter

Номер: DE0001284170B

19-07-2007 дата публикации

Schnellanbindesystem für Gewindestangen

Номер: DE0050014386D1
Принадлежит: HILTI AG

24-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003172310D1

09-02-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002813494C2
Принадлежит: HARVARD IND INC

18-05-1929 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000476560C

04-03-1971 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Herstellen eines Sicherheitsschraubeninnengewindes

Номер: DE0001817751A1

04-12-2008 дата публикации

Anordnung zur Verbindung von Bauteilen durch Schrauben und Schweißen und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer solchen Verbindung

Номер: DE102007025888A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Anordnung und ein Verfahren zur Verbindung von Bauteilen (1, 4, 8) durch Schrauben und Schweißen, umfassend ein einen Gewindeabschnitt (2) aufweisendes Schraubelement (1), welches im Bereich einer Durchtrittsöffnung (3), die sich in einem mit dem Schraubelement (1) zu verbindenden Bauteil (4) befindet, mit dem Bauteil (1) verschweißbar ist, und umfassend eine Dichtung (5) zur Abdichtung der Durchtrittsöffnung (3), wobei die Dichtung (5) im Montagezustand zwischen dem Schraubelement (1) und dem Bauteil (4) angeordnet ist. Es wird vorgeschlagen, dass die Dichtung (5) aus einem hochtemperaturbeständigen, jedoch durch die wirksam werdende Schweißenergie schmelzbaren Kunststoff, wie Polyarylensulfid oder Polyarylenetherketon, besteht.

05-10-1955 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to the locking together of screw-threaded parts

Номер: GB0000737941A

Screw threaded parts are locked together by applying to the threads a thermo-setting polymerizable phthalic acid-glycol polyester composition and polymerizing. The unsaturated components specified are maleic and fumaric acids and styrene. Plasticizers which may be included are dimethyl, diethyl and dibutyl phthalates, butyl phthalyl butyl glycolate, methyl phthalyl ethyl glycolate, triethylene glycol diacetate and dibutyrate, ethylene glycol monoethyl ethers, carbitols, dimethyl and diethyl sebacates, trialkyl and tri-aryl phosphates and polybutadiene which may enter into the polymerization. Fillers such as glass fibres, sisal and iron fillers may also be included. The compositions may be cured by the application of heat or by the use of catalysts such as benzoyl and methyl ethyl ketone peroxides.

06-07-1955 дата публикации

Improvements in screw threaded fastening devices

Номер: GB0000733290A

... 733,290. Locking nuts. ELASTIC STOP NUT CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Sept. 8, 1953. No. 24788/53. Addition to 696,765. Class 89(1). [Also in Group V] A modification of the screw-threaded fastening device of the parent Specification comprises a body 10, Fig. 1, having an external thread 12 and one or more insert-receiving cavities 22 each consisting of two sockets 18 opening through the threads and interconnected by a bore 16. The locking insert is of mouldable, thread-impressionable elastic material, and comprises head-portions 24 retained in the sockets 18 by an interconnecting ligament 26 in bore 16 and projecting outwardly beyond the minor diameter of the thread to present locking surfaces for engagement by a companion internal thread. The elastic material may be of thermoplastic or thermosetting material, e.g., cellulose derivatives, vinyl and styrene derivatives, phenols, cresylics, anilines, ureas, melanimes, alkyds and fluorocarbons, and is preferably of nylon. Most of each socket and ...

31-07-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008516100D0

06-04-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001269611A

... 1,269,611. Lock-nuts. PATEREX Ltd. 5 Jan., 1971 [5 Jan., 1970], No. 500/70. Heading F2H. A lock-nut has two coaxial internally threaded parts 1, 2 joined by a frangible wall portion 4 of reduced thickness defined between internal and external annular grooves 3, 5, the internal groove 3 housing a sealing ring 8 of resilient or compressible material (e.g. an O-ring of silicone rubber) which is compressed to lock against a coacting bolt thread when the portion 4 shears under a predetermined torsional force during application of the nut. The nut preferably has a head 9 provided with wrenching faces and connected to the part 1 by a thin walled portion 10 of greater shear strength than the portion 4 so, that, after locking of the nut, the head may be broken away and discarded. The part 2 and head 9 may be provided with counterbores 7 and 12 respectively; and the nut is preferably made of an aluminium alloy and has an anodized surface.

10-10-1962 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to screw-threaded fastenings

Номер: GB0000907850A

... 907,850. Locking-nuts &c. GUEST, KEEN & NETTLEFOLDS (MIDLANDS) Ltd. Feb. 1, 1961 [Feb. 2, 1960], No. 3605/60. Class 89 (1). A self-locking nut, bolt, screw &c. comprises a resilient locking body 12 of a polyoxymethylene resin having a basic unit :- , N being a positive integer. The moulded locking-ring is compressed by turning down the end of a flange 11. Instead of a ring, the body 12 may be in the form of a peg projecting from a blind hole.

28-10-1998 дата публикации

A self locking nut

Номер: GB0002293636B

17-07-1968 дата публикации

A self-locking threaded element

Номер: GB0001120251A

... 1,120,251. Machine tool details. TORKON FASTENER CORP. 13 Oct., 1963, No. 43467/65. Headings B3B and B3T. [Also in Division F2] A deformable insert for locking a threaded element, see Division F2, e.g. of nylon, is machined from a hexagonal rod 32, and a groove 30 is cut by a tool 33. After the insert is disposed in the element its outer surface (36), Fig. 8, not shown, is turned to the contour of the thread crests.

02-04-1969 дата публикации

Threaded stud having locking key

Номер: GB0001147722A

... 1,147,722. Threaded studs. NEWTON INSERT CO. 21 Feb., 1967, No. 8094/67. Heading F2H. A threaded stud comprises a body 17, Fig. 1, having first and second external threaded portions, e.g. 19 and 20, each located on opposite sides of a locking key 18 which is drivable in an axial groove 22 to cut through the thread of the bore of a carrier part 12 in which the stud is to be screwed, the groove and key extending into the material of the body 17 to a depth radially inwardly of the major diameters of the threads of both threaded portions. The threaded portions 19 and 20 may constitute the opposite ends of a single, continuous screw thread or, as shown, be two distinct threads separated by an unthreaded portion 21. The groove 22 has an undercut cross-section at the location of the key shaped to retain the key and has a non- undercut cross-section at the location of the first threaded portion. The groove has a curved portion (26, Fig. 3, not shown) which enables engagement of a driving tool with ...

07-01-1970 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Self-Locking Screw Threaded Fastening Devices

Номер: GB0001177108A

... 1,177,108. Locking screw-threaded members. U.S.M. CORP. 19 April, 1967 [20 April, l966], No. 17869/67. Heading F2H. [Also in Division B3] A self-locking screw-threaded bolt comprises a shank with screw threads 16 thereon and an elongated recess formed in one side of the shank and constituted by a number of aligned notches in adjacent screw threads 16 the base 24 of the notches being disposed slightly above the roots of the screw threads so as not to weaken the shank, the notches comprising an inner portion 22 with inclined side walls and tangs 28 positioned below the crests of the screw threads and an outer portion 30, a strip 20 of plasties material being disposed in the notches and held in place by the tangs 28, the outer surface of the strip 20 conforming generally to the shape of the screw threads 16 and overlying adjacent portions of the screw threads on either side of the notches.

05-08-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001200995A

... 1,200,995. Two-part nuts. G. E. TINNERMAN. 22 May, 1968, No. 24504/68. Heading F2H. A composite nut comprises upper and lower portions 3, 4 formed of synthetic resinous plastics material having a stud engaging opening 2 and a separate sheet metal nut element 7 which is adapted to be disposed in a cavity 6 formed between the upper and lower portions and closed on at least two opposite sides, the nut element also having a stud engaging opening 8 which when in position aligns with the opening 2. The nut element has edges which engage the sides 9 of the cavity to prevent relative rotation. The threads 5 of the nut portions 3, 4 are of reduced depth to ensure a tight and secure engagement of the nut on a stud.

03-01-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to self-locking screws

Номер: GB0001097628A

... 1,097,628. Locking screws. L. B. ALEXANDER. Nov. 9, 1965. No. 47523/65. Heading F2H. An externally screw-threaded member comprises a chordal slot 3, and a deformable insert disposed in the slot, having an outer portion extruding beyond the root of the thread. The slot may be formed parallel to the helix of the thread, or normal to the axis of the member. The insert may be plastics or metal, if metal, it can have a recess 7 to assist deformation. The insert may be a spring (5), Fig. 6, not shown.

09-02-1966 дата публикации

Means for coupling two or more parts including at least one part of circular cross section

Номер: GB0001019983A

... 1,019,983. Pipe Joints. L. M. C. SEAMARK. July 25, 1963 [July 30, 1962], No. 29258/62. Headings F2G and F2H. A coupling for two pipes 1, 2 or other parts, one at least being circular in section, comprises an inner split or slotted sleeve 7, having teeth 8 on its inner surface and buttress threads 9 on its outer surface, which is mounted on the circular section within an outer sleeve 4 which bas corresponding internal buttress threads and means to cause relative movement between the two sleeves with radial inward movement of the inner sleeve causing its teeth 8 to bite into the end of the pipe 2. As shown in Fig. 1 the sleeve 4 is a loose flange on the pipe 2 and the means for relative movement of the sleeves is provided by a number of nuts 10 and bolts 12 arranged around the flange to connect it to the fixed flange 3 of the pipe 1. A flexible sealing ring is provided in a recess 13. Figure 3 (not shown) illustrates an embodiment consisting of a nut threaded on to a sleeve surrounding the ...

10-02-1938 дата публикации

An improved device for securing screws, bolts and the like

Номер: GB0000479700A

... 479,700. Screw sockets. SIMMONDS, O. E., and SIMMONDS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, Ltd. Nov. 18, 1936, No. 31594. [Class 89 (i)] A device for securing bolts, screws, and the like to articles such as a metal block 14 comprises a sleeve 1 screw - threaded externally for engagement in a screwed hole 15 in the block 14 and internally for the reception of the bolt or the like, the sleeve being formed with a recess 2 in which is positioned a disc 3 of elastic material such as vulcanized fibre having a hole therethrough of less diameter than the threaded bore 4. In the form shown in Fig. 1, the disc 3 is retained against rotation by projections (i on the turned over end of the sleeve. Fig. 3 shows a modification in which the sleeve 1<1> is recessed at 16 and formed with an annular wall 7 between the turned over end 8 of which and upstanding projections 9 the disc 3 is secured. In a further construction, Fig. 5, the disc 3 is disposed intermediate the length of the sleeve 1<11> and is secured in position ...

16-06-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001235681A

... 1,235,681. Coating screw-threaded members. FIRTH CLEVELAND FASTENINGS Ltd. 15 Oct., 1968 [17 Oct., 1967; 28 March, 1968; 10 May, 1968], Nos. 47202/67; 14905/68 and 22173/68. Heading B2E. [Also in Division F2] In a method of, or apparaus for coating a screw thread 11 of a bolt 10 with a thermoplastic synthetic resin 13, such as nylon, the bolt is heated to a predetermined temperature, a metered dose of powdered thermoplastic resin, to give a predetermined pattern, is fed from a hopper 23 onto a flat surface of a block 15 and then the heated bolt 10, fed from a drum and then a shoot 27 is rolled over the flat surfaces of the block 15 so that the powder is fused and adheres to the bolt 10 to form a coating 13 thereon.

21-02-1949 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to threaded fastening devices of the self-locking type

Номер: GB0000618388A

... 618,388. Locking nuts. ELASTIC STOP NUT CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Nov. 1, 1946, No. 32468. Convention date, Nov. 1, 1945. [Class 89 (i)] Self-locking cap nuts of the type having an insert 22 of plastic mater-ial such as nylon in which a thread is impressed, wholly or in part, by the bolt, have the cap 24 formed integrally with the insert. The bore of the insert may be enlarged - above the part that is supported by the flange 40. 'The plastic material is preferably transparent though it may be coloured or provided with a filler.

24-08-1960 дата публикации

Swivel-action nut

Номер: GB0000846185A

... 846,185. Anchor-nuts &c. SIMMONDS S. A. July 22, 1958 [July 30, 1957], No. 23479/58. Class 89(1) An anchor-nut comprises a screwed-body 1, Fig. 4 and a washer 7, Fig. 5, assembled together in a cage 12, Fig. 3, the washer having a partspherical-face engaging a corresponding recess 6 in the body to allow said body freedom to swivel on said face of the washer. The cage has slots, receiving arms 4 on the body, and holes by which the cage may be riveted to a workpiece. The body may be self-locking, e.g. with a nylon-ring 3 or longitudinal-slits. In another arrangement, the cage is inverted, and the washer has arms engaging said slots. In yet another arrangement, a cage 24, Fig. 12, secures the body and washer to a strip 21, and has notches 25, 26, engaging interned-flanges on the strip. Detents 22 struck from the strip locate the cage therebetween.

30-08-1961 дата публикации

Sealing and locking ring

Номер: GB0000876223A

... 876,223. Washers. KLEIN, A., and BACH, E. Jan. 7, 1958 [Jan. 29, 1957], No. 548/58. Class 89(1). [Also in Group XXVI] A sealing and locking washer comprises an annulus 1, Fig. 1, of resilient material and a member 3 which folds axially when clamped by a nut 7, Fig. 2, to a position in which it becomes rigid. Annulus 1 is thus constrained to deform against the bolt threads 6 to seal the passage 5 and to lock the nut to the bolt. In a modification, member 3 is initially arcuate in the opposite sense. In other arrangements, the member 3 is arranged about the inner circumference of the annulus.

18-04-1962 дата публикации

Improvements in bolted joints between metal members

Номер: GB0000894361A

A cold-setting resin mixture comprises 37,5% by weight of "Bakelite" (Registered Trade Mark) epoxy resin 18774/1;25% by weight of "Versamid" (Registered Trade Mark) polyamide 125; and 37,5% by weight of "Noral" (Registered Trade Mark) aluminium 120 in the form of atomized dust.

