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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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06-02-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2789646C2

Изобретение относится компьютерному устройству формирования корректирующего энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства. Компьютерное устройство содержит процессор и память. Память содержит код программы. Код программы побуждает процессор выполнять действия способа формирования корректирующего энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства. Формирование корректирующего энергоэффективного трека осуществляется на основании основного энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства. При этом формирование корректирующего энергоэффективного трека включает по меньшей мере: этап определения текущего положения эксплуатируемого транспортного средства, этап определения корректирующего участка пути, этап сбора корректирующих первичных данных, этап формирования корректирующего энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства. Достигается снижение расхода энергии транспортным средством на конкретном участке пути. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил ...

10-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2413992C2

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике. Технический результат заключается в расширении арсенала технических средств. Способ определения количества скважин для бурения во множестве объектов, причем объектами являются месторождения нефти и/или газа, в котором принимают первую информацию, задающую набор переменных неопределенности для упомянутого множества объектов и задающую функциональную зависимость между первой и второй переменными неопределенности; принимают вторую информацию, задающую множество переменных решения; выполняют оптимизацию, при этом выполнение оптимизации включает в себя выполнение множества оценок глобальной целевой функции, причем каждая оценка глобальной целевой функции включает в себя этапы формирования значения для переменных решения, и выполнения множества итераций из набора операций. А также считываемый компьютером запоминающий носитель и компьютерная система, реализующие способ. 3 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

20-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2236700C2

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике и может быть использовано при обработке информации, содержащейся в банках данных. Технический результат заключается в повышении надежности принятия решений в системах с нечеткими связями. Способ заключается в применении к организованным данным, моделирующим сложную динамическую систему, процедуры автоматической идентификации, позволяющей осуществлять синтез накопленной в хранилище информации с вновь вводимыми данными, процедуры вывода законов изменений объектов системы и их атрибутов по индукции на основании ранее зафиксированных их состояний, процедуры диагностики состояния и прогноза развития элементов системы по аналогии с известными последовательностями фактов, приводящих к некоторым типовым состояниям элементов, и процедуры диагностики состояния и прогноза развития элементов системы по аналогии с развитием этих же самых или подобных им элементов, информация о которых накоплена в банке данных. 10 з.п. ф-лы, 32 табл., 4 ил.

20-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2563162C2

Изобретение относится к системам обработки информации в топливно-энергетическом комплексе (ТЭК). Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности анализа и обработки информации за счет виртуального моделирования экономических и техногенных процессов программным и математическим обеспечением с использованием информации по экономическому и техногенному состоянию объектов ТЭК от множества локальных систем мониторинга. Предложена система анализа и обработки информации в топливно-энергетическом комплексе. Система содержит центр мониторинга, включающий средства коммуникаций, системное программное и прикладное программное обеспечения, базы мета- и геопространственных данных, средства отображения и документирования, сервер архива базы данных локальных систем мониторинга и множество локальных систем мониторинга. Система также включает в себя центр управления топливно-экономическим комплексом с блоком выбора оптимального решения, центром анализа и обработки информации полученных результатов ...

05-10-2021 дата публикации

Способ долгосрочного прогнозирования индивидуального ресурса гидроагрегата в условиях часто меняющихся режимных факторов

Номер: RU2756781C2

Изобретение относится к области информационных технологий, а именно к способу долгосрочного прогнозирования индивидуального ресурса гидроагрегата в условиях часто меняющихся режимных факторов. Технический результат заключается в повышении надежности и безопасности ГЭС в процессе длительной эксплуатации за счет повышения надежности работы гидроагрегата и снижения риска аварийных ситуаций, а также снижении расходов на обслуживание гидроагрегатов за счет увеличения точности и глубины прогноза. Способ долгосрочного прогнозирования индивидуального ресурса гидроагрегата в условиях часто меняющихся режимных факторов включает сбор и анализ имеющейся технической документации на гидроагрегат, в том числе проектных и фактических параметров эксплуатации, анализ результатов ранее выполненных технических диагностирований, включая определение конфигурации, размеров и положения неустраненных дефектов, не препятствующих дальнейшей эксплуатации, определение количества циклов нагружения, расчет фактически ...

11-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2777857C1

Изобретение относится к компьютерному устройству формирования модифицированного энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства. Компьютерное устройство содержит: процессор и память. Память содержит код программы, который побуждает процессор выполнять действия способа формирования модифицированного энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства. Способ заключается в выполнении этапов: этапа получения немодифицированного энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства; этапа определения участка пути, ассоциированного с немодифицированным энергоэффективным треком эксплуатируемого транспортного средства; этапа определения первой расчетной энергоэффективности эксплуатируемого транспортного средства; этапа изменения немодифицированного энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства для получения модифицированного энергоэффективного трека эксплуатируемого транспортного средства. Изменение немодифицированного энергоэффективного ...

27-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU128746U1

Система поддержки принятия решений в неструктурированных ситуациях, содержащая модуль идентификации массивов данных социально-экономического положения, первый и второй информационные входы которого являются первым и вторым информационными входами системы, предназначенными для приема идентификатора временного периода и идентификатора региона соответственно, а синхронизирующий вход является первым синхронизирующим входом системы, предназначенным для приема синхронизирующих сигналов занесения идентификатора временного периода и идентификатора региона в модуль идентификации массивов данных социально-экономического положения, при этом первый и второй информационные выходы модуля идентификации массивов данных социально-экономического положения соединены с первым и вторым информационными входами модуля измерения циклов выборки данных по конкретным экономическим показателям соответственно, а синхронизирующий выход модуля идентификации массивов данных социально-экономического положения подключен ...

10-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2403493C2

Изобретение относится к трубопроводному транспорту. В одном из вариантов осуществления настоящего изобретения предложен способ оптимизации множества аспектов эксплуатации трубопровода с использованием генетического алгоритма. Генетический алгоритм обычно используют для обеспечения эволюции совокупности допустимых решений через последующие генерации до тех пор, пока не будет выполнено условие завершения. Каждое решение определяет допустимое рабочее состояние системы трубопроводов. В последующих генерациях существующие решения видоизменяют и в каждой последовательной генерации определенное решение удаляют из совокупности. Через повторяющиеся генерации происходит улучшение решений из совокупности. После выработки оптимизированного эксплуатационного решения может быть осуществлена выработка оптимизированного решения для давления с использованием способа прямой оптимизации давления. Технический результат: снижение эксплуатационных расходов. 4 н. и 34 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил., 1 табл.

11-03-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2815013C1

Изобретение относится к способам управления технологическими операциями строительства и эксплуатации добывающих скважин и может быть использовано для обеспечения автоматизированного контроля за строительством скважин и повышения качества принятия решений по оптимизации процесса строительства скважин. Предложен способ проверки достоверности значений технологических параметров, формируемых на основе измеренных, с помощью датчиков и средств сбора и обработки информации, параметров в процессе строительства скважины с использованием сервера верификации, управляющего базой данных значений параметров. Согласно заявленному способу при осуществлении автоматизированного контроля за технологическими параметрами при строительстве скважин, для значений технологических параметров, обязательным условием формирования которых является использование по заранее заданному алгоритму сведений, собираемых в режиме реального времени с привязкой ко времени, обеспечивают получение сервером верификации значений технологических ...

21-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2751991C1

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении надежного прогнозирования характеристик изменения давления окружающих пород очистной выработки за короткое время. Способ прогнозирования данных изменения давления окружающих пород очистной выработки включает создание модели прогнозирования для скорости изменения данных изменения давления окружающих пород для любого участка очистной выработки и ее интегрирование для получения прогнозной вариационной модели данных изменения давления окружающих пород в определенном интервале; многократное получение серии фактических отличий данных изменения давления окружающих пород путем сбора данных изменения давления окружающих пород с различных станций наблюдения в различных положениях относительно фронта очистного забоя и использование прогнозной вариационной модели данных изменения давления окружающих пород в определенном интервале для выполнения нелинейной регрессии на серии фактических отличий данных изменения ...

10-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012122042A

... 1. Система прогнозирования вероятности авиационного происшествия и планирования управленческих решений в зависимости от возраста пилотов, заключающаяся в построении по многолетней статистике (отраслевой и авиакомпании) приближений условных распределений вероятностей, в которых в качестве условий выступают значения возраста пилотов.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что проводится анализ данных по динамике (количества принятых/уволенных пилотов) летного состава авиакомпании за период 5-10 лет, а затем производится имитационное моделирование вероятного распределения летного состава по возрастам с учетом статистики авиакомпании.3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что оценивается эффективность управленческих решений авиакомпании по комплектованию летного состава, связанных с безопасностью полетов по оценке тренда в прогнозе авиационных происшествий.

27-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005123061A

... 1. Способ генерирования оптимизированных планов движения потока для региона, имеющего множество потоков и множество условий потока, в котором определяют первую границу планирования для упомянутого потока на основе условий потока упомянутого региона; используют упомянутую первую границу планирования и многократно генерируют первое множество планов движения потока для потока упомянутого региона; выбирают один из упомянутого первого множества планов движения потока в качестве первого оптимизированного плана движения потока для исполнения; выдают указанный первый оптимизированный план движения потока для управления движением потока в упомянутом регионе; определяют текущие условия потока упомянутого региона; обновляют упомянутую первую границу планирования для обеспечения второй границы планирования для упомянутого потока на основе упомянутых текущих условий потока; используют упомянутую вторую границу планирования и многократно генерируют второе множество планов движения потока для потока упомянутого ...

17-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069410464T2

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Planung und Ermittlung einer optimalen Transportroute

Номер: DE102016004518A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Planung und Ermittlung einer optimalen Transportroute für ein Transportgut (4) zu einem Zielort (6) innerhalb eines Transportnetzes (1) mit mehreren Verkehrsknoten (2) und Teilstrecken (3). Erfindungsgemäß sind eine maximale Zeitdauer und maximale Kosten in Bezug auf einen Transport des Transportgutes (4) vorgegeben und die optimale Transportroute wird zusätzlich in Abhängigkeit eines fortlaufend aktuell ermittelten Verkehrsaufkommens und in Abhängigkeit von Einfahrbeschränkungen bestimmt.

07-09-2017 дата публикации

Schnittstellenserver mit virtuellen Objekten zur Abbildung von Mess-und/oder Steuervorrichtungen

Номер: DE102016104114A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein System zum Bestimmen und/oder Steuern der Versorgungsleistung an mindestens einer Lieferstelle eines Versorgungsnetzwerks mit mindestens einer realen Mess- und/oder Steuervorrichtung, wobei die mindestens eine Lieferstelle eingerichtet ist, eine Versorgungsleistung mindestens abzunehmen, und wobei die mindestens eine reale Mess- und/oder Steuervorrichtung Daten für ein Datennetzwerk bereitstellen kann. Die der Erfindung zugrunde liegende Aufgabe besteht darin, ein System bereitzustellen, das flexibel an die Anforderungen neuer Liefermodelle in Versorgungsnetzen angepasst werden kann. Diese Aufgabe wird gelöst durch mindestens einen Schnittstellenserver, der mindestens ein funktionales, virtuelles Objekt bereitstellt, dem i. mehrere reale Mess- und/oder Steuervorrichtungen und/oder ein oder mehrere weitere funktionale, virtuelle Objekte des gleichen oder eines anderen Schnittstellenservers, denen mehrere reale Mess- und/oder Steuervorrichtungen zugeordnet sind, ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Produkten

Номер: DE102020202276A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von Produkten, insbesondere ein Herstellungsverfahren von Produkten, wobei die Herstellungsreihenfolge der Produkte optimiert wird.Der Erfindung liegt nun die Aufgabe zugrunde, ein verbessertes Herstellungsverfahren zur Herstellung von Produkten bereitzustellen. Dabei soll durch eine optimierte Herstellungsreihenfolge ein Produktionsausfall vermieden und die Produktproduktion abgesichert und beschleunigt werden. Eine weitere Aufgabe der vorliegenden Erfindung besteht darin, bei Planungsinstabilitäten in Produktionsnetzwerken geeignete Lösungen automatisch zu ermitteln.Die Idee der Erfindung besteht darin, dass durch die Anwendung des erfindungsgemäßen Herstellungsverfahrens Produkte in eine optimale Herstellungsreihenfolge gebracht werden, das heißt sie werden anhand der, im Produktionsnetzwerk verfügbaren Ressourcen und Kapazitäten sortiert, wobei nicht, wie im Stand der Technik, nur ein Werk lokal betrachtet wird, sondern ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112019002087T5

Eine Wartungshilfsvorrichtung umfasst: eine Zusatzgerät-Gebrauchszeit-Erfassungseinheit, die so konfiguriert ist, dass sie eine Zeit erfasst, während der ein Zusatzgerät, das an einer Arbeitsmaschine angebracht ist und sich von einer Schaufel unterscheidet, verwendet wird; und eine Wartungsschätzzeit-Berechnungseinheit, die so konfiguriert ist, dass sie eine Wartungsschätzzeit eines Verbrauchsmaterials, das mit der Arbeitsmaschine ausgerüstet ist, auf Grundlage der Zeit, während der das Zusatzgerät verwendet wird, berechnet.

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Vorhersage des Abfahrzeitpunktes eines Fahrzeugs

Номер: DE102017219878A1

Es wird ein Verfahren (210) zur Vorhersage des Abfahrzeitpunktes eines Fahrzeugs (100) beschrieben. Das Verfahren (210) umfasst das Ermitteln (211) von Start-Information in Bezug auf den Beginn einer wiederkehrenden Prozedur eines Nutzers des Fahrzeugs (100), die der Nutzer wiederholt vor Abfahrt mit dem Fahrzeug (100) ausführt. Außerdem umfasst das Verfahren (210) das Ermitteln (212) von Zeitdauer-Information bezüglich einer Zeitdauer der wiederkehrenden Prozedur, wobei die Zeitdauer-Information von der Zeitdauer einer Vielzahl von bereits erfolgten Durchführungen der wiederkehrenden Prozedur durch den Nutzer abhängt. Das Verfahren (210) umfasst ferner das Bestimmen (213) des Abfahrzeitpunktes des Fahrzeugs (100) auf Basis der Start-Information und auf Basis der Zeitdauer-Information.

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Information für Betreuer von Bahnreisenden

Номер: DE102013210956A1

Verfahren zur Information eines Betreuers und/oder eines zentralen Diensts über einen Bahnreisenden, wobei der Bahnreisende bei einem Kauf oder einer Bestellung einer Fahrkarte zusätzlich die Benutzung einer Anwendung bucht, eine Identifizierungsnummer für den Zugriff auf die Anwendung erhält, die sowohl auf der Fahrkarte vermerkt ist, als auch dem Betreuer und/oder dem zentralen Dienst übermittelt wird, so dass der Betreuer und/oder der zentrale Dienst in Echtzeit mit sämtlichen Ereignissen während der Reise des Bahnreisenden bis zum Zielbahnhof versorgt wird, so dass der zentrale Dienst den Bahnreisenden bei besonderen Ereignissen, wie Umsteigen, unterstützt.

10-06-2020 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Steuerung von Energieflüssen zwischen Komponenten eines Energiesystems

Номер: DE102018221156A1

Es wird eine Vorrichtung (1) zur Steuerung von Energieflüssen zwischen Komponenten (2,...,5) eines Energiesystems vorgeschlagen, wobei die Komponenten (2,...,5) wenigstens einen Energiespeicher (4) umfassen, und die Vorrichtung wenigstens eine Steuervorrichtung (42) zur Steuerung der Energieflüsse umfasst, wobei mittels der Steuervorrichtung (42) die Energieflüsse vorab für einen Zeitbereich mittels eines Optimierungsverfahrens berechenbar sind. Erfindungsgemäß sind die Energieflüsse mittels der Steuervorrichtung (42) derart berechenbar und steuerbar, dass der Ladezustand des Energiespeichers (4) am Ende des Zeitbereiches im Wesentlichen gleich dem Ladezustand des Energiespeichers am Anfang des Zeitbereiches ist.Weiterhin betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zur Steuerung von Energieflüssen zwischen Komponenten (2,...,5) eines Energiesystems.

