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10-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2324091C2

Изобретение относится к системе регулирования для гидростатической передачи. Гидростатическая передача содержит гидравлический насос (2), подающий рабочее тело в первую магистральную линию (5а) со стороны насоса или во вторую магистральную линию (6а) со стороны насоса. Гидростатическая передача также содержит гидравлический двигатель (3), который соединен с первой магистральной линией (5b) со стороны двигателя и второй магистральной линией (5b) со стороны двигателя (6b). Первая магистральная линия (5а) со стороны насоса и вторая магистральная линия (6а) со стороны насоса могут соединяться соответственно с первой магистральной линией (5b) со стороны двигателя и со второй магистральной линией (6b) со стороны двигателя через блок (19) тормозного клапана. Посредством блока (19) тормозного клапана расположенная ниже по потоку гидравлического двигателя (3) первая магистральная линия (5b) со стороны двигателя или вторая магистральная линия (6b) со стороны двигателя в зависимости от действующего ...

21-02-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU216685U1

Полезная модель относится к сельскому хозяйству. Сельскохозяйственный уборочный комбайн содержит адаптивную трансмиссию. Вал привода жатки сельскохозяйственного уборочного комбайна кинематически связан с валом первого гидромотора, соединенного гидравлической магистралью со вторым гидромотором. Вал второго гидромотора связан с водилом дифференциала. Вал привода шестерен гусеничных колес сельскохозяйственного уборочного комбайна связан с солнечным колесом дифференциала, при этом зубчатым колесом дифференциала - с валом третьего гидромотора. Каждый из трех гидромоторов имеет также выход через регулируемый дроссель на сливной бак. Обеспечивается бесступенчатое саморегулирование поступательного движения сельхозмашины и вращательного движения привода рабочего органа. 1 ил.

16-02-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU3631U1

Электрогидравлический стабилизатор частоты вращения вала генератора, содержащий последовательно соединенные первичный двигатель, насос, гидромотор, дифференциал, генератор, причем вход насоса связан с вторым входом дифференциала, а последовательно соединенные усилитель-преобразователь и регулятор подключены к управляющему входу насоса, отличающийся тем, что в него введены измеритель частоты, подключенный входом к выходу генератора, сумматор, первым входом подсоединенный к выходу измерителя частоты, а выходом - к входу усилителя-преобразователя, и формирователь задающих импульсов, подключенный к второму входу сумматора.

27-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008125037A

... 1. Электронное устройство (26) управления для привода транспортного средства, в особенности самоходной уборочной сельхозмашины (1) с полным приводом, состоящим из главного двигателя (2), гидронасоса (5) и, по меньшей мере, одного гидромотора (9, 10, 11, 12), который приводит, по меньшей мере, одно колесо (19, 20, 24, 25), находящееся в сцеплении с основанием, отличающееся тем, что оптимизация тяги и предотвращение проскальзывания, по меньшей мере, на одном колесе (19, 20, 24, 25) осуществляются посредством задания величины крутящего момента на гидромоторе (9, 10, 11, 12) в зависимости от условий эксплуатации. ! 2. Электронное устройство управления для привода транспортного средства по п.1, отличающееся тем, что задание крутящего момента на гидромоторе (9, 10, 11, 12) в зависимости от условий эксплуатации осуществляется путем задания удельного объемного расхода гидромотора (9, 10, 11, 12). ! 3. Электронное устройство управления для привода транспортного средства по п.2, отличающееся тем, ...

27-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008150325A

... 1. Рабочая машина, содержащая: ! двигатель внутреннего сгорания; ! бесступенчатую трансмиссию, соединенную с двигателем внутреннего сгорания, при этом бесступенчатая трансмиссия содержит регулируемый модуль и механический модуль и имеет регулируемое входное/выходное передаточное отношение; ! муфту, соединенную с механическим модулем и имеющую выход; ! регулируемое оператором устройство ввода, обеспечивающее выходной сигнал, регулирующий предел мощности; ! по меньшей мере, одну электрическую цепь обработки данных, соединенную с регулируемым оператором устройством ввода и выполненную с возможностью регулирования выбранной комбинации входного/выходного передаточного отношения и выхода муфты, в зависимости от выходного сигнала, переданного регулируемым оператором устройством ввода. ! 2. Машина по п.1, в которой регулируемое оператором устройство ввода представляет собой ножную педаль. ! 3. Машина по п.2, в которой, по меньшей мере, одна электрическая цепь обработки данных сопоставляет выходной ...

27-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008119805A

... 1. Строительное транспортное средство, содержащее: ! двигатель; ! гидравлический насос, выполненный с возможностью приведения в действие двигателем; ! ходовой гидромотор, выполненный с возможностью приведения в действие маслом под давлением, нагнетаемым гидравлическим насосом; ! ходовое колесо, выполненное с возможностью приведения движущей силой ходового гидромотора; ! блок регулирования, обеспечивающий регулирование скорости и тягового усилия транспортного средства за счет регулирования скорости вращения двигателя, производительности гидравлического насоса и производительности гидромотора; и ! блок измерения скорости транспортного средства для измерения скорости транспортного средства, ! причем в диапазоне малых скоростей, в котором скорость транспортного средства меньше или равна заданной скорости, блок регулирования выполнен с возможностью работы в режиме снижения проскальзывания для снижения максимальной скорости вращения двигателя по мере уменьшения скорости транспортного средства ...

23-08-1993 дата публикации

Автоматическая система регулирования для силовой передачи между трактором и прицепом

Номер: SU1836239A3
Принадлежит: ОРИОН-ИХТЮМА ОЙ

Использование: изобретение касается автоматической системы регулирования для силовой передачи между трактором и прицепом . Сущность изобретения: система содержит замкнутую гидравлическую цепь 43, приводящую в движение ведущие колеса трактора 10, и незамкнутую гидравлическую цепь 25, приводящую во вращение ведущие колеса 17а, 17в прицепа. В указанной системе замкнутая гидравлическая цепь 43 трактора 10 содержит насос 15 и гидромотор 16, приводимый в действие упомянутым насосом, и соответственно не замкнутая гидравлическая цепь 25 прицепа 11 включает мотор или моторы 21а, 21в, приводимые в действие насосом 20. Система регулирования содержит линию 42, которая осуществляет передачу регулирующего давления Ра из замкнутой цепи 43 трактора 10 в незамкнутую цепь 25 прицепа 11. Когда сопротивление тяговому усилию возрастает, например, при движении вверх по крутому склону 1 давление Ра в упомянутой передающей линии 42 повышается и посредством указанного давления Р2 управляют работой . гидравлического ...

20-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002551490A1

13-05-1982 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003041856A1

13-11-1969 дата публикации

Einrichtung zur hydraulischen Kraftuebertragung fuer ein Fahrzeug

Номер: DE0001919693A1

09-04-2009 дата публикации

Verstellvorrichtung des Hubvolumens von hydraulischen Kolbenmaschinen

Номер: DE102007047193A1

Eine Vertellvorrichtung für das Hubvolumen einer ersten Kolbenmaschine (1) in Schrägachsen-Bauart und einer zweiten Kolbenmaschine (2) in Schrägachsen-Bauart weist ein gemeinsames Bauteil (4), über welches die Hubvolumen verstellbar sind, und ein Ventil (12) auf, welches beim Überschreiten eines maximalen Druckniveaus in den Arbeitsleitungen (3) so umgesteuert wird, dass das gemeinsame Bauteil (4) das Hubvolumen in Richtung geringerer Leistungsaufnahme umsteuert.

15-02-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001803367B2

23-03-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002416322B2

09-06-2004 дата публикации

Fahrsteuereinrichtung eines Hydraulikfahrzeuges

Номер: DE0010354194A1

Fahrsteuereinrichtung eines Hydraulikfahrzeuges mit einem hydraulischen Fahrmotor (13) und einem Getriebe (14), dessen Gang fixiert werden kann, aufweisend eine Gangwechselsteuereinrichtung (16) des Getriebes (14), eine Geschwindigkeitserfassungseinrichtung (31) zum Erfassen der Fahrgeschwindigkeit des Hydraulikfahrzeuges und eine Steuereinrichtung (30), die ein Herunterschaltsignal an die Gangwechselsteuereinrichtung (16) sendet, um das Getriebe (14) herunterzuschalten, wenn durch die erfasste Fahrgeschwindigkeit bestimmt wird, dass das Hydraulikfahrzeug nahezu gestoppt wird.

03-11-2005 дата публикации

Steuer- und Regelsystem für ein automotives hydrostatisches Getriebe

Номер: DE0019509869B4

Steuer- und Regelsystem für ein automotives hydrostatisches Getriebe mit einer durch eine Verbrennungskraftmaschine angetriebenen und mit einer Förderpumpe (2) und einem Servosystem versehenen Verstellpumpe (1), mit einem Verstellmotor (21), dessen Schluckvolumen von einem Servoventil (15) mit Rückführfeder proportional zu einem Stelldruck gesteuert wird, der einer Steuerleitung (23) über ein proportionales Druckminderventil (26) entnommen wird, die von der Ausgangsseite der Förderpumpe (2) zum Servoventil (15) führt, wobei mit dem Servoventil (15) über eine Verbindungsleitung (25) das proportionale Druckminderventil (26) verbunden ist, das mit dem Druck der Steuerleitung (23) hydraulisch beaufschlagt ist und dessen ausgangsseitiger Einstellwert vom Fahrer mittels einer Einstelleinrichtung (27, 28) stufenlos vorgebbar ist, wodurch die maximale Geschwindigkeit stufenlos limitiert wird.

16-11-1967 дата публикации

Selbsttaetige Regeleinrichtung fuer hydrostatischen Ventilatorantrieb

Номер: DE0001254405B

14-12-1978 дата публикации

Variable volume hydraulic pump control - has shuttle valve moved against spring load by electric signal controlled fluid pressure

Номер: DE0002751442A1

The control system (56) is intended for a variable hydraulic pump (10) or motor using hydraulic systems (46, 28, 30) to alter the swept volume of of the pump or motor and comprises a source of pressurised fluid (20) and a drain (38). It comprises a housing with bore (58, 60) having a first connection (64) to the means (46, 28, 30), a second (62) to the source (20), and a third (66) to drain (38). A shuttle valve (68, 72) in the bore has a first position connecting the first (64) to the second connection (62) and a second position connecting the first (64) to the third connection (66). The shuttle is spring-loaded (76) towards the first position and fluid pressure-loaded (82, 74) towards the second position and means are provided which respond to a signal to alter the pressure in the chamber (82).

30-03-2006 дата публикации

Steuersystem für einen hydrostatischen Antrieb mit einer Verbrennungskraftmaschine, einer Verstellpumpe und einem Hydromotor

Номер: DE0019858673B4

Steuersystem für einen hydrostatischen Antrieb mit einer Verbrennungskraftmaschine (1), welche eine mit einem elektrisch proportionalen ersten Verstellmechanismus (3) versehene Verstellpumpe (4) antreibt, welche über Arbeitsleitungen (7) mit einem einen elektrisch proportionalen zweiten Verstellmechanismus (10) aufweisenden Verstellmotor (5) verbunden ist, wobei - ein erster Drehzahlsensor (2) zur Erzeugung eines der Eingangsdrehzahl der Verstellpumpe (4) entsprechenden ersten Signals (A) und ein zweiter Drehzahlsensor (6) zur Erzeugung eines der Ausgangsdrehzahl des Verstellmotors (5) entsprechenden zweiten Signals (B) vorgesehen sind und das erste Signal (A) und das zweite Signal (B) einer Digitalrechnereinheit (9) zuführbar sind, - die Digitalrechnereinheit (9), in welcher drehzahl- und druckabhängige Volumenstrom-Kennfelder gespeichert sind, auf der Basis des ersten Signals (A) und des zweiten Signals (B) ein erstes Steuersignal (C) an den ersten Verstellmechanismus (3) der Verstellpumpe ...

24-06-1982 дата публикации

Hydrostatic drive with pressure control - has throttle adjusting element charged by pressure supply in front of consumer

Номер: DE0003044170A1

The hydrostatic drive has a pump, connected to a consumer via a feed- and a branch pipe. The branch pipe contains a throttle, which has an adusting element charged by an arbitrarily controllable pressure. The other side of the adjusting element is charged by the pressure in the branch line (131) between throttle (128) and consumer. The throttle is formed as a four connection/three position valve. It has connections for the feed pipe (106), the return pipe (127), and the two consumer connections (131,132). It has a pressure chamber, on either side of the valve element, connected to a control pressure generator (129,130).

20-06-1984 дата публикации

Hydrostatic gear, especially for vehicle drive

Номер: DE0003247004A1

A hydrostatic gear, especially for vehicle drive, possesses an adjustable pump (1) and a hydrostatic motor (2) which are connected to one another via lines (3, 4). At least one line (3) leading to the motor (2) is connected to a pressure accumulator (28; 28a) via a throttle (27; 27a). An additional valve (29; 29a) loaded by a spring (32) is subjected, on the one hand, to the pressure in the associated line (3, 4) and, on the other hand, to the pressure in the pressure accumulator (28; 28a). It controls the servomotor (16), at the same time bypassing the usual control device (40), in order to change the displacement of the adjustable pump (1) with the effect of reducing a difference between these pressures. Jumps in pressure and in acceleration are reduced thereby. ...

03-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002328112B2

12-12-1996 дата публикации

Regulator for engine-driven hydro-pump of variable supply volume

Номер: DE0019521146A1

The regulator operates on the reversible hydro-pump (2), which is connected to the tank (9) via a suction line (8) and to a hydro-motor (not shown) via two working lines (10,11) in a closed loop, and is driven by the vehicle engine (1) with hydrostatic transmission. An auxiliary pump (18) mechanically coupled by a shaft (17) produces a volume flow directly proportional to the rotational speed of the engine. A regulator valve (19) has a measuring constriction (20) developing a pressure difference from which a speed-related control pressure (p3) is produced in a line (26) to an adjustor (4) of the pump volume. The line passes through a three-port two-position valve (21) operated by an engine-speed-dependent signal (36). An electrically operated 4/3 way valve serves as a reversible i.e direction of travel valve (5), and the hydro-pump (2) feeds a pressure medium through a working line (10) or (11) to the hydro-motor (not shown) so that the vehicle travels in a direction corresp. to the control ...

01-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060027577D1
Принадлежит: TEXTRON INC

06-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002644128A1

14-04-1994 дата публикации

Hydrostatisches Getriebe mit Bremsventil

Номер: DE0004234139A1

The invention pertains to a control device of a hydrostatic transmission with a hydraulic pump (1), an adjustable hydraulic motor (2) and a brake valve (5) in two working lines (15, 16) connected to the hydraulic motor and the hydraulic pump, which brake valve closes one of the working lines when the transmission is in override, with a regulating device (8) working from a control pressure taken from the working lines between hydraulic motor and brake valve and used to adjust the displacement volume of the hydraulic motor, and with a control valve (9) for regulating the control pressure admission depending on a control signal. While maximum braking torque is maintained, the braking action of the hydrostatic transmission is improved in that the control signal is proportionate to the speed of the hydraulic motor and, as this speed increases, controls the pressure control admission, via the control value (9), toward minimal displacement volume of the hydraulic motor (2), and in that when a ...

10-04-1969 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001513377A1

04-02-1971 дата публикации

Regelvorrichtung fuer ein hydrostatisches Getriebe fuer Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: DE0001480029B1

06-12-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002325119A1

20-03-1997 дата публикации

Steuereinrichtung mit Temperaturkompensation

Номер: DE0019533967A1

28-10-1971 дата публикации

Fahrabhaengiger Antrieb des Streugeraetes eines Streufahrzeuges

Номер: DE0001658456A1

08-01-2009 дата публикации

Elektronische Steuerung für die Antriebseinheit eines Fahrzeugs

Номер: DE102007030168A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung bezieht sich allgemein auf das Gebiet der Landwirtschaft und der Verarbeitung von Ernteerzeugnissen. Hierzu werden Fahrzeuge, insbesondere selbstfahrende landwirtschaftliche Erntemaschinen, welche zur Aufnahme der Ernte und zur Verarbeitung des Gutes dienen, eingesetzt. Bei den selbstfahrenden landwirtschaftlichen Erntemaschinen handelt es sich in der Regel um Mähdrescher, Feldhäcksler und alle Arten von Rodern, die mit elektronischen Steuerungseinrichtungen für Antriebseinheiten ausgestattet sind. Einige Antriebseinheiten betreffen den Fahrantrieb, wobei der Fahrantrieb aus einem Allradantrieb besteht, der auf alle, den Boden berührende Räder und/oder Raupenlaufwerk einwirkt. Elektronische Steuerungen und Aktoren übernehmen das Steuern und Regeln der aus hydraulischen Motoren bestehenden Antriebseinheiten, die sowohl Vorder- wie Hinterräder mittels hydrodynamischer Kraftübertragung antreiben. Um eine gute Traktion und geringen Schlupf der Räder zur Bodenfläche ...

07-09-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002038968C3

02-05-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002251536A1

29-04-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to hydrostatic transmissions

Номер: GB0000956396A

... 956,396. Hydrostatic transmissions. R. C. PEARSON. April 2, 1962 [May 18, 1961], No. 18239/61. Heading F2C. A vehicle hydrostatic transmission system comprises a variable output pump 2 supplying in parallel two variable capacity motors 21, 22, the fluid flow from which is regulated by a manually-operated steering valve 43 in series with a self-adjusting valve 53 which maintains the speed differential of the motors as determined by valve 43, constant by restricting the flow of the faster motor to maintain the vehicle on a substantially constant radius or straight path despite variations of load on the individual motors. Duplicates of the valves 43, 53 and check valves 47, 48, 55 and 56 are provided to prevent steering reversal during reverse drive or overrun conditions. The hydraulic pressure and return lines 15, 16 from the reversible pump to the motors are interchangeable. Hydraulic supply line pressure acting on the face of piston 39 against the bias of spring 40 increases the motor displacement ...

12-05-1965 дата публикации

Hydraulic transmission

Номер: GB0000992072A

... 992,072. Hydraulic transmission. SUNDSTRAND INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION S.A. March 12, 1962 [March 13, 1961], No. 837/64. Divided out of 992,070. Drawings to Specification. Headings F2C and F2D. The subject matter is substantially the same as that described with reference to Figs. 1, 2 and 5-7 of Specification 992,070 but the claims are directed to the combined valves controlling make-up fluid admission and heated fluid relief. Specification 992,071 also is referred to.

15-08-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001326471A

... 1326471 Hydrostatic transmission control LINDE AG 14 Jan 1971 [15 Jan 1970 10 April 1970] 1775/71 Heading F2D In a control system for a hydrostatic transmission wherein a follow-up servo motor 9 adjusts the displacement of a pump 1 in response to movement of a pilot valve 14 actuated by pressure liquid supplied through lines 15, 16 from manually controlled valves 17, 22, a bleedoff valve 34 responsive to an operating parameter (e.g. speed or torque) is connected through a shuttle valve 31 to the control pressure lines 15, 16 downstream of restrictors 33. As shown, pumps 1, 41 of identical hydrostatic transmission driving tracks on opposite sides of a vehicle are driven from a common engine and are in closed circuit with the variable displacement motors 4, 44. A manual control 39 selectively actuates control valves 17, 22, 57, 62 which supply pressure liquid frcm an auxiliary pump 6 through control pressure lines 15, 16, 55, 56 to opposite ends of the pilot valves 14, 54 to effect idential ...

04-04-1951 дата публикации

Hydraulic transmission systems

Номер: GB0000651680A

29-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001382455A

... 1382455 Hydrostatic transmission ROBERT BOSCH GmbH and ZAHNRADFABRIK FRIEDRICHSHAFEN AG 27 June 1972 [28 June 1971] 29968/72 Headings F2D and F2W In the hydrostatic transmission shown, in which a prime mover 1, having an accelerator pedal 17, drives a pump 2, which may be adjustable in output, having a lever 29 to control its delivery, as well as that of an adjustable motor 5 through linkage 38, 381, a further control 27 is provided which can simultaneously reduce prime mover speed by adjustment of member 16 and increase the gear ratio by adjustment of pump 5, through piston and cylinder devices 20, 27 and 32, 33. The lever 27 controls a two position valve 26 which supplies pressure to one side or the other of the cylinders 20, 32 from a feed pump 7 through lines 24, 36 and 25, 35, to thus vary the lengths of the linkages connecting accelerator pedal 17 and prime mover 1, and lever 29 and adjusting arm 39 of the motor 5 to effect a control similar to that of an overdrive. The motor ...

14-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001432194A

... 1432194 Hydrostatic transmission control FRIEDRICH KOCKS GmbH 12 Oct 1973 [14 Oct 1972 20 July 1973] 47882/73 Heading F2W In a hydrostatic drive in which a plurality of variable displacement motors 15 are supplied from a constant pressure network fed by a pump (13) (Fig. 1, not shown) each motor has a regulating valve 18 and adjusted in dependance on the motor 15 adjusting member 16, or vice versa valve 18 controlling flow rate substantially independent of pressure. In the embodiment shown in Fig. 2 the valve 18 is adjusted by a cam 23 on rotation of a wheel 21, the wheel 21 also rotating a crank 24 to adjust the adjusting means 16 of the motor 15. The shape of the cam 23 is such that initial movement of wheel 21 adjusts the means 16 away from the neutral position whilst maintaining valve 18 closed to prevent flow, further rotation moving cam follower 25 along portion 27 or 28 to gradually open the valve 18 whilst increasing pump displacement, the valve 18 being fully open when follower ...

