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02-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU183748U1

Полезная модель относится к строительству магистральных трубопроводов и может быть использована, например, как опора трубопроводов газоперекачивающих агрегатов. Задачей, на решение которой направлена заявленная полезная модель, является создание универсальной (многофункциональной) конструкции, способной выполнять роль и разгрузочной, и поперечно-подвижной опоры. Поставленная задача решается тем, что опора разгрузочная, содержащая корпус, направляющие и удерживающий газопровод элемент, связанный с корпусом, выполнена с возможностью поворота направляющих относительно оси трубопровода. При этом длина и ширина корпуса равны между собой. Технический результат заключается в расширении функциональных возможностей опоры. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 8 фиг. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 183 748 U1 (51) МПК F16L 3/18 (2006.01) F16L 3/20 (2006.01) F16C 29/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16L 3/18 (2018.02); F16L 3/20 (2018.02); F16C 29/00 (2018.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017142176, 04.12.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Газснабинвест" (ООО "Газснабинвест") (RU) Дата регистрации: 02.10.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 142697 U1, 27.06.2014. RU (45) Опубликовано: 02.10.2018 Бюл. № 28 1 8 3 7 4 8 R U (54) ОПОРА УНИВЕРСАЛЬНАЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к строительству магистральных трубопроводов и может быть использована, например, как опора трубопроводов газоперекачивающих агрегатов. Задачей, на решение которой направлена заявленная полезная модель, является создание универсальной (многофункциональной) конструкции, способной выполнять роль и разгрузочной, и поперечно-подвижной опоры. Стр.: 1 Поставленная задача решается тем, что опора разгрузочная, содержащая корпус, направляющие и удерживающий газопровод элемент, связанный с корпусом, выполнена с возможностью поворота ...

11-12-2020 дата публикации

Опора для надземной прокладки трубопроводов в зонах сейсмической активности

Номер: RU201388U1

Полезная модель относится к области строительства надземных трубопроводов в сейсмически опасных зонах. Задачей настоящей полезной модели является обеспечение надежности и функциональности конструкции опор для надземной прокладки трубопроводов при эксплуатации в зонах сейсмической активности. Указанная задача решается, а технический результат достигается тем, что в соответствии с заявляемым техническим решением опора для надземной прокладки трубопроводов в зонах сейсмической активности состоит из закрепленной на двух сваях через демпферные устройства площадки №3 с неподвижно установленной на ней площадкой №2, по которой в продольном направлении трубопровода двигается площадка №1. По площадке №1 в поперечном направлении трубопровода двигается компенсационная салазка. В свою очередь на компенсационную салазку установлена подошва опоры, которая с помощью шарниров, обеспечивающих вращательное движение трубопровода, соединяется с ложементом с полухомутами. Технический результат заключается в ...

27-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2047036C1

Использование: в строительстве. Сущность изобретения: сферическая пара корпуса оперта на заключенные в сепараторе шары. Упругая подвеска смонтирована на плитном основании, которое выполнено четырехугольным. Подвеска выполнена в виде закрепленных по углам основания телескопических стоек с самоустанавливающимися блоками и двух пружин растяжения, расположенных над трубопроводом по диагоналям основания и связанных через блоки с корпусом канатными тягами и стяжками. 2 ил.

23-08-1991 дата публикации

Опора трубопровода

Номер: SU1672080A1

Изобретение относится к трубопроводной арматуре и может быть использовано для крепления надземных трубопроводов. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности работы за счет увеличения поперечной жесткости крепления трубопровода. Опора содержит раму с крышкой и упругие элементы, каждый из которых выполнен в виде пакета V-образных поочередно установленных жестких и эластичных пластин, и внутренней и внешней обойм с V-образными посадочными поверхностями. Между этими поверхностями расположен пакет пластин. Ребро пакета ориентировано параллельно оси трубопровода. Внешние обоймы упираются в раму и крышку, а внутренние сжимают трубопровод. Пакет V-образных пластин дает возможность перемещаться трубопроводу в продольном осевом направлении за счет деформации (сдвиговой) эластичных пластин, но не дает возможности перемещаться трубопроводу в поперечном направлении и крутиться. 2 ил.

23-04-1982 дата публикации

Продольно-подвижная опора трубопровода

Номер: SU922409A1

21-06-1973 дата публикации

Опорное устройство трубопровода

Номер: SU387180A1

05-08-1979 дата публикации

Секторная опорная часть

Номер: SU678129A1

07-10-1981 дата публикации

Опора трубопровода

Номер: SU870837A1

30-04-1990 дата публикации

Шариковая опора для трубопровода

Номер: SU1560869A1

Изобретение может найти применение в строительстве, в частности при сооружении теплофикационных сетей. Цель изобретения - повышение несущей способности опоры путем увеличения количества шаров без увеличения площади плитного основания. Цель изобретения достигается тем, что опора снабжена шарами меньшего диаметра, которые устанавливаются друг на друга и располагаются в пространстве между шарами большего диаметра. 3 ил.

15-05-1990 дата публикации

Устройство для предотвращения колебаний трубопровода

Номер: SU1564454A1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для предотвращения колебаний и предназначается для исключения возможности опасных колебаний надземных систем трубопроводов под воздействием усилий, вызванных транспортом продукта или ветровым потоком. Целью изобретения является демпфирование колебаний трубопровода в широком частотном диапазоне за счет гашения колебаний, возникающих в вертикальной плоскости и в осевом направлении. Это достигается посредством предотвращения колебаний трубопровода по первой форме и перестройки механической системы к высшим формам колебаний с более низкими амплитудами. Устройство включает трос, закрепленный на трубопроводе симметрично относительно колонны на одной трети длины пролета. Трос петлеобразно охватывает установленный на колонне узел крепления, который представляет собой подпружиненный барабан с фиксированным усилием прижатия, снабженный тормозными элементами. 2 ил.

28-02-1986 дата публикации

Катковая опора трубопровода О.Ивонина

Номер: SU1214972A1

07-08-1984 дата публикации

Подвижная опора трубопровода

Номер: SU1106952A1

ПОДВИЖНАЯ ОПОРА ТРУБО ПРОВОДА, включающая свободно обхватывающий трубопровод кожух с концентрическои опорной поверхностью и расположенную в верхней части кожуха подвеску трубопровода с опорной площадкой, отличающаяся тем, что, с целью расщирения эксплуатационных возможностей опоры путем обеспечения ею свободы перемещения трубопровода в любых направлениях, кожух выполнен в виде кольца с шаровой наружной поверхностью центр кривизны которой лежит на оси кольца, а подвеска выполнена в виде расположенной в вертикальной осевой плоскости трубопровода П-образной петли, установленной стойками на верхней образующей трубопровода и имеющей опорную площадку в качестве нижней поверхности ригеля, при том кольцо свободно продето в петлю.

20-05-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DD0000106080A1

18-11-1976 дата публикации

Support system for thin walled pipes - has support rollers threaded on tensioned steel wire

Номер: DE0002520686A1

The support rig is for pipes with large cross-sections where the walls are thin and in danger of indentation. The support distributes force evely round the pipe so that it is securely held without risk of damage. The support consists of a freely hanging steel wire (3) on which a series of rollers (4) are threaded. Each roller consists of a nearly cylindrical sleeve (5) supported by low friction bearings (6a, 6b, 6c) held on a mandrel (7). The outer cover is curved so that each roller has two points of contact with the pipe (8). The sleeve is made from softer material than the steel wire (3) which itself has a steel core. There are plastic distance rings (9) between the rollers. The steel wire is supported at its ends in a framework with rollers (10) and a wire tensioning system (11).

17-08-2000 дата публикации

Reel for a cable or hose has feed reels and fixing section consisting of base and side pieces which can be swivelled upwards.

Номер: DE0019905608A1

The reel for a cable or hose has feed reels (3, 4, 5, 6) for the cable or hose and a fixing section consisting of a base (1) and side pieces (13, 14) which can be swivelled upwards.

14-10-2010 дата публикации

Rollenlageranordnung mit zumindest einer drehbar gelagerten Rolle

Номер: DE502005010182D1

15-05-2003 дата публикации

Overhead mounting for pipelines has movable mountings to allow lateral and longditudinal movements for thermal compensation

Номер: DE0010200433C1

An overhead mounting system for pipelines has the pipeline rigidly fixed at set points and with movable mountings in between the set points. The movable mountings have the hangers located on sliding mountings to follow thermal movements along the line of the pipeline. The mountings are improved by having the slides pivot mounted about a fixed point, enabling the pipeline to be deflected to either side to allow for thermal movements. The mountings have a compact design and allow the pipeline to be mounted close under the overhead supports, which can be a ceiling or a gantry support.

25-07-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008415493D0

23-04-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008706540D0

25-04-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009004309D0

13-06-1956 дата публикации

Ducting for high temperature fluids

Номер: GB0000750421A

... 750,421. Jet pipes. POWER JETS (RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT), Ltd. June 15. 1954 [June 26, 1953], No. 17769/53. Class 110(3) [Also in Group XXVIII] A conical member 14 is supported inside a gas turbine exhaust duct 17 by pairs of crossed rods 15, 16 enclosed in streamlined fairings 21 attached to the member 14 and having a clearance at the wall of the duct to allow for expansion. Each rod passes through a bush 20 on the intermediate sections 8 of bands 18, 19, the band 18 being disposed externally of the duct 17, and the band 19 being located internally of the member 14. The intermediate sections 8 of the bands terminate in bellows sections 7 secured to the walls of the duct 17 and the member 14, those walls being apertured to provide a clearance around the rods so that the bands are free to deflect longitudinally to accommodate differential expansion between the duct and member. Specification 582,978 is referred to.

10-04-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001564357A

23-03-2022 дата публикации

Fixing structure for corrugated tube and fixing method for corrugated tube

Номер: GB0002598980A

A fixing structure 1 suitable for a corrugated tube 10 and a fixing method for a corrugated tube 10. The structure 1 comprises a corrugated tube 10 that is extensible and contractible in a longitudinal direction of the corrugated tube 10, and through which a wiring 40 is inserted. The structure 1 further comprises a plurality of fixing members 20 configured to fix the corrugated tube 10, through which the wiring 40 is inserted, to a plurality of fixing locations P1 P2 provided at a fixing destination. The fixing members 20 are attached to an outer surface 11 of the corrugated tube 10 at a certain interval along the longitudinal direction. The corrugated tube 10 is extended or contracted between adjacent fixing members 20 of the plurality of fixing members, and the adjacent fixing members 20 are adjusted to be at an interval corresponding to a different interval at which the plurality of fixing locations P1 P2 are arranged, such that the plurality of fixing members 20 are fixed to the plurality ...

15-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA842975A

11-02-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000355115B

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000430904T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000485472T

15-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000458950T

15-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000851076A

15-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: ATA37683A

15-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000098758T

15-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000092600T

27-10-1970 дата публикации

Flexible suspension of a ceramic raw strand

Номер: AT0000285258B

09-09-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007880675A

04-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002739082A1

A pipe clamp comprises a mounting post having a flexible arm extending laterally therefrom in a semi-circular arc. The arm defines with the mounting post an arcuate recess having spaced apart opposite ends between which different size pipe is selectively insertable into the recess. Opposed flexible fingers extend radially inwardly adjacent opposite ends of the recess. The fingers are axially angled between opposite sides of the clamp to facilitate bending of the fingers when contacted by the pipe during insertion of the pipe into the recess.

23-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA1031757A

30-09-1958 дата публикации

Dispositif d'appui pour conduite forcée

Номер: CH0000332732A

15-07-1958 дата публикации

Dispositif d'appui à galets pour conduites

Номер: CH0000331147A

31-05-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000549750A

15-01-1976 дата публикации

Pipe support with base plate and annular clamp - for hot and cold water pipes of urban systems in underground conduits

Номер: CH0000571676A5

A device for supporting and fixing a pipe comprises a support (1) with a pipe-fixing clamp (4) and with two parallel shafts (7) disposed at its lower side corners, and a base plate (9) with bearings (11) in which shafts slide in the longitudinal direction of the pipe, preventing movement in the transverse direction. DETAILS Pref. the support consists of a curved plate (2) forming a housing for half the section of a cylindrical pipe, with two lugs (2a) with bolts (5) for fixing the clamp, and two side walls (6) welded to the edges of the curved portion of the plate, the two shafts extending through holes in the side walls. Each bearing (11) comprises a PTFE body (12) in which a bush (13) is supported by a rubber sleeve (13). (3 pp.).

13-06-1975 дата публикации

Pipe clip with removable sector-type strips - these fit into semicircular halves secured between coupling flanges

Номер: CH0000562980A5
Принадлежит: GEBERT & CIE, GEBERT & CIE.

The clip is for securing plastic pipes to the walls of buildings, and has two semicircular stirrup pieces with protruding flanges clamped together by screws. The stirrup pieces each have on the inside a removable sector-type strip (9, 10). The two ends of the strips fit between the flanges (3, 4) and are secured by the screws (5). Thus the clip normally holds the pipe so that it cannot slide, but removal of the strips allows sliding to compensate for heat expansion etc. The strips can be of plastic, e.g. polyester, and the edges of the stirrup pieces on the inside can be sharp.

31-05-1966 дата публикации

Aufhängevorrichtung für Rohre

Номер: CH0000414278A

31-12-1965 дата публикации

Lager für in Mantelrohren zu lagernde isolierte Leitungen und Verfahren zur Herstellung desselben

Номер: CH0000405030A
Принадлежит: ETERNIT AG

13-12-1974 дата публикации

Hanger for heat expansible pipes - consist of stirrup with longitudinally sliding U-section in stirrup legs opening

Номер: CH0000556994A
Принадлежит: UNICALOR AG

The hanger is used for fixing pipes with considerable dilatation due to temperature variations. The legs of the U-shaped stirup are provided with square openings into which a length of another U-channel of appropriate dimensions is placed in a sliding fashion. The channel is secured against dropping out by a threaded bolt and fastening nut serving at the same time as connecting element to the pipe clip. The web of the stirrup is provided with a slot hole with edges turned downwards for rigidity. Alternatively the sliding length of channel can also be a box section.

30-09-1980 дата публикации

Pipe fastening device

Номер: CH0000619523A5

30-09-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000591652A5

15-09-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000604340A5

15-06-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000600510A5

31-03-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000660222A5

29-12-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000672826A5

15-07-1994 дата публикации

Support member for pipeline in building - Consists of metal bands suspended from bolt in ceiling and screwed and hooked together

Номер: CH0000684114A5
Принадлежит: GEBERIT AG

The support member is for a pipeline (4) suspended from the ceiling (8) in a tunnel or building. Each support member has a nut (2d) at the top which screws onto an anchoring bolt (7) projecting downward from the ceiling. The metal strip (2) fastened to the nut is bent downwards at the ends, one end terminating in a flange accommodating a bolt fastening it to a bottom strip (3). The other end of the first metal strip (2) is bent up to form a hook (2b) which engages a slit (3c,3d) in the other end of the second strip (3). There are triangular holes int the first strip (2) which may accommodate a cross-member carrying a second pipeline. USE/ADVANTAGE - Simple and easily assembled support member for pipeline in building.

15-05-2001 дата публикации

Clamping camp for at least or therein festlemmbares a pipe mobile durable therein.

Номер: CH0000691192A5

15-02-1989 дата публикации

Installing tube with spiral wall - involves fabricating machinery resting on table with pipe held in rotating supports

Номер: CH0000669022A5
Принадлежит: TECBAU S A, TECBAU S.A.

The fabrication procedure is for a tube with a spiral wall. The machine (2) that fabricates the tube (7) rests on an adjustable table (6) that brings it to the height of the tube (7). The tube (7) is held in rotating supports (9,11). USE/ADVANTAGE - To install tube with a spiral wall. Allows long tubes to be installed quickly with minimum manpower.

25-08-2020 дата публикации

Номер: CN0211344248U

25-08-2017 дата публикации

High altitude operation hanging frame

Номер: CN0206439507U

14-05-1965 дата публикации

Sliding support corrosion resistant for pipes

Номер: FR0001399359A

28-07-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002376320A

Dispositif de serrage permettant de faire supporter un tube métallique par une structure fixe. Il comprend un manchon fendu dont les deux moitiés 12, 14 comportent des languettes 41, 49 et des fentes 44, 52 de verrouillage mutuel, et des collets d'extrémité 24, 26, 28, 30; et une boucle de serrage 16 fixée à la structure fixe 20. Les languettes entourent plus de la moitié de la circonférence du tube, la largeur de la boucle de serrage est moindre que la distance entre les collets d'extrémité, et le diamètre intérieur de la boucle permet son encliquetage sur le diamètre extérieur du manchon. Prévention de l'usure dans les conditions d'utilisation très dures, par exemple dans les aéronefs.

25-05-1970 дата публикации


Номер: FR0001593052A

19-07-1985 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002483562B1

18-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002892170B1

21-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002922290B1

06-08-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002499202A1

05-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002645239B3

10-12-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002507264A


17-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002415224A

Dispositif pour fixer un corps allongé à un corps fixe. Dispositif pour fixer un corps allongé, en particulier un tuyau, à une monture 1 qui comprend un corps cylindrique creux continu 2 dans lequel est logée à glissement une piece coulissante 9. Entre le corps de la monture et la pièce coulissante est interposée une garniture 6, 7 en une matière qui permet un déplacement, au moins, avec un minimum de bruits, de la pièce coulissante par rapport à la monture Le corps de la monture reçoit la pièce coulissante et à ce corps est fixé un dispositif de fixation 3 pour le montage à un corps fixe. Deux montures dont chacune reçoit une pièce coulissante, peuvent être montées côte à côte. Le corps de la monture peut prendre la forme d'un galet qui peut coopérer avec une piste en retrait formée sur le dispositif de fixation. Maçonnerie.

07-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR101712803B1

The present invention relates to a ceiling hanger apparatus having an earthquake-resistant function. The ceiling hanger apparatus is used to hang and install ceiling installation pieces such as ceiling finishing materials, pipes, and cable trays for installing cables onto the ceiling of a building. The configuration of the ceiling hanger apparatus includes: multiple support rods which have upper ends fixed to the ceiling slab of a building at predetermined intervals while having lower ends extended from the ceiling in a direct downward direction; an earthquake-resistant rod body which has the upper end connected to the ceiling slab and the lower end connected to the ceiling installation pieces and allows the angular changes of two or more parts in the longitudinal direction in random directions to safely hang the ceiling installation pieces on the ceiling even when relative movement between the ceiling installation pieces occurs due to vibration resulting from an earthquake; and a connection ...

