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17-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2764352C2

Группа изобретений относится к трубе, в частности к пластмассовой трубе для канализационных трубопроводов. Труба содержит по меньшей мере один раструбный конец, который снабжен кольцеобразной канавкой (4) и горловиной (3) раструба и образует первую трубу (1), раструбный конец которой выполнен с возможностью вставки в него и последующего извлечения из него гладкого конца второй трубы или профильной детали (13) и в кольцеобразную канавку (4) которой вставлено упругое кольцевое уплотнение (6). Согласно изобретению горловина (3) раструба трубы (1) снабжена винтовой резьбой (9), выполненной с возможностью навинчивания на нее резьбового кольца (8), содержащего внутреннюю часть (10) кольца и наружную часть (11) кольца, между которыми образован кольцевой зазор, а части (10, 11) кольца соединены посредством боковины (12) кольца, обращенной от кольцеобразной канавки (4), причем при навинчивании резьбового кольца (8) на винтовую резьбу (9) передняя кромка (14) внутренней части (10) кольца сжимает ...

09-01-2024 дата публикации

Узел соединения системы водоснабжения

Номер: RU222534U1

Полезная модель относится к области устройств для соединения труб и подключения измерительного оборудования. Заявляется узел соединения системы индивидуального водоснабжения. Заявляемая полезная модель может найти применение для устройства систем индивидуального водоснабжения, насосных станций водоснабжения и блоков управления насосами водоснабжения. Задачей настоящей полезной модели является создание узла соединения систем водоснабжения повышенной ремонтопригодности. Технический результат достигается за счёт того, что узел соединения системы водоснабжения, содержащий полую корпусную деталь с резьбовыми выводами и с размещённым в ней обратным клапаном, причём вывод, служащий для поступления воды в узел соединения, и один из выводов, служащих для пропуска воды под напором, расположены на одной оси, другой вывод для пропуска воды под напором расположен перпендикулярно упомянутой оси и выводы, служащие для подключения управляющего реле и манометра, согласно полезной модели, в выводе, служащем ...

20-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2072061C1

Использование: в трубопроводной арматуре, преимущественно, для пластмассовых труб. Сущность изобретения: в трубном соединителе из муфты и вставной детали, в частности для пластмассовых труб, муфта имеет входную направляющую часть, концевую направляющую часть, а также расширенный участок, который состоит из установочной канавки для стопорного кольца и уплотнительной камеры для уплотнительной губы, соединенной с удерживающим кольцом и воронкообразно сходящейся в несцепленном состоянии в направлении вставления, которая имеет проформованную закрывающую губу, конически расширенную по отношению к уплотнительной губе и в несцепленном состоянии прилегающей к внутренней стенке уплотнительной камеры. Уплотнительная камера имеет на своей внутренней стороне проходящее по окружности компрессионное ребро, части снабжено скосом, который продолжается как наклоненная под косым углом поверхность до находящейся со стороны установки и боковой поверхности удерживающего кольца, а удерживающее кольцо имеет проходящий ...

10-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2076984C1
Принадлежит: Понт-А-Муссон С.А. (FR)

Использование: в блокируемых стыках между ровным концом первого трубопровода и раструбом второго трубопровода. Сущность изобретения: блокируемый стык снабжен муфтой из эластомера. Муфта плотно охватывает венец блокировки с наружной и боковых сторон. Муфта выполнена с по меньшей мере одной упругой губкой. Упругая губка расположена в продольном направлении между венцом блокировки и жестким упорным кольцом. Имеет место упор губки в жесткое упорное кольцо. В жесткое упорное кольцо оперт контрфланец блокировки. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2094688C1

Использование: в области машиностроения. Сущность изобретения: соединение трубопроводов содержит втулку, на концевых участках которой выполнена наружная резьба, две накидные гайки, находящиеся в зацеплении с концевыми участками втулки, и два средства уплотнения, каждое из которых размещено между втулкой и накидной гайкой. Внутри втулки расположены концевые участки двух трубопроводов. Каждое средство уплотнения представляет собой уплотнительное кольцо и прижимную шайбу, установленные на концевом участке трубопровода. Уплотнительное кольцо размещено в конусообразной кольцевой канавке, выполненной на торце втулки, а прижимная шайба установлена в кольцевой выемке гайки и взаимодействует с уплотнительным кольцом. В соединении предусмотрено средство фиксации концевых участков трубопроводов друг относительно друга и представляет собой, например, три болта, размещенные в накидной гайке после средства уплотнения в направлении, противоположном соединяемым концам трубопроводов. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94040085A

Соединение трубопроводов содержит втулку, на концевых участках которой выполнена наружная резьба, две накидные гайки, находящиеся в зацеплении с концевыми участками втулки, и два средства уплотнения, каждое из которых размещено между втулкой и накидной гайкой. Внутри втулки расположены концевые участки двух трубопроводов. Каждое средство уплотнения представляет собой уплотнительное кольцо и прижимную шайбу, установленные на концевом участке трубопровода. Уплотнительное кольцо размещено в конусообразной кольцевой канавке, выполненной на торце втулки, а прижимная шайба установлена в кольцевой выемке гайки и взаимодействует с уплотнительным кольцом. В соединении предусмотрено средство фиксации концевых участков трубопроводов друг относительно друга и представляет собой, например, три болта, размещенные в накидной гайке после средства уплотнения в направлении, противоположном соединяемым концам трубопроводов.

10-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002124400A

... 1. Трубопровод, содержащий трубы с термопластовым и армирующим слоями, муфты и шиповые соединения между трубами и муфтами, отличающийся тем, что шиповые соединения выполнены клиновыми с примыканием шипа одной клиновой стороной к бурту или стенке паза трубы, а другой - к стенке паза муфты. 2. Трубопровод по п.1, отличающийся тем, что бурт или стенка паза трубы, примыкающие к клиновой стороне шипа выполнены симметричными ее оси.

15-12-1981 дата публикации

Соединение труб

Номер: SU890009A2

01-01-1957 дата публикации

Соединение асбоцементных труб

Номер: SU109694A1
Автор: Саноян О.М.

25-08-1979 дата публикации

Соединение трубопроводов

Номер: SU682155A3

15-03-1993 дата публикации

Трубное соединение

Номер: SU1802859A3

Использование: для фланцевого соединения труб. Сущность изобретения: на концах труб установлены фланцы, соединенные друг с другом. .В фланцах выполнены уплот- нительные камеры с коническими боковыми поверхностями. В камерах установлены охватывающие наружные поверхности концов труб уплотнительное эластичное кольцо с наружными концевыми кромками и размещенное в нем внутреннее кольцо. Кромки скруглены по радиусу, величина к-рого больше величины монтажного зазора между внутренней поверхностью фланца и наружной поверхностью трубы. Внутреннее кольцо размещено в наружном свободно, на его внутренней поверхности выполнен кольце- ,вой выступ, размещенный между концами труб. Боковые поверхности наружного кольца , прилегающие к внутреннему, выполнены коническими и наклонными к оси кольца под углом не более 90°, соответствующие им торцовые поверхности внутреннего кольца выполнены коническими. 2 з. п. ф-лы, 5 ил; ...

09-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069408863D1

10-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060017892D1

22-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060000261D1

10-01-1957 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000956108C

02-07-1970 дата публикации

Rohrverbindung mit Abdichtung

Номер: DE0001959069A1

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE202015102252U1
Принадлежит: Funke Kunststoffe GmbH

Muffenadapter (1), • mit einem zylindrischen Rohrabschnitt (2), • einer den Rohrabschnitt (2) zirkumferent außen umgebenden Dichtung (3) aus einem elastisch verformbaren Werkstoff, wobei die Dichtung (3) einen ersten Abschnitt (15) aufweist, mit welchem sie dicht an den Rohrabschnitt (2) anschließt, sowie einen zweiten Abschnitt (16), der gegenüber dem Rohrabschnitt (2) radial nach außen beweglich ist, • und mit wenigstens einem Dehnelement, welches zwischen dem Rohrabschnitt (2) und dem zweiten Abschnitt (16) der Dichtung (3) angeordnet ist, und welches radial nach außen beweglich ist, derart, dass der Außendurchmesser der Dichtung (3) in Abhängigkeit von der jeweiligen Stellung des Dehnelements veränderlich ist.

01-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007722173U1

26-10-1961 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001840232U

15-06-2011 дата публикации

Seal, particularly for downhole electric cable terminations

Номер: GB0002476168A

A seal assembly insertable between a cable and a termination 60 comprises a plurality of deformable annular seals 10, 30, each having an annular recess 17 at one end, which are inserted one by one in a relaxed condition in coaxial stacked relation into an annular bore 54 and then compressed axially so that an insert body, which may comprise an opposite end 16 of the adjacent seal, or may be a body 32 of fluid or gel, enters into the recess in each seal, radially energising it. The inner wall 11 of each seal comprises a sealing surface and at least one sealing bead 21 protruding radially inwardly from the sealing surface; the sealing surface limits the depth to which the bead can penetrate the casing of the cable. A removable assembly tool 40 is used to insert individual seals, fluid or gel insert bodies being applied between each seal if the insert is not integral with the seal. On removal of the tool, the seals are compressed and energised by the screw threaded member 63. The conductor ...

16-03-1939 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to pipe joints

Номер: GB0000502386A

... 502,386. Pipe joints. JONES, M. H. March 21, 1938, No. 8612. Convention date, June 24, 1937, [Class 99 (i)] A joint for plain pipe ends comprises a sleeve 2 fitting closely on the pipes, rubber gaskets 3 of trapezoidal cross section engaging the plane end faces of the sleeve, and loose flanges 4 bolted together and having conical surfaces engaging like surfaces on the gaskets. In connecting a plain pipe to a flanged pipe or fitting the sleeve abuts against packing on the end of the flanged pipe.

17-01-1968 дата публикации

Adjustable sealing device, particularly for spigot and socket joints

Номер: GB0001099744A

... 1,099,744. Seal for pipe joint. BRœDER MANNESMANN G.m.b.H. Feb. 7, 1966 [Feb. 13, 1965], No. 5251/66. Heading F2G. An adjustable seal for spigot and socket pipe-joints comprises segmented clamping rings 5, 6 coupled by bolts 8 passing through poles in eccentric bushings 9 in the segments. One end 7 of each segment is bent out of the general plane to overlap the adjoining segment and the bolt is passed through both; four such segments each forming one of the rings 5 and 6 with the bolts 8 interconnecting them. Each bushing has a square extension 10 whereby the position of the bolt holes, which are eccentric in the bushings, may be adjusted by spanners. The segments have circumferential strengthening ribs 14 and are bevelled at their inner edges 15 as required to fit the pipe flange and those of the ring 6 are shaped at 16 to receive a resilient sealing ring 18 with reinforcing inserts at 19.

10-04-1969 дата публикации

Swivel joint with adjustable packing

Номер: GB0001148392A

... 1,148,392. "Swivel joint"; stuffing-boxes. FMC CORP. 26 Oct., 1966 [7 Sept., 1966], No. 47943/66. Headings F2B and F2G. A swivel joint comprises an outer conduit 10 having spaced inner and outer walls 24, 32, an inner conduit 12 having an end portion 18 disposed between the said walls and journalled with respect to the outer conduit by a bearing system 51, has packing 13 disposed between the inner wall 24 and the end portion and means 75,76,77, 68foradjustablypressurizingthe packing, the bearing system circumscribing the packing. The arrangement permits adjustment of the joint packing without disassembly of the joint. Seals 58, 60 are provided together with a flushing port 64, for use when the joint carries hot, corrosive fluids, and vent holes 62. The packing may comprise asbestos, elastomers, fluocarbon resins, metals or mixtures thereof; rigid rings of triangular cross-section may separate square section rings of deformable material.

11-06-1935 дата публикации

Improvements in joints for soil pipes of w.c. basins

Номер: GB0000429978A

... 429,978. Pipe joints. LANE & SONS, Ltd., J., and CLIFF, E. A., 1, Dickinson Street, Manchester. Oct. 19, 1934, No. 29931. Addition to 409,996. [Class 99 (i)] In a spigot-and-socket joint for the discharge pipe A of a W.C. basin and a cast iron soil pipe F, watertightness is secured by a rubber ring D which is compressed between the two pipes by a flanged metal sleeve E slidably mounted on the pipe A and secured to a flange f on the pipe F by bolts H. Reference has been directed by the Comptroller to Specifications 13611/94, 2021/00, 19484/00, [all in Class 99], and 409,996.

03-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002165016A

A flange 20 is situated at one end of a sleeve 10, and an auxiliary ring 2 and a main ring 4 containing a U-shaped packing 5 are clamped together by bolts 6 and nuts 7. The auxiliary ring 2 is provided with a projection 3 adapted to be received in a tapered recess 12 formed at one end of the sleeve. When clamped, the U-shaped packing 5 is deformed such that its sharpened upper ends 5a slidably engage one side surface of the auxiliary ring 2 and the periphery of a pipe 1 to be connected whereby the pipe can expand and contract while maintaining a liquid tight seal. This makes it possible to construct a flexible pipe line. ...

09-08-2000 дата публикации

A pipe coupling

Номер: GB2346422A

A pipe coupling for attachment to a pipe comprises a sleeve 102, at least one end of which is configured to receive and end of the pipe P1, P2. Annular sealing means 112 are disposed within the end of the sleeve for encircling the pipe end, and compression means, such as compression flanges 106, are provided for compressing the annular sealing means to form a seal between the pipe and the sleeve. The sleeve and/or the sealing means are configured so as to define a leak path 120 between an axially inner portion of the sealing means and the inner surface of the sleeve. In use pressurised fluid from the pipe may pass along the leak path so as to pressurise a radially outer surface of the sealing means and urge the sealing means against the compression means so as to enhance the seal between the sealing means and the sleeve. The coupling may be used to connect pipes made of polyethylene, polyvinylchloride, or brittle materials such as clay or concrete.

05-03-2008 дата публикации

A flange adapter

Номер: GB0002404707B

29-08-2007 дата публикации

Cable splice protector

Номер: GB0002412507B

11-01-1934 дата публикации

Improvements relating to the jointing of pipes and the like

Номер: GB0000404955A

... 404,955. Joint for pipes. WILSON, P. H., 21, Trevose Gardens, Sherwood, Notting- ham, RIDLEY, W., 18, Cromwell Road, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, and STANTON IRONWORKS CO., Ltd., Stanton-by-Dale, near Nottingham. July 11, 1932, Nos. 19610/32 and 14531/33. [Class 99 (i).] The packing comprises a soft metal body with an enclosed stress-distributing reinforcement and is suitable for spigot-and-socket pipe and shaft joints. In the construction shown in Fig. 1, a lead ring a of conical form contains a steel or other metallic slightly coned ring d with bellow-like corrugations d<1>. The ring d extends to the flat end c of the ring a and is provided with saw cuts d<2>. In the construction shown in Fig. 3, the wedge-shape ring is a compressed U-shape ring, one side of which is tapered to a sharp edge b<1>. The joint-retaining ring r, of the kind described in Specification 282,160, [Class 99 (i), Pipes and tubes, Joints &c. for], has a reduced end r<1> to exert pressure adjacent the insertion. The ...

24-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002157785B

29-09-1999 дата публикации

Pipe coupling assembly

Номер: GB0002310698B

05-10-1966 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to a pipe joint

Номер: GB0001045121A

... 1,045,121. Pipe coupling. CENTRE DE RECHERCHES DE PONT - A - MOUSSON. March 17, 1965 [May 14, 1964], No. 11269/65. Heading F2G. A pipe coupling of the kind wherein a pipe end 1 is received in a socket 3 of a second pipe, a sealing element 6 is disposed around the pipe end in the socket and is compressed longitudinally by an annular member 7 having a generally U-shaped cross-section and provided with a number of bosses 11 evenly spaced around its circumference, each boss having apertures 12 receiving bolts 13 having heads provided with hooking noses 16 co-operating with an outer flange 5 on the socket member to axially move the annular member, is charaterized in that each bolt is provided with lateral projections 17 located one on each side of the hooking nose, and the annular member has a cylindrical surface 10 provided on the inner face of the outer arm 9 of the U-shaped cross-section which bears against the lateral projections of the bolt head, the axes of the bolt apertures being located ...

22-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002085991B

24-04-1985 дата публикации

Pipe couplings

Номер: GB0002146722A

A coupling for connecting two spaced coaxial pipes (10, 11 Figs. 2, 3) anchored against longitudinal movement comprises a sleeve 12 having outwardly flared ends 13, a pair of elastomeric gaskets 14, a pair of followers 16, a pair of jaw members 19,30, a pair of back up rings 16a,31), tightening means 17,17a,18,18a and auxiliary tightening means 18b. Tightening the tightening means forces the gaskets into sealing engagement with the sleeve and pipe ends and also forces the jaw member 19 into holding engagement with the pipe 10. Tightening the auxiliary tightening means forces the jaw member 30 into holding engagement with the pipe 11. In another embodiment (See Figs. 4 to 6) the back up ring 16a is formed separately from the follower and a further auxiliary tightening means is provided for the jaw member 19. ...

04-05-2011 дата публикации

Improved pipe coupling

Номер: GB0002474899A

A pipe coupling configured for coupling pipes over a range of diameters including a gripping and sealing assembly comprising a ring of circumferentially linked carrier members 1. The circumferentially discontinuous members are interlinked by means of a tongue and groove connection between a groove 2 on a first member and a tongue on an adjacent member, the opening of the groove which receives the tongue facing In plane not in alignment with a tangent of the circumferential plane of the carrier and each tongue is attached to its member by a resiliently deformable arm whereby to provide stability of the circumferential links in the absence of any additional support.

14-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001442209A

... 1442209 Pipe couplings R A DASPIT 13 June 1973 [1 Aug 1972] 28147/73 Heading F2G In order to accommodate angular deviation of pipe 15, in an underwater coupling, ring 18 has a square inner end and an oblique outer end to mate in plane P-P with the oblique inner end of sleeve (21). On tensioning tie rods (24, Fig. 3, not shown), packing 17, of neoprene cord, is compressed evenly axially to seal against the pipe. A gasket 16 of P.T.F.E. or like material may be provided. A laterally off-set pipe 151 is similarly sealed.

23-11-1933 дата публикации

Improvements relating to pipe joints

Номер: GB0000401777A

... 401,777. Pipe joints. WILSON, P. H., 21, Trevose Gardens, Sherwood, Nottingham, and STANTON IRONWORKS CO., Ltd., Stanton-by-Dale, near Nottingham. June 8, 1932, No. 16215. Addition to 282,160, [Class 99 (i), Pipes and tubes, Joints &c. for]. [Class 99 (i).] In a pipe joint according to the parent Specification the packing g is partly compressed by an axial movement of a ring r independently of the rotational movement of the encircling ring f. The ring r is loosely keyed to the ring f by lugs r<2>, s and is actuated by studs t screwing into the ring f. Specifications 343,217 and 374,493 are referred to.

29-12-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to pipe joint seals

Номер: GB0001096620A

... 1,096,620. Pipe coupling. V. L. BARR. Dec. 28, 1964 [Dec. 27, 1963], No. 52541/64. Heading F2G. A pipe joint comprises a first pipe 12 having a bell end 11, a second pipe having an end 10 adapted to extend into said bell end, an annular seat in the bell end, an annular compressible gasket 24 in the bell end bearing against the seat and adapted to fit around the second pipe end, the outer portion of the bell end limiting radial movement of the gasket, an actuating ring 35 mounted for circumferential movement in the bell end adjacent the gasket, means for applying a tangential force to the ring to rotate it, and means causing axial compression of the gasket resulting from the rotation of the ring. The actuating ring 35 and bell end are co-operatively flanged (Fig. 2) to retain the ring 35 in the bell end. In one embodiment the ring 35 carries cams 52 and a thrust ring carrying corresponding cams is inserted between ring 35 and the gasket, a lug on the thrust ring co-operating with a groove ...

03-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008429347D0

11-12-1922 дата публикации

Improvements in pipe couplings

Номер: GB0000189820A

... 189,820. Mitchell, E. A. June 9, 1921. Stuffing-box joints; sleeve joints with packing operated by fluid pressure. - Relates to a pipe coupling of the type in which the ends of the pipes a, b are held within a sleeve c having enlarged ends c', c<2> in which packing d, d<1> is compressed by annular projections e, e' on flange plates g, g<1> drawn together by bolts &c. h, and consists in providing the sleeve c with an annular recess c<3> in which is located a packing ring r adapted to be forced against the pipe ends by the internal fluid pressure. The ring r also ensures that the pipe ends extend equally within the sleeve c. The pipes are held against endlong movement by sleeves i, j, secured on the pipes by set-screws k and connected by plain bolts, coupled hook bolts m, n, links, or chains passing through lugs o, p, on the sleeves. Specification 112,029 is referred to.

23-08-1939 дата публикации

Improvements in joint-making material

Номер: GB0000511720A

... 511,720. Joint-making packing. STANTON IRONWORKS CO., Ltd., and WILSON, P. H. May 12, 1938, No. 14226. [Classes 122 (iii) and 122 (v)] A joint ring for use in pipes, stuffing boxes etc. consists of rubber or like resilient material a to which is moulded-in to engage the gland ring, an element c of harder material like artificial resin or canvas impregnated with resin which may be impregnated with graphite to render it self-lubricating. The edge of the ring remote from c may be sheathed in lead or canvas, b. The ring is formed in pressure moulding dies which may divide the member c into segments and effect vulcanisation simultaneously, and may also harden the member c by pressure and heat.

28-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001573945A

24-06-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001591688A

02-04-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001563886A

13-10-2001 дата публикации

Valve connector.

