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20-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000024717U1

Воздухоотводчик, состоящий из корпуса с направляющим отверстием, поплавка, отличающийся тем, что, с целью упрощения конструкции и повышения работоспособности в присутствии различных солей, поплавок выполнен с хвостовиком и регулируемой шайбой, с другой стороны для фиксации поплавка установлен эксцентрический ограничитель. (19) RU (11) 24 717 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16K 24/00 (2000.01) F16T 1/45 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002104836/20 , 28.02.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.02.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 20.08.2002 (72) Автор(ы): Татевосян С.В. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Татевосян Сережа Ваникович R U Адрес для переписки: 141070, Московская обл., г. Королев, ул.Дзержинского, 34, кв.21, С.В.Татевосяну (71) Заявитель(и): Татевосян Сережа Ваникович (54) ВОЗДУХООТВОДЧИК 2 4 7 1 7 (57) Формула полезной модели Воздухоотводчик, состоящий из корпуса с направляющим отверстием, поплавка, отличающийся тем, что, с целью упрощения конструкции и повышения работоспособности в присутствии различных солей, поплавок выполнен с хвостовиком и регулируемой шайбой, с другой стороны для фиксации поплавка установлен эксцентрический ограничитель. R U 2 4 7 1 7 U 1 U 1 Ñòðàíèöà: 1 RU 24 717 U1 RU 24 717 U1 RU 24 717 U1

10-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000036477U1

Донный клапан, содержащий связанные общим корпусом и расположенные соосно по вертикали один над другим в цилиндрических корпусах поршень клапана и поршень привода открывания клапана, размещенный между ними толкатель, причем поршень клапана подпружинен сверху нажимной пружиной, закрепленной в установленном над ним корпусе, между общим корпусом и поршнем клапана имеется герметичное уплотнение, корпус привода имеет в верхней части отверстие, сообщающееся с патрубком подачи топлива, а в нижней части - штуцер для подачи сжатого воздуха от привода открывания клапана, отличающийся тем, что толкатель жестко соединен с поршнем привода открывания клапана и через сферический шарнир - с поршнем клапана, диаметр поршня привода равен или больше диаметра поршня клапана, при этом в верхней части корпуса привода выполнено несколько отверстий для выравнивания давления в его полости с давлением в патрубке подачи топлива. (19) RU (11) 36 477 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16K 24/02 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003128758/20 , 30.09.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.09.2003 (46) Опубликовано: 10.03.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество Завод "Строммашина" R U Адрес для переписки: 454014, г.Челябинск, а/я 2862, пат.пов. Т.А. Крымской, рег.№ 631 (72) Автор(ы): Кандеров Ю.Д., Розенфельд В.А. 3 6 4 7 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Донный клапан, содержащий связанные общим корпусом и расположенные соосно по вертикали один над другим в цилиндрических корпусах поршень клапана и поршень привода открывания клапана, размещенный между ними толкатель, причем поршень клапана подпружинен сверху нажимной пружиной, закрепленной в установленном над ним корпусе, между общим корпусом и поршнем клапана имеется герметичное уплотнение, корпус привода имеет в верхней части отверстие, сообщающееся с патрубком подачи топлива, а в нижней части - штуцер для подачи ...

10-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000049162U1

Устройство для выпуска газа из трубопровода, содержащее поплавки, клапан и выходной патрубок, отличающееся тем, что устройство снабжено основным и вспомогательным поплавками и седлом, выполненным с отверстиями для выпуска газа с помощью вакуумного насоса и центральным отверстием для перемещения телескопического штока, на последнем зафиксирован основной поплавок со смещенным отверстием относительно его центральной оси и на штоке с зазором установлен вспомогательный поплавок, при этом оба поплавка снабжены контактами, один из которых установлен на верхнем торце основного поплавка, а другой жестко связан с вспомогательным поплавком и свободно перемещается в отверстии основного поплавка, причем оба контакта соединены с датчиком привода управления клапаном. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 49 162 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16K 24/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005103703/22 , 11.02.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.02.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2005 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное унитарное предприятие "Институт проблем транспорта энергоресурсов" (ГУП "ИПТЭР") (RU) U 1 4 9 1 6 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для выпуска газа из трубопровода, содержащее поплавки, клапан и выходной патрубок, отличающееся тем, что устройство снабжено основным и вспомогательным поплавками и седлом, выполненным с отверстиями для выпуска газа с помощью вакуумного насоса и центральным отверстием для перемещения телескопического штока, на последнем зафиксирован основной поплавок со смещенным отверстием относительно его центральной оси и на штоке с зазором установлен вспомогательный поплавок, при этом оба поплавка снабжены контактами, один из которых установлен на верхнем торце основного поплавка, а другой жестко связан с вспомогательным поплавком и свободно перемещается в отверстии основного поплавка, причем оба контакта ...

20-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000077210U1

1. Топливный бак, преимущественно автомобиля, содержащий, в частности, корпус, стенкой которого образована внутренняя полость, а на верхней стенке имеется, по крайней мере, один участок возвышения, в заходной части которого смонтирован отсечной клапан поплавкового типа, с заданным уровнем отключения ("shut off level"), при достижении которого прерывается связь атмосферы с полостью топливного бака, при достижении в ней максимально допустимого уровня топлива, отличающийся тем, что упомянутый уровень -К- отключения отсечного клапана расположен внутри участка возвышения. 2. Топливный бак по п.1, отличающийся тем, что расстояние -L- от точки пересечения оси отсечного клапана с заданным уровнем его отключения -К- до любой из точек, находящихся на линии пересечения внутренней стенки участка возвышения с плоскостью, в которой располагается максимально допустимый уровень топлива, находится в диапазоне L=(1-10)R, где R - радиус заходной части возвышения. 3. Топливный бак по п.1, отличающийся тем, что участок возвышения выполнен в виде локального фрагмента, основание которого плавно сопрягается с верхней стенкой корпуса топливного бака. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 77 210 (13) U1 (51) МПК B60K 15/03 (2006.01) B65B 1/04 (2006.01) F16K 24/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007149583/22 , 26.12.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.12.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 20.10.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "АВТОВАЗ" (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 7 7 2 1 0 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Топливный бак, преимущественно автомобиля, содержащий, в частности, корпус, стенкой которого образована внутренняя полость, а на верхней стенке имеется, по крайней мере, один участок возвышения, в заходной части которого смонтирован отсечной клапан поплавкового типа, с заданным уровнем отключения ("shut off level"), при достижении которого ...

20-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000098516U1

1. Автоматический воздухоотводчик для гидравлических сетей, включающий корпус воздухоотводчика с входным, выходным патрубками и проточной частью, в которой установлен сбросной клапан, снабженный пружинным пневматическим исполнительным механизмом одностороннего действия и управляющим клапаном с цилиндрическим золотником и поплавком, отличающийся тем, что пневматический исполнительный механизм выполнен в виде поршневого цилиндра, установленного в проточной части корпуса воздухоотводчика с возможностью соединения рабочей полости цилиндра через управляющий клапан попеременно с поплавковой камерой и с выходным патрубком корпуса воздухоотводчика, при этом полость поршневого цилиндра с противоположной стороны от поршня постоянно сообщена с атмосферой, а управляющий клапан с цилиндрическим золотником и поплавком установлены в корпусе управляющего клапана, сообщенном с корпусом воздухоотводчика. 2. Автоматический воздухоотводчик по п.1, отличающийся тем, что корпус воздухоотводчика и корпус управляющего клапана сообщены между собой импульсными трубками через смещенные относительно друг друга по вертикали сквозные отверстия в стенках корпусов. 3. Автоматический воздухоотводчик по п.2, отличающийся тем, что цилиндрический золотник управляющего клапана снабжен втулкой, в теле которой на уровне сквозных отверстий, сообщающих рабочую полость поршневого цилиндра с выходным патрубком корпуса воздухоотводчика, выполнены окна. 4. Автоматический воздухоотводчик по п.3, отличающийся тем, что окна выполнены по окружности втулки. 5. Автоматический воздухоотводчик по п.4, отличающийся тем, что на уровне окон втулки в корпусе управляющего клапана выполнены цилиндрические расточки диаметром, превышающим наружный диаметр втулки. 6. Автоматический воздухоотводчик по п.5, отличающийся тем, что площадь окна во втулке меньше площади проходного сечения в импульсной трубке. 7. Автоматический воздухоотводчик по п.6, отличающийся тем, что суммарная площадь окон, расположенных во втулке по окружности ...

27-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000105966U1

1. Воздухоотводчик для отопительных радиаторов, содержащий корпус, выполненный с возможностью установки в коллекторе радиатора, с одной стороны которого закреплен клапан, в теле которого имеются сообщающиеся осевой и боковой каналы для выпуска воздуха, и механизм открытия-закрытия каналов, отличающийся тем, что с другой стороны корпуса установлен вкладыш со сквозным пазом для выпуска воздуха, при этом вкладыш зафиксирован таким образом, чтобы паз находился в верхней точке внутренней поверхности корпуса при установке воздухоотводчика в коллекторе радиатора. 2. Воздухоотводчик по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве корпуса использован переходник радиатора. 3. Воздухоотводчик по п.1, отличающийся тем, что клапан выполнен с возможностью регулирования положения бокового канала. 4. Воздухоотводчик по п.1, отличающийся тем, что вкладыш зафиксирован посредством пазового соединения. 5. Воздухоотводчик по п.1, отличающийся тем, что вкладыш зафиксирован посредством резьбового соединения. 6. Воздухоотводчик по любому из пп.1-5, отличающийся тем, что вкладыш выполнен из полимерного материала. 7. Воздухоотводчик по любому из пп.1-5, отличающийся тем, что вкладыш выполнен из металла с коррозионно-стойким покрытием или коррозионно-стойкого сплава. 8. Воздухоотводчик по любому из пп.1-5, отличающийся тем, что вкладыш выполнен в виде составной конструкции. 9. Воздухоотводчик по п.8, отличающийся тем, что вкладыш выполнен из комбинации полимерного материала и металла с коррозионно-стойким покрытием. 10. Воздухоотводчик по п.8, отличающийся тем, что вкладыш выполнен из комбинации полимерного материала и коррозионно-стойкого сплава. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 105 966 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16K 24/00 (2006.01) F16T 1/45 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011102489/06, 25.01.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.01.2011 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Лобач ...

27-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000135055U1

Выпускной клапан, преимущественно для воздушной среды, содержащий корпус с входным и выходным отверстиями и седло, перекрываемое подвешенным на мембране подпружиненным запорным органом, отличающийся тем, что над выходным отверстием установлен рассекатель воздуха, выполненный в виде тонкостенной перфорированной трубы, верхняя развальцованная часть которой перфорирована круглыми отверстиями, а цилиндрическая часть перфорирована чередующимися горизонтальными и вертикальными прямоугольными отверстиями. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 135 055 U1 (51) МПК F16K 24/04 (2006.01) B64D 13/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013126956/06, 14.06.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.06.2013 (45) Опубликовано: 27.11.2013 Бюл. № 33 R U 1 3 5 0 5 5 Формула полезной модели Выпускной клапан, преимущественно для воздушной среды, содержащий корпус с входным и выходным отверстиями и седло, перекрываемое подвешенным на мембране подпружиненным запорным органом, отличающийся тем, что над выходным отверстием установлен рассекатель воздуха, выполненный в виде тонкостенной перфорированной трубы, верхняя развальцованная часть которой перфорирована круглыми отверстиями, а цилиндрическая часть перфорирована чередующимися горизонтальными и вертикальными прямоугольными отверстиями. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ВЫПУСКНОЙ КЛАПАН 1 3 5 0 5 5 Адрес для переписки: 125124, Москва, 3-я ул. Ямского поля, вл. 2, ОАО НПО "Наука", КБ (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество Научнопроизводственное объединение "Наука" (ОАО НПО "Наука") (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 14.06.2013 (72) Автор(ы): Меркулов Владислав Иванович (RU), Овцынов Павел Владимирович (RU), Кузовов Андрей Николаевич (RU), Никулин Андрей Викторович (RU) U 1 U 1 1 3 5 0 5 5 1 3 5 0 5 5 R U R U Стр.: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 135 055 U1 Предложение относится к области самолетостроения, в частности, к ...

20-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000157088U1

Задвижка с компенсатором давления, включающая корпус, крышку с уплотнительным элементом, компенсационную камеру, связанную каналом с внутренней полостью, образуемой корпусом и крышкой, затвор, шпиндель, привод, отличающаяся тем, что компенсационная камера выполнена упругодеформируемой в виде пустотелой гильзы с гофрированной стенкой, увеличивающейся в размерах по мере увеличения давления и возвращающейся к исходным размерам по мере нормализации давления. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 157 088 U1 (51) МПК F16K 17/00 (2006.01) F16K 24/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014149515/06, 08.12.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.12.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 20.11.2015 Бюл. № 32 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Петрозаводский государственный университет" (RU), Открытое акционерное общество "Инжиниринговая компания "АЭМтехнологии" (ОАО "АЭМ-технологии") (RU) 1 5 7 0 8 8 Адрес для переписки: 185910, Респ. Карелия, г. Петрозаводск, пр. Ленина, 33, отдел ЗИС ПетрГУ, Горностаеву В.Н. R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 08.12.2014 (72) Автор(ы): Шегельман Илья Романович (RU), Васильев Алексей Сергеевич (RU), Галактионов Олег Николаевич (RU), Суханов Юрий Владимирович (RU), Щукин Павел Олегович (RU), Штин Константин Борисович (RU), Лапкис Александр Аркадьевич (RU) 1 5 7 0 8 8 R U Формула полезной модели Задвижка с компенсатором давления, включающая корпус, крышку с уплотнительным элементом, компенсационную камеру, связанную каналом с внутренней полостью, образуемой корпусом и крышкой, затвор, шпиндель, привод, отличающаяся тем, что компенсационная камера выполнена упругодеформируемой в виде пустотелой гильзы с гофрированной стенкой, увеличивающейся в размерах по мере увеличения давления и возвращающейся к исходным размерам по мере нормализации давления. Стр.: 1 U ...

20-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000160493U1

1. Автоматический газоотводчик для гидравлических сетей, содержащий цилиндрический корпус с входным каналом для подачи газожидкостной смеси и размещенным в нижней части выходным каналом для отвода жидкости, газоотводящую камеру и поплавковую камеру с поплавковым клапаном, отличающийся тем, что в нижней части корпуса расположена сообщающаяся с выходным каналом выходная камера с перепускным клапаном, выполненным в виде подпружиненной втулки с коническим запорным элементом, выходная и поплавковая камеры разделены жестко закрепленным внутри корпуса двусторонним седлом с отверстием для пропуска жидкости, а поплавковый клапан выполнен двухседельным, содержащим два соединенных между собой диска, на которых закреплены конические запорные элементы, при этом входной канал газожидкостной смеси размещен между дисками, а на дисках выполнены сквозные отверстия для пропуска через нижний диск жидкости, а через верхний диск газа, поплавковая и газоотводящая камеры разделены жестко закрепленным внутри корпуса седлом с отверстием для пропуска газа, а в газоотводящей камере размещен тарельчатый клапан, выполненный в виде диска со сквозными отверстиями для выхода газа и центральным отверстием, в котором свободно размещен штырь, соединенный верхним концом с тарельчатым диском, а нижним концом с пластиной, ограничивающей его вертикальное перемещение. 2. Автоматический газоотводчик по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что отверстия на нижнем диске поплавкового клапана расположены равномерно по окружности и их суммарный диаметр составляет не менее диаметра проходного отверстия трубопровода. 3. Автоматический газоотводчик по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что отверстия на верхнем диске поплавкового клапана расположены равномерно по окружности. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F16K 24/00 (13) 160 493 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015128863/06, 15.07.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15. ...

27-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000160624U1

1. Устройство для выпуска газовоздушной среды из магистрального нефтепровода (МН), характеризующееся тем, что оно содержит автоматический клапан, установленный через задвижку на вантузе МН и подключенный к сборно-разборному трубопроводу, соединенный с последним посредством подводящего рукава центробежный сепаратор, сообщающийся с емкостью для сбора отсепарированной жидкости, при этом автоматический клапан содержит цилиндрический корпус с входным нижним фланцем и выходным верхним фланцем, свободно перемещаемый в корпусе поплавок, установленную на верхнем фланце корпуса крышку с цилиндрическим проходным отверстием и боковым отводом, причем в верхней части крышки с ее внутренней стороны установлен датчик уровня, выполненный с возможностью передачи сигнала о наличии жидкости в устройство сигнализации. 2. Устройство по п. 1, характеризующееся тем, что центробежный сепаратор снабжен огневым предохранителем. 3. Устройство по п. 1, характеризующееся тем, что соединение автоматического клапана с вантузом с одной стороны и сборно-разборным трубопроводом с другой стороны, сборно-разборного трубопровода с рукавом и рукава с центробежным сепаратором осуществлено при помощи быстроразъемных соединений. 4. Устройство по п. 1, характеризующееся тем, что автоматический клапан расположен выше уровня вантузной задвижки. 5. Устройство по п. 1, характеризующееся тем, что датчик уровня выполнен в виде емкостного сигнализатора уровня. 6. Устройство по п. 1, характеризующееся тем, что подводящий рукав выполнен маслобензостойким из резинового материала. 7. Устройство по п. 1, характеризующееся тем, что между вантузной задвижкой и автоматическим клапаном установлен манометр. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F16K 24/04 (13) 160 624 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015135455/06, 21.08.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.08.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 27.03.2016 Бюл. № 9 1 6 0 6 ...

