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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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03-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2737825C2
Принадлежит: ЭйДжиСи Инк. (JP)

Изобретение относится к ламинированному стеклу. Ламинированное стекло, содержащее: пару стеклянных пластин, расположенных напротив друг друга; пару промежуточных связывающих слоев, расположенных между парой стеклянных пластин, каждый из этих промежуточных связывающих слоев контактирует с соответствующей стеклянной пластиной; и основную пленку, расположенную между этой парой промежуточных связывающих слоев, которая снабжена проводкой по меньшей мере в части ее площади. Толщина одного из промежуточных связывающих слоев является более тонкой, чем толщина другого из промежуточных связывающих слоев. Толщина более тонкого промежуточного связывающего слоя из пары промежуточных связывающих слоев составляет 0,20 мм или меньше. Отношение толщин пары промежуточных связывающих слоев составляет 1:7 или больше. Технический результат - уменьшение оптического искажения, когда ток подается в ламинированное стекло, содержащее внутри основную пленку, в которой сформирована проводящая проводка. 7 з.п. ф-лы ...

02-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2668557C2

Изобретение относится к конструкции стекла, например к автомобильной конструкции стекла, содержащей нагревательные нити. Конструкция стекла, содержащая прозрачную подложку, множество электрически проводящих нитей, продолжающихся по этой прозрачной подложке, в которой нитям придана форма последовательности участков периметров эллипсов, причем эллиптические осевые отношения эллипсов находятся в диапазоне от 1,1 до 4,0 и выбраны так, что с предопределенной позиции визуального наблюдения и в соответствии с предопределенными направлениями визуального наблюдения эти эллипсы в плоскости подложки видятся как круги. В предпочтительном варианте осуществления углы главных осей выбраны так, что в соответствии с предопределенными направлениями визуального наблюдения эллипсы в плоскости подложки видятся как круги. Изобретение обеспечивает с нагретым окном транспортного средства дифракционные картины, вызванные встречным светом, которые взаимодействуют с нагревательными нитями окна транспортного средства ...

12-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2679642C2
Принадлежит: ЭйДжиСи Инк. (JP)

Пластина для электротермического окна включает в себя прозрачную электропроводящую пленку, которая может нагреваться, и многочисленные шины, по которым подается питание на прозрачную электропроводящую пленку. Многочисленные шины включают в себя левую шину, соединенную с левосторонней краевой частью прозрачной электропроводящей пленки, и правую шину, соединенную с правосторонней краевой частью прозрачной электропроводящей пленки. Прозрачная электропроводящая пленка разделена на многочисленные области с помощью прорезей, которые непрерывно или прерывисто сформированы от левой шины до правой шины. Многочисленные области включают в себя первую область и вторую область. Расстояние между левой шиной и правой шиной первой области короче, чем расстояние между левой шиной и правой шиной второй области. Ширина первой области в направлении, ортогональном к прорези, меньше, чем ширина второй области в направлении, ортогональном к прорези. Техническим результатом при реализации заявленного решения является ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2621282C2

Изобретение относится к электронным средствам отображения информации. Электролюминесцентный видеомодуль содержит корпус (1), в котором закреплены электролюминесцентный дисплей (2), источник питания (4) и контроллер (5). Электролюминесцентный дисплей содержит электролюминесцентную панель (6) и плату управления (7), имеющие в плане прямоугольную форму и расположенные параллельно и на некотором расстоянии друг от друга. Видеомодуль дополнительно снабжен двумя электрическими обогревателями, каждый из которых выполнен в виде стеклянной полоски (14, 15), на одной стороне которой нанесено резистивное покрытие (16), поверх которого выполнены контактные площадки (17), а к последним присоединены провода (18) для подведения электрического напряжения от источника питания (4). Изобретение обеспечивает сокращение времени приведения видеомодуля в работоспособное состояние после его включения при температуре окружающего воздуха ниже -50°С. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

20-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2740704C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к нагревателю в сборе для системы, генерирующей аэрозоль, содержащему перфорированную стеклянную подложку (10) и элемент (12, 14, 16) нагревателя, при этом элемент (12, 14, 16) нагревателя расположен в стеклянной подложке (10) или на ней. Элемент нагревателя в стеклянной подложке или на ней может быть нагрет до относительно высоких температур без повреждения стеклянной подложки и без образования нежелательных продуктов нагрева из-за сжигания субстрата или горящих остатков на стеклянной подложке 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

22-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2776662C1

Изобретение относится к антиобледенительному стеклу, используемому в авиации, на морских судах или на железнодорожном транспорте. Технический результат - обеспечение возможности уменьшения энергии для борьбы с наледью и уменьшение веса средства генерирования электричества за счет обеспечения намеренного разнородного нагрева стекла. Технический результат достигается тем, что в антиобледенительном стекле или его части, полностью находящемся(ейся) в установленном положении с одной стороны плоскости симметрии корпуса воздушного, водного или наземного транспортного средства, содержится прозрачный электропроводящий слой разнородной толщины, обеспечивающий дифференцированную мощность нагрева на всей поверхности многослойного стекла, чтобы направлять максимальную мощность на часть поверхности, где потери тепла являются максимальными. 2 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

27-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU55703U1
Принадлежит: ООО "Пактол" (RU)

Изобретение относится к автомобилестроению и может использоваться в конструкции транспортных средств в качестве регулируемого зеркала заднего вида с электрообогревом. Технический результат заключается в повышении прочности отражательного элемента путем использования клеевой пленки, создающей противоосколочный и изоляционный эффект, в снижении потерь теплопроводности за счет непосредственного контакта нагревательного и отражательного элементов и вследствие этого исключение влияния неблагоприятных атмосферных явлений на оптические свойства зеркального слоя, а также снижение инерционной массы и повышение виброустойчивости зеркала за счет использования клеевой пленки одновременно для соединения отражательного, нагревательного элементов и задней рамки корпуса. Технический результат достигается следующим образом: зеркало заднего вида с электрообогревом для транспортного средства содержит выпуклый обтекаемой формы корпус, плоский или выпуклый отражательный элемент, внутренняя поверхность которого ...

