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27-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2227938C2

Изобретение относится к технологии изготовления магнитных носителей для цифровой записи, которые могут быть использованы в различных устройствах для записи, хранения и воспроизведения информации. Способ получения многослойного носителя для цифровой магнитной записи включает нанесение на немагнитную подложку нескольких слоев из немагнитного материала с формированием в них регулярно распределенных магнитных частиц с немагнитными промежутками между ними. Особенность способа состоит в том, что слои, в которых формируют магнитные частицы, выполняют из материала, преобразующего свои немагнитные свойства в магнитные под воздействием потока ускоренных частиц, нижележащий слой выполняют тоньше вышележащего и между этими слоями размещают слои, обеспечивающие антиферромагнитную связь между сформированными магнитными частицами, и после нанесения всех слоев облучают полученную структуру через шаблон потоком ускоренных частиц. В качестве веществ, обеспечивающих антиферромагнитную связь, предлагается ...

20-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2096835C1

Использование: в технике магнитной и магнитнооптической записи. Сущность изобретения: способ получения тонкой дисперсной магнитной пленки (ТДМП) на полимерной подложке включает введение в подложку ионов магнитных элементов с применением ионно-лучевой имплантации. Особенность способа состоит в том, что имплантацию ионов магнитных элементов с энергией 5-500 кэВ дозой облучения, обеспечивающей концентрацию магнитных атомов в подложке 1020 -1022 атомов/см3, плотностью тока ионного пучка 6•1012 - 1•1014 ион/см2с производят в полимер, находящийся на момент облучения в вязкотекучем релаксационном состоянии с динамической вязкостью 101 - 103 Па•с, а по окончании процесса имплантации переводимый в стеклообразное состояние. При этом повышается размерная однородность и степень кристалличности структуры ТДМП, что улучшает магнитные характеристики. Способ также улучшает защитные свойства приповерхностного слоя облученного полимера.

23-10-1986 дата публикации

Магнитная суспензия для рабочего слоя носителя магнитной записи

Номер: SU1265841A1

Изобретение относится к области Магнитной записи и позволяет увеличить срок службы Носителя магнитной записи за счет повьшения износоустойчивости его рабочего слоя. Суспензия содержит при определенном соотношении компонентов магнитные частицы гаммаокиси железа, распределенные в смеси сополимера винилхлорида с винили-денхлоридом , олеиновую кислоту, производные сополимера винилхлорида с винилацетатом, диалкилполиэтиленовый эфир фосфорной кислоты, ацетиленовую сажу, гeкcaмeтoкcимetилмeлaмин додецилбензолсульфокислоту и раство- . рители. Кроме того, в суспензию введен бутадиеннитрильный каучук, а в качестве растворителей использована смесь толуола, бутилацетата -и цикло- ( гексанона. Из- нанесенной на основу в виде пленки суспензии формируется (Л после высыхания рабочий слой носителя магнитной записи с повышенной износоустойчивостью .

23-12-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для ориентирования магнитных частиц в слое магнитной суспензии на основе магнитной ленты

Номер: SU1700592A1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для изготовления носителей информации и может использоваться в поливных машинах для производства магнитных лент. Цель изобретения - повышение степени ориентации магнитных частиц. Для этого в vcr- ройстве, содержащем средство для транспортировки основы, немагнитную пластинх со встроенными в нее элементами из магнитно-мягкого материала, расположенную в зазоре между полюсами магнитов, относительно которых движется основа с нанесенным на нее слоем магнитной суспензии, магнитные элементы установлены в шахматном порядке в плоскостях немагнитной пластины. Структура вставок из магнитно-мягкого материала изменяет плоскопараллельное поле постоянных магнитов в сложное пространственное поле, в результате чего магнитные частицы, двигаясь в этом поле, совершают не плоскопараллельное колебательное движение, а колеблются в треч плоскостях, что усиливает процесс дробления конгломератов магнитных частиц и способствует повышению степени их ориентации. 2 ил. $Э 4 1 ...

15-06-1991 дата публикации

Способ изготовления основы информационного диска

Номер: SU1656590A1

Изобретение относится к накоплению информации, в частности к технологии изготовления носителей информации с основами из стекла, Способ позволяет получить основы дисков толщиной менее 1 мм при улучшении качества основы и повышении выхода годных основ путем склеивания двух сформированных заготовок дисков с помощью двусторонней клеевой пленки по торцам, не контактировавшим с расплавом металла, в блок. В дальнейшем производят двустороннюю обработку блока до необходимой толщины и разъединяют диски после нагревания до температуры размягчения клея клеевой пленки. 1 табл.

15-02-1991 дата публикации

Способ получения рабочего слоя носителя магнитной записи

Номер: SU1627549A1

Изобретение относится к магнитной записи, а именно к способам получения рабочего слоя носителя магнит- 4ofi записи. Изобретение позволяет 2 повысить изнлсост раоочего за счет , чтс н способе получения рабочего слоя путем нанесения на немагнитную основу с сгкзпзии магнитного порошка, полимерного связующего , пластификатора, отпер/чтеля, поверхностно-активного вещества, антистатика и органического растпори- теля, послед/мщеи обработки раствором i лтализатора , катзндрирог ания и окончательного отверждения ц качестве picTBOjj) катализатора испо/ьзуют 1- 25%-ный раствор п органическс П раствор;1тепе п-додещичбензолсульфо- киспоты или п-толуолсульфокислоты, которьй наносят путем распыления на с. невысохший слой суспензии перед ка- ландр1 рованием и сушат при 60-Г- ГГ С. 2табл. (Л ...

07-01-1987 дата публикации

Способ изготовления носителя магнитной записи

Номер: SU1282200A1

Изобретение относится к магнитной записи и позволяет повысить рабочие характеристики магнитного носителя. Для этого перед филь траци- ей ферромагнитной суспензии проводят ее магнитную ориентацию постоянным магнитным полем напряженностью 1000-1300 Э вдоль направления движения суспензии в трубопроводе из немаг- нитного материала. Отфильтрованную- ферромагнитную суспензию наносят на гибкую подложку и вновь осуществляют магнитную ориентацию частиц наполнителя. 1 табл., 1 ил. (Л с: N9 СХ) ю ю ...

15-03-1987 дата публикации

Способ изготовления носителя магнитной записи

Номер: SU1297104A1

Изобретение относится к технологии осаждения металлических покрытий в вакууме , в частности к технологии получения носителя магнитной записи. Цель изобретения - упрощение технологического процесса и улучшение качества носителя. На основу носителя посредством катодного напыления в вакуумной камере наносят магнитный слой. В плазме инертного газа осуществляют процесс катодного распыления, при котором в катоде, в качестве которого использован носитель магнитной записи,создается ионами газа периодическая неоднородность поверхности. ьо ;о ...

23-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1777171C

15-05-1985 дата публикации

Состав для рабочего слоя носителя магнитной записи

Номер: SU1156131A1

СОСТАВ ДЛЯ РАБОЧЕГО СЛОЯ НОСИТЕЛЯ МАГНИТНОЙ ЗАПИСИ, состоящий из частиц магнитной гамма-окиси железа и ацетиленовой сажи, распределенных в диалкилполигликолевом эфире фосфорной кислоты, полиуретановом каучуке, циклогексаноне, сополимере винилхлорида с винилацетатом, гексаметоксиметилмеламине , пластификаторе, п-додецилбензолсульфокислоте и этилацетате, отличающийся тем, что, с целью уменьшения динамического коэффициента трения рабочего слоя, состав содержит в качестве пластификатора этаноламид (а -гидроперфторпеларгоновой кислоты общей формулы H(CFj,CFa)4 CONHCaH OH при следующем соотношениикомпонентов, мас.%: Частицы магнитной гамма-окиси железа28,0-30,0 Частицы ацетиленовой сажи0,85-0,89 Диалкилполигликолевый эфир фосфорной (Л кислоты0,70-0,74 Полиуретановый каучук2,7- 3,1 Циклогексанон10,8-12,4 Сополимер винилхлорида с винилацетатом4,2- 4,5 Гексаметоксиметилмеламин0 ,85-0,89 Этаноламид -гидроперфторпеларгоел . новой кислоты0,57-0,59 О) п-Додецилбензолсульфокирлота0 ,20-0,21 оо ЭтилацетатОстальное ...

23-04-1993 дата публикации

Способ изготовления рабочего слоя носителя магнитной записи

Номер: SU1810907A1

Изобретение относится к магнитной записи , а именно к изготовлению носителей магнитной записи (НМЗ) бытового назначения , и может быть использовано в производстве носителей магнитной записи для радиовещания, телевидения и вычислительной техники. Цель - повышение рабочих характеристик НМЗ, а именно чувствительности и максимального уровня записи за счет оптимизации процесса суш1- ки. Достигается тем, что при изготовлении НМЗ процесс сушки ведут при более высоком содержании паров органических растворителей в сушильной зоне, что позволяет получить НМЗ с более высокой равномерностью распределения частиц магнитного наполнителя в рабочем слое и высокой степенью ориентации. ел С ...

07-05-1983 дата публикации

Устройство перезаписи цифровой информации на магнитную ленту для средств отображения

Номер: SU1016819A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ПЕРЕЗАПИСИ ЦИФРОЮЛ ИНФОРМАЦИИ НА МАГНИТНУЮ ЛЕНТУ ДЛЯ СРЕДСТВ ОТОБРАЖЕНИЯ, В котором N информационных входов многоскоростного блока записи соединены с соответствукнцими выходами многоскоростного блока воспроизведения, о т л и ч a ю щ е е с я тем, что, с целью повышения качества копий магннтннх лент путем сохранения плотности записи при изменении соотношения между скоростями- в режиме воспроизведения и записи, в него введены N формирователей импульсов, соединенных с соответствующими информационными выходами блока воспроиз- . ведения, блок управления, элемент ИЯИ, первый делитель частоты, соединен- : ный первым ВХОДОМ с выходом злемент ИЛИ, и блок умножения частоты, последовательно соединенный с первыми входами второго делителя частоты по скорости и третьим делителем частоты, причем выход блока управления соединен соответственно с вторыми входами первого и третьего делителей частоты, синхронизирующий ВЫХОД -блока воспроизведения - с блоком умножения частоты, вторым ВХОДОМ второго ...

15-06-1990 дата публикации

Состав для изготовления рабочего слоя носителя магнитной записи

Номер: SU1571662A1

Изобретение касается магнитных записей и позволяет снизить абразивность рабочего слоя носителя магнитной записи. В состав для изготовления рабочего слоя носителя магнитной записи вводят полиметилксилоксан с вязкостью 225000 - 275000 сПз. В качестве отвердителя и катализатора отверждения состав содержит соответственно аддукт триметилолпропана с 2,4-толуилендиизоцианатом и ацетилацетонат железа при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: магнитные частицы гамма-окиси железа 20,76 - 21,26 ацетиленовая сажа 0,61 - 0,62 частично омыленный сополимер винилхлорида с винилацетатом 1,51 - 1,53 полиуретановый эластомер 3,71 - 3,78 диалкилполигликолевый эфир ортофосфорной кислоты 0,62 - 0,64 аддукт триметилолпропана с 2,4-толуилендиизоцианатом 1,31 - 1,32 ацетилацетонат железа 0,003 - 0,004 парфюмерное масло 0,62 - 0,64 полиметилксилоксан с вязкостью 225000 - 275000 сПз 0,01 - 0,05 и органический растворитель остальное.

23-02-1990 дата публикации

Устройство для ориентации частиц ферролака магнитного носителя информации

Номер: SU1545253A1

Изобретение относится к технике магнитной записи и позволяет повысить эффективность устройства за счет уменьшения дезориентирующих магнитных полей. Устройство содержит симметрично расположенные относительно плоскости магнитного носителя ориентирующие постоянные магниты 1, выравнивающий постоянный магнит 3, расположенный по одну сторону от магнитного носителя 2, компенсирующие постоянные магниты 4, расположенные относительно полюсов магнитов 1 и 3 противоположными полюсами. Направление векторов намагниченности 5 ориентирующих магнитов 1 и векторов намагниченности 6 выравнивающего магнита совпадает и ориентировано по направлению движения носителя информации. Векторы намагниченности 8 компенсирующих магнитов 4 перпендикулярны соответствующим векторам намагниченности ориентирующих и выравнивающего магнитов. Компенсирующие магниты уменьшают дезориентирующее паразитное магнитное поле, создаваемое ориентирующими и выравнивающим магнитами, так как линии напряженности компенсирующих магнитов направлены ...

15-12-1990 дата публикации

Способ изготовления основы дискового носителя магнитной записи

Номер: SU1614029A2

Изобретение относится к накоплению информации и может найти применение для изготовления основы дискового носителя магнитной записи. Цель изобретения - уменьшение неравномерности поверхностей основы дискового носителя магнитной записи. При изготовлении основы дискового носителя магнитной записи производят терморихтование торцовых поверхностей диска из алюминиевого сплава, черновое алмазное точение, химическое травление и последующее дополнительное алмазное точение. После дополнительного алмазного точения производят алмазную проточку торцовых поверхностей диска из алюминиевого сплава на вакуумной планшайбе, к которой его прижимают с силой прижима, уменьшенной на 23-25% по сравнению с силой прижима при дополнительном алмазном точении. 1 ил.

15-01-1974 дата публикации

Устройство для намотки магнитной ленты

Номер: SU411506A1

24-10-1991 дата публикации

Cutting continuous magnetic tape - using pair of rotary blades above and below tape, which are offset slightly to avoid burred edge

Номер: DE0004112724A1

Cutting continuous magnetic tape, having a magnetic coating on a nonmagnetic substrate, is carried out from the front and back of the tape with a pair of rotary blades. The axis of rotation of the blades is parallel to the surface of the tape and in the direction of the tape width and the blades have a radial overlap. The novelty is that the gap between the cutting edges of the blades in the tape width direction is 3-20% of the thickness of the tape. Pref. at least one of the blades has a bevelled cutting edge. The bevel pref. is such that the bevel height along the tape thickness direction at the surface is 1.4 to 100 times the tape thickness and the bevel width along the tape width direction at the side is 1/40 to 18 times the tape thickness. ADVANTAGE - The technique avoids forming burrs along the edge of the tape and soiling the tape running system or peripheral equipment used in the tape mfg. process.

14-02-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002931043A1

08-01-1981 дата публикации


Номер: DE2953244T1

30-07-1987 дата публикации

Process for preparing oxide-free metal powder

Номер: DE0003602394A1

Metal powders are used in many areas of industry, for example for varnishes, paints (surface coatings), printing industry, plastics processing, acoustic and data storages (recordings), etc. In most applications, freedom from oxide is advantageous. The invention relates to a process which allows such metal powder to be prepared at low cost.

19-09-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001908945B2

21-04-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003734978A1

31-01-2002 дата публикации

Vergrabene Servo-bemusterte Medien

Номер: DE0010084256T1

04-10-1973 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001774879B2

22-01-2004 дата публикации

Magnetisch stabiles Partikel-Magnetaufzeichnungsmedium mit hohem Signal-/Rausch-Verhältnis und Verfahren zum Prüfen der magnetischen Stabilität dieses Mediums

Номер: DE0010328921A1

Beschrieben werden ein Verfahren zum Bestimmen des Koerzitivkraftverhältnisses eines magnetischen Aufzeichnungsmediums und ein magnetisches Aufzeichnungsmedium, das eine magnetisierbare Schicht mit einem Leistungs-Koerzitivkraftverhältnis (PCR) von mindestens 1,06 und vorzugsweise weniger als 1,4 aufweist.

19-02-1998 дата публикации

Hard disc substrate for quality inspection and testing apparatus

Номер: DE0019632539A1

The substrate consists of glass or glass ceramic. The surface is adequately opaque to the test light of the quality inspection and testing apparatus. Preferably, the entire substrate volume can be made adequately opaque by adding coloured components to the melt. A surface area can be rendered opaque by exchanging ions for metallic ions using reduction colloids or by the application of an opaque film.

27-03-1997 дата публикации

Preßform und unter ihrer Verwendung geformtes Glassubstrat für einen Computerspeicher

Номер: DE0019634974A1

In advance of carbon coating, by injecting ion into the shaped surface of metallic mold made of super-hard materials, it becomes possible to increase the adhesiveness of the carbon coat onto the mold material, and to increase the life of the mold. Nitrogen ions are preferably injected. The carbon coating may be graphite or amorphous diamond-type carbon. The glass obtained may be used as hard disks for computer memory and these may be coated with magnetic materials.

05-01-2005 дата публикации

Process to manufacture a recording medium e.g. CD or DVD by application of a monomer polymer top separation layer

Номер: DE102004027124A1

In a process to manufacture a recording medium e.g. a compact disc (CD) or digital video disc (DVD) monomer polymer separation layer is applied to a substrate material that can subsequently accept an embossed profile. The separation layer and substrate layer are then jointly embossed.

22-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003277337D1

11-01-1996 дата публикации

Magnetic recording medium allowing head suspension distance to be reduced for hard disc scanning

Номер: DE0019524220A1

A magnetic recording medium consists of a magnetic layer, possibly with an underlayer on a non-magnetic substrate which, under irradiation from an energy beam forms protrusions of a height between 1 and 60 nm at a density of from 10 squared to 10 to the power of 8 per square mm on the surface. The useful dimensions are of height in the region 10 to 60 nm, at a density of 10 cubed to 10 to the power of 8 per square mm. A recess area may also be formed between protrusions by suitable use of the energy beam.

10-11-1988 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003443601C2

14-11-2002 дата публикации

Wickel aus streifen- oder bandförmigen Medien mit einer Identifikationskennzeichnung sowie Verfahren zur Herstellung

Номер: DE0010122105A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Bandwickel, geeignet insbesondere für bandförmige magnetische Aufzeichnungsträger, bestehend aus einem Wickelkern mit einem darauf aufgewickelten, auf Gebrauchsbreite geschnittenen Magnetband und einem preiswerten und einfach zu handhabenden klebenden Verschlußstreifen mit integrierter Identifikationskennzeichnung sowie ein Verfahren zur Herstellung derartiger Bandwickel (Figur 6).

28-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE102004016706A1

Es werden eine Tauch-Schleuder-Vorrichtung und ein Tauch-Schleuder-Verfahren beschrieben. Eine Platte wird teilweise in eine Beschichtungsflüssigkeit eingetaucht und gedreht, während die Platte in einer im wesentlichen vertikalen Ebene gehalten wird. Nachdem die Platte beschichtet ist, wird die Platte aus der Beschichtungsflüssigkeit entfernt und überschüssiges Material wird bei einer höheren Drehgeschwindigkeit abgeschleudert, während die Platte in der vertikalen Ebene gehalten wird.

30-08-2007 дата публикации

Informationsträgermatrize für magnetische Übertragung

Номер: DE602004007560D1

07-01-2004 дата публикации

Polishing composition

Номер: GB0000327851D0

17-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008711201D0

26-01-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001261399A

... 1,261,399. Magnetic compositions. STAMICARBON N.V. 9 April, 1969 [9 April, 1968 (2)], No. 18245/69. Heading H1H. [Also in Divisions C1 and C7] Supported permanently magnetizable metal (s) or alloy(s) are produced by suspending a finelydivided carrier material in a solution containing the metal ions and gradually generating OH1 ions homogeneously in the solution at a sufficient rate to deposit the active element(s) on the carrier but not fast enough to get nucleation of the pure precipitate in the solution, the precipitate being hydroxide or hydrated oxide, removing the carrier from the solution and then reducing the precipitate to give metal or alloy particles of size in the single-domain range. The reduction may be by means of hydrogen, optionally in the presence of water vapour, or by hydrazine and the precipitate may be calcined in air before reduction. The loaded carrier materials may be impregnated under vacuum with a polymerizable monomer or molten polymer for application ...

