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12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2633391C2

FIELD: lighting. SUBSTANCE: light includes a plurality of light sources (132), made in combination and configured to generate a plurality of different colours of light, one first light-mixing chamber (110) and at least one second light-mixing chamber (120), in optical communication with the first mixing chamber by means of at least one opening (134). At least one output surface (112) of direct view light is connected to the first light-mixing chamber. The light sources are contained in the second light-mixing chambers, which are designed to prevent direct incidence of light, emitted from the light sources onto the output surface (surfaces) of the light. The first light mixing chamber and the output surface (surfaces) of the light are configured to mix light, emitted from the light sources so that all the light, leaving the surface (surfaces) of the light substantially has uniform brightness and colour. EFFECT: production of mixed light in the direct view light, which is essentially uniform in brightness and colour. 19 cl, 16 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 633 391 C2 (51) МПК F21S 10/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2014124351, 16.11.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.11.2012 Дата регистрации: (72) Автор(ы): ГОЛЬДШТАЙН Петер Исаак (NL), РОТ Эрик Энтони (NL), РОБЕРДЖ Брайан (NL) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2005161586 A1, 2005.07.28. WO 17.11.2011 US 61/560,970 (45) Опубликовано: 12.10.2017 Бюл. № 29 2008146229 A2, 2008.12.04. WO 2008142638 A1, 2008.11.27. US 2011026257 A1, 2011.02.03. RU 2419740 C1, 2011.05.27. WO 2011068961 A1, 2011.06.09. RU 2309441 C1, 2007.10.27. (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 17.06.2014 (86) Заявка PCT: IB 2012/056494 (16.11.2012) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 2 6 3 3 3 9 1 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.12.2015 Бюл. № 36 ...

20-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2406924C2

Изобретение относится к осветительному устройству (10) с излучателем (1) света, который содержит концентрические кольца и/или сектора органических светодиодов (OLEDs), по меньшей мере, двух различных основных цветов. За излучателем (1) света следует первичная оптическая система, например коллиматор (13) или линза и сужающийся трубчатый отражатель (14), диаметр (d) которого увеличивается от его узкого конца к его широкому концу. Излучатель (1) света может, в частности, состоять из концентрических колец различных OLEDs. Обеспечение улучшения однородности распределения цвета является техническим результатом изобретения, который достигается за счет использования излучателя света в виде концентрических колец и/или секторов органических светодиодов, по меньшей мере, двух различных основных цветов, а также за счет сужающегося трубчатого отражателя, с различной формой сечения. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

27-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2368845C1

Декоративный светильник содержит прозрачный, любой формы и конфигурации корпус с источником света, расположенным внутри него, подставку, крышку с прорезями в ней. Светильник снабжен контроллером, соединенным с источником света и расположенным внутри прозрачного корпуса, выполненного в виде каркаса с установленными в нем светорассеивающими пластинами, на одной из сторон которых изготовлена дифракционная решетка с микроструктурой, сформированной из нанесенного на прозрачную пластину тонкопленочного покрытия, с размером микроструктуры 1-3,3 мкм. Подставка, контроллер, источник света, корпус и крышка расположены соосно. Источник света выполнен в виде осветителя, состоящего из набора микроламп, светоизлучающих диодов, лазеров, световолокон. Технический результат - расширение области применения, увеличение количества световых трансформаций, обеспечение динамического измерения яркости и цветности световой картины и усиление декоративного эффекта. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

10-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008147376A

... 1. Светоизлучающее устройство для формирования цветного и белого света, содержащее: ! по меньшей мере, один источник (1, 4) света, испускающий голубой или ультрафиолетовый свет, ! блок (2, 5) преобразования цвета для преобразования упомянутого голубого или ультрафиолетового света в видимый свет, содержащий, по меньшей мере, две секции (2a, 2b, 2c, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d), по меньшей мере, одна секция (2c, 6d) из которых является прозрачной или полупрозрачной секцией преобразования цвета, упомянутый блок (2, 5) преобразования цвета выполнен с возможностью попеременного освещения упомянутых, по меньшей мере, двух секций (2a, 2b, 2c, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d) упомянутым голубым или ультрафиолетовым светом, упомянутая, по меньшей мере, одна секция преобразования цвета содержит прозрачный люминесцентный материал, при этом упомянутый прозрачный люминесцентный материал является люминесцентным органическим красителем в полимерной матрице или кристаллическим неорганическим люминесцентным материалом. ! 2. Светоизлучающее ...

27-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014124351A

... 1. Светильник, содержащий:множество источников света, выполненных, в комбинации, для генерирования множества разных цветов света;первую камеру, выполненную с возможностью смешивания множества разных цветов света;по меньшей мере, одну поверхность выхода света, соединенную с первой камерой и выполненную с возможностью дополнительного смешивания света, излучаемого из множества источников света; ивторую камеру, содержащую множество источников света и имеющую, по меньшей мере, одну стенку и отверстие, сообщающееся с первой камерой, по меньшей мере, одна стенка выполнена с возможностью предотвращения непосредственного падения света, излучаемого из множества источников света на по меньшей мере одну поверхность выхода света, и отверстие, выполненное с возможностью пропускания света, излучаемого из множества источников света, через отверстия из второй камеры в первую камеру,причем первая камера и, по меньшей мере, одна поверхность выхода света выполнены совместно с возможностью смешивания света, ...

30-06-1985 дата публикации

Устройство цветового динамического освещения фонтана

Номер: SU1164514A1

... 1. УСТРОЙСТВО ЦВЕТОВОГО ДИНАМИЧЕСКОГО ОСВЕЩЕНИЯ ФОНТАНА, содержащее источник питания и источники света, соединенные с выходами блока управления, вход которого соединен с преобразователем входного сигнала в электрический, отличающееся тем,что, с целью повышения зрелищного эффекта фонтана, по числу источников света оно снабжено оправками. Диспергирующими элементами , объективами и приводами вращения, каждая оправка установлена coocftb с соответствующим источником света и содержит диспергирующий элемент и объектив, установленные в ней и связанные с приводом вращения, причем общая оптическая ось диспергирующего элемента и объектива ориентирована под острым углом к оптической оси источника света. 2. Устройство поп.1,отли- § чающееся тем, что привод вра (Л щения вьшолнен в виде водяной турбины , соединенной с трубопроводом фонтана .

21-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004021523C2

21-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE202008008308U1

27-05-2004 дата публикации

Einrichtung zur Umfeldbeleuchtung

Номер: DE202004002559U1
Принадлежит: DURAVIT AG

Einrichtung zur Umfeldbeleuchtung mit mehreren Leuchtkörpern, die farbiges Licht unterschiedlicher Wellenlänge emittieren und deren Lichtanteile mittels einer Steuerungseinrichtung mischbar sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Leuchtkörper von der Steuerungseinrichtung (8) derart ansteuerbar sind, dass das wahrgenommene Licht in einem kontinuierlichen Zyklus von einer ersten Farbe in eine zweite Farbe und wieder in die erste Farbe übergeht.

20-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE502004006118D1

13-04-2006 дата публикации

Beleuchtungseinrichtung und Verfahren zur Regelung

Номер: DE102004047669A1

Es wird eine Beleuchtungseinrichtung beschrieben, die mischfarbiges Licht aussendet, das Licht mindestens zweier verschiedener Farbkanäle (R, R1, G, G1, B, B1) enthält. Die Beleuchtungseinrichtung enthält mindestens eine primäre Lichtquelle (1) einer ersten Farbe, deren Licht einen ersten Farbkanal (R, R1, G, G1, B, B1) bildet, und mindestens eine primäre Lichtquelle (1) einer zweiten Farbe, deren Licht einen zweiten Farbkanal (R, R1, G, G1, B, B1) bildet, mindestens eine Sensoreinrichtung (3), die so positioniert ist, dass sie mischfarbiges Licht empfangen kann, und geeignet ist, Helligkeit von Licht eines Wellenlängenbereiches zu detektieren, der die Farbkanäle (R, R1, G, G1, B, B1) umfasst und die im Betrieb die Helligkeiten der verschiedenen Farbkanäle (R, R1, G, G1, B, B1) separat und wiederholt ermittelt. Weiterhin enthält die Beleuchtungseinrichtung eine Auswerte- und Regeleinrichtung (4), die die Helligkeitswerte der Farbkanäle (R, R1, G, G1, B, B1) auswertet und pulsweitenmodulierte ...

13-01-1994 дата публикации

Rhythmusbeleuchtung für Bauchtanzvorführungen

Номер: DE0009310876U1

31-10-2002 дата публикации

Infrarotstrahlungslampe für ein Automobil

Номер: DE0010218290A1

Eine Infrarotstrahllampe weist auf eine Leuchtkammer (S), die durch einen Lampenkörper (12) und eine Frontlinse (14) gebildet ist, einen in dem Lampenkörper (12) vorgesehenen Reflektor (16), eine vor dem Reflektor (16) in der Leuchtkammer (S) vorgesehne Lichtquelle (20) und einen zylindrischen Globus (30) zur Infrarotlichtbildung, der vorgesehen ist, um die Lichtquelle (20) abzudecken, und dazu dient, ein sichtbares Licht abzuschirmen und nur ein Infrarotlicht zu übertragen, worin Diffusionsstufen (17 und 15) in einer Randregion (16a) der Lichtquelle in dem Reflektor (16) und/oder einer Region (14a) in der Frontlinse (14) entsprechend zu der Randregion (16a) der Lichtquelle in dem Reflektor vorgesehen sind. Daher wird eine durch den Globus (30) übertragene und zu der Randregion (16a) der Lichtquelle in dem Reflektor geführte Rotlichtkomponente (L2) eines sichtbaren Lichts diffundiert und reflektiert (L21, L22), oder wird durch die Region (14a) des zentralen Teils der Frontlinse diffundiert ...

27-03-1997 дата публикации

Multi-colour lamp

Номер: DE0019602252A1

A multi-colour lamp has several bulbs (4,5) emitting different colours and a control unit(2) supplied through a switch (9) from a power supply. The control unit selects one or more of the colours depending on the switch operation. If the switch is not operated, one coloured bulb after another is switched on and off. The bulbs are tubular with the control unit integrated into the foot of the complete lamp. With multiple operation of the switch, with each switching-on process, voltage is applied to a different bulb. The bulbs are halogen-filled.

13-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: DE0029502892U1

21-05-2008 дата публикации

Television light simulator

Номер: GB0002443898A

A device is disclosed for simulating the light emission of a television to give the impression premises are occupied at night, in order to deter burglars. The device comprises a power supply to convert the local mains supply to 6 V, a voltage regulator to supply the electronics, and a programmable PIC controller running a program. The programmable PIC controller switches on transistors which switch power to an array of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). The device is activated by a light dependant resistor controlling an electronic switch that only activates in low level ambient light when the light emitted by the unit would be viewable.

14-04-2010 дата публикации

Electric fire

Номер: GB0002454165B

28-06-2006 дата публикации

Improved Coloured Lights

Номер: GB0002421565A

A wall-mounted light fitting or floor-standing light 1 is arranged with a single forward-facing internally illuminated panel 6 or block, and with one or more light projector units which illuminate a wall behind it 2-5. This panel and each of the rearward light projection units make use of light-producing components (e.g. red, green, and blue LEDS) which combine and mixed in such a way that they are perceived by the human eye as being any of a wide range of colours. An arrangement of cooling fins (7, Figure 14) is used in such a floor-standing or wall-mounted light to disperse the heat generated by powerful LEDs. These cooling fins are placed between an internally-illuminated block at the front of the light, and a set of one or more rearward-projecting banks of coloured LEDs, at the back of the light.

19-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002094463B

22-05-2002 дата публикации

A numerical controlled colour light source system

Номер: GB0000208566D0

02-05-1929 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to illuminating arrangements

Номер: GB0000302159A

... 302,159. Rasmussen, H. M. Dec. 10, 1927, [Convention date]. Theatrical appliances.- Theatrioal scenes &c. are illuminated in turn by light rays, the colours and intensities of which would make white light if blended together. A sign so illuminated is shown in Fig. 1, wherein a plate 1 bearing the legend &c. in the form of perforations is illuminated in succession from the rear by lamps A and from the, front by lamps B. The legend thus appears in turn as, say, red spots on a green background, and as green spots on a red background. Fig. 3 is a diagrammatic view of a rotary selector switch which illuminates two or more replica groups of two or more differently coloured lamps a, b, c, a<1>, b<1>, c<1> in a succession of combinations, omitting the combinations in which lamps of the same colour light both sides of the plate. 1 simultaneously. Rotating shafts d, e, f, geared together by pinions differing slightly from one another in their number of teeth, carry commutators j, k, l which are in ...

15-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000385557T

15-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000501609A4

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000533993T

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000416954T

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506522A1

TIFF 00000008.TIF 297 210 TIFF 00000009.TIF 297 210 ...

15-03-2021 дата публикации

Leuchte und Verfahren zur Ausleuchtung einer vorbestimmten Fläche

Номер: AT518385A3

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Leuchte (1) zur Ausleuchtung einer vorbestimmten Fläche (10) mit einer Lichtquellenanordnung (11), die durch zumindest eine erste Lichtquelle (12) und eine zweiten Lichtquelle (14) ausgebildet ist, welche dazu ausgelegt sind, Licht auf einen ersten Bereich (10a) der vorbestimmten Fläche (10) zu emittieren, wobei die erste Lichtquelle (12) dazu ausgelegt ist, Licht mindestens einer Farbe zu emittieren, welche sich von der Farbe des Lichts der zweiten Lichtquelle (14) unterscheidet. Die Leuchte (1) weist weiterhin eine Steuervorrichtung (60) auf, welche dazu ausgelegt ist, Parameter mindestens einer der Lichtquellen (12, 14, 20) einzustellen.

15-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000120697T

15-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000185616T

15-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000184974T

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2020205322A1

A lighting system for use in a high-moisture environment, such as a swimming pool, incudes a lighting unit having a housing and at least one light-emitting device positioned within the housing. A power supply provides power to the light-emitting device. A receiver positioned 5 within the housing operates with a LoRa modulation format and receives signals at an ISM band operating frequency of substantially between 433.05-434.79 MHz (EU433). A mobile control unit located remote from the lighting unit is configured to transmit at least one wireless control signal to the receiver at a frequency between 433.05-434.79 MHz, whereby the at least one control signal controls or changes a characteristic of the at least one light-emitting device, such 0 as an on/off state, a color, a lighting effect, or a pattern of display. Related systems and methods for installing a lighting system for use in a high-moisture environment are also disclosed. r +1N ...

09-08-1999 дата публикации

Sealed spotlight

Номер: AU0005475498A

10-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002335328A1
Автор: OKUMURA, Yukiyasu

23-04-2001 дата публикации

A numerical controlled colour light source system

Номер: AU0007401300A

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Flexible illuminating multilayer structure

Номер: AU2015352315A1
Принадлежит: Ahearn Fox

A flexible and illuminating multilayer structure wherein the flexible and illuminating multilayer structure (10) comprises at least two flexible foils (100, 102) laminated together. Each foil (100, 102) has a flexible electrically conductive pattern layer (104) and LED units (106) distributed over the foil (100, 102), the LED units (106) being electrically contacted with the contact pattern (104). The LED units (106) of a foil (100, 102) are positioned between positions of the LED units (106) of the other foils. At least one foil of the multilayer structure (10), towards which at least one of the LED units (106) is configured to radiate light, is transparent to the light. Brightness of the LED units (106) is at least foil- specifically controllable with operational electric power fed to the foils (100, 102) through the contact pattern (104). The LED units (106) of at least one foil (100, 102) are of a different tone or color or are controlled to output a different tone or color than the ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AU2013100835A4

A smart LED lighting device with light color automatically changeable comprises a LED lighting component, a driving motor, and a rotary light filtering member. The LED lighting component has a light emitting surface. The rotary light filtering member is connected with the driving motor. The rotary light filtering member covers the light emitting surface of the LED lighting component, and the rotary light filtering member has a plurality of filtering color portions arranged on a rotation path facing toward the light emitting surface. Thereby the color of the light from the light source is changeable to be more applicable in the situation of environment change and to be more suitable for the requirement of use, and thus the smart LED lighting device of the present innovation provides an appropriate lighting effect and can be applied broadly. 31c 31 31b ...

21-05-2002 дата публикации

Light projector

Номер: AU0003953202A

17-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002106992A

23-10-2001 дата публикации

Portable illumination device

Номер: AU0005319001A

28-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001148914A1

14-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002760122C

Illumination devices (10), systems and methods that convert an alternating current (AC) supply (14) to a direct current (DC) for powering a plurality of light emitting diodes (LEDs) are disclosed. An illumination device (10) comprises a full wave rectifier (12) for converting the AC supply into a direct current (DC). A current limiting diode (CLD) module (16), comprising at least two CLDs coupled in parallel, is coupled in series to an output of the full wave rectifier and a light emitting diode (LED) module (18) comprising a plurality of LEDs is coupled in series between an output of the CLD module (16) and the full wave rectifier (12).

11-12-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001277605C

An opto-electronic arrangement for line-by-line scanning of color originals in reproduction technology by means of photodiodes as the opto-electronic transducers characterized by a light source with a condenser system whose light is projected at a fiber-optical shape converter, whose output cross section forms a linear optical pattern which is focussed further by a cylindrical lens into a band shape onto the original. In one embodiment, a filter wheel is provided between the light source and shape converter and in another embodiment the photodiodes are provided with dichroitic filters for selecting the color of the light received from the original into desired colored patterns. In another modification, the first cylindrical lens focusses the light onto a diffusing element and then a second cylindrical lens is present for focussing the light from the diffusing element directly onto the original. The light from the original is preferably received either by a macrolens and focussed onto the ...

31-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1059481A

ILLUMINATED PROPELLER DECORATIVE LIGHT A decorative light assembly comprises a battery shell having a hollow axle member attached to one end, the axle having light transmitting areas circumferentially spaced about its periphery and a propeller assembly rotatably secured to an outer circumference of the axle member. The propeller assembly includes propeller blade elements having light transmitting portions or the blade elements may be entirely constructed of light transmitting material. The blade elements are joined to a propeller hub which includes light transmitting areas where the propeller blades and hub are joined together. The hub is disposed over the portion of the axle member including the light transmitting areas, so that illumination from an energized light source within the axle member is transmitted through each propeller blade when the blade is radially aligned with a light transmitting area of the axle member. Different colored light filters may be provided in each light transmitting ...

