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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 76337. Отображено 200.
27-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2340101C2
Принадлежит: МОТОРОЛА, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к приему экстренного вызова. Заявлены устройство и способ для обеспечения возможности работы устройства беспроводной связи в течение ограничений класса доступа для приема входящего экстренного вызова в течение предварительно определенного временного интервала, что является техническим результатом. После того как устройство беспроводной связи инициирует экстренный вызов в центр службы чрезвычайных ситуаций, например в полицию, устройство беспроводной связи имеет возможность ответить на обратный вызов из центра службы чрезвычайных ситуаций. Устройство беспроводной связи принимает обратный вызов на основе информации о классе экстренного вызова и уровне приоритета обратного вызова. 3 н. и 20 з.п. ф-лы. 7 ил.

20-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2183913C2

Изобретение относится к широкополосным системам, в частности к широкополосным системам, в которых используются коммутаторы цепей для различных возможностей вызова. Техническим результатом является создание эффективной системы, которая объединяет возможности широкополосных элементов с возможностями обычных коммутаторов цепей. Такая система может обеспечить виртуальные соединения в РАП, но поддерживает и многочисленные услуги, предоставляемые в настоящее время коммутаторами цепей. Технический результат достигается тем, что процессор сигнализации принимает и обрабатывает первое сигнальное сообщение системы связи для обработки вызова для выдачи управляющих и сигнальных сообщений, которые идентифицируют выбор, и передачи управляющих сообщений в мультиплексоры перераспределения, работающих в РАП, которые получают соединение доступа для вызова. Мультиплексоры преобразуют информацию абонентов, полученную из соединения доступа, в элементы РАП для передачи через первое виртуальное соединение в соответствии ...

27-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2176435C2

Изобретение относится к транзитным системам связи для коммутируемого потока информационного обмена - трафика и, в частности, к транзитным системам, которые используют системы с асинхронной передачей данных (АПД). Транзитная система связи содержит средство обработки для приема информации сигнализации, связанной поступающим коммутируемым трафиком, асинхронное средство организации межсетевого обмена для приема поступающего коммутируемого трафика и для преобразования поступающего коммутируемого трафика в асинхронный трафик в ответ на управляющую информацию, средство маршрутизации для направления асинхронного трафика из асинхронной системы организации межсетевого обмена через матрицу на основе выбранного идентификатора, линию для переноса управляющей информации между системой обработки и асинхронной системой организации межсетевого обмена. Способ функционирования транзитной системы связи включает операции над сигналами, реализуемые упомянутыми узлами. Достигаемый технический результат - обеспечение ...

10-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2174742C2

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству для измерения трафика в системе связи. Технический результат - повышение скорости передачи информации и точности измерения трафика. Информацию, соответствующую передаваемым единицам трафика, например элементам данных, направляют на ряд параллельных логических схем (G1..., Gn) для прореживания трафика, которые принимают решение "прервать передачу" или "пропустить" отдельные единицы трафика и определяют оценку распределения единиц трафика по частоте появления путем одновременных вычислений оценок частоты появления в нескольких диапазонах значений. Для упрощения процедуры получения точности вида трафика определение оценки для отдельного диапазона значений осуществляют по разности между количеством решений, принятых соответствующими рассматриваемому диапазону значений прореживающими логическими схемами за определенный период времени. 2 с. и 12 з.п.ф-лы, 14 ил.

10-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2242095C2

Способы осуществления прерывистой передачи (ПП) и быстрой внутриполостной передачи сигналов об изменениях конфигурации системы в системах речевой связи обеспечивают экономичность с точки зрения пропускной способности радиопередачи, с точки зрения передачи по фиксированной линии связи и с точки зрения объема трудозатрат по их реализации. Способ осуществления прерывистой передачи (ПП) в системе связи, в которой выполняют перемежение исходных данных для их передачи от первого компонента системы связи ко второму компоненту системы связи, заключается в том, что осуществляют обнаружение периодов отсутствия активности исходных данных и в течение периодов отсутствия активности исходных данных осуществляют передачу кадров дескриптора паузы (ДП) из первого компонента системы связи во второй компонент системы связи, причем перемежение некоторых из переданных кадров ДП осуществляют с использованием иного алгоритма перемежения, чем тот, который используют для исходных данных. Например, может быть выполнено ...

10-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2239957C2

Изобретение относится к системам связи, в частности к передаче сжатых сигналов в системе связи. Техническим результатом является создание способа и устройства для обеспечения передачи различных типов сигналов, эффективно использующих ширину полосы частот, доступную для передачи. Технический результат достигается тем, что осуществляют передачу различных типов сигналов в их закодированной форме в направлении приемного конца тракта передачи и, гарантируя при этом, что сигналы будут декодированы в их расширенную форму только в последнем действующем декодере вдоль всего тракта передачи. 8 н. и 24 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

27-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2292657C2

Изобретение относится к системам широковещательной передачи, в частности изобретение предоставляет системы и способы, которые уменьшают потребление питания подвижных терминалов между передачей пачек импульсов. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности использования батареи подвижных терминалов, достигаемое тем, что подвижный терминал принимает пачки содержимого, причем некоторые пачки содержимого включают в себя информацию связанного времени, идентифицирующую время передачи следующей пачки содержимого. Подвижный терминал может отключать питание от модуля приема в течение периодов времени, когда подвижный терминал не запланирован принимать пачки содержимого. 5 н. и 35 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

27-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2138919C1

Изобретение включает в себя способ, систему и устройство для обеспечения управления связью. Изобретение включает в себя способ, при котором вызов обрабатывается вне коммутатора до того, как используется элементами сети. Процессор способен выбирать характеристики сети и посылать сигналы в элементы сети на основании выбора. Изобретение включает в себя сеть и систему вызова, в которой применяется предложенный способ обработки и обеспечивает возможность взаимозаменяемости, упрощает аппаратуру, уменьшает время установления вызовов, что и является достигаемым техническим результатом. 37 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

27-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU75261U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к радиотехнике, в частности, к созданию аппаратуры для беспроводных локальных сетей. Достигаемый технический результат - возможность дистанционного перепрограммирования блоков радиостанции для смены вида модуляции и/или кодирования сигналов, а также сетевых протоколов, что позволяет обеспечить связь с абонентами, использующими различные парки аппаратуры, без сосредоточения в узле связи множества комплектов приемопередающей аппаратуры. Устройство содержит блок интерфейсов с оконечным оборудованием (1), два процессора (2 и 3), две антенны (4 и 8), два блока высокой частоты (5 и 9), два программируемых логических блока (6 и 10), контроллер (7), три блока памяти (11, 12 и 13), компьютер 14 и машиночитаемый носитель информации (15). 5 ил.

10-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2154346C2

Предложена открытая, высокоскоростная широкополосная цифровая коммуникационная сеть для соединения многих программируемых телекоммуникационных коммутаторов с образованием коммутационной системы большой емкости и не разбитой на блоки. Каждый сетевой коммутационный узел содержит схемные блоки для передачи и приема объединенной в пакеты переменной длины информации по сети, тем самым обеспечивая каждому узлу возможность получения информации от всех других узлов и отправки информации ко всем другим узлам. Сеть может нести любой тип информации, имеющейся в системе, включая голосовые сообщения, данные, видео-, мультимедиа, управляющие сообщения, служебные сообщения конфигурации и обслуживания, и ширина полосы сети может быть разделена или поделена между различными типами информации. Устройства, такие как устройства обработки голосовых сообщений, могут также взаимодействовать с данной сетью, тем самым получая прямой доступ ко всей информации, проходящей по сети. Предложены также способы и структуры ...

27-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2097929C1
Принадлежит: Алкатель Н.В. (NL)

Изобретение относится к синхронно-асинхронному и асинхронно-синхронному преобразователю. Преобразователь включает ЗУ (SRAM), имеющее первый и второй порт, командную схему первого порта (SPM), соединенную с первым портом, с входной синхронной мультиплексной линией связи (ME) и выходной синхронной мультиплексной линией связи (MS), и командную схему второго порта (APM), соединенную со вторым портом, с входным асинхронным каналом связи (LE) через ЗУ ячеек (M) типа FIFO, и с выходным асинхронным каналом связи (LS). Команда (MF) вне преобразователя, подаваемая в командные схемы портов, позволяет выбрать режим работы преобразователя, в первом режиме работы (M32) каждый временной интервал кадра синхронной мультиплексной системы предназначается для одного канала связи, а во втором режиме работы (M1) все временные интервалы одного синхронного кадра предназначаются для одного канала. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

20-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2111625C1
Принадлежит: Эй Ти энд Ти Корп (US)

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству получения доступа к бюро обслуживания или коммунальной службе через телеметрический вызов от автоматического оборудования посылок абонента, например оборудования подачи сигнала тревоги или сообщающего о состоянии того или иного устройства оборудования, при этом функции и средства самого абонента не будут мешать этому вызову. Такие функции абонента, как ожидание вызова, анулируются на протяжении всего периода действия телеметрического вызова, а после окончания этого вызова они начинают повторно действовать. Следует иметь в виде, что доступ от оборудования посылок абонента к бюро обслуживания или коммунальной службе может быть обеспечен по телефонной линии без ограничения выбора абонента телефонных функций средств. 3 с. и 26 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-02-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2105428C1
Принадлежит: Сименс АГ (DE)

В устройстве коммутации широкополосных сигналов с оснащенной входными задающими схемами и выходными усилительными схемами матрицей точек связи на полевых транзисторах предусмотрены элементы связи с относительно большим сопротивлением пропускания; выходные усилительные схемы содержат по одной каскадной схеме работающего с использованием явления гистерезиса блока сравнения и опрокидывающего D - звена, а также удерживающую память и переключатель, через который по мере надобности в течение предварительной фазы периода времени коммутации двоичных разрядов удерживающая память перезаряжается по меньшей мере приблизительно до потенциала, мгновенно действующего на отходящем от элемента связи участке выходной линии, который затем в течение последующей фазы переключения сохраняется на втором входе блока сравнения. 2 с.и 1 з.п. ф-лы 3 ил.

10-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2146423C1

Изобретение относится к системе повторного упорядочения для повторного упорядочения элементов данных потока элементов данных, передаваемых через последовательное соединение первого коммутационного узла, буферного регистра и второго коммутационного узла. Техническим результатом является устранение на выходе средства повторного упорядочения дрожания задержки, вызванное буфером, которoe достигается тем, что система содержит средство повторного упорядочения, соединенное со вторым коммутационным узлом, схему измерения задержки, соединенную с буферным регистром и приспособленную для измерения временной задержки, которой подвергается каждый из элементов данных в буферном регистре; средство для передачи таким образом измеренной задержки для каждого элемента данных на средство повторного упорядочения. После переключения элемента данных вторым коммутационным узлом средство повторного упорядочения подвергает этот элемент данных временной задержке, равной разности между заданной постоянной величиной ...

20-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2144738C1

Транспортная система АРП /105, 110, 115/ транспортирует информацию пользователя из транспортной системы непрерывного сигнала /100/. Транспортная система /105, 110, 115/ использует сигнализацию сети связи, объединенную с непрерывными сигналами, чтобы определить, транспортируют ли непрерывные сигналы информацию пользователя, что и является достигаемым техническим результатом. Если да, создаются и передаются ячейки АРП, содержащие информацию пользователя. В состав системы входят межсетевой мультиплексор АРП /105/ и процессор /110/. 2 с.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

27-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2148294C1

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике и может использоваться в узлах коммутации сообщений (пакетов) сети передачи данных автоматизированной системы управления. Технический результат - повышение пропускной способности путем учета эффекта "захвата" в приемнике, адаптации к изменению нагрузки, а также достоверности и помехоустойчивости, за счет анализа сигналов в каждом канале приема. Сущность заключается в том, что обеспечивается возможность использования устройства в каналах с кодовым и временным разделением при различных условиях распространения радиоволн на трассе между абонентами сети и узлом коммутации сообщений (пакетов), благодаря элементам, анализирующим сигналы в каждом канале приема, учитывающим эффект "захвата" в приемнике, позволяющим динамически оценивать параметры нагрузки, а по результатам оценки адаптировать схему устройства. 3 з.п.ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005140290A

... 1. Устройство коррекции и восстановления задержки виртуальной конкатенации, содержащее схему обнаружения группы конкатенированных кадров, схему автоматической настройки конкатенированной последовательности, буфер, схему управления записью, схему перемещения управления считыванием и адаптации и схему управления считыванием, при этом схема обнаружения группы конкатенированных кадров обеспечивает обнаружение блокировки индикатора группы конкатенированных кадров SDH и обнаружение конкатенированного индикатора контейнера и выводит конкатенированный индикатор и индикатор группы конкатенированных кадров в схему автоматической настройки конкатенированной последовательности, схема автоматической настройки конкатенированной последовательности обеспечивает настройку последовательности контейнера в группе конкатенации согласно конкатенированному индикатору каждого контейнера в группе конкатенации, чтобы последовательность контейнера совпадала с последовательностью в передающем терминале, буфер секционируется ...

10-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000126850A

... 1. Коммуникационная система, содержащая множество взаимосвязанных сетевых элементов (СЭ), в которой каждый элемент СЭ содержит один или более портов, каждый из которых предназначен для приема от одного соседнего сетевого элемента из множества сетевых элементов синхронизирующего сигнала и указания качества уровня (УКУ) для индикации качества источника синхронизирующего сигнала, каждый порт предназначен для передачи соседнему сетевому элементу одного выбранного входного синхронизирующего сигнала и указания качества уровня, каждый сетевой элемент связан с уникальным идентификатором сетевого элемента, каждый порт каждого сетевого элемента связан с идентификатором источника для идентификации порта, который принимает синхронизирующий сигнал, каждый порт каждого сетевого элемента содержит средство для установки величины выходного сигнала указания качества уровня (УКУ) на этом порту, основанное на сравнении сигнала идентификатора источника этого порта с сигналом идентификатора источника выбранного ...

10-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96109208A

... 1. Устройство (130) восстановления тактовой синхронизации символов из принимаемого синфазного сигнала и квадратурного широкополосного сигнала, отличающееся тем, что содержит первое устройство дискретизации, предназначенное для дискретизации принимаемого синфазного сигнала с периодами времени выборок для обеспечения дискретизированного синфазного сигнала, второе устройство дискретизации, предназначенное для дискретизации принимаемого квадратурного сигнала с периодами времени выборок для обеспечения дискретизированного квадратурного сигнала, первую схему (210) определения амплитуды, оперативно подсоединенную к упомянутому первому устройству дискретизации, предназначенную для приема дискретизированного синфазного сигнала с целью формирования первого сигнала, отображающего амплитуду принимаемого синфазного сигнала, вторую схему (220) определения амплитуды, оперативно подсоединенную к упомянутому второму устройству дискретизации, предназначенную для приема дискретизированного квадратурного сигнала ...

20-11-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96119801A

... 1. Широкополосная цифровая сеть доступа с комплексными услугами (B-ISDN), использующая технологию асинхронного режима передачи (АТМ), в которой функция концентрации обеспечивается статистическими мультиплексорами, функция "груминга" - АТМ переключателями, а "собственные" соединения сети доступа обеспечиваются путем объединения "верхних" портов сети/ях ядра и "нижних" портов к абонентам в общую адресную группу, при этом каждому абонентскому порту и каждому порту доступа сети/ей ядра присвоен уникальный адрес уровня 2 OSI, а адрес адресата сети доступа содержится в поле идентификатора виртуального маршрута (VPI) каждой АТМ ячейки, форматируемой согласно соответствующим рекомендациям CCITT для интерфейса "абонент-сеть" (VNI) или интерфейса "сеть-сеть" (NNI), причем поле идентификатора виртуального канала (VCI) из указанных рекомендаций разделено на два субполя, которые содержат адрес отправителя слоя 2 OSI и после идентификатора терминального оборудования (TEI) соответственно, причем поле ...

10-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95100820A1

Ярусная неблокирующая сеть коммутации с топологией баньяна, содержащая переключатели, сгруппированные в j ярусов по vi переключателей ti•bi на ярусе i = 1,2,...,j, каждый из которых содержит дуплексные порты коммутации, сгруппированные по ti верхних и bi нижних портов так, что вход-выход каждого нижнего порта на ярусе i подключен посредством двунаправленных межъярусных линий связи к входу-выходу соответствующего верхнего порта на ярусе i+1, где i = 1,2,...,j-1, причем верхние порты яруса 1 и нижние порты яруса j являются сетевыми входами-выходами (полюсами) и подключаются к сетевым терминалам или другим переключателям при расширении сети, а остальные порты всех ярусов соединены между собой попарно по схеме "точка с точкой" межъярусными линиями связи так, что от каждого верхнего полюса (на ярусе 1) к любому нижнему полюсу (на ярусе j) существует единственный двунаправленный путь, отличающаяся тем, что полюса сети сгруппированы в T1d верхних и B1c+1 нижних полюсов, где T1d= t1t2...td - произведение ...

27-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99126441A

... 1. Способ передачи данных с коммутацией пакетов, при котором принятый пакет передают по адресу места назначения пакета, отличающийся тем, что определяют период повторения, который значительно длиннее, чем время, необходимое для передачи одного пакета, и выделяют временные сегменты различной длины из периода повторения для соединений; определяют начальный момент периода повторения; сохраняют информацию о текущем моменте в периоде повторения; сохраняют информацию о временных сегментах, выделенных из периода повторения и о соединениях, связанных с ними; принимают пакет (20); идентифицируют соединение, связанное с пакетом, а также адрес места назначения из идентификационных данных пакета; проверяют, выделен ли временной сегмент для соединения для данного пакета из периода повторения; если выделен, то начинают передачу пакета при наступлении начального момента времени выделенного временного сегмента в периоде повторения; если не выделен, то определяют длительность времени передачи пакета; осуществляют ...

27-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99126435A

... 1. Способ структурирования асинхронных и синхронных данных в системе радиосвязи в соответствии с общим форматом данных, формирующим суперкадр, при этом асинхронные и синхронные данные после форматирования в суперкадр могут селективно передаваться между по меньшей мере одной передающей станцией и по меньшей мере одной приемной станцией через эфирный интерфейс, определенный в выбранной части электромагнитного спектра, включающий этапы: определения части асинхронных данных суперкадра, при этом часть асинхронных данных имеет длину асинхронных данных, соответствующую уровням асинхронных данных, которые должны передаваться между по меньшей мере одной передающей станцией и по меньшей мере одной приемной станцией, определения части синхронных данных суперкадра, при этом часть синхронных данных имеет длину синхронных данных, соответствующую уровням синхронных данных, которые должны передаваться между по меньшей мере одной передающей станцией и по меньшей мере одной приемной станцией, и определения ...

