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18-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000178746U1

Полезная модель относится к гелиотехнике и может быть использована, в частности, в устройствах, преобразующих электромагнитное излучения солнца в тепловую энергию для нагрева теплоносителя. Солнечный коллектор содержит корпус коробчатого типа, прозрачную переднюю панель, заднюю панель, воздухопроницаемую теплопоглощающую панель, расположенную между передней и задней панелями на расстоянии от них, канал для входа воздуха и канал выхода воздуха. Задняя панель содержит входное отверстие, снабженное средствами фиксации и фильтром для принудительной очистки входящего воздуха, выполненным в виде жестко установленной на наружной поверхности задней панели съемной оснастки, снабженной средствами крепления, взаимосопрягаемыми со средствами фиксации входного отверстия, обеспечивающими разъемное соединение с оснасткой. Теплопоглощающая панель вокруг выходного отверстия образует наклонные стенки в форме раструба с формированием теплообменных камер, одна из которых содержит входное отверстие, а вторая содержит выходное отверстие. Технический результат заключается в повышении качества обогрева и циркуляции воздуха помещений в условиях колебаний температур атмосферного воздуха. 25 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 178 746 U1 (51) МПК F24S 10/25 (2018.01) F24S 10/60 (2018.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F24J 2/20 (2018.01); F24J 2/28 (2018.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017127048, 27.07.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "АНТЕ ФАКТУМ" (RU) Дата регистрации: 18.04.2018 C1, 15.03.1994. SU 1474394 A1, 23.04.1989. WO 2011063196 A1, 26.05.2011. (45) Опубликовано: 18.04.2018 Бюл. № 11 1 7 8 7 4 6 R U (54) УНИВЕРСАЛЬНЫЙ СОЛНЕЧНЫЙ КОЛЛЕКТОР (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к гелиотехнике и установленной на наружной поверхности задней может быть использована, в частности, в панели съемной оснастки, снабженной ...

11-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000183123U1

Полезная модель относится к гелиоэнергетике, в частности к устройствам, предназначенным для поглощения солнечной энергии с последующим преобразованием в тепловую энергию, в частности к солнечным водонагревателям, и может быть использована в системах отопления и горячего водоснабжения. В предложенном солнечном водонагревателе предлагается внутрь стеклянной вакуумной трубки встроить медную трубку, при этом верхний конец медной трубки открыт и крепится резьбовым соединением непосредственно к баку-накопителю через герметично приваренный к баку фитинг, а нижний конец трубки заглушен. Вакуумная трубка не имеет прямого контакта с теплоносителем. Поглощенная вакуумной трубкой солнечная энергия нагревает теплопроводную медную трубку, встроенную внутрь вакуумной, теплоноситель, нагреваясь в медной трубке, поднимается в бак за счет естественной циркуляции. Для уменьшения теплопотерь бак-накопитель имеет теплоизоляцию и защитную обечайку. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении длительной герметичности соединения тепловой медной трубки с накопительным баком. 1 ил. 183123 Ц ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 183 123” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 23.05.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 01.03.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 01.03.2021 Бюл. №7 Стр.: 1 ССВ па ЕП

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000186579U1

Полезная модель относится к области энергетики, а именно к области использования солнечной энергии, и может быть применена в солнечных коллекторах с использованием энергии солнечного излучения в качестве источника теплового потока. Солнечный коллектор включает корпус и каналы для теплоносителя. Корпус выполнен из пластикового профиля, на задней стенке которого установлена армированная пластиком с внешней стороны теплоизоляция из «сэндвич-панели», над которой установлены фокусирующие элементы в виде отражателей, а адсорбер коллектора представляет собой установленные на определенном расстоянии друг от друга шесть элементов с каналами для теплоносителя, расположенными зигзагообразно, причем коллектор снабжен стеклом с эмиссионным покрытием, нанесенным на него с внутренней стороны, на верхнем и нижнем торцах корпуса имеются вход и выход для теплоносителя, а все свободное пространство внутри коллектора заполнено аргоном. Полезная модель должна повысить энергоэффективность коллектора. 3 ил. И 1 186579 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ‘’” 186 579? Ц1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 15.02.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 17.04.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 17.04.2020 Бюл. №11 Стр.: 1 па 619981 ЕП

11-02-2019 дата публикации

Солнечный коллектор интенсифицированного теплообмена с независимым контуром нагрева

Номер: RU0000186942U1

Полезная модель относится к области теплотехники, а именно к гелиотехнике, и может использоваться для нагрева жидкостей в контурах отопления и горячего водоснабжения. Целью полезной модели является интенсификация процесса теплообмена в солнечных коллекторах. Сущность предлагаемой полезной модели заключается в том, что в устройстве, состоящем из теплоизолированного корпуса и помещенного в него нагревательного элемента, для интенсификации процесса теплообмена нагревательный элемент выполнен из двух тонкостенных панелей, скрепленных между собой с образованием замкнутой полости для циркуляции текучей среды. При этом между панелями устроены дополнительные конвективные поверхности теплообмена в виде стержневидных элементов. Также верхняя панель, являющаяся абсорбирующей, устроена с образованием сферических сегментов, увеличивающих площадь лучеприемной поверхности по всей площади, кроме области над теплообменным устройством. Циркуляция текучей среды происходит по замкнутому объему, образованному верхней и нижней панелью нагревательного элемента. Нагрев теплоносителя в системе отопления или горячего водоснабжения (ГВС) осуществляется при помощи помещенного в полость панели, образующую независимый контур нагрева, съемного теплообменного устройства, выполненного из оребренных труб. Для реализации данного процесса, солнечный коллектор размещается под углом к горизонту теплообменным устройством вверх, где за счет разности плотностей в нагревательном элементе сосредотачивается текучая среда с наиболее высокой температурой. Также в этой части панели предусмотрено воздухоотводящее устройство, а в нижней - патрубок для подачи холодной воды с запорной арматурой. И 1 186942 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 186 942” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 28.07.2021 Дата внесения ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Сборная теплообменная панель упрощенного монтажа

Номер: RU0000187165U1

Полезная модель относится к области теплотехники, в частности гелиотехники, и может использоваться для нагрева воды в солнечных коллекторах. Целью полезной модели является оптимизация процесса теплопередачи от абсорбирующей поверхности панели к трубам теплоносителя. Сущность предлагаемой полезной модели заключается в том, что в устройстве, состоящем из элементов алюминиевого профиля теплообменной панели плотно обжимающих трубки с теплоносителем, для оптимизации процесса теплопередачи элементы панели изготавливаются с полностью эквидистантной трубкам внутренней поверхностью, исключающей из теплопроводного сечения воздушные полости, снижающие эффективность теплообмена в наиболее нагретых областях панели. Следует уменьшить толщину панели в наиболее подверженном ее изгибу месте, изменив плоскую конфигурацию панели на волнообразную с предусмотренными на ее поверхности U-образными каналами, что приведет к снижению трудоемкости монтажа, при сравнительно более меньшем уровне материалоемкости и площади лучевоспринимающей поверхности, а также более эффективному теплообмену. Теплообменная панель устроена таким образом, что элементы алюминиевого профиля выполнены осесимметрично с кромками и пазами, позволяющими легко соединить элементы друг с другом и образовать вокруг трубки с теплоносителем замкнутый контур. Что осуществимо вследствие образования волнообразной конфигурации поверхности, позволяющей деформировать элемент профиля до формы пригодной для соединения с другим элементом с последующим восстановлением первоначальной формы, ввиду удовлетворяющего осуществлению данного процесса модуля упругости алюминия. В результате, процесс сборки панели выполняется вручную, без использования каких-либо приспособлений, с применением простых фиксирующих оснований. Теплоноситель, циркулирующий по трубкам, забирает тепло от корпуса теплообменной панели, тем самым охлаждая её, и далее транспортируется в накопитель потребителя. Для реализации этого процесса с наибольшей эффективностью, ...

06-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000187433U1

Полезная модель относится к области преобразования солнечной энергии в тепловую, с использованием последней на технологические и бытовые нужды населения. Может использоваться как основной или дополнительный нагреватель в системе горячего водоснабжения. Может применяться в системах с естественной (термосифонного типа) или принудительной циркуляцией теплоносителя. Гелиоводонагреватель, состоящий из защитного прозрачного светопроницаемого слоя, системы теплообмена, содержащей внутренние каналы, на торцевые стороны которых герметично закреплены коллекторные трубы, которые имеют входные и выходные отверстия, теплоизоляции системы теплообмена, выполненного из вспененного утеплителя с отражающим слоем, отражающая сторона которого направлена к системе теплообмена. Система теплообмена выполнена из n-числа параллельных между собой металлических трубок высокой тепловоспринимающей и теплопередающей способностью с внутренним диаметром трубок 8 мм, и между прозрачным светопроницаемым слоем и теплоизоляционной системой установлена металлическая фигурная пластина, выполненная из металла высокой тепловоспринимающей и теплопередающей способностью, и имеющая «выемки» в виде полуцилиндров с возможностью размещения в них металлических трубок, при этом внутренний диаметр «выемок» равен наружному диаметру металлических трубок, и расстояние между центральными осями «выемок» равно расстоянию между центральными осями металлических трубок. Полезная модель позволяет повысить надежность и производительность устройства. 5 ил. И 1 187433 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 187 433” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 22.08.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 28.04.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 28.04.2020 Бюл. №13 Стр.: 1 па ССЗ ЕП

21-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000189382U1

Полезная модель относится к гелиоэнергетике и может быть использована в солнечных установках для преобразования солнечной энергии в тепловую. Солнечный коллектор содержит многосекционные теплообменники, выполненные в виде коаксиальных стеклянных трубок, в межтрубном пространстве которых создан вакуум. Во внутренней полости внутренней трубки установлена металлическая гофрированная U-образная тепловая трубка, заполненная теплоносителем, концы которой гидравлически связаны с коллекторами, подводящим и отводящим нагретый теплоноситель. Тепловая трубка может быть выполнена из нержавеющей стали в виде двойной спирали, свитой в продольном направлении. Секции коллектора могут быть соединены в цилиндрическую вертикально ориентируемую форму. Полезная модель должна обеспечить максимальное использование энергии солнечной радиации вне зависимости от ориентации на солнце в течение всего времени суток и времени года. 3 з.п.ф-лы, 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 189 382 U1 (51) МПК F24S 10/40 (2018.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F24S 10/40 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019101515, 21.01.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Торопов Алексей Леонидович (RU) Дата регистрации: 21.05.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 171104 U1, 22.05.2017. RU 2601321 C1, 10.11.2016. RU 2382294 C2, 20.02.2010. US 8851067 B2, 07.10.2014. (45) Опубликовано: 21.05.2019 Бюл. № 15 R U (54) СОЛНЕЧНЫЙ КОЛЛЕКТОР (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к гелиоэнергетике и может быть использована в солнечных установках для преобразования солнечной энергии в тепловую. Солнечный коллектор содержит многосекционные теплообменники, выполненные в виде коаксиальных стеклянных трубок, в межтрубном пространстве которых создан вакуум. Во внутренней полости внутренней трубки установлена металлическая гофрированная U-образная тепловая трубка, заполненная теплоносителем, ...

21-05-2019 дата публикации

Комбинированное солнечно-энергетическое устройство

Номер: RU0000189397U1

Полезная модель относится к возобновляемым источникам энергии, а именно к комбинированным солнечно-энергетическим преобразовательным установкам, обеспечивающим горячим водоснабжением и электричеством помещений различного назначения. Оно может быть использовано в предприятиях агропромышленного комплекса, а также в индивидуальных и фермерских хозяйствах. Комбинированное солнечно-энергетическое устройство содержит установленные на несущей конструкции внешний светопрозрачный слой, помещенный под ним с зазором последовательно фотоэлектрический преобразователь в виде батареи солнечных элементов и контактирующий с ним проточный теплообменник с патрубками входа и выхода, а также линзу Френеля. Внешний светопрозрачный слой и размещенный под ним фотоэлектрический преобразователь выполнены плоскими, с задней стороны проточный теплообменник имеет слой теплоизоляции. Фотоэлектрический преобразователь выполнен площадью 1200×1500 мм, а внешний светопрозрачный слой выполнен в виде прямоугольных линз Френеля 60×60 мм, расположенных рядами в количестве не более 500 штук и в каждом ряду не более 20 штук, при этом в зазорах между каждой линзой Френеля и фотоэлектрическим преобразователем установлены по периметру линзы Френеля отражающие поверхности в виде зеркал, причем проточный теплообменник имеет криволинейную поверхность с диффузорно-конфузорными участками. Полезная модель должна повысить качественные характеристики устройства. 2 ил. И 1 189397 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВО“” 189 397“ Ц4 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 28.05.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 13.08.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 13.08.2020 Бюл. №23 Стр.: 1 па 46$63 1 ЕП

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000190986U1

Полезная модель относится к гелиоэнергетике и может быть использована в солнечных установках для преобразования солнечной энергии в тепловую и направлена на повышение эффективности теплопередачи. Солнечный коллектор содержит многосекционные теплообменники в виде коаксиальных стеклянных трубок, в межтрубном пространстве которых создан вакуум. Во внутренней полости внутренней трубки установлена металлическая тепловая трубка, по которой циркулирует теплоноситель, концы которой гидравлически связаны с подводящей и отводящей магистралями, размещенными в секционном корпусе. Секции корпуса в плане выполнены в виде трапеции и установлены под углом к опорной поверхности, коаксиальные трубки секций каждого теплообменника установлены во фланцах под углом по отношению друг к другу и под углом к поверхности секции корпуса. Смежные секции корпуса сопрягаются между собой по боковым сторонам трапециевидных секций, а меньшее основание секции корпуса расположено выше большего основания. С теневой стороны от корпуса установлен на несущих рамах секционный отражатель, направляющий солнечные лучи в сторону затененной боковой поверхности коаксиальных трубок. Полезная модель направлена на повышение эффективности теплопередачи. 2 н.п.ф-лы, 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 190 986 U1 (51) МПК F24S 10/40 (2018.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F24S 10/40 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019112242, 23.04.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Торопов Алексей Леонидович (RU) Дата регистрации: 18.07.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 18.07.2019 Бюл. № 20 1 9 0 9 8 6 R U (54) СОЛНЕЧНЫЙ ВОДОНАГРЕВАТЕЛЬ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к гелиоэнергетике и может быть использована в солнечных установках для преобразования солнечной энергии в тепловую и направлена на повышение эффективности теплопередачи. Солнечный коллектор содержит многосекционные теплообменники в виде коаксиальных ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000192169U1

Полезная модель относится к гелиоэнергетике и может быть использована в солнечных установках для преобразования солнечной энергии в тепловую и направлена на повышение эффективности теплопередачи. Солнечный водонагреватель содержит корпус, теплообменники, выполненные в виде коаксиальных стеклянных трубок, в межтрубном пространстве которых создан вакуум. Во внутренней полости внутренней трубки установлена металлическая тепловая трубка, по которой пропускают теплоноситель, концы которой гидравлически связаны с подводящей и отводящей магистралями. Верхняя поверхность корпуса выполнена криволинейной, коаксиальные трубки каждого теплообменника подключены к подводящему и отводящему коллекторам и установлены под углом по отношению друг к другу. Свободные концы коаксиальных трубок связаны с концами смежных трубок посредством гибких связей, при этом во внутренней полости стеклянных коаксиальных трубок установлены тепловые гофрированные трубки U-образной формы. Повышение эффективности теплопередачи достигается за счет снижения затенения солнечных лучей соседними трубками. 5 з.п.ф-лы, 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 192 169 U1 (51) МПК F24S 10/40 (2018.01) F24S 21/00 (2018.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F24S 10/40 (2019.02); F24S 21/00 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019104194, 14.02.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Торопов Алексей Леонидович (RU) Дата регистрации: 05.09.2019 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 14.02.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 05.09.2019 Бюл. № 25 1 9 2 1 6 9 R U (54) ВОДОНАГРЕВАТЕЛЬ СОЛНЕЧНЫЙ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к гелиоэнергетике и может быть использована в солнечных установках для преобразования солнечной энергии в тепловую и направлена на повышение эффективности теплопередачи. Солнечный водонагреватель содержит корпус, теплообменники, выполненные в виде коаксиальных стеклянных трубок, в межтрубном ...