07-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002644034A1
Принадлежит: MILTONS LLP/S.R.L.

03-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002922102A1

A lighting arrangement (2) having a control input (4) for a control variable (6) and having a luminaire (10) as a multicoloured luminaire having an input interface (14b) for a colour variable (16) and a brightness variable (20) contains a control unit (24) having an output interface (14a) for the colour variable (16) and the brightness variable (20), wherein the control unit (24) assigns a brightness value (22) and a colour value (18) to a received control value (8) on the basis of a mapping rule (26). A vehicle (52) contains such a lighting device (2). A method for converting a vehicle (52) having a light control infrastructure (56) for connecting luminaires (10) to a control output (58) for a single control variable (6) involves such a lighting device (2) being connected to the control output (58).

15-08-1930 дата публикации

Dispositif d'illumination avec variation de couleurs.

Номер: CH0000141681A

31-05-1947 дата публикации

Dispositif d'éclairage.

Номер: CH0000248959A

15-06-1956 дата публикации

Appareil d'éclairage par tubes fluorescents

Номер: CH0000314478A

15-11-1966 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Erzielung von Beleuchtungseffekten

Номер: CH0000423584A

15-03-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000546921A

30-06-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000563550A5

31-10-2017 дата публикации

A light system with control by the operating device by means of pulse width modulation.

Номер: CH0000712390A2

Die speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung des erfindungsgemässen Leuchtensystems dient für mindestens zwei Leuchtmittel/LED-Ketten (11, 12), sodass diese asynchron ansteuerbar bzw. regulierbar sind. So werden anhand der Ansteuerung des Betriebsgeräts (2) in Abhängigkeit von dessen sekundärem PWM-Signal (6) die verschiedenen LED-Ketten (11,12) spezifisch asynchron gesteuert bzw. mittels PWM-Signal (13) der speicherprogrammierbaren Steuereinheit (Controlling Unit) (8) gedimmt. Somit hat die Verwendung verschiedenfarbiger LED-Ketten beim Dimmen des Betriebsgeräts (2) eine Reduktion der Lichtintensität des LED-Moduls (3) und zugleich eine Farbverschiebung des Lichts zur Folge.

15-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000675013A5
Принадлежит: LIGHT & SOUND OY

A colour filter cell, by means of which it is possible to provide a light beam passed through the cell with a desired shade of colour by changing the light transmission angle in the cell. The filter cell consists of elements (9), in which three colour filters (1, 2, 3) are combined with each other so that the filters form a nearly right angle with respect to each other.

14-10-2011 дата публикации

Method for emitting filament lamp-like light by LED lamp, involves controlling LEDs with different color temperatures independent of each other such that temperatures and mixed light outputs of LEDs are considered during dimming of lamp

Номер: CH0000702973A2

The method involves mixing light outputs of two LEDs (4, 5) with different color temperatures, where one of the LEDs emits light of low color temperature and the other LED emits light of high color temperature. The LEDs are controlled independent of each other such that the color temperatures and the mixed light outputs of the LEDs are considered during dimming of a LED lamp. Operating current of the LEDs is controlled by a controller (7) during dimming of the LED lamp, and radiation power of the LED lamp is adjusted by an input device (6).

31-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000687890C1
Принадлежит: ROSSET JAMES

14-03-1997 дата публикации

Projector color changer.

Номер: CH0000687890A5

31-12-2010 дата публикации

Lighting system for e.g. jewelry article display shelf, has static light sources, where each static light source emits different primary color so as to obtain color palette by reflection and scattering of light from article

Номер: CH0000701348A1

The system has movable light sources e.g. movable cool white LED and movable warm white LED, a static cool white LED (7f), a static warm white LED (7c) and static light sources (8b, 8r, 8v) for illuminating a glittering article (3) arranged on a display shelf (2). The movable light sources are arranged in zenithal position and are animated by rotary, linear and/or random movement. Each static light source emits a different primary color e.g. blue color, green color and red color, so as to obtain a color palette by reflection and scattering of light from the article.

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Lighting system jewels with moving light sources.

Номер: CH0000701348B1

Système déclairage dun présentoir (2) destiné à recevoir un article susceptible de scintiller (3) tel quun article de joaillerie, un article dhorlogerie, ou une pièce artisanale. Le système déclairage comporte plusieurs sources lumineuses statiques et mobiles (6c, 6f, 7c, 7f, 8b, 8r, 8v) pour venir illuminer un article (3) agencé sur le présentoir (2). Les sources lumineuses mobiles (6c, 6f) sont agencées de manière à pouvoir être animées par un mouvement linéaire et/ou rotatif. Le système déclairage comporte en outre au moins trois sources lumineuses (8b, 8r, 8v) agencées pour émettre chacune une couleur primaire différente afin dobtenir par réflexion et dispersion de la lumière provenant dun article exposé une palette de couleurs comparable à celle obtenue par la réflexion et la dispersion des rayons naturelles du soleil.

15-02-2011 дата публикации

Illumination device i.e. surface-emitting diode for use as decorative element, has front panel covering light radiation opening in housing, where front panel is formed in single- or multi-color or provided with colored pattern

Номер: CH0000701632A2

The device has a light source arranged in a housing (1) with a light radiation opening that is covered by a partially transparent front panel (2). The housing has a relative surface shape with reduced depth with respect to dimensions of the opening. The light source is formed as an intensive light source with luminosity of 6000 lumens, and the front panel is formed in single- or multi-color or provided with a colored pattern. The front panel is detachably attached at the housing without requiring tools.

25-07-2017 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000118319U

11-03-2019 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000132604U

27-02-2017 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000113611C2

09-12-2015 дата публикации

LED ceiling lamp

Номер: CN0105135350A

25-07-2017 дата публикации

Gripping-force-adjustable hand-muscle developer

Номер: CN0106975199A

26-07-2019 дата публикации

LED lamp capable of dissipating heat efficiently

Номер: CN0209165267U

07-07-2017 дата публикации

Light beam lamp with prism laminated structure

Номер: CN0206310435U

17-06-2009 дата публикации

Colored and white light generating lighting device

Номер: CN0101460778A

A lighting device for generating colored and white light. According to the invention the lighting device comprises at least one light source (1, 4) emitting blue or ultraviolet light and a color conversion unit (2, 5) for converting said blue or ultraviolet light into visible light comprising at least two sections (2a, 2b, 2c, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d), at least one section (2c, 6d) of which being a transparent or translucent color converting section, said color conversion unit (2, 5) being arranged for alternately illuminating said at least two sections (2a, 2b, 2c, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d) with said blue or ultraviolet light, said at least one color converting section containing luminescent material, wherein said luminescent material is a luminescent organic dye in a polymer matrix or a crystalline inorganic luminescent material.

22-08-2012 дата публикации

Color-changing colorful lamp

Номер: CN0202392678U

29-05-2018 дата публикации

Outdoor laser lamp

Номер: CN0207422090U

21-10-2015 дата публикации

Color lamp flower disc

Номер: CN0204717585U

The utility model provides a color lamp flower disc, including red light, green light, purple lamp, amber light, blue lamp, white lamp, lamp line, controller in the time of within a definite time, flower disc, support frame, its characterized in that: be equipped with the red light on the support frame of this flower disc, the green light, purple lamp, the amber light, blue lamp, white lamp, on the surface of flower disc, controller in the time of between the configuration, the lamp line is the red light, green light, purple lamp, amber light, blue lamp, white lamp between and the time controller connect, form closed -loop, set up switch and battery in the time of within a definite time in the controller. Through above setting, color lamp flower disc is in between the time controller control under, the red light, the green light, purple lamp, the amber light, blue lamp, white lamp are luminous in proper order, make the people pleasing.

13-11-2018 дата публикации

Stage lamp with developments scene switch structure

Номер: CN0208090580U

03-08-2016 дата публикации

Rotation type neon lamp

Номер: CN0205424817U
Автор: MA MING'E, Ma Ming'e

13-12-2019 дата публикации

Decorative lamp with optical structure

Номер: CN0209782481U

29-07-2015 дата публикации

Polychrome lamp area

Номер: CN204513068U

26-04-2017 дата публикации

Multi -functional electronic candle

Номер: CN0206130661U

17-10-2017 дата публикации

Rotatable LED down lamp

Номер: CN0206563260U

04-06-2014 дата публикации

OLED (organic light emitting diode) device for high mounted stop lamp

Номер: CN0203628509U

16-12-2015 дата публикации

Optical system of stage lamps and lanterns

Номер: CN0204879936U

Optical system of stage lamps and lanterns includes LED banks spare and optical components, and this optical components includes pattern dish, colour dish, collector lens and focusing lens, LED banks spare and optical components all install in the shell of stage lamps and lanterns, and focusing lens, collector lens, colour dish and pattern coil gap digit in the top of LED banks spare in proper order, this focusing lens is enclosed by first income light concave surface, anchor ring and first light -emitting convex surface, and the lower edge of anchor ring is connected to first income light concave surface, and the reason that goes up of anchor ring connects first light convex surface. The utility model discloses a light that LED banks spare sent sees through pattern dish, colour dish, collector lens and focusing lens in proper order and forms light effect, and wherein, the first income light concave surface of focusing lens and second light -emitting convex surface are set a camera and ...

08-01-2014 дата публикации

Sun jar

Номер: CN0203384852U

18-11-2015 дата публикации

Electron base plate improvement structure of lamp body

Номер: CN0204786138U

The utility model provides an electron base plate improvement structure of lamp body, this lamp body have an electron base plate, be provided with a plurality of light -emitting component and a plurality of the 2nd light -emitting component on the electronics base plate, a light -emitting component, the 2nd light -emitting component are different luminous colours respectively to every light -emitting component is provided with a first face that throws, and every the 2nd light -emitting component is provided with a second and throws the face, the second throw the face with first contained angle circle that throws the face is between 70-120 degrees, consequently, can produce the gradually colour visual sensation of laminar, messenger's multiplicable situation effect, enhancement delight of life and construction ambiance.

08-01-2014 дата публикации

LED colored lamp

Номер: CN0203384866U

12-10-2018 дата публикации

Dynamic group closes lamps and lanterns

Номер: CN0207962497U

09-12-2015 дата публикации

Luminous type floor tile structure

Номер: CN0204849531U

The utility model discloses a luminous type floor tile structure, include: first calcination floor tile base member and second calcination floor tile base member, first calcination floor tile base member be last, and second calcination floor tile base member is under, combine together through the mucigel between first calcination floor tile base member and the second calcination floor tile base member, netted anti crack layer has been inlayed to mucigel inside, it has a plurality of parallel arrangement's strip -shaped groove to distribute on the first calcination floor tile base member upper surface, strip -shaped groove inside has the circuit substrate, be connected with a plurality of LED lamp pearls on the circuit substrate, strip -shaped groove's opening part is lived through the rectangular shape glass lid of assorted with it, and gap department seals through sealed glue, strip -shaped groove's both ends have the conductor wire to wear out, and have seal structure. In this way, the ...

22-12-2020 дата публикации

Номер: CN0212204378U

19-06-2020 дата публикации

Multi-layer CMY color mixing system and light path system

Номер: CN0107842814B

11-06-2019 дата публикации

A pattern variable full color

Номер: CN0106287554B

09-10-2018 дата публикации

Special many light sources multicolour LED lamp of institute

Номер: CN0207945626U

29-03-2019 дата публикации

Paint-from-life lamp for art

Номер: CN0109532313A

07-09-2005 дата публикации

Light beam projector with a filter assembly capable of rotating around its axes

Номер: CN0001666063A

16-02-2005 дата публикации

Automotive lamp

Номер: CN0001582375A

09-03-2016 дата публикации

Multifunctional ceiling lamp

Номер: CN0105387420A

03-07-2020 дата публикации

Interactive performance stage

Номер: CN0111364813A

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278173A1

A system and method for accenting regions of a layer including a lighting system including a plurality of light sources operable to emit polychromatic light and a layer having two or more regions configured to diffusively scatter light within a wavelength range while absorbing light not within the wavelength range. The regions may be configured to represent recognizable characters or images, and may form a sequence. The lighting system may highlight the regions individually or simultaneously. The layer may be attachable to a surface and may further include non-highlighted regions. The system may also include appliqués applied to a surface and a cover layer transparent to certain wavelengths of light that the appliqués scatter. 1. A system for accenting a region of a layer comprising:a lighting system comprising a plurality of light sources; anda layer configured to be applied to a surface of a structure, the layer comprising a first region having a first surface scatter profile and a second region having a second surface scatter profile;wherein the light emitted by the plurality of light sources combines to form a polychromatic combined light;wherein the first surface scatter profile is configured to diffusively scatter a combined light including a first wavelength;wherein the second surface scatter profile is configured to diffusively scatter a combined light including a second wavelength; andwherein the combined light is at least one of a first polychromatic light including the first wavelength and excluding the second wavelength and a second polychromatic light including the second wavelength and excluding the first wavelength.2. A system according to wherein the layer comprises a pseudo-random pattern including the first region and the second region.3. A system according to wherein the first region is configured to depict a first image; and wherein the second region is configured to depict a second image.4. A system according to wherein the second image is a ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Controlling Diffusion and Color of a Light Beam

Номер: US20140085901A1
Автор: Jack Calmes
Принадлежит: Syncrolite LLC

A light fixture includes a light source, a first flexible material coupled to a first scrolling mechanism, and a second flexible material coupled to a second scrolling mechanism. The first flexible material includes a first pattern generator and the first scrolling mechanism is operable to move the first pattern generator from a first position to a second position in a beam of light from the light source. The second flexible material includes a second pattern generator and the second scrolling mechanism is operable to move the second pattern generator to a third position in the beam of light. A changing pattern is produced in the beam of light.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010749A1

According to one embodiment, an illumination system includes a plurality of white light sources that satisfies −0.2≦[(P(λ)×V(λ))/(P(λmax)×V(λmax))−(B(λ)×V(λ))/(B(λmax)×V(λmax))]≦+0.2 where P(λ) is an emission spectrum of a white light source having a specific color temperature, B(λ) is an emission spectrum of black body radiation having a corresponding color temperature, V(λ) is a spectrum of spectral luminous efficiency, λmax is a wavelength at which P(λ)×V(λ) becomes maximum, and λmax is a wavelength at which B(λ)×V(λ) becomes maximum. The respective white light sources have different color temperatures, and light from the respective white light sources is irradiated from different directions to a target. 1112212. An illumination system comprising a plurality of white light sources that satisfies a relationship of −0.2≦[(P(λ)×V(λ))/(P(λmax)×V(λmax))−(B(λ)×V(λ)/(B(λmax)×V(λmax))]≦+0.2 where P(λ) is an emission spectrum of a white light source having a specific color temperature on a black-body locus , B(λ) is an emission spectrum of black body radiation having a corresponding color temperature , V(λ) is a spectrum of spectral luminous efficiency , λmax is a wavelength at which P(λ)×V(λ) becomes maximum , and λmax is a wavelength at which B(λ)×V(λ) becomes maximum , wherein the respective white light sources are the white light sources that have different color temperatures , and light from the respective white light sources is irradiated from different directions to a target.2. The illumination system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of white light sources are the plurality of white light sources that irradiate the light from a position higher than the target in front of the target claim 1 , and the following Equation (1) or the following Equation (2) are satisfied:{'br': None, 'b': '1', '0 Подробнее

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Theatre light comprising of a plurality of remotely positionable light emitting modules

Номер: US20150016106A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A theatre lighting apparatus including a plurality of light emitting modules or light emitting devices contained within a lamp housing each having a remotely controllable pan and tilt axis. The theatre lighting apparatus is also capable of remotely positioning the lamp housing containing the plurality of light emitting modules. The theatre lighting apparatus may include a base, and the lamp housing. The plurality of light emitting devices may include a first light emitting device which is individually remotely positionable to project a first light in a first direction, a second light emitting device which is individually remotely positionable to project a second light in a second direction, and a third light emitting device which is individually remotely positionable to project a third light in a third direction. The first direction, the second direction, and the third direction may be different from each other.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Light exposure apparatus

Номер: US20190030360A1
Автор: Tomoya Iwahashi

A light exposure apparatus emits light which activates the body of the user. The light exposure apparatus includes a blue light source which emits blue light and a red light source which emits red light. The light includes blue light and red light. Blue light has a peak wavelength in a range from 445 nm to 500 nm. Red light has a peak wavelength in a range from 600 nm to 680 nm. The intensity of the peak wavelength of blue light is the strongest in the spectrum of the light, and the intensity of the peak wavelength of red light is the second strongest in the spectrum of the light. The relative intensity of the peak wavelength of the red light with respect to the peak wavelength of the blue light is in a range from 0.1 to 0.5 inclusive.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032876A1
Автор: JAN Sung Won

A lighting lamp device has an LED provided therein to light up the surroundings and cause an induced current flow in a battery built in an electronic device disposed at an upper end thereof, to charge the battery. The lighting lamp device includes a main body made of a transparent or translucent material of which the top and bottom are open; a cover coupled to the opened upper end of the main body, forming a wireless charging zone in which a battery built in an electronic device disposed on the upper end can be charged; and a support plate coupled to the opened lower end of the main body, and embedded therein, a power supply means and a printed circuit board having a plurality of LEDs for receiving power from the power supply means and emitting light at the upper surface of the printed circuit board. 1. A lighting lamp device comprising:a main body made of a transparent or translucent material and of which the top and bottom are opened;a cover coupled to the opened upper end of the main body, and forming a wireless charging zone in which a battery built in an electronic device disposed on the upper end can be charged; anda support plate coupled to the opened lower end of the main body, and having, embedded therein, a power supply means for supplying power and a printed circuit board having a plurality of LEDs for receiving power from the power supply means and emitting light at the upper surface of the printed circuit board.2. The lighting lamp device according to claim 1 , wherein the cover includes:a coupling part coupled to the main body by rotationally fitting the coupling part to an upper end portion on the inside of the main body; anda charging part coupled to the upper end of the coupling part and charging the battery built in the electronic device disposed on the upper end by inducing an induction current in the battery by any one method of electromagnetic induction, magnetic resonance or electromagnetic wave methods.3. The lighting lamp device according to ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190036002A1