17-01-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to hydraulic power transmission systems

Номер: GB0001099181A

... 1,099,181. Hydraulic transmissions. PLESSEY-UK Ltd. Nov. 4, 1964 [Aug. 15, 1963], No. 32384/63. Heading F2D. Variable-displacement pumps 6, 7 supply liquid through check valves 9 to parallel connected motors A1-A5, the pump displacements being controlled by servo-pistons 10 subject to the pressure drop in orifices 11 in by-passes having check valves 12 and a pressurizing and off-loading valve 13. When one or more of the motors are driven, the valves 13 maintain a predetermined pressure at the valves 12, but when all the motor selector valves 1 are in their " off " positions a pilot path 15 is established from a drain line 16 to the valve 13 to cause it to establish a connection to a drain line 16A leading to a reservoir so that the pressure at the outlet side of orifices 11 falls to zero. The pressure drops across the orifices are thus increased, and the pistons 10 reduce the pump displacements. The check valves 9 and an accumulator 5 maintain the pressure supplied to the valves 1 at the ...

13-03-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in pumps

Номер: GB0001105709A

... 1,105,709. Fluid-pressure servomotor systems. SPERRY RAND CORPORATION. Dec. 31, 1965 [Dec. 31, 1964], No. 55343/65. Heading G3P. [Also in Division F2] A variable displacement pump, having a swashplate biased to the maximum stroke position and moved to decrease displacement by a servopiston when a predetermined pump outlet pressure opens a control valve, is also provided with a bypass valve that allows the outlet pressure to act on the servopiston during starting, thereby obviating high starting torques, the by-pass valve being closed when the outlet pressure reaches a value considerably lower than said predetermined pressure. As shown, during starting the pump outlet passage 72 is connected by lines 82, 84, bore 132 housing by-pass valve 134, and bore 91 to the interior of a sleeve 76 over which a piston (74) Fig. 1 (not shown) is slidable. Piston (74) is thereby moved to reduce pump displacement. When the outlet pressure reaches a first value, it acts on the end 150 of valve 134 via passages ...

19-06-1968 дата публикации

Hydrostatic transmission

Номер: GB0001117666A

... 1,117,666. Selective drive. for steering. SUNSTRAND CORP. 29 June, 1965 [2 July, 1964], No. 2.7594/65. Heading B7H: [Also in Division F2] A variable-ratio and steering gear for wheeled or tracked amphibious vehicles comprises a hydrostatic transmission driving the vehicle output shafts, and a differential gear driven by an auxiliary hydrostatic transmission and rotating the output shafts in opposite directions to provide positive steering. Gearing.-As shown in Fig. 1, the main transmission comprises a variable stroke pump 18 supplying variable stroke motors 16, 17 respectively driving output shafts 10, 11. The pump andmotors are all of the "crosshead" type, having a rotatable cylinder block e.g. 16a with axial pistons connected to rods 16b which are pivotally connected to axially reciprocatable sliders in a rotatable crosshead 16c. The sliders are pivotally connected to rods 16d co-operating with a variable inclination swash plate 16e. An engine shaft 24 is geared to the pump crosshead ...

12-06-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009109094D0

30-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002202925B

26-04-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001271745A

... 1,271,745. Fluid pressure control of brakes; hydrostatic transmission. SOC. D'APPLICATIONS DES MACHINES MOTRICES. 5 June, 1969 [6 June, 1968], No. 28494/69. Headings F2D and F2F. [Also in Divisions F1 and G1] Fluid pressure control of brakes (Fig. 1).-The output shaft 15 of an hydraulic motor (see Division F1) is prevented from moving when the motor is inoperative by a brake V comprising movable and fixed discs urged together by a spring 24. Release of the brake is effected by supplying pressurized liquid to a connection 26, thereby to move a piston 25 to the right and cause compression of the spring 24 by a member 23. Liquid is supplied to the connection 26 by a hand or power operated pump. Hydrostatic transmission (Fig. 2).-The hydraulic motor 40 has servo control of its position and speed. During speed control the output from a tachogenerator 30 driven by the motor is compared with the output from a speed control potentiometer 50, the resulting output being fed to an amplifier 47 supplying ...

24-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001335314A

... 1335314 Hydraulic transmisssion of power A H LILJEQVIST and F LIEDHOLM 17 June 1971 [13 July 1970] 28428/71 Heading F2D A speed following machine 11, driven by an hydraulic motor 12, is synchronized with a speed setting machine 10 by means of a governing valve fitted into the supply and return conduits to a pump 14 having a constant pressure output which supplies the motor 12, the valve having a rotatable sleeve driven by one machine, the speed following machine in the embodiment shown, and a valve body 23 driven by the other machine, lands 24 and 25 on the body co-operating with the inlet 19 for fluid from the pump and the outlet 21 to a reservoir 13, a decrease in speed of the speed setting machine reducing the size of the openings 19 and 21 and slowing the speed following machine and similarly an increase in the speed setting machine speed increasing the speed of the speed following machine. The flow and return from the pump 14 also pass through a solenoid valve 34 controlled by a switch ...

05-03-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001386472A

... 1386472 Hydrostatic transmission control ROBERT BOSCH GmbH 21 April 1972 [22 April 1971] 18652/72 Addition to 1376829 Headings F2D and F2W [Also in Division GW3] In a hydrostatic transmission 11, 27 (Fig. 2) driving a hoist 28, the displacement of pump 11 is controlled by a servovalve 15 responsive to the output of an amplifier 13 receiving a control signal A and a displacement feedback signal from transducer 12. Signal A is transmitted through a limiter 17 receiving a demandlimiting signal B from amplifier 23 which receives a signal from amplifier 20 whenever a power output (P x Q, i.e. output pressure x flow rate) signal or computed at 18 exceeds set point signal C. The amplifier 23 also receives a signal E from unit 24 whenever the pump exceeds a given discharge pressure D during those periods when the pump is operating in either of the pumping quadrants of its P x Q characteristic. When the pump is operating in either of the motoring quadrants, i.e. when it is being driven by motor ...

27-12-1968 дата публикации

Hydrostatic transmission and control therefor

Номер: GB0001137914A

... 1,137,914. Hydrostatic transmission. MASSEY - FERGUSON - PERKINS Ltd. 12 Jan., 1966 [28 Jan., 1965], No. 3868/65. Headings F2C and F2D. The speed-ratio of an hydrostatic transmission for a tractor is controlled by a main hand- or foot-operated lever 15, subject to override by (a) pressure in the transmission working circuit and (b) a pressure signal from the driving engine 1, e.g. from the fuel-pump 2 indicating approach of maximum stall load on the engine, whereby the transmission is automatically downshifted in response respectively to transmission overload and near-stall overload on the engine. In Fig. 1, pump and motor swash-plates 8, 13 are adjusted through follow-up servomotors 25, 27 and 24, 26 respectively by a cam-plate 23 which, for upshifting the transmission, first adjusts the pump swash-plate 8 from minimum to maximum inclination and subsequently the motor swash-plate 13 from maximum to minimum. The cam-plate 23 is adjusted by the manual lever 15 through a spring link 18 and ...

14-01-1970 дата публикации

Dual Hydrostatic Transmission System with Power-Proportioning Control

Номер: GB0001177904A

... 1,177,904. Hydrostatic transmission. GENERAL SIGNAL CORP. 27 June, 1968 [15 Nov., 1967], No. 30697/68. Heading F2D. A drive from two engines 11, lid, e.g. in a dual-engine scraper, to a common load 12, includes two hydrostatic transmissions 13, 13d, each including a variable displacement pump 14, (14a), and a motor 15, (15a), in closed circuit, the pump 14 being adjusted manually, and the pump 14a being adjusted automatically by a valve 33 responsive to main line pressures in the two closed circuits to maintain these pressures in a predetermined ratio, e.g. equal, to ensure a fixed ratio between the power delivery from each motor 15, 15a. As shown, the motors share the load equally, and the pumps are reversible. On increasing the displacement of pump 14, pressure in the main line, e.g. 16, increases and acts on a valve 23 in a pressure relief circuit 22 to connect the line 16 to an hydraulic actuator 36 acting on one end of a valve 33 which, directs pressure fluid from an engine-driven ...

27-02-1980 дата публикации

A hydrostatic transmission

Номер: GB0002027854A
Автор: Karlmann, Hamma

A drive system has an engine that operates a control pump and a hydraulic variable-displacement drive pump having a control element and connected to a hydraulic motor. A servocylinder operates the control element of the drive pump and is pressurized through a control line connected to the control-pump output. A control valve is connected between the control line and the sump of the system and is connected to the hydraulic line between the motor and the drive pump to reduce pressure in the control line when the higher pressure of the line between the drive pump and the motor rises within a predetermined range. Thus it is possible with a substantially constant engine speed to produce a substantially constant output torque, with only the displacement of the pump and pressure in the lines between the pump and the motor varying by appropriate control of the control-line pressure.

08-05-1963 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to hydrostatic transmission for self-propelled vehicles

Номер: GB0000925698A

... 925,698. Hydrostatic transmissions. R. C. PEARSON. Feb. 9, 1962 [March 8, 1961], No. 8478/61. Addition to 902,185. Class 69 (2). [Also in Group XXXI] The vehicle hydrostatic transmission described with reference to Fig. 3 of the parent Specification, in which steering is effected by differentially varying the capacities of hydraulic motors 1, 2, is modified so that the steering control operates in the same sense for forward and reverse and for over-run. This is achieved by displacing the pivot point 7 of the steering lever 19 under the control of a valve 10 subject to the pressures in the main feed/return lines 5, 6. On reversal of pressure in the lines 5, 6 the pivot 7 is displaced from one end to the other of a slot 18 in the lever 19, thus reversing the direction of movement of a steering linkage 22, 23. The vehicle thus continues to steer in the same direction for the same direction of movement of the steering lever 19.

12-05-1965 дата публикации

Hydraulic transmission

Номер: GB0000992071A

... 992,071. Hydraulic transmission. SUNDSTRAND INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION S.A. March 12, 1962 [March 13, 1961], No. 836/64. Drawings to Specification. Divided out of 992,070. Headings F2C and F2D. The subject matter is substantially the same as that described with reference to Figs. 1-6 of main Specification 992,070 but the claim is directed to the make-up and cooling circuit. Specifications 992,072 and 992,073 also are referred to.

01-03-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to hydraulic transmission systems

Номер: GB0001060440A

... 1,060,440. Change-speed control. LINDE A.G. Sept. 16, 1964 [Sept. 16, 1963], No. 37777/64. Heading F2D. A conjoint control for an internal combustion engine 1 and a variable displacement axial piston pump 3 of a hydrostatic transmission driven thereby comprises a pedal 9 having an arm 9a pivoted at 8a to a lever 8 which is pivoted at one end to a rod acting on a speed control lever 7 of the engine, and pivoted at its other end to a linkage acting on a lever 4 fixed to the tiltable part 3a of the pump. A cam plate 15 fixed to the tiltable part 3a ofthe pump co-operates with a spring-pressed follower roller to provide a force dependent upon the displacement of the pump to tend to return the part 3a to its zero displacement position. During operation of the pump, delivery pressure also tends to return part 3a to its zero displacement position, and hence the linkage is subject to a return force proportional to the pump displacement and the delivery pressure and hence proportional to the driving ...

23-02-1966 дата публикации

Prime mover installations for land vehicles

Номер: GB0001020996A

... 1,020,996. Hydrostatic gear control. SOC. INDUSTRIELLE GENERALE DE MECANIQUE APPLIQUEE S.I.G.M.A. Aug. 29, 1963 [Sept. 15, 1962], No. 34255/63. Headings F2C and F2D. A hydrostatic transmission for a vehicle comprises an engine driven variable displacement pump 2 connected through a flow dividing valve 12 to two fixed or variable displacement motors 4, 4a which drive vehicle wheels 5, 5a and auxiliary pumps 18, 18a delivering liquid to chambers 20, 20a at the ends of the flow dividing valve 12, the outlets 25, 25a of which chambers 20, 20a are controlled by a manually operated throttle valve 24. During normal operation, with the throttle valve 24 in the central position shown, the pressures in the chambers 20, 20a are equal and the valve spool 12 is centred by springs 27, 27a to provide equal flow through each motor 4, 4a. If a pressure differential occurs in the chambers 20, 20a due to one wheel slipping, the flow dividing valve spool 12 is automatically moved by the differential pressure ...

28-11-1962 дата публикации

Vehicle transmission systems

Номер: GB0000911850A

... 911,850. Hydraulic transmission of power. LUCAS (INDUSTRIES) Ltd., JOSEPH. April 19, 1961 [April 26, 1960], No. 14539/60. Class 69 (2). [Also in Group XXXI] A motor vehicle transmission having an engine-driven pump 1 of the swash plate-type supplying a fluid activated motor 3 which drives the vehicle wheels comprises a servo cylinder 13, the piston 14 of which varies the angle of the cam plate 2 of the pump, a spring 15 biasing the piston 14 towards the position of maximum obliquity of the cam plate, there being a line 10 connecting the output and input sides of the pump having a pair of restricting orifices 11 and 12, the end of cylinder 13 remote from the spring 15 being connected to the line 10 between the orifices 11 and 12 and the other end of the cylinder being connected to the line 10 on the pump return side of the orifices, the orifice 11 being bridged by a variable orifice or valve 16 connected to the engine throttle control 17 whereby, as the engine throttle is closed the valve ...

23-11-1983 дата публикации

Control of vehicle drives

Номер: GB0002119906A

The present invention is directed to a torque control with overspeed regulation and a method of controlling a hydrostatic drive for use in an auxiliary wheel drive of a vehicle which has both primary driven wheels and auxiliary driven wheels. The torque control permits maximum torque drive of the auxiliary wheels when the primary driven wheels slip but yet prevents overspeed operation of the auxiliary wheels. Preferably the torque control with overspeed regulation has both an aggressive control and a sensitivity control so that the auxiliary wheel drive can be selectively modulated with respect to the primary wheel drive.

15-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008312926D0

06-03-1968 дата публикации

Hydraulic spool valves

Номер: GB0001105451A

... 1,105,451. Fluid-pressure servomotor systems. SPERRY RAND Ltd. July 1, 1964 [July 5, 1963], No. 26703/63. Heading G3P. [Also in Division F1 A spool valve for controlling a reversible hydraulic motor comprises a spool 16 having a threaded portion 18 which co-operates with a nut 23. The spool 16 is connected to a cam 20 which co-operates with a roller 22. The nut 23 is loaded by a spring 25 to engage the cam and is connected to the valve sleeve 5 through a tongue and slot mechanism 24 whereby the nut can be rotated by rotation of the sleeve 5. In operation, the spool is rotated by a drive to a shaft 6 and the spool is moved axially through the threaded portion 18 and the cam 21, acting through the nut, to control the supply to the motor. Rotation of the motor acts through gearing (not shown) to rotate the sleeve 5 and nut 23 to cause movement of the spool in a direction opposite to the movement caused by rotation of the shaft 6. The arrangement provides a non-uniform rotation of the hydraulic ...

04-02-1970 дата публикации

Safety Device for Hydraulic Systems

Номер: GB0001180506A

... 1,180,506. Hydrostatic transmissions. GEWERKSCHAFT EISENHUTTE WESTFALIA. 30 May, 1968 [21 Feb., 1968], No. 26010/68. Heading F2C. A hydrostatic transmission includes a shut-off valve which in the event of a fault developing in the system is operated automatically to block communication between the pump and motor. As shown, a valve easing 12 is flange secured to a radial piston type motor 3 to form a one-piece constructional unit free of flexible hoses, and is provided with flow passages 131, 171 connecting the pump and motor, and controlled by the lands of the spool type shut-off valve 11b. In normal operation, pressure liquid from a make-up pump is fed to an inlet 14 to move a pilot valve 28 to the left against a loading spring 26 to open a passage 27, the liquid in which acts on a plunger 28 to move the valve 11b to the left and thus open supply passages 131, 171. In the event of pressure failure the valve returns to the closed position shown to block ...

18-01-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008332758D0

07-09-1966 дата публикации

An improved control device for a hydrostatic gear

Номер: GB0001041872A

... 1,041,872. Hydrostatic gear control. M. HERTER. March 11, 1963 [March 9, 1962], No. 9482/63. Heading F2D. An hydrostatic pump and motor variablespeed and reversing gear has an hydraulic control circuit in parallel with the main hydraulic circuit, the pressure in the control circuit for adjusting the pump and the motor being proportioned to the output torque from the motor, as determined by the pressure in the main circuit and being also independently adjustable by manual control. An electrically driven variable capacity pump 3 feeds a reversible motor 4 through a reversing valve 8 controlled by a manual reversing valve 11. A control circuit for the actuation of differential pump and motor adjusting units 21, 22 is fed from the pump output 5 through a variable restrictor 20, in parallel with a non-return valve 13, and is controlled by a pedal-operated reducing valve 34 and a second reducing valve 32. The capacity setting member 27 of the pump 3 is connected to a cam 36 which sets the reducing ...

25-08-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001244140A

... 1,244,140. Regulating I.C. engines; spray carburetters. F. FALCIAI, R. FALCIAI and R. FALCIAI. Aug.10, 1968 [Aug. 12, 1967], No.7897/71. Divided out of 1, 243, 395. Heading F1B. [Also in Division F2] A gear ratio servocontrol associated with an internal combustion engine is operated by a membrane 12 of a container 11 connected to a valve device 7 which includes a plate 6 normally biased to a position transverse of a carburetter-engine conduit 4. In this position of the plate, a toothed rod 18, 19, due to arms 22, 25 is disengaged from a toothed segment 17 and a valve 15 is biased, by a spring 16, to close an auxiliary conduit 5. If the engine is running at high speed and the throttle valve 3 is suddenly closed the reduction in pressure in the conduit 4 causes the membrane 12 to contract and the gear ratio to decrease. Air admitted through a valve 14 and mixed with petrol from the carburetter in its idling position is sufficient to keep the plate 6 out of its transverse position but, as ...

23-03-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001468268A

... 1468268 Hydrostatic transmission control EATON CORP 21 March 1974 [26 Sept 1973] 33825/76 Divided out of 1468267 Heading F2W The subject matter of this Specification is identical with that described in Specification 1,468,267, but the claims are directed to reducing the control pressure supplied through the speed control and reversing valve to the pump and motor displacement adjusting servomotors when the delivery from the make-up pump falls below a predetermined value whilst maintaining the original setting of the speed control and reversing valve.

09-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001570711A

09-08-1962 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to hydrostatic drives

Номер: GB0000902978A

... 902,978. Reciprocating pumps. FORD MOTOR CO. Ltd. April 27, 1961 [April 28, 1960], No. 15229/61. Class 102(1). [Also in Group XXIX] A pump V in a hydrostatic transmission (Group XXIX) comprises a cylinder block 82 which is secured to a hollow driving shaft 72 and receives pistons 86 having shoes 108 urged into contact with an adjustable swash plate 110 by springs 88. The cylinders 86 are connected to inlet and outlet ports 96, 100 by passages 94, 98 in an adaptor plate 90 urged by a spring 106 into contact with the cylinder block, the passages 94, 98 being separated by seals 102, 104.

01-08-1979 дата публикации

A multi-mode hydromechanical transmission shift system

Номер: GB2012891A

A multi-mode hydromechanical transmission shift system having a hydrostatic unit with at least one variable and reversible displacement component with a displacement control, a plurality of clutches independently operable for setting the mode of operation of the transmission and a control circuit including a plurality of valves for setting the mode of operation and responsive to the position of the displacement control for causing a shift in operation from one clutch to the other to change the mode of operation.

14-04-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001470430A

... 1470430 Hydrostatic transmissions ROBERT BOSCH GmbH 20 Sept 1974 [26 Sept 1973] 41080/74 Heading F2W A hydrostatic transmission comprises a variable-displacement pump 12, a constant displacement pump 11 and a motor 20, the constant displacement pump 11 being selectively connectible to supply the motor 20, the maximum delivery of the variable-displacement pump being at least as great as the delivery of pump 11 and the displacement of pump 12 being controlled by the pressure delivered to motor 20 to ensure that the pressure supplied to the motor 20 remains substantially constant during the operation of connecting or disconnecting pump 11. In the embodiment illustrated in Fig. 1 the pump 12 displacement is controlled by a servo 14 which receives pressure from the main line 17 via a valve 24 controlled by main line pressure (from line 17 via lines 23 and 26) in opposition to a spring 25 whose compression is controlled by a manually operated lever 27 acting through a spring 28 and a lever 29 ...

17-02-1960 дата публикации

Improvements relating to automatic control apparatus for engine transmissions

Номер: GB0000828228A

... 828,228. Controlling vehicles. DAIMLER-BENZ A. G. Dec. 17, 1956 [Dec. 16, 1955], No. 38488/56. Class 79(5) [Also in Group XXIX] Automatic control apparatus for an engine driving through a variable speed transmission, comprises a regulator which limits the maximum permitted speed cf the engine in dependence upon output speed from the transmission, in such a manner that the maximum permitted engine speed increases as the output speed increases, and means for cancelling the engine speed limitation and permitting the engine speed to be increased up to maximum engine speed. In the example described the invention is applied to a hydrostatic transmission of a motor vehicle. An engine driven pump P1 and a vehicle driven pump P2 supply oil to a changeover valve R1 comprising component valves 103, 104 urged apart by a spring 102. The valve 103 or 104 under the greater pressure opens to supply pressure to a pipe 1 leading to a pressure regulator D1. A delivery pipe 2 leads to centrifugal governors ...

