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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 39321. Отображено 199.
20-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2573115C2

Изобретение относится к волоконно-оптическим датчикам на основе решеток Брэгга. Оптическое волокно содержит сердцевину, которая включает фоточувствительный материал, повышающий показатель преломления. Сердцевина имеет первый показатель преломления и минимальную концентрацию фоточувствительного материала, необходимую для формирования волоконных решеток Брэгга. Волокно также содержит депрессированную оболочку, которая окружает сердцевину и имеет второй показатель преломления, меньший, чем первый показатель преломления. Внешняя оболочка окружает депрессированную оболочку и имеет третий показатель преломления, превышающий показатель преломления депрессированной оболочки. Дополнительно раскрыт второй вариант оптического волокна без депрессированной оболочки и устройство для определения параметров среды в скважине на основе оптического волокна. Технический результат - обеспечение большой числовой апертуры и содержание меньшего количества фоточувствительной легирующей добавки с поддержанием необходимого ...

27-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2189732C2

Изобретение предназначено для использования в области лесного хозяйства. Способ включает получение оцифрованных значений функций яркости I(х, у) изображений в виде матриц дискретных отсчетов размерностью |m•n| элементов в зонах R и G. При этом определяют отношение спектральных коэффициентов яркости зон, вычисляют попиксельные отношения матриц зон R и G, составляют результирующую матрицу из этих отношений. Методами пространственного дифференцирования выделяют контуры на результирующем изображении, рассчитывают функции фрактальной размерности изображения внутри контуров и по численному значению фрактальной размерности, положению контуров и их площади судят о причинах, координатах и размерах выявленной патологии. Изобретение позволяет повысить точность и достоверность диагностических оценок. 5 ил.

01-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2693087C2

Изобретение относится нефтедобывающей промышленности и может быть использовано для мониторинга процессов в скважине. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности получения информации из скважины. В частности, предложен способ скважинного мониторинга, содержащий: опрашивание немодифицированного оптического волокна, расположенного по траектории ствола скважины для получения распределенных акустических измерений; одновременно взятие выборки данных, собираемых из множества смежных участков волокна; и обработку данных для определения одного или нескольких параметров ствола скважины. Причем обработка данных включает в себя обнаружение отклика на акустическое воздействие, при этом акустическое воздействие возбуждает акустические колебания, по меньшей мере, на секции скважины и причем параметр является профилем состояния, по меньшей мере, секции скважины. 2 н. и 19 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2218560C2

Система формирования изображения включает более чем один приемник на по меньшей мере одной подложке и оптический элемент для сбора электромагнитного излучения и для фокусировки его на указанные приемники, выполненные в виде болометров с сопрягающей антенной. Размеры антенн выбраны таким образом, что чувствительность болометров снижена на длинах волн, меньших заданного значения. Система дополнительно содержит по меньшей мере один адаптивный элемент для улучшения сопряжения излучения с болометрами. Оптический элемент выполнен с возможностью ограничения полосы длин волн электромагнитного излучения, падающего на подложку для болометров. В результате система обладает двухступенчатой селективностью по отношению к длине волны. Обеспечивается повышение разрешения системы, упрощение системы и более низкое потребление энергии. 15 з.п.ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2310893C2

Прибор для измерения флуоресценции пластового флюида в стволе скважины содержит камеру с окошком, сообщающимся своей одной стороной с пластовым флюидом, другой стороной с источником ультрафиолетового излучения. Источник ультрафиолетового излучения для освещения пробы флюида и приемник излучения для измерения спектров флуоресценции пробы флюида расположены со второй стороны окошка. Также предложен способ для измерения флуоресценции пластового флюида в стволе скважины. Изобретение обеспечивает упрощение устройства и способа, а также повышение их надежности. 2 н. и 19 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

27-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2387584C1

Изобретение относится к технике видеонаблюдения и может быть использовано для оперативного изучения окружающей обстановки в условиях ограниченных возможностей наблюдения из-за наличия естественных и искусственных препятствий. Система видеонаблюдения за наземной обстановкой содержит связанную с парашютом малогабаритную неуправляемую нестабилизированную платформу для размещения бортового комплекса наблюдения. Последний включает в себя последовательно соединенные бортовую камеру наблюдения, аналого-цифровой преобразователь, бортовое форматирующее устройство, блок сжатия данных, помехоустойчивый кодер, блок расширения спектра, фазовый модулятор и передатчик с передающей антенной. Наземный комплекс включает в себя последовательно соединенные радиоприемник с приемной антенной, согласованный фильтр, декодер помехоустойчивого кода, блок формирования видеосигнала изображения и монитор. Изобретение позволяет сократить время рекогносцировки, упростить процедуру управления системой видеонаблюдения ...

10-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2128859C1

Изобретение относится к способам оптической и звуковой охранной сигнализации, в котором определяют параметры движения объекта, нарушающего границу охраняемого участка, и идентифицируют этот объект. Техническим результатом изобретения является определение параметров движения объекта, таких как вектор мгновенной скорости, вектор средней скорости по направлению и времени, траектория движения как функция времени, определение габаритов объекта, его идентификации, увеличение протяженности границ охраняемого участка и повышение эффективности его охраны. Способ заключается в том, что вдоль границы охраняемого участка выставляются устройства ИП в виде излучателя и фотоприемника, расположенных на штанге, которые оптически связаны между собой системой ИК-лучей, по которым передается информация о том, что в данном месте в известное время ИК-луч прерывается объектом, а также передается звуковая информация из области пересечения ИК-луча объектом. Анализ совокупности полученной информации позволяет определить ...

17-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2774323C1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике. Контрольно-оповестительная система определения состояния земляного полотна содержит кабельную трассу, состоящую из оптоволоконного сенсорного кабеля мониторинга земляного полотна, расположенного в глубине грунта основания земляного полотна, и контролирующую аппаратуру. Вдоль кабельной трассы размещен участок тестирования состояния земляного полотна, состоящий из уложенных в глубине грунта отрезков оптоволоконного сенсорного кабеля мониторинга земляного полотна, с возможностью доступа к кабельной трассе и возможностью его подключения посредством оптического кабеля связи к устройству для опроса и сбора информации о состоянии земляного полотна. Это устройство состоит из контролирующей аппаратуры и источника оптических излучений, соединенного с оптическим кабелем связи. Контролирующая аппаратура выполнена в виде последовательно соединенных интерфейса связи, измерителя распределения характеристик отраженного оптического излучения обратного рассеяния ...

12-09-2022 дата публикации

Способ многофункциональной аэросъемки на основе беспилотных воздушных судов для планирования и сопровождения сейсморазведочных работ и многофункциональный аппаратно-программный комплекс для его реализации

Номер: RU2779707C1

Группа изобретений относится к области геофизики и может быть использована для оказания сервисных геофизических услуг в области недропользования - поиска, разведки и добычи углеводородного сырья, других полезных ископаемых, а также при проведении инженерно-геологических и гидрогеологических исследованиях. Сущностью заявленного технического решения является способ многофункциональной аэросъемки на основе беспилотных воздушных судов для планирования и сопровождения сейсморазведочных работ, заключающийся в том, что создают полетное задание и выбор точки взлета и приземления беспилотного воздушного судна. Выбирают состав и компоновку датчиков полезной нагрузки, на выбранной точке устанавливают: наземную рабочую станцию, наземную часть подсистемы передачи данных, наземную часть блока синхронизации и высокоточного позиционирования. Снаряжают беспилотное воздушное судно и производят запуск беспилотного воздушного судна. После прилета беспилотного воздушного судна на первую точку территории исследования ...

10-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU64587U1

1. Глубоководный фототелевизионный комплекс, содержащий бортовой модуль судна-носителя, соединенный кабель-тросом с забортным буксируемым подводным модулем и включающий блок электропитания и блок управления и регистрации с устройством воспроизведения информации, а подводный модуль оборудован телевизионной камерой и источником освещения, отличающийся тем, что бортовой модуль выполнен в виде соединенных линиями связи блока электропитания и телеметрии (ЭТ), блока управления и регистрации (УР) и блока обработки и интерпретации данных (ОИД) и дополнительно включает фильтр присоединения бортового модуля к подводному модулю и подключенный к блоку УР блок управления спуско-подъемного устройства (УСП) кабель-троса, при этом блоки УР, ОИД и УСП выполнены на базе подключенных к мониторам персональных компьютеров с соответствующим программным обеспечением, а подводный модуль содержит подключенные к блоку электроники телекамеру, цифровую фотокамеру, снабженный модемом связи блок телеметрии и источник освещения, который включает, по крайней мере, два светильника заливающего света и импульсный светильник, и дополнительно оборудован подключенными к блоку электроники альтиметром, датчиком крена-дифферента и гидроакустическим приемником для определения местоположения подводного буксируемого модуля относительно судна-носителя, причем вход-выход блока телеметрии подводного модуля кабель-тросом через фильтр присоединения подключен к блоку ЭТ бортового модуля, выходы которого подключены к входам блоков УР и ОИД. 2. Комплекс по п.1, отличающийся тем, что блок ЭТ бортового модуля содержит снабженный регулятором напряжения блок питания и сетевой коммутатор, снабженный модемом, при этом выход блока питания подключен к входу фильтра присоединения, вход модема сетевого коммутатора через фильтр присоединения подключен к входу-выходу блока телеметрии подводного модуля, а выходы сетевого коммутатора являются выходами блока ЭТ и подключены к входам блоков УР и ОИД. 3. Комплекс по п.1, отличающийся ...

10-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2137160C1
Автор: Таланов Б.П.

Изобретение относится к технике разведки оптическими средствами. Достигаемый технический результат - оперативность получения данных. Способ реализуется размещением видеокамеры на поворотной обойме ракеты, использующей настильную траекторию, и сканированием камеры в пределах 360 градусов - от горизонта по боковым сторонам - до земной поверхности за счет вращения обоймы, осуществляемого откидными лопастями винта этой обоймы. 1 з.п. ф-лы.

14-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2697402C1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике, в частности к измерениям и классификации тепловых полей объектов с использованием инфракрасных средств измерений, и предназначено для использования при испытаниях инфракрасной видности техногенных и биологических объектов. Способ заключается в тепловизионной регистрации тепловой сигнатуры исследуемого объекта на окружающем фоне, замене исходной тепловой сигнатуры объекта эквивалентной тепло-геометрической моделью и обработке параметров модели по специально выведенным соотношениям. Инфракрасная дальность видимости объекта измеряется с учетом значений показателей инфракрасной видности объекта и фона, а также дальности оптической видимости объекта. Технический результат - повышение точности измерения инфракрасной дальности видимости, достижение единства измерений показателя инфракрасной видности для всех видов техногенных и биологических объектов с одновременным обеспечением возможности сравнения объектов по их тепловой защите, повышение эффективности ...

09-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2039369C1

Использование: в геологии при поисках горючих полезных ископаемых для выявления наличия залежей углеводородов. Сущность изобретения: отбирают пробы горных пород, при этом интервал отбора проб выбирают в соответствии с литологическим типом пород, определяют в них содержание высокомолекулярных соединений органической составляющей (СК) горных пород, а о местоположении залежи углеводородов судят по одновременному наличию аномальных значений концентраций СК и устойчивому возрастанию абсолютных значений СК в геологическом пространстве. 3 ил.

27-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2410731C1

Шлем входит в комплект оборудования рабочего места орбитальной станции, содержащего бортовой ноутбук, каску шлема, нашлемный модуль микромеханической бесплатформенной системы ориентации шлема, прозрачное откидное забрало и тракт приема поляризованного светового потока, отраженного от подстилающей поверхности. Тракт приема выполнен в виде нашлемного модуля для приема сигнала с линии визирования шлема. Прозрачное откидное забрало выполнено из монокристалла-анализатора для пропуска светового потока горизонтальной поляризации, с напылением на него пленки светофильтра с полосой пропускания 550-650 нм. Под каской шлема вмонтированы и последовательно подключены элементы приемного модуля: светособирающий объектив, фотодиодный умножитель, аналогово-цифровой преобразователь, флэш-память, радиоинтерфейс передачи данных синхронно регистрируемого с угловыми положениями шлема поляризационного сигнала выявленной аномалии. Технический результат - повышение оперативности и достоверности обнаружения и идентификации ...

27-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2465621C1

Изобретение относится к области дистанционного спектрозонального зондирования геологической среды и может быть использовано для выявления подземных вод. Сущность: получают космические и авиационные снимки поверхности Земли в видимом диапазоне длин волн. Обрабатывают указанные снимки, интерпретируют полученные данные и составляют результативные карты. Проводят разновысотную тепловизионную авиационную съемку. Регистрируют космические и авиационные спектрозональные снимки поверхности Земли в диапазонах видимого спектра, а также ближнего, среднего и дальнего инфракрасного интервала длин волн. Обрабатывают спектрозональные снимки путем измерения интенсивности потока теплового излучения Земли с последующей аппаратурной фильтрацией тепловизионного изображения. Формируют структуру плотности потока теплового излучения геологической среды путем создания объемной модели блоково-разломных структур в дальнем спектре инфракрасного интервала длин волн. Из созданной модели получают горизонтальные среды ...

10-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2117276C1

В основу изобретения положена задача повышения точности и быстродействия измерения параметров структурных элементов в образце текстильного материала, возможности измерения удлиненных образцов и практически полной автоматизации измерений. Устройство содержит приемник для удержания множества образцов текстильного материала (36) и автоматический механизм подачи, расположенный рядом с приемником для выборочного зацепления и удаления образцов (36) из приемника и транспортировки их к средству обработки (80), где образец текстильного материала (36) обрабатывается для получения структурных элементов в индивидуализированном состоянии. Затем структурные элементы транспортируются к датчику (82), который выдает сигналы, соответствующие параметрам структурных элементов. Устройство управления обнаруживает присутствие или отсутствие образца в автоматическом механизме подачи и осуществляет соответствующее управление. Аналоговые и цифровые компоненты анализируют параметрические сигналы для идентификации ...

27-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2249238C1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике, в частности к способам определения малых перемещений объектов с использованием когерентных источников света и явления самодифракции. Заявлена самодифракционная система, содержащая источник когерентного излучения, коллиматор, светоделитель, зеркало, фотоприемник и регистратор уровня сигнала. Самодифракционная система дополнительно содержит реверсивную светочувствительную среду, расположенную таким образом, что коллимированный лазерный пучок, расщепленный на светоделителе на два пучка, сводится с помощью зеркала в один. Сходящиеся пучки формируют динамическую голограмму, способную обеспечить самодифракцию. Также заявлен способ детектирования малых перемещений, в котором с помощью двух сходящихся когерентных пучков формируют регулярно неоднородное пространственное интерференционное поле. В реверсивной светочувствительной среде записывают динамическую голограмму, способную обеспечить самодифракцию. Используют фотоприемник для преобразования интенсивности ...

27-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2588179C1

Изобретение относится к области экологии и может найти применение при контроле состояния территорий вечной мерзлоты в целях раннего обнаружения критических состояний. Способ определения дигрессии надпочвенного покрова в Арктической зоне включает регистрацию двух разнотипных сигналов средствами, установленными на космическом носителе: отраженного от подстилающей поверхности солнечного потока и собственного восходящего излучения поверхности в ИК-диапазоне. В зависимости от увлажненности надпочвенного покрова эти сигналы имеют разнонаправленный характер, в силу чего их попиксельное отношение в синтезированной матрице изображения обеспечивает устойчивый контраст для выявления участков критического состояния на изображении. Методами пространственного дифференцирования выделяют контуры участков критического состояния, вычисляют функцию фрактальной размерности изображения внутри выделенного участка и сравнивают с фрактальной размерностью тестового (эталонного) участка. Результат обработки и выделения ...

27-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2496982C1

Изобретение относится к нефтедобывающей промышленности и может быть использовано при разведке и управлении разработкой месторождений углеводородного сырья. Техническим результатом является получение объективных данных о физико-химических свойствах добываемой нефти, а именно оптических свойствах для расчета остаточных извлекаемых запасов нефти и определения текущих свойств коллекторов разрабатываемого месторождения, а также данных по обводненности продукции скважин в промысловых условиях. Способ включает отбор проб нефти, определение оптических свойств отобранных проб в видимой части спектра при разных длинах волн в лабораторных условиях, статистическую обработку полученных данных и корреляцию промысловых и лабораторных данных. На основе лабораторных исследований с учетом выявленных полученных зависимостей осуществляется подсчет остаточных извлекаемых запасов нефти. Статистическая обработка и корреляция промысловых и лабораторных данных заключается в расчетах среднеквадратических значений ...

10-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2498358C1

Изобретение относится к области геофизики и может быть использовано для поиска месторождений нефти и газа. Сущность: проводят геологическую и сейсмическую съемки, а также дистанционный оптический газовый анализ с помощью дистанционного лидара. При этом в процессе газового анализа формируют спектральное изображение набора химических компонентов в приземном слое атмосферы. Осуществляют пространственную селекцию спектрального изображения местности по заданным индикаторным веществам. Сопоставляют зарегистрированные газовые компоненты с составом эталонной смеси углеводородных компонентов, соответствующей географическому положению местности и месторождения. Проводят картирование местности с пространственной дифференциацией по рельефу полученного спектрального изображения зондируемой местности. Выделяют на карте спектрального изображения районы достоверного залегания углеводородов. Определяют семейство точек с измеренной концентрацией тяжелых углеводородов. Технический результат: повышение точности ...

10-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2501046C1

Изобретение относится к горному делу, а именно к исследованиям горных пород, в частности к способам исследования керна, извлеченного из скважины. Способ включает установку керна на предметный столик, освещение его поверхность направленным потоком видимого диапазона света, прием части света, отраженного от поверхности керна и обработку полученной информации. При этом отраженную часть света от поверхности керна направляют на детектор для преобразования длины его волны и интенсивности света в цифровой формат с последующей передачей этой информации в электронно-вычислительную машину для осуществления дальнейшей работы с цветностью кернового материала по заранее заданному набору программ, обеспечивающих сохранение в формате цветов RGB (красный, зеленый и синий), усреднение, конвертацию формата RGB в формат HSL (оттенков, насыщенности и яркости), построение диаграмм вариации параметров цветов RGB и HSL и гистограмм распределения упомянутых цветов. Изобретение позволяет повысить точность исследования ...

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004122337A

Способ дистанционного определения размерно-возрастного состава представителей семейства настоящие тюлени на залежках, включающий получение снимков и сопутствующей им навигационной информации, компьютерную обработку снимков, отличающийся тем, что цифровым аппаратом осуществляют фотосъемку с высоты от 150 и более м, при этом для каждой фотографии выполняют привязку координат скорости и высоты полета, времени срабатывания затвора и параметров настройки фотоаппарата, фотоснимки просматривают, отбраковывают изображения животных в неподходящем для измерения длины тела положении, дифференцируют животных по окраске, выполняют компьютерную обработку снимков, при этом определяют длину тела отобранных для измерения объектов съемки в пикселях, рассчитывают корректирующий коэффициент определения биологической длины, преобразуют длину объектов приведенную в пикселях в длину объектов в сантиметрах и определяют биологическую длину измеряемых животных по формуле S=2·Н·tg(α/2)· L/В·К, где S - длина в метрах ...

20-02-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU93056040A

Способ геологической съемки включает профилирование путем последовательного переноса и проведения замеров с помощью установки, шаг профилирования и расстояние между профилями выбирают из известного ряда.

10-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000117615A

Способ подсчета теплокровных животных с летательного аппарата, включающий одновременную съемку скопления теплокровных животных в широкой полосе обзора в инфракрасном и видимом диапазонах, подсчет по инфракрасным снимкам тепловых пятен, подсчет по видеоснимкам видимых животных с контрастной окраской и определение животных с маскирующей окраской путем вычитания результата подсчета по видеоснимкам из результата по ИК-снимку, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно одновременно со съемкой в широкой полосе обзора производят съемку с высоким разрешением в узкой полосе обзора, выявленные на ИК-снимке тепловые пятна для животных с контрастной и маскирующей окраской маркируют разными метками, каждого животного отмаркированного на ИК-снимке идентифицируют по видеоснимку в узкой полосе обзора, определяют количество совпадений и отличий, по которым рассчитывают коэффициент для корректировки результатов подсчета животных в широкой полосе обзора и с помощью этого коэффициента корректируют полученные результаты ...

10-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96102099A

Способ обнаружения инвазий насаждений, включающий получение изображений подстилающей поверхности, преобразование функции яркости изображения I(x, y) в матрицу дискретных отсчетов, обработку матрицы и получение контурного рисунка объекта, отличающийся тем, что создают банк эталонов изображений отслеживаемых участков, осуществляют сжатие данных матрицы дискретных отсчетов элементов в матрицу интенсивностей переходов размерностью элементов, получают образ объекта в виде узлов "кристаллической решетки", вычитают "кристаллическую решетку" текущего изображения из "кристаллической решетки" эталона и по максимальному диагональному элементу разности и смещению узлов судят о наличии, размерах и характере инвазии, где [I - k] - интервал изменения уровня квантованных отсчетов функции яркости анализируемого участка изображения.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012138571A

Способ поиска коренных или россыпных месторождений алмазов, включающий этап выявления критериев отнесения пробы к группе алмазоносного генезиса посредством измерения интенсивности характеристических полос оптически активных центров Al-P, Dy, Sm, Feв спектре люминесценции циркона с фиксацией контрольных значений, и последующий этап отбора статистически значимого количества проб разведочных или поисковых работ с содержанием циркона, облучение отобранных проб источником излучения, вызывающим люминесценцию циркона с измерением интенсивности характеристических полос оптически активных центров Al-P, Dy, Sm, Feв спектре люминесценции циркона, сравнение полученных значений с контрольными и, по результатам сравнений, отнесение отобранных проб к группам алмазоносного или неалмазоносного генезиса.

17-12-2018 дата публикации

Способ обнаружения опасных небесных тел, приближающихся к Земле с дневного неба, и космическая система для его реализации СОДА-2

Номер: RU2675205C1

Изобретение относится к космической технике и может быть использовано при создании космических средств и систем обзора космического пространства для обнаружения и наблюдения (мониторинга) опасных небесных тел (ОНТ) Солнечной системы, прежде всего астероидов и комет, сближающихся с Землей. Космическая система для обнаружения ОНТ состоит из двух космических аппаратов (КА), расположенных в окрестности точки либрации Lв системе Солнце-Земля на орбите Лиссажу на максимальном удалении друг от друга. На каждом КА установлены три одинаковых зеркально-линзовых широкоугольных телескопа оптического диапазона, перед каждым из которых имеется полноапертурное поворотное зеркало с углом прокачки не менее 45° по обеим осям, ориентированные так, чтобы просматривать область пространства, ограниченную для наблюдения другим аппаратом, и защищенные от засветки от диска Земли специальной маской в форме трилистника, расположенной на штанге, направленной на Землю. Система последовательно проводит наблюдения площадок ...

27-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2540001C1

Изобретение относится к области систем оптико-электронного наблюдения вертолетного базирования. Техническим результатом, на достижение которого направлено предлагаемое изобретение, является увеличение дальности наблюдения подстилающей поверхности и обнаружения различных объектов, расположенных на маршруте полета вертолета. Сущность изобретения заключается в адаптивном управлении траекторией полета предварительно забрасываемого носителя дополнительного средства оптико-электронного наблюдения относительно траектории полета вертолета. Управление полетом носителя дополнительного средства оптико-электронного наблюдения осуществляется с вертолета. При этом обеспечивается автоматическая привязка траектории полета носителя дополнительного средства оптико-электронного наблюдения к текущей траектории полета вертолета. Изображение, получаемое дополнительным средством оптико-электронного наблюдения, передается на борт вертолета. 2 ил.

