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10-01-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93038323A

Устройство относится к СВЧ измерительной технике и обеспечивает оперативный частотно-селективный допусковый контроль уровня мощности СВЧ. Устройство содержит модулирующий гиромагнитный преобразователь с СВЧ-выходом которого последовательно соединены аттенюатор и СВЧ-детектор, узкополосный усилительный блок, выход которого подключен к высокочастотному входу гиромагнитного преобразователя, а вход блока соединен с выходом СВЧ-детектора. Исследуемый СВЧ-сигнал, частота которого попадает на склон резонансной кривой преобразователя, модулируется им, ослабляется аттенюатором, детектируется СВЧ-детектором. Одна из гармоник выделяется и усиливается блоком, поступает на вход преобразователя и модулирует резонансную частоту его гиромагнитного резонатора.

10-10-1950 дата публикации

Ваттметр высокой частоты

Номер: SU84696A1

12-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001044327A1

20-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2066865C1

Изобретение относится к области СВЧ измерительной техники и обеспечивает оперативный частотно-селективный допусковый контроль уровня мощности СВЧ. Устройство содержит модулирующий гиромагнитный преобразователь 1, с СВЧ-выходом которого последовательно соединены аттенюатор 2 и СВЧ-детектор 3, узкополосный усилительный блок 4, выход которого подключен к высокочастотному входу гиромагнитного преобразователя 1, а вход блока 4 соединен с выходом СВЧ-детектора 3. Исследуемый СВЧ сигнал, частота которого попадает на склон резонансной кривой преобразователя 1, модулируется им, ослабляется анттенюатором 2, детектируется СВЧ-детектором 3. Одна из гармоник выделяется и усиливается блоком 4, поступает на вход преобразователя 1 и модулирует резонансную частоту его гиромагнитного резонатора. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

05-01-1973 дата публикации

Номер: JP0048000132Y1

01-01-1961 дата публикации

Устройство для измерения СВЧ мощности

Номер: SU135524A1

30-08-1987 дата публикации

Способ калибровки поглощающего ваттметра СВЧ

Номер: SU1334092A1

Изобретение относится к технике измерений на СВЧ. Цель изобретения - расширение пределов калибруемых мощностей и повышение точности калибровки . Фиксируют два последовательных экстремальных значения показаний образцового ваттметра и калибруемого ваттметра (KB) при плавном изменении фазы подводимого сигнала.Уравнивают одно 3 экстремальных значений показаний KB с соответствующим экстремальным значением показаний образцового ваттметра путем изменения величины падающей мощности,при этом прочность двух других экстремальных значений показаний KB и образцового ваттметра является поправкой к показаниям КВ. Способ позволяет калибровать поглощающую мощность ваттметров СВЧ практически любого уррвня мощности и в большом динамическом диапазоне, определяемом возможностями образцового ваттметра , и не требует предварительной регулировки и настройки. 1 ил. О) 00 со 4 О СО ...

30-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002872291A1

Dispositif de mesure de puissance et/ou d'énergie consommée à travers au moins un départ (2) d'un tableau électrique, comprenant une centrale (5) de collecte de mesures de tension communes aux différents départs, un faisceau de fils (6) munis de capteurs de courant de manière à équiper les câbles des différents départs. Selon l'invention, les fils de mesure d'intensité de chaque faisceau, sont regroupés et connectés à des modules (9) de calcul numériques reliés à la centrale de collecte par l'intermédiaire d'une liaison numérique (10) commune à tous les modules (9), ce dernier permettant la transmission en temps réel depuis la centrale vers chaque module, des valeurs de courant mesurées, et en sens inverse, des valeurs correspondantes de puissance et/ou d'énergie consommée(s) calculées par ledit module.

11-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011095225A1
Автор: RONGVE, Knut

The invention comprises a drive controller arranged to provide electrical power from a power supply (10) to a machine (8) or load, over a long AC power cable of the order of kilometers. The drive controller (4) is arranged with circuits and/or control processes to provide AC current at a constant ratio of voltage and frequency to said machine (8) or load. The drive controller maintains voltage and frequency at the machine terminals despite fluctuations in voltage and/or frequency that would ordinarily be caused by the load. This is done by estimating the voltage and current at the machine terminals and adapting the drive controller output accordingly to actively vary the converter output dependent on the load of the machine or other load. In other aspects of the invention a method and a computer program for carrying out the method are described.

07-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: SU1183911A1

23-09-1992 дата публикации

Способ измерения мощности СВЧ

Номер: SU1763994A2

Изобретение относится к технике радиоизмерений , в частности измерений характеристик СВЧ-устройств. Цель изобретения - расширение функциональных возможностей за счет одновременного определения модуля и фазы коэффициента отражения нагрузки линии передачи. Для этого дополнительно измеряют мощность сигнала в точке линии передачи, расположенной на половине расстояния между первой и второй точками, на частотах, соответствующих длинам волн в линии передачи , в нечетное число раз меньше максимальной , и производят соответствующие вычисления.

07-04-1984 дата публикации

Устройство для измерения СВЧ мощности

Номер: SU1084693A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ СВЧ-УСЩНОСТИ, содержащее отрезок прямоугольного волновода, полупроводниковый пленочный датчик, размещенный на.узкой стенке отрезка прямоугольного волновода и соединенный с индикатором , включающим измеритель тока и источник ЭДС, отличающееся тем, что, с целью расширения диапазона измеряемых мощностей, в него введен источник напряжения, который соединен с корпусом отрезка прямоугольного волновода и с полупроводниковым пленочным датчиком, при этом между полупроводниковым пленочным датчиком и узкой стенкой отрезка прямоугольного волновода введена диэлектри еская пленка. с (Л ...

23-05-1984 дата публикации

Способ калибровки измерителей малой мощности СВЧ

Номер: SU1093985A1

СПОСОБ КАЛИБРОВКИ ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЕЙ МАЛОЙ МОЩНОСТИ СВЧ, основанный на поочередном подключении к измерительной линии калибруемого и образцового измерителей, с т л и ч а ющ и и с я тем, что, с целью снижения трудоемкости калибровки, к измерительной линии, в качестве которой применяют панорамный измеритель коэффициента стоячей волны (КСВ), подключают образцовьй измеритель и измеряют его КСВ и падающую мощность на всех необходимых частотах,, а затем к. изме рительной линии подключают калибруемый измеритель и измеряют его КСВ на тех же частотах, причем мощность, проходящую в калибруемый измеритель, вычисляют по формуле {k,.l)К . Р Р. (V) К, где Р - мощность, проходящая в калибруемый измеритель; Рд - мощность, прощедшая в образцовый измеритель; К - КСВ образцового измерителя; К, - КСВ калибруемого измерителя, ...

25-02-1978 дата публикации

Номер: JP0053022617U

10-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2081424C1

Изобретение относится к технике СВЧ и может найти применение при изготовлении и эксплуатации СВЧ-генераторов. Целью способа является повышение точности калибровки. Сущность изобретения заключается в двух измерениях мощности в двух точках измерительного тракта, причем одно измерение производят на выходе генератора, а другое - на выходе отрезка коаксиальной линии длиной λ/4 , при этом изменением частоты добиваются, чтобы одно из измерений мощности было максимальное (минимальное), а второе минимальное (максимальное), после чего определяют поправки для регулировки.1 ил.

15-11-1981 дата публикации

Направленный ответвитель многомодовой мощности

Номер: SU881910A1

21-06-1971 дата публикации

Волноводный измеритель мощности

Номер: SU307495A1

30-04-1983 дата публикации

Способ измерения мощности сверхвысокочастотных колебаний с помощью измерительной линии

Номер: SU1015313A1

СПОСОБ ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ МОЩНОСТИ СВЕРХВЫСОКОЧАСТОТНЫХ КОЛЕБАНИЙ С ПОМОЩЬЮ ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬНОЙ ЛИНИИ, включающий измерение напряжения огибающей сверхвысокочастотного поля в измерительной линии при перемещении вдоль нее предварительно прокалиброванного зонда и вычисление мощности по измеренным значени-; ям, отличающийся тем, что, с целью расширения динамичедкого диапазона, в линии создают стоячую волну и определяют расстояние X между двумя положениями зонда, в которых измеренные напряжения равтны между собой, а мощность сверхвысокочастотных колебаний вычисляют по формуле Р Р Т Л ) со где Рр - мощность, соответствующая напряжениям, при которых определяется расстояние Х; )n - длина волны в измерительной линии.

09-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002789205C
Принадлежит: ABB AS

The invention comprises a drive controller arranged to provide electrical power from a power supply (10) to a machine (8) or load, over a long AC power cable of the order of kilometers. The drive controller (4) is arranged with circuits and/or control processes to provide AC current at a constant ratio of voltage and frequency to said machine (8) or load. The drive controller maintains voltage and frequency at the machine terminals despite fluctuations in voltage and/or frequency that would ordinarily be caused by the load. This is done by estimating the voltage and current at the machine terminals and adapting the drive controller output accordingly to actively vary the converter output dependent on the load of the machine or other load. In other aspects of the invention a method and a computer program for carrying out the method are described.

21-11-2023 дата публикации

Способ калибровки для ваттметров поглощаемой мощности на основе диодных преобразователей

Номер: RU2807962C1

Изобретение относится к области измерительной техники сверхвысоких частот. Калибровку осуществляют в два этапа, предварительно записав во внутреннюю память калибруемого ваттметра измеренную и аппроксимированную зависимость детектируемого напряжения диодных детекторов от температуры для температурной коррекции. На первом этапе осуществляют калибровку во всем динамическом диапазоне измеряемых калибруемым ваттметром мощностей, на втором этапе осуществляют калибровку во всем частотном диапазоне калибруемого ваттметра. Формируют калибровочные таблицы, которые записывают во внутреннюю память калибруемого ваттметра и проверяют отклонение калибруемого ваттметра от показаний эталонного ваттметра при перестройке генератора СВЧ в динамическом диапазоне калибруемого ваттметра и во всем частотном диапазоне калибруемого ваттметра. Техническим результатом при реализации заявленного решения является уменьшение погрешности измерений и количества точек в калибровочной таблице. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

07-11-1987 дата публикации

Способ определения СВЧ-мощности, излучаемой антенной

Номер: SU1350619A1

Изобретение относится к технике измерения СВЧ-мощности и повышает точность измерений.Устр-во, реализующее сп-б, содержит двунаправленный ответвитель 1, СВЧ-коммутатор 2, мосты 3-7 на связанных линиях с СВЧ- нагрузками 8-12, делитель 13 мощное- i ти, приемные преобразователи 14-17, НЧ-коммутатор 18, измеритель 19 мощности , ЭВМ 20 с устр-вом 21 сопряжения , блок 22 управления, блок 23 отображения, проходную нагрузку в виде линии переменной длины, ваттметр 25 .поглощаемой мощности. 1 ил. о Си ...

23-03-1987 дата публикации

Способ калибровки полупроводникового резистивного преобразователя импульсной СВЧ-мощности

Номер: SU1298674A1

Изобретение относится к радиотехнике . Цель изобретения - повышение; точности калибровки. Устр-во, реализующее способ, содержит СВЧ-генера- тор 1, детектор 2, компаратор 3, вол- .новодный переключатель 4, калибруе- мый полупроводниковый резистивный преобразователь (КПРП) 5 импульсной СВЧ-мощности, вспомогательный полупроводниковый резистивный преобразователь 6 импульсной СВЧ-мощности, переключатель 7, вольтметр В постоянного тока, мост 9 постоянного тока, регулируемый источник 10 постоянного тока и индикатор 11 импульсных напряжений . Чувствительность преобразователя определяют по формуле j ()/a.(,.e,), где Z, - характеристич.сопротивление СВЧ-ли- нии передачиJ а,Ь - размеры СВЧ-ли- нии передачи; падение постоянного напряжения на КПРП 5; выходной сигнал КПРП 5; U. g - выходной сигнал преобразователя 6, 1 ил. с ( (Л ...

30-12-1982 дата публикации

Способ калибровки поглощающих ваттметров

Номер: SU985750A1

24-09-2008 дата публикации

Electricity network monitoring

Номер: GB0002447633A

In an electricity distribution network comprising a number of nodes connected in series Nx-1, Nx, Nx+1, a value is calculated representing the amount of electricity supplied to a node Nx from the preceding node Nx-1 based on power consumption for the node and the losses between the node and the preceding node. The amount of electricity drawn from the node Nx by the following node Nx+1 may also be assessed. This may be used to monitor the network or a single node. The nodes may be end users, medium voltage sub-radials or transformers for low voltage networks.

24-09-2015 дата публикации

Method for controlling a machine or an electrical load supplied with electric power over a long line

Номер: AU2010345002B2

The invention comprises a drive controller arranged to provide electrical power from a power supply (10) to a machine (8) or load, over a long AC power cable of the order of kilometers. The drive controller (4) is arranged with circuits and/or control processes to provide AC current at a constant ratio of voltage and frequency to said machine (8) or load. The drive controller maintains voltage and frequency at the machine terminals despite fluctuations in voltage and/or frequency that would ordinarily be caused by the load. This is done by estimating the voltage and current at the machine terminals and adapting the drive controller output accordingly to actively vary the converter output dependent on the load of the machine or other load. In other aspects of the invention a method and a computer program for carrying out the method are described.

12-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA1044327A

Magnetic sections of an induction watthour meter include metering coils for connection as elements of a terminating impedance network for power line carrier communication signals. Stator cores of the magnetic sections are made of a ferrite magnetic material so that the metering coils can have predetermined high frequency resonant circuit characteristics. The terminating impedance networks are integral to the watthour metering circuit to provide high impedances for terminating the communication signal to reduce undesired effects on the signals due to low impedance customer electric loads and wide variations in the loads. An alternative embodiment includes a terminating impedance network connected in a watthour metering circuit in which a low impedance circuit protects against interfering high frequency signals originating at a customer's premises.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130308240A1

An electronic load for testing stability of a power voltage of a power source under test (PSUT) includes a voltage supply device, a field effect transistor (FET), an amplification circuit, and a current sampling resistor. The amplification circuit includes a first input, a second input, and an output. The voltage supply device is connected to the first input. The second input is connected to a source electrode of the FET. The output is connected to a gate electrode of the FET. A drain electrode of the FET is connected to the PSUT. One end of the current sampling resistor is grounded, and the other end of the current sampling resistor is connected to the source electrode of the FET and the second input. The voltage supply device outputs a control voltage. The amplification circuit amplifies the control voltage and drives the FET using the amplified control voltage.

11-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002789205A1

The invention comprises a drive controller arranged to provide electrical power from a power supply (10) to a machine (8) or load, over a long AC power cable of the order of kilometers. The drive controller (4) is arranged with circuits and/or control processes to provide AC current at a constant ratio of voltage and frequency to said machine (8) or load. The drive controller maintains voltage and frequency at the machine terminals despite fluctuations in voltage and/or frequency that would ordinarily be caused by the load. This is done by estimating the voltage and current at the machine terminals and adapting the drive controller output accordingly to actively vary the converter output dependent on the load of the machine or other load. In other aspects of the invention a method and a computer program for carrying out the method are described.

22-04-1950 дата публикации

Номер: FR0000960738A

06-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002872291B1
Принадлежит: FRISTOT

24-02-2010 дата публикации

Electricity network monitoring

Номер: GB0002447633B

09-06-2017 дата публикации

Reactive power calculation method suitable for three-phase three-wire circuit

Номер: CN0106814245A

11-09-2020 дата публикации

Multi-channel measuring device and method for resident load

Номер: CN0111650430A

19-09-1961 дата публикации

Номер: US0003001135A1

28-03-2017 дата публикации

System and method for a directional coupler with a combining circuit

Номер: US0009608305B2

A circuit includes a current sensing circuit comprising a current input terminal coupled to an input port, a current output terminal coupled to a transmitted port, and a current sensing output terminal configured to provide a current sensing signal proportional to a current flowing between the current input terminal and the current output terminal. The circuit further includes a voltage sensing circuit having a voltage input terminal coupled to the transmitted port and a voltage sensing output terminal configured to provide a voltage sensing signal proportional to a voltage at the transmitted port. A combining circuit has a first input coupled to the current sensing output terminal, a second input coupled to the voltage sensing output terminal, and a combined output node coupled to an output port.

14-01-2015 дата публикации

Inter-phase crosstalk compensation method for measurement of polyphase power of chip

Номер: CN0103063910B

14-03-2017 дата публикации

Cable power loss determination for virtual metrology

Номер: US0009594105B2
Принадлежит: Lam Research Corporation, LAM RES CORP

A method for modeling cable loss is described. The method includes receiving a measurement of reverse power and forward power at a radio frequency (RF) generator. The method further includes computing theoretical power delivered to a matching network as a difference between the forward power and the reverse power and calculating a ratio of the reverse power to the forward power to generate an RF power reflection ratio. The method further includes identifying a cable power attenuation fraction based on a frequency of the RF generator and calculating a cable power loss as a function of the RF power reflection ratio, the cable power attenuation fraction, and the theoretical power. The method includes calculating actual power to be delivered to the impedance matching network based on the theoretical power and the cable power loss and sending the calculated actual power to the RF generator to generate an RF signal.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for controlling a machine or an electrical load supplied with electric power over a long line

Номер: AU2010345002A1

The invention comprises a drive controller arranged to provide electrical power from a power supply (10) to a machine (8) or load, over a long AC power cable of the order of kilometers. The drive controller (4) is arranged with circuits and/or control processes to provide AC current at a constant ratio of voltage and frequency to said machine (8) or load. The drive controller maintains voltage and frequency at the machine terminals despite fluctuations in voltage and/or frequency that would ordinarily be caused by the load. This is done by estimating the voltage and current at the machine terminals and adapting the drive controller output accordingly to actively vary the converter output dependent on the load of the machine or other load. In other aspects of the invention a method and a computer program for carrying out the method are described.

14-07-1988 дата публикации

Arrangement for determining a signal which is proportional to the power of a radio-frequency signal

Номер: DE0003644205A1

An arrangement for determining a signal which is proportional to the power of a radio-frequency signal propagating via a waveguide (HL) is designed, so that the radio-frequency signal in the waveguide is disturbed as little as possible, in such a manner that at least two coupling elements (K1, K2) are coupled to the waveguide (HL) at various points, that the radio-frequency signal components extracted by the coupling elements (K1, K2) pass to two ports (a1, a2) of a directional coupler (R), and that the coupling elements (K1, K2) are coupled to the waveguide (HL) at such a distance (d) from one another that the radio-frequency signal components extracted from the waveguide (HL) and conducted via the directional coupler (R) can be superimposed in-phase at a third port (a3) of the directional coupler (R) to which the rectifying circuit unit (D) is connected (Fig.). ...

07-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160139381A

The present invention relates to an induction cooker having a container detection function and a container detection method for the induction cooker. The induction cooker having a container detection function according to the present invention comprises: a DC power generation unit which generates DC voltage by receiving and rectifying commercial power; an input current measurement unit which measures a value of current flowing through the DC power generation unit; an input voltage measurement unit which measures a voltage value of the DC voltage generated by the DC power generation unit; a switching unit which turns on and off application of the DC voltage to a working coil; and a microcomputer unit which performs high frequency control on an operation of the switching unit in order to perform induction heating of a cooking container disposed near the working coil, calculates a current power value by using the current value measured by the input current measurement unit and the voltage ...

19-09-1961 дата публикации

Номер: US0003001134A1

03-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: JP2006201066A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a method for high sensitivity magnetic measurement by which a magnetic field of a remote place is sensed by the change of a frequency without measuring current and voltage, and to provide a device for measuring. SOLUTION: The first step of the method high sensitivity magnetic measurement comprises performing frequency sweeping from a high frequency sweeping oscillation circuit 13 of connection to a port P2 in the state where an outside magnetic field of the field of interest not applied on an isolator 1, measuring reverse directional loss S12 by an electric power measuring circuit 12A of connection to a port P1, and outputting to a calculation processing circuit 10 to regard a peak frequency f0 of the reverse directional loss at that time as a reference frequency f0. The second step of, the method comprises performing frequency sweeping from the high frequency sweeping oscillation circuit 13 in the outside magnetic field of the field of interest, measuring ...

17-02-2017 дата публикации

용기 인식 기능을 구비한 유도가열 조리기 및 유도가열 조리기의 용기 인식 방법

Номер: KR0101707881B1
Автор: 윤기범, 오용택
Принадлежит: (주)쿠첸

... 본 발명에 따른 용기 인식 기능을 구비한 유도가열 조리기는, 상용 전원을 입력받아 정류하여 직류전압을 생성하는 직류전원 생성부; 상기 직류전원 생성부에서 흐르는 전류값을 측정하는 입력전류 측정부; 상기 직류전원 생성부에서 생성된 상기 직류전압의 전압값을 측정하는 입력전압 측정부; 워킹코일에 대한 상기 직류전압의 인가를 온오프하는 스위칭부; 및 상기 워킹코일의 근방에 배치된 조리용기를 유도가열하기 위하여 상기 스위칭부의 동작을 고주파 제어하고, 상기 입력전류 측정부에서 측정된 상기 전류값과 상기 입력전압 측정부에서 측정된 상기 전압값을 이용하여 현재전력값을 산출하고, 상기 현재전력값이 소정의 기준값 이하로 낮아지면, 상기 워킹코일의 허용 범위 내에 조리용기가 위치하지 않은 것으로 판정하는 마이컴부를 포함한다.