27-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2001135827A

... 1. Система, содержащая множество источников для предоставления информации, множество получателей для приема указанной информации от упомянутых источников, один или несколько узлов, образующих сеть, соединяющую источники с получателями, при этом сеть имеет множество каналов для передачи информации, при этом для каждого канала один из множества источников соединен с одним из множества получателей через сеть посредством прямых каналов от одного или нескольких узлов, упомянутый один из множества получателей связан с упомянутым одним из множества источников через сеть посредством обратных каналов от упомянутого одного или нескольких узлов, причем каждый из упомянутых одного или нескольких узлов содержит средство формирования очереди, предназначенное для формирования очереди для информации от множества источников, при этом каждое из средств формирования очереди содержит буферную память, имеющую полную емкость буфера и использованную емкость буфера, которая меньше или равна полной емкости буфера ...

20-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94044349A

Цифровое устройство перекрестных соединений для систем телефонии и передачи данных включает группу линейных плат, содержащую линейные платы, подключенные к сетевой линий, и линейные платы, подключенные к абонентской линии. Сетевая линия и абонентская линия переносят сигнал, включающий в себя информационную часть и часть сигнала состояния. Предусмотрено разделение сигналов для отделения информационной части от части сигнала состояния. Предусмотрен кодер для кодирования сигналов состояния, чтобы получить разрядные пачки сигналов состояния на основе принятых сигналов состояния. Предусмотрена замена временных интервалов сигнала состояния для приема разрядных пачек сигнала состояния и передачи разрядных пачек сигнала состояния другой линейной плате на основе назначенных временных интервалов. Замена временных интервалов сигнала состояния включает в себя память соединений с адресными позициями, соответствующими временным интервалам, и двухпортовую память для приема разрядных пачек сигнала состояния ...

10-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99111949A

... 1. Метод адаптации соединения линии передачи данных между удаленной рабочей станцией и главной станцией, подсоединенной к системе автоматического распределения вызовов, отличающийся тем, что в системе автоматического распределения вызовов предусматривают адаптер и соединение линии передачи данных устанавливается между адаптером и удаленной рабочей станцией в соответствии с первым протоколом обмена, а соединение линии передачи данных между системой автоматического распределения вызовов и адаптером устанавливают в соответствии со вторым протоколом обмена, причем сигналы связи, соответствующие первому протоколу обмена между удаленной рабочей станцией и адаптером и сигналы связи, соответствующие второму протоколу обмена, между адаптером и системой автоматического распределения вызовов преобразуют посредством адаптера для согласования их друг с другом. 2. Метод по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что соединение линии передачи данных между удаленной рабочей станцией и адаптером устанавливают через местную ...

20-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU98104084A

... 1. Телекоммуникационная система, содержащая схемы широкополосного цифрового абонентского шлейфа на каждом конце канала связи, выполненная с возможностью передачи телефонных сигналов посредством их преобразования в цифровую форму и передачи с сигналами цифрового абонентского шлейфа, включающая средство, с помощью которого в случае отказа одной из схем цифрового абонентского шлейфа или связанного с ней источника питания, телефонный сигнал автоматически коммутируется для обеспечения обхода схем цифрового абонентского шлейфа. 2. Телекоммуникационная система по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что в схемах цифрового абонентского шлейфа используется дискретная многотональная модуляция. 3. Телекоммуникационная система по п. 1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что телефонные сигналы модулируются на одной несущей в сигнале дискретной многотональной модуляции.

20-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94018501A

Передача информационных пакетов по асинхронному способу передачи производится по меньшей мере на двух полностью различных путях передачи с полностью раздельными АТМ-устройствами коммутации (ASWl..., ASW2...) или АТМ-кроссконнекторными переключающими устройствами (AССl..., АСС2). Через расположенное у соответствующего абонента сети подключающее управляющее устройство (CCU) производят сбор и первичную обработку переданных на стороне передачи на различных путях передачи тестинформационных пакетов, компенсацию обусловленных различными путями передачи различий времен прохождения информационных пакетов с помощью моментов времени приема и выдачу одного из нескольких переданных на различных путях передачи идентичных информационных пакетов.

27-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004124823A

... 1. Архитектура соединения для сетей цифровых абонентских х-линий передачи данных информации с металлическим портом, в которой голосовой сигнал (2) приходит от устройства (1) коммутации, достигает горизонтальную абонентскую коробку (13), подается далее на промежуточный распределитель (7) и от него к узлу, образованному фильтром или разветвителем (4) и цифровым мультиплексором (3) (DSLAM) для обеспечения доступа к абонентским линиям, который обеспечивает подачу высокоскоростного сигнала (5) цифровой абонентской х-линии передачи данных информации от сети (9), который подается от этого узла в виде комбинированного сигнала (6), состоящего из голосового сигнала и сигнала передачи данных и достигающего промежуточного распределителя (7), а затем он повторно подается к вертикальной абонентской коробке (14) и к соответствующему разделительному фильтру (17), поступая к пользователю на телефон (11), или на его компьютер (12), отличающаяся тем, что промежуточный распределитель (7) или вертикальная абонентская ...

20-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009118443A

... 1. Коммутационный модуль в телекоммуникационном распределительном узле, содержащий: ! одну пару входных контактов, адаптированную для передачи входного сигнала, ! по меньшей мере, одну первую пару сервисных контактов, адаптированную для передачи POTS, DSL или комбинированного сигнала, ! по меньшей мере, одну дополнительную пару сервисных контактов, адаптированную для передачи POTS, DSL, тестового, контрольного или комбинированного сигнала, и ! по меньшей мере, одно дистанционно управляемое коммутационное устройство, адаптированное для переключения между первой парой сервисных контактов и, по меньшей мере, одной дополнительной парой сервисных контактов, выборочно подключая одну пару входных контактов к первой паре сервисных контактов или к одной из дополнительных пар сервисных контактов. ! 2. Сборочный узел в области телекоммуникации, содержащий, по меньшей мере, один коммутационный модуль по п.1 и, по меньшей мере, один телекоммуникационный модуль, содержащий контакты, адаптированные для ...

15-06-1983 дата публикации

Способ коммутации каналов в синхронных системах связи с временным уплотнением

Номер: SU1023670A1

СПОСОБ КОММУТАЦИИ КАНАЛОВ В СИНХРОННЫХ СИСТЕМАХ СВЯЗИ С ВРЕМЕННЫМ ЗШЛОТНЕНИЩ, заключающийся в том, что осуществляют прием сигналов, запоминание сигналов на заданное время при установлении соединения по разноименным каналам и передачу сигналов по каналам требуемых направлений в соответствии с сигналами управления , отличающийся тем, что, с целью уменьшения времени коммутации , осуществляют временной сдвиг принятых сигналов с последующим их хранением на время ...

23-12-1983 дата публикации

Устройство для селекции информационных каналов

Номер: SU1062903A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ СЕЛЕКЦИИ ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫХ КАНАЛОВ, содержащее счетчик импульсов и последовательно соединенные счетчик адреса выбираемого канала, блок оперативной памяти, регистр номеров выбираемых каналов и блок сравнения, о т л и чающееся тем, что, с целью повышения быстродействия устрой- ства , введены три регистра сдвига., блок стробирования, два элемента И, блок управления, регистр количества канальных импульсов в кадре, три генератора пачки импульсов, регистр количества разрядов в кодах номеров выбираемых каналов, два блока совпадения , триггер и регистр количества номеров выбираемых каналов, выход которого подключен к первому входу первого генератора пачки импульсов, второй вход которого соединен с выходом второго генератора пачки импульсов,, со входом счетчика импульсов , выход которого подключен к первому входу первого блока совпадения , с первым входом первого элемента И, ic второму входу которого подключен выход блока сравнения/ и с первым входом первого регистра сдвига, выход которого ...

30-04-1987 дата публикации

Устройство цифровой коммутации

Номер: SU1308209A3

Изобретение относится к цифровой соединительной технике. Цель изобретения - обеспечение возможности контроля эл-тов коммутации в процессе работы. Устр-во содержит К блоков управления 1, блок подключения 2 терминалов, М групп терминалов 3 и ю центральньш блок коммутации (ЦБК) 4, содержащий N коммутаторов 5, -состоящих из двух согласующих блоков 6, блока буферной памяти 7, выполненного в виде квадратной матрицы, и эл- та управления 9, и маркирующий блок 10, состоящий из N маркеров. Данные средства обеспечивают полный контроль установленных в сети связей, например , путем разговора от термина- ла-запросчика до запрашиваемого терминала . Используемое для этого вида контроля решение состоит в вводе кода активного контроля на уровне маркера и приеме этого кода на входе маркера после пробега, охватывающего каналы разговора туда и обратно и оба терминала. Цель достигается выполнением ЦБК 4. 2 ил. о чо дл/г.г ю ...

30-10-1984 дата публикации

Устройство для контроля переговоров абонентов в системе с временным уплотнением

Номер: SU1122244A3

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ КОНТРОЛЯПЕРЕГОВОРОВ АБОНЕНТОВ В СИСТЕМЕ С ВРЕМЕННЬМ УПЛОТНЕНИЕМ, содержащее тр ансформатор, первичная обмотка которого соединена с контролирующим прибором, а средняя точка вторичной .обмотки трансформатора соединена через балансный контур с общей шиной, а также модулятор, демодулятор и пер вый и второй усилители, причем вход первого усилителя соединен с первым выводом вторичной обмотки трансформатора , а выход первого усилителя соединен с входом модулятора, отличающееся тем, что, с целью обеспечения контроля без нару- шения разговора абонентов, в него введены первый и второй конденсаторы дифференциальный усилитель, фильтр нижних частот и последовательно соединенные первый, второй, третий и четвертый резисторы, причем второй вывод первого резистора соединен с вторым выводом вторичной обмотки трансформатора, первый вывод первого резистора соединен с выходом второго усилителя, прямой вход которого через фильтр нижних частот соединен с выходом дифференциального усилителя , прямой ...

05-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002261000A1

16-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004032651A1

19-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069532882T2

16-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004133031A1

06-05-1982 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002258498C2

09-09-2004 дата публикации

Verfahren zum optimierten Übertragen von ATM-Zellen über Verbindungsabschnitte

Номер: DE0019617816B4
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

Verfahren zum optimierten Übertragen von ATM-Zellen über Verbindungsabschnitte, mit Multiplexeinrichtungen (MUX) und/oder Demultiplexeinrichtungen (DEMUX, D0...D127) sowie zwischen diesen angeordneten Schedulereinrichtungen (SB0... .SB127), die jeweils Pufferspeicher (P1...Pn) aufweisen, und mit einem Strom von ATM-Zellen, dem eine Mehrzahl von virtuellen Kanalnummern und diese zusammenfassenden virtuellen Pfade zugeordnet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß in einem ersten Verfahrensschritt eine der Schedulereinrichtungen (SBx) nach Maßgabe eines für die Spitzenbitrate des Stromes von ATM-Zellen repräsentativen Kriteriums ausgewählt und in einem zweiten Verfahrensschritt mindestens eine der ATM-Zellen einem der Pufferspeicher (P1...Pn) entnommen und weiteren Einrichtungen zugeführt wird.

02-11-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002543408C3

21-12-2006 дата публикации

Signalisierungsverfahren und -system für ein Paketnetz

Номер: DE0069334081D1
Принадлежит: NEC CORP, NEC CORP.

19-07-1990 дата публикации

Transmitter system with ISDN bus - has exchange with forward transmitter for single for single, decimal selection number to forward line

Номер: DE0004000098A1

The transmitter system has a service bus with a forward (11) and a return line (12), to which are connected numerous subscriber terminals (TE). A network terminal unit (NT) forms a control between the service bus and the public network (21). An exchange (20) forms a componet part of the public network, with the network terminal unit coupled to the exchange over a subscriber line (15). The exchange has a forward transmit unit (25), which transmits forward a single decimal dial number to the forward line. An identifying unit (33) recognises each identification signal arriving over the return line. To the number of terminals corresponds a number of tariff counters (35), each assocaited with a terminal. The counters are switchable via the identification unit w.r.t. the respective identification signal. USE/ADVANTAGE - For ISDN networks, with economical use of busbar lines.

02-08-2001 дата публикации

Leitweglenkung zur Intelligenz

Номер: DE0069427558D1
Принадлежит: AT & T CORP, AT & T CORP., NEW YORK

10-02-2000 дата публикации

ATM-Netz für eine Kommunikationsanlage

Номер: DE0069422437D1

19-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069531865T2

11-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003877112D1

The centrally-controlled PCM telephone exchange has a double central coupling field, each of the parallel coupling fields (K1, K2) connected to the subscriber time groups (LTG1, LTG2) via 2 sets of TDM lines (L1/1; L2/1; L1/2, L2/2). Each line group (LTG1, LTG2) is normally handled by one coupling field (K1, K2) with switching over to the other coupling field (K2, K1), handling different subscriber lines, to allow use of the unoccupied internal lines and extend the number of possible channels available to each subscriber. Pref. each line group (LTG1, LTG2) has a partial coupling field (GS1, GS2) between the subscribers and the TDM line sets (L1/1, L2/1; L1/2), L2/2) connected in parallel to allow connections to be directed to the group partner.

15-11-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002739607C3

16-12-2004 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Bilden einer Prüfschleife für eine Festverbindung mit So-Schnittstelle

Номер: DE0019758274B4

Vorrichtung (50) zum Bilden einer Prüfschleife für eine Festverbindung mit einer S0-Schnittstelle in einem digitalen Netz umfassend eine Anschlußeinrichtung (52) zum steckbaren Anschalten der Vorrichtung (50) an die S0-Schnittstelle (20) einer teilnehmerseitigen Netzabschlußeinrichtung (10), eine Einrichtung (54) zum Anpassen der S0-Schnittstelle (20) an eine symmetrische Schnittstelle (55) mit zwei unidirektionalen Datenleitungen (56, 57) und eine steuerbare Schalteinrichtung (58) zum Verbinden der beiden Datenleitungen (56, 57), um die Prüfschleife zu schließen, wenn die S0-Schnittstelle (20) und die symmetrische Schnittstelle (55) nach einer an sich bekannten Aktivierungsprozedur aktiviert worden sind.

05-01-2000 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Einrichten eines Leitweges über ein Kommunikationsnetz

Номер: DE0019829821A1

A connection message (R) originating from a source terminal (U-KE) is sent to a network node (NK) of the communications network (ATM-KN). A network node (NK) which receives the connection message (R) enters its allocated network node address (L3-NK) in the communications network (ATM-KN) and passes the connection message (R) on to at least one adjacent network node (NK). When the connection message (R) is received by the destination terminal (Z-KN), a confirmation message (E) is sent back to the source terminal (U-KE) on the determined route (LW) and the switching information is stored in the network nodes (NK) used for a subsequent message transmission.

17-03-1977 дата публикации

Telephone subscriber priority dialling system - uses branch exchange which has control of priority call routing

Номер: DE0002548389B1

The telephone subscriber connection system comprises a dial telephone installation (Tn) connected to a time-multiplex trunk scheme (SS). The routing is controlled by a register and counter (Rech) and a fast-dialler which converts the code and call digits to a suitable pulse form for the transmitter (Ue). The main office branch exchange has a group selector (IGW) and line selector (LW). Internal subscribers have access to the exchange via the line selector. The exchange has access to the public network (OVSt) and is equipped with a switching selector repeater (Msp). The system allows the external subscriber direct access to an internal subscriber by means of coded priority dialling.

22-09-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002611038A1

In a time division multiplex system for PCM signals, the switching codes which control switching in the exchange equipment of a telephony network must be transmitted, as well as telephony signals. If two-wire connections between exchanges are used, the codes are transmitted via the speech cores (a, b) in both directions. To reduce power consumption, it is necessary to replace the relays which have been used in the code converters until now by fully electronic devices. For this reason, several transmitter-sensor combinations (Q1, F1, ... Q4, F4) are combined into one code converter, each transmitter-sensor combination being provided for one high or low impedance evaluation potential. ...

07-10-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002611404A1

01-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069329610T2

22-10-1998 дата публикации

Übertragungsverfahren und -gerät

Номер: DE0069130191D1

25-03-1999 дата публикации

Communication device for transmission of routing information in ATM system

Номер: DE0019741431A1

The communication device (KE) transmits message cells which comprise routing data, and includes a coupling arrangement (ASN) and conductor assembly groups (LIC AO,..., LIC A15) connected with the coupling arrangement over respectively at least one transmission conductor (A0 to A15). A switch logic arrangement (LPS) is provided in at least an outgoing transmission direction within the coupling arrangement. The switch logic arrangement comprises memory devices with an amount of register cells, corresponding to the amount of the possible different routing data. The register cells are controlled through the individual routing data for providing selection information stored respectively in the register cells. The forwarding of message cells to the conductor assembly groups, instead of the routing data, is controlled according to the selection information provided through the register cells, whereby the selection information stored in the register cells is individually changeable.

11-10-1984 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002619555C2

27-05-1999 дата публикации

ATM multiplexer unit for high data transfer speed

Номер: DE0019751560A1

The arrangement is connected on one side with a switching component (X15) over a high-frequency data bus (DB), and on the other side with at least one subscriber connection arrangement over respectively at least one subscriber data bus (TB). The multiplexer unit (MUX) contains a reception module (R) for transmission of data from a subscriber connection arrangement to the switching component, and transmitting module (T) for transmission of data from the switching component to a subscriber connection unit. The reception module and the transmitting module comprise individual memories (FIFO0,..., FIFO3) for each subscriber data bus (TB0,..., TB3). Data in the reception module are written with an individual connection arrangement through the respective subscriber, with a pre-settable clock rate (TBCLOCK), into an individual memory. The data are read with a clock rate (DBCLOCK), pre-settable through the switching component. Data in the transmitting module are written into an individual memory ...

20-02-1997 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069124089D1

07-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002221278B2

31-10-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003048110C2

11-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003214152A1

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Multiplexing transmission system, multiplexing apparatus, demultiplexing apparatus and a multiplexing transmission system

Номер: US20120027020A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

A multiplexing apparatus stores fixed length data into which information signals supplied from channels are divided; determines an output channel by selecting the each channel cyclically; and acquires the fixed length data from the output channel based on a channel multiplexing ratio number to store the fixed length data in a payload in turn. Also, the multiplexing apparatus adds assignment information, which includes a channel arrangement of each channel of the fixed length data stored in the payload, to the payload. Further, the multiplexing apparatus creates a multiplexing frame by using the payload to transmit to a transmission channel. A demultiplexing apparatus detects the assignment information from the payload of the multiplexing frame received to the transmission channel; and creates distribution information for distributing the fixed length data to each channel based on the assignment information. Also, the demultiplexing apparatus detects the fixed length data from the payload to distribute the fixed length data to each channel based on the distribution information. Further, the demultiplexing apparatus couples the fixed length data to reproduce the information signal.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Context-switched multi-stream pipelined reorder engine

Номер: US20120087374A1
Принадлежит: Juniper Networks Inc

A pipelined reorder engine reorders data items received over a network on a per-source basis. Context memories correspond to each of the possible sources. The pipeline includes a plurality of pipeline stages that together simultaneously operate on the data items. The context memories are operatively coupled to the pipeline stages and store information relating to a state of reordering for each of the sources. The pipeline stages read from and update the context memories based on the source of the data item being processed.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Flow-based rate limiting

Номер: US20130003554A1
Принадлежит: Juniper Networks Inc

A device may include logic configured to receive a packet, identify a flow associated with the packet in a flow table, and identify a rate limit associated with the flow in the flow table. A current rate associated with the flow may be calculated based on the packet. It may be determined whether the current rate associated with the flow exceeds the rate limit associated with the flow. If so, the packet may be discarded or tagged as “over limit.”