16-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000192396U1

Полезная модель относится к области теплоэнергетики и предназначена для энергоснабжения объектов сельскохозяйственного и индивидуального назначения. В конструкции теплообменника солнечного вакуумного коллектора, включающего трубку коллектора, выполненную в виде стеклянной колбы, имеющей внешнюю и внутреннюю стенки, а также центральную полость колбы, образованную поверхностью внутренней стенки, причем пространство между внешней и внутренней стенками заполнено вакуумом, а внутри центральной полости колбы размещен тепловой абсорбер, внутри которого в контакте с ним закреплен тепловой канал, в качестве теплового канала используют U-образную стеклянную трубку, в качестве теплоносителя используют воздух, в качестве теплового абсорбера используют размещенные на тепловом канале цилиндрические шайбы из талькохлорита, а стеклянная колба размещена внутри защитного алюминиевого цилиндра, имеющего продольную щель вдоль поверхности, через которую осуществляют нагрев теплового абсорбера сфокусированным световым пучком размещенной над цилиндром линзы Френеля. Полезная модель направлена на увеличение максимальной температуры нагрева теплового абсорбера и увеличение продолжительности отдачи тепловому каналу тепла, накопленного тепловым абсорбером. 2 ил.1 табл. И 1 192396 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 192 396” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 21.10.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 11.01.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 11.01.2021 Бюл. №2 Стр.: 1 па 96$5С6 1 ЕП

12-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000194490U1

Солнечный воздухонагреватель относится к гелиотехнике и может быть использован в устройствах для преобразования солнечной энергии в тепловую энергию воздушного теплоносителя при обогреве теплиц, сушки пищевой продукции или в коммунальном и бытовом хозяйстве в качестве вспомогательной системы отопления. Солнечный воздухонагреватель транспирационного типа содержит корпус, изготовленный из профилированного полимерного материала, в котором расположен капиллярно-пористый текстильный абсорбер для передачи тепла теплоносителю, с лицевой стороны корпуса установлен лист сотового поликарбоната, днище корпуса выполнено из винилпласта с ребрами жесткости и тепловой изоляцией, в профиль канала установлены соединительные патрубки в виде ПВХ трубы на верхней и нижней боковой части корпуса, позволяющие забирать воздух из окружающей среды за счет прососа через абсорбер, нагревать и подавать его к потребителю. Технический результат - создание солнечного воздухоподогревателя транспирационнного типа с низкой удельной массой и стоимостью. 3 ил. И 1 194490 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ‘’” 194 490” 91 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 12.01.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 09.10.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 09.10.2020 Бюл. №28 Стр.: 1 па ОбУУб ЕП

12-01-2021 дата публикации

Многофункциональный воздушный солнечный коллектор

Номер: RU0000201779U1

Многофункциональный воздушный солнечный коллектор предназначен для преобразования солнечной энергии в тепловую энергию воздуха в дневное время суток и охлаждения воздуха и получения пресной воды - в ночное. Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что плоский поглотитель выполнен в виде многослойной перфорированной с увеличивающейся по глубине площадью поверхности поглощающей панели и горизонтально установлен в верхней части корпуса, обращенной к Солнцу, а нижняя часть корпуса полая и выполнена в форме усеченной пирамиды, большое основание которой обращено к поглощающей панели, а меньшее основание соединено с отделителем жидкости, выполненным в форме полого цилиндра, на одной из граней которого выполнен воздухоотводящий канал, соединенный со всасывающей полостью вентилятора, а нижняя часть отделителя жидкости соединена со сборником конденсата чашевидной формы, в узкой части которого установлены патрубок и клапан, при этом отделитель жидкости, воздухоотводящий канал и сборник конденсата образованы стенками корпуса коллектора. Технический результат - простое в изготовлении и использовании, надежное и экономичное устройство, позволяющее использовать энергию солнца и холод ночного небосвода для теплохладоснабжения бытовых и промышленных сооружений, а также получения пресной воды. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 201 779 U1 (51) МПК F24S 10/60 (2018.01) F24S 21/00 (2018.01) F24S 70/65 (2018.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F24S 10/60 (2020.08); F24S 21/00 (2020.08); F24S 70/65 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020128616, 27.08.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 12.01.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 12.01.2021 Бюл. № 2 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2009410 C1, 15.03.1994. SU 1751608 A1, 30.07.1992. SU 1694806 A1, 30.11.1991. RU 115054 U1, 20.04.2012. KG 1178 C1, 29.08.2009. CN 107588491 A, 16.01.2018. CN 207132509 U, 23.03.2018. 2 0 1 ...

11-10-2021 дата публикации

Солнечный коллектор

Номер: RU0000207067U1

Полезная модель относится к гелиотехнике, в частности к коллекторам со средствами концентрации солнечной энергии, и может быть использована в системах теплоснабжения зданий различного назначения. Солнечный коллектор содержит замкнутый корпус с размещенной в его нижней части теплоизоляцией, на лицевой стороне которой и на внутренней поверхности стенок корпуса расположены отражающие слои, причем на лицевой стороне отражающего слоя, установленного на теплоизоляции, размещены параллельные тепловоспринимающие трубки одинакового диаметра с равным расстоянием между ними и соединенные друг с другом входным и выходным коллекторами для подвода и отвода теплоносителя, при этом над трубками установлен лучепоглощающий лист и выше него выполнен светопрозрачный слой, отличается тем, что тепловоспринимающие трубки направлены по спирали в одной плоскости, причем входной коллектор смещен к краю стенки корпуса, а выходной коллектор расположен в центральной части корпуса. Технический результат выражается в повышении теплофикационных свойств коллектора за счет снижения гидравлических потерь, а также увеличения длины тепловоспринимающих трубок. 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 207 067 U1 (51) МПК F24S 10/25 (2018.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F24S 10/25 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021116342, 07.06.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 07.06.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 11.10.2021 Бюл. № 29 2 0 7 0 6 7 R U (54) Солнечный коллектор (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к гелиотехнике, в частности к коллекторам со средствами концентрации солнечной энергии, и может быть использована в системах теплоснабжения зданий различного назначения. Солнечный коллектор содержит замкнутый корпус с размещенной в его нижней части теплоизоляцией, на лицевой стороне которой и на внутренней поверхности стенок корпуса расположены отражающие слои, причем ...

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for solar thermal energy collection

Номер: US20120080026A1
Автор: Randy Gee, Roland Winston

An apparatus for collecting solar energy includes a receptacle adapted for receiving solar thermal energy; an insert located within the receptacle, the insert being a heat pipe adapted to transfer heat; and an absorption device positioned proximate to and substantially conforming to at least a portion of an internal surface of the receptacle and thermally coupled to the insert. The insert enters the receptacle substantially at a cross-sectional center of the receptacle, and further inside the receptacle, the insert shifts to become closer to the absorption fin.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for generating electricity from wind power

Номер: US20120091727A1
Автор: Ilya Tsitron
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for generating electricity from wind power includes a turbine, a generator connected with the turbine and generating electricity in response to rotation of the turbine's impeller around a substantially upright axis under an action of wind, a wind guiding device guiding wind substantially upwardly toward the turbine, wherein the wind guiding device has a guiding element which is inclined relative to a vertical plane so as to direct the wind toward the turbine.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

solar collector

Номер: US20120186577A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A solar collector of the direct flow type comprises a solar absorbing tube 3 containing elongate tube 11, and a working fluid. The elongate tube 11 contains a concentrically positioned inner pipe 12 thereby forming two concentric internal flow passage ways 13, 14 for the flow of a fluid to be heated. The elongate tube 11 extends out of one end of the solar absorbing tube 3 and into an end fitting 15 wherein an annular outer passageway 13 of the elongate tube 11 communicates with a cold fluid inlet conduit 16 within the end fitting 15 and the inner passageway 14 of the elongate tube 11 communicates with a hot water outlet conduit 17 within the end fitting 15. A central dividing wall 19 divides the fitting 18 into the cold fluid inlet conduit 16 and the hot fluid outlet conduit 17. The dividing wall 19 is a separate insert component which is mounted in the passageway. Fluid can flow between the tubular passages 18 of adjacent solar tubes 3. The open ends of the passages 18 comprise recesses to provide a circumferential seat 20 for an o-ring 21 or similar sealing means to provide a fluid-tight seal when adjacent end fittings 15 are mounted together.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Solar collector

Номер: US20120204861A1
Автор: Julien Sellier, Rene Gy
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

A solar collector, includes a glass sheet provided with a fired metal frit; a metal frame or another glass sheet provided with a fired metal frit and a metal frame; a brazed seal between the metal frit or frits and the metal frame; an absorber and pipes in which a heat-transfer fluid circulates, the pipes being in contact with the absorber, and the absorber and the pipes being placed between the glass sheet and the metal frame or between the two glass sheets. The invention provides a solar collector which is compact and simple and improves solar radiation transmission.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Low temperature rankine cycle solar power system with low critical temperature hfc or hc working fluid

Номер: US20120291433A1
Принадлежит: Individual

This invention relates to a low temperature solar thermal power system, which combines the solar hot water collectors with the organic Rankine cycle system using the low critical temperature hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) or hydrocarbons (HC) working fluid for converting solar energy to electrical energy. This invention also relates to systems and methodology for conversion of low temperature thermal energy, wherever obtained, to electrical energy using the low critical temperature hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) or hydrocarbons (HC) working fluid for organic Rankine cycle system to drive an electrical generator or do other work in a cost effective way.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Vacuum tube solar collector with overheating protectionby means of a rotating reflector

Номер: US20130025587A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The aim is to add a device to vacuum-tube solar collectors so as to prevent overheating thereof. FIG. 1 shows an illustration summarizing the invention applied, in this case, to a vacuum-tube collector of the type consisting of a single glass tube ( 1 ) with heat pipe ( 2 ) centred inside the glass tube ( 1 ) and making contact with heat-absorbing fins ( 6 ). The invention is characterized in that the part of the inner wall of the glass tube ( 1 ) which is hidden from the sun incorporates a curved reflector ( 3 ) with a small thickness along the entire length of the glass tube ( 1 ), which reflector is secured by means of various rings ( 4 ) and is able to rotate while being operated by means of a nitinol or bi-metal torsion spring ( 5 ) which is screwed in and makes good thermal contact with the evaporator tube of the heat pipe ( 2 ) so that, when the temperature of the evaporator tube of the heat pipe ( 2 ) increases beyond a certain value, it causes the nitinol spring to change form, rotate and cause rotation of the reflector ( 3 ), protecting the heat-absorbing fins ( 6 ) from the solar radiation and preventing overheating of the collector and the solar installation. Rotation is reversed when the temperature of the evaporator tube ( 2 ) drops, the collector remaining in the normal heat supply condition. This invention is applicable, with certain modifications, to any type of vacuum-tube solar collector according to the accompanying description. Thus not only is overheating prevented in solar installations, but also the collectors are made more efficient due to the reflection of the radiation heat losses of the fins back towards themselves by means of the reflector.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Solid particle receiver with porous structure for flow regulation and enhancement of heat transfer

Номер: US20130068217A1

There is disclosed a receiver panel. In an embodiment, the panel is configured to receive a curtain of particles in a solar central receiver system. A porous structure of the panel has a top end and a bottom end. The porous structure is disposed between the top end and the bottom end. The porous structure has a size to impede movement of the particles during downward travel from the top end to the bottom end. There is disclosed a solar central receiver system. In an embodiment, the receiver system includes a plurality of receiver panels, a tower supporting the plurality of receiver panels in a configuration to receive solar irradiation, and a hopper forming a slot configured to dispose the particles at a given location on to the porous structure. Other embodiments are also disclosed.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for extracting and processing gases from submerged sources

Номер: US20130074757A1
Автор: Roy Edward McAlister
Принадлежит: McAlister Technologies LLC

Systems and methods for extracting and processing gases from submerged sources are disclosed. A system for removing and processing a gas from a submerged area in accordance with a particular embodiment includes a membrane or other open-bottom structure having a port and being disposed over at least a portion of the submerged area so as to at least partially enclose a volume of the gas. The system can further include a chemical reactor coupled to the open-bottom structure to receive the gas, and positioned to conduct a non-combustion reaction to dissociate a constituent from a donor substance of the gas.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Solar thermal system

Номер: US20130074827A1
Принадлежит: Kyungdong Navien Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a solar thermal system which has improved use efficiency, enables heat acquired in a heat-collecting unit to be quickly used for a heating and hot water supply load, and can be operated in a stable manner. A solar thermal system comprises: a solar heat collector that absorbs solar heat and heats a heat medium received therein; a heat storage tank that contains heating water, includes a first heat storage exchanger and a second heat storage exchanger connected to the solar heat collector through an heat storage pipe at the upper and lower portions therein respectively, and includes a diffuser that diffuses heating return water to the inside; a press sensor sensing the pressure in the heat storage pipe and a circulation pump pressing and circulating the heat medium that are connected to the heat storage pipe; a heat medium supplementary water tank that is connected to the heat storage pipe through a pressing pump to supplement the lack of the heat medium; an auxiliary boiler that has a heating water outlet connected to a heating water supply pipe of the heat storage tank through a 3 -way valve for controlling the heating water supply, and a heating water return port connected to the diffuser of the heat storage tank through a 3 -way valve for controlling the heating water return, a check valve that is connected between the 3-way valve for controlling the heating water supply and the heating water return port of the auxiliary boiler; and a heating load that is connected to the heating water outlet of the auxiliary boiler and the 3 -way valve for controlling the heating water return.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118887A1

A hydro-thermal exchange unit (HTEU) for desalinating feed water in accordance with a humidification-dehumidification includes feed water, fresh water and gas conduit circuits for transporting feed water, fresh water, and gas, respectively. The unit also includes an evaporator through which a portion of the feed water conduit and the gas conduit pass. The evaporator causes evaporation of a portion of the feed water to produce vapor that is transported through the gas conduit. The unit also includes a condenser through which a portion of the gas conduit and the fresh water conduit pass. The condenser has input and output ports for coupling the gas and fresh water conduit circuits. The condenser extracts moisture from the vapor transported therethrough by the gas conduit. The extracted moisture is discharged through the fresh water conduit. The unit also includes a heat exchanger through which a portion of the fresh water conduit and the feed water conduit pass to thereby extract residual heat from the fresh water such that the residual heat heats the feed water. 1. A desalination system , comprising:saline feed water, fresh water and gas conduit circuits for transporting saline feed water, fresh water, and gas, respectively;an evaporator through which a portion of the feed water conduit and the gas conduit pass,said evaporator causing evaporation of a portion of the feed water to produce vapor that is transported through the gas conduit;a condenser through which a portion of the gas conduit and the fresh water conduit pass, said condenser having input and output ports for coupling said gas and fresh water conduit circuits;said condenser extracting moisture from the vapor transported therethrough by the gas conduit, wherein the extracted moisture is discharged through the fresh water conduit; anda heat exchanger through which a portion of the fresh water conduit and the feed water conduit pass to thereby extract residual heat from the fresh water such that the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Multi-section heat-pipe solar collector