28-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EP3101435B1
Принадлежит: MediaTek Inc.

14-03-2023 дата публикации

System and method for wireless transmission of power

Номер: US0011605976B2
Принадлежит: Richard Marion Mansell

Systems and methods are provided for wireless transmission of power or information. A supplying system include a signal source and a transmitter unit. A consuming system includes an electrical load and a receiver unit. Electrical power or information are transmitted wirelessly from the supplying system to the consuming system. The transmitter unit can include a step up transformer. The receiver unit can include a step down transformer. The transmitter unit and receiver unit are not connected to a common ground, resulting in a truly wireless system for transmitting power or information.

25-05-2004 дата публикации

Wide-band RF signal power detecting element and power detecting device using the same

Номер: US0006741070B2

A wide-band RF signal power detecting element includes, on an insulating substrate (21), at least one thin-film resistor (22a) for absorbing the power of a signal to be measured and generating heat, first and second ground electrodes (27, 28) formed by thin-film conductors, a first thin-film connecting portion (24) for electrically connecting the first ground electrode (27) to the thin-film resistor (22a), a second thin-film connecting portion (25) for electrically connecting the second ground electrode (28) to the thin-film resistor (22a) and narrowing the gap between the first and second thin-film connecting portions (24, 25) toward the thin-film resistor (22a), and an input electrode (26) formed between the first and second ground electrodes (27, 28) and electrically connected to the thin-film resistor (22a).

11-02-2003 дата публикации

Wide-band RF signal power detecting element and power detecting device using the same

Номер: US0006518743B1

A wide-band RF signal power detecting element includes, on an insulating substrate (21), at least one thin-film resistor (22a) for absorbing the power of a signal to be measured and generating heat, first and second ground electrodes (27, 28) formed by thin-film conductors, a first thin-film connecting portion (24) for electrically connecting the first ground electrode (27) to the thin-film resistor (22a), a second thin-film connecting portion (25) for electrically connecting the second ground electrode (28) to the thin-film resistor (22a) and narrowing the gap between the first and second thin-film connecting portions (24, 25) toward the thin-film resistor (22a), and an input electrode (26) formed between the first and second ground electrodes (27, 28) and electrically connected to the thin-film resistor (22a).

05-11-2013 дата публикации

Automatic discharge of a failed battery

Номер: US0008577630B2

A system comprises a battery cell, control logic, and a battery drain latch circuit. The control logic is coupled to the battery cell and determines whether a battery pack has experienced a failure condition. The battery drain latch circuit is activated by the control logic, upon detection of a failure condition, to cause the battery cell to drain energy therefrom.

25-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001776594A1
Автор: FRISTOT, Pierre

21-07-2019 дата публикации

Radio frequency power detection circuit

Номер: TWM581201U

24-04-2013 дата публикации

Inter-phase crosstalk compensation method for measurement of polyphase power of chip

Номер: CN103063910A
Автор: Pan Ke, Han Ming

The invention discloses an inter-phase crosstalk compensation method for measurement of polyphase power of a chip. The chip passes through a plurality of single-phase passages, and each single-phase passage adopts the mode of a current signal and a voltage signal to measure the polyphase power. The inter-phase crosstalk compensation method includes compensating single-phase active power and single-phase reactive power, and inversely compensating total active power and total reactive power. Namely, small-signal compensation is conducted on measurement of each phase of power, a certain number of inverse compensation is conducted on measurement of the polyphase power, and accordingly error change which is caused by crosstalk noises is offset, and the problem that a small signal in the chip is affected by the crosstalk noises easily so as to cause an error of power calculation is solved.

24-05-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003644205C2

07-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EP3101435A1

Some embodiments relate to power detector including a voltage sensor (88) configured to detect a voltage of a load (84) and a current sensor (86) configured to detect a current of the load (84). The power detector also includes circuitry (6) configured to introduce a phase delay between the detected voltage of the load (84) and the detected current of the load (84), thereby producing a voltage measurement and a current measurement. The circuitry (6) is also configured to multiply the voltage measurement and the current measurement.

25-09-2018 дата публикации

Power detector

Номер: US0010082528B2
Принадлежит: MediaTek Inc., MEDIATEK INC

Some embodiments relate to power detector including a voltage sensor configured to detect a voltage of a load and a current sensor configured to detect a current of the load. The power detector also includes circuitry configured to introduce a phase delay between the detected voltage of the load and the detected current of the load, thereby producing a voltage measurement and a current measurement. The circuitry is also configured to multiply the voltage measurement and the current measurement.

11-06-2008 дата публикации

Method for testing actual operating power of computer

Номер: CN0101196542A

A method for testing the actual service power of computer is provided, which uses tongtester to test mainly. The testing steps are: firstly, find a common detachable triphase attaching plug, a compound attaching plug, a compound power socket and two electrical wires with lead cross-sectional area above 3 square millimeters, then connect one end of the two electrical wires with the terminators of front line and zero curve in the plug separately, and connect the other end of the two electrical wires with corresponding terminators of the compound attaching plug; secondly, insert the ready-made socket into a indoor power supply socket and press the open button on the tongtester, put one of the wires into the tongtester, then release the open button, the lead should be in the middle of the mutual inductor; when measuring, make the function select switch of the tongtester on AC 20A, turn on the computer after everything is inerrable. Then read the current value measured by the tongtester. Put ...

02-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO2006010802A1
Автор: FRISTOT, Pierre

The invention concerns a device for measuring power and/or energy consumed through at least a busbar connection (2) of an electric panel, comprising a central station (5) collecting voltage measurements common to different busbar connections, a bundle of wires (6) provided with current sensors for equipping the cables of the different busbar connections. The invention is characterized in that the wires for measuring the intensity of each bundle, are assembled and connected to digital computing modules (9) connected to the collecting central station via a digital connection (10) common to all the modules (9), the latter enabling measured current values to be transmitted in real time from the central station to each module, an, corresponding values of consumed power and/or energy computed by said module to be transmitted in the opposite direction.

19-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EP2534751A1
Автор: RONGVE, Knut

11-12-2020 дата публикации

Номер: CN0112067938A

20-04-2016 дата публикации

Based on the load curve of the anti-theft and the power utilization monitoring method

Номер: CN0103792420B

21-07-2009 дата публикации

Multi-building control for demand response power usage control

Номер: US0007565227B2

An energy usage coordinator controls the energy usage of individual buildings of a group (or portfolio) of buildings in one or more load zones. These buildings have all contracted with an energy company which controls (directly or indirectly) the energy usage coordinator. By agreeing to lower energy usage during times of peak usage (when the energy company may otherwise have to pay very high prices on the spot or short term market), the owners or managers of the buildings receive a preferential energy rate from the energy company. Such a preferential rate may be in the form of a fixed rate reduction or a variable rate reduction. Alternatively, the energy company may determine that the energy is currently selling for twice what its building portfolio has contracted to pay for it so it requests some portion of the portfolio to reduce usage so that it can sell the excess/saved energy in the market.

04-12-2020 дата публикации

Energy management controller and energy management method

Номер: CN0112034246A

03-09-2019 дата публикации

método para controlar uma máquina ou uma carga elétrica, controlador de acionamento e uso do controlador de acionamento

Номер: BR112012019646B1
Автор: KNUT RONGVE, Knut Rongve

11-10-1983 дата публикации

Instruments for measurement of carrier power and antenna impedance in AM broadcasting

Номер: US0004409544A

Instruments to measure carrier power and antenna impedance in AM broadcasting, wherein power, resistance, and reactance are computed electrically from two radiofrequency sample voltages proportional to instantaneous current and voltage in a transmission line conveying power to the antenna system, and the results of computation are displayed as a digital readout.

31-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001004883A1
Автор: KODATO, Setsuo

A wide-band RF signal power detecting element includes, on an insulating substrate (21), at least one thin-film resistor (22a) for absorbing the power of a signal to be measured and generating heat, first and second ground electrodes (27, 28) formed by thin-film conductors, a first thin-film connecting portion (24) for electrically connecting the first ground electrode (27) to the thin-film resistor (22a), a second thin-film connecting portion (25) for electrically connecting the second ground electrode (28) to the thin-film resistor (22a) and narrowing the gap between the first and second thin-film connecting portions (24, 25) toward the thin-film resistor (22a), and an input electrode (26) formed between the first and second ground electrodes (27, 28) and electrically connected to the thin-film resistor (22a).

03-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: BR0PI1219646A2

08-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150285845A1

A method for determining parameters of a wireless power transmission system is disclosed where the wireless power transmission system transmits power from a power transmission device to a power reception device via electric field coupling. The parameters include a coupling coefficient ke of an electric field coupling unit that is formed of active electrodes and passive electrodes of the power transmission device and the power reception device. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the third electrode of the power reception device faces the first electrode of the power transmission device with a gap therebetween claim 1 , and the fourth electrode of the power reception device faces the second electrode of the power transmission device with a gap therebetween or is in contact with the second electrode.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the power reception device includes a rectification smoothing circuit that rectifies and smoothes the stepped down voltage output from the step-down transformer.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising determining an equivalent inductance Lof a resonance circuit that includes the step-down transformer of the power reception device.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the determining of the equivalent inductance Lcomprises measuring the inductance Lof the resonance circuit.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the measuring of the equivalent inductance of the inductor Leq comprises measuring an inductance of a primary coil of the step-down transformer of the power reception device.7. The method according to claim 4 , further comprising determining a self-inductance Lof the secondary coil of the step-up transformer of the power transmission device.10. The method according to claim 9 , wherein the third electrode of the power reception device faces the first electrode of the power transmission device with a gap therebetween claim 9 , and the fourth electrode of the power reception device faces ...

16-11-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230369987A1

The present application provides a method and apparatus for suppressing grid voltage imbalance. By obtaining a 90° lagged grid voltage through a differential tracker, calculating instantaneous power using the 90° lagged grid voltage, and then calculating a power converter voltage according to the instantaneous power, the suppression of grid voltage imbalance may be achieved.

01-08-1998 дата публикации

Voltage-drop sensor

Номер: TW0000337854U

19-12-2017 дата публикации

Parameter derivation method

Номер: US0009846183B2

A method for determining parameters of a wireless power transmission system is disclosed where the wireless power transmission system transmits power from a power transmission device to a power reception device via electric field coupling. The parameters include a coupling coefficient ke of an electric field coupling unit that is formed of active electrodes and passive electrodes of the power transmission device and the power reception device.

28-12-2016 дата публикации

Power detection device, image forming apparatus, and power detection method

Номер: CN0106257293A

22-05-2020 дата публикации

Номер: CN0210604746U

07-08-1980 дата публикации

Номер: JP0055033259Y2

19-07-2001 дата публикации

Current detecting device, impedance measuring instrument and power measuring instrument

Номер: US2001008375A1

To perform broadband current detection. The current detector of the present invention comprises first terminal, which receives power source current; second terminal, which feeds output current to an outside current; third terminal, which outputs pilot current having a predefined relationship with this output current; and fourth terminal, which has reference potential; as well as first component connected between the first and second terminals; vertical connection of first and second baluns and coupled with the first component; grounded capacitive component at the connecting part of the first and second baluns; and grounded capacitive component at the output part of the second balun. The properties of the instrument for measuring impedance and the apparatus for measuring power are improved by using the current detector of the present invention.

04-12-2013 дата публикации

Alternating-current parameter detection system for power system

Номер: CN0203324368U

02-01-2024 дата публикации

Electronic monitoring circuit for detecting the variation in the power or current absorbed by at least one electronic circuit under test and electronic system for testing the operation of the at least one electronic circuit

Номер: US0011860218B2

An electronic monitoring circuit for detecting a variation in the power or current absorbed by an electronic circuit under test is disclosed. The circuit includes an input terminal adapted to receive a pulse-width modulation control signal, a resistor having a first terminal connected to the input terminal, and a capacitor having a first terminal connected to a second terminal of the resistor. The output terminal is adapted to generate an output signal as a function of the value of the voltage drop at the ends of the capacitor, said output signal being representative of a variation of the pulse width of the pulse-width modulation control signal. The variation of the pulse width is a function of the power or current absorbed by the electronic circuit under test.

02-07-2002 дата публикации

Current detecting device, impedance measuring instrument and power measuring instrument

Номер: US6414476B2

To perform broadband current detection. The current detector of the present invention comprises first terminal, which receives power source current; second terminal, which feeds output current to an outside current; third terminal, which outputs pilot current having a predefined relationship with this output current; and fourth terminal, which has reference potential; as well as first component connected between the first and second terminals; vertical connection of first and second baluns and coupled with the first component; grounded capacitive component at the connecting part of the first and second baluns; and grounded capacitive component at the output part of the second balun. The properties of the instrument for measuring impedance and the apparatus for measuring power are improved by using the current detector of the present invention.

01-10-1963 дата публикации

Номер: US0003105936A1

27-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: JP2001201521A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To execute wide-band current detection. SOLUTION: This current detecting device is equipped with a first terminal 101 for receiving a power source current, a second terminal 102 for supplying an external circuit with an output current, a third terminal 103 for outputting a pilot current having prescribed relation with the output current, and a fourth terminal 104 having a reference potential. The device is equipped with a first element 116 connected between the first and the second terminals, cascade connection of first and second baluns 120, 122 coupled with the first element, an earthed capacitive element 124 installed on a connection part of the first and the second baluns, and an earthed capacitive element 128 installed on an output part of the second balun. The performance of an impedance measuring device or a power measuring device can be improved by using the current detecting device. COPYRIGHT: (C)2001,JPO ...

07-07-2017 дата публикации

Transformer district line loss analysis and management system

Номер: CN0106932639A

20-06-2017 дата публикации

RF module testing device

Номер: CN0206270409U
Автор: TAN YU

01-05-2003 дата публикации

Wide-band RF signal power decting element and power detecting device using the same

Номер: US2003080725A1

A wide-band RF signal power detecting element includes, on an insulating substrate (21), at least one thin-film resistor (22a) for absorbing the power of a signal to be measured and generating heat, first and second ground electrodes (27, 28) formed by thin-film conductors, a first thin-film connecting portion (24) for electrically connecting the first ground electrode (27) to the thin-film resistor (22a), a second thin-film connecting portion (25) for electrically connecting the second ground electrode (28) to the thin-film resistor (22a) and narrowing the gap between the first and second thin-film connecting portions (24, 25) toward the thin-film resistor (22a), and an input electrode (26) formed between the first and second ground electrodes (27, 28) and electrically connected to the thin-film resistor (22a).

11-10-1983 дата публикации

Instruments for measurement of carrier power and antenna impedance in AM broadcasting

Номер: US0004409544A1
Автор: Redlich; Robert W.

Instruments to measure carrier power and antenna impedance in AM broadcasting, wherein power, resistance, and reactance are computed electrically from two radiofrequency sample voltages proportional to instantaneous current and voltage in a transmission line conveying power to the antenna system, and the results of computation are displayed as a digital readout.

12-05-2020 дата публикации

Intelligent building property control system

Номер: CN0108318733B

10-02-2010 дата публикации

Номер: JP0004414171B2

05-05-2020 дата публикации

Intelligent building energy consumption early warning method

Номер: CN0108318734B

24-07-2018 дата публикации

Intelligent building property control system

Номер: CN0108318733A

14-05-2014 дата публикации

Electricity larceny preventing and electricity utilization monitoring method based on load curves

Номер: CN103792420A

The invention discloses an electricity larceny preventing and electricity utilization monitoring method based on load curves. The electricity larceny preventing and electricity utilization monitoring method based on the load curves comprises the following steps that a plurality of working states of an electric energy meter are divided, the load curves recorded by the electronic type electric energy meter are utilized, marking of working state abnormal types is carried out on the load curves, a load curve mark table is formed, and a plurality of electricity larceny modes are judged through analysis of various states, representing electricity utilization abnormity, in the load curve mark table. The electricity larceny preventing and electricity utilization monitoring method based on the load curves has the advantages that abnormal electricity utilization situations can be found, and then electricity larceny suspicion can be found; in the stage of checks on the site, the function of guiding ...

24-07-2018 дата публикации

Intelligent building energy consumption early warning method

Номер: CN0108318734A

02-02-2021 дата публикации

Resonant phase sensing of resistive-inductive-capacitive sensors

Номер: US0010908200B2

A system may include a resistive-inductive-capacitive sensor, a driver configured to drive the resistive-inductive-capacitive sensor at a driving frequency, and a measurement circuit communicatively coupled to the resistive-inductive-capacitive sensor and configured to measure phase information associated with the resistive-inductive-capacitive sensor and based on the phase information, determine a displacement of a mechanical member relative to the resistive-inductive-capacitive sensor, wherein the displacement of the mechanical member causes a change in an impedance of the resistive-inductive-capacitive sensor.

03-01-2020 дата публикации

In-transit grounding grid power flow detection device

Номер: CN0110646656A

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Rotor temperature estimation for an electric vehicle

Номер: US20120330483A1

In accordance with exemplary embodiments, rotor temperature estimation is provided for estimating rotor temperatures of an electric motor in an electric vehicle. A method comprises estimating a rotor temperature in a controller for an electric motor of a vehicle using a fast-mode rotor temperature estimator for a time interval, and then deactivating the fast-mode rotor temperate estimator after the time interval and activating a normal-mode rotor temperature estimator in the controller for the electric motor of the vehicle. A system comprises an electric motor, a resistance rotor temperature estimator including a limit value limiting a temperature estimate increase for temperature estimates, and a controller for the electric motor, which uses the temperature estimate and is configured to temporarily increase the limit value of the resistance rotor temperature estimator providing a fast-mode rotor temperature estimate.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187575A1

The power source apparatus is provided with a shunt resistor connected in series with batteries, and a current computation circuit that detects the voltage induced by current flow through the shunt resistor to compute battery current. The shunt resistor is provided with a pair of current flow terminals at two separated points on a metal plate connected in series with the batteries via connecting leads, and a pair of voltage detection terminals on a side of the metal plate between the pair of current flow terminals. Further, the shunt resistor has interval adjustment structures to adjust the distance (L) between attachment points where the connecting leads attach to the pair of current flow terminals. The distance (L) between lead attachment points is adjusted with the interval adjustment structures to finely adjust the voltage induced at the voltage detection terminals due to current flow between the two attachment points. 16-. (canceled)7. A power source apparatus comprising:batteries that can be charged;a shunt resistor connected in series with the batteries that can be charged; anda current computation circuit that detects the voltage induced by current flow through the shunt resistor and computes a battery current through the batteries,wherein the shunt resistor is provided with a pair of current flow terminals at two points on a metal plate that are separated and connected in series with the batteries via connecting leads, and a pair of voltage detection terminals on a side of the metal plate between the pair of current flow terminals where a voltage is induced proportional to the current flow, andwherein the shunt resistor has interval adjustment structures to adjust the distance between attachment points where the connecting leads attach to the pair of current flow terminals, and the distance between the attachment points where the pair of connecting leads attach is adjusted with the interval adjustment structures to finely adjust the voltage induced at the ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334991A1

A variable-flux motor drive system including a permanent-magnet motor including a permanent magnet, an inverter to drive the permanent-magnet motor, and a magnetize device to pass a magnetizing current for controlling flux of the permanent magnet. The permanent magnet is a variable magnet whose flux density is variable depending on a magnetizing current from the inverter. The magnetize device passes a magnetizing current that is over a magnetization saturation zone of magnetic material of the variable magnet. This system improves a flux repeatability of the variable magnet and a torque accuracy. 1. (canceled)2. A motor drive system comprising:an inverter for driving the motor;a motor having a permanent magnet, a flux of the permanent magnet is varied based on a magnetizing current output from the inverter; anda current controller configured to control the magnetizing current, and, when a condition to vary the flux of the permanent magnet is satisfied, the current controller is further configured toestimate a flux amount of the motor based on a voltage and current supplied to the motor and an inductance value of a coil, andcalculate a current reference, based on a torque instruction and the estimated flux amount of the motor, to be used for controlling the magnetizing current.3. The motor drive system according to claim 2 , wherein the current reference includes a D-axis current reference and a Q-axis current reference.4. The motor drive system according to claim 3 , wherein the current controller is further configured tooutput a flux command based on run state information and inverter frequency information,calculate a D-axis current command difference based on the flux command, the D-axis current reference, and the estimated flux amount of the motor, andmodify the D-axis current reference based on the D-axis current command reference.5. The motor drive system according to claim 4 , wherein the current controller outputs a zero value as the D-axis current reference ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140070741A1
Автор: Luedtke Daniel

A vehicle comprises an electric machine configured with at least one controller issuing torque commands with the use of a voltage bus. The controller may be configured to respond to a torque requests based on multiple vehicle system inputs including vehicle speed, position of the accelerator pedal and brake pedal, and various other vehicle data. The controller may respond to a torque request that exceeds a threshold value by issuing torque commands for the electric machine based on a speed of the electric machine and a voltage on the bus. Based on the speed of the electric machine and voltage on the bus, the controller may issue a constant torque output by the electric machine as the speed and voltage vary. Calculating a ratio using speed of the electric machine to voltage on the bus to determine torque capability may result as a constant torque when the ratio is constant. 1. A vehicle comprising:an electric machine;a bus; andat least one controller configured to, in response to torque requests that exceed a threshold value, issue torque commands for the electric machine based on a speed of the electric machine and a voltage on the bus such that a torque output by the electric machine remains generally constant as the speed and voltage vary with a constant ratio of the speed to voltage.2. The vehicle of wherein the at least one controller includes a variable voltage controller programmed to adjust the voltage on the bus.3. The vehicle of wherein the threshold value is approximately equal to a maximum torque capability of the electric machine.4. The vehicle of wherein the threshold value is based on the speed of the electric machine and the voltage on the bus.5. The vehicle of wherein the electric machine is a synchronous motor.6. The vehicle of wherein the controller comprises a vehicle system controller claim 1 , an engine controller claim 1 , a variable voltage controller and a motor controller.7. A vehicle comprising:an electric machine having windings;a bus; ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006591A1
Автор: Sheahan Thomas J.