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren und Computerprogrammprodukt zur Wartung von Verkehrsflugzeugen

Номер: DE102019132018A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Wartung von Verkehrsflugzeugen sowie ein entsprechendes Computerprogrammprodukt.Das erfindungsgemäße Verfahren bezieht sich auf die Planung von Wartungsarbeiten (20, 22) an Flugzeugen (FZ1, FZ2, FZ3, FZ4, FZ5) im laufenden Flugbetrieb eines Flugnetzes. Dabei wird bei der Planung zwischen einen aktuellen Zeitraum (T1), in dem bereits das vollständige Routing der Flugzeuge (FZ1, FZ2, FZ3, FZ4, FZ5) feststeht, und einem daran anschließenden zweiten Zeitraum (T2), in dem lediglich die zu bedienenden Flugrouten (10), nicht aber das Routing der Flugzeuge (FZ1, FZ2, FZ3, FZ4, FZ5) feststeht, unterschieden.Das erfindungsgemäße Computerprogrammprodukt ist zur Durchführung des erfindungsgemäßen Verfahrens ausgestaltet.

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Bestimmung der Struktur eines gegenüber einem Ausfall einer oder mehrerer seiner Komponenten resilienten Energiesystems

Номер: DE102019220347A1

Es wird ein computergestütztes Verfahren zur numerischen Bestimmung der Struktur eines gegenüber einem Ausfall einer oder mehrerer seiner Komponenten (21, ..., 23) resilienten Energiesystems (1) vorgeschlagen, wobei das Energiesystem (1) durch eine für eine Optimierung vorgesehene Zielfunktion beschrieben wird, sodass durch ein Berechnen eines Extremums der Zielfunktion die Struktur des Energiesystems (1) bestimmt wird. Das Verfahren ist gekennzeichnet dadurch, dass das Berechnen des Extremums unter der Nebenbedingung erfolgt, dass eine kritische LastPL*(42) durch eine oder mehrere beitragende Komponenten i (21, ..., 23) des Energiesystems (1) für eine Abrufdauer TDderart weiter gedeckt wird, dass von der kritischen LastPL*(42) abhängige Komponenten und/oder Prozesse nicht wesentlich beeinträchtigt werden, wobei hierfür die zeitliche Änderung der LeistungPi*jeder beitragenden Komponente (21, ..., 23) innerhalb einer Antwortzeit TRdes Energiesystems (1) durch die mit der Anlaufzeit Tnet, ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Modellierung einer oder mehrerer Energiewandlungsanlagen in einem Energiemanagementsystem

Номер: DE102019121990A1

Der Erfindung, welche ein Verfahren zur Modellierung einer oder mehrerer Energiewandlungsanlagen (2) in einem Energiemanagementsystem (1), betrifft, liegt die Aufgabe zugrunde, eine Lösung anzugeben, womit eine verbesserte, effizientere und einfache Steuerung eines Energiemanagementsystems (1) ermöglicht wird. Diese Aufgabe wird dadurch gelöst, dass ein technologieunabhängiges abstraktes Modell (26) für jede Energiewandlungsanlage (2) mit ihren jeweiligen statischen Parametern (17) und ihren jeweiligen dynamischen Parametern (18) erzeugt wird, wobei dynamische Parameter (18) durch eine Verarbeitung (63) mittels mathematischer Algorithmen (33) sowie Optimierungen (34) auf Grundlage einer Bedarfsprognose (29) und Einschränkungen für den Anlagenbetrieb (32) gebildet werden und wobei statische Parameter (17) durch die Eingabe von technologieunabhängigen Anlagenparametern gebildet werden.

08-09-2021 дата публикации

A system and method for providing last mile mobility vehicle to a user

Номер: GB0002592664A

A method for providing a last mile vehicle service to a user. When the user starts a trip, a processor detects the user’s current and destination location data. The user may be notified of a parking location based on the traffic conditions so they can switch to a last mile vehicle service. Based on the location data, a plurality of last mile service providers are identified, each having a number of vehicles such as e-bikes, e-scooters and small cars. Distances between the user and the last mile service providers are determined. Travel times from the last mile service providers to the user destination are determined based on the type of vehicles at respective service providers. An optimal last mile service provider is selected based on the determined distances and travel times. Once the user arrives at the selected last mile service provider, the user destination data is synchronized into a device of a vehicle of the service provider.

20-06-2018 дата публикации

Differential evolution method oriented to agile satellite multi-target task planning

Номер: GB0002557436A

The method includes: converting a solution set space formed by a decision variable into a population; initializing the population and algorithm parameters of the population; generating a donation vector, a trial vector, and a subgeneration according to the algorithm parameters of the population; adding the subgeneration into the population to obtain a mutational population , and decoding an individual to obtain adaptability; determining whether a current quantity of iterations i is less than a total quantity of iterations; if so, selecting an individual in the mutational population, generating a new population, and updating algorithm parameters of a corresponding population; otherwise, removing a dominated solution in an elite solution set, and adding a non-dominated solution in the mutational population into solutions that are not dominated by an individual in the elite solution set, so as to update the elite solution set; and step 8: sorting individuals in the elite solution set, and ...

12-05-2021 дата публикации

Manoeuvring items into a boot space

Номер: GB0002588783A

A method comprises deriving a first set of dimensions corresponding to a real-world space 202, such as a vehicle boot space, and deriving a second set of dimensions corresponding to a first physical item 201 in the real-world, such as cargo or luggage. The method also comprises deriving a virtual representation of the real-world space from the first set of dimensions in a virtual environment and deriving a virtual representation of the first physical item from the second set of dimensions in the virtual environment. The virtual representation of the real-world space is represented as a hollow space, and the virtual representation of the first physical item is represented as a solid item that is user manipulatable within the virtual environment and the virtual representation of the real-world space. This can enable a user to determine how to best pack items into a space. A method of deriving a virtual physical item based on a first, second, third and four position and corresponding volume ...

13-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008503662D0

11-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: GB2591886A

The present invention relates to the field of environmental monitoring and discloses an environmental pollution forecasting method. The method comprises: establishing a three-dimensional time-space grid to perform vectorization analysis on data of a gridded database so as to obtain feature vectors of all or part of data units; and forecasting values of the data units in a future time period by using the feature vectors of the data units in a time period after a similar grid interval.

01-06-2022 дата публикации

Event entity monitoring network and method

Номер: GB0002601402A

A recognition server comprises an event data store 204; a scenario data store 206 ; a scenario processing engine 202 connected to the event data store and the scenario data store; and a predictive event generator module 208 connected to the event data store and scenario data store. The scenario processing engine 202 is configured to receive sensor data 200 and determine, from the sensor data and data stored in the event and scenario data store, one or more objects and scenarios. The predictive event generator determines a likely outcome based on the determined one or more objects and scenarios and communicates it to a user responsive to the determination. Event data is assessed with location data, historical data and/or environmental conditions data from different data from a plurality of sensors having different levels of detail. The sensors can include IoT devices, image sensors, sound sensors, brightness sensors, odour sensors, temperature sensors, humidity sensors and proximity sensors ...

15-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000512082T

15-02-2013 дата публикации

Leitstellentisch als Eingabemedium

Номер: AT0000511768A2

The invention relates to a method for providing a link between a communication control centre (1) and a number of communication units (2), wherein the communication control centre (1) has a display unit (11) and also a selection unit (12), for selecting a region (16) shown by the display unit (11), and a communication controller (13), wherein a) the geographical position of the communication units (2) is ascertained at successive times, b) the display unit (11) shows a map and, for each communication unit (2), shows a symbol (Y) at the respective ascertained geographical position of said communication unit on the map, c) selection of a region (16) of the map on the display unit (11) using the selection unit (12) is followed by ascertainment of those communication units (2) for which the respective associated symbols (Y) are situated within the selected region (16) or overlap it, and d) a user data link (N) is set up between the communication controller (13) and the selected communication ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации

Modellierung der Alterung eines Bauteils aus einem nichtlinear elastischen Werkstoff unter Belastung

Номер: AT516884A2
Автор: Ringswirth Jochen

The invention relates to a method for the computational modeling of the aging of a component composed of a nonlinearly elastic material under a specified load and is characterized in that the unloaded component (1) is replaced with a plurality of node points (3) in the model, which node points are connected among each other by a plurality of bars (2), wherein a mathematical material model is imposed on each bar (2) and the bars form a first mesh; the component (1) is deformed in the model in accordance with the real load and additional bars (4) are inserted between the node points (3) in this deformed state, wherein the additional bars (4) form a second mesh, while bars (2) of the first mesh are deleted; and the extent of the interconnection of the second mesh is made dependent on the duration of the deformed state.

15-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000128771T

21-01-2002 дата публикации

Method to schedule a vehicle in real-time to transport freight and passengers

Номер: AU0006658101A

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Systems for predictive data analytics, and related methods and apparatus

Номер: AU2017345796A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Predictive data analytics techniques may include improved techniques for generating predictive models for time-series prediction problems, improved techniques for determining predictive values of input variables ("features"), and improved techniques for generating second-order models of first-order predictive models.

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Determining navigation data based on service type

Номер: AU2019339492A1

In some example embodiments, a computer system performs operations comprising: receiving a request for a transportation service associated with a place; determining a type of the transportation service from among a plurality of types of transportation services based on the request; retrieving an entrance geographic location for the place from a database based on the type of the transportation service, the entrance geographic location being stored in association with the place in the database, and the entrance geographic location representing an entrance for accessing the place; generating route information based on the retrieved entrance geographic location, the route information indicating a route from an origin geographic location of a computing device of a user to the entrance geographic location of the place; and causing the generated route information to be displayed within a user interface on a computing device of the user.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Method and system to predict workload demand in a customer journey application

Номер: AU2019339331A1

A system and method are presented for predicting workload demand in a customer journey application. Using historical information from journey analytics, journey moments can be aggregated through various stages. Probability-distribution-vectors can be approximated for various paths connected the stages. Stability of such probability distribution can be determined through statistical methods. Predictions for future volumes progressing through the stages can be determined through recursive algorithms after applying a time-series forecasting algorithm at the originating stage(s). Once future volumes have been forecasted at every stage, future workload can be estimated to better capacity planning and scheduling of resources to handle such demand to achieve performance metrics along the cost function.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

A space allocation system for allocating space to objects with multi-variate characteristics, and a method thereof

Номер: AU2019340021A1

The present invention discloses a space allocation system and a method for allocating space to objects with multi -variate characteristics. In the present invention, intra-container allocation and/or inter-container allocation is performed to generate a combination in which the objects can be placed in one or more pre-defmed storage spaces in a plurality of storage containers. The generated combination is further optimized for efficient space allocation to objects with multi-variate characteristics.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2020100249A4
Принадлежит: Burns IP & Commercial Pty Ltd

The present application provides a method and device for predicting a product price and a computer medium. The method for predicting the product price comprises the following steps: obtaining a price sequence of the same product, wherein the price sequence comprises the product price of the same product within a preset time period; determining a product abnormal price in the price sequence; deleting the product abnormal price in the price sequence to obtain the remaining product price; and constructing a price prediction model by taking the remaining product price as a sample, wherein the price prediction model is used to predict the product price. According to the present application, by deleting the product abnormal prices in the price sequence of the products, the product prices which can reflect the real fluctuation of the product prices and have reference values are reserved, and the price prediction model which can predict the product prices is constructed through the reserved product ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for formulating or evaluating a construction composition

Номер: AU2020222905A1

Example embodiments provide systems and methods for formulating and evaluating a construction composition (such as a mixture for concrete, asphalt, mortar, etc.). According to exemplary embodiments, a predictive model, artificial intelligence, machine learning algorithm, etc., may be trained using historical performance data and current deployment information. Based on a job specification that identifies various requirements for the construction composition and a set of available inputs (e.g., raw materials, mixing techniques, etc.), the model, AI, or algorithm, may output one or more formulations that meet or best approximate the requirements. The formulations may be provided to a simulation to estimate or predict their performance. The performance characteristics of the output formulation(s) may be displayed. Optionally, the system may control mixing machinery to produce the formulation. Some embodiments may use these capabilities to evaluate an existing or proposed construction composition ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

A Method for Predicting CO Poisoning Based on Data from Meteorological Conditions and Atmospheric Pollutants

Номер: AU2020104020A4

The present invention provides a method for predicting CO poisoning based on data from meteorological conditions and atmospheric pollutants, which comprises the following steps: obtaining historical data from meteorological conditions and atmospheric pollutants and the number of cases of CO poisoning in the area to be predicted; dividing the number of cases of CO poisoning into k levels; selecting the significantly correlated effective features by Pearson correlation analysis and partial correlation analysis; constructing an orderly and multi-classification Logistic regression model of CO poisoning risk level y and its corresponding probability model according to the selected effective feature set X; and obtaining the data from meteorological conditions and atmospheric pollutants of the time required for prediction in the area to be predicted, and taking into the probability model to calculate the probability Pj of each CO poisoning risk level. The j value corresponding to max (p), the ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019201876A1
Принадлежит: Murray Trento & Associates Pty Ltd

A device may receive time series data from one or more data sources. The device may pre-process the time series data to generate a respective time series chart for multiple classifications included in the time series data. The device may randomly select a pair of respective time series charts and a correlation detection technique after pre-processing the time series data. The device may determine a correlation for the pair of respective time series charts based on using the correlation detection technique. The device may determine a score for the pair of respective time series charts based on the correlation of the pair of respective time series charts. The score may indicate an extent to which the pair of respective time series charts is correlated with each other. The device may perform one or more actions after determining the score for the pair of respective time series charts. 0095-0475AU Page 1/7 oE E 0=) a E c m -0 CD -0 IMc 't 0aW n Fu cn ( a) a) > I C L 0 0) C (N Cf Cn CL E co ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for identifying and eliminating railway transport capacity bottleneck

Номер: AU2020101782A4
Принадлежит: AJ PARK

The present invention provides a method for identifying and eliminating a railway transport capacity bottleneck. It combines modeling with simulation, and uses big data to identify and eliminate bottlenecks. A mathematical model is used to find a solution to direct the simulation model optimization. Simulation tests make up for the shortcomings of an insufficiently refined scheme obtained through the mathematical model. The method provided by the present invention implements feedback and adjustment of the mathematical model and simulation during the operation, to ensure the correctness of results and the feasibility of the elimination scheme, providing a new idea and technology for utilizing the carrying capacity. Obtain and preprocess basic data, and perform analysis and identification on the preprocessed basic data, to obtain bottleneck point parameters Establish a mathematical model based on the bottleneck point parameters, to obtain a set of candidate transportation capacity operation ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации

Operator assistance for autonomous vehicles

Номер: AU2020211604A1

Disclosed are autonomous vehicles that may autonomously navigate at least a portion of a route defined by a service request allocator. The autonomous vehicle may, at a certain portion of the route, request remote assistance. In response to the request, an operator may provide input to a console that indicates control positions for one or more vehicle controls such as steering position, brake position, and/or accelerator position. A command is sent to the autonomous vehicle indicating how the vehicle should proceed along the route. When the vehicle reaches a location where remote assistance is no longer required, the autonomous vehicle is released from manual control and may then continue executing the route under autonomous control.