26-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001314551A

... 1314551 Magnetizing INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP 7 Oct 1970 [18 Oct 1969] 47601/70 Heading H1P Apparatus for magnetizing magnetic disc record elements comprises (Figs. 1, 2) a conductive annular open container 2 whose inner and outer walls are connected respectively to D.C. - and + to produce a homogenous magnetic flux within the container cross-section Q directed tangentially to coaxial tracks of the discs 1 inserted in the container. Such discs have a magnetic coating, e.g. of cathode sputtered copper and cobalt, heat annealed in non-reactive atmosphere to a stable 2 phase alloy having magnetic and non-magnetic components; the magnetic field producing magnetic anisotropy therein while the discs are heated in non-reactive gas. A closure 7 abuts seals 6, 61 and is secured by screws 8, 9 engaging thrust collars 4, 10 and supporting disc 5. A modification (Fig. 3, not shown) has plural radial U-shaped conductors defining an annular container in skeleton which are energized ...

26-11-2003 дата публикации

Magnetic media patterning utilizing heat-induced phase transition

Номер: GB0002371918B

12-08-1987 дата публикации

Magnetic thin film recording media

Номер: GB0002186293A

Magnetic thin films such as evaporated CoNi are generally prone to magnetic ageing whereby saturation magnetization, Ms, gradually decays with time by typically 3% over 1000 hours following deposition. This gradual decay may be overcome by artificially ageing the films. In the present invention a film, following deposition is placed in a chamber having a wet oxygen-rich atmosphere at room temperature for a few hours during which time Ms drops by typically 3%. The film is then removed from the chamber and will remain magnetically stable under normal atmospheric conditions. The wet oxygen-rich atmosphere may be provided by a source of pressurised oxygen which bubbles through a solution of sodium dichromate and into the chamber. Magnetic thin film tapes which had been artificially aged according to the invention were wear tested in a VHS video recorder and exhibited a markedly improved wear resistance.

10-12-1997 дата публикации

Surface modification of magnetic particle pigments

Номер: GB2313832A

Magnetisable ferromagnetic pigment having adsorbed on the surface thereof one or more aralkylphosphonic acids of formula: ```(I) ```where Ar represents an aryl group, R represents an aliphatic group of 1-6 carbons and n is an integer of 1 or more. The ferromagnetic pigment may be gamma-non oxide chromium chloride, iron metal, Fe-co or barium or strontium hexaferrite.

13-08-2003 дата публикации

Polishing composition

Номер: GB0002385057A

A polishing composition to be used for polishing a magnetic disk substrate, which comprises one member selected from a phosphate and a phosphorus compound, or two members selected from phosphoric acid, a phosphate and a phosphorus compound; silica; and water; wherein when phosphonic acid is contained alone aluminium nitrate is not contained. Another polishing composition is shown that comprises at least one member from a phosphoric acid, a phosphate and a phosphorus compound; silica; water; and diammonium ethylenediamine tetraacetate. The phosphorus compound may be pyrophosphoric acid, phosphonic acid, phosphinic acid, hydroxyethylidene diphosphonic acid, nitrotri(methylene phosphonic acid) or phosphonobutane tricarboxylic acid, or a salt thereof.

29-06-2005 дата публикации

Electromagnet arrangement for generating a uniform planar magnetic field

Номер: GB0002409581A

An electromagnet comprises a winding or windings 13, 15 arranged such that each effective turn of the winding or windings follows the perimeter of a U-shaped core 11, 16. The said electromagnet generates a uniform magnetic field about a planar object 20 which is parallel to the internal base section of the U-shaped perimeter. The U-shaped electromagnet may be formed by a planar electromagnet 13 with an auxiliary coil 15 and core 16 positioned adjacent respective edges of the windings of the planar electromagnet 13 such that they project beyond the face of the planar electromagnet 13. One or more independent power supplies may be used to activate one or more coils. The auxiliary coils may include various tapping points such that the number of windings of respective coils can be adjusted. Current level and number of windings may be adjusted to tune the coils. There is also disclosed a uniform magnetic field generating apparatus comprising a planar electromagnet with auxiliary coils disposed ...

16-02-2005 дата публикации

Polishing composition for magnetic disk

Номер: GB0002404921A

A polishing composition for a magnetic disk, comprising alumina, water, a peroxide and an organic acid; a polishing process for a substrate to be polished, comprising the step of polishing the substrate to be polished with the polishing composition; and a process for manufacturing a substrate, comprising the step of polishing a substrate to be polished with the polishing composition. The polishing composition can be suitably used for the manufacture of a magnetic disk substrate for high-quality hard disks and the like. The organic acid may be selected from sulphur-containing organic acids, carboxylic acids, and phosphorus containing acids. The polishing composition may further contain an inorganic acid.

19-04-2006 дата публикации

Polishing composition and polishing method

Номер: GB0002419133A

A polishing composition includes an abrasive, at least one acid selected from the group consisting of orthophosphoric acid, diphosphoric acid, polyphosphoric acid, metaphosphoric acid, hexametaphosphoric acid, methyl acid phosphate, ethyl acid phosphate, ethyl glycol acid phosphate, isopropyl acid phosphate, phytic acid, and 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid; at least one salt selected from the group consisting of sodium salts, potassium salts, and lithium salts of an acid selected from orthophosphoric acid, diphosphoric acid, polyphosphoric acid, metaphosphoric acid, hexametaphosphoric acid, methyl acid phosphate, ethyl acid phosphate, ethyl glycol acid phosphate, isopropyl acid phosphate, phytic acid, and 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid; an oxidizing agent; and water. Also shown is a polishing method using the polishing composition especially for polishing a substrate for a magnetic disk.

15-01-1997 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing glass substrate for magnetic disk

Номер: GB0009624851D0

19-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002164269A

A magnetic recording medium with a recording layer composed of a magnetic film formed on a substrate, in which an intermediate layer and a plasma-polymerized film are formed in succession on the recording layer.

04-08-1999 дата публикации

Bicrystal cluster magnetic recording medium

Номер: GB0002323857B

14-04-1999 дата публикации

Magnetic recording medium

Номер: GB0002304968B

23-10-1996 дата публикации

Chemical strengthening of glass

Номер: GB0002299991A

A glass substrate for magnetic disks is obtained by chemical strengthening treatment of a glass consisting essentially of from 50 to 65 wt% of SiO 2 , from 5 to 15 wt% of Al 2 O 3 , from 2 to 7 wt% of Na 2 O, from 4 to 9 wt% of K 2 O, from 7 to 14 wt% of Na 2 O + K 2 O, from 12 to 25 wt% of MgO + CaO + SrO + BaO, and from 1 to 6 wt% of ZrO 2 . The chemical treatment may be immersion in KNO 3 and/or NaNO 3 at 400-530{C for 2-20 hours.

14-07-2004 дата публикации

Polishing composition

Номер: GB0002397068A

A polishing composition for memory hard disk containing water and silica particles, wherein the silica particles have a particle size distribution in which the relationship of a particle size (R) and a cumulative volume frequency (V) in a graph of particle size-cumulative volume frequency obtained by plotting a cumulative volume frequency (%) of the silica particles counted from a small particle size side against a particle size (nm) of the silica particles in the range of particle sizes of from 40 to 100 nm satisfy the following formula (1): V / 0.5 Í R + 40 (1), wherein the particle size is determined by observation with a transmission electron microscope (TEM). The polishing composition of the present invention can be even more suitably used for the manufacture of a substrate for precision parts such as substrates for memory hard disks.

01-11-2000 дата публикации

Polishing composition and method for producing a memory hard disk

Номер: GB0000023107D0

14-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002043530B

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Coating die and coating apparatus comprising the same

Номер: US20120017827A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

Disclosed is a coating die which can recover a coating solution to be wasted in a good manner, while suppressing adhesion of foreign matter onto an object to be coated. A coating apparatus comprising the coating die is also disclosed. Specifically disclosed is a coating die ( 30 ) for coating a web ( 2 ) with a paste ( 3 ), which comprises a main body ( 31 ) having a discharge opening ( 31 e ) for discharging the paste ( 3 ) upwardly, a recovery pan ( 32 c ) for recovering the paste ( 3 ) flowing out from the discharge opening ( 31 e ), and flow passage (grooves ( 32 a, 32 a ) and shoots ( 32 b, 32 b )) which are integrally formed with the main body ( 31 ) for the purpose of guiding the paste ( 3 ) from the discharge opening ( 31 e ) to the recovery pan ( 32 c ).

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a perpendicular magnetic data recording media having a pseudo onset layer

Номер: US20120064375A1
Автор: Gunn Choe, Yoshihiro Ikeda

A method for manufacturing a magnetic media for perpendicular magnetic data recording. The method includes depositing a Ru layer in a pure oxygen atmosphere and then further depositing Ru in the presence of oxygen to form a thin pseudo onset layer. The pseudo onset layer can advantageously be depositing in the same deposition chamber and using the same target as that used to deposit the underlying Ru layer. This saves a great deal of manufacturing cost and complexity. The presence of the pseudo onset layer reduces grains size and increases grain separation in a high Ku magnetic layer deposited thereon, thereby increasing signal to noise ratio and decreasing magnetic core width (MCW).

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Protective film mainly composed of a tetrahedral amorphous carbon film and a magnetic recording medium having the protective film

Номер: US20120082803A1
Автор: Naruhisa Nagata
Принадлежит: Fuji Electric Co Ltd

A protective film is disclosed that is mainly composed of a tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C film) that is denser than a DLC film formed by a plasma CVD method and containing aggregate particles so reduced as to a necessary and sufficient level, to provide a method of manufacturing such a protective film, and to provide a magnetic recording medium comprising such a protective film. The film is mainly composed of a ta-C film formed by a filtered cathodic arc method using a cathode target of glass state carbon. A magnetic recording medium is disclosed which includes a substrate, a magnetic recording layer, and the protective film mainly composed of a ta-C film.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Process for production of magnetic thin film, magnetic thin film, and magnetic material

Номер: US20120100064A1
Принадлежит: University of Tokyo NUC

The present invention provides a process for production of a magnetic thin film which has insulation properties, serves as a permanent magnet, and has improved residual magnetization in comparison with prior arts, the magnetic thin film, and a magnetic material. When a magnetic thin film 3 is formed, an external magnetic field with a predetermined intensity is applied to a coating liquid containing magnetic particles containing epsilon-type iron-oxide-based compounds which have insulation properties and which serve as a permanent magnet, and the coating liquid is let cured in order to form the magnetic thin film 3 . Accordingly, the magnetic particles containing the epsilon-type iron-oxide-based compounds can be fixed while being oriented regularly in a magnetization direction. This realizes the process for production of the magnetic thin film 3 which has insulation properties and which serve as a permanent magnet, the magnetic thin film 3 , and a magnetic material 1.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Granular perpendicular media interlayer for a storage device

Номер: US20120141836A1

An apparatus and method are provided for improving perpendicular magnetic recording media. The present invention provides media, and a method of fabricating media in a cost-effective manner, with a reduced ruthenium (Ru) content interlayer structure, while meeting media performance requirements. A perpendicular magnetic recording medium is provided comprising a non-magnetic substrate having a surface, and a layer stack situated on the substrate surface. The layer stack comprises, in overlying sequence from the substrate surface a magnetically soft underlayer; an amorphous or crystalline, non-magnetic seed layer; an interlayer structure for crystallographically orienting a layer of a perpendicular magnetic recording material situated on the underlayer; and at least one crystallographically oriented, magnetically hard, perpendicular magnetic recording layer situated on the interlayer structure. The interlayer structure is a stacked structure comprising, in overlying sequence: a chromium alloy situated on the seed layer; and an upper interlayer situated on the chromium alloy.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Suspension substrate, suspension, head suspension, hard disk drive, and method for manufacturing suspension substrate

Номер: US20120162901A1
Автор: Yoichi Miura

A suspension substrate of the present invention includes an insulating layer, a spring material layer, and a plurality of wirings, wherein one wiring of the plurality of wirings includes a head-side wiring part and a plurality of division wiring parts, respectively bifurcated from the head-side wiring part. The spring material layer includes a spring-material-layer main body, a first spring-material-layer separated body and a second spring-material-layer separated body. The division wiring parts of the one wiring are respectively connected with the first spring-material-layer separated body, via a pair of conductive connection parts, respectively extending through the insulating layer. The first spring-material-layer separated body is located on one side relative to the longitudinal axis, while the second spring-material-layer separated body is located on the other side relative to the longitudinal axis.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Planarizing film-forming composition for hard disk and hard disk production method using same

Номер: US20130026132A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Chemical Corp

A planarizing film-forming composition for a hard disk that is a non-magnetic filler is sufficiently filled into fine grooves on a magnetic material surface (surface), and is required not to cause contraction in the filled parts at the time of photo-curing (at the time of exposure) and post-exposure baking; and a method for producing a hard disk using the composition. The composition comprising at least one polyfunctional (meth)acrylate compound being in a liquid state at room temperature and atmospheric pressure and having a molecular weight of 300 to 10,000. The compound preferably has 2 to 20 (meth)acrylate groups in the molecule, or the compound preferably has a molecular weight of 300 to 2,300. A method for producing a hard disk comprising: forming a concave-convex shape on the surface; covering the surface having the concave-convex shape with the composition; and etching the covered surface for planarization until the surface is exposed.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Granular perpendicular magnetic recording apparatus

Номер: US20130071693A1

A method of manufacturing a granular perpendicular magnetic recording medium with improved corrosion resistance comprises sequential steps of providing a non-magnetic substrate including a surface; forming a soft magnetic underlayer (SUL) over the surface; post-deposition heating the SUL; forming an intermediate layer stack over the heated SUL; and forming at least one granular, magnetically hard perpendicular magnetic recording layer over the intermediate layer stack. Heating of the SUL prior to formation of the intermediate layer stack results in formation of an intermediate layer stack with a smoother surface and a granular perpendicular recording layer with increased corrosion resistance than when SUL post-deposition heating is not performed.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098761A1
Принадлежит: INTEVAC, INC.

A system is provided for etching patterned media disks for hard drive. The modular system may be tailored to perform specific processes sequences so that a patterned media disk is fabricated without removing the disk from vacuum environment. In some sequence the magnetic stack is etched while in other the etch is performed prior to forming the magnetic stack. In a further sequence ion implantation is used without etching steps. For etching a movable non-contact electrode is utilized to perform sputter etch. The cathode moves to near contact distance to, but not contacting, the substrate so as to couple RF energy to the disk. The substrate is held vertically in a carrier and both sides are etched serially. That is, one side is etched in one chamber and then in the next chamber the second side is etched. 1. A patterning system for fabricating patterned media disks in a vacuum environment , comprising:at least one pair of etch chambers, wherein the pair of etch chambers is configured such that one etch chamber of the pair etches one side of the disk and the other etch chamber of the pair etches the other side of the disk to thereby etch both sides of the disk;at least one carbon overcoat deposition chamber;at least one planarization chamber;at least one refill deposition chamber; and,wherein the patterning system is configured such that once the disk enters system it never leaves the vacuum environment until it has been processed in the at least one pair of etch chambers, the at least one carbon overcoat deposition chamber, the at least one planarization chamber, and the at least one refill deposition chamber.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the disk is held vertically in a carrier claim 1 , and the disk carrier moves the disk between the chambers.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein each of the etch chambers comprises a movable non-contact electrode claim 2 , which is configured to move to near contact distance to claim 2 , but not contacting claim 2 , the disk so as ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

System and method for applying magnetic strip onto cards

Номер: US20130112758A1
Автор: Richard EDMISTEN
Принадлежит: Profold Inc

A method of forming a card having a magnetic strip is disclosed and includes advancing a planar card member along a predetermined path of travel. The card member has opposing surfaces. A longitudinal strip of slurry comprising magnetically conductive particles is applied onto a surface of the card member. The magnetically conductive particles are magnetically aligned. The longitudinal strip of magnetically conductive particles are radiation cured to form the magnetic strip on the surface of the card member.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130119015A1
Автор: Suzuki Yosuke

An object of the invention is to effectively remove particles on the glass substrate surfaces, even in the case wherein abrasive particles having a small particle size is used in the polishing step of the glass substrate and a supersonic treatment is performed at a high frequency at the supersonic cleaning step after the polishing step. In a manufacturing method of a glass substrate for a magnetic disk comprising a polishing step for performing polishing of the glass substrate and a supersonic cleaning step for performing supersonic cleaning of the glass substrate after the polishing step, the polishing step uses abrasive particles having a particle size of 10 nm to 30 nm and a first supersonic cleaning is performed at a frequency of 300 kHz to 1,000 kHz to form secondary particles and then a second supersonic cleaning is performed at a frequency of 30 kHz to 100 kHz in the supersonic cleaning step. 1. A manufacturing method of a glass substrate for a magnetic disk wherein the process comprises a polishing step for performing polishing of the glass substrate with abrasive particles having a specified particle size and a supersonic cleaning step for performing supersonic cleaning of the glass substrate after the polishing step and that the supersonic cleaning step comprises performing a first supersonic cleaning at a frequency to aggregate particles having the specified particle size to form secondary particles and then performing a second supersonic cleaning at a frequency to clean the secondary particles as the cleaning target.2. The manufacturing method of a glass substrate for a magnetic disk according to claim 1 , wherein the polishing step uses abrasive particles having a particle size of 10 nm to 30 nm and a first supersonic cleaning is performed at a frequency of 300 kHz to 1 claim 1 ,000 kHz to form secondary particles and then a second supersonic cleaning is performed at a frequency of 30 kHz to 100 kHz in the supersonic cleaning step.3. The manufacturing ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130122786A1

Provided are a rinsing agent to produce a hard disk substrate free from remaining abrasive grains as well as a pit defect on the surface thereof and a method for production of a hard disk substrate using such a rinsing agent. A rinsing agent of the present invention is rinsing solution containing colloidal silica as abrasive grains. Letting that the colloidal silica abrasive grains have a concentration C and an average grain size R (C and R are represented in weight % and nm, respectively), the concentration C and the average grain size R of the colloidal silica abrasive grains have a relation matching the following Expression (1): 1. A rinsing agent comprising colloidal silica abrasive grains , wherein the colloidal silica abrasive grains have a weight percent concentration of C and an average nm grain size of R , the concentration C and the average grain size R of the colloidal silica abrasive grains are related according to following Expression (1):{'br': None, 'i': R≧', 'C, '2.2+18.2 \u2003\u2003(1).'}2. The rinsing agent according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration C of the colloidal silica abrasive grains is from 0.8 to 8.0 weight %.3. The rinsing agent according to claim 1 , wherein the average grain size R of the colloidal silica abrasive grains is from 20 to 80 nm.4. A method for production of a hard disk substrate claims 1 , comprising a rinsing step of rinsing a hard disk substrate using the rinsing agent according to .5. The method for production of a hard disk substrate according to claim 4 , wherein the rinsing step is performed after a rough-polishing step and before a final-polishing step claim 4 , in the rough-polishing step claim 4 , the hard disk substrate being rough-polished using polishing slurry containing alumina abrasive grains and in the final-polishing step claim 4 , the hard disk substrate being final-polished using polishing slurry containing colloidal silica abrasive grains.6. The rinsing agent according to claim 2 , wherein the ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126334A1

The present invention provides a method for manufacturing a glass substrate for a magnetic disk that enables grinding processing with fixed abrasive grains without a decrease of the grinding rate and that can manufacture a high quality glass substrate at low cost. The present invention is a method for manufacturing a glass substrate for a magnetic disk, including a grinding step of grinding a main surface of a glass substrate using a lubricant and a surface plate that has a grinding surface provided with fixed abrasive grains containing diamond particles. In the grinding step, for example, by adding AlO, Al is allowed to be contained in the lubricant that is supplied to the surface on which grinding processing is performed of the glass substrate. The lubricant has an Alcontent preferably in a range of 0.05 g/L to 1.0 g/L. 1. A method for manufacturing a glass substrate for a magnetic disk , comprising grinding a main surface of a glass substrate using a lubricant and a surface plate that has a grinding surface provided with a fixed abrasive grain containing diamond particles ,{'sup': '3+', 'Albeing contained in the lubricant that is supplied to the surface on which grinding processing is performed of the glass substrate.'}2. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for a magnetic disk according to claim 1 , wherein AlOis added to the lubricant.3. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for a magnetic disk according to claim 1 , wherein the lubricant has an Alcontent in a range of 0.05 g/L to 1.0 g/L.4. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for a magnetic disk according to claim 1 , wherein the glass substrate contains:{'sub': '2', 'SiOin an amount of 50 to 75 mol %,'}{'sub': 2', '3, 'AlOin an amount of 0 to 5 mol %,'}BaO in an amount of 0 to 2 mol %,{'sub': '2', 'LiO in an amount of 0 to 3 mol %.'}ZnO in an amount of 0 to 5 mol %,{'sub': 4', '2, 'NaO and KO in a total amount of 3 to 15 mol %,'}MgO, CaO, SrO, and BaO in a total amount of 14 to ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Data storage medium surface smoothing method and associated apparatus

Номер: US20130146562A1

A method for smoothing a medium includes depositing a magnetic layer onto a base, depositing an overcoat layer onto an outer surface of the magnetic layer, and burnishing an outer surface of the overcoat layer. Further, the method includes at least one of (i) directing a first ion beam comprised of first energetic ions toward the outer surface of the magnetic layer at a first shallow grazing angle and smoothing the outer surface of the magnetic layer via etching engagement between the first ion beam and the outer surface of the magnetic layer; and (ii) directing a second ion beam comprised of second energetic ions toward the outer surface of the overcoat layer at a second shallow grazing angle and smoothing the outer surface of the overcoat layer via etching engagement between the second angled ion beam and the outer surface of the overcoat layer.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186742A1
Автор: Uchida Shinji
Принадлежит: FUJI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

A method for manufacturing a magnetic recording medium includes reducing and eliminating impurity gas present in a chamber. A magnetic recording layer is formed and an active material layer is also formed immediately below or immediately above the magnetic recording layer in respective chambers. The active material layer is formed in the same chamber or with a gate opened between the magnetic recording layer chamber and the active material layer chamber. 1. A method for manufacturing a magnetic recording medium , the method comprising:providing film-forming equipment that includes a plurality of chambers that perform independent film formation processes, the chambers including an active material layer chamber and a magnetic recording layer chamber adjacent the active material layer chamber;coupling the plurality of chambers together so that the active material layer chamber and the magnetic recording layer chamber are coupled together through a gate;forming an active material layer in the active material layer chamber;opening the gate so that gas is communicated from the active material layer chamber to the magnetic recording layer chamber; andforming a magnetic recording layer on the active material layer in the magnetic recording layer chamber while the gate is open.2. The method for manufacturing a magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , whereinthe magnetic recording layer includes Co having a hexagonal close-packed structure, and the active material layer includes a material selected from the group consisting of Ti, Cr, Mn, Si and a compound having as a main component at least one of Ti, Cr, Mn and Si.3. The method for manufacturing a magnetic recording medium according to claim 2 , wherein in forming an active material layer claim 2 , the active material layer is formed to have a film thickness of 0.1 to 10 nm.4. The method for manufacturing a magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , whereinthe magnetic recording layer includes a main component ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130188278A1
Принадлежит: SHOWA DENKO K.K.