A system and method for dynamically optimizing flux levels in electric motors based on estimated torque. Motor parameters and motor equations are used to estimate operating characteristics and to set current and voltage limits which define an optimal flux operating range for a given speed and torque of the motor. A slope of a linear flux gain is determined within the defined operating range at different speeds of the motor. The determined slopes for the different speeds are saved in a memory element. A control element determines and achieves an optimal flux level for the motor by accessing the table to identify a specific slope which corresponds to an actual speed of the motor, multiplying the slope by the estimated torque and adding an offset value to determine a phase current component value associated with the optimal flux level, and applying the determined phase current component value to the motor. 1. An electric motor system for optimizing a flux level in an electric motor configured to receive an input power and to drive a load , the electric motor system comprising:an electric motor having a shaft and configured to create a torque on the shaft to drive the load; and [ using a set of motor parameters and a set of motor equations to estimate a slip, a stator frequency, and a torque, and defining an optimal flux operating range for a given speed and torque of the electric motor,', 'determining a linear flux gain within the optimal flux operating range at a plurality of different speeds of the electric motor, and', 'saving in the electronic memory element the linear flux gain for each different speed, and, 'an electronic memory element containing a table of linear flux gains for a plurality of different speeds, wherein the table is created by—'}, accessing the memory element to identify a specific linear flux gain which corresponds to an actual speed of the electric motor,', 'multiplying the specific linear flux gain by the estimated torque and adding an offset ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160013747A1
Автор: Gu Bon Young

The motor driving control apparatus may include: a speed-position detecting unit detecting an angular velocity and a magnetic flux angle of a rotor of a motor apparatus using currents flowing in a plurality of phases of the motor apparatus; a magnetic flux angle correcting unit determining a reference magnetic flux angle using the magnetic flux angle and outputting the reference magnetic flux angle when an error is present in the magnetic flux angle; and a controlling unit controlling driving of the motor apparatus using the angular velocity and the magnetic flux angle. 1. A motor driving control apparatus comprising:a speed-position detecting unit detecting an angular velocity and a magnetic flux angle of a rotor of a motor apparatus using currents flowing in a plurality of phases of the motor apparatus;a magnetic flux angle correcting unit determining a reference magnetic flux angle using the magnetic flux angle and outputting the reference magnetic flux angle when an error is present in the magnetic flux angle; anda controlling unit controlling driving of the motor apparatus using the angular velocity and the magnetic flux angle.2. The motor driving control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic flux angle correcting unit judges that an error is present in the magnetic flux angle when the magnetic flux angle does not have linearity.3. The motor driving control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic flux angle correcting unit determines that the magnetic flux angle is the reference magnetic flux angle when the magnetic flux angle has linearity.4. The motor driving control apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the magnetic flux angle correcting unit confirms a first value of 0 degree and a second value of 360 degrees of the magnetic flux angle when the magnetic flux angle does not have linearity claim 3 , and determines that a saw-tooth wave having the first value as a minimum value and having the second value as a maximum value is the reference magnetic flux ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013369A1
Автор: Fujii Kiyoshi
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

In a control apparatus for a rotary electric machine, a first manipulation unit manipulates, as control for a predetermined first region with respect to the controlled variable, a voltage phase of a voltage vector applied to an armature winding while controlling a field current to cause a deviation between an amplitude of an induced voltage and an amplitude of a predetermined voltage to be equal to or smaller than a predetermined value, the induced voltage being generated in the armature winding based on rotation of the rotor, the predetermined voltage being applied to the armature winding; A second manipulation unit that manipulates, as control for a second region that is larger than the first region, the field current such that the controlled variable is controlled to the target value. 1. A control apparatus applied to a rotary electric machine comprising a rotor having a field winding through which a field current flows , and a stator having an armature winding through which an armature current flows , the control apparatus having , as a controlled variable , torque of the rotary electric machine or a parameter that has a positive correlation with the torque , the control apparatus comprising:a first manipulation means that manipulates, as control for a predetermined first region with respect to the controlled variable, a voltage phase of a voltage vector applied to the armature winding while controlling the field current to cause a deviation between an amplitude of an induced voltage and an amplitude of a predetermined voltage to be equal to or smaller than a predetermined value, the induced voltage being generated in the armature winding based on rotation of the rotor, the predetermined voltage being applied to the armature winding; anda second manipulation means that manipulates, as control for a second region that is larger than the first region, the field current such that the controlled variable is controlled to the target value.2. The control apparatus ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020296A1

A motor operating system includes a parameter-setting module and a control circuit. The parameter-setting module generates a first parameter-setting corresponding to a first operating stage through a user interface, and determines whether a first operating status conforms to a first threshold setting. The control circuit is coupled to a motor, receives the first parameter-setting corresponding to the first operating status, drives the motor according to a first driving signal corresponding to the first parameter-setting, and outputs the first operating status corresponding to the first driving signal. When the first operating status does not conform the first threshold setting, the parameter-setting module generates an adjusted first parameter-setting. When the first operating status conforms the first threshold setting, the parameter-setting module sets the first parameter-setting as a first optimal parameter-setting. 1. A motor operating method , comprising:generating, via a processor of an electronic device, a first parameter-setting corresponding to a first operating stage through a user interface;receiving, via a buffer of a control circuit of the electronic device, the first parameter-setting;reading, via a controller of the control circuit, the first parameter-setting from the buffer, and generating a first driving signal according to the first parameter-setting;driving, via a driver of the control circuit, a motor according to the first driving signal;monitoring, via a monitor of the control circuit, a first operating status of the motor corresponding to the first driving signal, and outputting the first operating status to the processor of the electronic device; anddetermining, via the processor, whether the first operating status corresponding to the first parameter-setting conforms to a first threshold setting storing in a first memory of the electronic device;wherein when the processor determines that the first operating status does not conform to the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Induction Motor Health Monitoring Method

Номер: US20200021221A1
Автор: Conn Bradley, Polcuch Eric

A system and method for determining the health of a motor drive system is provided, where a motor is coupled to a common motor control and a single or plurality of other motors are coupled to the common power source. Current data corresponding to current provided to the motor is obtained via a sensor connected to an electrical input of the motor, and voltage data corresponding to a voltage provided by the common motor control is also obtained. Based on the current data and the voltage data, a motor current provided to the motor and a motor voltage to current phase shift (or power factor) are determined, and the health of the motor drive system is determined from the motor phase shift (or power factor) and the motor current. 1. A system for determining the health of a motor drive system , comprising:a common motor controller;at least one motor electrically coupled to the common motor controller;at least one current sensor operatively coupled to a respective motor of the at least one motor; anda monitor coupled to the at least one current sensor, the monitor configured to:obtain voltage data corresponding to a voltage provided by the common motor controller;obtain from each of the at least one current sensor a motor current for the respective motor;determine, based on the motor current and the voltage data, at least one of a motor phase shift or power factor; anddetermine the health of the motor drive system based on the at least one motor phase shift or power factor and the motor current.2. The system according to claim 1 , where in determining the health of the motor drive system the monitor is configured to:use the motor current and at least one of the motor phase shift or power factor to compare to respective thresholds in a look-up table;identify a motor current entry and at least one of a phase shift or power factor entry which is outside acceptable limits of the thresholds in the look-up table;retrieve a health condition from the look-up table that corresponds ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210021222A1

A method for operating an electrically commutated machine. In at least one method step, in particular in at least one method step of overmodulation operation of the electrically commutated machine, a precommutation angle of the electrically commutated machine is set depending on an efficiency of the electrically commutated machine. 116. A method for operating an electrically commutated machine , the method comprising , in at least one method step , setting a precommutation angle () of the electrically commutated machine depending on an efficiency of the electrically commutated machine.218. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that in at least one method step claim 1 , at least one commutation signal () of the electrically commutated machine is overmodulated.31620. A method according to claim 1 , characterized in that in at least one method step claim 1 , the precommutation angle () is set on the basis of at least one continuous current characteristic curve () of the electrically commutated machine.42016. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that at least one method step involves ascertaining at least one current characteristic curve () of the electrically commutated machine for setting the precommutation angle () at at least one operating temperature of the electrically commutated machine.516. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that in at least one method step claim 1 , the precommutation angle () is set to a value which achieves a highest efficiency for a given operating state.616. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that in at least one method step claim 1 , efficiency-dependent setting of the precommutation angle () is deactivated.7222016. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that at least one method step involves determining a starting point () of a deviation from a current characteristic curve () of the electrically commutated machine for setting the precommutation angle () depending on at ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220043437A1
Автор: Winter Jens

The speed and security of the monitoring the operation of a drive component is improved by transferring data relating to the drive component and/or to the operation of the drive component to a central IT infrastructure. Within the central IT infrastructure, the transferred data are associated with a first model of the drive component, and with a second model of at least one virtual component associated with the first model. An operating state of the drive component is determined from a correlation of the first and second models. 124.-. (canceled)25. A method for monitoring an operation of at least one drive component , comprising:transferring data relating to the at least one drive component and/or to an operation of the at least one drive component to a central IT infrastructure,assigning the transferred data within the central IT infrastructure to a first model of the at least one drive component,assigning to the first model a second model of at least one virtual component, with the second model simulating a technical behavior of a component that is electrically or mechanically connected to the at least one drive component, anddetermining an operating state of the at least one drive component from a correlation of the first and second models.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the data relating to the at least one drive component comprise an individual product identification.27. The method of claim 26 , further comprising automatically assigning the first model based on the individual product identification.28. The method of claim 25 , further comprising determining the operating state of the drive component from at least one characteristic curve.29. The method of claim 25 , further comprising determining at least some of the data relating to the operation of the at least one drive component with at least one sensor.30. The method of claim 29 , wherein the data relating to the operation of the at least one drive component comprise a temperature claim 29 , a ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150028792A1
Автор: Tang Yifan
Принадлежит: ATIEVA, INC.

An induction motor controller is provided. The induction motor controller includes a first module that derives a commanded stator voltage vector, in a stator flux reference frame, via a rotor flux regulator loop and a torque regulator loop, which process at least partially in the stator flux reference frame. The induction motor controller includes a second module that processes the commanded stator voltage vector to produce AC (alternating current) power for an induction motor. 1. An induction motor controller , comprising:a first module that derives a commanded stator voltage vector, in a stator flux reference frame, via a rotor flux regulator loop and a torque regulator loop, which process at least partially in the stator flux reference frame; anda second module that processes the commanded stator voltage vector to produce AC (alternating current) power for an induction motor.2. The induction motor controller of claim 1 , wherein:the second module transforms the commanded stator voltage vector from the stator flux reference frame to a phase voltage reference frame, applying vector rotation according to a stator flux angle;the second module generates pulse width modulation switching controls for a DC (direct current) to AC inverter from the commanded stator voltage vector as transformed to the phase voltage reference frame; andthe second module generates three-phase AC power for the induction motor from the pulse width modulation switching controls.3. The induction motor controller of claim 1 , further comprising:a third module that produces a torque, a stator flux angle, a rotor flux, a stator current vector expressed in the stator flux reference frame, and a rotor current vector expressed in the stator flux reference frame, from a stator voltage vector expressed in a phase voltage reference frame, a stator current of at least two phases, and a rotational speed of a rotor of the induction motor.4. The induction motor controller of claim 3 , wherein:the rotor flux ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180026565A1
Принадлежит: DMG MORI CO., LTD.

A machine tool is provided capable of detecting an abnormality caused by detaching a spindle. The machine tool includes: the spindle configured to rotate a workpiece or a tool; a sensor configured to output a signal according to a rotation angle of the spindle; and a controller configured to detect occurrence of an abnormality in at least one of the spindle and the sensor when an electrical signal different from the signal output during each of rotation of the spindle and halt of the spindle is output from the sensor. 1. A machine tool comprising:a spindle configured to rotate a workpiece or a tool;a sensor configured to output a signal according to a rotation angle of the spindle; anda controller configured to detect occurrence of an abnormality in at least one of the spindle and the sensor when a signal different from the signal output during each of rotation of the spindle and halt of the spindle is output from the sensor.2. The machine tool according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is a magnetic encoder.3. The machine tool according to claim 1 , whereinduring each of the rotation of the spindle and the halt of the spindle, the sensor outputs two signals, each signal having phases shifted from each other by a predetermined angle, andthe controller detects the occurrence of the abnormality when a phase difference between the two signals is not the predetermined angle.4. The machine tool according to claim 1 , further comprising an output device configured to output a warning to indicate the occurrence of the abnormality when the abnormality is detected by the controller.5. The machine tool according to claim 1 , wherein a timing at which the warning is output includes a timing at which a primary power supply of the machine tool is turned on. The machine tool according to claim 1 , wherein the controller stops the warning when a predetermined input is received.7. The machine tool according to claim 1 , further comprising:a primary power supply configured to supply ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200028462A1

An apparatus for controlling an inverter for driving a motor includes a processor which includes: a current processor for generating a voltage command for causing a current detection value obtained by measuring a current supplied from the inverter to the motor to follow a current command for driving the motor; a voltage modulator for generating a pulse width modulation signal for controlling on and off states of switching elements in the inverter with a predetermined switching frequency based on the voltage command; and a frequency determining processor for setting a frequency change range within which the switching frequency will be randomly changed and randomly determining the switching frequency within the frequency change range when a random pulse width modulation method is applied to control of the inverter. 1. An apparatus for controlling an inverter for driving a motor , the apparatus comprising a processor which includes:a current processor for generating a voltage command for causing a current detection value obtained by measuring a current supplied from the inverter to the motor to follow a current command for driving the motor;a voltage modulator for generating a pulse width modulation signal for controlling on and off states of switching elements in the inverter with a predetermined switching frequency based on the voltage command; anda frequency determining processor for setting a frequency change range which is a range within which the switching frequency is randomly changed, and for randomly determining the switching frequency within the frequency change range when a random pulse width modulation method is applied to control of the inverter,wherein the frequency determining processor applies the random pulse width modulation method or stops application of the random pulse width modulation method by gradually increasing or decreasing the frequency change range.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the frequency determining processor gradually ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Torque Control Based on Rotor Resistance Modeling in Induction Motors

Номер: US20220052633A1

A control system for an induction motor executes an on-board, dynamic model to estimate rotor resistance and control the torque output by the induction motor. The model includes equations to calculate stator and rotor temperatures and/or resistances based on combinations of voltage and current data, electrical frequency, rotor speed, switching patterns, and air flow rates during operation of the induction motor. The control system updates the model based on feedback collected during the operation of the induction motor, including the difference between the actual observed stator temperature and the stator temperature predicted by the model. The model is updated to converge the predicted stator temperature on the actual observed stator temperature, and corresponding updates are made to the rotor resistance estimations to provide more accurate estimations of the rotor resistance and improve the accuracy of the induction motor torque output. 1. A control system for an induction motor , comprising:a plurality of sensors connectable to the induction motor, the plurality of sensors including a stator temperature sensor and one or more additional sensors;one or more central processing units (CPUs) in communication with the plurality of sensors; and receiving sensor data from the one or more additional sensors during operation of the induction motor;', 'determining a predicted temperature of a stator of the induction motor based at least in part on the sensor data from the one or more additional sensors;', 'receiving an observed temperature of the stator from the stator temperature sensor;', 'determining a difference between the predicted temperature and the observed temperature of the stator;', 'determining a resistance of a rotor of the induction motor based at least in part on the difference between the predicted temperature and the observed temperature of the stator; and', 'controlling a torque output the induction motor based at least in part on the resistance of the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210036652A1

A method for operating an electrical machine is used to calculate a value of a first torque which can be provided at a maximum by the electrical machine in a future interval, wherein, by limiting the torque which is provided in the interval to the value, overheating of at least one semiconductor, which is required for transmitting the electrical power, due to a power loss is prevented and/or the threat of overheating and the onset of derating is diagnosed and therefore prevented. 112-. (canceled)13. A method for the operation of an electric machine comprising:a) ascertaining electrical parameters with which the electric machine is being operated at a current time point;b) calculating a maximum second torque that can be generated by the electric machine at the electrical parameters;c) calculating an electrical power loss that would arise at at least one semiconductor if the maximum second torque that can be generated is applied, wherein the at least one semiconductor is required for transmission of the electrical power resulting from a power loss;d) calculating a resulting first temperature of a semiconductor junction layer of the at least one semiconductor that would result from the electrical power loss present during a future interval;e) iteratively performing steps b) to d) with smaller values of the maximum second torque that can be generated according to step b) each iteration until the resulting first temperature that is calculated in accordance with step d) corresponds at most to a maximum permissible second temperature of the semiconductor junction layer; andf) then one of operating the electric machine during the future interval with a torque whose value is at most the maximum second torque ascertained by step e) or operating the electric machine with a higher torque than the maximum second torque ascertained by step e) for an interval shorter than the future interval.14. The method of claim 13 , wherein the electrical parameters in step a) comprise a ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170040916A1

Provided is a motor control device, including an acceleration command calculation unit configured to calculate an acceleration command directed to a motor, a torque command calculation unit configured to calculate a torque command directed to the motor based on the acceleration command and a predetermined moment-of-inertia value, a torque correction value calculation unit configured to estimate disturbance of the motor based on the torque command and at least one of a motor position or a motor speed, to thereby calculate a torque correction value for the torque command, and a moment-of-inertia value change unit configured to change the predetermined moment-of-inertia value based on an estimated moment-of-inertia ratio, which is a ratio of the torque correction value to the torque command. 1. A motor control device , comprising:an acceleration command calculation unit configured to calculate an acceleration command directed to a motor;a torque command calculation unit configured to calculate a torque command directed to the motor based on the acceleration command and a predetermined moment-of-inertia value;a torque correction value calculation unit configured to estimate disturbance of the motor based on the torque command and at least one of a motor position or a motor speed, to thereby calculate a torque correction value for the torque command; anda moment-of-inertia value change unit configured to change the predetermined moment-of-inertia value based on an estimated moment-of-inertia ratio, which is a ratio of the torque correction value to the torque command.2. The motor control device according to claim 1 , wherein the moment-of-inertia value change unit is configured to stepwise change the predetermined moment-of-inertia value based on the estimated moment-of-inertia ratio.3. The motor control device according to claim 2 , wherein a threshold for the estimated moment-of-inertia ratio when the moment-of-inertia value change unit increases the predetermined ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Motor tracking error reduction method and implementation device based on micro-drive unit

Номер: US20220060125A1

The present disclosure relates to the technical field of mechanical precision manufacturing, in particular to a motor tracking error reduction method and an implementation device based on a micro-drive unit. A motor tracking error reduction method based on micro-drive unit includes: providing a motor mover as the working output end, and feeding back the position information of the motor mover to the micro-drive controller in real time by the sensor; controlling the micro-drive unit to compensate the displacement of the motor mover by the micro-drive controller; correcting the tracking error of the motor mover after the displacement compensation, and feeding back the tracking error information after correction to the motor controller. The error reduction method and implementation device in the present disclosure reduce the motor tracking error and solve the problem of coupling interference. In addition, the single position feedback is used to reduce the production cost.

