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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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20-05-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2182740C2
Принадлежит: Н.В. РЕЙКЕМ С.А. (BE)

Изобретение относится к области электротехники. Затвор для кабеля включает в себя по меньшей мере две части корпуса, которые при работе сводятся вместе и, будучи сведены вместе, образуют полость для размещения уплотняющего материала, через которую могут проходить в затвор один или несколько кабелей и, как минимум, один упругий элемент, который размещается в полости и содержит по меньшей мере одну пластинчатую пружину и по меньшей мере одну пластину, передающую усилие сжатия от пружины к уплотняющему материалу. Технический результат - повышение компактности, упрощение и удешевление без снижения степени герметизации. 18 з.п.ф-лы, 8 ил.

20-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2254653C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, в частности к уплотнительным элементам кабельной техники. Лента для закрытия и уплотнения объекта, такого как кабельное сращивание, содержит как гелевый слой, так и резиновый слой. В связи с наличием эластичности у резинового слоя гель может приводиться в сжатое состояние, в результате чего достигается превосходное уплотнительное действие. Резиновый слой, преимущественно, шире гелевого слоя, что позволяет разместить смежно гелю адгезивные полосы и таким образом облегчить наложение ленты и дополнительно улучшить ее уплотнительное действие. 3 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2168251C2
Принадлежит: Н.В. РЕЙКЕМ С.А. (BE)

Уплотнительный элемент, который может быть спирально намотан вокруг удлиненного изделия, например кабеля, содержит полоску уплотняющего материала, например геля, и как минимум один ряд захватывающих элементов, расположенный рядом с полоской уплотняющего материала и проходящий вдоль продольного края уплотняющего материала. При использовании захватывающие элементы обеспечивают сцепление уплотнительного элемента с удлиненным изделием, вокруг которого он спирально намотан. Уплотнительный элемент может также включать в себя несущую полоску, к которой присоединены полоска уплотняющего материала и каждый ряд захватывающих элементов. Технический результат - повышение эффективности уплотнения за счет фиксации уплотняющего материала в данном месте удлиненного изделия. 2 с. и 20 з.п.ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2174274C2

Изобретение относится к герметизированным кожухам кабельных сростков и имеет корпус с выполненным в нем профилированным отверстием. Заземляющая шпилька профилирована для прохода через отверстие в корпус так, чтобы ограничить ее поворот внутри корпуса. Заземляющая шпилька имеет первый конец, вставляемый в соответствующий кабельный кожух для соединения с внутренним заземляющим проводом, и расположенный снаружи кабельного кожуха второй конец для соединения с внешним заземляющим проводом. В корпусе выполнен ввода для размещения внешнего заземляющего провода. Первый конец заземляющей шпильки уплотнен относительно корпуса и кожуха, и второй конец заземляющей шпильки уплотнен относительно корпуса. Технический результат - обеспечение возможности легко разъединять и снова присоединять заземляющие провода с сохранением целостности провода с сохранением целостности уплотнения. 5 с. и 20 з.п.ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2187184C2
Принадлежит: Н.В. РЕЙКЕМ С.А. (BE)

Изобретение относится к герметизированным изделиям, особенно к контейнерам для размещения электрических проводников, электрических соединений, электронных устройств, оптических волокон и т.п. Изделие содержит корпус, содержащий отверстие и полость и предназначенный для размещения электрических проводников, и/или электрических соединителей, и/или электронных устройств, и/или оптических волокон, и/или оптических устройств, и герметизирующий элемент, включающий в себя блок материала для уплотнений и держатель, к которому прикреплен блок материала для уплотнений, при этом держатель включает в себя поддерживающую полоску, прикрепленную к блоку материала для уплотнений, а держатель и полость снабжены средствами крепления, выполненными с возможностью смыкания между собой, образуя соединение с зажимом. Технический результат - расширение области применения и повышение надежности герметизации полых изделий. 2 с. и 13 з.п.ф-лы, 7 ил.

04-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2637375C2
Принадлежит: РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE)

В заявке описан датчик (10) для определения по меньшей мере одного свойства анализируемого газа в заполненном им пространстве. Такой датчик (10), имеющий корпус (12) с отверстием (14), через которое из корпуса (12) выведен по меньшей мере один соединительный провод (18), и по меньшей мере один уплотнительный элемент (20), прежде всего проходную втулку, который по меньшей мере частично окружает соединительный провод (18) и имеет по меньшей мере один первый участок (28) и по меньшей мере один второй участок (30), из которых первый участок (28) обладает большей деформируемостью, чем второй участок (30), отличающийся тем, что уплотнительный элемент (20) выполнен из по меньшей мере одного полимерного материала, содержащего по меньшей мере один пластификатор, при этом первый участок (28) и второй участок (30) содержат пластификатор в полимерном материале в разном количестве. Техническим результатом является надежное уплотнение на граничных поверхностях между уплотнительным элементом и корпусом ...

27-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2368773C2

Изобретение относится к нефтяной промышленности. Техническим результатом изобретения является обеспечение надежности и эффективности системы для соединения погружного электродвигателя с силовым кабелем на устье скважины, защищенной от воздействия агрессивной среды скважины и поставляемой к месту эксплуатации с максимальной заводской готовностью. Для этого система содержит верхнюю кабельную вилку (ВКВ) и нижнюю кабельную вилку (НКВ) и корпус. При этом ВКВ выполнена с равномерно расположенными по окружности покрытыми изоляцией жилами кабеля (ЖК), на концы которых без изоляции установлены штекеры. Корпус выполнен с равномерно расположенными в нем по окружности ЖК, на верхних концах которых без изоляции, расположенных в полости корпуса, установлены наконечники, и прокладкой с отверстиями под ЖК. Причем НКВ выполнена с равномерно расположенными по окружности покрытыми изоляцией ЖК и фланцем, в котором выполнены два отверстия под крепежные элементы. В корпусе ВКВ и НКВ расположены изоляторы с ...

20-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2143163C1
Принадлежит: Н.В.Рейкем С.А. (BE)

Изобретение относится к уплотнительному устройству для создания уплотнения вокруг протяженных объектов. Устройство содержит уплотнительную пластину с отверстием для прохождения протяженного объекта, включающую в себя камеру, внутри которой расположена с возможностью перемещения нажимная пластина, и уплотнительный материал, расположенный внутри камеры между нажимной пластиной и протяженным объектом, при прохождении последнего через отверстие в уплотнительной пластине. Технический результат - расширение области использования за счет исключения перемещения уплотнительных пластин для создания уплотнения. 9 з.п.ф-лы, 17 ил.

27-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU45207U1

Полезная модель относится к электротехническим изделиям, в частности к вводам кабельным и может быть использована для уплотнения и фиксации гибких и бронированных кабелей с резиновой и пластмассовой изоляцией круглого сечения при вводе их в стационарное, передвижное или переносное электрооборудование и предназначенной для применения во взрывозащищенном электрооборудовании. Технический результат, который может быть получен с помощью предлагаемой полезной модели сводится к надежному уплотнению и фиксации гибких и бронированных кабелей и обеспечению высокой степени защиты от механических повреждений, а также сводится к тому, что вводы выдерживают давление взрыва и исключают его передачу в окружающую среду, что позволяет их применять во взрывозащищенном электрооборудовании, при создании серии вводов кабельных (ВК). Вводы кабельные состоят из корпуса 1, предназначенного для закрепления ввода на оболочке электрооборудования (на фиг. не показано), внутри которого размещен элемент для уплотнения ...

10-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU81390U1

Заявленный герметичный кабельный соединитель относится к кабельной технике и может быть использована для герметичного соединения кабелей. Герметичный кабельный соединитель, содержащий корпус у которого, по меньшей мере, часть внутренней поверхности является цилиндрической, внутри корпуса размещена прямоугольная диэлектрическая пластина, лицевая и тыльная поверхности которой параллельны образующей внутренней цилиндрической поверхности корпуса, торцы корпуса снабжены горловинами, в которых размещены концы кабелей, при этом токопроводящие жилы концов кабелей соединены с токопроводящими дорожками, выполненными на лицевой поверхности диэлектрической пластины и расположенными параллельно друг другу, кроме того, ребра диэлектрической пластины, имеющие меньшую длину, расположены параллельно торцам корпуса и расположены от них на расстоянии, составляющем 0,1-0,2 длинны ребер диэлектрической пластины, имеющих меньшую длину, а ребра диэлектрической пластины, имеющие большую длину, расположены параллельно ...

10-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2529893C1

Полевой кабель связи с повышенной герметичностью относится к кабельной технике, в частности к кабелям многократного применения.В полевом кабеле связи с повышенной герметичностью имеются токопроводящие жилы, изоляционно-защитная оболочка и грузонесущий элемент, расположенный под указанной оболочкой. С каждой из сторон строительной длины кабеля установлены соединительные полумуфты. Каждая из данных полумуфт содержит корпус, с одной стороны которого расположена контактная колодка, к которой припаяны токоведущие жилы кабеля, а с другой предусмотрен узел ввода кабеля, взаимодействующий с внешней поверхностью кабеля. Узел ввода кабеля состоит из хвостовой гайки, одного или нескольких уплотнительных элементов и шайб. При этом в одном из уплотнительных элементов со стороны ввода кабеля имеется внутренняя полость. Кроме того, на шайбе, расположенной непосредственно перед данным уплотнительным элементом со стороны ввода кабеля, имеются сквозные осевые отверстия, сообщающиеся с внутренней полостью ...

10-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2319057C1
Принадлежит: РОКСТЕК АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к средствам, обеспечивающим проход кабелей или труб через стену или ввод их в коммутационный шкаф. Средство содержит внешнюю раму (11), имеющую, по меньшей мере, один установленный внутри рамы герметизирующий модуль (1), который охватывает кабель или трубу (8). Герметизирующий модуль (1) разделен в продольном направлении и образован отслаиваемыми листами для адаптации площади его канала с кабелем или трубой (8). Герметизирующий модуль (1) предназначен для заполнения окна рамы (11) вместе с узлом (12) расширения и имеет разделяющий разрез для разделения его на две половины. Разрез проходит наклонно относительно продольного направления герметизирующего модуля (1) или относительно продольной оси канала. При адаптации герметизирующего модуля (1) с кабелем или трубой (8) одна из половин может быть повернута на 180°. Модуль (1) может адаптироваться с кабелем или трубой (8) до тех пор, пока половины модуля (1) не войдут в контакт на узком конце зазора, при этом половина может ...

20-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2339140C1
Принадлежит: РОКСТЕК АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использовано для установки электрических кабелей. Изобретение касается рамы (1) для приема одного или более упругих модулей (2), образующей кабельные входы, трубные проходки или аналогичные устройства. Рама (1) имеет форму, автоматически сжимающую один или более модулей (2) при установке на оборудовании (7). Сжатию подвергаются те модули (2), которые приняты в центральном отверстии рамы (1), образованном наклонными стенками (3), причем общий размер модулей (2), принятых в центральном отверстии, несколько больше внутреннего размера центрального отверстия. Модули выступают из рамы (1) и тем самым дополнительно сжимаются, когда раму устанавливают на приложении. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

10-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012136884A

... 1. Устройство (40, 60) для заделки и удерживания кабеля, содержащееуплотняющую деталь (11), обеспечивающую проход, с внутренним уплотнением (14), через которое направлению кабель (2) направляется уплотненно, и внешнее уплотнение (15), расположенное на внешней периферии уплотняющей детали (11),фиксатор (12) для удерживания уплотняющей детали (11) в продольном направлении прохода; ивтулочная часть (47; 67), образующая отверстие (41; 61) для приема фиксатора (12) и уплотняющей детали (11) устройства (40, 60) для заделки и удерживания кабеля, причем втулочная часть (47; 67) обеспечивает уплотняющую секцию (42; 62) для взаимодействия с внешним уплотнением (15) для выполнения уплотнения между ними;отличающееся тем, чтофиксатор (12) обеспечивает крепежное средство (24) на его внешней окружной поверхности для крепления фиксатора (12) к втулочной части (47; 67).2. Устройство (40, 60) для заделки и удерживания кабеля по п.1, отличающееся тем, что фиксатор (12) расположен на передней стороне уплотняющей ...

20-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU98115593A

... 1. Затвор для кабеля, включающий в себя, по меньшей мере, две части корпуса, при работе сводимые вместе с образованием полости для размещения уплотняющего материала, через которую один или несколько кабелей проходят в затворе, уплотняющий материал, находящийся в полости после сведения вместе частей корпуса и создающий уплотнение между кабелем (кабелями) и частью (частями) корпуса, отличающийся тем, что он содержит, по меньшей мере, один упругий элемент, при работе находящийся в полости, причем упругий элемент или каждый упругий элемент при сведении частей корпуса вместе сжимается и передает за счет силы упругости усилие сжатия на уплотняющий материал. 2. Затвор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что упругий элемент или каждый упругий элемент сжат в направлении, которое в принципе горизонтально, предпочтительно в принципе перпендикулярно, направлению прохождения кабеля (кабелей) через полость. 3. Затвор по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что упругий элемент или каждый упругий элемент расположен при ...

11-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003941268A1

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Erdgehäuse zum Verbinden von Erdkabeln

Номер: DE202012002285U8
Принадлежит: KALTHOFF GMBH

14-06-2006 дата публикации

Dichtungskörper einer Kabelmuffe

Номер: DE202006006020U1

Dichtungskörper einer Kabelmuffe, mit mindestens einem Dichtungskörpersegment, wobei das oder jedes Dichtungskörpersegment ein gelartiges Dichtungselement umfasst, wobei das gelartige Dichtungselement durch Aufbringen einer Kraft mittels mindestens eines Druckelements auf mindestens ein formstabiles, das gelartige Dichtungselement an einer Seite begrenzendes Endstück komprimierbar ist, und wobei insbesondere durch Temperaturwechsel verursachte Änderungen des Werkstoffverhaltens des gelartigen Dichtungselements durch mindestens ein Kompensationselement zur Aufrechterhaltung der Dichtwirkung des gelartigen Dichtungselements kompensierbar sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das oder jedes Kompensationselement (23) als ein in das gelartige Dichtungselement (17) eingelagertes bzw. eingebettetes Elastomerelement ausgebildet ist.

15-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015109539A1

Die Erfindung geht aus von einem Dichtmodul, insbesondere einem Kabelkontaktierungswitterungsschutzdichtmodul, welches dazu vorgesehen ist, zumindest einen länglichen Körper (12), insbesondere zumindest ein Einblasrohr(38), zumindest teilweise aufzunehmen und zumindest abschnittsweise zumindest im Wesentlichen komplett in Umfangsrichtung (14) zu umschließen, mit einer Dichtmoduleinheit (16), die zumindest einen Aufnahmebereich (18) umfasst, welcher dazu vorgesehen ist, den zumindest einen länglichen Körper (12) aufzunehmen. Es wird vorgeschlagen, dass das Dichtmodul zumindest einen Dichtungskörper (20) aufweist, welcher zumindest teilweise in dem zumindest einen Aufnahmebereich (18) angeordnet und dazu vorgesehen ist, den länglichen Körper (12) an zumindest einer Stirnseite (22) zumindest im Wesentlichen abzudichten.

06-08-1998 дата публикации

Cable bushing or grommet for entrance through housing-part

Номер: DE0019701959C1

The cable bushing for mounting in an entrance opening in a housing part (22), consists of a basic part (10), which receives a cable (20) provided with a screening (21), and contacts the screening using a contact part (16). So that one or more supporting sections (11,17) are connected in one piece, electrically conducting at the contact part (16), which provides support around the opening (23). In addition a seal (30) is provided, which seals the basic part (10) against the housing (22). The contact part (16) surrounds the screening (21) of the cable (20) at least over two thirds of its circumference. The cable holder (15) connects at the contact part (16) across an outward step (16.1) which is applied at the insulation of the cable (20).

03-09-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003686182D1

20-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE202012008619U1

Kabelverschraubung (10, 10.2) mit einem Gehäuse (12, 12.2), in das ein Kabel hineinführbar ist, mit einem Dichteinsatz (14, 14.2), der in das Gehäuse (12, 12.2) einsetzbar ist, mit einer Würgemutter (16), die auf das Außengewinde (24) des Gehäuses (12, 12.2) aufschraubbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Dichteinsatz (14, 14.2) zumindest abschnittsweise zumindest einen Steg (40, 40.2) aufweist, der zumindest eine Steg (40, 40.2) an der Rückwand (42) des Dichteinsatzes (14, 14.2) vorhanden ist, der zumindest eine Steg (40, 40.2) des Dichteinsatzes (14, 14.2) in eine Aussparung (30, 30.2) des Gehäuses (12, 12.2) eingreift, so dass Dichteinsatz (14, 14.2) und Gehäuse (12, 12.2) nicht gegeneinander verdrehbar sind.

02-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE102007045639A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Bauteileanordnung (10) mit einem Gehäuse (12), einer Funktionskomponente (14), einem Ausgangsteil (16) der Funktionskomponente und wenigstens einem Dichtungselement (18) aus vulkanisiertem Silikon, wobei zumindest das Dichtungselement (18) und das Gehäuse (12) miteinander verklebt sind, vorzugsweise mittels Epoxidharz (20). Mit einer derartigen Anordnung erreicht man eine dauerhafte Abdichtung der Bauteileanordnung, welche auch hohen Temperaturwechselbeanspruchungen sicher standhält.

28-07-2011 дата публикации

Abschlußmuffe für Mineralisoliertes Kabel

Номер: DE0010197076B4

Verbindung zwischen zwei mineralisolierten Kabeln (130, 150), die jeweils ein äußeres Metallrohr (132, 152) und zwei Innenleiter (135, 155) aufweisen, wobei die Verbindung umfasst: eine Muffe (140) mit mindestens einem gecrimpten Abschnitt (142), der eines der beiden äußeren Metallrohre (132, 152) eines der beiden mineralisolierten Kabel (130, 150) festhält; eines und eine Epoxidharzfüllung (180) des Inneren der Muffe (140); wobei ein elektrischer Durchgang zwischen den jeweiligen Innenleitern (135, 155) der beiden mineralisolierten Kabel (130, 150) besteht.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Leiterdurchführung in Kunststoffgehäusen

Номер: DE102004018488B4
Принадлежит: SWOBODA KG

Die Erfindung betrifft eine gas- und flüssigkeitsdichte elektrische Durchführung (1) mindestens eines Leiters (2) durch eine Wand (3) eines Kunststoffgehäuses (4). Um eine Leiterdurchführung (1) anzugeben, die selbst bei widrigen Umgebungsbedingungen zuverlässig gas- und flüssigkeitsdicht ist und einen derart einfachen Aufbau besitzt, dass sie mit den Verfahren der Massenfertigung herstellbar und einfach montierbar ist, schlägt die Erfindung vor, dass das Kunststoffgehäuse (4) mindestens im Bereich (5) des Leiters (2) doppelwandig, bestehend aus einer Innen- (6) und einer Außenwand (7), ausgebildet ist, zwischen der Innenwand (6) und der Außenwand (7) ein dauerelastisches Material (8) angeordnet ist, das den Leiter (2) zwischen der Innenwand (6) und der Außenwand (7) mindestens zur Innenwand (6) vollständig umgibt, und der Leiter (2) durch Einspritzen des Leiters (2) in das Kunststoffgehäuse (4) fest zwischen der Innenwand (6) und der Außenwand (7) brückenartig eingespannt ist.

20-07-2006 дата публикации

Spannvorrichtung für Hochspannungskabel

Номер: DE102004049226B4

Die Erfindung befasst sich mit einer Spannvorrichtung 1 für Hochspannungskabel 40 mit einer im Wesentlichen rohrförmigen Gehäuseglocke 2, in der ein rohrförmiges Halteelement 10 für ein Hochspannungskabel 40 beweglich entlang der Mittellängsachse 7 der Gehäuseglocke 2 angeordnet ist, und mit einer Feder 20, die zwischen einem Anschlag 3 in der Gehäuseglocke 2 und dem Halteelement 10 angeordnet ist und das Halteelement 10 entlang der Mittellängsachse 7 vom Anschlag 3 wegdrückt, wobei an dem Halteelement 10 ein Anzeigeelement 34 angeordnet ist, so dass von außen die Spannung der Feder 20 erkennbar ist, und die Feder 20 das Hochspannungskabel 40 umschließt.

10-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003129570A1

02-01-1969 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Verbinden der Armierung von laenglichen zylindrischen Koerpern

Номер: DE0001490172A1

09-05-1996 дата публикации

Housing seal for ASI bus flat cable entrance aperture

Номер: DE0004439784A1

A housing has apertures through which cables may pass in a sealed way. When the apertures are not used they are blanked off. The points of entry have profiled retainers (10) with outer walls shaped (16) to fit against the cable to provide a seal. The centre section is shaped to receive inserts (1) that can be installed with one of two orientations. In one position the insert presents a sealing section against the cable. In the other position a semi circular section (7) closes off an unused aperture.