27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000164371U1

Задвижка с компенсационной камерой, включающая затвор, шпиндель, привод, корпус, крышку с уплотнительным элементом, компенсационную камеру связанную каналом с внутренней полостью, образуемой корпусом и крышкой, отличающаяся тем, что на шпинделе установлен запорный элемент, который размещен на таком расстоянии от верхней части затвора, что при положении затвора "открыто" он перекрывает канал, связывающий внутреннюю полость, образуемую корпусом и крышкой, с внутренней полостью компенсационной камеры, а в положении "закрыто" указанный канал оказывается открытым. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 164 371 U1 (51) МПК F16K 17/00 (2006.01) F16K 24/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015110756/06, 25.03.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.03.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2016 U 1 1 6 4 3 7 1 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 (54) ЗАДВИЖКА С КОМПЕНСАЦИОННОЙ КАМЕРОЙ (57) Реферат: Устройство относится к машиностроению, а на таком расстоянии от верхней части затвора, именно к арматуростроению и может быть что при положении затвора «открыто» он использовано в качестве запорной арматуры на перекрывает канал, связывающий внутреннюю трубопроводах АЭС, ТЭС, магистральных нефтеполость, образуемую корпусом и крышкой и газопроводах. В задвижке с компенсационной устройства, с внутренней полостью камерой повышение надежности при обеспечении компенсационной камеры, а в положении высокой степени технологичности конструкции «закрыто» указанный канал оказывается достигается за счет того, что на шпинделе открытым. установлен запорный элемент, который размещен 1 6 4 3 7 1 Адрес для переписки: 185910, Респ. Карелия, г. Петрозаводск, пр. Ленина, 33, отдел ЗИС ПетрГУ, Горностаеву В.Н. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Петрозаводский государственный университет" (RU), Акционерное общество "Инжиниринговая ...

21-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000172716U1

Полезная модель относится к вентиляции и может быть использована, для раздачи приточного воздуха в помещениях различного назначения. Воздухораспределитель содержит корпус с днищем, входным отверстием и выполненным в днище выходным отверстием, причем в корпусе установлены направляющие лопатки и круглая крышка, направляющие лопатки расположены по периметру выходного отверстия и установлены с возможностью поворота между круглой крышкой и днищем корпуса с образованием каналов для закрутки потока воздуха или направления его в радиальном направлении к оси выходного отверстия, в корпусе установлен привод для поворота направляющих лопаток, а за выходным отверстием корпуса установлен осесимметрично выходному отверстию сужающе-расширяющийся по ходу воздушного потока диффузор, причем круглая крышка выполнена плоской, каждая направляющая лопатка установлена на оси, закрепленной относительно днища корпуса и круглой крышки и пропущенной через выполненные на противоположных краях направляющей лопатки ушки, при этом каждая направляющая лопатка выполнена с отогнутым в противоположную относительной ушек сторону краем в виде плоской пластины, в которой выполнен направляющий сквозной паз, а между отогнутыми краями направляющих лопаток и круглой крышкой осесимметрично последней закреплен с возможностью поворота относительно круглой крышки круглый диск с шипами, каждый из которых вставлен в один из направляющих сквозных пазов отогнутых краев направляющих лопаток для обеспечения синхронного поворота направляющих лопаток вокруг оси, на которой закреплена каждая из направляющих лопаток, при этом приводом подключен к одной из направляющих лопаток, корпус выполнен сужающимся по направлению от входного отверстия к выходному, диффузор расположен в кожухе, сужающийся участок диффузора образован криволинейной образующей, а расширяющийся участок диффузора образован плавно сопряженными между собой коническими поверхностями. Воздухораспределитель обеспечивает необходимые функциональные возможности и ...

26-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000175997U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения, а именно к топливной системе транспортных средств. Техническим результатом полезной модели является предотвращение разлива топлива из бака в случае аварийных ситуаций, который достигается за счет того, что заявлена наливная горловина, содержащая наливную трубу, на конце трубы, обращенной к топливному баку, смонтирована уплотнительную втулка, отличающаяся тем, что на уплотнительную втулку надет гофрированный рукав трубы, соединенный с топливным баком, в верхней части наливной трубы смонтирован вентиляционный штуцер, соединенный гофрированным вентиляционным магистральным рукавом через быстросъемный соединитель с вентиляционной трубкой топливного бака, внутри наливной трубы смонтирован клапан. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 175 997 U1 (51) МПК B60K 15/035 (2006.01) F16L 37/00 (2006.01) F16K 24/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60K 15/035 (2006.01); F16L 37/00 (2006.01); F16K 24/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017123777, 05.07.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Даймонд плюс" (RU) Дата регистрации: 26.12.2017 605728 A1, 05.05.1978. RU 77210 U1, 20.10.2008. RU 119692 U1, 27.08.2012. US 2013306665 A1, 21.11.2013. (45) Опубликовано: 26.12.2017 Бюл. № 36 1 7 5 9 9 7 R U (54) НАЛИВНАЯ ГОРЛОВИНА (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения, а именно к топливной системе транспортных средств. Техническим результатом полезной модели является предотвращение разлива топлива из бака в случае аварийных ситуаций, который достигается за счет того, что заявлена наливная горловина, содержащая наливную трубу, на конце трубы, обращенной к топливному баку, смонтирована уплотнительную втулка, Стр.: 1 отличающаяся тем, что на уплотнительную втулку надет гофрированный рукав трубы, соединенный с топливным баком, в верхней части наливной трубы ...

13-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000177794U1

Полезная модель относится к области вентиляции, а именно к клапанам для распределения приточного воздуха в жилых помещениях. Клапан приточной вентиляции содержит цилиндрический корпус, образующий канал для потока воздуха, в котором установлены нагреватель и воздухораспределительное устройство. Последнее выполнено в виде выходного диска и каскадно расположенных перед ним кольцевых ярусов большего радиуса, состоящих из полочек с бортами и ступенек. Во входной части воздухораспределительного устройства расположена заслонка, выполненная в виде поворотных утепленных створок. Створки расположены симметрично относительно продольной оси клапана и снабжены механизмом управления. Полезная модель позволяет расширить функциональные возможности клапана. Ц 177794 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ’ 177 794°° 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ МЕЭК Восстановление действия патента Дата, с которой действие патента восстановлено: 04.05.2022 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 04.05.2022 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 04.05.2022 Бюл. №13 Стр.: 1 па теб ДЬ ЕП

22-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000179692U1

Полезная модель относится к трубопроводной арматуре, предназначенной для перекрытия потока среды, в частности к затворам клиновых задвижек нефтепроводов и нефтепродуктопроводов. Технический результат, достигаемый при реализации полезной модели, заключается в повышении надежности затвора клиновой задвижки с компенсацией избыточного давления в условиях реальной эксплуатации. Затвор клиновой задвижки с компенсацией избыточного давления представляет собой цельнолитой клин, установленный в корпус задвижки между двумя седлами. В сквозном отверстии, выполненном в теле клина, при помощи гайки закреплен компенсатор давления, выполняющий функцию перепускного клапана. За счет прямого сообщения входного канала компенсатора давления (канал А) или выходного канала компенсатора давления (канал Б) со средней полостью задвижки (в) непосредственно через полость корпуса компенсатора давления без использования соединительных трубопроводов и штуцеров обеспечивается надежная работа устройства в условиях реальной эксплуатации. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 179 692 U1 (51) МПК F16K 17/18 (2006.01) F16K 24/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16K 17/18 (2018.02); F16K 24/02 (2018.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017129825, 23.08.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 22.05.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 22.05.2018 Бюл. № 15 Адрес для переписки: 117186, Москва, Севастопольский пр-кт, 47А, ООО "НИИ Транснефть" (73) Патентообладатель(и): Публичное акционерное общество "Транснефть" (ПАО "Транснефть") (RU), Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Научно-исследовательский институт трубопроводного транспорта" (ООО "НИИ Транснефть") (RU) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 102734 U1, 10.03.2011. SU U 1 1 7 9 6 9 2 R U (54) ЗАТВОР КЛИНОВОЙ ЗАДВИЖКИ С КОМПЕНСАЦИЕЙ ИЗБЫТОЧНОГО ДАВЛЕНИЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к трубопроводной отверстии, ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000180055U1

Автоматический защитный клапан прямого действия имеет: полый осесимметричный корпус с двумя гидравлически отделенными зеркально симметричными компенсационными камерами; боковые штуцеры для подключения камер к перепускным патрубкам защищаемой задвижки по разные стороны запирающего элемента; торцевые штуцеры для подключения камер к полости защищаемой задвижки, снабженные седлами на стыках с камерами; коаксиальные штоки, которые расположены внутри указанного корпуса с зазором между их смежными торцами, имеют на противоположных концах золотники и вместе с седлами служат соответственно первым и вторым затворами; и средства осевого перемещения штоков для запирания затворов при открытой задвижке и отпирания одного из них при достижении критического давления в полости закрытой задвижки. Для предотвращения одновременного отхода штоков от седел при достижении критического давления в полости закрытой задвижки между средствами осевого перемещения указанных штоков вставлен упругий элемент жесткости. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил. И 1 180055 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 180 055” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 29.09.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 06.07.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 06.07.2021 Бюл. №19 Стр.: 1 па 90081 ЕП

13-06-2018 дата публикации

Устройство защиты средней полости задвижки от превышения давления

Номер: RU0000180409U1

Полезная модель относится к арматуростроению, в частности к задвижкам, и может быть использовано при изготовлении, эксплуатации и ремонте задвижек, применяемых в качестве запорной арматуры рабочих сред с высоким давлением и высокой температурой на трубопроводах технологических систем атомных станций (АС), атомных электростанций (АЭС), тепловых электростанций (ТЭС), а также в магистральных нефте- и газопроводах в системах нормальной эксплуатации и в системах, важных для безопасности. Технический результат, достигаемый при осуществлении и промышленной реализации полезной модели, - повышение технологичности изготовления, надежности функционирования и ремонтопригодности устройства защиты средней полости задвижки от превышения давления и клиновых задвижек с устройством защиты средней полости от превышения давления при сохранении уровня герметичности запирающих поверхностей клиновых задвижек в местах контакта уплотняющих поверхностей дисков клина и корпуса без перетекания рабочей среды в разгруженную (находящуюся по меньшим давлением) часть трубопровода. Устройство защиты средней полости задвижки от превышения давления содержит корпус с внутренней полостью, сообщающейся с входным и выходным каналами и каналом сообщения со средней полостью задвижки, и два расположенных во внутренней полости корпуса и шарнирно соединенных друг с другом золотника, выполненных с возможностью свободного совместного перемещения во внутренней полости корпуса в сторону меньшего давления рабочей среды под действием большего давления во входном или выходном канале и герметичного самоуплотняющегося перекрывания одним из золотников соответственно выходного или входного канала с меньшим давлением посредством герметичного сопряжения соответствующих уплотнительной поверхности золотника и уплотнительной поверхности входного или выходного канала. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 180 409 U1 (51) МПК F16K 17/18 (2006.01) F16K 24/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ ...

04-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000181042U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для удаления газов из отопительных приборов, в частности воздуха из алюминиевых, биметаллических, стальных и чугунных радиаторов. Воздухоотводчик содержит корпус и снабжен запирающим механизмом. Корпус выполнен с возможностью установки в коллекторе радиатора. С внутренней стороны корпуса, находящейся в коллекторе радиатора, выполнен выступ с отверстием отвода воздуха из коллектора. С наружной стороны корпуса закреплен кожух, в котором имеются сообщающиеся между собой осевой и боковой каналы, предназначенные для выпуска воздуха из отопительной системы. Резьбовой канал запирающего механизма совмещен с осевым каналом выпуска воздуха в кожухе, а верхняя часть кожуха с боковым каналом выпуска воздуха изготовлена в виде полусферы. В качестве корпуса воздухоотводчика может быть использован переходник радиатора или заглушка. Корпус изготавливается из бронзы или латуни. Кожух может быть зафиксирован в корпусе посредством пазового или резьбового соединения; при этом он может быть изготовлен из полимерного материала. Предложенная конструкция воздухоотводчика обеспечивает эффективный способ удаления воздуха из отопительных приборов, а это, в свою очередь, повышает срок эксплуатации и технические характеристики отопительного прибора. В отличие от представленных аналогов и прототипа предложенное техническое решение обеспечивает более благоприятные условия для удаления воздуха при простоте сборки и обслуживания, а также экономичность изготовления, без усложнения самого устройства и принципа его работы. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 181 042 U1 (51) МПК F16K 24/00 (2006.01) F24D 19/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16K 24/00 (2018.01); F24D 19/08 (2018.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017121816, 21.06.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Лобач Александр Александрович (RU) Дата регистрации: 04.07.2018 2004074745 A1, 02.09. ...

17-09-2018 дата публикации

Задвижка с устройством защиты средней полости от превышения давления

Номер: RU0000183283U1

Полезная модель относится к арматуростроению, в частности к задвижкам и может быть использована при изготовлении, эксплуатации и ремонте задвижек, применяемых в качестве запорной арматуры рабочих сред с высоким давлением и высокой температурой на трубопроводах технологических систем атомных станций (АС), атомных электростанций (АЭС), тепловых электростанций (ТЭС), а также в магистральных нефте- и газопроводах в системах нормальной эксплуатации и в системах, важных для безопасности. Технический результат, достигаемый при осуществлении и промышленной реализации полезной модели - повышение технологичности изготовления, надежности функционирования и ремонтопригодности клиновых задвижек с устройством защиты средней полости от превышения давления при сохранении уровня герметичности запирающих поверхностей клиновых задвижек в местах контакта уплотняющих поверхностей дисков клина и корпуса без перетекания рабочей среды в разгруженную (находящуюся по меньшим давлением) часть трубопровода. Задвижка содержит устройство защиты средней полости задвижки от превышения давления, содержащее корпус с внутренней полостью, сообщающейся с входным и выходным каналами и каналом сообщения со средней полостью задвижки, и два расположенных во внутренней полости корпуса и шарнирно соединенных друг с другом золотника, выполненных с возможностью свободного совместного перемещения во внутренней полости корпуса в сторону меньшего давления рабочей среды под действием большего давления во входном или выходном канале и герметичного самоуплотняющегося перекрывания одним из золотников соответственно выходного или входного канала с меньшим давлением посредством герметичного сопряжения соответствующих уплотнительной поверхности золотника и уплотнительной поверхности входного или выходного канала, при этом входной и выходной каналы и канал для сообщения со средней полостью задвижки содержат средства для их гидравлического присоединения соответственно к входному и выходному патрубку задвижки и средней ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Автоматический приточный клапан для систем вентиляции

Номер: RU0000204494U1

Полезная модель относится к энергосберегающим приборам систем вентиляции жилых и общественных зданий для осуществления автоматически контролируемого притока воздуха по потребности в помещении. Технической задачей устройства является регулирование подачи приточного воздуха в помещение для обеспечения требуемого микроклимата в помещении в зависимости от потребности или по датчикам: влажности, температуры, присутствия и датчиками концентрации газов. Технический результат полезной модели - точное регулирование заслонки клапана, позволяющее контролировать поступление приточного воздуха в помещение в требуемом объеме. Дополнительным эффектом является экономия на нагреве и охлаждении приточного воздуха за счет снижения объема нагрева или охлаждения приточного воздуха в отсутствии необходимости вентиляции. Технический результат достигается тем, что автоматический приточный клапан представляет собой размещаемое на ограждающей конструкции здания устройство притока воздуха с процессорным управлением заслонкой. Устройство имеет независимый элемент питания, заслонку, приводимую в движение электроприводом, процессор с исполняемой программой для управления, радиоинтерфейс для взаимодействия с внешними устройствами, такими как: базовая станция, пульт управления, «смартфон», система «умный дом» или аналоги; при этом исполняемая программа обеспечивает регулирование оснащенной электроприводом заслонки клапана. Дополнительно в нем может быть установлен: датчик влажности, датчик температуры, датчик присутствия и датчик концентрации газов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 204 494 U1 (51) МПК F16K 24/04 (2006.01) F16K 31/04 (2006.01) F24F 11/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16K 24/04 (2021.05); F16K 31/041 (2021.05); F24F 11/00 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020142362, 22.12.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ "ГринВент ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000209537U1

Полезная модель относится к трубопроводной арматуре и может использоваться как устройство для автоматического выпуска и впуска воздуха в трубопроводы (вантузы), в том числе надземной прокладки, транспортирующие жидкие среды, включая пульпообразные с абразивными примесями. Автоматический выпускной клапан содержит корпус (1), крышку (2), соединенную с корпусом (1) с помощью болтового соединения (3). Корпус (1) выполнен в виде ступенчатого цилиндра, нижняя часть которого снабжена монтажным воротниковым фланцем для установки конструкции автоматического выпускного клапана на трубопровод. Внутри верхней части корпуса (1) с большим диаметром находится стальной шар-поплавок (4), на котором с помощью резьбовых соединений смонтированы опора (5) для уплотнительного кольца (6), являющаяся седлом запорного клапана (7), и шток (8), служащий направляющей для шара-поплавка (4). При этом поверхность сопряжения опоры (5) с запорным клапаном (7) выполнена с пазом для крепления внутрь этого паза уплотнительного кольца (6). В крышке (2) имеется резьбовое отверстие, в котором закрепляется запорный клапан (7), выполненный также с отверстием, расположенным коаксиально резьбовому отверстию крышки (2), в отверстие запорного клапана (7) вставляется шток (8) с зазором. Запорный клапан (7) служит в свою очередь направляющей для штока (8), в сборе с которым образует жиклер. К запорному клапану (7) с помощью резьбового соединения крепится стальной проходной угольник (9), служащий для направления и удаления сбрасываемых газов. В нижней части корпуса (1) расположен отвод с накидной гайкой (10) для крепления контрольно-измерительных приборов и устройств (КИП). Уплотнение элементов клапана производится с помощью уплотнительных колец. Материал уплотнительных колец выбирается в зависимости от условий эксплуатации вантуза. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 209 537 U1 (51) МПК F16K 24/04 (2006.01) F16L 55/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ ...

