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16-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000004144U1

1. Устройство для измерения геометрических параметров колец радиально-упорных шарикоподшипников, содержащее корпус с узлом нагружения, приводом вращения и измерительной станцией для установки измеряемых колец, которая содержит измерительный корпус с углом между осью и образующей, равным номинальному углу контакта контролируемого подшипника, измерительные шарики, расположенные по окружности конуса и дорожкам качения контролируемого кольца и контактирующие с ними, подвижную вдоль оси кольца измерительную втулку, контактирующую с измерительными шариками, отсчетное устройство, взаимодействующее с измерительной втулкой, отличающееся тем, что отсчетное устройство выполнено в виде индуктивных электронных преобразователей, кинематически связанных с измерительной втулкой через электронный компенсатор. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что измерительная станция выполнена сменной и соответствующей каждому типу измеряемого кольца. (19) RU (11) (13) 4 144 U1 (51) МПК F16C 43/04 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 96104479/20, 19.03.1996 (46) Опубликовано: 16.05.1997 (71) Заявитель(и): Акционерное общество открытого типа "ВНИПП" (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество открытого типа "ВНИПП" Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 4 1 4 4 R U U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для измерения геометрических параметров колец радиально-упорных шарикоподшипников, содержащее корпус с узлом нагружения, приводом вращения и измерительной станцией для установки измеряемых колец, которая содержит измерительный корпус с углом между осью и образующей, равным номинальному углу контакта контролируемого подшипника, измерительные шарики, расположенные по окружности конуса и дорожкам качения контролируемого кольца и контактирующие с ними, подвижную вдоль оси кольца измерительную втулку, контактирующую с измерительными шариками, отсчетное устройство, взаимодействующее с измерительной втулкой, отличающееся тем ...

16-07-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000004570U1

1. Устройство для шлифования торцов колец подшипников, собранных вместе с шариками в сепараторе, содержащее центрирующую оправку для внутреннего кольца и обойму с приложенной осевой нагрузкой, контактирующую базовой поверхностью с торцом наружного кольца, отличающееся тем, что центрирующая оправка и обойма смонтированы в планшайбе магнитного патрона станка, при этом обойма установлена на пружинах и снабжена поводком, обеспечивающим ее вращение, а со стороны открытого торца подшипника к нему подведен шлифовальный круг. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что сепаратор подшипника выполнен технологическим и изготовлен из магнитопроводящего материала. (19) RU (11) (13) 4 570 U1 (51) МПК F16C 43/04 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 96108007/20, 30.04.1996 (46) Опубликовано: 16.07.1997 (71) Заявитель(и): Акционерное общество открытого типа АО "ВНИПП" (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество открытого типа АО "ВНИПП" U 1 4 5 7 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для шлифования торцов колец подшипников, собранных вместе с шариками в сепараторе, содержащее центрирующую оправку для внутреннего кольца и обойму с приложенной осевой нагрузкой, контактирующую базовой поверхностью с торцом наружного кольца, отличающееся тем, что центрирующая оправка и обойма смонтированы в планшайбе магнитного патрона станка, при этом обойма установлена на пружинах и снабжена поводком, обеспечивающим ее вращение, а со стороны открытого торца подшипника к нему подведен шлифовальный круг. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что сепаратор подшипника выполнен технологическим и изготовлен из магнитопроводящего материала. 4 5 7 0 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ШЛИФОВАНИЯ ТОРЦОВ КОЛЕЦ ПОДШИПНИКОВ R U (72) Автор(ы): Черневский Л.В., Алферов А.И., Бродский Б.М. U 1 U 1 4 5 7 0 4 5 7 0 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 4 570 U1 RU 4 570 U1 RU 4 570 U1 RU 4 570 U1

16-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000011851U1

Устройство комплектования деталей при селективной сборке радиально-упорных шарикоподшипников, содержащее средства загрузки, измерения, обработки данных, регистрации брака и сортировки годных деталей по размерам, отличающееся тем, что указанные средства выполнены в виде блока измерительных датчиков, оперативно связанных с фиксатором положения колец подшипников и механизмом их нагружения рабочим давлением, а средства обработки данных представляют собой программированный микропроцессор или программированный компьютер, который включает в себя блок моделирования сборки подшипника. (19) RU (11) 11 851 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16C 43/00 (1995.01) F16C 43/04 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 99114926/20, 16.07.1999 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.07.1999 (71) Заявитель(и): Акционерное общество открытого типа "АО ВНИПП" (72) Автор(ы): Черневский С.Л. Адрес для переписки: 109088, Москва, 2-я ул.Машиностроения, д.27, "АО ВНИПП" (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество открытого типа "АО ВНИПП" U 1 1 1 8 5 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство комплектования деталей при селективной сборке радиально-упорных шарикоподшипников, содержащее средства загрузки, измерения, обработки данных, регистрации брака и сортировки годных деталей по размерам, отличающееся тем, что указанные средства выполнены в виде блока измерительных датчиков, оперативно связанных с фиксатором положения колец подшипников и механизмом их нагружения рабочим давлением, а средства обработки данных представляют собой программированный микропроцессор или программированный компьютер, который включает в себя блок моделирования сборки подшипника. 1 1 8 5 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ КОМПЛЕКТОВАНИЯ ДЕТАЛЕЙ ПРИ СЕЛЕКТИВНОЙ СБОРКЕ РАДИАЛЬНО- УПОРНЫХ ШАРИКОПОДШИПНИКОВ R U (46) Опубликовано: 16.11.1999 U 1 U 1 1 1 8 5 1 1 1 8 5 1 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU FD 11 851 U1 RU 11 851 U1 RU 11 851 U1 ...

27-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000045655U1

1. Устройство для контроля деталей, содержащее загрузочное и приемное устройства, транспортер, связанный с приводом, измерительный узел, средства перемещения изделий с транспортера на измерительный узел и средства удаления бракованных изделий, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено модулем загрузки, хранения и автоматической выдачи изделий; устройством сортировки, связанным с упомянутым модулем и резервным лотком, и устройством управления, содержащим компьютер; транспортер снабжен последовательно расположенными входной позицией, связанной с загрузочным устройством и содержащей средства контроля наличия изделия на транспортере, позицией направления изделий на измерительный узел, позицией удаления бракованных изделий, накопительными позициями, сортировочной позицией, связанной с устройством сортировки, и выходной позицией, связанной с приемным устройством, при этом средства контроля параметров изделий, средства контроля наличия изделия на транспортере и модуль загрузки, хранения и автоматической выдачи изделий связаны с компьютером. 2. Устройство для контроля деталей по п.1, отличающееся тем, что модуль загрузки, хранения и автоматической выдачи изделий выполнен в виде матричного накопителя с ячейками, средствами адресации ячеек и автоматической загрузки и выгрузки изделий из ячеек. 3. Устройство для контроля деталей по п.1, отличающееся тем, что позиции транспортера расположены на одинаковом расстоянии друг от друга. 4. Устройство для контроля деталей по п.1, отличающееся тем, что средства наличия изделия на транспортере выполнены в виде индукционного датчика, связанного с компьютером. 5. Устройство для контроля деталей по п.1, отличающееся тем, что сортировочная позиция снабжена индукционным датчиком, связанным с компьютером. 6. Устройство для контроля деталей по п.1, отличающееся тем, что выходная позиция снабжена индукционным датчиком, связанным с компьютером. 7. Устройство для контроля деталей по п.1, отличающееся тем, что транспортер снабжен датчиками положений, ...

10-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000056517U1

Опора керамического подшипника скольжения, содержащая центральную часть опоры с цилиндрической посадочной поверхностью, установленную в ней втулку, расположенную со стороны рабочей поверхности, и три или более ребер жесткости, соединяющие центральную и внешнюю части опоры, отличающаяся тем, что ребра жесткости расположены по касательной к центральной части опоры. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 56 517 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16C 43/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006116406/22 , 12.05.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.05.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.09.2006 (72) Автор(ы): Михедов Владимир Васильевич (BY), Мурашко Александр Васильевич (BY) Адрес для переписки: 220131, Республика Беларусь, г.Минск, а/я 258, Л.А. Наганову U 1 5 6 5 1 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Опора керамического подшипника скольжения, содержащая центральную часть опоры с цилиндрической посадочной поверхностью, установленную в ней втулку, расположенную со стороны рабочей поверхности, и три или более ребер жесткости, соединяющие центральную и внешнюю части опоры, отличающаяся тем, что ребра жесткости расположены по касательной к центральной части опоры. 5 6 5 1 7 (54) ОПОРА КЕРАМИЧЕСКОГО ПОДШИПНИКА СКОЛЬЖЕНИЯ R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Субботин Сергей Павлович (BY) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 56 517 U1 Полезная модель относится к узлам и деталям машин, в частности к опорам керамических подшипников скольжения. Известны корпусные детали цилиндрической или близкой к ней формы, работающие на кручение, использующие внутреннее оребрение [1]. Это техническое решение является наиболее близким по технической сущности и поэтому принято в качестве прототипа. Недостатком такого решения при эксплуатации в отрицательных температурах, является высокая вероятность повреждения керамической втулки, установленной в опоре. Практика показала, что при сильном ...

10-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000063005U1

1. Устройство для подбора регулировочного кольца к подшипниковому узлу, например к промежуточному валу коробки передач, содержащее смонтированные на станине упорную плиту, нажимной узел с приводом от силового цилиндра и электромеханический привод, предназначенный для кинематической связи с подшипниковым узлом, при этом нажимной узел включает в себя нажимной корпус, относительно которого подпружинен расположенный внутри его измерительный шток, один конец которого связан с измерительный устройством, а другой конец и упорная плита через промежуточные элементы контактируют с измеряемым объектом, отличающееся тем, что в качестве промежуточных элементов используются непосредственно передний и задний разъемные картеры коробки передач, причем в конструкцию устройства введено технологическое кольцо, размещаемое в подшипниковой расточке переднего картера коробки передач, толщина которого превышает максимальную толщину регулировочного кольца, при этом измерительный шток последовательно фиксирует несколько взаимоположений картеров, первое из которых характеризуется тем, что картеры, без монтажа промежуточного вала, прижимают друг к другу без образования зазора между сопрягаемыми фланцами, а во втором положении - предварительно установив промежуточный вал, прижимают картеры с образованием зазора, по величине которого определяют толщину подбираемого регулировочного кольца. 2. Устройство для подбора регулировочного кольца к подшипниковому узлу по п.1, отличающееся тем, что корпус электродвигателя установлен с возможностью поворота и связан с тензометрическим датчиком, предназначенным для замера момента трения в подшипниках промежуточного вала, при этом нажимной корпус снабжен подпружиненной и перемещающейся относительно него гильзой с прижимом, контактирующим в процессе измерения с торцем заднего картера коробки передач, а в верхней расточке нажимного корпуса смонтирован постоянно поджимаемый пружиной к ее торцу поршень с внутренним отверстием под упор измерительного штока, причем ...

10-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000086503U1

1. Устройство для измерения, сортировки и формирования комплектов роликов, содержащее средства измерения геометрических параметров роликов, средства транспортирования деталей по рабочим позициям, снабженные приводами, модуль загрузки, хранения и автоматической выдачи роликов, и связанный с ними компьютер, и загрузочное устройство, отличающееся тем, что модуль загрузки, хранения и автоматической выдачи роликов содержит устройство загрузки, лотки для хранения роликов, организованные в матрицу размерности М×N, где М - число вертикальных столбцов, а N - число горизонтальных рядов, и устройство выгрузки роликов, при этом устройство загрузки содержит (М×N) поворотных заслонок, расположенных напротив каждого лотка, выполненного с возможностью хранения комплекта роликов, а средства транспортирования содержат конвейеры, снабженные (М+1) рабочими позициями для перемещения роликов и расположенные с возможностью передачи роликов в устройство загрузки модуля и приема роликов из устройства выгрузки роликов модуля. 2. Устройство для измерения, сортировки и формирования комплектов роликов по п.1, отличающееся тем, что устройство загрузки содержит М шахт, расположенных напротив вертикальных столбцов матрицы лотков, при этом каждая шахта снабжена N окнами, расположенными напротив N рядов в матрице лотков, а поворотные заслонки размещены между окнами и лотками модуля. 3. Устройство для измерения, сортировки и формирования комплектов роликов по п.1, отличающееся тем, что устройство выгрузки роликов модуля загрузки, хранения и автоматической выдачи роликов содержит устройства поштучной выдачи роликов, поворотные заслонки и шахты, при этом шахты установлены напротив вертикальных столбцов матрицы лотков, а устройства поштучной выдачи деталей и поворотные заслонки размещены напротив каждого лотка. 4. Устройство для измерения, сортировки и формирования комплектов роликов по п.1, отличающееся тем, что поворотные заслонки устройств загрузки и выгрузки и устройства поштучной выдачи деталей ...

27-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000118702U1

Устройство для измерения геометрических параметров дорожки качения колец радиально-упорных шарикоподшипников, включающее расположенную в корпусе опору с конусом, угол которого между осью и образующей равен номинальному углу контакта измеряемого кольца подшипника, измерительные шарики, размещенные в сепараторе и расположенные по окружности конуса опоры с возможностью взаимодействия с дорожкой качения контролируемого кольца, измерительную втулку, контактирующую с измерительными шариками и выполненную с возможностью перемещения вдоль оси подшипника, и отсчетное устройство, связанное с измерительной втулкой через равноплечий рычаг, при этом опора, сепаратор и измерительная втулка расположены соосно с контролируемым кольцом подшипника, отличающееся тем, что оно содержит прижим, дополнительное отсчетное устройство, расположенное соосно с контролируемым кольцом подшипника и контактирующее с измерительной втулкой, и упорное кольцо, жестко связанное с дополнительным отсчетным устройством и выполненное с возможностью перемещения в осевом направлении и возможностью контактирования с узким торцом наружного кольца измеряемого наружного кольца радиально-упорного шарикоподшипника. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F16C 43/04 (11) (13) 118 702 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011153526/11, 28.12.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.12.2011 (72) Автор(ы): Черневский Леонид Викторович (RU), Климов Иван Владимирович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.07.2012 Бюл. № 21 1 1 8 7 0 2 R U Формула полезной модели Устройство для измерения геометрических параметров дорожки качения колец радиально-упорных шарикоподшипников, включающее расположенную в корпусе опору с конусом, угол которого между осью и образующей равен номинальному углу контакта измеряемого кольца подшипника, измерительные шарики, размещенные в сепараторе и расположенные по окружности конуса опоры с возможностью ...

27-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000157388U1

Устройство для засыпки шариков в кольцо подшипника, содержащее бункер с шариками и манипулятор для засыпки шариков, отличающееся тем, что бункер и манипулятор выполнены в виде тел вращения и установлены соосно с кольцом подшипника, внутренняя поверхность бункера выполнена ступенчатой, а манипулятор для засыпки шариков имеет кольцевую канавку для размещения в ней требуемого для сборки подшипника количества шариков с возможностью ее свободного заполнения шариками при нахождении манипулятора в крайнем верхнем положении и подачей шариков в кольцо подшипника при нахождении манипулятора в крайнем нижнем положении. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F16C 43/04 (11) (13) 157 388 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015117087/11, 05.05.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.05.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 27.11.2015 Бюл. № 33 1 5 7 3 8 8 R U Формула полезной модели Устройство для засыпки шариков в кольцо подшипника, содержащее бункер с шариками и манипулятор для засыпки шариков, отличающееся тем, что бункер и манипулятор выполнены в виде тел вращения и установлены соосно с кольцом подшипника, внутренняя поверхность бункера выполнена ступенчатой, а манипулятор для засыпки шариков имеет кольцевую канавку для размещения в ней требуемого для сборки подшипника количества шариков с возможностью ее свободного заполнения шариками при нахождении манипулятора в крайнем верхнем положении и подачей шариков в кольцо подшипника при нахождении манипулятора в крайнем нижнем положении. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ПОРШНЕВОГО ТИПА ДЛЯ ЗАСЫПКИ ШАРИКОВ 1 5 7 3 8 8 Адрес для переписки: 410054, г. Саратов, ул. Политехническая, 77, СГТУ имени Гагарина Ю.А., патентнолицензионный отдел ЦТТ, Астахова Е.И. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Саратовский государственный технический университет имени ...