30-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003235597A1

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Remote monitoring and optimisation centre

Номер: AU2014410710B2

The present disclosure provides a remote monitoring and optimisation centre (250) comprising: an input interface (252) for receiving operating data from a work site (205), wherein the operating data relates to at feast one selected process at the work site (205); and an analytics module (256) for facilitating analysis of the at least one selected process based on the received operating data, and further adapted to facilitate development of a proposed action to improve the at least one selected process or a related process to the at least one selected process. The analytics module (256) includes: a workflow circuit representing a workflow at the work site, each process of the workfiow being represented by a node of the workflow circuit, wherein the analytics module is operable to display a visual representation of the workflow circuit on a visual display, each node of the workflow circuit being selectable by a user to select a process of the work site (205); and a database (270) for storing ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AU2015101686A4

A tool for comparing the economic and environmental impact of residing in one particular place or another. The tool compares distances between multiple specified locations and multiple specified destinations and presents the results in graphic reports. This innovation combines mapped distances with fuel cost data and motor vehicle fuel consumption data. In combination, the algorithm and automated data analysis enables a comparison of the specified locations according to their associated fuel costs, carbon footprint and projected time expenditure. This innovation permits individualised comparisons according to the user's proposed property location, frequently visited destinations, fuel prices, and vehicle type at the time of comparison. The information is translated into graphic reports that support the direct comparison of results, including visual representations of emissions produced in an equivalent number of trees. Please click on graph bars for more information Emisio Comp--ision Annual ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for predicting service time point

Номер: AU2016102430A4
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

Systems and methods for predicting a service time point are disclosed. The system may perform the methods to obtain a set of historical service time points of a passenger; determine distribution information relating to the set of historical service time points; predict a service time point based on the distribution information; and push information associated with the transportation service to the passenger within a predetermined time period prior to the predicted service time point.

09-12-2021 дата публикации

Improving weather forecasts through post-processing

Номер: AU2016246391B2

A method for calibrating forecasts involving temperature, precipitation, and other weather related variables is provided. In an embodiment historical ensemble-based forecasts and historical observations are received by an agricultural intelligence computing system. Historical differences are determined between the forecasts and the observations corresponding to the forecasts and stored in the volatile memory of the agricultural intelligence computing system. The agricultural intelligence computing system receives current ensemble-based forecasts and a request for improved forecasts. The agricultural intelligence computing system retrieves the historical differences and uses a combination of the historical differences and the current ensemble-based forecasts to create probability distributions for the weather for each lead day. The agricultural intelligence computing system then samples from the probability distributions to create improved ensemble-based forecasts at the requested location ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Methods and systems for managing agricultural activities

Номер: AU2015315001A1

A computer-implemented method for recommending agricultural activities is implemented by an agricultural intelligence computer system in communication with a memory. The method includes receiving a plurality of field definition data, retrieving a plurality of input data from a plurality of data networks, determining a field region based on the field definition data, identifying a subset of the plurality of input data associated with the field region, determining a plurality of field condition data based on the subset of the plurality of input data, identifying a plurality of field activity options, determining a recommendation score for each of the plurality of field activity options based at least in part on the plurality of field condition data, and providing a recommended field activity option from the plurality of field activity options based on the plurality of recommendation scores.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Arrangement and method for optimizing the operation of a supply network

Номер: AU2011209158A1

The invention relates to an arrangement for optimizing the operation of a supply network, in particular a water network, comprising a control system (1) for actuating elements of the water network, and a simulation unit (10) having a simulation environment (4) for setting up a simulation model (5) of the water network. With regard to the aim of specifying an arrangement and a method, with which the technical operation of a water network can be optimized without difficulty, efficiently and inexpensively and reliably, said arrangement is characterized by an optimization unit having an optimization environment (7) which receives data exported from the simulation environment (4) and additional data and, by using the exported data and additional data, optimized flowcharts for the actuation of the elements of the supply network are determined. A method for optimizing the operation of a supply network or network, in particular a water network, in which the above-mentioned arrangement is used, ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

System and method for alerting attendants regarding service area dispenser refill needs

Номер: AU2016412624A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A system and method are provided for maintenance of service areas within a facility by a plurality of attendants, wherein each service area has one or more product dispensers that require periodic refill. Via a sensor configured with each product dispenser and a control system in communication with the sensors, a product level or amount of product in each dispenser is determined. Based on information from the sensors, a respective refill time is computed for refilling each of the dispensers. Location of the attendants is tracked on a continuous or periodic basis. As a function of the computed refill times and location of the various attendants, one of the attendants is selected to service one or more of the product dispensers in a particular service area. An alert message is generated and transmitted to the selected attendant that gives the location of the particular service area within the facility. Determination of the selected attendant is made such that the selected attendant reaches ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: AU2017202088B2
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR LOAD FORECASTING A method of load forecasting for a present day includes obtaining past observed load values of at least three earlier days and identifying a relationship between the present day's load forecast and the past observed load values including unknown weights associated with the past observed load values. The values of unknown weights are determined by comparing at least one previous day's load forecast with the observed load value of the at least one previous day. The determined weight values are then used in the relationship between the present day's load forecast and the past observed load values to forecast the present day's load.

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Method and system for Load Balancing in Computational Grid

Номер: AU2021102307A4

The present disclosure relates to a method for load balancing in computational grid using activity-based and CPU usage approach. The objective of the present disclosure is to reduce the execution time of application for completion of particular task. Dynamic Load Balancing algorithm is used for matrix user which aims to execute their program speedily using minimum execution time and minimize the idle time of processors. When system performing task and in between system fail then machine of load transfer from one machine to another machine. Load Balancing calculation and proposed an upgraded calculation which all the more effectively actualizes three out of five strategies executed in the existing load balancing calculation. CoL 'Ii 13J aia F 09 R- -0 C: ai V IA- Ln C: 73 03 -F- : o~j 130 :3:- ~ i r 03 C Cn .9 r3 ...

09-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2021106727A4

TITLE OF THE INVENTION: "AI SYSTEM FOR BRAIN MRI/CT MALIGNANCY IDENTIFICATION AND CLASSIFICATION USING MODIFIED CNN AND ADAM OPTIMIZATION." The lifestyle of the people and genetic changes in the body and many other factors cause an increase in neurologic diseases in human that in turn may lead to a life threatening state of human. Due to this scenario, the patients suffering from these neurological diseases struggle to get back to good health. This further points to diagnosis of the exact in the human brain. Even though there have been advancements in the neuro imaging techniques, the proper identification and location of the malignancy and in brain still remains as a challenging task. As to rectify or to reduce the problem, artificial intelligence could play a vital role in classification of images from a set of MRI/CT. Different kinds of methods are normally followed, that has the limitations in accuracy and diagnostic time. Therefore, Artificial Intelligence with Deep learning (DL) is ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2021201834A1

Abstract 2021201834 METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR MANAGING AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES A computer-implemented method for recommending agricultural activities is implemented by an agricultural intelligence computer system in communication with a memory. The method includes receiving a plurality of field definition data, retrieving a plurality of input data from a plurality of data networks, determining a field region based on the field definition data, identifying a subset of the plurality of input data associated with the field region, determining a plurality of field condition data based on the subset of the plurality of input data, identifying a plurality of field activity options, determining a recommendation score for each of the plurality of field activity options based at least in part on the plurality of field condition data, and providing a recommended field activity option from the plurality of field activity options based on the plurality of recommendation scores.

15-04-2021 дата публикации

Autonomous and integrated system, method and computer program for dynamic optimisation and allocation of resources for defined spaces and time periods

Номер: AU2021201766A1

AUTONOMOUS AND INTEGRATED SYSTEM, METHOD AND COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR DYNAMIC OPTIMISATION AND ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES FOR DEFINED SPACES AND TIME Abstract: A computing system for optimising and allocating bookings within a venue having one or more spaces, comprising an optimisation module in communication with a processor and arranged to receive at least one request for allocation of a booking to spaces in the venue and communicate with a database to determine whether other requests for allocation have been made by other requestors, and to retrieve information regarding the other requests and combine the at least one request with the other requests to form a pool of requests, retrieve constraint information regarding the venue, dimensions of one or more available furniture items that may be allocated, and allocates the each request to the optimised allocation to produce an optimised allocation instruction set.

16-07-2001 дата публикации

A train corridor scheduling process

Номер: AU0002472201A

07-05-1998 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for discriminating a time series data

Номер: AU0004366997A

01-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002618495C

... ²²²Disclosed herein are a method and apparatus for providing traffic information ²for a public transportation means, such as a bus, and utilizing the provided ²information. A method of encoding traffic information according to the present ²invention creates information about a bus stop, creates identification ²information for respective bus routes passing through the bus route and ²information about arrival time, creates identification information indicating ²that the type of traffic information to be encoded is stop-based public ²traffic information, and constructs a message segment including the created ²information. A sequence of multiple message segments constructed as described ²above are wirelessly transmitted.² ...

10-07-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA1271342A

A method and apparatus to optimize a characteristic of measured data in an adjusable instrument for chemical analysis. The characteristic is measured at a plurality of adjustment points about a start point. Through parabolic interpolation of the data a conjugate vector is formed and the best operating point thereon is selected. Then measurements of the characteristic are taken as a function of the adjustable parameters about the best point on the conjugate vector. These data are used in a parabolic interpolation to define a second conjugate vector. The best operating point on the second conjugate vector is the optimum point of the instrument.

13-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001316187C

The present invention provides a high-speed method and apparatus for processing a plurality of documents that have been preprinted and cut from single sheets of paper. Sheets including a plurality of preprinted documents are registered to straighten each sheet. read by a fiber optic scanner to identify each document for a microprocessor, cut into individual documents, collected as individual documents and held until needed as directed by the microprocessor and transferred from the collector to an inserting track for further processing including insertion into an envelope.

07-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002473998A1

Published without an Abstract ...

28-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002522473A1

An order information database (22a) stores order information that is information on multiple orders. A virtual actual-article information database (22c) stores virtual actual-article information that is information on virtual actual-articles generated by aggregating multiple types of actual-articles. A set generation processing unit (25) generates a set which is a collection of a part or the whole of multiple orders so that the set is best suited to for virtual actual-articles, referencing the order information referenced from the order information database (22a) and the virtual actual-article information and in the virtual actual-article information database (22c). An assignment processing unit (26) generates assignment information that assigns a set generated by the set generation processing unit (25) to the most suitable actual-article.

24-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3105799A1

H212379-CA ABSTRACT Planner insight analytics identifies orders and sizes customers can execute to achieve business and operational efficiency. Generating optimal trimming patterns for trimming raw rolls and/or sheets of a flat sheet stock/customer orders includes: (a) receiving customer orders, primary and secondary machine specifications, warehouse inventory, and trade constraints; and (b) generating solutions for (i) order quantity fulfillment, (ii) a primary cutting pattern for the primary machine, (iii) a secondary cutting pattern for the secondary machine, and (iv) inventory details, wherein the solutions are generated with consideration of the initial trade constraints; (c) executing a batch and generating suggestions; (d) generating modified solutions for the parameters in step (b) using revised trade constraints derived from the suggestions generated that override the initial trade constraints in (c); and (e) operating a cutting apparatus. Trim optimization knapsack algorithm with ...

30-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003018283A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

A method for improving inflight fuel efficiency of an aircraft includes sensing aircraft fuel weight in the aircraft fuel tanks and reading the fuel weight by a flight management system during aircraft flight; calculating a current center of gravity position from the fuel weight; calculating an aircraft longitudinal trim drag factor from the current center of gravity; and adjusting a fuel burn prediction utilizing the longitudinal trim drag factor. A system for improving aircraft inflight fuel efficiency includes a flight management system programmed to calculate a current center of gravity position from a current aircraft fuel weight, calculate a longitudinal trim drag factor from the current center of gravity, adjust a fuel burn prediction, and display in the flight deck an adjusted fuel burn prediction for each leg of aircraft flight, which is used to adjust aircraft performance automatically by the flight control system or by the pilot.

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003056950A1

A computer-implemented cloud-based agronomy calculator system and methods. The system comprises a plurality of modular components for receiving and processing data pertaining to agricultural production of commodities by an agricultural producer and for centralizing and storing the received and/or processed data in a single cloud-based database. The producer can provide to one or more third-party suppliers and/or service providers, authorized but restricted access to selected components of their agricultural enterprise management system and cloud-based database so that together, the producer, suppliers and service providers can effectively and cost-efficiently plan and manage the delivery of products and services during a crop production cycle, and the sale of harvested agricultural commodities. Separate modular components may be provided for inputs exemplified by agronomy data, crop production inputs data, and crop growth and performance tracking.

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003057521A1
Принадлежит: BHOLE IP LAW

There is provided a method and system for generating an output analytic for a promotion. The method includes determining, using an optimization machine learning model trained or instantiated with an optimization training set, at least one determined parameter for the promotion which optimizes at least one of received input parameters, the optimization training set comprising received historical data; forecasting, using a promotion forecasting machine learning model trained or instantiated with an forecasting training set, at least one output analytic of the promotion, the prediction training set comprising the received historical data, the at least one received input parameter and the at least one determined parameter; and outputting the at least one output analytic to the user.

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003086044A1
Принадлежит: TOMKINS, DONALD V.

A system for optimizing a tubular running operation (TRO) in which a running string is disposed in a wellbore includes sensors located at the wellsite, plus one or more processors, displays, and user-input devices, which may be at the wellsite or elsewhere. The sensors are configured to measure running string parameters including the running string's position within the well, the running and rotation rates, and loads acting at the top of the running string. Based on this information, the processor(s) perform torque-and-drag analysis (TDA) in the top-down direction to estimate downhole loads on user-selected running string components, accounting for measurement and modelling uncertainties. Based on the estimated loads, the processor(s) calculate one or more damage indicators, which are communicated to the user via the display(s), enabling the user to take corrective action to prevent or manage damage to the running string.

01-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003081990A1

A method and a system are disclosed for solving a mixed-integer programming problem, the method comprising obtaining an indication of a mixed-integer programming optimization problem; until a performance criterion is met: providing the mixed-integer programming optimization problem to an optimization oracle adapted for solving the mixed-integer programming optimization problem using a feasibility pump technique and comprising an optimization solver, initializing parameters of an optimization oracle and an initial solution pair, the parameters comprising Monte-Carlo simulation parameters, a list of neighborhood functions and a measure of fractionality, and performing iterative calls to the optimization solver until a stopping condition is met; and providing at least one corresponding solution obtained from the optimization solver.

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003082289A1
Принадлежит: BERESKIN & PARR LLP/S.E.N.C.R.L.,S.R.L.

A mining system for directing mine operations including a flow planner and a dispatcher. The flow planner receives operating parameters and global mine data and calculates a flow plan based on the operating parameters and the global parameters. The dispatcher then determines dispatch assignments based on the flow plan from the flow planner, and effects a dispatch of mining equipment based on the dispatch assignments.

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3115129A1

A disclosed system for transport asset monitoring, for example monitoring truck trailer unloading progress at large retail locations, includes an artificial intelligence (AI) solution for managing operations at a facility. The AI solution analyzes current load percentage and other data to predict availability for moving the transport asset and ability to accept a new incoming transport asset. Predictions of availability can reduce response times, resulting in higher utilization rates for assets, thereby improving efficiency. An exemplary system includes a sensor configured to sense operation progress parameter data for a transport asset; and logic to receive the operation progress parameter data from the sensor; determine, using the AI solution and based at least on the operation progress parameter data, a predicted milestone parameter; and report the predicted milestone parameter to a remote node.

22-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003078749A1
Принадлежит: BRION RAFFOUL

Systems and components for use with neural networks. An execution block and a system architecture using that execution block are disclosed. The execution block uses a fully connected stack of layers and one output is a forecast for a time series while another output is a backcast that can be used to determine a residual from the input to the execution block. The execution block uses a waveform generator sub-unit whose parameters can be judiciously selected to thereby constrain the possible set of waveforms generated. By doing so, the execution block specializes its function. The system using the execution block has been shown to be better than the state of the art in providing solutions to the time series problem.

31-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2996731C

Disclosed herein are methods and systems for normalizing an energy use intensity value to compensate for variations in energy usage due to environment. Also disclosed are methods and systems for forecasting energy use intensity values.

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003000883A1

A system and method for workforce scheduling using dynamic capacity ranges are provided. A capacity model associates distances of locations within a service area from a depot with a series of appointment time windows such that appointment time windows having a relatively greater amount of available worker capacity are associated with a greater range of distances than appointment time windows having a relatively smaller amount of available worker capacity. After a distance from the depot to a location of an appointment to be scheduled is determined, appointment time window suggestions are automatically produced based on which appointment time windows as defined in the capacity model are associated with the location of the appointment to be scheduled. As capacity changes due to bookings, the capacity model is dynamically updated. A system and method for workforce routing, based at least in part on using dynamic capacity ranges, are also provided.