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150048774A1
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

Disclosed is a three-phase AC induction motor control device for controlling a torque based on a two-axis orthogonal coordinate system in synchronization with a power supply angular frequency, the control device including: a non-interference controller configured to receive a motor rotation speed, a torque command value, and a power supply voltage as an input and compute a torque axis non-interference compensation voltage and a magnetic flux axis non-interference compensation voltage by referencing a map stored in advance; and a non-interference magnetic flux response filter configured to perform filtering, including a direct transfer term and a rotor magnetic flux response delay, for the torque axis non-interference compensation voltage. 15.-. (canceled)6. A three-phase AC induction motor control device configured to control a torque based on a two-axis orthogonal coordinate system in synchronization with a power supply angular frequency , the control device comprising:a non-interference controller configured to receive a motor rotation speed, a torque command value, and a power supply voltage as an input and compute a torque axis non-interference compensation voltage and a magnetic flux axis non-interference compensation voltage by referencing a map stored in advance; anda non-interference magnetic flux response filter configured to perform filtering for the torque axis non-interference compensation voltage depending on a rotor magnetic flux response delay.7. The three-phase AC induction motor control device according to claim 6 , wherein the three-phase AC induction motor control device is configured perform an electric current feedback control and further comprises:a first filter configured to perform a delay process, in which an electric current control delay in the electric current feedback control is simulated, for the magnetic flux axis non-interference compensation voltage; anda second filter configured to perform a delay process, in which an electric ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180048253A1

A motor operating system includes a parameter-setting module and a control circuit. The parameter-setting module generates a first parameter-setting corresponding to a first operating stage through a user interface, and determines whether a first operating status conforms to a first threshold setting. The control circuit is coupled to a motor, receives the first parameter-setting corresponding to the first operating status, drives the motor according to a first driving signal corresponding to the first parameter-setting, and outputs the first operating status corresponding to the first driving signal. When the first operating status does not conform the first threshold setting, the parameter-setting module generates an adjusted first parameter-setting. When the first operating status conforms the first threshold setting, the parameter-setting module sets the first parameter-setting as a first optimal parameter-setting. 1. A motor operating system , comprising:a parameter-setting module, generating a first parameter-setting corresponding to a first operating stage through a user interface, and determining whether a first operating status corresponding to the first parameter-setting conforms to a first threshold setting; and a buffer, receiving the first parameter-setting;', 'a controller, reading the first parameter-setting from the buffer, and generating a first driving signal according to the first parameter-setting;', 'a driver, driving the motor according to the first driving signal;', 'a monitor, monitoring the first operating status of the motor corresponding to the first driving signal, and outputting the first operating status; and', 'a memory, storing a first optimal parameter-setting;, 'a control circuit, coupled to the parameter-setting module and a motor, comprisingwherein when the first operating status does not conform to the first threshold setting, the parameter-setting module generates a modified first parameter-setting through the user interface; ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Dynamic Power Control for Induction Motors

Номер: US20160056748A1

An example electric motor including a conductive winding, a switching device, a rotor, and a controller is disclosed. The switching device is configured to selectively energize, by an AC source, a first portion of the conductive winding in a first state and a second portion of the conductive winding in a second state. The conductive winding generates a magnetic field having a first strength in the first state and a second strength in the second state. The rotor magnetically interacts with the magnetic field such that a torque is applied to the rotor. The amount of torque applied is related to the strength of the magnetic field. The controller is configured to: (i) determine a metric indicative of a load condition of the electric motor; and (ii) based on the determined metric, cause the switching device to switch between the first state and the second state one or more times. 1. An electric motor comprising:a conductive winding including a plurality of turns, a first terminal, a second terminal, and a third terminal, wherein a first number of the plurality of turns are between the first terminal and the third terminal, a second number of the plurality of turns are between the second terminal and the third terminal, and the first number is different from the second number;a switching device configured to selectively conduct power from the AC source to the first terminal in a first state and the second terminal in a second state, wherein, with the switching device in the first state, the conductive winding generates a first magnetic field responsive to the AC source conducting power to the first terminal, and wherein, with the switching device in the second state, the conductive winding generates a second magnetic field responsive to the AC source conducting power to the second terminal;a rotor configured to magnetically interact with the first and second magnetic fields generated by the conductive winding such that a torque is applied on the rotor; and determine a ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170054396A1
Автор: Sheahan Thomas J.

A system and method for dynamically optimizing flux levels in electric motors based on estimated torque. Motor parameters and motor equations are used to estimate operating characteristics and to set current and voltage limits which define an optimal flux operating range for a given speed and torque of the motor. A slope of a linear flux gain is determined within the defined operating range at different speeds of the motor. The determined slopes for the different speeds are saved in a memory element. A control element determines and achieves an optimal flux level for the motor by accessing the table to identify a specific slope which corresponds to an actual speed of the motor, multiplying the slope by the estimated torque and adding an offset value to determine a phase current component value associated with the optimal flux level, and applying the determined phase current component value to the motor. 1. An electric motor system for optimizing a flux level in an electric motor configured to receive an input power and to drive a load , the electric motor system comprising:an electric motor having a shaft and configured to create a torque on the shaft to drive the load; and [ using a set of motor parameters and a set of motor equations to estimate a slip, a stator frequency, a torque, and a power loss and to set a current limit and a voltage limit which define an optimal flux operating range for a given speed and torque of the electric motor,', 'determining a slope of a linear flux gain within the optimal flux operating range at a plurality of different speeds of the electric motor, and', 'saving in the electronic memory element the slope of the linear flux gain for each different speed, and, 'an electronic memory element containing a table of slopes of a linear flux gain for a plurality of different speeds, wherein the table is created by—'}, accessing the memory element to identify a specific slope of the linear flux gain which corresponds to an actual speed of ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150061566A1

A control circuit for driving a motor and a method for controlling a speed of a motor are provided. The control circuit comprises a microcontroller and a drive circuit. The microcontroller has a memory. The drive circuit is configured to drive the BLDC motor according to a control of the microcontroller. The memory include a RPM table, and the microcontroller sends a duty signal to the drive circuit to change a speed of the motor according to the RPM table. 1. A control circuit for driving a motor , comprising:a microcontroller having a memory; anda drive circuit configured to drive the motor according to a control of the microcontroller;wherein the memory include a RPM table; the microcontroller sends a duty signal to the drive circuit to change a speed of the motor according to the RPM table.2. The control circuit as claimed in claim 1 , in which the microcontroller estimates a new RPM value before sending a new duty signal to the drive circuit for changing the speed of the motor; the new RPM value is estimated according to the existed duty signal and a current RPM value.3. The control circuit as claimed in claim 1 , in which the RPM table comprises a inhibit RPM value.4. The control circuit as claimed in claim 1 , in which the speed of the motor is detected by an angle signal claim 1 , wherein the motor is a sensorless motor.5. A method for controlling a speed of a motor claim 1 , comprising:generating a control signal according to a RPM table in a memory; anddriving the motor according to the control signal,wherein the control signal is generated by a microcontroller; the control signal is configured to drive the BLDC motor through a drive circuit.6. The method as claimed in claim 5 , in which the microcontroller estimates a new RPM value before sending a new duty signal to the drive circuit for changing a speed of the motor; the new RPM value is estimated according to a existed duty signal and a current RPM value.7. The method as claimed in claim 5 , in which ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220077800A1

A technique enables control parameter adjustment with a more accurate estimated inertia ratio for multiple servomotors. An adjustment support apparatus () supports adjustment of inertia ratios as control parameters for servo drivers () that drive multiple servomotors. The adjustment support apparatus () includes an inertia ratio obtainer () that obtains inertia ratios estimated by inertia ratio estimators () included in the servo drivers () and an inertia ratio setting control unit () that synchronizes inertia ratio settings and updates between the servo drivers (). 1. An adjustment support apparatus for supporting adjustment of control parameters for a plurality of servomotors , the apparatus comprising:a parameter obtainer configured to obtain a parameter including an estimated inertia ratio for a load drivable by the plurality of servomotors; anda parameter setting controller configured to allow setting of a parameter including an inertia ratio for controlling the plurality of servomotors,wherein after the parameter obtainer obtains the estimated inertia ratio for each of the plurality of servomotors, the parameter setting controller allows the obtained inertia ratio to be set for each of the plurality of servomotors.2. The adjustment support apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinwhen the inertia ratio for one of the plurality of servomotors is estimated, the parameter setting controller allows gains and inertia ratios of the other servomotors of the plurality of servomotors to be set at an identical gain and an identical inertia ratio.3. The adjustment support apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a validity determination unit configured to determine validity of the estimated inertia ratio obtained by the parameter obtainer.4. The adjustment support apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe plurality of servomotors drive a load including axes with possible axis interference with each other.5. A servo driver for controlling a servomotor included ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220077801A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Toshiba Inverter Europe SAS

Examples include a method for controlling a synchronous motor using a variable speed drive. The motor includes a permanent magnet rotor generating a magnetic flux. The method includes applying a predefined electrical command signal to the motor and estimating a motor speed in response to the applying of the predefined electrical command signal. The method also includes reaching a desired estimated motor speed and, in response to reaching the desired estimated motor speed, estimating a parameter related to the magnetic flux of the permanent magnet rotor. The method further includes recording the estimated parameter. 1. A method for controlling a synchronous motor using a variable speed drive , the motor comprising a permanent magnet rotor generating a magnetic flux , the method comprising:applying a predefined electrical command signal to the motor;estimating a motor speed in response to the applying of the predefined electrical command signal;reaching a desired estimated motor speed;in response to reaching the desired estimated motor speed, estimating a parameter related to the magnetic flux of the permanent magnet rotor; andrecording the estimated parameter.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the estimating of the motor speed comprises monitoring motor currents.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the predefined electrical command signal is a predefined voltage signal.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the parameter is the magnetic flux of the permanent magnet rotor.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein reaching the desired estimated motor speed results from adapting a value of the predefined electrical command signal iteratively.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein estimating the parameter related to the magnetic flux of the permanent magnet rotor results from adapting a value of the parameter iteratively.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the desired estimated motor speed is within a reference speed range or ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220077804A1

A motor apparatus for a switch drive of an electric switch has an electric motor and a control apparatus for controlling the electric motor. The control apparatus has a power supply device for the electrical power supply of the electric motor. The electric power supply has a rectifier unit, a voltage measurement unit for detecting the supply voltage or a rectifier output voltage of the rectifier unit, a switch unit for generating a drive voltage for the electric motor from the supply voltage or from the rectifier output voltage, and a control unit for controlling the switch unit as a function of the supply or rectifier output voltage detected. Accordingly, the motor apparatus has a motor housing which, besides the electric motor, houses part of the power supply device and/or at least part of the control unit. 110-. (canceled)11. A motor apparatus for a switch drive of an electrical switch , the motor apparatus comprising:an electric motor;a controller for controlling said electric motor, said controller containing an energy supply for supplying electrical energy to said electric motor, said energy supply including:a rectifier;a voltage measurer for capturing a supply voltage or a rectifier output voltage of said rectifier;a switching system for generating a drive voltage for said electric motor from the supply voltage or from the rectifier output voltage;a supply controller for driving said switching system depending on the supply voltage or the rectifier output voltage; anda motor housing, which in addition to said electric motor houses at least a part of said energy supply and/or at least a part of said supply controller.12. The motor apparatus according to claim 11 , wherein said energy supply supplies the electrical energy to said electric motor and to said supply controller.13. The motor apparatus according to claim 12 , wherein said energy supply for supplying the electrical energy to said supply controller has:a further voltage measurer for capturing the ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140139174A1
Автор: SHI Dongfeng

A method for estimating a frequency of a harmonic in an AC current passing to/from an AC machine. The method includes observing an AC current passing to/from an AC machine that includes a stator and a rotor; measuring phase fluctuations in the observed AC current; and using the measured phase fluctuations to estimate a frequency of a harmonic in the AC current. The method includes using the estimated frequency of the harmonic in the observed AC current to estimate a speed of the rotor of the AC machine. The method may be implemented by a controller, which may include a PC and/or a DSP. 1. A method for estimating a frequency of a harmonic in an AC current passing to/from an AC machine , the method including:observing an AC current passing to/from an AC machine that includes a stator and a rotor;measuring phase fluctuations in the observed AC current; andusing the measured phase fluctuations to estimate a frequency of a harmonic in the AC current.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein measuring phase fluctuations in the observed AC current includes measuring phase fluctuations in the observed AC current so as to obtain a phase fluctuation time series having a plurality of discrete elements claim 1 , wherein each discrete element of the phase fluctuation time series represents a phase fluctuation in the AC current as measured at a different time.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein measuring each phase fluctuation in the observed AC current includes claim 1 , respectively:converting an observed AC current into a vector representing the observed AC current in a 2D reference frame; andmeasuring a difference in phase between the vector representing the observed AC current and a vector representing a reference AC current in the 2D reference frame.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein using the measured phase fluctuations to estimate a frequency of a harmonic in the AC current includes:converting the measured phase fluctuations into a frequency domain;using ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180062553A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

Techniques for monitoring the health of a device comprising a motor or generator are described. An apparatus to monitor the health of the device includes a plurality of sensors to detect root-mean-square (RMS) current values for a plurality of stator windings of the device. The apparatus also includes a processor to receive the RMS current values from the plurality of sensors and compute a fault indicator based on the RMS current values. The fault indicator represents a level of current imbalance between the plurality of stator windings due to winding faults. 1. A device comprising a motor or generator and an apparatus to monitor the health of the device comprising:a plurality of stator windings of the device;a plurality of sensors to detect root-mean-square (RMS) current values for each of the plurality of stator windings of the device; anda processor to:receive the RMS current values from the plurality of sensors;convert the RMS current values to peak current values;determine a modified direct current, Id, and a modified quadrature current, Iq, based on the peak current values and using a predetermined phase angle in place of an actual measured phase angle;compute a fault indicator based on the modified direct current, Id, and the modified quadrature current, Iq, wherein the fault indicator represents a level of current imbalance between the plurality of stator windings due to winding faults; andtransmit the fault indicator to a display device.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the device comprises three stator windings and the plurality of sensors comprises three sensors to detect the RMS current values for each of the three stator windings.3. (canceled)4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the device is a motor and the RMS current values are detected periodically at a sampling rate that is lower than the frequency of an AC current driving the motor.5. (canceled)7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the health of the device is to be displayed as a circle with ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Method For Tuning A Motor Drive Using Frequency Response

Номер: US20170063268A1

An improved system for tuning a motor controller is disclosed. The controller gains are initially set based on the measured frequency response for the controlled system. A desired level of performance is defined by setting a desired phase margin and a desired gain margin to be observed in the frequency response. An improved method of determining the frequency response provides for a reduced computational intensity. The initial tuning routine uses the frequency response to set not only controller gains, but also settings for filters in the control module. Having obtained the desired level of performance from the initial tuning, the motor drive executes an adaptive tuning routine while controlling the motor. The adaptive tuning routine tracks changes in the operating performance and adjusts the filter settings or the controller gains to return operation to within the desired level of performance while the motor continues to operate. 1. A method for tuning performance of a motor drive during operation of a motor operatively connected to the motor drive , wherein the motor controls motion of a mechanical load coupled to the motor , the method comprising the steps of:measuring a response signal corresponding to operation of the motor during operation of the motor;storing a plurality of values of the response signal in a memory device of the motor drive;measuring a command signal corresponding to a desired operation of the motor during operation of the motor,storing a plurality of values of the command signal in the memory device of the motor drive;generating a first frequency response within the motor drive as a function of the plurality of values of the response signal;generating a second frequency response within the motor drive as a function of the plurality of values of the command signal;identifying a resonant frequency in the first frequency response having a magnitude greater than the magnitude of the other frequencies in the first frequency response;identifying a ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

System And Method For Improved Motor Drive Tuning

Номер: US20170063269A1

An improved system for controlling operation of a motor with a motor drive is disclosed. The motor drive includes a control module having an inner control loop operable to generate a torque reference signal and a load observer operable to generate an estimate of the torque present on the motor. The torque estimate is summed with the torque reference signal to generate a modified torque reference. The bandwidth of the load observer is set wide enough to generate the estimated torque over a desired operating range of the motor. The control module may also include a low pass filter and at least one tracking notch filter. The low pass filter suppresses vibrations at high frequencies, and the tracking notch filter suppresses resonances present at frequencies above the bandwidth of the load observer and within the pass band of the low pass filter. 1. A method for controlling operation of a motor operatively connected to a motor drive , the method comprising the steps of:determining a bandwidth for a load observer executable in the motor drive, wherein the bandwidth is greater than or equal to an expected torque response generated from a load operatively connected to the motor;reading a motor inertia value from a memory of the motor drive, wherein the motor inertia value corresponds to an inertia value for the motor when no load is connected to the motor; an inner control loop generating a first torque reference signal corresponding to a desired operation of the motor;', 'the load observer generating an estimated torque signal corresponding to the load present on the motor;', 'a summing junction combining the first torque reference signal and the estimated torque signal to generate a second torque reference signal;', 'at least one filter configured to receive the second torque reference signal as an input and provide a filtered torque reference signal as an output; and', 'an inertia sealing factor set equal to the motor inertia value, wherein the inertia scaling factor is ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069947A1

Dynamic reconfiguration-switching of motor windings is optimized between winding-configurations. Acceleration is traded off in favor of higher velocity upon detecting an electric motor is at an optimal angular-velocity for switching to an optimal lower torque constant and voltage constant. The total back electromotive force (BEMF) is prohibited from inhibiting further acceleration to a higher angular-velocity. 1. A method for switching motor windings within an electric motor using a processor device , the method comprising:optimizing a dynamic reconfiguration-switching of a plurality of motor windings between a plurality of winding-configurations for trading off acceleration in favor of higher velocity upon detecting the electric motor is at an optimal angular-velocity for switching to an optimal lower torque constant and voltage constant thereby preventing a total back electromotive force (BEMF) from inhibiting further acceleration to a higher angular-velocity; andusing m simultaneous-linear equations, having m number of unknown variables, for determining a plurality of voltage constants, the optimal time, and the optimal angular-velocity for the dynamic reconfiguration-switching.2. The method of claim 1 , further including performing the dynamic reconfiguration-switching between the plurality of motor windings using one of a wye connection and a delta connection system for the electric motor.3. The method of claim 1 , further including performing the dynamic reconfiguration-switching between the plurality of winding-configurations in a successive order when a velocity sensor detects the electric motor is at the optimal angular-velocity for switching the torque constant and the voltage constant.4. The method of claim 1 , further including trading off angular-acceleration for a greater angular-velocity as speed of the electric motor is increased whereby the torque constant claim 1 , the voltage constant claim 1 , and the angular-acceleration correspondingly decrease ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180067086A1
Автор: Knaack Chris, Tian Gang

A resonance estimation system implements resonance detection methods that can obtain accurate estimates of a motion system's resonance and amplitude without the need for a high-resolution encoder or high-frequency sampling. The system solves for resonance information by removing the slow motion dynamics and fast torque control dynamics from the measured speed transfer function in order to obtain resonance transfer function. Smoothing functions are applied to the obtained resonance frequency response data to remove spikes and obtain relatively smooth gain and phase curves for the resonance frequency response. The system then applies a searching algorithm to determine the locations of the phase peaks in the phase curve data, and uses these phase peak locations to locate the gain peaks in the gain curve data, which correspond to the resonance frequencies and amplitudes. This approach allows the gain peaks to be located even when analyzing non-ideal gain curves that are degraded by noise. 1. A system , comprising:a memory; a torque command generator configured to generate torque command data;', 'a noise injection component configured to inject a noise signal into the torque command data to yield noise-injected torque command data;', 'a velocity monitoring component configured to obtain speed data representing a speed of a motion system over time in response to a torque command signal generated based on the noise-injected torque command data; and', 'a resonance determination component configured to generate, based on the speed data and the noise-injected torque command data, resonance frequency response data comprising resonance gain frequency response data and resonance phase frequency response data, and to determine a resonance frequency of the motion system based on a determined frequency of a phase peak in the resonance phase frequency response data., 'a processor configured to execute components stored on the memory, the components comprising2. The system of claim 1 ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220085742A1

A motor output stabilizing circuit and a method are provided. A sensor senses a positive voltage and a negative voltage that are generated with a change in magnetic field strength of a motor of which a rotor is rotating. A comparator compares the positive voltage with the negative voltage to output a 1. A motor output stabilizing circuit for a motor , wherein the motor is connected to a motor driver circuit for driving the motor , the motor output stabilizing circuit comprising:a sensor disposed adjacent to the motor and configured to sense a positive voltage and a negative voltage that are generated with a change in magnetic field strength of the motor when a rotor of the motor rotates;a comparator connected to the sensor and configured to compare the positive voltage with the negative voltage to output a Hall signal;an average counter connected to the comparator, and configured to record a first time during which the Hall signal is at a first level, record a second time during which the Hall signal is at a second level that is different from the first level, average the first time and the second time to obtain an averaged time value, and output an averaged time signal according to the averaged time value; anda motor controller circuit connected to the average counter and the motor driver circuit, and configured to control the motor driver circuit to drive the motor according to the averaged time signal, such that peak values of waveforms of a current signal outputted by the motor are equal to each other or approach each other.2. The motor output stabilizing circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the average counter calculates the averaged time value of the first time and the second time of a waveform of one cycle of the Hall signal claim 1 , or calculates the averaged time value of first times and second times of waveforms of a plurality of cycles of the Hall signal claim 1 , and one of the first time and the second time is a working period of the waveform or each ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160072421A1
Автор: SUGAWARA Takayoshi
Принадлежит: NSK LTD.