Номер: US20130167834A1
Принадлежит: Kunshan Jue Chung Electronics Co Ltd

A multi-section heat-pipe solar collector includes a heat-exchanging pipe and at least one heat-collecting module. The heat-collecting module includes a heat pipe and a plurality of heat-collecting plates serially connected on one side of the heat pipe at intervals. One end of the heat pipe is inserted into the heat-exchanging pipe. The heat-collecting plates are arranged on the other end of the heat pipe in multiple sections and have different heat transfer characteristics respectively.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Solar energy collection

Номер: US20130186390A1
Автор: Andrew Lowenstein
Принадлежит: AIL Research Inc

A method of converting a liquid into a vapor includes directing liquid into one or more solar collectors through a manifold that supports the one or more solar collectors. Each of the one or more solar collectors includes a transparent outer cylinder having a closed end and an open end, an inner cylinder having a closed end and an open end, the inner cylinder being concentric with and disposed within the transparent outer cylinder so that the closed end of the inner cylinder is located proximate to the closed end of the transparent outer cylinder, an outer surface of the inner cylinder being made of a material that absorbs solar radiation to generate heat, the longitudinal axes of the transparent outer cylinder and the inner cylinder being substantially horizontal, and an enclosed and evacuated space formed between the transparent outer cylinder and the inner cylinder. A maximum value is determined for the amount of liquid to be converted to vapor during a daylight portion of a day as a result of the heat generated in the inner cylinders of the one or more solar collectors. An amount of the liquid is directed into the one or more solar collectors, where the amount is a value that is at least the maximum amount value.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Thermal receiver and solar thermal power generation device

Номер: US20130220309A1
Принадлежит: Ibiden Co Ltd

A thermal receiver includes a heat absorption body and a support body. The heat absorption body is made of at least one honeycomb unit having a plurality of flow paths arranged for circulation of a heat medium. The support body supports the heat absorption body and allows circulation of the heat medium. The heat absorption body includes silicon carbide and is supported at a position away from an inner surface of the support body by a predetermined distance.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Heat collection receiver and solar thermal power generation device

Номер: US20130233302A1
Принадлежит: Ibiden Co Ltd

A heat collection receiver includes a heat absorption body and a support body. The heat absorption body includes at least one honeycomb unit in which a plurality of flow paths through which a heat medium passes are provided in parallel with each other. The at least one honeycomb unit includes porous silicon carbide and silicon that fills pores in the porous silicon carbide. A surface region of the at least one honeycomb unit includes a porous layer which includes pores in a predetermined depth from the surface. The surface region is irradiated with solar light. The pores of the porous layer are not filled with the silicon. The support body accommodates and supports the heat absorption body and the heat medium flows through the support body.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Solar collector

Номер: US20130263844A1
Принадлежит: Kingspan Holdings IRL Ltd

A solar collector comprises a solar absorbing tube comprising enclosure enclosing an absorbing section, comprising a radiation absorbing plate and a tube, containing a working fluid in thermal contact with the plate. The tube extends out of one end of the tube and connects with a condenser wherein the thermal transfer fluid when in a vapour phase communicates with a fluid to be heated within an end fitting. The condenser of a tube is inserted into a thermal pocket sealingly engaged with a gasket within the pipe receiving portion of the fitting, whereby heat transfer can take place between the condensers of the pipes and a fluid flowing via path in the fitting. The pocket is sealed against ingress of heat exchange fluid flowing through the fitting.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Solar collector having a multi-tube receiver, thermosolar plants that use said collector and method for operating said plants

Номер: US20130269683A1
Принадлежит: Abengoa Solar New Technologies SA

The invention relates to a solar collector having a multi-tube receiver, to thermosolar plants that use said collector and to a method for operating said plants, where the multi-tube receivers have a primary reflector ( 5 ) formed by two continuous symmetrical parametric curves, a secondary reconcentrator ( 6 ) and a receiver ( 1 ) that includes several connected tubes ( 7 ) with a circular cross-section, the center of gravity of the collector being located very close to the axis of rotation of the collector itself, and the concentration ratio C/Cmax being greater than 0.63, having 100% collection efficiency and having a maximum of two reflections of solar rays ( 8 ). The thermosolar plants that use said multi-tube receivers combine same with cylindrical or trough collectors with a tubular receiver and can be used for the direct generation of steam (with a saturation and overheating zone) or the indirect generation of steam (with the collectors connected in series).

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Solar receiver

Номер: US20130291541A1
Принадлежит: Alstom Technology AG

A solar receiver having a radiation capturing element for capturing solar radiation passing through a radiation receiving aperture into a cavity formed by the radiation capturing element, the aperture having a first diameter and the cavity having cylindrical walls of a second diameter, the second diameter being larger than the first diameter, preferably about twice as large. Furthermore, the length of the cavity is greater than the first diameter, preferably about twice as great.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Solar collector with heat exchanger and absorption vacuum tubes

Номер: US20130298898A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An absorption vacuum tube ( 2 ) with heat pipe ( 3 ), a condenser ( 4 ) of which is placed in a plugged stub pipe ( 5 ) of a dry type heat exchanger ( 1 ) of a solar collector, is characterised in that it comprises more than one heat pipe ( 3 ), preferably two to six. The plugged stub pipes ( 5 ) are located in walls of the heat exchanger ( 1 ) in groups, creating stub pipe sets, in which the condensers ( 4 ) of the heat pipes ( 3 ), situated in one absorption vacuum tube ( 2 ), are located. Thanks to the better use of a heat absorbed, the solar collector, in which the absorption heat pipes ( 3 ) and the heat exchanger ( 1 ) are used, has a better efficiency.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Heat Exchanger Panel And Method For Manufacturing Thereof

Номер: US20130306284A1
Автор: Pal Molnar
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a heat exchanger panel ( 10 ) preferably for heat exchange utilizing light energy, comprising a board ( 24 ) having plates parallel to each other, and partition walls ( 12 ) dividing the inner space between the plates into parallel channels ( 14 ), said partition walls ( 12 ) joining the plates and being of a same material as the plates, passages ( 18 ) in the partition walls ( 12 ), said passages enabling the flow of a heat exchanger medium between the neighbouring channels ( 14 ) and providing a flow path ( 20 ) for the medium, sealing units ( 16 ) covering openings at the ends of the channels ( 14 ) and joints ( 22 ) allowing the heat exchanger medium to enter into and exit from the panel ( 10 ). According to the invention, the sealing units ( 16 ) are made of a sealant which is thermal expansion compatible with the material of the board ( 24 ), the sealant being introduced into the ends of the channels ( 14 ). The invention also relates to a method for manufacturing the heat exchanger panel ( 10 ).

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Solar power system and solar energy collection device thereof

Номер: US20130333384A1

A solar energy connection device is provided, including a C-shaped reflecting plate, a heat pipe and a wing-shaped structure. The C-shaped reflecting plate includes a parabolic surface defining a symmetrical axis and a focusing axis. The heat pipe is disposed on the focusing axis of the parabolic surface with a working fluid flowing therein. The wing-shaped structure connects to the heat pipe and extends outwardly from the heat pipe, wherein the extension direction of the wing-shaped structure is parallel to the symmetrical axis.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027268A1
Принадлежит: H2DO AB

Device for purifying water, including a hollow structure in turn including a first space, includes a supply opening for water to be purified and a boiling device for such water, arranged to heat the water to the boiling point using energy from focused sunlight supplied via a supply device for sunlight to a heating location in the first space; a condenser for condensing water vapour from the boiling device; and a conduit device for water vapour, arranged to bring water vapour from the first space to the condenser. The heat exchanger is arranged to transfer thermal energy from either hot water vapour which has been boiled off in the boiling device or condensed water which is still warm and originates from such vapour, to water to be purified and which is to be introduced into the first space through the supply opening. A method for purifying water is also described. 122-. (canceled)23200300400500. Device (;;;) for purifying water , comprising a hollow structure in turn comprising{'b': 210', '310', '410', '420', '510', '311', '411', '421', '511', '10, 'a first space (;;;;), comprising a supply opening for water to be purified and a boiling device (;;;) for such water, arranged to heat the water to the boiling point using energy from focused sunlight which is supplied via a supply device () for sunlight to a certain heating location in the first space;'}a condenser for condensing water vapour from the boiling device; and{'b': 243', '343', '442', '446', '542', '233', '333', '433', '433', '533', '10', '11', '13', '14', '311', '411', '421', '511, 'i': a', 'b, 'a conduit device (;;,;) for water vapour, arranged to bring water vapour from the first space to the condenser, wherein a heat exchanger (;;;;) is arranged to transfer thermal energy from either hot water vapour which has been boiled off in the boiling device or condensed water which is still warm and originates from such vapour, to water to be purified and which is to be introduced into the first space through the ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220003458A1

The receiver () according to the invention is provided with the heating area () for heating a heat-transporting medium, which has an optical opening () for sunlight, an absorber () absorbing the sunlight arranged within the path of the incidental sunlight and with a transport arrangement for the transport of the medium through the heating area, wherein the absorber () is designed as a blackbody radiation arrangement with reduced convection and the transport arrangement () for the transport of a gas is designed as a heat-transporting medium. By means of this, the receiver can be designed in a simpler and more reliable manner. 1. Method to operate a receiver with a heating area for heating a heat-transporting medium , and a transport arrangement for the transport of the medium through the heating area , wherein , in the heating area , an opening is provided for the radiation of the sun and an absorber is provided in the path of the incidental radiation of the sun , thereby absorbing this , characterized in that a gas absorbing within frequency bands belonging to the infrared range is provided as a heat-transporting medium , which is supplied to the heating area in the flow direction behind the opening , and is led in this in a transport direction shared with the direction with the solar radiation falling through the opening directly onto the absorber from its one end having the opening towards its other end comprising the absorber and lying opposite to the opening , and is initially discharged from the heating area there , and that the operating parameters of the receiver are set in such a way in the gas is selected in such a way that its temperature during transport through the heating area increases due to absorption of radiation in such a way that the ratio X of the temperature increase (T-T) due to the absorption of radiation to the entire temperature increase (T-T) due to the absorption and convection at the absorber is ≥0.3.2. Method according to claim 1 , ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003353A1
Автор: Izradel Lazar

A solar light assembly includes an electrical mount configured for electrically mounting thereon a light device. The electrical mount is positioned underneath a first protective cover, and a wind turbine is mounted above the first protective cover and underneath a second protective cover. The wind turbine is configured to generate electrical power and is in electrical communication with the electrical mount. A solar photovoltaic panel is configured to convert solar energy to electrical energy and is in electrical communication with the electrical mount. 1. A solar light assembly comprising:an electrical mount configured for electrically mounting thereon a light device, said electrical mount being positioned underneath a first protective cover;more than one wind turbine mounted above said first protective cover and underneath a second protective cover, said wind turbine, being configured to generate electrical power and in electrical communication with said electrical mount; anda solar photovoltaic panel configured to convert solar energy to electrical energy and in electrical communication with said electrical mount;wherein each of said wind turbines comprises vanes arranged to rotate about a vertical axis defined between said first and second protective covers, said vanes being exposed to wind lhat flows between said first and second protective covers, and each of the vertical axes are off-center from central axes of said first and second protective covers.24-. (canceled)5. The solar light assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said first protective cover has a larger perimeter than said second protective cover.6. The solar light assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said solar photovoltaic panel is located on at least one of said first and second protective covers.7. The solar light assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said solar photovoltaic panel is located on both of said first and second protective covers.8. The solar light assembly according to claim 1 ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003175A1
Принадлежит: MJ Stewart Investments, LLC

A funnel wind turbine has a horizontal funnel, rotor blades in the narrower end of the funnel, the rotor blades coupled to a rotor, a shaft coupling the rotor to a generator, and a support tower. The funnel wind turbine may have bearings or a yaw system to allow rotation of the horizontal funnel on the support tower. The funnel wind turbine may have wind direction and speed sensors, an electronic control unit, and a communication device (e.g., cellular antennas, radio transmitters/receivers, etc.) for transmitting information such as wind speed and direction, power generation, and efficiency to a distant receiver. 1. A funnel wind turbine , comprising:a horizontal funnel comprising an inlet end having a first diameter, an outlet end having a second diameter, and a narrow portion having a third diameter, the narrow portion interposed between the inlet end and the outlet end, the third diameter being less than the first diameter, with the first diameter being less than the second diameter;rotor blades positioned and rotatable within the third diameter of the narrow portion;at least one tailfin; anda solar panel.2. The funnel wind turbine of claim 1 , further comprising a fourth diameter calculated at a bend.3. The funnel wind turbine of claim 2 , wherein the bend and the outlet end are in the same vertical geometric plane.4. The funnel wind turbine of claim 1 , further comprising a support frame coupled to a support tower claim 1 , the horizontal funnel coupled to the support frame claim 1 , the support frame configured to rotate on the support tower.5. A method of using the funnel wind turbine of claim 1 , the method comprising positioning the intake end of the horizontal turbine to receive wind claim 1 , the received wind compressing as it moves through the narrow portion claim 1 , turning the rotor blades claim 1 , and exiting through the outlet end; the inlet end being less in diameter than the outlet end claim 1 , thereby creating negative pressure at the outlet ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Anti-Blocking Seawater Desalination Device Based on Graphene Filtering

Номер: US20220009795A1
Автор: Cui Hong, Liu Tong, WANG Yazhou

The invention relates to an anti-blocking seawater desalination device based on graphene filtering, comprising heating device, solar heat-collecting device, fresh water condensation heat-exchange device and thermal-expansion and cold-shrinkage control valve mechanism; the heating device can fully heat and distill seawater, the sprayed seawater is distilled by graphene heat-conduction layers to improve the distillation efficiency and avoiding blocking; the distilled water vapor enters into fresh water condensation heat-exchange device to exchange heat with seawater, increasing the seawater temperature, making full use of the heat in water vapor, and increasing water vapor condensation speed; the distilled concentrated seawater enters into the thermal-expansion and cold-shrinkage control valve mechanism, the flow of seawater entering into the heating device is controlled by the concentrated seawater temperature, when the temperature is too high, the flow of the seawater entering into the heating device increases, and when the temperature is too low, the flow decreases. 12134. An anti-blocking seawater desalination device based on graphene filtering , comprising heating device () , solar heat-collecting device () , fresh water condensation heat-exchange device () and thermal-expansion and cold-shrinkage control valve mechanism ();{'b': 106', '1', '209', '2', '14', '105', '1', '210', '15, 'heat-conduction fluid outlet () on the solar heat-collecting device () and heating inlet () on the heating device () are connected through heat-conduction fluid introduction pipeline (), heat-conduction fluid inlet () on the solar heat-collecting device () and heating outlet () are connected through heat-conduction fluid discharge pipeline ();'}{'b': 2', '305', '3', '8', '308', '3', '5', '10, 'the top of the heating device () and fresh water inlet () on the fresh water condensation heat-exchange device () are connected through a vapor connection pipeline (), and fresh water outlet () ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006912A1