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Vent Line Protection Device for Gas Regulator

Номер: US20120012192A1
Принадлежит: IMAC Systems Inc

A vent line protection device to protect the vent of a gas regulator from a predetermined water level, including a vertically-oriented housing having an upper portion including vent line connection and an atmospheric vent opening, and a lower portion including a water opening, the vent line connection being adapted to connect to the vent of the gas regulator, and a float disposed inside the housing and being movable in a vertical direction within the housing, an upper end of the float including a seal adapted for scaling off the vent line connection, wherein when the water level is lower than the predetermined level, gas can flow through the housing between the vent line connection and the atmospheric vent opening, and wherein when the water level is at or higher than the predetermined level, the vent line connection is scaled off by the seal of the float.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Relief valve and fuel vapor valve assembly

Номер: US20120024265A1
Автор: Robert Dean Keller
Принадлежит: Eaton Corp

A valve assembly is provided that can perform an overpressure relief function to vent fluid from a first component, such as to vent fuel vapor from a fuel tank, to a second component, such as a carbon canister, without being affected by the vapor pressure in the vent line to the second component. That is, the valve opens to provide pressure relief when needed regardless of the vapor pressure against which it opens. The valve assembly may also include a solenoid that is controllable to allow fluid flow separately from the movement in response to vapor pressure.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Valve arrangement for venting a coolant circuit of an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20120097364A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A valve arrangement for venting a coolant circuit of an internal combustion engine having several subcircuits includes a valve which is in fluid communication with a primary vent line extending from one of the subcircuits. At least one secondary vent line is in fluid communication with the valve and extends from another one of the subcircuits. The primary and secondary vent lines are connectable to a shared third vent line which feeds into a compensating reservoir arranged at a geodetically highest point in the coolant circuit. The valve is constructed to establish a continuous fluid communication of the primary vent line with the compensating reservoir via the third vent line and to establish a fluid communication of the secondary vent line with the compensating reservoir via the third vent line only in the presence of air bubbles in the secondary vent line.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Sanitary outlet unit

Номер: US20120256016A1
Принадлежит: NEOPERL GMBH

A sanitary outlet unit ( 1 ) having an outlet fitting ( 2 ) having at least one water outlet ( 3 ) and including an aeration device ( 4 ) provided for aerating the water flow and arranged in the flow direction spaced from and upstream of the at least one water outlet ( 3 ), and having at least one valve part ( 5 ), which regulates the inflow from at least one water pipe ( 7 ) to the water outlet ( 3 ). In order to provide a sanitary outlet unit ( 1 ) that ensures reliable aeration of the water flow combined with good water tightness to water running back and that can be integrated without undue structural modifications into existing fittings, according to the invention the aeration device ( 4 ) is received in the at least one valve part ( 5 ) and the aeration device ( 4 ) is provided with at least one actuator ( 6 ), the movement of which between at least one closed and at least one open position alters the admission of ambient air to the water flow inside the valve part ( 5 ).

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Air venting valve of vulcanising mould

Номер: US20130001836A1
Автор: Pekka Penkkimäki
Принадлежит: Individual

An air venting valve and method for removing air from a vulcanizing mould of a vehicle tire by the aid of an air venting valve having a body functioning as an air channel and an inner part movable in a longitudinal direction. The body includes a stem and a valve disc disposed at an inner end of the stem on the side of a mould surface, the diameter of the valve disc is larger than the inner diameter of the body. A spring member is arranged in the air venting valve for forcing the inner part in a predetermined position for opening the valve when a blank is removed from the vulcanizing mould. The lower part of the inner part of the body includes an outer thread and in the lower part of the body a respective inner thread for screwing the valve stem in the body.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Regulator with bleed valve

Номер: US20130042931A1

A process fluid regulator includes a regulator body having a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet connected by a fluid flow path. A control element is disposed within the fluid flow path, the control element cooperating with a seat to control fluid flow through the regulator body. An actuator is attached to the regulator body, the actuator providing force to move the control element relative to the seat. The actuator includes a housing and a diaphragm within the housing, the diaphragm dividing the actuator housing into an upper chamber and a lower chamber. A high pressure bleed valve is attached to the lower chamber to vent residual gas from the lower chamber, which creates additional volume for process liquid in the lower chamber. This additional volume improves effectiveness and response time of the process fluid regulator.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130065739A1
Автор: Morrow George Steven

An air management system that allows safe and convenient forms of interval training exercise to be performed on pneumatically elevating rebound exercise equipment. The system includes at least one air intake valve and bleed valve. By providing repeatable degrees of difficulty for both air intake and air release from the extendable air springs employed for the exercise, competitive athletes and their coaches can design, employ, repeat, and compare individualized medium- or high-intensity interval protocols for optimal cardiovascular training programs. 1. In a pneumatic rebound exercise device having means for pumping air into said device for the purpose of elevating the user to a higher mean elevation by the physically demanding efforts of the user , the improvement comprising a bleed valve for controllably releasing a repeatable degree of air bleed from said device , whereby serious athletes and coaches can design personalized exercise regimens that can be employed and repeated so that the results therefrom may be compared.2. The improved exercise device of wherein said bleed valve is a metering valve.3. The improved exercise device of wherein said bleed valve is a motorized metering valve.4. The improved exercise device of wherein said bleed valve is a needle metering valve.5. The improved exercise device of wherein said bleed valve includes at least one solenoid valve.6. The improved exercise device of wherein said bleed valve is a valve having markings indicating various degrees of said valve's opening.7. The improved exercise device of wherein said bleed valve is a valve having detents that allow repeatable degrees of said valve's opening.8. The improved exercise device of wherein said bleed valve means includes a valve timing mechanism.9. In a pneumatically elevating rebound exercise system claim 1 , the improvement comprising an adjustable intake valve device for controlling the ease of drawing air into said system claim 1 , whereby medium and high-intensity ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098472A1
Автор: Farkas Dennis

A flush plug and a collar are used in installing a drain or cleanout. A flush plug is temporarily attached to the nipple of a cleanout or to a drain base and leveled. Concrete is then poured flush with the top of the flush plug. After the flush plug is removed from the cured concrete, a collar is installed in the hole in the concrete left by the flush plug. The outside of the lower portion of the collar is beveled like the flush plug. The upper portion of the collar includes a sleeve rising above the top surface of the surrounding concrete by an amount equal to the thickness of the specific floor finish. Tile or other finish may then be laid to around the collar. The installed drain will be flush and level with the flooring around it. 1. A method for installing a drain , comprising the steps of:(a) providing a drain base;(b) fastening a flush plug to said drain base, said flush plug having a top surface;(c) pouring concrete around said flush plug until level with said top surface of the plug;(d) after said concrete cures, removing the flush plug thereby leaving a hole in said cured concrete;(e) securing a collar having a top edge to said drain base and through said hole in said cured concrete so that said top edge of said collar extends above said top surface of said flush plug by a pre-selected height;(f) applying flooring to said cured concrete around said collar, said flooring having a thickness equal to said pre-defined height so that said top edge of said collar is flush with the top of said flooring; and(g) securing a top cover to said collar.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein said flush plug carries a level claim 1 , and wherein said method further comprises the step of leveling said flush plug before said concrete is poured.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein said flush plug has an insert covering a threaded hole in said flush plug claim 1 , and wherein the removing step further comprises the steps of:(a) removing said insert;(b) ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126007A1

The present disclosure refers to a fuel tank for a vehicle equipped with a valve housing and a ventilation opening that has a ventilation valve placed on an upper opening of the tank and which projects into the tank interior. Additionally, the wall of the valve housing is interspersed with at least one wall opening, and a float has been arranged in the valve housing that can be moved from a resting to a closing position and has a sealing element on its upper end. The float is in a lower place in the valve housing when it is in its resting position and the sealing element releases the ventilation opening. The float, when in a closing position, closes the ventilation opening with its sealing element as soon as the closing level is reached. Furthermore, there is a connecting channel K arranged between the valve interior and the tank interior, ending with an outlet opening located below the closing level in the tank interior, in which case the outlet opening is arranged above all other wall openings directly connected to the tank interior. 1. A fuel tank for a vehicle comprising:a tank wall defining an upper opening;a ventilation valve including a valve housing and a ventilation opening placed in the upper opening of the tank wall and projecting into an interior of the fuel tank, a wall of the valve housing defining at least one wall opening between an interior of the valve housing and the interior of the fuel tank;a float arranged in the interior of the valve housing that can be moved from a resting position to a closing position, the float having a sealing element on its upper end, the float being in a lower position in the valve housing when it is in its resting position and the sealing element spaced from the ventilation opening, the float, when in a closing position, closing the ventilation opening with the sealing element as soon as a fuel closing level is reached during fueling; anda connecting channel located between the valve housing interior and the tank ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Noiseproof vent valve for fuel tank

Номер: US20130133758A1
Принадлежит: Donghee Industrial Co Ltd

A noiseproof vent valve for a fuel tank is provided. A damping member installed in the vent valve has at least two elastic pieces, preferably the four elastic pieces. The movement of the float is absorbed by elastic deformation of the elastic pieces, and thus the float is prevented from coming into contact with a lower end forming the bottom of a valve body. However excessively the float fluctuates, no “clicking” contact noise occurs at the vent valve. As a result, the merchantability of a hybrid vehicle sensitive to low noise can be greatly increased.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139903A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

Expansion reservoir () for a coolant circuit, having a fill opening () that can be closed by a lid () and is located in the geodetically upper region of the expansion reservoir (), wherein a differential-pressure-controlled valve () having at least two switching positions is integrated into the lid (), and having at least one inlet port () which opens into a lid region (), and an outlet port () in the geodetically lower region of the expansion reservoir (), wherein the inlet port () is closed by the valve () in a first switching position and is opened in at least one second switching position, thus allowing the inlet port () to vent into the expansion reservoir (). 17.-. (canceled)8. An expansion reservoir for a coolant circuit , comprising:a fill opening located in a geodetically upper area of the expansion reservoir,a lid constructed to close the fill opening and having a lid portion,a differential-pressure-controlled valve having at least two switching positions and being integrated in the lid,at least one inlet port that opens into the lid portion, andan outlet port located in a geodetically lower area of the expansion reservoir,wherein the inlet port is closed by the valve in a first switching position and opened in at least one second switching position, thereby allowing the inlet port to vent into the expansion reservoir.9. The expansion reservoir of claim 8 , wherein the lid assumes one of an intermediate position and an end position when screwed into the inlet port claim 8 , wherein the inlet port is always open in the intermediate position.10. The expansion reservoir of claim 8 , wherein the valve has a third switching position in which the expansion reservoir vents to atmosphere.11. The expansion reservoir of claim 8 , wherein the valve comprises a spring-loaded axially guided valve disk.12. The expansion reservoir of claim 11 , wherein the inlet port opens radially to the valve disk claim 11 , with the valve disk completely closing the inlet port in the ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220442A1

An air release valve which includes a housing, an inlet, an outlet, a valve seat, a buoyant closure member and a variable throttle arrangement is provided. The housing defines a chamber and the buoyant closure member is positioned in the chamber and is displaceable between a lower position in which it is clear of the valve seat and permits the flow of fluid through the chamber and an upper position in which it seats sealingly against the valve seat to interrupt the flow of fluid through the chamber, the closure member being displaced, in use, from its lower position to its raised position by the buoyant forces acting thereon as a result of the entry of liquid into the chamber through the inlet. The throttle arrangement is configured to throttle air flow and inhibit premature closing of the closure member. 1. An air release valve which includes:a housing defining a chamber;an inlet leading into the chamber at or towards the bottom thereof, the inlet being connectable to a fluid reticulation system;an outlet leading from the chamber at or towards a top thereof;a valve seat positioned between the inlet and the outlet;a buoyant closure member positioned in the chamber and displaceable between a lower position in which it is clear of the valve seat and permits the flow of fluid through the chamber and an upper position in which it seats sealingly against the valve seat to interrupt the flow of fluid through the chamber, the closure member being displaced, in use, from its lower position to its raised position by the buoyant forces acting thereon as a result of the entry of liquid into the chamber through the inlet; anda variable throttle arrangement for providing a throttling effect, the throttle arrangement being positioned between the valve seat and the outlet and being configured to throttle air flow and inhibit premature closing of the closure member.2. An air release valve which includes:a housing defining a chamber;an inlet leading into the chamber at or towards ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Valve Assembly

Номер: US20130228237A1
Автор: Smit Peter Martin
Принадлежит: Weir Minerals Australia Ltd.

A valve assembly able to be mounted with a liquid container, the valve assembly comprising: a housing having a passageway that extends through the housing; a breather float valve mounted within the housing, the breather float valve movable between an open position to allow gas to pass through the passageway and a closed position that prevents liquid from passing through the passageway; a liquid inlet, forming part of the housing, the liquid inlet allowing fluid to pass into the housing; and an inlet float valve mounted within the housing, the inlet float valve movable between an open position that permits the flow of liquid through the liquid inlet and a closed position that prevents the flow of fluid through the liquid inlet. 1. A valve assembly able to be mounted with a liquid container , the valve assembly comprising:a housing having a passageway that extends through the housing;a breather float valve mounted within the housing, the breather float valve movable between an open position to allow gas to pass through the passageway and a closed position that prevents liquid from passing through the passageway;an liquid inlet, forming part of the housing, the liquid inlet allowing fluid to pass into the housing; andan inlet float valve mounted within the housing, the inlet float valve movable between an open position that permits the flow of liquid through the liquid inlet and a closed position that prevents the flow of fluid through the liquid inlet.2. The valve assembly of wherein the valve assembly includes a relief valve that is movable between an open position and a closed position to allow pressure to be relieved from the container.3. The valve assembly of wherein the housing is cylindrical.4. The valve assembly of wherein inlet float valve includes a float and a stem.5. The valve assembly of wherein a valve seal is located adjacent the end of the stem.6. The valve assembly of wherein a fuel chamber is located adjacent the liquid inlet in which fuel is passed.7 ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130269804A1

A valve assembly for a fuel tank for a small engine includes a housing. A membrane is supported by the housing such that the membrane covers a housing opening. The membrane allows the passage of vapor through the membrane and into the housing cavity and prevents the passage of liquid through the membrane. A pressure relief valve is supported by the housing to control flow of a vapor through the housing cavity. 1. A valve assembly for a tank comprising:a housing at least partially located outside of the tank, wherein the housing defines a housing cavity; wherein the housing further defines a vapor opening to allow vapor to enter the housing cavity and a vapor outlet to allow vapor to exit the housing cavity; anda membrane supported by the housing on a first side of the vapor opening such that vapor flows from the tank through the membrane to reach the vapor cavity, wherein the membrane allows passage of the vapor and prevents passage of liquid; andwherein a first portion of the housing extends within the tank on a tank side of the membrane to deter liquid from reaching the membrane.2. The valve assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a carrier supported by the housing and extending therefrom claim 1 , wherein the membrane is secured to the carrier; wherein the carrier includes a deflector positioned between the membrane and the tank; wherein the deflector defines a plurality of deflector openings to allow vapor to reach the housing opening and deter liquid from reaching the membrane.3. The valve assembly of claim 2 , wherein the deflector defines at least one opening.4. The valve assembly of claim 2 , wherein the deflector includes a plurality of ribs that extends toward the membrane.5. The valve assembly of claim 4 , wherein the ribs extend generally radially outward from said at least one opening.6. The valve assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a pressure relief valve supported by the housing to control vapor flow through the housing.7. The valve assembly of ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276912A1

A fuel cutoff valve is equipped with a casing main body having a valve chamber that forms a connection hole that is an opening to the valve chamber side on an upper wall, a cover that forms a pipe which forms a pipe passage, and a float housed inside the valve chamber. The cover is equipped with a pipe extended part which is provided extending inside the linking chamber from the pipe in a tube shape facing the connection hole and on an substantially straight line, the pipe extended part has an extended passage connected to the pipe passage, the extended passage has an inflow port that opens to the linking chamber, and the inflow port is provided on the side opposite the pipe with the connection hole as the center. 1. A fuel cutoff valve for opening and closing a passage between an interior of a fuel tank and the exterior , the fuel cutoff valve comprising:a casing main body that has (i) an upper wall, (ii) a side wall projecting in a circular tube shape from an outer circumference part of the upper wall, (iii) a valve chamber enclosed by the upper wall and the side wall and connected to inside the fuel tank, and (iv) a connection hole formed at the upper wall and connected to the valve chamber,a cover that is fixed to an upper part of the casing main body, and has (i) a cover main body which together with the upper wall forms a linking chamber connected to the connection hole, and (ii) a pipe projecting from an outer wall of the cover main body and forming a pipe passage which connects the exterior and the linking chamber, anda float that is housed within the valve chamber which opens and closes the connection hole by rising and falling according to a fuel liquid level within the fuel tank,wherein the cover includes a pipe extended part extending in an pipe shape from an end of the pipe to above the connection hole, whereinthe pipe extended part has an extended passage connected to the pipe passage, wherein the extended passage has an inflow port which opens to the ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306169A1
Автор: Weibel Ludwig Daniel
Принадлежит: Weibel CDS AG

A device is placed upon a container that is sealed by a sealing element and filled with a liquid, the device allowing the liquid to be withdrawn. The device is provided with a penetration element with a hollow needle that is held in an unused position on a head section. The penetration element is held by guide elements on the head section so that the element can be pressed against the sealing element in a withdrawal position, in which the hollow needle penetrates the sealing element. At least one aeration channel is provided to equalize the pressure in the container during the withdrawal of the liquid, the channel running preferably along the hollow needle. The air sucked from the atmosphere enters the aeration channel via a filter. This prevents the contamination of the liquid and the latter can be withdrawn without the risk of a reverse flow. 119-. (canceled)20. A device for withdrawing a liquid from a container , which is sealed by a penetrable sealing element , comprising a head piece , which can be tightly attached to the sealing element and in which a penetration element is mounted in such a way that it is displaceable with the aid of guide means between an idle position and a withdrawal position , wherein the penetration element comprises at least one hollow needle , by means of which the sealing element is penetrable in the withdrawal position , with at least one aeration channel , preferably running along the hollow needle , for aerating the container as the liquid is withdrawn.21. The device as claimed in claim 20 , wherein the aeration channel is formed as a groove on the outer face of the hollow needle.22. The device as claimed in claim 20 , wherein it comprises at least one filter claim 20 , via which air from the atmosphere can be fed in the withdrawal position into the container via the aeration channel.23. The device as claimed in claim 22 , wherein the filter is arranged on the penetration element claim 22 , preferably at the atmosphere-side end of ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306628A1
Автор: ASO Shuichi

