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27-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2468313C2

Холодильник с льдогенератором содержит морозильную камеру, холодильную камеру, дверные корпусы, избирательно отрывающие и закрывающие холодильную камеру и морозильную камеру и льдогенератор, предусмотренный в морозильной камере, холодильной камере или дверном корпусе для изготовления льда. Льдогенератор соединен с холодильной установкой, независимой от морозильной камеры и холодильной камеры. Использование данного изобретения позволяет льдогенератору не подвергаться физическому воздействию условий охлаждения других камер и обеспечивает возможность независимого изготовления льда. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

10-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU19800U1

... 1. Емкость для замерзающей жидкости, содержащая корпус с жидкостью и устройство, снижающее вероятность повреждения емкости при замерзании жидкости, отличающаяся тем, что устройство, снижающее вероятность повреждения емкости при замерзании жидкости, выполнено в виде закрепленной в емкости трубы, нижний конец которой расположен внутри жидкости, а верхний - над поверхностью последней.2. Емкость по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что труба выполнена с внутренней поверхностью, имеющей малую адгезию ко льду.3. Емкость по пп.1 и 2, отличающаяся тем, что труба выполнена с расширяющимся вверх поперечным сечением отверстия.4. Емкость по пп.1 и 2, отличающаяся тем, что труба выполнена цилиндрической.5. Емкость по пп.1-4, отличающаяся тем, что введено, в соответствии с конфигурацией емкости в плане, по крайней мере одно дополнительное устройство, снижающее вероятность повреждения емкости при замерзании жидкости.

27-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU17357U1

... 1. Смесительная установка, состоящая из основания с установленными на ней микропереключателями и многоскоростными электродвигателями, сверху и снизу закрытыми стаканами, закрепленными к стойкам основания через эластичную прокладку гайками, отличающаяся тем, что установка снабжена сменными полыми рабочими органами различной геометрической формы, полость которых заполнена материалами, аккумулирующими холод.2. Смесительная установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что внешняя поверхность рабочих органов снабжена вырезами, между которыми размещены выступы.

03-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU197873U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для получения льда и ледяной воды и может быть использована в различных областях промышленности, в том числе сельскохозяйственном производстве для охлаждения различных продуктов, например соков, молока и молочных продуктов, а также рыбы и рыбных продуктов и др. Устройство состоит из теплоизолированной емкости, стенки которой состоят из панельных испарителей (теплообменников), компрессорно-конденсаторного агрегата, включающего компрессор, отделитель жидкого хладагента, конденсатор, маслоотделитель и ресивер, установленных последовательно на раме из стальной профильной трубы. Все узлы компрессорно-конденсаторного агрегата, по которым циркулирует хладагент, соединены между собой медными трубами, образуя линию нагнетания и линию всасывания хладагента. На линии нагнетания хладагента установлены соленоидный клапаны и терморегулирующий вентиль, регулирующие процесс подачи хладагента. Для равномерного состояния воды теплоизолированная емкость снабжена циркуляционным ...

10-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2478886C2
Принадлежит: В.СХОНЕН БЕХЕР Б.В. (NL)

Устройство для изготовления кубиков льда содержит подающее устройство для подачи жидкого вещества в, по меньшей мере, одну удлиненную форму и охлаждающее устройство для замораживания упомянутого жидкого вещества. По меньшей мере, одна форма образует пространство для столба льда, которое является, по меньшей мере, по существу, закрытым, по меньшей мере, пока упомянутое жидкое вещество замерзает, форма содержит две полуформы, которые способны перемещаться относительно друг друга так, что полуформы способны удаляться друг от друга после того, как столб льда образован. Данное изобретение также относится к способу изготовления кубиков льда, включающему этапы а) подачи жидкого вещества в форму, b) замораживания жидкого вещества в форме и с) удаления образованных таким образом кубиков льда из формы, причем жидкое вещество подается на этапе а) в форму, содержащую, по меньшей мере, по существу, закрытое пространство. Использование данной группы изобретений позволяет изготавливать кубики льда в больших ...

16-02-2023 дата публикации

Способ армирования ледовых блоков котонином с применением вакуумной обработки

Номер: RU2790294C1

Изобретение относится к области производства льда путем замораживания воды за счет искусственного охлаждения, например, для изготовления композитных ледовых плит или блоков, с использованием вакуума. Способ создания композитного армированного льда основан на послойном намораживании слоев льда при отрицательных температурах воздуха ниже минус 5°С. Изготовление ледового блока производят в герметичной кювете или форме с обязательным чередованием слоев чистого льда, начиная с дна кюветы или формы, и слоев льда, армированных котонином. Намораживание армированных слоев льда осуществляют путем выкладки котонина на поверхность ранее намороженного слоя чистого льда с дальнейшей заливкой котонина водой в необходимом количестве и процессом циклического вакуумирования ледового блока перед замораживанием слоя. После намораживания армированного котонином композитного слоя льда толщиной 10…15 мм на его поверхности формируют слой чистого льда толщиной 10…15 мм, который намораживают за 4…5 подходов заливками ...

10-01-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2052181C1

Использование: для создания простого и прочного ледового покрытия на водоемах различного типа. Сущность: во льду, толщина которого составляет 2/3 от требуемой толщины ледяного покрытия, проделывают попарно в шахматном порядке лунки и вводят через них в воду упрочняющее приспособление в виде троса, который протягивает через лунки и закрепляют на поверхности за бревна или брусья, натягивают трос для придания прямолинейного расположения под нижней поверхностью льда. Производят замораживание лунок, а также замораживание льда снизу до достижения слоем заданной толщины. При этом снежный покров с льда убирают. 3 ил.

20-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2490567C1

Способ генерирования чешуек льда включает наращивание льда на одной стороне мембраны, другая сторона которой касается хладагента, который охлажден до отрицательной температуры, и периодическое воздействие на мембрану со стороны хладагента. В качестве эластичного элемента используют мембрану, на поверхность которой разбрызгивают воду. Мембрана, хладагент и средство разбрызгивания воды расположены в камере. Использование данного изобретения позволяет обеспечить упрощение получения льда при уменьшении его энергоемкости. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

27-11-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2122692C1

Изобретение предназначено для льдообразования и может быть использовано при строительстве рекламных или развлекательных сооружений из льда. Охлаждающие элементы устанавливают и конструктивно связывают между собой так, что они образуют несущий и формообразующий каркас. Наружная поверхность каркаса соответствует требуемой форме образуемой ледяной поверхности. На наружную поверхность каркаса дозированно подают воду, начиная с верхних отметок. Толщину образовываемой ледяной поверхности регулируют путем изменения расхода и места подачи намораживаемой жидкости, расхода хладоносителя и режимом включения охлаждающих элементов. В качестве последних используют охлаждающие панели заданной формы. Незамерзшую намораживаемую жидкость собирают и используют вновь для дозированной подачи на наружную поверхность каркаса. Такой способ обеспечивает возможность образования ледяных поверхностей любой формы, в том числе вертикальных и крутонаклонных. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

10-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013149043A

... 1. Способ создания армированной ледовой переправы для широких водоемов, заключающийся в армировании льда с помощью натянутой стальной сетки; вмороженной в нижнюю кромку льда, отличающийся тем, что стальная сетка во время монтажа удерживается захватами в каждой лунке на заданной глубине на протяжении всей переправы, до полного вмерзания.2. Способ создания армированной ледовой переправы для широких водоемов по п.1, отличающийся тем, что армирование льда стальными тросами происходит послойно и снизу, путем создания прогиба между несущими тросами и послойным вмораживанием вспомогательных тросов снизу, создающий монолит льда, армированный стальными тросами по всей толщине.

26-08-2020 дата публикации

Устройство для получения энергии фазового перехода вода-лед с пластинчатым теплообменником

Номер: RU2730865C1

FIELD: refrigerating equipment. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to refrigeration engineering and can be used in agriculture, namely at agro-industrial enterprises and in systems of heat accumulators, as well as for heating of agricultural facilities. As a result of using the invention, it becomes possible to obtain energy of a water-ice phase transition and use it for heating agricultural facilities, at agro-industrial enterprises and in heat accumulator systems, as well as for heating of agricultural objects due to the fact that device is equipped with capacity, coolant, evaporator, plate heat exchanger, compressor, condenser, throttle valve, solar collector, device for ice movement, circulating pumps, water, antifreeze, which enable to obtain energy of water-ice phase transition. EFFECT: technical task of the proposed invention is use of energy of a water-ice phase transition for heating of agricultural objects, at enterprises of agro-industrial complex and in systems of thermal accumulators, and also for heating of agricultural objects. 1 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 730 865 C1 (51) МПК F25C 1/00 (2006.01) F25C 1/12 (2006.01) F24D 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F25C 1/00 (2020.02); F25C 1/12 (2020.02); F24D 15/00 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019133588, 22.10.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 26.08.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 26.08.2020 Бюл. № 24 2 7 3 0 8 6 5 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2490567 C1, 20.08.2013. KZ 27949 A4, 25.12.2013. RU 193062 U1, 11.10.2019. RU 2686717 C1, 30.04.2019. CN 107504552 A, 22.12.2017. (54) Устройство для получения энергии фазового перехода вода-лед с пластинчатым теплообменником (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к холодильной технике перехода вода-лед и использовать ее для и может быть использовано в сельском хозяйстве, отопления сельскохозяйственных объектов, на а ...

27-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94023948A

Изобретение относится к холодильной технике. Цель изобретения - повышение КПД использования энергии холода, выделяемой холодильным агрегатом и качественное вымораживание солей из воды. В устройстве осуществляется очистка (обессоливание) воды путем замораживания части налитой в сосуд воды, устанавливаемой в морозильную камеру бытового или другого холодильника, концентрации солей в рассоле, слива рассола, оттаивания образовавшегося льда. Предлагаемое устройство состоит из двух сосудов, герметично сваренных между собой, поверхности которых со всех сторон полированные, пространство между сосудами имеет воздушную или вакуумную прослойку, снаружи возможно заполнение теплоизоляцией. Крышка выполнена из двух частей, полированных со всех сторон, имеющих воздушную или вакуумную прослойку, возможно с заполнителем из теплоизоляции. В крышку вмонтированы тепловые трубки из высокотеплопроводного материала для более качественного и направленного выборочного вымораживания, наружная поверхность элементов ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012135125A

... 1. Устройство для получения льда, содержащее на цилиндрической поверхности спиралеобразные непрерывные режущие кромки, отличающееся тем, что четное число спиралеобразных кромок устройства состоят из дискретно расположенных вдоль них ножей различной формы, при этом размеры основания ножей, расстояние между ними и между режущими кромками равны, а сами ножи расположены на спиралях режущих кромок таким образом, что каждый нож режущей кромки располагается напротив просвета между ножами последующей и предыдущей кромок.2. Устройство для получения льда по п.1, отличающееся тем, что углы плоскостей ножей, расположенных перпендикулярно к касательной в точке их расположения на спиральной кромке, варьирует от 90° до arctg 2h/S, где h - высота ножа, a S - ширина ножа.

10-12-1995 дата публикации


Номер: SU1314792A1

Изобретение относится к получения чешуйчатого льда и направлено на интенсификацию процесса. Наклонно установленную рабочую поверхность (РП) 6 охлаждают до температуры минус 20 минус 25°С трубами 7 испарителя холодильной машины и посредством магнитострикционного преобразователя 9 сообщают ей ультразвуковые колебания с частотой 20 22 кГц. Из приспособления 8, установленного на РП 6, подают воду. При одновременном воздействии ультразвука и низкой температуры на РП 6 тонкий слой воды, поступающий на нее, отталкивается на расстояние, соизмеримое с амплитудой колебания, где температура практически такая же, что и на РП 6, и покрывается корочкой льда во взвешенном состоянии, в результате чего не происходит примерзания льда к РП 6. 2 с. п. ф-лы, 1 ил. 1 табл.

07-08-1991 дата публикации

Установка для подготовки пастообразных продуктов к сублимационной сушке

Номер: SU1667819A1

Изобретение относится к оборудованию для пищевой промышленности и может быть использовано при сублимационной сушке продуктов. Цель изобретения - уменьшение потерь продукта в процессе сушки. Установка включает бункер 1 для поступающих на сушку продуктов, противни для продукта, дозатор 2, транспортер 3, тележки 5 для противней. Установка снабжена узлом 6 намораживания льда на внутреннюю поверхность противней и морозильным аппаратом 7. На внутреннюю поверхность противней, поступающих из узла 8 санитарной обработки, в узле 6 намораживания льда наносят антиадгезионный слой льда, затем заполняют противень продуктом, перемещая его на транспортере 3 в дозатор 2. В морозильном аппарате 7 осуществляют замораживание продукта, и в укладчике 4 размещают противни на полках тележки 5, которую перемещают затем в камеру сублимационной сушки. 1 ил.

23-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: SU976231A1

07-06-1987 дата публикации

Способ концентрирования жидких пищевых продуктов

Номер: SU1314990A1

Изобретение относится к холодильной технике, может быть использовано для концентрирования жидких пищевых продуктов и направлено на сокращение потерь сухих веществ со льдом. Жидкп11 пищевой продукт с температурой Bbmie температуры кристаллизации , предпочтительно от 1 до 6 С, подают на охлаждающую поверхность стекающей пленкой. Температуру последней понргжают со скоростью предпочтительно от 0,3 до 0,5 град/мин. I з.п. ф-лы. (Л со 4 СО СО О ...

30-12-1989 дата публикации

Устройство для производства льда

Номер: SU1532777A1

Изобретение относится к холодильному оборудованию, предназначено для использования в торговле, в сети общественного питания, а также для экспериментальных целей. Цель изобретения - упрощение конструкции и снижение энергозатрат. Устройство предусматривает получение готового кубика льда в ячеистой льдоформе 2, в качестве источника давления для извлечения кубика из ячеек используется компрессионная охлаждающая система, а рабочего вещества - хладагент этой системы. Для этого эластичное днище 3 льдоформы 2 установлено в непосредственном контакте с хладагентом во внутреннем пространстве испарителя 1 системы охлаждения. 3 ил.

07-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: SU1401238A1

Изобретение относится к холодильному оборудованию и касается устройства малых льдогенераторов, производящих кубико- вый лед для предприятий торговли, общественного питания, используемый также на транспорте, в лабораториях, лечебных учреждениях . Цель изобретения - снижение энергозатрат и повышение качества льда. Трубчатый сосуд 1 льдогенератора, на внутренней поверхности которого образуется лед, выполнен составным из двух разделенных теплоизолирующей перегородкой 4 участков 2 и 3. Участок 2 предварительного охлаждения контактирует с испарителем 6 компрессионной холодильной мащины, а нижний участок 3 кристаллизации и оттай- ки снабжен дополнительны.м испарителем 12 и термоэлектрической батареей 11. По мере намерзания льда участок ледяного стержня выталкивается из сосуда 1 силой давления воды при переводе термоэлектрической батареи 11 в режим нагрева. Переключение режимов происходит автоматически. 2 ил.

15-04-1988 дата публикации

Способ формирования ледяного покрытия естественного водоема

Номер: SU1388674A1

Изобретение относится к области льдотехкики и может быть использовано при строительстве ледовых переправ и платформ. Цель изобретения - повышение плавучести ледяного покрытия и увеличение тем самым сроков его эксплуатации . Способ включает намораживание армированных слоев льда, а сред:НИИ слой намораживаемого ледяного покрова формируют из армированного пенольда, добавляя пенообразователь со стабилизатором пены и эжектируя воздух в зоду для намораживания, причем регулированием расхода эжектиру- емого воздуха и пенообразователя обеспечивают соответствие распределенш, содержания волокон по толщине лед.я него покрова напряжениям, возникающим при использовании его несущей способности . Способ позволяет обеспечить требуемую грузоподъемность ледяного покрова при уменьшении расхода армирующего материала, увеличить плаву честь и расширить сроки его эксплуатации , 1 ил.

23-12-1985 дата публикации

Способ производства кубического льда в льдогенераторе

Номер: SU1200090A1

СПОСОБ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА КУБИЧЕСКОГО ЛЬДА В ЛЬДОГЕНЕРАТОРЕ, предусматривающий охлаждение.ячеек льдоформы, поочередное заполнение их водой, отделение и удаление льда из сопряженной с ними другой части ячеек льдоформы, отличающийся тем, что, с целью сокращения энергозатрат, поочередно заполняют водой четные и нечетные ячейки и одновремечно охлгшздают все ячейки, при этом нечетные ячейки заполняют водой после окончания льдообразования.в четных, а лед из четных ячеек извлекают в интервале между окончанием заполнения водой нечетных ячеек и моментом достижения льдоформой отрицательной темпс ратуры. (О С о ...

15-10-1993 дата публикации

Способ концентрирования жидких пищевых продуктов

Номер: RU2001362C1

Использование в консервной промышленности при концентрировании вымораживанием жидких пищевых продуктов: молока, соков, экстрактов, чая, кофе и других Сущность1 способ концентрирования жидких пищевых продуктов предусматривает введение в них сменных элементов охлаждения и выведения последних из раствора после намерзания на них влаги В качестве элементов охлаждения используют гранулированную двуокись углерода ...

15-09-1989 дата публикации

Способ производства льда в термоэлектрическом льдогенераторе

Номер: SU1508062A1

Изобретение относится к холодильной технике, а именно к льдогенераторам, работающим на полупроводниковых элементах и предназначенным для использования в быту, научных и медицинских учреждениях. Цель изобретения - повышение производительности льдогенератора путем ускорения извлечения льда из льдоформы. Способ производства льда в термоэлектрическом льдогенераторе включает заливку воды в льдоформу, охлаждение воды при одновременном воздействии на воду магнитным полем, оттаивание льда от стенок льдоформы и извлечение льда, причем оттаивание осуществляют импульсами постоянного тока обратной полярности при скважности 0,3-0,5, амплитуде импульса, равной 2-3 величинам тока режима охлаждения, при этом ось симметрии льдоформы отклоняют от вертикали на 5 - 10 °. 2 ил.

15-01-1984 дата публикации


Номер: SU1067313A1

30-10-1940 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Gewinnung eines wasserstoffperoxydhaltigen Eises

Номер: DE0000698010C

29-01-2009 дата публикации

Refrigerator, has inner chamber cooled by refrigeration circuit and condenser provided between inlet and outlet in flow direction of refrigerant, where condenser includes device for separation of liquid and gaseous phase of refrigerant

Номер: DE102007034522A1

The refrigerator has an inner chamber cooled by a refrigeration circuit and a condenser (1) coupled in the refrigeration circuit at an outer side of the refrigerator. The condenser is provided between an inlet (3) and outlet (11) in a flow direction of the refrigerant, where the condenser is driven by a compressor from tubular loops (5). The condenser includes a device (6) for separation of liquid and gaseous phase of refrigerant. The separated liquid phase of the refrigerant is guided over a bypass (10) and is merged with the refrigerant at the outlet.

02-04-1952 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000669467A

... 669,467. Ice-making ; ice-breaking apparatus. FLAKICE CORPORATION. July 14, 1947 [July 24, 1946], No. 18685/47. [A Specification was laid open to inspection under Sect. 91 of the Acts, July 14, 1947.] Class 29. Ice-making apparatus of the kind in which water from a distributing tank is made to flow down a group of vertical tubes subjected to freezing to form ice in the tubes and to thawing to release the formed ice, comprises a row or bank of iceforming tubes presenting a pair of parallel side surfaces closely flanked by evaporator sections connected by an automatic control, other than a time cycle control, to a liquid refrigerant supply during freezing and to a hot gaseous refrigerant supply during thawing. The apparatus comprises a storage chamber 4 and an upper part 6 containing a refrigerating system the evaporator 22 of which is coiled around an aligned bank of sixteen square-section tubes 18 down which water is sprayed from a header 28 to form ice sticks, the excess water being drained ...

19-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002229261A

An ice making machine of the type in which an ice mold is refrigerated and water recirculated from a water receiver over the refrigerated ice mold and back to the water receiver during an ice making cycle, to freeze ice forms on the ice mold, and the ice mold is heated and water recirculation stopped during an ice harvest cycle, to release the ice forms from the ice mold. A temperature sensor senses when the water temperature in the receiver initially drops during an ice making cycle to about water freezing temperature and operates a water supply valve to supply additional water to the receiver to prevent the formation of ice slush in the water recirculation system. The amount of water added to the receiver during an ice making cycle is preferably controlled by volume. The amount of water added during the ice making cycle can also be controlled by temperature of the water in the receiver or by timing the addition of water to the receiver.

21-07-2004 дата публикации

Beverage dispenser with integral ice maker

Номер: GB0002397369A

A dispenser (100) for soft-drinks and ice has an integral ice maker (100). The compressor (118) and condenser (116) for the ice making refrigeration system are located remotely from the ice making apparatus. Thus, the dispenser with an integral ice maker does not emit noise and heat from the compressor and condenser in the customer service areas where ice and soft drinks are dispensed. Refrigerant vapor is drawn from a receiver (229) and is used for defrosting in the harvest portion of the ice making cycle. The dispenser also has an internal heat exchanger (165) for cooling carbonated water and syrup prior to dispensing a soft drink. There is also an ice maker and dispenser, having a refrigeration system in which ice-making components and an ice dispenser are located near a customer-service area, while the hot and noisy refrigeration components are located remotely.