A multi-phase motor control apparatus that reduces the occurrence of the vibrations and the noises by setting the shift amount per time more finely after realizing a reduction in processing ability of a CPU by using a one-shunt type current detection circuit and an electric power steering apparatus using the same. The apparatus includes a PWM-signal generating section that generates plural second each-phase PWM-signals within two control periods based on the current estimation value and the carrier signal, and in a case that a phase shift amount of a predetermined phase in a just before control period is zero and a phase shift amount of a predetermined phase in a present control period is not zero, the phase shift control section gradually increases the phase shift amount from zero in the present control period and a next control period, and uses the second each-phase PWM-signals in the next control period. 1. A multi-phase motor control apparatus comprising:a driving section comprising pairs of upper-stage arm switching elements and lower-stage arm switching elements, and driving a multi-phase motor;a single type current detection circuit detecting current values of said multi-phase motor;a PWM-signal generating section generating plural first each-phase PWM-signals within two control periods based on said current values detected by said current detecting circuit and a carrier signal;a phase shift control section shifting a first PWM-signal of a predetermined phase, which is generated in said PWM-signal generating section, by gradually changing a phase shift amount within two control periods, and outputting said shifted first PWM-signal to said driving section; anda current detection observer estimating a current estimation value of said multi-phase motor based on said current values detected by said current detection circuit;wherein said PWM-signal generating section generates plural second each-phase PWM-signals within two control periods based on said current ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200067439A1

Provided herein are systems, methods, and software for improving drive efficiency in an industrial automation system. In one implementation, a system comprises a mechanical load, an electromechanical device attached to the mechanical load, and a drive coupled to the electromechanical device. A processor is programmed to generate and display an acceleration curve, a duplicate acceleration curve, an energy curve and a duplicate energy curve. A user input is received indicating a change to at least a portion of the duplicate acceleration curve, and a change to the duplicate energy curve is calculated and displayed. A modified command signal based on the user input is calculated, and the drive is configured to control the electromechanical device via the modified command signal to mechanically operate the mechanical load perform a task. 1. System for controlling an electromechanical device using a modified movement curve in an industrial automation environment comprising:a mechanical load;an electromechanical device attached to the mechanical load;a drive coupled to the electromechanical device and configured to control the electromechanical device via a command signal configured to cause the electromechanical device to mechanically operate the mechanical load to perform a task; generate an acceleration curve based on the command signal;', 'generate a duplicate acceleration curve of the acceleration curve;', 'generate an energy curve based on the acceleration curve;', 'generate a duplicate energy curve based on the energy curve;', 'display the acceleration curve and the duplicate acceleration curve on a display;', 'display the energy curve and the duplicate energy curve on the display;', 'receive a user input indicating a change to at least a portion of the duplicate acceleration curve;', 'calculate a change to the duplicate acceleration curve based on the user input;', 'calculate a change to the duplicate energy curve based on the change to the duplicate acceleration ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140152202A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A method for calculating a motor constant of a permanent magnet type synchronous motor according to the present invention includes: a voltage applying step of applying a voltage obtained by compositing a DC component and an AC component to a permanent magnet type synchronous motor while varying a frequency of the AC component; a current detecting step of detecting a motor current flowing according to the applied voltage; a phase difference calculating step of calculating a difference in phase between the AC component of the applied voltage and an AC component of the motor current; and a motor constant calculating step of calculating a motor constant of the permanent magnet type synchronous motor. In addition, in the motor constant calculating step, the motor constant is calculated based on the applied voltage and the motor current when the difference in phase becomes nearly 45 degrees. 1. A method for calculating a motor constant of a permanent magnet type synchronous motor , the method comprising:a voltage applying step of applying a voltage obtained by compositing a DC component and an AC component to the motor while varying a frequency of the AC component;a current detecting step of detecting a motor current flowing according to the applied voltage;a phase difference calculating step of calculating a difference in phase between the AC component of the applied voltage and an AC component of the motor current; anda motor constant calculating step of calculating a motor constant of the permanent magnet type synchronous motor,wherein the motor constant is calculated based on the applied voltage and the motor current when the difference in phase becomes nearly 45 degrees in the motor constant calculating step.2. The method for calculating a motor constant of a permanent magnet type synchronous motor according to claim 1 , wherein the voltage applying step comprises applying the applied voltage to the permanent magnet type synchronous motor while further varying a ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190074788A1

Provided are a motor angle detector for detecting a motor angle, a current detector for detecting a motor current value to drive a motor, a vehicle inclination angle detector for detecting a vehicle inclination angle, a motor control circuit for outputting a control signal to control the driving of the motor, and a storage apparatus. The storage apparatus stores data obtained by associating the motor current value, a setting value in the motor control circuit for outputting the control signal, the vehicle inclination angle, and the motor angle at a first time with each other, and the motor control circuit controls the driving of the motor on the basis of information of the motor current value and the vehicle inclination angle at a second time and the data at the first time. 1. A motor driving system comprising:a motor angle detection circuit that receives a motor angle signal to detect a motor angle that is the angle of a rotor of a motor;a current detection circuit that receives a motor current signal to detect a motor current value that is the value of a current for driving the motor;a mobile object inclination angle detection circuit that receives an inclination angle signal to detect a mobile object inclination angle that is the inclination angle of a mobile object that moves by driving the motor;a motor control circuit that outputs a control signal for controlling the driving of the motor; anda storage apparatus,wherein the storage apparatus stores data obtained by associating the motor current value, a setting value in the motor control circuit for outputting the control signal, the mobile object inclination angle, and the motor angle at a first time with each other, andwherein the motor control circuit controls the driving of the motor on the basis of information of the motor current value and the mobile object inclination angle at a second time and the data at the first time.2. The motor driving system according to claim 1 , further comprising a failure ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Method for estimating parameter of induction machines

Номер: US20170085202A1
Автор: Anno Yoo, Yong-Doo YOON

Disclosed embodiments relate to methods, apparatuses, and systems for estimating parameters of an induction machine. In some embodiments, a method for estimating parameter of an induction machine includes estimating parameters of the induction machine more accurately even when it is stationary by utilizing voltage equations of the induction machine and signal processing techniques, with no additional hardware.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170085204A1
Автор: Didat Mark Anthony

Systems and methods are controlling an operating speed of an induction motor are provided. In particular, a current applied to a stator of an induction motor can be measured. A time domain representation of the measured current can be transformed into a frequency domain representation of the measured current. An operating speed of the induction motor can be determined based at least in part on the frequency domain representation. The determined speed can be compared to a desired operating speed, and the operating speed of the induction motor can be adjusted as necessary to meet the desired speed. 1. A method of determining a speed of line fed phase controlled induction motor , the method comprising:obtaining data indicative of an amount of current drawn by an alternating current induction motor;determining frequency data associated with the alternating current induction motor based at least in part on the obtained data indicative of the current drawn by the alternating current induction motor;determining a measured operating speed of the alternating current induction motor based at least in part on one or more sideband peaks associated with the determined frequency data;comparing the measured operating speed of the alternating current induction motor to a desired operating speed of the alternating current induction motor; andcontrolling the operating speed of the alternating current induction motor based at least in part on the comparison.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the data indicative of the current drawn by the alternating current induction motor comprises a time domain representation of the amount of current drawn by the alternating current induction motor.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein determining frequency data associated with alternating current induction motor comprises transforming the time domain representation of the amount of current drawn by the alternating current induction motor into a frequency domain representation of the amount of current ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140167674A1

A system for identifying magnetizing inductance and rotor resistance of an induction machine comprises an induction machine comprising a rotor and a stator, a DC voltage bus, and a DC-to-AC voltage inverter coupled to the DC voltage bus and to the induction machine. The system also comprises a controller configured to cause the DC-to-AC voltage inverter to apply a square-wave excitation to a plurality of phases of the induction machine, determine a stator resistance of the stator of the induction machine based on the square-wave excitation, and determine a rotor resistance of the rotor of the induction machine based on the square-wave excitation. The controller is also configured to calculate a magnetizing curve for the induction machine based on the stator and rotor resistances and control the induction machine to operate based on the magnetizing curve. 1. A system for identifying magnetizing inductance of an induction machine , the system comprising:an induction machine comprising a rotor and a stator;a DC voltage bus;a DC-to-AC voltage inverter coupled to the DC voltage bus and to the induction machine; and cause the DC-to-AC voltage inverter to apply a square-wave excitation to a plurality of phases of the induction machine;', 'determine a stator resistance of the stator of the induction machine based on the square-wave excitation;', 'determine a rotor resistance of the rotor of the induction machine based on the square-wave excitation;', 'calculate a magnetizing curve for the induction machine based on the stator and rotor resistances; and', 'control the induction machine to operate based on the magnetizing curve., 'a controller configured to2. The system of wherein the DC-to-AC voltage inverter comprises:a first pair of switches coupled to a first phase of the plurality of phases of the induction machine; anda second pair of switches coupled to a second phase of the plurality of phases of the induction machine; and control a first switch of the first pair of ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200083797A1

If a B system microcomputer is reset and reactivated while an A system microcomputer is operating normally, tasks of the A system microcomputer and tasks of the B system microcomputer can be synchronized. The B system microcomputer is reset when voltage applied to a battery decreases and falls below an operation guarantee voltage. Thereafter, when the applied voltage becomes equal to or higher than the operation guarantee voltage and the B system microcomputer is activated, the B system microcomputer outputs a request signal for requesting a synchronization signal to the A system microcomputer. The A system microcomputer outputs the synchronization signal synchronized with a periodic task. The B system microcomputer determines an execution timing of the periodic task based on the synchronization signal. 1. A motor control device configured to control a motor including a first stator coil and a second stator coil insulated from each other , the motor control device operating a first drive circuit connected to the first stator coil and a second drive circuit connected to the second stator coil , the motor control device comprising:a first processing circuit configured to output an operation signal to the first drive circuit to control current flowing in the first stator coil; anda second processing circuit configured to output an operation signal to the second drive circuit to control current flowing in the second stator coil, wherein:when the second processing circuit is performing control of current at activation of the first processing circuit, the first processing circuit executes a synchronization request process to output a request signal for requesting the second processing circuit to output a synchronization signal; andin response to the request signal, the second processing circuit executes a resynchronization output process to output, to the first processing circuit, a synchronization signal synchronized with an execution timing of a periodic task executed ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Variable Speed Drive for the Sensorless PWM Control of an AC Motor by Exploiting PWM-Induced Artefacts

Номер: US20210091703A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Toshiba Inverter Europe SAS

A variable speed drive comprises an output for delivering a drive voltage to an electric motor, power inverter, a drive controller, and a current sensor. The drive controller includes a PWM generator, a control law module, and a state variable estimator for estimating a state variable of the electric motor. The module computes a target voltage signal based on state variable estimates provided by the estimator and outputs the target voltage signal to the PWM generator. The generator approximates the target voltage signal with a PWM control signal, controls the inverter using the control signal, computes, based on the deviation between the control signal and the target voltage signal, an estimation support signal, and outputs the estimation support signal to the estimator. The estimator estimates a state variable of the motor based on the estimation support signal and the drive current, and outputs the estimate to the module. 1. A variable speed drive for the closed loop control of the operation of an AC electric motor based on a given control law , the variable speed drive comprising:an output terminal for delivering a controlled alternating drive voltage (upwm) to the controlled AC electric motor; a solid-state power inverter for generating the drive voltage;a drive controller for controlling the generation of the drive voltage by the power inverter; anda drive current sensing device for measuring the instantaneous intensity of the drive current taken up by the controlled AC electric motor and for providing the resulting measurements as a drive current intensity signal to the drive controller wherein the drive controller includes:a pulse-width modulation generator;a control law module storing the given control law; anda state variable estimation module for estimating the instantaneous value of at least one state variable of the controlled AC electric motor,wherein the control law module is adapted to, based on the stored control law and state variable estimates ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220140761A1
Автор: IKAI Keita

In one embodiment, a motor control circuit may be configured as a current circuit that forms a sense current that is representative of at least a BEMF voltage from a motor, and to use the sense current to detect a substantially zero-crossing of the BEMF voltage.

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Motor Control Apparatus for Controlling a Power Supply to an Electrical Motor

Номер: US20220140769A1

A motor control apparatus for controlling a power supply to an electrical motor (M) connected to an output terminal () of the motor control apparatus () comprising:

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160105137A1

The present invention provides a method and a device to determine the rotor field angle of an asynchronous machine even during the magnetising phase, in which the rotor field of a rotor of the asynchronous machine is built up. The asynchronous machine can then be actuated in a controlled operating mode even during the magnetising phase. The startup properties of the asynchronous machine can thus be improved, the magnetising phase of the asynchronous machine is shortened and it is possible to set a desired torque even during the magnetising phase. 112. A control device () for an asynchronous machine () having:{'b': 11', '2, 'a rotor field angle detector () which is configured to determine a rotor field angle in a magnetization phase of the asynchronous machine (); and'}{'b': 12', '2, 'a motor controller () which is configured to actuate the asynchronous machine () on the basis of the determined rotor field angle in the magnetization phase.'}2111. The control device () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rotor field angle detector () determines the rotor field angle in an encoder-free method.3111. The control device () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rotor field angle detector () also comprises:{'b': 11', '2, 'i': 'a', 'a device for generating voltage pulses () which is configured to apply voltage pulses to stator phases of the asynchronous machine ();'}{'b': '11', 'i': 'b', 'a current-measuring device () which is configured to measure a current response to the applied current pulses in the stator phases; and'}{'b': '11', 'i': 'c', 'a device () for determining a rotor field angle which is configured to determine the rotor field angle on the basis of the measured current responses.'}41122. The control device () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the motor controller () sets a predefined torque in the asynchronous machine ().5122. The control device () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the magnetization phase of the asynchronous machine () occurs during starting up of ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140184135A1

A method for minimizing power losses in an alternating current (AC) machine is provided. The method includes determining a first rotor flux signal based on signals of voltage and current inputs to the AC machine, and extracting a ripple component of the rotor flux signal. The method further includes determining a power compensating value that corresponds to a stored energy value of the AC machine, determining a second rotor flux signal that serves to minimize power losses, and providing the second rotor flux signal to a power inverting unit that adjust accordingly the voltage and current input signals provided to the AC machine. 1. A method for minimizing power losses in an alternating current (AC) machine , comprising:determining a first rotor flux signal based on voltage and current input signals to the AC machine;determining a ripple component of the first rotor flux signal;determining a power compensating value that corresponds to a stored energy value of the AC machine based on the ripple component;determining a second rotor flux signal based on the determined power compensating value, wherein the second rotor flux signal serves to minimize power losses of the AC machine; andproviding the second rotor flux signal to a power inverting unit configured to adjust the voltage and current input signals provided to the AC machine.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second rotor flux signal represents an optimum rotor flux signal that minimizes power losses of the AC machine.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second rotor flux signal is determined based on the determined power compensating and on the ripple component.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determined power compensating value is configured as a correction of the ripple component.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second rotor flux signal and an electromechanical torque signal are both provided to the power inverting unit by a field oriented control unit.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150108932A1
Автор: Yoo Anno
Принадлежит: LSIS CO., LTD.

An apparatus for restarting a medium voltage inverter is disclosed, wherein the inverter changes a voltage or a frequency outputted to a motor in response to an input voltage of the motor and a rotor speed of the motor and a predetermined voltage-frequency ratio. 1. An apparatus for restarting a medium voltage inverter configured to provide an inputted power to a motor , the apparatus comprising:a measurement unit configured to measure an input voltage of the motor;an estimation unit configured to estimate a rotor speed of the motor using the input voltage of the motor measured by the measurement unit; anda controller configured to change a voltage or a frequency outputted by the medium voltage inverter to the motor in response to a predetermined voltage-frequency ratio based on the input voltage of the motor and a rotor frequency of the motor.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the estimation unit includes an extraction unit configured to extract a first voltage corresponding to a predetermined frequency from the input voltage of the motor and a second voltage lagging in phase by 90 degrees from the first voltage claim 1 , and a first detection unit configured to detect the rotor speed of the motor using the first and second voltages.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the extraction unit includes a generation unit configured to generate a first voltage corresponding to a frequency applied from the medium voltage inverter and a second voltage lagging in phase by 90 degrees using the input voltage of the motor claim 2 , a second detection unit configured to detect a frequency component of the first voltage claim 2 , and a determination unit configured to determine a bandwidth of the rotor frequency of the motor.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first detection unit includes a first conversion unit configured to convert the first and second voltages inputted from the extraction unit to a rotation coordinate claim 2 , a compensation unit configured to ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации

Motor Control with Voltage Harmonic Shaping

Номер: US20140191699A1
Принадлежит: TRW LIMITED

A control system for an electric motor () comprises a current sensing means () arranged to produce a current sensing output indicative of electric current in the motor, current control means () arranged to receive a current demand and to control voltages applied to the motor, and correction means () arranged to receive the current sensing output and the current demand, and use them to generate a correction signal. The current control means () is arranged to receive the correction signal and to use the correction signal to correct the voltages applied to the motor. 115-. (canceled)16. A control system for an electric motor comprising:a current sensing means arranged to produce a current sensing output indicative of electric current in an electric motor;current control means arranged to receive a current demand and to control voltages applied to the electric motor; andcorrection means arranged to receive and use the current sensing output and the current demand to generate a correction signal,wherein the current control means is arranged to receive and use the correction signal to correct voltages applied to the electric motor.17. The control system according to wherein the correction means is arranged to identify a distortion frequency and to determine claim 16 , from the current sensing output and the current demand claim 16 , a component of the current in the electric motor at the distortion frequency.18. The control system according to wherein the correction signal is arranged to indicate a magnitude of the distortion frequency component.19. The control system according to wherein the correction means is arranged to generate a distortion signal from the current sensing output and the current demand.20. The control system according to wherein the correction means is arranged to perform a comparison between at least a component of the current sensing output and at least a component of the current demand to at least partially isolate the distortion frequency ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160118919A1

A method for implementing asynchronous operation of a permanent magnet motor (PMM) by detecting asynchronous operation of the PMM and creating cyclic variations in the PMM output using the asynchronous operation of the PMM. In another embodiment, an apparatus that comprises a microcontroller that obtains computer executable instructions stored on a non-transitory medium that when executed by the microcontroller causes the apparatus to determine that a rotor shaft within a PMM is rotationally restricted and to vary a plurality of frequencies and a plurality of amplitude currents supplied to the monitor to produce a reverse impact on a downhole tool coupled to the PMM. 1. A method comprising:detecting an asynchronous operation of a permanent magnet motor within a downhole tool;interrupting a motor operation for the permanent magnet motor, wherein the motor operation is associated with at least a drive frequency and a drive amplitude of the permanent magnet motor; andcreating cyclic variations in the permanent magnet motor output using the asynchronous operation of the permanent magnet motor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cyclic variation is created by varying at least the drive frequency and the drive amplitude of the permanent magnet motor.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the motor operation comprises a motor acceleration startup procedure and a motor operating speed.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the drive frequency and the drive amplitude are related to a motor current.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the asynchronous operation occurs at startup of the motor claim 1 , during operation of the motor claim 1 , or both.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising discontinuing a stator magnetic field after detecting the asynchronous operation of the permanent magnet motor claim 1 , and wherein detecting the asynchronous operation of the permanent magnet motor comprises sensing the current being delivered to the permanent magnet motor.7. The method of ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Load characteristic estimating apparatus for driving machine

Номер: US20140197770A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A load characteristic estimating apparatus for a driving machine includes an action-command generating unit for generating an action command for a position and speed of a driving machine, a driving-force-command generating unit for generating a driving force command to cause an action of the driving machine to follow the action command, a driving unit for generating driving force corresponding to the driving force command and drive the driving machine, a sign determining unit for determining, based on driving speed of the driving machine, the state of the driving machine, a load-driving-force estimating unit for calculating, based on the driving force command, a load driving force signal, and a normal reverse-rotation-average calculating unit and a reverse-rotation-average calculating unit, configured to calculate a sequential average of the load driving force signal, respectively when the determination result is a normal and reverse rotation action.