21-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000170332U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения и может быть использована в подшипниковой промышленности, а именно при сборке упорных и радиально-упорных подшипников. Устройство содержит размещенный соосно с кольцом подшипника бункер с коническим внутренним буртиком и установленный с постоянным зазором по отношению к внутренней поверхности бункера манипулятор с канавкой для размещения шариков. На конической поверхности буртика установлены перегородки, число которых равно числу засыпаемых в кольцо подшипника шариков и толщиной, равной где t - толщина перегородок, D - диаметр цилиндрической поверхности манипулятора, d - диаметр шариков, δ - зазор между соседними перегородками и шариком, z - число засыпаемых в кольцо подшипника шариков. Конструкция устройства обладает повышенной надежностью. 2 ил. И 1 170332 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ЭВО“” 170 332° 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 14.10.2018 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 10.07.2019 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 10.07.2019 Бюл. №19 Стр.: 1 па соль ЕП

22-05-2017 дата публикации

Подшипник скольжения

Номер: RU0000171113U1

Использование: в высоконагруженных подшипниковых узлах больших геометрических размеров.Сущность: подшипник скольжения содержит наружное и внутреннее корпусные кольца из конструкционного материала, одно из которых имеет двухстороннюю коническую поверхность, взаимодействующую с конической поверхностью двух колец из антифрикционного материала с возможностью регулирования зазора между контактными коническими поверхностями корпусных и антифрикционных колец путем стяжки антифрикционных колец посредством резьбового соединения, например болта или шпильки.Технические преимущества: упрощение конструкции и обслуживания. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 171 113 U1 (51) МПК F16C 17/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015137868, 04.09.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.09.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Кривчиков Виктор Иванович (UA), Акишин Дмитрий Иванович (UA) 22.05.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 04.09.2015 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кривчиков Виктор Иванович (UA), Акишин Дмитрий Иванович (UA) Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: UA 57263 A, 16.06.2003. SU 1599594 Адрес для переписки: 92400, Украина, Луганская обл., Марковский рн, пгт. Марковка, пр. Южный, 12, кв. 9, Калюжный В.В. 1 7 1 1 1 3 A1, 15.10.1990. EP 0293319 A2, 30.11.1988. RU 2241148 C1, 27.11.2004. (45) Опубликовано: 22.05.2017 Бюл. № 15 1 7 1 1 1 3 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Подшипник скольжения с двухсторонней конической поверхностью, отличающийся тем, что содержит наружное и внутреннее корпусные кольца из конструкционного материала, одно из которых имеет двухстороннюю коническую поверхность, взаимодействующую с конической поверхностью двух колец из антифрикционного материала с возможностью регулирования зазора между контактными коническими поверхностями корпусных и антифрикционных колец путем стяжки антифрикционных колец ...

13-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000181414U1

Полезная модель относится к машиностроению, в частности к устройствам, для приработки и повышения долговечности подшипника качения. Техническая задача, решаемая предлагаемым устройством, состоит в приработке и повышении долговечности подшипника качения путем подачи электролита (с компонентами анода, мелкодисперсными порошками) и прикладываемой нагрузки к подшипнику через корпус устройства. Поставленная техническая задача решается тем, что в известное устройство повышения долговечности, содержащее корпус, крышку, рабочий вал, подшипник качения, растворяющийся элемент - анод, гидронасос с емкостью, электролит, источник тока с регулятором, устанавливается в патрон токарно-винторезного станка, а к корпусу устройства прикладывают нагрузку в радиальном и осевом направлении в соответствии с центрами симметрии подшипника (в зависимости от типа подшипника качения). Прикладывая нагрузку суппортом и задней бабкой в различные точки корпуса не соответствующую центрам симметрии подшипника качения, возможно, изменять угол перекоса подшипника. В корпусе устройства установлена емкость для мелкодисперсного порошка. Подача порошка из емкости в корпус осуществляется кнопочным дозатором. И 1 181414 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ‘’” 181 414? 91 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 21.04.2018 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 04.07.2019 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 04.07.2019 Бюл. №19 Стр.: 1 па УЕУГВЗ ЕП

01-10-2018 дата публикации

Подшипник шариковый радиальный

Номер: RU0000183721U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения, в частности к подшипникам шариковым радиальным.Задача создания полезной модели: расширение ассортимента технических средств определенного назначения (подшипников шариковых радиальных).Техническим результатом заявленного технического решения является реализация этого назначения.Решение указанной задачи достигнуто в подшипнике шариковом радиальном, содержащем внутреннее и внешнее кольца, при этом внутреннее кольцо выполнено шире внешнего кольца, а радиальный зазор подшипника после сборки определяется из условия δ=(0,0003-0,002)d, где δ- радиальный зазор; d- внутренний диаметр внутреннего кольца, отличающимся тем, что суммарный окружной зазор между шариками определяется по формуле δ=0,14d, где δ- суммарный окружной зазор между шариками; d- внутренний диаметр внутреннего кольца. 3 ил., 1 табл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 183 721 U1 (51) МПК F16C 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16C 19/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017131982, 12.09.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: ГОСТ 24810-2013. Подшипники Дата регистрации: 01.10.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 01.10.2018 Бюл. № 28 1 8 3 7 2 1 R U (54) ПОДШИПНИК ШАРИКОВЫЙ РАДИАЛЬНЫЙ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области содержащем внутреннее и внешнее кольца, при машиностроения, в частности к подшипникам этом внутреннее кольцо выполнено шире шариковым радиальным. внешнего кольца, а радиальный зазор Задача создания полезной модели: расширение подшипника после сборки определяется из ассортимента технических средств определенного условия δр=(0,0003-0,002)do, где δр - радиальный назначения (подшипников шариковых зазор; do - внутренний диаметр внутреннего радиальных). кольца, отличающимся тем, что суммарный Техническим результатом заявленного окружной зазор между шариками определяется технического решения является ...

14-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000191625U1

Полезная модель относится к машиностроению и может использоваться в серийном производстве элементов и узлов управляемых снарядов, содержащих значительное количество подшипников. Технической задачей полезной модели является создание простого и удобного в применении устройства для промывки подшипников при входном контроле их поставок и в процессе серийного производства узлов и элементов системы управления управляемых снарядов, содержащих значительное количество подшипников. Устройство промывки подшипников данной полезной модели содержит миксер с цилиндрической емкостью, выполненной из электропроводного материала, основание емкости снабжено болтом заземления, на емкости установлена крышка, на крышке смонтирован ручной привод, кинематически связанный с редуктором, на котором закреплена цилиндрическая кассета, с радиально установленными по ее внешней поверхности крючками с конусным окончанием для тугой посадки на него подшипников их внутренним кольцом. Полезной моделью создано простое и удобное в применении устройство для промывки подшипников. И 1 191625 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 194 625” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ МЕЭК Восстановление действия патента Дата, с которой действие патента восстановлено: 18.05.2021 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 18.05.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 18.05.2021 Бюл. №14 Стр.: 1 па чс916 ЕП

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Монтажный элемент подшипника

Номер: RU0000195826U1

Полезная модель относится к подшипникам, а именно к средствам для крепления подшипника на опоре. Монтажный элемент подшипника имеет корпус и опорный фланец, выполненные зацело (см. фиг. 1, 2). Корпус выполнен цилиндрическим с внутренним отверстием, предназначенным для установки и удержания подшипника. Корпус снабжен опорной площадкой в нижней части. Отверстие в опорной площадке корпуса имеет диаметр меньшего размера, чем отверстие в основной части корпуса (см. фиг. 2, 3). Опорная площадка корпуса удерживает установленный в корпус подшипник, а отверстие предназначено для приема вала. В верхней части корпуса выполнена канавка, обеспечивающая установку стопорного кольца, удерживающего подшипник в монтажном элементе (см. фиг.2, 3). Опорный фланец удлинен в одном направлении (см. фиг. 1, 2, 3) и снабжен двумя отверстиями, предназначенными для фиксации монтажного элемента на опорной поверхности. Технический результат от использования всех существенных признаков полезной модели заключается в повышении прочности монтажного элемента, при обеспечении надежности крепления подшипника в нем. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 195 826 U1 (51) МПК F16C 23/06 (2006.01) F16C 35/04 (2006.01) F16C 43/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16C 23/06 (2019.08); F16C 35/04 (2019.08); F16C 43/04 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019138753, 29.11.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «РТФ» (RU) 06.02.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 06.02.2020 Бюл. № 4 1 9 5 8 2 6 R U (54) Монтажный элемент подшипника (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к подшипникам, а именно к средствам для крепления подшипника на опоре. Монтажный элемент подшипника имеет корпус и опорный фланец, выполненные зацело (см. фиг. 1, 2). Корпус выполнен цилиндрическим с внутренним отверстием, предназначенным для установки и удержания подшипника. Корпус ...

13-10-2020 дата публикации

Подшипниковый узел приводного вала насосного агрегата

Номер: RU0000200208U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения, в частности к подшипниковым узлам с радиально-упорными подшипниками скольжения, предназначенным для применения преимущественно в насосных агрегатах, использующих для охлаждения смазки поверхностей скольжения перекачиваемую жидкую среду. В подшипниковом узле приводного вала насосного агрегата, содержащем неподвижную опору, устанавливаемую в корпусе насосного агрегата, с размещенной в ней неподвижной полой цилиндрической втулкой, имеющей внутреннюю и торцовую поверхности скольжения, цилиндрическую втулку из карбида кремния, закрепляемую на валу насосного агрегата с возможностью совместного с ним вращения, наружная поверхность скольжения которой взаимодействует с внутренней поверхностью скольжения неподвижной втулки, пяту, закрепляемую на валу насосного агрегата с возможностью совместного с ним вращения, снабженную кольцевым вкладышем, образующим торцовую поверхность скольжения пяты, взаимодействующую с торцовой поверхностью скольжения неподвижной втулки, и каналы подведения прокачиваемой насосным агрегатом среды к указанным поверхностям скольжения, неподвижная полая цилиндрическая втулка выполнена из антифрикционного графита с коэффициентом теплового расширения, большим коэффициента теплового расширения карбида кремния, а каналы подведения прокачиваемой насосным агрегатом среды к поверхностям скольжения представляют собой Г-образные канавки радиусного профиля, стойки и полки которых выполнены соответственно на внутренней и торцевой поверхностях скольжения неподвижной полой цилиндрической втулки так, что плоскость симметрии каждой из упомянутых Г-образных канавок является диаметральной плоскостью неподвижной полой цилиндрической втулки, при этом марка антифрикционного графита и геометрические параметры радиусного профиля Г-образных канавок подбираются с соблюдением условия: L/L=λ/λ±0…40%. Технический результат - повышение надежности подшипникового узла. 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 200 208 U1 (51) МПК ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Journal air bearing

Номер: US20120027327A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

An example journal air bearing for a rotatable shaft of an air cycle machine includes a top foil configured to receive a rotatable shaft, and an intermediate foil radially outboard the top foil. A journal sleeve is radially outboard the intermediate foil. The top foil and the intermediate foil establish apertures configured to communicate fluid between a first position radially inboard the top foil and a second position radially outboard the intermediate foil.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Flange assembly

Номер: US20120027329A1
Автор: Franck Landrieve
Принадлежит: SKF AB

This flange assembly ( 1 ), for holding a shaft ( 2 ), comprises: a rolling bearing ( 3 ) with the inner ring ( 31 ) rotatable around an axis (X 3 -X′ 3 ), a target ( 51 ) attached to the inner ring ( 31 ), a sensing element ( 7 ), a flange ( 4 ) having securing means ( 41, 42 ) for securing said flange assembly ( 1 ) to a static casing (C). The flange assembly ( 1 ) further comprises: a holding part ( 43 ) to hold the outer ring ( 32 ), a resilient part ( 44 ) to elastically urge said holding part ( 43 ) with respect to the securing means ( 41, 42 ) and along said axis (X 3 -X′ 3 ). The sensing element ( 7 ) is attached to the holding part ( 43 ) so as to be removable from outside said static casing (C).

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Electric motors and generators with opposing non-contact piezoelectric bearing supports

Номер: US20120049679A1
Принадлежит: Discovery Technology International Inc

Electric motors and generators, in which a non-contact ultrasonic suspension of the rotor of the electric motor, are provided. The non-contact ultrasonic suspension is achieved by the formation of an elevated-pressure gaseous microfilm between conjugated surfaces of saddle-resonators and trunnions of a bearing system.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Transmission sensing and measurement system

Номер: US20120078537A1
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

A transmission sensing and measurement system. The system provides real-time feedback of various transmission operating characteristics which enables immediate synchronized shift calibration in response to vehicle operating conditions. The system can be applied to various transmission components and positions, such as bearing, shafts, and differentials. The system is arranged in a transmission assembly. By way of a method for measuring operating characteristics of the transmission where data is collected by a sensor and transmitted, optimal operating characteristics of the transmission can be calculated.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Rolling bearing assembly with rotation sensing means, electric machine provided with such an assembly and fork lift truck comprising such an electric machine

Номер: US20120086313A1
Принадлежит: SKF AB

This rolling bearing assembly ( 2 ) comprises a rolling bearing ( 4 ) with an inner ring ( 8 ), an outer ring ( 6 ) and several rolling bodies ( 10 ) between the inner and outer rings, at least one sensor ( 30 ) adapted to detect a rotation parameter of a first ring ( 8 ) with respect to a second ring ( 6 ) of the rolling bearing and a support member ( 40 ) holding the sensor ( 30 ) in position with respect to the rolling bearing ( 4 ). The support member ( 40 ) holds the sensor ( 30 ) in a position such that at least one connecting pin ( 34, 36, 38 ) of the sensor ( 30 ) extends in a volume ( 46 ) defined by the support member ( 40 ) and adapted to accommodate an electrical connector ( 100 ).