27-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003101917A

... 1. Способ обнаружения нанесения пробы жидкости на непористую тестовую полоску в оптическом измерительном приборе, содержащий (a) получение данных по отражательной способности от нижней стороны указанной тестовой полоски, противоположной участку для нанесения пробы жидкости, в течение периода времени, изменяющегося от момента перед нанесением указанной пробы жидкости на указанный участок для нанесения пробы жидкости до момента после нанесения указанной пробы жидкости на указанный участок для нанесения пробы жидкости, и (b) получение вывода из указанных данных по отражательной способности о нанесении указанной пробы жидкости на указанную тестовую полоску. 2. Способ по п.1, содержащий облучение указанной нижней стороны указанной тестовой полоски видимым светом в течение указанного периода времени. 3. Способ по п.2, в котором указанный видимый свет имеет узкий диапазон длин волн. 4. Способ по п.3, в котором указанные длины волн находятся в диапазоне приблизительно от 550 до 590 нм. 5. Способ ...

10-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013136432A

... 1. Способ дистанционной диагностики состояния линейной части подземных магистральных трубопроводов, основанный па получении изображений по отраженным и собственным излучениям подстилающей поверхности охранной зоны трубопровода с летательного аппарата, его текущем позиционировании пилотажно-навигационными средствами, интерпретации изображений, отличающийся тем, что по трассе пролегания трубопровода до проведения работ по получению изображений формируют имитаторы предвестников чрезвычайных ситуаций, координаты которых заносят в пилотажно-навигационные средства, полученные изображения трансформируют в пространство решений путем согласованной с изображениями имитаторов фильтрации и использовании в качестве порогов принятия решений выходных сигналов фильтров от изображений соответствующих имитаторов, одновременно определяют корреляционные функции полученных изображений с последующем вычислением по их параметрам и указанным выше порогам принятия решений потенциального числа ложных решений, наносят ...

20-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013149857A

... 1. Система микросейсмического мониторинга, которая содержит:оптическое волокно, расположенное в стволе скважины; при этом оптическое волокно проходит вдоль искривленной траектории ствола скважины для обеспечения азимутальной чувствительности для микросейсмических событий,источник света, который возбуждает оптическое волокно;по меньшей мере один датчик света, который анализирует свет рэлеевского обратного рассеяния для получения акустических сигналов для каждой из множества точек вдоль ствола скважины; ипроцессор, который определяет расстояние, направление или интенсивность микросейсмических событий по меньшей мере частично на основании фазовой информации упомянутых акустических сигналов и ствола скважины.2. Система по п. 1, в которой в рамках упомянутого определения процессор выполняет взаимную корреляцию по меньшей мере двух из упомянутых акустических сигналов.3. Система по п. 1, в которой в рамках упомянутого определения процессор выполняет преобразование упомянутых акустических сигналов ...

30-12-1987 дата публикации

Способ геохимических поисков нефти и газа

Номер: SU1363107A1

Изобретение относится к области поисковой геологии. Цель - повышение достоверности газа. Способ включает отбор проб пород, их анализ на содержание углеводородов и суждение по полученным данным о наличии нефти и газа . Дополнительно в тех же пробах измеряют диффузионно-адсорбционный потенциал , значение содержаний углеводородов и диффузионно -адсорбцио1нного потенциала усредняют по каждой точке отбора проб и нормируют по площади исследований. Определяют разности полученных значений указанных параметров и по положнтельньм аномальным значениям этих разностей судят о наличии и предполагаемых контурах залежи нефти и газа на глубине. со О5 со ...

23-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1783461C

23-06-1988 дата публикации

Устройство для регистрации сейсмоакустических колебаний

Номер: SU1405003A1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике и может быть использовано при изучении динамики изменения пространственного положения открытых поверхностей протяженных объектов . Цель изобретения - обеспечение возможности регистрации объемных смещений открытой поверхности колеблющегося объекта. В устройстве для регистрации сейсмоакустических колебаний, содержащем лазерный источник света 1 и фотоприемник 7, жестко закрепленные на массивном основании 9, отделенном от колеблющегося объекта 5 компенсатором колебаний 10, и отражатель 3, жестко связанный с колеблющимся объектом 5, отражатель 3 выполнен расщепляющим падающий на него лазерный луч 2 на некомпланарные пучки света 6, например, в виде призмы или системы полупрозрачных зеркал. Фотоприемник 7 снабжен позиционно- чувствительным элементом 8, устанав ливаемым на пути распространения по меньшей мере двух отщепленных пучков света 6. 1 ил. с S ...

23-03-1988 дата публикации

Способ обнаружения подземных неоднородностей с различными теплофизическими свойствами

Номер: SU1383259A1

Изобретение относится к геотермическим методам разведки и может быть использовано при поисках полезных ископаемых. Цель - расширение возможностей способа за счет выявлет НИН малоконтрастных по теплофизичес- ким свойствам объектов. Способ реализуется путем двукратного измерения теплового поля в течение одной ночи при оптимизации сезонного времени определения и интерпретации результирующего поля в зависимости от положения точки ночной инверсии. С S ...

06-11-1997 дата публикации

Optical monitor system for detecting entrance to travelling stairway or elevator

Номер: DE0019708083A1

The system has at least two reflection scanners (3), consisting respectively of a transmitter (1) and a receiver (2). The scanners are fixed with holders at the inner side of a cladding respectively of a rail (6) of a stairway, and are covered by at least a light permeable protective plate. The reflection scanner is so arranged in the rail (6), that the detection range is limited essentially to a rectangular surface in the front of the moving stairway or the elevator. With the covering of at least one protective plate on the basis of damage, adhesion, spraying or similar, the optical monitoring system provides a permanent entrance to the moving stairway or to the elevator. The light transmitted from the transmitter (1) enters between the holder on one side and the covered protective plate, and is guided on the other side at least partially to arrive at the receiver (2).

14-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069331380T2

14-08-1991 дата публикации

IR temp. sensor for high temps.

Номер: DE0004004408A1

The IR temp. sensor, providing an analogue output signal, uses an A/D converter with a variable resolution and measuring range for providing a corresponding digital signal. This is fed to a digital processing stage (52..88) allowing linearisation and evaluation of the digital signal. Pref. the A/D converter comprises a voltage/frequency converter (50) and a programmable frequency counter (54), supplied in alternation with the analogue signal provided by the sensor element (40) and with a reference signal provided by a reference source (44) under control of a temp. sensor (42).

07-12-2006 дата публикации

Sensor arrangement has interface between protective cover and housing at least partly covered by seal and pressing arrangement for clamping seal against interface

Номер: DE202006014464U1

The arrangement has a housing (2) for accommodating at least one electromagnetic radiation sensitive and/or emitting optical unit, an opening for the electromagnetic radiation and a transmissive protective cover (4) over the opening forming an interface. The interface between the cover and housing is at least partly covered by a seal and a pressing arrangement (6) is provided to clamp the seal against the interface.

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE202008016093U1
Принадлежит: SICK AG

05-10-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003540439C2

23-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0019754963B4

Reflexionslichttaster zum Erfassen von Objekten in einem Überwachungsbereich mit einem Sendelichtstrahlen emittierenden Sender und einem Empfangslichtstrahlen empfangenden Empfänger mit einem Nahelement und einem Fernelement, wobei die am Ausgang des Nahelements und des Fernelements anstehenden Empfangssignale jeweils einem Verstärker zugeführt sind und zur Einstellung der den Überwachungsbereich begrenzenden Tastweite bei einem in dem der Tastweite entsprechenden Abstand angeordneten Testobjekt die Differenz der Signale an den Ausgängen der Verstärker auf den Wert null einstellbar ist, wodurch ein Schaltvorgang an einem Schaltausgang ausgelöst wird, welcher dem Schaltpunkt des Reflexionslichttasters entspricht, wobei der eine Verstärker an den einen Anschluss und der andere Verstärker an den anderen Anschluss ein und desselben einstellbaren Widerstandselements angeschlossen ist, an dessen Eingang INC ein Impulsgenerator angeschlossen ist, welcher über eine extern betätigbare Signalleitung ...

18-02-1999 дата публикации

Method to operating light scanner for detecting objects in monitoring range

Номер: DE0019832673A1

The method involves using first and second threshold vales. The received signal is passed to an interference signal processing stage, in which the reception signal is rectified and also integrated. In the transmitting operation of the transmitter (3), the integrated reception signal is compared with the second threshold value, and an object signal is reset. If interference light (13) is incident on the receiver (4), the integrated receiver signal lies above the second threshold value.

16-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0019713986B4

Halbleiterbauelement-Testgerät mit einem Testabschnitt und einem Handhabungsabschnitt, bei dem zu testende Halbleiterbauelemente in einem Beschickungsabschnitt (300) des Handhabungsabschnitts zu einem Test-Tablett (TST1, TST2), das an dem Beschickungsabschnitt (300) des Handhabungsabschnitts angehalten ist, transportiert und auf dieses umgesetzt werden, das Test-Tablett für den Test der Halbleiterbauelemente von dem Beschickungsabschnitt (300) in einen Testbereich des Handhabungsabschnitts transportiert wird, das Test-Tablett mit den auf ihm aufgebrachten, getesteten Halbleiterbauelementen nach dem Abschluß des Tests von dem Testbereich zu einem Entladeabschnitt (400) des Handhabungsabschnitts transportiert wird, wo die getesteten, auf dem Test-Tablett befindlichen Halbleiterbauelemente (18) von dem Test-Tablett auf ein für allgemeinen Einsatz ausgelegtes Tablett gebracht werden, und das Test-Tablett, das von getesteten Halbleiterelementen entleert ist, von dem Entladeabschnitt (400) zu ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Optoelektronischer Sensor und Verfahren zur Veränderung von Sensoreinstellungen

Номер: DE102012109985A1

Es wird ein optoelektronischer Sensor (10) zur Erfassung von Objekten (12) längs eines Überwachungsstrahls (14), insbesondere Lichttaster oder Lichtschranke, mit einem Lichtempfänger (26) zur Umwandlung von längs des Überwachungsstrahls (14) empfangenem Empfangslicht (22) in ein Empfangssignal, mit einer Auswertungseinheit (28) zur Gewinnung von Informationen über Objekte (12) in dem Überwachungsstrahl (14) aus dem Empfangssignal und mit einer Parametriereinheit (32) zur Veränderung von Sensoreinstellungen durch eine Benutzereingabe angegeben. Dabei ist die Parametriereinheit (32) dafür ausgebildet, eine Benutzereingabe aus einer Modulation des Empfangssignals zu erkennen.

13-09-2007 дата публикации

Optoelektronischer Sensor mit Einstellung von Beobachtungswinkel und maximaler Entfernung

Номер: DE202007009157U1
Принадлежит: SICK AG

Optoelektronischer Sensor (10) mit einem entfernungsauflösenden Bildsensor (12), der dafür ausgebildet ist, ein durch einen Beobachtungswinkel (32) und eine maximale Entfernung (34) aufgespanntes Sichtfeld (30) zu überwachen und der ein Gehäuse (16) aufweist, gekennzeichnet durch eine Einstellvorrichtung (36) für den Beobachtungswinkel (32) und die maximale Entfernung (34), wobei die Einstellvorrichtung (36) an dem Gehäuse (16) vorgesehen ist.

06-03-2008 дата публикации

Optoelektronische Sensoranordnung

Номер: DE202007014917U1
Принадлежит: SICK AG

Optoelektronische Sensoranordnung (10) mit wenigstens einem Lichtempfänger (20), welcher als ortsauflösender Lichtempfänger (20) ausgebildet ist und zumindest Licht einer ersten Wellenlänge (λ1) und einer von der ersten Wellenlänge (λ1) verschiedenen zweiten Wellenlänge (λ2) detektiert, mit einem ersten Testlichtsender (30), welcher Licht der zweiten Wellenlänge (λ2) ermittiert, mit einem vor dem Lichtempfänger (20) angeordneten optischen Element (25), wobei der Lichtempfänger (20) und der erste Testlichtsender (30) auf der gleichen Seite des optischen Elements (25) angeordnet sind, wobei das optische Element (25) derart ausgebildet ist, dass es das Licht der ersten Wellenlänge (λ1) transmittiert und das Licht der zweiten Wellenlänge (λ2) reflektiert, und mit einer Auswerteeinheit zur Auswertung der mit dem Lichtempfänger (20) detektierten Empfangssignale.

08-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE202010018612U1
Принадлежит: PANTRON INSTR GMBH, Pantron Instruments GmbH

Lichtschranke mit wenigstens einer Sendeeinrichtung (2) und wenigstens einem Detektor (4) und einer elektrischen Steuerung, die eingerichtet ist zum Durchführen eines Verfahrens zum gepulsten Betreiben der Lichtschranke, wobei die Lichtschranke in einem Normalmodus und in einem Kompensationsmodus betreibbar ist und ein Zyklus wiederholt durchlaufen wird, der die folgenden Schritte umfasst:a) Aussenden elektromagnetischer Strahlung über einen Sendezeitraum Δtmittels der Sendeeinrichtung (2),b) Aufnehmen von Strahlungsmesswerten Ider elektromagnetischen Strahlung zu verschiedenen Messzeitpunkten t(24) innerhalb des Messzeitraums mittels des Detektors (4),c) Feststellen, ob ein Fremdlichteinfall auf dem Detektor (4) vorliegt durch Untersuchen einer Messwertkurve der aufgenommenen Strahlungsmesswerte I, wobei der Zyklus das jeweils nächste Mal im Normalmodus durchlaufen wird, wenn kein Fremdlichteinfall vorliegt und im Kompensationsmodus, wenn ein Fremdlichteinfall vorliegt, wobei im Kompensationsmodus ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE102012101431A1

Die erfindungsgemäße Sensoranordnung (1) umfasst eine Anordnung von Lichtvorhängen (L1L4) sowie einen Trigger-Generator (12), welcher zyklisch Trigger-Signale generiert. Jedes Trigger-Signal wird den Lichtvorhängen (L1L4) zugeführt, wobei in jedem Lichtvorhang (L1L4) durch ein empfangenes Trigger-Signal nach einer vorgegebenen Verzögerungszeit ein Messvorgang gestartet wird.

24-10-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Auffinden von Lebewesen aus der Luft sowie Flugobjekt zum Auffinden von Lebewesen aus der Luft

Номер: DE102012221580B4

Verfahren zum Auffinden von Lebewesen (110) aus der Luft, wobei von einem Untersuchungsbereich ein Infrarotthermalbild als ein erstes Bild aufgenommen wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet,dass von dem Untersuchungsbereich ein zweites Bild im sichtbaren Wellenlängenbereich aufgenommen wird, wobei das zweite Bild bei der Aufnahme überbelichtet wird,dass aus dem zweiten Bild Licht- und Schattenbereiche im Untersuchungsbereich ermittelt werden,dass das zweite Bild mit dem ersten Bild verglichen wird, wobei in dem ersten Bild charakteristische Bereiche in den ermittelten Licht- und Schattenbereichen überprüft und als mögliche Lebewesen identifiziert werden.

21-05-2008 дата публикации

Fotozelle mit verriegelbarer Differenzverarbeitung

Номер: DE0019753836B4

Fotozelle mit Hintergrundlöschung mit zwei Erfassungselementen, die jeweils einen von der Entfernung eines Objekts abhängenden Strom liefern, wobei der vom ersten Element gelieferte Strom (I1) größer als derjenige (I2) des zweiten Elements ist, wenn die Entfernung (d) des Objekts größer als eine Erfassungsreichweite genannte Entfernung (D) ist, und kleiner als derjenige (I2) des zweiten Elements ist, wenn die Entfernung (d) des Objekts kleiner als die Erfassungsreichweite (D) ist, und mit einer Verarbeitungsschaltung, die ein erstes Spannungssignal (V1) und ein zweites Spannungssignal (V2) herstellt, die den jeweiligen Strömen entsprechen, und einen Hauptvergleicher (COMP1) aufweist, der die Spannungssignale vergleicht, um ein Schaltsignal (S) zu liefern, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass ein Verriegelungsvergleicher (COMP2) vorgesehen ist, der das erste Spannungssignal (V1) mit einem Spannungssollwert (Vc) vergleicht, um an seinem Ausgang ein Signal (V0) zu erzeugen, das das Schaltsignal (S ...

26-08-1982 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003039563C2

29-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003069476D1

23-11-2017 дата публикации

Optoelektronischer Sensor

Номер: DE102016208713A1

Optoelektronischer Sensor mit einem Lichtsender 1 zum Aussenden eines Lichtsignals durch einen Kollimator 2 in einen Objektbereich 3 auf einer ersten optischen Achse 4, mit einem Empfänger 5 und einer Empfängerlinse 6 zum Empfang des von einem Objekt reflektierten Lichtsignals auf einer zweiten optischen Achse 7, wobei die Empfängerlinse 6 eine Hauptlinse 8 zur Abbildung des Objektbereichs 3 und eine Zusatzlinse 9 zur Erfassung des Nahbereichs enthält, wobei die Zusatzlinse 9 eine zweidimensional parametrierbare Freiformfläche aufweist, die das Licht umso stärker in Richtung der zweiten optischen Achse 7 lenkt, je näher sich ein reflektierendes Objekt am Sensor befindet, wobei die Zusatzlinse 9 eine Strahlen aus dem Nahbereich brechende bikonische Fläche 10 mit zwei unterschiedlichen Brennweiten f1 und f2, sowie eine Strahlen aus dem Nahbereich reflektierende Fläche 11 aufweist.

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Lichtgitter, Lichtschranke oder Reflextionstaster zur Detektion von Objekten sowie ein Verfahren zu deren Betrieb

Номер: DE102016209300C5
Принадлежит: PEPPERL FUCHS GMBH, Pepperl + Fuchs GmbH

Verfahren zum Konfigurieren eines Lichtgitters, einer Lichtschranke oder eines Reflexionstasters, wobei während eines Konfigurationsbetriebs mittels einer externen Konfigurationseinrichtung (30) Konfigurationsparameter (K) in eine Steuereinrichtung (220) des Lichtgitters, der Lichtschranke oder des Reflexionstasters eingespeist werden, und zwar mittels elektrischer und/oder magnetischer Felder oder elektromagnetischer Wellen, insbesondere Funkwellen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass- eine Energiewandeleinrichtung (240) des Lichtgitters, der Lichtschranke oder des Reflexionstasters bei Empfang der elektrischen und/oder magnetischen Felder oder der elektromagnetischen Wellen, insbesondere Funkwellen, Energie dieser Wellen oder Felder in elektrische Energie (E) wandelt und diese elektrische Energie (E) zum Betrieb der Steuereinrichtung (220) genutzt wird und- der Konfigurationsbetrieb allein auf der Basis dieser elektrischen Energie (E), also von dieser elektrischen Energie (E) abgesehen energieversorgungsfrei ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017209252A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Abstandssensor (16, 18) eines Kraftfahrzeugs, insbesondere für eine Kollisionsüberwachung einer elektromotorischen Türverstellung (2), mit einer Leuchteinrichtung (28) zum Aussenden von Licht (36), die einen Abstrahlwinkelbereich (50) aufweist, und mit einer Erfassungseinrichtung (30) zum Empfang des ausgesendeten Lichts (36), die einen Erfassungswinkelbereich (54) aufweist. Der Abstandssensor (16, 18) umfasst ferner ein optisches Element (32) zum Leiten des ausgesendeten Lichts (36), wobei das optische Element (32) einen ersten Eingangswinkelbereich (46) und einen verkleinerten zweiten Eingangswinkelbereich (48) aufweist, zwischen denen eine Anzahl an Lichtwellenleitern (44) angeordnet ist. Die Erfindung betrifft ferner eine elektromotorische Türverstellung (2) eines Kraftfahrzeugs.

09-06-2004 дата публикации

Lichtgitter zur Überwachung eines flächigen Bereichs

Номер: DE0059909376D1
Принадлежит: SICK AG

02-02-2006 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Überwachen eines Schutzbereichs

Номер: DE0050011954D1
Принадлежит: SICK AG

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Verbesserte Anwesenheitssensorvorrichtung

Номер: DE112012003732T5
Принадлежит: OSRAM GMBH

Die Erfindung betrifft eine integrierte Licht- und Anwesenheitssensorvorrichtung mit einem Gesamt-Winkel-Sichtfeld, die ein Array von modifizierten LED-Elementen; eine segmentierte Filterblendeneinrichtung mit einer Schlitzblende, die von einer Schlitzlänge und einer Schlitzbreite definiert ist, welche beträchtlich kleiner ist als die Arraylänge, wobei die Schlitzblendeneinrichtung in einem Abstand zu dem linearen Array positioniert und so ausgerichtet ist, dass die Schlitzlänge das Array in einer Querrichtung kreuzt; und einen Prozessor umfasst, der mit dem Array in Wirkverbindung steht, um Lichtdatenwerte zu verarbeiten, die den Lichtsignalen entsprechen, wobei der Prozessor in ersten und zweiten Modi betreibbar ist, wobei der Prozessor im ersten Modus anhand der Lichtdatenwerte eine Menge bestimmt, die ein mittleres Maß des Lichts repräsentiert, das auf das lineare Array einfällt, und der Prozessor im zweiten Modus anhand von Lichtdatenwerten, die zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten für ...

17-08-1995 дата публикации

Object identification method

Номер: DE0004404483A1

At least one sensor (1,2) and the object (G) are moved w.r.t. each other at constant speed, with the sensor aligned with the direction of motion (B). The resulting analogue signal at the sensor, which forms a signature of the object, is filtered and then differentiated and/or integrated. The differentiated or integrated signal is passed via a comparator and control circuit to an evaluation circuit (4-6) in which it is evaluated for signal variations characteristic of the object. The sensor can be a shadow light barrier arrangement.

15-10-2018 дата публикации

Mobiles Detektionssystem

Номер: DE202018105775U1
Принадлежит: DOBSCH JOHANNES, Dobsch, Johannes

Mobiles Detektionssystem, insbesondere zum Überwachen eines Überwachungsgebietes und Erkennen eines Eindringens von Fremd- oder Störkörpern, wie z.B. unbefugten Personen in das Überwachungsgebiet, umfassend folgende Elemente:a) mindestens zwei miteinander kommunizierende Sender-Empfänger-Einheiten (2, 2a-2r), wobei jede Sender-Empfänger-Einheit eine Lichtsendevorrichtung (20) zum Aussenden eines Lichtstrahls (3) an eine andere Sender-Empfänger-Einheit, eine Lichtempfangsvorrichtung (12) zum Empfangen eines Lichtstrahls (3) einer anderen Sender-Empfänger-Einheit sowie eine Steuereinheit (8) mit einer Steuerelektronik umfasst;b) ein mit den Sender-Empfänger-Einheiten kommunizierendes Anzeigegerät (5) zum Signalisieren einer Unterbrechung eines Lichtstrahls (3) zwischen zwei miteinander kommunizierenden Sender-Empfänger-Einheiten.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE202012102331U1
Принадлежит: SICK AG

Lichttaster zum Erfassen von Objekten in einem Überwachungsbereich mit einem Sendelichtstrahlen emittierenden Sender und einem Empfangslichtstrahlen empfangenden Empfänger mit einem Nahelement und einem Fernelement, wobei in einer Auswerteeinheit eine erste Tastweite und eine zweite Tastweite einstellbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die erste Tastweite mit einem ersten Potentiometer einstellbar ist und die zweite Tastweite mit einem zweiten Potentiometer einstellbar ist und abhängig von den eingestellten Tastweiten von der Auswerteeinheit ein Schaltsignal ausgebbar ist.