27-07-1960 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to the speed control of electric motor drives

Номер: GB0000842916A

... 842,916. Variable-speed control. BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON CO. Ltd. May 6,1958 [May 20, 1957], No. 15940/57. Addition to 841,585. Class 80 (2). [Also in Groups XXVII. XXIX and XXXV] In a control system according to the parent Specification wherein a motor generator 1, acting as a motor, starts an aircraft gas turbine 3 through a variable-ratio gear 2 controlled automatically at 8 by means responsive to motor current to maintain constant speed and power of the motor 1, the motor generator 1 is of the compound wound synchronous type and the variable ratio control 8 is actuated by a solenoid 5 acting on a spring-biased armature 6 and energized by a current transformer ST in one of the three-phase leads supplying the motor 1. The motor field FW is energized through rectifiers R1, R2 fed directly and through current transformers CT respectively.

22-11-1961 дата публикации

Hydraulic driving mechanism for vehicles

Номер: GB0000883077A

... 883,077. Hydraulic transmission of power. LUCAS (INDUSTRIES) Ltd., JOSEPH. Sept. 15, 1960 [Oct. 5, 1959], No. 33633/59. Class 69 (2). [Also in Group XXXI] A vehicle hydraulic driving mechanism comprises a plurality of pumps, each connected to an associated motor or motors for driving the wheels of the vehicle, the hydraulic circuits of the pumps being connected by balance pipes which incorporate means for limiting the flow of liquid should one wheel start spinning. Such means may be a restricting orifice or a spring- loaded valve. As shown, an engine 3 drives pumps 1 and 2 which operate motors 4 and 6 for driving wheels 5 and 7. The delivery lines are connected by a balance line 9 and the return lines by a balance line 8, in each of which is a spring-loaded ball valve 10 in which a ball 11 is centred by springs 12 and is moved in one direction or the other to cut-off the flow of liquid should the flow in that direction become too great.

23-01-1980 дата публикации

Engine-transmission control system

Номер: GB0002025583A

An engine-transmission control system having an engine associated with a variable hydrostatic transmission with a ratio governor valve to set the transmission ratio and, thus, control engine speed, a horsepower demand signal valve and an engine speed signal valve with the signals derived from these valves being applied in opposition to the ratio governor valve for control thereof, and an engine fuel governor for the engine providing an operating curve for the engine which relates engine speed to engine horsepower to cause operation along the locus of minimum fuel consumption for the engine whereby operation of the transmission to set the engine speed determines engine horsepower by operation of the engine along the operating curve. The system includes linkage means associating an accelerator pedal with the horsepower demand signal valve and the fuel control to provide a range of movement for the horsepower demand signal valve greater than that of the fuel governor, a lost motion connection ...

31-10-1980 дата публикации

Convey hydraulic with transmission, braking and driving mode automatics.

Номер: OA0000004954A

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000468503T

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000466217T

15-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000396352T

15-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA648373A

15-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000133617T

15-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000134573T

10-03-1926 дата публикации

Power adjustment for fluid gears.

Номер: AT0000102706B

15-11-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000016214T

10-12-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000326313B

10-10-1973 дата публикации

On a Farhzeug attached equipment for covering roads

Номер: AT0000310794B

10-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000334218B

25-02-1972 дата публикации

Hydraulic driving device for a rope elevator

Номер: AT0000296548B

27-12-1961 дата публикации

Operating device for a hydrostatic drive by means of einers auxiliary worker, in particular for motor vehicles

Номер: AT0000218881B

15-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000221969T

15-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000281960T

07-08-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000554161B2

23-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003296687A1

30-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002366971A1

28-08-2003 дата публикации

Hydrostatic auxiliary drive system

Номер: AU2003200210A1

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AU2016244297A1
Автор: FORDE NEIL, Forde, Neil
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A drive mechanism incorporates a first rotatable drive member 110 that is fixably attached to an axial shaft 112, and a second rotatable drive member 120 that is adapted to rotatably engage the first rotatable drive member 110. A linearly 5 translatable shaft 122 is positioned axially to the second rotatable drive member 120. The drive shaft 122 threadingly engages the second rotatable drive member 120 but is fixed against rotation so that rotation of the second rotatable drive member 120 causes only translation of the drive shaft 122 along the axis of rotation of the second rotatable drive member 120. ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ _ ' 1 F1 1 1 r-] T -T- - - - -N ...

15-03-2012 дата публикации

System and method to prevent shift hunting in a powertrain

Номер: US20120065854A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A method for preventing shift hunting in a powertrain is disclosed. The powertrain includes an engine and a transmission having a variator, a first gearset, and a second gearset. The engine is operated at a first substantially constant speed. A first transmission shift condition is detected. One or more shift hunting prevention methods are selected as a function of operating parameters from a group of shift hunting prevention methods. The one or more shift hunting prevention methods are implemented as a function of detecting the first transmission shift condition.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Transmission Apparatus for a Tractor

Номер: US20120225746A1
Принадлежит: Kubota Corp

Disclosed is a transmission apparatus for a tractor which is operable to transmit a forward drive force in a wide speed changing range to the traveling device and which is operable also to transmit a reverse drive force to the traveling device in an inexpensive manner and with good transmission efficiency. A planetary transmission section ( 30 ) is configured to output the forward drive force in whichever case a hydrostatic stepless speed changing section ( 11 ) is speed-changed to a forward rotation speed change state or a reverse rotation speed change state. A low speed transmission clutch ( 45 ) couples a low speed side speed changing gear ( 41 ), meshed with a low speed side output gear ( 31 ) of the planetary transmission section ( 30 ), to a counter shaft ( 44 ) to be rotatable therewith. A high speed transmission clutch ( 46 ) couples a high speed side speed changing gear ( 42 ), meshed with a high speed side output gear ( 32 ) of the planetary transmission section ( 30 ), to the counter shaft ( 44 ) to be rotatable therewith. An output shaft gear ( 48 ) is meshed with a counter gear ( 47 ) supported on the counter shaft ( 44 ) to be rotatable therewith. A reverse transmission clutch ( 52 ) couples a reverse transmission gear ( 51 ), meshed with the high speed side output gear ( 31 ), to an output shaft ( 43 ) to be rotatable therewith.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Transmission device having power splitting

Номер: US20120302389A1

A transmission device having power splitting. In the first driving range, the mechanical power branch transmits torque from the ring gear to the additional fixed gear by the fixed gear. In this case, power branches from the ring gear. The hydrostatic power branch branches from the second sun gear. The hydrostatic branch transmits power from the first to the second hydraulic unit. The first and second hydraulic units act respectively as a pump and a motor. On one of the hydrostatic shafts, the mechanical and hydrostatic powers are added and transmitted to the output. In the second driving range, power from the planet carrier partially branches to the ring gear and passes to the hydrostatic shaft for the second hydraulic unit. An auxiliary shaft can be coupled by a gear to a fixed gear operatively connected to a shaft of the power splitting device.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Continuously variable transmission with nested clutch and planetary output

Номер: US20130109522A1
Автор: Glen Calvert
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

The described system and method provide a continuously variable full range transmission having inputs for receiving rotational power from a primary power source and a secondary power source such as a hydraulic variator. A first planetary gear group contains first and second planetary gear sets, and the inputs for receiving rotational power are linked to one or more of the first planetary gear set and the second planetary gear set. A second planetary gear group includes a third planetary gear set and a fourth planetary gear set, with a nested clutch assembly having first and second selectable clutches being provided to link the first planetary gear group to the second planetary gear group. Activation of the first clutch fixes the continuously variable transmission in a first speed range, while activation of the second clutch fixes the continuously variable transmission in a second speed range.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Method Of Effecting Simultaneous Displacement Changes In Hydrostatic Drive Machine

Номер: US20130131937A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A method is provided for controlling a gear ratio change in a hydrostatic drive machine. The hydrostatic drive machine includes a variable displacement pump and at least one variable displacement motor fluidly connected with the variable displacement pump. The method includes a step of determining a gear ratio rate of change corresponding to a change from a current gear ratio to a new gear ratio. Start and stop overlap gear ratios corresponding to the gear ratio rate are determined and define an overlap range. The current gear ratio is changed to the new gear ratio using electronic signals at least in part by simultaneously changing displacements of the variable displacement pump and the at least one variable displacement motor at gear ratios within the overlap range, and sequentially changing displacements of the variable displacement pump and the at least one variable displacement motor at gear ratios outside the overlap range.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130137542A1

A power split transmission, in particular an input-coupled power split transmission, includes a mechanical branch and a hydrostatic branch connected in parallel therewith. The hydrostatic branch has a closed hydraulic circuit with a first working line and a second working line with one of the working lines carrying high pressure and the other carrying low pressure. The circuit has a pressure accumulator for pressure regulation connected to the respective working line carrying high pressure. This configuration provides a power split transmission that has a hydraulic circuit in which the respective working line carrying high pressure is hydraulically smoother or more flexible by virtue of the preferably continuous connection of the pressure accumulator. 1. A power split transmission , comprising:a mechanical branch; anda hydrostatic branch connected in parallel with the mechanical branch, the hydrostatic branch having a closed hydraulic circuit with a first working line and a second working line and with a pressure accumulator,wherein the pressure accumulator is configured to be connected to the respective working line carrying high pressure to regulate pressure.2. The power split transmission according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrostatic branch has a variable displacement pump and a variable displacement motor.3. The power split transmission according to claim 1 , wherein the mechanical branch has a planetary transmission.4. The power split transmission according to claim 2 , wherein the mechanical branch has a planetary transmission claim 2 , and wherein the variable displacement pump is coupled mechanically to a sun wheel of the planetary transmission.5. The power split transmission according to claim 2 , wherein the mechanical branch has a planetary transmission claim 2 , and wherein the variable displacement motor is coupled mechanically to an annulus of the planetary transmission6. The power split transmission according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Method Of Controlling Gear Ratio Rate Of Change In Continuously Variable Transmission

Номер: US20130184948A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A method for controlling a gear ratio rate of change in a machine having a continuously variable transmission includes moving an operator input device to a changed position, receiving electronic data indicative of the changed position, and determining a non-limited desired gear ratio based on the changed position. A maximum gear ratio rate of change corresponding to the non-limited desired gear ratio and an actual gear ratio of the continuously variable transmission is selected from an electronically stored gear ratio rate map. A current desired gear ratio is determined based on a previous desired gear ratio and the maximum gear ratio rate of change. A commanded gear ratio of the continuously variable transmission is changed to the current desired gear ratio using electronic signals.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Engine-overrun-preventing control device for work vehicle

Номер: US20130218428A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD

In an engine-overrun-preventing control device, if an engine speed exceeds a maximum speed, a minimum value of an inching rate is set such that higher the actual engine speed results in a higher minimum value of an inching rate. The hydraulic pump displacement is adjusted to obtain a higher inching rate between the minimum value of the inching rate and an inching rate set based on a brake stroke. If the engine speed exceeds a commanded speed and a pressure time-rate-of-change at the pump intake exceeds a prescribed value, the minimum value of the inching rate is set such that the higher the pressure time-rate-of-change, the higher the minimum value of the inching rate. The pump displacement is adjusted to obtain a higher inching rate between the minimum value of the inching rate set based on the pressure time-rate-of-change and the inching rate set based on the brake stroke.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Power management for a drive system

Номер: US20130238178A1
Автор: Christopher L. Young
Принадлежит: Clark Equipment Co

A power machine having an engine that generates a torque output and a power conversion system configured to receive the torque output and provide a drive power signal in response to actuation signals for propelling the machine is disclosed. An engine controller provides an engine torque data signal indicative of a torque load on the engine. A user input device generates an input signal indicative of intention to propel the machine. An electronic controller is in communication with the user input device, the power conversion system, and the engine controller. The electronics controller receives the input signal and provides actuation signals to the power conversion system. The electronic controller further provides the actuation signals as a function of the engine torque data signal to limit the engine torque load.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Power split gearbox for a motor vehicle

Номер: US20180003280A1

The invention relates to a power split gearbox for a motor vehicle. The power split gearbox comprises a drive shaft which can be connected to an internal combustion engine in order to feed in torque, a first mechanical branch with a planetary gear mechanism arrangement, an infinitely variable second branch which can be connected to the first branch and comprises two adjustable energy converters which can be coupled to one another in energy terms and can be operated in each case in both directions, and at least one output shaft which can be coupled to the drive shaft via the first and the second branch. At least one first reversing stage is provided between the drive shaft and the output shaft for changing between at least one first forward driving range and at least one first reverse driving range, wherein the reversing stage either reverses or keeps constant all of the rotational directions of the sun gears, the internal gear and the spider shaft during changing between the first forward driving range and the first reverse driving range.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034069A1
Автор: Nakashima Akira

A hydraulic pump is driven by an engine. A hydraulic motor is driven by hydraulic fluid discharged from the hydraulic pump thereby causing a vehicle to travel. A controller controls a rotation speed of the engine and a displacement of the hydraulic pump. The controller acquires a tractive force of the vehicle. The controller changes the rotation speed of the engine to a low speed side in accordance with a reduction in the tractive force. 1. A work vehicle comprising:an engine;a hydraulic pump driven by the engine;a hydraulic motor driven by hydraulic fluid discharged from the hydraulic pump to travel the work vehicle; anda controller for controlling a rotation speed of the engine and a displacement of the hydraulic pump, acquire a tractive force of the vehicle; and', 'change the rotation speed of the engine to a low speed side in accordance with a reduction in the tractive force., 'the controller being configured to'}2. The work vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein control the rotation speed of the engine and the displacement of the hydraulic pump so that an output torque of the engine and an absorption torque of the hydraulic pump match each other,', 'acquire the tractive force of the vehicle, and', 'control the rotation speed of the engine and the displacement of the hydraulic pump under a variable matching control that changes a matching point of the output torque of the engine and the absorption torque of the hydraulic pump to the low speed side of the rotation speed of the engine in accordance with the reduction in the tractive force., 'the controller is further configured to'}3. The work vehicle according to claim 2 , whereinthe controller is further configured to control the rotation speed of the engine and the displacement of the hydraulic pump under the variable matching control so that the matching point of the output torque of the engine and the absorption torque of the hydraulic pump is changed to the low speed side of the rotation speed of the engine ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Method for controlling a power split continuously variable transmission and a power split continuously variable transmission

Номер: US20150018153A1

A power split continuously variable transmission is provided including a variator unit having a first and a second variable displacement hydrostatic machine and a planetary gear unit. The power split continuously variable transmission is arranged to be controlled to perform a simultaneous reduction of displacements of the first and second variable displacement hydrostatic machines during at least a part of a lock up state of the power split continuously variable transmission. A method of operating such a transmission is also provided.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042586A1
Принадлежит: Jiangsu University

A hydro-mechanical hybrid transmission device with two hydraulic transmission mechanisms includes an input member, a second hydraulic transmission mechanism, a rear planetary gear mechanism, an output member, a first hydraulic transmission mechanism, a front planetary gear mechanism, a clutch assembly, and a brake assembly. The clutch assembly connects the input member to the front planetary gear mechanism, the second hydraulic transmission mechanism, and the first hydraulic transmission mechanism, connects an output end of the first hydraulic transmission mechanism to the front planetary gear mechanism, connects the rear planetary gear mechanism to an output end of the second hydraulic transmission mechanism and the front planetary gear mechanism, and connects the rear planetary gear mechanism to the output member. The clutch assembly and the brake assembly provide a continuous transmission ratio between the input member and the output member. 1. A hydro-mechanical hybrid transmission device with two hydraulic transmission mechanisms , comprisingan input member,a second hydraulic transmission mechanism,a rear planetary gear mechanism,an output member,a first hydraulic transmission mechanism,a front planetary gear mechanism,a clutch assembly, and the clutch assembly connects the input member to the front planetary gear mechanism, the second hydraulic transmission mechanism, and the first hydraulic transmission mechanism,', 'the clutch assembly connects an output end of the first hydraulic transmission mechanism to the front planetary gear mechanism,', 'the clutch assembly connects the rear planetary gear mechanism to an output end of the second hydraulic transmission mechanism and the front planetary gear mechanism, and', 'the clutch assembly connects an output end of the rear planetary gear mechanism to the output member; and', 'the clutch assembly and the brake assembly provide a continuous transmission ratio between the input member and the output member., 'a ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030692A1

A control system includes a cylinder pressure data acquisition unit that acquires cylinder pressure data indicating a pressure of operating oil of a hydraulic cylinder; an operation amount data acquisition unit that acquires operation amount data of an operating device; a pump flow rate calculation unit that calculates a first pump flow rate indicating a flow rate of the operating oil discharged from a first hydraulic pump and a second pump flow rate indicating a flow rate of the operating oil discharged from a second hydraulic pump in a splitting state in which a passage is closed based on the cylinder pressure data and the operation amount data; and a pump control unit that controls the first hydraulic pump and the second hydraulic pump based on the first pump flow rate and the second pump flow rate. 1. A control system that controls a work machine including a working unit and a plurality of hydraulic cylinders that drives the working unit , comprising:a first hydraulic pump and a second hydraulic pump that discharge operating oil to be supplied to the hydraulic cylinder;a passage that connects the first hydraulic pump and the second hydraulic pump;an opening and closing device that is provided in the passage so as to open and close the passage;an operating device that is operated to drive the hydraulic cylinder;a cylinder pressure data acquisition unit that acquires cylinder pressure data indicating a pressure of the operating oil of the hydraulic cylinder;an operation amount data acquisition unit that acquires operation amount data of the operating device;a pump flow rate calculation unit that calculates a first pump flow rate indicating a flow rate of the operating oil discharged from the first hydraulic pump and a second pump flow rate indicating a flow rate of the operating oil discharged from the second hydraulic pump in a splitting state in which the passage is closed based on the cylinder pressure data and the operation amount data; anda pump control unit ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150045167A1

A hydraulic power train for a hybrid vehicle is provided, which can selectively transmit power of a hydraulic driving unit or an engine to driving wheels using a double pinion planetary gear and a synchro sleeve in addition to the hydraulic driving unit. More specifically, a hydraulic power train for a hybrid vehicle is provided, which can achieve various driving modes and maximize the fuel efficiency, by combining a hydraulic driving unit, a double pinion planetary gear, and a synchro-type transmission to implement a continuously variable transmission for a hybrid vehicle that can selectively transmit power of an engine or a hydraulic driving unit. 1. A hydraulic power train for a hybrid vehicle , comprising:a double pinion planetary gear set;an engine power-transmittably connected to one of operation components of the double pinion planetary gear set;a first hydraulic driving unit power-transmittably connected to another of the operation components of the double pinion planetary gear set;a second hydraulic driving unit power-transmittably connected to a remaining other of the operation components of the double pinion planetary gear set;a hydraulic supply unit hydraulic-suppliably connected to the first hydraulic driving unit and the second hydraulic driving unit;an output gear set connected to output shafts of the operation components of the double pinion planetary gear set connected to the engine and the first hydraulic driving unit to deliver power to a drive wheel; anda power intermittence unit mounted on the output shaft of the operation component of the double pinion planetary gear set connected to the engine to control engine power.2. The hydraulic power train of claim 1 , wherein the engine comprises an output shaft connected to a ring gear among the operation components of the double pinion planetary gear set.3. The hydraulic power train of claim 1 , wherein the first hydraulic driving unit comprises an output shaft connected to a planetary carrier gear ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Method of Assembly for Hydromechanical Transmission

Номер: US20150047195A1

A method of assembly for a hydromechanical powersplit transmission and a method of disassembly and repair includes providing a connecting plate at step Primary and secondary pump motor unit drive shafts and rotating groups and housing are assembled onto the connecting plate at steps -to provide a hydraulic unit on one side of the connecting plate for the transmission Primary drive gear and planetary gear set and front gear housing are assembled onto connecting plate at steps -Secondary drive gears and and rear gear housing and valves and are assembled onto connecting plate at steps -to provide a gear unit for the transmission that is assembled integrally with the hydraulic unit 1. A method of assembling a hydromechanical transmission , comprising:providing a connecting plate, a first hydraulic pump motor unit having a first pump motor drive shaft, a second hydraulic pump motor unit having a second pump motor drive shaft, a first gear set, a second gear set, and a prime mover input shaft,assembling the first and second hydraulic pump motor units on a first side of the connecting plate, and assembling the prime mover input shaft so that it extends longitudinally through the connecting plate,arranging the first pump motor unit drive shaft so that it extends longitudinally through the connecting plate from the first hydraulic pump motor unit, and arranging the second pump motor unit drive shaft so that it extends longitudinally through the connecting plate from the second hydraulic pump motor unit, the first and second pump motor unit drive shafts being laterally offset from the prime mover input shaft,assembling the first and second gear sets on the second side of the connecting plate, the first gear set connecting the first hydraulic pump motor drive shaft to the prime mover input shaft and the second gear set connecting the second hydraulic pump motor drive shaft to the prime mover input shaft,assembling on the first side of the connecting plate, a hydraulic unit ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Hydromechanical Transmission with Double Sump Gear Unit Housing

Номер: US20150057120A1

A hydromechanical transmission includes a hydraulic unit and a gear unit . The gear unit includes a first gear unit housing defining a first sump having a first set of gears . A second gear unit housing defines a substantially smaller second sump having a second set of gears . An input shaft extends longitudinally into the first sump , and an output shaft extends longitudinally from the second sump . The longitudinal axes of the input and output shafts are substantially coaxial. A first hydraulic pump motor unit drive shaft extends into the first sump and is drivingly connected with the first set of gears, and a second hydraulic pump motor unit drive shaft extends through the first sump and into the second sump and is drivingly connected with the second set of gears. 1. A hydromechanical transmission comprising:a first gear unit housing and a second gear unit housing, each of the housings having walls, the walls of the first and second housings being connected together, the walls of the first housing defining a first sump, the walls of the second housing defining a second sump,a first set of rotatable gears disposed in the first sump,a second set of rotatable gears disposed in the second sump, each of the sets of rotatable gears including at least two gears,an input drive shaft extending longitudinally into the first sump and being rotatably connected to the first set of rotatable gears,an output drive shaft extending longitudinally out of the second sump and being rotatably connected to the second set of gears,first and second hydraulic pump motor unit drive shafts which extend longitudinally into the first sump,wherein the longitudinal axes of the input and output drive shafts are substantially coaxial,the first hydraulic pump motor unit drive shaft extends longitudinally into and through the first sump and into the second sump and is rotatably supported by a bearing in a wall of the first sump, anda first gear of the second set of gears is rotatably connected to ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074491A1