A method of manufacturing a magnetic recording medium is provided. The method includes: forming a magnetic layer on a non-magnetic substrate ; forming a mask layer on the magnetic layer ; forming a resist layer which is patterned into a predetermined shape on the mask layer ; patterning the mask layer into a shape corresponding to the resist layer using the resist layer ; patterning the magnetic layer into a shape corresponding to the mask layer using the patterned mask layer ; and removing the mask layer that remains on the magnetic layer by reactive plasma etching. The reactive plasma etching is performed under an atmosphere containing an organic compound having at least one kind or plural kinds of functional groups selected from a hydroxyl group, a carbonyl group, a hydroxy carbonyl group, an alkoxy group, and an ether group. 1. A method of manufacturing a magnetic recording medium , the method comprising:forming a magnetic layer on a non-magnetic substrate;forming a mask layer on the magnetic layer;forming a resist layer which is patterned into a predetermined shape on the mask layer;patterning the mask layer into a shape corresponding to the resist layer using the resist layer;patterning the magnetic layer into a shape corresponding to the mask layer using the patterned mask layer; andremoving the mask layer that remains on the magnetic layer by reactive plasma etching,wherein the reactive plasma etching is performed in an atmosphere containing an organic compound having at least one kind or plural kinds of functional groups selected from a hydroxyl group, a carbonyl group, a hydroxy carbonyl group, an alkoxy group, and an ether group.2. The method of manufacturing a magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 ,wherein the mask layer is formed from a carbon film.3. The method of manufacturing a magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 ,wherein the mask layer is formed from a metallic film of at least one kind selected from Ni, Fe, Co, and Cr, or an ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for Producing Glass Substrate for Information Storage Medium, and Information Storage Medium

Номер: US20130189546A1
Принадлежит: Konica Minolta Advanced Layers, Inc.

For an information storage medium a glass substrate is produced in a method including the steps of: polishing a glass substrate with a polishing agent applied thereon; and subsequently, chemically strengthening a major surface of the glass substrate. The polishing agent contains cerium oxide at a purity equal to or larger than 99% by mass for CeO/TREO, and has an alkaline earth metal content having a total mass equal to or smaller than 10 ppm by mass. The step of polishing is performed with a soft polishing pad to polish the glass substrate. 1. A method for producing a glass substrate for an information storage medium including a glass substrate and a magnetic recording layer on a major surface of said glass substrate , comprising the steps of:polishing said glass substrate with a polishing agent applied thereon; andafter the step of polishing, chemically strengthening said major surface of said glass substrate;{'sub': '2', 'said polishing agent containing cerium oxide at a purity equal to or larger than 99% by mass for CeO/TREO and having an alkaline earth metal content having a total mass equal to or smaller than 10 ppm by mass,'}the step of polishing being performed with a soft polishing pad to polish said glass substrate.2. The method for producing a glass substrate for an information storage medium according to claim 1 , wherein said glass substrate has a composition including 0.02-1% by mass of Ce.3. The method for producing a glass substrate for an information storage medium according to claim 1 , wherein said polishing agent contains cerium oxide at a purity equal to or larger than 99.99% by mass for CeO/TREO claim 1 , and has an alkaline earth metal content having a total mass equal to or smaller than 5 ppm by mass.4. The method for producing a glass substrate for an information storage medium according to claim 1 , wherein said polishing agent has a solid content with cerium oxide contained therein at a ratio equal to or larger than 90% by mass relative to ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Manufacturing Method for Glass Substrate for Information Recording Medium

Номер: US20130192304A1

An aspect of the invention is directed to a method for manufacturing a glass substrate for an information recording medium including: a polishing step of polishing a surface of a raw glass plate, with use of a polishing solution containing a polishing agent and water; and a chemically reinforcing step of reinforcing the polished surface of the raw glass plate which has undergone the polishing step, with use of a chemically reinforcing treatment solution. The polishing step is a step of using, as the polishing agent, a polishing agent containing CeO, and of performing polishing in such a manner that the effective amount of CeOper unit area of the surface of the raw glass plate to be used in the polishing is in the range of from 0.05 to 0.5 μg/cm. 1. A method for manufacturing a glass substrate for an information recording medium , comprising:a polishing step of polishing a surface of a raw glass plate, with use of a polishing solution containing a polishing agent and water; anda chemically reinforcing step of reinforcing the surface of the raw glass plate which has undergone the polishing step, with use of a chemically reinforcing treatment solution, whereinthe polishing step is a step of using, as the polishing agent, a polishing agent containing CeO2, and of performing polishing in such a manner that an effective amount of CeO2 per unit area of the surface of the raw glass plate to be used in the polishing is in the range of from 0.05 to 0.5 μg/cm2.2. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for an information recording medium according to claim 1 , whereina content of the polishing agent in the polishing solution is in the range of from 3 to 7 mass % with respect to the water,the polishing solution contains a dispersant having a negative electric charge, and a content of the dispersant is in the range of from 0.25 to 5 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of CeO2.3. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for an information recording medium ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196178A1
Автор: Mukai Nobuaki
Принадлежит: Toyo Kohan, Co., Ltd.

Provided are a method for production of a hard disk substrate capable of obtaining a smooth surface of a plating film by electroless NiP plating that is not degraded in, but exhibits corrosion resistance against, an acid solution and such a hard disk substrate. The method for production of a hard disk substrate including an electroless NiP plating film, includes the steps of: a first plating step of immersing a substrate in first electroless NiP plating bath containing an additive having a smoothing effect to form a lower layer of the electroless NiP plating film on a surface of the substrate, the lower layer having an average surface roughness smaller than an average surface roughness of the surface; and a second plating step of immersing the substrate on which the lower layer of the electroless NiP plating film is formed in the first plating step in a second electroless NiP plating bath to form an upper layer of the electroless NiP plating film, the upper layer having corrosion resistance against an acid solution. The resulting plating film has a smooth surface that is not degraded in, but exhibits corrosion resistance against, an acid solution. 1. A method for the production of a hard disk substrate including an electroless NiP plating film , comprising the steps of:a first plating step of immersing a substrate into a first electroless NiP plating bath containing an additive having a smoothing effect to form a lower layer of the electroless NiP plating film on a surface of the substrate, the lower layer having an average surface roughness smaller than an average surface roughness of the surface; anda second plating step of immersing the substrate on which the lower layer of the electroless NiP plating film is formed in the first plating step into a second electroless NiP plating bath to form an upper layer of the electroless NiP plating film, the upper layer having corrosion resistance against an acid solution.2. The method for the production of a hard disk ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200042A1

In processing a magnetic film composed for example of Fe, Co or Ni formed on a substrate and a nonvolatile metal containing the same in a vacuum reactor using a plasma generating gas for generating plasma and a gas containing C and O, a power applied to an antenna for generating plasma is time-modulated, wherein the feeding of gas containing C and O to the vacuum reactor is synchronized with the time-modulated antenna power so that the supply of gas containing C and O to the vacuum reactor is suppressed when the antenna power is high and the gas containing C and O is fed to the vacuum reactor when the antenna power is low. 1. A plasma etching method for plasma etching a magnetic film containing at least one element selected from the group consisting of Fe , Co and Ni in a processing chamber using a gas containing C element and O element ,the method comprising:etching the magnetic film by a time-modulated plasma; andsupplying a plasma generating gas, that is different from the gas containing C element and O element, to the processing chamber during a period with high amplitude of a time-modulated antenna power,wherein a period with low amplitude of the time-modulated antenna power includes a first period, a second period, and a third period,the first period is a period in which an electron temperature relaxes, and also is a period in which the gas containing C element and O element is not supplied to the processing chamber,the second period is a period in which the gas containing C element and O element is supplied to the processing chamber, andthe third period is a period in which the gas containing C element and O element is not supplied to the processing chamber.2. The plasma etching method according to claim 1 , wherein the plasma generating gas is further fed to the processing chamber during the second period.3. The plasma etching method according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of gas containing C element and O element fed during the second period is varied ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202915A1

A method is disclosed for defining discrete magnetic and non-magnetic regions on the magnetic film layer of a storage media substrate. The method applies anodic oxidation of a cobalt-containing magnetic film layer to remove cobalt, followed by controlled deposition of a non-magnetic matrix into the regions where the cobalt has been removed. Deposition may either be electrodeposition, collimated vacuum deposition, or other methods depending upon the composition of the non-magnetic matrix being deposited. The method may be performed in a single electrochemical cell. 112-. (canceled)13. A method for forming a patterned medium on a substrate comprising the steps of:{'sub': 2', '6', '3', '3', '4, 'selectively oxidizing a cobalt-containing magnetic film layer of the substrate in an electrochemical cell with an electrolyte solution comprising HPtCI, HBOand NHCI in order to remove at least a portion of cobalt from the cobalt-containing magnetic film layer; and'}depositing a non-magnetic matrix in the regions of the cobalt-containing magnetic film layer from where cobalt was selectively removed.14. The method of claim 13 , wherein the step of depositing the non-magnetic matrix comprises electrodeposition.15. The method of claim 13 , wherein the deposited non-magnetic matrix comprises a metal or alloy selected from the group consisting of platinum claim 13 , ruthenium claim 13 , nickel claim 13 , phosphorus and copper.16. The method of claim 13 , wherein the step of depositing non-magnetic matrix comprises vacuum deposition.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein the deposited non-magnetic matrix comprises a metal selected from the group consisting of chromium claim 16 , tantalum claim 16 , titanium claim 16 , nickel and copper.18. The method of claim 13 , wherein the selectively oxidizing and depositing steps are performed in a same electrochemical cell.19. An electrochemical cell comprising:{'sub': 2', '6', '3', '3', '4, 'an electrolyte solution of HPtCI, HBOand NHCI at a pH ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208378A1

The invention relates to bit patterned recording media having a stop layer for chemical mechanical polishing. One embodiment of the present invention is a method of manufacturing a magnetic recording medium comprising the step of planarizing by chemical mechanical polishing until the stop layer is reached. The present invention also provides a magnetic recording medium having a stop layer. 110-. (canceled)11. A method of manufacturing a magnetic recording medium comprising:forming a magnetic layer upon a substrate, the magnetic layer comprising an array of discrete magnetic bits separated by a non-magnetic filler material; depositing a stop layer upon the magnetic layer; depositing an excess layer upon the stop layer; andplanarizing by chemical mechanical polishing until the stop layer is reached.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the filler material is selected from Ah03 claim 11 , Si0 claim 11 , SiON claim 11 , and combinations thereof.13. The method of claim 11 , wherein the filler material comprises Ah03.14. The method of claim 11 , wherein the stop layer is selected from carbon claim 11 , platinum claim 11 , gold claim 11 , chromium claim 11 , ruthenium claim 11 , diamond claim 11 , tungsten claim 11 , SiC claim 11 , SiON claim 11 , NiCu claim 11 , and combinations thereof.15. The method of claim 11 , wherein the stop layer comprises carbon.16. The method of claim 11 , wherein the excess layer comprises Ah03.17. The method of claim 11 , wherein the stop layer has a thickness of about 2 to about 200 nm.18. The method of claim 17 , wherein the stop layer has a thickness of about 2 to about 10 nm.19. The method of claim 11 , wherein the step of planarizing by chemical mechanical polishing comprises measuring an increase in induced polishing friction to determine the stop layer has been reached.20. The method of claim 11 , wherein the step of planarizing by chemical mechanical polishing comprises measuring changes in surface optical reflectivities to determine ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209835A1

A method involves depositing a seed layer comprising at least A1 phase FePt. A main layer of A1 phase FePt is deposited over the seed layer. The main layer includes FePt of a different stoichiometry than the seed layer. The seed and main layers are annealed to convert the A1 phase FePt to L10 phase FePt. The annealing involves heating the substrate prior to depositing at least part of the A1 phase FePt of the main or seed layers. 1. A method comprising:depositing a seed layer comprising at least A1 phase FePt;depositing a main layer of A1 phase FePt on the seed layer, wherein the main layer comprises FePt of a different stoichiometry than the seed layer; and{'sub': '0', 'annealing the seed and main layers to convert the A1 phase FePt to L1phase FePt, and wherein the annealing comprises heating the substrate prior to depositing at least part of the A1 phase FePt of the main or seed layers.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein after the annealing claim 1 , the main and seed layer to form a graded FePt structure of varying stoichiometry.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the main layer comprises a Fe:Pt ratio approximately equal to 1 claim 1 , and wherein the seed layer comprises a Fe:Pt ratio greater than or less than 1.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the seed layer comprises a bilayer structure comprising:a first FePt layer proximate a substrate having a Fe:Pt ratio lower than that of the main layer; anda second FePt layer proximate the main layer having a Fe:Pt ratio higher than that of the main layer.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising depositing a cap layer comprising a Fe:Pt ratio greater than or less than 1 onto the main layer claim 1 , and wherein after the annealing the main layer and cap layer to form a graded FePt composition.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising depositing a cap layer comprising Cu onto the main layer claim 1 , and wherein after the annealing the main layer and cap layer to form a graded FePtCu composition.7. The method ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Perpendicular magnetic recording medium and method of manufacturing same

Номер: US20130209836A1
Принадлежит: Fuji Electric Co Ltd

A perpendicular magnetic recording medium exhibits reduced noise and improved performance in such measures as SN ratio, and can realize high magnetic recording densities. In the perpendicular magnetic recording medium, at least a first nonmagnetic intermediate layer, second nonmagnetic intermediate layer, and magnetic recording layer are stacked in order on a nonmagnetic substrate. The first nonmagnetic intermediate layer is formed from a CoCrRuW alloy, and the second nonmagnetic intermediate layer is formed from an Ru-base alloy.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130230647A1
Принадлежит: WD Media (Singapore) PTE.LTD.

A perpendicular magnetic recording medium comprises a magnetic recording layer that records a signal, an underlayer formed of Ru or Ru compound below the magnetic recording layer, a non-magnetic layer formed of a non-magnetic material below the underlayer to control crystal orientation of the underlayer, a soft magnetic layer provided below the non-magnetic layer, and a substrate on which the magnetic recording layer, the underlayer, the non-magnetic layer, and the soft magnetic layer are formed. The non-magnetic layer comprises a first non-magnetic layer formed above the soft magnetic layer and a second non-magnetic layer formed above the first non-magnetic layer. The first non-magnetic layer is formed of amorphous Ni compound while the second non-magnetic layer is formed of crystalline Ni or crystalline Ni compound. 1. A method of manufacturing a perpendicular magnetic recording medium , the method comprising:forming a soft magnetic layer on a substrate;forming a first non-magnetic layer of amorphous Ni compound on the soft magnetic layer without a bias voltage applied to the substrate;forming a second non-magnetic layer of crystalline Ni compound on the first non-magnetic layer with a bias voltage applied to the substrate;forming an underlayer of Ru or Ru compound on the second non-magnetic layer; andforming a magnetic recording layer above the underlayer, that records a signal.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first non-magnetic layer contains Ni and a compound of one or more elements selected from the group consisting of Ta claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Hf claim 1 , Re claim 1 , Os claim 1 , Ir claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , and V.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the second non-magnetic layer contains Ni and a compound of one or more elements selected from the group consisting of W claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , Re claim 1 , Al claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , and Mn.4. A method of manufacturing a perpendicular magnetic ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233823A1

A magneto-resistive reader includes a first magnetic shield element, a second magnetic shield element and a magneto-resistive sensor stack separating the first magnetic shield element from the second magnetic shield element. The first shield element includes two ferromagnetic anisotropic layers separated by a grain growth suppression layer. 1. A method of forming a magneto-resistive reader comprising:depositing a first shield element, the first shield element comprising two ferromagnetic anisotropic layers separated by a grain growth suppression layer;annealing the first shield element at a magnetic set anneal temperature to form a set annealed first shield;depositing a magneto-resistive sensor stack on the annealed first shield;annealing the magneto-resistive sensor stack at a magnetic cross set anneal temperature to form a cross set annealed magneto-resistive sensor stack; anddepositing a second shield element on the cross set annealed magneto-resistive sensor stack.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic set anneal temperature is greater than 390 degrees centigrade.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic cross set anneal temperature is greater than 300 degrees centigrade.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the grain growth suppression layer has a thickness of less than 100 Angstroms.5. A method according to claim 4 , wherein the grain growth suppression layer is non-magnetic.6. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic cross set anneal step comprises applying a magnetic field that is perpendicular a magnetization orientation direction of the first shield element.7. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic cross set anneal temperature less than the magnetic set anneal temperature.8. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the magneto-resistive sensor stack is a tunneling magneto-resistive reader having a TMR ratio of 200% or greater.9. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the ferromagnetic ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130260027A1

Provided are: a method for manufacturing a glass substrate for a magnetic disk by using an alternative abrasive having the same polishing performance as cerium oxide, which has conventionally been used as an abrasive for polishing principal faces of glass substrates for magnetic disks; and a method for manufacturing a magnetic disk. At the time of polishing a principal face of a magnetic disk glass substrate by using a slurry, the disclosure employs a slurry containing: an abrasive made of granular zirconia; a first additive including a phosphate and/or a sulfonate; and a second additive including a re-aggregation inhibitor. 1. A method for manufacturing a glass substrate for a magnetic disk , the method comprisingpolishing a principal face of a glass material by using a slurry, the slurry containing:an abrasive made of granular zirconia;a first additive including at least one type of compound selected from the group consisting of phosphates, sulfonates, polycarboxylic acids, and polycarboxylates; anda second additive including a re-aggregation inhibitor.2. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for a magnetic disk recited in claim 1 , wherein the average particle size (D) of said zirconia is from 0.2 to 10 μm.3. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for a magnetic disk recited in claim 1 , wherein said slurry contains 5 to 20 wt % of said abrasive claim 1 , 0.01 to 5 wt % of said first additive claim 1 , and 0.01 to 5 wt % of said second additive.4. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for a magnetic disk recited in claim 1 , wherein said re-aggregation inhibitor is at least one type of compound selected from the group consisting of cellulose claim 1 , carboxymethyl cellulose claim 1 , maltose claim 1 , and fructose.5. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for a magnetic disk recited in claim 1 , wherein said slurry further contains a third additive including granular silicon dioxide and/or titanium dioxide having a smaller ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130260179A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