Номер: AP0000001017A

By a universal valve connector for inflation valves of vehicle tyres (Sclaverand, Dunlop-Woods, or Schrader), whose connector consists of a connector housing (368), which partly is connected to a pressure source, preferably a hand or foot pump, and which partly has a coupling hole (5) with a diameter corresponding to the diameter of the valve, which is to be connected, where the coupling hole is equipped with a securing means for. securing on the valve, plus a sealing means against valves of different sizes. This is achieved by the sealing means (366) being mounted coaxially in the connector housing (368) and being established on at least two parallel, separate levels, having the centre line (4) of the connector housing (368), which is coaxial to the centre line of the valve, as its normal, where the minor diameters , of the sealing means approximately correspond to the major diameter of the current valve dimensions, on which the connector is mounted when'used, that the sealing means (366 ...

31-10-1997 дата публикации

Valve connector

Номер: AP0009701061A0

05-05-1970 дата публикации

Swivel joint for conduit for fluid.

Номер: OA0000002179A

11-12-2002 дата публикации

Valve connector

Номер: OA0000010740A

24-12-1971 дата публикации

Improvement with the joints for tubular elements and their assembly.

Номер: OA0000003716A

31-10-1997 дата публикации

Valve connector

Номер: AP0009701061D0

15-09-2021 дата публикации

Dichtungsanordnung zur Abdichtung eines Rahmenteils

Номер: AT521587B1

Es wird eine Dichtungsanordnung zur Abdichtung eines Rahmenteils (1) gegenüber einer in eine Aufnahme (2) des Rahmenteils (1) eingesetzten Batteriezelle (3), mit einem gegen den Rahmenteil (1) abgestützten Dichtelement (4) beschrieben. Um eine derartige Dichtungsanordnung so auszugestalten, dass unabhängig von den Fertigungstoleranzen sowie dem elektrischen Betriebszustand der Zellen eine zuverlässige Dichtwirkung erzielt wird, wird vorgeschlagen, dass das Dichtelement (4) einen Zentrierwulst (5), in dessen Bereich das Dichtelement (4) an einer Abstützfläche (7) des Rahmenteils (1) anliegt, und eine über den Zentrierwulst (5) in die Aufnahme (2) frei vorstehende Dichtlippe (6) umfasst.

27-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000004835U1

A fuel container with a pipe, the fuel container having a pipe connecting piece with a conically widened rim and the pipe having an annular bead, on which a connecting member acts, and a sealing ring further being seated between the conically widened rim and the annular bead. In order to make the connection such that it can be produced simply and accurately, and to make it quite tightly, on the side of the annular bead facing the pipe connecting piece, the pipe forms a cylinder with two circumferential grooves, in each of which a sealing ring is seated, which rests in a sealing manner on the cylindrical inner surface of the pipe connecting piece. The annular bead has a cross section with two oblique flanks, the conically widened rim of the pipe connecting piece resting on the flank facing the pipe connecting piece, and the connecting member acting on the flank facing away.

15-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000056260T

10-09-1973 дата публикации

Connection between a sleeve end and a sharpening of pipes

Номер: AT0000309928B

10-10-1974 дата публикации

Procedure for sealing a fitting and a device for the execution of this procedure

Номер: AT0000318325B

15-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000230834T

15-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000209763T

25-07-1968 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000263463B

02-05-1996 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the application of pressure over a surface

Номер: AU00PN911896D0

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Pipe connector

Номер: AU2019201581A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A Pipe Connector Abstract 5 The invention is directed to a coupling arrangement for connecting a pipe to a further pipe or a connector, the coupling apparatus comprising: a connector body having an open end for receiving the free end of a pipe; a mechanical engagement arrangement for preventing or limiting axial movement of the connector body relative to the free end of a pipe received in the open end of the connector body; and a mechanical seal 10 arrangement for providing a metal-to-metal seal between the free end of the pipe and the connector body when the free end of the pipe is received in the open end of the connector body, wherein the mechanical seal arrangement includes a first metallic element configured to fit on a free end of a pipe, for use as part of the metal-to-metal seal; and wherein the coupling arrangement includes a metallic seal surface, arranged 15 for cooperation with the first metallic element, such that the metal-to-metal seal is created between the first metallic ...

08-09-2006 дата публикации

Pipe coupling

Номер: AU2006220131A1

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Seal with rigid stop ring

Номер: AU2010203317B2

SEAL WITH RIGID STOP RING Abstract A seal (12) for pipe couplings (10) and a method of connecting pipe elements. 5 The seal (12) has an elastic ring (24) surrounding a rigid ring (50). The elastic ring (24) has side portions (26, 28) connected by a recessed center portion (30). The recessed center portion (30) has a diameter no greater than the final diameter of the elastic ring (24) in its deformed shape which effects a fluid tight joint. The seal (12) is positioned between segments of a pipe coupling (14, 16). Pipe elements are inserted into the elastic 1o ring (24) against the rigid ring (50) from opposite sides of the coupling (10). The segments are drawn toward one another by fasteners (18), compressing the side portions (26, 28) and effecting the fluid tight joint. 22 26 28 16 ...

19-06-2003 дата публикации

An improved sealing ring for use in sewer and stormwater systems

Номер: AU0009720701A

09-10-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000512414B2

17-10-1974 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000474254B2

14-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000632744B2

23-07-1998 дата публикации

Drainage system

Номер: AU0000694704B2

13-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003266978A

21-11-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004258985A

29-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003395184A

07-10-1999 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to tube couplings

Номер: AU0002242299A

26-03-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000944407A1

02-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001045650A1

27-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001164495A1

15-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1054646A
Принадлежит: CENTAURUS AG

The invention relates to a pipe connection for unprepared pipe ends with a sealing sleeve made of a plastics material which is pushed on to the pipe ends in line with one another and abutting one another the outer surfaces of which widens conically both ends to an axially central periphery onto which outer surfaces are pushed from both ends flange rings which are clampable to one another.

06-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA986963A

29-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001021823A1

10-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001095553A1

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003024047A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

Coupling device (1) for a pipe (2), comprising a sleeve (13) for receiving the pipe (2) and at least one sealing member (5) to provide a seal between the sleeve (13) and the pipe (2), a pressure member (6) for applying a pressure to the sleeve (13) and to the pipe (2), and a grip element (4) extending along at least a part of the perimeter of the pipe (2), wherein the grip element (4) is provided with dents (9) pressed out of the plane of the grip element (4) adjacent to slit like openings (8) punched out of the grip element (4), wherein edges (8') of the slit like openings (8) are subjected to a peening operation.

15-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001069959A1

26-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002623218C

The present invention relates to a sealing member for use in a pipe coupling assembly and, in particular, to a sealing member for sealing the end of a pipe having an exposed metal surface at its end, such as pipes comprising an internal metal sheath which is lined internally and externally with plastic. The sealing member includes a pipe receiving portion adapted to receive the end of the pipe to thereby prevent contact between the end of the pipe and fluid travelling through the pipe. The sealing member may be used in standard pipe couplings, or is preferably incorporated into a coupling having a deformable gripping member whereby upon tightening of the coupling assembly nut, the gripping member urges against the pipe both radially and longitudinally to thereby simultaneously grip the pipe and urge the pipe end within the pipe receiving portion.

24-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002637427C

The press fitting for a tube, particularly for a plastic tube or a plastic/metal compound tube, comprises a fitting body (12) including a support shell (14) for mounting thereon one end of a tube (20) which is to be connected, a press shell (16) which is plastically deformable for pressing against the support shell (14) the end of a tube (20) to be connected that has been mounted on the support shell (14), an abutment element (30) arranged on the press shell (16) and having an abutment face (34) to be abutted by a pressing tool (26) for plastically deforming the press shell (16), and at least one press indication portion (40) projecting from the abutment face (34) of the abutment element (30) and extending externally on the press shell (16) into an acting region (38) within which the pressing tool (26) encloses the press shell (16) during deformation of the press shell (16), said press indication portion (40) being separable from the abutment element (30) by means of the pressing tool ( ...

25-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002709737C

The present invention may be basically described as a gasket for converting a standard mechanical joint into a restrained mechanical joint without the need for altered configuration of the bell, spigot, or gland of the joint, and without the need for additional fittings or devices. in the practice of the present invention, a standard mechanical joint's bell and gland configuration can be employed to connect a spigot end of one pipe length to the bell end of another pipe length in a restrained relationship, with the restraint based on forces superior to rubber- to-pipe friction. In more particular discussion of the embodiments taught, the invention includes forming the gasket to fit within the bell in such a manner that a void, or gutter, exists during rest, into which void the gasket compresses, which in turn influences the rotational motion of the segment. In this manner, the configuration of the gasket influences the timing and extent of rotation throughout the process of securing the ...

10-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002698587A1

The present invention relates to an apparatus which forms a sealed joint between two pipes, particularly but not limited to roofing drain pipes. This apparatus includes a cylindrical body made of rubber or similar material that grips and seals two pipes when it is axially compressed by two halves of an articulated housing as they move towards each other. The two half bodies of the articulated housing are connected together by means of integrated threads such that when one body is rotated in one direction, the bodies move towards each other, thereby reducing the overall length of the housing, and compressing/deforming the rubber seal. The housing also provides a means of rotating/tightening the apparatus by providing a mating head for an appropriately shaped tightening tool.

22-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002130777C

An improved mechanical pipe joint for use in a bell and plain pipe end assembly. The joint includes a gland having a conical cavity for receiving a toothed split ring that coaxially compresses and grips the plain pipe end as the gland is tightened to the bell. The joint is sealed by a compressible gasket positioned between the split ring and the bell. The gland further includes an integrally formed, radially extending shelf for abutting against the split ring and mechanically stopping the gland from being pulled over the split ring during joint assembly.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076027A1

A pipe joint is provided with a pressing ring, a pipe or a pipe joint body which having a containing section, a tightening element, and a packing ring compressed by being pressed by the pressing ring moved by the operation of the tightening element. The packing ring includes a base section fitted and mounted in the containing section at a rear thereof, a seal section contained within the containing section at a front thereof, and a connection section which connects the base section and the seal section and has a cutout groove. When the packing ring positioned by fitting and mounting the base section in the containing section at the rear thereof is subjected to pressing by the pressing ring, the seal section is bent into the cutout groove and is deformed, and compression caused by the deformation creates a sealed state. 1. A pipe joint , comprising:a pressing ring fitted over a pipe to be joined;a pipe or a pipe joint body which has a containing section expanded in diameter toward the pressing ring and into which the pipe to be joined is inserted through the containing section;a tightening element capable of operating and moving the pressing ring toward the pipe or the pipe joint body; anda packing ring compressed by being pressed by the pressing ring that is moved by the operation of the tightening element, whereinthe packing ring includes a base section fitted and mounted in the containing section at a rear thereof, a seal section contained within the containing section at a front thereof, and a connection section which connects the base section and the seal section and has a cutout groove formed on an outer peripheral side thereof,when the packing ring positioned by fitting and mounting the base section in the containing section at the rear thereof is subjected to pressing by the pressing ring, the seal section is bent into the cutout groove and is deformed, and compression caused by the deformation creates a sealed state.2. The pipe joint according to claim 1 , ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130082463A1
Автор: Benson Andrew James

The invention provides a pipe coupling configured for coupling pipes over a range of diameters including a gripping and sealing assembly comprising a ring of circumferentially linked carrier members () the circumferentially discontinuous members are interlinked by means of a tongue and groove connection between a groove () on a first member and a tongue () on an adjacent member, the opening of the groove which receives the tongue facing in a plane not in alignment with a tangent of the circumferential plane of the carrier and each tongue is attached to its member by a resiliency deformable arm whereby to provide stability of the circumferential links in the absence of any additional support. 1. A pipe coupling , comprising:an annular sleeve having an end configured to receive therein a plain end of a pipe and being provided with an annular first compression surface;an annular compression member having an annular second compression surface;an annular gripper; anddrawing device for drawing the compression member and the annular sleeve axially together so as to compress the gripper between the first and second compression surfaces so as to deform or move the gripper radially inwardly and into gripping engagement with the pipe;wherein the gripper comprises a radially outer carrier component comprising an array of circumferentially discontinuous interlinked members, the carrier component being configured to contract radially in response to a radially and/or axially compressive force, a radially inner gripping component carried by the carrier component, an annular seal interlocking with the carrier component and/or the gripping component and being disposed, in use, between a first surface of the carrier component and the first compression surface and between a second surface of the carrier component and a radially outer surface of the pipe end received in the sleeve, the gripping component having a gripping surface and being arranged for relative axial movement, the ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Dual Containment Pipe End Cap

Номер: US20130092275A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An end cap for a containment pipe surrounding a pipe used to transfer fluid include a first fitting including a coupling body configured to be coupled to the pipe, and a reducer having first and second ends, a diameter of the first end of the reducer being less than a diameter of the second end of the reducer, and the first end of the reducer being coupled to the coupling body, and a second fitting including a cap having an open end defining an aperture, and a main body coupled to a second end of the cap, the main body being configured to be coupled to the containment pipe. The reducer is inserted into the aperture of the open end of the cap, and the cap is coupled to the reducer to form the end cap.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Locking Member For A Connection Device For Fluid Transfer, This Device And The Locking Method Therefor

Номер: US20130140808A1
Принадлежит: HUTCHINSON

Locking member having a male end-piece having a collar, a female end-piece having a ring which receives the male end-piece, and two flaps configured to be pushed in through two apertures of the ring and which are blocked behind the collar following insertion of the male end-piece, each flap having an inner and outer faces connected to each other by front and rear faces, relative to the insertion of the male end-piece. Each flap has inclined portions formed on the front face and set back from a foremost portion of this front face and including a guiding portion connecting the foremost portion to the inner face and cooperating with the end of the male end-piece to guide insertion thereof, and a blocking portion connecting the foremost portion to the front face and blocking the flaps against front edges of the apertures to act counter to opening of the member. 1. Locking member configured to be provided on a snap-fitting connection device for fluid transfer comprising a male tubular end-piece having a collar and having a convergent and rounded connection end , and a female tubular end-piece which is surrounded and extended axially by a connection ring and which receives the male end-piece in a sealed manner , this member comprising two resilient locking flaps which are joined together by a gripping head and which are capable of being pushed in transversely and in a reversible manner through two respective symmetrical apertures of the ring , then of being blocked by means of snap-fitting against and behind this collar following the complete insertion of the male end-piece into the female end-piece , each flap having a cross section which varies over the length thereof and two inner and outer faces which are connected to each other by two front and rear faces relative to the direction (A) of insertion of the male end-piece , characterized in that each flap locally comprises inclined portions which are formed on the front face set back from a foremost portion of this ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130161941A1

This disclosure relates generally to hose couplings useful for mining applications, more particularly to a fluid coupling capable of generally fully tightened by hand, including a visual lock for visual indication and safety when in a hand-tightened position. The coupling generally includes a male portion, a female portion, a retaining member and a locking member. The male portion passes through the retaining member, and the retaining member threadingly engages the female member. The locking member prevents unthreading of the retaining member from the female member. 1. A coupling system comprising:a male portion;a female portion;a hand-tightenable threaded retaining member which draws said male portion and said female portion into sealing engagement when threadingly engaged; anda locking member which locks said hand-tightened retaining member to prevent it from unthreading.2. The coupling system of wherein said retaining member comprises internal threads and said female portion comprises corresponding external threads which so threadingly engage.3. The coupling system of wherein said retaining member comprises an abutment portion that abuts a boss of said male portion and thereby draws said male portion into sealing engagement with said female portion.4. The coupling system of male wherein said male portion comprises an insert portion configured to generally matingly couple to a receptacle portion of a female portion of said coupling system.5. The coupling system of further comprising a seal between said insert portion and said receptacle portion.6. The coupling system of wherein said retaining member comprises internal threads and said male member comprises corresponding external threads which so threadingly engage.7. The coupling system of wherein said retaining member comprises an abutment portion that abuts a boss of said female portion and thereby draws said female portion into said sealing engagement with said male portion.8. A coupling system claim 6 , ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193652A1
Автор: Whitley James

A cam lock quick coupling includes coupling components and . A gasket for use in the coupling includes a positioning portion substantially adjacent an outer peripheral surface ; a compression sealing portion substantially adjacent an inner peripheral surface ; and a connecting portion closer to the outer peripheral surface than to the inner peripheral surface. 1. A gasket for use with mating components , the gasket being of a compressible elastomeric material and having a generally annular shape with a longitudinal axis , a radially inwardly facing inner peripheral surface and a radially outwardly facing outer peripheral surface , longitudinally oppositely facing lateral surfaces , a positioning portion substantially adjacent the outer peripheral surface , a compression sealing portion substantially adjacent the inner peripheral surface , and a connecting portion intermediate the positioning portion and the compression sealing portion , the connecting portion having a longitudinal thickness substantially less than the longitudinal thickness of the compression sealing portion.2. A gasket as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the connecting portion is closer to the outer peripheral surface than to the inner peripheral surface.3. A gasket as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the lateral extent of the gasket has four quartile regions of substantially equal radial extent claim 1 , the first quartile region is adjacent the outer peripheral surface claim 1 , the second quartile region is adjacent and radially inward relative to the first quartile region claim 1 , the third quartile region is adjacent and radially inward relative to the second quartile region claim 1 , the fourth quartile region is adjacent and radially inward relative to the third quartile region claim 1 , and the positioning portion is disposed substantially within the first quartile region.4. A gasket as set forth in claim 3 , wherein the sealing compression portion is disposed substantially within the third ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Remote Cam-lock Coupling Actuator and Discharge Containment Device

Номер: US20130199021A1
Автор: Jupe Michael A.

This invention relates to a means of remotely coupling and decoupling various devices connected to: 1) Municipal drinking (potable), reuse (non-potable), industry process water, and wastewater treatment systems; and, 2) Industrial fluid distribution systems by means of a remotely actuated cam-lock coupling actuator and discharge containment device capable of remotely locking and unlocking the locking handles found on conventional female cam-lock couplings while simultaneously containing the forceful spray discharge ordinarily encountered when decoupling occurs. 1. A remote cam-lock coupling actuator and discharge containment device comprising:a. a passage for fluid with a female cam-lock coupling with locking handles disposed at one end for temporary attachment to a fluid source equipped with a male cam-lock coupling wherein said passage has a conduit for directing fluid to a fluidically coupled destination; i. a first open end cylinder concentrically disposed around, and in intimate contact with, said passage such that it is slidably displaceable along the length of said passage;', 'ii. a second open end cylinder larger in diameter than said first open end cylinder continuously affixed to and concentrically disposed around said first open end cylinder and extending beyond it towards said female cam-lock coupling;', 'iii. longitudinal slots through said second open end cylinder such that said locking handles protrude into said longitudinal slots, each longitudinal slot further comprising an opening (unlocking) beveled end disposed away from said female cam-lock coupling and a closing (locking) beveled end nearer to said female cam-lock coupling;, 'b. a cam-lock coupling actuator and discharge containment shroud comprisingc. such that when said cam-lock coupling actuator and discharge containment device is slidably displaced towards said female cam-lock coupling, said opening (unlocking) beveled ends slide under said locking handles and unlock said female cam-lock ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300112A1
Автор: Shand Ajay

The present subject matter relates to a turbulence free ring (TFR), for a pipe-coupler unit. The TFR includes a main portion, forming a closed loop of predetermined diameter, webbed portions extending in an axial direction from the main portion, a fitment edge, extending in a radially outward direction from the main portion, and a raised section having a substantially flat top surface. The raised section extends in a radially inward direction from the main portion. 1. A turbulence free ring for a pipe-coupler unit , the turbulence free ring comprising:a main portion forming a closed loop of predetermined diameter;webbed portions extending in an axial direction from the main portion;a fitment edge, extending in a radially outward direction from the main portion; anda raised section having a substantially flat top surface, the raised section extending in a radially inward direction from the main portion, wherein each of the webbed portions is connected to the raised section via a curved section.2. The turbulence free ring as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the turbulence free ring is fitted in an internal groove of a coupler claim 1 , of the pipe-coupler unit claim 1 , by the fitment edge.3. The turbulence free ring as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the top surface of the raised section is substantially in line with an inner surface of a fixed pipe and a removable pipe of the pipe-coupler unit in an assembled state of the pipe-coupler unit.4. The turbulence free ring as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the top surface of the raised section lies below an inner surface of the fixed pipe and the removable pipe in the assembled state.5. The turbulence free ring as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the top surface of the raised section is 0.1 millimeter below the inner surface of the fixed pipe and the removable pipe.6. The turbulence free ring as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the turbulence free ring has a cross section that is symmetrical about an axis passing through a center of the ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334814A1

This fluid coupling element comprises a base body () defining a central axis (X-X) of fit of an complementary fluid coupling element (), a locking ring () a locking ball () that is capable of locking the complementary fluid coupling element () relative to the base body (). The locking ball () is movable radially in the body () between a locking position of the complementary fluid coupling element (), and an unlocking position. The element comprises an actuating ball () of the locking ring () adapted to be pushed into an elongated housing () of the base body () by the complementary fluid coupling element () so as to move the locking ring axially from a locking position, wherein the or each locking ball () is locked in said locking position, at least into a release position in which the or each locking ball () and the means for returning the locking ring to said locking position. 14. A fluid coupling element () , of the type comprising{'b': 8', '6, 'a base body () defining a central axis (X-X) of fit of an complementary fluid coupling element (),'}{'b': 10', '8, 'a locking ring (), movable relative to the base body (),'}{'b': 14', '6', '8, 'at least one locking ball () that is capable of locking the complementary fluid coupling element () relative to the base body (),'}{'b': 14', '8', '14', '6', '14', '6', '16', '10', '18', '8', '6', '4', '6', '14', '14, 'the or each locking ball () being radially movable in the body () between a locking position wherein the locking ball () is adapted to lock the complementary fluid coupling element (), and an unlocking position wherein the locking ball () frees the passage for the complementary fluid coupling element (), at least one actuating ball () of the locking ring () adapted to be pushed into an elongated housing () of the base body () by the complementary fluid coupling element () during the coupling of the coupling element () and the complementary coupling element () so as to move the locking ring axially from a locking ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140035282A1