Embodiments of the invention include piezoelectrically driven switches that are used for modifying a background color or light source color in display systems, and methods of forming such devices. In an embodiment, a piezoelectrically actuated switch for modulating a background color in a display may include a photonic crystal that has a plurality of blinds oriented substantially perpendicular to a surface of the display. In an embodiment, the blinds include a black surface and a white surface. The switch may also include an anchor spaced away from an edge of the photonic crystal and a piezoelectric actuator formed on the surface of the anchor and a surface of the photonic crystal. Some embodiments may include a photonic crystal that is a multi-layer polymeric structure or a polymer chain with a plurality of nanoparticles spaced at regular intervals on the polymer chain. 1. A piezoelectrically actuated switch for modulating a background color in a display , comprising:a photonic crystal that has a plurality of blinds oriented substantially perpendicular to a surface of the display, wherein the blinds include a first surface and a second surface;an anchor spaced away from an edge of the photonic crystal; anda piezoelectric actuator formed on the surface of the anchor and a surface of the photonic crystal.2. The piezoelectrically actuated switch of claim 1 , wherein the blinds are spaced apart from each other by a transparent film.3. The piezoelectrically actuated switch of claim 2 , wherein the blinds have a thickness less than approximately 1 μm.4. The piezoelectrically actuated switch of claim 3 , wherein the blinds have a thickness of approximately 0.1 μm.5. The piezoelectrically actuated switch of claim 1 , wherein the first surfaces of the blinds are black surfaces claim 1 , and wherein the second surfaces of the blinds are white or reflective surfaces.6. The piezoelectrically actuated switch of claim 5 , wherein the black surfaces are a carbon black filled ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Lampshade And Luminaire Using same

Номер: US20170038019A1
Автор: Yuan Shi Qiang

An improved luminaire connects a light-redirecting layer between a fixture body and a lampshade to eliminate the need for shielding plates. Illumination sources mounted to the fixture body emit light that is aimed at the light-redirecting layer. The light redirecting layer, for example a plurality of faceted ornaments such as rhinestones, reflects and refracts the light. The light ultimately leaves the luminaire through the transparent lampshade. The reflections and refractions caused by the light-redirecting layer create a visually appealing multicolored effect which changes according to the viewing angle of an observer. The improved luminaire provides increased efficiency, decreased light loss, and improved quality of lighting as compared to luminaires that use a shielding plate. 1. A lighting fixture comprises:a fixture body;a lampshade;a plurality of illumination sources;a light-redirecting layer;the lampshade being adjacently attached to the fixture body;the plurality of illumination sources being housed within the fixture body; andthe light-redirecting layer being attached between the fixture body and the lampshade.2. The lighting fixture as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the light-redirecting layer reflects light.3. The lighting fixture as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the light-redirecting layer refracts light.4. The lighting fixture as claimed in comprises:the light-redirecting layer comprises a plurality of faceted ornaments.5. The lighting fixture as claimed in comprises:the plurality of faceted ornaments being adjacently connected atop the lampshade.6. The lighting fixture as claimed in comprises:the plurality of faceted ornaments being a plurality of rhinestones.7. The lighting fixture as claimed in comprises:each of the plurality of faceted ornaments comprises a plurality of facets.8. The lighting fixture as claimed in comprises:the fixture body comprises a base surface and a lateral surface;the lateral surface being perimetrically connected to the base ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041034A1

A filter includes a first filter having a recess, and a second filter made of a material different from that of the first filter. The second filter has a housed portion to be housed in the recess of the first filter such that the second filter is removable relative to the first filter. The housed portion of the second filter may correspond to either the entirety or a portion of the second filter. This structure facilitates formation of the filter having a simple structure and implementation of desired light distribution of two or more different light beams. 1. A filter comprising:a first filter having at least either one of a recess and a through hole; anda second filter made of a material different from a material of the first filter and having a housed portion to be housed in the recess or the through hole of the first filter such that the second filter is removable relative to the first filter.2. The filter according to claim 1 , whereinthe first filter and the second filter contain the same kind of colorant, anda content ratio of the colorant of the first filter differs from a content ratio of the colorant of the second filter.3. The filter according to claim 1 , wherein the first filter has a ring shape.4. The filter according to claim 3 , whereinthe second filter has a central axis,the second filter is at least partially housed in the through hole of the first filter,each of a front surface of the second filter on one side of the second filter in an axial direction of the second filter and a rear surface of the second filter on another side of the second filter in the axial direction has a round shape, andthe front surface has a diameter different from a diameter of the rear surface.5. The filter according to claim 3 , whereinthe through hole of the first filter has a truncated conical inner circumferential surface having a truncated conical shape that becomes smaller in diameter toward a front side of the filter,the second filter has a truncated conical outer ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Adaptive Ambiance Lighting

Номер: US20200041082A1

A lighting fixture includes a light source configured to emit a light toward an area. The lighting fixture further includes a receiver configured to receive an image of the area. The lighting fixture also includes a controller device configured to adjust a color or a color temperature of the light emitted based on at least color content of the image. 1. A lighting fixture , comprising:a light source configured to emit a light toward an area;a receiver configured to receive an image of the area; anda controller device configured to adjust a color or a color temperature of the light based on at least color content of the image.2. The lighting fixture of claim 1 , wherein the controller device is configured to determine the color content of the image.3. The lighting fixture of claim 1 , wherein the controller device is configured to receive the color content of the image from a server.4. The lighting fixture of claim 3 , wherein the controller device is configured to transmit the image to the server for the server to determine the color content of the image.5. The lighting fixture of claim 1 , wherein the controller device is configured to adjust the color or the color temperature of the light in response to a command received from a remote control device.6. The lighting fixture of claim 5 , wherein the receiver is configured to receive the image of the area from the remote control device.7. The lighting fixture of claim 5 , wherein claim 5 , prior to the image of the area being captured claim 5 , the controller device is configured to adjust the light to reduce an impact of the light on the image of the area in response to a command received from a remote control device.8. The lighting fixture of claim 5 , wherein the controller device is further configured to adjust a dim level of the light based on the color content of the image.9. The lighting fixture of claim 1 , wherein the controller device is configured to adjust the color or the color temperature of the light ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Tire wear detection apparatus and related methods

Номер: US20190047330A1

Tire wear detection apparatus and related methods are disclosed. An example vehicle includes a tire including a wear bar coupled thereto. The example vehicle also includes a light source to emit a light and means for directing the light to the tire. At least a portion of the wear bar is to glow when exposed to the light.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200053845A1
Автор: Zhang Qian
Принадлежит: Verdant Lighting Technology, Inc.

Lighting system having a plurality light emitting diodes, wherein each of the light emitting diodes is configured to output light in a predetermined color bands and is arranged in a corresponding group according to the predetermined color bands. A plurality of power output controllers, each of the plurality of power output controllers configured to output a predetermined power level to the corresponding group of light emitting diodes and a master controller coupled to the plurality of output controllers and operable to synchronize the plurality of output controllers. The master controller operable to receive data from a remote device indicating a desired duty cycle, cycle period, and phase shift of the output power relative to one another. 1. A lighting system comprising:a plurality of light emitting diodes, wherein each of the light emitting diodes is configured to output light in a predetermined color band and is arranged in a corresponding group according to the predetermined color band;a plurality of output controllers, each of the plurality of output controllers operable to adjust output power to one of the corresponding groups of light emitting diodes;a master controller coupled to the plurality of output controllers and operable to synchronize the plurality of output controllers, wherein the master controller is operable to receive data from a remote device indicating a desired duty cycle, cycle period, and phase shift of the output power relative to one another.2. The light system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of power output controllers consists of three controllers claim 1 , each corresponding to a different color band.3. The lighting system as recited in claim 2 , wherein the different color bands define a cluster of frequency bans in the light spectrum with a peak frequency corresponding to wavelengths consist of about 450 nanometers claim 2 , about 525 nanometers claim 2 , and about 650 nanometers.4. The light system as recited in claim ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Lighting device

Номер: US20190056078A1
Принадлежит: Signify Holding BV

A lighting device comprising a grid sheet carrier 3 mounted via its border 4 on a base part and having an open surface area 5 of a plurality of openings 7 and having carrier material 9 surrounding said openings. The carrier material 9 being arranged in a two-dimensional, first pattern 11. The lighting device further comprises a plurality of LEDs 13 mounted on one main face 15 of the carrier material 9 and arranged in a two-dimensional, second pattern 17. The second pattern 17 is coinciding with the first pattern 11 when superimposed and the second pattern 17 is at least a sub-pattern of the first pattern 11. Furthermore, R is a ratio between the plurality of LEDs 13 and the plurality of openings 7, wherein R>=3.

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Led down lamp with replaceable color temperature filter

Номер: US20140140053A1

A light emitting diode (LED) down lamp with a replaceable color temperature filter uses a plurality of blue LEDs as a light source and includes a color temperature filter and a fixing ring. The color temperature filter is installed across the top of the down lamp to apart cover the LEDs with a distance, and then fixed by the fixing ring. Therefore, the color temperature filter can be replaced flexibly with other one in different color temperature one by removing or assembling the fixing ring to change the light projected from the LEDs into different color tone for fitting studio, stage or indoor space applications. Such lamp achieves the effects of enhancing the illumination function of a single down lamp, reducing the inventory cost and improving the practicality.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080879A1

Aspects of the disclosure provide for displaying notifications on a display of an autonomous vehicle. In one instance, a distance from the vehicle to a destination of the vehicle or a passenger may be determined. When the distance is between a first distance and a second distance, a first notification may be displayed on the display. The second distance may be less than the first distance. When the distance is less than the second distance, a second notification may be displayed on the display. The second notification provides additional information not provided by the first notification. 1. A method of displaying notifications on a display of an autonomous vehicle , the method comprising:determining, by one or more processors of the vehicle, when the vehicle is between a first distance and a second distance of a location, the location being a destination for the vehicle or a location of a passenger;when the vehicle is determined to be between the first distance and the second distance of the location, displaying, by the one or more processors, on the display a first notification, the second distance being less than the first distance;determining, by one or more processors of the vehicle, when the vehicle is less than the second distance from the location; andwhen the vehicle is determined to be less than the second distance from the location, displaying, by the one or more processors, on the display a second notification, wherein the second notification provides additional information not provided by the first notification.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first notification includes a color which identifies the vehicle to the passenger.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first notification does not include alphanumeric characters.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the second notification includes the color with alphanumeric characters claim 2 , wherein the alphanumeric characters provide the additional information.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150070936A1
Автор: CHIEN Tseng-Lu

An LED night light having different power sources including a battery, outlet plug-in power source, or interchangeable power source incorporates geometric shape optics means(es) has more than one reflective means(es) which has relative positions, distances, and/or orientations to create plurality of light beams reflect or retro-reflective by more than one reflector means(s), so the light beam(s) of the said LED or LEDs will reflective and pass though the said more than one reflectors' optics means(es) project to surface(s) surrounding including ceiling, walls, floor and all desire areas. At least one of the optics means has see-though and reflective surface(s) to permit the plurality of LED or LEDs light beam(s) passing through the optics means and also plurality of LED or LEDs light beam reflective within the optics means's reflective surface, An LED light device having power and cost saving features is optional be selected or be provided. 1. An LED light having more than one reflective means to project image comprising:at least one LED;at least one of partial transparency geometric shape of optics means has more than one reflective means and its optics-properties surface; andThe said reflective means having a reflecting surface for reflecting light from the said LED or LEDs. The said optic-means also has more than one of light beam passing though surface(s) to allow light beam passing through and project to surrounding surface(s) including ceiling, walls, other surfaces(es) while install on desk-top or plug-into wall outlets or extension cords or connect with the power source. The LED or LEDs can be selected from any combination of single color, multiple color, multiple piece, standard, and special LED assemblies, LED number from 1 to N (N can be any number) to arrange in desire matrix spacing which available on the market.The LED or LEDs can be selected from any combination of single color, multiple color, multiple piece, standard, and special LED assemblies, LED ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Led plug-in or usb wired light has more than one optics means has reflective or/and refractive properties to create wider viewing angle range image

Номер: US20150070937A1
Автор: Tseng-Lu Chien
Принадлежит: Individual

An LED light having different power sources including a battery, outlet plug-in power source, or interchangeable power source or USB-means power source, incorporates more than one of geometric shape optics means(es) which any one of optics means may has more than one reflective or refractive means(es) which has relative positions, distances, and/or orientations to LEDs and create plurality of light beams reflect or retro-reflective or refractive by more than one reflector or refractor means(s), so the light beam(s) of the said LED or LEDs will reflective or/and refractive pass though the said more than one optics means(es) to create or project image, message, time, geometric art, nature scene, galaxy, milky way, sky, cloud, starts, moon, water-wave, aurora light, animal, characters, cartoon, sign, logo, commercial to surface(s) surrounding including ceiling, walls, floor and all desire areas with wider view angle image. At least one of the optics means has see-though and reflective or refraction surface(s) to permit the plurality of LED or LEDs light beam(s) passing through the optics means and also plurality of LED or LEDs light beam travel within or passing the optics means's reflective or refraction surface. An LED light device having power and cost saving features is optional be selected or be provided.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072423A1
Принадлежит: Custom Molded Products, Inc.

A low profile, lighted waterfall apparatus for producing a sufficiently lit artificial waterfall having a light source chamber, distal to a waterfall slot/primary outlet and substantially aligned on the same plane therewith, and a port for accessing the light source, such that the light source can be easily accessed, inserted, removed, and/or replaced. The light source chamber having a transparent, semi-transparent, or translucent divider to shine light towards and across the waterfall slot/primary opening via a grooved spreading manifold/area/passage. The grooved spreading manifold/area/passage configured to spread the flowing water, and direct the water as a fluid wave guide towards the waterfall slot/primary outlet. 1. A waterfall apparatus for producing an artificial waterfall comprising:a) a waterfall outlet for producing a waterfall, the waterfall outlet being on a front end of the waterfall apparatus, the waterfall outlet defined at least in part by a grooved spreading manifold forming, at least in part, a spreading passage, the waterfall outlet terminating in a horizontal waterfall slot through which water emanates from the waterfall apparatus via the spreading passage, the waterfall slot also being on the front end of the waterfall apparatus and having a horizontal width relative to the front end;b) a lighting unit;c) a chamber for containing the lighting unit, wherein the chamber is substantially aligned on the same plane as, and laterally displaced from, the waterfall slot, the chamber having a horizontal width also relative to the front end and that is substantially the same as the waterfall slot width, and wherein the chamber is defined by at least one side that is located between the chamber and the spreading passage, the at least one side comprising a material that allows light from the lighting unit to act upon at least one of water flowing through the spreading manifold and water emanating from the waterfall slot; andd) a port to the chamber for ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069500A1
Автор: Mangiardi John R.

An integrated control system for controlling components of a setting of a healthcare environment, the integrated control system including one or more wireless computing devices; one or more displays; a plurality of components of the setting, wherein at least one component of the plurality of components is an ozone sterilization system, an integrated air and lighting plenum, a surgical lighting system, a pass-through logistics cabinet, or a floor sterilization robot; and a server. The server includes a connection for connecting to a remote healthcare environment information system, and a receiver and a transmitter for communicating data between the plurality of components of the setting, medical equipment connected to one of the plurality of components, the remote healthcare environment information system, the one or more wireless computing devices and the one or more displays. 194-. (canceled)95. An integrated control system for controlling components of a setting of a healthcare environment , the integrated control system comprising:one or more wireless computing devices;one or more displays;a plurality of components of the setting, wherein at least one component of the plurality of components is a member selected from the group consisting of an ozone sterilization system, an integrated air and lighting plenum, a surgical lighting system, a pass-through logistics cabinet, and a floor sterilization robot; and a connection for connecting to a remote healthcare environment information system, and', 'a receiver and a transmitter for communicating data between the plurality of components of the setting, medical equipment connected to one of the plurality of components, the remote healthcare environment information system, the one or more wireless computing devices and the one or more displays., 'a server comprising96. The system according to claim 95 , wherein the remote healthcare environment information system is a database.97. The system according to claim 95 , ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Color filter pair with comb-like filter characteristics having non-parallel teeth

Номер: US20190078742A1
Принадлежит: Harman Professional Denmark ApS

A filter assembly with a color filter pair for a light fixture comprising two color filters is provided, where the color filters are linear moveable relatively to each other in parallel planes by at least one actuator. Each of the colors filters comprise a color filtering region formed as a comb-like structure comprising plurality of elongated teeth where the elongated teeth of the color filters are angled in relation to the direction of movement of the color filters. Further, the angle between the elongated teeth of the same color filter is less than 10 degrees and the elongated teeth of the two color filters are non-parallel in relation to each other. A light fixture comprising a plurality of such color filter pairs is also described.

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080618A1
Автор: SONG Ho Lim
Принадлежит: FANLIGHT CO., LTD.

A wireless lighting control system is provided to create a lighting pattern by remotely controlling a plurality of lighting devices, thereby improving a lighting effect. The wireless lighting control system includes a first smart device to receive information necessary for generating a lighting control signal, a first lighting device electrically connected with the first smart device through to wirelessly transmit the lighting control signal, a second lighting device to receive the lighting control signal from the first lighting device to control a lighting unit based on the received lighting control signal, and a second smart device electrically connected with the second lighting device to control a display unit based on the lighting control signal. 1. A wireless lighting control system comprising:a first smart device configured to receive information necessary for generating a lighting control signal;a first lighting device connected with the first smart device through a wired communication scheme or a wireless communication scheme to wirelessly transmit the lighting control signal;a second lighting device configured to receive the lighting control signal from the first lighting device and to control a lighting unit based on the received lighting control signal; anda second smart device connected with the second lighting device through a wired communication scheme or a wireless communication scheme to control a display unit based on the lighting control signal.2. The wireless lighting control system of claim 1 , wherein the lighting control signal includes lighting unit control information necessary for controlling the lighting unit of the second lighting device and display unit control information necessary for controlling the display unit of the second smart device.3. The wireless lighting control system of claim 2 , wherein the lighting unit control information includes at least one of a light color claim 2 , a light brightness claim 2 , a light-on time claim 2 ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210086220A1

A volatile material dispenser includes a base that houses a printed circuit board, a stand assembly that is coupled with the base, the stand assembly including a platform, a stand that extends from the platform, and a manifold that extends from the stand, the manifold containing a circular piezoelectric element. The dispenser further includes a shroud that is coupled with the stand assembly and defines a chimney, and a refill comprising a wick, the refill being removably coupled with the manifold. The manifold includes a cylindrical wall that extends upward from the manifold, a spring is disposed within the manifold and is coaxial with the cylindrical wall, and a top end of the spring is wrapped around the cylindrical wall and a bottom end of the spring applies a force against the piezoelectric element. 1. A volatile material dispenser , comprising:a base that houses a printed circuit board;a stand assembly that is coupled with the base via one or more fastening mechanisms, the stand assembly including a platform, a stand that extends from the platform, and a manifold that extends from the stand; anda refill that is removably coupled with the manifold, the refill comprising a wick that defines a wick diameter (DW),wherein the manifold houses a piezoelectric element that defines an array of apertures and the array defines an array diameter (DA), andwherein a ratio of the wick diameter and the array diameter (DW/DA) is greater than 1.0.2. The volatile material dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the base further includes a low voltage port that is capable of being electrically coupled with a low voltage power source.3. The volatile material dispenser of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of LEDs are coupled with the printed circuit board.4. The volatile material dispenser of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of LEDs are configured to display a first color and a second color.5. The volatile material dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the manifold comprises a chassis and a crown claim ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180084626A1
Автор: SONG Ho Lim
Принадлежит: FANLIGHT CO., LTD.