An aspect of the present invention relates to a magnetic recording medium, which comprises a nonmagnetic layer containing a nonmagnetic powder and a binder and a magnetic layer containing a ferromagnetic powder and a binder in this order on a nonmagnetic support, wherein the nonmagnetic layer has a thickness of equal to or less than 300 nm; a composite elastic modulus as measured on a surface of the magnetic layer ranges from 6.0 to 8.0 GPa; the magnetic layer comprises an abrasive with a specific surface area by BET method ranging from 14 m/g to 40 m/g; and a surface abrasive occupancy on a surface of the magnetic layer ranges from 0.2% to 2%. 1. A magnetic recording medium , which comprises a nonmagnetic layer containing a nonmagnetic powder and a binder and a magnetic layer containing a ferromagnetic powder and a binder in this order on a nonmagnetic support , whereinthe nonmagnetic layer has a thickness of equal to or less than 300 nm;a composite elastic modulus as measured on a surface of the magnetic layer ranges from 6.0 to 8.0 GPa;{'sup': 2', '2, 'the magnetic layer comprises an abrasive with a specific surface area by BET method ranging from 14 m/g to 40 m/g; and'}a surface abrasive occupancy on a surface of the magnetic layer ranges from 0.2% to 2%.2. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , wherein the abrasive is alumina.3. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 2 , wherein the magnetic layer further comprises an aromatic hydrocarbon compound having a phenolic hydroxyl group.5. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 3 , wherein the aromatic hydrocarbon compound having a phenolic hydroxyl group is selected from the group consisting of 2 claim 3 ,3-dihydroxylnaphthalene and derivatives thereof.6. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic layer further comprises a nonmagnetic particle other than the abrasive.7. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic layer ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130287938A1
Автор: Isono Hideki

A process for producing a glass substrate for magnetic disk through chemical strengthening operation, in which the distribution of compressive stress is uniformed at a surface layer portion. The chemical strengthening operation includes the first step of bringing the glass substrate into contact with a first treatment solution (chemical strengthening treatment solution) containing first ions with an ionic radius larger than those of ions within the glass substrate and either the second and subsequent steps of bringing the platy glass into contact with treatment solutions containing second and subsequent bivalent ions, or the second and subsequent steps of bringing the glass substrate into contact with second and subsequent chemical strengthening treatment solutions containing second and subsequent ions exhibiting an ion exchange rate with ions within the glass substrate greater than that of the first ions to thereby decelerate the ion exchange. 1. A method of manufacturing a magnetic-disk glass substrate , the method including a chemical strengthening process of chemically strengthening the glass substrate , wherein:the chemical strengthening process comprises at least two steps;a first step brings the glass substrate into contact with a chemical strengthening treatment solution containing first ions having an ionic radius larger than an ionic radius of ions contained in the glass substrate, thereby causing ion exchange to occur; anda second or subsequent step brings the glass substrate into contact with a treatment solution containing second or subsequent ions being bivalent ions.2. The method of manufacturing the magnetic-disk glass substrate according to claim 1 , wherein:the second or subsequent ions are any one of Pb2+, Cd2+, Zn2+, Hg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2+.3. The method of manufacturing of the magnetic-disk glass substrate according to claim 1 , wherein:a maximum value of fine waviness of a main surface of the glass substrate is less than 5 nm in a ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method for Manufacturing Glass Substrate for Magnetic Recording Medium

Номер: US20130288575A1

A method for manufacturing a glass substrate for a magnetic recording medium, including a polishing step of polishing a principal surface () of a glass substrate () having a chamfered surface () formed on an end surface of the glass substrate (), with use of a polishing pad () having a concave groove () formed in a surface () for supplying a polishing solution, the polishing step is performed in the following condition: 1. A method for manufacturing a glass substrate for a magnetic recording medium including a polishing step of polishing a principal surface of a glass substrate having a chamfered surface formed on an inner peripheral end surface and/or an outer peripheral end surface of the glass substrate , with use of a polishing pad having a concave groove formed in a surface of the polishing pad for supplying a polishing solution , the method characterized in that: [{'br': None, '10°≦p<θd≦80°'}, 'where', 'θd is an angle defined by the chamfered surface and a plane in parallel to a thickness direction of the glass substrate on an inner side portion of the glass substrate, and', 'θp is an angle defined by a side surface of the concave groove and a plane in parallel to a thickness direction of the polishing pad on an inner side portion of the polishing pad., 'the polishing step is performed in the following condition2. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for a magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , whereinthe polishing pad is a suede-type soft polishing pad having a polishing layer formed of foamed polyurethane.3. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for a magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , whereina polishing solution containing silica as abrasive grains is used in the polishing step.4. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for a magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , whereinthe polishing pad has an Asker C hardness in a range of from 60 to 85. The present invention relates to a method for ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130295299A1

According to one embodiment, a magnetic recording medium includes a substrate, a soft magnetic layer, an underlayer, a magnetic recording layer, and a protective layer, wherein the magnetic recording layer is provided with a pattern including recording portions and non-recording portions, the non-recording portions have a composition that is equal to a composition obtained by demagnetizing the recording portions, the non-recording portions contain at least one metal element selected from the group consisting of vanadium and zirconium and at least one element selected from the group consisting of nitrogen, carbon, boron and oxygen, and the at least one element selected from the group consisting of nitrogen, carbon, boron and oxygen is contained in the non-recording portions at a higher content than the content of the at least one element selected from the group consisting of nitrogen, carbon, boron and oxygen in the recording portions. 1. A method of manufacturing a magnetic recording medium comprising:forming a patterned mask layer and a magnetism-deactivating layer comprising at least one metal element selected from the group consisting of vanadium and zirconium on a magnetic recording layer; anddiffusing the metal element from the magnetism-deactivating layer into the magnetic recording layer through recessed portions of the pattern of the mask layer by ion beam irradiation using a gas comprising at least one second element selected from the group consisting of nitrogen, carbon, boron, and oxygen.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas comprises at least one of gas selected from the group consisting of N claim 1 , CH claim 1 , BH claim 1 , O claim 1 , and O.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the gas further comprises He.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the magnetism-deactivating layer comprises claim 1 , as a major component claim 1 , a simple substance claim 1 , nitride claim 1 , carbide claim 1 , oxide claim 1 , or boride of the at least one metal element ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130299451A1
Автор: ISHII Jun

A suspension board with circuit includes a metal supporting board, an insulating layer formed on the metal supporting board, and a conductive pattern formed on the insulating layer and having a terminal portion connected to connecting terminals of a magnetic head mounted on a slider. A slider mounting region where the slider is disposed is defined, and a plurality of the terminal portions are spaced apart from each other in the slider mounting region, and in the metal supporting board, an opening which opens so as to expose the insulating layer where the terminal portions are disposed is formed at the slider mounting region. 1laminating a metal supporting board, an insulating layer formed on the metal supporting board, and a conductive pattern formed on the insulating layer and having a terminal portion connected to a connecting terminal of a magnetic head mounted on a slider; andetching the metal supporting board so as to expose the under surface of the insulating layer where the terminal portion is disposed at the slider mounting region where the slider is disposed.. A method for producing a suspension board with circuit comprising the steps of: The present application is a divisional patent application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/067,148 filed May 12, 2011, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/344,149 filed on Jun. 1, 2010, and claims priority from Japanese Patent Application No. 2010-116595 filed on May 20, 2010, the contents of all of which are herein incorporated by reference in their entirety into this application.The present invention relates to a suspension board with circuit mounted with a magnetic head in a hard disk drive and a producing method thereof.Conventionally, a suspension board with circuit mounted with a magnetic head has been used in a hard disk drive. For example, a suspension board with circuit where an insulating base layer and a conductive pattern are sequentially laminated on a metal supporting board ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302532A1
Автор: Abarra Noel
Принадлежит: iZA CORPORATION

A method and an apparatus for manufacturing a perpendicular magnetic recording medium are provided which can easily demagnetize a magnetic layer with a high coercivity. The method includes: forming a magnetic layer on a substrate; applying magnetic fields parallel to the surface of the magnetic layer having a coercivity reduced below the intensity of said magnetic field by heating of the magnetic layer; and removing said magnetic field. 1. A method of manufacturing a demagnetized perpendicular magnetic recording medium comprising:forming a magnetic layer on a substrate;applying a magnetic field parallel to a surface of the magnetic layer having a coercivity reduced below the intensity of said magnetic field by heating of the magnetic layer; andremoving said magnetic field.2. The perpendicular magnetic recording medium manufacturing method according to claim 1 , further comprising:heating the substrate before forming the magnetic layer.3. The perpendicular magnetic recording medium manufacturing method according to claim 1 , further comprising:heating the magnetic layer after forming the magnetic layer and before applying the magnetic field.4. The perpendicular magnetic recording medium manufacturing method according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic field is applied parallel to the surface of the magnetic layer while heating the magnetic layer.5. The perpendicular magnetic recording medium manufacturing method according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic layer comprises a high magnetic anisotropy material.6. The perpendicular magnetic recording medium manufacturing method according to claim 3 , wherein the heating of the magnetic layer comprises:heating the magnetic layer to a temperature lower and within 100° C. of the Curie temperature of the magnetic layer.7. A method of manufacturing a demagnetized perpendicular magnetic recording medium comprising:forming a first magnetic layer on a substrate;applying a magnetic field parallel to a surface of the first magnetic ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130309946A1
Автор: Hamaguchi Takeshi

A magnetic disk substrate production method by which the embedded alumina can be reduced is provided. The magnetic disk substrate production method includes the steps of (1) polishing a polishing surface of a substrate to be polished using a polishing liquid composition A containing alumina particles and water; (2) polishing the polishing surface of the substrate obtained in the step (1) using a polishing liquid composition B containing water and silica particles having an average primary particle size (D50) of 5 to 60 nm and a primary particle size standard deviation of less than 40 nm; (3) cleaning the substrate obtained in the step (2); and (4) polishing the polishing surface of the substrate obtained in the step (3) using a polishing liquid composition C containing silica particles and water. 1. A method for producing a magnetic disk substrate , the method comprising the steps of:(1) supplying a polishing liquid composition A containing alumina particles and water to a polishing surface of a substrate to be polished, and polishing the polishing surface by brining a polishing pad into contact with the polishing surface and moving the polishing pad and/or the substrate to be polished;(2) supplying to the polishing surface of the substrate obtained in the step (1) a polishing liquid composition B containing water and silica particles having an average primary particle size (D50) of 5 to 60 nm and a primary particle size standard deviation of less than 40 nm, and polishing the polishing surface by brining a polishing pad into contact with the polishing surface and moving the polishing pad and/or the substrate to be polished;(3) cleaning the substrate obtained in the step (2); and(4) supplying a polishing liquid composition C containing silica particles and water to the polishing surface of the substrate obtained in the step (3), and polishing the polishing surface by brining a polishing pad into contact with the polishing surface and moving the polishing pad and/or ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130316088A1

According to one embodiment, a magnetic recording head manufacturing method characterized by includes processes of forming a main pole, forming, on the main pole, an insulating layer having a gap for forming a spin torque oscillator, forming a spin torque oscillator in the gap, and forming an auxiliary magnetic pole on the spin torque oscillator is provided. 1. A magnetic recording head manufacturing method comprising:forming a main pole;forming, on the main pole, an insulating layer having a gap for forming a spin torque oscillator;forming a spin torque oscillator in the gap; andforming an auxiliary magnetic pole on the spin torque oscillator.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the forming the insulating layer having the gap comprises:forming a mask layer on the main pole;patterning the main pole through the mask layer;forming an insulating layer on the main pole and the mask layer;exposing the mask layer by partially removing the insulating layer; andremoving the mask layer to form a gap for forming a spin torque oscillator in the insulating layer.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the mask layer is one of a resist layer and a hard mask layer.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the forming the spin torque oscillator in the gap comprises:forming a spin torque oscillator on the insulating layer having the gap by ion beam sputtering; andremoving the spin torque oscillator formed in a region except for the gap by scraping the spin torque oscillator.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the forming the main pole comprises forming a main pole in a trench formed in a nonmagnetic layer.6. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising forming a magnetic shield layer on the insulating layer claim 1 , and partially removing the magnetic shield layer claim 1 , before the exposing the mask layer by partially removing the insulating layer. This application is based upon and claims the benefit of priority from Japanese Patent Application ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319850A1

A method for making a patterned-media magnetic recording disk using nanoimprint lithography (NIL) enlarges the size of the imprint resist features after the imprint resist has been patterned by NIL. The layer of imprint resist material is deposited on a disk blank, which may have the magnetic layer already deposited on it. The imprint resist layer is patterned by NIL, resulting in a plurality of spaced-apart resist pillars with sloped sidewalls from the top to the base. An overlayer of a material like a fluorocarbon polymer is deposited over the patterned resist layer, including over the sloped resist pillar sidewalls. This enlarges the lateral dimension of the resist pillars. The overlayer is then etched to leave the overlayer on the sloped resist pillar sidewalls while exposing the disk blank in the spaces between the resist pillars. The resist pillars with overlayer on the sloped resist pillar sidewalls is then used as a mask for etching the disk blank, leaving a plurality of discrete islands on the disk blank. 1. A method for making a bit-patterned media (BPM) magnetic recording disk having discrete data islands of magnetic recording material arranged in concentric tracks , the method comprising:providing a rigid disk blank having a continuous magnetic recording layer;depositing a polymeric resist layer on the recording layer surface;patterning the resist layer by imprint lithography to have a plurality of discrete spaced-apart resist pillars arranged in concentric tracks with residual resist on the recording layer surface between the resist pillars, each of the resist pillars having a top having a lateral dimension parallel to the plane of the recording layer surface, a base having a lateral dimension parallel to the plane of the recording layer surface greater than the lateral dimension of the top, and generally sloped sidewalls from the top to the base;depositing an overlayer over the patterned resist layer, including over the residual resist and the sloped ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001155A1
Автор: Hamaguchi Takeshi

A magnetic disk substrate production method by which the embedded alumina and the waviness of the substrate surface can be reduced is provided. The magnetic disk substrate production method includes the steps of (1) polishing a polishing surface of a substrate to be polished using a polishing liquid composition A containing alumina particles and water; (2) polishing the polishing surface of the substrate obtained in the step (1) using a polishing liquid composition B containing water and silica particles having an average primary particle size (D50) of 40 to 110 nm and a primary particle size standard deviation of 40 to 60 nm; (3) cleaning the substrate obtained in the step (2); and (4) polishing the polishing surface of the substrate obtained in the step (3) using a polishing liquid composition C containing silica particles and water. 19.-. (canceled)10. A method for producing a magnetic disk substrate , the method comprising the steps of:(1) supplying a polishing liquid composition A containing alumina particles and water to a polishing surface of a substrate to be polished, and polishing the polishing surface by bringing a polishing pad into contact with the polishing surface and moving the polishing pad and/or the substrate to be polished;(2) supplying to the polishing surface of the substrate obtained in the step (1) a polishing liquid composition B containing water and silica particles having an average primary particle size (D50) of 40 to 110 nm and a primary particle size standard deviation of 40 to 60 nm, and polishing the polishing surface by bringing a polishing pad into contact with the polishing surface and moving the polishing pad and/or the substrate to be polished;(3) cleaning the substrate obtained in the step (2); and(4) supplying a polishing liquid composition C containing silica particles and water to the polishing surface of the substrate obtained in the step (3), and polishing the polishing surface by bringing a polishing pad into contact with ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140004272A1

According to one embodiment, there is provided a magnetic recording medium manufacturing method including forming a resist layer on a magnetic recording layer, patterning the resist layer, forming a magnetic pattern by performing ion implantation through the resist layer, partially modifying the surface of the magnetic recording layer, removing the resist, applying a self-organization material to the surface of the magnetic recording layer and forming a dotted mask pattern, and patterning the magnetic recording layer. 1. A magnetic recording medium manufacturing method comprising:forming a resist layer on a magnetic recording layer of a magnetic recording medium, the magnetic recording medium comprising a substrate and the magnetic recording layer formed on the substrate;patterning the resist layer;performing ion implantation through the resist layer to partially inactivate magnetism of the magnetic recording layer and to form a magnetic pattern;partially modifying a surface of the magnetic recording layer through the resist layer;removing the resist;applying a self-organization material to the partially modified surface of the magnetic recording layer, and causing phase separation to form a dotted mask pattern; andpatterning the magnetic recording layer in accordance with the mask pattern.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising forming a mask layer on the magnetic recording layer before the forming the resist layer.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the partially modifying the surface of the magnetic recording layer comprises forming a chemical modification layer which promotes arrangement of the dotted mask pattern of the self-organization material on the resist layer.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the partially modifying the surface of the magnetic recording layer comprises forming a step on the mask layer by partially etching a surface of the mask layer through the resist layer.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the patterning the resist layer ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140017518A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials, Inc.