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130223453A1
Принадлежит: TQ DELTA, LLC

At a transmitter, an ATM cell stream is received from the ATM layer and is distributed on a cell-by-cell bases across multiple DSL PHY's. At the receiver, the cells from each DSL PHY are re-combined in the appropriate order to recreate the original ATM cell stream, which is then passed to the ATM layer. 112-. (canceled)13. An apparatus comprising:a first transceiver operable at a first data rate; anda second transceiver operable at a second data rate that is different than the first data rate,wherein the transceivers can be operated as bonded transceivers, andat least one parameter associated with operation of at least one of the first and second transceivers is configurable to reduce a difference in latency between the first and second transceivers.14. The apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the at least one parameter is a Reed Solomon Coding parameter claim 13 , an interleaving parameter or a framing parameter.15. The apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the apparatus is customer premises equipment that is capable of transporting cells or ATM cells.16. The apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the apparatus is customer premises equipment that is capable of transporting packets claim 13 , Ethernet packets or Internet Protocol packets.17. The apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the transceivers include at least one digital signal processor.18. The apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the transceivers include at least one ASIC.19. An apparatus comprising:three or more transceivers, wherein:a first one of the transceivers is operable at a first data rate,a second one of transceivers is operable at a second data rate that is different than the first data rate,the first one of the transceivers and the second one of the transceivers can be operated as bonded transceivers, andat least one parameter associated with operation of at least one of the first one of the transceivers and the second one of transceivers is configurable to reduce a difference in latency between the first one of the ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Encapsulating/decapsulating data in hardware

Номер: US20130238810A1
Принадлежит: Juniper Networks Inc

A forwarding node decapsulates and encapsulates data. The decapsulation may be performed using pattern matching techniques and the encapsulation may be performed using pattern insertion techniques. The decapsulation and encapsulation are preferably performed by hardware devices such as application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) to enhance the speed of such operations. The decapsulation and encapsulation may be independent of each other and performed on a per virtual circuit basis.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Flexible channel bonding

Номер: US20130294445A1
Автор: Colin Chase

The bonding of serial channels to form link bundles is accomplished through the organization of the data to be transferred over the link bundles into superframes of data. Transceivers may be dynamically configured responsive to the recognition of a service of input/output card to be serviced, to act as master or slave in channel bonding situations. Multiple link bundles may be supported, thereby allowing for redundant link bundles. The superframes also provide fields for clock correction sequences, cyclic redundancy checks and specification of an active link bundle in contrast to a redundant link bundle.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140016646A1

An intelligent policy server system and method for providing multiple service features and for controlling bandwidth usage in an ATM network. Profile arrays are provided which define feature authorizations and provisioning for subscribers and Customer Logical Ports served by edge switches. Depending on triggers associated with a signaling message received in an edge switch, a particular feature is invoked and executed by a policy server. 181-. (canceled)82. A system comprising:a memory; and [ a network address associated with the subscriber,', 'a Customer Logical Port (CLP) associated with the subscriber, and', 'at least one policy feature associated with treatment of communications, in the packet-switched network, associated with the subscriber, and, 'the information identifying for each subscriber of the plurality of subscribers, 'store, in the memory, information associated with a plurality of subscribers associated with an packet-switched network,'}, 'handle a communication associated with a particular subscriber, of the plurality of subscribers, based on the information associated with the particular subscriber., 'a processor to83. The system of claim 82 , where the at least one policy feature for the subscriber includes one or more of:a source address validation feature associated with the subscriber,a maximum call attempt rate limit feature associated with the subscriber,a destination address screening feature associated with the subscriber,a source address screening feature associated with the subscriber,a maximum burst size limit feature associated with the subscriber,an aggregate bandwidth limit feature associated with the subscriber,a service class selection feature associated with the subscriber, ora maximum concurrent call limit feature associated with the subscriber.84. The system of claim 82 , where the processor claim 82 , when handling the communication associated with the particular subscriber claim 82 , is further to:establish one or more ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Playing Media

Номер: US20140025488A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A scalable architecture is disclosed for delivery of real-time information over a communications network. Embedded into the architecture is a control mechanism that provides for the management and administration of users who are to receive the real-time information. In the preferred embodiment, the information being delivered is high-quality audio. However, it could also be video, graphics, text or any other type of information that can be transmitted over a digital network. Preferably, there are multiple channels of information available simultaneously to be delivered to users, each channel consisting of an independent stream of information. A user chooses to tune in or tune out a particular channel, but does not choose the time at which the channel distributes its information. Advantageously, interactive (two-way) information can be incorporated into the system, multiple streams of information can be integrated for delivery to a user, and certain portions of the information being delivered can be tailored to the individual user.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003449A1
Автор: Cui Xiaohui

According to an example, in a TCP connection establishment process, a forwarding equipment modifies a value of an MSS option in a Syn message so that the value of the MSS option in the Syn message is eventually modified to be equal to the smallest MTU value of all forwarding equipments in the TCP transmission path. The final value of the MSS option in the Syn message is also carried in the Syn+Ack message and the Ack message. A communication equipment can use the value of the MSS option to learn PMTU in the TCP connection establishment process. 1. A method comprising:receiving and forwarding, by a forwarding equipment, a first transmission control protocol (TCP) negotiation message sent from a first communication equipment to a second communication equipment;if it is determined that a value of a maximum segment size (MSS) option in the first TCP negotiation message is greater than a maximum transmission unit (MTU) value of the forwarding equipment, modifying, by the forwarding equipment, the value of the MSS option in the first TCP negotiation message with the MTU value of the forwarding equipment, before forwarding the first TCP negotiation message; andreceiving and forwarding, by the forwarding equipment, a second TCP negotiation message sent from the second communication equipment to the first communication equipment, wherein the second TCP negotiation message is sent from the second communication equipment, and a value of an MSS option in the second TCP negotiation message is the value of the MSS option in the first TCP negotiation message when the first TCP negotiation message reaches the second communication equipment.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first TCP negotiation message is a syn message or a syn+ack message claim 1 , and the second TCP negotiation message is a syn+ack message or an ack message.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein if the value of the MSS option in the second TCP negotiation message is greater than a changed MTU value of the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006675A1

A communication device includes a plurality of packet processing modules in which a packet processing function is changeable with a program, and a management server holds program information of a plurality of different packet processing module circuits settable to the packet processing modules, selects the packet processing module circuit to be set to the packet processing module, of the plurality of different packet processing module circuits, and transmits the program information of the selected packet processing module circuit and information for identifying the packet processing module that is an object to be set, to the communication device that is an object to be set. 1. A network system comprising:a plurality of communication devices; anda management server configured to manage the plurality of communication devices, whereineach of the communication devices includes a plurality of packet processing modules in which a packet processing function is changeable with a program, andthe management serverholds program information of a plurality of different packet processing module circuits settable to the packet processing modules,selects a packet processing module circuit to be set to the packet processing module, of the plurality of different packet processing module circuits, andtransmits the program information of the selected packet processing module circuit and information for identifying the packet processing module that is an object to be set, to the communication device that is an object to be set.2. The network system according to claim 1 , whereinthe management servergenerates information for displaying a screen for recommending addition or deletion of the packet processing module circuit, in a human machine interface, based on a current use bandwidth of each of the communication devices received from each of the communication devices, and a predetermined threshold, andoutputs the generated information to the human machine interface.3. The network system ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150010014A1
Автор: Marshall Stephen John

A switching device comprising a plurality of ingress ports and a plurality of egress ports. The switching device is arranged to receive data packets through said ingress ports and to forward received data packets to respective ones of said egress ports. The switching device is further arranged to: determine a first time at which a first cell of a selected data packet is to forwarded to one of said egress ports, determine a further time at which a respective further cell of the selected data packet is to be forwarded to said one of said egress ports, store data indicating that said respective further cell is to be forwarded at said determined further time, forward said first cell at said first time, and forward said further cell of said selected data packet at said determined further time. 1. (canceled)2. An apparatus comprising a plurality of ingress ports and a plurality of egress ports , the apparatus being arranged to:receive through the ingress ports a data packet comprising a plurality of cells; and determining a first time slot at which a first cell of the selected data packet is to be forwarded to the at least one of the egress ports, the first time slot being in one of a first phase or a second phase;', 'determining a plurality of further time slots at which respective further cells of the plurality of cells are to be forwarded to the at least one of the egress ports, each respective further time slot being in the same phase as the first time slot;, 'schedule, in a single scheduling operation, respective times to forward each of the plurality of cells of the data packet to at least one of the egress ports, the single scheduling operation comprisingwherein cells of different data packets are forwarded in an interleaved manner.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the further times are determined according to a characteristic of the egress port to which the selected data packet is to be forwarded.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the characteristic is a ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Multicast Group Allocation Method, Centralized Control Point, and Multicast Router

Номер: US20180013574A1
Автор: Qin Feng, Xie Yinqiao

A multicast group allocation method, a centralized control point, and a multicast router are provided. A centralized control point determines a correspondence between at least two multicast groups and at least two RPs in a rendezvous point set according to information about the at least two multicast groups and information about the at least two RPs, where in the correspondence between the at least two multicast groups and the at least two RPs, each RP is corresponding to a same quantity of multicast groups; the centralized control point evenly allocates the at least two multicast groups to the at least two RPs according to the correspondence between the at least two multicast groups and the at least two RPs and diffuses the correspondence between the at least two multicast groups and the at least two RPs to all multicast routers on a PIM network. 1. A multicast group allocation method , comprising:determining, by a centralized control point, a correspondence between at least two multicast groups and at least two rendezvous points (RPs) in a rendezvous point set according to information about the at least two multicast groups and information about the at least two RPs, wherein in the correspondence between the at least two multicast groups and the at least two RPs, each RP is corresponding to a same quantity of multicast groups;evenly allocating, by the centralized control point, the at least two multicast groups to the at least two RPs according to the correspondence between the at least two multicast groups and the at least two RPs; anddiffusing, by the centralized control point, the correspondence between the at least two multicast groups and the at least two RPs to all multicast routers on a Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) network.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein when the centralized control point is a bootstrap router (BSR) claim 1 , before determining claim 1 , by the centralized control point claim 1 , the correspondence between at least two ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014497A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies CO.,Ltd.

The present invention provides a wireless communication method supporting hybrid automatic repeat request. The method includes: sending first hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) process quantity indication information to a user equipment UE; and if second HARQ process quantity indication information is further sent to the UE, determining a second HARQ process quantity according to the second HARQ process quantity indication information, and performing data transmission with the UE according to the determined second HARQ process quantity. Correspondingly, the present invention further provides a base station and the user equipment. In the present invention, the base station and the user equipment can perform data communication with the UE based on different HARQ timing relationships and HARQ process quantities, thereby being capable of better supporting UEs adopting different functional characteristics. 1. A method performed by a base station , comprising:configuring at least two aggregated carriers for a terminal device, and the at least two aggregated carriers comprising a combination of at least one frequency division duplex (FDD) carrier and at least one time division duplex (TDD) carrier or a combination of at least two TDD carriers having different sub-frame configurations;sending a system information block message that includes first downlink hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) process quantity indication information, wherein the first downlink HARQ process quantity indication information indicates first sub-frame configuration information of a secondary component carrier of the at least two aggregated carriers;sending to the terminal device through signaling dedicated to the terminal device, second downlink HARQ process quantity indication information of the secondary component carrier;determining for the secondary component carrier, a HARQ process quantity according to the second downlink HARQ process quantity indication information received through ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210014585A1

When separate service apparatuses that provide various communication services to users are connected by a wiring with communication functional units interposed, if there is a wiring abnormality, the location of the abnormality is easily identified. When a wiring connection is completed between separated service apparatuses X and Y that provide various communication services to user terminals and with communication functional units A and B interposed, a wiring management system A includes a transmission network management apparatus A that identifies a wiring abnormality. The transmission network management apparatus A associates endpoint names of the service apparatuses X and Y and of the functional units A and B with opposite endpoint names on the opposite sides, defines opposite endpoint IDs of the endpoints of the functional units A and B as expected values, and saves the end points in association with the opposite endpoint IDs in a DB . Upon completing the wiring connection between the service apparatuses X and Y, an opposite endpoint ID of each of the functional units A and B and the service apparatuses X and Y opposite to predetermined functional units A and B is received as a received value via a wiring, and if the received value does not match the expected value, it is determined that the wiring is abnormal. 1. A wiring management system comprising:separate service apparatuses configured to provide various communication services to user terminals via a service network;a transmission apparatus configured to connect the service apparatuses through a transmission network with a plurality of communication functional units interposed in the transmission network; anda transmission network management apparatus configured to identify a wiring abnormality of the connected transmission network, a database (DB) configured to store information related to the plurality of communication functional units,', 'an endpoint name definition unit configured to (i) define endpoint ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029374A1

A method and an apparatus for assigning data to split bearers in dual connectivity is provided. The apparatus includes a master evolved Node B (MeNB) of a user equipment (UE) configured to receive information of available buffer decided and transmitted by a secondary eNB (SeNB) through an X2 interface between the MeNB and the SeNB, determine whether the information is about available buffer for a UE or for an evolved radio access bearer (E-RAB) established on the SeNB based on an indicator in the information or a bearer that transported the information, and adjust the amount of data assigned to the SeNB according to the information of the available buffer. The apparatus can accommodate eNBs implemented in various manners, make full use of the bandwidth of data bearers, and reduce delay in data transmission. 1. A method of a first base station , the method comprising:receiving information on an available buffer decided and transmitted by a second base station and an uplink data packet via an X2 interface between the first base station and the second base station; andadjusting an amount of data to be assigned to the second base station according to the information on the available buffer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the information on the available buffer comprises information on an available buffer for an LTE radio access bearer (E-RAB) and information on an available buffer for a terminal which is connected with the first base station and the second base station.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the information on the available buffer for the E-RAB precedes the information on the available buffer for the terminal.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein information on PDCP data packets successfully delivered to a terminal by the second base station is transmitted from the second base station to the first base station with the information on the available buffer.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising:deleting the PDCP data packets successfully delivered by ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Integrated information communication system

Номер: US20150030013A1

To provide an integrated information communication system without using dedicated lines or the Internet, ensuring communication speed, communication quality, communication trouble countermeasures in a unified manner, wherein security and reliability in communication is ensured. The system is comprised of an access control apparatus for connecting a plurality of computer communication networks or information communication equipment to each, and a relay device for networking the aforementioned access control apparatus, the system having functions for performing routing by transferring information by a unified address system, and is configured such that the aforementioned plurality of computer communication networks or information communication equipment can perform communications in an interactive manner.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220046113A1
Автор: Clark Dan Leverett

A method for obtaining previously stored session state data for a session between a system having a plurality of nodes and a client device includes obtaining a session identifier specifying the session and hashing the session identifier. A currently valid hash map is searched. The hash map maps a hash of the session identifier to the nodes for a current system configuration. The search is performed to identify a system node on which the session state data for the session is stored. If the session state data is not located using the currently valid hash map, at least one earlier generation hash map that is valid for a previous configuration of the system is searched. Upon identifying the system node on which the session state data is stored, the session state data from the system node is retrieved. The session state data is used to establish the session. 120-. (canceled)21. A network device in a communications network and operatively connected to a plurality of other network devices , each of the network device and the other network devices comprising respective nodes in the network , the network device comprising:an input configured to receive a session resume request from a client device, the session resume request associated with a prior, interrupted session between the client device and a first one of the plurality of other network devices, the prior session having associated session state data, the session resume request including information allowing the network device to obtain a session identifier specifying the prior, interrupted session; and hash the session identifier;', 'use the hash of the session identifier to locate a system node on which the session state data for the session is stored in a manner impervious to changes in the number of nodes in the network; and', 'use the session state data to resume delivery of the service to the client device., 'a processor configured to22. The network device of comprising a manifest manipulator.23. The network ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200028716A1

A gateway for use in a computing system to interface a host with the subsystem for acting as a work accelerator to the host, the gateway having an streaming engine for controlling the streaming of batches of data into and out of the gateway in response to pre-compiled data exchange synchronisation points attained by the subsystem, wherein the streaming of batches of data is selectively via at least one of an accelerator interface, a data connection interface, a gateway interface and an memory interface, wherein the streaming engine is configured to perform data preparation processing of the batches of data streamed into the gateway prior to said batches of data being streamed out of the gateway, wherein the data preparation processing comprises at least one of: data augmentation; decompression; and decryption. 1. A gateway for use in a computing system to interface a host with a subsystem for acting as a work accelerator to the host , the gateway having:an accelerator interface for connection to the subsystem to enable transfer of batches of data between the subsystem and the gateway;a data connection interface for connection to external storage for exchanging data between the gateway and storage;a gateway interface for connection to at least one second gateway;a memory interface connected to a local memory associated with the gateway; anda streaming engine for controlling the streaming of batches of data into and out of the gateway in response to pre-compiled data exchange synchronisation points attained by the subsystem, wherein the streaming of batches of data is selectively via at least one of the accelerator interface, data connection interface, gateway interface and memory interface,wherein the streaming engine is configured to perform data preparation processing of the batches of data streamed into the gateway prior to said batches of data being streamed out of the gateway, data augmentation;', 'decompression; and', 'decryption., 'wherein the data preparation ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Display Device Using a Demultiplexer Circuit

Номер: US20150035734A1
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

A display device is disclosed to include a display panel including a plurality of data lines, a plurality of gate lines, and a plurality of pixels coupled to the data lines and gate lines. The data lines include first and second data lines, and the pixels include first and second color pixels. The display device also includes a data driving circuit to generate data voltages through a plurality of output channels, a gate driving circuit coupled to the gate lines, and a timing controller to generate control signals to the data driving circuit and the gate driving circuit. The display device further includes a demultiplexer switching circuit with first demux switches to supply, when turned on, the data voltages from the output channels to the first data lines, and second demux switches to supply, when turned on, the data voltages from the output channels to the second data lines. 1. A display device , comprising:a display panel including a plurality of data lines, a plurality of gate lines, and a plurality of pixels coupled to the data lines and gate lines, wherein the data lines include first data lines and second data lines, and the pixels include first color pixels and second color pixels;a data driving circuit to generate data voltages through a plurality of output channels;a gate driving circuit coupled to the gate lines;a timing controller to generate control signals to the data driving circuit and the gate driving circuit; and a plurality of first demux switches coupled to the output channels and to the first data lines to supply, when turned on, the data voltages from the output channels to the first data lines; and', 'a plurality of second demux switches coupled to the output channels and to the second data lines to supply, when turned on, the data voltages from the output channels to the second data lines;, 'a demultiplexer (demux) switching circuit includingwherein at least one of the first color pixels and at least one of the second color pixels are each ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160036603A1

