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20-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000021080U1

1. Устройство для подачи газа в пневмосистему, содержащее, по меньшей мере, два источника водорода, каждый из которых включает корпус с размещенным в нем элементом, содержащим сплав-накопитель водорода и средство для нагрева и охлаждения указанного элемента и, по меньшей мере, две пары запорных органов, причем запорные органы каждой пары соединены с соответствующим источником водорода, один из запорных органов каждой пары предназначен для подключения ко входу пневмосистемы, а другой - к ее выходу. 2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено, по меньшей мере, одним компенсационным объемом, соединенным с запорными органами, предназначенными для подключения ко входу пневмосистемы, и/или с запорными органами, предназначенными для подключения к выходу пневмосистемы. (19) RU (11) 21 080 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16H 49/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2001125330/20 , 24.09.2001 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.09.2001 (46) Опубликовано: 20.12.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Александрова А.Т., Васин В.А., Горюнов А.А., Никитина Т.Е. 2 1 0 8 0 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Александрова Ариадна Тимофеевна, Васин Владимир Анатольевич, Горюнов Анатолий Андреевич, Никитина Тамара Евгениевна R U Адрес для переписки: 121165, Москва, Г-165, а/я 15, ООО "ППФ-ЮСТИС" (71) Заявитель(и): Александрова Ариадна Тимофеевна, Васин Владимир Анатольевич, Горюнов Анатолий Андреевич, Никитина Тамара Евгениевна 2 1 0 8 0 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для подачи газа в пневмосистему, содержащее, по меньшей мере, два источника водорода, каждый из которых включает корпус с размещенным в нем элементом, содержащим сплав-накопитель водорода и средство для нагрева и охлаждения указанного элемента и, по меньшей мере, две пары запорных органов, причем запорные органы каждой пары соединены с соответствующим источником водорода, один из запорных органов каждой пары предназначен для ...

10-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000056528U1

1. Передаточный трансмиссионный механизм, содержащий основной приводной вал, промежуточные передачи и распределительные валы к рабочим органам, отличающийся тем, что распределительные валы выполнены в виде трубообразных элементов, внутри которых размещен основной приводной вал, а промежуточные передачи выполнены в виде подвижных приводных муфт. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что подвижные приводные муфты выполнены в виде упругих муфт. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что все подвижные приводные муфты имеют одинаковые характеристики составляющих их элементов, а основной приводной и распределительные валы имеют одинаковые углы поворота. 4. Устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что основной приводной и распределительные валы имеют различно ограниченные углы поворота, а упругие муфты выполнены с различными значениями нелинейных характеристик составляющих их упругих элементов, которые соответствуют требуемому углу поворота соответствующего распределительного вала. 5. Устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что соседние концы трубообразных элементов распределительных валов соединены между собой эластичными стержнями, средняя часть которых присоединена к основному приводному валу. 6. Устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что приводной вал выполнен составным, состоящим из нескольких последовательно соединенных валов. 7. Устройство по п.5, отличающееся тем, что рабочие органы распределительных валов выполнены с регулируемыми упорами ограничителей поворота. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 56 528 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16H 49/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006104689/22 , 15.02.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.02.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.09.2006 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Северсталь" (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 5 6 5 2 8 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Передаточный трансмиссионный механизм, ...

20-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000070329U1

Механическая передача для преобразования вращательного движения в возвратно-поступательное, содержащая основание, центральное отверстие основания, под которым закреплены двигатель с редуктором, стойки установлены на основании соединенные с помощью подшипников со стержнем, закрепленным в подшипниках с помощью фиксаторов, штыри, выполненные по центру стержня на некотором расстоянии друг от друга, параллельно друг другу, но с отклонением в разные стороны от оси стержня, Г-образную насадку, установленную на оси редуктора двигателя, между центральных штырей, отличающаяся тем, что верхняя часть Г-образной насадки выполнена в виде плоского полукруга. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 70 329 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16H 49/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007133986/22 , 11.09.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.09.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 20.01.2008 (72) Автор(ы): Слепнев Валерий Юрьевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Слепнев Валерий Юрьевич (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 603159, г.Нижний Новгород, ул. Пролетарская, 12, кв.3, В.Ю. Слепневу U 1 7 0 3 2 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Механическая передача для преобразования вращательного движения в возвратно-поступательное, содержащая основание, центральное отверстие основания, под которым закреплены двигатель с редуктором, стойки установлены на основании соединенные с помощью подшипников со стержнем, закрепленным в подшипниках с помощью фиксаторов, штыри, выполненные по центру стержня на некотором расстоянии друг от друга, параллельно друг другу, но с отклонением в разные стороны от оси стержня, Г-образную насадку, установленную на оси редуктора двигателя, между центральных штырей, отличающаяся тем, что верхняя часть Г-образной насадки выполнена в виде плоского полукруга. 7 0 3 2 9 (54) МЕХАНИЧЕСКАЯ ПЕРЕДАЧА ДЛЯ ПРЕОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ВРАЩАТЕЛЬНОГО ДВИЖЕНИЯ В ВОЗВРАТНО-ПОСТУПАТЕЛЬНОЕ U ...

20-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000099566U1

Магнитно-шариковый планетарный редуктор, содержащий корпус с постоянными магнитами, ведущий и ведомый валы, расположенный эксцентрично сателлит с постоянными магнитами, и поводок ведомого вала с консольно закрепленными роликами, взаимодействующими с выемками сателлита, отличающийся тем, что на поводке ведомого вала установлены подвижные шарики, контактирующие по всей окружности с поверхностью внутреннего отверстия корпуса и взаимодействующие с выемками сателлита. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 99 566 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16H 1/32 (2006.01) F16H 49/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2010120854/11, 24.05.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.05.2010 (45) Опубликовано: 20.11.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Ижевский государственный технический университет (RU) U 1 9 9 5 6 6 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели Магнитно-шариковый планетарный редуктор, содержащий корпус с постоянными магнитами, ведущий и ведомый валы, расположенный эксцентрично сателлит с постоянными магнитами, и поводок ведомого вала с консольно закрепленными роликами, взаимодействующими с выемками сателлита, отличающийся тем, что на поводке ведомого вала установлены подвижные шарики, контактирующие по всей окружности с поверхностью внутреннего отверстия корпуса и взаимодействующие с выемками сателлита. 9 9 5 6 6 (54) МАГНИТНО-ШАРИКОВЫЙ ПЛАНЕТАРНЫЙ РЕДУКТОР R U Адрес для переписки: 426069, г.Ижевск, ул. Студенческая, 7, Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Ижевский государственный технический университет (72) Автор(ы): Осетров Владимир Григорьевич (RU), Братухин Вадим Юрьевич (RU) U 1 U 1 9 9 5 6 6 9 9 5 6 6 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 99 566 U1 Полезная модель относится к машиностроению, и может быть ...

27-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000122459U1

Магнитная передача, имеющая тихоходный ротор с многополюсной системой постоянных магнитов, расположенный внутри него быстроходный ротор со своей системой постоянных магнитов и концентрично расположенный между ними с зазором статор, состоящий из ферромагнитных сегментов, равномерно расположенных вдоль окружности, и немагнитных промежутков между сегментами, отличающаяся тем, что поверхности ферромагнитных сегментов статора, обращенные к внешнему и внутреннему роторам, выполнены скругленными с радиусом скругления равным половине ширины ферромагнитного сегмента R=а/2, где R - радиус скругления ферромагнитных сегментов статора, а - ширина ферромагнитных сегментов статора. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 122 459 U1 (51) МПК F16H 1/06 (2006.01) F16H 49/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012127747/11, 04.07.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.07.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 27.11.2012 Бюл. № 33 1 2 2 4 5 9 R U Формула полезной модели Магнитная передача, имеющая тихоходный ротор с многополюсной системой постоянных магнитов, расположенный внутри него быстроходный ротор со своей системой постоянных магнитов и концентрично расположенный между ними с зазором статор, состоящий из ферромагнитных сегментов, равномерно расположенных вдоль окружности, и немагнитных промежутков между сегментами, отличающаяся тем, что поверхности ферромагнитных сегментов статора, обращенные к внешнему и внутреннему роторам, выполнены скругленными с радиусом скругления равным половине ширины ферромагнитного сегмента R=а/2, где R - радиус скругления ферромагнитных сегментов статора, а - ширина ферромагнитных сегментов статора. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) МАГНИТНАЯ ПЕРЕДАЧА 1 2 2 4 5 9 Адрес для переписки: 111250, Москва, ул. Красноказарменная, 14, ФГБОУ ВПО "НИУ МЭИ", НИЧ, патентный отдел (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего ...

27-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000122461U1

Магнитная передача, имеющая тихоходный ротор с многополюсной системой постоянных магнитов, быстроходный ротор со своей системой постоянных магнитов и концентрично расположенный между ними с зазором статор, состоящий из ферромагнитных сегментов, равномерно расположенных вдоль окружности, и немагнитных промежутков между сегментами, отличающаяся тем, что с внутренней стороны быстроходного ротора расположена многополюсная система постоянных магнитов, концентрично с зазором к которой расположен дополнительный статор, внутри которого концентрично с зазором находится дополнительный ротор, состоящий из ферромагнитного ярма с системой постоянных магнитов на его внешней поверхности. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 122 461 U1 (51) МПК F16H 49/00 (2006.01) F16H 1/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012125839/11, 21.06.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.06.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 27.11.2012 Бюл. № 33 1 2 2 4 6 1 R U Формула полезной модели Магнитная передача, имеющая тихоходный ротор с многополюсной системой постоянных магнитов, быстроходный ротор со своей системой постоянных магнитов и концентрично расположенный между ними с зазором статор, состоящий из ферромагнитных сегментов, равномерно расположенных вдоль окружности, и немагнитных промежутков между сегментами, отличающаяся тем, что с внутренней стороны быстроходного ротора расположена многополюсная система постоянных магнитов, концентрично с зазором к которой расположен дополнительный статор, внутри которого концентрично с зазором находится дополнительный ротор, состоящий из ферромагнитного ярма с системой постоянных магнитов на его внешней поверхности. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) МАГНИТНАЯ ПЕРЕДАЧА 1 2 2 4 6 1 Адрес для переписки: 111250, Москва, ул. Красноказарменная, 14, ФГБОУ ВПО "НИУ МЭИ", НИЧ, патентный отдел (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего ...

20-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000130361U1

Шариковая передача, включающая в себя корпус с приводным валом, ведущей звездочкой с зубьями, в зацеплении с которыми находятся рабочие шары с соответствующими зазорами и в количестве, необходимом для создания бесконечного шарового эшелона, отличающаяся тем, что для устранения зазора между рабочими шарами корпус имеет колено, к корпусу герметично прикреплены гибкие шарикопроводы, по которым в смазке движутся рабочие шары, соединяющие ведущую и ведомую части передачи, причем шары ведомой части могут проходить как по внешнему, так и по внутреннему контору звездочки, что обеспечит вращение ведущего и ведомого валов в одинаковые или противоположные стороны, передаточное отношение передачи определяется по формуле , где d - диаметр ведущей звездочки, d - диаметр ведомой звездочки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 130 361 U1 (51) МПК F16H 7/06 (2006.01) F16H 49/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012141732/11, 01.10.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.10.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 20.07.2013 Бюл. № 20 отношение передачи определяется по формуле , где d1 - диаметр ведущей звездочки, d2 - диаметр ведомой звездочки. R U 1 3 0 3 6 1 Формула полезной модели Шариковая передача, включающая в себя корпус с приводным валом, ведущей звездочкой с зубьями, в зацеплении с которыми находятся рабочие шары с соответствующими зазорами и в количестве, необходимом для создания бесконечного шарового эшелона, отличающаяся тем, что для устранения зазора между рабочими шарами корпус имеет колено, к корпусу герметично прикреплены гибкие шарикопроводы, по которым в смазке движутся рабочие шары, соединяющие ведущую и ведомую части передачи, причем шары ведомой части могут проходить как по внешнему, так и по внутреннему контору звездочки, что обеспечит вращение ведущего и ведомого валов в одинаковые или противоположные стороны, передаточное Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ШАРИКОВАЯ ПЕРЕДАЧА 1 3 0 3 6 ...

30-03-2021 дата публикации

Магнитная планетарная передача

Номер: RU0000203306U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения и может быть использована для передачи вращения в различного рода инерционных механизмах, высокочувствительных приборах, автономных устройствах длительного непрерывного действия как в нормальных условиях, так и в условиях вакуума, радиации, низких температур в системах с высокими требованиями к составу газовой среды, взрывобезопасности и к уровню локальной акустической нагрузки. Магнитная планетарная передача состоит из ведущего вала 1 с закрепленным на нем водилом 2. На водиле установлены сателлиты 3, на внешнем периметре которых с шагом N расположены постоянные магниты 4, одновременно взаимодействующие с постоянными магнитами, расположенными с шагом N, на внешнем периметре солнечного 5 и внутреннем периметре коронного 6 колес. Солнечное колесо 5 выполнено в виде муфты свободного хода, состоящей из наружной обоймы 7, тел качения 8 и звездочки 9, жестко связанной с ведомым валом 10. Техническим результатом полезной модели является повышение КПД и расширение функциональных возможностей магнитного планетарного механизма. 4 ил. И 1 203306 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 203 306” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 10.05.2021 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 15.07.2022 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 15.07.2022 Бюл. №20 Стр.: 1 па 90$$0сС ЕП

11-11-2021 дата публикации

Магнитная передача

Номер: RU0000207680U1

Полезная модель относится к радиальным устройствам передачи момента вращения постоянными магнитами и может быть использована в устройствах, предполагающих длительный ресурс эксплуатации в необслуживаемых помещениях, например на радиохимических производствах по переработке отработанного ядерного топлива или иных опасных производствах с ограничением доступа к обслуживанию оборудования. Техническим результатом заявляемой полезной модели является радиальная магнитная передача высокой мощности, способная передать момент вращения на один или несколько потребителей, компенсировав нагрузку на подшипники валов. Технический результат достигается тем, что магнитная передача содержит ведущий вал с расположенным на нем ведущим диском и ведомый вал с расположенными на нем двумя ведомыми дисками. Ведущий диск состоит из двух обойм из немагнитного материала с постоянными магнитами и диска из магнитопроводного материала между ними. Каждый из ведомых дисков состоит из обоймы из немагнитного материала с постоянными магнитами и магнитопроводного диска. Магниты в обоймах ведущего и ведомых дисков установлены с одинаковым шагом. Ведущий диск расположен между ведомыми дисками таким образом, что противолежащие магниты ведущего и ведомых дисков в точке совпадения располагаются на одной вертикальной оси, при этом расстояния между каждой парой противолежащих магнитов ведущего и ведомых дисков равны. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 207 680 U1 (51) МПК H02K 49/10 (2006.01) F16H 49/00 (2006.01) F16D 27/01 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H02K 49/10 (2021.05); F16H 49/00 (2021.05); F16D 27/01 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021110174, 12.04.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 11.11.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 11.11.2021 Бюл. № 32 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: JP 2012180934 A, 20.09.2012. RU 2216662 C1, 20.11.2003. JP 2015229378 A, 21.12. ...