22-11-1939 дата публикации

An improved washer arrangement for bolts

Номер: GB0000514985A

... 514,985. Locking nuts etc.; washers. KROL, G. Jan. 21, 1939, No. 2151. Convention date, Jan. 27, 1938. [Class 89 (i)] A self-locking bolt and nut connection is shown in Fig. 1 and comprises a washer D of rubber or the like surmounted by a steel cup C. The nut A may be recessed to provide space for a rubber sleeve B. By screwing up the nut the rubbed is compressed and forced into contact with the thread of the bolt.

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000364142T

29-12-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000360284B

15-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000428060T

25-10-1971 дата публикации

Self-locking fastening part

Номер: AT0000293798B

03-07-1997 дата публикации

Improvements relating to combined steel-aluminium structures

Номер: AU00PO731697D0

19-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000475411B2

19-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000614937B2

03-12-2002 дата публикации

Self-locking fastener with threaded swageable collar

Номер: AU2002316159A8

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Lock Nut Assembly

Номер: AU2013203796B2

... - 27 A lock nut assembly 10, 10' has a first component 12 provided with a threaded axial through hole 19; and a second component 14 provided with an axial hole 5 31. The first and second components 12, 14 are detachably coupled together and arranged so that both components are simultaneously engagable with a common tool to effect application of the assembly 10, 10' onto a threaded member 22 by operation of the tool to impart torque to the assembly 10, 10' in a first direction. The first component 12 initially engages the threaded member 10 22 with the second component 14 following. The first component 12 provides fastening to the threaded member 22 and is torqued as required. The second component 14 acts to lock the first component 12 onto the threaded member 4241197_1 (GHMaters) P87578.AU.1 ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Improved locking nut or bolt and washer

Номер: AU2016301110B2

An improved locking nut and sealing washer for use with a threaded bolt. The the locking nut has a flange. The sealing washer is attached to an elastomer and has retaining means provided therein. When the locking nut is seated on the sealing washer, a removable retaining insert may be manipulated to be received within the retaining means. Thereafter, when force is applied to the locking nut to move the locking nut in a first direction along the threaded bolt, the flange pushes against the sealing washer to push the sealing washer in the same direction and, when force is applied to the locking nut in an opposing direction along the threaded bolt, the flange pushes against the retaining insert to push the sealing washer in the same direction.

24-03-1994 дата публикации

A deformable locking device

Номер: AU0000647377B2

17-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001454792A

08-02-2001 дата публикации

A nut

Номер: AU0004878000A

05-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA957252A

25-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA1029904A

07-11-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA1041886A

A self-sealing self-locking nut in which the nut body includes an annular recess within which there is located an annular member of resilient sealing and locking material, such as a fluoroplastic, and compression-retention means integral with the nut body and including a radially inward extension of the clamping surface of the nut body, the extension being located beneath the annular member of resilient sealing and locking material and below the clamping surface such that upon engaging the fastener with a complementary threaded element and tightening the clamping surface extension against a workpiece, axial clamping forces tend to move the extension upwardly toward the remainder of the clamping surface, thereby essentially completely confining the annular member within the nut body and compressing the annular member axially while contracting the inside diameter of the annular member to establish a seal along the complementary threaded element and a prevailing-torque lock between the nut ...

06-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001049763A1

02-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002950078A1

The invention relates to a blind nut, a fastening arrangement and further to a method of fastening. The blind nut comprises a cylindrical outer surface portion provided with one or more sealing elements. The sealing elements of the blind nut may seal against a cylindrical inner surface of a nut space inside which the blind nut is configured to penetrate when being tightened.

29-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002835006A1

... ²An anchoring assembly and method adapted to secure a screw fastener at a pre-²drilled hole ²in a concrete, brick or masonry building material with an elongated engagement ²cavity ²between the screw and the pre-drilled hole radially offset to one side of and ²extending ²axially along the depth of the hole, an elongated anchor strip axially ²adjacent the screw ²including an elongated malleable and non-resilient anchor member adapted to ²frictionally ²engage both the helical threads and the building material and to frictionally ²engage the ²threads to the building material radially opposite to the engagement cavity, ²the malleable ²anchor member having at least one transverse dimension which is substantially ²greater than ²the transverse radial dimension of the axial engagement cavity.² ...

23-12-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001092010A1

27-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002085984C

The invention relates to a member provided with an external screw thread, in which at least in the end portion of the screw thread there is provided at leastone plastic part for at least partially covering the same and/or at least partially replacing the same.

21-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002085984A1

15-06-1952 дата публикации

Ecrou de sûreté.

Номер: CH0000283519A

15-07-1951 дата публикации

Schraubensicherung an einer Schraubverbindung.

Номер: CH0000276499A

15-11-1959 дата публикации

Vis en matière plastique

Номер: CH0000342417A

31-05-1961 дата публикации

Selbstsichernde Schraubenmutter

Номер: CH0000354629A

31-01-1950 дата публикации

Sicherungsring für Schrauben und Schraubenmuttern.

Номер: CH0000266456A

15-04-1965 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000390626A

15-04-1965 дата публикации

In einem Gewindeloch montiertes Einstellorgan

Номер: CH0000390624A

14-05-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000575553A5
Принадлежит: USM CORP, USM CORP.

15-02-1974 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000545925A

11-04-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000547963A

15-03-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000546897A
Принадлежит: USM CORP, USM CORP.

31-12-1974 дата публикации

Locking washer for securing bolts and nuts against vibration loosening - is made from a metal and has e.g. serrated contact teeth

Номер: CH0000557480A

The locking washer with gripping teeth is used for locking fastening components which are rotated. The locking washer has radial slots on its outer circumference or alternatively slots can be arranged on the inner circumference of the washer. Washer with outside teeth is used for locking head of bolts. Any tendency for the bolt head to rotate results in firmer gripping of the bolt head by the washer teeth. A washer of this type can be used for securing threaded parts to housing bores.

15-03-1969 дата публикации

Dispositif de fixation

Номер: CH0000469912A

15-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000619289A5

15-05-1979 дата публикации

Self-locking adjusting screw

Номер: CH0000610990A5
Принадлежит: SEMPERIT AG

Self-locking threaded screws (6) have a plastic strip (9), preferably of polyethylene, located in a groove. An improvement of the self-locking can be achieved by the use of a plastic strip of poly- epsilon -caprolactam - "polyamide 6" - having a particular combination of characteristics. Such screws are used, for example, in the case of level railway crossings in order to regulate the height of concrete slabs adjoining the rails. ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Detachable Attachment Device for Jewelry

Номер: US20130233017A1
Автор: Shishir B. Nevatia
Принадлежит: Individual

This invention relates to interchangeable jewelry, wherein items of jewelry such as pendants and rings may be easily and securely interchanged with other pieces of jewelry. The invention provides a mechanism that allows individual items of jewelry to be attached to each other in a removable manner while providing security while attached. The invention also provides a mechanisms comprises a screw arrangement along with a ball and spring arrangement that provides additional steadfastness to the items that are being connected.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140037398A1
Принадлежит: G FORCE

A bolt () includes a screw () and an insert () which can be inserted in the opening () of a wall (). The insert () includes an insert head () and a shaft () including a recess (), the insert head () and the recess () being configured such as to, after deforming the recess (), crimp the insert () on the wall (). The screw () includes a break ring () designed for engaging with the insert head (), directly or indirectly, with a view to deforming the recess () by rotating the screw and thus to obtain the crimping, and designed such that, once crimping is complete, the ring breaks and releases the screw () from the insert head (), thus making it possible to clamp an accessory () to the wall (). The invention also includes an assembly method using a bolt () according to the invention. 1132526786882531463683645. Bolt () comprising a screw () and an insert () which can be inserted in the opening in a wall () , said insert () comprising an insert head () and a shaft () comprising a recess () , said insert head () and said recess () being configured such as , after deformation of the recess () , to ensure the crimping of said insert () on said wall () , wherein said screw () comprises a break ring () , which , by being supported on said insert head () directly or indirectly , is designed to immobilize said screw () relative to said insert head () , in order to create the deformation of the recess () by rotation of the screw and obtain said crimping , and , once the crimping has been carried out , it is designed to give rise to breakage , such as to release the screw () from said insert head () , thus permitting the tightening of an accessory () on the wall ().21146. Bolt () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the break ring () is supported directly against the insert head ().3114622. Bolt () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the break ring () is supported indirectly against the insert head () by means of bracing means ().412216146. Bolt () as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140079480A1
Автор: Van Der Kamp Jaap
Принадлежит: URPLUG B.V.

A plug to fix a nail, screw or other device in a bore has the advantage over classical plugs that the bore is allowed to be narrow, only slightly wider than the screw. The plug is almost universal in respect to bore size and sizes of inserted devices. Characteristic is the construction, giving an optimum between maximum capability of compressing the plug versus a strong counter pressure against the lateral force exerted by the nail or screw. Characteristic for the material used is that, depending on the construction, the elasticity is restricted between discrete values and the yield strength must be sufficient high. Attention is paid to the following features: plug design to deal with a range of standard sizes of stone drills c.q. bore sizes; plug design to place several plugs optimally next to each other in one bore; a plug being a container for glue giving initial fixation. 119-. (canceled)20. A plug for clamping a device in a bore , said plug having a length and a cross section and substantially no shape variations along the length , said cross section comprising at least one arch.21. The plug of having a hollow in which the device can land.22. The plug of wherein the hollow is positioned at the top of an arch.23. The plug of comprising claim 20 , in cross section claim 20 , a plurality of arches.24. The plug of wherein the plurality of arches form cells.25. The plug of wherein the device is a nail claim 20 , a screw claim 20 , or a dowel.26. The plug of which is made by extrusion claim 20 , pulltrusion claim 20 , or injection molding claim 20 , preferably by extrusion.27. The plug of comprising a metal selected from the group consisting of aluminum claim 20 , copper claim 20 , zinc claim 20 , magnesium claim 20 , gold claim 20 , and alloys thereof.28. The plug of comprising an alloy of zinc claim 27 , aluminum claim 27 , magnesium and copper.29. The plug of comprising a plastic claim 20 , optionally also comprising twisted fibers.30. The plug of wherein the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Tapered Flange Nut With Locking Insert

Номер: US20160003288A1
Автор: Richards Peter S.

Disclosed herein is a tapered flange nut which has a tapered end portion which interoperates with the shape of a non-circular opening in a pipe hanger saddle or equivalent structure. 1. A tapered flange nut comprising:a first longitudinal end and an opposed second longitudinal end;a longitudinally aligned central opening extending from the first longitudinal end to the second longitudinal end;wherein the central opening comprises threads;wherein the first longitudinal end comprises a radially outward surface having a cross-sectional shape that is other than circular;wherein the outer surface of the first longitudinal end tapers radially outward toward the second longitudinal end forming a radially widest part of the first longitudinal end;a flange portion longitudinally between the first longitudinal end and the second longitudinal end;the flange portion extending radially outward from the outer surface of the radially widest part of the first longitudinal end ;a locking insert provided within the central opening at the second longitudinal end of the improved nut; andthe locking insert configured to hinder undesired rotation of a bolt threaded into the insert relative to the improved nut.2. The tapered flange nut as recited in further comprising a non-threaded conical entry to the central opening at the first longitudinal end.3. The tapered flange nut as recited in wherein the flange portion tapers radially inward toward the first longitudinal end to further center the nut within a non-circular opening. This application claims priority benefit of and is a Divisional Application of U.S. Ser. No. 14/531,834 filed on Nov. 3, 2014, a Divisional claiming priority of U.S. Pat. No. 8,876,066 issued on Nov. 4, 2014 claims priority to 61/287,491, filed Dec. 17, 2009. Each of these is incorporated herein by referencea) Field of the disclosureThis disclosure relates to a tapered flange nut with a locking insert. In one example the disclosure relates to use of the disclosed nut ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Lock nut

Номер: US20150010373A1
Автор: Han-baek Cho
Принадлежит: KUMSAN E&C CO Ltd

The present invention is a lock nut which fastens to enable a downstream bent portion of a spiral coil spring to be a stopper point so that the diameter of the spiral coil spring is extended overall, and which unfastens to release the downstream bent portion from the stopper point and enable an upstream bent portion of the spiral coil spring to be a stopper point so that the diameter of the spiral coil spring is extended overall, thus enabling the lock nut to be easily fasten without sacrificing elastic fastening forces of the conventional lock nut, preventing the lock nut from easily unfastening by unintentional external force, and enabling the lock nut to unfasten only by intentional external force. The above described operation can be performed without increasing manufacturing cost, and the lock nut can be manufactured to be disposable in order to achieve preventing accidents in advance.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Bicycle component

Номер: US20170016526A1
Принадлежит: Shimano Inc

A bicycle component is provided that is capable of suppressing rattling against a frame. The bicycle component includes a housing, a first attaching part and an adjustment member. The housing is configured to rotatably support a crankshaft. The first attaching part is provided to the housing and configured to be attached to a frame. The adjustment member has at least a portion which is configured to be disposed in a gap that is formed between the first attaching part and the frame while in a state in which the first attaching part is attached to the frame.