05-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0102007182B1

24-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR101698759B1

The present invention relates to a suspension of a center pipe of a heat storage tank. More specifically, the present invention relates to a suspension of a center pipe of a heat storage tank, which is capable of free rotation. The present invention uses a support-type suspension having a rotational degree of freedom rather than a completely confined support type when the contraction/expansion of a hot water pipe, which is in charge of the inflow and outflow of hot water stored in a heat storage tank, occurs, and the hot water pipe is displaced in a certain direction due to the influence of a moment, such as dynamic loading, of hot water passing through the inside of the hot water pipe. Therefore, the present invention can support the hot water pipe without the deformation of or the damage to the suspension even when the movement of the hot water pipe occurs. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 ...

13-01-1931 дата публикации

Номер: US0001788939A1

04-12-1984 дата публикации

Device for supporting a pipe

Номер: US0004485994A1
Принадлежит: Framatome

The present invention relates to a device which is able to hold a straight pipe element on a rigid structure. The holding device according to the invention makes it possible to attach a pipe 1 to at least one anchoring point 3 which is fastened to a rigid structure 2 and it is characterized by the fact that it consists of a number of linear struts 4-5-6-7 which are attached by hinged joints 11-12-13-14, to the pipe 2 and connected to the anchoring point 3 and arranged in a number of planes perpendicular to the axis 16 of the pipe and each of which contain at least two of the said struts 4-5-6-7, whose longitudinal axes are arranged according to the sides of a triangle in such a manner as to take up the torques applied to the pipe. The device is intended for a nuclear power station.

08-02-1927 дата публикации

Pipe support

Номер: US1617259A

19-12-1986 дата публикации

Номер: JP0061202793U

16-09-1982 дата публикации

Номер: JP0057147475U

14-06-2012 дата публикации

System for reeling pipeline

Номер: US20120148348A1
Принадлежит: Lylyn Hingle Stockstill

A pipe reeling system can be positioned in a location adjacent a dock to prepare spools of wound pipeline. The pipe segments are delivered to the facility from a steel mill or other manufacturer and placed on one or more pipe storage racks in a first orientation. The pipe segments are then moved to an elevated pipe feeding bed, from which they are fed in a second direction, transverse to the first direction through a plurality of weld stations. The pipe segments welded end-to-end form a continuous pipe unit, which is transferred to a spool and wound thereon. The spools can be prepared in advance of a request from a pipeline operator and stored in the facility on the reels until required.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Subsea structure for pipe assemblies

Номер: US20120263541A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A subsea structure for supporting pipes/pipe assemblies ( 2 ′) that are connected to subsea installations. The structure has a generally horizontal support member ( 5 ) for supporting said pipes/pipe assemblies. The horizontal support member is movably engaged with a generally vertical supporting member ( 2 ) at one or both ends thereof the vertical support member is anchored to a base member ( 3 ). In the vertical support member ( 2 ) a lifting mechanism with intermeshing ratchet dogs ( 32, 33 ) and elongate ratchets ( 12 ) is arranged, which is operated by a vertical screw ( 13 ).

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200247A1
Автор: Miki Hironori

A pipe support structure which is constructed to utilize the Coriolis force and the reaction force caused, thereby making it possible to suppress the hose compliance amount in the high temperature area while maintaining the degree of freedom of mountability specific for the resin pipe and to realize the above suppressing effect by the simple construction and at a low cost. 1. A pipe support structure for supporting a pipe supported at a first clamp position and a second clamp position , the pipe having a fluid passage formed therein to allow a fluid at a high temperature to pass therethrough , and made of a resilient material , comprises:a retaining member for resiliently retaining the outer peripheral portion at at least one of the first clamp position and the second clamp position,the pipe having an inclined portion inclined with respect to a horizontal plane perpendicular to the gravity direction, and a bent portion having a predetermined radius of curvature, the inclined portion and the bent portion being disposed between the first clamp position and the second clamp position,the retaining member having a predetermined spring constant and a predetermined attenuation coefficient,the pipe being subjected to a Coriolis force and having a heat expansion amount caused by the Coriolis force when the fluid passage allows the fluid at the high temperature,the retaining member having a reaction force acting against the Coriolis force,at least one of the first clamp position and the second clamp position and the shape of the bent portion being set, and the spring constant and the attenuation coefficient of the retaining member being set in such a manner that the reaction force of the retaining member generated in response to the Coriolis force generated on the pipe acts to suppress the heat expansion amount caused by the Coriolis force from being increased when the fluid passage allows the fluid at the high temperature.2. A pipe support structure as set forth in claim 1 , ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257373A1

A cable handler device has an elongated arm pivotally attached to a base, such that the arm is adapted to move in proximity to a charge receptacle, and a cable secured to the arm, the cable having a charge connector adapted to engage the charge receptacle. The cable has a fixed portion secured substantially parallel to the elongated arm and a free portion extending from a distal end of the elongated arm, and the charge connector is disposed suspended at an end of the free portion. A cantilever support maintains the elongated arm biased in an upward position, such that the cantilever support reduces external force needed to pivot the arm and a range of the pivot of the elongated arm disposes the charge connector above ground level such that the free portion avoids ground contact during engagement of the charge connector and charge receptacle. 1. A cable handler device comprising:an elongated arm pivotally attached to a base, the arm adapted to dispose a distal end vertically in response to the pivot;a cable secured to the arm, the cable having an interface, the cable having a fixed portion secured substantially parallel to the elongated arm and a free portion extending from the distal end of the elongated arm, the interface disposed on the free portion; anda cantilever support between the arm and the base for supporting the elongated arm, the cantilever support reducing external force needed to pivot the arm, the cable adapted for communicative transfer via the interface.2. The device of wherein the cantilever support offsets a weight of the elongated arm and the cable for at least partially reducing an external force for pivoting the elongated arm.3. The device of wherein the cantilever support includes a counterbalance for exerting a force slightly greater than the weight of the elongated arm and charge cable such that a slight upward bias is maintained in the elongated arm.4. The device of wherein the cantilever support is adapted to return the elongated arm to a ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000744A1

Pliable-wall air ducts with internal expanding structures are disclosed. An example air duct system includes a shaft to be disposed within an air duct, to extend in a longitudinal direction, and to be in longitudinal compression. The air duct system also includes a plurality of ribs to be coupled to the shaft and to engage an inner surface of the air duct and a spring to be disposed within the air duct, the spring to be coupled to the shaft. The spring under stress being a contributing factor in both the shaft being in longitudinal compression and the air duct being in longitudinal tension. 126-. (canceled)27. An air duct system , comprising:a shaft to be disposed within an air duct, to extend in a longitudinal direction, and to be in longitudinal compression;a plurality of ribs to be coupled to the shaft and to engage an inner surface of the air duct; anda spring to be disposed within the air duct, the spring to be coupled to the shaft, the spring under stress being a contributing factor in both the shaft being in longitudinal compression and the air duct being in longitudinal tension.28. The air duct system of claim 27 , wherein the shaft has a continuously adjustable length extending in the longitudinal direction.29. The air duct system of claim 28 , wherein the spring is to urge the shaft to extend in the longitudinal direction.30. The air duct system of claim 27 , wherein the shaft includes a telescopic connection to enable the shaft to be adjustable in the longitudinal direction claim 27 , and the spring urges the shaft to extend in the longitudinal direction.31. The air duct system of claim 30 , further comprising a structure for inhibiting longitudinal extension at the telescopic connection claim 30 , the structure for inhibiting longitudinal extension being movable selectively to a holding position and a release position claim 30 , the structure for inhibiting longitudinal extension in the holding position inhibits longitudinal length extension of the shaft ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Offshore Fluid Transfer System and Method

Номер: US20140034137A1
Принадлежит: FMC Technologies SA

An offshore fluid transfer system comprising a boom () and at least one movable fluid conveying pipe () attached to the boom, said movable pipe () comprising, starting from its anchorage point, a length for extension, then an outer valve () for coupling to a third party loading pipe, a maneuvering cable called outer maneuvering cable () maneuvered from the boom () being furthermore linked to the free end of the movable pipe at a point referred to as cable anchorage point, characterized in that the anchorage point is rigidly connected to the outer valve (). The invention also relates to the corresponding method. 1. An offshore fluid transfer system comprising:a boom;at least one movable fluid conveying pipe attached to the boom, said movable pipe comprising a first end which is anchored to the boom and a second end to which an outer valve for coupling the movable pipe to a third party loading pipe is connected;a first cable maneuverable from the boom, said first cable being linked to a cable anchorage point which is rigidly connected to the outer valve.2. An offshore fluid transfer system according to claim 1 , further comprising a set of swivel joints connected between the second end of the movable pipe and the anchorage point.3. An offshore fluid transfer system according to claim 1 , further comprising a safety device configured to maintain a constant unwound length of the first cable in case of an emergency disconnection of the movable pipe from the third party loading pipe.4. An offshore fluid transfer system according to claim 1 , wherein the movable pipecomprises at least two successive articulated arms.5. An offshore fluid transfer system according to claim 1 , wherein the movable pipe comprises at least one flexible pipe.6. An offshore fluid transfer system according to claim 1 , further comprising a centering cone positioned adjacent the outer valve.7. An offshore fluid transfer system according to claim 1 , further comprising:at least a second movable ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003377A1
Автор: Denner Timo, Musolf Tobias

Fastening device for fixing at least one cable, wherein the fastening device includes a clip for receiving and/or fixing a cable, wherein the clip is designed such that it can at least partially surround the cable and clamp the cable in a force-fitting and/or interlocking manner, and wherein the fastening device has a fixing element which includes a guide element and a retaining element, wherein the guide element is mechanically connected to the clip, and the retaining element is designed such that it allows the fastening device to be mounted in a fixed position, wherein the guide element is mounted in the clip in a mount which at least partially surrounds the clip in respect of its casing surface. 1. A fastening device for fixing at least one cable , wherein the fastening device comprises a clip for receiving and/or fixing the at least one cable , wherein the clip is designed such that it can at least partially engage around the cable and can clamp said cable in a force-fitting and/or interlocking manner , and wherein the fastening device has a fixing element which comprises a guide element and a retaining element , wherein the guide element is mechanically connected to the clip , and the retaining element is designed such that it allows the fastening device to be mounted in a fixed position , wherein the guide element is mounted in the clip in a mount which at least partially surrounds the clip with respect to its casing surface.2. The fastening device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least partially surrounding mount of the clip has two grooves for mounting the guide element claim 1 , said grooves being designed such that they each receive an edge or side of the guide element claim 1 , and wherein the grooves are each designed substantially along a curvature of the casing surface.3. The fastening device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the guide element has a panel which is substantially in the form of a casing surface segment of a cylinder and/or is ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003255A1
Принадлежит: 3X Engineering

A device () for protecting a mechanical part () against damage, in particular corrosion. The mechanical part bears on a support (), or is under pressure as a result of weight. A flexible area () is designed to be in direct contact with the mechanical part and at least one row of rectilinear pads () designed to be in direct contact with the support. The row includes a plurality of pads (---) rigidly connected to the flexible area. The pads are more rigid than the flexible area, and are preferably rectangular in shape. 111-. (canceled)12. A system for bearing a pipeline , comprising{'b': '20', 'a support () for a pipe, and'}{'b': 10', '20', '10, 'a protective device () adapted to be placed between said support () and a pipe, wherein said protective device () comprises'}{'b': '12', 'a flexible area () including at least one woven layer, and'}{'b': 14', '14', '1', '14', '2', '14', '3, 'at least one row of rectilinear pads () designed to be in direct contact with said support, said row comprising a plurality of pads (-, -, -) made of a plastic material, which are rigidly connected to said flexible area and which are more rigid than said flexible area.'}13141142143. The system of claim 12 , wherein said pads (- claim 12 , - claim 12 , -) are rectangular in shape.14141142143. The system of claim 13 , wherein said pads (- claim 13 , - claim 13 , -) have a width between 20 mm and 30 mm and a length between 10 mm and 30 mm.15141142143. The system of claim 13 , wherein an interval between two of said pads (- claim 13 , - claim 13 , -) is between one-half of their length and one times their width.16. The system of claim 12 , wherein said plastic material is polyphenylene sulfide (P.P.S.).1712141142143. The system of claim 12 , wherein at least a part of said flexible area () and said pads (- claim 12 , - claim 12 , -) are formed from the same homogeneous material. The present invention relates to a device for protecting mechanical parts likely to be exposed to a force, friction ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Pipe Support System, and Method of Use

Номер: US20210010616A1

A pipe support system. The pipe support system comprises a first wedge block and a second opposing wedge block. Each of the wedge blocks comprises a base having walls, and forming an angled top surface. The angled top surfaces face one another and support respective replaceable caps. The caps are configured to support a joint or section of pipe along an outer diameter of the pipe. Beneficially, the distance or spacing between the wedge blocks may be adjusted by an operator to accommodate sections of pipe having different diameters. A method for supporting a section of pipe is also provided.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017187A1

A cable carrier apparatus has a bracket having a vertical mounting surface interface for mounting securely to a post, wall, or other stable support, and a horizontal portion, a first roller rotatable on a vertical post anchored to be stationary relative to the frame bracket, with the first roller positioned below the horizontal portion of the bracket, the first roller having a circumferential groove symmetrical around an axis of the post and about a horizontal plane, the groove having a cross-section with a radius describing a portion of a semicircle, but less than a full semicircle, and a second roller matching the first roller and rotatable on a second post having an axis, the second roller mounted to be translatable against spring force away from the first roller, wherein a traveler translating on a cable being held between the two rollers traverses through the rollers, maintaining the cable between the rollers. 1. A pass-through cable carrier apparatus , comprising:a frame bracket having a vertical mounting surface interface for mounting securely to a post, wall, or other stable support, and a horizontal portion;a first roller rotatable on a first vertical post anchored to be stationary relative to the frame bracket, with the first roller positioned below the horizontal portion of the frame bracket, the first roller having a first circumferential groove symmetrical around a central axis of the post and about a horizontal plane, the groove having a cross-section with a radius describing a substantial portion of a semicircle, but slightly less than a full semicircle; anda second roller matching the shape and dimensions of the first roller and rotatable on a second vertical post having a central axis, the axes of the first and second vertical posts lying in a plane at a right angle to the mounting surface of the frame bracket, the second roller mounted to be translatable against spring force away from the first roller.2. The pass-through cable carrier apparatus of ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Pipe Support System, And Method Of Use

Номер: US20200018424A1

A pipe support system. The pipe support system comprises a first wedge block and a second opposing wedge block. Each of the blocks comprises a base having walls, and forming an angled top surface. The angled top surfaces face one another and are configured to support a joint or section of pipe along an outer diameter of the pipe. Beneficially, the distance or spacing between the wedge blocks may be adjusted by an operator to accommodate sections of pipe having different diameters. A method for supporting a section of pipe is also provided. 1. A pipe support system , comprising: a base having an inside wall and an outside wall, wherein the outside wall is taller than the inside wall;', 'an angled top surface extending from the outside wall to the inside wall; and', 'at least one through-opening through each of the inside wall and the outside wall, wherein the respective through-openings are aligned;, 'a first wedge block and a second wedge block, wherein each of the first and second wedge blocks comprisesat least one threaded bar configured to extend through aligned through-openings in each of the first wedge block and the second wedge block such that a rotation of the threaded bar in a first direction will draw the first and second wedge blocks inward towards each other while rotation of the threaded bar in a second opposite direction will allow the first and second wedge blocks to be moved outward from each other;wherein the angled top surfaces face one another and are configured to support a joint or section of pipe along an outer diameter of the pipe.2. The pipe support system of claim 1 , wherein the top surface of each of the first and second wedge blocks is at an angle of between 20° and 40°.3. The pipe support system of claim 2 , wherein:the angled top surface of each of the first and second wedge blocks comprises a substantially planar cap; andeach of the planar caps comprises channels dimensioned to gravitationally wick away water to prevent water from ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Pipe Support System, And Method of Use

Номер: US20200018428A1

A pipe support system. The pipe support system comprises a first wedge block and a second opposing wedge block. Each of the blocks comprises a base having walls. In addition, each of the blocks supports an angled roller bearing. The roller bearings are configured to support a joint or section of pipe along an outer diameter of the pipe. Beneficially, the distance or spacing between the wedge blocks may be adjusted by an operator to accommodate sections of pipe having different diameters. A method for supporting a section of pipe is also provided. 1. A pipe support system , comprising: a base having an inside wall, an outside wall, and an angled face extending there between, wherein the outside wall is taller than the inside wall;', 'a through-opening through each of the inside wall and the outside wall, wherein the respective through-openings are aligned; and', 'an upper support and a lower support extending from the angled face;, 'a first wedge block and a second wedge block, wherein each of the first and second wedge blocks comprisesa roller bearing disposed along the angled face of each of the first and second wedge blocks, each roller bearing being oriented to face the other at an angle of between 20° and 40°;a threaded bar configured to extend through aligned through-openings in each of the first wedge block and the second wedge block such that a rotation of the threaded bar in a first direction will draw the first and second wedge blocks and respective roller bearings inward towards each, other while rotation of the threaded bar in a second opposite direction will allow the first and second wedge blocks and respective roller bearings to be moved outward from each other; andand wherein the roller bearings are adjustably spaced apart in order to support a joint or section of pipe along an outer diameter of the pipe.2. The pipe support system of claim 1 , further comprising:a pin extending longitudinally through each of the roller bearings;an upper support ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020577A1
Автор: Franz John

The present disclosure relates to a movable rack. For example, the movable rack includes an umbilical connection to deliver a fluid, an electrical current, or a network connection to the movable rack. The present disclosure further relates to the movable rack to include a translating frame to move the umbilical connection to correspond with a movement of the movable rack. 1. An apparatus for a movable rack comprising:an umbilical connection to deliver a fluid, an electrical current, a network connection, or any combinations thereof, to the movable rack; anda translating frame to move the umbilical connection to correspond with a movement of the movable rack.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a frame track mounted parallel to the moveable rack's direction of movement;an umbilical supply mounted on the frame track to supply the umbilical connection with the fluid, the electrical current, the network connection, or any of the combinations thereof, regardless of a position of the umbilical connection along the frame track; andwherein the translating frame is movably mounted on the frame track to aid the movement of the umbilical connection corresponding to the movement of the movable rack.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising a translating frame corrector to:connect the translating frame to the movable rack;bear a force generated by moving the movable rack; andmove in response to the force generated by moving the movable rack.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the umbilical connection is flexibly connected to the movable rack; andthe translating frame and the umbilical connection are located outside and above the movable rack.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the umbillcal connection and translating frame correspond to a row of movable racks.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least one translating frame supports a plurality of umbilical connections corresponding to a plurality of rows of racks.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150026956A1
Автор: Miki Hironori

A pipe support structure which is constructed to utilize the Coriolis force and the reaction force caused, thereby making it possible to suppress the hose compliance amount in the high temperature area while maintaining the degree of freedom of mountability specific for the resin pipe and to realize the above suppressing effect by the simple construction and at a low cost. This is a Continuation of application Ser. No. 13/392,203 filed Feb. 24, 2012, which is a National Stage of Application No. PCT/JP2011/004612 filed Aug. 18, 2011 which claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2010-223997 filed Oct. 1, 2010. The prior applications, including the specifications, drawings and abstract are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.The present invention relates to a pipe support structure, and more particularly to a pipe support structure for allowing a high temperature fluid to pass therethrough.In general, a hydraulic machine such as an actuator and the like to be hydraulically driven and controlled is supplied with working oil through pipes. The actuator of this type to be hydraulically driven and controlled is for example mounted on a vehicle like an automotive vehicle, and thus utilized for controlling a wide variety of drive units provided on the vehicle.As an apparatus for braking a vehicle provided with a hydraulic machine such as an actuator and the like, there has so far been known a brake system which comprises a master cylinder to be operated by a brake booster, a hydraulic unit intervening between a master cylinder and a wheel cylinder to control hydraulic pressure applied to the master cylinder, and a pipe for connecting the master cylinder with the hydraulic unit (for example see Patent Document 1).In the brake system disclosed in the Patent Document 1, the pipe connecting for connecting the master cylinder with the hydraulic unit is constituted by a metal pipe, and a flexible hose made of a resin hose formed at the intermediate ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Torpedo Power Cable Guide System

Номер: US20180031148A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A guide system for securing a torpedo pre-set power cable to move within a torpedo tube is provided. The guide system includes a longitudinal keeper and a guide assembly. The longitudinal keeper secures the power cable and includes a protrusion. A channel of the guide assembly connects to a Torpedo Mount Dispenser such that the channel receives the protrusion with the keeper sliding within and along a length of the channel. An alternate channel connects to a torpedo tube land and is configured to pivot to a stowed position and a deployed position where the channel is configured to receive the protrusion of the keeper such that the keeper slides within and along a length of the channel. When using each of the channels, the power cable can move within the torpedo tube when the protrusion of the keeper with the secured power cable slides within each channel.