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Rotating apparatus capable of improving the rotation reliability even after having been downsized, and method for manufacturing the rotating apparatus

Номер: US20120093446A1
Принадлежит: Alphana Technology Co Ltd

A disk drive device includes a base plate, a hub, and a bearing unit. The bearing unit includes an outer sleeve, an inner sleeve, a shaft, a radial dynamic pressure groove, and a lubricant agent. In the joined portion of the outer sleeve and the hub, there are formed a recessed portion, which is a binding region, where the outer sleeve and the hub are joined together with a hardening resin present between the outer sleeve and the hub and a tilt preventing portion, provided on both the sides of the recessed portion in the axial direction of the outer, which is a raised region that forms a portion narrower than a gap, between the outer sleeve and the hub, corresponding to the recessed portion.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Sealign Structure for Fitting Portion

Номер: US20120098208A1
Принадлежит: Uchiyama Manufacturing Corp

A sealing structure for a fitting portion where an annular member is concentrically fitted to a cylindrical member to be fitted at a cylindrical part of the annular member is disclosed. The sealing structure is characterized by an elastic annular seal layer integrally provided on the backward end part of the annular member or the cylindrical member in fitting direction, by applying elastomeric agent to the backward end part and hardening it, and the elastic annular seal layer is formed such that it has layer thickness of 5 μm to 1 mm and is interposed in a compressed state between the annular member and the cylindrical member when said annular member is fitted to said cylindrical member.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Slide bearing, slide bearing unit with same, and motor with the bearing unit

Номер: US20120133226A1
Принадлежит: NTN Corp

Provided is a bearing capable of satisfying demands for cost reduction and further quietness, and stably maintaining high support accuracy. A sliding bearing ( 4 ) includes an inner member ( 5 ) having a mounting surface ( 9 ) with respect to a rotary shaft ( 2 ), and an outer member ( 6 ) being arranged on a radially outer side of the inner member ( 5 ). A radial bearing gap is formed between an outer peripheral surface ( 5 a 1 ) of the inner member ( 5 ) and an inner peripheral surface ( 7 a 1 ) of the outer member ( 6 ), and a lubricating oil is interposed in the radial bearing gap. Further, between the inner member ( 5 ) and the outer member ( 6 ), sealing gaps (S, S) for maintaining an oil level of the lubricating oil on both axial sides of the radial bearing gap are formed. At least a part of the mounting surface ( 9 ) of the inner member ( 5 ) is made of a metal.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Roller bearing and cage for a roller bearing

Номер: US20120155794A1
Принадлежит: SKF AB

A roller bearing comprises an inner ring, an outer ring and an annular cage. The annular cage retains and guides at least one roller body. The annular cage comprises at least one pocket for retaining the roller body and at least one retaining rim disposed on one axial end of the pocket. The retaining rim extends at least in the radial direction relative to a main body of the cage.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Bearing having a power generation unit

Номер: US20120169166A1
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

A bearing, which has a first bearing ring, a second bearing ring and a claw pole generator-type power generation unit. The bearing has a substantially space-neutral power generation unit, which has a high filling factor for the induction coil. Every claw ring is connected to a section of the body of the first bearing ring in a magnetically conducting fashion and the magnetic circuit is substantially closed via the section of the body of the first bearing ring.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Runner for circumferential seals

Номер: US20120177486A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A runner assembly for a circumferential seal assembly includes a runner having an inwardly extending runner mounting flange, a flexible mounting structure and a retainer assembly therefore.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing wheel support bearing assembly

Номер: US20120216407A1
Принадлежит: NTN Corp

A method of manufacturing a wheel support bearing assembly having a plastically deformed portion engageable with an inclined surface portion of an annular stepped area in the inner race segment. The method includes that the plastically deformed portion, which is of a cylindrical configuration before it is deformed, is formed by pressing a crimping punch, of which front end portion outer peripheral surface is a tapered shape, axially into an inner peripheral surface of the inboard end portion of the hub axle to allow the cylindrical plastically deformed portion to be crimped in the diameter expanded condition.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Sealing Device

Номер: US20120223484A1
Принадлежит: Uchiyama Manufacturing Corp

A sealing device which comprises a slinger fixedly fitted to the rotary side member, a core member fixedly fitted to the stationary side member, and an elastic sealing member fixed to the core member and having a seal lip which elastically and slidably contacts the slinger. The slinger comprises a fitting cylindrical portion to be fitted into the rotary side member, a brim portion extending its radial direction at one end of its outside relative to a sealed portion of the fitting cylindrical portion, and a rotary side fixing member fixed to the brim portion. Further, the slinger is made in such a manner that an adhesive layer is formed on its whole surface including a contacting side surface where the seal lip contacts by applying adhesive agent thereon, then the fixing member is integrally fixed thereto, thereafter the adhesive layer is partially removed only in the contacting side surface.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Foil thrust bearing applicable to high speed machining center

Номер: US20120281936A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A foil thrust bearing applicable to high speed machining and grinding machines for machining microscopic features. Top foil segments are circumferentially spaced relative to a rotating runner for engagement by the runner when the bearing is mounted to bearingly support runner rotation. Bump foil segments underlie and support and engage the top foil segments respectively. A thrust plate supports and engages the bump foil segments. Each top foil segment and each bump foil segment is secured only along an edge portion which is trailing relative to the runner rotation leaving an edge which is leading relative to runner rotation and a pair of side edges unsecured. Each bump foil segment includes tabs separated by slots extending from the leading edge at least partially to the secured edge portion. Each bump foil tab has substantially parallel ridges separated by flats.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Linear position measuring system and method for determining the position of a carriage in relation to a slide rail

Номер: US20120313630A1
Автор: Klaus-Dieter Goetz
Принадлежит: Schneeberger Holding AG

A linear position measuring system ( 10 ) and a method for determining a position of a carriage in relation to a slide rail ( 12 ), with an incremental scale ( 14 ) placed along the slide rail ( 12 ) and a scanner secured to the slide scale. The scanner is designed to scan a plurality of incremental markings along the incremental scale ( 14 ), wherein the incremental markings can be scanned as an essentially analog signal progression. The scanner is designed to scan the incremental markings with a variable scanning frequency. The scanning frequency can be adaptively varied in relation to a currently acquired frequency of the analog signal progression, wherein the variable scanning frequency measures at least twice the currently acquired frequency of the analog signal progression.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130064489A1

The axial thrust bearing device, in particular for the suspension strut of a motor vehicle, comprises a bottom support cover a top bearing cover a rolling bearing axially disposed between said covers, and at least a sealing ring freely movable in axial direction relative to the bottom support cover and to the support bearing cover. Said sealing ring is adapted to reduce any ingress of foreign matter between said covers. 1. Axial thrust bearing device , in particular for the suspension strut of a motor vehicle , comprising:a bottom support covera top bearing cover,a rolling bearing axially disposed between said covers, andat least a sealing ring freely movable in axial direction relative to the bottom support cover and to the support bearing cover, the sealing ring being adapted to reduce any ingress of foreign matter between said covers, and whereinthe sealing ring includes at least one friction lip bearing against the bottom support cover, the ring delimiting with the top bearing cover at least a labyrinth sealing zone.2. Device according to claim 1 , wherein the sealing ring delimits with the top bearing cover an annular radial labyrinth sealing zone.3. Device according to claim 2 , wherein an axial portion of the sealing ring from which is issued the friction lip delimits with a skirt of the top bearing cover the annular radial labyrinth sealing zone.4. Device according to claim 2 , wherein an additional labyrinth sealing zone extending the radial labyrinth sealing zone is delimited between the sealing ring and the top bearing cover.5. Device according to claim 4 , wherein the friction lip of the sealing ring delimits with a skirt of the top bearing cover the additional labyrinth sealing zone.6. Device according to claim 1 , wherein the sealing ring is resting axially on the bottom support cover.7. Device according to claim 1 , wherein the sealing ring is radially disposed between the bottom support cover and the top bearing cover.8. Device according to claim 1 , ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Multiple Use Installation Aid for Radial Shaft Seals

Номер: US20130069314A1
Принадлежит: Freudenberg NOK GP

A shaft-sealing device comprising a sealing ring having a seal secured thereto, and a protective member engaged with the sealing ring. The said protective member includes a cylindrical member having a shaft-engaging surface and a seal-engaging surface, and an annular flange extends radially away from the shaft. The shaft-engaging surface is operable to be attached to the shaft during operation of the device, and the seal-engaging surface is operable to be in sealing contact with the seal during operation of the device. The annular flange is operable to engage the sealing ring.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130071056A1
Автор: SUGITA Yoshifumi
Принадлежит: NSK LTD.

The present invention provides a rolling bearing capable of suppressing the generation of retainer noise and abnormal vibration by specifying the circumferential width of axial grooves formed on the guide face of an outer ring guide retainer or an inner ring guide retainer. In a rolling bearing according to the present invention, axial grooves are formed on the outer circumferential face of the outer ring guide type retainer thereof. The displacement amount xo of the center position of the retainer , the outer diameter Doc of the retainer , the guide diameter Dog of the outer ring , the circumferential width h of the axial grooves , the guide clearance ΔLc between the outer ring and the retainer , and the clearance ΔP between the pocket and the rolling element satisfy the following relational expressions: The present invention relates to a rolling bearing, more particularly, to a rolling bearing equipped with an outer ring guide type or inner ring guide type retainer.When a rolling bearing incorporating an outer ring guide type retainer rotates, in a case that the retainer is not tilted with respect to the outer ring thereof, the bearing rotates while the outer circumferential face of the retainer makes line contact with the inner circumferential guide face of the outer ring. Furthermore, when the rolling bearing incorporating the outer ring guide type retainer rotates, in a case that the retainer is tilted with respect to the outer ring thereof, the bearing rotates while the outer circumferential face of the retainer makes point contact with the inner circumferential guide face of the outer ring. In this kind of outer ring guide type retainer, concave sections (grooves) extending on the outer circumferential face of the retainer in the axial direction are formed in some cases to improve oil draining performance and to improve running-in performance for grease lubrication (for example, refer to Patent Document 1).However, in a case that grooves are formed on the ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130077906A1
Автор: Goto Tomoaki, Ohki Chikara

There is provided a bearing for alternators and a bearing for pulleys capable of reducing hydrogen embrittlement or cracking despite that the bearing is used in an environment under such a severe condition that hydrogen is generated from grease or the like and the bearing experiences a load of a condition facilitating hydrogen embrittlement or cracking. The bearing includes a rolling element, an inner ring and an outer ring, and at least one of the rolling element and the inner and outer rings has a nitrogen enriched layer and contains austenite crystal grains having a grain size number exceeding 10. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. A bearing for an alternator , supporting a rotor shaft having one end with a pulley attached thereto and having a belt engaged therearound to transmit a driving force to said pulley to allow said rotor shaft to rotate a rotor , the bearing comprising a rolling element , an inner ring and an outer ring , at least one of said rolling element and said inner and outer rings having a nitrogen enriched layer and having a hydrogen content of no more than 0.5 ppm.8. The bearing of claim 7 , wherein said at least one of said rolling element and said inner and outer rings having said nitrogen enriched layer has a surface layer containing globular carbide having an area ratio of no less than 10%.9. The bearing of claim 7 , wherein said at least one of said rolling element and said inner and outer rings is formed of steel of SUJ2 as defined by JIS.10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. A bearing posed between a pulley having a belt engaged therearound and a rotative shaft passing through said pulley claim 7 , the bearing comprising a rolling element claim 7 , an inner ring and an outer ring claim 7 , at least one of said rolling element and said inner and outer rings having a nitrogen enriched layer and having a hydrogen content of no more than 0.5 ppm. ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Pneumatic Bearing with Bonded Polymer Film Wear Surface and Production Method thereof

Номер: US20130108203A1
Принадлежит: ASML Holdings N.V.

Disclosed are pneumatic bearings with a bonded polymer film wear surface and production methods thereof. For example, a pneumatic bearing for supporting a payload is disclosed. The pneumatic bearing has a bearing surface having a polyimide film fastened to a substrate with a bonding layer. The polyimide film can comprise poly-oxydiphenylene-pyromellitimide and the bonding layer can comprise diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A, 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether, and 2,2,4-trimetylhexametylen-1,6-diamin. 1. A pneumatic bearing , comprising a bearing surface including:a substrate;a bonding layer deposited on the substrate; anda polyimide film deposited on the bonding layer.2. The pneumatic bearing of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is made from a material selected from the group consisting of metals claim 1 , glass claim 1 , and ceramics.3. The pneumatic bearing of claim 1 , wherein the bonding layer comprises diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A; 1 claim 1 ,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether; and 2 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,4-trimetylhexametylen-1 claim 1 ,6-diamin.4. The pneumatic bearing of claim 1 , wherein the polyimide film comprises poly-oxydiphenylene-pyromellitimide.5. The pneumatic bearing of claim 1 , wherein the polyimide film is at least 25 microns thick.6. The pneumatic bearing of claim 1 , wherein the polyimide film is between seven to one hundred microns thick.7. A lithographic apparatus comprising the pneumatic bearing of .8. A method for manufacturing a bearing surface of a pneumatic bearing claim 1 , comprising:disposing a polyimide film on a flat surface of a vacuum chuck;applying a vacuum to the polyimide film;disposing a liquid epoxy on a surface of the polyimide film;disposing a substrate onto the liquid epoxy without contacting the polyimide film with the substrate;releasing the substrate onto the liquid epoxy;disposing a weight onto the substrate;curing the liquid epoxy;removing the weight; andreleasing the polyimide film from the vacuum chuck.9. The method of claim ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Bearing assembly and motor including the same

Номер: US20130113315A1
Автор: Han Byul Kim
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

There is provided a bearing assembly including: a sleeve supporting a shaft; a base cover coupled to the sleeve by press-fitting and closing a lower portion of the sleeve; and at least one deformation prevention part formed to be depressed from an outer peripheral surface of the base cover in an inner diameter direction and preventing deformation of the base cover when the base cover is press-fitted into the sleeve.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Sealing device and method of producing the same

Номер: US20130119615A1
Принадлежит: SKF AB

A sealing device for sealing a first side against a second side of a machine part, wherein the sealing device has a sealing element which contacts a counter element. At least a part of the sealing element and/or at least a part of the counter element is coated with a layer consisting of or containing fullerene-like carbon nitride (FL—CNx), wherein an inter-layer of chromium (Cr) or aluminium (Al) or molybdenum (Mo) or titanium (Ti) or tungsten (W) or a diamond-like coating (DLC) or a metal-mix diamond-like coating (Me-DLC) is arranged between the surface of the sealing element and the layer consisting of or containing fullerene-like carbon nitride and/or between the surface of the counter element and the layer consisting of or containing fullerene-like carbon nitride.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Roller Bearing Assembly

Номер: US20130121630A1

A bearing assembly includes an inner race having a first inner race half and a second inner race half, and an outer race having a first outer race half and a second outer race. The first inner race half and the second inner race half cooperate to define an inner annular groove, and the first outer race half and the second outer race half cooperate to define an outer annular groove. A plurality of rollers is disposed within the inner annular groove and the outer annular groove in rolling engagement with the inner race and the outer race. An inner coupling mechanism couples the first inner race and the second inner race together, and an outer coupling mechanism couples the first outer race and the second outer race together. 1. A bearing assembly comprising:an inner race including a first inner race half and a second inner race half cooperating with said first inner race half to define an inner annular groove;an outer race concentric with said inner race about a longitudinal axis and including a first outer race half radially offset from said first inner race half and a second outer race half radially offset from said second inner race half with said first outer race half and said second outer race half cooperating together to define an outer annular groove radially offset from said inner annular groove about said longitudinal axis;a plurality of rollers disposed within and between said inner annular groove and said outer annular groove for rolling engagement between said inner race and said outer race; andan inner coupling mechanism coupling said first inner race half and said second inner race half together.2. A bearing assembly as set forth in wherein said inner coupling mechanism includes a plurality of extensions disposed on each of said first inner race half and said second inner race half and engaging the other of said first inner race half and said second inner race half in interlocking engagement.3. A bearing assembly as set forth in wherein each of said ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130129504A1
Автор: HELDNER Sebastian

A bearing device with an arrangement of at least two bearings is provided. A filling made of an amorphous/solid active medium as a mechanism of compensating for axial loads is arranged between a bearing race of at least one of the bearings and a surrounding component of the bearing arrangement. 1. A bearing device comprising:an arrangement of at least two bearings, each having a bearing race;a filling made of an amorphous/solid active medium as a mechanism of compensating for axial loads, the filling operatively arranged between the bearing race of at least one of the bearings and an adjacent component of the bearing arrangement.2. The bearing device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the filling includes a plurality of balls.3. The bearing device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the plurality of balls are a same size.4. The bearing device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the bearing race of at least one of the at least two bearings is an outer race and the adjacent component of the bearing arrangement is a casing.5. The bearing device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the bearing race of at least one of the at least two bearings is an inner race and the adjacent component is a part of a shaft connected to the inner race.6. The bearing device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the bearing races claim 1 , each have a defined pressure surface in operative connection with the filling for exerting an axial pressure force on the filling.7. The bearing device in accordance with claim 6 , wherein the bearing races are outer races.8. The bearing device in accordance with claim 6 , wherein the defined pressure surface of a first of the bearing races claim 6 , and the defined pressure surface of a second of the bearing races claim 6 , have different sizes.9. The bearing device in accordance with claim 8 , wherein the first and second of the bearing races are outer races.10. The bearing device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein at least a part of the amorphous ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130145621A1
Автор: Rode John E.