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Planetary harmonic differential transmission

Номер: US20120046140A1
Автор: Ben Shelef, Shmuel Erez
Принадлежит: Individual

Described is a planetary harmonic differential transmission, comprised of a rigid externally-toothed inner sprocket, a rigid internally-toothed outer sprocket, a deformable belt that is toothed on both its internal and external faces, and a set of free-rotating planetary sprockets that are mounted on a rotating carrier cage and cause the belt to progressively engage and disengage from successive portions of the rigid sprockets. The input to the transmission is the relative motion between the carrier cage and the inner sprocket, and the output is the relative motion between the outer sprocket and the inner sprocket, resulting in a differential transmission.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Speed reducing mechanism

Номер: US20130042710A1
Автор: Xiao-Ming Xu, Zhen-Hua Xu

A speed reducing mechanism includes a speed reducer and a bearing engaged with the speed reducer. The speed reducer includes a driving member, a first transmission member and a second transmission member. The driving member is connected to the first transmission member. The first transmission member forms a plurality of first engaging teeth, and the second transmission member forms a plurality of second engaging teeth. The total number or count of the first engaging teeth is different from that of the second engaging teeth. The bearing includes a bearing cone, a bearing cup, and roller bearings mounted between the bearing cone and the bearing cup. The first transmission member is fixed to the bearing cup, and the second transmission member is fixed to the bearing cone.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Wave gear device having three-dimensional contacting involute positive deflection tooth profile

Номер: US20130081496A1

In a wave gear device, an involute tooth profile with the low pressure angle α (<20°) is employed as a basic tooth profile of external teeth of a flexible external gear. In the principal section of the external teeth, the tooth depth thereof satisfies 2κ 0 mn=2(1+c) mn (deflection coefficient κ 0 =1+c, 0<c<0.5), which is larger than the standard one. The shifting of the teeth which takes into account coning is performed along the tooth trace direction of the external teeth, so that straight portions of a rack tooth profile on the respective sections perpendicular to the axis in the tooth trace direction of the external teeth are conformed as viewed along the tooth trace direction. The rack tooth profile of the involute tooth profile is a straight line.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Harmonic Drive Camshaft Phaser with a Harmonic Drive Ring to Prevent Ball Cage Deflection

Номер: US20130081587A1
Автор: PASCAL DAVID, Pierre Kimus
Принадлежит: Delphi Technologies Inc

A camshaft phaser includes a housing. A harmonic gear drive unit is disposed within the housing and includes a circular spline and a dynamic spline, a flexspline disposed within the circular spline and the dynamic spline, a wave generator disposed within the flexspline, and a rotational actuator connectable to the wave generator. A wave generator bearing includes an inner race with an inner race axial end, an outer race, a plurality of balls between the inner and outer races, and a ball cage. The ball cage includes an annular section disposed axial from the balls proximal to the inner race axial end and a plurality of ball separators such that consecutive balls are separated by one of the ball separators. A rigid support ring extends axially beyond the inner race axial end toward the annular section to limit axial distortion of the annular section.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247716A1

A strain wave gear apparatus includes a rigid internal gear, a flexible external gear, and a wave generator. The wave generator includes an input shaft fixing member including eccentric cams, bearings respectively fixed to outer sides of the eccentric cams, and housings respectively fitted to outer peripheral surfaces of the bearings. The eccentric cams are arranged side by side in a direction of an inclined axis inclined with respect to an input rotation axis at an inclination angle (θ) in a manner that respective center axes of the eccentric cams are parallel to the inclined axis and decentered in directions opposite to each other from the inclined axis. The housings are each formed into a tapered shape so that an outer peripheral surface of each of the housings is held in surface contact with an inner peripheral surface of the flexible external gear. 1. A strain wave gear apparatus , comprising:an annular rigid internal gear;an annular flexible external gear arranged on an inside of the annular rigid internal gear; anda wave generator for partially meshing the annular flexible external gear with the annular rigid internal gear at two meshing positions by deflecting the annular flexible external gear, and moving the two meshing positions of the annular rigid internal gear and the annular flexible external gear in a circumferential direction, the wave generator being arranged on an inside of the annular flexible external gear, a first eccentric cam which has a circular outer shape and a center axis decentered in one direction, and is rotated about an input rotation axis through application of a rotational force;', 'the first eccentric cam and the second eccentric cam being rotated integrally with each other;', 'a second eccentric cam which has a circular outer shape and a center axis decentered in a direction opposite to the one direction, and is rotated about the input rotation axis through application of the rotational force,'}, 'an annular first housing which is ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130305864A1

A shaft transmission including at least one annulus having an inner gearing, a flexible spur gear arranged within the annulus and having an outer gearing, and a shaft generator for deflecting the spur gear in radial direction arranged within the spur gear, a torque-transmitting connection being created between the annulus and the spur gear at two opposing points of the spur gear, the shaft generator having a ring with an elliptical outer periphery and an elliptically shaped rolling bearing applied to the outer periphery, the rolling bearing having an outer ring (), an inner ring () and two rows of rolling elements () arranged between the outer ring () and the inner ring (). 1. A shaft transmission comprising at least one annulus comprising an inner gearing , a flexible spur gear arranged within the annulus and comprising an outer gearing , and a shaft generator for deflecting the spur gear in a radial direction arranged within the spur gear , a torque-transmitting connection being created between the annulus and the spur gear at two opposing points of the spur gear , the shaft generator comprising a ring having an elliptical outer periphery and an elliptically shaped rolling bearing applied to said outer periphery , said rolling bearing comprising an outer ring , an inner ring and two rows of rolling elements arranged between the outer ring and the inner ring.2. A shaft transmission according to claim 1 , wherein the rolling elements are needle rollers or cylindrical rollers.3. A shaft transmission according to claim 1 , wherein the rolling elements are arranged offset to one another.4. A shaft transmission according to claim 1 , wherein the rolling elements overlap one another in an axial direction.5. A shaft transmission according to claim 1 , wherein the rolling elements are arranged in a rolling element cage claim 1 , and through a configuration of the rolling element cage claim 1 , a contact of the rolling elements with one another is avoided.6. A shaft ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312558A1
Автор: Kanai Satoru

A cup-shaped flexible externally toothed gear of a wave gear device comprises a cylindrical body part, and an external-teeth area thereof includes a pushed portion pushed radially outward by a wave generator and a groove formed in a position adjacent to the pushed portion toward a diaphragm. The reaction force of the wave generator can be reduced because the groove is formed to partially reduce thickness in a portion that does not affect the root strength of the external teeth. The increase in root stress can be suppressed when the roots of the external teeth are thickened, and root strength can be effectively increased. The load torque of the wave gear device can thereby be increased. 1. A wave gear device comprising:an annular rigid internally toothed gear, a flexible externally toothed gear disposed on an inner side of the rigid internally toothed gear, and a wave generator disposed on an inner side of the flexible externally toothed gear;the flexible externally toothed gear having a cylindrical body part capable of flexing radially, a diaphragm expanding radially inward or outward as a continuation of one edge of the cylindrical body part, and external teeth formed in an external peripheral surface portion of the cylindrical body part on the other side of the cylindrical body part having an open edge;the wave generator having an external-teeth-pushing surface for pushing radially outward an internal peripheral surface portion of an external-teeth area of the cylindrical body part where the external teeth are formed; andthe external-teeth area of the flexible externally toothed gear being made to flex into a non-circular shape by the external-teeth-pushing surface, the external teeth meshing with internal teeth of the rigid internally toothed gear in a plurality of circumferentially separated regions, and, when the wave generator is rotated, the meshing positions of the external teeth and the internal teeth also moving circumferentially and relative rotation ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319151A1
Автор: Kanai Satoru
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

In a wave gear device, an annular rigid externally toothed gear is disposed on the inner side of a cup-shaped flexible internally toothed gear. An internal-tooth-formation portion of the flexible internally toothed gear and a pushed portion pushed by a wave generator and flexed ellipsoidally are formed in different positions along the center axis line. The wave generator is disposed on the inner side of the flexible internally toothed gear, the pushed cylindrical portion is pushed from the inner side to the outside along the radial direction thereof by the wave generator, whereby the pushed cylindrical portion is flexed ellipsodially. As the outside diameter dimension of the wave gear device is determined by that of the flexible internally toothed gear, a wave gear device having a small outside diameter dimension can be obtained. 1. A wave gear device characterized in comprising:a flexible internally toothed gear;a rigid externally toothed gear disposed on an inner side of the flexible internally toothed gear; and,a wave generator for flexing the flexible internally toothed gear into an ellipsoidal shape to mesh partially with the rigid externally toothed gear, and for moving meshing positions of the two gears in a circumferential direction, whereinthe flexible internally toothed gear has a cylindrical barrel part capable of flexing in a radial direction thereof, at least one end of the cylindrical barrel part being an open edge,the cylindrical barrel part has an internal-tooth-formation portion where internal teeth are formed, and a pushed portion pushed by the wave generator so as to flex the internal-tooth-formation portion into an ellipsoidal shape,the internal-tooth-formation portion and the pushed portion are formed in different positions of the cylindrical barrel part when viewed along a direction of a center axis line of the flexible internally toothed gear, andthe wave generator is disposed on an inner side of the cylindrical barrel part, and pushes the ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Harmonic reducer with stationary flexspline

Номер: US20130327179A1
Автор: Chun-Shen YEH
Принадлежит: Individual

A harmonic reducer with stationary flexspline is disclosed comprising a circular spline, a flexspline and a wave generator. The flexspline is assembled with the circular spline and the wave generator is assembled with the flexspline and a power source, so the flexspline deforms and partially engages with the circular spline. The flexspline is fixed while the circular spline is connected to an output shaft. Thus, when the power source drives the wave generator to rotate, the flexspline also drives the circular spline and the output shaft to rotate simultaneously.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Concentric multi-axis actuator

Номер: US20140033840A1
Автор: Akihiro Yokoyama

A concentric double axis actuator has a two-stage cross roller bearing, and a preceding-stage actuator and a subsequent-stage actuator which are linked in tandem. The front end of a subsequent stage rotary output shaft of the subsequent actuator, said subsequent stage rotary output shaft passing through a hollow section of the preceding-stage actuator and projecting forward, is linked and fixed to an inner ring of the two-stage cross roller bearing, and the inner ring functions as a subsequent-stage rotary output member. The output rotary side of the preceding-stage actuator is linked to an middle ring of the two-stage cross roller bearing, which functions as a preceding-stage rotary output member. The rotary output element of each stage is supported by the two-stage cross roller bearing, and surface oscillations of the rotary output member of each stage can be minimized, and the moment stiffness of the members can be increased.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140047937A1
Автор: Ishikawa Shoichi
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

In a wave gear device, similarity-curve tooth profiles BC and AC are adopted as addendum tooth profile shapes for gears, the tooth profiles being derived from a movement trajectory Mof an external tooth of a flexible externally toothed gear having zero deviation (κ=1), in relation to an internal tooth at a main cross-section. Profile shifting is performed on the external tooth along the tooth trace for a movement trajectory Mof the external tooth to share a bottom portion with the movement trajectory Mat the main cross-section from the main cross-section to an inner edge. Profile shifting is performed on the external tooth along the tooth trace for the movement trajectory of the straight-line tooth-profile portion of the external tooth from the main cross-section to the outer edge to be consistent with the movement trajectory of the straight-line tooth-profile portion of the main cross-section. 1. A wave gear device having a three-dimensional contact tooth profile , comprising:a rigid internally toothed gear;a flexible externally toothed gear disposed coaxially on an inner side of the internal gear; anda wave generator fitted into an inner side of the external gear, whereinthe flexible externally toothed gear has a flexible cylindrical barrel part, a diaphragm extending in a radial direction from a rear edge of the cylindrical barrel part, and external teeth formed on a portion of an external circumferential surface toward a front-edge opening of the cylindrical barrel part;the flexible externally toothed gear is deflected into an ellipsoidal shape by the wave generator and partially meshing with internal teeth of the rigid internally toothed gear;the rigid internally toothed gear and the flexible externally toothed gear both are spur gears of module m;a number of teeth of the flexible externally toothed gear is 2n fewer than a number of teeth of the rigid internally toothed gear, where n is a positive integer;in an axially perpendicular cross-section of the ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140047938A1

A unit type wave gear device () has a unit housing (), one end of which is defined by a two-stage cross roller bearing (). The two-stage cross roller bearing () has: an inner cross roller bearing formed by an inner ring (), an intermediate ring (), and inner rollers () inserted into an inner track (); and has an outer cross roller bearing formed by an outer ring (), the intermediate ring (), and outer rollers () inserted into an outer track (). A flexible externally-toothed gear () affixed to the intermediate ring () is rotatably supported by the unit housing () via the outer cross roller bearing. An input shaft () affixed to the inner ring () and a wave generator () affixed to the input shaft () are rotatably supported by the intermediate ring () via the inner cross roller bearing. A unit type wave gear device can be realized in which the number of components are reduced and a large moment load is applied. 11. A unit type wave gear device () characterized in comprising:{'b': '2', 'a tubular unit housing ();'}{'b': 3', '2, 'a wave gear mechanism () coaxially disposed inside the unit housing (); and'}{'b': 4', '3', '3, 'an input shaft () passing through a center of the wave gear mechanism () and extending coaxially with the wave gear mechanism (); wherein'}{'b': 2', '5', '6', '5', '5', '1', '7', '5', '5', '1, 'i': a', 'a', 'b', 'a, 'the unit housing () has a cylindrical member (), an end plate () fixed to a first end face () formed at one end of the cylindrical member () along an axial line () of the cylindrical member, and a two-stage cross roller bearing () disposed on a side of a second end face () formed at the other end of the cylindrical member () along the axial line ();'}{'b': 7', '11', '5', '5', '12', '11', '13', '12', '14', '11', '12', '15', '14', '16', '12', '13', '17', '16, 'i': 'b', 'the two-stage cross roller bearing () has an outer ring () fixed to the second end face () of the cylindrical member (), an intermediate ring () concentrically disposed on ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Strain Wave Gear System

Номер: US20170002912A1

A strain wave gear system () includes first and second sets of ball bearings () located intermediate a flange () and a retainer plate () rotatable with an output () and a radially oriented flat disc () of the input including strain relief (). Strain relief () is a helical slot in a coupling () located radially within the wave generator () and the ring gear (). The ring gear () is sealed by a sealing system including sealant () forced by a protrusion () of the cap () entering into a cavity () through a channel () into a relief volume () of the housing (). The bearing () rotatably mounting the housing () to the output () is lubricated by a lubricating system including plungers () threadably received in axial bores () intersecting with radial bores () in communication with radial holes () of the bearing (). 1. Strain wave gearing system comprising , in combination: an input including a hub having a strain relief and a radially extending disc having first and second axially spaced faces; a ring gear; a wave generator of a non-circular shape and connected to and rotatable with the input; an output; a flexspline connected to and rotatable with the output , with the flexspline in gearing engagement with the ring gear and located intermediate the ring gear and the wave generator , with the wave generator and the ring gear arranged concentrically to the hub , with the strain relief and the hub located radially within the flexspline , the wave generator , and the ring gear; first and second radially extending and axially spaced races connected to the output; a first bearing located intermediate the first face and the first race; a second bearing located intermediate the second face and the second race; a housing having an outer periphery , a first axial end and an axially extending inner surface extending axially from the first axial end; a cap having a first axial end and an axially extending annular inner surface extending axially from the first end of the cap , with the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002913A1

A method for designing a spline surface contour of a roller-type wave-motion includes of the steps of slicing radial movement track of a roller between a cam and a spline aperture and circumference rotation track at equal proportion at equal time intervals to sequentially obtain circle centers and points of tangency of the track circles during movement of the roller; connecting the points of tangency to form a unit cam circumference segment of a cam periphery in order to draw and form a single-sided tooth flank contour; and forming a correspondent side tooth flank contour by mirroring and projecting the single-sided tooth flank contour. A method of forming a spline wheel contour and a method of forming a cam periphery are obtained. 1. A method for designing a spline surface contour of a roller-type wave-motion comprising the following steps:(A) slicing radial movement track of a roller between a cam and a spline aperture and circumference rotation track at equal proportion at equal time intervals to sequentially obtain circle centers and points of tangency of the track circles during movement of the roller;(B) connecting the points of tangency to form a single-sided tooth flank contour on spline aperture between a tooth crest and a void between the teeth; and(C) forming a correspondent side tooth flank contour by mirroring the single-sided tooth flank contour based on a centerline of the void between the teeth in order to form the spline surface contour by connecting a void contour between the single-sided tooth flank contour and the correspondent side tooth flank contour.2. The method for designing a spline surface contour of a roller-type wave-motion as claimed in claim 1 , wherein X-coordinates and Y-coordinates (X claim 1 , Y) of the circle centers of the track circles are obtained according to the following equation{'br': None, 'i': X', ',Y', 'L', '−N·Δy', 'N', 'L', '−N·Δy', 'N, 'sub': n', 'n', 'f', 'f, '[]=[()˜sin(−Δθ),()·cos(·Δθ),]'}{'sub': 'f', 'wherein, Lis ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002914A1
Автор: KOBAYASHI Masaru
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

In a strain wave gearing, external teeth of a flexible externally toothed gear are elastically deformable in a direction in which the tooth thickness of the external teeth decreases. Engagement between internal teeth of a first and a second rigid internally toothed gears and the external teeth is set in an overlapping state in which the external teeth elastically deform and engage in a state in which no gap is present. The tooth profile of the internal teeth is a corrected tooth profile so that no interference occurs between a tooth top portion of the internal teeth and a dedendum portion of the external teeth when the teeth are engaged in the overlapping state. A strain wave gearing capable of minimizing or eliminating tooth engagement backlash is realized. 1. A strain wave gearing having a rigid internally toothed gear and a flexible externally toothed pear , whereinthe flexible externally toothed gear has external teeth that are elastically deformable in a direction in which a tooth thickness of the external teeth increases and decreases;internal teeth of a rigid internally toothed gear and the external teeth engage in an overlapping state in which the external teeth elastically deform and engage in a state in which no gap is present;the internal teeth have a corrected tooth profile that is corrected so that no interference occurs between a tooth top portion of the internal teeth and a dedendum portion of the external teeth when the teeth are engaged in the overlapping state;an effective engagement tooth profile surface of the corrected tooth profile involved in engagement with external teeth is defined by a rotated tooth surface tooth profile curve;a tooth profile of the internal teeth capable of engaging with the external teeth in a non-overlapping state is taken as a basic tooth profile;an overlap amount when the external teeth and the internal teeth are engaged in the overlapping state is taken as a set overlap amount;a tooth profile obtained by moving the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003338A1
Автор: Ishikawa Shoichi
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