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003014580A1

In accordance with presently disclosed embodiments, a method and computer system for scheduling and timing the movements of a plurality of bulk material containers into position to output bulk materials directly into a blender inlet are provided. The disclosed sequencing techniques may include planning a sequence and timing of bulk material container movement and usage during operations at a job site. The planned sequence and timing of these operations may be developed to reliably provide the correct material type and quantity to a blender at a desired time to meet a treatment design profile. In addition, the disclosed system and method may monitor the real time operations on location to track how closely the movements of bulk material containers conform to the schedule developed for the well treatment.

01-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3109021A1

A system includes a processor and a memory. The memory includes instructions that are executable by the processor to cause the processor to receive basin data of a target basin including an area of the target basin, a number of exploration wells in the target basin, and a number of discovery wells in the target basin. Additionally, the instructions are executable to cause the processor to provide the basin data as input to a trained machine-learning model to determine a predicted trajectory of exploration efficiency of the target basin. Further, the instructions are executable to cause the processor to, in response to providing the basin data as input to the trained machine-learning model, receive an output from the trained machine-learning model indicating the predicted trajectory of exploration efficiency in the target basin.

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3113261A1

Systems and methods are disclosed that determine whether wait times for attractions of a theme park are shorter or longer than expected and notify guests of these shorter or longer wait times. In particular, the systems and methods determine a wait time value for an attraction by dividing a wait time for the attraction by a total wait time for all attractions of the theme park, and compare the wait time value to one or more threshold values based on an expected wait time for the attraction. In this manner, theme park guests may make a more informed decision on which attraction to wait for, and maximize their time at the theme park.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003072070A1
Принадлежит: BRION RAFFOUL

Disclosed is a parking management system that includes a central database in communication with a server, at least one user device, at least one merchant console, and a parking gate controller device over a network. The central database is provided to receive and store data from a plurality of parking systems. A processor is provided for analyzing the data received by the central database. A dynamic data engine is provided for analyzing the data from the plurality of parking systems and generating dynamic pricing data. A targeted promotion engine is provided for analyzing user data and generating a targeted promotion. The dynamic pricing data may be provided to the user device to allow a user to book a parking space from one of the parking systems. The targeted promotion may be provided to the user device to allow the user to select a promotion offered from a merchant.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003066115A1

Systems for providing efficient manufacturing of paper, sheet, and/or box products of varying size and structure, often with pre-applied print ("pre-print"), are provided herein. One or more controllers can be used to aggregate orders and information to prepare one or more control plans (e.g., reel maps, reel plans, etc.) for processing a roll of web product through the manufacturing process. The control plan may include a set of instructions for operating one or more systems within the manufacturing process to form the desired finished paper-based product. In such a regard, efficient manufacturing of various paper-based products, including corrugated boxes, folded carton, labels, flexible paper, industrial bags, plates, cups, decor, and many others, can be achieved. Further, efficient customer ordering/tracking, job aggregation, print imposition, corrugator planning, and tracking and adjustments throughout the manufacturing process are contemplated.

18-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002535430C

... ²²²A method and system (100) for assessing and optimizing crude selection are ²provided. A predictive engine (104) uses data from a database (102) to execute ²at least one predictive performance model and/or at least one risk assessment ²model designed to optimize or improve refining operations during a refining ²process. The predictive engine (104) takes as input key crude information ²corresponding to a particular crude or crude blend, e.g., at least one crude ²slate, and refinery operating parameters and/or conditions corresponding to a ²specific refinery and uses desirability metrics to assess the similarity to ²data in the database. Based on the resulting output, at least one predictive ²performance and/or at least one risk assessment model uses the output to ²predict performance or risk measures of refining the particular crude or crude ²blend using the specific refinery during the refining process, the probability ²of problems occurring during the refining process, the distribution ...

09-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002636537C

A system and method for dispatching a plurality of vehicles operating in a work area among a plurality of destination locations and a plurality of source locations includes implementing linear programming that takes in an optimization function and constraints to generate an optimum schedule for optimum production, utilizing a reinforcement learning algorithm that takes in the schedule as input and cycles through possible environmental states that could occur within the schedule by choosing one possible action for each possible environmental state and by observing the reward obtained by taking the action at each possible environmental state, developing a policy for each possible environmental state, and providing instructions to follow an action associated with the policy.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002903367A1

A prediction processing system, method, and method for doing business is disclosed. The prediction processing system can collect, process and publish event- outcome information. The prediction processing system can dynamically filter participants into groupings and iteratively optimize odds calculations over time. A proposal framework consisting of a various abstract proposal types can model and settle propositions. Game propositions can be automatically generated based on event categorization relationships. The prediction processing system can provide game players or others with access to collective intelligence, including prediction information and information derived from prediction information. The prediction processing system can create groupings of better-performing predictors and provide them with additional information not generally available. Better-performing predictors can be provided with additional stakes to increase the weight of their predictions in odds calculations. The ...

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Satellite Aided Location Tracking with User Interface

Номер: US20120001753A1
Автор: Rich Battista
Принадлежит: Individual

A satellite aided location tracking and data services with user interface. A graphical user interface is provided that enables users to monitor the status of movable assets. Detailed information in a position history enables the user to obtain status information (e.g., starts and stops) at each position report. This status information promotes visibility into the journey of each movable asset.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Predictive models and method for assessing age

Номер: US20120036101A1
Принадлежит: CardioDX Inc

Biomarkers useful for diagnosing and assessing physiological age are provided, along with kits for measuring their expression. The invention also provides predictive models, based on the biomarkers, as well as computer systems, and software embodiments of the models for scoring and optionally classifying samples. In a preferred embodiment, the biomarkers include a group of biomarkers whose expression levels are highly correlated to each other. In a preferred embodiment, expression levels of CD248; CD248 and SLC 1A7; CD248 and one, two, three or four of the group consisting of CCR7, B3GAT1, VSIG4 and LR-RN3; or CD248, SLC1A7 and one, two, three or four of the group consisting of CCR7, B3GAT1, VSIG4 and LRRN3 are determined.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Internet telematics service providing system and method for providing personalized and social information

Номер: US20120054035A1
Принадлежит: NHN Corp

An Internet telematics service providing system and method that may provide personalized point of interest (POI) information using various types of Web information are provided. The Internet telematics service providing system may include an interest information provider to provide interest information based on information that is found on the Internet and/or a telematics system associated with a user, a route receiver to receive a location of the user and/or a travel route from the telematics system, a POI extractor to extract POI information corresponding to the interest information based on the location of the user and/or the travel route, and a POI providing unit to provide the POI information to the telematics system.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Power distribution unit-device correlation

Номер: US20120117392A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

Apparatus, methods, and other embodiments associated with providing a correlation between a power distribution unit(s) and a device(s) are described. One example method includes storing first time series data that identifies, on a per power distribution unit (PDU) basis, current drawn from a set of PDUs. The example method may include storing second time series data that identifies, on a per device basis, power used by a set of related devices. With the two time series data available, the method may then provide a PDU-device correlation signal that identifies a correlation between current drawn from a PDU and power used by a device.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for managing energy resources

Номер: US20120150454A1

An apparatus for managing energy resources includes: a collection unit for collecting energy consumptions and resource information of a plurality of energy consumption devices; an integrated resource relation map management unit for generating and managing an integrated resource relation map which indicates correlations between energy resources one another consumed by the energy consumption devices by using the energy consumptions and the resource information; and an energy management unit for generating energy-saving measures based on the integrated resource relation map.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Airport Demand Management Method

Номер: US20120173131A1
Принадлежит: Metron Aviation Inc

A method is presented here for mitigation of airport congestion problem by manipulating flight arrival times to coincide with expected departure times in order to keep airport demand under a specific limit and optimize utilized capacity of an airport. In one example, a threshold is defined which is related to the airport surface capacity to represent airport's tolerance for accumulation. At the time the congestion problem is overcome, the accumulation rate is not positive. In another example, a threshold is defined which is related to the airport facilities available to a specific carrier and is applied to the flights operated by that carrier.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Systems, methods and computer program products for adaptive transaction cost estimation

Номер: US20120179597A1
Принадлежит: ITG Software Solutions Inc

A system, method and computer program product are provided for forecasting the transaction costs of a trade using empirical data and user-defined modeling constraints based on real-time data regarding changes in market conditions. In preferred embodiments, the invention acts as a forecaster whereby it accepts inputs from customers and identifies real-time market analytics, and provides dynamically adjusted ex ante cost estimates and metrics for the prevailing market conditions. Specific cost estimation and optimization algorithms can be provided to model transaction costs of a specific trade based on empirical data and real-time variables.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and System for Providing Environmentally-Optimized Navigation Routes

Номер: US20120191290A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method ( 500 ) and navigation system ( 100 ) are provided that generate a navigation route that is environmentally optimized between an origin and destination. Upon receiving an origination location and destination from a user or other source, such as a GPS satellite ( 104 ), a route determination module ( 302 ) determines multiple routes between the origination location and destination. An environmental analysis module ( 301 ) then processes each route to determine an environmental impact value. An evaluation module ( 303 ) then can selects a proposed route for presentation to the user via a presentation module ( 304 ). Alternatively, the evaluation module ( 303 ) may select two or more routes, which the presentation module ( 304 ) may present with corresponding environmental impact data such that the user may select a particular route. Additionally, a green coach module ( 306 ) may provide instructions to the user for more environmentally beneficial operation of a vehicle ( 102 ).

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Hydroelectric power optimization service

Номер: US20120191426A1
Автор: Clint Kalich, Xin Shane
Принадлежит: Avista Corp

A non-linear power equation may be solved in linear form by locking a variable or variables and iteratively solving to provide a Web service for accurately and quickly estimating optimized power solutions for hydroelectric power stations. Additionally, these iterative calculations may provide for long term water resource planning and more accurate estimation models. Further, such optimized power solutions may be usable to create accurate and timely water management models for the operation and planning of hydroelectric power stations.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Technology Risk Assessment, Forecasting, and Prioritization

Номер: US20120203590A1
Принадлежит: Bank of America Corp

A computer system assesses the overall risk for different technologies for an organization. Technologies may be evaluated by obtaining severity levels and environmental risk scores for the vulnerabilities associated with the technologies. Each severity level measures a possible risk level of a corresponding vulnerability, while each environmental risk score is based on the organization's environment. Technology risk scores are then determined from the severity levels and the environmental risk scores. Each technology may then be categorized from a statistical distribution of the technology risk scores. An indexed risk score for each technology may also be determined based on time trending variables. Inputs may be a number of vulnerabilities, blended advisory/severity scores, and a standard deviation of the blended advisory/severity scores, and the results then provide behavior forecasting of the technologies. Further evaluation of the technologies may be performed to determine a risk versus reward model for the different technologies.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Utilization start interval prediction device and utilization start interval prediction method

Номер: US20120209439A1
Автор: Jun Ozawa, Tsuyoshi Inoue
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A prediction device for predicting a prediction interval being a time interval predicted with a high possibility of appliance utilization starts includes: an evaluation unit calculating, using utilization interval history data, an evaluation value for determining a prediction scheme for each appliance; a determination unit, based on the evaluation value at least for each appliance, determining at least one of a first and a second prediction scheme as the scheme of the prediction interval for the appliance, the first prediction scheme using a property that the appliance is utilized in a predetermined cycle, and the second prediction scheme using a property that the utilization of a second appliance being the appliance is started in a period from a start or an end of utilization of a first appliance being another appliance to a passage of a predetermined time; a prediction unit predicting a prediction interval according to the determined scheme.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Computer-implemented system and method for facilitating creation of business plans and reports

Номер: US20120209644A1
Принадлежит: ENLOOP Inc

Disclosed herein is a system and method for generating business reports. According to one or more embodiments, information corresponding to a business entity is received. Such information may include a particular category of the business entity and financial information about the business entity. The financial information of the business entity is then compared to financial information collected from one or more businesses in the particular category. A predictive success score for the business entity is then generated based on the comparison. Additionally, descriptive text and financial forecasts, performance reviews and/or a dated Certificate of Performance with unique numbering are also automatically generated.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

System and method of vehicle fuel quantity management

Номер: US20120221234A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Intellectual Property Inc

Systems and methods of vehicle fuel quantity management are provided to assist in determining an optimal quantity of fuel to carry on-board a vehicle. Certain routes are sufficiently short so to not require a completely filled fuel tank to traverse. Additionally, most routes have an abundance of vehicle fueling stations that provide ample refueling opportunities, thus permitting an operator to carry less fuel than might be required to complete a route. Exemplary embodiments of the present disclosure balance initial fuel loading and fuel stops to optimize the amount of freight weight that can be carried for a given route. The benefit is increased freight efficiency in transporting cargo from source to destination while maintaining drivability.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Site Selection Data Analysis and System

Номер: US20120221366A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for site selection data analysis, including providing a distributed computer network for site selection data analysis with a computer and a plurality of databases coupled to a computer network and providing an interface associated with a selected site location for receiving site selection data from the computer. The site selection data may include quantifiable values associated with business operating expenses. The method also includes selectively retrieving rates from a rate database, where the rates are updated dynamically and are selected based on the site location and site selection data. The method also includes providing an algorithm for calculating monthly and annual values of the site selection data and calculating a data set using the algorithm. The method also includes transmitting the data set to the computer to be displayed on a display device and storing the data set and site selection data on a data storage device.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Reaction indicator for sentiment of social media messages

Номер: US20120246054A1
Автор: Gautham Sastri

A reaction indicator in the form of a graphical user interface is disclosed. The reaction indicator combines sentiment and intensity data relating to an asset for use in real-time evaluation of publicly traded assets, in particular equities and commodities. The reaction indicator includes graphic objects displayed upon a monitor that depict social media market sentiment, a timeline slider object, and a vertical bar chart object. The sentiment is derived based upon pairs of lexical items in local syntactic context found in a volume of social media messages.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for providing consumption information for software applications

Номер: US20120278749A1
Принадлежит: Nokia Oyj

A method and apparatus are disclosed for providing consumption information for respective ones of a plurality of software applications that are offered to consumers, such as from an application store or a social networking site. One method includes causing a plurality of software applications to be offered to consumers and causing consumption information for respective ones of the plurality of software applications to be retrieved. The consumption information may include information regarding at least one energy-related parameter. The method may also cause generation of a graphical representation of the consumption information for the respective software applications. Another method includes receiving consumption information from a plurality of users for respective ones of a plurality of software applications, determining aggregated consumption information relating to use of the respective software applications by the plurality of users and causing the aggregated consumption information for the respective software applications to be provided.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Retail pre-pack optimizer

Номер: US20120284079A1
Принадлежит: Oracle International Corp

A system determines an optimized pre-pack configuration with an optimized pre-pack allocation and an optimized pre-pack design. The system receives demand data and constraints and initializes a current pre-pack allocation and a current pre-pack design. For the current pre-pack allocation, the system determines a new pre-pack design by solving a multi-choice integer knapsack problem, and then determines if the new pre-pack design is different than the current pre-pack design. When the new pre-pack design is different than the current pre-pack design, the system determines a new pre-pack allocation and assigns the new pre-pack allocation as the current pre-pack allocation and the new pre-pack design as the current pre-pack design and repeats the determining the new pre-pack design and the determining if the new pre-pack design is different than the current pre-pack design until the new pre-pack design is the same as the current pre-pack design.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Real-time route optimization for real estate open house tours

Номер: US20120290203A1
Автор: Lance R. King
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method are disclosed for optimizing a route and schedule for visiting real estate open houses. The system may update the route and schedule in real time where a user deviates from the provided route and schedule. The system and method may further receive notes from a user while at an open house, and automatically store those notes in association with a property where the notes were received.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Device for formulating a definition of a version of a product