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Non-Loosening Bolt

Номер: US20220049738A1
Автор: TOKUMOTO Toshimitu

Provided in the context of a bolt is a method for achieving antiloosening capability such as will make it possible for tightening operations to be carried out easily and rapidly, and such as will make it possible to obtain antiloosening effect in robust and reliable fashion. Comprised, in such form as if a single bolt had been cut into two perpendicularly with respect to an axis thereof at a location midway along the axis thereof, of first bolt having a bolt head and second bolt having a threaded tip; second bolt being such that an eccentric columnar portion which is smaller in diameter than a diameter of the shaft of the second bolt is provided at cutting plane in such fashion as to protrude outward in an axial direction in eccentric fashion with respect to a direction perpendicular to a central axis, and such that side face protrusion is formed at an outside circumferential side face of eccentric columnar portion ; first bolt being such that eccentric cylindrical portion that mates with eccentric columnar portion is formed at cutting plane in eccentric fashion with respect to a direction perpendicular to a central axis, axial groove being formed in a direction parallel to the central axis and radial groove being formed in a radial direction at the interior thereof; the entirety constituting locking bolt 1. A locking bolt comprising , in such form as if a single bolt had been cut into two at a cutting plane perpendicularly with respect to an axis thereof at a location midway along the axis thereof , a first bolt having a bolt head and a second bolt having a threaded tip , wherein the locking bolt is such that:the first bolt and the second bolt respectively have, at the outside circumference of the bolt shaft of each of the bolts, male threads that threadedly engage with a single bolt hole;at the second bolt, an eccentric columnar portion which is smaller in diameter than a diameter of the second bolt is provided at the cutting plane between it and the first bolt in ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040708A1
Автор: Limatoc Arnold

A self-locking nut is formed with a rear nut body with internal threading and a front nut body having circumferentially arranged, crush-locking lips provided on a forward contact face of the front nut body and being spaced from the internal threading of the rear nut body by an internal relief cut for accommodating deformation of the crush-locking lips therein. When the nut is tightened down on an object on a fastener bolt, the crush-locking lips are forced inwardly and deformed on the threaded shaft of the fastener bolt into the space of the internal relief cut in order to form a permanent lock on the fastener bolt. In another preferred embodiment, the self-locking nut has a front “flying saucer” shaped part configured to work like a “jam nut” portion, and a rear “nut body” part having a front indentation space configured to work like an inner relief cut. The two parts are joined together by circumferential welding and flattening of the “flying saucer” part into the inner relief cut space of the “nut body” part while leaving a small gap between the parts. 1. A self-locking nut comprising:a rear nut body having internal threading for threading on a threaded shaft of a fastener bolt, anda front nut body joined with the rear nut body having circumferentially arranged, crush-locking lips provided on a forward contact face of the front nut body and being spaced from the internal threading of the rear nut body by an internal relief cut for accommodating deformation of the crush-locking lips therein,wherein when the nut is tightened down on an object on a fastener bolt, the crush-locking lips on the forward contact face of the front nut body are forced inwardly and deform on the threaded shaft of the fastener bolt and into the space of the internal relief cut of the front nut body in order to form a permanent lock on the fastener bolt.2. The self-locking nut according to claim 1 , wherein the crush-locking lips of the nut are formed in a slotted configuration by ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Screw anti-loosening structure and an electronic device having the same

Номер: US20210048060A1

A screw anti-loosening structure is provided including a screw disposed within a screw hole. The screw hole is disposed within a first casing. A screw groove is disposed within a second casing. At least one stub protrudes toward the screw hole of the first casing. The screw anti-loosening structure further includes at least one stub groove disposed within a side surface of a head of the screw. The at least one stub is disposed within the stub groove.

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Hanger With Bolt Closure

Номер: US20150048219A1
Автор: Richards Peter S.

A pipe hanger method and apparatus wherein a bolt is threaded upwardly through a first opening within a lower arm portion of a saddle, then, in one form, through an opening in a liner, then through a larger opening in the upper arm portion of the saddle. The opening is non-cylindrical in shape. A nut is then installed on the bolt. The nut has a tapered end portion which interoperates with the shape of the opening in the upper arm of the saddle. The nut is hand-tightened and then is aligned with the opening so that the small end portion would drop into the opening. A wrench is then used on the head of the bolt to rotate the bolt for the purpose of drawing the nut and bolt together and applying a clamping force on a pipe positioned within the saddle. The liner extends along the inside of the bolt and then extends about the pipe, between it and the bight of the saddle, and then in one form extends along the inside of the upper arm portion. 1. An improved pipe receiving saddle assembly constructed from a plurality of flat metal bars and comprising a lower clamp strap , an upper clamp strap , said upper and lower clamp straps each having at least one free outer end , said upper and lower clamp straps defining between them a pipe avenue for accommodating a pipe section ; a support leg having an end that is attached to an external surface of said upper clamp strap; and an improved system for securing a pipe within the saddle assembly , the improvement comprising:a first bolt comprising a rod body, an enlarged head at the first end of said rod body and a threaded end portion at the second end of said rod body;a first improved nut comprising a central opening that is threaded with threads which complement the threads on the first bolt, said first nut including a tapered small end portion having a cross-sectional shape that is other than circular, and a flange portion substantially larger in diameter than the tapered small end portion;wherein the non-circular surface of the ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Reliable connection system and assemblies and methods for using the reliable connections

Номер: US20160053466A1
Принадлежит: Berkeley Forge and Tool Inc

A securing apparatus including a first and second component. The first component has an opening extending along an axis. The elongated member has a piston hole penetrating the first component and aligned with the opening. A piston is located within the piston hole, and is complimentary shaped to sit within the piston. A pressure member is located within the opening, and an activator is configured to coordinate with and extend into the opening. The activator applies a force to the pressure member and distorts the pressure member. The second component, which compliments and mates with the first component, has an engaging surface that coordinates with an end of the piston. The force applied to the pressure member causes the pressure member to distort and apply pressure to the piston to extend the piston outward to interact with the engaging surface of the second component to restrain the second component.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054869A1

An appliance and fastening assemblies therefore are provided. A method of mounting an object to a part of an appliance using a fastening assembly is also provided. In one aspect, a fastening assembly of an appliance includes a wall defining an engagement hole. The fastening assembly also includes a tab connected to the wall and defining a clearance hole. The tab is folded over onto the wall such that the clearance hole is in communication with the engagement hole. A fastener of the fastening assembly has a head and a shank extending from the head. The shank has threads along at least a portion of the shank. The shank of the fastener is received through the clearance hole and the engagement hole. When the fastener is torqued or driven, a portion of material of the wall is extruded into the clearance hole of the tab. 1. An appliance , comprising: a wall defining an engagement hole;', 'a tab connected to the wall and defining a clearance hole, the tab being folded over onto the wall such that the clearance hole is in communication with the engagement hole of the wall; and', 'a fastener having a head and a shank extending from the head, the shank of the fastener being received through the clearance hole of the tab and through the engagement hole of the wall, wherein the fastener is torqued such that a portion of material of the wall is extruded into the clearance hole of the tab., 'a fastening assembly, comprising2. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the shank of the fastener extends axially through the clearance hole and the engagement hole claim 1 , and wherein the portion of material of the wall is extruded axially into the clearance hole.3. The appliance of claim 2 , wherein the portion of material of the wall that is extruded axially into the clearance hole is radially supported by a rim of the tab extending along a perimeter of the clearance hole.4. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the portion of material of the wall is extruded into the clearance hole of the ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Dual-layer dry bolt coating

Номер: US20150056041A1

A bolt includes a body and a threaded portion formed on the body. The bolt further includes a phosphate base coat, which covers at least the body and is in direct contact with the body. The bolt also includes a PTFE overcoat, which substantially covers the phosphate base coat and is separated from the body of the bolt by the phosphate base coat.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069380A1
Принадлежит: ALCOA INC.

A locking member includes a base portion having a first end, a second end opposite the first end, a bore extending from the first end to the second, the bore including a threaded portion having a plurality of internal threads, and an insert having a first end, a second end opposite the first end of the insert, a bore extending from the first end of the insert to the second end of the insert, the bore of the insert including a threaded portion having a plurality of internal threads. The insert is positioned within the bore of the nut. The insert is made from an electrically dispersive and electrically absorbent material, such as polymers, elastomers, flame retardant fabrics, metal foam, carbon foam, polymer foam or aerogel. 1. A locking member , comprising:a base portion having a first end, a second end opposite the first end, a bore extending from the first end to the second, the bore including a threaded portion having a plurality of internal threads; andan insert having a first end, a second end opposite the first end of the insert, a bore extending from the first end of the insert to the second end of the insert, the bore of the insert including a threaded portion having a plurality of internal threads,wherein the insert is positioned within the bore of the nut, andwherein the insert is made from an electrically dispersive and electrically absorbent material.2. The locking member of claim 1 , wherein the insert is made of an elastomer.3. The locking member of claim 1 , wherein the insert is made of a polymer.4. The locking member of claim 1 , wherein the insert is made of a flame retardant fabric.5. The locking member of claim 1 , the insert is made of a cellular and crushable material.6. The locking member of claim 1 , wherein the cellular and crushable materials is selected from the group consisting of metal foam claim 1 , carbon foam claim 1 , and polymer foam.7. The locking member of claim 1 , wherein the insert is made from aerogel.8. The locking member of ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Bracket Mount for Securing Solar Panel Rail Guides on Shingle Roofs

Номер: US20180106289A1
Принадлежит: IRONRIDGE, INC.

In various representative aspects, an assembly for securing a solar panel rail and rail-less support structures to a shingle roof. More specifically, the apparatus includes a connection bracket and flashing device for use in installing solar panel rail support structures. The connection bracket is secured to the flashing device by rotating its base around a threaded connection until it locks in place so that a solar panel rail support guide can be connected to a generally U-shaped connection on the top of the bracket. The apparatus also offers an improved means to cover the penetration point on the flashing to protect it and prevent water from leaking into the roof as well as an improved way to install the apparatus over existing products. An alternate embodiment of the apparatus is offered to support a rail-less pivot mount as well. 1. A mounting bracket for installing a solar panel array to a roof comprising: 'i. a threaded portion;', 'a. base further comprising an internal opening wherein the internal opening further comprises 'i. a member further comprising an aperture extending from the base.', 'b. a guide further comprising2. The mounting bracket of wherein the base is substantially cylindrical in shape.3. The mounting bracket of wherein the member forms a substantially U-shaped configuration with a first and second end.4. The mounting bracket of wherein the member further comprises a recessed slot along the aperture.5. The mounting bracket of wherein the member further comprises a first and second lip on the first and second end of the U-shaped configuration such that the recessed slot terminates at the first and second lip.6. The mounting bracket of wherein the member further comprises a plurality of ridges.7. The mounting bracket of wherein the base further comprises a bump for providing a tactile snap when coupled with a receiver on a flashing.8. The mounting bracket of wherein the base further comprises a raised edge for providing a tactile snap when ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180128306A1

A multi-patch threaded fastener includes a shank having a threaded portion and two or more polymer patches disposed on the shank. The two or more polymer patches are configured to wedge against a mating threaded component to promote contact between non-patched threaded portions of the shank and the mating threaded component to resist removal from the mating threaded component. A method of making the multi-patch threaded fastener includes positioning two or more nozzles for dispensing a patch material at locations corresponding to desired patch locations on the shank, conveying the shank past two or more nozzles, and dispensing the patch material from each nozzle onto the shank to form the two or more polymer patches on the shank. 1. A multi-patch threaded fastener comprising:a shank having a threaded portion; andtwo or more polymer patches disposed on the shank,wherein the two or more polymer patches are configured to wedge against a mating threaded component to promote contact between non-patched threaded portions of the shank and the mating threaded component to resist removal from the mating threaded component.2. The multi-patch threaded fastener of claim 1 , wherein the two or more patches are formed from a thermoplastic.3. The multi-patch threaded fastener of claim 2 , wherein the two or more patches are formed from one or more of: nylon claim 2 , nylon 11 and polyplhthalamide.4. The multi-patch threaded fastener of claim 1 , wherein the two or more patches are formed from a thermoset.5. The multi-patch threaded fastener of claim 1 , wherein the two more patches are disposed along a length of the shank and spaced along a circumference of a shank.6. The multi-patch threaded fastener of claim 1 , wherein the two or more patches are spaced apart such that the threaded portion is exposed between adjacent patches of the two or more patches.7. The multi-patch threaded fastener of claim 1 , further comprising a head connected to the shank.8. The multi-patch threaded ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Bone Plate

Номер: US20140214092A1
Автор: Dietmar Wolter
Принадлежит: Individual

A bone plate has a through-hole that extends from an upper side to a bone-side underside of the bone plate. A lip is formed in the through-hole, which lip projects from the lateral surface of the through-hole and extends in the circumferential direction of the through-hole. The lip extends over part of the circumference of the through-hole. In a circumferential section of at least 120° that lies opposite the lip, the lateral surface is free of a lip. Material is reshaped only to a lesser extent compared to a lip that extends over the entire circumference of the through-hole. The risk of complications occurring due to deposited particles is reduced.