A wireless lighting control system is provided to create a lighting pattern by remotely controlling a plurality of lighting devices according to groups, thereby improving a lighting effect. The wireless lighting control system includes a first lighting device electrically connected with a first smart device to act as a master, and a plurality of second lighting devices electrically connected with a plurality of second smart devices to act as slaves, respectively. If a group for lighting control and control pattern information according to groups are selected from the first smart device, the first lighting device transmits the control pattern information according to the groups to the second lighting devices through a wireless communication scheme. At least one of lighting units of the second lighting devices and display units of the second smart devices is controlled based on the control pattern information according to the groups. 1. A wireless lighting control system comprising:a first lighting device electrically connected with a first smart device to act as a master; anda plurality of second lighting devices electrically connected with a plurality of second smart devices to act as slaves, respectively,wherein, if a group for lighting control and control pattern information according to groups are set in the first smart device, the first lighting device transmits the control pattern information according to the groups to the second lighting devices through a wireless communication scheme, andwherein at least one of lighting units of the second lighting devices and display units of the second smart devices is controlled based on the control pattern information according to the groups.2. The wireless lighting control system of claim 1 , wherein the control pattern information includes at least one of control pattern information for the lighting unit of the second lighting device and control pattern information for the display unit of the second smart device.3. The ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200085662A1
Автор: Mangiardi John R.

An integrated and modular air and lighting plenum that is the primary directional lighting mounting apparatus and laminar flow diffuser of an HVAC system in a healthcare setting. The plenum provides laminar air flow from the ceiling to the room in which it is located in accordance with HVAC requirements for healthcare environment settings, by using a plurality of cylindrical airflow outlets. The use of cylindrical airflow outlets promotes laminar airflow by reducing sharp boundaries that induce turbulence (e.g., the corners of rectangular or square outlets) and creates a highly sterile environment around the patient and staff in the operating room. The surgical lights used in the integrated air and lighting plenum allow the beam direction, spot size, focal point, brightness, and color temperature of the emitted light to be controlled. 150-. (canceled)51. A surgical light for lighting a patient , comprising:a housing having a transparent cover;an outer circular arrangement of outer lighting arrays each comprising a plurality of lights, wherein the outer circular arrangement is adjustable;an inner circular arrangement of inner lighting arrays comprising a plurality of lights, wherein the inner circular arrangement is adjustable;a power connection;a data connection;a multi-axis gimbal apparatus disposed within the housing and connected to the outer circular arrangement and the inner circular arrangement; andat least one motor disposed within the housing to manipulate the gimbal system in order to adjust the outer circular arrangement and/or the inner circular arrangement.52. The surgical light according to claim 51 , wherein the transparent cover material is a member selected from the group consisting of a plastic claim 51 , an acrylic claim 51 , and a glass.53. The surgical light according to either claim 51 , wherein the at least one motor within the housing is operable to automatically tilt and/or rotate the outer circular arrangement and/or the inner circular ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200085663A1
Автор: Mangiardi John R.

A patient warming system for stabilizing and/or heating and cooling a patient includes a plurality of solid-surface sections arranged for attachment to a surgical table and a warming pad layer comprising a plurality of warming pads configured for removable connection to the plurality of solid-surface sections. At least one of the plurality of solid-surface sections includes a power connector for connection to an external power source. Each warming pad of the plurality of warming pads includes a foam insulation layer, a distributed heating element layer having a warming-pad power connection for connection to the power connector, an isothermal layer, and a flexible waterproof layer. Power supplied to the warming-pad power connection of the distributed heating element layer of the respective warming pad can be used to provide a user-selected uniform temperature over the surface of the flexible waterproof layer in order to prevent hot spots. 182-. (canceled)83. A patient warming system for stabilizing and/or heating and cooling a patient , comprising:a plurality of solid-surface sections arranged for attachment to a surgical table, that form a solid-surface layer, wherein at least one of the plurality of solid-surface sections comprises a power connector for connection to an external power source; and a foam insulation layer;', 'a distributed heating element layer having a warming-pad power connection for connection to the power connector;', 'an isothermal layer for maintaining uniform temperature across a surface area of the warming pad; and', 'a flexible waterproof layer that covers the foam insulation layer, distributed heating element layer, and isothermal layer, wherein power supplied to the warming-pad power connection of the distributed heating element layer of the respective warming pad is used to provide a user-selected uniform temperature over the surface of the flexible waterproof layer in order to prevent hot spots., 'a warming pad layer comprising a ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180094794A1
Автор: Datta Ashwin Nivas

The disclosed retractable, decorative, exterior LED lighting systems include a building mount coupled to a building structure, an actuator motor assembly coupled to the building mount, a control axle driven by the actuator motor assembly, a cogged rail driven by the control axle, and an LED rod (that includes LED lamps) coupled to the cogged rail. The LED rod has a revealed configuration in which the LED rod projects below an eave of the building structure, and a concealed configuration in which the LED rod is relatively closer to the building structure and hidden behind the eave. The cogged rail is driven perpendicular to the control axle (i.e., generally towards and away from the building structure) and is configured to transition the LED rod between the revealed configuration and the concealed configuration based upon displacement of the cogged rail by motion of the actuator motor assembly. 1. A retractable , decorative , exterior LED lighting system comprising:a building mount coupled to a building structure under an eave of the building structure;an actuator motor assembly coupled to the building mount;a control axle arranged horizontally and engaged with the actuator motor assembly to drive the control axle about a horizontal, longitudinal axis of the control axle, wherein the control axle includes a drive gear assembly;a cogged rail that is engaged with the drive gear assembly to drive the cogged rail perpendicular to the horizontal, longitudinal axis of the control axle; andan LED rod arranged horizontally and that includes a plurality of LED lamps, wherein the LED rod is coupled to the cogged rail, wherein the LED rod has a revealed configuration in which the LED rod projects under a lowest portion of the eave of the building structure, and a concealed configuration in which the LED rod is relatively closer to the building structure and above the lowest portion of the eave of the building structure, and wherein the cogged rail is configured to transition ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Spotlight comprising a support and at least one light module to produce a light beam and a light device comprising said spotlight

Номер: US20190093859A1
Автор: Yvan Peard
Принадлежит: Ayrton SAS

The present invention relates to a spotlight adapted for a light device, said spotlight comprising a support and at least one light module adapted for producing a light beam and comprising at least one light source, such as a light-emitting diode (LED) and an optical element, such as a lens.

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220168525A1

A respiratory ventilation device—configured to send an airflow, generated by a fan, into a duct that extends between the device and a breathing mask configured to be worn by a user—comprises an air inlet intended to admit air into the device; a fan; and an air outlet configured to be connected to the duct, such that, when the fan is in operation, the air flows from the air inlet successively toward the fan and then toward the air outlet. The device also comprises a flow rate sensor configured to measure a flow rate of air circulating through the device, and/or a pressure sensor configured to measure a pressure between the fan and the air outlet. A control unit is connected to the flow rate sensor and/or to the pressure sensor. The device also includes at least one source of light. 1. A respiratory ventilation device , configured to send an airflow , generated by a fan , into a duct , the duct extending between the device and a respiratory mask , configured to be worn by a user , the device comprising:an air inlet, intended to admit air into the device;a fan;an air outlet, the air outlet being configured to be connected to the duct; a flow sensor, configured to measure a flow rate of air flowing through the device, and/or a pressure sensor, configured to measure a pressure between the fan and the air outlet;', 'a control unit, connected to the flow sensor and/or to the pressure sensor;, 'such that when the fan is operating, air flows, through the device, from the air inlet successively to the fan then to the air outlet;'} the enclosure extending, around a longitudinal axis, between a base and a top;', 'the enclosure comprising a side wall connecting the base and the top, the side wall extending around the longitudinal axis;', 'the enclosure comprising at least one holder, forming a curve, and extending inside the enclosure, around the longitudinal axis, the holder being placed facing the side wall, the holder bearing a plurality of light sources, each light source ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Interchangeable molding designs and lighting panels

Номер: US20140185293A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A molding member may include at least one interchangeable panel that may be interchanged after the molding member has been installed to a support structure. The molding member may allow the molding design to be replaced to match the desired appearance of the room in which the molding is attached. Thus, the molding design may be interchanged without having to remove and reinstall new molding members. The molding design may include interchangeable lighting elements.

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160109080A1
Автор: FISSELL Jeremy

Provided is a skateboard wheel having a rotational axis and comprising a transparent or translucent wheel covering having a surface defined by revolving a continuous, smooth curve about the axis. The wheel comprises a wheel interior defined by the axis and the wheel covering and housing (i) a wheel generator that generates electricity, (ii) a plurality of light emitting devices electrically coupled to the generator so that they emit light when the generator generates electricity, and (iii) an installation board coupled to the generator and comprising a plurality of open-faced notches formed along a perimeter of the board and facing the wheel covering in a radial direction of the wheel. At least one light emitting device is received in a notch in the plurality of notches and is aligned in the radial direction of the wheel. 1. A skateboard wheel having a rotational axis and comprising: (i) a wheel generator configured to generate electricity,', '(ii) a plurality of open-faced notches radially formed along a perimeter within the housing, wherein each open-faced notch in the plurality of open-faced notches faces a radial direction of the wheel,', '(iii) a plurality of light emitting devices electrically coupled to the wheel generator, wherein the plurality of light emitting devices emit light when the wheel generator generates electricity and wherein at least one light emitting device in the plurality of light emitting devices is received in a notch in the plurality of notches and is aligned in a radial direction of the wheel., 'a transparent or translucent wheel covering that encompasses2. The skateboard wheel of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of light emitting devices comprises a plurality of light emitting diodes that claim 1 , when powered by electricity from the wheel generator claim 1 , emits a green light.3. The skateboard wheel of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of light emitting devices comprises a plurality of light emitting diodes that claim 1 , when powered ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210123589A1
Автор: Boomgaarden Mark

A lighting fixture includes a housing, a light source, and a diffuser. The light source is mounted in the housing. The diffuser is also mounted in the housing such that light emitted from the light source is provided through the diffuser towards an area of interest. The diffuser is configured such that a color of the diffuser is based on one or more characteristics of the light emitted from the light source. Providing the diffuser such that the color thereof is based on one or more characteristics of the light emitted from the light source allows the aesthetic appearance of the lighting fixture to be changed. Further, it allows the lighting fixture to better simulate outdoor environments. Finally, it allows the lighting fixture to convey information to individuals near the lighting fixture without being disruptive. 1. A lighting fixture comprising:a housing;a first light source mounted in the housing;a second light source mounted in the housing; anda diffuser mounted in the housing such that light emitted from the first light source is provided through the diffuser towards an area of interest, wherein the diffuser is configured such that a color of the diffuser is based on one or more characteristics of the light emitted from the first light source.2. The lighting fixture of wherein the light emitted from the first light source is for general illumination of the area of interest.3. The lighting fixture of wherein the first light source comprises one or more light emitting diodes.4. The lighting fixture of wherein:the diffuser comprises an array of diffusers;the first light source comprises an array of light emitting diodes;each one of the array of light emitting diodes corresponds to one of the array of diffusers; andlight emitted from each one of the array of light emitting diodes is provided towards the area of interest through a corresponding one of the array of diffusers.5. The lighting fixture of wherein a color of each one of the array of diffusers is based on ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Lighting fixture with touch-sensitive light emitting surface

Номер: US20150123569A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

Disclosed are methods and apparatus related to a LED-based lighting fixture having a touch-sensitive light emitting surface that may be touched by a user to change light output characteristics of LEDs of the lighting fixture. The LED-based lighting fixture may include a flexible touch-sensitive layer and a flexible light emitting layer having a plurality of individually controllable LED groups. Touch events may be detected via input from the flexible touch-sensitive layer and at least one light output characteristic of the LED groups altered in correspondence with the touch events.

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190113763A1
Автор: Kito Satoshi

A wavelength conversion element includes a substrate having a first surface, a first phosphor layer that has a first excitation light incident surface on which excitation light having a first wavelength is incident, is so provided as to face the first surface, a second phosphor layer that is so provided as to be in contact with part of the first excitation light incident surface, and a reflection layer that is provided between the first phosphor layer and the substrate. The first phosphor layer has an annular shape. The area of the second phosphor layer viewed in the direction in which the excitation light is incident is smaller than the area of the first phosphor layer viewed in the direction in which the excitation light is incident. The thickness of the second phosphor layer is smaller than the thickness of the first phosphor layer. 1. A wavelength conversion element comprising:a substrate having a first surface;a first phosphor layer that has a first excitation light incident surface on which excitation light having a first wavelength is incident, is so provided as to face the first surface, and converts in terms of wavelength the excitation light into light having a second wavelength different from the first wavelength;a second phosphor layer that is so provided as to be in contact with part of the first excitation light incident surface and converts in terms of wavelength the excitation light into light having a third wavelength different from the first and second wavelengths; anda reflection layer that is provided between the first phosphor layer and the substrate and reflects the light having the second wavelength and the light having the third wavelength,wherein the first phosphor layer has an annular shape when viewed in a direction in which the excitation light is incident,an area of the second phosphor layer viewed in the direction in which the excitation light is incident is smaller than an area of the first phosphor layer viewed in the direction in ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200116913A1
Автор: FEUCHTER Thomas
Принадлежит: NKT Photonics A/S

A light system having a light supply arrangement, a Homogenizing Light Pipe (HLP) and a fiber bundle is disclosed. The light supply arrangement comprises a light source and is arranged to supply light to an input end of the HLP. The HLP is configured for scrambling the received light and for delivering a beam of light to a common packed input end of the fiber bundle. 1. A light system comprising a light supply arrangement , a Homogenizing Light Pipe (HLP) and a fiber bundle , said light supply arrangement comprises a light source and is arranged to supply light to be received by an input end of said HLP , said HLP being configured for scrambling said received light and for delivering a beam of light to a common packed input end of said fiber bundle.2. The light system of claim 1 , wherein said light supply arrangement comprises a beam conditioner arranged for conditioning the light claim 1 , beam claim 1 , said beam conditioner is arranged for conditioning the light for delivery to the HLP claim 1 , preferably said conditioner being arranged to deliver said light to the input end of the HLP claim 1 , such that the light at the input end of the HLP has a beam diameter which is at least about 20% of an entrance aperture diameter of the HLP claim 1 , such as at least about 50% of the entrance aperture diameter of the HLP claim 1 , such as at least about 75% of the entrance aperture diameter of the HLP claim 1 , such as least about 90% of the entrance aperture diameter of the HLP.3. The light system of any one of the preceding claims wherein said fiber bundle comprises at least 50 optical fibers claim 1 , preferably each of at least a plurality of said fibers of said fiber bundle has a core and a cladding at the common packed input end claim 1 , preferably all of the fibers of said fiber bundle has a core and a cladding at the common packed input end.4. The light system of any one of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein said fiber bundle is an N branched fiber bundle ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210160975A1

Methods, apparatus, systems and articles of manufacture are disclosed to adjust device control information. The example apparatus comprises a light drive waveform generator to obtain metadata corresponding to media and generate device control information based on the metadata, the device control information to inform a lighting device to enable consecutive light pulses; an effect engine to apply an attack parameter and a decay parameter to consecutive light pulses corresponding to the device control information, the attack parameter and the decay parameter based on the metadata to affect a shape of the consecutive light pulses; and a color timeline generator to generate color information based on the metadata, the color information to inform the lighting device to change a color state. 1. An apparatus to adjust device control information , the apparatus comprising:a light drive waveform generator to obtain metadata corresponding to media and generate device control information based on the metadata, the device control information to inform a lighting device to enable consecutive light pulses; initialize an envelope with predetermined specifications based on the metadata, the predetermined specifications including an attack parameter and a decay parameter; and', 'apply the attack parameter and the decay parameter to consecutive light pulses corresponding to the device control information, the attack parameter and the decay parameter to affect a shape of the consecutive light pulses; and, 'an effect engine toa color timeline generator to generate color information based on the metadata, the color information to inform the lighting device to change a color state.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further including a filter network to apply a smoothing filter to the color information when the color information is indicative of a change from a first color state to a second color state.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the smoothing filter is to reduce an abruptness of the ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200130575A1

An in-cabin lighting device has: a lighting section that emits light within a vehicle cabin, and that is configured to arbitrarily change a color of emitted light; a color detecting portion that detects a color of an detection target in a detection region that is set within the vehicle cabin; and a control section that changes the color of light emitted by the lighting section to the color detected by the color detecting portion. 1. An in-cabin lighting device comprising:a lighting section that emits light within a vehicle cabin, and that is configured to arbitrarily change a color of emitted light;a color detecting portion that detects a color of an detection target in a detection region that is set within the vehicle cabin; anda control section that changes the color of light emitted by the lighting section to the color detected by the color detecting portion.2. The in-cabin lighting device of claim 1 , wherein the color detecting portion is disposed at a center console that is positioned between a driver's seat and a front passenger's seat within the vehicle cabin.3. The in-cabin lighting device of claim 1 , wherein:the color detecting portion is disposed at an interior location within the vehicle cabin, anda cover, which can be set in a state of covering the color detecting portion and in a state of exposing the color detecting portion, is provided at the interior location.4. The in-cabin lighting device of claim 1 , wherein the color detecting portion has a switch claim 1 , the color detecting portion detecting the color of the detection target in a case in which the detection target is pressed against the switch.5. The in-cabin lighting device of claim 2 , wherein the color detecting portion is disposed at a rear end portion of the center console claim 2 , at a vehicle rear side of a console box that is provided at a rear portion of the center console.6. The in-cabin lighting device of claim 3 , wherein the cover is slidably mounted to the interior location.7. ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Remote controller, lighting device and lighting system

Номер: US20190141821A1
Автор: Jianguo Li, Mantang HONG
Принадлежит: Opple Lighting Co Ltd

The present disclosure provides a remote controller, a lighting device and a lighting system. The remote controller is configured for controlling color of light emitted by a target lighting device and includes: a housing; a main control panel of a remote control terminal, located in the housing and provided with a color acquiring circuit for acquiring color information of a target region, and a wireless transmitter for transmitting the color information to the target lighting device; a color acquiring switch, located on the housing and electrically connected with both the color acquiring circuit and the wireless transmitter, and the color acquiring switch being configured for turning on/off the color acquiring circuit and the wireless transmitter. The remote controller has a simple structure and convenient operation, so that the color of the light emitted by the lighting device may be freely adjusted according to individual needs, which is convenient.