Номер: US20120290275A1
Автор: Jerome Amilhastre
Принадлежит: Cameleon Software SA

A device ( 1 ) for formulating—on the basis of a data-processing numerical model including several variables, the assuming of values of which is subject to predetermined constraints—a definition of a version of a product. Such a device is suitable to permit a user to effect selections of values to be assigned to each variable, and is suitable to authorize the modification of a value assigned to a variable at the time of a previous selection. Such a device is, in addition, suitable to present to the user the set of the possible values of each variable, taking account of the constraints linking it with the other variables, notably with those which already possess assigned values.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Optimal planning of building retrofit for a portfolio of buildings

Номер: US20120310689A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Generating an optimal planning of building retrofit for a portfolio of buildings may include providing a plurality of objective functions that may be selected for maximizing cost reduction, maximizing green house gas emission reduction, or maximizing energy reduction, or combinations thereof. The objective function may be solved based on information including at least a retrofit cost for retrofitting a building, payback period specifying the length of time needed to recover the retrofit cost, a budget available for retrofitting the building, expected price of energy, estimated energy savings from retrofitting and estimated green house gas emission from retrofitting. The planning of building retrofit may be generated based on the solutions of one or more of the objective functions, which may provide for an optimal plan of building retrofit.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For Clustering Time Series Data Based On Forecast Distributions

Номер: US20120310939A1
Принадлежит: SAS Institute Inc

In accordance with the teachings described herein, systems and methods are provided for clustering time series based on forecast distributions. A method for clustering time series based on forecast distributions may include: receiving time series data relating to one or more aspects of a physical process; applying a forecasting model to the time series data to generate forecasted values and confidence intervals associated with the forecasted values, the confidence intervals being generated based on distribution information relating to the forecasted values; generating a distance matrix that identifies divergence in the forecasted values, the distance matrix being generated based the distribution information relating to the forecasted values; and performing a clustering operation on the plurality of forecasted values based on the distance matrix. The distance matrix may be generated using a symmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence algorithm.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

System and Method for Virtual Environment Preservation Based on Automated Item Reduction

Номер: US20120311464A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method implemented in a computer infrastructure having computer executable code, includes detecting one of an absence of a virtual universe (VU) occurrence in a VU within a predetermined time period, a special event in the VU and a change of real world status from a previous real world status. Additionally, the method includes determining a VU asset of a VU resident relevant to the VU occurrence, the special event or the previous real world status. Further, the method includes performing an automated asset reduction of the VU asset based on the determining.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Arrangement and method for optimizing the operation of a supply network

Номер: US20120316852A1

An exemplary arrangement for determining set point values for controllable elements in a network that includes a management system for driving elements of the network and a plurality of processing units. The arrangement also includes at least one simulation unit with a simulation environment for generating a hydraulic simulation model of the network, and an optimization unit with an optimization environment for converting and simplifying the hydraulic simulation model. The optimization environment receives exported data from the simulation environment, generates a simplified optimization model from the exported data through an algorithm that is implemented through program code executed by a processor, and uses the optimization model and at least one of received additional data and measurement and field data to calculate optimized flow charts as temporally changeable set point value series for driving elements in the network and providing the driven elements to the management system.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for creating on-demand routes for powered industrial vehicles

Номер: US20130006442A1
Принадлежит: US Postal Service (USPS)

Systems and methods for creating in a facility on-demand routes for powered industrial vehicles to transport cargo efficiently. In one embodiment, an on-demand route generation module receives receiving a request to move cargo. The module analyzes data about the current location, the current tasking, and the driver availability of PIVs in operation. Based on the information, the module creates an on-demand route through the facility and sends a notification to an assigned PIV to pick up the cargo and carry it on the defined on-demand route.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

System and method for planning layout of a retail store

Номер: US20130006790A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

An interactive map for a retail store floor to determine product placement is disclosed. The interactive floor map can be customized for each retail store using custom-designed or pre-defined fixture blocks. Each fixture block includes a display surface, a representation of a product being displayed, and representation of its associated signage. Multiple products can be included in a fixture block and multiple fixture blocks can then be used to complete the interactive floor map for a retail store. Notes can be added at each level of creating the interactive floor map to add details that may be product, fixture, fixture block, and/or location specific. Also, an effective date and time for an interactive floor map for a store can be managed based on the date and time associated with a local time zone where the store is located.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Heuristic method for computing performance of an aircraft

Номер: US20130013134A1
Автор: Brian V. Lieu
Принадлежит: Universal Avionics Systems Corp

A method estimates the vertical airspeed and fuel flow of an aircraft at a point along a flight plan using other aircraft parameters for that point. The process uses a database having entries containing sets of actual values of operating parameters obtained during prior aircraft flights. The database is sorted by data set aggregate values that are is calculated from each set of actual values. When the vertical airspeed and fuel flow estimates are needed, a section thereof is identified based on the aggregate values. That section of the database is analyzed to identify the set of actual operating parameters values that best matches the other aircraft parameters for the flight plan point. The vertical airspeed and fuel flow values from that identified set are used as the estimates. This process reduces the amount of the database that has to be analyzed to locate the data to use.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Position measurement device, method for generating locational information, and storage medium

Номер: US20130024116A1
Автор: Kenichi Kitatani
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

In position measurement device, a positional data acquirer measures a present position to acquire positional data. A positional data storage sequentially stores the positional data acquired by the positional data acquirer. A determiner determines, on the basis of the positional data sequentially stored by the positional data storage and a predetermined criterion, whether a position of a user at a present time is a position of a location to be recorded. And, a locational information storage stores, if the determiner determines that the position of the user at the present time is the position of the location to be recorded, the positional data of the position as locational information.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for generating occupant schedules

Номер: US20130041632A1
Принадлежит: Autodesk Inc

Embodiments of the present invention generally relate to the modeling of building occupant behavior. An embodiment of the present invention relates to a method for generating interdependent schedules in an occupant simulation model. Within schedules generated in accordance with the present invention may be included activities that require the attendance of other occupants. Disclosed are methods for distributing multi-occupant activities among other occupants of a building. In another embodiment of the present invention, personas are used to generate simulated occupant schedules from a limited number of real-world occupant surveys. Characteristics of the real-world schedules are manipulated so as to fit desired characteristics. Multiple persona models are disclosed.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for generating occupant schedules

Номер: US20130041643A1
Принадлежит: Autodesk Inc

Embodiments of the present invention generally relate to the modeling of building occupant behavior. An embodiment of the present invention relates to a method for generating interdependent schedules in an occupant simulation model. Within schedules generated in accordance with the present invention may be included activities that require the attendance of other occupants. Disclosed are methods for distributing multi-occupant activities among other occupants of a building. In another embodiment of the present invention, personas are used to generate simulated occupant schedules from a limited number of real-world occupant surveys. Characteristics of the real-world schedules are manipulated so as to fit desired characteristics. Multiple persona models are disclosed.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Valuating energy management systems

Номер: US20130041853A1
Принадлежит: Gridpoint Inc

A method including receiving data from an energy-consuming device; determining an amount of energy consumed by the device during a time interval; calculating an actual energy cost based on the determined amount of energy consumed by the device during the time interval; predicting an amount of energy that would have been consumed by the at least one device during the time interval if the at least one device were not associated with the energy management system; calculating a predicted energy cost based on the predicted amount of energy that would have been consumed by the at least one device during the time interval if the at least one device were not associated with the energy management system; and calculating a valuation of the energy management system for the at least one energy consuming device over the time interval by comparing the actual energy cost and the predicted energy cost.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Service exception analysis systems and methods

Номер: US20130066669A1
Принадлежит: United Parcel Service of America Inc

Various embodiments provide a service exception analysis system for identifying the existence of one or more service exceptions incurred during actual transport of one or more of a plurality of packages. The system comprises one or more computer processors configured to receive actual data related to one or more observed parameters associated with transport of at least one of the plurality of packages; retrieve at least a portion of forecast data contained in one or more memory storage areas, the forecast data being related to one or more expected parameters associated with transport; compare the actual and forecast data to identify one or more discrepancies; analyze the one or more discrepancies to verify whether one or more service exceptions exist; and in response to one or more service exceptions being identified, generate one or more service exception reports. Associated computer program products and computer-implemented methods are also provided.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Using events data

Номер: US20130066679A1
Принадлежит: Infinera Corp

A computer device receives a list of events, and generates possible outcomes of the events. Each one of the possible outcomes indicates which ones of the events occur and which ones of the events do not occur. The computer device receives a request for forecast information for an item associated with two or more of the events. The computer device further retrieves data, from the possible outcomes, for the item. The computer device generates the forecast, for the item, based on the data. The computer device also uses the forecast to generate a plan to provide or to provide the item or a product associated with the item.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

System and method for predicting cooling performance of arrangements of equipment in a data center

Номер: US20130073258A1
Принадлежит: American Power Conversion Corp

A system and method for evaluating equipment in an improper cluster in a data center, the equipment including a plurality of equipment racks, and at least one cooling provider. In one aspect, the method includes receiving data regarding each of the plurality of equipment racks and the at least one cooling provider, the data including a layout of the improper cluster of equipment racks and the at least one cooling provider, storing the received data, identifying at least one gap in the layout, determining cooling performance of at least one of the plurality of equipment racks based, at least in part, on characteristics of the at least one gap, and displaying the layout of the data center, wherein the layout includes an indication of the cooling performance of the at least one of the plurality of equipment racks.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Real-Time Optimization of Hydropower Generation Facilities

Номер: US20130090774A1
Автор: Clint Kalich, Xin Shane
Принадлежит: Avista Corp

Operation of a hydropower generation facility may be optimized by consideration and analysis of multiple factors influencing function of the facility. Aspects of the facility and surrounding hydraulic system are represented in a model that may include efficiency curves for hydropower turbines. Efficiency curves for one or more turbines are approximated by piecewise linear functions. The use of piecewise linear representations allows for calculation of recommended operational settings as well as predicted outputs in real time. An optimization system may consider input data such as weather and market prices for electricity. The input data may also include desired operational outputs of the hydropower generation facility. A user interface may present recommendations for specific operational settings to achieve the desired operational outputs.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096967A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

A method and apparatus: (1) select and apply a transition from a set of first objective enhancing transitions to an initial information integration flow graph based upon how application of each transition impacts a length of a chain of nodes to produce a first set of modified information integration flow graphs that satisfy a first objective; (2) select and apply a second transition from the set of first objective transitions and a set of second objective enhancing transitions to the first set of modified information integration flow graphs to produce a second set of modified information integration flow graphs that satisfy the first objective and the second objective; and (3) identify an information integration flow graph from the first set and the second set having a lowest cost.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for navigation using bounded geograhic regions

Номер: US20130110393A1
Принадлежит: Mr. Thomas Heed

A navigation system containing a software core, which uses bounded geographic regions (“BGRs”) and Node Pairs to explicitly optimize, in two dimensions, for user desired dependent variables, by analyzing variance due to standard and user-defined independent variables. The invention stores Node Pair data, and can use error function, feedback, and ANOVA/MANOVA to create a tightly convergent navigation solution.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Power management device, power management method, and demand notifying device

Номер: US20130123995A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A power management device includes a power demand predicting section, demand control section, demand issuing section, and acceptance receiving section. The power demand predicting section calculates a first predicted amount of power demand, representing a result of prediction of power demand of a power consumer on a date and time in a future, and a second predicted amount of power demand, being calculated after the first predicted amount of power demand, and represents a result of prediction of power demand of the consumer on the date and time in the future. The demand control section determines a demand for prompting the consumer to adjust the amount of power demand based on the first and the second predicted amounts of power demand. The demand issuing section issues the demand determined by the demand control section to the consumer. The acceptance receiving section receives acceptance of the issued demand by the consumer.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for predicting domain name registration renewal probability

Номер: US20130124742A1
Принадлежит: Verisign Inc

A method for determining probability of a domain name registration renewal includes receiving a plurality of inputs associated with the domain name and assigning each of the plurality of inputs to at least one category from among a plurality of categories. The method also includes assigning a weighted value to each of the plurality of categories and calculating the probability of the domain name registration renewal based in part on the weighted value of each category.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Power demand plan coordination device, power demand plan coordination method, and program

Номер: US20130138468A1
Автор: Ryuji Oe
Принадлежит: Chugoku Electric Power Co Inc

The economical load distribution adjusting device 10 acquires an optimal hydroelectric output, optimal demand, and optimal power price from the supply-demand planning device 23 , acquires the planned hydroelectric output planned by the water level planning devices 21 , and acquires a planned demand planned by the hot water tank temperature control devices 22 . The economical load distribution adjusting device 10 reduces the power price of the time at which the planned hydroelectric output exceeds the optimal output and makes the water level planning devices 21 replan the hydroelectric output, and raises the power price of the time at which the planned demand exceeds the optimal demand and makes the hot water tank temperature control devices 22 replan the amount of demand.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Clustering method, optimization method using the same, power supply control device

Номер: US20130140887A1
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

The present invention is a method for performing clustering of sizes of loads of a power supply system with history data for each predetermined period as objects to be classified, wherein the method is such that, for each of the history data, subtraction processing is performed thereupon in which the amounts of specific loads which have been identified as loads of the power supply system are deducted, whereupon clustering is performed for each of the history data for which the subtraction processing has been performed thereupon as the objects to be classified.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

System and method for enhancing communication services based on user behavior and relative trending patterns

Номер: US20130144682A1
Принадлежит: Avaya Inc

Disclosed herein are systems, methods, and non-transitory computer-readable storage media for enhancing communication services based on relative trending. A system configured to practice the method identifies, from a set of historical communication data associated with a user, relative trending data. Based on the relative trending data, the system identifies a plurality of communication periods within the historical communication data. For a time series associated with one of the communication periods, the system identifies a relative trending pattern in the relative trending data, and performs an action based on a comparison of current communication data to the relative trending pattern for a respective communication period. The communication period can be a fixed, recurring duration of time. The relative trending data is typically associated with at least one variable, which may be, for example, a second user. The system can identify and use trend peaks, patterns, and confidence levels in this approach.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

System and method for building on-demand aviation trip

Номер: US20130151291A1
Автор: Sumant Salway
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and a system for building an on-demand aviation trip are provided. The system automatically identifies a set of service requirements and clearance requirements for a given trip, and handles tasks involved in arranging service providers for the set of service requirements to allow scheduler to self-build the trip. The system further obtains necessary information to automatically populate necessary forms to obtain the required clearances for the trip. Service requests and confirmation for the service requests are archived with reference to the service requirement of the trip and the parties relevant to the requests and confirmation are provided with real-time notification for receipt of such communications. The system also employees an online auction scheme to promote competition among the service providers to provide the schedulers with higher quality of service at lower price.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

System and method for purchasing planning-based logistics optimization

Номер: US20130159043A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method is provided for preplanning optimal order and routing patterns prior to the creation of individual purchase orders. In one embodiment, the preplanning based approach preferably includes both freight under management and freight not under management. Additionally, planning-based optimization suggests changes to existing ordering and routing guidelines where the network has changed and made the current solutions sub-optimal.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Animal Operations Data Management System and Method

Номер: US20130173276A1
Автор: Mullin Norman

A server is disclosed comprising a storage device, a processors, a memory, and communication hardware components. Said server is capable of receiving an animal operations data record event from a client device related to a concentrated animal feeding operation; recording to said storage device said animal operations data record; transmitting a first portion of said animal operations data record to a device application; processing said animal operations data record into a user disposition data with said device application; transmitting a user disposition record to said storage device in said server; and storing said user disposition record as one or more event records in said storage device. 1. A method for animal operations data management comprising:receiving an animal operations data record event from a one or more interface devices related to a concentrated animal feeding operation;transmitting a first portion of said animal operations data record to a device application;processing said animal operations data record into a user disposition data with said device application;transmitting a user disposition record to a storage device in a server; andstoring said user disposition record as one or more event records in said storage device.2. The method of further comprising:receiving a data related to a projected application event;generating an after planned application event chart before said projected application event has taken place; anddisplaying a before planned application table and said after planned application event table.3. The method of wherein said projected application event comprises a wastewater application event.4. The method of wherein said projected application event comprises a manure application event.5. The method of wherein said projected application event comprises a slurry application event.6. The method of further comprisingcalculating a missing logs comprising said animal operations data overdue, anddisplaying said missing logs on a ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Path composition for planning

