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02-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU183778U1

Полезная модель относится к области измерительной техники и касается акустооптического информационно-измерительного устройства контроля пламени. Устройство включает в себя акустооптическую ячейку, заключенную между двумя скрещенными поляризаторами, два фотоприемника, блок обработки и регистрации результатов измерений. Акустооптическая ячейка представляет собой акустооптическую ячейку Рамана-Ната, выполненную в виде чувствительного к ультразвуковым воздействиям одноосного кристалла, с пьезоэлектрическим излучателем, динамически генерирующим в акустооптической ячейке механические колебания таким образом, что обеспечивается дифракция излучения пламени в инфракрасном, видимом и ультрафиолетовом диапазонах спектра. Источник излучения и акустооптическая ячейка оптически связаны волоконно-оптическим кабелем. Входными сигналами фотоприемников являются световые лучи +1 и -1 мод с выхода акустооптической ячейки Рамана-Ната, а их выводы соединены со входом блока обработки и регистрации результатов ...

03-08-2023 дата публикации

Видеоспектрометр видимого и ближнего инфракрасного диапазонов спектра

Номер: RU2801199C1

Изобретение относится к области спектральных измерений и касается видеоспектрометра видимого и ближнего инфракрасного (ИК) диапазонов спектра. Видеоспектрометр содержит видеокамеру видимого и ближнего ИК диапазонов спектра с кремниевым матричным приемником излучения, входной объектив с телецентрическим ходом лучей в пространстве изображений, акустооптический перестраиваемый фильтр, выходной объектив с телецентрическим ходом лучей в пространстве объектов, модуль согласования, модуль управления акустооптическим перестраиваемым фильтром и модуль питания с встроенным USB концентратором. Входной объектив выполнен с возможностью построения промежуточного изображения внутри акустооптического перестраиваемого фильтра. Выходной объектив установлен за акустооптическим перестраиваемым фильтром с возможностью проектирования промежуточного изображения из акустооптического перестраиваемого фильтра на матричный приемник излучения видеокамеры. Технический результат заключается в уменьшении массы и габаритных ...

23-02-1991 дата публикации

Инфракрасный спектрометр

Номер: SU1376717A1

Изобретение относится к устрой- .ствам для получения и регистрации спектра и может HcnojibsoBaTbCH в прикладной спектроскопии. Цель, изобре тения - увеличение дисперсии. Спект- .рометр содержит нелинейный преобра зователь частоты, выполненный в, виде двух нелинейных кристаллов 1 и 2, лазер 3 опорного излучения, систему формирования и совмещения пучков исследуемого ИК и опорного излучений, сос- тоярдую из коллиматороп 4 и 5, полупрозрачной пластины 6 и объектива 7, сменный светофильтр В, щель 9, панорамный приемник, включающий оптический фильтр to, объектив 11 и свето- чувствительньц слой 12. Благодаря конструктивным особенностям нелинейного преобразователя частоты ИК-излучение каждой длины волны преобразуется в излучение на суммарной частоте в двух направлениях, симметричных относительно оси спектрометра. Фильтр 8 . служит для вьщеления излучения одной длины волны - либо А АО либо Ok , где фазовосогласованное преобразование , с п.пиной волны о происходит ь направлении оси спектрометра, ...

15-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: SU1635013A1

Изобретение относится к оптическому спектральному приборостроению. Целью изобретения является повышение точности измерений. Излучение через ослабитель 1 попадает в монохроматор 2 и регистрируется фотоприемником 9. Монохроматор2 имеет устройство 10 градуировки по длинам волн, в котором приемник 18 выполнен в виде основной и дополнительной фотоприемных линеек. С выходов фоточувствительных элементов приемника 18 импульсы реперов длины волны преобразуются нормирующими элементами 20 блока 19 в импульсы нормированной амплитуды и длительности переднего и заднего фронтов. Выходные импульсы блока 19 преобразуются формирователем 21 в позиционный код, ...

07-12-1987 дата публикации


Номер: SU1357729A1

Изобретение относится к оптическому спектральному приборостроению . Целью изобретения является повышение точности измерений за счет термостабилизации параметров диспергирующего элемента. Излучение, распространяющееся от источника света, превращается в параллельный пучок коллиматором. Этот параллельный пучок света разлагается в спектр дифракционной решеткой, образованной акустическими колебаниями, возбужденными в кювете с рабочей жидкостью. Возбуждение осуществляется пьезо- преобразователем. В качестве рабочей жидкости использован водный раствор бутиролактама концентрации 2 моль/л. Возникающий в результате дифракции спектр фокусируется объективом на приемнике излучения. При концентрации 2 моль/л скорость распространения ультразвука в водных растворах бутиролактама менее всего чувствительна к изменению температуры, и поэтому спектр в пространстве не изменяет своего положения. 1 ил, (О СО | | ю ...

10-02-1970 дата публикации


Номер: SU263928A1

01-01-1959 дата публикации

Способ оценки действия оптического излучения на растения

Номер: SU124669A1

07-03-1993 дата публикации

Внутрирезонаторный лазерный спектрометр

Номер: SU1383979A1

Изобретение относится к оптическому спектральному приборостроению. Целью изобретения является повышение чувствительности. В резонаторе лазера установлена кювета для исследуемого вещества и модулятор добротности , соединенньгй с источником питания регу1шруииплм положение рабочей точки модулятора. Для регулировки положения рабочей точки модулятора служит цепь, состоящая из фотоприемника, оптически .сопряженного с лазером, формирователя импульса и линии задержки. пульс с линии задержки воздействует на управляющий вход источника питания модулятора. Этот импульс приводит к- возникновению положительной обратной связи и генерации гигантского импульса. Отрицательная обратная - связь идет через фотоприемкик и у си- литель. Спектральный прибор, регистрирующий излучение лазера записывает спектр тйлько во время действия.гигантского импульса, т.е. действия положительной обратной связи. В спек трометре для получения высокой чувствительности не требуется применения сложной аппаратуры для скоростной киносъемки ...

15-06-1988 дата публикации

Скоростной спектрометр

Номер: SU1402815A1

Изобретение относится к области оптического спектрального приборостроения. Целью изобретения является повьииение точности измерений и упрощение обработки спектрограмм. В монохроматоре дифракционная решетка кинематически связана с системой развертки спектра. В системе развертки установлен источник излучения, KO:I- лиматор, щелевая диафрагма, цилиндрическая линза, зачерненный цилиндр с зеркальной областью на боковой повер.хности, объектив и приемник излучения. Зеркальная область на боковой поверхности цилиндра ограничена сторонами прямого угла и кривой , соответствуюп1ей синусной функции. Оси вращения цилиндра и решетки совпадают . На двухкоординатный регистратор поступает сигнал исследуемого спектра от фотоприемника и сигнал от приемника излучения системы развертки. От зеркально области зачерненного цилиндра отражается свет, сформированный щелевой диафрагмо 1 и цилиндрической Л 1нзой, попадает на 13,. Спектрометр с такой системой развертк 1 дает возможность полу- л нейного .масштаба Ю пкале ...

15-06-1988 дата публикации

Фотоионизационный спектрометр для исследования источников излучения с линейчатым спектром

Номер: SU1402814A1

Изобрете1 :ие относится к области анализа ультрафио.ютового оптическсмч) iia. iy- чсиия методом фотоиоиизациоино) сиект Н)- скопии. Цель изоб)етения - повьииеиие чувствительности измерений интенсивности ана.шзируемого излучения. В ())()тоиониза 1и- оино.; спектрометре, иредставляюн1е.м собой ионизаииошп ю камеру с OKI;OM д.1Я ввода анализ1 руемог() из. : 1и ния, в KOTOpoii име- К5ТСЯ два нара,1лелы 1 1. электронны.х зерка- . la, за одним из которых установ. 1сн ана- лизаг,)р у.чектронов по энергиям, ана/и за- тор выио. 1нен р, виде набора lapaл,le. ГbHl l нроводянщ.х iK iacTHH, на которые иодан но- ложите,1ьный нотенцна, порядка 0,6--(),8 В относительно задер кнваюн1его э.тектрода :1.()нного зерка. 1а. сгоян1е1 о иеред ;и1а. 1и- заторох. 2 и,1. (О С/ с ...

23-12-1985 дата публикации

Двойной дифракционный монохроматор

Номер: SU1200139A1

ДВОЙНОЙ ДИФРАКЦИОННЫЙ МОНОХРОМАТОР , содержащий оптически связанные между собой две вогнутые дифракционные решетки, входную, выходную и промежуточные щели и два плоских параллельных зеркала, а также механизм сканирования спектра, о тличающийся тем, что, с целью упрощения монохроматора и повышения его надежности, вершина каждой вогнутой решетки совмещена с центром кривизны противоположной решетки , а плоские зеркала расположены на расстоянии друг от друга, равном половине радиуса кривизны вогнутой решетки. (Л 00 ;о ...

30-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: SU1723458A1

Применение: астрономическая оптика, фотографирование Солнца в монохроматических лучах. Сущность: синхронное перемещение изображения Солнца и фотоприемника относительно спектрографа обеспечивается поворотом двустороннего зеркала перед выходной щелью и шарнирно связанного с ним зеркала перед входной щелью, причем для уменьшения нагрева входной щели второе зеркало имеет минимальную отражающую площадь. Для повышения качества изображения внутри спектрографа перед выходной щелью установлена призма Дове. 1 ил.

23-11-1986 дата публикации

Монохроматический осветитель

Номер: SU1181373A1

МОНОХРОМАТИЧЕСКИЙ ОСВЕТИТЕЛЬ , содержащий оптически связанные между собой источник излучения /L. и монохроматор, включающий входной элемент, диспергирующий элемент, совмещенный с апертурной диафрагмой, объектив и выходную щель, отличающийся тем, что, с целью улучшения энергетических характеристик и упрощения конструкции, входной элемент выполнен в виде вогнутой зеркальной поверхности, форма которой подобна проекции выходной щели на входной элемент, при этом источник излучения расположен в предметной плоскости входного элемента и оптически сопряжен с апертурной диафрагмой, а абсолютная величина линейного увеличения объектива .

30-11-1983 дата публикации

Электронно-оптический спектрохронограф с временным разрешением в пикосекундной области

Номер: SU1057785A1

... , Применение двойного монохроматора с вычитанием дисперсии с электронно-оптическим преобразователем на его выходе в качестве электроннооптического спектрохронографа с временным разрешением в пикосекундной области.

21-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: SU387226A1

07-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: SU1562715A1

Изобретение относится к области оптического спектрального приборостроения. Целью изобретения является повышение производительности измерений и расширение диапазона измеряемых величин мощности светового излучения. Излучение через входную щель, плоское и вогнутое сферические зеркала поступает на дифракционную решетку. Спектр излучения регистрируется позиционно-чувствительным приемником, выполненным в виде пьезокерамической пластины. На рабочей поверхности пластины приемника нанесена сетка штрихов-электродов. На противоположной стороне пластины нанесен сплошной электрод. Форма и размер штрихов-электродов 6 соответствует размерам и форме монохроматических изображений входной щели в меридиональном фокусе спектрометра. Устройство позволяет проводить экспреесс-анализ излучения CO2-лазеров в широком диапазоне мощностей с высоким быстродействием и надежностью. 2 ил.

01-01-1962 дата публикации

Лайман-альфа камера для фотографирования Солнца

Номер: SU149598A1

17-09-1973 дата публикации

Фокальный монохроматор

Номер: SU397778A1

24-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003937599C2

01-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069432438T2
Принадлежит: CYMER INC, CYMER, INC.

13-01-2000 дата публикации

Radiation source radiation characteristic measurement

Номер: DE0019826409A1

The radiation characteristic measurement uses an optical fiber radiometer with a bundle of optical fibers (2) supplying the emitted radiation to a photodetector. The input ends of the fibers are positioned at a constant radial distance from the source (6), the fibers combined with at least 3 reference optical fibers (12), used for position calibration of the sensitive surface of the photodetector. An Independent claim for a radiation characteristic measuring device is also included.

31-03-1983 дата публикации

Device for determining the degree of tanning (browning) of human skin

Номер: DE0003137326A1

A device is described for determining the degree of tanning of human skin, which consists of a light source of specific spectral composition and luminosity, by means of which the skin area to be investigated can be illuminated by light radiation, which is defined with respect to colour tone (hue) and light intensity, and of a light sensor for measuring the light reflected from the illuminated skin area. Such a device is suitable both for scientific and for medical purposes. However, the device can also be greatly simplified if the insistence on dedicated illuminating devices is dropped, and the human eye is used in conjunction with a comparative scale as "light sensor". The device becomes so economically priced as a result of this that it can also be used as an advertising medium.

19-03-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003369798D1

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Spektrometervorrichtung und ein entsprechendes Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Spektrometervorrichtung

Номер: DE102018220601A1

Die Erfindung schafft eine Spektrometervorrichtung (10) mit zumindest einer Lichtquelle (11) zum Bestrahlen einer Probe (18) mit Licht, einer optischen Erfassungseinrichtung (12) zum Erfassen des von der Probe (18) gestreuten Lichts, mindestens einer optischen Filtereinrichtung (13), welche vor und/oder hinter der Probe (18) angeordnet ist, einer Kontaktsensoreinrichtung (15,16) zum Ermitteln eines Kontakts (19) zwischen der Probe und der Spektrometervorrichtung (10) und zum Ausgeben eines entsprechenden Ausgangssignals, einer Steuereinrichtung (17) zum Steuern der Lichtquelle (11) und der Erfassungseinrichtung (12) ansprechend auf das Ausgangssignal, wobei die Steuereinrichtung (17) derart gestaltet ist, dass sie zumindest einen Betriebsparameter der Lichtquelle (11) und der Erfassungseinrichtung (12) ändert, wenn das Ausgangssignal den Kontakt (19) zwischen der Probe und der Spektrometervorrichtung (10) anzeigt. Die Erfindung schafft außerdem ein Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Spektrometervorrichtung ...

22-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001432634A

... 1432634 Photo-electric apparatus NEOTEC CORP 16 Aug 1973 [24 Aug 1972] 38760/73 Heading G1A In photo-electric apparatus particularly adapted for spectrometric measurements, a filter assembly of paddlewheel configuration is used. The apparatus of Fig. 1, suitable for determination of moisture, oil and protein of grain by reflection optical density measurement, comprises a sample tray 16 by which a sample 20 or reference 18 may be located in the light path. As shown a broad-band infrared source 12 illuminates the sample via filter wheel 34, but for other measurements a light source may be used. The filter wheel 34 has opaque vanes 42 mounted at right angles to each filter and this leads to a transmission characteristic shown in Fig. 4 which has dark portions between the contributions by each filter which exhibit a change in wavelength transmitted as the angle of each filter changes with respect to the beam. The rotation of the filter wheel is sensed at 48 to produce a pulsed signal which ...

03-07-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to monochromators

Номер: GB0001118969A

05-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009016135D0

25-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002184564B

07-03-2007 дата публикации

Color measurement engine with uv filtered illumination

Номер: GB0002429771A

A color measurement instrument includes a housing and illuminators, a two-dimensional photodetector array, and an optics system within the housing. A UV filter wheel closes the housing to prevent contaminants from entering the housing. The filter wheel supports UV filters and non-UV glass that can be selectively aligned with the illuminators. The photodetectors can be read in parallel, and each photodetector includes a unique spectral filter. The optics system delivers light from the sample target area equally to each of the photodetectors.

13-05-1964 дата публикации

Method for providing automatic background correction in optical densitometry and apparatus therefor

Номер: GB0000958025A

... 958,025. Optical density measurement. NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. April 6, 1961 [April 8, 1960], No. 12687/60. Heading G1A. In a method and apparatus for measuring the optical density of a substance absorbed by, or deposited on, a carrier material, a portion of the carrier is scanned alternately with light in a narrow wave-band including a maximum absorption wavelength of the substance, and with light in a narrow wave-band including a wavelength distant from that of any maximum absorption wavelength. A photoelectric system is used to detect the light transmitted or reflected by the carrier in each case, the resultant signals being compared to obtain a signal indicative of the optical density of the substance. In the embodiment described the photo-electric system comprises a photo-multiplier tube T. A scanning spot of light is generated by means of a rotating slotted disc R3 and slit S1 which receive light from a source not illustrated. The light spot is deflected by mirrors ...

04-09-1969 дата публикации

Dispersive Optical Systems

Номер: GB0001163314A

... 1,163,314. Utilizing radiation detectors. PERKIN-ELMER CORP. Sept.29, 1966 [Oct. 4, 1965], No.43658/66. Heading G1A. [Also in Divisions G2 and H1] A resonant optical circulator employing two spherical mirrors is over illuminated off-axis by a laser output beam so that if the frequency of the laser output changes the mode pattern in the circulator is spatially shifted. A frequency stabilizer arrangement, Fig. 1, of helium neon laser 58 includes an optical resonator 24 constituted of a pair of multi-layer dielectric coated spherical mirrors 20, 22 separated by a distance slightly less than their radius of curvature. The output beam 26 of the laser is focused to an off-axis point 28 on mirror 22 so that the light is reflected back to mirror 20 to line 30 and then to point 28 on mirror 22 where the major portion of the light is reflected back to line 38 to begin another cycle. The output beam 34 is directed on to the apex of a prism 44 acting as a beam splitter. If the beam of light 26 falling ...

20-08-1969 дата публикации

Optical Communication Systems.

Номер: GB0001161860A

... 1,161,860. Optical communication system. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP. Dec.15, 1967 [Jan.13, 1967], No.57203/67. Heading G1A. An optical communication system comprises a light source e.g. a multi-coloured laser or a group of arc lamps capable of producing an output including a plurality of wavelengths, means for modulating beams of each such wavelength and for combining them into a single transmission beam, and a receiver wherein the beam is separated into individual wavelengths and applied to detectors to develop respective output signals. The beam from a multi-colour laser 14, Fig. 1, is collimated and applied to a quartz crystal Q 1 wherein eight selected wavelengths have their polarization rotated respectively by 0 90 180 270 0 90 180 270 and the two sets of four beams of parallel polarization are separated by a birefringent prism P 1 . The colours in the two beams are rotated by respective quartz crystals Q 2 , Q 3 of half the length of Q 1 each to occupy four positions mutually ...

15-11-2006 дата публикации

Color Measurement engine with parallel detectors

Номер: GB0000619307D0

25-03-1981 дата публикации

Optical apparatus for analyzing samples

Номер: GB0002057162A
Автор: Landa, Isaac J.

An improved optical system is disclosed for rapid, accurate spectral analysis of the reflectivity or transmissivity of samples. A concave holographic diffraction grating oscillated at high speed is utilized to provide a rapid scanning of monochromatic light through a spectrum of wavelengths. The grating is positively driven at very high speed by a unique cam drive structure comprising identically shaped conjugate cams. The rapid scan by the grating enables the reduction of noise error by averaging over a large number of cycles. It also reduces the measurement time and thus prevents sample heating by excessive exposure to light energy. A filter wheel having dark segments for drift correction is rotated in the optical path and is synchronous with the grating. Source optics is employed to optimally shape the light source for particular applications. The system optics further includes a unique arrangement of lenses, including cylindrical lenses, to obtain the best light source shape which results ...

18-11-2003 дата публикации

Small tank of dispersion.

Номер: OA0000011457A

15-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000010974T

15-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000068266T

15-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000166151T

21-03-2000 дата публикации

Spectral imaging using illumination of preselected spectral content

Номер: AU0005472399A

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AU2012258332A1

METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR THE OPTICAL DETERMINATION OF TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON IN AQUEOUS STREAMS A method and apparatus for the measurement of total organic carbon content in an aqueous stream is disclosed. Absorbance of electromagnetic energy by the aqueous stream is measured in an optical sample cell with pulsed light at a wavelength of 190nm ± 10nm. A value of total organic carbon from the measured absorbance is calculated without absorbance or fluorescence measurement at any other wavelength. 217231Counter out 21Fig 23 219 022 -239 Filte ---Display F Ite Filter I V~ilt~lte227 /05 -- 225 201 ----. Fig. 2 ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Optical filtering device for detecting gas

Номер: AU2015359174A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

The invention relates to an optical filtering device (10), in particular for detecting gas remotely, comprising a member (22, 24, 26) including a tubular passage housing a plurality of reflecting structures (34a, 34b, 34c, 34d) that are able to reflect infrared wavelengths, said structures (34a, 34b, 34c, 34d) being elongate along the axis of the tubular passage and placed about this axis. According to the invention, the reflective structures (34a, 34b, 34c, 34d) comprise means for filtering by absorption different wavelength bands located in the infrared spectral band.