A fuel tank system is obtained, in which internal pressure does not readily increase and in which there is no need to secure a space for deformation at the periphery of the fuel tank. A vapor pipe is connected to a fuel tank, and an atmosphere release pipe is connected through a canister. An electromagnetic valve is attached to the vapor pipe, communicating a gas layer at an upper portion inside the fuel tank with the external atmosphere by opening the electromagnetic valve. A thinned deformation location capable of indentation-deformation towards the inside is provided at an upper wall portion of the fuel tank. A negative pressure pump is provided to reduce the pressure inside the fuel tank, causing the deformation location to indentation-deform towards the inside. The fuel tank is sealed by closing the electromagnetic valve in a state in which the deformation location is indentation-deformed towards the inside. 1. A fuel tank system comprising:a fuel tank capable of storing fuel that is supplied to an engine;a pipe that communicates a gas layer at an upper portion inside the fuel tank with the external atmosphere;a deformation location that is provided at a portion of an upper wall portion of the fuel tank so as to be provided at a periphery of a fuel pump provided at a central portion inside the fuel tank in plan view, and that is capable of deforming so as to indent towards the inside of the fuel tank;a deformation unit that deforms the deformation location such that the deformation location indents towards the inside of the fuel tank;a valve that is provided at the pipe, that opens the pipe to communicate the gas layer with the external atmosphere, and that closes off the pipe to seal the fuel tank; anda control unit that actuates the deformation unit with the valve in an open state after the gas layer has been communicated with the external atmosphere, and that closes the valve in a state in which the deformation location is indented towards the inside of the ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312841A1

Provided is a fuel valve including a uniform valve housing accommodating a roll-over valve (ROV), an over-pressure relief valve (OPR) and a pressure retention valve (PRV), wherein a pressure retention disc is substantially axially displaceable within a top chamber of the valve housing, between a normally closed portion in which it sealingly bears over an outlet port of the flow path and an open position; the pressure retention disc is configured with a cutout portion at least partially enveloping a pressure relief port of the valve. 1. A fuel valve comprising a uniform valve housing accommodating a roll-over valve (ROV) , an over-pressure relief valve (OPR) and a pressure retention valve (PRV) , wherein a pressure retention disc is substantially axially displaceable within a top chamber of the valve housing , between a normally closed portion in which it sealingly bears over an outlet port of the flow path and an open position; the pressure retention disc is configured with a cutout portion at least partially enveloping a pressure relief port of the valve.2. The fuel valve according to claim 1 , wherein the housing is configured with a partition wall defining a fluid flow path extending between a bottom chamber configured with a valve inlet and a top chamber configured with a valve outlet; the bottom chamber accommodates a spring loaded float member axially displaceable between a closed position wherein a sealing head of the float member sealingly engages an inlet port of the flow path claim 1 , and a normally open position wherein the sealing head is disengaged from the inlet port; a pressure relief port extending between the bottom chamber and a valve outlet and being normally sealed by a sealing plunger biased into sealing engagement within the top chamber; and a pressure retention disc substantially axially displaceable within the top chamber between a normally closed portion in which it sealingly bears over an outlet port of the flow path and an open position; ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327424A1

In a relief valve device, a positive-pressure relief valve opens a first valve port when pressure in a pressure chamber increases to a pressure that is equal to or higher than positive-pressure side valve-opening pressure. A negative-pressure relief valve opens a second valve port when pressure in the pressure chamber decreases to a pressure that is equal to or lower than negative-pressure side valve-opening pressure. When the positive-pressure relief valve is closed, a positive valve-opening pressure adjustment unit adjusts a set load of a positive-pressure spring according to an amount of an adjustment screw screwed in the pedestal plate. When the negative-pressure relief valve is closed, a negative valve-opening pressure adjustment unit adjusts a set load of the negative-pressure spring via the valve plate through forward or backward movement of the pedestal plate relative to a housing main body. 1. A relief valve device comprising: a pressure chamber which communicates with a pressure container;', 'a housing main body which opens on its one end side;', 'a valve plate that is disposed in the housing main body to define one side of the pressure chamber and that includes a first valve port and a second valve port, which communicate with the pressure chamber; and', 'a pedestal plate which is disposed further on the one end side of the housing main body than the valve plate;, 'a housing that includes the positive-pressure relief valve is disposed on an opposite side of the valve plate from the pressure chamber;', 'the positive-pressure relief valve includes a positive-pressure spring that is configured to set the valve-opening pressure on the positive-pressure side; and', 'the positive-pressure relief valve opens the first valve port when the pressure in the pressure chamber increases to the pressure that is equal to or higher than the valve-opening pressure on the positive-pressure side;, 'a positive-pressure relief valve configured to open when pressure in the ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333775A1
Автор: Shoval Meir

Provided is an automatic gas purge valve system including a normally closed gas discharge faucet configured for discharging gas at substantially high flow rates, and an automatic valve unit configured for selectively generating a flow pulse to displace the gas discharge faucet into its open position. 1. An automatic gas purge valve comprising a housing configured with an automatic gas purge valve system comprising a normally closed gas discharge faucet for discharging gas at substantially high flow rates , and an automatic valve unit configured for selectively generating a flow pulse to displace the gas discharge faucet into its open position.2. The automatic gas purge valve according to claim 1 , comprising a housing configured with a an automatic valve unit having an inlet port in flow communication with the housing and an outlet port being in flow communication with a control chamber of a normally closed gas discharge faucet claim 1 , said the gas discharge faucet configured with a fluid inlet port being in flow communication with the housing and a fluid discharge port; and wherein the automatic valve is manipulable between a closed position and an open position responsive to liquid level within the housing.3. The automatic gas purge valve according to claim 2 , comprising a housing configured with a float member extending into the housing and articulated to an automatic valve unit having an inlet port in flow communication with the housing and an outlet port being in flow communication with a control chamber of a normally closed gas discharge faucet claim 2 , the gas discharge faucet configured with a fluid inlet port being in flow communication with the housing and a fluid discharge port; and wherein the automatic valve is manipulable between a closed position and an open position responsive to liquid level within the housing.4. The automatic gas purge valve according to claim 2 , wherein the automatic valve unit is connected to the housing of the gas purge ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007963A1
Автор: Just Thomas, Revink Ingo
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A tank ventilation device for a motor vehicle includes a ventilation line, connected on one side to an accumulator for gaseous hydrocarbons and connected on another side via a connection to a filling tube for filling a tank of the motor vehicle, wherein the ventilation line is connected to the tank so that gaseous hydrocarbons which are displaced during refueling are re-circulated toward the connection via the ventilation line, a device for applying a pressure on the ventilation line for carrying out a leakage test of the tank ventilation device, when the filling tube is closed with a closure device, and a float body provided in a region of the connection of the ventilation line to the filing tube for preventing entering of liquid fuel into the ventilation line. 16.-. (canceled)7. A tank ventilation device for a motor vehicle comprising:a ventilation line connected at one side via a connection to a filling tube for filling a tank of the motor vehicle and connected at another side to an accumulator for gaseous hydrocarbons, wherein the ventilation line is connected to the tank so that gaseous hydrocarbons which are displaced during refueling are re-circulated toward the connection via the ventilation line;a device for applying a pressure to the ventilation line for performing a leakage test of the tank ventilation device, when the filling tube is closed by a closure device; anda float body provided in a region of the connection of the ventilation line to the filing tube for preventing entering of liquid fuel into the ventilation line.8. The tank ventilation device of claim 7 , wherein the connection includes an outlet claim 7 , said outlet forming a valve seat for the float body.9. The tank ventilation device of claim 8 , wherein the float body is constructed spherical.10. The tank ventilation device of claim 7 , further comprising a retention element arranged in a chamber of the connection claim 7 , said chamber receiving the float body claim 7 , said retention ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140026976A1
Принадлежит: RAVAL A.C.S. LTD.

Provided is a roll-over fuel valve configured with a float-sealable fluid path module including a float member axially displaceable within a float housing, between an open position and a closed position. The float member is normally biased in direction of the closed position and the float member includes an open liquid chamber for collecting liquid, thus taking part in the force equilibrium acting on the float member. 1. A roll-over fuel valve configured with a float-sealable fluid path module , comprising: a float member axially displaceable within a float housing , between an open position and a closed position; the float member being normally biased in direction of the closed position; and the float member comprises an open liquid chamber for collecting liquid , thereby taking part in the force equilibrium acting on the float member.2. The roll-over fuel valve according to claim 1 , wherein the valve comprises a multi-stage float-sealable fluid path module and according to a particular design the valve is a two-stage module configuration claim 1 , comprising two in-line float-sealable fluid path modules claim 1 , each module configured with an independent float member axially displaceable within a respective float housing claim 1 , between an open position and a closed position; the float member being normally biased in direction of the closed position; and the float member comprises an open liquid chamber for collecting liquid claim 1 , thereby taking part in the force equilibrium acting on the float member.3. The roll-over fuel valve according to claim 1 , wherein the valve is a two-stage float configuration the float members extend in series claim 1 , above one another claim 1 , wherein fluid flow from a one float-sealable fluid path module flows into a second float-sealable fluid path module extending there-above.4. The roll-over fuel valve according to claim 2 , wherein a two-stage float configuration of the float member of each module are displaceable ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034147A1
Автор: Treudt Volker

The invention relates to a pressure equalizing valve () for a fuel tank or secondary fluid tank on a motor vehicle, comprising at least one valve housing (), at least one valve body movably arranged in the valve housing (), at least one venting opening on the tank side and on the connection side or on the atmosphere side, which form a venting path () which may be opened or closed by the valve body depending on the position of the tank, when a predetermined transverse force is exceeded relative to a normal force which holds the valve body in a valve seat, the valve body being able to be lifted or deflected from the valve seat and thus opening the venting path () and when falling below said transverse force automatically adopting again the position closing the venting path (). The valve body is configured as a ball () and arranged so that when pressure prevails on the tank side, said valve body is held in the valve seat. 1. Pressure equalizing valve for a fuel tank or secondary fluid tank on a motor vehicle , comprising at least one valve housing , at least one valve body movably arranged in the valve housing , at least one venting opening on the tank side and on the connection side or on the atmosphere side , which form a venting path which may be opened or closed by the valve body depending on the position of the tank , when a predetermined transverse force is exceeded relative to a normal force which holds the valve body in a valve seat , the valve body being able to be lifted or deflected from the valve seat and thus opening the venting path and when falling below said transverse force automatically adopting again the position closing the venting path , and the valve body being arranged so that excess pressure on the tank side acts hydraulically on the valve body , such that said valve body is pressed into the valve seat.2. Pressure equalizing valve according to claim 1 , characterized in that the valve body is held in its valve seat claim 1 , actuated by gravity ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Passive vacuum relief valve for ultra-low temperature freezers

Номер: US20140034157A1
Автор: Yongrak Kwon
Принадлежит: Global Cooling Inc

A passive vacuum relief valve for an ultra-low temperature freezer. A thermally conductive tube extends through a freezer cabinet wall and opens into the interior cabinet space. The tube also extends outwardly from the cabinet wall in thermal exposure to ambient air so that it can receive heat from the ambient air. A valve enclosure has a chamber opening into the tube and is also positioned in the ambient air. A check valve, preferably a ball type, is formed in the valve enclosure and is polarized in a direction permitting ambient air to flow through the chamber and the tube into the freezer cabinet. The exposed tube is passively heated by the ambient air and provides a thermal conduction path to the valve and to the portion of the tube extending through the freezer cabinet wall to prevent moisture from freezing and locking the valve and/or obstructing the tube.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034172A1
Автор: Mills Vaughn K.

A method of manufacturing a valve assembly for a fuel tank includes forming a valve housing with a recess that is sized to retain a component inserted into the recess. The component is detectable by a sensor located outside of the fuel tank when the valve assembly is mounted in the fuel tank. A valve assembly includes a valve housing having a recess. The component is retained in the recess by the valve housing. 114-. (canceled)15. A valve assembly comprising:a valve housing having a cylindrical recess;a metal disc sized to fit into the recess and to be retained in the cylindrical recess only by the valve housing so that the metal disc is exposed;wherein the cylindrical recess is exposed at a surface of the housing; andwherein the metal disc has an angled rim configured to dig into the valve housing at the cylindrical recess so that the metal disc is retained to the valve housing.16. The valve assembly of claim 15 , wherein the angled rim has a variegated edge.17. The valve assembly of claim 16 , wherein the disc is generally circular;and wherein the variegated edge of the angled rim extends along the entire perimeter of the disc.18. The valve assembly of claim 16 , wherein the variegated edge extends into the housing beyond the recess.19. The valve assembly of claim 15 , wherein the cylindrical recess opens only at an outer surface of the housing so that the metal disc is entirely within the housing below the outer surface.20. The valve assembly of claim 19 , wherein the angled rim extends at least partially toward the outer surface of the housing.21. The valve assembly of claim 19 , wherein the angled rim has a variegated edge; and wherein no portion of the variegated edge is exposed.22. The valve assembly of claim 15 , wherein the valve housing is a one-piece claim 15 , injection-molded valve housing.23. An assembly comprising:a fuel tank having a wall with an inner surface partially defining an interior space; a component;', 'a valve housing having a cylindrical ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060665A1
Автор: Gamble Jimmy D

A fuel tank vent apparatus for controlling discharge of fuel vapor from an interior region in a fuel tank includes a housing and a valve received in the housing that moves between an open position and a closed position. The valve assumes the open position when the fuel level in the fuel tank is relatively low and the valve assumes the closed position when the fuel level in the fuel tank is relatively high. 1. A fuel tank vent apparatus for controlling discharge of fuel vapor from a fuel tank , the apparatus comprisinga top wall formed to include a central vent port, a series of outer vent ports arranged to surround the central vent port, and a vapor-receiving chamber placed in fluid communication with each of the central and outer vent ports and adapted to communicate with an external fuel-vapor recovery canister,a diaphragm carrier including a buoyant float arranged to float up and down relative to the top wall on rising and falling levels of liquid fuel in a fuel tank containing the buoyant float and a diaphragm-support cage coupled to the buoyant float for movement therewith when the buoyant float is lifted upwardly on rising levels of liquid fuel in the tank, the buoyant float including a buoyant body and an upstanding stem coupled to the buoyant body and located between the buoyant body and the central vent port, andan intermediary diaphragm positioned to lie between the buoyant float and the central and outer vent ports formed in the top wall, wherein the intermediary diaphragm includes an anchor coupled to the diaphragm-support cage, an outer port closure arranged to extend radially outwardly away from the anchor to contact the top wall and close the outer vent ports upon upward movement of the buoyant float toward the central vent port, and a float-pusher spring arranged to extend radially inwardly from the anchor to lie in a position below the central vent port and above the stem of the buoyant float and to cooperate with the stem to close the central vent ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096840A1
Принадлежит: BERMAD CS LTD.

