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27-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000045184U1

1. Устройство поверки фазометра, содержащее фазометр, первую и вторую вилки, отличающееся тем, что в его состав введены генератор, первый, второй и третий тройники, элемент смещения, первая и вторая нагрузки, комплект мер; при этом выход генератора через первый тройник соединен с входом второго тройника и входом элемента смещения, первый выход второго тройника соединен с входом первой нагрузки, выход элемента смещения соединен с входом третьего тройника, первый выход третьего тройника соединен с входом второй нагрузки, второй выход второго тройника соединен через первую вилку с первым входом фазометра, второй выход третьего тройника через вторую вилку соединен со вторым входом фазометра. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что каждый ικ-й элемент смещения выполнен в виде полого металлического отрезка коаксиала с воздушным заполнением, длина которого Lικ является калиброванной для каждого ι-го дискрета фазового сдвига φι и для каждого κ-го дискрета частоты Fκ. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 45 184 (13) U1 (51) МПК G01J 9/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004136491/22 , 15.12.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.12.2004 (72) Автор(ы): Минаев А.М. (RU) , Филимонов С.А. (RU) Адрес для переписки: 111123, Москва, ул. Плеханова, 6, ФГУП "ГМЗ "Салют", Директору В.А. Панину U 1 4 5 1 8 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство поверки фазометра, содержащее фазометр, первую и вторую вилки, отличающееся тем, что в его состав введены генератор, первый, второй и третий тройники, элемент смещения, первая и вторая нагрузки, комплект мер; при этом выход генератора через первый тройник соединен с входом второго тройника и входом элемента смещения, первый выход второго тройника соединен с входом первой нагрузки, выход элемента смещения соединен с входом третьего тройника, первый выход третьего тройника соединен с входом ...

27-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000049620U1

Устройство для измерения кластеров и микрочастиц в жидкостях, содержащее лазер с оптическим трактом для транспортировки лазерного излучения, на пути которого установлена кювета для исследуемой жидкости, на одном выходе из кюветы последовательно по ходу луча размещены фотоприемник и электронный блок математической обработки сигнала с накопительной системой регистрации сигнала, а у второго выхода из кюветы установлен светопоглощающий экран, отличающееся тем, что оптический тракт для транспортировки лазерного излучения содержит светоделительный шеврон, расщепляющий лазерной пучок на два луча, один из которых опорный, составляет (0,01÷0,001) часть мощности основного луча, при этом перед входом в кювету опорного луча установлен оптический компенсатор для уравнивания оптического хода опорного луча с оптическим ходом рассеянной в кювете частью излучения основного луча. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 49 620 (13) U1 (51) МПК G01J 9/02 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005121651/22 , 11.07.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.07.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 27.11.2005 U 1 4 9 6 2 0 R U Формула полезной модели Устройство для измерения кластеров и микрочастиц в жидкостях, содержащее лазер с оптическим трактом для транспортировки лазерного излучения, на пути которого установлена кювета для исследуемой жидкости, на одном выходе из кюветы последовательно по ходу луча размещены фотоприемник и электронный блок математической обработки сигнала с накопительной системой регистрации сигнала, а у второго выхода из кюветы установлен светопоглощающий экран, отличающееся тем, что оптический тракт для транспортировки лазерного излучения содержит светоделительный шеврон, расщепляющий лазерной пучок на два луча, один из которых опорный, составляет (0,01÷0,001) часть мощности основного луча, при этом перед входом в кювету опорного луча установлен оптический ...

20-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000081574U1

1. Волоконно-оптическая измерительная система, содержащая, по меньшей мере, один широкополосный источник излучения, по меньшей мере, один интерферометр Фабри-Перо, являющийся чувствительным элементом, по меньшей мере, один Y-образный ответвитель, фокусирующую систему, регистрирующий интерферометр, прямоугольную матрицу фотоэлементов, аналого-цифровой преобразователь, микропроцессорное устройство, при этом световое излучение, выходящее с выхода каждого широкополосного источника излучения, попадает на один из двух входов каждого Y-образного ответвителя, с выхода которого попадает в каждый интерферометр Фабри-Перо, отражаясь от которых проходит через каждый Y-образный ответвитель и выходит через второй вход каждого Y-образного ответвителя, а электрические выходы прямоугольной матрицы фотоэлементов соединены с входами аналого-цифрового преобразователя, выходы которого соединены с цифровыми входами микропроцессорного устройства, причем управляющие выходы микропроцессорного устройства соединены с соответствующими управляющими входами аналого-цифрового преобразователя и прямоугольной матрицы фотоэлементов, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно введено полупрозрачное зеркало, расположенное под углом к оптической оси фокусирующей системы, а регистрирующий интерферометр выполнен в виде дифракционной решетки, при этом излучение, выходящее из второго входа каждого Y-образного ответвителя, проходит через полупрозрачное зеркало, проходит через фокусирующую систему, отражается от дифракционной решетки, проходит через фокусирующую систему в обратном направлении, частично отражается от полупрозрачного зеркала и проецируется на прямоугольную матрицу фотоэлементов. 2. Волоконно-оптическая измерительная система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что широкополосный источник излучения выполнен в виде полупроводникового светодиода. 3. Волоконно-оптическая измерительная система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что интерферометр Фабри-Перо образован, по меньшей мере, одним торцом волокна и другой отражающей ...

20-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000081575U1

1. Устройство для измерения распределения концентрации и размеров наночастиц в жидкостях и газах, содержащее лазер с оптическим трактом для транспортировки лазерного излучения, на пути которого установлена рабочая кювета с исследуемой средой, у противоположного выхода из которой установлен светопоглощающий экран, и фотоприемник, отличающееся тем, что применяют четыре фотоприемника, расположенных под углами 35, 60, 90 и 145° соответственно относительно падающего луча лазера. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что рабочую кювету наклоняют по отношению к падающему лучу лазера под углом 2-5°. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что между лазером и кюветой помещают оптический изолятор - невзаимный оптический элемент, не позволяя отраженному от препятствия излучению с той же поляризацией попасть обратно в выходное окно лазера. 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что вводят систему стабилизации мощности лазера, содержащую внешний фотоприемник, светоделительное устройство и поляризатор, причем система позволяет стабилизоровать мощность излучения только той поляризации, которая необходима для измерений. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 81 575 U1 (51) МПК G01J 9/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008139955/22, 09.10.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 09.10.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 20.03.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ "НОВЫЕ ЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ" (RU) U 1 8 1 5 7 5 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для измерения распределения концентрации и размеров наночастиц в жидкостях и газах, содержащее лазер с оптическим трактом для транспортировки лазерного излучения, на пути которого установлена рабочая кювета с исследуемой средой, у противоположного выхода из которой установлен светопоглощающий экран, и фотоприемник, отличающееся тем, что применяют четыре ...

10-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000084548U1

Устройство для измерения распределения концентрации и размеров несферических наночастиц в жидкостях и газах, содержащее лазер с оптическим трактом для транспортировки лазерного излучения, на пути которого установлена рабочая кювета с исследуемой средой, у противоположного выхода из которой установлен светопоглощающий экран, и фотоприемное устройство для регистрации рассеянного на наночастицах излучения с узлом предварительной обработки сигналов, связанным с компьютером для последующей обработки и получения распределения концентраций и размеров несферических наночастиц в жидкостях и газах, отличающееся тем, что фотоприемное устройство содержит, по меньшей мере, один фотоприемник, расположенный в плоскости рассеяния, и, по меньшей мере, один фотоприемник, расположенный перпендикулярно плоскости рассеяния, относительно падающего луча лазера. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 84 548 U1 (51) МПК G01J 9/02 (2006.01) B82B 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009109830/22, 19.03.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.03.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 10.07.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ "ЛАБОРАТОРИЯ ОПТИКО-ЭЛЕКТРОННЫХ ПРИБОРОВ" (RU) U 1 8 4 5 4 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для измерения распределения концентрации и размеров несферических наночастиц в жидкостях и газах, содержащее лазер с оптическим трактом для транспортировки лазерного излучения, на пути которого установлена рабочая кювета с исследуемой средой, у противоположного выхода из которой установлен светопоглощающий экран, и фотоприемное устройство для регистрации рассеянного на наночастицах излучения с узлом предварительной обработки сигналов, связанным с компьютером для последующей обработки и получения распределения концентраций и размеров несферических наночастиц в жидкостях и газах, отличающееся тем, ...

10-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000107351U1

Многоканальный спектрометр динамического рассеяния света, содержащий лазер с блоком фокусировки, размещенную в термостате кювету, систему счета фотонов, включающую оптический коллимирующий блок, фотоприемное устройство и систему обработки и анализа данных, подключенную к компьютеру, отличающийся тем, что фотоприемное устройство выполнено в виде линейки из нескольких микропиксельных лавинных фотодиодов, объединенных в одном корпусе, а система обработки и анализа данных представляет собой несколько независимых каналов обработки и анализа, каждый из которых содержит последовательно соединенные усилитель-дискриминатор и цифровой коррелятор, при этом количество каналов соответствует количеству микропиксельных лавинных фотодиодов, выходы которых связаны с усилителями-дискриминаторами, а выходы цифровых корреляторов подаются на компьютер. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 107 351 (13) U1 (51) МПК G01J 9/02 (2006.01) B82B 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011111059/28, 24.03.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.03.2011 (45) Опубликовано: 10.08.2011 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Антек-97" (RU) 1 0 7 3 5 1 R U Формула полезной модели Многоканальный спектрометр динамического рассеяния света, содержащий лазер с блоком фокусировки, размещенную в термостате кювету, систему счета фотонов, включающую оптический коллимирующий блок, фотоприемное устройство и систему обработки и анализа данных, подключенную к компьютеру, отличающийся тем, что фотоприемное устройство выполнено в виде линейки из нескольких микропиксельных лавинных фотодиодов, объединенных в одном корпусе, а система обработки и анализа данных представляет собой несколько независимых каналов обработки и анализа, каждый из которых содержит последовательно соединенные усилитель-дискриминатор и цифровой коррелятор, при этом количество каналов ...

10-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000118054U1

Спектрометр динамического рассеяния света, содержащий оптическую схему, включающую лазер с блоком фокусировки, размещенную в термостате кювету с исследуемой жидкостью, фотоприемное устройство и систему обработки и анализа данных, подключенную к компьютеру, отличающийся тем, что в центре кюветы дополнительно размещены электроды с постоянным знакопеременным напряжением, оптическая система дополнительно содержит две оптические плоскопараллельные пластины и пьезоэлектрический модулятор для формирования опорного луча, а система обработки и анализа данных дополнительно содержит блок управления и фазовый анализатор. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК G01J 9/02 (11) (13) 118 054 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012106877/28, 27.02.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.02.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 10.07.2012 Бюл. № 19 R U 1 1 8 0 5 4 Формула полезной модели Спектрометр динамического рассеяния света, содержащий оптическую схему, включающую лазер с блоком фокусировки, размещенную в термостате кювету с исследуемой жидкостью, фотоприемное устройство и систему обработки и анализа данных, подключенную к компьютеру, отличающийся тем, что в центре кюветы дополнительно размещены электроды с постоянным знакопеременным напряжением, оптическая система дополнительно содержит две оптические плоскопараллельные пластины и пьезоэлектрический модулятор для формирования опорного луча, а система обработки и анализа данных дополнительно содержит блок управления и фазовый анализатор. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) СПЕКТРОМЕТР ДИНАМИЧЕСКОГО РАССЕЯНИЯ СВЕТА 1 1 8 0 5 4 Адрес для переписки: 107031, Москва, Страстной б-р, 12, стр.1, кв.12, В.С. Ашихмину (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Фотокор" (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 27.02.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Ашихмин Виктор Семенович (RU), Дешабо Виктор Альфредович (RU), Косов Виктор Иванович (RU), Юдин ...

10-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000118055U1

Портативный спектрометр динамического рассеяния света, содержащий оптическую схему, включающую лазер с блоком фокусировки излучения в исследуемую жидкость, размещенную в кювете, находящейся в термостате, систему счета фотонов, включающую оптический коллимирующий блок, фотоприемное устройство и усилитель-дискриминатор, связанный с цифровым коррелятором, подключенным к компьютеру, управляющему прибором по специальной программе, отличающийся тем, что оптическая схема содержит диодный лазер со встроенной коллимирующей линзой, термостат выполнен в виде держателя из теплопроводного материала и снабжен измерителем температуры, система счета фотонов построена на лавинном фотодиоде, а анализирующий блок содержит цифровой коррелятор и аналоговый процессор на мало потребляющих интегральных схемах, подключаемых к компьютеру по USB-шине. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 118 055 U1 (51) МПК G01J 9/02 (2006.01) B82B 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012106878/28, 27.02.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.02.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 10.07.2012 Бюл. № 19 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Фотокор" (RU) 1 1 8 0 5 5 R U Формула полезной модели Портативный спектрометр динамического рассеяния света, содержащий оптическую схему, включающую лазер с блоком фокусировки излучения в исследуемую жидкость, размещенную в кювете, находящейся в термостате, систему счета фотонов, включающую оптический коллимирующий блок, фотоприемное устройство и усилительдискриминатор, связанный с цифровым коррелятором, подключенным к компьютеру, управляющему прибором по специальной программе, отличающийся тем, что оптическая схема содержит диодный лазер со встроенной коллимирующей линзой, термостат выполнен в виде держателя из теплопроводного материала и снабжен измерителем температуры, система счета фотонов построена на лавинном фотодиоде, а анализирующий блок ...

10-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000119102U1

Оптический интерферометр, содержащий монохроматический источник, испускающий узкий световой луч, тонкое полупрозрачное зеркало, развернутое под углом 45° к световому лучу, два зеркала, установленные на одинаковом расстоянии от полупрозрачного зеркала, развернутые под углом 90° относительно друг друга, и детектор отраженных лучей, отличающийся тем, что между полупрозрачным зеркалом и зеркалом одного из оптических каналов введена стеклянная кювета в форме цилиндрической трубки, заполненная прозрачной эталонной жидкостью с известным показателем преломления n, геометрическая ось кюветы совпадает с оптической осью канала, кювета закреплена в кюветодержателе с набором кювет, заполненных прозрачной жидкостью с различными показателями преломления, кюветодержатель снабжен механизмом смены кювет револьверного типа, кроме того, в качестве источника света используется лазер малой мощности с длиной волны λ, а детектор отраженных лучей снабжен ПЗС-матрицей, соединенной через аналого-цифровой преобразователь с электрической схемой геометрической обработки сигнала, определяющей интерференционный сдвиг волны Δλ, вызванный замедлением скорости светового луча в жидкой среде, подключенной к микропроцессору, определяющему показатель преломления исследуемых жидкостей по формуле , где Δλ - интерференционный сдвиг волны исследуемой жидкости, a Δλ - интерференционный сдвиг волны эталонной жидкости. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК G01J 9/02 (11) (13) 119 102 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012116042/28, 23.04.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 23.04.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Черний Александр Николаевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Черний Александр Николаевич (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 23.04.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 10.08.2012 Бюл. № 22 1 1 9 1 0 2 R U Формула полезной модели Оптический интерферометр, содержащий монохроматический источник, испускающий узкий ...

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000149559U1

Измеритель длины волны монохроматического излучения, содержащий измеряемый оптический источник монохроматического излучения в виде стабилизированного лазера, отличающийся тем, что в него введены одночастотный перестраиваемый лазер, стабилизированный вакуумированный интерферометр Фабри-Перо с пьезокерамикой, стабилизированный по частоте лазер-эталон с известной частотой генерации, нуль-индикатор, частотомер, а также первый и второй блоки автоподстройки частоты, при этом оптический выход лазера-эталона связан с входом вакуумированного интерферометра Фабри-Перо с пьезокерамикой, оптический выход которого поступает на фотоприёмник, имеющий кабельную связь с первым блоком автоподстройки частоты и по кабельному каналу стабилизирующий базу вакуумированного интерферометра Фабри-Перо с пьезокерамикой, выход измеряемого и первый выход одночастотного перестраиваемого лазеров при помощи поворотных зеркал имеют оптическую связь с фотоприёмником, который имеет кабельную связь с нуль-индикатором, второй выход одночастотного перестраиваемого лазера при помощи поворотных зеркал имеет оптическую связь с стабилизированным вакуумированным интерферометром Фабри-Перо с пьезокерамикой, выход которого через фотоприёмник связан со вторым блоком автоподстройки частоты, выход которой по кабельному каналу стабилизирует частоту одночастотного перестраиваемого лазера, выход измеряемого и первый выход одночастотного перестраиваемого лазеров при помощи поворотных зеркал имеют оптическую связь с фотоприёмником, который имеет кабельную связь с частотомером, регистрирующий дробную часть порядка интерференции. И 1 149559 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 149 559°° 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 11.06.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 19.03.2020 Дата публикации и номер ...