04-07-1924 дата публикации

Improvements in apparatus for the formation and separation of solids from liquids or gases by heat interchange

Номер: GB0000219062A

... 219,062. Field, C. April 4, 1923. Impuritics, separating from gases.-Ice or other crystals are obtained in the form of small particles from liquids or gases by depositing a thin layer of the solid on a continuously rotating flexible cylinder 14, Figs. 1 and 6, cooled internally, the wall of the cyinder being distorted mechanically at different parts to detach and breakup the layer. The cylinder 14 is preferably of metal and its ends may be slidably mounted in stuffing- boxes 13 in members 10 rotatably mounted on a fixed shaft 9 through which brine or other cooling- medium is supplied and withdrawn. The members 10 are driven from a power shaft 34 through toothed gearing 32, 36. Upon the shaft 9 are mounted arms 23 carrying rollers 24 at a greater distance apart than the normal diameter of the cylinder, whereby the cylinder is distorted during its rotation. Liquid is supplied to the tank 5 in which the cylinder is mounted through an opening 27 or 29 according to its density, and floating ...

17-07-1930 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to ice-making apparatus

Номер: GB0000315421A

... 315,421. Field, C. July 14, 1928. [Convention date]. Solidifying films.-In ice-making apparatus in which a film of ice is formed upon an internallycooled rotary cylinder 46, Fig. 5, mounted in a tank of water and detached therefrom by the deformation of the cylinder, the cylinder is formed of flexible metal sheets 54, connected by circumferential strips 56 of rubberized fabric, and ends 44 insulated with layers 294 of sponge rubber and bound by wire 62 to rubberized fabric aprons 60 connected to the cylinder. The cylinder is mounted upon trunnions 40 engaging slots in the end walls of the tank and rotated through chaingearing 68, Fig. 4, from a countershaft 80 which is rotated through chain-gearing 83 from a shaft 88 driven through worm-gearing from the motor M. The cooling medium, e.g. brine, is forced by a centrifugal pump 104, also driven from the motor M, from an inlet 142 through the pipes 144, 150, the latter of which contains a filter, and the hollow radial arms 170 secured to the ...

02-05-2006 дата публикации

Method for making slurry.

Номер: OA0000012040A

27-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000386074B

In the case of the heat exchanger, the heat exchanger wall on one side absorbs heat of the freezing of a liquid medium, and on the other side it outputs this as useful heat, preferably as heat of vaporisation (evaporation) of a second medium. The heat exchanger wall comprises layers connected one behind another seen in the direction of the heat flux. The layer in direct contact with the heat- outputting medium has the form of a strip. The strip shaped layer is arranged on the remaining layers in a fashion sliding along the length. It is provided in one refinement that at least one intermediate layer consists of a thermally conducting fluid. ...

12-09-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000372176B

15-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000085285A

15-01-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000557580A

15-11-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000338485A

15-08-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000078662T

15-12-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000114250T

12-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000328903B

15-05-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000216768T

15-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000195371T

05-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000630644B2

12-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004652289A

18-04-1972 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000897982A

22-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1143171A

An ice product is disclosed having improved liquid displacement characteristics and which is of a configuration which provides for splash resistance and resistance to bridging between adjacently stored products. The apparatus and method for producing the improved ice product is disclosed in the form of an ice making machine having one or more combination evaporator and ice form assemblies, each of the assemblies being provided with a plurality of pockets or recesses in which the ice product is formed during a freezing or refrigeration cycle, the ice products being subsequently discharged to an associated storage area during a subsequent harvest cycle. In a preferred construction of the present invention, the combination evaporator and ice form assemblies are arranged in a generally vertical orientation and ice makeup water is communicated to a manifold arrangement disposed above each of the assemblies, which water is intended to cascade over the surfaces of the ice forms and freeze within ...

01-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002378320A1

A modular ice delivery system (5) includes a beverage dispenser unit (70) for dispensing beverages therefrom and an ice delivery unit (10) linked with the beverage dispenser unit for supplying ice to the beverage dispenser unit. A docking pathway (12) formed between the ice delivery unit and the beverage dispenser unit is provided for operatively linking the ice delivery unit with the beverage dispenser unit. The modular ice delivery system may further include an ice capacity booster unit (50) linked with the ice delivery unit, ultimately, for supplying ice to the beverage dispenser unit. A docking pathway formed between the ice delivery unit and the ice capacity booster unit is also provided for linking the ice capacity booster unit and the ice delivery unit. In effect, each docking pathway enables the modular ice delivery system to be broken down into modular units commensurate with varying demand for ice. Additionally, the modular ice delivery system includes a sanitizing system (43- ...

22-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001143171A1

17-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001165574A1

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003015616A1

The present disclosure provides systems and method for medical ice slurry production. In particular, systems and methods are provided for medical ice slurry production that enable an end user to produce and deliver a sterile medical ice slurry at the point of care.

14-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002067484A1

An ice maker module is built on an integrally formed plastic base. One or more ice making modules are stacked on top of an ice bin. Integrally formed within the plastic base is "wet" compartment within which are disposed multiple numbers of evaporators on which water is frozen into ice cubes. The plastic base also separates the wet compartment from a dry compartment in which is mounted refrigeration components and control circuitry. The evaporators are constructed of two plates of stainless steel. Icing sites are located on the flattened sides of a serpentine refrigeration channel formed between depressions in the stainless steel plates. A microcontroller operates the ice making process. Harvesting of the ice cubes is initiated after the ice maker has used an amount of water necessary to make the ice. An ultrasonic range finder monitors the amount of ice in the bin.

30-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000636950A5

31-08-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000661977A5

15-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000655381A5

15-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000657694A5

14-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000654903A5

29-12-1995 дата публикации

Ice cube forming accessory for use in domestic freezer

Номер: CH0000686097A5
Принадлежит: FARCOM LTD

The accessory has a casing (2) shaped and dimensioned to fit into the internal cavity (3) of the ice-making machine, with a slight gap between the inner faces of the cavity and the outer faces of the casing. The outer faces of the casing are divided to form a series of cells (9,10) which define enclosed spaces with the wall of the cavity which may be filled with water. The casing is formed as a central hollow cylindrical body with radiating fins (8) which define the cells on its outer surface. The fins on the lower face of the body are vertical, while those on its lateral walls are inclined downwardly. Openings (20) are formed in the upper parts of the cells to allow air to escape as the cells are filled with water.

16-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000011828U

12-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000090215C2

Вымораживающий опреснитель включает испаритель-кристаллизатор в виде вертикального кожухотрубного теплообменника, колонну для роста и промывки кристаллов льда, конденсатор-плавильник, рекуперативный теплообменник, насосы, а также холодильную установку. Холодильная установка состоит из испарителя, компрессора, конденсатора и дополнительного конденсатора, регенеративного теплообменника, ресивера и терморегулирующих вентилей. В трубах испарителя-кристаллизатора установлены вращающиеся шнековые ценрифуги, оборудованные приводом. При этом испаритель-кристаллизатор встроен в колонну роста и промывки кристаллов льда. Кроме того, испаритель-кристаллизатор включает охладитель исходной воды, состоящий из трубчатых валов шнековых центрифуг. Шнековые центрифуги установлены на подшипниках в нижнем и верхнем коллекторах, которые соответствуют входу и выходу исходной воды. Данное изобретение обеспечивает уменьшение поверхности теплообмена испарителя-кристаллизатора за счет повышения теплообмена в его ...

15-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000034748A

Изобретение относится к холодильной технике. Ледогенератор содержит корпус с расположенным в нем термоэлектрическим блоком, в котором находятся две ледоформы с замораживающими элементами и две термобатареи верхнего и нижнего каналов, в верхней части корпуса находится ванна с каналами для заливки жидкости в ледоформу, в нижней части корпуса находится блок управления и ледоприемник. Термоэлектрический блок выполнен с возможностью поворота вокруг своей оси, замораживающие элементы верхней ледоформы выполнены в виде открытых сверху ячеек аналогично замораживающим элементам нижней ледоформы, причем ледогенератор оборудован дозатором, расположенным под ванной и вращающимся контактным устройством, которое включает электромагнит, установленный с возможностью взаимосвязи с дозатором.

11-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000053239C2

Винахід стосується виморожуючого способу опріснення солоних вод і очистки будь-яких забруднених водних розчинів для отримання очищеної талої питної води, а також концентрування водних розчинів, наприклад харчових рідин-фруктових соків, технологічних розчинів хімічної, харчової фармацевтичної промисловості з метою отримання концентратів будь-якого ступеня концентрації. Спосіб опріснення і концентрування водних розчинів багатоступеневим виморожуванням включає багатоступеневе виморожування льоду з водного розчину, що опріснюється, за допомогою киплячого холодоагенту. Спосіб також включає роздільні рециркуляційні процеси генерування льоду і росту кристалів льоду в кожному ступені при послідовному зневодненні розчину зі збільшенням його концентрації, сепарацію та промивку льоду від концентрованого розсолу та плавлення льоду. Багатоступеневий виморожуючий опріснювач-концентратор містить ступені, кожен з яких складається з випарника-льодогенератора і відокремлено під ним місткості-кристалізатора ...

15-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000053239 A

Спосіб опріснення і концентрування водних розчинів багатоступеневим виморожуванням включає багатоступеневе виморожування льоду з водного розчину, що опріснюється, за допомогою киплячого холодоагенту. Спосіб також включає роздільні рециркуляційні процеси генерування льоду і росту кристалів льоду в кожному ступені при послідовному зневодненні розчину із збільшенням його концентрації, сепарацію та промивку льоду від концентрованого розсолу і плавлення льоду. Багатоступеневий виморожуючий опріснювач-концентратор містить ступені, які складаються з випарника-льодогенератора і відокремлено під ним місткості-кристалізатора, шнеки, розташовані між випарниками-льодогенераторами і місткостями-кристалізаторами льоду, рециркуляційні насоси, сепараційно-промивальну прямокутну у плані колону і холодильну установку, що складається з компресора, конденсатора, додаткового конденсатора, випарників, розташованих у міжтрубних просторах льодогенераторів, ресиверів і дроселюючих вентилів.

25-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000106658U

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000010207 U

Процес пошарово-підйомного наморожування льоду у термоелектричному льодогенераторі включає заливання порції води в попередньо охолоджену льодоформу у зазор між вмороженим елементом та внутрішніми стінками льодоформи, одночасне перемикання термоелектричної батареї у режим нагрівання для відтавання льоду від стінок льодоформи, зворотне перемикання термобатареї у режим охолодження, охолодження та заморожування шару води, повторення описаної послідовності операцій до наморожування блока льоду необхідної товщини, заключне відтавання та виймання блока льоду з форми льодогенератора.

15-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000056512 A

Виморожуючий спосіб очищення води включає процеси попереднього очищення забрудненої або солоної води від завислих частинок, виморожування частини води, очищення льоду від домішок, відділення льоду від розсолу, плавлення льоду і обеззаражування його розплаву. Лід виморожують двічі. Спочатку виморожують "перший лід", збагачений дейтерієм, плавлять його і розплав скидають. Розчин вдруге виморожують, "другий лід", збагачений протієм, відділяють, розплавляють його і розплав вдруге відділяють. Очищення зростаючого льоду від домішок супроводжують турбулізацією виморожуваного розчину поблизу поверхні льодоутворення. Спосіб реалізується за допомогою побутового виморожуючого опріснювача (ПВО). ПВО містить фільтр грубого очищення, бактерицидний обеззаражуючий пристрій, бак - накопичувач чистої води і холодильну машину. Холодильна машина містить компресор, конденсатор, дросельну капілярну трубку і два льодогенератори-плавильники, що працюють поперемінно. На зовнішній поверхні льодогенераторів-плавильників ...

28-08-2017 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000118711U

28-08-2017 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000118764U

11-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000126118U

11-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000126186U

26-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000130088U

11-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000126196U

09-11-2018 дата публикации

Board ice maker with two board evaporimeters

Номер: CN0208075395U

13-06-2007 дата публикации

Automatic ice fryer

Номер: CN0002911560Y

20-10-2010 дата публикации

Downward flow type ice making machine

Номер: CN0101868679A

A downward flow type ice making machine which can suitably discharge ice making water contained in a water spray guide. The downward flow type ice making machine (30) has an ice making section (16) where an evaporation pipe (32) is placed in a meandering pattern, an ice making water supply pipe (12) placed above the ice making section (16) and supplying ice making water, and a water spray guide (46) placed between the ice making section (16) and the ice making water supply pipe (12) and allowing the ice making water supplied from the ice making water supply pipe (12) to flow down uniformly onto the surface of the ice making section (16) through a guide hole (52). The water spray guide (46) has a receiving section (54) opened upward toward the ice making water supply pipe (12) and receiving the ice making water, and also has a slope surface section (56) formed in the receiving section (54) so as to incline downward to approach the ice making section (16) and having a lower end facing the ...

10-01-2001 дата публикации

Evaporating plates for ice maker

Номер: CN0001279388A

29-08-2001 дата публикации

High-efficient energy-saving ice making machine

Номер: CN0002445262Y

26-04-1974 дата публикации

Rotary freezing drum - uses cryogenic refrigerant to freeze-dry biological and pharmaceutical products

Номер: FR0002145401B1

31-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002630197B1

27-05-1983 дата публикации

Ice and pure water prodn. appts. - with heater in lower part of ice store chamber

Номер: FR0002424494B1

25-04-1960 дата публикации

Matter freezing apparatus and process

Номер: FR0001216258A

16-11-1949 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for the manufacture of ice

Номер: FR0000952444A

28-01-1972 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002093549A5

09-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002491607A1

20-08-1971 дата публикации

Apparatus for making ice bit

Номер: FR0002068240A5

24-10-1997 дата публикации

Compact integrated unit for producing fresh water and ice blocks

Номер: FR0002747769A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif compact produisant simultanément de l'eau fraîche et des glaçons. Selon l'invention, l'eau est projetée par une rampe de pulvérisation 12 sur un profilé incliné à effet Peltier. Dans chaque alvéole du profilé, un glaçon se forme tandis que l'eau en excès ruisselle, se refroidit et tombe dans une réserve d'eau fraîche 16 d'où elle est à nouveau pompée vers la rampe 12. Un système électronique 14 commande la pompe 3 et inverse à intervalles régulier l'effet Peltier, ce qui provoque le décollement des glaçons que l'on peut alors collecter. Le dispositif est très compact, fonctionne automatiquement et peut être intégré à une caravane, camping-car, cuisine, etc. Il produit par ailleurs une glace transparente de grande qualité.

19-12-1952 дата публикации

Improvements brought to the processes and apparatuses for the manufacture of the ice

Номер: FR0001017812A

14-06-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0101989711B1

27-08-2019 дата публикации

conjunto de evaporador sanitário

Номер: BR112019010347A2

28-06-2019 дата публикации

Proceso de elaboración de hielo transparente a partir de agua de lluvia purificada.

Номер: CL2019001171A1

La presente solicitud de patente de invención se dirige a una proceso de elaboración de hielo transparente a partir de agua de lluvia purificada. Específicamente, se dirige a un proceso en que se cosecha agua de lluvia, luego de lo cual es purificada para posteriormente congelada para formar el hielo y en una última etapa el hielo obtenido es perfilado y esculpido para formar esferas de hielo absolutamente transparentes ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: WO2017222909A1
Автор: KNATT, Kevin

An ice maker comprising a refrigeration system, a water system, and a control system. The control system includes a controller comprising a processor and a water level sensor. The water level sensor is adapted to externally sense a capacitance corresponding to a sump water level. The controller is adapted to control the operation of the refrigeration system and the operation of the water system based upon the sump water level and to detect one or more failure modes of the water system based upon the sump water level.

24-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO2006087030A1
Автор: HELD, Otto-Wilhelm

The invention relates to a device for producing ice, in particular for construction purposes, wherein an ice machine (1) comprises an upholstered heat pump (11) provided with an ammonia circuit, the condenser (12) of said machine is cooled by air and spaying water and an evaporator (14) is continuously supplied with water which; after being transformed into ice, falls in an ice container (2) which is lower arranged and provided with a demand-controlled discharge device (21), the evaporator (14) operates at approximately 11 °C and the ice produced thereon is detached by periodical coolant vapour bumps in such a way that the humid ice falls in the ice container (2) which is provided with the discharge device (21) arranged on the bottom thereof. The uncontrolled evaporator (14) is used for producing cold water stored in a cold-water tank (3). Trickling water is introduced at different rates into the condenser (12) for producing and separating ice.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Automatic Ice Making Machine

Номер: US20120000226A1
Принадлежит: Hoshizaki Electric Co Ltd

An automatic ice making machine is provided that is capable of modifying an amount of feeding water depending on a temperature of makeup water. The automatic ice making machine is equipped with a deicing timer 42 to keep time of a deicing completion time period T 1 in which deicing operation is completed. In addition, in a control means 24 , a deicing water longest supply time period U 1 is preset, which is a longest time period to supply deicing water in deicing operation. In a case where the deicing water is low in temperature, so that the deicing progresses slowly and thus the deicing completion time period T 1 becomes equal to or greater than the deicing water longest supply time period U 1 , the control means 24 carries out water feeding in a feeding amount of water at low temperature at the time of water feeding. In contrast, in a case where deicing water is high in temperature, so that the deicing is promoted and thus the deicing completion time period T 1 becomes shorter than the deicing water longest supply time period U 1 , the control means 24 carries out water feeding in a feeding amount of water at high temperature, which is more than the feeding amount of water at low temperature, at the time of water feeding.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Direct expansion evaporator

Номер: US20120137719A1
Автор: Chundong Dong, Lingyu Dong
Принадлежит: Individual

A direct expansion evaporator includes an inner guiding duct defining a feeding channel for guiding raw material, and an outer guiding duct enclosing the inner guiding duct therewithin to form a heat exchange channel between the outer and inner guiding ducts for guiding refrigerant flowing along the heat exchange channel to heat-exchange with the raw material along the feeding channel, wherein a helix indention is formed at the outer guiding duct to form the heat exchange channel partitioned by a helix partition, wherein a peak of the helix partition is biased against an outer surrounding wall of the inner guiding duct to conceal the heat exchange channel along the inner guiding duct in a weld-less manner.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167563A1

In order to accomplish the objective of the present invention, according to one embodiment of the present invention, an apparatus for storing ice comprises: a housing which has heat insulation characteristics and the interior of which has a storage space; an ice maker which is accommodated in the housing, and which contains an ice tray for making ice; an ice bin arranged below the ice maker to store the ice made by the ice maker; a transfer member arranged within the ice bin to discharge the ice to the outside of the ice bin; a refrigerating cycle which extends into the housing, and which includes an evaporation unit attached to the outer surface of the ice tray to cool the ice tray; and a control unit which controls the operation of the refrigerating cycle and of the transfer member. Air in the storage space is directly cooled by being in contact with the evaporation unit and/or the ice tray, and the control unit operates the refrigerating cycle to cool the storage space when the temperature of the ice tray and/or of the evaporation unit becomes higher than a preset temperature (Ta). 1. An ice storage apparatus comprising:a housing having a heat insulation characteristic, the housing having a storage space therein;an ice maker received within the housing, the ice maker comprising an ice tray for making ices;an ice bin disposed under the ice maker to store the ices made in the ice maker;a transfer member disposed within the ice bin to discharge the ices to the outside of the ice bin;a refrigerating cycle extends into the housing, the refrigerating cycle, the refrigerating cycle comprising an evaporation unit attached to an outer surface of the ice tray to cool the ice tray; anda control unit for controlling operations of the refrigerating cycle and the transfer member,wherein air within the storage space is directly cooled by contacting the evaporation unit and/or the ice tray, and the control unit operates the refrigerating cycle to cool the storage space when the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180268A1
Автор: Schlosser Charles E.