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Estimating intra-field properties within a field using hyperspectral remote sensing

Номер: AU2016328634A1
Принадлежит: Ellis Terry

A method for estimating soil properties within a field using hyperspectral remotely sensed data. A soil preprocessing module receives soil spectrum data records that represent a mean soil spectrum of a specific geo-location of a specified area of land. The soil preprocessing module removes interference signals and creates a set of one or more spectral bands. A soil regression module inputs the one or more soil spectral bands and predicts soil property datasets. The soil property datasets include specific soil properties relevant to determining fertility of the soil or soil property levels that may influence soil management at a specific geo-location. The soil regression module selects multiple specific soil property datasets that best represent the existing soil properties including soil properties predicted and the spectral band data used to determine the soil properties. The soil regression module sends this predicted data to a soil model database.

25-01-1996 дата публикации

Wavelength calibration of optical spectrometers

Номер: AU0002490395A

16-05-1996 дата публикации

Monochromator drive mechanism

Номер: AU0003668895A

24-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004848290A

28-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001187716A1

05-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002584133C
Автор: LI, PETER Y.

Method and apparatus for imaging a target area. The apparatus comprises an adjustable light emitting device that provides a light beam with a user- defined spectrum. A filter mechanism receives the light beam and directs the light beam towards a target area. A light collection device collects an amount of light reflected from a target area and generates an image from the reflected light.

19-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002527930C
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

12-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002518691C

A spectroscopic method and system for the spectral analysis of an optical signal directed to a wavelength dispersive component having two interleaved dispersive devices. For a single wavelength, the optical signal exiting the interleaved dispersive devices includes two wavefronts generally disposed at an angle to one another and producing an interference pattern. The interference pattern is detected and subsequently analyzed via a Fourier transform to produce the optical spectrum of the input beam. The method and system are applicable in a planar waveguide environment, in reflection and transmission geometries.

18-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002480739C

... ²²²The invention relates to an infrared measuring device, especially for the ²spectrometry of aqueous systems. Said device comprises at least one measuring ²unit, especially a measuring cell, also comprising at least one ATR-body and ²at least one infrared light source. The measuring unit contains at least one ²ATR-body which comprises at least two planar, substantially parallel limiting ²surfaces and which is transparent with respect to measuring radiation and ²which has an index of refraction which is greater than that of the medium ²which is arranged next to at least one limiting surface and which is to be ²examined, especially larger or equal to 1.5. The IR-measuring radiation on at ²least one of the planar, parallel limiting surfaces of the ATR-body can be ²totally reflected in an attenuated manner by at least six times.² ...

07-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002789658C
Автор: XU, ZHI, XU ZHI

An apparatus for concentrating light and associated method of use is disclosed. This apparatus includes a first outer wall having an anterior end, a posterior end, an inner surface and an outer surface, the inner surface defining an interior portion, the interior portion having an anterior end and a posterior end, and a light source disposed within the interior portion. The first outer wall has an opening in the posterior end, the opening having an opening diameter. The interior portion has a substantially frusto- conical shape and has a cross-sectional diameter at the opening equal to the opening diameter and a second cross-sectional diameter near the anterior end that is less than the opening diameter and the inner surface is photo-reflective. The light passes through a sample through an aperture and a collector lens or a second outer wall. A transmission diffraction grating may be utilized.

24-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1249138A

Simultaneous multiple photometer measurements are made by simultaneously passing light to be measured through multiple light paths to different locations of a circularly variable filter; passing the light through the circularly variable filter at said locations; collecting the light passed through the circularly variable filter at each location; transmitting the light passed through the circularly variable filter to separate detectors; and measuring the light transmitted along each light path by said detectors.

30-08-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1241429A

... 19 The invention is directed to an acousto-optic dispersive light analyzer (AODLF) which is an electronically adjustable spectroscopic device capable of instantaneously monitoring many wavelengths with a fixed drive frequency. The AODLF has about a one octave range, whose center is selected by changing the RF. The resolution of the AODLF in the infrared is several thousand, and it is electronically adjustable. The acousto-optic device according to this invention is particularly useful for the detection and analysis of short light pulses. An additional capability of the AODLF is its operation in a derivative mode for enhanced SNR of coherence detection in the presence of a high incoherent background by imposing a very small frequency modulation on the RF applied to the AODLF. Then by phase locking each of the detector element signals at first the fundamental and then the first harmonic of the FM, the first and second spectrum derivatives of each resolution element can be observed.

04-02-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001295157C

A wavelength discriminator designed to collect broadband, multiple wavelength input energy, to isolate specific narrow bands of interest, and to image such narrow bands of interest upon closely spaced, separate detectors. This discriminator comprises optical devices (22, 18) for directing incoming radiant energy of a certain quality and involving a wide range of wavelengths through first (26a) and second (26b) wavelength selective reflectors separated by a medium that transmits the wavelengths of interest. The wavelength selective reflectors in accordance with this invention are in a non-parallel configuration and disposed in a double pass geometrical arrangement wherein energy of a certain wavelength reflected from the second wavelength 9 elective reflector (26b) passes back through the first wavelength selective reflector (26a), with the energy from the first and second wavelength reflectors thereafter being directed onto respective detectors (32a and 32b). An embodiment involving a third ...

23-12-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001091967A1

23-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001031596A1

07-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002651003A1

A device for non-invasively measuring concentration of one or more analytes in a living subject or a biological sample, wherein the device includes several light sources, a system for controlling the timing and intensity of the light source outputs, a system for passing the light through the subject or sample, a system for measuring the amount of light transmitted, and a system for relating the measurement to the concentration of the analyte in question. The light sources are narrow band sources at different wavelengths, and are capable of being rapidly switched between two levels of intensity. The actual number of light sources required and the wavelengths of the sources are dependent upon the specific analyte being measured.

11-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002038446C

This invention relates to a dispersive holographic spectrometer (12) for analyzing radiation from an infrared source (16). The holographic spectrometer (12) comprises a piezoelectric block (40) having a holographic lens (38) on one face, an array of detectors (36) on another face and a pair of vernier electrodes (32, 34) on opposite faces. Radiation from the source (16) incident upon the holographic lens (38) is dispersed into component wavelengths (44, 46) and directed towards the detector array (38). The holographic lens (36) has a holographic interference pattern recorded on it such that radiation of predetermined wavelength components are dispersed sufficiently enough such that radiation of specific wavelengths falls on different detector elements (48) of the detector array (36). By applying a voltage to the electrodes (32, 38), an electric field is created within the piezoelectric block (40) such that it is either compressed or expanded. This change in the piezoelectric block (40) ...

01-05-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002028706A1

This invention is provided with a wavelength selecting means for use in selectively receiving beam in compliance with each of a reference beam and a measured beam in order to simplify a correction or comparison of oscillating wavelengths in the laser device and further to improve a reliability and a controlling responsive speed.

14-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002230777A1

A method and apparatus for determining the condition of tissue or otherwise making chemical identifications includes exposing the sample to a light source (22), and using a synchronous luminescence system (38, 50) to produce a spectrum that can be analyzed for tissue condition.

03-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002255198A1

A resonant absorption cell (28) filled with a gas, selected in accordance with the wavelength of the laser radiation of interest, such as DF. The gas with in the cell (28) is maintained at substantially atmospheric pressure. The energy state of the gas within the cell (28) is raised by either external resistance heating (FIG 9B ) or optical pumping. In an increased energy state, gas molecules resonate with the incoming laser radiation causing the molecules to absorb incident photons before the gas molecu les have a chance to re-radiate the captured photons, collisions with other gas molecules within the cell transfer the excitation energy into heat in order to filter out laser r adiation but past all other wavelengths.

29-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002315452C

An optical spectrum analyser of novel design, in which several different spectra can be measured and analysed simultaneously. A measuring signal is used as a reference signal for calibrating the optical spectrum analyser. The light rays are admitted via a coupling device with several coupling apertures arranged in a line; and via a separate decoupling device comprising respective decoupling apertures arranged in a line, the light rays are decoupled. Height offset is realised by a 90.degree. deviation prism. The arrangement makes possible simultaneous analysis of several optical lines with little retroreflection as well as uninterrupted calibration of the measuring process.

28-02-1973 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Spektralanalyse von Licht

Номер: CH0000534345A

15-11-1968 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000465263A

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Minute particle analyzing device and method

Номер: US20120001090A1
Принадлежит: Icyt Mission Technology Inc, Sony Corp

A minute particle analyzing device includes: a light source; a first condenser lens for condensing light from the light source to a first end of a multimode optical fiber; a second condenser lens for condensing the light emerging from a second end of the multimode optical fiber to a minute particle; and a detector for detecting light generated from the minute particle by the application of the light from the light source.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Method for operating an optical filter in multiple modes

Номер: US20120062888A1
Принадлежит: ChemImage Corp

A method for operating an optical filter in multiple modes. In one embodiment, an optical filter may be operated in a sensitivity mode to thereby generate a white light image representative of a region of interest. The optical filter may then be operated in a specificity mode to thereby generate a hyperspectral image representative of said region of interest. The white light image and the hyperspectral image may be fused to generate a hybrid image that provides morphological and hyperspectral data. The white light image and the hyperspectral image may be generated using a single detector, eliminating the need for image realignment.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Fabry-perot interferometer

Номер: US20120127482A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A Fabry-Perot interferometer includes a fixed mirror structure and a movable mirror structure. The fixed mirror structure has a fixed mirror in a spectral region. The movable mirror structure includes a membrane spaced from the fixed mirror structure. The membrane has a movable mirror in the spectral region and multiple springs arranged one inside the other around the spectral region. A spring constant of the inner spring is less than a spring constant of the outer spring. One of the fixed mirror structure and the membrane has multiple electrodes, and the other of the fixed mirror structure and the membrane has at least one electrode that is paired with the electrodes to form opposing electrode pairs arranged one inside the other around the spectral region. The number of the opposing electrode pairs is equal to the number of the springs.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Photonic crystal spectrometer

Номер: US20120206726A1
Принадлежит: Columbia University of New York

Apparatus and methods can include an optical waveguide coupled to a photonic crystal comprising a dielectric material, the photonic crystal located on an exterior surface of the optical waveguide and comprising a first surface including a first array of periodic features on or within the dielectric material, the array extending in at least two dimensions and including an effective dielectric permittivity different from the surrounding dielectric material. In an example, the periodic features include a specified lattice constant, the periodic features configured to extract a portion of propagating optical energy from the waveguide through the photonic crystal, the portion determined at least in part by the specified lattice constant.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Methods, systems, and apparatus for detecting light and acoustic waves

Номер: US20120286795A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A sensor includes a sensor head including an acoustic detector configured to receive light from a first light source and to reflect the light upon incidence of acoustic waves. The sensor also includes at least one optical fiber and at least one fluorescent material within at least one of the sensor head and the at least one optical fiber. The at least one fluorescent material is configured to receive light from a second light source external to the sensor and emit visible light in response to the light received from the second light source.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Integrated Nanobeam Cavity Array Spectrometer

Номер: US20130176554A1

An on-chip integrated nanobeam cavity array spectrometer (INAS) having an array of waveguide-coupled nanobeam cavities. Waveguide splitters are used to bring the signal from the input waveguide into each cavity. The spectrum of unknown input signal is obtained by collecting signal from each nanobeam cavity in the array. 1. A method for spectrally separating incoming signals using arrays of optical micro-cavities , and mapping the spectrally separated signals to spatially separated wave-guiding devices or imaging devices , the method comprising the steps of:coupling an optical signal to be analyzed from an optical fiber into an input waveguide;splitting said optical signal to be analyzed;inputting said split optical signal into a plurality of micro-cavities;using constructive interference in said plurality of micro-cavities to produce optical resonance as a means for spectrally separating incoming signals; andtransferring said separated signals to different channels.2. A optical device to localize light in a modal volume comprising:an optical fiber;an input waveguide;an optical coupler coupling said input waveguide to said optical fiber;an array of splitters connected to said input waveguide; anda plurality of nanobeam cavities structured on a micro or nano scale, each tuned to operate at a different desired wavelength, wherein a linewidth of each nanobeam cavity resonator resonance (quality factor) determines the resolution of the optical device, said plurality of nanobeam cavities being adapted to strongly couple to the input waveguide;wherein constructive interference in said optical device produces optical resonance as a means of spectrally separating incoming signals, wherein separated signals are further transferred to different channels.3. An optical device according to claim 2 , wherein each of said nanobeam cavities comprises a silicon ridge waveguide having a plurality of nano-holes patterned along the waveguide claim 2 , wherein holes in the center of the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258314A1
Автор: GOMI Tsugio

An analysis method includes spectroscopically separating light from a light source via a subject into plural wavelength ranges, imaging the subject with respect to each wavelength range, and thereby, acquiring plural spectroscopic images, dividing a subject image into plural areas in each of the spectroscopic images, analyzing a spectrum of the spectroscopically-separated lights of each area with respect to the plural spectroscopic images, and thereby, analyzing a spectral characteristic, and analyzing a component of the subject based on the spectral characteristic in at least one area of the plural areas, and has a pixel selection step of eliminating the area having the same spectral characteristic as the spectral characteristic with respect to the light from the light source from objects of the analysis of the component before the analyzing of the component. 1. An analysis method comprising:spectroscopically separating light from a light source via a subject into plural wavelength ranges, receiving spectroscopically-separated lights as lights with respect to each of the spectroscopically-separated wavelength ranges, imaging the subject with respect to each of the wavelength ranges, and thereby, acquiring plural spectroscopic images;dividing a subject image as an image of the subject into plural areas in each of the spectroscopic images, analyzing a spectrum of the spectroscopically-separated lights of each area with respect to the plural spectroscopic images, and thereby, analyzing a spectral characteristic showing a characteristic of the spectrum with respect to the wavelengths of the spectroscopically-separated lights; andanalyzing a component of the subject based on the spectral characteristic in at least one area of the plural areas,wherein, at the analyzing of the component of the subject, the area having the same spectral characteristic as the spectral characteristic with respect to the light from the light source is eliminated from objects of the analysis ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Micromechanical tunable Fabry-Perot interferometer arrangement and a method for producing the same

Номер: US20130329232A1

The invention relates to controllable Fabry-Perot interferometers which are produced with micromechanical (MEMS) technology. The prior art interferometers have a temperature drift which causes inaccuracy and requirement for complicated packaging. According to the invention the interferometer arrangement has both an electrically tuneable interferometer and a reference interferometer on the same substrate. The temperature drift is measured with the reference interferometer and this information is used for compensating the measurement with the tuneable interferometer. The measurement accuracy and stability can thus be improved and requirements for packaging are lighter. 1. Fabry-Perot interferometer arrangement with an aperture allowing transmission of radiation , the arrangement comprising an electrically tunable Fabry-Perot interferometer which hasa substrate,a first mirror structure on the substrate,a second, movable mirror structure, whereby the first and second mirror structures comprise first and second mirrors which are substantially parallel,a Fabry-Perot cavity between the first and second mirrors,electrodes for electrical control of the distance between the mirrors,characterised in thatthe arrangement comprises at least one further mirror structure at the opposite surface of the substrate for forming a reference Fabry-Perot interferometer within the aperture of the arrangement.2. Arrangement according to claim 1 ,characterised in that the arrangement comprises two further mirror structures, namely a third mirror structure and a fourth mirror structure, at an opposite surface of the substrate with a determined gap between the third and fourth mirror structures, whereby said gap serves as a cavity and the third and fourth mirror structures serve as mirrors of the reference Fabry-Perot interferometer.3. Arrangement according to claim 2 , characterised in that the gap between the third and fourth mirrors comprises solid material.4. Arrangement according to claim ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Portable system for detecting explosive materials using near infrared hyperspectral imaging and method for using thereof

Номер: US20130341509A1
Принадлежит: ChemImage Corp

The present disclosure provides for a portable device for detecting the presence of explosive materials, including bulk explosive materials and out-gassed by products of explosive materials. The portable device may comprise a tunable filter and a NIR detector, configured so as to generate a NIR hyperspectral image representative of a target. The portable device may also comprise a RGB detector configured to generate a video image of a region of interest. The disclosure also provides for a method of detecting explosive materials using NIR hyperspectral imaging which may comprise collecting interacted photons, passing the interacted photons through a tunable filter, and detecting the interacted photons to generate a NIR hyperspectral image representative of a target. The method may also comprise surveying a region of interest using a RGB detector to identify a target for further inspection using NIR hyperspectral imaging.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Spectrum Reconstruction Method for Miniature Spectrometers

Номер: US20140022544A1
Принадлежит: NanoLambda, Inc.

Miniature spectrometers produce low resolution spectral data due to their size limitations. A method for processing these spectral data is proposed. The spectral data from a low resolution spectrometer is enhanced to a higher resolution, or processed to be in the wavelength domain. This process is called spectrum reconstruction, and can be used in low cost and miniature spectrometers with limited spectral resolution. The proposed method is noise robust, adapts to input spectrum, and can be used across many types of spectrometric devices without any manual adjustment of parameters. 1. A method for reconstructing a spectrum from a spectrometer comprising a plurality of wavelength-specific filters , comprising:generating a filter transmission spectrum based on an input spectrum received at the spectrometer with the plurality of wavelength-specific filters;selecting a regularization parameter based on the filter transmission spectrum;computing a dimension reduced filter transmission based on the filter transmission spectrum;performing adaptive regularization based on the regularization parameter and the dimension reduced filter transmission; andcomputing the reconstructed spectrum based on the result of regularization using a processor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein selecting the regularization parameter comprises using an L-Curve method.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein selecting the regularization parameter comprises using a General Cross Validation method.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein performing adaptive regularization comprises using a Tikhonov regularization method.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein performing adaptive regularization comprises using a Truncated Singular Value Decomposition method.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein computing the reconstructed spectrum comprises using a Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse claim 1 , Gaussian elimination claim 1 , or non-negative least square method.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spectrometer is a miniature ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Differential Interference Imaging System Capable of Rapidly Changing Shear Direction and Amount

Номер: US20220003607A1

A differential interference imaging system capable of rapidly changing shear direction and amount includes: a light source (), a filter (), a polarizer (), a sample stage (), an infinite imaging microobjective (), a tube lens (), a shear component, an analyzer (), and an image sensor (). After the light intensity and a polarization direction is adjusted, the linearly polarized light passes through a transparent sample, to be collected by the infinite imaging microobjective () and to implement imaging through the tube lens (). An imaging beam is divided into two linearly polarized light fields which are perpendicular to each other in the polarization directions and have tiny shear amount, then they are further combined into an interference light filed by the analyzer () to form a differential interference image in the image sensor (). The system may be flexibly assembled, is simple in structure and easy to implement. 1. A differential interference imaging system capable of rapidly changing shear direction and amount , comprising: a light source , a filter , a polarizer , a sample stage , an infinite imaging microobjective , a tube lens , a shear component , an analyzer , and an image sensor , wherein after light intensity of linearly polarized light emitted from the light source is adjusted through the filter and a polarization direction of the linearly polarized light is adjusted through the polarizer , the linearly polarized light passes through a transparent sample on the sample stage , to be collected by the infinite imaging microobjective and to implement imaging through the tube lens; an imaging beam is divided , by the shear component , into two linearly polarized light fields which are perpendicular to each other in the polarization directions and have tiny shear amount; the two linearly polarized light fields are further combined into an interference light filed by the analyzer , so that a differential interference image is formed in the image sensor.2. The ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003675A1