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Architectural Lighting Methods and Apparatus

Номер: US20190145591A1
Автор: Eddins Scott

An enclosed lighting unit for use with light strips is provided to enable installation of architectural lighting. The lighting unit has cooperating base and cover which are assembled by hand. The unit encloses a channel supporting the light strips which maintain a clearance distance between the light sources and the cover. 1. An architectural lighting assembly for mounting to a surface , the assembly comprising: an extruded, non-metallic base; and', 'an extruded, non-metallic cover removably attached to the base;', 'the attached base and cover defining a first compartment containing a first LED strip or module and one or more electrical wires for supplying power to a second LED lighting strip or module positioned in an adjacent lighting unit., 'a plurality of lighting units connected end-to-end, each lighting unit having2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , for each lighting unit claim 1 , the extruded base defines a generally flat mounting plate for mounting to a generally flat building surface.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , for each lighting unit claim 1 , the cover defines an attachment mechanism which cooperates with a corresponding attachment mechanism defined by the base.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , for each lighting unit claim 1 , the cover defines a first extension adapted to engage a first recess defined in the base claim 1 , and a second extension adapted to engage a second recess defined in the base.5. The assembly of claim 4 , wherein the first and second extensions are mirror images of each other.6. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the cover defines a transparent or translucent window.7. The assembly of claim 6 , wherein the LED light strip or module has a plurality of light sources claim 6 , the light sources positioned to emit light through the window.8. The assembly of claim 4 , wherein one of the extensions comprises an arm claim 4 , a lip claim 4 , or a head which cooperates with a cooperating one of the ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200141559A1

A modular underwater lighting apparatus includes an outer housing, a supporting mount, and a plurality of lighting devices. The outer housing includes an outer surrounding wall extending to surround a longitudinal axis and made of a light-transmissive material. The supporting mount is mounted inside the outer housing. The lighting devices are separately mounted on the supporting mount. Each of the lighting devices includes a circuit component and a lighting module which is detachably mounted to the circuit component. 1. A modular underwater lighting apparatus comprising:an outer housing including an outer surrounding wall which extends to surround a longitudinal axis, and which is made of a light-transmissive material;a supporting mount mounted inside said outer housing; anda plurality of lighting devices separately mounted on said supporting mount, each of said lighting devices including a circuit component and a lighting module which is detachably mounted to said circuit component.2. The modular underwater lighting apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinsaid outer surrounding wall has two opposite outer wall ends in a direction of the longitudinal axis;said supporting mount includes an inner surrounding wall which extends to surround the longitudinal axis, and which has two opposite inner wall ends in the direction of the longitudinal axis, said inner surrounding wall being disposed inwardly of said outer surrounding wall so as to define an internal chamber between said outer and inner surrounding walls;said lighting devices are separately mounted on said inner surrounding wall to be disposed in said internal chamber; andsaid outer housing further includes two end caps each having an inward surface which includes an inner coupling region extending about the longitudinal axis, and an outer coupling region extending to surround said inner coupling region, said inner and outer coupling regions being configured such that once said end caps are secured to said outer ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190162377A1
Автор: Chen Zhiman

A method for realizing fast color mixing of any colors is disclosed. When the number of colors to be mixed is three, the first illuminance ratio between the three colors to be mixed that required for obtaining the target color is calculated. When the number of colors to be mixed exceeds three, the mixed color of other colors except the first and second color is determined firstly according to a settled second illuminance ratio between other colors except for a first and a color, then a third illuminance ratio between the first color, the second color and the mixed color of other colors except for the first and second color for obtaining the target color is calculated. This method can quickly determine the first illuminance ratio between three or more colors to be mixed according to the target color and the illuminance ratio of certain mixed color. 1. A method for realizing fast color mixing of any colors , wherein the method comprises steps ofreceiving target chromaticity coordinates, colors to be mixed and setting information of chromaticity coordinates of the colors to be mixed;when a number of the colors to be mixed is three, calculating a first illuminance ratio between the colors to be mixed according to a correlation between chromaticity coordinates and tristimulus values;when the number of the colors to be mixed exceeds three, setting a second illuminance ratio between other colors except for a first and a second color of the colors to be mixed as a preset illuminance ratio, obtaining a mixed color of the other colors according to the preset illuminance ratio; calculating a third illuminance ratio between the first color, the second color and the mixed color according to the correlation between chromaticity coordinates and tristimulus values, thus obtaining the first ratio between the colors to be mixed; andmixing the colors to be mixed according to the first illuminance ratio to obtain the target chromaticity coordinates.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220307663A1

An intelligent dimming RGB LED spotlight comprises an outer shell, a lamp base and a lampshade. A drive board connects to the lamp base and a light source board. The light source board is provided with dense ordinary-color-temperature lamp beads and RGB color-changing lamp beads, and is connected above to the lampshade corresponding to the RGB color-changing lamp beads. A method for achieving the intelligent dimming RGB LED spotlight includes the lampshade scattering the light emitted by the RGB color-changing lamp beads, so as to reduce the light intensity and make the light-emitting area larger and the emitted light more uniform, while it does not block the light emitted by the ordinary-color-temperature lamp beads, which makes the generated light spot have balanced illumination and a uniform and high-purity color in the color-changing process of a variety of colors, able to achieve the effect of AA level of GB illumination. 1. An intelligent dimming RGB LED spotlight with high light quality , comprising an outer shell , characterized in that: the outer shell , provided inside with a drive board , is connected with a lamp base at the lower end and with a lampshade at the upper part; the drive board , provided above with a light source board , is electrically connected to the lamp base and the light source board , respectively; the light source board is respectively provided with dense ordinary-color-temperature lamp beads distributed in the middle of the light source board and a plurality of RGB color-changing lamp beads distributed in a circular array on the circumference of the light source board , and is connected above to the lampshade corresponding to the RGB color-changing lamp beads.2. The intelligent dimming RGB LED spotlight with high light quality according to claim 1 , characterized in that: a heat radiating holder is embedded in the outer shell and located above the drive board claim 1 , and is connected inside to the light source board.3. The ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180172264A1

A faucet may be used to deliver water in a temperature and volume controlled manner. The faucet may also deliver light through the use of an integrated light fixture. The light fixture may emit at least one of visible and ultraviolet light. The light fixture may be selectively activated to display a number of types of light, intensities of light, and/or light colors. The activation of the light may be done through a touch sensor, optical sensor, and/or audio sensor. 1. A faucet comprising:a body having a first end and a second end, the first end being securable to a surface and the second end being spaced from the first end;a neck having a first end and a second end, the first end of the neck being coupled to the second end of the body and the second end of the neck being cantilevered from the body;a light fixture secured in an exterior portion of the neck between the first end and the second end of the neck; anda spray head coupled to the second end of the neck.2. The faucet according to claim 1 , wherein the light fixture selectively emits at least one of visible light and ultraviolet light.3. The faucet according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , when the light fixture is configured to emit ultraviolet light claim 2 , the ultraviolet light has a wavelength between 100 nm and 350 nm.4. The faucet according to claim 1 , wherein the light fixture is selectively activated to illuminate at a plurality of user-selectable intensity levels.5. The faucet according to claim 1 , wherein the light fixture includes a plurality of light emitting diodes.6. The faucet according to claim 1 , wherein the light fixture includes a first timer feature claim 1 , wherein the light fixture is toggled from an ON state to an OFF state after a predetermined amount of time has elapsed claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when in the ON state claim 1 , the light fixture emits light and claim 1 , when in the OFF state claim 1 , the light fixture does not emit light.7. The faucet according to claim 1 , ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150192263A1
Автор: FISSELL Jeremy

Provided is a skateboard wheel having a rotational axis and comprising a transparent or translucent wheel covering having a surface defined by revolving a continuous, smooth curve about the axis. The wheel comprises a wheel interior defined by the axis and the wheel covering and housing (i) a wheel generator that generates electricity, (ii) a plurality of light emitting devices electrically coupled to the generator so that they emit light when the generator generates electricity, and (iii) an installation board coupled to the generator and comprising a plurality of open-faced notches formed along a perimeter of the board and facing the wheel covering in a radial direction of the wheel. At least one light emitting device is received in a notch in the plurality of notches and is aligned in the radial direction of the wheel. 1. A skateboard wheel having a rotational axis and comprising:a transparent or translucent wheel covering having a surface defined by revolving a continuous, smooth curve about the rotational axis; and (i) a wheel generator configured to generate electricity,', '(ii) a plurality of light emitting devices electrically coupled to the wheel generator, wherein the plurality of light emitting devices emit light when the corresponding wheel generator generates electricity, and', '(iii) an installation board coupled to the wheel generator and comprising a plurality of open-faced notches formed along a perimeter of the installation board and facing the transparent or translucent wheel covering in a radial direction of the wheel, wherein at least one light emitting device in the plurality of light emitting devices is received in a notch in the plurality of notches and is aligned in the radial direction of the wheel such that at least one light emitting device faces the transparent or translucent wheel covering in the radial direction of the wheel., 'a wheel interior defined by the rotational axis and the transparent or translucent wheel covering, the wheel ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации

Color temperature adjusting method of solid state light emitting device

Номер: US20160198534A1
Автор: Chih-Chen Lai
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

A color temperature adjusting method of solid state light emitting device, including steps: providing a main light source which emits main light of a first color temperature; providing an adjusting light source, wherein the adjusting light source comprises a red light source, a green light source and a blue light source; and adjusting currents applied to the adjusting light sources to obtain an adjusting light, wherein the adjusting light mixes with the main light of the main light source to obtain an outgoing light of a second color temperature. The second color temperature is different from the first color temperature. The outgoing light has a chromaticity coordinate at a Plank's curve on a CIE 1931 chromaticity coordinates chart.

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150204530A1
Автор: Lee Jerry

The present invention relates to a candlelight simulation electronic candle, which comprises a candle body shell and a candle body base, wherein the candle body shell is connected with the candle body base to form an accommodating space; a wick, a casing through hole and a wall are formed on the upper end of the candle body shell; the wick is disposed between the casing through hole and the wall; the accommodating space is provided with a mounting bracket and a lens holder which are hinged to each other, and is also provided with a swinging mechanism which is configured to drive the lens holder to swing around the mounting bracket; and the mounting bracket and the lens holder are respectively provided with a light-emitting element and a lens. to form a flame. 1. A candlelight simulation electronic candle , comprising a candle body shell and a candle body base , wherein the candle body shell is connected with the candle body base to form an accommodating space; a wick , a casing through hole and a wall are formed on the upper end of the candle body shell; the wick is disposed between the casing through hole and the wall; the accommodating space is provided with a mounting bracket and a lens holder is hinged to each other , and also provided with a swinging mechanism configured to drive the lens holder to swing around the mounting bracket; the mounting bracket and the lens holder are respectively provided with a light-emitting element and a lens; a gap is formed between the light-emitting element and the lens; in the power-on state , light of the light-emitting element is running through the lens and the casing through hole in turn , and light is emitted from the casing through hole projected onto the wall to form a flame; and when the swinging mechanism drives the lens to swing freely along with the lens holder , the flame which is imaged via the lens and projected onto the wall swings freely.2. The candlelight simulation electronic candle according to claim 1 , ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации

LED And/Or Laser Light Has More Than One Optics Means to Create Wider or Big Areas Image

Номер: US20150211701A1
Автор: CHIEN Tseng-Lu

An LED or/and Laser-light for outlet plug-in power source, or interchangeable power source or USB-means power source, incorporates more than one of geometric shape optics means(es) which any one of optics means may has more than one reflective or refractive means(es) which has relative positions, distances, and/or orientations to LEDs or/and Laser-light to let plurality of light beams reflect or retro-reflective or refractive by more than one reflector or refractor means(s), so the light beam(s) of the said LED(s) or laser-light(s) will reflective or/and refractive travel or pass though the said more than one optics means(es) to create or project image, message, time, geometric art, nature scene, galaxy, milky way, sky, cloud, stars, moon, water-wave, aurora light, animal, characters, cartoon, sign, logo, commercial to surface(s) surrounding including ceiling, walls, floor and all desire areas with wider view angle image. At least one of the optics means has see-though and reflective or refraction surface(s) to permit the plurality of LED(s) or laser-light(s) light beam(s) traveling or passing through the optics means. The said each of the said Optics means has its pre-determined texture, shaped opening, windows, cutout, variable thickness incorporate with motor/movement/spin/rotating/moving parts and accessories to make all kind of optics means become moving optics means to make said above wide viewing angle image become motion/moving/variable/changing color or patterns. 1. An LED or/and Laser light device having more than one optics means to create Wider range image comprising:at least one LED or/and Laser light units;more than one of optics means has geometric shape and each has reflective or refractive properties and{'sup': 'st', 'The light beam emit from LEDs or/and Laser-light(s), Traveling or passing though the 1optics means and hit to others More than one optic-means to create a wider range or bigger size of image, message, time, geometric art, nature scene, ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Balloon Inflation, Illumination and Holding Device

Номер: US20140295728A1
Автор: Paul E. Cayton
Принадлежит: Paul E. Cayton

A device for inflating, illuminating and holding a balloon like a torch, without the use of helium. The device includes illumination means, a power supply and related circuitry, a pathway for inflating and sealing the balloon, an elongate handle, and a cap. The device further includes a switch with a trigger mechanism positioned so that the illumination means or lighting mode can be activated by the user. The device is also configured to meet child safety regulations and requirements.

28-07-2016 дата публикации

LED Bulb or LED Night Light Has Moving Project-Image

Номер: US20160215962A1
Автор: CHIEN Tseng-Lu

The LED light device including LED night light or LED Bulb has the moving project image by (1) LEDs on time difference period (2) magnetic field force to making film/opening/printed piece moving (3) motor or movement to make the film/opening/printed piece or project-lens moving. All big image created from LED light source through film/opening/printed piece/slide then through the project lens to make the lighted tiny image to passing though refraction properties project len(s) to get the bigger size or colorful or steady or moving bigger image for wider viewing angle to viewer. The said moving image effect created by make the said film/slide/openings/printed piece or-and the said project len(s) to make moving, shaking, spin, rotating, vibration to get the desired moving effect(s). 1. A moving project-image assembly consists ofAt least one project-assembly has LED(s) incorporated image-carrier and project-lens fit or within the frame, support, housing parts to create wider viewing angle big size project-image on arm away ceiling, walls, floor or desired surface.At least one of the moving device incorporate with the project-assembly including but not limited from motor, time movement, magnetic-unit & magnetic-coil set, LEDs with IC controller for different time to turn-on and turn-off.The moving device make the said at least one of the LEDs or-and image-carrier or-and project-lens to moving, rotating, swing, waving, shake, spin, variable, or change to create the said big size project-image has moving, waving, rotating, spin or-and changing position, color, focus, brightness functions.2. A moving project-image assembly as claim 1 , the said LEDs light beam pass through the said image-carrier's printed window(s) claim 1 , film(s) claim 1 , slide(s) claim 1 , opening(s) claim 1 , cut-out(s) claim 1 , stencil(s) claim 1 , display-unit(s) to form shaped or tiny-image light beam to emit to the project-lens and form the wider viewing angle big project-image.3. A moving ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170212286A1

Color temperature actually emitted by a light emitting diode (LED) is perceived by a viewer of that LED to be altered because of the placement of a passive color temperature-shifting panel between the viewer and the LED. The panel is colored in a manner to cause a perception of a shift from one color temperature of the light emitting diode to another color temperature of the light emitting diode in the absence of any electrochromic, photochromic, or thermochromic material in the panel. 1. A panel , comprising:(a) a thermoplastic resin and(b) at least one colorant,wherein the panel is translucent and intermediate between a light emitting diode and a viewer of the light emitting diode, andwherein the panel is colored in a manner to cause a perception of a shift from one actual color temperature of the light emitting diode to another color temperature perceived by the viewer in the absence of any electrochromic, photochromic, or thermochromic material in the panel.2. The panel of claim 1 , wherein the panel is a passive layer having a pre- determined color to provide the shift in color temperature perceived by the viewer from a different color temperature as actually emitted by the light emitting diode.3. The panel of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic resin is selected from the group consisting of polyolefins claim 1 , polyesters claim 1 , polyacrylics claim 1 , styrenics claim 1 , polyamides claim 1 , polyvinyl halides claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The panel of claim 3 , wherein the thermoplastic resin is polyvinyl chloride resin.5. The panel of claim 4 , wherein the panel further comprises lubricant claim 4 , stabilizer claim 4 , antioxidant claim 4 , filler claim 4 , flame retardant claim 4 , processing aid claim 4 , or combination thereof mixed with the thermoplastic resin and the colorant to form a thermoplastic compound.6. The panel of claim 1 , wherein the colorant is selected from the group consisting of a pigment claim 1 , a dye claim 1 , a ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210239298A1