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Support member

Номер: US20200031499A1
Принадлежит: Airbus Operations Ltd

A support member configured to support a first structure within an aperture of a second structure is disclosed. The support member comprises a bracket for attaching the support member to the second structure; and a funnel part. The diameter of the base of the funnel is less than or equal to the diameter of the aperture, and is substantially equal to the diameter of a part of the first structure to be supported by the support member.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032928A1
Автор: Bouchard Guillaume

A cable block including a frame having an upper section and a lower section together defining an inner opening. The lower section has a main sheave rotatably connected thereto, with a section of the main sheave defining a lower portion of the inner opening. The upper section is hingedly connected to the lower section at a pivot point, with a lever extending on an opposite side of the pivot point than the remaining of the upper section. The lever is configured to extend into the inner opening and be engageable with the support cable, when the cable block is configured in the open configuration, and to drive the upper section in rotation upon a force being exerted on the lever by the support cable, to move the cable block from an open configuration to a closed configuration. 1. A cable block engageable with a support cable and configurable between an open configuration and a closed configuration , the cable block comprising: a hinge connecting end hingedly connected to the lower section of the frame at the pivot point; and', 'a lever defined at the hinge connecting end and extending on an opposite side of the pivot point than the remaining of the upper section of the frame, the lever being configured to extend into the inner opening and be engageable with the support cable, when the cable block is configured in the open configuration, and to drive the upper section of the frame in rotation upon a force being exerted on the lever by the support cable, to move the cable block from the open configuration to the closed configuration;, 'a frame having an upper section and a lower section hingedly connected to one another at a pivot point and together defining an inner opening having a lower portion and being shaped and sized to receive the support cable, the upper section of the frame comprisinga main sheave rotatably mounted to the frame in the lower section thereof and having a section defining the lower portion of the inner opening.2. The cable block of claim 1 , ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Insulated Pipeline Support

Номер: US20160047496A1
Автор: Leslie O'Connell
Принадлежит: Individual

A pipeline support for securing an elevated pipeline to a piling is provided. The pipeline support electrically insulates the pipeline from the piling without using an insulating block disposed between the pipeline support and the piling. The pipeline support is also moveable relative to the piling to move along with the thermal expansion and contraction of the pipeline. The pipeline support includes a pipe shoe and a pipeline clamp attached to the pipe shoe. A coating of an electrical insulator material substantially covers the pipeline clamp and an upper half of the pipe shoe.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050646A1
Автор: Chapman Philip

A cable support is provided that includes an elongate support member for supporting a cable or cables secured thereto. A mounting member is connected to the support member and secures the support member to amounting stud on a trim panel or other support substrate. The mounting member comprises a bore for receiving the mounting stud. A locking member is provided that has an aperture formed therein for receiving the mounting stud. The locking member is connected to the mounting member in axial alignment with the bore and rotatably connected to the mounting member such that the mounting member and support member are rotatable relative to the locking member. 1. A cable support comprising:a support member for supporting a cable or cables secured thereto; a mounting section for securing the cable support to a corresponding mounting stud, the mounting section comprising a bore for receiving said mounting stud; anda locking member having an aperture formed therein for receiving said mounting stud, the locking member being connected to the mounting section in axial alignment with the bore;wherein the locking member is rotatably connected to the mounting section such that the mounting section and the support member are rotatable relative to the locking member.2. The cable support according to claim 1 , wherein the support member is an elongate blade.3. The cable support according to claim 1 , wherein the locking member is axially fixed relative to the mounting section.4. The cable support according to claim 2 , wherein the cable support has a support surface to which the cable or cables are secured claim 2 , and the support surface has a concave profile in a direction transverse to a length of the elongate blade.5. The cable support according to claim 1 , wherein the locking member is annular having an inner diameter configured to provide an interference fit with the mounting stud when inserted thereon.6. The cable support according to claim 5 , wherein the locking member ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Impact-Absorbing Wire and Cable Fixture, Sytem, and Related Methods

Номер: US20150060634A1

An impact-absorbing wire and/or cable fixture, system, and related methods are disclosed. The impact-absorbing wire fixture apparatus includes a substantially rigid bracket having at least a first arm and a second arm, wherein the first arm is connectable to a utility support structure. A twisted portion is positioned within the second arm, wherein the twisted portion is at least a 90° rotation of the second arm, wherein the twisted portion of the second arm has a width that exceeds a thickness. A fixturing portion is positioned at a distal end of the second arm. 1. An impact-absorbing wire fixture apparatus comprising:a substantially rigid bracket having at least a first arm and a second arm, wherein the first arm is connectable to a utility support structure;a twisted portion positioned within the second arm, wherein the twisted portion is at least a 90 degree rotation of the second arm, wherein the twisted portion of the second arm has a width that exceeds a thickness; anda fixturing portion positioned at a distal end of the second arm.2. The impact-absorbing wire fixture apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least 90 degree rotation of the second arm is substantially aligned with an elongated length of the second arm.3. The impact-absorbing wire fixture apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least 90 degree rotation of the second arm further comprises a rotation of the second arm between 90 degrees and 180 degrees.4. The impact-absorbing wire fixture apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least 90 degree rotation of the second arm further comprises a rotation of the second arm greater than 180 degrees.5. The impact-absorbing wire fixture apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first arm is connectable to a utility support structure with at least one fastener.6. The impact-absorbing wire fixture apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second arm further comprises a proximal end claim 1 , wherein the twisted portion is positioned between the distal and proximal ends of the ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140138496A1
Автор: Jones Thomas Lee

Disclosed is an aerial sheave device for the installation and suspension of cable. The aerial sheave device includes a frame and a rotating wheel that coordinates with a locking cable guard. The device also includes a lockable side latch for affording access to the wheel area. The frame may be attached to a utility pole via a loop attached to the frame. The loop attaches to the frame via dome-inside-a-dome connection which allows the frame to also rotate 360 degrees. The dome-inside-a-dome connection includes a solid semispherical dome attached to the loop which fits inside a slightly larger semispherical dome shaped cavity of the frame. 1. An aerial sheave device for the installation and suspension of cable comprising:a. a pulley wheel rotating around an axle attached to a frame having a rigid side, a top side, and a latch side;b. a latch attached to the latch side of the frame for providing access to the wheel of the sheave, operating from an open to a closed position, having a spring loaded plunger biased in the closed position for securing the latch to the frame in the closed position;c. a swivel-loop attachment including a loop portion extending above the top side of the frame and a semispherical solid dome portion fitting within a semispherical dome cavity portion of the top side of the frame; andd. a locking guard operably attached to the frame, operating from a locked position to an unlocked position, having a spring for biasing the guard in the unlocked position and having a lever for locking the guard in the locked position where a turn of the lever in a first direction will unlock the guard and another turn of the lever in an opposite direction in combination with pressure applied against the spring will lock the guard.2. The aerial sheave of wherein the latch side may be located on either a left or a right side of the frame.3. The aerial sheave device of wherein the latch is attached to the frame via a hinge connection such that in the open position the ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Pipe Installation Device

Номер: US20160069477A1
Автор: Tabor Kenneth

An apparatus for the safe and efficient installation of large overhead pipes using a minimum number of workers. The present apparatus minimizes the hazards by providing a tool for supporting a large pipe throughout the installation process, which can easily be transported and lifted into place by a forklift or other similar means. A large and heavy pipe may be placed on pipe cradles extending from the base of the apparatus, which hold and support the pipe throughout installation. The pipe cradles may be positioned on supports which are stabilized by additional support arms to prevent the pipe cradle supports from leaning or collapsing. Forklift slots on the base of the apparatus can be used for receiving the prongs of a standard forklift, wherein the forklift may transport and lift the entire apparatus and pipe into place for a safe and efficient installation. 1. A pipe installation apparatus comprising:a base for holding a load;elongated support means connected to said base for stabilizing said load;means for securing said load to said pipe installation apparatus; and,means for moving said pipe installation apparatus.2. The pipe installation apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said elongated support means are substantially perpendicular to said base.3. The pipe installation apparatus of claim 2 , wherein said elongated support means includes at least one adjustable pipe cradle support for holding said load.4. The pipe installation apparatus of claim 3 , wherein said pipe cradle support includes at least one pipe cradle attached to a top surface of said pipe cradle support.5. The pipe installation apparatus of claim 4 , wherein said adjustable pipe cradle support includes a telescoping shaft to adjust the height position of said load relative to said base.6. The pipe installation apparatus of claim 4 , wherein said elongated support means are permanently attached to said base.7. The pipe installation apparatus of claim 5 , wherein said means for securing said load to ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063898A1

Example aspects of a fitting for engaging a brace member and a method for attaching a fitting to a brace member are disclosed. The fitting for engaging a brace member can comprise a fitting body; a first jaw extending from the fitting body; a second jaw extending from the fitting body, the first jaw and second jaw defining a slot therebetween; and a contact surface configured to continuously engage a peripheral edge of the brace member. 19-. (canceled)10. A fitting for engaging a brace member , the fitting comprising;a fitting body;a first jaw extending from the fitting body;a second jaw extending from the fitting body, a first contact surface defined between the first and second jaw and configured to engage a top side of a peripheral edge of the brace member, the first jaw and second jaw defining a slot therebetween, the slot defining a slot wall, the first contact surface formed on the slot wall; anda lip extending from the fitting body, the lip defining a second contact surface configured to engage a bottom side of the peripheral edge of the brace member, the lip defining a lip wall, the second contact surface formed on the lip wall;a third contact surface configured to engage a left side of the peripheral edge; anda fourth contact surface configured to engage a right side of the peripheral edge, wherein the first contact surface, second contact surface, third contact surface, and fourth contact surface define a continuous contact surface.11. The fitting of claim 10 , wherein the first contact surface claim 10 , second contact surface claim 10 , third contact surface claim 10 , and fourth contact surface are coplanar.12. The fitting of claim 10 , wherein the first contact surface is spaced apart from the second contact surface.1315-. (canceled)16. The fitting of claim 10 , further comprising a fastener configured to fasten the fitting to the brace member.17. A method for attaching a fitting to a brace member claim 10 , comprising;inserting a portion of a wall of ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140150875A1

A hose deployment device () including a base () having sides () which in a contracted configuration secure together to define a space to receive a hose (). The sides () in an expanded configuration extend outwardly away from each outer to provide an opening through which the hose () can move. Fastening means secure a hose inlet valve and a hose outlet nozzle () to the device. Strap means secure a hose to the base in the contracted configuration. Upon application of a fluid pressure to the inlet valve the hose expands urging the strap means to release the hose from the base. 1. A hose deployment device including:a base having sides which In a contracted configuration secure together to define a space to receive a hose, the sides in an expanded configuration extend outwardly away from each other to provide an opening through which the hose can move;fastening means to secure a hose inlet valve and a hose outlet nozzle to said device;strap means to secure a hose to the base in the contracted configuration; andwhereby upon application of a fluid pressure to said inlet valve, said hose expands urging said strap means to release said hose from said base, said hose urging said sides away from each other deploying said hose into a coiled configuration for use by a user.2. The hose deployment device according to claim 1 , wherein said coiled configuration is within a 2 marea.3. The hose deployment device according to claim 1 , wherein said hose is deployed from said device in a coiled configuration until such time as a user moves the hose away from the device.4. The hose deployment device according to claim 1 , wherein pressure in said inlet valve to release said strap means is more than 400 KPa.5. A method of deploying a hose including the steps of:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'carrying a hose deployment device according to to a location of use;'}placing the device on a surface;attaching a water source to said water inlet valve;pressurizing said hose so ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190072213A1
Автор: Kerlin Andrew N.

Various embodiments of the present disclosure relate to a pipe hanger system. In one embodiment, among others, the pipe hanger system comprises a socket, a support rod, and a strap. A first end of the support rod can be positioned in an inner cavity of the socket. The first end of the support rod can comprise a ball. A second end of the support rod can be attached to a support structure. The strap can be used to secure a pipe to the pipe hanger system. 1. A pipe hanger , comprising:a socket having a first tier and a second tier that surrounds an inner cavity, the first tier comprising a first circular aperture that has a first diameter, the second tier comprising a second circular aperture that has a second diameter, the socket having a strap fastener integral to an outer surface of the socket;a ball situated in the inner cavity, the ball having a third diameter that is less than the second diameter and greater than the first diameter;a rod that extends from the ball, the rod extending from the ball through the first circular aperture; anda strap connected to the socket at a distal end of the strap, an end of the strap being insertable through the strap fastener at a diametrically opposite location from the distal end.2. The pipe hanger of claim 1 , wherein the socket comprises at least one locking tab that forms a perimeter of an aperture in the socket claim 1 , the locking tab comprising an inner rim has a diameter that is less than the third diameter of the ball.3. The pipe hanger of claim 1 , wherein the strap fastener comprises a ratchet frame that has a plurality of teeth.4. The pipe hanger of claim 1 , wherein the socket comprises a docking section with at least one raised protrusion claim 1 , and the distal end of the strap comprises a snap-on head.5. The pipe hanger of claim 1 , wherein the second tier of the socket comprises an arcuate edge that enables a portion of the ball to have a contact engagement with a pipe.6. The pipe hanger of claim 1 , wherein ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080429A1
Автор: Liebsch Jurgen

The present invention relates to a media supply device for barrier-free, selective supply of laboratory media to at least one school or laboratory workstation. The media supply device comprises a body and a multiplicity of fittings for the supply and removal of laboratory media, which fittings are adjustable in height relative to the body and are coupled to the latter, and it is characterized in that the coupling between the fittings and the body is such that the fittings are movable in rotation about at least one oblique rotation axis deviating from a horizontal and vertical rotation axis. 1. A media supply device for the barrier-free , selective supplying of at least one school or laboratory workspace with laboratory media , comprising a body and numerous fittings that can be adjusted in terms of height in relation to the body , and coupled thereto , wherein the coupling between the fittings and the body is such that the fittings can rotate about at least one oblique axis of rotation deviating from a horizontal and vertical axis of rotation.2. The media supply device according to claim 1 , wherein the fittings can rotate about at least one horizontal claim 1 , at least one vertical claim 1 , and numerous oblique axes of rotation.3100. The media supply device () according to claim 2 , wherein the fittings can move in the manner of a nozzle movement.4. The media supply device according to claim 2 , wherein the fittings can be adjusted to numerous predetermined heights in relation to the body.5. The media supply device according to claim 4 , wherein the fittings can be adjusted in terms of height in relation to the body in a continuous manner.6. The media supply device according to claim 2 , wherein the rotatability of the fittings is possible at every height.2. The media supply device according to claim 2 , wherein the fittings are coupled to the body in a non-tensioned manner.8. The media supply device according claim 2 , wherein the fittings are accommodated in a ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200077534A1

A cable manager includes a backbone assembly and at least one side wall extending from the backbone assembly. The at least one side wall optionally includes one or more cable finger units. The backbone assembly includes a spine member having an extruded construction. The spine member includes one or more channels extending substantially an entire length thereof to facilitate easy attachment, removal and/or repositioning of a structure relative to the spine member. The cable manager optionally includes an accessory rod, a half-spool assembly, a cable finger accessory, a strap/buckle accessory, and/or a door assembly having an interference-free hinge set. 1. An information technology (IT) enclosure with an easy-close door having a left side and a right side , comprising:(a) a back assembly;(b) a left side wall extending forward from the back assembly;(c) a right side wall extending forward from the back assembly;(d) a top left door support and a bottom left door support at a top front and a bottom front, respectively, of the left side wall;(e) a top right door support and a bottom right door support at a top front and a bottom front, respectively, of the right side wall;(f) a bottom cross member extending between the bottom left and right door supports; and (i) the door assembly is mounted to the top door support on each respective side using a first hinge assembly and a first hinge mount,', '(ii) the door assembly is mounted to the bottom door support on each respective side using a second hinge assembly and a second hinge mount, and', '(iii) the first hinge mounts, the second hinge mounts, or both each include a lift-and-hold mechanism, and each corresponding hinge assembly includes a corresponding bearing structure;, '(g) a door assembly, including a door panel having a bottom edge, that is hingedly mounted between the top and bottom door supports on the left side so as to rotate relative thereto, and that is hingedly mounted between the top and bottom door ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080664A1

A conduit and component support system for support of flexible, semi flexible or ridged conduit, pipe, wire, or similar, herein referred to as conduit which is comprised of one or more attachment points completing the underlying supporting framework for conduits. This system may be comprised of a nonmetallic elastomeric material or similar where a conduit can either be placed on the support or inserted into an insert opening within the support. This system provides support for conduit elongated runs and also to where the joining of conduits is made, where changes in direction are made, or where attachment points are made within a conduit system. Examples: 90 degree turns, tee fittings, couplings, valves, junction boxes, or similar to those previously mentioned. The system may also provide; physical protection, allowance for expansion and contraction, corrosion protection, dielectric protection, wear protection, identification, vibration and shock protection for conduits, the system, or structures. 2. The support claim 1 , device or main embodiment as set forth in wherein thermal expansion and contraction means can be provided within the main embodiment in the form of a circular shape or similar shaped area which may not be entirely in this shape; the said shaped area is dependent upon engineering data and size for a conduit; the area within this invention where compensation is provided for expansion and contraction may be so designed and constructed to where no mechanical components are needed to allow for expansion and contraction of either a conduit or the support claim 1 , device or main embodiment.4. The support claim 1 , device or main embodiment as set forth in that may provide conduit protection from wear claim 1 , corrosion claim 1 , dielectric and galvanic actions which includes in the same; protection of the device from wear claim 1 , corrosion claim 1 , dielectric and galvanic actions by the use of non metallic materials which may be in contact with a ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Multipurpose, Adjustable, Portable Stand

Номер: US20170087580A1
Автор: John Patrick Griffin
Принадлежит: Individual

A multi-faceted multi-task system for horticultural adaptations including water dispersion and irrigation, animal and plant/crop protection, and plant shading, which allows a user to operate an irrigation system or a radial misting apparatus while using a tarp for shade and construct a fence to create an animal control zone. The present device features a telescoping main pole that can be adjusted to different heights to fit any situation. The device is highly portable as it can be folded up onto itself and carried to a destination by hand and provides water dispersion for irrigation and temperature control, while offering users the opportunity to construct a shade and/or animal control zone. A ball containment system for athletic activities.