The present disclosure provides wavelength discriminating imaging systems and methods that spatially separate (over different depths) the wavelength constituents of an image using a dispersive element or lens, such that this spectral information may be exploited and used. The wavelength constituents of an image are deconstructed and identified over different depths using the dispersive element or lens. 1. A spectral imaging system , comprising:a dispersive element operable for separating wavelengths associated with an image by distance; anda sensor operable for determining a given wavelength from the separated wavelengths using the distance.2. The spectral imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the dispersive element comprises a lens and a dispersive medium.3. The spectral imaging system of claim 2 , wherein the dispersive medium comprises a dispersive lens.4. The spectral imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the dispersive element comprises a plurality of lenses separated by a dispersive medium.5. The spectral imaging system of claim 1 , further comprising one of a camera and a light field camera.6. The spectral imaging system of claim 1 , further comprising an imaging system.7. The spectral imaging system of claim 1 , further comprising a confocal system.8. The spectral imaging system of claim 1 , further comprising a microlens array.9. The spectral imaging system of claim 1 , further comprising a lens array having varying focal lengths.10. The spectral imaging system of claim 1 , further comprising a lens array having varying displacements with respect to a lens array plane.11. The spectral imaging system of claim 1 , further comprising a lens and one or more beamsplitters operable for dividing a beam from the lens into a plurality of beams.12. The spectral imaging system of claim 1 , further comprising one or more filters operable for separating wavelengths.13. The spectral imaging system of claim 1 , further comprising a profilometry algorithm operable for ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003676A1
Автор: FUKUDA Hisato

A Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer that is free from an effect of interference condition change resulting from an accessory being mounted and has a high measurement accuracy is provided. A Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer according to the present invention is a Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer including a common base on which a sample chamber and an interference optical system are mounted, where an accessory can be detachably in the sample chamber, the Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer including: accessory information reading means for reading accessory information provided to the accessory when the accessory is mounted in the sample chamber and setting condition changing means (controller ) for changing a setting condition for the interference optical system based on the accessory information read by the accessory information reading means the setting condition varying depending on, e.g., a difference in weight between respective accessories 1. A Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer including a common base on which a sample chamber and an interference optical system are mounted , where an accessory can be detachably installed in the sample chamber , the Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer comprising:a) accessory information reading means for reading accessory information provided to the accessory and representing a type of the accessory when the accessory is mounted in the sample chamber; andb) setting condition changing means for changing a setting condition for the interference optical system depending on the accessory based on the accessory information read by the accessory information reading means.2. The Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer according to claim 1 , wherein the setting condition is a parameter for adjusting a direction of a fixed minor relative to a moving mirror in the interference optical system in which infrared light is divided into two light beams claim 1 , one of the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Measurement Device, Electronic Apparatus And Measurement Method

Номер: US20200003686A1
Автор: Kasahara Hideaki

A measurement device includes a plurality of light sources configured to emit light toward a measurement object, and having a same emission spectrum, a spectroscopic measurement section configured to perform spectroscopic measurement on the light reflected by the measurement object, a light source switching section configured to switch a combination of the light sources to be put on or off out of the plurality of light sources, and an arithmetic section configured to calculate the spectral reflectivity of the measurement object based on a spectroscopic measurement result obtained by the spectroscopic measurement section when putting on or off the plurality of light sources with a plurality of the combinations. 1. A measurement device comprising:a plurality of light sources configured to emit light toward a measurement object, and having a same emission spectrum;a spectroscopic measurement section configured to perform a spectroscopic measurement on light reflected by the measurement object to obtain a spectroscopic measurement result;a light source switching section configured to switch a combination of the light sources to be put on or off out of the plurality of light sources; andan arithmetic section configured to calculate a spectral reflectivity of the measurement object based on the respective spectroscopic measurement results when switching the plurality of light sources with a plurality of the combinations.2. The measurement device according to claim 1 , whereinthe arithmetic section calculates a partial spectral reflectivity corresponding to the combination based on the spectroscopic measurement result corresponding to the combination, and combines a plurality of the partial spectral reflectivities corresponding to a plurality of the combinations with each other to calculate the spectral reflectivity.3. The measurement device according to claim 2 , wherein{'sub': avi', 'i', 'i', 'avi', 'i', 'i+n', 'avi', 'i, 'the arithmetic section defines an average value ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003885A1

An optical assembly is disclosed including two laterally variable bandpass optical filters slacked at a fixed distance from each other, so that the upstream filter functions as a spatial filler for the downstream filter. The lateral displacement may cause a suppression of the oblique beam when transmission passbands at impinging locations of the oblique beam onto the upstream and downstream filters do not overlap. A photodetector array may be disposed downstream of the downstream filter. The optical assembly may be coupled via a variety of optical conduits or optical fibers for spectroscopic measurements of a flowing sample. 132-. (canceled)33. An optical assembly comprising: the two-dimensional array of bandpass optical filter segments including two or more one-dimensional arrays arranged side by side in a first direction, and', 'each of the two or more one-dimensional arrays being arranged side by side in a second, different direction and having a transmission center wavelength that is unique to the two-dimensional array., 'a filter comprising a two-dimensional array of bandpass optical filter segments,'}34. The optical assembly of claim 33 , further comprising: 'the first end being configured for contacting or inserting into a sample, thereby collecting signal light that emanates from the sample.', 'a relay lightpipe that extends between a first end and a second end,'}35. The optical assembly of claim 34 , wherein the relay lightpipe is further configured for unconstrained propagation of the signal light from the first end to the second end.36. The optical assembly of claim 34 , wherein the relay lightpipe comprises mirrored internal walls.37. The optical assembly of claim 34 , wherein the first end comprises a slanted optical surface.38. The optical assembly of claim 33 , further comprising:a different filter comprising a different two-dimensional array of bandpass optical filter segments.39. The optical assembly of claim 33 , further comprising:a grid that ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003888A1

An optical spectral analyzer for measuring an optical multi-channel signal by separating the multi-channel signal and measuring a plurality of single-channel signals simultaneously. The spectral analyzer can include a demultiplexer configured to receive the multi-channel signal. The multi-channel signal can be a multi-channel wavelength range. The demultiplexer can separate the multi-channel signal into the plurality of single-channel signals including a first single-channel signal and a second single-channel signal. The spectral analyzer can include a plurality of optical paths. The plurality of optical paths can include a plurality of respective detectors for measuring an optical power of the respective single-channel signals. The detectors can convert the optical power of the respective single-channel signals to corresponding electrical signals. In some examples, the spectral analyzer includes a controller configured to obtain the plurality of respective electrical signals simultaneously to correspondingly detect the optical power of the multi-channel signal across the multi-channel wavelength range. 1. An optical spectral analyzer for measuring an optical multi-channel signal by separating the multi-channel signal and measuring a plurality of single-channel signals simultaneously , the spectral analyzer comprising:a demultiplexer configured to receive the multi-channel signal having a multi-channel wavelength range and to separate the multi-channel signal into the plurality of single-channel signals including a first single-channel signal and a second single-channel signal: a first optical path including a first detector to measure an optical power of a plurality of individual wavelength segments of the first single-channel signal and convert the optical power of the first single-channel signal to a first electrical signal; and', 'a second optical path including a second detector to measure an optical power of a plurality of individual wavelength segments of the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220011218A1
Автор: CATELANI Filippo

A system and method for the spectrophotometric analysis of a sample of a liquid solution while it flows in a duct. The method determines the luminous intensity (I) of a substantially monochromatic beam based on the cleaning state of a measurement chamber and/or ageing of at least one emitting device and/or ageing of at least one detecting device, whereby the worse is the cleaning state of the measurement chamber and/or the greater is the ageing state of the at least one emitting device and/or the at least one detecting device, the higher the luminous intensity (I) of the substantially monochromatic beam. 114.-. (canceled)16. A method according to claim 15 , wherein said luminous intensity Iis determined by carrying out one “no-load” measurement in said measurement chamber according to the following steps:{'sub': 'in', 'A2.1 generating said at least one substantially monochromatic beam having an initial luminous intensity I;'}A2.2 illuminating said sample of said liquid solution, with said at least one substantially monochromatic beam, along said optical path;A2.3 detecting said at least one substantially monochromatic beam, at the end of said optical path; andA2.4 processing said at least one substantially monochromatic beam thus detected, thereby obtaining at least one reference parameter p4, wherein said at least one reference parameter p4 is a measured voltage value in output from said at least one detecting device, and{'sub': 0', '4', '0, 'A2.5 comparing said at least one reference parameter p4 with at least one predetermined first threshold value Swhereby if said at least one reference parameter pis less than or equal to said at least one predetermined first threshold value S, said method comprises'}A2.6 emitting at least one error signal, to indicate a fault that prevents from completing said at least one “no-load” measurement.17. A method according to claim 16 , wherein said at least one predetermined first threshold value Sis a voltage value corresponding to ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010158A1
Автор: Osumi Masayuki

A lighting device that emits illumination light from two or more angular directions onto a sample surface to be measured, an imaging optical lens, and a monochrome two-dimensional image sensor are provided. This configuration provides a method and an apparatus that take a two-dimensional image of the sample surface to be measured at each measurement wavelength and accurately measure multi-angle and spectral information on each of all pixels in the two-dimensional image in a short time. In particular, a multi-angle spectral imaging measurement method and apparatus that have improved accuracy and usefulness are provided. 1. A multi-angle spectral imaging measurement apparatus comprising:a linear or spot lighting device capable of emitting white illumination light perpendicularly onto a sample surface containing effect materials from two or more fixed angular directions;spectroscopic means for dispersing light reflected from the sample surface, the spectroscopic means being disposed above the sample surface;an imaging lens forming an image of reflected light dispersed by the spectroscopic means;a fixed two-dimensional image sensor capable of receiving the reflected light through the imaging lens to take an image of the sample surface; anda white reference surface provided around the entire sample surface;the multi-angle spectral imaging measurement apparatus acquiring spectral information on the sample surface by using changes in optical geometrical conditions in an illumination direction and an image taking direction for each pixel in a two-dimensional image taken with the two-dimensional image sensor;wherein, during calibration before measurement, an image of a reference standard white plate and the white reference surface is taken at the same time, a calibration coefficient for each pixel and each wavelength is measured, and exposure time for each of the wavelengths is determined;a two-dimensional image of the sample surface and the white reference surface provided ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Interferometer Device and Mehod for Operating an Interferometer Device

Номер: US20210010866A1

An interferometer device includes an interferometer unit with at least two mirrors disposed in parallel, wherein at least one of the mirrors is actuatable parallel to the other mirror and a first distance between the two mirrors is alterable. The interferometer device further includes at least one deflection mirror disposed downstream of the interferometer unit in a light transmission direction of light from the interferometer unit and a detector device, onto which the light is able to be aligned by the deflection mirror. The detector device includes at least two differently sensitive detection regions for transmitted wavelengths or wavelength ranges of the light, which detection regions are spatially separated from one another and able to be irradiated separately by the deflection mirror. 1. An interferometer device , comprising:an interferometer unit including at least two mirrors disposed in parallel, at least one mirror of the at least two mirrors being actuatable parallel to another mirror of the at least two mirrors, a first distance between the two mirrors is being alterable;at least one deflection mirror disposed downstream of the interferometer unit in a light transmission direction of light transmitted by the interferometer unit; anda detector device, onto which the light is able to be aligned by the deflection mirror the detector device comprising at least two differently sensitive detection regions for transmitted wavelengths or wavelength ranges of the light, the at least two differently sensitive detection regions being spatially separated from one another and configured to be irradiated separately by the deflection mirror.2. The interferometer device according to claim 1 , wherein the detector device comprises:one detector that has two spatially separated detection regions of the at least two differently sensitive detection regions; ora first detector comprising a first detection region of the at least two differently sensitive detection regions and a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220035172A1

A laser source apparatus is for providing a beam path to generate a first laser beam and a second laser beam. The laser source apparatus includes a laser generator, at least one spectrum broadening unit and a beam splitter on the beam path. The laser generator is configured to generate an original laser beam with a pulse duration smaller than 1 ps. The spectrum broadening unit is configured in a following stage of the laser generator. The spectrum broadening unit includes a multiple plate continuum. The multiple plate continuum includes a plurality of thin plates, and the thin plates are configured along the beam path in order. The beam splitter is configured in the following stage of the laser generator to divide the original laser beam into the first laser beam and the second laser beam. 1. A laser source apparatus , for providing a beam path to generate a first laser beam and a second laser beam , on the beam path , the laser source apparatus comprising:a laser generator configured to generate an original laser beam with a pulse duration smaller than 1 ps;at least one spectrum broadening unit configured in a following stage of the laser generator, wherein the spectrum broadening unit comprises a multiple plate continuum, the multiple plate continuum comprises a plurality of thin plates, and the thin plates are configured along the beam path in order; anda beam splitter configured in the following stage of the laser generator to divide the original laser beam into the first laser beam and the second laser beam.2. The laser source apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the spectrum broadening unit comprises the multiple plate continuum and a dispersion compensator along the beam path in order.3. The laser source apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the dispersion compensator is a chirped mirror.4. The laser source apparatus of claim 2 , wherein on the beam path claim 2 , the laser source apparatus further comprises:a wavelength converter configured in the following stage of the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016766A1

A spectroscopic analysis device for analysis of a sample comprising: a photonic integrated circuit (PIC) comprising: an input (DEF) for receiving light from the sample; and a demultiplexer (DEMUX) arranged to distribute the received light into at least a first optical chain (C) and a second optical chain (C); wherein each optical chain (C C) of the photonic integrated circuit C(PIC) further comprises a tunable bandpass filter (TBF TBF) and a variable attenuator (ATT ATT) and a photodetector (PD PD) arranged respectively to filter and to attenuate and to detect the light distributed into its corresponding optical chain (C C). 1. A spectroscopic analysis device for analysis of a sample of a substrate , the device comprising:a photonic integrated circuit (PIC) comprising:an input (DEF) for receiving light from the sample;a demultiplexer (DEMUX),{'b': 1', '2, 'at least a first optical chain (C) and a second optical chain (C),'}{'b': 1', '2, 'wherein the demultiplexer (DEMUX) is arranged to distribute the received light into the first optical chain (C) and a second optical chain (C);'}{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2, 'wherein each optical chain (C, C) of the photonic integrated circuit (PIC) further comprises a tunable bandpass filter (TBF, TBF) and a variable attenuator (ATT, ATT) and a photodetector (PD, PD) arranged respectively to filter and to attenuate and to detect the light distributed into its corresponding optical chain (C, C),'}wherein the spectroscope analysis device further comprises: [{'b': 1', '2, 'to control the two or more tunable bandpass filters (TFB, TFB),'}, {'b': 1', '2, 'to control the two or more variable attenuators (ATT, ATT),'}, {'b': 1', '2, 'to receive photodetector results obtained from the two or more photodetectors (PD, PD), and'}, 'to provide spectroscope analysis results based on the received photodetector results,, 'a controller (MC) arranged,'}{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2, 'wherein the ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018262A1

Provided are an optical filter and an optical measuring device employing the optical filter. The optical filter comprises at least one pixel. The at least one pixel comprises a first reflective plate that is configured to receive the incident light and have a plurality of first holes formed therein; and a second reflective plate that is configured to transmit particular wavelength or range of wavelengths of the light transmitted through the first reflective plate, faces the first reflective plate with a gap between the first reflective plate and the second reflective plate, and has a plurality of second holes formed therein. 1. An optical filter comprising:at least one pixel,wherein the at least one pixel comprises:a first reflective plate that is configured to receive the incident light and have a plurality of first holes formed therein; anda second reflective plate that is configured to transmit particular wavelength or range of wavelengths of the light transmitted through the first reflective plate, faces the first reflective plate with a gap between the first reflective plate and the second reflective plate, and has a plurality of second holes formed therein.2. The optical filter of claim 1 , wherein the wavelength or range of wavelengths of light transmitted through the second reflective plate corresponds to a thickness of the first and second reflective plates.3. The optical filter of claim 1 , wherein the wavelength or range of wavelengths of light transmitted through the second reflective plate corresponds to a refractive index of a material of the first and second reflective plates.4. The optical filter of claim 1 , wherein the wavelength or range of wavelengths of light transmitted through the second reflective plate corresponds to a distance between the first and second reflective plates.5. The optical filter of claim 1 , wherein the wavelength or range of wavelengths of light transmitted through the second reflective plate corresponds to sizes of the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017444A1

The invention relates to a spectrophotometer, especially a spectrophotometer that can carry out simultaneous analysis at different points on the same sample (), with a high spatial resolution and without requiring a mechanical system for physical scanning along the sample. This is obtained by the provision of means for processing the light received by the photodetectors (), said processing means having a correlation wherein each of the photodetectors () corresponds to a spatial point on the sample (). 11454554. A spectrophotometer of the type that comprises a light beam emitter () directed through a first optical path on a sample () , and an array of photodetectors () arranged on a second optical path defined as the path of the light beam after coming in contact with the sample () , characterized in that it comprises means for processing the light beam received by the photodetectors () , said processing means having a correlation wherein each one of the photodetectors () corresponds to a spatial point on the sample ().2110. The spectrophotometer according to claim 1 , characterized in that the emitter () comprises a light source () with a broad spectral band and a wavelength selector.3. The spectrophotometer according to claim 2 , characterized in that it comprises means for modifying the wavelength selected by the wavelength selector.411. The spectrophotometer according to claim 2 , characterized in that the wavelength selector is a monochromator ().51. The spectrophotometer according to claim 1 , characterized in that the emitter () comprises a series of light sources claim 1 , each one of said light sources generating a light beam at a different wavelength.6104. The spectrophotometer according to claim 5 , characterized in that it comprises means for selecting the light source () that illuminates the sample ().7104. The spectrophotometer according to claim 6 , characterized in that the means for selecting the light source () that illuminates the sample comprise ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025564A1
Автор: Shang Ke, Zhang Zhenhua

The present disclosure discloses an electronic device and an information processing method. The electronic device comprises a light detection unit, including a photonic crystal layer configured to reflect and transmit light with a first wavelength in a first incident light according to a voltage applied to the photonic crystal layer; and a photosensitive layer arranged at a light transmission side of the photonic crystal layer and configured to detect a first parameter of a first transmission light transmitted through the photonic crystal layer when the light with the first wavelength is reflected by the photonic crystal layer, and detect a second parameter of a second transmission light transmitted through the photonic crystal layer when the light with the first wavelength is transmitted through the photonic crystal layer; and a processing unit configured to form a spectrum of the first waveform according to the first parameter and the second parameter. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a light detection unit, including a photonic crystal layer configured to reflect and transmit light with a first wavelength in a first incident light according to a voltage applied to the photonic crystal layer; and a photosensitive layer arranged at a light transmission side of the photonic crystal layer and configured to detect a first parameter of a first transmission light transmitted through the photonic crystal layer when the light with the first wavelength is reflected by the photonic crystal layer, and detect a second parameter of a second transmission light transmitted through the photonic crystal layer when the light with the first wavelength is transmitted through the photonic crystal layer; anda processing unit configured to form a spectrum of the first waveform according to the first parameter and the second parameter, wherein,the first parameter is indicative of an intensity of the first transmission light, and the second parameter is indicative of an intensity of ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210028213A1

A variable optical filter is disclosed including a bandpass filter and a blocking filter. The bandpass filter includes a stack of alternating first and second layers, and the blocking filter includes a stack of alternating third and fourth layers. The first, second and fourth materials each comprise different materials, so that a refractive index of the first material is smaller than a refractive index of the second material, which is smaller than a refractive index of the fourth material; while an absorption coefficient of the second material is smaller than an absorption coefficient of the fourth material. The materials can be selected to ensure high index contrast in the blocking filter and low optical losses in the bandpass filter. The first to fourth layers can be deposited directly on a photodetector array. 128-. (canceled)29. An optical filter comprising:a bandpass filter, and one or more first layers, and', 'one or more second layers., 'wherein the bandpass filter includes, 'one or more blocking filters,'}30. The optical filter of claim 29 , wherein the one or more blocking filters include a blocking filter that is disposed over a substrate.31. The optical filter of claim 29 , wherein the one or more blocking filters include a first blocking filter and a second blocking filter.32. The optical filter of claim 31 , wherein the bandpass filter is between the first blocking filter and the second blocking filter.33. The optical filter of claim 29 ,wherein the one or more first layers include a first plurality of layers, andwherein the one or more second layers include a second plurality of layers.34. The optical filter of claim 33 , wherein the first plurality of layers alternate with the second plurality of layers.35. The optical filter of claim 29 ,wherein the one or more first layers include a first material, andwherein the one or more second layers include a second material.36. The optical filter of claim 29 , wherein thicknesses of the one or more first ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031423A1