An apparatus for providing a load on a bearing mounted to a shaft includes an attaching member and a press mechanism. The attaching member is releasably connected to the shaft. The press member is coupled to the attaching member and is configured to provide a compressive load to the bearing. The press mechanism includes an aligning arm configured to engage a shaft slot of the shaft to align the press mechanism relative to the shaft when the attaching member connects to the shaft. A lock nut is engageable with the shaft and has a plurality of engaging teeth configured to engage a plurality of keeper teeth of a keeper. The nut includes an outer surface having a plurality of markings corresponding to a plurality of roots of the plurality of engaging teeth to allow a user to selectively rotate the nut relative to the aligning arm to an engaging position such that a radially inner side of the keeper engages a slot of the shaft when the keeper teeth engage the engaging teeth of the nut. 1. An apparatus for providing a load on a bearing mounted to a shaft , the apparatus comprising:an attaching member releasably connectable to the shaft;a press mechanism coupled to said attaching member, said press mechanism configured to provide a compressive load to the bearing; andsaid press mechanism comprising an aligning arm configured to engage a shaft slot of the shaft to align said press mechanism relative to the shaft when said attaching member connects to the shaft, said aligning arm comprising a free end extending distally past a distal most extent of said attaching member in a distal direction, wherein a proximal direction ward said press mechanism from the shaft, the distal direction being opposite from the proximal direction and extending toward the shaft from said press mechanism.2. The apparatus of wherein said press mechanism comprises a plurality of extensions engageable with the bearing claim 1 , said press mechanism configured to provide the compressive load to the ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160602A1
Автор: CHAMBONNEAU Charles

The invention relates to a mechanical system, comprising a support element which includes two bores extending along a first axis (X), a pin which is fitted in the two bores and includes two opposite ends, each adapted to be caulked in one of the two bores, and a roller element which is positioned between the two bores along the first axis (X) and is movable in rotation relative to the pin around the first axis (X). At least one bore has at least one radial recess which extends from the bore along a radial direction (D) relative to the first axis (X) and is adapted to receive a plastically deformed radial portion of the caulked end of the pin. The invention also relates to an injection pump comprising such a mechanical system and a method for manufacturing such a mechanical system. 1. A mechanical system , comprising:{'b': '1', 'a support element including two bores extending along a first axis (X),'}a pin fitted into the two bores and having two opposite ends, each pin adapted to be caulked in one of the two bores, and{'b': 1', '1, 'a roller element positioned between the two bores along the first axis (X) and being movable in rotation relative to the pin around the first axis (X), wherein'}{'b': 1', '1, 'at least one bore including at least one radial recess extends from the bore along a radial direction (D) relative to the first axis (X) and is adapted to receive a plastically deformed radial portion of the caulked end of the pin.'}2. The mechanical system according to claim 1 , wherein each bore provides at least one radial recess.3. The mechanical system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one radial recess is located towards the thickest portion of the support element.41. The mechanical system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one radial recess extends along the first axis (X) through the full length of its bore.51. The mechanical system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one radial recess is delimited in the bore near an outer side ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130163906A1

A bearing cap () fastened to a bulkhead () of a cylinder block () by bolts to support a crankshaft. A pair of protruding parts () that enlarge a joint surface () between the bearing cap () and the bulkhead () in a transverse direction of the crankshaft are formed respectively in a pair of side surfaces (). A pair of reinforcing parts () are positioned between a top surface () and the pair of protruding parts (), protrude from the pair of side surfaces () in the transverse direction of the crankshaft, and have a protrusion length that is smaller than that of the pair of protruding parts (). The stress on the joint portion between the bearing cap () and the bulkhead () generated by the crankshaft during operation of the internal combustion engine is thereby reduced. 19-. (canceled)10. A bearing cap fixed to a bulkhead of a cylinder block by bolts and supporting a crankshaft so as to be free to rotate , comprising:a joint surface with the bulkhead;a top surface located on an opposite side of the joint surface;a pair of side surfaces connecting the joint surface and the top surface;a pair of protruding parts that protrude respectively from the pair of side surfaces to enlarge the joint surface in a transverse direction of the crankshaft; anda pair of reinforcing parts located between the pair of protruding parts and the top surface, the pair of reinforcing parts protruding from the pair of side surfaces in the transverse direction of the crankshaft and having a protrusion length that is smaller than a protrusion length of the pair of protruding parts,wherein the pair of side surfaces, the pair of protruding parts, and the pair of reinforcing parts are all formed on the outside of the bolts.11. The bearing cap as defined in claim 10 , further comprising a pair of projecting parts that are provided independently from the pair of reinforcing parts between the top surface and the pair of reinforcing parts claim 10 , wherein the pair of projecting parts protrude respectively ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130163910A1
Автор: Corona Vincenzo

A bearing carrier for a shaft of an electric motor has a carrier member supporting two bearings supporting the shaft. The carrier member has a single bearing seat accommodating the two bearings to ensure the two bearings are coaxially mounted. A spacing member axially separates the two bearings. The spacing member has a central passage through which the shaft extends with radial play, as well as two end surfaces parallel with each other, orthogonal to the axis of the passage and axially separated by a distance which corresponds to the desired mounting distance between the bearings. During assembly, the bearings and spacing member are mounted on the shaft to form a preassembled group. The preassembled group is pressed into the bearing seat of the carrier member, with one bearing being pressed against a stop formed at one end of the bearing seat. 1. A method of mounting a shaft in a carrier member , where the carrier member supports two bearings mounted in an axially spaced relationship , each bearing having an internal ring and an external ring , and the shaft is mounted in internal rings of the bearings , the method comprising the steps of:providing a spacing member with a central passage into which the shaft can be introduced with radial play, and two end surfaces parallel with each other, orthogonal to the axis of the passage and axially separated by a distance which corresponds to the desired mounting distance between the two bearings;introducing the shaft into the passage of the spacing member;mounting the bearings on the shaft, on opposite sides of the spacing member, in such a manner that the respective external rings are brought into abutment against the end surfaces of the spacing member to form a preassembled group comprising the shaft, the spacing member and the bearings, andmounting the preassembled group in the carrier member in such a manner that the external ring of one of the bearings is brought into abutment against a stop formation provided in the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Installation and removal tool for use with rolling element bearings

Номер: US20130180370A1
Автор: Ferdinand Schweitzer
Принадлежит: SKF AB

A tool is disclosed for installing a rolling element into, and removing the rolling element out of, a rolling-element bearing cage. The tool has a gripping element including a clampable jaw disposed on a base. The clampable jaw includes at least two interacting parts. At least one first screw is screwed into a first threaded bore defined in the base. The at least one first screw can be tightened to clamp together the at least two interacting parts of the jaw. A first end of the rod is attached to the base. An impact weight is coupled to the rod and is displaceable along the longitudinal axis of the rod. Further, a stop is fixedly disposed on the rod at a location spaced from the gripping element. The stop is designed to be struck by the impact weight.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182980A1

Bearing components, bearing assemblies and related methods are provided. In one embodiment, a bearing element includes a base layer and a polycrystalline diamond (PCD) layer comprising a plurality of PCD elements coupled with the base layer wherein each PCD element comprising a substrate and a diamond table. The plurality of PCD elements may be fit together to form a substantially continuous bearing surface. For example, the diamond tables may exhibit substantially square or rectangular geometries that are fit together to define the bearing surface. In other embodiments, the bearing elements may be spaced apart from one another. In other embodiments, the bearing element may include a single PCD element formed from a prefabricated PCD compact or cutting tool blank. Various bearing assemblies may incorporate such a bearing element including, for example, thrust bearings, journal bearings, and tilting pad bearing assemblies. 1. A bearing assembly comprising:a first tilting pad bearing assembly comprising a body and plurality of tilting pad bearings, each tilting pad bearing comprising a polycrystalline diamond (PCD) layer attached to a base layer, the plurality of tilting pad bearings being circumferentially spaced about the body and defining a first collective bearing surface;a runner bearing comprising a PCD layer comprising a plurality of PCD elements coupled to a base layer defining a second collective bearing surface;wherein the first tilting pad bearing assembly and the runner bearing are positioned and configured to move relative to each other with the first collective bearing surface being in contact with the second collective bearing surface.2. The bearing assembly of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality PCD elements of the runner bearing is contiguous with an adjacent one of the plurality of PCD elements to define a substantially continuous surface.3. The bearing assembly of claim 2 , wherein each of the PCD elements of the runner bearing exhibit an ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182985A1

A wheel rolling bearing device includes an inner ring member fitted to an axle; an outer ring member having a fixing flange fixed to a vehicle body-side member; and rolling elements rollably arranged between the inner and outer ring members. An encoder and a rotation speed detector are respectively arranged at outer peripheral portions of inner end portions of the inner and outer ring members in the vehicle lateral direction. The rotation speed detector has a fixing portion fixedly arranged in a spatial region between the fixing flange and an outer periphery of the inner end portion of the outer ring member, and a nose portion extending obliquely from the fixing portion toward the encoder and having a detecting portion at its distal end portion. An oblique cutout face is formed in the outer ring member to avoid contact between the outer ring and the nose portion. 1. A wheel rolling bearing device , comprising:an inner ring member that is fitted to an axle;an outer ring member that has a fixing flange formed on an outer periphery of the outer ring member, the fixing flange being fixed to a vehicle body-side member; androlling elements that are rollably arranged in an annular space between the inner ring member and the outer ring member, whereinan encoder is arranged at an outer peripheral portion of an inner end portion of the inner ring member in a vehicle lateral direction,a rotation speed detector is arranged at an outer peripheral portion of an inner end portion of the outer ring member in the vehicle lateral direction,the rotation speed detector has a fixing portion that is fixedly arranged in a spatial region between the fixing flange and an outer periphery of the inner end portion of the outer ring member in the vehicle lateral direction, and a nose portion that extends obliquely from the fixing portion toward the encoder and that has a detecting portion that detects a detection target portion of the encoder and that is formed in a distal end portion of the ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130188896A1
Автор: Serafini Andrea

Bearing unit having an axis of rotation (A) and provided with a stationary ring and a rotatable ring, these rings being coaxial with each other and axially delimited on one side (L) by respective axial surfaces which are transverse to the axis (A); a magnetic encoder fixed to an outer cylindrical surface of the inner ring; and a protective cover mounted on the outer ring to protect the encoder and to close off a space formed between the two rings, the axial surface of the outer ring and the protective cover jointly delimiting a compartment for housing said encoder, which is positioned substantially outside the space and extends radially from the outer cylindrical surface to a boundary in the proximity of an outer cylindrical surface of the outer ring. 1. A bearing unit for a vehicle wheel , the bearing unit having an axis of rotation and comprising:a radially outer stationary ring which is axially delimited on one side (L) of the bearing unit by a first axial surface which is transverse with respect to the axis of rotation (A);a radially inner rotatable ring;an encoder fixed to a first outer cylindrical surface of the inner ring; anda protective cover mounted on a second outer cylindrical surface of the outer ring to protect the encoder and to close off a space formed between the outer and inner rings; and whereinthe first axial surface and the protective cover jointly delimit a compartment for housing the encoder, which is positioned substantially outside the space and extends radially from the first cylindrical surface to a boundary in the proximity of the second cylindrical surface.2. The bearing unit according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic encoder comprises:a flanged annular support keyed to the first cylindrical surface, the annular support being radially delimited outwardly by a terminal edge positioned in front of the first axial surface, anda magnetized annular portion, which is mounted on the terminal edge and occupies practically all of the compartment ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Sensor Subassembly for a Vehicle and Device for Measuring Rotational Movements of a Wheel Bearing

Номер: US20130202235A1

A sensor subassembly for a vehicle has at least one sensor unit arranged in a cap-shaped plastic part. The cap-shaped plastic part is carried by a retaining bush and seals off the retaining bush at one end. An associated device is configured to measure rotational movement of a wheel bearing. A resilient sealing and compensating element in pressed in between the-shaped plastic part and the retaining bush, in a first sealing area for sealing off a first leakage path, so that the cap-like plastic part, in conjunction with the sealing and compensating element, seals off the retaining bush tightly at one end.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Turning bearing with rollers between outer ring and inner ring

Номер: US20130202240A1
Автор: Shunsuke Kikuchi
Принадлежит: Nippon Thompson Co Ltd

An effective contact length in race surfaces formed on grooved races cut in an outer ring and an inner ring is made as greater as permitted to improve the load-carrying capacity, and correspondingly guide parts born against axially opposite ends of a roller are made as less as possible in width to reduce frictional contact resistance applied to the axially opposite ends of the roller, thereby preventing a skew of the roller. An inside circular surface on the outer ring is staggered or different in level on opposite sides of a outside grooved race to make greater the race surface than an effective contact length of circular rolling surfaces of the rollers and correspondingly less the guide part in width than the race surface.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202241A1

A roller bearing cage includes ring portions and pillar portions extend in an axial direction to connect the ring portions and disposed along a circumferential direction to define pocket portions. The pillar portion includes a bent portion formed in the vicinity of an axial center of the pillar portion so as to protrude radially inwards of the ring portions. A ring portion thickness is larger than a bent portion thickness; a pillar end portion thickness is larger than the bent portion thickness; and the pillar end portion thickness is equal to the ring, portion thickness or more, where the ring portion thickness is a radial thickness of the ring portion; the bent portion thickness is a radial thickness of the bent portion; and the pillar end portion thickness is a thickness of a portion of the pillar portion connected to the ring portion and in the vicinity thereof. 1. A roller bearing cage comprising:a pair of ring portions which are disposed coaxially with a given space defined therebetween; anda plurality of pillar portions which extend in an axial direction to connect one of the ring portions to the other of the ring portions and which are disposed at substantially equal intervals along a circumferential direction of the ring portions so as to define a plurality of pocket portions capable of accommodating rollers,wherein the pillar portion comprises a bent portion formed in the vicinity of an axial center of the pillar portion so as to protrude radially inwards of the ring portions,wherein a ring portion thickness is larger than a bent portion thickness; a pillar end portion thickness is larger than the bent portion thickness; and the pillar end portion thickness is equal to the ring portion thickness or more,where the ring portion thickness is a radial thickness of the ring portion; the bent portion thickness is a radial thickness of the bent portion; and the pillar end portion thickness is a thickness of a portion of the pillar portion connected to the ring ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208869A1

The invention relates to a tumble disc bearing () to provide an efficient axial bearing for a rotating anode () of an X-ray source () having a tumble disc () for axially bearing the rotating anode (), and a mounting component () for supporting the tumble disc (). The mounting component () comprises an inner mounting face () for attaching to a supporting structure (). The mounting component () is supported in the tumble disc () at a tumble position () in which an inner supporting face () of the tumble disc () matches an outer supporting face () of the mounting component () such that the tumble disc () is enabled to perform a tumble motion in all directions in relation to the mounting component (). The mounting component () is adapted to be inserted in an inserting position () traverse to the tumble position () into the tumble disc (). At least one recess () at the tumble disc () is provided for inserting at least one catch () in an axial direction () of an anode rotation axis () and for engaging with the at least one catch () to fixate the tumble disc () against a rotational movement () in relation to the support structure () while maintaining the tumble motion of the tumble disc (). 1100. Tumble disc bearing () , comprising:{'b': 102', '216', '212, 'a tumble disc () for axially bearing a rotating anode () of an X-ray source (); and'}{'b': 120', '102, 'a mounting component () for supporting the tumble disc ();'}{'b': '120', 'claim-text': [{'b': 122', '194', '204, 'an inner mounting face () for attaching to a support structure (, ); and'}, {'b': '124', 'an outer supporting face ();'}], 'wherein the mounting component () comprises{'b': '102', 'claim-text': {'b': 104', '124, 'an inner supporting face () matching the outer supporting face ();'}, 'wherein the tumble disc () comprises{'b': 120', '102', '140', '104', '124', '102', '120, 'wherein the mounting component () is supported in the tumble disc () at a tumble position () in which the inner supporting face () matches ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209008A1
Автор: Ng Alison