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus For Masking A Nut Plate During Painting of an Aircraft Part Containing The Nut Plate

Номер: US20160136673A1
Автор: Stinson Dennis Dean

Apparatus () for masking a nut plate () during painting of an aircraft part () containing the nut plate (), comprising:) 2. Apparatus according to in which the internal integral reinforcing is an extra wall thickness.3. Apparatus according to in which the body portion is a cylinder.4. Apparatus according to in which the cylinder is circular in cross section.5. Apparatus according to in which the masking portion is a disc.6. Apparatus according to in which the bore is circular in cross section.7. Apparatus according to in which the first and second portions of the mandrel are of circular cross section.8. Apparatus according to in which the rigid plastics material is a thermoplastics material.9. Apparatus according in which the flexible material is rubber. This application claims benefit of and priority to UK Patent Application No. GB1420508.2 filed Nov. 18, 2014.This invention relates to apparatus for masking a nut plate during painting of an aircraft part containing the nut plate.Various parts of aircraft, for example parts of aircraft wings and bodies are secured together by devices known as nut plates. Usually the parts are secured together by a large number of the nut plates which are located around the periphery of parts to be secured together. Often there is a slight misalignment between a hole in a first part and a hole in a second part which is placed on top of the first part. To allow for this misalignment, the nut plates take the form of a T-nut having a part located in a channel. A clip which is like a circlip is located in a groove in the channel, and grips the part of the T-nut in the channel. The T-nut moves within the clip, and thus the T-nut is able to move back and forth in the channel as may be required to compensate for the misalignment. When the aircraft parts are painted, for example sprayed, paint tends to get on the nut plate and secure it in position. It is then necessary to break the nut plate free from the dried paint so that the nut plate ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Fastener System

Номер: US20220275823A1
Автор: Rice Donald Wayne

A fastener system including a nut body and a helical thread insert. The nut body having an internally threaded bore containing a plurality of bore threads, and at least one bore obstruction. The helical thread insert formed to create a plurality of internal HTI threads and a plurality of external HTI threads, with the helical thread insert received in the internally threaded bore and not occupying all of the plurality of bore threads, and having its movement limited by the bore obstruction. The helical thread insert having threads with both circular end profiles and a non-circular end profile. The non-circular end profile including at least three straight segments, and located between circular threads. 1. A fastener system , comprising:a nut body having an internally threaded bore containing a plurality of bore threads, at least one bore obstruction, and having a bore depth, wherein the nut body is formed of aluminum; a) a portion of the external HTI threads mate with a portion of the plurality of bore threads;', 'b) a majority of the internal HTI threads are circular threads having a circular end profile; and', 'c) at least one of the internal HTI threads is a non-circular thread having a non-circular end profile including at least three straight segments, and the non-circular thread is located between circular threads; and', 'd) the helical thread insert is formed of stainless steel., 'a helical thread insert formed to create a plurality of internal HTI threads and a plurality of external HTI threads, the helical thread insert received in the internally threaded bore and does not occupy all of the plurality of bore threads, with movement of the helical thread insert limited by the at least one bore obstruction, wherein2. The fastener system of claim 1 , wherein the helical thread insert has at least two circular threads on each side of the non-circular thread.3. The fastener system of claim 2 , wherein the non-circular thread has at least five straight segments.4. ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Screw-Locking Insert

Номер: US20150176633A1
Автор: Trevor Fahy
Принадлежит: PEM Management Inc

A screw-locking element in the form of an H cross-section profile is fitted into a longitudinal slot through a bushing sidewall that captures opposing recesses of the insert. When assembled to the bushing, the locking presents a base on the outside of the bushing and a screw-engaging longitudinal strip on the inside along the threads. The bushing may have more than one locking insert and the inserts are preferably composed on Nylon.

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Structure securing device

Номер: US20160177985A1
Принадлежит: LISI Aerospace SAS

The invention relates to a securing device ( 10 ) for a structure ( 11 ) having an open-ended cylindrical bore ( 13 a ), the securing device comprising: an insert ( 15 ) comprising a tapped tubular body ( 16 ) and a head ( 18 ), the extremity ( 20 ) of the body opposite the head comprising an annular cavity holding a ring ( 21 ) made of a plastic material; a pin ( 22 ) comprising a cylindrical tapped rod ( 16 ) assembled with the tapping of the insert and a head ( 23 ), the extremity ( 30 ) of the cylindrical threaded rod being tapered; the device being characterized in that the threaded rod is introduced into the insert on the ring side such that, in the assembled state, the head of the insert and the head of the pin form the terminal ends of the securing device ( 10 ). The invention also relates to an assembly for the installation of such a device, and also to an installation method.

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170175795A1

A locking mechanism for a fastener is provided. The locking mechanism includes a lock nut, a lock member, and a lock washer. The lock nut is releasably coupled to the lock nut for rotation therewith. The lock member includes an annular body having a radially-extending detent member. The lock washer includes an axially-extending wall about a periphery of the lock washer. The axially-extending wall defines an inner cavity for receiving a portion of the annular body of the lock member therein and includes comprising a plurality of radially-extending notches defined therein. The notches are configured to receive the radially-extending detent member. 1. A locking mechanism for a fastener , said locking mechanism comprising:a lock nut;a lock member releasably coupled to said lock nut for rotation therewith, said lock member comprising an annular body comprising a radially-extending detent member; anda lock washer comprising an axially-extending wall about a periphery of said lock washer, said axially-extending wall defining an inner cavity for receiving a portion of said annular body of said lock member therein and comprising a plurality of radially-extending notches defined therein and configured to receive said radially-extending detent member.2. A locking mechanism in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said lock nut further comprises a peripheral surface comprising an axially-extending slot defined therein.3. A locking mechanism in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said annular body is positionable between a locked configuration in which said radially-extending detent member is in a radially outward position claim 1 , and an unlocked configuration in which said radially-extending detent member is in a radially inward position.4. A locking mechanism in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said lock member further comprises an axially-extending spring finger coupled to said annular body claim 1 , said axially-extending spring finger comprising a free end that extends ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150184689A1

An air-driven feeder tool is provided for presenting swagable collars one at a time for placement on the shanks of lockbolts and thereby made ready for the application of a swaging tool. The swaging tool breaks off a pintail from the lockbolt and a vacuum system draws the broken-off pintails through a vacuum device and into a receptacle for safe disposal. The feeder mechanism comprises a magazine holding a supply of side-by-side collars, a presentation piece holding a short working collars and a worker-actuable trigger mechanism between the two queues for transferring collars, one at a time, from the magazine to the presentation queue. Two embodiments of the feeder tool are disclosed, each with a unique trigger position. 1. A feeder for lockbolt collars of the type having an axial through-hole comprising:a handheld part for holding multiple collars in a working queue and having an endpoint holder for presenting collars sufficiently exposed for placement on a lockbolt shank;a collar supply part separate from but attachable to the handheld part for holding collars in a supply queue; andmeans for urging collars from the supply queue to the working queue.2. A feeder as described in wherein the supply part magazine includes a passage with an interior cross-section designed to hold collars in side-by-side relationship with the axial through-holes substantially in parallel.3. A feeder as described in wherein the handheld part includes an interior channel with an interior cross-section designed to hold the working queue of collars in side-by-side relationship with the axial through holes substantially in parallel wherein the number of collars in the supply queue is substantially greater than the number of collars in the working queue.4. A feeder as described in wherein a source of air pressure is connected to the supply part to urge collars in the magazine toward the handheld part.5. A feeder as described in wherein air pressure from said source is communicated to the ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200166072A1
Автор: Mohr Ryan J.

A locking thumb nut includes a thumb nut base and a lock plate. The lock plate can be fastened to the thumb nut base with fasteners so that the lock plate can be removed from the thumb nut base and replaced with a new lock plate when the lock plate becomes worn. The thumb nut base is elongated to provide for ease of grip by the user's fingers to turn the nut and tighten it along a threaded shank of a screw. The lock plate engages the threads of the screw to prevent unintentional backing out of the thumb nut. 1. A locking thumb nut , comprising:a thumb nut base comprising an elongated body defining a proximal side and a distal side, the distal side opposing the proximal side; anda lock plate removably-secured to the distal side of the thumb nut base, the lock plate comprising a non-metal material or a metal material that is softer than a material forming the thumb nut base,wherein an aperture is defined through the thumb nut base and the lock plate from the proximal side through the distal side and the lock plate.2. The locking thumb nut of claim 1 , wherein the lock plate is removably-secured to the distal side of the thumb nut base with a mechanical fastener.3. The locking thumb nut of claim 1 , wherein the lock plate is removably-secured to the distal side of the thumb nut base with a plurality of threaded screws.4. The locking thumb nut of claim 1 , wherein the thumb nut base has a longitudinal length dimension and a lateral width dimension claim 1 , and wherein the longitudinal length dimension is at least twice the lateral width dimension.5. The locking thumb nut of claim 4 , wherein a height dimension between the proximal side and the distal side of the thumb nut base is same as the width dimension.6. The locking thumb nut of claim 1 , wherein a perimeter of the lock plate is coextensive with a perimeter of the thumb nut base.7. The locking thumb nut of claim 1 , wherein the lock plate is formed of a nylon material and the thumb nut base is formed of a metal ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Composite Fastener with Locking Cap Feature

Номер: US20210231160A1
Автор: Rice Donald Wayne

A fastener comprising a nut body and an associated Lockone clasp is disclosed. The locking clasp may be maintained in its association by one or more locking clasp retainers, the retainers forming an arc. In one embodiment, the nut body is formed with an internally threaded thread bore partially filled by helical thread insert. In another preferred embodiment the helical thread insert is a free running helically wound wire thread insert. 1. A fastener system comprisinga. a nut body with a thread bore internally threaded to accept a helical thread insert, and one or more retainers for maintaining a flexible association with a clasp;b. a helical thread insert with an external thread that mates with the internal threads of the thread bore, and internal threads that are compatible with threads on an externally threaded shaft;c. a clasp with an inner ring, an outer ring and a thread ring with said inner ring and said outer ring offset from one another and being capable of flexing so that the offset is relieved, whereby the nut body carries the helical thread insert so that the helical thread insert can engage the threaded shaft, and the flexible association with the clasp allows the clasp to disengageably align with the shaft, and then release the alignment in order to allow the inner and outer rings to engage with the shaft and lock the fastener in place.2. The fastener of claim 1 , further comprising a shaft that is a bolt or a stud.3. The fastener of claim 1 , further comprising a helical thread insert that is one or more of a locking helical thread insert and a free running helical thread insert.4. The fastener of further comprising a clasp that is a Lockone clasp.5. The fastener of that is a fastener adaptable for assembling communication towers.6. The fastener of that further comprises a nut body formed of a composite of two or more materials.7. The method of attaching a component comprising providing a fastener that includes a nut body with a thread bore internally ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Thread locks and devices incorporating same

Номер: US20170211608A1
Автор: Douglas Eckhoff
Принадлежит: Individual

Thread locks that can be used to secure a threaded bolt within an aperture are disclosed. Devices including a threaded aperture, such as a T-bolt, are also disclosed, which can optionally utilize thread locks disclosed herein. Embodiments disclosed herein are particularly useful in farm animal containment structures, however, the scope of the disclosure is not limited to such applications.

02-07-2020 дата публикации

Self-Locking Threaded Fastening Assembly with Thread Tightening Pins and Uses Thereof

Номер: US20200208675A1
Принадлежит: EFC SYSTEMS, INC.

The present disclosure relates to a self-locking threaded fastening assembly that comprises malleable thread tightening pins within the threads of an externally-threaded male component or an internally-threaded female component, and uses thereof. In certain embodiments, the self-locking threaded fastening assembly is used in connection with a rotary paint atomizer system, for example to ensure secure connection between a bell cup and the drive shaft of a turbine apparatus. 1. A self-locking threaded fastening assembly , the assembly comprising:a first component comprising an externally-threaded male portion and a second component comprising an internally-threaded female portion, wherein the externally-threaded male portion and the internally-threaded female portion each comprise a thread depth and threaded length, wherein the thread depth is defined by the distance between a crest of the thread and a channel of the thread, wherein the threaded length is defined by the distance along the longitudinal axis of the threaded portion that comprises threads,wherein the externally-threaded male portion or the internally-threaded female portion comprises one or more pin holes therein, wherein the one or more pin holes are substantially perpendicular to the threads and are substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the threaded length, wherein the one or more pin holes are positioned such that they lie within at least a portion of the thread depth leaving the crest of the threads intact, andwherein each of the one or more pin holes comprise a thread tightening pin inserted therein, wherein the thread tightening pin comprises a malleable material.2. The self-locking threaded fastening assembly of claim 1 , wherein the thread tightening pin comprises an elastomeric material.3. The self-locking threaded fastening assembly of claim 2 , wherein the thread tightening pin comprises a material selected from the group consisting of thermoplastic or thermoset materials.4. The ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180231049A1

An improved locking nut and sealing washer for use with a threaded bolt. The locking nut has a flange. The sealing washer is attached to an elastomer and has retaining means provided therein. When the locking nut is seated on the sealing washer, a removable retaining insert may be manipulated to be received within the retaining means. Thereafter, when force is applied to the locking nut to move the locking nut in a first direction along the threaded bolt, the flange pushes against the sealing washer to push the sealing washer in the same direction and, when force is applied to the locking nut in an opposing direction along the threaded bolt, the flange pushes against the retaining insert to push the sealing washer in the same direction. 1. An improved locking nut and sealing washer for use with a threaded bolt , where:the locking nut has a flange andthe sealing washer is attached to an elastomer and has retaining means provided therein,where, when the locking nut is seated on the sealing washer, a removable retaining insert may be manipulated to be received within the retaining means and where, when force is applied to the locking nut to move the locking nut in a first direction along the threaded bolt, the flange pushes against the sealing washer to push the sealing washer in the same direction and, when force is applied to the locking nut in an opposing direction along the threaded bolt, the flange pushes against the retaining insert to push the sealing washer in the same direction.2. An improved locking nut and sealing washer for use with a threaded bolt according to claim 1 , where the retaining means is a retaining groove and the retaining insert is a retaining ring.3. An improved locking nut and sealing washer for use with a threaded bolt according to claim 1 , where the retaining means is a plurality of threads and the retaining insert is a dust seal that can threadedly engage the plurality of threads.4. An improved locking nut and sealing washer for use with ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160240939A1

A conductive fastener assembly, system, and method, wherein the fastener assembly includes a fastener, a fastener sleeve, a nut, and a lubricant coating. The lubricant coating is deposited on a distal portion of a fastener shank and is omitted from the rest of the fastener. To overcome the stresses placed on the fastener sleeve by the insertion of the fastener shank largely devoid of a lubricant coating, the fastener sleeve is reinforced by one or more of an increased thickness, a high-strength alloy, and a soft metal coating. 1. A method of preparing a conductive sleeved fastening assembly for use , comprising:providing a fastener having a fastener head, a fastener shank extending from said fastener head, and a fastener sleeve provided on said fastener shank and a fastener sleeve flare on said fastener sleeve; anddepositing a lubricant coating on a distal portion of the fastener shank, wherein the lubricant coating is omitted from a proximal portion of the fastener shank and from the fastener head.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of reinforcing the fastener sleeve.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fastener head and the fastener sleeve flare are formed having a countersink configuration.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fastener sleeve is configured to extend through a first structure and a second structure claim 1 , and further comprising:arranging a fay seal between the first structure and the second structure, wherein the fay seal is omitted from an area surrounding fastener assembly; andarranging an expanded metal foil on a top surface of said first structure.5. A method of preparing a conductive sleeved fastening assembly for use claim 1 , comprising:providing a first structure, having an expanded metal foil arranged thereon;providing a second structure;providing a fastener, configured to attach the first structure to the second structure, having a fastener head and a fastener shank extending from said fastener head, and a ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации

Expandable Collet Bodies with Sectional Finger-Based Anti-Rotation Feature, Clips, Inserts and Systems Thereof

Номер: US20170248163A1
Автор: McClure Travis
Принадлежит: Centrix Inc.