A problem addressed by the present invention is to reduce the influence of stray light incident on each light-receiving element in the case of receiving each wavelength of light using a plurality of light-receiving elements. The multichannel spectrophotometer according to the present invention is a detector for simultaneously detecting the entirety of wavelength-dispersed light obtained by introducing light from a sample to a light-dispersing element () and dispersing this light into wavelengths by the light-dispersing element (), including: a multichannel-type detector () including a plurality of light-receiving elements arranged in a one-dimensional form in a wavelength-dispersing direction of the light-dispersing element; a light amount calculator () for calculating the amount of light from a detection signal of each of the plurality of light-receiving elements (PD); a spectrum creator () for creating, from the amounts of light calculated by the light amount calculator (), a spectrum showing a relationship between wavelength and the amount of light; and a computing section () for estimating, from the spectrum, the amount of stray light incident on each light-receiving element (PD) and correcting the spectrum by subtracting, from the amount of wavelength-dispersed light incident on each light-receiving element, the amount of stray light. 1. A multichannel spectrophotometer for simultaneously detecting an entirety of wavelength-dispersed light obtained by introducing light from a sample to a light-dispersing element and dispersing this light into wavelengths by the light-dispersing element , comprising:a) a multichannel-type detector including a plurality of light-receiving elements arranged in a one-dimensional form in a wavelength-dispersing direction of the light-dispersing element;b) a light amount calculator for calculating an amount of light from a detection signal of each of the plurality of light-receiving elements;c) a spectrum creator for creating, from ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033518A1
Автор: SAKURAI Yasuki

A tunable filter includes: a first transparent substrate including a first reflective surface; a second transparent substrate including a second reflective surface that opposes the first reflective surface; and a supporting member, connected to the first transparent substrate, that supports the second transparent substrate on the first transparent substrate so that the second reflective surface is disposed at a position separated from the first reflective surface in a normal direction of the first reflective surface. A cavity between the first reflective surface and the second reflective surface forms an etalon. A relative position of the second transparent substrate with respect to the first transparent substrate changes due to thermal expansion of the supporting member, and a length of the cavity changes in the normal direction. 1. A tunable filter , comprising:a first transparent substrate including a first reflective surface;a second transparent substrate including a second reflective surface that opposes the first reflective surface; anda supporting member, connected to the first transparent substrate, that supports the second transparent substrate on the first transparent substrate so that the second reflective surface is disposed at a position separated from the first reflective surface in a normal direction of the first reflective surface, whereina cavity between the first reflective surface and the second reflective surface forms an etalon,a relative position of the second transparent substrate with respect to the first transparent substrate changes due to thermal expansion of the supporting member, and a length of the cavity changes in the normal direction, a base plate that extends along a back surface of the first transparent substrate, wherein the back surface of the first transparent substrate is a side opposite to the first reflective surface;', 'a side wall that extends from a position corresponding to the back surface of the first transparent ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033461A1

A Raman spectroscopy system is provided. The spectroscopy system includes an optical switch including a first side having a pump inlet and a return outlet, and a second side having a plurality of pump outlets and a plurality of return inlets. The spectroscopy system includes at least one radiation source optically coupled to the pump inlet and a detector optically coupled to the return outlet. The spectroscopy system further includes a pump filter module optically coupled between the at least one radiation source and the pump outlets and a return filter module optically coupled between the detector and the return inlets. The spectroscopy system further includes a plurality of probes, each probe optically connected to at least one of the plurality of pump outlets by at least one excitation fiber and optically coupled to one of the return inlets by at least one emission fiber. 1. A Raman spectroscopy system comprising: a first side having a pump inlet and a return outlet, and', 'a second side having a plurality of pump outlets and a plurality of return inlets;, 'an optical switch comprisingat least one radiation source optically coupled to the pump inlet of the optical switch;a detector optically coupled to the return outlet of the optical switch;a pump filter module optically coupled between the at least one radiation source and the pump outlets of the optical switch;a return filter module optically coupled between the detector and the return inlets of the optical switch; anda plurality of probes, each probe optically connected to at least one of the plurality of pump outlets of the optical switch by at least one excitation fiber and optically coupled to one of the return inlets of the optical switch by at least one emission fiber.2. The spectroscopy system of claim 1 , wherein the optical switch comprises a pump optical switch and a return optical switch claim 1 , wherein the pump optical switch comprises the pump inlet and the plurality of pump outlets claim 1 , ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220057258A1

A technique of determining the presence of a species in a sample may include passing light through an optical filter. In an example, the optical filter may include a spatially variant microreplicated layer optically coupled to a wavelength selective filter. The wavelength selective filter may have a light incidence angle-dependent optical band. The spatially variant microreplicated layer may be configured to transmit light to a first optical region of the wavelength selective filter at a first predetermined incidence angle and to a second optical region of the wavelength selective filter at a second predetermined incidence angle. 1. A technique comprising:illuminating a sample with a light source to obtain a characteristic light;passing the characteristic light through a spatially variant microreplicated layer optically coupled to a wavelength selective filter to transmit filtered characteristic light to each region of a plurality of regions of the wavelength selective filter at a respective incidence angle of a plurality of incidence angles, each respective incidence angle associated with a known narrow band of a plurality of narrow bands;sensing a respective intensity of the filtered characteristic light transmitted by each respective region of the wavelength selective filter at a respective sensor element of a plurality of sensor elements;comparing a filtered characteristic spectrum sensed by the plurality of sensor elements with a known reference spectrum associated with a species by curve fitting each sensed respective intensity against the known reference spectrum, wherein the curve fitting comprises matching each sensed respective intensity with a respective expected intensity associated with the respective narrow band associated with the respective region that transmitted the respective intensity of the filtered characteristic light; anddetermining the presence of the species in the sample based on the comparison.2. The technique of claim 1 , wherein the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041263A1
Автор: Choi Byung Il

An array of sensor pixels is formed on a substrate, and a signal processing unit is connected to the array of sensor pixels. The signal processing unit includes multiple spectral channels that are defined by a respective transmission curve of each optical filter of at least one associated sensor pixel. Each of the sensor pixels includes a stack of a respective photodetector and a respective optical filter. Each spectral channel receives an output signal from one or more sensor pixels including an optical filter having the same transmission curve. At least one spectral channel has a greater number of sensor pixels than another spectral channel among the multiple spectral channels. The different number of pixels for the spectral channels can be employed to compensate for variations of sensor efficiency as a function of wavelength. Adjustment to sensor gain can be minimized through use of different number of pixels for different spectral channels. 1. A spectrum sensor comprising:an array of sensor pixels located on a substrate; anda signal processing unit including L spectral channels, L being an integer greater than 7, wherein:each of the sensor pixels comprises a stack of a respective photodetector and a respective optical filter configured to pass light within a respective transmission curve;for each integer k from 1 to L, a k-th spectral channel receives an output signal from each sensor pixel including an optical filter proving a k-th transmission curve; andat least one spectral channel among the L spectral channels has a greater number of sensor pixels than another spectral channel among the L spectral channels.2. The spectrum sensor of claim 1 , wherein:the array of sensor pixels is arranged as a rectangular M×N array of sensor pixels;M is an integer greater than 4; andN is an integer greater than 4.3. The spectrum sensor of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a maximum number of sensor pixels per spectral channel to a minimum number of at least one sensor pixel per ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041343A1
Автор: GOMI Tsugio

A spectroscopic measurement apparatus includes a light emitter simultaneously emitting light including light having all wavelengths in a wavelength range from 400 nm to 700 nm to a measurement target, a light disperser dispersing a reflected light reflected by the measurement target to a predetermined wavelength, a light receiver that receives the light dispersed by the light disperser and outputs a second light reception amount indicating a light intensity of the received light, and a calculator that receives the second light reception amount of each wavelength and calculates a reflection spectrum when the measurement target is irradiated with light, in which the calculator calculates reflectance of a predetermined wavelength using the second light reception amounts of a plurality of wavelengths. 1. A spectroscopic measurement apparatus comprising:a light emitter simultaneously emitting light including light having all wavelengths in a wavelength range from 400 nm to 700 nm to a measurement target;a light disperser dispersing a reflected light reflected by the measurement target to a predetermined wavelength;a light receiver that receives the light dispersed by the light disperser and outputs a second light reception amount indicating a light intensity of the received light; anda calculator that receives the second light reception amount of each wavelength and calculates a reflection spectrum when the measurement target is irradiated with light, whereinthe calculator calculates reflectance of a predetermined wavelength using the second light reception amounts of a plurality of wavelengths.2. The spectroscopic measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,when an intensity of the light which is dispersed from the reflected light emitted from the light emitter to a standard substrate and reflected by the light disperser and is received by the light receiver is a first light reception amount, anda matrix for estimating, from the measurement reflectance ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140125993A1
Принадлежит: LI-COR, INC.

Cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy systems and methods for detecting trace gases using a resonance optical cavity, which contains a gas mixture to be analyzed, and a laser coupled to the cavity by optical feedback. The cavity has any of a variety of configurations with two or more mirrors, including for example a linear cavity, a v-shaped cavity and a ring optical cavity. The cavity will have multiple cavity resonant modes, or a comb of frequencies spaced apart, as determined by the parameters of the cavity, including the length of the cavity, as is well known. Systems and methods herein also allow for optimization of the cavity modes excited during a scan and/or the repetition rate. 1. A method of measuring cavity loss of a resonant optical cavity over a range of frequencies by exciting one or a plurality of cavity modes of the cavity in a controlled manner , the cavity having at least two cavity mirrors , one of which is a cavity coupling mirror , using a laser that emits continuous wave laser light , wherein the laser is responsive to optical feedback light emerging from the cavity , and wherein a mean optical frequency of the laser is adjustable over a range of frequencies , the method comprising:coupling the laser light to the cavity via the cavity coupling mirror using mode matching optics, the cavity having a plurality of optical resonance cavity modes that have frequencies within said range of frequencies of the laser;applying to the laser a current having a predetermined current profile so as to adjust the mean optical frequency of the laser and to excite cavity modes in an excitation order responsive to a shape of the applied current profile, said excitation order comprising excitation of a single desired cavity mode two or more consecutive times and/or excitation of multiple desired cavity modes in a non-consecutive order; anddetecting dynamics of the intra cavity optical power of light circulating in the cavity after a cavity mode has been excited.2 ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049557A1
Автор: KIM Daesuk

The present inventive concepts relate to an inspection apparatus that snapshots an interference image pattern having a high spatial carrier frequency produced from a one-piece off-axis polarimetric interferometer and that precisely and promptly measures a Stokes vector including spatial polarimetric information. The inspection apparatus dynamically measure in real-time a two-dimensional polarization information without employing a two-dimensional scanner. 1. An inspection apparatus , comprising:a light generator that generates a light;a first linear polarizer that linearly polarizes the light;a polarization interferometer that splits the linearly polarized light into a first light and a second light and that allows the first light and the second light to have spatial phase difference information;a second linear polarizer that receives the first light and the second light passing through or reflecting on a measured object and that linearly polarizes the first light and the second light to produce an interference image pattern with a spatial carrier frequency including anisotropic information of the measured object; andan image sensing module that captures the interference image pattern from the second linear polarizer.2. The inspection apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the polarization interferometer includes:a polarizing beam splitter that splits the linearly polarized light into the first light and the second light and that has a first surface and a second surface on which the first light and the second light are respectively incident, the first and second surfaces being adjacent to each other;a first mirror on the first surface; anda second mirror on the second surface.3. The inspection apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first mirror and the second mirror have an angle deviated from perpendicular.4. The inspection apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the deviation angle is 0.02° to 0.1°.5. The inspection apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a first non-polarizing beam ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180052049A1

A method for producing a mirror plate for a Fabry-Perot interferometer includes 1. A method for producing a mirror plate for a Fabry-Perot interferometer , the method comprising:providing a substrate, which comprises silicon,implementing a semi-transparent reflective coating,forming a passivated region in and/or on the substrate etching a plurality of voids in the substrate, and by passivating the surfaces of the voids,forming a first sensor electrode on top of the passivated region, andforming a second sensor electrode supported by the substrate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the total surface area of the voids is greater than 5 times the projected area of the passivated region.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the passivated region comprises:forming a plurality of voids in the substrates by etching, andforming insulating material on the surfaces of the voids.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein forming the passivated region comprises:forming a plurality of voids in the substrate by etching, andoxidizing the surfaces of the voids.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein forming the passivated region comprises:forming a plurality of voids in the substrate by etching, anddepositing insulating material on the surfaces of the voids.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the passivated region comprises passivated porous silicon claim 1 , and forming the passivated region comprises:converting silicon into porous silicon by etching, andpassivating surfaces of the pores of the porous silicon.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the inner widths of the voids are smaller than 100 μm in a transverse direction.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the widths of the walls between the voids are smaller than 100 μm in a transverse direction.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the voids are grooves claim 1 , holes claim 1 , channels and/or pores.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the passivated ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

System and Method for Generating Multi-Channel Tunable Illumination from a Broadband Source

Номер: US20180052099A1

A metrology system includes an illumination source to generate an illumination beam, a multi-channel spectral filter, a focusing element to direct illumination from the single optical column to a sample, and at least one detector to capture the illumination collected from the sample. The multi-channel spectral filter includes two or more filtering channels having two or more channel beam paths. The two or more filtering channels filter illumination propagating along the two or more channel beam paths based on two or more spectral transmissivity distributions. The multi-channel spectral filter further includes a channel selector to direct at least a portion of the illumination beam into at least one selected filtering channel to filter the illumination beam. The multi-channel spectral filter further includes at least one beam combiner to combine illumination from the two or more filtering channels to a single optical column. 1. A metrology system , comprising:an illumination source configured to generate an illumination beam; two or more filtering channels including two or more channel beam paths, wherein the two or more filtering channels are configured to filter illumination propagating along the two or more channel beam paths based on two or more spectral transmissivity distributions; and', 'a channel selector configured to direct at least a portion of the illumination beam into at least one selected filtering channel of the two or more filtering channels to filter the at least a portion of the illumination beam based on a selected spectral transmissivity distribution of the two or more spectral transmissivity distributions;, 'a multi-channel spectral filter, comprisingat least one beam combiner to combine illumination from the two or more filtering channels to a single optical column;a focusing element to direct illumination from the single optical column to a sample; andat least one detector to capture radiation from the sample.2. The metrology system of claim 1 ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170052113A1
Автор: Koop Paul

A spectroscopic sensor device comprising an absorption path for receiving at least one fluid medium that is to be analyzed, an infrared radiation source for sending out infrared radiation into the absorption path, an infrared sensor array that has a multiplicity of pixels that can be individually evaluated, which are fashioned to detect the infrared radiation propagated from the infrared radiation source through the fluid medium as individual pixel measurement signals, and comprising an evaluation device that is fashioned to combine a multiplicity of pixel measurement signals of the pixels and to output them via an individual measurement channel. Furthermore, a method for operating a spectroscopic sensor device is also described. 111-. (canceled)12. A spectroscopic sensor device , comprising:an absorption path for receiving at least one fluid medium that is to be analyzed;an infrared radiation source for sending out infrared radiation into the absorption path;an infrared sensor array that has a multiplicity of pixels that can be individually evaluated, which are fashioned to detect the infrared radiation propagated from the infrared radiation source through the fluid medium as individual pixel measurement signals, the pixels of one or more pixel regions of the infrared sensor array being provided at least partly with a respective optical filter for the wavelength-selective transmission of the infrared radiation; andan evaluation device that is fashioned to combine a multiplicity of pixel measurement signals of the pixels and to output them via an individual measurement channel, the evaluation device being fashioned to determine the position of the optical filter or filters.13. The spectroscopic sensor device as recited in claim 12 , wherein at least two pixels of the infrared sensor array are fashioned to detect a first gas claim 12 , and being provided with a first optical filter for the wavelength-selective transmission of the infrared radiation.14. The ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074038A1

A method for producing a spectral gradient filter on a substrate including: providing the substrate with a first surface to be coated; providing a shadow mask that includes a bordered coating area with an edge, wherein the geometry of the shadow mask is adjusted to the desired gradient profile of the gradient filter; creating a masked substrate by fixing the shadow mask on the first substrate surface to be coated in such a way that parts of the substrate surface are covered, but the substrate surface is essentially exposed in the coating area; and carrying out PVD coating so that parts of the shadow mask lie directly on the surface of the substrate so that no vapour migration occurs in the area of these parts during the coating process and the shadow mask is detachably fixed to the substrate so that the shadow mask can be used for several coatings. 1. Method for producing a spectral gradient filter on a substrate comprising the steps of:providing the substrate with a first surface to be coatedproviding a shadow mask that comprises at least one bordered coating area with an edge, wherein the geometry of the shadow mask is adjusted to the desired gradient profile of the gradient filtercreating a masked substrate by fixing the shadow mask on the first substrate surface to be coated in such a way that parts of the substrate surface are covered, but the substrate surface is essentially exposed in the coating area,inserting the masked substrate into a coating system which is based on physical deposition from the gas phase (PVD)carrying out the PVD coatingcharacterized in thatat least parts of the shadow mask lie directly on the surface of the substrate so that no vapour migration occurs in the area of these parts during the coating and wherein the shadow mask is fixed to the substrate in a mechanically detachable manner so that the shadow mask can be used for several coatings.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the edge of the shadow mask is ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056268A1

A spectrophotometer is provided, which comprises a receiving part diffusing an incident light, a first broadband filter group, and a detector detecting the light having passed through the first broadband filter group, in order to easily select and detect a plurality of lights having specific wavelengths, wherein the first broadband filter group comprises a first broadband filter arranged to have a first angle with respect to an incident direction of light to enable the incident light to pass through a first wavelength band, a second broadband filter arranged to have a second angle, which is different from the first angle, with respect to an incident direction of light to enable the light having passed through the first broadband filter to pass through a second wavelength band, and a first path compensation means for adjusting a path of the light having passed through the second broadband filter to be identical to a path of the light having passed through the first broadband filter, wherein the first broadband filter, the second broadband filter and the first path compensation means are arranged in series with respect to the incident direction of light. Accordingly, it is possible to increase the efficiency of the outputted light compared to the incident light, and to detect a plurality of lights having the desired specific wavelengths at the same time. 1. A spectrophotometer for analyzing a light having a specific wavelength band from an incident light , the spectrophotometer comprising:a receiving part diffusing an incident light from one side at the other side, wherein the receiving part is configured of one of an optical fiber, a rod and a concave lens, which can diffuse an incident light;a first broadband filter group; anda detector detecting the light having passed through the first broadband filter group,wherein the first broadband filter group comprises a first broadband filter arranged to have a first angle with respect to an incident direction of light to ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056940A1

A spectral sensor includes a wiring substrate which has a principal surface; a light detector which is disposed on the principal surface of the wiring substrate and is electrically connected to the wiring substrate; spacer which is disposed around the light detector, on the principal surface of the wiring substrate; and a Fabry-Perot interference filter which has a light transmission region and is disposed on the principal surface of the wiring substrate with the spacer therebetween. The spacer support the Fabry-Perot interference filter in a surrounding region of the light transmission region and the spacer is arranged to form opening communicating with an inner side of the surrounding region and an outer side of the surrounding region, when viewed from a light transmission direction in the light transmission region. 1. A light-detecting device comprising:a wiring substrate which has a principal surface;a thermistor which is disposed on the principal surface of the wiring substrate;a light detector which is disposed on the principal surface of the wiring substrate and is electrically connected to the wiring substrate;support members which are disposed around the light detector and the thermistor on the principal surface of the wiring substrate; anda Fabry-Perot interference filter which has a light transmission region and is disposed on the principal surface of the wiring substrate with the support members therebetween,wherein the support members support the Fabry-Perot interference filter in a surrounding region of the light transmission region,the support members is arranged to form a first opening and a second opening disposed so as to sandwich the surrounding region and communicating with an inner side of the surrounding region and an outer side of the surrounding region when viewed from a light transmission direction in the light transmission region,the Fabry-Perot interference filter has a substrate, a first mirror secured to the substrate and a second mirror ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Optical Filter and Electronic Device