A linear motion bearing assembly comprising a ball retainer structure having at least a portion of a plurality of open axial ball tracks formed therein. The ball tracks including an open load bearing portion, an open return portion and turnarounds interconnecting the load bearing and return portions. A plurality of bearing balls are disposed in the ball tracks. A plurality of load bearing plates are axially positioned adjacent the ball retainer structure for receiving load from the balls disposed in the load bearing portion of the ball tracks. A first outer housing sleeve is effective to hold the ball retainer structure. The first outer housing sleeve includes a first interlock structure. A second outer housing sleeve is effective to hold the ball retainer structure, the second outer housing sleeve including a second interlock structure. The first interlock structure is effective to mate with the second interlock structure. 1. A linear motion bearing assembly comprising:a ball retainer structure having at least a portion of a plurality of open axial ball tracks formed therein, the ball tracks including an open load bearing portion, an open return portion and turnarounds interconnecting the load bearing and return portions;a plurality of bearing balls disposed in the ball tracks;a plurality of load bearing plates axially positioned adjacent the ball retainer structure, the load bearing plates effective to receive a load from the balls disposed in the load bearing portion of the ball tracks;a first outer housing sleeve effective to hold the ball retainer structure, the first outer housing sleeve including a first interlock structure; anda second outer housing sleeve effective to hold the ball retainer structure, the second outer housing sleeve including a second interlock structure; whereinthe first interlock structure is effective to mate with the second interlock structure when the first interlock structure is placed over the second interlock structure and the first ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Rolling bearing unit with encoder for supporting wheel

Номер: US20130209016A1
Принадлежит: NSK LTD

Construction is achieved that is able to prevent strain deformation in the axial direction of a flat plate section 21 of a cover 19 a when a cylinder section 20 of the cover 19 a, which covers the opening on the inside end in the axial direction of an internal space where an encoder 1 is located, is fitted into and fastened to the inside end section in the axial direction of an outer ring 7. A non-contact section 26 a is formed all the way around the inside end section in the axial direction of the cylinder section 20 such that the outer diameter is smaller than the inner diameter of the inside end section in the axial direction of the outer ring, and the dimension L 26 in the axial direction is two times or more the thickness dimension t 19 of a plate member of the cover 19 a. With the cover 19 a fitted into the inside end section in the axial direction of the outer ring 7, only the portion of the cylinder section 20 that is nearer the outside in the axial direction than the non-contact section 26 a is substantially fitted into the inside end section in the axial direction of the outer ring 7 with an interference fit.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130212850A1

An assembly apparatus for automatically assembling a bearing assembly includes a base, a transferring mechanism, a first assembly mechanism, and a second assembly mechanism. The transferring mechanism is movably mounted on the base, for transferring and positioning the bearing seat. The first assembly mechanism is mounted on the base adjacent to the transferring mechanism, for installing the bearing and the bushing into the mounting hole of the base. The second assembly mechanism is mounted on the base adjacent to the first assembly mechanism, for installing the latching ring into the latching groove of the bearing seat. 1. An assembly apparatus for automatically assembling a bearing assembly , the bearing assembly comprising a bearing seat , a bearing defining a mounting hole , a bushing , and a latching ring , a latching groove being defined in an inside surface of the mounting hole , the assembly apparatus comprising:a base;a transferring mechanism movably mounted on the base, for transferring and positioning the bearing seat;a first assembly mechanism mounted on the base adjacent to the transferring mechanism, for installing the bearing and the bushing into the mounting hole of the base; anda second assembly mechanism mounted on the base adjacent to the first assembly mechanism, for installing the latching ring into the latching groove of the bearing seat.2. The assembly apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a sliding groove is defined in the base claim 1 , a communicating slot is defined in a bottom wall of the sliding groove claim 1 , and the transferring mechanism is movably mounted in the communicating slot.3. The assembly apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the transferring mechanism comprises a transferring assembly claim 2 , and the transferring assembly is movably mounted in the communicating slot below the sliding groove.4. The assembly apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first assembly mechanism comprises a support plate claim 2 , a pushing member claim 2 , and a ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Keyless/grooveless foil bearing with fold over tab

Номер: US20130216167A1

An improved air foil bearing assembly is disclosed. The air foil bearing assembly includes a bearing housing having an axially extending bore therein and a shaft arranged within the bore for relative coaxial rotation with respect to the bearing housing. The shaft cooperates with the bearing housing to define an annular gap therebetween. A foil assembly is disposed in the annular gap, including at least one foil having at least one laterally extending tab. The tab is adapted to be received in and extend axially from the annular gap and is further adapted to be bent into frictional contact with an outer surface of the bearing housing to militate against axial movement of the foil.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Bearing assembly and motor including the same

Номер: US20130221782A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

There are provided a bearing assembly and a motor including the same capable of securing shaft system reliability while maintaining motor slimness. The bearing assembly includes a sleeve supporting a shaft via oil; and a sleeve holder having the sleeve inserted thereinto and fixedly supporting the sleeve, wherein an upper end of the sleeve is protruded from the sleeve holder to be higher than an upper end of the sleeve holder in an upward axial direction.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130223786A1

An axial bearing assembly which essentially is formed of two axial rolling bearings () between which a circular ring-shaped carrier component () is arranged. Each of the axial rolling bearings () has a first ring-shaped bearing disk () seated against one of the axial sides () of the carrier component () and a second ring-shaped bearing disk () for fastening to additional components of the surrounding construction which are arranged axially on both sides of the carrier component () and which each consist of a thin steel plate. A plurality of rolling elements () arranged next to each other additionally roll between the axial inner sides ( and ) of the bearing discs () and are held at a uniform spacing from each other by a respective bearing cage () and together therewith form a needle roller and cage assembly (). Additional recesses () are arranged on the inside diameter () of the circular ring-shaped carrier component (), and at the same time the first bearing discs () of both axial rolling bearings () are interconnected via a centering collar () guided through the inside diameter () of the carrier component () on the one first bearing disk (), and via outward moldings () on the centering collar () of the one first bearing disk () which are complementary to the recesses () on the carrier component (), and via inward moldings () on the inside diameter side () of the other first bearing disk () which are complementary to the outward moldings () on the centering collar (), in a manner that prevents faulty assembly, and are secured to the carrier component () in a captive and rotationally fixed manner. 1. Axial bearing assembly , comprising two axial rolling bearings between which a circular ring-shaped carrier part is arranged , the circular ring-shaped carrier part having two axial sides , each of the axial rolling bearings has a first ring-shaped bearing disk adjacent to one of the axial sides of the carrier part and a second ring-shaped bearing disk provided for ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130223997A1
Принадлежит: Dyson Technology Limited

A bearing assembly that includes a first bearing, a second bearing, a spring and a sleeve. The spring applies a preload to each of the bearings, and the sleeve surrounds the spring and the bearings. The sleeve includes an end portion that extends axially beyond the first bearing. The end portion includes a step down in the outer diameter that defines a seat for an o-ring. 1. A bearing assembly comprising a first bearing , a second bearing , a spring applying a preload to each of the bearings , and a sleeve surrounding the spring and the bearings , wherein the sleeve comprises an end portion that extends axially beyond the first bearing , the end portion comprising a step down in outer diameter that defines a seat for an o-ring.2. The bearing assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sleeve is adhered to or forms a clearance fit with the first bearing.3. The bearing assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the end portion comprising a step down in inner diameter that is spaced axially from the first bearing.4. The bearing assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the end portion comprises a first portion proximal to the first bearing and a second portion distal to the first bearing claim 1 , the first portion has an inner diameter greater than the outer diameter of the first bearing claim 1 , and the second portion has an inner diameter less than the outer diameter of the first bearing.5. The bearing assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sleeve is adhered to the second bearing.6. A rotor assembly comprising a shaft and a bearing assembly claim 1 , wherein the bearing assembly comprises a first bearing claim 1 , a second bearing claim 1 , a spring and a sleeve claim 1 , the spring applies a preload to each of the bearings claim 1 , the sleeve surrounds the spring and the bearings claim 1 , the sleeve comprises an end portion that extends axially beyond the first bearing claim 1 , the end portion comprising a step down in outer diameter that defines a seat for ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245509A1

Provided is a bearing device for a beauty/health roller which presents no risk of bathwater or bathtub contamination, is hygienic, is less heavy than conventional ball bearings, is devoid of roller rattle, and exhibits a small rotational resistance of the rollers, and to provide the beauty/health roller having this bearing device. A bearing device for a beauty/health roller is used in a beauty/health roller having a grippable body and a roller arranged at the end portion of the body, and rotatably supports the roller on a supporting shaft provided to the end portion of the body. The bearing device comprises a radial bearing into which the supporting shaft is fitted and which rotatably supports the roller on the supporting shaft ; a thrust bearing arranged toward one end face of the radial bearing and a preload-applying member interposed between the radial bearing and the thrust bearing The radial bearing and the thrust bearing are slider bearings obtained by being molded from different resin compositions. 1. A bearing device for a beauty/health roller having a grippable main unit and a roller arranged at an end portion of the main unit , the bearing device rotatably supporting the roller on a support shaft provided to an end portion of the main unit ,the bearing device characterized in comprising: a radial bearing into which the support shaft is fitted, the radial bearing rotatably supporting the roller on the support shaft;a thrust bearing arranged toward one end face of the radial bearing; and a preload-applying member interposed between the radial bearing and the thrust bearing; andeach of the radial bearing and the thrust bearing is slider bearing obtained by being molded from a resin composition.2. The bearing device for a beauty/health roller of claim 1 , characterized in that the radial bearing is electroconductive.3. The bearing device for a beauty/health roller of claim 1 , characterized in that the preload-applying member is an elastic ring comprising a ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Hydraulic Machine Having a Sliding Bearing Having a Bearing Element

Номер: US20130251295A1
Автор: Gaisser Gerd

A bearing element for a sliding bearing is configured to support a drive shaft of a hydraulic machine. The bearing element is connected to the drive shaft so as to prevent relative rotation and has an outer annular surface configured to provide sliding support. A supporting web is formed between a location at which the bearing element is fixed to the drive shaft and the outer annular surface. The supporting web is elastically deformable to compensate for deflection of the drive shaft and/or an alignment error of sliding bearings of the drive shaft. A sliding bearing has a bearing element of this kind, and a hydraulic machine has at least one sliding bearing of this kind. 1. A bearing element comprising:an inner annular surface fixedly coupled to a drive shaft;a supporting web configured to deform elastically; andan outer annular surface coupled to the inner annular surface by the supporting web, the outer annular surface configured to provide a radial sliding surface and to slide in a bearing receptacle.2. The bearing element of claim 1 , wherein:the supporting web is ring-shaped; andthe inner annular surfaces and the outer annular surfaces are cylindrical.3. The bearing element of claim 1 , wherein:the bearing element is integrally formed; andthe supporting web is formed by an annular recess in an end of the bearing element between the inner annular surface and the outer annular surface.4. The bearing element of claim 3 , further comprising a face which faces away from the annular recess and is configured to provide an axial sliding surface.5. The bearing element of claim 3 , wherein:the annular recess has an approximately frustoconical cross section in a section plane extending approximately along a longitudinal axis; andthe cross section tapers toward a face which faces away from the annular recess.6. The bearing element of claim 4 , wherein:the annular recess forms a sleeve-shaped outer section which includes the outer annular surface; andthe axial sliding ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Rolling Element Bearing and Method of Making the Same

Номер: US20130251298A1

A method for manufacturing a rolling-element bearing includes forming an inner ring from a steel having a sulfur content of 0.002 to 0.015 mass % and an oxygen content of less than 15 ppm, subjecting the inner ring to a hardening heat treatment that ends by performing a final heat treatment step at a predetermined temperature, cold working the inner-ring raceway to generate compressive residual stresses at least in a surface layer of the inner-ring raceway, subjecting the inner ring to a bluing treatment and subjecting the blued inner ring to a thermal post-treatment process at a temperature below the predetermined temperature of the final hardening heat treatment step. The resulting rolling-element bearing may exhibit compressive residual stresses having an absolute value of at least 200 MPa at 0.1 mm beneath the outer surface of the inner-ring raceway and a maximum value of 1500 MPa or less throughout the inner ring. 1. A method for manufacturing a rolling-element bearing , which includes an inner ring having an inner-ring raceway , an outer ring having an outer-ring raceway and a plurality of rolling elements that are rollable on the inner-ring raceway and on the outer-ring raceway , the method comprising:forming the inner ring from a steel having a sulfur content of 0.002 to 0.015 mass % and an oxygen content of less than 15 ppm,subjecting the inner ring to a heat treatment to harden it, which heat treatment ends by performing a final hardening heat treatment step at a predetermined temperature,cold working the inner-ring raceway to generate compressive residual stresses at least in a surface layer of the inner-ring raceway,subjecting the cold-worked inner ring to a bluing treatment to form a blued layer on an outer surface of the inner ring, andsubjecting the blued inner ring to a thermal post-treatment process at a temperature below the predetermined temperature of the final hardening heat treatment step.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Rolling-element bearing assembly having a retaining device

Номер: US20130266248A1
Автор: Thomas Wolf
Принадлежит: SKF AB

A rolling-element bearing assembly includes an inner ring, an outer ring and a plurality of rolling elements disposed between the inner ring and the outer ring on a common pitch circle diameter. A retaining device is attached to one of the inner ring and the outer ring and holds the rolling-element bearing assembly together without falling apart. The rolling elements include balls and rollers disposed on the common pitch circle diameter in an alternating manner. Further, at least one of the inner ring and the outer ring includes a raceway groove that axially supports the roller bearing balls.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Axial load sharing bearing system and associated method of use

Номер: US20130270945A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An axial flux electric machine and associated method of use that includes a shaft, a rotor attached to the shaft, a plurality of permanent magnets positioned underneath the rotor, an electrical winding positioned below the plurality of permanent magnets, a stator that encircles the shaft that is located below the rotor, a first bearing assembly located below the stator and encircling the shaft of the rotor, a second bearing assembly located below the first bearing assembly and encircling the shaft, and a spring mechanism, located between the first bearing assembly and the second bearing assembly, to distribute load placed on the shaft between the first bearing assembly and the second bearing assembly.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130279840A1

A journal bearing assembly includes a journal shaft configured to be mounted in a pulverizer. The journal shaft has a lower bearing receiving surface proximate a lower end thereof, and an upper bearing receiving surface spaced apart from the lower bearing receiving surface axially. A lower journal bearing is mounted on the lower bearing receiving surface of the journal shaft. An upper journal bearing is mounted on the upper bearing receiving surface of the journal shaft. An upper journal housing is mounted on the upper journal bearing for rotational movement relative to the journal shaft. A lower journal housing is mounted on the lower journal bearing for rotational movement relative to the journal shaft. The lower journal housing is mounted to the upper journal housing for common rotation about the journal shaft. The journal bearing assembly has a loading point defined between the upper and lower journal bearings. 1. A method of upgrading a journal assembly comprising:a) disassembling an original journal head skirt, an original upper journal housing, an original bearing spacer, and an original journal shaft from a journal assembly having a loading point; andb) assembling an upgrade journal head skirt, an upgrade upper journal housing, an upgrade bearing spacer, a lower journal bearing, an upper journal bearing that is a single bearing tapered roller bearing, and an upgrade journal shaft onto the journal assembly with the loading point of the journal assembly located between the upper and lower journal bearings.2. A method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the step of assembling includes assembling an upgrade upper journal housing onto the journal assembly wherein the upgrade upper journal housing defines a longitudinal axis and has a radially inner wall and a radially outer wall claim 1 , wherein the radially outer wall includes a mounting flange configured and adapted for mounting engagement of the upper journal housing with a lower journal housing claim 1 , and ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130287617A1

A compressor may include a shell, a bearing housing supported within the shell, an orbiting scroll, a non-orbiting scroll meshingly engaged with the orbiting scroll, fasteners and a drive shaft. The bearing housing may include a central body defining a bore and arms extending radially outward from a central body and defining circumferentially extending grooves. The circumferentially extending grooves may include inner side walls, outer side walls and base regions extending regionally between the inner and outer side walls and defining fastener receiving apertures. The orbiting scroll may be supported on the bearing housing and a non-orbiting scroll may be meshingly engaged with the orbiting scroll and may include flanges defining flange apertures. The fasteners may extend through the flange apertures and the fasteners receiving apertures and secure the non-orbiting scroll to the bearing housing. The drive shaft may extend through the bore and be engaged with the orbiting scroll. 1. A compressor comprising:a shell; a central body defining a bore; and', 'arms extending radially outward from said central body and defining circumferentially extending grooves including inner side walls, outer side walls and base regions extending radially between said inner and outer side walls and defining fastener-receiving apertures;, 'a bearing housing supported within said shell and includingan orbiting scroll supported on said bearing housing;a non-orbiting scroll meshingly engaged with said orbiting scroll and including a flange defining flange apertures;fasteners extending through said flange apertures and said fastener-receiving apertures and securing said non-orbiting scroll to said bearing housing; anda drive shaft extending through said bore and engaged with said orbiting scroll.2. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein said grooves are each arc-shaped with open circumferential ends.3. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein said circumferentially extending grooves are concentric to ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130294715A1
Принадлежит: Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG

The invention relates to a bearing arrangement, in particular for sensor arrangements, comprising a first bearing part and a second bearing part, which are designed and arranged so as to be movable relative to each other and which touch each other at least partially in the course of said relative motion. The first bearing part is guided on at least one first running surface of the second bearing part, and the first running surface of the second bearing part has a recess, in which at least one ridge is formed, wherein the arrangement of the ridge in the recess does not influence the relative motion between the first bearing part and the second bearing part. 115.-. (canceled)16. A bearing arrangement , in particular for sensor arrangements , comprising a first bearing part and a second bearing part , which are designed and arranged so as to be movable relative to one another and which touch one another at least partially in the course of said relative motion , wherein the first bearing part is guided on at least one first running surface of the second bearing part , wherein the first running surface of the second bearing part has a recess , in which at least one ridge is formed , the arrangement of which in the recess does not influence the relative motion between the first bearing part and the second bearing part.17. The bearing arrangement as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the first bearing part has a supporting element which is only ever guided in one running surface segment claim 16 , at least by the first running surface of the second bearing part.18. The bearing arrangement as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the second bearing part has at least one additional claim 16 , second running surface along the first running surface claim 16 , wherein said two running surfaces are not arranged parallel to one another and wherein the first bearing part is guided by the first running surface and the additional claim 16 , second running surface and is supported in different ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130294718A1

A bearing cage assembly consisting of a plurality of discrete bridge elements coupled between first and second cage support wire rings having selected tensions, and conforming to the surfaces of associated rolling elements. The discrete bridge elements maintain rolling element in separation, provide rolling element retention within the bearing assembly, and function as a lubrication reservoir for grease lubricated bearings. The discrete bridge elements may be disposed between adjacent rolling elements, or may be configured to pass through axial bores of hollow rolling elements 1. A bearing cage structure for use with a bearing assembly having a plurality of rolling elements disposed about a circumference of a race member , comprising:a first wire support ring disposed adjacent an axially first end of the rolling elements and bearing assembly;a second wire support ring disposed adjacent an axially second end of the rolling elements and bearing assembly; anda plurality of discrete bridge elements coupled between the first and second wire support rings, each of said bridge elements configured to maintain a spacing between adjacent rolling elements and to retain said rolling elements relative to said race member; anda plurality of tubular spacers disposed on at least one of said first and second wire support rings annularly between adjacent discrete bridge elements, said tubular spacers configured to maintain a spacing between said adjacent discrete bridge elements.2. The bearing cage structure of where said first and second wire support rings are threaded through eyelets at opposite ends of each of said plurality of discrete bridge elements.3. The bearing cage structure of further including a final bridge element secured onto said first and second wire support rings by eyelet plates;wherein each of said plurality of discrete bridge elements and said final bridge element is disposed between a pair of adjacent rolling elements; and,wherein each of said attachment plates ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130301962A1

A bearing mechanism has a rotary member made of a resin, having a cylindrical bearing integrally formed thereof and protruding from a side surface of the rotary member; a base member made of a resin and rotatably supporting the rotary member, the base member having a support shaft protruding from a position facing the cylindrical bearing of the rotary member; and an urging member constantly urging the rotary member in a predetermined direction. The cylindrical bearing of the rotary member has a bearing hole to fit and insert the support shaft of the base member. 13-. (canceled)4. A bearing mechanism , comprising:a rotary member made of a resin, and including a cylindrical bearing integrally formed therewith to protrude from a side surface of the rotary member and having a bearing hole therein;a base member made of a resin and rotatably supporting the rotary member, the base member having a support shaft protruding from a position facing the cylindrical bearing of the rotary member to be inserted into the bearing hole so that the rotary member is rotatably supported by the base member; andan urging member constantly urging the rotary member in a predetermined direction.5. The bearing mechanism according to claim 4 , wherein the rotary member is made of a highly rigid resin and the base member is made of a highly elastic resin.6. The bearing mechanism according to claim 5 , wherein the rotary member is formed of a polyphenylenesulfide resin as the highly rigid resin and the base member is formed of a polyamide resin as the highly elastic resin. The present invention relates to a bearing mechanism for rotatably supporting a compact rotary member such as a rotary lever used in a safety mechanism or the like of a push button switch.A push button switch of Patent Document 1 in which an operating part and a switch part are configured to be able to separate from each other is used as a switch for commanding especially a machine tool to stop in an emergency. As shown in , ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130301966A1

This temporary support member for a sensor unit of a bearing assembly is stackable with a similar support member when a sensor unit is mounted on each one of the support member and the similar support member. 1. A temporary support member for a sensor unit of a bearing assembly , the support member being stackable with a similar support member when a sensor unit is mounted on each one of the support member and the similar support member.2. The temporary support member according to claim 1 , further comprising curved portions forming each a recess for accommodating a part of a sensor body belonging to a sensor unit mounted on another temporary support member or a part of a bearing cooperating with a sensor unit mounted on another temporary support member.3. The temporary support member according to claim 2 , wherein the curved portions are provided at the free ends of some arms which extend parallel to a central axis of the support member and define between them a volume for accommodating a connector belonging to the sensor unit.4. The temporary support member according to claim 3 , wherein each recess is formed by a first cylindrical wall centered on the central axis and a second wall perpendicular to the central axis.5. The temporary support member according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first part for accommodating at least a part of a sensor body of the sensor unit,a second part for accommodating, in a coiled configuration, a cable connected to the sensor body, anda third part for accommodating a connector mounted at a free end of the cable.6. The temporary support member according to claim 5 , wherein the arms belong to the third part.7. The temporary support member according to claim 1 , wherein the first part and the second part are circular and centered on a common axis.8. The temporary support member according to claim 7 , wherein claim 7 , along the common axis claim 7 , the second part is located between the first and third parts.9. The temporary ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130301973A1

The present invention relates to a spacer device for roller elements in a toroidal roller bearing, and a method for manufacturing a toroidal roller bearing comprising a plurality of spacer devices. The toroidal roller bearing allows for axial and angular displacement between an inner and outer bearing ring. The spacer device provides first and second roller-contacting surfaces having a concave shape adapted to conform with respective convex contacting surfaces of the toroidal roller elements, and at least one axial end portion which is elastically deformable. 1. A spacer device for roller elements in a toroidal roller bearing having an inner and an outer ring , wherein the toroidal roller bearing allows for axial and angular displacement between the inner and outer ring , the spacer device comprising:a first and second roller-contacting surface on opposite sides of the spacer device, whereinthe first and second roller-contacting surfaces are arranged to separate two adjacent toroidal roller elements in a tangential direction of the bearing, whereineach of the first and second roller-contacting surfaces has a concave shape adapted to conform with respective convex contacting surfaces of the toroidal roller elements, and whereinat least one axial end portion of the spacer device is elastically deformable, the axial end portion including at least a portion of the first and second roller-contacting surfaces.2. The spacer device according to claim 1 , wherein the tangential distance between the first and second roller-contacting surfaces of the axial end portion is reducible by elastic deformation.3. The spacer device according to claim 1 , wherein a normal tangential distance between the first and second roller-contacting surface of the at least one axial end portion is compressible by elastic deformation to a compressed distance of at least 25% of the normal tangential distance.4. The spacer device according to claim 1 , wherein the axial end portion provides at least ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130315518A1
Принадлежит: Sulzer Pumpen AG

A bearing pad, including a pad body () and a tilting element (), for a support body () of a bearing arrangement () for taking up an axial thrust, characterized in that the tilting element () is provided in an elongated recess () of the pad body () extending in a radial direction such that a contact body () of the tilting element () extending in the direction of the recess () projecting beyond a surface of the pad body () and the pad body () has a higher deformability than the tilting element (). 1111223121111112112111111112. A bearing pad , including a pad body () and a tilting element () , for a support body () of a bearing arrangement () for taking up an axial thrust , characterized in that the tilting element () is provided in an elongated recess () of the pad body () extending in a radial direction such that a contact body () of the tilting element () extending in the direction of the recess () projects beyond a surface of the pad body () and the pad body () has a higher deformability than the tilting element ().2111121. A bearing pad in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the bearing pad () claim 1 , including the pad body () and the tilting element () claim 1 , has a two-part bearing pad ().312. A bearing pad in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the tilting element () is of a metal.412111212. A bearing pad in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the contact body () is designed such that the bearing pad () in connection with the contact body () can be movably arranged in the installed state about a tilting axis (A) at the support body ().5. A bearing pad in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the tilting axis (A) is arranged in the radial direction.61221220121. A bearing pad in accordance with claim 1 , wherein a contact surface ( claim 1 , ) of the contact body () is coated claim 1 , in particular ceramically coated.7121. A bearing pad in accordance with claim 1 , wherein a cross-section of the contact body () is convexly arched claim 1 , and is in particular ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130318796A1

In summary, the invention relates to a method for forming an end-side toothing arrangement of a roiling bearing, in particular a wheel bearing. The aim is to improve the uniformity of the end-side toothing arrangement and to allow a greater tooth depth. This is achieved by two method steps in that, in a first step before the reshaping of an end piece of a hub, a die is axially arranged on the rolling bearing in a preassembled state and, in a second step during the reshaping of the end piece and the shaping of the end-side toothing arrangement, the die radially delimits a radial recess of the rolling rivet collar as it forms. In addition, the die reduces or prevents radial widening of the inner ring. 1. A method for forming an end-side toothing arrangement from a rolling rivet collar of a rolling bearing , the method comprising:before the reshaping of an end piece of a hub, axially inserting a die on the roiling bearing in a preassembled state; andreshaping the end piece to form a rolling rivet collar, wherein during the reshaping of the end piece and simultaneous shaping of the end-side toothing arrangement, the die radially delimits a radial expansion of the roiling rivet collar.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the die shapes at least one of an axial outer face and a radial outer face of the roiling rivet collar during the reshaping.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein an inner extension of the die shapes and delimits the radial outer face of the rolling rivet collar during the reshaping.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the die includes a clamping ring that radially supports from the outside inwards an inner ring of the rolling bearing during the step of reshaping.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the clamping ring is fastened to the die or is integrally connected thereto. This application is a divisional application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/789,118, filed May 27, 2010, which darns priority of DE 10 2009 023 ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130322800A1

A temporary support member for a sensor unit of a bearing assembly having a first part for accommodating at least a part of a sensor body of the sensor unit, a second part for accommodating, in a coiled configuration, a cable connected to the sensor body and a third part for accommodating a connector mounted at a free end of the cable. 1. A temporary support member for a sensor unit of a bearing assembly , the support member comprising:a first part for accommodating at least a part of a sensor body of the sensor unit;a second part for accommodating, in a coiled configuration, a cable connected to the sensor body, anda third part for accommodating a connector mounted at a free end of the cable.2. The temporary support member according to claim 1 , wherein it comprises a lug for shaping the cable between the sensor body and the second part.3. The temporary support member according to claim 2 , wherein the second part is circular and the lug extends along a direction which is globally radial with respect to a central axis of the second part.4. The temporary support member according to any one of claim 3 , wherein the lug has a radially outer concave portion for accommodating a part of the cable.5. The temporary support member according to claim 4 , wherein the lug extends radially claim 4 , with respect to a central axis of the second part claim 4 , outwardly as compared to the first claim 4 , second and third parts.6. The temporary support member according to claim 4 , wherein the third part extends radially claim 4 , with respect to a central axis of the second part claim 4 , outwardly as compared to the lug.7. The temporary support member according to claim 1 , wherein the first part and the second part are circular and centered on a common axis.8. The temporary support member according to claim 7 , wherein claim 7 , along the common axis claim 7 , the second part is located between the first and third parts.9. The temporary support member according to claim 1 , ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130343633A1

A bearing (X) inside which a lubricant is able to be sealed is provided with: a rotary motion body (X) that moves when a rotation drive force is applied; and a rotation angle indicator (X) that is provided on the rotary motion body (X) and that is moved, in conjunction with the movement of the rotary motion body (X), to a position that corresponds to the rotation angle of the rotary motion body (X). 1. A bearing inside which a lubricant is able to be sealed , comprising:a rotary motion body that moves when a rotation drive force is applied; anda rotation angle indicator that is provided on the rotary motion body and that is moved, in conjunction with the movement of the rotary motion body, to a position that corresponds to the rotation angle of the rotary motion body.2. The bearing according to claim 1 , wherein both the position of the rotation angle indicator as seen from the axial direction of the bearing claim 1 , and the position of the rotation angle indicator as seen from an orthogonal direction relative to the axial direction move in accordance with the rotation angle of the rotary motion body.3. The bearing according to claim 2 , wherein the rotation angle indicator is formed by a first marker and a second marker that are formed from a material having a higher rate of radiation beam absorption than that used to form the rotary motion body claim 2 , and the first marker and the second marker are placed opposite each other when viewed from the axial direction around the center of movement of the rotary motion body claim 2 , and are offset relative to each other in the axial direction when viewed from an orthogonal direction relative to the axial direction.4. The bearing according to claim 3 , wherein the rotation angle indicator is further provided with a third marker that is formed from a material having a higher rate of radiation beam absorption than that used to form the rotary motion body claim 3 , and the third marker is offset in the axial direction ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130343681A1

Embodiments of the invention relate to tilting pad bearing assemblies and apparatuses. The disclosed tilting pad bearing assemblies and apparatuses may be employed in downhole motors of a subterranean drilling system or other mechanical systems. In an embodiment, a bearing assembly or apparatus includes a support ring and a plurality of tilting pads. Each tilting pad is tilted and/or tiltably secured relative to the support ring. In some embodiments, one or more of the tilting pads include a plurality of superhard bearing segments assembled to form a superhard bearing surface. One or more seams may be positioned between adjacent superhard bearing segments of the superhard bearing segments. In other embodiments, one or more of the tilting pads may include at least one or only one superhard bearing segment, such as a polycrystalline diamond bearing segment. 1. A method of operating a bearing apparatus , comprising:providing a first bearing assembly that is rotatable relative to a second bearing assembly, wherein the first bearing assembly includes a runner and the second bearing assembly includes a plurality of tilting pads each of which has at least one polycrystalline diamond bearing element; androtating the first bearing assembly relative to the second bearing assembly at a sufficient rotational speed so that a hydrodynamic film develops between the runner of the first bearing assembly and the plurality of polycrystalline diamond bearing elements of the second bearing assembly.2. The method of wherein rotating the first bearing assembly relative to the second bearing assembly includes rotating a shaft using one or more of a pump claim 1 , motor claim 1 , compressor claim 1 , turbine claim 1 , generator claim 1 , or gearbox to effect the rotating.3. The method of wherein the at least one polycrystalline diamond bearing element of one of the tilting pads includes a plurality of polycrystalline diamond elements that are at least partially interlocked with each other.4 ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130343685A1