An air release vent valve having a valve body with an inlet port and a venting orifice; a direct float configured with an axial passageway; and a displaceable orifice closure rod deployed in at least a portion of the axial passageway, the displaceable orifice closure rod being longitudinally displaceable therein, wherein at least of portion of the displaceable orifice closure rod extends above the direct float and at least a portion of the displaceable orifice closure rod is configured to close the venting orifice when the water level in the valve body reaches a predetermined level. Also disclosed is a suspended surge prevention element that is suspended within the valve body at an adjustable distance from the venting orifice and configured to seal the initial vent orifice in response to a velocity of the flow of air through the valve body. 2. The air release vent valve of claim 1 , wherein a portion of said displaceable orifice closure rod is deployed within an orifice cap in which said venting orifice is configured.3. The air release vent valve of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of said displaceable orifice closure rod extends above said direct float due to an innate buoyancy.4. The air release vent valve of claim 1 , wherein said venting orifice is configured as an initial vent orifice configured in said valve body and a secondary vent orifice claim 1 , wherein said initial vent orifice is larger than said secondary vent orifice claim 1 , the air release vent valve further including a displaceable vent orifice sealing element that is responsive to both a liquid level within said valve body and any pressure differential between an ambient outside pressure and a pressure within said valve body and said secondary vent orifice is configured in said displaceable vent orifice sealing element.5. The air release vent valve of claim 4 , further including a suspended surge prevention element that is suspended within said valve body below said initial orifice claim 4 , ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Air Release Valve with Elastic Rolling Shutter

Номер: US20150000754A1

An air release vent valve used to vent air from a liquid filled pipeline, the air release vent valve having a float valve deployed in a float valve housing extending from the pipeline and a surge suppressing shutter valve deployed in a vent passageway extending from said float valve housing such that said surge suppressing shutter valve is downstream from said float valve. The surge suppressing shutter valve includes an elastic shutter element that is pre-shaped to a normally open position and is configured to gradually deform to a closed position as a velocity of air flowing through said vent passageway increase so as to dampen the force of the closure of air release vent valve and prevent a pressure surge within the pipeline. Once a liquid level in the pipeline reaches the float valve, a float is raised so as to fully closes the vent passageway. 1. A surge suppressing shutter valve used to vent air from a liquid filled pipeline , the surge suppressing shutter valve comprising an elastic shutter element deployed in a vent passageway extending from the pipeline , said elastic shutter element is pre-shaped to a normally open position and is configured to gradually deform to a closed position as a velocity of air flowing through said vent passageway increases so as to dampen the force of the closure and prevent a pressure surge within the pipeline.2. The surge suppressing shutter valve of claim 1 , wherein said elastic shutter element is configured such that said pre-shaped to a normally open position includes a “U” shaped cross-sectional contour.3. The surge suppressing shutter valve of claim 1 , wherein said elastic shutter element is deployed in said vent passageway with its U shape opening facing toward a direction of air flow through said vent passageway.4. The surge suppressing shutter valve of claim 1 , wherein said elastic shutter element is mounted on and held in place by a support structure deployed in said vent passageway.5. The surge suppressing shutter ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001704A1

A method for controlling a filling process of an operating fluid container, which can be filled by a filling device via a filling tube opening into the operating liquid container, wherein the operating fluid container is provided with a venting valve, which can be electrically operated between an open position, in which the operating liquid container is fluidically connected to the atmosphere, at least indirectly, by the venting valve, and a closed position, in which the operating fluid container is fluidically separated from the atmosphere by the venting valve. The method comprises the following method steps: a) moving the venting valve to the open position thereof; b) determining a filling level of the operating fluid container; c) reducing a venting volume flow through the venting valve whenever the filling level of the operating fluid container has reached or exceeded a predetermined shut-off filling level; d) detecting a filling stop of the filling device; and e) moving the venting valve to the closed position thereof after a predetermined time period once the filling stop has been determined. 1. A method for controlling a filling process of an operating fluid container , which can be filled via a filler pipe opening out into the operating fluid container by a filling device , wherein the operating fluid container has a venting valve , which can be electrically actuated between an open position , in which the operating fluid container is fluidically connected to the atmosphere , at least indirectly , by the venting valve , and a closed position , in which the operating fluid container is fluidically separated from the atmosphere by the venting valve , wherein the method has the following method steps:a) moving the venting valve into its open position;b) determining a filling level of the operating fluid container;c) reducing a venting volume flow through the venting valve if the filling level of the operating fluid container has reached or exceeded a ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001811A1

Disclosed is a method for controlling depressurization in a fuel tank of a motor vehicle, including: the initial controlled opening of the isolation valve in order to lower the pressure inside the tank; determination of a blockage condition in the roll over valve on the basis of at least one item of information relating to the pressure gradient in the tank following the initial opening of the isolation valve; and, if the roll over valve blockage condition is met, the controlled closing of the isolation valve, followed by its controlled re-opening in order to continue lowering the pressure in the tank. 18-. (canceled)102216111161. A method of claim 9 , wherein the determination of the blockage condition the rollover valve is determined on the basis of first information (ΔP/Δt) on the gradient of the pressure in the tank which is evaluated on the basis of values of the pressure in the tank measured after a first determined time (ΔT) has elapsed after the initial opening () of the isolation valve claim 9 , and on the basis further of a second information (ΔP/Δt) on the gradient of the pressure in the tank which is evaluated on the basis of values of the pressure in the tank measured before said determined time (ΔT) has elapsed after the initial opening () of the isolation valve.11263. A method according to claim 9 , wherein if the blackage condition the rollover valve is met claim 9 , the isolating valve is kept closed during at least a second determined time (ΔT) before being reopened () in order to further decrease the pressure in the tank.12. A method according to claim 9 , further comprising a step of:{'b': 304', '61, 'comparing () the pressure within the tank with a determined pressure threshold (PStuck_ROV) at the initial opening () of the isolation valve; and'}{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00009', 'claim 9'}, 'if the rollover valve blocking pressure threshold is exceeded, determination that a first condition of existence of a risk of blocking the rollover valve ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Check Valve for Vacuum Container and Vacuum Container Lid using Same

Номер: US20160003365A1
Автор: Sou Kyu PARK

Disclosed is a check valve which has an excellent sealing force compared with a conventional one by applying a relatively small force which lifts the edge of a valve body part even with a vacuum indicating part being sunk, and which can maintain a vacuum state for a longer time by preventing a ring shape from being dented at a low or high vacuum level. The check valve has features including: a valve body part which is made of an elastic material, is provided with a concave part for providing on the bottom surface thereof an empty space higher than the edge thereof, and has a through-hole vertically formed therein; a vacuum indicating part which is connected integrally to the valve body part along the inner wall surface of the through-hole at a position spaced downwardly from the top of the through-hole, is formed to be thinner than the thickness of the valve body part and protrude upwardly, and sinks toward a lid when negative pressure is generated in the space between the lid and the valve body part; and a fixing part which is coupled to a valve coupling part so as to fix the valve body part to the valve coupling part.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003368A1
Автор: OGEN Itzhak

A gas purge valve () comprising a housing () configured with float chamber () extending between a fluid inlet port () and a fluid outlet port (), the float chamber accommodating a float- activated valve assembly () axially displaceable within the float chamber. The valve assembly comprising at least a kinetic sealing component () being axially displaceable within the housing between at least a closed position sealingly engaging a sealing seat () of the fluid outlet port, and an open position in which it is disengaged from the sealing seat. The fluid inlet port is in flow communication with the float chamber through a fluid inlet path configured with a fluid flow regulator () configured with a fluid discharge flow path (). The arrangement is such that the minimal diameter of the fluid discharge flow path is greater than the diameter of at least a lower portion of the valve assembly. 1. A gas purge valve comprising a housing configured with float chamber extending between a fluid inlet port and a fluid outlet port , said float chamber accommodating a float-activated valve assembly axially displaceable within the float chamber , said valve assembly comprising at least a kinetic sealing component being axially displaceable within the housing between at least a closed position sealingly engaging a sealing seat of the fluid outlet port , and an open position in which it is disengaged from said sealing seat; wherein the fluid inlet port is in flow communication with the float chamber through a fluid inlet path configured with a fluid flow regulator configured with a fluid discharge flow path; the arrangement is such that the minimal diameter of the fluid discharge flow path is greater than the diameter of at least a lower portion of the valve assembly.2. A gas purge valve according to claim 1 , wherein the kinetic component comprises an automatic float member axially displaceable within the float chamber and comprising a sealing member configured for sealing engagement ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003310A1

A horizontal gas leak trap is provided to remove entrained gases from an industrial liquid circulation system, such as a closed water circulation system of a heat exchanger for heating natural gas in an LNG power plant. The horizontal gas leak trap includes a tank having an inlet and an outlet configured to be connected in-line to a liquid circulation system, a gas-water separator disposed inside the tank between the inlet and the outlet, a gas reservoir at the top of the tank, and a vent valve coupled to the gas reservoir and configured to vent gases out of the reservoir. The inlet and the outlet are spaced apart horizontally from each other so that liquid flowing through the tank passes across and/or through the gas-water separator. 1. A horizontal gas leak trap comprising:a tank having an inlet and an outlet configured to be connected in-line to a liquid circulation system, the inlet and the outlet spaced apart horizontally from each other;a gas-water separator disposed inside the tank between the inlet and the outlet;a gas reservoir at the top of the tank; anda vent valve coupled to the gas reservoir and configured to vent gases out of the reservoir.2. The horizontal gas leak trap of claim 1 , wherein the inlet and the outlet are disposed at opposite horizontal ends of the tank.3. The horizontal gas leak trap of claim 2 , wherein the tank comprises an elongate tubular body having an axis disposed horizontally.4. The horizontal gas leak trap of claim 1 , further including at least a second gas-water separator disposed inside the tank between the inlet and the outlet and spaced apart horizontally from the first said gas-water separator.5. The horizontal gas leak trap of claim 1 , wherein the gas-water separator comprises a vertically oriented panel that extends downwardly between the liquid inlet and the liquid outlet.6. The horizontal gas leak trap of claim 1 , wherein the vent valve comprises a one-way valve configured to allow gases to escape from out of the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009004A1
Принадлежит: WD RACING OY

An air venting valve for removing air from a vulcanising mould of a vehicle tyre. The air venting valve includes a valve sleeve, an air venting channel arranged inside the valve sleeve, and a movable inner part arranged in the valve sleeve, which includes a stem, the end of which is provided with a valve disc for opening and closing the air venting channel. The valve disc is against a stop surface of the valve sleeve in a closed position of the air venting valve and in an open position at a clearance from the stop surface. Furthermore, the air venting valve includes a spring member for forcing the inner part towards opening position. The front surface of the valve disc comprises a bulge. 1. An air venting valve for removing air from a vulcanising mould of a vehicle tyre , which air venting valve comprisesa valve sleeve,an air venting channel arranged inside the valve sleeve, anda movable inner part arranged in the valve sleeve, which comprises a stem, the end of which is provided with a valve disc for opening and closing the air venting channel,which valve disc is against a stop surface of the valve sleeve in a closed position of the air venting valve and in an open position at a clearance from said stop surface, anda spring member for forcing the inner part towards the open position, wherein the front surface of the valve disc is provided with a bulge.2. An air venting valve according to claim 1 , wherein the height of the bulge is 0.01-1.5 mm.3. An air venting valve according to claim 1 , wherein the bulge is convex.4. An air venting valve according to claim 1 , wherein the bulge is of the shape of a truncated cone.5. An air venting valve according to claim 1 , wherein the bulge is of the cylindrical shape.6. An air venting valve according to claim 1 , wherein the bulge extends over the whole front surface area or only over a part of the front surface area.7. An air venting valve according to claim 1 , wherein the other end of the stem is provided with a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011073A1
Автор: OGEN Itzhak

Provided is a fluid flow valve including a valve head configured with an inside fluid port being in fluid flow communication with an outside fluid port. The valve head is configurable for coupling at a top portion of a substantially upright tube section. A valve module may be disposed below the valve head and displaceable under fluid pressure along a longitudinal axis between an open position, at which fluid flow is facilitated thorough the valve head, and a sealed position, at which the valve module sealingly engages the inside fluid port to thereby prevent fluid flow through the valve head. 1. A fluid flow valve comprising: a valve head configured with an inside fluid port being in fluid flow communication with an outside fluid port , said valve head is configurable for coupling at a top portion of a substantially upright tube section; a valve module disposed below said valve head and displaceable under fluid pressure along a longitudinal axis between an open position at which fluid flow is facilitated thorough said valve head , and a sealed position at which the valve module sealingly engages the inside fluid port to thereby prevent fluid flow through the valve head.2. A fluid valve according to claim 1 , wherein it is devoid of a housing and is configured for encapsulating within an upright tube section claim 1 , vertically extending from and being in flow communication with a flow line claim 1 , said upright tube section being integral with or articulately coupled to the flow line.3. A fluid valve according to claim 2 , wherein the valve module is an automatic valve and is configured for facilitating fluid discharge of substantially pressurized gaseous material claim 2 , at substantially low flow rates claim 2 , whilst preventing liquid flow there through.4. A fluid valve according to claim 2 , wherein the valve module is a kinetic valve and is configured for facilitating gaseous material discharge at substantially high flow rates claim 2 , though substantially ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010607A1

The vent valve () for venting bores of vulcanization molds, which includes the sleeve (), with the inner cylindrical hollow (), ended with the valve conical hole () and the cylindrical hole () along the sides, whereas the sleeve () may be inserted into the vulcanization mold hole, the pin (), movably located on the spring () in the inner cylindrical hollow (), whereas the pin () contains the lower cylindrical part (), ended in its lower part with the lower conical part (), and the upper conical part in the upper part (), the upper conical part () is followed by the central cylindrical part (), followed by the connecting cylindrical part (), whereas the diameter of the central cylindrical part () is smaller than the connecting cylindrical part () as well as the lower cylindrical part (). The lower cylindrical part () and the central cylindrical part () are divided into four flexible legs () to (), forming the flexible collet. Four flexible legs ( to ) are shaped identically and partially reach the connecting cylindrical part (). 1101111214123112242412422422526252624242527210. The vent valve () for venting bores of vulcanization molds , which includes the sleeve () , with the inner cylindrical hollow (.) , ended with the valve conical hole (.) and the cylindrical hole (.) along the sides , whereas the sleeve () may be inserted into the vulcanization mold hole , the pin () , movably located on the spring () in the inner cylindrical hollow (.) , whereas the pin () contains the lower cylindrical part (.) , ended in its lower part with the lower conical part (..) , and the upper conical part in the upper part (..) , the upper conical part (..) is followed by the central cylindrical part (.) , followed by the connecting cylindrical part (.) , whereas the diameter of the central cylindrical part (.) is smaller than the connecting cylindrical part (.) as well as the lower cylindrical part (.) , characterized in that the lower cylindrical part (.) and the central cylindrical ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Air admittance valve preventing mephitis overflow

Номер: US20200011439A1
Принадлежит: River Rock Inc

An air admittance valve preventing mephitis overflow, having a main body with an air entry guide base defining an air entry guide; a pivot support; and a valve seat. A sealing valve group having a sealing valve body that defines a recess; a flexible member; a pivot housing; and a pivot. The valve seat is located about the air entry guide. The pivot is located in the pivot housing and the pivot support, and the pivot is located along, or adjacent to, the center of gravity of the sealing valve body. The flexible member is at least partially located in the recess and abuts the main body; and when the air admittance valve is closed, the sealing valve body abuts the valve seat.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034439A1
Принадлежит: MANN TEKNIK AB

A pressure tight plug for sealing a coupler of a dry disconnect valve includes a housing, a main flow valve, and at least one urging member being rotatable with respect to the housing of the coupler. The pressure tight plug includes a body, a locking ring, a pressure relief lock valve, and a pressure relief channel. The body includes an internal region for sealing adjacent the main flow valve of the coupler member, and a flanged perimeter for securing the plug to the coupler. The locking ring is receivable on, and rotatable with respect to, the body for engaging with the at least one urging member of the coupler. The pressure relief lock valve is fixed with respect to the body. The pressure relief channel extends from the internal region of the body to atmosphere, via said pressure relief lock valve. The pressure relief lock valve is arranged such that in a valve closed position the pressure relief lock valve is engaged with the locking ring, therein restricting movement of the locking ring and therein fixing the plug to the coupler. 1. A pressure tight plug for releasably sealing a coupler of a dry disconnect valve , the coupler comprising a housing , a main flow valve , and at least one urging member being rotatable with respect to the housing of the coupler , the pressure tight plug comprising:a body comprising: an internal region for sealing adjacent the main flow valve of the coupler, and a flanged perimeter for securing the plug to the coupler,a locking ring receivable on, and rotatable with respect to the body via the at least one urging member of the coupler,a pressure relief lock valve for releasably engaging the locking ring, the pressure relief lock valve rotatably fixed with respect to the body, anda pressure relief channel extending from the internal region of the body to atmosphere, via said pressure relief lock valve;the pressure relief lock valve being arranged such that in a valved closed position the pressure relief lock valve is engaged with the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015820A1
Автор: Mills Vaughn K.

A fuel tank system having a fuel tank and a fuel vapor recovery system including a vapor vent line fluidly coupled between the fuel tank and a canister, and a vapor purge line fluidly coupled to the canister. A multiplex director is selectively fluidly coupled to a first location in the fuel vapor recovery system and a second location in the fuel vapor recovery system. The multiplex director is movable between a first position where the multiplex director is fluidly coupled to the first location and is fluidly blocked from the second location, and a second position where the multiplex director is fluidly coupled to the second location and is fluidly blocked from the first location. The multiplex director is configured to monitor at least one of a pressure and a hydrocarbon concentration in the first location and the second location when fluidly coupled thereto. 1. A fuel tank system comprising:a fuel tank;a fuel vapor recovery system configured to recapture and recycle emitted fuel vapor, the fuel vapor recovery system including a vapor vent line fluidly coupled between the fuel tank and a canister, and a vapor purge line fluidly coupled to the canister; anda multiplex director selectively fluidly coupled to a first location in the fuel vapor recovery system and a second location in the fuel vapor recovery system, the multiplex director movable between a first position where the multiplex director is fluidly coupled to the first location and is fluidly blocked from the second location, and a second position where the multiplex director is fluidly coupled to the second location and is fluidly blocked from the first location, the multiplex director configured to monitor at least one of a pressure and a hydrocarbon concentration in the first location and the second location when fluidly coupled thereto.2. The fuel tank system of claim 1 , wherein the first location is a vent vapor tube coupled to the fuel tank claim 1 , and the second location is the vapor vent line.3. ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017792A1

A valve assembly is disclosed, and includes an evacuator and a relief valve. The evacuator includes a suction port that selectively applies a vacuum. The relief valve has an open position and a closed position, and includes an inlet, an outlet, a piston that translates within a chamber, and a pressurized chamber. The piston includes a first end and a second end. The pressurized chamber is fluidly connected to the suction port of the evacuator, and is defined in part by the first end of the piston. The piston translates within the pressurized chamber towards the open position if vacuum is applied to the pressurized chamber.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017620A1
Автор: Grosskopf Andrew P.