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Bi-directional roller assembly

Номер: US20170089494A1
Автор: Carlos Costa
Принадлежит: Anvil International LLC

Disclosed is a method of assembling a roller assembly that can include mounting a pedestal on a base of the roller assembly such that the pedestal is movable relative to the base; and fixably positioning a roller relative to the pedestal such that the roller is movable axially relative to the base.

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Cable Supporting Device

Номер: US20200088321A1
Автор: Atsuhiko Hattori
Принадлежит: Chuo Hatsujo KK

A cable supporting device can suppress a coil spring from protruding toward an inner circumferential side of a tubular portion of a main body, and can apply, to a nut member, a rotational force in a direction toward a stopper. The cable supporting device includes: a main body including a tubular portion in which a through hole is formed and on which an external thread is formed; a nut member; a stopper arranged on one side in the first direction with respect to the external thread and opposed to the nut member; and a coil spring applying, to the nut member, a rotational force in a direction approaching the stopper. An engagement portion that engages a first end portion of the coil spring is formed in the nut member, and an insertion groove is formed on the outer circumferential surface of the tubular portion.

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Method for manufacture, assembly and continuous construction of pipe sections in a spoolbase with gradual movement

Номер: US20220146018A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A process for the manufacture, assembly and continuous construction of tubular sections made of steel or polymer in individual pipelines with gradual movement that is designed to mechanize and automate a process substantially eliminating or mitigating existing inefficiencies and risks, considerably reducing the time vessels need to be moored at piers while paying extremely expensive daily rates, increasing the quality of welds, inspections and the entire process The process including inside the manufactured unit one or more weld cabins and a series of support devices with synchronized driven and free wheels that carry the pipe segments while simultaneously enabling movement of the entire stalk without external interference, following the joining of several pipe segments (welded together), of variable length, in which the embodiments provided in the present invention enable each stalk to be approximately 1.2 km long or longer.

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Retention apparatus

Номер: US20220146027A1
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

A retaining apparatus includes a barrier having an interior surface defining an aperture extending from a first end of the barrier to a second end of the barrier. The retaining apparatus has a first distance between opposing sides of the interior surface near the first end of the barrier, a second distance between the opposing sides of the interior surface at a position between the first and second ends of the barrier, and a third distance between the opposing sides of the interior surface at the second end of the barrier. The second distance is smaller than the first and third distances. The interior surface is configured to partially surround and support a work line, restricting movement of the work line in a transverse direction, allowing movement of the work line in a longitudinal direction, and allowing bending of the work line about an axis in the transverse direction.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093794A1
Автор: Sixsmith Thomas G.
Принадлежит: Georg Fischer, LLC

A valve support apparatus is disclosed as capable of shifting a valve in a piping system in accordance with the thermal expansion of connected piping. The apparatus includes a valve mount, a slide mount, and a base, wherein the valve mount contains a valve attachment assembly to attach a valve. The valve mount can couple with the slide mount, using a mounting assembly, such that the valve mount is vertically and laterally secured about the slide mount, but the valve mount can move along the longitudinal axis of the slide mount. The slide mount, using another mounting assembly, can couple with the base, such that the slide mount is vertically and laterally secured about the base, but the slide mount can move along the longitudinal axis of the base, which is oriented orthogonally to the longitudinal axis of the slide mount. With this configuration, the stress and other loads exerted on the valve due to thermal expansion can be minimized by allowing the valve to be moved to account for the elongated piping. 1. A valve support apparatus for piping systems , comprising:a valve mount having a valve attachment assembly for affixing a valve assembly thereto, the valve mount defining a first mounting assembly spaced from the valve attachment assembly; anda slide mount that defines a longitudinal axis (Lm), the slide mount having a second mounting assembly, the second mounting assembly couples to the first mounting assembly of the valve mount to secure the valve mount to the slide mount in such a manner that the valve mount has freedom of movement confined along the longitudinal axis (Lm), the slide mount further having a third mounting assembly spaced from the second mounting assembly of the slide mount, the third mounting assembly configured to couple to a base that defines a longitudinal axis (Lb) oriented orthogonally to the longitudinal axis (Lm), in which the slide mount can be moved along the longitudinal axis (Lb) between opposing ends of the base.2. The valve support ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации

Swivel Attachment and Branch Line Restraint

Номер: US20170097038A1
Автор: Heath Richard W.

A swivel attachment and/or branch line restraint device with angular versatility and mobility for facilitating connection of installation components to support a pipe or other load relative to a support surface is provided. Advantageously, embodiments of the device provide a plurality of rotational or swivel degrees of freedom, which are substantially independently controllable, for its mating portions, which respectively engage corresponding mating portions of other installation components. The device embodiments can desirably be configured in male-female, male-male or female-female arrangements to enhance device utility and/or versatility, thereby advantageously allowing for use in a myriad of applications and installations, such as construction, utilities and the like, among others, to reliably support loads. 120-. (canceled)21. A swivel attachment device , comprising:a saddle including a base and opposing first and second arms extending outward from the base in a first direction, wherein the base and the first and second arms together have a generally U-shape;a male mechanical fastener secured to the saddle, wherein the male fastener includes an externally threaded rod having a longitudinal axis and extending away from the base and the first and second arms;a female mechanical fastener disposed between the first and second arms of the saddle, wherein the female mechanical fastener includes a threaded opening configured to threadably mate with a threaded rod, wherein the female mechanical fastener is rotatably coupled to the first and second arms of the saddle such that the female mechanical fastener is rotatable about a rotation axis extending through the first and second arms.22. The swivel attachment device set forth in claim 21 , wherein the threaded opening has an opening axis extending transverse to the rotation axis.23. The swivel attachment device set forth in claim 22 , wherein the female mechanical fastener is rotatable about the rotation axis to align ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160103011A1
Автор: Lustenberger Martin
Принадлежит: DIGI SENS AG

The invention relates to an elastically deformable load bearing structure comprising a measuring assembly for gauging the size of a load () acting on the load bearing structure () in a loadable section (). The structure also comprises a mechanical transmission element embodied as a rod (), extending from the loadable section () to a measuring section () of the load bearing structure (), and operationally interacting with a sensor () arranged on the measuring section (5). 1. An elastically deformable load bearing structure comprising a measuring arrangement for the magnitude of a load acting on the load bearing structure in a loadable section , wherein a mechanical transmission element is provided and extends from the loadable section to a measuring section of the load bearing structure and cooperates operatively with a sensor which is arranged in measurement section.2. The load bearing structure according to claim 1 , wherein a deformation section is provided between the loadable section and the measuring section claim 1 , and this deformation section is elastically deformed during operation under the effect of load claim 1 , causing a relative displacement between loadable section and measuring section.3. The load bearing structure according to claim 1 , wherein the transmission element is constructed as an elongated body claim 1 , preferably as a rod claim 1 , which particularly preferably protrudes through the load bearing structure.4. The load bearing structure according to claim 1 , wherein the transmission element is constructed as a rocker and is preferably supported in the measuring section.5. The load bearing structure according to claim 4 , wherein the rocker bearing is in the form of a ball bearing on which the transmission element is supported claim 4 , and wherein the ball bearing preferably engages in a recess in the transmission element.6. The load bearing structure according to claim 4 , wherein the rocker bearing has a spiral spring arrangement that ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100606A1
Автор: Korus Thomas J.

A suspended pipe assembly comprising a first suspended pipe, a second suspended pipe, a third suspended pipe, and a number of suspenders for suspending the pipes from an elevated pipe or pipes of a mobile irrigation system or other fluid distribution system. The first suspended pipe and second suspended pipe are connected together via a fixed joint. The second suspended pipe and third suspended pipe are connected together via a live joint such that the second suspended pipe and third suspended pipe can expand longitudinally relative to each other. Additional suspended pipes can be connected to each other via alternating fixed and live joints. The suspenders allow the suspended pipes to expand longitudinally relative to the elevated pipe and prevents the suspended pipes from warping side-to-side. 1. A suspended pipe assembly comprising:a pipe section configured to be suspended from a section of an elevated pipe, the suspended pipe section having opposed first and second ends; anda plurality of suspenders configured to support the suspended pipe section below the elevated pipe, each suspender comprising a link connected between the suspended pipe section and the elevated pipe, the link being configured to move only in a substantially vertically extending plane extending substantially parallel to the elevated pipe so that the suspended pipe section is configured to translate along the substantially vertically extending plane as the suspended pipe section expands and contracts.2. The suspended pipe assembly of claim 1 , the link being selected from the group consisting of a rigid flat bar claim 1 , a rigid tube claim 1 , and a rigid beam.3. The suspended pipe assembly of claim 1 , wherein the links of the suspenders have equal lengths such that the suspended pipe section is offset from the elevated pipe at equal distances near the suspenders.4. The suspended pipe assembly of claim 1 , wherein the suspenders each further comprise:an upper bracket configured to connect ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190098791A1

A cable manager includes a backbone assembly and at least one side wall extending from the backbone assembly. The at least one side wall optionally includes one or more cable finger units. The backbone assembly includes a spine member having an extruded construction. The spine member includes one or more channels extending substantially an entire length thereof to facilitate easy attachment, removal and/or repositioning of a structure relative to the spine member. The cable manager optionally includes an accessory rod, a half-spool assembly, a cable finger accessory, a strap/buckle accessory, and/or a door assembly having an interference-free hinge set. 1. An IT enclosure with an easy-close door having a left side and a right side , comprising:(a) a back assembly;(b) a left side wall extending forward from the back assembly;(c) a right side wall extending forward from the back assembly;(d) a top left door support and a bottom left door support at a top front and a bottom front, respectively, of the left side wall;(e) a top right door support and a bottom right door support at a top front and a bottom front, respectively, of the right side wall;a bottom cross member extending between the bottom left and right door supports; and (i) the door assembly is mounted to the top support member on each respective side using a first hinge assembly and a first hinge mount,', '(ii) the door assembly is mounted to the bottom support member on each respective side using a second hinge assembly and a second hinge mount, and', '(iii) the first hinge mounts, the second hinge mounts, or both each include a lift-and-hold mechanism, and each corresponding hinge assembly includes a corresponding bearing structure;, '(g) a door assembly, including a door panel having a bottom edge, that is hingedly mounted between the top and bottom support members on the left side so as to rotate relative thereto, and that is hingedly mounted between the top and bottom support members on the right side ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190098792A1

A cable manager includes a backbone assembly and at least one side wall extending from the backbone assembly. The at least one side wall optionally includes one or more cable finger units. The backbone assembly includes a spine member having an extruded construction. The spine member includes one or more channels extending substantially an entire length thereof to facilitate easy attachment, removal and/or repositioning of a structure relative to the spine member. The cable manager optionally includes an accessory rod, a half-spool assembly, a cable finger accessory, a strap/buckle accessory, and/or a door assembly having an interference-free hinge set. 1. An accessory rod assembly for positioning cables and cable management accessories in a cable manager , the accessory rod assembly comprising:a base member having a front, a rear, and two sides, the front including a forward-facing socket, the rear including a first hook protruding rearwardly therefrom, and one of the two sides including a threaded portion;an accessory rod having an extruded construction and a generally uniform, at least partially cylindrical, cross-sectional shape along its length, the at least partially cylindrical cross-sectional shape being defined by two opposed arcuate portions interconnected by a midsection portion, wherein adjacent edges of the opposed arcuate portions define a drop-in T-slot channel that extends along the length of the accessory rod; anda rotatable knob having a handle and a threaded end received within the threaded portion of the base member;wherein a proximal end of the accessory rod is received within the socket of the base member such that the accessory rod extends forwardly from the base member; andwherein the first hook is arrangeable to grasp a side of one or more ledges of a separate structure, and wherein the threaded end of the rotatable knob is arrangeable to bear on an opposite side of the one or more ledges of the separate structure, thereby facilitating the ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170102099A1
Автор: Cripps, II Louis

A multiple axis control suspension system is disclosed. An example system includes at least one spine having a greater moment of inertia about a transverse centroidal axis than about a vertical centroidal axis. The example system includes at least one support member. A passage is formed through the at least one support member, the passage configured to receive the elongate spine. At least one receptacle is provided in the at least one support member, the at least one receptacle configured to receive at least one conduit such that a force acting on the conduit is transferred to the elongate spine. 1. A multiple axis control suspension apparatus , comprising:an elongate spine configured to resist a greater bending moment about a transverse centroidal axis of the elongate spine than about a longitudinal centroidal axis of the elongate spine, and the elongate spine having a substantially rectangular shaped cross section;a support member having a passage and at least one through-bore substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal centroidal axis of the elongate spine, the passage having a generally rectangular shaped cross section and extending through the support member to receive the elongate spine so that the elongate spine and the support member are movable relative to one another along the longitudinal centroidal axis of the elongate spine, the at least one through-bore extending completely through the support member, the support member having at least one generally circular shaped opening formed therein to hold at least one conduit, and the support member configured to transfer a force acting on the at least one conduit held by the support member to the elongate spine; anda shaft received in the at least one through-bore of the support member, the shaft having a generally cylindrical portion extending substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal centroidal axis of the elongate spine, the generally cylindrical portion having a generally rectangular shaped ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210102644A1
Автор: Guerra Pablo Esteban

The disclosure relates to an apparatus for supporting and moving a product line or pipe string in connection with an underground arcuate path in a ground beneath an obstacle, having a platform on the ground; a pivot member connected to the platform; wherein the pivot member defines a pivot axis substantially perpendicular to the ground; and at least one rotator connected to the pivot member; wherein the at least one rotator pivots about the pivot axis in relation to the platform. The disclosure also relates to an omnidirectional roller apparatus for supporting and moving a product line or pipe string in connection with an underground arcuate path in a ground beneath an obstacle, having a stand mounted on the ground, wherein the stand has a frame; a bearing mounted on the frame; a rotational shaft mounted to the bearing, and a Mecanum wheel mounted on the rotational shaft. 1. An apparatus for supporting and moving a product line or drill pipe tail string in connection with an underground arcuate path in a ground beneath an obstacle , comprising:a platform on the ground;a pivot member connected to the platform, wherein the pivot member defines a pivot axis substantially perpendicular to the ground; andat least one rotator connected to the pivot member, wherein the at least one rotator pivots about the pivot axis in relation to the platform and rotates about a rotator axis.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pivot member is located at a geometrical center of the at least one rotator.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pivot member is located at a non-central area of the at least one rotator.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a secondary platform connected and fixed in relation to the at least one rotator claim 1 , wherein the secondary platform is above the platform; and further wherein the pivot member is connected to the at least one rotator via mounting the pivot member to the secondary platform.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190105787A1

A device for relief of strain on a cable includes a modular base for mounting, a first arm, a second arm, and a spring assembly. The first arm is pivotally coupled to the modular base. A first proximal end of the first arm is connected to the modular base at a first pivot point for pivoting of the first arm about a first rotational axis. The second arm is coupled to the modular base. A second proximal end of the second arm is connected to the modular base. The spring assembly is coupled to the first arm to provide a clamping force between the first arm and the second arm. 1. A device for relief of strain on a cable , comprising:a modular base for mounting the device;a first arm pivotally coupled to the modular base, wherein a first proximal end of the first arm is connected to the modular base at a first pivot point for pivoting of the first arm about a first rotational axis;a second arm coupled to the modular base, wherein a second proximal end of the second arm is connected to the modular base;a spring assembly coupled to the first arm to provide a clamping force between the first arm and the second arm;a first roller coupled to the first arm and configured to rotate unidirectionally about a third rotational axis; anda second roller coupled to the second arm and configured to rotate bidirectionally about a fourth rotational axis.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the second arm is pivotally coupled to the modular base claim 1 , and wherein the second proximal end of the second arm is connected to the modular base at a second pivot point for pivoting of the second arm about a second rotational axis.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first roller is configured to rotate unidrectionally about the third rotational axis via a first locking clutch disposed between the first roller and the first arm.6. A device for relief of strain on a cable claim 1 , comprising:a modular base for mounting the device;a first arm pivotally coupled to the ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Air Hose Arrangement And Method For Supplying Pressurized Air To A Movable Hoist

Номер: US20210123546A1

An arrangement of pressurized air hoses and method for supplying pressurized air to pneumatically separated equipment such as hoists as the hoist is moved along a support rail. A series of pairs of lengths of air hoses are connected together at either end which are initially vertically oriented and packed together. As the hoist is manually moved along it causes the upper ends of the lengths to be swung apart from each other eventually becoming substantially horizontal. This movement causes the overall length of the series to be substantially lengthened allowing the hoist movement to occur while its need for pressurized air being maintained all along its range of movement. 1. An arrangement of air hoses for supplying pressurized air to a movable hoist as said hoist is moved away from a fixed source of pressurized air , comprising:at least one pair of hose lengths, being connected together at bottom ends thereof by a dual axis pneumatic air swivel to allow pressurized air to flow from the bottom end of one hose and into the bottom end of the other hose with both of said hoses extending upwardly from said connected lower ends;at least two trolleys for said at least one pair of hose lengths, each trolley rollable on a respective trolley rail, each trolley having a pipe mounted thereto extending crosswise to said trolley rail to thereby have an end on each side of each of said trolleys;one end of each pipe connected to an upper end of one of said hose lengths by a pneumatic air swivel and the other trolley pipe end connected to a hose, one of a first end pair of hose lengths, the other hose of said end pair of hoses connected to a movable hoist to supply pressurized air thereto and the other end of said other trolley pipe connected to a one hose of a second end pair of hoses having the other end pair of hoses connected to a pressurized air source to supply pressurized air to said arrangement of air hoses and thence to said movable hoist.2. A method of maintaining a ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210123547A1