Expandable collet bodies with sectional finger-based anti-rotation features are disclosed. The collet body comprises not only a plurality of gripping finger as a first part of a two-part anti-rotation means (ARM), but also a first part of a two part translation arresting means (TAM), which may or may not be sectional in nature. The TAM prevents over translation of a collet body within the work piece(s), and cooperates with a second part of the TAM associated with a work piece or an auxiliary structure. In this manner, a collet body inserted into a work piece or auxiliary structure will not accidentally be pushed beyond the blind side of the work piece(s) during insertion or initial clamp-up. 1. A collet body for a single-side fastening system comprising:a cylindrical wall portion defining a longitudinal axis and having a threaded inner surface and an outer surface; andone or more gripping fingers extended longitudinally from the cylindrical wall and separated by one or more slots, each finger having an extrusion at a fingertip, the protrusion comprising a leading surface and a trailing surface, the one or more gripping fingers being flexible in a radial direction and biased to converge radically inward with the protrusion of each grip finger within a radical area defined by the cylindrical wall portion, the gripping fingers diverging radically outward when pushed radically outward to cause the protrusions beyond the radical area defined by the cylindrical wall portion.2. The collet body of wherein the one or more gripping fingers are distributed uniformly along the circumference of the cylindrical wall portion.3. The collet body of wherein the leading surface is sloped or beveled to act as a transition between an external diameter of the wall portion and a maximum external diameter of the protrusion.4. The collet body of wherein the trailing surface is orthogonal to the longitudinal axis when the one or more gripping fingers diverge radically outward.5. The collet ...

11-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210348643A1
Автор: Limatoc Arnold R.

A self-locking nut includes a main-nut body and a deformable-nut body. The main-nut body has a recess leading into an interior threaded bore forming x turns of an internal thread therein. The deformable-nut body has an outer flange and an interior threaded nore forming y turns of an internal thread therein. The outer flange of the deformable-nut body is fixed to the main-nut body such that a relief space is formed between the deformable-nut body and the recess. A ratio of x:y is about 2:1.

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Advanced Nut and Bolt

Номер: US20190264728A1
Принадлежит: Arconic Inc.

A fastener including a bolt having an elongated shank having a first end, a second end opposite the first end, and a threaded portion having an external bolt thread, the bolt thread including a bolt pitch. The fastener includes a nut having a first end, a second end opposite the first end of the nut, and an internal nut thread extending between the first and second ends of the nut and adapted to engage threadedly the bolt thread of the bolt. The nut thread includes a nut pitch and a hardness that changes gradationally between the first and second ends of the nut. The bolt pitch of the bolt thread of the bolt is mismatched with the nut pitch of the nut thread of the nut. 1. A fastener , comprising:a bolt including an elongated shank having a first end, a second end opposite the first end, and a threaded portion having an external bolt thread, wherein the bolt thread includes a bolt pitch; anda nut including a first end, a second end opposite the first end of the nut, and an internal nut thread extending between the first and second ends of the nut and adapted to engage threadedly the bolt thread of the bolt, wherein the nut thread includes a nut pitch,wherein the bolt pitch of the bolt thread of the bolt is mismatched with the nut pitch of the nut thread of the nut.2. The fastener of claim 1 , wherein the nut pitch of the nut thread of the nut is shorter than the bolt pitch of the bolt thread of the bolt.3. The fastener of claim 2 , wherein when the nut thread of the nut engages the bolt thread of the bolt claim 2 , an initial contact and engagement between the nut thread and the bolt thread is located at a pitch of the nut pitch that is proximate to the first end of the nut.4. The fastener of claim 1 , wherein the nut pitch of the nut thread of the nut is longer than the bolt pitch of the bolt thread of the bolt.5. The fastener of claim 4 , wherein when the nut thread of the nut engages the bolt thread of the bolt claim 4 , an initial contact and engagement between ...

18-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140369786A1
Автор: HSIEH Chih-Ching

An anti-loosening nut is formed with a threaded hole. The wall of the threaded hole is formed with at least one receiving cavity formed on the wall of the threaded hole in an axial direction of the threaded hole. At least one holding member is mounted in the receiving cavity of the nut. The holding member is disposed in the receiving cavity of the nut in the axial direction of the nut. When the nut is screwed onto a screw/bolt, the holding member elastically holds the screw/bolt, whereby the nut and the screw are elastically tightened with each other to avoid loosening of the nut. 1. An anti-loosening nut comprising:a nut formed with a threaded hole, a wall of the threaded hole being formed with at least one receiving cavity formed on the wall of the threaded hole in an axial direction of the threaded hole; andat least one holding member, which is a leaf spring mounted in the receiving cavity of the nut, the leaf spring being formed with at least one holding section for elastically abutting against a screw.2. The nut as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the holding section of the leaf spring slightly protrudes from the receiving cavity.3. The nut as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least two receiving cavities are formed on the wall of the threaded hole and arranged at intervals claim 1 , the leaf spring being formed with at least two holding sections mounted in the receiving cavities of the nut respectively claim 1 , each holding member being an elongated member claim 1 , a longitudinal direction of the holding member extending along the axial direction of the threaded hole.4. The nut as claimed in claim 2 , wherein at least two receiving cavities are formed on the wall of the threaded hole and arranged at intervals claim 2 , the leaf spring being formed with at least two holding sections mounted in the receiving cavities of the nut respectively claim 2 , each holding member being an elongated member claim 2 , a longitudinal direction of the holding member extending ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190277329A1

The present invention relates to prevailing torque lock nuts and, more particularly, to a low profile lock nut that maintains the same strength as its higher profile counterparts. The present lock nut is a non-metallic lock having an inner recess so as to receive a plastic insert, such as a nylon insert. In some embodiments, the plastic insert is a temperature resistant plastic insert capable of withstanding high temperatures. Further, in some embodiments, the present lock nut is manufactured to have increased hardness levels and subject to enhanced plating process that ensure superior corrosion resistance. 1. A low profile lock nut comprising:a body having a plurality of faces that extend upward from a bottom end of the body and terminate at a neck that extends upward therefrom and terminates at a top end of the body; a threaded portion that extends upward from the bottom end and includes a plurality of threads and', 'an unthreaded portion that extends upward from the threaded portion and defines a recess that laterally extends into the body; and, 'a bore that extends through the body from the top end to the bottom end, the bore further comprisingan insert that is arranged in the recess and includes an insert bore that aligns with the threaded portion of the bore.2. The low profile lock nut of claim 1 , wherein the insert is a nylon insert.3. The low profile lock nut of claim 2 , wherein the nylon insert comprises a heat stabilized polyamide.4. The low profile lock nut of claim 1 , wherein the insert bore includes a plurality of insert threads.5. The low profile lock nut of claim 1 , wherein the insert is ring shaped.6. The low profile lock nut of claim 1 , wherein the lock nut has a hardness of about HRc 33-39.7. The low profile lock nut of claim 1 , wherein the lock nut conforms to ISO 898-2.8. The low profile lock nut of claim 1 , wherein the recess is an annular recess.9. The low profile lock nut of claim 1 , wherein the threads are ISO metric screw threads in ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150322994A1

Disclosed is a nut or an insert that includes a body having a through opening, which may be threaded, a deformable pilot portion having an annular wall surrounding the opening, and anti-rotation features arranged around the pilot portion that resist rotation of the nut or the insert due to an applied torque when the nut or the insert is installed in a sheet of metal, the pilot portion being deformable to form a lip or a flange to trap a portion of the sheet between the body and the lip or the flange to resist pull out. Disclosed is also a system that includes the nut or the insert and a tool for installing the nut or the insert in a hole in a sheet of material. 1. A nut or an insert for insertion into a hole in a sheet , the nut or the insert comprising:a body having a through opening, the body having a bottom surface and a top surface;a deformable pilot portion comprising an annular wall surrounding the opening in the body and extending from the top surface of the body to a top, free end;an annular surface surrounding the pilot portion; anda plurality of spaced anti-rotation features on the annular surface arranged around the pilot portion.2. A nut or an insert according to claim 1 , wherein each anti-rotation feature comprises a spline and the nut or the insert further comprises a plurality of keyways claim 1 , each keyway being positioned at a location corresponding to a respective location of a respective spline.3. A nut or an insert according to claim 2 , wherein the pilot portion includes a base opposite the top claim 2 , free end and located at the annular surface claim 2 , and wherein the annular surface includes an inner diameter adjacent the base of the pilot portion and an outer diameter surrounding the inner diameter claim 2 , the annular surface declining from the outer diameter toward the inner diameter claim 2 , and declining further below the outer diameter.4. A nut or an insert or an insert according to claim 3 , wherein each spline is wedge-shaped. ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации

Connector for securing a snow plow blade to a supporting structure such as a moldboard

Номер: US20180313048A1
Автор: Daren Lynch, Nathan Couper
Принадлежит: Chemung Supply Corp

A connector for securing a snow plow blade to a supporting structure such as a moldboard, especially a connector that can quickly connect and disconnect the blade to the support structure.

17-11-2016 дата публикации

One-piece self-locking nut

Номер: US20160333921A1
Автор: Arnold R. Limatoc
Принадлежит: Arnold Permanent Nut LLC

A self-locking nut includes a main-nut body and a deformable-nut body. The main-nut body has a recess leading into an interior threaded bore forming x turns of an internal thread therein. The deformable-nut body has an outer flange and an interior threaded bore forming y turns of an internal thread therein. The outer flange of the deformable-nut body is fixed to the main-nut body such that a relief space is formed between the deformable-nut body and the recess. A ratio of x:y is about 2:1.

26-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150337885A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A fastener system for composite structure providing electromagnetic energy protection has a shank with a threaded portion on a first end of the shank terminating in a lead-in portion. A head is present on a second end of the shank. The shank is adapted for intimate conductive contact with an inner surface of an interference fit hole. 1. A fastener system for composite structure comprising;a shank;a threaded portion on a first end of the shank terminating in a lead-in portion and,a head on a second end of the shank;wherein the shank is adapted for intimate conductive contact with an inner surface of an interference fit hole in a composite.2. The fastener system as defined in wherein the lead-in portion is configured to expand the inner surface of the interference fit hole without damaging the composite.3. The fastener system as defined in wherein the shank is in intimate conductive contact with the inner surface of the hole to conduct large current densities.4. The fastener system as defined in wherein the threaded portion and the lead in portion are coated in dry lubricant.5. The fastener system as defined in Wherein the shank has a roughened main body with peaks and valleys and further comprising a lubricious coating on the main body said coating polished for exposure of the peaks to maintain intimate conductive contact claim 1 , while remaining present in the valleys for lubricious insertion into the interference fit hole.6. The fastener system as defined in wherein the roughened main body is knurled.7. The fastener system as defined in wherein the lubricious coating is one of a phenolic resin base containing lubricating pigments claim 5 , epoxy based coatings claim 5 , and other solid film lubricants that are resin or ceramic based claim 5 , with solid lubricant additives.8. The fastener system as defined in wherein a soft metal layer is deposited on the shank claim 1 , said soft metal layer shearing fix insertion in the interference fit hole while maintaining ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190316626A1
Автор: Limatoc Arnold R.

A self-locking nut includes a main-nut body and a deformable-nut body. The main-nut body has a recess leading into an interior threaded bore forming x turns of an internal thread therein. The deformable-nut body has an outer flange and an interior threaded bore forming y turns of an internal thread therein. The outer flange of the deformable-nut body is fixed to the main-nut body such that a relief space is formed between the deformable-nut body and the recess. A ratio of x:y is about 2:1. 1. A self-locking nut comprising:a main-nut body having a recess leading into an interior threaded bore forming more than three turns of an internal thread therein; anda deformable-nut body having an outer flange and an interior threaded bore forming less than three turns of an internal thread therein,wherein the outer flange of the deformable-nut body is fixed to the main-nut body such that a relief space is formed between the deformable-nut body and the recess.2. The self-locking nut of claim 1 , wherein the outer flange of the deformable-nut body is fixed to the main-nut body such that a generally cylindrical portion of the relief space is established between the interior threaded bore of the deformable-nut body and the interior threaded bore of the main-nut body claim 1 , and wherein the generally cylindrical portion of the relief space has a first maximum height prior to installation of the self-locking nut on a threaded bolt shaft and wherein the generally cylindrical portion of the relief space has a second maximum height after installation of the self-locking nut on the threaded bolt shaft claim 1 , the second maximum height being less than the first maximum height.3. (canceled)4. The self-locking nut of claim 2 , wherein second maximum height is less than fifty percent of the first maximum height.5. The self-locking nut of claim 1 , wherein the relief space provides an area for the deformable-nut body to deform into during installation of the self-locking nut on a ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Aircraft assembly

Номер: US20190331156A1
Автор: Matthew Hilliard
Принадлежит: Safran Landing Systems UK LTD

An aircraft assembly having a titanium rod comprising a first threaded portion, and a titanium nut comprising a second threaded portion conforming with the first threaded portion for mating engagement with it. One of the first and second threaded portions defines a male thread and the other one of the first and second threaded portions defines a female thread such that the nut can be wound in threading engagement along the rod. A threaded insert formed from a first metal of different hardness in comparison to titanium is coupled to the rod or the nut to define the first threaded portion or the second threaded portion respectively such that one of the first and second threaded portions is formed from titanium and the other one of the first and second threaded portions is formed from the first metal.