The addendum tooth profile of the inner teeth and outer teeth of a strain wave gearing is stipulated by a first and second similar curve obtained from the curve segment from an inflection point to a low point in a movement trajectory when the meshing of both teeth is approximated by rack meshing. The addendum tooth profile of the inner teeth is stipulated by a curve generated at the inner teeth in the process of the addendum profile of the outer teeth moving from the inflection point to the apex of the movement trajectory. The addendum tooth profile of the outer teeth is stipulated by a curve generated at the outer teeth when the addendum profile of the inner teeth moves from the inflection point to the apex. The addendum profile of the outer teeth makes double contact with the addendum profile and dedendum profile of the inner teeth. 2. The strain wave gearing claim 1 , according to claim 1 , whereinthe flexible externally toothed gear has a flexible cylindrical barrel part and a diaphragm extending radially from a rear end of the cylindrical barrel part, and the external teeth are formed in an external peripheral surface portion of the cylindrical barrel part on a side of a front-end opening thereof;an amount of flexure of the external teeth increases along the tooth trace direction from an inner end part on the same side as the diaphragm toward an open end part on the same side as the front-end opening, in proportion to a distance from the diaphragm;when any position of the external teeth in the tooth trace direction between the open end part and the inner end part is designated as a principal cross-section position, the tooth profile of the external teeth in the principal cross-section position is a basic external tooth profile defined by the first homothetic curve and the first-tooth-profile-creating curve;the tooth profile shape of the external teeth in a position in the tooth trace direction other than the principal cross-section position is an addendum- ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003288A1
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive AG

A strain wave gear mechanism () has a gear mechanism component (CS) and an elastically deformable transmission component (FS) that is at least partially in alignment therewith in the radial direction () and can be deformed elliptically by way of a drive component (WG). Internal or external toothing systems () on the gear mechanism component (CS) and the transmission component (FS) are brought into engagement in opposite regions of an elliptical axis to rotate the transmission component (FS) and the gear mechanism component (CS) relative to one another. The transmission component (FS) and the gear mechanism component (CS) are mounted such that they can be rotated relative to one another by means of a pivot bearing () which has a bearing intermediate space (). To maintain lubrication and avoid lubricant leaks, an interior space () of the strain wave gear mechanism () that adjoins the pivot bearing () is sealed by an inner seal () with respect to the bearing intermediate space () of the pivot bearing. 2112. The strain wave gear mechanism () according to wherein the inner seal () is a shaft sealing ring.3112. The strain wave gear mechanism () according to wherein the inner seal () comprises an elastomer or a lubricant-soaked felt material.41121. The strain wave gear mechanism () according to claim 2 , wherein the inner seal () is formed in sections as a static seal claim 2 , and is inserted between two rotation-proof parts of the strain wave gear mechanism () which are connected.511256305621223136. The strain wave gear mechanism () according to claim 1 , wherein the inner seal () is arranged between the transmission component (FS) and a bearing ring ( claim 1 , ) of the pivot bearing () and adjoins the bearing ring ( claim 1 , ) in a sealing fashion with at least one sealing lug ( claim 1 , ) and/or one sealing lip () and/or one sealing surface ().611221. The strain wave gear mechanism () according to wherein the inner seal () adjoins a sealing surface () of the strain ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003289A1
Автор: Heise Daniel

A harmonic drive comprises a wave generator, a resilient, geared transmission element that can be deformed by the wave generator, a connecting element on the housing side, and a connecting element on the output side. The resilient transmission element has two different tooth systems, a spline tooth system and a running tooth system; the spline tooth system is coupled along the entire circumference to one of the connecting elements for conjoint rotation therewith, and the running tooth system is provided for cooperation with the wave generator and partial engagement in a mating running tooth system on the other connecting element. 1. A harmonic drive comprising:a wave generator,a flexible, toothed transmission element that can be deformed by the wave generator,a first connecting element on a housing side, anda second connecting element on an output side, andthe flexible, toothed transmission element has a spline tooth system and a running tooth system, the spline tooth system coupled along a circumference of one of the first or second connecting elements for conjoint rotation therewith, and the running tooth system provided for interaction with the wave generator and partial engagement in a mating running tooth system on the other one of the first or second connecting element, andthe spline tooth system and the running tooth system are nested radially within one another and overlap in an axial direction.2. The harmonic drive of claim 1 , wherein an annular space claim 1 , within which the second connecting element having the mating running tooth system engages claim 1 , is formed radially between the spline tooth system and the running tooth system.3. The harmonic drive of claim 2 , wherein the second connecting element which has the mating running tooth system is provided with sliding support on a section of the flexible claim 2 , toothed transmission element which has the spline tooth system.4. The harmonic drive of claim 1 , wherein a section of the flexible claim ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003567A1

A bearing assembly includes a first bearing part and a second bearing part each including a central portion and a side peripheral wall, an opening to engage a shaft rotatable about a central axis. The central portions may include a plurality of openings to receive numerous pins and other male elements to connect with the bearing parts. The bearing assembly includes an outer ring. The first bearing part and the second bearing part includes a first radial chamfer and a second radial chamfer, extending between the respective central portions and the side peripheral walls. When both the first bearing part and the second bearing part are joined together, they define a V-shaped groove presenting an elliptical configuration. 1. A bearing wave generator assembly comprising:a bearing part including an opening to engage a shaft rotatable about a central axis;an outer ring presenting a first groove defined therein;a separator to engage bearing balls; andsaid bearing part presenting a second groove positioned opposite to said first groove to form a radial nest to hold said bearing balls relative to each other, said second groove presenting an elliptical configuration to allow said bearing balls to ride there along and force said bearing balls to move in wave like mode thereby deforming said outer ring, which in turn, as deformed, translates further on momentum of deformation away from said outer ring;wherein said bearing part is further defined by a first bearing part and a second bearing part each including a central portion, a side peripheral wall, and an opening to engage a shaft rotatable about the central axiswherein said first bearing part includes a first radial chamfer and said second bearing part includes a second radial chamfer, extending between said central portions and said side peripheral walls, respectively, to form said second groove positioned in opposite to said first groove to form said radial nest to hold said bearing balls relative to each other; andwherein ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003569A1
Автор: Ishikawa Shoichi
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

In a strain wave gearing, the addendum tooth profile of an internal gear is defined by the formula a and that of an external gear is by the formula b at a principal cross-section located at a tooth-trace-direction center of the external gear, on the basis of a movement locus (Mc) of κ=1 of the teeth of the external gear with respect to those of the internal gear in the principle cross-section taken at the center of the tooth trace of the external gear obtained when the tooth meshing is approximated by rack meshing. It is possible to avoid superimposition of flexion-induced bending stresses and tensile stresses caused by load torque at the major-axis locations of the external gear, and the transmission torque capacity of a strain wave gearing can be improved. 3. The strain wave gearing according to claim 1 ,wherein tooth profiles of an addendum of axis-perpendicular cross-sections in the tooth trace direction of the internal gear are defined by the above formula a; andtooth profiles of addendum of axis-perpendicular cross-sections in the tooth trace direction of the external gear are defined by the above formula b.4. The strain wave gearing according to claim 1 ,wherein the external gear has a flexible cylindrical body part, and a diaphragm extending in a radial direction from a back end of the cylindrical body part, the external teeth being formed in an outer peripheral section at a front open-end side of the cylindrical body part;a flexing amount of the external teeth changes in proportion to a distance from the diaphragm from an external-teeth inner end at the diaphragm side towards an external-teeth open end at the front open-end side in the tooth trace direction;the principal cross-section is located at a tooth-trace-direction center between the external-teeth open end and the external-teeth inner end of the external teeth;the tooth profile of the external gear in the principal cross-section is defined by an addendum profile that is defined by the above formula ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Wave Speed Reducer Having Self-locking Function And Compound Type Reducer Device

Номер: US20170009867A1

The invention provides a wave speed reducer having a self-locking function comprising a structure for outputting driving rotation of a bearing member or a spline wheel at a specific reduction ratio which drives rollers to rotate by a cam. A designed convex arc of the cam has self-locking function of restricting the rollers to reversely rotate so as to form a compound type reducer device having a multi-reducer function by mutually combining the wave speed reducer and a planetary gear set. To solve conventional problems, poor driving accuracy at tiny rotation angle and scarcity of self-locking function for conventional reducers are improved. 1. A wave speed reducer having a self-locking function comprising in co-axial arrangement:a cam at a cam axis circumference of which being a cam periphery comprising one or more formed convex arcs;a spline wheel disposed at a cam circumference, a plurality of spline apertures being arranged at an inner wall of the spline wheel; anda bearing member disposed between the cam and the spline wheel, a plurality of bearing apertures being arranged at equal distance at a bearing member circumference, a roller being disposed at an active space of every bearing aperture, the cam driving the convex arc to rotate by an input torque, the convex arc being pressed and pushed to drive the roller to move into a corresponding spline aperture so as to actuate a rotational output at a specific reduction ratio generated by one of the spline wheel and the bearing member; [{'br': None, 'i': F×R', 'R×μ×F, 'sin θ Подробнее

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009868A1
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

A flat strain wave gearing () has a mechanism for preventing a flexible externally toothed gear () from moving in the direction of the device center axis () with respect to a rigid internally toothed gears (). The mechanism has an inner-peripheral groove () formed on inner teeth () of the internally toothed gear (), an outer-peripheral groove () formed on outer teeth () of the externally toothed gear (), and a flexible ring () mounted between the inner-peripheral groove () and the outer-peripheral groove (). The ring () is engageable with groove inner-peripheral surfaces (), from the direction of the device center axis (), at meshing positions of the both gears (). 1. A flat strain wave gearing , comprising:a first rigid gear;a second rigid gear arranged coaxially with and adjacent to the first rigid gear;a cylindrical flexible gear arranged coaxially inside of or outside of the first and second rigid gears;a wave generator for causing the flexible gear to flex into a non-circular shape and partially mesh with the first and second rigid gears, and causing meshing positions to move in a circumferential direction;a first groove formed on teeth of the first rigid gear throughout a periphery thereof;a second groove formed on teeth of the flexible gear throughout a periphery thereof so as to face the first groove; anda radially flexible first ring arranged between the first and second grooves,the first ring being capable of engaging with groove inner-peripheral surface of each of the first and second grooves, from a direction along a device center axis, at the meshing positions between the first rigid gear and the flexible gear.2. The flat strain wave gearing according to claim 1 , whereina number of teeth of the first rigid gear is the same asa number of teeth of the flexible gear;a number of teeth of the second rigid gear is greater than the number of teeth of the first rigid gear; andthe second rigid gear is secured so as not to rotate, and whereinwhen the wave ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010701A1

A harmonic drive assembly with selective disconnect includes a motor with a motor drive shaft, a harmonic drive operatively coupled to the motor drive shaft, and a wave generator operatively coupled to the motor drive shaft and a flex gear of the harmonic drive. Also included is a ring gear of the harmonic drive operatively coupled to the flex gear with a plurality of ring gear teeth configured to mesh with a plurality of flex gear teeth. Further included is an output shaft operatively coupled to the harmonic drive. Yet further included is a retracting mechanism configured to selectively retract the motor drive shaft and the wave generator to decouple the motor drive shaft and the wave generator from the harmonic drive, wherein a clearance between the ring gear teeth and the flex gear teeth is established upon retraction of the motor drive shaft and the wave generator. 1. A harmonic drive assembly with selective disconnect comprising:a motor with a motor drive shaft;a harmonic drive operatively coupled to one end of the motor drive shaft;a wave generator of the harmonic drive operatively coupled to the motor drive shaft and a flex gear of the harmonic drive;a ring gear of the harmonic drive operatively coupled to the flex gear with a plurality of ring gear teeth configured to mesh with a plurality of flex gear teeth;an output shaft operatively coupled to the harmonic drive; anda retracting mechanism configured to selectively retract the motor drive shaft and the wave generator axially to decouple the motor drive shaft from the harmonic drive and to decouple the wave generator from the flex gear, wherein a clearance between the ring gear teeth and the flex gear teeth is established upon retraction of the motor drive shaft and the wave generator.2. The harmonic drive assembly of claim 1 , wherein the flex gear is configured to move between a deformed state and a free state claim 1 , wherein the flex gear is in the free state when the wave generator is in a retracted ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010738A1

A harmonic drive includes a flexible gear. Also included is a ring gear that meshes with the flexible gear. Further included is a rotor. Yet further included is a wave generator sleeve directly fitted over an outer surface of the rotor, wherein the wave generator sleeve is disposed radially within the flexible gear. Also included is a bearing assembly disposed between the wave generator sleeve and the flexible gear, wherein the wave generator rotates the flexible gear as the wave generator sleeve is rotated by the rotor. 1. A harmonic drive comprising:a flexible gear;a ring gear that meshes with the flexible gear;a rotor;a wave generator sleeve directly fitted over an outer surface of the rotor, wherein the wave generator sleeve is disposed radially within the flexible gear; anda bearing assembly disposed between the wave generator sleeve and the flexible gear, wherein the wave generator rotates the flexible gear as the wave generator sleeve is rotated by the rotor.2. The harmonic drive of claim 1 , further comprising:a stator assembly disposed radially inwardly of the rotor and configured to impose rotation of the rotor.3. The harmonic drive of claim 1 , wherein the wave generator sleeve is thermally fitted to the shaft.4. The harmonic drive of claim 1 , wherein the wave generator sleeve is directly fitted over the shaft with an adhesive.5. The harmonic drive of claim 1 , wherein the wave generator sleeve comprises a hardenable material.6. The harmonic drive of claim 5 , wherein the hardenable material comprises steel.7. The harmonic drive of claim 5 , wherein the hardenable material comprises stainless steel.8. The harmonic drive of claim 1 , wherein the wave generator sleeve comprises a tri-lobed sleeve.9. The harmonic drive of claim 5 , wherein the wave generator sleeve comprises a sleeve material and the rotor comprises a rotor material claim 5 , wherein the sleeve material is different than the rotor material.10. A method of assembling a harmonic drive ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011032A1

A compound harmonic actuator is provided and includes a motor, a flex spline disposed about the motor and a wave generator radially interposable between the motor and the flex spline. The wave generator being rotatably drivable by the motor and shaped to form the flex spline into an elliptical shape with an axis such that wave generator rotations drive rotations of the axis of the ellipse of the flex spline. 1. A compound harmonic actuator , comprising:a motor;a flex spline disposed about the motor; anda wave generator radially interposable between the motor and the flex spline and rotatably drivable by the motor and shaped to form the flex spline into an elliptical shape with an axis such that wave generator rotations drive rotations of the axis of the ellipse of the flex spline,the wave generator comprising a scalloped outer surface and roller bearings arranged circumferentially about the scalloped outer surface.2. The compound harmonic actuator according to claim 1 , further comprising:a ground arm in which the motor is supportively disposable; andan output arm which is drivable by the flex spline to pivot within a predefined range of angles relative to the ground arm.3. The compound harmonic actuator according to claim 1 , wherein the wave generator is shaped to form the flex spline into an irregular elliptical shape with multiple major axes.4. The compound harmonic actuator according to claim 1 , wherein the scalloped outer surface comprises sequential ridges and lands.5. The compound harmonic actuator according to claim 4 , wherein a distal edge of each ridge is sharp.6. The compound harmonic actuator according to claim 4 , wherein a distal edge of each ridge is radially aligned with or terminal within respective central longitudinal axes of adjacent roller bearings.7. The compound harmonic actuator according to claim 1 , wherein the flex spline is formed as only a single unitary piece.8. The compound harmonic actuator according to claim 1 , wherein the flex ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Hypocycloid Speed Buffer

Номер: US20200011400A1
Автор: David A. TORY
Принадлежит: ECA Medical Instruments Inc

A reduction assembly, attachable to a torque limiting device, comprising a drive shaft having an input segment, an eccentric segment, and an output segment, wherein the input segment and the output segment each have a centerline running along a same first axis, and wherein the eccentric segment has a center line running along a second axis, the second axis being parallel to the first axis and positioned a first distance away from the first axis. The assembly further comprising a disk assembly having a disk with a body, a plurality of lobes positioned concentrically on the body, and an opening extending through the body, the opening configured to slidably engage the eccentric segment of the drive shaft. The assembly further comprising a disk receptacle configured to engage with the disk, the receptacle having a floor and a wall with a plurality of protrusions extending from the wall, wherein the number of the plurality of protrusions is equal to one more than the number of the plurality of lobes on the disk.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Strain wave gear and elastic transmission element therefor, robotic arm and method for arranging a strain gauge

Номер: US20220034392A1
Автор: Damerau Jochen, Heim Jens

An elastic transmission element is used in a strain wave gear. Such strain wave gears are also referred to as Harmonic Drives. The elastic transmission element is also referred to as a flexspline. Outer toothing is formed on the elastic transmission element. Furthermore, at least one strain gauge for measuring a mechanical strain of the elastic transmission element is arranged on the elastic transmission element. The at least one strain gauge is formed as a coating directly on a metallic surface of the elastic transmission element. 1. An elastic transmission element of a strain wave gear , wherein an outer toothing is formed on the elastic transmission element , and wherein at least one strain gauge for measuring a mechanical strain of the elastic transmission element is arranged on the elastic transmission element , wherein the at least one strain gauge is formed as a coating directly on a metallic surface of the elastic transmission element.2. The elastic transmission element according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one strain gauge has formed a direct integral connection with the metallic surface of the elastic transmission element.3. The elastic transmission element according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one strain gauge forms a component of a torque sensor and is connected to a measurement signal processing unit of the torque sensor via electrical connections.4. The elastic transmission element according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one strain gauge comprises an electrically insulating layer which is formed as a coating directly on the metallic surface of the elastic transmission element.5. The elastic transmission element according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one strain gauge is applied directly to the metallic surface of the elastic transmission element by a sputter deposition.6. The elastic transmission element according to claim 1 , wherein it has a bushing-shaped portion on which the outer toothing is formed and on which the at least one ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016523A1
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