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000160810U1

1. Субволновой датчик волнового фронта, состоящий из делителя волнового фронта, представляющего собой растр субапертур, матричного приемника и регистрирующего устройства, отличающийся тем, что субапертуры выполнены в виде мезоразмерных диэлектрических частиц, формирующих фотонные струи и расположенных в шахматном порядке, а регистрирующее устройство расположено в области максимальной концентрации энергии фотонной струи вдоль направления ее распространения. 2. Субволновой датчик волнового фронта по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что мезоразмерная диэлектрическая частица (субапертура) выполняется в виде квадратного кубического элемента из диэлектрического материала с относительным показателем преломления от 1.2 до 1.78 и размером грани Nλ, где λ - соответственно длина волны анализируемого излучения, N - целое число, равное 1, 2, 3, …. 160810 И 1 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 160 810” 94 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 16.10.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 22.09.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 22.09.2021 Бюл. №27 Стр.: 1 0138091 па ЕП

16-12-2019 дата публикации

Оптический чувствительный элемент для измерения электрической разности потенциалов

Номер: RU0000194557U1

Полезная модель относится к элементам конструкции измерительных приборов и может быть использована в системах мониторинга защитного потенциала при катодной или анодной защите металлических объектов, в том числе протяженных и в системах мониторинга электрического постоянного и переменного напряжения в сетях электроснабжения. Полезная модель представляет собой подложку, на которой сформированы оптические световоды, обладающие электрооптическим эффектом, и электроды. Световоды формируют структуру оптического делителя, имеющего один входной оптический полюс и два выходных оптических полюса. Электроды расположены в одной плоскости. Подложка имеет два среза, причем срезы выполнены под углами не равными 90 градусов к продольной оси. Технический результат - возможность размещения в одном канале более одного чувствительного элемента и исключение автономного источника питания из системы мониторинга. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 194 557 U1 (51) МПК G01R 15/24 (2006.01) G01J 9/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01R 15/247 (2019.08); G01J 2009/0249 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019128508, 10.09.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 10.09.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 16.12.2019 Бюл. № 35 1 9 4 5 5 7 R U (54) Оптический чувствительный элемент для измерения электрической разности потенциалов (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к элементам электроды. Световоды формируют структуру конструкции измерительных приборов и может оптического делителя, имеющего один входной быть использована в системах мониторинга оптический полюс и два выходных оптических защитного потенциала при катодной или анодной полюса. Электроды расположены в одной защите металлических объектов, в том числе плоскости. Подложка имеет два среза, причем протяженных и в системах мониторинга срезы выполнены под углами не равными 90 электрического постоянного ...

02-06-2021 дата публикации

Устройство для определения электрофоретической подвижности частиц в коллоидно-дисперсных системах

Номер: RU0000204641U1

Полезная модель относится к приборам для измерения электрофоретической подвижности микро- и наночастиц в коллоидно-дисперсных системах. Технический результат - увеличение точности определения электрофоретической подвижности в жидкостях и повышение достоверности получаемых результатов. Устройство для измерения электрофоретической подвижности микро- и наночастиц в коллоидных системах, содержащее оптическую схему, включающую лазер с блоком фокусировки, фотоприемное устройство и систему обработки и анализа данных, подключенную к компьютеру. Образец помещается на призму полного внутреннего отражения, на которой расположены два электрода, между которыми нанесен стеклянный капилляр, источник постоянного напряжения, подключенный к электродам; оптическая система дополнительно содержит оптическое волокно с коллиматором, соединенное с оптическим входом фотоэлектронного умножителя, вход питания которого подключен к источнику питания, а выход фотоэлектронного умножителя соединен со входом аналого-цифровой платы, на выходе которой установлен интерфейс, обеспечивающий возможность связи с компьютером. 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 204 641 U1 (51) МПК G01J 9/02 (2006.01) G01N 21/51 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01J 9/02 (2021.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020137699, 17.11.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 02.06.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 17.11.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 02.06.2021 Бюл. № 16 2 0 4 6 4 1 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 118054 U1, 10.07.2012. RU 107351 U1, 10.08.2011. RU 2416803 C2, 20.04.2011. WO 2018069024 A1, 19.04.2018. WO 2005088277 A1, 22.09.2005. (54) Устройство для определения электрофоретической подвижности частиц в коллоидно-дисперсных системах (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к приборам для внутреннего отражения, на которой расположены измерения электрофоретической подвижности два электрода, между ...

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Light-field pixel

Номер: US20120211644A1

A light-field pixel for detecting a wavefront, the light-field pixel comprises an aperture layer, a light detector layer, and a processor. The aperture layer has a non-conventional aperture and a non-conventional aperture. The non-conventional aperture has a higher gradient of transmission at normal incidence than the conventional aperture. The light detector is configured to measure a first intensity of light through the non-conventional aperture and a second intensity of light through the conventional aperture. The processor is configured to detect the wavefront based on the first intensity normalized by the second intensity.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Device to determine a phase difference of in-phase and quadrature component of signal light, and a method to determine the phase difference

Номер: US20130064540A1
Автор: Yoshihiro Tateiwa
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

A device able to evaluate a phase difference between I-component and Q-component of signal light generated by an optical hybrid is disclosed. The device includes a detector, a compensator and an evaluator. The detector detects positive and negative elements of each of the I-component and the Q-component. The compensator generates a compensated I-component and a compensated Q-component so as to keep the sum of positive and negative elements of each of components in constant. The evaluator determines the phase difference via an ellipsoid drawn by the compensated I- and Q-components.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130070893A1

An X-ray imaging apparatus includes a phase grating, an absorption grating, a detector, and an arithmetic unit. The arithmetic unit executes a Fourier transform step of performing Fourier transform for an intensity distribution of a Moiré acquired by the detector, and acquiring a spatial frequency spectrum. Also, the arithmetic unit executes a phase retrieval step of separating a spectrum corresponding to a carrier frequency from a spatial frequency spectrum acquired in the Fourier transform step, performing inverse Fourier transform for the separated spectrum, and acquiring a differential phase image. 2. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the Moiré is detected by a single detection performed by the detector.3. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the calculator obtains the information of the differential phase image of the subject from the information of the intensity distribution of a single Moiré.4. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the diffraction grating forms an interference intensity distribution in which bright and dark sections are arranged two-dimensionally,wherein the shielding grating forms the Moiré having a two-dimensional period by shielding part of the X-ray from the diffraction grating, andwherein the calculator obtains the information of the differential phase image of the subject in a first direction and in a second direction intersecting with the first direction, by performing the Fourier transform on the information of the intensity distribution of the Moiré having the two-dimensional period.5. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 4 ,wherein the calculator obtains the information of the differential phase image of the subject in the first direction and in the second direction from the information of the intensity distribution of a single Moiré.6. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the diffraction grating is a phase grating,wherein the phase ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128228A1
Автор: Shea William, Zhou Yan
Принадлежит: Clarity Medical Systems

Example embodiments of a large dynamic range sequential wavefront sensor for vision correction or assessment procedures are disclosed. An example embodiment optically relays a wavefront from an eye pupil or corneal plane to a wavefront sampling plane in such a manner that somewhere in the relaying process, the wavefront beam from the eye within a large eye diopter range is made to reside within a desired physical dimension over a certain axial distance range in a wavefront image space and/or a Fourier transform space. As a result, a wavefront beam shifting device can be disposed there to fully intercept and hence shift the whole beam to transversely shift the relayed wavefront. 1. A wavefront beam shifting and wavefront sampling apparatus comprising:an optical relay system comprising:at least two wavefront relay stages configured to guide the propagation of a wavefront beam and to relay a wavefront from a wavefront object plane in a wavefront object space through at least one Fourier transform plane in at least one Fourier transform space to a wavefront image plane in a wavefront image space, wherein the at least one Fourier transform space is within the second or a following wavefront relay stage; anda sampling aperture positioned substantially at the wavefront image plane; and a beam shifting element positioned substantially at the at least one Fourier transform plane in the Fourier transform space and configured to intercept substantially the entire wavefront beam in the Fourier transform space.2. The wavefront beam shifting and wavefront sampling apparatus of where the two wavefront relay stages comprises:two cascaded 4-F wavefront relay stages comprising first, second, third and fourth lenses, and the Fourier transform plane is between the third lens and the fourth lens.3. The wavefront beam shifting and wavefront sampling apparatus of where the two wavefront relay stages comprises:a first wavefront relay stage comprising three lenses with a negative lens ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130188194A1
Автор: Wallace James Kent
Принадлежит: California Institute of Technology

Hybrid sensors comprising Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor (S-HWFS) and Zernike Wavefront Sensor (Z-WFS) capabilities are presented. The hybrid sensor includes a Z-WFS optically arranged in-line with a S-HWFS such that the combined wavefront sensor operates across a wide dynamic range and noise conditions. The Z-WFS may include the ability to introduce a dynamic phase shift in both transmissive and reflective modes. 1. A hybrid wavefront sensor comprising:a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor having a SH-input pupil and a re-imaged SH-output pupil comprising at its distal end a lenslet array for dicing an incident image wavefront into separate segments;a Zernike wavefront sensor having a Z-input pupil and a Z-output pupil, the Zernike wavefront sensor being capable of dynamically shifting the phase of a portion of the image wavefront having a diameter on the order of A/D, where D is the SH-input pupil diameter;a relay optical system disposed proximal to the lenslet array and designed such that the image wavefront from the SH-input pupil is relayed one-to-one to the Z-input pupil and the Z-output pupil is relayed one-to-one to the lenslet array of the SH-output pupil;a detector in optical alignment with the distal side of the lenslet array for imaging the incident image wavefront; andan electronic controller in signal communication between the Zernike wavefront sensor and the detector for correlating the phase shift imposed on the imaged wavefront.2. The hybrid wavefront sensor of wherein the optical path of the wavefront sensor is arranged such that the Zernike wavefront sensor may be bypassed.3. The hybrid wavefront sensor of wherein the phase shift may be dynamically adjusted over a range of from +λA/2 and −λ/2.4. The hybrid wavefront sensor of wherein the relay optical system includes a parabolic mirror.5. The hybrid wavefront sensor of wherein the Zernike wavefront sensor is transmissive.6. The hybrid wavefront sensor of wherein the Zernike wavefront sensor comprises ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Level Sensor Arrangement for Lithographic Apparatus, Lithographic Apparatus and Device Manufacturing Method

Номер: US20130201486A1
Принадлежит: ASML Netherlands B.V.

Disclosed is a method of measuring a position of at least one substantially reflective layer surface on a substrate in a lithographic apparatus, and associated level sensor and lithographic apparatuses. The method comprises performing at least two interferometrical measurements using a broadband light source. Between each measurement, the component wavelengths and/or intensity levels over the component wavelengths of the broadband source beam is varied such that, where it is only the intensity levels that are varied, the intensity variation is different for at least some of the beam's component wavelengths. Alternatively, a single measurement and subsequent processing of the measurement to obtain measurement data whereby the component wavelengths and/or intensity levels over the component wavelengths are different can be applied as well to obtain the position. 1. A method of measuring a position of at least one substantially reflective layer surface on a substrate in a lithographic apparatus , the method comprising performing , at least twice:a) separating a broadband source beam of radiation into a reference beam and a measurement beam by respectively reflecting part of the broadband source beam off a partly transparent optical element and passing part of the broadband source beam through the party transparent optical element;b) reflecting the measurement beam off the substrate to obtain a reflected measurement beam and reflecting the reference beam off a reflective surface to obtain a reflected reference beam;c) combining the reflected measurement beam and the reflected reference beam; andd) detecting at least two different interference patterns of the combined beams,wherein the different interference patterns are based on combined beams having at least one of different component wavelengths and intensity levels over the component wavelengths, such that, where it is only the intensity levels that are varied, said intensity variation is different for at least some ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222765A1
Принадлежит: DigitalVision, LLC

Vision testing methods and apparatuses are disclosed, the methods including measuring the modulation to a wavefront of light imparted by a contact lens, determining the wavefront modulation necessary to emulate the optical properties of the lens as worn on a patient's eye, generating a static or dynamic image viewable by a patient, modulating the wavefront of the image remote from the patient to attain the wavefront necessary to emulate the optical properties of the lens as worn on a patient's eye, and relaying the wavefront to a plane nearby, on, or within the patient's eye. The apparatuses include devices for measuring the modulation to a wavefront of light imparted by a contact lens, determining the wavefront modulation necessary to emulate the optical properties of the lens as worn on the patient's eye, generating a static or dynamic image viewable by a patient, modulating the wavefront of the image remote from the patient to attain the wavefront necessary to emulate the optical properties of the lens as worn on the patient's eye, and relaying the wavefront to a plane nearby, on, or within the patient's eye. 1. A method of vision testing that allows a patient to preview the optical properties of an contact lens to correct the patient's vision , comprising the steps of:a. determining the optical properties of a contact lens to be emulated;b. generating a static or dynamic (movie) image viewable by a patient;c. modulating the wavefront of the image to produce an image on the patient's retina that emulates the image that would result when the contact lens is placed on the patient's cornea2. The method of in which modulating the wavefront of the image is performed remotely from the patient.3. The method of in which a plurality of contact lenses are emulated simultaneously or perceived simultaneously by the patient.4. The method of in which said modulating step includes interposing a contact lens in said wavefront generator and projecting said image through said ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Apolarized interferometric system, and apolarized interferometric measurement method

Номер: US20130222810A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An interferometric system includes a polarization separation element ( 10 ), a first polarization conversion element ( 11 ), a Mach-Zehnder interferometer ( 2 ) including a first ( 4 ) and second ( 5 ) arms connected to one another by a first ( 6 ) and second ( 7 ) ends in order for a first and second beams ( 20, 21 ) having the same polarization to pass through the interferometer in a reciprocal manner in opposite directions of propagation, respectively, so as to form a first and second interferometric beam ( 22, 23 ), a second polarization conversion element ( 11 ) for obtaining an interferometric beam ( 24 ), the polarization of which is converted, a polarization-combining element ( 10 ), and a detection element ( 8 ) suitable for detecting an output beam ( 25 ).

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229663A1

Due to potential sampling errors (due to small tissue samples not necessarily directly from the developing tumor) and limited optical resolution (˜1 micron), cancer may be missed or detected too late for optimal treatment, or conservative interpretation of indeterminate findings could lead to unnecessary surgery. The novel technology herein—Spatial-domain Low-coherence Quantitative Phase Microscopy (SL-QPM)—can detect structural alterations within cell nuclei with nanoscale sensitivity (0.9 nm) (or nuclear nano-morphology) for “nano-pathological diagnosis” of cancer. SL-QPM uses original, unmodified cytology and histology specimens prepared with standard clinical protocols and stains. SL-QPM can easily integrate in existing clinical pathology laboratories. Results quantified the spatial distribution of optical path length or refractive index in individual nuclei with nanoscale sensitivity, which could be applied to studying nuclear nano-morphology as cancer progresses. The nuclear nano-morphology derived from SL-QPM offers significant diagnostic value in clinical care and subcellular mechanistic insights for basic and translational research. 1. A spatial-domain low-coherence quantitative phase microscopy apparatus , comprising:a light source that produces white light;a 4f imaging system that collimates the light from the light source;an objective lens that focuses the collimated light on a sample, wherein the sample scatters at least a portion of the light back;a spectrograph that scans across backscattered light from the sample;a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera coupled to the spectrograph, wherein the CCD camera records based at least in part on the backscattered light scanned by the spectrograph;and a data analysis component that analyzes the data recorded by the CCD camera.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a transmission mode.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the CCD camera records a matrix claim 1 , wherein the matrix comprises an x-axis ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256546A1

A demodulation sensor () is described for detecting and demodulating a modulated radiation field impinging on a substrate (). The sensor comprises the means () for generating, in the substrate, a static majority current assisted drift (Edrift) field, at least one gate structure () for collecting and accumulating minority carriers (), the minority carriers generated in the substrate by the impinging radiation () field. The at least one gate structure comprises at least two regions () for the collection and accumulation of the minority carriers () and at least one gate () adapted for inducing a lateral electric drift field under the gate structure, the system thus being adapted for directing the minority carriers () towards one of the at least two regions () under influence of the static majority current assisted drift field and the lateral electric drift field induced by the at least one gate, and a means for reading out the accumulated minority carriers in that region. 115-. (canceled)16. A demodulation sensor for detecting and demodulating a modulated radiation field impinging on a substrate , the sensor comprising:means for generating, in the substrate, a static majority current assisted drift field;at least one gate structure for collecting and accumulating minority carriers, the minority carriers being generated in the substrate by the impinging radiation field, the at least one gate structure comprising at least two regions for the collection and accumulation of the minority carriers and at least one gate adapted for inducing a lateral electric drift field under the gate structure, the system thus being adapted for directing the minority carriers towards one of the at least two regions for the collection and accumulation of the minority carriers under influence of the static majority current assisted drift field and the lateral electric drift field induced by the gate structure, andmeans for reading out the accumulated minority carriers in that region.17. The ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Fast Wave Front Measurement