A method for patterning a magnetic thin film on a substrate includes: providing a pattern about the magnetic thin film, with selective regions of the pattern permitting penetration of energized ions of one or more elements. Energized ions are generated with sufficient energy to penetrate selective regions and a portion of the magnetic thin film adjacent the selective regions. The substrate is placed to receive the energized ions. The portions of the magnetic thin film are rendered to exhibit a magnetic property different than selective other portions. A method for patterning a magnetic media with a magnetic thin film on both sides of the media is also disclosed. 1. A method for patterning a magnetic media having two sides with a magnetic thin film on both sides , comprising:disposing a pattern on the magnetic thin film on both sides of the magnetic media, with selective regions of the pattern permitting energized ions of one or more elements to penetrate through and impinge upon portions of the magnetic thin film;generating the energized ions of the one or more elements with sufficient energy to penetrate selective regions of the pattern and a portion of the magnetic thin film adjacent the selective regions on both sides of the magnetic media;placing the magnetic media to receive the energized ions; andrendering portions of the magnetic thin film adjacent the selective regions on both sides of the magnetic media to exhibit a magnetic property different than selective other portions of the magnetic thin film, wherein the energized ions include of the one or more elements include boron ions and helium ions, and wherein the energized helium ions and the energized boron ions are implanted at the same bias voltage and the helium ions are implanted within the magnetic thin film to a greater depth than the boron ions.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein disposing the pattern includes coating a resist over the magnetic thin film and imprinting the resist with a mold having a ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030554A1

In one embodiment, there are provided: a substrate; a data area disposed on the substrate and having a plurality of first magnetic dots arrayed in lines in mutually different first, second, and third directions; and a boundary magnetic part having a plurality of first magnetic portions arrayed in a line in the third direction and each having a length longer than that of the first magnetic dot in the third direction, and a second magnetic dot disposed between the first magnetic portions and disposed on extensions in the first and second directions of the first magnetic dots, and disposed along with the data area on the substrate. 1. A magnetic recording medium , comprising:a substrate;a data area disposed on the substrate and having a plurality of first magnetic dots arrayed in lines in different first, second, and third directions; anda boundary magnetic part having a plurality of first magnetic portions arrayed in a line in the third direction and each having a length longer than that of the first magnetic dot in the third direction, and a second magnetic dot disposed between the first magnetic portions and disposed on extensions in the first and the second directions of the first magnetic dots, and disposed along with the data area on the substrate.2. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 ,wherein each of the first magnetic dots and the second magnetic dot have approximately the same shape and approximately the same size.3. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 ,wherein the first magnetic dots are arrayed approximately in a hexagonal close-packed form.4. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 ,wherein the substrate is made of a nonmagnetic material.5. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 ,wherein the lengths of the first magnetic portions in the third direction are 1.5 to 10 times longer than that of the first magnetic dots.6. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 ,wherein the data area and the ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing glass blank for magnetic disk, method for manufacturing glass substrate for magnetic disk

Номер: US20140033768A1
Принадлежит: Hoya Corp

A method for manufacturing a glass substrate for magnetic disk is provided in which a glass is kept from being fused to a mold during press forming and shape processing to achieve a good circularity is efficiently performed. The method includes: a forming process of forming a disk-shaped glass blank by direct-pressing a molten glass by a pair of dies; and a shape processing process of performing at least one of inner hole formation and outer shape formation for forming a disk-shaped glass substrate by forming a cutting line on the principal face of the glass blank, followed by growing the cutting line to perform cutting. In the forming process, press forming is performed while the temperature of the pair of dies, over a period of time until a molten glass is separated from the die after coming into contact with the die, is set at a temperature lower than a glass transition point (Tg) and a mold release material is not attached to the surfaces of the pair of dies.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140042013A1

According to one embodiment, a magnetic recording medium includes a substrate, an auxiliary layer formed on the substrate, and at least one perpendicular magnetic recording layer formed on the auxiliary layer. The perpendicular magnetic recording layer includes a magnetic dot pattern. The perpendicular magnetic recording layer is made of an alloy material containing one element selected from iron and cobalt, and one element selected from platinum and palladium. This alloy material has the L1structure, and is (001)-oriented. The auxiliary layer includes a dot-like first region covered with the magnetic dot pattern, and a second region not covered with the magnetic dot pattern. The first region is made of a (100)-oriented nickel oxide. The second region contains nickel used in the first region as a main component. 1. A method of manufacturing a magnetic recording medium , the method comprising:forming, on a substrate, an auxiliary layer by depositing a (100)-oriented nickel oxide;{'sub': '0', 'forming, on the auxiliary layer, a perpendicular magnetic recording layer made of a (001)-oriented alloy comprising an element selected from the group consisting of iron and cobalt and an element selected from the group consisting of platinum and palladium, and having an L1structure;'}partially exposing the auxiliary layer by processing the perpendicular magnetic recording layer into a magnetic dot pattern; anddepositing a protective layer on the perpendicular magnetic recording layer,wherein before the protective layer is formed, the magnetic dot pattern and the auxiliary layer are exposed to a reducing ambient, and the partially exposed auxiliary layer is reduced by using the magnetic dot pattern as a mask, thereby forming, in the auxiliary layer, a dot-like first region covered with the magnetic dot pattern and made of the nickel oxide, and a second region not covered with the magnetic dot pattern and comprising nickel as a main component.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140050912A1

A method for manufacturing a glass substrate for magnetic disk is provided. The method includes a forming process of press-forming a lump of molten glass using a pair of dies, wherein in the forming process, the cooling rate of the molten glass during pressing is controlled so that a first compressive stress layer is formed on a pair of principal faces of a glass blank that is press formed, and the method includes a chemically strengthening process for forming a second compressive stress layer on a pair of principal faces of a glass substrate formed using the glass blank after the forming process. 1. A method for manufacturing a glass substrate for magnetic disk , the method comprising:a forming process of press-forming a lump of molten glass using a pair of dies, during which the cooling rate of the molten glass during pressing is controlled so that a first compressive stress layer is formed on each of a pair of principal faces of a glass blank that is press formed; anda chemically strengthening process for forming a second compressive stress layer on each of a pair of principal faces of a glass substrate formed using the glass blank after the forming process.2. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for magnetic disk according to claim 1 , wherein in the forming process claim 1 , the falling lump of molten glass is press-formed using the pair of dies from directions claim 1 , each direction being orthogonal to the falling direction.3. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for magnetic disk according to claim 1 , wherein in the forming process claim 1 , press forming is performed so that the temperature of the press forming surface of the pair of dies is substantially identical.4. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for magnetic disk according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature of the pair of dies is kept lower than the glass transition point (Tg) of the molten glass during a period of time from when the glass blank contacts the pair ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140059842A1

A method according to one embodiment includes applying a coating to a media facing side of a module, the module having first and second transducers of different magnetic transducer types positioned towards the media facing side of the module, wherein the different transducer types are selected from a group consisting of data reader transducers, servo reader transducers, write transducers, piggyback read-write transducers and merged read-write transducers; wherein the coating forms at least a portion of a first protection structure for protecting the first transducer; and wherein the second transducer has either no protection or is protected by a second protection structure that is different than the first protection structure. 1. A method , comprising:applying a coating to a media facing side of a module, the module having first and second transducers of different magnetic transducer types positioned towards the media facing side of the module, wherein the different transducer types are selected from a group consisting of data reader transducers, servo reader transducers, write transducers, piggyback read-write transducers and merged read-write transducers;wherein the coating forms at least a portion of a first protection structure for protecting the first transducer; andwherein the second transducer has either no protection or is protected by a second protection structure that is different than the first protection structure.2. A method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first protection structure includes a coating on the media facing side of the module adjacent the first transducer.3. A method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the second protection structure is present and includes a coating on another portion of the media facing side that is adjacent the second transducer.4. A method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first protection structure is a recessed portion of the media facing side adjacent the first transducer.5. A method as recited in claim 4 , ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060117A1

A method for manufacturing a glass substrate for magnetic disk, the internal strain of which is reduced without performing annealing treatment, is provided. The method includes a forming process of forming a plate-shaped glass blank by pressing a lump of molten glass using a pair of dies, wherein the method includes: a removing process of removing at least a part of a residual stress layer formed on the principal face of the glass blank press-formed in the forming process; and a process of forming a donut-shaped glass substrate by subjecting the glass blank after the removing process to machining. 1. A method for manufacturing a glass substrate for magnetic disk that includes a forming process of forming a plate-shaped glass blank by pressing a lump of molten glass using a pair of dies , wherein the method comprising:a removing process of removing at least a part of a residual stress layer formed on a pair of principal faces of the glass blank press-formed in the forming process; anda process of forming a donut-shaped glass substrate by subjecting the glass blank after the removing process to machining.2. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for magnetic disk according to claim 1 , wherein in the removing process claim 1 , at least a portion of the residual stress layer formed on the principal faces of the glass blank press-formed in the forming process is removed so that the maximum residual stress value of the glass blank is less than a value which causes breaks with said machining.3. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for magnetic disk according to claim 1 , wherein in the removing process claim 1 , at least a portion of the residual stress layer formed on the principal faces of the glass blank press-formed in the forming process is removed so that the maximum residual stress value is equal to or less than 0.4 kgf/mm.4. The method for manufacturing a glass substrate for magnetic disk according to claim 1 , wherein in the removing process ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140063658A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

To uniformly determine the positional relationship between a main magnetic pole and a spin torque oscillator while independently optimizing the main magnetic pole and the spin torque oscillator. On a trailing end surface of a main magnetic pole, a step is provided at the boundary between the main magnetic pole and a gap material disposed on both sides thereof, and a spin torque oscillator is formed on the step. The spin torque oscillator is effectively separated into two regions by utilizing the step. Further, a part of the spin torque oscillator is removed so as to disable the unwanted region, thereby realizing a self-alignment type high frequency magnetic field assisted magnetic recording head structure such that the positions of the end portions of the main magnetic pole and the spin torque oscillator are aligned. 1. A high frequency magnetic field assisted magnetic recording head comprising:a main magnetic pole that generates a recording field; anda spin torque oscillator disposed in the vicinity of the main magnetic pole,wherein:a magnetic shield or a wire for supplying electric power to the spin torque oscillator is disposed in contact with a surface of the spin torque oscillator on the opposite side from a surface thereof on the main magnetic pole side;a step is formed at a boundary position between the main magnetic pole and a gap material disposed on both sides of the main magnetic pole, or between the gap material and a side shield contacting the gap material on trailing side surfaces thereof in at least an air bearing surface; andthe spin torque oscillator is formed on the step in at least the air bearing surface.2. The high frequency magnetic field assisted magnetic recording head according to claim 1 , wherein a part of the spin torque oscillator is removed in a film thickness direction in a region on one side of the step at the boundary.3. The high frequency magnetic field assisted magnetic recording head according to claim 1 , wherein one half or more ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140065446A1

A method for manufacturing a glass blank for magnetic disk and a method for manufacturing a glass substrate for magnetic disk are provided which are capable of producing a glass blank for magnetic disk having a good surface waviness by press forming. The method includes a forming process of press-forming a lump of molten glass using a pair of dies, wherein in the forming process, press forming is performed using thermally equalizing means for reducing a difference in temperature in the press forming surface of the die during pressing of the molten glass. 1. A method for manufacturing a glass blank for magnetic disk , the method including a forming process of press-forming a lump of molten glass using a pair of dies , the method comprising:obtaining a correlation between a difference in temperature of a pair of dies in press-forming the molten glass and flatness of the glass blank obtained after press forming, the difference being measured at positions of the pair of dies facing each other;determining a difference in temperature of the pair of dies based on the correlation, the difference enabling flatness required for the glass blank; andperforming the forming process so that a difference in temperature of the pair of dies is within the determined difference in temperature.2. The method for manufacturing a glass blank for magnetic disk according to claim 1 , wherein the flatness required for the glass blank is equal to flatness of a magnetic disk claim 1 , the flatness of the magnetic disk being determined to prevent a head from touching the magnetic disk when the magnetic disk is mounted in a hard disk device.3. The method for manufacturing a glass blank for magnetic disk according to or claim 1 , wherein in the forming process claim 1 , the lump of molten glass while falling is press-formed in a direction orthogonal to the falling direction using the pair of dies.4. The method for manufacturing a glass blank for magnetic disk according to any one of to claim 1 , ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140072828A1
Принадлежит: FUJI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

Provided are a perpendicular magnetic recording medium and a method for manufacturing the same, the perpendicular magnetic recording medium including an alloy (FePt, FePd, or CoPt) having a large Kvalue with an L1type ordered structure, and obtained with achievement of controlled crystal orientation and thin film formation without heating. Specifically, in the perpendicular magnetic recording medium, at least a nonmagnetic seed layer, a nonmagnetic underlayer, and a magnetic layer are formed in this order on a nonmagnetic substrate. The nonmagnetic seed layer includes a MgO layer and a metal layer having a body-centered cubic (bcc) structure. The nonmagnetic underlayer has a NaCl type structure of one selected from the group consisting of MgO, NiO, TiO, CrN, Ti carbides, and Ti nitrides. The magnetic layer includes an alloy selected from the group consisting of FePt, FePd, and CoPt having an L1type ordered structure. 1. A perpendicular magnetic recording medium comprising a nonmagnetic seed layer , a nonmagnetic underlayer , and a magnetic layer formed in this order on a nonmagnetic substrate , whereinthe nonmagnetic seed layer includes a MgO layer and a metal layer having a body-centered cubic (bcc) structure,the nonmagnetic underlayer has a NaCl type structure of one selected from the group consisting of MgO, NiO, TiO, CrN, Ti carbides, and Ti nitrides, and{'sub': '0', 'the magnetic layer includes an alloy selected from the group consisting of FePt, FePd, and CoPt having an L1type ordered structure.'}2. The perpendicular magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , wherein all of a (001) crystal lattice plane of the metal layer claim 1 , a (001) crystal lattice plane of the NaCl type structure in the nonmagnetic underlayer claim 1 , and a (001) crystal lattice plane of the L1type ordered structure in the magnetic layer are parallel to a film surface.3. The perpendicular magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , wherein a surface energy difference ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083363A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials, Inc.

A method for patterning a magnetic thin film on a substrate includes: providing a pattern about the magnetic thin film, with selective regions of the pattern permitting penetration of energized ions of one or more elements. Energized ions are generated with sufficient energy to penetrate selective regions and a portion of the magnetic thin film adjacent the selective regions. The substrate is placed to receive the energized ions. The portion of the magnetic thin film is subjected to thermal excitation. The portions of the magnetic thin film are rendered to exhibit a magnetic property different than selective other portions. A method for patterning a magnetic media with a magnetic thin film on both sides of the media is also disclosed. 1. An apparatus for processing recording media , comprising:a process chamber;a substrate support disposed within the process chamber, the substrate support having a surface with a plurality of substrate support sites thereon, the substrate support adapted to support a plurality of magnetic recording media;a power supply coupled to the process chamber and adapted to generate a plasma; anda doping gas supply coupled to the process chamber and adapted to provide a doping gas to the interior of the process chamber.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:an annealing chamber; anda substrate handler adapted to transfer the plurality of magnetic recording media from the process chamber to the annealing chamber.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the substrate support comprises a conductive surface.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the substrate support comprises a plasma-protective coating.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the substrate support is a rod.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the rod includes a graphite coating thereon.7. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the rod includes a silicon coating thereon.8. The apparatus of claim 5 , further comprising a plurality of clamps for affixing substrates to the support.9 ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing hexagonal ferrite magnetic particles

Номер: US20140091501A1
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

The method of manufacturing hexagonal ferrite magnetic particles, which includes providing hexagonal ferrite magnetic particles by conducting calcination of particles comprising an alkaline earth metal salt and an iron salt to cause ferritization; and further includes causing a glass component to adhere to the particles and then conducting the calcination of the particles to form a calcined product in which hexagonal ferrite is detected as a principal component in X-ray diffraction analysis; and removing the glass component from a surface of the calcined product that has been formed.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140093745A1
Автор: Fan Zhaohui

The embodiments disclose a dual-layer magnetic recording structure including a top magnetic layer etched to remove patterned portions of the top magnetic layer and a bottom magnetic layer including portions with altered magnetic properties of molecules to reduce net magnetic moments and including portions of unaltered magnetic properties exchange-coupled through the top magnetic layer. 1. A dual-layer magnetic recording structure , comprising:etching first recording layer features into a top magnetic layer;altering magnetic properties of molecules of portions of a bottom magnetic layer using chemical processes to reduce net magnetic moments; andseparating magnetically top and bottom magnetic structure recording layer features to create exchange-coupling between the layers.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the top magnetic layer includes the deposition of a coupled continuous layer using magnetic materials.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein etching the top magnetic layer includes using nano-imprint lithography and includes using high density stack patterns including bit patterned media.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bottom magnetic layer includes the deposition of magnetic materials whose molecular magnetic properties are susceptible to alteration using chemical processes.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bottom magnetic layer includes the deposition of magnetic materials including a granular layer including columnar magnetic grains.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the granular layer is configured to switch together as a single grain in dual-layer recording layer features and is configured to include magnetic decoupling by grain boundaries using non-magnetic materials including silicon oxide (SiO) claim 5 , titanium oxide (TiO) and carbon (C).7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bottom magnetic layer includes the deposition of non-granular magnetic materials.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein chemical processes used to alter magnetic properties of ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing positively-charged single-layer electrophotographic photoreceptor, positively-charged single-layer electrophotographic photoreceptor, and image forming apparatus

Номер: US20140093816A1
Принадлежит: Kyocera Document Solutions Inc

A method of manufacturing a positively-charged single-layer electrophotographic photoreceptor including the steps of: producing a photosensitive layer application liquid containing a good solvent with respect to a binding resin and at least one organic solvent having a boiling point of 70° C. or higher; and forming a photosensitive layer by coating a photosensitive layer support base having a wall thickness of 0.7 mm or less, with the photosensitive layer application liquid and then drying the photosensitive layer application liquid.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Recording medium for heat-assisted-magnetic-recording (hamr) and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20140099517A1

According to embodiments of the present invention, a method for manufacturing a recording medium for heat-assisted-magnetic-recording (HAMR) is provided. The method includes forming an underlayer on a substrate, the underlayer including a precursor material, epitaxially depositing an interlayer on the underlayer, forming a recording layer over the interlayer, and converting the precursor material to a converted material having a thermal conductivity that is higher than a thermal conductivity of the recording layer. According to further embodiments of the present invention, another method for manufacturing a recording medium for heat-assisted-magnetic-recording (HAMR) and a recording medium for heat-assisted-magnetic-recording (HAMR) are also provided.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001335A1
Автор: Wang Bin, WANG Guixun
Принадлежит: GOERTEK INC.

An adhesive coating device includes two adhesive barrels, lower ends of the two adhesive barrels are both connected to an adhesive coating assembly. The adhesive coating assembly includes an upper substrate having two mounting holes, lower ports of the two adhesive barrels passing through the two mounting holes respectively; a lower substrate detachably mounted at a lower side of the upper substrate. An adhesive receiving space is formed between the upper substrate and the lower substrate, and an adhesive coating track is provided on the lower substrate at a position corresponding to the adhesive receiving space, the adhesive coating track is a slit extending through an upper side and a lower side of the lower substrate, and the shape and size of the adhesive coating track match with the shape and size of an adhesive coating track required by a product to be coated with adhesive. 1. An adhesive coating device , comprising two adhesive barrels connected side by side , wherein lower ends of the two adhesive barrels are both connected to an adhesive coating assembly , and the adhesive coating assembly comprises:an upper substrate having two mounting holes, lower ports of the two adhesive barrels passing through the two mounting holes respectively;a lower substrate detachably mounted at a lower side of the upper substrate, wherein an adhesive receiving space is formed between the upper substrate and the lower substrate, and an adhesive coating track is provided on the lower substrate at a position corresponding to the adhesive receiving space, the adhesive coating track is a slit extending through an upper side and a lower side of the lower substrate, and the shape and size of the adhesive coating track match with the shape and size of an adhesive coating track required by a product to be coated with adhesive; and wherein,the lower ports of the two adhesive barrels are both in communication with the adhesive receiving space.2. The adhesive coating device according to ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004856A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

The magnetic recording medium has a magnetic layer comprising ferromagnetic powder and binder on a nonmagnetic support, wherein the ferromagnetic powder is ferromagnetic hexagonal ferrite powder, and the ferromagnetic hexagonal ferrite powder has a crystallite volume as determined by X-ray diffraction analysis ranges from 1,000 nmto 2,400 nm, and a ratio of the crystallite size Dobtained from a diffraction peak of a (107) plane to a particle size in a direction of an easy axis of magnetization Das determined by observation with a transmission electron microscope, D/D, is greater than or equal to 1.1. 1. A magnetic recording medium ,which comprises a magnetic layer comprising ferromagnetic powder and binder on a nonmagnetic support,wherein the ferromagnetic powder is ferromagnetic hexagonal ferrite powder, and{'sup': 3', '3, 'sub': x(107)', 'TEM', 'x(107)', 'TEM, 'the ferromagnetic hexagonal ferrite powder has a crystallite volume as determined by X-ray diffraction analysis ranges from 1,000 nmto 2,400 nm, and a ratio of the crystallite size Dobtained from a diffraction peak of a (107) plane to a particle size in a direction of an easy axis of magnetization Das determined by observation with a transmission electron microscope, D/D, is greater than or equal to 1.1.'}2. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 ,{'sub': x(107)', 'TEM, 'wherein the ferromagnetic hexagonal ferrite powder has the D/Dof greater than or equal to 1.1 but less than or equal to 1.5.'}3. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 ,{'sup': 3', '3, 'wherein the ferromagnetic hexagonal ferrite powder has a crystallite volume as determined by X-ray diffraction analysis ranges from 1,000 nmto 2,000 nm.'}4. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 2 ,{'sup': 3', '3, 'wherein the ferromagnetic hexagonal ferrite powder has a crystallite volume as determined by X-ray diffraction analysis ranges from 1,000 nmto 2,000 nm.'}5. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008023A1
Принадлежит: HEISHIN Ltd.