In a transmission structure according to this invention, speed change ratios of input side first and second transmission mechanisms are set so that the rotational speed of a planetary second element is the same when an HST output is set to a second HST speed in either a first transmission state or a second transmission state, and the rotational speed of a planetary first element is the same when the HST output is set to the second HST speed in either the second transmission state or the first transmission state. The speed change ratios of an output side first and second transmission mechanisms are set so that the rotational speed developed in a speed change output shaft when the HST output is set to the second HST speed is the same in either the first or second transmission states. 1. A transmission structure interposed in a traveling system transmission path from a driving source until a traveling device of a vehicle , the transmission structure comprising:an Hydrostatic Transmission (HST) configured to continuously change rotation power operatively input from the driving source to rotation power at least between a first HST speed and a second HST speed;a planetary gear mechanism having first, second and third elements, in which the third element functions as an input portion of the HST output;an input side first transmission mechanism operatively coupled with the first element and capable of inputting the rotation power from the driving source;an output side first transmission mechanism operatively coupled with the second element and capable of outputting the rotation power to the traveling device;an input side second transmission mechanism operatively coupled with the second element and capable of inputting the rotation power from the driving source;an output side second transmission mechanism operatively coupled with the first element and capable of outputting the rotation power to the traveling device;a speed change operation member capable of setting a ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056681A1

A system includes a mixer-wagon and a mechanical power transmission unit () to actuate the rotating members of the mixer-wagon; the transmission unit includes a box (), a first shaft () accessible from the outside of the box () and a second shaft () accessible from the outside of the box (). The first shaft () and the second shaft () are coupled by an epicyclical gear train (). 1. A mechanical power transmission unit adapted to be arranged along a shaft line , the mechanical power transmission unit comprising:a housing;a power input shaft accessible from outside the housing;a power output shaft accessible from outside the housing, the power output shaft being co-axial with the power input shaft;an epicyclical gear train between the power input shaft and the power output shaft, the epicyclic gear train comprising a ring gear mounted on the power input shaft for co-rotation with the power input shaft, the epicyclic gear train further comprising a planet-carrier mounted on the power output shaft for co-rotation with the power output shaft and the planet-carrier idly supporting at least one planet gear meshing with the ring gear and with a sun gear, the sun gear being co-axial with the power output shaft and idly supported on the power output shaft, the sun gear being co-axial to a variable speed gear and drivingly coupled to the gear variable speed gear for co-rotation with the gear variable speed gear around the power output shaft, the variable speed gear being drivingly coupled to a variable speed motion source, wherein a speed variation of the variable speed gear controlled by the variable speed motion source causes a variation of a transmission ratio of the epicyclic gear train.2. The power transmission unit of claim 1 , further comprising a supplemental gear mounted for co-rotation with the power input shaft and drivingly coupled to a hydraulic pump of the variable speed motion source claim 1 , the hydraulic pump being hydraulically coupled to a hydraulic motor of ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Motor Assembly for Final Drive

Номер: US20140141917A1

A final drive for a vehicle is disclosed. The final drive includes a motor assembly, a planetary gear train and a drive sprocket. The motor assembly includes a hydraulic motor, an output shaft, a housing, a thrust bearing, a brake and first, second and third chambers. The housing includes a supply port, a first passageway, a second passageway and a drain port. 1. A final drive , comprising: a hydraulic motor,', 'an output shaft coupled to the hydraulic motor,', a supply port,', 'a first passageway fluidly coupled to the supply port,', 'a second passageway fluidly coupled to the first passageway, and', 'a drain port,, 'a housing, including, 'a thrust bearing coupled to the output shaft and the housing;', 'a brake coupled to the output shaft and the housing,', 'a first chamber, defined by the output shaft, the housing and the bearing, fluidly coupled to the second passageway,', 'a second chamber, defined by the output shaft, the bearing and the brake, fluidly coupled to the bearing and the brake,', 'a third chamber, defined by the brake, the motor and the output shaft, fluidly coupled to the brake and the drain port;, 'a motor assembly, including an input shaft coupled to the motor assembly output shaft, and', 'an output shaft; and, 'a planetary gear train, includinga drive sprocket coupled to the planetary gear train output shaft.2. The final drive of claim 1 , wherein the thrust bearing further comprises a plurality of thrust bearings fluidly connected to one another.3. The final drive of claim 1 , further comprising a filter disposed between the drain port and the supply port.4. The final drive of claim 1 , further comprising a heat exchange disposed between the drain port and the supply port.5. The final drive of claim 1 , further comprising a pump disposed between the drain port and the supply port.6. The final drive of claim 5 , further comprising brake piston biased to activate the brake claim 5 , the brake piston being fluidly connected to the pump and being ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063862A1

A hydrostatic transmission implements a braking system, in which at least one adjustable traction motor acting as a pump is supported via a closed circuit on an adjustable axial piston machine acting as a motor, which in turn is supported on an internal combustion engine. Since the internal combustion engine should not be rotated at excessive revolution rates, a control unit adjusts the swivel angle of the axial piston machine during braking. The axial piston machine is load-sensitive, as a relationship between the control pressure and the revolution rate and the pivot angle of the machine consists of a pressure difference between the two working lines of the closed circuit. Using a pre-control, a swivel angle of the axial piston machine is set during braking, and the swivel angle is corrected by a revolution rate controller, such that a target revolution rate is obtained on the combustion engine. 1. A hydrostatic transmission for a traction drive , comprising:a primary unit configured to be coupled to an internal combustion engine of the traction drive via a primary rotor, the primary unit is an axial piston machine with an adjustable swivel angle;a secondary unit configured to be coupled to an output of the traction drive via a secondary rotor;two primary working lines of a closed circuit each configured to connect the primary unit and the secondary unit;an electrical control unit configured to control the swivel angle of the primary unit during braking of the hydrostatic transmission, wherein, during braking, in a motor mode of the primary unit forces act that depend on at least one of (i) a pressure difference of the two primary working lines, and (ii) a revolution rate of the primary rotor, and that lead to an increase in the swivel angle of the primary unit; anda revolution rate controller, an output variable of the revolution rate controller is a correction control pressure acting towards reducing the swivel angle of the primary unit, which is added by the ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150072823A1
Автор: Rintoo Mikko
Принадлежит: VALTRA OY AB

A power-split transmission for a vehicle comprises a forward-reverse transmission module, an epicyclic module and a secondary power branch. The forward-reverse power shuttle module () comprises an input shaft () coupled to a primary motor () and an output shaft (). Also included, first and second clutches () are alternatively engageable to close respective forward and reverse drive paths between the input shaft and output shaft. Engagement of the first clutch couples the input shaft directly to the output shaft. Engagement of the second clutch couples the input shaft to the output shaft via first and second gear sets () which each comprise a plurality of meshed gears. One of the gear sets () comprises an odd number of gears and the other gear set () comprises an even number of gears. The epicyclic module comprises a first epicyclic input connected to the output shaft of the forward-reverse transmission module, a second epicyclic input connected to an output side of the secondary power branch, and an epicyclic output. The secondary power branch derives power from the primary motor via the first gear set. 1. A power-split transmission for a vehicle comprising a forward-reverse transmission module , an epicyclic module and a secondary power branch , the forward-reverse transmission module comprising an input shaft coupled to a primary motor , an output shaft , first and second clutches which are alternatively engageable to close respective forward and reverse drive paths between the input shaft and output shaft , wherein engagement of the first clutch couples the input shaft directly to the output shaft , and engagement of the second clutch couples the input shaft to the output shaft via first and second gear sets which each comprise a plurality of meshed gears , one of said gear sets comprising an odd number of gears and the other said gear set comprising an even number of gears , the epicyclic module having a first epicyclic input connected to the output shaft of the ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071847A1
Автор: DeChant Thomas, Lee Adam

A hydrostatic transmission pedal stroke limiter includes a stop connected through a linkage to a range shift lever for limiting the travel of the hydrostatic transmission actuator arm when the range shift lever is in the low gear range, and reducing sound significantly when operating in the low gear range. 1. A hydrostatic transmission pedal stroke limiter , comprising:a linkage between a range shift lever and a stop, the linkage including a cross shaft extending at least partially across a tractor frame;the range shift lever pivoting the stop to a position limiting travel of a hydrostatic transmission actuator arm if the range shift lever is in a low gear range position.2. The hydrostatic transmission pedal stroke limiter of wherein the stop includes a finger contacted by a catch attached to the hydrostatic transmission actuator when the range shift lever is in the low gear range position.3. The hydrostatic transmission pedal stroke limiter of wherein the cross shaft is supported by a bracket under a seat mount plate.4. The hydrostatic transmission pedal stroke limiter of further comprising an adjustment device attached to the catch for adjusting contact with the finger.5. A hydrostatic transmission pedal stroke limiter claim 2 , comprising:a range shift lever having at least a low range gear and a high range gear;at least one pedal connected to a trunnion of a hydrostatic transmission for varying the speed within each gear; anda stop limiting rotation of the trunnion rotation when the range shift lever is in the low range gear.6. The hydrostatic transmission pedal stroke limiter of wherein the stop is connected to a linkage extending laterally at least partially across a tractor frame.7. The hydrostatic transmission pedal stroke limiter of wherein the linkage includes a horizontal cross shaft.8. The hydrostatic transmission pedal stroke limiter of wherein the linkage is attached to a seat plate.9. The hydrostatic transmission pedal stroke limiter of wherein the ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Inching System for a Construction Vehicle

Номер: US20210078579A1

An inching system for a vehicle having a hydrostatic transmission and an engine that drives the transmission. The transmission has a pilot pressure port with a pressure of hydraulic fluid at the pilot pressure port controlling a level of power from the transmission, a beginning of draining of the hydraulic fluid from the pilot pressure port defining an inching starting point. The system includes a brake pedal and an electrohydraulic valve coupled to the pilot pressure port of the transmission, the valve being configured to drain the hydraulic fluid at the pilot pressure port. A sensor is coupled to the pedal to detect an input from the operator, the sensor producing a signal indicative of the input from the operator. A controller receives the signal and a speed of the engine. The controller controls the electrohydraulic valve dependent upon the signal and the engine speed so that the inching starting point is unchanged regardless of the speed of the engine. 1. An inching system for a loading vehicle having ground engaging devices , a hydrostatic transmission , brakes , and an engine , the hydrostatic transmission having hydraulic fluid , the engine configured for driving a hydraulic pump that supplies the hydraulic fluid within the hydrostatic transmission , the hydrostatic transmission configured for providing rotational power to the ground engaging devices , the hydrostatic transmission further having a pilot pressure port with a pressure of the hydraulic fluid at the pilot pressure port controlling a level of the rotational power from the hydrostatic transmission , a beginning of draining of the hydraulic fluid from the pilot pressure port defining an inching starting point , the inching system comprising:a brake pedal operable by an operator to activate the brakes of the vehicle;an electrohydraulic valve hydraulically coupled to the pilot pressure port of the hydrostatic transmission, the electrohydraulic valve being configured to drain the hydraulic fluid at ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Work vehicle, and control method for work vehicle

Номер: US20160084275A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD

A work vehicle including: a traveling hydraulic pump of a variable displacement type driven by engine; a hydraulic motor forming a closed circuit with the traveling hydraulic pump and driven by operating oil discharged from the traveling hydraulic pump; a drive wheel driven by the hydraulic motor; and a control device determining whether an operator of the work vehicle has an intention of decelerating the work vehicle, and when the operator has an intention of decelerating the work vehicle and when the work vehicle starts to increase its speed, the control device causes a capacity ratio obtained by dividing a capacity of the hydraulic motor by a capacity of the traveling hydraulic pump, to be equal to or larger than a value when the work vehicle starts to increase its speed, according to an increasing amount in the speed of the work vehicle.

12-03-2020 дата публикации

System and method for executing straight tracking control of a work vehicle

Номер: US20200079426A1

A method for executing straight tracking control may include receiving an input command(s) associated with controlling the operation of a first-side drive system and/or a second-side drive system of a hydrostatic transmission of a work vehicle to drive the vehicle along a straight path. The method may also include receiving first and second speed signals associated with the output speeds of the drive systems, and modifying the first speed signal or the second speed signal based on a speed scaling factor to generate a corrected speed signal. In addition, the method may include determining an adjusted control command for controlling the operation of the hydrostatic transmission as a function of the input command(s) and a control output determined based on the corrected speed signal. Further, the method may include controlling the operation of the hydrostatic transmission based at least in part on the adjusted control command.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099168A1

An automobile vehicle split torque transmission includes an electrical motor having a rotor drive shaft with a drive pinion attached to the rotor drive shaft, the rotor drive shaft defining a first axis. A first transfer gear is mounted on a first transfer gear shaft defining a second axis, the first transfer gear meshed with the drive pinion. A second transfer gear is mounted on a second transfer gear shaft defining a third axis, the second transfer gear meshed with the drive pinion. A differential ring gear is supported on a differential shaft and rotates a differential assembly, the differential shaft defining a fourth axis. 1. An automobile vehicle split torque transmission , comprising:an electrical motor having a rotor drive shaft with a drive pinion attached to the rotor drive shaft, the rotor drive shaft defining a first axis;a first transfer gear mounted on a first transfer gear shaft defining a second axis, the first transfer gear meshed with the drive pinion;a second transfer gear mounted on a second transfer gear shaft defining a third axis, the second transfer gear meshed with the drive pinion; anda differential ring gear supported on a differential shaft and rotating a differential assembly, the differential shaft defining a fourth axis.2. The automobile vehicle split torque transmission of claim 1 , further including a first final drive pinion mounted on the first transfer gear shaft and co-rotating with the first transfer gear.3. The automobile vehicle split torque transmission of claim 2 , further including a second final drive pinion mounted on the second transfer gear shaft and co-rotating with the second transfer gear.4. The automobile vehicle split torque transmission of claim 3 , wherein the first final drive pinion and the second final drive pinion are independently meshed with the differential ring gear defining a final drive gear which rotates the differential assembly.5. The automobile vehicle split torque transmission of claim 3 , wherein ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Comminution device

Номер: US20140166792A1
Принадлежит: Doppstadt Familienholding GmbH

The invention refers to a comminution device, such as for example a shredder (II) or the like for in particular large-size materials, with a main drive (I) generating a rotational movement for a shredder shaft ( 2 ), wherein the rotational speed of the shredder shaft ( 2 ) can be changed continuously by means of a gear interposed between main drive (I) and shredder (II), wherein as gear a planetary gear, in particular a planetary superposition gear ( 1 ), preferably a hydrostatic superposition gear is provided. The invention is characterized in that the hydraulic engine ( 4 ) as additional drive aggregate can be impinged in two different rotational directions.

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160091060A1
Принадлежит: TECHNOBOOST

A transmission for a hydraulic hybrid motor vehicle, comprising a planetary gear train () capable of differential operation, comprising a first element () linked to a heat engine (), a second element () linked to the drive wheels (), and a third element () linked to a hydraulic pump (), this transmission () further comprising a means for driving the drive wheels () by a hydraulic machine (), characterised in that the link between the third element () of the planetary gear train () and the hydraulic pump () comprises a speed reducer () that provides, when the whole of this train is rotating at the same speed, a reduction in the speed of rotation of the pump relative to that of the heat engine () that is greater than a value of approximately two. 1. A method for evaluating the noise level of a hydraulic machine with axial pistons installed in a transmission of a hydraulic hybrid automotive vehicle; the vehicle having driving wheels and a combustion engine; said transmission comprising a planetary gear set which can function as a differential; the planetary gear set comprising a first element connected to said combustion engine , a second element connected to the driving wheels , and a third element connected to a hydraulic pump , said transmission additionally comprising means for delivering torque supplied by a hydraulic pump to the driving wheels; and wherein a connection between the third element of the planetary gear set and the hydraulic pump comprises a speed reducer which reduces the rotational speed of the pump relative to the speed of the combustion engine when all of the elements of the planetary gear set run at the same speed; wherein knowing the rotation speed and the displacement of the hydraulic machine , the noise level of the hydraulic machine is calculated by means of the following equation:{'br': None, 'i': X', 'Y', 'K, 'sub': 10', '10, 'sup': '3', '×log(Speed rev/min)+×log(Displacement in cm)+=noise level in dBA;'}with the constant K depending on ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Ramping subsystem for a machine with a dual path electronically controlled hydrostatic transmission

Номер: US20140174067A1
Автор: David Schulte, Kushan Vora

A ramping subsystem of a control system for a dual path electronically controlled hydrostatic transmission is used to modify the commanded rate of change of pump and motor acceleration, deceleration and direction change command (performed to command machine motion from forward to reverse or vice versa) in order to achieve desired machine performance and operator feel. Pump and motor acceleration, deceleration and direction change command rates are then further modified using scaling tables based on selected maximum machine speed using operator input device.

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160097442A1

A transmission device with secondarily coupled power splitting, having hydrostatic and mechanical branches which can be summed by a summing gear system provided in the area of a central transmission shaft. At least two transmission ratio ranges, in the forward and reverse driving directions, can be obtained such that within the transmission ratio ranges the transmission ratio can, in each case, be varied continuously by a hydrostatic variator in the area of the hydrostatic branch. On the transmission input side, the central transmission shaft can directly couple a drive engine and functionally connect to both an auxiliary drive output shaft and a hydrostatic shaft of the variator, in the form of countershafts, and also to hydraulic pumps in the area of the transmission input. In the area of the transmission output, the central transmission shaft is coupled to a further hydrostatic shaft in the form of a countershaft. 15-. (canceled)622. A transmission device () with secondarily coupled power splitting , the transmission device () comprising:{'b': 4', '5', '7', '6, 'a hydrostatic branch () and a mechanical branch () which are summed by a summing gear system () provided in an area of a central transmission shaft (), and'}{'b': 3', '4, 'at least two transmission ratio ranges in forward and in reverse driving directions such that, within the two transmission ratio ranges, the transmission ratio, in each case, being continuously variable by a hydrostatic variator () in an area of the hydrostatic branch (),'}{'b': 6', '58', '45', '23', '3', '53', '55, 'the central transmission shaft (), on a transmission input side, being directly coupled to a drive engine () and functionally connected both to an auxiliary drive output shaft (), in a form of a countershaft, and to a hydrostatic shaft () of the variator (), in a form of another countershaft, and also to hydraulic pumps ( to ) in an area of the transmission input, and'}{'b': 6', '22', '40, 'the central transmission shaft () ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145972A1
Принадлежит: Jiangsu University

A power-split hydro-mechanical hybrid transmission system with an automatic adjustment function includes an input member, a hydraulic transmission mechanism, a split mechanism, a convergence mechanism, an output member, a clutch assembly, and a brake assembly. The clutch assembly connects the input member to an input end of the split mechanism, connects an output end of the split mechanism to an input end of the hydraulic transmission mechanism and an input end of the convergence mechanism, and connects an output end of the hydraulic transmission mechanism to the output member. An output end of the convergence mechanism is connected to the output member. The clutch assembly and the brake assembly provide a continuous transmission ratio between the input member and the output member. The power-split hydro-mechanical hybrid transmission system enables multi-mode continuously variable transmission and has energy reuse and emergency support functions. 1. A power-split hydro-mechanical hybrid transmission system with an automatic adjustment function , comprising an input member , a hydraulic transmission mechanism , a split mechanism , a convergence mechanism , an output member , a clutch assembly , and a brake assembly , wherein the clutch assembly connects the input member to an input end of the split mechanism , connects an output end of the split mechanism to an input end of the hydraulic transmission mechanism and an input end of the convergence mechanism , and connects an output end of the hydraulic transmission mechanism to the output member; an output end of the convergence mechanism is connected to the output member; and the clutch assembly and the brake assembly provide a continuous transmission ratio between the input member and the output member;transmission modes comprising hydraulic transmission, hydro-mechanical transmission, and mechanical transmission are provided between the input member and the output member by adjusting a displacement ratio of the ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180106352A1
Автор: Levin Asaf, Levin Shalom

A hydrostatic transmission which utilizes a combination of a multiple planetary gear pump and a multiple planetary gear motor encased within one compact unit sealed so as to direct passage of hydraulic fluid between the combination thereof. The hydrostatic transmission comprises a power component provided with a plurality of planetary gears that can provide power to at least one load delivered by at least one of the plurality of planetary gears. The power component is configured with an integrated oil-switching mechanism that controls the rotational speed delivered to the load. The hydrostatic transmission is provided in one compact, sealed casing suitable for use in vehicles, having an output shaft optionally mechanically connected directly to the wheels of a vehicle drive. The inventive hydrostatic transmission operates without the need for lengthy pressure hoses and related connectors and fittings for cycling hydraulic fluid along needed flow paths. 1. A hydrostatic transmission comprising:a combination of a first and a second power component configurable to be operated in a multiple gear pump mode and a multiple gear motor mode, respectively, each of the combination comprising:a plurality of planetary gears mounted on respective planetary gear shafts;a complementary gear mounted on a shaft and enmeshed with said plurality of planetary gears;a fluid inlet disposed on one side of and in close proximity adjacent to each of said plurality of planetary gears for ingress of hydraulic fluid;a fluid outlet disposed on an opposite side of and in close proximity adjacent to each of said plurality of planetary gears for egress of hydraulic fluid; anda carrier stator plate in which said plurality of planetary gears and said complementary gear are aligned in the same plane as said carrier stator plate, and are rotatably mounted therein,wherein said complementary gear shaft of said first power component is mechanically connected to a power source, and said complementary gear ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200102719A1
Автор: Oasa Takahisa