Номер: US20130258288A1

Devices, systems, and methods for measuring wave fronts generated by a lens for an eye are provided. In some embodiments, a device for measuring wave fronts generated by a lens for an eye includes a radiation source for emitting test radiation to be directed at the lens and a sensor device for detecting wave fronts of incident test radiation after interaction with the lens, wherein the sensor device scans the test radiation after interaction with the lens at a scanning frequency which is at least equal in size to the frequency at which changes in wave fronts occur in the test radiation after interaction with the lens.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Measuring Phase-Matching Spectral Phase Curve by Nonlinear Optical Spectral Interferometry

Номер: US20130265581A1
Автор: Shang-Da Yang
Принадлежит: National Tsing Hua University NTHU

A system for measuring a phase-matching spectral phase curve by nonlinear spectral interferometry includes a broadband light source, a first beam splitter, a first nonlinear crystal, a second nonlinear crystal and a spectrometer. The first beam splitter splits the broadband light source into a first light and a second light. The first nonlinear crystal is used for converting the first light into a third light, wherein the third light has a reference phase spectrum. The second nonlinear crystal is used for converting the second light into a fourth light which encoded a phase-matching spectral phase of the second nonlinear to crystal. The spectrometer is used for providing an interferogram from an interference between the third light and the fourth light. Thus, by analyzing the interferogram, the phase-matching spectral phase curve of the second nonlinear crystal can be measured without knowing the spectral phase of the broadband light source.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008514A1
Автор: Hamada Masataka

An imaging device includes phase difference detection pixels. The imaging device receives an image formed by an optical system and includes a plurality of pixels that are two-dimensionally arranged. Each of the plurality of pixels include a micro lens; a photoelectric conversion unit positioned below the micro lens; and an optical aperture disposed between the micro lens and the photoelectric conversion unit and that is eccentric with respect to an optical axis of the micro lens, wherein the plurality of pixels of the imaging device output a signal for obtaining phase difference. The imaging device performs phase difference detection on the entire surface of a captured image without addition of pixels. 1. An imaging device that receives an image formed by an optical system and comprises a plurality of pixels that are two-dimensionally arranged , the imaging device comprising:a micro lens;a photoelectric transducer provided underneath the micro lens; andphase difference pixels for outputting a signal for obtaining phase difference, placed between the micro lens and the photoelectric transducer, and including an opening that is one-sided toward the center of an optical axis of the micro lens,wherein the eccentric direction of the opening is in a tangential direction of a concentric circle with an optical axis of a photographic lens as the center.2. The imaging device of claim 1 , wherein all pixels of the imaging device output a signal for obtaining phase difference.3. The imaging device of claim 1 , comprising phase difference pixels that are arranged externally of the optical axis of the photographic lens claim 1 , and in which the eccentric direction of the one-sided opening is in a dip direction.4. The imaging device of claim 3 , wherein the phase difference pixels claim 3 , in which the eccentric direction of the one-sided opening is in the dip direction claim 3 , detect a focal point in the dip direction.5. The imaging device of claim 1 , comprising phase ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Compact Wavefront Sensor Module and Its Attachment to or Integration with an Ophthalmic Instrument

Номер: US20140022509A1
Автор: Shea William, Zhou Yan

One embodiment disclosed is a compact wavefront sensor module to be attached to or integrated with an ophthalmic instrument for eye examination and/or vision correction procedures. The front lens for relaying the wavefront from the eye to a wavefront sampling plane is positioned at the optical input port of the wavefront sensor module. The front lens is shared by the wavefront sensor and the ophthalmic instrument, and the wavefront sensor module can be made very compact while still being able to cover a large eye wavefront measurement diopter range. 1 a front lens, being the first lens of a wavefront relay, disposed at the optical input port of the wavefront sensing module; and', 'a beam splitter configured to allow most of the light meant for the ophthalmic instrument to pass through and to reflect typically a near infrared wavefront beam from the eye to the wavefront relay path;', 'wherein the front lens is shared by the wavefront sensor module and the ophthalmic instrument., 'an ophthalmic instrument with or without its original objective lens, and a compact wavefront sensor configured to be attached to or integrated with the ophthalmic instrument, wherein the wavefront sensor comprises. An ophthalmic device for measuring optical properties of an eye, comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/154,293, filed Jun. 6, 2011, entitled “A COMPACT WAVEFRONT SENSOR MODULE AND ITS ATTACHMENT TO OR INTEGRATION WITH AN OPHTHALMIC INSTRUMENT,” now U.S. Pat. No. (projected) 8,506,083, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference for all purposes.One or more embodiments of the present invention relate generally to ophthalmic wavefront sensors and particularly relate to wavefront sensor modules and their attachment to or integration with an ophthalmic instrument for vision correction surgical procedures.The subject matter discussed in the background section should not be assumed to be prior art merely as a result of its ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043599A1
Автор: Takaie Yuuichi

A wavefront measuring method using a Shack-Hartmann sensor includes the steps of provisionally determining one of a plurality of light receiving elements as a center-of-gravity position in a spot having a light intensity distribution of light condensed on the light receiving element, calculating a distance between the provisionally determined center-of-gravity position and an adjacent center-of-gravity position, setting an area smaller than and inside of a spot that partially overlaps another spot, and setting a spot that does not overlap another spot to the area, calculating a center-of-gravity position for each area, and calculating the wavefront based upon a shift amount between an ideal center-of-gravity position when parallel light enters the micro lens array and the center-of-gravity position of each area. 1. A wavefront measuring method configured to measure a wavefront of a target optical system using a Shack-Hartmann sensor having a micro lens array and a plurality of light receiving elements , the micro lens array having a two-dimensional arrangement and including a plurality of micro lenses configured to condense light that has passed the target optical system upon the light receiving elements , the wavefront measuring method comprising the steps of:provisionally determining one of the plurality of light receiving elements as a center-of-gravity position in a spot having a light intensity distribution of light condensed on the light receiving element;calculating a distance between the provisionally determined center-of-gravity position and an adjacent center-of-gravity position;setting an area smaller than and inside of a spot that partially overlaps another spot, and setting a spot that does not overlap another spot to the area;calculating a center-of-gravity position for each area; andcalculating the wavefront based upon a shift amount between an ideal center-of-gravity position when parallel light enters the micro lens array and the center-of-gravity ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140055749A1

A sequential wavefront sensor includes a light source, a beam deflecting element, a position sensing detector configured to output a plurality of output signals and a plurality of composite transimpedance amplifiers each coupled to receive an output signal. The output of each composite transimpedance amplifier is phase-locked to a light source drive signal and a beam deflecting element drive signal. 1. A wavefront sensor comprising:a light source configured to output a light beam to illuminate a subject eye;a light source driver circuit coupled to the light source, configured to output a light source drive signal at a first pulsing frequency;a position sensitive detector having a plurality of detector elements configured to output a plurality of detector output signals indicating signal strength of incident light on each detector element;a first beam deflecting element configured to intercept a wavefront beam returned from a subject eye when the subject eye is illuminated by the light source and configured to direct a portion of the wavefront from the subject eye through an aperture toward the detector, where the portion of the wavefront directed through the aperture forms a spot on the detector and with amplitude of deflection of a centroid of the spot from a reference point on the detector approximately indicated by a ratiometric combination of the signal strengths and with the amplitude of the deflection indicating the degree of tilt or convergence or divergence of the portion of the wavefront from a plane wave;a beam deflecting element driving circuit, coupled to the first beam deflecting element, configured to output a beam deflecting element drive signal to scan the portion of the wavefront at a wavefront scanning frequency; anda plurality of composite transimpedance amplifiers, each having an input coupled to receive one of the plurality of detector output signals and an output for providing an amplified detector output signal, with the output of each ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140063456A1

An wavefront sensor uses a calibration wave generator to calculate correction factors to be applied to ratiometric combinations of position sensor output signals to determine real centroid deflection values. 1. A wavefront sensor comprising:a light source configured to output a light beam to illuminate a subject eye;a position sensitive detector having a plurality of detector elements configured to output a plurality of output signals indicating signal strength of incident light on each detector element;a first beam deflecting element configured to intercept a wavefront beam returned from a subject eye when the subject eye is illuminated by the light source and configured to direct a portion of the wavefront from the subject eye through an aperture toward the detector, where the portion of the wavefront directed through the aperture forms a spot on the detector and with amplitude of deflection of a centroid of the spot from a reference point on the detector approximately indicated by a ratiometric combination of the output signal strengths and with the amplitude of the deflection indicating the degree of tilt or convergence or divergence of the portion of the wavefront from a plane wave;a reference wavefront generator configured generate a calibration wavefront equivalent to a wavefront returned from the subject eye and having a specified degree of convergence or divergence from a plane wave, where the deflection of the centroid of the calibration wavefront on the position sensing detector is the real centroid deflection for the specified convergence or divergence; anda processing unit, coupled to the light source, the beam deflecting element and position sensitive detector, configured to control the beam deflecting element to deflect the wavefront beam to direct portions of an annular ring portion of the calibration wavefront on the position sensitive detector referenced to a reference point and further configured to compare the real centroid deflection at the ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140063457A1

An wavefront including a light source for providing a light beam to illuminate a subject eye and a beam deflecting to deflect the light beam to compensate transverse movement of the subject eye. A second beam deflecting element scans the beam around a small portion of the retina to dissipate energy. 1. A wavefront sensor comprising:a light source configured to output a light beam for illumination of a subject eye;a first beam deflecting element configured to intercept the light beam and direct the light beam toward the subject eye; anda controller, coupled to the light source and beam deflecting element, configured to control the beam deflecting element to compensate for transverse movement of the subject eye.2. The wavefront sensor of further comprising:an image detector configured to output an image of the subject eye; andwith the controller coupled to the image detector and further configured to process the image to determine the transverse movement of the subject eye.3. The wavefront sensor of with the controller further configured to control the first beam deflecting element to track the transverse movement of the eye.4. The wavefront sensor of where the light source is a superluminescent diode.5. The wavefront sensor of where the beam deflecting element is a Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) reflector.6. The wavefront sensor of further comprising:a second beam deflecting element configured to receive the light beam and direct the light beam toward the subject eye; andwith the controller further configured to control the second beam deflecting element to scan the light beam around a small portion of the retina of the subject eye to spread optical energy over a larger area. This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/745,738 filed Jan. 18, 2013, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/198,442 filed Aug. 4, 2011 (now U.S. Pat. No. 8,356,900 issued Jan. 22, 2013), which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140063459A1

An apparatus including a wavefront sensor including a light source configured to illuminate a subject eye, a detector, an image sensor configured to output an image of the subject eye, a first beam deflecting element configured to intercept a wavefront beam returned from a subject eye when the subject eye is illuminated by the light source and configured to direct a portion of the wavefront from the subject eye through an aperture toward the detector and a controller, coupled to the light source, the image sensor and the beam deflecting element, configured to process the image to determine transverse movement of the subject eye and to control the beam deflecting element to deflect and project through the aperture portions of an annular ring portion of the wavefront and further configured to pulse the light source at a firing rate to sample selected portions of the annular ring at the detector, to process the image of the subject eye to calculate transverse movement of the subject eye and to orient the beam deflecting element at a DC offset angle to compensate transverse movement of the subject eye. 1. A wavefront sensor comprising:a light source configured to illuminate a subject eye;a detector;an image sensor configured to output an image of the subject eye;a first beam deflecting element configured to intercept a wavefront beam returned from a subject eye when the subject eye is illuminated by the light source and configured to direct a portion of the wavefront from the subject eye through an aperture toward the detector; anda controller, coupled to the light source, the image sensor and the beam deflecting element, configured to process the image to determine transverse movement of the subject eye and to control the beam deflecting element to deflect and project through the aperture portions of an annular ring portion of the wavefront and further configured to pulse the light source at a firing rate to sample selected portions of the annular ring at the detector, ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140063462A1

An apparatus including a position sensing detector and a processing system, with the processing system configured to determine axis of astigmatism and cylinder and sphere diopter values of a subject eye. 1. An apparatus comprising:a position sensing detector configured to output a sequence of position sensing signals, with each position sensing signal indicating deflection of a centroid of a wavefront sample from a reference point on the detector, with the wavefront sample being a sample of an annular ring shaped wavefront portion of an incident wavefront returned from a subject eye; anda processing system coupled to the position sensing detector to receive the sequence of position sensing signals, with the processing system configured to calculate a sequence of deflection coordinates indicating the deflection of each centroid, to calculate a center point of the sequence of centroid deflection coordinates, to associate the sequence of deflection coordinates to an ellipse centered at a center point, with the sequence of centroid deflection coordinates fitted to the ellipse expressed in U, V Cartesian coordinates, with the ellipse having a major axis of amplitude=a and a minor axis of amplitude=b, with the center of the ellipse located at U=0, V=0, and each centroid deflection having coordinates U(t)=a·cos(t), V(t)=b·sin(t) where t=time dependent phase of receipt of a set of sequentially received centroid deflection coordinates and where the ellipse is a circle if the amplitudes of the major and minor axes are equal, to determine the axis of astigmatism based on angular orientation of the major and minor axes and to determine relative magnitude of divergence and convergence based on relative magnitudes of a and b.2. The apparatus of with the processing system further configured to locate the origin of the U claim 1 , V Cartesian coordinate system to the intersection of the major and minor axes of the ellipse.3. The apparatus of with the processing system further ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140063463A1

A wavefront sensor includes a light source configured to illuminate a subject eye, a detector, a first beam deflecting element configured to intercept a wavefront beam returned from a subject eye when the subject eye is illuminated by the light source and configured to direct a portion of the wavefront from the subject eye through an aperture toward the detector and a controller, coupled to the light source and the beam deflecting element, configured to control the beam deflecting element to deflect and project different portions of an annular ring portion of the wavefront from the subject eye through the aperture and further configured to pulse the light source at a firing rate to sample selected portions of the annular ring at the detector. 1. A wavefront sensor comprising:a light source configured to illuminate a subject eye;a detector;a first beam deflecting element configured to intercept a wavefront beam returned from a subject eye when the subject eye is illuminated by the light source and configured to direct a portion of the wavefront from the subject eye through an aperture toward the detector; anda controller, coupled to the light source and the beam deflecting element, configured to control the beam deflecting element to deflect and project different portions of an annular ring portion of the wavefront from the subject eye through the aperture and further configured to pulse the light source at a firing rate to sample selected portions of the annular ring at the detector.2. The wavefront sensor of with the controller further configured to increase the firing rate to increase sampling density of the annular ring portion.3. The wavefront sensor of with the controller further configured to phase-shift a firing time to angularly shift locations of the portions sampled by the detector.4. The wavefront sensor of with the controller configured to control the beam deflecting element to change the radius of a sampled annular ring portion of the wavefront so that ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140078464A1

A method of determining an ophthalmic prescription (Rx) for a patient's eye, includes obtaining a wavefront measurement of the patient's eye; determining a first Rx for the patient's eye from the wavefront measurement, the first Rx corresponding to a maximum value of a merit function calculated from the wavefront measurement of the patient's eye for a first size of the pupil of the patient's eye; determining one or more additional Rx's of the patient's eye for one or more additional pupil sizes different from the first pupil size, wherein each additional Rx is determined for a corresponding size by calculating a value of the merit function for the previously-calculated Rx at the corresponding size and searching for an Rx at the corresponding size that provides a larger value of the merit function than the previously-calculated Rx at the corresponding size; determining a final Rx based on the first Rx and the additional Rx's; and outputting the final Rx. 1. A method of determining an ophthalmic prescription (Rx) for a patient's eye , comprising:obtaining a wavefront measurement of the patient's eye;determining a first Rx for the patient's eye from the wavefront measurement, the first Rx corresponding to a maximum value of a merit function calculated from the wavefront measurement of the patient's eye for a first size of the pupil of the patient's eye;determining one or more additional Rx's of the patient's eye for one or more additional pupil sizes different from the first pupil size, wherein each additional Rx is determined for a corresponding size by calculating a value of the merit function for the previously-calculated Rx at the corresponding size and searching for an Rx at the corresponding size that provides a larger value of the merit function than the previously-calculated Rx at the corresponding size;determining a final Rx based on the first Rx and the additional Rx's; andoutputting the final Rx.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each Rx is calculated for ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Three-frequency phase digitizing system and method of three-phase digitizing an interferometer signal using the same

Номер: US20140085116A1

A phase digitizing system includes an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), multiple phase accumulators and a processing device. The ADC generates sample segments of digital signal waveform samples based on an analog composite input signal received in a measurement channel, the composite input signal includes a first signal having a first frequency F1 and a second signal imported from a reference channel having a second frequency F2. The processing device is coupled to the phase accumulators, and digitally processes each sample segment with outputs of the phase accumulators, and continually generates digital phase data The processing device further provides increment values to each of the phase accumulators based on the digital phase data, causing an output of a first phase accumulator to represent an instantaneous phase of the first signal, and an output of a second phase accumulator to represent an instantaneous phase of the second signal.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003682A1
Автор: HUANG Yuanhao