The wave generator of the strain wave gear device comprises: a rigid plug; a roller bearing fitted on the elliptical outer circumferential surface thereof; and first and second cylindrical springs, which press loose rollers that have some play in the radial direction between the outer race and the inner race of the roller bearing against the outer raceway surface. The loose rollers are pressed against the outer raceway surface with a linear contact and roll according to the outer raceway surface. Skewing of the rollers is limited, ensuring smooth rotation of the roller bearing. 1. A wave generator of a strain wave gear device comprising:a rigid member having an outer circumferential surface with a contour defined by a non-circular curve;a roller bearing fitted to the outer circumferential surface and made to flex into a non-circular shape; anda roller-pressing member for pressing loose rollers disposed in a state of having some play in a radial direction between an outer race and inner race of the roller bearing, the loose rollers being pressed in a direction toward an outer raceway surface of the outer race;the non-circular curve being a closed convex curve inscribed in a circle at a plurality of locations at equiangular intervals.2. The wave generator of a strain wave gear device according to claim 1 , wherein the non-circular curve is an ellipsoidal curve.3. The wave generator of a strain wave gear device according to claim 2 , wherein the roller-pressing member is fitted to the rigid member.4. The wave generator of a strain wave gear device according to claim 3 , whereinthe roller-pressing member is either a cylindrical member or a ring member,the roller-pressing member is disposed coaxially with the outer circumferential surface of an ellipsoidal shape, andan outside-diameter dimension of the roller-pressing member is greater than a minor-diameter dimension of an inner raceway surface of the inner race of the roller bearing made to flex along the ellipsoidal ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016972A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

Provided is an actuator for a link mechanism for an internal combustion engine, which is capable of improving a degree of freedom in layout while reducing the number of components. The actuator for a link mechanism for an internal combustion engine according to the present invention includes a rolling bearing provided between a wave generator of a wave gear speed reducer and a housing or a motor housing. An inner ring of the rolling bearing is fixed to the wave generator. A restricting portion configured to restrict movement of an outer ring of the rolling bearing to both sides in an axial direction with respect to the housing or the motor housing is provided. 1. An actuator for a link mechanism for an internal combustion engine , the actuator comprising:a control link having one end portion coupled to the link mechanism for the internal combustion engine;a control shaft configured to change a posture of the control link through rotation;a housing configured to rotatably support the control shaft; anda wave gear type speed reducer configured to transmit a rotation speed of an output shaft of a drive motor to the control shaft after reducing the rotation speed, a circular spline provided in the housing and having internal teeth;', 'a flex spline arranged on an inner side of the circular spline and having external teeth formed on an outer periphery, the flex spline being configured to transmit the rotation to the control shaft;', 'a wave generator configured to be rotated by the output shaft of the drive motor to warp the flex spline into an ellipsoidal shape so as to partially mesh the external teeth of the flex spline with the internal teeth of the circular spline, and configured to rotate a meshed portion between the flex spline and the circular spline; and', 'a rolling bearing provided between the wave generator and the housing or a motor housing for the drive motor and including an inner ring fixed to the wave generator,, 'the wave gear type speed reducer ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016821A1

A compact power steering system is suitable for small vehicles. A torque sensor on a steering shaft detects operator intention to turn. In response, a motor provides torque to assistance in rotating the steering shaft. A strain wave gear set multiplies the motor torque. A coupler having a torsional isolator links the gearbox output to the steering shaft. 1. A power steering system comprising:a central shaft;a motor having a rotor supported for rotation about the shaft;a first coupling element fixed to the shaft and having a first set of external teeth;a second coupling element having internal teeth interspersed with the external teeth;a ring having compressible, resilient prongs extending between the internal teeth and the external teeth; anda gear set drivably connecting the rotor to the second coupling element such that the second coupling element rotates slower than the rotor.2. The power steering system of wherein the gear set is a strain wave gear set comprising:a fixed housing having a second set of internal teeth;an eccentric inner ring fixed to the rotor; anda flexible band supported by the eccentric inner ring by a bearing and having a second set of external teeth that mesh in at least one circumferential region with the second set of internal teeth.3. The power steering system of wherein the strain wave gear set further comprises a third set of internal teeth on the second coupling element which mesh in the at least one circumferential region with the second set of external teeth.4. The power steering system of wherein a number of teeth in the third set of internal teeth is less than a number of teeth in the second set of internal teeth.5. The power steering system of wherein a number of teeth in the third set of internal teeth differs by exactly two from a number of teeth in the second set of internal teeth.6. A power steering system comprising:a central shaft;a motor having a rotor supported for rotation about the shaft;a fixed housing having a first set ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Strain wave gearing and actuator

Номер: US20190017585A1
Автор: Naoki Kanayama

A strain wave gearing has a wave generator for generating a wave motion that repeatedly flexes each part in the circumferential direction of an externally toothed gear in the radial direction. The wave generator is provided with a plurality of wave-generating members arranged at positions at a prescribed angular interval along the circumferential direction of the externally toothed gear. Each of the wave-generating members is provided with an outer circumferential cam surface, rotates centered on a rotation center line that is parallel to the device center axis line, and repeatedly flexes each part of the externally toothed gear in the radial direction with a prescribed amplitude. A strain wave gearing, which is suitable for forming a large device hollow part, can be obtained.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018081A1
Автор: KODAIRA Takeo
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

A strain wave gearing has a cup-shaped externally toothed gear that is provided with a body formed with external teeth, a diaphragm extending from an end of the body, and a rigid boss integrally formed in the diaphragm. The ratio B/A is set equal to or less than 0.59 where A is the reference pitch circle diameter of the external teeth and B is the outer diameter of the boss. The radial length from the inner peripheral edge of the diaphragm to the outer peripheral edge thereof in the present externally toothed gear is large. This enables to reduce bending stress generated in each part of the externally toothed gear due to coning, and a meshing state of the external teeth with the internal teeth in the tooth trace direction can also be improved, whereby further flattening of the externally toothed gear can be realized. 1. A strain wave gearing , comprising:a rigid internally toothed gear;a cup-shaped externally toothed gear; anda wave generator, a cylindrical body flexible in a radial direction;', 'external teeth formed on an outer circumferential surface portion of the body at a side of one end in a direction of a center axis line of the body;', 'a discoid diaphragm extending inward in the radial direction from the other end of the body; and', 'a rigid boss that is coaxially and integrally formed in the diaphragm or is coaxially connected to the diaphragm, and, 'wherein the externally toothed gear is provided withwherein a maximum value of a ratio B/A is 0.59 where A is a reference pitch circle diameter of the external teeth and B is an outer diameter of the boss2. The strain wave gearing according to claim 1 ,wherein the boss is integrally formed in a center portion of the diaphragm.3. The strain wave gearing according to claim 1 ,wherein the boss is coaxially connected to the diaphragm.4. The strain wave gearing according to claim 1 ,wherein the boss is provided with a hollow part passing to penetrate a center portion thereof in the direction of the center axis ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037977A1

A magnetic coupling device includes a driving magnet array having multiple annular sector-shaped, circumferentially arranged first permanent magnets, and a driven magnet array having multiple circular sector-shaped, circumferentially arranged second permanent magnets with pole surfaces facing pole surfaces of the first permanent magnets. The driven magnet array is rotated by the driving magnet array being rotated. A repulsion zone where a repulsive force acts is designed to have an area that is 5% to 15% of that of an attraction zone where an attractive force acts between a specific first permanent magnet and a specific second permanent magnet, with a radial first centerline of the specific first permanent magnet overlapping a radial second centerline of the specific second permanent magnet so that opposite poles face each other, including between first and second permanent magnets respectively adjacent the specific first and second permanent magnets with overlapping the centerlines. 1. A magnetic coupling device , comprising:a driving magnet array having a plurality of first permanent magnets in an annular sector shape arranged to have alternating polarities along a circumferential direction; anda driven magnet array having a plurality of second permanent magnets in an annular or circular sector shape arranged to have alternating polarities along a circumferential direction and to have pole surfaces facing pole surfaces of the first permanent magnets,the driven magnet array being rotated by the driving magnet array being rotated, whereinwith a first centerline in a radial direction of a specific one of the plurality of first permanent magnets overlapping a second centerline in a radial direction of a specific one of the plurality of second permanent magnets so that opposite poles face each other,a repulsion zone where a repulsive force acts is designed to have an area that is 5% to 15% of an area of an attraction zone where an attractive force acts, including a ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023332A1
Автор: LEVESQUE Gerard

The present invention is tool for transmitting torque from one end of the tool to the other comprising a housing having an input sprocket and an output sprocket connected by a race containing ball bearings whereby torque applied to one sprocket is transmitted to the other sprocket via movement of the ball bearings. The tool can be configured as a wrench for removal of nuts, bolts and screws or as a drive transmission means for applying torque from a source of rotary motion to a device requiring rotary motion to drive it. 1. A wrench comprising:a. a casing having recesses to hold an input sprocket and an output sprocket, the input sprocket having a means for receiving an input torque and the output sprocket having a means for delivering an output torque, each sprocket having a plurality of teeth for holding a bearing, wherein the sprockets turn within the casing;b. the casing having a continuous loop track channel sized to house ball bearings;c. a plurality of bearings sufficient to fill the continuous loop track channel including the recesses in the input and output sprockets.2. The wrench according to wherein a bearing is inserted between the sprocket and casing.3. The wrench according to wherein the bearings are ball bearings or roller bearings.4. The wrench according to wherein the input sprocket is sized to fit a conventional tool drive.5. The wrench according to claim 4 , wherein the tool drive is a square drive.6. The wrench according to wherein the bearing is a plurality of ball bearings claim 2 , thrust bearings claim 2 , roller bearings claim 2 , or a polymer bearing.7. The wrench according to wherein the output sprocket is sized to fit a conventional tool drive.8. The wrench according to wherein the conventional tool drive is a square drive.9. The wrench according to wherein the output sprocket has a female recess sized to fit a nut or bolt.10. The wrench of wherein the output sprocket is sized to fit an adapter.11. A method of turning a nut or bolt in a ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025203A1

A wave generator of a hollow strain wave gearing has a rigid plug and a needle roller bearing. The needle roller bearing has an inner ring trajectory surface formed in the plug external peripheral surface, a flexible outer ring, an outer ring trajectory surface formed in an inner peripheral surface of the outer ring, and needle rollers. An inner ring trajectory groove is formed in the plug external peripheral surface, and the inner ring trajectory surface is formed in a groove bottom surface of the inner ring trajectory groove. Inner-ring-side restricting surfaces for restricting the needle rollers from moving in the center axis direction are formed in groove side surfaces on both sides of the inner ring trajectory groove. A wave generator can be obtained, which is suitable for increasing the hollow diameter of a strain wave gearing. 1. A wave generator of a strain wave gearing for flexing a flexible externally toothed gear into an ellipsoidal shape to partially mesh with a rigid internally toothed gear , and for moving meshing positions of the two gears in a circumferential direction; the wave generator comprising:a rigid plug having an ellipsoidal shape and a needle roller bearing mounted on an ellipsoidal plug external peripheral surface of the rigid plug, whereinthe needle roller bearing has an ellipsoidal inner ring trajectory surface formed in the plug external peripheral surface, an outer ring capable of flexing in a radial direction, an outer ring trajectory surface formed in an inner peripheral surface of the outer ring, and a plurality of needle rollers mounted in a rollable state between the inner ring trajectory surface and the outer ring trajectory surface;an inner ring trajectory groove is formed in the plug external peripheral surface and extends in a circumferential direction of the plug external peripheral surface;the inner ring trajectory surface is formed in a groove bottom surface of the inner ring trajectory groove; andan inner-ring-side ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023678A1
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

A strain wave gearing has a wave generator provided with a plug and a roller bearing. The roller bearing is provided with flange plates fixed to both sides of the plug, and outer circumferential edge portions of the flange plates protrude outwardly from a plug outer circumferential surface so as to locate on both sides, in an axial line direction, of the raceway of rollers. The movements of the rollers in the axial line direction are constrained by the outer circumferential edge portions. The movement of retainer in the axial line direction is constrained by engaging with the rollers. The movement of each component part of the roller bearing in the axial line direction can be constrained without using additional components. 1. A wave generator of a strain wave gearing for flexing a flexible externally toothed gear elliptically to partially mesh with a rigid internally toothed gear and to move meshing portions of the gears in a circumferential direction , the wave generator comprising:a rigid plug, and a roller bearing that is fitted on an elliptical plug outer circumferential surface of the plug and is flexed elliptically,wherein the roller bearing has an inner ring, an outer ring, a plurality of rollers accommodated rollably in a raceway between the inner ring and the outer ring, a retainer for holding the rollers in the raceway at prescribed intervals in a circumferential direction, and flange plates fixed to or integrally formed in side parts on both sides of the plug in an axial line direction;each of the flange plates has an outer circumferential edge portion protruding outward from the plug outer circumferential surface and is located on both sides of the raceway in the axial line direction of the raceway;the rollers are arranged so that, when the rollers move in the axial line direction, the rollers come in engagement with the respective outer circumferential edge portions and movements of the rollers in the axial line direction are constrained;the retainer ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Strain wave gearing with input to output braking

Номер: US20210022817A1
Автор: Bharat Thakkar
Принадлежит: Verb Surgical Inc

A braking assembly for a strain wave gearing of a surgical robotic manipulator, the braking assembly including a first braking member fixedly coupled to an input portion of a strain wave gearing of a surgical robotic manipulator; and a second braking member fixedly coupled to an output portion of the strain wave gearing, and wherein during a braking operation the first braking member contacts the second braking member to mechanically brake the input portion to the output portion.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Radial magnetic cycloid gear assemblies, and related systems and methods

Номер: US20190028014A1
Принадлежит: National Oilwell Varco LP

A magnetic cycloid gear assembly includes an outer magnet drum comprising a plurality of outer drum magnets having a first number of magnetic pole pairs. The assembly also includes a first inner magnet drum comprising a first plurality of inner drum magnets having a second number of magnetic pole pairs. The assembly also includes a second inner magnet drum comprising a second plurality of inner drum magnets having a third number of magnetic pole pairs. Each of the first and second inner drums has an inner magnet drum axis that is offset from an outer magnet drum axis. The assembly further includes a plurality of drive mechanisms, each mechanism being operatively coupled to each of the first and second inner drums. The plurality of drive mechanisms is configured to drive each of the first and second inner magnet drums to revolve in an eccentric manner about the outer drum axis.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031103A1
Автор: KOBAYASHI Masaru
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

A wave generator of a strain wave gearing uses a plurality of solid displacement elements to flex a flexible externally toothed gear into a non-circular shape and partially mesh the externally toothed with a rigid internally toothed gear. The solid displacement elements are obtained by curving a monomorphic or bimorphic type rectangular plate-shaped element into an arc shape and can be deformed from an arc shape to a semispherical shape by energization, the semicircular shape having a smaller radius than the arc radius of the arc shape. A wave generator can be realized, which can bear a large load torque by utilizing changes in rigidity, deformation amount, and deformation force associated with the deformation of the solid displacement elements. 1. A wave generator of a strain wave gearing , wherein the wave generator flexes each part in a circumferential direction of a flexible externally toothed gear in a radial direction with a constant amplitude and a constant period by utilizing a plurality of solid displacement elements , and moves meshing positions of the externally toothed gear with a rigid internally toothed gear in the circumferential direction , so that a relative rotation between the two gears is generated according to a difference in teeth between the externally toothed gear and the internally toothed gear; the wave generator being characterized in that:the solid displacement elements are a monomorphic type or bimorphic type rectangular plate-shape element that is curved into an arc shape, and is deformable from the arc shape into a semicircular shape by energization, the semicircular shape having a smaller radius than an arc radius of the arc shape;wherein portions of the externally toothed gear flexed by the solid displacement elements that are deformed into the semicircular shape, are meshed with the internally toothed gear;wherein an element retaining member for retaining the solid displacement elements, is provided; andwherein the element retaining ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031108A1
Автор: SAKATA Masaaki

A robot includes a first member, a second member provided to be capable of turning with respect to the first member, and a gear device configured to transmit a driving force from one side to the other side of the first member and the second member. The gear device includes internal teeth and external teeth provided halfway in a transmission path of the driving force and configured to mesh with each other and lubricant disposed between the internal teeth and the external teeth. An average grain size of a constituent material of the external teeth is smaller than an average grain size of a constituent material of the internal teeth. 1. A robot comprising:a first member;a second member provided to be capable of turning with respect to the first member; anda gear device configured to transmit a driving force from one side to the other side of the first member and the second member, wherein internal teeth and external teeth provided halfway in a transmission path of the driving force and configured to mesh with each other; and', 'lubricant disposed between the internal teeth and the external teeth, and, 'the gear device includesan average grain size of a constituent material of the external teeth is smaller than an average grain size of a constituent material of the internal teeth.2. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the average grain size of the constituent material of the internal teeth is within a range of 20 μm or more to 150 μm or less.3. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the average grain size of the constituent material of the external teeth is within a range of 0.5 μm or more to 30 μm or less.4. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the internal teeth and the external teeth are respectively made of metal materials.5. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the internal teeth are made of either one of cast iron and precipitation hardening type stainless steel.6. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the external teeth are made of any one of ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031109A1