10-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU44964U1

Изобретение относится к автомобилестроению и может использоваться в конструкции транспортных средств в качестве регулируемого зеркала заднего вида с обогревом. Технический результат заключается в повышении прочности отражательного элемента путем использования клеевой пленки, создающей противоосколочный и изоляционный эффект, в снижении потерь теплопроводности за счет непосредственного контакта нагревательного и отражательного элементов и вследствие этого исключение влияния неблагоприятных атмосферных явлений на оптические свойства зеркального слоя, а также снижение инерционной массы и повышение виброустойчивости зеркала за счет использования клеевой пленки одновременно для соединения отражательного, нагревательного элементов и задней рамки корпуса. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что зеркало заднего вида с обогревом для транспортного средства, содержит выпуклый обтекаемой формы корпус, отражательный элемент, ограниченный кромкой корпуса и снабженный нагревательным элементом ...

13-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU174928U1

Видеокамера содержит корпус (1), в котором закреплены телевизионная камера (2), объектив (3), стеклопластина (4), источник питания (5) и контроллер (6). Стеклопластина (4) закреплена перед объективом (3), и на стеклопластину (4) со стороны, обращенной к объективу (3), нанесено прозрачное резистивное покрытие (7). По краю прозрачного резистивного покрытия (7) выполнены металлические контактные площадки (8, 9), к которым припаяны провода (10, 11) для подведения электрического напряжения от источника питания (5). Для повышения экономичности работы видеокамеры и сокращения времени, необходимого для устранения запотевания или обледенения стеклопластины (4) после включения видеокамеры, прозрачное резистивное покрытие (7) на стеклопластине (4) выполнено низкоэмиссионным с коэффициентом эмиссии, меньшим 0,4. Для защиты стеклопластины (4) и видеокамеры от механических повреждений к стеклопластине (4) со стороны, свободной от прозрачного резистивного покрытия (7), при помощи оптического клея (13) ...

20-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU146715U1

... 1. Кожух для защиты от загрязнения оборудования наружного наблюдения, содержащий закрытый корпус, передний торец которого имеет оптическое окно, открывающееся внутрь тубуса, выполненного в виде трубы произвольного сечения, внутренние стенки которой образуют границы зоны видимости видеокамеры, отличающийся тем, что в нижней или боковой части указанного тубуса проделано по меньшей мере одно отверстие, через которое тубус сообщается с внешней средой через воздуховод, закрепленный на нижней или боковой стенке корпуса кожуха, при этом внутри воздуховода установлен нагревательный элемент для создания разности температур между окружающим воздухом и воздухом внутри тубуса.2. Кожух по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что нагревательный элемент представляет собой радиатор видеокамеры.3. Кожух по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что воздуховод проходит вдоль корпуса кожуха и имеет воздухозаборное отверстие в задней части.4. Кожух по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что в задней части воздуховода установлен воздушный фильтр.5 ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU184185U1

Полезная модель относится к инфракрасному электрообогревателю, который может быть использован при обогреве помещений, систем антиобледенения и в других целях. Техническим результатом заявленной полезной модели является повышение эффективности обогрева. Инфракрасный электрообогреватель содержит корпус, выполненный из двух закаленных К-стекол, соединенных дистанционной рамкой, с образованием герметичного пространства между стеклами. При этом низкоэммиссионное покрытие первого стекла является токопроводящим покрытием, на поверхность которого нанесены токоведущие шины, причем токопроводящее покрытие первого стекла выполнено на поверхности стекла, расположенной внутри герметичного пространства, а низкоэммиссионное покрытие второго стекла является отражающим покрытием и выполнено на поверхности стекла, расположенной снаружи герметичного пространства.

10-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2426280C1

Изобретение относится к конструкции зеркал с обогревом. Изобретение может быть использовано на всех видах транспорта, а также в качестве зеркальных нагревательных панелей для обогрева помещений. Зеркало с обогревом содержит стеклянную подложку, с тыльной стороны которой последовательно расположены слой из оксида титана толщиной 50-60 нм, затем слой из оксида алюминия толщиной 55-65 нм, затем отражающий слой из алюминия толщиной 100-300 нм, затем барьерный слой из оксида алюминия толщиной 2-3 нм. На барьерном слое расположен токопроводящий слой из оксида олова толщиной 150-250 нм. На токопроводящем слое расположены электрические контакты. Техническим результатом является повышение коэффициента отражения зеркала с обогревом до 90% в видимой области спектра 0,4÷0,7 мкм. 2 ил.

05-09-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2803056C1

Изобретение относится к многослойным электрообогреваемым стеклам транспортных средств. Многослойное стекло с электрообогреваемой поверхностью для транспортного средства содержит электропроводящее металлизированное прозрачное покрытие на внутренней поверхности одного слоя. Электрический контакт с металлизированным покрытием осуществлен шинами, напряжение на которые подается через коннектор. При этом металлизированное покрытие является серебряным, разделено лазером на зоны с одинаковым сопротивлением, которые подключены в электрическую схему параллельно. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении равномерности обогрева стекла при одновременной фильтрации солнечного света. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

10-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2527934C1

Изобретение может быть использовано на всех видах транспорта, а также в качестве зеркальных нагревательных панелей для обогрева помещений. Зеркало с обогревом содержит стеклянную подложку, с тыльной стороны которой последовательно расположены слой из оксида титана геометрической толщиной 50-60 нм, затем слой из оксида кремния геометрической толщиной 66-76 нм, затем отражающий слой из алюминия толщиной 100-300 нм. С внешней стороны подложки расположен токопроводящий слой из оксида олова геометрической толщиной 290-310 нм. На токопроводящем слое расположены электрические контакты и слой из фтористого магния геометрической толщиной 95-105 нм. Изобретение позволяет повысить коэффициент отражения зеркала с обогревом до 95% в видимой области спектра 0,4÷0,7 мкм. 2 ил., 3 пр.