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150123578A1

A method of increasing a current sensing range for a vehicle or other polyphase motor system includes measuring phase currents delivered to a motor of the system. A controller calculates an absolute value of each phase current, compares each calculated absolute value to a saturation limit to determine whether only one sensor is saturated, and extrapolates a phase current value of the saturated sensor. The calculated temporary phase current is used as the extrapolated phase current value for the saturated sensor, and a control action is executed using the extrapolated phase current value only when the calculated temporary phase current value exceeds the measured value for the saturated sensor and a sign of the calculated temporary phase current value matches that of the measured value for the saturated sensor. A system includes the motor, a power inverter module, phase current sensors, and a controller which executes the method. 1. A method of increasing a current sensing range in a system having a polyphase motor , the method comprising:measuring, via a plurality of phase current sensors having a calibrated saturation limit, each of a plurality of phase currents delivered to the polyphase motor;calculating, via a controller, an absolute value of each of the measured phase currents;comparing each of the calculated absolute values to the calibrated saturation limit to determine whether only one of the phase current sensors is saturated; calculating a temporary phase current value as a function of the phase currents of the unsaturated sensors;', 'determining whether an absolute value of the calculated temporary phase current exceeds the measured value for the one saturated sensor;', 'determining whether a sign of the calculated temporary phase current matches a sign of the measured value for the one saturated sensor; and', 'using the calculated temporary phase current as the extrapolated phase current value for the saturated sensor; and, 'extrapolating a phase current ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220182000A1

A motor control device includes: a target value acquisition part acquiring a target value of a control parameter of a motor; an operation amount calculation part calculating an operation amount; an output acquisition part acquiring an output of the control parameter; and a deviation calculation part calculating a deviation between the target value and the output. The operation amount calculation part includes: a first calculation part calculating a first value corresponding to the deviation; a second calculation part calculating a second value in a range not exceeding a predetermined upper limit value based on an integrated value of the deviation; and a third calculation part calculating the operation amount in a range not exceeding an operation amount upper limit value based on the first and second values. The predetermined upper limit value is larger than a value obtained by subtracting the first value from the operation amount upper limit value. 1. A motor control device comprising:a target value acquisition part that acquires a target value of a control parameter associated with a motor;an operation amount calculation part that calculates an operation amount for the motor;an output acquisition part that acquires an output of the control parameter outputted from the motor when the motor is driven based on the operation amount calculated by the operation amount calculation part; anda deviation calculation part that calculates a deviation between the target value acquired by the target value acquisition part and the output acquired by the output acquisition part, a first calculation part that calculates a first value corresponding to the deviation calculated by the deviation calculation part;', 'a second calculation part that calculates a second value in a range that does not exceed a predetermined upper limit value based on an integrated value obtained by integrating the deviation over time; and', 'a third calculation part that calculates the operation amount in a ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190115772A1

An electric work machine () includes a motor (M) and a control unit () that controls rotation of the motor. The control unit () is configured such that an operating mode is switchable between a normal mode, in which the motor is rotated within a prescribed output range, and a power mode, in which the motor is rotatable with energy greater than in the normal mode. Furthermore, the control unit () is configured to restrict use of the power mode. 1. An electric work machine , comprising:a motor; anda control unit that controls rotation of the motor; an operating mode is switchable between a normal mode, in which the motor is rotated within a prescribed output range, and a power mode, in which the motor is rotatable with energy greater than that in the normal mode; and', 'use of the power mode is restricted., 'wherein the control unit is configured such that2. The electric work machine according to claim 1 , wherein:the normal mode is an operating mode in which continuous use is possible; andthe power mode is an operating mode in which the motor is permitted to be rotated only for a prescribed period of time.3. The electric work machine according to claim 2 , wherein:the electric work machine is configured to operate by receiving a supply of electric power from a battery.4. The electric work machine according to claim 3 , wherein:the control unit is configured to restrict use of the power mode based at least in part on a state or a usage state of the battery.5. The electric work machine according to claim 3 , wherein:the control unit is configured to restrict use of the power mode based at least in part on a usage count of the power mode since the battery was mounted on the electric work machine.6. The electric work machine according to claim 3 , wherein:the control unit is configured to restrict use of the power mode based at least in part on a usage time of the power mode since the battery was mounted on the electric work machine.7. The electric work machine according ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160134219A1
Автор: KIM JungHan
Принадлежит: LSIS CO., LTD.

An inverter controller is provided. The controller according to an exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure generates a compensation voltage to compensate an inverter command voltage using motor torque current and motor information, and apply the compensation voltage to the command voltage. 1. A controller comprising:a first generation unit configured to generate a voltage command from a command frequency;a first conversion unit configured to convert an output current of an inverter to a torque current on synchronous reference frame; anda second generation unit configured to generate a compensation voltage to compensate the voltage command using the torque current and motor information,wherein the compensation voltage is applied to the first generation unit.2. The controller of claim 1 , further comprising:a second conversion unit configured to convert the voltage command to a voltage command on a stationary reference frame;a modulation unit configured to modulate the voltage command on the stationary reference frame according to a motor rating; anda third generation unit configured to generate a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal in order to control a plurality of power switching elements of the inverter, according to the modulated voltage command on the stationary reference frame.3. The controller of claim 1 , further comprising:an LPF (Low Pass Filter) configured to control harmonic wave ingredient of the torque current.4. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the second generation unit includes:a fourth generation unit configured to generate a boost voltage according to the motor information and a predetermined voltage gain; anda first multiplication unit configured to generate a compensation voltage by multiplying a K-factor of the torque current by the boost voltage.5. The controller of claim 4 , wherein the second generation unit includes:a comparison unit configured to compare the torque current with a torque current reference.6. The controller of claim ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190131905A1

Systems and methods for operating a motor according to parameters provided by an autotuning component if available are described. A controller can be coupled to a drive which operates a motor for executing a task that can be related to a drilling operation for oil and gas. The controller stores initial parameters and checks for new parameters provided by the autotuning component which are stored on the drive after the autotuning component autotunes the motor. If there are new parameters, they are given priority over the initial parameters. 1. A system , comprising:a controller;a variable frequency drive (VFD) operably coupled to the controller and configured to be controlled by the controller;a motor operably coupled to the VFD and configured to be operated by the VFD; andan autotuner configured to tune the motor;wherein:the controller is configured to receive parameters that determine operation of the VFD and motor, the parameters being grouped into sets of parameters;the controller is configured to store a first set of parameters;when the autotuner tunes the motor, a second set of parameters is generated; andthe controller is configured to selectively apply the first set of parameters and the second set of parameters according to a predetermined priority.2. The system of wherein the predetermined priority is based on a time the parameters were created claim 1 , wherein a later-created set of parameters has priority.3. The system of wherein the controller is configured to compare the parameters against a reasonable limit claim 1 , and wherein the predetermined priority is based on whether or not parameters exceed the reasonable limit.4. The system of wherein the controller is configured to compare the first and second parameters to determine a difference between the first and second sets of parameters claim 1 , and wherein if the difference between the first and second sets of parameters is less than a predetermined threshold the second set of parameters is not ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Method Of Controlling A Motor

Номер: US20200127590A1
Автор: Rahul Kanchan
Принадлежит: ABB Schweiz AG

A method of performing scalar-based control of a motor connected to a power converter via at least one passive electrical reactance component, wherein the method includes: estimating a motor current at terminals of the motor to thereby obtain an estimated motor current, and controlling the power converter based on the estimated motor current.

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210180340A1
Принадлежит: Multiquip Inc.

A method for thermal management of a power trowel executable by an on-board logic controller allows operation of the trowel in normal mode in which rotor speed is determined by manual control and in which a sensed temperature of the trowel lies below a high temperature setpoint. In response to the sensed temperature exceeding the high temperature setpoint, the controller switches operation of the power trowel from normal mode to thermal management mode in which a maximum rotor speed achievable by manual control is reduced by the controller in incremental steps to allow the trowel to cool. In response to the sensed temperature reaching a low temperature setpoint, the controller increases rotor speed in incremental steps, and returns operation to normal mode when a desired rotor speed is maintained for sufficient time during which the sensed temperature remains below the low temperature setpoint. 1. A method for controlling rotor speed in a power trowel , comprising:sensing temperature of a component of the power trowel;comparing, by a programmable logic controller, the sensed temperature to a predetermined threshold; andadjusting, by the programmable logic controller in response to the sensed temperature exceeding the predetermined threshold, a maximum rotor speed achievable by manual control.2. The method of wherein adjusting the maximum rotor speed comprises incrementally stepping down the maximum rotor speed achievable by manual control in more than one incremental step.3. The method of wherein adjusting the maximum rotor speed comprises incrementally stepping up the maximum rotor speed achievable by manual control in more than one incremental step.4. A method for thermal management of a power trowel claim 1 , comprising:allowing, by an automatic controller, operation of the power trowel in a normal mode in which rotor speed is determined in response to manual control and in which a sensed temperature of a component of the power trowel lies below a predetermined ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180159454A1

A method for operating an electric machine comprises ascertaining an electric stator current of the electric machine, calculating a magnetic flux which is generated based on the ascertained electric stator current, and controlling a torque generated by means of the electric machine, as a function of the calculated magnetic flux. 1. A method for operating an electric machine , comprising the steps:ascertaining an electric stator current of the electric machine,calculating a magnetic flux which is generated based on the ascertained electric stator current, andcontrolling a torque generated by means of the electric machine, as a function of the calculated magnetic flux.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the calculation of the magnetic flux comprises approximating the magnetic flux by means of a polynomial which is of at least the second degree.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the polynomial is of the third order and the absolute term of the polynomial is equal to zero.4. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a differential inductance resulting from the corresponding stator current is measured in each case at different stator currents claim 2 , wherein the coefficients of the polynomial are ascertained based on the measured differential inductances.5. The method as claimed in claim 4 , wherein for ascertaining the coefficients claim 4 , it is specified that the linear term of the polynomial is equal to 1 or is equal to the torque constant of the electric machine.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ascertained stator current is divided into a torque-generating current and into a field-generating current by means of the Park transformation claim 1 , wherein for calculating the magnetic flux claim 1 , only the torque-generating current is used.7. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a torque corresponding to the calculated magnetic flux is calculated claim 1 , which claim 1 , being an actual torque claim 1 , is compared to a ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140247002A1
Принадлежит: Regal Beloit America, Inc.

A motor assembly coupled to an external alternating voltage input, the motor assembly comprising a motor including a stator and a rotor rotatable about a longitudinal axis. The motor assembly further includes a circuit assembly, the circuit assembly having a state detector operable to detect the state of the external alternating voltage input and a control unit operable to control the motor based on the state of the external alternating voltage input detected by the state detector. The motor assembly also includes a housing substantially encasing the motor, and the circuit assembly. 1. A motor assembly coupled to an external alternating voltage input , the motor assembly comprising:a motor including a stator and a rotor rotatable about a longitudinal axis; a state detector operable to detect the state of the external alternating voltage input;', 'a control unit operable to control the motor based on the state of the external alternating voltage input detected by the state detector; and, 'a circuit assembly, the circuit assembly including;'}a housing substantially encasing the motor, and the circuit assembly.2. The motor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the motor assembly further includes a fan coupled to the rotor for co-rotation.3. The motor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the housing includes a motor case claim 1 , and a front cover substantially encasing the motor and circuit assembly.4. The motor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the control unit controls the motor by applying one of a plurality of configurable speed profiles in response to the state of the external alternating voltage input.5. The motor assembly of claim 4 , wherein the speed profiles are programmable by the control unit receiving an input regarding a characteristic of the speed profiles.6. The motor assembly of claim 5 , wherein the characteristic of the speed profiles to be programed is the rotational speed as a function of time.7. The motor assembly of claim 5 , wherein the characteristic of the ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180167015A1
Автор: Wu Wei

In some examples, a controller device is configured to generate control signals for a power-conversion circuit that drives an electric motor including a rotor. In some examples, the controller device includes subtraction circuitry configured to generate an error signal based on a difference between an estimated angular velocity of the rotor and a target angular velocity for the rotor. In some examples, the controller device further includes proportional-integral (PI) circuitry configured to generate a reference torque signal based on the error signal. In some examples, the controller device also includes processing circuitry configured to determine that the rotor is locked based on detecting that the reference torque signal includes a saturated amplitude for at least a threshold time. 1. A controller device configured to generate control signals for power-conversion circuitry that drives an electric motor including a rotor without a sensor to sense a position of the rotor or a velocity of the rotor , the controller device comprising: generate an error signal based on a difference between the estimated angular velocity and a target angular velocity for the rotor;', 'generate a reference torque signal based on the error signal,', 'wherein the controller device further comprises processing circuitry configured to determine that the rotor is locked based on detecting that the reference torque signal includes a saturated amplitude for at least a threshold time., 'a flux estimator and phase-lock loop (PLL) configured to determine an estimated angular velocity of the rotor, wherein the controller device is further configured to2. The controller device of claim 1 , wherein the processing circuitry is configured to determine that the rotor is locked by at least determining that the estimated angular velocity is less than a threshold angular velocity.3. The controller device of claim 2 , wherein the threshold angular velocity is less than thirty percent of the maximum angular ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150180398A1
Автор: Tang Yifan
Принадлежит: ATIEVA, INC.

An induction motor controller is provided. The induction motor controller includes a first module that derives a commanded stator voltage vector, in a rotor flux reference frame, via a rotor flux regulator loop and a torque regulator loop, which process at least partially in the rotor flux reference frame. The induction motor controller includes a second module that processes the commanded stator voltage vector to produce AC (alternating current) power for an induction motor. 1. An induction motor controller , comprising:a first module that derives a commanded stator voltage vector, in a rotor flux reference frame, via a rotor flux regulator loop and a torque regulator loop; anda second module that processes the commanded stator voltage vector to produce AC (alternating current) power for an induction motor.2. The induction motor controller of claim 1 , wherein:the second module transforms the commanded stator voltage vector from the rotor flux reference frame to a phase voltage reference frame, applying vector rotation according to a rotor flux angle;the second module generates pulse width modulation switching controls for a DC (direct current) to AC inverter from the commanded stator voltage vector as transformed to the phase voltage reference frame; andthe second module generates three-phase AC power for the induction motor from the pulse width modulation switching controls.3. The induction motor controller of claim 1 , further comprising:a third module that produces a torque, a rotor flux angle, a rotor flux, a stator current vector expressed in the rotor flux reference frame, and a rotor current vector expressed in the rotor flux reference frame, from a stator voltage vector expressed in a phase voltage reference frame, a stator current of at least two phases, and a rotational speed of a rotor of the induction motor.4. The induction motor controller of claim 3 , wherein:the rotor flux is coupled from the third module to a flux regulator of the first module;the ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150180399A1
Автор: Ahmad Ghaderi

A motor controller of a switched reluctance motor includes an inverter, a torque and flux calculator configured to estimate or measure torque and flux generated in the switched reluctance motor as calculated torque flux, based on an output from the inverter and a rotor angle of the switched reluctance motor, a switching pattern selector configured to input a signal to the inverter to select one of a plurality of switching patterns based on comparison results of a reference torque and the calculated torque and a reference flux and the calculated flux, and a flux phase angle, and a reference flux calculator configured to compare a highest phase flux out of three phase fluxes obtained by the torque and flux calculator with a flux limit and to reduce the reference flux when the maximum phase flux is higher than the flux limit. 17-. (canceled)8. A motor controller configured to control a switched reluctance motor comprising:an inverter connected to the switched reluctance motor;a torque and flux calculator configured to estimate or measure torque and flux generated in the switched reluctance motor as calculated torque and calculated flux, based on an output from the inverter and a rotor angle of the switched reluctance motor;a switching pattern selector configured to input a signal to the inverter to select one of a plurality of switching patterns based on a comparison result of a reference torque and the calculated torque, a comparison result of a reference flux and the calculated flux, and a flux phase angle; anda reference flux calculator configured to compare a highest phase flux out of three phase fluxes obtained by the torque and flux calculator with a flux limit and reduce the reference flux when the highest phase flux is higher than the flux limit.9. The motor controller according to claim 8 , wherein the reference flux calculator is configured to change the flux limit based on at least one of the reference torque and a rotating speed.10. The motor controller ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140265956A1
Принадлежит: Regal Beloit America, Inc.

A system and method of controlling an electric motor using a motor controller are provided. The system includes an electric motor controller configured to be coupled to an electric motor and to control the electric motor to produce approximately constant average torque. The controller includes a rectifier configured to convert an AC input voltage to a pulsing DC voltage, a DC link electrically coupled to the rectifier, an inverter electrically coupled to the DC link and configured to generate a three phase AC voltage to drive the electric motor, and a controller configured to receive a measurement of a motor current value for the motor, estimate a torque generated in the electric motor using the measurement of the instantaneous motor current value, and generate a real-time current demand signal using the estimated torque value, the real-time current demand signal compensating the motor controller to produce a substantially constant average motor output torque. 1. An electric motor drive controller configured to be coupled to an electric motor , said drive controller configured to control the electric motor to produce approximately constant average torque , said drive controller comprising:a rectifier configured to convert an AC input voltage to a pulsing DC voltage;a DC link electrically coupled to the rectifier;an inverter electrically coupled to the DC link and configured to generate a three phase AC voltage to drive the electric motor; and receive a measurement of an instantaneous motor current value for the motor;', 'estimate a torque generated in the electric motor using the received measurement of the instantaneous motor current value; and', 'generate a real-time current demand signal using the estimated torque value, the real-time current demand signal compensating the motor controller to produce a substantially constant average motor output torque., 'a controller configured to2. The electric motor drive controller of claim 1 , further comprising a torque ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150188477A1

A control apparatus for a motor having a rotor includes a resolver, a processor, a decoder, a sensor, and a motor driver. The resolver outputs waveforms sensed from a rotation of the rotor. The decoder generates an absolute angle signal and an incremental angle signal in response to the waveforms from the resolver and provides the absolute angle signal and the incremental angle signal to the processor. The sensor estimates a positioning angle of the rotor and provides an estimated angle signal in response to the positioning angle of the rotor to the processor. When one of the absolute angle signal, the incremental angle signal, and the estimated angle signal is transmitted to the processor, the processor executes a predetermined program associated with the respective absolute angle signal, the incremental angle signal, and the estimated angle signal, to control the motor driver to rotate the rotor. 1. A control apparatus for a motor having a rotor , the control apparatus comprising:a resolver mechanically coupled to the rotor and outputting waveforms sensed from a rotation of the rotor;a processor;a decoder coupled to the resolver and the processor, the decoder generating an absolute angle signal and an incremental angle signal, in response to the waveforms from the resolver, and providing the absolute angle signal and the incremental angle signal to the processor;a sensor coupled between the motor and the processor, the sensor estimating a positioning angle of the rotor and providing an estimated angle signal in relation to the positioning angle of the rotor to the processor; anda motor driver coupled to the processor and the motor;wherein when one of the absolute angle signal, the incremental angle signal, and the estimated angle signal is transmitted to the processor, the processor executes a predetermined program associated with the one of the absolute angle signal, the incremental angle signal, and the estimated angle signal to change a current signal from the ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации

Cable Power Loss Determination For Virtual Metrology

Номер: US20150198639A1
Принадлежит: Lam Research Corp

A method for modeling cable loss is described. The method includes receiving a measurement of reverse power and forward power at a radio frequency (RF) generator. The method further includes computing theoretical power delivered to a matching network as a difference between the forward power and the reverse power and calculating a ratio of the reverse power to the forward power to generate an RF power reflection ratio. The method further includes identifying a cable power attenuation fraction based on a frequency of the RF generator and calculating a cable power loss as a function of the RF power reflection ratio, the cable power attenuation fraction, and the theoretical power. The method includes calculating actual power to be delivered to the impedance matching network based on the theoretical power and the cable power loss and sending the calculated actual power to the RF generator to generate an RF signal.