An electric generator has a rotor shaft to be driven to rotate with a generator rotor. A generator stator is positioned adjacent the generator rotor. A housing surrounds the generator rotor and the generator stator. The generator rotor shaft extends outwardly of the housing. A seal seals a location where the rotor shaft extends outwardly of the housing. A vent valve is configured to vent of the interior of the housing when the rotor shaft is not rotating. An electrical assembly is also disclosed. An electrical assembly is also disclosed. 1. An electric generator comprising:a rotor shaft to be driven to rotate with a rotor;a stator in operable communication with said rotor;a housing surrounding said rotor and said stator;said rotor shaft extending outwardly of said housing, and a seal sealing a location where said rotor shaft extends outwardly of said housing; anda vent valve, separate from said seal, and configured for allowing venting of the interior of said housing when said rotor shaft is not rotating.2. The electric generator as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said vent valve is a solenoid actuated valve biased to a vent position and driven to a non-venting position after said rotor shaft begins rotation.3. The electric generator as set forth in claim 2 , wherein said rotor and said stator are configured to generate power to be supplied to said vent valve to move said vent valve from said vent position to said non-venting position when said rotor shaft is driven to rotate.4. The electric generator as set forth in claim 3 , wherein said stator and said rotor are separate from a main rotor and a main stator which generate electricity.5. The electric generator as set forth in claim 4 , wherein said main rotor includes permanent magnets such that the electrical generator is a permanent magnet generator.6. The electric generator as set forth in claim 3 , wherein an electric line connects said stator to said vent valve claim 3 , and includes a rectifier for converting ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023549A1

A fuel container, in particular for motor vehicles, comprising an aereation and de-aereation device for balancing the internal gas pressure during filling of the container with fuel and during consumption of the fuel during the operation of a working machine powered by the fuel. The aereation and de-aereation device has a separator device for separating liquid fuel from an aereation and de-aereation line. In order to permit the separator device to be emptied, if a fuel pump, which serves this purpose during normal operation, is not in operation, the separator device comprises a housing and a pipe nozzle which is connected to the housing either directly or via a pipeline and in which pressure fluctuations occur as a result of incoming and outgoing fuel, said fluctuations acting as a pump for emptying the separator device. 1. A fuel container , having a venting device for equalizing an internal gas pressure during the filling of the container with fuel and during the consumption of the fuel during the operation of a machine which is operated by the fuel , wherein the venting device has a separator device for separating liquid fuel from a vent line , wherein the separator device has a housing and a pipe portion which is connected to the housing directly or via a pipeline and in which pressure fluctuations which are used as a pump for emptying the separator device occur as a result of incoming and outgoing fuel.2. The fuel container as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the separator device has a first valve which opens when fuel enters the pipe portion and closes when fuel exits the pipe portion.3. The fuel container as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first valve is a disk valve.4. The fuel container as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first valve is arranged in a wall of the pipe portion or in a wall of the pipeline which connects the pipe portion to the housing of the separator device.52. The fuel container as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the separator device has a second ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022211A1
Автор: Hill David

A vapour recovery system recovers vapour coming from a vehicle tank. The system includes a valve that is positionable in a closed position, an open position creating a passageway with a first size, and one or more intermediate positions each creating a passageway with a size smaller than the first size. The system also includes an electronic controller to control an actuator to position the valve in a sequence of positions over time. The sequence includes at least one of the intermediate positions during a time period larger than 1 second. The valve is arranged in a line of the vapour recovery system between a vapour outlet of the vehicle tank and the atmosphere. The actuator is a stepper-motor based linear actuator. The controlling includes selecting at least one intermediate position, and the selection includes selecting a number of steps to be set from a predetermined reference position. 1. A vapour recovery system for recovering vapour coming from a vehicle tank comprising:a valve configured for being positionable in a closed position, an open position creating a passageway with a first size, and one or more intermediate positions each creating a passageway with a size which is smaller than said first size;an actuator configured for operating said valve;an electronic controller configured for controlling said actuator to position said valve in a sequence of positions over time, wherein said sequence comprises at least one of said one or more intermediate positions during a time period, said time period being larger than 1 second;wherein the valve is arranged in a line of the vapour recovery system between a vapour outlet of the vehicle tank and the atmosphere;wherein the actuator is a stepper-motor based linear actuator; andwherein the controlling comprises selecting at least one intermediate position of said one or more intermediate positions, the selection consisting in selecting a number of steps to be set from a predetermined reference position.2. The vapour ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023454A1
Автор: Chen Chia-Chen

The present disclosure provides an air exhaust valve, including a first valve body, a second valve body and a gasket. The first valve body and the second valve body are engaged with each other. The second valve body includes a first opening, a second opening, a first spacer and a second spacer. The first opening is provided within a bottom portion of the second valve body. The second opening is adjacent to and in communication with the first opening, and is provided within the bottom portion of the second valve body. The first spacer is provided within the first opening to form at least one first channel, and the second spacer is provided within the second opening to form at least one second channel. The first channel and the second channel are staggered with respect to each other. 1. An air exhaust valve , comprising:a first valve body; a first opening formed at a bottom of the second valve body and in communication with the receiving space;', 'a second opening formed at the bottom of the second valve body and positioned adjacent to the first opening and being in communication with the first opening;', 'a first spacer provided within the first opening and forming at least one first channel; and', 'a second spacer provided within the second opening and forming at least one second channel,', 'wherein the first channel and the second channel are staggered and spaced apart at a gap; and, 'a second valve body engaged with the first valve body to form a receiving space between the first valve body and the second valve body, the second valve body comprisinga gasket provided in the receiving space.2. The air exhaust valve of claim 1 , wherein the first spacer includes a first cross part and a plurality of concave parts formed at the first cross part claim 1 , and the first cross part equally divide the first opening; and the second spacer includes a second cross part and a second annular part coupled to the second cross part claim 1 , the second cross part and the second ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042614A1
Принадлежит: A.R.I. Fluid Control Accessories Ltd.

An air valve assembly () includes a main housing () including a coupling flange () for coupling to a pipe, and an air valve () fluidly coupled to the main housing (). An actuator () is in fluid communication with the air valve () and a discharge tube (). A non-contact liquid level sensor () is located in an external housing coupled to the main housing (). The non-contact liquid level sensor () is in operative communication with the actuator (). 110. An air valve assembly () comprising:{'b': 12', '14', '16, 'a main housing () comprising a coupling flange () for coupling to a pipe ();'}{'b': 20', '12, 'an air valve () fluidly coupled to said main housing ();'}{'b': 28', '20', '40, 'an actuator () in fluid communication with said air valve () and a discharge tube (); and'}{'b': 30', '32', '12', '30', '28, 'a non-contact liquid level sensor () located in an external housing () coupled to said main housing (), said non-contact liquid level sensor () being in operative communication with said actuator ().'}21028. The air valve assembly () according to claim 1 , wherein said actuator () comprises a solenoid.31028. The air valve assembly () according to claim 1 , wherein said actuator () comprises a pneumatic or hydraulic actuator.4103030. The air valve assembly () according to claim 1 , wherein said non-contact liquid level sensor () comprises a capacitance sensor that senses electrical capacitance in a vicinity of said sensor ().5103012. The air valve assembly () according to claim 1 , wherein said non-contact liquid level sensor () comprises an optical sensor that has a window through which an inside of said main housing () is viewable.61030. The air valve assembly () according to claim 1 , wherein said non-contact liquid level sensor () comprises a diaphragm that move in response to pressure of fluid against said diaphragm.71012501230. The air valve assembly () according to claim 1 , wherein said main housing () comprises guiding structure () for guiding or diverting ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031315A1
Автор: SUZUKI Keiji
Принадлежит: KYOSAN DENKI CO., LTD.

A casing includes a container in which a float valve is disposed. When the float valve is closed, the casing keeps the float valve in a closed state for a relatively long period of time. A sub-float valve is provided below the container in the casing, and is closed by floating on fuel at the time of a turn of a vehicle or an automatic stop of first refueling. When the first refueling is completed, air in the sub-float valve is discharged, and the sub-float valve loses its floating function. 1. A fill-up control valve device comprising:a casing which is mounted to a fuel tank installed in a vehicle and in which a ventilation passage that communicates an interior of the fuel tank with an exterior of the fuel tank to allow gas in the interior of the fuel tank to be discharged to the exterior of the fuel tank is formed; anda first float valve that is provided vertically movably in an accommodation space formed in the casing, that floats on liquid fuel in the casing, and that is configured to open and close the ventilation passage with a vertical movement of a fuel surface in the casing, wherein:the casing has a vent hole that communicates an interior space of the fuel tank with the accommodation space;the casing includes a container that is a container which has a bottom surface and in which the first float valve is disposed;the container includes an introduction port that is an introduction port provided above the bottom surface and that introduces liquid fuel into the container, and a discharge passage that is provided below the introduction port to extend through the container and that discharges the liquid fuel introduced from the introduction port into the container to an exterior of the container, wherein the discharge passage has a passage cross-sectional area smaller than an opening area of the introduction port;the fill-up control valve device further comprises a second float valve that is provided vertically movably in an accommodation space in the casing, the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029157A1
Принадлежит: KYORAKU CO., LTD.

A delaminatable container, having: a container body having an outer shell and an inner bag, the inner bag delaminating from the outer shell with a decrease in contents and being shrunk. A valve member regulating entrance and exit of air between an external space of the container body and an intermediate space between the outer shell and the inner bag. The container body includes a storage portion and a mouth. The outer shell includes a fresh air inlet communicating the intermediate space with the external space in the storage portion, the valve member includes an axis inserted into the fresh air inlet, a lid provided on a side of the intermediate space in the axis and having a cross-sectional area greater than that of the axis, and a locking portion provided on a side of the external space. 127-. (canceled)28. A delaminatable container , comprising:a container body having an outer shell and an inner bag, the inner bag delaminating from the outer shell with a decrease in contents and being shrunk; anda valve member regulating entrance and exit of air between an external space of the container body and an intermediate space between the outer shell and the inner bag, wherein the container body includes a storage portion to store the contents and a mouth to discharge the contents from the storage portion,the outer shell includes a fresh air inlet communicating the intermediate space with the external space in the storage portion, andthe valve member includes an axis inserted into the fresh air inlet, a lid provided on a side of the intermediate space in the axis and having a cross-sectional area greater than that of the axis, and a locking portion provided on a side of the external space in the axis and preventing entrance of the valve member to the intermediate space.29. The delaminatable container according to claim 28 , wherein the axis is capable of sliding movement relative to the fresh air inlet.30. The delaminatable container according to claim 28 , wherein the ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Pressure vent valve

Номер: US20160031617A1
Принадлежит: Ion Geophysical Corp

Embodiments of the invention are generally directed to a vent valve that may be used to seal a container. The vent valve may control a vent path connecting an interior of the container to the external environment. The vent valve may be kept open during installation and extraction of components in the container, thereby preventing an imbalance between the pressure inside the container and the external environment.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029468A1
Автор: Mills Vaughn K.

A fuel tank system constructed in accordance to one example of the present disclosure includes a saddle fuel tank, a control module, a first and second solenoid, and a first and second vent line. The saddle fuel tank can have a first lobe and a second lobe. The first vent line can have a first vent port located in the first lobe of the saddle fuel tank. The first solenoid is configured to open and close the first vent port. The second vent line can have a second vent port located in the second lobe of the saddle fuel tank. The second solenoid is configured to open and close the second vent port. The control module sends a signal to the first and second solenoids to close the first and second vents upon reaching a full fuel condition. 1. A fuel tank system comprising:a saddle fuel tank having a first lobe and a second lobe;a control module;a first solenoid;a second solenoid;a first vent line having a first vent port located in the first lobe of the saddle fuel tank, the first solenoid configured to open and close the first vent port; anda second vent line having a second vent port located in the second lobe of the saddle fuel tank, the second solenoid configured to open and close the second vent port;wherein the control module sends a signal to the first and second solenoids to close the first and second vents upon reaching a full fuel condition.2. The fuel tank system of wherein the first and second vent ports are positioned near a top portion of the saddle fuel tank.3. The fuel tank system of wherein the saddle fuel tank further includes a recessed central portion intermediate the first and second lobes claim 1 , wherein the top portion of the saddle fuel tank is located above the recessed central portion.4. The fuel tank system of wherein the control module is positioned intermediate the first and second vent ports on the saddle tank.5. The fuel tank system of claim 1 , further comprising:a liquid trap, wherein the first and second vent lines are routed between ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150034171A1
Принадлежит: AQUILLI PTY LTD

A hot water storage unit having a vessel , in which hot water is storable, an outer casing enclosing the vessel , a hot water outlet for heated water to exit from inside the vessel , and a relief device . The relief device relieves excess pressure and/or temperature from inside the vessel by allowing water to escape from inside the vessel and exit from the relief device . The relief device comprises a housing containing the operational components of the relief device . The relief device is removably retainable relative to the vessel such that the housing of the relief device is located substantially behind the outer casing of the hot water storage unit on the inner side of the outer casing 1. A hot water storage unit comprisinga vessel, in which hot water is storable,an outer casing enclosing the vessel,a hot water outlet for heated water to exit from inside the vessel,a relief device, in use, to relieve excess pressure and/or temperature from inside the vessel by allowing water to escape from inside the vessel and exit from the relief device,wherein the relief device comprises a housing containing operational components of the relief device and the relief device is removably retainable relative to the vessel, such that the housing is located substantially behind the outer casing on the inner side of the outer casing.2. A hot water storage unit according to claim 1 , further comprising a drain to direct water claim 1 , which exits from the relief device claim 1 , away from the outer casing claim 1 , wherein the drain is removably retainable at the outer side of the outer casing.3. A hot water storage unit according to claim 2 , wherein the drain is removably retainable at the outer side of the outer casing by being removably retainable with the relief device.4. A hot water storage unit according to claim 2 , wherein the drain is removably retainable at the outer side of the outer casing by being removably retainable with a support member located adjacent the outer ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150034180A1

A tank pressure control valve which provides for both controlled and passive vacuum relief functions with an additional component in a tank purge valve. The tank pressure control valve includes a second valve in addition to a purge valve to create a small sealing area on one side that opens easily against the tank pressure with the normal magnetic forces in a purge valve. The second valve is a sealing disk, which has an aperture to allow for the flow of purge vapor. One side of the disk has sealing on a larger area so the small vacuum forces open the valve against the spring force biasing the valve to a closed position. The design of the second valve uses a disk to provide precise flow control and passive vacuum relief. 1. An apparatus , comprising: a housing;', 'an actuator disposed within the housing;', 'a cavity formed as part of the housing, the cavity adjacent the actuator;', 'a first valve member, the movement of the first valve member controlled by the actuator;', 'a second valve member selectively in contact with the first valve member; and', 'wherein during a first mode of operation, the actuator controls the movement of the first valve member between an open position and a closed position to allow purge vapor to flow from the cavity through the second valve member and out of the housing, and in a second mode of operation, when vacuum pressure in the cavity reaches a predetermined level, the vacuum pressure in the cavity moves the first valve member and the second valve member such that air flows into the housing and into the cavity, relieving the vacuum pressure in the cavity., 'an valve assembly, including2. The apparatus of claim 1 , the housing further comprising an overmold assembly.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , the cavity further comprising an overmold assembly cavity.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a first port formed as part of the housing, the first port in fluid communication with the cavity and a fuel tank; anda second port ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049785A1
Автор: SEEKINGS Matthew

A valve assembly for a climatization container and a method of manufacturing a valve assembly. The valve assembly includes a body portion, an air pressure relief valve and a drain valve. The air pressure relief valve is configured to allow air into the body portion. The drain valve is configured to allow a liquid out of the body portion. The body portion is configured to fluidly couple to the interior of a climatization container. 2. A valve assembly as claimed claim 1 , wherein the air pressure relief valve comprises a cross slit air inlet valve claim 1 , such that the valve assembly is configured to allow air into the body portion when air pressure in the body portion drops below air pressure outside of the body portion a predetermined value.3. A valve assembly as claimed in or claim 1 , wherein the drain valve comprises a resilient slit configured to release liquid when the weight of the liquid reaches a predetermined value.4. A valve assembly as claimed in any preceding claim claim 1 , wherein the body portion comprises a connection portion configured to couple to the connector.5. A valve assembly as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the drain valve is offset relative to the connection portion such that when coupled to a climatization container liquid can drain from the connection portion to the drain valve.6. A valve assembly as claimed in or claim 4 , wherein the body portion is T-shaped claim 4 , with the connection located between the air pressure relief valve and the drain valve.7. A valve assembly as claimed in any preceding claim claim 4 , wherein the air pressure relief valve is seated in a splayed end portion of the body portion and secured to the body portion via a retaining cap.8. A valve assembly as claimed in any preceding claim claim 4 , wherein the air pressure relief valve or the drain valve are secured to the body portion via a sealant claim 4 , an adhesive claim 4 , welding claim 4 , an interference fit claim 4 , corresponding screw threads or a ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031221A1
Автор: Kato Tsuyoshi, SUI Xiaohui

In a valve device for a fuel tank, a fuel liquid level of filling-up fuel feed and an allowable fuel amount of additional fuel feed can be easily and appropriately changed by replacing only a part of components forming the valve device. A first valve chamber has a structure of positioning an open end below a support portion of a first float having a passage portion for a fluid. A second valve chamber includes a support portion of a second float having a passage portion for the fluid. The first valve chamber and the second valve chamber are formed by fitting a lower-portion including the support portion and the open end of the first float and the support portion of the second float relative to an upper-portion including a first valve opening and a second valve opening. 1. A valve device for a fuel tank , comprising:an upper-portion including a first valve opening and a second valve opening for communicating inside and outside of a fuel tank;a lower-portion assembled with the upper-portion, and including a first valve chamber formed below the first valve opening, a second valve chamber formed below the second valve opening and partitioned from the first valve chamber, a partition wall separating the first valve chamber and the second valve chamber, a first support portion having a passage portion for a fluid so that the first valve chamber has an open end below the support portion, and a second support portion having another passage portion for a fluid;a first float disposed inside the first valve chamber and supported on the first support portion to be movable up and down; anda second float disposed inside the second valve chamber and supported on the second support portion to be movable up and down,wherein the first valve chamber and the second valve chamber are assembled by fitting the lower-portion including the first support portion for the first valve and the second support portion for the second float to the upper-portion.2. A valve device for a fuel tank ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Vent with relief valve

Номер: US20200032924A1
Принадлежит: Donaldson Co Inc

A vent assembly has a housing defining a cavity, a first end, a second end, and a coupling structure towards the second end. A mounting surface is positioned between the first end and the second end within the cavity and defines a valve opening and a vent opening. A vent is coupled to the mounting surface across the vent opening, and an umbrella valve is sealably disposed on the mounting surface across a valve opening.

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Valved Cover Device

Номер: US20150040996A1
Автор: Hanlon John P.