Номер: US20220082744A1
Автор: NAKAMURA Tomoaki

An optical filter includes: a first filter including a pair of first reflective films facing each other via a first gap and a first actuator changing a gap between the pair of first reflective films; and a second filter including a pair of second reflective films facing each other via a second gap and a second actuator changing a gap between the pair of second reflective films with the pair of second reflective films disposed on an optical path of light transmitted through the pair of first reflective films, in which each of the first reflective film and the second reflective film is configured by a plurality of optical bodies being laminated, the optical body has reflection characteristics of reflecting light centered on a predetermined design center wavelength, and the design center wavelength is different in each of the optical bodies. 1. An optical filter comprising:a first filter including a pair of first reflective films facing each other via a first gap and a first actuator changing a gap between the pair of first reflective films; anda second filter including a pair of second reflective films facing each other via a second gap and a second actuator changing a gap between the pair of second reflective films with the pair of second reflective films disposed on an optical path of light transmitted through the pair of first reflective films, whereineach of the first reflective film and the second reflective film is configured by a plurality of optical bodies being laminated, andthe optical body has reflection characteristics of reflecting light centered on a predetermined design center wavelength, and the design center wavelength is different in each of the optical bodies.2. The optical filter according to claim 1 , whereinthe optical body constituting the first reflective film and the second reflective film is configured by a laminated body where a high-refractive layer and a low-refractive layer lower in refractive index than the high-refractive layer are ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069743A1

An approach to noninvasively and remotely detect the presence, location, and/or quantity of a target substance in a scene via a spectral imaging system comprising a spectral filter array and image capture array. For a chosen target substance, a spectral filter array is provided that is sensitive to selected wavelengths characterizing the electromagnetic spectrum of the target substance. Elements of the image capture array are optically aligned with elements of the spectral filter array to simultaneously capture spectrally filtered images. These filtered images identify the spectrum of the target substance. Program instructions analyze the acquired images to compute information about the target substance throughout the scene. A color-coded output image may be displayed on a smartphone or computing device to indicate spatial and quantitative information about the detected target substance. The system desirably includes a library of interchangeable spectral filter arrays, each sensitive to one or more target substances. 1. A spectral imaging system for remotely and noninvasively detecting the presence and location of one or more target substances in a scene , said system comprising:a) an image capture array comprising a plurality of image capturing elements; (i) each spectral filter array is pre-associated with at least one corresponding target substance;', '(ii) each spectral filter array includes a plurality of spectral filtering elements, wherein each spectral filtering element of said plurality of spectral filtering elements selectively passes a pre-selected bandwidth portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is pre-associated with a spectral characteristic of the corresponding target substance;', '(iii) each of the plurality of spectral filter arrays is selectable and positionable on demand to be aligned with the image capture array such that each of at least two or more of the image capturing elements is optically aligned with at least one corresponding ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180067295A1

Disclosed are a fluorescence microscope light source apparatus and a fluorescence microscope capable of obtaining high-luminance light in a wavelength of 500 to 550 nm and having reduced background noise when a sample is observed. The fluorescence microscope light source apparatus to be installed in a fluorescence microscope including an illumination light bandpass filter includes: a laser diode that emits blue light as excitation light; a phosphor that converts the excitation light from the laser diode into illumination fluorescence with a wavelength region of 500 to 550 nm; an optical system that extracts the illumination fluorescence from the phosphor; a first condenser lens that condenses the excitation light onto the phosphor; a light guide body having one end face on which the illumination fluorescence is incident and the other end face from which the illumination fluorescence exits; and a second condenser lens that condenses the illumination fluorescence onto the one end face of the light guide body. A band-elimination filter that blocks or attenuates light, out of the illumination fluorescence, in a wavelength region including a transmission maximum wavelength and including no transmission minimum wavelength in the illumination light bandpass filter is provided on a light path of the illumination fluorescence. 1. A fluorescence microscope light source apparatus to be installed in a fluorescence microscope which includes an illumination light bandpass filter and in which a sample is illuminated with light with a wavelength of 500 to 550 nm having transmitted through the illumination light bandpass filter , the fluorescence microscope light source apparatus comprising:a laser diode configured to emit blue light as excitation light;a phosphor configured to convert the excitation light emitted by the laser diode into illumination fluorescence with a wavelength region of 500 to 550 nm;an optical system configured to extract the illumination fluorescence emitted ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200064188A1

An optical sensor for multispectral analysis of a fluid sample comprises at least one light source, at least one interference filter, and a plurality of light detectors arranged such that light emitted by the at least one light source is incident on the at least one interference filter. There is a spatial variation in the intensity of light incident on the said at least one interference filter. 1. An optical sensor for multispectral analysis of a fluid sample , the sensor comprising at least one light source , at least one interference filter , and a plurality of light detectors arranged such that light emitted by the at least one light source is incident on the at least one interference filter , there being a spatial variation in the intensity of light from the at least one light source incident on the said at least one interference filter.2. The optical sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of light detectors are configured to output one or more signals on detection of light transmitted through and/or reflected by the at least one interference filter and wherein the sensor is configured to process the said one or more signals to calculate one or more outputs while compensating for the spatial variation in the intensity of light incident on the at least one interference filter claim 1 , the optical sensor comprising a processor in electronic communication with a memory storing spatial variation calibration data claim 1 , the processor being configured to process the one or more signals while compensating for the spatial variation in the intensity of light using the stored spatial variation calibration data to thereby determine a spectral variation in the intensity of light incident on the at least one interference filter.3. (canceled)4. The optical sensor according to claim 1 , comprising a plurality of first light detectors and a plurality of second light detectors claim 1 , the plurality of first light detectors receiving light transmitted through ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210072079A1
Принадлежит: BOE Technology Group Co Ltd

A spectroscope includes a first substrate and a second substrate opposite to each other; a light introducing assembly on a side of the first substrate facing away from the second substrate; a temperature adjusting assembly between the first substrate and the second substrate; a liquid crystal dimming assembly between the first substrate and the second substrate, wherein the temperature adjusting assembly is configured to adjust a temperature of the liquid crystal dimming assembly, so as to adjust spectrum of light passing through the liquid crystal dimming assembly; a spectroscopic grating on the first substrate; a reflector on the second substrate and configured to reflect incident light introduced by the light introducing assembly to the spectroscopic grating; and a plurality of sensors configured to receive the incident light after being subjected a light splitting by the spectroscopic grating. A wavelength of the incident light received by each sensor is different.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210072084A1

A spectral image capturing method using a spectral camera control device installed in aircraft, the method comprising: 113-. (canceled)14. A computer storage medium for storing a spectral camera control program , being installed , along with a spectral camera provided with a liquid crystal tunable filter , in an aircraft capable of stationary flight , the control program comprising:step of causing a computer, which is installed in the aircraft, to function as a spectral camera control device which causes the spectral camera to capture a spectral image in a snapshot mode each time a transmission wavelength of the liquid crystal tunable filter is switched while the aircraft is in stationary flight,step of causing the computer to set an exposure time of the spectral camera to a shorter time than a current exposure time when either one of an amount of attitude change and an amount of position change of the spectral camera per exposure time in the spectral camera exceeds a predetermined threshold based on a spatial resolution of the spectral camera, and {'br': None, 'i': T Подробнее

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220091471A1

This disclosure describes a capacitively controlled Fabry-Perot interferometer which comprises a first mirror layer with a first metallic thin-film layer embedded in a first insulating layer and a second mirror layer with a second metallic thin-film layer embedded within a second insulating layer. A control region in the first metallic thin-film layer is at least partly aligned in an actuation direction with a control region in the second metallic thin-film layer. The interferometer also comprises a first control electrode and a first dielectric layer, and the first dielectric layer lies between the first control electrode and at least a part of the control region of the first metallic thin-film layer. 1. A capacitively controlled Fabry-Perot interferometer , said interferometer comprising:a first mirror layer which comprises a first metallic thin-film layer embedded in a first insulating layer, wherein the first metallic thin-film layer comprises a central region, and a control region;a second mirror layer which comprises a second metallic thin-film layer embedded in a second insulating layer, wherein the second metallic thin-film layer comprises a central region and a control region, and the central region of the first metallic thin-film layer is at least partly aligned in an actuation direction with the central region of the second metallic thin-film layer, and the control region of the first metallic thin-film layer is at least partly aligned in the actuation direction with the control region of the second metallic thin-film layer;a first control electrode and a first dielectric layer, wherein the first dielectric layer lies between the first control electrode and at least a part of the control region of the first metallic thin-film layer, and wherein the first dielectric layer is a part of the first insulating layer in which the first metallic thin-film layer is embedded; anda second control electrode which is electrically coupled to the control region of the ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Optical Device And Electronic Device

Номер: US20200073034A1

An optical device includes an optical member having a plurality of first optical layers and a plurality of second optical layers having a refractive index different from that of the first optical layer in which the first optical layers and the second optical layers are laminated, and a layer thickness changing electrode that changes a thickness of the first optical layer in a lamination direction of the first optical layers and the second optical layers, in which the optical member is provided in a pair, and the pair of optical members is disposed to face each other through a gap, and a gap changing driver that changes a dimension of the gap. 1. An optical device comprising:an optical member having a plurality of first optical layers and a plurality of second optical layers having a refractive index different from that of the first optical layer in which the first optical layers and the second optical layers are laminated;a layer thickness changing electrode that changes a thickness of the first optical layer in a lamination direction of the first optical layers and the second optical layers, whereinthe optical member is provided in a pair, andthe pair of optical members is disposed to face each other through a gap; anda gap changing driver that changes a dimension of the gap.2. The optical device according to claim 1 , whereinthe plurality of first optical layers are fluid layers formed of a fluid,a pair of electrodes is disposed with the first optical layers interposed therebetween in the lamination direction, andthe layer thickness changing electrode changes a voltage applied between the pair of electrodes.3. The optical device according to claim 1 , whereinthe plurality of first optical layers are fluid layers formed of a fluid,the plurality of second optical layers have conductivity, andthe layer thickness changing electrode changes a voltage applied between two second optical layers disposed at both ends with respect to the lamination direction.4. An optical ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080823A1
Автор: BAE Jung Mok

A spectrometer and a spectrometer module are provided. The spectrometer includes a bandpass filter including a photonic crystal layer having a reflection wavelength or a transmission wavelength that varies based on an electrical stimulation, the bandpass filter being configured to filter light. The spectrometer further includes a photodetector configured to detect the filtered light. 1. A spectrometer comprising:a bandpass filter comprising a photonic crystal layer having a reflection wavelength or a transmission wavelength that varies based on an electrical stimulation, the bandpass filter being configured to filter light; anda photodetector configured to detect the filtered light,wherein the photonic crystal layer comprises colloidal particles and a responsive material, and expand to increase spacing between the colloidal particles to reflect a first light of a first wavelength, based on a voltage being applied to the photonic crystal layer; and', 'contract to decrease the spacing between the colloidal particles to reflect a second light of a second wavelength, based on the voltage not being applied to the photonic crystal layer., 'the responsive material is configured to2. (canceled)3. The spectrometer of claim 1 , wherein the colloidal particles have a core-shell structure.4. The spectrometer of claim 1 , wherein the colloidal particles comprise any one of or any combination of metal particles claim 1 , polymer particles claim 1 , inorganic particles claim 1 , and semiconductor particles.5. The spectrometer of claim 4 , wherein the colloidal particles comprise any one or any combination of silica claim 4 , polymethylmethacrylate claim 4 , polystyrene claim 4 , titanium oxide claim 4 , graphite claim 4 , diamond claim 4 , C60 claim 4 , fullerene claim 4 , graphene claim 4 , carbon nanotube claim 4 , silicon claim 4 , silicon carbide claim 4 , germanium claim 4 , metal chalcogenide claim 4 , metal boride claim 4 , metal phosphide claim 4 , metal silicide claim 4 , ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080824A1
Автор: Lucey Paul

A spatial Fourier transform spectrometer is disclosed. The Fourier transform spectrometer includes a Fabry-Perot interferometer with first and second optical surfaces. The gap between the first and second optical surfaces spatially varies in a direction that is orthogonal to the optical axis of the Fourier transform spectrometer. The Fabry-Perot interferometer creates an interference pattern from input light. An image of the interference pattern is captured by a detector, which is communicatively coupled to a processor. The processor is configured to process the interference pattern image to determine information about the spectral content of the input light. 1. A Fourier transform spectrometer , comprising:a Fabry-Perot interferometer to create an interference pattern using input light;a detector positioned with respect to the Fabry-Perot interferometer to capture an image of the interference pattern, the detector comprising a plurality of detection elements, and defining an optical axis that is orthogonal to the detector; anda processor that is communicatively coupled to the detector, the processor being configured to process the interference pattern image to determine information about the spectral content of the light,wherein the Fabry-Perot interferometer comprises first and second optical surfaces that are partially transmissive and partially reflective to the light, the first and second optical surfaces defining a resonant cavity therebetween, the distance between the first and second optical surfaces being spatially variable in a first transverse direction that is orthogonal to the optical axis.2. The Fourier transform spectrometer of claim 1 , wherein the first and second optical surfaces are fixed with respect to one another.3. The Fourier transform spectrometer of claim 1 , wherein the first and second optical surfaces have a smoothly varying slope in the first transverse direction.4. The Fourier transform spectrometer of claim 1 , wherein the distance ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080825A1

A system for determining a calibrated spectral measurement includes a tunable Fabry-Perot etalon, a detector, and a processor. The tunable Fabry-Perot etalon has a settable gap. The detector measures light intensity transmitted through the tunable Fabry-Perot etalon. The processor is configured to determine the calibrated spectral measurement. The calibrated spectral measurement is based at least in part on a measurement set of detected light intensities for a plurality of settable gaps and a reconstruction matrix. The reconstruction matrix is based at least in part on calibration measurements using multiple source wavelengths and multiple settable gaps. 1. A system for determining a calibrated spectral measurement , comprising:a tunable Fabry-Perot etalon, wherein the tunable Fabry-Perot etalon has a settable gap;a detector, wherein the detector measures light intensity transmitted through the tunable Fabry-Perot etalon; anda processor configured to determine the calibrated spectral measurement, wherein the calibrated spectral measurement is based at least in part on a measurement set of detected light intensities for a plurality of settable gaps and a reconstruction matrix, wherein the reconstruction matrix is based at least in part on calibration measurements using multiple source wavelengths and multiple settable gaps.2. The system as in claim 1 , wherein the settable gap ranges from 500 nm to 1500 nm.3. The system as in claim 1 , wherein the detector comprises an RGB detector.4. The system as in claim 1 , wherein the detector comprises an RGB and IR detector.5. The system as in claim 1 , wherein the detector comprises a monochrome detector.6. The system as in claim 1 , wherein the detector comprises a multiple band detector.7. The system as in claim 1 , wherein one set of the calibration measurements is made using a single narrow wavelength and by detecting intensity for each of a set of the multiple settable gaps.8. The system as in claim 1 , wherein the ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080827A1
Автор: Kim Taek

A hyperspectral camera apparatus is disclosed. The disclosed hyperspectral camera includes a plurality of semiconductor light sources to illuminate the subject with different wavelengths of light, an image sensor to acquire the image of the subject illuminated by the semiconductor light sources, and at least one optical filter provided in front of the image sensor to selectively transmit particular wavelengths of light onto the sensor. 1. A spectral imaging apparatus comprising:a plurality of semiconductor light sources for sequentially illuminating a subject with a plurality of wavelengths in which each of the plurality of semiconductor light sources provides a respective one of the plurality of wavelengths;an image sensor for acquiring images of the subject sequentially illuminated by the plurality of semiconductor light sources, where one image is generated for each of the plurality of semiconductor light sources; andone or more optical filters disposed on the image sensor, wherein the one or more optical filters is a longpass filter that transmits light having wavelengths longer than a first wavelength, a shortpass filter that transmits light having wavelengths shorter than a second wavelength, or a bandpass filter that transmits light having wavelengths within a wavelength range whose full width at half maximum (FWHM) is broader than the combined spectral widths of at least two semiconductor light sources.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of semiconductor light sources are selected from one or more of the following semiconductor devices including Light Emitting Diode claim 1 , Resonant Cavity-Light Emitting Diode claim 1 , and Laser Diode.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the image sensor is a Charge Coupled Device claim 1 , a CIS (CMOS Image Sensor) claim 1 , or a Photodiode array.4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. A spectral imaging apparatus comprising:a plurality of semiconductor light sources for sequentially illuminating a subject with a ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087962A1

An optical package is provided. The optical package includes an interference splitter allowing a light having a predetermined wavelength range to transmit through, a sensing element, and a light-transmitting structure. The light-transmitting structure includes a light-transmitting pillar and a light-absorbing layer surrounding the light-transmitting pillar, and the light-absorbing layer absorbs the light having the predetermined wavelength range. The interference splitter, the light-transmitting pillar, and the sensing element are arranged aligned with each other along an extending direction of the light-transmitting pillar. The sensing element is configured to receive the light transmitting through the interference splitter and the light-transmitting pillar. 1. An optical package , comprising:an interference splitter allowing a light having a predetermined wavelength range to transmit through;a sensing element; and a light-transmitting pillar; and', 'a light-absorbing layer surrounding the light-transmitting pillar and absorbing the light having the predetermined wavelength range;, 'a light-transmitting structure, comprisingwherein the interference splitter, the light-transmitting pillar, and the sensing element are arranged aligned with each other along an extending direction of the light-transmitting pillar, and the sensing element is configured to receive the light transmitting through the interference splitter and the light-transmitting pillar.2. The optical package according to claim 1 , wherein the light-absorbing layer has a light absorption rate of 70% or higher with respect to the light having the predetermined wavelength range.3. The optical package according to claim 1 , wherein the interference splitter and the sensing element are located on the same side or on opposite sides of the light-transmitting structure.4. The optical package according to claim 1 , wherein the light-transmitting pillar has a width and a height claim 1 , and a ratio of the height ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170089761A1

An approach to noninvasively and remotely detect the presence, location, and/or quantity of a target substance in a scene via a spectral imaging system comprising a spectral filter array and image capture array. For a chosen target substance, a spectral filter array is provided that is sensitive to selected wavelengths characterizing the electromagnetic spectrum of the target substance. Elements of the image capture array are optically aligned with elements of the spectral filter array to simultaneously capture spectrally filtered images. These filtered images identify the spectrum of the target substance. Program instructions analyze the acquired images to compute information about the target substance throughout the scene. A color-coded output image may be displayed on a smartphone or computing device to indicate spatial and quantitative information about the detected target substance. The system desirably includes a library of interchangeable spectral filter arrays, each sensitive to one or more target substances. 15-. (canceled)6. A method of providing an imaging system for detecting a target substance in a scene , comprising the steps of:a) providing spectral information for a target substance;b) using the spectral information to associate a plurality of specific bandwidth portions of the electromagnetic spectrum with spectral characteristics of the target substance; i) an image capture array comprising at least two image capturing elements, each image capturing element capable of independently capturing an image of the scene;', 'ii) a filter array comprising a plurality of filter elements, each sensitive to a pre-determined specific bandwidth portion, and wherein the filter elements are each aligned with a corresponding camera element of the image capture array in a manner such that the image capture array captures image information for a plurality of independent spectrally filtered images;', 'iii) program instructions that use the captured image information ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136901A1

An example system includes a housing defining a cavity and an aperture, a photodetector disposed within the cavity, a voltage-tunable interferometer disposed within the cavity between the aperture and the photodetector, a first light source disposed within the cavity, and an electronic control device. The electronic control device is operable to vary an input voltage applied to the interferometer, and concurrently, cause the first light source to emit light towards the interferometer and measure light reflected from the interferometer using the photodetector. The electronic control device is also operable to determine a calibrated input voltage based on light reflected from the interferometer and measured by the photodetector. The electronic control device is also operable to apply the calibrated input voltage to the interferometer, and concurrently, obtain one or more spectral measurements using the photodetector.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220146308A1