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2696979C1

Изобретение относится к электрообогреваемому многослойному стеклу, имеющему емкостную область коммутации, способу его изготовления, системе стекла. Технический результат – усовершенствование обогреваемого многослойного стекла, имеющего емкостную область коммутации, просто и экономично интегрированную в многослойное стекло, не препятствуя видимости сквозь стекло, - достигается тем, что многослойное стекло включает в себя, по меньшей мере: подложку (1), верхнее стекло (4) и по меньшей мере один промежуточный слой (3), расположенный между ними, по меньшей мере одну нагревательную проволоку (21) и по меньшей мере две токособирательные шины (22), расположенные между верхним стеклом (4) и промежуточным слоем (3). При этом нагревательная проволока (21) соединена электропроводяще с токособирательными шинами (22) таким образом, что при подаче электрического напряжения на токособирательные шины (22) через нагревательную проволоку (21) может течь ток нагрева, нагревая нагревательную проволоку (21) ...

08-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2637986C1

Предлагаемое изобретение относится к области строительных материалов и изделий, а именно к огнестойким светопрозрачным обогреваемым конструкциям, предназначенным для предотвращения распространения дыма и огня в случае пожара за пределы изолируемого отсека. Техническим результатом изобретения является создание огнестойкой светопрозрачной обогреваемой конструкции с расширенными ее функциональными возможностями за счет обеспечения в ней дополнительной функции ее обогрева. Поставленный технический результат достигается за счет того, что в огнестойкой светопрозрачной обогреваемой конструкции, содержащей стекла, установленные и закрепленные на определенном расстоянии друг от друга, а по меньшей мере одно крайнее стекло выполнено закаленным и имеет фаску, выполненную на его краях по всему периметру закаленного стекла, при этом светопрозрачное теплоотражающее нанопокрытие, нанесенное на его внутреннюю поверхность, выполнено токопроводящим и нагреваемым за счет того, что на поверхности данного нанопокрытия ...

20-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012108034A

Светопрозрачная конструкция с подогревом, содержащая параллельно расположенные n стекол, где n=2, 3, …, с нанесенным токопроводящим покрытием на внутреннюю поверхность одного из внешних стекол, отличающаяся тем, что стекла установлены посредством дистанционных рамок и изолирующих и склеивающих прокладок и образуют герметичную газовую камеру, при этом на внутреннюю поверхность другого внешнего стекла и на поверхность(и) каждого из внутренних стекол, нанесено низкоэмиссионное покрытие, на поверхности с токопроводящим покрытием внешнего стекла выполнены токоведущие дорожки, а к токоведущим дорожкам подведены провода электропитания.

10-10-2002 дата публикации

Beheizbares Helm-Visier

Номер: DE0020202009U1

09-02-2006 дата публикации

Verbundglasscheibe für Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: DE0019823124B4

Verbundglasscheibe (3) für Kraftfahrzeuge (1) mit zumindest einem darin eingebetteten Metalldraht (5 bis 11), welcher im Bereich eines Scheibenrandes (4, 13, 14) mit einem Kontaktelement (12, 15, 16, 20) versehen ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß der Metalldraht (5 bis 10) Bestandteil einer Kabelverbindung zwischen zwei außerhalb der Verbundglasscheibe (3) liegenden Bauelementen der elektrischen Anlage des Fahrzeugs (1) ist und zumindest zwei Kontaktelemente (12, 15, 16, 20) in Bereichen der Scheibenränder (4, 13, 14) aufweist.

05-07-2007 дата публикации

Glaserzeugnis mit Enteisungs- und Trocknungseigenschaft

Номер: DE202007003571U1

Glaserzeugnis mit Enteisungs- und Trocknungseigenschaft, umfassend zwei Glasplatten (10), zwei an zwei entsprechenden Seiten der beiden Glasplatten (10) befestigte Folien (20), wobei die Glasplattenseiten zueinander weisen, eine zwischen den beiden Glasplatten (10) geklemmte Heizschicht (30), die sich zwischen den beiden Folien (20) befindet und eine transparente Basisplatte (32) und eine Heizfolie (34) enthält, die an der Basisplatte (32) befestigt ist, wobei die Heizfolie (34) aus Indium-Zinn-Oxid hergestellt ist, zwei Klebestreifen (36) auf den beiden Enden der Heizfolie (34) verbunden sind und elektrisch mit einem Draht (35) verbunden sind.

10-02-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002533364C3

12-02-2004 дата публикации

Anschlussvorrichtung für ein mehrschichtiges, mit elektrischen Funktionselementen bestücktes Flächenelement und Flächenelement

Номер: DE0020308376U1

Anschlussvorrichtung für ein mehrschichtiges Flächenelement (1), das eine mit elektrischen Funktionselementen versehene erste starre Scheibe (2) sowie eine mit der mit den Funktionselementen versehenen Seite der ersten starren Scheibe flächig verbundene zweite starre Scheibe (4) umfasst, wobei eine der starren Scheiben mindestens eine Ausnehmung (11; 11') zum Herstellen eines elektrischen Anschlusses zu den Funktionselementen aufweist, dadurch gekenn zeichnet, dass in besagter Ausnehmung (11; 11') ein Einsatzteil (12; 12D, 12S) mit einem deren Rand in der zwischen den beiden starren Scheiben (2, 4) liegenden Ebene und/oder einen Hinterschnitt der Ausnehmung hintergreifenden Vorsprung (13; 13') festgelegt ist, und dass das Einsatzteil (12; 12D, 12S) als Widerlager zum Befestigen wenigstens eines elektrisch mit den Funktionselementen verbundenen Anschlussteils (15) dient.