The disclosure provides a wind turbine generator and a control method thereof. The wind turbine generator comprises at least two power transmission systems connected each other in parallel and a control system comprising an upper controller and control subsystems corresponding to the power transmission systems and comprising bottom controllers. The bottom controllers monitor operating state parameters of functional units in corresponding power transmission systems, and when determining corresponding functional units meet abnormal conditions according to operating state parameters, send operating state parameters of corresponding functional units to the upper controller; the upper controller generates operating instructions when determining faults of the corresponding functional units occur according to operating state parameters of corresponding functional units, to control power transmission systems to work according to operation instructions. The wind turbine generator is fully used, and the energy production thereof is further increased. 1. A wind turbine generator , comprising:at least two power transmission systems connected in parallel with each other;a control system, wherein the control system comprises an upper controller and control subsystems provided correspondingly to the power transmission systems, and each of the control subsystems comprise bottom controllers;wherein the bottom controllers are used for monitoring operating state parameters of functional units in corresponding power transmission systems, and under the condition that it is determined that corresponding functional units meet abnormal conditions according to the operating state parameters, sending the operating state parameters of the corresponding functional units to the upper controller;the upper controller is used for generating operation instructions under the condition that it is determined that faults of the corresponding functional units occur according to the operating state ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007242A1
Автор: Diehl Peter G., Jin Cheng

Provided herein is a system and method for heat exchange of a vehicle. The system comprises an enclosure disposed on the vehicle. The enclosure comprises a vent at a base of the enclosure. The enclosure houses one or more sensors. The enclosure comprises a fan disposed at a base of the enclosure. The heat exchange system comprises an deflector disposed on the vehicle outside the enclosure and configured to direct an airflow into the vent of the enclosure. The heat exchange system comprises a motor configured to: generate electricity from the airflow and selectively supply electricity to operate the fan. The heat exchange system comprises a controller configured to adjust the deflector and regulate an amount of electricity supplied from the motor to the fan. 1. A heat exchange system of a vehicle , comprising: a vent at a base of the enclosure;', 'a fan disposed at a base of the enclosure; and', 'one or more sensors within the enclosure;, 'an enclosure disposed on the vehicle, the enclosure comprisinga deflector disposed on the vehicle outside the enclosure and configured to direct an airflow into the vent of the enclosure; generate electricity from the airflow; and', 'selectively supply electricity to operate the fan; and, 'a motor configured toa controller configured to adjust the deflector and regulate an amount of electricity supplied from the motor to the fan.2. The heat exchange system of claim 1 , wherein:the one or more sensors are configured to determine a speed of the vehicle, an internal temperature of an enclosure, and an external temperature; andthe controller is configured to regulate the amount of electricity supplied from the motor to the fan based on the speed of the vehicle, the internal temperature of the enclosure, the external temperature, or the difference between the internal temperature of the enclosure and the external temperature.3. The heat exchange system of claim 1 , wherein:the motor is further configured to, in response to supplying the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011571A1

The disclosed invention relates to solar-thermal receiver tubes for heating high-temperature fluids such as molten salts and oils, such as those used in conjunction with trough reflectors or concentric concentrators. The disclosed invention utilizes fused silica receiver tube assemblies that provide optical absorption by way of optically-absorbing media that is imbedded within the thermal transfer fluid, preferably comprising inorganic “dyes” that comprise pulverized thin film coatings or dissolved materials that are specifically designed for maximizing optical absorption. Alternatively, the chemistry of the transfer fluid can be modified to increase optical absorption, or the optically absorbing media may comprise fine powders with density preferably similar to the thermal transfer fluid, such as fine graphite powder; or, in another preferred embodiment, absorbing means within the heat transfer fluid comprise a solid absorbing element disposed along the central axis of the receiver tube's interior. 1. A solar-thermal receiver apparatus , comprising:a.) a first substantially transparent glass receiver structure, the first receiver structure having an interior surface;b.) a second substantially transparent glass receiver structure surrounding the first glass receiver structure, the second glass receiver structure spaced from to the first glass receiver structure, wherein a thermal barrier space is formed between the first glass receiver structure and second glass receiver structure, the thermal barrier space containing a thermally insulating medium;c.) an inner cylinder coaxial to and within the first tube, the inner cylinder forming an flow space between the first glass tube and the inner cylinder, the flow space having an outer surface defined by the interior surface of the first glass receiver structure; andd.) fluid coupling means for supplying and removing a heat transferring liquid to the flow space; and,e.) absorption means for providing optical absorption ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Solar air heater

Номер: US20210018224A1
Автор: John Wabel
Принадлежит: Individual

A method, system, apparatus, and/or device for preheating air for a rooftop air handling unit (RTU). The method, system, apparatus, and/or device may include a barrier system configured to surround the RTU. The barrier system may include a structure to provide a frame for the barrier system, a first barrier configured to connect to a first side of the structure, and a collector configured to connect to a second side of the structure. The method, system, apparatus, and/or device may include a duct configured to connect between the collector and a chamber. The method, system, apparatus, and/or device may include a chamber configured to connect to an air intake hood of the RTU. The chamber may include a first opening to receive air stored in the cavity, a second opening to receive external air, and a diverter configured to switch between a first position and a second position.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Hybrid Wind-Solar Power Generation System

Номер: US20180023547A1
Автор: Jeffus Larry

Electrical power may be generated by a system employing wind and solar energy capturing means. A wind turbine can be connected to a controller and have at least one blade connected to an electrical generator. A pressure vessel may be pneumatically connected to at least one nozzle that is attached proximal the wind turbine. A compressor can be connected to the pressure vessel and the controller so that the compressor is operated via electricity produced by the electrical generator. At least one solar panel that is positioned proximal the at least one nozzle can clean a solar panel with compressed air from the pressure vessel in response to the controller. 1. An apparatus comprising:a wind turbine having at least one blade connected to an electrical generator, the wind turbine connected to a controller;a pressure vessel pneumatically connected to at least one nozzle attached proximal the wind turbine;a compressor connected to the pressure vessel and the controller, the compressor operated via electricity produced by the electrical generator; andat least one solar panel positioned proximal the at least one nozzle to clean the at least one solar panel with compressed air from the pressure vessel in response to the controller.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the electrical generator is positioned in a nacelle of the wind turbine.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one nozzle is statically mounted to the at least one blade.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one nozzle is mounted to the at least one blade via a pivot configured to tilt the at least nozzle relative to the at least one solar panel.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one nozzle is supplied compressed air by a supply line claim 1 , the supply line continuously extending within a blade housing of the at least one blade.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one nozzle is supplied compressed air by a supply line claim 1 , the supply line continuously ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024946A1

A photovoltaic module floating supporting structure according to the present application includes a floating body and a first supporting plate integrally formed with the floating body and configured to be connected to a connecting assembly, the first supporting plate has an upper surface smoothly connected to an upper surface of the floating body, and has a lower surface smoothly connected to a lower surface of the floating body. In use, the connecting assembly is installed on the first supporting plate and the photovoltaic module is installed on the connecting assembly. 1. A photovoltaic module floating supporting structure , comprising a floating body , and further comprising a first supporting plate integrally formed with the floating body and configured to be connected to a connecting assembly , wherein the first supporting plate has an upper surface smoothly connected to an upper surface of the floating body and a lower surface smoothly connected to a lower surface of the floating body.2. The photovoltaic module floating supporting structure according to claim 1 , further comprising a second supporting plate integrally formed with the floating body and configured to be connected to the connecting assembly claim 1 , wherein an inner support groove is defined by the second supporting plate and the upper surface of the floating body.3. The photovoltaic module floating supporting structure according to claim 2 , wherein the first supporting plate and/or the second supporting plate are solid structures.4. The photovoltaic module floating supporting structure according to claim 2 , wherein the upper surface of the first supporting plate is provided with a first connection positioning hole and a first drainage groove in communication with the first connection positioning hole;and/or, an upper surface of the second supporting plate is provided with a second connection positioning hole and a second drainage groove in communication with the second connection positioning ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

New Device of Wastewater Treatment using Renewable Energy

Номер: US20220055919A1

Treatment of wastewater and particularly relates to a technique for wastewater treatment using renewable energy (RE) which is sole solar energy (SE). In bench scale experiment, a device is constructed to consist of two fixed upper and lower glass Petri dishes. Another device consists of plastic containers and both devices with the same volume of wastewater in the upper and distilled water in the lower container. The first device is placed on the bench beside a window to be exposed to sunlight at room temperature and the other device is put outdoors under direct sunlight during daytime. A build-up of small circular water droplets starts to appear on the external bottom of upper container. Water droplets are allowed to fall freely in the lower container, pH of droplets water is about 7.1. Yield of freshwater is at a rate of approximately 300 ml freshwater from 400 ml wastewater per 48 hours. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. A method to detect the rate of extraction of freshwater from wastewater with time factor using the device of . A volume of 60 ml wastewater claim 1 , can be increased or decreased claim 1 , is put in the upper plate and 20 ml distilled water claim 1 , can be increased or decreased claim 1 , in the lower plate. The device is exposed to sunlight claim 1 , but not to direct sunrays claim 1 , at room temperature and observed for 48 hours. The obtained waste debris in the upper plate and droplets of water which is collected from the lower surface of the upper dish.4. A device for treatment of wastewater comprising:an upper glass plate, wherein the upper glass plate is inverted upside-down facing upwards; anda lower glass plate, wherein the lower glass plate is facing upwards;wherein the upper glass plate is seated on the lower glass plate under non-direct sunlight at room temperature;wherein a diameter of the upper glass plate is greater than a diameter of the lower glass plate such that the upper glass plate is seated on the lower glass plate;wherein ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180040209A1
Автор: Lim Seong Ho
Принадлежит: DEANS CO., LTD

The present invention provides an information communication technology-based unmanned alert system for autonomously determining whether an intruder is present, notifying a user of invasion information, using a 4G LTE network, and forcing the intruder out. The present invention comprises: an unmanned monitoring device () comprising an information collection unit for collecting surrounding situation information, a wireless communication unit for a monitoring device, which wirelessly transmits or receives information, using an LTE communication scheme, and a first control unit for transmitting or receiving information collected by the information collection unit through the wireless communication unit for a monitoring device; and a mobile terminal () comprising a wireless communication unit for a terminal, which wirelessly transmits or receives information to or from the wireless communication unit for a monitoring device, and a second control unit for displaying, on a display unit, surrounding situation information received by a wireless transmission unit for a terminal. Therefore, the unmanned monitoring device () transmits or receives intruder information to or from the mobile terminal () through an image and a text, so that a watcher can understand the intruder information. 1. An information communication technology (ICT)-based unmanned security system comprising:{'b': '20', 'an unmanned surveillance device () comprising an information collection unit for collecting peripheral status information, a surveillance device wireless communication unit for wirelessly transmitting and receiving information using a long term evolution (LTE) communication method, and a first controller for transmitting or receiving the information collected by the information collection unit, through the surveillance device wireless communication unit; and'}{'b': '50', 'a mobile device () comprising a mobile device wireless communication unit for wirelessly transmitting and receiving ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Interior solar energy collector with fluid-based heat transfer system

Номер: US20160047555A1
Автор: Omar Lutfey
Принадлежит: Individual

An interior solar energy collector system includes an interior heat exchanger unit for mounting on, or integral with, an interior surface of a roof or wall of a building. A heat transfer fluid system transfers collected heat from the interior heat exchanger to heat storage and heat disposal tanks from which the heat can be used or disposed as desired.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061273A1
Автор: II John C., Wolf

A system of solar thermal collectors and an HVAC controller draw heated air through a solar thermal absorbing needle-punched propylene geotextile with limited permeability to air flow, into the interior of poultry livestock house. In various embodiments, the poultry livestock house is divided into zones. Groups of collectors are joined with breather holes on opposite sides of the collectors and solid sides on the ends of each group. Groups of collectors serve each zone of the poultry livestock house. In an embodiment of the system the Environmental Optimization System (“EOS”) provides a system for the intelligent control and monitoring the broiler poultry livestock structure environment through the utilization of a variety of environmental and livestock behavior sensors, apparatus for controlling the thermal collection and existing interior heating/air conditioning/ventilation (“HVAC”) systems, and Internet or cloud based intelligent control and monitoring capabilities of the system. In various embodiments central sensor data aggregation is utilized to provide improved optimization control for livestock zones within individual structures based on data from multiple structures.

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124356A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to a process for solar thermal energy production in which switching between daytime and nighttime operation is possible, and also to a device for solar thermal energy production. The present invention relates, in particular, to the use of the process and of the device for producing drinking water or service water. 1. A process for solar thermal energy production in which switching between daytime and nighttime operation is possible ,the process comprising, in the daytime operation,feeding heat energy by solar thermal power to a solar liquid which is continuously present and is heated,taking off a part of the solar liquid heated in the feeding as heating medium,storing a remaining part of the solar liquid heated in the feeding in a storage device, anddisplaying a colder solar liquid from the storage device by the part of the heated solar liquid that is to be stored,and, in the nighttime operation,introducing the same solar liquid in the daytime operation which is continuously present into the storage device in such a manner thatthe heated solar liquid obtained in the storing is displaced from the storage device andis withdrawn as heating medium.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the solar liquid comprises substantially water.3. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the solar liquid has a salinity in the range from 0.5% to 30.0%.4. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the solar liquid is contaminated by suspended matter.5. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the solar liquid is contaminated by microorganisms.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the solar liquid claim 1 , during the heating by solar thermal power claim 1 , is heat-insulatingly covered from the surroundings in such a manner that energy input into the solar liquid by radiation is possible.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein a fill height of the storage device can be controlled.8. The process according to claim 1 , wherein a fill ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200044598A1

A method of a site evaluation for a hybrid wind/solar power generation plant, the method including generating a hybrid wind/solar power curve, the power curve including a plurality of solar power level curves, each solar power level curve including a combined wind and solar output power for at least one wind condition. Evaluating performance of the hybrid wind/solar power generation plant by analyzing the family of curves. A system for implementing the method and a non-transitory computer-readable medium are also disclosed. 1. A method of site evaluation for a hybrid wind/solar power generation plant , the method comprising:generating a hybrid wind/solar power curve, the power curve including a plurality of solar power level curves, each solar power level curve including a combined wind and solar output power for at least one wind speed operating point;evaluating performance of the hybrid wind/solar power generation plant by analyzing the family of curves;generating the hybrid wind/solar power curve including:obtaining wind turbine specifications and solar panel specifications for the hybrid wind/solar power generation plant;obtaining site-specific environmental condition data;selecting a wind condition;calculating a wind generated power contribution for the selected wind condition;calculating a solar power generated contribution for the selected wind condition; andcombining the wind power generated contribution and the solar power generated contribution to obtain a net power for the selected wind condition.2. The method of claim 1 , calculating the wind power generated contribution including:calculating wind power generated contribution by applying wind turbine specifications at the selected wind speed operating point for predetermined increments of time spanning a predetermined period of time; andaveraging the calculated wind power generated contribution for a window of time encompassing a plurality of the increments of time.3. The method of claim 2 , including ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Water management system

Номер: US20210053844A1
Принадлежит: Dmac Ip Pty Ltd

An outdoor water management system including at least one reservoir configured to receive highly concentrated contaminated water, a weather proof cover, covering the reservoir to define at least one chamber and water vapour removal means, configured to remove evaporated water from the at least one chamber wherein the at least one chamber is configured to further concentrate the contaminated water while providing long-term weatherproof storage thereof.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047918A1
Автор: Bickelmeyer Michael