An annular sealing material seals a pipe joint between a socket and a spigot. The sealing material includes a bulb part which is composed of a first bulb, a second bulb located closer to the inner side of the socket than the first bulb, and a narrow part present between the first and second bulbs. The first bulb is pressed against the inner circumferential surface of the socket. The second bulb is pressed against the outer peripheral surface of the spigot. The second bulb is inclined towards the pipe center from the first bulb in a natural state before it is provided between the socket and the spigot. The inner diameter of the second bulb is smaller than the outer diameter of the spigot in the natural state. The second bulb is extensible in the pipe diameter direction due to elastic deformation of the narrow part. 1. A pipe joint in which a spigot formed at an end of one pipe is inserted into a socket formed at an end of another pipe , the one pipe and the other pipe being joined to each other ,the pipe joint comprising:a fitting groove formed on an inner circumferential surface of the socket; andan annular sealing material for sealing a gap between the socket and the spigot over a periphery,the sealing material including a heel part fitted into the fitting groove, and a bulb part interposed between the inner circumferential surface of the socket and an outer peripheral surface of the spigot, closer to an inner side of the socket than the heel part,the bulb part including a first bulb continuous with the heel part, a second bulb positioned closer to the inner side of the socket than the first bulb, and a narrow part present on a boundary between the first bulb and the second bulb,the first bulb having a first sealing portion formed on an outer peripheral portion of the first bulb, the first sealing portion being pressed against the inner circumferential surface of the socket, the second bulb having a second sealing portion formed on an inner circumferential portion ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140070531A1

To provide a pipe joint having sufficient pipe drawing force, a pipe-fastening ring unit U of double elastic construction, having a C-shaped fastening ring body for clamping as an inner layer and a C-shaped elastic mounted body to augment clamping force added as an outer layer of the elastic fastening ring body is provided. 1231155113655511105. A pipe joint provided with a joint main body () having an insertion cylinder portion () inserted to an end portion (A) of a pipe () to be connected , a C-shaped fastening ring body () with a slit (A) to fasten the end portion (A) of the pipe () mounted to the insertion cylinder portion () with elastic fastening force , a diameter expansion piece () releasably held by end portions of the slit (A) as to expand the fastening ring body () against the elastic force of the fastening ring body () and released by detection of a forth end portion (B) of the inserted pipe () , characterized by that a C-shaped elastic mounted body () mounted to the fastening ring body () to augment the elastic fastening force.210105. The pipe joint as set forth in claim 1 , wherein an inner peripheral face (Z) of the C-shaped elastic mounted body () is always tightly fit to a peripheral face (Y) of the fastening ring body ().31010510101051555. The pipe joint as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the inner peripheral face (Z) of the C-shaped elastic mounted body () is mounted to the peripheral face (Y) of the fastening ring body () as more than 90% of an arc length (L) of the inner peripheral face (Z) is non-contact state claim 1 , and a slit forming end portion (E) of the C-shaped elastic mounted body () is hitched to a hitching protruding piece () protruding near both end portions (E) forming the slit (A) of the fastening ring body ().411311105. The pipe joint as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the end portion (A) of the pipe () is press-fit to the insertion cylinder portion () with high contact pressure by augmented fastening force (Fu) claim 1 , fastening ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000096A1
Автор: Gilbreath Donald R.

This disclosure relates generally to couplings used in mining and other applications. An extraction device for removing an adapter from a port formed in a structure is provided. The extraction device may include an end wall and a side wall. The end wall may define an external face of the extraction device. The side wall may extend axially away from a periphery of the end wall. The side wall may terminate at an end face of the extraction device. The end face may have a larger dimension than the port so as to abut the structure adjacent to a periphery of the port. The side wall may include an inner surface and an outer surface. The inner surface may have a threaded portion. 1. An extraction device for removing an adapter from a port formed in a structure , the extraction device comprising:an end wall defining an external face of the extraction device; anda side wall extending axially away from a periphery of the end wall and terminating at an end face of the extraction device, the end face having a larger dimension than the port so as to abut the structure adjacent to a periphery of the port, the side wall including an inner surface and an outer surface, the inner surface having a threaded portion.2. The extraction device of wherein the inner surface includes a leading non-threaded portion extending between the end face and the threaded portion.3. The extraction device of wherein the inner surface includes a trailing non-threaded portion extending between the threaded portion and the end wall.4. The extraction device of wherein:the leading and trailing non-threaded portions are substantially cylindrical; andthe threaded portion includes a major diameter that is radially aligned with the leading non-threaded portion.5. The extraction device of wherein the outer surface defines a shoulder oriented transversely to a longitudinal axis of the extraction device.6. The extraction device of wherein the shoulder is annular.7. The extraction device of further comprising a keyed ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Device for assembly and attachment of a pair of openings

Номер: US20210003234A1
Автор: POURRE Olivier

The present invention relates to a device for assembling a pipe () with a receiving opening () characterised in that it comprises: —a first structure () bearing an interface () surrounding a first opening (), this interface () comprising at least one peripheral skirt (), —a second structure () bearing an interface () surrounding a second opening (), —a peripheral sealing gasket () for sealing the junction between the two interfaces (), the two interfaces () being positioned facing each other so that: —the skirt () of the first interface () is positioned on the periphery of the second cooperating interface () surrounding the second opening (), and so that —the skirt () compresses at least a portion of the sealing gasket () against the second interface (). 112-. (canceled)13. A device for assembling and fixing the orifice of a pipe with a receiving orifice to cooperate , said device comprising:a first structure bearing a first cooperation interface surrounding a first of the two orifices, this interface comprising at least one skirt disposed over at least a portion of the periphery of the first orifice,a second structure bearing a second cooperation interface surrounding the second orifice,a seal disposed on the periphery of the join between the first cooperation interface and the second cooperation interface,the first cooperation interface being positioned facing the second cooperation interface so that:the skirt of the first interface is positioned at the periphery of the second cooperation interface surrounding the second orifice, andthe skirt of the first interface and/or an extension of the skirt radially compresses at least a part of the seal against a part of the second interface, the second interface comprising a shoulder positioned along a rim at the periphery of the second cooperation interface and against which at least a part of the seal is in contactand in that the two structures which bear the cooperation interfaces, on the one hand, incorporate at least ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Gland assembly

Номер: US20220018472A1
Автор: Aurelian Ioan Furcoiu
Принадлежит: Mueller International LLC

A method for using a gland assembly includes sliding a gland assembly over an end of a pipe, the pipe defining an outer surface, the gland assembly comprising a gland, a joint restraint assembly, and a gasket, the joint restraint assembly comprising a gripper and a spring, the spring configured to engage the gripper and the gasket; inserting the end of the pipe into a socket of a piping element; fastening the gland to the piping element; disabling a deactivation mechanism of the joint restraint assembly; and engaging the joint restraint assembly with the outer surface of the pipe to prevent removal of the pipe from the piping element.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Integrated metal c-seal with threaded adapter

Номер: US20170009915A1
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

An adapter and seal system is provided. The system may comprise a cylindrical body centered about an axis and a first thread disposed about an outer diameter of the cylindrical body. A protrusion on the cylindrical body may extend radially outward from the cylindrical body with a surface orthogonal to the axis partially defining the protrusion. A circular trench may be formed in the surface and may open in an axial direction towards the first thread. A metallic C-seal may be disposed in the circular trench.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Fluid Coupling Devices

Номер: US20170009920A1

Fluid coupling devices for connecting to and disconnecting from a male barbed fitting to provide a continuous flow path or a flow termination point, include a frame and an elastomeric sealing material disposed about and at least partially encapsulating the frame. The frame can have a first end including a connecting element. The frame can also have a second end including a ring that has two inwardly directed, radial locking tabs. At least a portion of the sealing material can define a thru lumen. At least a portion of the thru lumen can include a tapered, inner portion configured to create a sealed connection with a male barbed fitting. The second end of the fluid coupling device, when compressed, can deflect the locking tabs in a radially outward direction for releasing the male barbed fitting. 1. A fluid coupling device comprising: a first frame portion comprising a ring and two inwardly directed, radial locking tabs; and', 'a second frame portion comprising a connecting element; and, 'a frame comprisingan elastomeric sealing material disposed about and at least partially encapsulating the frame, the sealing material defining at least a portion of a lumen, the lumen comprising at least one sealing surface configured to form a sealed connection with a male barbed fitting;wherein the fluid coupling device, when compressed, deflects the locking tabs in a radially outward direction for releasing the male barbed fitting.2. The fluid coupling device of claim 1 , wherein the fluid coupling device has a non-compressed state configured for sealably coupling to the male barbed fitting and a compressed state configured for releasing the male barbed fitting.3. The fluid coupling device of claim 2 , wherein the ring of the frame has a circular cross-section when the fluid coupling device is in the non-compressed state and an oval cross-section when the fluid coupling device is in the compressed state.4. The fluid coupling device of claim 1 , wherein the locking tabs are ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010623A1
Автор: Bunn, SR. Keith R.

A pipe system for transporting liquid. The pipe system connects adjacent pipes and includes a pipe having a coupler cup formed in an end thereof. The coupler cup is configured for receiving and end of a second pipe therein. The pipe system includes a coupler cap adapted to snap onto the coupler cup. The coupler cap also has an opening for receiving the second pipe therethrough to couple the first pipe and the second pipe. A seal is disposed between the coupler cap and the coupler cup to provide a sealed pipe system. 1. A pipe system for connecting adjacent pipes comprising:a first pipe having a coupler cup formed in an end thereof, the coupler cup including a first engagement surface on an exterior surface thereof, the coupler cup configured for receiving an end of a second pipe therein;a coupler cap defining an interior surface and an exterior surface and comprising a second engagement surface on the interior surface, the coupler cap configured and arranged to have a snap fit connection with the coupler cup, the coupler cap disposed around the exterior surface of the coupler cup and having a central opening for receiving the second pipe therethrough; anda release ring disposed around the exterior surface of the coupler cup and beneath the coupler cap,wherein the second engagement surface is adapted to engage the first engagement surface when the coupler cap is snapped onto the coupler cup, and the release ring configured to disengage the second engagement surface from the first engagement surface when moved toward the coupler cap to remove the coupler cap from the coupler cup.2. The pipe system of claim 1 , the coupler cap including a sidewall and a plurality of flex tabs defined by a plurality of spaced slots in the sidewall claim 1 , the flex tabs configured to flex outwardly.3. The pipe system of claim 2 , the exterior surface of the coupler cup including an angled surface claim 2 , the interior surface of the coupler cap including an angled surface claim 2 , ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018125A1

A gland assembly for a piping element, the gland assembly comprising: a gland comprising: a joint restraint assembly comprising a restraint base, the restraint base defining a restraint pocket, the joint restraint assembly further comprising a gripper disposed within the restraint pocket, wherein the gripper is configured to rotate within the restraint pocket about and between a disengaged position in which the gripper is disengaged from the piping element and an engagement position in which the gripper is engaged with the piping element; and a cover removably attached to the restraint base, the cover comprising: a bottom wall comprising a stop leg; a sidewall; a tab extending from the sidewall, the tab configured to prevent the cover from being pushed onto the restraint base in a fully depressed configuration and to prevent the stop leg from engaging the gripper into the disengaged position. 1. A gland assembly for a piping element , the gland assembly comprising: an annular ring defining a fastener hole, the annular ring defining a radially inward and a radially outward directionality; and', 'a joint restraint assembly comprising a restraint base, the restraint base attached to the annular ring and defining a restraint pocket, the joint restraint assembly further comprising a gripper disposed within the restraint pocket, wherein the gripper is configured to rotate within the restraint pocket about and between a disengaged position in which the gripper is disengaged from the piping element and an engagement position in which the gripper is engaged with the piping element; and, 'a gland comprising a bottom wall comprising a stop leg;', 'a sidewall;', 'a tab extending from the sidewall, the tab configured to prevent the cover from being pushed onto the restraint base in a fully depressed configuration and to prevent the stop leg from engaging the gripper into the disengaged position., 'a cover removably attached to the restraint base, the cover comprising2. The gland ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021862A1

A device for at least partially blocking an opening includes a first body, a second body rotatably mounted to the first body and a compressible seal extending from the first body. The seal includes a first portion, a plate having a hole at one end of the first portion, and a second portion extending away from the plate. A hollow shaft extends from the second body and through the first body, the first portion, the hole in the plate, and into the second portion. The shaft has a shoulder in the second portion that is wider than the hole in the plate, and moving the shaft relative to the first body compresses the second body until the shoulder reaches the plate and then compresses the first body. Such compression expands the first and/or second portions and presses them against the inside of the opening to form a seal. 1. An adapter configured to be mounted in an opening to form a seal with an interior wall of the opening , the adapter comprising:a first body;a second body rotatably mounted to the first body;a compressible seal extending from the first body, the compressible seal including a compressible seal first portion, the compressible seal first portion having a first end at the first body, a second end and an interior, the compressible seal further including a plate having a hole at the second end of the compressible seal first portion, and a compressible seal second portion having a first end at the plate and a second end and having an interior, anda hollow shaft operably connected to the second body and having a longitudinal axis and a shaft first end at the second body and a shaft second end, the shaft projecting through a passage in the first body, through the interior of the first portion of the compressible seal, through the hole in the plate, and into the interior of the second portion of the compressible seal, the shaft having a shoulder in the interior of the second portion of the compressible seal, the shoulder being spaced from the plate and spaced ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025321A1
Автор: Furcoiu Aurelian Ioan

A mechanical joint includes a piping element, the piping element comprising an element flange, the piping element defining a socket extending inwards from the element flange; a pipe length, the pipe length extending through the element flange into the socket, the pipe length defining an outer pipe surface; and a gland, the pipe length extending through the gland, the gland comprising a joint restraint assembly, the joint restraint assembly comprising: a restraint base, the restraint base defining a restraint pocket; and a gripper disposed within the restraint pocket, the gripper configured to rotate in the restraint pocket, the gripper further configured to engage the outer pipe surface to prevent removal of the pipe length from the socket, wherein the joint restraint assembly is selectably configurable from a prepared position to an activated position. 1. A mechanical joint comprising:a piping element, the piping element comprising an element flange, the piping element defining a socket extending inwards from the element flange;a pipe length, the pipe length extending through the element flange into the socket, the pipe length defining an outer pipe surface; and a restraint base, the restraint base defining a restraint pocket; and', 'a gripper disposed within the restraint pocket, the gripper configured to rotate in the restraint pocket, the gripper further configured to engage the outer pipe surface to prevent removal of the pipe length from the socket,', 'wherein the joint restraint assembly is selectably configurable from a prepared position to an activated position., 'a gland, the pipe length extending through the gland, the gland comprising a joint restraint assembly, the joint restraint assembly comprising2. The mechanical joint of claim 1 , wherein arrangement of the joint restraint assembly from the prepared position to the activated position is selectable by hand.3. The mechanical joint of claim 1 , further comprisingan annular ring, the annular ring ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030489A1

A co-molded sealing ring for use in an electrical fitting has an uncompressed state and a compressed state and includes a first segment formed from thermoplastic elastomer and a second segment co-molded to the first segment, formed from a medium-density polyethylene material. A space formed between the first segment and an inner surface of an electrical fitting connector body when the ring is in the uncompressed state, is at least partially filled by a portion of the first segment when the ring is in the compressed state; the second segment having an end surface positioned away from the first segment, the end surface dimensioned for contact by a gland ring so as to urge the sealing ring into the compressed state so that the first segment forms a seal between the inner surface of the connector body and an outer surface of a conduit positioned within the connector body. 1. A co-molded sealing ring for use in an electrical fitting , the co-molded sealing ring having an uncompressed state and a compressed state , the co-molded sealing ring comprising a first segment formed from thermoplastic elastomer and a second segment co-molded to the first segment , formed from a medium-density polyethylene material attached at an end thereof to an end of the first segment , wherein a space formed between the first segment and an inner surface of a connector body of the electrical fitting when the co-molded sealing ring is in the uncompressed state , is at least partially filled by a portion of the first segment when the co-molded sealing ring is in the compressed state , wherein said second segment has an end surface positioned away from the first segment , said end surface of the second segment dimensioned for contact by a gland ring so as to urge the co-molded sealing ring into the compressed state so that said first segment forms a seal between the inner surface of the connector body and an outer surface of a conduit positioned within the connector body.2. The co-molded sealing ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030497A1
Принадлежит: Futurewei Technologies, Inc.

A fluid coupling mating apparatus and method are provided. Included is at least one mating member for removably coupling with another mating member for allowing fluid to pass therebetween. A lock is movably coupled to the at least one mating member. Still yet, a holder is coupled to the lock for holding the lock in relation to the holder during at least a portion of the removable coupling of the at least one mating member with another mating member. 1. An apparatus , comprising:at least one mating member for removably coupling with another mating member for allowing fluid to pass therebetween;a lock movably coupled to the at least one mating member; anda holder coupled to the lock for holding the lock in relation to the holder during at least a portion of the removable coupling of the at least one mating member with the another mating member.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one mating member includes a socket and the another mating member includes a plug.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one mating member is configured for frictionally coupling with the another mating member.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the lock at least partially encompasses the at least one mating member.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the lock at least partially encompasses the at least one mating member claim 4 , such that the movable coupling between the at least one mating member and the lock includes a slidable coupling.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one mating member and the lock are movably coupled to a housing component.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one mating member and the lock are movably coupled to a housing component such that the at least one mating member and the lock are each independently moveable along a single axis.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the holder is operable claim 1 , during coupling claim 1 , for holding the lock in relation to the holder until the at least one mating ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033067A1
Автор: STUTZMAN Scott S.

A magnetic vacuum hose coupler. The abstract of the disclosure is submitted herewith as required by 37 C.F.R. §1.72(b). As stated in 37 C.F.R. §1.72(b): A brief abstract of the technical disclosure in the specification must commence on a separate sheet, preferably following the claims, under the heading “Abstract of the Disclosure.” The purpose of the abstract is to enable the Patent and Trademark Office and the public generally to determine quickly from a cursory inspection the nature and gist of the technical disclosure. The abstract shall not be used for interpreting the scope of the claims. Therefore, any statements made relating to the abstract are not intended to limit the claims in any manner and should not be interpreted as limiting the claims in any manner. 1 a male portion configured to be connected to a large flexible hose;', 'a female portion opposite said mail portion being configured to be connected to a rigid sleeve;', 'magnets disposed about the periphery of said female portion being configured to magnetically attach to a ferromagnetic member;', 'each said magnet comprising an adjusting arrangement configured to extend said magnet and adjust said magnet to couple and hold with said magnet said coupler to a ferromagnetic member; and', 'each said magnet comprising a biasing member configured to adjust said magnet which biasing member is connected to associate with each said adjusting arrangement., 'a body comprising. A magnetic hose coupler being configured to connect large flexible hoses having diameters in the order of about one foot or greater, said coupler comprising: 1. Technical FieldThe present application relates to a magnetic vacuum hose coupler.2. Background InformationBackground information is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily admit that subsequently mentioned information and publications are prior art.The current method for connecting vacuum hoses (mainly large hoses between 20″ and 24″) to equipment and to each other ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040635A1
Автор: Satarino Charles

An adaptive air intake joint for an internal combustion engine comprising a molded elastomeric duct body having standing ribs constructed and arranged to provide a continuous and sufficient contact force across the face of a joint of an adjoining duct body. A clamp secured to the duct causes the ribs to provide a continuous and sufficient contact force across a seal surface, eliminating the need for constant tension clamp and improving the air intake joint seal to prevent leakage that is especially common in cold environments. 1. An adaptive air intake joint for an internal combustion engine comprising:{'b': 12', '15', '17', '15', '21', '19', '23', '14', '17', '23, 'a first duct body () having an interior surface () and an exterior surface (), said interior surface () providing a first air flow passageway () between a first end () and a receptacle end (), at least two ribs () positioned over the exterior surface () of said receptacle end ();'}{'b': 29', '31', '33', '31', '29', '32', '35', '37', '35', '23', '12', '33', '35', '15', '23', '41', '20', '14, 'a second duct body () having an interior surface () and exterior surface (), said interior surface () of said second duct body providing a second air flow passageway () between an insertion end () and a second end (), said insertion end insertable into said receptacle end () of said first duct body () with said exterior surface () of said insertion end () constructed and arranged to frictionally engage said interior surface () of said receptacle end () to form a joint (); and a clamp () positioned over said ribs ();'}{'b': 20', '14', '41', '21', '29', '19', '37, 'wherein said clamp () is tightened to cause compression of the ribs () to provide a constant pressure on the joint (), said first duct body () and said second duct body () forming a sealed passageway between said first () and second ends ().'}214. The adaptive air intake joint for an internal combustion engine according to wherein said ribs () are formed by ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040809A1

A securing assembly with a securing structural element adapted to couple a first exhaust system part to a second exhaust system part. The assembly includes a element having a first surface attached to an exterior surface of the first exhaust system part, the element engaging at least a portion of the exhaust system part. The element may be cylindrical or rectangular. A bottom surface of the element includes a plurality of energy directors extending from the bottom surface to a height above the bottom surface. The directors allow sonic welding of the element to an arcuate side of the exhaust system part. 1. A securing assembly for an exhaust system , comprising:a securing structural element adapted to couple a first exhaust system part to a second exhaust system part; anda button having a first surface configured to attach to an exterior surface of the first exhaust system part, the button engaging at least a portion of the securing structural element.2. The securing assembly of wherein the button has a generally rectangular shape having a length and a width claim 1 , the first exhaust system part having an arcuate surface claim 1 , the length oriented along the arcuate surface when attached thereto.3. The securing assembly of wherein the button has a plurality of raised energy directors.4. The securing assembly of wherein the height of the raised energy directors is in a range of about 0.007 inch to 0.03 inch.5. The securing assembly of wherein the length is a maximum of 1 inch for an exhaust system part has a diameter of two inches to 20 inches.6. The securing assembly of wherein the securing structural element comprises a securing ring having a hooked section engaging the second exhaust system part.7. The securing assembly of wherein the securing structural element comprises a retaining block having a recess engaging the button and a second end engaging the second exhaust system part.8. The securing assembly of wherein the button has a generally cylindrical shape ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047500A1
Автор: OLSEN Tomas Hecht

The invention relates to a coupling () for placement in a hole, where the coupling () is pipe shaped, includes at least a base part () and at least a first sealing part (), which is suited for sealing against the insert () and at least another sealing part (). The coupling includes at least one outgrowth () on the exterior side of the coupling (), where the coupling () includes an exterior surface () and an internal surface (). The first sealing part () is mounted with contact against the inner surface () and is designed to seal against the insert () and the second sealing part () is mounted with contact against the outer surface () and designed to seal against the hole part. The invention also relates to the use of the coupling () for connections where there is to be controlled and/or sealed in a hole. 117.-. (canceled)18. A coupling for placement in a hole , such as a hole in a machine part or in a pipe , and around an insert such as a pipe or an axle , where the said coupling is pipe shaped and comprises:an exterior surface and an interior surface;at least one base part;at least one first sealing part mounted with contact against the inner surface and configured to seal against the insert;at least one second sealing part mounted with contact against the exterior surface and configured to seal against the hollow part including the pipe; andat least one outgrowth on the exterior surface of the coupling;wherein the exterior surface includes an outer track and the interior surface includes an inner track;wherein the at least one first sealing part is mounted in the inner track and designed to seal towards the insert, andwherein the at least one second sealing part is mounted in the outer track and designed to seal against the hollow part including the pipe.19. The coupling according to claim 18 , wherein the outgrowth includes an outer surface in which the outer track is fully or partially placed and the at least one second sealing part is mounted in the outer track ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Plumbing Apparatus for Connecting a Tail Piece to a Waste Pipe

Номер: US20180045344A1
Автор: CLOUTIER Jean-Louis
Принадлежит: TOMLIN INDUSTRIES (2000) INC.