25-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE202020104211U1

Lichtvorhang (1) zur Erfassung von Objekten in einem Überwachungsbereich mit einer in einem Sendergehäuse (2a) integrierten Reihenanordnung von Sendern (4), die jeweils Lichtstrahlen (3) mit einem Abstrahlwinkel (14) emittieren, mit einer in einem Empfängergehäuse (2b) integrierten Reihenanordnung von Empfängern (6), die jeweils innerhalb eines Sichtwinkels (15) Lichtstrahlen (3) empfangen, wobei in einem Arbeitsbetrieb des Lichtvorhangs (1) bei freiem Überwachungsbereich die Lichtstrahlen (3) eines Senders (4) auf einen zugeordneten Empfänger (6) treffen, der mit diesem Sender (4) eine Strahlachse bildet, und mit einer Auswerteeinheit (9), welche zur Generierung eines Objektfeststellungssignals in Abhängigkeit von Empfangssignalen der Empfänger (6) ausgebildet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass als Ausrichtmittel wenigstens ein Ausrichtempfänger (10) vorgesehen ist, dessen Sichtwinkel (16) größer als die Sichtwinkel (15) der Empfänger (6) ist, dass der Ausrichtempfänger (10) Lichtstrahlen ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Überwachen eines Schutzbereichs

Номер: DE102020105037A1

Es wird eine Vorrichtung zur Überwachung eines Schutzbereichs angegeben mit zumindest einem Lichtlaufzeitsensor, der einen Sender zum Aussenden von Lichtstrahlen in einen Schutzbereich und einen Empfänger zum Empfangen von reflektierten oder remittierten Lichtstrahlen aufweist, einer Auswerteeinheit zum Ermitteln einer Lichtlaufzeit zwischen Aussenden und Empfangen der Lichtstrahlen und einer Überwachungseinheit zum Erzeugen eines Unterbrechungssignals, wenn die ermittelte Lichtlaufzeit von einer vorbestimmten Maximal-Lichtlaufzeit zumindest um einen vorgegebenen Schwellenwert abweicht, einem dem Lichtlaufzeitsensor in einem ersten Abstand gegenüberliegenden, den Schutzbereich zumindest teilweise begrenzenden Begrenzungselement, und mit einem dem Lichtlaufzeitsensor in einem zweiten Abstand gegenüberliegenden Referenzelement zum Reflektieren oder Remittieren der ausgesendeten Lichtstrahlen, wobei der zweite Abstand größer als der erste Abstand ist.

09-04-1964 дата публикации

Einrichtung zur Beobachtung bewegter Oberflaechen

Номер: DE0001167557B

17-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003803278A1

20-12-1984 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002923433C2

05-07-2016 дата публикации

Optischer Sensor

Номер: DE202015101680U1
Принадлежит: SICK AG

Optischer Sensor (10) zur Erfassung von Objekten (12) in einem Überwachungsbereich mit einem Sendelichtstrahlen (16) emittierenden Sender (18), einem Empfangslichtstrahlen (20) empfangenden Empfänger (22) und einer Auswerteeinheit (24), in welcher die am Ausgang des Empfängers (22) anstehenden Empfangssignale zur Generierung eines Objektfeststellungssignals ausgewertet werden, mit einem den Sender (18), den Empfänger (22) und die Auswerteeinheit (24) aufnehmenden Gehäuse (14) mit einer Öffnung (28) durch die Sende- und Empfangslichtstrahlen (16 und 20) ein- bzw. austreten und einem die Öffnung (28) verschließenden und für die Lichtstrahlen (16 und 20) transparentem Fenster (30), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die ins Innere des Gehäuses (14) gerichtete Oberfläche des Fensters (30) zumindest in dem Bereich (32), in dem die Lichtstrahlen durchtreten, eine mikroskopische Strukturierung aufweist, die hydrophobe oder hydrophile Eigenschaften aufweist.

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Optischer Sensor

Номер: DE202015101871U1

Optischer Sensor (1) zur Erfassung von Objekten in einem Überwachungsbereich, mit wenigstens einem Lichtstrahlen (4) empfangenden und/oder emittierenden optoelektronischen Bauelement, welchem wenigstens ein optisches Element in Form einer Klebstoff-Linse (10, 11, 12) zugeordnet ist, welche aus einem in einem Dispens-Prozess hergestellten, einkomponentigen, transparenten Klebstoff besteht, welcher mittels UV-Licht oder sichtbarem Licht ausgehärtet ist.

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE202014102604U1
Принадлежит: SICK AG

Sicherheitslichtgitter, mit einer ersten optischen Einheit (2), die eine Reihe nebeneinander angeordneter Lichtsender (6) und/oder Lichtempfänger (8) aufweist und einer zweiten optischen Einheit (4), die den Lichtsendern (6) bzw. Lichtempfängern (8) der ersten optischen Einheit (2) zugeordnete ebenfalls nebeneinander angeordnete Lichtempfänger (8) bzw. Lichtsender (6) aufweist, wobei jeweils ein Lichtsender (6) einem Lichtempfänger (8) gegenüberliegend zugeordnet ist, so dass die Lichtstrahlen (18) solch gebildeter Paare von Lichtsendern (6) und Lichtempfängern (8) ein Schutzfeld (10) bilden, mit einer Empfangselektronik (12) zur Verstärkung der Empfangssignale der Lichtempfänger (8) und einer Auswerteeinheit (14) die die Empfangssignale auswertet und bei unzulässigem Objekteingriff in das Schutzfeld (10) ein Sicherheitsschaltsignal ausgibt, die Empfangselektronik (12) dazu ausgebildet ist, die Verstärkung der Empfangssignale so einzustellen, dass bei freiem Schutzfeld (10) alle verstärkten ...

02-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE502004001527D1
Принадлежит: SICK AG

17-03-1988 дата публикации

Apparatus for detecting the heat radiation emitted from living bodies

Номер: DE0003629651A1

Published without abstract.

02-05-1996 дата публикации

Light barrier e.g. for free-falling parts detector

Номер: DE0004438798A1

The appts. comprises a rectangular frame of which two opposite sides hold light transmitter/receivers, the other two sides simply holding the frame together. As the parts fall within the frame they are optically monitored by the light-bearing arms. However, because the parts are falling freely, there is a risk of damage to the light transmitter/receivers. This can be reduced by mounting these light barriers of the light-coverings (13) at least partially under a protective shield (18a, 18b). This shield is formed by a shock-resistant surface (18b) and edge (18a) raised over the covering (13) above the lights (12), which are mounted in a u-shaped housing (7). A part falling towards the light barrier hits the protective shield and ricochets back instead of hitting and possibly damaging the optical system.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Lichtschranke mit separaten Ausgangssignalen

Номер: DE102006006133B4

Berührungslos wirkende Sicherheitseinrichtung (2) mit einer Schnittstelle (4) zur Übertragung von Ausgangssignalen an anschließbare Geräte (1) zur Signalverarbeitung, wobei die Ausgangssignale der einzelnen Sensoren (6) einer berührungslos wirkenden Sicherheitseinrichtung (2) separat über die Schnittstelle (4) übertragbar sind, wobei die separaten Ausgangssignale mittels der Schnittstelle (4) seriell an eine Vorrichtung zur Signalverarbeitung (1) übertragbar sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die berührungslos wirkende Sicherheitseinrichtung (2) eine Lichtschranke ist und dass die separaten Ausgangssignale mittels eines einfehlersicheren Übertragungsprotokolls so codiert sind, dass schon das Auftreten nur eines Fehlers bei der Übertragung der separaten Ausgangssignale der einzelnen Sensoren der Lichtschranke über die Schnittstelle detektiert wird.

19-11-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE9212693U1

08-11-2001 дата публикации

Road junction laser range sensors have multiplexed wavelengths and prevents shadowing without interference

Номер: DE0010022215A1

The road junction laser range sensor has optical area sensors with receiver (15) narrow band filters (17) to match the multiplexed (11) transmitted wavelengths (7,8) and a diffuser to prevent eye damage.

24-01-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren und System zur Stabilisierung einer Translationsbewegungsgröße eines Flugkörpers

Номер: DE0010258545B4

Flug-Regel-System zur Stabilisierung einer Translationsbewegungsgröße eines Flugkörpers (1), mit einer Abbildungsoptik (2) zum abschnittsweisen Abbilden eines von der Flugposition aus sichtbaren Bildes einer Szene auf eine Sensorfläche eines optoelektronischen Sensors (3), wobei aus den dabei gewonnenen Signalen elektronisch ein Messwert einer Bildverschiebung gewonnen wird, wobei das System eine elektronische Schaltung (7) aufweist, die ausgebildet ist, den optoelektronisch gewonnenen Messwert von Einflüssen von Roll-Drehbewegungen des Flugkörpers (1) zu bereinigen, indem sie in einem Mischglied (24) zum Messwert ein Drehsignal kompensierend einmischt, welches zu einer der Größen Winkel oder Winkelgeschwindigkeit einer Rolldrehung des Flugkörpers (1) proportional ist, und ferner ausgebildet ist, diesen gemischten Messwert zur Ansteuerung eines die Roll-Drehung des Flugkörpers (1) beeinflussenden Stellgliedes (8) unter Bildung eines geschlossenen Regelkreises zumindest anteilsweise heranzuziehen ...

23-05-1996 дата публикации

Light barrier system with contamination detection

Номер: DE0019536026A1

The light barrier system includes a transmitter and a receiver, and two reflex light barriers. The two light barriers are identically constructed. The first light barrier samples a medium on one side of the medium. The second light barrier is disposed opposite the first light barrier with a medium guide in between. The light barriers act as reflex light barriers when a medium is placed in between them. When no medium is present, the transmitter transmits light from one barrier to the receiver associated with the other light barrier.

25-03-2004 дата публикации

Lichtschranke oder Lichtgitter

Номер: DE0010239940A1

Eine Lichtschranke oder ein Lichtgitter weist zwei Gehäuse 1, 1' auf, in welchen die Lichtsender 2 sowie Lichtempfänger 3 angeordnet sind. Außerdem ist eine Einrichtung zum Ausrichten der beiden Gehäuse 1, 1' vorgesehen. Zu diesem Zweck ist in dem einen Gehäuse 1 ein Ausrichtlichtsender 4 und in dem anderen Gehäuse 1' ein Spiegel 5 angeordnet, welcher den Richtstrahl 6 in sich oder nahezu in sich zurückreflektiert.

16-07-1981 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002329937C3

20-01-1977 дата публикации

Elastic object residual deformation detector - is esp. for easily deformable sealing element and uses two compression plates

Номер: DE0002529491A1

The object (1) is compressed between two plates (6.1, 6.2) to a thickness smaller than its normal thickness, and held compressed during a certain time. It is released at the end of this time and its thickness measured after a specified time after release. The elastic object thickness measurement is contactless, during which the object is moved by a lifting device through a light barrier and the distance travelled is directly or indirectly measured. The measurement technique may involve a mechanical deflection dial gauge or an electrical relay circuit operating in conjunction with a d.c. motor.

02-10-2013 дата публикации

Handhabungseinheit für Waferscheiben sowie Verfahren zum Aufnehmen einer Waferscheibe

Номер: DE102012006521A1

Beschrieben wird eine Handhabungseinheit zum Aufnehmen, Transportieren und Ablegen einer Waferscheibe, mit einem Waferscheibenträger, der an einem um wenigstens drei Raumachsen positionierbaren Manipulatorarm angebracht ist. Der Waferscheibenträger verfügt über einen Waferscheibenaufnahmebereich, dem eine Auflageebene zuordenbar ist, und sieht darüber hinaus wenigstens zwei den Waferscheibenaufnahmebereich seitlich lokal begrenzende Haltemittel vor, an die zumindest der Umfangsrand einer auf dem Waferscheibenträger aufliegenden Waferscheibe selbst zentrierend angrenzt. Ferner wird ein Verfahren zum Aufnehmen einer Waferscheibe beschrieben. Die Erfindung zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass an dem Waferscheibenträger wenigstens zwei optische Sensoren mit jeweils einer orthogonal zur Auflageebene orientierten und dem Waferscheibenaufnahmebereich zugewandten Sensorblickrichtung angeordnet sind, die Sensorsignale generieren, und dass eine Auswerte- und Steuereinheit vorgesehen ist, die auf Grundlage ...

12-04-2001 дата публикации

Abgedichteter fotoelektrischer Sensor

Номер: DE0069704175D1

01-07-1993 дата публикации

Object detection arrangement - contains light source and receiver, comparator with comparison voltages controlled by micro-controller

Номер: DE0004228112C1

The arrangement contains a light transmitter and receiver. The receiver signal is fed to at least one comparator (10) which detects on and off switch conditions relative to a comparison voltage on its other input. The comparator output is fed to the signal input of a micro-controller (11). The comparison voltages are generated via resistances connected to the second comparator input and activated by corresp. switching outputs of the micro-controller. USE/ADVANTAGE - For detecting all types of object which influence light transmission between source and receiver. Enables signal level monitoring with min. circuit costs. High degree of flexibility.

15-01-2019 дата публикации

Optoelektronischer Sensor

Номер: DE202017106142U1
Принадлежит: SICK AG

Optoelektronischer Sensor, vorzugsweise ein optoelektronischer Miniatursensor, umfassend optische und elektronische Bauelemente (3, 4), welche auf einer einseitig bestückten Leiterplatte (2) positioniert sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die dünne Leiterplatte (2) mit einer unbestückten Seite auf einer Stabilisierungsplatte (8) unmittelbar aufliegt, wobei die Stabilisierungsplatte (8) eine Außenwandung des Sensors (1) bildet.

22-12-2005 дата публикации

Systeme, die polarisationsmanipulierende Retroreflektoren verwenden

Номер: DE102005009064A1

Messungssysteme, die Polarisationskomponenten trennen, können Retroreflektoren verwenden, um eine Polarisation zu bewahren oder zu transformieren und ein unerwünschtes Mischen der Polarisationskomponenten zu vermeiden. Ein geeigneter Retroreflektor kann einen beschichteten Würfeleckreflektor mit Verzögerungsplatten umfassen, die eine langsame Achse aufweisen, die bei einem Winkel von nicht Null weg von 45 DEG mit den Richtungen eines linear polarisierten Komponentenstrahls gesetzt ist. Der Winkel von nicht Null kann in situ gesetzt sein, um ein Polarisationsmischen bei einem Messungssystem zu minimieren. Alternativ steuert ein Würfeleckreflektor mit einem oder mehreren polarisationsmanipulierenden Elementen die Polarisation eines reflektierten Strahls, um die Polarisation eines einfallenden Strahls zu bewahren oder zu transformieren.

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Erkennen eines Objekts in oder an einer verschließbaren Öffnung

Номер: DE102005013352B4

Vorrichtung zum Erkennen eines Objekts (O) in oder an einer verschließbaren Öffnung (10), insbesondere der Öffnung eines Fahrzeugs, umfassend- eine Vorrichtung zum Öffnen und Schließen der Öffnung mittels wenigstens eines beweglichen Teils (12) sowie- eine optoelektronische Detektionseinrichtung (D) zum Erkennen des Objekts, welche- zumindest eine optische Einheit (U) zum Senden von ersten Lichtstrahlen (L1) in zumindest einen Teilbereich der Fläche der Öffnung (10) und von zweiten Lichtstrahlen (L2) entlang zumindest eines Teilbereiches der die Öffnung umschließenden Kante (13, 14, 15, 16),- Mittel zum Führen der zweiten Lichtstrahlen entlang zumindest eines Teilbereiches der die Öffnung (10) umschließenden Kante (13, 14, 15, 16),- wenigstens einen Empfänger (Ea, Eb) zum Empfangen der ersten und der zweiten Lichtstrahlen und- eine elektronische Einheit zum Vergleichen und Auswerten der von den ersten und zweiten Lichtstrahlen am Empfänger (Ea, Eb) eingehenden Signale aufweist, wobei die ...

18-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE202013100557U1
Принадлежит: SICK AG

Sensor mit einem Gehäuse (16) und einer lichtdurchlässigen Frontscheibe (2), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Sensor (1) vor der Frontscheibe (2) eine lichtdurchlässige äußere Frontscheibe (4) aufweist, die austauschbar angeordnet ist, so dass eine Doppelfrontscheibe gebildet ist und zwischen der Frontscheibe (2) und der äußeren Frontscheibe (4) eine ringförmige Dichtung (6) angeordnet ist.

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Optischer Sensor

Номер: DE202020103911U1
Принадлежит: Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG

Optischer Sensor (1) zur Erfassung von Objekten in einem Erfassungsbereich mit wenigstens einer eine Linse aufweisenden Sensorkomponente in einem Gehäuse und mit wenigstens einer Auswerteeinheit (9) zur Generierung eines Objektfeststellungssignals abhängig von Sensorsignalen wenigstens einer Sensorkomponente, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass in einer Wand des Gehäuses mehrere die Linse umgebende Anzeigeelemente (10) vorgesehen sind, die sich zu einer Symbolanzeigeeinheit (11) ergänzen.

20-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000014400U1

1. Многоцелевой ультразвуковой скважинный излучатель для акустического воздействия на призабойную зону нефтеносных пластов, состоящий из 6-10 пьезокерамических модулей, собранных на металлическом стержне диаметром 6-10 мм и расстоянием между ними равным λ/2 ультразвуковой волны в диапазоне частот 18-24 КГц, отличающийся тем, что конструкция модулей с металлической водородо- и гелийнепроницаемой тонкостенной, от 0,3 до 2,0 мм оболочкой герметично завальцованной или запаянной на металлических обкладках пьезошайб кожухом с заполнением промежутка между пьезоэлементами термостойкой до 150С эпоксидной смолой и с электрическими контактами типа "вилка" по два с каждого конца является абсолютно герметичной, конструктивно и технологически законченной. 2. Многоцелевой ультразвуковой скважинный излучатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что конструкция позволяет использовать модули в составе излучателя без технологических ограничений для акустического воздействия в нефтяных скважинах с большим газовым фактором и с любыми активными технологическими жидкостями, применяемыми в процессе ремонта скважин. 3. Многоцелевой ультразвуковой скважинный излучатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что модули в конструкции соединены между собой проставками, снабженными электрическими контактами типа "розетка" по два с каждой торцовой стороны и многоразовыми герметизирующими элементами, выполняющими свои функции при сжатии конструкции на стержне между головкой верхней и нижней конусной болванкой-утяжелителем по резьбе несущего стержня. 4. Многоцелевой ультразвуковой скважинный излучатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что конструкция излучателя с проставками и элементами герметизации исключает применение пайки и процесс восстановления гермопокрытий в полевых условиях. 5. Многоцелевой ультразвуковой скважинный излучатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что принцип сборки-разборки излучателя по типу "пирамидки" обеспечивает его легкоразборность и ремонтопригодность в полевых условиях. (19) RU (11) 14 400 (13) U1 (51) ...

20-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000027865U1

Устройство для измерения энергетических характеристик физического объекта над фотографией измеряемого объекта содержит источник света, через переключатель подключенный к источнику питания, под фотографией - светочувствительный датчик, с одной стороны подключенный к выходу генератора синусоидальных сигналов как через фазометр, так и через резистор, и с другой стороны подключенный также, как фазометр и генератор, к заземляющему устройству. (19) RU (11) 27 865 (13) U1 (51) МПК G01V 8/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000133089/20 , 21.12.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.12.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 20.02.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Майко В.П., Иванов В.А., Ташлык М.П. 2 7 8 6 5 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для измерения энергетических характеристик физического объекта над фотографией измеряемого объекта содержит источник света, через переключатель подключенный к источнику питания, под фотографией - светочувствительный датчик, с одной стороны подключенный к выходу генератора синусоидальных сигналов как через фазометр, так и через резистор, и с другой стороны подключенный также, как фазометр и генератор, к заземляющему устройству. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ ЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКИХ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИК ФИЗИЧЕСКОГО ОБЪЕКТА 2 7 8 6 5 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Майко Виктор Петрович, Иванов Вячеслав Александрович, Ташлык Михаил Петрович R U Адрес для переписки: 197136, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 55, Пат.пов. Ю.В.Рыбакову, рег.№ 244 (71) Заявитель(и): Майко Виктор Петрович, Иванов Вячеслав Александрович, Ташлык Михаил Петрович U 1 U 1 2 7 8 6 5 2 7 8 6 5 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 27 865 U1 RU 27 865 U1 RU 27 865 U1 RU 27 865 U1 RU 27 865 U1 RU 27 865 U1 RU 27 865 U1 RU 27 865 U1 RU 27 865 U1 RU 27 865 U1

10-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000034406U1

1. Излучатель акустический скважинный, содержащий пьезопреобразователи из пьезокерамических шайб, расположенные в металлических герметичных корпусах, отличающийся тем, что пьезопреобразователи попарно размещены в нескольких, не менее двух, несущих корпусах, выдерживающих внешнее скважинное давление, корпуса соединены в единую герметичную конструкцию с помощью металлических катушек, имеющих на концах резьбу и не менее двух уплотняющих элементов радиального типа, при этом пьезопреобразователи имеют на концах изолирующие накладки, причем накладки выполнены из того же материала, что и пьезокерамические шайбы, пьезопреобразователи размещены в тонкостенной трубке из электроизоляционного материала и имеют внутренний центральный канал для прокладки электрических проводов, проходящих сквозь полые электроизоляционные разрезные втулки, установленные с торцев пьезопреобразователей, которые одновременно служат для центрирования пьезопреобразователей в корпусах, причем корпуса и катушки имеют внешнюю кольцевую проточку, расположенную симметрично относительно их центра и обеспечивающую дисковидную форму характеристики направленности акустического излучения. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что внешняя кольцевая проточка на корпусах и катушках выполнена в виде направленных навстречу друг другу двух конических поверхностей с углом при вершине конуса 50-130°, соединенных цилиндрическим участком. 3. Устройство по пп.1 и 2, отличающееся тем, что внешняя кольцевая проточка на корпусах и катушках выполнена в виде поверхности тела вращения, у которого ось вращения совпадает с продольной осью корпуса и катушки. 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что на наружной поверхности корпуса выполнены кольцевые канавки глубиной не более 1/5 толщины стенки корпуса. 5. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что пьезопреобразователи состоят из набора не менее чем четырех продольно-поляризованных электрически соединенных параллельно пьезокерамических шайб, причем не менее двух шайб имеют ...

20-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000130292U1

1. Комплекс телеуправляемого необитаемого подводного аппарата, содержащий установленную на обеспечивающем судне бортовую часть, соединенную кабель-тросом с забортной подводной частью, и включающий надводный модуль, содержащий блок отображения информации, блок питания, блок обработки гидроакустической информации, блок отображения видео- и гидроакустической информации, пульт управления, антенну системы подводного позиционирования, кабель-трос на кабельной вьюшке с токосъемником, подводная часть комплекса выполнена в виде модуля телеуправляемого подводного аппарата, который содержит несущую раму с блоком плавучести, подводная часть оснащена телекамерами, источниками освещения и маяком-ответчиком системы подводного позиционирования, гидролокатором, навигационным блоком, распределительным блоком, движителями, манипулятором, отличающийся тем, что подводная часть содержит, по меньшей мере, пять движителей, горизонтальные движители расположены по векторной схеме, наклонную платформу, содержащую, по меньшей мере, одну видеокамеру и/или светильник, подводная часть содержит, по меньшей мере, две видеокамеры. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что комплекс имеет режимы удержания заданного курса и глубины. 3. Устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что комплекс имеет режим удержания расстояния аппарата до дна. 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что элементы пульта управления работают в одном режиме. 5. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что рама выполнена неметаллической. 6. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что подводная часть содержит, по меньшей мере, один двух- и более степенной манипулятор. 7. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что подводная часть имеет интерфейсы RS232, RS485 и Ethernet. 8. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что используется электрооптический кабель для соединения бортовой и подводной частей комплекса. 9. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что распределительный блок подводной части комплекса содержит блок питания, коммутационно-защитную ...