An environmentally-friendly airport with renewable energy sources. The environmentally-friendly airport includes a security zone encompassing the land area of the airport, and a plurality of runways across the land area. There are one or more terminals within the security zone encompassing the land area of the airport. Further, a plurality of power generator systems are disposed within the land area for generating renewable, clean energy, and an industrial zone is placed within a boundary formed by the runways. 1. A airport with steam heated runways.2. A airport of where in the steam heated runways including solar collectors.3. A airport of where in the steam heated runways including wind powered electrical generators.4. A airport of where in the steam heated runways including hydrogen fuel cells.5. A airport of where in the steam heated runways including geothermal power generators.6. A airport of where in the steam heated runways including solid oxide fuel cell generators.7. A airport of where in the steam heated runways including biomass power generators.8. A airport of where in the steam heated runways including magnetic power generators.9. A airport of claim 1 , where in the steam heated runways including hydrogen electrolysis generators.10. A airport of where in the steam heated runways including hydrogen fusion power generators.11. A airport of where in the steam heated runways including bellows power generators. The present invention relates generally to an environmentally-friendly airport with renewable energy sources. More specifically, the present invention relates to an airport complete with plurality of runways with one or more terminals, preferably within a security zone and a plurality of power generator systems disposed within the airport for generating renewable, clean energy.Airports, particularly large international airports, have long been centers of both commerce and pollution. On one hand, they offer one of the most significant means to ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method For The Co-Production Of High Temperature Thermal Energy and Electrical Energy From Solar Irradiance

Номер: US20190049152A1

An apparatus () and method for the co-production of high temperature thermal energy and electrical energy from solar irradiance includes a photovoltaic cell () laminated to a metal extrusion device () and a transparent channel () in front of the photovoltaic cell (). The transparent channel () contains a heat transfer fluid that is seeded with metallic, semiconducting, and/or non-metallic nanoparticles and absorbs wavelengths of solar energy that are not utilized or underutilized by the photovoltaic cell (). 11010. An apparatus () for co-production of high temperature thermal energy and electrical energy from solar irradiance , the apparatus () comprising:{'b': 30', '40, 'a photovoltaic cell () laminated to a metal extrusion device (); and'}{'b': 20', '30', '20, 'a transparent channel () in front of the photovoltaic cell (), the transparent channel () containing a heat transfer fluid seeded with particles chosen from the group consisting of metallic nanoparticles, semiconducting nanoparticles, and non-metallic nanoparticles,'}{'b': '30', 'wherein the heat transfer fluid absorbs wavelengths of solar energy that are not utilized or underutilized by the photovoltaic cell ().'}2104050. An apparatus () according to claim 1 , wherein the metal extrusion device () contains an extrusion channel () through which a heat transfer fluid flows.3105020. An apparatus () according to claim 2 , wherein the extrusion channel () is coupled to the transparent channel () via a pipe.4105020. An apparatus () according to claim 2 , wherein the extrusion channel () is de-coupled from the transparent channel () by a heat exchanger.51010. An apparatus () according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus () is supported by a structure that allows for tracking of solar energy.61020. An apparatus () according to claim 1 , wherein the transparent channel () is comprised of glass or clear plastic.71040. An apparatus () according to claim 1 , wherein the metal extrusion device () is comprised of ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049153A1

An energy collector is disclosed. The energy collector contains an absorber and a working fluid. The working fluid is held in a state of two-phase equilibrium to minimize sensible heating and thus heat losses to the environment. The energy collector may be held under a vacuum to further prevent heat losses to the ambient environment. One or more energy collectors may be connected to other energy collectors, end uses, or thermal energy storage. 1. An energy collector comprising:a base for supporting the energy collector on a support surface;a plurality of support features positioned within and operably coupled to the base, each support feature defining an alignment recess; a first heat retaining member comprising a plurality of first heat retaining member apertures defined therethrough;', 'a second heat retaining member comprising a plurality of second heat retaining member apertures defined therethrough, wherein the second heat retaining member is operably coupled to the first heat retaining member so as to define a fluid cavity therebetween configured to receive a working fluid therein and the first heat retaining member is coupled to and aligned with the second heat retaining member such that the first heat retaining member apertures and the second heat retaining member apertures are aligned with one another;, 'an absorber that absorbs solar radiation, comprisinga plurality of alignment protrusions coupled to the absorber, each of the alignment protrusions having a shape corresponding to at least one alignment recess, wherein the plurality of alignment protrusions are received within the plurality of alignment recesses to align the absorber and the base;a plurality of force distribution pillars coupled to the base and received through the first heat retaining member apertures and the second heat retaining member apertures of the absorber;a radiation penetrable cover coupled to the base and positioned on an end of each of the plurality of force distribution pillars ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Solar Still System And Related Water Transportation Apparatus

Номер: US20160060136A1

There is provided a water transportation system comprising evaporation zones for converting water into water vapour; condensation zones for condensing the water vapour into condensed water, the condensation zones being in fluid communication with the evaporation zones; water vapour conduits adapted to enable the fluid communication of the water vapour between the evaporation zones and the condensation zones; condensed water conduits adapted to enable the fluid communication of condensed water between the condensation zones and the evaporation zones; wherein the evaporation zones and the condensation zones alternate in position along a water transportation path between a water source site and a water destination site for enabling the transport of water from the water source site to the water destination site through alternating processes of evaporation-condensation and condensation-evaporation of the water. 2. The water transportation system as claimed in wherein the water vapour conduits and the condensed water conduits have respectively lower ends in proximity of the water source site and upper ends in a direction opposite to the water source site claim 1 , and wherein the water vapour conduits upper ends are connected to the condensed water conduits upper ends forming the condensation zones and the water vapour conduits lower ends are connected to the condensed water conduits lower ends forming the evaporation zones.3. The water transportation system as claimed in wherein the water transportation path has a water path axis defined by a straight line between the water source site and the water destination site claim 2 , and wherein the evaporation zones are substantially at a same height with respect to each other from the water path axis and the condensation zones are substantially at same height with respect to each other from the water path axis.4. The water transportation system as claimed in wherein the water source site is located in a water body having a ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056813A1
Автор: Mochizuki Kenji

A solar heat collector includes a plurality of heat collecting tubes connected in series. The heat collecting tubes each include: a heating-medium circulating tube through which a heating medium circulates; a glass tube that covers an outer peripheral surface of the heating-medium circulating tube and forms an annular space between the glass tube and the heating-medium circulating tube; and a getter member that adsorbs a gas that exists within the annular space. The heat collecting tube on a downstream side of the heating medium includes a larger number of the getter members than the heat collecting tube on an upstream side of the heating medium. 1. A solar heat collector comprising: a heating-medium circulating tube through which a heating medium circulates;', 'a glass tube that covers an outer peripheral surface of the heating-medium circulating tube and forms an annular space between the glass tube and the heating-medium circulating tube; and', 'a getter member that adsorbs a gas that exists within the annular space, wherein, 'a plurality of heat collecting tubes connected in series, the heat collecting tubes each includingthe heat collecting tube on a downstream side of the heating medium includes a larger number of the getter members than the heat collecting tube on an upstream side of the heating medium.2. The solar heat collector according to claim 1 , comprising a plurality of accommodating members that accommodate and hold the getter member. The present invention relates to a solar heat collector and, more particularly, to a solar heat collector that includes a getter member that adsorbs gases.In a solar heat collector, sun light heats a heating-medium circulating tube that is made of metal and through which various heating media flow so that the heating media are heated and the heat is utilized. In order to prevent the heat transfer from the heating-medium circulating tube to the atmosphere and thus to prevent the loss of heat from the heating media, the ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Method and System for Enhancing Electrical Power Production by a Power Generation System

Номер: US20200059176A1

A power generation system () is presented. The power generation system includes a prime mover (), a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) () having a rotor winding () and a stator winding (), a rotor-side converter (), a line-side converter (), and a secondary power source () electrically coupled to a DC-link (). Additionally, the power generation system includes a control sub-system () having a controller, and a plurality of switching elements (, and or ). The controller is configured to selectively control switching of one or more switching elements (, and or ) based on a value of an operating parameter corresponding to at least one of the prime mover, the DFIG, or the secondary power source to connect the rotor-side converter in parallel to the line-side converter to increase an electrical power production by the power generation system. 1100200300400. A power generation system ( , , , ) , comprising:{'b': '102', 'a prime mover ();'}{'b': 104', '102', '104', '126', '122, 'a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) () operatively coupled to the prime mover (), wherein the DFIG () comprises a rotor winding () and a stator winding ();'}{'b': 106', '126, 'a rotor-side converter () electrically connectible to the rotor winding ();'}{'b': 108', '114', '108', '106, 'a line-side converter () electrically connectible to a point of common coupling (PCC) (), wherein the line-side converter () and the rotor-side converter () are coupled to each other via a direct current (DC) link;'}{'b': 110', '401, 'a secondary power source (, ) electrically coupled to the DC-link; and'}a control sub-system comprising:{'b': 130', '132', '201', '126', '104', '114, 'a plurality of switching elements (, and or ) disposed between the rotor winding () of the DFIG () and the PCC (); and'}{'b': 136', '130', '132', '201', '130', '132', '201', '102', '104', '110', '401', '106', '108', '100', '200', '300', '400, 'a controller () operatively coupled to the plurality of switching elements (, and or ) and ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Battery Powered Generator

Номер: US20210067082A1
Автор: Whittaker William

A battery powered generator. The battery powered generator has a housing including a rechargeable battery. A pedal assembly, a wind turbine, and at least one solar panel are removably securable to the housing, enabling a user to choose any combination of which to recharge the battery. When secured to the housing, the pedal assembly, the wind turbine, and the at least one solar panel are operably connected to the rechargeable battery. A subpanel and an electrical panel are also operably connected to the rechargeable battery. An automatic transfer switch is operably connected to the electrical panel, the rechargeable battery, and the subpanel, and can control a flow of. The battery powered generator can be recharged by a variety of devices, or a combination thereof, to provide an uninterrupted flow of electricity in the event the electrical panel is unable to 120)-) (canceled)21) A battery powered generator , consisting of:a housing defined by a base, at least one sidewall disposed along a perimeter of the base, and a top disposed opposite the base;a rechargeable battery disposed within the housing;a pedal assembly, a wind turbine, and at least one solar panel, wherein each of the pedal assembly, the wind turbine, and the at least one solar panel are removably securable to the housing via at least one electric cable and received by at least one receptacle in the housing in electrical communication with the battery;the pedal assembly, the wind turbine, and the at least one solar panel operably connected to the rechargeable battery when secured to the housing;an electrical panel operably connected to the rechargeable battery via an inverter;a subpanel disposed in the housing operably connected to the rechargeable battery;an automatic transfer switch operably connected to the electrical panel, the rechargeable battery, and the subpanel; andthe automatic transfer switch configured to control a flow of electricity into and out of the subpanel. This application claims the ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220082302A1

The present invention provides a solar absorber incorporated bilayer foam solar evaporator for seawater and wastewater purification including a plurality of solar absorbers partially incorporated into a porous polymer framework and partially forming a thermal insulation layer proximal to solar irradiation. In particular, low-cost commercially available BC powders are embedded into a porous polymer foam in a one-pot method to form a scaffold of boron carbide bilayer foam (BCBF) with good hydrophilic wettability, heat-shielding, and solar-thermal conversion. The boron carbide bilayer foam (BCBF) of the present invention enables a high cost-performance seawater desalination and wastewater purification at a high evaporation rate of 2.8 kg/m/h with 93% solar evaporation efficiency under 1 sun illumination (or 1 kW/m). The present invention thereby provides an excellent and cost-effective solar evaporator tool for industrial-level water purification. Following the present method to prepare the BCBF solar evaporator, the fabrication cost can be as low as 3.6 $/m. 1. A solar absorber incorporated bilayer foam solar evaporator for seawater and wastewater treatment comprisinga porous polymer framework; and{'sup': '2', '#text': 'a plurality of hydrophilic solar absorbers partially incorporated into the porous polymer framework and partially forming a thermal insulation layer while the porous polymer framework incorporated with the hydrophilic solar absorbers providing a highly wettable structure to facilitate water transportation under solar irradiation of at least 1 kW/min ambient air.'}2. The solar absorber incorporated bilayer foam solar evaporator of claim 1 , wherein the porous polymer framework comprises one or more polymers of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) claim 1 , polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) claim 1 , polyurethane (PU) and melamine.3. The solar absorber incorporated bilayer foam solar evaporator of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of solar absorbers is selected from boron ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Localized Solar Collectors

Номер: US20150072133A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A localized heating structure, and method of forming same, for use in solar systems includes a thermally insulating layer having interconnected pores, a density of less than about 3000 kg/m 3 , and a hydrophilic surface, and an expanded carbon structure adjacent to the thermally insulating layer. The expanded carbon structure has a porosity of greater than about 80% and a hydrophilic surface.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200064028A1

The disclosure relates to a thermosiphon system operable to consistently maintain the permafrost and active frost layer in a frozen condition to adequately support buildings and other structures. During cooler seasons, the thermosiphon system uses a passive refrigeration cycle to efficiently maintain the frozen layers using the cold air. When the air temperature rises during the warmer months, the system transitions into an active refrigeration mode that uses a refrigeration system to minimize thawing or degradation of the permafrost and active frost layers. 1. A hybrid thermosiphon system comprising:a thermosiphon pipe mountable along a ground surface, the pipe including a tail section extending below the ground surface and into an active frost layer when the pipe is mounted;a condenser in fluid communication with the thermosiphon pipe;an evaporator coupled to the pipe and positioned between the condenser and the ground surface; anda refrigeration system in fluid communication with the evaporator, the refrigeration system operable to cool and deliver a refrigerant to the evaporator,wherein when an ambient air temperature is less than a threshold temperature, the thermosiphon pipe, condenser, evaporator, and refrigerant cooperate to cool the active frost layer and maintain a frozen state thereof without the refrigeration system cooling the refrigerant, and wherein when the ambient air temperature exceeds the threshold temperature, the refrigeration system cools the refrigerant prior to delivery to the evaporator.2. The hybrid thermosiphon system of claim 1 , further including an insulated shell coupled to the thermosiphon pipe and surrounding the evaporator claim 1 , the shell including separate shell sections removably coupled to one another to enclose the evaporator.3. The hybrid thermosiphon system of claim 2 , wherein a portion of the insulated shell is positioned beneath the ground surface.4. The hybrid thermosiphon system of claim 1 , wherein the refrigeration ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Electric Bicycle Rental Outlet For Use In Off-Grid Locations

Номер: US20180069416A1

A wind and solar powered Light Electric Vehicle (LEV) rental outlet specifically configured to offer electric bicycles, SEGWAYS, 1. A Light Electric Vehicle rental outlet comprising:A plurality of Light Electric Vehicle docks;A plurality of portable battery charging stations;An electrical energy storage device;A photovoltaic solar array;A wind turbine generator;And a mobile enclosure;2. The Light Electric Vehicle rental outlet of claim 1 , wherein the said photovoltaic solar array is attached to said mobile enclosure for the purpose of providing electric power to said battery charging stations.3. The Light Electric Vehicle rental outlet of claim 1 , wherein the said wind turbine generator is attached to said mobile enclosure for the purpose of providing electric power to said battery charging stations.4. The Light Electric Vehicle rental outlet of claim 1 , wherein the said electrical energy storage device is used to store electric power generated from said photovoltaic solar array and said wind turbine generator.5. The Light Electric Vehicle rental outlet of claim 4 , wherein the said electrical energy storage device is used to provide electricity to said battery charging stations when said photovoltaic solar array and said wind turbine generator are not generating electricity.6. The Light Electric Vehicle rental outlet of claim 1 , wherein the said photovoltaic solar array claim 1 , said wind generator claim 1 , said battery charging stations claim 1 , said Light Electric Vehicle docks claim 1 , and said electrical storage device can be contained within the confines of said mobile enclosure.7. An Light Electric Vehicle rental outlet operated from within a mobile enclosure comprising:A plurality of Light Electric Vehicle docks;A plurality of portable battery charging stations;An electrical energy storage device;A photovoltaic solar array;A wind turbine generator;And a mobile enclosure comprised from an International Standards Organization (ISO) Standard Shipping ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Portable solar heater

Номер: US20220090824A1
Автор: Patrick J. Werner
Принадлежит: Individual

A portable solar heating device that having a mat shaped flexible main body with bounded edges, the main body including a front flexible layer formed of a material transparent to electromagnetic radiation, a back flexible heat insulating layer, and a flexible electromagnetic radiation absorbing layer located between the front and back layer, the electromagnetic radiation absorbing layer including a plurality of protrusions extending towards the front flexible layer, at least one allowing ambient fluids into a fluid heating chamber located between the front layer and the electromagnetic radiation absorbing layer and at least one outlet allowing heated fluids to escape from the chamber, an electric fan attached to the outlet to assist in moving heated fluids out from the chamber, and at least one solar cell for powering the electric fan.