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210218357A1
Автор: Li Kun

A motor control system of a motor is provided. The system includes a state estimation observer that computes an estimated velocity based on an inertia-damping response to the dynamics of the motor shaft, a torque command signal, and the compensated command signal. This compensated signal comes from a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller that determines a difference between a sensed position and an estimated position. The estimated position is determined by the estimated velocity and an integrator. The control system may also include a motor-velocity based lowpass filter which applies a filter to the estimated velocity. 1. A control system of a motor , the control system comprising: a model of dynamics of a motor shaft of the motor, which receives a torque command signal and a compensated command signal and calculates an estimated motor velocity based on an inertia-damping response to the dynamics of the motor shaft;', 'a compensator circuit comprising a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller which an error signal indicating an error between a sensed position of the motor and an estimated position of the motor, and outputs the compensated command signal calculated based on the error signal and tuning parameters of the PID controller., 'a state observer module comprising2. The control system according to claim 1 , further comprising:a motor-velocity based lowpass filter, wherein the model is configured to output the estimated motor velocity to the motor-velocity based lowpass filter.3. The control system according to claim 1 , further comprising:an integrator which receives the estimated motor velocity from the model and outputs an estimated position of the motor; andan adder which receives the sensed position of the motor and the estimated position of the motor and outputs the error signal to the compensator circuit.4. The control system according to claim 1 , wherein the PID controller comprises:a proportional controller, a derivative ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140286793A1

In order to realize, without inviting cost increase, a control for maintaining a pressure of fluid delivered from a pump at a target value, a pump control unit is provided with a driver control unit controlling a rotational speed of a hydraulic pump through adjustment of a duty ratio of a PWM signal driving excitation coils of an electric motor. Further, the pump control unit is provided also with a signal correction circuit configured to convert a current flowing in the excitation coils to a voltage signal with using a shunt resistor and to divide the voltage signal with using a voltage division ratio setting circuit and to shorten an ON signal of the PWM signal by increasing the divided voltage. The voltage division ratio setting circuit has a characteristics of setting the divided voltage higher, the longer an ON period of the PWM signal. 1. A pump control unit in which an electric motor driving a pump is provided with a driving arrangement that a rotor is driven to rotate by a magnetic field with supply of electric power to a plurality of excitation coils , the unit comprising:a power control unit setting a duty ratio of a current to be fed to the excitation coils;a shunt resistor converting the current flowing in the excitation coils to a voltage signal;a voltage division ratio setting circuit generating, from the voltage signal from the shunt resistor, a detected voltage signal having a voltage division ratio corresponding to the duty ratio; anda power correction section changing the duty ratio set by the power control unit based on the detected voltage signal;wherein the power control section outputs a signal for setting a power control element to an ON state according to a set duty ratio; andthe power correction section effects a correction operation shortening an ON period of the power control element if the detected voltage signal exceeds a set value.2. (canceled)3. The pump control unit according to claim 1 , wherein the voltage division ratio setting ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180198398A1

Systems and methods are provided for controlling a motor having a rotor and a stator. A motor control module having a processor and a memory is in communication with the motor and is configured to receive an input torque command signal and control a stator current of the motor. The motor control module is further configured to calculate an angular acceleration of the rotor based on the input torque command signal and a rotor inertia. The motor control module calculates an angular velocity based on the calculated angular acceleration of the rotor. The motor control module calculates a stator flux angle based on the calculated angular velocity of the rotor and controls the stator current to generate a magnetic flux at the calculated stator flux angle based on the input torque command signal. 1. A system for controlling a motor having a rotor and a stator , the system comprising:a motor control module having a processor and a memory, the motor control module in communication with the motor and configured to receive an input torque command signal and control a stator current of the motor,wherein the motor control module is further configured to calculate an angular acceleration of the rotor based on the input torque command signal and a rotor inertia, calculate an angular velocity based on the calculated angular acceleration of the rotor, calculate a stator flux angle based on the calculated angular velocity of the rotor, and control the stator current to generate a magnetic flux at the calculated stator flux angle based on the input torque command signal.2. The system of wherein the input torque command signal is limited to allow for a predetermined maximum acceleration.3. The system of wherein the input torque command signal is limited to allow for a predetermined maximum motor speed.4. The system of wherein the motor control module is further configured to adjust the input torque command signal based on at least one predetermined motor property selected from the ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140292240A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Provided are a low-cost control device and the like for a vehicle generator-motor for minimizing the number of current sensors and the like, and estimating an output torque and a current consumption during drive of the generator-motor. The output torque and the current consumption during the drive of the generator-motor are estimated based on a field current, an rpm, a DC voltage, and a phase of an AC voltage to be supplied of the generator-motor, without providing a current sensor for detecting an input current from a power supply to an inverter device of the generator-motor, and a current sensor for detecting an output current from the inverter device to an armature winding of a rotary electric machine. 1. A control device for a vehicle generator-motor , the control device comprising:a power conversion unit connected between a rotary electric machine and a DC power supply, the rotary electric machine being connected to an internal combustion engine via a power transmission unit, for mutually converting between AC power and DC power; anda control unit for controlling the power conversion unit, a field current control unit for controlling a current to be supplied to a field winding of the generator-motor;', 'an AC voltage phase control unit for controlling an AC voltage phase of an AC voltage to be output by the power conversion unit to an armature winding;', 'a field current detecting unit for detecting a field current flowing through the field winding of the generator-motor;', 'an rpm detecting unit for detecting an rpm of the generator-motor;', 'a DC voltage detecting unit for detecting an input DC voltage from the DC power supply to the power conversion unit; and', 'a generator-motor state estimation unit for acquiring, when the generator-motor operates as a motor, based on the field current, the rpm, the input DC voltage, and the AC voltage phase, at least one of an estimated output torque value and an estimated current consumption value of the generator-motor ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160218653A1
Автор: Jadric Ivan, Wu Zhiqiao
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Company

A chiller system includes a compressor configured to circulate a refrigerant between an evaporator and a condenser in a closed refrigerant loop and a synchronous motor configured to drive the compressor. The motor includes a stator winding and a rotor. The chiller system includes a controller configured to estimate a flux linkage of the rotor and generate a control signal for the motor based on the estimated flux linkage. Estimating the flux linkage includes applying a voltage of the stator winding to a transfer function having an error correction variable, using a first value of the error correction variable in the transfer function to obtain convergence of the flux linkage over an initial motor starting interval, and using a second value of the error correction variable after the initial motor starting interval to reduce an error in estimating the flux linkage. 1. A chiller system comprising:a compressor configured to circulate a refrigerant between an evaporator and a condenser in a closed refrigerant loop;a synchronous motor configured to drive the compressor, the motor comprising a stator winding and a rotor; and applying a voltage of the stator winding to a transfer function comprising an S-domain integration operation and an error correction variable;', 'using a first value of the error correction variable in the transfer function to obtain convergence of the flux linkage over an initial motor starting interval; and', 'updating the transfer function to replace the first value of the error correction variable with a second value of the error correction variable after the initial motor starting interval to reduce a flux linkage estimation error resulting from the error correction variable;, 'a controller configured to estimate a flux linkage of the rotor bywherein the controller is configured to provide a control signal to the motor based on the estimated flux linkage.2. The chiller system of claim 1 , wherein:the first value of the error correction variable is ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Control method for an electrically excited motor and inverter

Номер: US20170214351A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method to control a motor which is electrically excited. The method includes providing a unit capable of learning which is configured to analyze processes in a machinery into which the motor is built so as to learn to optimally control a variable motor flux. The unit capable of learning thereby sets the variable motor flux so as to minimize motor losses absent an adverse impact on a dynamic property of a drive

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150233380A1

A motor control device which controls a motor for driving a blower unit, comprises: a target motor output calculating section which calculates a target motor output which causes an air flow of air supplied from the blower unit to coincide with a target air flow; and an operation command generating section which obtains the motor output of the motor, and generates a command for controlling a physical amount of the motor such that the motor output coincides with the target motor output based on a result of comparison between the motor output and the target motor output; and the target motor output calculating section is configured to calculate the target motor output as a product of a polynomial of variables derived by dividing the target air flow by the motor speed, and a cube of the motor speed. 1. A motor control device which controls a motor for driving a blower unit , comprising:a target motor output calculating section which obtains a motor speed of the motor and calculates a target motor output which causes an air flow of air supplied from the blower unit to coincide with a target air flow, based on the target air flow and the motor speed; andan operation command generating section which obtains a motor output of the motor, and generates an operation command for controlling a physical amount of the motor such that the motor output coincides with the target motor output based on a result of comparison between the motor output and the target motor output;wherein the target motor output calculating section is configured to calculate the target motor output as a product of a polynomial of variables derived by dividing the target air flow by the motor speed, and a cube of the motor speed.3. The motor control device according to claim 1 , comprising:a motor output calculating section which obtains a first detection signal indicating the motor speed and a second detection signal indicating motor torque, and calculates the motor output based on the first detection ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150236632A1
Принадлежит: Deere & Company

At least one example embodiment discloses a method of controlling an alternating current (ac) machine. The method includes determining or retrieving a current limit for the ac machine, determining a characterized peak current value based on a voltage-to-speed ratio of the ac machine, determining current command values for the ac machine based on at least one of the torque command limit and a torque command for the ac machine, determining current command values for the ac machine based on the torque command limit and controlling the ac machine based on the current command values. 1. A method of controlling an alternating current (ac) machine , the method comprising:determining or retrieving a current limit for the ac machine;determining a characterized peak current value based on a voltage-to-speed ratio of the ac machine;determining a torque command limit based on the characterized peak current value and the current limit;determining current command values for the ac machine based on at least one of the torque command limit and a torque command for the ac machine; andcontrolling the ac machine based on the current command values.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining a torque command percentage based on the torque command for the ac machine; anddetermining a minimum of the torque command percentage consistent with the torque command limit, the current command values being based on the minimum.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining a current magnitude percentage based on the current limit and the characterized peak current value, wherein the determining the torque command limit is based on the current magnitude percentage.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the determining or retrieving the torque command limit includes:determining an operating mode of the ac machine, the operating mode being one of a braking mode and a motoring mode; andselecting a torque command limit table associated with the operating mode, the torque command ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160233808A1

[Problem] To enhance a speed loop gain even in a three-inertia mechanical resonance system. [Solution] A motor control apparatus () for controlling a motor, includes: a speed estimator () configured to estimate and output an equivalent rigid body speed of the motor, based on a torque command that is input to a motor model (); a first feedback gain (K) configured to obtain a first differential speed between a motor speed and the equivalent rigid body speed; a torque command generation unit () configured to generate the torque command, based on a speed deviation between a speed command and a second differential speed between the motor speed and the output of the first feedback gain (K); and a stabilizing compensator () configured to obtain the first differential speed in parallel with the first feedback gain (K), to change frequency characteristics of the first differential speed and to add the frequency characteristics to an output of the first feedback gain (K). 1. A motor control apparatus for controlling a motor , comprising:a speed estimator configured to estimate and output an equivalent rigid body speed of the motor, based on a torque command that is input to the motor;a first feedback gain configured to obtain a first differential speed between a motor speed and the equivalent rigid body speed;a torque command generation unit configured to generate the torque command, based on a speed deviation between a speed command and a second differential speed between the motor speed and the output of the first feedback gain; anda stabilizing compensator configured to obtain the first differential speed in parallel with the first feedback gain, to change frequency characteristics of the first differential speed and to add the frequency characteristics to an output of the first feedback gain.2. The motor control apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe stabilizing compensator is configured to change the frequency characteristics to enhance a gain of the frequency ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150244299A1
Автор: Pollard Brian

A tracking circuit for tracking an orientation of a motor rotor during a loss of source power to a motor drive includes an electrical energy store for generating a drive signal during periods of source power loss, and a phase locked loop, which is arranged to receive as inputs the drive signal and an induced signal generated during rotor rotation during the periods of source power loss, so that drive signal variations become locked to induced signal variations. The method stores electrical energy in the store during periods of source power supply to the motor drive and generates a drive signal from the electrical energy store during periods of source power loss to the motor drive. The method may vary the drive signal in dependence of an induced signal generated by rotor rotation during a source power loss to the motor drive, to track rotor orientation. 2. The tracking circuit of claim 1 , wherein the phase locked loop is configured to lock a frequency of the drive signal to a frequency of the induced signal.3. The tracking circuit of claim 1 , wherein the phase locked loop is configure to lock a phase of the drive signal to a phase of the induced signal.4. The tracking circuit of claim 1 , wherein the induced signal includes a back electromotive force signal.5. The tracking circuit of claim 1 , wherein the electrical energy store includes a capacitor.6. A multiphase motor drive arrangement for providing a drive to a rotor of a motor claim 1 , the arrangement comprising:a drive circuit which is electrically connectable with the motor and which is configured to receive source power for providing rotational drive to the rotor;{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the tracking circuit of for tracking an orientation of a rotor of the motor during a loss of source power to the drive circuit, the tracking circuit being electrically connectable to the motor; and,'}a switching circuit including a monitor configured to monitor a source power supply to the drive ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200228040A1
Автор: Parette Michel

A method for estimating the current flowing through a winding of an electric motor of the type having one winding controllable by a switching device, including the following steps: measuring a voltage at the input of the winding, correcting the measured voltage to produce a corrected voltage determining a resistance of the switching device, estimating the current flowing through the winding by dividing the difference between a control voltage used to control the switching device and the corrected voltage by the resistance. The use of such an estimating method for providing a diagnosis for a current sensor, and an estimating method for controlling an electric motor in fail-soft mode are also disclosed. 1. A method for estimating an estimated current (lest) flowing through a winding of an electric motor of the type comprising at least one winding controllable by a switching device , the method comprising:measuring a measured voltage (Umes) at the input of the winding,correcting the measured voltage (Umes) to produce a corrected voltage (UcorA, UcorB),determining a resistance (RdsOn) of the switching device,estimating the estimated current (Iest) flowing through the winding by dividing the difference between a control voltage (Ucmd) used to control the switching device and the corrected voltage (UcorA, UcorB) by the resistance (RdsOn).2. The estimating method as claimed in claim 1 , in which the switching device comprises:a first switch connected between the input of the winding and a substantially constant potential (Ubat),{'b': '2', 'a second switch (MOS) connected between the input of the winding and ground, and'}{'b': 1', '2, 'a transformation module capable of receiving the control voltage (Ucmd) and of separately opening the two switches (MOS, MOS) on the basis of the control voltage (Ucmd).'}3. The estimating method as claimed in claim 1 , in which the correcting step comprises:filtering the measured voltage (Umes) by a filter to produce a sinusoidal voltage ( ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210265934A1
Автор: Egi Mamoru, FUJIOKA Takumi
Принадлежит: Omron Corporation

A setting support device according to the present invention is provided with: a first identification means that identifies an evaluation index value indicating the stability or control performance of motor control by a motor control device in each of a plurality of load device states in which a load device is in mutually different orientations or situations; a second identification means that identifies, for each control device state, a combined evaluation index value representative of the evaluation index values in the plurality of load device states, identified for that control device state by the first identification means; and a recommended-value output means that identifies and outputs a recommended value of at least one control parameter on the basis of the combined evaluation index value identified for each control device state by the second identification means. 1. A setting support device supporting setting of a control parameter in a motor control device that controls a motor that drives a load device in which mechanical parameters vary depending on an orientation or a situation , the setting support device comprising:a first identification means that identifies an evaluation index value indicating a stability or control performance of motor control by the motor control device in each of a plurality of load device states in which the load device is in mutually different orientations or situations for each of a plurality of control device states in which values of at least one control parameter of the motor control device are mutually different;a second identification means that identifies a combined evaluation index value representative of the evaluation index values in the plurality of load device states identified by the first identification means in the control device state thereof for each of the control device states; anda recommended value output means that identifies and outputs a recommended value for at least one control parameter on the basis of ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Multi-Motor Controller

Номер: US20180241324A1

A motor control module provides control of a plurality of different motor types, such as a 1-phase DC Brush motor, a 3-phase brushless DC motor, and a 2-phase step motor. The module includes a digital amplifier that is configurable to drive the plurality of different motor types. A motor control unit, coupled to the digital amplifier, controls a motor type driven by the digital amplifier via a command signal to the digital amplifier. The motor control unit also monitors status information about the motor control module, including status information about the digital amplifier. A motor coil interface is coupled to the digital amplifier and configured to connect with the plurality of different motor types. 1. A motor control module , comprising:a digital amplifier configured to drive a plurality of different motor types;a motor control unit coupled to the digital amplifier, the motor control unit configured to select a motor type driven by the digital amplifier via a command signal to the digital amplifier, the motor control unit monitoring status information about the motor control module including status information about the digital amplifier; anda motor coil interface coupled to the digital amplifier, the motor coil interface configured to connect with the plurality of different motor types.2. The module of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of different motor types include at least two of a 1-phase motor claim 1 , a 2-phase motor claim 1 , and a 3-phase motor.3. The module of claim 1 , wherein the motor coil interface is configured to connect with the plurality of different motor types via at least one common port.4. The module of claim 1 , wherein the digital amplifier is further configured to selectively enable and disable at least one output to the motor coil interface based on the motor type.5. The module of claim 1 , wherein the digital amplifier includes a current loop claim 1 , the current loop being reconfigurable as a function of the motor type.6. The ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210278465A1
Автор: IKE Hideaki

A diagnostic apparatus for an electric drive object that generates a drive force in response to receiving electric power, the diagnostic apparatus includes a circuitry configured to: acquire time series force data associated with the drive force; identify a force oscillation level associated with the drive force based on the force data; set an oscillation threshold at a first level when the drive object operates at a first speed and set the threshold at a second level higher than the first level when the drive object operates at a second speed higher than the first speed; and identify an irregularity of the drive object in response to determining that the force oscillation level exceeds the oscillation threshold. 1. A diagnostic apparatus for an electric drive object that generates a drive force in response to receiving electric power , the diagnostic apparatus comprising a circuitry configured to:acquire time series force data associated with the drive force;identify a force oscillation level associated with the drive force based on the force data;set an oscillation threshold at a first level when the drive object operates at a first speed and set the threshold at a second level higher than the first level when the drive object operates at a second speed higher than the first speed; andidentify an irregularity of the drive object in response to determining that the force oscillation level exceeds the oscillation threshold.2. The diagnostic apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the force data comprise time series data of an electrical current associated with the electric power.3. The diagnostic apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the time series force data comprise time series measurements of the drive force.4. The diagnostic apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the circuitry is further configured to set the threshold based on a threshold profile representing a predetermined relationship between an operating speed of the drive object and the oscillation ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140340019A1
Принадлежит: LSIS CO., LTD.

An inverter is provided. The inverter includes a current providing unit providing a first axis current and a second axis current to an induction motor; a revolutions per minute (RPM) measuring unit measuring the RPM of the induction motor; and a control unit changing the second axis current according to the measured RPM. 1. An inverter comprising:a current providing unit providing a first axis current and a second axis current to an induction motor;a revolutions per minute (RPM) measuring unit measuring the RPM of the induction motor; anda control unit changing the second axis current according to the measured RPM.2. The inverter according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit changes the second axis current to a current value corresponding to the measured RPM to allow the induction motor to have the maximum torque at the measured RPM.3. The inverter according to claim 1 , further comprising a storage unit that matches and stores the RPM with the second axis current corresponding to the RPM.4. The inverter according to claim 3 , wherein the control unit controls the current providing unit to search for a second axis current corresponding to the measured RPM and provide a found second axis current to the induction motor.5. The inverter according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit fixes the second axis current when it is determined that an acceleration device of an electric vehicle (EV) does not operate.6. The inverter according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit changes the second axis current according to the measured RPM when it is determined that an acceleration device of an electric vehicle (EV) operates.7. The inverter according to claim 1 , wherein the first axis current is a quadrature axis current and the second axis current is a direct axis current.8. A method of controlling an inverter claim 1 , the method comprising:providing a first axis current and a second axis current to an induction motor;measuring the RPM of the induction motor; andchanging the ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150261898A1

Systems, methods, and media for an energy usage simulator are provided. In some embodiments, systems for an energy usage simulator are provided, the systems comprising: at least one hardware processor that is configured to: perform computational fluid dynamics simulations on an environment based on a description of the environment; generate a heat recirculation matrix (HRM) based on the computational fluid dynamics simulations; generate a resource utilization matrix (RUM) based at least in part on the HRM and a power curve; generate a power consumption distribution vector based at least in part on the HRM and the RUM; and generate a thermal map of the environment based at least in part on the power consumption distribution vector. 1. A system for an energy usage simulator , comprising: perform computational fluid dynamics simulations on an environment based on a description of the environment;', 'generate a heat recirculation matrix (HRM) based on the computational fluid dynamics simulations;', 'generate a resource utilization matrix (RUM) based at least in part on the HRM and a power curve;', 'generate a power consumption distribution vector based at least in part on the HRM and the RUM; and', 'generate a thermal map of the environment based at least in part on the power consumption distribution vector., 'at least one hardware processor that is configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the environment is a data center.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the description of the environment is received as an XML file.4. (canceled)5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the resource utilization matrix indicates active equipment in the environment.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the hardware processor is further configured to generate a feedback file based at least in part on the power consumption distribution vector and the thermal map.7. A method for an energy usage simulator claim 1 , comprising:performing, using a hardware processor, computational fluid dynamics ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150263662A1
Автор: LEE Sun Woo
Принадлежит: LSIS CO., LTD.