10-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000136416U1

Глубоководный фототелевизионный комплекс, содержащий бортовой модуль, установленный на судне-носителе, и подводный модуль, причем бортовой модуль выполнен в виде соединенных линиями связи блоков электроники и телеметрии, управления и регистрации, блока обработки и интерпретации данных, включающего в себя фильтр присоединения бортового модуля к подводному модулю, при этом блоки электроники и телеметрии, управления и регистрации выполнены на базе персональных компьютеров с мониторами и с соответствующим программным обеспечением, а подводный модуль содержит телекамеру и цифровую фотокамеру, расположенные в прочных корпусах с иллюминаторами и подключенные к блоку электроники, блок телеметрии, снабженный модемом связи, и источник освещения, содержащий, по крайней мере, два светодиодных светильника заливающего света и импульсный светильник (лампу-вспышку), и дополнительно оборудован альтиметром и датчиком крена-дифферента, подключенными к блоку электроники, отличающийся тем, что блок электроники и блок телеметрии подводного модуля размещены в отдельных прочных корпусах, в подводный модуль введены масштабирующие элементы в виде источников лазерного излучения с собственным блоком питания, позволяющих однозначно определить отстояние и наклон снимаемых объектов относительно телекамеры, а также отстояние и наклон подводного модуля комплекса относительно грунта, подводный модуль снабжен, по меньшей мере, одной дополнительной лампой-вспышкой, улучшающей световые характеристики при проведении подводной съемки, блок телеметрии подводного модуля содержит плату видеозахвата, которая предназначена для оцифровки аналогового видеосигнала, фотокамера и телекамера оснащены дополнительными источниками питания, иллюминатор прочного корпуса телекамеры выполнен полусферическим, прочные корпуса телекамеры и блока телеметрии оснащены датчиками затекания. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 136 416 U1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000155916U1

Лидарный комплекс комбинационного рассеяния для подводного поиска углеводородов, содержащий источник лазерного излучения на нескольких длинах волн и расположенный в непосредственной близости от него приемный оптический телескоп, на оптической оси которого установлен спектрометр и детектор, отличающийся тем, что в качестве детектора используется стробируемая электронно-оптическая камера, установленная за спектрометром на одной оптической оси с приемным телескопом, приемный оптический телескоп снабжен дифракционным оптическим элементом, нанесенным на его заднюю оптическую поверхность, а между спектрометром и стробируемой электронно-оптической камерой установлен светоделитель. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 155 916 U1 (51) МПК G01S 17/88 (2006.01) G01V 8/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014151056/28, 16.12.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.12.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 20.10.2015 Бюл. № 29 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие "Крыловский государственный научный центр" (ФГУП "Крыловский государственный научный центр") (RU) 1 5 5 9 1 6 R U Формула полезной модели Лидарный комплекс комбинационного рассеяния для подводного поиска углеводородов, содержащий источник лазерного излучения на нескольких длинах волн и расположенный в непосредственной близости от него приемный оптический телескоп, на оптической оси которого установлен спектрометр и детектор, отличающийся тем, что в качестве детектора используется стробируемая электронно-оптическая камера, установленная за спектрометром на одной оптической оси с приемным телескопом, приемный оптический телескоп снабжен дифракционным оптическим элементом, нанесенным на его заднюю оптическую поверхность, а между спектрометром и стробируемой электронно-оптической камерой установлен светоделитель. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ЛИДАРНЫЙ КОМПЛЕКС КОМБИНАЦИОННОГО РАССЕЯНИЯ ДЛЯ ПОДВОДНОГО ...

07-09-2020 дата публикации

Детектор нефтяной пленки на водной поверхности

Номер: RU0000199541U1

Полезная модель относится к измерительной технике и касается детектора нефтяной пленки на водной поверхности. Устройство может быть применено для оперативного обнаружения наличия нефтяной пленки на водной поверхности морских, речных и озерных акваторий. Для обнаружения нефтяного загрязнения на поверхности воды детектор облучает исследуемую водную поверхность лазерным излучением с длиной волны 512 нм и регистрирует спектральную характеристику приходящего излучения на приемнике. В качестве приемника излучения - фоточувствительного устройства регистрации в заявленном детекторе используется ПЗС-линейка. Наличие нефтяной пленки определяется исходя из факта совпадения значений интенсивности входящего оптического сигнала на определенных заранее длинах волн со значениями интенсивности характерного спектра флуоресценции заданного нефтепродукта. Конструктивно детектор выполнен в корпусе, содержащем оптику систем возбуждения и регистрации флуоресценции, электронику управления. Детектор предназначен для установки на беспилотный летательный аппарат, снабжен независимым источником питания и радиомодулем для организации дистанционного управления прибором. И 1 199541 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ‘’” 4199 541? 91 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ МЕЭК Восстановление действия патента Дата, с которой действие патента восстановлено: 26.01.2022 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 26.01.2022 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 26.01.2022 Бюл. №3 Стр.: 1 па ручбб ЕП

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Infrared sensor, electronic device, and manufacturing method of infrared sensor

Номер: US20120049067A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

The present invention aims to reduce a size and improve quality of an infrared sensor. An infrared sensor ( 203 ) according to the present invention includes a substrate ( 202 ) and an infrared detection element ( 201 ). A principal surface of the substrate ( 202 ) includes a convex shape. The infrared detection element ( 201 ) is formed over the principal surface including the convex shape of the substrate ( 202 ). Further, as for the infrared detection element ( 201 ), an entire light-receiving surface includes a planar shape. Then, it can be the small-sized infrared sensor ( 203 ) with improved quality.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Method for detecting a covered dielectric object

Номер: US20120049863A1
Принадлежит: Rohde and Schwarz GmbH and Co KG

The invention relates to a method for detecting a covered dielectric object, where a microwave signal that can be modified in frequency is generated at a particular bandwidth and transmitted in the direction of the covered dielectric object. The microwave signal reflected by the object is then obtained from the three-dimensional measurement result in a lateral, two-dimensional pattern, a highest signal amplitude and a second-highest signal amplitude within a particular time period before or after the received microwave signal is identified in a plurality of pattern points of the pattern. The object is detected if an accumulation of pattern points of the pattern is present, in which the difference in each case between the highest and the second highest signal amplitude of the received microwave signal is less than a defined threshold value.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Proximity sensor with motion detection

Номер: US20120092254A1

A proximity sensor with movement detection is provided. The proximity sensor may provide a navigation function in response to movement of an object. The proximity sensor includes a driver operable to generate a current to a plurality of light sources in a particular timing sequence, a photo detector configured to receive light and generate an output signal, a controller configured to report the movement of an object near the proximity sensor if the output signal pattern generated matches one of the output signal patterns from among a set of known output signal patterns. The proximity sensor may be configured to provide a navigation operation when an object moves near the proximity sensor.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for Identifying Materials Using Dielectric Properties through Active Millimeter Wave Illumination

Номер: US20120256777A1
Принадлежит: US Department of Homeland Security

Described herein is a method by which active millimeter wave radiation may be used to detect and identify the composition of concealed metallic, concealed non-metallic, concealed opaque or concealed semi-transparent materials based on their optical properties. By actively radiating a semi-transparent target anomaly with multiple millimeter wave radiation frequencies, the dielectric properties of the target anomaly can be identified. The dielectric properties of the target anomaly may then be compared to a library of dielectric properties attributed to semi-transparent materials of interest. This method will allow active millimeter wave radiation technology to identify the likely composition of targeted semi-transparent materials through absorption and illumination measurements attributed to the dielectric properties of the targeted composition.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Modular Light Curtain and Optical Unit For A Light Curtain

Номер: US20120267516A1
Автор: Carl MEINHERZ
Принадлежит: Cedes Safety and Automation AG

The present invention relates to a light curtain that comprises at least one first optical unit having a plurality of light emitting elements and light receiving elements and at least one second optical unit having a plurality of light emitting elements and light receiving elements, wherein said light emitting elements and light receiving elements are operable to form a light grid from a plurality of light barriers formed between opposing light emitting elements and light receiving elements. The first and second optical unit each comprise a transceiver unit carrying said plurality of light emitting elements and light receiving elements, and at least one separate detachable plug-in module, said first and second transceiver units being identically built and said first and second plug-in modules differing from each other in order to define the functionality of the first optical unit and the second optical unit, respectively.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Image Analysis for Disposal of Explosive Ordinance and Safety Inspections

Номер: US20120294483A1
Автор: Dietmar VOGELMANN

Hazardous objects in the field of explosives ordnance disposal or safety controls are identified using a sensor and image data generating arrangement and a comparison unit. The sensor and image data generating arrangement examines the object and produces an image thereof, which is compared by the comparison unit to known stored reference images. These reference images are digital images of reference objects. In this manner safety controls and explosives ordnance disposals can be organized safely and efficiently.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Immersion probe using ultraviolet and infrared radiation for multi-phase flow analysis

Номер: US20130016336A1
Автор: Cheng-Gang Xie
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

A system and method for determining characteristics of a multiphase flow in a well/pipe are disclosed. The disclosed system and method use an optical immersion probe including a flow gap across which two or more types of radiation are transmitted in order to measure absorptions of two or more substances within the multiphase flow. Primarily, broadband ultraviolet (UV) and/or near infrared radiations (NIR) are utilized with the probe to gather absorption data at and/or around at least one of the water peaks and at and/or around one or more oil or oil-condensate peaks. This data may be utilized to calculate the water-cut of the multiphase flow over a wider range of gas volume fractions. Additionally, pressure ports having pressure sensors being located on the optical immersion probe for determining the impact pressures and flow rates of different phases of the multiphase flow may also be used.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Portable Electronic Device

Номер: US20130039539A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

A portable electronic device includes a light source, which includes at least one luminescence diode and emits light during operation. The portable electronic device also includes a device for detecting an object in the beam path of the light emitted by the light source during operation. The device is designed to reduce the luminous flux of the light emitted by the light source during operation if the object is identified for a minimum duration within a minimum distance from the light source in the beam path.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130069819A1
Принадлежит: Elbit Systems Ltd.

A system and a method of generating a three-dimensional terrain model using one-dimensional interferometry of a rotating radar unit is provided herein. Height information is evaluated from phase differences between two echoes by applying a Kalman filter in relation to a phase confidence map that is generated from phase forward projections relating to formerly analyzed phase data. The radar system starts from a flat earth model and gathers height information of the actual terrain as the platform approaches it. Height ambiguities are corrected by removing redundant 2π multiples from the unwrapped phase difference between the echoes. 1. A radar system comprising: (i) a transmitter antenna arranged to transmit, cyclically around the rotation axis and sequentially such as to cover a 360° azimuth angle around the rotation axis, a plurality of radar signals, each having a spatial angle comprising a range of off-axis angles and a range of azimuth angles; and', '(ii) a first and a second receiver antennas, separated along the rotation axis, and arranged to receive, for substantially each radar signal a first and a second echo, respectively; and, 'a radar unit arranged to rotate around a rotation axis in respect to a moving platform, the radar unit comprising (a) co-register the second echo in relation to positional data of the platform;', '(b) generate an interferogram of the first echo and the co-registered second echo;', '(c) apply a Kalman filter to the interferogram in relation to a phase confidence map such as to calculate an unwrapped phase difference between the first and the second echo;', '(d) calculate an off-axis angle from the unwrapped phase;', '(e) derive, from the calculated off-axis angle, height information associated with the corresponding spatial angle of the radar signal;', '(f) calculate, from the off-axis angle, a phase forward projection; and', '(g) update the phase confidence map with the phase forward projection,, 'a processor connected to the ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Long Distance Optical Fiber Sensing System and Method

Номер: US20130081472A1
Автор: Huffman John Sinclair
Принадлежит: AT&T Intellectual Property I, L.P.

A long-distance fiber optic monitoring system having a sensing unit and an analyzer that is remotely located from the sensing unit is provided. The sensing unit comprises a source of optical energy for injecting optical energy into the fiber optical cable and an optical detector configured to detect an optical return signal from the optical fiber. The detected optical return signal is associated with an acoustic signal impinging on the optical fiber. The analyzer receives a signal from the remote sensing unit via the optical fiber that is representative of the optical return signal, and determines a location of a disturbance based at least on the received signal. The representative signal can be transmitted from the remote sensing unit to the analyzer as an optical signal or via a metallic wired included with the optical fiber. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of determining locations of acoustic disturbances of an optical fiber , the method comprising:receiving, from a remote sensing unit via an optical fiber deployed in a multi-dimensional layout, a first plurality of signals representative of a first plurality of optical return signals at respective first plurality of times, wherein the first plurality of optical return signals are associated with acoustic disturbances impinging on the optical fiber; anddetermining, based on the multi-dimensional layout, a plurality of locations of the acoustic disturbance based on the first plurality of signals.22. The method of claim 21 , further comprising:injecting optical energy into the optical fiber at the remote sensing unit, and wherein the optical energy injected into the optical fiber has a wavelength that is different from a wavelength of the first plurality of signals.23. The method of claim 21 , further comprising:determining one of a path of travel and a velocity of motion based on the plurality of locations of the acoustic disturbances.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein the remote sensing unit is located under water ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Triggering light grid and method for determining the position of containers

Номер: US20130083330A1
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

A triggering light grid and a method for registering the position of containers and/or for checking their alignment on a conveyance path. Due to the fact that a plurality of light barriers provided at different height levels with respect to the conveyance path and having light sources that can be activated separately of one another and a shared housing are provided, as is a triggering unit for the generation of control signals on the basis of output signals of the light barriers, different container types can be registered by reprogramming the triggering light grid without mechanical adjustment of the same.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130088360A1

An optical monitoring system includes a sensor network including a plurality of optical sensors. The optical switch module is disposed on a first side of a pressure barrier, coupled to the sensor network, and operable to select various subsets of the optical sensors responsive to a control signal. The sensor interrogation unit is disposed on a second side of the pressure barrier and operable to generate the control signal and receive an optical signal from a particular subset of the sensor elements selected by the optical switch module. The optical penetrator is coupled to the interrogation unit and the optical switch module and operable to communicate the optical signal through the pressure barrier. The inductive control unit is operable to inductively communicate the control signal and a power signal to the optical switch module through the pressure barrier. 1. An optical monitoring system , comprising:a sensor network including a plurality of optical sensors;an optical switch module disposed on a first side of a pressure barrier, coupled to the sensor network, and operable to select various subsets of the optical sensors responsive to a control signal;a sensor interrogation unit disposed on a second side of the pressure barrier and operable to generate the control signal and receive an optical signal from a particular subset of the sensor elements selected by the optical switch module;an optical penetrator coupled to the interrogation unit and the optical switch module and operable to communicate the optical signal through the pressure barrier; andan inductive control unit operable to inductively communicate the control signal and a power signal to the optical switch module through the pressure barrier.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the inductive control unit comprises:a transmitting coil disposed on the second side of the pressure barrier; anda receiving coil disposed on the first side of the pressure barrier.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the sensor ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Light Based Communication Port For Use On Downhole Tools

Номер: US20130099935A1

A wellbore measurement instrument includes a housing configured to move along an interior of a wellbore. At least one sensor configured to measure a wellbore parameter is disposed in the housing. A controller disposed in the housing. The controller including at least one of a data storage device and a device to control operation of the at least one sensor. A first optical communications port is disposed in a first aperture in the housing. The first optical communications port includes an electrically operated light source. The first aperture in the housing is sealingly closed by a port plug having an optically transparent window therein. The port plug is configured to resist entry of wellbore fluid into an interior of the housing. 1. A wellbore measurement instrument , comprising:a housing configured to move along an interior of a wellbore;at least one sensor configured to measure a wellbore parameter;controller disposed in the housing, the controller including at least one of a data storage device and a device to control operation of the at least one sensor; anda first optical communications port disposed in a first aperture in the housing, the first optical communications port including an electrically operated light source, the first aperture in the housing sealingly closed by a port plug having an optically transparent window therein, the port plug configured to resist entry of wellbore fluid into an interior of the housing.2. The instrument of wherein the electrically operated light source comprises a light emitting diode.3. The instrument of wherein the light emitting diode comprises a multi-color light emitting diode.4. The instrument of wherein the controller is configured to operate the light source to communicate information in the instrument visually to an instrument operator.5. The instrument of further comprising a second optical communications port disposed in a second aperture in the housing claim 1 , the second optical communications port including a ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130113648A1

Detection systems for scanning regions are disclosed. The detection systems may be used to detect various objects that are, for example, buried in the ground or obscured by being hidden on the body of a person. The detection systems include a sensor head having a continuous wave metal detector (CWMD) coil, radar antennas, and a transceiver electrically connected to a radar. The radar includes a transmit antenna configured to transmit electromagnetic radiation, and a receive antenna configured to sense electromagnetic radiation. 1. An apparatus comprising:a sensor head comprising:a continuous wave metal detector having a transmit coil and a receive coil, anda radar having one or more transmit antennas configured to transmit electromagnetic radiation, and one or more receive antennas configured to sense electromagnetic radiation, a transceiver operatively coupled to the radar, the transceiver being enclosed in a housing,wherein the continuous wave metal detector is configured to transmit and receive radiation in the frequency band between 300 Hz and 180 kHz, andthe radar is configured to transmit and receive radiation in the frequency band between 100 MHz and 8 GHz.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a wand coupled to the sensor head.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the transmit coil is positioned concentric with the receive coil in a dipole configuration.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the one or more transmit antennas and the one or more receive antennas are encircled by the transmit coil and the receive coil.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the transmit coil and the receive coil are arranged in a quadrapole configuration.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the continuous wave metal detector transmits and receives radiation on at least six different frequencies and up to forty-two different frequencies.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the radar comprises one transmit antenna and two or more receive antennas.8. The apparatus of ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135136A1

An imaging system and method in which the system carries out the method which includes the steps of: (a) determining an incident field, (b) using the incident field and a volume integral equation (VIE) to determine a total field, (c) predicting voltage ratio measurement at a receiving antenna by using the volume integral equation (VIE), wherein the VIE includes a vector Green's function, (d) collecting voltage ratio measurements from one or more receiving antennas, and (e) comparing the predicted voltage ratio measurements to the collected voltage ratio measurements to determine one or more properties of the object being evaluated. An S-parameter based inverse scattering method using the vector Green's function and VIE as its core is also described. 1. An imaging method , comprising the steps of:(a) determining an incident field;(b) using the incident field and a volume integral equation (VIE) to determine a total field;(c) predicting voltage ratio measurement at a receiving antenna by using the volume integral equation (VIE), wherein the VIE includes a vector Green's function;(d) collecting voltage ratio measurements from one or more receiving antennas; and(e) comparing the predicted voltage ratio measurements to the collected voltage ratio measurements to determine one or more properties of the object being evaluated.2. The imaging method of claim 1 , wherein step (c) further comprises relating fields to scalars using the vector Green's function.3. The imaging method of claim 1 , wherein step (c) further comprises relating the volume integral equation (VIE) to S-parameters using the vector Green's function.4. The imaging method of claim 1 , wherein the vector Green's function is a kernel within the volume integral equation (VIE).5. The imaging method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of transmitting radiation towards an object prior to step (a).6. An imaging system claim 1 , comprising:at least one transmitting antenna for transmitting probing field ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Gunfire Detection

Номер: US20130139600A1

An apparatus and method for detecting gunfire is provided which uses distributed acoustic sensing to provide the gunfire detection. The method comprises interrogating an optical fibre with electromagnetic radiation to provide a distributed acoustic sensor comprising a plurality of sensing portions of the optical fibre, and analysing a measurement signal from said sensing portions to detect gunfire events. A gunfire event will typically be relatively intense but of short duration and affect multiple sensing channels. The method may detect a characteristic of a muzzle blast and/or a characteristic of pressure wave from a supersonic round and may determine the location of the gunfire and the location at which the round crosses the sensor. 1. A method of gunfire detection , comprising:interrogating an optical fibre with electromagnetic radiation to provide a distributed acoustic sensor comprising a plurality of sensing portions of the optical fibre; andanalysing a measurement signal from said sensing portions to detect an acoustic event characteristic of gunfire.23-. (canceled)4. A method according to claim 1 , further comprisingdetermining an evolution of the measurement signal along the length of the optical fibre portions to detect an acoustic event characteristic of gunfire.5. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising:analysing the frequency of the acoustic disturbance to detect a spectral characteristic of gunfire to distinguish the acoustic disturbance from other acoustic events.6. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the measurement signal is determined to be an acoustic event characteristic of gunfire if the intensity of the is substantially larger than the background noise and the duration of the acoustic event is relatively short.7. A method according to claim 1 , the method further comprising identifying acoustic signatures associated with non-gunfire events.8. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising applying one or more filters based ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Detection of Moving Objects

Номер: US20130151203A1

A system for moving object () detection is provided, the system comprising a fibre optic interrogator () adapted to provide distributed acoustic sensing on a optic fibre (), for example arranged along a border. The measurement signals from each of a plurality of sensing portions () of said fibre are analysed to determined a characteristic of a Doppler shift. The characteristic of a Doppler shift may be a generally continuous decrease in detected frequency. By detecting the time at which the rate of change of frequency is at a maximum for each of the sensing portions the time of closest approach (ti, t, tt, t) of the object to those sensing portions can be determined with the sensing portion the object approaches closest to showing the greatest value of maximum rate of change of frequency. The distance of closest approach and velocity can be determined. 1. A distributed acoustic sensor apparatus comprising:an interrogator unit for, in use, interrogating an optical fibre with optical radiation and producing a measurement signal indicative of incident acoustic signals from each of a plurality of sensing portions of said optical fibre; anda processor configured to analyse said measurement signals to identify a signal characteristic of a Doppler shift so as to detect a moving object.2. (canceled)3. An apparatus as claimed in wherein said characteristic of a Doppler shift comprises a decrease in the frequency of detected signal at a particular sensing portion of optical fibre over time.4. (canceled)5. An apparatus as claimed in wherein said characteristic of a Doppler shift comprises detection of signals of different frequency at different sensing portions of the optical fibre which are spatially separated.6. An apparatus as claimed in wherein the processor is configured to analyse the characteristic of a Doppler shift to detect the range and/or location of the object relative to the sensing fibre.7. An apparatus as claimed in wherein the processor is configured to ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Optical Proximity Sensing

Номер: US20130153755A1
Принадлежит: Nokia Corporation

An optical proximity sensor module including a housing; an integrated light emitter configured to emit light; a diffractive optical element positioned in front of the light emitter and configured to direct light emitted by the light emitter towards a target volume in front of the diffractive optical element; and an integrated light detector configured to detect light reflected from a proximal object at the target volume. 133-. (canceled)34. An optical proximity sensor system comprising:a light emitter configured to emit light;a diffractive optical element positioned in front of the light emitter and configured to direct light emitted by the light emitter towards a target volume in front of the diffractive optical element; anda light detector configured to detect light reflected from a proximal object at the target volume, andwherein the optical proximity sensor system is configured to direct light emitted by the light emitter through an apparatus housing comprising at least one aperture and the target volume in front of the diffractive optical element is located in front of the aperture at an exterior of the apparatus housing.35. An optical proximity sensor system as claimed in claim 34 , wherein a cross-sectional area of the emitted light increases as it travels towards the diffractive optical element and a cross-sectional area of the directed light decreases as it is travels away from the diffractive optical element.36. An optical proximity sensor system as in claim 34 , wherein the light emitter emits light which is distributed about a mean emission vector and the diffractive optical element is configured to direct the emitted light such that the directed light is distributed about a mean directed vector claim 34 , wherein the mean directed vector has an angular deviation from the mean emission vector in a direction towards the light detector.37. An optical proximity sensor system as claimed in claim 34 , wherein the target volume is positioned over a point that ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153756A1

An information acquiring device is provided with a laser light source, a diffractive optical element which is disposed in such a direction as to be away from an optical axis of the laser light source, a photodetector which is disposed to face the diffractive optical element with respect to the optical axis, and an optical path separating portion which guides laser light emitted from the laser light source to the diffractive optical element, and guides the laser light reflected on the diffractive optical element to the photodetector. The diffractive optical element irradiates a target area with the laser light having a predetermined pattern. The photodetector receives a part of the laser light diffracted and reflected on the diffractive optical element. 1. An information acquiring device for acquiring information on a target area using light , comprising:a laser light source;a diffractive optical element which is disposed in such a direction as to be away from an optical axis of the laser light source;a photodetector which is disposed to face the diffractive optical element with respect to the optical axis; andan optical path separating portion which guides laser light emitted from the laser light source to the diffractive optical element, and guides the laser light reflected on the diffractive optical element to the photodetector, whereinthe diffractive optical element irradiates the target area with the laser light having a predetermined pattern, andthe photodetector receives a part of the laser light diffracted and reflected on the diffractive optical element.2. The information acquiring device according to claim 1 , whereinthe optical path separating portion has a polarized beam splitter which reflects the laser light emitted from the laser light source, and a quarter wave plate which is disposed between the diffractive optical element and the polarized beam splitter.3. The information acquiring device according to claim 1 , whereinthe optical path separating ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167628A1
Принадлежит: Hifi Engineering Inc.