Номер: US20130173653A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

A sequence of events may be planned by drawing on knowledge of existing sequences of events, and combining those events in accordance with a set of constraints. In one example, the sequences of events are events in a social agenda, such as dinner, drinks, movie, etc. Actual social agendas that users have carried out are monitored (with the users' permission), and these events are stored in a database. A sequence of events may be referred to as an existing path. Using the database, a system can respond to a query such as “plan an evening in Seattle,” or “plan an evening in that includes a movie” by querying the database to determine what sequences have already happened, and either retrieving an existing sequence or synthesizing a new one from existing sequences.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Linked decision nodes in a business process model

Номер: US20130179364A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Embodiments of the present invention address deficiencies of the art in respect to decision node processing in a business process model and provide a method, system and computer program product for linked decision nodes in business process models. In an embodiment of the invention, a business process model simulation method can be provided. The method can include loading a business process model for simulation, designating a decision node in the business process model as a master decision node and linking another decision node in the business process model as a slave decision node to the master decision node. The method further can include simulating the master decision node to select an output pin and storing the selected output pin in association with the master decision node, and applying the selected output pin in the slave decision node when arriving at the slave decision node during the simulation without simulating the slave decision node.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Transit routing system for public transportation trip planning

Номер: US20130184994A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A public transit travel planning system and methodology that uses an extensive pre-processing approach of transit information prior to query time on order to determine optimal public transit routes for journeys. At query time, since the transit information has already been processed by the system, very little computation is needed in order to fulfill the query. The system then provides users with public transit directions in response to the queries for public transit journeys.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Automatic demand parameter escalation

Номер: US20130185116A1
Принадлежит: Oracle International Corp

A system provides automatic escalation of demand parameters to determine a reliable demand parameter for a level within a sales hierarchy. The system measures difference in demand parameters between a level of interest within the sales hierarchy and a plurality of other levels within the sales hierarchy. The system also compares the differences in demand parameters of the other levels. The system further determines an escalation path for a demand parameter based on the comparison.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Preventing classification of object contextual information

Номер: US20130188828A1
Автор: Shay Bushinsky, Shmuel Ur

Technology is disclosed for preventing classification of objects, e.g., in an augmented reality system. The technology can identify a set of objects to be classified, determine whether context information for one or more objects in the identified set of objects to be classified is identified as not to be employed during classifiation, and during classification of two different objects, include context information for one object but not the other.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

System for providing traffic information using augmented reality

Номер: US20130194306A1
Принадлежит: Korea Railroad Research Institute KRRI

The present invention relates to a system for providing traffic information using augmented reality, and comprises: an AR server for providing a virtual image which is obtained by processing transfer information on transfer locations at stops for transportation means and information according to the transportation means, using characters and graphics; and a personal portable communication device which displays the virtual image received from the AR server while overlapping the virtual image on a real-captured image of a transfer location obtained through a camera. According to the present invention, a virtual image which displays transfer information on transfer locations such as bus platforms, subway stations, airports and the like and information according to transportation means and the like is displayed while being overlapped on an actual real-captured mage, thereby making it possible for a user to easily and simply obtain information on the detailed traffic flow at transfer locations or the surroundings thereof.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Trend or Pattern Trigger Device

Номер: US20130204832A1
Принадлежит: Duquesne Univ of Holy Spirit

The present invention implements, in a trend or pattern trigger device or system, the generation of hypotheses automatically while considering any collection of data by automatically assessing with templates or charts the presence of patterns in the data without a priori postulation of what the pattern might be. The trend or pattern examination templates or charts contain quantifiable thresholds for data or change in data so that trends or patterns in data can be discerned inductively and automatically without preconceived notions of what or where the patterns or trends might be.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Assessing Risk Associated with a Vendor

Номер: US20130211872A1

There is disclosed a method and apparatus for assessing risk associated with a vendor. The method includes receiving vendor information from a vendor, the vendor information including uniquely identifying data, acquiring a first data set associated with the vendor from a third party and acquiring a second data set including a history of transactions with the vendor. The method further includes aggregating the vendor information, the first data set and the second data set into a vendor collective data set and identifying a risk factor using the vendor collective data set.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Diagnose System for Rearranging Order of Testing Items in Diagnose Program in Accordance with a Log File

Номер: US20130231895A1
Автор: ZHU Jianjun

Disclosed is a diagnose system for rearranging order of testing items in a diagnose program and a method thereof. The method is applicable to a diagnose system, including an electronic device to be tested, a storage component and a plurality of detecting apparatuses. The electronic device to be tested includes an interface and stores a diagnose program including a plurality of testing items. The storage component is electrically coupled to the electronic device to be tested through the interface for reading a log file that includes a plurality of invocation commands, so that the electronic device to be tested can sequentially execute each of the invocation commands to invoke the corresponding testing items. Each of the detecting apparatuses corresponds to at least one testing item so as to drive each of the detecting apparatuses and execute a corresponding testing process to the electronic device to be tested. 1. A diagnose system for rearranging order of testing items in a diagnose program in accordance with a log file , comprising:an electronic device to be tested, wherein the electronic device to be tested has an interface, the diagnose program including a plurality of testing items is stored in the electronic device to be tested, and each of the testing items respectively comprises a testing parameter;a storage component, wherein the log file is stored in the storage component, the log file includes a plurality of invocation commands and each of the invocation commands corresponds to at least one of the testing items, the storage component is electrically coupled to the electronic device to be tested through the interface to enable the electronic device to be tested reading the log file via the interface and sequentially proceeding each of the invocation commands for making the electronic device to be tested invoke corresponding ones of the testing items while executing the invocation commands; anda plurality of detecting apparatus, each of the detecting ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

System and method for concurrently conducting cause-and-effect experiments on content effectiveness and adjusting content distribution to optimize business objectives

Номер: US20130246162A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

The present invention is directed to systems, articles, and computer-implemented methods for assessing effectiveness of communication content and optimizing content distribution to enhance business objectives. Embodiments of the present invention are directed to computer-implemented methods for a computer-implemented method, comprising conducting an experiment using experimental content to determine effectiveness of communication content and executing, while conducting the experiment, a machine learning routine (MLR) using MLR content to enhance an effectiveness metric.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Smoothing Power Output From a Wind Farm

Номер: US20130268222A1
Автор: Partha Dutta, Vijay Arya
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method for determining consistent wind power output includes obtaining forecasted wind power production, actual wind power production from a wind power producer, a variable price of power measurement, a power storage battery state and capacity measurement, and a penalty measurement for wind power change of rate, and analyzing the forecasted wind power production, the variable price of power measurement, the power storage battery state and capacity measurement, and the penalty measurement for wind power change of rate to determine a consistent rate at which wind to power is to be exported from the wind power producer to a grid.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Pallet building system

Номер: US20130282165A1
Принадлежит: Symbotic Inc

An automated palletizer includes an automated package pick device capable of moving packages from a package deposit section to a pallet to form a pallet load from packages. A controller is operably connected to the automated pick device, the controller having a pallet load generator configured to determine a pallet load structure of mixed packages. The pallet load generator is programmed so that it determines the load structure from mixed package layers overlaid over each other at least one of the mixed package layers being formed of stacks of mixed packages. Top and bottom surfaces of the stacks corresponding to the at least one mixed package layer respectively form top and bottom surfaces of the at least one mixed package layer that are substantially flat. The controller generates commands for the pick device to build the pallet load from the load structure determined by the pallet load generator.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Managing non-destructive evaluation data

Номер: US20130289943A1
Принадлежит: Etegent Technologies Ltd

Methods manage non-destructive evaluation (“NDE”) data. NDE data for an asset is received and at least one alignment algorithm to align the NDE data to a simulated model associated therewith is determined. The NDE data is automatically aligned to the simulated model, a display representation that visually represents the aligned NDE data on the simulated model is generated, and information about the aligned NDE data is exported. Additionally, second NDE data associated with the at least a portion of the asset may also be received, at least one alignment algorithm to align the data determined, and the second NDE data aligned. Respective indications associated with the first and second NDE data may be determined and visually represented on the simulated model. Moreover, a shot descriptor file may be analyzed to determine whether additional NDE data is required to complete an alignment of NDE data.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130297207A1

A vehicle management system is described herein that can perform a variety of features related to managing fleets of vehicles. For example, the vehicle management system includes a routing module that can perform a variety of functions. Some of these functions can include determining a first route between locations using a simplified routing network and then determining a second route between the locations using a more exhaustive routing network. Further, the routing module can store information about the natural flow through intersections, improving control of routes through intersections. Some or all of these features may be used together, or any of these features may be omitted in any given embodiment. 1. A system for calculating a route for a vehicle , the system comprising: receive an indication of a start node and an end node of a route to be traveled by a vehicle;', 'route a first route from the start node toward the end node until identifying a first groove node using a first routing network, the first groove node not being the end node;', 'route a second route from the end node toward the start node until identifying a second groove node using the first routing network, the second groove node not being the start node;', 'identify a groove route from the first groove node to the second groove node using a second routing network to produce an initial route comprising the first route, the groove route, and the second route, the second routing network comprising a subset of nodes of the first routing network; and', 'refine the initial route, using the first routing network, to produce an output route by evaluating the groove route to identify an alternative route to at least a portion of the groove route based at least in part on distance from the groove route and one or more routing factors., 'a routing module comprising computer hardware, the routing module configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the routing module is further configured to refine the ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for managing an energy consuming load

Номер: US20130317663A1
Автор: Mark Kerbel, Roman Kulyk
Принадлежит: Regen Energy Inc

A method for managing an energy consuming load in a group of energy consuming loads. The method includes generating and compiling sets of load state data from the load and other loads, making an enablement state decision for the load using the compiled sets of data, wherein the enablement state decision reflects either a load enabled or load disabled state, and implementing the enablement state decision for the load. An apparatus for managing an energy consuming load in a group of energy consuming loads, including a transmitter for transmitting the set of load state data from the load, a receiver for receiving sets of load state data from other loads, a processor for processing the load state data to make an enablement state decision, and a controller for implementing the decision. A computer readable medium provides computer readable instructions for directing the processor, wherein the instructions perform the method.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Conflict detection and resolution using predicted aircraft trajectories

Номер: US20130338910A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method of detecting conflicts between aircraft passing through managed airspace, and resolving the detected conflicts strategically. The method may include obtaining intended trajectories of aircraft through the airspace, detecting conflicts in the intended trajectories, forming a set of the conflicted aircraft, calculating one or more revised trajectories for the conflicted aircraft such that the conflicts are resolved, and advising the conflicted aircraft subject to revised trajectories of the revised trajectories.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130339076A1

A computer guided geocoded route service sales and deliveries method and apparatus optimizing geomarketing, financial and sales, and improved logistics along delivery routes using operator transmitters/receivers inputs of route information in one mode, which receive and display to the operator in another mode computer generated pricing, sales, financial and marketing information, optimal routes, and other related information concerning each customer and distribution point of interest along a route, which are displayed or not, to the operator as he/she reaches the particular latitude and longitude of a point of interest enforcing the operator to act as it is indicated. 1. A method for computer guided geocoded route service sales and deliveries optimizing geomarketing financial and sales and improved logistics of a provider comprising:providing route delivery and sales operators of delivery vehicles with computer signal transmitters/receivers, which in one mode allow each operator to receive and record latitude and longitude signals corresponding to point of interest and/or customer exact location and relate to that particular location sales, delivery, client, competitors, safety, security, financial and other marketing information, concerning customer, market and distribution points of interest along an operator's route, and in another mode receives and displays to each respective operator pricing, and marketing information, optimal routes, and other related information concerning each point of interest as the operator reaches a particular latitude and longitude of a point of interest hence allowing him to perform or not a certain activity;providing a computer signal interface to receive and transmit geocoded signals to and from the signal transmitters/receivers to a data base of a computer server;inputting a navigational—marketing—selling and auditing featured computer program into a third party or a providing computer server to computer translate geocoded received ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Benchmarking progressive systems for solving combinatorial problems

Номер: US20140025610A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A system is provided for benchmarking a progressive combinatorial solver. The system may initialize a parametric model collector, and perform a plurality of parametric trials associated with respective numbers of sub-part iterations of the progressive combinatorial solver. For each of the plurality of parametric trials, the system may initialize a statistical data collector. The system may perform a plurality of randomized executions of the progressive combinatorial solver, and add data including metric values for respective solutions of the executions to the statistical data collector. The system may then determine statistical parameter(s) of data in the statistical data collector, and add data including an indication of the respective number of sub-part iterations, a cost of finding the metric values for the respective solutions, and the statistical parameters of the trial to the parametric data collector. And the system may determine a best-fit model from data in the parametric data collector.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Data center intelligent control and optimization

Номер: US20140031956A1
Принадлежит: IO Data Centers LLC

Systems and methods of monitoring, analyzing, optimizing and controlling data centers and data center operations are disclosed. The system includes data collection and storage hardware and software for harvesting operational data from data center assets and operations. Intelligent analysis and optimization software enables identification of optimization and/or control actions. Control software and hardware enables enacting a change in the operational state of data centers.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for distributing an energy flow over a predetermined period of time to a cluster of a plurality of devices taking into account constraints relating to the energy to be delivered to the devices, a computer program for performing such a method and a system therefor

Номер: US20140032007A1

Method for distributing an energy flow to a cluster of a plurality of devices taking into account constraints relating to the energy to be delivered to the devices, comprising the steps of: A. gathering flexibility information of the respective devices in the cluster, combining the flexibility information of the devices of the cluster into flexibility information for the cluster, B. determining accumulated energy to be delivered in function of time over the predetermined period of time, C. supplying the determined accumulated energy to the cluster by obtaining, from the flow of energy, power in function of time based on the determined accumulated energy to be delivered in function of time, determining priority for power for all devices in the cluster and distributing the obtained power among the devices of the cluster.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus to forecast new product launch sourcing

Номер: US20140067466A1
Автор: Kyle A. Gerhart, Yue Xiao
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods and apparatus are disclosed to forecast new product launch sourcing. An example method includes identifying shared attributes between the new product and a plurality of existing products in the target market, calculating theoretical co-penetration values between the attributes shared between the new product and at least one of the plurality of existing products, calculating actual co-penetration values between the attributes shared between the new product and at least one of the plurality of existing products, calculating an attribute distance value between corresponding ones of the theoretical and actual co-penetration values, and calculating a percent volume of the new product expected to be sourced from one of the plurality of existing products based on the attribute distance value.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Multivariate Transaction Classification

Номер: US20140067737A1
Принадлежит: SAP SE

Embodiments relate to classification of transactions based upon analysis of multiple variables. For a purchase transaction, such variables can include but are not limited to: buying location, source system, line of business, cost center, functional area, supplier capabilities, item description, account description, organization, department, custom parameters, and others. Embodiments may rely upon one or more classification schemes, such as statistical classification, semantic classification, and/or knowledge base classification, taken alone or in combination. In a purchase transaction, classification based on multivariate analysis facilitates identification of a purchased item or service, and hence accuracy in classifying and assigning a central classification code. Particular embodiments may include a feature allowing user review/revision of category assignments via a feedback loop linked to past classification. This revision feature may add clarity to a current transaction, allow modification of future classification for ongoing improvement, and provide a user-driven measure of system performance.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method and system for energy control management

Номер: US20140074306A1
Автор: Jianmin Zhu, Ling Shen, Yan Lu
Принадлежит: Siemens Corp