An optical assembly is disclosed including two laterally variable bandpass optical filters stacked at a fixed distance from each other, so that the upstream filter functions as a spatial filter for the downstream filter. The lateral displacement may cause a suppression of the Oblique beam when transmission passbands at impinging locations of the oblique beam onto the upstream and downstream filters do not overlap. A photodetector array may be disposed downstream of the downstream filter. The optical assembly may be coupled via a variety of optical conduits or optical fibers for spectroscopic measurements of a flowing sample. 132-. (canceled)33. An assembly comprising:a light source configured to provide illuminating light;a cell comprising a cavity configured to receive and contain a sample in fluid form while transmitting the illuminating light through the cell;an optical assembly that includes an optical filter; and 'wherein the signal light is emitted by the sample in fluid form while the sample in fluid form is in the cavity.', 'a sensor, coupled to the optical filter, configured to selectively detect signal light propagated through the optical filter,'}34. The assembly of claim 33 , wherein the cell is an elongated optical cell.35. The assembly of claim 33 , wherein the cell is a cuvette.36. The assembly of claim 33 , wherein the cell extends parallel to a direction that is transversal to an optical path of the illuminating light.37. The assembly of claim 33 , wherein the cell further comprises an inlet configured to receive the sample in fluid form claim 33 , andwherein the cavity is in fluid communication with the inlet.38. The assembly of claim 33 , wherein the cavity is defined by a substantially transparent sidewall.39. The assembly of claim 38 , wherein the illuminating light is transmitted through the substantially transparent sidewall.40. The assembly of claim 38 , wherein the signal light is transmitted through the substantially transparent sidewall.41 ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220146309A1

A spectral device is provided with: a filter having a property of transmitting light of multiple wavelength ranges from a measurement object; a driving means to slide the filter; and a detector to detect an intensity of the light from the measurement object, the light having passed through the filter, the detector to further measure the intensity of the light multiple times sequentially while the driving means slides the filter and thereby obtain multiple pieces of measured data to be used for a calculation of spectral information. 1. A spectral device comprising:a filter having a property of changing a spectral transmittance depending on a position and transmitting light of multiple wavelength ranges from a measurement object;a driver means that slides the filter; anda detector to detect an intensity of the light from the measurement object, the light having passed through the filter, the detector to further measure the intensity of the light multiple times sequentially while the driver means slides the filter and thereby obtain multiple pieces of measured data to be used for a calculation of spectral information.2. The spectral device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the filter has claim 1 , within a measurement target wavelength region claim 1 , two or more wavelength ranges with an 80-percent or more transmittance and three or more wavelength ranges with a 20-percent or less transmittance.3. The spectral device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the detector is a two-dimensional sensor claim 1 , the spectral device further comprising:an objective optical system to form a first image of a measurement target surface on the filter; anda relay optical system to form a second image on the two-dimensional sensor with the light having passed through the filter.4. A spectral measurement data obtaining method using a filter having a property of changing a spectral transmittance depending on a position and transmitting light of multiple wavelength ranges from a measurement ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220146316A1

A color measurement apparatus includes an opening portion forming member that is a member in which an opening portion for causing light arriving from a measurement target to enter inside the apparatus is formed, and that is arranged on a bottom surface at a time of measurement performed by the apparatus, an incident light processing portion that processes light incident through the opening portion, a battery that supplies power to the incident light processing portion, and a first circuit substrate on which a wireless communication portion is mounted, in which in a view from a first direction that is a vertical direction intersecting with the bottom surface and an upper surface which is a surface on an opposite side from the bottom surface, the first circuit substrate and the battery have an overlapping part. 1. A color measurement apparatus comprising:an opening portion forming member that is a member in which an opening portion for causing light arriving from a measurement target to enter inside the apparatus is formed, and that is arranged on a bottom surface at a time of measurement performed by the apparatus;an incident light processing portion that processes light incident through the opening portion;a battery that supplies power to the incident light processing portion; anda first circuit substrate on which a wireless communication portion is mounted, whereinin a view from a first direction that is a vertical direction intersecting with the bottom surface and an upper surface which is a surface on an opposite side from the bottom surface, the first circuit substrate and the battery have an overlapping part.2. The color measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinin a view from the first direction, the wireless communication portion falls within a region of the battery.3. The color measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinin a view from the first direction, the battery falls within a region of the first circuit substrate.4. The color ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150103343A1

An apparatus for performing spectroscopy incorporates, between an EM source and a detector, an optical filter comprising a pair of mirrors opposed along the optical axis and shaped to provide an optical cavity with stable resonance and having a cavity length of at most 50 μm and a mode at a wavelength within said band of wavelengths for bandpass filtering EM radiation passing therethrough. The actuator system is arranged to move the mirrors relative to each other along the length of the optical cavity for tuning the wavelength of said mode. 1. A method of filtering EM radiation in an apparatus for performing spectroscopy that comprises , arranged along an optical axis:an EM source arranged to generate EM radiation having a band of wavelengths for illuminating a sample;a sample holder arranged to hold the sample; anda detector for detecting EM radiation transmitted through the sample,the method comprising:providing, within the apparatus between the EM source and the detector, an optical filter comprising a pair of mirrors opposed along the optical axis and shaped to provide an optical cavity with stable resonance and having a cavity length of at most 50 μm and a mode at a wavelength within said band of wavelengths for bandpass filtering EM radiation passing therethrough, andfurther providing an actuator system arranged to move the mirrors relative to each other along the length of the optical cavity for tuning the wavelength of said mode.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said mode is confined perpendicular to the optical axis between the mirrors.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the mirrors is concave.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein said at least one of the mirrors that is concave has a radius of curvature of at most 50 μm claim 3 , preferably at most 30 μm or 10 μm.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the mirrors have respective radii of curvature β and γ meeting the requirement that 0≦(1−(L/β)).(1−(L/γ))≦1. ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170789A1

An image processing device includes a first substrate, a second substrate, a third substrate provided with a power source circuit, and a casing storing the first substrate, the second substrate, and the third substrate, in which the first substrate has a first surface and a second surface, and is provided between the third substrate and the second substrate in a first direction orthogonal to the first surface, a light receiving element is provided on the second surface, the second substrate has a third surface, a fourth surface, and an opening, the third surface faces the second surface, and the opening is provided to overlap the light receiving element in the first direction, a light emitting element is provided on the fourth surface to surround the opening, and the power source circuit is provided on the third substrate not to overlap the light receiving element in the first direction. 1. An image processing device comprising:a light receiving element;a plurality of light emitting elements;a battery;a power source circuit electrically coupled to the battery;a first substrate provided with the light receiving element;a second substrate provided with the plurality of light emitting elements;a third substrate provided with the power source circuit; anda casing storing the first substrate, the second substrate, and the third substrate, whereinthe first substrate has a first surface and a second surface, and is provided between the third substrate and the second substrate in a first direction orthogonal to the first surface,the light receiving element is provided on the second surface,the second substrate has a third surface, a fourth surface, and an opening, the third surface faces the second surface, and the opening is provided to overlap the light receiving element in the first direction,the plurality of light emitting elements are provided on the fourth surface to surround the opening, andthe power source circuit is provided on the third substrate not to overlap ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160109292A1

Disclosed are a method for obtaining a full reflectance spectrum of a surface and an apparatus therefor. The method for obtaining a full reflectance spectrum of a surface, comprises the steps of: (a) calculating a combination value of spectral characteristics of a light source and response characteristics of a camera for an image of a reference object, the full reflectance spectrum of a surface of which is known, by utilizing the known full reflectance spectrum of a surface; (b) obtaining an image by photographing an object irradiated with light according to a predetermined lighting environment; and (c) obtaining a full reflectance spectrum of a surface for the object by utilizing the combination value of the spectral characteristics of the light source and the response characteristics of the camera for the image. 1. A full reflectance spectrum of a surface obtainment method comprising:(a) calculating a light source spectrum characteristic and camera response characteristic combination value from a photographed image of a reference object having a known full reflectance spectrum of a surface by using the known full reflectance spectrum of a surface;(b) obtaining an image by photographing an object irradiated with light according to a predetermined lighting environment; and(c) obtaining a full reflectance spectrum of a surface for the object by using the light source spectrum characteristic and camera response characteristic combination value.2. The full reflectance spectrum of a surface obtainment method of claim 1 , wherein the light source spectrum characteristic and camera response characteristic combination value is a result of multiplying a camera response characteristic value and a spectrum characteristic value of a light source.3. The full reflectance spectrum of a surface obtainment method of claim 1 , wherein said step (a) comprises:calculating a weight for a known basis function for the known full reflectance spectrum of a surface by using the known full ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150116707A1
Автор: TATSUDA Tetsuo

A spectroscopic measurement device includes a variable wavelength interference filter capable of selectively emitting light with a predetermined wavelength out of incident light, and changing the wavelength of the light to be emitted, a light receiving element adapted to output a detection signal corresponding to a light exposure in response to an exposure to the light emitted from the variable wavelength interference filter, a detection signal acquisition section adapted to obtain a plurality of detection signals different in the light exposure from each other with respect to each of the wavelengths, and a selection section adapted to select the detection signal having a highest signal level out of signal levels of the detection signals obtained, which are lower than a maximum signal level corresponding to a saturated light exposure of the light receiving element. 1. A spectroscopic measurement device comprising:a spectroscopic element capable of selectively emitting light with a predetermined wavelength out of incident light, and changing the wavelength of the light to be emitted;a light receiving element adapted to output a detection signal corresponding to a light exposure in response to an exposure to the light emitted from the spectroscopic element;a detection signal acquisition section adapted to obtain a plurality of detection signals different in the light exposure from each other with respect to each of the wavelengths; anda selection section adapted to select the detection signal having a highest signal level out of signal levels of the detection signals obtained, which are lower than a maximum signal level corresponding to a saturated light exposure of the light receiving element.2. The spectroscopic measurement device according to claim 1 , whereinthe detection signal corresponding to a minimum light exposure out of the plurality of detection signals is obtained in an exposure condition in which when making the light reflected by a high-reflectance ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150116721A1

A spectral encoder includes a thin layer of lossy dielectric material whose thickness varies transversely from 0 to a thickness of about λ/4n (e.g., <100 nm), where λ is the wavelength of incident radiation and n is the dielectric material's refractive index. The dielectric layer reflects (and/or transmits) light at a wavelength that depends on the layer's thickness. Because the dielectric layer's thickness varies, different parts of the dielectric layer may reflect (transmit) light at different wavelengths. For instance, shining white light on a dielectric layer with a linearly varying thickness may produce a rainbow-like reflected (and/or transmitted) beam. Thus, the spectral encoder maps different wavelengths to different points in space. This mapping can be characterized by a transfer matrix which can be used to determine the spectrum of radiation incident on the spectral encoder from the spatial intensity distribution of the radiation reflected (and/or transmitted) by the spectral encoder. 1. A spectrometer to measure a spectrum of incident radiation having a mean wavelength λ , the spectrometer comprising:a spectral encoder comprising a dielectric layer having a refractive index n, an extinction coefficient k>0.5, a thickness that varies between about 0 and about λ/4n as a function of transverse dimension of the dielectric layer, and a transmission spectrum and/or reflectance spectrum that varies as a function of thickness; anda detector, disposed so as to sense at least a portion of radiation transmitted or reflected by the dielectric layer, to provide a signal representative of an intensity of the radiation transmitted or reflected by the dielectric layer.2. The spectrometer of claim 1 , wherein the dielectric layer comprises at least one of a semiconductor claim 1 , a metal claim 1 , a polymer claim 1 , and a carbon-containing molecule.3. The spectrometer of claim 1 , wherein the dielectric layer comprises:{'sub': 1', '1', '1, 'at least one first sub-layer ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150119661A1

A system and optimization algorithm for determining the preferred operational wavelengths of a device configured for measurement of molecular analytes in a sample. Operational wavelengths are determined by solving a system of equations linking empirically defined functions representative of these analytes, spectrally dependent coefficients corresponding to these analytes, path lengths traversed by waves probing the analytes at wavelengths corresponding to the absorption level described by the functions representative of these analytes, and, optionally, a cost-function taking into account at least one of spectral separation between the operational wavelengths, manufacturability of wave source(s) producing wave(s) at operational wavelength(s), and the noise factor associated with the operation of such wave source(s). 1. A method for determining a regime of operation of a spectrometric device that is cooperated with a sample , enabled to generate electromagnetic waves (EMWs) , and configured to measure a property of a material component of the sample , the method comprising:receiving, at a user-input device, data representing empirically-defined spectrally-dependent characteristic of at least first and second material components of the sample;defining a first system of equations representing the empirically-defined spectrally dependent characteristic as functions of at least respectively corresponding concentrations of the at least first and second material components in the sample and spectrally-dependent paths of EMWs through the sample, the EMWs respectively corresponding to the at least first sand second material components;defining a second system of equations including the first system of equations and additional equations employing at least one parameter representing operational utility of the device; andsolving said second system of equations to determine wavelengths of operation of the device such as to ensure that the figure of merit, representing operational ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180113024A1

A light detection device includes a Fabry-Perot interference filter, a light detector, a spacer that has a placement surface on which a portion outside a light transmission region in a bottom surface of the interference filter is placed, and an adhesive member that adheres the interference filter and the spacer to each other. Elastic modulus of the adhesive member is smaller than elastic modulus of the spacer. At least a part of a lateral surface of the interference filter is located on the placement surface such that a part of the placement surface of the spacer is disposed outside the lateral surface. The adhesive member is disposed in a corner portion formed by the lateral surface of the interference filter and the part of the placement surface of the spacer and contacts each of the lateral surface and the part of the placement surface. 1. A light detection device comprising:a Fabry-Perot interference filter that has a first mirror and a second mirror with variable distance therebetween and is provided with a light transmission region to transmit light according to a distance between the first mirror and the second mirror;a light detector that detects the light transmitted through the light transmission region;a support member that has a placement surface on which a portion outside the light transmission region in a bottom surface of the Fabry-Perot interference filter is placed; andan adhesive member that adheres the Fabry-Perot interference filter and the support member to each other,wherein elastic modulus of the adhesive member is smaller than elastic modulus of the support member,at least a part of a lateral surface of the Fabry-Perot interference filter is located on the placement surface such that a part of the placement surface is disposed outside the lateral surface, andthe adhesive member is disposed in a corner portion formed by the lateral surface and the part of the placement surface and contacts each of the lateral surface and the part of the ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Spectral variance compressive detection system, device, and process

Номер: US20140197315A1
Автор: Ryan J. Priore
Принадлежит: CIRTEMO LLD

An optical analysis system, optical device, and optical analysis process are disclosed. The system includes one or more optical filter mechanisms disposed to receive light from a light source and a detector mechanism in operative communication with the one or more optical filter mechanisms to measure properties of filtered light, filtered by the one or more optical filter mechanisms from the received light. The one or more optical filter mechanisms are configured so that the magnitude of the properties measured by the detector mechanism is proportional to information carried by the light filtered. The device is capable of including one of the one or more optical filter mechanisms in the system. The process is capable of relying upon the system, filtering light, and measuring properties of the filtered light.

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Photonic crystal sensor apparatus and techniques

Номер: US20150124252A1
Принадлежит: Columbia University of New York

Apparatus and methods can include an optical waveguide coupled to a photonic crystal comprising a dielectric material, the photonic crystal located on an exterior surface of the optical waveguide and comprising a first surface including a first array of periodic features on or within the dielectric material, the array extending in at least two dimensions and including an effective dielectric permittivity different from the surrounding dielectric material. In an example, the periodic features include a specified lattice constant, the periodic features configured to extract a portion of propagating optical energy from the waveguide through the photonic crystal, the portion determined at least in part by the specified lattice constant.

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Infrared Spectrometer Having Dielectric-Polymer-Based Spectral Filter

Номер: US20210140817A1

An infrared spectrometer for operation in the mid-infrared spectral range is disclosed, where the spectrometer includes a Bragg-mirror-based spectral filter that is operative for providing an output optical signal whose spectral content is spatially dispersed along a first direction, where the Bragg mirrors include low-refractive-index layers comprising a polymer material that is transmissive across the mid-infrared spectral range and is characterized by less than ten absorption peaks with the operating spectral range of the spectrometer.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210140818A1
Автор: BAIK Chanwook

An optical filter, a spectrometer including the optical filter, and an electronic apparatus including the optical filter are disclosed. The optical filter includes a first reflector including a plurality of first structures that are periodically two-dimensionally arranged, each of the first structures having a ring shape, and a second reflector spaced apart from the first reflector and including a plurality of second structures that are periodically two-dimensionally arranged. 1. An optical filter comprising:a first reflector comprising a plurality of first structures that are periodically two-dimensionally arranged, each first structure of the plurality of first structures having a ring shape; anda second reflector spaced apart from the first reflector, the second reflector comprising a plurality of second structures that are periodically two-dimensionally arranged.2. The optical filter of claim 1 , wherein each second structure of the plurality of second structures has a ring shape or a disc shape.3. The optical filter of claim 1 , wherein a first size and a first pitch of the plurality of first structures are less than a wavelength of incident light that is incident on the optical filter claim 1 , andwherein a second size and a second pitch of the plurality of second structures are less than the wavelength of the incident light.4. The optical filter of claim 3 , wherein a transmission wavelength of the incident light is determined based on at least one of respective refractive indexes of the plurality of first structures and the plurality of second structures claim 3 , the first size of the plurality of first structures claim 3 , the second size of the plurality of second structures claim 3 , the first pitch of the plurality of first structures claim 3 , the second pitch of the plurality of second structures claim 3 , and an interval between the first reflector and the second reflector.5. The optical filter of claim 4 , wherein the first size of the plurality of ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190115199A1

The disclosure relates to an apparatus, method and process for detecting rare earth elements. The system includes an LED powered by a first power source and a focusing lens in optical communication with the LED. A shortpass filter is in optical communication with the focusing lens; and a fiber bifurcated cable in optical communication with the shortpass filter. The system includes a probe tip in optical communication with the fiber bifurcated cable and a sample; a first aspheric lens in optical communication with the fiber bifurcated cable. A longpass filter is in optical communication with the first aspheric lens and a second aspheric lens in optical communication with the longpass filter. The system includes a spectrometer connected to a power source, where the spectrometer is in optical communication with the second aspheric lens. 1. An apparatus for detection of rare earth elements comprising:A light source providing one or more luminescent signals;a shortpass filter that reduces low energy emissions from the light source, the shortpass filter in optical communication with at least the light source;a fiber bifurcated cable in optical communication with at least the shortpass filter and a sample, the fiber bifurcated cable providing and receiving one or more luminescent signals;a longpass filter in optical communication with the fiber bifurcated cable receiving the one or more luminescent signals; anda longpass filter is in optical communication with a spectrometer which analyzes the one or more luminescent signals.2. (canceled)3. The apparatus of the light source is an LED light source having a wavelength of about 400 nm or shorter.4. The apparatus of wherein the LED light source has a wavelength of about 365 nm and an output between about 1.15 W and about 1.4 W.5. The apparatus of further comprising a focusing lens in optical communication with the light source and the shortpass filter.6. The apparatus of wherein the shortpass filter comprises a shortpass ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150131101A1

A spectroscopic sensor A comprises an interference filter unit A having a cavity layer and first and second mirror layers and a light detection substrate having a light-receiving surface for receiving light transmitted through the interference filter unit A. The interference filter unit A has a first filter region corresponding to the light-receiving surface and a ring-shaped second filter region surrounding the first filter region . The distance between the first and second mirror layers varies in the first filter region and is fixed in the second filter region 1. A spectroscopic sensor comprising:an interference filter unit, having a cavity layer and first and second mirror layers opposing each other through the cavity layer, for selectively transmitting therethrough a predetermined wavelength range of light according to an incident position thereof from the first mirror layer side to the second mirror layer side; anda light detection substrate, having a light-receiving surface for receiving the light transmitted through the interference filter unit, for detecting the light incident on the light-receiving surface;wherein the interference filter unit has a first filter region corresponding to the light-receiving surface as seen in a predetermined direction intersecting the light-receiving surface and a ring-shaped second filter region surrounding the first filter region as seen in the predetermined direction;wherein the distance in the predetermined direction between the first and second mirror layers varies in the first filter region; andwherein the distance in the predetermined direction between the first and second mirror layers is fixed in the second filter region.2. A spectroscopic sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the light detection substrate has a plurality of pad units for wiring contained in the second filter region as seen in the predetermined direction;wherein the second filter region is formed with a plurality of through holes for the respective ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200116565A1