The invention concerns a rolling bearing () with a one-piece outer bearing ring () and a one-piece inner bearing ring (), and with rolling elements () arranged in at least one row between the bearing rings (). Provision is made in this rolling bearing that the outer bearing ring () and/or the inner bearing ring () has, on the axial end face, at least one cutout () through which the rolling elements () can be placed into the space between the bearing rings (), that the cutout () can be covered with a reversibly attachable cap (), and that the cap () forms a rim () for guiding the rolling elements (). The lateral cutout () for filling the rolling bearing () with rolling bodies permits cage solutions of segmented or strip design that are larger than a rolling element and hence can accommodate multiple rolling elements. The suitability of the rolling bearing for high rotational speeds and the stiffness of the rolling bearing are increased as a result. 1. Rolling bearing with a one-piece outer bearing ring and a one-piece inner bearing ring , and with rolling elements arranged in at least one row between the bearing rings wherein the outer bearing ring and/or the inner bearing ring has , on the axial end face , at least one cutout through which the rolling elements can be placed into the space between the bearing rings , in that the cutout can be covered with a reversibly attachable cap , and in that the cap forms a rim for guiding the rolling elements.2. Rolling bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the rolling elements roll on races that are inclined at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the bearing claim 1 , in that the rolling elements are arranged in two rows that are positioned in an “O” arrangement with respect to one another claim 1 , and in that the outer bearing ring has two cutouts that can each be reversibly covered with a cap claim 1 , wherein the caps form rims.3. Rolling bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the rolling elements roll on races that are ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140003751A1
Автор: Ito Hiroyoshi

A rolling bearing device equipped with IC tags is proposed which includes a tapered roller bearing. In the tapered roller bearing, tapered rollers are rotatably retained by a retainer between an outer race and an inner race. The outer end metal surface portions of the inner race and the outer race have holes, in which IC tags capable of non-contact communication are attached through shock-absorbing bodies made of an elastic rubber material. Even when the surface of the outer race or inner race is a surface for receiving a preload, the strain, vibration or impact caused by external force and exerted on the surface is absorbed in the shock-absorbing body made of an elastic rubber material. 1. A rolling bearing device equipped with an IC tag , said rolling bearing device comprising an outer race and an inner race , one or each of which races has a hole formed in a surface portion thereof , wherein the or each hole has an IC tag capable of non-contact communication retained therein through a shock-absorbing body made of an elastic rubber material.2. The rolling bearing device according to claim 1 , wherein said shock-absorbing body is provided so that said IC tag is covered with the shock-absorbing body at an opening of the or each hole.3. The rolling bearing device according to claim 1 , wherein the elastic rubber material is a fluoro rubber claim 1 , a silicone rubber claim 1 , a fluoro-silicone rubber claim 1 , a nitrile rubber or a hydrogenated nitrile rubber.4. The rolling bearing device according to claim 1 , wherein a surface of the or each race in which the hole is formed is a surface for receiving a preload for attaching said rolling bearing device to a target object.5. The rolling bearing device according to claim 1 , wherein the or each hole has a roughened surface or a helicoidal surface.6. The rolling bearing device according to claim 1 , wherein the or each hole has in a bottom thereof a dent for holding an adhesive.7. The rolling bearing device according ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Wheel Bearing Apparatus

Номер: US20140010487A1

A wheel bearing apparatus has a protecting cover formed from non-magnetic steel sheet with a cup-shaped configuration. The protective cover has a cylindrical fitting portion, a disk-shaped shield portion, a radially reducing portion, a stepped portion and a bottom portion. The cylindrical fitting portion is press-fit into the inner circumference of the inner-side end of the outer member. The disk-shaped shielding portion extends radially inward from the fitting portion, via the radially reducing portion. The inner-side surface of the shielding portion is arranged close to or in contact with a rotation speed detecting sensor. The bottom portion is continuous with the shielding portion, via the stepped portion to close the inner-side end of the inner member. A full deflection of the side surface of the shielding portion that is caused by a load the same as that applied to the protecting cover when it is press-fit into the outer member is limited to a predetermined value or less. 1. A wheel bearing apparatus comprising:an outer member integrally formed with double row outer raceway surfaces on its inner circumference;an inner member including a wheel hub and at least one inner ring, the wheel hub is integrally formed, on its one end, with a wheel mounting flange, a cylindrical portion axially extends from the wheel mounting flange, the inner ring is press fit onto the cylindrical portion of the wheel hub, the wheel hub and the inner ring are formed on their outer circumferences, respectively, with one double row inner raceway surfaces that oppose the double row outer raceway surfaces;double row rolling elements are freely rollably contained between the inner raceway surfaces and outer raceway surfaces of the inner member and outer member;a pulser ring is fit onto the outer circumference of the inner ring;a seal is mounted on the outer-side end of the outer member, a protecting cover is mounted on the inner-side end of the outer member, the seal and protective cover ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140010488A1

This instrumented bearing comprises a bearing and a sensor unit for sensing the angular position of the rotatable ring with respect to the fixed ring of the bearing, an encoder element which is fastened to the rotatable ring, and a sensing element fastened to the fixed ring, adapted to sense a parameter representative of the rotation speed of the rotatable ring. The sensing element is mounted in a casing fastened with the fixed ring. The casing provides a peripheral wall mounted on the fixed ring and which includes at least one snap portion adapted to be received in a recess of a surface of the fixed ring, and at least one axial blocking portion adapted to abut against a lateral surface of the fixed ring, perpendicular to the rotation axis of the instrumented bearing. Each snap portion and each blocking portion alternate around a central axis (X). 1. An instrumented bearing comprising:a bearing, anda sensor unit for sensing the angular position of a rotatable ring with respect to a fixed ring of the bearing, whereinthe sensor unit includes an encoder element which is fastened to the rotatable ring, and a sensing element fastened to the fixed ring, adapted to sense a parameter representative of the rotation speed of the rotatable ring, whereinthe sensing element is mounted in a casing fastened with the fixed ring, and whereinthe casing provides a peripheral wall mounted on the fixed ring and provides at least one snap portion adapted to be received in a recess of a surface of the fixed ring, and at least one axial blocking portion adapted to abut against a lateral surface of the fixed ring, and wherein{'b': '6', 'each snap portion and each blocking portion alternate with respect to each other around a central axis (X) of the casing.'}2. The instrumented bearing according to wherein there are at least two snap portions and at least two blocking portions.3. The instrumented bearing according to claim 2 , wherein the blocking portions and the snap portions extend on ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140010647A1

A turbocharger and a method of manufacturing a floating bush with which noise can be reduced, and the rotation speed can be increased. In a turbocharger in which a rotating shaft having a circular cross-section and connecting a turbine rotor and a compressor rotor is supported in a freely rotatable manner, at two axially separated positions via floating bushes, by an inner circumferential surface disposed so as to surround the rotating shaft in a bearing housing, an inner circumferential surface of each of the floating bushes has a non-circular shape in which the curvature of the cross-sectional shape varies in the circumferential direction. 1. A turbocharger in which a rotating shaft having a circular cross-section and connecting a turbine rotor and a compressor rotor is supported in a freely rotatable manner , at two axially separated positions via floating bushes , by a support portion disposed so as to surround the rotating shaft in a housing ,wherein an inner circumferential surface of each of the floating bushes has a non-circular shape in which a curvature of a cross-section varies in a circumferential direction.2. The turbocharger according to claim 1 , wherein an outer circumferential surface of each of the floating bushes has a non-circular shape in which a curvature of a cross-section varies in a circumferential direction.3. The turbocharger according to claim 1 , wherein an inner circumferential surface of the support portion has a non-circular shape in which a curvature of a cross-section varies in a circumferential direction.4. A turbocharger in which a rotating shaft having a circular cross-section and connecting a turbine rotor and a compressor rotor is supported in a freely rotatable manner claim 1 , at two axially separated positions via floating bushes claim 1 , by a support portion disposed so as to surround the rotating shaft in a housing claim 1 ,wherein an inner circumferential surface of the support portion has a non-circular shape in which a ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Jig for split cage and method of assembling rolling bearing

Номер: US20140013603A1
Автор: Takeshi Miyachi
Принадлежит: JTEKT Corp

A split cage is configured by annularly arranging cage segments in a circumferential direction. Each cage segment includes a pair of first and second rim portions spaced from each other by a predetermined interval and facing each other, and bar portions extending from the first rim portion to the second rim portion. Spaces, each of which is surrounded by the adjacent bar portions and the first and second rim portions, are formed as pockets that house rolling elements. A jig for the split cage includes a looped band wound on an outer peripheral side of the first or second rim portions of the cage segments annularly arranged. The band includes a lock portion that is able to adjust a loop length of the band with respect to an outer peripheral length of the first or second rim portions, and that is able to fix the adjusted loop length.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140020250A1

A method to ascertain measured friction torque to a bearing and a method to reduce preload variation of a hearing pair or set. Friction torque of a bearing is measured at a known load and speed. The value of the measured friction torque is then printed in a data matrix that is then applied to the bearing that was measured. Prior to assembling the bearings on a shaft system, the data matrix is read. The targeted friction torque is calculated for the shaft system based on the desired assembly preload. The bearing preload is then set and verified by measuring the friction torque of the pair of bearings assembled on the shaft. As a result of the method, bearing friction torque variation is substantially mitigated. 1. A method of ascertaining measured friction torque of a bearing , comprising the steps of:measuring fraction torque of the bearing at a known load and a known speed;entering the measured friction torque into a data matrix; andapplying the data matrix on the bearing.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the data matrix is applied on the bearing by printing claim 1 , laser marking claim 1 , or etching.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the data matrix is a barcode.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the data matrix contains a date code or a part number.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the data matrix is applied to an end side of an outer hearing ring or an inner hearing ring of the hearing.6. A method of reducing preload variation of a bearing claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of:measuring friction torque of the bearing at a known load and a known speed;entering the measured friction torque into a data matrix;applying the data matrix on the bearing;reading the data matrix with a reading device;installing the hearing on a shaft;calculating a targeted friction torque based on a desired preload;setting the preload of the bearing; andverifying the preload of the bearing by measuring the friction torque of the bearing installed on the shaft.7. The method of ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Rolling bearing device with rotation detection function

Номер: US20140021945A1
Автор: Kaoru Omoto
Принадлежит: NTN Corp

A rolling contact bearing device with rotation detection function, includes a rolling bearing, a sensor housing, an encoder and a sensor mount board. The rolling bearing is configured to come in contact with an outer peripheral surface of a shaft. The sensor housing that is annular includes a first axial segment forming a bearing mount segment configured to mount an outer ring of the rolling bearing. The sensor housing also includes a second axial segment forming an encoder accommodation segment that is axially offset from the bearing mount segment. The encoder may be accommodated in an interior space of the encoder accommodation segment. The encoder may rotate integrally with the shaft. The sensor mount board is configured to be positioned between the encoder accommodation segment and the encoder. The sensor mount board includes a sensor mounted thereon to sense the encoder.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140029886A1

A part-bearing-ring of a rolling-element bearing includes first and second assembly bores on its end surface, and the second assembly bore has a larger diameter than the first assembly bore so that it can accommodate a securing sleeve. The second assembly bore may include an internal thread for attaching the securing sleeve. Also a bearing ring formed of two part-bearing-rings and a securing sleeve and a method of installing a bearing ring. 1. A part-bearing-ring of a rolling-element bearing , the part-bearing-ring comprising:a first assembly bore on the end surface of the part-bearing-ring; anda second assembly bore, wherein the second assembly bore has a larger diameter than the first assembly bore and is formed for accommodating a securing sleeve, and wherein the part-bearing-ring has an internal thread in the second assembly bore for attaching the securing sleeve.2. The part-bearing-ring according to claim 1 , wherein the first assembly bore and the second assembly bore are formed for mounting the part-bearing-ring on a housing or on a rotor of a motor or of a generator.3. The part-bearing-ring according to claim 1 , wherein the part-bearing-ring is formed as part of an inner ring or of an outer ring of a rolling-element bearing and/or corresponds to a half of a bearing ring which is split perpendicular to its axis of rotation.4. The part-bearing-ring according to claim 1 , wherein the part-bearing-ring has a shoulder claim 1 , a recess claim 1 , or a groove in the second assembly bore for attaching the securing sleeve.57-. (canceled)8. A bearing ring for a rolling-element bearing claim 1 , which comprises at least one first part-bearing-ring according to claim 1 , a second part-bearing-ring claim 1 , and at least one securing sleeve claim 1 , wherein the securing sleeve is inserted into the second assembly bore of the first part-bearing-ring and into an assembly bore of the second part-bearing-ring claim 1 , in order to clamp the two part-bearing-rings to each ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Bearing apparatus and method for an irrigation pivot structure

Номер: US20140035277A1
Автор: Thomas J. Korus
Принадлежит: Lindsay Corp

A bearing structure for a pivoting irrigation system apparatus having a rotatable vertical section with a plurality of annular assemblies mounted thereon. The assemblies include a plurality of components that are rotatable and non-rotatable with the rotatable vertical section so as to facilitate movement with decreased friction therebetween.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Magnetic Bearing Assembly

Номер: US20140035412A1

Stray magnetic fields created by non-symmetrical magnetisation of the permanent magnets in a rotating magnet array of a magnetic bearing assembly, when used in turbo molecular pumps, can cause significant problems to devices such as scanning electron microscopes. In order to minimise the stray fields, at least the dipole and quadrupole moments of each magnet in the array is first measured. The magnets in the array are then arranged relative to one another such that both the dipole and quadrupole moments are minimised, thus minimising the stray magnetic field when the magnet array rotates in the turbomolecular pump. 1. A method of assembling a rotatable permanent magnet array of a magnetic bearing arrangement , said rotating array comprising at least four permanent ring magnets , the method comprising the steps of:measuring at least the first and second order transverse stray magnetic field vectors for each of the at least four ring magnets in relation to a reference point on the ring magnets;calculating the relative angular orientation and relative magnetic polarity direction for each magnet within the array such that, when the at least four magnets are assembled and rotated, the time-varying magnetic field is minimised; andassembling the array of magnets according to the calculation.2. The method of assembling a rotatable magnet array according to claim 1 , comprising the additional step of measuring the first and second order transverse stray magnetic field vector of the array once assembled according to the calculation step.3. A rotatable magnet array of a permanent magnet bearing arrangement claim 1 , comprising at least four permanent ring magnets claim 1 , assembled according to the method of .4. A bearing arrangement comprising a rotatable magnet array claim 1 , comprising at least four permanent ring magnets claim 1 , assembled according to the method of .5. A high speed rotational device comprising a bearing arrangement according to .6. A turbomolecular ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Pressure generating device

Номер: US20140041383A1
Принадлежит: SKF AB

A pressure generating device ( 1 ), such as a boost pressure generator of an internal combustion engine, includes a housing ( 2 ), in which a rotor ( 3 ) is axially and radially supported by a bearing assembly ( 5 ). A gap ( 4 ) extends in the radial direction ( 4 ) between the housing ( 2 ) and the rotor ( 3 ) at at least one axial position of the rotor ( 3 ). In order to ensure a minimal and constant gap between the housing and the rotor, an axial bearing ( 5′ ) is provided exclusively for supporting axial forces.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140050433A1

A method for manufacturing a rolling-element bearing assembly includes providing a first bearing ring, a second bearing ring and rolling-elements, rotating the first bearing ring relative to the second bearing ring and joining the first bearing ring, the second bearing ring and the rolling elements while the first bearing ring is rotating relative to the second bearing ring. The method additionally includes connecting one of the bearing rings to a bearing ring of another rolling-element bearing or to a spacer while the first bearing ring is rotating relative to the second bearing ring. 1. A method for manufacturing a rolling-element bearing assembly , comprising:providing a first bearing ring of a first rolling-element bearing, a second bearing ring of the first rolling-element bearing, and rolling elements of the first rolling-element bearing;rotating the first bearing ring of the first rolling-element bearing relative to the second bearing ring of the first rolling-element bearing;joining together the first bearing ring of the first rolling-element bearing, the second bearing ring of the first rolling-element bearing and the rolling elements of the first rolling-element bearing while the first bearing ring of the first rolling-element bearing is rotating relative to the second bearing ring of the first rolling-element bearing; andconnecting the second bearing ring of the first rolling-element bearing to a bearing ring of a second rolling-element bearing directly or with a spacer disposed between the bearing rings of the rolling-element bearing and the bearing ring of the second rolling-element bearing by bonding while the first bearing ring of the first rolling-element bearing is rotating relative to the second bearing ring of the first rolling-element bearing.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the connecting of the second bearing ring of the first rolling-element bearing to the bearing ring of the second rolling-element bearing or with the spacer to the ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140056549A1