A dynamic phase acquisition device includes a light collecting opening, a semi-reflecting and semi-transmitting mirror, a phase shifter, a polarizer, a plane reflector, a photosensing element and a phase processor. In the dynamic phase acquisition device, light passes through the light collecting opening to the semi-reflecting and semi-transmitting mirror, and then is divided into two channels. One channel of the light sequentially passes through the phase shifter, the polarizer to the photosensing element, to form a first image; the other channel of the light, after being reflected by the plane reflector, directly passes through the polarizer to the photosensing element, to form a second image. The photosensing element sends the first image and the second image to the phase processor, and the phase processor obtains phase data; and a leading or lagging phase shift range of the phase shifter is 1 degree to 20 degrees. By using the phase shifter to provide a lead or a lag of a small amount of degrees, such as from 1 to 20 degrees, or even from 5 to 10 degrees, phase data can be obtained via two-path image detection, thus eliminating the need for optical elements for at least one path detection, and thereby simplifying the structure and reducing costs. 1. A dynamic phase acquisition device , comprising:a light collecting opening, a semi-reflecting and semi-transmitting mirror, a phase shifter, a polarizer, a plane reflector, a photosensing element and a phase processor;wherein:light passes through the light collecting opening to the semi-reflecting and semi-transmitting mirror, and is divided into two channels, one channel of the light sequentially passes through the phase shifter, the polarizer to the photosensing element, to form a first image; the other channel of the light, after being reflected by the plane reflector, passes through the polarizer to the photosensing element, to form a second image; pixels of the first image one-to-one correspond to pixels of the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003620A1
Автор: Leslie L. Deck
Принадлежит: Zygo Corp

Method and apparatus for determining the wavelength of a light beam are provided. An input light beam is received, and light from the input light beam is distributed to multiple channels. At a first pair of interferometer cavities that has a first free spectral range, two of the multiple channels of light are received. The intensity of light reflected from the first pair of cavities is measured, and a first estimate of the wavelength or optical frequency of the input light beam is determined based on measurements of interference signals from the first pair of cavities and an initial estimate of the wavelength or optical frequency. At a second pair of cavities that has a second free spectral range smaller than the first free spectral range, another two of the multiple channels of light are received. The intensity of light from the second pair of cavities is measured, and a second estimate of the wavelength or optical frequency of the input light beam is determined based on the first estimate and measurements of interference signals from the second pair of cavities, in which the second estimate is more accurate than the first estimate.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220018718A1

The present invention relates to a system and method for reconstruction of temporal wavefront changes for use in an optical system comprising: measuring the distribution function of the light intensity, e.g. the two-dimensional distribution function of the light intensity, in at least two different images taken at different times, wherein said images are taken in at least one optical plane, e.g. the same optical plane, of the optical system. 1. A method for reconstruction of temporal wavefront changes for use in an optical system , the method comprising:measuring a distribution function of light intensity in at least two different images captured at different times, wherein the at least two different images are captured in at least one optical plane.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:identifying at least one image of the at least two different images as an intra-time image and at least another image of the at least two different images as an extra-time image, wherein said identifying is carried out based on that the intra-time image is captured at a time before the extra-time image is captured.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising applying a wavefront phase retrieval algorithm to the intra-time image and the extra-time image for reconstructing temporal wavefront changes that occurred between the times at which the intra-time image and the extra-time image were captured.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising selecting or deriving the at least two different images from a series of images captured at different times.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein at least one image from the at least two different images is derived from a combination of selected images from the series of images claim 4 , wherein the at least one image from the at least two different images is computationally calculated.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of measuring the distribution function of the light intensity in the at least two different images captured at ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Interferometric High Fidelity Optical Phase Demodulation

Номер: US20170010133A1
Автор: Barfoot David A.
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

An illustrative interferometric system with high-fidelity optical phase demodulation includes a receiver having a fiberoptic coupler that produces optical interferometry signals having mutual phase separations of 120° and balanced photo-detectors that each produce an electrical difference signal based on a respective pair of said optical interferometry signals. The system further includes circuitry that converts the electrical difference signals into measurements of an interferometric phase. 1. An interferometric system with high-fidelity optical phase demodulation , comprising: a fiberoptic coupler that produces optical interferometry signals having mutual phase separations of 120°;', 'balanced photo-detectors that each produce an electrical difference signal based on a respective pair of said optical interferometry signals; and, 'a receiver havingcircuitry that converts the electrical difference signals into measurements of an interferometric phase.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a source that transmits at least one light pulse along a distributed sensing fiber,wherein the circuitry windows said measurements based on a time delay after each pulse to associate said measurements with a position on the distributed sensing fiber.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the distributed sensing fiber couples one or more return signals to the receiver claim 2 , and wherein the receiver splits the one or more return signals across two optical paths having a propagation delay difference to enable the fiberoptic coupler to produce said optical interferometry signals.4. The system of claim 3 , further comprising a first circulator that couples said at least one light pulse from the source to the distributed sensing fiber claim 3 , and further couples the return signal to the receiver.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the fiberoptic coupler splits the return signal across the two optical paths claim 3 , and wherein the two optical paths are reflectively terminated.6. ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Terahertz Wave Phase Difference Measurement Device

Номер: US20170010162A1
Автор: Shiramizu Nobuhiro

In order to provide a high-sensitivity terahertz wave phase difference measurement system having a high S/N ratio, terahertz interference waves are observed using a half mirror and a movable reference mirror, and the phase difference is calculated, by a terahertz wave generation/detection device that obtains a high S/N ratio by employing a terahertz wave generator for irradiating a non-linear optical crystal with angular phase-matched pump light and seed light, and a terahertz wave detector for irradiating a non-linear optical crystal with angular phase-matched pump light and terahertz waves. In order to match the optical path length of the pump light and the terahertz waves irrespective of the position of the movable reference mirror and the position of a measured object, a first optical delay device, and a second optical delay device that operates in conjunction with movement of a movable reference mirror of a Michelson interferometer, are introduced on the optical path of the pump light. 1. A terahertz wave phase difference measuring system comprising:a pulse laser light source which generates pump light;a continuous wave laser light source which generates seed light;a terahertz wave generator including a nonlinear optical crystal which launches the pump light and the seed light so as to meet a first angle phase matching condition for generating a terahertz wave and thereby generates a terahertz wave;a terahertz wave detector including a nonlinear optical crystal which launches the terahertz wave and the pump light so as to meet a second angle phase mate matching condition for converting the terahertz wave into terahertz wave detection light and thereby generates the terahertz wave detection light;a photodetector which detects the detection light;a signal processor which converts an output signal of the photodetector into the intensity of a detected terahertz wave and records the intensity;a beam splitter which bifurcates pump light from the pulse laser light ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011055A1
Автор: Kawasaki Kazuhiko

To measure the frequency of a laser, the frequency of a beat signal that is generated by the interference between an optical frequency comb, used as the reference of measurement, and the laser to be measured is measured. In such a laser frequency measurement using the optical frequency comb, at least one of a repetition frequency and a CEO frequency of the optical frequency comb is changed so that the frequency of the beat signal becomes a predetermined value, and the frequency of the beat signal is measured, so that the frequency of the laser is measured. This allows measurement of the frequency of laser having large frequency variation and low stability. 1. A laser frequency measurement method using an optical frequency comb , for measuring a frequency of a laser by measuring a frequency of a beat signal generated by interference between the optical frequency comb , used as a reference of measurement , and the laser to be measured , the method comprising the steps of:{'sub': rep', 'CEO, 'changing at least one of a repetition frequency fand a CEO frequency fof the optical frequency comb such that the frequency of the beat signal becomes a predetermined value; and'}measuring the frequency of the beat signal to measure the frequency of the laser.2. The laser frequency measurement method using an optical frequency comb according to claim 1 , comprising the steps of:{'sub': rep', 'CEO, 'measuring the repetition frequency fand the CEO frequency f; and'}{'sub': rep', 'CEO, 'changing at least one of the repetition frequency fand the CEO frequency fsuch that the frequency of the beat signal becomes the predetermined value.'}3. The laser frequency measurement method using an optical frequency comb according to claim 2 , comprising the step of:{'sub': laser', 'rep', 'CEO, 'measuring an absolute frequency νof the laser from measurement values of the repetition frequency fand the CEO frequency f, and the predetermined value or measured value of the beat signal.'}4. The laser ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010967A1

A tunable laser system includes a tunable laser to be scanned over a range of frequencies and an interferometer having a plurality of interferometer outputs. At least two interferometer outputs of the plurality of interferometer outputs have a phase difference. A wavelength reference has a spectral feature within the range of frequencies, and the spectral feature does not change in an expected operating environment of the tunable laser. Processing circuitry uses the spectral feature and the plurality of interferometer outputs to produce an absolute measurement of a wavelength of the tunable laser and controls the tunable laser based on a comparison of the absolute measurement of the wavelength of the tunable laser with a setpoint wavelength. 1. A tunable laser control system for controlling a laser output of a tunable laser , the tunable laser arranged to be scanned over a range of frequencies , the tunable laser control system comprising:an interferometer having a plurality of interferometer outputs, wherein at least two interferometer outputs of the plurality of interferometer outputs has a phase difference not equal to 0° and not equal to 180°;a wavelength reference having a spectral feature within the range of frequencies, the spectral feature not changing in an expected operating environment of the tunable laser; and use the spectral feature and the plurality of interferometer outputs to produce an absolute measurement of a wavelength of the tunable laser; and', 'control the tunable laser based on a comparison of the absolute measurement of the wavelength of the tunable laser with a setpoint wavelength., 'processing circuitry configured to2. The tunable laser control system of claim 1 , wherein the processing circuitry is further configured to generate an error signal based on an output of a comparator that compares the absolute measurement with the setpoint wavelength.3. The tunable laser control system of claim 2 , wherein the processing circuitry further ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Laser Heterodyne Interferometric Apparatus and Method Based on Plane Mirror Reflection

Номер: US20210010794A1

Disclosed are a laser heterodyne interferometric apparatus based on plane mirror reflection and a corresponding method. The interferometric apparatus includes a dual-frequency laser, a first photoelectric receiver, a second photoelectric receiver, a first polarizing beamsplitter, a second polarizing beamsplitter, a third polarizing beamsplitter, a quarter-wave plate, a right angle mirror, an optical compensator, and a measured plane mirror. The method performs heterodyne interferometry with two spatially separated beams of different frequencies and balances the optical path lengths of the measurement beam and the reference beam with the optical compensator. In the method, the measured plane mirror moves back and forth along the propagation direction of the input beams. The disclosure suppresses optical non-linearity and optical thermal drift in laser heterodyne interferometry, simplifies the optical path structure, and improves accuracy of laser heterodyne interferometry. 1. A based laser heterodyne interferometric apparatus based on plane mirror reflection , comprising: a dual-frequency laser , a first photoelectric receiver , a second photoelectric receiver , a first polarizing beamsplitter , a second polarizing beamsplitter , a third polarizing beamsplitter , a quarter-wave plate , a right angle mirror , an optical compensator , and a measured plane mirror , wherein the first polarizing beamsplitter , the second polarizing beamsplitter , the quarter-wave plate , the third polarizing beamsplitter , and the optical compensator are sequentially arranged in parallel between the dual-frequency laser and the measured plane mirror; the first photoelectric receiver is disposed in the reflection direction of the first polarizing beamsplitter; the second photoelectric receiver is disposed in the reflection direction of the second polarizing beamsplitter; and the right angle mirror is disposed in the reflection direction of the third polarizing beamsplitter);wherein one ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for Phase Resolved Heterodyne Shearographic Measurements

Номер: US20190011247A1

A phase-resolved heterodyne shearing interferometer has been developed for high-rate, whole field observations of transient surface motion. The sensor utilizes polarization multiplexing and multiple carrier frequencies to separate each segment of a shearing Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Post-processing routines have been developed to recombine the segments by extracting the scattered object phase from Doppler shifted intermediate carrier frequencies, providing quantitative relative phase changes and information to create variable shear, phase resolved shearographic fringe patterns without temporal or spatial phase shifting. 1. A digital signal process to compute on a computer a phase resolved gradient of displacement based on phase resolved heterodyne shearographic measurements , the digital signal process comprising the steps of:accessing temporal spatial irradiance data stored on a computer as a sequence of pixel-based image frames;isolating heterodyne signal from a complete measurement by high-pass filtering each pixel independently to output heterodyne information at local oscillator frequencies of first and second carrier frequencies;multiplying each pixel by sine and cosine of the first carrier frequency to calculate in-phase and quadrature phase time sequences for the first carrier frequency;low pass filtering the resulting in-phase and quadrature time sequences to remove unwanted components predominantly at twice the first carrier frequency and produce first filtered in-phase and quadrature time sequences;producing an estimate of Doppler phase at each pixel for the first carrier frequency by arctangent demodulation of the first filtered in-phase and quadrature time sequences using the first carrier frequency;multiplying each pixel by sine and cosine of the second carrier frequency to calculate in-phase and quadrature phase time sequences for the second carrier frequency;low pass filtering the resulting in-phase and quadrature time sequences to remove unwanted ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011184A1
Автор: LISS AARON, Liss Daniel

The seismometer uses the interference between light emerging from two closely spaced slits to create an interference pattern. A light detector is used to detect the amplitude of the interference pattern at a specific spatial position. One slit is part of a support for the seismometer, and the other slit is on a pendulum suspended from the support. Vibrations from an earthquake are communicated much better to the slit which is part of the support as compared to the slit on the pendulum. Thus, the vibrations result in a relative movement between the slits and this change in separation between the slits results in the interference pattern from the slits to move. The change in the interference pattern changes the amplitude at the light detector, thereby providing a detectable measurement of vibrations. 15-. (canceled)6. A seismometer system , comprising:(a) a housing;(b) a first screen having both a first slit and a first aperture defined in said first screen; said first slit and said first aperture being spaced apart from each other, said first screen having a first side and a second side; both said first slit and said first aperture being capable of allowing light illuminating both said first slit and said first aperture to pass through said first screen; said first screen being physically attached to said housing,(c) a second screen having both a second slit and a second aperture defined in said second screen; said second slit and said second aperture being spaced apart from each other, said second screen having a third side and a fourth side; both said second slit and said second aperture being capable of allowing light illuminating both said second slit and said second aperture to pass through said second screen;(d) suspending means operable for suspending said second screen from said housing like a pendulum at a position near said first screen and in a position so that a light illuminating said first slit and said first aperture can also pass through said second ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011652A1

Processing systems and methods used in the manufacturing of flat panel displays (FPDs) are provided herein. In one embodiment, a processing system features a motion stage movably disposed on a base surface, one or more X-position interferometers, and a plurality of Y-position interferometers. The X-position interferometers include an X-position mirror fixedly coupled to the motion stage and an X-axis stationary module fixedly coupled a non-moving surface of processing system. Each of the plurality of Y-position interferometers include one of a first or second Y-position mirror fixedly coupled to the motion stage in orthogonal relationship to the one or more X-position mirrors and one of a first or a second Y-axis stationary module fixedly coupled to a non-moving surface of the processing system. Here, each of the Y-axis stationary modules is positioned to direct coherent radiation towards a respective Y-position mirror when the Y-position interferometer thereof is in an active arrangement. 1. A processing system , comprising:a motion stage movably disposed on a base surface, the motion stage comprising a substrate carrier for supporting a to-be-processed substrate; an X-position mirror of a plurality of X-position mirrors, each fixedly coupled to the motion stage; and', 'an X-axis stationary module of a plurality of X-axis stationary modules, each fixedly coupled to a non-moving surface of the processing system, wherein each X-axis stationary module is positioned to direct coherent radiation towards a corresponding X-position mirror; and, 'a plurality of X-position interferometers, each comprising [ respective lengths of each of the Y-position mirrors are less than a length of a to-be-processed substrate;', 'each of the Y-position mirrors are fixedly coupled to the motion stage, and', 'each of the Y-position mirrors are disposed in an orthogonal relationship to the X-position mirrors; and, 'a first Y-position mirror and a second Y-position mirror arranged in a ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011738A1

The invention relates to a method for the two-dimensional reconstruction of wave fronts () of light for use in an optical system () comprising: measuring the distribution function of the light intensity in at least two images at different optical planes () having an optical path difference. In particular this method is suitable for probing the tomographical distribution of wave fronts of electromagnetic fields with an image detector, e.g. any standard two-dimensional camera. 1. A method for performing a two-dimensional reconstruction of wave fronts of light for use in an optical system comprising:measuring a distribution function of light intensity in at least two pixelated images, the at least two pixelated images captured at two or more optical planes, the two or more optical planes having an optical path difference,wherein the distribution function of light intensity is associated with a wave front.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein measuring the distribution function of the light intensity comprises determining a plurality of one-dimensional cumulative distribution functions of the light intensity in each plane over a range of different angles within each plane.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:matching the determined plurality of one-dimensional cumulative distribution functions across the two or more optical planes to derive two-dimensional wave front slope estimates in a midway plane,wherein the midway plane is located between the two or more optical planes.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:integrating the two-dimensional wave front slope estimates to reconstruct a two-dimensional shape of the wave front in the midway plane.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein one of the at least two pixelated images is taken in a pupil plane of the optical system.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein one pixelated image of the at least two pixelated images is taken intra-focally and at least one image of the at least two pixelated images is taken extra- ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

System and Method for Increasing Coherence Length in Lidar Systems

Номер: US20200011980A1

Various implementations of the invention compensate for “phase wandering” in tunable laser sources. Phase wandering may negatively impact a performance of a lidar system that employ such laser sources, typically by reducing a coherence length/range of the lidar system, an effective bandwidth of the lidar system, a sensitivity of the lidar system, etc. Some implementations of the invention compensate for phase wandering near the laser source and before the output of the laser is directed toward a target. Some implementations of the invention compensate for phase wandering in the target signal (i.e., the output of the laser that is incident on and reflected back from the target). Some implementations of the invention compensate for phase wandering at the laser source and in the target signal. 1. A system for compensating for phase variance in a laser source comprising:a phase difference detector configured to receive a reference arm signal and to detect a phase difference of the reference arm signal, the phase difference corresponding to a difference in the phase of the reference arm signal at two points in time;a phase correction estimator configured to receive the phase difference from the phase detector and to estimate a phase correction to be applied to a target arm signal, wherein the phase correction compensates for the phase variance of the laser source;a phase modulator configured to receive the phase correction from the phase correction estimator, to modulate the target arm signal with the phase correction, and to output a phase corrected target arm signal; anda delay coupled either to either the reference arm signal and configured to introduce a delay time into the reference arm signal prior to being received by the phase difference detector or to the target arm signal prior to being received by the phase modulator, wherein the delay time comprises at least a round trip path delay.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the delay is coupled to the target arm ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015889A1
Автор: Berman Michael J.