A method and apparatus are disclosed for conveying at least one item of media. The apparatus includes a user interface comprising a media port and a user display. The apparatus also includes a shuttle carriage supporting a presentation platform and movable along a shuttle drive rail between a first end region thereof in which the presentation platform can be aligned at the media port and a further end region in which the presentation platform can be selectively aligned with a selected one of a plurality of possible handling ports of a multi-media station. 112-. (canceled)13. A method of retro-fitting a user interface to an automated teller machine (ATM) , comprising the steps of:removing a fascia panel to provide access to a front end region of a carcass of an ATM; andsecuring a shuttle housing to the front end region, said housing supporting a user interface comprising a media port and a user display.14. The method as claimed in claim 13 , further comprising:supporting the media port and user display facing a direction opposite to a previous facing direction of the fascia panel.15. (canceled) The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for conveying at least one item of media. In particular, but not exclusively, the present invention relates to the conveyance of items of media such as currency notes between a user interface and a multi-media station. A shuttle conveys items of media between the user interface and a selected one of many possible handling ports of the multi-media station.Media dispensers and media depositories are known. Media depositories are used to receive items of media from a customer. A common type of media depository is a sheet media depository for receiving items of media in sheet form. For example, such items of media can be currency notes, cheques, tickets, giros, receipts or the like.Some sheet depositories are capable of receiving a bunch of sheets in a loading area and then picking individual sheets from the bunch so that ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Managing Transport of Delay-Sensitive Packets

Номер: US20210036962A1

A method of managing transport of packets transmitted over a time division multiplexed, TDM, link in a network. The method performed at a second network node comprises: receiving () blocks of data from a first network node. Data from one packet is received in a plurality of blocks and a first block from a packet has a time-stamp indicating arrival time of the packet at the first network node. The blocks are multiplexed for transmission over the TDM link. The method also comprises: queuing () the received blocks and if a block from the top of the queue () has a time-stamp (—yes) and a maximum allowed latency has been exceeded () the method discards () blocks containing data from the same packet as the block with said time-stamp if there is at least one block containing data from another packet in the queue (—yes). An apparatus is also disclosed. 142-. (canceled)43. A method of managing transport of packets transmitted over a time division multiplexed , TDM , link in a network , the method performed at a second network node and comprising:receiving blocks of data from a first network node, wherein data from one packet is received in a plurality of blocks and a first block from a packet has a time-stamp indicating an arrival time of the packet at the first network node, the blocks being multiplexed for transmission over the TDM link;queuing the received blocks in a queue;checking a block from a top of the queue;if the checked block has a time-stamp, determining if a maximum allowed latency has been exceeded using the time-stamp; andif the maximum allowed latency has been exceeded according to said determining and there is at least one block containing data from another packet in the queue, discarding blocks containing data from the same packet as the block with said time-stamp.44. The method according to claim 43 , further comprising claim 43 , if the maximum allowed latency has not been exceeded according to said determining:assembling a packet using the first and ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150046694A1
Автор: Rajsic Carl

A system and method are provided for securely establishing Layer-3 SVCs or SPVCs across an ATM network. An originating multiservice switch that generates the connection setup message for the Layer-3 connection includes security information within the setup message, such as a Closed User Group Interlock Code. When the destination multiservice switch receives the setup message, it extracts the embedded security information and compares it with stored security information corresponding to the connection. The correspondence may be determined from the destination user. If the embedded security information matches the stored security information, the destination multiservice switch allows the connection to be established. 113-. (canceled)1430-. (canceled)31. A method of establishing a secure connection across a data network , the secure connection having a first endpoint at a port of a first multiservice switch (MSS) and a second endpoint at a port of a second MSS , the method comprising:receiving, at the second MSS, a setup message including an embedded security data value;determining an anticipated security data value, wherein the anticipated security data value indicates an embedded security data value expected to be included in the setup message;wherein the anticipated security value is determined from a membership of a calling user and a destination user;wherein at least one of the embedded security data value and the anticipated security data value are encryption/decryption keys;determining that the setup message passes the security check if the embedded security data value matches the anticipated security data value.3231. The method of , further comprising:if the embedded security data value does not match the anticipated security data value, determining that the setup message does not pass the security check.33. The method of claim 31 , further comprising:upon determining that the setup message passes the security check, establishing a secure session based on the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220058936A1

Methods, devices, and systems for operating a fire system network are described herein. One method includes receiving a plurality of time-slotted maintenance messages over a period of time from each of a plurality of fire system devices located in a facility via a first spreading factor, receiving an event message from a fire system device of the plurality of fire system devices responsive to the fire system device determining a fire event, the event message sent via a second spreading factor, and sending a block actuate message to the plurality of fire system devices responsive to receiving the event message, wherein the block actuate message is configured to activate a fire alarm. 1. A method for operating a fire system network , comprising:receiving a plurality of time-slotted maintenance messages over a period of time from each of a plurality of fire system devices located in a facility via a first spreading factor;receiving an event message from a fire system device of the plurality of fire system devices responsive to the fire system device determining a fire event, the event message sent via a second spreading factor; andsending a block actuate message to the plurality of fire system devices responsive to receiving the event message, wherein the block actuate message is configured to activate a fire alarm.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method is implemented by a Long Range (LoRa) gateway device.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of fire system devices are in a star network configuration.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of fire system devices in the star network configuration include at least 1000 fire system devices.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method includes sending the block actuate message within 10 seconds of receiving the event message.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method includes receiving the plurality of time-slotted maintenance messages according to a time-division multiple access (TDMA) ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210051116A1
Автор: Kim Paul, Thomas Philip A.

A method during a first cycle includes receiving, at a first port of a device, a plurality of network packets. The method may include storing, by the device, at least some portion of a first packet of the plurality of network packets at a first address within a first record bank and storing, by the device and concurrent with storing the at least some portion of the first packet from the first address, at least some portion of a second packet of the plurality of network packets at a second address within a second record bank, different than the first record bank. The method may further include storing, by the device, the first address within the first record bank and the second address within the second record bank in the first link stash associated with the first record bank and updating, by the device, a tail pointer to reference the second address. 1. A method comprising: receiving, at a first port of a device, a plurality of network packets;', 'storing, by the device, at least some portion of a first packet of the plurality of network packets at a first address within a first record bank;', 'storing, by the device and concurrent with storing the at least some portion of the first packet from the first address, at least some portion of a second packet of the plurality of network packets at a second address within a second record bank, different than the first record bank;', 'storing, by the device, the first address within the first record bank and the second address within the second record bank in the first link stash associated with the first record bank; and', 'updating, by the device, a tail pointer to reference the second address., 'during a first cycle2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: obtaining a head address from a head pointer, wherein the head address is the first address;', 'reading the at least some portion of the first packet from the first address concurrent with storing the at least some portion of the first packet from the first ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200044895A1
Принадлежит: XILINX, INC.

A method and a system for transparently overlaying a logical transport network over an existing physical transport network is disclosed. The system designates a virtual channel located in a first transaction layer of a network conforming to a first network protocol. The system assembles a transaction layer packet in a second logical transaction layer of a second network protocol that is also recognizable by the first transaction layer. The system transfers the transaction layer packet from the second transaction layer to the virtual channel. The system transmits the transaction layer packet over the first transaction layer using the designated virtual channel over the network. 1. A method of transparently overlaying a logical transaction network over an existing physical transport network , comprising:designating a virtual channel located in a first transaction layer of a network conforming to a first network protocol;assembling a transaction layer packet in a second logical transaction layer of the second network protocol, wherein a data link layer conforming to the first network protocol is configured as an intermediate stage between the first logical transaction layer and the second logical transaction layer;transferring the transaction layer packet from the second transaction layer to the virtual channel; andtransmitting the transaction layer packet over the first transaction layer using the virtual channel over the network.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the transaction layer packet includes a third party identifier recognizable to the first transaction layer claim 1 , and a third party message type and a third-party header recognizable to the second logical transaction layer.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first transaction layer transmits the transaction layer packet over a data link layer and a physical layer that conforms to the first network protocol.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second transaction layer leverages existing properties of ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160057069A1

Within a networking device, packet portions from multiple PDRSDs (Packet Data Receiving and Splitting Devices) are loaded into a single memory, so that the packet portions can later be processed by a processing device. Rather than the PDRSDs managing and handling the storing of packet portions into the memory, a packet engine is provided. The PDRSDs use a PPI (Packet Portion Identifier) Addressing Mode (PAM) in communicating with the packet engine and in instructing the packet engine to store packet portions. The packet engine uses linear memory addressing to write the packet portions into the memory, and to read the packet portions from the memory. 1. An integrated circuit , comprising:a first Packet Data Receiving and Splitting Device (PDRSD) that receives first packet data and outputs a first portion of the first packet data along with a first Packet Portion Identifier (PPI);a second PDRSD that receives second packet data and outputs a first portion of the second packet data along with a second Packet Portion Identifier (PPI); a memory; and', 'a packet engine, wherein the packet engine receives the first PPI and the first portion of the first packet data and translates the first PPI into a first address and that uses the first address to store the first portion of the first packet data into a first block of a memory in the memory system, and that receives the second PPI and the first portion of the second data and translates the second PPI into a second address and that uses the second address to store the first portion of the second packet data into a second block of the memory; and, 'a memory system comprisinga processing circuit that receives the first PPI and the first portion of the first packet data from the memory system and that processes the first portion of the first packet data and returns the first PPI to the memory system, and that receives the second PPI and the first portion of the second packet data from the memory system and that processes the ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160057079A1

Within a networking device, packet portions from multiple PDRSDs (Packet Data Receiving and Splitting Devices) are loaded into a single memory, so that the packet portions can later be processed by a processing device. Rather than the PDRSDs managing and handling the storing of packet portions into the memory, a packet engine is provided. The PDRSDs use a PPI (Packet Portion Identifier) Addressing Mode (PAM) in communicating with the packet engine and in instructing the packet engine to store packet portions. A PDRSD requests a PPI from the packet engine in a PPI allocation request, and is allocated a PPI by the packet engine in a PPI allocation response, and then tags the packet portion to be written with the PPI and sends the packet portion and the PPI to the packet engine. 1. A method comprising:(a) receiving an allocation request for a Packet Portion Identifier (PPI) via a bus and onto a memory system, wherein the memory system comprises a packet engine and a memory;(b) determining the PPI, wherein the PPI is associated with an unused block of memory in the memory of the memory system;(c) outputting the PPI from the memory system and onto the bus;(d) receiving packet data onto the memory system via the bus, wherein the PPI is received by the memory system along with packet data; and(e) using the PPI to write the packet data into the block of memory, wherein (a) through (e) are performed by the packet engine.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the using of (e) involves:(e1) using the PPI to determine an address; and(e2) supplying the address to the memory along with the packet data thereby writing the packet data into the block of memory, wherein (e1) and (e2) are performed by the packet engine.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the packet data received in (d) is a part of an IP (Internet Protocol) packet.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the allocation request includes an indication of a size of the packet data.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the packet data ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180054693A1

Embodiments herein disclose a method for identifying a unicast Device to Device (D2D) communication. Further, the method includes generating, by a source User Equipment (UE), a D2D Media Access Control (MAC) Protocol Data Unit (PDU) comprising a unicast parameter. Further, the method includes transmitting, by the source UE, the D2D MAC PDU to the destination UE. Further, the method includes receiving, by the destination UE, the D2D MAC PDU. Further, the method includes detecting, by the destination UE, one of unicast parameters and groupcast parameters of the D2D MAC PDU. Furthermore, the method includes identifying, by the UE, the D2D MAC PDU is for one of the unicast D2D communication when the unicast parameters are detected, and the groupcast D2D communication when the groupcast parameters are detected. 115-. (Canceled)16. A method for device to device (D2D) communication of a first terminal , the method comprising:generating a media access control (MAC) header comprising first information for identifying whether a MAC service data unit (SDU) is for a groupcast or a unicast;transmitting a MAC protocol data unit (PDU) including the MAC header and the MAC SDU to a second terminal or a group including the second terminal.17. The method of claim 16 ,wherein the MAC header further comprises second information for identifying the second terminal or the group,wherein if the first information indicates the MAC SDU is for the groupcast, the second information is a groupcast identifier, andwherein if the first information indicates the MAC SDU is for the unicast, the second information is a unicast identifier.18. The method of claim 16 ,wherein if the first information is set to 0001, the first information indicates the MAC SDU is for the groupcast, andwherein if the first information is set to 0010, the first information indicates the MAC SDU is for the unicast.19. The method of claim 16 ,wherein the MAC header further comprises third information for identifying the first ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200053023A1

A method for handling of multicast data streams within a broadband access network of a telecommunications network includes: a specific service edge node receiving a join request message from or through a specific customer premises equipment; an activation request message being transmitted, by the specific service edge node, to a multicast controller node within the broadband access network; and the multicast controller node generating and/or replicating multicast data stream-related data packets and injecting these multicast data stream-related data packets, using a corresponding session identifier information, into a point-to-point-protocol connection or tunneling protocol connection between the specific service edge node and the specific customer premises equipment. 1. A method for handling of multicast data streams within a broadband access network of a telecommunications network , wherein the broadband access network comprises a plurality of service edge nodes to be connected to customer premises equipments , the customer premises equipments being provided to be connected to the broadband access network for handling both unicast traffic and multicast data streams between the customer premises equipments and the broadband access network ,wherein, for transmitting unicast traffic-related data packets between a specific service edge node and a specific customer premises equipment, a point-to-point-protocol connection or a tunneling protocol connection is established between the specific service edge node and the specific customer premises equipment, the point-to-point-protocol connection or the tunneling protocol connection having an assigned session identifier information, wherein—in case that a multicast data stream, comprising multicast data stream-related data packets, is to be transmitted to the specific customer premises equipment the method comprises:in a first step, the specific service edge node receives a join request message from or through the specific ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210067465A1

A command is received from a first computer. The command is to transfer a data from the first computer to a second computer. One or more ports of the second computer are determined that are available for the data transfer. A ranking is determined for the one or more ports. The first computer is notified of one or more data transfer ports of the one or more ports. The one or more data transfer ports are above a threshold in the determined ranking. 1. A computer-implemented method for data transfer , the method comprising the steps of:receiving, by one or more computer processors, a command from a first computer, wherein the command is to transfer a data from the first computer to a second computer;determining, by one or more computer processors, one or more ports of the second computer available for the data transfer;determining, by one or more computer processors, one or more statistics for each port of the one or more ports;determining, by one or more computer processors, a score for each port of the one or more ports based on the one or more statistics; andranking, by one or more computer processors, each port of the one or more ports based on the score for each port of the one or more ports;responsive to a threshold period of time passing, checking, by one or more computer processors, for an update to any the one or more statistics for each port of the one or more ports;updating, by one or more computer processors, the determined score for each port of the one or more ports;updating, by one or more computer processors, the ranking for each port of the one or more ports using the updated determined score; andnotifying, by one or more computer processors, the first computer of one or more data transfer ports of the one or more ports, wherein the one or more data transfer ports are above a threshold in the updated determined ranking.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:transferring, by one or more computer processors, the data from the ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Circuit, system, and method for reading memory-based digital identification devices in parallel

Номер: US20200066313A1
Принадлежит: Marcon International Inc

A system and method for simultaneously reading a plurality of readable memory-based digital identification devices, including: a host microcontroller; and a plurality of readable memory-based digital identification devices electrically coupled to the host microcontroller in a parallel configuration; wherein the host microcontroller is configured to assert a read prompt to each of the plurality of the plurality of readable memory-based digital identification devices during a same clock cycle; wherein each of the plurality of readable memory-based digital identification devices is configured to send a response to the host microcontroller in a same clock cycle; and wherein the host microcontroller is configured to capture identification data from each of the plurality of readable memory-based digital identification devices in a same clock cycle.

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Timeslot management method, a related network terminator, a related line terminator and an upstream signal frame structure for a time division multiple access system

Номер: US20180077476A1
Принадлежит: Alcatel Lucent SAS

A time slot management method for use in a time division multiple access system that couples a line terminator via a tree-like network to a plurality of network terminations is provided. At least one grant is transmitted by the line terminator towards a network terminator in order to allocate at least one adjacent subsequent corresponding upstream time-slot to the network terminator. The grant is received by the network terminator from the line terminator, and it is recognized if the at least one grant is associated with the network termination. Upon recognition of the at least one grant being associated with the network termination by the network terminator, overhead data in the first time slot of the at least one time slot and payload data in each potential adjacent subsequent time slot of at least one time-slot allocated to said network terminator is transmitted.

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150085739A1
Автор: Umehara Naoki

A selection device outputs domain information that indicates a management system capable of executing control associated with the start of communication using a selected relay device . Consequently, the control associated with the start of communication using the selected relay device can be executed by any of the management systems indicated by the domain information. That is, a load based on the control of the start of communication can be dispersed into a plurality of management systems , and thus there is an effect of reducing a load to the management systems 1. A relay device selection device for selecting a relay device to relay information transmitted/received between transmission terminals , comprising:a communication control information management unit to manage communication control information indicating a transmission management system capable of executing a control associated with the start of communication using the relay device, for each of relay devices to be a candidate of selection;a relay device selection unit to select at least one relay device from among the relay devices;a communication control information extraction unit to extract, from the communication control information management unit, the communication control information indicating a transmission management system capable of executing a control associated with the start of communication using the selected relay device; andan output unit to output the communication control information extracted by the communication control information extraction unit, the communication control information being associated with information of the selected relay device.2. The relay device selection device set forth in claim 1 ,wherein the communication control information management unit manages a priority information indicating the priority of a selection of the relay device, for each of the relay devices to be the candidate of selection, andthe relay device selection unit selects the relay device based ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190079803A1
Принадлежит: Next Silicon, Ltd.