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a nozzle and an application apparatus which can obtain sufficient application quality even when fluid with high viscosity is applied, and a method of applying the fluid thereof. The nozzle includes a discharging means having a wide discharge port that is opened so that the fluid is dischargeable in a belt shape to be applied to an application object, and a cutting means for cutting the fluid discharged from the discharge port. In the nozzle, the cutting means is cuttable of the fluid by a wire that is movable from one side to the other side of an opening area that constitutes the discharge port. 1. A nozzle , comprising:a discharging unit having a wide discharge port that is opened so that fluid is dischargeable in a belt shape to be applied to an application object; anda cutting unit for cutting the fluid discharged from the discharge port,wherein the cutting unit is cuttable of the fluid by a wire that is movable from one side to the other side of an opening area that constitutes the discharge port.2. A nozzle , comprising:a discharging unit having a wide discharge port that is opened so that fluid is dischargeable in a belt shape to be applied to an application object;a fixing unit for fixing the fluid to the application object by blowing compressed gas to the fluid discharged from the discharging unit toward the application object; anda cutting unit for cutting the fluid discharged from the discharge port.3. The nozzle according to claim 2 , wherein the cutting unit is cuttable of the fluid by a wire that is movable from one side to the other side of an opening area that constitutes the discharge port.4. The nozzle according to claim 3 , wherein the wire is oriented in short-side directions of the opening area that constitutes the discharge port claim 3 , and is cuttable of the fluid by moving from one side to the other side in a long-side direction.5. The nozzle according to claim 2 , wherein the cutting unit ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008586A1
Автор: Gao Nan, Jing Yangkun

The present disclosure provides a curved surface coating device. The curved surface coating device includes a bracket having a first and second ends. The curved surface coating device includes a glue coating portion connected with the first end of the bracket. The curved surface coating device includes a transmission member connected between the first and second ends of the bracket and its distance from the first end of the bracket is adjustable. The curved surface coating device includes a first driving mechanism connected with the transmission member for driving the bracket through the transmission member to rotate around the transmission member as a center of rotation. The curved surface coating device includes a second driving mechanism connected with the bracket for driving the bracket to move on a line where the first end and the second end are located. 1. A curved surface coating device , comprising:a bracket having a first end and a second end;a glue coating portion connected with the first end of the bracket;a transmission member connected between the first end and the second end of the bracket, wherein a distance between the first end and the transmission member is adjustable;a first driving mechanism connected with the transmission member configured to drive the bracket through the transmission member to rotate around the transmission member as a center of rotation;a second driving mechanism connected with the bracket and configured to drive the bracket to move on a line where the first end and the second end are located.2. The curved surface coating device according to claim 1 , wherein the glue coating portion comprises:a coating head having a circular arc surface with a slit;a glue storage chamber, one end of which is hermetically connected with the coating head;a pushing portion located within the glue storage chamber and matching a size of the glue storage chamber;a transmission rod, a first end of which extends into the glue storage chamber and is ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Substrate processing method

Номер: US20190011734A1
Автор: Masayuki Otsuji
Принадлежит: Screen Holdings Co Ltd

A substrate processing method includes a first discharge step of discharging, from the first discharge port which faces a predetermined first region including the rotating center of the upper surface, a low surface tension liquid containing gas containing steam of a low surface tension liquid having a larger specific gravity than air and lower surface tension than the processing liquid and not discharging the low surface tension liquid containing gas from the second discharge port which faces a predetermined second region surrounding the outside of the first region on the upper surface of the substrate, and a second discharge step of discharging the low surface tension liquid containing gas from the second discharge port after the first discharge step and not discharging the low surface tension liquid containing gas from the first discharge port.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150016237A1

The embodiments disclose a patterned composite magnetic layer structure configured to use magnetic materials having differing temperature and magnetization characteristics in a recording device, wherein the patterned composite magnetic layer structure includes magnetic layers, at least one first magnetic material configured to be used in a particular order to reduce a recording temperature and configured to control and regulate coupling and decoupling of the magnetic layers and at least one second magnetic material with differing temperature characteristics is configured to control recording and erasing of data. 1. A method for fabricating a patterned composite structure , comprising: 'wherein the patterned composite magnetic layer structure includes plural magnetic layers;', 'creating a patterned composite magnetic layer structure in at least one stack feature of a recording device,'}using different magnetic materials having differing temperature and magnetization characteristics for the magnetic layers; andselectively raising and lowering temperatures of the patterned composite magnetic layer structure for controlling and regulating coupling and decoupling of the magnetic layers, and further comprising:using materials that go through AF-FM transition or ferri-to-ferro transition;using materials for two or more high-Hk layers that are strongly coupled at room temperature; and 'wherein selectively raising and lowering temperatures is used for reducing power levels, preventing changes in the magnetic materials due to freezing in a non-magnetic state, and reducing switching field distribution (SFD).', 'using materials for a break layer the coupling for which becomes weaker at elevated temperature near Tc of the break layer and materials for a composite magnetic layer stack that can be switched via an exchange spring mechanism,'}2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising creating a bit patterned media pattern down to a continuous first heat sink layer to create the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Bit patterned growth guiding mechanism

Номер: US20150017481A1

The embodiments disclose a structure, including a first layer selectively etched on a substrate with a seedlayer deposited thereon, a first layer bit patterned growth guiding mechanism on the seedlayer, and a plurality of bit patterned magnetic recording features grown on the seedlayer guided by the growth guiding mechanism.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Device for Coating, in Particular Painting, the Main Surfaces of Rigid Panels with Liquid Products

Номер: US20210016314A1
Автор: Bertola Massimo

Device for coating, preferably for painting, the main surfaces of rigid panels with liquid products includes a substantially horizontal support surface to support a rigid panel and a painting head placed orthogonally to the direction of relative movement and above the support surface. The painting head has, in sequence on its face facing the support surface, a dispensing outlet for a liquid product and a suction inlet for the liquid product so as to create a veil of liquid product. The first side surface of the face is configured so that the distance d between one of the points around the first end of the dispensing outlet and the support surface is smaller than the distance dx between any other point belonging to the face and the support surface. 114.-. (canceled)15. A device for coating with liquid products the main surfaces of rigid panels , said device comprising:a substantially horizontal support surface to support one of said rigid panels, said support surface comprising a conveyor belt configured to advance said rigid panels along a direction of relative movement according to a predetermined forward direction;a painting head which extends substantially along a longitudinal direction X, said painting head being positioned orthogonally to said direction of relative movement above said support surface, said painting head presenting in sequence on its face facing said support surface, according to a vertical section plane orthogonal to said longitudinal direction X and taking as a reference said predetermined forward direction:at least one dispensing outlet with a substantially longitudinal development for the delivery of a liquid product;at least one suction inlet with a substantially longitudinal development for the suction of said liquid product so as to create a veil of liquid product between said dispensing outlet and said suction inlet and in contact with said main surface;wherein:{'b': '4', 'the first side surface of said face defined between a first end ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170018285A1
Автор: Chen Zhaohui, YANG Fan

Embodiments disclosed herein generally relate to a magnetic recording medium for MAMR. The magnetic disk device may comprise a substrate and a magnetic layer, the magnetic layer comprising barium-based hexa-ferrite. The magnetic recording medium may also optionally include a soft underlayer, a seed layer, and/or an overcoat. 1. A magnetic recording medium , comprising:a substrate;an underlayer; anda magnetic layer, wherein the magnetic layer comprises barium-based hexa-ferrite.2. The magnetic recording medium of claim 1 , further comprising:a seed layer disposed over the underlayer and under the magnetic layer.3. The magnetic recording medium of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic layer comprises M-type BaFeOwith a C-axis orientation.4. The magnetic recording medium of claim 1 , wherein a top surface of the disk comprises the magnetic layer.5. The magnetic recording medium of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic layer further comprises a material selected from the group consisting of Sc claim 1 , In claim 1 , Al claim 1 , Ga.6. The magnetic recording medium of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic layer is bit-patterned to yield an island array.7. The magnetic recording medium of claim 6 , wherein the coercivity of the island array is greater than 4.5 kOe.8. The magnetic recording medium of claim 6 , wherein:the magnetic layer further comprises with a material selected from the following group consisting of Sc, In, Al, Ga; anduniaxial magnetic anisotropy of the island array is greater than 12 kOe.9. A microwave-assisted magnetic recording disk drive claim 6 , comprising:a magnetic head assembly; and a substrate;', 'an underlayer; and', 'a magnetic layer, wherein the magnetic layer comprises barium-based hexa-ferrite., 'a magnetic recording medium for microwave-assisted magnetic recording, comprising10. The microwave-assisted magnetic recording disk drive of claim 9 , further comprising:a seed layer disposed over the underlayer and under the magnetic layer.11. The microwave-assisted ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170018286A1

Various aspects of this disclosure provide a recording medium for heat-assisted-magnetic-recording (HAMR). The recording medium may include a substrate. The recording medium may further include a recording layer. The recording medium may also include a thermal control layer between the recording layer and the substrate. The thermal control layer may have a thermal conductivity that increases with increasing temperature. 1. A recording medium for heat assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) , the recording medium comprising:a substrate;a recording layer; anda thermal control layer between the recording layer and the substrate;wherein the thermal control layer has a thermal conductivity that increases with temperature.2. The recording medium according to claim 1 ,wherein the thermal control layer comprises copper (I) oxide.3. The recording medium according to claim 1 ,wherein the thermal control layer is doped with nitrogen.4. The recording medium according to claim 1 , further comprising:a heat sink layer between the thermal control layer and the substrate.5. The recording medium according to claim 4 ,wherein the heat sink layer comprises copper.6. The recording medium according to claim 5 ,wherein the copper is formed by depositing copper nitride and heating the copper nitride.7. The recording medium according to claim 1 , further comprising:an underlayer between the recording layer and the substrate.8. The recording medium according to claim 7 ,wherein the underlayer comprises at least one of magnesium oxide, titanium carbide, titanium nitride and platinum.9. The recording medium according to claim 7 ,wherein the underlayer is between the recording layer and the thermal control layer.10. The recording medium according to claim 1 ,wherein the thermal control layer has a thickness selected from a range of about 3 nm to about 6 nm.11. The recording medium according to claim 1 ,wherein the recording layer comprises iron-platinum.12. The recording medium according to claim 1 ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190019695A1
Принадлежит: KATEEVA, INC.

Embodiments of an enclosed coating system according to the present teachings can be useful for patterned area coating of substrates in the manufacture of a variety of apparatuses and devices in a wide range of technology areas, for example, but not limited by, OLED displays, OLED lighting, organic photovoltaics, Perovskite solar cells, and organic semiconductor circuits. Enclosed and environmentally controlled coating systems of the present teachings can provide several advantages, such as: 1) Elimination of a range of vacuum processing operations such coating-based fabrication can be performed at atmospheric pressure. 2) Controlled patterned coating eliminates material waste, as well as eliminating additional processing typically required to achieve patterning of an organic layer. 3) Various formulations used for patterned coating with various embodiments of an enclosed coating apparatus of the present teachings can have a wide range of physical properties, such as viscosity and surface tension. Various embodiments of an enclosed coating system can be integrated with various components that provide a gas circulation and filtration system, a particle control system, a gas purification system, and a thermal regulation system and the like to form various embodiments of an enclosed coating system that can sustain an inert gas environment that is substantially low-particle for various coating processes of the present teachings that require such an environment. 1. A system comprising:a gas enclosure defining an interior to maintain a controlled environment; a slot die coating assembly;', 'a substrate support system to support a substrate to be coated; and', 'a motion system configured to position the substrate and the slot die coating assembly relative to one another;, 'a coating system housed within the interior of the gas enclosure, the coating system comprisinga gas circulation and filtration system in flow communication with the interior of the gas enclosure; anda ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040726A1
Автор: Schneider Mark C.
Принадлежит: Albion Engineering Company

A dispensing nozzle for viscous material having a modified outlet is disclosed herein. The dispensing nozzle includes a first terminal portion, a second terminal portion, and a medial portion defined therebetween. The first terminal portion includes an attachment region configured to secure the dispensing nozzle to a dispensing gun. The second terminal portion includes a dispensing tip defining the outlet for the viscous material. The outlet has a quadrilateral profile in one embodiment. In another embodiment, the outlet has a square profile. 1. A dispensing nozzle for a viscous material , the dispensing nozzle comprising: the first terminal portion including an attachment region configured to secure the dispensing nozzle to a dispensing gun;', 'the second terminal portion including a dispensing tip defining an outlet for the viscous material, the outlet having a quadrilateral profile., 'a first terminal portion, a second terminal portion, and a medial portion defined therebetween,'}2. The dispensing nozzle of claim 1 , wherein a longitudinal axis (X) of the dispensing nozzle extends between the first terminal portion and the second terminal portion claim 1 , and an outermost face of the tip is angled 30 degrees to 45 degrees relative to the longitudinal axis (X).3. The dispensing nozzle of claim 2 , wherein an interior perimeter (P) defined by the outlet at the tip has a square profile when viewed along the longitudinal axis (X) of the dispensing nozzle.4. The dispensing nozzle of claim 3 , wherein a first exterior perimeter (P) defined by the dispensing nozzle at both the medial portion and the second terminal portion has a rectangular profile.5. The dispensing nozzle of claim 4 , wherein the first exterior perimeter (P) transitions to a second exterior perimeter (P) at the first terminal portion claim 4 , and the second exterior perimeter (P) has a circular profile.6. The dispensing nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the medial portion and the second terminal portion ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170025140A1

Provided herein is an apparatus, including a first region of a substrate corresponding to a data region in a patterned recording medium; a first set of protrusions etched out of the first region of the substrate, wherein the protrusions of the first set of protrusions are rectangle shaped; a second region of the substrate corresponding to a servo region in a patterned recording medium; and a second set of protrusions etched out of the second region of the substrate, wherein the second set of protrusions includes radial lines etched into the substrate across chevrons etched out of the substrate. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a first region of a substrate corresponding to a data region in a patterned recording medium; 'wherein the protrusions of the first set of protrusions are rectangle shaped;', 'a first set of protrusions etched out of the first region of the substrate,'}a second region of the substrate corresponding to a servo region in a patterned recording medium; and 'wherein the second set of protrusions includes radial lines etched into the substrate across chevrons etched out of the substrate.', 'a second set of protrusions etched out of the second region of the substrate,'}2. The apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the protrusions of the second set of protrusions are radially aligned along the radial lines etched into the substrate.3. The apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the protrusions of the first set of protrusions are radially aligned along the radial lines etched into the substrate and circumferentially aligned along circumferential lines etched into the first region of the substrate.4. The apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the substrate is configured to transmit ultraviolet light.5. The apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the apparatus comprises a UV-transmissible nanoimprint template comprising the first and second sets of protrusions for patterned recording media.6. A method claim 1 , comprising: 'wherein the first region and the second region respectively correspond ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160027454A1
Автор: Dee Richard Henry

Embodiments disclosed herein provide magnetic media access heads with metal coatings. In a particular embodiment, a magnetic media head for accessing magnetic media comprises a base substrate configured to support a magnetic head layer. The magnetic head layer is formed on the base substrate and configured to magnetically access the magnetic media. A metallic layer formed over the magnetic head layer and disposed between the magnetic head layer and the magnetic media when the magnetic media is positioned for access by the magnetic head layer. 1. A method of manufacturing a magnetic head for accessing magnetic media , comprising:applying a non-magnetic metallic layer over a magnetic head layer, wherein the non-magnetic layer is disposed between the magnetic head layer and the magnetic media.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a base substrate supports the magnetic head layer.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic media comprises magnetic tape.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic media comprises a magnetic disk.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein an insulator layer is formed between the method layer and the non-magnetic metallic layer.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the non-magnetic metallic layer is composed of titanium claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , tungsten claim 1 , or any other metal or metal alloy.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the non-magnetic metallic layer is from 1 nanometer to 20 nanometers in thickness.8. A method of operating a magnetic media head claim 1 , comprising:accessing magnetic media with a magnetic media head comprising a magnetic head layer and a non-magnetic metallic layer formed over the magnetic head layer and disposed between the magnetic head layer and the magnetic media.9. The method of claim 8 , further comprising:positioning the magnetic media for access by the magnetic head layer.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein accessing the magnetic media comprises:moving the magnetic media relative to the magnetic head ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160027461A1

A method for forming a particle layer includes covering surfaces of particles with a first polymer, covering a surface of a substrate with a second polymer having a same skeletal structure as the first polymer, and applying a liquid in which the particles covered with the first polymer are dispersed, onto the surface of the substrate covered with the second polymer. 1. A method for forming a particle layer , comprising:covering surfaces of particles with a first polymer;covering a surface of a substrate with a second polymer having a same skeletal structure as the first polymer; andapplying a liquid in which the particles covered with the first polymer are dispersed, onto the surface of the substrate covered with the second polymer.2. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe liquid is an organic material having a chain structure.3. The method according to claim 2 , whereinthe liquid has a keton structure, anda relative dielectric constant thereof is equal to or greater than 10.4. The method according to claim 3 , whereinthe liquid is methyl ethyl ketone or methyl propyl ketone.5. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe particles include an inorganic material containing at least one material selected from a group consisting of aluminum, silicon, titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, zinc, yttrium, zirconium, tin, molybdenum, tantalum, tungsten, gold, silver, palladium, copper, and platinum.6. The method according to claim 1 , whereina number average molecular weight of the second polymer is greater than that of the first polymer.7. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe first polymer is polystyrene having a number average molecular weight of 1,000 to 50,000.8. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe second polymer is polystyrene having a number average molecular weight of 1,000 to 50,000.9. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe applying of the liquid is carried out by a dip coating method.10. A method for ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160027462A1

According to one embodiment, there is provided a magnetic recording medium manufacturing method including forming a bonding layer on a substrate, forming a holding layer containing silicon on the bonding layer, forming a single-particle layer on the holding layer using particles containing metal fusible on the bonding layer, etching SiOin the holding layer using an etching solution containing HF and HO, filling the holding layer with the particles until the particles are brought into contact with the bonding layer, bonding the particles and the bonding layer together by heating, and forming a magnetic recording layer on the single-particle layer. 1. A magnetic recording medium manufacturing method comprising:forming a bonding layer containing first metal on a substrate;forming a holding layer containing silicon on the bonding layer;forming a single-particle layer on the holding layer using particles containing second metal bondable in a solid state on the bonding layer;etching silicon using an etching solution containing hydrofluoric acid and hydrogen peroxide solution and embedding the holding layer with the particles until the particles are brought into contact with the bonding layer, the silicon being formed by oxidation reaction of the holding layer under catalysis of the second metal in a region that contacts the particles;bonding the particles and the bonding layer together by heating; andforming a magnetic recording layer on the single-particle layer.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first metal is selected from the group consisting of gold claim 1 , silver claim 1 , platinum and palladium.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the second metal is selected from the group consisting of gold claim 1 , silver claim 1 , platinum and palladium.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first metal and the second metal are same metal.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the first metal and the second metal are gold.6. The method ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027173A1

An apparatus is disclosed. The apparatus includes a first write layer, a second write layer, and a storage layer. The first write layer is disposed over the storage layer. The second write layer is disposed over the first write layer. The anisotropy field of the storage layer is greater than anisotropy field of the first write layer. The anisotropy field of the first write layer is greater than anisotropy field of the second write layer. The Curie temperature of the second write layer is greater than the Curie temperature of the first write layer. The Curie temperature of the first write layer is greater than a Curie temperature of the storage layer. 1. An apparatus comprising:a storage layer;a first write layer disposed over the storage layer; anda second write layer disposed over the first write layer,wherein an anisotropy field of the storage layer is greater than an anisotropy field of the first write layer and wherein the anisotropy field of the first write layer is greater than an anisotropy field of the second write layer,wherein a Curie temperature of the second write layer is greater than a Curie temperature of the first write layer, and wherein the Curie temperature of the first write layer is greater than a Curie temperature of the storage layer.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a material of the storage layer includes FePt.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a material of the first write layer is selected from a group consisting of FePtX claim 1 , FeCoPtY claim 1 , FePdX claim 1 , FeCoPdY claim 1 , CoPtZ claim 1 , CoCrPtXX claim 1 , and FeCoYY wherein X claim 1 , Y claim 1 , Z claim 1 , XX claim 1 , and YY is selected from a group consisting of Cu claim 1 , Ag claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Ru claim 1 , Rh claim 1 , and Mn and wherein a material of the second write layer is selected from a group consisting of FePtX claim 1 , FeCoPtY claim 1 , FePdX claim 1 , FeCoPdY claim 1 , CoPtZ claim 1 , CoCrPtXX claim 1 , and FeCoYY wherein X claim 1 , Y claim 1 , Z ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027182A1
Автор: OZAWA Eiki
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

Provided is a manufacturing method of a magnetic recording medium, in which the magnetic recording medium includes a magnetic layer including ferromagnetic powder and a binding agent on a non-magnetic support, and the magnetic layer shows a natural ferromagnetic resonance frequency equal to or greater than 30.0 GHz, the method including: forming a servo pattern on the magnetic layer by microwave-assisted recording. 1. A manufacturing method of a magnetic recording medium , in which the magnetic recording medium includes a magnetic layer including ferromagnetic powder and a binding agent on a non-magnetic support , and the magnetic layer shows a natural ferromagnetic resonance frequency equal to or greater than 30.0 GHz , the method comprising:forming a servo pattern on the magnetic layer by microwave-assisted recording.2. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 ,wherein the ferromagnetic powder is metal oxide powder.3. The manufacturing method according to claim 2 ,wherein the metal oxide powder is ferrite powder.4. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 ,wherein the magnetic layer is a single magnetic layer showing two or more different natural ferromagnetic resonance frequencies equal to or greater than 30.0 GHz.5. The manufacturing method according to claim 2 ,wherein the magnetic layer is a single magnetic layer showing two or more different natural ferromagnetic resonance frequencies equal to or greater than 30.0 GHz.6. The manufacturing method according to claim 3 ,wherein the magnetic layer is a single magnetic layer showing two or more different natural ferromagnetic resonance frequencies equal to or greater than 30.0 GHz.7. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 ,wherein the natural ferromagnetic resonance frequency of the magnetic layer is 30.0 to 50.0 GHz.8. The manufacturing method according to claim 2 ,wherein the natural ferromagnetic resonance frequency of the magnetic layer is 30.0 to 50.0 GHz.9. The manufacturing method according ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030840A1
Автор: HIRAI Masanori
Принадлежит: Envision AESC Energy Devices Ltd.