Example aspects of riser support assembly and a riser system are disclosed. The riser support assembly can comprise a riser support pipe comprising a cylindrical sidewall defining a first end, an opposing second end, and an intermediate portion extending therebetween; and a mount defining an arm and a pedestal, the arm extending from the intermediate portion of the cylindrical sidewall, the pedestal extending from the arm distal to the riser support pipe, the pedestal configured to engage a mounting surface. 1. A riser support assembly comprising:a riser support pipe comprising a cylindrical sidewall defining a first end, an opposing second end, and an intermediate portion extending therebetween; anda mount defining an arm and a pedestal, the arm extending from the intermediate portion of the cylindrical sidewall, the pedestal extending from the arm distal to the riser support pipe, the pedestal configured to engage a mounting surface.2. The riser support assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pedestal is oriented substantially parallel to the riser support pipe.3. The riser support assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pedestal comprises a leg and a foot claim 1 , the leg extending from the arm claim 1 , the foot oriented distal to the arm claim 1 , the foot defining a base surface configured to engage the mounting surface.4. The riser support assembly of claim 3 , wherein a width of the base surface of the foot is greater than a width of the leg.5. The riser support assembly of claim 3 , wherein the arm defines a hole claim 3 , and the leg of the pedestal engages the hole to couple the pedestal to the arm.6. The riser support assembly of claim 5 , wherein the hole is a threaded hole and the leg defines external threading configured to rotationally engage the threaded hole.7. The riser support assembly of claim 6 , further comprising a nut rotationally mounted on the leg.8. The riser support assembly of claim 1 , wherein the arm is welded to an exterior surface of ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180110153A1

A cable manager includes a backbone assembly and at least one side wall extending from the backbone assembly. The at least one side wall optionally includes one or more cable finger units. The backbone assembly includes a spine member having an extruded construction. The spine member includes one or more channels extending substantially an entire length thereof to facilitate easy attachment, removal and/or repositioning of a structure relative to the spine member. The cable manager optionally includes an accessory rod, a half-spool assembly, a cable finger accessory, a strap/buckle accessory, and/or a door assembly having an interference-free hinge set. 1. A cable manager and accessory system comprising:a backbone assembly;upper and lower support arms extending forwardly from the backbone assembly; andat least one side wall interconnected between the upper and lower support arms, the at least one side wall including one or more cable finger units;wherein the backbone assembly includes a spine member, having an extruded construction and a generally uniform cross-sectional shape, the spine member including one or more channels extending along a length thereof to facilitate attachment, removal and/or repositioning of a structure relative to the spine member.2. The cable manager and accessory system of claim 1 , wherein the spine member includes at least one curved surface to provide a bend radius for cables.3. The cable manager and accessory system of claim 1 , wherein the backbone assembly further includes a lateral member claim 1 , having an extruded construction and a generally uniform cross-sectional shape claim 1 , to which the spine member is connected.4. The cable manager and accessory system of claim 3 , wherein adjustment of a position of the spine member relative to the lateral member is infinite along a length of the lateral member.5. The cable manager and accessory system of claim 3 , wherein:each of the spine member and the lateral member utilize the same ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180112802A1
Автор: Guerra Pablo Esteban

The disclosure relates to an apparatus for supporting and moving a product line or pipe string in connection with an underground arcuate path in a ground beneath an obstacle, having a platform on the ground; a pivot member connected to the platform; wherein the pivot member defines a pivot axis substantially perpendicular to the ground; and at least one rotator connected to the pivot member; wherein the at least one rotator pivots about the pivot axis in relation to the platform. The disclosure also relates to an omnidirectional roller apparatus for supporting and moving a product line or pipe string in connection with an underground arcuate path in a ground beneath an obstacle, having a stand mounted on the ground, wherein the stand has a frame; a bearing mounted on the frame; a rotational shaft mounted to the bearing, and a Mecanum wheel mounted on the rotational shaft. 1. An apparatus for supporting and moving a product line or drill pipe tail string in connection with an underground arcuate path in a ground beneath an obstacle , comprising:a platform on the ground;a pivot member connected to the platform, wherein the pivot member defines a pivot axis substantially perpendicular to the ground; andat least one rotator connected to the pivot member, wherein the at least one rotator pivots about the pivot axis in relation to the platform and rotates about a rotator axis.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pivot member is located at a geometrical center of the at least one rotator.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pivot member is located at a non-central area of the at least one rotator.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a secondary platform connected and fixed in relation to the at least one rotator claim 1 , wherein the secondary platform is above the platform; and further wherein the pivot member is connected to the at least one rotator via mounting the pivot member to the secondary platform.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190113155A1

A clip, for securing a portion of a long thin item such as a cable or pipe, includes a cradle portion for receiving a surface of an item to be secured, a fixing portion with at least one formation extending to be securable to a support, and a flexible member extending from a location at or adjacent an end of the cradle portion. The flexible portion has a free end and formations at or near the free end to engage with other formations fixed in relation to the cradle portion. In use, the cradle portion and the flexible member define an enclosing loop, such that the flexible member may hold an item against the cradle. 1. A clip , for securing a portion of a long thin item such as a cable or pipe , comprising:a cradle portion for receiving a surface of an item to be secured,a fixing portion with at least one formation extending to be securable to a support, anda flexible member extending from a location at or adjacent an end of the cradle portion,the flexible member having a free end and formations at or near the free end to engage with other formations fixed in relation to the cradle portion such that the cradle portion and the flexible member define an enclosing loop, such that the flexible member may hold an item against the cradle portion,wherein the cradle portion is formed as surfaces of an inwardly facing aspect of a cradle member, and the other formations are on an outwardly facing aspect of the cradle member, and a retaining member is spaced apart from the outwardly facing side of the cradle member sufficient that the free end of the flexible member may pass between the retaining member and the cradle member,wherein the cradle member supported from one or more of the retaining member and the fixing portion by walls at both sides adjacent an end of the cradle member, to leave a socket into which the free end of the flexible member may be inserted, the socket defined by the retaining member, the cradle member and the walls, andwherein at least one of said walls at ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210140564A1

In accordance with a version of the invention, a multipurpose mounting clip is disclosed for securing a length of pneumatic tubing to a fixed point. The mounting clip for securing a length of pneumatic tubing generally includes a curved central portion forming a semi-circular cross section, an interior member, and an exterior member which is angled towards the interior member axis. Preferably, the mounting clip is configured to attach to the belt of a user. 120-. (canceled)21. A mounting clip for securing a length of pneumatic tubing having a diameter , the mounting clip comprising:a curved central portion forming a semi-circular cross section having an axis, the curved central portion having an interior end and an exterior end;an interior member having a proximal end and a distal end, the interior member integrally extending from the interior end of the curved central portion along an interior member axis to the interior member distal end, the interior member comprising an upper portion, a base portion, and a central expanding portion extending between the upper portion and the base portion, wherein the upper portion having a width and the base portion having a width being greater than the upper portion width, the central expanding portion expanding in width from the upper portion width to the base portion width;an exterior member having an interior surface, a proximal end, and a distal end, the exterior member integrally extending from the exterior end of the curved central portion along an exterior member axis to the exterior member distal end, wherein the exterior member axis is angled towards the interior member axis; anda flange integral with the exterior member distal end and extending away from the interior member;wherein the interior member has a longitudinal length and the exterior member has a long longitudinal length, the interior member longitudinal length being greater than the exterior member longitudinal length;wherein the base portion of the of the ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Hose Carrier

Номер: US20180119847A1
Автор: Dustin McDonald
Принадлежит: Individual

A compound roller assembly is provided for carrying a hose reducing friction of hoses on various surfaces. The roller assembly comprises a primary roller assembly comprising a first frame element, a central channel with a channel axis, an opening allowing placement over the hose or conduit. Appendages extend from the frame element radially outward. A plurality of axle rods are engaged with the appendages, enabling the rollers to roll on the axle rods. A secondary roller assembly, identical to the primary roller assembly, placed over the hose or conduit with the secondary roller assembly rotated around the central axis, the second end of the primary roller assembly joining by a mechanical interface securely to a compatible mechanical interface, to the first end of the secondary roller assembly, such that the compound roller assembly encompasses the hose.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170122459A1

A clip for securing a portion of a long thin item such as a cable or pipe comprises of a cradle portion for receiving a surface of an item to be secured, a fixing portion with at least one formation extending to be securable to a support, and a flexible member extending from a location at or adjacent an end of the cradle portion. The flexible portion has a free end and formations at or near the free end to engage with other formations fixed in relation to the cradle portion. In use, the cradle portion and the flexible member define an enclosing loop, such that the flexible member may hold an item against the cradle. 2. A clip as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the formations progressively engage with tightening of the loop and prevent loosening of the loop through direct tension on the flexible member.3. A clip as claimed in either or claim 1 , wherein the cradle is formed as surfaces of an inwardly facing aspect of a cradle member claim 1 , and the other formations are on an outwardly facing aspect of the cradle member claim 1 , such that in-use claim 1 , an item pressing on the cradle urges the cradle member formations toward the flexible portion.4. A clip as claimed in claim 3 , wherein a retaining member is spaced apart from the outwardly facing side of the cradle member sufficient that the free end of the flexible portion may pass between the retaining member and the cradle member.5. A clip as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the form and arrangement of the flexible member claim 4 , the cradle member and the retaining member are such that the engagement between formations is enhanced by tension applied to the flexible member.6. A clip as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the free end of the flexible portion has a stiffness sufficient that the outwardly facing surface or edge of the free end bears against the retaining member by pivoting of the free end around an end of the cradle member when tension is applied to the flexible member claim 4 , with engagement between ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220268374A1
Принадлежит: Xiamen EASO Co.,Ltd.

The present invention discloses a humanized heavy hammer structure, comprising a plastic body, a configuration metal block and a fixed block, wherein the plastic body is provided with a swing arm, an accommodating part and a U-shaped accommodating space, the configuration metal block and the fixed block are sequentially arranged in the U-shaped accommodating space, the accommodating part is an-armed along; the outer periphery of the plastic body, the swing arm can swing around the plastic body, and when closed, the swing arm and the accommodating part are mutually buckled, the configuration metal block is completely covered between the plastic body and the fixed block, and the configuration metal block is provided with a U-shaped notch, the fixed block is arranged in the U-shaped notch and connected with the configuration metal block, and a hose is provided in the middle of the fixed block. The present invention through the structural design of the fixed block and the counterweight metal block can effectively solve the problem that the counterweight metal of the product produced during the injection molding process is exposed outside; and the whole heavy hammer structure can be more conveniently mounted and dismounted in an integrated U-shaped design mode of the heavy hammer structure. 1. A humanized heavy hammer structure , comprising a plastic body , a configuration metal block and a fixed block , wherein the plastic body is provided with a swing arm , an accommodating part and a U-shaped accommodating space , the configuration metal block and the fixed block are sequentially arranged in the U-shaped accommodating space , the accommodating part is arranged along the outer periphery of the plastic body , the swing arm can swing around the plastic body , and when closed , the swing arm and the accommodating part are mutually buckled; the configuration metal block is completely covered between the plastic body and the fixed block , and the configuration metal block ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130872A1
Автор: DRUMMOND Philip

A pipe support structure is described comprising a support member defining a support surface, and a plurality of pipe support elements; wherein the support surface defines a plurality of grooves each correspondingly sized and shaped to receive a respective one of the pipe support elements, with the pipe support element being sized to project beyond its groove when so received. The pipe support elements may then be fabricated from a material selected for instance for low friction, corrosion resistance or the like. A pipeline system, a method for supporting a pipe, and a method for deploying a pipeline system are also described embodying the same general principles. 1. A pipe support structure comprising a support member defining a support surface , and a plurality of pipe support elements; wherein the support surface defines a plurality of grooves each correspondingly sized and shaped to receive a respective one of the pipe support elements , with the pipe support element being sized to project beyond its groove when so received.2. A pipe support structure in accordance with wherein the support member is generally shaped to receive a pipe claim 1 , and adapted to be supported on a surface along which a pipeline run is to be deployed in use via suitable support legs.3. A pipe support structure in accordance with wherein the support member is fabricated from structural steel.4. A pipe support structure in accordance with wherein the pipe support elements are fabricated from and/or coated with a corrosion-resistant material claim 1 , in that the material is more corrosion-resistant than is the material of the support member.5. A pipe support structure in accordance with wherein the pipe support elements are fabricated from and/or coated with a relatively low friction material claim 1 , in that the material has a lower static coefficient of friction than that of the material of the support member.6. A pipe support structure in accordance with wherein the pipe support ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220275883A1

A pipe support system includes a pair of leg supports spaced apart from one another. Each of the pair of leg supports includes an elongated base and a column. The pipe support system also includes a strut coupled to each column of the pair of leg supports and at a first height above the elongated bases. A support platform coupled to each column of the pair of leg supports and at a second height above the elongated bases. The support platform defines a longitudinal axis, and the second height is different from the first height. The pipe support system further includes one or more rollers coupled to the support platform. The one or more rollers are disposed around the support platform and rotatable around the longitudinal axis. 1. A pipe support system comprising:a pair of leg supports spaced a distance apart from one another, wherein each of the pair of leg supports comprises an elongated base coupled to an end of a column, and wherein the elongated base has a length that is greater than or equal to a distance between the pair of leg supports;a support platform coupled to each column of the pair of leg supports; andone or more rollers rotationally coupled to the support platform.2. The pipe support system of claim 1 , further comprising one or more disks rotationally coupled to the support platform and slidable along the support platform.3. The pipe support system of claim 2 , wherein the one or more rollers comprises at least two rollers and the one or more disks are disposed between the at least two rollers.4. The pipe support system of claim 1 , wherein a height of the support platform along the columns is adjustable.5. The pipe support system of claim 4 , wherein the height of the support platform is a first height claim 4 , and wherein the pipe support system further comprises a strut coupled to each column of the pair of leg supports at a second height.6. The pipe support system of claim 5 , wherein the second height of the strut is fixed.7. The pipe support ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

One-Piece Rooftop Pipe Supports

Номер: US20190137010A1

This invention provides simple, low-cost designs for rooftop support of pipes on low-slope commercial and industrial roofs. The designs use cut pieces of extruded plastic shapes with holes or slots transverse to the extrusion direction. The supports are designed to be lightly adhered to the roof, and to allow pipe movement for expansion and contraction. 17-. (canceled)8. A support for securing a pipe on a rooftop , comprising: a top;', 'a flat bottom surface configured for engagement with a roof surface; and', 'a side surface disposed between the top and the flat bottom surface; and, 'a one-piece, three-dimensional shape formed by cross-cutting a polymeric extrusion, the three-dimensional shape comprisingan opening disposed at least partially through the side surface and configured to receive a pipe therethrough, the opening aligned substantially orthogonal to an extrusion direction of the polymeric extrusion.9. The support of claim 8 , wherein the opening is sized and shaped to allow for movement of the pipe when the pipe is disposed through claim 8 , and secured within claim 8 , the opening.10. The support of claim 9 , wherein the opening is sized and shaped to allow for movement of the pipe caused by thermal expansion and contraction.11. The support of claim 8 , wherein a cross-section of the three-dimensional shape defines a rectangle.12. The support of claim 8 , wherein a cross-section of the three-dimensional shape defines a triangle.13. The support of claim 8 , wherein one or more edges of the side surface is at a diagonal relative to the flat bottom surface.14. The support of claim 13 , wherein the three-dimensional shape is formed by cross-cutting the polymeric extrusion at a non-90-degree angle.15. The support of claim 8 , wherein the opening is disposed entirely within the side surface such that the pipe has to be inserted through the opening from the side.16. The support of claim 8 , wherein the opening extends into the top of the three- dimensional ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Articulation Festoon Cabling Beams

Номер: US20140224943A1
Автор: HAUSE Ryan

The cable handling apparatus includes a trolley beam, where the trolley beam is adapted to allow a cable trolley to slide thereon and an articulating arm. The articulating arm is hingedly coupled to the trolley beam, and the articulating arm is hingedly coupled to a piece of wellsite equipment. The articulating arm is repositionable between a retracted position and an extended position. 1. A cable handling apparatus comprising:a trolley beam, the trolley beam adapted to allow a cable trolley to slide thereon;an articulating arm, the articulating arm hingedly coupled to the trolley beam, the articulating arm hingedly coupled to a piece of wellsite equipment, the articulating arm repositionable between a retracted position and an extended position.2. The cable handling apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the articulating arm is hingedly coupled to the piece of wellsite equipment by a hinge assembly claim 1 , the hinge assembly comprising a hinge and a pinning assembly claim 1 , the pinning assembly positioned to retain the articulating arm in at least one of the retracted position and the extended position.3. The cable handling apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the trolley beam comprises an I-beam.4. The cable handling apparatus of claim 1 , wherein two or more cable trolleys are positioned on the trolley beam.5. The cable handling apparatus of claim 4 , wherein a cable is coupled to each of the cable trolleys such that the cable festoons below the cable trolleys as the cable trolleys move closer together.6. The cable handling apparatus of claim 5 , wherein each cable trolley of the two or more cable trolleys is coupled to at least one adjacent cable trolley by a spacing cable claim 5 , the spacing cable having a length shorter than the length of the cable between the adjacent cable trolleys.7. The cable handling apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the piece of wellsite equipment comprises a frame and the articulating arm is hingedly coupled to the frame of the piece of wellsite ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Pneumatic hose fastener

Номер: US20210172545A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A pneumatic hose fastener having a flange with a pair of overlapping non-concentric holes attached by a neck to a hook. The overlapping non-concentric holes are adapted to receive a pneumatic hose and quick-connect coupler body. The hook includes an inner hook leg attached to an outer hook leg by a bridge. The bridge connects to the neck. A side profile of the inner hook leg, the bridge and the outer hook leg form substantially a u-shape adapted to secure the hook of the pneumatic hose fastener to another surface.

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Gravity driven pile tower based device for pipeline lifting and support and method of use

Номер: US20170146155A1
Принадлежит: Oceaneering International Inc

A system and method for securely cradling a subsea pipeline is claimed that lands on one side of the pipeline, is embedded into the sea floor, reaches under the pipeline, positions the cradling structure, and then lifts the pipeline. The system typically comprises a gravity driven pile based device, comprising a pile tower, a roller carriage assembly, and a jacking assembly that engages the roller carriage assembly and pile tower rails.