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Open-flow solar collector

Номер: US20140165995A1
Автор: Alexander Levin
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a field of open-flow solar collectors, and specifically to flat solar collectors with wetting the underneath sides of their solar radiation absorbing plates with liquid heat transfer medium. More specifically, the invention proposes the flat solar collector, which operates with relatively low flow rate of the heat transfer medium on the underneath side of the solar radiation absorbing plate, with flow in form of some rivulets. The invention describes some technical solutions, which restrict meandering rivulets' flow. The proposed flat solar collector can be applied for heating water or other liquids and for evaporation and concentration of aqueous solutions.

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140166468A1

The invention describes a new and simple method of construction of a stationary distillation unit and of a small portable distillation unit. The evaporation pans are made of simple materials and are covered with a transparent film. Additionally in the small portable unit its evaporation pan has a double bottom, which receives hot water. By connection of the evaporation pan with the solar collectors () its productive ability significantly increases. The portable and stationary desalination units of the invention use solar power exclusively and simultaneously produce two products: distilled water and salt. The exploitation of solar radiation occurs both in the part of the unit covered by the transparent film as well as in the use of hot water produced by the solar collector connected to it, thus speeding up the evaporation of sea water. The transparent film, besides helping increase and hold the heat inside the production space, also protects the production space from pollutants in the environment, and as a result the products do not need further processing before being sent to consumption. Besides the fact that each unit can be used as an autonomous production unit of distilled water and salt, the units can also function as sub-units of a production line of an unlimited number of sub-units, where their combined use functions as a large production unit of distilled water and salt. 1. A portable water distillation unit comprising:i. A double-bottom evaporation pan that is to be filled with sea water, comprising an open, upper pan where sea water is to be put and a closed, bottom pan that is defined by the two bottoms, wherein the bottom of the upper evaporation pan forms the top of the double bottom, in which evaporation pan the hot water circulates and the heat is transferred to the bottom of the evaporation pan and the sea water it holds; said portable double-bottom evaporation pan can be used as an autonomous unit for the production of distilled water and salt or as ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210088252A1

Solar thermal devices are formed from a block of wood, where the natural cell lumens of the wood form an interconnected network that transports fluid or material therein. The block of wood can be modified to increase absorption of solar radiation. Combining the solar absorption effects with the natural transport network can be used for various applications. In some embodiments, heating of the modified block of wood by insolation can be used to evaporate a fluid, for example, evaporating water for extraction, distillation, or desalination. In other embodiments, heating of the modified block of wood by insolation can be used to change transport properties of a material to allow it to be transported in the interconnected network, for example, heating crude oil to adsorb the oil within the block of wood. 120-. (canceled)21. A method comprising:(a) cutting a block of natural or lignin-reduced natural wood to have a first surface, a second surface opposite the first surface, and an internal fluidic transport network comprised of microstructures of natural wood between the first and second surfaces;(b) forming a solar absorption layer on at least the first surface of the wood block; and(c) forming a plurality of artificial holes extending from the first surface to the second surface.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein (c) comprises forming each artificial hole to have a diameter of 100 μm to 5 mm.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein:the cutting of (a) is such that the wood block has cellulose-based lumen extending along a tree growth direction that is parallel to at least one of the first and second surfaces, orthe cutting of (a) is such that the wood block has cellulose-based lumen extending along a tree growth direction that is at a non-zero angle with respect to at least one of the first and second surfaces.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein (b) comprises carbonizing at least the first surface of the wood block to form the solar absorption layer.25. The method of ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

System for Amplifying Solar Heat for Concentrated Solar-Thermal Power Systems

Номер: US20210088253A1
Автор: Binzaid Shuza
Принадлежит: The Texas A&M University System

A system for enhancing overall energy production of CSPs through amplification of solar heat collection. In one embodiment, the system comprises a linear solar-thermal concentrator for concentrating solar light comprising a curved surface, two side walls, and an opening; a fluid conduit disposed within the linear solar-thermal concentrator that carries a working fluid through the linear solar-thermal concentrator; and a convection cover disposed over the opening of the linear thermal concentrator that traps heat convection energy within the linear solar-thermal concentrator. 1. A system configured for CSP systems comprising:a linear solar-thermal concentrator for concentrating solar light comprising a curved surface, two side walls, and an opening;a fluid conduit disposed within the linear solar-thermal concentrator that carries a working fluid through the linear solar-thermal concentrator; anda convection cover disposed over the opening of the linear thermal concentrator that traps heat convection energy within the linear solar-thermal concentrator.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the curved surface is a light concentrating reflective mirror.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the curved surface is tuned by an operator to concentrate solar light in a small area along a desired line via reflection within the linear solar-thermal concentrator.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the small area may be a line having a smaller length than that of the center line of the light concentrating reflective mirror.5. The system of claim 3 , further comprising a plurality of lifting motors claim 3 , wherein one lifting motor is disposed on both sides of the linear solar-thermal concentrator claim 3 , and wherein the plurality of lifting motors are connected to the fluid conduit claim 3 , wherein the plurality of lifting motors positions the fluid conduit along the desire focal line.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the working fluid is water claim 1 , oil claim 1 , liquified ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190086123A1
Автор: Peng Hsiu-Lin
Принадлежит: Shandong Sanqi Energy Co., Ltd.

A multifunction flat plate heat exchanger including a heat exchanging flat plate, a spectrum selectivity absorption layer, a light transmissive layer, at least one heat-conductive structure, and at least one airflow driving device is provided. The heat exchanging flat plate has a first plate surface, a second plate surface and a pipe tunnel located between the first plate surface and the second plate surface. The spectrum selectivity absorption layer covers the first plate surface. The light transmissive layer covers the spectrum selectivity absorption layer, and the light transmissive layer and the first plate surface are respectively located at two opposite sides of the spectrum selectivity absorption layer. The heat-conductive structure is disposed on the second plate surface. The airflow driving device is disposed at one side of the heat exchanging flat plate and the heat-conductive structure. 1. A multifunction flat plate heat exchanger , comprising:a heat exchanging flat plate, having a first plate surface and a second plate surface opposite to each other, and a pipe tunnel located between the first plate surface and the second plate surface, the pipe tunnel is configured to allow a heat-conductive medium to flow therein;a spectrum selectivity absorption layer, covering the first plate surface;a light transmissive layer, covering the spectrum selectivity absorption layer, wherein the light transmissive layer and the first plate surface are respectively located at two opposite sides of the spectrum selectivity absorption layer;at least one heat-conductive structure, disposed on the second plate surface, the at least one heat-conductive structure defines at least one flow path with the second plate surface and has a plurality of first through holes communicated with the at least one flow path; andat least one airflow driving device, disposed at one side of the heat exchanging flat plate and the at least one heat-conductive structure, the at least one airflow ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136780A1
Автор: Steven Schon

In one general aspect, a microelectronics cooling device can include a microchannel heat exchanger within an enclosure that houses the device at a heat absorbing end and another heat exchanger which is optionally also a microchannel heat exchanger at a heat sink end outside the enclosure. One or more pipes flowably connect the two ends for transporting liquid working fluid to the heat absorber and vaporized working fluid to the heat sink. The heat pipes may also be used to transfer heat outside a room that contains the electronic devices.

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Central solar water heater system (cswhs) for a typical floor in multi-stores building

Номер: US20150096554A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems and methods for solar fluid heating in a multi-story building. A system in accordance with an aspect of the present disclosure includes solar collectors installed in solar-facing walls of the multi-story building, in which fluid receives thermal energy from the solar collectors. The system also includes fluid storage vessels. The system further includes a circulating pump coupled to the solar collectors to circulate the heated fluid between the solar collectors and the fluid storage vessels on a floor of the multi-story building.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220141996A1
Автор: Diehl Peter G., Jin Cheng

Provided herein is a system and method for heat exchange of a vehicle. The system comprises an enclosure disposed on the vehicle. The enclosure comprises a vent at a base of the enclosure. The enclosure houses one or more sensors. The enclosure comprises a fan disposed at a base of the enclosure. The heat exchange system comprises an deflector disposed on the vehicle outside the enclosure and configured to direct an airflow into the vent of the enclosure. The heat exchange system comprises a motor configured to: generate electricity from the airflow and selectively supply electricity to operate the fan. The heat exchange system comprises a controller configured to adjust the deflector and regulate an amount of electricity supplied from the motor to the fan.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220146151A1

The invention provides in some aspects a thermal energy collection system comprising a first solar collector through which a first heat transfer fluid flows to absorb energy from sunlight as it passes through the first solar collector, and a second solar collector that collects energy from sunlight that has passed through the first solar collector. The first heat transfer fluid of the thermal energy collection system according to these aspects of the invention is in thermal coupling with the first solar collector, but not with the second solar collector. In other aspects, the invention provides a radiator system, comprising a multi-wall panel, an interior of which is in fluid coupling with, and that forms part of, a fluid circuit through which a first heat transfer fluid flows. A reflective surface is disposed in a vicinity of a second face of the multi-wall panel. Still other aspects of the invention provide a reflective film solar energy collector and a solar energy absorber. 1. A thermal energy collection system , comprisingA. a first solar collector through which a first heat transfer fluid flows to absorb energy from sunlight passing therethrough,B. a second solar collector that collects energy from sunlight that has passed through the first solar collector,C. wherein the first heat transfer fluid lacks thermal coupling with the second solar collector.2. The thermal energy collection system of claim 1 , wherein the first solar collector is separated from the second solar collector by at least an air gap.3. The thermal energy collection system of claim 1 , wherein the first solar collector absorbs longwave radiation emitted by the second solar collector.4. The thermal energy collection system of claim 1 , wherein the first solar collector is UV-absorbing.5. The thermal energy collection system of claim 4 , wherein the multi-wall panel includes claim 4 , on at least one of its faces claim 4 , a UV-light absorbing layer.6. The thermal energy collection system of ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093925A1

A solar panel () for heating a target fluid using incident solar radiation is described, the solar panel () includes: three major edges () arranged so that the solar panel () can be inscribed in a triangle with each major edge () of the panel () lying along at least a portion of a side of the triangle; a cavity for retaining the target fluid; and an inlet and an outlet for the target fluid, for exchanging the target fluid with adjacent solar panels (). 125-. (canceled)26. A solar energy system for heating a target fluid using incident solar radiation , the system comprising:a protective upper layer;a target fluid layer comprising the target fluid;a light transmissive inter-fluidic dividing layer;a working fluid layer comprising a working fluid; anda lower retaining layer.27. The system according to claim 26 , wherein the inter-fluidic dividing layer is transparent.28. The system according to claim 26 , wherein the inter-fluidic dividing layer is translucent or transmits light in a diffusive manner.29. The system according to claim 26 , wherein the inter-fluidic dividing layer is transmissive to light in both the infrared and visible parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.30. The system according to claim 26 , wherein both the target fluid and the working fluid are liquid.31. The system according to claim 26 , further comprising at least one of a pump or a siphon for circulating the target fluid through the target fluid layer of the system.32. The system according to claim 26 , wherein the target fluid and the working fluid are arranged such that incoming solar radiation passes through the target fluid prior to passing into the working fluid.33. The system according to claim 26 , wherein the target fluid comprises at least one of oil or water.34. (canceled)35. The system according to claim 26 , wherein the working fluid comprises a colloid comprising a dispersed phase of nanoparticles.36. The system according to claim 35 , where the nanoparticles comprise carbon ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Waterborne photovoltaic system

Номер: US20180102732A1

Embodiment of the present disclosure provides a waterborne photovoltaic system, comprising a photovoltaic module, a photovoltaic support and a suspension device, wherein the photovoltaic module is secured to the photovoltaic support, the photovoltaic support is secured to the suspension device, the suspension device comprises a plurality of floating members, and each of the floating members comprises a plurality of floats.

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Portable Multiple Source Electrical Power Unit

Номер: US20160108893A1
Автор: Agtuca Pete

A portable, non-fossil fuel, multiple source, electrical power unit that includes a lightweight wind generator assembly and an optional solar panel assembly partially disassembled and stored in a rigid, protecting container. The power unit includes a pivoting tower assembly made of a plurality of tower members that are removed and assembled in an end to end manner to form an elongated tower assembly. A nacelle and wind generator are attached to the distal end of the tower assembly. The wind generator is attached to a lightweight hub assembly that uses lightweight sail/airfoil shaped blades. In one embodiment, the container includes four pivoting outrigger legs. In a second embodiment, the container's four side panels fold downward. Concrete blocks may be used to hold the container upright. Mounted on the container is a solar panel assembly with at least one solar panel and a bank of rechargeable batteries. An electronic control assembly is also provided that enables the operator to control the electrical output from the wind and solar panel assemblies. 1. A portable , electrical power unit , comprising:a. rigid container;b. a disassembled, lightweight wind generator assembly located inside said container, said wind generator assembly includes a plurality of tower members that when removed and assembled in an end to end manner, form an elongated tower, said wind generator also includes a hub and a rotor assembly that uses lightweight sail/airfoil shaped blades is attached to the upper end of said tower, said lower end of said tower being pivotally attached to said container enabling said tower to be rotated from a horizontal position to a vertical position over said container;c. at least lateral legs pivotally attached to said container;d. a bank of rechargeable batteries; ande. an electric control assembly disposed between said wind generator that selectively controls the electrical output from the wind generator and said solar panel assembly.2. The portable ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

V-shaped light distributor system

Номер: US20160113212A1

A sun-tracking light distributor for a photosynthetic culture in an aqueous liquid, comprising: two light distribution walls made of a transparent material, creating an elongated V-shaped channel adapted to receive the sunlight and to be partly immersed in the aqueous liquid, the sun-tracking light distributor has a center of buoyancy, a vertical passing through the center of buoyancy defines an axis of flotation, and a pivot axis of the sun-tracking light distributor is offset relative to the axis of flotation. Owing to the offset pivot axis, the orientation of the light distributor is changed by varying the level of aqueous liquid, thus allowing a tracking of the sun's altitude.