14-11-2019 дата публикации

Bracket Mount for Securing Solar Panel Rail Guides on a Roof

Номер: US20190345971A1
Принадлежит: IRONRIDGE, INC.

In various representative aspects, an assembly for securing a solar panel rail and rail-less support structures to a shingle roof. More specifically, the apparatus includes a connection bracket and flashing device for use in installing solar panel rail support structures. The connection bracket is secured to the flashing device by rotating its base around a threaded connection until it locks in place so that a solar panel rail support guide can be connected to a generally U-shaped connection on the top of the bracket. The apparatus also offers an improved means to cover the penetration point on the flashing to protect it and prevent water from leaking into the roof as well as an improved way to install the apparatus over existing products. An alternate embodiment of the apparatus is offered to support a rail-less pivot mount as well. 1. An apparatus for installing a solar panel array to a roof comprising: [ A. an internal opening wherein the internal opening comprises a threaded portion;', 'B. a retaining ring coupled to the top of the threaded portion;, 'i. a base, the base comprising, i. an aperture within the member; and', 'ii. a recess along a portion of the member that forms the perimeter of the aperture;, 'A. a member wherein the member comprises, 'ii. a guide comprising], 'a. a mounting bracket comprisingb. a flashing comprising a threaded receiver wherein the retainer ring is configured to provide an audible notification when the bracket is secured to the threaded receiver.2. The apparatus of wherein the base is substantially cylindrical.3. The apparatus of wherein the member forms a substantially U-shaped configuration comprising a first and second end.4. The apparatus of wherein the first and second ends further comprising a lip such that the recess terminates at each lip of the first and second ends.5. The apparatus of wherein the member further comprises a plurality of ridges along the surface of the member.6. The apparatus of wherein the recess is ...

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160377110A1

The invention relates to an insert () comprising a first end () defining a circular opening (), a cylindrical body () having an inner wall () and an outer wall, and a second end () defining an opening () and forming an enlarged flange (), characterized in that the body comprises a first portion () adjacent to the first end and provided with an outer thread (), and a second portion () adjacent to the first portion and comprising at least two cutouts () defining at least two flexible tabs () extending axially, and each tab has an outer thread () and forms an angle (α), towards the outside of the body, with respect to the axis (A). 110121416182022242830323436383234402428. An insert () positioned along an axis (A) , said insert comprising a first end () defining a circular opening () , a cylindrical body () having an inner wall () and an outer wall , and a second end () defining an opening () and forming an enlarged flange () , characterized in that the body comprises a first portion () adjacent to the first end and provided with an outer thread () , and a second portion () adjacent to the first portion and comprising at least two cutouts () defining at least two flexible tabs () extending axially , each tab has an outer thread () and forms an angle (α) , towards the outside of the body , with respect to the axis , and the second portion () further comprises , between the at least two cutouts () , walls () that connect the flange () to the first portion ().230382836. An insert according to claim 1 , wherein the threads ( claim 1 , ) of the first portion () and of the tabs () have an identical pitch.330382836. An insert according to claim 1 , wherein the threads ( claim 1 , ) of the first portion () and of the tabs () have different pitches.4403028. An insert according to claim 1 , wherein the walls () have an outer diameter (D) smaller than the root diameter (D) of the thread () of the first portion ().5422432302824. An insert according to claim 1 , further comprising a ...

26-12-2019 дата публикации

Bolt compression limiter

Номер: US20190390702A1

A bolt compression limiter includes a Belleville disc that applies a load to a flange of a bolt assembly and a component that applies a load to a limiter positioned within the flange, the limiter being shy of the top surface of the flange. The load applied to the flange is a first proportion and the load applied to the limiter is a second proportion of the total load applied when a bolt of the bolt assembly is tightened.

31-12-2020 дата публикации

Barrel Nut With Helical Wire Insert

Номер: US20200408241A1
Автор: Rice Donald Wayne

The present disclosure relates to an improved barrel nut and other related threaded fasteners that incorporate a helical thread insert. The Helical thread insert can be used as part of a fastener system to lock the fastener in place. In a preferred embodiment, the locking feature is configured as a barrel nut and is targeted to be utilized in vehicles, such as in aircraft. 1. A fastener system comprisinga. a fastener with a thread bore with internal threads for accepting a helical thread insert;b. a helical thread insert bearing an external thread that mates with the internal threads of the thread bore, and helical thread insert internal threads that are compatible the threads on a threaded shaft;c. the shaft being externally threaded and capable of being driven by a given torque into the helical wire insert, with the helical wire insert retarding the reverse movement of the driven shaft with a torque greater that the given torque for driving the forward movement of the shaft into the helical wire insert,whereby the helical wire insert serves to retain the fastener at a location determined by the given torque and resist reverse movement of the threaded shaft.2. The fastener system of claim 1 , further comprising a shaft that is a bolt or a stud.3. The fastener system of that is a barrel nut.4. A fastener system comprisinga. a barrel nut with a generally cylindrical barrel, a nut body and a nut body thread bore;b. a bolt with a head, a head bearing face, a shaft and a threaded shaft portion;c. a nut body holding a helical thread insert, said helical thread insert forming an inner thread bore, said inner thread bore providing threads compatible with the threaded shaft portion; andd. said helical thread insert formed with an anti-rotational shape,whereby threaded rotational insertion of the threaded shaft of the bolt into the helical thread insert forming the inner thread bore within the nut body, requires a given applied torque, and the anti-rotation of the threaded ...

12-02-1981 дата публикации

Lock nut

Номер: DE2638560C3
Принадлежит: Flaig, Christian, 7209 Aldingen

10-03-1982 дата публикации

Self-locking nuts

Номер: EP0047061A1
Автор: John Strange

A self-locking nut of the prevailing torque type embodying a friction collar (20) assembled in a nut body subsequently deformed over the end of the collar to hold it captive against a base in the body wherein the collar is preformed to have a thickness at its bore (21) greater than that at its periphery (22) so that it seats in full contact with the base prior to captivation.

01-09-1988 дата публикации

Patent DE3640225C2

Номер: DE3640225C2
Принадлежит: Boellhoff GmbH

12-12-1985 дата публикации

Kraftschlüssig selbstsichernde Schraubenmutter

Номер: DE8424281U1

27-09-1995 дата публикации

Lock nut

Номер: GB2287764A
Автор: Keith Lyons
Принадлежит: Individual

A resilient threaded lock washer 12 is retained in a recess in the bearing face of a nut 10, and is deformed from dished form to flat when the nut 10 is tightened against a workpiece 48, so that the lock washer 12 grips both the nut 10 and the screwthread 39 of the bolt 38. Recesses are provided in the periphery of the lock washer 12 to bite into the peripheral wall of the recess, and may project from the concave face of the lock washer 12. <IMAGE>

30-10-1979 дата публикации

Self -locking threaded member

Номер: SU694683A1
Принадлежит: Е, Н, Петров

23-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016114534A
Автор: Анель ПАСИК
Принадлежит: Сканиа Св Аб

А 2016114534 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) РЦ ‘Зала чала 5349 А 3х < < (50) МПК ВбОК 19/52 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016114534, 11.09.2014 (71) Заявитель(и): СКАНИА СВ АБ (5Е) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): 17.09.2013 ЗЕ 1351063-1 ПАСИК Анель ($Е) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 23.10.2017 Бюл. № 30 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки РСТ на национальной фазе: 18.04.2016 (86) Заявка РСТ: ЗЕ 2014/051044 (11.09.2014) (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: УГО 2015/041585 (26.03.2015) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр. 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) РЕГУЛИРУЕМЫЙ АМОРТИЗАТОР, ВЫПОЛНЕННЫЙ С ВОЗМОЖНОСТЬЮ ПОГЛОЩЕНИЯ УДАРНЫХ ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЙ И ВИБРАЦИЙ (57) Формула изобретения 1. Амортизатор (4), содержащий резьбовую деталь (7), которая имеет проходящее сквозь нее отверстие (9) диаметром 41 и предназначена для заключения в нее соответствующего резьбового стержня (5), отличающийся тем, что этот амортизатор (4) также содержит буферную деталь (8), выполненную из упругого материала и имеющую на одном конце отверстие (10) диаметром 42, при этом буферная деталь (8) прикреплена к резьбовой детали (7) таким образом, что резьбовое отверстие (9), проходящее сквозь резьбовую деталь, и отверстие (10) в буферной детали соединены, причем диаметр 42 отверстия в буферной детали (8) меньше, чем диаметр 41 отверстия в резьбовой детали (7). 2. Амортизатор (4) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отверстие (10) в буферной детали и резьбовое отверстие (9), проходящее сквозь резьбовую деталь, концентричны. 3. Амортизатор (4) по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что буферная деталь (8), по меньшей мере, частично простирается по внешней окружности резьбовой детали (7). 4. Амортизатор (4) по любому из предыдущих пунктов, отличающийся тем, что буферная деталь (8), по меньшей мере, частично окружает резьбовую деталь (7). 5. Амортизатор (4) по любому из предыдущих пунктов ...

12-08-1988 дата публикации


Номер: FR2576069B1
Принадлежит: Three Bond Co Ltd

11-11-2015 дата публикации

Anti-loosening nut

Номер: CN105041831A
Автор: 周天毫


10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2553024C1

FIELD: construction. SUBSTANCE: self-tapping screw consists of low-strength, iron-free material, with a screw body which, at least, on sections is fitted with a coating. The coating is made of elastomeric or polymeric material enriched with fillers. EFFECT: simplification of manufacture of the screw without loss of its properties. 6 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F16B 25/00 (11) (13) 2 553 024 C1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013158243/12, 25.03.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.03.2013 (72) Автор(ы): ЭЖЕЛЬ Жан Жозеф (DE), ВЕНДЕЛЬС Йорг Михаель (DE) (73) Патентообладатель(и): НЕДШРЁФ ФРАУЛАУТЕРН ГМБХ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 24.04.2012 EP 12165334.9 (45) Опубликовано: 10.06.2015 Бюл. № 16 2 5 5 3 0 2 4 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: EP 0987452 A1, 22.03.2000. DE 10243537 A1, 25.03.2004. US 4802807 A, 07.02.1989. RU 45167 U1, 27.04.2005. RU 2000113734 A, 20.08.2002 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 26.12.2013 (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2013/056230 (25.03.2013) Адрес для переписки: 109012, Москва, ул. Ильинка, 5/2, ООО "Союзпатент", А.А. Силаевой (54) ВИНТ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к самонарезающему винту, состоящему из низкопрочного, не содержащего железа материала, и направлено на упрощение его производства без потерь его свойств. Самонарезающий винт состоит из низкопрочного, не содержащего железа R U 2 5 5 3 0 2 4 WO 2013/160043 (31.10.2013) C 1 C 1 (87) Публикация заявки PCT: Стр.: 1 материала, с телом винта, которое, по меньшей мере, на участках оснащено покрытием. Покрытие выполнено из обогащенного заполнителями эластомерного или полимерного материала. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. C 1 C 1 2 5 5 3 0 2 4 2 5 5 3 0 2 4 R U R U Стр.: 2 RUSSIAN FEDERATION (19) RU (51) Int. Cl. F16B 25/00 (11) (13) 2 553 024 C1 (2006.01) FEDERAL SERVICE FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (12) ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014113187A
Принадлежит: Дитмар ВОЛЬТЕР

1. Пластина для кости, имеющая сквозное отверстие (14), которое проходит от верхней стороны (15) до обращенной к кости нижней стороны (16) пластины для кости, причем в сквозном отверстии (14) выполнена кромка (17), и упомянутая кромка (17) выступает от боковой поверхности (18) сквозного отверстия (14) и проходит в направлении по окружности сквозного отверстия (14), отличающаяся тем, что кромка (17) проходит по части окружности сквозного отверстия (14), и тем, что боковая поверхность (18) не имеет кромки на части окружности, расположенной напротив кромки (17), и причем эта часть окружность составляет по меньшей мере 120°.2. Пластина для кости по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что часть окружности, на которой боковая поверхность (18) не имеет кромки, составляет по меньшей мере 180°, предпочтительно по меньшей мере 240°.3. Пластина для кости по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что кромка (17) имеет уступ (36), расположенный между боковой поверхностью (18) сквозного отверстия (14) и центральной область (37) кромки (17), причем упомянутый уступ (36) проходит вдоль кромки (17).4. Пластина для кости по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что кромка (17) выполнена волнообразно в направлении по окружности.5. Пластина для кости по одному из пп. 1-4, отличающаяся тем, что кромка (17) расположена в той половине сквозного отверстия (14), которая примыкает к нижней стороне (16) пластины для кости.6. Пластина для кости по одному из пп. 1-4, отличающаяся тем, что область, окружающая сквозное отверстие (14) и выполненная в форме вставки (26), введена в пластину для кости.7. Система, состоящая из пластины для кости по п. 1 и винта (31) для кости, причем винт (31) для кости имеет резьбу (30) головки, которая предназначена для деформирования кром РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК A61B 17/80 (13) 2014 113 187 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2014113187/14, 22.08.2012 (71) Заявитель(и): ВОЛЬТЕР Дитмар (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) ...

05-10-2006 дата публикации

Adhesively securable stock materials

Номер: WO2006104622A2

Stock materials for manual and/or high speed industrial automated bonding applications having a curable pre-applied adhesive or sealant compositions on the bonding surfaces wherein the curative for the pre-applied adhesive or sealant composition is contained within a carrier which prevents its premature release.