08-07-1982 дата публикации

Номер: DE0008025093U1

09-07-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE9102824U1

31-10-2012 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum elektrischen Kontaktieren einer Aktoreinheit und Ventil

Номер: DE102005015114B4

Vorrichtung zum elektrischen Kontaktieren einer Aktoreinheit (10), die in einer Ausnehmung (9) eines Körpers angeordnet ist, wobei die Vorrichtung (26) einen Träger (27) umfasst, der in die Ausnehmung (9) des Körpers einbringbar ist und an dem mindestens ein Kontaktelement zum elektrischen Kontaktieren angeordnet ist, das mit der Aktoreinheit (10) elektrisch koppelbar ist und das von einer der Aktoreinheit (10) abgewandten Seite des Trägers (27) mit einer Steuereinheit (12) elektrisch koppelbar ist, und an dem mindestens ein Dichtelement so ausgebildet und so angeordnet ist, dass es ein Eindringen von festen, flüssigen oder gasförmigen Medien in die Ausnehmung (9) des Körpers zu der Aktoreinheit (10) verhindert, wobei das mindestens eine Dichtelement eine Dichtwulst (37) und eine Dichtmembran (36) umfasst, die einstückig ausgebildet sind, das mindestens eine Dichtelement entlang eines Umfangs des Trägers (27) und entlang eines Umfangs des Kontaktelements angeordnet ist, und das mindestens ...

24-02-1994 дата публикации


Номер: DE0009319606U1

15-09-2005 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Abdichten eines Kabels oder Kabelsatzes an/in einem Kabeldurchführungselement sowie ein Kabeldurchführungselement

Номер: DE0010054714B4

Verfahren zum Abdichten eines Kabels (2) oder Kabelsatzes an/in einem Kabeldurchführungselement (1), wobei das Kabel (1) bzw. der Kabelsatz mindestens einen Kabelkanal (3) durchsetzt und im Bereich mindestens einer Kabelaustrittsöffnung (4) aus dem Kabeldurchführungselement (1) austritt, gekennzeichnet durch folgende Verfahrensschritte: a) Abisolieren des Kabels (2) bzw. des Kabelsatzes in einem Innenbereich eines Dichtelementes (7); b) Aufspritzen des Dichtelementes (7) aus dauerelastischem Kunststoff, in einem ersten Spritzvorgang auf den Bereich der Kabelaustrittsöffnung (4), wobei ein aus dem Kabelkanal (3) austretender Abschnitt des Kabels (2) bzw. Kabelsatzes umspritzt wird und der Kabelkanal (3) stufig oder teilkonisch ausgebildet ist und zumindest abschnittsweise mit dem dauerelastischen Kunststoffmaterial ausgespritzt wird; c) Aufsetzen einer Außenform (8) auf den Bereich der Kabelaustrittsöffnung (4) derart, daß zwischen der Innenwand (9) der Außenform (8) und der Oberfläche ( ...

12-11-2009 дата публикации

Pressure tight feeding arrangement for electrical lines for e.g. sensor, has stack of set of printed circuit boards that are arranged parallel to wall, and set of electrical lines fed through connection lines in printed circuit boards

Номер: DE102008022742A1

The arrangement has a stack of set of printed circuit boards that are arranged parallel to a wall (7). A set of electrical lines (3, 4) is fed through connection lines in the printed circuit boards. The stack of printed circuit boards is clamped for pressing the printed circuit boards on top of each other in a holder. A seal is arranged between two neighboring printed circuit boards along a boundary region, and area between the printed circuit boards is filled with a sealing compound.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Kabelanschlusseinrichtung für ein Leistungsmodul

Номер: DE102009005881B4

Kabelanschlusseinrichtung für ein Leistungsmodul (12), das ein Modulgehäuse (14) und in diesem mindestens ein Modulkontaktelement (20) und ein dem mindestens einen Modulkontaktelement (20) zugeordnetes Durchgangsloch (16) zum Durchstecken eines Kabelkontaktelementes (24) eines Anschlusskabels (28) aufweist, wobei an der Außenseite (30) des Modulgehäuses (14), dem Durchgangsloch (16) zugeordnet, ein Kabelfesthaltelement (32) vorgesehen ist, und wobei das Kabelkontaktelement (24) vom Kabelfesthalteelement (32) durch ein elektrisch isolierendes Abstandshalterelement (44) beabstandet ist, wobei das elektrisch isolierende Abstandshalterelement (44) von einer Hülse (48) gebildet ist, die an ihrem Vorderabschnitt mit federnden Rastfingern (50) ausgebildet ist, die an einem Widerlager (52) des Kabelkontaktelementes (24) anliegen, und die Hülse (48) mit ihrem rückseitigen Ende am Kabelfesthalteelement (32) anliegt.

15-06-2011 дата публикации

Seal, particularly for downhole electric cable terminations

Номер: GB0002476168A

A seal assembly insertable between a cable and a termination 60 comprises a plurality of deformable annular seals 10, 30, each having an annular recess 17 at one end, which are inserted one by one in a relaxed condition in coaxial stacked relation into an annular bore 54 and then compressed axially so that an insert body, which may comprise an opposite end 16 of the adjacent seal, or may be a body 32 of fluid or gel, enters into the recess in each seal, radially energising it. The inner wall 11 of each seal comprises a sealing surface and at least one sealing bead 21 protruding radially inwardly from the sealing surface; the sealing surface limits the depth to which the bead can penetrate the casing of the cable. A removable assembly tool 40 is used to insert individual seals, fluid or gel insert bodies being applied between each seal if the insert is not integral with the seal. On removal of the tool, the seals are compressed and energised by the screw threaded member 63. The conductor ...

08-03-2000 дата публикации

Cable closure

Номер: GB0000000810D0

26-11-1917 дата публикации

Improvements in the Connection of Electric Cables to Junction Boxes or like Apparatus.

Номер: GB0000111344A

... 111,344. British Insulated & Helsby Cables, Ltd., and Blades, R. W. Nov. 25, 1916. Junction boxes. - Electric cables having a sheathing of rubber, hard braided cord, spiral ropes or wires, &c. are secured to junction and other boxes 1 by means of a gripping-ring comprising several segments 4 having irregularly formed gripping surfaces which are adapted to be pressed into the cable sheathing 3. In the construction shown in Fig. 1, the segments 4 are pressed on to the cable by screw studs 7, and the connexion is rendered fluid-tight by packing 5 engaged by the gland 6. In the modification shown in Fig. 2, the coned segments 4 are pressed against a coned seat bv the gland 8. in further modifications, the coned segments are engaged bv coned parts forced inwards by, cr formed integral with, the gland 8.

28-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008910944D0

21-03-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009001142D0

26-06-1996 дата публикации

Cable splice closure box and cable clamp

Номер: GB0002296393A

A cable splice closure box comprises a body 10, transversely-spaced cable sealing doors 16 and a central door 18 for sealing the region between the cable sealing doors and allowing access to the splices. Each door 16 and the adjacent body 10, when brought together (figure 5, not shown) form a cable clamp having diagonal cams (108, 106). A pair of clamp elements (112, 114) are simultaneously screw-driven down respective cams to clamp a cable against abutments (104). Driving the cams can also cause the door and adjacent body to be drawn together. ...

03-06-1987 дата публикации

Testable cable entry gland

Номер: GB0002183306A

A method of sealing an electrical cable (2) into a wall (1) utilises a cable entry gland (3) having axially extending sleeves (3a), and the cable gland (3) is sealed to the cable (2) by means of shrink-down sleeving (9) extending over the sleeve portions (3a) and the surface of the cable (2). The cable gland is sealed into an aperture in the wall (1) by means of two "O" ring seals (5, 6) located on opposite sides of the wall (1) between a radial collar of the cable gland (3) and a clamping member (4). A test port (10) is coupled to the space between the portions of sleeving (9) and the "O" ring seals (5, 6) by fluid passages (8, 7) enabling testing of the integrity of the seal, for example by means of a device according to U.S. Pat. No. 2,145,233.

22-07-1998 дата публикации

Waterproof cable entry

Номер: GB0002321346A

A cable entry port has a body 2 with a cover 15, each having elastic members 17. A wire is inserted between each pairs of the ribs. The cover 15 is ultrasonically welded to the body 2 while under compression so as to compress the elastic members and retain them under compression to seal round the wires. The body and cover may be formed with respective projections 13, 20 which are welded to one another. Alternatively, the elastic members may be accommodated between respective ribs 24 of the body cover 15, figure 7 not shown, and the ribs are wided to one another.

03-08-2005 дата публикации

Feedthrough of an electrical conductor

Номер: GB0002410625A

A device for feedthrough of an electrical conductor from one area to another area, where the two areas are preferably at different pressures. The device comprises a base plate/dividing plate (10) through which at least one penetrator (101-105) is passed. The device is characterised in that the at least one penetrator comprises a bore (120) for receiving a conductor (121, 122, 123), for example a copper conductor. The device further comprises a first part (111) with a first shoulder surface (114), and a second part (116) with a second shoulder surface (117) which are intended to abut against each side of the plate (10). The device further comprises at least one spring device which is arranged to keep the shoulder surfaces (114, 117) clamped against the base plate (10).

29-08-2007 дата публикации

Cable splice protector

Номер: GB0002412507B

09-11-1994 дата публикации

Sealing device

Номер: GB0009419032D0

11-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009201069D0

28-10-1987 дата публикации

A cable gland

Номер: GB0002189656A

A cable gland comprising a sleeve (2), first and second annular members (16, 17) adapted to be located within the sleeve (2), which members (16, 17) each have an inwardly tapering annular side (18, 19), a compression member (11) adapted to extend within the sleeve (2), and a tightening member (12) displaceable on the sleeve (2) to urge the compression member (11) against the first annular member (17). When a length of cable (15) is located within the sleeve (2) and deformable material (22) is located around the cable (15) and between the tapering sides (18, 19) of the annular members (16, 17) displacement of the tightening member (12) causes the compression member (11) to urge the first annular member (17) towards the second annular member (16) so that the deformable material (22) takes up the configuration of the space between the annular member (16, 17). The compression member (11) leaves an annular space between itself and the sleeve (2) and between itself and the cable (15) to accommodate ...

11-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002227377B

15-05-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002193605B

14-06-1989 дата публикации

Re-enterable enclosure for cable splice

Номер: GB0002210736A

A butt cable splice is environmentally sealed by a closure that may be integrally blow-moulded (Fig 4a), but which can be cut for re-entry and then resealed (Fig 4b) by partially telescoping together the resulting parts (2, 3). ...

29-02-1984 дата публикации

Flexible recoverable tubular article

Номер: GB0002125237A

A convoluted recoverable tubular article 3 is used to enclose a substrate 2. The ends 5 of the article 3 are recovered into engagement with the substrate 2, allowing re-entry by severing the article at one end 6 and compressing the article to expose the substrate. The article then can be extended to the extent necessary to reseal it. ...

05-09-2018 дата публикации

Cable gland

Номер: GB0002529793B
Принадлежит: CMP PRODUCTS LTD, CMP Products Limited

31-01-2001 дата публикации

Cable entry ports

Номер: GB0000030568D0

28-06-2000 дата публикации

Cable enclosure

Номер: GB0000010970D0

28-06-2000 дата публикации

Water resistant cable connection

Номер: GB0000011380D0

27-10-1965 дата публикации

Improvements in glands for terminating cables

Номер: GB0001008201A

... 1,008,201. Mechanical couplings for cable armouring. ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES Ltd., and S. H. MONEY. April 24, 1962 [June 1, 1961], No. 19826/61. Heading H2E. An arrangement for terminating a wirearmoured lead-sheathed cable 1 at a terminal box 14 includes a wiping gland 15 and a separate clamping assembly for the cable armouring 3. The latter is clamped between a tapered socket member 6 and a corresponding core member 10 by bolting together their respective flanges 8, 13. A flange 12 on the gland 15 is interposed between the flange 13 and box 14, a wiped joint made between the lead sheath 2 and gland 15, and the clamping assembly finally secured to box 14, by bolts 17 passing through the flange 13. In another embodiment (Fig. 3, not shown), a modified wiping gland is level with the inside of the box and countersunk to provide a channel for the solder.

24-07-1985 дата публикации

Expansible seal

Номер: GB0002151723A

A seal in an aperture, e.g., a duct, is made by foaming a foamable substrate within an envelope in the aperture, to expand the envelope, which desirably has sealant or adhesive on its outer surface, to conform it into sealing engagement with the aperture. The envelope is closed and is of wraparound configuration so as to seal a large variety of aperture sizes, whether empty or containing objects, such as cables.

02-11-2011 дата публикации

Barrier connector sleeve

Номер: GB0002479874A

A barrier connector sleeve comprises a cup 25 and an insert 35, both with a circular cross-section and a through bore for a cable. The insert 35 is inserted into a mouth 31 at one end of the cup 25 and the cup 25 and insert 35 together define an annulus therebetween. The annulus extends radially outwardly of the through bores and one of the cup 25 and insert 35 define a groove 42 which faces in the direction of the through bore axes, into the annulus. The groove 42 may be annular and continuous and may be provided in an end face of the insert 35. The through bore of the cup 25 may have an internal step 32 which defines one axial end of the annulus. The through bores may comprise one or more cores passing therethrough and a curable sealant (e.g. putty) may be poured or stuffed into the internal space of the sleeve such that it enters the annular space and the groove 42. Upon curing of the sealant, the groove 42 may then act to resist radial movement of the sealant.

12-01-1966 дата публикации

Device for jointing the armour of elongated cylindrical bodies

Номер: GB0001016740A

... 1,016,740. Pipe joints. PIRELLI S.p.A. Oct. 28, 1963 [Feb. 9, 1963], No. 42334/63. Heading F2G. [Also in Division H2] In order to relieve the tension on the joint of two armoured pipes 8, 81 one of the end plates 12 of the connecting sleeve is fitted with a movable ring 41 to which the armouring 91 of one of the pipes 81 is secured, so that when the distance between the movable ring 41 and a fixed ring 4 is changed, the sleeve is forced to take up any stresses that are required to be transmitted by the armouring 9, 91 of the pipes. To effect the connection the pipe 8 is passed through the fixed end plate 2 which is welded in one end of the sleeve 1. Similarly, pipe 81 is passed through the plate 12 and the joint between the pipes, stripped of their armour 9, 91, is made. The armour is folded back over each ring 4, 41 and secured by screws, bolts or by welding at 10. The sleeve 1 is then slid along towards the pipe joint ...

12-12-1962 дата публикации

Improvements in end fittings for flexible hoses, conduits or the like

Номер: GB0000912514A

... 912,514. Two-part couplings. SUPERFLEXIT Ltd. April 28, 1961 [Aug. 17, 1960], No. 28541/60. Class 38 (1). [Also in Group XXVIII] An end fitting for electrical conduits includes an externally-tapered, inner sleeve I adapted to enter the belled end of the conduit 2, a grommet 4 of rubber or similar resilient, compressible material adapted to surround the conduit, an internally tapered, compression sleeve 3 adapted to enclose the grommet, and a body member 6 having a portion, e.g. a flange 5, against which the inner sleeve can abut under an axially applied force applied to the opposite end of the compression sleeve to compress the grommet in sealing engagement with the conduit and compression sleeve and to cause the conduit and grommet to be firmly gripped between the tapering faces of the inner sleeve and compression sleeve, and means for locking the inner sleeve and compression sleeve against relative movement in the opposite direction. As shown in Fig. 1, the body 6 is screwed to receive ...

16-09-1981 дата публикации

Underwater cable joint

Номер: GB0002071431A

A method of making a cable joint under water which does not require the use of a dry habitat comprises passing each cable 1, 2 through an aperture in a respective resilient sealing element, or, as shown, in a common resilient sealing element, rigidly securing together the conductors of the cables fitting a casing 3 to between the sealing element(s) to form a housing enclosing the joined conductors, the housing having two connectors 4, 5 for the supply or discharge of fluid to the housing, the connectors being at or close to opposite ends of the casing. Water initially within the housing is expelled by gas under pressure, the interior of the housing then being cleaned while preventing ingress of ambient water. A hardenable, electrically insulating composition is then pumped into the housing, the composition sitting in situ to form a solid filling surrounding the joined conductors and occupying the entire interior of the housing. ...

22-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001410717A

... 1410717 Cable terminations PYROTENAX OF CANADA Ltd 22 Feb 1973 [25 Feb 1972] 8762/73 Heading H2E An end seal ready for attachment to a metalsheathed cable comprises a pot 12 having a chamber 18 with a cable entry aperture 26 at one end, and at least one conductor exit aperture 28 at the other end lined or surrounded with insulating material 16. The chamber 18 is substantially filled with a plastic electrically insulating compound 24 and, after insertion of the cable conductors 38 through the chamber 18 and the exit apertures 28, is sealed by forcing a deformable clamping ring 14 into the cable entry aperture 26 to grip the cable sheath 36. The solid insulating material may comprise the material of the pot itself; or, if the pot is of metal, insulating sleeves 16 may be provided having enlarged inward heads 40 formed by inserts 41 forced therein. The sleeves 16 are prepared with their heads 40 initially clear of the insulating compound 24, and are pulled into position when the cable is inserted ...

07-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008402958D0

15-04-1970 дата публикации

Means for Securing Clips for Electric Cable Inlets.

Номер: GB0001188034A

... 1,188,034. Carrying conductors into casings. KABELWERK OBERSPREE VEB. 20 Nov., 1967, No. 52774/67. Heading H2E. An arrangement for sealing a cable at its entrance to a housing 11 comprises a sleeve 8 projecting from the housing and sealed to the cable sheath at 6 and a tubular member 1, fitting round the sleeve at one end and supported on the cable at the other, retained by projections 5 on the sleeve engaging apertures in it. The cable may be built up at 9 by winding a tar impregnated material. The tubular member may be filled with a grouting material introduced after removing a cap 13. The member may be in two parts with longitudinal bolted flanged joints.

04-04-2018 дата публикации

Cable Clamp

Номер: GB0002509775B
Принадлежит: TECHNETIX BV, Technetix B.V.

10-03-2021 дата публикации

Offshore power distribution

Номер: GB0002586892A

Electric power is provided to or from a subsea structure having a pressure-resistant housing 201. An electric power cable (202, Fig 16) comprises a continuous, metallic water barrier sheath (203, Fig 16) encapsulating at least one electrical lead (204, Fig 16). The water barrier sheath is sealingly terminated in a flange (201', Fig 16) of the housing, eg by soldering or welding, and the electrical lead extends through the flange to an inside of the housing. The sheath may be of lead (Pb) joined to copper (Cu), with Sn and Ag solder.

15-09-1999 дата публикации

Device for sealing the end region of a heat-shrunk sleeve

Номер: GB0009916556D0

20-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009207433D0

06-09-1961 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to bonding glands for electric cables

Номер: GB0000876720A

... 876,720. Mechanical couplings for cable armouring; earth continuity couplings. ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES Ltd. Feb. 13, 1959, No. 5174/59. Addition to 805,850. Class 38 (1). A bonding gland 13, in screw-threaded engagement with a terminating gland 12 according to the parent Specification, comprises a tubular body 14 formed with a shoulder 15 against which an annular, resilient packing member 16, provided with a lead bonding liner 17, is forced by a gland nut 18 so that the member 16 forms a moisture-tight seal and the cable sheath 11 is bonded to the body 14 through the liner 17. The liner may be formed from a length of angle strip, slotted transversely of one limb and bent to annular shape, or it may be pre-formed to channel section so that it embraces the member 16 on three sides.

01-07-2020 дата публикации

Connection apparatus

Номер: GB0002561441B

31-12-2014 дата публикации

Cable sealing unit with multiple sealing modules

Номер: AP0201408148D0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Re-enterable enclosure and configuration for mounting

Номер: AP2015008654A0

04-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003979A

31-12-2014 дата публикации

Cable sealing unit with multiple sealing modules

Номер: AP2014008148A0

31-01-2015 дата публикации

Re-enterable enclosure

Номер: AP2015008182A0

28-02-2014 дата публикации

Sealing mechanism and method for drop cable spliceenclosures

Номер: AP2014007417A0

31-12-1984 дата публикации

Sleeve to protect the splice from electric cables or telephone.

Номер: OA0000007476A

29-02-1988 дата публикации

Sleeve to protect the splices from cables and process being referred to it.

Номер: OA0000008335A

31-08-1981 дата публикации

Sleeve to protect the splice from electric cables or telephone.