A computing grid including an interconnect network including input ports and output ports; a plurality of egress ports; a plurality of configurable data routing junctions; a plurality of logical elements interconnected using the plurality of configurable data routing junctions; a plurality of ingress ports. In an embodiment at least one compute graph is projected onto the computing grid as a configuration of various elements of the computing grid. 1. A computing grid , comprising:an interconnect network including input ports and output ports;a plurality of egress ports;a plurality of configurable data routing junctions;a plurality of logical elements interconnected using the plurality of configurable data routing junctions;a plurality of ingress ports,wherein at least one compute graph is projected onto the computing grid as a configuration of various elements of the computing grid.2. The computing grid of claim 1 , wherein an optimized compute graph is projected onto the interconnected logical elements at runtime.3. The computing grid of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of configurable data routing junctions is any one of: a multiplexer claim 1 , a de-multiplexer claim 1 , and a switch.4. The computing grid of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of logical elements is configured to perform any one of: a unary operation claim 1 , a binary operation claim 1 , a ternary operation.5. The computing grid of claim 1 , wherein each logical element of the plurality of logical elements is configured to perform one operation of a set of predefined operations.6. The computing grid of claim 5 , wherein the computing grid is further adapted to allow re-configuration of the plurality of logical elements at runtime.7. The computing grid of claim 1 , wherein the computing grid further comprises:a telemetry collection circuit.8. The computing grid of claim 1 , wherein the computing grid is further adapted to:collect runtime telemetry on at least logical paths; ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200092119A1
Автор: Taki Daisuke

An interface device includes a conversion circuit that converts data that conforms to a first communication interface standard into data that conforms to a second communication interface standard, first and second flow control units that execute respectively a first flow control that conforms to the first communication interface standard on the first device, and a second flow control that conforms to the second communication interface standard on the second device, first and second communication circuits that receive data from and transmit data to the first device under control of the first flow control unit and the second device under control of the first flow control unit, respectively. Data is transmitted from the second to the first device in accordance with first and second credits used in the first and second flow controls, respectively, and a data amount associated with the first credit is equivalent to a data amount associated with the second credit. 1. An interface device comprising:a conversion circuit configured to convert first data that conforms to a first communication interface standard into second data that conforms to a second communication interface standard, and convert third data that conforms to the second communication interface standard into fourth data that conforms to the first communication interface standard;a first flow control unit configured to execute a first flow control that conforms to the first communication interface standard, on the first device;a second flow control unit configured to execute a second flow control that conforms to the second communication interface standard, on the second device;a first communication circuit configured to receive data from and transmit data to the first device under control of the first flow control unit; anda second communication circuit configured to receive data from and transmit data to the second device under control of the first flow control unit, whereindata is transmitted from the second ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200092133A1
Принадлежит: WAGO Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH

A device for coupling a fieldbus to a local bus for connection to at least one data bus subscriber, the device comprising a first unit that is connectable to the fieldbus and is adapted for sending and receiving data via the fieldbus; a second unit that is connectable to the local bus and is adapted for sending and receiving data via the local bus in at least one data packet; a data management unit that is connected to the first unit and the second unit, wherein the data management unit is adapted for transferring first symbols from data received via said first unit to said second unit in a sequence-dependent manner; and wherein the second unit is adapted to send at least one data packet including the first symbols on the local bus. In addition, a corresponding method for transferring data is described. 1. A device for coupling a fieldbus to a local bus for connecting to at least one data bus subscriber , the local bus being a ring bus , the device comprising:a first unit connectable to the fieldbus and adapted to send and receive data via the fieldbus;a second unit connectable to the local bus and adapted to send and receive data via the local bus in at least one data packet;a data management unit connected to the first unit and the second unit, the data management unit being adapted to transfer first symbols from data received via the first unit to the second unit in a sequence-dependent manner; and the second unit being adapted to send at least one data packet including the first symbols on the local bus.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the data management unit is adapted to prepend and/or append additional symbols to the first symbols.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the data management unit is adapted to temporarily store the first symbols.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the second unit is adapted to generate the at least one data packet comprising the first symbols and to send the at least one data packet on the local bus.5 ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200092140A1
Автор: JEROLM Daniel
Принадлежит: WAGO Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH

A method for the distributed processing of process data in a local bus, wherein the local bus has a local bus master and at least two data bus participants, and the method comprises: sending a data packet with process data from the local bus master via the local bus; receiving the data packet at a first data bus participant; pre-processing at least one item of process data using the first data bus participant; sending the data packet with the at least one item of pre-processed process data via the local bus to the second data bus participant using the first data bus participant; receiving the data packet with the at least one item of pre processed process data at the second data bus participant; and further processing the at least one item of pre-processed process data using the second data bus participant. 1. A method for the distributed processing of process data in a local bus , in particular a ring bus , with a local bus master and at least two data bus subscribers , the method comprising:sending a data packet with process data from the local bus master via the local bus;receiving the data packet at a first data bus subscriber;preprocessing at least one process data item by the first data bus subscriber;sending the data packet with the at least one preprocessed data item via the local bus through the first data bus subscriber to the second data bus subscriber;receiving the data packet with the at least one preprocessed data item at the second data bus subscriber; andfurther processing the at least one preprocessed data item by the second data bus subscriber.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the preprocessing comprises writing the at least one process data item into the data packet.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the preprocessing comprises reading the at least one process data item from the data packet.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the data packet comprises a plurality of symbols claim 1 , each symbol having a plurality of ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180097659A1
Автор: Hanson Van E.

One embodiment is directed to an uplink signal combiner that is configured to receive, via the data network, data packets from the remote antenna units. Each of the data packets includes respective control data and respective user data. The respective control data include data for managing a communication link between a baseband unit and a respective remote antenna unit. The respective user data represents a respective uplink signal received by each of the remote antenna units from one or more mobile stations. The uplink signal combiner is configured to generate additional user data representing a first combined uplink signal by combining the user data extracted from the data packets. The uplink signal combiner is configured to transmit an additional data packet to the baseband unit. The additional data packet includes the additional user data and additional control data derived from the control data from the received data packets. 1. A method comprising:receiving, via a data network, first data packets from first remote antenna units, wherein each of the first data packets includes respective first control data and respective first user data, wherein the respective first control data include data for managing a first communication link between a first baseband unit and a respective first remote antenna unit, wherein the respective first user data represents a respective first uplink signal received by each of the first remote antenna units from one or more mobile stations;extracting the first user data from the received first data packets;generating first additional user data representing a first combined uplink signal by combining the first user data extracted from the first data packets; andtransmitting a first additional data packet to the first baseband unit, wherein the first additional data packet includes the first additional user data and first additional control data derived from the first control data from the received first data packets.2. The method of ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

System and method for time synchronization using snap values

Номер: US20210103597A1
Принадлежит: Vast Data Ltd

A system and method for time synchronization. The method includes incrementing at least one instance of a snap value, wherein the at least one instance is stored in at least one storage node of a distributed storage system, wherein each of the at least one instance is incremented using a single-phase commit operation, wherein each of the plurality of storage nodes includes at least one timestamp, wherein each timestamp indicates a corresponding snap time, wherein each snap time is determined by reading one of the at least one instance at a time of creation of the corresponding timestamp.

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Low latency arq/harq operating in carrier aggregation for backhaul link

Номер: US20140185496A1
Автор: Assaf Touboul, Guy Wolf
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Described embodiments reduce ARQ/HARQ latency using carrier aggregation and cross-carrier ARQ/HARQ signaling. In embodiments, a wireless backhaul transmission link uses multiple paired carriers with complementary TDD frame timing. In embodiments, backhaul traffic subframes are protected using FEC and/or CRC encoding and ACK/NACK information is generated based on decoding and computing the FEC and/or CRC information for the subframes. The ACK/NACK information may be transmitted on the paired carrier. In embodiments, cross-carrier ARQ/HARQ signaling may reduce ARQ/HARQ latency to less than two TDD subframes.

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170104691A1

A switching device in a network system for transferring data includes one or more source line cards, one or more destination line cards and a switching fabric coupled to the source line cards and the destination line cards to enable data communication between any source line card and destination line card. Each source line card includes a request generator to generate a request signal to be transmitted in order to obtain an authorization to transmit data. Each destination line card includes a grant generator to generate and send back a grant signal to the source line card in response to the request signal received at the destination line card to authorize the source line card to transmit a data cell to the destination line card. 1. A switching device for transferring data packets , comprising:one or more source line cards each including a request generator to generate a request signal to be transmitted in order to obtain an authorization to transmit data;one or more destination line cards each including a grant generator to generate and send back a grant signal to a source line card in response to the request signal received at the destination line card to authorize the source line card to transmit a data cell to the destination line card; anda switching fabric coupled to the source line card and the destination line card, the switching fabric being configured to receive and transmit the request, grant and data cell to the appropriate line cards.2. The switching device of claim 1 , wherein the source line card further includes a data cell transmitter to transmit the data cell upon receiving the grant signal from the destination line card.3. The switching device of claim 2 , wherein the source line card further includes transmit logic to receive a request signal and a data cell which are unrelated to each other on each cell slot from the request generator and data cell transmitter claim 2 , respectively claim 2 , and transmit the request signal and the data cell ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210105513A1
Автор: NIHEI Koichi
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

The present disclosure aims to provide a communication apparatus capable of achieving media distribution with a high quality of user experience. A communication apparatus is a communication apparatus configured to distribute media data to another communication apparatus via a plurality of lines, the apparatus including: a communication quality estimation unit configured to estimate communication qualities of the respective lines; a bit rate determination unit configured to calculate, from the estimated communication qualities of the respective lines, an index value indicating a quality of user experience when each of the lines is used and determine a bit rate of the media data based on the calculated index value; and a data allocation unit configured to allocate a data amount of the media data to the respective lines based on the estimated communication qualities of the respective lines and the bit rate that has been determined. 1. A communication apparatus comprising:a communication quality estimation unit configured to estimate communication qualities of a plurality of respective lines that distribute media data to another communication apparatus;a bit rate determination unit configured to calculate, from the estimated communication qualities of the respective lines, an index value indicating a quality of user experience when each of the lines is used and determine a bit rate of the media data based on the calculated index value; anda data allocation unit configured to allocate a data amount of the media data to the respective lines based on the estimated communication qualities of the respective lines and the bit rate that has been determined.2. The communication apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe communication quality is a communication rate, andthe bit rate determination unit classifies the respective lines into main lines that mainly perform transmission of the media data and sub lines that auxiliarily perform transmission of the media data based on ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for establishing a service path in a communications network

Номер: US20200099546A1

A method for establishment of a service path within the central office point of delivery within a broadband access network of a telecommunications network. The method to establish the service path includes: in a first step, identity information of the at least one network termination node is transmitted to the first line termination node, in a second step, subsequent to the first step, the identity information of the at least one network termination node is transmitted to the at least one repository node, and in a third step, subsequent to the second step, a first service edge node of the plurality of service edge nodes is selected or determined, based on the identity information of the at least one network termination node, and the service path for the at least one network termination node is thereby established.

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220182263A1

An OAM core network may receive a request for a ML/NN model and features associated with a ML/NN procedure. The OAM core network may determine a latest update to the ML/NN model and features based on the request and generate a response to the request indicative of the latest update to the ML/NN model and features. In aspects, a base station may initiate the request for the ML/NN model and features by transmitting the request for the ML/NN model and features to the OAM core network. The base station may receive the generated response of the OAM core network based on the transmitted request. In further aspects, a UE may initiate the request for the ML/NN model and features by transmitting the request to the base station, where the UE may receive the ML/NN model and features from the base station based on the transmitted request. 1. A method of wireless communication at a core network , comprising:transmitting a request for at least one of a model or features associated with at least one of a machine learning (ML) procedure or a neural network (NN) procedure, the request transmitted via a network entity having a centralized interface between a database, at least one of a data lake or a data pond, a server, and a base station; andreceiving, via the network entity, a response to the request for the at least one of the model or the features associated with the at least one of the ML procedure or the NN procedure.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the network entity is a model and data access coordinator (MDAC) that interfaces between the database claim 1 , the at least one of the data lake or the data pond claim 1 , the server claim 1 , and the base station.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:querying at least one of the database for a uniform resource indicator (URI) of the model or the at least one of the data lake or the data pond for the features; anddetermining a status of at least one of the URI of the model or the features based on the query.4. The method ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220182998A1

A bandwidth efficient way to improve reliability without introducing additional latency is provided for Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications (URLLC) service in 5G NR. In particular, using rateless fountain codes in conjunction with packet duplication for split bearers at the Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) layer increases the reliability of transmission without the need for retransmissions, and with a lower bandwidth requirement compared to traditional packet duplication. 1. A transceiver device , comprising:a processor; and in response to determining that a packet for transmission to a receiver device is associated with a predefined radio access bearer, encoding the packet with a rateless fountain code, resulting in a group of encoded packets from which the packet is regeneratable from a defined quantity of encoded packets of the group of encoded packets; and', 'transmitting the group of encoded packets to the receiver device via a group of relay devices., 'a memory that stores executable instructions that, when executed by the processor, facilitate performance of operations, comprising2. The transceiver device of claim 1 , wherein the operations further comprise:transmitting respective encoded packets of the group of encoded packets to different relay devices of the group of relay devices.3. The transceiver device of claim 1 , wherein the operations further comprise:determining a quantity of encoded packets to generate in the group of encoded packets based on a quantity of network paths of a split bearer to the receiver device.4. The transceiver device of claim 1 , wherein the operations further comprise:determining a quantity of encoded packets to generate in the group of encoded packets based on a quantity of relay devices in the group of relay devices.5. The transceiver device of claim 1 , wherein the transceiver device is a base station device and the receiver device is a user equipment.6. The transceiver device of claim 1 , wherein the ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Onboard relay device, information processing method, storage medium storing program, relay device, and information processing system

Номер: US20190118736A1
Автор: Katsuhiko BESSHO
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An onboard relay device, an information processing method, a non-transitory storage medium storing a program, a relay device and an information processing system are disclosed. The onboard relay device relays data which is transmitted and received between a first onboard device connected to a first network and a second onboard device connected to a second network, and includes: a determination unit configured to determine whether the first network is a target for cooperation control in which a network state is changed along with the second network; and a control unit configured to transmit a request associated with a change of the network state to the second network when first data has been received from the first onboard device in a case where the first network is the target for the cooperation control.

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150131673A1

A method for receiving packet data at a communication channel and transmitting the packet data over serial links of the communication channel. The packet data is sliced into n-bit data portions which are concatenated with a header prior to transmitting an n-bit portion across one of the serial links of the communication channel. The header may include an invert bit to alter the majority sign of an n-bit portion. Other aspects of the present invention are also described herein. 1. A method comprising:receiving a data packet;dividing the data packet into N-byte slices;selecting a first set of the N-byte slices, wherein the first set contains some but not all of the N-byte slices of the data packet;generating a first header for the first set;attaching the first header to the first set to create a first frame;transmitting the first frame via N serial links.2. The method of further comprising:selecting a second set of the N-bye slices;generating a second header for the second set;attaching the second header to the second set to create a second frame;transmitting the second frame via N serial links.3. The method of further comprising:receiving a second data packet;dividing the second data packet into second N-byte slices;selecting a third set of the N-byte slices and fourth set of the second N-byte slices, wherein the fourth set includes some, but not all of the second N-byte slices;generating a third header;attaching the third header to a combination of the third and fourth sets to create a third frame;transmitting the third frame via N serial links.4. The method of wherein the first header is generated as a function of data contained in the first set.5. The method of further comprising an act of simultaneously transmitting bits of one N-byte slice of the first set over the N serial links.6. The method of further comprising an act of serially transmitting N bytes of a first slice of the first set across the N serial links claim 1 , respectively.7. A computer readable ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180124867A1

A method for verifying an operation of a mobile radio communication network is provided, wherein the method comprises sending an Initiation Message from a first network entity to a second network entity, the Initiation Message defining an undo request and comprising an UNDO section defining an undo area, a TRIGGERING_CM section indicating changes to the network, and an ASSISTANCE section; receiving an Assistance-Response Message, the Assistance-Response Message comprising the UNDO section, and an ASSISTED_CM section; and sending an Assistance-Acknowledge Message including an ACK flag and the UNDO section from the first network entity to the second network entity. 1. A method of verifying an operation of a mobile radio communication network , the method comprising:sending an Initiation Message from a first network entity to a second network entity, the Initiation Message defining an undo request and comprising an UNDO section defining an undo area, a TRIGGERING_CM section indicating changes to the network, and an ASSISTANCE section;receiving an Assistance-Response Message, the Assistance-Response Message comprising the UNDO section, and an ASSISTED_CM section; andsending an Assistance-Acknowledge Message including an ACK flag and the UNDO section from the first network entity to the second network entity.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the Initiation Message further comprises an OPT_NUM section indicative for the way a corresponding undo request has to be handled.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the OPT_NUM section comprises a number indicative of an optimal number of time slots required to resolve collisions within the respective undo area.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the optimal number of the OPT_NUM section is calculated based on graph coloring theory or computed by constraint satisfaction methods.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the Assistance-Response Message comprises an OPT_NUM section indicative of an ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200128107A1
Автор: Clark Dan Leverett

A method for obtaining previously stored session state data for a session between a system having a plurality of nodes and a client device includes obtaining a session identifier specifying the session and hashing the session identifier. A currently valid hash map is searched. The hash map maps a hash of the session identifier to the nodes for a current system configuration. The search is performed to identify a system node on which the session state data for the session is stored. If the session state data is not located using the currently valid hash map, at least one earlier generation hash map that is valid for a previous configuration of the system is searched. Upon identifying the system node on which the session state data is stored, the session state data from the system node is retrieved. The session state data is used to establish the session. 1. A method for resuming a session that has been interrupted between a system having a plurality of nodes and a client device;subsequent to interruption of service in a session between a first node and a client device in which the first node delivers a service to the client device, receiving a session resume request from the client device at a second node in the system, the session resume request including information allowing the second node to obtain a session identifier specifying the session;hashing the session identifier;searching a currently valid hash map that maps a hash of the session identifier to the nodes in the system for a current system configuration, the search being performed to identify a system node on which the session state data for the session is stored;if the session state data is not located using the currently valid hash map, searching at least one earlier generation hash map that is valid for a previous configuration of the system;upon identifying the system node on which the session state data is stored, retrieving the session state data from the system node; andusing the session state data ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for determining scheduling policy

Номер: US20150146741A1
Автор: Zhang Yu

The disclosure discloses a method and apparatus for determining a scheduling policy. Wherein this method includes determining a Quality of Service (QoS) identifier corresponding to an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) cell, encapsulating the QoS identifier into a pseudo-wire message, and determining the scheduling policy corresponding to the pseudo-wire message according to the QoS identifier. Through the disclosure, when the ATM cell enters a Packet Transmit Network (PTN), the QoS identifier corresponding to the ATM cell is determined, and then the QoS identifier is encapsulated into the pseudo-wire message, and then the scheduling policy corresponding to the pseudo-wire message is determined according to the QoS identifier, which solves the problem that in the related art different ATM services implementing a differentiated service in a PTN network is not presented, improves flexibility of priority configuration of the ATM service, makes an operating company to be able to perform more flexible service configuration by using a PTN device, still further meets differentiated service requirements of clients of different priorities. 1. A method for determining a scheduling policy , comprising:determining a Quality of Service (QoS) identifier corresponding to an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) cell;encapsulating the QoS identifier into a pseudo-wire message; anddetermining a scheduling policy corresponding to the pseudo-wire message according to the QoS identifier.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising: before determining the QoS identifier corresponding to the ATM cell claim 1 ,setting a mapping relationship between the ATM cell and the QoS identifier.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein determining the QoS identifier corresponding to the ATM cell comprises: determining the QoS identifier corresponding to the ATM cell according to a Virtual Path Identifier (VPI)/Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI) value in the ATM cell.4. The method according to ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190140759A1
Автор: Su Wei