25-03-2009 дата публикации

Friction clamp

Номер: CN101395388A
Принадлежит: Puku Ltd


06-04-2007 дата публикации

Locking nut

Номер: KR100701643B1
Автор: 박영수
Принадлежит: (주)성실기계

본 발명은 너트와 볼트의 결합력을 증대시킬 수 있을 뿐 아니라, 나사가 풀리는 강도를 조절할 수 있도록 된 새로운 구조의 풀림방지너트에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 따르면, 내주면에 코일스프링(8)을 장착하여 볼트(6)와의 나사결합이 풀리는 것을 방지할 수 있도록 된 풀림방지너트에 있어서, 상기 너트(4)의 내주면에는 너트(4)의 나사산(2)에 비해 내경이 넓으며 그 내부에는 별도의 나선홈이 형성되지 않는 확경부(22)가 형성되며, 상기 코일스프링(8)은 내측면은 만곡형성되며 외측면은 평면인 단면형상을 갖도록 구성되어, 상기 확경부(22)에 삽입설치되는 것을 특징으로 하는 풀림방지너트가 제공된다. 풀림방지, 코일스프링, 너트, 타원형, 장원형,

07-02-2002 дата публикации

Container for specially processing fresh-water fish

Номер: KR100322767B1
Автор: 권예택
Принадлежит: 권예택

본 발명은 민물고기의 특수 가공 용기에 관한 것으로서, 테두리면에 결착홈(10)이 형성되며 외면에는 측면턱(20)이 형성되고 그 상부에 밴트구멍(80)이 형성되는 상부용기(50); 상기 상부용기와 접촉되는 면에 단턱(30)이 형성되며 외면에는 측면턱(40)이 형성되고 그 하부에 밴트구멍(80)이 형성되는 하부용기(60); 및 상기 상·하부의 측면턱(20, 40)에 끼워져 용기를 결속하도록 철사, 체인, 철구조물, 클램프(70)중에서 선택된 어느 하나의 결착수단(70')으로 구성되어, 민물고기가 타지 않고 증숙되게 하고, 근육을 파괴함이 없이 가공하고, 일회용 용기의 사용없이 반영구적으로 사용이 가능하므로 생산비가 절약되어 생산 단가가 적게드는 매우 뛰어난 효과가 있다. The present invention relates to a special processing container of freshwater fish, the binding groove 10 is formed on the rim surface and the side surface 20 is formed on the outer surface and the upper container 50 is formed with a vent hole 80 thereon ; A lower container 60 having a stepped portion 30 formed on a surface in contact with the upper container, and a side jaw 40 formed on an outer surface thereof, and a vent hole 80 formed at a lower portion thereof; And a binding means 70 'selected from a wire, a chain, an iron structure, and a clamp 70 so as to be fitted to the upper and lower side jaws 20 and 40 to bind the container, so that the freshwater fish does not burn. It can be steamed, processed without destroying muscles, and semi-permanently used without the use of a disposable container, thus saving production costs and reducing the production cost.

17-03-1990 дата публикации

Self-locking agent and self-locking screw material

Номер: KR900001630B1

The self locking screws comprises a first component, a polyamide applied to a screw surface, a second component formed from epoxy and phenolic resin, causing the first material to stick to the screw surface. The mixture is produced by dispersing the first and second components in a volatile solvent, drying and producing a powder. The second component is formed from an epoxy resin and an organosilane based on an amine or oxirane. The first component may be powdered nylon, and the second component an adhesive soluble in a volatile solvent, and the mixture may be a mechanical blend.

07-03-1985 дата публикации

Fastening arrangement, consisting of nut and threaded bolt

Номер: DE2401300C2

14-08-1984 дата публикации

Snap ring intended for prevention of looseness of a nut

Номер: KR840001505Y1

내용 없음. No content.

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Attach nut with a locking feature

Номер: KR101960718B1
Автор: 최상억
Принадлежит: 최상억

The present invention is characterized in that two objects are fixed by a bolt and an attaching plate so that a plurality of protrusions formed on an outer circumferential surface of the attaching plate and being caught in one of the objects are separated as far as possible from the bolt, And an object of the present invention is to provide an attachment nut having an anti-loosening function that does not damage an object even if the object is made of a thin and weak material because the force transmitted to the protrusions is reduced in the process of tightening and loosening the bolt. To this end, the present invention is characterized in that a hollow bolt fitting portion into which a bolt is fitted is provided at a lower center of an attachment plate; A hollow projecting portion for fitting a nut is provided at an upper center of the attachment plate, and a hollow pressing portion for pressing and fixing the upper end of the nut is provided at an upper end of the projecting portion; Wherein the protrusions are formed in a circular arc shape so that the outer circumferential surface of the attachment plate is vertically downwardly extended to have the same circular arc surface, Are provided; One side of the protrusions is formed as a vertical strut, and the opposite side of the protrusions is formed with a sloping blade so that the protrusions are embedded in the object without being warped.

24-09-1982 дата публикации

Self locking type screw element

Номер: JPS57154510A
Автор: Jiee Dafui Richiyaado
Принадлежит: USM Corp

15-02-2000 дата публикации

A sealing device for combine

Номер: KR200169409Y1
Автор: 이상갑, 최의규
Принадлежит: 최의규

본 고안은 체결용 봉인장치에 관한 것으로, 종래의 것은 차체 내부 볼트에 결합되어 있는 너트를 충분히 풀면 봉인캡을 훼손시키지 않고 분리시킬 수 있다는 단점을 가지고 있는데 반해, 본 고안에 따른 체결용 봉인장치는 소정 깊이의 다각홈이 형성되어 있는 머리부와 머리부 저면 소정 직경의 외주면에 일회전 방향으로 걸림턱이 형성되어 있는 일방향 걸림부와 일방향 걸림부 아래쪽으로 돌출되어 구조물 또는 구조물 안쪽의 너트에 결합되는 숫나사부를 갖는 볼트, 일방향 걸림부에 탄성적으로 걸려 볼트와 일방향으로만 상대 운동을 허용하는 일방향걸림기구, 숫나사부가 통과될 수 있는 구멍과 머리가 안착되는 머리 안착부와 일방향걸림기구 설치홈을 갖는 캡 및 머리안착부 상에 결합된 봉인물을 포함하는 구성으로 이루어져 있으며, 봉인물을 파손시키지 않고서는 볼트를 풀 수 없고, 또 봉인물을 파손시킨 상태라 하더라도 특수한 공구가 없으면 볼트를 풀 수 없으므로 차량 번호판 등의 도난을 방지할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 차량 번호판 외에 여타의 다른 분야 예를 들면, 투표함, 일반인이 해체하여서는 안되는 정밀기기 등에도 적용할 수도 있다는 효과를 제공한다. The present invention relates to a fastening sealing device, the conventional one has the disadvantage that can be separated without damaging the sealing cap if the nut is loosely coupled to the inner bolt of the vehicle, the fastening sealing device according to the present invention The head and the bottom of the head having a predetermined depth are formed on the outer circumferential surface of the predetermined diameter, and the one-way locking portion and the one-way locking portion protruding downward in one rotation direction are coupled to the structure or the nut inside the structure. Bolt with male thread, one-way locking mechanism elastically caught in one-way locking part to allow relative movement with the bolt only in one direction, a hole through which male thread can pass, and a head seat and a one-way locking device mounting groove for seating head It consists of a configuration including a seal coupled to the cap and the head seat, the seal The bolts cannot be released without damage, and even if the seal is damaged, the bolts cannot be released without special tools, which prevents theft of the license plate, etc. For example, it can also be applied to ballot boxes, precision instruments that should not be dismantled by the public.

15-05-1999 дата публикации

Clip for reinforcing mounting rib made of plastic

Номер: KR0136338Y1
Автор: 김형순
Принадлежит: 김태구, 대우자동차주식회사

본 고안은 플라스틱제의 마운팅 리브의 마운팅시 마운팅 리브의 강성을 강화하여 줄 수 있는 플라스틱제의 마운팅 리브 강성 보강용 클립에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a plastic mounting rib rigidity reinforcing clip that can strengthen the rigidity of the mounting rib when mounting the mounting rib made of plastic. 플라스틱제 부품의 적소에 볼트 체결구를 구비한 마운팅 리브가 차체에 체결될 때 볼트의 체결력을 상기 마운팅 리브의 상하면에 골고루 분산시켜 줄 수 있도록 ㄷ형으로 절곡한 금속재질의 클립과, 상기 볼트 체결구에 대응되는 상기 클립에 상하부에는 볼트 체결구를 형성하였다. When the mounting ribs having bolt fasteners in place of the plastic parts are fastened to the vehicle body, the metal clips bent in a c-shape to distribute the bolt fastening force evenly on the upper and lower surfaces of the mounting ribs, and the bolt fasteners Upper and lower bolt fasteners were formed on the corresponding clips. 따라서, 마운팅 리브에 볼트를 관통시켜 차체에 플라스틱제의 부품을 차체에 체결하면 상기 클립에 의해 너트와 체결되는 볼트의 체결력이 리브의 상하면에 골고루 분산되므로 마운팅 리브의 손상이 방지된다. Therefore, when the bolts penetrate the mounting ribs and the plastic parts are fastened to the vehicle body, the clamping force of the bolts fastened to the nuts by the clips is evenly distributed on the upper and lower surfaces of the ribs, thereby preventing damage to the mounting ribs.

14-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR2974606B1
Принадлежит: Alex Grojean

A bolt (1) includes a screw (3) and an insert (2) which can be inserted in the opening (19) of a wall (5). The insert (2) includes an insert head (6) and a shaft (7) including a recess (8), the insert head (6) and the recess (8) being configured such as to, after deforming the recess (8), crimp the insert (7) on the wall (5). The screw (3) includes a break ring (14) designed for engaging with the insert head (6), directly or indirectly, with a view to deforming the recess (8) by rotating the screw and thus to obtain the crimping, and designed such that, once crimping is complete, the ring breaks and releases the screw (3) from the insert head (6), thus making it possible to clamp an accessory (4) to the wall (5). The invention also includes an assembly method using a bolt (1) according to the invention.

29-10-1953 дата публикации

Thread locking device

Номер: DE894792C
Автор: Edmund Rutledge Boots
Принадлежит: Nylok LLC

19-08-2003 дата публикации

Bolt and nut having funtion of unfasten prevention

Номер: KR200323714Y1
Автор: 전정근
Принадлежит: 전정근

본 고안은 풀림 방지 기능을 갖는 볼트ㆍ너트에 관한 것으로서, 그 목적은 피체결물을 견고하게 결합시킬 뿐만 아니라 사용 수명을 연장시킬 수 있는 풀림 방지 기능을 갖는 볼트ㆍ너트를 제공하기 위함으로 그 구성에 따르면, 일측단에 피체결물을 고정하기 위한 머리부를 형성하고, 타측단에 수나사가 마련된 나사부를 형성하되, 상기 머리부와 나사부 사이에는 상기 피체결물이 결합되는 연장부를 형성한 볼트와, 상기 볼트의 나사부에 결합하여 상기 피체결물의 유동시 발생되는 진동 및 충격을 1차로 완화시키는 제1완충부재와, 상기 제1완충부재의 외측에 결합하여 진동 및 충격을 2차로 완화시키는 제2완충부재와, 상기 제2완충부재 외측에 배치되어 내주면에 형성된 암나사가 상기 수나사에 체결되면서 상기 나사부에 결합되는 너트;로 이루어지는데 이와 같은 구성을 갖는 볼트ㆍ너트는 피체결물과의 접촉 표면적을 높여 한층 더 견고하게 결합할 수 있는 장점이 있고 또한, 피체결물의 진동 및 충격으로 인한 풀림 현상을 완충부재 및 너트에 결합된 패킹을 통해 완벽하게 해결할 수 있는 효과가 있다. The present invention relates to a bolt nut having an anti-loosening function, and its purpose is to provide a bolt nut having an anti-loosening function that not only firmly couples the object to be fastened but also prolongs its service life. According to the present invention, there is provided a head portion for fixing the object to be fastened at one end, and a screw part provided with a male screw at the other end, and a bolt having an extension part to which the object is coupled between the head part and the screw part, A first cushioning member coupled to a screw portion of the bolt to firstly alleviate vibration and shock generated when the object is flown, and a second cushioning coupled to an outer side of the first buffer member to secondly mitigate vibration and impact. A member and a nut disposed on an outer circumferential surface of the second buffer member and fastened to the male screw while being coupled to the male screw; The bolt and nut having such a configuration has the advantage of being more firmly coupled by increasing the contact surface area with the object to be fastened, and furthermore, the loosening phenomenon caused by the vibration and impact of the object is coupled to the buffer member and the nut. The effect is completely solved by packing.

23-07-2014 дата публикации

Bone plate

Номер: EP2755584A1
Автор: Dietmar Wolter
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a bone plate having a through-hole (14) that extends from an upper side (15) to a bone-side underside (16) of the bone plate. A lip (17) is formed in the through-hole (14), which lip projects from the lateral surface (18) of the through-hole (14) and extends in the circumferential direction of the through-hole (14). According to the invention, the lip (17) extends over part of the circumference of the through-hole (14). In a circumferential section of at least 120° that lies opposite the lip (17), the lateral surface (18) is free of a lip. In the design according to the invention, material is reshaped only to a lesser extent compared to a lip that extends over the entire circumference of the through-hole (14). The risk of complications occurring due to deposited particles is reduced.

14-07-2005 дата публикации

Lock nut having ring lock with lug

Номер: US20050152769A1
Автор: Jack Kerr
Принадлежит: Kerr Jack R.

A lock nut having a locking ring with a spoon-shaped lug. The lock ring includes a nut body having a bore with an interior threaded portion and a substantially cylindrical recess coaxial with the threaded portion of the bore. The recess includes a single notch on a portion of the recess. In addition, the lock ring includes a threaded locking ring positioned within the recess. The locking ring is deformed when threading the bolt onto the lock nut to frictionally grip the bolt. The locking ring also includes a single projecting lug at one side only of the locking ring, which fits into the notch to prevent relative rotation between the ring and the nut body. The lug includes a bowl-shaped nodule for collecting shavings gathering within the threads of the bolt and the interior bore of the lock nut.