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015122274A1

Eine beispielhafte Anordnung beinhaltet ein Seitenfenster, das zwischen einer ersten Position und einer zweiten Position bewegbar ist, ein Heizelement, welches das Seitenfenster gezielt beheizt, wobei das Heizelement mehr Wärme erzeugt, wenn sich das Seitenfenster in der ersten Position befindet, als wenn sich das Seitenfenster in der zweiten Position befindet.

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Verlegen von Sammelleisten in Folien

Номер: DE102016119678A1

Bei einem Verfahren und einer Vorrichtung zum Verlegen von Sammelleisten (5, 31, 33) in Folien, bei dem eine Schar von Heizdrähten (32) und mindestens zwei jeweils mindestens eine Teilanzahl der Heizdrähte (32) elektrisch kontaktierende Sammelleisten (5, 31, 33) auf mindestens eine Basisfolie (3, 14-17, 21-24, 30) aufgebracht werden, wobei die Sammelleisten (5, 31, 33) mittels einer Zuführungseinrichtung jeweils in Richtung auf eine Andrückrolle (1) geführt und mittels der Andrückrolle (1) in Richtung auf die Basisfolie (3, 14-17, 21-24, 30) gepresst und mittels einer Schneidevorrichtung (8) geschnitten werden, wird vorgeschlagen, dass die Sammelleisten (5, 31, 33) jeweils in Zuführungsrichtung vor der Andrückrolle (1) geschnitten werden.

26-11-1998 дата публикации

Beheizbarer Spiegel

Номер: DE0029810135U1

24-05-1984 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003218499C2

24-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002751008A1

09-03-2006 дата публикации

Heizgerät für ein Kraftfahrzeug und Verfahren zur Herstellung desselben

Номер: DE0010393784T5

Erzeugnis, umfassend: einen Träger des Erzeugnisses, wobei der Träger eine Oberfläche besitzt, ein Heizelement, das auf der Oberfläche liegt, wobei das Heizelement Folgendes enthält: i) einen Träger, ii) ein erstes leitfähiges Medium, das auf dem Träger verteilt ist, wobei das erste leitfähige Medium Folgendes enthält: 1) einen ersten Abschnitt, der eine Vielzahl von ersten Erweiterungen besitzt, wobei der erste Abschnitt ein negativer Abschnitt ist, 2) einen zweiten Abschnitt, der eine Vielzahl von zweiten Erweiterungen besitzt, wobei der zweite Abschnitt ein positiver Abschnitt ist, iii) ein zweites leitfähiges Medium, das den ersten Abschnitt und den zweiten Abschnitt elektrisch miteinander verbindet.

22-11-1984 дата публикации

Exothermic transparent body

Номер: DE0003418612A1

An exothermic transparent body, for example a window pane, a windscreen or the like, contains an electrically conductive transparent film layer which is formed uniformly on at least one surface of a transparent substrate of the body. At least one pair of metal electrodes are located on the electrically conductive film layer, along the two opposite sides of the layer. With their aid, electrical power is supplied into the electrically conductive transparent film layer, so that the surface of the exothermic transparent body is heated. In consequence, it is possible to prevent a reduction in the surface temperature of the body and consequently condensation on the surface of the body. This ensures that the surface of the body is free of streaks and the like. An excellent anti-condensation effect is achieved.

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Transparente Scheibe mit einer beheizbaren Beschichtung

Номер: DE102008029986B4

Transparente Scheibe mit einer elektrisch beheizbaren Beschichtung (6) und mit zwei in einander gegenüber liegender Randbereichen der Scheibe im wesentlichen parallel zueinander und/oder im wesentlichen parallel zum Aussenrand der Scheibe angeordneten Elektroden (8, 9), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die beiden in einander gegenüber liegenden Randbereichen angeordneten Elektroden (8, 9) für die Verbindung mit demselben Pol der Stromquelle vorgesehen sind, und dass zwischen diesen beiden Elektroden (8, 9) im wesentlichen parallel zu diesen eine weitere Elektrode (10) angeordnet ist, die für die Verbindung mit dem anderen Pol der Stromquelle vorgesehen ist, so dass die Beschichtung (6) in zwei Heizfelder mit jeweils geringerem elektrischem Widerstand unterteilt ist, in denen der Heizstrom in entgegen gesetzten Richtungen fließt, und dass die im Sichtfeld der Scheibe angeordnete Elektrode (10) aus einem aufgedruckten Leitsilberstreifen (11) besteht, der eine Breite von 0,5 bis 3 mm aufweist, ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации

Heizung, Vorrichtung zum Aufbringen einer Heizung und Außenrückblickspiegel mit einer Heizung

Номер: DE202016103464U1
Принадлежит: SMR Patents S.à.r.l.