A robot includes a first member, a second member provided to be capable of turning with respect to the first member, and a gear device configured to transmit a driving force from one side to the other side of the first member and the second member. The gear device includes an internal gear, an external gear having flexibility and configured to partially mesh with the internal gear, a wave generator configured to be in contact with the external gear and move a meshing position of the internal gear and the external gear in a circumferential direction, and lubricant disposed in at least one of a meshing section of the internal gear and the external gear and a portion where the external gear and the wave generator are in contact with each other. A last non-seizure load of the lubricant is 300 N or more. 1. A robot comprising:a first member;a second member provided to be capable of turning with respect to the first member; anda gear device configured to transmit a driving force from one side to another side of the first member and the second member, wherein an internal gear;', 'an external gear having flexibility and configured to partially mesh with the internal gear;', 'a wave generator configured to be in contact with the external gear and move a meshing position of the internal gear and the external gear in a circumferential direction; and', 'lubricant disposed in at least one of a meshing section of the internal gear and the external gear and a portion where the external gear and the wave generator are in contact with each other, a last non-seizure load of the lubricant being 300 N or more., 'the gear device includes2. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the last non-seizure load of the lubricant is represented as L [N] and a weld load of the lubricant is represented as W [N] claim 1 , W/L is 3.0 or more.3. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein a weld load of the lubricant is 1900 N or more.4. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140116163A1
Принадлежит: DigitalOptics Corporation MEMS

A device can have an outer frame and an actuator. The actuator can have a movable frame and a fixed frame. At least one torsional flexure and at least one hinge flexure can cooperate to provide comparatively high lateral stiffness between the outer frame and the movable frame and can cooperate to provide comparatively low rotational stiffness between the outer frame and the movable frame. 1a generally planar outer frame; andan actuator having a generally planar movable frame and a generally planar fixed frame,the moveable frame being coupled to the outer frame by at least one flexure for rotation between a first position generally non-coplanar with the fixed frame and a second position generally coplanar with the fixed frame.. A device, comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/946,526 filed Nov. 15, 2010, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety as part of the present disclosure.1. Technical FieldThis disclosure generally relates to actuators and more particularly relates, for example, to MEMS actuators with motion control that are suitable for use in miniature cameras or other devices.2. Related ArtActuators for use in miniature cameras and other devices are well known. Such actuators typically comprise voice coils that are used to move a lens for focusing, zooming, or optical image stabilization.Miniature cameras are used in a variety of different electronic devices. For example, miniature cameras are commonly used in cellular telephones, laptop computers, and surveillance devices. Miniature cameras may have many other applications.It is frequently desirable to reduce the size of miniature cameras. As the size of electronic devices continues to be reduced, the size of miniature cameras that are part of such electronic devices must typically be reduced as well.Further, it is desirable to enhance the shock resistance of such miniature cameras. As the size of miniature cameras is reduced, smaller, more ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049761A1

A bending meshing type gear device includes a wave generator, an external gear that is bent and deformed by the wave generator, an internal gear that meshes with the external gear, and a wave generator bearing disposed between the wave generator and the external gear, in which an inner ring rolling surface on which a rolling element of the wave generator bearing rolls includes a hardened layer, and the hardened layer has a characteristic that a surface hardness after operating for a predetermined time is increased compared to a surface hardness before operation. 1. A bending meshing type gear device comprising:a wave generator;an external gear that is bent and deformed by the wave generator;an internal gear that meshes with the external gear; anda wave generator bearing disposed between the wave generator and the external gear, whereinan inner ring rolling surface on which a rolling element of the wave generator bearing rolls includes a hardened layer, andthe hardened layer has a characteristic that a surface hardness after operating for a predetermined time is increased compared to a surface hardness before operation.2. The bending meshing type gear device according to claim 1 , whereinthe wave generator has a substantially elliptical outer shape of a cross section perpendicular to a rotation axis.3. The bending meshing type gear device according to claim 2 , whereinthe inner ring rolling surface is an outer peripheral surface of the wave generator.4. The bending meshing type gear device according to claim 2 , whereinthe wave generator bearing includes an inner ring, andthe inner ring is fitted onto the wave generator, rotates with the wave generator, has a substantially circular shape in a state before being fitted onto the wave generator, and has a substantially elliptical shape when being fitted onto the wave generator.5. The bending meshing type gear device according to claim 4 , whereinthe inner ring rolling surface is an outer peripheral surface of the inner ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Gear device and robot

Номер: US20220049762A1
Автор: Yuya KATAOKA
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A gear device includes an internal gear, an external gear having flexibility, a wave generator, a cross roller bearing, and a first seal and a second seal. The external gear includes a cylindrical body section including a first end portion, with which the wave generator is in contact, and a second end portion on the opposite side of the first end portion, external teeth provided on the outer circumferential surface of the first end portion, an annular diaphragm section provided on the outer side of the second end portion, and a boss section provided on the outer side of the diaphragm section. The first seal is sandwiched between the boss section and an outer ring of the cross roller bearing. The second seal includes a proximal end fixed to the outer ring and a distal end in contact with the outer circumferential surface of an inner ring.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Strain Wave Gear System

Номер: US20190032764A1

A strain wave gear system () includes first and second sets of ball bearings () located intermediate a flange () and a retainer plate () rotatable with an output () and a radially oriented flat disc () of the input including strain relief (). Strain relief () is a helical slot in a coupling () located radially within the wave generator () and the ring gear (). The ring gear () is sealed by a sealing system including sealant () forced by a protrusion () of the cap () entering into a cavity () through a channel () into a relief volume () of the housing (). The bearing () rotatably mounting the housing () to the output () is lubricated by a lubricating system including plungers () threadably received in axial bores () intersecting with radial bores () in communication with radial holes () of the bearing (). 1. Strain wave gear system comprising , in combination: an input including a radially extending disc having first and second axially spaced faces; a ring gear; a wave generator of a non-circular shape and connected to and rotatable with the input; an output; a flexspline connected to and rotatable with the output , with the flexspline in gearing engagement with the ring gear and located intermediate the ring gear and the wave generator; first and second radially extending and axially spaced races connected to the output; a first bearing located intermediate the first face and the first race; and a second bearing located intermediate the second face and the second race.2. The strain wave gear system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the input further includes a strain relief.3. The strain wave gear system as recited in claim 2 , wherein the input is a hub; and wherein the strain relief is a slot in the hub and in a helical shape to compensate for parallel and angular misalignment of the input.4. The strain wave gear system as recited in claim 3 , wherein the input further includes a collet fixed intermediate the hub and the radially extending disc claim 3 , with the ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032890A1
Автор: ARAS Resat

A variable-speed gear arrangement for a vehicle includes a harmonic drive device, a driven wheel and an optional stop disk. The stop disk can be arranged between the driven wheel and a shaft, with a fastener for connecting the shaft to the stop disk and the driven wheel. The fastener presses the shaft, the stop disk and the driven wheel together in an axial direction. The driven wheel and/or the shaft and/or the stop disk includes a deformation section and the deformation section includes a contact surface and a deformation surfaced. In a first state of assembly, the deformation section brings a member of the clamping connection into contact with the contact surface, simultaneously forming a free deformation region. In a second state of assembly, the contact surface and the deformation surface are applied to the member of the clamping connection in a flat manner. 1. A variable-speed gear arrangement for a vehicle , the variable-speed gear arrangement comprising:a shaft,a strain wave gear device for adjusting the shaft, the strain wave gear device including a driven wheel, the driven wheel having a main axis of rotation,fastener, the shaft connected to the driven wheel by the fastener, fastener pressing the shaft and the driven wheel together in an axial direction, forming a clamped assembly, the clamped assembly comprising the shaft and the driven wheel as clamped joint partners, and,at least one of the clamped joint partners having a deformation section, the deformation section including a contact surface and a deformation surface, wherein: the deformation section brings a different one of the clamped joint partners into contact with the contact surface, the deformation surface simultaneously forming a free deformation region in relation to the different one a the clamped joint partner, and,', 'the contact surface is arranged radially outside of the free deformation region, and,, 'in a first assembly statein a second assembly state, the contact surface and the ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032891A1
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

In a strain wave gearing, a flexible externally toothed gear flexed by a wave generator meshes with a flexible internally toothed gear while in an overlapping meshing state. A floating ring, which supports the internally toothed gear from the outer circumferential side, maintains the overlapping state of the meshing and supports the internally toothed gear in a floating state that allows displacement following a state of radial flexion in the tooth trace direction of the internal teeth of the internally toothed gear. Differences between the meshing states of both gears can be alleviated at each position in the tooth trace direction. Degradation in the transmission characteristics and the strength characteristics of the strain wave gearing caused by manufacturing dimensional accuracy of each component and assembly accuracy can be suppressed. 1. A strain wave gearing comprising:a flexible internally toothed gear capable of flexing in a radial direction;a support mechanism provided with a supporting inner peripheral surface for supporting the internally toothed gear from an outer peripheral side thereof;a flexible externally toothed gear disposed concentrically inside the internally toothed gear; anda wave generator fitted inside the externally toothed gear so as to be capable of rotating relative to the externally toothed gear, the wave generator causing the externally toothed gear to flex in a non-circular shape and pushing the externally toothed gear toward the internally toothed gear supported by the supporting inner peripheral surface, and causing the externally toothed gear to mesh with the internally toothed gear at a plurality of locations that are set apart in a circumferential direction,a meshing state of external teeth of the externally toothed gear relative to internal teeth of the internally toothed gear being an overlapping meshing state in which pitch circles of the internal teeth and the external teeth overlap each other.2. The strain wave gearing ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034348A1
Автор: Li Youpeng, Xiong Youjun

A servomotor includes a control circuit, an electric motor, a harmonic drive and a sensor. The control circuit is connected to the electric motor and used to control the electric motor. The harmonic drive includes an outer casing, a wave generator, a flex spline and a circular spline. The wave generator is driven by the electric motor. The flex spline is sleeved on an exterior of the wave generator and located within the circular spline and engages with the circular spline. The flex spline is connected with an output member that is used to output power, and a post is arranged along a rotation axis of the output member. The sensor is arranged within the outer casing and used to detect an angular displacement of the post. A method for controlling the servomotor is also provided. 1. A servomotor comprising:a control circuit, an electric motor, a harmonic drive and a sensor;the control circuit being electrically connected to the electric motor, and configured to output signals to control the electric motor to rotate;the harmonic drive comprising an outer casing, a wave generator, a flex spline and a circular spline that are arranged within the outer casing, the electric motor being arranged at one end of the outer casing, the wave generator being driven by the electric motor, the flex spline being sleeved on an exterior of the wave generator, the circular spline being fixed within the outer casing, the flex spline being located within the circular spline and engaging with the circular spline;the flex spline being connected with an output member that is configured to output power, and a post arranged along a rotation axis of the output member; andthe sensor being arranged within the outer casing and configured to detect angular displacement of the post.2. The servomotor of claim 1 , wherein an output shaft of the electric motor extends to an inside of the outer casing and comprises a first gear arranged thereto claim 1 , the wave generator comprises a second gear ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033177A1
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

In a rotation transmission mechanism that transmits the rotational driving force of a motor to a load-side member via a speed reducer, a strain wave gearing is used as the speed reducer, and the allowable load torque of members in the powertrain other than the strain wave gearing is greater than a predetermined upper-limit load torque. The allowable load torque of the strain wave gearing is dictated by the ratcheting torque, which is set so as not to exceed the upper-limit load torque. In an overload state, ratcheting is generated in the strain wave gearing, so that the strain wave gearing functions as a mechanical fuse. Other power transmission members can be protected from an overload state without adding a separate member such as a torque limiter. 1a powertrain configured from a plurality of power-transmitting members including the speed reducer;the speed reducer being a strain wave gearing;an allowable load torque of the power-transmitting members other than the strain wave gearing being greater than a predetermined upper-limit load torque;an allowable load torque of the strain wave gearing being prescribed by a ratcheting torque set to a value equal to or lower than the upper-limit load torque; andthe strain wave gearing functioning as a mechanical fuse;wherein a fastening force by which a rigid internally toothed gear in the strain wave gearing is fixed by being fastened to a fixed-side member of the strain wave gearing is set to a lesser fastening force in one portion of the internally toothed gear in a circumferential direction than a case in which the allowable load torque of the strain wave gearing is greater than the upper-limit load torque, whereby the ratcheting torque is set to be equal to or lower than the upper-limit load torque.. A rotation transmission mechanism that transmits rotational driving force outputted from a rotation drive source to a load-side member via a speed reducer, the rotation transmission mechanism comprising: The present ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033178A1
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

In a rotation transmission mechanism that transmits the rotational driving force of a motor to a load-side member via a speed reducer, a strain wave gearing is used as the speed reducer, and the allowable load torque of members in the powertrain other than the strain wave gearing is greater than a predetermined upper-limit load torque. The allowable load torque of the strain wave gearing is dictated by the ratcheting torque, which is set so as not to exceed the upper-limit load torque. In an overload state, ratcheting is generated in the strain wave gearing, so that the strain wave gearing functions as a mechanical fuse. Other power transmission members can be protected from an overload state without adding a separate member such as a torque limiter. 1a powertrain configured from a plurality of power-transmitting members including the speed reducer;the speed reducer being a strain wave gearing;an allowable load torque of the power-transmitting members other than the strain wave gearing being greater than a predetermined upper-limit load torque;an allowable load torque of the strain wave gearing being prescribed by a ratcheting torque set to a value equal to or lower than the upper-limit load torque; andthe strain wave gearing functioning as a mechanical fuse;wherein a rigid internally toothed gear of the strain wave gearing has one portion in a circumferential direction, the one portion being a low rigidity portion having a lower rigidity in a radial direction than other portions in the circumferential direction, and meshing rigidity between internal teeth of the low rigidity portion and external teeth of an externally toothed gear is lower than other meshing portions between the gears, whereby the ratcheting torque is set to be equal to or lower than the upper-limit load torque.. A rotation transmission mechanism that transmits rotational driving force outputted from a rotation drive source to a load-side member via a speed reducer, the rotation transmission ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190036419A1

Provided is a rotary actuator having a motor and a reduction gear that are arranged coaxially, wherein the weight of the rotary actuator can be reduced. For example, a rotary actuator is provided with: a motor having a rotary shaft and a drive magnet fixed to the rotary shaft; and a reduction gear having an input shaft that is arranged coaxially with the rotary shaft and is coupled to the rotary shaft. The rotary shaft is provided with a cylindrical magnet fixing part, to which the drive magnet is fixed on the outer peripheral side. One end side of the input shaft is fixed to the inner peripheral side of the magnet fixing part. The rotary shaft is formed from a magnetic material, and the input shaft is formed from a material having a lower specific gravity than the magnetic material from which the rotary shaft is formed. 1. A rotary actuator comprising:a motor having a rotary shaft and a drive magnet fixed to the rotary shaft; anda reduction gear disposed coaxially with the rotary shaft and having an input shaft connected to the rotary shaft,wherein the rotary shaft has a cylindrical magnet fixing part to which the drive magnet is fixed on an outer circumferential side and is formed of a magnetic material,one end side of the input shaft is fixed to an inner circumferential side of the magnet fixing part, andthe input shaft is formed of a material having a specific gravity smaller than that of the magnetic material forming the rotary shaft.2. The rotary actuator according to claim 1 , wherein the rotary shaft is formed of an iron-based metal claim 1 , andthe input shaft is formed of an aluminum alloy.3. The rotary actuator according to claim 1 , wherein the drive magnet is formed in a cylindrical shape and is fixed to an outer circumferential surface of the magnet fixing part claim 1 , andan end surface of the drive magnet and one end surface of the input shaft are disposed at the same position in an axial direction of the rotary shaft.4. The rotary actuator ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038467A1

A compound harmonic drive including: a first internal ring gear; a second internal ring gear, the second internal ring gear being coaxial to the first internal ring gear; a first external gear located within the first internal ring gear and coaxial to the first internal ring gear, the first external gear meshes with the first internal ring gear; and a second external gear located within the second internal ring gear and coaxial to the second internal ring gear, the second external gear meshes with the second internal ring gear. The first internal ring gear and the second internal ring gear are composed of a flexible material. 1. A compound harmonic drive , comprising:a first internal ring gear;a second internal ring gear, the second internal ring gear being coaxial to the first internal ring gear;a first external gear located within the first internal ring gear and coaxial to the first internal ring gear, the first external gear meshes with the first internal ring gear; anda second external gear located within the second internal ring gear and coaxial to the second internal ring gear, the second external gear meshes with the second internal ring gear,wherein the first internal ring gear and the second internal ring gear are composed of a flexible material.2. The compound harmonic drive of claim 1 , wherein the first external gear includes radially-outward-extending teeth that mesh with radially-inward-extending teeth of the first internal ring gear.3. The compound harmonic drive of claim 2 , wherein the second external gear includes radially-outward-extending teeth that mesh with radially-inward-extending teeth of the second internal ring gear.4. The compound harmonic drive of claim 3 , wherein the first internal ring gear includes a different number of radially-inward-extending teeth than the second internal ring gear.5. The compound harmonic drive of claim 3 , wherein the first external gear includes a different number of radially-outward-extending teeth than the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038468A1