Номер: OA0000006628A

28-02-2014 дата публикации

Sealing mechanism and method for drop cable spliceenclosures

Номер: AP0201407417A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Re-enterable enclosure and configuration for mounting

Номер: AP0201508654D0

31-01-2015 дата публикации

Re-enterable enclosure

Номер: AP0201508182D0

28-02-2014 дата публикации

Sealing mechanism and method for drop cable spliceenclosures

Номер: AP0201407417D0

31-01-2015 дата публикации

Re-enterable enclosure

Номер: AP0201508182A0

31-12-2014 дата публикации

Cable sealing unit with multiple sealing modules

Номер: AP0201408148A0

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Motor-driven compressor

Номер: US20120087811A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Industries Corp

A motor-driven compressor includes a shell, an electric motor, a first conductor electrically connected to an external power source, a second conductor electrically connected to the electric motor, a connector connecting the first conductor and the second conductor and a connector case. The connector case has a first case member, a second case member, a first and a second seal members interposed between the first and the second case members, a hole through which the first conductor is inserted and a third seal member sealing between the first conductor and the connector case. A first main seal of the first seal member and a second main seal of the second seal member cooperate to form a cylindrical seal portion for sealing the second conductor that is inserted through the cylindrical seal portion when the first and the second seal members are joined.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Cable connection housing providing multiple methods for waterproofing main cables

Номер: US20120121228A1
Автор: Chih-Kuang Hsing
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a communication cable splice box that is capable of different ways to waterproof the main cable, the cable splice box comprises a protective cover and at least a cable entry place, the cable entry space has at least three hollow cylindrical columns, one of the hollow cylindrical columns can provide entry for two main cables that are preparing for heat shrink tube waterproofing into the cable splice box, the two remaining hollow cylindrical columns each provides entry for one main cable that is preparing for elastic rubber shrinkable pipe waterproofing into the cable splice box. This can improve in the prior art and solve the array of waterproofing problems encountered in the entry opening of the main cable of the telecommunication cable splice box.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Waterproof structure of wire leading portion

Номер: US20120228021A1
Автор: Masahiro Sawayanagi
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

There is provided a waterproof structure of a wire leading portion. A rubber cap is assembled with a wire connected to a circuit board. A housing accommodates the circuit board. A packing holder is accommodated next to the circuit board through an opening of the housing. A packing is assembled on an outer periphery of the packing holder to be in close contact with an inner surface of the housing. The packing holder includes: a wall formed in a direction that crosses an accommodation direction; a wire insertion hole formed to penetrate the wall; a rubber cap accommodation chamber communicating with the wire insertion hole and accommodating the rubber cap at an inner surface side of the wall; and an air hole formed to penetrate the wall and positioned above the wire insertion hole in a state where the housing is fixed.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Component comprising an insert part and plastics jacketing, and process for production of the component

Номер: US20120231280A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The invention relates to a component comprising an insert part and plastics jacketing composed of at least two plastics components, where the insert part is enclosed by a first plastics component A and there is a second plastics component B enclosing the first plastics component A, where the first plastics component A is composed of: A1: from 5 to 80% by weight, based on the total weight of components A1 and A2, of at least one polyester based on aliphatic and aromatic dicarboxylic acids and on aliphatic dihydroxy compounds; A2: from 20 to 95% by weight, based on the total weight of components A1 and A2, of at least one homo- or copolyester selected from the group consisting of polylactide (PLA), polycaprolactone, polyhydroxyalkanoates, and polyester derived from aliphatic dicarboxylic acids and from aliphatic diols; A3: from 0.05 to 15% by weight, based on the total weight of components A1 and A2, a) of a copolymer which contains epoxy groups and which is based on styrene, on acrylate, and/or on methacrylate, b) of a bisphenol A epoxide, or c) of a fatty acid amide or fatty acid ester, or natural oil containing epoxy groups; and the second plastics component B is composed of B1: from 50 to 100% by weight of at least one semicrystalline, thermoplastic polyester based on aromatic dicarboxylic acids and on aliphatic or aromatic dihydroxy compounds and B2: from 0 to 50% by weight of at least one thermoplastic styrene (co)polymer, in each case based on the polymer content of the second plastics component B.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Cable closure

Номер: US20120279749A1
Принадлежит: CCS Technology Inc

A cable closure, having a housing delimiting an interior and sealing off the cable closure toward the outside, said housing comprising a covering body, said covering body comprising shells and providing on mutually opposite sides cable insertion regions for inserting cables into said interior and/or for passing cables out of said interior of the cable closure, wherein compressible and/or deformable sealing elements are positioned proximal to said cable insertion regions, and wherein said shells can be locked together by a closing mechanism, whereby said shells are hinged together at first sides so that said shells can be pivoted relative to each other when opening and closing the cable closure, and that the closing mechanism can be used to lock said shells to each other at second sides of the same when said shells are in the closed position.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Shield conductor for vehicle

Номер: US20130049455A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp, Yura Corp

Disclosed is a shield conductor for an electric vehicle or a hybrid vehicle, which includes a protector, a protector closure clip, and a rubber grommet The protector is formed of aluminum having excellent corrosion resistance and connects a battery pack and a high voltage distribution box and protects shielded and unshielded wires. The protector closure clip is formed of injection molded plastic and is attached to the outside of the protector. The rubber grommet has excellent water-sealing characteristics and surrounds the circumferences of the wires exposed to the outside of the protector. As a result, to the present invention prevents the occurrence of scratches when the wires are inserted into the protector, prevents the wires from being twisted when the protector is bent, and prevents foreign materials or water from being introduced into the protector from the outside.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130161090A1

The invention relates to a cable gland plate for passing cables in a sealed fashion through a casing, such as the wall of a low voltage switchgear. The cable gland plate includes a substantially rectangular rigid frame () and, a set of gland elements () and a pressure unit (). According to the invention, one pair of opposed edges () of the rigid frame includes slide bars (); one pair of opposed edges of each gland element () includes slide posts () arranged to be fitted to the opposed slide bars; and the pressure unit () includes an actuator () carrying out two sequential pressure actions in such a way that the first pressure action presses the gland elements to each other in the lengthwise direction of the slide bars, and the second pressure action pushes the pressure unit against the frame and the adjacent gland elements. 16789161210789141635. A cable gland plate for passing cables in a sealed fashion through a casing , such as the wall of a low voltage switchgear , wherein the cable gland plate includes a substantially rectangular rigid frame () and , within the space delimited by the frame , a set of gland elements ( , ,) and a pressure unit () in order to press the gland elements tightly against each other and the frame , characterized in that one pair of opposed edges () of the rigid frame includes slide bars (); one pair of opposed edges of each gland element ( , ,) includes slide posts () arranged to be fitted to the opposed slide bars; and that the pressure unit () includes an actuator () carrying out two sequential pressure actions in such a way that the first pressure action presses the gland elements to each other in the lengthwise direction of the slide bars , and the second pressure action pushes the pressure unit against the frame and the adjacent gland elements.2. The cable gland plate according to claim 1 , characterized in that the actuator is a screw provided with threads to be continuously turned in the same direction to sequentially perform the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Optical cable connection box with auxiliary device for gap filling and waterproofing

Номер: US20130183019A1
Автор: Chih-Kuang Hsing
Принадлежит: Individual

An optical cable connection box with an auxiliary device for gap filling and waterproofing is provided. The connection box includes a cable accessing end face, an auxiliary device for gap filling and waterproofing and an elastic shrinkable tube. The end face has a first hollow tubular column, and an optical cable to be waterproof processed by the elastic shrinkable tube passes therethrough as a dual cable after face to face bending, so that cable halfway splitting and halfway branching can be processed in the box without cutting off the cable. The auxiliary device cooperates with the optical cable in the hollow column, formerly a first waterproof structure where the auxiliary device is wrapped by the elastic shrinkable tube. At least the outside of the first hollow column and at least a portion of the auxiliary device are also wrapped by the elastic shrinkable tube forming a second waterproof structure.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206472A1
Принадлежит: Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc.

A ferrule for an implantable medical device (IMD) can employ stamped metal portion including an electrically-conductive ferrule portion. The stamped ferrule portion can be affixed to a wall of a housing of the IMD. The resulting ferrule can provide cost savings or higher production throughput over a ferrule employing machined ferrule portion. 1. An apparatus for providing electrical communication through a housing that is metallic and hermetically sealed , the apparatus comprising:a one-piece ferrule that is biocompatible, the ferrule configured to be located at least partially within a passage into an implantable medical device housing, the ferrule including:an exterior flange configured to abut an exterior surface of the metallic housing, the exterior flange defining an exit opening;a tunnel extending from the exterior flange, the tunnel defining a tunnel interior extending away from the exit opening and terminating at inlet opening of the ferrule;at least one interior tab extending away from an interior of the tunnel, the at least one interior tab configured to exert a bias against the metallic housing while the exterior flange abuts the metallic housing;an electrically insulative insert disposed at least partially inside the tunnel; anda hermetic seal disposed between the electrically insulative insert and the tunnel.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ferrule is a one-piece progressively die stamped monolith including at least one carrier flash.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising at least one conductor extending through the electrically insulative insert.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , comprising a circuit coupled to the at least one conductor.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one interior tab is a flex tab extending laterally outward from the tunnel and toward and against a portion of an interior wall of the housing adjacent the passage.6. A system claim 1 , comprising:an implantable medical device housing defining an interior and a ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Water-proofing cable connector

Номер: US20130217251A1
Автор: Cheng-Hsing Lin
Принадлежит: Asia Tai Tech Co Ltd

A cable connector has a hollow housing, an input cap, an output cap, a wire separating base, a cable sealing assembly and a wire sealing assembly. The hollow housing has an input end and an output end. The input cap is mounted on the input end of the housing. The output cap is mounted on the output end of the housing so as to define a sealed space between the housing, the input cap and the output cap to hold the wire separating base, the cable sealing assembly and the wire sealing assembly inside. The wire separating base is mounted in the housing and has a first end and a second end. The cable sealing assembly is connected to the first end of the wire separating base. The wire sealing assembly is connected to the second end of the wire separating base.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030903A1

A fitting, for terminating an electrical cable having two or more conductors, a central insulation portion, and a braided outer portion, includes a substantially tubular fitting body having a central bore extending therethrough, a forward end, and a cable receiving end. A tubular sleeve is positioned within the central bore of the fitting body and configured for insertion between the center insulation portion and the braided outer portion of an installed electrical cable. A clamping ring is positioned within the central bore of the fitting body about the tubular sleeve. Upon assembly of the fitting, the clamping ring is configured to clampingly engage the central bore of the fitting body and the tubular sleeve to secure the braided outer portion of the installed electrical cable to the fitting. 1. A fitting for terminating an electrical cable having a central insulation portion and a braiding portion formed over the central insulation portion , comprising:a substantially tubular fitting body having a central bore extending therethrough, a forward end, and a cable receiving end,wherein the central bore is configured to receive the electrical cable therethrough;a substantially tubular sleeve positioned within the central bore in the cable receiving end of the fitting body,wherein the tubular sleeve comprises an angled rearward portion,wherein a diameter of the angled rearward portion of the tubular sleeve is substantially equivalent to an outside diameter of the central insulation portion of the electrical cable, such that when inserting the electrical cable into the fitting body, the angled rearward portion of the tubular sleeve is inserted between the central insulation portion and the braiding portion of the electrical cable;a substantially tubular clamping ring positioned within the central bore in the cable receiving end of the fitting body,wherein the clamping ring is configured to engage the fitting body and the tubular sleeve during assembly of the fitting to ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Connector Apparatus with Shielding Contact

Номер: US20140041939A1
Принадлежит: Endress + Hauser GmbH + Co.KG

A connector apparatus having a PG screw thread in a first end section and a first traversing bore, in which a first axial clamping surface is embodied. A grounding assembly has an electrically conducting, iris spring, is arranged in the first traversing bore and lies against the first axial clamping surface. An annular clamping body having a second traversing bore, a second frontside annular clamping surface, which surrounds the second traversing bore and which is arranged in the first bore facing the grounding assembly, wherein the grounding assembly is clampable between the clamping surfaces, whereby the iris spring is radially deflectable, wherein the clamping body has an external thread for engagement in an internal thread of the base body, and wherein the connector apparatus has with reference to the first end section of the base body, behind the grounding assembly a conduit screw thread for the connection of a conduit. 110-. (canceled)11. A connector apparatus , comprising:a base body, having a PG screw thread at least in a first axial end section of an outer lateral surface, said base body has a first traversing bore, in which a first axial clamping surface is embodied, said first axial clamping surface faces toward a second axial end section;a grounding assembly, which has an electrically conducting, iris spring, said grounding assembly is arranged in said first traversing bore and lies against said first axial clamping surface; andan annular clamping body, which has a second traversing bore, which is arranged aligned with said first traversing bore; said clamping body a second annular clamping surface at its frontside, which surrounds said second traversing bore, and which is arranged in the first bore facing said grounding assembly, wherein;said grounding assembly is clampable between said first axial clamping surface and said second axial clamping surface;said iris spring, by the clamping, is radially deflectable with reference to the axis of said first ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Hard lead egress adapter for an instrumentation component

Номер: US20140077461A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An instrumentation component includes an instrumentation portion, a casing at least partially surrounding the instrumentation portion, a lead protruding from the instrumentation portion through a lead egress hole in the casing, a lead egress adapter, and a lead egress cap. The lead egress adapter is situated in the lead egress hole. The lead egress adapter includes a cup portion and a lip portion at least partially circumscribing the cup portion. The lead egress adapter includes a hole in the cup portion. The lead protrudes through the cup hole and the cup hole is tight fit to the lead. A potting material fills a remainder of the cup portion. The lip portion of the lead egress adapter contacts the casing. A lead egress cap seals the lead egress adapter to the casing. The lead egress cap further includes a cap hole through which the lead protrudes, and the cap hole is tight fit to the lead egress.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083761A1

A waterproof structure for a portable terminal including a flexible printed circuit (FPC) extending outside of a first housing of a pair of housings from inside the first housing and arranged inside of a second housing of the pair of housings. A wiring hole is formed in each housing to provide a path allowing passage of the FPC therethrough. A waterproof member provided in the wiring hole substantially contacts at least inner walls of the housings and an outer circumferential surface of the FPC to prevent movement of the FPC. An outer circumferential surface of the waterproof member substantially contacts a circumference of an inlet of the wiring hole or an inner wall of the wiring hole. The waterproof member is provided between the housing of the portable terminal and the FPC improving a waterproof function and preventing moisture or water from being introduced into the housing of the terminal. 16-. (canceled)7. A portable terminal comprising:a housing including a hole formed in a recessed portion thereof, the recessed portion extending from a non-recessed surface of the housing to the hole; anda circuit disposed over at least a portion of the housing, one portion of the circuit coupled to the recessed portion via a waterproof member.8. The portable terminal of claim 7 , wherein a top surface of the portion of the circuit and the non-recessed surface form a substantially same plane.9. The portable terminal of claim 7 , wherein the portion of the circuit is connected to other circuit through the hole.10. The portable terminal of claim 9 , wherein the portion of the circuit is connected to the other circuit via a connector formed in the portion of the circuit.11. The portable terminal of claim 9 , wherein the portion of the circuit is connected to the other circuit via a connector formed in the other circuit.12. The portable terminal of claim 7 , wherein the portion of the circuit comprises a non-flexible material.13. The portable terminal of claim 12 , wherein ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001813A1

A plug for sealing a housing of an exhaust gas sensor, the plug having at least one axial through-channel for leading through a connecting cable, the plug having a main body which includes polytetrafluoroethylene, the plug further including at least one outer seal which is situated on the plug radially on the outside, the outer seal including at least one perfluoroalkoxy polymer or tetrafluoroethylene-perfluoropropylene or polychlorotrifluoroethylene or polyvinylidene fluoride. 114-. (canceled)15. A plug for sealing a housing of an exhaust gas sensor , comprising:at least one axial through-channel for leading through a connecting cable;a main body which includes polytetrafluoroethylene;at least one outer seal situated on the plug radially on the outside, wherein the outer seal includes at least one of perfluoroalkoxy polymer, tetrafluoroethylene-perfluoropropylene, polychlorotrifluoroethylene, and polyvinylidene fluoride.16. The plug of claim 15 , wherein the main body is integrally joined with the outer seal.17. The plug of claim 15 , wherein the outer seal is situated on the main body in the form of a layer having a layer thickness of 10 μm to 1 mm.18. An exhaust gas sensor claim 15 , comprising: at least one axial through-channel for leading through a connecting cable;', 'a main body which includes polytetrafluoroethylene;', 'at least one outer seal situated on the plug radially on the outside, wherein the outer seal includes at least one of perfluoroalkoxy polymer, tetrafluoroethylene-perfluoropropylene, polychlorotrifluoroethylene, and polyvinylidene fluoride;, 'a plug for sealing a housing of the exhaust gas sensor, includinga housing; andat least one connecting cable, which is led through the through-channel of the plug, wherein the housing of the exhaust gas sensor is sealed by the plug.19. The exhaust gas sensor of claim 18 , wherein the housing of the exhaust gas sensor is indirectly integrally joined with the plug via the outer seal.20. The exhaust gas ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002730A1

A number of sealants are provided that are resistant to degradation by aircraft fluids. In some embodiments, the sealants are resistant to degradation by Jet A fluid and at least one of the three types of hydraulic fluids typically used in aircraft. These embodiments are also typically cure in place from a two part polyurethane or polyurea mix, with cure to a visibly clear coating. In some embodiments, they may be sprayed on an aircraft surface or applied by hand (brush or injectable). In other of these embodiments, the sealants comprise, at least in part, a cured, soft, tacky polyurethane gel that is resistant to at least one of a synthetic hydrocarbon based or mineral oil based hydraulic fluid. 1. A method for sealing an aircraft surface , the method comprising:providing a two-part cartridge, the two-part cartridge having a first compartment and a second compartment, and a mixing straw in fluid communication with each compartment, wherein the first compartment contains a resin and the second compartment contains a hardener;providing a spray gun assembly dimensioned to accept the two-part cartridge and to, when triggered, apply pressure to the resin and hardener such that the resin and hardener mix in the mixing straw and are emitted from the mixing straw as an atomized spray of uncured mix;aiming, from a spaced apart position, the spray gun assembly at an aircraft surface and triggering the spray gun assembly such that the aircraft surface is struck with the atomized spray of uncured mix; andallowing the atomized spray to cure to form a visibly clear sealant coat on the aircraft surface, which visibly clear sealant is resistant to at least one of a phosphate ester based hydraulic fluid, a mineral oil-based hydraulic fluid or a synthetic hydrocarbon based hydraulic fluid and also resistant to Jet A fuel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cure of the allowing step allows sealant coat to reach a hardness between 20 to 80 Shore A after 24 hours at about 77° F. (50 ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Smart Split Washer Cable Gland Entry

Номер: US20200006932A1

A two-part washer for use with a cable gland is provided including a first partial annular part having a first end and a second end, and a second partial annular part having a first end and a second end, wherein the first end of the first part is adapted to interlock with the second end of the second part, wherein the second end of the first part is adapted to interlock with the first end of the second part, and wherein when the ends of the first and second parts are interlocked, an annular washer extending 360 degrees with an open interior is formed. A method of using the two-part washer to provide a watertight seal between a cable gland and a wall of an electrical enclosure is also provided. 1. A two-part washer for use with a cable gland comprising:a first partial annular part having a first end and a second end; anda second partial annular part having a first end and a second end;wherein the first end of the first part is adapted to interlock with the second end of the second part;wherein the second end of the first part is adapted to interlock with the first end of the second part; andwherein when the ends of the first and second parts are interlocked, an annular washer extending 360 degrees with an open interior is formed.2. The two-part washer of claim 1 , wherein the first end of the first part has a lobe that fits in an axial direction into a recess on the second end of the second part to interlock the lobe within the recess; andwherein the second end of the first part has a lobe that fits in an axial direction into a recess on the first end of the second part to interlock the lobe within the recess.3. The two-part washer of claim 1 , wherein the first end of the first part has a lobe that fits in an axial direction into a recess on the second end of the second part to interlock the lobe within the recess; andwherein the first end of the second part has a lobe that fits in an axial direction into a recess on the second end of first second part to interlock ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220021194A1
Автор: Hikota Naoki, OKANO Hiroki

A wire cover includes a first cover member and a second cover member for covering wires W in a united state. Each of the first and second cover members includes wire paths restricting portions and escaping spaces In the united state, the restricting portions of the first cover member project toward the second cover member and the restricting portions of the second cover member project toward the first cover member The restricting portions of the second cover member are arranged in the escaping spaces of the first cover member The restricting portions of the first cover member are arranged in the escaping spaces of the second cover member. 1. A wire cover , comprising a first cover member and a second cover member for covering a wire in a united state , wherein:each of the first and second cover members includes a wire path, a restricting portion and an escaping space,the wire path is a path in which the wire is arranged and which includes a bend part,the restricting portion and the escaping space are provided on an inner angle side of the bend part of the wire path, andin the united state, the restricting portion of the first cover member projects toward the second cover member, the restricting portion of the second cover member projects toward the first cover member, the restricting portion of the second cover member is arranged in the escaping space of the first cover member and the restricting portion of the first cover member is arranged in the escaping space of the second cover member.2. The wire cover according to claim 1 , wherein:each of the first and second cover members includes a wire lead-in port, a first wire lead-out port and a second wire lead-out port,the first and second wire lead-out ports are open in directions different from each other,the wire paths include a first wire path arranged from the wire lead-in port to the first wire lead-out port and a second wire path arranged from the wire lead-in port to the second wire lead-out port,the bend ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010431A1