Provided is a method for preventing overheating of a traction motor in an electric vehicle. The method for preventing the overheating of the traction motor in the electric vehicle includes identifying magnitude of an output load of the motor, identifying a loading time of the motor on the basis of the identified magnitude of the output load, comparing the identified loading time to a preset critical time, and controlling output torque of the motor according to the comparison result. 1. A method for preventing overheating of a traction motor in an electric vehicle , the method comprising:identifying magnitude of an output load of the motor;identifying a loading time of the motor on the basis of the identified magnitude of the output load;comparing the identified loading time to a preset critical time; andcontrolling output torque of the motor according to the comparison result.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the critical time changes according to the identified magnitude of the output load.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the controlling of the output torque of the motor comprises:determining whether the loading time exceeds the critical time; andreducing an output torque value of the motor when the loading time exceeds the critical time.4. The method according to claim 3 , further comprising resetting the output torque value on the basis of an intensity of current flowing in the motor that is driven according to the reduced output torque value claim 3 ,wherein the resetting of the output torque value comprises:comparing the current intensity at a previous time point to the current intensity at a present time point to identify a decreasing degree of the current intensity;identifying a decreasing rate of the reduced output torque; andadditionally reducing the output torque value according to a difference when the difference between the identified decreasing rate of the output torque value and the identified decreasing degree of the current ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации

System And Method For Isolation Of Load Dynamics In Motor Drive Tuning

Номер: US20180262144A1

A motor drive having controller settings which will result in improved tuning-less performance is disclosed. Gain values for the control loops and/or observer are determined independently of the mechanical loading and the resultant effects of that loading on the motor. The motor drive includes a control loop operable to receive a command signal and to generate a controller reference signal to achieve desired operation of a motor connected to the motor drive. The motor drive also includes a load observer operable to generate a signal that estimates a response required by the motor drive as a result of a load present on the motor. The response estimate signal is provided to the controller to isolate the effects of the load dynamics from operation of the control loops within the controller. A modified controller reference signal is generated as a function of the response estimate signal and the controller reference signal. 1. A method for isolating load dynamics from controller gains in a motor drive , the method comprising the steps of:determining a bandwidth for a load observer executable in the motor drive, wherein the bandwidth is greater than or equal to an expected torque response generated from a load operatively connected to the motor;receiving a feedback signal from a position sensor operatively connected to a motor controlled by the motor drive, wherein the feedback signal corresponds to an angular position of the motor;measuring the feedback signal with the motor drive; at least one control loop receiving a command signal and the feedback signal, wherein the command signal is selected from one of a position command, a speed command, and a torque command, and the at least one control loop generates a reference signal corresponding to a desired operation of the motor when no load is connected to the motor;', 'the load observer receiving the feedback signal and a modified reference signal, wherein the load observer generates an estimated response signal ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Detecting Phase Imbalance of an Electrical Component in a Machine

Номер: US20160274191A1

A method for detecting a phase imbalance of an electrical component in a machine due to an actual fault is provided. The method includes receiving electrical parameter values associated with a plurality of phases of an electrical component, detecting a phase imbalance in the plurality of phases, calculating an imbalance ratio of the plurality of phases, applying a plurality of conditions to the imbalance ratio and to the received input vector, the plurality of conditions being associated with an actual fault in the machine, and determining whether the detected phase imbalance is due to a controls induced imbalance in the machine or due to the actual fault in the electrical component of the machine when at least one of the plurality of conditions is met. 1. A method for detecting a phase imbalance of an electrical component in a machine due to an actual fault , comprising:receiving, at an electronic controller unit of a machine, an input vector having electrical parameter values associated with a plurality of phases of an electrical component;detecting, at the electronic controller unit, a phase imbalance in the plurality of phases;calculating, at the electronic controller unit, an imbalance ratio of the plurality of phases;applying, at the electronic controller unit, a plurality of conditions to the imbalance ratio and to the received input vector, the plurality of conditions being associated with an actual fault in the machine;determining, at the electronic controller unit, whether the detected phase imbalance is due to a controls induced imbalance in the machine or due to the actual fault in the electrical component of the machine when at least one of the plurality of conditions is met; andcontrolling an output of the machine, using the electronic controller unit, when the phase imbalance is due to the actual fault in the electrical component of the machine.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electrical parameter values include current values or magnetic flux ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160276970A1

A controller is provided which can interface with a variable frequency drive and a motor, the controller having (a) one or more voltage and current sensors which can interface with a power line linking the variable frequency drive and the motor; and (b) a signal interface module which can receive electrical signals associated with an operating condition of the motor from the one or more voltage and current sensors. The signal interface module can correlate the received electrical signals with a rotor position of the motor, and transmit signals corresponding to rotor position, to the variable frequency drive. The data provided by the controller if conveyed as a rotor position, may cause the variable frequency drive to change one or more of its operating parameters to maintain proper synchronization of the rotor and its associated stator currents. Alternatively, the controller may directly control variable frequency drive operating parameters. 1. A controller configured to interface with a variable frequency drive and a motor , the controller comprising:(a) one or more voltage and current sensors configured to interface with a power line linking the variable frequency drive and the motor; and(b) a signal interface module configured to receive one or more electrical signals associated with an operating condition of the motor from the one or more voltage and current sensors, the signal interface module being configured to correlate the received electrical signals with a rotor position of the motor, and to transmit signals corresponding to rotor position or operating commands, to the variable frequency drive.2. The controller according to claim 1 , wherein the motor is a permanent magnet motor.3. The controller according to claim 1 , wherein the motor is an induction motor.4. The controller according to claim 1 , wherein the signal interface module mimics a resolver and is configured to generate one or more sinusoidal controller output signals.5. The controller according ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации

System and Method for Controlling Speed of Electric Motor

Номер: US20170272020A1
Автор: Wang Yebin, Zhou Lei

An electric motor is controlled using a feedback signal that includes an error between the measured current and the estimated current determined using the measured current, the measured voltage, and a model of the motor. A feedback gain is determined as an error function of a feedback signal and a speed of the motor is estimated using a product of the feedback gain and the feedback signal. The voltage of the motor is determined using a difference between the estimated speed of the motor and a reference speed of the motor and the motor us controlled using the determined voltage.

15-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150295531A1

A system and method are provided for estimating temperature of a rotor of a motor configured to calculate temperature of the rotor using an actual measured data-based thermal model (thermal impedance model) and an energy loss model, and to estimate temperature of the rotor using the calculated temperature variation of the rotor. The method includes calculating, by a controller, an energy loss of the motor using driving conditions of the motor. The controller is also configured to calculate a temperature variation of the rotor in a predetermined reference temperature using the calculated energy loss and thermal resistances of the rotor and a stator of the motor. Further, the controller is configured to estimate a rotor temperature in the predetermined reference temperature using the temperature variation of the rotor. 1. A method for estimating temperature of a rotor of a motor , comprising:calculating, by a controller, an energy loss of the motor using driving conditions of the motor;calculating, by the controller, a temperature variation of the rotor at a predetermined reference temperature using the calculated energy loss and thermal resistances of the rotor and a stator of the motor; andestimating, by the controller, a rotor temperature at the predetermined reference temperature using the temperature variation of the rotor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the motor is an embedded permanent magnet type of synchronous electric motor.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the driving conditions of the motor include a torque instruction claim 1 , a motor speed claim 1 , a reference voltage claim 1 , and a switching frequency.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined reference temperature is a cooling temperature of the motor.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the calculation of the energy loss of the motor uses response surface modeling and an approximate model as an actual measured data-based energy loss model.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150303854A1
Автор: Lee Kyung-Soon

An electric power saving device for motor of pump jack apparatus. The electric power saving device preferably detects current and voltage generated from a motor of the pump jack during the up stroke and down stroke and preferably converts the real-time load torque obtained using an AC amplifier and voltage converter. The electric power saving device preferably minimizes the counter electromotive force (Back-EMF) and preferably reduces consumption of electrical energy by automatically reducing speed in a heavy-load during an up stroke, while automatically increasing speed in un-load, during a down stroke. This is preferably done by converting real-time load torque obtained by torque formula and through the output value according to load torque in order to minimize Back-EMF. 1. An electric power saving device for motor of pump jack apparatus , comprising:a current detector;a current amplifier and voltage converter;a voltage-current converter and an inverter;wherein said current detector is coupled between a motor of a pump jack and said current amplifier and voltage converter;wherein said current amplifier and voltage converter is coupled between said current detector and said voltage-current converter;wherein said voltage-current converter is coupled between said current amplifier and voltage converter and said inverter andwherein said inverter is coupled between said voltage-current converter and said motor of said pump jack.2. The electric power saving device of claim 1 , wherein said electric power saving device reduces a speed of said motor during an up stroke of said pump jack and increases said speed of said motor during a down stroke of said pump jack based on a torque formula.3. The electric power saving device of claim 2 , comprising an error detection circuit;wherein said error detection circuit is coupled to said current amplifier and voltage converter and said voltage-current converter and is configured to detect a fault in said current amplifier and ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170302209A1

Disclosed examples include motor drive power conversion systems with an inverter, as well as a controller methods to drive a motor in which output filter capacitor currents are computed and used to compensate the motor control in consideration of damping resistance values of an output filter. 1. A power conversion system , comprising:an inverter comprising a DC input, an AC output, and a plurality of switching devices coupled between the DC input and the AC output and operative according to inverter switching control signals to convert DC electrical power received at the DC input to provide AC electrical output power at the AC output to drive a motor load through an output filter; and compute a speed error value according to a speed reference value and a speed feedback value using a summing component;', 'compute a torque reference value according to the speed error value using a proportional-integral control component;', 'compute a motor current reference value according to the torque reference value using a lookup table or a parametric equation;', 'compensate the motor current reference value according to capacitor currents of the output filter by computing an inverter output current reference value according to the motor current reference value, an inverter operating frequency, a capacitance value of filter capacitor components of the output filter, and a resistance value of filter resistor components of the output filter; and', 'provide the inverter switching control signals to control the inverter according to the inverter output current reference value using a second proportional-integral control component., 'a controller configured to2. The power conversion system of claim 1 , wherein the controller computes filter capacitor current values according to filter output voltage values representing output voltages of the filter claim 1 , capacitance values representing capacitances of filter capacitors of the filter claim 1 , resistance values representing ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200295693A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Toshiba Inverter Europe SAS

A method for estimating amplitude of a periodic component in a measured signal, wherein the method comprises the following operations:

12-11-2015 дата публикации

Motor Control for Stability and Power Supply Protection

Номер: US20150326154A1

A method and apparatus for controlling a motor. The motor comprises windings. A switch bridge comprising a plurality of switches is configured to couple a power source to the windings. A motor controller is configured to control the plurality of switches. An undesired condition identifier is configured to identify an undesired condition when the motor is providing power to the power source, wherein the undesired condition is defined with respect to a characteristic of the power source. An undesired condition reducer is configured to reduce the undesired condition in response to identifying the undesired condition by the undesired condition identifier. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a motor comprising windings;a switch bridge comprising a plurality of switches configured to couple a power source to the windings;a motor controller configured to control the plurality of switches and a duty cycle, wherein a number of the plurality of switches in the switch bridge is closed during the duty cycle to provide a current between the power source and the windings in response to a commanded current;an undesired condition identifier configured to identify an undesired condition in the apparatus when the motor is providing power to the power source, wherein the undesired condition is defined with respect to a characteristic of the power source, and wherein the undesired condition is identified when the commanded current is greater than a current limit for the power source; andan undesired condition reducer configured to reduce the undesired condition in response to identifying the undesired condition in the apparatus by the undesired condition identifier, wherein the undesired condition reducer is configured to set the commanded current based on the current limit for the power source when the undesired condition is identified when the commanded current is greater than the current limit for the power source.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:in being configured to identify the ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150326164A1
Автор: MUSTONEN Matti
Принадлежит: ABB Technology Oy

A method is provided for optimizing a parameter used in a frequency converter connected to an electrical rotating machine. The method includes identifying a parameter of the machine using electrical quantities, the identified parameter being used in the frequency converter and being identified in a first operating point, providing an electro-mechanical model of the rotating electrical machine to the frequency converter, and calculating when a processor capacity of the frequency converter is available, (i) a state of the rotating electrical machine in the first operating point using a finite element method with the electro-mechanical model of the rotating electrical machine, (ii) a state of the rotating electrical machine in a selected operating point using the finite element method with the electro-mechanical model, correcting the calculated state of the rotating electrical machine, and calculating, from the corrected state, parameter(s) of the electrical machine to be used in the frequency converter. 1. A method of optimizing a parameter used in a frequency converter connected to an electrical rotating machine , the method comprising:identifying a parameter of the machine using electrical quantities, the identified parameter being used in the frequency converter and being identified in a first operating point;providing, to the frequency converter, an electro-mechanical model of the rotating electrical machine, the electro-mechanical model including a geometry of the machine and information of the construction material of the machine;calculating, in the frequency converter, when a processor capacity of the frequency converter is available, a state of the rotating electrical machine in the first operating point using a finite element method with the electro-mechanical model of the rotating electrical machine;calculating, in the frequency converter, when the processor capacity of the frequency converter is available, a state of the rotating electrical machine in a ...

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200304055A1

A control method and a control system, by which a motor can be controlled. The control system includes a central processing module and a drive control module. In a period in which a voltage is not applied to any phase coil of the motor, the drive control module collects voltages of the coil to which the voltage is not applied, and converts the voltages of the coil into digital signals. The central processing module reads the digital signals and determines whether the running speed of the motor is consistent with a preset speed depending on whether an average value of the digital signals falls within a preset threshold range, which helps to improve the control precision. 1. A control system , wherein the control system is configured to control a motor , and comprises a central processing module and a drive control module;when the motor is running, the drive control module is configured to sample a voltage of a phase coil of the motor, to which no voltage is applied, during a period in which no voltage is applied to any phase coil of the motor, and convert the voltage of the phase coil of the motor, to which no voltage is applied, into a digital signal;the control system is configured to store the digital signal and update the digital signal in real time during the period in which no voltage is applied to any phase coil of the motor;the central processing module is configured to read the digital signal, and obtain a present average value by performing a mathematical operation on the present digital signal and either a previous average value or an initial value; andthe central processing module is configured to determine whether the present average value falls between a first threshold and a second threshold, wherein the first threshold and the second threshold are set corresponding to a preset speed, and the central processing module is configured to determine whether a running speed of the motor is consistent with the preset speed according to a determination result ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации

Management of Motor Regeneration

Номер: US20170324362A1

A method and apparatus for controlling regeneration for a motor. An instantaneous voltage provided by a power supply to the motor is identified using a voltage signal received from a voltage sensor. A new average voltage is computed for the motor using the instantaneous voltage, a previously computed average voltage, and a weight factor for the instantaneous voltage. A difference between the new average voltage and the instantaneous voltage is compared to a selected threshold to determine whether a regeneration condition exists. Operation of the motor is controlled such that a duty cycle of the motor does not decrease in response to a determination that the regeneration condition exists. 1. A method for controlling regeneration for a motor , the method comprising:identifying an instantaneous voltage provided by a power supply to the motor using a sample of a voltage signal received from a voltage sensor;computing a new average voltage for the motor as an average of voltage provided by the power supply to the motor for a plurality of samples of the voltage signal including the instantaneous voltage;comparing a difference between the new average voltage and the instantaneous voltage to a selected threshold; andcontrolling operation of the motor such that a duty cycle of the motor does not decrease in response to a determination that the difference between the new average voltage and the instantaneous voltage is greater than the selected threshold.2. The method of further comprising:using the instantaneous voltage multiplied by a weight factor to compute the new average voltage for the motor;reducing the weight factor to a reduced weight factor in response to the determination that the difference between the new average voltage and the instantaneous voltage is greater than the selected threshold; andrepeating the steps of identifying the instantaneous voltage, computing the new average voltage, comparing the difference between the new average voltage and the ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180331646A1

A method and a parameter estimation system are provided for controlling an electrical machine, (e.g., an induction motor), powered by a drive unit. The method and the parameter estimation system disclosed herein detect a travelling wave generated on a linking element disposed between a first connection point, which is at least one terminal of the electrical machine, and a second connection point, which is at least one terminal of the drive unit. Further, the method and the parameter estimation system disclosed herein obtain at least one of a plurality of wave characteristics associated with the travelling wave, (e.g., an amplitude, a width, a frequency, a travel time of the travelling wave). Further, the method and the parameter estimation system disclosed herein determine one or more control parameters, (e.g., an operational torque and speed), of the electrical machine based on at least one of the wave characteristics. 1. A method of controlling an electrical machine powered by a drive unit , the method comprising:detecting a travelling wave generated on a linking element disposed between a first connection point and a second connection point, wherein the first connection point comprises at least one terminal of the electrical machine and the second connection point comprises at least one terminal of the drive unit;obtaining at least one wave characteristic of a plurality of wave characteristics associated with the travelling wave; anddetermining one or more control parameters of the electrical machine based on the at least one wave characteristic.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one wave characteristic comprises an amplitude of the travelling wave claim 1 , a width of the travelling wave claim 1 , a frequency of the travelling wave claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the obtaining of the at least one wave characteristic comprises:determining a sampling frequency based on one or more properties of the linking element ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180331649A1
Автор: MAIWALD Stefan
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A method for operating an electrical machine, wherein an inverter of the electrical machine is actuated by a pulse width modulation. In one case, it is provided that a pulse duty factor for the pulse width modulation is determined from a voltage value (d) that is dependent on the desired rotational speed as well as a time-dependent angle value (α). Embodiments of the invention further relate to an electrical machine. 1. A method for operating an electrical machine , comprising:an inverter of the electrical machine is actuated by a pulse width modulation, wherein a pulse duty factor for the pulse width modulation is determined from a voltage value (d) that is dependent on the desired rotational speed as well as a time-dependent angle value (α).2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in that claim 1 , as a voltage value (d) claim 1 , a ratio of a desired voltage (U) to an intermediate circuit voltage (U) is used claim 1 , wherein the desired voltage (U) is determined from at least one characteristic value of the machine (c) as well as a desired rotational speed (w).3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in that claim 1 , in the determination of the desired voltage (U) claim 1 , a field attenuation value (φ) is additionally taken into account.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in that the angle value (α) is summed up claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , as a summand claim 1 , a product of a desired rotational speed (ω) and the time difference (Δt) is used.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in that claim 1 , in the summation of the angle value (α) claim 1 , as an additional summand claim 1 , a difference between a first angle (γ) and a second angle (γ′) is used claim 1 , wherein the first angle (γ) is determined from the desired rotational speed (ω) and the field attenuation value (φ) and the second angle (γ′) corresponds to the previous value of the first angle (γ) or is determined from measured phase currents (I claim 1 , I) through the inverter. ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации

Control Apparatus for Rotating Machine

Номер: US20170338756A1
Автор: JUNG Sukhwa
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A control apparatus controls a rotating machine including a stator having groups of phase windings, to control current application to the groups. The control apparatus includes power converters converting received power to AC power and supplying the AC power to the rotating machine, a harmonic component cancellation section reducing a harmonic component superimposed on a fundamental wave component by a cancellation process in an estimated-rotating coordinate system for at least one of voltage and current of each system, when a unit of a group of components controlling current application to a specific group of the windings is defined as a system, an induced voltage estimation section estimating an induced voltage based on information common to the systems including a voltage value and a current value calculated by the cancellation process, and a magnetic-pole-position estimation section estimating a magnetic pole position of a rotor based on the estimated induced voltage. 1. A control apparatus for a rotating machine , the control apparatus controlling the rotating machine that includes a stator having a plurality of groups of three phases or more multiple phase windings , to control current application to the groups of windings by using sensorless position control , the control apparatus comprising:a plurality of power converters that convert received electric power to AC power and supply the AC power to the rotating machine;a harmonic component cancellation section that reduces a harmonic component superimposed on a fundamental wave component by a cancellation process in an estimated rotating coordinate system for at least one of a voltage and a current of each system, when a unit of a group of components controlling current application to a specific group of the windings is defined as a system;an induced voltage estimation section that estimates an induced voltage based on information common to the systems including a voltage value and a current value calculated ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190326844A1

An inverter system for a vehicle may include an energy storage device configured to store electrical energy; a first inverter including a plurality of first switching elements, and converting the energy into AC power; a second inverter including a plurality of second switching elements different from the first switching elements, being connected to the energy storage device in parallel with the first inverter, and converting the energy into AC power; a motor driven by receiving the AC power; a PWM signal generating device configured to generate a reference Pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal for controlling driving of the motor; and a PWM signal converting device configured to convert the reference PWM signal into both a first PWM signal input into the first inverter to drive the first switching elements, and a second PWM signal input into the second inverter to drive the second switching elements. 1. An inverter system for a vehicle , the inverter system comprising:an energy storage device storing electrical energy;a first inverter connected to the energy storage and including a plurality of first switching elements, wherein the first inverter converts the electrical energy stored in the energy storage device into AC power;a second inverter including a plurality of second switching elements different from the first switching elements, wherein the second inverter is connected to the energy storage device in parallel with the first inverter, and converts the electrical energy stored in the energy storage device into AC power;a motor connected to the first inverter and the second inverter and driven by receiving the AC power converted by the first inverter and the second inverter;a pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal generating device generating a reference PWM signal for controlling driving of the motor; anda PWM signal converting device connected to the PWM signal generating device and converting the reference PWM signal into a first PWM signal input into the first ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150372632A1

An electric vehicle includes an electric motor, a transmission, a drive unit, a converter, and an electronic control unit. The transmission is provided in a power transmission path between a rotary shaft of the electric motor and drive wheels of the electric vehicle. The drive unit is configured to drive the electric motor. The converter is configured to regulate a voltage supplied to the drive unit. The electronic control unit is configured to control the converter, and determine the voltage regulated by the converter, based on a first quantity of state associated with torque of an output shaft of the transmission, and a second quantity of state associated with a rotational speed of the output shaft. 1. An electric vehicle , comprising:an electric motor;a transmission provided in a power transmission path between a rotary shaft of the electric motor and drive wheels of the electric vehicle;a drive unit configured to drive the electric motor;a converter configured to regulate a voltage supplied to the drive unit; andan electronic control unit configured to(i) control the converter, and(ii) determine the voltage regulated by the converter, based on a first quantity of state associated with torque of an output shaft of the transmission and a second quantity of state associated with a rotational speed of the output shaft.2. The electric vehicle according to claim 1 , whereinthe electronic control unit is configured to set the voltage regulated by the converter to a higher level as a value of the first quantity of state is larger.3. The electric vehicle according to claim 1 , whereinthe electronic control unit is configured to set the voltage regulated by the converter to a higher level as a value of the second quantity of state is larger.4. The electric vehicle according to claim 1 , whereinthe electronic control unit is configured to(i) determine a first voltage indicating a target value of the voltage, based on the first quantity of state and the second quantity of ...