In order to reduce computation time and cost involved with determining one or more optimal parameters for a pre-cooling strategy, for a modeled system, a two-step genetic algorithms is used to optimize energy consumption of the modeled system with respect to cost of the energy consumption. A first step of the two-step genetic algorithms determines a population of potential solutions that are used to initialize a second step of the two-step genetic algorithm. The second step of the two-step genetic algorithm determines the one or more optimal parameters for the pre-cooling strategy from the population output by the first genetic algorithm.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method and system for generating fixed transit routes

Номер: US20140074400A1
Принадлежит: Trapeze Software Inc

A method and system for generating fixed transit routes is provided. A first set of street network segments within a first threshold distance from a starting point is identified for a pattern inputted by a user. A proxy first point along each of the street network segments in the first set is also identified. A second set of street network segments within a second threshold distance from an ending point is identified for the pattern inputted by the user. A proxy second point along each of the street network segments in the second set is also identified. A best path for the pattern is determined including any one of the proxy first points along the street network segments in the first set and any one of the proxy second points along the street network segments in the second set.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Forecasting of Deposit Faults for a Money Handling Machine

Номер: US20140074530A1
Автор: Dion Lee BELLAMY
Принадлежит: Bank of America Corp

A computer system obtains monetary item deposit information and reader failure information from the money handling device and generates data that accumulates to represent an historical pattern of a ratio of a number of deposited monetary items (e.g., deposited checks) to reader failure incidents. The transaction computer then generates a service indicator that is indicative of servicing the money handling device based on the pattern. The transaction computer may project the ratio to obtain a projected ratio at a subsequent (future) time and may track the ratio to determine whether the ratio is trending differently from the ratio.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Optimized Shipping Strategies Accounting for Endpoint Requirements

Номер: US20140074745A1

Systems, methods, and devices of the various embodiments enable cartonization of products for store replenishment based on the individual store layout of each store of a group of stores to which the cartonized products are to be provided.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Optimized Flight Plan Management System

Номер: US20140081569A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method and apparatus for flight planning. Routes from a start point to an end point are identified for a flight of an aircraft from a database of routes. A plurality of different types of routes is present in the database of routes. A number of characteristics of the aircraft are applied to the routes to identify a performance of the aircraft for the routes using a number of weather conditions for the flight. The routes are ranked based on the performance of the aircraft on the routes in meeting a number of goals for the flight to form ranked routes. A portion of the ranked routes are displayed.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Social network based mapping

Номер: US20140081881A1
Автор: Rajesh Radhakrishnan
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method and system for mapping in accordance with social networking data. The method includes receiving data associated with a user. A computer processor periodically retrieves explicit and implicit social networking data associated with the user. The computer processor analyzes the explicit social networking data, the implicit social networking data, and the first data and generates resulting analysis data. The computer processor generates different travel routes from an initial user location to a user specified destination. Each travel route comprises various stopping points associated with locations of individuals related to the user. Graphical images associated with the individual are generated and presented to the user in combination with graphical representations of the different travel routes via a multifaceted display of each travel route.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Automated coordination of ride sharing between members of social group

Номер: US20140082069A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Ride-sharing transportation arrangements can be electronically coordinated between members of a social group. The coordination can involve allowing members to electronically request or offer rides, gathering information pertinent to the ride share (e.g., a current or home location or a suspected destination location based on invitation response), generating proposed ride-sharing transportation routes, and sequentially presenting the proposed routes to members in order to arrive at an agreeable arrangement without unduly bothering involved members. Ride-sharing can thus be promoted due to the ease of the coordination, ride-sharers' familiarity and comfort with each other, and potentially, due to ride-sharers' overlap in destination locations.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Systems and methods providing a fuel-efficient rta implementation with uncertain winds

Номер: US20140088799A1
Принадлежит: Georgia Tech Research Corp

Flight management systems and control methods for meeting a required time of arrival (RTA) with reduced fuel burn. The method can account for probabilistic wind forecast uncertainty in RTA calculations by reformulating the speed and thrust profile problem as a multi-stage stochastic program, using a wind forecast uncertainty model to generate scenario sets for the fuel optimization problem. The method can iteratively calculate a fuel-efficient advised air speed for achieving an RTA over a flight path with an arbitrary number of recourse points. Methods for creating wind forecast uncertainty models applicable to a variety of routes through a given airspace, and for use with the flight management systems and control methods. An example wind forecast uncertainty model can be position-specific, data-driven and based on a Markov chain representing error values between historical wind speed data and forecasted wind speed data long a planned flight route or between an origin-destination pair.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Intelligent route planning

Номер: US20140095069A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

The present disclosure relates to computer-implemented methods and systems for intelligent route planning. An example method may include receiving, by a computation system comprising one or more processors, one or more tasks. The one or more tasks may be associated with one or more locations. The method may further include storing, by the computation system, the one or more tasks. The method may further include receiving, by the computation system, current location information associated with a user. The method may further include generating, by the computation system, based upon the one or more tasks and the current location information, one or more notifications associated with at least one task for presentation to the user.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Guided Vehicle System and Guided Vehicle Travel Schedule Generation Method

Номер: US20140100735A1
Автор: Hisato Yoneda
Принадлежит: Murata Machinery Ltd

A traveling schedule of a guided vehicle is generated for use in a guided vehicle system for transporting articles between load ports by a plurality of guided vehicles traveling with articles carried thereon along a predetermined traveling route. A traveling schedule is created separately for each guided vehicle, disregarding interferences with other guided vehicles, the traveling schedules including a string of velocity control points representing positions and times at which guided vehicles accelerate or decelerate on the traveling route. For both newly created traveling schedules and traveling schedules from which interferences have been eliminated, interferences between the guided vehicles are detected from relative positions between the guided vehicles at the velocity control points. The traveling schedules of following guided vehicles are modified to eliminate the detected interferences, and the schedules are stored.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220004584A1

To present a relationship among the factors F at different time points using continuous feature amounts. A generation device executes: visualization element generation processing, based on time series data including feature amounts of a plurality of different factors existing in time series, a feature amount range visualization element that defines a continuous feature amount range for each of the factors, and generating an inter-feature amount visualization element that defines relevance between a first feature amount of a first factor and a second feature amount of a second factor that are continuous in time, and visualization element generation processing of generating visualization information indicating a relationship of the feature amounts related to the plurality of different factors by associating, by the inter-feature amount visualization element, a first feature amount range visualization element of the first factor with a second feature amount range visualization element of the second factor. 1. A generation device comprising:a processor configured to execute a program; anda storage device that stores the program, wherein visualization element generation processing of generating, based on time series data including feature amounts of a plurality of different factors existing in time series, a feature amount range visualization element that defines a feature amount range that is a continuous range of the feature amount for each of the factors, and generating an inter-feature amount visualization element that defines relevance between a first feature amount of a first factor and a second feature amount of a second factor that are continuous in time among the plurality of different factors, and', 'visualization information generation processing of generating visualization information indicating a relationship of the feature amounts related to the plurality of different factors by associating, by the inter-feature amount visualization element, a first feature ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Short-term load forecasting

Номер: US20220004941A1

A method, computer program, and computer system are provided for load forecasting. Datasets corresponding to source machine learning models and a target domain base model are identified. A set of forecasting models corresponding to the identified datasets are learned. An ensemble model is determined from the learned set of forecasting models based on gradient boosting. An available resource is allocated based on the ensemble model.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Living Activity Estimation System, Living Activity Estimation Device, Living Activity Estimation Program, And Recording Medium

Номер: US20160003876A1

An EoD system for personal living activities. A current electric power value is received from a smart tap, a use state q of an appliance is estimated from the current electric power value, change of the use state is detected as an event when the use state is different from a use state of a previous time, and the type of the event and an occurrence time are stored in a memory. Following that, a first weight of the living activity by the type of the event is calculated based on an appliance function model and an elapsed time from the event occurrence time, and a second weight to each living activity corresponding to the current use state of the appliance is acquired from an appliance function model. Based on the product that is a multiplication of the first weight and the second weight, a sum of the products is calculated for each appliance, and a living activity label, in which the sum of the product values of each appliance becomes a maximum value, is estimated as a living activity label of a time.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Autonomous Vehicle Routing and Navigation Using Passenger Docking Locations

Номер: US20170003687A1
Принадлежит: Nissan North America Inc

A method and apparatus for autonomous vehicle routing and navigation using passenger docking locations are disclosed. Autonomous vehicle routing and navigation using passenger docking locations may include an autonomous vehicle identifying map information representing a vehicle transportation network, the vehicle transportation network including a primary destination and a docking location, wherein identifying the map information includes identifying the map information such that the map information includes docking location information representing the docking location. The autonomous vehicle may identify the docking location as a target docking location for the primary destination based on the map information, generate, based on the map information, route information representing a route for the autonomous vehicle to traverse the vehicle transportation network from an origin in the vehicle transportation network to the target docking location, and traverse the vehicle transportation network from the origin to the target docking location in accordance with the route information.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003516A1
Автор: Khasis Dan

Systems and methods for geocoding coordinates of users, vehicles and destinations on a map, and to identify when a transit vehicle deviates from a system generated driving route are disclosed. As the transit vehicle travels along the route, its actual path of travel may be compared to an optimal driving route generated by the system to obtain route deviation data. The route deviation data and/or road network data may be filtered to remove data noise and further analyzed to build a profile of a driver operating a transit vehicle. A digital signature identifying at least one pattern of behavior and/or operating characteristic associated with a specific driver operating a vehicle is further developed, and may be used to allow a system administrator of a vehicle fleet to filter out, or filter for, specific driver types based on driving behaviors that may be suitable for a particular operation. 1. A machine-implemented method , comprising:geocoding coordinates of at least one of a user, a vehicle, and a destination on a map;tracking positioning data of the user, the vehicle, and the destination on the map to generate a tracked route;comparing the tracked route to one or more generated routes;detecting a deviation of the tracked route from a generated route; andgenerating an alert to indicate that a route deviation has occurred.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:wherein detecting the deviation comprises generating a pair of buffer perimeters surrounding a generated route;comparing the tracked route to the pair of buffer perimeters; anddetermining a route deviation occurrence based on the comparison of the vehicle's location to the pair of buffer perimeters.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:wherein a width of the pair of buffer perimeters is fixed, orwherein a width of the pair of buffer perimeters is variable.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:wherein generating a pair of buffer perimeter comprises overlaying one or more buffer zones on ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004420A1
Автор: Thompson Stuart

A method for generating workforce street level routing is provided. The method includes ranking each job within a set of jobs available for assignment at times of day to a worker and producing a street level routing assignment schedule including a sequence of jobs assigned to the worker in which each of the sequence of jobs corresponds to a highest ranked job within the set of jobs available for assignment to the worker at each particular time of day during a work-shift. The ranking step includes creating a coefficient representing an appeal for venturing or homing of the worker at each particular time of day during the work-shift, developing a score from a plurality of factors for each job within the set of jobs at each particular time of day, and using the coefficient representing the appeal for venturing or homing to produce at least one of the factors. 1. A method for generating workforce street level routing , comprising the steps of:ranking each job within a set of jobs available for assignment at times of day to a worker of a workforce; andproducing a street level routing assignment schedule including a sequence of jobs assigned to the worker in which each of the sequence of jobs corresponds to a highest ranked job within the set of jobs available for assignment to the worker at each particular time of day during a work-shift;wherein said ranking step includes creating a coefficient representing an appeal for venturing or homing of the worker at each particular time of day during the work-shift, developing a score from a plurality of factors for each job within the set of jobs at each particular time of day, and using the coefficient representing the appeal for venturing or homing to produce at least one of said plurality of factors; andwherein the plurality of factors includes at least one of travel distance to a job location and estimated travel time to a job location.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said creating step includes representing the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004118A1

Examples described herein include examples of method for predicting battery performance of a battery comprising collecting battery data corresponding to a plurality of batteries with characteristics similar to the battery during a first time period, storing the collected battery data in a staging memory, generating a logarithmic regression based on the collected battery data, and predicting battery performance for the battery based on the logarithmic regression. 1. A battery performance prediction system comprising:an aggregator to aggregate battery data based on a characteristic of a plurality of battery devices;a data stager to store the aggregated battery data; anda prediction analyzer to generate a logarithmic regression model based on at least some of the battery data and to generate a prediction of battery performance for a particular battery based on the logarithmic regression model.2. The system of further comprising a reporter to provide a feedback message based on the prediction.3. The system of wherein the reporter sends the feedback message to a manufacturer or end user.4. The system of further comprising a monitor to monitor changes in the logarithmic regression model.5. The system of wherein to generate the prediction of the battery performance for the particular battery comprises matching a battery count corresponding to the particular battery to the logarithmic regression model.6. A method comprising:aggregating the battery data corresponding to a plurality of batteries according to a plurality of battery characteristics;selecting aggregated battery data based on a selected battery characteristic from the plurality of battery characteristics;generating a logarithmic regression based on the selected aggregated battery data; andpredicting battery performance for a particular battery based on the logarithmic regression.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising sending the predicted battery performance to a corresponding battery powered device.8. The ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Method to forecast future economic conditions, and to form future investment strategy

Номер: US20170004579A1
Автор: Chau Manuel

My invention is a method to forecast future economic conditions by one or a number of selected economic data series. By this method, economist may forecast future economic conditions and investors may improve their investment performance. This method allows a number of leading economic indicators to be used together and show signals of economic changes in an early stage. 1. In statistics measurement , a method is Modified Mean of absolute differences (Modified MAD). The formula is shown in . The steps of calculation is below:Step 1: In a number of data, each data's difference from their mean is taken their absolute value and is powered by y times, and y is any number.{'b': '1', 'Step 2: take the mean of step .'}Step 3: l/z power (or a z th root) is applied on the result of step 2. And either one of the y or z, or both y or z, is any number not equal to 2.2. Referring to Modified MAD discussed in claim 1 , Modified Moving Mean of absolute differences (Modified Moving MAD) is continually calculating Modified MAD's most updated result by adding its ongoing newest data and removing the oldest data. Here claim 1 , the researcher has to preset a number of periods for the Modified Moving MAD.3. Method for data series to form its upper range and lower range claim 1 , and define into sectors of above upper range claim 1 , below lower range claim 1 , and middle range.Here, the researcher has to set the math tool, the number of periods if ongoing data (or rolling data), and multiple used.The moving mean is the result of averaging the data within the number of periods.The upper range is the data series' moving mean plus a math tool times a multiple.The lower range is the data series' moving mean minus a math tool times a multiple.With the above lines, the data may fall on 4 sectors, above upper range sector, upper middle sector, lower middle sector, and below lower range sector.4. Referring to the math tool stated in claim 3 , a constant claim 3 , or a constant formed by a ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005055A1
Автор: Sarferaz Siar

A generic time series forecasting system receives historical time series data and one or more initial parameter values for one or more parameters of a predictive algorithm, such as an exponential smoothing algorithm. The generic time series forecasting system iteratively determines an optimized value for each of one or more parameters for the predictive algorithm based on the received historical time series data and the received one or more initial parameter values. The generic time series forecasting system generates and outputs data for a forecasted time series based on the iteratively optimized value for each of the one or more parameters, the received historical time series data, and the predictive algorithm. 1. A method for generating a time series forecast comprising:receiving historical time series data from a client device;receiving one or more initial parameter values for an exponential smoothing algorithm;iteratively determining, using one or more processors, an optimized value for each of one or more parameters for the exponential smoothing algorithm based on the received historical time series data and the received one or more initial parameter values;generating, using one or more processors, data for a forecasted time series based on the iteratively optimized value for each of the one or more parameters, the received historical time series data, and the exponential smoothing algorithm; andoutputting the generated data for the forecasted time series to the client device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the historical time series data comprises a plurality of value pairs of a timestamp and a value.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the outputting the generated data for the forecasted time series comprises visualization data for displaying the forecasted time series.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the visualization data further comprises the historical time series data.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the visualization data further comprises data ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Constructing and calibrating enthalpy based predictive model for building energy consumption