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145547A1

A pipe support system includes a base having a collar, and an extension assembly that includes a threaded member having a first end and a second end. The first end has a leg configured to be received by the collar such that the extension assembly is supported by the base, and the second end has a tube with exterior threads. The extension assembly also includes a nut member having corresponding interior threads. The pipe support system also includes a support having an arm configured to be received within the tube and a head extending from one end of the arm. The support rests on the nut member such that upon rotation of the nut member, the head either raises or lowers with respect to the base. 1. A pipe support system comprising:a base comprising a collar extending therefrom; a threaded member comprising a first end and a second end, wherein the first end comprises a leg configured to be received by the collar such that the extension assembly is supported by the base, and the second end comprises a tube having exterior threads; and', 'a nut member having corresponding interior threads, wherein the exterior threads and the interior threads both extend for a substantially similar axial length; and, 'an extension assembly comprising an arm configured to be received within the tube; and', 'a head extending from one end of the arm, and, 'a support comprisingwherein the support rests on the nut member such that upon rotation of the nut member, the head either raises or lowers with respect to the base.2. The pipe support system of claim 1 , wherein the head is substantially U-shaped and comprises a first end and a second end claim 1 , wherein the first end comprises a curved surface configured to support a substantially round pipe claim 1 , and the second end comprises a substantially flat surface configured to support a strut.3. The pipe support system of claim 2 , further comprising a roller rotatably supported by the head.4. The pipe support system of claim 3 , wherein ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145548A1

A pipe support has a pair of arms. The first end of one arm has a tongue and the first end of the other arm has an elongate groove configured to slidably receive the tongue. Base plates are pivotably connected to the second ends of both arms. 1. A pipe support comprising:a pair of arms, wherein each arm of the pair of arms comprises a first end comprising an integral jaw component and a second end, and wherein a first arm of the pair of arms comprises a first tongue, and wherein a second arm of the pair of arms comprises an first elongate groove configured to slidably receive the first tongue; anda pair of base plates, wherein a first base plate of the pair of base plates is pivotably connected to the second end of the first arm, and wherein a second base plate of the pair of base plates is pivotably connected to the second end of the second arm.2. The pipe support of claim 1 , wherein the second arm of the pair of arms comprises a second tongue claim 1 , and wherein the first arm of the pair of arms comprises a second elongate groove configured to slidably receive the second tongue.3. The pipe support of claim 1 , further comprising a positioning element for setting a position of the first arm relative to the second arm.4. The pipe support of claim 3 , wherein the positioning element comprises a worm drive.5. The pipe support of claim 3 , wherein the positioning element comprises a pin.6. The pipe support of claim 3 , wherein the positioning element comprises a bolt and a nut configured to engage the bolt.7. The pipe support of claim 1 , wherein the first tongue is elongate and comprises a radius of curvature substantially equal to a radius of curvature of the first elongate groove.8. The pipe support of claim 2 , wherein the first elongate groove comprises a radius of curvature substantially equal to a radius of curvature of the second elongate groove.9. A pipe support comprising:a first arm;a second arm;a joint comprising a tongue and a curved groove engaged with ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145552A1
Автор: OBrien Jay
Принадлежит: Dynatect Manufacturing, Inc.

A long travel cable carrier guide has a plurality of guideposts that support an upper portion of a cable carrier. The plurality of guideposts include rollers that move between an extended and retracted position that allows the cable carrier to pass by the guideposts. The rollers automatically return to an extended position wherein the rollers protrude into the path of the cable carrier and provide support to the upper portion of the cable carrier as needed. 1. A guide for a cable carrier that travels along a path , the cable carrier having an upper portion , a middle portion , and a lower portion , the guide comprising:a plurality of guideposts positioned on sides of the path;each of the plurality of guideposts having a support assembly including least one support roller;the support roller slidably attached to the support assembly, the support roller having an extended position and a retracted position in relation to the support assembly, wherein the support roller provides support to the upper portion when the support roller is in the extended position, and the middle portion may pass by the guidepost when the support roller is in the retracted position;the support roller biased toward the extended position; anda plurality of bumpers positioned near the support roller and rotatably attached to the support assembly such that when the cable carrier approaches the guidepost, the middle portion engages at least one bumper, thereby causing the roller to temporarily move to the retracted position while the middle portion is engaged with the bumper and allowing the middle portion to pass by the guidepost.2. The guide of claim 1 , wherein the support assembly further includes a vertical guide that prevents the cable carrier from moving outside the path.3. The guide of claim 1 , wherein the bumpers further include substantially flat bumper pads removably attached to the support assembly.4. The guide of claim 1 , wherein the support roller is biased toward the extended ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180149291A1

Slide bearing plates and related methods of use. A slide bearing plate has a body; a pipe shoe slide channel defined in a top face of the body; in which opposed walls and a base of the pipe shoe slide channel are made of a bearing material. A slide bearing plate has a body; a pipe shoe slide channel defined in a top face of the body; and a beam slide channel defined in a base face of the body. A slide bearing plate has: a body formed of a bearing material; and one or more of: a pipe shoe receptacle defined by a top face of the body; or a beam receptacle defined by a base face of the body. A pipe support stand has: a pipe; a pipe shoe supporting the pipe; a slide bearing plate supporting a base of the pipe shoe within the pipe shoe slide channel. A method involves installing a slide bearing plate between a pipe shoe and a support beam. 1. A slide bearing plate comprising:a body;a pipe shoe slide channel defined in a top face of the body; andin which opposed walls and a base of the pipe shoe slide channel are made of a bearing material.2. The slide bearing plate of in which the opposed walls have retainer arms that extend laterally inward partway over the pipe shoe slide channel.3. The slide bearing plate of in which the pipe shoe slide channel is open-ended.4. The slide bearing plate of further comprising a beam receptacle defined in a base face of the body.5. The slide bearing plate of in which opposed legs claim 4 , and a part that bridges the opposed legs claim 4 , of the beam receptacle are made of the bearing material.6. The slide bearing plate of in which the beam receptacle is open-ended.7. The slide bearing plate of in which the beam receptacle is oriented perpendicular to the pipe shoe slide channel.8. The slide bearing plate of in which the beam receptacle comprises a beam slide channel.9. The slide bearing plate of further comprising a fastener receiving aperture in the slide bearing plate for securing a fastener to a beam that supports a base of the body ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150159798A1
Автор: Strzodka Hubert
Принадлежит: Just Immobilien GmbH

The invention relates to a hose guiding device in which a hose () that is filled with a gaseous medium is guided through a liquid () in horizontal sections. The horizontal sections are supported on a gripping device. The movement of the gripping device is transmitted to a sprocket () via chains () in order to introduce or discharge the kinetic energy. 1310320331032032102202110120131032033103203110120131032032102. Hose guiding device having a hose ( , , ) filled with a gaseous medium and having a gripping device for the hose ( , , ) and having a container ( , , ) filled with liquid ( , , ) for passing the hose ( , , ) through , wherein the hose ( , , ) has a lesser density than the liquid ( , , ) , wherein the hose ( , , ) is guided through the container ( , ) in a vertical section and in a horizontal section , or in the form of a spiral having a vertical axis.222021201320321022026206122163203. Hose guiding device according to claim 1 , wherein the gripping device is disposed in the container ( claim 1 , ) that is filled with liquid ( claim 1 , ) claim 1 , and guides the hose ( claim 1 , ) with approximately horizontal loops or at individual spiral sections () claim 1 , wherein the container ( claim 1 , ) has an introduction part ( claim 1 , ) for passing the hose through in its bottom region claim 1 , and sealing elements ( claim 1 , ) for sealing off the hose ( claim 1 , ).371437. Hose guiding device according to claim 2 , wherein the gripping device has two chains () disposed parallel to one another claim 2 , and that wherein grippers () for supporting the loops of the hose () claim 2 , which are guided approximately horizontally claim 2 , are disposed on the chains ().4207211210203207. Hose guiding device according to claim 2 , wherein the gripping device has multiple chains or toothed belts () disposed concentric to the vertical axis of the spiral claim 2 , and wherein grippers () for supporting the individual spiral sections () of the hose () are disposed on ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160161027A1
Автор: Lawson Lorin Scott

Cased pipeline network enclosed by casing with the primary purpose of the casing for leakage containment and control. A high number of pipelines are arranged inside and enclosed by an outer casing. The outer casing functions to contain and control leaks and provides a safer means of transporting gas or liquid products across sensitive areas or underwater. The casing flows leaked gas or liquid products to the pipeline network terminals for collection. The pipeline network simplifies and consolidates the permitting and approval process by allowing for the development of a high number of pipelines as a single project. Individual pipelines within the network may be separately managed to carry different gas or liquid products. 1. A cased pipeline network for transportation and leakage containment of gas or liquid products , the pipeline network comprising:a high number of interior pipelines enclosed within an outer casing for containing and flowing leaked gas or liquid products through the pipeline network; anda collection point at pipeline network terminals for leaked gas or liquid products.2. The pipeline network of claim 1 , wherein the casing protects gas or liquid products from escaping into the environment.3. The pipeline network of claim 1 , wherein the outer casing is a conduit or carrier pipe and flows leaked gas or liquid product away from sensitive land areas or bodies of water by pumps claim 1 , valves claim 1 , or gravity flow designed for specific geographic location.4. The pipeline network of claim 1 , wherein the pipelines are supported and arranged inside the casing by a circular steel spacer with circular holes lined with ball bearings or rollers for supporting and arranging the interior pipelines.5. The pipeline network of claim 1 , wherein the network comprises one or more underwater conduits or carrier pipes arranged in parallel to traverse a body of water.6. The pipeline network of claim 1 , wherein the network is routed with consideration for ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170158293A1

In an amphibious or flotational device for supporting one or more submersible pumps, the flotational device is structurally configured to provide the means for enabling both static and dynamic positioning of the submersible pumps at selected depths below the flotational device, and to provide means for improved pay-out and storage of flexible piping that enables improved dynamic positioning of the submersible pumps. 119.-. (canceled)20. An apparatus for positioning a flexible conduit , the apparatus comprising:a track, one end of the track disposed near an opening in a deck through which the flexible conduit is to extend;a curved hose bib shaped to receive the flexible conduit, the curved hose bib slidingly coupled to the track enabling the curved hose bib to move between a point near the opening and a point distanced from the opening; anda movement-producing device connected to the curved hose bib, the movement-producing device configured to move the curved hose bib towards the point near the opening to pay out the flexible conduit through the opening, the movement-producing device configured to move the curved hose bib towards the point distanced from the opening to take up the flexible conduit from the opening;the movement-producing device operable in conjunction with a hoist that raises and lowers the flexible conduit through the opening.21. The apparatus of claim 20 , wherein the curved hose bib is shaped to receive a single section of the flexible conduit.22. The apparatus of claim 20 , wherein the curved hose bib is shaped to accommodate a varied number of different flexible conduits of differing diameters.23. The apparatus of claim 20 , wherein the curvature of the curved hose bib is selected to maintain a radius of curvature for the flexible conduit to prevent kinking in the flexible conduit.24. The apparatus of claim 20 , wherein the deck is horizontally oriented and the movement-producing device is configured to move the curved hose bib horizontally with ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Pliable-wall air ducts with internal expanding structures

Номер: US20170159966A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Pliable-wall air ducts with internal expanding structures are disclosed. An example air duct system includes a shaft to be disposed within an air duct, to extend in a longitudinal direction, and to be in longitudinal compression. The air duct system also includes a plurality of ribs to be coupled to the shaft and to engage an inner surface of the air duct and a spring to be disposed within the air duct, the spring to be coupled to the shaft. The spring under stress being a contributing factor in both the shaft being in longitudinal compression and the air duct being in longitudinal tension.

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140252176A1
Автор: CASPI Shamay

A tie rod support apparatus for a large pressure vessel system. The tie rod support apparatus comprises a tie bar, an upper bearing unit, a bottom bearing unit and a tie rod support base. The upper bearing unit is coupled to a pipe section or other component in the large pressure vessel system and includes a bearing to provide a pivotally moveable connection point. The bottom bearing unit is coupled to the other end of the tie rod and configured with the tie rod support base. The tie rod support base is connected or attached to a support surface (e.g. a concrete slab or block) that is independent from the large pressure vessel system. The bottom bearing unit may include a bearing to provide another pivotally moveable connection point. According to an embodiment, the tie rod support includes a length adjustment mechanism configured to allow adjustment of the length or span of the tie bar. According to an embodiment, the tie rod support includes a spring block configured to allow flexing of the tie rod support assembly.

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190162349A1

A thermal expansion compensating device has a conduit with a first opening and a second opening for connection to a first pipe and a second pipe of a hot water system, respectively, the first and second pipes being formed by removing a section from a length of pipe of the hot water system. A pre-tensioning force is applied to the device to axially displace the first opening from the second opening until after connection of the openings of the pipes. A resiliently deformable pipe segment defines a portion of the conduit between the first opening and the second opening and is resiliently deformed to a tensioned position by the application of the pre-tensioning force. Once the hot water system is activated, the pipes axially thermally expand such that the first opening moves towards the second opening and the pipe segment moves from the tensioned position towards a rest position decreasing the stress on the device. 1. A thermal expansion compensating device to decrease physical stresses in a water system due to thermal expansion , said device comprising:a fluid conduit having a first opening for connection to a first pipe of the water system and a second opening for connection to a second pipe of the water system, wherein said first opening is in fluid communication with the second opening, and the first opening is substantially axially aligned with and axially separated from the second opening, with the first opening and the second opening configured to have a substantially aligned flow direction;a resiliently deformable pipe segment defining a portion of the conduit and located between the first opening and the second opening;a pre-tensioning member for applying a pre-tensioning force to substantially axially displace the first opening from the second opening by resiliently deforming the resiliently deformable pipe segment from a first rest position, where the resiliently deformable pipe segment is at rest, to a second tensioned position, where the resiliently ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200158264A1

Example aspects of riser support assembly and a method for adjusting a riser support assembly are disclosed. The riser support assembly can comprise a riser support pipe and a mount extending from a side of the riser support pipe, the mount configured to engage a mounting surface and to selectively adjust a height of the riser support assembly relative to the mounting surface. 1. A riser support assembly comprising:a riser support pipe; anda mount extending from a side of the riser support pipe, the mount configured to engage a mounting surface and to selectively adjust a height of the riser support assembly relative to the mounting surface.2. The riser support assembly of claim 1 , wherein the riser support pipe comprises a pipe wall defining a first end and an opposing second end.3. The riser support assembly of claim 2 , further comprising a first coupling attached to the first end of the riser support pipe claim 2 , wherein the first coupling is configured to engage a riser of a piping system.4. The riser support assembly of claim 3 , wherein the first coupling comprises:a first coupling segment;a second coupling segment; anda gasket, wherein the gasket is configured to be pushed over an end of the riser support pipe, and wherein the first and second coupling segment are configured to be assembled around the gasket and secured together to prohibit the riser support pipe from disengaging the first coupling.5. The riser support assembly of claim 1 , wherein the mount comprises an arm welded to an exterior surface of the riser support pipe.6. The riser support assembly of claim 1 , wherein the mount comprises an arm and a pedestal claim 1 , the mount adjustable between a first orientation and a second orientation claim 1 , and wherein claim 1 , in the first orientation claim 1 , the pedestal is extended with respect to the arm claim 1 , and in the second orientation claim 1 , the pedestal is shortened with respect to the arm.7. The riser support assembly of claim 6 ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации

Molding to control hose routing and systems and methods thereof

Номер: US20210215276A1
Автор: Bradley D. Smith
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A one-piece exterior molding for controlling routing of an underlying hose can comprise a plurality of rings that extend in spaced relationship in a length direction of the exterior molding, and at least two spannings that run in the length direction of the exterior molding from a first end portion of the exterior molding to a second end portion of the exterior molding opposite the first end portion. The at least two spannings can be spaced from each other radially, according to different radii extending from a central axis of the exterior molding. The exterior molding is configured to control routing of the underlying hose according to straight and/or one or more curves based on configuration of the plurality of rings and the at least two spannings.

23-07-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus for propelling a coil clad hose

Номер: US20150202666A1
Автор: Gerald P. Zink
Принадлежит: StoneAge Inc

An apparatus for propelling a plurality of coil clad hoses simultaneously includes a plurality of modules. Each module includes a primary driven bull gear. A follower bull gear is rotatably fastened to a follower axle extending parallel to the drive axle and the follower bull gear meshes with the primary bull gear. A plurality of secondary bull gear/sprocket modules are fastened to each of the axles, each of the modules having a secondary bull gear having teeth extending to a first outer diameter and a sprocket gear having teeth extending a distance less than the first outer diameter. The secondary bull gear teeth of modules on the drive axle mesh with corresponding secondary bull gear teeth of modules on the follower axle to define between adjacent modules an opening width for receiving and passing therebetween a coil clad portion of a high pressure hose.

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200182380A1

Example aspects of a fitting for engaging a brace member and a method for attaching a brace member to a mounting bracket are disclosed. The fitting for engaging a brace member can comprise a fitting body; a first jaw extending from the fitting body; a second jaw extending from the fitting body, the first jaw and second jaw defining a slot therebetween; and a continuous contact surface defining a top contact surface, a bottom contact surface, a left contact surface, and a right contact surface, the continuous contact surface configured to continuously engage a peripheral edge of the brace member. 1. A fitting for engaging a brace member , the fitting comprising:a fitting body;a first jaw extending from the fitting body;a second jaw extending from the fitting body, the first jaw and second jaw defining a slot therebetween; anda continuous contact surface defining a top contact surface, a bottom contact surface, a left contact surface, and a right contact surface, the continuous contact surface configured to continuously engage a peripheral edge of the brace member.2. The fitting of claim 1 , the top contact surface of the continuous contact surface formed by an end wall of the slot.3. The fitting of claim 2 , further comprising a lip extending from the fitting body claim 2 , the lip comprising a lip wall claim 2 , the bottom contact surface of the continuous contact surface formed by the lip wall.4. The fitting of claim 3 , wherein the first and second jaws extend in a first direction from the fitting body.5. The fitting of claim 4 , wherein the lip wall and the end wall extend in a second direction claim 4 , and wherein the second direction is substantially perpendicular to the first direction.6. The fitting of claim 3 , wherein:the end wall and lip wall are substantially co-planar; andthe second jaw is disposed between the end wall and the lip wall.7. The fitting of claim 1 , further comprising a fastener configured to fasten the fitting to the brace member.8. The ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190195251A1
Принадлежит: Verco Decking, Inc.