A plumbing apparatus for connecting a tail piece to a waste pipe is provided. The apparatus comprises a body having a top flanged end including an inlet configured for receiving the tail piece, a bottom end having an outlet for receiving the waste pipe, and a channel extending between the inlet and outlet. A seal extends about the channel for forming a watertight seal between the tail piece and the waste pipe. A plate is secured to the top flanged end for securing the apparatus to the floor above the waste pipe, may be removable to facilitate post-installation maintenance, and may have an off-center opening to fit various waste pipe configurations. The apparatus is useful for installing plumbing fixtures such as bathtubs, particularly where there is no access from underneath such as in already built homes. 1. A plumbing apparatus for connecting a tail piece to a waste pipe , comprising: a top flanged end having an inlet configured for receiving the tail piece; and', 'a bottom end having an outlet opposite the inlet, the outlet configured for receiving the waste pipe;', 'the body having a channel formed by an inner wall thereof, the channel extending between the inlet and the outlet;, 'a body havinga seal extending about the channel for forming a watertight seal between the tail piece and the waste pipe when the tail piece is inserted through the inlet and into the waste pipe; andstop means disposed at the inner wall for stopping the waste pipe when the waste pipe is inserted into the channel via the outlet.2. The plumbing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the stop means comprises a stop ring.3. The plumbing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a plate secured to the top flanged end for mounting the plumbing apparatus to a floor over the waste pipe claim 1 , the plate having an opening surrounding at least a portion of the top flanged end and providing access to the inlet so that the tail piece may be inserted into the inlet.4. The plumbing ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045345A1
Автор: Bird Edwin A.

A pipe coupling for coupling adjacent pipe ends of a pair of pipes includes a sleeve, a sealing gasket operatively coupled with the sleeve adjacent an open end of the sleeve, and a clamping element for compressing the sleeve or the sealing gasket into tightened engagement with one of the pipe ends. The clamping element includes two bolt flanges nominally spaced apart by a gap and a double threaded fastening bolt with two external threaded portions, which engage with two corresponding fastening nuts having right-hand thread and left-hand thread, respectively. Accordingly, when the fastening bolt is rotated, both the fastening nuts move towards or away from one another, thereby rapidly moving the bolt flanges to shrink the gap and compress the clamping element or to expand the gap. As such, less time and labor are required to operate the pipe coupling in the field. 1. A pipe coupling for coupling two pipe ends together , comprising:a sleeve having a generally cylindrical body portion with open opposing ends configured to receive the two pipe ends, the body portion extending along a longitudinal length;at least one sealing gasket operatively coupled with the sleeve for engaging at least one of the two pipe ends; and first and second clamp members operatively coupled with the open opposing ends of the sleeve and the at least one sealing gasket, the first and second clamp members including corresponding first and second bolt flanges nominally spaced from one another to define a gap therebetween,', 'a double threaded fastening bolt extending along the longitudinal length, generally parallel to the body portion of the sleeve and through the first and second bolt flanges of the first and second clamp members, the fastening bolt including first and second external threaded portions connected at a central bolt portion and respectively defining a right-hand thread and a left-hand thread, and', 'first and second fastening nuts in threaded engagement with the first and second ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Pipe Coupling Having Arcuate Snap Couplers With Cylindrical Base Body

Номер: US20180045346A1
Автор: Ajit Singh Gill
Принадлежит: Individual

A coupler for coupling together the end portions of two pipes having radial end flanges includes a single piece cylindrical base body having a receiving opening therethrough to receive and surround end portions of the pipes to be coupled and bridging over a gap between the pipes to be coupled. At least one arcuate coupling member having opposite end flanges extending axially inwardly from the ends of the arcuate coupling member with the length between opposite end flanges being greater than the length of the cylindrical base body is connectable to the cylindrical base body in a coupling position to prevent the passage of the radial pipe flanges to thereby secure the end portions of the pipes to be connected in the cylindrical base body in a connected condition. The arcuate coupling members can be pivotally connected to the cylindrical base body so can move between coupling and uncoupling positions.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053925A1

An attachment structure for a pressure detector that is such that the pressure detector is attached in an airtight manner within an insertion hole of an attachment tool main body attached to a mechanical device or pipelines, with a pipe, a gasket presser, a gasket, a split ring, and a bonnet. The configuration is such that the gasket presser and the split ring are inserted into the insertion hole of the attachment tool main body, the bonnet is inserted into the insertion hole, the bonnet is fastened to the attachment tool main body side, the gasket presser and the gasket are pressed by the split ring, and sealing portions are formed between the bottom surface of the insertion hole and one end surface of the gasket and between the tip end surface of the gasket restraint and the other end surface of the gasket. 1. A structure for attaching a pressure detector air-tightly into an insertion hole of an attachment tool main body attached to pipelines or mechanical devices comprising: a casing forming a pressure introduction hole,', 'a pressure receiving chamber being provided in the casing and communicating with the pressure introduction hole,', 'a diaphragm displacing depending on the pressure of the pressure receiving chamber, and', 'a pressure detecting element converting a pressure caused by the displacement of the diaphragm into an electrical signal; and, 'a pressure detector having a pipe protruding outwardly on the casing and forming the pressure introduction hole;', 'an annular gasket presser with a diameter larger than the pipe provided at the front end of the pipe;', 'an annular gasket provided on the bottom face of the insertion hole of the attachment tool main body and abutting against the front end surface of the gasket presser;', 'a split ring abutting against the face opposite to the front end face of the gasket presser; and', 'a bonnet pressing the split ring removably inserted into the insertion hole of the attachment tool main body, wherein:, 'the ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Shrinkage compensated seal assembly and related methods

Номер: US20140131954A1
Принадлежит: Vetco Gray LLC

Shrinkage compensated seal assemblies and methods of compensating for shrinkage of a seal due to temperature variations, are provided. According to an exemplary shrinkage compensated seal assembly, the assembly includes a seal, a first compression member for engaging the upper surface of the seal, a second compression member for engaging the lower surface of the seal, and a plurality of pin members each having an elongate body and a head portion. The elongate body of each separate one of the plurality of pin members slidably extends through a different one of a plurality of sets of apertures in the first compression member, the seal, and the second compression member to provide for maintaining a substantially constant pressure on the seal at given pressure under varying temperature conditions that result in variations in the volume size of the seal.

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Threaded inline swivel

Номер: US20140138946A1
Автор: Wolff Brian P.

A threaded inline swivel has a first nut and an opposite second nut each having the form of a generally hollow cylinder with an open end to receive fuel. Each nut has a collar that has a common nominal diameter. A collar provides at least two faces for gripping by a wrench. Each nut has threading for connection to a hose or other fitting. To further seal the swivel to a hose or a fitting, at least one O-ring and at least one gasket are provided as alternative embodiments. In a further alternate embodiment, the swivel has a threaded second nut and an opposite barbed end on the first nut with a clip. The first nut has its chamber that constricts in diameter through a throat as it enters the second nut. The swivel in all embodiments provides for flow of fluid through it with little turbulence. 1. An inline swivel connecting a hose , a fitting , a nozzle or other attachment for fuel dispensing , comprising:a first nut and an axially aligned second nut, said first nut and said second nut having a generally hollow cylindrical shape, said first nut and said second nut mutually rotating about a common longitudinal axis;a collar positioned upon an integral of said first nut and having at least two flat faces adapted to receive a tool;a second collar positioned upon an integral of said second nut and having at least two flat faces adapted to receive a tool, at least one of said flat faces having an aperture for receiving at least one ball bearing therein;a chamber longitudinally extending within said first nut, said collar, said second collar, and said first nut, said chamber adapted to pass fluid without is leakage therethrough;the first nut having a first end and external threads between said first end and said collar;the second nut having a second end and external threads between the second end and the second collar;said external threads of said first and second nuts extending axially in opposite directions;said collar having two spaced apart and mutually parallel faces, ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Advancements in mechanical sealing apparatus

Номер: US20150069753A1
Принадлежит: MAROKO Ltd

An apparatus for connecting two pipes in fluid communication is provided. The apparatus comprises a connector body configured to, in use, bridge a first and a second pipe, each pipe having a free end. It also comprises a mechanical interlock arrangement, for preventing or limiting axial movement of the connector body relative to the free ends of the first and second pipes. The apparatus also comprises a mechanical seal arrangement for providing a metal-to-metal seal between the pipes and the connector body.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069496A1

A retainer is equipped with a regulation segment, which regulates the position of an O-ring placed in an insertion hole, and a prevention segment, which engages with a spool of a pipe and prevents the pipe from being removed from the insertion hole. Moreover, by moving the retainer toward the minus side in the Y direction and attaching it to an attachment segment, the retainer becomes sandwiched between an opposing wall portion and a tube segment in the X direction. Because of this, the number of parts can be reduced and the retainer that regulates the position of the O-ring can be prevented from being moved in the X direction by the pressure of fluid flowing inside the pipe connector in the X direction. 1. A pipe connector comprising:a housing in which is formed an insertion hole into which is inserted an end portion of a pipe having an annular spool;an O-ring that is placed in the insertion hole, is in contact with an outer peripheral surface of the pipe inserted into the housing, and seals the space between an inner peripheral surface of the insertion hole and the outer peripheral surface of the pipe; and a regulation segment that regulates the position, in the insertion direction, of the O-ring placed in the insertion hole and', 'a prevention segment that engages with the spool of the pipe having the end portion inserted into the insertion hole and prevents the pipe from being removed from the insertion hole., 'a regulation and prevention member that is attached to the housing from an intersecting direction intersecting an insertion direction of the pipe, the regulation and prevention member having'}2. The pipe connector according to claim 1 , whereinan attachment segment that configures the housing and to which the regulation and prevention member is attached is formed on an insertion side of the insertion hole into which the pipe is inserted,the O-ring is placed in an end portion of the insertion hole on the insertion side in the insertion direction, anda ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076679A1
Автор: Mendyk Nicolas

A fluid connection device () for connecting two fluid conduits (), includes a female plug (), a male plug (), intended to be inserted into the female plug into a final coupling position, a movable primary locking device (), having a locked position () in which it prevents the male and female plugs from being released from the final coupling position, and a movable secondary latch () having an active position () designed to prevent the primary locking device () from being moved out of the locked position of same, whereby the fluid connection device can establish a permanent connection of the first and second conduits. 114-. (canceled)16. The Device according to claim 15 , wherein the secondary locking device prevents operative access to the primary lock.173. The Device according to claim 15 , wherein the secondary locking device prevents the primary locking device () from moving out of its locked position.18. The Device according to claim 15 , wherein the secondary lock is a separate part which is clipped into place at the time of the permanent locking.19. The Device according to claim 15 , wherein the primary locking device is biased toward its locked position by elastic biasing means.20. The Device according to claim 15 , wherein the secondary locking device can only be placed in its active position if the primary locking device is in its locked position.21. The Device according to claim 15 , wherein the secondary locking device can only be brought to its active position if the male and female plugs are in the final coupling position and if simultaneously the primary locking device is in its locked position.22. The Device according to claim 15 , wherein the secondary locking device is arranged on one of the male or female plugs claim 15 , and is configured to be moved from an inactive position to an active position in order to lock the connection permanently.23. The Device according to claim 15 , wherein the primary locking device is arranged on the female plug.24. ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Coupling and Circumferential Groove Shape

Номер: US20190078709A1

Pipe elements have circumferential grooves. The grooves have a first side surface contiguous with a first floor surface. The first side surface and the first floor surface together subtend a first 90° circular arc when viewed in cross section. The grooves also have a second side surface contiguous with a second floor surface. The second side surface is in spaced relation to and in facing relation with the first side surface. The second side surface and the second floor surface together subtend a second 90° circular arc when viewed in cross section. A third floor surface is contiguous with both the first and second floor surfaces and is a flat surface. A coupling used to connect the pipe elements has arcuate projections which engage the grooves of the pipe elements. The arcuate projections have a semi-circular cross section. Relief grooves are positioned adjacent to each arcuate projection. 1. A coupling for connecting pipe elements , said coupling comprising:a plurality of segments attached to one another end to end surrounding a central space;adjustable attachment members positioned at opposite ends of each said segment for attaching said segments to one another;first and second arcuate projections positioned respectively on opposite sides of each said segment, each said arcuate projection facing an axis extending through said central space and extending lengthwise along each said segment, each said arcuate section having a semi-circular cross section taken parallel to said axis, said semi-circular cross section extending over at least a portion of said arcuate projection.2. The coupling according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of said arcuate projections comprises at least one clearance relief region positioned adjacent to an end of one of said segments.3. The coupling according to claim 2 , wherein said at least one clearance relief region comprises a surface of increasing radius of curvature on said one arcuate projection claim 2 , said surface of increasing ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084412A1

A coupling barrel having cavities and roll-formed from a single unit of material is described. The coupling barrel includes a wall, lips angularly extending from the wall that define the cavities, and wings angularly extending from the lips. A coupling assembly include the coupling barrel, a pair of glands, and a pair of seals is also described. 1. A roll-formed coupling barrel with cavities comprising:a wall;lips angularly extending from the wall, the lips defining the cavities; andwings angularly extending from the lips.2. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wall defines a C111 cavity having a diameter greater than 12 inches.3. The coupling barrel of claim 2 , wherein the lips have equal lengths.4. The coupling barrel of claim 2 , wherein the lips have unequal lengths.5. The coupling barrel of claim 2 , wherein the lips extend from the wall at equal angles.6. The coupling barrel of claim 2 , wherein the lips extend from the wall at unequal angles.7. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the lips extend from the wall at an angle selected from the group consisting of about 20 degrees claim 1 , about 25 degrees claim 1 , or about 30 degrees.8. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wings have equal lengths.9. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wings have unequal lengths.10. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wings extend from the lips at equal angles.11. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wings extend from the lips at unequal angles.12. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wings are in horizontal alignment with a plane of the wall.13. The coupling barrel of claim 2 , wherein each of the lips define C111 cavities having diameters equal to at least one of about 14 inches claim 2 , about 16 inches claim 2 , about 18 inches claim 2 , about 20 inches claim 2 , about 24 inches claim 2 , about 30 inches claim 2 , about 36 inches claim 2 , about 42 inches claim 2 , or about 48 inches.14. A coupling ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084420A1
Автор: BARRIENTOS Sergio

Connection system to connect a tubing with a fitting comprises a tubular fitting including an exterior shoulder and an annular groove disposed a distance away from the shoulder, the tubular fitting is configured to be inserted into the tubing to overlie the groove; a clamp including first and second curved sidewalls, a flexible joint connecting a respective first end of the curved sidewalls, clenching means that connects respective second ends of the curved sidewalls, and an annular flange arranged in an internal region of the curved sidewalls; and the annular flange is disposed over the annular groove when the sidewalls are engaged with the shoulder such that the tubing underneath the annular flange is forced into the annular groove by the annular flange when the clamp is in a clamped position. 19-. (canceled)10. Connection system to connect a tubing with a fitting , comprising:a) a tubular fitting including an exterior shoulder and an annular groove disposed a distance away from the shoulder, the tubular fitting is configured to be inserted into the tubing to overlie the groove;b) a clamp including first and second curved sidewalls, a flexible joint connecting a respective first end of the curved sidewalls, clenching means that connects respective second ends of the curved sidewalls, and an annular flange arranged in an internal region of the curved sidewalls; andc) the annular flange is disposed over the annular groove when the sidewalls are engaged with the shoulder such that the tubing underneath the annular flange is forced into the annular groove by the annular flange when the clamp is in a clenched position.11. Connection system as in claim 10 , wherein:a) the clenching means includes first and second hooks arranged at the respective second ends of the curved sidewalls; andb) the first and second hooks are configured to lock to each other when the clamp is in the clenched position.12. Connection system as in claim 11 , wherein:a) the first and second hooks ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170082226A1

A fitting for coupling to at least one pipe, comprising: 2. The fitting according to claim 1 , wherein the opposite extremities of the at least one sealing member are connected to the pressure member and the sleeve respectively.3. The fitting according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one sealing member is connected with claim 1 , or pressed against claim 1 , the sleeve without being positioned between the slanting surfaces of the pressure ring and the pressure member.4. The fitting according to claim 1 , further comprising a clip for attaching the sealing member to the sleeve.5. The fitting according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one sealing member is connected with claim 2 , or pressed against claim 2 , the sleeve without being positioned between the slanting surfaces of the pressure ring and the pressure member.6. The fitting according to claim 2 , further comprising a clip for attaching the sealing member to the sleeve.7. The fitting according to claim 3 , further comprising a clip for attaching the sealing member to the sleeve. This application is a 371 National Stage of International Application No. PCT/EP2015/061204, filed on May 21, 2015, and published in English as WO 2015/177259 A1 on Nov. 26, 2015. This application claims priority to Netherlands Application No. 2012869, filed on May 22, 2014 and Netherlands Application No. 2013241, filed on Jul. 23, 2014. The entire disclosures of the above applications are incorporated herein by reference.The disclosure relates to a fitting for coupling to at least one pipe.This section provides background information related to the present disclosure which is not necessarily prior art.EP-A-0 794 378 discloses a fitting for coupling to at least one pipe, comprising:In the fitting of EP-A-0 794 378 the sealing member is arranged between the pressure member and the pipe and between the pressure member and the sleeve in order to provide the required seal between the sleeve and the pipe.A fitting according to the ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210086347A1
Автор: DARBY Jason

The present disclosure provides an apparatus for forming orthogonal joints in conduits The apparatus includes a first piece including a first plurality of curved openings and a second piece including a second plurality of curved openings. The apparatus includes a hinge configured to couple the first piece to the second piece and to enable the first and second pieces to be configurable in each of a closed position and an open position, where, when in the open position, the first piece is positioned adjacent to the second piece and, when in the closed position, the first and second pieces are configured to define a channel for receiving a conduit and each of the first plurality of curved openings is aligned with a corresponding one of the second plurality of curved openings. The apparatus further includes one or more magnets coupled to the first or the second piece. 1. An apparatus for forming orthogonal joints in conduits , the apparatus comprising:a first piece including a first plurality of curved openings;a second piece including a second plurality of curved openings; when in the open position, the first piece is positioned adjacent to the second piece; and', 'when in the closed position, the first piece and the second piece are configured to define a channel for receiving a conduit and each of the first plurality of curved openings is aligned with a corresponding one of the second plurality of curved openings; and, 'a hinge configured to couple the first piece to the second piece and to enable the first piece and the second piece to be configurable in each of a closed position and an open position, whereone or more magnets coupled to the first piece or to the second piece.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , where one or more characteristics of a first curved opening of the first plurality of curved openings corresponds to a measurement of a first receiving conduit claim 1 , and where one or more characteristics of a second curved opening of the first plurality of ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150091298A1
Принадлежит: Parker Hannifin Ltd.