A valved cover device prevents pump cavitation of a swimming pool pump by allowing air to be released through an open valve of a strainer cover. The device includes a strainer cover configured for positioning over a strainer housing for a swimming pool pump. An air-bleed valve extends into the strainer cover. The air-bleed valve is selectively manipulated wherein the air bleed valve is configured to vent an interior of the housing when the strainer cover is positioned over and closes an access opening into the interior of the housing. The air-bleed valve is configured for environmentally communicating with the interior of the housing wherein a gas is permitted to bleed outwardly through the strainer cover when the strainer cover closes the access opening and the air-bleed valve is actuated. 1. A valved cover device comprising:a strainer cover having a top side, a bottom side, and a perimeter wall attached to and extending between said top side and said bottom side, said strainer cover being configured for positioning over a strainer housing for a swimming pool pump; andan air-bleed valve extending into said strainer cover, said air-bleed valve being selectively manipulated wherein said air bleed valve is configured to vent an interior of the strainer housing when said strainer cover is positioned over and closes an access opening into the interior of the strainer housing, said air-bleed valve being configured for environmentally communicating with the interior of the strainer housing wherein a gas is permitted to bleed outwardly through said strainer cover when said strainer cover closes the access opening and said air-bleed valve is actuated.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:said strainer cover having an inner section and an outer section defined by an inner edge of said strainer cover; andsaid outer section terminating at an outer edge of said strainer cover.3. The device of claim 2 , further comprising said inner section being convexly arcuate.4. The ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Aeration butterfly valve

Номер: US20160040786A1
Автор: Sisk David E.

An aeration butterfly valve including a butterfly disc valve, located within one or more configured valve housings, furnishes a disc valve that rotates about its own axis separate from the axis of rotation of the pivot stems that hold the disc valve in position for manipulation between opening and closure, with respect to the housing in which the disc valve mounts for operation. A ring seal provided within the housing is formed when the housing parts are engaged together, in the assembly of the housing, forcing a portion of the ring seal interiorly, within the housing passage and flow path, and in alignment with the circumferential periphery of the disc valve, to provide for complete sealing closure when the disc valve is pivoted into closure, thereby eliminating the need for the pivot stem and the disc connection to be sealed in their assembly within the aeration butterfly valve. 1upper and lower extensions integrally connecting and extending from said valve disc, said extensions pivotally connecting upon the upper and lower valve stems, to provide for the concentric pivot for the valve disc offset from the axis of pivot of the valve stems during opening and closure of the aeration butterfly valve;said valve housing separates into a first valve housing part and a second valve housing part, one of said valve housing parts engaging within the other valve housing part, each said first and second valve housing parts having inner edges, and a ring seal provided intermediate the inner edges of the connected valve housing parts and pressed therein and into the air passage to form a ring seal for circumferentially engaging the entire outer periphery of the valve disc when it is pivoted and sealed into closure, said inner edges of the valve housing parts have inclined internal edges, which when the valve housing parts are engaged together, the inclined edges form a dovetailed engagement that applies pressure to the ring seal for some part of the ring to be slightly ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Vented High Pressure Valve

Номер: US20170037824A1

A valve assembly for a fuel pump is disclosed. In certain aspect, the valve assembly includes a housing defining a valve chamber, a valve inlet in fluid communication with the valve chamber, a valve outlet in fluid communication with the valve chamber, a valve seat; a valve body movably disposed within the valve chamber, a retainer sealingly engaging the housing and defining a cavity between the base portion of the valve body and the retainer, wherein the retainer comprises one or more control orifices formed therein and configured to provide fluid communication to the cavity to regulate a position of the valve body based on at least a pressure difference between the valve chamber and the cavity, and a spring member disposed between the retainer and the valve body, wherein the spring member is configured to bias the valve body. 1. A valve assembly comprising:a housing defining a valve chamber, wherein the valve chamber comprises a first end and a second end opposite the first end;a valve inlet disposed adjacent the first end of the valve chamber and in fluid communication therewith, wherein the valve chamber is configured to receive a flow of fluid from the valve inlet;a valve outlet in fluid communication with the valve chamber to receive a flow of fluid from the valve chamber;a valve seat fixedly disposed at the first end of the valve chamber;a valve body movably disposed within the valve chamber, the valve body comprising a valve head and a base portion;a retainer sealingly engaging the housing and defining a cavity between the base portion of the valve body and the retainer, wherein the retainer comprises one or more control orifices formed therein and configured to provide fluid communication to the cavity to regulate a position of the valve body between the first end and the second end of the valve chamber based on at least a pressure difference between the valve chamber and the cavity; anda spring member disposed between the retainer and the valve body, ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038496A1

An air admittance valve preventing mephitis overflow, having a main body with an air entry guide base defining an air entry guide; a pivot support; and a valve seat. A sealing valve group having a sealing valve body that defines a recess; a flexible member; a pivot housing; and a pivot. The valve seat is located about the air entry guide. The pivot is located in the pivot housing and the pivot support, and the pivot is located along, or adjacent to, the center of gravity of the sealing valve body. The flexible member is at least partially located in the recess and abuts the main body; and when the air admittance valve is closed, the sealing valve body abuts the valve seat. 1. An apparatus comprising an air admittance valve , the air admittance valve comprising:a main body comprising an air entry guide base defining an air entry guide, a pivot support, and a valve seat;a sealing valve group comprising a sealing valve body, that defines a recess; a pivot housing; and a pivot;wherein the valve seat is located about the air entry guide; the pivot is located in the pivot housing and the pivot support, and the pivot passes through, or is adjacent to, a center of gravity of the sealing valve body; and when the air admittance valve is closed, the sealing valve body abuts the valve seat.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an external lid body; wherein the external lid body is coupled to the main body.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a connecting pipe body claim 1 , and the connecting pipe body comprises a connecting head; wherein the connecting head is coupled to the main body.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the connecting head comprises a connecting head thread claim 3 , and the main body comprises a main body thread; and the connecting head thread is engaged with the main body thread.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the main body comprises a plurality of lugs claim 1 , an external lid body defines a plurality of slide grooves claim 1 ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Vacuum Breaker Valve With Leak Protection

Номер: US20220056680A1
Автор: Price Bryan Curtiss

A vacuum breaker valve assembly includes valve body defining a hollow main chamber, which communicates with a plenum opening, an inlet opening, and an outlet opening. A valve cap is attached to the valve body and defines a plenum, which communicates with the plenum opening, and a vent opening communicating with atmosphere. A drainage plug is connected to the vent opening, and an overflow conduit defines an elongated flexible hollow tube having one end connected to the drainage plug. A cap fixture is connected to the valve cap and defines a countersunk shallow recess that receives therein a thin label that is adhesively attached to the cap fixture. 1. A vacuum breaker valve assembly , comprising:a valve body defining an exterior surface and an interior surface opposite the exterior surface, wherein the interior surface defines a hollow main chamber, the valve body defining a plenum opening into the main chamber, the valve body defining an inlet opening into the main chamber, and the valve body defining an outlet opening into the main chamber;a valve cap attached to the valve body, the valve cap defining an external surface and an internal surface opposite the external surface, wherein the internal surface defines a plenum and the plenum opening of the valve body connects the main chamber to the plenum, wherein the valve cap defining a vent opening, wherein the plenum is configured to permit fluid flow between the plenum opening of the valve body and the vent opening of the valve cap;a drainage plug connected to the vent opening of the valve cap;a float disposed within the main chamber and disposed to move between a closed position and an open position, wherein in the open position the float is disposed to close the plenum opening and permit fluid flow through the inlet opening into the main chamber and out of the main chamber through the outlet opening, wherein in the closed position the float is disposed to close the inlet opening and permit fluid flow from the ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Fuel Tank Venting System for a Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20150046025A1
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

A fuel tank venting system for a motor vehicle includes an outlet side of a tank venting valve connected to an inlet side of a first vent line and to an inlet side of a second vent line. An outlet side of the first vent line is connected to an intake manifold upstream from a throttle valve and downstream from an air filter, and an outlet side of the second vent line is connected to the intake manifold downstream from the throttle valve. The first check valve has a first position sensor and the first closing element has a detectable element. The first position sensor is connected to an electronic control device to transmit signals. A position of the first closing element may be determined by means of the position sensor and the detectable element. 110-. (canceled)11. A fuel tank venting system for a motor vehicle , comprising:an intake manifold configured to supply air to a cylinder of an internal combustion engine of the motor vehicle, the intake manifold including a throttle valve and an air filter;a fuel tank;a tank vent valve;a cutoff valve;an electronic control device configured to actuate the throttle valve, the tank vent valve, and the cutoff valve;a first vent line, which includes a first check valve having a first closing element, anda second vent line,wherein the cutoff valve is indirectly or directly connected to an inlet side of the tank vent valve, and an outlet side of the tank vent valve is connected to an inlet side of the first vent line and to an inlet side of the second vent line,wherein an outlet side of the first vent line is connected to the intake manifold upstream from the throttle valve and downstream from the air filter, and an outlet side of the second vent line is connected to the intake manifold downstream from the throttle valve,wherein the first check valve has a first position sensor, and the first closing element has a detectable element, the first position sensor is connected to the electronic control device to transmit a signal, ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043998A1
Автор: MARSH Stephen, MURISON Ian

An electronic cigarette vaporiser that includes an air pressure valve or device to enable excess air to escape from an e-liquid reservoir in the vaporiser during pressurized filling of the vaporizer with e-liquid. If the vaporizer includes a ceramic cell, then the air pressure device is the wall of the ceramic cell and the reservoir is the chamber arranged outside of the external wall of the ceramic cell. 1. An electronic cigarette vaporiser that includes an air pressure valve or device to enable excess air to escape from an e-liquid reservoir in the vaporiser during pressurized filling of the vaporizer with e-liquid.2. The electronic vaporiser of in which the reservoir is a child reservoir and is filled by a parent reservoir claim 1 , the parent reservoir being a cartridge that is removable from the vaporiser or a case that stores claim 1 , re-fills and re-charges the vaporiser.3. The electronic vaporiser of in which the child reservoir supplies e-liquid to enable an atomizing unit to draw in controlled amounts of e-liquid for vaping.4. The electronic vaporiser of in which the parent reservoir is a user-removable and replaceable claim 3 , sealed or closed e-liquid capsule or cartridge claim 3 , of capacity 10 mL or less claim 3 , and is slotted into or otherwise used by the vaporiser or a portable re-fill/re-charge case for the vaporiser claim 3 , and a fluid transfer mechanism operates to transfer e-liquid from the capsule or cartridge into the child reservoir in the vaporiser claim 3 , of capacity 3 mL or less.5. The electronic vaporiser of in which the vaporiser includes a ceramic cell and the air pressure device is the wall of the ceramic cell.6. The electronic vaporiser of in which the ceramic cell includes a cylindrical wicking cylinder with a cylindrical bore and with an embedded heating coil wound within the bore.7. The electronic vaporiser of in which the reservoir is a chamber arranged outside of the external wall of the ceramic cell.8. The electronic ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047477A1

An air valve includes a valve body having an inner surface and an outer surface, the inner surface and the outer surface defining an inlet and an outlet; a seat mounted within the valve body and having an upper surface and a lower surface, the upper surface facing the outlet of the valve body, the upper surface and the lower surface defining a bore and a fastener hole, the bore and the fastener hole extending between the upper surface and the lower surface, the upper surface further defining a first sealing ridge and a second sealing ridge, a second sealing ridge, the first sealing ridge and the second sealing ridge extending between the bore and the fastener hole; a fastener extending through the fastener hole into the valve body; and a float moveable within the valve body and engageable with the bore of the seat. 1. An air valve comprising:a valve body having an inner surface and an outer surface, the inner surface and the outer surface defining an inlet and an outlet;a seat mounted within the valve body and having an upper surface and a lower surface, the upper surface facing the outlet of the valve body, the upper surface and the lower surface defining a bore and a fastener hole, the bore and the fastener hole extending between the upper surface and the lower surface, the upper surface further defining a first sealing ridge and a second sealing ridge, a second sealing ridge, the first sealing ridge and the second sealing ridge extending between the bore and the fastener hole;a fastener extending through the fastener hole into the valve body; anda float moveable within the valve body and engageable with the bore of the seat.2. The air valve of claim 1 , wherein the lower surface of the seat is flat and the upper surface of the seat is flat except for the first sealing ridge and the second sealing ridge.3. The air valve of claim 1 , wherein:the bore has an inner edge;the first sealing ridge has an innermost point and a thickness diameter; andthe innermost point is ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045171A1

An axial piston machine may include a rotor having a shaft rotatably mounted in a housing. A plurality of cylinders may be arranged annularly around the rotor. A plurality of pistons may each be disposed within each of the plurality of cylinders and may be constructed and arranged to selectively translate within each of the plurality of cylinders. Each of the plurality of cylinders may be disposed within a cylinder head and may be in operative communication with an inlet opening defined in the cylinder head and at least one outlet opening defined in the housing. An auxiliary outlet rotary slide valve may be operatively connected to the shaft in a rotationally fixed manner. The auxiliary outlet rotary slide valve may comprises an auxiliary outlet rotary opening constructed and arranged to connect to a vent duct of one of the plurality of cylinders based on an angle of rotation, and may vent the one of the plurality of cylinders. At least a portion of the auxiliary outlet rotary slide valve may comprise a material constructed and arranged to reduce a sliding friction resistance, and wherein the material comprises one of a carbon containing material or a polymer containing material. 1. An axial piston machine comprising:a rotor having a shaft rotatably mounted in a housing;a plurality of cylinders arranged annularly around the rotor;a plurality of pistons each disposed within each of the plurality of cylinders and constructed and arranged to selectively translate within each of the plurality of cylinders;wherein each of the plurality of cylinders are disposed within a cylinder head and are in operative communication with an inlet opening defined in the cylinder head and at least one outlet opening defined in the housing;an auxiliary outlet rotary slide valve operatively connected to the shaft in a rotationally fixed manner, wherein the auxiliary outlet rotary slide valve comprises an auxiliary outlet rotary opening constructed and arranged to connect to a vent duct of ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160051060A1

A gas communication device comprises a main body, at least one gas delivery pipe and a cover. The gas delivery pipe is at least partially disposed in the main body and forms a gas outlet at one end; the cover is movably pivoted to the main body and comprises at least one sealing structure for correspondingly sealing the gas outlet, wherein the cover is movable along an axis relative to the main body and away from the gas outlet so as to break the seal of the sealing structure on the gas outlet such that the cover is rotatable relative to the main body to expose the gas outlet. 1. A gas communication device , comprising:a main body;at least one gas delivery pipe which is at least partially disposed in the main body, the gas delivery pipe forming a gas outlet at one end; anda cover movably pivoted to the main body, the cover comprising at least one sealing structure for correspondingly sealing the gas outlet;wherein the cover is movable along an axis relative to the main body and away from the gas outlet so as to break the seal of the sealing structure on the gas outlet such that the cover is rotatable relative to the main body to expose the gas outlet.2. The gas communication device of claim 1 , wherein the main body comprises two pivoting members symmetrically arranged claim 1 , and the cover further comprises two sliding slots claim 1 , such that the pivoting members are respectively disposed in the sliding slots to enable the cover to move relative to the main body along the axis.3. The gas communication device of claim 1 , wherein the main body comprises two sliding slots symmetrically arranged claim 1 , and the cover further comprises two pivoting members claim 1 , such that the pivoting members are respectively disposed in the sliding slots to enable the cover to move relative to the main body along the axis.4. The gas communication device of claim 2 , wherein the cover further comprises a top portion and two symmetrical side portions connected with the top ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Air release valve monitoring systems and methods

Номер: US20220065364A1
Принадлежит: Reign Rmc LLC

The present invention relates to systems and methods for automated monitoring of air release valve. The automated monitoring of the air release valve generally includes obtaining at least a first reading from a first sensor coupled to the air release valve, transferring the first reading from the first sensor to an IPCT (information processor and cloud transceiver), processing the first reading from the first sensor in the IPCT to create an output defined as an operating condition of the air release valve and communicating the operating condition of the air release valve across a network and to a server when the reading is flagged.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160051906A1
Автор: Dembeck David Michael

A valve for extracting an air pocket from a continuous flow of viscous fluid is disclosed. The valve has a first position and a second position. The valve may include an inlet, an outlet, an outer body, and inner body located within the outer body. The inner body may define a chamber and a venting aperture. The valve may also include a plunger translatable within the chamber of the inner body between the first position and the second position. The plunger may include a plunger head located at a first end of the plunger, where the plunger is in the first position if the viscous fluid impinges against the plunger head. The plunger may include at least one opening located adjacent the plunger head. The plunger may also include a passageway fluidly connected with the at least one opening and the venting aperture. 1. A valve for extracting an air pocket from a continuous flow of viscous fluid , the valve having a first position and a second position , the valve comprising:an inlet, an outlet, an outer body, and inner body located within the outer body, the inner body defining a chamber and a venting aperture; and a plunger head located at a first end of the plunger, wherein the plunger is in the first position if the viscous fluid impinges against the plunger head;', 'at least one opening located adjacent the plunger head; and', 'a passageway fluidly connected with the at least one opening and the venting aperture, wherein the plunger is configured to translate within the chamber of the inner body from the first position into the second position if the air pocket contacts the plunger head., 'a plunger translatable within the chamber of the inner body between the first position and the second position, the plunger including2. The valve of claim 1 , comprising a biasing element located within the inner body claim 1 , the biasing element configured to exert a biasing force against a second end of the plunger.3. The valve of claim 2 , wherein the biasing force exerted by the ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047406A1

The present invention discloses an operating fluid container for a motor vehicle, wherein the operating fluid container comprises a fill level sensor, a tank control device and an electrically and/or electromagnetically actuable actuator; the tank control device is connected to the actuator by means of a first data exchange connection and to the fill level sensor by means of a second data exchange connection; the fill level sensor is designed to transmit data representing a fill level of the operating fluid container to the tank control device via the second data exchange connection; the tank control device is designed to transmit a filling stop signal to the actuator via the first data exchange connection upon receiving data which represent a predetermined fill level of the operating fluid container; and the actuator initiates the termination of a filling procedure of the operating fluid container upon receiving the filling stop signal. 1. An operating fluid container for a motor vehicle comprising:a fill level sensor;a tank control device; andan electrically and/or electromagnetically actuable actuator by means of which the termination of a filling procedure of the operating fluid container can be initiated;wherein the tank control device is connected to the actuator by means of a first data exchange connection and to the fill level sensor by means of a second data exchange connection; the fill level sensor is configured to transmit data representing a fill level of the operating fluid container to the tank control device via the second data exchange connection; the tank control device is designed to transmit a filling stop signal to the actuator via the first data exchange connection upon receiving data which represent a predetermined fill level of the operating fluid container; and the actuator initiates the termination of a filling procedure of the operating fluid container upon receiving the filling stop signal.2. The operating fluid container of claim 1 , ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065731A1
Автор: Miyabe Yoshikazu

When a closing valve is in a closed state, a controller may determine presence of leakage from the closing valve based on: a pressure detected by a first pressure sensor and/or a pressure detected by a second pressure sensor detected when a difference between a pressure in the vapor passage upstream of the closing valve and a pressure in the vapor passage downstream of the closing valve is a first difference; and the pressure detected by the first pressure sensor and/or the pressure detected by the second pressure sensor detected when the difference is a second difference different from the first difference.