A coating device has: a die head that is provided with a supply port into which a coating slurry is supplied, a manifold that stores the coating slurry, and a slit that dispenses the coating slurry; a supply pipe that is connected to the supply port of the die head; and a cover plate that is provided in the supply port or the supply pipe and that reduces the flow rate of the coating slurry at the center of a cross-section that is orthogonal to the direction in which the coating slurry in the supply port or the supply pipe flows into the die head. 1. A coating method that uses a coating device comprising at least: a manifold that stores the coating slurry, and a slit that dispenses the coating slurry that is stored in the manifold; and', 'a supply pipe having one end connected to the supply port;', 'said method comprising steps of:', 'reducing a flow rate of the coating slurry greater in a center than at a periphery of a cross-section that is orthogonal to a direction in which the coating slurry into the supply pipe; and', 'supplying the coating slurry to the supply port., 'a die head including a supply port into which a coating slurry is supplied,'}2. The coating method as set forth in claim 1 ,wherein the flow rate of the coating slurry greater in the center than at the periphery of a cross-section that is orthogonal to the direction in which the coating slurry into the supply pipe is reduced,the flow rate of the coating slurry in a vicinity of a wall surface of the supply pipe is maintained,and the coating slurry is supplied to the supply port. This application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/756,710, filed Mar. 1, 2018, which is a National Stage of International No. PCT/JP2016/076160 filed Sep. 6, 2016 claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2015-185492, filed Sep. 18, 2015.The present invention relates to a coating device and a coating method for forming a coating active material layer on a current collector.A laminated type ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170032812A1
Автор: KASADA Norihito
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

The magnetic tape has a magnetic layer containing ferromagnetic powder and binder on one surface of a nonmagnetic support, and has a backcoat layer containing nonmagnetic powder and binder on the other surface thereof, wherein the magnetic layer contains one or more components selected from the group consisting of a fatty acid and a fatty acid amide; the backcoat layer has a thickness of less than or equal to 0.30 μm and contains one or more components selected from the group consisting of a fatty acid and a fatty acid amide; a magnetic layer side C—H derived C concentration is greater than or equal to 45 atom %; and a backcoat layer side C—H derived C concentration is greater than or equal to 35 atom %. 1. A magnetic tape ,which comprises a magnetic layer comprising ferromagnetic powder and binder on one surface of a nonmagnetic support, and comprises a backcoat layer comprising nonmagnetic powder and binder on the other surface of the nonmagnetic support,wherein the magnetic layer comprises one or more components selected from the group consisting of a fatty acid and a fatty acid amide;the backcoat layer has a thickness of less than or equal to 0.30 μm and comprises one or more components selected from the group consisting of a fatty acid and a fatty acid amide;a C—H derived carbon, C, concentration calculated from a C—H peak area ratio in a C1s spectrum obtained by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy conducted at a photoelectron take-off angle of 10 degrees on a surface on the magnetic layer side of the magnetic tape, referred to as a magnetic layer side C—H derived C concentration, is greater than or equal to 45 atom %; anda C—H derived carbon, C, concentration calculated from a C—H peak area ratio in a C1s spectrum obtained by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy conducted at a photoelectron take-off angle of 10 degrees on a surface on the backcoat layer side of the magnetic tape, referred to as a backcoat layer side C—H derived C concentration, is greater than or ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160035381A1

A perpendicular magnetic recording medium with an grain isolation layer is disclosed. In one embodiment, a perpendicular magnetic recording medium comprises a substrate, a soft non-magnetic under layer formed over the substrate, a granular layer comprising an exchange control layer and a recording layer formed over the soft non-magnetic under layer, wherein a difference between a level at 25 deg C. and a level at 85 deg C. of a slope at a coercivity of a magnetization process curve having saturation magnetization normalized at 1 is obtained when a magnetic field is applied perpendicular to said medium, is 10% or less. 2. The perpendicular magnetic recording medium of wherein said exchange control layer comprises an oxide in a CoCrPt alloy or a or CoCrPtRu alloy.3. The perpendicular magnetic recording medium of wherein said granular layer comprises at least three layers.4. The perpendicular magnetic recording medium of wherein said exchange control layer is located within said three layers.5. The perpendicular magnetic recording medium of wherein said exchange control layer comprises at least Co claim 3 , Pt and Cr and the ratio of Pt to Co is more than 25% and less than 40%6. The perpendicular magnetic recording medium of wherein said exchange control layer comprises a Cr alloy.7. The perpendicular magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , wherein said recording layer comprises a plurality of layers.8. The perpendicular magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , wherein said granular layer comprises three layers and wherein said exchange control layer is disposed between a second and third layer of said granular layer.9. The perpendicular magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , wherein a layer thickness of said exchange-coupled layer is less than 0.3 nm and more than 1.5 nm.9. A hard disk drive comprising a perpendicular magnetic recording medium claim 1 , said perpendicular magnetic recording medium comprising:a non-magnetic substrate;an ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Magnetic recording medium manufacturing method and micropattern manufacturing method

Номер: US20140120249A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, in a magnetic recording medium manufacturing method, an inversion liftoff layer and pattern formation layer are formed on a layer on which an inverted pattern is to be formed, a depressions pattern is formed by patterning the pattern formation layer and transferred to the inversion liftoff layer, the surface of the layer on which an inverted pattern is to be formed is exposed by removing the inversion liftoff layer from depressions, an inversion layer is formed on the inversion liftoff layer and exposed layer, and the inversion liftoff layer is removed, thereby forming, on the exposed layer, an inversion layer having a projections pattern obtained by inverting the depressions pattern.

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Magnetic recording medium, method of manufacturing the same, magnet recording/reproduction apparatus, and stamper manufacturing method

Номер: US20140120375A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, a magnetic recording medium manufacturing method includes a step of coating the mask layer with a metal fine particle coating solution containing metal fine particles and a first solvent, thereby forming a metal fine particle coating layer having a multilayered structure of the metal fine particles, and a step of dropping, on the coating layer, a second solvent having a second solubility parameter having a difference of 0 to 12.0 from a first solubility parameter of the first solvent, thereby forming a monolayered metal fine particle film by washing away excessive metal fine particles and changing the multilayered structure of the metal fine particles into a monolayer. The projections pattern is made of the monolayered metal fine particle film.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038964A1
Автор: NAKANO Katsuyuki

Provided is a die lip driving structure for adjusting a gap between a first lip and a second lip by applying a pressing load or a tensile load to a flexible lip portion which forms at least one of the first lip and the second lip provided in a die body, the die lip driving structure including: a lever supported by a rotating shaft as a fulcrum; and an operating rod which is supported to be displaced in an axial direction by the die body. A rotational force of the lever is converted into a force in the axial direction of the operating rod, and the force in the axial direction becomes a pressing load or a tensile load exerted on the flexible lip portion. The lever directly applies a force to the operating rod at the point of action of the lever. 1. A die lip driving structure for adjusting a gap between a first lip and a second lip by applying a pressing load or a tensile load to a flexible lip portion which forms at least one of the first lip and the second lip provided in a die body , the die lip driving structure comprising:a lever supported by a rotating shaft as a fulcrum, a position of the rotating shaft with respect to the die body being fixed; andan operating rod which is supported to be displaced in an axial direction by the die body and is supported by a point of action of the lever,wherein a rotational force of the lever is converted into a force in the axial direction of the operating rod, and the force in the axial direction becomes a pressing load or a tensile load exerted on the flexible lip portion, andthe lever directly applies a force to the operating rod at the point of action of the lever.2. The die lip driving structure according to claim 1 ,wherein, in a neutral state in which no load is applied to the flexible lip portion, a straight line which connects the point of action of the lever to the rotating shaft is perpendicular to an axis of the operating rod such that a direction of the rotational force of the lever at the point of action is ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038965A1
Автор: WAKAMOTO Yukihiro

Disclosed is a substrate processing apparatus. substrate processing apparatus includes a moving mechanism that moves a wafer in a horizontal direction, coating sections that eject the coating liquid to the wafer, and dry sections that dries the coating liquid, and a controller that controls the drying sections, the coating sections, and the moving mechanism. In each coating section, the wafer is moved in the horizontal direction while causing the coating liquid to be in contact with the wafer so that the coating liquid is coated on the entire surface. 1. A substrate processing apparatus for coating a coating liquid on a substrate , the apparatus comprising:a coating section configured to eject the coating liquid to the substrate;a moving mechanism configured to relatively move the substrate and the coating section in a horizontal direction; anda controller configured to control the coating section and the moving mechanism,wherein the controller controls the coating section and the moving mechanism to perform a firs(step of ejecting and coating the coating liquid at least on an outer peripheral portion of the substrate from the coating section, and a second step of coating the coating liquid on an entire surface of the substrate by relatively moving the substrate and the coating section in the horizontal direction by the moving mechanism while causing the coating liquid ejected from the coating section to be in contact with the substrate.2. The substrate processing apparatus according to wherein claim 1 , in the first coating step claim 1 , the controller controls the coating section and the moving mechanism such that the substrate and the coating section are relatively moved in the horizontal direction by the moving mechanism while causing the coating liquid ejected from the coating section to be in contact with the substrate so as to coat the coating liquid on the entire surface of the substrate.3. The substrate processing apparatus according to wherein claim 1 , ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036759A1
Принадлежит: NSK LTD.

A tip end face of a body part is provided at a part in front of a discharge port with respect to a rotational direction of a worm wheel with a protruding part , and a tip end face of the protruding part is provided with a grease-pushing surface part configured to push grease into concave portions of a worm wheel teeth while raking and leveling the grease so that the grease is substantially uniform in a width direction and in a circumferential direction of the worm wheel teeth . Also, the tip end face of the body part is provided at a rear part of the discharge port with respect to the rotational direction of the worm wheel with a protruding wall part for preventing the grease from moving rearwards with respect to the rotational direction of the worm wheel 1. A nozzle for grease application comprising a discharge port provided to open towards a tip end face of a body part , whereinat a state where the discharge port is close to a circumferential concave-convex part formed on a circumferential surface of a member to be applied, while the member to be applied is rotated about a central axis thereof, grease is discharged from the discharge port so that the grease is applied to the concave-convex part,the tip end face of the body part is provided at a part in front of the discharge port with respect to a rotational direction of the member to be applied with a grease-pushing surface part configured to push the grease into concave portions of the concave-convex part while raking and leveling the grease discharged from the discharge port and attached to the concave-convex part, andthe tip end face of the body part is provided at a rear part of the discharge port with respect to the rotational direction of the member to be applied with a protruding wall part protruding from the tip end face of the body part and configured to prevent a surplus of the grease raked and leveled by the grease-pushing surface part from moving rearwards with respect to the rotational direction of ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053133A1

Provided is a slot die coater that applies electrode slurry to metal foil to produce an electrode, the slot die coater including a die part, which includes a body having an inner space receiving the electrode slurry, a supply hole disposed in the body to supply the electrode slurry to the inner space, and a discharge hole disposed in the body to discharge the electrode slurry from the inner space to the metal foil, and a member for the slot die coater, which is removably installed in the inner space to form a slope surface in the inner space, or a movable member for the slot die coater, which selectively forms the slope surface. 1. A member for a slot die coater , which is removably installed in the slot die coater that applies electrode slurry to metal foil to produce an electrode , the member comprisinga slope surface that guides a flow of the electrode slurry to prevent the electrode slurry from stagnating at a corner in the slot die coater.2. The member of claim 1 , comprising a first surface that is the slope surface claim 1 , a second surface extending from an end part of the first surface claim 1 , and a third surface extending from another end part of the first surface to the second surface.3. A slot die coater that applies electrode slurry to metal foil to produce an electrode claim 1 , the slot die coater comprising:a die part, which includes a body having an inner space receiving the electrode slurry, a supply hole disposed in the body to supply the electrode slurry to the inner space, and a discharge hole disposed in the body to discharge the electrode slurry from the inner space to the metal foil; and a member for the slot die coater, which is removably installed in the inner space to form a slope surface in the inner space,wherein the inner space has a first side surface provided with the discharge hole, a second side surface facing the first side surface, and a third side surface extending from the second side surface to the first side surface, and ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140127533A1

A perpendicular magnetic media includes a substrate, a patterned template, a seed layer and a magnetic layer. The patterned template is formed on the substrate and includes a plurality of growth sites that are evenly spaced apart from each other. The seed layer is formed over the patterned template and the exposed areas of the substrate. Magnetic material is sputter deposited onto the seed layer with one grain of the magnetic material nucleated over each of the growth sites. The grain size distribution of the magnetic material is reduced by controlling the locations of the growth sites which optimizes the performance of the perpendicular magnetic media. 1. An apparatus comprising:a media patterned template configured to be formed on a substrate with a plurality of two dimensional patterns, wherein the two dimensional patterns comprise block copolymers having at least two homopolymer molecules arranged to form a first density of various two dimensional patterns; anda seed layer deposited on the media patterned template substrate, wherein a magnetic material is deposited between the two dimensional patterns forming nucleation growth sites at a second density greater than the first density.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a filler material deposited on the substrate between adjacent growth sites claim 1 , wherein upper surfaces of the filler material and the magnetic material are planarized.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a protective layer deposited over the filler material and the magnetic material.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a media patterned template has a close packed pattern area of nucleation growth sites with a nucleation growth sites per grain ratio that can range between 1:3 to 1:9.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein various two dimensional patterns includes a close packed pattern or a grid.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein one or more magnetic material is deposited over the two dimensional patterns and ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220068305A1

A base member serves as a part of a housing of a hard disk drive device. The base member includes a base body being a cast product, a first machined surface obtained by machining a portion formed with a convex portion of the base body, and a coating film covering a surface of the base body. The base body includes a coated surface obtained by covering the first machined surface with the coating film, and a second machined portion obtained by machining a part of the base body other than the first machined surface. 1. A method of manufacturing a base member serving as a part of a housing of a hard disk drive device , the method comprising:molding a base body by casting;first machining of machining a portion formed with a convex portion of the base body and forming a first machined surface;coating of forming a coating film at a surface including the first machined surface of the base body; andsecond machining of machining a part of a surface of the base body other than the first machined surface and forming a second machined portion.2. The method of manufacturing the base member according to claim 1 , further comprising:after the second machining, impregnating a casting cavity exposed at the second machined portion with an impregnating agent.3. A base member serving as a part of a housing of a hard disk drive device claim 1 , the base member comprising:a base body being a cast product;a first machined surface obtained by machining a portion formed with a convex portion of the base body; anda coating film covering a surface of the base body, whereinthe base body includesa coated surface obtained by covering the first machined surface with the coating film, anda second machined portion obtained by machining a part of the base body other than the first machined surface.4. A spindle motor comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00003', 'claim 3'}, 'the base member according to .'}5. A hard disk drive device comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00004', 'claim 4'}, 'the ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160055873A1

An apparatus may include a first magnetic layer, a first exchange break layer formed on the first magnetic layer, a second magnetic layer formed on the first exchange break layer, a second exchange break layer formed on the second magnetic layer, and a third magnetic layer formed on the second exchange break layer. The first magnetic layer has a first magnetic anisotropy energy, H, the second magnetic layer has a second magnetic anisotropy energy, H, and the third magnetic layer has a third magnetic anisotropy energy, H. In some embodiments, H−His less than H−H. In some embodiments, the apparatus may be a perpendicular magnetic recording medium. 1. An apparatus comprising:{'sub': 'k1', 'a first magnetic layer having a first magnetic anisotropy field, H;'}a first exchange break layer formed on the first magnetic layer;{'sub': 'k2', 'a second magnetic layer formed on the first exchange break layer, wherein the second magnetic layer has a second magnetic anisotropy field, H;'}a second exchange break layer formed on the second magnetic layer; and{'sub': k3', 'k1', 'k2', 'k2', 'k3, 'a third magnetic layer formed on the second exchange break layer, wherein the third magnetic layer has a third magnetic anisotropy field, H, and wherein H−His less than H−H.'}2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a first ratio H/His greater than a second ratio H/H.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein a first ratio is greater than approximately 0.6.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first ratio is greater than approximately 0.9.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first ratio is greater than approximately 1.0.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first magnetic layer comprises a Pt content claim 1 , Pt claim 1 , content between approximately 18 at. % and approximately 22 at. % claim 1 , the second magnetic layer comprises a Pt content claim 1 , Pt claim 1 , between approximately 14 at. % and approximately 18 at. % claim 1 , and the third magnetic layer comprises a Pt content ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210056995A1
Автор: Bradshaw Richard

A method, according to one approach, includes forming an underlayer of a magnetic recording medium. The underlayer includes first encapsulated nanoparticles each comprising a first magnetic nanoparticle encapsulated by a first aromatic polymer, and a first polymeric binder binding the first encapsulated nanoparticles. A magnetic recording layer is formed above the underlayer. The magnetic recording layer includes second encapsulated nanoparticles each comprising a second magnetic nanoparticle encapsulated by an encapsulating layer, and a second polymeric binder binding the second encapsulated nanoparticles. 1. A method , comprising: first encapsulated nanoparticles each comprising a first magnetic nanoparticle encapsulated by a first aromatic polymer, and', 'a first polymeric binder binding the first encapsulated nanoparticles; and, 'forming an underlayer of a magnetic recording medium, the underlayer comprising second encapsulated nanoparticles each comprising a second magnetic nanoparticle encapsulated by an encapsulating layer, and', 'a second polymeric binder binding the second encapsulated nanoparticles., 'forming a magnetic recording layer above the underlayer, the magnetic recording layer comprising2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein forming the underlayer includes spray coating a mixture of the first magnetic nanoparticles claim 1 , first aromatic polymer claim 1 , and first polymeric binder onto a structure.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein forming the underlayer includes mixing the first polymeric binder with the first encapsulated nanoparticles and a solvent to form a mixture; applying the mixture onto a structure; at least partially drying the applied mixture; and radiating the at least partially dried applied mixture for causing crosslinking of the first polymeric binder.4. The method as recited in claim 3 , wherein the first polymeric binder collapses onto the first encapsulated nanoparticles as the solvent is removed during the ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210056996A1
Автор: Bradshaw Richard