The present disclosure is directed at methods, apparatuses, and techniques for detecting an acoustic event along a channel. Different wavelengths of an optical signal are multiplexed along a fiber optic strand extending along the channel. The strand has groups of transducers located along its length, and all of the transducers in any one of the groups reflect a tuned wavelength when not under strain. The wavelength that the transducers reflect changes in response to strain. Optical signal processing equipment receives reflected optical signals from the groups of transducers, and determines, for each of the groups of transducers, differences between wavelengths of the optical signals reflected by the transducers of that group and the tuned wavelength for that group. The differences correspond to the loudness of the event measured by that group of transducers, which can then be graphically represented to a person for analysis. 1. A method for detecting an acoustic event along a channel , the method comprising:(a) multiplexing different wavelengths of an optical signal along a fiber optic strand extending along the channel that has groups of transducers located along its length, wherein all of the transducers in any one of the groups reflect a tuned wavelength when not under strain and wherein the wavelength reflected by any one of the transducers changes in response to strain experienced by that transducer;(b) receiving reflected optical signals from the groups of transducers;(c) determining, for each of the groups of transducers, differences between wavelengths of the optical signals reflected by the transducers of that group and the tuned wavelength for that group, wherein the differences correspond to the loudness of the event measured by that group of transducers; and(d) graphically representing the loudness of the event measured by each of the groups of transducers.2. A method as claimed in wherein none of the tuned wavelengths of any of the groups of transducers ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168543A1
Принадлежит: William Marsh Rice University

A transport of plasmonic particles through a mineral formation is analyzed by flowing a plasmonic particles solution through an immobile phase (e.g., a mineral formation), determining an absorbance of the plasmonic particles solution subsequent to flowing the plasmonic particles solution through the immobile phase, comparing the determined absorbance of the plasmonic particles solution with an absorbance of the plasmonic particles solution determined previous to flowing the plasmonic particles solution through the immobile phase, and determining an absorbance of the plasmonic particles to the immobile phase as a function of the comparison. The plasmonic particles solution may be produced by dissolving or suspending plasmonic particles in a mobile phase. Flowing the plasmonic particles solution through the immobile phase may include injecting the plasmonic particles solution into the immobile phase, and then flushing the plasmonic particles solution through the immobile phase. 1. A method for analyzing a transport of plasmonic particles through a mineral formation comprising an immobile phase , wherein the method comprises:(a) dissolving or suspending plasmonic particles in a mobile phase to form a plasmonic particles solution;(b) flowing the plasmonic particles solution through the immobile phase;(c) determining an absorbance of the plasmonic particles solution, wherein the determining occurs subsequent to flowing the plasmonic particles solution through the immobile phase;(d) comparing the determined absorbance of the plasmonic particles solution with an absorbance of the plasmonic particles solution determined previous to flowing the plasmonic particles solution through the immobile phase; and(e) determining an absorbance of the plasmonic particles to the immobile phase as a function of the comparison of the determined absorbance of the plasmonic particles solution with the absorbance of the plasmonic particles solution determined previous to flowing the plasmonic ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169466A1
Автор: Frederick Thomas J.

A radio frequency (RF) metal detector and an electronic article surveillance (EAS) system are disclosed. The RF metal detector in example embodiments transmits an RF signal. A receiver measures the power and phase of the signal as reflected from metallic objects in an interrogation zone. The RF metal detector can be deployed in a combined system that performs multiple functions. For example, the RF metal detector can be integrated with an EAS system that also sends RFID commands and receives RFID responses. In some embodiments the metal detector can discriminate between moving metal objects and stationary metal objects, and/or discriminate between objects in the interrogation zone and objects outside the interrogation zone. An antenna or antennas can be connected in a mono-static or bi-static configuration and the phase and power signals can be either DC-coupled or AC-coupled into the system through a mixer. 1. A metal detector comprising:a transmitter to transmit a continuous wave incident radio frequency (RF) signal;a receiver to receive a reflected RF signal; anda processor connected to the transmitter and the receiver, wherein the processor is operable to detect metal objects by processing at least a portion of the reflected RF signal.2. The metal detector of further comprising an antenna connected to the transmitter and the receiver.3. The metal detector of wherein the antenna further comprises a plurality of antennas.4. The metal detector of wherein the processor is further operable to discriminate between moving metal objects and stationary metal objects using phase and power measurements of the reflected RF signal received by the plurality of antennas over time.5. The metal detector of wherein the plurality of antennas can be arranged on different sides of an interrogation zone and the processor is operable to use the plurality of antennas when so arranged to discriminate between objects in the interrogation zone and objects outside the interrogation zone.6. ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Imaging device and method for imaging hidden objects

Номер: US20130176309A1
Автор: Mikel SARKIS
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An imaging device that segments a data set into one or more data sub-sets, each data sub-set comprising a plurality of measurement values of one or more neighboring spots; determines, per pixel, costs for the measurement values acquired at a position corresponding to a position of the pixel determines a pixel value for a pixel by determining a label value from a set of label values; and selects the measurement value at the spot indicated by the determined label as the pixel value.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187033A1
Автор: Koeppe Robert

A light curtain for the optical detection of shading objects in an area to be monitored, wherein the area to be monitored is repeatedly swept over by a collimated light beam of variable direction. The power of the light crossing the area is measured, shadow boundaries, position and size of a shading object are deduced by an evaluating control from the temporal profile of the measured power with knowledge of the temporal profile of the direction of the light beam. An optical detector area embodied as a planar optical waveguide is arranged along the edge of the area to be monitored, photoluminescent particles being integrated into said optical detector area and one or more photoelectric sensors being fitted to the optical detector area. Using the light curtain, shading objects can be detected with very good resolution, the light curtain can be robust and can have a low production cost. 1. A light curtain for the optical detection of shading objects in an area to be monitored , the area to be monitored being repeatedly swept by a collimated light beam of variable direction from a light source , the power of the light that traverses the area being measured , the shadow boundaries , and thus the position and size of a shading object , being deduced by an evaluating control from the temporal profile of the measured power through the use of knowledge of the temporal profile of the direction of the light beam ,whereinfor the purpose of measuring the power of the light traversing the area there is arranged at the edge of the area to be monitored an optical detector surface which can measure the power of the light beam emitted by a light source, the optical detector surface being a planar optical waveguide in which photoluminescent particles are integrated and on which there are fitted one or more photoelectric sensors which are capable of decoupling light from the waveguide mode, and thereby of generating an electrical signal whose intensity is a function of that of the ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Fiber optic formation dimensional change monitoring

Номер: US20130188168A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

Fiber optic monitoring of dimensional changes within a subterranean formation includes deploying a fiber optic cable assembly in a wellbore and attaching the cable assembly to first and second attachment points on either side of the formation. A surface fiber optic measurement system measures changes in the optical path length between the attachment points of the fiber optic cable assembly. The changes in optical path length are directly indicative of dimensional changes within the formation.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193323A1
Принадлежит: OPTEX CO., LTD.

An infrared security sensor device includes a light projector A, B having a projecting light power control unit for controlling the light receiving sensitivity of a light receiver A, B by switching a light projecting power thereof to one of a plurality of steps in dependence on the level of a detection signal and a status determining unit for determining an optical axis adjusting time and an alert time. The light projector A, B is further provided with an adjustment selecting sector capable of selecting one of the manual and automatic adjusting sectors and such that during the optical axis adjustment the light projecting power can be manually adjusted by the manual adjusting sector 1. An infrared security sensor device for detecting a change in a detection signal level , caused by the interception of infrared rays of light , to detect an object and then issuing a warning , which sensor device comprises:a light projector for projecting infrared rays of light for object detection purpose;a light receiver for receiving the projected infrared rays of light and then outputting a detection signal; andan optical axis adjusting unit for adjusting a projecting light direction of the light projector and a receiving light direction of the light receiver;in which the light projector comprises a light projecting power control unit for controlling the light receiving sensitivity of the light receiver by switching the light projecting power of such light projector to one of a plurality of steps on the basis of the level of the detection signal and a status determining unit for determining one of an optical axis adjustment status and an alarm status;in which the light projecting power control unit includes a manual adjusting sector and for manually adjusting the switching of the steps of the light projecting power during an optical axis adjustment and an automatic adjusting sector for automatically adjusting the switching of the steps of the light projecting power during the ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200254A1

A presence detection system () for detecting a living being () within an area (). The area () comprises at least two zones (A;B). The system () in total comprises at least two light sources (A;B) each of them having a different predefined spectrum and each of them radiating light in a different zone (A;B). The system comprises at least two sensing means (A;B) sensitive to light of the first predefined spectrum and the second predefined spectrum respectively. Each of the sensing means (A;B) is arranged for detecting light reflected from the living being () if present in the zone (A;B) of the area () and for generating a presence signal (A;B) based on detected light. The system comprises a processor device () that concludes the presence of the living being () within the area () in a zone wise way based on the presence signals. Such presence detection system provides relatively precise presence detection. The invention also relates to a lighting system comprising the above mentioned presence detection system (). 1. A presence detection system for detecting a living being within an area comprising at least two zones , the system comprising:at least two light sources each of them having a different predefined spectrum, a first spectrum and a second spectrum, and each of them radiating light in a different zone, andat least two sensing means sensitive to light of the first predefined spectrum and the second predefined spectrum respectively, wherein each of the sensing means is arranged for detecting light reflected from the living being if present in the zone of the area and for generating a presence signal based on detected light,a processor device for concluding the presence of the living being within the area based on the presence signals.2. The presence detection system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sensing means comprises a photo sensor sensitive to the light of the predefined spectrum.3. The presence detection system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sensing ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201484A1
Принадлежит: US Seismic Systems, Inc.

An optical detection system. The optical detection system includes a host node having (a) an optical source for generating optical signals, and (b) an optical receiver. The optical detection system also includes a plurality of fiber optic sensors for converting at least one of vibrational and acoustical energy to optical intensity information, each of the fiber optic sensors having: (1) at least one length of optical fiber configured to sense at least one of vibrational and acoustical energy; (2) a reflector at an end of the at least one length of optical fiber; and (3) a field node for receiving optical signals from the host node, the field node transmitting optical signals along the at least one length of optical fiber, receiving optical signals back from the at least one length of optical fiber, and transmitting optical signals to the optical receiver of the host node. 1. An optical detection system comprising:a host node including (a) an optical source for generating optical signals, and (b) an optical receiver; anda plurality of fiber optic sensors for converting at least one of vibrational and acoustical energy to optical intensity information, each of the fiber optic sensors including: (1) at least one length of optical fiber configured to sense at least one of vibrational and acoustical energy; (2) a reflector at an end of the at least one length of optical fiber; and (3) at least one field node for receiving optical signals from the host node, the field node transmitting optical signals along the at least one length of optical fiber, the field node receiving optical signals back from the at least one length of optical fiber, and the field node transmitting optical signals to the optical receiver of the host node.2. The optical detection system of wherein the optical source includes at least one of a light emitting diode and a laser.3. The optical detection system of wherein the optical source includes at least one of a superluminescent light emitting diode ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214124A1
Принадлежит: Leuze Electronic GmbH + Co. KG

The invention relates to a light curtain for detecting objects within a monitored region. The light curtain comprises an arrangement of transmitters that emit light rays, an arrangement of receivers for receiving the light rays, and an evaluation unit. Object detection signals are generated in the evaluation unit in dependence on the receiving signals present at the outputs of the receivers. The light curtain is divided into sub-regions containing a specified number of transmitters and receivers. The individual sub-regions can be adjusted individually through separate parameter settings. A separate evaluation is realized in the evaluation unit for the individual sub-regions. 1. A light curtain for detecting objects within a monitored region , comprising:an arrangement of transmitters for emitting light rays,an arrangement of receivers for receiving the light rays, andan evaluation unit configured to generate object detection signals in dependence on signals present at outputs of the receivers,the light curtain having a plurality of sub-regions, each sub-region having a predetermined number of transmitters and receivers,wherein each sub-region can be adjusted individually through separate parameter settings, andwherein the evaluation unit is further configured to separately evaluate each sub-region.2. The light curtain of claim 1 , wherein the evaluation unit is further configured to generate separate object detection signals for each sub-region.3. The light curtain of claim 1 , wherein the evaluation unit is further configured to link separate results from each sub-region to form complex final results.4. The light curtain of claim 3 , wherein the evaluation unit is further configured to logically link the separate results from each sub-region to form complex final results.5. The light curtain of claim 3 , wherein the evaluation unit is further configured to link the separate results from each sub-region via arithmetic operations.6. The light curtain of claim 3 , ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Light curtain

Номер: US20130214136A1
Принадлежит: Leuze Electronic GmbH and Co KG

A light curtain to detect objects within a monitored region comprises an arrangement of transmitters that emit light rays, an arrangement of receivers for receiving the light rays, and an evaluation unit in which an object detection signal is generated in dependence on signals present at an output of the receivers. The transmitters and the receivers are activated via output lines of an arrangement of computing units, wherein the computing units make it possible to freely select points in time for activating individual transmitters and receivers.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Optical Target Detection

Номер: US20130215218A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

An optically-based target detection system includes a holographic detection filter designed to produce a concentrated spot when a target is present.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221204A1
Принадлежит: Leuze Electronic GmbH + Co. KG

A sensor arrangement comprises an arrangement of light curtains, and a trigger generator which cyclically generates trigger signals. Each trigger signal is transmitted to the light curtains, wherein a measuring operation is started following a delay time in each light curtain as a result of the trigger signal that is received. 1. A sensor arrangement comprising:an arrangement of light curtains;a trigger generator configured to cyclically generate a trigger signal that is supplied to each light curtain; anda storage associated with each light curtain to store a specified delay time so that in response to the trigger signal a measuring operation is started in each light curtain following the specified delay time.2. The sensor arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the trigger generator is configured to generate a trigger signal that comprises a trigger pulse during each cycle time.3. The sensor arrangement of claim 2 , wherein each measuring operation lasts for a specific time period claim 2 , wherein the measuring times for all light curtains fall within a single cycle time.4. The sensor arrangement of claim 3 , wherein the storage associated with each light curtain is included in the respective light curtain.5. The sensor arrangement of claim 4 , wherein the delay times are adjustable parameters.6. The sensor arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the light curtains are arranged electrically to receive each trigger signal in parallel.7. The sensor arrangement of claim 1 , further comprising a line system having lines connecting each light curtain and the trigger generator claim 1 , wherein each light curtain comprises only a single connector for connecting the lines to each light curtain.8. The sensor arrangement according to claim 7 , further comprising an external unit claim 7 , wherein the trigger generator is integrated into the external unit claim 7 , wherein the external unit is independent of the light curtains claim 7 , wherein the connector of each light curtain is an ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221207A1
Принадлежит: SICK AG

The invention relates to a test method for testing the operability of an optical sensor for monitoring a monitored zone in which at least one test object is used which is located in a detection zone of the sensor including the monitored zone. Provision is made in accordance with the invention that the test object is changed during the carrying out of the test method with respect to its position, alignment or its optical properties and produces a test signal when the change cannot be detected in the expected manner. The invention further relates to an optical sensor for monitoring a monitored zone, wherein the test method in accordance with the invention can be used. 11010. A test method for testing the operability of an optical sensor () for monitoring a monitored zone , wherein the sensor () has a receiver for object detection ,{'b': 20', '30', '40', '50', '60', '12', '10, 'wherein at least one test object (, , , , ) is used in the test method and is located in a detection zone () of the sensor () including the monitored zone,'} [{'b': 20', '30', '40', '50', '60', '12, 'the at least one test object (, , , , ) is changed during the carrying out of the test method with respect to its position in the detection zone (), its alignment or its optical properties;'}, {'b': 20', '30', '40', '50', '60, 'the at least one test object (, , , , ) is observed'}, '(i) after the change for comparing with a previous observation and/or', '(ii) during the change', 'with the aid of a detection device; and', 'at least one test signal is produced when the observed change cannot be demonstrated in an expected manner., 'wherein'}210. A test method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the detection device is the receiver of the sensor ().32030405060. A test method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the observation step includes the detection of an optical property of the at least one test object ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ).4. A test method in accordance with claim 3 , ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221208A1

The invention relates to a photoelectric barrier with a transmission device () for the transmission of a beam of electromagnetic radiation along a first path (), a diverter for diverting the transmitted beam of electromagnetic radiation from the first path () onto a second path (), and a reception device () for receiving the beam of electromagnetic radiation, characterized by the fact that the diverter is designed for a diversion that retains the beam's constellation relative to a plane containing the first path () and the second path (). 1. A photoelectric barrier with a transmission device for the transmission of a beam of electromagnetic radiation along a first path , a diverter for diverting the transmitted beam of electromagnetic radiation from the first path onto a second path , and a reception device for receiving the beam of electromagnetic radiation , wherein the diverter is designed for a diversion that retains the beam's constellation relative to a plane containing the first path and the second path.2. The photoelectric barrier according to claim 1 , wherein the beam of electromagnetic radiation is a bundle of beams.3. The photoelectric barrier according to claim 1 , wherein the photoelectric barrier comprises several of the same type of diverter.4. The photoelectric barrier according to claim 1 , wherein the first path and the second path run between a first side and a second side of an area to be monitored claim 1 , and the transmission device and reception device are located on the first side.5. The photoelectric barrier according to claim 1 , Wherein the photoelectric barrier comprises optics claim 1 , which shape the beam.6. The photoelectric barrier according to claim 1 , wherein the transmission device comprises a number of light sources.7. The photoelectric barrier according to claim 1 , Wherein the diverter comprises at least one optical fiber for diverting an electromagnetic beam.8. The photoelectric barrier according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Passive millimeter wave differential interference contrast polarimetry

Номер: US20130229302A1
Принадлежит: Battelle Memorial Institute Inc

Differential polarization imaging systems include an axicon configured to provide a displacement of ray bundles associated with different image patches. The displaced ray bundles are directed to antenna horns and orthomode transducers so as to provide outputs correspond to orthogonal linear states of polarization (SOPs). The outputs are directed to a differential radiometer so that Stokes parameter differences between image patches can be obtained. The ray bundle displacements can be selected to correspond to a mechanical spacing of antenna horns. In some examples, ray bundle displacement corresponds to a displacement less than the diffraction limit.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Magnetic particle based biosensor

Номер: US20130230913A1
Автор: Octavian Florescu
Принадлежит: Silicon Biodevices Inc

A biosensor system and method of its use for detecting particles on the surface of an integrated circuit is disclosed. The system can include a light source and a plurality of optical sensors formed on an integrate circuit. The particles can be positioned the surface of the integrated circuit whereby the particles can cast a shadow or shadows that reduces the amount of light transmitted from the light source to the optical sensors. The surface of the integrated circuit can include one or more optical sensing areas whereby the presence of one or more particles may significantly or measurably reduce the amount of light incident on one or more optical sensor.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248693A1

A particle detection system is provided, including a sensing chamber having an inlet nozzle, an outlet nozzle, and an interrogation zone defined therebetween. Particles in a sampled environmental gas are prevented from escaping the interrogation zone by pressurizing the sensing chamber such that the pressure therein is higher than that in the outlet nozzle. This is accomplished by providing a source of extra gas to the sensing chamber, for example, by diverting gas from an inlet flow path directly to the sensing chamber. 1. A particle detection system for detecting particles in an environmental gas , comprising:a sensing chamber comprising an inlet flow nozzle fluidly coupled to the environmental gas, and an outlet flow nozzle, wherein the inlet flow nozzle and the outlet flow nozzle define an interrogation zone; andan extra flow port located in the sensing chamber remote from the interrogation zone, the extra flow port being fluidly coupled between the sensing chamber and a source of extra gas.2. The particle detection system of claim 1 , further comprising a source of negative pressure fluidly coupled to the outlet flow nozzle and capable of drawing environmental gas through the interrogation zone at a defined sample flow rate.3. The particle detection system of claim 2 , wherein the extra flow port is fluidly coupled to the source of negative pressure through the exit nozzle such that the source of negative pressure is capable of drawing extra gas at a defined extra gas flow rate.4. The particle detection system of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , when the source of negative pressure is in operation claim 3 , the ratio of the extra gas flow rate to the sum of the extra gas flow rate and the sample flow rate exceeds 0.21.5. The particle detection system of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , when the source of negative pressure is in operation claim 3 , the extra gas flow rate equals the sample flow rate.6. The particle detection system of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , when the ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130266039A1

A system for monitoring a borehole in an earth formation includes: a borehole string configured to direct a fluid into the earth formation; at least one optical fiber sensor disposed on the borehole string at a fixed location relative to the borehole string, the optical fiber sensor including a plurality of measurement units configured to generate measurements of at least one of strain and deformation of the borehole string; at least one temperature sensor configured to measure a temperature at a plurality of locations along the length of the optical fiber sensor; and a processor configured to receive the measurements from the at least one optical fiber sensor, receive temperature measurements from the at least one temperature sensor, and identify a fluid leak in at least one of the borehole string and the formation based on a correlation of the optical fiber sensor measurements and the temperature measurements. 1. A system for monitoring a borehole in an earth formation , comprising:a borehole string configured to be disposed within the borehole, the borehole string configured to direct a fluid into the earth formation;at least one optical fiber sensor disposed on the borehole string at a fixed location relative to the borehole string, the optical fiber sensor including a plurality of measurement units disposed therein along a length of the optical fiber sensor, the plurality of measurement units configured to generate measurements of at least one of strain and deformation of the borehole string;at least one temperature sensor configured to measure a temperature at a plurality of locations along the length of the optical fiber sensor; anda processor configured to receive the measurements from the at least one optical fiber sensor, receive temperature measurements from the at least one temperature sensor, and identify a fluid leak in at least one of the borehole string and the formation based on a correlation of the measurements from the at least one optical fiber ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for a Dual Matrix Sensor Array

Номер: US20130270422A1

The subject matter disclosed herein describes an optical sensor used in a safety system. The sensor includes two pixel matrices on a single substrate. Each of the pixel matrices are arranged in a row and column format, and pixels from one matrix are interspersed with pixels from the other matrix such that alternating pixels in each row and column belong to separate matrices. Two sets of selection logic allow each matrix to be enabled separately. Additional monitoring logic is included to detect shorted pixels and/or shorted selection lines. In addition, the frames generated by each pixel array may be compared to detect variation in performance between arrays.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

System comprising a plurality of object detection modules

Номер: US20130270424A1

A system comprises a plurality of object detection modules (SC, SC). An object detection module detects an object from a radiation in a particular wavelength range. The system is operable to cause an object detection module (SC) to operate in a probing master mode (PMM). In this mode, the object detection module (SC) produces a probing radiation (PR) in the particular wavelength range. Another object detection module (SC) is caused to operate in a probing slave mode (PSM). In this mode, the other object detection module (SC) provides an acknowledgment (ACK) in response to receiving the probing radiation (PR). 1. A system (SLS) comprising a plurality of object detection modules , an object detection module (ODM) being arranged to operate in a standard mode in which the object detection module can detect an object from a radiation (RR) in a particular wavelength range and carry out a control depending on detection of an object , the system being operable to cause an object detection module to operate in a probing master mode (PMM) in which this object detection module produces a probing radiation (PR) in the particular wavelength range , and to cause another object detection module to operate in a probing slave mode (PSM) in which this other object detection module provides an acknowledgment (ACK) in response to receiving the probing radiation.2. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the object detection module (ODM) that operates in the probing master mode (PMM) is arranged to concentrate the probing radiation (PR) in at least one of a plurality of different directions claim 1 , the system comprising a controlling entity (CT) arranged to associate a direction into which the probing radiation is concentrated with an acknowledgment (ACK) from another object detection module that operates in the probing slave mode (PSM).336. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the system is operable to cause an object detection module (ODM) that operates in the probing master mode ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Radiation Detector and Method of Using a Radiation Detector