A coupling for attaching to an end of a tube, pipe, conduit or other round solid or hollow section. The coupling includes an inner body and a collar to be provided around the inner body. The inner body has an interior bore passing through at least a portion thereof to receive a tube and the bore has one or more interior annular protuberances extending into the bore. When the collar is provided around the inner body it applies a circumferential compressive force to deform the inner body such that the one or more annular protuberances engage the tube to seal with it. 1. A fitting assembly connected to an end of a length of tubing having a tubing wall , the fitting assembly comprising:a body having a socket portion, the socket portion having a forward end opening into an internal bore into which the tubing end is insertably received, the bore having a generally annular inner surface, and the body socket portion having a generally annular outer surface including an inclined portion tapering towards the body forward. end, the bore inner surface having a number of teeth, one of the teeth being spaced-apart rearwardly axially from the rest of the teeth, with said rest of the teeth being disposed adjacent the body forward end; anda generally annular collar received coaxially over the tubing, the collar having a forward end and a rearward end portion received coaxially over the outer surface of the body socket portion, the collar rearward end. portion having a generally annular inner surface including an inclined portion tapering towards the collar forward end,whereby with the collar rearward end portion having been moved over the body socket portion effecting a caroming engagement of the inclined portion of the body socket portion outer surface against the inclined portion of the collar inner surface, the body socket portion is radially compressed about the tubing wherein such compression initially causes the teeth to grippingly bite into the tubing wall and thereafter to ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160090727A1
Автор: Elliott Benjamin R.
Принадлежит: Euramax International, Inc.

A drainage pipe fitting includes a cuff that permits the fitting to be coupled with pipes or fittings of various sizes. The cuff includes a plurality of sloped surfaces. For example, the cuff may include a first set of sloped surfaces and a second set of sloped surfaces on an interior of the cuff for receiving different-sized pipes or fittings on the interior of the cuff. The cuff may also include a third set of sloped surfaces, a fourth set of sloped surfaces, and a fifth set of sloped surfaces on an exterior of the cuff for receiving further pipes or fittings of different sizes on the exterior of the cuff. If desired, the cuff can include more or less sets of sloped surfaces. In some cases the sloped surfaces are arranged on internal and external fins of the cuff. 1. A drainage pipe fitting with a cuff comprising:a body having a length, a central axis, and an open end;interior fins on an interior of the body;exterior fins on an exterior of the body; anda plurality of sloped surfaces arranged along the length of the body and sloping toward the open end between distances of a set of distances defined from the central axis, the set of distances comprising an ordered sequence of distances progressing from a first distance to a tenth distance, each distance in the ordered sequence larger than an immediately preceding distance in the ordered sequence, the plurality of sloped surfaces including:a) a first set of sloped surfaces A arranged on each of the interior fins so as to slope from the first distance to the second distance in the set of distances;b) a second set of sloped surfaces B arranged on each of the interior fins so as to slope from the third distance to the fourth distance in the set of distances;c) a third set of sloped surfaces C arranged on each of the exterior fins so as to slope from the sixth distance to the fifth distance in the set of distances,d) a fourth set of sloped surfaces D arranged on each of the exterior fins so as to slope from the eighth ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160091127A1
Автор: Guo Jiangang

A coupler for use in a liquid heater includes a male connector and a female socket connector. The male connector includes a connecting wall and an annular cylindrical wall formed around the connecting wall. The female socket connector comprises an end wall joined with the connecting wall of the male connector and a peripheral wall formed around the end wall and arranged perpendicularly to the end wall. The surface of the end wall joined with the connecting wall is gradually lowered from the center towards the periphery and is convex-hull shaped. The peripheral wall includes arced sections and gapped sections connected between two arced sections. When the male connector is coupled with the female socket connector, this allows the arced sections to be coupled with the annular cylindrical wall and forms no coupling between the gapped sections and the annular cylindrical wall. 1. A coupler for use in a liquid heater , comprising a male connector and a female socket connector coupled with the male connector , whereinthe male connector comprises a connecting wall and an annular cylindrical wall formed around the connecting wall, andthe female socket connector comprises an end wall joined with the connecting wall of the male connector and a peripheral wall formed around the end wall and arranged perpendicularly to the end wall, wherein a surface of the end wall joined with the connecting wall is gradually lowered from a center towards a periphery and is convex-hull shaped, and the peripheral wall comprises arced sections and gapped sections connected between two arced sections, so that when the male connector is coupled with the female socket connector, the arced sections are allowed to be coupled with the annular cylindrical wall and no coupling is formed between the gapped sections and the annular cylindrical wall.2. The coupler for use in a liquid heater according to claim 1 , wherein the end wall is provided with a plurality of through holes.3. The coupler for use in a ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136628A1

A fluid pipeline connection device includes a fixed base, a floating piece, a connecting tube, and a plurality of elastic bodies. The fixed base includes a first side surface and a second side surface opposite to each other. The floating piece abuts against the first side surface and the second side surface. The connecting tube passes through the first side surface and the second side surface of the fixed base, and the connecting tube is combined with the floating piece. The elastic bodies are disposed in the fixed base, and the elastic bodies are in contact with the connecting tube.

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150097369A1
Автор: Bernardo Giovanni F.

An apparatus includes a first duct having a first outer surface and a first inner surface. The first outer surface has a protuberance thereon, and the first inner surface defines a first passageway having a first passageway opening. The apparatus also includes a second duct having a second outer surface and a second inner surface. The second inner surface defines a second passageway having a second passageway opening. The apparatus further includes a sleeve that defines a chamber having a first chamber opening and a second chamber opening. The sleeve also defines a slot. The sleeve is rotatably connected to the second duct, and the protuberance on the second outer surface is disposed within the slot such that the sleeve and the protuberance cooperate to couple the first duct to the second duct. 1. An apparatus comprising:a first duct having a first outer surface having a protuberance thereon, and a first inner surface defining a first passageway having a first passageway opening;a second duct having a second outer surface and a second inner surface that defines a second passageway having a second passageway opening;a sleeve defining a slot;wherein the sleeve is rotatably connected to the second duct; andwherein the protuberance is disposed within the slot such that the sleeve and the protuberance cooperate to couple the first duct to the second duct.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second outer surface defines an annular groove; andwherein the sleeve includes an annular flange that extends into the annular groove.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve defines a chamber having a first chamber opening and a second chamber opening; andwherein the first and second ducts are at least partially disposed within the chamber.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the chamber is generally frusto-conical.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the first and second passageway openings are disposed within the chamber.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095798A1

A pipe joint in which a seal body and a spacer are mounted from the insides of pipes, wherein: a spigot of one pipe is inserted into a socket of the other pipe; and an annular accommodation space is formed between the inner circumference of the socket and the outer circumference of the spigot. Inside the accommodation space are accommodated: a seal body for sealing the gap between the socket and the spigot; a push ring that presses the seal body to keep the seal body in a compressed state; and a spacer that maintains the interval between the push ring and the deep end of the socket in the pipe axial direction. 1. A pipe joint in which a seal body and a spacer are mounted from an inside of a pipe ,wherein a spigot of one pipe is inserted into a socket of an other pipe,an annular accommodation space is formed between an inner circumference of the socket and an outer circumference of the spigot, anda seal body for sealing a gap between the socket and the spigot, a push ring that presses the seal body to keep the seal body in a compressed state, and a spacer that maintains an interval between the push ring and a deep end of the socket in a pipe axial direction are accommodated in the accommodation space.2. The pipe joint according to claim 1 , wherein a top end of the spigot reaches the deep end of the socket.3. The pipe joint according to claim 1 ,wherein the push ring includes a pressing surface pressing the seal body, and an opposing surface opposed to the deep end of the socket in the pipe axial direction,a fitting portion is formed in the opposing surface, andone end of the spacer is fit into the fitting portion, and another end of the spacer abuts the deep end of the socket.4. The pipe joint according to claim 3 , wherein a plurality of spacers are provided at a predetermined interval in a pipe circumference direction claim 3 , anda plurality of fitting portions are formed at a predetermined interval in a circumference direction of the push ring.5. The pipe joint ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Pipe joint

Номер: US20160102790A1
Принадлежит: Kubota Corp

An annular sealing material seals a pipe joint between a socket and a spigot. The sealing material includes a bulb part which is composed of a first bulb, a second bulb located closer to the inner side of the socket than the first bulb, and a narrow part present between the first and second bulbs. The first bulb is pressed against the inner circumferential surface of the socket. The second bulb is pressed against the outer peripheral surface of the spigot. The second bulb is inclined towards the pipe center from the first bulb in a natural state before it is provided between the socket and the spigot. The inner diameter of the second bulb is smaller than the outer diameter of the spigot in the natural state. The second bulb is extensible in the pipe diameter direction due to elastic deformation of the narrow part.

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160102792A1

An annular sealing material seals a pipe joint between a socket and a spigot. The sealing material includes a bulb part which is composed of a first bulb, a second bulb located closer to the inner side of the socket than the first bulb, and a narrow part present between the first and second bulbs. The first bulb is pressed against the inner circumferential surface of the socket. The second bulb is pressed against the outer peripheral surface of the spigot. The second bulb is inclined towards the pipe center from the first bulb in a natural state before it is provided between the socket and the spigot. The inner diameter of the second bulb is smaller than the outer diameter of the spigot in the natural state. The second bulb is extensible in the pipe diameter direction due to elastic deformation of the narrow part. 1. A spacer for a pipe joint in which a spigot formed at an end of one pipe is inserted into a socket formed at an end of another pipe , the pipes being joined to each other ,an annular lock ring is accommodated in a lock ring accommodating groove formed on an inner circumference of the socket, the lock ring including a divided part in a circumferential direction and being elastically expansible in diameter,a protrusion is formed on an outer periphery of the spigot, andthe protrusion of the spigot is allowed to pass through the lock ring having an expanded diameter, and the diameter-expanded state of the lock ring is released after the passage of the protrusion,the spacer being capable of being inserted into and removed out from the divided part of the lock ring and maintaining the lock ring in a diameter-expanded state when the spacer is inserted into the divided part,the spacer comprising:a maintaining portion for maintaining the diameter of the lock ring in an expanded state being capable of being inserted into and removed out from a gap between two ends of the lock ring along the circumferential direction at the divided part, and being interposed ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200096142A1

A universal fluid system connector creates an airtight seal between a variety of smoke evacuation system receptacles and various hoses. The universal connector includes a body and a seal having a plurality of radially extending flexible fins. A plurality of fins on the seal are disposed along the length of the body with the outer edges of the fins forming a frustoconical shape. The fins also include one or more flexion zones of various stiffness and one or more flexible fin extensions. The fins deform against the inner wall of a receptacle and form an airtight friction fit between the universal connector and the receptacle, regardless of the taper angle, size, threads, or other features of the receptacle. 1. A universal fluid system connector comprising:a body having a length extending between a distal end thereof and a proximal end thereof; anda seal disposed about at least a portion of the body, the seal having a plurality of flexible fins disposed along the length of the body, each fin having a diameter;wherein each fin includes a plurality of flexion zones, each flexion zone having a stiffness, andwherein the diameters of the fins increase from the distal end to the proximal end so that the plurality of fins forms a frustoconical shape along the length of the body.2. The universal fluid system connector of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of fins comprises three fins and wherein the difference between the diameters of the most distal fin and the second most distal fin is less than the difference between the diameters of the most proximal fin and the second most proximal fin.3. The universal fluid system connector of claim 1 , wherein each fin comprises a taper.4. The universal fluid system connector of claim 3 , wherein the taper is formed on a proximal face of each fin.5. The universal fluid system connector of claim 3 , wherein the taper is formed on a distal face of each fin.6. The universal fluid system connector of claim 1 , wherein each fin comprises a ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140183859A1
Автор: Aoki Kazunori
Принадлежит: NITTO KOHKI CO., LTD.

There is provided a coupling member readily separable from another member even if frozen. A female coupling member has a tubular coupling member fitting portion receiving a male coupling member a recess - formed on an inner circumferential surface - of the coupling member fitting portion and having an opening portion - opening on the inner circumferential surface - and a bottom portion - and a plurality of pliable members secured to the bottom portion to extend from the bottom portion to the opening portion so as to be capable of contacting an outer circumferential surface - of the male coupling member as fitted to the female coupling member. 1. One coupling member of male and female coupling members of a pipe coupling that are decouplably coupled by being fitted to each other , comprising:a coupling member fitting portion having a circumferentially extending circumferential surface having a width in a longitudinal axis direction of the one coupling member, the circumferential surface contacting, when the one coupling member is fitted to another coupling member, a circumferentially extending corresponding circumferential surface of a fitted portion of the other coupling member, the corresponding circumferential surface having a width in a longitudinal axis direction of the other coupling member; andat least one circumferentially extending annular recess for anti-freezing formed on the circumferential surface of the coupling member fitting portion, the recess having a width in the longitudinal axis direction of the one coupling member, the recess having an opening portion opening on the circumferential surface and a bottom portion.2. The one coupling member of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of pliable members secured to the bottom portion of the recess to extend from the bottom portion to the opening portion so as to be capable of contacting the corresponding circumferential surface of the other coupling member as fitted to the one coupling member.3. The ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170122470A1
Автор: Box Stuart J.

A joint restraint for deforming an outer diameter of a pipe for insertion into a socket. The joint restraint can selectively mount to a portion of an irregularly shaped pipe having a maximum outer diameter that differs from a desired substantially constant outer diameter. The joint restraint can have a circumferential ring body surrounding a central axis. A plurality of jacking assemblies can be secured to a portion of the ring body. Each jacking assembly can have a frame and a jacking bolt. The frame can have a threaded aperture that can receive the jacking bolt. Each jacking bolt can be selectively actuatable for radial movement relative to the central axis to deform the pipe proximate the maximum outer diameter of the pipe by selectively urging an outer surface of the pipe to the desired substantially constant outer diameter. 1. A joint restraint configured to selectively mount to a portion of a pipe , wherein the pipe is irregularly shaped and has a maximum outer diameter that differs from a desired substantially constant outer diameter that is configured for receipt within a socket , the joint restraint comprising:a circumferential ring body surrounding a central axis and having an inner surface, an opposed outer surface, and opposed first and second surfaces that extend between the respective inner and outer surfaces, wherein the inner surface of the ring body defines an inner diameter that is greater than the maximum outer diameter of the pipe, and wherein the ring body defines a plurality of bores that extend radially between the inner and outer surfaces relative to the central axis;a plurality of bolts, wherein each bore of the ring body is configured to receive a respective bolt of the plurality of bolts, wherein each bolt is configured for selective radial movement relative to the central axis to apply a mechanical load to an outer surface of the pipe; a frame defining an aperture that extends radially relative to the central axis; and', 'a jacking bolt ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210156499A1

Techniques for implementing and/or operating a pipeline system that includes a pipe segment and a reusable pipe fitting. The pipe segment includes tubing that defines a pipe bore and a fluid conduit within a tubing annulus of the pipe segment. The reusable pipe fitting includes a fitting body that defines a body bore and a pipe engaging assembly including a collapsible collar with teeth that extend radially inward. The collapsible collar contracts radially inward such that the collapsible collar engages the tubing of the pipe segment to facilitate securing the reusable pipe fitting to the pipe segment when the pipe engaging assembly is secured to the fitting body and expands radially outward such that the collapsible collar disengages from the tubing of the pipe segment to enable the reusable pipe fitting to be re-deployed at another pipe segment when the pipe engaging assembly is unsecured from the fitting body. 1. A pipeline system , comprising:a pipe segment, wherein the pipe segment comprises tubing that defines a pipe bore and a fluid conduit within a tubing annulus of the pipe segment; and a fitting body that defines a body bore in which pipe segment tubing is to be disposed; and', contract radially inward such that the collapsible collar engages the tubing of the pipe segment to facilitate securing the reusable pipe fitting to the pipe segment when the pipe engaging assembly is secured to the fitting body; and', 'expand radially outward such that the collapsible collar disengages from the tubing of the pipe segment to enable the reusable pipe fitting to be re-deployed at another pipe segment in the pipeline system when the pipe engaging assembly is unsecured from the fitting body., 'a pipe engaging assembly comprising a collapsible collar with one or more teeth that extend radially inward, wherein the collapsible collar is configured to], 'a reusable pipe fitting, wherein the reusable pipe fitting comprises2. The pipeline system of claim 1 , wherein:the ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160131287A1

A high pressure pipe coupling construction includes at least one high pressure pipe () as well as a coupling () connected to the pipe (). The pipe consists a reinforcement layer () of helically arranged fibers () and the coupling () consists an inner sleeve () sealed with respect to the inner surface of the pipe and at least one metal outer sleeve (). The metal outer sleeve () has an overlapping outer sleeve part () overlapping the inner sleeve () in axial direction and a protruding outer sleeve part () protruding in axial direction with respect to the inner sleeve (), which overlapping outer sleeve part () and protruding outer sleeve part () are connected to the outer surface of the pipe (). The inner sleeve () consists of a plastic material; at the location of overlap between the inner sleeve () and the pipe (), the maximum outer diameter of the inner sleeve () is smaller than or equal to the minimum inner diameter of the pipe (). 12221246722239151592015923152032202. High pressure pipe coupling construction , comprising a high pressure pipe () as well as a coupling () connected to the pipe ( , ) at a pipe end thereof , said pipe comprising a reinforcement layer () of helically arranged fibers ( , ) , said coupling () comprising a non-metallic inner sleeve () sealed with respect to the inner surface of the pipe and a metallic outer sleeve () connected to the outer surface of the pipe , and a metallic force transfer fitting () beyond the pipe end , which force transfer fitting () is connected to said outer sleeve () and to a mounting means () located at the end of the force transfer fitting () which faces away from the outer sleeve () , wherein the non-metallic inner sleeve () extends through the metallic force transfer fitting () and through the mounting means () and has a seal fitting () at the end of the mounting means () which faces away from the pipe ().2123012467301012812121581012. High pressure pipe coupling construction , comprising two high pressure pipes ( ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Plug Connection for Fluid Lines and Retaining Part for Such a Plug Connection

Номер: US20140210202A1
Принадлежит: VOSS Automotive GmbH

A plug connection () for fluid lines, with two intermateable coupling parts (), which in an inserted state can be releasably locked via a locking device () consisting of two outer radial flange-like retaining ribs () of the two coupling parts (), which are adjacent in an insertion direction (S) and axial (X-X) in inserted state and a retaining part () with an annular contour, which in preassembled state can be axially and radially fixed and undetachably assembled on one of the two coupling parts () and in an assembled state axially and radially encompasses the retaining ribs () of the two coupling parts with at least one radially elastically moving retaining section () with a C-shaped axial section having two collars (). The plug connection incorporates features to ensure the undetachability of the retaining part () and minimize the space requirement, in particular during disassembly. 1123212315232131535251. A plug connection () for fluid lines , comprising two intermateable first and second coupling parts ( , ) , which in an assembled state can be releasably locked together , a first outer radial flange-like retaining rib () formed by the first coupling part () , and a second outer radial flange-like retaining rib () formed by the second coupling part which retaining ribs are adjacent in an insertion direction (S) and axial (X-X) in the assembled state , a retaining part () with an annular contour , which in a preassembled state can be axially and radially fixed and undetachably assembled on one of the first and second coupling parts ( , ) and in the assembled state axially and radially encompasses the first and second retaining ribs ( , ) of the coupling parts with at least one radially elastically moving retaining section () with a C-shaped axial section having first and second collars ( , ) , and{'b': 52', '51', '5', '52', '21', '21', '2', '53', '51', '31', '3, 'the first and second collars (, ) of the retaining part () are configured with different sizes or ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190137017A1

A pipe joint includes: a sealing member, having an annular shape, which is provided between the outer circumferential surface of a spigot and an inner circumferential surface of a socket; a pushing ring to push the sealing member into the socket, the pushing ring being fitted onto the spigot; and a separation preventive member configured to engage with the spigot protrusion part in a pipe-axial direction to prevent a separation of the spigot from the socket. The separation preventive member is provided between an inner circumferential surface of the pushing ring and the outer circumferential surface of the spigot. The sealing member is provided along an outer circumferential surface of the spigot protrusion part and includes a compression part. The compression part is compressed in a pipe-radial and is located, in the socket, upstream of the spigot protrusion part in an insertion direction in which the spigot is inserted. 1. A pipe joint for connecting a first pipe and a second pipe , the first pipe having a socket , the second pipe having a spigot , the spigot being inserted in the socket , the spigot having a spigot protrusion part along its outer circumferential surface ,said pipe joint comprising:a sealing member, having an annular shape, which is provided between the outer circumferential surface of the spigot and an inner circumferential surface of the socket;a pushing ring configured to deeply push the sealing member into the socket, the pushing ring being fitted onto the spigot so as to face an opening end part of the socket from the outside; anda separation preventive member configured to engage with the spigot protrusion part in a pipe-axial direction so as to prevent a separation of the spigot from the socket, the separation preventive member being provided between an inner circumferential surface of the pushing ring and the outer circumferential surface of the spigot,the sealing member being provided along an outer circumferential surface of the spigot ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160146387A1