A contact-free, optical measurement system determines the precision with which an article responds to a change in energy. An interferometer is used to measure the surface distortions that are caused by different amounts of energy being added to a system. In this manner, any surface distortions, or perturbations of the surface, will be detected by the interferometer measurement of the reflected light from the substrate. The degree of surface distortions of the substrate may then be readily ascertained for each level of energy input. The energy input to the system is thus optimized to result in the lowest level of distortion. 1. A method for determining the distortion of a coating , said method comprising the steps of:Injecting energy into a base on which a panel is mounted;Affecting said coating to said panel;Measuring a response of said coating to said energy;Determining a distortion factor of said coating from the measured response to the said energy, said distortion factor being representative of the distortion of said coating.2. The method of wherein the step of injecting energy into a base on which said panel is mounted is accomplishing by rotating the said base.3. The method of wherein the step of determining a distortion factor is accomplished using interferometry.4. The method of further comprising the step of comparing said distortion factor with a standard distortion factor to thereby determine a relative distortion factor.5. The method of further comprising the steps of repeating the steps of at spaced increments of rotational speed to thereby determine a plurality of distortion factors and comparing said plurality of distortion factors to thereby determine an optimal rotational speed to optimize the distortion of said coating.6. The method of wherein said step of inducing rotation of said base is completed at variable speed.7. The method of wherein a programmed electronic machine is used to complete real-time the steps of measuring a response of said ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

System and method for low noise electromagnetic radiation measurement enabling to measure weak signals

Номер: US20210018363A1
Принадлежит: Universidad De Chile

A system and method for low noise electromagnetic radiation measurement enabling to measure weak signals is provided. The electromagnetic radiation measurement system is configured for detecting weak electromagnetic radiation input signals overcoming the quantum limit. The electromagnetic radiation|measurement system includes at least one or more first 50/50 power splitter receiving the input signal; two or more identical balanced heterodyne receivers; two or more LNAs; one or more local oscillator (LO), one or more optical isolator; one or more second 50/50 power splitter; a digital correlator; and a computer or a similar computational device.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Optical Spectral Line Width Calculation Method, Device, and Program

Номер: US20210018372A1

Provided is an optical spectrum line width calculation method, apparatus, and program capable of calculating a spectrum line width of a laser to be measured from an optical interference signal generated by an optical interferometer having a delay line, based on a phase of the optical interference signal having a delay time longer than a delay time due to the delay line. The optical spectrum line width measurement apparatus includes a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, an optical receiver that receives an optical interference signal emitted from the Mach-Zehnder interferometer, an A/D converter that converts an analog electric signal output from the optical receiver into a digital electric signal, and an processing apparatus that processes the digital electric signal. In the interferometer, an optical delay fiber is provided on one arm waveguide, and an optical frequency shifter is provided on the other arm waveguide. Two light beams having a delay difference T are generated from light emitted from the laser to be measured, and an optical interference signal is generated by multiplexing the two light beams. 4. The optical spectrum line width calculation method according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': 'N', 'the calculating of the phase X(t) and the calculating of the power spectrum are repeatedly performed while increasing N until the power spectrum converges to a Lorentz function, and'}the calculating of the spectrum line width of the laser to be measured sets the half width at half maximum of the power spectrum converged to the Lorentz function as the spectrum line width of the laser to be measured.8. The optical spectrum line width calculation apparatus according to claim 5 , further comprising:{'sub': 'N', 'a comparison calculation unit configured to cause the second phase calculation unit to calculate the phase X(t) by increasing N until the power spectrum converges to a Lorentz function, and input the power spectrum to the spectrum line width calculation unit when the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018910A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries,Ltd

An optical module includes an LD that emits laser beam; a carrier that mounts the LD and thermistor thereon; a photodetector detecting the laser beam output from the LD; a TEC that mounts the carrier and the photodetector thereon; a chassis having a box-shape demarcated by walls that form a space for enclosing the LD, the TEC, and the photodetector therein, wherein at least of the walls has a window, and the thermistor arranged between the LD and the photodetector. 1. An optical module , comprising:an LD that emits laser beam;a carrier that mounts the LD and thermistor thereon;a photodetector detecting the laser beam output from the LD;a TEC that mounts the carrier and the photodetector thereon;a chassis having a box-shape demarcated by walls that form a space for enclosing the LD, the TEC, and the photodetector therein,wherein at least of the walls has a window, and the thermistor arranged between the LD and the photodetector.2. The optical module ofwherein the photodetector composed of a material including a silicon3. The optical module offurther comprising a beam splitter input the laser beam, and output a first output beam and a second output beam opposite to the first output beam.4. The optical module offurther comprising an isolator arranged between the LD and the beam splitter.5. The optical module ofwherein the photodetector includes a 90-degree hybrid, a first light receiving element, a second light receiving element, a third light receiving element.6. The optical module ofwherein the LD being a wavelength tunable laser.7. The optical module ofwherein the wavelength tunable laser includes a Sampled Grating Distributed FeedBack, a Chirped Sampled Grating Distributed Bragg Reflector, and a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier.8. The optical module ofwherein at least of the Sampled Grating Distributed FeedBack and the Chirped Sampled Orating Distributed Bragg Reflector being a heater. The present disclosure relates to an optical module.Japanese Unexamined Patent ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Methods and Systems of Refraction Automation for Prescribing Eyeglasses

Номер: US20210018764A1
Автор: Liang Junzhong

Methods and systems for determining a refractive correction for eyeglasses involve obtaining an objective measurement of a wave aberration. The objective measurement includes an objective spherical power (SPH_o), an objective cylinder power (CYL_o), an objective cylinder axis (AXIS_o), and other residual aberrations; and uses objective vision optimization to achieve a best image quality for the eye from the residual aberrations. A prescription cylinder power (CYL_p), is determined using a software module, where an absolute value of CYL_p is less than an absolute value of CYL_o and achieves an acuity of at least 20/20. A prescription spherical power (SPH_s) is determined subjectively by dialing into a phoropter module a cylinder correction according to the prescription cylinder power (CYL_p) from the software module and the objective cylinder axis (AXIS_o) according to the objective aberrometer module. A prescription for an ophthalmic lens of the eyeglasses is generated that includes SPH_s, CYL_p and AXIS_o. 1. A method for determining a refractive correction for eyeglasses , the method comprising:obtaining an objective measurement of a wave aberration of an eye of a patient using an objective aberrometer module, wherein the objective measurement includes an objective spherical power (SPH_o), an objective cylinder power (CYL_o), an objective cylinder axis (AXIS_o), and residual aberrations, wherein the objective measurement does not involve responses from the patient, and wherein the objective measurement uses objective vision optimization to achieve a best image quality for the eye;determining, using a software module, a prescription cylinder power (CYL_p), wherein an absolute value of the prescription cylinder power is less than an absolute value of the objective cylinder power (CYL_o), and achieves an acuity of at least 20/20;determining a prescription spherical power (SPH_s) through a subjective refraction involving subjective responses of the patient to a ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023358A1

Metrology methods, modules and targets are provided, for measuring tilted device designs. The methods analyze and optimize target design with respect to the relation of the Zernike sensitivity of pattern placement errors (PPEs) between target candidates and device designs. Monte Carlo methods may be applied to enhance the robustness of the selected target candidates to variation in lens aberration and/or in device designs. Moreover, considerations are provided for modifying target parameters judiciously with respect to the Zernike sensitivities to improve metrology measurement quality and reduce inaccuracies. 1. A method of metrology target design , the method comprising calculating a Zernike sensitivity of pattern placement errors (PPEs) of at least one device design and of a plurality of metrology target designs , and selecting a best metrology target design according to a value of a cost function derived from the calculated Zernike sensitivities , the cost function quantifying a similarity of the Zernike sensitivity between the at least one device design and the plurality of metrology target designs , wherein at least one of the calculating and the selecting is carried out by at least one computer processor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the Zernike sensitivity is calculated with respect to Zernike coefficients Z4 . . . Z36.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the Zernike sensitivity is calculated with respect to odd Zernike coefficients only.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the Zernike sensitivity is calculated only with respect to Zernike coefficients Z8 claim 3 , Z11 claim 3 , Z15 claim 3 , Z20 claim 3 , Z24 claim 3 , Z27 claim 3 , Z31 claim 3 , and Z35.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cost function comprises a distance metric between the PPE Zernike sensitivity of the at least one device design and the PPE Zernike sensitivity of the plurality of metrology target designs.6. A metrology target designed by the method of .7. A target design file of the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023472A1

The disclosed invention describes a new apparatus performing a new data acquisition for quantitative refractive index tomography. It is based on a linear scanning of the specimen, opposed to the classical approaches based on rotations of either the sample or the illumination beam, which are based on the illumination with plane waves, which orientation is successively modified in order to acquire angular information. On the contrary, the inventive apparatus and method rely on a specially shaped illumination, which provides straightforwardly an angular distribution in the illumination of the specimen. The specimen can thus be linearly scanned in the object plane in order to acquire the data set enabling tomographic reconstruction, where the different positions directly possess the information on various angles for the incoming wave vectors. 117.-. (canceled)18. An apparatus for performing quantitative phase tomography on a specimen , comprising:an illumination source for providing an illuminating beam;an optical device having an optical axis direction, the optical device arranged to transform the illuminating beam into a shaped illuminating beam directed along the optical axis direction to irradiate the specimen;a microscope objective arranged to collect a beam scattered by the specimen; and an array sensor for measuring an intensity of the beam scattered by the specimen and collected by the microscope objective, and outputting a measurement signal,', 'displacement device to move the specimen in a plane normal to the optical axis direction, and', 'a processing device to process the measurement signal output by the array sensor to deliver quantitative phase tomography images representing the specimen in three dimensions, and to provide quantitative values of a refractive index distribution., 'a wave front analyzer for analyzing a wave field amplitude and phase of the beam scattered by the specimen, the wave front analyzer including,'}19. The apparatus of claim 18 , ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022602A1
Автор: FREIMANN Rolf

A method for analyzing the wavefront effect of an optical system includes: illuminating a measurement mask () with illumination light, producing an interferogram in a specified plane using a diffraction grating () from a wavefront from the illuminated measurement mask and traveling through the optical system; and capturing the interferogram with a detector (). Different angular distributions of the illumination light incident on the measurement mask are produced via a mirror arrangement of independently settable mirror elements. A plurality of interferograms are captured in a plurality of measurement steps, wherein these measurement steps differ respectively in angular distribution of the illumination light that is incident on the measurement mask. A matching wavefront deviation portion in the measurement results obtained respectively in the measurement steps is ascertained to determine the respective system wavefront deviations of the optical system for the pupil regions illuminated respectively in the individual measurement steps. 1. A method for analysing the wavefront effect of an optical system , comprising:illuminating a measurement mask with illumination light from an illumination device;producing an interferogram in a specified plane using a diffraction grating from a wavefront coming from the illuminated measurement mask and traveling through the optical system; andcapturing the interferogram with a detector;wherein different angular distributions of the illumination light that is incident on the measurement mask are produced by a mirror arrangement of independently settable mirror elements;wherein a plurality of interferograms are captured in a plurality of measurement steps, wherein the measurement steps differ from one another in respective angular distribution of the illumination light that is incident on the measurement mask; andwherein a matching wavefront deviation portion in measurement results obtained respectively in the measurement steps is ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180024008A1

When an optical system is illuminated with illumination light fluxes emitted from respective input image points, an interference image generated by superimposing output light fluxes output from the optical system and a reference light flux coherent with the output light fluxes is imaged to acquire interference image data collectively including information of an interference image about all input image points. Diffractive optical light propagation simulation is performed to acquire a phase distribution associated with only light emitted from a single input image point at a position where reconstructed light fluxes to the respective output light fluxes are separated into each light flux. In each input image point, this simulation is performed to acquire a phase distribution on an exit pupil plane. 1. An optical system phase acquisition method of acquiring a phase of an optical system (Ot) comprising one or more image forming optical elements , this method comprising:{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2, 'when the optical system (Ot) is illuminated with illumination light fluxes (Fs, Fs, . . . ) emitted from respective input image points (Ps, Ps, . . . ) with respect to an input side of the optical system (Ot), imaging, with an imaging element (Uf), an interference image generated by superimposing output light fluxes (Fo, Fo, . . . ) output from the optical system (Ot) and a reference light flux (Fr) coherent with the output light fluxes to acquire interference image data (Df) collectively including information of an interference image about the input image points (Ps, Ps, . . . );'}{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2, 'performing diffractive optical light propagation simulation based on the interference image data (Df) to acquire a broad sense phase distribution Ψgj(u″, v″) associated with only light emitted from the input image point (Psj) of the input image points (Ps, Ps, . . . ), at a position where reconstructed light fluxes to the respective output light fluxes (Fo, Fo ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025614A1
Автор: Preu Sascha

The invention relates to a device for the spectral analysis of an electromagnetic measurement signal using an optoelectronic mixer, wherein the optoelectronic mixer is designed to generate the electrical superimposition signal by superimposing the electromagnetic measurement signal and a reference signal with at least one known frequency (fo). The device comprises the following features: a signal input for receiving an electrical superimposition signal from the optoelectronic mixer , a low-pass filter, a rectifier, and a read-out unit. The low-pass filter is designed to generate a filtered superimposition signal from the electrical superimposition signal by filtering out frequency portions above an upper cutoff frequency (fG). The rectifier is designed to generate a rectified superimposition signal from the filtered superimposition signal. The read-out unit is designed to determine a match of the known frequency (fo) of the reference signal with the electromagnetic measurement signal based on the rectified overlay signal. 1. A device for a spectral analysis of an electromagnetic measurement signal using an optoelectronic mixer , wherein the optoelectronic mixer is designed to produce an electrical superposition signal by down-mixing a superposition of the electromagnetic measurement signal and a reference signal with at least one known frequency , the device comprising:a signal input for receiving of the electrical superposition signal from the optoelectronic mixer;a low-pass filter, which is designed to produce a filtered superposition signal from the electrical superposition signal by filtering out frequency components above an upper cutoff frequency;a rectifier, which is designed to create a rectified superposition signal from the filtered superposition signal; anda read-out unit, which is designed to determine a correspondence of the known frequency of the reference signal with the electromagnetic measurement signal based on the rectified superposition signal.2. ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Multi-photon wavefront sensor, methods, and applications

Номер: US20200025627A1

A multi-photon wavefront sensor system and method. The system includes a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor and a laser excitation source configured to emit a plurality of laser pulses at a wavelength in the near-infrared range, wherein the plurality of laser pulses are configured to induce multi-photon absorption in a detector material of the Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210026250A1

Projection objective wave-front aberration detecting device and a detecting method thereof, wherein the projection objective wave-front aberration detecting device comprises a light source and illuminating system, an object plane grating, an object plane displacement stage, a measured projection objective, an image plane grating, a two-dimensional photoelectric sensor, an image plane displacement stage and a control processing unit. According to the invention, by controlling the length of the object plane grating line, or the periodic structure of the object plane grating perpendicular to the shearing diffraction direction, or the object plane grating to adopt a sinusoidal grating, or the image plane grating to adopt an amplitude-phase hybrid grating, the complexity of an interference field is reduced, and the wave-front aberration detection speed and precision are improved, and the precision and speed of in-situ wave-front aberration detection can be improved. 1. A device for detecting projection objective wave-front aberration , comprising:{'b': '1', 'a light source and illuminating system (),'}{'b': '2', 'an object plane grating (),'}{'b': '3', 'an object plane displacement stage (),'}{'b': '4', 'a measured projection objective (),'}{'b': '5', 'an image plane grating (),'}{'b': '6', 'a two-dimensional photoelectric sensor (),'}{'b': '7', 'an image plane displacement stage (), and'}{'b': '8', 'a control processing unit (),'}{'b': 2', '3', '5', '6', '7, 'wherein the object plane grating () is carried by the object plane displacement stage (), and the image plane grating () and the two-dimensional photoelectric sensor () are carried by the image plane displacement stage ();'}{'b': 2', '4', '5', '6', '1', '2', '4', '1', '4, 'the object plane grating (), the measured projection objective (), the image plane grating (), and the two-dimensional photoelectric sensor () are sequentially arranged along a direction of spatial incoherent light output by the light source and ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210028599A1
Автор: SHU Qize
Принадлежит: Coherent, Inc.