Decking hangers (e.g., strut hangers, flexible hangers, combinations thereof, or the like) are utilized along with keys (e.g., continuous keys, discontinuous keys, combination thereof, or the like) to hang decking components from structural decking (e.g., fluted steel structural decking, or the like). The decking hangers may be rigid and/or flexible, and include an adjustment that allows one end of the hanger to move with respect to another end. The keys may be continuous and run longitudinally parallel with the direction of the webs of the flutes of the decking. Alternatively, the keys may be discontinuous having a continuous side (e.g., continuous perimeter), or multiple sides, that enclose a corresponding connector at an end of a hanger. The keys provide different locations for installing the hangers and/or providing multiple (e.g., two or more) points of connection on at least one end of a single hanger. 1. A decking hanger system , comprising: a plurality of decking flutes, wherein each of the plurality of decking flutes comprise an upper flange, a lower flange, and one or more webs operatively coupling the upper flange and the lower flange; and', 'one or more keys formed in the one or more webs of one or more flutes of the plurality of decking flutes within the at least one decking panel;', 'wherein the one or more keys are pre-formed into the one or more webs;, 'at least one decking panel comprising a first end;', 'a second end; and', 'an adjustment for moving the first end with respect to the second end;', 'wherein the first end or the second end comprise one or more connectors; and, 'a hanger comprisingwherein the one or more connectors of the first end or the second end is operatively coupled to the one or more keys formed in the one or more webs.2. The decking hanger system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more keys comprise a plurality of discontinuous keys formed in the one or more webs.3. The decking hanger system of claim 2 , wherein at least a portion ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Environmental conditioning systems and methods utilizing polyvinylidene fluoride (pvdf) foam ducts

Номер: US20170219136A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Systems and methods according to one or more embodiments are provided for providing a durable and thermally insulated duct network. A duct network may be provided by coupling two or more foam ducts to each other. In one example, a system includes a plurality of foam ducts and a plurality of foam bellows configured to couple the foam ducts to each other. The foam bellows include one or more bellow folds to allow an expansion and contraction of the foam ducts. A plurality of structural fastening systems couple the duct network to a structure of a vessel. The structural fastening systems allow for an axial movement of the duct network as the foam ducts expand and contract. Additional systems and methods are also provided.

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Pipe Support Stand Having Saddle, and Method of Use

Номер: US20210247000A1

A pipe support system includes a pipe base, a threaded stud having a head, a saddle supported above the pipe base, and a shoe removably nested along a concave upper surface of the saddle. Methods for installing the pipe support system include determining a height of a joint of pipe above a ground surface; selecting a length of pipe for the pipe base in accordance with the height of the joint of pipe above the ground surface, thereby making a macro-adjustment; and rotating a threaded stud relative to a stud housing in order to make a micro-adjustment to the height of t\he joint of pipe; and placing the joint of pipe onto the shoe, thereby supporting the pipe above the ground surface. A method for replacing the shoe when it becomes worn is also provided by reversing said installation. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. A method of supporting a section of pipe above a ground surface , comprising: a pipe base;', 'a stud assembly supported along an upper end of the pipe base, the stud assembly having a threaded bolt with a head;', 'a saddle supported above the pipe base, the saddle having a concave upper surface, and an under-surface, with a receptacle residing along the under-surface, the receptacle being dimensioned to receive and to gravitationally rest on or over the head of the threaded bolt; and', 'a shoe removably nested along the concave upper surface of the saddle, with the shoe being configured to receive a joint of pipe, and with the shoe comprising opposing sides;, 'providing a pipe support system, comprisingdetermining a height for supporting a joint of pipe above the ground surface;slidably placing the threaded bolt into an inner diameter of the pipe base by landing the stud assembly onto the pipe base;landing the receptacle of the saddle onto the head of the threaded bolt so that the saddle and nested shoe are ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Cryogenic Plumbing Support for Vehicles

Номер: US20160229364A1

A cryogenic plumbing support for supporting cryogenic plumbing having a first coefficient of thermal expansion associated with a cryogenic temperature may include a bracket. The bracket may include a second coefficient of thermal expansion approximately equal to the first coefficient of thermal expansion. The cryogenic plumbing support may also include a slide assembly. The slide assembly may include first and second end blocks, at least one slider, and a plurality of rods. The first end block may be coupled in spaced relationship to the second end block by the plurality of rods. The at least one slider may be coupled to the bracket and slidably coupled to the plurality of rods. 1. A cryogenic plumbing support for supporting cryogenic plumbing on a vehicle from vertical and horizontal shock loads and allowing for thermal contraction of the cryogenic plumbing , the cryogenic plumbing including a first coefficient of thermal expansion associated with a cryogenic temperature , the support comprising:a bracket including a second coefficient of thermal expansion approximately equal to the first coefficient of thermal expansion; anda slide assembly including first and second end blocks, at least one slider, and a plurality of rods, the first end block coupled in spaced relationship to the second end block by the plurality of rods, the at least one slider slideably coupled to the plurality of rods, the at least one slider coupled to the bracket.2. The support of claim 1 , wherein the bracket includes a longitudinal expanse disposed between a first end and a second end claim 1 , a first flange extends outwardly from the longitudinal expanse proximate the first end claim 1 , a second flange extends outwardly from the longitudinal expanse claim 1 , in an opposite direction to the first flange claim 1 , proximate the second end.3. The support of claim 1 , wherein the slide assembly further includes a plurality of posts claim 1 , at least one post of the plurality of posts ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200217442A1

There is presented a cable management apparatus for deployment within a pipe, where the pipe houses at least a portion of an umbilical cable. The cable management apparatus comprises a first engagement portion for engaging with an interior surface of the pipe, a second engagement portion for engaging with the umbilical cable, a first end and a second end. The cable management apparatus is configured such that, in use, the umbilical cable extends outwardly and away along the pipe, in substantially opposite directions from the first and second ends. The cable management apparatus is further configured to assist the moving of the umbilical cable along a lengthwise portion of the pipe using at least the first engagement portion and/or the second engagement portion. 1. A cable management apparatus for deployment within a pipe , the pipe housing at least a portion of an umbilical cable ,the cable management apparatus comprising:a first engagement portion for engaging with an interior surface of the pipe; and,a second engagement portion for engaging with the umbilical cable;a first end; and,a second end;wherein the cable management apparatus is configured:such that, in use, the umbilical cable extends outwardly and away along the pipe, in substantially opposite directions from the first and second ends; and,to assist the moving of the umbilical cable along a lengthwise portion of the pipe using at least:the first engagement portion; and/or,the second engagement portion.2. The cable management apparatus of claim 1 , where at least one of the first and second engagement portions secures claim 1 , in a fixed position claim 1 , the cable management apparatus with:the interior surface of the pipe; orthe umbilical cable;respectively.3. The cable management apparatus of wherein:the second engagement portion secures, in a fixed position, the umbilical cable with respect to the cable management apparatus;the first engagement portion secures, in a fixed position, the cable ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160238162A1

The invention relates to a device for transferring fluid between two separate structures including a rigid pipe with a double shell extending along a longitudinal axis, the pipe including an outer shell housing, in the inner vacuum space thereof, at least one inner duct for fluid transfer, the pipe including, at a first end, a first rigid connection of the outer shell to the first structure and, at a second end, a second rigid connection of the outer enclosure to the second structure, the first and second ends of the outer shell being rigidly connected to the at least one inner duct, the pipe comprising a system to compensate for movements, including at least one flexible area and at least one resilient area, in the longitudinal direction, the system to compensate for shifts also including a connection which slides along the longitudinal axis between the outer shell and the first structure and a gimbal mechanism comprising two gimbals and mechanically connecting the two ends of the flexible area. 115-. (canceled)16. A device for transfer of fluid between two ends which are designed to be connected respectively to two separate structures , the device comprising rigid double-envelope piping which extends according to a longitudinal axis , the piping comprising an outer envelope which accommodates in its inner volume which is designed to be put under vacuum at least one inner duct for transfer of fluid , the piping comprising at a first end a first rigid connection of the outer envelope to the first structure , and , at a second end , a second rigid connection of the outer envelope to the second structure , the first and second ends of the outer envelope being connected rigidly to the at least one inner duct , the piping comprising a system for compensation for relative displacements between its first and second ends , comprising at least one flexible area and at least one resilient area , said at least one resilient area being resilient according to the longitudinal ...

13-11-2014 дата публикации

Systems and methods for the management of fiber optic cables

Номер: US20140334793A1
Принадлежит: ADC Telecommunications Inc

The present disclosure relates to a fiber optic retention device to properly accommodate for cable management arrangements and schemes in telecommunication infrastructures that are massive in scale and/or require subsequent adaptation of the infrastructures. The device includes a C-shaped opening and a spring biased door which moves inwardly to allow cable entry and exit to the device. In one embodiment, the spring is an integral extension of the door. In another embodiment, the spring is a separate torsion coil spring.

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210278017A1
Автор: Gee Michael A.

Movable pipe supports are described herein. A movable pipe support can include a pipe support apparatus body having a slot sized to accommodate a first end of a lever arm positioned such that it extends through the slot, a pipe support structure attached to the first end of the lever arm and having an outer surface for contacting an outer surface of the pipe, and a pivot mechanism to allow the outer surface of the pipe support structure to continue to be in contact with the outer surface of the pipe while the pivot mechanism moves the outer surface of the pipe support structure along the outer surface of the pipe. 1. A movable pipe support apparatus for supporting a pipe , comprising:a pipe support apparatus body having a slot sized to accommodate a first end of a lever arm positioned such that it extends through the slot;a pipe support structure attached to the first end of the lever arm and having an outer surface for contacting an outer surface of the pipe;a pivot mechanism to allow the outer surface of the pipe support structure to continue to be in contact with the outer surface of the pipe while the pivot mechanism moves the outer surface of the pipe support structure along the outer surface of the pipe; andwherein the body includes two opposing side surfaces and wherein at least one side surface includes a curved slot, a bottom edge of the curved slot provides a lever arm stop structure,wherein the lever arm incudes a pin attached to a second end of the lever arm and wherein the pin passes through the curved slot, and an outer surface of the pin contacts the bottom edge of the curved slot to stop the lever arm from moving downward.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pipe support structure is a roller.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the roller has a curved surface that is shaped to mate with a curvature of a portion of the outer surface of the pipe.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pipe support structure is attached to the lever arm by an ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140339375A1

A pipe roller assembly includes a roller base; a roller shaft mounted to the roller base, the roller shaft defining an outer shaft surface; a roller defining an outer roller surface and an inner bearing surface, the roller mounted on the roller shaft; and an non-conductive barrier mounted between the roller and the roller base, the non-conductive barrier electrically isolating the roller from the roller base. 1. A pipe roller assembly comprising:a roller base;a roller shaft mounted to the roller base, the roller shaft defining an outer shaft surface;a roller defining an outer roller surface and an inner bearing surface, the roller mounted on the roller shaft; anda non-conductive barrier mounted between the roller and the roller base, the non-conductive barrier electrically isolating the roller from the roller base.2. The pipe roller assembly of claim 1 , wherein the non-conductive barrier includes a bearing mounted between the roller and the roller shaft.3. The pipe roller assembly of claim 2 , wherein the bearing is a bushing claim 2 , the bushing defining an inner bushing surface and an outer bushing surface claim 2 , the inner bushing surface contacting the outer shaft surface of the roller shaft claim 2 , and the outer bushing surface contacting the inner bearing surface of the roller.4. The pipe roller assembly of claim 3 , wherein the bushing includes an inner sliding layer and an outer backing layer claim 3 , the inner sliding layer defining the inner bushing surface claim 3 , and the outer backing layer defining the outer bushing surface.5. The pipe roller assembly of claim 4 , wherein the inner sliding layer includes polytetrafluoroethylene claim 4 , and wherein the outer backing layer includes fiberglass.6. The pipe roller assembly of claim 3 , wherein the bushing is press-fit to the inner bearing surface of the roller.7. The pipe roller assembly of claim 1 , wherein the roller base includes a lug claim 1 , the roller shaft mounted through the lug.8. The ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170264089A1
Принадлежит: Tai Han Electric Wire Co., Ltd.

An apparatus for relieving tension of an electric cable includes an anchor plate; a bell mouth supporting the cable; a plurality of guide supporting bars directly connecting the anchor plate and the bell mouth; an elasticity controller through which each guide supporting bar is penetrated and inserted; a mobile supporting plate elastically supported by one end of the elasticity controller, the mobile supporting plate selectively pressurizing the elasticity controller according to the tension of the cable and moveable along a longitudinal direction of the plurality of guide supporting bars; a fixed supporting plate provided between the mobile supporting plate and the bell mouth, the fixed supporting plate being supported and fixed to each guide supporting bar, the other end of the elasticity controller being supported by the fixed supporting plate; and one or more spring cleats combined with the mobile supporting plate, the spring cleat adapted for holding and fixing the cable. 1. An apparatus for relieving tension of an electric cable , comprising:an anchor plate adapted to be installed on a wall;a bell mouth spaced apart from the anchor plate in a predetermined distance, the bell mouth adapted for supporting the cable;a plurality of guide supporting bars directly connecting the anchor plate and the bell mouth;an elasticity controller through which each guide supporting bar is penetrated and inserted;a mobile supporting plate elastically supported by one end of the elasticity controller, the mobile supporting plate selectively pressurizing the elasticity controller according to the tension of the cable and moveable along a longitudinal direction of the plurality of guide supporting bars;a fixed supporting plate provided between the mobile supporting plate and the bell mouth, the fixed supporting plate being supported and fixed to each guide supporting bar,wherein the other end of the elasticity controller is supported by the fixed supporting plate; andone or more ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140360614A1

A shower arm attachment assembly including an arm coupling member, a shower pipe coupling member, and a locking member. The arm coupling member may fluidly connect to a shower arm for a showerhead and the shower pipe coupling member may fluidly connect to a shower pipe. The arm coupling member connects to the shower pipe coupling member and is selectively rotatably relative thereto. The locking member selectively controls rotation of the arm coupling member relative to the shower pipe coupling member. 1. A shower arm attachment assembly comprising:an arm coupling member operative to fluidly communicate with a showerhead, the arm coupling member comprising a first outer surface;a shower pipe coupling member operative for attachment to a shower pipe and selectively rotatably joined to the arm coupling member, the shower pipe coupling member comprising a second outer surface; anda locking member selectively engageable with the first and second outer surfaces;wherein engagement of the locking member with the first and second outer surfaces substantially prevents rotation of the arm coupling member relative to the shower pipe coupling member.2. The shower arm attachment assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a snap ring joining the arm coupling member to the shower pipe coupling member.3. The shower arm attachment assembly of claim 1 , wherein:the first outer surface includes a first keying feature; andthe second outer surface includes a second keying feature; whereinin a first rotational position of the arm coupling member the first keying feature is aligned with the second keying feature; andin a second rotational position of the arm coupling member the first keying feature is misaligned with the second keying feature.4. The shower arm attachment assembly of claim 3 , wherein in the first rotational position the locking member is engageable with the arm coupling member and the shower pipe coupling member.5. The shower arm attachment assembly of claim 3 , wherein:the ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации

Pipe Support System, and Method of Use

Номер: US20200263810A1

A pipe support system. The pipe support system comprises a first wedge block and a second opposing wedge block. Each of the blocks comprises a base having walls, and forming an angled top surface. The angled top surfaces face one another and are configured to support a joint or section of pipe along an outer diameter of the pipe. Beneficially, the distance or spacing between the wedge blocks may be adjusted by an operator to accommodate sections of pipe having different diameters. A method for supporting a section of pipe is also provided. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. (canceled)20. (canceled)21. (canceled)22. (canceled)23. (canceled)24. (canceled)25. (canceled)26. (canceled)27. (canceled)28. A method of replacing bearing plates for a pipe support structure , comprising:providing a pipe support system comprising a first wedge block and a second wedge block, wherein each of the first and second wedge blocks comprises a base;using a snap-lock fit, installing a bearing plate onto each of the first and second wedge blocks, wherein each of the bearing plates comprises corrugations dimensioned to gravitationally wick away water to prevent moisture from building up along the outer diameter of a pipe, and wherein each of the bearing plates resides at an angle of between 20° and 40° relative to horizontal over the respective wedge blocks;determining a spacing between the first wedge block and the second wedge block in order to support a joint or section of pipe having an outer diameter;placing the joint or section of pipe onto the bearing plates, thereby supporting the joint or section of pipe above a ground surface;after a period of time, removing the bearing plates from the respective wedge blocks; andusing a snap-lock fit, installing a replacement bearing ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации

Hose carrier

Номер: US20200271242A1
Автор: Dustin McDonald
Принадлежит: Individual

A roller assembly has a center base element with outer base elements enabled to rotate on each end of the center base element, with a channel through the length of the roller assembly, such that rotating the outer base elements one way opens the channels, such that the roller assembly may be placed on a hose or a conduit, and rotation the other way closes the channel capturing the hose or conduit.

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160298794A1
Автор: Costa Carlos

A roller assembly comprises a base; a pedestal movably positioned on the base; and a roller fixably positioned relative to the pedestal and movable axially relative to the base. A method of assembling a roller assembly comprises mounting a pedestal on a base of the roller assembly such that the pedestal is movable relative to the base; and fixably positioning a roller relative to the pedestal such that the roller is movable axially relative to the base. 1. A roller assembly comprising:a base;a pedestal movably positioned on the base; anda roller fixably positioned relative to the pedestal and movable axially relative to the base.2. The roller assembly of claim 1 , wherein the roller is a first roller claim 1 , the roller assembly further comprising a second roller fixably positioned relative to the pedestal and movable axially relative to the base.3. The roller assembly of claim 2 , further comprising a spacer between the first roller and the second roller.4. The roller assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pedestal includes a bottom panel claim 1 , a first arm claim 1 , and a second arm claim 1 , the roller fixably positioned relative to the pedestal between the first arm and the second arm of the pedestal and above the bottom panel of the pedestal.5. The roller assembly of claim 1 , wherein the base includes a first lug and a second lug claim 1 , the pedestal movably positioned on the base between the first lug and the second lug and the roller movable axially relative to the base between the first lug and the second lug.6. The roller assembly of claim 5 , further comprising a shaft having a first end and a second end claim 5 , the shaft supported by the first lug and the second lug of the base.7. The roller assembly of claim 6 , wherein:the pedestal is mounted on the shaft and movably positioned on the base between the first lug and the second lug; andthe roller is mounted on the shaft between the first lug and the second lug.8. The roller assembly of claim 7 , ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160305576A1
Принадлежит: ConXtech, Inc.