An ice making machine using hydrocarbon (HC), and particularly propane, as the refrigerant is disclosed. The ice making machine has components which have been modified in size, type and operation to accommodate the use of HCs, and particularly propane, in the ice making machine refrigerant system. Also disclosed is a low volume condenser especially designed for HCs, and in particular propane, to minimize the volume of flammable/explosive HC in the ice making machine refrigerant system. 1. An ice making machine comprising:a coolant/refrigerant system comprising a coolant/refrigerant, a compressor, a condenser, an evaporator, an expansion device, a hot gas valve for directing hot gases from the compressor to the evaporator, and interconnecting lines therefore, wherein the coolant/refrigerant comprises a hydrocarbon and the condenser having a total internal volume of between about 100 ml to about 250 ml, based upon the volume of first and second header and micro channels disposed therebetween.2. An ice making machine according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon coolant/refrigerant comprises propane.3. An ice making machine according to claim 1 , wherein a refrigerant leak in the system would release an amount of the hydrocarbon coolant/refrigerant not greater than the amount allowed under standards set for the hydrocarbon coolant/refrigerant.4. An ice making machine according to claim 2 , wherein a refrigerant leak in the system would release an amount of propane not greater than an amount for the concentration of the propane to instantaneously reach 75% of the LFL.5. An ice making machine according to claim 2 , wherein a refrigerant leak in the system would release an amount of propane not greater than an amount for the concentration of the propane to reach 50% of the LFL over a five minute time period.6. An ice making machine comprising:a compressor for compressing a gas coolant/refrigerant comprised of hydrocarbon and a condenser for condensing the compressed ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192279A1

A refrigeration appliance includes a fresh food compartment, a freezer compartment, and an ice maker within the fresh food compartment for freezing water into ice pieces. In one example, a rotatable auger drives the ice pieces out of a removable ice bin via a driving force applied in a first direction. A latch is configured to apply a resisting force to the ice bin along a second direction. In another example, an air mover is disposed within the ice maker for delivering cooled air from an ice maker evaporator to a region adjacent to the ice bin. At least one air channel is formed into an inside surface of the ice maker chamber. In another example, a method of making ice in the refrigeration appliance is provided. The method includes the steps of operating the air mover and a defrost heating of the ice maker evaporator. 1. A refrigeration appliance comprising:a fresh food compartment for storing food items in a refrigerated environment having a target temperature above zero degrees Centigrade;a freezer compartment for storing food items in a sub-freezing environment having a target temperature below zero degrees Centigrade;an ice maker disposed within the fresh food compartment for freezing water into ice pieces, the ice maker comprising a removable ice bin for storing the ice pieces produced by the ice maker;a rotatable auger positioned within the ice bin and configured to drive the ice pieces out of the ice bin via a driving force applied in a first direction; anda latch configured to apply a resisting force to the ice bin along a second direction generally opposed to the first direction sufficient to counteract the driving force, wherein the resisting force is less than a removal force applied by a user to remove the ice bin from the ice maker.2. The refrigeration appliance of claim 1 , wherein the latch comprises a latch pin.3. The refrigeration appliance of claim 2 , wherein the latch pin comprises at least one resilient finger configured to engage a recess in ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for adjusting ice slab bridge thickness and initiate ice harvest following the freeze cycle

Номер: US20140013781A1
Принадлежит: Manitowoc Foodservice Companies LLC

A method and apparatus for adjusting and controlling ice bridge slab thickness and/or initiation of ice harvest following a freeze cycle. This adjusting and controlling is performed through the use of adjustable float clip assemblies which set the amount of water available for ice making in a batch process. The adjustable float clip assemblies provide an ice machine user with the ability to easily adjust the ice slab bridge thickness to a single or plurality of settings, and allow for changes in ice bridge slab thickness at the site of installation.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003062A1

A refrigerant system includes a condenser and a plurality of evaporators each connected to the condenser. Each of the plurality of evaporators receives fluid from the condenser in a harvest mode, and at least two of the plurality of evaporators are in a harvest mode at different times. 1. A refrigerant system comprising:a condenser;a plurality of evaporators each connected to said condenser, each of said plurality of evaporators receiving refrigerant from said condenser in a harvest mode, at least two of said plurality of evaporators being in a harvest mode at different times.2. The refrigerant system of claim 1 , further comprising a compressor connected to each of said plurality of evaporators claim 1 , wherein said compressor receives fluid from one or more of said plurality of evaporators in a freeze mode claim 1 , and wherein said condenser is connected to said compressor.3. The refrigerant system of claim 2 , further comprising a plurality of liquid line valves claim 2 , wherein each of said plurality of liquid line valves is connected between said condenser and one of said plurality of evaporators.4. The refrigerant system of claim 3 , further comprising a plurality of suction line valves claim 3 , wherein each of said plurality of suction line valves is connected between said compressor and one of said plurality of evaporators.5. The refrigerant system of claim 4 , further comprising a plurality of check valves and a plurality of expansion valves claim 4 , wherein each of said plurality of check valves is between one of said plurality of expansion valves and one of said plurality of evaporators.6. The refrigerant system of claim 4 , wherein each of said plurality of liquid line valves that is between said condenser and said one of said plurality of evaporators is in an open position allowing flow of said refrigerant from said condenser to said one of said plurality of evaporators when said one of said plurality of evaporators is in said harvest mode.7. The ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034569A1

An evaporator assembly for an ice machine is disclosed. The assembly comprises of a frame, a plurality of first cooling surfaces that are spaced at a distance and extend in a first direction within the frame. The assembly also includes a plurality of second cooling surfaces which extend in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction within the frame. An intersection of the plurality of first and second cooling surfaces defines a plurality of ice forming blocks. Further, at least one conductive wall having a first surface and a second surface is provided. The first surface of the conductive wall is configured to accommodate the plurality of ice forming blocks and the second surface of the conductive wall is configured to come in contact with refrigerant or defrost fluid. 116-. (canceled)17. An evaporator assembly for a vertical flow type ice making machine , the evaporator assembly comprising:a frame;a plurality of vertical cooling surfaces, each spaced at a distance and extending in a first direction within the frame;a plurality of horizontal cooling surfaces, each spaced at a distance and extending in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction within the frame,wherein, an intersection of the plurality of vertical and horizontal cooling surfaces defines a plurality of ice forming blocks;at least one conductive wall having a first surface and a second surface,characterized in that, the at least one conductive wall and the horizontal cooling surfaces at a top end of the at least one conductive wall are formed from a single metallic sheet,wherein, the first surface of the conductive wall is configured to accommodate the plurality of ice forming blocks and the second surface of the conductive wall is configured to come in contact with at least one of refrigerant and defrost fluid, and;the second surface of each of the at least one conductive wall is configured to define a plurality of channels,wherein each of the plurality of channels are ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017304A1
Автор: Knatt Kevin

An ice making machine having a refrigeration system and a water system, the water system having a water reservoir located below a freeze plate adapted to hold water, and a sprayer assembly located below the freeze plate for spraying water from the water reservoir toward the pockets. An inclined ice slide is positioned below the freeze plate and above the sprayer assembly directing fallen ice toward an opening. A divider assembly separating the water system from the ice storage bin includes a plurality of dividers, wherein the dividers may rotate outwardly away from the opening to allow formed ice to fall into the ice storage bin. Each divider is formed from a generally rectangular body having a front face with a triangular-shaped thickness and an extension flap extending away from the body opposite the front face. 1. An ice maker comprising:a refrigeration system comprising a compressor, a condenser, a hot gas valve, and a thermal expansion device;an evaporator assembly comprising a refrigerant tubing in fluid communication with the refrigeration system such that refrigerant may cycle through the refrigerant tubing and the refrigeration system, and a freeze plate thermally coupled to the refrigerant tubing, the freeze plate compromising a plurality of ice-forming pockets;a water system for supplying water to the pockets of the freeze plate, the water system comprising a water reservoir located below the freeze plate adapted to hold water, a sprayer assembly located below the freeze plate for spraying water from the water reservoir toward the pockets, wherein the sprayer assembly is in fluid communication with the reservoir by a water line to cycle water up toward the pockets of the freeze plate;an ice storage bin for retaining the formed ice;an inclined ice slide positioned below the freeze plate and above the sprayer assembly directing fallen ice toward an opening between the water system and the ice storage bin; 'a generally rectangular body comprising a front ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018237A1

An icemaker appliance includes a cabinet. A refrigeration system includes a compressor, a condenser, an expansion device, and an evaporator. The refrigeration system is charged with a refrigerant. The refrigeration system further includes a modulator having a reservoir and a supply conduit. The reservoir of the modulator is positioned on an outlet conduit of the evaporator. A first end portion of the supply conduit is coupled to an inlet conduit of the evaporator, and a second end portion of the supply conduit is coupled to the reservoir of the modulator. The refrigerant is flowable into and out of the reservoir of the modulator through the supply conduit of the modulator. An ice maker is positioned within the cabinet. The evaporator of the refrigeration system is coupled to the icemaker such that the refrigeration system is operable to chill the icemaker. 1. An icemaker appliance , comprising:a cabinet;a refrigeration system comprising a compressor, a condenser, an expansion device, and an evaporator, the refrigeration system charged with a refrigerant, the refrigeration system further comprising a modulator having a reservoir and a supply conduit, the reservoir of the modulator positioned on an outlet conduit of the evaporator, a first end portion of the supply conduit coupled to an inlet conduit of the evaporator, a second end portion of the supply conduit coupled to the reservoir of the modulator, the refrigerant flowable into and out of the reservoir of the modulator through the supply conduit of the modulator; andan ice maker positioned within the cabinet, the evaporator of the refrigeration system coupled to the icemaker such that the refrigeration system is operable to chill the icemaker.2. The icemaker appliance of claim 1 , wherein the ice maker is a billet ice maker comprising a plurality of mold bodies claim 1 , a plurality of spray nozzles claim 1 , and a pump claim 1 , each of the plurality of spray nozzles oriented towards a respective one of the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025426A1

An ice machine includes a plurality of cooling tubes with each cooling tube having an inner tube and an outer tube extending around the inner tube to define an annular cavity between the inner tube and the outer tube. When refrigerant flows through the annular cavity between the inner tube and the outer tube, water in the inner tube freezes. The ice machine may also include a shell defining an internal cavity through which the plurality of cooling tubes extend; a water source operably connected to a water pump to flow water through the inner tube; a refrigerant source operably connected to a refrigerant pump to flow refrigerant through the annular cavity; and a heater operably connected to the internal cavity of the shell to flow a heated fluid through the internal cavity and across the plurality of cooling tubes. 1. An ice machine , comprising:a plurality of cooling tubes, each cooling tube including an inner tube and an outer tube extending around the inner tube, thus defining an annular cavity between the inner tube and the outer tube;wherein, when a refrigerant flows through the annular cavity between the inner tube and the outer tube, water in the inner tube freezes.2. The ice machine of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , water flows through the inner tube in a first direction claim 1 , and the refrigerant flows through the annular cavity in a second direction opposite of the first direction.3. The ice machine of claim 1 , and further comprising a shell defining an internal cavity claim 1 , the plurality of cooling tubes extending vertically through the internal cavity of the shell.4. The ice machine of claim 3 , wherein a heated fluid selectively flows through the internal cavity of the shell to warm the plurality of cooling tubes.5. The ice machine of claim 3 , wherein each of the cooling tubes is spaced apart from each of the other cooling tubes.6. The ice machine of claim 1 , and further comprising:an upper tubesheet defining a plurality of holes, with an upper ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025632A1
Автор: Hoti Milaim

Methods of operating an ice maker with an exposed refrigerant tube. In one example, the method can include providing a water stream to an ice formation cell of an ice formation tray. A refrigerant tube can freeze a portion of the water stream in order to make an ice piece layer. An ejector can pry the ice piece layer away from the ice formation cell. The ejector can be configured to rotate about an axis. 1. A method , comprising:providing a water stream to an ice formation cell of an ice formation tray;freezing a portion of the water stream via a refrigerant tube to make an ice piece layer; andprying the ice piece layer away from the ice formation cell via an ejector, the ejector being configured to rotate about an axis.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ice piece layer comprises a plurality of ice pieces claim 1 , and prying the ice piece layer away further comprises prying one of the plurality of ice pieces by rotating the ejector.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , subsequent to prying the ice piece layer claim 1 , rotating the ejector to return to a neutral position.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the portion of the water stream comprises a first portion of the water stream claim 1 , and further comprising draining a second portion of the water stream that reaches an end of the ice formation tray.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the portion of the water stream comprises a first portion of the water stream claim 1 , and further comprising recirculating a second portion of the water stream that reaches an end of the ice formation tray.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein a shape of the ice piece layer is based at least in part on a shape of the ejector.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein prying at least one ice piece layer away from the ice formation cell further comprises simultaneously:displacing the ejector with respect to a first segment of an evaporator tube; anddisplacing the ejector with respect to a second segment of the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and system for freezing biopharmaceutical fluid

Номер: US20190029248A1
Автор: Jonathan Cutting
Принадлежит: Sartorius Stedim North America Inc

Disclosed is a method and system for freezing a biopharmaceutical fluid which is hold in a disposable container. The method includes the steps of arranging the container on the heat transfer surface area, cooling the heat transfer surface area to cool the bottom surface of the container until freezing and forming a layer of ice or an ice block of biopharmaceutical fluid inside the container; dislodging the ice layer or ice block frozen to the container. The steps of cooling the heat transfer surface area and dislodging the ice layer or ice block are repeated until the container is filled with a matrix of frozen biopharmaceutical fluid and liquid biopharmaceutical fluid, the liquid biopharmaceutical fluid occupying interstitial passages between ice layers or ice blocks of biopharmaceutical fluid. The cooling is then maintained until the freezing of the entire biopharmaceutical fluid held in the container.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030624A1

An ice maker is provided herein that includes an evaporator plate. A first side of the evaporator plate is adapted to form a first clear ice sheet and a second side of the evaporator plate is adapted to form a second clear ice sheet. A staging area is arranged downstream from the evaporator plate and adapted to receive the first and second clear ice sheets after formation. The first and second clear ice sheets are fused in the staging area to form a unitary ice sheet. A first mold assembly having a first mold form and a second mold assembly having a second mold form are positioned within the staging area on opposite sides of the unitary ice sheet when the unitary ice sheet is received in the staging area. A mold cavity is adapted to shape the unitary clear ice sheet to form one or more clear ice structures. 1. An ice maker comprising:an evaporator plate having a first side and a second side, wherein the first side of the evaporator plate is adapted to form a first clear ice sheet and the second side of the evaporator plate is adapted to form a second clear ice sheet;a staging area arranged downstream from the evaporator plate and adapted to receive the first and second clear ice sheets after formation, wherein the first and second clear ice sheets are fused in the staging area to form a unitary clear ice sheet;a first mold form and a second mold form positioned within the staging area on opposite sides of the unitary clear ice sheet when the unitary ice sheet is received in the staging area; anda mold cavity defined by the first and second mold forms and adapted to shape the unitary clear ice sheet to form one or more clear ice structures.2. The ice maker of claim 1 , further comprising:a storage mechanism disposed downstream from the staging area and adapted to receive and store one or more clear ice sheets of the plurality of clear ice sheets.3. The ice maker of claim 1 , wherein the mold cavity comprises at least one spherical cavity adapted to form one or more ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033043A1
Автор: Knatt Kevin

An ice making machine having a refrigeration system designed for hydrocarbon (HC) refrigerants, and particularly propane (R-290), that includes dual independent refrigeration systems and a unique evaporator assembly comprising of a single freeze plate attached to two cooling circuits. The serpentines are designed in an advantageous pattern that promotes efficiency by ensuring the even bridging of ice during freezing and minimizing unwanted melting during harvest by providing an even distribution of the heat load. The charge limitations imposed with flammable refrigerants would otherwise prevent large capacity ice maker from being properly charged with a single circuit. The ice making machine includes a single water circuit and control system to ensure the proper and efficient production of ice. Material cost is conserved as compared to a traditional dual system icemaker. 1. A method of making ice , the method comprising:forming ice on a single, unitary freeze plate during an ice making cycle; and adjusting a first hot gas valve of a first refrigerant circuit from a first configuration to a second configuration so that, during a harvest cycle, first refrigerant gas compressed by a first compressor of the first refrigerant circuit flows through a first evaporator tubing of the first refrigerant circuit which is disposed on the freeze plate;', 'adjusting a second hot gas valve of a second refrigerant circuit from a first configuration to a second configuration so that, during the harvest cycle, second refrigerant gas compressed by a second compressor of the second refrigerant circuit flows through a second evaporator tubing of the second refrigerant circuit which is disposed on the freeze plate;', 'wherein during the harvest cycle, the first refrigerant gas flowing through the first evaporator tubing and the second refrigerant gas flowing through the second evaporator tubing warm the freeze plate to melt the ice formed on the freeze plate to a degree so that the ice ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033327A1

An ice machine for an ice-based thermal storage system comprises a plurality of pillow plates arranged in a plate bank, wherein each of the plurality of pillow plates includes an inlet connection and an outlet connection, with the respective inlet connections connected to a feed header, and with the respective outlet connections connected to a suction header. A water distribution pan is positioned at a top of the plate bank, and a tank is positioned below the plate bank. As an evaporator, the ice machine causes ice to form on the pillow plates, which then falls into the tank. As a condenser, the ice machine transfers heat to water flowing over the pillow plates, such that water at an increased temperature falls into the tank and melts the ice in the tank. 1. An ice machine for an ice-based thermal storage system , comprising:a plurality of pillow plates arranged in a plate bank, wherein each of the plurality of pillow plates includes an inlet connection and an outlet connection, with the respective inlet connections connected to a feed header, and with the respective outlet connections connected to a suction header;a water distribution pan positioned at a top of the plate bank; anda tank positioned below the plate bank;wherein the ice machine is configured for use both as an evaporator and as a condenser.2. The ice machine as recited in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in use as the evaporator claim 1 , a refrigerant is received by the feed header via a first line connecting a refrigeration system to the feed header claim 1 , is introduced into the plurality of pillow plates claim 1 , and then exits via the suction header claim 1 , such that heat from water distributed from the water distribution pan over the plurality of pillow plates is transferred to the refrigerant claim 1 , thus forming ice on the plurality of pillow plates claim 1 , which then falls into the tank positioned below the plate bank.3. The ice machine as recited in claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in use as ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Use of Sterile Sleeve in Production of Surgical Slush

Номер: US20170035603A1

Production of sterile therapeutic medium such as sterile surgical slush for use in surgery. A sterile slush container with a sterile sleeve assembly so that the outside of the sterile slush container remains sterile after placement in a non-sterile slush making machine so that the sterile slush container may be returned to the sterile field after removal of the sterile slush container from the sleeve assembly. 1. A method for production of sterile surgical slush outside of a sterile field and subsequent delivery of sterile surgical slush to the sterile field; the method comprising:placing a quantity of sterile saline into a non-sterile slush making device located outside of the sterile field, the sterile saline contained in a slush container, a set of interior and exterior surfaces of the slush container starting as sterile;the slush container enveloped by a sleeve assembly comprising a container sleeve that covers at least a portion of the slush container and a sleeve cap engaged with the container sleeve, the sleeve assembly is initially sterile but an exterior of the sleeve assembly is deemed not sterile not later than once the sleeve assembly with slush container is placed into the slush making device;removing the slush container enveloped by the sleeve assembly from the slush making device after conversion of the sterile saline to sterile surgical slush;separating the sleeve cap from the container sleeve to expose a portion of the slush container; andmaintaining the slush container as sterile while removing the slush container from the container sleeve and moving the slush container into the sterile field so that the slush container may be opened and the sterile saline slush may be used when needed.2. The method of wherein separating the sleeve cap from the container sleeve to expose a portion of the slush container is achieved by separating the sleeve cap from the container sleeve to expose a lid and on a lid end of the slush container.3. The method of wherein ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038623A1
Автор: Hoti Milaim

Disclosed are various embodiments for systems, apparatus, and methods for making ice. An ejector can rotate about an axis. When rotating, the ejector can pry an ice piece away from an ice formation cell. A refrigerant tube can be disposed within an ice formation cell. A portion of the water stream can freeze via the refrigerant tube to generate the ice piece. 1. A system , comprising:an ice formation cell;a refrigerant tube disposed within the ice formation cell; andan ejector configured rotate about an axis to pry at least one ice piece away from the ice formation cell.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ice formation cell further comprises a slot configured to accommodate the ejector.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ejector further comprises a bore configured to facilitate a connection of the ejector with a shaft claim 1 , wherein the bore passes from a first flat side to a second flat side.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a water spray guide configured to receive water from a water supply and provide a water stream to the ice formation cell claim 1 , the water spray guide comprising a connector claim 1 , a water bin claim 1 , and a removable lid.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the water bin comprises an extension that inserts into a receptacle of an ice formation tray.6. The system of claim 4 , wherein the water bin comprises a plurality of orifices claim 4 , wherein individual ones of the plurality of orifices are configured to provide substantially equal portions of the water stream.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the individual ones of the plurality of orifices comprise a respective diameter based at least in part on a distance from the connector.8. A method claim 6 , comprising:providing a water stream to an ice formation cell of an ice formation tray;freezing a portion of the water stream via a refrigerant tube to make at least one ice piece layer; andprying the at least one ice piece layer away from the ice formation cell via an ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220057128A1
Автор: KIM Doo Ha

The present disclosure relates to a method of controlling an ice-detaching temperature of an icemaker, including a first step of performing an ice-making operation in an ice-making unit, and counting a required ice-making time period from a starting point in time of the ice-making operation to an end point in time of the ice-making operation; a second step of acquiring the counted required ice-making time period, and acquiring an ambient temperature from an external temperature sensor; a third step of determining a variable ice-detaching time period, depending on the acquired ambient temperature and the acquired required ice-making time period; and a fourth step of using the determined ice-detaching time period to perform an ice-detaching operation. Ice of a cold plate is completely separated from the cold plate during an ice-detaching operation under conventional temperature conditions and even under harsh environments, preventing icemaker failure and increasing ice-making capacity. 1. A method of controlling an ice-detaching temperature of an icemaker , comprising:a first step of performing an ice-making operation in an ice-making unit, and counting a required ice-making time period from a starting point in time of the ice-making operation to an end point in time of the ice-making operation;a second step of acquiring the counted required ice-making time period, and acquiring an ambient temperature from an external temperature sensor;a third step of determining a variable ice-detaching time period, depending on the acquired ambient temperature and the acquired required ice-making time period; anda fourth step of using the determined ice-detaching time period to perform an ice-detaching operation.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the third step comprises:determining whether the acquired ambient temperature and the acquired required ice-making time period are within a set ambient temperature range and a set required ice-making time period range to acquire a ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041113A1
Автор: Inamori Reijiro

An ice making system and method that includes an ice formation tray, an ejector, and an ejector shaft is disclosed herein. The ice formation tray has a first side and a second side. The ejector includes a unitary structure and an insert, with the unitary structure encompassing the insert on at least four sides. The ejector shaft spans between the first side and the second side of the ice formation tray, with the ejector shaft passing through a bore in the insert of the ejector. 1. A system , comprising:an ice formation tray comprising a first side and a second side;an ejector comprising a unitary structure and an insert, the unitary structure encompassing the insert on at least four sides; andan ejector shaft spanning between the first side and the second side of the ice formation tray, the ejector shaft passing through a bore in the insert of the ejector.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ejector shaft is configured to rotate between thirty and fifty degrees to pry an ice piece from the ice formation tray.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ejector shaft is configured to rotate forty degrees to pry an ice piece from the ice formation tray.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the bore in the insert comprises a flat side in contact with a flat side of the ejector shaft claim 1 , the flat side of the bore configured to prevent the ejector from rotating about the ejector shaft.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein a cross section of the insert is substantially trapezoidal in shape.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ice formation tray comprises an ice formation cell that is defined at least in part by a first wall and a second wall of the ice formation cell claim 1 , where the ejector spans at least 40% of a space between the first wall and the second wall claim 1 , and wherein the first wall is substantially parallel to the second wall.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the ejector abuts the first wall and the second wall.8. The system of claim 1 , further ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041187A1