A method for transmitting a client signal in an optical transport network includes: dividing a payload of an optical payload unit signal into m first-granularity tributary slots; dividing one of the m first-granularity tributary slots into n second-granularity tributary slots, where a rate of the first-granularity tributary slot is n times that of the second-granularity tributary slot, m is a positive integer, and n is a positive integer greater than 1; mapping a first client signal onto a payload in which one or more of the n second-granularity tributary slots are located; adding an overhead of the first-granularity tributary slot and an overhead of the second-granularity tributary slot for the optical payload unit signal, to generate an optical data unit signal; and sending the optical data unit signal. 1. A method for transmitting a client signal in an optical transport network (OTN) , wherein the method comprises:dividing, by an OTN device, a payload of an optical payload unit (OPU) signal into m first-granularity tributary slots;dividing, by the OTN device, one of the m first-granularity tributary slots into n second-granularity tributary slots, wherein a rate of the first-granularity tributary slot is n times that of a second-granularity tributary slot of the n second-granularity tributary slots, m is a positive integer, and n is a positive integer greater than 1;generating, by the OTN device, an optical data unit signals (ODU), wherein generating the ODU signal comprises mapping a first client signal onto a payload in which one or more of the n second-granularity tributary slots are located and adding an overhead of a first-granularity tributary slot of the m first-granularity tributary slots and an overhead of the second-granularity tributary slot for the OPU signal; andsending, by the OTN device, the ODU signal.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a value of n is determined based on a rate claim 1 , a transmission distance claim 1 , and/or a ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Network switch operating as packet generator

Номер: US20180152372A1

A method for packet generation includes designating a group of one or more ports, from among multiple ports of one or more network elements, to perform the packet generation. A circular packet path, which traverses one or more buffers of the ports in the group, is configured. A burst of one or more packets is provided to the group, so as to cause the burst of packets to repeatedly traverse the circular packet path. A packet stream, including the repeated burst of packets, is transmitted from one of the ports. 1. A method for packet generation , comprising:designating a group of one or more ports, from among multiple ports of one or more network elements, to perform the packet generation;configuring a circular packet path that traverses one or more buffers of the ports in the group;providing to the group a burst of one or more packets, so as to cause the burst of packets to repeatedly traverse the circular packet path; andtransmitting a packet stream, comprising the repeated burst of packets, from one of the ports.2. The method according to claim 1 , and comprising inhibiting packet transmission from the group before providing the burst to the group claim 1 , and re-enabling the packet transmission after providing the burst.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein configuring the circular packet path comprises:configuring a first port in the group to duplicate and send egress packets to a second port in the group;configuring a loop path from an output of a transmission (TX) buffer of the second port to an input of a reception (RX) buffer of the second port; andconfiguring the second port to forward packets from an output of the RX buffer to the first port.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein configuring the circular packet path comprises:configuring a second port in the group to duplicate and send packets to a first port in the group;configuring a first loop path from an output of a transmission (TX) buffer of the second port to an input of a reception ( ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Transmission apparatus and plug-in unit

Номер: US20170155501A1
Автор: Toshihisa Kyouno
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A transmission apparatus includes: a first plug-in unit including: a clock generator to generate a first clock, a first frame-pulse generator to generate a first frame-pulse-signal based on the first clock; a detector to detect a phase-difference between a first phase of the first frame-pulse-signal and a second phase of a second frame-pulse-signal transmitted from other plug-in unit, and generate phase-difference information based on the phase-difference, and a first transmitter to transmit a control-signal including the phase-difference information to the other plug-in unit; and a second plug-in unit being the other plug-in unit, including: a receiver to receive the control-signal, a controller to control a phase of a second clock of the second plug-in unit, based on the phase-difference information, a second frame-pulse generator to generate the second frame-pulse-signal based on the second clock, and a second transmitter to transmit the second frame-pulse-signal to the first plug-in unit.

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220301414A1

Methods, devices, and systems for operating a fire system network are described herein. One method includes receiving a plurality of time-slotted maintenance messages over a period of time from each of a plurality of fire system devices located in a facility via a first spreading factor, receiving an event message from a fire system device of the plurality of fire system devices responsive to the fire system device determining a fire event, the event message sent via a second spreading factor, and sending a block actuate message to the plurality of fire system devices responsive to receiving the event message, wherein the block actuate message is configured to activate a fire alarm. 1. A method for operating a fire system network , comprising:receiving a plurality of first messages over a period of time from each of a plurality of fire system devices associated with a facility;receiving a second message from a fire system device of the plurality of fire system devices responsive to the fire system device determining a fire event; andsending a third message to the plurality of fire system devices responsive to receiving the second message, wherein the third message is configured to activate a fire alarm.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of first messages comprise a plurality of time-slotted maintenance messages.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second message is an event message.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method includes receiving the plurality of first messages from the plurality of fire system devices via a spreading factor.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method includes receiving the second message from the fire system device via a spreading factor.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method includes receiving the plurality of first messages according to a time-division multiple access (TDMA) protocol.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the third message is a block actuate message.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200163077A1

A bandwidth efficient way to improve reliability without introducing additional latency is provided for Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications (URLLC) service in 5G NR. In particular, using rateless fountain codes in conjunction with packet duplication for split bearers at the Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) layer increases the reliability of transmission without the need for retransmissions, and with a lower bandwidth requirement compared to traditional packet duplication. 1. A transceiver device , comprising:a processor; and receiving a packet at a protocol stack of a radio access network;', 'in response to determining that the packet is associated with a predefined radio access bearer, encoding the packet with a rateless fountain code, resulting in a group of encoded packets; and', 'transmitting the group of encoded packets to a receiver device via a group of relay devices., 'a memory that stores executable instructions that, when executed by the processor, facilitate performance of operations, comprising2. The transceiver device of claim 1 , wherein the operations further comprise:transmitting each encoded packet of the group of encoded packets to respective relay devices of the group of relay devices.3. The transceiver device of claim 1 , wherein the encoding the packet using the rateless fountain code facilitates reconstructing the packet from the group of encoded packets in response to an encoded packet of the group of encoded packets being determined to be missing.4. The transceiver device of claim 1 , wherein the predefined radio access bearer is a radio access bearer that satisfies a criterion with regard to a latency and a reliability of the radio access bearer.5. The transceiver device of claim 1 , wherein the operations further comprise:encoding the packet using the rateless fountain code at a packet data convergence protocol layer of the protocol stack of the radio access network.6. The transceiver device of claim 1 , wherein the ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210203618A1
Автор: Weitz Konstantin

A novel multi-stage folded Clos network and a linecard for use in a network is disclosed. The Clos network can consist of three stages, an access stage, a lower stage, and an upper stage. The access stage and the upper stage can include a plurality of switches or conventional access points. The lower stage can include a plurality of linecards. Each linecard can be made of two switch chips, each of which are connected to the ports of the linecard, and contain the same number of ports. Each switch chip can forward information in only one direction and one is used to send direction from the access stage to the upper stage, and the other from the upper stage to the access stage. The lower stage can consist of a number of sub-stages, each sub-stage can be entirely of either conventional switches or linecards. Accordingly, compared to a conventional Clos network, the provided network can increase the throughput by any power of 2 by replacing the conventional switches used in the lower stage or sub-stages with linecards. 1. A system comprising:an upper stage, the upper stage comprising one or more upper stage switches; a plurality of upper ports;', 'a plurality of lower ports;', 'a bottom-up switch; and', 'a top-down switch;', 'wherein traffic moving from the lower stage to the upper stage is received by a bottom up switch and sent via the bottom up switch to the upper stage, and traffic moving from the upper stage to the lower stage is received by a top-down switch and sent via the top-down switch to the lower stage., 'a lower stage comprising one or more linecards, each of the one or more linecards comprising2. The system of wherein each of the one or more linecards comprises an equal number of upper ports and lower ports.3. The system of wherein the lower stage further comprises at least two sub-stages.4. The system of wherein the sub-stages are entirely comprised of linecards.5. The system of wherein each sub-stage within the lower stage comprises either traditional ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160182406A1

A device that includes a plurality of transceivers configurable to simultaneously operate with a combination of bonded and unbonded transceivers. A first transceiver of the plurality of transceivers is operable at a first data rate, and a second transceiver of the plurality of transceivers is simultaneously operable at a second data rate that is different than the first data rate. The first and second transceivers are operable as bonded transceivers and wherein a third transceiver, of the plurality of transceivers, is simultaneously operable at a third data rate and the third transceiver is not bonded with any other transceiver. 1. A communication system that allows the transmission of ATM over a communications link comprising:an ATM stream;a transmitter multi-pair multiplexer module,a receiver multi-pair multiplexer module; anda plurality of ATM substreams each associated with a multiple twisted wire pair, wherein the ATM stream is distributed between the plurality of ATM substreams.213-. (canceled) This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/465,502, filed Aug. 21, 2014, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,014,193, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/863,058, filed Apr. 15, 2013, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,831,031, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/783,777, filed May 20, 2010, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,422,511, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/769,277, filed Apr. 28, 2010, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,978,706, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/247,741, filed Oct. 8, 2008, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,809,028, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/264,258, filed Oct. 4, 2002, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,453,881, which claims the benefit of and priority under 35 U.S.C. §119(e) to U.S. Patent Application Ser. No. 60/327,440, filed Oct. 5, 2001, entitled “Multi-Pair ATM Over DSL,” each of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.1. ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Fax Control Method and Gateway Device

Номер: US20180176411A1
Принадлежит: ZTE Corp

Disclosed is a fax control method, including: presetting a preprocessing configuration policy for preprocessing a fax signal in a gateway device, herein the preprocessing configuration policy contains a configuration policy of a fax control parameter that affects a success rate; and the gateway device acquiring a fax parameter negotiation signal in a fax process, reconfiguring the fax parameter negotiation signal according to the preset preprocessing configuration policy, and then sending the reconfigured fax parameter negotiation signal to a corresponding fax machine.

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200174873A1

A system level error detection and handling of the network IO in a multi-chip-package (MCP) die is provided. The error detection and handling mechanism conceived may be used between a system-on-chip (SoC) die and a different type of die, such as a die manufactured by a third-party (e.g., a high-bandwidth network IO die). To provide a timely indication in case of any part of the network is at fault, a control unit on the SoC die handles error detection on the network IO links using various indicators. After errors are detected, the control unit groups the errors into two categories: a link failure and a virtual channel failure. Such an error handling mechanism may consolidate the actions and provide consistency in hardware behavior. 1. A tangible , non-transitory , computer-readable medium having instructions stored thereon , wherein the instructions are configured to cause a processor to:receive an indication of an error for a link between die of a multi-die system;determine whether the error is a network error;when the error is not a network error, logically switch the link off; andsend a not-acknowledged message in response to incoming packets with an error code indicating a type of link error.2. The tangible claim 1 , non-transitory claim 1 , computer-readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the network error occurs during operation of the multi-die system and is not related to an initial boot or restart of the multi-die system claim 1 , and wherein the processor is configured to invoke an interrupt handler to interrupt the link in response to the network error.3. The tangible claim 1 , non-transitory claim 1 , computer-readable medium of claim 1 , wherein logically switching the link off comprises clearing in-flight packets from the link.4. The tangible claim 1 , non-transitory claim 1 , computer-readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the link comprises an advanced interface bus link.5. The tangible claim 4 , non-transitory claim 4 , computer-readable medium of claim ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации

Portable voice communications digital switching device for communications systems

Номер: US20160205258A1
Автор: Joseph John Miller
Принадлежит: Telegenix Inc

A portable voice communication digital switching device is provided for use with voice communication systems. The switching device is contained in a portable switching device enclosure and has a central control unit that includes communication line interface units and an operator position station with a touch display screen for operator switching control of communication components connected to the switching device.

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170201814A1

The present invention provides a method and apparatus for determining a rogue ONU in an OLT of a PON. The method comprises determining an original infected zone based on a first time slot allocation in which each time slot corresponds to one uplink signal of an ONU; determining a new infected zone based on a second time slot allocation in which each time slot corresponds to an uplink signal of an ONU; determining if there is a same ONU in the original infected zone and in the new infected zone to determine rogue ONU candidate, and determining a rogue ONU based on the rogue ONU candidate. The solution disclosed in the present application has the advantages of quick determination of the rogue ONU, no interruption of the normal service and system compatibility etc. 1. A method for determining a rogue ONU in an OLT of a passive optical network , the OLT receiving uplink signals of multiple ONUs , the method comprising the steps of:(D). determining an original infected zone based on a first time slot allocation in which each time slot corresponds to an uplink signal of one ONU;(B). determining a new infected zone based on a second time slot allocation in which each time slot corresponds to an uplink signal of one ONU;(F). determining if there is a same ONU in the original infected zone and in the new infected zone to determine a rogue ONU candidate; and(G). determining a rogue ONU based on the rogue ONU candidate.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising step (A) before the step (D) claim 1 , the step (A) comprising:determining whether a first condition is satisfied based on a current time slot allocation, the first condition being whether an uplink error rate of any ONU controlled by the OLT is larger than an error rate threshold;if the first condition is satisfied, determining whether a second condition is satisfied, the second condition being whether a difference value between an optical power value and respective historical optical power value of an ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180205804A1
Автор: Kim Sangeon

Provided is a procedure for receiving response information in response to a request message in an M2M system. Such a procedure may include transmitting a request message; determining a response type parameter corresponding to the request message; and receiving response information according to the response type parameter, wherein one of blocking, synchronous non-blocking (nonBlockingRequestSynch) and asynchronous non-blocking (nonBlockingRequestAsynch) is set as the response type parameter. 1. A method for receiving , by a Machine-to-Machine communication (M2M) device , response information , the method comprising:transmitting a request message;checking a response type parameter corresponding to the request message; andreceiving response information depending on the response type parameter,wherein the response type parameter is set to at least one of blocking, synchronous non-blocking (nonBlockingRequestSynch), and asynchronous non-blocking (nonBlockingRequestAsynch).2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the request message comprises at least one of an operation parameter claim 1 , a receiver parameter claim 1 , a transmitter parameter claim 1 , and a request identification parameter.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , comprising waiting to receive the response information when there is no response type parameter or when the response type parameter is set to blocking.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , comprising receiving an acknowledgement message of the request message before receiving the response information when the response type parameter is set to one of synchronous non-blocking and asynchronous non-blocking.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , comprising transmitting a retrieval request message before receiving the response information when the response type parameter is set to synchronous non-blocking.6. The method as claimed in claim 5 , comprising receiving a retrieval response message in response to the retrieval request message claim 5 , ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210234729A1

Systems and methods for steering data packets among a plurality of available network devices. A device connected to a wide area network through multiple network interfaces may dynamically select which network interface to use to transmit individual packets sent to, and received from, client devices over a local area network. 1. A method comprising:receiving, at a multiservice access gateway and from a user device, first and second packets destined for a remote device;outputting, by the multiservice access gateway, the first packet via a first network interface for transmission to the remote device via a first access network; andoutputting, by the multiservice access gateway, the second packet via a second network interface for transmission to the remote device via a second access network.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving, at the multiservice access gateway and via the first access network, a third packet intended for the user device;receiving, at the multiservice access gateway and via the second access network, a fourth packet intended for the user device; andtransmitting, by the multiservice access gateway, the third and fourth packets to the user device.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the fourth packet is received by the multiservice access gateway before the third packet is received by the multiservice access gateway claim 2 , and wherein the third packet is transmitted to the user device before the fourth packet is transmitted to the user device.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the multiservice access gateway comprises the first network interface and the second network interface.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the first network interface comprises a coaxial cable connector claim 4 , and wherein the second network interface comprises a cellular antenna and radio.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the user device is located within a customer premises claim 1 , and wherein the multiservice access gateway is also located within the ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации

System for transmitting concurrent data flows on a network

Номер: US20140301207A1
Принадлежит: Kalray SA

A system for transmitting concurrent data flows on a network, includes a memory containing data of data flows; a plurality of queues assigned respectively to the data flows, organized to receive the data as atomic transmission units; a flow regulator to poll the queues in sequence and, if the polled queue contains a full transmission unit, transmitting the unit on the network at a nominal flow-rate of the network; a sequencer to poll the queues in a round-robin manner and enable a data request signal when the filling level of the polled queue is below a threshold common to all queues, which threshold is greater than the size of the largest transmission unit; and a direct memory access configured to receive the data request signal and respond thereto by transferring data from the memory to the corresponding queue at a nominal speed of the system, up to the common threshold.

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150222668A1

Examples of methods, apparatus, and computer program products are disclosed for facilitating access to one or more services in a network environment. At a host, a request is received from a client machine in communication with the host over a network. An asynchronous service description file indicates one or more asynchronous communication techniques configured to be performed to access or communicate with a service over the network. The asynchronous service description file is a conversion of a synchronous service description file indicating one or more synchronous communication techniques for accessing or communicating with a synchronous service. The asynchronous service description file is provided to the client machine. 1. A computer-implemented method for facilitating access to one or more services in a network environment , the method comprising:receiving, at a host, a request from a client machine in communication with the host over a network;obtaining, at the host, an asynchronous service description file indicating one or more asynchronous communication techniques configured to be performed by a machine to access or communicate with a service over the network, the asynchronous service description file being a conversion of a synchronous service description file indicating one or more synchronous communication techniques for accessing or communicating with a synchronous service; andproviding, to the client machine, the asynchronous service description file.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:obtaining permission information indicating a permission of the client machine to access one or more services.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 2 , wherein obtaining the permission information includes:performing one or more security management operations in association with the client machine or with a user of the client machine.4. The computer-implemented method of claim 3 , wherein the security management operations include one ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180210845A1

An information switch comprises a plurality of input circuits and a plurality of output circuits, the information switch being configured to communicate information units between the input circuits and the output circuits in successive transmission cycles; each input circuit being configured, in dependence upon a queue of one or more information units for transmission via that input circuit and in dependence upon hint data received in respect of a current transmission cycle, to send an information unit transmission request to one or more of the output circuits; and each output circuit being configured, in response to one or more information unit transmission requests received from respective input circuits, to select an input circuit for information unit transmission to that output circuit in a current transmission cycle and to provide hint data indicating a provisional selection, by that output circuit, of an input circuit at a next transmission cycle. 1. An information switch comprising:a plurality of input circuits and a plurality of output circuits, the information switch being configured to communicate information units between the input circuits and the output circuits in successive transmission cycles;each input circuit being configured, in dependence upon a queue of one or more information units for transmission via that input circuit and in dependence upon hint data received in respect of a current transmission cycle, to send an information unit transmission request to one or more of the output circuits; andeach output circuit being configured, in response to one or more information unit transmission requests received from respective input circuits, to select an input circuit for information unit transmission to that output circuit in a current transmission cycle and to provide hint data indicating a provisional selection, by that output circuit, of an input circuit at a next transmission cycle.2. An information switch according to claim 1 , in which each ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190207696A1
Принадлежит: DS BROADCAST, INC.