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190109558A1
Автор: Barba Nathan, Momayez Moe

Disclosed are modular floating platforms configured to be joined together to form a cover over surfaces of natural and artificial bodies of water and other liquids, for reducing evaporation and other purposes. The floating platforms may be motorized and provided with remote control systems, so that the platforms may be assembled together on command to provide uniform coverage of the surface of the body of water. The floating platforms are optionally capable of solar and wind power collection. The platforms are useful for covering mining tailing storage ponds. 1. A buoyant platform comprising:a substantially planar panel having a top face, a bottom face and at least one edge;a buoyancy element integrated on or in the panel; anda coupler on or adjacent the edge of the panel for joining the platform to another buoyant platform.2. The platform of claim 1 , wherein the buoyancy element is:(a) the panel, and the panel is comprised of a buoyant material;(b) substantially encapsulated by the panel; or(c) attached to the panel.3. The platform of claim 1 , wherein the buoyancy element is selected from the group consisting of:(a) an inflatable substantially flexible container;(b) a substantially hollow, substantially rigid container;(c) a container filled with a buoyant material selected from foam, solids, liquids and mixtures thereof; and(d) a solid or semi-solid buoyant material.4. The platform of claim 1 , wherein the buoyancy element comprises a plurality of spherical or elliptical buoyancy elements.5. The platform of claim 4 , wherein the panel has orifices for receiving the spherical or elliptical buoyancy elements.6. The platform of claim 3 , wherein the top face claim 3 , the bottom face or both the top face and the bottom face of the panel is hexagonal-shaped.7. The platform of claim 3 , further comprising a propulsion system.8. The platform of claim 7 , further comprising a control system configured to control position of the platform claim 7 , or to control the ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140197022A1

The solar-powered humidification-dehumidification desalination system includes a supply of saline/brackish water passing through a dehumidifier/condenser. The saline/brackish water is preheated in the dehumidifier/condenser due to the condensation process. A plurality of humidifying stages includes respective humidifiers and respective solar collectors. The solar collectors heat air, and the heated air passes through respective humidifiers to evaporate the preheated saline/brackish water, separating pure water from the brine. The humid air is reheated and recirculated through the humidifying stages and the dehumidifier, and the desalinated water from the dehumidifier via condensation is collected to and processed. The system recirculates the brine successively from each humidifier to the next for more efficient evaporation and less energy consumption. 1. A solar-powered humidification-dehumidification desalination system , comprising:a reservoir of saline water;a plurality of humidifiers disposed in successive stages from a first stage to a last stage, each of the humidifiers having a solar collector for heating air and a sprayer for spraying the saline water into the heated air, whereby pure water evaporates from the saline water to form heated humidified air;a dehumidifier stage for condensing water vapor from the heated humidified air;a system of air conduits connecting the humidifier stages and the dehumidifier stage, the system of air conduits being configured to circulate air from the first humidifier stage through the last humidifier stage to produce successive stages of the heated humidified air, and from the last humidifier stage to the dehumidifier for condensation of desalinated water from the heated humidified air, and back to the first stage humidifier to recycle the air; anda system of saline water conduits connecting the humidifier stages and the reservoir of saline water, the system of saline water conduits being configured to circulate the saline ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200109877A1

A solar vapor generator includes an absorber to absorb sunlight and an emitter, in thermal communication with the absorber, to radiatively evaporate a liquid under less than 1 sun illumination and without pressurization. The emitter is physically separated from the liquid, substantially reducing fouling of the emitter. The absorber and the emitter may also be heated to temperatures higher than the boiling point of the liquid and may thus may be used to further superheat the vapor. Solar vapor generation can provide the basis for many sustainable desalination, sanitization, and process heating technologies. 1. A solar vapor generator , comprising:an absorber to absorb sunlight and convert the absorbed sunlight to heat;a housing, thermally coupled to the absorber, to transfer the heat away from the absorber;an emitter, thermally coupled the housing, to receive at least a portion of the heat transported by the housing and to emit the portion of the heat as thermal radiation; anda basin, mechanically coupled to the housing, to position the emitter such that the emitter is physically separated from a liquid that, when present, absorbs at least some of the thermal radiation and thereby undergoes vaporization to generate a vapor.2. The solar vapor generator of claim 1 , wherein the housing includes:an interior cavity;an opening to admit the generated vapor into the interior cavity of the housing such that the vapor, when present, receives a portion of the heat from the housing as the vapor flows through the interior cavity; andan outlet for the vapor to flow out of the solar vapor generator.3. The solar vapor generator of claim 2 , wherein the interior cavity of the housing is filled claim 2 , at least in part claim 2 , by at least one of a porous material or a finned channel.4. The solar vapor generator of claim 1 , wherein the housing is formed from at least one of aluminum claim 1 , copper claim 1 , carbon steel claim 1 , stainless steel claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160122206A1

A solar distillation system includes a solar collector located adjacent to a condenser, the condenser located at an angle with respect to the condenser. The solar distillation system further includes a 2effect and an insulated portion located between the condenser and the 2effect. The solar collector, the condenser, the insulated portion, and the 2effect function to desalinate and purify saltwater or brackish water flowing through the solar distillation system. 1. A solar distillation system , comprising:a solar collector located adjacent to a condenser, said condenser located at an angle with respect to said condenser;{'sup': 'nd', 'a 2effect; and'}{'sup': nd', 'nd, 'an insulated portion located between said condenser and said 2effect, wherein said solar collector, said condenser, said insulated portion, and said 2effect function to desalinate and purify saltwater or brackish water flowing through said solar distillation system.'}2. The solar distillation system of further comprising a return duct that returns cold air from a top of said condenser to a base of an inclined thin film with said solar collector.3. The solar distillation system of wherein said 2effect comprises a shape of a pyramid.4. The solar distillation system of further comprising:{'sup': st', 'nd, 'a 1effect that absorbs energy during the day and utilizes a heat exchanger for a condensing process, wherein said energy gained from said heat exchanger is transferred to said 2effect as a heat source to produce evaporation for condensate during night hours.'}5. The solar distillation system of further comprising a return duct that returns cold air from a top of said condenser to a base of an inclined thin film with said solar collector claim 4 , wherein said return duct facilitates a natural claim 4 , buoyancy-driven convection through said 1effect to provide consistent and smooth air flow and more uniform and consistent temperature performance in said solar collector and said condenser.6. The solar ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Sustainable Energy Tracking System Utilizing Blockchain Technology and Merkle Tree Hashing Structure

Номер: US20210141761A1
Принадлежит: ClearTrace Technologies, Inc.

Apparatus and associated methods relate to generating energy blocks on a blockchain corresponding to generation, transmission, and consumption of predetermined quanta of energy represented by corresponding records in an associated Merkle trie. In an illustrative example, individual energy data records may be hashed. Each hash may be stored in a leaf node of a Merkle trie. The individual energy data records may be aggregated to correspond to represent a predetermined quantum of energy. The individual energy data records may include energy generation records. The energy blocks may be associated with scheduling, delivery, and consumption data for the energy quantum. Various embodiments may advantageously provide secure, verifiable, and immutable tracking and processing of energy generation, transmission, and consumption of physical energy quanta across one or more distributed energy networks. 1. A computer program product comprising:a program of instructions tangibly embodied on at least one computer readable medium wherein, when the instructions are executed on at least one processor, a processor causes operations to be performed to verify energy generation, transmission, and consumption across at least one tracking and processing infrastructure, the operations comprising:generating a hash value for each of a plurality of energy generation data records (EGDRs), each representing a defined quantity of energy produced in a defined time period;storing each hash value in a Merkle trie;generating an aggregate of at least one of the EGDRs for a predetermined quantum of energy represented by the aggregated EGDRs;generating an energy block on at least one blockchain and storing therein at least one root hash value, the root hash value representing a root in the Merkle trie corresponding to the aggregated EGDRs; and,associating the energy block with energy validation data (EVD) relating to scheduling, delivery, and consumption corresponding to the quantum of energy.2. The ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods for augmenting power generation based on thermal energy conversion using solar or radiated thermal energy

Номер: US20180118315A1
Принадлежит: Raytheon Co

An apparatus includes first and second tanks each configured to receive and store a refrigerant under pressure. The apparatus also includes at least one generator configured to generate electrical power based on a flow of the refrigerant between the tanks. The apparatus further includes a collector configured to transfer solar thermal energy to one of the tanks to heat the refrigerant in that tank and/or radiate thermal energy from one of the tanks into an ambient environment to cool the refrigerant in that tank. In addition, the apparatus could include first and second insulated water jackets each configured to receive and retain water, where the first tank is located within the first insulated water jacket and the second tank is located within the second insulated water jacket.

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Steam or vapour condensing system

Номер: US20140208746A1
Автор: Allan James Yeomans
Принадлежит: Individual

A steam or vapour condensing system ( 10 ) for use with radiant solar energy collecting apparatus ( 17 ) of the type having solar energy concentrators ( 20 ) and in which steam or vapour is generated for supply to a load such as to a steam turbine, the system ( 10 ) using the solar energy concentrators ( 20 ) to directly or indirectly radiate heat energy of exhaust steam or vapour from the load. The collecting apparatus ( 17 ) may float on a body of liquid ( 19 ) and heat energy of the exhaust steam or vapour is transferred to the body of liquid for example by being passed through a duct ( 23 ) in the body of liquid ( 19 ) and heat energy transferred to the body of liquid ( 19 ) is radiated by the concentrators ( 20 ).

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210163846A1
Автор: LIU Ziyu, Yang Xiaoyi

A method for grease purification is disclosed. The method comprises steps of: S1, feeding crude grease into a grease hydrolysis column to be hydrolysed so as to obtain aqueous phase, organic phase, and middle layer substances between the aqueous phase and the organic phase; S2, feeding the organic phase and the middle layer substances in the grease hydrolysis column into a flash stripping column to be flashed so as to obtain vaporized products and non-vaporized products; and S3, feeding the vaporized products in the flash stripping column into a separation column to be separated so as to obtain fatty acid. By this method, fatty acid with a high purity can be obtained; glycerin can be obtained as a co-product; and high value-added nutrients in the grease can be collected. Therefore, the use value of grease can be greatly improved. 1. A method for grease purification , comprising steps of:S1, feeding crude grease into a grease hydrolysis column to be hydrolysed so as to obtain an aqueous phase, an organic phase, and middle layer substances between the aqueous phase and the organic phase;S2, feeding the organic phase and the middle layer substances in the grease hydrolysis column into a flash stripping column to be flashed to obtain vaporized products and non-vaporized products; andS3, feeding the vaporized products in the flash stripping column into a separation column to be separated to obtain fatty acid.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous phase comprises glycerin and water; wherein the aqueous phase in the grease hydrolysis column is discharged therefrom and is fed into a first heat exchanger to exchange heat with crude grease claim 1 , and the crude grease is fed into the grease hydrolysis column to be hydrolysed; and wherein the aqueous phase is heated by a second heat exchanger and is returned to the grease hydrolysis column for hydrolysis reaction.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the second heat exchanger uses hot stream with a ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Solar power plant

Номер: US20190131919A1
Автор: Borge Bjorneklett
Принадлежит: Ocean Sun As

An offshore photovoltaic power plant ( 100 ) comprising a pliable mat ( 2 ) configured to be arranged on a surface ( 33 ) of a body of water, the mat ( 2 ) having a plurality of photovoltaic modules ( 1 ) fixed thereon. The photovoltaic modules may be marinized and equipped with a buoyant rigid aluminium structure which prevents mechanical damage to the cells. The rigid backside structure may also serve as an efficient heat sink by direct thermal conduction from the solar cells to the pliable mat. There is also provided a fish farm, an offshore power plant, a method of constructing an offshore photovoltaic power plant and a method of installing a floating photovoltaic power plant.

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200132340A1

A new method of accumulating thermal energy in the bowels of the Earth to ensure stable, continuous operation of a solar thermal power plant. 1. A method of underground storage of a thermal agent in a natural reservoir characterized in that in order to provide the continuous and uniform operation of a solar thermal power unit in a multi-day mode , as well as to ensure the necessary volumes and optimize the costs for maintaining of the thermal agent stream continually , capacitive-filtration properties of the reservoir improve by directional fracturing.2. A method of claim 1 , characterized in that to restrict of water inflow from peripheral zones of reservoir sections use the waterproofing technologies.3. A method of claim 1 , characterized in that to the maintaining reservoir pressure the spent thermal agent after exiting the power generator turbine claim 1 , is pumped into the external zone of the storage. The present invention relates to the thermal generation of electrical energy. More particularly, the present invention is in the field of technical solutions of the accumulation of heat to ensure continuous operation of solar thermal power units during the period when the Solar activity is not enough or absent.The first solutions in this area are associated with the use of geological formations for underground gas storage. These storage facilities are essential elements in ensuring the stable operation of powerful gas transmission systems. The world's first pilot gas injection into a depleted gas field was carried out in Canada in 1915 (the Welland County deposit). The first industrial gas storage facility with a capacity of 62 million mwas created in 1916 in the USA (the Zoar gas field near Buffalo, N.Y.) [1].For the arrangement of underground gas storage facilities mainly are used the depleted gas fields because the natural reservoir has high reliability in the sense of tightness of the storage at high gas pressures.At the same time, for underground gas ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140231327A1

A production unit for purifying water is provided. The production unit has a fluid intake and a heating basin fluidly connected to the fluid intake by a connector such that a layer of water with a depth of less than about 30 mm is provided. A transparent dome is mounted to the top surface of the base that defines an interior perimeter. A trough in the base is contiguous with an interior surface of the transparent dome. A fluid output is fluidly connected to the trough and extends away from the base. A plurality of lenses is configured to focus sunlight onto a corresponding plurality of focal points located on the layer of water. 1. A production unit for purifying water , the production unit comprising:a base with a top surface;a fluid intake;a heating basin fluidly connected to the fluid intake by a connector such that a layer of water with a first depth is provided to the heating basin from the fluid intake, the first depth being less than about 30 mm;a transparent dome mounted to the top surface of the base that defines an interior perimeter, the transparent dome having an interior surface;a trough in the base, the trough being contiguous with the interior surface of the transparent dome;a fluid output fluidly connected to the trough and extending away from the base;a plurality of lenses configured to focus sunlight onto a corresponding plurality of focal points located on the layer of water.2. The production unit as recited in claim 1 , wherein the heating basin comprises a sponge that is contiguous with the connector such that the layer of water is formed by a wicking action of the sponge.3. The production unit as recited in claim 2 , further comprising a metal mesh at the corresponding plurality of focal points claim 2 , the metal mesh configured to transfer heat to the sponge.4. The production unit as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a float basin fluidly connected to the fluid intake claim 1 , the float basin being disposed within the base and ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210179447A1
Автор: Mahna Satish

A water purifying and desalination system includes solar concentrators that receive a sunlight and direct the sunlight toward a collection element. The collection element absorbs and converts a solar radiation into thermal energy. A superheater tube enclosed by the heat collection element controls volume flow that partially fills the superheater tube with processed ocean water, which allows steam to escape into a portion of the superheater tube that generates electricity and additional processed ocean water. 1. A purifying water system comprising:a plurality of solar concentrators that receive a sunlight and direct the sunlight toward a plurality of locations by bending a plurality of rays of the sunlight and focusing the plurality of rays of the sunlight onto a plurality of locations;a plurality of heat collection elements positioned at the plurality of locations having an outer surface conditioned to absorb and convert a solar radiation at a plurality of wavelengths below three one-millionth of a meter to a thermal energy;the heat collection elements are positioned to induce a state change in a heat-transfer fluid; anda condenser that condenses a portion of the heat-transfer fluid from a gaseous state to a liquid state using a portion of the heat-transfer fluid or a second heat-transfer fluid as a coolant; andwhere the plurality of heat collection elements is partially enclosed by the plurality of solar concentrators andwhere at least one of the heat collection elements include a chamber having plurality of perforations that facilitate a transfer of a dry steam to the condenser.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of solar concentrators comprises a plurality of parabolic troughs.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of solar concentrators comprises a plurality of Fresnel collectors.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the heat collection elements comprise a plurality of chambers in a sieve communication with one another.5. The system of claim ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152837A1