An enclosure includes a housing and a sealing unit that fits within a sealing unit opening of the housing. The sealing unit provides a seal around cable ports and provides a peripheral seal between the housing and the sealing unit. The sealing unit can include a sealant arrangement and an actuation arrangement for pressurizing the sealant arrangement within the sealing unit opening. The actuation arrangement can include inner and outer pressurization structures between which the sealant arrangement is positioned. The actuation arrangement includes first and second actuators each movable between a non-actuated position and an actuated position. When the first and second actuators are moved towards the actuated positions, the first and second actuators generate first and second seal pressurization forces that press the sealant arrangement between the first and second pressurization structures, and the first and second seal pressurization forces are transferred through respective first and second springs. 1. (canceled)2. A cable sealing module comprising:a module body having a total axial length that extends between first and second ends of the module body, the module body defining a central axis that extends along the total axial length, the module body having a composite construction including a volume of sealant at least partially contained between first and second axial containment layers, the first and second axial containment layers forming first and second axial end caps attached to the volume of sealant adjacent the first and second ends of the insert body, the module body defining at least three cable ports that extends axially through volume of sealant, the volume of sealant including cable sealing surfaces that extends around the cable ports, the volume of sealant also including an exposed outer sealing surface that surrounds a periphery of the module body and extends around the central axis of the module body, the exposed outer sealing surface and the cable ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Cushion for irregular cable shapes

Номер: US20210010595A1
Автор: Ronald A. Vaccaro
Принадлежит: CommScope Technologies LLC

A cushion for a sealing assembly includes: an inner ring defining a central bore; an outer ring; a transition section connecting the inner and outer rings, an inner sealing rib jutting inward into the cylindrical bore, and hoop members attached above and below the inner ring. A cable is inserted into the cushion, causing at least one of the hoop members to bend inward and create a seal, while another seal is formed via the engagement between the cable and the inner sealing rib.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Filler Assembly for Cable Gland

Номер: US20150014054A1
Автор: Samuel L. Proud
Принадлежит: CMP Products Ltd

A dispenser apparatus for a curable liquid material is disclosed. The apparatus comprises a flexible bag defining a first compartment for accommodating a first component of a curable liquid material, and a second compartment for accommodating a second component of the curable liquid material and adapted to communicate with the first chamber to enable mixing of the first and second components to initiate curing of the curable liquid material. A first clamp temporarily prevents mixing of the first and second components, and an elongate nozzle communicates with the second compartment to dispense the mixed curable liquid material therefrom. A second clamp temporarily prevents passage of the curable liquid material from the second compartment to the nozzle.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

stopper for sealing the housing of an exhaust gas sensor, exhaust gas sensor, and manufacturing method for an exhaust gas sensor

Номер: US20150014944A1

A stopper for sealing a housing of an exhaust gas sensor has: a base body which contains polytetrafluoroethylene; at least one through channel for leading through a connecting cable; and a seal situated, at least in places, between the base body of the stopper and the through channel, the seal containing at least one perfluoroalkoxy polymer or one tetrafluoroethylene perfluoroproylene or one polychlorotrifluoroethylene or one polyvinylidene fluoride. 113-. (canceled)14. A stopper for sealing a housing of an exhaust gas sensor , comprising:a base body containing polytetrafluoroethylene;at least one through channel provided in the base body for guiding through a connecting cable; anda seal situated, at least in places, between the base body and the through channel, wherein the seal contains one of perfluoroalkoxy polymer, tetrafluoroethylene perfluoroproylene, polychlorotrifluoroethylene, or polyvinylidene fluoride.15. The stopper as recited in claim 14 , wherein the base body is connected to the seal in an integrally joined manner16. The stopper as recited in claim 15 , wherein the seal is situated on the base body in the form of a layer facing the through channel and having a layer thickness of 50 μm to 250 μm.17. An exhaust gas sensor claim 15 , comprising:a housing: a base body containing polytetrafluoroethylene;', 'at least one through channel provided in the base body; and', 'a seal situated, at least in places, between the base body and the through channel,', 'wherein the seal contains one of perfluoroalkoxy polymer, tetrafluoroethylene perfluoroproylene, polychlorotrifluoroethylene, or polyvinylidene fluoride; and, 'a stopper includingat least one connecting cable guided through the at least one through channel of the stopper;wherein the housing is sealed off by the stopper.18. The exhaust gas sensor as recited in claim 17 , wherein the housing is indirectly connected to the stopper via an outer seal in an integrally joined manner.19. The exhaust gas sensor as ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190013661A1
Принадлежит: CommScope Connectivity Belgium BVBA

An enclosure () includes a housing () and a sealing unit () that mounts within a sealing unit opening () of the housing. The sealing unit () provides a peripheral seal between the housing () and the sealing unit () and provides seals around cable ports (). The sealing unit () can be mounted to and removed from the housing () through the sealing unit opening (). The base () lacks a permanent retention structure () at the outer end of the base () for retaining the sealing unit () in the base (). A cover () is removable from the base () without requiring the sealant arrangement () to be de-pressurized. A fastening arrangement () releasably retains the sealing unit () in the sealing unit opening (). 1. An enclosure comprising:a housing including a cover and a base, the cover having an open end positioned opposite from a closed end, the cover including a cover flange that extends around a periphery of the cover at the open end of the cover, the base being a hollow sleeve having an inner end and an outer end, the base including a base flange the extends around a periphery of the base at the inner end of the base;a clamp that receives the cover flange and the base flange to couple the cover and the base together;a sealing unit that fits within the base, the sealing unit defining a plurality of cable ports, the sealing unit including a sealant arrangement for sealing the cable ports and for providing a peripheral seal between the base and the cable sealing unit;an actuator carried with the sealing unit for pressurizing the sealant arrangement within the base;the base lacking a permanent retention structure at the outer end of the base for retaining the sealing unit in the base;the sealing unit being removable from the base by de-pressurizing the sealant arrangement and sliding the sealing unit outwardly from the base through the outer end of the base; andthe cover being removable from the base without requiring the sealant arrangement to be de-pressurized.2. The enclosure ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Tool-Less Service Cable Connector and Corresponding Systems and Methods

Номер: US20210013668A1

A system includes a housing () that includes one or more ports () through which electrical connections to one or more electronic components situated within the housing can be made from exterior of the housing. At least one enclosure bushing () is coupled to at least one port. The enclosure bushing includes a cylindrical service jacket receiver () defining a lumen (), a flange () abutting a portion of the housing, and one or more lugs () extending from a portion of the cylindrical service jacket receiver. A coupling nut () having one or more circumferential lug receivers () applies a compression force to the frustoconical weather gasket when the one or more lugs engaging the locking notch () of the one or more circumferential lug receivers. 1. A system , comprising: a base;', 'a lid pivotably coupled to the base by one or more hinges; and', 'one or more electronic components situated within the housing;', 'one or more of the base or the lid comprising one or more ports through which electrical connections to the one or more electronic components can be made from exterior of the housing;, 'a housing, comprising a cylindrical service jacket receiver defining a lumen through which the electrical connections to the one or more electronic components can be made from an exterior of the housing;', 'a flange abutting a portion of the housing, with a portion of the cylindrical service jacket receiver extending distally from the flange and the housing; and', 'one or more lugs extending from the portion of the cylindrical service jacket receiver., 'at least one bushing coupled to at least one port, the at least one bushing comprising2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a weather gasket situated between the flange and the portion of the housing abutting the flange.3. The system of claim 2 , the at least one bushing comprising another portion of the cylindrical service jacket receiver extending into the at least one port claim 2 , the weather gasket coupled to an outer ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013707A1

A barrier including an outer edge and a plurality of elements such as bristles projecting inwardly from the outer edge. An electrical fitting including a body having an inner cavity, an aperture within the inner cavity between a first portion and a second portion, and a barrier positioned within or adjacent to the aperture, the barrier including an outer edge and a plurality of bendable elements. A method of assembling an electrical fitting including providing a barrier including an outer edge and a plurality of bendable elements projecting inwardly, placing the barrier within an inner cavity of the electrical fitting, placing a conductor into the second portion of the inner cavity, a distal portion of the conductor extending through the barrier and into a first portion of the inner cavity, and filling the first portion of the inner cavity with a sealing compound. 1. An electrical fitting , comprising:a body having an inner cavity for receiving a plurality of conductors;an aperture within the inner cavity between a first portion of the inner cavity and a second portion of the inner cavity; anda brush barrier positioned within or adjacent to said aperture, said brush barrier including an outer rim and a plurality of bristles attached to and extending inwardly from the outer rim, the bristles being displaceable by the conductors.2. The electrical fitting of claim 1 , wherein the bristles have distal ends defining a central opening in said brush barrier claim 1 , the conductors at least partially passing through the central opening.3. The electrical fitting of claim 1 , further comprising:a sealing compound within the first portion of said inner cavity adjacent to said brush barrier, said sealing compound being at least partially prevented from propagating into the second portion of said inner cavity by said brush barrier.4. The electrical fitting of claim 1 , wherein said aperture includes an abutment claim 1 , wherein said brush barrier rests against the abutment.5. ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190018211A1

Aspects and techniques of the present disclosure relate to an IP 55 rated enclosure that does not use a rubber O-ring or comparable elastomeric sealing member disposed between pieces of the enclosure to provide sealing. Another aspect of the present disclosure relates to an IP 55 compliant sealing interface that includes mating sealing profiles made of the identical materials. A further aspect of the present disclosure relates to an enclosure having jet stream redirecting structures that prevent spray from a water jet from being sprayed directly into an ingress path defined by a sealing interface. A further aspect of the present disclosure relates to a sealing interface provided by an interference-fit between two plastic profiles which create pressure on the interface keeping it closed while concurrently including angled surfaces so that greater tolerances are allowed. 1. An enclosure comprising:a housing including a front cover piece and a rear base piece, the front cover piece being movable relative to the rear base piece between a closed position and an open position, the front cover piece connecting with the rear base piece at a perimeter sealing interface when in the closed position, the front cover piece and the rear base piece cooperating to define an interior of the housing when the front cover piece is in the closed position, the interior of the housing being accessible when the front cover piece is in the open position, the housing having a major front side defined by the front cover piece and a major rear side defined by the rear base piece, the housing further including a top side, a bottom side, a left side and right side, the perimeter sealing interface extending along at least the left side, the top side and the right side of the housing; andthe perimeter sealing interface including a first sealing element unitarily formed with a main body of the front cover piece and a second sealing element unitarily formed with a main body of the rear base piece, ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Boot Seal Retainer Systems and Methods

Номер: US20150023822A1

Systems and methods for providing seals around the motor leads and other conductors in ESP's. In one embodiment, elastomeric boot seals are positioned within annular spaces around motor leads in an ESP motor. When the motor is filled with dielectric oil, the elastomeric material of the boot seals absorbs some of the oil and swells. High temperatures may also cause the material of the seals to expand. Retainers which are not subject to swelling are positioned around the boot seals, thereby preventing the boot seals from expanding away from the leads. The retainers thereby maintain the seal of the boot seals against the motor leads. 1. A system comprising:an electric submersible pump (ESP) motor, including a rotor and a stator positioned within a motor housing; andone or more connectors that couple power conductors external to the motor housing to stator winding leads internal to the motor housing;wherein each of the one or more connectors includes a terminal to which a corresponding one of the stator winding leads is connected, wherein the terminal is positioned within an insulating block that electrically isolates the terminal from the motor housing, wherein an elastomeric boot seal is positioned around the stator winding lead adjacent to the terminal and provides a seal against the stator winding lead, wherein a boot seal retainer is positioned around the boot seal and prevents expansion of the boot seal away from the stator winding lead.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein a first portion of the boot seal retainer is positioned within an aperture in the motor housing and a second portion extends from the aperture into the interior of the motor housing claim 1 , wherein the boot seal retainer is positioned around the second portion of the boot seal.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the boot seal additionally provides a seal against the motor housing.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the boot seal retainer comprises a rigid plastic.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Vacuum-Tight Through-Film Bushing

Номер: US20180023880A1

The present invention relates to an apparatus for the vacuum-tight leading of an electric line through a high barrier film. The apparatus comprises a hollow pipe having a collar projecting therefrom; a high barrier film having a passage hole through which the hollow pipe runs; and a pressing element that is arranged at the side of the high barrier film that is remote from the collar and that urges the high barrier film toward the collar with the high barrier film being arranged between the collar of the hollow pipe and the pressing element The apparatus is furthermore characterized in that an electric line runs in the hollow pipe that leads from the one side of the high barrier film to the other side and in that a sealant is present in the hollow pipe for the vacuum-tight closing of the hollow pipe It is thereby possible to provide an inexpensive electric leadthrough via which larger powers can also be transferred through a high barrier film with low loss and in a diffusion-tight manner. 1. An apparatus for the vacuum-tight leading of an electric line through a high barrier film , comprising: a hollow pipe having a collar projecting therefrom; a high barrier film having a passage hole through which the hollow pipe runs; and a pressing element that is arranged at the side of the high barrier film that is remote from the collar , and that urges the high barrier film toward the collar , with the high barrier film being arranged between the hollow pipe and the pressing element ,characterized in thatan electric line runs in the hollow pipe that leads from the one side of the high barrier film to its other side; and in that a sealant is present in the hollow pipe for the vacuum-tight closing of the hollow pipe.2. An apparatus in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the pressing element has a passage hole through which the hollow pipe extends.3. An apparatus in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising a pressure distributor with the pressure distributor having a passage ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170025840A1
Автор: Proud Samuel L.

A dispenser apparatus for a curable liquid material is disclosed. The apparatus comprises a flexible bag defining a first compartment for accommodating a first component of a curable liquid material, and a second compartment for accommodating a second component of the curable liquid material and adapted to communicate with the first chamber to enable mixing of the first and second components to initiate curing of the curable liquid material. A first clamp temporarily prevents mixing of the first and second components, and an elongate nozzle communicates with the second compartment to dispense the mixed curable liquid material therefrom. A second clamp temporarily prevents passage of the curable liquid material from the second compartment to the nozzle. 1. A filler assembly for filling a cable gland with curable liquid material , the assembly comprising: a body defining at least one first chamber accommodating a first component of a curable liquid material, and at least one second chamber accommodating a second component of said curable liquid material, wherein mixing of said first and second components initiates curing of said curable liquid material; and', 'at least one dispenser device adapted to dispense said mixed curable liquid material therefrom between a plurality of said cores of said cable; and, '(a) a dispenser apparatus for a curable liquid material, the apparatus comprising(b) at least one flexible barrier member having at least one respective aperture therethrough and adapted to stretch to engage a plurality of cores of a cable to provide a barrier to passage of said curable liquid material along said cores.2. An assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said body is sufficiently flexible to enable manipulation of said curable liquid material through said body.3. An assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one first barrier apparatus for temporarily preventing mixing of said first and second components.4. An assembly according to claim ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025230A1

A connection apparatus for mounting a cable to a structure such as a wind turbine or oil rig. The apparatus comprising including a receiving member comprising having a hollow body with a diverging mouth, a latch member movably mounted on the outside of the receiving member with a latch part extending into the receiving member A mounting member is provided which mounts the cable extending therethrough. The mounting member is selectively locatable in the receiving member with the latch part engaging with a retaining formation in the form of a groove to retain the mounting member in the receiving member and hence retain the cable mounted to the structure. 1. Connection apparatus for mounting a cable to a structure , the apparatus including a receiving member on the structure , the receiving member comprising a cylindrical hollow body with a diverging mouth , a latch member movably mounted on the outside of the body with a latch part selectively extending into the body , and a mounting member through which the cable can extend , the mounting member being locatable in the body with the latch part selectively engageable with a retaining formation on the mounting member to retain the mounting member in the body and hence the cable mounted to the structure.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. Connection apparatus according to claim 1 , in which the latch member is selectively movable between an engagement position in which the latch part can engage with the mounting member claim 1 , and a disengagement position in which the latch part is clear of the mounting member such that the mounting member can be withdrawn from the hollow body.6. Connection apparatus according to claim 5 , in which the latch member is pivotally mounted on the outside of the hollow body.7. Connection apparatus according to claim 6 , in which the apparatus is arranged such that the latch part automatically engages with the mounting member as the mounting member is introduced into the body claim 6 , ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180026433A1
Автор: Heise Lorne R.
Принадлежит: Heat-Line Corporation

A method of forming an end seal on a cable is provided. The method includes providing a curable sealant in a cavity formed in a boot, inserting an end of the cable in to the cavity with the boot extending about the exterior of the cable, forcing the cable in to the curable sealant whilst inhibiting the egress of curable sealant from the boot to force the curable sealant along the interior of the cable, curing the curable sealant to provide a stable load supporting layer of sealant within the cable, and applying a crimping ring to the boot in the area of the load supporting layer to secure the boot to the cable. 1. A method of forming an end seal on a cable comprising the steps of providing a curable sealant in a cavity formed in a boot; inserting an end of the cable in to the cavity with the boot extending about the exterior of the cable; forcing the cable in to the curable sealant whilst inhibiting the egress of curable sealant from the boot to force the curable sealant along the interior of the cable; curing the curable sealant to provide a stable load supporting layer of sealant within the cable; and applying a mechanical retainer to the boot in the area of the load supporting layer to secure the boot to the cable2. The method of wherein said curable sealant is an epoxy adhesive.3. The method of wherein said cable has a porous layer and said step of forcing said sealant along the interior of said cable impregnates said porous layer.4. The method of wherein said porous layer is provided by a braided protective layer between a protective jacket of a conductive core and an exterior outer coating of the cable.5. The method of wherein said braided protective layer and said exterior outer coating are removed from an end of said cable and a protective layer applied to said film prior to insertion in to said boot.6. The method of wherein egress of sealant is inhibited by an interference fit between said cable and said boot and said step of inserting said cable includes ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027914A1

Methods for use in the manufacture or assembly of an electrical feedthrough to provide a solution to the technical and operational challenges that may arise from use of a high-CTE metal/low-CTE sealing material based assembly or package. In some embodiments, the inventive method includes a thermal tempering and thermal quenching process that is used to create an interfacial layer of the sealing material in which there exists a CTE gradient from sealing material to the metal shell and pin(s). This enables the production of an electrical feedthrough assembly that can tolerate high-CTE mismatch induced mechanical stress over a wide operating temperature range. 116.-. (canceled)17. An electrical feedthrough assembly , comprising:one or more conductive pins;a metal shell surrounding a region containing the one or more conductive pins; anda layer or layers of a sealing material, the layer or layers including a region or regions in which a value of the sealing material coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) varies in an area around each of the one or more conducting pins and across at least a portion of an area between the one or more conducting pins and the metal shell.18. The electrical feedthrough assembly of claim 17 , wherein the area around each of the one or more conducting pins includes the interfaces between the conducting pins and sealing material claim 17 , and the area between the one or more conducting pins and the metal shell includes the interfaces between the sealing material and the metal shell.19. The electrical feedthrough assembly of claim 17 , wherein the sealing material's composition claim 17 , morphology claim 17 , or microstructure claim 17 , either alone or in combination claim 17 , varies in the area around each of the one or more conducting pins and across at least a portion of the area between the one or more conducting pins and the metal shell.20. The electrical feedthrough assembly of claim 19 , wherein the variation in the material's ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027915A1

A device for sealing an interface is provided. The device includes an opening for a wire to pass through the interface. A first sealing block includes a body and a first portion that extends outwardly therefrom. A concave recess is formed between two points and is sized to surround at least a first portion of the wire. A second sealing block has a body portion with a recess extending inwardly therein and is sized to surround at least a second portion of the wire. The first sealing block and the second sealing block are configured to mate with one another to provide a substantially sealed passage for the wire. 1. A device for sealing an interface having an opening for a wire to pass through the interface , the device comprising:a first sealing block having a body and a first portion that extends outwardly from the body of the first sealing block, the first portion comprised of two points and a concave recess formed between the two points, the concave recess sized to surround at least a first portion of the wire;a second sealing block having a body portion with a recess extending inwardly into the body portion of the second sealing block, the recess in the second sealing block sized to surround at least a second portion of the wire; andwherein the first sealing block and the second sealing block are configured to mate with one another to provide a substantially sealed passage for the wire.2. The sealing device of claim 1 , wherein the two points extend along a length of the first sealing block.3. The sealing device of wherein:the first portion of the wire is approximately half the circumference of the wire; andthe second portion of the wire is approximately half the circumference of the wire.4. The sealing device of wherein:the first portion of the first sealing block is adapted to fit at least partially within the recess of the second sealing block.5. The sealing device of further comprising:a first mounting plate adapted to fit over the first sealing block and ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140116773A1