Heizung, insbesondere Spiegelglasheizung eines Außenrückblickspiegels für Fahrzeuge, umfassend eine Vielzahl zu zumindest einem Heizleiter oder Heizsegment (100, 200, 300) verbundenen Heizelementen (110, 210, 310), wobei jedes Heizelement (110, 210, 310) bestimmt ist durch eine Grundform (11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61) einer Aufdruckform (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60) und mit einem Leitarm (111, 211, 311) durch einen Arm (12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62) der jeweiligen Aufdruckform (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60) hergestellt ist, zwei benachbarte Heizelemente (110, 210, 310) über einen Leitarm (111, 211, 311) verbunden sind, und die Heizelemente (110, 210, 310) aus einem Leitsubstrat hergestellt sind, das Leitpartikel umfasst.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Transparente Scheibe mit heizbarer Beschichtung

Номер: DE212011100044U1

Transparente Scheibe (1) mit einer elektrisch heizbaren, transparenten Beschichtung (6), die sich zumindest über einen Teil der Scheibenfläche, insbesondere über deren Sichtfeld erstreckt, wobei die heizbare Beschichtung (6) durch mindestens eine beschichtungsfreie Zone (9) in mindestens eine erste Beschichtungszone (10) und eine zweite Beschichtungszone (11) unterteilt ist, wobei die beiden Beschichtungszonen (10, 11) jeweils mit mindestens zwei Sammelleitern (13, 14) elektrisch so verbunden sind, dass nach Anlegen einer Speisespannung, die von einer Spannungsquelle bereitgestellt wird, jeweils ein Strom über mindestens ein von der ersten Beschichtungszone (10) gebildetes erstes Heizfeld (17) und mindestens ein von der zweiten Beschichtungszone (11) gebildetes zweites Heizfeld (24) fließt, wobei in der beschichtungsfreie Zone (9) mindestens ein Heizelement (25) angeordnet ist, das einen solchen ohmschen Widerstand hat, dass durch Anlegen der Speisespannung an das Heizelement (25) die Scheibe ...

24-06-1993 дата публикации

Condensation free mirror installation

Номер: DE0004213347A1

Condensation free mirror installation having electrical heater layer to raise temperature above dew point ...

02-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE602004016007D1

05-08-1971 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007118725U

10-11-1988 дата публикации

Номер: DE8811980U1

15-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0009422374U1

03-10-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007205784U
Принадлежит: SAINT GOBAIN

17-11-2010 дата публикации

Grill or toaster with thin film heating elements incorporated into transparent front panel

Номер: GB0002470292A

A grill or toaster for cooking food 100, 600 comprises front 105 and rear 106 panels, where the front panel comprises a substantially transparent panel through which food is visible and the rear panel is non-transparent. The transparent front panel is comprised of at least one substantially transparent substrate 607 bearing an electrical heating element 610 and an outer substantially transparent panel 609. An inner transparent panel 608 may also be present, situated between the substrate and the outer panel. The heating element may be a thin film coating located on the outer face of the substrate. The inner panel and the substrate may form a sealed chamber to reduce heat losses, and may be angled so as to compensate for heat build-up at the top of the grill. The rear panel may also include a heating element 604, which may be of the thin film type or resistance wire. Air vents 601 may be provided to arrange air flow in a single direction to aid uniform cooking.

04-01-1973 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001301651A

04-03-1970 дата публикации

A Method of Securing a Feed Conductor for Electric Current to Heating Wires of a Kind Suitable for Incorporation in a Laminated Panel

Номер: GB0001183316A

... 1,183,316. Soldering. TRIPLEX SAFETY GLASS CO. Ltd. 5 June, 1967 [11 June, 1966], No. 26126/66. Heading B3R. In securing a feed conductor for electric current to heating wires suitable for incorporation in a laminated panel, the wires are placed on an even surface, the feed conductor, which comprises a metal strip coated with solder, is placed across the wires and the feed conductor is heated by high frequency induction to melt or soften the solder. Tungsten wires 10 of diameter 0À0005 inch are laid on a sheet of glass 11 forming part of a transparent panel, e.g. for a windscreen of a motor vehicle or aircraft and are sprayed with a solution of resin in chloroform and a solder coated copper strip 12 of thickness 0-003 inch is laid across the wires so that it forms arches over the wires and lies against the glass sheet between the wires. An induction coil 13 mounted on a carriage 14 is moved along the strip to heat the strip and soft heat resisting, e.g., silicone rubber rollers 15 on the ...

10-06-1970 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Electrically Heatable Glass Products

Номер: GB0001194090A

... 1,194,090. Electrically heated windows. ASAHI GLASS CO. Ltd. 6 Nov., 1968 [9 Nov., 1967; 13 Jan., 1968], No. 52470/68. Heading H5H. [Also in Divisions C1 and C7] A vehicle window, of the type comprising a single glass sheet having a plurality of parallel strips of resistance material 2 formed by firing an electro-conductive frit on a surface of the sheet, has at least two bus-bars 8, 9, in the form of band-like solder layers directly fired on to the glass surface to intersect the strip of resistance 2 along the edges of the glass sheet. The preferred solder is specified (see Division C7). A thin protective synthetic resin film formed by electrophoretic deposition covers the strips 2. Copper or silver may be deposited on some areas of the strips to provide cooler and hotter areas of the heated window or, alternatively, the thickness and/or width of the strips may be diminished within a desired area, or the strips in that area may be made from a different electroconductive frit of a higher ...

12-11-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001413717A

... 1413717 Laminated electrically-heatable safety glass GENERAL ELECTRIC CO 16 May 1973 [31 Oct 1972] 23381/73 Heading B5N [Also in Division H5] Laminates include a transparent electrical heating panel which comprises crimped resistance wires partially embedded in a sheet of heat shrunk transparent thermoplastic polymer, e.g. polyvinyl butyral, and bus-bars connected adjacent each end of the individual resistance wires. The bus-bars each consist of metal foils 40, 42, one narrower, segmented and partially wrapped around the individual wires, the other overlapping and in contact with the first and being provided with a terminal tab 48 and both adhering to the plastics sheet. Glass sheets are bonded to both surfaces of the plastics sheet to give a laminated safety glass. A flexible thermoplastic sheet is mounted on a collapsible drum and a pair of segmented foils 40 are applied, adjacent to what will be opposite edges of the window. Crimped wire under tension is wound on the drum over the plastics ...