A light emitting module includes at least one light source, a light guide member having a demarcating groove configured to demarcate at least one light emitting region, and at least one light source arrangement part located in each of the at least one light emitting region and accommodating a light source, a first light-reflecting member disposed in the demarcating groove, and a wavelength converting member covering an upper surface of the light guide member. 1. A light emitting module comprising:at least one first light source; a demarcating groove configured to demarcate at least one first light emitting region, and', 'at least one first light source arrangement part provided in the at least one first light emitting region and accommodating a corresponding one of the at least one first light source;, 'a light guide member comprising'}a light-reflecting member disposed in the demarcating groove; anda wavelength converting member covering an upper surface of the light guide member.2. The light emitting module according to claim 1 , wherein the demarcating groove surrounds the at least one first light source arrangement part.3. The light emitting module according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one second light source claim 1 , whereinthe light guide member further comprises at least one second light source arrangement part located in at least one second light emitting region adjacent to the at least one first light emitting region in a top plan view and accommodating a corresponding one of the at least one second light source, andthe demarcating groove is located between the at least one first light source arrangement part and the at least one second light source arrangement part.4. The light emitting module according to claim 1 , wherein an air layer is included between the upper surface of the light guide member and the wavelength converting member.5. The light emitting module according to claim 1 , wherein the demarcating groove opens at least to the ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200205261A1

A lighting system with a lamp including a lighting area with a disc-shaped part emitting cold-white light and ring-shaped part emitting warm white light is provided. The lighting system is programmed to automatically and periodically change between light from these two parts. 1. A method for operating a lighting system with a geometrical time signalling effect; the method comprises;providing a lamp, with a lighting area and arranging the lamp so that the lighting area is visible from a region in surroundings of the lamp; wherein the lighting area comprises a first light source producing a first type of white light with a spectrum in which more than 30% of the spectral energy relates to wavelengths in the range between 380 and 520 nm and a second light source producing a second type of light; andperiodically shifting between emission of the first type of white light and emission of the second type of light; wherein the second light source is producing a second type of white light with a spectrum in which less than 5% of the spectral energy relates to wavelengths shorter than 520 nm; wherein the first type of white light is emitted from a disc-shaped part of the lighting area and the second type of white light is emitted from a ring-shaped part of the lighting area; wherein the disc-shaped part and the ring-shaped part are both visible and mutually visually distinguishable from the region and the light emitted from both the disc-shaped part and the ring-shaped part is directed into the same region from the same side of the lamp for signalling day-time from the disc-shaped part and night-time from the ring-shaped part to a person in the region.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the energy of wavelengths shorter than 520 nm in the spectrum of the second type of white light is less than 2%.31231321321. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the method comprises producing light from the disc-shaped part and the ring-shaped part so that they are concentric; ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации

Organic Lighting Device and Lighting Equipment

Номер: US20150228696A1

An organic luminous means and an illumination device comprising such a luminous means are specified. An optical display apparatus, emergency lighting, motor vehicle interior lighting, an item of furniture, a construction material, a glazing and a display comprising such a luminous means and, respectively, comprising an illumination device having such a luminous means are furthermore specified.

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180220592A1
Автор: GILLEY Thomas, WALSH Mark

A method and system for plant growth lighting. The method comprises accessing a reference growth profile associated with a plant under cultivation. Based on comparing a growth state of the plant with the reference growth profile, a desired intraday growth lighting condition corresponding to the plant growth state is identified. The desired intraday growth lighting condition is correlated with a spectral output frequency signature of the LED growth lighting source. The desired intraday growth condition is simulated by providing lighting including the correlated spectral output frequency signature from the LED lighting source to the plant under cultivation. 1. A method for plant growth lighting comprising:accessing a reference growth profile associated with a plant under cultivation;based on comparing a growth state of the plant with the reference growth profile, identifying a desired intraday growth lighting condition corresponding to the plant growth state;correlating the desired intraday growth lighting condition with a spectral output frequency signature of a Light Emitting Diode (LED) growth lighting source; andsimulating the desired intraday growth condition by providing growth lighting including the correlated spectral output frequency signature of the LED lighting source to the plant under cultivation.2. The method of further comprising detecting the growth state of the plant under cultivation via at least one of a foliage color sensor claim 1 , a foliage size sensor claim 1 , a humidity sensor claim 1 , a temperature sensor claim 1 , and a water flow rate sensor.3. The method of wherein the intraday growth lighting condition provided by the LED growth lighting source simulates at least one of a morning claim 1 , a midday claim 1 , and an evening lighting conditions.4. The method of wherein the intraday growth lighting condition is simulated by providing the spectral output frequency signature that includes a red color having an emissive wavelength ranging ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации

LED Light Engine with Integrated Color System

Номер: US20190219249A1

An LED light engine and automated luminaire are provided. The LED light engine includes LED emitters, a first lens array, a color mixing module, second and third lens arrays, and a converging lens. The first lens array includes collimating lenslets corresponding to the LED emitters. The first lens array emits a plurality of light beams corresponding to the LED emitters. Each of the light beams includes substantially parallel light rays. The color mixing module includes dichroic filters that receive the light beams and emit corresponding filtered light beams. The second lens array includes converging lenslets that receive the filtered light beams. The third lens array includes other converging lenslets optically coupled to the second lens array. The converging lens is optically coupled to the third lens array. The second and third lens arrays and the converging lens illuminate a gate in an optical system with the filtered light beams.

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200232613A1

The invention is a lighting assembly that is primarily used in horticultural systems and method of using the same. The system comprises a lenticular array, a plurality of light emitting devices, a heat transfer system, a housing unit and a power supply. This system allows for the installation and use of light emitting devices in a horticultural system. Current systems use light emitting diodes (LEDs) but if the LEDs fans, the entire lighting module or system must be replaced. These systems are costly to build and ship. The current device, avows for the use and easy replacement of the faded parts of the system without requiring the user to purchase an entirely new module or the entire lighting assembly. 1. A lighting system for use in a horticultural facility comprising:at least one power supply;a circuit board upon which is disposed a plurality of light emitting devices in a predetermined geometric pattern and at least one electrical connection port to electrically connect the plurality of light emitting devices to a power supply;at least one lenticular array comprising at least one lens designed to diffuse the light produced by at least some of the light emitting devices;a heat transfer system;a housing unit with a plurality of attachment devices wherein the housing unit contains or is attached to the circuit board, the power supply, the heat transfer system, and the at least one lenticular array wherein the plurality of attachment devices are designed to hold the circuit board, power supply input and lenticular array in a desired order and place wherein the means of connecting the circuit board and lenticular array to the housing unit is such that if one or more of the light emitting devices fails, it can be replaced without replacing the entire lighting system.2. The lighting system of wherein the housing unit is designed to connect to at least one other housing unit.3. The lighting system of wherein the heat transfer system is a convection system.4. The lighting ...

08-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160255941A1

A mirror assembly can include a housing, a mirror, and a light source. In some embodiments, the mirror comprises one or more adjustable sections. In certain embodiments, the mirror includes a light column configured to emit a substantially constant amount of light along a periphery of a mirror section. In some embodiments, the light column can produce various color temperatures. In some embodiments, the mirror assembly comprises a capacitive touch sensor that allows control of one or more features of the light emitted from the light source. In some embodiments, the mirror assembly includes a sensor assembly. The sensor assembly can be configured control on/off settings and other features of the emitted light. 1. A mirror assembly comprising:a first mirror;a second mirror disposed laterally adjacent to the first mirror and in mechanical communication with the first mirror via a hinge, the hinge configured to allow movement of the second mirror with respect to the first mirror such that a reflective face of the first mirror and a reflective face of the second mirror are configured to form a plurality of angles α relative to each another; 'at least a first light emitting diode and a second light emitting diode disposed to emit light in a general direction along a length of a first light path;', 'a light source disposed on or in the mirror assembly such that the light source is configured to emit light at a user in a manner that causes the light to be reflected back to the one or more mirrored surfaces, the light source comprisinga controller configured to adjust relative light intensities of at least the first light emitting diode and the second light emitting diode to selectively simulate a plurality of different lighting environments including natural sunlight and indoor light.2. The mirror assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first light emitting diode emits light of a first color temperature and second light emitting diode emits light of second claim 1 , different ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190241278A1
Автор: Khawam Maurice A.

The present invention is a lighting system for helicopters, airplanes and windows. In particular, the present invention is directed to a lighting system that illuminates portions of a helicopter, airplane, or a building's windows to deter bird strikes. The helicopter system has a light mounted on the tail aimed at the tail rotor, where illumination from the light comprises ultraviolet light and the tail light flashes at a pre-determined frequency. The tail rotor preferably has a surface at least partially coated in fluorescent paint that shifts the ultraviolet light to light visible to humans such as violet light (e.g. 400-445 nm). The light is preferably mounted on a roundel having alternating fluorescent paint and reflective surfaces. The lighting system can also have a main rotor light and a belly light mounted on roundels. 1. A helicopter lighting system for a helicopter having a tail , a tail rotor , a belly , a roof , a main rotor and a vertical shaft , the lighting system comprising:at least one light mounted on the tail aimed at the tail rotor, where illumination from the light comprises ultraviolet light and the at least one light flashes at a pre-determined frequency; and,the tail rotor having a surface at least partially coated in fluorescent paint that shifts the ultraviolet light to light in the visible spectrum.2. The helicopter lighting system of where the ultraviolet light is between 300 and 400 nm in wavelength.3. The helicopter lighting system of where the pre-determined frequency is between 1 and 3 Hz.4. The helicopter lighting system of where the at least one light is mounted on a roundel having alternating fluorescent paint and reflective surfaces where the fluorescent paint shifts the ultraviolet light to light in the visible spectrum.5. The helicopter lighting system of where the lighting system further comprises at least one belly light mounted on a second roundel having fluorescent paint and reflective surfaces mounted on the belly claim 4 , ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Light-emitting module and lighting apparatus provided with same

Номер: US20180249549A1
Принадлежит: LG Innotek Co Ltd

A lighting apparatus disclosed in an embodiment comprises: a circuit board; a light-emitting module arranged on the circuit board and comprising a light source part having first to third light source parts emitting red, green and blue light; a control unit for providing current control signals to the first to third light source parts; a driver for controlling the current in the first to third light source parts by means of the control unit; and a memory unit having compensation data storing input current strength values for the first to third light source parts so that same emit white light having a previously configured correlated color temperature (CCT). The first, second and third light source parts comprise a plurality of first, second and third light-emitting elements for emitting red, green and blue light. The control unit controls the current in the first to third light source parts by means of the input current strength value corresponding to the compensation data so as to control the white light discharged from the light-emitting module is emitted as white light meeting the CCT criterion.

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Color Temperature Compensation System And Method For Stage Light

Номер: US20200240603A1
Автор: Weikai JIANG
Принадлежит: Guangzhou Haoyang Electronic Co Ltd

A color temperature compensation system comprises a light source, a dimming element for dimming the light source, a color temperature compensation sheet for performing color temperature compensation on light output from the dimming element, in which there are different changes of color value on the color temperature compensation sheet, and a driving mechanism for controlling the movement of the color temperature compensation sheet and driving the color temperature compensation sheet to switch in and switch out of a light path.

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Architectural Lighting Methods and Apparatus

Номер: US20180259142A1
Автор: Eddins Scott

An enclosed lighting unit for use with light strips is provided to enable installation of architectural lighting. The lighting unit has cooperating base and cover which are assembled by hand. The unit encloses a channel supporting the light strips which maintain a clearance distance between the light sources and the cover. 1. A modular outdoor lighting system comprising:a plurality of non-metallic, extruded elongate bases mounted generally end to end on a structural surface;a plurality of non-metallic, extruded elongate covers removably attached to the elongate bases, each cover having a longitudinally extending transparent or translucent stripe adjacent at least one longitudinally extending opaque and colored stripe;a plurality of spaced apart LED light sources electrically connected to one another, the light sources positioned within an interior passageway defined by the attached bases and covers, the light sources positioned proximate the transparent of translucent stripe to transmit light therethrough.2. The modular lighting system of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of joint components claim 1 , the joint components bridging between and attached to two adjacent covers.3. The modular lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of covers are coextruded.4. The modular lighting system of claim 2 , further comprising at least two adjacent covers positioned unaligned with respect to one another claim 2 , and a joint component overlapping at least a portion of the two adjacent covers and suitably shaped to connect the two unaligned covers.5. The modular lighting system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one electrical connector positioned between and transmitting power between adjacent light sources and wherein the electrical connector is positioned in the interior passageway.6. The modular lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the light sources are RGB color-changing light sources claim 1 , and further comprising a color-changing light controller ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190254139A1
Автор: Van Winkle Gary
Принадлежит: ETi Solid State Lighting Inc.

An LED light fixture with at least two sets of LED light sources, at least three subcircuits for a respective one of the at least two sets of LED light sources and for a combination of at least two of the sets of LED light sources—wherein the correlated color temperature differs for each of the at least two sets of LED light sources and the combination of at least two of the sets of LED light sources. 1. An LED light fixture comprising: an electrical transmitter for transmitting electricity from said source of electricity;', 'at least two groups of LED light sources, each of said at least two groups of LED light sources emitting illumination in response to receiving electricity of certain electrical characteristics, said illumination of said respective at least two groups of LED light sources having a correlated color temperature different from the correlated color temperature of each of the other of said at least two groups of LED light sources;', 'at least three subcircuits, each of said at least three subcircuits including a different one of said at least two groups of LED light sources and at least one selected combination of said at least two groups of LEDs; and', 'actuable electrical switching components for connecting to said electrical transmitter a selected one of said at least three subcircuits, said electrical switching components being actuable for connecting a selected one of said at least three subcircuits to connect a selected one of the group consisting of one of said at least two groups of LED light sources and at least one selected combination of said at least two groups of LED light sources to said electrical transmitter; and', 'a manually controllable correlated color temperature switching assembly manually actuable for actuating said electrical switching components to connect said selected one of the groups consisting of said at least three subcircuits to connect a selected one of said at least two groups of LED light sources and a selected ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160271286A1

A lighted air freshener assembly provides a fragranced odor and illumination as well as the ability to be hung from a support structure, such as a Christmas tree. The assembly includes a support base having a top wall, a bottom wall and a perimeter wall coupled to and extending between the top wall and the bottom wall. At least one light emitter is coupled to the support base. A scent device is coupled to the support base and includes a scented material for emitting a fragranced odor. A decorative casing is positionable over the scent device and is removably couplable to the support base. 1. A lighted air freshener assembly comprising:a support base having a top wall, a bottom wall and a perimeter wall coupled to and extending between said top wall and said bottom wall;at least one light emitter coupled to said support base;a scent device coupled to said support base, said scent device including a scented material for emitting a fragranced odor; anda decorative casing positionable over said scent device, said decorative casing being removably couplable to said support base.2. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising said decorative casing including a main body having a top end claim 1 , a hook being coupled to said top end of said main body to facilitate hanging of said assembly.3. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:said top wall of said support base having a plurality of slots positioned therein;said decorative casing including a main body having a bottom end, a flange being coupled to and extending downwardly from said bottom end of said main body; anda plurality of tabs coupled to and extending downwardly from a bottom of said flange, each of said tabs being insertable into an associated one of said slots for removably coupling said decorative casing to said support base.4. The device of claim 1 , further comprising said light emitter being one of a plurality of said light emitters.5. The device of claim 1 , further comprising said light emitter ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180304978A1

An inflatable flotation device includes one of more pockets for receiving and retaining a lighting element or elements. The lighting elements may be readily inserted into and removed from the pockets so that the user may select the location of the elements. The user may also choose the direction of the light beam emanating from each element. The lighting elements are water-tight in construction and fully submersible, and may be controlled remotely by low-frequency signals that allow the user to selectively activate each element and control the color of its light beam. 1. A flotation device comprising:a buoyant body member;at least one light-emitting element;a pocket formed in said body member, said pocket having an opening to allow receipt of said light-emitting element in said pocket.2. The device of having a plurality of pockets to allow selective placement of said light-emitting element in one of the pockets to provide different lighting effects as desired.3. The device of wherein the light-emitting element includes circuitry to allow remote control of the brightness and/or color of the light emitted by the element.4. The device of claim 2 , wherein said buoyant body member comprises an inflatable bladder.5. The device of wherein the light-emitting element includes circuitry to allow remote control of the brightness and/or color of the light emitted by the element. This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. Section 119(e) to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 62/489,725 entitled “CUSTOMIZABLE LIGHTING SYSTEM FOR INFLATABLE FLOATS,” filed on Apr. 25, 2017, which application is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety for all purposes.Inflatable beach and pool floats are extremely popular recreational devices. They come in numerous shapes and colors, providing an eye-catching and entertaining addition to the user's experience. The instant invention adds to that enjoyment by providing a system that allows a user to selectively add illumination to ...

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200300441A1
Автор: Belliveau Richard S.

A theatre light projector including a housing, a plurality of light sources, a first aperture device and a lens system. The lens system may include a first lens sector and a second lens sector, each of which may have a positive spherical optical power. The first lens sector may have a first radii, and the second lens sector may have a second radii, wherein the first radii and the second radii are substantially parallel to each other. The first aperture device may be comprised of a first aperture comprised of a color filter and/or a pattern. The plurality of light sources may be comprised of a first light source and a second light source and each may be comprised of a white solid state light source, which may be a light emitting diode. The white solid state light source may be a laser diode. 1. A theatre lighting apparatus comprisinga plurality of light sources;wherein the plurality of light sources provide light of a plurality of wavelengths; andfurther comprising a plurality of output lenses arranged on a same plane to project a plurality of light paths emitted by the plurality of light sources, one light path for each of the plurality of light sources;a plurality of diffuser substrates;wherein each the plurality of diffuser substrates is arranged to accept light from one of the plurality of light paths, so that there is one corresponding light path of the plurality of light paths for each of the plurality of diffuser substrates;wherein each of the plurality of diffuser substrates is rotatable from a first state for each of the plurality of light paths to a second state for each of the plurality of light paths;wherein each of the plurality of diffuser substrates is parallel to the corresponding light path of the plurality of light paths in the first state for each of the plurality of light paths;wherein each of the plurality of diffuser substrates is perpendicular to the corresponding light path of the plurality of light paths in the second state for each of the ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Light fixture and method for operating said light fixture

Номер: US20200309335A1
Принадлежит: Clay Paky Spa, OSRAM GMBH

A light fixture may include a casing and a support assembly configured to support and move the casing. The light fixture may include a light source assembly housed inside the casing and configured to generate visible light radiation of different colours. The light fixture may further include a control device configured to control the light source assembly based on the position or the movement of the casing or based on a parameter correlated to the position or the movement of the casing.