An electronic device includes a plate and an air baffle assembly. The plate defines a through hole. The air baffle assembly is mounted in the through hole. The air baffle assembly includes a base mounted to a portion of the plate bounding the through hole, and a number of bristle-shaped flexible air baffle portions formed on the base to partially cover the through hole. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a plate defining a through hole; andan air baffle assembly mounted in the through hole, wherein the air baffle assembly comprises at least one base mounted to a portion of the plate bounding the through hole, and a plurality of bristle-shaped flexible air baffle portions formed on the at least one base to partially cover the through hole.2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the through hole is rectangular claim 1 , the at least one base is one base claim 1 , the base is affixed to the portion of the plate bounding a side of the through hole claim 1 , and distal ends of the plurality of air baffle portions abut or come in close proximity to another portion of the plate bounding an opposite side of the through hole.3. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the through hole is rectangular claim 1 , the at least one base is two bases claim 1 , the two bases are affixed to portions of the plate bounding opposite sides of the through hole claim 1 , distal ends of the air baffle portions of one of the two air baffle members abut or come in close proximity to distal ends of the air baffle portions of the other air baffle member.4. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the through hole is circular claim 1 , at least one base is one base claim 1 , the base is annular claim 1 , the plurality of air baffle portions is formed on an inner side of the base claim 1 , and an outer side of the base is affixed to the portion of the plate bounding the through hole.5. The electronic device of claim 4 , wherein the plurality of air baffle portions comprises a ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150034380A1

A sealing wall grommet for a wall of an electrical device, comprising a flange-like installation sleeve for receiving a plug part having electrical contacts, to which there can be connected in a plug-in manner a mating plug part which has a securing screw-in sleeve that can be screwed to the installation sleeve and acts as a pull-out prevention means for the mating plug part, wherein the installation sleeve is designed to receive a plug-in section of the plug part and has an abutment which is connected to the installation sleeve, runs around the outer circumference thereof and has an annular seal for the wall. According to the invention, a tubular tensioning sleeve is provided for tensioning the installation sleeve, which tensioning sleeve has at least one inwardly projecting latching means that cooperates with a mating latching means formed on the outside of the installation sleeve. The tensioning sleeve pre-tensions the installation sleeve against the wall in such a way that the elastic seal is effective and the installation sleeve is movable in the radial direction. 1. A sealing wall grommet for a wall of an electrical device , comprising a flange-like installation sleeve for receiving a plug part having electrical contacts , to which there can be connected a mating plug part which has a securing screw-in sleeve that can be screwed to the installation sleeve and acts as a pull-out prevention means for the mating plug part , wherein the installation sleeve is designed to receive a plug-in section of the plug part and has an abutment which is connected to the installation sleeve , projects away therefrom on the outer circumference thereof and has an annular elastic seal for the wall , wherein the abutment prevents the installation sleeve from passing fully through a wall opening of the wall , and comprising a tensioning element which engages at least partially around the outside of the installation sleeve and by means of which force can be applied to the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220050251A1
Принадлежит: CommScope Technologies LLC

Distributed optical tapping architectures include two or more optical tap terminals daisy-chained together. Each optical tap terminal includes an environmentally sealed enclosure; an optical tapping circuit positioned within an interior of the enclosure, the optical tapping circuit including an tap input, a tap pass-through output, and a tap drop output; and hardened interface locations (e.g., de-mateable fiber optic connection locations, cable-pass through glands, etc.) corresponding to the tap input, the tap pass-through output and the tap drop output. 1. (canceled)2. An optical tap distribution system comprising:a tap terminal configured to receive an optical signals at an input, to pass the optical signal to an optical tap pass-through output, and to tap a portion of the optical signal to an optical drop output;a first hardened de-mateable fiber optic connection location optically coupled to the optical tap input;a second hardened de-mateable fiber optic connection location optically coupled to the optical tap pass-through output; anda third hardened de-mateable fiber optic connection location optically coupled to an optical drop output.3. The optical tap distribution system of claim 2 , wherein the first hardened de-mateable fiber optic connection location is provided directly at the terminal body.4. The optical tap distribution system of claim 2 , wherein the first hardened de-mateable fiber optic connection location is provided at an end of a tether extending from the terminal body.5. The optical tap distribution system of claim 2 , wherein the third hardened de-mateable fiber optic connection location is one of a plurality of hardened de-mateable fiber optic connection locations defining respective optical drop outputs.6. The optical tap distribution system of claim 2 , wherein no additional splitting other than the tapping of the portion of the optical signal is provided within the tap terminal.7. The optical tap distribution system of claim 2 , further ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170033544A1

An enclosure () includes a housing () and a sealing unit () that mounts within a sealing unit opening () of the housing. The sealing unit () provides a peripheral seal between the housing () and the sealing unit () and provides seals around cable ports (). The sealing unit () can be mounted to and removed from the housing () through the sealing unit opening (). The base () lacks a permanent retention structure () at the outer end of the base () for retaining the sealing unit () in the base (). A cover () is removable from the base () without requiring the sealant arrangement () to be de-pressurized. A fastening arrangement () releasably retains the sealing unit () in the sealing unit opening (). 1. An enclosure comprising:a housing having main housing body defining a first end and a second end, the main housing body also defining an end opening at the second end;a sealing unit that fits within the end opening, the sealing unit defining a plurality of cable ports, the sealing unit also including a sealant arrangement for sealing the cable ports and for providing a peripheral seal within the end opening between the housing and the cable sealing unit;an actuator carried with the sealing unit for pressurizing the sealant arrangement within the end opening;the main housing body also defining a side opening for accessing an interior of the main housing body, the side opening being separate from the end opening, the housing also including a side cover that mounts to the main housing body for covering the side opening.2. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein removal of the side cover from the main body does not cause de-pressurization of the sealant arrangement.3. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the side opening and the end opening are completely independently defined with respect to each other.4. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the side cover is secured to the housing main body by a clamp.5. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the side cover includes cover flange that ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170033546A1
Автор: Dupuis David M.

The present invention is directed to an enclosure for protecting a cable connection. The enclosure includes an unsupported sheet sealing member contained within an inner shell and an exoskeleton. The inner shell defines a central axis for the enclosure. The sheet sealing member is attached along two longitudinal edges of the inner shell and wherein the rigid exoskeleton is configured to snap onto the inner shell in a direction transverse to the central axis to secure the enclosure around the cable connection. 1. An enclosure for protecting a cable connection , the enclosure comprising:an inner shell having a central axis,an unsupported sheet sealing member attached along two longitudinal edges of the inner shell anda rigid exoskeleton that is configured to snap onto the inner shell in a direction transverse to the central axis to secure the enclosure around the cable connection.2. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the exoskeleton comprises pairs of arcuate ribs extending from a central spine claim 1 , wherein the arcuate ribs apply a compressive force to the inner shell when the enclosure is assembled.3. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein inner shell is composed of two shell portions.4. The enclosure of claim 4 , wherein the shell portions are connected by a hinge along one longitudinal edge of each shell portion.5. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the each of the two longitudinal edges of the inner shell includes a flange that extend radially away from the central axis of the enclosure at the edge of each of the shell portions and wherein the sheet sealing member attached each flange.6. The enclosure of claim 5 , wherein the exoskeleton comprises a channel formed in an underside of the spine that is configured to accept the flanges of the inner shell and to apply a compression force to the flanges so that the sheet sealing member is compressed between the flanges.7. The enclosure of claim 2 , wherein the inner shell further comprises one or more guides disposed ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Hazardous environment conduit sealing

Номер: US20180034256A1
Принадлежит: Eaton Intelligent Power Ltd

A conduit fitting for a hazardous environment includes a main body that has a distal portion and a proximate portion. The main body includes a longitudinal bore with openings at each of the distal portion and the proximate portion. The opening is configured to receive ends of a conduit. The fitting includes a first sealing region that includes a crimp feature configured to be crimped and a second sealing region adjacent the first sealing region. The second sealing region is configured to house a sealing component.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033049A1

A vacuum insulated refrigerator structure includes a shell having a liner and a wrapper where the shell defines an internal vacuum cavity, and a refrigerator and/or freezer compartment. The vacuum insulated refrigerator structure additionally includes an elongated pass-through defining an elongated internal space having a central portion disposed in the internal vacuum cavity. The elongated pass-through has opposite end portions that are sealingly connected to the shell, each opposite end portion having an opening that permits access to the elongated internal space from the outside of the shell. The vacuum insulated refrigerator structure also includes a vacuum core material fill positioned in the internal vacuum cavity and one or more utility lines disposed in one or more elongated internal passageways extending out of the openings at the opposite end portions of the elongated pass-through. 120.-. (canceled)21. A vacuum insulated refrigerator structure comprising:a shell having a liner and a wrapper wherein the shell defines an internal vacuum cavity, a refrigerator compartment, and a freezer compartment;a serpentine elongated pass-through and a straight elongated pass-through both defining an elongated internal passageway and having a central portion disposed in the internal vacuum cavity, and opposite end portions that are sealingly connected to the shell, each opposite end portion having an opening that permits access to the elongated internal passageway from the outside of the shell;a vacuum core material fill positioned in the internal cavity; andone or more utility lines disposed in the elongated internal passageway and having opposite ends extending out of the openings at the opposite ends of the elongated pass-through;wherein the freezer compartment has one of the serpentine elongated pass-through or the straight elongated pass-through and the refrigerator compartment has the other of the serpentine elongated pass-through or the straight elongated pass- ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180041018A1
Принадлежит: CommScope Technologies LLC

A telecommunications enclosure is provided with reliable sealing around cables entering therein. The enclosure includes one or more cable ports with cable seals made from a material that includes an oil-bleed silicone rubber. The cable ports may also have a convoluted or serrated inner surface configured to engage and support the cable seals. 1. A telecommunications enclosure comprising:a housing including first and second housing pieces that meet at a sealed perimeter interface, the housing defining a cable port having a first half-portion defined by the first housing piece and a second half-portion defined by the second housing piece, the cable port including a plurality of annular projections separated by annular grooves;a latch arrangement for securing the first and second housing pieces together; anda cable seal that fits in the cable port, the cable seal defining a cable passage for receiving a cable, the cable seal being made from a material that includes oil bleed-out silicone rubber, wherein when the first and second housing pieces are secured together by the latch arrangement the cable seal is pressed between the first and second half-portions such that the annular projections circumferentially compress the cable seal causing outer portions of the cable seal to elastically deform into the annular grooves and store elastic energy therewithin, the annular grooves being sized such that the annular grooves are only partially filled by the outer portions of the cable seal.2. The telecommunications enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the sealed perimeter interface is sealed with a thermoplastic gel. This application is being filed on Dec. 28, 2015 as a PCT International Patent Application and claims the benefit of U.S. Patent Application Ser. No. 62/097,348, filed on Dec. 29, 2014, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.Telecommunications enclosures or cable enclosures are typically used to splice copper cables or fiber optic ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180041019A1
Автор: Luckemeier Martin

A cable seal for feed-throughs on housings is provided. Cables or hoses are fed through the feed-through into the housing and are sealed by two sealing rings. Because of different diameters of the sealing rings, the sealing rings are radially expanded or compressed by an axial force and the cable is sealed to the housing tightly with respect to the surroundings. The axial force on the sealing rings is produced by a pressing element that can be screwed on. 1. A sealing arrangement for sealing cables and hoses to a housing , comprising a feedthrough in the housing and a pressure element ,wherein the pressure element can be screwed onto the housing or can be screwed into the housing at one end of the feedthrough,wherein a first pressure surface is embodied on the feedthrough and an opposite-lying, second pressure surface is embodied on the pressure element,wherein a pressure region is embodied between the first pressure surface and the second pressure surface,wherein a first sealing ring and a second sealing ring are arranged between the first pressure surface and the second pressure surface,wherein the first and second sealing rings are embodied as a rotation torus, andwherein a sealing arrangement is provided between the first and second sealing rings.2. The sealing arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the first sealing ring comprises a larger inner diameter than the second sealing ring.3. The sealing arrangement according to claim 2 , wherein the inner diameter of the first sealing ring is smaller than an outer diameter of the second sealing ring.4. The sealing arrangement according to claim 3 , wherein an outer diameter of the first sealing ring is larger than the outer diameter of the second sealing ring.5. The sealing arrangement according to claim 4 , wherein the inner diameter of the second sealing ring is smaller than a diameter of the feedthrough.6. The sealing arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second sealing rings are embodied ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047091A1

The present relates to a washable interconnection patch, a connection assembly, and an intelligent washable garment equipped therewith. The patch receives and interconnects wires to a cable. The patch comprises two matching pieces interlocking together so as to define there between two opposite apertures. One of the apertures is adapted to receive and hold the wires, and the other aperture is adapted to receive and hold the cable. One of the two matching pieces defines on an interior face a channel to interconnect the wires to the cables. The connection assembly comprises a male connector and a female connector. The male connector defines a series of independent connection points along a length thereof. The female connector is adapted to receive the male connector, and defines along a length of an inner surface thereof a series of contact points. When the male connector is inserted within the female connector, the connection points and the contact points are aligned and in contact together. 1. A washable interconnection patch for receiving and interconnecting wires to a cable , the patch comprising:two matching pieces interlocking together so as to define therebetween two opposite apertures, one of the apertures being adapted to receive and hold the wires and the other aperture being adapted to receive and hold the cable, one of the two matching pieces defining on an interior face a channel to interconnect the wires to the cables.2. The patch of claim 1 , wherein one of the two matching pieces further comprises a fastening member for fastening the interlocked matching pieces to a fabric.3. The patch of claim 1 , wherein the two matching pieces are further adapted to be filled with a sealant.4. A connection assembly comprising:a male connector, the male connector defining a series of independent connection points along a length thereof and having a resilient, curved extremity; anda female connector adapted to receive the male connector, the female connector defining ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047899A1

A method for attaching a contact element comprises steps for providing an electrical conductor with a conductive core and an insulating sheath, for detaching a sheath section of the sheath in an end region of the conductor for displacing the sheath section against the core in such a way that the sheath section protrudes beyond a longitudinal end of the core, and for crimping a contact element to the end region of the conductor in such a way that at least a part of the sheath section is being enclosed between the contact element and the core. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for attaching a contact element , comprising the following steps:providing an electrical conductor with a conductive core and an insulating sheath;detaching a sheath section of the sheath in an end region of the conductor;displacing the sheath section against the core in such a way that the sheath section protrudes beyond a longitudinal end of the core;crimping a contact element to the end region of the conductor in such a way that at least a part of the sheath section is enclosed between the contact element and the core.17. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the detaching of the core section is effected through cutting.18. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the protruding part of the sheath section closes entirely around the longitudinal end of the core during the crimping.19. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the contact element before the crimping has a sleeve-like section and the end region of the conductor is inserted into the sleeve-like section before the crimping.20. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the core is exposed by the displacement of the sheath section claim 16 , and wherein a crimp region of the contact element is crimped such that claim 16 , in a conductor-side sealing region claim 16 , the crimp region encloses the sheath and claim 16 , in a contact region of the electrical conductor claim 16 , the crimp region is in direct contact with the core. ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Cable Pass Through System

Номер: US20220060010A1
Автор: Moore Taylor James

A cable pass through system for running one or more cables through a roof and a ceiling can comprise a cap having an inner surface and an outer surface having a thickness which can create a shell. The cap can cover and attach to a base. The seals can be attached to the base and the cap forming a seal around the cable. A gasket can be placed between the base and the roof creating a seal between the roof and the base. A backing plate can be placed on the ceiling and is removably attached to the base by one or more fasteners. The cap and the base can further comprise a recess for the one or more seals and a seal can be placed in the recess in the base wherein when pushed together the two seals create a watertight seal against the cable. 1. A cable pass through system for running one or more cables into an enclosed space through an enclosure , the system comprising:a shell comprising a cap and a base, wherein the shell has an exterior and an interior and wherein the cap may be coupled to the base with one or more fasteners;a cutout in the shell through which one or more cables may pass;at least one deformable seal about the periphery of the cutout positioned so that when the cap is coupled to the base with the one or more cables situated in the cutout the seal is deformed about the one or more cable to at least partially seal the interior of the shell from the exterior of the shell;a gasket situated between the base and the enclosure; anda backing plate removably coupled to the base such that the ceiling may be situated between the backing plate and the base when the backing plate is coupled to the base.2. The cable pass through system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one seal is situated in a recess formed in the shell.3. The cable pass through system according to claim 1 , wherein the shell comprises a slot allowing the one or more cables to pass through the shell claim 1 , and wherein the seal comprises a first seal coupled to the cap and a second seal ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200044432A1
Автор: Clark Jason, Jackson Carl

A gland assembly includes a gland body () and a cap nut () connected by screw threads (). A cable holding device () is received within the cap nut () and has a plurality of fingers () configured to apply a gripping force to a cable () extending through the gland assembly in response to a torque applied to the cap nut ().The fingers () are configured to increase the gripping force on the cable () in response to a linear force applied to the elongate member. 120.-. (canceled)21. A cable gland assembly including:a body having an inner surface defining a passage, the passage extending in an axial direction;a gripping assembly received within the passage, the gripping assembly configured to:apply a gripping force to an elongate member extending through the passage in response to a torque applied to the body; andincrease the gripping force on the elongate member in response to a linear force applied to the elongate member; anda seal assembly received within the passage, the seal assembly retained in the axial between an end of the gripping assembly and a retaining element on the inner surface of the body.22. The cable gland assembly of claim 21 , wherein the gripping assembly and seal assembly are non-overlapping along the axial direction.23. The cable gland assembly of claim 21 , wherein the gripping assembly includes a gripping member having:an annular hub; andone or more fingers extending from the hub.24. The cable gland assembly of claim 23 , wherein the gripping assembly includes:an annular support adjacent the hub along the axial direction.25. The cable gland assembly of claim 24 , wherein the gripping member is rotatable relative to the annular support.26. The cable gland assembly of claim 24 , wherein the seal assembly is rotatable relative to the annular support.27. The cable gland assembly of claim 24 , wherein the seal assembly abuts the annular support.28. The cable gland assembly of claim 23 , wherein the inner surface includes a portion defining an urging ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200044433A1

The system for connecting submarine cables and especially umbilical cables for renewable marine energy farms, is characterized in that it includes an intermediate part for connecting the cables, adapted to be placed between ends for connecting the cables and includes both electrical and mechanical connections for the cables. 110-. (canceled)11. A system for connecting submarine cables , and especially umbilical cables , for renewable marine energy farms , wherein it includes an intermediate part for connecting these cables , adapted to be placed between ends for connecting the cables and including means for the electrical connection of said cables and means for the mechanical connection thereof.12. The system for connecting submarine cables according to claim 11 , wherein the connecting part further includes means for the optical connection of fiber optics of the umbilical cables.13. The system for connecting submarine cables according to claim 11 , wherein the intermediate connecting part is sealed.14. The system for connecting submarine cables according to claim 13 , wherein the intermediate connecting part is in the form of a sealed housing including two passage orifices for the cables to be connected and is provided with fastening means on complementary fastening caps fastened around the cables to be connected near ends thereof claim 13 , in order to close off the orifices of the housing and to fasten the cables on the housing by means of the fastening caps and therefore to fasten the cables on one another.15. The system for connecting submarine cables according to claim 14 , wherein the housing is linked in movement to the connecting means of the cables.16. The system for connecting submarine cables according to claim 14 , wherein the housing moves freely relative to the connecting means of the cables in order to allow first the connection of the cables and secondly claim 14 , once this connection is done claim 14 , the fastening of the housing on the caps and ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170047138A1
Автор: Glynn Jeremy, Specht Heiko
Принадлежит: Heraeus Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG

A method for manufacturing an electrical bushing including at least one electrically insulating base body of a ceramic compound and at least one electrical conducting element, the conducting element comprising at least one cermet and, at least in part, is hermetically sealed with respect to the base body. The method includes manufacturing the at least one base body and introducing the at least one conducting element into the base body in non-sintered or pre-sintered condition. The base body and conducting element are joint sintered. The same ceramic compound is used for the cermet of the conducting element and for the base body. 1. A method for manufacturing an electrical bushing comprising at least one electrically insulating base body of a ceramic compound and at least one electrical conducting element , the conducting element comprising at least one cermet and is hermetically sealed with respect to the base body , the method comprising:manufacturing the at least one base body and introducing the at least one conducting element into the base body in non-sintered or pre-sintered condition;joint sintering of the base body and conducting element; andusing the same ceramic compound for the cermet of the conducting element and for the base body.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising producing the at least one cermet of the conducting element from platinum and aluminum oxide and producing the ceramic of the base body from aluminum oxide.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising producing the at least one cermet of the conducting element from platinum and aluminum oxide containing 10% zirconium dioxide and producing the ceramic of the base body from aluminum oxide containing 10% zirconium dioxide.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising mixing 40 vol. % Pt powder with a mean grain size of 10 μm claim 1 , and 60 vol. % AlO/ZrOpowder with a relative ZrOcontent of 10% and a mean grain size of 1 μm with water and a binding agent to form the at least one ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170047724A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Wiring Systems Ltd