A wavelength sensor for wavelength stabilization of a laser beam includes an etalon placed in the laser beam and tilted with respect to the laser beam. Reflected beams from the etalon form an interference pattern on a segmented photodetector having two detector segments. Output signals from the two detector segments are used to derive an error signal for a closed control loop to effect the wavelength stabilization. 1. A wavelength sensing apparatus for a laser beam comprising:a non-birefringent etalon having first and second parallel surfaces, the etalon located in the laser beam; anda segmented photodetector having first and second detector segments, the etalon being tilted with respect to the laser beam such that first and second reflected beams from respectively the first and second parallel surfaces are directed onto the segmented photodetector to form an interference pattern, the segmented photodetector located at a far-field distance of the first and second reflected beams, the first and second detector segments producing respectively first and second output signals, changes in the first and second output signals corresponding to changes in the wavelength of the laser beam.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further including a signal processor receiving the first and second output signals claim 1 , and deriving therefrom an error signal that is representative of a phase relationship between the first and second reflected beams.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the error signal is derived by dividing a difference between the first and second output signals by a total of the first and second output signals.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the error signal is zero when the first and second reflected beams are completely out-of-phase.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the laser beam is an output beam of a laser.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the laser beam is circulating within a laser resonator.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the interference ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029808A1

A method of designing a multifocal ophthalmic lens with one base focus and at least one additional focus, capable of reducing aberrations of the eye for at least one of the foci after its implantation, comprising the steps of: (i) characterizing at least one corneal surface as a mathematical model; (ii) calculating the resulting aberrations of said corneal surface(s) by employing said mathematical model; (iii) modelling the multifocal ophthalmic lens such that a wavefront arriving from an optical system comprising said lens and said at least one corneal surface obtains reduced aberrations for at least one of the foci. There is also disclosed a method of selecting a multifocal intraocular lens, a method of designing a multifocal ophthalmic lens based on corneal data from a group of patients, and a multifocal ophthalmic lens. 1174-. (canceled)175. An intraocular lens based on a process comprising the steps of:selecting a representative group of patients;for the group, determining at least one of an average corneal shape and an average corneal spherical aberration;modeling a lens comprising:an anterior surface and an opposing posterior surface;a diffractive pattern on one of the surfaces configured to generate multiple foci, the diffractive pattern characterized by a plurality of zones having predetermined diameters and the step heights; andan aspheric shape on one of the surfaces, the aspheric surface being described by a radius of curvature and a conic constant; andselecting the radius of curvature, the conic constant, the predetermined diameters, and the step heights to compensate for the average corneal spherical aberration and to reduce an averaged chromatic aberration for the group.176. The intraocular lens of claim 175 , wherein the aspheric surface and the diffractive pattern are on a common surface.177. The intraocular lens of claim 175 , wherein the diffraction pattern is configured to produce an apodization zone in which the step heights are selected to ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Wavefront measurement method, shape measurement method, optical element manufacturing method, optical apparatus manufacturing method, program, and wavefront measurement apparatus

Номер: US20150036148A1
Автор: Atsushi Maeda
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A wavefront measurement method includes the steps of causing object light to be incident on a Shack-Hartmann sensor, capturing a first spot image under an image pickup condition, calculating data of first spot positions that correspond to the first spot image, calculating second spot positions by simulating a second spot image on the basis of the image pickup condition and information of a travelling direction of diffracted light generated when the object light passes through the microlenses, and reducing detection errors of the spot positions by correcting the data of the first spot positions on the basis of data of the second spot positions including data of a detection error due to the diffracted light.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033380A1
Принадлежит: Ariel Scientific Innovations Ltd.

An interferometer system comprises a sample interferometer arm for guiding a first wave to a sample, and receiving a reflected wave from the sample and a phase amplifier for amplifying a phase shift of the reflected wave, to provide phase-shift-amplified intermediate wave. The interferometer system can also comprise an additional interferometer arm for guiding an additional wave to combine with the intermediate wave, to provide an output wave, and a detector for detecting the output wave. 1. An interferometer system , comprising:a sample interferometer arm for guiding a first wave to a sample, and receiving a reflected wave from said sample;a phase amplifier for amplifying a phase shift of said reflected wave, to provide phase-shift-amplified intermediate wave;an additional interferometer arm for guiding an additional wave to combine with said intermediate wave, to provide an output wave; anda detector for detecting said output wave.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said phase-shift-amplified intermediate wave and said additional wave have the same optical frequency.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said phase-shift-amplified intermediate wave and said additional wave have different optical frequencies.4. The system according to claim 1 , comprising at least one amplitude controller configured to ensure that said intermediate wave and said additional wave are of approximately the same intensities.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said phase-shift amplifier comprises an amplitude controller configured to ensure that an amplitude of said intermediate wave differs from an amplitude of said reflected wave.67-. (canceled)8. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said phase shift amplifier comprises:a wave splitter system for receiving an input wave and providing said first wave and a second wave;{'sub': 1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2, 'an amplitude controller for controlling amplitude of at least one of said first and said second waves, ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038022A1

A wavefront sensor is integrated with a surgical microscope for allowing a doctor to make repeated wavefront measurements of a patient's eye while the patient remains on an operating table in the surgical position. The device includes a wavefront sensor optically aligned with a surgical microscope such that their fields of view at least partially overlap. The inclusion of lightweight, compact diffractive optical components in the wavefront sensor allows the integrated device to be supported on a balancing mechanism above a patient's head during a surgical procedure. As a result, the need to reposition the device and/or the patient between measuring optical properties of the eye and performing surgical procedures on the eye is eliminated. Many surgical procedures may be improved or enhanced using the integrated device, including but not limited to cataract surgery, Conductive Keratoplasty, Lasik surgery, and corneal corrective surgery. 1. A surgical device for measuring properties of an eye , comprising:a surgical microscope providing a first field of view;a wavefront sensor optically aligned with the surgical microscope and providing a second field of view, wherein the first field of view at least partially overlaps the second field of view; andat least one diffractive optical component in the wavefront sensor for producing a measurable image of a wavefront reflected from an eye positioned within an overlapping portion of the first and second fields of view.234-. (canceled) Any and all applications for which a foreign or domestic priority claim is identified in the Application Data Sheet as filed with the present application, are hereby incorporated by reference under 37 CFR 1.57. Specifically, this application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/797,365, entitled “INTEGRATED SURGICAL MICROSCOPE AND WAVEFRONT SENSOR,” and filed Mar. 12, 2013, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/619,168, entitled “INTEGRATED SURGICAL ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038261A1
Автор: Bahk Seung-Whan
Принадлежит: RAM Photonics, LLC

A method for performing optical wavefront sensing includes providing an amplitude transmission mask having a light input side, a light output side, and an optical transmission axis passing from the light input side to the light output side. The amplitude transmission mask is characterized by a checkerboard pattern having a square unit cell of size Λ. The method also includes directing an incident light field having a wavelength λ to be incident on the light input side and propagating the incident light field through the amplitude transmission mask. The method further includes producing a plurality of diffracted light fields on the light output side and detecting, at a detector disposed a distance L from the amplitude transmission mask, an interferogram associated with the plurality of diffracted light fields. The relation 2. The method of wherein the amplitude transmission mask comprises an amplitude-only transmission mask.3. The method of wherein the detector is characterized by a pixel size and A is about 10 times larger than the pixel size.4. The method of wherein:10 nm<λ<2,000 nm; and1 mm≦L≦10 mm.5. The method of wherein the interferogram includes phase slope information claim 1 , the method further comprising integrating a two-dimensional phase slope computed using the interferogram to construct a phase front associated with the incident light field.6. The method of wherein constructing the phase front comprises performing a Fourier domain spatial carrier analysis.7. The method of wherein the Fourier domain spatial carrier analysis comprises selecting carrier terms located diagonally claim 6 , but not orthogonally claim 6 , with respect to axes of the amplitude transmission mask.8. The method of further comprising performing a point-by-point optimization on the diagonal carrier terms to refine a spatial resolution of the wavefront.9. The method of further comprising:providing a segmented mirror array; andproviding a plurality of the amplitude-only transmission ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150042950A1
Автор: Yamazaki Shoichi

There is provided a fundus imaging apparatus which suppresses generation of a ghost image, and is capable of high-magnification/high-resolution fundus imaging (AO-SLO), and low-magnification/wide-angle fundus imaging for wide-angle monitoring by a compact optical system having high optical performance. In a fundus imaging apparatus which guides light emitted by a light source to an eye to be inspected, through a scanning unit for two-dimensionally scanning a fundus, and obtains a fundus image based on the light reflected by the eye to be inspected, an optical system between the scanning unit and the eye to be inspected is constituted by a plurality of reflecting surfaces. The first reflecting surface from the eye to be inspected is a rotationally asymmetrical aspherical surface. 1. An ophthalmologic apparatus which obtains an image based on light that has been emitted by a light source and reflected by an eye to be inspected , comprising:a plurality of reflecting surfaces each configured to reflect the light; anda scanning unit configured to scan the light on a fundus of the eye to be inspected,wherein, among the plurality of reflecting surfaces, a reflecting surface which first reflects the light reflected by the eye to be inspected is a free-form surface.2. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , among the plurality of reflecting surfaces claim 1 , a reflecting surface which is inserted in an optical path between the scanning unit and the eye to be inspected and has a strongest optical refractive power on an eccentric section is a second free-form surface.3. An apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a wavefront correction device inserted in an optical path between the scanning unit and the light source and configured to perform wavefront correction of the reflected light; anda storage unit configured to store optical characteristics of the free-form surface and second free-form surface,wherein the wavefront correction device performs ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150042982A1

A system and method for performing field measurement and testing of a plurality of widely spaced laser beams used in visual warning technology (VWT). VWT uses a combination of widely spaced laser beams, to warn civilians from approaching too close to military security areas. The widely spaced laser beams are displaced using rhomboidal prisms. Each rhomboidal prism receives a corresponding laser beam and displaces it toward a collecting lens. The lens focuses the displaced beams received thereon onto an imaging sensor for testing. Beam shutters may be used for selectively blocking one or more beams in order to test the beams separately and in different combinations.

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150043004A1

A high speed high resolution heterodyne interferometric method and system are provided. The invention uses two spatially separated beams with slightly different frequencies and has two measurement signals with opposite Doppler shift. The switching circuit selects one of the two measurement signals for displacement measurement according to the direction and speed of the target movement. In this invention, the measurement is insensitive to the thermal variation; the periodic nonlinearity is essentially eliminated by using two spatially separated beams; the measurable target speed of the interferometer is no longer limited by the beat frequency of the laser source.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041186A1

Interference fringes in a bullseye pattern are produced by a measurement module by interfering a flat reference beam with a spherical beam reflected by a sphere connected to the tip of a probe in point contact with a test object. The bullseye interferogram is registered at a detector and analyzed conventionally to produce a position measurement of the tip of the probe. A beam correction module is used to align the bullseye interferogram with the illumination axis of the measurement module. By combining at least three such measurement modules in a coordinate measurement machine, the three-dimensional position of the probe and of its point contact with the test object can be obtained from analysis of the bullseye interferograms registered by the detectors with high precision and greatly reduced Abbe error. 1. An interferometric system for measuring a position of an object in space , the system comprising:an interferometric measurement module configured to emit a test wavefront shaped as a diverging cone of light directed toward said object in space;a curved reflective surface placed within said cone of light such that a bullseye interferogram is produced and sensed by a detector; anda processor programmed to produce a position measurement of said reflective surface based on the bullseye interferogram sensed by the detector;wherein said reflective surface is attached to a probe in point contact with the object in space.2. The interferometric system of claim 1 , further including a correction module adapted to align said bullseye interferogram with an illumination axis of the measurement module.3. The interferometric system of claim 2 , wherein said corrective module includes a sensor with multiple detector elements receiving signals from the bullseye interferogram claim 2 , and said processor is further programmed to drive the correction module so as to cause the detector elements to sense a bullseye pattern when said bullseye interferogram is centered on said axis of ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Computationally-Assisted Multi-Heterodyne Spectroscopy

Номер: US20190041267A1

According to one aspect, a multi-heterodyne system is disclosed, which comprises a first laser source for generating multi-mode radiation having a frequency spectrum characterized by a first plurality of phase coherent frequencies, and a second laser source for generating multi-mode radiation having a frequency spectrum characterized by a second plurality of phase coherent frequencies. The system further comprises at least one detector for detecting a combination of the multi-mode radiation generated by the first and second laser sources so as to provide a multi-heterodyne signal having a frequency spectrum characterized by a plurality of beat frequencies, each beat frequency corresponding to a pairwise difference in the first and second plurality of phase coherent frequencies. The system further comprises an analyzer for receiving said multi-heterodyne signal and configured to employ a predictive model of the multi-heterodyne signal to provide estimates of any of phase error and timing error associated with the beat frequencies. 135-. (canceled)36. A method for processing a multi-heterodyne signal comprising:generating from a first laser source multi-mode radiation having a frequency spectrum characterized by a first plurality of phase coherent frequencies,generating from a second laser source multi-mode radiation having a frequency spectrum characterized by a second plurality of phase coherent frequencies,detecting a combination of said multi-mode radiation generated by said first and second laser sources so as to provide a multi-heterodyne signal having a frequency spectrum characterized by a plurality of beat frequencies, each beat frequency corresponding to a pairwise difference between said first and second plurality of phase coherent frequencies, andcomputationally correcting said detected multi-heterodyne signal for any of phase and timing error.37. The method of claim 36 , wherein said step of computationally correcting the multi-heterodyne signal employs ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041350A1

A device and method that belongs to the field of Shack-Hartmann (S-H) wavefront detection, more specifically an adaption of the S-H sensor, with an attachment of customized focusing relay optics, onto opto-mechanical measurement instrument for the alignment and measurement of an optical systems with a higher numerical aperture (NA), where the object points are realized by an object plate from a suitable material with single mode fibers light sources polished to achieve the same plane as said object plate is disclosed. 1. A Focusing Shack-Hartmann Sensor comprising:a Shack-Hartmann Sensor comprised of a camera and micro lens array;said Shack-Hartmann Sensor combined with a focusing relay optical system;wherein said Shack-Hartmann Sensor is first calibrated using a plane wave that removes any optical aberrations of said Shack-Hartmann sensor; and,wherein said Focusing Shack-Hartmann sensor is then calibrated by using an ideal point source to remove optical aberrations of said focusing relay optics.2. An improved measurement system using Shack-Hartmann wavefront detection for a projection optical system under test having an object Field Of View and an image plane comprising:a Shack-Hartmann Sensor;focusing relay optics placed between said image plane of said projection optical system under test and said Shack-Hartmann Sensor;a point light source placed in front of and pointing towards said object Field Of View of said projection optical system under test; and,wherein said focusing relay optics is placed such that the focus point of an image of a point light source that is projected by said projection optical system under test is matched to the focal length of said focusing relay optics.3. An improved measurement system using Shack-Hartmann wavefront detection for a projection optical system under test having an object Field Of View and an image plane comprising:a Shack-Hartmann Sensor;focusing relay optics placed between said image plane of said projection optical ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041351A1