An ice maker includes a dry compartment and a wet compartment adjacent to the dry compartment and including: an evaporator case sized to receive an evaporator, the evaporator case including: a plurality of interior panels joined to each other with snap-fit joints, each of the snap-fit joints including a tab and defining a slot, each of a plurality of seams formed between the interior panels defining a foam-tight seal and a water-tight seal; and a plurality of exterior panels, each of the plurality of exterior panels joined to a mating interior panel of the plurality of interior panels with slide joints, wherein the evaporator case is integrally insulated with blown foam insulation positioned between each of the plurality of exterior panels and a corresponding interior panel. 1. An ice maker comprising:a dry compartment; and a plurality of interior panels joined to each other with snap-fit joints, each of the snap-fit joints comprising a tab and defining a slot, each of a plurality of seams formed between the interior panels defining a foam-tight seal and a water-tight seal; and', 'a plurality of exterior panels, each of the plurality of exterior panels joined to a mating interior panel of the plurality of interior panels with slide joints, wherein the evaporator case is integrally insulated with blown foam insulation positioned inside an insulation cavity defined by and between the plurality of exterior panels and the plurality of interior panels., 'an evaporator case sized to receive an evaporator, the evaporator case comprising, 'a wet compartment adjacent to the dry compartment and comprising2. The ice maker of claim 1 , wherein:each of the plurality of interior panels comprises one of a plurality of declined projections and a plurality of inclined projections extending from a body of the respective interior panel, each of the plurality of declined projections and the plurality of inclined projections defining at least in part a groove; andeach of the plurality ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065515A1

A method of cleaning an evaporator of an ice maker can include activating a switch of the ice maker in a first manual intervention of an overall cleaning procedure to initiate the overall cleaning procedure; sounding an audible alarm to alert a user that a second manual intervention is required; pouring a cleaning fluid into a tank of the evaporator case in the second manual intervention; automatically initiating and completing one of a cleaning stage and a sanitizing stage upon completion of the second manual intervention, automatically initiating the one of the cleaning stage and the sanitizing stage including operating a cleaning valve of a water circuit of the ice maker by a main controller of the ice maker; and automatically initiating and completing a rinsing stage.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065516A1
Принадлежит: Singular Ice LLC

A freezing and cutting assembly and method for producing ice cubes. The freezing and cutting assembly includes a freezing unit configured to freeze a slab of ice. The freezing unit includes a cold plate and a frame removably coupleable to the cold plate. The cutting unit includes at least one heated electrical wire tensioned on a cutting unit frame and configured to divide the slab of ice into ice cubes. 1. A freezing and cutting assembly for producing ice cubes comprising:a freezing unit configured to freeze a slab of ice, the freezing unit including a cold plate and a frame removably coupleable to the cold plate; anda cutting unit configured to receive the slab of ice from the freezing unit, the cutting unit including at least one heated electrical wire tensioned on a cutting unit frame and configured to divide the slab of ice into ice cubes.2. The freezing and cutting assembly of claim 1 , wherein the frame forms a water-tight seal with the cold plate when coupled to the cold plate.3. The freezing and cutting assembly of claim 1 , wherein cooling capacity supplied to the freezing unit is reduced or turned off based on a signal from an ice thickness sensor.4. The freezing and cutting assembly of claim 1 , wherein a temperature setpoint for the cold plate varies during the freezing of the slab of ice.5. The freezing and cutting assembly of claim 1 , wherein the cold plate and the frame define an enclosure when coupled claim 1 , and wherein the freezing unit includes at least one pump configured to pump fluid out of the enclosure.6. The freezing and cutting assembly of claim 1 , wherein the freezing unit includes at least one impeller configured to stir a fluid in the freezing unit.7. The freezing and cutting assembly of claim 1 , wherein the frame of the freezing unit includes at least one heated electrical wire.8. A freezing and cutting assembly for producing ice cubes comprising:a freezing unit configured to freeze a slab of ice;a cutting unit configured to ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190053939A1

The present disclosure provides systems and method for medical ice slurry production. In particular, systems and methods are provided for medical ice slurry production that enable an end user to produce and deliver a sterile medical ice slurry at the point of care. 1. A medical ice slurry production system comprising:a disposable cartridge holding a non-frozen, sterile medical slurry composition;a housing supporting the disposable cartridge, the housing including an actuator;a cooling device operable with the housing to cool the non-frozen slurry composition held in the disposable cartridge to a temperature sufficient to form ice crystals in the disposable cartridge;an agitator operable with the actuator of the housing to agitate the medical slurry composition such that the ice crystals are reduced to a size sufficient to allow the medical slurry composition including the reduced ice crystals to be delivered to a patient through an end of a needle; andan access port structured and arranged to allow the medical slurry composition including the reduced ice crystals to be withdrawn or injected from the disposable cartridge, while maintaining the sterility of the medical slurry composition including the reduced ice crystals.2. The medical ice slurry production system of claim 1 , wherein the disposable cartridge includes one of a syringe or a canister.3. The medical ice slurry production system of claim 1 , wherein the access port is structured and arranged to allow a syringe to engage the access port and withdraw the slurry composition.4. The medical ice slurry production system of claim 1 , wherein the agitator includes at least one a vibrating device or a rotating device.5. The medical ice slurry production system of claim 1 , wherein the agitator includes a rotating device structured and arranged to rotate back-and forth.6. The medical ice slurry production system of claim 1 , wherein the agitator is attached to the disposable cartridge.7. The medical ice slurry ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056162A1

A method of manufacturing an evaporator includes: forming a length of tubing into a serpentine path, the length of tubing forming a tubing coil; forming a first evaporator plate; forming a second evaporator plate; positioning the tubing coil between the first evaporator plate and the second evaporator plate; bringing the first evaporator plate, the second evaporator plate, and the tubing coil into contact with each other; and forming a plurality of dimples in each of the first evaporator plate and the second evaporator plate, thereby at least partially crushing the tubing coil at a position of each of the plurality of dimples, a surface of each of the dimples contacting the tubing coil. 1. An evaporator plate assembly comprising: a first row of dimples,', 'a second row of dimples disposed immediately adjacent to the first row of dimples in the vertical direction,', 'a third row of dimples disposed immediately adjacent the second row of dimples in the vertical direction, and', 'a fourth row of dimples disposed immediately adjacent to the third row of dimples in the vertical direction; and, 'a plate defining opposing front and rear surfaces, the plate further defining a plurality of dimples, a surface of each of the plurality of dimples defining a radius; each of the plurality of dimples projecting outwardly from the rear surface and disposed on the front surface in an array comprising a plurality of rows and a plurality of columns, each of the plurality of rows extending in a horizontal direction and each of the plurality of columns extending in a vertical direction, the plurality of rows of dimples comprising'} [ a first straight portion disposed between the first row of dimples and the second row of dimples,', 'a second straight portion connected to the first straight portion and being immediately adjacent to the first straight portion in the vertical direction, the second straight portion disposed between the third row of dimples and the fourth row of dimples; and ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063814A1

An evaporator includes a refrigerant conduit; and front and rear plates sandwiching the refrigerant conduit, each of the front and rear plates including: a plurality of ice forming columns; a set of first protrusions and a set of second protrusions defined therein, each first protrusion on the front plate and a corresponding first protrusion on the rear plate defining a respective active cavity and each second protrusion on the front plate and a corresponding second protrusion on the rear plate defining a respective passive cavity, the refrigerant conduit extending through each of the active cavities but not any of the passive cavities; and inner flat portions of the front plate and the rear plate facing each other to define respective spaced portions, wherein the active cavities and passive cavities are interspersed and separated by respective inner flat portions so as to define a plurality of ice forming sites. 1. An evaporator comprising:a refrigerant conduit; and a plurality of ice forming columns;', 'a set of first protrusions defined in the respective ice forming columns, each first protrusion on the front plate facing a respective first protrusion on the rear plate to define a respective active cavity, the refrigerant conduit extending through each of the active cavities;', 'a set of second protrusions defined in the respective ice forming columns, each second protrusion on the front plate facing a respective second protrusion on the rear plate to define a respective passive cavity, the refrigerant conduit not extending through any of the passive cavities; and', 'inner flat portions, each inner flat portion of the front plate facing and spaced from a respective inner flat portion of the rear plate to define a respective spaced portion;', 'wherein the active cavities and passive cavities are interspersed and separated by respective inner flat portions so as to define a plurality of ice forming sites in the ice forming columns of the respective plate., 'front ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067678A1

An evaporator includes a refrigerant conduit sandwiched between front a rear plates. The front and rear plates have inner flat portions, each inner flat portion of the front plate faces, but is spaced from, a respective inner flat portion of the rear plate to define a respective spaced portion. The front and rear plates further include a set of first protrusions. Each first protrusion on the front plate faces a respective first protrusion on the rear plate to define a respective active cavity. The refrigerant conduit extends through each of the active cavities. The front and rear plates also include a set of second protrusions. Each second protrusion on the front plate faces a respective second protrusion on the rear plate to define a respective passive cavity. The refrigerant conduit does not extend through any of the passive cavities. The location of the active and passive cavities are interspersed and separated by respective inner flat portions so as to define a plurality of ice forming sites. 1. An evaporator , comprising:a refrigerant conduit; and inner flat portions, each inner flat portion of the front plate facing, but being spaced from, a respective inner flat portion of the rear plate to define a respective spaced portion; and', 'a set of first protrusions, each first protrusion on the front plate facing a respective first protrusion on the rear plate to define a respective active cavity, the refrigerant conduit extending through each of the active cavities;', 'a set of second protrusions, each second protrusion on the front plate facing a respective second protrusion on the rear plate to define a respective passive cavity, the refrigerant conduit not extending through any of the passive cavities; and', 'the location of the active and passive cavities being interspersed and separated by respective inner flat portions so as to define a plurality of ice forming sites., 'front a rear plates sandwiching the refrigerant conduit, the front and rear plates ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071929A1
Автор: Mitchell Alan Joseph

An ice maker for an appliance includes a freezing plate having an upwardly facing ice formation surface. A plurality of partitions is positioned on the freezing plate. The plurality of partitions divides the ice formation surface into a plurality of bays. A reservoir is positioned below the freezing plate. A manifold has a plurality of outlets directed towards the plurality of bays on the ice formation surface. A pump is operable to flow water from the reservoir to the manifold. An air conduit is positioned below the freezing plate. The air conduit is configured for guiding a flow of air through the air conduit to chill the freezing plate. 1. An ice maker for an appliance , comprising:a freezing plate having an upwardly facing ice formation surface;a plurality of partitions positioned on the freezing plate, the plurality of partitions dividing the ice formation surface into a plurality of bays;a reservoir positioned below the freezing plate;a manifold having a plurality of outlets directed towards the plurality of bays on the ice formation surface;a pump operable to flow water from the reservoir to the manifold; andan air conduit positioned below the freezing plate, the air conduit configured for guiding a flow of air through the air conduit to chill the freezing plate.2. The ice maker of claim 1 , further comprising a heat exchanger positioned within the air conduit and connected to the freezing plate claim 1 , the heat exchanger comprising a plurality of fins extending into the air conduit.3. The ice maker of claim 1 , further comprising an electric resistance heating element connected to the freezing plate.4. The ice maker of claim 1 , further comprising a sweep having a plurality of tines claim 1 , each tine of the plurality of tines positioned within a respective bay of the plurality of bays.5. The ice maker of claim 4 , further comprising a motor coupled to the sweep claim 4 , the motor operable to translate the sweep relative to the freezing plate.6. The ice ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210080159A1

An ice making assembly includes an ice mold defining a mold cavity and a refrigeration loop having an evaporator assembly in thermal communication with the ice mold. A compressor is operably coupled to the refrigeration loop for circulating a flow of refrigerant through the refrigerant loop to cool the evaporator assembly and the ice mold. The evaporator assembly includes a primary evaporator tube and a thermal enhancement structure, such as internal tubes and/or copper foam, placed therein to increase the refrigerant side surface area. The primary evaporator tube is deformed into a non-circular cross sectional shape and soldered or brazed onto a top wall of the ice mold. 1. An ice making assembly comprising:an ice mold defining a mold cavity; a primary evaporator tube placed in direct contact with the ice mold; and', 'a thermal enhancement structure positioned within the primary evaporator tube., 'an evaporator assembly in thermal communication with the ice mold, the evaporator assembly comprising2. The ice making assembly of claim 1 , wherein the ice mold comprises:a top wall; anda plurality of sidewalls cantilevered from the top wall and extending downward from the top wall.3. The ice making assembly of claim 2 , wherein the evaporator assembly is in direct contact with the top wall of the ice mold.4. The ice making assembly of claim 2 , wherein the top wall and the plurality of sidewalls are formed from a single sheet of copper and have a constant thickness.5. The ice making assembly of claim 2 , wherein the top wall defines a top width and the mold cavity defines a max width claim 2 , the top width being greater than 50 percent of the max width.6. The ice making assembly of claim 2 , wherein each of the plurality of sidewalls are separated by a gap to permit flexing relative to each other.7. The ice making assembly of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of sidewalls comprise eight sidewalls forming a mold cavity having an octagonal cross section.8. The ice making ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084559A1
Автор: Toma Hani

An evaporator apparatus comprising at least one container configured to maintain liquid for freezing and a plurality of heat transfer compartments configured around the at least one container to allow for the flow of cold anti-freeze in order to freeze the liquid and warm anti-freeze in order to thaw frozen blocks of ice contained within the evaporator apparatus. A lever integrated into the body of the evaporator to allow for rotation of the evaporation in order to harvest the frozen blocks of ice. The evaporator further including, at least one inlet opening to allow for the inflow of anti-freeze into the plurality of heat transfer compartments and at least one outlet opening to allow for the discharge of anti-freeze from the evaporator apparatus. 1. An ice block apparatus , comprising: 'an open top side configured to allow the receipt of water;', 'at least one inner casing configured to receive liquid, comprisingan outer casing configured along exteriors of the at least one inner casing creating a chamber configured between the inner casing and the outer casing;an inlet means configured to allow antifreeze into the chamber;an outlet means configured to allow for the discharge of antifreeze from the chamber;a supporting framework attached to the outer casing configured to allow the turning of the ice block apparatus.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one inner casing further comprising an inner structure having a bottom side and four vertical sides.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the outer casing allows for the chamber to exist within the space between the exterior of the inner casing and the interior of the outer casing.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the chamber is hollow.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the inlet means is an opening within a bottom portion of the ice block apparatus.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the outlet means is an opening within a top portion of the ice block apparatus.7. A method of freezing ice ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140165624A1

A unitary clear ice sheet is formed from a plurality of individual clear ice sheets which are fused together to give the unitary ice sheet a predetermined thickness. The fused unitary ice sheet is a clear unitary ice sheet due to the formation of the plurality of individual clear ice sheets by running water over a cold plate apparatus or evaporator mechanism to form the ice sheets in a gradual layer-by-layer process. The fused unitary clear ice sheet is used to mold or shape clear ice structure therefrom, such as clear ice spheres in a mold apparatus. 1. An ice maker comprising:a cold plate apparatus adapted to freeze a portion of running water from a water supply into layers to form a plurality of clear ice sheets;a staging area disposed downstream from the cold plate apparatus, the staging area adapted to receive and fuse the plurality of clear ice sheets to form a unitary clear ice sheet having a first surface and a second surface;a mold apparatus disposed within the staging area, the mold apparatus including a first mold assembly having a first mold form and a second mold assembly having a second mold form, wherein the first and second mold assemblies are operable between an open position and a closed position, wherein the first mold assembly engages the first surface of the unitary clear ice sheet and the second mold assembly engages the second surface of the unitary clear ice sheet as a drive mechanism drives the first and second mold assemblies to the closed position; anda mold cavity defined by the first and second mold forms of the first and second mold assemblies in the closed position, wherein the mold apparatus is adapted to shape the unitary clear ice sheet to form one or more clear ice structures in the mold cavity by driving the first and second mold assemblies to the closed position about the unitary clear ice sheet.2. The ice maker of claim 1 , including:a storage mechanism disposed downstream from the staging area, the storage mechanism adapted to ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095908A1
Автор: Dieckmann John

A cross-connected refrigeration system includes a first refrigeration subsystem and a second refrigeration subsystem that are fluidly coupled by a header, each of the first refrigeration subsystem and the second refrigeration subsystem including a refrigeration loop including a compressor, a condenser, an expansion device, and an evaporator, and a heating loop including an electrically-controlled valve, and the evaporator, and a header connection that connects the refrigeration loops and the heating loops of the first refrigeration subsystem and the second refrigeration subsystem to a common header, respectively. The compressor in the first refrigeration subsystem is selectively deactivated and the electrically-controlled valve in the first refrigeration subsystem is selectively opened such that compressed gas from the compressor in the second refrigeration subsystem enters the heating loop of the first refrigeration subsystem and heats the evaporator of the first refrigeration subsystem. 1. A method of freezing and collecting a frozen substance using a cross-connected refrigeration system including a first refrigeration subsystem and a second refrigeration subsystem that are connected by a common header , the method comprising:compressing a refrigerant in the second refrigeration subsystem;deactivating a compressor in the first refrigeration subsystem; andopening an electrically-controlled valve in the first refrigeration subsystem such that compressed refrigerant from the second refrigeration subsystem enters an evaporator of the first refrigeration subsystem.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first refrigeration subsystem includes a heating loop check valve and a refrigeration loop check valve claim 1 , and an opening setpoint of the heating loop check valve is lower than an opening setpoint of the refrigeration loop check valve.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the opening setpoint of the heating loop check valve is half the opening setpoint of the ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190101315A1

Methods, systems, and device for solidification and/or solid production, such as ice production, are provided in accordance with various embodiments. For example, some embodiments include a method of solid production that may include contacting a first fluid with a second fluid to facilitate solidifying the second fluid; the first fluid and the second fluid may be immiscible with respect to each other. The method may include solidifying the second fluid. Some embodiments include a solid production system that may include a first fluid and a second fluid; the first fluid and the second fluid may be immiscible with respect to each other. The system may include one or more surfaces configured to contact the first fluid and the second fluid with each other and to form one or more solids from the second fluid. 1. A method of solid production comprising:contacting a first fluid with a second fluid to facilitate solidifying the second fluid, wherein the first fluid and the second fluid are immiscible with respect to each other; andsolidifying the second fluid.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first fluid includes a non-polar material and the second fluid includes a polar material.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first fluid includes at least hydrocarbon oil claim 2 , aromatic oil claim 2 , fluorinated oil claim 2 , or silicone oil.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the second fluid includes at least water claim 2 , acidic acid claim 2 , formic acid claim 2 , carbocyclic acids claim 2 , sulfuric acid claim 2 , ethylene glycol claim 2 , polyethylene glycol claim 2 , tert-butyl claim 2 , or DMSO.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first fluid includes a polar material and the second fluid includes a non-polar material.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the first fluid includes at least water claim 5 , alcohol claim 5 , propylene glycol claim 5 , ethylene glycol claim 5 , DMSO claim 5 , ammonia claim 5 , or nitric acid.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170682A1
Автор: Sakakibara Hideki

An ice machine includes: an ice maker including: an ultrasonic bin sensor mounted to a body; and a controller in electrical communication with the ultrasonic bin sensor and configured to control the ultrasonic bin sensor; and a storage bin coupled to the ice maker and sized to receive a mound of ice, a lens of the ultrasonic bin sensor facing a bottom of an interior cavity of the storage bin, the controller configured to process a return signal of the ultrasonic bin sensor to control a level of ice stored inside the storage bin, the controller further configured to apply a predetermined time delay to filter out a portion of the return signal that exceeds a threshold voltage but does not exceed the time delay. 1 an ultrasonic bin sensor; and', 'a controller configured to control the ultrasonic bin sensor; and, 'an ice maker comprisinga storage bin coupled to the ice maker and sized to receive ice from the ice maker.. An ice machine comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/529,047, filed Aug. 1, 2019, issuing into U.S. Pat. No. 11,255,588 on Feb. 22, 2022, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/714,412, filed Aug. 3, 2018, and U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/714,414, filed Aug. 3, 2018, each of which is hereby specifically incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.This disclosure relates to ice machines. More specifically, this disclosure relates to systems comprising ultrasonic devices for detecting the amount of ice produced and stored inside ice machines.Ice level detectors can be useful in an ice machine with an ice storage bin to control when an ice maker of the ice machine turns on and off. More specifically, when the ice storage bin is empty, an electronic circuit comprising a level detector can electronically signal to a controller of the ice maker to begin ice production. Once the storage bin becomes full of ice, the level detector can electronically signal the controller to halt ice ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Cooling bath for cooling a liquid

Номер: US20210123670A1
Принадлежит: WLI Trading Ltd

An ice bath comprising a container, a refrigeration coil for causing liquid in the container to turn to ice, a pipe for carrying liquid to be cooled by the ice bath for dispense and a plurality of conductive probes for measuring ice thickness, wherein the conductive probes are provided between at least part of the refrigeration coil and the pipe for carrying liquid to be dispensed such that a first one of the conductive probes is provided closer to the refrigeration coil at least two other conductive probes, and thereby the at least two other conductive probes are provided closer to the piping than the first conductive probe, and wherein the second and third probes are equidistant from the refrigeration coil, the ice bath further comprising means for measuring the conductance between the first probe and the second probe, the first probe and the third probe, and the second probe and the third probe.