A controller determines a target rotation speed of an engine from an operation amount of an accelerator operating member. The controller determines whether a vehicle is in coasting deceleration. The controller decreases a differential pressure between a first circuit and a second circuit of a hydraulic circuit according to a deviation between an actual rotation speed of the engine and the target rotation speed, or the operation amount of the accelerator operating member when the vehicle is in the coasting deceleration. 1. A work vehicle comprising:an engine; a travel pump configured to be driven by the engine, the travel pump including a first pump port and a second pump port,', 'a hydraulic circuit connected to the travel pump, and', 'a travel motor including a first motor port and a second motor port, the travel motor being connected to the travel pump through the hydraulic circuit,', a first circuit connecting the first pump port and the first motor port, and', 'a second circuit connecting the second pump port and the second motor port;, 'the hydraulic circuit including'}], 'a hydrostatic transmission including'}an engine rotation speed sensor configured to output a signal indicative of an actual rotation speed of the engine;an accelerator operating member;an accelerator operation sensor configured to output a signal indicative of an operation amount of the accelerator operating member; and determine a target rotation speed of the engine from the operation amount of the accelerator operating member,', 'determine whether the vehicle is in coasting deceleration, and', a deviation between the actual rotation speed of the engine and the target rotation speed, or', 'the operation amount of the accelerator operating member when the vehicle is in the coasting deceleration., 'decrease a differential pressure between the first circuit and the second circuit in accordance with'}], 'a controller configured to receive a signal from the engine rotation speed sensor and a ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114893A1
Автор: Afshari Thomas
Принадлежит: Project Phoenix, LLC

A hydrostatic transmission system includes a fluid-driven motor and an integrated pump assembly connected to the fluid-driven motor to provide fluid to operate the fluid-driven motor. The integrated pump assembly includes a pump with at least one fluid driver comprising a prime mover and a fluid displacement assembly to be driven by the prime mover such that fluid is transferred from a first port of the pump to a second port of the pump. The pump assembly also includes two valve assembles to isolate the pump from the system. The hydrostatic transmission system also includes a controller that establishes at least one of a speed and a torque of the at least one prime mover to exclusively adjust at least one of a flow and a pressure in the hydrostatic transmission system to an operational set point. 1. A hydrostatic transmission system comprising:a hydraulic motor having first and second ports; a hydraulic pump having a casing defining an interior volume, the casing having a third port in fluid communication with the interior volume, and a fourth port in fluid communication with the interior volume, the hydraulic pump having least one fluid driver disposed inside the interior volume, each fluid driver having at least one of a variable-speed and a variable torque motor,', 'a first valve assembly in fluid communication with the first and third ports, and', 'a second valve assembly in fluid communication with the second and fourth ports; and, 'an integrated hydraulic pump assembly conjoined with the hydraulic motor, the integrated hydraulic pump assembly to provide hydraulic fluid to operate the hydraulic motor, the integrated hydraulic pump assembly including,'}a controller that establishes at least one of a speed and a torque of the hydraulic pump to exclusively adjust at least one of a flow and a pressure in the hydraulic system to an operational set point.2. The hydrostatic transmission system of claim 1 , wherein the integrated hydraulic pump assembly further ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

High drivability control for cvt tractors

Номер: US20180119807A1

A method for providing a high drivability control system for an agricultural or industrial vehicle having an engine and a continuously variable transmission (CVT) includes setting a maximum speed target (MST), and setting a vehicle speed percentage (VSP) according to input using a desired speed input. A target engine speed, a target rate of change of the engine speed, a target CVT ratio, and a target rate of change of the target CVT ratio is then calculated from the VSP, the MST, and the present engine speed. The target engine speed may be further calculated from the present vehicle speed and/or the present CVT ratio.

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180119808A1

Methods and systems are provided for adjusting clutch pressures and electric machine torques as a function of a stability metric threshold(s) in order to balance performance and charging of an onboard energy storage device. In one example, a method comprises during an upshift of a transmission from a first gear to a second gear, adjusting a clutch pressure of the transmission to adjust slippage of a clutch in response to a vehicle stability control parameter exceeding a threshold. In this way, torque delivered to a transmission output shaft may be reduced, which may increase vehicle stability. 1. A driveline operating method , comprising:during an upshift of a transmission from a first gear to a second gear, adjusting a clutch pressure of the transmission to adjust slippage of a clutch in response to a vehicle stability control parameter exceeding a threshold.2. The method of claim 1 , where the vehicle stability control parameter is an estimate of vehicle yaw.3. The method of claim 1 , where the vehicle stability control parameter is an estimate of vehicle roll.4. The method of claim 1 , where the vehicle stability control parameter is an estimate of vehicle lateral acceleration.5. The method of claim 1 , where the clutch transfers torque to the second gear during the upshift claim 1 , and further comprising:transferring torque to a third gear via the clutch.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising decreasing slip time of the clutch in response to the vehicle stability control parameter not exceeding the threshold and the vehicle stability control parameter decreasing from the threshold.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adjusting slippage of the clutch in further response to battery state of charge.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adjusting engine torque via spark timing in response to the vehicle stability control parameter exceeding the threshold.9. A driveline operating method claim 1 , comprising:during an upshift of a transmission ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200124170A1

In a transmission structure according to this invention, speed change ratios of input side first and second transmission mechanisms are set so that the rotational speed of a planetary second element is the same when an HST output is set to a second HST speed in either a first transmission state or a second transmission state, and the rotational speed of a planetary first element is the same when the HST output is set to the second HST speed in either the second transmission state or the first transmission state. The speed change ratios of an output side first and second transmission mechanisms are set so that the rotational speed developed in a speed change output shaft when the HST output is set to the second HST speed is the same in either the first or second transmission states. 1. A transmission structure comprising:an HST configured to continuously change rotation power operatively input into a pump shaft of the HST from a driving source to rotation power at least between a first HST speed and a second HST speed according to an operation position of an output adjustment member, and then outputting the changed rotation power as an HST power from a motor shaft;a planetary gear mechanism having first, second, and third elements, in which the third element functions as an input portion of the HST output;a speed change output shaft;an input side first transmission mechanism capable of operatively transmitting the rotation power of the driving source to the first element at an input side first speed change ratio;an input side second transmission mechanism capable of operatively transmitting the rotation power of the driving source to the second element at an input side second speed change ratio;input side first and second clutch mechanisms engaging/disengaging power transmission of the input side first and second transmission mechanisms, respectively;an output side first transmission mechanism capable of operatively transmitting the rotation power of the second ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150141188A1

Disclosed are embodiments of thrust absorbing planetary traction drives that utilize roller-shaft traction interfaces that are slanted to absorb thrust created on a turbo shaft by a turbine or compressor. Slanted traction surfaces on the sun portion of the turbo shaft are slanted inwardly so that the turbo shaft remains centered in the planetary traction drive. Either double roller planets or single roller planets can be used to absorb thrust in the axial direction of the turbo shaft. Various curved and slanted surfaces can be utilized to create traction interfaces that hold and stabilize the turbo shaft both axially and radially. 1. A planetary traction drive for a super-turbocharger that is both mechanically driven by an engine system and driven by exhaust gases from said engine system comprising:a turbo shaft;a turbine connected to one end of said turbo shaft;a compressor connected to an opposite end of said turbo shaft;a first slanted traction surface formed on said turbo shaft, said first slanted traction surface slanted at a first angle in a first direction;a second slanted traction surface formed on said turbo shaft, said second slanted traction surface slanted at a second angle, said second angle being substantially equal to and in an opposite direction of said first angle;at least one double roller planet having a first roller and a second roller, said first roller having a first roller outer traction surface that engages said first slanted traction surface of said turbo shaft to form a first roller-shaft traction interface, said second roller having a second roller outer traction surface that engages said second slanted traction surface of said turbo shaft to form a second roller-shaft traction interface between said second roller and said turbo shaft, said first roller-shaft traction interface and said second roller-shaft traction interface locating said turbo shaft axially and creating axial forces on said turbo shaft that counteract thrust forces ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Shift Power Transmission Apparatus and Travel Power Transmission Device

Номер: US20160138693A1

Disclosed is a shift power transmission apparatus for readily suppressing or avoiding size increase thereof. The apparatus includes an input shaft () receiving engine drive force, a hydraulic continuously variable transmission () driven by the input shaft (), a planetary power transmission section () combining drive force from the input shaft () and output from the hydraulic continuously variable transmission () for outputting the combined drive force, and an output rotary member () outputting power to a travel apparatus. The planetary power transmission section () and the output rotary member () are arranged on a side of the hydraulic continuously variable transmission () associated with an engine-coupled side of the input shaft (). The drive force is inputted to the planetary power transmission section () from a portion between the engine-coupled side and the hydraulic continuously variable transmission-coupled side of the input shaft (). 1. A shift power transmission apparatus comprising:an input shaft receiving engine drive force;a hydraulic continuously variable transmission driven by the input shaft;a planetary power transmission section combining the drive force from the input shaft and an output from the hydraulic continuously variable transmission for outputting the combined drive force therefrom; andan output rotary member outputting power to a travel apparatus,wherein a forward/reverse switching mechanism is provided to be switchable between a forward power transmission state for converting the drive force from the input shaft into forward drive force to be transmitted to the planetary power transmission section, and a reverse power transmission state for converting the drive force from the input shaft into reverse drive force to be transmitted to the planetary power transmission section, andthe forward/reverse switching mechanism is further switchable to a neutral state in which power transmission between the input shaft and the planetary power ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160146325A1

A clutch latching system is provided for latching and draining a torque transmitting mechanism. The latching clutch control system may include a latching valve, a release valve, and an accumulator. The clutch latching system may include a clutch feed channel configured to provide hydraulic fluid from a pressurized source to a torque transmitting device when the torque transmitting device is engaged and the engine is running. A latching valve connects the clutch feed channel to the torque transmitting device. The latching valve is configured to selectively trap pressurized hydraulic fluid within the torque transmitting device. A hydraulic pressure storage circuit configured to selectively provide pressurized hydraulic fluid to the latching valve to unlatch the latching valve. A multiple speed transmission is also provided. 1. A multiple speed automatic transmission for use with a vehicle having an engine , the multiple speed automatic transmission comprising:an input member;an output member;first, second, and third planetary gear sets each having first, second and third members;a first interconnecting member continuously interconnecting the first member of the first planetary gear set with the second member of the second planetary gear set;a second interconnecting member continuously interconnecting the second member of the first planetary gear set with the third member of the third planetary gear set;a third interconnecting member continuously interconnecting the third member of the second planetary gear set with the second member of the third planetary gear set; andfive torque transmitting devices each selectively engageable to interconnect at least one of the first, second, and third members with at least one other of the first members, second members, third members and a stationary member,wherein the torque transmitting devices are selectively engageable to establish a plurality of forward speed ratios and at least one reverse speed ratio between the input member ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Method for Controlling a Hydrostatic Drive

Номер: US20160169382A1
Автор: Horst Wagner

A method is used to control a hydrostatic drive including a drive machine, a hydraulic pump coupled to the drive machine, and a hydraulic motor coupled to the hydraulic pump via a hydraulic working circuit. In the method, at least one of multiple manipulated variables of the hydrostatic drive is ascertained and set, in the course of a precontrol, from a specified setpoint value for at least one of the controlled variables, including a pressure in the hydraulic working circuit, a speed of the hydraulic pump, and an output variable of the hydrostatic drive. In the method, the remaining controlled variables and/or manipulated variables are automatically updated.

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180163862A1

Systems and methods for use in controlling a hydraulically powered AC generator are provided. One control system includes a valve system. The valve system includes a fixed valve configured to provide a substantially constant flow rate of the fluid through the fixed valve to the hydraulically powered AC generator. The valve system further includes a variable valve configured to provide a variable flow rate of the fluid through the variable valve to the hydraulically powered AC generator. The control system further includes a sensor device configured to measure a speed of movement of a component of the hydraulically powered AC generator. The control system further includes a control circuit configured to control the variable flow rate of the variable valve based on the speed of movement of the component measured by the sensor device. 119-. (canceled)20. A control system for controlling an alternating current (AC) generator , the control system comprising:a sensor device configured to measure a speed of movement of a gear or shaft of the AC generator; anda control circuit configured to generate a control signal based on the speed of movement of the AC generator measured by the sensor device, wherein the control circuit is further configured to transmit the control signal to a control device configured to control a hydraulic motor coupled to drive the AC generator.21. The control system of claim 20 , wherein the hydraulic motor is controlled by a valve system.22. The control system of claim 20 , wherein the sensor device comprises a Hall Effect sensor configured to measure a change in a magnetic field caused by the movement of the AC generator.23. The control system of claim 20 , wherein the sensor device comprises an optical encoder sensor claim 20 , the optical encoder sensor comprising a light source configured to generate light and a light detection device configured to detect changes in the light reflected off of the AC generator.24. The control system of claim 20 ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150176705A1

In one aspect, a method for controlling a continuously variable transmission when transitioning the transmission from operation within a hydrostatic mode to operation within a hydro-mechanical mode may generally include initially operating the transmission in the hydrostatic mode, receiving a mode switch signal associated with transitioning the operation of the transmission to the hydro-mechanical mode and initiating a clutch swap between a secondary range clutch and a directional clutch of the transmission. In addition, the method may include adjusting a swash plate angle of the transmission as the directional clutch is slipped in order to transition the operation of the transmission to a point along a hydro-mechanical operating curve and fully engaging the directional clutch to allow operation of the transmission along the hydro-mechanical operating curve. 1. A method for controlling a continuously variable transmission of a work vehicle when transitioning operation from a hydrostatic mode to a hydro-mechanical mode , the continuously variable transmission including a hydrostatic power unit , the method comprising:operating the continuously variable transmission in the hydrostatic mode such that a first range clutch and a secondary range clutch of the continuously variable transmission are engaged and a directional clutch of the continuously variable transmission is disengaged, the first range clutch being associated with operating the continuously variable transmission within a first speed range;receiving, with a computing device, a mode switch signal associated with transitioning the operation of the continuously variable transmission from the hydrostatic mode to the hydro-mechanical mode while a ground speed of the work vehicle is below a maximum ground speed associated with the first speed range;initiating a clutch swap between the secondary range clutch and the directional clutch such that the secondary range clutch is disengaged and the directional clutch ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200158234A1

A gear shifting apparatus for a multi-speed transmission includes: a shifting unit controlling gear shifting by a torque of an actuator; and a parking unit controlling a parking state by the torque of the actuator. In particular, the actuator includes a control motor transmitting a driving torque to a first driven gear of the shifting unit and a second driven gear of the parking unit through a drive gear externally gear-meshed with the driven gears, and the shifting unit includes: a fork slider slidably mounted on a fork rail, a shift fork integrally formed with the fork slider, a cam block connected to the first driven gear engaged with the drive gear and having a cam surface on an exterior circumference for shift-stages, a cam contact pin integrally formed with the fork slider and contacting the cam surface, and a return spring mounted around the fork rail. 1. A gear shifting apparatus for a multi-speed transmission for an electric vehicle , comprising:a shifting unit configured to control gear shifting by a torque of an actuator; anda parking unit including a parking gear and configured to control engagement and disengagement of the parking gear by the torque of the actuator,wherein the actuator comprises a control motor transmitting a driving torque to a first driven gear of the shifting unit and a second driven gear of the parking unit through a drive gear externally gear-meshed with the first and second driven gears, a fork slider slidably mounted on a fork rail;', 'a shift fork integrally formed with the fork slider and configured to activate the gear shifting;', 'a cam block connected to the first driven gear externally engaged with the drive gear, wherein the cam block includes a cam surface on an exterior circumference thereof for shift-stages;', 'a cam contact pin integrally formed with the fork slider and contacting the cam surface formed on an exterior circumference of the cam block; and', 'a return spring mounted around the fork rail and abutting the ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140256491A1

A controller is provided for varying gear ratios in a transmission system including at least one planetary gear train disposed within a housing. The controller includes a ratio control gear set, a ratio control pump, and a relief valve. The ratio control gear set includes a sun gear, a planet carrier, and a ring gear. The planet carrier is configured to rotatably connect to an output shaft of an engine. The ring gear is configured to mesh with a sun gear of the planetary gear train. The ratio control pump includes a body configured to rigidly connect to the housing, and a rotor rigidly coupled to the sun gear of the ratio control gear set. The rotor is configured to co-act with the body to pump fluid. The relief valve is configured to restrict fluid egress from the ratio control pump.

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140260221A1

A hydrostatic drive system for a machine is disclosed. The hydrostatic drive system includes a pump, a hydraulic motor configured to receive a pressurized fluid from the pump and a controller operably connected to the pump and the hydraulic motor. The controller is configured to receive an input signal indicative of a current machine speed and a desired machine speed. Further, the controller is configured to output a motor displacement command signal and a pump displacement command signal to adjust a displacement of the hydraulic motor and the pump respectively based on the input signal to maintain at least one of constant machine speed or constant acceleration or constant deceleration during adjustment of the pump displacement and the motor displacement. 1. A hydrostatic drive system for a machine comprising:a pump;a hydraulic motor configured to receive a pressurized fluid from the pump; anda controller operably connected to the pump and the hydraulic motor, the controller configured to:receive an input signal indicative of a current machine speed and a desired machine speed; andoutput a motor displacement command signal and a pump displacement command signal to selectively adjust a motor displacement of the hydraulic motor and a pump displacement of the pump based on the input signal to maintain at least one of constant machine speed or constant acceleration or constant deceleration during adjustment of the pump displacement and the motor displacement.2. The hydrostatic drive system of claim 1 , wherein the hydraulic pump is a variable displacement pump.3. The hydrostatic drive system of claim 1 , wherein the hydraulic motor is a two-speed motor.4. The hydrostatic drive system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to determine an acceleration mode claim 1 , during the acceleration mode desired machine speed is greater than the current machine speed.5. The hydraulic drive system of claim 4 , wherein during the acceleration mode claim 4 , the controller ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180170426A1

A method of controlling a transmission includes providing an input, an output, a controller, a control system, a hydrostatic unit, and a geartrain. The geartrain includes a direct drive pivot clutch and a steer drive geartrain. The method also includes receiving a pivot command by the controller from a shift selector, where the command indicates the shift selector is in a pivot position. The method further includes engaging the direct drive pivot clutch, decoupling the hydrostatic unit from a torque path defined between the input and the output, and coupling the input and the output to one another via a second torque path. The second torque path is defined through the direct drive pivot clutch and the steer drive geartrain. The transmission is controllable in a direct drive steer operation. 1. A method of controlling a transmission , comprising:providing an input, an output, a control system, a hydrostatic unit, and a geartrain, the geartrain including a direct drive pivot clutch and a steer drive geartrain;receiving a pivot command from a shift selector, the command indicating the shift selector is in a pivot position;engaging the direct drive pivot clutch;decoupling the hydrostatic unit from a first torque path defined between the input and the output; andcoupling the input and the output to one another via a second torque path, the second torque path defined through the direct drive pivot clutch and the steer drive geartrain.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:providing a hydrostatic unit disconnect mechanism selectively coupled between the hydrostatic unit and the steer drive geartrain; andenergizing the hydrostatic unit disconnect mechanism to decouple the hydrostatic unit from the first torque path.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the energizing step comprises sending an instruction to the control system to energize the hydrostatic unit disconnect mechanism.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising directly coupling the direct drive pivot ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Gear shifting apparatus for multi-speed transmission for electric vehicles

Номер: US20200166127A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A gear shifting apparatus for a multi-speed transmission includes: a shifting unit controlling gear shifting by a torque of an actuator; and a parking unit controlling a parking state by the torque of the actuator. In particular, the actuator includes a control motor transmitting a driving torque to driven gears of the shifting and parking units through a drive gear, and the shifting unit includes: a fork slider slidably mounted on a fork rail; a shift fork integrally formed with the fork slider; a finger drum connected to a first driven gear engaged with the drive gear, and having a finger end; and a shift lug that rotates about a lug shaft and includes two lug ends having a different length from each other. The shift lug interacts with the finger end, and has a coupler end coupled with a pocket portion formed at the fork slider.

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190178375A1
Принадлежит: DANA ITALIA S.R.L.

A controller is configured to output a control command for controlling at least one driveline component according to a control map. The control map may define a dependence of the control command on at least one of: a control position of an input device, and at least one first condition of the driveline. The controller may also be configured to receive at least one input signal, the input signal may have a plurality of signal values recorded at different times. The signal values of the at least one input signal are indicative of at least one of: the control position of the input device, the at least one first condition of the driveline, and at least one second condition of the driveline. The controller may also be configured to derive a feature from the plurality of signal values and adapt the control map based on the derived feature. 115-. (canceled)16. A controller for controlling a vehicle driveline , wherein the controller is configured to: a control position of an input device, and', 'at least one first condition of the driveline;, 'output a control command for controlling at least one driveline component according to a control map, the control map defining a dependence of the control command on at least one of the control position of the input device,', 'the at least one first condition of the driveline, and', 'at least one second condition of the driveline;, 'receive at least one input signal, the input signal comprising a plurality of signal values recorded at different times, wherein the signal values of the at least one input signal are indicative of at least one ofderive a feature from the plurality of signal values; andadapt the control map based on the derived feature.17. The controller according to claim 16 , wherein the controller is configured to derive the feature from the points in time at which the plurality of signal values are recorded and/or from the duration of the time intervals between the points in time at which the plurality of signal ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle and method of controlling the same

Номер: US20200173548A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A vehicle in which a shift lever of a Shift-by-Wire (SBW) type is used, the vehicle may include an inputter configured to receive pressing force of an acceleration pedal of the vehicle, a shift command to a P-stage of the shift lever, and gradient information related to a road on which the vehicle drives; a controller configured to: when the pressing force of the acceleration pedal of the vehicle is generated and the shift command to the P-stage is input to the controller, determine a gradient load torque and an acceleration torque of the vehicle, and limit a driver's requested torque based on the determined gradient load torque and the determined acceleration torque; and a driving device connected to the controller and configured to shift the shift lever to the P-stage when the driver's requested torque is limited.