To achieve high waterproofness, a grommet that is attached so as to cover a shield pipe and a corrugated tube so as to bridge therebetween includes a pipe-side end portion that is formed in a tubular shape capable of being sealingly connected to an outer circumferential side of the pipe, and a corrugated-side end portion that is formed in a tubular shape capable of being sealingly connected to an outer circumferential side of the corrugated tube. A plurality of sealing lips that closely contact to an outer surface of the shield pipe are formed on an inner surface of the pipe-side end portion. The sealing lips are disposed inside and outside a width region W that is fastened by a fastening band disposed on an outer surface of the pipe-side end portion.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050211A1
Принадлежит: Heraeus Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG

One aspect relates to an apparatus including a first frame, a further frame, a first element, a second element, and a third element. The first frame frames the further frame, the further frame frames the first element, and electrically insulates the first element and the first frame from each other. The first element is electrically conductive, the second element is electrically conductive, and the third element provides an electrically conductive connection between the first element and the second element, and has a porosity in the range of 0.001 to 0.4. 1. An apparatus comprising a first frame , a further frame , a first element , a second element and a third element;whereina) the first frame frames the further frame; i) frames the first element, and', 'ii) electrically insulates the first element and the first frame from each other;, 'b) the further frame'}c) the first element is electrically conductive;d) the second element is electrically conductive; and i) provides an electrically conductive connection between the first element and the second element, and', 'ii) has a porosity in the range of 0.001 to 0.4., 'e) the third element'}2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first element comprises a cermet.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the further frame comprises a ceramic.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the further frame and the first element are configured in one piece.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second element is selected from the group composed of an electrical contact claim 1 , a conductive path claim 1 , a wire claim 1 , a socket claim 1 , and a plug claim 1 , or a combination of at least two of these devices.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first element or the second element or both is connected to an electrotechnical filter.7. An apparatus precursor comprising a first frame claim 1 , a further frame and a first element; a) the first frame frames the further frame;', i) frames the first element, and', 'ii) electrically ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210055138A1

A method and assembly for protecting a device connected to a wiring harness is disclosed. The assembly includes a protective tubular shield and a positioning device, with the protective tubular shield having a bore for receiving the device at least partially therein. An elongated wiring harness extends from the device being protected and through the bore of the protective tubular shield. The positioning device is formed having a band and at least one flexible, resilient finger extending radially inwardly from the band. At least one of the fingers forcibly engages the wiring harness to releasably maintain the positioning device and the protective tubular shield in a protection position along the wiring harness at least partially surrounding the device being protected. 1. An assembly for protecting an electronic member , said assembly comprising:a tube having a bore extending longitudinally along an axis between opposite open ends;a wiring harness extending through said bore and being configured for electronic communication with the electronic member; andan end cap disposed over one of said opposite open ends, said end cap including at least one finger that extends radially inward generally toward said axis into operable engagement with said wiring harness, said at least one finger being resiliently flexible in opposite axial directions in response to moving said end cap relative to said wiring harness along said axis in opposite axial directions.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein said wiring harness has an elongated harness sleeve covering at least one wire of the wiring harness claim 1 , said at least one finger engaging said elongated harness sleeve to hold said end cap against axial movement relative to said elongated harness sleeve in the absence of an axially applied force on said end cap tending to move said end cap relative to the wiring harness.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the end cap is fastened to the tube.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220069558A1

The invention relates to a connection system consisting of a first connection element and a second connection element and a linking element which is provided in order to link two devices. The first connection element and the second connection element are preferably formed as plug-in connectors and the linking element is provided in the form of a cable-sheath assembly which carries cables and lines. The advantageous teaching according to the invention allows connection systems of this type to be designed such that the cables and lines provided in the linking element and a sheath surrounding same are not mechanically overloaded, even under heavy mechanical loads, preferably tensile loads. 1. A connection system , consisting of at least a first connection element and a second connection element , as well as a linking element , wherein the linking element consists of at least one inner element and one outer element surrounding the inner element , and wherein the linking element links the first connection element and the second connection element.2. The connection system according to claim 1 , wherein the inner element consists of at least one line claim 1 , the line being designed for transmitting data and/or energy.3. The connection system according to claim 2 , wherein the line is an electrical line and/or an optical line and/or a fluid line.4. The connection system according to claim 2 , wherein the lines have different moduli of elasticity.5. The connection system according to claim 4 , wherein the outer element has a lower modulus of elasticity than at least one of the lines.6. The connection system according to claim 2 , wherein at least one of the lines is force-fittingly connected to the first connection element and to the second connection element.7. The connection system according to claim 6 , wherein at least one of the lines is designed to transfer a force between the first connection element and the second connection element and has a higher modulus of ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220069559A1
Автор: JR. Peter A., Urbano

A cable sealing article has first and second sections, each section having a top wall, a bottom wall, and side walls. The top wall of each section has a plurality of cut-out openings shaped to partially circumscribe one of the plurality of electrical core wire conductors of the service entrance cable. The bottom wall of each section has a single cut-out opening. Each section also has an interior cavity located between the top, bottom, and side walls. In its use position, the article is configured to encapsulate the core wire connectors of the service entrance cable at their meter panel entry location. One of the two sections has a port opening in which silicone material is injected to fill the interior cavities of the first and second sections, thereby providing a waterproof seal to the service entrance cable as it enters the meter panel.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074441A1

A connection apparatus for mounting a cable to a structure such as a wind turbine or oil rig. The apparatus including a receiving member having a hollow body with a diverging mouth, a latch member movably mounted on the outside of the receiving member with a latch part extending into the receiving member . A mounting member is provided which mounts the cable extending therethrough. The mounting member is selectively locatable in the receiving member with the latch part engaging with a retaining formation in the form of a groove to retain the mounting member in the receiving member and hence retain the cable mounted to the structure. 128-. (canceled)29. Connection apparatus for mounting a cable to a structure , the connection apparatus including:a receiving member for location on the structure, the receiving member comprising a cylindrical hollow body with a diverging mouth;a latch member, movably mounted on the outside of the body, having a latch part that is selectively extendable into the cylindrical hollow body;a mounting member through which the cable can extend, the mounting member being locatable in the cylindrical hollow body with the latch part selectively engageable with a retaining formation on the mounting member to retain the mounting member in the cylindrical hollow body and hence the cable mounted to the structure; anda stop formation against which a distal end of the mounting member is engageable when fully in the cylindrical hollow body.30. The connection apparatus according to claim 29 , in which a seal member is provided on the cylindrical hollow body against which seal member the mounting member engages when fully in the mounting member.31. The connection apparatus according to claim 30 , in which the seal member includes a profiled resilient member.32. The connection apparatus according to claim 29 , in which the mounting member has a converging distal end.33. The connection apparatus according to claim 32 , in which a part of the cylindrical ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210066822A1

A cable shield connecting assembly is arranged to secure and ground a cable to the housing of an electrical device. The cable includes a cable jacket and braided shielding extending from an end portion of the cable jacket. The cable shield connecting assembly includes: a mounting plate having a cavity and an aperture arranged on a bottom side of the cavity; and a grommet having an inner diameter inside which the end portion of the cable jacket is fitted, and upper and lower portions extending on both sides of an edge of the aperture of the mounting plate. The upper portion of the grommet is fitted inside the cavity. The cable shield connecting assembly further includes a clamp pressed-fitted against the upper portion of the grommet inside the cavity to squeeze therebetween the braided shielding. 1. A cable shield connecting assembly for securing and grounding a cable to a housing of an electrical device , the cable including a cable jacket and braided shielding extending from an end portion of the cable jacket , comprising:a mounting plate having a cavity and an aperture arranged on a bottom side of the cavity;a grommet having an inner diameter, the end portion of the cable jacket being fitted inside the inner diameter of the grommet, the grommet including upper and lower portions extending on both sides of an edge of the aperture of the mounting plate, the upper portion of the grommet being fitted inside the cavity; anda clamp pressed-fitted against the upper portion of the grommet inside the cavity and squeezing the braided shielding between the clamp and the upper portion of the grommet.2. The cable shield connecting assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the clamp includes a chamfer press-fitted against the upper portion of the grommet.3. The cable shield connecting assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the grommet includes two radially extending flanges resting on a circular edge of the aperture.4. The cable shield connecting assembly according to claim 1 , ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068798A1

A dielectric cover for protecting a component of an electrical power transmission system, the dielectric cover comprising: an enclosing part having enclosing portions that are configured for relative movement to each other to enclose the component; and a gripping part having gripping portions that are configured for relative movement to each other to grip the component, the movement of the gripping portions being independent of the relative movement of the enclosing part. 1. A dielectric cover for protecting a component of an electrical power transmission system , the dielectric cover comprising:an enclosing part having enclosing portions that are configured for relative movement to each other to enclose the component; anda gripping part having gripping portions that are configured for relative movement to each other to grip the component, the movement of the gripping portions being independent of the relative movement of the enclosing part.2. The dielectric cover of in which each enclosing portion has a respective hot stick connector.3. The dielectric cover of in which the enclosing portions form a clamshell cover.4. The dielectric cover of in which the gripping part further comprises one or more spring latches for gripping at least part of the component between the one or more spring latches.5. The dielectric cover of in which the gripping part further comprises a pair of spring latches opposed to one another.6. The dielectric cover of in which each of the one or more spring latches is terraced to provide plural latch stops for fitting components of different dimensions.7. The dielectric cover of in which each of the one or more spring latches has a latch release handle.8. The dielectric cover of shaped to fit a fuse cutout component.9. The dielectric cover of in which the gripping part is C-shaped to fit over claim 8 , and around side edges of claim 8 , an upper contact plate of the fuse cutout component.10. The dielectric cover of in which the gripping part has ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Oil-cooled equipment harness

Номер: US20140144700A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Cable Ltd

An oil-cooled equipment harness includes a front end to be enclosed in a shielding case of an oil-cooled equipment for connecting to a terminal of a body of the oil-cooled equipment disposed in the shielding case, a wire including a conductor, a sheath including an insulating elastic member on a periphery side of the conductor, and a flexibility, a terminal fitting enclosing a portion of the conductor and a portion of the sheath of the wire, connecting to the conductor, and connecting to the terminal of the body of the oil-cooled equipment, a housing attached to shielding case and enclosing a periphery of the wire a predetermined distance away from the terminal fitting such that the wire is exposed from the terminal fitting, and an oil entry-preventing unit disposed between the wire and the terminal fitting for preventing oil in the shielding case from entering into the conductor.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Cable sealing device, cable termination and attaching device

Номер: US20190064453A1
Принадлежит: CommScope Connectivity Belgium BVBA

A cable sealing device including an attaching part securable to the cable; a fixation part adapted to be mountable on the attaching part; and a sealing part. The attaching part includes outer locking faces. The fixation part has inner abutment faces adapted to co-operate with the outer locking faces to axially and rotationally lock the fixation part relative to the attaching part. The sealing part includes an inner seal and an outer seal. The sealing part also includes a second securing arrangement that is configured to engage a first securing arrangement of the fixation part to axially and rotationally lock the sealing part to the fixation part.

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150071598A1

A cable closure includes a housing that delimits an interior of the cable closure and seals off the cable closure toward the outside. The housing is formed by a covering body having shells hinged together and cable insertion regions provided on mutually opposite sides of the shells. Sealing elements are positioned at the mutually opposite sides of the covering body proximate the cable insertion regions. A closing mechanism having a latch and latch support is configured to lock the shells together. The latch support has a first end section pivotably attached to one of the shells and a second end section pivotably attached to the locking latch, which in turn has an end section serving as an actuating handle for closing and opening the cable closure. 1. A cable closure , comprising:a housing that delimits an interior of the cable closure and seals off the cable closure toward the outside, the housing being formed by a covering body that comprises shells and cable insertion regions provided on mutually opposite sides of the shells for inserting cables into the interior of the cable closure and/or for passing cables out of the interior of the cable closure;compressible and/or deformable sealing elements positioned at the mutually opposite sides of the covering body in the region of the cable insertion regions of the shells; anda closing mechanism configured to lock the shells together in a closed status of the cable closure, wherein the shells are hinged together at first sides so that the shells can be pivoted relative to each other when opening and closing the cable closure, and wherein the closing mechanism can be used to lock the shells to each other at second sides of the shells when the shells are in the closed position, the closing mechanism comprising at least one locking segment having a locking latch and a latch support; the latch support is with a first end section pivotably attached to a first one of the shells and with a second end section pivotably attached ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Gel sealing device

Номер: US20180069387A1
Принадлежит: CommScope Connectivity Belgium BVBA

A gel sealing device includes a gel sealing block ( 5 ) which provides a sealing section ( 22 ) through which the elongate parts ( 13, 14 ) extend. The gel sealing block ( 5 ) includes an upper flange ( 11 ) and a lower flange ( 12 ) with a support section ( 11 a, 12 a, 12 b ) disposed therebetween. The upper and lower flanges ( 11, 12 ) sandwiches, in direction of extension of the elongate parts ( 13, 14 ), a gel inner ring ( 7 ) supported by said support section ( 2 ) and a gel outer ring ( 6, 10 a ) covering the gel inner ring ( 7 ) in a radial direction extending transverse to said extension direction. The gel inner ring ( 7 ) and the gel outer ring ( 6, 10 a ) are made of a gel sealing material.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160075292A1

An arrangement () is provided for electrically connecting a movable structural component of a motor vehicle mounted on a central unit with electrical elements in a body of a motor vehicle. The movable structural component is pivotally fastened about at least two points of rotation () to an axis of rotation () on the vehicle body. A number of electrical elements are connected to the electrical lines fastened to a cable set () which is partially mounted in a free space between the vehicle body and the movable structural component. The cable set () is arranged and secured with a straight configuration between two points of rotation () surrounded by a protective element. The center axis () of the cable set () corresponds at least partially to the axis of rotation of the movable component. 1. Arrangement for electrically connecting electrical elements mounted on a movable structural component of a motor vehicle , with a central unit mounted on the body of the motor vehicle , said arrangement comprising:a movable structural component pivotally connected at the vehicle body through at least two points of rotation to an axis of rotation fastened pivotally movable on the vehicle body,wherein a number of electrical lines connected to the electrical elements are combined into a cable set which is partially mounted in a free space between the vehicle body and the movable component,wherein the cable set is arranged and secured with a straight configuration between two points of rotation surrounded by a protective element and wherein the center axis of the cable set corresponds at least partially to the axis of rotation of the movable component,wherein the protective element is secured at both its ends, namely on the one hand, a first sealing element is fastened to a bore in the wall of the vehicle body and, on the other hand, a second sealing element is fastened by means of a locking element to a bore in the vehicle wall.2. Arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210075147A1

An electrical component has an electrical cable and an electrical functional unit undetachably connected at an end side. The electrical cable has a metallic conductor and a plastic insulating sleeve surrounding the conductor. The electrical functional unit has an insulator housing injection-molded onto the plastic insulating sleeve, and an electrical functional element accommodated in the insulator housing and with which contact is made by the conductor. The plastic insulating sleeve is in a ring zone covered by the insulator housing, structured on its outer surface in an encircling manner by laser processing with a groove pattern and raised portions between the grooves. The insulator housing has a pattern formed during injection-molding by the groove pattern of the insulating sleeve, having webs which enter grooves and are anchored such that the insulator housing and insulating sleeve are permanently sealed from one another in respect of liquid media in the ring zone. 11223224543752294522127313192125162020231415171817182224713192125514151718171822247512. An electrical component () comprising at least one electrical cable ( , ′) and an electrical functional unit () undetachably connected thereto at the end , wherein the electrical cable ( , ′) has at least one metallic conductor () and a plastic insulating sheath () surrounding the at least one conductor () and the electrical functional unit () comprises an isolator housing () injection-molded onto the plastic insulating sheath () of the cable ( , ′) and at least one electrical functional element () received therein , contacted with the at least one conductor () , wherein the plastic insulating sheath () of the cable ( , ′) in the region of an annular zone () covered by the isolator housing () of the electrical functional unit () is circumferentially structured on its outer surface , by means of laser machining in such a way that it has a groove pattern ( , , , ) and raised regions (; ; ′; ) remaining between the ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070750A1

A grommet includes a panel mounting portion to be mounted on a panel having an attachment hole, and an inner member to be assembled to the panel mounting portion and fitted into the attachment hole to lock an edge portion of the attachment hole. The panel mounting portion includes a base portion formed in an annular shape, a seal portion formed on the base portion, and a groove portion formed between the base portion and the seal portion, the groove portion being continuous in a peripheral direction. The inner member includes a restriction piece, which abuts against the edge portion of the attachment hole when the inner member is obliquely fitted into the attachment hole of the panel. 1. A grommet that is configured to cover a periphery of a wire harness , the grommet comprising:a panel mounting portion that is configured to be mounted on a panel having an attachment hole; andan inner member that is configured to be assembled to the panel mounting portion and fitted into the attachment hole to lock an edge portion of the attachment hole,wherein the panel mounting portion includes:a base portion that is formed in an annular shape;a seal portion that is formed on the base portion and is configured to be in close contact with a surface of the panel by fitting the inner member into the attachment hole; anda groove portion that is formed between the base portion and the seal portion, the groove portion being continuous in a peripheral direction, andwherein the inner member includes a restriction piece that abuts against the edge portion of the attachment hole when the inner member is obliquely fitted into the attachment hole of the panel.2. The grommet according to claim 1 , wherein the restriction piece is formed in a rod shape protruding forward in a mounting direction of the inner member to the panel.3. The grommet according to claim 1 , wherein the inner member is formed in an elongated shape claim 1 , and the restriction piece is formed at both ends of the inner ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190074606A1
Автор: Hoehne Bernd

An assembly as a junction box replacement, having least two electrical cables (). A case () encases the ends () of the electrical cables (). Clamping means () is arranged so as to extend around at least part of the case () and around the electrical cables () and is clamped for mutual strain relief. The invention further relates to a method for installing an assembly as a junction box replacement with the following steps: contacting the electrical conductors () by means of electrical terminals (), inserting the ends () of the electrical cables () into the case () through the clamping means (), which is not yet clamped, and tightening the clamping means () and thus mechanically connecting the protective sheaths () of the electrical cables () to each other and to the case (). 144341441214044321443. An assembly as a junction box replacement comprising at least two electrical cables () which end in the assembly and are provided with a protective sheath () and have individual electrical conductors () provided with insulation () , wherein a case () and a clamping means () are provided , wherein the case () encases the ends () of the electrical cables () with overlapping of the protective sheath () , and the clamping means () is arranged encircling at least a part of the case () and the electrical cables () with the protective sheath () and tensioned for mutual strain relief.21. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the case () is formed of an electrically non-conductive and tear-resistant material.31141516141610404. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the case () is made of a planar claim 1 , bag-shaped or tubular claim 1 , elastic material ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) claim 1 , wherein the bag-shaped or tubular material ( claim 1 , ) has an opening () claim 1 , through which the ends () the electrical cable () are insertable.4. The assembly according to claim 3 , wherein the elastic material is waterproof.5110404. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Threaded Sleeve Compressed Split Cable Gland

Номер: US20150083486A1
Принадлежит: Panduit Corp

The present invention is directed to a split cable gland with a first body member and a second body member. The first and second body members each have a main section and a threaded shaft extending from the main section. The inner surface of each main section has vertical slots. The split cable gland also includes gasket members with a plurality of outwardly extending ribs. The outwardly extending ribs are positioned within the vertical slots in the main sections. The first and second body members surround the cable extending through the opening in a cabinet to create a seal and strain relief arrangement around the cable.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Cable sealing device

Номер: US20210080667A1
Принадлежит: Corning Research and Development Corp

In a first embodiment, cable sealing device is described herein for use in a port structure of fiber terminal, telecommunication enclosure, or a bulkhead. The exemplary cable sealing device comprises a unibody construction comprising a rigid body portion, the rigid portion having a generally tubular shape that includes an interior passageway extend from a first end to a second end of the rigid body portion; and an elastomeric body portion over molded onto and extending from an end of the rigid body portion, the elastomeric body portion comprises a front end having an interior sleeve that extends into interior passageway at the second end of rigid body portion and an exterior sealing sleeve that is formed over the second end of rigid body portion, and a closed end disposed opposite the open end, wherein the closed end includes a removable portion.