Номер: US20130277544A1

A radiation detector can include a photosensor to receive light via an input and to send an electrical pulse via an output in response to receiving the light. The radiation detector can also include a pulse analyzer to send an indicator to a pulse counter when the electrical pulse corresponds to a scintillation pulse and to not send the indicator to the pulse counter when the electrical pulse corresponds to a noise pulse. The pulse analyzer can be coupled to the output of the photosensor. A method can include receiving an electrical pulse at a pulse analyzer from an output of a photosensor and determining whether the electrical pulse corresponds to a scintillation pulse or a noise pulse, based on a pulse shape of the electrical pulse. The method can also include sending the electrical pulse to a pulse counter when the electrical pulse corresponds to a scintillation pulse. 1. A radiation detector comprising:a photosensor to receive light via an input and to send an electrical pulse via an output in response to receiving the light; anda pulse analyzer to send an indicator to a pulse counter when the electrical pulse corresponds to a scintillation pulse and to not send the indicator to the pulse counter when the electrical pulse corresponds to a noise pulse, wherein the pulse analyzer is coupled to the output of the photosensor.2. The radiation detector of claim 1 , wherein the pulse analyzer is configured to identify the electrical pulse as corresponding to the scintillation pulse or to the noise pulse based on a shape of the electrical pulse.3. The radiation detector of claim 2 , wherein the pulse analyzer includes a digital circuit to analyze a portion of the electrical pulse and to determine whether the electrical pulse corresponds to the scintillation pulse or to the noise pulse.4. The radiation detector of claim 3 , wherein the circuit is configured to identify the electrical pulse as corresponding to the scintillation pulse or to the noise pulse based on ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Method, apparatus, and system for examining optically a sample carried in a plurality of wells

Номер: US20130277545A1
Принадлежит: AQSENS OY

An apparatus and method are disclosed for examining optically a sample carried in a plurality of wells. A holder is adapted to receive and hold in place a sample carrier. A plurality of excitation means selectively introduce excitation towards a spatially limited portion of a sample carrier held in place by said holder. Detecting means receive and detect emission radiation coupled out from a light output window of a sample carrier held in place by said holder. Said detecting means is common to said excitation means and is configured to receive emission radiation from a plurality of different spatially limited portions of a sample carrier held in place by said holder.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278423A1

A detecting device includes at least one transmitter and plural receivers. After the at least one transmitter emits plural incident light beams to a detection zone, plural reflected light beams reflected from the detection zone are received by the plural receivers. If no object is moved within the detection zone, the plural reflected light beams strike a first part of the plural receivers, so that the plural receivers are in an initial reception configuration. If an object is moved within the detection zone, the plural reflected light beams are disturbed by the object and deflected to a second part of the plural receivers, so that the plural receivers are in a disturbed reception configuration. According to the reception configuration change, a moving direction of the object within the detection zone is determined. Consequently, the detecting range is largely enhanced, and the cost is reduced. 1. A detecting device for detecting a detection zone , said detecting device comprising:at least one transmitter for emitting plural incident light beams to said detection zone; andplural receivers for receiving plural reflected light beams which are reflected from said detection zone in response to said plural incident light beams,wherein when said at least one transmitter emits said plural incident light beams to said detection zone at a first time spot, said plural reflected light beams strike a first part of said plural receivers, so that said plural receivers are in an initial reception configuration, wherein when said at least one transmitter emits said plural incident light beams to said detection zone at a second time spot, if an object is moved within said detection zone, said plural reflected light beams strike a second part of said plural receivers in response to a position change of said object, so that said plural receivers are in a disturbed reception configuration, wherein according to said disturbed reception configuration, said detecting device judges that ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130284908A1

An opto-electronic module includes a detecting channel comprising a detecting member for detecting light and an emission channel comprising an emission member for emitting light generally detectable by said detecting member. Therein, a radiation distribution characteristic for an emission of light from said emission channel is non rotationally symmetric; and/or a sensitivity distribution characteristic for a detection in said detecting channel of light incident on said detection channel is non rotationally symmetric; and/or a central or main emission direction for an emission of light from said emission channel and a central or main detection direction for a detection of light incident on said detection channel are aligned not parallel to each other; and/or at least a first one of the channels comprises one or more passive optical components. 1. (canceled)2. A proximity sensor module comprising:a substrate on which are mounted a light emitting device and a light detecting device, wherein the light emitting device has a central axis of emission in a first optical channel and the light detecting device has a central axis of detection in a second optical channel;a plurality of passive optical components in the first optical channel and having respective optical axes that do not coincide with one another; anda plurality of passive optical components in the second optical channel and having respective optical axes that do not coincide with one another.3. The proximity sensor module of wherein the light emitting device is a LED that has a central axis of emission that intersects the passive optical components in the first optical channel claim 2 , and the light detecting device is a photodiode that has a central axis of detection that intersects the passive optical components in the second optical channel.4. The proximity sensor module of wherein the passive optical components in the first optical channel and the passive optical components in the second optical channel ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Motion Detection System and Associated Methods

Номер: US20130292550A1

A lighting system which includes a light source to emit illuminating light and sense reflected light from an environment. The light source may be included in an array to be selectively enabled and disabled by the controller. The array may include a plurality of light sources, each of which may be sensitive to a wavelength respective to each light source, thus providing the array sensitivity to one or more wavelength. Each of the plurality of light sources in the array may be selectively operable between a sensing operation and an emitting operation. The sensing operation may be defined by the light source sensing the environmental light, and the emitting operation being defined by the light source emitting the illuminating light. The controller may selectively operate the light source between the passive operation and the active operation. 1. A lighting system for detecting movement comprising:a first set of light emitting diodes (LEDs);a second set of LEDs;a voltage sensor coupled to an LED of the second set of LEDs defining a coupled LED; anda controller functionally coupled to each of the first and second sets of LEDs;wherein the controller is configured to continuously operate the first set of LEDs to emit light within a field of view of the first and second sets of LEDs;wherein the controller is configured to operate the second set of LEDs in alternating active and passive states;wherein the controller is configured to operate the second set of LEDs to emit light in the active statewherein the controller is configured to operate the second set of LEDs to not emit light in the passive state and maintain a baseline voltage;wherein the voltage sensor is configured to monitor the voltage of the coupled light emitting element during the passive state;wherein the coupled light emitting element is configured to vary the voltage there across upon incidence of light reflected by a target; andwherein a change of voltage from the baseline voltage in the coupled light ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292554A1

An optical module for an optical unit associated with forming a light curtain for monitoring a protective or surveillance field. The optical module includes at least one radiation emitting and/or radiation receiving element for transmitting and/or receiving a radiation beam associated with forming a light curtain. The optical module includes a module body for mounting a radiation transmitter/receiver carrier that carries the at least one transmitting and/or receiving element associated with the radiation beam. The module body has at least one alignment element for aligning the optical module within a support element that forms an outer housing of the optical unit. 1. An optical module for an optical unit of a light curtain monitoring a protective field , said optical module comprising:at least one radiation emitting and/or radiation receiving element for transmitting and/or receiving a radiation beam forming said light curtain;a module body for mounting a radiation transmitter/receiver carrier carrying the at least one transmitting and/or receiving element for transmitting and/or receiving said radiation; andwherein the module body has at least one alignment element for aligning the optical module within a support element forming an outer housing of said optical unit.2. The optical module according to claim 1 , wherein said alignment element further comprises a protrusion extending in a direction along an optical axis of the at least one radiation beam claim 1 , which claim 1 , for mounting the optical module within said support element claim 1 , interacts with an inner surface of the support element extending across to the optical axis of the at least one radiation beam.3. The optical module according to claim 1 , wherein the module body further comprises fixing means for fixing the optical module within said support element.4. The optical module according to claim 3 , wherein said fixing means further comprise at least one resilient snap-in element that co- ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Passive Millimeter Wave Imaging System with Environmental Control for Concealed Object Detection

Номер: US20130307714A1
Принадлежит: MVT Equity LLC

Embodiments of the present innovation relate to a system and technique for passive millimeter wave imaging for concealed object detection. In one arrangement, millimeter wave imaging is provided in conjunction with an environment which is, radiometrically, at a lower temperature than the human subject. In one arrangement, the environment is configured as part of a system wherein the subject may easily pass into the system for scanning and then out of the system. Size of the overall system is minimized. Furthermore, the system includes a structure configured with sufficient strength to withstand reasonable abuse but, at the same time, is substantially transparent to the radiometric wavelengths being employed.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307716A1
Автор: Mohamadi Farrokh

A system includes: a planar antenna array that includes a plurality of right-hand circularly polarized (RHCP) antennas and left-hand circularly polarized (LHCP) antennas in a planar surface or in layers, in which each antenna element includes a spiral plate; a feed network connecting a signal to each of the antennas; and amplifiers dispersed in the feed network configured to provide spatial power combining and beam forming of the signal. A method for detecting concealed objects includes: scanning with a first transmitted signal having a first polarization; receiving reflected signals from the first transmitted signal; scanning with a second transmitted signal having a second polarization different from the first polarization; receiving reflected signals from the second transmitted signal; performing image processing using reflected signals with the first polarization; performing image processing using reflected signals with the second polarization; and combining the image processing from both polarizations to provide enhanced image resolution. 1. A system comprising:a planar antenna array comprising a plurality of right-hand circularly polarized (RHCP) antennas and left-hand circularly polarized (LHCP) antennas in a planar surface, wherein each antenna element includes a spiral plate;a feed network connecting a signal to each of the antennas; anda plurality of amplifiers dispersed in the feed network and configured to provide spatial power combining and beam forming of the signal.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the signal includes a transmitted signal and the amplifiers comprise power amplifiers.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the signal includes a received signal and the amplifiers comprise low noise amplifiers.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system includes:an image processor that combines processing from both RHCP reflected signals and LHCP reflected signals to provide enhanced image resolution.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the planar antenna ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Deployment of fibre optic cables and joining of tubing for use in boreholes

Номер: US20130308894A1
Автор: Head Philip

A Deployment of fibre optic cables and joining of tubing for use in boreholes. A self supporting fibre optic cable () is slidingly deployed in a borehole via a small diameter conduit () which may be perforated to enable distributed sensing over at least part of the length of the cable. The cable may comprise a casing made from plural concentric tubular steel layers with aligned perforations. In another embodiment, a cable is deployed via wellhead valving and suspended from a fixture comprising a pulley assembly located beneath the valving. The pulley assembly takes up slack in the cable when the upper end of the cable is released, allowing the cable to fall through the valving so that the valving can be closed. The upper end of the cable includes a termination which is located by the fixture so that it can be retrieved. In an other embodiment, two concentric tubing portions are joined by forming dimples in the inner tubing portion which extend into holes the outer tubing portion. 1. A distributed sensing system in a borehole , comprising:a conduit arranged in the borehole, anda self supporting fibre optic cable slidably disposed in the conduit;wherein the fibre optic cable is arranged to sense a parameter to be measured at a plurality of points in a measurement region extending along at least a part of a length of the cable, andthe conduit is perforated in the measurement region.2. A distributed sensing system according to claim 1 , wherein the conduit has an internal diameter not more than three times an external diameter of the cable.3. A distributed sensing system according to claim 1 , wherein the conduit has an internal diameter not more than twice an external diameter of the cable.4. A distributed sensing system according to claim 1 , wherein the conduit is fixed to tubing in the borehole so that the tubing supports the conduit.5. A distributed sensing system according to claim 1 , wherein the conduit forms part of a sandscreen.6. A distributed sensing system ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130311095A1

An apparatus for estimating a property includes a hollow core tube and an input light guide disposed at least partially within hollow core tube. The apparatus also includes a second gap disposed within the hollow core tube and separated from the input light guide by an air gap width. The second gap is formed of a first solid material and has a second gap width. The apparatus also includes a third gap disposed at least partially within the hollow core tube and being further from the input light guide than the second gap. The third gap is formed of a second solid material and has a third gap width. 1. A computer based method for estimating a property , the method comprising:receiving at a computing device a series of data values based on an amplitude of reflected light from a sensor that includes an air gap, a second gap and a third gap;providing an estimate of a width of the air gap, an estimate of a width of the second gap, and an estimate of a width of the third gap to a curve fitting algorithm on the computing device;receiving intermediate gap widths for the second and third gaps;verifying the intermediate gap width for the third gap to create a verified third gap width; andproviding a revised estimate of the width of the air gap to the curve fitting algorithm, the revised estimate being based on the verified third gap.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein verifying includes:in the event that the intermediate gap width for the third gap is within a predefined range, setting the verified third gap equal to the intermediate gap width for the third gap;otherwise, adding or subtracting a preset value to the intermediate gap width until the intermediate gap width is within the predefined range and then setting the verified third gap equal to the intermediate gap width for the third gap.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the predefined range is less than a fringe order of the light applied to sensor.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the preset value is less than half of ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130314711A1
Принадлежит: LEDDARTECH INC.

A method for detecting an object using light comprises providing a light source having a function of illuminating an environment. The light source is driven to emit light in a predetermined mode, with light in the predetermined mode being emitted such that the light source maintains said function of illuminating an environment. A reflection/backscatter of the emitted light is received from an object. The reflection/backscatter is filtered over a selected wavelength range as a function of a desired range of detection from the light source to obtain a light input. The presence or position of the object is identified with the desired range of detection as a function of the light input and of the predetermined mode. 1. A method for detecting an object using light , comprising:obtaining a light source having a function of illuminating an environment;driving the light source to emit light in a pulse-width modulation, such that the light source maintains said function of illuminating an environment;receiving a reflection/backscatter of the emitted light from an object;identifying rapid transients in the reflection/backscatter received; andcalculating a distance of the object from the rapid transients received and rapid transients from the pulse-width modulation.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein providing the light source comprises providing at least one light-emitting diode.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:driving the light source to emit light in a pulse-width modulation comprises emitting pulses;identifying rapid transients comprises identifying the pulses in the reflection/backscatter received; andcalculating a distance comprises calculating from the pulses from the pulse-width modulation.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein emitting pulses comprises superimposing a pulse of short duration to a leading edge of each cycle of the pulse-width modulation.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein emitting pulses comprises inserting at least ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Substrate Detection Apparatus

Номер: US20130314719A1
Принадлежит: DAIFUKU CO., LTD.

A substrate detection apparatus has a simple structure and is easy to install. An inspection location is defined at an end of a moving range of a container as it is transported by a transport device. A range finder is provided which emits detection wave and receives the detection wave that is reflected from an object to detect the distance to the object, is located outwardly of the end of the moving range in the transporting direction, and is positioned such that the detection wave is emitted toward an opening of the container located at the inspection location and can advance through a substrate storing area in a direction that intersects with a direction parallel to the surface of the substrate. A presence determination portion is provided which determines that a substrate exists in the container if and when the detected value from the range finder falls within a predetermined range. 1. A substrate detection apparatus for detecting a substrate within a container having a substrate storing area that can store a plurality of substrates in spaced-apart layers , the substrate detection apparatus comprising:a detecting portion whose detection state changes depending on whether a substrate is present when a detection wave is emitted toward an opening formed in the container;a transport device which supports and horizontally transports the container in a transporting attitude in which a substrate layering direction of the substrate storing area has a component in a transporting direction;a presence determination portion which determines whether a substrate exists in the container;wherein the detecting portion includes a range finder which receives the detection wave reflected by an object to detect a distance to the object,wherein an inspection location is defined at an end of a moving range of the container as the container is transported by the transport device,wherein the range finder is located outwardly of the end of the moving range in the transporting direction, ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Distributed Acoustic Sensing

Номер: US20130319121A1

This application describes methods and apparatus for distributed acoustic sensing providing enhanced sensitivity for certain acoustic signals. The method uses a fibre optic distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) apparatus () to detect acoustic signals wherein the fibre optic distributed acoustic sensor comprises at least one optical fibre () deployed in an area of interest () such that at least one section of said optical fibre is deployed to monitor the acoustic response of a cavity () to incident acoustic signals. The cavity is dimensioned such that the cavity resonates at a desired frequency and thus the relevant sensing portions of the DAS sensor show an enhanced response to acoustic signals which excite resonance in the cavity. The optical fibre () may be deployed to run through said cavity. 1. A method of distributed acoustic sensing comprising: using a fibre optic distributed acoustic sensor to detect acoustic signals wherein the fibre optic distributed acoustic sensor comprises at least one optical fibre deployed in an area of interest such that at least one section of said optical fibre is deployed to monitor the acoustic response of a cavity to incident acoustic signals wherein the cavity is dimensioned such that the cavity resonates at a desired frequency.2. (canceled)3. A method as claimed in wherein at least one section of said optical fibre is deployed to run through said cavity.45-. (canceled)6. A method as claimed in wherein the cavity comprises the internal space of a hollow object embedded within the area of interest.78-. (canceled)9. A method as claimed in wherein at least part of the optical fibre is buried in the ground and the hollow object is also buried in the ground.10. A method as claimed in claim 9 , wherein said optical fibre is permanently buried in the cavity in the ground.11. (canceled)12. A method as claimed in wherein the location of the cavity in the area of interest is known and the method comprises analysing the acoustic signals ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Photoacoustic Probe

Номер: US20130319123A1
Принадлежит: University of Massachusetts

A photoacoustic transducer, such as a photoacoustic probe includes an optical fiber, diaphragm, at the optical fiber, whereby the optical fiber and diaphragm define a cavity, and an energy absorption film at the optical fiber, whereby an activating laser directed through the optical fiber can excite the energy absorption film to thereby generate an acoustic wave that, upon reflection upon a remote surface, can deflect the diaphragm and modify reflection of a detecting laser also directed through the optical fiber. A method of detecting an acoustic wave includes directing an activating laser through an optical fiber to an energy absorption film at the optical fiber, directing a detecting laser through the optical fiber and cavity to the diaphragm at the optical fiber, and measuring an interference pattern generated at least in part by reflection of the detecting laser from a surface of the diaphragm. 1. A photoacoustic probe , comprisinga) an optical fiber;b) a diaphragm at the optical fiber, whereby the optical fiber and the diaphragm define a cavity; and 'whereby an activating laser directed through the optical fiber can excite the energy absorption film to thereby generate an acoustic wave that, upon reflection from a remote surface, can deflect the diaphragm and modify reflection of a detecting laser also directed through the optical fiber.', 'c) an energy absorption film at the optical fiber,'}2. The photoacoustic probe of claim 1 , wherein the optical fiber defines a first planar surface.3. The photoacoustic probe of claim 2 , wherein the energy absorption film is at the first planar surface.4. The photoacoustic probe of claim 3 , wherein the diaphragm is within the cavity.5. The photoacoustic probe of claim 4 , wherein the diaphragm is recessed within the cavity from the first surface.6. The photoacoustic probe of claim 2 , wherein the optical fiber includes a second surface that is raised from the first surface and is essentially parallel to the first surface ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130320198A1

A drop detector assembly is provided including an ejection element to eject a fluid drop, a light guide to selectively receive light scattered off of the fluid drop, and a light detector formed in the light guide to detect light received by the light guide. 1. A drop detector assembly comprising:an ejection element to eject a fluid drop;a light guide to selectively receive light scattered off of the fluid drop; anda light detector formed in the light guide to detect light received by the light guide.2. The drop detector assembly of claim 1 , which further comprises a detector circuit to provide a signal associated with the detected light claim 1 , the signal indicating a condition of the ejected fluid drop.3. The drop detector assembly of claim 2 , which further comprises a controller to control the ejection element claim 2 , to determine the condition of the ejected fluid drop based on the signal claim 2 , and to correlate the condition with the ejection element.4. The drop detector assembly of claim 1 , wherein the light guide has a field of view corresponding to receipt of scattered light from a fluid drop properly ejected by the ejection element5. The drop detector assembly of claim 1 , which further comprises a lens formed adjacent the light guide to increase light intensity at the light detector upon receipt of scattered light from a fluid drop properly ejected by the ejection element.6. A drop detector assembly as in claim 1 , further comprising a light source to project a light beam to scatter light off of the fluid drop.7. A drop detector assembly for determining position of an ejected fluid drop claim 1 , the drop detector assembly comprising:a substrate;an ejection element formed on the substrate to eject the fluid drop;a light source to scatter light off of the fluid dropa first light guide formed on the substrate adjacent the ejection element to selectively receive light scattered off of the fluid drop when the fluid drop is within a corresponding first ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Intrusion detection device, robot system, intrusion detection method, and intrusion detection program

Номер: US20130321636A1
Автор: Tatsuya Matsudo
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

An intrusion detection device includes: a light emitting unit which forms a plurality of light emitting marks arranged on a boundary of an intrusion monitoring area; an imaging device which images an area including the plurality of light emitting marks, and outputs the captured image; and a detection unit which detects predetermined marks which are different from the light emitting marks, from the output image, sets a masking area on the image based on the detected marks, and detects an intrusion material in the intrusion monitoring area based on the image in an area other than the masking area.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327931A1
Автор: CHEN NIEN-TSE, Hsu En-Feng

The present invention provides a package structure of an optical apparatus which includes a substrate, a light emitting device, a light sensing device, and a light barrier member. The light emitting device is disposed on the substrate and electrically connected to the substrate. The light emitting device is for emitting light. The light sensing device is disposed on the substrate and is a chip scale package (CSP) device. The light sensing device is for receiving light reflected by an object. The light barrier member is disposed around a periphery of the light sensing device. 1. A package structure of an optical apparatus , comprising:a substrate;a light emitting device for emitting light, the light emitting device being disposed on the substrate;a light sensing device disposed on the substrate, for receiving light reflected by an object, wherein the light sensing device is a chip scale package (CSP) device; anda light barrier member, which is disposed around a periphery of the light sensing device.2. The package structure of the optical apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the light barrier member is disposed on the substrate and physically connected to the substrate.3. The package structure of the optical apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprising:a multilayer film disposed on or above the light sensing device, wherein at least a portion of the light reflected by the object passes through the multilayer film to be received by the light sensing device.4. The package structure of the optical apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the portion of the light reflected by the object that passes through the multilayer film to be received by the light sensing device enters the multilayer film with an incident angle smaller than a predetermined angle.5. The package structure of the optical apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the light barrier member is physically connected to the light sensing device.6. The package structure of the optical apparatus ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333476A1
Принадлежит: FUJIKURA LTD.