A tolerance ring can include a generally cylindrical body that can include a sidewall that defines a top and a bottom. The sidewall can include an upper unformed band and a lower unformed band opposite the upper unformed band. A plurality of shoulderless wave structures can protrude radially from the sidewall between the upper unformed band and the lower unformed band. Each shoulderless wave structure can be connected only to the upper unformed band and the lower unformed band. The sidewall of the tolerance ring can also include a plurality of unformed sections and a gap that extends along the entire axial length of the body. Each unformed section can be located between a pair of adjacent shoulderless wave structures. Moreover, the gap can establish a split in the body. 1. A tolerance ring , comprising: an upper unformed band;', 'a lower unformed band opposite the upper unformed band;', 'a plurality of shoulderless wave structures protruding radially from the sidewall between the upper unformed band and the lower unformed band, wherein each shoulderless wave structure is connected only to the upper unformed band and the lower unformed band;', 'a plurality of unformed sections, wherein each unformed section is located between a pair of adjacent shoulderless wave structures; and', 'a gap extending along the entire axial length of the body, wherein the gap establishes a split in the body., 'a generally cylindrical body having a sidewall that defines a top, and a bottom, wherein the sidewall includes2. A tolerance ring , comprising: an upper unformed band;', 'a lower unformed band opposite the upper unformed band;', 'a plurality of unformed sections extending between the upper unformed band and the lower unformed band;', {'sub': E', 'US', 'E', 'US, 'a plurality of wave structures protruding radially from the sidewall between adjacent unformed sections wherein each wave structure includes a first side edge established by a first cutout extending along a first side of the ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Resettable downhole torque limiter and related methods of use

Номер: US20140060856A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

Disclosed is a torque limiter having driver mandrel and driven axially aligned mandrels, a piston movable into and out of an engaged position wherein the driver and driven mandrels are coupled together to transmit torque there between. Hydraulically locking the movable piston in an engaged position. Disengaging the hydraulic lock when during rotation when a specified torque magnitude is exceeded to allow relative rotation between the mandrels. Resetting the torque limiter by hydraulically locking the piston in the engaging position when relative rotation ceases or is reduced.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140061968A1
Автор: EO Hae Sung

A manufacturing method of a bearing housing of a washing machine using a first mold and a second mold to form an external appearance of the bearing housing and a central core to form a shaft support part of the bearing housing includes inserting a bearing bush onto the outer circumferential surface of the central core, and fixing the bearing bush inserted onto the outer circumferential surface of the central core by at least one bush fixing rib formed on one of the first mold and the second mold. 1. A manufacturing method of a bearing housing of a washing machine using a first mold and a second mold to form an external appearance of the bearing housing and a central core to form a shaft support part of the bearing housing , comprising:inserting a bearing bush onto the outer circumferential surface of the central core; andfixing the bearing bush inserted onto the outer circumferential surface of the central core by at least one bush fixing rib formed on one of the first mold and the second mold.2. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one bush fixing rib is formed on one mold located at the upper part claim 1 , among the first mold and the second mold.3. The manufacturing method according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one bush fixing rib is protruded such that the at least one bush fixing rib is tilted from the upper portion thereof to the lower portion thereof.4. The manufacturing method according to claim 3 , wherein the central core includes a protrusion to support a lower end of the bearing bush. This application is a divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/926,410 filed on Nov. 16, 2010, which claims the benefit of Korean Patent Application No. 10-2009-0121836, filed on Dec. 9, 2009 in the Korean Intellectual Property Office, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference.1. FieldEmbodiments relate to a bearing housing to support a drum and a shaft of a washing machine, and a manufacturing method thereof.2. ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140084725A1
Автор: Stanke Norbert
Принадлежит: Vestas Wind Systems

A method and apparatus for bearing replacement in an electrical machine is provided. An electrical machine is provided, comprising a stator with at least one stator winding, the stator defining a centre axis, and a rotor comprising magnetic material and having a first end and a second end. The electrical machine further comprises at least one bearing including a first bearing and supporting the rotor in an operational position in relation to the stator allowing the rotor to rotate in relation to the stator about the centre axis, and at least one support element including a first support element and adapted to support the rotor in relation to the stator such that the at least one support element in a support position supports the rotor centred about the centre axis, thereby allowing replacement of the first bearing, the support element in the support position being at least partly positioned between the rotor and the stator in a direction perpendicular to the centre axis. 1. A permanent magnet electrical machine comprising:a stator with at least one stator winding;the stator defining a center axis;a rotor comprising permanent magnetic material and having a first end and a second end;a bearing supporting the rotor in an operational position in relation to the stator allowing the rotor to rotate in relation to the stator about the center axis; anda support element adapted to support the rotor in relation to the stator such that the support element supports the rotor centered about the center axis, thereby allowing replacement of the bearing, the support element being at least partly positioned between the rotor and the stator in a direction radially from the center axis.2. The electrical machine according to claim 1 , wherein the bearing is positioned along the center axis between the first end of the rotor and the support element.3. The electrical machine according to claim 1 , wherein the stator comprises an engagement part adapted to engage with the support element. ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140086515A1
Автор: Pedersen Bo, Thomsen Kim

A sliding bearing of a wind turbine and a method to perform a service at a sliding bearing are proposed. The sliding bearing has a first bearing shell and a second bearing shell and a plurality of bearing pads arranged between the first bearing shell and the second bearing shell. The bearing pads are connected to the second bearing shell and the first bearing shell has a sliding surface that is prepared and arranged so that the bearing pads can slide along the sliding surface when the bearing shells are moved in respect to each other. A machining element is arranged between the first bearing shell and the second bearing shell to treat the sliding surface of the first bearing shell. 1. A sliding bearing of a wind turbine , comprising:a first bearing shell comprising a sliding surface;a second bearing shell;a plurality of bearing pads arranged between the first bearing shell and the second bearing shell; anda machining element arranged between the first bearing shell and the second bearing shell to treat the sliding surface,wherein the bearing pads are connected to the second bearing shell, andwherein the sliding surface is prepared and arranged so that the bearing pads can slide along the sliding surface when the first bearing shell and the second bearing shell are moved in respect to each other.2. The sliding bearing according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the bearing pads is prepared and arranged to be replaceable by the machining element.3. The sliding bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the machining element is a bearing pad with a machining surface.4. The sliding bearing according to claim 1 , wherein at least one bearing pad comprises a pad carrier and a liner claim 1 , and wherein the machining element is a pad carrier with a liner having a machining property.5. The sliding bearing according to claim 1 , further comprising an opening in the first bearing shell claim 1 , wherein the opening is a through hole leading from an outer surface to an inner ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140086516A1
Автор: Pedersen Bo, Thomsen Kim

A sliding bearing and a service method of performing a service of a sliding bearing are provided. The sliding bearing includes a first bearing shell and a second bearing shell and a plurality of bearing pads arranged between the first bearing shell and the second bearing shell. In addition, the bearing includes an opening in the first bearing shell, wherein the opening is arranged such that the bearing pads are visible through the opening. 1. Sliding bearing , comprising:a first bearing shell,a second bearing shell,a plurality of bearing pads arranged between the first bearing shell and the second bearing shell,an opening in the first bearing shell,wherein the opening is arranged such that the bearing pads are visible through the opening.2. The sliding bearing according to claim 1 ,wherein the first bearing shell comprises an inner surface that faces the second bearing shell and an outer surface that faces away from the second bearing shell,wherein the opening is a through hole leading from the outer surface to the inner surface of the first bearing shell.3. The sliding bearing according to claim 1 , wherein at least one bearing pad is exchangeable claim 1 , and wherein the opening is arranged such that the at least one bearing pad is exchangeable through the opening.4. The sliding bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the first bearing shell is a stationary part of the sliding bearing.5. The sliding bearing according to claim 4 , wherein the opening in the first bearing shell is located in an area of the bearing where there is a minimum of load present in the bearing between the first bearing shell and the second bearing shell.6. The sliding bearing according to claim 4 , wherein the second bearing shell is a rotating part of the sliding bearing and wherein the bearing pads are connected to the rotating part while a surface of the first bearing shell is used as a sliding surface for the bearing pads.7. The sliding bearing according to claim 1 ,wherein the first ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Method For Manufacturing A Wheel Bearing Apparatus

Номер: US20140096394A1

A method for manufacturing a wheel bearing apparatus by measuring a distance Ho, Hi and Hh. A difference ΔH=(Hi+Hh−Ho) is compared with a reference value of a model article. Rolling elements are selected with each having an optimum diameter to correct the difference ΔH between the measured values and the reference values. 1. A method for manufacturing a wheel bearing apparatus comprising:providing an outer member integrally formed, on its outer circumference, with a body mounting flange to be mounted on a vehicle body, the outer member inner circumference including double row outer raceway surfaces; an inner member including a wheel hub and an inner ring, the wheel hub being integrally formed, on its one end, with a wheel mounting flange and the wheel hub outer circumference including an inner raceway surface corresponding to one of the double row outer raceway surfaces, a cylindrical portion axially extending from the inner raceway surface through a shoulder, the inner ring being press-fit onto the cylindrical portion of the wheel hub, via a predetermined interference (δ); and double row rolling elements rollably contained, via cages, between the inner raceway surfaces of the inner member and the outer raceway surfaces of the outer member;measuring a distance Ho, Hi and Hh, Ho is measured from a first contacting point, between one outer raceway surface of the double row outer raceway surfaces of the outer member and one rolling element of the double row rolling elements, to a second contacting point, between the other outer raceway surface of the double row outer raceway surfaces of the outer member and the other rolling element of the double row rolling elements, the distance Hi is measured from a third contacting point, between the rolling element and the inner raceway surface of the inner ring, to a smaller end face of the inner ring, and the distance Hh is measured from a fourth contacting point, between the rolling element and the inner raceway surface of the ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096663A1
Автор: Coakley Roy C.

Pipe machining apparatuses and bearing assemblies are provided. In one aspect, a pipe machining apparatus includes a frame, a tool carrier, a first roller bearing and a second roller bearing. The tool carrier is coupled to and movable relative to the frame and defines a race therein. The first roller bearing includes a first shaft and a first roller rotatably coupled to the first shaft. The first roller is at least partially positioned in the race and is rotatable about a first roller bearing axis adapted to remain substantially fixed relative to the frame. The second roller bearing includes a second shaft and a second roller rotatably coupled to the second shaft. The second roller is at least partially positioned in the race and is rotatable about a second roller bearing axis. The second roller bearing is adjustable to move the second roller bearing axis relative to the frame. 1. A pipe machining apparatus comprising:a frame;a tool carrier coupled to and movable relative to the frame, the tool carrier defining a race therein;a first roller bearing including a first shaft and a first roller rotatably coupled to the first shaft, wherein the first roller is at least partially positioned in the race and is rotatable about a first roller bearing axis adapted to remain substantially fixed relative to the frame; anda second roller bearing including a second shaft and a second roller rotatably coupled to the second shaft, wherein the second roller is at least partially positioned in the race and is rotatable about a second roller bearing axis, and wherein the second roller bearing is adjustable to move the second roller bearing axis relative to the frame.2. The pipe machining apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second shaft includes an eccentric portion and the second roller is coupled to the second shaft about the eccentric portion claim 1 , and wherein rotation of the second shaft moves the second roller bearing axis relative to the frame.3. The pipe machining apparatus ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000138A1
Автор: CHA Hongsuk, KIM Yunchul

A method of manufacturing a composite material bearing component includes designing a pattern of a fabric combination including a PTFE film, a quartz fabric and a glass fabric, which are stacked, in consideration of a final shape of a bearing, and stacking the fabric combination on a fusion surface which is a steel surface of a bearing structure of a composite material bearing; and simultaneously performing molding and fusing under conditions of a thermal treatment temperature of 300˜400° C. and a pressure of 30˜100 kgf/cm, thereby manufacturing the composite material bearing. This composite material bearing functions as a self-lubricating high performance bearing, thus satisfying high performance requirements of the driving friction surface of a B&S (Ball & Socket) nozzle which is a thrust vector control nozzle and satisfying a high load and low friction efficient required of guided weapon components. 1. A method of manufacturing a composite material bearing , comprising:combining a Teflon-based film, a quartz-based fabric and a glass-based fabric depending on an appropriate number and stacking sequence, thus forming a fabric combination;cutting the fabric combination;treating a fusion surface of a bearing structure on which the fabric combination is stacked;stacking the fabric combination on the fusion surface of the bearing structure, thus forming a composite material bearing assembly;coupling the composite material bearing assembly with a jig;mounting the composite material bearing assembly with the jig into a chamber;insulating the chamber; andsintering the composite material bearing assembly mounted in the chamber by heating and pressing.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fabric combination comprises the Teflon-based film claim 1 , the quartz-based fabric and the glass-based fabric claim 1 , or further comprises a glass/Teflon-based film.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the quartz-based fabric and the glass-based fabric are impregnated with the Teflon- ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Underconstraint Eliminator Mechanism in Double Parallelogram Linear Flexure Bearing

Номер: US20150003759A1
Автор: Panas Robert M.

A double parallelogram linear flexural system and method includes a first stage extending in a direction of movement, and a pair of parallelogram flexures extending from the first stage to distal ends configured for being grounded. A second stage extends parallel to the first stage, with another pair of parallelogram flexures extending between the stages, wherein the stages and parallelogram flexures form a double parallelogram. A linkage is disposed between, and resiliently coupled to, the stages. Linkage guiding flexures extend divergently from the linkage, to distal end portions configured for being grounded. The linkage guiding flexures define a notional triangle having a base extending between the distal end portions, and sides extending through proximal end portions to a notional apex defining a center of rotation for the linkage. The linkage is entirely within the double parallelogram, while constraining the stages to oscillate at the same frequency and phase. 1. A double parallelogram linear flexural mechanism comprising:a first stage extending in a direction of movement;a first pair of parallelogram flexures extending transversely from the first stage and terminating at distal ends configured for being fastened to ground;a second stage extending parallel to the first stage;a second pair of parallelogram flexures extending from the first stage to the second stage;the first stage, the first pair of parallelogram flexures, the second stage, and the second pair of parallelogram flexures, collectively forming a double parallelogram;a linkage disposed between, and resiliently coupled to, the first stage and the second stage;a pair of linkage guiding flexures coupled at proximal end portions thereof, to a first end portion of the linkage;the linkage guiding flexures extending divergently from said proximal end portions to distal end portions configured for being fastened to ground; andthe pair of linkage guiding flexures defining a notional triangle having a base ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Tilting Pad Bearing

Номер: US20150003762A1

A tilting pad bearing is provided that can reduce an amount of oil leaking from the side edges of a sliding surface of a pad, thereby reducing an amount of oil to be fed onto the sliding surface of the pad. 1. A tilting pad bearing , comprising:a plurality of journal pads arranged in a circumferential direction of a rotating shaft so as to face an outer circumferential surface of the rotating shaft; anda bearing housing for carrying the plurality of journal pads via a plurality of pivots in a tiltable manner;wherein lubricating oil is fed to a sliding surface of each of the journal pads via an oil-feeding hole formed in at least one of the journal pads or via an oil-feed nozzle disposed between at least a pair of the journal pads adjacent to each other; andwherein the sliding surface of each of the journal pads includes a portion so formed that the sliding surface has an axial width that gradually increases from an oil-feed start position to feed the lubricating oil from the oil-feeding hole or the oil-feed nozzle onto the sliding surface as the axial width approaches the circumferential downstream side of the rotating shaft.2. The tilting pad bearing according to claim 1 ,wherein each of the journal pads is configured so that the whole of an axial width thereof including the sliding surface and a stepped surface is constant from a circumferential upstream leading edge to a circumferential downstream trailing edge.3. The tilting pad bearing according to claim 1 ,wherein the sliding surface of each of the journal pads is formed so that the sliding surface has an axial width that gradually increases, as the axial width approaches the circumferential downstream side of the rotating shaft, from a circumferential upstream leading edge to a circumferential downstream trailing edge excluding a portion of the oil-feeding hole positioned circumferentially when the oil-feeding hole is formed.4. A tilting pad bearing claim 1 , comprising:a plurality of thrust pads arranged in ...