23-06-2004 дата публикации

Nut for loose prevention

Номер: KR200354212Y1
Автор: 이재익
Принадлежит: 이재익

본 고안은 볼트와 결합하여 물체를 고정시키는데 사용되는 너트에 관한 것으로, 특히 두개 이상의 분할너트를 일체화하여 너트를 구성하면서 이러한 너트를 체결하면 각 분할너트에 차례로 휨이 발생하면서 서로간에 밀착되고 따라서 나사산도 서로간에 강하게 조임이 일어나도록 함으로써 체결 후 진동이나 충격 등에 의해 저절로 풀어지는 것을 완벽하게 방지하고, 체결작업이 편리하게 하려는 것이다. The present invention relates to a nut used in combination with a bolt to fix an object. In particular, when two or more split nuts are integrated to form a nut, when the nuts are fastened, the split nuts may be in close contact with each other and thus may be threaded. Also, by tightening strongly between each other to prevent the loosening by spontaneous vibration or shock after fastening, and to make the fastening work convenient. 구성의 요지로는 두개 이상의 갯수로 분할된 다각형의 분할너트(11)(12)(13)(14)와, 이를 감싸는 케이스 형태의 고정체(20)로 너트(10)를 구성하고, 분할너트(11)(12)(13)(14)는 고정체(20)로 일체화 한 다음 한꺼번에 내면에 나사구멍(15)을 연속 형성하며, 각 분할너트(11)(12)(13)(14)는 중앙의 나사구멍(15)을 중심으로 가장자리를 젖혀 조립할 물체가 있는 방향으로 일정 각도(α)로 휘어지게 구성하는 것을 특징으로 한다. The gist of the configuration is composed of a nut (10) by dividing nuts (11) (12) (13) (14) of polygons divided into two or more pieces and a case-shaped fixing body (20) surrounding the nut. (11) (12) (13) (14) are integrated into the fixture 20, and then form the screw holes 15 continuously on the inner surface at the same time, and each of the split nuts 11, 12, 13 and 14 Is characterized in that the configuration is bent at a predetermined angle (α) in the direction of the object to be assembled by flipping the edge around the center of the screw hole 15.

23-09-1969 дата публикации

Composite fastener

Номер: US3468212A
Автор: George A Tinnerman
Принадлежит: Individual

21-11-1978 дата публикации

Sealing nut with preformed turtleneck insert

Номер: US4126170A
Автор: Lon DeHaitre
Принадлежит: Abbott Screw and Manufacturing Co

A sealing nut having a shouldered insert of heat stabilized-lubricated nylon with a protruding crown, locked into a recess provided at one end of the nut body by means of a coined lip engaging the shoulder. Sealing is effected when the nut is engaged on a threaded male member and screwed against a bearing surface through which the male member extends by exterior folding of the crown upon itself and confining the resulting fold within the lip, said lip being brought into metal-to-metal engagement with the bearing surface. The folded crown or turtle-neck-like fold may be partially preformed prior to use to enhance reusability.

16-01-2018 дата публикации

Isolator adjustable and that shock and vibration can be tackled

Номер: CN105556141B
Автор: A·帕希奇
Принадлежит: SCANIA CV AB

一种包括螺纹单元的隔离器,所述螺纹单元具有穿过其行进的螺纹孔,所述螺纹孔具有直径d 1 。所述螺纹单元预定用于容纳相应的螺纹杆。所述隔离器还包括由弹性材料制成的缓冲单元,所述缓冲单元在一端处具有孔,所述孔具有直径d 2 。所述缓冲单元被固定至所述螺纹单元,以使得穿过所述单元行进的所述螺纹孔与所述缓冲单元中的孔相连接,所述缓冲单元中的孔的直径d 2 小于所述螺纹单元中的孔的直径d 1 。

28-11-1955 дата публикации

Device for guiding or wedging or guiding and wedging a body in a socket or the like

Номер: FR1105172A

20-08-1976 дата публикации

Patent FR2162085B2

Номер: FR2162085B2
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: USM Corp

10-07-2016 дата публикации

Bolt for blind attachment

Номер: RU2589667C2
Принадлежит: Же Форс

FIELD: machine building. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to connection of parts, when there is access only on one side of connection and is aimed at increasing versatility of bolt. Bolt includes a screw and insert, fitted in opening of a partition, wherein insert comprises an insert head and barrel having countersinking. Head of insert and countersinking are made so that after deformation reaming providing attachment of insert with a partition. EFFECT: screw comprises breaking ring designed so that after directly or indirectly support on insert head provide immobility of screw relative to insert head to ensure deformation reaming and producing attachment as a result of propeller rotation, which serves after fastening for breaking to release screw relative to insert head, providing thereby, pulling part to partition. 16 cl, 19 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F16B 37/06 (11) (13) 2 589 667 C2 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013153101/12, 27.04.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.04.2012 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): ГРОЖАН Алекс (FR), ГРОЖАН Максим (FR), МАССБЕФ Эрик (FR) 29.04.2011 FR 11 53662 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.06.2015 Бюл. № 16 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЖЕ ФОРС (FR) (45) Опубликовано: 10.07.2016 Бюл. № 19 2 5 8 9 6 6 7 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: DE 10253888 A1, 18.12.2003. GB 1269924 A, 06.04.1972. FR 2515283 A3, 29.04.1983. EP 1961976 A2, 27.08.2008. SU 333300 A1, 01.01.1972. (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 29.11.2013 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 5 8 9 6 6 7 R U (87) Публикация заявки PCT: C 2 C 2 IB 2012/052138 (27.04.2012) WO 2012/147068 (01.11.2012) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) БОЛТ ДЛЯ КРЕПЛЕНИЯ ВСЛЕПУЮ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области соединения ...

13-06-1925 дата публикации

Nut Locking Device

Номер: FR590289A

16-03-1984 дата публикации

Patent FR2347562B1

Номер: FR2347562B1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Flaig Christian

06-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR2998932A1
Автор: Guy Pailhories
Принадлежит: LISI Aerospace SAS

L'invention porte sur un écrou à bague de freinage, par exemple en alliage de titane, et sur le procédé de fabrication d'un tel écrou. L'écrou comprend un corps présentant une face d'appui destinée à reposer sur une structure, une surface extérieure d'entraînement de l'écrou par un outil, un perçage traversant comprenant un taraudage sur une partie de la hauteur du perçage et un chambrage de diamètre intérieur supérieur au diamètre du taraudage. Une bague de freinage (32) est disposée à l'intérieur du chambrage, une face de sertissage (H1) opposée à la face d'appui est rabattue vers l'axe de révolution de l'écrou de manière à emprisonner la bague de freinage. Le corps de l'écrou comporte autour d'une partie du chambrage une collerette présentant une surface extérieure rayonnée concave (H2) permettant l'opération de rabattement de la collerette sans fissuration du matériau constituant l'écrou. The invention relates to a brake ring nut, for example made of titanium alloy, and to the method of manufacturing such a nut. The nut comprises a body having a bearing face for resting on a structure, an outer surface for driving the nut by a tool, a through bore comprising a tapping on a portion of the height of the bore and a counterbore Inner diameter greater than the diameter of the thread. A braking ring (32) is disposed inside the recess, a crimping face (H1) opposite the bearing face is folded towards the axis of revolution of the nut so as to trap the braking ring . The body of the nut comprises around a part of the recess a collar having a concave radially outer surface (H2) allowing the operation of folding the flange without cracking the material constituting the nut.

05-09-1969 дата публикации

Patent FR1580339A

Номер: FR1580339A

06-11-1953 дата публикации

Improvements to nuts, bolts, tenons and the like self-locking

Номер: FR1043119A
Автор: Bernard Arthur Parr

10-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR3073263A1
Автор: Romeo Vega
Принадлежит: Romeo Vega

La présente invention concerne un écrou servant à freiner le desserrage de systèmes constitués de profilés angulaires servant à constituer des préhenseurs, machines, mécanismes et meubles. Ce système comprend plusieurs profilés de différentes dimensions disposés horizontalement et verticalement. Les bords de ces profilés, sont munis d'une rainure inscrite dans le composant en polymère permettant leur assemblage grâce à d'autres accessoires métalliques ou plastiques profitant de ces rainures. Les accessoires utilisés dans ces assemblages sont réputés pour se desserrer dans le temps notamment à cause des vibrations. Au point, ou cela représente un problème pour le client final. L'objectif de la présente invention est de résoudre ce problème en incorporant une bague polymère en fin de filetage avec un diamètre intérieur inférieur au diamètre extérieur de la vis. Cette différence de diamètre permet à la vis et à la bague en polymère de rentrer en interférence et de créer des frottements freinant le desserrage de l'ensemble. The present invention relates to a nut for braking the loosening of systems consisting of angular sections used to constitute grippers, machines, mechanisms and furniture. This system comprises several profiles of different dimensions arranged horizontally and vertically. The edges of these profiles are provided with a groove inscribed in the polymer component for their assembly with other metal or plastic accessories taking advantage of these grooves. The accessories used in these assemblies are known to loosen over time, particularly because of vibrations. To the point, or it represents a problem for the end customer. The object of the present invention is to solve this problem by incorporating a polymer ring at the end of the thread with an inside diameter smaller than the outside diameter of the screw. This difference in diameter allows the screw and the polymer ring to enter interference and create friction braking loosening of ...

21-09-1962 дата публикации

Improvement in threaded assemblies

Номер: FR1304044A
Принадлежит: Simmonds SA

05-04-1960 дата публикации

sealing nut

Номер: FR1214001A
Автор: Wilhelm Sebardt

08-12-1978 дата публикации

Cycle steering bearing nut locking device - has flexible O=ring between bearing cage and fork

Номер: FR2390620A1
Автор: [UNK]

The front fork assembly(1) has a central post which passes through the frame bracket. The assembly has a bottom bearing race with the lower cage fixed to the fork and the outer cage fixed to the frame tube. The top race has the lower cage fixed to the frame tube and the upper cage fixed the fork. The top bearing assembly has a nut screwed onto the fork. The nut is locked by means of an 'O' ring located between the inside of the nut and the fork is prevented the nut becoming loose with the turning of the steering wheel.

29-10-1976 дата публикации

Bolt locking coil spring in nut - extends along annular nut groove and projects into nut bore

Номер: FR2306363A1
Автор: Claude Latour

The nut (1) is used to prevent loosening of assemblies screwed or similarly held together and has an annular groove, perpendicular to the axis and with a semicircular bottom face. An annular spring (2) in this groove is made of wire wound spirally, and it projects into the nut bore and grips the bolt. As the bolt is turned the spring turns lie over at an angle offering least resistance to bolt passage. If the bolt tends to turn in the opposite direction, the spring turns attempt to re-orientate themselves and prevent relative motion between nut and bolt.

22-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: FR2336586A1
Принадлежит: Fuji Seimitsu Manufacturing Co Ltd

18-07-1986 дата публикации


Номер: FR2576069A1
Принадлежит: Three Bond Co Ltd


12-06-1957 дата публикации

Lockable screws and nuts

Номер: FR1138333A
Принадлежит: SUPRA DUPLEX

27-07-1990 дата публикации


Номер: FR2571105B1
Автор: Manfred Brandenstein
Принадлежит: SKF GmbH

An arrangement and method for rotation-secure mounting of a machine on a journal having a threaded portion, the machine element and journal having tooth surfaces which define an annular space therebetween. A thin-walled sleeve made of plastically deformable material and having a wall thickness smaller than the height of the annular space is arranged in the annular space and then is plastically deformed to fill the annular space during tightening of the nut. The sleeve material plastically flows into the interstitial spaces between the tooth surfaces of the machine element and the journal, thereby securing the machine element against rotation relative to the journal.

08-02-1963 дата публикации

Fixing device

Номер: FR1317525A
Принадлежит: Elastic Stop Nut Corp

06-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR3009354A1
Принадлежит: LISI Aerospace SAS

L'invention se rapporte à un dispositif (10) de fixation pour une structure (11) munie d'un alésage (13a) cylindrique débouchant, le dispositif de fixation comprenant : - un insert (15) comprenant un corps (16) tubulaire taraudé et une tête (18), l'extrémité (20) du corps opposée à la tête comportant une cavité annulaire retenant une bague (21) en matériau plastique; - une vis (22) comprenant une tige (16) filetée cylindrique assemblée au taraudage de l'insert et une tête (23), l'extrémité (30) de la tige filetée cylindrique étant tronconique ; le dispositif étant caractérisé en ce que la tige filetée est introduite dans l'insert du côté de la bague de sorte que, à l'état assemblé, la tête de l'insert et la tête de la vis forment les extrémités terminales du dispositif de fixation (10). L'invention se rapporte également à un ensemble pour l'installation d'un tel dispositif, ainsi qu'à un procédé d'installation.

15-09-1967 дата публикации

self-tightening nuts

Номер: FR1495379A
Принадлежит: Firth Cleveland Fastenings Ltd

31-08-1973 дата публикации

Patent FR2168818A5

Номер: FR2168818A5
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce PLC

18-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR3018564A1
Принадлежит: LISI Aerospace SAS

L'invention se rapporte à un insert (10) comportant une première extrémité (12) définissant une ouverture circulaire (14), un corps cylindrique (16) présentant une paroi intérieure (18) et une paroi extérieure, une deuxième extrémité (20) définissant une ouverture (22) et formant une collerette élargie (24), caractérisé en ce que le corps comporte une première portion (28), adjacente à la première extrémité, munie d'un filetage (30) extérieur et une deuxième portion (32), adjacente à la première portion, comportant au moins deux découpes (34) définissant au moins deux languettes (36) flexibles s'étendant axialement, chaque languette présentant un filetage extérieur (38) et formant un angle (α) avec un axe (A) de l'insert vers l'extérieur du corps. Un tel insert est utilisé pour le positionnement axial des bagues externes de roulements.

26-01-1973 дата публикации

Patent FR2142201A5

Номер: FR2142201A5
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Simmonds SA

22-06-1953 дата публикации

Improvements to self-locking bolts

Номер: FR1031163A
Принадлежит: Nylok LLC