The method and apparatus for broadcast signal transmission are provided. A method of adjusting points of time when output packets are to be provided, performed by a stream generation device which provides an output stream, including the output packets, to a decoding device, according to an embodiment may include obtaining a first output packet and a second output packet; assigning a first multiplexing time to the first output packet and assigning a second multiplexing time different from the first multiplexing time to the second output packet; and providing the first output packet and the second output packet in the output stream to the decoding device by multiplexing the first output packet and the second output packet on the basis of the first multiplexing time and the second multiplexing time. 1. A method for adjusting output packet provision timing of a stream generation device , wherein the stream generation device providing an output stream including output packets to a decoding device , the method comprising:obtaining a first output packet and a second output packet;assigning a first multiplexing time to the first output packet and a second multiplexing time different than the first multiplexing time to the second output packet;multiplexing the first output packet and the second output packet based on the first multiplexing time and the second multiplexing time; andproviding the multiplexed first output packet and second output packet as the output stream to the decoding device,wherein a timing that the first output packet and the second output packet are provided to the decoding device is adjusted such that an error related to the first output packet and the second output packet is not occurred in the decoding device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the providing the multiplexed first output packet and second output packet comprises:setting a first reference time for multiplexing the first output packet and the second reference time for multiplexing the ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170223769A1

The present technology relates to a transmission apparatus, a transmission method, a reception apparatus, and a reception method that enable channel selection information and time information to be transmitted effectively. 1. A transmission apparatus , comprising:a channel selection information acquisition unit that acquires channel selection information for selecting a service;a time information acquisition unit that acquires time information used for synchronizations on a transmission side and a reception side;a physical layer frame generation unit that generates, as a physical layer frame constituted of a preamble and a data portion, the physical layer frame in which specific information including at least one of the channel selection information and the time information is arranged at a head of the data portion right after the preamble; anda transmission unit that transmits the physical layer frame as digital broadcast signals.2. The transmission apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe specific information is included in L2 signaling information arranged in a payload of a transmission packet that transmits an IP (Internet Protocol) packet, andthe transmission packet is transmitted as a first transmission packet of a first BB (Baseband) frame in the physical layer frame.3. The transmission apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe specific information is included in L2 signaling information arranged in an extension header of a transmission packet that transmits an IP packet, andthe transmission packet is transmitted as a first transmission packet of a first BB frame in the physical layer frame.4. The transmission apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe specific information is included in L1 signaling information arranged in an extension header of a BB frame, andthe BB frame is transmitted as a first BB frame of the physical layer frame.5. The transmission apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe channel selection information is LLS (Low Layer ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200213156A1
Автор: Cheng Gang, Han Li, Zhao Wei

A method and system that include techniques for an offload controller that controls functionality of a programmable switch. The offload controller may handle hash management and/or hash collision resolution for the programmable switch. The offload controller may additionally or alternatively configure the programmable switch to forward packets directly to a virtual private cloud (VPC) and/or virtual machine (VM), bypassing a gateway in some instances. 1. A system comprising:an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC); receive a first ingress packet;', 'determine that the first ingress packet comprises a synchronization message;', 'determine that a first digest of first connection data associated with the first ingress packet matches a first entry in the connection table; and', 'forward the first ingress packet to an offload controller, based at least in part on determining that the first ingress packet comprises the synchronization message and that the data associated with the first ingress packet matches the first entry., 'a first memory associated with the ASIC, the first memory storing a connection table and first instructions that, when executed, cause the ASIC to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the synchronization message comprises a transmission control protocol (TCP) synchronization (SYN) message.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system further comprises the offload controller and wherein the offload controller comprises one or more processors and second memory having stored thereon second instructions that claim 1 , when executed claim 1 , cause the one or more processors to:receive, from the ASIC, the ingress packet;determine a first hashing stage associated with the first entry that matches data associated with the first ingress packet;migrate the ingress packet to a second hashing stage;insert a second entry into the second hashing stage; andtransmit at least one of the second entry or the second hashing stage to the ASIC.4. The system of ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170227981A1

In a data processing device including two sets of circuit pairs which are respectively duplicated in two clock domains which are asynchronous to each other, an asynchronous transfer circuit that transfers a payload signal is provided between the two sets of circuit pairs. The asynchronous transfer circuit includes two sets of a pair of bridge circuits which are respectively connected to the two sets of circuit pairs, and asynchronously transfers the payload signal and a control signal indicating a timing at which the payload signal is stable on a reception side. The two sets of a pair of bridge circuits and the payload signals can be duplicated, but the control signal is not duplicated, and the received payload signal is used for timing control to supply an expected same time difference, to the pair of duplicated circuits. This enables asynchronous transfer between circuits duplicated in the asynchronous clock domains. 1. A data processing device comprising:a first body circuit and a first check circuit which are duplicated to each other in a first clock domain;a second body circuit and a second check circuit which are duplicated to each other in a second clock domain which is asynchronous to the first clock domain; andan asynchronous transfer circuit that transfers a payload signal between the first clock domain and the second clock domain, includes a first body-side bridge circuit and a first check-side bridge circuit which are respectively connected to the first body circuit and the first check circuit and are duplicated to each other in the first clock domain, and a second body-side bridge circuit and a second check-side bridge circuit which are respectively connected to the second body circuit and the second check circuit and are duplicated to each other in the second clock domain, and', 'has control signals which are generated by first or second body-side bridge circuit which transmits the payload signal and indicate a timing at which the payload signal is ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210258667A1

A bandwidth allocation device includes a buffer device, a main scheduler, an oversubscription scheduler, a multiplexer and a detecting device. The buffer device is arranged to receive first data units from first ports and second data units from second ports and accordingly output these data units. The main scheduler is configured to schedule the first data units and accordingly output the first data units in sequence. The oversubscription scheduler is configured to schedule the second data units and accordingly output the second data units in sequence. The multiplexer is controlled by the main scheduler to select the first data units outputted by the main scheduler and the second data units outputted by the oversubscription scheduler for outputting. The detecting device is arranged to generate power-related information which the main scheduler relies on to control the multiplexer. 1. A bandwidth allocation device for use in a network switch , comprising:a buffer device, configured to receive a plurality of first data units that are transmitted from a plurality of first ports and a plurality of second data units that are transmitted from a plurality of second ports, and accordingly output the first and second data units;a main scheduler, coupled to the buffer device, configured to schedule the first data units and accordingly output the first data units in sequence;an oversubscription scheduler, coupled to the buffer device, configured to schedule the second data units and accordingly output the second data units in sequence;a multiplexer, coupled to the main scheduler and the oversubscription scheduler, controlled by the main scheduler to select from the first data units outputted by the main scheduler and the second data units outputted by the oversubscription scheduler to output;a detection device, configured to generate power-related information, wherein the main scheduler is configured to control the multiplexer according to the power-related information; anda ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170244522A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies CO.,Ltd.

The present invention provides a wireless communication method supporting hybrid automatic repeat request. The method includes: sending first hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) process quantity indication information to a user equipment UE; and if second HARQ process quantity indication information is further sent to the UE, determining a second HARQ process quantity according to the second HARQ process quantity indication information, and performing data transmission with the UE according to the determined second HARQ process quantity. Correspondingly, the present invention further provides a base station and the user equipment. In the present invention, the base station and the user equipment can perform data communication with the UE based on different HARQ timing relationships and HARQ process quantities, thereby being capable of better supporting UEs adopting different functional characteristics. 1. A method , comprising:receiving, by a terminal device from a base station, a system information block message that includes first hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) process quantity indication information, wherein the first HARQ process quantity indication information indicates first sub-frame configuration information of a carrier;receiving, by the terminal device from the base station through signaling dedicated to the terminal device, second HARQ process quantity indication information of the carrier;determining, by the terminal device, a HARQ process quantity of the carrier according to the second HARQ process quantity indication information received through the signaling dedicated to the terminal device, wherein a HARQ timing relationship of the carrier is determined based on the second HARQ process quantity indication information but is not defined by the first sub-frame configuration information of the carrier, and the HARQ process quantity is the maximum number of downlink HARQ processes;obtaining, by the terminal device, a size of a HARQ soft buffer ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210281935A1

method data collection method includes: collecting, by a data collection device, performance indicator data of a target device based on a collection periodicity; detecting change amplitude of the collected performance indicator data that is in a change detection window, where the change detection window includes multiple collection periodicities; and when it is detected that change amplitude of the performance indicator data that is in the change detection window is greater than or equal to a change detection threshold, sending the performance indicator data that is in the change detection window to a data analysis device. 1. A data collection method , comprising:collecting, by a data collection device, performance indicator data of a target device based on a collection periodicity;detecting a change amplitude of the collected performance indicator data within a change detection window, wherein the change detection window comprises multiple collection periodicities; andin response to detecting that the change amplitude of the performance indicator data is greater than or equal to a change detection threshold, sending the performance indicator data within the change detection window to a data analysis device.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein before collecting the performance indicator data claim 1 , the method further comprises:receiving a first configuration message sent by the data analysis device, wherein the first configuration message comprises a duration of the change detection window and/or the change detection threshold.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the performance indicator data is one of a transmit optical power claim 1 , a receive optical power claim 1 , a bias current claim 1 , a voltage claim 1 , and a temperature.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein before receiving the first configuration message sent by the data analysis device claim 2 , the method further comprises:sending collection capability information of the ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации

Integrated information communication system

Номер: US20150264007A1

A communication system, for functioning without the use of dedicated lines or the Internet so as to ensure communication speed, communication quality, and communication trouble countermeasures, including a communication network and domain name server. The domain name server includes a domain name tree with a country number of a telephone number as a level 2 domain name of the domain name tree, and the domain name server receives, from a terminal, a telephone number of a destination terminal. Furthermore, based on the telephone number of the destination terminal, the domain name server (i) seeks out, in the domain name tree, an Integrated Information Communication System (ICS) user address of the destination terminal, and (ii) sends the ICS user address to the terminal, such that the communication system receives, from the terminal, the ICS user address as a destination address, and sends the ICS user frame to the destination terminal.

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190258600A1
Автор: Das Sharma Debendra
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

A retimer apparatus can include a receiver circuit implemented at least partially in hardware; a configuration register comprising a link management bit set, and one or more bit fields for link management bits indicating link management information; bit stream logic implemented at least partially in hardware to encode an ordered set (OS) with one or more link management bits from the configuration register; and a transmitter circuit implemented at least partially in hardware to transmit OS with the one or more link management bits across a link. 1. An apparatus comprising:a receiver circuit implemented at least partially in hardware;a configuration register comprising a link management bit set, and one or more bit fields for link management bits indicating link management information;bit stream logic implemented at least partially in hardware to encode an ordered set (OS) with one or more link management bits from the configuration register; anda transmitter circuit implemented at least partially in hardware to transmit OS with the one or more link management bits across a link.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the link in an in-band link that couples the apparatus to a downstream port of an upstream connected device.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the link is compliant with a Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) based protocol.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein apparatus comprises a retimer coupled to a downstream port of an upstream connected device.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a multiplexer (MUX) circuit to selectively output bits from a first data pathway or a second data pathway claim 1 , the first data pathway comprising the bit stream logic and the second data pathway absent the bit stream logic claim 1 , the second data pathway comprising a low-latency pathway.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the apparatus comprises a retimer claim 5 , the retimer claim 5 , when the MUX is set to the second pathway claim 5 , ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации

Cell Forwarding Order Selection for Sending Packets

Номер: US20160277323A1

In one embodiment, packets are sent a packet switching mechanism of a packet switching device, which includes partitioning each particular packet into a plurality of cells with each particular packet and cell derived therefrom associated with a same particular timestamp and a same particular ingress point identifier representing an ingress point of a plurality of ingress points of the packet switching mechanism. These cells are sent through the packet switching mechanism by selecting and forwarding, at each of a plurality of points within the packet switching mechanism. A tie-breaking value is determined based on a manipulation of ingress point identifier associated with said identifiable cell in a manner to vary the tie-breaking selection ordering of ingress point identifiers for different timestamp values. The tie-breaking value is used in selecting a next cell to forward when cells are associated with a same timestamp. 1. A method , comprising:sending a plurality of packets through a packet switching mechanism of a packet switching device, which includes partitioning each particular packet into a plurality of cells with each particular packet associated with a particular timestamp and a particular ingress point identifier representing an ingress point of a plurality of ingress points of the packet switching mechanism, and with each particular cell of the plurality of cells associated with the particular packet being associated with the particular timestamp and the particular ingress point identifier;wherein said sending the plurality of packets includes sending said cells through the packet switching mechanism by selecting and forwarding, at each of a plurality of points within the packet switching mechanism, cells with an earlier timestamp before cells with a later timestamp, and determining a tie-breaking value for each of a same timestamp plurality of cells having a same timestamp and different ingress point identifiers and using said tie-breaking values to ...

18-11-2021 дата публикации

Managed Switch With Physically Distributed Ports

Номер: US20210359876A1
Автор: William W. Weinstein
Принадлежит: Individual

A ring-based switch has nodes with a link management logic having forward and reverse link outputs couplable to other nodes, forward and reverse link inputs adapted couplable to other nodes, and memory coupled to the link management logic. The link management logic has a first mode where packet bursts are received through the forward link input and transmitted on its forward link output. The link management logic has a second mode where packet bursts are received through the forward link input and transmitted on its reverse link output; and a third mode where packet bursts are received through the reverse link input and transmitted on its forward link output. The node transmits test packets over the forward link output and, if no acknowledgment is received over the reverse link input within a predetermined test-time interval, the link management logic configures in the second mode.

08-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150288625A1

In one embodiment, a system includes reassembly stores configured to store a fragment of a packet in a particular reassembly store corresponding with the packet, and when the particular reassembly store contains fragments of the packet representing the packet as a whole, forward the packet to a plurality of cores. The system further includes a packet reception unit configured to store the fragment in one of a plurality of memories within the reassembly stores, and, when the one of the plurality of memories is filled, copy the at least one fragment to a memory external to the packet reception unit. 1. A system comprising:a plurality of reassembly stores configured to store at least one fragment of a packet in a particular reassembly store corresponding with the packet, and when the particular reassembly store contains at least one fragment of the packet representing the packet as a whole, forward the packet to a plurality of cores; anda packet reception unit configured to store the at least one fragment in one of a plurality of memories within the reassembly stores, and, when the one of the plurality of memories is filled, copy the at least one fragment to a memory external to the packet reception unit.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the packet reception unit is further configured to receive a plurality of packets claim 1 , wherein the packets may originate from more than one source.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the particular reassembly store is allocated to the packet upon receiving a first of the at least one fragment of the packet.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the particular reassembly store accepts other fragments of the at least one fragment of the packet after receiving the first of the at least one fragment of the packet.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the packet reception unit is further configured to send a retry message when each of the reassembly stores are unavailable to receive a first of the at least one fragment of the packet.6. The ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Method for controlling message signal within timing controller integrated circuit, timing controller integrated circuit and display panel

Номер: US20170287415A1
Автор: Jingjing WU, Zhi XIONG

The present disclosure provides method for controlling a message signal within a timing controller integrated circuit, the timing controller integrated circuit and a display panel. The method includes: receiving a low voltage differential signaling signal; decoding the low voltage differential signaling signal to obtain a transistor-transistor logic RGB data signal and a control signal, wherein the control signal comprises: a start signal, a horizontal synchronization and a vertical synchronization; processing the transistor-transistor logic RGB data signal to obtain an input RGB data; controlling a timing of the start signal before a timing of the input RGB data; and processing the input RGB data to obtain a mini-low voltage differential signaling data. Therefore, the technical scheme provided by the present disclosure has an advantage of the low cost.

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200274736A1
Автор: KAKU Yoshifumi

An electronic control unit includes a relay device that is connected via a first network with a different relay device included in a different electronic control unit to relay a frame via the first network. It is determined whether a reception interruption has occurred. The reception interruption signifies that at least one predetermined frame scheduled to be transmitted from the different relay device is not received within a predetermined time via the first network. In response to the reception interruption being determined to have occurred, it is determined whether an abnormality has occurred in the first network based on at least one of (i) a presence or absence of reception of a state data representing a state of the different electronic control unit from the different electronic control unit via a second network within a fixed time, and (ii) a content of the state data. 1. An electronic control unit comprising:a relay device connected via a first network with a different relay device included in a different electronic control unit, the relay device being configured to relay a frame at least via the first network;an interruption determination module configured to determine whether or not a reception interruption has occurred, the reception interruption in which at least one predetermined frame is not received by the relay device within a predetermined time, the predetermined frame being scheduled to be transmitted from the different relay device to the relay device via the first network within the predetermined time;a communication processing module configured to receive a state data representing a state of the different electronic control unit from a second network different from the first network, the state data periodically being transmitted from the different electronic control unit to the second network; andan abnormality determination module configured to determine, in response to the reception interruption being determined to have occurred by the ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации

Methods and systems for transmission of multiple modulated signals over wireless networks

Номер: US20150312898A1
Принадлежит: WiLAN Inc

A method and apparatus for requesting and allocating bandwidth in a broadband wireless communication system. The method and apparatus includes a combination of techniques that allow a plurality of CPEs to communicate their bandwidth request messages to respective base stations. One technique includes a “polling” method whereby a base station polls CPEs individually or in groups and allocates bandwidth specifically for the purpose of allowing the CPEs to respond with bandwidth requests. The polling of the CPEs by the base station may be in response to a CPE setting a “poll-me bit” or, alternatively, it may be periodic. Another technique comprises “piggybacking” bandwidth requests on bandwidth already allocated to a CPE. Currently active CPEs request bandwidth using unused portions of uplink bandwidth that is already allocated to the CPE. The CPE is responsible for distributing the allocated uplink bandwidth in a manner that accommodates the services provided by the CPE.

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170331926A1

A network device includes multiple ports, for communicating over a communication network, and packet processing circuitry. The packet processing circuitry is configured to receive via the ports packets belonging to a plurality of multicast flows, to receive, for each of the multicast flows, (i) a first configuration that specifies clients that are to receive the multicast flow prior to a specified switch-over time, and (ii) a second configuration that specifies the clients that are to receive the multicast flow after the specified switch-over time, to forward the multicast flows via the ports in accordance with the first configuration, to extract from a field in at least one of the packets a value that is indicative of the switch-over time, and, based on the extracted value, to switch-over forwarding of the multicast flows from the first configuration to the second configuration simultaneously at the switch-over time. 1. A network device , comprising:multiple ports, for communicating over a communication network; and receive via the ports packets belonging to a plurality of multicast flows;', 'receive, for each of the multicast flows, (i) a first configuration that specifies clients that are to receive the multicast flow prior to a specified switch-over time, and (ii) a second configuration that specifies the clients that are to receive the multicast flow after the specified switch-over time;', 'forward the multicast flows via the ports in accordance with the first configuration;', 'extract from a field in at least one of the packets a value that is indicative of the switch-over time; and', 'based on the extracted value, switch-over forwarding of the multicast flows from the first configuration to the second configuration simultaneously at the switch-over time., 'packet processing circuitry, configured to2. The network device according to claim 1 , wherein the multicast flows comprise Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) media flows claim 1 , and wherein the extracted ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180351268A1

Systems and methods are provided for utilizing ideal taps in coaxial networks. An ideal tap may have a plurality of ports that include at least an input port configured for receiving downstream (DS) signals from and transmitting upstream (US) signals to nodes upstream from the tap within the coaxial network; an output port configured for transmitting downstream (DS) signals to and receiving upstream (US) signals from nodes downstream from the tap within the coaxial network; and one or more drop ports for receiving signal from and transmitting signals to customer premise equipment (CPE) in the coaxial network. The ideal tap may further include processing circuits for handling signals received and transmitted via the tap, with the one or more processing circuits being configured to meet particular predefined tap performance criteria, where the particular predefined tap performance criteria comprise one or more of high return loss, high port-to-port isolation, and high port-to-port gain. 1. A system , comprising: [ an input port configured for receiving downstream (DS) signals from and transmitting upstream (US) signals to one or more nodes upstream from the tap within the coaxial network;', 'an output port configured for transmitting downstream (DS) signals to and receiving upstream (US) signals from one or more nodes downstream from the tap within the coaxial network;', 'one or more drop ports for receiving signals from and transmitting signals to customer premise equipment (CPE) in the coaxial network; and, 'a plurality of ports that comprise at least, 'one or more processing circuits for handling signals received and transmitted via the tap, the one or more processing circuits being configured to meet particular predefined tap performance criteria, wherein the particular predefined tap performance criteria comprise one or more of high return loss, high port-to-port isolation, and high port-to-port gain., 'a tap configured for use in a coaxial network, the tap ...