A compound harmonic drive including: a flexible ring having an inner surface and an outer surface; a first flexible gear disposed around the outer surface of the flexible ring and coaxial to the flexible ring; a second flexible gear disposed around the outer surface of the flexible ring and coaxial to the flexible ring; a first ring gear that meshes with the first flexible gear and is coaxial to the first flexible gear; and a second ring gear that meshes with the second flexible gear and is coaxial to the second flexible gear. The first flexible gear and second flexible gear are fixedly attached to the outer surface of the flexible ring. 1. A compound harmonic drive , comprising:a flexible ring having an inner surface and an outer surface;a first flexible gear disposed around the outer surface of the flexible ring and coaxial to the flexible ring;a second flexible gear disposed around the outer surface of the flexible ring and coaxial to the flexible ring;a first ring gear that meshes with the first flexible gear and is coaxial to the first flexible gear; anda second ring gear that meshes with the second flexible gear and is coaxial to the second flexible gear, wherein the first flexible gear and second flexible gear are fixedly attached to the outer surface of the flexible ring.2. The compound harmonic drive of claim 1 , wherein the first ring gear includes radially-inward-extending teeth that mesh with radially-outward-extending teeth of the first flexible gear.3. The compound harmonic drive of claim 2 , wherein the second ring gear includes radially-inward-extending teeth that mesh with radially-outward-extending teeth of the second flexible gear.4. The compound harmonic drive of claim 3 , wherein the first flexible gear includes a different number of radially-outward-extending teeth than the second flexible gear.5. The compound harmonic drive of claim 3 , wherein the first ring gear includes a different number of radially-inward-extending teeth than the second ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040698A1
Автор: FUGLESTAD Kenneth

The present invention relates to a slick line and/or fibre optic cable pulling wellbore and/or tubing pulling tool including a propulsion module () having a main section () and a hinged propulsion arm (). A propulsion wheel () with a gear system is supported in the propulsion arm. A gear system of the propulsion wheel () comprises an eccentric, internally toothed gear system with a fixed inner gear and a moving outer gear. The moving outer gear constitutes the propulsion wheel () of the pulling tool. An electric motor () drives the propulsion wheel () via the gear system. Also described is a propulsion module for such a pulling tool. 1. A slick line and/or fibre optic cable pulling wellbore and/or tubing pulling tool comprising a propulsion module having a main section and a propulsion arm hinged to the main section , the propulsion arm having a propulsion wheel with a gear system , the gear system of the propulsion wheel comprising an eccentric , internally toothed gear system with a fixed inner gear and a moving outer gear , the moving outer gear exhibiting the internal toothing and constituting the propulsion wheel of the pulling tool , and an electric motor for driving the propulsion wheel via the gear system.2. The pulling tool of claim 1 , further comprising a cable transition claim 1 , a battery module with one or more batteries for operating the electric motor claim 1 , an electronics module claim 1 , and at least two propulsion modules.3. The pulling tool of claim 2 , further comprising four propulsion modules and a nose connection.4. The pulling tool of claim 1 , wherein the electric motor comprises a rotor including an anchor with an output axle and a pinion fixed to the output shaft.5. The pulling tool of claim 1 , wherein the electric motor is a brushless motor having a longitudinal axis perpendicular to an axis of rotation of the propulsion wheel claim 1 , the pulling tool further comprising a brushless motor controller.6. The pulling tool of claim 1 , ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040978A1
Автор: Kanayama Naoki
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

A wave generator of a wave gear device flexes an externally toothed gear into a shape along an elliptical closed curve to form engaging portions of the externally toothed gear with an internally toothed gear at two places, namely at both ends of the major axis, and to move the engaging portions in the circumferential direction. The elliptical closed curve has a non-point symmetric shape. For example, the elliptical closed curve is a line symmetric closed curve that is not symmetric about the minor axis, and is symmetric about only the major axis. In the non-point symmetric state, the engaging portions are formed at both ends in the major axis direction. By selecting different shapes for the engaging portions at the two locations of the major axis, vibration attributed to a secondary angular transmission error component generated along with the rotation of the wave generator can be reduced. 1. A strain wave gearing comprising:a rigid gear;a flexible gear capable of meshing with the rigid gear; anda wave generator for flexing the flexible gear into a non-circular shape to form a meshing portion thereof meshing with the rigid gear and for moving the meshing portion in a circumferential direction of the rigid gear,wherein the wave generator is configured so that it flexes the flexible gear to form the meshing portion on at least two positions at equal angular intervals in a circumferential direction of the flexible gear, andthe meshing portions formed on at least the two locations have different shapes from one another.2. The strain wave gearing according to claim 1 ,wherein the rigid gear is an internally toothed gear, and the flexible gear is an externally toothed gear.3. The strain wave gearing according to claim 2 ,wherein the wave generator is configured to flex the externally toothed gear into a shape along an elliptical closed curve so that the meshing portion is formed on two locations, andthe elliptical closed curve is a non-point symmetric curve.4. The strain ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040981A1

A multiple contact-point flexible bearing applicable to harmonic drive has three contact-point flexible ball bearing, four contact-point flexible ball bearing and line contact flexible roller bearing. Single rolling element has two or two more contact points with the outer ring raceway, i.e. outer ring—flexspline interference fit component. Deformation accuracy of outer ring—flexspline interference fit component and teeth meshing accuracy of flexible and rigid wheels are improved so unnecessary additional deformation is reduced and even avoided. Contact stress between rolling element and raceway is reduced. Slip of rolling element is controlled. Quality and technical advantages such as bearing assembly conditions and lubrication conditions in operation are enhanced. Eventually, operating accuracy and service life of the flexible bearing, flexspline even the whole harmonic drive are improved, which means a lot in practical engineering. 1. A multiple contact-point flexible bearing applicable to a harmonic drive , comprising an outer ring having thin wall thickness , an inner ring having thin wall thickness , a rolling element embedded in raceways between the outer ring and the inner ring , and a cage used to separate each the rolling element in a circumferential direction uniformly;wherein, two contact points or line contact is provided between the rolling element and the raceway of the outer ring so as to reduce or avoid additional bending deformation in a width direction of the outer ring and/or additional distortion deformation in a circumferential direction of the outer ring when the outer ring having thin wall thickness generates predetermined radial deformation under a contact force that the rolling element applied to the outer ring.2. The flexible bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the raceway of the outer ring is a peach-shaped or elliptical arc groove raceway claim 1 , the raceway of the inner ring is a single circular arc groove raceway claim 1 , the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Compound harmonic gear motor configured for continuous output rotation

Номер: US20210048095A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

Disclosed is a compound harmonic gear motor having: first and second ground gears connected by a stationary shaft; a wave generator including an outer surface that can rotate completely around the stationary shaft, the wave generator including a rotor and a stator, wherein rotation of the rotor causes rotation of the outer surface; a flex spline surrounding the outer surface of the wave generator that is driven to rotate by rotation of the outer surface of the wave generator; and an output flange including internal teeth that mate with the flex spline to cause rotation of the output flange completely around the stationary shaft.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047451A1
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

A wave generator of a strain wave gearing has a rigid plug and a needle roller bearing mounted on the plug external peripheral surface. The plug external peripheral surface has a retainer engaging part for engaging with a retainer that would move in an axis line direction and for restricting the movement thereof along the axis line direction. The retainer has an outer ring engaging part for engaging with an outer ring that would move in the axis line direction and for restricting the movement thereof along the axis line direction. The movements of the retainer and the outer ring can be restricted without providing a separate member. A wave generator of a strain way gearing can be realized, which is provided with a roller bearing capable of restricting the movement of the outer ring with a simple structure. 15-. (canceled)6. A wave generator of a strain wave gearing in which a flexible externally toothed gear is made to flex into an ellipsoidal shape and partially mesh with a rigid internally toothed gear , and meshing positions of the two gears are moved in a circumferential direction; the wave generator comprising:a rigid plug and a roller bearing mounted on an ellipsoidal plug external peripheral surface of the rigid plug, whereinthe roller bearing has an ellipsoidal inner ring trajectory surface formed in the plug external peripheral surface, an outer ring capable of flexing in a radial direction, an outer ring trajectory surface formed in an inner peripheral surface of the outer ring, a plurality of rollers mounted in a rollable state between the inner ring trajectory surface and the outer ring trajectory surface, and a cylindrical retainer having pockets in which each of the rollers is held in a rollable state at predetermined intervals;the plug external peripheral surface has a retainer engaging part for engaging with the retainer that would move in an axis line direction of the roller bearing and for restricting a movement of the retainer in the axis line ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047452A1
Автор: Jensen Max Neal
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A harmonic drive apparatus (also known as a strain wave gear) is constructed with a circular, flexible spline disc having a generally flat configuration or a slightly conical configuration. 1. A harmonic drive apparatus comprising:an input shaft having a center axis, the center axis defining mutually perpendicular axial and radial directions;an output shaft that is coaxial with the input shaft;a rigid fixed spline having a plurality of radial, rigid gear teeth arranged circumferentially around the center axis;a flexible spline connected to the output shaft, the flexible spline having opposing convex and concave surfaces with a plurality of radial, flexible gear teeth on the convex surface, the plurality of flexible gear teeth being arranged circumferentially around the center axis and being axially opposed to the plurality of radial, rigid gear teeth; anda wave generator connected to the input shaft, the wave generator having a wave surface that extends around the center axis, the wave surface having at least one axially projecting crest and at least one axially recessed trough that extend around the center axis whereby on rotation of the input shaft the wave surface is rotated around the center axis and the at least one axially projecting crest push the flexible spline concave surface and a group of the flexible gear teeth into engagement with a group of the rigid gear teeth causing rotation of the flexible spline and rotation of the output shaft.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:the wave generator wave surface having a sequential wave pattern of axially projecting crests and axially recessed troughs.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:the at least one axially projecting crest being one of a pair of crests on the wave surface on radially opposite sides of the center axis; and,the at least one axially recessed trough being one of a pair of troughs on the wave surface on radially opposite sides of the center axis.4. The apparatus of claim ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170045129A1
Автор: Balsiger Derick

A drive assembly with selective disconnect includes a motor with a motor drive shaft; a harmonic drive coupled to one end of the motor drive shaft; an output shaft coupled to the harmonic drive; and a retracting mechanism that selectively retracts the motor drive shaft axially to decouple the motor drive shaft from the harmonic drive. 1. A method comprising:driving an output shaft with a motor drive shaft through a harmonic drive located between the output shaft and the motor drive shaft; anddisconnecting the output shaft from the motor drive shaft by selectively decoupling the motor drive shaft from the harmonic drive.2. The method of further comprising:preventing the motor drive shaft from axial movement.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the motor drive shaft is attached to a wave generator within the harmonic drive and the wave generator is retracted from the harmonic drive when the motor drive shaft is disconnected from the harmonic drive.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the motor drive shaft and the wave generator are selectively retracted by a spring.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein a solenoid selectively retracts a locking mechanism to unlock the motor drive shaft and allow the spring to retract the motor drive shaft and the wave generator.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the motor drive shaft and wave generator selectively retract in response to feedback from the electric motor claim 4 , motor drive shaft claim 4 , or output shaft. This application is a divisional application under 35 U.S.C. §121 of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/086,001 filed Nov. 21, 2013 for “DRIVE ASSEMBLY WITH SELECTIVE DISCONNECT” by Derick Balsiger.This invention was made, at least in part, with U.S. Government support under the Boeing contract number 475120, awarded by the United States Air Force. The U.S. Government may have certain rights in this invention.The present invention relates to drives used with electro-mechanical actuators and, in particular, to a system and method ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065340A1

A harmonic drive, more particularly in an electromechanical camshaft phaser, comprises a drive element (), a flexible transmission element () connected to the drive element () and having external teeth (), and an output element () that is designed as a ring gear and has internal teeth () that partially mesh with the external teeth (). The flexible transmission element () is pot-shaped, and is coupled in a torque-transmitting manner to the drive element () radially inside the outer teeth (). 1. A harmonic drive comprising:a drive element;a flexible transmission element connected to the drive element and having outer external teeth; andan output element configured as a ring gear and having internal teeth that partially mesh with the external teeth, the flexible transmission element being pot-shaped, and being coupled in a torque-transmitting manner to the drive element radially inside the external teeth.2. The harmonic drive according to claim 1 , wherein the flexible transmission element is coupled to the drive element in a form-fitting manner.3. The harmonic drive according to claim 2 , wherein the flexible transmission element has a bottom with openings claim 2 , into which form-fitting elements of the drive element engage.4. The harmonic drive according to claim 3 , wherein the openings are delimited in both peripheral directions of the transmission element by contact flanks bent out of the bottom of the flexible transmission element.5. The harmonic drive according to claim 1 , wherein a rotation angle limitation is formed between the drive element and the output element.6. The harmonic drive according to claim 5 , wherein the rotation angle limitation is formed by a stop segment of the drive element and a recess in an otherwise ring-shaped claim 5 , circumferential end face strip of the output element.7. The harmonic drive according to claim 5 , wherein the rotation angle limitation is formed by an opening in the drive element and a stop segment of the output ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Joint unit, robot arm and robot

Номер: US20210053235A1
Принадлежит: Tokyo Robotics Inc

The invention relates to a joint unit that is reduced in size while being provided with a plurality of angle detection mechanisms. The joint unit includes an input-side support member that supports a rotationally driven input shaft, a decelerator that decelerates the input shaft to provide a deceleration output shaft, an output rotating body that is coupled to the deceleration output shaft, and includes a strain generating portion that generates strain due to rotation transmitted by the deceleration output shaft, and an associated rotating body that is coupled to a output-side portion of the strain generating portion of the output rotating body to rotate together with the output rotating body, and is disposed in a space between the input-side support member and an input-side portion of the strain generating portion of the output rotating body.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048925A1
Автор: KOBAYASHI Masaru
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

A sliding bearing has an outer ring, an inner ring, an annular-shaped raceway formed between the two rings, and a sliding body mounted on the raceway. The raceway has rectangular cross-section or a rhomboid cross-section formed from an outer-ring-side V groove and an inner-ring-side V groove. The sliding body is, for example, formed of an endless coil spring, and the outer peripheral surface of the circular contour thereof is in contact in a four-point contact state with four first through fourth raceway surfaces of the raceway. A sliding bearing having a compact configuration that can bear a moment load can be achieved. 1. A sliding bearing comprising:an outer ring;an inner ring concentrically disposed inside the outer ring;an outer-ring-side V groove formed over an entire circumference on an inner peripheral surface of the outer ring;an inner-ring-side V groove formed over an entire circumference on an outer peripheral surface of the inner ring;an annular raceway having four raceway surfaces defined by the outer-ring-side V groove and the inner-ring-side V groove; anda sliding body accommodated in the raceway,wherein an outer peripheral surface of the sliding body is in contact with the respective raceway surfaces in a slidable state, andthe sliding body is formed of an endless coil spring.2. The sliding bearing according to claim 1 ,wherein the outer ring is constituted by two division outer rings that can be separated in a direction of a bearing center axis line.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The sliding bearing according to claim 1 ,wherein the endless coil spring is formed from a plurality of arc-shaped coil springs that are obtained by dividing an annular coil spring into plural in a circumferential direction.6. A strain wave gearing comprising:a rigid internally toothed gear;a flexible externally toothed gear;a wave generator for flexing the flexible externally toothed gear into a non-circular shape to partially mesh with the rigid internally toothed gear, and ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049237A1
Автор: Kiyosawa Yoshihide
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

A rotary actuator has a hollow motor and hollow reduction gears arranged coaxially on either side of the hollow motor. A rotary shaft is arranged so as to pass through a hollow motor shaft of the hollow motor. The hollow reduction gears have hollow input shafts connected to the shaft ends on either sides of the hollow motor shaft. The hollow reduction gears have hollow output shafts connected to sections of the rotary shaft protruding from both ends of the hollow motor shaft. The connection position of the hollow output shaft with respect to the rotary shaft can be adjusted in the rotational direction. A load is rotationally driven by the rotary shaft. By increasing the axial length of the hollow motor, it is possible to obtain a small-diameter rotary actuator having a rotational output with large torque. 1. A rotary actuator comprising:one hollow motor;two hollow reduction gears having a same reduction ratio; andone rotary shaft,wherein the hollow reduction gears are coaxially arranged on both sides of the hollow motor in a direction of a center axis line to sandwich the hollow motor therebetween;the hollow motor has: a hollow motor shaft; and a motor hollow part that is defined by a hollow part of the hollow motor shaft and extends to penetrate the hollow motor in the direction of the center axis line;each of the hollow reduction gears has: a hollow input shaft; a hollow output shaft; and a reduction gear hollow part that is defined by a hollow part of the hollow input shaft and extends to penetrate the hollow reduction gear in the direction of the center axis line;the rotary shaft coaxially extends to penetrate the motor hollow part;the hollow input shafts of the hollow reduction gears are coaxially connected to shaft end parts on both sides of the hollow motor shaft, respectively;the rotary shaft has shaft portions on both sides thereof protruding from both ends of the motor hollow part, and the hollow output shafts of the hollow reduction gears are coaxially ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049246A1
Автор: Chen Xuefeng, TU Mingxia