31-12-1987 дата публикации

Glazing module

Номер: GB0002192023A

An edge-encapsulated glazing module for a vehicle has a moulded encapsulation (2) which embodies means to provide a function other than the fitting of the module to a vehicle body. The said means may be means (8) for mounting a lighting unit (9); conduit means (26); or a mounting (32) for a vehicle accessory. The lighting unit (9) may be a rear light for the vehicle. The conduit means may comprise electrical leads (21) or an RF lead (25). Alternatively, the conduit means (26) may comprise a hollow tube for water or air. The vehicle accessory may be a rear view mirror; a licence disc, windscreen wiper or a spoiler (43).

03-06-1992 дата публикации

Heater assembly for mirrors

Номер: GB0002250406A

A heater assembly suitable for attachment to the rear surface of a mirror 1 comprises a flexible support member 2 bearing a heating element 3 (shown in the form of a sinuous strip, though other forms are possible) and having an integral flexible extension of ribbon form 4 which bears lead-in conductors 5 for the heating element 3 and terminals 6 for connecting current supply lines within a cable 7 to such lead-in conductors. Support 2 may be a polyester foil upon which the conductors are printed or two foils between which the conductors are located. In this way the terminals 6 are movable with respect to the mirror. A temperature sensor ID may be provided for regulating the supply of heat current. Such mirrors are useful as externally mounted rear-view mirrors of motor vehicles. ...

04-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002219101B

16-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001439689A

... 1439689 Vehicle windscreen SAINTGOBAIN INDUSTRIES 20 Dec 1973 [31 Oct 1972] 59024/73 Heading B7J [Also in Divisions H3-H5] A vehicle window pane comprises a conducting assembly which is so spaced from the edges of the pane that when mounted in the vehicle body its capacitance thereto does not exceed 100 pF. Collectors are provided in the assembly between which heating members are connected. End extensions on at least one of said collectors, to which no heating members are connected, permit the assembly to be used for the reception of FM signals (frequency band 80 to 100 MHz). As described, a laminated safety windscreen 1, Fig. 1, has a polyvinyl butyral interlayer in which a conductive assembly is located. This comprises a plurality of vertical parallel resistive wires 2, an upper collector 3 to which all the wires 2 are connected, and lower collectors 4, 5 to each of which half of the wires 2 are connected. The collectors are metal, e.g. silver, bands and the lower collectors 4, 5 are ...

23-06-1993 дата публикации

Heated mirror

Номер: GB0002262440A

A device incorporated into a mirror to avoid the formation of misting; and comprising at least one chamber 17, one of whose larger sides is formed by a mirror 18; a fluid inside the chamber 21; and means 22 for heating said fluid to above dew point at which misting occurs on the outside of the mirror. Alternatively, the mirror may be heated by an electrical heating panel or by having hot air blown over the mirror surface. ...

23-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002062429B

07-05-2003 дата публикации

Conductor composition V

Номер: GB0000307547D0

20-11-1996 дата публикации

Controlling heater for glass door of refrigeration equipment

Номер: GB0002300934A

A system for controlling the heat produced by a heater provided on a glass pane 3 of a refrigerator door 1. The system is arranged to cause heat to be generated at a high level when the door 1 is opened so as to remove or prevent condensation forming on the inner surface of the inner glass pane. The system is further arranged to maintain the high level of heat for a predetermined period of time following subsequent closure of the door whereafter the level of heat is gradually reduced to a relatively low level.

21-01-1981 дата публикации

"Electric window heater"

Номер: GB0002052224A
Автор: Parr, David

A heater for attachment to the interior of the rear window of a vehicle comprises a flexible backing sheet 11 carrying a plurality of heater elements 12 adhesively secured to a first face of the backing sleet 11 and having an adhesive coating on the outwardly presented faces thereof, whereby in use the elements 12 can be secured to a window, and spacer means 15 in the form of compressable, foamed synthetic resin strips projecting from the first face of the backing sheet 11 to a height in excess of the height of the adhesive coating on the elements 12 so that the backing sheet 11 together with the elements 12 and the spacer strips 15 can be rolled lengthwise to form a scroll wherein the undersurface of one convolution of the backing sheet 11 overlies the adhesive coating on the elements 12 of the next adjacent convolution of the backing sheet 11, but is held out of contact with the adhesive coating on the elements 12 by the strips 15. ...

02-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002081558B
Принадлежит: TZE CHIEH YANG

21-08-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle control system and control method

Номер: GB0002571160A

A control system (13100) for a host vehicle (10) operable in an autonomous comprising one or more controllers (13110), the system configured to receive a request signal indicative of a request for autonomous navigation of the host vehicle (10), operating in the autonomous mode, from a current location of the host vehicle (10) to a navigation goal; wherein the one or more controllers (13110), subsequent to receipt of the request signal, output a precondition signal to cause one or more components associated with an effectiveness of one or more sensors of the host vehicle to prepare the host vehicle for autonomous navigation to the navigation goal prior to movement of the host vehicle away from the current location; and navigate the host vehicle (10) to the navigation goal. The precondition signal may be to cause a heating component to warm up a sensor, or a cooling component to cool down the sensor. One of the components may comprise a heating component for de-icing, de-frosting or de-misting ...

22-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001411265A

... 1411265 Heatable sheets SAINT COBAIN INDUSTRIES 28 Sept 1972 [30 Sept 1971] 44811/72 Heading H5H The edge conductors of a heatable sheet, Fig. 1 (not shown) are formed in conjunction with extra conductive paths which may be cut or made (e.g. by welding) to adjust the resistance of the heating element. The paths (64a, b, c) may be associated with each heating conductor 62 respectively, Fig. 7, or formed (33a, b, c) within the edge conductor 33 so as to effect all the heating conductors 2, Fig. 4, or arranged to effect groups of heating conductors, e.g. Fig. 3. In Fig. 7, welds 65a, b are made to short the paths whilst cuts 37, 38, Fig. 4 and cuts 27, 28, Fig. 3 are made to include the paths into the network. The elements &c. may be deposited by silk screen printing on to a glass plate and baked at 600‹ C. Terminal portions 34, Fig. 4, are welded to the edge conductors 33, each portion having a connecting lug thereon.