Optical pulses are output from a light source to an optical fiber at one selected emission wavelength, a reflection light reflected at a fiber Bragg grating at the optical fiber is received at an optical receiver and is converted to a reflection signal by an optical to electrical conversion, a fiber Bragg grating which reflects the reflection light is identified by the signal processing unit when an intensity of the reflection signal obtained by the optical receiver is over a predetermined threshold value, and a measurement step that calculates acoustic frequencies at the fiber Bragg grating based on a temporal change of the intensity of the reflection signal at the fiber Bragg grating is repeated more than two times while changing an emission wavelength of the light source. The acoustic frequency at each fiber Bragg grating is calculated to determine an acoustic distribution along a longitudinal direction of the fiber. 1. A method of measuring an acoustic distribution , the method comprising: a light source unit which is capable of emitting optical pulses at two or more emission wavelengths;', 'an optical fiber which comprises two or more fiber Bragg gratings disposed between a first end of the optical fiber and a second end of the optical fiber along a longitudinal direction of the optical fiber, the first end being close to the light source unit and the second end being far from the light source unit;', 'an optical receiver unit, which receives a reflection light emitted from the light source unit and reflected at one or more of the two or more fiber Bragg gratings and which converts the reflection light to a reflection signal by an optical to electrical conversion;', 'a light branching unit which separates a light output from the light source unit into a measurement light which is directed to the two or more fiber Bragg gratings and a reference light which is to be converted to a reference signal by an optical to electrical conversion without reaching any of the ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335256A1
Принадлежит: Duke University

Compressive imaging captures images in compressed form, where each sensor does not directly correspond with a pixel, as opposed to standard image capture techniques. This can lead to faster image capture rates due to lower I/O bandwidth requirements, and avoids the need for image compression hardware, as the image is captured in compressed form. Measuring the transformation of an emitted multimodal signal is one method of compressive imaging. Metamaterial antennas and transceivers are well suited for both emitting and receiving multimodal signals, and are thus prime candidates for compressive imaging. 1. An aperture comprising means for creating an electromagnetic field distribution comprising a spatial field distribution , a matrix with a set of standard characteristics , captured data , a field of view , a signal to noise ratio of captured data , a resolution of captured data , a contrast of captured data , a rate of data capture , and a quality of captured data.2. The aperture of wherein said spatial field distribution is arbitrarily coded in frequency.3. The aperture of wherein said spatial field distribution comprises random fields.4. The aperture of wherein said spatial field distribution comprises pseudo-random fields.5. The aperture of wherein said spatial field distribution comprises wavelet patterns.6. The aperture of wherein said spatial field distribution comprises Fourier patterns.7. The aperture of wherein said means comprises a panel.8. The aperture of wherein said panel comprises a planar structure.9. The aperture of wherein said panel comprises a flexible or conformal structure.10. The aperture of wherein said panel comprises a mechanically robust structure sufficient to support traffic upon its surface.11. The aperture of wherein said panel comprises a material of sufficiently low density to support mounting or hanging on or as architectural elements.12. The aperture of wherein said electromagnetic field distribution is reconfigurable.13. The ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335557A1
Принадлежит: Würth Elektronik ICS GmbH & Co. KG

A container for the transport and/or the storage of objects is described. A container of this type features a detection device for determining information on the occupancy status and/or the filling status of the container. The detection device is capable of detecting different light intensities in the region of the inner container wall and of generating corresponding sensor signals. Furthermore, an interface is provided for producing a connection with a signal processing unit, in which image information on the filling status and/or occupancy status of the container can be generated based on the sensor signals. 1. A container for the transport and/or the storage of objects comprising:a bottom and a side wall that define an inner wall of the container, a detection device that is integrated into the side wall or arranged thereon and features an optical system and an integrated optical sensor, wherein the detection device is designed for generating sensor signals in accordance with intensities of electromagnetic radiation, particularly light intensities, in the interior of the container, anda first interface that is functionally connected to the detection device and serves for transmitting the sensor signals to a signal processing unit with a function for generating image information based on the sensor signals in order to determine information on an occupancy status and/or filling status of the container.2. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the detection device is equipped with at least one camera with an optical system that features a single pin diaphragm or at least one lens in front of or behind a diaphragm or at least one lens claim 1 , wherein the optical sensor is arranged in the image plane of the optical system.3. The container according to claim 1 , wherein the container further comprises the signal processing unit that is connected to the detection device and designed for converting the sensor signals generated by the optical sensor into image ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130340232A1

A method for fabricating a sensor is provided, with the sensor including a reflective element and an optical fiber positioned relative to the reflective element such that light emitted from the optical fiber is reflected by the reflective element and propagates in an optical cavity between the optical fiber and the reflective element. The method includes positioning an element within the optical cavity. The element has a coefficient of thermal expansion and a thickness that compensate a refractive index change with temperature of a medium within the optical cavity. 1. A method of fabricating a sensor , the method comprising:providing a movable element;positioning an optical fiber relative to the movable element to form an optical cavity such that light propagates in the optical cavity between the optical fiber and the movable element and is reflected by the movable element, the optical cavity comprising a medium having a refractive index change with temperature; andpositioning an element within the optical cavity, the element having a coefficient of thermal expansion and a thickness that compensate the refractive index change with temperature.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the movable element comprises a reflective element and a diaphragm claim 1 , the medium comprises water claim 1 , and the element within the optical cavity comprises silica and has a thickness approximately equal to a distance between the optical fiber and the movable element.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the element within the optical cavity comprises the diaphragm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the movable element comprises a reflective element and a diaphragm claim 1 , the medium comprises water in a region between the optical fiber and the movable element claim 1 , and the element within the optical cavity comprises silica and has a thickness approximately equal to a thickness of the region between the optical fiber and the movable element.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130341495A1

A background suppression device includes emitting means emitting a light beam emitted in a set direction and optoelectronic receiving means of a light beam reflected by an object providing a first and a second signal, and processing means which, in the detecting condition of the device, receives the first and second signal and provides an output information signal, in function of the first and second signal, indicating the presence or the absence of the object within an interval of set distances. The processing means stores, in a calibrating condition, the first and second signal and provides the output information signal in function of the first and/or of the second signal in the detecting condition and of the first and/or second signal in the calibrating condition. In the calibrating condition the object is absent and accordingly the first and second signal in the calibrating condition store the background. 1. A background suppression device comprising emitting means emitting a light beam emitted in a set direction; optoelectronic receiving means which is suitable for receiving a light beam reflected by an object and for providing a first and a second signal; processing means that is suitable for receiving , in a detecting condition of said device , said first and said second signal and for providing an output information signal , in function of said first and said second signal , indicating the presence or absence of said object within an interval of set distances; wherein said processing means is suitable for storing , in a calibrating condition of said device , said first and said second signal and for providing said output information signal in function of said first and/or said second signal in said detecting condition and of said first and/or said second signal in said calibrating condition.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said first signal is associable with a light beam reflected by an object within said interval of set distances and said ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001342A1

An electronic system, connection failure reporting system and related methods. An electronic system may include a passive component of a connector; a detecting unit configured to detect presence of an active component of the connector in at least three points not in the same line on the passive component of the connector; and a connection status determining unit configured to determine a connection status of said connector based upon detecting results of the at least three points on the passive component of the connector. A connection problem of the connector can be identified, including identification of the type of connection failure. 1. An electronic system comprising:a passive component of a connector;a detecting unit configured to detect the presence of an active component of the connector received within the passive component of the connector in at least three points not in the same line on the passive component of the connector; anda connection status determining unit, configured to determine a connection status of said connector based upon detecting results of the at least three points on the passive component of the connector by the detection unit.2. The electronic system of claim 1 , further comprising:a connection failure reporting unit configured to indicate whether there is a connection failure in the connector according to the connection status of the connector determined by the connection status determining unit.3. The electronic system of claim 2 , wherein the connection status comprises one of “tightly connected” claim 2 , “connected but not tightly connected” claim 2 , and “not connected”.4. The electronic system of claims 2 , wherein the electronic system comprises passive components of a plurality of connectors claims 2 , a plurality of detecting units claims 2 , and a plurality of connection status determining units claims 2 , and wherein the connection failure reporting unit is further configured to indicate whether there is a connector in the ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140002264A1
Принадлежит: Omron Corporation

Provided is a multi-axis photoelectric sensor (S) that outputs a high-level signal while a detection area is not shielded and stops the signal output when the detection area is shielded, wherein a sequence of a change in a non-shielded state/shielded state of the detection area formed by optical axes and in inputs from muting sensors (A B A B) is divided into a plurality of stages for monitoring, and muting processing is executed on a condition that the stages progress normally. When an abnormality in the sequence is detected in a stage being monitored, indicator lights () are blinked by the number of times corresponding to the stage in which the abnormality has been detected, to make notification of the type of the stage in which the abnormality has been detected. 1. A multi-axis photoelectric sensor comprising;a projector and an optical receiver disposed opposed to each other, between which a detection area is formed by a plurality of optical axes;detection means that sequentially detects a non-shielded state/a shielded state of the optical axes to determines the non-shielded state/shielded state of the detection area as a whole;signal output means that outputs a high-level signal while the detection means determines that the detection area is in the non-shielded state and stops the signal output when the detection means determines that the detection area is shielded; andmuting processing means that temporarily disables the signal output stop function of the signal output means on a condition that the determination results from the detection means and a detection signal input from an external muting device change according to a prescribed sequence, whereinthe muting processing means includes abnormality detection means that divides the sequence of a change in the determination results from the detection means and the detection signal from the muting device for monitoring to detect an abnormality in the sequence in the stage being monitored; output control means ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021331A1
Автор: Chang Hsien Jen

The present invention relates to a proximity sensing method for proximity sensing unit in a mobile device. The proximity sensing method comprises steps of comparing a sensed value of the proximity sensing unit with a predetermined offset value or a first predetermined range to determine if the sensed value is smaller than the predetermined offset value or if the sensed value is within the first predetermined range; and providing an offset value for confirming if an object is near the mobile device according to the determination that if the sensed value is smaller than the predetermined offset value or within the first predetermined range. 1. A proximity sensing method , applied in a proximity sensing unit in a mobile device , comprising:comparing a sensed value of the proximity sensing unit with a predetermined offset value or a first predetermined range to determine if the sensed value is smaller than the predetermined offset value or if the sensed value is within the first predetermined range; andproviding an offset value for confirming if an object is near the mobile device according to the determination that if the sensed value is smaller than the predetermined offset value or within the first predetermined range.2. The proximity sensing method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of providing an offset value further comprises:When the sensed value is smaller than the predetermined value, the predetermined offset value is reset as the same as the sensed value, and then the reset predetermined value is taken as the offset value for confirming if an object is near the mobile device.3. The proximity sensing method according to claim 2 , wherein the step of comparing a sensed value of the proximity sensing unit with a predetermined offset value or a first predetermined range further comprises:According to a predetermined event comprising either the fulfillment of a predetermined period or the occurrence of a specified scenario, comparing the proximity sensing ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034817A1

An object detection apparatus includes an incident optical system, which includes light source units and a combining unit combining light beams emitted from the light source units; a deflection unit including rotating reflection parts that deflect the light beams to scan and be irradiated on a predetermined range of an object; an imaging unit forming an image based on the light from the predetermined range of the object; and an optical detection unit detecting the object based on the light received via the imaging unit. Further the combining unit combines the light beams such that each of the combined light beams passes a single light path when projected onto a predetermined plane, and each of the light paths exists outside a region of the deflection unit when projected onto the first plane. 1. An object detection apparatus comprising: a plurality of light source units, and', 'a combining unit configured to combine light beams emitted from the light source units;, 'an incident optical system including'}a deflection unit including rotating reflection parts that deflect the light beams to scan and be irradiated on a predetermined range of an object;an imaging unit configured to form an image based on reflected light or scattered light from the predetermined range of the object; andan optical detection unit configured to detect the object based on the reflected light or the scattered light received via the imaging unit,wherein the combining unit is configured to combine the light beams emitted from the light source units such that each of the combined light beams tra travels a single light path when the combined light beams are projected onto a first plane, andwherein each of the light paths exists outside a region of the deflection unit when the light paths are projected onto the first plane.2. The object detection apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the light source units include respective light sources and optical devices that change a state of the light beams ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140036062A1

Disclosed herein are a sensor assembly executing functions of both an obstacle sensor and a vision sensor and a robot cleaner having the same. The robot cleaner includes a main body and at least one sensor assembly mounted on the main body, the sensor assembly includes a housing, a light emitting module mounted on the housing and generating a light beam, and a light receiving module mounted on the housing and receiving reflected light obtained by reflecting the light beam generated from the light emitting module by an obstacle, the light receiving module includes a receiving reflector concentrating the reflected light and provided with the opened central part to form a vision hole and a camera unit sensing light, and the camera unit senses the reflected light concentrated by the receiving reflector and photographs an image above the main body through the vision hole, simultaneously. 1. A robot cleaner comprising:a main body; andat least one sensor assembly mounted on the main body, wherein the sensor assembly includes:a housing;a light emitting module mounted on the housing and generating light; anda light receiving module mounted on the housing and receiving reflected light obtained by reflecting the light generated from the light emitting module by an obstacle, wherein the light receiving module includes:a receiving reflector concentrating the reflected light and provided with the opened central part to form a vision hole; anda camera unit sensing light,wherein the camera unit senses the reflected light concentrated by the receiving reflector and photographs an image above the main body through the vision hole, simultaneously.2. The robot cleaner according to claim 1 , wherein the light emitting module includes:a light emitting unit generating light; andan emitting reflector formed in a conical shape so as to reflect the light generated from the light emitting unit in all directions of 360 degrees.3. The robot cleaner according to claim 2 , wherein the emitting ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140036635A1
Принадлежит: THALES

The invention consists of an optical hydrophone, an optical fiber element forming a laser cavity, housed in a mechanical structure which comprises an open cylindrical rigid body, defining the cavity enclosing a fluid and in which the optical fiber element is housed, and closed at its ends by two end caps which keep the optical fiber element permanently under tension, in a longitudinal rectilinear position inside the cavity. The end caps are configured in such a way that when the exterior pressure varies, they undergo a deformation giving rise to a variation in the length of the optical fiber element and that when the temperature varies, they undergo a deformation giving rise to a variation in the length of the optical fiber element which compensates for that induced on this element by the temperature variation. The mechanical structure furthermore exhibits one or more orifices allowing equilibration of the static pressures. 1. A laser cavity based hydrophone of the type comprising:an active optical fiber element with Bragg gratings inscribed in the optical fiber forming the laser cavity; a substantially cylindrical hollow rigid body forming the cavity inside which is placed the optical fiber element;', 'two end caps configured and designed to seal the ends of the rigid body and traversed by the optical fiber element, said optical fiber element being fixed with prestrain to the end caps at the level of the points of traversal so as to be permanently under tension; wherein the two end caps each comprise a part rigidly tied to the rigid body, and a mobile part comprising a deformable wall able to be deformed when it is subjected to variations in the pressure exerted by the exterior medium in which the hydrophone is immersed; the deformation of the end caps giving rise to a variation of the length of the optical fiber element, the deformable wall comprising an internal face directed toward the interior of the cavity and an external face directed toward the exterior of ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140042305A1

The present invention provides an optical package module, which comprises a substrate, a light emitting element, a first molding compound, a second molding compound, a light sensing element, and a cap. The light emitting element and the light sensing element are disposed on the substrate, and the first molding compound and the second molding compound are respectively molded upon the light sensing element and the light emitting element. The first molding compound comprises a first optical structure corresponding to the light sensing element, and the second molding compound comprises a second optical structure corresponding to the light emitting element. By designing the first and second optical structure of the optical package module, it achieves the purposes of improving light emitting and sensing efficiency of the present invention. 1. An optical package module , comprising:a substrate;a light sensing element disposed on said substrate for forming at least one light sensing area;a first molding compound, which is molded upon said light sensing element and comprises a first optical structure corresponding to said light sensing element;a light emitting element disposed on said substrate for forming at least one light emitting area;a second molding compound, which is molded upon said light emitting element and comprises a second optical structure corresponding to said light emitting element; anda cap, being fixed to said substrate and comprising a light sensing aperture corresponding to said first optical structure and a light emitting aperture corresponding to said second optical structure.2. The optical package module of claim 1 , wherein said first optical structure is a convex lens or a concave lens.3. The optical package module of claim 1 , wherein said second optical structure is a convex lens or a concave lens.4. The optical package module of claim 2 , wherein said second optical structure is a convex lens or a concave lens.5. The optical package module of ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048688A1
Автор: Seo Sung Jin
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.

Provided is an object detection apparatus using a general camera sensor for adjusting detection sensitivity to an object (pedestrian or animal) even in an urban area in which the scattered reflection of a light source is severe. The object detection apparatus overcomes the limitations of a related art object detection apparatus using a thermal imaging camera which is incapable of adjusting detection sensitivity to an obstacle (pedestrian or animal) in an urban area in which the scattered reflection of a light source is severe. 1. An object detection apparatus , which outputs an output image with no light image which is added into a background other than an object when extracting the object from an image including the object , comprising:a sensor sensing light having a specific wavelength band to output a plurality of raw data corresponding to the sensed light;a pixel data extractor extracting a plurality of pixel data from the plurality of raw data, wherein the pixel data extractor analyzes transmissivities by wavelength band of each of the raw data, and extracts the plurality of pixel data, composed of R, G, and B values, from the respective raw data with the analyzed transmissivities;a reference wavelength value extractor performing an arithmetic operation on the R, G, and B values to calculate correction wavelength values by pixel data, comparing the calculated correction wavelength values, and extracting one of the correction wavelength values as a reference wavelength value according to the analyzed result; anda data selector receiving the plurality of pixel data, selectively outputting pixel data having a wavelength value greater than the reference wavelength value among the plurality of pixel data, and adjusting detection sensitivity of the sensor.2. The object detection apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sensor senses the specific wavelength band of 300 nm to 1500 nm.3. The object detection apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is a CMOS image sensor.4. ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054459A1
Автор: Scott Kate

An apparatus and method for monitoring a card slot is provided. The apparatus is for monitoring a card slot for the presence of unauthorised objects or devices and comprises a photon coupled interrupter having a light source configured for placement at a first side of the card slot to be monitored, the light source being configured to emit light across the card slot; a light sensor configured for placement at a side of the card slot opposite to the first side, the light sensor being configured to sense light from the light source that has propagated across the card slot; and control circuitry for controlling the light source to emit light and for determining the presence of an object or device in the card slot from a signal output from the light sensor. 1. An apparatus for monitoring a card slot for the presence of unauthorised objects or devices , the apparatus comprising: a light source configured for placement at a first side of the card slot to be monitored, the light source being configured to emit light across the card slot;', 'a light sensor configured for placement at a side of the card slot opposite to the first side, the light sensor being configured to sense light from the light source that has propagated across the card slot; and, 'a photon coupled interrupter havingcontrol circuitry for controlling the light source to emit light and for determining the presence of an object or device in the card slot from a signal output from the light sensor.2. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the photon coupled interrupter further comprises:a first optical component for receiving the light emitted by the light source and for directing the emitted light across the card slot.3. An apparatus as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first optical component is configured to direct the emitted light across the full height and width claim 2 , or substantially the full height and width claim 2 , of the card slot.4. An apparatus as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140055297A1
Автор: BEERI Amir, DAISY Ron

There are provided an ultra-wideband radar imaging system comprising an antenna with at least one receiver and a plurality of transmitters operating in multi-static mode, method of operating thereof and volume visualization unit to be used in conjunction with the multi-static ultra-wideband radar imaging system. The method comprises: receiving by said at least one receiver a plurality of signals, each respectively representing return data in a channel associated with the receiver and one of the transmitters among said plurality of transmitters, thus giving rise to a plurality of spatial data channels; among said plurality of spatial data channels selecting data channels for further processing; and providing volume visualization by processing data corresponding merely to the selected spatial data channels. 1. A method of operating an ultra-wideband radar imaging system comprising an antenna with at least one receiver and a plurality of transmitters operating in multi-static mode , the method comprising:receiving by said at least one receiver a plurality of signals, each respectively representing return data in a channel associated with the receiver and one of the transmitters among said plurality of transmitters, thus giving rise to a plurality of spatial data channels;among said plurality of spatial data channels selecting data channels or further processing; andproviding volume visualization by processing data corresponding merely to the selected spatial data channels.2. The method of wherein selecting spatial data channels for further processing comprises:generating a two-dimensional map of a plurality of representative channels corresponding to said plurality of spatial data channels;dividing the generated two-dimensional map into a plurality of collection areas, each matching a contribution criterion, wherein the contribution criterion requires substantially equal contribution of all representative channels mapped to a given collection area;{'sub': max', 'max, ' ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140064770A1
Автор: Yanata Toshio
Принадлежит: RICOH COMPANY, LTD.

An optical sensor, which can be included in an image forming apparatus, includes a detecting portion disposed facing a detection target and configured to detect the detection target by emitting light to the detection target, a dust-proofing member having a surface disposed facing the detection target and configured to cover the detecting portion, a vibration member configured to vibrate the surface of the dust-proofing member, and a collecting member configured to collect dust in the vicinity of the dust-proofing member. On the surface of the dust-proofing member facing the detection target, at least a portion that intersects a pathway of light emitted from the detection portion is formed as a thru-beam part by a material through which the light transmits. 1. An optical sensor comprising:a detecting portion disposed facing a detection target and configured to detect the detection target by emitting light to the detection target;a dust-proofing member having a surface disposed facing the detection target and configured to cover the detecting portion;a vibration member configured to vibrate the surface of the dust-proofing member; anda collecting member configured to collect dust in the vicinity of the dust-proofing member,wherein, on the surface of the dust-proofing member facing the detection target, at least a portion that intersects a pathway of light emitted from the detection portion is formed as a thru-beam part by a material through which the light transmits.2. The optical sensor according to claim 1 , wherein a vibration frequency of the vibration member is higher than an audio frequency.3. The optical sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the collecting member includes a brush member and an elastic member formed in a strip shape.4. The optical sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the collecting member includes a collection coil.5. The optical sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the collecting member includes an air suction member that sucks air around the ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140077993A1
Автор: Hembise Dominique
Принадлежит: MBDA France

The system comprises an orientable block, in which are mounted at least transmission and reception antennas of means for detecting improvised explosive devices, which are directed in such a way as to illuminate at least one and the same zone of space, and a detection confirmation camera which is directed towards the zone illuminated by these transmission and reception antennas in such a way as to be able to form an image of this zone, as well as means for controlling the orientation of said orientable block, which bring about a displacement of said block in such a way as to generate a scan of a part of space by said detection means. 116-. (canceled)18. System according to claim 17 , further comprising means for displaying claim 17 , on a display screen claim 17 , the images generated by said detection confirmation camera claim 17 , and means for manually adjusting the scale of the display shown on said display screen claim 17 , said display screen and said adjustment means being remote from said orientable block.19. System according to claim 17 , wherein said detection confirmation camera is directed toward the centre of the zone illuminated by said transmission and reception antennas.20. System according to claim 17 , wherein said means for controlling the orientation of said orientable block cause a displacement of said orientable block so as to obtain a scan at a constant scanning speed.21. System according to claim 17 , wherein said transmission antenna and said reception antenna are mounted side by side on said orientable block.22. System according to claim 17 , wherein said transmission antenna and said reception antenna are mounted in tandem on said orientable block.23. System according to claim 17 , wherein said transmission and reception antennas and said detection confirmation camera are fixed in said orientable block.24. System according to claim 17 , wherein said detection means comprise:a signal transmitter capable of transmitting at least a pulsed ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Long Distance Optical Fiber Sensing System and Method

Номер: US20140090474A1
Автор: Huffman John Sinclair
Принадлежит: AT&T Intellectual Property I, L.P.