Electrical power may be generated from wind and/or solar inputs. A plurality of rotor blades may extend radially from a rotor hub. The rotor blades may rotate about the rotor hub under the influence of an incident wind to produce an electrical current from a generator retained within a nacelle. Photovoltaic films may cover at least a portion of the surfaces of the rotor blades. The rotor blades may be detachable from the rotor hub for use in a solar panel arrangement. The rotor blades may be folded to enclose the nacelle for transporting the system. 1. A system for generating electrical power , the system comprising:a rotor hub affixed to a generator such that the rotation of the rotor hub about an axis of rotation will cause the generator to produce an electrical current;a plurality of rotor blades affixed to the rotor hub;a hinge affixing each of the plurality of rotor blades to the rotor hub, each hinge permitting the affixed rotor blade to be placed in a first position extending radially from the rotor hub such that when each of the plurality of rotor blades extend radially the rotor blades will cause the rotor hub to rotate around the axis of rotation under the influence of an incident wind, each hinge further permitting the affixed rotor blade to be placed in a second position extending roughly parallel to the axis of rotation;at least one pin that detachably secures each of the plurality of rotor blades in the first extended position, such that when the at least one pin is withdrawn the rotor blade may be moved to the second folded position;at least one photovoltaic material covering at least half of the surface of each of the plurality of rotor blades; andat least one current controller that regulates the electrical current output by the generator and the photovoltaic material.2. The system for generating electrical power of claim 1 , further comprising a nacelle that encloses the generator claim 1 , and wherein the rotor blades enclose the nacelle on four ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140238837A1

A continuous type wastewater purifying device includes a wastewater tank defining a predetermined level of wastewater received in the wastewater tank. A purifying piping unit is mounted on a base and includes a wastewater pipe, a purified water pipe, and at least one heat conduction pipe having an inlet end and an outlet end respectively connected to and in communication with the wastewater pipe and the purified water pipe. The wastewater pipe has a first height from a mounting portion of the base in a height direction. The purified water pipe has a second height from the mounting portion in the height direction. The second height is greater than the first height. The inlet end and the outlet end of the at least one heat conduction pipe has a height difference therebetween. The outlet end of the at least one heat conduction pipe is higher than the predetermined level. 1. A continuous type wastewater purifying device comprising:a wastewater tank adapted for receiving wastewater, with the wastewater tank defining a predetermined level of the wastewater received in the wastewater tank;a base including a mounting portion; anda purifying piping unit mounted on the base, with the purifying piping unit including a wastewater pipe, a purified water pipe, and at least one heat conduction pipe having an inlet end and an outlet end respectively connected to and in communication with the wastewater pipe and the purified water pipe, with the wastewater pipe having a first height from the mounting portion in a height direction, with the purified water pipe having a second height from the mounting portion in the height direction, with the second height greater than the first height, with the inlet end and the outlet end of the at least one heat conduction pipe having a height difference therebetween in the height direction, with the outlet end of the at least one heat conduction pipe being higher than the predetermined level in the height direction.2. The continuous type ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Water Vapor Collectors

Номер: US20140238838A1

A water vapor collector assembly consists of a transparent cover and a box which will float on a water surface. The transparent cover allows sun rays to evaporate some water in the box which confines and collect the vapor condensates. The condensates will be conveyed away by a tube under the box. A water wave operated shaker, a wind operated knocker, inserts to increase the water condensation surfaces, and various kinds of the box are also introduced. 1. A water vapor collector assembly which consists of:a) a transparent cover and a box;c) said transparent cover being on top of said box;d) said box having a condensation chamber, a vapor chamber, and a floatation chamber;e) said vapor chamber having an opening on the bottom;f) the rim of said condensation chamber extruding from the bottom of said vapor chamber;g) there being a gap between said rim of said condensation chamber and the bottom of said transparent cover;h) said floatation chamber connecting to said vapor chamber;i) the bottom of said condensation chamber having a short extruding tube which can connect with another tube;j) said box being able to float on a water surface.2. A water vapor collector assembly of which said condensation chamber has two extruding objects on its exterior surface for mounting a weight which has at least an elongated object which can knock on the condensation chamber when there is a relative movement between said condensation chamber and said weight.3. A water vapor collector assembly of which said transparent cover is a dome-shaped object which is mounted on a ring-liked plate which has a channel which outlet points towards the center of said ring-liked plate which is mounted on top of said box.4. A water vapor collector assembly of which said dome-shaped object has an extruding object on which mounts a ring of a wind operated knocking device which has an elongate object and a thin plate with curled-up edge on each side of said ring.5. A water vapor collector assembly of which ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140238839A1

The solar, water desalination system includes a desalination chamber where fine water droplets are injected upward by an air atomizer towards an air-cooled condenser. Hot saline water is ejected vertically upward to double the contact time between the droplets and the surrounding air. The air is preheated by solar energy in parallel with an auxiliary heater to prevent lowering of the droplet temperature. Pumped air functions as a condensation media and to pull the salt water into the atomizer. This arrangement improves the heat and mass transfer inside the desalination chamber. 1. A desalination system , comprising:a solar heat source adapted for heating saline water passing through the solar heat source;an insulated tank connected to the solar heat source, the tank having a capacity sufficient for holding the heated saline water therein at a predetermined water level, the tank having a top;an air distributer mounted near the top of the tank below the predetermined water level;a water atomizer connected to the air distributer, the atomizer having at least one nozzle oriented for directing a spray of heated saline water vertically upward, thereby flashing the heated saline water;a desalination chamber mounted on top of the tank, the desalination chamber enclosing the air distributer and the water atomizer, the desalination chamber having a top portion;an air-cooled condenser disposed near the top portion inside the condenser chamber;an air blower connected to the condenser, the air blower forcing ambient air towards the condenser to be preheated thereby, and simultaneously facilitating condensation of water from the spray of heated saline water, thereby desalinating the water and producing distilled water on the condenser; andconnecting pipes directing air between the blower and the condenser and between the condenser and the distributer;wherein air flowing through the distributer forces the heated saline water through the atomizer to thereby flash the heated saline ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200149782A1

The present disclosure provides a solar heat absorber including: an inlet through which a heat collecting medium enters the solar heat absorber; a passage member configured to be fluidly connected with the inlet such that the heat collecting medium enters the passage member through the inlet; and a collection member configured to be fluidly connected with the passage member such that the heat collecting medium enters the collection member through the passage member. In the solar heat absorber according to the present disclosure, the ceramic particles are used as the heat collecting medium. In addition, the present disclosure also provides a solar heat collecting system including the solar heat absorber, and a solar power generation system including the solar heat collecting system. 1. A solar heat absorber comprising:an inlet through which a heat collecting medium enters the solar heat absorber;a passage member configured to be fluidly connected with the inlet such that the heat collecting medium enters the passage member through the inlet; anda collection member configured to be fluidly connected with the passage member such that the heat collecting medium enters the collection member through the passage member.2. The solar heat absorber of claim 1 , wherein the heat collecting medium is a flow of ceramic particles.3. The solar heat absorber of claim 2 , wherein the ceramic particles have a packing factor of 0.5-0.7.4. The solar heat absorber of claim 2 , wherein each of the ceramic particles has a diameter of 0.1 mm-6 mm.5. The solar heat absorber of claim 2 , wherein a material of the ceramic particles is selected from one of a carbide ceramic claim 2 , a nitride ceramic or an oxide ceramic claim 2 , or a mixture thereof.6. The solar heat absorber of claim 2 , wherein the flow of the ceramic particles is configured to have a flow speed of 0.1-2 m/s.7. The solar heat absorber of claim 1 , wherein the passage member comprises:a plurality of passage units, each ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210194408A1

The present disclosure relates to a method of controlling operation of wind turbine generators (WTGs) in a hybrid power plant including both WTGs and PV modules. The method includes steps of: monitoring at least one operating parameter for one or more of the WTGs; monitoring at least one operating parameter for one or more of the PV modules; and controlling operation of the WTGs in dependence on the monitored operating parameters in order to control blade shadows cast by the WTGs on the PV modules and thereby optimise the power output of the PV modules, for example by reducing the blade shadow area cast on the PV modules. 1. A method of operating a hybrid power plant comprising at least one WTG and at least one PV module , wherein at least one of the PV modules is at a location within the hybrid power plant that is affected by blade shadows , the method comprising:monitoring at least one operating parameter for one or more of the WTGs;monitoring at least one operating parameter for one or more of the PV modules; andcontrolling operation of the WTGs in dependence on the monitored operating parameters in order to control blade shadows cast by the WTGs on the PV modules and thereby optimise the power output of the PV modules.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the monitored operating parameters for the WTGs include any one or more of: wind speed claim 1 , direction and/or turbulence at one or more locations; the power output of one or more of the WTGs; blade load at one or more of the WTGs; cable losses for one or more of the WTGs; and the operational status of one or more of the WTGs.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the monitored operating parameters for the PV modules include any one or more of: light conditions at one or more locations inside the hybrid power plant; light conditions at one or more reference locations outside the influence of WTG shadows; sun position; time; date; the power output of one or more of the PV modules; current or voltage of one or more ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Spectrum-splitting concentrator photovoltaic module with direct fluid cooling, and associated methods

Номер: US20220310864A1
Принадлежит: Tulane University

A spectrum-splitting concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) module utilizes direct fluid cooling of photovoltaic cells in which an array of photovoltaic cells is fully immersed in a flowing heat transfer fluid. Specifically, at least a portion of both the front face and the rear face of each photovoltaic cell comes into direct contact with heat transfer fluid, thereby enhancing coupling of waste heat out of the photovoltaic cells and into the heat transfer fluid. The CPV module is designed to maximize transmission of infrared light not absorbed by the photovoltaic cells, and therefore may be combined with a thermal receiver that captures the transmitted infrared light as part of a hybrid concentrator photovoltaic-thermal system.

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190168847A1

A rotating floating platform, adapted to accommodate energy production systems, namely solar panels but not limited to these systems. The technology now developed provides rotational movement to the entire platform, on the plane of the aquatic medium where it floats, being its rotation capacity independent of fixed and rigid structures. In order to achieve this independency, the rotating floating platform comprises a central floating module connected directly or indirectly to at least two propulsion modules, where the connection to the bottom of the basin being provided through a flexible mooring unit forming a rotation floating structure where the momentum and the rotation axis act as one, thus creating a rotation platform. 18.-. (canceled)9. Rotating floating platform comprising:a central floating module comprising a central floating component having a bearing type connection for coupling an outer component, and means for fixating a mooring unit of an anchor type, said outer component providing the connection of the central floating module to a plurality of propulsion modules by means of a fixation mechanism;a plurality of propulsion modules, wherein each propulsion module comprises a motor unit coupled to at least one floating component, the motor unit comprising a propeller and a control unit, said control unit comprising a communication module configured to establish a wired/wireless communication link to an external entity, and processor means adapted to operate the propeller and defining its rotation movement direction according to instructions received by the external entity.10. The rotating floating platform according to claim 9 , wherein the outer component is of a ring shape.11. The rotating floating platform according to claim 9 , wherein the mooring unit is fixed to the central floating module by means of a swivel and rope connection providing the connection of the platform to the bottom of the basin.12. The rotating floating platform according to claim ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190170402A1

A tracking system for performing a movement control of a solar panel is provided, having a single axis solar tracking solution allowing an individual actuation of a solar panel and its respective rotation axis. The tracking system is applied in an individual solar panel, and has a local control unit, an electrical motor, a tracking actuator mechanism, a blockage unit and a tracking support mechanism, which is useful for solar power plant installations where individual panel tracking is an advantage due to site conditions such as irregular grounds or unstable locations as in aquatic sites or locations with variable slopes. 16.-. (canceled)8. The solar panel tracking system according to claim 7 , wherein the panel structure comprises two horizontal beams for fixing the tracking actuator mechanism by means of two lower half clamps and two top half clamps.9. The solar panel tracking system according to claim 7 , wherein the support structure comprises two vertical beams for fixing the panel structure claim 7 , said vertical beams connecting to the two hinge assemblies.10. The solar panel tracking system according to claim 7 , wherein each hinge assembly comprises a hinge support with a round hole or with a slotted hole.11. The solar panel tracking system according to claim 7 , wherein one hinge assembly has a round hole hinge support and the other hinge assembly has a slotted hole hinge support.12. The solar panel tracking system according to claim 7 , wherein the local control unit comprises:a communication module; anda processor unit, configured to actuate the tracking actuator mechanism upon receiving and processing the activation message sent by the remote central control unit.13. The solar panel tracking system according to claim 7 , wherein the electrical motor is connected to the threaded shaft by means of a bearing joint.14. The solar panel tracking system according to claim 10 , wherein each hinge assembly comprises additionally:a hinge part with two half ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

System and Method for Charging Autonomously Powered Devices Using Variable Power Source

Номер: US20180175661A1
Автор: TUERK John

A solar or self-powered assembly includes a rechargeable battery and photo voltaic panel and/or wind turbine for supplying a battery charging current. A charge controller processor is controls charging current from the photovoltaic panel and/or wind turbine to maintain the battery in a substantially fully charged state of 80% or more state of charge over daily charge and discharge cycle charging is based on a projected target energy input based on the initial bulk energy charge, the level of discharge required to compensate for charging inefficiencies and the battery capacity factor representative of the projected natural charge in the battery over its lifespan. 1. A solar light or other autonomously powered device assembly comprising: a rechargeable battery,', 'a light and/or load electrically connected to said battery, photovoltaic panel for supplying a charging current to said battery, and', 'a charge controller operable to sense a level of a depth of discharge (DOD) and/or a state of charge (SOC) of said battery and regulate or control a flow of charging current from the photovoltaic panel to the battery,', 'a processing assembly communicating with said charge controller and operable to receive input signals representative of said sensed level of DOD and/or SOC, and to output in response thereto controller control signals for controlling the flow of said charging current, the processing assembly including memory and program instructions, wherein,', {'sub': B', 'AB', 'OP, 'the memory periodically receiving initial input values representative of an estimated initial battery capacity factor F[T] for said battery, and a preselected battery target voltage V[T] at a selected operating temperature (T),'}], 'solar light pole and/or other load bearing device including,'} 'during an initial charge period:', 'wherein as part of a daily charging and discharge cycle the program instructions being operable whereby,'}{'sub': bulk', 'AB, 'A. receiving into said memory an ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210208548A1

Provided is a source-load cooperation access method for a power distribution region. The method includes: establishing a timing feature model of a distributed generator and a timing feature model of a load respectively, acquiring a timing feature of the distributed generator in an access power distribution region by using maximum likelihood estimation and acquiring a timing feature of a user which accesses the power distribution region by using classification and regression trees; and inputting the timing feature of the distributed generator and the timing feature of the user which access the power distribution region into a combination optimization model, and determining a source-load access feeder through optimization. 1. A source-load cooperation access method for a power distribution region , comprising:establishing a timing feature model of a distributed generator and a timing feature model of a load respectively, acquiring, by using a maximum likelihood estimation and the timing feature model of the distributed generator, a timing feature of the distributed generator which accesses the power distribution region, and acquiring, by using a classification and regression tree and the timing feature model of the load, a timing feature of the load which accesses the power distribution region; andinputting the timing feature of the distributed generator which accesses the power distribution region and the timing feature of the load which accesses the power distribution region into a combination optimization model, and determining a source-load access feeder through optimization.7. A terminal , comprising a processor and a memory for storing programs , wherein when executed by the processor , the programs implement the following steps: 'inputting the timing feature of the distributed generator which accesses the power distribution region and the timing feature of the load which accesses the power distribution region into a combination optimization model, and ...