The connector assembly includes a housing with an open bore which extends along an axis from an open first end to an open second end. The housing further includes a plurality of fingers that are spaced circumferentially from one another and are deflectable in a radial direction. At least one of the fingers has a plurality of teeth that are spaced axially from one another and extend into the open bore of said housing for biting into the first tube to resist pull out of the first tube from the open bore. Each of the teeth also extends by a height to a leading edge of an engagement surface which also includes an angled portion that extends at an angle relative to the axis. The axially spaced teeth have at least one of differing heights and differing angles of the angled portions. 1. A connector assembly for connecting and establishing fluid communication between a first tube and a second tube , comprising:a housing with an open bore which extends along an axis from an open first end to an open second end;said housing including a plurality of fingers that are spaced circumferentially from one another and are deflectable in a radial direction;at least one of said fingers having a plurality of teeth that are spaced axially from one another and extend into said open bore of said housing for engaging into the first tube to resist pull out of the first tube from said open bore;each of said teeth extending by a height to a leading edge of an engagement surface which also includes an angled portion that extends at an angle relative to said axis; andwherein said axially spaced teeth have at least one of differing heights and differing angles of said angled portions.2. The connector assembly as set forth in wherein said at least one finger has at least three axially spaced teeth including a first tooth adjacent said second open end of said housing and a second tooth and a third tooth which is furthest from said second open end.3. The connector assembly as set forth in wherein ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140225368A1
Автор: Wang Wei-Chi

A fastening device for combining a pressure gauge on an air pump has a connector, a three-way pipe, a screw and multiple fixers. The connector has a first fool-proof plane and a locating hole. The three-way pipe is mounted on the connector and has a second fool-proof plane facing the first fool-proof plane, a threaded hole being aligned with the locating hole, and multiple retaining holes. The screw is screwed through the threaded hole and a distal end of the screw is inserted into the locating hole to fix the three-way pipe on the connector. The fixers are respectively mounted through the retaining holes and are adapted to fix the pressure gauge on the three-way pipe. Accordingly, the fastening device prevents the pressure gauge from being deflective in its combination position and is easy to assemble and has a low labor cost. 1 an outer surface;', 'a first fool-proof plane formed on the outer surface of the connector; and', 'a locating hole formed in the first fool-proof plane;, 'a connector being hollow and having'} an inner surface;', 'an outer surface;', 'a second fool-proof plane formed on the inner surface and facing the first fool-proof plane of the connector;', 'a threaded hole formed in the outer surface of the three-way pipe and aligned with the locating hole of the connector; and', 'multiple retaining holes formed in the outer surface of the three-way pipe;, 'a three-way pipe mounted on the connector and having'}a screw screwed through the threaded hole of the three-way pipe and a distal end of the screw inserted into the locating hole of the connector; andmultiple fixers respectively mounted through the retaining holes and being adapted to fix the pressure gauge on the three-way pipe.. A fastening device for combining a pressure gauge on an air pump comprising: 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a fastening device, and more particularly to a fastening device for combining a pressure gauge on an air pump.2. Description of Related ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172548A1

Techniques for implementing a pipeline system including a pipe segment and a potted pipe fitting. The pipe segment includes tubing having an internal pressure sheath layer, a reinforcement strip, and an outer sheath layer. The potted pipe fitting includes an outer fitting body disposed around a portion of the reinforcement strip, an inner fitting body disposed between the portion of the reinforcement strip and the internal pressure sheath layer, in which the inner fitting body directly abuts the internal pressure sheath layer at least up to a point where the reinforcement strip begins to flare away from the internal pressure sheath layer and a potting cavity of the potted pipe fitting is defined at least between an inner surface of the outer fitting body and an outer surface of the inner fitting body, and cured potting material implemented around the portion of the reinforcement strip in the potting cavity. 1. A pipeline system comprising: an internal pressure sheath layer that defines a pipe bore;', 'a reinforcement strip implemented around the internal pressure sheath layer to define a fluid conduit within a tubing annulus of the pipe segment; and', 'an outer sheath layer implemented around the reinforcement strip; and, 'a pipe segment, wherein the pipe segment comprises tubing having an outer fitting body disposed around a portion of the reinforcement strip in the pipe segment;', the inner fitting body directly abuts the internal pressure sheath layer at least up to a point where the reinforcement strip begins to flare away from the internal pressure sheath layer; and', 'a potting cavity of the potted pipe fitting is defined at least between an inner surface of the outer fitting body and an outer surface of the inner fitting body; and, 'an inner fitting body disposed between the portion of the reinforcement strip and the internal pressure sheath layer of the pipe segment, wherein, 'cured potting material implemented around the portion of the reinforcement strip ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170146165A1

A fitting includes a hollow body, a sealing member, and a draw mechanism. The fitting mechanism includes a primary actuation element coupled with the body at a first end, and a plurality of secondary actuation elements coupled to the sealing member. The plurality of secondary actuation elements are positioned in an interior of the hollow body and circumferentially spaced from each other. The plurality of secondary actuation elements are also engaged with the primary actuation element such that actuation of the primary actuation element draws the plurality of secondary actuation elements axially towards the opening at the first end of the hollow body thereby translating the sealing member from an open position to a sealing position. 1. A fitting , comprising:a hollow body that includes an opening at a first end;a sealing member positionable on an interior surface of the hollow body;a draw mechanism including a primary actuation element coupleable with an exterior of the hollow body at the first end, and a plurality of secondary actuation elements coupled to the sealing member, the plurality of secondary actuation elements positioned in an interior of the hollow body, the plurality of secondary actuation elements engaged with the primary actuation element such that actuation of the primary actuation element moves the plurality of secondary actuation elements towards the opening at the first end of the hollow body and radially inward toward a central longitudinal axis of the hollow body, thereby translating the sealing member from an open position to a sealing position.2. The fitting of claim 1 , further comprising a gripping element coupled to one of the plurality of secondary actuation elements such that the gripping element is moved axially towards the opening at the first end of the hollow body and radially inward towards the longitudinal axis of the hollow body from an open position to an engaged position by actuating the primary actuation element.3. The fitting ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160153592A1

A pipe connection () for providing a connection to a pipe, the pipe connection comprising: a sleeve () which receives a pipe and has a seat (); a first sealing or gripping element () which is disposed adjacent the seat; an intermediate member () which is disposed adjacent the first sealing or gripping element; a second sealing or gripping element () which is disposed adjacent the intermediate member; an end member () which is disposed adjacent the second sealing or gripping element; at least one fixing () which engages the end member and is configured to displace the same axially inwardly relative to the sleeve on torquing; and at least one support () which is disposed between one of the sleeve () and the intermediate member () or the intermediate member () and the end member (), wherein the at least one support is configured to maintain the sleeve and the intermediate member or the intermediate member and the end member with a predetermined spaced relation until application of a torquing force between the sleeve and the intermediate member or the intermediate member and the end member which exceeds a predetermined threshold, whereby the end member is displaced relative to the intermediate member to displace the second sealing or gripping element ahead of displacement of the intermediate member relative to the sleeve to displace the first sealing or gripping element or the intermediate member is displaced relative to the sleeve to displace the first sealing or gripping element ahead of displacement of the end member relative to the intermediate member to displace the second sealing or gripping element. 1. A pipe connection for providing a connection to a pipe , the pipe connection comprising:a sleeve which receives a pipe and has a seat;a first sealing or gripping element which is disposed adjacent the seat;an intermediate member which is disposed adjacent the first sealing or gripping element;a second sealing or gripping element which is disposed adjacent the ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160153593A1
Автор: Davidson Paul
Принадлежит: UCCO 331 LIMITED

Disclosed is a pipe coupling for connecting the ends of two tubular conduits, comprising:—a pair of casing elements (), each comprising an outer part () and a pair of inner parts (), the inner and outer parts being rotatable relative to each other, wherein—in a first configuration, the pair of casing elements () are separate and positionable to surround the ends of the tubular conduits and, in a second configuration, they are locked together, wherein the locking together is achieved by relative rotation of the respective inner () and outer () parts such that the inner parts () of one casing element () at least partially engage with the outer part () of the other casing element (). 1. A pipe coupling for connecting the ends of two tubular conduits , comprising:a pair of casing elements, each comprising an outer part and a pair of inner parts, the inner and outer parts being rotatable relative to each other,wherein in a first configuration, the pair of casing elements are separate and positionable to surround the ends of the tubular conduits and, in a second configuration, they are locked together, wherein the locking together is achieved by relative rotation of the respective inner and outer parts such that the inner parts of one casing element at least partially engage with the outer part of the other casing element.2. The pipe coupling of claim 1 , wherein the outer elements are housing elements and the inner elements are pipe engaging elements claim 1 , and the coupling further comprises an annular gasket arrangement.3. The pipe coupling of wherein at least one of the pipe engaging elements has a radially inwardly facing projection arranged to engage a groove in a pipe.4. The pipe coupling of wherein the radially inwardly facing projection has pips provided on a surface to claim 3 , in use claim 3 , contact a base of the groove.5. The pipe coupling of wherein at least one of the pipe engaging elements has radially inwardly facing teeth to partially penetrate a ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160153595A1

Tapering couplers and coupling methods for connecting fluid flow components are provided. In one embodiment, the tapering coupler includes a housing with a first opening and a second opening in fluid communication through the housing. The first opening is sized for a first fluid flow component to couple to the housing, and the second opening for a second fluid flow component. The first and second fluid flow components include first and second fluid-carrying channels of different diameter, with the first fluid-carrying channel having a first channel diameter that is larger than the second channel diameter of the second fluid-carrying channel. A tapering element is associated with the housing and extends into the first fluid-carrying channel. The tapering element includes a tapering fluid-carrying channel which tapers in a direction back towards the housing, for instance, from about the first channel diameter to about the second channel diameter. 1. A method comprising: providing a housing with a first opening and a second opening in fluid communication through the housing, the first opening being sized for the first fluid flow component to couple to the housing, and the second opening being sized for the second fluid flow component to couple to the housing, the first fluid flow component and the second fluid flow component comprising a first fluid-carrying channel and a second fluid-carrying channel, respectively, the first fluid-carrying channel having a first channel diameter and the second fluid-carrying channel having a second channel diameter, wherein the first channel diameter is larger than the second channel diameter; and', 'providing a tapering element associated with the housing and configured to extend into the first fluid-carrying channel of the first fluid flow component when the first fluid flow component is coupled to the housing, with the first fluid-carrying channel of the first fluid flow component and the first opening of the housing in fluid ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140232108A1
Автор: Tracey Brian D.
Принадлежит: DEKA Products Limited Partnership

A medium connector including a passage configured to allow for the flow of medium, and a multi-portion engagement surface positioned about the passage. The multi-portion engagement surface includes a first surface portion, and a second surface portion. The first surface portion is configured to provide an interference fit with a corresponding sealing surface of a mating connector. The second surface portion is configured to provide a clearance fit with the corresponding sealing surface of the mating connector. The ratio of the first surface portion and the second surface portion is selected to regulate an engagement force between the medium connector and the mating connector. 1. A medium connector comprising:a passage configured to allow for the flow of medium; and a first surface portion, and', 'a second surface portion,', 'wherein the first surface portion is configured to provide an interference fit with a corresponding sealing surface of a mating connector and the second surface portion is configured to provide a clearance fit with the corresponding sealing surface of the mating connector;, 'a multi-portion engagement surface positioned about the passage, the multi-portion engagement surface includingwherein the ratio of the first surface portion and the second surface portion is selected to regulate an engagement force between the medium connector and the mating connector.2. The medium connector of claim 1 , wherein the mating connector includes a Luer taper connector.3. The medium connector of claim 1 , wherein the multi-portion engagement surface includes a tapered surface claim 1 , the first surface portion having a first taper angle claim 1 , and the second surface portion having a second taper angle that is less than the first taper angle.4. The medium connector of claim 3 , wherein the second surface portion is generally cylindrical.5. The medium connector of claim 1 , wherein the multi-portion engagement surface includes a tapered surface claim 1 , the ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152981A1
Автор: Sato Yoshie

Provided is a pipe fitting, which is capable of preventing unintended release of a connection between pipes due to an external manipulation and is capable of releasing the connection between the pipes when necessary. This pipe fitting has a housing, a first retainer, and a second retainer. The first retainer has first elastic pieces as well as being slidably disposed inside the housing and being configured so that when the first retainer is located on the connecting section side of the housing, the first elastic pieces are expandable and when the first retainer is located on the inserting section side of the housing, expansion of the first elastic pieces is restricted. An operating pipe section, which can be held at the connecting section end only through an opening in the connecting section of the housing is provided on the second retainer. 1. A pipe fitting for connecting a first pipe member with a second pipe member , the first pipe member having a flange portion on its outer periphery , the pipe fitting including: a connection portion at its one end, the second pipe member to be connected with the connection portion; and', 'an insertion portion at its other end, the first pipe member to be inserted into an inner periphery of the insertion portion; and, 'a cylindrical-shaped housing includinga retainer mounted on the housing and arranged to retain the first pipe member,wherein the retainer includes at least one pair of first elastic piece extending toward an opening of the insertion portion of the housing, and having pawl portions engageable with the flange portion of the first pipe member, and is disposed inside the housing so as to be slidable only within a predetermined range in an axial direction,wherein the first elastic piece are expandable when the retainer is disposed on a connection portion side within the predetermined range in the axial direction inside the housing while expansion of the first elastic piece is regulated when the retainer is disposed on ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160161033A1
Автор: GUZZONI Paolo

A connection system () of piping () for distribution systems of pressurised or depressurised fluids. The system comprising: —a connection joint () having an insertion portion () insertable in the piping () so as to seal it and a retention portion (), projecting therefrom when the joint () is inserted therein; —retention means () suitable to longitudinally retain the connection joint () to the piping (), said retention means () comprising: i) a retention element () which engages the retention portion ′() for constraining the joint () longitudinally; and ii) clamping means () adapted to exert a clamping force to lock the retention element () to the piping (). 115005005015105055201. Connection system () of piping () for distribution systems of pressurised or depressurised fluids , wherein said piping () comprises at least a section of rigid bar () which extends longitudinally and , internally , has a hole () for the passage of the fluid , and , on its outer surface () , a plurality of grooves () , dovetailed , outwardly open , wherein the connection system () comprises:{'b': 10', '11', '510', '12', '500', '10, 'a connection joint () comprising an insertion portion () insertable in the hole () so as to seal it and a retention portion (), projecting from the piping () when the joint () is inserted therein;'}{'b': 20', '10', '500', '20, 'retention means () suitable to longitudinally retain the connection joint () to the piping (), said retention means () comprising{'b': 30', '12', '10, 'i) a retention element () suitable to engage the retention portion () constraining the joint () longitudinally; and'}{'b': 40', '520', '30', '30', '500, 'ii) clamping means () suitable to act in conjunction with a least one groove () and with the retention element (), and suitable to exert a clamping force to block the retention element () to the piping ().'}2150150552052140521520404142411412520521. Connection system () according to claim 1 , wherein the rigid bar () is quadrangular in ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200149666A1

A conduit coupling assembly having first and second sleeve members configured to be tightened to a fluid conduit, an arcuate radial split gasket configured to be positioned between the first and second sleeve members and the fluid conduit, the first sleeve member having an inwardly-facing arcuate radial surface with first and second arcuate portions and a third arcuate portion between the first and second arcuate portions that has a radius from the longitudinal axis of the pipe that is less than the radius of the first and second arcuate portions, and the second sleeve member having an inwardly-facing arcuate radial surface with first and second arcuate portions and a third arcuate portion between the first and second arcuate portions that has a radius from the longitudinal axis of the pipe that is less than the radius of the first and second arcuate portions. 1. A conduit coupling assembly configured to clamp to a fluid conduit oriented about a longitudinal axis comprising:a first arcuate sleeve member;a second arcuate sleeve member;a connecting assembly coupling said first sleeve member to said second sleeve member and configured to tighten said first and second sleeve members to said fluid conduit from a non-actuated position to a tightened position;an arcuate gasket having a radial-split and configured to be positioned between said first and second sleeve members and said fluid conduit;said gasket having an outer arcuate surface;said first arcuate sleeve member having a first longitudinally extending edge, a second longitudinally extending edge, and a first inwardly-facing arcuate pocket curving about said longitudinal axis from said first longitudinally extending edge to said second longitudinally extending edge when said first and second sleeve members are in said tightened position, said first inwardly-facing arcuate pocket configured to receive a portion of said radial-split gasket; a first arcuate portion, a second arcuate portion, and a third arcuate ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150167879A1
Автор: Chaupin Jérôme

A fluid communication device including a tubular body which enables the circulation of a fluid and which has an end piece that is connectable to a plug-in pipe having an outer annular locking groove. An assembly head includes a receiving chamber in which an end piece of the tubular body is mounted. The assembly head includes a U-shaped locking element having two arms that are inserted into the receiving chamber. An intermediate ring is slidably mounted in the receiving chamber to achieve a pre-opening of the locking element just before the plug-in pipe reaches a position in which it engages with the end piece. 13-. (canceled)4. A fluid communication device , comprising:a tubular body including a tubular end piece extending in an axial direction, said tubular end piece connectable to a plug-in pipe having an outer annular locking neck;an assembly head in which said tubular end piece is mounted, said assembly head including a receiving chamber coaxial with said tubular end piece and adapted to receive said plug-in pipe;a U-shaped locking element including two arms inserted into said receiving chamber along an insertion direction perpendicular to said axial direction, said two arms elastically spreadable apart from one another in said receiving chamber along said insertion direction upon axial displacement of said plug-in pipe in said receiving chamber toward a position of abutment in which said plug-in pipe is fully connected to said tubular end piece, said two arms engaged within said annular locking neck of said plug-in pipe upon said plug-in pipe reaching said position of abutment to lock said plug-in pipe in said assembly head; andan intermediate ring mounted in said receiving chamber and movable in said axial direction to effect a pre-opening of said locking element, said intermediate ring axially displaceable by said plug-in pipe when said plug-in pipe is displaced in said receiving chamber toward said tubular end piece, said intermediate ring including chamfers ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150167880A1

Disclosed are a coupling and a clip for a coupling. The coupling may include a male connector having a holding groove, a female connector having a head portion for inserting the male connector, and a clip detachably coupled to the female connector and securing the male connector to the female connector. The female connector may include at least a slit and a coupling recess for inserting and seating the clip. The clip may include a band with elastically movable fore ends. The band may include at least a portion to serve as a locking portion, which is projected to an inside of the female connector through the at least a slit of the female connector and inserted in the holding groove of the male connector. One fore end of the band may form a hand grip and the other may serve as a rotation center when the hand grip is pulled outwards. 1. A coupling comprising:a male connector having a holding groove formed in a fore end outside circumference thereof;a female connector having a head portion for inserting the male connector therein in an axial direction to couple to the male connector; anda clip detachably coupled to the female connector and securing the male connector to the female connector, whereinthe female connector includes at least a slit and a coupling recess formed along an outside circumference of the female connector and connected to the at least a slit for inserting and seating the clip,the clip includes a band formed to surround the outside circumference of the female connector and have opposite fore ends which are elastically movable in a transverse direction plane of the female connector,the band includes at least a portion to serve as a locking portion, which is projected to an inside of the female connector through the at least a slit of the female connector and inserted in the holding groove of the male connector for securing the male connector,one side fore end of the band is projected outwards to form a hand grip, andthe other side fore end of the band ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190162338A1

A subsea clamp connector for connecting the ends of two tubular members to each other, the clamp connector including first and second clamping elements, which are pivotable into a closed position in clamping engagement with the ends of the tubular members; and a replaceable locking unit for locking the clamping elements in the closed position. The locking unit includes an operating shaft, a first retaining member mounted to the operating shaft and configured for engagement with a shoulder on a holding member fixed to the first clamping element, and a second retaining member mounted to the operating shaft and configured for engagement with a shoulder on a holding member fixed to the second clamping element. The locking unit is detachably mountable to the clamping elements by insertion of the operating shaft sideways into slots provided in the holding members. 1. A subsea clamp connector comprising a base part , a first and second clamping element being articulately connected to the base part at a first end , and a locking unit comprising an operating shaft with a first and second retaining member , each clamping element being provided with a holding member comprising a shoulder and a slot suitable for receiving the operating shaft and the retaining members in such a way that one retaining member will abut on each of the shoulders , wherein an anchoring means is provided on the outer side of the first and second clamping elements , the anchoring means being able to anchor an actuating device to the clamping elements to enable a rotating movement of the clamping elements be means of the actuating device.2. The subsea clamp connector according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second retaining members of the locking unit are provided with internal threads being in engagement with a first and second external thread on the operating shaft claim 1 , the first and second external threads being threaded in opposite directions allowing the first and second retaining members ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Electrical conduit fitting

Номер: US20140259623A1
Автор: Don Kinsman
Принадлежит: Individual

In one embodiment, an electrical conduit fitting, comprises a cylindrical portion having an inside surface and an outside surface; at least one tapered end tapering outwardly such that the circumference of the tapered end is larger than the circumference of the outside surface of the cylindrical portion; and a spring band affixed to the cylindrical portion and to the tapered portion of the fitting.