A modular system for supporting, on an underlying framework, and at plural pipe-underside locations, an elongate linear pipe. The system includes (a) for each such location, a shoe anchorable to the pipe's underside at that location, (b) for one pipe-underside location only, an anchor securable to the framework for receiving and anchoring the shoe, and thus the pipe also, at this one location, against any motion relative to the framework, and (c) for each other pipe-underside location, a guide securable to the framework for guidably receiving the adjacent shoe in a manner permitting it, and thus the pipe also, at this other location, solely reversible sliding motion relative to the framework along a line substantially paralleling the pipe's long axis. 1. (canceled)2. A pipe support system , comprising:a framework including a first beam and a second beam, wherein each beam has an upright central web between a horizontal upper flange and a horizontal lower flange;a length of pipe arranged transverse to the beams;a first shoe and a second shoe connected to the length of pipe and extending from the length of pipe to the first beam and the second beam, respectively, wherein each shoe includes a base supported by and disposed on a top side of one of the horizontal upper flanges;an anchor mounted to the base of the first shoe and firmly securing the first shoe to the first beam; anda guide mounted to the second beam and permitting the base of the second shoe to slide parallel to a long axis defined by the length of pipe while restricting vertical motion of the base of the second shoe away from the second beam and also restricting horizontal motion of the base of the second shoe orthogonal to the long axis defined by the length of pipe;wherein each base includes a rectangular base plate, wherein the anchor includes a pair of elongated anchor brackets mounted to a pair of opposite edge regions of the base plate of the first shoe, wherein the pair of opposite edge regions of ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170307107A1
Автор: Costa Carlos

Disclosed is roller assembly comprising: a base; a shaft mounted on the base, the shaft defining an axis; a pedestal comprising a first arm and a second arm, the first arm and the second arm positioned on the shaft, the pedestal movable axially relative to the shaft; and a roller rotatably positioned on the shaft between the first arm and the second arm of the pedestal, the roller movable axially relative to the shaft. 1. A roller assembly comprising:a base;a shaft mounted on the base, the shaft defining an axis;a pedestal comprising a first arm and a second arm, the first arm and the second arm positioned on the shaft, the pedestal movable axially relative to the shaft; anda roller rotatably positioned on the shaft between the first arm and the second arm of the pedestal, the roller movable axially relative to the shaft.2. The roller assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pedestal further comprises a bottom panel extending between the first arm and the second arm claim 1 , and wherein the roller is positioned above the bottom panel of the pedestal.3. The roller assembly of claim 1 , wherein the shaft is axially fixed relative to the base.4. The roller assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pedestal is rotationally fixed about the axis.5. The roller assembly of claim 1 , wherein the shaft is supported by a first lug and a second lug of the base claim 1 , and wherein the pedestal is positioned between the first lug and the second lug.6. The roller assembly of claim 1 , wherein the roller is positioned above the base.7. The roller assembly of claim 1 , wherein the base defines a top surface which is substantially parallel to the axis.8. A roller assembly comprising:a base comprising a first lug and a second lug;a shaft supported by the first lug and the second lug of the base, the shaft defining an axis;a pedestal positioned on the shaft between the first lug and the second lug, the pedestal axially movable relative to the shaft, a bottom panel of the pedestal movably ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Cable Mounting System with Cable Expansion Compensation

Номер: US20170317480A1
Автор: Rouleau Rodney G.
Принадлежит: PANDUIT CORP.

A cable mounting system that allows thermal expansion and contraction of cables. The cable mounting system includes straight ladder rack segments and widened ladder rack segments positioned adjacent the straight ladder rack segments. Cable bracket assemblies are mounted to the straight ladder rack segments and saddle bracket assemblies are mounted to the widened ladder rack segments. The cable bracket assemblies secure cables to the ladder rungs of the straight ladder rack segments and allow axial movement of the cables. The saddle bracket assemblies secure the cables on the ladder rungs of the widened ladder rack segments and allow axial and lateral movement of the cables. 1. A cable mounting system for allowing thermal expansion and contraction of cables , the cable mounting system comprising:straight ladder rack segments having side rails and a plurality of ladder rungs extending between the side rails;at least one widened ladder rack segment positioned adjacent at least one of the straight ladder rack segments, the at least one widened ladder rack segment having side rails, angled side rails, and a plurality of ladder rungs extending between the side rails, wherein the angled side rails connect the side rails of adjacent straight ladder rack segments to the side rails of the at least one widened ladder rack segment;cable bracket assemblies mounted to the straight ladder rack segments, wherein the cable bracket assemblies secure the cables to the ladder rungs of the straight ladder rack segments; andsaddle bracket assemblies mounted to the at least one widened ladder rack segment, wherein the saddle bracket assemblies secure the cables on the ladder rungs of the widened ladder rack segments.2. The cable mounting system of claim 1 , wherein the cable bracket assemblies allow axial movement of the cables. The cable mounting system of claim I claim 1 , wherein the saddle bracket assemblies allow axial and lateral movement of the cables.4. The cable mounting system ...

19-11-2015 дата публикации

Suspension system especially for underwater cable

Номер: US20150330533A1
Принадлежит: PMI Industries Inc

A suspension system receives an associated cable. The suspension system includes first and second mount arms disposed in spaced relation that receive a collar assembly having first and second collar members dimensioned to circumferentially enclose around the associated cable in a first assembled position, and a second open position, where the first and second collar members do not circumferentially enclose the associated cable. Sheave mount assemblies are provided along the interconnecting posts and various degrees of freedom are incorporated into the modular assembly.

08-10-2020 дата публикации

Pipe Support Stand Having Saddle, and Method of Use

Номер: US20200318760A1

A pipe support system includes a pipe base, a threaded stud having a head, a saddle supported above the pipe base, and a shoe removably nested along a concave upper surface of the saddle. Methods for installing the pipe support system include determining a height of a joint of pipe above a ground surface; selecting a length of pipe for the pipe base in accordance with the height of the joint of pipe above the ground surface, thereby making a macro-adjustment; and rotating a threaded stud relative to a stud housing in order to make a micro-adjustment to the height of t\he joint of pipe; and placing the joint of pipe onto the shoe, thereby supporting the pipe above the ground surface. A method for replacing the shoe when it becomes worn is also provided by reversing said installation. 1. A pipe support system , comprising:a pipe base;a threaded bolt having a non-threaded head;a saddle supported above the pipe base, the saddle having a concave upper surface and a receptacle along a lower surface for receiving and gravitationally resting on or over the head; anda shoe removably nested along the concave upper surface of the saddle, the shoe being configured to receive a joint of pipe;and wherein the pipe base has selected length according to a height of the joint of pipe above a ground surface.2. The pipe support system of claim 1 , wherein:the receptacle is configured to rotate relative to the bolt; andthe head of the threaded bolt may be selectively locked within the receptacle, such that the bolt and the saddle may rotate together.3. The pipe support system of claim 2 , further comprising:a key to lock the stud assembly to the saddle, thereby preventing relative rotational movement of the stud assembly and the saddle.4. The pipe support system of claim 1 , wherein:the shoe comprises opposing sides;each opposing side comprises a shoulder, with each shoulder being configured to closely reside along a side of the saddle to prevent the shoe from sliding off of the saddle. ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160341338A1

A pipeline support for use in severe geological conditions such as permafrost provides stability, strength and immovability of the pipeline support under relatively high pressure and that that allows an adjustment of a height or slope of the pipeline support. A method of using the support includes controlling the height or slope angle of the support during operation of the pipeline support. A spool of the support is installed and fixed on two support axes that are transverse beams installed in support frames and that can be moved along with the support spool. After that, movable power-operated mechanisms are positioned under each support axis. These mechanisms lift or lower the spool and support axes to the desired height and slope. The support axes are then fixed in frames at the desired height and spool slope angle. 1. A method for adjusting a support spool to a desired height and slope angle during installation and during operation , comprising: installing and tightly fixing the support spool on two support axes that are transverse beams installed in support frames that are movable within frame holes of the support frames,', 'installing at least one dielectric pad at a location between the support spool and a pilework foundation to electrically isolate the support spool from the pilework foundation,', 'placing a movable power-operated mechanism under each of the two support axes,', 'lifting or lowering the two support axes to achieve the desired height and slope angle using the movable power-operated mechanism,', 'fixing the two support axes in the desired height and slope angle by positioning a predetermined number of adjustable plates below each of the two support axes,', 'removing the movable power-operated mechanism, and', 'welding edges of the support spool to a pipeline; and, 'installing the support spool in the desired height and slope angle by loosening the fixation of the two support axes in the support frames,', 'placing the movable power-operated ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200326019A1
Автор: Hennon John

A slope adjusting and locking pipe hanger, and more particularly, a bracket style pipe hanger that includes a plastic or elastomeric insert that rotates to adjust and secure the percentage slope of a pipe in place for gravity drainage and to a series of interlocking tongue and groove ridges and indentations to adjust and secure the percentage slope of a pipe in place for gravity drainage. The pipe hanger provides for supporting a pipe in either a horizontal or vertical orientation along a ceiling, floor, wall, panel or equipment frame. The pipe hanger further provides a smooth contact surface to prevent bacterial build-up and other contaminants from collecting. The pipe hanger is therefore suitable for use in sterile clean room environments. 1. A slope adjusting pipe hanger bracket and insert , comprising:a bracket having tongue and groove ridges and indentations;an insert having mating tongue and groove ridges and indentations, the insert configured to be rotated to a specified percentage of slope and be secured at that angle by the alignment of the insert's tongue and groove ridges and indentations with the tongue and groove ridges and indentations of the bracket.2. The slope adjusting pipe hanger bracket and insert of claim 1 , comprising:a second bracket having tongue and groove ridges and indentations;a second insert having mating tongue and groove ridges and indentations;and wherein each of the first and second inserts are configured to be installed within each first and second bracket and each first and second insert configured to be rotated to a specified percentage of slope and be secured at that angle by the interlocking of the first insert's tongue and groove ridges and indentations with the tongue and groove ridges and indentations of the first bracket and the alignment of the second insert's tongue and groove ridges and indentations with the tongue and groove ridges and indentations of the second bracket; andwherein the first and second brackets with ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации

Pipe Clamp for Strut System

Номер: US20160348811A1

A pipe clamp adaptor ( 50; 300; 400 ) for securing a pipe ( 22 ) comprises the unitarily molded combination of: a cradle ( 70 ) having a concave surface ( 74; 424 ) for accommodating the pipe and a base surface ( 72 ); and a closure ( 76 ) connected to the cradle by a living hinge for articulation between an open condition and a closed condition, first features ( 80 ) on the cradle engageable to complementary second features ( 82 ) of the closure to hold the closed condition.

08-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160355374A1

A cable organizer apparatuses and related methods are disclosed herein. A cable organizer can include a holding chamber configured to hold at least a portion of a cable therein. The cable organizer can also include a first retaining assembly disposed adjacent the holding chamber. The first retaining assembly can be configured to hold a first end of the cable therein. Similarly, the cable organizer can include a second retaining assembly adjacent the holding chamber. The second retaining assembly cab be configured to hold a second end of the cable therein. The use of separate retaining assemblies, each isolated from the holding chamber, enables the user to avoid creating knots in the cable (or rope, hose, etc.). 1. A cable organizer apparatus comprising:a holding chamber configured to hold at least a portion of a cable therein; anda first retaining assembly disposed adjacent the holding chamber, the first retaining assembly configured to hold a first end of the cable therein; anda second retaining assembly adjacent the holding chamber, the second retaining assembly configured to hold a second end of the cable therein.2. The cable organizer apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the holding chamber comprises an elongate body having a first end and a second end and a first holding wall that extends upward from the first end of the elongate body and a second holding wall that extends upward from the second end of the elongate body.3. The cable organizer apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the first and second holding walls extend outward radially from the elongate body to form extension arms claim 2 , respectively claim 2 , on each side of the elongate body.4. The cable organizer apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first retaining assembly or the second retaining assembly comprises at least one of a semi-permanent attachment or permanent attachment to the cable.5. The cable organizer apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170350536A1
Автор: ROUTEAU Sylvain

A method has the following steps: a) providing an undersea foundation arranged on the bed of a body of water; b) laying a section of pipe and of an in-line structure on the foundation and allowing the section of pipe to freely self-orient on the foundation; c) placing at least one guide on the foundation on both sides of the section of pipe; d) blocking the guide on the foundation to laterally clamp the section of pipe with respect to the foundation, while authorizing a longitudinal movement of the section of pipe with respect to the guide. 1. A method for mounting an undersea installation including at least one in-line structure secured to a section of pipe , comprising:providing an undersea foundation arranged on a bed of a body of water;laying the in-line structure and the section of pipe on the foundation while allowing the in-line structure and the section of pipe to freely self-orient on the foundation;placing at least one guide on the foundation on both lateral sides of the section of pipe;blocking the guide on the foundation to laterally clamp the section of pipe with respect to the foundation, while authorizing a longitudinal movement of the section of pipe with respect to the guide.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the placing of the at least one guide includes positioning a first lateral stop on a first lateral side of the section of pipe and positioning a second lateral stop on a second lateral side of the section of pipe claim 1 , and laterally clamping the section of pipe between the first lateral stop and the second lateral stop.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the blocking of the at least one guide includes locking the first lateral stop and the second lateral stop in their positions relative to the foundation.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the placing of the at least one guide includes clamping at least one intermediate stop positioned between the first lateral stop and the second lateral stop and on an upper ...

17-12-2015 дата публикации

Media Patching System

Номер: US20150366092A1
Принадлежит: ORTRONICS, INC.

Improved media patching systems and related methods of use are provided. The present disclosure provides improved systems/methods for the design and use of patching systems configured to support multiple media connections (e.g., high density, mixed media connections). The present disclosure provides advantageous systems/methods for the design and use of patching systems having one or more bracket members (e.g., Z-shaped bracket members) configured to facilitate cable management. In exemplary embodiments, the bracket members allow a panel assembly to move relative to the bracket members for cable management purposes. The improved systems/assemblies of the present disclosure provide users with the ability to install multiple media connections (e.g., copper-based and/or fiber optic connections) in the same patching system/enclosure. 1. A bracket assembly comprising:a first bracket member having a substantially Z-shaped configuration, the first bracket member including a first segment, a second segment and a third segment, with the third segment: (i) connecting the first and second segments to define the substantially Z-shaped configuration, and (ii) having at least one aperture configured to mount to a supporting structure;wherein the first segment of the first bracket member includes at least one protrusion member configured to releasably mount to a first cable management member, the first cable management member configured to manage media cables; andwherein the second segment of the first bracket member includes at least one attachment element configured to allow a panel assembly to movably mount to the second segment of the first bracket member.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first segment of the first bracket member defines a first axial plane claim 1 , and the second segment of the first bracket member defines a second axial plane that is spaced apart from the first axial plane.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the first axial plane is substantially ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200355298A1

A system includes a flexible pipe that includes a liner surrounding a bore of the flexible pipe, a reinforcement layer surrounding the liner, and a shield layer surrounding the reinforcement layer. The system also includes a pipe fitting coupled to an end of the flexible pipe and a securing mechanism at least partially disposed in an opening in at least one of the liner layer, the shield layer, or both of the flexible pipe. The securing mechanism is configured to engage with the reinforcement layer of the flexible pipe when the pipe fitting is coupled to the end of the flexible pipe. 1. A method of connecting a flexible pipe to a pipe fitting , comprising:forming a first opening in a liner layer of the flexible pipe, wherein the liner layer surrounds a bore of the flexible pipe and the flexible pipe comprises a reinforcement layer implemented around the liner layer;forming a second opening in a shield layer of the flexible pipe, wherein the shield layer is implemented around the reinforcement layer of the flexible pipe; and disposing a first leg of a securing mechanism in the first opening in the liner layer such that the first leg extends alongside the bore of the flexible pipe;', 'disposing a second leg of the securing mechanism in the second opening in the reinforcement layer of the flexible pipe such that the second leg extends alongside the bore of the flexible pipe;', 'inserting an end of the flexible pipe that comprises the first opening in the liner layer and the second opening in the shield layer within a jacket of the pipe fitting; and', 'deforming the jacket of the pipe fitting around the flexible pipe to facilitate engaging the securing mechanism with the reinforcement layer of the flexible pipe., 'securing the pipe fitting to the flexible pipe at least in part by2. The method of claim 1 , wherein securing the pipe fitting to the flexible pipe comprises disposing the first leg of the securing mechanism in the first opening and disposing the second leg of ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200355301A1

A pipe support system includes a pair of leg supports spaced apart from one another. Each of the pair of leg supports includes an elongated base and a column. The pipe support system also includes a strut coupled to each column of the pair of leg supports and at a first height above the elongated bases. A support platform coupled to each column of the pair of leg supports and at a second height above the elongated bases. The support platform defines a longitudinal axis, and the second height is different from the first height. The pipe support system further includes one or more rollers coupled to the support platform. The one or more rollers are disposed around the support platform and rotatable around the longitudinal axis. 1. A pipe support system comprising:a pair of leg supports spaced apart from one another, wherein each of the pair of leg supports comprises an elongated base and a column;a strut coupled to each column of the pair of leg supports and at a first height above the elongated bases;a support platform coupled to each column of the pair of leg supports and at a second height above the elongated bases, wherein the support platform defines a longitudinal axis, and wherein the second height is different from the first height; andone or more rollers coupled to the support platform, wherein the one or more rollers are disposed around the support platform and rotatable around the longitudinal axis.2. The pipe support system of claim 1 , further comprising one or more disks coupled to the support platform and slidable along the longitudinal axis.3. The pipe support system of claim 2 , wherein the one or more rollers comprises a plurality of rollers and the one or more disks are disposed between two rollers of the plurality of rollers.4. The pipe support system of claim 1 , wherein the support platform is adjustable on the columns so that the second height is changeable.5. The pipe support system of claim 4 , wherein the strut is coupled between the columns ...

19-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200367381A1

A cable manager includes a backbone assembly and at least one side wall extending from the backbone assembly. The at least one side wall optionally includes one or more cable finger units. The backbone assembly includes a spine member having an extruded construction. The spine member includes one or more channels extending substantially an entire length thereof to facilitate easy attachment, removal and/or repositioning of a structure relative to the spine member. The cable manager optionally includes an accessory rod, a half-spool assembly, a cable finger accessory, a strap/buckle accessory, and/or a door assembly having an interference-free hinge set. 1. A cable finger accessory , for use in routing cables and/or accommodating other accessories in a cable manager , the cable finger accessory comprising:a first semi-arcuate clamp section;a second semi-arcuate clamp section, a proximate end of which is connected to a proximate end of the first semi-arcuate clamp section via a first hinge, thereby enabling the first and second semi-arcuate clamp sections to rotate relative to one another;a cable finger extending outwardly from at least one of the first and second semi-arcuate clamp sections; anda clamp mechanism connected to a distal end of the first semi-arcuate clamp section and adapted to secure the distal end of the first semi-arcuate clamp section against a distal end of the second semi-arcuate clamp section such that the first and second semi-arcuate clamp sections are fixedly arranged around a section of an extruded support member of the cable manager with the cable finger directionally oriented for management of cables.2. The cable finger accessory of claim 1 , wherein the clamp mechanism comprises:a cam lever link connected to the distal end of the first semi-arcuate clamp section via a second hinge; anda cam lever connected to a distal end of the cam lever link via a third hinge, the cam lever having a cam structure at a proximal end thereof for receipt in ...