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170327031A1
Автор: Bäuerle Pascal

A vehicle luminous signaling glazing unit forming a front windshield, includes a first glazing pane, forming the exterior glazing pane, with first and second main faces F, F; a lamination interlayer made of a polymeric material of thickness e of at most 1.8 mm; and a second glazing pane, forming the interior glazing pane, with third and fourth main faces F, F, the face F and the face F being the internal faces of the laminated glazing unit; and a set of diodes on a front face of a PCB board, the assembly being of thickness et≦e, each diode emitting in the direction of the interior glass, and each diode having an edge face. For each of the diodes, the lamination interlayer comprises a through-aperture encircling the edge face of the diode, and the lamination interlayer is between face F and the front face of the PCB board. 3. The vehicle luminous signaling glazing unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the lamination interlayer is spaced apart by at most 0.5 mm from the edge face of the light-emitting diodes.4112. The vehicle luminous signaling glazing unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein e is subcentimeter-sized and e−et<0.5 mm.5. The vehicle luminous signaling glazing unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each light-emitting diode is an electronic component including a semiconductor chip claim 1 , and is equipped with a peripheral package encapsulating the edge face of the electronic component claim 1 , said package defining the edge face of the light-emitting diode claim 1 , projecting over the front face of the component and encircling the semiconductor chip claim 1 , and wherein the lamination interlayer extends as far as to be between a front surface of the package and the third main face of the second glazing pane of the front windshield without making contact with the emitting face.6. The vehicle luminous signaling glazing unit as claimed in claim 2 , wherein each light-emitting diode is an electronic component including a semiconductor chip claim 2 , and is ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180320836A1
Автор: Belliveau Richard S.

A theatre light projector including a housing, a plurality of light sources, a first aperture device and a lens system. The lens system may include a first lens sector and a second lens sector, each of which may have a positive spherical optical power. The first lens sector may have a first radii, and the second lens sector may have a second radii, wherein the first radii and the second radii are substantially parallel to each other. The first aperture device may be comprised of a first aperture comprised of a color filter and/or a pattern. The plurality of light sources may be comprised of a first light source and a second light source and each may be comprised of a white solid state light source, which may be a light emitting diode. The white solid state light source may be a laser diode. 1. A theatre light projector comprising:a housing, a plurality of light sources, a first aperture device and a lens system;wherein the lens system is comprised of a first lens sector and a second lens sector;wherein the first lens sector and the second lens sector have a positive spherical optical power;wherein the first lens sector has a first radii;wherein the second lens sector has a second radii; andwherein the first radii and the second radii are substantially parallel to each other.2. The theatre light projector of whereinthe first aperture device is comprised of a first aperture and the first aperture is comprised of a color filter.3. The theatre light projector of whereinthe first aperture device is comprised of a first aperture device and the first aperture device is comprised of a pattern.4. The theatre light projector of whereinthe plurality of light sources are comprised of a first light source and a second light source and each of the first light source and the second light source is comprised of a white solid state light source.5. The theatre light projector of whereinthe white solid state light source is a light emitting diode.6. The theatre light projector of ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации

Decorative Free-Standing Illumination Tower for Outdoor and Aquatic Environments

Номер: US20190316744A1
Автор: Kiefer Raymond David

A decorative free-standing illumination tower for outdoor and aquatic environments is capable of being deployed in outdoors and aquatic environments without the need of an external support. The tower includes an elongated tube, a plurality of lighting fixtures, a light controller, a power source, a first endcap, and a second endcap. The plurality of lighting fixtures is mounted in a helical fashion around the elongated tube. Consequently, the plurality of lighting fixtures is positioned along a longitudinal axis and radially mounted around the elongated tube. The first endcap and the second endcap connect at opposite ends of the elongated tube. The light controller is an electronic device that controls the actuation of the plurality of lighting fixtures. Accordingly, the plurality of lighting fixtures can be made to display various patterns, images, and colors. Finally, the power source provides electrical power to the plurality of lighting fixtures and the light controller. 1. A decorative free-standing illumination tower for outdoor and aquatic environments comprises:an elongated tube;a plurality of lighting fixtures;a power source;a first endcap;a second endcap;the plurality of lighting fixtures being positioned along a longitudinal axis of the elongated tube;the plurality of lighting fixtures being radially mounted around the elongated tube;the first endcap is terminally connected to the elongated tube;the second endcap is terminally connected to the elongated tube, opposite the first endcap; andthe power source being electrically connected to the plurality of lighting fixtures.2. The decorative free-standing illumination tower for and aquatic environments as claimed in comprises:a light controller;the light controller being electronically connected to the plurality of lighting fixtures; andthe power source being electrically connected to the light controller.3. The decorative free-standing illumination tower for outdoor and aquatic environments as claimed in ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Light-emitting birdbath basin and integrated light-emitting birdbath basin

Номер: US20180328555A1
Автор: WANG Peijun

A light-emitting birdbath basin having a body and a light-emitting body. A bottom portion of the body protrudes inwardly into the body to form a chamber. The light-emitting body is provided inside the chamber. Chamber walls of the chamber are formed as a first luminous body which is translucent. Lights emitted by the light-emitting body may brighten the hollow chamber to form a luminous chambe, and be configured to converge and focus on the surfaces of inner walls of the body after passing through the first luminous body. The basin-shaped body is placed outdoors. Water and bird food can be held in the basin. In daytime, the light-emitting body does not light up. Birds can clean their feathers and peck at the bird food in the basin, which is environmentally friendly and energy saving. 1. A light-emitting birdbath basin , comprising a body and a light-emitting body wherein:the body is molded into a basin shape which is light-penetrative and has an opening on the top, a bottom portion of the body protrudes inwardly into the body to form a chamber, chamber walls of the chamber are formed as a first luminous body which is light-penetrative;the light-emitting body is provided inside the chamber, light emitted by the light-emitting body brightens the hollow chamber to form a luminous chambe, and is configured to converge and focus on the surfaces of inner walls of the body after passing through the first luminous body.2. The light-emitting birdbath basin of wherein the body is tucked from the opening on the top of the chamber to the bottom portion of the body to form a stand for supporting claim 1 , the entire chamber walls of the chamber are formed as the first luminous body viewing from the opening on the top.3. The light-emitting birdbath basin of wherein the chamber walls of the chamber refract light or are hollowed out to allow light to escape in order to form the first luminous body which is light-penetrative claim 1 , or the first luminous body has an arc surface.4. ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170337727A1
Автор: Dash Samir K.

A method for digital surface rendering. The method includes providing a programmable display covering a portion of a surface of an object. The method further includes receiving a set of desired features for an appearance of the object. The method further includes generating an image of the portion of the surface of the object incorporating the set of desired features and displaying the image on the programmable display, thereby causing the object to appear to have the desired features. 1providing, by one or more computer processors, a programmable display covering a portion of a surface of an object, wherein the programmable display is an e-ink display that does not include a backlight, and wherein the programmable display includes a flexible rendering layer that flexes to match the contours and edges of the portion of the surface of the object;receiving, by one or more computer processors, a set of desired features for an appearance of the object from a user using a user interface, wherein a desired feature of the set of desired features is to conceal the object;capturing, by one or more computer processors, an image of a view behind the object;generating, by one or more computer processors, an image of the portion of the surface of the object incorporating the set of desired features, wherein the captured image of the view behind the object is used in generating the image of the portion of the surface of the object;modifying, by one or more computer processors, the generated image based, at least in part, on a determined location of the object;displaying, by one or more computer processors, the generated image on the programmable display, thereby causing the object to appear to have the desired features;continuously monitoring, by one or more computer processors, the view behind the object to determine one or more changes between the captured image of the view behind the object and the view behind the object; andupon determining one or more changes between the ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170339755A1
Автор: CHIEN Tseng-Lu

The Multiple Display-units LED light device has special light effects which means the more than one of display-unit can be assembly into one viewing product install within the base by certain strength or assembly means which has the prong means or other unlimited power source mans to supply the electric signal to the said LEDs to make the eye-catching light effects. The display unit may have the build-in input-end or separated input-end to allow to match the said receptacle means of the base. The base with LED related circuit, prong means and other control means, IC means may disposed into the base or incorporated with sealed-unit to make the light beam to be seen by viewer though the viewing area for dedicated art, word, signal, data, design, motion liquid, 3 dimensional, geometric design, art, digital data, liquid crystal screen, LCD and colored image with color change LEDs for illumination. 1. A multiple-display-unit LED light device having special light effect comprising: a plurality of different display units each having a different treatment on the said display area , andat least one LED has light beam transmitted to said display area of each unit(s), and each of said different display units has its own LED(s) to supply light brightness.At least one of holder or housing for install more than one of the said unit(s) having at least one prong or other electric power signal delivery kits for connecting with an alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC) power source,wherein:the at least one LED is connected by circuitry to a control kits and/or integrated circuit (I.C.) and the prong or electric signal delivery kit, to cause the at least one LED to tum on and tum off for a period of time and to exhibit predetermined illumination effects of the said-individual display unit or all display units, said predetermined illumination effects selected from the group consisting of flashing, steady-on, chasing, random flashing, pair flashing, color changing, auto color ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190328598A1
Автор: Mangiardi John R.

An integrated and modular air and lighting plenum that is the primary directional lighting mounting apparatus and laminar flow diffuser of an HVAC system in a healthcare setting. The plenum provides laminar air flow from the ceiling to the room in which it is located in accordance with HVAC requirements for healthcare environment settings, by using a plurality of cylindrical airflow outlets. The use of cylindrical airflow outlets promotes laminar airflow by reducing sharp boundaries that induce turbulence (e.g., the corners of rectangular or square outlets) and creates a highly sterile environment around the patient and staff in the operating room. The surgical lights used in the integrated air and lighting plenum allow the beam direction, spot size, focal point, brightness, and color temperature of the emitted light to be controlled.

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Optical System and Light Fixture Using the Same

Номер: US20190339537A1
Автор: Jiang Weikai
Принадлежит: Guangzhou Haoyang Electronic Co., Ltd.

The present invention provides an optical system and a light fixture using the optical system, the optical system comprising a substrate, a light source mounted on the substrate and including multiple sets of light emitting arrays, a light pipe arranged corresponding to each set of the light emitting arrays, including an input surface, at least one light guiding surface and an output surface, and an optical lens. Additionally, the optical system further comprises honeycomb-like cover including multiple through holes, each through hole sleeved on each lens of the optical lens, a cross section of the through hole matching with a maximum cross section of the lens of the optical lens, and an overall shape of the through holes arranged on the honeycomb-like cover matching with that of the light source arranged on the substrate. On such configuration, uniform light spots can be achieved and light crosstalking can be effectively prevented. 1. An optical system , comprising:a substrate;a light source mounted on the substrate and including multiple sets of light emitting arrays;a light pipe arranged corresponding to each set of the light emitting arrays, including an input surface, at least one light guiding surface and an output surface; andan optical lens,so that light emitted from the light emitting array enters the light pipe via the input surface and is outputted from the output surface through light homogenizing treatment by the light guiding surface, such light out of the light pipe forming a light beam and being emitted via the optical lens,wherein the optical system further comprises a honeycomb-like cover including multiple through holes, each through hole sleeved on each lens of the optical lens, a cross section of the through hole matching with a maximum cross section of the lens of the optical lens, and an overall shape of the through holes arranged on the honeycomb-like cover matching with an overall shape of the light source arranged on the substrate.2. The ...

14-11-2019 дата публикации

Multi-color light fixtures

Номер: US20190350061A1
Автор: Hamid Rashidi Doust
Принадлежит: Elite Lighting

Provided is a light fixture comprising: a) a body; b) a plurality of two or more different colored LED (Light emitting Diodes) light sources; and c) a switch for powering the colored LEDs; wherein the light fixture can be operated in at least two different mode, with a user having an option of change position of the switch to choose to power the LED with a first color or the LED with a second color. Provided is a light fixture comprising: a) a body; and b) on or more LED boards, each board having a plurality of first and a second colored LED light source, the two colors configured to blend to form a third color; c) a switch configured to allow a user to choose between powering the first light source, the second light source or both; wherein the user has the option to power the first light source only, the second light source only, or both the first and the second light source to produce a blended color that is different than the first and the second color.

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180372285A1
Автор: Pereira Fred Metsch

Systems and methods for shaping and energizing fluids to generate luminous fluid sculptures are disclosed herein. The disclosed methods comprise one or more steps of sculpting one or more fluids into a pattern or shape using one or more forces selected from the group consisting of mechanically generated turbulence, controlled movement through a shaped chamber, application of a magnetic field, vibration, and gravity to generate one or more sculpted fluids, and one or more steps of energizing the fluids using one or more sources of nonvisible energy selected from the group consisting of chemicals, heat, electrical current, and nonvisible electromagnetic radiation so that the fluids emit visible light. The color of the visible light emitted may be controlled by modulating various color-control factors. The methods comprise at least two non-simultaneous steps, where the non-simultaneous steps may be any combination of sculpting and energizing steps, to generate dynamic luminous fluid sculptures. 1. A method of generating a luminous fluid sculpture comprising:a. one or more steps of sculpting one or more fluids into a pattern or shape using one or more forces selected from the group consisting of mechanically generated turbulence, controlled movement through a shaped chamber, application of a magnetic field, vibration, and gravity to generate one or more sculpted fluids; and 'wherein the color of the visible light emitted is controlled by modulating one or more color-control factors selected from the group consisting of the source of nonvisible energy used, the amount of nonvisible energy applied, and characteristics of the nonvisible energy source used;', 'b. one or more steps of energizing the fluids using one or more sources of nonvisible energy selected from the group consisting of chemicals, heat, electrical current, and nonvisible electromagnetic radiation such that the fluids emit visible light;'}wherein the method comprises at least two non-simultaneous steps to ...

05-12-2019 дата публикации

Net Lamp and Decorative Lamp

Номер: US20190368670A1
Автор: Gao Rong

A net lamp and a decorative lamp, the net lamp including a plurality of conductive wires, a plurality of insulated wires, a plurality of lamp bodies disposed on the conductive wires, and a plurality of fasteners for fastening the conductive wires and the insulated wires; wherein the plurality of conductive wires and the plurality of insulated wires are connected to form a net-like structure by means of the plurality of fasteners. The decorative lamp includes the above described the net lamp. 1. A net lamp comprising: a plurality of conductive wires , a plurality of insulated wires , a plurality of lamp bodies disposed on the conductive wires , and a plurality of fasteners for fastening the conductive wires and the insulated wires , wherein the plurality of conductive wires and the plurality of insulated wires are connected to form a net-like structure by means of the plurality of fasteners.2. The net lamp according to claim 1 , wherein each of the fasteners comprises a sheath body claim 1 , or glue which solidifies under ultraviolet irradiation.3. The net lamp according to claim 2 , wherein each of the fasteners is provided as a sheath body claim 2 , the lamp bodies are located inside the sheath bodies claim 2 , and the conductive wires and the insulate wires both penetrate the sheath bodies.4. The net lamp according to claim 3 , wherein the conductive wires and the insulated wires are connected in a staggered manner to form a net-like structure.5. The net lamp according to claim 4 , wherein each of the sheath bodies is provided as a transparent sheath body.6. The net lamp according to claim 2 , wherein each of the fasteners is provided as a sheath body claim 2 , the lamp bodies are located outside the sheath bodies claim 2 , and the conductive wires connected at the lamp bodies are tightened by the sheath bodies; andthe insulated wires are also tightened by the sheath bodies.7. The net lamp according to claim 6 , wherein the conductive wires and the insulated wires ...

19-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190383470A1

A light-producing assembly for a spotlight for illuminating film, studio, stage, event and/or theater surroundings comprises a carrier, on which an LED arrangement with a multiplicity of LEDs is arranged. Here, the LEDs are provided by N>2 different color types. The assembly also comprises a line system for supplying power to the LEDs, which comprises a multiplicity of lines with N line types, wherein lines of different line types cross in crossing regions and the crossing regions lie outside of a vertical projection surface of footprint sides of the LEDs in a vertical plan view of the carrier front side. Further, the assembly comprises an optical unit coupled to the LED arrangement, said optical unit spanning the totality of the LEDs. Moreover, a spotlight comprises such a light-producing assembly. 1. A light-producing assembly for a spotlight for illuminating film , studio , stage , event and/or theater surroundings , comprisinga carrier, on which an LED arrangement with a multiplicity of LEDs is arranged, wherein the LEDs comprise LEDs with N>2 different color types and any number of LEDs is provided for each of the N color types, and wherein a footprint side of one of each of the LEDs faces a carrier front side;a line system for supplying power to the LEDs, comprising a multiplicity of lines with N line types, wherein lines of different line types cross in crossing regions and the crossing regions lie outside of a vertical projection surface of the footprint sides on the carrier front side in a vertical plan view of the carrier front side; andan optical unit coupled to the LED arrangement, said optical unit spanning the totality of the LEDs and being embodied to receive and form the light emanating from each of the LEDs.2. The assembly as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe carrier has, at least in sections, a multi-layer design in respect of the lines of the line system and lines of different line types form the crossing regions in this multilayer region; andthe ...

10-04-2008 дата публикации

Organisches leuchtmittel und beleuchtungseinrichtung

Номер: WO2008040323A2

Es wird ein organisches Leuchtmittel und eine Beleuchtungseinrichtung mit einem solchen Leuchtmittel angegeben. Weiterhin wird eine optische Anzeigevorrichtung, eine Notbeleuchtung, eine Kfz-Innenbeleuchtung, ein Möbelstück, ein Baumaterial, eine Verglasung und ein Display mit einem solchen Leuchtmittel beziehungsweise mit einer Beleuchtungseinrichtung, die ein solches Leuchtmittel aufweist angegeben.

29-12-2022 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus to control lighting effects

Номер: US20220418064A1
Принадлежит: Gracenote Inc

Methods, apparatus, systems and articles of manufacture are disclosed to adjust device control information. The example apparatus comprises a light drive waveform generator to obtain metadata corresponding to media and generate device control information based on the metadata, the device control information to inform a lighting device to enable consecutive light pulses; an effect engine to apply an attack parameter and a decay parameter to consecutive light pulses corresponding to the device control information, the attack parameter and the decay parameter based on the metadata to affect a shape of the consecutive light pulses; and a color timeline generator to generate color information based on the metadata, the color information to inform the lighting device to change a color state.