08-04-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008705075D0

04-09-1969 дата публикации

Electrical connectors for sheets of glass having electrically conductive strips on one surface thereof

Номер: GB0001163224A

... 1,163,224. Electric connector. COMPAGNIE DE SAINT-GOBAIN. 13 Sept., 1967 [13 Sept., 1966], No. 41809/67. Heading H2E. An electrical connector, Fig. 1, comprises a strip 6 of metal provided with a current pick-up 8 and joined at two spaced-apart places to a collector strip 3 which is sealed to the surface of a glass sheet 1 carrying electrically conductive strips 2. The portion of the connector between the two joins is resilient. The connector is preferably made of copper or brass of about 0À5 mm. thickness. In general the connector is E-shaped and the two outer arms 5, 6 are soldered to the collector strip 3 the current being picked up by the middle arm 7 which is bent to provide resilience. To provide further resilience the portion of the connector between the joins may be bowed away from the collector strip (Fig. 3, not shown). The length of each of the two outer arms 5, 6 is slightly less than the width of the collector strip 3 so that there is a minimum distance A of preferably 0À5 ...

27-02-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009101246D0

29-07-1998 дата публикации

Device for heating a windscreen

Номер: GB0009811506D0

27-09-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001290867A

19-03-1980 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for applying conductive strips to the surface of a glass sheet

Номер: GB2029680A
Автор: Parr, David

A method of affixing conductive strips e.g. heater strips to a surface 11 of a glass sheet 12 comprises applying adhesive to one side of the strips 10, locating the strips 10 between the surface 11 and an inflatable container 16, by means of guides 18, 20, maintaining the sheet 12 in position by clamps 19 and inflating the container 16 to urge the adhesive-coated sides of the strips 10 into contact with the surface 11. The adhesive may be either pressure- sensitive or temperature-responsive. In the latter case the adhesive may be heated by a current passed through the strips 10, by means of the guide 20 which act as bus-bars. ...

23-04-1980 дата публикации

Multi-pane window structure

Номер: GB0002031498A

An insulative multi-pane window structure of a refrigerator or freezer, said structure being interposable between a colder inside region and a warmer outside region of the refrigerator or freezer to permit vision therebetween and including at least a first pane having a surface exposed in use to humidity-bearing air in the warmer region and a second pane opposite to and spaced apart from the first pane, at least one of the first and second panes having an infrared reflecting coating attached in a specific manner; characterized in that said infrared reflective coating is a transparent, electrically conductive laminated structure composed of (A) a transparent solid substrate of a film-forming synthetic resin, (B) a thin layer of an oxide of titanium in contact with the substrate, said layer being derived from a layer of an organic titanium compound and containing organic residual moieties of the organic titanium compound, (C) a thin layer of an electrically conductive metal in contact with ...

29-05-1980 дата публикации

Electrical connector assembly

Номер: GB0002034160A
Автор: Parr, David

An electrical connector assembly includes an elongate resilient synthetic resin channel member 14 for attachment to a vehicle window, the channel member 14 having therein a longitudinally extending channel 14a, and an elongate electrically conductive part 17 arranged to be received as a snap fit in said channel 14a whereby one or more conductive heating elements 12 can be trapped between said part 17 and the wall 16 of said channel in electrical connection with said part 17, the channel member 14 having a surface 22 which supports said part 17 within the channel 14a in a position spaced above the base 21 of the channel. The support surface may project laterally from wall 16 or may be provided by part circular recesses in the opposed surfaces of walls 16. ...

29-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001478421A

... 1478421 Terminals SOC ITALIANA VETRO SIV SpA 6 Feb 1975 [11 Feb 1974] 5024/75 Heading H2E A connector for soldering to a bus conductor of a window de-mister comprises a plate 1, plated at least on its contacting side with tin, having holes 4 allowing the escape of gases produced during soldering. Integral with said plate is a tongue 2 being provided with a hole 3 for receiving a lead from the power supply. Two right-angle bends are made in the tongue 2 about axes 5 and 6 so that it is parallel but not co-planar with plate 1. In a second embodiment (Fig. 3, not shown) the tongue 2 is further bent so part of it is not parallel with the plate 1.

05-10-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001487551A

... 1487551 Resistance heating element D PARR 12 Sept 1974 [15 June 1973] 23008/73 Heading H5H A heater assembly comprises a plurality of spaced resistive strips 2 which may be in the form of wires connected in parallel between two connector strips 4, the strips 2 and 4 being coated on one side with a pressure sensitive adhesive to enable it to be secured to a surface to be heated, e.g. a car rear window. The assembly is manfactured in the apparatus shown in Fig. 2. adhesive is applied to a siliconed release paper which is aligned with and rolled up with a similar size main paper to form a supply 8. Nickel chrome resistance strips 9 are fed from reels in a strip feed 10 to a region 14 where they are coated on one surface with a pressure sensitive crosslinking acrylic adhesive before passing through a curing circuit 15 in which current is passed through each strip 9. Papers 16 from supply 8 are split at 18 into the siliconed release paper 20 and the main paper 22 to which the adhesive has been ...