A product, according to one approach, includes an underlayer and a magnetic recording layer formed above the underlayer. The underlayer includes first encapsulated nanoparticles each comprising a first magnetic nanoparticle encapsulated by a first aromatic polymer, and a first polymeric binder binding the first encapsulated nanoparticles. The recording layer includes second encapsulated nanoparticles each comprising a second magnetic nanoparticle encapsulated by an encapsulating layer, and a second polymeric binder binding the second encapsulated nanoparticles. 1. A product , comprising: first encapsulated nanoparticles each comprising a first magnetic nanoparticle encapsulated by a first aromatic polymer, and', 'a first polymeric binder binding the first encapsulated nanoparticles; and, 'an underlayer comprising second encapsulated nanoparticles each comprising a second magnetic nanoparticle encapsulated by an encapsulating layer, and', 'a second polymeric binder binding the second encapsulated nanoparticles., 'a magnetic recording layer formed above the underlayer, the recording layer comprising2. The product as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first magnetic nanoparticles have an average magnetic field strength of less than 200 Oersted (Oe).3. The product as recited in claim 1 , wherein an average concentration of the first encapsulated nanoparticles in the underlayer is at least 35 vol %.4. The product as recited in claim 1 , wherein the underlayer is characterized as having an onset glass transition temperature of at least 35° centigrade in a tensile storage modulus (E′) vs. temperature plot.5. The product as recited in claim 1 , wherein the underlayer is electrically conductive.6. The product as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first magnetic nanoparticles include chromium oxide.7215. The product as recited in claim 1 , wherein an average diameter of the first magnetic nanoparticles is in a range of nanometers to nanometers.8. The product as recited in claim 1 ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140133050A1

A magnetic recording medium according to one embodiment includes at least a ground layer above a non-magnetic substrate; a magnetic recording layer above the ground layer; and an overcoat above the magnetic recording layer, the overcoat characterized in that said overcoat is an amorphous carbon film, wherein a hydrogen content in the overcoat in a center layer thereof in a film thickness direction of said overcoat is from 0.1 atom % to 1.0 atom %. Additional products and methods are also presented. 1. A magnetic recording medium , comprising:at least a ground layer above a non-magnetic substrate;a magnetic recording layer above the ground layer; andan overcoat above the magnetic recording layer, the overcoat characterized in that said overcoat is an amorphous carbon film, wherein a hydrogen content in the overcoat in a center layer thereof in a film thickness direction of said overcoat is from 0.1 atom % to 1.0 atom %.2. The magnetic recording medium as recited in claim 1 , wherein the center layer of the overcoat is defined between a first layer and a second layer of the overcoat claim 1 , the first layer extending at least 0.5 nm in the film thickness direction from a side thereof closest the recording layer in the film thickness direction claim 1 , and a second layer extending at least 0.5 nm in the film thickness direction from a side thereof opposite the first layer.3. The magnetic recording medium as recited in claim 2 , wherein the first and second layers have a composition different than the center layer.4. The magnetic recording medium as recited in claim 1 , wherein the amorphous carbon is primarily tetrahedral amorphous carbon.5. The magnetic recording medium as recited in claim 1 , wherein the center layer has a carbon content of at least 95 atom %.6. The magnetic recording medium as recited in claim 1 , wherein a mass density of the overcoat is in a range of 3.3 g/cmto 3.6 g/cmas determined by x-ray reflectometry.7. The magnetic recording medium as ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059368A1

A method for forming a hard disk drive base plate with an extended height is described. The method may include forming an initial hard disk drive base plate, forming a filler shim, and forming a shroud. The method may also include joining the initial hard disk drive base plate, the filler shim, and the shroud to extend a height of walls of the formed initial hard disk drive base plate, and to form the hard disk drive base plate with the extended height. 1. A method for forming a hard disk drive base plate with an extended height , comprising:forming an initial hard disk drive base plate from a blank cut from an extruded sheet;forming a filler shim;forming a shroud; andjoining the initial hard disk drive base plate, the filler shim, and the shroud to extend a height of walls of the formed initial hard disk drive base plate and to form the hard disk drive base plate with the extended height.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein joining the initial hard disk drive base plate claim 1 , the filler shim claim 1 , and the shroud further comprises:arranging the initial hard disk drive base plate and the filler shim to align a marrying surface of the initial hard disk drive base plate with a first marrying surface of the filler shim;arranging the shroud and the aligned initial hard disk drive base plate and filler shim to align a marrying surface of the shroud with a second marrying surface of the filler shim; andwelding along an interior path and an exterior path of the arranged initial hard disk drive base plate, filler shim, and shroud to join the initial hard disk drive base plate, the filler shim, and the shroud.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein each of the initial hard disk drive base plate claim 2 , the shroud claim 2 , and the filler shim are pre-heated prior to the welding claim 2 , and the joined initial hard disk drive base plate claim 2 , the filler shim claim 2 , and the shroud are cooled after the welding claim 2 , to prevent against thermal shock claim 2 , ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Device for Applying a Hot-Melt to a Web of Material

Номер: US20180056321A1

The invention relates to a device for applying a hot-melt to a web of material. The device includes a driven roller and a nozzle with a nozzle channel arranged adjacent the driven roller for supplying a hot melt through the nozzle channel to the surface of the roller. The invention also relates to a combination of a device according to the invention and a web of material, which web of material is guided along the driven roller and wherein the nozzle channel exits in front of the nip of the web of material and the driven roller.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055372A1

A method includes depositing graphene into a hardener, mixing the hardener and the graphene to produce a homogenous composite mixture, adding a resin material to the composite mixture to produce an epoxy graphene material, coating a structure with the epoxy graphene material, aligning the graphene sheets in the in-plane orientation, and curing the epoxy graphene material. 1. A method , comprising:depositing graphene into a hardener;mixing the hardener and the graphene to produce a homogenous composite mixture;adding a resin material to the composite mixture to produce an epoxy graphene material;coating a structure with the epoxy graphene material;aligning the graphene sheets in the in-plane orientation; andcuring the epoxy graphene material.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising exfoliating the graphene prior to depositing the graphene into a hardener.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein mixing comprises using a high shear mixer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein using a high shear mixer comprises using an acoustic mixer.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein coating a structure with the epoxy graphene material comprises using a robotic arm with a dispensing nozzle.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein coating a structure comprises coating a structure with a layer of the epoxy graphene material having a thickness between 10 and 200 micrometers.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein coating a structure comprises coating a carbon-fiber reinforced polymer tank.8. A cured composition of matter manufactured using the method of claim 1 , the cured composition comprising horizontally aligned graphene sheets dispersed in a NASA-approved low outgassing epoxy.9. The composition of matter of claim 8 , wherein the epoxy is a NASA approved low outgassing epoxy and the cured layer has a gas permeability of less than 0.01 cc·mil/100 in/24 h/atm.10. The coated composition of matter of claim 8 , wherein the gas comprises of at least one of methane claim 8 , ethane claim 8 , higher ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160064023A1

According to one embodiment, a magnetic recording medium includes a silicon oxide underlayer having a recess pattern having a plurality of recesses, a nonmagnetic underlayer having a first hole pattern having a plurality of holes corresponding to the recess pattern, and a magnetic recording layer having a second hole pattern having a plurality of holes connected with the first hole pattern. The silicon oxide underlayer, the nonmagnetic underlayer, and the magnetic recording layer are formed in order on the substrate. 1. A magnetic recording medium comprising:a substrate;a silicon oxide underlayer formed on the substrate and having a recess pattern having a plurality of recesses;a nonmagnetic underlayer formed on the silicon oxide underlayer and having a first hole pattern having a plurality of holes corresponding to the recess pattern; anda magnetic recording layer formed on the nonmagnetic underlayer and having a second hole pattern having a plurality of holes connected with the first hole pattern.2. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of recesses of the silicon oxide underlayer have a diameter of 10 nm or more claim 1 , and are regularly arranged in a pitch of 30 nm or less.3. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of recesses of the silicon oxide underlayer have a depth equal to or less than a diameter.4. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , wherein a grain boundary of the magnetic recording layer grows so as to connect the holes of the second hole pattern.5. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic recording layer is a multilayered magnetic recording layer obtained by alternately stacking two or more magnetic layers and two or more nonmagnetic layers.6. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , wherein the magnetic recording layer mainly contains cobalt.7. The magnetic recording medium according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160064026A1

A method for making a bit-patterned media (BPM) magnetic recording disk by etching the recording layer using a patterned hard mask layer uses glancing angle deposition (GLAD) of additional hard mask material as a capping layer onto the tops of the patterned hard mask pillars while the disk is rotated about an axis orthogonal to the plane of the disk. In one embodiment the capping layer is deposited after the pillars have been only partially eroded during a partial ion-milling of the recording layer. Ion-milling is then again performed to remove the remaining recording layer material. In another embodiment, before ion-milling of the recording layer, the capping layer is deposited onto the tops of the un-eroded hard mask pillars. This increases the lateral dimension of the hard mask pillars so that after ion-milling of the recording layer, the magnetic islands have an increased lateral dimension. 1. A method for forming a patterned magnetic recording layer on a perpendicular magnetic recording disk comprising:providing a disk substrate having a perpendicular magnetic recording layer with a hard mask layer formed on the recording layer;patterning the hard mask layer into a plurality of pillars with trenches of exposed recording layer between the pillars;forming on the tops of the hard mask pillars a capping layer by depositing capping layer material at an oblique angle to the substrate while rotating the substrate about an axis orthogonal to the plane of the substrate; andion-milling the exposed recording layer, using the capped hard mask pillars as an etch mask.2. The method of wherein the step of ion-milling is a first ion-milling step performed after patterning the hard mask layer and before forming the capping layer and comprises ion-milling to remove only a portion of the exposed recording layer; and further comprising claim 1 , after forming the capping layer claim 1 , performing a second ion-milling step to remove all of the remaining exposed recording layer to ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160064027A1

A method to fabricate an imprint template for bit-patterned magnetic recording media using block copolymers (BCPs) integrates data region patterning and servo region patterning. A heat sink layer is formed on the imprint substrate only in the data regions. A sublayer for the BCP is deposited over both the data regions and the servo regions and patterned to form stripes in the data regions and servo features in the servo regions. A BCP is then deposited in both the data and servo regions. Only the BCP in the data regions is heated, which causes phase separation of the BCP in the data regions into the two BCP components. The selective heating may be accomplished by directed controlled laser radiation to only the data regions. The heat sink layer below the data regions absorbs the heat from the laser radiation, confining it to the data regions. 1. A method using a block copolymer (BCP) for making an imprint template containing data regions and non-data regions separated from the data regions , the method comprising:providing a substrate;forming a heat sink layer on the substrate only in the data regions;depositing on the heat sink layer in the data regions and on the substrate in the non-data regions a sublayer for the BCP;patterning the sublayer into a pattern of stripes and spaces in the data regions and a pattern of features in the non-data regions;depositing hard mask material only in the non-data regions between the features in the non-data regions by directing hard mask material at an angle relative to the plane of the substrate while rotating the substrate about an axis orthogonal to the plane of the substrate using the stripes as a shadow mask to prevent deposition of hard mask material in the spaces between the stripes in the data regions;depositing a BCP simultaneously in the data regions and the non-data regions;selectively heating the BCP only in the data regions, the heat being absorbed by the underlying heat sink material in the data regions, to cause ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Slot Die Coating Device Having Air Vent

Номер: US20220080451A1

The present disclosure relates to a slot die coating apparatus for coating an electrode active material slurry onto an electrode collector, the slot die coating apparatus including: a coating roller; at least two or more dies; a discharge opening through which the electrode active material slurry is discharged in an opposite direction on which gravity acts; and an air vent installed in the die. 1. A slot die coating apparatus for coating an electrode active material slurry onto an electrode collector , the slot die coating apparatus comprising:a coating roller;a slot die comprising two or more dies;a discharge opening configured to discharge the electrode active material slurry in an opposite direction on which gravity acts; andan air vent installed in the slot die.2. The slot die coating apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the slot die comprises a left die and a right die.3. The slot die coating apparatus of claim 2 ,wherein the left die comprises a first left die and a second left die.4. The slot die coating apparatus of claim 3 ,wherein a left discharge opening is formed by a combination of the first left die and the second left die.5. The slot die coating apparatus of claim 4 ,wherein a left slurry receiving part is formed in the first left die.6. The slot die coating apparatus of claim 5 ,wherein the left slurry receiving part is communicated with the left discharge opening.7. The slot die coating apparatus of claim 6 , whereinthe air vent passes through the first left die to be communicated to the left slurry receiving part.8. The slot die coating apparatus of claim 7 ,{'b': '1', '#text': 'wherein the air vent is formed at a portion S at which the left slurry receiving part and the left discharge opening are connected to each other.'}9. The slot die coating apparatus of claim 2 ,wherein the right die comprises a first right die and a second right die.10. The slot die coating apparatus of claim 9 ,wherein a right discharge opening is formed by a combination of the ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069010A1

A patterning method includes steps of forming a first copolymer layer comprising a first diblock copolymer which has portions which are phase incompatible. The first copolymer layer is annealed to form a first phase pattern including a first phase dispersed in a second surrounding phase. The first copolymer is then etched forming a first topographic pattern that corresponds to the first phase pattern. A second copolymer layer of a second diblock copolymer is then formed over the first topographic pattern, and then annealed to generate a second phase pattern offset from the first topographic pattern. Etching is used to form a second topographic pattern corresponding to the second phase pattern. The first and second topographic patterns are then transferred to the substrate. The patterning method can be used, for example, to form patterned recording layers for magnetic storage devices. 1. A patterning method , comprising:forming a first copolymer layer on a substrate having a processing layer, the first copolymer layer comprising a first diblock copolymer including two polymeric portions which are phase incompatible with each other;annealing the first copolymer layer to thereby generate a first phase pattern in the first copolymer layer, the first phase pattern including a first dispersed phase and a first continuous phase that surrounds the first dispersed phaseetching the first copolymer layer to form a first topographic pattern corresponding to the first phase pattern;forming a second copolymer layer over the first topographic pattern, the second copolymer layer comprising a second diblock copolymer including two polymeric portions which are phase incompatible with each other;annealing the second copolymer layer to thereby generate a second phase pattern in the second copolymer layer, the second phase pattern offset from the first topographic pattern in a direction parallel to the substrate and including a second dispersed phase and a second continuous phase that ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069013A1

According to one embodiment, a magnetic recording layer is coated with a fine particle coating solution containing fine particles coated with a protective layer containing a first additive including a straight-chain structure for increasing wettability to the magnetic recording layer, and a carboxy group or the like, and a second additive including a carboxy group or the like and a polymerizable functional group, each fine particle having, on at least a surface thereof, a material selected from Al, Si, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Y, Zr, Sn, Mo, Ta, W, and oxides thereof, thereby forming a fine particle monolayer, and heat or light energy is applied, thereby curing the protective layer and forming a periodic pattern. 1. A magnetic recording medium manufacturing method comprising:forming a magnetic recording layer on a substrate;forming a mask layer on the magnetic recording layer;coating the mask layer with a fine particle coating solution containing fine particles coated with a protective layer containing a mixture of a first additive including a straight-chain structure for increasing wettability to the mask layer, and at least one type of a first functional group selected from the group consisting of an amino group, a carboxy group, a hydroxy group, and a sulfo group, and a second additive including at least one type of a second functional group selected from the group consisting of an amino group, a carboxy group, a hydroxy group, and a sulfo group, and a polymerizable functional group, each fine particle having, on at least a surface thereof, a material selected from the group consisting of aluminum, silicon, titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, zinc, yttrium, zirconium, tin, molybdenum, tantalum, tungsten, and oxides thereof, thereby forming a fine particle monolayer on the mask layer;applying heat or light energy to the fine particle layer to cause a reaction of the polymerizable functional group, thereby curing the protective ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Pattern formation method, magnetic recording medium manufacturing method, and fine particle dispersion

Номер: US20150069014A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, there is provided a pattern formation method including coating a substrate or mask layer with a fine particle coating solution containing fine particles including a protective group having a close surface polarity and containing, on at least surfaces thereof, a material selected from the group consisting of Al, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Y, Zr, Sn, Mo, Ta, W, Au, Ag, Pd, Cu, Pt and oxides thereof, a viscosity modifier, and a solvent for adjusting mixing of the viscosity modifier and the fine particles having the protective group to form a fine particle layer on the substrate or mask layer.

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Web Lifter/Stabilizer And Method

Номер: US20200061663A1

Web lifter and/or stabilizer and method of lifting and/or stabilizing a travelling web and for coating a web. The device creates a web hold down force via a negative pressure slot at its exit side, which draws the web down against the surface on the entry side. The device can be actuated to move the web relative to a slot die coater off the die lips and stop the application of slurry to the web, thereby creating uncoated regions on the web surface. The device can then be actuated to move the web back into contact with the coater to start the application of slurry to the web, thereby creating coated regions on the web surface. Web lifting can be accomplished by rotating the device in first and second directions to lift the web off of the slot die coater and return the web back into contact with the coater. 1. A method of applying a coating to a web using a system comprising a supply valve , a bypass valve , a nozzle , a web lifter and a controller to control said supply valve , said bypass valve and said nozzle , said method comprising:inputting to said controller the reference positions on said web where said supply valve is to open and close;inputting to said controller the reference positions on said web where said bypass valve is to open and close;inputting to said controller the reference positions on said web where said web lifter is to be actuated to move said web toward and way from said nozzle;moving said web past said nozzle;tracking the position of said web; andusing said controller to control said supply valve, said bypass valve, said nozzle and said web lifter based on said inputted reference positions to deposit said coating on said web.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said controller comprises memory storage to store reference position data for said web.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein said reference position data comprises positions of said web where said supply valve is to open and close.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein said reference position ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a magnetic write head using novel mask structure

Номер: US20140144872A1
Автор: Guomin Mao, Yi Zheng

A method for manufacturing a magnetic write pole of a magnetic write head that achieves improved write pole definition reduced manufacturing cost and improves ease of photoresist mask re-work. The method includes the use of a novel bi-layer hard mask beneath a photoresist mask. The bi-layer mask includes a layer of silicon dielectric, and a layer of carbon over the layer of silicon dielectric. The carbon layer acts as an anti-reflective coating layer that is unaffected by the photolithographic patterning process used to pattern the write pole and also acts as an adhesion layer for resist patterning. In the event that the photoresist patterning is not within specs and a mask re-work must be performed, the bi-layer mask can remain intact and need not be removed and re-deposited. In addition, the low cost and ease of use silicon dielectric and carbon reduce manufacturing cost and increase throughput.

29-05-2014 дата публикации

System and method for selectively removing atoms and uses thereof

Номер: US20140144874A1
Принадлежит: University of Houston

Embodiments of the present disclosure provide a method for selective removal of atoms from a substrate. Such a method comprises forming a patterned mask over at least a portion of the surface of the substrate to form a masked portion and an unmasked portion of the surface. In an embodiment, the method comprises exposing the surface to low energy light ions. In a related embodiment the low energy light ions selectively remove atoms from the unmasked portion of the substrate. In some embodiments, the method further comprises removing the mask. In another embodiment, the present disclosure relates to a method of creating a plurality of magnetic domains on a magnetically susceptible substrate. In an embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to a method of forming a magnetic medium.

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150072172A1

According to one embodiment, there is provided a pattern formation method including forming a target layer to be processed on a substrate, adding a second dispersion containing a polymer material including a polymer chain having a base metal at a terminal end and a second solvent to a first dispersion containing noble-metal microparticles and a first solvent, thereby preparing a noble-metal microparticle layer coating solution in which microparticles covered with the polymer material are dispersed, arranging the noble-metal microparticles covered with the polymer material on the target layer by using the noble-metal microparticle layer coating solution, and transferring a projections pattern of the noble-metal microparticles covered with the polymer material to the target layer. 1. A pattern formation method comprising:forming a target layer to be processed on a substrate;adding a second dispersion containing a polymer material including a polymer chain having a base metal at a terminal end and a second solvent to a first dispersion containing noble-metal microparticles and a first solvent, thereby preparing a noble-metal microparticle layer coating solution in which microparticles covered with the polymer material are dispersed;arranging the noble-metal microparticles covered with the polymer material on the target layer by using the noble-metal microparticle layer coating solution, thereby forming a noble-metal microparticle layer; andtransferring a projections pattern based on the noble-metal microparticle layer to the target layer.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising removing the noble-metal microparticle layer claim 1 , after the transferring the projections pattern based on the noble-metal microparticle layer to the target layer.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the noble-metal microparticle contains at least one element selected from the group consisting of gold claim 1 , silver claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , ruthenium claim 1 , ...