Methods, devices and systems are disclosed that enable accurate and reliable measurements of wavefront aberrations with a wide dynamic range. The described wavefront sensors can be implemented at a low cost and without any moving parts. One wavefront sensor includes an optical pyramid positioned to receive a focused incoming light beam. The optical pyramid includes three facets that each allow a portion of the focused incoming light beam to exit the optical pyramid. The wavefront sensor also includes one or more imaging lenses positioned to receive light that exits each of the facets of the optical pyramid, and one or more lenslet arrays positioned to receive light from the one or more imaging lenses and to produce a plurality of focused light spots corresponding to each lenslet of the lenslet array. 1. A wavefront sensor , comprising:an optical pyramid positioned to receive a focused incoming light beam on a tip of the optical pyramid, the optical pyramid including at least three facets that each allow a portion of the focused incoming light beam to exit the optical pyramid;one or more imaging lenses positioned to receive light that exits each of the facets of the optical pyramid; andone or more lenslet arrays positioned to receive light from the one or more imaging lenses and to produce a plurality of focused light spots corresponding to lenslets of the lenslet array, whereinthe focused light spots, upon detection by a detector, enable a determination of a wavefront error of the incoming light beam.2. A wavefront sensor of claim 1 , further comprising one or more detectors positioned at a focal plane of the one or more lenslet arrays to receive the focused light spots produced by the one more lenslet arrays.3. The wavefront sensor of claim 1 , wherein the wavefront sensor excludes any moving components.4. The wavefront sensor of claim 1 , wherein the optical pyramid has four facets.5. The wavefront sensor of claim 1 , wherein the optical pyramid includes ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Large Diopter Range Real Time Sequential Wavefront Sensor

Номер: US20150049305A1
Автор: Shea William, Zhou Yan

Example embodiments of a large dynamic range sequential wavefront sensor for vision correction or assessment procedures are disclosed. An example embodiment includes first and second optically coupled 4F relays and a variable focus lens disposed substantially at the image plane of the first 4F relay and the object plane of the second 4F relay. 1. A large diopter range sequential wavefront sensor for vision correction or assessment procedures comprising:a first optical wavefront relay system including first and second lenses, each lens having a diameter, a focal length and an optical axis, with the first optical wavefront relay system configured to relay an incident wavefront from a first object plane in a first object space to a first wavefront image plane in a first wavefront image space along a first beam path where the focal lengths and diameters of the first and second lenses are selected to guide an incident wavefront relay beam having a large diopter range at the first object plane to the first wavefront image plane;a second optical wavefront relay system including third and fourth lenses, each lens having a diameter, a focal length and an optical axis, with the second optical wavefront relay system having a second object plane in a second object space that is substantially at the first wavefront image plane, and configured to further relay the incident wavefront from the first wavefront image plane to a second wavefront image plane in a second wavefront image space along a second optical path, with the third lens configured to guide the wavefront relay beam to a Fourier transform plane located between the third and fourth lenses;a variable focal length lens disposed substantially at the second object plane in the second object space, with the variable focus length lens being substantially conjugate to the first object plane and the second wavefront image plane and configured to dynamically change the sphero-diopter value of the wavefront when it is relayed ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045500A1
Принадлежит: Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

A method of air refractive index correction for an absolute long distance measurement adopting a two-color method based on a single wavelength and a synthetic wavelength is provided. Two lasers emit two laser beams with a constant single wavelength and a variable wavelength, respectively, to form a synthetic wavelength chain from large to small through a laser interferometric system. Each order of the synthetic wavelength chain is used to obtain a series of the estimate values of optical distance with gradually increasing accuracy. After optical distances corresponding to a minimum synthetic wavelength and a single wavelength are obtained simultaneously, the corrected absolute distance is achieved according to the principle of the two-color method for air refractive index correction. The method can realize full-path correction of air refractive index along the actual path of the distance measurement, and has low requirements on the measurement precision of environmental parameters such as temperature and pressure. 1. A method of air refractive index correction for an absolute long distance measurement , comprising the following steps:{'sub': 1', '21', '22', '2i', '2n, '(1) emitting a laser beam with a constant single wavelength λby a first laser, sequentially emitting a laser beam with a variable wavelength from small to large λ<λ< . . . <λ< . . . <λby a second laser, the two laser beams being combined at a first polarizing beam splitter to form an orthogonal linearly polarized beam, and projecting the orthogonal linearly polarized beam onto a laser interferometric system constituted by a beam splitter, a second polarizing beam splitter, a first cube-corner prism and a second cube-corner prism;'}{'sub': S1', 'S2', 'Si', 'Sn', '1', '21', '22', '2i', 'Sn', 'Si', '1', '2i', '2i', '1, '(2) with the laser interferometric system, forming a synthetic wavelength chain from large to small λ>λ> . . . >λ> . . . >λusing a single wavelength λand a variable wavelength λ<λ< . . . ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140125983A1

An interferometer comprising a planar substrate is provided. The interferometer has a splitter formed on the planar substrate to split a received optical signal, a sample arm formed on the planar substrate to receive a first portion of the split optical signal and direct the first portion toward a sample, a reference arm formed on the planar substrate to receive a second portion of the split optical signal, and a detector element to receive an interferogram generated by interfering the second portion of the split optical signal with a received sample signal generated by the first portion of the split signal interacting with the sample. 1. An interferometer comprising:a planar substrate;a splitter formed on the planar substrate to split a received optical signal;a sample arm formed on the planar substrate to receive a first portion of the split optical signal and direct the first portion toward a sample;a reference arm formed on the planar substrate to receive a second portion of the split optical signal; anda detector element to receive an interferogram generated by interfering the second portion of the split optical signal with a received sample signal generated by the first portion of the split signal interacting with the sample.2. The interferometer of claim 1 , wherein a delay is introduced between the first and second portion of the split optical signals.3. The interferometer of claim 2 , wherein the delay is introduced in the reference arm.4. The interferometer of claim 3 , further comprising a controllable delay element operable to adjust the delay.5. The interferometer of claim 4 , wherein the reference arm and sample arm are waveguides having an effective refractive index.6. The interferometer of claim 5 , wherein the controllable delay element adjusts the refractive index of a portion of the reference arm to introduce the delay.7. The interferometer of claim 6 , wherein the controllable delay element adjusts the refractive index of the reference arm by ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065701A1

The present disclosure provides a phase sensitivity calibration method based on a phase generated carrier (PGC) technology, which is characterized in that in the operation process of a PGC algorithm, an additional calibration signal with a phase of known magnitude is applied through a phase modulator. This signal is demodulated through an arctangent algorithm or a differential cross multiplication algorithm, and a demodulated output value corresponding to a unit phase in the algorithm is obtained. The phase of known magnitude can be obtained by converting a carrier modulation depth parameter according to a certain ratio. 1. A phase sensitivity calibration method based on a phase generated carrier (PGC) technology , comprising: first adding an additional calibration signal with a phase of known magnitude through a phase modulator , demodulating the signal through PGC algorithm , and obtaining a demodulated output value corresponding to a unit phase in the algorithm , whereinthe method specifically comprises the following steps:step 1: obtaining a response relationship between a calibration signal frequency and a carrier frequency based on a performance parameter of the phase modulator of a PGC demodulation sensing system;step 2: obtaining a corresponding carrier modulation signal amplitude based on a carrier modulation depth C of the PGC demodulation sensing system required by the PGC technology, and obtaining, based on the response relationship obtained in step 1, a signal amplitude U required for the calibration signal to apply a rated phase φ;step 3: applying the calibration signal described in step 2 to the phase modulator of the PGC demodulation sensing system, and demodulating a amplitude V of a corresponding signal through the PGC technology; andstep 4: comparing the phase φ generated by the calibration signal with the signal amplitude V output by the algorithm, and obtaining a demodulated output value corresponding to a unit phase in the algorithm, that is, a ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049866A1

In an alignment sensor of a lithographic apparatus, position sensing radiation is delivered to a target (P). After reflection or diffraction from the target, position sensing radiation is processed to determine a position of the target. Reference radiation interferes with the position sensing radiation) while a relative phase modulation is applied between the reference radiation and the position sensing radiation. The interfering radiation includes a time-varying component defined by the applied phase modulation. The interfering radiation is delivered to two photodetectors in such a way that each photodetector receives said time-varying component in anti-phase to that received at the other photodetector. A difference signal (i(t)) from said photodetectors contains an amplified, low noise version of said time-varying component. This is used in determining the position of the target. Mode matching enhances interference. Surface scattered radiation is rejected. 134-. (canceled)35. A position sensing arrangement comprising:an illumination optical system for delivering position sensing radiation to a target;a collection optical system for collecting said position sensing radiation after reflection or diffraction from the target; anda position signal processing system for receiving the collected position sensing radiation and for processing the collected position sensing radiation to determine a position of the target;wherein said position signal processing system further comprises a reference beam delivery system for causing reference radiation to interfere with the collected position sensing radiation, thereby providing interfering radiation,wherein a relative phase modulation is applied between the reference radiation and the position sensing radiation so that the interfering radiation includes a time-varying component defined at least in part by the applied phase modulation,wherein the position signal processing system includes (i) an optical signal splitting ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Relative phase measurement for coherent combining of laser beams

Номер: US20190052045A1
Принадлежит: Trumpf Scientific Lasers GmbH and Co KG

A phase control system for controlling the relative phase (φ) of two laser beams of a laser system, which are to be coherently combined, is disclosed that enables providing a phase-controlled sum laser beam. An optical system of the phase control system includes a beam input for receiving a measuring portion of two collinear coherent laser beams, which are superimposed to form a sum laser beam, and provides measuring beams or measuring beam regions, which are used with associated photodetectors for outputting photodetector signals. For determining the relative phase from the photodetector signals, the phase control system has an evaluation device and a delay device for being inserted into the beam path of at least one of the two laser beams. The optical system is configured such that the measuring beams or measuring beam regions are related to different phase offsets.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Integrated wavelength locker

Номер: US20190052053A1
Принадлежит: Juniper Networks Inc

Described are various configurations of integrated wavelength lockers including asymmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometers (AMZIs) and associated detectors. Various embodiments provide improved wavelength-locking accuracy by using an active tuning element in the AMZI to achieve an operational position with high locking sensitivity, a coherent receiver to reduce the frequency-dependence of the locking sensitivity, and/or a temperature sensor and/or strain gauge to computationally correct for the effect of temperature or strain changes.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074793A1

A method for high-accuracy wavefront measurement based on grating shearing interferometry, which adopts a grating shearing interferometer system comprising an illuminating system, an optical imaging system under test, an object plane diffraction grating plate, an image plane diffraction grating plate, a two-dimensional photoelectric sensor, and a calculation processing unit. The object plane diffraction grating plate and the image plane diffraction grating plate are respectively arranged on the object plane and the image plane of the optical imaging system under test. The shearing phase of 1-order diffracted beam and −1-order diffracted beam is exactly extracted through phase shifting method, and the original wavefront is obtained by carrying out reconstruction algorithm according to a shear ratio of 2s, such that the accuracy of wavefront measurement of the optical imaging system under test is improved, wherein s is the shear ratio of the grating shearing interferometer. 2143. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a period of the one-dimensional grating on the object plane diffraction grating plate () to a period of the checkerboard grating or the one-dimensional grating on the image plane diffraction grating plate () is equal to a magnification of the optical imaging system under test ().3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the duty-cycle of the object plane diffraction grating and the image plane diffraction grating is 50%. The subject application claims priority to Chinese Application No. 202010934328.6 filed Sep. 8, 2020 in China. The Chinese priority application is incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to optical measurement, in particular to a wavefront measurement algorithm of a grating shearing interferometer, which is used in the wavefront measurement device and measurement method of the projection lens of lithography or other optical imaging systems that are based on the grating shearing interferometry.The ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058938A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

[Object] To obtain interference light having a stronger light intensity, and to more accurately measure a refractive index of a measured object, with a simplified configuration. 1. A light measurement device comprising:a phase adjustment unit configured to adjust a phase difference between signal light and reference light, the signal light being based on object light being light to be obtained by causing light from a light source to transmit through or be reflected from a measured object, the reference light being light for use in obtaining interference light with the signal light; anda detector configured to detect interference light between the signal light and the reference light output from the phase adjustment unit, and derive a reflection light intensity distribution or a refractive index of the measured object, based on the interference light, whereinan optical axis of the light from the light source or the object light is linearly disposed, andthe phase adjustment unit and the detector are disposed on the optical axis of the light from the light source or the object light.2. The light measurement device according to claim 1 , whereinthe phase adjustment unit adjusts a phase difference between the signal light and the reference light by using light that is the object light whose phase is adjusted, as the reference light, and by using light that is the object light whose phase is not adjusted, as the signal light.3. The light measurement device according to claim 1 , whereinthe phase adjustment unit adjusts a phase difference between the signal light and the reference light by using light that is the object light whose phase is adjusted, as the reference light, and by using light that is the object light whose phase is not adjusted, as the reference light, andthe detector derives a reflection or transmission light intensity distribution with respect to the measured object, based on interference light between the signal light and the reference light.4. The ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058979A1
Автор: MAEDA Atsushi

A shape measuring method includes moving an object surface to a plurality of measurement positions along a set trajectory, irradiating a measuring beam sequentially onto a plurality of partial regions of the object surface, detecting a wavefront of reflected light from the plurality of partial regions, and acquiring a shape of the object surface based on the wavefront. Placement error is measured with respect to the trajectory of the object surface at each of at least two measurement positions, based on a detected wavefront of reflected light, and estimated with respect to the object surface trajectory at a position other than at the least two measurement positions, based on the actually measured placement errors. Placement error of the object surface is corrected based on the placement error with respect to the trajectory. 1. A shape measuring method including moving an object surface to a plurality of measurement positions along a trajectory previously set , irradiating a measuring beam sequentially onto a plurality of partial regions of the object surface , detecting a wavefront of reflected light from the plurality of partial regions , and acquiring a shape of the object surface based on the wavefront , the shape measuring method comprising:actually measuring placement error with respect to the trajectory of the object surface at each of at least two measurement positions among the plurality of measurement positions, based on a wavefront of reflected light detected at least the two measurement positions;estimating a placement error with respect to the trajectory of the object surface at a position other than at the at least two measurement positions, based on the placement errors actually measured by the actually measuring; andcorrecting placement error of the object surface, based on the placement error with respect to the trajectory of the object surface acquired by estimating the placement error, before detecting the wavefront of the reflected light from the ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063243A1

A gain switched dual comb spectroscopy device for spectroscopically detecting a sample substance, comprising a first slave laser light source configured to generate a first frequency comb having a first comb free spectral range, and a second slave laser light source configured to generate a second frequency comb having a second comb free spectral range which is different from the first comb free spectral range. A master laser light source is configured to inject seed light in to both slave laser light sources therewith to injection lock the generation of both the first and the second frequency combs. A photodetector part is arranged to combine the first and the second frequency combs and to detect a beat signal the spectrum of which comprises a third frequency comb including beat tones produced by interference between the combined first and second frequency combs. The device comprises a sample detection area configured for receiving the sample for detection and for directing at least one of the first and the second frequency comb to the photodetector part via the sample detection area. 1. A dual comb spectroscopy device for spectroscopically detecting a sample substance , comprising:a first slave laser light source configured to generate a first optical output, the optical spectrum of which comprises a first frequency comb having a first comb free spectral range;a second slave laser light source configured to generate a second optical output, the optical spectrum of which comprises a second frequency comb having a second comb free spectral range which is different from the first comb free spectral range;a master laser light source configured to inject seed light in to both the first slave laser light source and the second slave laser light source therewith to injection lock said generation of both the first optical output and the second optical output;a photodetector part arranged to combine the first optical output and the second optical output and to detect a beat ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063730A1
Автор: Gannon Caleb Daniel

Methods, apparatus and systems for achieving efficient optical design are described. In one representative aspect, a method for optical design includes introducing a light source into the optical system. The light source emits illumination that is characterized as a point source, a collimated illumination, or a superposition of one or more point sources or one or more collimated illuminations. The light source is represented by a vector field comprising a plurality of vectors. The method also includes defining each optical surface of the optical system based on the vector field of the light source, tracing a plurality of rays that propagate from the light source, traverse through the optical system and reach a predetermined target or targets, and determining whether an illumination or an image characteristic at the predetermined target or targets meets preset design requirements. 1. A method for designing an optical system including a light source and a plurality of optical surfaces , the method comprising:introducing a light source into the optical system, the light source emitting illumination that is characterized as a point source, a collimated illumination, or a superposition of one or more point sources or one or more collimated illuminations, the light source represented by a vector field comprising a plurality of vectors;defining each optical surface of the optical system based on the vector field of the light source;tracing a plurality of rays that propagates from the light source, traverses through the optical system and reaches a predetermined target or targets, wherein each of the plurality of rays is represented based on the vector field of the light source upon reflection, refraction, or transmission through or from each optical surface of the optical system; anddetermining whether an illumination or an image characteristic at the predetermined target or targets meets one or more preset design requirements.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein tracing the ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Cmos wavefront sensors

Номер: US20210066376A1
Автор: Matthias KROJER
Принадлежит: X Fab Semiconductor Foundries GmbH

A Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) wavefront sensor including a sensor element having an array of photodiodes and a passivation layer covering the sensor element. The sensor further includes a binary lens formed in the passivation layer and arranged to focus incident light onto the sensor element.