Disclosures of the present invention describe a device for measuring melatonin suppression induced by light source. The device consists of a light receiving unit, a pre-processor, a main processor, and a display unit. In the main processor, a first action spectrum generating unit is provided to convert a first light spectrum to first action spectrum, a second action spectrum generating unit is installed for converting a second light spectrum to second action spectrum, and a spectrum integrating unit is configured to produce a total action spectrum by integrating the first action spectrum with the second action spectrum. Therefore, the total action spectrum is evidenced can be used for describing the melatonin suppression power of both a short-wavelength light (<460 nm) and the long-wavelength light by high correctness. 1. A melatonin suppression power measuring device , comprising:a light receiving module, being configured for receiving a visible light from a light source, and having a spectrum conversion unit for converting the received visible light to a spectrum data comprising a first light spectrum and a second light spectrum for respectively describing a long-wavelength part and a short-wavelength part of the visible light; and a first action spectrum generating unit for converting the first light spectrum to a first action spectrum;', 'a second action spectrum generating unit for converting the second light spectrum to a second action spectrum; and', 'a spectrum integrating unit for producing a total action spectrum by integrating the first action spectrum with the second action spectrum., 'a controlling and processing module, being adapted to control the light receiving module to receive the visible light so as to get the spectrum data from the light receiving module, and comprising2. The melatonin suppression power measuring device of claim 1 , wherein the light receiving module comprises:a light receiver;a microprocessor, being electrically connected to ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170126933A1
Автор: KANAI Masashi

A printer includes a spectrometer which is relatively movable between media having a front surface of the media and a rear surface of the media which is opposite to the first surface and a platen which holds the second surface of the media. The platen includes a plurality of light transmitting units transmitting light. 1. A measuring device comprising:a spectrometer which is relatively movable between media having a first surface and a second surface which is opposite to the first surface; anda holding unit which holds the second surface of the media,wherein the holding unit includes a plurality of light transmitting units transmitting light.2. The measuring device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first light irradiation unit which irradiates the second surface side of the media with light from the light transmitting units.3. The measuring device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a second light irradiation unit which irradiates the first surface side of the media with light.4. The measuring device according to claim 1 ,wherein the holding unit is a plate-shaped member, andthe light transmitting unit is a light-transmitting hole penetrating through the holding unit.5. The measuring device according to claim 1 ,wherein the holding unit includes a plurality of plate-shaped members, andeach of the light transmitting units includes a gap between one of the plurality of plate-shaped members and another one of the plurality of plate-shaped members.6. The measuring device according to claim 1 ,wherein a surface holding at least the second surface of the media of the holding unit is white or black.7. The measuring device according to claim 1 ,wherein a light quantity uniform optical system configured to make a light quantity distribution of transmitted light uniform is provided in the light transmitting unit.8. The measuring device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first light irradiation unit which irradiates the second surface side of the media ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150138548A1

An optical emission spectrometer system includes a light source and a dichroic beam combiner. The light source emits first light in a first direction and second light in a second direction different from the first direction. The dichroic beam combiner receives the first light via a first light path and the second light via a second light path, reflects a portion the first light into an entrance aperture of a light detection and measurement apparatus, and transmits a portion of the second light into the entrance aperture, enabling analysis and measurement of both first and second light characteristics simultaneously. The portion of the first light reflected into the entrance aperture predominately has wavelengths in a first range of wavelengths and the portion of the second light transmitted into the entrance aperture predominately has wavelengths in a second range of wavelengths, different from the first range of wavelengths. 1. An optical emission spectrometer system , comprising:a light source configured to emit first light in a first direction and second light in a second direction different from the first direction;a dichroic beam combiner configured to receive the first light via a first light path and the second light via a second light path, to reflect a portion of the first light into an entrance aperture of a light detection and measurement apparatus, and to transmit a portion of the second light into the entrance aperture, wherein the portion of the first light reflected into the entrance aperture predominately has wavelengths in a first range of wavelengths and the portion of the second light transmitted into the entrance aperture predominately has wavelengths in a second range of wavelengths different from the first range of wavelengths; anda movable member including the dichroic beam combiner, a mirrored section and a transparent section, the movable member being operable to place one of the dichroic beam combiner, the mirrored section and the ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150138560A1

A spectroscopic sensor A comprises an interference filter unit A having a cavity layer and first and second mirror layers and a light detection substrate having a light-receiving surface for receiving light transmitted through the interference filter unit A. The interference filter unit A has a first filter region corresponding to the light-receiving surface and a ring-shaped second filter region surrounding the first filter region . The light detection substrate has a plurality of pad units contained in the second filter region , while the second filter region is formed with through holes for exposing the pad units to the outside. 1. A spectroscopic sensor comprising:an interference filter unit, having a cavity layer and first and second mirror layers opposing each other through the cavity layer, for selectively transmitting therethrough a predetermined wavelength range of light according to an incident position thereof from the first mirror layer side to the second mirror layer side; anda light detection substrate, having a light-receiving surface for receiving the light transmitted through the interference filter unit, for detecting the light incident on the light-receiving surface;wherein the interference filter unit has:a first filter region corresponding to the light-receiving surface as seen in a predetermined direction intersecting the light-receiving surface; anda ring-shaped second filter region surrounding the first filter region as seen in the predetermined direction;wherein the light detection substrate has a plurality of pad units for wiring contained in the second filter region as seen in the predetermined direction;wherein the second filter region is formed with a through hole for exposing the pad units to the outside; andwherein a wire is connected to each of the pad units through the through hole.2. A spectroscopic sensor according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of such through holes are formed for the respective pad units.3. A spectroscopic ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Illumination and detection apparatus for a metrology apparatus

Номер: US20220276180A1
Принадлежит: ASML Netherlands BV

An illumination and detection apparatus for a metrology tool, and associated method. The apparatus includes an illumination arrangement operable to produce measurement illumination having a plurality of discrete wavelength bands and having a spectrum having no more than a single peak within each wavelength band. The detection arrangement includes a detection beamsplitter to split scattered radiation into a plurality of channels, each channel corresponding to a different one of the wavelength bands; and at least one detector for separate detection of each channel.

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Spectrometry in Integrated Circuit Using a Photonic Bandgap Structure

Номер: US20190128735A1

An encapsulated package is provided that includes an integrated circuit (IC) die. An encapsulation material encapsulates the IC die. A set of broadband spectral sensors on the IC die are configured to generate a set of signals in response to electromagnetic energy received by the spectral sensors. A photonic filter structure within the encapsulation material is positioned adjacent the set of spectral sensors. The photonic filter structure is configured to pass a different frequency band of electromagnetic energy to each of the set of spectral sensors. 1. An encapsulated package comprising:an integrated circuit (IC) die;a set of broadband spectral sensors fabricated on the IC die configured to generate a set of signals in response to electromagnetic energy received by the spectral sensors;an encapsulation material encapsulating the IC die, anda photonic filter structure within the encapsulation material positioned adjacent the set of spectral sensors, in which the photonic filter structure is configured to pass a different frequency band of electromagnetic energy to each of the set of spectral sensors.2. The encapsulated package of claim 1 , in which the photonic filter structure is a photonic wave collimating structure.3. The encapsulated package of claim 1 , in which the photonic filter structure is a multilayer photonic bandgap structure.4. The encapsulated package of claim 1 , in which the photonic filter structure provides an open path to a first one of the set of spectral sensors claim 1 , and is configured to block a selected band of electromagnetic energy from a second one of the spectral sensors.5. The encapsulated package of claim 1 , in which the photonic filter structure includes a matrix of periodically spaced nodes within the encapsulation material claim 1 , wherein the encapsulation material has a first intrinsic property and the nodes have a second intrinsic property that is different from the first intrinsic property.6. The encapsulated package of ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Device for conducting radiation, a photodetector arrangement, and a method for spatially resolved spectral analysis

Номер: US20210164892A1
Автор: Marius Grundmann

The invention relates to a device for conducting radiation, a photodetector arrangement, and a method for spatially resolved spectral analysis.

18-05-2017 дата публикации

A method for determining the spectral scale of a spectrometer and apparatus

Номер: US20170138790A1

A method for determining spectral calibration data (λ(S), S(λ)) of a Fabry-Perot interferometer () comprises: 1. A method for determining spectral calibration data (λ(S) , S(λ)) of a Fabry-Perot interferometer , the method comprising:{'sub': 1', '2', '1', '1', '2', '1, 'b': '1', 'forming a plurality of filtered spectral peaks (P′, P′) by filtering input light (LB) with a Fabry-Perot etalon such that a first filtered peak (P′) corresponds to a first transmittance peak (P) of the etalon, and such that a second filtered peak (P′) corresponds to a second transmittance peak (P) of the etalon,'}{'sub': d', '1', '2', 'd', 'FP', 'd', 'FP, 'using the Fabry-Perot interferometer for measuring a spectral intensity distribution (M(S)) of the filtered spectral peaks (P′, P′), wherein the spectral intensity distribution (M(S)) is measured by varying the mirror gap (d) of the Fabry-Perot interferometer and by providing a control signal (S) indicative of the mirror gap (d), and'}{'sub': cal', 'd', 'd,cal', 'd', 'E, 'determining the spectral calibration data (λ(S), S(λ)) by matching the measured spectral intensity distribution (M(S)) with the spectral transmittance (T(λ)) of the etalon'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spectral calibration data (λ(S) claim 1 , S(λ)) determines a relation for obtaining spectral positions (λ) from values of the control signal (S).3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the minimum spectral transmittance (T) of the etalon is lower than or equal to 90% of the maximum spectral transmittance (T) of the etalon.4111. The method according to claim 1 , wherein first spectral calibration data (λ(S) claim 1 , S(λ)) is determined by using input light (LB) obtained from an object (OBJ) claim 1 , and a calibrated spectrum (I(λ)) of an object (OBJ) is determined from a measured spectral intensity distribution M(S) by using said first spectral calibration data (λ(S).51. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising monitoring the temperature of the etalon ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160146667A1

A spectroscopic method using either tunable or preset non-tunable thin-layered devices or a combination of both to modulate compressed-sensing-compliant, spectral modulations and to use intensity measurements of each respective spectral modulation to numerically reconstruct an estimated spectral distribution of the spectral signal such that the estimated spectral distribution is characterized by a totality of spectral bands exceeding the number of spectral modulations by about one half an order-of-magnitude or more. 1. A spectroscopic method comprising:using one or more, thin-layered photonic devices to modulate a plurality of spectral modulations from a spectral signal, each spectral modulation characterized by at least two peaks when depicted in a modulated transmission or reflection response on a display device;obtaining one intensity measurement from each of the spectral modulations; andusing a processor to numerically resolve an estimated spectral distribution of the spectral signal from the intensity measurements, the estimated spectral distribution characterized by a totality of spectral bands exceeding in number the plurality of spectral modulations.2. The spectroscopic method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more thin-layered photonic devices includes non-tunable photonic devices.3. The spectroscopic method of claim 2 , wherein the one or more thin-layered photonic devices includes a tunable claim 2 , single-cell liquid-crystal-retarder.4. The spectroscopic method of claim 3 , wherein using one or more thin-layered photonic devices to modulate a plurality of spectral modulations claim 3 , includes adjusting a voltage applied to the liquid-crystal-retarder5. The spectroscopic method of claim 4 , wherein the adjusting a voltage applied to the liquid-crystal-retarder is implemented in increments between 0.001 volts-to 0.5 volts.6. The spectroscopic method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more thin-layered photonic devices includes a tunable reflection-based thin ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190137672A1

An optical filter includes pixels, each including: a first reflective plate configured to receive light and having first holes; and a second reflective plate facing the first reflective plate, separated from the first reflective plate by a gap, and having second holes corresponding to the first holes in shape and orientation. The second reflective plate is configured to transmit the light of a wavelength or the light of a range of wavelengths transmitted through the first reflective plate and incident on the second reflective plate, according to a spacing between adjacent holes of the first holes or a spacing between adjacent holes of the second holes. At least one pixel has the spacing between adjacent holes of the first holes different from that of at least one another pixel, or has the spacing between adjacent holes of the second holes different from that of the at least one another pixel. 1. An optical filter comprising: a first reflective plate that is configured to receive light and has first holes formed therein; and', 'a second reflective plate that faces the first reflective plate, is separated from the first reflective plate by a gap, and has second holes formed therein, the second holes corresponding to the first holes in shape and orientation, the second reflective plate being configured to transmit the light of a wavelength or the light of a range of wavelengths that has been transmitted through the first reflective plate and is incident on the second reflective plate,, 'a plurality of pixels arranged next to one another, each of the plurality of pixels comprisingwherein the light of the wavelength or the light of the range of wavelengths is transmitted according to a spacing between adjacent holes of the first holes or a spacing between adjacent holes of the second holes,wherein at least one pixel, among the plurality of pixels, has the spacing between adjacent holes of the first holes different from that of at least one another pixel, among the ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172803A1

An integrated photonics chip for thermal imaging comprises a photonics substrate including a plurality of receiver elements. Each receiver element comprises a first grating coupler optically coupled to a first waveguide filter and configured to receive a first wavelength of light at a given angle, with the first waveguide filter configured to pass the first wavelength of light; and a second grating coupler optically coupled to a second waveguide filter and configured to receive a second wavelength of light at the given angle, with second waveguide filter configured to pass the second wavelength of light. Each receiver element receives the wavelengths of light from an object of interest that emits the light due to blackbody radiation, and receives the wavelengths of light at respectively different angles. Each grating coupler receives a unique wavelength of light with respect to the other wavelengths of light received by the other grating couplers. 1. An integrated photonics chip for thermal imaging , the integrated photonics chip comprising: a first grating coupler optically coupled to a first waveguide filter, wherein the first grating coupler is configured to receive a first wavelength of light at a given angle, and the first waveguide filter is configured to pass the first wavelength of light; and', 'a second grating coupler optically coupled to a second waveguide filter, wherein the second grating coupler is configured to receive a second wavelength of light at the given angle, and the second waveguide filter is configured to pass the second wavelength of light;, 'a photonics substrate including a plurality of receiver elements, each of the receiver elements comprisingwherein each of the receiver elements is configured to receive the wavelengths of light from an object of interest that emits the light due to blackbody radiation;wherein each of the receiver elements is configured to receive the wavelengths of light at respectively different angles from the object ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180143074A1

A spectrometer and a spectrometer module are disclosed. The spectrometer includes a liquid crystal (LC) filter including an LC layer configured to pass light having a wavelength that is tunable based on an electrical stimulus that is applied to the LC layer, and a photodetector configured to detect the light passed through the LC filter. 1. A spectrometer comprising: an LC layer configured to pass light having a wavelength that is tunable based on an electrical stimulus that is applied to the LC layer; and', 'a first dielectric mirror and a second dielectric mirror,', 'wherein the LC layer is interposed between the first dielectric mirror and the second dielectric mirror,', {'sub': 2', '2, 'the first dielectric mirror has a first laminated structure in which a first inorganic layer of SiN or TiOand a second inorganic layer of SiOare alternately stacked on each other, and'}, {'sub': 2', '2, 'the second dielectric mirror has a second laminated structure in which a third inorganic layer of SiN or TiOand a fourth inorganic layer of SiOare alternately stacked on each other; and'}], 'a liquid crystal (LC) filter comprisinga photodetector configured to detect the light passed through the LC filter.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The spectrometer of claim 1 , wherein the LC filter further comprises a first electrode and a second electrode claim 1 ,the first electrode is interposed between the first dielectric mirror and the LC layer, andthe second electrode is interposed between the LC layer and the second dielectric mirror.5. The spectrometer of claim 1 , further comprising a spectrum scanner configured to apply the electrical stimulus to the LC layer.6. The spectrometer of claim 5 , further comprising a spectrum generator configured to:measure intensities of the detected light of different wavelengths; andgenerate a spectrum, based on the measured intensities of the detected light.7. A spectrometer comprising: an LC layer configured to pass light having a wavelength that is ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Systems for Providing Illumination in Optical Metrology

Номер: US20170146399A1

A system for providing illumination to a measurement head for optical metrology is configured to combine illumination beams from a plurality of illumination sources to deliver illumination at one or more selected wavelengths to the measurement head. The intensity and/or spatial coherence of illumination delivered to the measurement head is controlled. Illumination at one or more selected wavelengths is delivered from a broadband illumination source configured for providing illumination at a continuous range of wavelengths. 1. A system for providing illumination to a measurement head , comprising:a broadband illumination source;one or more multi-mode optical fibers configured deliver illumination from the broadband illumination source along an illumination path to a measurement head; anda filter mechanism disposed between the broadband illumination source and the one or more multi-mode optical fibers, the filter mechanism configured to allow illumination at a selected wavelength to be delivered along the illumination path.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the filter mechanism includes an plurality of narrowband dielectric thin film filters.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the filter mechanism includes a tunable dielectric filter.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the filter mechanism is further configured to allow unfiltered illumination to be delivered along the illumination path.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the filter mechanism includes a monochromator with a rotating dispersive element.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the filter mechanism includes a dispersive element configured to direct portions of illumination at selected wavelengths along a plurality of optical fibers.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more multi-mode optical fibers have selected numerical aperture and selected core size based upon etendue of at least one of the broadband illumination source and the measurement head.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the broadband ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170146400A1

An interferometer system comprising an optical detector including a substrate and a two-dimensional array of pixels disposed on the substrate is provided. The interferometer system may further comprise an interferometer disposed proximate the optical detector without an optical element between the interferometer and the optical detector. The interferometer may include a first plate positioned proximate the substrate and extending over the two-dimensional array of pixels, a second plate spaced apart from the first plate, the first and second plates defining an optical gap between them, and at least one actuatable spacer positioned between the first plate and the second plate and configured to space apart the first and second plates from one another and to selectively alter a thickness of the optical gap. 1. An interferometer system comprising:an optical detector including a substrate and a two-dimensional array of pixels disposed on the substrate; and a first plate positioned proximate the substrate and extending over the two-dimensional array of pixels,', 'a second plate spaced apart from the first plate, the first and second plates defining an optical gap between them, and', 'at least two actuatable spacers positioned between the first plate and the second plate within but not completely filling the optical gap such that the at least two actuatable spacers are separated from one another by at least a portion of the optical gap, the at least two actuatable spacers being configured to space apart the first and second plates from one another and to selectively alter a thickness of the optical gap., 'an interferometer disposed proximate the optical detector without an optical element between the interferometer and the optical detector, the interferometer including'}2. The interferometer system of claim 1 , wherein the optical detector is a focal plane array detector.3. The interferometer system of claim 1 , further comprising a reflective coating disposed on interior ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Stabilized spectrometer and a method for stabilizing a spectrometer

Номер: US20170146401A1
Автор: Antila Jarkko
Принадлежит: Spectral Engines Oy

A method for determining spectral calibration data (λ(S), S(λ)) of a Fabry-Perot interferometer () comprises: 1. A method for determining spectral calibration data (λ(S) , S(λ)) of a Fabry-Perot interferometer , the method comprising:{'b': 2', '1', '2', '1, 'forming a spectral notch (NC) by filtering input light (LB) with a notch filter such that the spectral notch (NC) corresponds to a transmittance notch (NC) of the notch filter,'}{'sub': d', 'FP', 'd', 'FP, 'b': '2', 'measuring a spectral intensity distribution (M(S)) of the spectral notch (NC) by varying the mirror gap (d) of the Fabry-Perot interferometer, and by providing a control signal (S) indicative of the mirror gap (d), and'}{'sub': cal', 'd', 'd,cal', 'd', 'N, 'determining the spectral calibration data (λ(S), S(λ)) by matching the measured spectral intensity distribution (M(S)) with the spectral transmittance (T(λ)) of the notch filter.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spectral calibration data (λ(S) claim 1 , S(λ)) determines a relation for obtaining spectral positions (λ) from values of the control signal (S).3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:{'sub': d', 'N1', 'FP', 'FP,k, 'b': '2', 'analyzing the spectral intensity distribution M(S) in order to determine a first control signal value (S) associated with a first mirror gap (d) when the transmission peak (P) of the interferometer substantially coincides with the spectral notch (NC),'}{'sub': N1', 'N1', 'N1', 'N1, 'b': '1', 'forming a first association (λ,S) between the first control signal value (S) and a first spectral position (λ) of the transmittance notch (NC), and'}{'sub': cal', 'd', 'N1', 'N1, 'determining the spectral calibration data (λ(S)) of the interferometer based on the first association (λ,S).'}4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the notch filter is arranged to define the cut-off wavelengths (λ claim 1 ,λ) of the detection band (Δλ) of the interferometer.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170146403A1

The present disclosure provides systems and methods for determining the presence of a target material in a sample. In general terms, the system and method disclosed herein provide collecting interacted photons from a sample having a target material. The interacted photons are passed through a tunable filter to a VIS-NIR detector where the VIS-NIR detector generates a VIS-NIR hyperspectral image representative of the filtered interacted photons. The hyperspectral image of the filtered interacted photons is analyzed by comparing the hyperspectral image of the filtered interacted photons to known hyperspectral images to identify the presence of a target material in a sample. The systems and methods disclosed herein provide easy identification of the presence of a target material in a sample. 1. A system for identifying a target material in a sample , the system comprising:a first collection optic configured to collect a plurality of interacted photons that have interacted with the sample;a tunable filter configured to filter a first plurality of interacted photons collected from the first collection optic into a plurality of wavelengths to generate filtered interacted photons;a VIS-NIR detector configured to detect the filtered interacted photons, wherein the VIS-NIR detector generates a VIS-NIR hyperspectral image representation of the filtered interacted photons; anda processor configured to analyze the VIS-NIR hyperspectral image of the filtered interacted photons by comparing the VIS-NIR hyperspectral image of the filtered interacted photons to a database of known VIS-NIR hyperspectral images in order to identify the presence of the target material.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a second collection optic configured to collect a second plurality of interacted photons; anda RGB detector configured to detect the second plurality of interacted photons collected from the second collection optic, wherein the RGB detector is configured to generate a RGB ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации

System and method for detecting target materials using a vis-nir detector

Номер: US20140231626A1
Принадлежит: ChemImage Corp

The present disclosure provides systems and methods for determining the presence of a target material in a sample. In general terms, the system and method disclosed herein provide collecting interacted photons from a sample having a target material. The interacted photons are passed through a tunable filter to a VIS-NIR detector where the VIS-NIR detector generates a VIS-NIR hyperspectral image representative of the filtered interacted photons. The hyperspectral image of the filtered interacted photons is analyzed by comparing the hyperspectral image of the filtered interacted phtons to known hyperspectral images to identify the presence of a target material in a sample. The systems and methods disclosed herein provide easy identification of the presence of a target material in a sample.