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Device for connecting tubular pipe elements

Номер: US20160178098A1
Автор: FELBER Winfried

A device () for connecting two tubular pipe elements (), in particular, two pipeline elements, of equal or unequal outer diameter, comprising the following: 1123. A device () for connecting two tubular pipe elements ( , of equal or unequal outer diameter , comprising:{'b': 4', '5', '2', '6', '3', '2, 'a hollow cylindrical coupling device () with a hollow cylindrical first coupling device part (), which can be arranged on or is arranged on a first pipe element (), and a hollow cylindrical second coupling device part (), which can be arranged on or is arranged on the second pipe element (), which is to be axially connected or is axially connected to the first tube element (),'}{'b': 7', '5', '7', '8', '6, 'wherein at least one first positive-locking element () is arranged or formed on the first coupling device part () and at least one, in particular, corresponding to the at least one first positive-locking element (), second positive-locking element () is arranged or formed on the second coupling device part (), and'}{'b': 7', '5', '6', '6', '5', '6, 'wherein the at least one first positive-locking element () arranged or formed on the first coupling device part () and the at least one second positive-locking element () arranged or formed on the second coupling device part () are designed to engage in a positive-locking manner, forming an axial connection of the first coupling device part () with the second coupling device part ().'}2551313. The device in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the first coupling device part () is designed so as to be peripherally segmented claim 1 , wherein the first coupling device part () is formed from multiple first coupling device part segments () claim 1 , which can be connected or are connected to the first coupling device part segments () in a circumferential direction claim 1 , or{'b': 6', '6', '14', '14, 'the second coupling device part () is designed so as to be peripherally segmented, wherein the second coupling ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160178099A1

The swivel joint comprises a hollow ball and socket arrangement allowing for rotation and misalignment as well as the conveyance of fluid through the hollow elements of the swivel joint. Sealing of the ball in the socket is accomplished by a sealing element packed between the ball and the socket. This sealing element is energized by a biasing element or plurality of biasing elements. The energization of the sealing element via biasing elements allows for retained seal energization through changes to the geometry of the swivel joint due to thermal expansion and other factors. Furthermore, the sealing element is energized independently of retaining the ball in the central location of the socket. The ball is retained by a ball retaining collar on the front of the swivel joint. 1. A swivel joint , comprising:a hollow ball having a front side and rear side;a socket comprising a housing and ball retaining collar, the ball retaining collar bearing up against the hollow ball on the front side of the hollow ball and the housing bearing up against the rear side of the hollow ball;front pins securing the ball retaining collar to the housing with an annular receiving space between the ball retaining collar and the housing, the annular receiving space having a packing receiving portion;a packing ring within the annular receiving space;packing in the packing receiving portion, the packing contacting the hollow ball and being pressed between the packing ring and the housing; anda packing energizer connected between the packing ring and ball retaining collar to press the packing between the packing ring, hollow ball, and the housing.2. The swivel joint of in which the packing energizer comprises rear pins secured to the packing ring and extending through the housing with a biasing element acting on the rear pins and the housing to press the packing ring against the packing.3. The swivel joint of in which the biasing element comprises one or more springs.4. The swivel joint of in ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140261818A1

Provided is a coupler including female and male couplers configured to be coupled together. The female coupler includes one or more detents and a release valve having a release valve member that is movable to an open position to allow for venting of fluid from a cavity in the female coupler to an area outside the coupler, and the male coupler includes a detent recess into which the one or more detents of the female coupler are urged radially inwardly into to couple the female and male couplers. By eliminating a threaded connection between the male and female couplers, the couplers prevent leakage of fluid and/or separation of the couplers due to vibration during use. 1. A female coupler including:a body having axially inner and axially outer ends, an axially extending cavity for receiving a male coupler at the inner end, a plurality of circumferentially spaced openings extending through a wall of the body near the inner end, and a passage extending through the wall of the body near the outer end;a release sleeve surrounding the body at the circumferentially spaced openings and being movable between first and second positions relative to the body;a plurality of detents respectively received in the plurality of circumferentially spaced openings and being urged radially inwardly by the release sleeve when the release sleeve is in the first position and being movable radially outwardly when the release sleeve is in the second position; anda release valve having a release valve member movable relative to a valve seat in the body, the release valve member being movable between a closed position blocking communication between the axially extending cavity and the passage and an open position allowing for venting of fluid from the axially extending cavity to the passage.2. The female coupler according to claim 1 , wherein the release valve member serves as a stop to prevent the release sleeve from being moved to the second position when the release valve member is in the ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Coupling Having Arcuate Stiffness Ribs

Номер: US20200173585A1
Автор: Matthew A. Bowman
Принадлежит: Victaulic Co

A coupling for joining pipe elements end to end has a unitary band surrounding a central space for receiving the pipe elements. Ends of the band are in facing relation. Adjustable connection members are positioned at each end of the band for drawing the ends toward each other and deforming the band. Arcuate ribs are positioned lengthwise along opposite sides of the band. The ribs are separated from one another by gaps between the ribs. In their undeformed state, each rib has an arcuate surface with a radius of curvature equal to the radius of curvature of the outer surface of the pipe elements which they engage. When the band is deformed the ribs clamp against the outer surface of the pipe elements to effect the joint.

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210215284A1

A pipe connector for connecting pipes that includes an elongate tubular body having an outer diameter, a sleeve disposed over the elongate tubular body, and a first wire ring. The elongate tubular body that has a groove formed on the outer diameter. The sleeve has a groove formed on an inner diameter that is spaced from a first end of the sleeve and is aligned with the groove of the elongate tubular member. The first wire ring is disposed within the groove of the elongate tubular body and within the groove of the sleeve such that the sleeve is coupled to the elongate tubular body by the first wire ring. 1. A pipe connector for connecting pipes comprising:an elongate tubular body having a groove formed on an outer diameter;a sleeve coupled to the elongate tubular body, the sleeve having a groove formed on an inner diameter that is spaced from a first end of the sleeve and aligned with the groove of the elongate tubular body; anda first wire ring disposed within the groove of the elongate tubular body and within the groove of the sleeve, wherein the sleeve is coupled to the elongate tubular body by the first wire ring.2. The pipe connector according to claim 1 , wherein the sleeve further comprises:a wire insertion cutout formed on the first end of the sleeve that extends from the first end of the sleeve across the groove of the sleeve,wherein the first wire ring is disposed within the groove of the elongate tubular body and the groove of the sleeve through the wire insertion cutout.3. The pipe connector according to claim 1 , wherein the sleeve is longitudinally fixed relative to the elongate tubular body by the first wire ring.4. The pipe connector according to claim 1 , wherein the elongate tubular body further comprises a raised portion claim 1 , and wherein the groove of the elongate tubular body is located on the raised portion of the elongate tubular body.5. The pipe connector according to claim 4 , wherein the raised portion is generally in the center of the ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160195206A1
Автор: BENDER Ilan

A coated conduit end with a perceivable demarcation quickly and reliably indicates how far conduit is screwed or inserted into a coated conduit fitting to form a conduit system. 1. A first conduit end comprising:a male threaded portion suitable to be secured to a female threaded coated conduit fitting comprising a sleeve;a straight portion of coated conduit abutting the threaded portion, which straight portion comprises a perceivable demarcation indicating where the end of a sleeve falls when the male threaded portion is secured to a female threaded receptacle of a coated conduit fitting comprising a sleeve.2. The first conduit end of claim 1 , further comprising a second conduit end claim 1 , substantially similar to the first claim 1 , which first and second conduit ends are attached by a central conduit span.3. The conduit end of claim 2 , wherein the central conduit span is straight.4. The conduit end of claim 2 , wherein the central conduit span follows an arc.5. The conduit end of claim 4 , wherein inception of a bend radius of the arc is coincident with inception of the first and second conduit ends distal to the male threaded portion.6. The first conduit end of claim 1 , wherein the perceivable demarcation is visible.7. The first conduit end of claim 6 , wherein the perceivable demarcation is formed by a first color in a first sub-portion of the first portion proximate to the threaded portion and a second color in a second sub-portion of the first portion distal to the threaded portion.8. The first conduit end of claim 6 , wherein the perceivable demarcation is formed by at least one circumferential line.9. The first conduit end of claim 1 , wherein the perceivable demarcation is tactile.10. The first conduit end of claim 9 , wherein the tactile demarcation is formed by a band about a circumference of the conduit end.11. The first conduit end of claim 10 , wherein the band is encased in an external coating.12. The first conduit end of claim 10 , wherein the ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150198275A1

A spherical exhaust pipe joint includes an outer case an inner case a seal body facing an inner peripheral surface of the outer case and an outer peripheral surface of the inner case a seal body facing the inner peripheral surface of the outer case and the outer peripheral surface of the inner case and a wave spring which is disposed between the outer case and the inner case to resiliently urge the seal bodies and in an axial direction toward one of the outer case and the inner case 1. A spherical exhaust pipe joint comprising:an outer case which is secured to a pipe end portion of one of an upstream-side exhaust pipe and a downstream-side exhaust pipe having a pipe end portion disposed in such a manner as to oppose a pipe end portion of the upstream-side exhaust pipe;an inner case which is secured to a pipe end portion of another one of the upstream-side exhaust pipe and the downstream-side exhaust pipe, and which faces said outer case with a clearance therebetween in a radial direction;an annular first seal body which is disposed in the clearance on an upstream side and has an outer peripheral surface facing an inner peripheral surface of said outer case and an inner peripheral surface opposing that outer peripheral surface and facing an outer peripheral surface of said inner case;an annular second seal body which is disposed in the clearance on a downstream side of said first seal body and has an outer peripheral surface facing the inner peripheral surface of said outer case and an inner peripheral surface opposing that outer peripheral surface and facing the outer peripheral surface of said inner case; anda resiliently urging member which is disposed between said outer case and said inner case and resiliently urges said first seal body and said second seal body in an axial direction toward one of said outer case and said inner case,wherein in a case where the outer peripheral surface of said first seal body is shaped in a form of a convex spherical shape, a ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации

Adapter housing and connecting device for chromatography

Номер: US20150198567A1
Автор: Daniel BUERGER

An adapter housing is described that can be used for high performance liquid chromatography, which can be releasably connected to a socket unit. The adapter housing includes a bore which passes through the adapter housing and a pre-column which can be arranged in the bore to protect the separation column from contaminants and/or to concentrate the fluid to be analyzed. A sealing element seals the adapter housing in relation to the socket unit at the end-face wall of a pilot bore.

25-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140284916A1

Disclosed is an assembly () for fastening, with fluid connection, a mould bottom to a holder (), in which the mould bottom, of principal axis (O), is able to be removably fastened to a plate () forming an interface between the mould bottom and the holder (), the assembly () including at least one locking device and a fluid connection device, respectively placed between the plate () and the holder (), characterized in that the movement of a first locking element () and a first connecting element () is coupled via a moveable part () so that together they form a moveable element. 11012141210. An assembly () for fixing , with fluid connection , a mold bottom to a holder () , in which the mold bottom with its main axis (O) is adapted to be demountably fastened to a plate () forming an interface between the mold bottom and said holder () , said assembly () including at least:{'b': 14', '12', '44', '12', '40', '14, 'a locking device which, operative between the plate () and the holder (), includes first locking means () carried by the holder () and complementary second locking means () carried at least by the plate (), said locking device being able to occupy at least{'b': 14', '12, 'a locked state in which the plate () is fastened to said holder (), and'}{'b': 14', '12, 'an unlocked state in which the plate () is free to be demounted from or mounted on said holder (); and'}{'b': 14', '12', '46', '12', '42', '14, 'a fluid connection device which, operative between the plate () and the holder (), includes at least first connecting means () carried by the holder () and adapted to cooperate with second connecting means () carried by the plate (), the fluid connection device being able to occupy at least{'b': 12', '14', '46', '42, 'a connected state in which a fluid circuit of the mold bottom is formed by virtue of the fluid connection established between the holder () and the plate () by said first connecting means () assembled with the second connecting means (), and'}{'b': ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150204469A1
Автор: Arnold Georg

A retaining catch for a socket pipe connection has a substantially circle-arc-shaped catch body, on which is arranged a protrusion which projects from the catch body. The catch body has a catch cross section in a cross-sectional plane as seen radially in a direction transverse to its circle-arc shaped longitudinal extent. The catch body has a bending portion, and the catch body, along the bending portion, has a reduction cross section which is reduced in size—as seen radially—in relation to the catch cross section. 1. A retaining catch for a socket pipe connection having a substantially circular-arcuate catch body on which is arranged a projection projecting from the catch body , wherein the projection is arranged at an end of the catch body in a direction of a circular-arcuate longitudinal extent of the catch body , wherein the catch body has a catch cross-section in a cross-sectional plane in a radial direction transversely relative to its circular-arcuate longitudinal extent , wherein the catch body has a bending portion , wherein the catch body along the bending portion has a reduction cross-section which is reduced in size—viewed in the radial direction—in relation to the catch cross-section.2. A retaining catch as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the reduction cross-section is between 50% and 80% claim 1 , preferably between 60% and 70% claim 1 , particularly preferably about 66% claim 1 , of the catch cross-section.3. A retaining catch as set forth in claim 1 , wherein a length of the bending portion is at least 10% claim 1 , preferably at least 15% claim 1 , of the longitudinal extent of the catch body.4. A retaining catch as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the projection projects from the catch body in a direction perpendicularly to the circular plane of the circular-arcuate catch body.5. A retaining catch as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the bending portion is arranged in the region of the projection.6. A retaining catch as set forth in claim 1 , wherein a ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160201800A1

A seal assembly includes a first tubular having a sealing surface, and a seal element run with the first tubular and displaced from the surface. The seal element initially having a radial dimension that forms a radially innermost or outermost sealing dimension of the first tubular for enabling the first tubular to be sealed with a second tubular radially disposed with the first tubular. A mechanism is triggerable by axial movement for reconfiguring the radial dimension of the seal element. The sealing surface of the first tubular operatively forming the radially innermost or outermost sealing dimension of the first tubular when the radial dimension of the seal element has been reconfigured for enabling the sealing surface of the first tubular to receive a second seal element. The seal element is axially compressed and released to change the radial dimension of the seal element. 1. A seal assembly comprising:a first tubular having a sealing surface;a seal element run with the first tubular and displaced from the surface, the seal element initially having a radial dimension that forms a radially innermost or outermost sealing dimension of the first tubular for enabling the first tubular to be sealed with a second tubular radially disposed with the first tubular; anda mechanism triggerable by axial movement for reconfiguring the radial dimension of the seal element, the sealing surface of the first tubular operatively forming the radially innermost or outermost sealing dimension of the first tubular when the radial dimension of the seal element has been reconfigured for enabling the sealing surface of the first tubular to receive a second seal element, wherein the seal element is axially compressed and released to change the radial dimension of the seal element.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the mechanism includes a piston that enables axial compression and release of the seal element.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the piston is triggerable by pressurizing ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160208965A1

A device for conducting oil in a vehicle gearbox, wherein the device has at least two elements which can move with respect to one another and at least one sleeve made from steel plate, and the sleeve is arranged here between the elements and at least one of the elements and the sleeve are secured to one another in a positively locking manner, and wherein a first element of the elements is surrounded at least partially by the sleeve and a second element of the elements surrounds the sleeve and the first element at least partially. 18-. (canceled)9. A device for conducting oil in a vehicle gearbox , comprising:at least two mutually movable elements and at least one sleeve made of sheet steel, and the sleeve is disposed between the elements and at least one of the elements and the sleeve are secured to one another in a positive-locking manner and whereby a first element of the elements is at least partially surrounded by the sleeve and a second element of the elements at least partially surrounds the sleeve and the first element, wherein the sleeve exhibits at least two mutually adjacent tabs, which engage in at least one recess of one of the elements, whereby the sleeve and at least one of the elements are secured to one another in a positive-locking manner by means of the tabs, and whereby each of the tabs extends on a root from the wall of the sleeve and a radial aperture in the wall of the sleeve adjoins each of the roots, whereby the tabs lie across from one another tangentially to the circumference of the sleeve and a volume of the aperture is at least as large as a volume of the tabs lying across from one another.10. The device of claim 9 , wherein the two mutually adjacent tabs jointly engage in a recess of one of the elements in a positive-locking manner.11. The device of claim 10 , wherein the sleeve is secured on the second element by means of the tabs in a positive-locking manner.12. The device of claim 9 , wherein a first material of the sleeve exhibits a ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Articulated assembly for pipelines

Номер: US20160208966A1

An articulated assembly for pipelines, including: two articulated sections; wherein one of the two articulated sections engages into another one of the two articulated sections; and a locking body that engages at least in areas between the articulated sections and cooperates with a locking contour on one of the articulated sections and with a locking section of the other articulated section such that a relative movement between the articulated sections is limited; wherein a guide means is provided on the articulated sections such that the two articulated sections can be joined together in a defined rotational position in relation to one another. 1. An articulated assembly for pipelines , comprising: 'wherein one of the two articulated sections engages into another one of the two articulated sections; and', 'two articulated sections;'}a locking body that engages at least in areas between the articulated sections and cooperates with a locking contour on one of the articulated sections and with a locking section of the other articulated section such that a relative movement between the articulated sections is limited;wherein a guide means is provided on the articulated sections such that the two articulated sections can be joined together in a defined rotational position in relation to one another.2. The articulated assembly according to claim 1 , wherein 'a plurality of recesses on its inner wall that correspond to the locking elements of the locking body.', 'the locking contour of one articulated section comprises'}3. An articulated assembly for pipelines claim 1 , comprising:two articulated sections;wherein one of the two articulated sections engages into the other of the two articulated sections; anda locking body that engages at least in areas between the articulated sections and cooperates with a locking contour on one of the articulated sections and with a locking section of the other articulated section such that a relative movement between the articulated ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170211733A1

A fluid line connection safeguard for axial connection of a socket-shaped end portion of a first fluid line part with an end portion of a second fluid line part formed as a spigot end includes an annular clamping body which has a through opening with an overall internal contour and at least two clamping body elements forming a clamping body, wherein a respective clamping body element has a circular segment-shaped internal contour and the circular segment-shaped internal contours of the at least two clamping body elements form the overall internal contour, and wherein the at least two clamping body elements are connected to one another by means of an adjusting connection in such a way that the overall internal contour is adjustable to at least two different diameters. 1. A fluid line connection safeguard for axial connection of a socket-shaped end portion of a first fluid line part with an end portion of a second fluid line part formed as a spigot end ,wherein the fluid line connection safeguard comprises an annular clamping body which has a through opening with an overall internal contour adapted to the external diameter of the second fluid line part for insertion of the second fluid line part,wherein at least one hook-shaped retaining element extending in the axial direction for engagement with the end portion of the first fluid line part is formed on the clamping body,wherein at least one stem-like spacer extending in the axial direction is formed on the clamping body,and wherein the at least one retaining element and the at least one spacer extend in the same axial direction,whereinat least two clamping body elements form the clamping body,wherein a respective clamping body element has a circular segment-shaped internal contour and the circular segment-shaped internal contours of the at least two clamping body elements form the overall internal contour, andwherein the at least two clamping body elements are connected to one another by means of an adjusting ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170211735A1
Принадлежит: Tectran Mfg. Inc.

A grip and fitting assembly for coupling an air hose to a gladhand coupler. The grip being flexible and tapered with a tubular interior through which may pass a length of hose shielded and protected by the grip. The grip is affixed to a fitting attachable to the gladhand coupler on a first threaded end thereof and attachable to the air hose on a second barbed end thereof. The grip is configured with one or more internal keyway boss which aligns and interlocks with one or more corresponding keyway recess on a retaining shoulder formed between the ends of the fitting. The secure, snap-fit attachment between the grip and fitting ensures ease of operation, installation, maintenance, along with increased durability, weather-resistance, efficiency, usability, and reliability of the coupling. 1. A grip and fitting assembly comprising:{'b': '20', 'claim-text': [{'b': 25', '23', '24, 'a substantially tubular interior (), a first end () of which includes an interior seating surface (),'}, {'b': 29', '24, 'an annular lip () perpendicular to said interior seating surface (), and'}, {'b': 28', '25', '29', '24, 'i': 'a', 'at least one keyway boss () located within a sidewall of said substantially tubular interior () along said annular lip () and adjacent to said interior seating surface ();'}], 'a flexible tapered grip () having'}{'b': 10', '15', '12', '17', '12', '15', '11', '17', '15', '17', '19', '28, 'i': 'a', 'a fitting () having a first coupling end (), a second coupling end (), a retaining shoulder () located between said first coupling end () and said second coupling end (), and an exterior seating surface () located between said retaining shoulder () and said first coupling end (), said retaining shoulder () including at least one keyway recess () suitably dimensioned to matingly correspond to said at least one keyway boss ();'}{'b': 28', '19', '24', '11', '20', '10, 'i': 'a', 'wherein said at least one keyway boss () and said at least one keyway recess () are configured ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170211737A1
Принадлежит: Pridgeon & Clay, Inc.