Номер: US20150006123A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A predictive model for building energy consumption may be constructed and run to predict energy consumption in a building or to detect anomaly in energy consumption in a building or combinations thereof. Historic energy consumption data associated with energy consumed in a building may be received. Enthalpy of air outside the building may be determined. An energy consumption model may be calibrated based on the historic energy consumption data and the enthalpy of air outside the building. The energy consumption model incorporates enthalpy difference between a balance enthalpy and the enthalpy of air outside the building.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods to integrate power production simulation with power distribution simulation

Номер: US20180004867A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

In one embodiment, a system includes a processor. The processor is configured to provide for time synchronization between execution of a power production modeling and simulation system (PPMSS) model and a power distribution modeling and simulation system (PDMSS) model, wherein the PPMSS model comprises a power production system simulation and wherein the PDMSS model comprises a power distribution system simulation.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150006230A1

An article processing apparatus, having a movable member for article processing, includes an information processor configured to set a plurality of clusters each of which includes, as a plurality of nodes, a plurality of candidates of a transition order of states of the movable member with respect to each of a plurality of target regions of an article, set a plurality of costs respectively to a plurality of combinations of two nodes which respectively belong to two mutually different clusters of the plurality of clusters, and generate a transition order of states of the movable member over the plurality of target regions by obtaining, as a solution of a traveling salesman problem, an order of traveling through a plurality of nodes each selected from each of the plurality of clusters, based on the plurality of clusters and the plurality of costs. 1. An article processing apparatus having a movable member for article processing , the apparatus comprising:an information processor configured to:set a plurality of clusters each of which includes, as a plurality of nodes, a plurality of candidates of a transition order of states of the movable member with respect to each of a plurality of target regions of an article,set a plurality of costs respectively to a plurality of combinations of two nodes which respectively belong to two mutually different clusters of the plurality of clusters, andgenerate a transition order of states of the movable member over the plurality of target regions by obtaining, as a solution of a traveling salesman problem, an order of traveling through a plurality of nodes each selected from each of the plurality of clusters, based on the plurality of clusters and the plurality of costs.2. The article processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is configured to set a cluster which includes claim 1 , as a node claim 1 , only one candidate of a transition order of states of the movable member with respect to a target region of the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220012600A1

A method, computer system, and computer program product for deriving precision and recall impacts of training new dimensions to knowledge corpora are provided. The embodiment may include analyzing a knowledge corpus of multiple AI systems to identify distribution of knowledge contents in different dimensions. The embodiment may also include calculating a bias core of an answer provided by a user based on a pattern of the answer and user feedback. The embodiment may further include analyzing the knowledge corpus of each AI system individually with a confidence score of each answer. The embodiment may also include recommending unlearning of one or more of the knowledge contents based on the calculated confidence score. The embodiment may further include notifying the user when one or more AI knowledge corpus are determined to be trained with additional information in one or more dimensions. 1. A processor-implemented method for deriving precision and recall impacts of training new dimensions to knowledge corpora , the method comprising:analyzing a knowledge corpus of multiple AI systems to identify distribution of knowledge contents in different dimensions;calculating a bias core of an answer provided by a user based on a pattern of the answer and user feedback;analyzing the knowledge corpus of each AI system individually with a confidence score of each answer;recommending unlearning of one or more of the knowledge contents based on the calculated confidence score; andnotifying the user when one or more AI knowledge corpus are determined to be trained with additional information in one or more dimensions.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:tracking dimensional data trained to the knowledge corpus over time; andanalyzing an impact of addition of the tracked dimensional data to create a topological map of known dimensions.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:analyzing a usage of one of more dimensions based on tracking a usage of queries to the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220012652A1

An example communications routing system includes a prediction engine to, for each user account, generate a predicted cost of communications events using a gamma-gamma cost model, generate a predicted revenue of presented advertisements using a gamma-gamma revenue model, generate a margin based on the predicted cost and the predicted revenue, and, when the margin for a given user account is below a margin threshold, restrict a status associated with the given user account. 1. A communications routing system comprising:a routing engine configured to manage Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) communications events between a plurality of communications devices using respective VoIP telephone numbers;an account database storing a plurality of unique associations between user accounts of users and the VoIP telephone numbers;a cost database storing a cost of the communications events for the user accounts;a revenue database storing a revenue of presented advertisements associated with the user accounts; generate a predicted cost of the communications events using a gamma-gamma cost model;', 'generate a predicted revenue of the presented advertisements using a gamma-gamma revenue model;', 'generate a margin based on the predicted cost and the predicted revenue; and', 'when the margin for a given user account is below a margin threshold, restrict a status associated with the given user account., 'a prediction engine configured to, for each of the user accounts2. The communications routing system of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , to generate the predicted revenue for the given user account claim 1 , the prediction engine is configured to:determine optimal parameters of the gamma-gamma revenue model based on a maximum likelihood estimation; anddetermine a predictive revenue distribution for the given user account using an inverse gamma revenue distribution based on (i) the optimal parameters, (ii) an average daily advertisement revenue for the given user account and (iii) a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

System and method for parallel search on explicitly represented graphs

Номер: US20150006316A1
Автор: Rong Zhou
Принадлежит: Palo Alto Research Center Inc

One embodiment of the present invention provides a system for partitioning a graph representing customer purchases to facilitate parallel computations. During operation, the system initially receives graph data indicating vertices and edges of the graph, wherein the vertices represent customers and products and the edges represent purchases. Next, the system partitions edges of the graph to generate a partitioned graph such that each edge of the graph is a member of a respective partition. The system may then perform parallel computations on the graph data in one or more partitions to determine product recommendations.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004730A1
Автор: Koslu Dogan

Provided are methods, systems, and apparatuses for automatically allocating physical units of a physical space. In example embodiments, an allocation request is received from a first computing device. The allocation request includes a physical space identifier, a physical unit quantity, and a physical unit arrangement type. A plurality of possible physical unit allocation subsets matching the allocation request are retrieved from a physical space repository and based on a physical unit allocation regulation associated with the physical space identifier. A physical unit allocation interface including one or more of the possible physical unit allocation subsets is transmitted to the first computing device. Available physical units associated with the physical space identifier are transformed in the physical space repository to unavailable physical units. The unavailable physical units include first physical units allocated for physical use by a physical being as well as second physical units allocated to remain unused by physical beings according to the physical unit allocation regulation. 1. A computer-implemented method for dynamically allocating graphical seating units within an interactive graphical representation of a seating map for a venue , the method comprising:causing display of an interactive seating unit allocation interface comprising an interactive seating map for a venue at a first computing device, wherein the interactive seating map identifies available seating units and unavailable seating units, wherein the unavailable seating units comprise reserved seating units and buffer seating units associated with the venue based at least in part on data stored within a seating space repository;receiving, from the first computing device and based on user input received by the interactive seating unit allocation interface, an allocation request requesting selection of one or more seating units of the available seating units reflected within the interactive ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004738A1

A service catalog system where patterns in a service catalog (respectively corresponding to various available services) are modified based on consumption data (that is, how other users have used the services in the past). Also, a service catalog system where a pattern is added to a service catalog based on consumption data. Some embodiments use artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), cognitive processing and/or advanced analytics to modify existing patterns and/or recommend new patterns to be added to the service catalog. 1. A computer-implemented method (CIM) comprising:receiving an initial version of a service catalog including information indicative of: (i) a plurality of information technology services, (ii) a plurality of pattern definitions used to match user requests to information technology services of the plurality of technology information services;receiving a consumption data set including information indicative of use of the plurality of information technology services and the initial version of the service catalog by a plurality of users;applying artificial intelligence to modify an initial version of a first pattern definition of the plurality of pattern definitions based, at least in part, on the consumption data set to obtain a modified version of the first pattern definition; andreplacing the initial version of the first pattern definition with the modified version of the first pattern definition in the service catalog to obtain a modified version of the service catalog.2. The CIM of further comprising:receiving a first user request for an information technology service, with the first user request including a plurality of parameter values related to the requested service;determining that the plurality of parameter values of the first user request match the modified version of the first pattern definition in the modified version of the service catalog; andresponsive to the determination that the plurality of parameter values of the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004745A1

A method, computer system, and computer program product that aggregates sample data regarding a plurality of factors associated with work scheduling, employee compensation, and employee turnover; performs iterative analysis on the sample data using machine learning to construct a predictive model; populates, using the predictive model, a database with predicted values of employee turnover in relation to work scheduling and employee compensation; converts the predicted values of employee turnover in the database into percentages of observed values of employee turnover for a selected group of employers over a specified time period to create indices of employee turnover; and rank orders the selected employers according to their indices of employee turnover. 1. A computer-implemented method for predictive modeling , the method comprising:aggregating, by one or more processors, sample data regarding a plurality of metrics associated with employee growth opportunity and voluntary employee turnover;performing, by one or more processors, iterative analysis on the sample data using machine learning to construct a predictive model;populating, by one or more processors using the predictive model, a database with predicted values of voluntary employee turnover in relation to employee growth opportunity;converting, by one or more processors, the predicted values of voluntary employee turnover in the database into percentages of observed values of voluntary employee turnover for a selected group of employers over a specified time period to create indices of voluntary employee turnover; andrank ordering, by one or more processors, the selected employers according to their indices of voluntary employee turnover.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:comparing, by one or more processors, the rank ordering of voluntary employee turnover for the selected group of employers to observed voluntary employee turnover for said employers over a second specified time period; ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004763A1
Автор: Kannan Venkateshan

The present disclosure provides system [] and method [] for vehicular fleet routing for shipment delivery. The system determines the routes based on a cost model that includes one or more of total travel time, route properties such as compactness, even distribution of shipments and route outliers while working within bounds on one more of vehicle capacity and delivery time-windows. The method encompasses receiving, at least one input comprising a set of locations to be serviced and a location of a hub. Thereafter, the method determines an initial set of routes between the hub and the set of locations satisfying one or more capacity constraints. The method further comprises modifying, iteratively, the determined initial set of routes based on a combination of multiple operations that reconfigure the routes to arrive at a final configuration of routes. 1. A method for vehicular fleet routing , the method comprising:{'b': '102', 'receiving, at a transceiver unit [], at least one input comprising a set of locations to be serviced and a location of a hub;'}{'b': '104', 'claim-text': 'inserting, iteratively, one or more un-routed locations into one or more partially constructed routes based on an insertion cost;', 'determining, via a processing unit [], an initial set of routes between the hub and the set of locations, the initial set of routes being associated with a first cost, wherein determining the initial set of routes further comprises{'b': '104', 'claim-text': 'ejection of at least one location from one or more routes and subsequent re-insertion of the ejected at least one location in the one or more routes, wherein the ejected at least one location is re-inserted one at a time, switching one or more locations between a pair of routes, and swapping one or more route segments between a pair of routes;', 'modifying, iteratively, via the processing unit [], the determined initial set of routes based on at least one of{'b': '104', 'determining at each iteration, via ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004841A1
Автор: YAMAMOTO Keisuke

IP address attribute information in which an IP address is associated with attribute information specifiable based on the IP address is acquired from a first database together with date and time information of the history. On the other hand, user identifier attribute information in which a user identifier acquired when a user terminal accesses a website is associated with an IP address and browsing related information acquired through the access to the website is acquired from a second database together with date and time information of the history. Then, history information of the IP address attribute information acquired from the first database and history information of the user identifier attribute information acquired from the second database are integrated into a third database by using the IP address and the date and time information of the history as a key, and then the attribute of the user is estimated based on the information stored in the third database 1. A user attribute estimation system based on an IP address , comprising:an IP address attribute information acquisition unit that acquires IP address attribute information, in which an IP address is associated with attribute information specifiable based on the IP address, from a first database in which the IP address attribute information is stored as history information together with date and time information;a user identifier attribute information acquisition unit that acquires user identifier attribute information, in which a user identifier acquired when a user terminal accesses a website is associated with an IP address and browsing related information acquired through access to the website, from a second database in which the user identifier attribute information is stored as history information together with date and time information;a database integration unit that integrates history information of the IP address attribute information acquired by the IP address attribute information acquisition ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Method and system for economic aggregate analysis base on employment function

Номер: US20210004843A1
Автор: Erdan WANG, Weiwei Wang
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention discloses a method and system for economic aggregate analysis based on employment function, comprising steps of: using the variable measured in a real wage-unit as a measuring unit; constructing a simplified model of employment function from the employment multiplier equation according to the Keynes's employment function; obtaining a theoretical mode of employment function from the short-term determining equation of employment multiplier; obtaining a more general form of employment function from the general form of the determining equation of employment multiplier; analyzing the short-term economic change by using the general model of employment function. The present invention can provide a policy basis for governments to timely protect against and response to economic crisis, and can provide an effective technical support for production decision-making of various industries and organizations.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005201A1

Electrical system controllers, computer-readable storage media, and related methods for stochastic control of electrical systems. An electrical system controller includes one or more data storage devices and one or more processors. The one or more data storage devices are configured to store data corresponding to one or more random variables associated with operation of an electrical system. The one or more processors are configured to determine a set of control values for a set of control variables to effectuate a change to the electrical system toward meeting a controller objective for economical optimization of the electrical system. The set of control values are determined by the one or more processors utilizing an optimization algorithm to identify the set of control values as a function of the one or more random variables. The one or more processors are also configured to control the electrical system based on the control values. 1. An electrical system controller , comprising:one or more data storage devices configured to store data corresponding to one or more random variables associated with operation of an electrical system; and determine a set of control values for a set of control variables to effectuate a change to the electrical system toward meeting a controller objective for economical optimization of the electrical system, wherein the set of control values is determined as a function of the one or more random variables by the one or more processors utilizing an optimization algorithm; and', 'control the electrical system based on the control values., 'one or more processors to2. The electrical system controller of claim 1 , wherein the one or more random variables comprise a predicted load random variable that represents an uncertainty in a predicted load of the electrical system.3. The electrical system controller of claim 1 , wherein the one or more random variables comprise a predicted generator profile random variable corresponding to a ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Autonomous Condensing Of Pallets Of Items In A Warehouse

Номер: US20200005202A1
Принадлежит: X Development LLC

Examples described may enable consolidating pallets of items in a warehouse. An example method includes receiving real-time item information including pallet locations in a warehouse and inventory of items arranged on the pallets; based on the real-time item information, identifying a set of pallets of which at least one pallet includes less than a threshold quantity of a type of item; receiving real-time robotics information and determining, based on the real-time item and robotics information, an amount of time to condense the items on the set of pallets into a single pallet and a quantity of pallets that will become empty as a result of condensing the items; and, based on the amount of time being less than a threshold time and the quantity of pallets exceeding a threshold quantity of pallets, causing robotic devices to condense the items into the single pallet.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005230A1

Examples provide a fruit ripening rack having a plurality of chambers for on-site produce ripening at a retail location. A controller component generates predicted demand for ripened fruit on a selected date at a selected location based on transaction history data and/or seasonal demand. The controller component calculates the quantity of fruit based on the predicted demand. The controller component determines conditions within each chamber to accelerate ripening of the calculated quantity of one or more types of fruit to one or more selected levels of ripeness on the selected date. The conditions include amount of ethylene gas in each chamber, length of exposure to the ethylene gas, temperature inside the chamber and/or humidity level inside the chamber. The fruit ripening rack controls internal conditions within each chamber to provide variable fruit ripening in accordance with per-chamber configurations to satisfy predicted daily demand at the selected location. 1. A system for dynamic customization of fruit ripening , the system comprising:a fruit ripening rack comprising a plurality of chambers configured to store at least one crate of unripe fruit, the plurality of chambers comprising a first chamber and a second chamber;a set of ethylene gas supply lines connecting an ethylene gas metering device to the plurality of chambers;a control device comprising a memory and at least one processor communicatively coupled to the memory;an analysis component, implemented on the at least one processor, analyzes historical transaction data and seasonal demand data associated with a selected location using pattern recognition;a prediction component, implemented on the at least one processor, generates a first predicted demand for a selected type of fruit on a first selected date and a second predicted demand for the selected type of fruit on a second selected date;the prediction component, implemented on the at least one processor, calculates a first quantity of fruit to ...