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Assembly for passing an electrical harness into a turbine engine

Номер: US20180080385A1
Принадлежит: Safran Aircraft Engines SAS

The invention relates to an assembly for passing an electrical harness through a wall ( 28 ), comprising a tubular metal end piece ( 34 ) passing right through the wall ( 28 ) and housing the electrical harness, and a sleeve ( 38, 64, 66 ) made from heat-shrinkable material extending around an end part ( 40, 50 ) of the tubular end piece ( 34 ) and of the electrical harness. The assembly comprises means ( 42, 44, 46, 76 ) for extracting heat from the tubular end piece that are arranged on the side of the end piece ( 34 ) surrounded by the heat-shrinkable sleeve ( 38, 64, 66 ).

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079302A1
Автор: Omae Hikaru

A wire harness that includes a wire having a first wire, a second wire that is more bendable than the first wire, and a connection for electrically connecting the first wire and the second wire to each other; a tube for accommodating at least one of the first wire and the second wire; and a covering ventilation that is tubular, has a covering for surrounding the connection and a surrounding region of the connection of the wire, and is connected to the tube. 1. A wire harness comprising:a wire having a first wire, a second wire that is more bendable than the first wire, and a connection for electrically connecting the first wire and the second wire to each other;a tube for accommodating at least one of the first wire and the second wire; anda covering ventilation that is tubular, has a covering for surrounding the connection and a surrounding region of the connection of the wire, and is connected to the tube, wherein:wherein the covering is provided with a ventilation having a property of allowing a passage of gas and restricting a passage of liquid, andthe connection has a larger area of a cross-section than that of a core wire of the first wire and that of a core wire of the second wire, the cross-section being perpendicular to a direction in which the wire extends.2. The wire harness according to claim 1 ,wherein a surface area of the connection is larger than a surface area of the core wire of the first wire when compared for a same section length.3. The wire harness according to claim 1 ,wherein the connection is exposed from the tube.4. The wire harness according to claim 3 ,wherein the tube has a first tube for accommodating the first wire, and a second tube for accommodating the second wire, andthe covering ventilation is attached so as to span between the first tube and the second tube.5. The wire harness according to claim 4 ,wherein an inner diameter of the covering is larger than an inner diameter of the first tube, and is also larger than an inner ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079303A1

A grommet includes an inner side harness insertion portion extending toward an inner side of a vehicle, an outer side harness insertion portion extending toward an outer side of the vehicle, a lip mountain base integrated with the inner side harness insertion portion, a lip mountain integrated with the lip mountain base, a panel abutment portion abutting on a periphery of the through hole in an outer side surface of a vehicle body panel, a connection portion connecting the lip mountain and the panel abutment portion, a work unit formed across the outer side harness insertion portion and the panel abutment portion, and a work pressing portion integrated with the outer side harness insertion portion and the work unit. A plurality of recesses are formed between facing surfaces of the work pressing portion and radially arranged about a central axis of the outer side harness insertion portion. 1. A grommet which is mounted to a through hole formed in a vehicle body panel comprising:a first harness insertion portion that extends toward a first side of the vehicle body panel, through which a wire harness penetrates;a second harness insertion portion that extends toward a second side of the vehicle body panel opposite to the first side, through which a wire harness penetrates;a lip mountain integrated with the first harness insertion portion;a panel abutment portion that abuts on a periphery of the through hole in a surface of the second side in the vehicle body panel;a connection portion that connects the lip mountain and the panel abutment portion;a work unit formed across the second harness insertion portion and the panel abutment portion; anda plurality of work pressing portions integrated with the second harness insertion portion and the work unit,wherein a recess is formed between the work pressing portions.2. The grommet according to claim 1 , whereina plurality of the recesses are radially formed about a central axis of the second harness insertion portion. This ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Plug connection kit, installation kit, and electrical installation

Номер: US20190081436A1
Принадлежит: Woertz Engineering AG

A plug connection kit for connecting a branch line to a through line, comprising a plug housing and a socket housing that enclose contact inserts. Flexible cable ends are molded onto the plug housing and socket housing. The plug housing and socket housing are each manufactured by casting plastic onto a base body with the contact inserts and flexible cable ends connected thereto inserted, thus forming a solid one-piece plug and a solid one-piece socket. The female and male contact inserts are electrically connectable to one another in a contact area between the plug housing and the socket housing. The plug connection kit also includes a sealing sleeve that encases the plug housing, the socket housing, and the contact area between the two housings in order to protect the plug connection kit from penetration of water and/or dust.

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Optical Cables for Harsh Environments

Номер: US20200081209A1
Принадлежит: Prysmian SpA

An optical cable includes a plurality of optical fibers sealed within a metal tube, a polymer inner sheath surrounding the metal tube and operatively connected to the metal tube, and an outer sheath disposed over the polymer inner sheath.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170085068A1

Example embodiments are directed to an enclosure. The enclosure can include at least one wall forming a cavity. The enclosure can also include a conduit receiver disposed in the at least one wall. The conduit receiver can include a housing having an aperture, where the aperture is configured to receive a conduit. The conduit receiver can also include a retaining element disposed within the housing at a distal end of the housing. The conduit receiver can further include a sealing device disposed within the housing at a proximal end of the housing. The conduit receiver can also include a bushing adjacent to the proximal end of the housing, where the bushing extends radially inward from the at least one wall, where the bushing is configured to abut against the conduit when the conduit is received in the aperture, and where the bushing covers an end of the conduit. 1. An enclosure , comprising:at least one wall forming a cavity; and a first housing having a first aperture, wherein the first aperture is configured to receive a first conduit, wherein the first conduit has disposed therein at least one electrical cable;', 'a first retaining element disposed within the first housing at a first distal end of the first housing; and', 'a first cable-protection element disposed adjacent to a first proximal end of the first housing,', 'wherein the first conduit receiver complies with applicable electrical raceway standards., 'a first conduit receiver disposed in the at least one wall, wherein the first conduit receiver comprises2. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the first housing is made of malleable material claim 1 , wherein the first housing is configured to be deformed when a first threshold compressive force is applied to the first housing.3. The enclosure of claim 2 , wherein the first retaining element is configured to deform at least a portion of the first conduit when the first threshold compressive force is applied to the first housing claim 2 , and wherein the ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Electrical penetrator assembly

Номер: US20170085074A1
Автор: Andrei M. Strikovski
Принадлежит: FMC Technologies Inc

A method of manufacturing an electrical penetrator assembly ( 1 ) comprising a penetrator housing ( 3 ) having a through-bore and an internal support surface; a ceramic sleeve assembly ( 2 ) sealingly providing a feed-through for an electrical conductor ( 29 ), which sleeve assembly comprises first and second outer support surfaces; and a compression member ( 6 ) comprising a compression surface; said method comprising the steps of sealingly attaching at least one metal, annular sealing member ( 4, 5 ) to a section of the sleeve assembly; positioning the sleeve assembly in the through-bore of the penetrator housing such that the first, outer support surface is brought into contact with the internal support surface; attaching the compression member to the penetrator housing such that the compression surface is brought into contact with the second, outer support surface; by means of the compression member, directly or indirectly preloading the sleeve assembly by applying a force onto the sleeve assembly such that a predetermined contact pressure is obtained between the first, outer support surface and the internal support surface; and directly or indirectly, sealingly connecting the at least one sealing member to the penetrator housing. The invention also relates to an electrical penetrator assembly manufactured according to the method.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170085075A1

A pre-expanded cover assembly for protecting a cable splice connection including a cable, the cable including an electrical conductor surrounded by a cable insulation layer, includes a splice body assembly and a removable holdout. The splice body assembly includes a tubular, cold-shrinkable, electrically insulative, elastomeric splice body having an interior surface defining an interior passage. The splice body assembly further includes a tubular layer of a conformable medium pre-mounted on the interior surface of the splice body. The conformable medium is a flowable material having a high electrical permittivity. The splice body assembly is mounted on the holdout such that the holdout maintains the splice body in an elastically radially expanded state, and the holdout is selectively removable from the splice body to permit the splice body to elastically radially contract. The layer of the conformable medium is positioned and configured such that, when the pre-expanded cover assembly is positioned adjacent the cable splice connection, the holdout is removed from the splice body, and the splice body elastically radially contracts onto the cable splice connection, the layer of the conformable medium will be radially interposed between and engage each of the interior surface of the splice body and an opposing interface surface of the cable insulation. 1. A pre-expanded cover assembly for protecting a cable splice connection including a cable , the cable including an electrical conductor surrounded by a cable insulation layer , the pre-expanded cover assembly comprising: a tubular, cold-shrinkable, electrically insulative, elastomeric splice body having an interior surface defining an interior passage; and', 'a tubular layer of a conformable medium pre-mounted on the interior surface of the splice body, wherein the conformable medium is a flowable material having a high electrical permittivity; and, 'a splice body assembly includinga removable holdout, wherein the ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Tube seal

Номер: US20140167411A1

A tube seal includes a tube through hole, a pressure housing tube seal penetration cavity for an elastomeric interference seal, a ferrule sealing surface for a ferrule, and an internal channel for a backing nut. A tube penetrates through the backing nut, the ferrule, the elastomeric interference seal and the tube through hole.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200083683A1

A cable-holding device with sealing assembly includes a body having a main unit, a first connecting portion and a second connecting portion, a sealing assembly on the body, and an adjustment element on the second connecting portion. The body has a connecting hole, and the second connecting portion is extended with plural clamping arms. The sealing assembly includes a first sealing portion outside the first connecting portion, a second sealing portion inside the clamping arms to form a tightening port, and a connecting portion between the first sealing portion and the second sealing portion. On the second connecting portion, the adjustment element includes a first movement state which forms a tightening state on the tightening port, and a second movement state which changes the tightening port from the tightening state into a non-tightening state gradually. 1. A cable-holding device with sealing assembly , comprising:a body, which is provided with a main unit, a first connecting portion extending from the main unit and a second connecting portion extending from the main unit and being opposite to the first connecting portion, with that the body is provided with a connecting hole which penetrates the main unit, the first connecting portion and the second connecting portion, and the second connecting portion is extended toward an opposite side to the main unit with plural clamping arms disposed annularly at a periphery of the connecting hole and being separated from one another;a sealing assembly, which is disposed on the body and includes a first sealing portion being disposed outside the first connecting portion, a second sealing portion being disposed inside the clamping arms to form a tightening port, and a connecting portion being connected between the first sealing portion and the second sealing portion; andan adjustment element, which is disposed outside the second connecting portion to enclose the clamping arms, including a first movement state on the second ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Assembly and method for sealing a bundle of wires

Номер: US20220139597A1

A structure for creating a sealed wire bundle includes a first adhesive material in the form of a circular or semi-circular shape. The first adhesive material has a first outer wall with first spoke arms extending inward from the first outer wall. The first adhesive material has a first viscosity. First wire receiving spaces are provided between the first spoke arms. Wires are positioned in the first wire receiving spaces. As heat is applied to the adhesive structure, the adhesive structure flows to fill voids between the plurality of wires to thereby seal the wires.

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Mechanical cable entry port

Номер: US20200088964A1
Принадлежит: Corning Research and Development Corp

An advanced port entry device for a telecommunication enclosure is described. The port entry device comprises a sealing body having an internal passageway extending from a first end of the sealing body to a second end of the sealing body that is configured to sealingly engage with a port of the telecommunication enclosure, wherein the sealing body has an internal, and a tray member extending from the first end of the sealing body wherein the tray member is configured to pass through the port so that it resides within the protected interior space of the telecommunication enclosure when the port entry device is installed.

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160097470A1
Автор: Johansson Bengt

An insert block half for sealing around a cable, pipe or wire. The insert block half comprises: a body with a first and a second end, a first side intended to be arranged towards a substantially identical insert block half, and a semi-circular groove arranged in said first side and extending between the first and second end; and a reinforcement element having a shape corresponding to the shape of the semi-cylindrical groove and arranged to enclose the groove. 1. Insert block half for sealing around a cable , pipe or wire , said insert block half comprising:a body with a first and a second end, a first side intended to be arranged towards a substantially identical insert block half, and a semi-circular groove arranged in said first side and extending between the first and second end; anda reinforcement element having a shape corresponding to the shape of the semi-cylindrical groove and arranged to enclose the groove.2. The insert block half according to claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement element is made of a metal material claim 1 , and the body is made of a rubber composition.3. The insert block half according to claim 1 , wherein the groove extend along an axis L and the reinforcement element claim 1 , in the plane transverse to the axis L claim 1 , has the shape of a half circular arc with a radius corresponding to the radius of the semi-cylindrical groove such that the reinforcement element fit in the groove.4. The insert block half according to claim 3 , wherein a layer of the same rubber composition as the body is arranged on the side of the reinforcement layer that is facing the cable claim 3 , pipe or wire.5. The insert block half according to claim 2 , wherein a number of peelable layers are arranged on the reinforcement element.6. The insert block half according to claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement element is arranged in a recess extending around the groove in the body such that the reinforcement element is enclosing the groove.7. The insert block half ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160099557A1

An arrangement () for covering connecting points of electrical lines (-) in a moisture tight manner is indicated. The electrical conductors (-) of at least one first electrical line () are connected to the electrical conductors (-) with at least two further electrical lines (-). The connecting point is surrounded by a prefabricated housing () consisting of a mechanically stable synthetic material. The interior of the housing () is completely enclosed by a sealing material produced by injection. molding which extends to both sides of the housing () up to the lines protruding beyond the housing (-). 1. Arrangement for the moisture tight covering of the connection point of electrical lines , where the electrical conductor is connected by at least one first electrical line with the electrical conductors of at least two further electrical lines , said arrangement comprising:a prefabricated housing of a mechanically stable synthetic material surrounds the connection point; anda sealing material completely encloses the interior of the housing, the sealing material being produced by injection molding which extends to both sides of the housing up to the lines protruding beyond the housing.2. Arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the injection molding material on the openings of the housing passes through at least one first and two further electrical lines each protruding beyond the housing.3. Arrangement according to claim 2 , wherein the edges of the openings of the housing are completely media tight covered by the protruding injection molding material.3. Arrangement according to claim 3 , wherein the edges of the openings of the housing have sealing contours which are covered in a completely media tight manner by the injection molding material.5. Arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical conductors are connected by at least one first electrical line is connected by means of clamping type connectors with the electrical conductors of at least two further ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200091699A1

The present invention provides, in various embodiments, a push on cap for an electrical cable that can be both temporary and permanent. The cap includes an extension that can be folded back for temporary installation of the cap on the cable, and unfolded onto the cable for permanent installation. 17-. (canceled)8. A cap for covering an exposed end of a cable , the cap consisting essentially of an elastomeric rubber material and a sealing mastic , wherein the cap is configured to provide an interference fit without engaging the sealing mastic when the cap is in a folded form and temporarily installed on the cable , and wherein the cap is configured to provide a water-tight seal using the sealing mastic when the cap is in an extended form and permanently installed on the cable.9. The cap of claim 8 , wherein the elastomeric rubber material comprises ethylene propylene rubber.10. The cap of claim 8 , wherein the sealing mastic is bonded to the rubber.11. The cap of claim 8 , wherein the sealing mastic is cured in an elastic state.12. The cap of claim 8 , wherein the cap is a push on cap claim 8 , not a heat shrink cap or a cold shrink cap.13. The cap of claim 8 , wherein the cap is configured for a secondary (low voltage) cable.14. The cap of claim 8 , wherein in the folded form a portion of the cap is folded back exposing the sealing mastic.15. The cap of claim 8 , wherein in the extended form the cap is unfolded onto the cable positioning the sealing mastic against the cable jacket.16. A push on cap for a cable that can be both temporary and permanent claim 8 , the cap consisting essentially of an elastomeric rubber sleeve and a sealing mastic claim 8 , the sleeve comprising a cap body having a closed cap end; and an extension portion having a middle section and an end section claim 8 , the middle section of the extension portion having the sealing mastic bonded to an inner surface thereof claim 8 , and the end section of the extension portion including one or more ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140178185A1

A seal assembly includes a first ferrule that surrounds the lead and a second ferrule that surrounds the lead. 1. A seal assembly comprising:a lead;a first ferrule that surrounds said lead; anda second ferrule that surrounds said lead.2. The seal assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein said first ferrule is opposed to said second ferrule.3. The seal assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein said first ferrule and said second ferrule include opposed convex surfaces.4. The seal assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein said first ferrule and said second ferrule include opposed ramped surfaces.5. The seal assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein said first ferrule is brazed to said lead.6. The seal assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein said second ferrule includes a nut and an adapter with a threaded interface therebetween.7. The seal assembly as recited in claim 6 , wherein said adapter is brazed to said lead.8. The seal assembly as recited in claim 7 , wherein said nut includes a convex surface.9. The seal assembly as recited in claim 7 , wherein said nut is opposed to said first ferrule.10. An assembly comprising:a structure that includes an aperture along an axis, said aperture includes an inner counterbore and an outer counterbore separated by an intermediate section;a lead that extends through said aperture along said axis;an inner ferrule that surrounds said lead and interfaces with said inner counterbore; andan outer ferrule that surrounds said lead and interfaces with said outer counterbore.11. The assembly as recited in claim 10 , further comprising a potting material within said intermediate section.12. The assembly as recited in claim 10 , wherein said inner ferrule and said outer ferrule includes a convex surface that abuts an inner intermediate interface surface between said inner counterbore and said intermediate section and an outer intermediate interface surface between said outer counterbore and said intermediate section.13. The assembly as recited ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190097406A1
Автор: Ridge Paul, West John

A chamber for a fueling system includes a housing configured to organize electrical lines based on electrical characteristics. The electrical lines are routed through the electrical transition chamber and extend between a plurality of inlets and a plurality of outlets of the chamber. Additionally, the chamber may include at least one entry seal for carrying the electrical lines into and/or out of the electrical transition chamber. The entry seal includes an electrofusion winding and a compression fitting. 1. A chamber for a fueling system , comprising:a housing having a lower surface and including at least one raised portion and at least one recessed portion;a plurality of inlets to the housing; anda plurality of outlets from the housing, wherein electrical lines extending between the inlets and the outlets are positionable within the at least one recessed portion, whereby a service technician can step on the raised portion without disturbing the electrical lines positioned in the recessed portion.2. The chamber of claim 1 , wherein the housing defines a unitary structure and is configured to receive a first plurality of electrical lines having a first voltage and a second plurality of electrical lines having a second voltage.3. The chamber of claim 2 , further comprising a panel received within the housing and positioned between the first plurality of electrical lines and the second plurality of electrical lines claim 2 , wherein the housing includes a support member supporting the panel.4. The chamber of claim 3 , wherein at least one of the raised portions of the lower surface includes a second support member.5. The chamber of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of inlets are sealed to the electrical lines with a compression fitting.6. The chamber of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of outlets are sealed to the electrical lines with a compression fitting.7. The chamber of claim 1 , further comprising an entry seal positioned on the housing at one of the inlets and ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Link box with removable cable entry seals

Номер: US20190097408A1
Принадлежит: TE Connectivity Services GmbH

A link box includes a housing that defines an enclosure, an electrical connector within the enclosure, an aperture formed through a wall of the housing, and a cable entry seal secured to the housing at the aperture. The cable entry seal receives a cable inserted into the housing for connection to the electrical connector. The cable entry seal includes first and second parts that are removably secured together. The first part includes a flange and an externally-threaded portion that extends outwardly from the flange. The externally-threaded portion is inserted through the aperture from within the enclosure such that the flange abuts an internal surface of the wall. The second part includes an internally-threaded body and a seal conduit that extends outwardly from the internally-threaded body. The internally-threaded body is threadingly engaged with the externally-threaded portion of the first part and the seal conduit surrounds and seals the cable.