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160116200A1

An evaporator assembly for an ice-making apparatus having a vertical, substantially flat freeze surface, a refrigerant circuit, and a freeze template. The freeze template is thermally coupled between the freeze surface and the refrigerant circuit, and is formed of a plurality of regions arranged in a plane and interconnected by strips having a smaller dimension in the plane than the regions. Interface locations between the freeze template and the freeze surface define where on the freeze surface ice is to be formed. During a freeze cycle, expanded refrigerant is passed through the refrigerant circuit, and water is run over the freeze surface. During a harvest cycle, compressed refrigerant is passed through the refrigerant circuit, wherein heat transfers from the refrigerant circuit to the freeze surface until the freeze surface is warmed to a temperature sufficient to allow ice formed on the freeze surface to fall from the freeze surface by a force of gravity. 1. An evaporator assembly for an ice-making apparatus , comprising:a vertical, substantially flat freeze surface;a refrigerant circuit; anda freeze template thermally coupled between the freeze surface and the refrigerant circuit, and formed of a plurality of regions arranged in a plane and interconnected by strips having a smaller dimension in the plane than the regions,wherein interface locations between the freeze template and the freeze surface define where on the freeze surface ice is to be formed.2. The evaporator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of regions are arranged in an array of rows and columns claim 1 , and each of the plurality of regions is interconnected to an adjacent region in at least two directions.3. The evaporator assembly of claim 2 , wherein horizontal windings of the refrigerant circuit are arranged to be aligned with the respective rows of the plurality of regions.4. The evaporator of claim 1 , wherein the refrigerant circuit is a serpentine.5. The evaporator of claim 1 , ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Freezing temperature controllable spray freezing tower for preparing micron-sized spherical ice particles

Номер: US20180120012A1

A freezing temperature controllable spray freezing tower for preparing micron-sized spherical ice particles includes a tower body, an atomization system, a material feeding system, a circulatory air supplying system, a refrigeration system and a tower wall cooling and thermal insulation system. An air storage cavity is formed at a top of the tower body, a freezing chamber is formed inside the tower body, a material collecting chamber is formed at a bottom of the tower body. The atomization system is in communication with the air storage cavity, the material feeding system is in communication with the atomization system, the circulatory air supplying system is in communication with the bottom of the freezing chamber and the refrigeration system respectively, the refrigeration system is connected to the air storage cavity and a tower wall of the tower body. Thus the operation is convenient and simple.

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150128620A1
Автор: Langheinz Hubert
Принадлежит: Hubert Langheinz KALTETECHNIK

The invention relates to an energy system, and more particularly to an air conditioning system for air conditioning rooms, comprising an energy source for heat pump systems, in which energy and/or heat is stored in a latent energy or heat storage system, comprising an ice slurry production device () for producing ice slurry from a liquid ice slurry brine (), which operate according to a method for air conditioning rooms, in which energy or heat is stored or buffered in a latent energy or heat storage system and/or removed or extracted therefrom, wherein ice slurry is provided as the latent energy or heat storage system, or according to a method for producing ice slurry from an ice slurry brine (), comprising the following steps: filling a housing () with the liquid ice slurry brine; cooling the liquid ice slurry brine by bringing it in contact with a heat exchanger device () disposed in the housing () while stirring the ice slurry brine () so as to generate the ice slurry, wherein, when an ice layer forms on the heat exchanger device (), cooling is interrupted as soon as the ice layer reaches a predetermined thickness, and cooling is continued as soon as the ice layer drops below the predetermined thickness. 1. A method for continuously producing ice slurry from an ice slurry brine , comprising the following steps:filling a housing with the liquid ice slurry brine; cooling the liquid ice slurry brine by bringing it into contact with a heat exchanger device disposed in the housing while stirring the ice slurry brine so as to generate the ice slurry, wherein, when an ice layer forms on the heat exchanger device, cooling is interrupted as soon as the ice layer reaches a predetermined thickness, and cooling is continued as soon as the ice layer drops below the predetermined thickness, the ice slurry brine and/or ice being moved radially outwardly along the heat exchanger surface during stirring.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a layer thickness detection is ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Ice maker

Номер: US20220268504A1
Автор: Kevin Knatt
Принадлежит: True Manufacturing Co Inc

An ice maker control system includes a low side pressure transducer on a suction line and a high side pressure transducer on a discharge line. The ice maker's refrigeration system is hermetically sealed and devoid of pressure taps for servicing gauges. The ice maker can display an indication of real-time suction or discharge pressure. The ice maker can store records of suction and discharge pressure over time and display time series data for suction and discharge pressure on the display. The ice maker can cycle the condenser fan based on the discharge pressure. An additional high pressure switch can shut off the compressor independently of the controller or transducers. During a pulldown routine, the ice maker refrains from delivering water to the ice formation device until the suction pressure is below a threshold.

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200116408A1
Автор: Dieckmann John

A cross-connected refrigeration system includes a first refrigeration subsystem and a second refrigeration subsystem that are fluidly coupled by a header, each of the first refrigeration subsystem and the second refrigeration subsystem including a refrigeration loop including a compressor, a condenser, an expansion device, and an evaporator, and a heating loop including an electrically-controlled valve, and the evaporator, and a header connection that connects the refrigeration loops and the heating loops of the first refrigeration subsystem and the second refrigeration subsystem to a common header, respectively. The compressor in the first refrigeration subsystem is selectively deactivated and the electrically-controlled valve in the first refrigeration subsystem is selectively opened such that compressed gas from the compressor in the second refrigeration subsystem enters the heating loop of the first refrigeration subsystem and heats the evaporator of the first refrigeration subsystem. 1. A cross-connected refrigeration system comprising: [ 'a compressor, a condenser, an expansion device, and an evaporator; and', 'a refrigeration loop comprising, 'an electrically-controlled valve, and the evaporator; and', 'a heating loop comprising, 'a header connection that connects the refrigeration loops and the heating loops of the first refrigeration subsystem and the second refrigeration subsystem to a common header, respectively, wherein, 'a first refrigeration subsystem and a second refrigeration subsystem that are fluidly coupled by a header, each of the first refrigeration subsystem and the second refrigeration subsystem comprisingthe compressor in the first refrigeration subsystem is selectively deactivated and the electrically-controlled valve in the first refrigeration subsystem is selectively opened such that compressed gas from the compressor in the second refrigeration subsystem enters the heating loop of the first refrigeration subsystem and heats the evaporator ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Refrigerator appliance and an ice making assembly for a refrigerator appliance

Номер: US20150135758A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A refrigerator appliance and an ice making assembly for the same are provided. The ice making assembly includes an ice formation panel, a chilled air duct and a water distribution manifold. The ice formation panel may be cooled by chilled air passing through the chilled air duct, and the water distribution panel may direct liquid water over the ice formation panel. Ice cubes can be formed on the ice formation panel from the liquid water.

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180142932A1

An ice maker evaporator assembly having an evaporator pan with a back wall and left, right, top and bottom sidewalls extending from the back wall, and a freeze plate located within the evaporator pan. A serpentine tubing is thermally coupled to the back wall of the evaporator pan opposite the left, right, top and bottom sidewalls. A first layer of insulation is formed on the serpentine tubing. An evaporator housing having a housing back wall and housing left, right, top and bottom sidewalls extending from the housing back wall is attached to the evaporator pan and covers serpentine tubing. A second layer of insulation is formed on top of the first layer of insulation. 1. An evaporator assembly for an ice maker comprising:an evaporator pan comprising a back wall and left, right, top and bottom sidewalls extending from the back wall;a freeze plate located within the evaporator pan;a serpentine tubing thermally coupled to the back wall of the evaporator pan opposite the left, right, top and bottom sidewalls;a first layer of insulation formed on the serpentine tubing;a second layer of insulation formed on top of the first layer of insulation; andan evaporator housing comprising a housing back wall and housing left, right, top and bottom sidewalls extending from the housing back wall, wherein the evaporator housing is attached to the evaporator pan and covers serpentine tubing, and the first and second layers of insulation.2. The evaporator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the evaporator pan and evaporator housing form a cavity and wherein the cavity is filled with the second layer of insulation.3. The evaporator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first layer of insulation comprises a liquid form of insulation that cures into a mold that substantially matches a geometry of the serpentine tubing.4. The evaporator assembly of claim 3 , wherein the first layer of insulation is poured over the serpentine tubing in liquid form and cures into a solid form.5. The evaporator ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220299248A1

An ice making assembly includes an ice mold and a pump assembly for urging an ice-building spray into the ice mold to form an ice billet. A controller operates the pump assembly to provide the ice-building spray at a first flow rate until the ice billet reaches a predetermined thickness and then operates the pump assembly to provide the ice-building spray at a second flow rate that is less than the first flow rate. 1. An ice making assembly comprising:an ice mold defining a mold cavity;a pump assembly for urging an ice-building spray into the ice mold; and operate the pump assembly to provide the ice-building spray at a first flow rate to form an ice billet within the ice mold;', 'determine that the ice billet formed within the ice mold has exceeded a predetermined thickness; and', 'operate the pump assembly to provide the ice-building spray at a second flow rate in response to determining that the ice billet has exceeded the predetermined thickness, wherein the second flow rate is different than the first flow rate., 'a controller in operative communication with the pump assembly, the controller being configured to2. The ice making assembly of claim 1 , wherein determining that the ice billet formed within the ice mold has exceeded a predetermined thickness comprises:starting a timer when formation of the ice billet commences; anddetermining that the timer has reached a predetermined formation time.3. The ice making assembly of claim 1 , wherein determining that the ice billet formed within the ice mold has exceeded a predetermined thickness comprises:measuring a thickness of the ice billet using a measurement device.4. The ice making assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pump assembly comprises:a flow regulating valve, and wherein a flow rate of the ice-building spray is adjusted by regulating the flow regulating valve.5. The ice making assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pump assembly comprises a circulation pump claim 1 , and wherein a flow rate of the ice-building ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Microbial Control System

Номер: US20170159987A1

The invention relates to a microbial control system for treating influent water and sump water for control of microbial material in machines which process water such as ice making machines, humidifiers such as cool mist humidifiers and cooling towers. The microbial control system includes antimicrobial treatment media housed in a containment vessel. The treatment media can include any one or more of transition metals and transition metal oxides. The transition metal may be any of Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg, Rf, Db, Sg, Bh, Hs, Mt, Uun, Uuu and Uub. 1. An ice making machine comprising a containment vessel and ice-forming racks and a pump for supplying water to one or more of the ice-forming racks held at a temperature sufficient to accrete ice as the water passes over the ice forming racks , wherein a microbial control system is present in the containment vessel and wherein the microbial control system comprises antimicrobial treatment media present on a support material wherein the antimicrobial treatment media comprises any of transition metals or transition metal oxides , wherein the transition metal is selected from the group consisting of Sc , Ti , V , Cr , Mn , Fe , Co , Ni , Cu , Zn , Y , Zr , Nb , Mo , Tc , Ru , Rh , Pd , Ag , Cd , Hf , Ta , W , Re , Os , Ir , Pt , Au , Hg , Rf , Db , Sg , Bh , Hs , Mt , Uun , Uuu and Uub , and combinations thereof ,wherein the support material is selected from the group consisting of activated carbon, calcium carbonate, natural coral, alumina, silica, alumino-silicates, magnesium silicates, calcium silicates, titanium oxide, tin oxide, lanthanum oxide, copper oxide, vanadium oxide, manganese oxide, nickel oxide, iron oxide, zinc oxide, zirconium oxide, magnesium oxide, thorium oxide, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinylchloride, polystyrene, polyethylene terephthalate and mixtures thereof, and wherein the support material has a pore ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200149794A1

An ice maker evaporator assembly having an evaporator pan with a back wall and left, right, top and bottom sidewalls extending from the back wall, and a freeze plate located within the evaporator pan. A serpentine tubing is thermally coupled to the back wall of the evaporator pan opposite the left, right, top and bottom sidewalls. A first layer of insulation is formed on the serpentine tubing. An evaporator housing having a housing back wall and housing left, right, top and bottom sidewalls extending from the housing back wall is attached to the evaporator pan and covers serpentine tubing. A second layer of insulation is formed on top of the first layer of insulation. 1. An evaporator assembly for an ice maker comprising:an evaporator pan comprising a back wall and left, right, top and bottom sidewalls extending from the back wall;a freeze plate located within the evaporator pan;a serpentine tubing thermally coupled to the back wall of the evaporator pan opposite the left, right, top and bottom sidewalls;a layer of insulation formed on the serpentine tubing; andan evaporator housing comprising a housing back wall and housing left, right, top and bottom sidewalls extending from the housing back wall, wherein the evaporator housing is attached to the evaporator pan and covers the serpentine tubing and the layer of insulation;wherein the layer of insulation comprises a liquid form of insulation that cures into a mold that substantially matches a geometry of the serpentine tubing.2. The evaporator assembly of claim 1 , further comprising another layer of insulation claim 1 , wherein the evaporator pan and the evaporator housing form a cavity and wherein said another layer of insulation is received in the cavity.3. The evaporator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the liquid form of insulation is poured over the serpentine tubing and cures into a solid form.4. The evaporator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the back side of the evaporator pan is unplated.5. The evaporator ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180164015A1

An ice maker includes an ice making unit and an ice storage bin. A frame is positioned between the ice making unit and the storage bin. An ice making tray is coupled with the frame, including a base defining a first plurality of apertures and a second plurality of apertures. A plurality of ice forming features is positioned proximate the first plurality of apertures. The ice forming features are coupled to and extend away from the base. A heating element is in thermal communication with the ice forming features. A wastewater disposal assembly is coupled with the ice making tray. 1. An ice maker comprising:an ice making unit;an ice storage bin;a frame positioned between the ice making unit and the storage bin; and a base defining a first plurality of apertures and a second plurality of apertures;', 'a plurality of ice forming features positioned proximate the first plurality of apertures, wherein the ice forming features are coupled to and extend away from the base; and', 'a heating element in thermal communication with the ice forming features; and, 'an ice making tray coupled with the frame, comprisinga wastewater disposal assembly coupled with the ice making tray.2. The ice maker of claim 1 , wherein the ice making unit is configured to produce an ice slab and dispense the ice slab onto the ice making tray.3. The ice maker of claim 1 , wherein the heating element comprises at least one resistive heating element.4. The ice maker of claim 1 , wherein the ice making tray further comprises a plurality of side walls and a front wall.5. The ice maker of claim 4 , wherein the front wall extends a greater distance from the base than the side walls.6. The ice maker of claim 4 , wherein the second plurality of apertures are positioned proximate the front wall.7. The ice maker of claim 6 , wherein the second plurality of apertures are smaller than the first plurality of apertures.8. An ice maker comprising:an ice making unit configured to form an ice slab;a frame positioned ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180164016A1
Автор: OH Seoung Hun
Принадлежит: DAEYEONG E&B CO., LTD.

There is provided a method for diagnosing an ice-making apparatus, wherein the ice-making apparatus includes a control unit and a display unit, wherein the method comprises: determining, by the control unit, whether a diagnosis-initiation condition for the ice-making apparatus is satisfied or not; upon determination that the diagnosis-initiation condition for the ice-making apparatus is satisfied, counting, by the control unit, an actual number of ice forming and removing cycles performed by the ice-making apparatus; and displaying the counted number on the display unit by the control unit. 1. A method for diagnosing an ice-making apparatus , wherein the ice-making apparatus includes a control unit and a display unit , wherein the method comprises:determining, by the control unit, whether a diagnosis-initiation condition for the ice-making apparatus is satisfied or not;upon determination that the diagnosis-initiation condition for the ice-making apparatus is satisfied, counting, by the control unit, an actual number of ice forming and removing cycles performed by the ice-making apparatus; anddisplaying the counted number on the display unit by the control unit.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining claim 1 , by the control unit claim 1 , whether a diagnosis-initiation condition for the ice-making apparatus is satisfied or not comprises determining claim 1 , by the control unit claim 1 , that the diagnosis-initiation condition for the ice-making apparatus is satisfied in an event that an inspection mode in which the ice-making apparatus is disassembled and assembled is terminated.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ice-making apparatus includes a manipulation interface claim 1 , wherein determining claim 1 , by the control unit claim 1 , whether a diagnosis-initiation condition for the ice-making apparatus is satisfied or not comprises determining claim 1 , by the control unit claim 1 , that the diagnosis-initiation condition for the ice-making apparatus ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140260349A1
Автор: ERBS Daryl, Lei Zhang

A novel control logic for an individual cube spray type ice machine. The duration of the freeze cycle is able to adapt to changes in inlet water temperature, changes in ambient air temperature, and the impact of warm temperatures of internal ice making parts within the ice machine due to off cycle periods. This is accomplished through a combination of starting a freeze time period only after the water temperature for the volume of water circulating over the evaporator has reached approximately 32° F., and a freeze time period value that is a function of the refrigerant temperature leaving the condenser at the time where the water reaches approximately 32° F. 1. An ice making machine comprising:a heat exchange system comprising an evaporator and a condenser configured to make ice pieces with water applied to said evaporator during a freeze cycle; anda controller that controls a start time and an end time of the freeze cycle, wherein the start time begins only if a temperature of said water is 32 degrees F. or lower and the end time is based on a temperature of refrigerant exiting said condenser when the start time begins.2. The ice making machine of claim 1 , wherein the end time is determined from a table of time versus condenser refrigerant exit temperatures at a time when the water is approximately 32 degrees F.3. The ice making machine of claim 1 , wherein said heat exchanger system further comprises one or more sprayers that spray the water on the evaporator.4. The ice making machine of claim 1 , further comprising a first temperature sensor located in the water and a second temperature sensor located to sense the temperature of the refrigerant exiting the condenser claim 1 , and wherein the start and end times are determined based on temperatures sensed by the first and second temperature sensors.5. The ice making machine of claim 1 , further comprising a processor and program module associated with the controller claim 1 , wherein the processor executes ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170176078A1

An evaporator assembly for an ice-making apparatus having a vertical, substantially flat freeze surface, a refrigerant circuit, and a freeze template. The freeze template is thermally coupled between the freeze surface and the refrigerant circuit, and is formed of a plurality of regions arranged in a plane and interconnected by strips having a smaller dimension in the plane than the regions. Interface locations between the freeze template and the freeze surface define where on the freeze surface ice is to be formed. During a freeze cycle, expanded refrigerant is passed through the refrigerant circuit, and water is run over the freeze surface. During a harvest cycle, compressed refrigerant is passed through the refrigerant circuit, wherein heat transfers from the refrigerant circuit to the freeze surface until the freeze surface is warmed to a temperature sufficient to allow ice formed on the freeze surface to fall from the freeze surface by a force of gravity. 14-. (canceled)51. The evaporator of claim , wherein the refrigerant circuit comprises tubes , each having a plurality of microchannels formed therein.618-. (canceled)19. An evaporator assembly for an ice-making apparatus , comprising:a vertical freeze surface having vertical dividers forming fluid flow channels;a refrigerant circuit; anda freeze template thermally coupled between the freeze surface and the refrigerant circuit, and being formed of horizontal strips arranged in a plane, each of the horizontal strips having a plurality of vertical ribs respectively aligned with the vertical dividers,wherein interface locations between the freeze template and the freeze surface define where on the freeze surface ice is to be formed.20. The evaporator assembly of claim 19 , further comprising:a second vertical freeze surface having vertical dividers forming fluid flow channels; anda second freeze template thermally coupled between the second freeze surface and the refrigerant circuit for thermal conductance ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190178553A1
Автор: CHEON Jae Yun
Принадлежит: DAEYEONG E&B CO., LTD.