A harmonic drive mechanism of a wave generator, including a first bearing set, an input shaft, a left end cover, a second bearing set, an output shaft, a key, a bolt assembly, a vibratory hydraulic wave generator assembly, a rigid internal gear sleeve and a flexible external gear. The input shaft which is rotatable is provided on the left end cover through the first bearing set. A part of the input shaft and the flexible external gear are located in the rigid internal gear sleeve. The output shaft which is rotatable is provided on the rigid internal gear sleeve through the second bearing set. An end of the output shaft is connected to the flexible external gear via a key. The vibratory hydraulic wave generator assembly includes a casing, a vibrating plate, a backing plate and a check valve which are located in the flexible external gear. 1. A harmonic drive mechanism of a wave generator , comprising:a first bearing set;an input shaft;a left end cover;a second bearing set;an output shaft;a key;a bolt assembly;a vibratory hydraulic wave generator assembly;a rigid internal gear sleeve; anda flexible external gear;wherein an oil discharge outlet is provided at a bottom of the rigid internal gear sleeve; the left end cover covers an opening of the rigid internal gear sleeve, and is fixed to the rigid internal gear sleeve by a fastener; the input shaft which is rotatable is provided on the left end cover through the first bearing set; a part of the input shaft and the flexible external gear are located in the rigid internal gear sleeve; the output shaft which is rotatable is provided on the rigid internal gear sleeve through the second bearing set; an end of the output shaft is connected to the flexible external gear via the key;the vibratory hydraulic wave generator assembly comprises a casing, a vibrating plate, a backing plate and a check valve which are located in the flexible external gear; and the casing and the flexible external gear are in clearance fit and are ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051789A1
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive AG

A transmission component set has a bearing ring () and a strain wave gear mounted thereon. Said strain wave gear comprises an input or drive component (), a flexible or resilient transmission component () having external teeth (), and a gear () having an internal teeth (). The transmission component () is fitted onto the drive component () and thereby is elliptically deformable such that the external teeth () of the transmission component () engage with the internal teeth () of the gear () in opposing areas of a major axis of the ellipse, wherein the gear () or the transmission component (), via its bearing surface (), can be mounted on a bearing surface () of the bearing ring () by means of rolling elements (). The gear () or the transmission component () and the bearing ring () are each provided with at least one indentation or receptacle (). When the two indentations or receptacles () are lined up in a corresponding position relative to each other, the rolling elements () are inserted into an anti-friction bearing between the bearing surface () of the gear () or transmission component () and the bearing surface () of the bearing ring (). 1. A gear component set , comprising:{'b': '1', 'a bearing ring ();'}{'b': 2', '4', '3', '6', '5', '4', '2', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '6', '4', '7', '7', '8', '9', '1', '6', '4', '1', '10', '11', '10', '11', '8', '7', '6', '4', '9', '1, 'a strain wave gear adapted for mounting on said bearing ring, said strain wave gear comprising an input component (), a flexible transmission component () provided with external teeth () and a gear wheel () provided with internal teeth (), wherein the transmission component () is placed onto the input component () and is elliptically deformed by the input component () in such a way that the external teeth () of the transmission component () engage with the internal teeth () of the gear wheel () in opposing areas of a major axis of the ellipse, wherein the gear wheel () or the transmission ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051817A1
Автор: Maruyama Toshiki
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

A cup-type hollow strain wave gearing of a hollow actuator has a seal part assembled inside a cup-shaped externally toothed gear. The seal part seals between a boss of the externally toothed gear and a plug of the wave generator so as to prevent lubricant from leaking from the side of the externally toothed gear into a hollow part. Since the seal part employs an oil seal and an O-ring, it is able to be constituted inexpensively and to surely prevent leakage of low-viscosity lubricant. 2. The hollow strain wave gearing according to claim 1 , whereinthe externally toothed gear has: a cylindrical barrel part defining a barrel part of the cup shape and flexible in the radial direction; a diaphragm defining a bottom-part outer peripheral side part of the cup shape and extending inward in the radial direction from one end of the cylindrical barrel part to continue to the boss; and an external-tooth forming portion formed on the other end side of the cylindrical barrel part, and whereinan annular mounting groove in which the second oil seal is mounted is formed between a boss end face of the boss facing the oil seal housing and a housing end face of the oil seal housing facing the boss end face,the mounting groove is positioned adjacent to a boundary between the boss and the diaphragm, andthe boss end face and an end face portion of the housing end face are positioned opposite to each other across a prescribed gap, the end face portion being located adjacent to an outer peripheral side of the mounting groove.3. The hollow strain wave gearing according to claim 2 , whereinthe mounting groove is a groove formed on the housing end face, being opened toward the boss end face side and having a prescribed depth, andan outer-side end face portion of the housing end face adjacent to an outer peripheral side of the mounting groove is positioned opposite to the boss end face across the gap.4. The hollow strain wave gearing according to claim 1 , whereinthe oil seal housing has a ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Lubricated harmonic drive

Номер: US20170051820A1
Принадлежит: Hiwin Technologies Corp

A harmonic drive includes a circular spline, a cup-shaped flex spline meshed with the circular spline, a wave generator including an bearing mounted in the cup-shaped flex spline, an elliptical wheel mounted in the bearing and a coupling connected to the elliptical wheel so that an oil storage chamber is defined between the wave generator and the cup-shaped flex spline, and one or multiple stirrers connected to the coupling of the wave generator and drivable by the coupling to carry the storage lubricating oil out of the oil storage chamber for lubricating the bearing of the wave generator and the meshed tooth surfaces between the circular spline and the cup-shaped flex spline.

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Strain Wave Gear System

Номер: US20220074479A1
Принадлежит: Nexen Group Inc

A strain wave gear system (10) includes first and second sets of ball bearings (80, 82) located intermediate a flange (84) and a retainer plate (88) rotatable with an output (54) and a radially oriented flat disc (74) of the input including strain relief (76). Strain relief (76) is a helical slot in a coupling (70) located radially within the wave generator (94) and the ring gear (22). The ring gear (22) is sealed by a sealing system including sealant (42) forced by a protrusion (34) of the cap (24) entering into a cavity (36) through a channel (40) into a relief volume (38) of the housing (12). The bearing (48) rotatably mounting the housing (12) to the output (54) is lubricated by a lubricating system including plungers (110) threadably received in axial bores (102) intersecting with radial bores (104) in communication with radial holes (47) of the bearing (48).

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061308A1
Автор: OISHI Atsushi

Provided is a strain wave gearing apparatus which is able to make the most of the structural advantages of the flat form while achieving ideal mesh-engagement without involving a high degree of dimensional precision or any special adjustment mechanism. A strain wave gearing apparatus is provided with a stationary internal gear, a rotary internal gear disposed side by side with the stationary internal gear, a flexible planetary gear disposed on the inner peripheral side thereof for meshing partially with the internal gears by being deflected in the radial direction, and a wave generator disposed inside the flexible planetary gear for continuously deforming and deflecting the flexible planetary gear by rotation. In the apparatus, backlash during mesh-engagement is eliminated by making the base portions and of the internal gears and elastic. 1. A strain wave gearing apparatus comprising; a first internal gear , a second internal gear arranged side by side with the first internal gear , a flexible planetary gear arranged on the inner peripheral side of the first and second internal gears and deflected in the radial direction to be partially brought into mesh with the first and second internal gears , and a wave generator arranged on the inner side of the flexible planetary gear and configured to deflect the flexible planetary gear while continuously deforming the same through rotation , with a relative rotation being generated between the first internal gear and the second internal gear in accordance with a difference in number of teeth therebetween ,whereinthe first internal gear has an elastic base portion on the inner side of which is formed an inner teeth, and a rigid mounting portion connected to the base portion in a cantilever-like fashion,the second internal gear has an elastic base portion on the inner side of which is formed an inner teeth, and a rigid mounting portion connected to the base portion in a cantilever-like fashion, andthe relative movement in the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058565A1
Автор: HSU Chun-Tang

A push-type transmission mechanism has a base, a plurality of fixing discs securely mounted on the base, and a driving component rotatably mounted on the base. The driving component includes a plurality of cam portions. Each fixing disc has a plurality of driven rolling components which can move in radial directions of the fixing discs and can protrude out of outer surfaces by abutment of the cam portions. An inner surface of a transmission block forms a corrugation structure extending continuously in a circumferential direction. The corrugation structure is abutted by the driven rolling components. Thus, speed is changed through the driven rolling component connecting to the corrugation structure. Besides, with the driven rolling components driven by the cam portions, power can be transmitted with high torque. 1. A push-type transmission mechanism comprising: a base;', 'a plurality of first limiting portions arranged in a circle, spaced apart from each other at intervals, and protruding from an edge of another end surface of the first fixing disc;', 'a first fixing disc being an annular object, an end surface of the first fixing disc mounted on the base, and the first fixing disc comprising, 'a plurality of driven rolling components, part of the driven rolling components mounted in the intervals of the first limiting portions and being capable of moving in radial directions of the first fixing disc;', a first cam portion formed on an outer surface of the driving component and abutting on said part of the driven rolling components that are mounted in the intervals of the first fixing disc; and', 'a second cam portion formed on the outer surface of the driving component and adjacent to an end surface of the first cam portion; and, 'a driving component rotatably mounted on the base and comprising, 'a plurality of second limiting portions arranged in a circle, spaced apart from each other at intervals, and protruding from an edge of the end surface of the second fixing ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170059024A1
Автор: Kiyosawa Yoshihide
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

In this wave generator for a strain wave gearing, a plug thereof is configured from a plurality of split plug segments that are joined in the axial direction. Wave gearings are installed to the split outer peripheral surfaces of the split plug segments by press fitting, and thereafter the split plug segments can be joined in the axial direction. It is possible to easily produce the wave generator in which a plurality of wave bearings are press fitted, in parallel arrangement, on the non-circular outer peripheral surface. 1. A wave generator for flexing a flexible externally toothed gear of a strain wave gearing into a non-circular shape , the wave generator comprising:a plug, which is a rigid body;a non-circular outer peripheral surface formed on the plug; andat least three wave bearings installed on the non-circular outer peripheral surface;whereinthe plug has at least two split plug segments that are joined in an axial direction thereof;the non-circular outer peripheral surface is defined by split outer peripheral surfaces that are formed on the respective split plug segments;at least one of the wave bearings is installed on each of the split outer peripheral surfaces; andwhere the number of the wave bearings exceeds the number of the split plug segments, two of the wave bearings are installed on at least one of the non-circular outer peripheral surfaces.2. The wave generator for the strain wave gearing according to claim 1 , whereinthe number of the split plug segments is two;the number of the wave bearings is three; andtwo of the wave bearings are installed on the split outer peripheral surface of one of the split plug segments, and one of the wave bearings is installed on the split outer peripheral surface of the other of the split plug segments.4. The wave generator for the strain wave gearing according to claim 1 , whereinthe split outer peripheral surfaces are identical in size; andthe wave bearings are identical in size.5. The wave generator for the strain ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170059025A1
Автор: Zheng Yuan F.

A circular wave drive system, and a method for use of a circular wave drive, are provided. In one embodiment, a circular wave drive is provided, the circular wave drive comprising: a substantially enclosed housing having a chamber therein, a ring-shaped wheel residing in the chamber, a wave generator having a wheel-driving portion that is oriented within the hollow central portion of the ring-shaped wheel; and an output element having a wheel-driven portion that is oriented within the hollow central portion of the ring-shaped wheel opposite the wheel-driving portion of the wave generator. 1. A circular wave drive , comprising: wherein the periphery of the chamber is defined by a circular wall,', 'wherein the circular wall includes an inner diameter, and', 'wherein the circular wall includes a friction element;, 'a substantially enclosed housing having a chamber therein,'} wherein the ring-shaped wheel includes both an external friction element and an internal friction element,', 'wherein the ring-shaped wheel includes a hollow central portion including an inner wall having an inner diameter, the inner wall including the internal friction element,', 'wherein the ring-shaped wheel includes an outer diameter, and', 'wherein the ring-shaped wheel outer diameter is less than the inner diameter of the circular wall;, 'a ring-shaped wheel residing in the chamber,'} 'wherein the wave generator includes an eccentrically mounted input shaft extending from the wheel-driving portion and through the housing; and', 'a wave generator having a wheel-driving portion that is oriented within the hollow central portion of the ring-shaped wheel,'} wherein the output element includes an output shaft that extends from the wheel-driven portion and through the housing in an opposite direction of the input shaft of the wave generator, and', 'wherein a peripheral face of the wheel-driven portion includes a friction element being in contact with the internal friction element of the ring-shaped ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Harmonic drive apparatus

Номер: US20170059026A1
Автор: Max Neal Jensen
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A harmonic drive apparatus (also known as a strain wave gear) is constructed with a circular, flexible spline disc having a generally flat configuration or a slightly conical configuration.

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Dual-type strain wave gearing

Номер: US20200056653A1
Автор: Hiroaki Kimura, Jun Handa

It is possible to obtain a dual-type strain wave gearing in which wear resistance and tooth bottom fatigue strength are increased.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220082156A1
Автор: MAKISUMI Kazuyoshi

A speed reducer according to one embodiment of the disclosure includes: a casing; a carrier disposed rotatably relative to the casing; a speed reduction mechanism that is disposed in the casing and reduces rotation inputted from a motor and outputs reduced rotation; and a bolt protruding from the carrier toward the outside of the casing. The bolt has a male threaded portion that is configured to engage with a female threaded portion provided in a second arm. 1. A speed reducer comprising:a casing;a speed reduction mechanism disposed in the casing and including a transmission portion, the speed reduction mechanism reducing rotation inputted from a drive source and outputting reduced rotation, the transmission portion being rotatable relative to the casing; anda bolt protruding from the transmission portion toward outside of the casing, the bolt having a male threaded portion configured to engage with a female threaded portion provided in a connection member.2. The speed reducer of claim 1 , wherein the bolt includes a head portion and a shaft portion claim 1 , the shaft portion projecting from the head portion and having the male threaded portion formed thereon claim 1 , andwherein the transmission portion has a bolt insertion hole receiving the head portion therein and allowing the shaft portion to protrude out from the transmission portion.3. The speed reducer of claim 2 , wherein the transmission portion includes:a main body extending in the casing along a rotational axis of the transmission portion; anda flange portion extending out from the main body in a radial direction of the rotational axis and facing the casing in a direction along the rotational axis,wherein the bolt insertion hole is formed in the flange portion.4. The speed reducer of claim 1 , the bolt is made of a material harder than the transmission portion.5. The speed reducer of claim 1 , wherein internal teeth are provided on an inner periphery of the casing claim 1 , a crankshaft connected to an ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063310A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

Provided is an actuator for a link mechanism for an internal combustion engine, which can be prevented from being increased in size in an axial direction. The actuator for a link mechanism for an internal combustion engine of the present invention includes: a wave gear type speed reducer configured to reduce a rotation speed of an electric motor, and to transmit the rotation speed to the control shaft; and a housing to which the electric motor and the wave gear type speed reducer are fixed, the wave gear type speed reducer including: an inner gear, which is fixed to the housing, has inner teeth meshed with the flexible outer gear, and is made of an iron-based metal material, the actuator including a stopper mechanism, which is provided to each of the inner gear and the control shaft, and is configured to restrict relative rotation of a predetermined amount or more when the inner gear and the control shaft are held in abutment against each other. 1. An actuator for a link mechanism for an internal combustion engine , the actuator being configured to rotate a control shaft configured to change a posture of the link mechanism of the internal combustion engine , a wave gear type speed reducer configured to reduce a rotation speed of an electric motor, and to transmit the rotation speed to the control shaft; and', 'a housing to which the electric motor and the wave gear type speed reducer are fixed,, 'the actuator comprising a wave generating device having an ellipsoidal-shaped contour coupled to an output shaft of the electric motor;', 'a flexible outer gear, which is configured to rotate integrally with the control shaft, has outer teeth formed on an outer periphery thereof, and includes a cylindrical portion that extends through an outer peripheral side of the wave generating device;', 'an inner gear, which is fixed to the housing, has inner teeth meshed with the flexible outer gear, and is made of an iron-based metal material,, 'the wave gear type speed reducer ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063578A1