A clamp for use in joining conduit segments comprising a ring sector and a radially projecting channel sector having first and second straps, first and second compression members, a central compression member, and a fastener wherein upon tightening the fastener, axial forces along the fastener are transferred into clamping forces around the clamp in order to seal the conduit segments. 1. A clamp for compressing a junction of a first conduit and a second conduit to seal the junction , the clamp comprising:a ring sector and a radially projecting channel sector;the radially projecting channel sector having first and second straps, each of the first and second straps extending outwardly from the ring sector at an angle defining a pinch point, and defining a proximal gap between the pinch points less than a distal gap between ends of the first and second straps;a U-shaped spacer between the first and second straps and having arms extending from a web, wherein the web includes an embossment;first and second compression members adjacent to and opposite the first and second straps from the U-shaped spacer and having a portion thereof disposed at a pinch point;each of the first and second compression members, the first and second straps, and the U-shaped spacer having an aperture in registry with each other;a bolt extending through the apertures and having a head bearing against one of the first and second compression members; anda nut on the bolt and bearing against the other of the first and second compression members;wherein when the nut is tightened on the bolt with the ring sector around a junction of a first outer conduit and a second conduit, the first and second compression members will urge the pinch points toward each other thereby drawing the ring sector around the first and second conduits in compression.2. The clamp of wherein the embossment extends along a least a portion of the web between the arms.3. The clamp of wherein the embossment extends along the ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150226162A1
Автор: Kohler Samuel
Принадлежит: MAHLE International GmbH

A coupling device for connecting at least two fluid-conducting components may include a connector that may have a securing ring. A locking ring may be arranged on the connector and be configured to transition in a circumferential direction between a securing position and a releasing position. The locking ring may include at least one locking element configured to interact with the securing ring. The locking element may be configured resilient in a radial direction. A connecting piece may be configured axially adjustable with respect to the connector and may include an outer securing groove. The locking element may radially engage into the securing groove when the locking ring is in the securing position to secure the connecting piece to the connector in the axial direction. 1. A coupling device for connecting at least two fluid-conducting components , comprising:a connector including a securing ring,a locking ring arranged on the connector and configured to transition in a circumferential direction with respect to a flow axis at least between a securing position and a releasing position, the locking ring including at least one locking element configured to interact with the securing ring, the locking element being resilient in a radial direction, anda connecting piece arranged axially adjustable with respect to the connector, the connecting piece including an outer securing groove,wherein the locking ring is fixed axially to the connector via the locking element engaging the securing ring, andwherein the locking element engages radially into the securing groove when the locking ring is in the securing position and secures the connecting piece on the connector in the axial direction.2. The coupling device according to claim 1 , wherein the locking element defines a resilient region and a locking nose claim 1 , wherein the locking nose is radially adjustable on the locking ring via the resilient region and engages into the securing groove when the locking ring is in ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Connecting Device for the Fluidic Connection of a Fluid Pipe Section to a Further Fluid Pipe Section

Номер: US20150233507A1

The invention relates to a connecting device () for connecting two pipe end sections () in a fluidically sealed manner. The connecting device () has retaining element which can be fitted to a first pipe end section () by means of a bayonet connection. The retaining element has a strap () which can be fixed to a second pipe end section () by means of a screw () of the connecting device (). The connecting device () is therefore particularly simple from a constructive point of view, creates a sealed connection, and can also be easily fitted in restricted condition. 1. A connecting device for the fluidic connection of a fluid pipe section to a further fluid pipe section , comprising:the first fluid pipe section having a first pipe end section; andthe further fluid pipe section having a second pipe end section; a retaining element axially inserted onto and axially removable from the first pipe end section;', 'wherein the retaining element is configured and adapted to be rotated at least to a limited extent about a longitudinal axis of the first pipe end section;', 'wherein the retaining element is arranged on the first pipe end section;, 'a connecting device for fluidically connecting and securing together the first pipe end section to the second pipe end section, the connecting device includinga plurality of radially outwardly extending projections arranged on an outer circumference of the first pipe end section, the plurality of radially outwardly extending projections engaging with the retaining element to form a rotationally engagable axial position locking connection between the retaining element and the first pipe end section;wherein the retaining element has a strap with a through-opening into which a screw of the retaining element is inserted; andwherein the second pipe end section has an screw receiving opening into which the screw can be inserted to axially connect and axially positionally lock the fluid pipe section to the further fluid pipe section.2. The ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180224033A1

A high-pressure tolerant integrated leakage-proof sleeve compensator, comprising an inner pipe (), a connection pipe (), an outer sleeve () sleeved on the inner pipe, and a filler flange (), one end of the filler flange extends into the outer sleeve, and the inner surface of the outer sleeve is provided with an annular inner boss (); a sealing filler () is provided between the annular inner boss and the end of the filler flange extending into the outer sleeve; the outer surface of the inner pipe is provided with an annular outer boss (), constituting an axially limiting structure of the inner pipe; the filler flange is connected to the outer sleeve via a fastener (), the connection pipe and the outer sleeve are a unitary structure integrally formed; an anti-impact plate () is arranged between the sealing filler and the annular inner boss. 1. A high-pressure resistant integrated leak-free sleeve compensator , comprising an inner pipe , a connecting pipe , an outer sleeve sleeved on the inner pipe and a filler flange;one end of the filler flange extending into the outer sleeve;the outer sleeve having an inner surface provided with an annular inner boss; sealing filler being disposed between the annular inner boss and one end of the filler flange extending into the outer sleeve;the inner pipe having an outer surface provided with an annular inner boss to form an axial limit structure of the inner pipe;the filler flange and the outer sleeve being connected via a fastener;characterized in that, the connecting pipe and the outer sleeve are integrally molded to form an integrated structure;an anti-impact plate is disposed between the sealing filler and the annular inner boss; andwear-resistant carbon fiber layers are respectively disposed between the sealing filler and the outer surface of the inner pipe and between the sealing filler and the inner surface of the outer sleeve.2. The high-pressure resistant integrated leak-free sleeve compensator according to claim 1 , ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190219201A1

An apparatus for connecting two pipes in fluid communication is provided. The apparatus comprises a connector body having opposing open ends, each open end configured for receiving a free end of a pipe; a mechanical interlock arrangement, for preventing or limiting axial movement of the connector body relative to a free end of a pipe when the free end of the pipe is received in an open end of the connector body; and a mechanical seal arrangement for providing a metal-to-metal seal between a pipe inserted into one of said open ends and the connector body. 1. A coupling arrangement for connecting a pipe to a further pipe or a connector , the coupling arrangement comprising:a connector body having an open end configured to receive the free end of a pipe;a mechanical engagement arrangement configured to prevent or limit axial movement of the connector body relative to the free end of a pipe received in the open end of the connector body; anda mechanical seal arrangement configured to provide a metal-to-metal seal between the free end of the pipe and the connector body when the free end of the pipe is received in the open end of the connector body,wherein the mechanical seal arrangement includes a first metallic element configured to fit on a free end of a pipe, for use as part of the metal-to-metal seal, andwherein the coupling arrangement includes a metallic seal surface, arranged for cooperation with the first metallic element, such that the metal-to-metal seal is created between the first metallic element and the metallic seal surface.2. A coupling arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the metallic seal surface is part of a sleeve defined by the connector body claim 1 , or is part of a second metallic element configured to be located between the first metallic element and an internal surface of the connector body claim 1 , wherein the metallic seal surface is configured to encircle the free end of the pipe claim 1 , such that the seal is created between the ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210254765A1
Автор: TEDROW Jon David

Disclosed is a connector for connecting one fluid handling device () such as a conduit to another fluid handling device () such as another conduit in which the faces of fittings () attached to glands () in the connector are given complementary mating configurations () so they can mesh that lack circular symmetry so that the faces do not rotate with respect to one another when the faces are subjected to torque when a connection is being made. 1. Apparatus comprising:a first coupling subassembly extending in an axial direction, the first coupling subassembly including a fitting arranged at an axial end of the first coupling subassembly; anda rotational coupling element rotatably surrounding the first coupling subassembly and adapted to be engaged with the fitting such that the rotational coupling element is rotatable with respect to the fitting but axially engageable with the fitting to apply an axial compressive force to the fitting,the fitting having a face with a first configuration such that when the fitting is received in a second fitting when the fitting and the second fitting are brought into axial engagement by rotation of the rotational coupling element, the fitting and the second fitting at least partially rotationally engage to inhibit axial rotation of the fitting with respect to the second fitting.2. Apparatus as claimed in wherein the first configuration lacks circular symmetry.3. Apparatus as claimed in wherein the first rotational coupling element comprises an externally threaded sleeve.4. Apparatus as claimed in wherein the first configuration has an external outline of a circle with at least one truncation.5. Apparatus as claimed in wherein the fitting comprises a refractory metal.6. Apparatus as claimed in wherein the refractory metal comprises a tantalum tungsten alloy.7. Apparatus as claimed in wherein the tantalum tungsten alloy comprises TaW10.8. Apparatus comprising:a first rotational coupling element;a first fitting adapted to be axially ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150240975A1

A fitting includes a hollow body, a sealing member, and a draw mechanism. The fitting mechanism includes a primary actuation element coupled with the body at a first end, and a plurality of secondary actuation elements coupled to the sealing member. The plurality of secondary actuation elements are positioned in an interior of the hollow body and circumferentially spaced from each other. The plurality of secondary actuation elements are also engaged with the primary actuation element such that actuation of the primary actuation element draws the plurality of secondary actuation elements axially towards the opening at the first end of the hollow body thereby translating the sealing member from an open position to a sealing position. 1. A fitting , comprising:a hollow body that includes an opening at a first end;a sealing member positionable on an interior surface of the hollow body;a draw mechanism including a primary actuation element coupleable with the hollow body at the first end, and a plurality of secondary actuation elements coupled to the sealing member, the plurality of secondary actuation elements positioned in an interior of the hollow body, the plurality of secondary actuation elements engaged with the primary actuation element such that actuation of the primary actuation element moves the plurality of secondary actuation elements towards the opening at the first end of the hollow body, thereby translating the sealing member from an open position to a sealing position.2. The fitting of claim 1 , further comprising a gripping element coupled to one of the plurality of secondary actuation elements such that the gripping element is moved axially towards the opening at the first end of the hollow body and radially inward towards a longitudinal axis of the hollow body from an open position to an engaged position by actuating the primary actuation element.3. The fitting of claim 2 , wherein the gripping element abuts the sealing member.4. The fitting of claim 3 ...

06-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140327240A1
Автор: Altenrath Joerg

A retaining clip for the detachable locking of a plug-in connection arrangement for pressure pipes, male connector of a plug-in connection for pressure pipes with such a retaining clip, as well as a plug-in connection arrangement for pressure pipes with a male connector and a female connector. 1. A male connector of a plug-in connection arrangement for pressure pipes , the male connector comprising: attachment portions configured to fix the retaining clip on an outer wall of the male connector, the attachment portions extending in axial direction on the outer wall, and', 'a locking portion configured to engage a locking recess on an inner wall of a female connector and, 'a retaining clip, which is configured to detachably lock the plug-in connection arrangement, the retaining clip including'}a recess or a circumferentially extending groove in the outer wall configured to receive the retaining clip.2. The male connector of claim 1 , wherein side walls of the recess or the circumferentially extending groove form a front abutment and a rear abutment so as to provide a form-fitting accommodation of the attachment portions of the retaining clip in axial direction.3. The male connector of claim 1 , wherein the attachment portions extend circumferentially distributed on the outer wall.4. The male connector of claim 1 , wherein two of the attachment portions serve as actuation portions for the locking portions claim 1 ,wherein a radial distance of the locking portions from the outer wall of the male connector is reduced by actuating the actuation portions.5. The male connector of claim 4 , further comprising:a locking device for the actuation portions,wherein the locking device is configured to prevent actuation actuation of the actuation portions.6. The male connector of wherein the locking portions of the retaining clip extend in a circumferential direction with a radial distance from the outer wall.7. A plug-in connection arrangement for pressure pipes claim 1 , the ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150252925A1

A separation preventing device that prevents separation of a fluid pipe in a pipe axis direction, includes a main body externally fitted to an outer peripheral surface of the fluid pipe and has a recess portion facing the outer peripheral surface; a locking member housed in the recess portion in a tiltable manner and is able to bite into the outer peripheral surface of the fluid pipe; and pressing units that are provided in the main body and press the locking member, wherein the locking member has a plurality of wedge portions in a front-back direction of a pipe axis of the fluid pipe, and is equipped with a projection portion that regulates biting of a front wedge portion of the plurality of wedge portions into the fluid pipe, when the fluid pipe moves to a separation side in the pipe axis direction. 1. A separation preventing device of a fluid pipe that prevents separation of a fluid pipe in a pipe axis direction , the separation preventing device comprising:a main body member that is externally fitted to an outer peripheral surface of the fluid pipe and has a recess portion facing the outer peripheral surface;a locking member that is housed in the recess portion in a tiltable manner and is able to bite into the outer peripheral surface of the fluid pipe; anda pressing unit that is provided in the main body member and presses the locking member,wherein the locking member has a plurality of wedge portions in a front-back direction of a pipe axis of the fluid pipe, and is equipped with a projection portion that regulates biting of a front wedge portion of the plurality of wedge portions into the fluid pipe, when the fluid pipe moves to a separation side in the pipe axis direction.2. The separation preventing device of a fluid pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the projection portion is provided between the front wedge portion and the rear wedge portion of the plurality of wedge portions.3. The separation preventing device of a fluid pipe according to claim 1 , ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150252930A1
Автор: Martin Matthew H.

An adjustable hose connection relying on magnetic force to maintain seal is disclosed. The hose connection can be for connecting a vapor source, such as a nebulizer or hookah water pipe, to a delivery hose. The hose connection includes a male and female connector and a rubber seal between them. Both connectors have a magnetic element that attract to provide a seal and connection. The magnetic elements are preferably a permanent magnet in one of the connectors while the opposite magnetic element can be a ferromagnetic material such as steel. The strength of this connection can be varied by adjusting the magnetic gap between the male and female connectors with a threaded adjuster. The connection can thus be adjusted to find the optimal balance between seal strength and ease of disconnection in various environments. 1. A vaporizer system having a vaporizer and a delivery hose , and a magnetic coupling between the vaporizer and delivery hose , comprising:a female connector having a base and a socket connected by an adjustable connection to adjustably vary a length of the female connector;a magnetic element disposed within the socket of the female connector;an O-ring disposed about the magnetic element within the socket of the female connector;a male connector having a first end adapted to fit within the socket of the female connector, the first end having a magnetic attraction to the magnetic element; anda hose adapter connected to the male connector.2. The vaporizer system of claim 1 , wherein the adjustable connection between the base and the socket is a threaded connection.3. The vaporizer system of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic element is a permanent magnetic.4. The vaporizer system of claim 1 , wherein the first end of the male connector is ferromagnetic.5. The vaporizer system of claim 1 , wherein the first end of the male connector includes a permanent magnet.6. The vaporizer system of claim 1 , wherein the vaporizer is a hookah pipe.7. The vaporizer system of ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации

Pipe, in Particular Plastic Pipe for Wastewater Lines

Номер: US20200232586A1
Автор: Lüers Gregor

The invention relates to a pipe, in particular a plastic pipe for wastewater lines, which has at least one socket end which is provided with an annular bead () and a socket neck () and forms a first pipe () into the socket end of which the spigot end of a second pipe or shaped part () can be plugged and removed again therefrom, and in which an elastic annular seal () is inserted into the annular bead (). According to the invention, the socket neck () of the pipe is provided with a screw thread () onto which there can be screwed a screw ring () which comprises an inner ring part () and an outer ring part () between which an annular gap is formed, and the ring parts () are connected by means of a ring base () facing away from the annular bead (), wherein, upon screwing the screw ring () onto the screw thread (), the front edge () of the inner ring part () compresses the annular seal () inserted into the annular bead () and arrests the spigot end of the second pipe or shaped part () in the first pipe (). 14311362443158101110111241410856244131. Pipe , in particular plastic pipe for wastewater lines , which has at least one socket end which is provided with an annular bead () and a socket neck () and forms a first pipe () , into the socket end of which the spigot end of a second pipe or shaped part () can be inserted and removed again , and in which an elastic annular seal ( , ) is inserted into the annular bead () , characterized in that the socket neck () of the pipe () is provided with a screw thread () , onto which a screw ring () can be screwed , the screw ring containing an inner ring part () and an outer ring part () , between which an annular gap is formed , and the ring parts ( , ) are connected via a ring base () facing away from the annular bead () , the front edge () of the inner ring part () , when the screw ring () is screwed onto the screw thread () , compressing the annular seal ( , ) inserted into the annular bead () and arresting the spigot end of the ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170248259A1

A pipe connector for connecting pipes that includes an elongate tubular body having an outer diameter, a sleeve disposed over the elongate tubular body, and a first wire ring. The elongate tubular body that has a groove formed on the outer diameter. The sleeve has a groove formed on an inner diameter that is spaced from a first end of the sleeve and is aligned with the groove of the elongate tubular member. The first wire ring is disposed within the groove of the elongate tubular body and within the groove of the sleeve such that the sleeve is coupled to the elongate tubular body by the first wire ring. 1. A pipe connector for connecting pipes comprising:an elongate tubular body having a groove formed on an outer diameter;a sleeve coupled to the elongate tubular body, the sleeve having a groove formed on an inner diameter that is spaced from a first end of the sleeve and aligned with the groove of the elongate tubular body; anda first wire ring disposed within the groove of the elongate tubular body and within the groove of the sleeve, wherein the sleeve is coupled to the elongate tubular body by the first wire ring.2. The pipe connector according to claim 1 , wherein the sleeve further comprises:a wire insertion cutout formed on the first end of the sleeve that extends from the first end of the sleeve across the groove of the sleeve,wherein the first wire ring is disposed within the groove of the elongate tubular body and the groove of the sleeve through the wire insertion cutout.3. The pipe connector according to claim 1 , wherein the sleeve is longitudinally fixed relative to the elongate tubular body by the first wire ring.4. The pipe connector according to claim 1 , wherein the elongate tubular body further comprises a raised portion claim 1 , and wherein the groove of the elongate tubular body is located on the raised portion of the elongate tubular body.5. The pipe connector according to claim 4 , wherein the raised portion is generally in the center of the ...

08-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160258563A1

A fluid connector that is designed to work with a wide range of tube configurations and sizes by being able to adjust to the configuration and size of tube being connected to. The fluid connector can also include a pressure driven actuation resistance mechanism to achieve higher pressures. Therefore, a single fluid connector can be used over a wide range of applications. This permits the creation of a standardized cost effective fluid connector design. 1. A self-adjusting fluid connector , comprising:a generally cylindrical construction that includes a body, a collet assembly with a plurality of collets, a sleeve, a piston, and a longitudinal axis;the plurality of collets are pivotally supported at an end of the body for pivoting movement between an expanded position and a collapsed position;the sleeve surrounds the body, the collet assembly, and the piston; the sleeve is slidable relative to the plurality of collets and the body in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis between a default position and a retracted position where the plurality of collets are in the collapsed positon when the sleeve is at the default position and the plurality of collets are in the expanded position when the sleeve is at the retracted position; and the sleeve is biased by a spring toward the default position;the piston is slideably disposed within the body and the plurality of collets for sliding movement relative thereto in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis; the piston is biased by a spring in a direction away from the body in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis;an interface between an exterior surface of each of the collets and an interior surface of the sleeve, the interface controls movements of the collets between the expanded position and the collapsed position; andthe interface between the exterior surface of the collets and the interior surface of the sleeve permits the collets to self-adjust to different collapsed positions around different ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации

Zero dead volume fitting assembly

Номер: US20170254452A1

The disclosure pertains to a tubing and ferrule assembly for use in joining a clad tubing to a fitting. The ferrule is bound to the clad tubing, which includes a partial jacket of stainless steel, such that the inert core protrudes from, and has a common outer diameter with, the jacket. The ferrule is bound to the jacket slightly more distant than necessary for the inert core to contact a fitting. When the ferrule is retained in place, the inert core is compressed and provides a true zero dead volume connection between the clad tubing and the fitting. The relationship of the ferrule, the clad tubing, and the fitting limits the position of the clad tubing and therefore precludes damaging of the associated valve or component. 1100. A high pressure capillary tubing connector system (){'b': '102', 'claim-text': {'b': '104', 'claim-text': [{'b': 104', '106', '108, 'claim-text': [{'b': 106', '110, 'the zero dead volume fitting detail pilot () terminating at a zero dead volume fitting detail pilot bottom (),'}, {'b': 106', '374, 'the zero dead volume fitting detail pilot () having a zero dead volume fitting detail pilot length ()'}], 'the zero dead volume fitting detail () having a zero dead volume fitting detail pilot () sized to receive a clad tubing (),'}, {'b': 104', '112, 'the zero dead volume fitting detail () having a zero dead volume fitting detail ferrule seat (),'}], 'having a zero dead volume fitting detail (),'}, 'for use with a zero dead volume fitting (),'}{'b': '100', 'the high pressure capillary tubing connector system () comprising{'b': '108', 'claim-text': [{'b': 108', '134', '136', '134', '138', '440', '442', '144', '146', '150', '148', '152', '154', '154', '155, 'claim-text': [{'b': 138', '144', '150, 'the core length () extending from the core first end () to the core second end (),'}, {'b': 144', '156', '144, 'the core first end () having a core first end flat face () at the core first end (),'}, {'b': 152', '146', '148, 'the core intermediate segment ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170254453A1

A fluid connector comprising a body having a through-bore, a plurality of radially inwardly facing surfaces comprising a first cylindrical surface having a first diameter, a frusto-conical surface adjacent the first cylindrical surface, and a second cylindrical surface adjacent the frusto-conical surface, the second cylindrical surface having a second diameter, wherein the frusto-conical surface is arranged between the first and second cylindrical surfaces, and a plurality of outwardly facing surfaces comprising a first cylindrical surface having a first diameter, and a second cylindrical surface adjacent the first cylindrical surface, the second cylindrical surface having a second diameter, and a deformable tab integrally connected to the body and extending axially from the body. 1. A fluid connector , comprising: a through-bore;', a first cylindrical surface having a first diameter;', 'a frusto-conical surface adjacent said first cylindrical surface; and,', 'a second cylindrical surface adjacent said frusto-conical surface, said second cylindrical surface having a second diameter, wherein said frusto-conical surface is arranged between said first and second cylindrical surfaces; and,, 'a plurality of radially inwardly facing surfaces comprising, a first cylindrical surface; and,', 'a second cylindrical surface adjacent said first cylindrical surface; and,, 'a plurality of outwardly facing surfaces comprising], 'a body comprisinga deformable tab integrally connected to said body and extending axially from said body.2. The fluid connector recited in claim 1 , wherein said tab is circumferentially continuous.3. The fluid connector recited in claim 1 , wherein said tab is adjacent said second outwardly facing cylindrical surface.4. The fluid connector recited in claim 1 , wherein said tab is deformed radially inward.5. The fluid connector recited in further comprising a snap ring.6. The fluid connector recited in claim 1 , wherein said first diameter of said first ...