15-12-2016 дата публикации

Decoupled Packet and Data Processing Rates in Switch Devices

Номер: US20160366073A1

Continuing to integrate more aggregate bandwidth and higher radix into switch devices is an economic imperative because it creates value both for the supplier and customer in large data center environments which are an increasingly important part of the marketplace. While new silicon processes continue to shrink transistor and other chip feature dimensions, process technology cannot be relied upon as a key driver of power reduction. Transitioning from 28 nm to 16 nm is a special case where FinFET provides additional power scaling, but subsequent FinFET nodes are not expected to deliver as substantial of power reductions to meet the desired increases in integration. The disclosed switch architecture attacks the power consumption problem by controlling the rate at which power-consuming activities occur. 1. A method comprising:within a switch architecture: a first processing domain characterized by a core processing rate; and', 'a packet processing domain characterized by a packet processing rate that can be selectively configured to be slower than the core processing rate., 'establishing, within the switch architecture, multiple processing domains each encompassing different processing circuitry within the switch architecture, the multiple processing domains including2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:providing, within the packet processing domain, start-of-packet (SOP) processing circuitry.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:determining, with the SOP processing circuitry, control information for an SOP cell; andproviding the control information to a control FIFO in the first processing domain.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:providing, within the packet processing domain, end-of-packet (EOP) processing circuitry.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising:processing, with the EOP processing circuitry, an EOP cell; andupdating a counter responsive to processing the EOP cell.6. The method of claim 4 , further comprising:receiving, ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180359116A1

A method for evaluating signal data includes a bus signal channel supplying the signal data, a reference channel supplying reference signal values, which form the basis of the signal data, and a computer performing a signal interpretation based on an interpretable portion of the signal data and on the reference signal values, and reconstructing a signal based on the interpretation. 111-. (canceled)12. A method comprising:a bus signal channel supplying signal data;a reference channel supplying reference signal values that form a basis of the signal data;interpreting the signal data, by a processor and based on an interpretable portion of the signal data and the reference signal values; andthe processor reconstructing a signal based on the interpretation.13. The method of claim 12 , further comprising:storing, in a memory, the signal data interpretation and the reconstructed signal.14. The method of claim 13 , further comprising:identifying, by the processor, a part of the signal data that does not include the interpretable portion; andstoring the identified part in the memory.15. The method of claim 14 , further comprising:outputting, via an interface, the reconstructed signal and the identified part of the signal data.16. The method of claim 14 , further comprising:obtaining, by the processor and via a feedback channel, feedback regarding the reconstructed signal; andevaluating, by the processor, the interpretation based on the feedback.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein the feedback includes a user feedback.18. The method of claim 16 , wherein the feedback includes the identified part of the signal data.19. The method of claim 13 , further comprising:building up in the memory a communication matrix based on the interpretation; andoutputting the communication matrix via an output interface.20. The method of claim 13 , further comprising:storing the signal data and the reference signal values in the memory.21. A non-transitory computer-readable medium on which are ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180359117A1

In an aspect, an apparatus obtains a payload to be transmitted to a receiver device, obtains a virtual general-purpose input/output and messaging interface (VGMI) packet that includes at least the payload, a virtual channel identifier, and a function bit configured as a virtual channel marker bit to indicate that the VGMI packet includes the virtual channel identifier, wherein the virtual channel identifier indicates information associated with processing the payload, and transmits the VGMI packet to the receiver device. In another aspect, an apparatus receives a VGMI packet from a transmitter device, wherein the VGMI packet includes at least a payload and a virtual channel identifier, determines that the VGMI packet includes the virtual channel identifier based on a function bit configured as a virtual channel marker bit, wherein the virtual channel identifier indicates information associated with processing the payload, and processes the data based on the information. 1. A method , comprising:obtaining, at a transmitter device, a payload to be transmitted to a receiver device;obtaining, at the transmitter device, a virtual general-purpose input/output and messaging interface packet that includes at least the payload, a virtual channel identifier, and a function bit configured as a virtual channel marker bit to indicate that the virtual general-purpose input/output and messaging interface packet includes the virtual channel identifier, wherein the virtual channel identifier indicates information associated with processing the payload; andtransmitting the virtual general-purpose input/output and messaging interface packet to the receiver device.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:setting a virtual channel configuration register to indicate that the function bit is configured as the virtual channel marker bit; andenabling the function bit in the virtual general-purpose input/output and messaging interface packet.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190357196A1

A bandwidth efficient way to improve reliability without introducing additional latency is provided for Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications (URLLC) service in G NR. In particular, using rateless fountain codes in conjunction with packet duplication for split bearers at the Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) layer increases the reliability of transmission without the need for retransmissions, and with a lower bandwidth requirement compared to traditional packet duplication 1. A transceiver device , comprising:a processor; and receiving a packet at a protocol stack of a radio access network;', 'in response to determining that the packet is associated with a predefined radio access bearer, encoding the packet with a rateless fountain code, resulting in a first group of encoded packets, wherein the encoding the packet with the rateless fountain code facilitates reconstructing the packet from a second group of encoded packets, and wherein a first number of bits associated with the second group of encoded packets is at least equal to a second number of bits associated with the packet; and', 'transmitting the first group of encoded packets to a receiver device via a group of relay devices., 'a memory that stores executable instructions that, when executed by the processor, facilitate performance of operations, comprising2. The transceiver device of claim 1 , wherein the operations further comprise:transmitting each encoded packet of the first group of encoded packets to respective relay devices of the group of relay devices.3. The transceiver device of claim 1 , wherein the encoding the packet using the rateless fountain code further facilitates reconstructing the packet from the first group of encoded packets when an encoded packet of the first group of encoded packets is missing.4. (canceled)5. The transceiver device of claim 1 , wherein the predefined radio access bearer is a radio access bearer that satisfies a criterion with regard to latency and ...

19-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200366007A1

An ideal tap may have a plurality of ports that include at least an input port configured for receiving downstream (DS) signals from and transmitting upstream (US) signals to nodes upstream from the tap within the coaxial network, and one or more other ports that comprise at least one of an output port configured for transmitting downstream (DS) signals to and receiving upstream (US) signals from nodes downstream from the tap within the coaxial network, and a drop port for receiving signal from and transmitting signals to customer premise equipment (CPE) in the coaxial network. The ideal tap may further include processing circuits for handling signals received and transmitted via the tap, with the one or more processing circuits being configured to meet particular predefined tap performance criteria, and to specifically apply, during handling of signals in the tap, frequency shifting based on one or more frequency spectrum shift conditions. 1. A system , comprising: [ an input port configured for receiving downstream (DS) signals from and transmitting upstream (US) signals to one or more nodes upstream from the tap within the coaxial network; and', an output port configured for transmitting downstream (DS) signals to and receiving upstream (US) signals from one or more nodes downstream from the tap within the coaxial network;', 'a drop port configured for receiving signals from and transmitting signals to customer premise equipment (CPE) in the coaxial network; and, 'one or more other ports, the one or more other ports comprising at least one of], 'a plurality of ports that comprises at least, 'one or more processing circuits for handling signals received and transmitted via the tap;', the one or more processing circuits are configured to meet predefined tap performance criteria, the particular predefined tap performance criteria comprising one or more of high return loss, high port-to-port isolation, and positive port-to-port gain; and', 'the one or more processing ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180375577A1
Автор: Leigh Kevin, OLSON DAVID

Example methods and apparatus to implement an electrical/optical transceiver to facilitate data transfer are disclosed. An example apparatus includes an electrical transceiver lane to transfer data at a first bandwidth over an electrical link. The example apparatus also includes a plurality of optical transceiver sub-lanes to transfer data over an optical link. The example apparatus also includes a lane switch to dynamically map the electrical transceiver lane to the plurality of optical transceiver sub-lanes based on an analysis of the first bandwidth and the plurality of optical transceiver sub-lanes to accommodate the first bandwidth with at least a subset of the plurality of optical transceiver sub-lanes to transfer data between the electrical link and the optical link. 1. An electrical/optical transceiver apparatus comprising:an electrical transceiver lane to transfer data at a first bandwidth over an electrical link;a plurality of optical transceiver sub-lanes to transfer data over an optical link;a lane switch to dynamically map the electrical transceiver lane to the plurality of optical transceiver sub-lanes based on an analysis of the first bandwidth and the plurality of optical transceiver sub-lanes to accommodate the first bandwidth with at least a subset of the plurality of optical transceiver sub-lanes to transfer data between the electrical link and the optical link.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the electrical/optical transceiver apparatus forms an end-to-end link with a second electrical/optical transceiver having a second electrical lane transceiver and a second plurality of optical transceiver sub-lanes claim 1 , the plurality of optical transceiver sub-lanes and second plurality of optical transceiver sub-lanes forming the optical link to transfer data.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the lane switch is to rotate among the plurality of optical transceiver sub-lanes to accommodate the first bandwidth.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180376171A1

Aspects of the subject disclosure may include, for example, embodiments can include initiating a voice call to a communication device utilized by a subscriber of a media content service. The voice call indicates a video trailer for media content is available for viewing by the subscriber. Further embodiments can include receiving a first request to present the video trailer for the media content in response to the voice call. Additional embodiments can include providing the video trailer to the communication device. Other embodiments are disclosed. 1. A device , comprising:a processing system including a processor; and initiating a voice call to a communication device utilized by a subscriber of a media content service, wherein the voice call indicates a video trailer for media content is available for viewing by the subscriber;', 'receiving a first request to present the video trailer for the media content in response to the voice call; and', 'providing a message to the communication device, wherein the message includes a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) link for the video trailer., 'a memory that stores executable instructions that, when executed by the processing system, facilitate performance of operations, comprising2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the voice call is generated by a converged telephony server (CTS) claim 1 , wherein the CTS is a network element of an IP Multimedia Subsystem that provides call processing services to the device.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the initiating of the voice call comprises initiating the voice call using a click-to-dial application programming interface (API) with a parlay rest server by a video call solution function operated by the device claim 1 , wherein the parlay rest server conforms to a Restful Network API standard that includes the click-to-dial application programming interface.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first request is provided to a media resource function operated by another device claim 1 , ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации

Shaping Traffic on PLCA-Enabled 10SPE Networks

Номер: US20190363991A1

A 10SPE network node includes a processor, a memory, instructions in the memory configured to cause the processor to generate data to be sent to other nodes, and a network stack. The network stack includes circuitry configured to delay transmission of data in a sending slot in a transmission cycle on a 10SPE network based upon a bandwidth sharing scheme. 1. A 10SPE network node , comprising:a processor;a memory;instructions in the memory configured to cause the processor to generate data to be sent to other nodes; and send the data in one or more transmission cycles, wherein a given transmission cycle includes a least one send slot for each of the 10SPE network nodes to send data; and', 'delay transmission of data in a first send slot in a first transmission cycle until a second send slot based upon a bandwidth sharing scheme., 'a network stack including circuitry configured to2. The 10SPE network node of claim 1 , wherein the circuitry is further configured to delay transmission of data in the first sending slot based upon a count of transmission cycles.3. The 10SPE network node of claim 1 , wherein the circuitry is further configured to delay transmission of data in the first sending slot based upon a count of sending slots for the 10SPE network node.4. The 10SPE network node of claim 1 , wherein the circuitry is further configured to delay transmission of data in the first sending slot based upon a credit accounting scheme claim 1 , wherein sending data costs a plurality of credits and credits accrue over time.5. The 10SPE network node of claim 1 , wherein the transmission cycle includes a plurality of send slots of the 10SPE network.6. The 10SPE network node of claim 1 , wherein the first send slot and a second slot are of different sizes.7. The 10SPE network node of claim 1 , wherein the circuitry is further configured to delay transmission of data in the first send slot until the second send slot based upon another 10SPE network node previously sending data.8. ...

03-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200383169A1

The present technology relates to a transmission apparatus, a transmission method, a reception apparatus, and a reception method that enable channel selection information and time information to be transmitted effectively. 1. A transmission apparatus , comprising: acquire channel selection information for locating service signaling information of a service;', 'generate a physical layer frame, comprising a preamble and a data portion, in which low layer signaling information and including the channel selection information is arranged at a head part in the data portion after the preamble; and', 'transmit the physical layer frame as digital broadcast signals., 'circuitry configured to2. The transmission apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe channel selection information is included in L2 signaling information arranged in a payload of a transmission packet that transmits an IP (Internet Protocol) packet, andthe transmission packet is transmitted as a first transmission packet of a first BB (Baseband) frame in the physical layer frame, whereinthe transmission packet and the first BB frame comprise a part of the data portion in the physical layer frame.3. The transmission apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe channel selection information is included in L2 signaling information arranged in an extension header of a transmission packet that transmits an IP packet, andthe transmission packet is transmitted as a first transmission packet of a first BB (Baseband) frame in the physical layer frame, whereinthe transmission packet and the first BB frame comprise a part of the data portion in the physical layer frame.4. The transmission apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe channel selection information is included in L1 signaling information arranged in an extension header of a BB (Baseband) frame, andthe BB frame is transmitted as a first BB frame of the physical layer frame, whereinthe BB frame comprises a part of the data portion in the physical layer frame.5 ...

23-10-2008 дата публикации

Secure one-way data transfer system using network interface circuitry

Номер: US20080259929A1
Автор: Ronald Mraz
Принадлежит: Individual

Network interface circuitry for a secure one-way data transfer from a sender's computer (“Send Node”) to a receiver's computer (“Receive Node”) over a data link, such as an optical fiber or shielded twisted pair copper wire communication cable, comprising send-only network interface circuitry for transmitting data from the Send Node to the data link, and receive-only network interface circuitry for receiving the data from the data link and transmitting the received data to the Receive Node, wherein the send-only network interface circuitry is configured not to receive any data from the data link, and the receive-only network interface circuitry is configured not to send any data to the data link. The network interface circuitry may use various interface means such as PCI interface, USB connection, FireWire connection, or serial port connection for coupling to the Send Node and the Receive Node.

23-08-1994 дата публикации

Device for effecting a modification in a stream of transmission cells

Номер: US5341430A
Принадлежит: Koninklijke PTT Nederland NV

A device for effecting a modification in a stream of transmission blocks detects a transmission block to be modified and generates a detection signal via detection means, which comprises delay means for effecting a delay in the stream of transmission blocks. The device further comprises memory means for generating, in response to the detection signal, the modification to be applied, and combining means for combining the stream of transmission blocks and the modification to be applied, provided with a first input for receiving the stream of transmission blocks, with a second input for receiving the modification to be applied and with an output for generating a modified stream of transmission blocks. The combining means comprises switch-over means for coupling one of the inputs through to the output, as a function of the detection signal. Due to the use of the switch-over means and due to the delay means being a part of the detection means, the combining means can be bufferless.

01-10-1993 дата публикации

Inrichting voor het in een stroom van transmissiecellen aanbrengen van een wijziging.

Номер: NL9200391A
Принадлежит: Nederland Ptt

25-10-2005 дата публикации

Traffic manager for network switch port

Номер: US6959002B2
Принадлежит: Integrated Device Technology Inc

A traffic manager for a network switch input or output port stores incoming cells in a cell memory and later sends each cell out of its cell memory toward one of a set of forwarding resources such as, for example, another switch port or an output bus. Data in each cell references the particular forwarding resource to receive the cell. Each cell is assigned to one of several flow queues such that all cells assigned to the same flow queue are to be sent to the same forwarding resource. The traffic manager maintains a separate virtual output queue (VOQ) associated with each forwarding resource and periodically loads a flow queue (FQ) number identifying each flow queue into the VOQ associated with the forwarding resource that is to receive the cells assigned to that FQ. The traffic manager also periodically shifts an FQ ID out of each non-empty VOQ and forwards the longest-stored cell assigned to that FQ from the cell memory toward its intended forwarding resource. The traffic manager separately determines the rates at which it loads FQ IDs into VOQs and the rates at which it shifts FQ IDs out of each non-empty VOQ. Thus the traffic manager is able to separately control the rate at which cells of each flow queue are forwarded and the rate at which each forwarding resource receives cells.

14-11-2006 дата публикации

ATM switch

Номер: US7136391B1
Принадлежит: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp

An ATM switch includes a first stage, a second stage and a third stage each of which stages includes at least one basic switch, wherein the first stage, the second stage and the third stage are connected. The basic switch includes a part which refers to time information written in a header of an input cell and switches cells to an output port in an ascending order of the time information. In addition, the ATM switch includes a cell distribution part in the basic switch of the first stage. The cell distribution part determines a routes of a cell to be transferred such that loads of routes within the ATM switch are balanced. The ATM switch further includes an adding part which adds arriving time information to an arriving cell as the time information.

17-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220368565A1

According to one embodiment, a communication device includes: acquisition circuitry including a plurality of data acquirers configured to acquire data for transmission; processing circuitry configured to determine consecutive first sequence numbers for a plurality of pieces of the data acquired by the plurality of data acquirers, and to generate a plurality of packets that include the data acquired by the plurality of data acquirers and the first sequence numbers determined for the plurality of pieces of the data; and transmitting circuitry configured to transmit the plurality of packets wherein the packet includes an identifier that identifies the data acquirer having acquired the data in the packet or an identifier that identifies an application corresponding to the data in the packet.

06-09-1983 дата публикации

Switching network

Номер: US4403321A
Автор: Johann Kruger
Принадлежит: US Philips Corp

A switching network used to connect a number of input lines to a number of output lines via an internal time-division multiplex line. A memory and a counter for repeatedly and cyclically addressing all the memory locations is provided. An output line which is connected to the internal time-division multiplex line by means of an address decoder, the address decoders being connected to the counter, is assigned to each memory location. The memory receives in each memory location the number assigned to an input line, the output of the memory being connected to each one of the number decoders for each input line, which each time decodes a different number. As a result thereof, after reading of an address, an output line is switched by an address decoder, is connected to the internal time-division multiplex line, this time-division multiplex line being connected to the input line via the number decoder which corresponds to the number stored in this location. When the switching network is used as a concentrator, the input lines, the subscriber's lines and the output lines are preferably the connections to the service modules of a subscriber's station in a remote time-division multiplex transmission system. The switching network is to a large extent of a modular construction and can therefore be easily extended.

22-01-2004 дата публикации

Multiple transmission method

Номер: DE69532262D1
Принадлежит: AT&T Corp