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220291041A1
Автор: BAIK Chanwook

An optical filter, a spectrometer including the optical filter, and an electronic apparatus including the optical filter are disclosed. The optical filter includes a first reflector including a plurality of first structures that are periodically two-dimensionally arranged, each of the first structures having a ring shape, and a second reflector spaced apart from the first reflector and including a plurality of second structures that are periodically two-dimensionally arranged. 1. An apparatus comprising:a light detecting device configured to convert incident light to electrical signals; anda plurality of optical filters configured to transmit different wavelengths, the plurality of optical filters being monolithically integrated on the light detecting device, a first reflector comprising first structures that are two-dimensionally arranged, each of the first structures having a ring shape and a first size that is less than a transmission wavelength of the optical filter; and', 'a second reflector spaced apart from the first reflector, the second reflector comprising second structures that are two-dimensionally arranged, each of the second structures have a second size that is less than the transmission wavelength of the optical filter., 'wherein each optical filter of the plurality of optical filters comprises2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each of the first structures and the second structures are arranged in a first direction claim 1 , and the second reflector is spaced apart from the first reflector in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first size comprises one of a first outer radius and a first height of each of the first structures claim 1 , andwherein the second size comprises one of a second outer radius and a second height of each of the second structures.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a first pitch of the first structures of the first reflector of each optical filter of the ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145901A1

Monitoring and detection of algae in surface water and wastewater is of significant importance, yet there is currently no quick and simple method to achieve this. The present work illustrates a new method to determine the concentration of algae in water and wastewater samples using spectrophotometry, the first derivative of absorbance, and a smoothing technique applied to the first derivative of absorbance (e.g. Savitzky-Golay). The relationship between algal concentration and absorbance for three types of water samples (distilled, surface, and wastewater) was determined in the visible wavelength range, and the effect of using the first derivative of absorbance method on improving algal concentration detection limit was established. Using the first derivative of absorbance method improves algal detection limits, reduces the effect of background absorbance and the resolution of overlapping spectra. The presence of algae in water can cause a number of problems, and the method presented here can be used to effectively monitor algal concentration in various types of water samples and provide necessary information for decision making purposes. 1. A device for detecting algae in water , comprising:(i) a light source to generate light beams of electromagnetic radiation in the visible light spectrum;(ii) a flow cell containing a water sample including windows to allow said light beams to transmit through said flow cell and water sample;(iii) a spectrometer unit that receives said transmitted light beam penetrating said sample in said flow cell, and resolves said incident light beam into a specific visible absorbance spectrum pertaining to said sample; a. compute the derivative of the measured visible absorbance spectrum through said flow cell;', 'b. compute from the derivative spectra the concentration of varying types of algae., '(iv) a processor connected to said spectrometer unit programmed to2. (canceled)3. A device for detecting algae according to wherein said device ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180149518A1

The present invention relates to a lamella grating interferometer capable of being employed in a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer, the interferometer including a reflective surface in a circular shape and provided with a fixed portion including fixed mirrors and a movable portion including movable mirrors that are arranged with the fixed mirrors in a crossing manner to form a lamella structure with the fixed mirrors, a plurality of driving units disposed at outside the reflective surface and configured to apply driving forces for moving the movable portion, and a plurality of driving arms connecting the driving units to the movable portion of the reflective surface, respectively, and configured to move the movable portion in response to the driving forces applied by the driving units, wherein each of the plurality of driving arms is formed in a structure of repeating a preset bent shape plural times. 1. A lamella grating interferometer employed in a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer , the interferometer comprising:a reflective surface in a circular shape and provided with a fixed portion including fixed mirrors and a movable portion including movable mirrors that are arranged with the fixed mirrors in a crossing manner to form a lamella structure with the fixed mirrors;a plurality of driving units disposed at outside the reflective surface and configured to apply driving forces for moving the movable portion; anda plurality of driving arms connecting the driving units to the movable portion of the reflective surface, respectively, and configured to move the movable portion in response to the driving forces applied by the driving units,wherein each of the plurality of driving arms is formed in a structure of repeating a preset bent shape plural times.2. The interferometer of claim 1 , wherein the preset shape is a spring shape capable of absorbing impact or pressure.3. The interferometer of claim 2 , wherein the preset shape is a shape like ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200141800A1

On an integrated circuit (IC) die, sensors are configured to receive electromagnetic energy and to generate signals in response to the electromagnetic energy. An encapsulation material encapsulates the IC die and the sensors. A filter structure includes a diffusion of particles within the encapsulation material. The filter structure includes: a first region configured to pass a first band of the electromagnetic energy to the sensors or to block the first band of the electromagnetic energy from passing to the sensors; and a second region configured to pass a second band of the electromagnetic energy to the sensors or to block the second band of the electromagnetic energy from passing to the sensors. The encapsulation material has a first intrinsic property, and the particles have a second intrinsic property that is different from the first intrinsic property. 1. A package comprising:an integrated circuit (IC) die;sensors on the IC die, the sensors configured to receive electromagnetic energy and to generate signals in response to the electromagnetic energy;an encapsulation material encapsulating the IC die and the sensors; anda filter structure including a diffusion of particles within the encapsulation material, the filter structure including: a first region configured to pass a first band of the electromagnetic energy to the sensors or to block the first band of the electromagnetic energy from passing to the sensors; and a second region configured to pass a second band of the electromagnetic energy to the sensors or to block the second band of the electromagnetic energy from passing to the sensors;the encapsulation material having a first intrinsic property, and the particles having a second intrinsic property that is different from the first intrinsic property.2. The package of claim 1 , wherein the filter structure is a photonic wave collimating structure or a multilayer photonic bandgap structure.3. The package of claim 1 , wherein the filter structure: has an ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200142113A1
Автор: Frey Laurent, Mourey Bruno

A filtering device comprising first and second interference filters each comprising a Fabry-Perot cavity formed by semi-reflective layers between which a structured layer is arranged, wherein the structured layer belongs conjointly to the two filters, has a substantially constant thickness, is substantially planar and comprises two materials with different refractive indices arranged in each of the cavities, forming vertical structurings, the cavity of the second filter comprises a spacer arranged between one of the semi-reflective layers and the structured layer so that a distance between the semi-reflective layers of the cavity of the second filter is greater than a distance between the semi-reflective layers of the cavity of the first filter, and the filters comprise a second structured layer arranged in the cavities of the filters, and/or each filter comprises a second Fabry-Perot cavity comprising a third structured layer. 1. An optical filtering device , comprising:at least first and second interference filters each including at least one first Fabry-Perot cavity formed by first and second semi-reflective layers between which at least one first structured layer is arranged, whereinthe first structured layer belongs conjointly to the first and second interference filters, has a substantially constant thickness, is substantially planar and comprises first portions of at least two dielectric or semiconductor materials, with different refractive indices, arranged, in at least one of the first Fabry-Perot cavities and in a plane parallel to the first semi-reflective layer, alongside one another in alternation,the first Fabry-Perot cavity of the second interference filter comprises at least one first spacer arranged between one of the first and second semi-reflective layers and the first structured layer in such a way that a distance between the first and second semi-reflective layers of the first Fabry-Perot cavity of the second interference filter is greater than ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210181020A1

An approach to noninvasively and remotely detect the presence, location, and/or quantity of a target substance in a scene via a spectral imaging system comprising a spectral filter array and image capture array. For a chosen target substance, a spectral filter array is provided that is sensitive to selected wavelengths characterizing the electromagnetic spectrum of the target substance. Elements of the image capture array are optically aligned with elements of the spectral filter array to simultaneously capture spectrally filtered images. These filtered images identify the spectrum of the target substance. Program instructions analyze the acquired images to compute information about the target substance throughout the scene. A color-coded output image may be displayed on a smartphone or computing device to indicate spatial and quantitative information about the detected target substance. The system desirably includes a library of interchangeable spectral filter arrays, each sensitive to one or more target substances. 125-. (canceled)26. A method of detecting a target substance in a scene , comprising the steps of:a) using an image capture array and a spectral filter array, to simultaneously capture a plurality of spectrally filtered images of the scene, wherein the spectral filter array is sensitive to at least two bandwidth portions of the electromagnetic spectrum which provide spectral information effective to identify the target substance; andb) using the spectrally filtered images to generate an output indicative of the presence and the one or more locations of the target substance in the scene.2732-. (canceled)33. A spectral filter system , comprising a plurality of interchangeable spectral filter arrays , wherein each spectral filter array comprises a plurality of spectral filtering elements , wherein at least one spectral filtering element is pre-associated with both a target substance and at least one background substance , wherein said spectral filtering ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Wavelength selection module, illumination system and metrology system

Номер: US20220299365A1
Принадлежит: ASML Netherlands BV

Disclosed is a wavelength selection module for a metrology apparatus. The wavelength selection module comprises one or more filter elements being operable to receive an input radiation beam comprising multiple wavelengths to provide selective control of a wavelength characteristic of a corresponding output radiation beam. At least one of said one or more filter elements comprises at least two linear variable filters.

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220299367A1

A spectrometer device includes: a substrate including multiple light detector elements; a first filter layer on the substrate, in which the first filter layer includes multiple groups of filter stacks, each filter stack in the first filter layer including multiple dielectric films of alternating refractive index; and a second filter layer on the first filter layer, in which the second filter layer includes multiple groups of filter stacks, each filter stack in the second filter layer including multiple dielectric films of alternating refractive index, in which each filter stack in the second filter layer is aligned with both a corresponding filter stack in the first filter layer and a corresponding light detector element to define a respective photodetector channel, and in which each photodetector channel includes a different optical transmission spectrum. 1. A spectrometer device comprising:a substrate comprising a plurality of light detector elements;a first filter layer on the substrate, wherein the first filter layer comprises multiple groups of filter stacks, each filter stack in the first filter layer comprising multiple dielectric films of alternating refractive index; anda second filter layer on the first filter layer, wherein the second filter layer comprises multiple groups of filter stacks, each filter stack in the second filter layer comprising multiple dielectric films of alternating refractive index,wherein each filter stack in the second filter layer is aligned with both a corresponding filter stack in the first filter layer and a corresponding light detector element to define a respective photodetector channel, andwherein each photodetector channel comprises a different optical transmission spectrum.2. The spectrometer device of claim 1 , wherein each group of filter stacks in the first filter layer comprises a same first plurality of different filter stacks claim 1 ,wherein each group of filter stacks in the second filter layer comprises a same ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190154502A1

The present invention relates to an electron beam apparatus including a monochromator in which cylindrical electrostatic lenses for deflecting a path of an electron beam in the lenses are arranged symmetrically and an aperture including a plurality of selectable slits is disposed therebetween to be able to select an electron beam having a specified energy range. The electron beam apparatus has a monochromator having high resolution and excellent stability and maintainability by disposing slits and circular openings in one aperture part in parallel arrangement, thereby improving spatial resolution and energy resolution. 1. An electron beam apparatus including a monochromator , comprising:an electron source, the monochromator limiting energy of an electron beam emitted from the electron source to a predetermined range, a lens system, and a detector,wherein the monochromator includes:an aperture part that includes a plurality of rectangular energy selection slits, a plurality of dummy slits, and a plurality of circular slits; anda position adjustment part for adjusting a position of an aperture to change the slits.2. The electron beam apparatus including a monochromator of claim 1 , wherein the monochromator includes:{'sub': 0', '0, 'a first electrode part that is configured of a plurality of electrodes forming a plane xy perpendicular to an incident direction z of the electron beam, with the plurality of electrodes including a rectangular opening parallel to the incident direction z, and is configured so that electrons traveling along a central axis xyof the incident direction z, are deflected by an effect of an electrostatic lens with an electric field formed by the rectangular opening when a voltage is applied to the electrodes, to different positions according to an energy distribution in a direction x of a short side of the rectangular opening of the electrodes, and are propagated in parallel to the incident direction;'}{'sub': x', 'x, 'an aperture part that ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170160638A1

A system includes a first actuatable apparatus of an optical source, the first actuatable apparatus being altered within a range of values about a target value to thereby alter a spectral feature of the light beam; a second actuatable apparatus of the optical source, the second actuatable apparatus being altered to thereby alter the spectral feature of the light beam; a metrology system including an observation system configured to output an indication of a deviation between the actual value at which the first actuatable apparatus is operating and the target value; and a control system configured to determine whether the deviation is greater than an acceptable deviation, and, if it is greater than the acceptable deviation, then send a signal to a second actuation module controlling the second actuatable apparatus to adjust the actual value at which the first actuatable apparatus is operating to be closer to the target value. 1. A system for controlling a spectral feature of a pulsed light beam produced by an optical source , the system comprising:a first actuation module coupled to a first actuatable apparatus of the optical source, the first actuatable apparatus being altered within a range of values about a target value by the first actuation module to thereby alter the spectral feature of the pulsed light beam;a second actuation module coupled to a second and distinct actuatable apparatus of the optical source, the second actuatable apparatus being altered by the second actuation module to thereby alter the spectral feature of the pulsed light beam;a metrology system including an observation system connected to at least the first actuation module and configured to output a metric that indicates a deviation between the actual value at which the first actuatable apparatus is operating and the target value; determine whether the deviation is greater than an acceptable deviation, and', 'if the deviation is outside the acceptable deviation, then send a signal to the ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210190588A1
Автор: Lucey Paul

A spatial Fourier transform spectrometer is disclosed. The Fourier transform spectrometer includes a Fabry-Perot interferometer with first and second optical surfaces. The gap between the first and second optical surfaces spatially varies in a direction that is orthogonal to the optical axis of the Fourier transform spectrometer. The Fabry-Perot interferometer creates an interference pattern from input light. An image of the interference pattern is captured by a detector, which is communicatively coupled to a processor. The processor is configured to process the interference pattern image to determine information about the spectral content of the input light. 128-. (canceled)29. A Fourier spectrometer , comprising:a Fabry-Perot interferometer to create a spatial domain interference pattern using input light;a detector positioned with respect to the Fabry-Perot interferometer and adapted to capture an image of the interference pattern without intentionally temporally varying an optical characteristic of the Fabry-Perot interferometer while the image is captured, the detector comprising a plurality of detection elements, and defining an optical axis that is orthogonal to the detector; anda processor that is communicatively coupled to the detector, the processor being configured to convert the interference pattern image from the spatial domain to the frequency domain using a frequency domain transform to determine information about the spectral content of the light,wherein the Fabry-Perot interferometer comprises first and second optical surfaces that are partially transmissive and partially reflective to the light, the first and second optical surfaces defining a resonant cavity therebetween, the distance between the first and second optical surfaces being spatially variable in a first transverse direction that is orthogonal to the optical axis, andwherein at least one of the first and second optical surfaces is movable.30. The Fourier spectrometer of claim 29 , ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210190589A1

A cavity buildup dispersion spectrometer includes a shutter that modulates coherent electromagnetic radiation at a shutter frequency; and produces modulated electromagnetic radiation; a frequency shifter that frequency shifts the modulated electromagnetic radiation to a shifter frequency and produces frequency shifted radiation; a resonator that produces cavity radiation from the frequency shifted radiation and the coherent electromagnetic radiation, receives an analyte; subjects the analyte to cavity radiation, and transmits the cavity radiation as transmitted electromagnetic radiation; and a receiver that: produces a detector signal from the transmitted electromagnetic radiation, such that the detector signal includes a beat frequency that corresponds to a change in a motion of resonator that includes a change in the distance between the mirrors or a change of refractive index of the analyte in the intracavity space. 1. A cavity buildup dispersion spectrometer comprising:a shutter that receives coherent electromagnetic radiation, modulates the coherent electromagnetic radiation at a shutter frequency; and produces modulated electromagnetic radiation from the coherent electromagnetic radiation;a frequency shifter in communication with the shutter and that receives the modulated electromagnetic radiation from the shutter, frequency shifts the modulated electromagnetic radiation by a shifter frequency; and produces frequency shifted radiation that is different from the modulated electromagnetic radiation by the shifter frequency; a plurality of mirrors separated by a distance;', 'an intracavity space interposed between the mirrors having the distance as a length; and', receives the frequency shifted radiation from the frequency shifter;', 'receives coherent electromagnetic radiation;', 'produces cavity radiation, in the intracavity space, from the frequency shifted radiation and the coherent electromagnetic radiation;', 'receives an analyte in the intracavity space ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180160954A1

This disclosure relates to a pulse oximeter. The pulse oximeter includes a light source emitting detecting light; a light acquirer spaced apart from the light source and so that the detecting light can get the light acquirer after passing through the object; a processor connected to the light acquirer; and a filter on the light path from the light source to the light acquirer. The filter includes a double band filter having center wavelengths of 660 nm and 940 nm. The double band filter can filter the unnecessary light and improve the accuracy of the pulse oximeter. 1. A pulse oximeter , comprising:a light source emitting detecting light;a light acquirer spaced apart from the light source and collecting the detecting light;a processor connected to the light acquirer; anda filter on a light path from the light source to the light acquirer, wherein the filter comprises a double band filter having center wavelengths of 660 nm and 940 nm.2. The pulse oximeter of claim 1 , wherein the double band filter has a half-height width of 10 nm-100 nm.3. The pulse oximeter of claim 1 , wherein the double band filter is on the light acquirer so that an object can be between the light source and the double band filter.4. The pulse oximeter of claim 3 , wherein the double band filter is in direct contact with the light acquirer.5. The pulse oximeter of claim 1 , wherein the double band filter is on the light source so that an object can be between the light acquirer and the double band filter.6. The pulse oximeter of claim 5 , wherein the double band filter is in direct contact with the light source.7. The pulse oximeter of claim 1 , further comprising a display electrically connected to the processor.8. The pulse oximeter of claim 1 , further comprising a communication unit electrically connected to the processor.9. The pulse oximeter of claim 1 , wherein the light source comprises a light emitting diode and emits the detecting light with wavelength of 400 nm˜1200 nm.10. The pulse ...