23-07-2018 дата публикации

LED driving circuit for changing the colour temperature of LED Module

Номер: KR101862693B1
Автор: 이대상
Принадлежит: 주식회사 일렉스코리아

본 발명은 LED 모듈의 색온도를 변화시키는 회로에 관한 것으로, 색온도가 상이한 복수 종류 이상의 LED로 구성된 LED 모듈에 입력되는 전압의 변화를 통하여 LED 모듈을 구성하는 각각의 LED에 흐르는 전류를 변화시킴으로써 전체 LED 모듈의 색온도를 가변시키는 LED 구동회로에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a circuit for changing the color temperature of an LED module, and more particularly, it relates to a circuit for changing the color temperature of an LED module by changing the current flowing through each LED constituting the LED module through a change in voltage inputted to the LED module composed of LEDs of plural kinds of color temperature, And an LED driving circuit for varying the color temperature of the module.

02-07-2021 дата публикации

Traffic light and signal method using the same

Номер: KR102272398B1
Автор: 김민석, 장진혁, 조성우
Принадлежит: 김민석, 장진혁, 조성우

The present disclosure relates to the provision of a traffic light and a signal method using the same, which prevent sudden braking or accidents of vehicles entering a crosswalk or intersection by automatically controlling a signal conversion speed. According to an embodiment of the content disclosed herein, the traffic light includes: a first light emitting unit formed to output a first light of a color indicating stop; a second light emitting unit for outputting a second light having a color different from that of the first light emitting unit; and a third light emitting unit for outputting a third light indicating go. In the second light emitting unit, a plurality of LEDs formed in different positions are sequentially flickered and turned off before the third light is turned off and the first light is output.

31-01-2017 дата публикации

대피안내 겸용 조명장치

Номер: KR20170010346A
Автор: 안재용, 최유심, 허호현
Принадлежит: 안재용, 최유심, 허호현

본 발명은 대피안내 겸용 조명장치에 관한 것으로서, 지하도의 천장 또는 건물 내의 복도 천장을 따라 소정간격 이격되게 설치되는 다수의 조명등을 포함하는 조명부와; 상기 지하도 또는 건물 내에 설치되어 비상상황을 감지하여 감지신호를 출력하는 감지부와; 상기 감지부에서 출력된 감지신호를 수신하고, 비상상황 발생 여부에 따라 상기 조명부의 동작을 각각 독립적으로 제어하는 제어부와; 상기 조명부를 일반모드와 비상모드 중 어느 하나의 모드로 동작시킬 수 있도록 사용자가 선택가능하게 되어 있고, 선택된 모드에 대응되는 모드신호를 상기 제어부로 출력하는 모드선택부;를 구비하는 것을 특징으로 한다. 본 발명에 따른 대피안내 겸용 조명장치는 평상시에는 조명을 위한 용도로 사용되다가 비상 상황이 발생할 시, 조명부가 설정된 패턴으로 점멸동작함으로써 사람들이 비상구 또는 출구의 위치를 쉽게 알 수 있게 하며, LED를 적용하여 시인성을 높여 효과적인 대피를 가능하게 하는 장점을 가진다.

07-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CN104266137A
Автор: 丁应琪
Принадлежит: Nantong Yatai Wax Arts & Crafts Co ltd


20-02-2010 дата публикации

Improved flexible luminous tube with changeable light emission colour

Номер: RU2382271C2
Автор: Бен ФАН

FIELD: lighting. ^ SUBSTANCE: invention refers to decorative light sources. Improved luminous tube with changeable light emission colour includes non-transparent core, variety of light-emitting diodes mounted in core, semi-transparent diffuser with length equal to core length, cover with length equal to core length, which covers it and is formed by means of extrusion moulding together with diffuser in the form of a whole entity. Element formed by arranging red, green and blue light-emitting diodes in fixing device (holder); variety of elements connected in a row and located in transverse through holes of core respectively. Fixing device can be made in the form of housing. Housing can be square, round or elliptic. ^ EFFECT: developing luminous tube for simulating effects of continuous uniform bright and mild neon light, which is capable of changing and mixing the colour of neon light, as well as it has compact and strong design allowing to freely bend, shorten or lengthen the tube if necessary. ^ 8 cl, 9 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 382 271 (13) C2 (51) МПК F21S 4/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007147867/28, 23.05.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 23.05.2005 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.06.2009 (72) Автор(ы): ФАН Бен (CN) (45) Опубликовано: 20.02.2010 Бюл. № 5 2 3 8 2 2 7 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 2005017408 A1, 24.02.2005. US 4607317 A, 19.08.1986. WO 2006099773 A1, 28.09.2006. US 5931577 A, 03.08.1999. US 4177503 A, 04.12.1979. CN 1453499 A, 05.11.2003. RU 2265156 C2, 27.11.2005. (85) Дата перевода заявки PCT на национальную фазу: 14.12.2007 2 3 8 2 2 7 1 R U (87) Публикация PCT: WO 2006/125338 (30.11.2006) C 2 C 2 (86) Заявка PCT: CN 2005/000707 (23.05.2005) Адрес для переписки: 196601, Санкт-Петербург, Пушкин-1, а/я 61, В.Е.Тепловой (54) УСОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАННОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ГИБКОЙ ...

10-06-2013 дата публикации

Cable Tube with Light Emitting Indicator for Boundary Lines

Номер: KR101272709B1
Автор: 이재경
Принадлежит: 이재경

본 발명은 발광형 경계선 표시장치에 관한 것이다. 이 발광형 노면표시 겸용 케이블관로(40, 60, 70)는, 도로의 경계석, 차선, 정지선, 횡단보도 등의 노면표시선을 따라 그 상부면이나 옆면이 도로면을 향하여 노출되도록 도로 내에 매설되는 노면표시부(40)와; 도로에 설치된 조도센서, 타이머, 교통신호등(50) 또는 가로등을 포함하는 외부시스템의 전기 신호용 케이블과 연결되어 상기 외부시스템으로부터 수신된 전기적 신호에 상응하는 발광제어를 수행하도록 구성된 발광제어부(60); 및 상기 노면표시부(40) 내에 설치되어 상기 노면표시부(40)의 상부면이나 옆면을 통해 빛을 발하며 상기 발광제어부(60)의 제어에 따라 발광하도록 연결되는 발광부(70)를 포함한다. 이에 따라 교통신호등과 같은 외부시스템과 연계되어 교통신호등의 점등 변환에 따라서 경계선도 신호등의 색깔에 상응한 색깔로 발광할 수 있도록 하여 야간이나 우천시에 운전자들이 정지선, 경계선이나 차선 등의 각종 경계선의 노면 위치를 쉽게 구별할 수 있도록 하여 안전 기능이 강화되는 등의 효과가 있다. The present invention relates to a light emitting edge display device. The light-emitting road surface combined use cable line 40, 60, 70 is a road surface buried in the road so that its upper surface or side surface is exposed toward the road surface along road marking lines such as boundary stones, lanes, stop lines, and crosswalks. A display unit 40; A light emission control unit 60 connected to an electric signal cable of an external system including an illumination sensor, a timer, a traffic light 50 or a street light installed in a road and configured to perform light emission control corresponding to an electrical signal received from the external system; And a light emitting unit 70 installed in the road surface display unit 40 to emit light through the upper surface or the side surface of the road surface display unit 40 and to emit light under the control of the light emission control unit 60. Accordingly, in conjunction with an external system such as a traffic light, the boundary line can emit light in a color corresponding to the color of the traffic light in accordance with the change of lighting of the traffic light so that drivers can drive the roads of various boundary lines such as stop lines, boundary lines or lanes at night or in rainy weather. The location can be easily distinguished, and the safety function is enhanced.

16-05-2018 дата публикации

Color variable lighting device using color wheel and method for controlling the same

Номер: KR20180050927A
Принадлежит: 한국광기술원

본 발명은 서로 다른 파장대역의 단색광이 출력되도록 분할된 컬러 휠의 회전 주기와 LED 광원의 점등 주기를 동기화시켜 다양한 색상으로 가변 제어할 수 있는 컬러 휠을 이용한 색 가변 조명장치 및 이의 제어방법을 제공하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 본 발명은 제어부의 제어신호에 따라 임의의 점등 주기로 빛을 출력하는 광원부; 상기 광원부에서 출력되는 빛을 평행광으로 변환시켜 출력되도록 하는 렌즈부; 상기 제어부의 제어신호에 따라 임의의 회전 주기로 회전하여 상기 광원부의 점등 주기와 동기화 되는 모터; 상기 모터의 동작에 따라 회전하고, 상기 광원부에서 출력된 빛이 통과하여 서로 다른 파장 대역의 단색광이 출력되도록 분할된 컬러 휠; 및 임의의 출력 색상에 따라 상기 광원부의 점등 주기와 모터의 회전 주기가 동기화되도록 제어신호를 출력하는 제어부를 포함한다. 따라서 본 발명은 서로 다른 파장대역의 단색광이 출력되도록 분할된 컬러 휠의 회전 주기와 LED 광원의 점등 주기를 동기화시켜 다양한 색상으로 가변 제어할 수 있는 장점이 있다.

20-08-2011 дата публикации

Lamp assembly

Номер: RU2426939C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использовано для освещения поверхности множеством светодиодов. Техническим результатом является расширение области использования. Устройство содержит камеру (3), открытую в сторону освещаемой поверхности и имеющую стенки, пропускающие свет. В камере расположено освещающее устройство (4), содержащее корпус с полостью (5), имеющей, по существу, диффузно отражающую поверхность (6), причем полость имеет апертуру (7), обращенную к освещаемой поверхности, и отверстие, противоположное указанной апертуре, а также множество светодиодов (9А, 9В, 9С), излучающих видимый свет (LA, LB, LC). Светодиоды расположены на/или вблизи диффузно отражающей поверхности полости так, что свет, излучаемый светодиодами, может отражаться от диффузно отражающей поверхности в сторону к освещаемой поверхности. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 426 939 (13) C2 (51) МПК F21S 10/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 17.11.2005 EP 05110865.2 (73) Патентообладатель(и): КОНИНКЛЕЙКЕ ФИЛИПС ЭЛЕКТРОНИКС Н.В. (NL) R U (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.11.2006 (72) Автор(ы): ПАУЛЮССЕН Эльвира Й.М. (NL), ДЕЙНЕ Петер А. (NL), ВАН УРС Денис Й.К. (NL) (21)(22) Заявка: 2008124163/07, 13.11.2006 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.12.2009 Бюл. № 36 2 4 2 6 9 3 9 (45) Опубликовано: 20.08.2011 Бюл. № 23 2 4 2 6 9 3 9 R U (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 17.06.2008 C 2 C 2 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 01/13437 А, 22.02.2001. ЕР 0416253 А2, 13.03.1991. JP 2005116491 A, 28.04.2005. WO 2005105381 A, 10.11.2005. US 2005225985, 13.10.2005. ЕР 1594172 A, 09.11.2005. RU 2251761 C2, 10.05.2005. RU 2179280 C2, 10.02.2002. (86) Заявка PCT: IB 2006/054222 (13.11.2006) (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2007/057834 (24.05.2007) Адрес для переписки ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Led luminaires for large-scale architectural illuminations

Номер: RU2485396C2

FIELD: electrical engineering. SUBSTANCE: system contains the first illumination device (301) and the second illumination device (302), with the first gap (332) formed between them. Both the first and the second illumination devices contain multiple LEDs. The first illumination device generates radiation with a spectrum different from that of the second illumination device radiation. The rear surface of the first and the second illumination devices is thermally connected to heat dissipation structures. Placed inside the body (330) is a controller connected to the LED light sources and designed so that to enable control over intensity and the total perceived colour and/or colour temperature of radiation generated by the system. The controller body (330) forms the second gap (385) with the heat dissipation structures of the first and the second illumination devices, such gap connected to the first gap (332) to ensure ambient air flow passage through the illumination system. EFFECT: enhanced reliability due to heat dissipation improvement and ensuring a wide spectrum of light effects at high density of heat flux. 15 cl, 20 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 485 396 (13) C2 (51) МПК F21V 29/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (72) Автор(ы): МОЛЛНАУ Томас (US), УИЛЛЬЯМСОН Райан (US), КОНДО Стив (US), РОТ Эрик (US), ЛИЗ Игорь (US) (21)(22) Заявка: 2010130662/07, 22.12.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.12.2008 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.01.2012 Бюл. № 3 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФИЛИПС СОЛИД-СТЕЙТ ЛАЙТИНГ СОЛЮШНЗ ИНК. (US) 2 4 8 5 3 9 6 (45) Опубликовано: 20.06.2013 Бюл. № 17 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2005265024 A1, 01.12.2005. WO 8804875 A, 30.06.1988. US 6211626 B1, 03.04.2001. RU 51328 U1, 27.01.2006. RU 44162 U1, 27.02.2005. 2 4 8 5 3 9 6 R U (86) Заявка PCT: IB 2008/055497 (22.12.2008) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации

Pergola structure with lighting function

Номер: KR101889513B1
Автор: 나호주
Принадлежит: 이그린테크(주)

The present invention relates to a pagoda having a lighting function, and more particularly, to a pagoda supporting frame made up of a supporting frame, a connecting frame, a roof frame and a floor frame, and a variety of natural materials such as flower trees, birds, And a display panel on which an illumination hole is formed along the outline of a pattern or a letter. One end of the optical fiber is inserted and fixed in the illumination hole, and the other end is connected to an illumination device built in the bottom frame to emit light of various colors to the optical fiber. The present invention relates to a pagoda having a lighting function that can be used for illumination at night and at the same time, various images emitted from the display panel can be harmonized with the surrounding landscape and the beauty of the pagoda can be improved.

15-02-2000 дата публикации

Mood lamp

Номер: KR200170741Y1
Автор: 박봉현, 손창우
Принадлежит: 박봉현, 손창우

본 고안은 무드램프에 관한 것으로서, 종래 기술의 직접조명으로 인한 눈부심이 발생과 다양한 모양을 구사하기 어려운 단점을 극복하기 위하여 발광체를 본체의 내부에 내장하고 상향으로 발광하게 하고 발광되는 부위에 반사체를 올려 놓아 상기 반사체에 의하여 상기 발광한 빛을 산란 또는 반사시킴으로써 간접조명으로 인한 보다 은은한 빛의 발산으로 분위기를 북돋우는 역할을 하는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to a mood lamp, in order to overcome the disadvantage of the glare caused by the direct light of the prior art and difficult to use a variety of shapes built-in the light emitting body in the interior of the main body to emit light upwards and reflecting the light emitting portion By placing it on the scattering or reflection of the light emitted by the reflector, it is characterized in that it plays a role of encouraging the atmosphere by light emission of softer light due to indirect lighting. 이러한 본 고안은 간접조명으로 인한 보다 은은한 빛의 발산으로 분위기를 북돋우는 역할과 다양한 반사체를 구비하여 교체하므로써 다양한 분위기를 연출할 수 있는 효과를 얻을 수 있다. The present invention can achieve the effect of creating a variety of atmosphere by replacing the equipped with a variety of reflectors and the role of encouraging the atmosphere by the light emanating from the indirect light.

10-12-2014 дата публикации

Colour sequential lighting device

Номер: CN104206014A
Автор: A·J·S·M·德瓦安


26-06-2008 дата публикации

Organic lighting device and lighting equipment

Номер: WO2008040323A3

The invention relates to an organic lighting device and lighting equipment comprising said lighting device. The invention also relates to an optical display device, an emergency lighting system, an automotive interior lighting system, a piece of furniture, a structural material, a glazing pane and a display comprising said lighting device or a lighting equipment having said lighting device.

11-12-2012 дата публикации

Organic lighting device and lighting equipment

Номер: US8328375B2

An organic luminous means and an illumination device comprising such a luminous means are described. An optical display apparatus, emergency lighting, motor vehicle interior lighting, an item of furniture, a construction material, a glazing and a display comprising such a luminous means and, respectively, comprising an illumination device having such a luminous means are also described.

29-12-2016 дата публикации

Organic lighting device and lighting equipment

Номер: KR101691274B1

유기 발광 소자 및 상기 유기 발광 소자를 구비한 조명 장치가 제공된다. 또한, 상기 발광 소자 내지 상기 발광 소자를 포함한 조명 장치를 구비한, 광학 표시 장치 비상 조명, 자동차-실내 조명, 가구품, 건축재, 글래이징 및 디스플레이가 제공된다. There is provided an organic light emitting device and a lighting device including the organic light emitting device. Further, an optical display device having an illuminating device including the light emitting device or the light emitting device Emergency lighting, automotive-interior lighting, furniture, building materials, glazing and displays.

27-07-2015 дата публикации

Organic lighting device and lighting equipment

Номер: KR101539902B1

유기 발광 소자 및 상기 유기 발광 소자를 구비한 조명 장치가 제공된다. 또한, 상기 발광 소자 내지 상기 발광 소자를 포함한 조명 장치를 구비한, 광학 표시 장치, 비상 조명, 자동차-실내 조명, 가구품, 건축재, 글래이징 및 디스플레이가 제공된다. There is provided an organic light emitting device and a lighting device including the organic light emitting device. Also provided is an optical display device, an emergency lighting, an automobile-interior lighting, a furnishing, a building material, a glazing, and a display, each of which is provided with a lighting device including the light emitting device or the light emitting device.

03-02-2015 дата публикации

Organic lighting device and lighting equipment

Номер: US8946986B2
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

An organic luminous means and an illumination device comprising such a luminous means are specified. An optical display apparatus, emergency lighting, motor vehicle interior lighting, an item of furniture, a construction material, a glazing and a display comprising such a luminous means and, respectively, comprising an illumination device having such a luminous means are furthermore specified.

12-04-2016 дата публикации

Organic lighting device and lighting equipment

Номер: US9312308B2
Принадлежит: OSRAM OLED GmbH, Osram Sylvania Inc

An organic luminous means and an illumination device comprising such a luminous means are specified. An optical display apparatus, emergency lighting, motor vehicle interior lighting, an item of furniture, a construction material, a glazing and a display comprising such a luminous means and, respectively, comprising an illumination device having such a luminous means are furthermore specified.

27-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CN105276537A