Disclosed is a system of controlling an ice maker. The system includes: an ice making part producing ice; an ice reservoir storing the ice; a water reservoir storing water supplied from outside and providing the water to the ice making part or draining the water; and a controller, when a full state of the ice reservoir is sensed after an ice separation process of separating the ice produced in the ice making part is completed, stopping operation of the ice making part and allowing a first drainage of the water stored in the water reservoir to a predetermined water level and a second drainage of the stored water for a predetermined additional drainage time. In particular, the controller controls the additional drainage time desired for the second drainage by comparing an actual drainage time desired for the first drainage with a preset normal time. 1. A system of controlling an ice maker , the system comprising:an ice making part configured to produce ice;an ice reservoir configured to store the produced ice ;a water reservoir provided with a pump, and configured to store water and supply the water to the ice making part or drain the water outside of the water reservoir; anda controller, wherein, when a full state of the ice reservoir is sensed after an ice separation process of separating the produced ice in the ice making part is completed, the controller is configured to stop operation of the ice making part and control a first drainage of the stored water in the water reservoir to a predetermined water level and control a second drainage of the stored water for a predetermined additional drainage time,wherein the controller is configured to control the additional drainage time for the second drainage by comparing an actual drainage time for the first drainage with a preset normal time.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a water/ice separation part configured to separate the water and the produced ice.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the water/ice ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200173700A1

An evaporator for an ice machine comprising a tube on which a second outer tube with a larger diameter is placed, creating a cylindrical chamber, and wherein supplementary rings are located on the upper and lower ends thereof which seal the assembly; and wherein the tube incorporates therein a plurality of mechanized grooves, favoring the outlet of the ice, decreasing the effort necessary for said operation and therefore the noise generated. 1. An evaporator for an ice machine , the evaporator comprising: an inner tube, and', the inner tube having a first diameter;', 'the outer tube having a second diameter,', 'the second diameter has larger diameter than the first diameter, and', 'the inner tube and the outer tube creates a cylindrical chamber; and, 'an outer tube, wherein'}], 'an assembly, the assembly including the supplementary rings are located on the upper and lower ends of said cylindrical chamber,', 'the supplementary rings seal the assembly, and', 'the inner tube includes a plurality of mechanized grooves., 'supplementary rings, wherein'}2. The evaporator for the ice machine according to claim 1 , the evaporator further comprising:a series of connections in both the lower and upper portions of the assembly made up by the inner and outer tubes.3. The evaporator for the ice machine according to claim 1 , whereinthe inner tube is made of stainless steel.4. The evaporator for the ice machine according to claim 1 , the evaporator further comprising:a spring located on the inner tube.5. The evaporator for the ice machine according to claim 4 , whereinthe spring has a smaller passage and a larger passage.6. The evaporator for the ice machine according to claim 2 , whereinthe inner tube is made of stainless steel.7. The evaporator for the ice machine according to claim 2 , the evaporator further comprising:a spring located on the inner tube.8. The evaporator for the ice machine according to claim 3 , the evaporator further comprising:a spring located on the inner ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180186574A1
Автор: Teilmann Jens

The invention relates to a table or conveyor belt () for conveying and/or processing food and a method and system for producing and/or maintaining a layer of a solidified liquid () on such tables and conveyor belts (). Tables or conveyor belts () for conveying and processing food are difficult to clean when in function. For food it is important to avoid cross-contamination with microorganisms and foreign objects. A layer of a solidified liquid () such as an ice layer or fat layer on the top surface () of a table or conveyor belt () may be renewed from time to time by planing off some of the solidified liquid () and afterwards apply liquid which is allowed to solidify or apply flaked solidified liquid. A conveyor belt () may comprise lamellas () with internal cavities () or channels for coolant to cool the lamellas (). Solidified liquid () may be produced on the top surface () of these lamellas () and the lamellas () may be kept cold by directing a coolant through the lamellas (). 1. A conveying apparatus , comprising:at least one lamella with a top surface made of a material that is a conductor of cold, wherein the top surface is capable of being cooled to a temperature where a liquid or vapor positioned on the top surface of the conveying apparatus or at least one lamella solidifies.2. The conveying apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one lamella comprises at least one cavity or at least one channel configured to contain a coolant.3. The conveying apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one lamella comprises at least one lamella connecting means capable of connecting the at least one lamella to another at least one lamella or another conveying apparatus claim 1 , wherein the conveying apparatus further comprises a support for supporting the another at least one lamella.4. The conveying apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the material of the at least one lamella is a metal claim 2 , a rubber claim 2 , or a polymer claim 2 , or ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160195323A1

A stand alone ice making appliance or an ice maker within an appliance is provided where the ice maker includes a fluid inlet, a filtration element in fluid communication with the fluid inlet, a control housing configured to engage the filtration element, and a filter cover disposed adjacent the control housing and configured to support the filtration element, wherein the filter cover comprises a plurality of fluid draining slots. 1. An ice making appliance comprising:a fluid inlet;a filtration element in fluid communication with the fluid inlet;a control housing configured to engage the filtration element; anda filter cover disposed adjacent the control housing and configured to support the filtration element;wherein the filter cover comprises a plurality of fluid draining slots comprising an aperture for draining excess water.2. The ice making appliance of claim 1 , wherein the filter cover comprises a fluid deflector configured to disrupt a flow of extraneous fluid toward the front of the ice making appliance.3. The ice making appliance of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the fluid draining slots substantially follow a spiral path along the surface of the filter cover such that the slot is highest substantially at the front of the filter cover.4. The ice making appliance of claim 1 , wherein the filtration element comprises a filter cartridge claim 1 , a filter housing claim 1 , and a plurality of connection fittings configured to receive a plurality of overmolds disposed on the fluid inlet and the fluid outlet.5. The ice making appliance of claim 4 , wherein the control housing is configured with a plurality of collars to support the plurality of overmolds.6. The ice making appliance of claim 1 , wherein the filter cover comprises a plurality of concave guide elements configured to engage the fluid inlet and the fluid outlet.7. The ice making appliance of claim 1 , wherein the filter housing is nested within a shuttle element claim 1 , the shuttle element ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210222934A1
Автор: Knatt Kevin

An ice maker includes an evaporator configured to freeze water into ice as it flows vertically down a freeze plate. A distributor distributes the water along the top of the freeze plate to form ice across the width of the freeze plate as the water flows downward along the freeze plate. The distributor can be integrated into the evaporator. For example, the distributor and evaporator can have a part in common. The distributor can be formed from two pieces that come together to form the freeze plate. The distributor can have various features that aid in providing a desirable distribution of water along the width of the freeze plate. The freeze plate can be mounted in an ice maker enclosure in thermal communication with the evaporator and to slant forward. 1. An ice maker comprising:a freeze plate defining a plurality of molds in which the ice maker is configured to form ice, the freeze plate having a front defining open front ends of the molds, a back defining enclosed rear ends of the molds, a top portion and a bottom portion spaced apart along a height, and a first side portion and a second side portion spaced apart along a width; and a first end portion and a second end portion spaced apart along a width of the distributor;', 'a bottom wall extending widthwise from the first end portion to the second end portion and extending generally forward from an upstream end portion to a downstream end portion, wherein the distributor is configured to direct the water imparted therethrough to flow in a generally forward direction from the upstream end portion to the downstream end portion, and', 'a weir extending upward from the bottom wall at a location spaced apart between the upstream end portion and the downstream end portion, the weir configured so that the water flows across the weir as it flows along the bottom wall from the upstream end portion to the downstream end portion;', 'wherein the bottom wall comprises a ramp surface, immediately upstream of the weir, sloping ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210222935A1

An ice maker includes an evaporator configured to freeze water into ice as it flows vertically down a freeze plate. A distributor distributes the water along the top of the freeze plate to form ice across the width of the freeze plate as the water flows downward along the freeze plate. The distributor can be integrated into the evaporator. For example, the distributor and evaporator can have a part in common. The distributor can be formed from two pieces that come together to form the freeze plate. The distributor can have various features that aid in providing a desirable distribution of water along the width of the freeze plate. The freeze plate can be mounted in an ice maker enclosure in thermal communication with the evaporator and to slant forward. 123-. (canceled)24. An ice maker comprising:a freeze plate defining a plurality of molds in which the ice maker is configured to form ice, the freeze plate having a top portion and a bottom portion spaced apart along a height and a first side portion and a second side portion spaced apart along a width; anda distributor extending along the width of the freeze plate adjacent the top portion of the freeze plate, the distributor being configured to direct water imparted through the distributor to flow from the top portion of the freeze plate to the bottom portion along the width of the freeze plate;wherein the distributor comprises a first distributor piece and a second distributor piece, the second distributor piece configured to be releasably coupled to the first distributor piece without separate fasteners to form the distributor.25. An ice maker as set forth in claim 24 , wherein the first distributor piece and the second distributor piece have complementary integral fittings configured to engage one another to couple the second distributor piece to the first distributor piece.26. An ice maker as set forth in claim 25 , wherein the ice maker further comprises an enclosure having an access opening claim 25 , the ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации

Microbial Control System

Номер: US20170197851A1
Принадлежит: Streamline Capital Inc

The invention relates to a microbial control system for treating influent water and sump water for control of microbial material in machines which process water such as ice making machines, humidifiers such as cool mist humidifiers and cooling towers. The microbial control system includes antimicrobial treatment media housed in a containment vessel. The treatment media can include any one or more of transition metals and transition metal oxides. The transition metal may be any of Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg, Rf, Db, Sg, Bh, Hs, Mt, Uun, Uuu and Uub.

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190195544A1
Автор: RUGERIS Jess
Принадлежит: ECOCHROMA AG

A unit for the preparation of cold, purified and carbonated water. The unit comprises a connection for a water supply; an optional sterilisation unit, e.g. in the form of a unit comprising at least one water inlet and at least one hot water outlet for discharging purified water. Further, there is a cooling unit comprising at least one hot water inlet and at least one cold water outlet; a carbonation unit comprising at least one inlet for introducing carbon dioxide into the cold, purified water so as to prepare cold, purified and carbonated water; and a water outlet for the delivery of the cold, purified and carbonated water from the pre-module to a freezing unit of an ice-making unit. 115.-. (canceled)16. A purified ice unit for the preparation of purified ice cubes comprising the following components:a connection for a water supply;a sterilization unit with at least one water inlet connected to said water supply and at least one purified water outlet for discharging purified water,a cooling unit comprising at least one water inlet to receive the water from the sterilization unit and at least one cold water outlet,at least one freezing unit for the making of the purified ice cubes having at least one water inlet connected to said cold water outlet, a water discharge outlet and an ice outlet,wherein said cooling unit and said freezing unit are separate units,wherein said purified ice unit further comprises a carbonation unit comprising at least one outlet for introducing carbon dioxide into the cold, purified water downstream of the cooling unit so as to prepare cold and carbonated water upstream of the freezing unit, andwherein carbon dioxide is introduced into the cold water at a temperature in the range of 3-5° C. to lead to a carbon dioxide concentration in the range of 0.05%-2 weight-%.17. The purified ice unit according to claim 16 , wherein said sterilization unit is working with heat sterilization claim 16 , electromagnetic irradiation sterilization claim 16 ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200191462A1
Автор: HIROKANE Yoshio
Принадлежит: BLANCTEC Co., Ltd.

A method efficiently changes the state of an object at low cost and in a short time, in which a state change control device changes the state of an object by bringing the object into contact with an ice slurry to cause a temperature change to the object. The device includes an ice slurry contact part that brings the object and the ice slurry into contact with each other at a predetermined relative speed and changes the temperature of the object, and an ice slurry supply part that supplies the ice slurry to the ice slurry contact part. 1. A state change control device changing a state of an object by bringing the object into contact with an ice slurry to change a temperature of the object , the device comprising:an ice slurry contact unit bringing the object into contact with the ice slurry at a predetermined relative speed to change a temperature of the object; andan ice slurry supply unit supplying the ice slurry to the ice slurry contact unit, whereinthe ice slurry contains ice satisfying the following conditions (a) and (b), the ice being from a liquid containing an aqueous solution containing a solute:(a) a temperature of the ice after melting completely is lower than 0° C.; and(b) a rate of change of solute concentration in an aqueous solution to be generated from the ice in a melting process is 30% or less.2. The state change control device according to claim 1 , further comprising:an ice slurry circulation unit circulating the ice slurry by feeding the ice slurry to the ice slurry contact unit and returning the ice slurry discharged from the ice slurry contact unit to the ice slurry contact unit, whereinthe ice slurry contact unit brings the ice slurry fed by the ice slurry circulation unit into contact with the object at a predetermined relative speed.3. The state change control device according to claim 1 , wherein the ice slurry contact unit further comprises an object oscillation unit vibrating or oscillating the object.4. The state change control device ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210247121A1
Принадлежит: Enodis Corporation

The present disclosure provides an ice making evaporator that combines the cubic shape of pan and partition evaporators with the central ice making of a pin evaporator to achieve an ice shape that is mostly cubic. Separation of the cooling ability of these two evaporator portions allows cube shaping during ice making cycle based on time, temperature, pressure, or other variables. 1. An ice-making machine , comprising:a compressor;a refrigerant;a first evaporator;a second evaporator connected to the first evaporator;a first fluid line connected to the compressor at one end and the first evaporator at a second end, for carrying a first portion of the refrigerant to the first evaporator;a second fluid line connected to the compressor at one end and the second evaporator at a second end, for carrying a second portion of the refrigerant to the second evaporator; anda solenoid valve connected to the first fluid line, for selectively opening and closing the first fluid line to the flow of refrigerant therethrough.2. The ice-making machine of claim 1 , wherein the first evaporator comprises:a flat pan with turned up edges, so that a center portion is defined between the edges;a plurality of partitions in the center portion, so that a cell is defined by the plurality of partitions and/or the edges of the flat pan; anda serpentine coil connected to the flat pan and the second end of the first fluid line, so that refrigerant passes through the serpentine coil.3. The ice-making machine of claim 1 , wherein the second evaporator comprises a manifold connected to the second end of the second fluid line claim 1 , and a protrusion connected to and in fluid communication with the manifold claim 1 , so that the refrigerant flows through the manifold and the protrusion.4. The ice-making machine of claim 2 , wherein the second evaporator comprises a serpentine coil connected to the second end of the second fluid line claim 2 , and a protrusion connected and in fluid communication with ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190226739A1

There is provided a method that includes (a) controlling a vibrator to produce an acoustic wave in accordance with a signal that includes (i) an on-time during which a packet of pulses is generated, followed by (ii) an off-time during which no pulses are generated, and thus includes (iii) a frequency component, (b) receiving an electrical representation of the acoustic wave that has been detected from a body of water that is being frozen on a structure, (c) extracting, from the electrical representation, (i) the frequency component, and (ii) a magnitude of the frequency component, (d) recognizing that the magnitude of the frequency component exceeds a threshold value, thus yielding a recognition, and (e) issuing a command to remove the body of water from the structure, in response to the recognition. There is also provided a system that employs the method, and a storage device containing instructions for the method. 1. A method comprising:controlling a vibrator in an ice-making system to produce an acoustic wave in accordance with a signal having a pattern that includes (i) an on-time during which a packet of pulses is generated, followed by (ii) an off-time during which no pulses are generated, and thus includes (iii) a frequency component, wherein said pattern is differentiable from machine noise frequencies and vibrations in said ice-making system;receiving an electrical representation of said acoustic wave that has been detected from a body of water that is being frozen on a structure in said ice-making system;extracting, from said electrical representation, (i) said frequency component, and (ii) a magnitude of said frequency component;recognizing that said magnitude of said frequency component exceeds a threshold value, thus yielding a recognition; andissuing a command to remove said body of water from said structure, in response to said recognition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said signal is recurring.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said on-time is ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Ice discharging apparatus for vertical spray-type ice machines

Номер: US20190234664A1
Автор: Kevin Knatt
Принадлежит: True Manufacturing Co Inc

An ice making machine having a refrigeration system and a water system, the water system having a water reservoir located below a freeze plate adapted to hold water, and a sprayer assembly located below the freeze plate for spraying water from the water reservoir toward the pockets. An inclined ice slide is positioned below the freeze plate and above the sprayer assembly directing fallen ice toward an opening. A divider assembly separating the water system from the ice storage bin includes a plurality of dividers, wherein the dividers may rotate outwardly away from the opening to allow formed ice to fall into the ice storage bin. Each divider is formed from a generally rectangular body having a front face with a triangular-shaped thickness and an extension flap extending away from the body opposite the front face.

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190242633A1
Автор: KIM Doo Ha

Disclosed is an evaporator for an ice maker including: a refrigerant pipe having a circular cross-section, with refrigerant flowing therethrough; and a pair of ice making plates disposed on opposite sides of the refrigerant pipe. The refrigerant pipe is disposed between inner side surfaces of the ice making plates facing each other, and rounded parts are provided by being formed outwards at a place where the refrigerant pipe is located such that the rounded parts cover both sides of the refrigerant pipe by being in close contact therewith. 1. An evaporator for an ice maker , comprising:a refrigerant pipe having a circular cross-section, with refrigerant flowing therethrough; anda pair of ice making plates disposed on opposite sides of the refrigerant pipe, wherein the refrigerant pipe is disposed between inner side surfaces of the ice making plates facing each other, and rounded parts are provided by being formed outwards at a place where the refrigerant pipe is located such that the rounded parts cover both sides of the refrigerant pipe by being in close contact therewith.2. The evaporator for the ice maker of claim 1 , wherein the ice making plates comprise:flat parts provided and extending in areas excluding the rounded parts; andbent parts provided and formed to extend inclinedly inward from the flat parts on remaining areas excluding the rounded parts and the flat parts, and extending to the rounded parts.3. The evaporator for the ice maker of claim 2 , wherein an angle of the bent parts that are formed from the flat parts is an acute angle.4. The evaporator for the ice maker of claim 2 , wherein the bent parts extend to the rounded parts.5. The evaporator for the ice maker of claim 2 , wherein ice frozen on the ice making plates is provided to fall along the rounded parts in an ice separating process.6. The evaporator for the ice maker of claim 2 , whereina plurality of partitioning parts are provided on the ice making plates to allow an ice producing area to ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации

Ice maker ejection mechanism

Номер: US20190242634A1
Автор: Reijiro Inamori
Принадлежит: Oxen Inc

An ice making system and method that includes an ice formation tray, an ejector, and an ejector shaft is disclosed herein. The ice formation tray has a first side and a second side. The ejector shaft spans between the first side and the second side of the ice formation tray. The ejector spans at least 40% of a distance between the first side and the second side of the ice formation tray. An ejector shaft passing through a bore in the ejector.

21-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210323036A1

According to one embodiment, a substrate treatment device includes a placement stand configured to rotate the substrate, a cooling part configured to supply a cooling gas into a space between the placement stand and the substrate, a first liquid supplier configured to supply a first liquid on a surface of the substrate, a second liquid supplier configured to supply a second liquid on the surface, and a controller controlling rotation of the substrate, supply of the cooling gas, the first and second liquids. The controller performs a preliminary process of supplying the second liquid on the surface, and supplying the cooling gas into the space, a liquid film forming process by supplying the first liquid toward the surface after the preliminary process, a supercooling process of the liquid film on the surface, and a freezing process of at least a part of the liquid film on the surface. 1. A substrate treatment device , comprising:a placement stand configured to rotate the substrate;a cooling part configured to supply a cooling gas into a space between the placement stand and the substrate;a first liquid supplier configured to supply a first liquid on a surface of the substrate opposite to the placement stand side;a second liquid supplier configured to supply a second liquid on the surface of the substrate, the second liquid being more conductive than the first liquid; anda controller controlling rotation of the substrate, supply of the cooling gas, supply of the first liquid, and supply of the second liquid, a preliminary process of supplying the second liquid on the surface of the substrate, and supplying the cooling gas into the space between the placement stand and the substrate,', 'a liquid film forming process of forming a liquid film by supplying the first liquid toward the surface of the substrate after the preliminary process,', 'a supercooling process of putting the liquid film on the surface of the substrate in a supercooled state, and', 'a freezing process ...