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140182928A1

A sealing element for sealing a cable inserted into a connecting housing, having a passage opening for the cable to pass through, is disk-shaped having at least one first disk having substantially u-shaped circumference, and a second disk having a substantially u-shaped circumference and resting on the first disk. The first disk has two opposite side flanks which extend parallel to each other, and the second disk has a first pair of flanks having two opposite side flanks, which are formed conically with respect to each other. On the top side of the first disk has a sealing lip which is connected to the side flanks respectively via a chamfered connecting region. 1. A sealing element configured to seal a cable inserted into a connecting housing and having a passage opening configured for the cable to pass therethrough , the sealing element being disc-shaped and comprising:a first disc having a substantially U-shaped circumference; anda second disc having a substantially U-shaped circumference and resting on the first disc,wherein the first disc includes two first opposite side flanks which extend parallel to each other,wherein the second disc includes a first pair of flanks including two second opposite side flanks, which are formed conically with respect to each other,wherein the first disc includes, on its upper face connecting the two first opposite side flanks to each other, a sealing lip, the sealing lip being connected to each of the first opposite side flanks via a slanted connecting region.2. The sealing element of claim 1 , further comprising:a third disc having a substantially U-shaped circumference,wherein the third disk has a form corresponding to that of the first disc, andwherein the third disc is disposed such that the second disc is disposed between the first disc and the third disc.3. The sealing element of claim 1 , wherein the second disc includes a second pair of flanks including two third opposite side flanks claim 1 , which are formed conically ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170104322A1

A sealing grommet assembly for use with a panel and a wire bundle includes first and second grommets, a cable guide, and an annular retainer. The first grommet defines a first conduit and a first set of sealing lips. The second grommet defines a second conduit and a second set of sealing lips. The cable guide is positioned within the first and second conduits, and receives and supports the wire bundle. The annular retainer is encapsulated by the first and second grommets, and has a first set of axially-projecting latch fingers that secures the first and second grommets to each other. The retainer also has a second set of axially-projecting latch fingers that secures the first and second grommets to the panel. The sealing lips form a seal against opposite sides of the panel when the sealing grommet assembly is secured to the panel via the annular retainer. 1. A sealing grommet assembly for use with a panel and a wire bundle , the sealing grommet assembly comprising:a first grommet defining a first conduit and a first set of sealing lips;a second grommet defining a second conduit and a second set of sealing lips;a cable guide, positioned within the first and second conduits, configured to receive and support the wire bundle; andan annular retainer encapsulated by the first and second grommets, and having a first set of axially-projecting latch fingers securing the first and second grommets to each other, and also having a second set of axially-projecting latch fingers securing the first and second grommets to the panel;wherein the first and second sets of sealing lips are configured to form a seal against opposite sides of the panel when the sealing grommet assembly is secured to the panel via the annular retainer.2. The sealing grommet assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first and second grommets are constructed of ethylene propylene diene monomer (EDPM) rubber.3. The sealing grommet assembly of claim 1 , wherein the cable guide is constructed of molded nylon or ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180104874A1
Автор: BOCCATO Enrico

It is disclosed an injection moulding press comprising a plurality of moulds, with an injector for each mould, mounted on platform with which they can be rotated along a circumference. 1. An injection moulding press comprising a plurality of moulds and an injector for each mould , said moulds and said corresponding injectors being mounted on a platform with which they can be rotated.2. The injection moulding press according to claim 1 , wherein said injector comprises a plastifying cylinder claim 1 , an injection cylinder claim 1 , an injection screw and a control motor for said injection screw claim 1 , said components being arranged coaxially with respect to each other.3. The injection moulding press according to claim 1 , wherein said injector is vertically mounted on said platform.4. The injection moulding press according to claim 1 , wherein each mould has only one moulding cavity for moulding a single piece.5. The injection moulding press according to claim 1 , wherein said mould has a cavity for moulding an end of a cable and retaining means are arranged on said platform for retaining in a preset position both ends of the cable.6. The injection moulding press according to claim 5 , wherein both ends of a cable are moulded.7. The injection moulding press according to claim 5 , wherein one end of the cable is held in a mould and the other end of the cable is held by retaining means.8. The injection moulding press according to claim 1 , wherein the solidification of material takes place during the rotation of the moulds claim 1 , such that continuous moulding is carried out without having to wait the solidification time of the material.9. The injection moulding press according to claim 1 , wherein said mould comprises two half-moulds slidable on guides fixed to said platform and divergently oriented from each other claim 1 , towards the outside of said platform claim 1 , to perform the opening and closing of said mould following the translation of the half- ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114709A1

A cabinet includes a board defining a through hole, a number of cables extending through the through hole, and a seal device. The seal device includes a limiting member mounted on the board, a sliding member slidably mounted to the board, and a fixing member. The limiting member defines a first receiving groove aligning with the through hole. The sliding member forms a sandwiching portion defining a second receiving groove. The sliding member is slid toward the first receiving groove of the limiting member. The first groove of the limiting member and the second groove of the sliding member sandwich the cables together to seal a gap between the cables and a sidewall bounding the through hole. The sliding member is fixed to the board by the fixing member. 1. A cabinet , comprising:a board defining a through hole;a plurality of cables extending through the through hole; anda seal device comprising a limiting member mounted on the board and defining a first receiving groove aligning with the through hole, a sliding member slidably mounted on the board and forming a sandwiching portion, and a fixing member, the sandwiching portion defining a second receiving groove;wherein the sliding member is operable to slide toward the limiting member, to allow the sandwiching portion to enter the first receiving groove; the limiting member and the sliding member sandwich the cables together and seal a gap between the plurality of cables and a sidewall bounding the through hole; the plurality of cables is received in a part of the first receiving groove uncovered by the sandwiching portion and the second receiving groove, the fixing member is then to fix the sliding member to the board.2. The cabinet of claim 1 , wherein the limiting member and the sliding member are made of foam.3. The cabinet of claim 1 , wherein the seal device further comprises an installing member mounted to the board claim 1 , a rear end of the fixing member is pivotably mounted to the installing member claim 1 ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180109097A1

A sealing member includes a rubber stopper and a guide member. The rubber stopper includes an electric wire through portion including first to fourth through holes through which first to fourth electric wires are passed, respectively. The guide member is located more to a rear than the electric wire through portion in an extending direction in which the first to the fourth electric wires passed through the first to the fourth through holes extend. The guide member includes first to fourth guide holes through which the first to the fourth electric wires are passed and aligned with the first to the fourth through holes. 18-. (canceled)9. A sealing member comprising:a rubber stopper including an electric wire through portion including a plurality of through holes through which electric wires are passed, respectively;a rear guide member including a plurality of guide holes located more to a rear than the electric wire through portion in an extending direction in which the electric wires passed through the plurality of through holes extend and through which the electric wires are passed, the plurality of guide holes being aligned with the plurality of through holes of the rubber stopper; andthe rubber stopper includes a holding portion inside the rubber stopper for holding the rear guide member.10. The sealing member according to claim 9 , whereinthe electric wires are exposed from an end of a multicore cable including the electric wires wrapped in a sheath, andthe rear guide member is located close to the end of the multicore cable.11. The sealing member according to claim 9 , whereinthe electric wires are exposed from an end of a multicore cable including the electric wires wrapped in a sheath,the rubber stopper includes a sheath fitting portion fitted on the sheath, andthe rear guide member is located inside the sheath fitting portion.12. The sealing member according to claim 11 , whereina sheath-side lip is formed on an inner periphery of the sheath fitting portion, ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180109098A9
Автор: Proud Samuel L.

A dispenser apparatus for a curable liquid material is disclosed. The apparatus comprises a flexible bag defining a first compartment for accommodating a first component of a curable liquid material, and a second compartment for accommodating a second component of the curable liquid material and adapted to communicate with the first chamber to enable mixing of the first and second components to initiate curing of the curable liquid material. A first clamp temporarily prevents mixing of the first and second components, and an elongate nozzle communicates with the second compartment to dispense the mixed curable liquid material therefrom. A second clamp temporarily prevents passage of the curable liquid material from the second compartment to the nozzle. 1. A filler assembly for filling a cable gland with curable liquid material , the assembly comprising: a body defining at least one first chamber accommodating a first component of a curable liquid material, and at least one second chamber accommodating a second component of said curable liquid material, wherein mixing of said first and second components initiates curing of said curable liquid material; and', 'at least one dispenser device adapted to dispense said mixed curable liquid material therefrom between a plurality of said cores of said cable; and, '(a) a dispenser apparatus for a curable liquid material, the apparatus comprising(b) at least one flexible barrier member having at least one respective aperture therethrough and adapted to stretch to engage a plurality of cores of a cable to provide a barrier to passage of said curable liquid material along said cores.2. An assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said body is sufficiently flexible to enable manipulation of said curable liquid material through said body.3. An assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one first barrier apparatus for temporarily preventing mixing of said first and second components.4. An assembly according to claim ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210125742A1
Автор: Hayashi Masashi

A wire harness that includes an electric wire that includes a core wire, an insulating inner cover that covers an outer circumference of the core wire, and a conductive shield that covers an outer circumference of the insulating inner cover; a conductive bracket including a plate that includes an insertion hole through which the electric wire is inserted and a protrusion protruding from an edge of the insertion hole in the plate; a fastener that fastens a folded-back portion of the shield that is folded back to an outer circumferential side of the protrusion to the protrusion; and a body made of resin that sandwiches the plate in a thickness direction. 1. A wire harness comprising:an electric wire that includes a core wire, an insulating inner cover that covers an outer circumference of the core wire, and a conductive shield that covers an outer circumference of the insulating inner cover;a conductive bracket including a plate that includes an insertion hole through which the electric wire is inserted and a protrusion protruding from an edge of the insertion hole in the plate;a fastener that fastens a folded-back portion of the shield that is folded back to an outer circumferential side of the protrusion to the protrusion; anda body made of resin that sandwiches the plate in a thickness direction, whereinthe plate of the bracket includes a flange protruding radially outward from an entire circumference of the body, andthe body and the bracket form an attachment to be attached to a device to which the wire harness is to be attached.2. The wire harness according to claim 1 , whereinthe insertion hole and the protrusion include a plurality of insertion holes and a plurality of protrusions respectively protruding from edges of the insertion holes.3. The wire harness according to claim 1 , whereinthe protrusion has a tubular shape.4. (canceled)5. The wire harness according to claim 1 , whereinan annular groove is provided on an outer circumferential surface of the body, ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200106254A1
Принадлежит: CommScope Connectivity Belgium BVBA

Disclosed herein is a gel seal including a volume of gel between first and second end plates. The first and second end plates have one or more cable ports with a central longitudinal axis extending through the first end plate, the volume of gel, and the second end plate. The cable port has a first, circular cross-sectional profile in the first and second end plates for receiving a round cable and a second, elongate cross-sectional profile in the first and second end plates for receiving a flat cable. 1. A gel seal , comprising:a volume of gel between first and second end plates, the first and second end plates having one or more cable ports with a central longitudinal axis extending through the first end plate, the volume of gel, and the second end plate,wherein, in the first and second end plates, the cable port has a first, circular cross-sectional profile for receiving a round cable and a second, elongate cross-sectional profile for receiving a flat cable.2. The gel seal of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the gel claim 1 , the cable port has the first claim 1 , circular cross-sectional profile.3. The gel seal of claim 1 , wherein the first and second end plates comprise collapsible partitions protruding into the second claim 1 , elongate cross-sectional profile and defining a portion of the first claim 1 , circular cross-sectional profile.4. The gel seal of claim 1 , wherein the first and second end plates comprise secondary collapsible partitions protruding into the first claim 1 , circular cross-sectional profile and defining a portion of the second claim 1 , elongate cross-sectional profile.5. The gel seal of claim 1 , wherein the first and second end plates comprise:collapsible partitions protruding into the second, elongate cross-sectional profile and defining a portion of the first, circular cross-sectional profile; andsecondary collapsible partitions protruding into the first, circular cross-sectional profile and defining a portion of the second, elongate ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160118780A1

An electrical assembly having a support, a mounting member and an electrical device attached to the mounting member and the support. The mounting member is a one piece integrally formed unit having an interior cavity for receiving electrical wires from the power source and supplying the electrical wires to the electrical device. The mounting member has a coupling at a first end of the mounting member with internal threads having an annular recess receiving a seal member for forming a weatherproof seal with the support while allowing limited rotational adjustment of the mounting member with the support and maintaining the weatherproof seal. The mounting member has a second end with a coupling having external threads complementing the internal threads of the first coupling to enable a plurality of the mounting members to be coupled together and forming a weatherproof connection between the adjacent mounting members. 1a support having an open end with a passage for carrying electrical wires;at least one mounting member having a body with a hollow cavity, a first side, a second side, a first longitudinal end, and a second longitudinal end;a first coupling extending from said first longitudinal end and having an open end with external threads and an axial passage communicating with said cavity;a second coupling extending from said second end and having an axial passage communicating with said cavity, said axial passage having internal threads extending between an outer end of said second coupling and a base portion of said second coupling, said base portion having an annular recess and a seal member received in said annular recess, said internal threads of said second coupling complementing the external threads of said first coupling, said seal member configured for mating with said support or with the first coupling of a second mounting member and allowing rotational adjustment of said mounting member with respect to said support or second mounting member and forming a ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Air shelter for electrical equipment

Номер: US20180116062A1
Автор: Shinsuke Maeshiba
Принадлежит: Showa Kiki Kogyo Co Ltd

To completely prevent air from leaking out from a conduit tube, which protects an electrical wire connecting an electrical equipment and a power source, and to easily and reliably electrically connect the electrical equipment and the power source in an air shelter. A pump and a motor are covered with a cover body, and an electrical wire that connects an explosion proof connector and a power source is not protected with a flexible conduit tube in the inside of the cover body, and protected with the flexible conduit tube only on the outer side of a conduit tube connector arranged on a side wall of a base.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170117070A1

A sealing structure of a multicore cable includes the multicore cable, a rubber stopper, a cap, and a holder. The multicore cable includes first to fourth electric wires covered with a sheath. The rubber stopper is fitted on an end of the sheath and first to fourth through holes through which the first to the fourth electric wires are passed, respectively. The cap is fitted on the rubber stopper and presses the rubber stopper inward. The holder includes a sheath holding portion for holding the sheath and a cap holding portion for holding the cap. 1. A sealing structure of a multicore cable comprising:the multicore cable including a plurality of electric wires covered with a sheath;a rubber stopper fitted on an end of the sheath and including a plurality of through holes through which the plurality of electric wires are passed, respectively;a cap fitted on the rubber stopper and pressing the rubber stopper inward; anda holder including a sheath holding portion for holding the sheath and a cap holding portion for holding the cap.2. The sealing structure of a multicore cable according to claim 1 , wherein the holder includes a wire routing portion for guiding the plurality of electric wires pulled out through the plurality of the through holes.3. The sealing structure of a multicore cable according to claim 1 , wherein the holder includes a bracket configured to be mounted to a vehicle.4. The sealing structure of a multicore cable according to claim 1 , wherein the sheath holding portion includes a holding rib that protrudes inward and extends along a circumferential direction of the sheath when the sheath is placed in the sheath holding portion.5. The sealing structure of a multicore cable according to claim 4 , whereinthe holder includes a first holder and a second holder fitted together,the sheath holding portion includes a first sheath holding portion included in the first holder and a second sheath holding portion included in the second holder, andthe holding rib ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170117696A1
Автор: Chiu Teh-Tsung

A cable and flexible conduit gland assembly includes a mounting member mounted in a predetermined object, one or multiple connection members, an outer cap, and one packing device and one or multiple auxiliary clamping sleeves mounted in the mounting member between the connection members and the outer cap and compressible by the outer cap and the connection members to wrap about the periphery of an inserted cable and to provide multiple packing effects. Thus, the cable and flexible conduit gland assembly has high IP rating, and is practical for dynamic mechanical application, or application in a deep-water environment or high explosive atmosphere. 1. A cable and flexible conduit gland assembly , comprising:a mounting member being a tubular member, said mounting member comprising a first outer thread;at least one connection member, each said connection member comprising a second outer thread, a first axial hole, a first tapered surface defined in said first axial hole and a first inner thread defined in said first axial hole and threaded onto said first outer thread of said mounting member;an outer cap comprising an axial through hole extending through two opposite ends thereof, a second tapered surface defined in the axial through hole of said outer cap, and a second inner thread defined in the axial through hole of said outer cap at one side relative to said second tapered surface and threaded onto the second outer thread of one said connection member;a packing device comprising a packing sleeve mounted in said mounting member and the first axial hole of one said connection member and defining therein an axially extended through hole, and a clamping member sleeved onto said packing sleeve; andan auxiliary clamping sleeve mounted in the axial through hole of said outer cap and the second axial hole of one said connection member, said auxiliary clamping sleeve comprising a through hole axially extended through two opposite ends thereof and an annular hooked portion ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190115121A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A waterproofing structure for shielded cable includes: a shielded cable including one or more cables and a braided wire serving as a shielding member and covering the cables; a grommet serving as a waterproofing member and covering a waterproofed portion on the braided wire; and a heat shrinkable tube including an adhesive disposed to cover the waterproofed portion of the braided wire 13. The adhesive pushed into the braided wire by heat shrinkage of the heat shrinkable tube fills a gap between a plurality of strands of the braided wire in an entire region of the waterproofed portion and a gap between the cable and the braided wire. A space between an outer circumferential surface of the heat shrinkable tube and a part of an inner circumferential surface of the waterproofing member is blocked without any gap in a circumferential direction. 1. A shielded-cable waterproofing structure , comprising:a shielded cable including one or more cables and a braided wire serving as a shielding member and covering the cables;a waterproofing member covering a waterproofed portion of the braided wire; anda heat shrinkable tube including a waterproofing filler disposed to cover the waterproofed portion of the braided wire, whereinthe waterproofing filler pushed into the braided wire by heat shrinkage of the heat shrinkable tube fills gaps between a plurality of strands of the braided wire in an entire region of the waterproofed portion and a gap between the cable and the braided wire, anda space between an outer circumferential surface of the heat shrinkable tube and a part of an inner circumferential surface of the waterproofing member is blocked without any gap in a circumferential direction.2. The shielded-cable waterproofing structure according to claim 1 , whereinthe braided wire collectively covers the cables, anda gap between the cables is filled with the waterproofing filler.3. The shielded-cable waterproofing structure according to claim 1 , wherein the shielded cable has ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Wiring harness connecting structure for housed circuit assembly

Номер: US20190115703A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Wiring Systems Ltd

A novel wire harness connecting structure for a housed circuit assembly is provided. The connecting structure is able to electrically connect a wire harness and a circuit assembly housed in a housing to each other, using a small number of parts, with high space efficiency. The wire harness connecting structure for housed circuit assemblies is used to electrically connect wire harnesses to circuit assemblies housed in a housing, wherein through holes are provided in a wall of the housing, circuit assembly connectors that are provided in the circuit assemblies face the through holes, and harness end connectors that are provided at ends of the wire harnesses are configured to be inserted into the through holes of the housing and to be connected to the circuit assembly connectors of the circuit assemblies.

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190115743A1

A cable gland for providing strain relief and sealing for a cable that can be coupled to a device. The cable gland includes a sealing gland having a sealant. Upon assembly of the cable gland, the sealing gland is compressed in a manner that can releases, or otherwise can facilitate the displacement of, the sealant about an interface between a portion of the cable and the sealing gland, and/or into spaces between exposed insulative jackets and/or conductors of the cable. The sealant can include a curable viscous sealant that is housed within a package of the sealing gland, the package being configured to rupture upon compression of the sealing gland. Alternatively, the sealant can be a malleable sealant material that can be pressed or otherwise displaced to form a seal between the sealing gland and cable and/or into the spaces between exposed insulative jackets and/or conductors of the cable. 1. A cable gland comprising:a gland body having a cavity;a retaining nut configured to be selectively coupled to a first end of the gland body;a gland nut configured to be selectively coupled to a second end of the gland body; anda sealing gland comprising a bushing body and a sealant, the bushing body having a bore that is in fluid communication with the cavity, the bushing body being configured to be in a compressed state by a coupling of the gland nut to the gland body, wherein the sealant is configured for displacement into a portion of the bore upon the bushing body being in the compressed state.2. The cable gland of claim 2 , wherein the sealing gland further comprises a package claim 2 , the package defining at least a portion of an inner area that retains the sealant prior to the bushing body being in the compressed state claim 2 , wherein the package is configured to rupture upon the bushing body being in the compressed state.3. The cable gland of claim 3 , wherein the sealant within the inner area of the package comprises a curable sealant material.4. The cable gland ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210143619A1
Принадлежит: FANUC Corporation

A robot linear-object unit includes: a first part including cables, which lead to motors, that are covered by a flexible sheath having a circular outer shape in cross section; a second part including the cables in a loose state at one end of the first part; a plurality of third parts each including one or more of the cables of the second part bundled together for a connector connected to corresponding one of the motors, the third parts being covered by flexible covering materials having circular outer shapes in cross section; and a casing that accommodates the second part and is fixed to a movable part. The casing is provided with a plurality of through holes that allow the first and the third parts to pass through the casing. Spaces between the through holes, the sheath, and the covering materials are fixed in a liquid-tight state by cable glands. 1. A robot linear-object unit comprising:a first part including cables, which lead to a plurality of motors of a robot, that are covered by a flexible sheath having a circular outer shape in cross section;a second part including the cables in a loose state that have had the sheath removed at one end of the first part;a plurality of third parts each including one or more of the cables of the second part bundled together for a connector connected to corresponding one of the motors, the third parts being covered by flexible covering materials having circular outer shapes in cross section; anda casing that accommodates the second part and is fixed to a movable part of the robot,wherein the casing is provided with a plurality of through holes that allow the first part and the third parts to pass therethrough, andspaces between the through holes, the sheath, and the covering materials are fixed in a liquid-tight state by cable glands.2. The robot linear-object unit according to claim 1 , wherein the covering materials are piping tubes.3. The robot linear-object unit according to claim 1 , wherein the covering materials are ...