A long-distance fiber optic monitoring system having a sensing unit and an analyzer that is remotely located from the sensing unit is provided. The sensing unit comprises a source of optical energy for injecting optical energy into the fiber optical cable and an optical detector configured to detect an optical return signal from the optical fiber. The detected optical return signal is associated with an acoustic signal impinging on the optical fiber. The analyzer receives a signal from the remote sensing unit via the optical fiber that is representative of the optical return signal, and determines a location of a disturbance based at least on the received signal. The representative signal can be transmitted from the remote sensing unit to the analyzer as an optical signal or via a metallic wired included with the optical fiber. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of operation of a remote sensing unit of a monitoring system , the method comprising:injecting optical energy into a first optical fiber of a plurality of optical fibers having an overlapping point;receiving an optical return signal via the first optical fiber;generating a representative signal comprising a plurality of features of the optical return signal, the plurality of features associated with acoustic disturbances impinging on the first optical fiber; andtransmitting the representative signal to an analysis engine of the monitoring system.22. The method of claim 21 , further comprising:determining locations of the acoustic disturbances based on an analysis of the representative signal.23. The method of claim 22 , further comprising:determining one of a path of travel and a velocity of motion based on the locations of the acoustic disturbances.24. The method of claim 21 , further comprising:water-cooling the remote sensing unit.25. The method of claim 21 , wherein the transmitting the representative signal comprises:transmitting the representative signal over a metallic wire of the first optical fiber.26. ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140097334A1
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

A detection apparatus includes: plural light emitting sections that are disposed in a row and that emit parallel light to a passage region, over which an object passes, in a time-staggered manner; one or more light receiving sections that receive the parallel light reflected by or having transmitted through the object, a number of the light receiving sections being less than a number of the light emitting sections; and a detection section that detects at least one of edges of the object and edges of a portion of the object with a different reflectivity or transmittance in accordance with an intensity distribution of the parallel light received by the light receiving sections. 1. A detection apparatus comprising:a plurality of light emitting sections that are disposed in a row and that emit parallel light to a passage region, over which an object passes, in a time-staggered manner;one or more light receiving sections that receive the parallel light reflected by or having transmitted through the object, a number of the light receiving sections being less than a number of the light emitting sections; anda detection section that detects at least one of edges of the object and edges of a portion of the object with a different reflectivity or transmittance in accordance with an intensity distribution of the parallel light received by the light receiving sections.2. The detection apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of light emitting sections are integrally formed on a common substrate to form a light emitting element.3. The detection apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of light emitting sections emit light at a plurality of different light emitting intensities.4. The detection apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of light emitting sections are disposed so as to intersect a passage direction in which the object passes, and sequentially emit light, andthe detection section detects at least one of a two-dimensional shape of ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

System and Method of Quantifying an Organic Material in a Sample

Номер: US20150001384A1

A system and methodology enables improved quantification of an organic material, e.g. oil, in a sample. The technique comprises adding a substance to a two-phase sample containing the organic material and water. The substance is mixed through the sample until the constituents of the sample are solubilized to create an optically clear mixture. An optical technique is employed with respect to the optically clear mixture to quantitatively analyze the organic material in the sample. 1. A method of quantifying oil in a sample , comprising:obtaining a fluid sample including oil from a reservoir;simultaneously solubilizing oil, water, and salt contained in the fluid sample to create an optically clear single-phase fluid; andusing a spectrophotometer to analyze the optically clear single-phase fluid so as to determine the concentration of oil in the fluid sample.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein obtaining the fluid sample comprises obtaining the oil from a core sample taken from the reservoir.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein simultaneously solubilizing oil claim 1 , water claim 1 , and salt contained in the fluid sample comprises injecting a substance into the fluid sample to create the optically clear single-phase fluid.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein injecting the substance into the fluid sample comprises injecting a mixture of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT) and isopropanol (IPA).5. The method of claim 3 , wherein injecting the substance into the fluid sample comprises injecting a mixture of AOT claim 3 , IPA claim 3 , and water.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein injecting the substance into the fluid sample comprises injecting a mixture of AOT claim 3 , IPA claim 3 , water claim 3 , and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid—sodium salt (EDTA-4Na).7. The method of claim 3 , wherein injecting the substance into the fluid sample comprises injecting a mixture of approximately 10% AOT in IPA.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein injecting the substance into the ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Memory effect tracer fluids for the study of an oil reservoir

Номер: US20150001385A1
Принадлежит: TOTAL SE

The fluid tracers according to the invention have the advantage of producing a memory effect fluorescent signal, that is to say a signal modified as a function of the physico-chemical conditions encountered in the medium through which the nanoparticles pass after injection into the geological underground area. The analysis of fluorescent signals in the fluids collected after diffusion makes it possible to deduce therefrom information on the characteristics of the oil reservoir.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001414A1
Автор: Morita Yosuke

A proximity sensor detects an object to be detected. The proximity sensor includes a board; at least three light emitting portions which are mounted on a surface of the board such that not all the light emitting portions is arranged on a straight line, and which emits light; and a light receiving portion which is mounted on the surface of the board so as to have a predetermined positional relationship with the three light emitting portions, and which receives reflected light derived from light emitted from the light emitting portions and reflected by the object to be detected. 1. A proximity sensor for detecting an object to be detected , comprising:a board;at least three light emitting portions which are mounted on a surface of the board such that not all the light emitting portions is arranged on a straight line, and which emits light; anda light receiving portion which is mounted on the surface of the board so as to have a predetermined positional relationship with the three light emitting portions, and which receives reflected light derived from light emitted from the light emitting portions and reflected by the object to be detected.2. The proximity sensor according to claim 1 ,wherein the board is a three-dimensional circuit board manufactured by a one-shot laser method.3. The proximity sensor according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least three light emitting portions and the light receiving portion are respectively mounted in recess portions formed in the surface of the board.4. The proximity sensor according to claim 1 ,wherein the light receiving portion detects movement of the object to be detected, based on a received light pattern of reflected light derived from light emitted from the at least three light emitting portions and reflected by the object to be detected.5. The proximity sensor according to claim 1 ,wherein light emission amounts of light emitted from the at least three light emitting portions are different from one another, andwherein the light ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001460A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Riko Company Limited

A safety device is provided to prevent danger caused by collisions between a moving part of an automatic device and a detection target, and includes a collision detection member, detecting approach or contact of the moving part and the detection target; a moving part control device, accelerating, decelerating or stopping movements of the moving part based on a detection signal from the collision detection member; a dangerous state detection member, setting a danger region where the moving part and the detection target can collide, and detecting whether the moving part or the detection target is located in the danger region; and a collision detection control device, enabling or disabling, based on the detection signal from the dangerous state detection member, the detections of the approach or contact of the moving part and the detection target by the collision detection member. 1. A safety device that prevents danger due to a collision between a moving part provided in an automatic device and a movable detection object , the safety device comprising:a collision detecting member that is provided in the moving part of the automatic device and detects approach or contact of the detection object;a moving part controller that accelerates, decelerates or stops movements of the moving part based on a detection signal from the collision detecting member;a dangerous state detecting member that sets a dangerous area where the moving part and the detection object is likely to collide with each other and detects whether at least one of the moving part of the automatic device and the detection object is located in the dangerous area; anda collision detection controller that enables or disables a detection of approach or contact between the moving part and the detection object by the collision detecting member based on a detection signal from the dangerous state detecting member.2. The safety device according to claim 1 , wherein the dangerous state detecting member comprises a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001530A1
Принадлежит: SemaConnect, Inc.

A system and method is provided for detecting vehicle proximity in an electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). A sensor may be configured to detect a presence of a vehicle within a predetermined distance of the EVSE. A processor may be configured to determine that the vehicle is in proximity of the EVSE in response to the sensor detecting the presence of the vehicle. The processor may be further configured to generate an alert in response to a determination that the vehicle is in proximity of the EVSE. 1a sensor configured to detect a presence of a vehicle within a predetermined distance of the EVSE; determine that the vehicle is in proximity of the EVSE in response to the sensor detecting the presence of the vehicle; and', 'generate an alert in response to a determination that the vehicle is in proximity of the EVSE., 'a processor configured to. An electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) comprising: The present disclosure relates to the field of electric vehicle supply equipments. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to detecting vehicle proximity in electric vehicle supply equipments.An electric vehicle supply equipment supplies electric energy for charging/recharging of electric vehicles plugged into the equipment. Vehicle detection systems exist. However, an efficient way to detect vehicle proximity to an electric vehicle supply equipment is needed.These and other drawbacks exist.Various systems, computer program products, and methods for detecting vehicle proximity in an electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) are described herein.According to one aspect of the present disclosure, the method may include a plurality of operations. In some implementations, the operations may include detecting, via a sensor, a presence of a vehicle within a predetermined distance of the EVSE. In some implementations, the operations may include determining, by at least one computing processor coupled to the sensor, that the vehicle is in proximity of the EVSE in ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001601A1

A one-body type rain sensor is attached to a vehicle glass to differentiate a raindrop and an external object which fall down onto the vehicle glass, where the one-body type rain sensor includes a light emission unit which emits light which is inputted onto the vehicle glass, a second light emission module which emits light which is inputted onto the vehicle glass, a light receiving unit which receives the light which is emitted from the light emission unit and the second light emission unit and reflected off the vehicle glass, and a control unit which outputs the light that the light receiving unit has received, in the form of a signal, thereby operating a wiper of the vehicle. 1. A rain sensor , comprising:a light emission unit comprising a first light emission module which is provided to emit light;a second light emission module;a light receiving unit; anda control unit, wherein the rain sensor is attached to a vehicle glass and is able to differentiate a raindrop and an external object except the raindrop, which fall down onto the vehicle glass,wherein the light receiving unit is configured to receive light which is emitted from the light emission unit and is totally reflected off the vehicle glass, receive light which is emitted from the second light emission module and is reflected off the vehicle glass, and to output a signal with respect to the received light, and the control unit is configured to analyze the signal outputted from the light receiving unit and output a control signal to control a wiper operation, a wiper operation cycle and a wiper operation speed of the vehicle based on the state of the raindrop and the external object.2. The rain sensor of claim 1 , wherein the light emission unit further comprises:a light emission parabolic mirror module which has a parabolic surface type reflection surface to reflect, in parallel, the light which is emitted from the first light emission module and is able to reflect the light in a direction of the vehicle ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for High Throughput Object Handling and Screening

Номер: US20210002078A1

Systems and methods described herein are for high throughput object handling and X-Ray screening systems. Material handling systems can adopt the proposed system to assist with the transportation of objects into X-Ray screening machines populated with lead curtains to curtail radiation emissions. The lead curtains associated with X-Ray screening machines can cause numerous problems to the safe and secure transportation of the objects. The systems and methods proposed control several aspects of the object handling to overcome the problems associated with the lead curtains. The system and methods results in the increase of system throughput, improved efficiency, reduction in line stoppages and general wear and tear. Systems can include a smart conveyor that assists objects through lead curtains using flights that are raised behind the trailing edge of the objects. The system can include smart conveyors and control systems that communicate with the X-Ray machine regarding the identity and status of the objects. 1. A conveyor comprising:a conveyor belt having a flight, the flight configured to be selectively positioned in a default position in which the flight is parallel to the conveyor belt and a raised position in which the flight is perpendicular to the conveyor belt; andone or more sensors for sensing an edge of an object on the conveyor belt, wherein the flight is selectively transitioned to the raised position from the default position on the conveyor belt behind the object to assist the object forward.2. The conveyor of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of cams on the flight;a wear strip under the conveyor belt to engage with at least one cam in the plurality of cams when each flight is raised; anda plurality of channels running along the length of the conveyor belt in the direction of travel of the conveyor belt to allow the plurality of cams to travel unhindered when the flight remains in the default position.3. The conveyor of claim 2 , further ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001893A1

A side view mirror is disclosed. The side view mirror comprises: a mirror; a mirror housing supporting the mirror; and an infrared object detecting module that is fixed to the outside of the mirror housing, emits infrared rays in a direction in which the mirror housing or the mirror is oriented, and uses reflected light from the emitted infrared rays to determine whether an object is present in the direction in which the mirror housing or the mirror is oriented. 1. An infrared object detecting module comprising:an optical transmitter configured to emit infrared rays in an orientation direction thereof;an optical receiver including a light receiving sensor configured to detect incident infrared rays and a light shielding unit that is disposed to surround the light receiving sensor to block external light and includes an opening formed in a direction in which reflected light of the infrared rays emitted by the optical transmitter is incident; anda controller configured to determine, using the infrared rays detected by the optical receiver, whether an object is present in a direction in which the optical transmitter emits the infrared rays.2. The infrared object detecting module of claim 1 , wherein the light shielding unit is formed to extend in a traveling direction of the reflected light.3. The infrared object detecting module of claim 2 , wherein a diameter of the light shielding unit becomes smaller in an incidence direction of the reflected light.4. The infrared object detecting module of claim 3 , wherein a length and the diameter of the light shielding unit are determined according to an incidence angle of the reflected light.5. The infrared object detecting module of claim 1 , wherein a condensing lens is disposed at a distal end of the light shielding unit.6. The infrared object detecting module of claim 1 , wherein a filter configured to filter light other than light of a wavelength band emitted by the optical transmitting module is disposed at a front end ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003389A1

Compressive imaging captures images in compressed form, where each sensor does not directly correspond with a pixel, as opposed to standard image capture techniques. This can lead to faster image capture rates due to lower I/O bandwidth requirements, and avoids the need for image compression hardware, as the image is captured in compressed form. Measuring the transformation of an emitted multimodal signal is one method of compressive imaging. Metamaterial antennas and transceivers are well suited for both emitting and receiving multimodal signals, and are thus prime candidates for compressive imaging. 1188-. (canceled)189. A method , comprising:illuminating a scene with one or more illumination field patterns;observing the illuminated scene with one or more measurement field patterns;reconstructing an image of the observed scene using a compressive imaging algorithm; andwherein the illumination field patterns and/or the measurement field patterns correspond to adjustable radiation patterns of an adjustable metamaterial aperture antenna.190. The method of claim 189 , wherein the illuminating of the scene with one or more illumination field patterns includes:transmitting electromagnetic energy to an input port of the adjustable metamaterial aperture antenna; andrepeatedly adjusting the adjustable metamaterial aperture antenna to provide a succession of illumination field patterns.191. The method of claim 189 , wherein the observing of the scene with one or more measurement field patterns includes:repeatedly adjusting the adjustable metamaterial aperture antenna to provide a succession of measurement field patterns; andfor each adjusting, receiving electromagnetic energy from an output port of the adjustable metamaterial aperture antenna.192. The method of claim 189 , wherein the illuminating of the scene is a flood illuminating of the scene with a flood illumination field pattern.193. The method of claim 192 , wherein the flood illuminating is illuminating with a low- ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003416A1

The present invention provides a method for infrared imaging detection and positioning of an underground tubular facility in a plane terrain. Demodulation processing is performed on an original infrared image formed after stratum modulation is generated on the underground tubular facility according to an energy diffusion Gaussian model of the underground tubular facility, so as to obtain a target image of the underground tubular facility. The method comprises: obtaining an original infrared image g formed after stratum modulation is generated on an underground tubular facility; setting an initial value hof a Gaussian thermal diffusion function according to the original infrared image g; using the original infrared image g as an initial target image f, and performing, according to the initial value hof the Gaussian thermal diffusion function, iteration solution of a thermal diffusion function hand a target image fby by using a single-frame image blind deconvolution method based on a Bayesian theory; and determining whether an iteration termination condition is met, and if the iteration termination condition is met, determining that the target image fobtained by means of iteration solution this time is a final target image f; and if the iteration termination condition is not met, continuing the iteration calculation. By means of the method, the display of the infrared image of the original underground tubular facility is clearer, and the real structure of the underground tubular facility can also be inverted. 1. A method for infrared imaging detection and positioning of an underground tubular facility in a plane terrain , wherein demodulation processing is performed on an original infrared image formed after stratum modulation is generated on the underground tubular facility according to an energy diffusion Gaussian model of the underground tubular facility , so as to obtain a target image of the underground tubular facility , the method comprising the following steps ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003669A1

An optical fiber vibration sensor includes a polarization-diversity loop based interference unit having a polarization-maintaining fiber configured to generate an interference spectrum, a polarizing beam splitter connected to the polarization-maintaining fiber and configured to split light incident from a narrowband light source into two polarized beams, and a polarization controller connected to the polarization-maintaining fiber or the polarizing beam splitter and configured to control the two polarized beams split through the polarizing beam splitter, and an optical fiber vibration test unit combined to the polarization-maintaining fiber so as to apply an external vibration to the polarization-maintaining fiber, wherein light output intensity of the polarization-diversity loop based interference unit is converted to an electrical signal by a light detector, and the vibration applied to the polarization-maintaining fiber may be measured through the optical fiber vibration test unit. 1. An optical fiber vibration sensor , comprising:a polarization-diversity loop-based interference unit having a polarization-maintaining fiber configured to generate an interference spectrum, a polarizing beam splitter connected to the polarization-maintaining fiber and configured to split light incident from a narrowband light source into two polarized beams, and a polarization controller connected to the polarization-maintaining fiber or the polarizing beam splitter and configured to control the two polarized beams split through the polarizing beam splitter; andan optical fiber vibration test unit combined to the polarization-maintaining fiber so as to apply an external vibration to the polarization-maintaining fiber,wherein light output intensity of the polarization-diversity loop-based interference unit is converted to an electrical signal by a light detector, and the vibration applied to the polarization-maintaining fiber is measured through the optical fiber vibration test unit. ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003970A1

A tool sensor calibration system and tool calibration method are disclosed herein. A tool sensor calibration system () comprises a flow pipe (), an isolation cell () in fluid communication with the flow pipe, a sensor () positioned proximate to the isolation cell, a fluid chamber ()containing a reference fluid () with a known property value, and a first valve () coupled to the fluid chamber that provides selective fluid communication between the fluid chamber and the flow pipe. A tool calibration method comprises introducing a first fluid () into a flow pipe, introducing a reference fluid into the flow pipe from a fluid chamber in fluid communication with the flow pipe through a valve, wherein the first fluid and the reference fluid mix to form a composite fluid, and detecting a property of the composite fluid at an isolation cell in fluid communication with the flow pipe. 1. A tool sensor calibration system , comprising:a flow pipe;an isolation cell in fluid communication with the flow pipe, wherein the isolation cell comprises a first window and a second window;a sensor positioned proximate to the isolation cell;a fluid chamber coupled to the isolation cell via the flow pipe, wherein the fluid chamber contains a reference fluid having a known property value; anda first valve coupled to the fluid chamber to provide selective fluid communication between the fluid chamber and the flow pipe.2. The system of claim 1 , whereinthe sensor comprises an optical sensor.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising an integrated computational element (ICE) in optical communication with the optical sensor.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the flow pipe is coupled to a reservoir through a second valve claim 1 , wherein the reservoir contains a first fluid.5. The system of claim 4 , further comprising a reciprocating pump coupled to the flow pipe.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the isolation cell contains a composite fluid claim 5 , wherein the composite fluid comprises a ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003612A1
Автор: Hu Junqiang, Wang Ting

Aspects of the present disclosure describe systems, methods and structures employing a two-stage detection for distributed vibration detection (DVS) in which a first step provides an abstracted/pre-processing data and the second step—based on the first step result—only processes locations that have or might have activity. 1. A distributed optical fiber sensing system , said system operative to generate an optical pulse , input the optical pulse into the optical fiber , and determine activity for locations along the fiber from reflected signals , said system CHARACTERIZED BY:a two-stage detection and analysis system having a first stage and a second stage, the first stage employs pre-processing to generate an abstracted result signal for each and then output the abstracted signals; the second stage receiving the abstracted signals, the second stage includes a per-location capture buffer, the second stage obtaining continuous data from any location identified by the first stage as exhibiting activity, the second stage using that continuous data to determine whether there exists actual activity of interest.2. The distributed optical fiber sensing system of FURTHER CHARACTERIZED BY:the first stage pre-processing incudes a band-pass filter followed by a power accumulator to generate power in a pre-determined interval, the power in that interval used to generate an output signal.3. The distributed optical fiber sensing system of FURTHER CHARACTERIZED BY:the second stage provides feedback to the first stage such that the first stage may adjust its output detection signals.4. The distributed optical fiber sensing system of FURTHER CHARACTERIZED BY:the first stage classifies its output result(s) to three classifications based on probable levels of activity, and only uncertain classifications are subsequently provided to the second stage.5. The distributed optical fiber sensing system of FURTHER CHARACTERIZED BY:the second stage performs per-location capturing.6. The ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003821A1
Автор: IMAI Shigeaki

An object detector includes a light-emitting system and a light-receiving system. The light-emitting system includes a light source including a plurality of light-emitting elements disposed in one-axis direction. The light-emitting system emits light. The light-receiving system receives the light emitted from the light-emitting system and reflected by an object. The plurality of light-emitting elements emits a plurality of light beams to a plurality of areas differing in the one-axis direction. The amount of light to illuminate some of the plurality of areas is different from the amount of light to illuminate other area other than the some of the plurality of areas. 1. An object detector comprising:a light-emitting system including a light source that includes a plurality of light-emitting elements disposed in one-axis direction, the light-emitting system to emit light; anda light-receiving system to receive the light emitted from the light-emitting system and reflected by an object;wherein the plurality of light-emitting elements emit a plurality of light beams to a plurality of areas differing in the one-axis direction, andwherein an amount of light to illuminate some of the plurality of areas is different from an amount of light to illuminate other area other than the some of the plurality of areas.2. The object detector according to claim 1 ,wherein the one-axis direction is a vertical direction relative to the object.3. The object detector according to claim 1 ,wherein the light-emitting system further includes an optical system to guide the plurality of light beams emitted from the plurality of light-emitting elements to the plurality of areas, andwherein the optical system is configured such that some of light rays emitted from at least one of the plurality of light-emitting elements are lost while passing through the optical system.4. The object detector according to claim 3 ,wherein the optical system includes a coupling lens disposed in an optical path of ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003850A1

A downhole sensor deployment assembly includes a body attachable to a completion string and one or more arms pivotably coupled to the body. A sensor pad is coupled to each arm and movable from a retracted position, where the sensor pad is stowed adjacent the completion string, and an actuated position, where the sensor pad is extended radially away from the completion string. One or more actuators are pivotably coupled to the body at a first end and pivotably coupled to a corresponding one of the one or more arms at a second end, the one or more actuators being operable to move the sensor pad to the actuated position. One or more sensor devices are coupled to the sensor pad for determining a resistivity of a formation, the one or more sensor devices comprising at least one of a sensing electrode, a transceiver, and a transmitter. 1. A downhole sensor deployment assembly , comprising:a body attachable to a completion string;one or more arms pivotably coupled to the body;a sensor pad coupled to each arm and movable from a retracted position, where the sensor pad is stowed adjacent the completion string, and an actuated position, where the sensor pad is extended radially away from the completion string;one or more actuators pivotably coupled to the body at a first end and pivotably coupled to a corresponding one of the one or more arms at a second end, the one or more actuators being operable to move the sensor pad to the actuated position; andone or more sensor devices coupled to the sensor pad and comprising at least one of a sensing electrode, a transceiver, and a transmitter.2. The downhole sensor deployment assembly of claim 1 , wherein the one or more actuators are hydraulic piston actuators claim 1 , and wherein each hydraulic piston actuator comprises:a piston chamber;a piston movably positioned within the piston chamber and having a stem that extends out of the piston chamber and is pivotably coupled to the corresponding one of the one or more arms; anda ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003855A1

Algorithms for detecting whether a device is properly secured to a user's skin are described. The operation of a device, such as a wearable device, can be adjusted based on whether the device is properly secured to a user's skin (e.g., on-wrist) or not properly secured to the user's skin (e.g., off-wrist). For example, certain functions can be disabled for power-saving, security or other purposes if the device is off-wrist. In order to avoid falsely identifying the device as off-wrist or on-wrist, algorithms for detecting whether the device is on-wrist or off-wrist can calculate one or more variances based on signals measured by a light sensor and compare the one or more variances with one or more thresholds. Comparing the one or more variances to the one or more threshold can improve the accuracy of wrist-detection algorithms. 1. A device comprising:a sensor comprising a light emitter and a light detector configured to generate signal samples, wherein each signal sample includes a first signal generated when the light emitter is on and a second signal generated when the light emitter is off; and performing one or more variance calculations for each signal sample, the one or more variance calculations for each signal sample indicative of a first condition or a second condition;', 'in accordance with a threshold number of signal samples within a threshold period of time indicating the first condition, determining that the device is not secured to an object; and', 'in accordance with fewer than the threshold number of signal samples within the threshold period of time indicating the first condition, determining that the device is secured to the object., 'processing circuitry coupled to the sensor capable of2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more variance calculations comprises a first variance calculation of a variance of a difference between the first signal and the second signal of the signal sample.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the one or more ...