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200256605A1
Автор: Knatt Kevin

An ice making machine having a refrigeration system designed for hydrocarbon (HC) refrigerants, and particularly propane (R-290), that includes dual independent refrigeration systems and a unique evaporator assembly comprising of a single freeze plate attached to two cooling circuits. The serpentines are designed in an advantageous pattern that promotes efficiency by ensuring the even bridging of ice during freezing and minimizing unwanted melting during harvest by providing an even distribution of the heat load. The charge limitations imposed with flammable refrigerants would otherwise prevent large capacity ice maker from being properly charged with a single circuit. The ice making machine includes a single water circuit and control system to ensure the proper and efficient production of ice. Material cost is conserved as compared to a traditional dual system icemaker. 1. A method of harvesting ice from a single freeze plate of an ice maker , the method comprising adjusting a first hot gas valve and a separate second hot gas valve to direct first hot gas to flow along a first portion of the freeze plate and separate second hot gas to flow along a second portion of the freeze plate.2. A method as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising simultaneously heating the freeze plate using the first hot gas and the second hot gas.3. A method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said adjusting the first hot gas valve directs the first hot gas to bypass a condenser of the ice maker.4. A method as set forth in claim 3 , wherein said adjusting the second hot gas valve directs the second hot gas to bypass a condenser of the ice maker.5. A method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the first hot gas is directed along the first portion of the freeze plate through first tubing thermally coupled to the freeze plate.6. A method as set forth in claim 5 , wherein the second hot gas is directed along the second portion of the freeze plate through second tubing thermally coupled to the ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200263913A1

Methods, systems, and device for solidification and/or solid production, such as ice production, are provided in accordance with various embodiments. For example, some embodiments include a method of solid production that may include contacting a first fluid with a second fluid to facilitate solidifying the second fluid; the first fluid and the second fluid may be immiscible with respect to each other. The method may include solidifying the second fluid. Some embodiments include a solid production system that may include a first fluid and a second fluid; the first fluid and the second fluid may be immiscible with respect to each other. The system may include one or more surfaces configured to contact the first fluid and the second fluid with each other and to form one or more solids from the second fluid. 131.-. (canceled)32. A solid production system comprising:a first fluid;a second fluid, wherein the first fluid and the second fluid are immiscible with respect to each other; andone or more surfaces configured to contact the first fluid and the second fluid with each other and to form one or more solids from the second fluid.33. The system of claim 32 , wherein the one or more surfaces are configured such that the first fluid and the second fluid are contacted with each other such that the second fluid is entrained within the first fluid.34. The system of claim 33 , wherein the one or more surfaces includes one or more coils configured to solidify at least a portion of the second fluid.35. The system of claim 32 , wherein the one or more surfaces include one or more cold surfaces such that the first fluid has an affinity for the one or more cold surfaces.36. The system of claim 35 , further comprising one or more solid removers configured to remove a solidified form of the second fluid from the one or more cold surfaces.37. The system of claim 32 , wherein the first fluid includes a non-polar material and the second fluid includes a polar material.38. The system ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180283760A1

An ice maker for forming ice having a refrigeration system, a water system and a controller. The refrigeration system includes a freeze plate in which ice is formed and a hot gas valve for harvesting the ice therefrom. A harvest sensor is triggered when at least a portion of the ice is harvested from the freeze plate and at least one temperature sensor measures a temperature that indicates that all of the ice has been harvested from the freeze plate. The temperature sensors may include a temperature sensor for measuring the refrigerant temperature at the evaporator outlet, the refrigerant temperature at the evaporator inlet, and/or the temperature of the freeze plate. The controller closes the hot gas valve in response from the triggering of the harvest sensor and the temperature measured by the temperature sensor(s) indicating that all of the ice has been harvested from the freeze plate. 1. An ice maker for forming ice , the ice maker comprising: (a) a compressor for pressurizing the refrigerant;', '(b) a condenser for receiving the pressurized refrigerant and condensing the refrigerant into a substantially liquid refrigerant, wherein the condenser is in fluid communication with the compressor via a discharge line;', '(c) a thermal expansion device for converting the high pressure liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser into low pressure liquid refrigerant, wherein the thermal expansion valve is in fluid communication with the condenser via a liquid line;', '(d) an evaporator for receiving the low pressure liquid refrigerant from the thermal expansion valve and discharging low pressure, substantially gaseous refrigerant via a suction line connected to the compressor;', '(e) a freeze plate thermally coupled to the evaporator; and', '(f) a hot gas valve which is adapted to be opened during a harvest cycle to direct warm refrigerant from the compressor to the evaporator through a hot gas bypass line;, '(i) a refrigeration system using a refrigerant capable of ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160298893A1

An ice maker for forming ice having a refrigeration system, a water system and a controller. The refrigeration system includes a freeze plate in which ice is formed and a hot gas valve for harvesting the ice therefrom. A harvest sensor is triggered when at least a portion of the ice is harvested from the freeze plate and at least one temperature sensor measures a temperature that indicates that all of the ice has been harvested from the freeze plate. The temperature sensors may include a temperature sensor for measuring the refrigerant temperature at the evaporator outlet, the refrigerant temperature at the evaporator inlet, and/or the temperature of the freeze plate. The controller closes the hot gas valve in response from the triggering of the harvest sensor and the temperature measured by the temperature sensor(s) indicating that all of the ice has been harvested from the freeze plate. 1. An ice maker for forming ice , the ice maker comprising: (a) a compressor for pressurizing the refrigerant;', '(b) a condenser for receiving the pressurized refrigerant and condensing the refrigerant into a substantially liquid refrigerant, wherein the condenser is in fluid communication with the compressor via a discharge line;', '(c) a thermal expansion device for converting the high pressure liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser into low pressure liquid refrigerant, wherein the thermal expansion valve is in fluid communication with the condenser via a liquid line;', '(d) an evaporator for receiving the low pressure liquid refrigerant from the thermal expansion valve and discharging low pressure, substantially gaseous refrigerant via a suction line connected to the compressor;', '(e) a freeze plate thermally coupled to the evaporator; and', '(f) a hot gas valve which is adapted to be opened during a harvest cycle to direct warm refrigerant from the compressor to the evaporator through a hot gas bypass line;, '(i) a refrigeration system using a refrigerant capable of ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200278143A1

The present disclosure discloses, an evaporator assembly for a vertical flow type ice-making machine. The assembly comprising a plurality of tubes for circulating a refrigerant, and a plurality of conductive protrusions thermally coupled to and extending the plurality of tubes. Each of the plurality of conductive protrusions defines an ice-making region. The assembly also includes a non-conductive plate arranged adjacent to the plurality of tubes. The non-conductive plate is defined with a provision to accommodate the plurality of conductive protrusions which exchanges heat with the refrigerant flowing through the plurality of tubes and forms the ice layer by layer, and shape of at least one surface of the ice is defined by the non-conductive plate. The configuration of the assembly produces ice in the form of individual ice-cubes of a specific shape and size, and thereby improves the efficiency of the machine and ice-making process. 119-. (canceled)20. An evaporator assembly for a vertical flow type ice-making machine , the assembly , comprising:a plurality of tubes for circulating a refrigerant;a plurality of conductive protrusions thermally coupled to and extending from each of the plurality of tubes, wherein, each of the plurality of conductive protrusions defines an ice-making region; anda non-conductive plate arranged adjacent to the plurality of tubes, the non-conductive plate defines a plurality of Zig-Zag patterns from one end to another end, and is defined with a provision to accommodate each of the plurality of conductive protrusions;wherein, the plurality of conductive protrusions exchanges heat with the refrigerant flowing through the plurality of tubes and forms the ice layer by layer, and a shape of at least one surface of the ice is defined by the non-conductive plate, andwherein, the plurality of conductive protrusions extending from each of the plurality of tubes defines an array, and the array of conductive protrusions extending from each of the ...

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200284492A1

To provide an ice making device including an ice making tray, a drive unit configured to turn over the ice making tray, a frame including a frame body, the frame configured to support the ice making tray, and a fan motor configured to send wind to the ice making tray. The frame includes a block unit configured to contact a part of the ice making tray turning over to partially disturb the turning over of the ice making tray, and the fan motor is fixed only to a first frame part including one of a plurality of frame parts constituting sides surrounding a periphery of the ice making tray in a plan view of the frame. 1. An ice making device comprising:an ice making tray;a drive unit configured to turn over the ice making tray;a frame including a frame body, the frame configured to support the ice making tray; anda fan motor configured to send wind to the ice making tray, whereinthe frame includes a block unit configured to contact a part of the ice making tray turning over to partially disturb the turning over of the ice making tray, andthe fan motor is fixed only to a first frame part as one of a plurality of frame parts constituting sides surrounding a periphery of the ice making tray in a plan view of the frame.2. The ice making device according to claim 1 , whereinthe frame includes a mounting unit configured to fix the ice making device in a freezing room, andthe mounting unit is provided on the first frame part.3. The ice making device according to claim 2 , whereinthe first frame part includes a plurality of the mounting units, andthe fan motor is fixed between one of the mounting units and a different one of the mounting units included in the first frame part.4. The ice making device according to claim 2 , whereinan outer peripheral shape of the frame includes substantially rectangle in the plan view of the frame, andthe first frame part constitutes one of long sides in the plan view of the frame.5. The ice making device according to claim 1 , wherein 'a ...

19-11-2015 дата публикации

Direct Expansion Evaporator

Номер: US20150330682A1
Автор: Chundong Dong, Lingyu Dong
Принадлежит: Individual

A direct expansion evaporator includes a feeding channel having a feeding end and a dispensing end for raw material feeding therethrough, and a heat exchange channel thermally communicating with the feeding channel for guiding refrigerant passing through the heat exchange channel to heat-exchange with the raw material to form a frozen product. The heat exchange channel has a pre-cooling portion and a freezing portion, wherein the heat exchange channel is configured to ensure a traveling time of the refrigerant at the pre-cooling portion to be longer than a traveling time of the refrigerant at the freezing portion. The raw material is guided to flow from the pre-cooling portion to the freezing portion so as to initially pre-cool the raw material and to substantially freeze the raw material to form the frozen product before the frozen product is dispensed at the dispensing end of the feeding channel.

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180328642A1

A refrigeration appliance includes a fresh food compartment, a freezer compartment, and an ice maker within the fresh food compartment for freezing water into ice pieces. In one example, a rotatable auger drives the ice pieces out of a removable ice bin via a driving force applied in a first direction. A latch is configured to apply a resisting force to the ice bin along a second direction. In another example, an air mover is disposed within the ice maker for delivering cooled air from an ice maker evaporator to a region adjacent to the ice bin. At least one air channel is formed into an inside surface of the ice maker chamber. In another example, a method of making ice in the refrigeration appliance is provided. The method includes the steps of operating the air mover and a defrost heating of the ice maker evaporator. 1. A method of making ice in a refrigeration appliance , comprising the steps of:introducing water into a water tray of an ice maker disposed within a fresh-food compartment configured to store food items at a temperature above zero degrees Centigrade;operating an ice maker evaporator that is dedicated for providing air cooled to a temperature below zero degrees Centigrade to achieve a cooling effect to the water in the water tray sufficient for freezing the water into ice pieces,wherein the ice maker further comprises an ice bin for storing the ice pieces produced by the ice maker, and the ice maker evaporator comprises a defrost heating element that is operable to melt frost accumulated on a surface of the ice maker evaporator;operating an air mover disposed within the ice maker for a predetermined amount of time for delivering the air cooled by the ice maker evaporator to at least one of the water tray and the ice bin; andsubsequently stopping operation of the air mover and operating the defrost heating element to thereby melt frost accumulated on the surface of the ice maker evaporator.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the air mover is operated ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180335239A1

Seawater fluidized ice manufacturing equipment is disclosed, comprising a compressor; a condenser, connected with the compressor, the condenser being internally provided with a condensing agent; a heat exchanger, connected with the condenser, the heat exchanger being provided with a hydrophobic material coating; and an ultrasonic generator, connected with the heat exchanger. A seawater fluidized ice manufacturing method is also disclosed, comprising the following steps: compressing low-temperature and low-pressure condensing agent vapor in an ice making barrel into high-temperature and high-pressure condensing agent vapor by the compressor; driving the seawater to enter the ice making barrel and the liquefied condensing agent into a cooling pipe, condensing the seawater into fluidized ice, wherein when the seawater is condensed in the ice making barrel, the ultrasonic generator generates ultrasonic waves to drive the seawater to crystallize into fluidized ice. 1. Seawater fluidized ice manufacturing equipment , characterized by comprising:a compressor for compressing a condensing agent into condensing agent vapor;a condenser, connected with the compressor, wherein the condenser is internally provided with a cooling medium, the condensing agent vapor passes through the condenser and then forms a liquefied condensing agent;a heat exchanger, connected with the condenser, wherein the heat exchanger is provided with a hydrophobic material coating, the heat exchanger communicates with seawater, seawater is cooled by the liquefied cooling agent to form fluidized ice; wherein the heat exchanger comprises an ice-making barrel and a cooling pipe, the cooling pipe is a semi-round copper pipe, the cooling pipe closely fits the outer wall of the ice-making barrel, the ice-making barrel is connected with a seawater purification module, the cooling pipe receives the condensing agent and enables the seawater in the ice-making barrel to crystallize into fluidized ice;wherein the ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200340727A1

An ice maker includes an ice making unit and an ice storage bin. A frame is positioned between the ice making unit and the storage bin. An ice making tray is coupled with the frame, including a base defining a first plurality of apertures and a second plurality of apertures. A plurality of ice forming features is positioned proximate the first plurality of apertures. The ice forming features are coupled to and extend away from the base. A heating element is in thermal communication with the ice forming features. A wastewater disposal assembly is coupled with the ice making tray. 1. An ice making tray for an ice making assembly , comprising:a base defining a first plurality of apertures and a second plurality of apertures;walls coupled to the base and extending from the base, wherein the base and the walls define a tray space configured to receive an ice slab;a plurality of ice forming features coupled to the base proximate the first plurality of apertures, wherein the plurality of ice forming features extend within the tray space and away from the base; anda heating element in thermal communication with the plurality of ice forming features, wherein the plurality of ice forming features are configured to form ice pieces and waste ice from the ice slab when heated by the heating element.2. The ice making tray of claim 1 , wherein the walls includes a plurality of side walls and a front wall.3. The ice making tray of claim 2 , wherein the front wall extends a greater distance from the base than the plurality of side walls.4. The ice making tray of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ice forming features are constructed of a material with a higher thermal conductivity that a material of the base.5. The ice making tray of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of ice forming features includes a wall defining a channel.6. The ice making tray of claim 5 , wherein each channel defines a cross-sectional shape of at least one of a circle claim 5 , a heart claim 5 , a star ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170370628A1
Автор: Knatt Kevin

An ice maker comprising a refrigeration system, a water system, and a control system. The control system includes a controller comprising a processor and a water level sensor. The water level sensor is adapted to externally sense a capacitance corresponding to a sump water level. The controller is adapted to control the operation of the refrigeration system and the operation of the water system based upon the sump water level and to detect one or more failure modes of the water system based upon the sump water level. 1. An ice maker for forming ice using a refrigerant capable of transitioning between liquid and gaseous states , the ice maker comprising:(i) a refrigeration system comprising a compressor, a condenser, a thermal expansion device, an evaporator assembly, a freeze plate thermally coupled to the evaporator assembly, and a hot gas valve;(ii) a water system comprising a water pump, a water distribution tube, a purge valve, a water inlet valve, and a sump located below the freeze plate adapted to hold water; and(iii) a control system comprising a processor and a water level sensor, wherein the water level sensor is adapted to externally sense a capacitance from the water in the sump, wherein the sensed capacitance corresponds to a water level in the sump and wherein the controller is adapted to control the operation of the refrigeration system and the operation of the water system based upon the water level in the sump and to detect one or more failure modes of the water system based upon the water level in the sump.2. The ice maker of wherein the water level sensor comprises a capacitive sensor positioned alongside the sump and separated from the water by a wall of the sump.3. The ice maker of wherein the controller is adapted to detect a water pump failure mode when the water level in the sump does not decrease when the water pump is turned on.4. The ice maker of wherein the controller is adapted to detect an insufficient water failure mode when the water ...

26-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200370812A1

An ice maker for forming ice having a refrigeration system, a water system, and a control system. The refrigeration system includes a compressor, a condenser, and an evaporator. The water system includes a water filter and a sump to hold water to be made into ice. The control system includes a controller adapted to determine a baseline freeze time, a baseline harvest time, and/or a baseline fill time after an initial set of ice making cycles and is further adapted to compare subsequent harvest times, freeze times, and/or fill times to the baseline freeze, harvest, and/or fill times to determine whether the ice maker needs maintenance. If controller determines that ice maker needs maintenance, controller can push a notification to a portable electronic device connected to the ice maker. 1. An ice maker for forming ice , the ice maker comprising:a refrigeration system comprising a compressor, a condenser, and an evaporator, wherein the compressor, condenser and evaporator are in fluid communication by one or more refrigerant lines;a water system comprising a water filter and a sump to hold water to be made into ice; and direct the ice maker to conduct an initial set of ice making cycles, wherein the ice maker makes one batch of ice during each ice making cycle, the initial set of ice making cycles comprising a plurality of consecutively conducted ice making cycles and the initial set of ice making cycles comprising the first ice making cycles conducted by the ice maker; and', 'set at least one alarm parameter at point in time after the initial set of ice making cycles is complete based on conditions at the point in time after the initial set of ice making cycles is complete., 'a control system comprising a controller configured to2. The ice maker as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to set at least three alarm parameters at a point in time after the initial set of ice making cycles is complete.3. The ice maker as set forth in claim 1 , ...

03-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200378669A1

A vertical evaporation device comprising an evaporator made of a vertical panel with a grid of dividers and flanges folded on the four sides thereof joined to a refrigeration tube coil on the rear portion thereof and both being embedded in a support framework, which in turn has a water distributor by means of a hydraulic system with three inlet channels which is joined by means of clipping to the upper side of the device. 1. A vertical evaporation device comprising:an evaporator made of a vertical panel with a grid of dividers and flanges folded on the four sides thereof joined to a refrigeration tube coil on the rear portion thereof, whereinthe evaporator and the refrigeration lube coil both being embedded in a support framework, andthe support framework has a water distributor by means of a hydraulic system with three inlet channels which is joined by means of clipping to the upper side of the vertical evaporation device2. The vertical evaporation device according to claim 1 , wherein a channel intended for the inlet of water into the vertical evaporation device,', 'lower flaps intended to slow down the water speed,', 'a second channel intended to distribute the water in the grid of dividers, and', 'a third channel intended for the inlet of new water for the next cycle., 'the water distributor includes3. The vertical evaporation device according to claim 1 , whereinthe refrigeration tube coil is pressed beforehand in order to favour thermal transmission.4. The vertical evaporation device according to claim 1 , whereinthe grid of dividers is tilted in order to favour the sliding of the plate when performing the demoulding.5. The vertical evaporation device according to claim 1 , whereinthe support framework is made of a series of plastic ends which are screwed to the evaporator by means of bolts.6. The vertical evaporation device according to claim 1 , whereinthe panel of the evaporator is made of copper coated with chemical nickel. The object of the present ...

10-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200386461A1

A double pipe icemaker includes an inner pipe, and an outer pipe provided radially outside the inner pipe and coaxially with the inner pipe. The outer pipe allows a cooling target to flow in the inner pipe and a refrigerant to flow in a space between the inner and outer pipes. The outer pipe has a wall provided with at least one nozzle to jet the refrigerant into the space. The nozzle has a jet port. The jet port may allow the refrigerant to jet in a radial direction including at least an axial direction and a circumferential direction of the inner pipe. A shielding plate may be provided ahead of the jet port in a jetting direction such that the refrigerant hitting the shielding plate expands along a surface of the shielding plate in a radial direction. 1. A double pipe icemaker comprising:an inner pipe; and allow a cooling target to flow in the inner pipe and', 'allow a refrigerant to flow in a space between the inner pipe and the outer pipe,, 'an outer pipe provided radially outside the inner pipe and coaxially with the inner pipe, the outer pipe being configured to'}the outer pipe having a wall provided with at least one nozzle configured to jet the refrigerant into the space, andthe nozzle being connected to a refrigerant inlet pipe, and the nozzle having a jet port allowing the refrigerant to jet in a radial direction including at least an axial direction and a circumferential direction of the inner pipe.2. A double pipe icemaker comprising:an inner pipe; and allow a cooling target to flow in the inner pipe and', 'allow a refrigerant to flow in a space between the inner pipe and the outer pipe,, 'an outer pipe provided radially outside the inner pipe and coaxially with the inner pipe, the outer pipe being configured to'}the outer pipe having a wall provided with at least one nozzle configured to jet the refrigerant radially inward into the space, anda plate shaped shielding plate arranged to be hit by the jetting refrigerant being provided ahead of a jet port ...

10-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200386463A1

An ice making system includes a tank that stores a medium to be cooled, an ice making machine that cools the medium and makes ice, a pump that circulates the medium between the tank and the ice making machine, a de-icing mechanism that heats the medium and melts the ice in the ice making machine, and a control device that controls operations of the ice making machine, the pump, and the de-icing mechanism. The ice making machine includes a cooling chamber that cools the medium, an inflow port through which the medium flows into the cooling chamber, and a discharge port through which the medium is discharged from the cooling chamber. The control device activates the de-icing mechanism when a pressure difference between a pressure of the medium at the inflow port and a pressure of the medium at the discharge port exceeds a predetermined value. 16-. (canceled)7. An ice making system comprising:a tank that stores a medium to be cooled;an ice making machine that cools the medium to be cooled and makes ice;a pump that circulates the medium to be cooled between the tank and the ice making machine;a de-icing mechanism that performs a de-icing operation of heating the medium to be cooled and melting the ice in the ice making machine; anda control device configured to control operations of the ice making machine, the pump, and the de-icing mechanism, a cooling chamber that cools the medium to be cooled,', 'an inflow port through which the medium to be cooled flows into the cooling chamber,', 'a discharge port through which the medium to be cooled is discharged from the cooling chamber,', 'a blade mechanism that rotates in the cooling chamber to disperse ice, and', 'a detector that detects a locked state of the blade mechanism,, 'the ice making machine including'}the control device being configured to activate the de-icing mechanism when a pressure difference between a pressure of the medium to be cooled at the inflow port and a pressure of the medium to be cooled at the ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200400358A1
Автор: ROMAGNOLI Guido
Принадлежит: SCOTSMAN ICE S.R.L.

The icemaker comprises an evaporator equipped with a plurality of open cells for the formation of ice elements, a sprayer for spraying water into the cells, a tank for collecting the water not transformed into ice in the cells, the sprayer having an element for occluding the cells equipped with a plurality of calibrated holes, each for access to a corresponding cell and a plurality of nozzles, each engaged in a corresponding access hole for the injection of water into a corresponding cell, the sprayer being supported by a support in a movable manner between an opening position and a closing position of the cells by means of the occlusion element, a kinematic mechanism for moving said support also being provided externally to said collection tank. 1. An icemaker comprising an evaporator equipped with a plurality of open cells for the formation of ice elements , a sprayer for spraying water into the cells , a tank for collecting the water not converted into ice in the cells , characterized in that said sprayer has an element for occluding said cells equipped with a plurality of calibrated holes each for access to a corresponding cell and a plurality of nozzles each engaged in a corresponding access hole for the injection of water into a corresponding cell , said sprayer being supported below said evaporator by a support in a movable way between an opening position and a closing position of said cells by means of said occlusion element and being removable from a window on a front side of said collecting tank , a kinematic mechanism for moving said support also being provided externally to said collection tank.2. The icemaker according to claim 1 , characterized in that said support has guides for extracting and introducing said sprayer.3. The icemaker according to claim 1 , characterized in that between each injection nozzle and the corresponding hole there is a gap for the outlet of the water not transformed into ice.4. The icemaker according to claim 3 , ...

03-11-2022 дата публикации

Ice machine with a dual-circuit evaporator for hydrocarbon refrigerant

Номер: US20220349641A1
Автор: Kevin Knatt
Принадлежит: True Manufacturing Co Inc

An ice making machine having a refrigeration system designed for hydrocarbon (HC) refrigerants, and particularly propane (R-290), that includes dual independent refrigeration systems and a unique evaporator assembly comprising of a single freeze plate attached to two cooling circuits. The serpentines are designed in an advantageous pattern that promotes efficiency by ensuring the even bridging of ice during freezing and minimizing unwanted melting during harvest by providing an even distribution of the heat load. The charge limitations imposed with flammable refrigerants would otherwise prevent large capacity ice maker from being properly charged with a single circuit. The ice making machine includes a single water circuit and control system to ensure the proper and efficient production of ice. Material cost is conserved as compared to a traditional dual system icemaker.