An inverted harmonic gear actuator is provided and includes a motor stator and a motor rotor radially disposed within the motor stator. The inverted harmonic gear actuator also includes a wave generator radially disposed within the motor rotor, where the wave generator has a radially inner surface with a cammed shape. An actuator output shaft is radially disposed within the wave generator. A flex spline is radially interposable between the radially inner surface of the wave generator and the actuator output shaft. The flex spline is deformable to conform to the radially inner surface of the wave generator and drive rotation of the actuator output shaft slower than rotation of the motor rotor. 1. An inverted harmonic gear actuator , comprising:a motor stator;a motor rotor radially disposed within the motor stator;a wave generator radially disposed within the motor rotor, the wave generator comprising a radially inner surface with a cammed shape;an actuator output shaft radially disposed within the wave generator; anda flex spline radially interposable between the radially inner surface of the wave generator and the actuator output shaft, the flex spline deformable to conform to the radially inner surface of the wave generator and drive the rotation of the actuator output shaft slower than rotation of the motor rotor.2. The inverted harmonic gear actuator according to claim 1 , wherein a radially inner surface of the flex spline comprises a first plurality of gear teeth operable to mesh with a second plurality of gear teeth of a gear interface of the actuator output shaft.3. The inverted harmonic gear actuator according to claim 2 , wherein the radially inner surface of the flex spline comprises a greater number of gear teeth than a number of gear teeth on the gear interface of the actuator output shaft.4. The inverted harmonic gear actuator according to claim 3 , wherein the actuator output shaft extends axially outward from the motor rotor and comprises a splined ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063579A1
Автор: Chen Feng-Tien

A roll-and-press friction-driving harmonic drive gear reducer includes: a wave generator having an elliptical external contour; a flexible spline having an output end and an open annular wall connected to the output end, the open annular wall having an external circumferential surface that includes an external roll-and-press area in an annular form, the external roll-and-press area including an annular section of external teeth adjacent to an end edge and a circumferential external curved surface adjacent to the annular external teeth; and a circular spline, which has an end that is recessed to form an accommodation hole that is inwardly extended, the accommodation hole having an internal circumferential surface that includes an internal roll-and-press area, the internal roll-and-press area including an annular section of internal teeth adjacent to an end edge and a circumferential internal curved surface adjacent to the set of internal teeth. 1. A roll-and-press friction-driving harmonic drive gear reducer , mainly comprising:a wave generator, which has an elliptical external contour;a flexible spline, which has an output end and an open annular wall connected to the output end, the open annular wall having an external circumferential surface that comprises an external roll-and-press area in an annular form, the external roll-and-press area comprising an annular section of external teeth adjacent to an end edge and a circumferential external curved surface adjacent to the annular section of external teeth; anda circular spline, which has an end that is recessed to form an accommodation hole that is inwardly extended, the accommodation hole having an internal circumferential surface that comprises an internal roll-and-press area, the internal roll-and-press area comprising an annular section of internal teeth adjacent to an end edge and a circumferential internal curved surface adjacent to the annular section of internal teeth;wherein in the external roll-and-press ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063847A1
Автор: Preuß Tobias

The disclosure relates to an adjustment gearing device for a shaft, comprising a strain wave gearing. The strain wave gearing has a spur gear device and an inner rotor, and the spur gear device has a first cylindrical section and a collar section. The first cylindrical section has a first diameter, and an outer toothing, and the inner rotor has an inner toothing, said outer toothing and inner toothing meshing together at least in some regions. The adjustment gearing device also comprises an outer rotor, said inner rotor being rotatable in a rotational direction relative to the outer rotor. The spur gear device is rotationally fixed to the outer rotor, and has a second cylindrical section for contacting the outer rotor. The second cylindrical section has a second diameter, and the second diameter is larger than the first diameter. 1. An adjustment gearing device for a shaft , comprising:a ring arrangement; a spur gear device having a first cylindrical portion and a collar portion, the first cylindrical portion having a first diameter and an external toothing,', 'an inner rotor having an internal toothing, the external toothing and the internal toothing intermeshing in some areas,', 'an outer rotor, and,', 'the inner rotor capable of rotating in a circumferential direction relative to the outer rotor, and the spur gear device rotationally fixed to the outer rotor,', 'the spur gear device including a second cylindrical portion for bearing on the outer rotor,', 'the second cylindrical portion having a second diameter greater than the first diameter,', 'the collar portion arranged as an intermediate portion between the first and the second cylindrical portion,', 'the ring arrangement bearing on the second cylindrical portion, and,', 'a press-fit formed between the ring arrangement, the second cylindrical portion, and the outer rotor., 'a strain wave gearing, including2. The adjustment gearing device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second cylindrical portion rests on ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Compound harmonic gearbox configured for continuous output rotation

Номер: US20210071744A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

Disclosed is a compound harmonic gearbox having: a first ground gear and a second ground gear being interconnected about a stationary shaft to form a housing, wherein only the first ground gear includes gearbox mounting features; an output flange partially encased within the housing; a flex spline within the housing that drives the output flange; a wave generator within the housing that drives the flex spline; an input shaft with an input gear that drives the wave generator, the input shaft extending through the first ground gear, wherein the output flange is configured to rotate completely around the stationary shaft by rotating the input shaft.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071745A1
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

A wave gear device includes a circular spline that has an annular shape and rigidity; a flex spline that has an annular shape and flexibility, and is disposed in the circular spline; and a wave generator that is disposed in the flex spline, is configured to cause the flex spline to be distorted in a radial direction and is configured to partially mesh with the circular spline, and is configured to move a meshing position between the circular spline and the flex spline in a circumferential direction. The ratio of the Vickers hardness on an inner circumferential surface of the flex spline to the Vickers hardness on an outer circumferential surface of the wave generator is 1.2 or more and 1.7 or less. 1. A wave gear device comprising:a circular spline that has an annular shape and rigidity;a flex spline that has an annular shape and flexibility, and is disposed in the circular spline; anda wave generator that is disposed in the flex spline, is configured to cause the flex spline to be distorted in a radial direction and is configured to partially mesh with the circular spline, and is configured to move a meshing position between the circular spline and the flex spline in a circumferential direction,wherein a ratio of a Vickers hardness on an inner circumferential surface of the flex spline to a Vickers hardness on an outer circumferential surface of the wave generator is 1.2 or more and 1.7 or less.2. The wave gear device according to claim 1 , wherein an arithmetic average roughness of the inner circumferential surface of the flex spline is 0.05 μm or more and 0.1 μm or less.3. The wave gear device according to claim 1 , wherein a skewness on the inner circumferential surface of the flex spline which is defined by JIS B 0601: 2013 claim 1 , is −2 or more and −0.3 or less.4. The wave gear device according to claim 1 ,wherein the flex spline includes;a flex spline main body that has an annular shape and flexibility,an external tooth that is provided on an outer ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Compound harmonic drive

Номер: US20150075310A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A harmonic drive includes a first flexible gear and a second flexible gear disposed around the first flexible gear and coaxial with the first flexible gear. A first ring gear meshes with the first flexible gear, and a second ring gear meshes with the second flexible gear.

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Internally-toothed gear unit with composite roller bearing, and wave gear device

Номер: US20140150586A1
Автор: Satoru Kanai

A wave gear device ( 30 ) uses, as a bearing which supports a first rigid internally-toothed gear ( 31 ) and a flexible externally-toothed gear ( 33 ) so as to be capable of rotation relative to each other, a composite roller bearing ( 38 ) equipped with a first roller ( 53 ) and second roller ( 54 ) for thrust bearing use and a third roller ( 55 ) for radial bearing use. Compared to a cross roller bearing or an angular bearing, the composite roller bearing ( 38 ) can be implemented as a highly rigid bearing in a small installation space. The first rigid internally-toothed gear ( 31 ) and the inner ring portion ( 51 ) of the composite roller bearing ( 38 ) are formed integrally as a single component, so an attachment part for connecting these members is not necessary. A highly rigid, flat wave gear device can be achieved.

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190072044A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

Provided is an actuator for a link mechanism for an internal combustion engine, which is capable of enhancing the durability of a wave gear type speed reducer or a bearing portion. The actuator for a link mechanism for an internal combustion engine according to the present invention includes: a housing including a bearing portion configured to support a control shaft so that the control shaft is rotatable; and the wave gear type speed reducer configured to reduce a rotation speed of an output shaft connected to a drive motor, and to transmit the reduced rotation speed to the control shaft. A restricting mechanism is provided to one of the control shaft and the housing, and is configured to restrict movement of the control shaft toward the wave gear type speed reducer side in an axial direction by being brought into contact with another of the control shaft and the housing. 1. An actuator for a link mechanism for an internal combustion engine , the actuator comprising:a control shaft, which is to be coupled to the link mechanism for an internal combustion engine, and is configured to change a posture of the link mechanism through rotation;a housing including a bearing portion configured to rotatably support the control shaft;a drive motor configured to rotationally drive an output shaft;a wave gear type speed reducer configured to reduce a rotation speed of the output motor, and to transmit the reduced rotation speed to the control shaft; anda restricting mechanism, which is provided to one of the control shaft and the housing, and is configured to restrict movement of the control shaft toward the wave gear type speed reducer side in the axial direction by being brought into contact with another of the control shaft and the housing.2. An actuator for a link mechanism for an internal combustion engine according to claim 1 ,wherein the control shaft includes an arm to be coupled to the link mechanism,wherein the housing has a recessed portion that is capable of ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190072172A1

A harmonic drive is provided that comprises a wave generator, a flexible, externally toothed gear element that can be deformed by said wave generator, and at least one internally toothed gear component which meshes with the flexible, externally toothed gear element. The externally toothed element has, with respect to its mechanically unloaded state, a non-circular shape that deviates from an elliptical shape. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. A harmonic drive , having:a wave generator;a flexible, externally toothed transmission element that can be deformed by the wave generator, the externally toothed transmission element having a non-elliptical shape with respect to its mechanically unloaded state; and,at least one internally toothed transmission component which meshes with the externally toothed transmission element.12. The harmonic drive of claim 11 , wherein the externally toothed transmission element is a flex spline.13. The harmonic drive of claim 11 , wherein the externally toothed transmission element has a pot shape.14. The harmonic drive of claim 11 , wherein the externally toothed transmission element has a hat shape.15. The harmonic drive of claim 11 , wherein the harmonic drive is used as an actuating mechanism of an electric camshaft phaser.16. The harmonic drive of claim 11 , wherein the harmonic drive is used as an actuating mechanism for varying a compression ratio of a reciprocating piston engine.17. The harmonic drive of wherein the wave generator comprises an inner ring claim 11 , and the externally toothed transmission element has a more complex deviation in shape from a circular shape in its mechanically unloaded state than the inner ring.18. The harmonic drive of claim 17 , wherein a number of points of intersection claim 17 , distributed over a circumference claim 17 , at which an actual radius with respect to a mechanically unloaded state ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072338A1
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

A silk hat-type strain wave gear device has a crossed roller bearing for supporting an internal gear and an external gear so as to allow relative rotation. A first gap part between the inner and outer rings of said bearing is sealed by an oil seal and a second gap part thereof is in communication with a gear-side gap part on the outside of the external gear. A bearing seal separates the second gap part from the gear-side gap part. The bearing seal prevents excessive inflow of lubricant from the gear-side gap part into the second gap part. Excess lubricant that has flowed into the bearing can flow back from the second gap part to the gear-side gap part. Excess lubricant in the bearing is prevented from leaking through the oil seal to the outside. 1. A silk hat-type strain wave gear device comprising:a rigid internal gear;an external gear having a silk hat shape, the external gear being provided with a flexible cylindrical body coaxially arranged inside the internal gear, external teeth formed on the cylindrical body, a diaphragm extending outward in a radial direction from an end of the cylindrical body, and an annular rigid boss formed continuously on an outer peripheral edge of the diaphragm;a wave generator for flexing the cylindrical body of the external gear into a non-circular shape to mesh the external teeth with internal teeth of the internal gear and for moving a meshing position of the external teeth with the internal teeth in a circumferential direction;a bearing for supporting the internal gear and the external gear in a relatively rotatable state;a gear-side gap part having an annular cross-section, the gear-side gap part extending along the diaphragm and the cylindrical body from the outer peripheral edge of the diaphragm of the external gear to a meshing section between the external teeth and the internal teeth;a first gap part and a second gap part, the first gap part being formed between inner and outer races of the bearing and being opened in one ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140157925A1
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

A wave gear unit has an input shaft positioned along a center axis by first and second input bearings. A first unit end plate at the first-input-bearing side is a composite member in which a bearing housing member of an iron-based material is integrated with an end plate main body member of a lightweight material. A second unit end plate at the second-input-bearing side is integrated with a rigid internally toothed gear, and is a composite member in which a second member of a lightweight material is integrated with a first member of a lightweight material. The first member has an end plate main body portion of the second unit end plate and a gear main body portion of the rigid internally toothed gear, while the second member has a bearing housing portion of the second unit end plate and a teeth formation portion of the rigid internally toothed gear. 1. A wave gear unit with input bearings comprising:an input shaft;a first unit end plate for rotatably supporting one first shaft end of the input shaft via a first input bearing;a second unit end plate for rotatably supporting another second shaft end of the input shaft via a second input bearing;a wave gear mechanism having a wave generator which rotates integrally with the input shaft, a flexible externally toothed gear made to flex into a non-circular shape by the wave generator, and a rigid internally toothed gear partially meshed with the flexible externally toothed gear, the wave gear mechanism being disposed between the first and second unit end plates;the first unit end plate being a first composite member which has a first unit end plate main body member and an annular first bearing housing member for supporting the first input bearing, the first bearing housing member being integrated with the first unit end plate main body member;the second unit end plate being a second composite member which has a second unit end plate main body member and an annular second bearing housing member for supporting the second ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080543A1
Автор: KUSUMOTO Hiroyuki

A robot includes a gear device that has a first surface and a second surface which are in a tubular shape around an axis, are disposed inside and outside of each other, and repeatedly come into contact with and separate away from each other with operation of the gear device. The first surface has a first recessed portion and a first projection portion, which extend in a direction having a circumferential direction component around the axis and configure a first uneven pattern, by being alternately arranged in a direction along the axis. The second surface has a second recessed portion and a second projection portion, which extend in the direction having the circumferential direction component around the axis and configure a second uneven pattern that is different from the first uneven pattern, by being alternately arranged in the direction along the axis. 1. A robot comprising:a first member;a second member that is provided so as to be movable around the first member; anda gear device that transmits driving force from one of the first member and the second member to the other, 'a first surface and a second surface that are in a tubular shape around an axis, are disposed inside and outside of each other, and repeatedly come into contact with and separate away from each other with operation of the gear device,', 'wherein the gear device includes'}the first surface has a first recessed portion and a first projection portion that extend in a direction having a circumferential direction component around the axis and configure a first uneven pattern by being alternately arranged in a direction along the axis, andthe second surface has a second recessed portion and a second projection portion that extend in the direction having the circumferential direction component around the axis and configure a second uneven pattern, which is different from the first uneven pattern, by being alternately arranged in the direction along the axis.2. The robot according to claim 1 ,wherein ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Worm gearing with harmonic drive or strain wave gearing primary

Номер: US20160084366A1
Принадлежит: Cone Drive Operations Inc

A gear system wherein a harmonic drive or strain wave gearing set is efficiently and effectively coupled to a worm drive, where the harmonic drive or strain wave gearing serves as the input and the worm drive serves as the output. By using the harmonic drive or strain wave gearing set as the primary, a very large reduction ratio is achieved in a right angle package with high torsional stiffness. Further, at high worm ratios, the system can be non-back driving. At low ratios, worm gearing can be highly efficient. This, combined with the harmonic drive or strain wave gearing set being used as the primary, provides a high ratio, highly efficient gear system.

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084367A1
Принадлежит: Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.

In this hollow strain wave gearing unit, a shaft end part of a hollow rotary shaft of a wave generator is located inside a cup-shaped flexible external gear. The shaft end part is supported by a bearing attached to a bearing holder that is fixed to a boss of the flexible external gear. In the bearing holder, an elastic leaf spring part that is displaceable in the axial direction constitutes a part that supports a holder body part that holds the bearing. A preload is applied by the leaf spring part to the bearing in the axial direction. Thus, there is no need to separately arrange a preload application member inside the flexible external gear, and the axial length of the hollow strain wave gearing unit can be shortened. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. A bearing mechanism for rotatably supporting a shaft end part of a hollow rotating shaft , the bearing mechanism comprising:a bearing for supporting one shaft end part of the hollow rotating shaft;a bearing holder for holding the bearing; anda mounting member on which the bearing holder is mounted; wherein{'b': '410', 'the shaft end part has a circular external peripheral surface for fitting an inner race of the bearing, and an inner race receiving surface having an annular stepped surface formed in an end of the circular external peripheral surface;'}the bearing holder has a flange part mounted on another member, a holder body part for holding an outer race of the bearing, and a plate spring part for connecting the flange part and the holder body part;the flange part the plate spring part and the holder body part are an integrally formed component composed of a single member;the plate spring part has spring properties that enable the holder body part to be urged in a direction of a center axis thereof;the holder body part has a circular internal peripheral surface to which the outer race of the bearing is attached, and an outer race receiving surface having an annular stepped surface formed perpendicular to the center ...