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Electronic method for extracting the amplitude and phase of a signal in a synchronous detector and application thereof in interferometric circuits

Номер: US20150070704A1

The invention concerns an electronic method for extracting the amplitude E S and the phase φ S of an electrical signal in a synchronous detector, the signal containing a modulated part I mod of the form I mod ∝E S f(t)*cos(φ S −φ R (t)), where φ R (t) and f(t) are two known temporal modulation functions. The method comprises the following steps: multiplying the signal by two reference signals C(t) and S(t) constructed from φ R (t) and f(t); integrating the resulting signals over a time t int ; determining the amplitude and phase of said signal from the quantities X and Y resulting from the previous integrations. The method is characterised in that: said electrical signal is multiplied by C(t) and S(t) that can be decomposed on the same set of frequencies as those present in I mod . The invention also concerns the application of the above method in interferometric circuits and the use and execution of the above method.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063999A1

A metrology system is presented for measuring parameters of a structure. The system comprises: an optical system and a control unit. The optical system is configured for detecting light reflection of incident radiation from the structure and generating measured data indicative of angular phase of the detected light components corresponding to reflections of illuminating light components having different angles of incidence. The control unit is configured for receiving and processing the measured data and generating a corresponding phase map indicative of the phase variation along at least two dimensions, and analyzing the phase map using modeled data for determining one or more parameters of the structure. 1. A metrology system for measuring parameters of a structure , the metrology system being configured for performing Optical Critical Dimension (OCD) measurements and comprising:an optical system configured for detecting light reflection of incident radiation from the structure and generating measured data indicative of angular phase of the detected light components corresponding to reflections of illuminating light components having different angles of incidence, wherein the optical system comprises imaging and focusing lenses configured to create an image of a pupil of the optical system on a phase detector, thereby providing the measured data indicative of a two-dimensional phase map of the pupil, anda control unit configured for receiving and processing the measured data and generating a corresponding two-dimensional phase map of the pupil indicative of variation of the phase along at least one axes of two dimensions used in the two-dimensional phase map, analyzing the two-dimensional phase map and determining one or more parameters of the structure.2. A metrology system according to claim 1 , wherein said two-dimensional phase map of the pupil comprises angular dependent data along at least one axes.3. A metrology system according to claim 1 , wherein said ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066995A1

Techniques for controlling an optical system include accessing a measured value of a property of a particular pulse of a pulsed light beam emitted from the optical system, the property being related to an amount of coherence of the light beam; comparing the measured value of the property of the light beam to a target value of the property; determining whether to generate a control signal based on the comparison; and if a control signal is generated based on the comparison, adjusting the amount of coherence in the light beam by modifying an aspect of the optical system based on the control signal to reduce an amount of coherence of a pulse that is subsequent to the particular pulse. 1. A method of controlling an optical system , the optical system comprising two or more resonator optical elements that define a resonator cavity , the resonator cavity comprising a gain medium between at least two of the two or more resonator optical elements , the method comprising:accessing a measured value of a property of a particular pulse of a pulsed light beam emitted from the optical system, the property being related to an amount of coherence of the light beam;comparing the measured value of the property of the light beam to a target value of the property;determining whether to generate a control signal based on the comparison; andif a control signal is generated based on the comparison, adjusting the amount of coherence in the light beam by modifying an aspect of the resonator cavity based on the control signal to reduce an amount of coherence of a pulse that is subsequent to the particular pulse.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the property of the light beam comprises a divergence of the light beam.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the divergence of the light beam is measured outside of the optical system or outside of the resonator cavity.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pulse that is subsequent to the particular pulse is a pulse that immediately follows the ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150073752A1

A wavefront measuring apparatus configured to measure a transmitted wavefront or reflected wavefront of an optical element includes a measuring unit configured to measure a light intensity distribution based on a light beam transmitted through or reflected by the optical element, a region determining unit configured to determine a first region and a second region based on a plurality of spot positions in the light intensity distribution, a first signal processor configured to calculate a first wavefront by using a linear model based on information of the light intensity distribution of the first region, and a second signal processor configured to estimate a second wavefront by repeating a light propagation calculation with the first wavefront as an initial value based on information of the light intensity distributions of the first region and the second region. 1. A wavefront measuring apparatus configured to measure a transmitted wavefront or reflected wavefront of an optical element , the wavefront measuring apparatus comprising:a measuring unit configured to measure a light intensity distribution based on a light beam transmitted through or reflected by the optical element;a region determining unit configured to determine a first region and a second region based on a plurality of spot positions in the light intensity distribution;a first signal processor configured to calculate a first wavefront by using a linear model based on information of the light intensity distribution of the first region; anda second signal processor configured to estimate a second wavefront by repeating a light propagation calculation with the first wavefront as an initial value based on information of the light intensity distributions of the first region and the second region.2. The wavefront measuring apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a third signal processor configured to stitch the first wavefront and the second wavefront to calculate the transmitted wavefront or the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Wavelength Tracking System, Method to Calibrate a Wavelength Tracking System, Lithographic Apparatus, Method to Determine an Absolute Position of a Movable Object, and Interferometer System

Номер: US20210072088A1
Принадлежит: ASML Netherlands B.V.

The invention provides a wavelength tracking system comprising a wavelength tracking unit and an interferometer system. The wavelength tracking unit has reflection surfaces at stabile positions providing a first reflection path with a first path length and a second reflection path with a second path length. The first path length is substantially larger than the second path length. The interferometer system comprises: a beam splitter to split a light beam in a first measurement beam and a second measurement beam; at least one optic element to guide the first measurement beam, at least partially, along the first reflection path and the second measurement beam, at least partially, along the second reflection path; a first light sensor arranged at an end of the first reflection path to receive the first measurement beam and to provide a first sensor signal on the basis of the first measurement beam; a second light sensor arranged at an end of the second reflection path to receive the second measurement beam and to provide a second sensor signal on the basis of the second measurement beam; and a processing unit to determine a wavelength or change in wavelength on the basis of the first sensor signal and the second sensor signal. 146.-. (canceled)47. A wavelength tracking system comprising:a wavelength tracking unit with reflection surfaces at stable positions providing a first reflection path with a first path length and a second reflection path with a second path length, wherein the first path length is substantially larger than the second path length, andan interferometer system, wherein the interferometer system comprises:a beam splitter to split a light beam in a first measurement beam and a second measurement beam,at least one optic element to guide the first measurement beam, at least partially, along the first reflection path and the second measurement beam, at least partially, along the second reflection path,a first light sensor arranged at an end of the first ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140152993A1
Автор: Hirao Yusuke

An optical path of measurement light emitted from a measurement light source is overlaid by a beam combiner on an optical path of reference light emitted from a reference light source. The measurement light emitted from the measurement light source includes light in the sensitivity wavelength range (S) of a measurement light detector and light in the sensitivity wavelength range (S) of a reference light detector. An interferometer includes a wavelength separation filter that cuts light in at least a part of the sensitivity wavelength range (S) of the reference light detector, of light included in the wavelength range of the measurement light. 1. An interferometer comprising:a measurement light source that emits measurement light;a measurement light detector that detects the measurement light;a reference light source that emits, as reference light, laser light whose wavelength is shorter than a sensitivity wavelength range of the measurement light detector;a reference light detector that detects the reference light;a beam combiner that overlays an optical path of the measurement light and an optical path of the reference light;a first beam splitter that separates, into two light beams, each of the measurement light and the reference light entering through the beam combiner;a first reflective member that is arranged on an optical path of one of the two light beams separated by the first beam splitter and that reflects and makes each of the measurement light and the reference light enter the first beam splitter again;a second reflective member that is arranged on an optical path of the other of the two light beams separated by the first beam splitter and that reflects and makes each of the measurement light and the reference light enter the first beam splitter again; anda second beam splitter that separates, into two light beams, light which is subjected to interference in the first beam splitter and emitted by the first beam splitter, and that guides the light beams ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Method for measuring the frequency modulation of a laser source

Номер: US20180073932A1
Принадлежит: Thales SA

A method for reducing the peak factor of a signal transmitted in a frequency band comprising several channels, the signal using a plurality of channels in the band comprises: a step of clipping the signal, a step of subtracting the clipped signal from the signal, so as to obtain a peak signal, a step of filtering the peak signal with the aid of a multichannel filter configured to comply with a predetermined spectral mask for each of the channels used by the signal, and a step of subtracting the filtered peak signal from the signal. A device for emitting a multichannel signal implementing the method for reducing the peak factor is also provided.

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Phase modulation active device, method of driving the same, and optical apparatus including the phase modulation active device

Номер: US20180074382A1

A phase modulation active device and a method of driving the phase modulation active device are provided. The phase modulation active device includes channels independently modulating a phase of incident light. The method includes selecting a first phase value and a second phase value to be used for the channels, setting a binary phase profile by allocating the selected first phase value or the selected second phase value to each of the channels quasi-periodically, in a sequence in which the channels are arranged, and driving the phase modulation active device, based on the set binary phase profile.

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150085255A1
Автор: Thaung Jorgen
Принадлежит: PROFUNDUS AB

An optical system () for detecting optical aberrations of light from an object (), the optical system comprising: a reference light-source () providing collimated reference light; an optical element () configured to focus at least one collimated light beam incident on the optical element () to a plurality of focal points in a conjugate object plane (), the optical element () being arranged in an optical path between the reference light-source () and the object () for transmitting a plurality of reference light beams towards the object (); and a wavefront sensor () configured to detect a property indicative of an optical aberration of light incident on the wavefront sensor; wherein the optical element () is further arranged to transmit a plurality of reflected guide star light beams resulting from reflection of the reference light beams at the object () towards the wavefront sensor (). 1. An optical system for detecting optical aberrations of light from an object , the optical system comprising:a reference light-source providing collimated reference light;an optical element configured to focus at least one collimated light beam incident on said optical element to a plurality of focal points in a conjugate object plane, said optical element being arranged in an optical path between said reference light-source and said object for transmitting a plurality of reference light beams towards said object; anda wavefront sensor configured to detect a property indicative of an optical aberration of light incident on the wavefront sensor;wherein said optical element is further arranged to transmit a plurality of reflected guide star light beams resulting from reflection of said reference light beams at said object towards said wavefront sensor.2. The optical system according to claim 1 , wherein the reference light-source comprises a light emitting device and a first collimating lens for collimating the light provided by the light emitting device.3. The optical system according ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084714A1
Автор: Zhao Lixin, Zhu Xianchang

The present disclosure relates to a method for detecting focus plane based on Hartmann wavefront detection principle, the function of which is to detect the position of a silicon wafer in a photolithograph machine in real time so as to accomplish adjustment of the leveling and focus of the silicon wafer. By utilizing microlens array to detect the wavefront carrying information about the position of the silicon wafer based on the Hartmann wavefront detection principle, the spherical wavefront is divided by the respective subunits of the microlens array and is imaged on the respective focus planes of the subunits. If the silicon wafer is located on the focal plane, the incident wavefront for the microlens array is a planar wavefront so that the diffraction light spots are on the focus of the respective subunits of the microlens array; and if the silicon wafer is defocused, the incident wavefront for the microlens array is a spherical wavefront so that the diffraction light spots are shifted on the focus plane of the microlens array. Based on Hartmann wavefront detection principle, the detection of the spherical wavefront may be implemented by the microlens array shifting the imaged light spots for the plane wavefront and the spherical wavefront, so as to accomplish the defocusing measurement for the silicon wafer. The system for detecting focus plane has a simple configuration, a higher accuracy and efficiency, so it is applied to measurement for detecting the focus plane in various types of photolithography machines in a high accuracy and in real time. 1. A method for detecting focus plane based on Hartmann wavefront detection principle , which is implemented by a system for detecting focus plane constituted of a light source and beam collimating and expanding unit , frontal set of lens , measured silicon wafer , posterior set of lens , microlens array and CCD detector , wherein the front set of lens and the posterior set of lens forms a 4f system , and the measured ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084715A1
Автор: Hori Yuichiro

A method of calibrating an optical frequency of light emitted from a wavelength-swept light source thereby allowing it to compensate for an error of a wavelength includes performing a first process of measuring an optical frequency range of the emitted light while changing a control parameter associated with an optical frequency sweeping mechanism and determining a correspondence between the control parameter and the optical frequency range, performing a second process of measuring a maximum of a gain of an active medium included in the wavelength-swept light source and determining a correspondence between the maximum of the gain and the control parameter, performing a third process of determining a relationship between the optical frequency range of the emitted light and the control parameter corresponding to the maximum gain of the active medium, and performing a fourth process of adjusting the control parameter based on the determined relationship. 1. A method of calibrating an optical frequency of light emitted from a wavelength-swept light source based on information acquired from a wavenumber acquisition interferometer thereby allowing it to compensate for an error of the wavelength of the wavelength-swept light source , the method comprising:performing a first process of measuring an optical frequency range of the emitted light by the wavenumber acquisition interferometer while changing a control parameter associated with an optical frequency sweeping mechanism included in the wavelength-swept light source, and determining a correspondence between the control parameter and the optical frequency range;performing a second process of measuring a maximum of a gain of an active medium included in the wavelength-swept light source and determining a correspondence between the maximum of the gain and the control parameter;performing a third process of determining a relationship between the optical frequency range of the emitted light and the control parameter ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099497A1

Systems for inspecting a surface of an optical wave originating from an optical device are provided. The optical device includes an exit pupil, and the inspection system includes an optical measuring head and a computer for processing the images from said optical measuring head. The optical measuring head includes a density gradient filter, the density varying periodically in the two directions in space, a matrix frame having at least four identical lenses of square shape of the same focal length and being arranged symmetrically, and a photodetector array, each of the four lenses forming an image of the pupil in the plane of this array. The image processing computer includes computing means for computing the partial derivatives 2. The inspection system according to claim 1 ,wherein, when the optical device is an objective, its focal plane is located in the plane of the matrix frame of the lenses.3. The inspection system according to claim 1 ,wherein, when the optical device is an afocal system, the optical measuring head comprises an additional optic arranged in the exit pupil, such that the focal plane of said additional optic is located in the plane of the matrix frame of the lenses.4. The inspection system according to claim 1 , wherein the matrix frame comprises at least a second quadruplet of lenses.5. The inspection system according to claim 1 , wherein the two periods pand pare equal. This application is a national phase entry of PCT/EP2020/051326, filed on Jan. 21, 2020, which claims the benefit of priority of French Patent Application No. 1900896, filed on Jan. 31, 2019, the contents of which being hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety for all purposes.The technical field of the invention is that of measuring and inspecting surfaces of optical waves. A large number of technical fields require wave surfaces to be inspected. Mention will be made more specifically, but non-exhaustively, of the quality control of optical surfaces or of optics ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099498A1
Принадлежит: ASML Netherlands B.V.

Disclosed is a wavefront sensor for measuring a tilt of a wavefront at an array of locations across a beam of radiation, wherein said wavefront sensor comprises a film, for example of Zirconium, having an indent array comprising an indent at each of said array of locations, such that each indent of the indent array is operable to perform focusing of said radiation. Also disclosed is a radiation source and inspection apparatus comprising such a wavefront sensor. 115.-. (canceled)16. A wavefront sensor for measuring a tilt of a wavefront at an array of locations across a beam of radiation , wherein the wavefront sensor comprises a film having an indent array comprising an indent at each of the array of locations , such that each indent of the indent array is operable to perform focusing of the radiation.18. The wavefront sensor of claim 16 , wherein the film is a transmissive film being operable to substantially transmit the wavefront.19. The wavefront sensor of claim 16 , wherein at least one ofthe film has a real part of a refractive index lower than unity for at least part of a radiation range of 1-50 nm,the real part of the refractive index is lower than 0.99 for at least part of the radiation range of 1-50 nm,the real part of the refractive index is lower than 0.97 for at least part of the radiation range of 1-50 nm, orthe real part of the refractive index is lower than 0.96 for at least part of the radiation range of 1-50 nm.20. The wavefront sensor of claim 16 , wherein at least one ofthe film has extinction coefficient below 0.2 for at least part of a radiation range of 1-50 nm,the film has extinction coefficient below 0.1 for at least part of the radiation range of 1-50 nm, orthe film has extinction coefficient below 0.05 for at least part of the radiation range of 1-50 nm.21. The wavefront sensor of claim 16 , wherein the film has dispersion smaller than 2 claim 16 , smaller than 1.5 claim 16 , for at least part of a radiation range of 1-50 nm claim 16 , 1- ...