12-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN107466256A
Принадлежит: True Manufacturing Co Inc


26-02-2021 дата публикации

Криоконцентратор пищевых жидких сред карусельного типа

Номер: RU2743796C1

Изобретение относится к оборудованию, используемому в технологиях концентрирования водных растворов, и может быть использовано в пищевой, химической и смежных отраслях промышленности для повышения концентрации растворов, путем удаления воды. Криоконцентратор пищевых жидких сред карусельного типа содержит теплоизолированную емкость-кристаллизатор с коническим днищем со штуцером для слива концентрата, холодильную машину, теплонагреватель. Криоконцентратор имеет устройство для дозировки продукта, дополнительные емкости-кристаллизаторы и ванну. Ванна выполнена в виде расположенного на опорах замкнутого кольца со сплошным дном и боковыми кольцевыми стенками. В нижней части стенки установлена с приводом горизонтальная карусель, имеющая установленное на внутреннюю кольцевую стенку ванны основание карусели. Основание карусели выполнено в виде цилиндра с верхней крышкой. Холодильная машина установлена в нижней части ванны, а сверху ванны установлено устройство, дозирующее продукт. На цилиндрическую стенку основания укреплены в радиальном направлении направляющие для размещения на них основной и дополнительных цилиндрических теплоизолированных емкостей-кристаллизаторов с коническим днищем. Теплонагреватель образован блоками пластин, а на крышке основания установлены штанги. На штангах закреплены блоки пластин с размещенными над каждой парой блоков крышкой для закрытия соответствующей емкости-кристаллизатора при опускании блоков в емкость. Каждый блок состоит из двух отдельных независимых пластин, внутри каждой из которых выполнена полость для подачи в них тепло- или хладоносителя. Штанги выполнены подпружиненными и установлены с возможностью совершения в процессе вращения карусели возвратно-поступательного движения в вертикальной плоскости посредством взаимодействия через толкатели с торцевым диском-копиром, укрепленным внутри основания карусели и представляющим собой ступенчатое кольцо, закрепленное во внутренней части ванны, при этом толкатели штанг размещены с возможностью ...

02-10-2020 дата публикации

Device for obtaining energy of water-ice phase transition with thermoelectric module

Номер: RU2733527C1

FIELD: refrigerating equipment. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to refrigeration equipment and can be used in agriculture, namely, in agro-industrial enterprises and in systems of heat accumulators, as well as for heating of industrial and infrastructural facilities. As a result of using the invention, it becomes possible to obtain energy of a water-ice phase transition and use it for heating agricultural facilities, at agro-industrial enterprises and in heat accumulator systems, as well as for heating of industrial and infrastructure facilities due to the fact that the device is equipped with a container, an evaporator, heat exchangers, a compressor, a condenser, a throttle valve, a solar collector, a device for moving ice, a thermoelectric module, circulating pumps which enable to obtain energy of a water-ice phase transition. EFFECT: technical task of proposed invention is use of energy of water-ice phase transition for heating of agricultural facilities, at enterprises of agro-industrial complex and systems of heat accumulators, as well as for heating of industrial and infrastructural facilities. 1 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 733 527 C1 (51) МПК F25C 1/00 (2006.01) F25C 1/12 (2006.01) F24D 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F25C 1/00 (2020.02); F25C 1/12 (2020.02); F24D 15/00 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019133581, 22.10.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 02.10.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 02.10.2020 Бюл. № 28 2 7 3 3 5 2 7 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2490567 C1, 20.08.2013. KZ 27949 A4, 25.12.2013. RU 193062 U1, 11.10.2019. RU 2686717 C1, 30.04.2019. CN 107504552 A, 22.12.2017. (54) Устройство для получения энергии фазового перехода вода-лед с термоэлектрическим модулем (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к холодильной технике возможность получать энергию фазового и может быть использовано в ...

07-04-2022 дата публикации

Device for producing energy of water-ice phase transition

Номер: RU2769853C2

FIELD: agriculture. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to refrigeration equipment; it can be used in agriculture, namely at enterprises of the agro-industrial complex and in thermal accumulator systems, as well as for heating industrial and infrastructure facilities. The technical objective of the present invention is to use the energy of a water-ice phase transition for heating agricultural facilities, at enterprises of the agro-industrial complex and in thermal accumulator systems, as well as for heating industrial and infrastructure facilities. A device contains tank 1, circulation pumps 9, 13, 17, evaporator 7, heat exchanger 5, compressor 18, condenser 19, throttle valve 20, solar collector 11 and device for moving ice 15. Tank 1 is divided by partitions 2 and 3 with thermal insulation material into three tanks: tank 4 for water with heat exchanger 5, tank 6 for antifreeze with evaporator 7 and tank 8 for collecting and melting ice, which are connected by tubes to circulation pumps for circulating antifreeze from tank 6 for antifreeze with evaporator 7 into a silicone tube of tank 4 for water with heat exchanger 5, for circulating a water-ice mixture from tank 8 for collecting and melting ice into tank 4 for water with heat exchanger 5, for circulating cold tap water into tank 8 for collecting and melting ice. In tank 6 for antifreeze with evaporator 7, block for electrophysical action 21 is installed, which lowers the freezing point of antifreeze, increasing the amount of energy received from the water-ice phase transition. Evaporator 7 is made in the form of a coil-type tube. The heat exchanger 5 is made in the form of a flexible corrugated silicone tube of a coil type with a metal insert, on the surface of which ice is formed, and antifreeze is circulated inside it to transfer the energy of the water-ice phase transition to consumer heat exchanger 16. To separate ice from the surface of the tube, piezoelectric ultrasound emitter 14 is provided, which, using ice ...

19-04-2021 дата публикации

Устройство для получения энергии фазового перехода вода-лед

Номер: RU2019132935A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2019 132 935 A (51) МПК F25C 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2019132935, 17.10.2019 (71) Заявитель(и): Ершова Ирина Георгиевна (RU), Васильев Алексей Николаевич (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 17.10.2019 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 19.04.2021 Бюл. № 11 Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 9 1 3 2 9 3 5 R U A (57) Формула изобретения Устройство для получения энергии фазового перехода вода-лед, содержащее емкость, циркуляционный насос, отличающееся тем, что снабжено испарителем, теплообменником, компрессором, конденсатором, дроссельным вентилем, солнечным коллектором, устройством для перемещения льда, при этом емкость устройства разделена перегородками с теплоизоляционным материалом на три емкости, емкость для воды с теплообменником, емкость для антифриза с испарителем, и емкость для сбора и растапливания льда, которые соединены трубками с циркуляционными насосами для циркуляции антифриза из емкости для антифриза с испарителем в силиконовую трубку емкости для воды с теплообменником, для циркуляции водоледяной смеси из емкости для сбора и растапливания льда в емкость для воды с теплообменником, для циркуляции холодной водопроводной воды в емкость для сбора и растапливания льда, причем в емкости для антифриза с испарителем установлен блок для электрофизического воздействия, понижающий температуру замерзания антифриза, увеличивая количество получаемой энергии фазового перехода вода-лед, а испаритель выполнен в виде трубки змеевикового типа, а теплообменник выполнен в виде гибкой гофрированной силиконовой трубки змеевикового типа с металлической вставкой, на поверхности которой образуется лед, а внутри нее циркулирует антифриз для переноса энергии фазового перехода вода-лед к теплообменнику потребителя, для отделения льда от поверхности трубки предусмотрен пьезоэлектрический излучатель ультразвука, который при помощи устройства для перемещения льда перемещается ...

21-09-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus for producing energy of water-ice phase transition

Номер: RU2732581C1

FIELD: refrigerating equipment. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to refrigeration equipment and can be used in agriculture, namely, in agro-industrial enterprises and in systems of heat accumulators, as well as for heating of industrial and infrastructural facilities. As a result of using the invention, it becomes possible to obtain energy of a water-ice phase transition and use it for heating agricultural facilities, at agro-industrial enterprises and in heat accumulator systems, as well as for heating industrial and infrastructure facilities, due to the fact that the device is equipped with a container, an evaporator, heat exchangers, a compressor, a condenser, a throttle valve, a solar collector, a device for moving ice, circulating pumps enabling to obtain energy of water-ice phase transition. EFFECT: technical task of proposed invention is use of energy of water-ice phase transition for heating of agricultural facilities, at enterprises of agro-industrial complex and systems of heat accumulators, as well as for heating of industrial and infrastructural facilities. 1 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 732 581 C1 (51) МПК F25C 1/00 (2006.01) F25C 1/12 (2006.01) F24D 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F25C 1/00 (2020.02); F25C 1/12 (2020.02); F24D 15/00 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019133602, 23.10.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 21.09.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 21.09.2020 Бюл. № 27 2 7 3 2 5 8 1 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2490567 C1, 20.08.2013. KZ 27949 A4, 25.12.2013. RU 193062 U1, 11.10.2019. RU 2686717 C1, 30.04.2019. CN 107504552 A, 22.12.2017. (54) Устройство для получения энергии фазового перехода вода-лед (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к холодильной технике возможность получать энергию фазового и может быть использовано в сельском хозяйстве, перехода вода-лед и использовать ее для а именно ...

14-04-1998 дата публикации

Flowing-down ice making apparatus

Номер: JPH1096574A

(57)【要約】 【課題】 脱氷工程時において短時間かつ確実に製氷面 からの氷の離脱がなされるとともに、形状が均一な氷を 生成でき、製氷能力が向上せしめられた流下式製氷装置 を提供する。 【解決手段】 上下方向に沿って蛇行状に配設され、冷 媒を通流することにより流下する水を冷却して製氷する と共に、製氷された氷塊を高温ガスを通流することによ り脱氷落下させる製氷面を有する扁平な伝熱管と、上記 伝熱管に対して所定の間隔で縦方向に延設された縦仕切 り壁と、上記伝熱管の隣接する水平部分の間に設けら れ、上記伝熱管及び上記縦仕切り壁とにより製氷区画部 を区画形成する横仕切り壁とを備え、上記横仕切り壁の 厚さを扁平な上記伝熱管の厚さと同等もしくはそれより も小さく構成し、脱氷時における氷の自然落下を容易化 して脱氷時間を短縮し、製氷量の増大をなす。

19-04-2019 дата публикации

For the heat exchange unit of the equipment with heat pump, especially for manufacturing and storing the evaporator of ice

Номер: CN109661552A
Принадлежит: Malbudespoka Co Ltd


25-06-2020 дата публикации

Water ice breaker with automatic nozzles for preparation of slots in ice formations

Номер: RU2724700C1

FIELD: ice-technology.SUBSTANCE: heated water is used as heat carrier. Device consists of hollow housing of rectangular cross-section, on ends of which there are bushings with internal thread, which are connected with cavity of housing, on lower edge of which there is a row of threaded holes for installation of nozzles, axes of which are parallel to axes of side bushes, and nozzles themselves open outlet of water jets only in contact with ice. On the lower part of the side walls of the housing between the holes there is a row of vertical grooves with depth decreasing upwards and width to receive ice projecting on walls and its melting, which provides formation of even walls of the slot. In upper part of side bushes there are guides and supply tubes, at that upper ends of pipes are rigidly interconnected by transverse pipe, through which hot water is supplied into guide pipes and further into ice breaker housing. In lower part of side bushings at first cut, two nozzles are installed, at second and next cutter one atomizer and guide rod are installed to prevent deviation of device from preset direction.EFFECT: invention is intended for cutting of ice during works on making of lanes in ice, for investigation of glaciers and accumulations of sea ice – ice hummocks and grounded hummocks, for extraction of ice-frozen materials and equipment and other similar works related to destruction of ice.1 cl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 724 700 C1 (51) МПК F25C 5/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F25C 5/10 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019108399, 22.03.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.06.2020 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 22.03.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2639730 C2, 22.12.2017. RU 2148760 C1, 10.05.2000. SU 138256 A1, 01.01.1961. SU 1763819 A1, 23.09.1992. SU 1441140 A1, 30.11.1988. US 2316282 A1, 13.04.1943. US 2234129 A1, 04. ...

22-12-2017 дата публикации

Water ice cutter for making slots in ice formations

Номер: RU2639730C2

FIELD: construction.SUBSTANCE: invention is intended for cutting ice during works on making mines in ice, studying glaciers and sea ice conglomerations, extracting materials and equipment frozen into ice, and other similar works connected with ice destruction. The device for cutting ice with hot water comprises a hollow housing with bushings with internal threads, communicating with the housing cavity, mounted at the housing ends. At the lower housing edge, a row of openings is provided for installing nozzles, whose axes are parallel to the axes of the side bushings. At the bottom of the side bushings, two nozzles are installed in the beginning of the operation; and during the subsequent operation, one nozzle and one guide rod are installed. Wherein the housing is made rectangular in the cross-section. On the lower part of the housing side walls, between the openings, a row of vertical grooves with a decreasing depth and width is made, which ensures the formation of even slot walls. In the upper part of the side bushings, pipes are installed, which are simultaneously used as guide and supplying ones. Wherein the upper ends of the pipes are rigidly connected to one another by a transverse pipe, through which hot water is supplied to the guide pipes and further into the device housing.EFFECT: increasing the device reliability.6 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 639 730 C2 (51) МПК F25C 5/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F25C 5/10 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016113188, 06.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 22.12.2017 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 09.10.2017 Бюл. № 28 (45) Опубликовано: 22.12.2017 Бюл. № 36 2 6 3 9 7 3 0 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2148759 C1, 10.05.2000. SU 1763819 A1, 23.09.1992. SU 138256 A1, 01.01.1661. SU 350945 A1, 13.09.1972. RU 2148757 C1, 10.05.2000. (54) Водяной ледорез для ...

25-02-2020 дата публикации

Refrigerator appliance with a clear icemaker

Номер: US10571179B2
Принадлежит: Haier US Appliance Solutions Inc

A refrigerator appliance includes an icemaker having a mold body that defines an ice cavity. The ice cavity is defined at least in part by a bottom wall positioned at a bottom portion of ice cavity and a back wall positioned at a rear portion of the ice cavity. First and second bottom wall segments are positioned and oriented such that an upper surface of the first bottom wall segment defines a first angle with a front surface of the back wall and such that an upper surface of the second bottom wall segment defines a second angle with the front surface of the back wall.

31-03-2020 дата публикации

Refrigerator appliance with a clear icemaker

Номер: US10605493B2
Принадлежит: Haier US Appliance Solutions Inc

A refrigerator appliance includes a sealed system with a first evaporator connected in series with a first capillary tube and a second evaporator connected in series with second and third capillary tubes such that the second evaporator is between the second and third capillary tubes. The first capillary tube is sized such that the chilled air at the first evaporator is a first temperature during operation of the sealed system. The second capillary tube is sized such that the chilled air at the second evaporator is a second, different temperature during operation of the sealed system.

25-02-2022 дата публикации

Temperature contorl method for detaching ice of ice maker

Номер: KR20220022257A
Автор: 김두하
Принадлежит: 블루닉스 주식회사

본 발명은 제빙기의 탈빙 온도 제어 방법에 관한 것으로, 제빙기의 탈빙 온도 제어 방법은 얼음제조부에서 제빙이 시작되는 제빙 시작 시점부터 제빙이 완료되는 제빙 완료 시점까지 제빙소요시간을 카운트하며, 제빙 과정을 수행하는 제1 단계; 카운트된 상기 제빙소요시간를 획득하며, 외부온도센서로부터 주위 온도를 획득하는 제2 단계; 획득한 상기 주위 온도 및 상기 제빙소요시간에 따라 가변되는 탈빙 시간을 결정하는 제3 단계; 및 결정된 상기 탈빙 시간을 이용하여 탈빙 과정을 수행하는 제4 단계; 를 포함하는, 제빙기의 탈빙 온도 제어 방법. 를 포함할 수 있다. 이를 통해 통상의 온도 조건 뿐만 아니라 가혹한 환경에서도 탈빙 과정 중 냉판의 얼음이 완벽하게 분리되어 제빙기의 고장을 방지할 수 있으며, 가변된 탈빙 시간을 통해 제빙기의 제빙 능력이 상승될 수 있다.

15-05-2020 дата публикации

Explosive separation of contaminants from waste water in freeze crystallization spray chambers

Номер: DE202018006327U1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Enisenergen LLC

Ein Abwasserreinigungssystem umfassend: a. eine Kammer mit einem oberen und einem unteren Ende b eine oder mehrere Abwasserdüsen, die in der Nähe des oberen Endes der Kammer angeordnet sind; c. einen Einlasskanal, um gekühlte Luft in die Kammer zu liefern; d. eine oder mehrere Abluftkanäle, um die gekühlte Luft aus der Kammer zu entfernen; e. ein oder mehrere perforierte Behälter, die nahe des unteren Endes der Kammer positioniert sind, um feste Nebenprodukte zu sammeln f. ein wasserdichter Behälter am unteren Ende der Kammer, um ein flüssiges Produkt zu sammeln; wobei Abwasser als Abwassertröpfchen über die eine oder mehrere Abwasserdüsen in die Kammer eintritt und wobei das Abwasser aufgrund eines Wärmeaustauschs mit einem hohen Massenstrom der gekühlten Luft zwischen dem Einlasskanal und dem einen oder den mehreren Abluftkanälen eine Gefriertrennung erfährt. A wastewater treatment system comprising: a. a chamber with an upper and a lower end b one or more waste water nozzles located near the top of the chamber; c. an inlet duct to deliver cooled air into the chamber; d. one or more exhaust ducts to remove the cooled air from the chamber; e. one or more perforated containers positioned near the lower end of the chamber to collect solid by-products f. a watertight container at the bottom of the chamber to collect a liquid product; wherein wastewater enters the chamber as wastewater droplets via the one or more wastewater nozzles and wherein the wastewater undergoes freeze separation due to heat exchange with a high mass flow of the cooled air between the inlet duct and the one or more exhaust air ducts.

30-07-2019 дата публикации

Ice maker and its control method

Номер: CN105899895B
Автор: K·克纳特
Принадлежит: True Manufacturing Co Inc


28-04-2022 дата публикации

Spherical or Polyhedral Ice Maker, Beverage Supplying Apparatus and Refrigerator Having the Ice Maker

Номер: KR102392194B1
Принадлежит: 청호나이스 주식회사

구형 또는 위아래로 볼록한 다면체 형상의 얼음을 제조하기 위한 제빙기, 이를 구비하는 음용수 공급장치 및 냉장고가 개시된다. 제빙기는, 위로 볼록한 반구형 또는 반다면체 형상의 상부 제빙셀을 가지는 상부 제빙틀; 아래로 볼록한 반구형 또는 반다면체 형상을 가지고 바닥 중앙이 개구된 하부 제빙셀을 가지는 하부 제빙틀; 냉매 유로를 가지고, 냉매 유로로 공급되는 냉매로 상부 제빙틀을 냉각하는 증발기; 하부 제빙틀의 하부에 마련되고, 하부 제빙셀의 개구된 바닥 중앙에서 상방으로 제빙용수를 분사하는 노즐 유닛; 및 제어부를 구비한다. 상기 상부 제빙틀 및 상기 하부 제빙틀은 상호 결합하였을 때 상부 제빙셀과 하부 제빙셀이 합쳐져 구형 또는 다면체 형상의 통합 제빙셀을 형성하며, 제어부는, 제빙 동작을 개시할 때, 냉매를 공급한 후 소정 시간이 경과한 다음 또는 냉매가 유출되는 냉매 유출구의 온도가 소정 온도 이하가 된 다음, 노즐 유닛이 통합 제빙셀로 제빙용수를 분사하도록 제어된다. Disclosed are an ice maker for producing ice having a spherical or convex polyhedral shape, a drinking water supply device having the same, and a refrigerator. The ice maker includes: an upper ice maker having an upper ice maker having a hemispherical or semi-polyhedral shape convex upwards; a lower ice-making frame having a lower convex hemispherical or semi-polyhedral shape and having a lower ice-making cell having an open bottom center; an evaporator having a refrigerant passage and cooling the upper ice-making frame with refrigerant supplied to the refrigerant passage; a nozzle unit provided at a lower portion of the lower ice-making frame and spraying water for ice-making upward from the center of the open bottom of the lower ice-making cell; and a control unit. When the upper ice-making frame and the lower ice-making frame are coupled to each other, the upper ice-making cell and the lower ice-making cell combine to form an integrated ice-making cell having a spherical or polyhedral shape. After a predetermined time has elapsed or the temperature of the coolant outlet through which the coolant is discharged becomes less than or equal to a predetermined temperature, the nozzle unit is controlled to spray the ice-making water to the integrated ice-making cell.

03-11-2020 дата публикации

System and method for controlling icing and de-icing of ice maker

Номер: KR102173128B1
Автор: 김두하
Принадлежит: 대영이앤비(주)

The present invention relates to an ice maker that changes a de-icing time according to a changed ice making time to clearly perform de-icing when the ice making time is changed. According to the present invention, disclosed are a method and a system for controlling de-icing of an ice maker, wherein a time required for ice making is counted during ice making operation, a target de-icing time is set to a time longer than a preset de-icing reference time when the ice making time is out of a reference time range, and de-icing operation is controlled according to the set target de-icing time.