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Venting valve for a container for liquids

Номер: US20150053282A1
Автор: Joos Steffen

A venting valve for a container for liquid has a valve housing having a pressure compensation passage connecting the container interior with the container exterior. A valve member is arranged in the valve housing and controls the pressure compensation passage. An air-permeable filter body is secured within the valve housing and covers the pressure compensation passage, wherein a face of the filter body faces the container interior. A filter element covers the face of the filter body that is facing the container interior. The filter element is a securing element for the filter body. The filter element closes off an opening of the valve housing that opens into the container interior. 1. A venting valve for a container for liquid , the venting valve comprising:a valve housing comprising a pressure compensation passage connecting an interior of the container with an exterior of the container;a valve member arranged in the valve housing, wherein the valve member is adapted to control the pressure compensation passage;an air-permeable filter body secured within the valve housing and covering the pressure compensation passage, wherein a face of the filter body faces the interior of the container;a filter element covering the face of the filter body that is facing the interior of the container;wherein the filter element is a securing element for the filter body; andwherein the filter element closes off an opening of the valve housing that opens into the interior of the container.2. The venting valve according to claim 1 , wherein the material of the filter body has a first pore size and the material of the filter element has a second pore size claim 1 , wherein the second pore size of the filter element is smaller than the first pore size of the filter body.3. The venting valve according to claim 1 , wherein the filter element is comprised of a synthetic fabric material.4. The venting valve according to claim 3 , wherein the synthetic fiber fabric is a polyester spunbond ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053704A1

A valve apparatus for use in an interior of a fuel tank, a fuel tank including the valve apparatus, and a motor vehicle including the fuel tank. The valve apparatus includes a substantially flat housing defining a channel between an inlet orifice and an outlet orifice, and a membrane arranged to seal the channel. The membrane is configured to be impermeable to liquid fuel and permeable to fuel vapor. 114-. (canceled)15. A valve apparatus for use in an interior of a fuel tank , the valve apparatus comprising:a substantially flat housing defining a channel between an inlet orifice and an outlet orifice; anda membrane arranged to seal the channel, wherein the membrane is configured to be impermeable to liquid fuel and permeable to fuel vapor.16. The valve apparatus according to claim 15 , wherein the substantially flat housing has a shape of a hollow prism or cylinder with a base and a mantle claim 15 , wherein the inlet orifice is provided in the base and the outlet orifice is provided in the mantle claim 15 , and wherein the membrane is sealingly attached along a perimeter of the inlet orifice.17. The valve apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein the prism or cylinder further has a top plane claim 16 , the top plane including a bonding feature for facilitating attachment of the housing to the interior of the fuel tank.18. The valve apparatus according to claim 17 , wherein the bonding feature is a circular ridge.19. The valve apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein a top portion of the mantle is configured to be hermetically sealable to a surface of the interior of the tank during molding to form an upper wall of the housing.20. The valve apparatus according to claim 15 , further comprising a first coupling section for connecting a tube or a pipe to the outlet orifice.21. The valve apparatus according to claim 16 , further comprising a conical section arranged around the inlet orifice claim 16 , an inlet of the conical section being narrower than the inlet ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053437A1
Автор: Mills Vaughn K.
Принадлежит: Eaton Intelligent Power Limited

A fuel tank system controlled by a control module and constructed in accordance to one example of the present disclosure includes a saddle fuel tank, and a venting assembly. The saddle fuel tank has a first lobe and a second lobe extending on opposite ends of a recessed central portion. The venting assembly comprises a first vent line, a second vent line and a rotary actuator. The first vent line has a first vent port located in the first lobe of the saddle fuel tank near a top portion of the saddle fuel tank above the recessed central portion. The second vent line has a second vent port located in the second lobe of the saddle fuel tank near a top portion of the saddle fuel tank above the recessed central portion. 1. A fuel tank system controlled by a control module , the fuel tank system comprising:a saddle fuel tank having a first lobe and a second lobe extending on opposite ends of a recessed central portion; a first vent line having a first vent port located in the first lobe of the saddle fuel tank near a top portion of the saddle fuel tank above the recessed central portion;', 'a second vent line having a second vent port located in the second lobe of the saddle fuel tank near a top portion of the saddle fuel tank above the recessed central portion; and', 'a rotary actuator configured to rotate a cam, the cam selectively translating a first valve configured to open and close the first vent line and a second valve configured to open and close the second vent line, wherein the first and second vent ports are positioned in the respective first and second vent lobes above the first and second valves; and, 'a venting assembly comprisingwherein the control module sends a signal to the rotary actuator to rotate the cam and therefore close the first and second vent lines with the respective first and second valves upon reaching a full fuel condition.2. The fuel tank system of wherein the cam is configured to close one of the first and second valves.3. The fuel tank ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050512A1

Methods and systems are provided for a latchable refueling valve designed to reduce noise associated with opening and closing the valve. In one example, a system may include a valve armature with first and second latch indices formed on an outer diameter of the armature. The latch indices may be rounded and configured to engage with a latch guide to enable rotation between the armature and the latch guide. 1. A latching mechanism for a valve , comprising:an armature including each of an upper and lower offset rounded cam element formed integrally thereon,a rotation sleeve concentrically surrounding the armature and including a plurality of cam guides,a solenoid actuator, movement of the armature toward the spring engages the armature cams with the cam guides to impart rotation between the armature and the rotation sleeve, and', 'movement of the armature away from the spring seats the valve in one of a first or second desired valve position., 'a valve core attached to the armature and configured to transmit electromagnetic force into motion against a spring wherein,'}2. The latching mechanism of claim 1 ,wherein the armature includes an upper armature portion with a first, larger outer diameter and a lower armature portion with a second, smaller outer diameter;wherein the upper and lower cam elements are integrally formed on the lower armature portion; andwherein the rotation sleeve concentrically surrounds only the lower armature portion.3. The latching mechanism of claim 2 , wherein the spring is attached to an upper axial surface of the upper armature portion claim 2 , and wherein a lower axial surface of the upper armature portion is seated on an upper axial end of the rotation sleeve in the first desired valve position.4. The latching mechanism of claim 3 , a first prong with a first upper angled surface and a first lower angled surface, and', 'a second prong with a second upper angled surface and a second lower angled surface;, 'wherein the plurality of cam ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050513A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Riko Company Limited

The resinous filler port includes: a filler-port body including a nozzle insertion port through which a filler nozzle is insertable, a fuel supply port supplying a fuel supplied from the filler nozzle to a fuel tank by way of a filler tube, and a vapor inlet port letting flow in vapors arising from the fuel and passing through a breather tube from a side of the fuel tank; a joint formed to penetrate through from one of opposite ends thereof to another one of the opposite ends, fitted undetachably into and around the vapor inlet port at the one of the opposite ends, and connected with the breather tube at the other one of the opposite ends; and a flow control valve accommodated inside the joint, and controlling a flow volume of the vapors flowing into the filler-port body from the breather tube. 1. A resinous filler port comprising:a filler-port body made of resin, and including a nozzle insertion port through which a filler nozzle is insertable, a fuel supply port supplying a fuel supplied from the filler nozzle to a fuel tank by way of a filler tube, and a vapor inlet port letting flow in vapors arising from the fuel and passing through a breather tube from a side of the fuel tank;a joint made of resin, and formed to penetrate through from one of opposite ends thereof to another one of the opposite ends, fitted undetachably into and around the vapor inlet port at the one of the opposite ends, and connected with the breather tube at the other one of the opposite ends; anda flow control valve accommodated inside the joint, and controlling a flow volume of the vapors flowing into the filler-port body from the breather tube.2. The resinous filler port according to claim 1 , wherein:the filler-port body further includes a tubular fit-in portion provided with the vapor inlet port:the flow control valve is movable in an interior of the joint in a distribution direction of the vapors in compliance with a pressure of the vapors, and controls a flow volume of the vapors in ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160058218A1

A gas cushioning material preserved by easily discharging a gas from a bag part and used by filling the bag part with the gas when used again is provided. Gas cells are disposed in parallel in a gas cell row by forming heat-fusion parts in the transverse direction. A discharge valve part for discharging gas is formed at an end portion of each gas cell row. A narrowed discharge passage is formed in the discharge valve part. When the bag part is filled with a gas, the discharge valve part is bent to close the discharge passage, and in the state in which the discharge valve part is bent, a first surface fastener and a second surface fastener formed on a front surface and a rear surface of the discharge valve part are coupled to each other to maintain a closed state of the discharge passage. 1. A discharge valve device having a discharge valve part which is formed at one end of a bag part formed of a film and is configured to discharge a gas filling the bag part , the discharge valve part being bent to block a flow of the gas and being opened to discharge the gas , wherein the discharge valve part is coupled and closed in a bent state by a surface fastener , the surface fastener is detached and the discharge valve part is opened to discharge the gas in the bag part.2. A gas cushioning material comprising a gas introducing passage for introducing gas formed at one end of a bag part formed of a film , a plurality of gas injecting check valves connected to each portion of the gas introducing passage and a plurality of gas cell rows installed in parallel in the bag part , the gas cell row being filled with the gas supplied from the gas introducing passage through each of the gas injecting check valves , wherein:heat-fusion lines are formed in a transverse direction at a predetermined interval in the gas cell row so that a plurality of gas cells are disposed side by side in the gas cell row in a longitudinal direction of the gas cell row and the plurality of gas cells in the ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Purging System For Multiple Variety Seed Meter

Номер: US20190053419A1

A purging system is provided for a multiple variety seed meter of a multi-variety planter. The purging system includes seed return valves that may be arranged for receiving seed that was removed from the seed meter. The seed return valves return the removed seed into corresponding appropriate seed storage compartments to allow a new seed variety to be delivered to the seed meter while reducing seed variety mixing in the seed meter. A pipe with a purge passage may extend from the seed meter to a purging hose that delivers the removed seed to the seed return valve(s). Each seed return valve may be a vacuum-actuated piston airlock valve assembly with a valve plunger that reciprocates to define seed collecting and releasing states of the valve. 1. A purging system for a multiple variety seed meter for planting multiple seed varieties in a single planting pass during row-crop planting of an agricultural field , wherein the multiple variety seed meter includes a seed meter housing arranged at a row unit of a planter and defines an enclosure that surrounds a housing cavity that can receive seed from a seed storage system to define a seed pool , and wherein the purging system is configured to return seed of a first seed variety from the seed pool to the seed storage system to allow seed of a second seed variety to be introduced into the seed pool , the purging system comprising:a purge hose arranged to transport seed out of the seed pool as removed seed;a seed return valve arranged at the seed storage system and configured to receive the removed seed and deliver the removed seed into the seed storage system; anda pneumatic system configured to provide a pneumatic pressure that conveys the removed seed from the pipe to the seed return valve.2. The purging system of claim 1 , further comprising a pipe that extends into the housing cavity and delivers the removed seed from the housing cavity to the purge hose.3. The purging system of claim 2 , wherein the pipe comprises a ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054821A1

A shutoff vent is disclosed. A main body has a first end and a second end. The main body defines a first opening towards the first end, a second opening towards the second end, and a mating port between the first opening and the second opening. The first opening and the second opening are in communication through the mating port to define a gas passageway. A translatable plug is disposed within the main body, and the gas passageway extends past the translatable plug. The translatable plug is configured to reversibly translate towards the second end to sealably obstruct the mating port. In some examples, the translatable plug is configured to translate towards the second end when force is applied to the translatable plug from the first end. 1. A shutoff vent comprising:a main body comprising a first end and a second end, wherein the main body defines a first opening towards the first end, a second opening towards the second end, and a mating port between the first opening and the second opening, wherein the first opening and the second opening are in communication through the mating port to define a gas passageway; anda translatable plug disposed within the main body, wherein the translatable plug is configured to reversibly translate towards the second end to sealably obstruct the mating port, wherein the gas passageway extends past the translatable plug.2. The shutoff vent of any of and - , further comprising a first gas-permeable substrate between the first opening and the second opening to define the gas passageway.3. The shutoff vent of any of - and - , wherein the first gas-permeable substrate is coupled to the main body across the first opening and the translatable plug is coupled to a central region of the first gas-permeable substrate.4. The shutoff vent of any of - and - , wherein the translatable plug is coupled to the first gas-permeable substrate.5. The shutoff vent of any of - and - , further comprising a carrier coupled to the translatable plug , ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061089A1
Автор: TSUCHIYA Akira

An evaporated fuel treatment apparatus includes a main canister containing an adsorbent that is capable of adsorbing and desorbing evaporated fuel generated in a fuel tank; a sub-canister connected to the main canister, the sub-canister containing an additional adsorbent that is capable of adsorbing and desorbing evaporated fuel contained in an exhaust discharged from the main canister; and a connection pipe that connects the main canister and the sub-canister. The connection pipe includes a first portion that is located near a muffler, and a second portion which is a portion other than the first portion, the second portion being located apart from an exhaust pipe and located below the first portion in the vertical direction with respect to the vehicle. 1. An evaporated fuel treatment apparatus comprising:a main canister connected to a fuel tank of a vehicle, the main canister containing an adsorbent that is capable of adsorbing and desorbing evaporated fuel generated in the fuel tank;a sub-canister connected to the main canister, the sub-canister containing an additional adsorbent that is capable of adsorbing and desorbing evaporated fuel contained in breakthrough gas discharged from the main canister; anda connection pipe that connects the main canister and the sub-canister,wherein the connection pipe includes a first portion that is located near an exhaust system for an engine and a second portion which is a portion other than the first portion, the second portion being located apart from the exhaust system for the engine and located below the first portion in a vertical direction with respect to the vehicle.2. The evaporated fuel treatment apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the second portion of the connection pipe includes a first vapor trap that is a portion between the first portion and the main canister claim 1 , the first vapor trap being located below the first portion in the vertical direction with respect to the vehicle and located either flush ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140137739A1

A ventilation member is configured to be attached to an opening portion of a housing, and includes: an inner member configured to be fitted to the opening portion and including a tubular portion having a through hole configured to serve as a part of a ventilation path between a space inside the housing and a space outside the housing; and an outer member mounted to the inner member and covering a water-proof gas-permeable membrane attached so as to close an opening of the through hole. The inner member and the outer member have an exposed surface subjected to liquid-repellent treatment. 1. A ventilation member capable of being attached to an opening portion of a housing , the ventilation member comprising:an inner member configured to be fitted to the opening portion and comprising a tubular portion having a through hole configured to serve as a part of a ventilation path between a space inside the housing and a space outside the housing; andan outer member mounted to the inner member and covering an opening of the through hole, whereinthe inner member and the outer member have an exposed surface subjected to liquid-repellent treatment.2. The ventilation member according to claim 1 , further comprising an annular sealing member mounted so as to be placed around the opening portion in a clearance between the inner member and the housing claim 1 , the sealing member having an exposed surface subjected to liquid-repellent treatment.3. The ventilation member according to claim 1 , further comprising a water-proof gas-permeable membrane attached so as to close an opening of the through hole claim 1 , the water-proof gas-permeable membrane having an exposed surface subjected to liquid-repellent treatment.4. The ventilation member according to claim 1 , whereinthe through hole has a first opening portion configured to communicate with the space inside the housing, and a second opening portion configured to communicate with the space outside the housing, andthe ventilation ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140137948A1
Автор: Hagen Harald
Принадлежит: Audi AG

In a method for operating a fuel system of an internal combustion engine, the fuel system has a fuel tank and a ventilation device, which has at least one vent valve, for ventilating the fuel tank. The magnitude of deformation caused by an internal pressure of the fuel tank of a deformation zone of the fuel tank is ascertained and the vent valve is opened when the magnitude of deformation exceeds a limit value. 110-. (canceled)11. A method of operating a fuel system of an internal combustion engine , comprising:fluidly connecting a ventilation device of the fuel system via a vent line with a fuel tank of the fuel system for ventilation of the fuel tank;providing an actuator for actuating a first vent valve of the ventilation device;connecting in parallel to the first vent valve two overflow valves configured to enable opposite throughflow directions and to open or close a throughflow in dependence on a pressure differential between a first section of the vent line on one side of the first vent line and a second section on an opposite side of the first vent valve;ascertaining a magnitude of deformation of a deformation of a deformation zone of the fuel tank as caused by an internal pressure of the fuel tank; andopening a second vent valve of the ventilation device when the magnitude of deformation exceeds a limit value.12. The method of claim 11 , further comprising mechanically transmitting the deformation of the deformation zone to the second vent valve so that the deformation causes a force to open the second vent valve.13. The method of claim 11 , wherein the magnitude of deformation is ascertained by a sensor claim 11 , with the second vent valve being opened by a control unit which is connected to the sensor.14. The method of claim 11 , further comprising selecting the limit value such that the deformation of the deformation zone is elastic when the magnitude of deformation is equal to the limit value.15. The method of claim 11 , further comprising determining ...