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Hydrostatic Transmission Assembly and System

Номер: US20200173551A1
Автор: Afshari Thomas

A hydrostatic transmission system includes a hydraulic motor and at least one proportional control valve and at least one pump connected to the hydraulic motor to provide fluid to operate the hydraulic motor. The at least one pump includes at least one fluid driver having a prime mover and a fluid displacement assembly to be driven by the prime mover such that fluid is transferred from the pump inlet to the pump outlet. The hydrostatic transmission system also includes a controller that establishes at least one of a speed and a torque of the at least one prime mover and concurrently establishes an opening of the at least one proportional control valve to adjust at least one of a flow and a pressure in the hydrostatic transmission system to an operational set point. 152.-. (canceled)53. A hydraulic system comprising:a hydraulic motor;a hydraulic pump assembly connected to the hydraulic motor, the hydraulic pump assembly including a hydraulic pump having a first fluid driver with a first variable torque motor and a first gear having a plurality of first gear teeth, and a second fluid driver with a second variable torque motor and a second gear having a plurality of second gear teeth; and receive feedback data from each variable torque motor,', 'control a torque of each variable torque motor to transfer the hydraulic fluid to the hydraulic motor, and', 'synchronize rotation rates to generate a contact force between the first and second gears of the hydraulic pump., 'a controller that is configured to54. The hydraulic system of claim 53 , wherein the synchronization rate is in a range of 99.0% to 100%.55. The hydraulic system of claim 53 , wherein the synchronization rate is in a range of 99.5% to 100%.56. The hydraulic system of claim 53 , wherein the controller includes one or more curves for the hydraulic pump that convert command signals to appropriate torque demand signals to the hydraulic pump based on the design of the hydraulic pump.57. The hydraulic system of ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150198244A1
Автор: ONO Yutaka

A motor grader includes a control unit configured to set a current value for driving an electromagnetic proportional control valve based on a set of current value information. The control unit is configured to correct the set current value based on a fan rotation speed detected by a rotation sensor. The set of current value information has a low current value range (A), a middle current value range (B) and a high current value range (C), in each of which the fan rotation speed is increased or reduced in accordance with the current value. An absolute value of an increase or reduction ratio of the fan rotation speed is less in the low current value range (A) and the high current value range (C) than in the middle current value range (B). 1. A work vehicle , comprising:an engine;a cooling fan;a hydraulic pump configured to be driven by the engine;a hydraulic motor configured to be driven by means of an operating oil discharged from the hydraulic pump and configured to rotate the cooling fan;an electromagnetic proportional control valve configured to regulate an amount of the operating oil to be supplied to the hydraulic motor;a rotation sensor configured to detect a fan rotation speed of the cooling fan; anda control unit configured to set a current value for driving the electromagnetic proportional control valve based on a set of current value information indicating a correspondence between the fan rotation speed and the current value, whereinthe control unit is configured to correct the set current value based on the fan rotation speed detected by the rotation sensor,the set of current value information has first and second current value ranges in each of which the fan rotation speed is increased or reduced in accordance with the current value,the first current value range and the second current value range are continuous to each other, andan absolute value of a ratio of an increase or reduction amount of the fan rotation speed with respect to an increase or ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150204423A1

A machine includes a power source, a transmission, and a drive system configured to transmit torque from the power source to the transmission. The drive system includes a planetary gear set, a variator coupled to the planetary gear set, and a storage device operably connected to the variator. The storage device is configured to receive energy from and provide energy to the variator. 1. A machine , comprising:a power source;a transmission; and a housing,', 'a planetary gear set contained within the housing,', 'a variator coupled to the planetary gear set, the variator being disposed external to the housing;', 'a clutch contained within the housing and being configured to selectively couple two or more components of the planetary gear set, thereby forming a direct linkage between an input of the drive system and an output of the drive system,', 'a valve arrangement contained within the housing and being operably connected to the clutch,', 'a storage device operably connected to the variator, wherein the storage device is disposed external to the housing and configured to receive energy from and provide energy to the variator; and', 'a hydraulic circuit fluidly connected to the valve arrangement to supply pressurized fluid to the valve arrangement to assist in selective engaging and disengaging of the clutch, the hydraulic circuit including a high pressure source located externally to the housing, the high pressure source being drivably connected to an output of the power source., 'a drive system configured to transmit torque from the power source to the transmission, the drive system including2. The machine of claim 1 , wherein the variator is fluidly connected to the storage device claim 1 , the variator being configured to provide torque to the transmission via the planetary gear set claim 1 , andwherein torque provided to the transmission by the variator supplements torque transmitted from the power source to the transmission.3. The machine of claim 1 , wherein the ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210222761A1
Автор: Billich Manuel

A power split transmission for a work vehicle includes at least one drivable transmission input shaft, a power distribution module, a rotational speed variator having a variator output shaft, a transmission module operatively connected both to the transmission input shaft and the variator output shaft, and a transmission output shaft. The transmission module includes at least two transmission auxiliary shafts each of which includes at least one summation transmission for combining power introduced via the transmission input shaft and the variator output shaft. The transmission module includes at least one power shift stage via which the transmission auxiliary shafts are selectively connected to the transmission output shaft. A continuously variable transmission ratio is produced between the transmission input shaft and transmission output shaft. 1. A power split transmission for a work vehicle , comprising:at least one drivable transmission input shaft;a power distribution module;a rotational speed variator having a variator output shaft;a transmission module operatively connected both to the transmission input shaft and the variator output shaft; anda transmission output shaft;wherein the transmission module comprises at least two transmission auxiliary shafts each of which includes at least one summation transmission for combining power introduced via the transmission input shaft and the variator output shaft;wherein the transmission module comprises at least one power shift stage via which the transmission auxiliary shafts are selectively connected to the transmission output shaft;wherein a continuously variable transmission ratio is produced between the transmission input shaft and transmission output shaft.2. The power split transmission of claim 1 , wherein the power split transmission is formed to be hydraulic-mechanical or electro-mechanical.3. The power split transmission of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the transmission auxiliary shafts comprises at ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации

Control device and control method for construction machine

Номер: US20170198458A1
Принадлежит: Doosan Infracore Co Ltd

The present disclosure relates to a control device and a control method for a construction machine. The control device and the control method for the construction machine according to the exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure may adjust an engine revolutions per minute (rpm) according to a load applied to the construction machine, thereby controlling an output of equipment. In the control device and the control method for the construction machine according to the exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure, an output of a pump is increased at an appropriate time, so that good operation performance may be maintained, and in the case of an operation pattern, in which a load is low, the engine rpm is adjusted to be decreased, thereby improving fuel efficiency.

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170198796A1
Автор: Schumacher Andreas

The invention relates to a charge pump system () comprising a hydrostatic charge pump () capable to generate a hydraulic flow rate to be fed into a closed circuit of a hydrostatic transmission, a planetary gear set (), whose planet wheel carrier () is connected to an input shaft () of the charge pump (), and whose sun wheel () is driveable by a driving shaft (); and a charge pump motor () capable to drive the ring gear () of planetary gear set (). 1. A charge pump system comprising:a hydrostatic charge pump capable to generate a hydraulic flow rate to be fed into a closed circuit of a hydrostatic transmission;a planetary gear set, whose planet wheel carrier is connected to an input shaft of the charge pump, and whose sun wheel is driveable by a driving shaft; anda charge pump motor capable to drive the ring gear of planetary gear set.2. The charge pump system according to claim 1 , further comprising a worm gear or a spur gear by means of which the charge pump motor can be coupled to the ring gear.3. The charge pump according to claim 1 , further comprising a clutch by means of which the charge pump motor is coupled to the ring gear.4. The charge pump system according to claim 1 , whereas the charge pump motor is an electric motor controllable in its rotational speed.5. The charge pump system according to claim 1 , whose charge pump is a Gerotor pump claim 1 , a gear pump claim 1 , an internal gear pump claim 1 , a vane pump or a roller vane pump.6. The charge pump system according to claim 1 , whose planetary gear set is made of plastic material.7. The charge pump system according to claim 1 , whose ring gear is part of an electrical ring motor.8. The charge pump system according to claim 1 , whereas the charge pump system comprise a casing for housing the charge pump claim 1 , the planetary gear set claim 1 , the charge pump motor and claim 1 , if present claim 1 , the clutch claim 1 , the worm gear and/or the spur gear.9. The charge pump system according to claim ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170211695A1

A power-split transmission which is designed to be operated with either first or second deceleration logics. The second deceleration logic has a higher deceleration dynamic than the first deceleration logic, and is designed to disengage an engaged range clutch immediately so as to reduce the transmission ratio by way of a hydrostatic unit with a maximum dynamic. A method of operating the transmission includes: monitoring various vehicle parameters while the vehicle is operated with the first deceleration logic; detecting that at least one set limit value has been exceeded while the vehicle operated with the first deceleration logic; activating the second deceleration logic, to immediately disengage an engaged range clutch; reducing a transmission ratio to a maximum using the hydrostatic unit, the hydrostatic unit being displaced with a maximum dynamic; and engaging the range clutch and activating the first deceleration logic. 112-. (canceled).1311231. A power-split transmission device () for a vehicle , the transmission device () connecting a drive engine () , arranged on an input side , to a drive output () , arranged on an output side , and the transmission device () comprising:{'b': '4', 'a hydrostatic unit () for the continuous adjustment of a transmission ratio;'}{'b': 5', '5', '5', '1', '3, 'i': a,', 'b,', 'c, 'at least one range clutch () for coupling the transmission device ()to the drive output (); and'}{'b': 1', '5', '5', '5', '4, 'i': a,', 'b,', 'c, 'the transmission device () being designed to be operated with a first and a second deceleration logic such that the second deceleration logic has a higher deceleration dynamic than the first deceleration logic, and such that the second deceleration logic being designed so as to immediately disengage the at least one range clutch (), when the at least one range clutch is engaged, in order to reduce the transmission ratio of the hydrostatic unit () with a maximum dynamic.'}1415554a,b,c. The transmission device ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Wheel Loader

Номер: US20200199852A1

A wheel loader is provided that can suppress abrupt change in vehicle speed accompanied by erroneous determination on a lift arm lifting operation. A wheel loader includes: an engine; an HST pump; an HST motor; a forward and reverse switch; a stepping amount sensor; an operation amount sensor; and a controller. The controller determines whether a specific condition for specifying an operation of the lift arm in an upper direction during forward travel of the vehicle body, on the basis of a forward and reverse switching signal, the stepping amount, and a pilot pressure pertaining to the lifting operation for the lift arm. In a case of the specific condition being satisfied, the vehicle speed is limited by controlling the displacement volume of the HST motor in conformity with increase in the pilot pressure. 1. A wheel loader including a front working device including a lift arm provided at a front of a vehicle body and rotatable in a vertical direction , comprising:an engine;a variable displacement traveling hydraulic pump driven by the engine;a variable displacement traveling hydraulic motor connected to the traveling hydraulic pump through a closed circuit to transmit driving force of the engine to wheels;a traveling state sensor that detects a traveling state of the vehicle body;an operation amount sensor that detects a lifting operation amount of the lift arm; anda controller that controls the traveling hydraulic pump and the traveling hydraulic motor, determines whether a specific condition for specifying an operation of the lift arm in an upper direction during forward travel of the vehicle body is satisfied or not, based on the traveling state detected by the traveling state sensor, and on the lifting operation amount of the lift arm detected by the operation amount sensor, and', 'controls a displacement volume of the traveling hydraulic pump or a displacement volume of the traveling hydraulic motor to limit a vehicle speed in response to increase in the ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации

A Method Of Reducing Output Torque Deficits During Launch Of A Continuously Variable Transmission

Номер: US20190211925A1
Принадлежит: Perkins Engines Company Limited

According to the present invention, there is provided a method of reducing output torque deficits during the launch of a vehicle having a continuously variable transmission, wherein the variator has an input connected to a prime mover and an output. The method comprises the steps of determining a rate of change of ratio in the transmission, and predicting a required motor speed ratio rate of change value of the variator on the basis of: (i) the determined rate of change of ratio in the transmission, and (ii) the configuration of the transmission. The speed of the variator output is adjusted so as to achieve the required motor speed ratio rate of change value. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the variator comprises a pump and a motor and the motor is the variator output claim 1 , and wherein the variator motor speed is adjusted by varying the displacement of the variator pump.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the variator comprises a pump and a motor and the motor is the variator output claim 1 , and wherein the variator motor speed is adjusted by calculating a torque compensation value based on the predicted motor speed ratio rate of change value claim 1 , applying a torque compensation command based on the torque compensation value to a torque control process in control of the prime mover claim 1 , and varying the output speed of the prime mover in response to the torque compensation command.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of determining the rate of change of ratio in the transmission comprises measuring an input speed and an output speed of the transmission.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of determining the rate of change of ratio in the transmission comprises predicting an output speed rate of change of the transmission based upon one or more of the following variables: a transmission output torque demand received from an operator of the vehicle; a vehicle load applied to the transmission output; and vehicle inertia reflected to the ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150240940A1

A debris collection vehicle having an enclosed volume for collecting debris and a hydraulic fan drive system for creating vacuum condition in the enclosed volume is disclosed. In one embodiment, the hydraulic fan system includes a closed loop hydraulic circuit, a variable displacement hydraulic pump disposed within the closed loop circuit, and a hydraulic motor disposed within the closed loop circuit. The hydraulic fan drive system can also include an electronic or hydraulically actuated control valve constructed and arranged to adjust the output of the hydraulic motor via a displacement actuator based on pressure in the closed loop hydraulic circuit. 1. A hydraulic fan drive system comprising:(a) a closed loop hydraulic circuit;(b) a hydraulic pump disposed within the closed loop circuit and having an inlet and an outlet; i. an output shaft;', 'ii. an inlet in direct fluid communication with the variable displacement pump outlet; and', 'iii. an outlet in direct fluid communication with the variable displacement pump inlet;, '(c) a hydraulic motor disposed within the closed loop circuit, the hydraulic motor having(d) a fan coupled to the output shaft of the hydraulic motor; and(e) a control valve constructed and arranged to adjust the output of the hydraulic motor based on pressure in the closed loop hydraulic circuit.2. The hydraulic fan drive system of claim 1 , wherein the hydraulic motor is an axial piston motor.3. The hydraulic fan drive system of claim 2 , wherein the hydraulic motor is a variable displacement motor.4. The hydraulic fan drive system of claim 3 , wherein the hydraulic motor is a bent axis variable displacement motor.5. The hydraulic fan drive system of claim 3 , further comprising an pump displacement actuator having a first port and a second port claim 3 , the actuator being adapted to:(a) decrease the displacement of the variable displacement motor when hydraulic fluid from the hydraulic pump outlet enters the first port and hydraulic fluid ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Wheel loader

Номер: US20190226179A1
Принадлежит: KCM Corp

To improve working efficiency in an eco mode when a power mode and the eco mode have been set in a wheel loader, the wheel loader is provided with a controller having an eco mode characteristic line, a power mode characteristic line, and a lifting operation characteristic line having a matching point C located between a matching point A between a working device operating engine torque characteristic line and the eco mode characteristic line and a matching point B between the working device operating engine torque characteristic line and the power mode characteristic line. The controller includes a control portion, which controls a HST pump in accordance with the lifting operation characteristic line when lifting operation of a lift arm is detected while the eco mode has been selected by a work mode selecting portion.

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Hydrostatic Transmission Assembly and System

Номер: US20200224765A1
Автор: Afshari Thomas

A hydrostatic transmission system includes a fluid-driven motor and an integrated pump assembly connected to the fluid-driven motor to provide fluid to operate the fluid-driven motor. The integrated pump assembly includes a pump with at least one fluid driver comprising a prime mover and a fluid displacement assembly to be driven by the prime mover such that fluid is transferred from a first port of the pump to a second port of the pump. The pump assembly also includes two valve assembles to isolate the pump from the system. The hydrostatic transmission system also includes a controller that establishes at least one of a speed and a torque of the at least one prime mover to exclusively adjust at least one of a flow and a pressure in the hydrostatic transmission system to an operational set point. 133.-. (canceled)34. A hydraulic system comprising:a hydraulic motor; a first fluid driver with a first variable torque motor and a first gear having a plurality of first gear teeth, and', 'a second fluid driver with a second variable torque motor and a second gear having a plurality of second gear teeth; and, 'a hydraulic pump connected to the hydraulic motor, the hydraulic pump to provide hydraulic fluid to operate the hydraulic motor, the hydraulic pump including,'}a controller that establishes a torque of the hydraulic pump to exclusively adjust at least one of a flow or a pressure in the hydraulic system.35. The hydraulic system of claim 34 , wherein the controller synchronizes rotation rates between the first and second gears to generate a contact force between the first and second gears of the hydraulic pump.36. The hydraulic system of claim 35 , wherein the synchronization rate is in a range of 99.0% to 100%.37. The hydraulic system of claim 35 , wherein the synchronization rate is in a range of 99.5% to 100%.38. The hydraulic system of claim 34 , wherein the controller includes one or more curves for the hydraulic pump that convert command signals to appropriate ...

28-10-2021 дата публикации

Shift Power Transmission Apparatus of a Tractor and Tractor

Номер: US20210332875A1

A shift power transmission apparatus of a tractor that has a small up-down width or a small transverse width and a short front-rear length. A shift output unit is located further toward a vehicle rear side than a combined planetary power transmission unit. A planetary unit output axis and a shift unit input axis are coaxial with each other. A power transmission unit, that transmits motive power from an engine to a continuously variable transmission unit and the combined planetary power transmission unit, includes a rotary power transmission shaft, a pump transmission unit and a planetary transmission unit, the rotary power transmission shaft being interlockingly joined to an output shaft of the engine and extending in a direction along a vehicle front-rear direction, the pump transmission unit being configured to input motive power of the rotary power transmission shaft to the continuously variable transmission unit, and the planetary transmission unit being configured to input motive power of the rotary power transmission shaft to the combined planetary power transmission unit. 1. A shift power transmission apparatus of a tractor , the apparatus comprising:a hydrostatic continuously variable transmission unit that includes a hydraulic pump and a hydraulic motor, and is configured to receive motive power of an engine and output motive power of stepless rotational speed by changing a speed of the received motive power;a combined planetary power transmission unit that is configured to receive speed-changed output of the continuously variable transmission unit and motive power of the engine that is not subjected to speed change action by the continuously variable transmission unit, and combine the received speed-changed output and the motive power of the engine, and output combined motive power; anda shift output unit that includes a plurality of stage clutches and a shift output shaft that supports the plurality of stage clutches in a state of being arranged in a ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180265053A1
Принадлежит: Yanmar Co., Ltd.

A work vehicle equipped with: a straight-traveling system transmission path including a first stepless transmission device (); a turning system transmission path including a second stepless transmission device (); left and right traveling units () that receive a driving force from an engine () and move the work vehicle in forward and in reverse; and a brake operation tool () that actuates a brake mechanism (). The output of the straight-traveling system transmission path and the output of the turning system transmission path are combined to drive the traveling units (). When the operation amount to the brake operation tool () exceeds a first predetermined amount, a control section () blocks the driving force output from the first stepless transmission device (), and at the same time, sets a swash plate of the second stepless transmission device () in a neutral state. 1. A work vehicle comprising:an engine that is mounted on a traveling body;a straight-traveling system transmission path including a first stepless transmission device;a turning system transmission path including a second stepless transmission device;left and right traveling units configured to receive a driving force from the engine and move the traveling body in forward and in reverse;a brake mechanism configured to brake the traveling units;a brake operation tool configured to actuate the brake mechanism; anda control section configured to control an output of the straight-traveling system transmission path and an output of the turning system transmission path in cooperation with each other, the output of the straight-traveling system transmission path and the output of the turning system transmission path being combined to drive the traveling units, whereinwhen an operation amount to the brake operation tool exceeds a first predetermined amount, the control section blocks a driving force output from the first stepless transmission device.2. The work vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein if the ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180266532A1

A method of driving an integrated drive generator is provided. The method includes driving a carrier shaft of an epicyclic differential and a variable component of a hydraulic trimming device that is operably coupled to a sun gear of the epicyclic differential. The method also includes driving a generator with an output ring gear that is maintained at a constant output frequency. The method further includes maintaining the constant output frequency by controllably manipulating the speed of the sun gear that is in operable communication with the output ring gear. 1. A method of driving an integrated drive generator comprising:driving a carrier shaft of an epicyclic differential and a variable component of a hydraulic trimming device that is operably coupled to a sun gear of the epicyclic differential;driving a generator with an output ring gear that is maintained at a constant output frequency; andmaintaining the constant output frequency by controllably manipulating the speed of the sun gear that is in operable communication with the output ring gear.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising driving the carrier shaft of the epicyclic differential with an input shaft of a prime mover and driving the output ring gear with the sun gear.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the epicyclic differential operates in a first condition claim 2 , a second condition and a third condition.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first condition comprises a straight through speed claim 3 , wherein the input shaft drives the carrier shaft at a speed capable of driving the output ring gear at a predetermined speed when the sun gear is at zero speed.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the second condition comprises a below straight through speed claim 3 , wherein the sun gear drives the planet gears at a ring gear speed equal to the predetermined speed claim 3 , wherein the sun gear is turning in an opposite direction of the carrier gear.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190271382A1

A continuously variable transmission (CVT) may include differential and range modules that include planetary gear arrangements, a plurality of selectively engageable clutch assemblies, and a drop box module with a final output member. First and second power source paths may provide power to a same end of the differential module. The clutch assemblies may be selectively engageable to provide variable rotational power from the differential module to the range module, and from the range module to the drop box module in a plurality of directional ranges. The drop box module may adapt the variable rotational power provided in the selected range for connection in a given application. 1. A transmission for coupling to a primary driver via a first power source path that includes a variator and a second power source path that includes at least one mechanical gear , the transmission comprising: the first power source path to provide power to the sun gear and the second power source path to provide power to the carrier,', 'the power from the first power source path and the power from the second power source path to be provided via a same end of the differential module;, 'a differential module that includes a first planetary gear arrangement having a first plurality of gears including a sun gear and a carrier,'}a range module that includes a second planetary gear arrangement having a second plurality of gears; 'at least one clutch assembly, of the plurality of selectively engageable clutch assemblies, being selectively engageable to couple at least one gear from the first planetary gear arrangement with at least one gear from the second planetary gear arrangement; and', 'a plurality of selectively engageable clutch assemblies that are selectively engageable to provide a plurality of directional ranges,'} the differential module being coupleable to the range module to provide a variable rotational power to the range module,', 'the range module being coupleable to the drop box ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150292610A1
Автор: Rintoo Mikko
Принадлежит: VALTRA OY AB

A continuously variable power-split transmission is provided and comprises an epicyclic module () having an input shaft () drivingly coupled to a primary motor (). Three compound planets () are supported on a common planet carrier () and each engage respective sun gears (). The transmission further comprises a continuously variable drive connection () between the primary motor and the planet carrier. A first sun gear () of the epicyclic module is disposed on the input shaft. A first power split output () is provided by an output side of the continuously variable drive connection. The second and third sun gears () are connected to second and third power split outputs () respectively. A downstream torque consumer () derives power selectively from one of the first, second and third outputs. 1. A continuously variable power-split transmission comprising an epicyclic module having an input shaft drivingly coupled to a primary motor , and three compound planets supported on a common planet carrier and each engaging respective sun gears , the transmission further comprising a continuously variable drive connection between the primary motor and the planet carrier , wherein a first sun gear of the epicyclic module is disposed on the input shaft , a first output being provided by an output side of the continuously variable drive connection , the second and third sun gears connected to second and third outputs respectively , wherein a downstream torque consumer derives power selectively from one of the first , second and third outputs.2. A transmission according to claim 1 , wherein the second and third sun gears are disposed on respective output shafts which are mutually coaxial.3. A transmission according to claim 1 , wherein the continuously variable drive connection is hydrostatic and includes a hydraulic pump and motor.4. A transmission according to claim 1 , wherein the continuously variable drive connection is electrical and includes an electrical generator and motor.5. ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150299984A1

A continuously variable transmission includes a variator unit having a variator input shaft and a variator output shaft; a first planetary gear set having a first, a second and a third planetary member, the first planetary member being one of a ring wheel and a planet carrier, the second planetary member being the other one of the ring wheel and the planet carrier, and the third planetary member being a sun wheel, wherein the first planetary member of the first planetary gear set is operatively connected to a transmission input shaft; and a second planetary gear set having a sun wheel, a ring wheel and a planet carrier, the planet carrier being operatively connected to a transmission output shaft; wherein the variator input shaft is operatively connected to the second planetary member of the first planetary gear set; the variator output shaft is operatively connected to the sun wheel of the first planetary gear set, the sun wheel of the first planetary gear set being further operatively connected to the sun wheel of the second planetary gear set while having a variable gear ratio between the transmission input shaft and the transmission output shaft; and the ring wheel of the second planetary gear set being selectively connectable to the second planetary member of the first planetary gear set and to a gearbox housing of the continuously variable transmission. 1. A continuously variable transmission comprising:a variator unit having a variator input shaft and a variator output shaft;a first planetary gear set having a first, a second and a third planetary member, the first planetary member being one of a ring wheel and a planet carrier, the second planetary member being the other one of the ring wheel and the planet carrier, and the third planetary member being a sun wheel, wherein the first planetary member of the first planetary gear set is operatively connected to a transmission input shaft; anda second planetary gear set having a sun wheel, a ring wheel and a ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170292595A1

The invention relates to a power split transmission () and a method of merging the power flows of the power split transmission (). A power input shaft () drives a planetary gear set () splitting the input power into a power flow over a variable power branch () and into a power flow over a mechanical power branch (). The power flow transmitted over the variable power branch () can be merged again with the power flow over the mechanical power branch () for driving a power take-off shaft (). A reverser () comprising a first clutch (), a second clutch (), a first gear set () and a second gear set () is used for merging the power flows and for driving the power take-off shaft (). By engaging the first clutch () and disengaging the second clutch () the first gear set () is driven, if an output shaft () of the variable power branch () and a mechanical transmission shaft () are counterrotating. By engaging the second clutch () and the first clutch () disengaging the second gear set () is driven, if the output shaft () of the variable power branch () and the mechanical transmission shaft () are co-rotating, whereby the transmission ratio of the second gear set () is opposite to the transmission ratio of the first gear set (). 1. A power split transmission WA comprising a power input shaft for driving a planetary gear set splitting the input power at power input shaft into a power flow over a variable power branch having a variable transmission ratio and into a power flow over a mechanical power branch having a fixed transmission ratio , wherein the power flows transmitted over the variable power branch and the mechanical power branch can be merged by means of a summation gear box for driving a power take-off shaft , wherein the summation gear box is a reverser comprising a first clutch capable to couple and decouple a first gear set with the power take-off shaft , and comprising a second clutch capable to couple and decouple a second gear set with the power take-off shaft , ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190285154A1
Автор: GLASSNER Rudolf

A continuously variable power split transmission for a combustion engine (VM), powering vehicles includes a variator (V) and a summing gear train (SG), the variator transmits a fraction of the power with a continuously variable speed to the summing gear train (SG) which includes four shafts, a first sun gear (S), a second sun gear (S), a ring gear (H) and a number of planetary gears (P P) journaled on a planet carrier (St), wherein: The couplings (C C C C B B) are incorporated in one common entry unit (E). The summing gear has first (P) and the second planetary gears (P) on a common planet carrier (St), meshing with each other; the first sun gear (S) or the first ring gear (H) are driven in turn to create ranges; and the planet carrier (St) of the summing gear train (SG) is drivingly connected with the output shaft (StW) of the transmission. 1121121. Continuously variable power split transmission for powering vehicles and/or work machines by a combustion engine (VM) , including a variator (V) , a summing gear train and a number of couplings , the variator delivering a fraction of the power of the combustion engine with a speed that is continuously variably controlled between maximum speeds in both directions to the summing gear train , where it is added to the other fraction of the power , and where the transition between a plurality of ranges occurs in points of synchronism , the summing gear train being a planetary gear train with four shafts including a first sun gear (S) , a second sun gear (S) , a first ring gear (H) and a number of planetary gears (P , P) journaled on a planet carrier (St) , wherein:{'b': 0', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '1, 'a. the couplings (C, C; C, C, B, B) are incorporated in one common entry unit (E), which is arranged in the flux of power between the combustion engine (VM) and the summing gear train (SG),'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '1', '1', '2, 'b. the summing gear train (SG) includes first planetary gears (P) and second planetary gears (P) ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации

System and Method for Reducing Fuel Consumption of a Work Vehicle

Номер: US20150307077A1

In one aspect, a method for reducing fuel consumption of a work vehicle is disclosed. The method may generally include determining, with a controller, a load power requirement for the work vehicle, determining a plurality of candidate engine speeds at which the load power requirement is achievable, analyzing stored efficiency data for a transmission and at least one additional component of the work vehicle to determine a power loss value for each candidate engine speed, determining a candidate engine power for each candidate engine speed based on the load power requirement and the power loss values and analyzing stored fuel efficiency data based on the candidate engine powers to determine a target engine speed for the work vehicle. 1. A method for reducing the fuel consumption of a work vehicle , the method comprising:determining, with a controller, a load power requirement for the work vehicle;determining a plurality of candidate engine speeds at which the load power requirement is achievable;analyzing stored efficiency data for a transmission and at least one additional component of the work vehicle to determine a power loss value for each candidate engine speed;determining a candidate engine power for each candidate engine speed based on the load power requirement and the power loss values; andanalyzing stored fuel efficiency data based on the candidate engine powers to determine a target engine speed for the work vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining a current engine power for the work vehicle;determining a current power loss value for the work vehicle based on the stored efficiency data; anddetermining a current load power requirement for the work vehicle based on the current engine power and the current power loss value.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining claim 1 , with a controller claim 1 , a load power requirement for the work vehicle comprises forecasting the load power requirement based at least in part on the ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170299033A1

A powertrain system in a machine includes a transmission, and a transmission drive mechanism coupled between the transmission and an engine. The transmission drive mechanism includes a split path architecture where a first input gear receives a torque input from a driveshaft and a second input gear receives a torque input from a variator. The transmission drive mechanism is thereby structured to operate the transmission at a range of speeds that is not dependent upon a speed of the engine, enabling the engine to operate at an engine speed set point or with an optimum engine speed range. 1. A powertrain system for a machine comprising:a transmission including a transmission input shaft, a transmission output shaft, and a plurality of transmission gears coupled between the transmission input shaft and the transmission output shaft; anda transmission drive mechanism coupled with the transmission and including an incoming driveshaft, a variator, and a planetary gear train having a first rotatable input element, a second rotatable input element, and a rotatable output element structured to drive the transmission input shaft;the first rotatable input element being structured to receive a first torque input from the incoming driveshaft, the second rotatable input element being structured to receive a second torque input from the variator, and the rotatable output element being coupled with each of the first and the second rotatable input elements, such that the planetary gear train combines the first and the second torque inputs in the driving of the transmission input shaft.2. The system of wherein the variator includes a variator input gear coupled with the incoming driveshaft so as to operate the variator by way of rotating the incoming driveshaft.3. The system of wherein the variator includes a hydraulic pump coupled with the variator input gear claim 2 , and a hydraulic motor coupled with the hydraulic pump.4. The system of wherein the hydraulic pump has a variable ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170299034A1
Автор: Rostamlou Alireza

A geared continuously variable transmission (GCVT) is provided. The GCVT includes a first set of solar gears having a first solar gear and first plurality of connection components. Power enters the GCVT through the first set of solar gears. The GCVT includes a second set of solar gears having a second solar gear and second plurality of connection components. Power exits the GCVT through the second set of solar gears. Power is transmitted from the first set of solar gears to the second set of solar gears via the first plurality of connection components and the second plurality of connection components. The GCVT includes a hydraulic pump and a hydraulic motor connecting first component from the first plurality of connection components to second component from the second plurality of connection components and providing constant rotation ratio between the first component and the second component. 1. A transmission , comprising:a first shaft, extending along a first shaft longitudinal axis, the first shaft being supported by a first bearing and rotatable about the first shaft longitudinal axis;a first sun gear, fixed to and rotatable with the first shaft;a first ring gear, aligned with and rotatable about the first shaft, and including inner teeth that surround and are spaced radially from the first sun gear;a first planetary carrier, aligned with and rotatable about the first shaft;a first pinion gear, supported by the first planetary carrier and positioned between, and concurrently engaged with, the first sun gear and the inner teeth of the first ring gear;a second shaft, extending along a second shaft longitudinal axis, and supported by a second bearing and rotatable about the second shaft longitudinal axis;a second sun gear, fixed to and rotatable with the second shaft;a second ring gear, aligned with and rotatable about the second shaft, the second ring gear including inner teeth that surround and are spaced radially from the second sun gear;a second planetary ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации

A Method for Estimating Torque Downstream of a Vehicle Transmission

Номер: US20150314788A1

A method for estimating torque transmitted to a structure located downstream of a transmission system of a vehicle is disclosed. The vehicle comprises an engine for generating torque, a transmission system configured to transmit a fraction of the torque generated by the engine to a plurality of wheels of the vehicle, and a further fraction of the torque generated by the engine to the structure. The transmission system includes a shaft arrangement interposed between the engine and the structure, a planetary gearing supported by the shaft arrangement, and a transmission unit arranged in parallel to the shaft arrangement. The torque transmitted to the structure is estimated on the basis of a group of parameters which comprise torque upstream of the transmission system, twist of the shaft arrangement, and a parameter which is indicative of the ratio between an output rotational speed at an output of the transmission unit and an input rotational speed at an input of the transmission unit. 2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the transmission unit comprises a hydrostatic unit claim 1 , the hydrostatic unit including at least a hydraulic variable displacement pump.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the torque transmitted to said structure is estimated in certain working conditions represented by a working point claim 2 , the method comprising a step of calculating a displaced position of the working point relative to a reference element claim 2 , the reference element joining a plurality of points having a constant value of the torque transmitted to said structure claim 2 , said constant value being for example equal to zero.4. A method according to claim 3 , wherein the reference element is a reference surface in a three-dimensional space defined by the following axes: an axis of torque upstream of the transmission system; an axis of twist of the shaft arrangement; and an axis of said parameter.5. A method according to claim 3 , wherein the displaced ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации

Transmission Apparatus

Номер: US20160312872A1

A transmission apparatus D that can avoid size-up of a starter through reduction of load torque required at the time of start-up of an engine, includes a traveling transmission device D configured to transmit power outputted from an engine via a forward/reverse switching mechanism acting also as a main clutch mechanism, a hydrostatic stepless speed changer mechanism acting as a main speed changer mechanism, a planetary gear mechanism and an auxiliary speed changer mechanism to traveling components such as front wheels , rear wheels , etc., and an implement transmission device D configured to transmit the power outputted from the engine via an implement clutch , an implement speed changer mechanism , and a PTO shaft to an implement. 1. A transmission apparatus provided in a tractor and configured to transmit power outputted from an engine to a traveling device and an implement , the transmission apparatus comprising:a forward/reverse switching mechanism;a hydrostatic stepless speed changer mechanism;a planetary gear mechanism;a rear wheel driving section; andan implement clutch; a forward/reverse switching mechanism input section configured to input power outputted from an engine output section included in the engine, and', 'a forward/reverse switching mechanism output section configured to switch over the power inputted to the forward/reverse switching mechanism input section to forward rotation or reverse rotation and to output the resultant power;, 'wherein the forward/reverse switching mechanism includes a stepless speed changer mechanism input section configured to input the power outputted from the forward/reverse switching mechanism output section, and', 'a stepless speed changer mechanism output section configured to steplessly speed-change the power inputted to the stepless speed changer mechanism input section and to output the resultant power;, 'wherein the stepless speed changer mechanism includes a planetary gear mechanism first input section configured ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Hydrostatic Transmission Assembly and System

Номер: US20170314674A1
Автор: Afshari Thomas

A hydrostatic transmission system includes a hydraulic motor and at least one proportional control valve and at least one pump connected to the hydraulic motor to provide fluid to operate the hydraulic motor. The at least one pump includes at least one fluid driver having a prime mover and a fluid displacement assembly to be driven by the prime mover such that fluid is transferred from the pump inlet to the pump outlet. The hydrostatic transmission system also includes a controller that establishes at least one of a speed and a torque of the at least one prime mover and concurrently establishes an opening of the at least one proportional control valve to adjust at least one of a flow and a pressure in the hydrostatic transmission system to an operational set point. 1. A hydraulic system comprising:a hydraulic motor having first and second ports; a hydraulic pump having a casing defining an interior volume, the casing having an inlet port in fluid communication with the interior volume, and an outlet port in fluid communication with the interior volume, the hydraulic pump having at least one fluid driver disposed inside the interior volume, each fluid driver having at least one of a variable-speed and a variable torque motor, and', 'a control valve assembly comprising a control valve in fluid communication with the hydraulic motor; and, 'a hydraulic pump assembly conjoined with the hydraulic motor, the hydraulic pump assembly to provide hydraulic fluid to operate the hydraulic motor, the hydraulic pump assembly including,'}a controller that establishes at least one of a speed and a torque of the hydraulic pump so as to maintain at least one of a flow in the hydraulic system at a flow set point and a pressure in the hydraulic system at a pressure set point and concurrently establishes an opening of the control valve so as to maintain at least one of the flow in the hydraulic system at the flow set point and the pressure in the hydraulic system at the pressure set ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160326720A1

Provided is a wheel loader having an HST type driving system. In order to make it possible to improve working efficiency in an eco mode when a power mode and the eco mode have been set in the wheel loader, the wheel loader is provided with a controller which has an eco mode characteristic line a power mode characteristic line and a lifting operation characteristic line having a matching point C located between a matching point A between a working device operating engine torque characteristic line and the eco mode characteristic line and a matching point B between the working device operating engine torque characteristic line and the power mode characteristic line The controller includes a control portion which controls an HST pump in accordance with the lifting operation characteristic line when lifting operation of a lift arm is detected in the condition that the eco mode has been selected by a work mode selecting portion 1. A wheel loader comprising:{'b': '11', 'a vehicle body frame ();'}{'b': 9', '10, 'wheels (, );'}{'b': 3', '10', '4, 'a working device () which is attached to the vehicle body frame () and which has a lift arm () capable of being rotated in an up/down direction;'}{'b': 17', '10, 'an engine () which is attached to the vehicle body frame ();'}{'b': 11', '17', '14', '9', '10', '15', '11, 'an HST traveling device in which a variable displacement type HST pump () driven by the engine () and an HST motor () driving the wheels (, ) are connected to each other in a closed circuit, and which has an HST pump control portion () controlling input torque of the HST pump (); and'}{'b': 13', '17', '3, 'a working machine pump () which is driven by the engine () to discharge pressure oil for operating the working device (); whereinthe wheel loader further comprises:{'b': '22', 'a work mode selecting device () which selects one from a power mode and an eco mode, the power mode serving as a work mode when the workload is a heavy load, the eco mode serving as a work ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150336609A1

A vehicle and drive system control method for a vehicle including first and second traction elements coupled to the vehicle, a variable displacement pump, a bi-directional variable displacement first motor coupled to the first traction element, and a bi-directional second motor coupled to the second traction element. The pump, and first and second motors are coupled fluidly in series with one another. A control unit can determine a desired speed for the traction elements, and determine pump, first and/or second motor displacements based on the desired speed. First and second speed sensors can sense output speeds of the motors, and the pump, first and/or second motor displacements can be determined based on the motor output speeds. Articulation and steering sensor signals can also be used to determine pump, first and/or second motor displacements. 1. A vehicle , comprising:a first traction element coupled to the vehicle;a second traction element coupled to the vehicle;a variable displacement pump;a bi-directional variable displacement first motor coupled to the first traction element; anda bi-directional second motor coupled to the second traction element;wherein the pump and the first and second motors are coupled fluidly in series with one another.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the second motor is a fixed displacement motor.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the second motor is a variable displacement motor.4. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the pump is a bi-directional pump.5. The vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a control unit configured to:receive one or more input signals;determine a desired speed for the first and second traction elements based on the one or more input signals;determine a pump displacement for the pump based on the desired speed;determine a first motor displacement for the first motor based on the desired speed; andoutput a pump control signal commanding the pump to the determined pump displacement, and a first motor control ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации

Forestry Machine Speed Controls

Номер: US20150337954A1
Автор: Storey Joseph Robert
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Forest Products Inc.

A method for controlling a speed of a machine is disclosed. The machine may have a controller in communication with an operator interface and a hydraulic system configured to control tracks of the machine. The method may include the controller setting a current value for a speed limit on the machine according to a first predetermined value; the controller providing a display on the operator interface indicating the current value of the speed limit, the current value being the first predetermined value; the controller receiving input from the operator interface to change the speed limit to a second value; the controller setting the current value for the speed limit on the machine according to the second value; and the controller changing the display to indicate the current value of the speed limit being the second value. 1. A method for controlling a speed of a machine , the machine having a controller in communication with an operator interface and a hydraulic system configured to control tracks of the machine , the method comprising:the controller setting a current value for a speed limit on the machine according to a first predetermined value;the controller providing a display on the operator interface indicating the current value of the speed limit, the current value being the first predetermined value;the controller receiving input from the operator interface to change the speed limit to a second value;the controller setting the current value for the speed limit on the machine according to the second value; andthe controller changing the display to indicate the current value of the speed limit being the second value.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the controller sending a signal to the hydraulic system to limit a speed of the tracks according to the current value of the speed limit.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the controller receiving input from the operator interface to limit a maximum speed of the machine before the step of the ...

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200318735A1
Автор: Beyer Michael
Принадлежит: Perkins Engines Company Limited

A method is provided for estimating input torque and output torque in a continuously variable transmission having a variator. The method comprising the steps of determining () a transmission input and/or output speed, calculating () the speed of each of a plurality of transmission components by reflecting the transmission input and/or output speed through the transmission to each of the plurality of transmission components, and calculating () the speed rate of change of each of the plurality of transmission components. The inertia torque of each of the plurality of transmission components is calculated () based upon its respective speed rate of change and a predetermined component inertia value (). The method further comprises the steps of determining () a motor torque of the variator, and calculating () a transmission input torque and transmission output torque by reflecting the motor torque of the variator through the transmission to the transmission input and output. The calculated transmission input and output torque values are adjusted () to account for the calculated inertia torque values of those of the plurality of transmission components which lie between the variator and the transmission input, and the variator and the transmission output, respectively. 1. A method of estimating input torque and output torque in a continuously variable transmission having a variator , the method comprising the steps of:determining a transmission input and/or output speed;calculating the speed of each of a plurality of transmission components by reflecting the transmission input and/or output speed through the transmission to each of the plurality of transmission components;calculating the speed rate of change of each of the plurality of transmission components;calculating the inertia torque of each of the plurality of transmission components based upon its respective speed rate of change and a predetermined component inertia value;determining a motor torque of the variator ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации

Travelling control device for construction machine and control method thereof

Номер: US20160340868A1
Автор: Dong-Soo Kim, Sang-Ki Bae

Disclosed are a travelling control device for a construction machine for travelling a long distance by adjusting only one of left and right travelling pedals and a control method thereof. The present invention provides a travelling control device for a construction machine, the travelling control device comprising: a hydraulic pump; left and right travelling motors which are connected to the hydraulic pump; left and right travelling operation devices which output an operation signal during an operation; a travelling operation signal detection means which detects an operation signal by an operation of the left and right travelling operation devices; a travelling mode configuration means which selects a straight travelling mode or a general travelling mode; and a controller which, when the straight travelling mode has been selected, identically controls driving speeds of the left and right travelling motors in accordance with an operation signal of one travelling operation device among the left and right traveling operation devices in the case of operating the one travelling operation device, and applies a control signal to make a difference of the driving speeds occur in driving units of the left and right travelling motors in order to change a travelling direction by a driving speed difference of the left and right travelling motors in a case of operating the other travelling operation device among the left and right travelling operation devices.

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190323595A1

There is provided a gear device including a motor having a motor shaft, a gear mechanism, a coupling that couples the motor shaft and an input shaft of the gear mechanism with each other, a first space accommodating the gear mechanism and holding a lubricant, a communication passage allowing the first space and a second space for accommodating the coupling to communicate with each other, and a blocking member disposed between the gear mechanism and the communication passage. 1. A gear device comprising:a motor having a motor shaft;a gear mechanism;a coupling that couples the motor shaft and an input shaft of the gear mechanism with each other;a first space accommodating the gear mechanism and holding a lubricant;a communication passage allowing the first space and a second space for accommodating the coupling to communicate with each other; anda blocking member disposed between the gear mechanism and the communication passage.2. The gear device according to claim 1 ,wherein when viewed in a vertical direction, at least a portion of the blocking member overlaps a gear closest to the blocking member out of gears of the gear mechanism.3. The gear device according to claim 2 ,wherein when viewed in the vertical direction, the blocking member overlaps an entity of the gear closest to the blocking member.4. The gear device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a casing that defines the first space; anda reinforcing member that connects the casing and the blocking member to each other.5. The gear device according to claim 4 ,wherein the reinforcing member has a greasing hole through which the lubricant is supplied to the first space, andwherein a lid member is mounted on the greasing hole.6. The gear device according to claim 1 ,wherein the gear mechanism has a low speed shaft and a high speed shaft located on an upper side of the low speed shaft and rotated at higher speed than the low speed shaft, andwherein a liquid level of the lubricant is positioned on a lower ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200325969A9
Автор: GLASSNER Rudolf

A continuously variable power split transmission for a combustion engine (VM), powering vehicles includes a variator (V) and a summing gear train (SG), the variator transmits a fraction of the power with a continuously variable speed to the summing gear train (SG) which includes four shafts, a first sun gear (S), a second sun gear (S), a ring gear (H) and a number of planetary gears (P P) journaled on a planet carrier (St), wherein: The couplings (C C C C B B) are incorporated in one common entry unit (E). The summing gear has first (P) and the second planetary gears (P) on a common planet carrier (St), meshing with each other; the first sun gear (S) or the first ring gear (H) are driven in turn to create ranges; and the planet carrier (St) of the summing gear train (SG) is drivingly connected with the output shaft (StW) of the transmission. 1121121. Continuously variable power split transmission for powering vehicles and/or work machines by a combustion engine (VM) , including a variator (V) , a summing gear train and a number of couplings , the variator delivering a fraction of the power of the combustion engine with a speed that is continuously variably controlled between maximum speeds in both directions to the summing gear train , where it is added to the other fraction of the power , and where the transition between a plurality of ranges occurs in points of synchronism , the summing gear train being a planetary gear train with four shafts including a first sun gear (S) , a second sun gear (S) , a first ring gear (H) and a number of planetary gears (P , P) journaled on a planet carrier (St) , wherein:{'b': 0', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '1, 'a. the couplings (C, C; C, C, B, B) are incorporated in one common entry unit (E), which is arranged in the flux of power between the combustion engine (VM) and the summing gear train (SG),'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '1', '1', '2, 'b. the summing gear train (SG) includes first planetary gears (P) and second planetary gears (P) ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160348437A1

A drilling machine includes a drilling tool, a rotary, a main engine that actuates a high-pressure pump, a hydraulic motor, with variable cylinder capacity, actuated by the high-pressure pump and connected to the rotary, at least one pressure sensor disposed in a discharge pipe wherein the fluid flows from the high-pressure pump to the hydraulic motor, and an adjustment valve disposed in a discharge pipe wherein the fluid flows from a low-pressure circuit to the hydraulic motor in order to adjust the cylinder capacity of the hydraulic motor according to the pressure measured by the pressure sensor when the tool is unloaded. 1. A drilling machine comprising:a drilling tool used to drill holes into the ground,a rotary connected to said tool to drive the tool into rotation,a main motor actuating at least one high-pressure pump to make a fluid circulate in a high-pressure hydraulic system, andat least one hydraulic motor with variable cylinder capacity actuated by said high-pressure pump and connected to said rotary in order to make the tool rotate,characterized in that drilling machine also comprises:at least one pressure sensor disposed in a discharge pipe wherein the fluid flows from the high-pressure pump to the hydraulic motor, in order to detect the input pressure of the hydraulic motor, andan adjustment valve disposed in a discharge pipe wherein the fluid flows from a low-pressure circuit to the hydraulic motor in order to adjust the cylinder capacity of the hydraulic motor only when the tool is unloaded,wherein said hydraulic motor has a high cylinder capacity at the beginning of the unloading operation of the tool and said pressure sensor is operatively connected to said adjustment valve in order to adjust the cylinder capacity of the hydraulic motor (M) according to the pressure measured by the pressure sensor when the tool is unloaded.2. The drilling machine of claim 1 , wherein said high cylinder capacity of the hydraulic motor at the beginning of the ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170350489A1

A power split transmission which has a first part () and a second part () The first part () includes a variator (), a summing gearset () and a shiftable transmission gear assembly (). A standard transmission can be used as the multispeed transmission (). 111-. (canceled)12. A power split transmission comprising:{'b': '2', 'a first part (), and'}{'b': '22', 'a second part (),'}{'b': 2', '10', '9', '11, 'the first part () comprising a continuous rotational speed variator () having a first unit () and a second unit (), and'}{'b': '6', 'a summing gearset () in a form of a planetary transmission, and'}{'b': 22', '23', '2', '1', '9', '5', '6', '11', '19', '6, 'the second part () comprising a multispeed transmission () by which a plurality of gear ratios are engagable such that in the first part () an input shaft (), that is connectable to a drive motor, being functionally connectable on one side to the first unit () and, on the other side, to a first shaft () of the summing gearset (), and the second unit () being functionally connectable with a second shaft () of the summing gearset (), and'}{'b': 23', '21', '20', '6', '20', '6, 'the multispeed transmission () having an input shaft () which is either functionally connected to a third shaft () of the summing gearset () or is made integrally with the third shaft () of the summing gearset (), and'}{'b': 18', '11', '19', '6', '1', '2', '5', '6, 'a shiftable transmission gear assembly (), in which a first gear ratio and a second gear ratio are engagable, being arranged in functional connection either between the second unit () and the second shaft () of the summing gearset () or between the input shaft () of the first part () and the first shaft () of the summing gearset ().'}1310. The power split transmission according to claim 12 , wherein the variator () is in a form of either a hydraulic variator or an electrical variator.1412102123122123. The power split transmission according to claim 12 , wherein the first gear ratio ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200340209A1
Автор: LEGNER Jürgen

A traction force limiting device for a working machine with a continuously variable transmission that comprises a variator for adjusting the rotational speed ratio of the transmission independently of the torque ratio of the transmission. The traction force limiting device has a traction force interface for providing information to determine a traction force of the working machine, a limit value interface for setting a traction force limit value of the working machine and a control interface for emitting a control signal to the variator. Additionally, the traction force limiting device has a computer unit designed, on a basis of information provided via the traction force interface, to determine the traction force, to compare the traction force determined with the traction force limit value set via the limit value interface, and to control the variator in such manner that the traction force does not exceed the traction force limit value. 112-. (canceled)132211818191818. A traction force limiting device () for a working machine () having a continuously variable transmission () , wherein the transmission () comprises a controllable variator () in order to adjust a torque ratio of the transmission () independently of a rotational speed ratio of the transmission () , and the traction force limiting device comprising:{'b': 24', '1, 'a traction force interface () for providing information to determine a traction force (F) of the working machine ();'}{'b': 25', '1, 'sub': 'max', 'a limit value interface () for setting a traction force limit value (F) of the working machine ();'}{'b': 27', '19', '18', '1, 'a control interface () for emitting a control signal to the variator () of the transmission () of the working machine ();'}{'b': 23', '1', '24', '1', '25', '19', '18', '27', '1, 'sub': max', 'max, 'a computer unit () designed to determine the traction force (F) of the working machine () on a basis of the information provided by the traction force interface (), to compare ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации

Operating Method for a Hydraulic System of an Automatic Transmission

Номер: US20180355968A1

A method for operating a hydraulic system for an automatic transmission includes determining a defined primary pressure value (p_PE) to be adjusted based on a measurement of an input current (I_22) of an electric motor and also includes adjusting a secondary flow rate (Q_SZ) to be adjusted based on calculation and adjustment of a target speed (n_Z) of the electric motor. 110-. (canceled)11221321223333. A method for operating a hydraulic system of an automatic transmission , the hydraulic system including a primary circuit (P) , a secondary circuit (S) , at least one gear pump ( , ) and one valve unit () , the gear pump () operable by an electric motor () , the valve unit () arranged between the primary circuit (P) and the secondary circuit (S) , the valve unit () controllable such that the primary circuit (P) and the secondary circuit (S) are connectable and disconnectable by the valve unit () , a hydraulic resistance between the primary and secondary circuits (P , S) is changeable by the valve unit () when the primary circuit (P) and the secondary circuit (S) are connected , the method comprising:{'b': '22', 'measuring an input current (I_) of the electric motor;'}{'b': 22', '22, 'determining a defined primary pressure value (p_PE) for the primary circuit (P) based on the measured input current (I_) of the electric motor ();'}adjusting a primary pressure (p_P) of the primary circuit (P) to the defined primary pressure value (p_PE);{'b': '22', 'calculating a target speed (n_Z) of the electric motor (); and'}{'b': '22', 'adjusting a secondary flow rate (Q_S) of the secondary circuit (S) to a target secondary flow rate (Q_SZ) by changing a speed (n) of the electric motor () to the calculated target speed (n_Z).'}12. The method of claim 11 , further comprising:{'b': 3', '22, 'disconnecting the primary circuit (P) and the secondary circuit (S) with the valve unit () when the target speed (n_Z) of the electric motor () is calculated;'}{'b': 22', '22', '22', '22, 'after ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180372217A1

A pump, including: a cylinder block including two through-bores and two pistons disposed in the through-bores; a drive shaft to rotate the cylinder block; a swash plate to displace the pistons within the through-bores to draw fluid through an inlet port into the through-bores; and expel the fluid from the through-bores into the outlet port; a torque sensor arranged to measure torque on the drive shaft and transmit a torque signal, including the measured torque, to a processor; and an actuator to receive, from the processor, a control signal generated using the torque signal and pivot the swash plate about a first axis, transverse to the axis of rotation, or maintain a circumferential position of the swash plate about the first axis; or pivot the cylinder block about a second axis, transverse to the axis of rotation, or maintain a circumferential position of the cylinder block about the second axis. 1. A variable displacement hydraulic pump , comprising:an inlet port;an outlet port; first and second through-bores; and,', 'first and second pistons at least partly disposed in the first and second through-bores, respectively;, 'a cylinder block includinga drive shaft arranged to rotate the cylinder block;an axis of rotation for the drive shaft; draw fluid through the inlet port into the first and second through-bores; and', 'expel the fluid from the first and second through-bores into the outlet port;, 'a swash plate engaged with the first and second pistons and arranged to displace the first and second pistons within the first and second through-bores, respectively, to measure torque on the drive shaft; and,', 'transmit a torque signal, including the measured torque, to a processor; and,, 'a torque sensor arranged to pivot the swash plate about a first axis, transverse to the axis of rotation for the drive shaft, or maintain a circumferential position of the swash plate about the first axis; or,', 'pivot the cylinder block about a second axis, transverse to the axis of ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180372218A1

A method for controlling a gear ratio of a continuously variable transmission vehicle includes: a step of detecting a position of a shift lever by a controller; a step of checking, by the controller, a gear ratio variation based on a difference between a desired stage gear ratio and a current gear ratio in a continuously variable transmission when the shift lever is detected to be positioned in a manual range; a step of calculating, by the controller, a gear ratio correction value based on a rate of change of engine RPM when the gear ratio variation is checked as being other than zero after the step of checking the gear ratio variation; and a step of correcting, by the controller, the gear ratio variation in response to the calculated gear ratio correction value after the calculation step. 1. A method for controlling a gear ratio of a continuously variable transmission vehicle , the method comprising:detecting a position of a shift lever by a controller;checking, by the controller, a gear ratio variation based on a difference between a desired stage gear ratio and a current gear ratio in a continuously variable transmission when the shift lever is detected to be positioned in a manual range;calculating, by the controller, a gear ratio correction value based on a rate of change of engine revolutions per minute (RPM) when the gear ratio variation is checked as being other than zero (“0”), after the checking the gear ratio variation; andcorrecting, by the controller, the gear ratio variation in response to the calculated gear ratio correction value, after the calculating the gear ratio correction value.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the calculating the gear ratio correction value claim 1 , the controller calculates the gear ratio correction value in proportion to the rate of change of engine RPM.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the correcting the gear ratio variation claim 1 , when the checked gear ratio variation is ...

14-03-1996 дата публикации

traction drive

Номер: DE4431864A1
Автор: Juergen Legner

The vehicle drive system for mobile hydraulics has a hydrostatic power transmission and a multispeed gearbox. When the gears are shifted, the speed of the hydrostatic variable displacement motor is controlled in such a way that synchronous engine speeds are set on the engaging elements. Thus, in upshifting, a directional valve is shifted into the neutral position and afterward shifted back into the basic position. For downshifting there is a synchronizing valve that replaces a control pressure, which is dependent on the speed of a primary drive motor, with a constant maximum charge pressure. As a result the engine speed of the hydrostatic variable displacement motor reaches in the shortest time possible the engine speed that matches the ratio range in the gearbox. Following synchronization the gear shift system runs without detectable engagement jerks.

26-09-1996 дата публикации

Hydromechanical drive for contractors plant e.g. excavators and loaders

Номер: DE19510914A1
Принадлежит: Linde GmbH

The two hydraulic motors (1,2) are arranged coaxially to one side of the gearing (4) so that the hollow output shaft (12) of the one motor (1) contains the motor (2) output shaft (11), using planet gearing powered off two sun-wheels in parallel (8,9) on the input side. The sun-wheels engage stepped planet wheels (10) carried on the crosspiece (5), using the two sun-wheels to drive the respective motor output shafts. The motors are arranged in tandem, the motor lying nearer the gearing to be an axial piston motor in swashplate design complete with hollow drive shaft. The control base mountings (3) of the two motors are integrated with one another for preference and the motor nearest the gearing is adjustable and is served by a clutch (13) between output shaft and the sun-wheel (9) it drives. The hollow output shaft is fitted with a brake (14).

10-05-2007 дата публикации

A turbine driven electric power production system and a method for control thereof

Номер: WO2007053036A1
Принадлежит: Chapdrive As

A turbine (2) driven electric power production system (1), - said turbine (2) arranged for being driven by a fluid (3) having a fluid speed (v) varying in time, - said turbine (2) connected to a hydrostatic displacement pump (6) further connected to a hydrostatic displacement motor (8) as part of a closed loop hydrostatic transmission system (7), - said motor (8) arranged for driving an electrical generator (9) supplying AC power (10) at a frequency (fg) near a given desired frequency (fdes), characterized by a closed loop system arranged for controlling a volumetric displacement (13) of the hydrostatic motor (8), comprising - a fluid speed meter (11m) arranged for producing a speed signal (11s) representing a speed (v) of said fluid (3), and - a rotational speed meter (12m) arranged for providing a rotational speed signal (12s) representing a rotational speed measurement (ω) of said turbine (2), - a motor displacement control system (15) for continuously receiving said speed signal (11s) and said rotational speed signal (12s) and arranged for calculating a control signal (16), - a volumetric displacement control actuator (17) on said hydrostatic motor, arranged for receiving said control signal (16) for continuously adjusting a volumetric displacement (d) of said hydrostatic motor (8) for maintaining a set turbine tip speed ratio (tsrset) and thereby providing an improved power efficiency of the power production system (1) during fluctuations in said fluid speed (v).

04-11-1998 дата публикации

Device for adjustment of the delivery rate of a hydraulic pump

Номер: EP0736708B1
Автор: Josef Sommer
Принадлежит: Brueninghaus Hydromatik GmbH

23-06-2009 дата публикации

Hydrostatic auto/manual speed control

Номер: US7549287B2
Принадлежит: CNH Amercia LLC

A hydrostatic system and method of operation thereof, wherein at least one of a fluid motor and a pump of the system has a displacement which is variable for controlling a speed of operation of the motor, the pump being driven by an engine, and a controller configured for monitoring the speed of operation of the motor and an operating characteristic of the engine and automatically controlling the displacement responsive thereto, wherein if the operating characteristic is indicative of engine performance above a predetermined threshold, the controller will control the displacement for maintaining the speed of operation of the motor at about a predetermined value, and, if the operating characteristic is indicative of engine performance below the threshold, the controller will hold the displacement at a constant value. As a result, the controller can prevent the system from further decreasing the engine performance. And, if the engine performance increases to that or another threshold, the controller will automatically switch back to controlling the displacement for holding the motor speed at the predetermined value, optionally including to incrementally increase the speed to the predetermined value.

24-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220373072A1
Принадлежит: Jiangsu University

A power split and power convergence combined hydro-mechanical hybrid transmission device includes an input member, a power split mechanism, a mechanical transmission mechanism, a power convergence mechanism, an output member, a hydraulic transmission mechanism, a clutch assembly, and a brake assembly. The input member is connected to the power split mechanism, the power convergence mechanism is connected to the output member, and the clutch assembly connects an output end of the power split mechanism to an input end of the mechanical transmission mechanism and an input end of the hydraulic transmission mechanism and connects an input end of the power convergence mechanism to an output end of the mechanical transmission mechanism and an output end of the hydraulic transmission mechanism. The clutch assembly and the brake assembly provide a continuous transmission ratio between the input member and the output member. 1. A power split and power convergence combined hydro-mechanical hybrid transmission device , comprising an input member , a power split mechanism , a mechanical transmission mechanism , a power convergence mechanism , an output member , a hydraulic transmission mechanism , a clutch assembly , and a brake assembly , wherein the input member is connected to the power split mechanism , the power convergence mechanism is connected to the output member , and the clutch assembly connects an output end of the power split mechanism to an input end of the mechanical transmission mechanism and an input end of the hydraulic transmission mechanism and connects an input end of the power convergence mechanism to an output end of the mechanical transmission mechanism and an output end of the hydraulic transmission mechanism; the clutch assembly and the brake assembly provide a continuous transmission ratio between the input member and the output member;wherein transmission modes comprising hydraulic transmission, power-split hydro-mechanical transmission, power- ...

27-03-2010 дата публикации

Stepless transmission

Номер: RU2385434C1

FIELD: transport engineering. SUBSTANCE: stepless transmission consists of driving (1) and output (2) shafts and of case (3) wherein following is arranged: planetary gear (4), mechanism of gear ratio regulation, of rotation rate limiting, of parking braking and of rotation direction switch of output shaft of transmission turning on adjustable reverse hydro-pump (12) coupled with regulated hydraulic motor (19). Planetary gear (4) contains sun (5) and crown (6) gears kinematically tied by means of pairs (7) of coaxially connected satellites (8) and (9) of different diametres. Each pair (7) with its one satellite (8) engages crown gear (6), while with another satellite (9) it engages sun gear (5) and is secured so, as to provide rotation with common axle (10) in carrier (11). Also planetary gear (4) is coupled with its driving link of sun gear (5) to driving shaft (1), with carrier (11) it is joined to output shaft (2) and with its crown gear (6) it is fastened to block (13) of hydraulic pump (12). EFFECT: simplified steering, fabrication, and repair, also reduced weight, dimensions and cost of transmission. 11 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 385 434 (13) C1 (51) МПК F16H 47/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008130823/11, 25.07.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.07.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 27.03.2010 Бюл. № 9 (72) Автор(ы): Блинов Андрей Валерьевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Блинов Андрей Валерьевич (RU) R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2286263 С1, 27.10.2006. RU 2008104401 А, 15.08.2006. WO 9616283 А1, 30.05.1996. кинематически связанные друг с другом через пары (7) соосно соединенных сателлитов (8) и (9) разного диаметра. Каждая пара (7) одним сателлитом (8) входит в зацепление с коронной шестерней (6), а вторым сателлитом (9) входит в зацепление с солнечной шестерней (5) и закреплена ...

03-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN111946793B
Принадлежит: Jiangsu University