14-06-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001513826A

... 1513826 Coating transparent substrates with metals &c. SAINT-GOBAIN INDUSTRIES 25 July 1975 [26 July 1974] 31223/75 Heading C7F [Also in Division B5] A transparent glass or plastics sheet, e.g. for a windscreen, is coated e.g. by evaporation with a bonding layer of Zn S, a metal (Au or Ag) and then a protection layer of the trioxide of Mo or W. A laminated sheet may be made using an intermediate sheet of e.g. polyvinylbutyral. Silver contact strips may be applied along the edges of the sheet, and connected to Cu leads.

02-12-2020 дата публикации

A system and method for heating a window

Номер: GB0002574640B

21-10-2020 дата публикации

Flexible connector

Номер: GB0002583155A
Автор: MATTHEW WEBB, Matthew Webb

A flexible solder bridge 1 has a first foot portion 11A and a second foot portion 11B for connection to a vehicle windscreen, interconnected by a flexible electrically conductive portion 12, which may be a thin metal foil such as copper with thickness less than 100 microns and which may bend easily without damage or breaking, reducing stress on the windscreen. Each foot portion 11A, 11B may have a polyimide polymer insulation layer 13 with a window aperture 15A, 15B. Adhesive tape may also be provided on a surface of the solder bridge. The flexible portion 12 may provide an electrical connection to a power source. A second aspect includes a pane having an electrically conductive structure on it. An electrical connector is secured to the electrically conductive structure at a mounting portion which is a flat electrically conductive body covered in insulating material.

08-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001500512A

... 1500512 Transistor delay circuits LUCAS ELECTRICAL Ltd 21 Jan 1975 [29 Jan 1974] 03984/74 Heading H3T [Also in Division H2] A control circuit for a vehicle rear window heater 35 comprises a bi-stable circuit 15, 16 biased to occupy a first state, with transistor 15 conducting, when it is connected to a supply 11, switch 21, 21a operable by the bi-stable circuit and occupying first and second positions when the bi-stable circuit is in its first and second states respectively and providing power to the heater 35 when it is in its second position, a normally open switch 31 coupled with the bi-stable circuit to change the state of the latter each time it is operated, and a monostable circuit 33, 37, 42, 46, 49 coupled to the switch 21 and being held in its unstable state when the switch is in its first position, as shown, the monostable being coupled to the base of transistor 16 of the bi-stable to drive the bi-stable to its first state upon reversion to its stable state. When in its first ...

11-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000390695B

10-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000325175B

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000430024T

15-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: ATA124174A

15-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000439234T

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000449658T

15-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000500099B8

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000502506T

15-05-1984 дата публикации

Impact protection device for a door or side wall of a motor vehicle

Номер: ATA396776A

23-06-2020 дата публикации

Стеклоизделие с зонированной электрообогреваемой поверхностью

Номер: RU0000198198U1

Стеклоизделие содержит установленное в корпусе, по меньшей мере, одно К-стекло с односторонним токопроводящим покрытием и токоподводящие шины в форме полос, размещенные на противоположных кромках стекла. Токопроводящее покрытие стекла состоит, по меньшей мере, из двух зон, расположенных так, что меньшее электрическое сопротивление имеет зона в нижней части стеклоизделия при его вертикальной ориентации, причем указанные зоны у противоположных кромок стекла соединены токоподводящими шинами параллельно. Технический результат - исключение конвективного перегрева при вертикальном размещении стеклоизделия за счет зонирования токопроводящего покрытия. 4 з. п. ф-лы, 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 198 198 U1 (51) МПК H05B 3/84 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H05B 3/84 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020109704, 05.03.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Стрельцов Дмитрий Леонидович (RU), Агеев Николай Владимирович (RU) Дата регистрации: 23.06.2020 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2540174 C1, 10.02.2015. RU 2670190 C1, 18.10.2018. RU 2496060 C2, 20.10.2013. WO 2016156066 A1, 06.10.2016. (45) Опубликовано: 23.06.2020 Бюл. № 18 1 9 8 1 9 8 R U (54) СТЕКЛОИЗДЕЛИЕ С ЗОНИРОВАННОЙ ЭЛЕКТРООБОГРЕВАЕМОЙ ПОВЕРХНОСТЬЮ (57) Реферат: Стеклоизделие содержит установленное в стеклоизделия при его вертикальной ориентации, корпусе, по меньшей мере, одно К-стекло с причем указанные зоны у противоположных односторонним токопроводящим покрытием и кромок стекла соединены токоподводящими токоподводящие шины в форме полос, шинами параллельно. Технический результат размещенные на противоположных кромках исключение конвективного перегрева при стекла. Токопроводящее покрытие стекла вертикальном размещении стеклоизделия за счет состоит, по меньшей мере, из двух зон, зонирования токопроводящего покрытия. 4 з. п. расположенных так, что меньшее ...

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Panel having electrically conductive structures

Номер: US20120086614A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

A pane with electrically conductive structures is described. The pane has at least two electrically conductive structures galvanically separated from each other, a galvanic separating layer on at least on one of the electrically conductive structures, and an electrical conductor on the galvanic separating layer. The galvanic separating layer galvanically separates the conductor from at least one of the structures. A method for producing the pane and a use of the same are also described.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Disc with a heatable, optically transparent sensor array

Номер: US20120103960A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

A pane having a heatable, optically transparent sensor array comprising at least: a) a pane, b) at least one optically transparent sensor array on the surface of the pane, c) at least one heatable film which is fitted to the optically transparent sensor array, comprising: c1) a support film, c2) a heatable coating, printed conductors, meshes and/or heating wires on the support film, d) at least one electrical contact-making means, which is fitted to the heatable coating and/or to the heating wires, and e) encapsulation, which is fitted to the optically transparent sensor array and to the heatable film, and a sensor which is fitted in the encapsulation.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Electrical connecting element and window pane provided with such an element

Номер: US20120135631A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

Electrical connecting element ( 2 ) that is designed to be welded or soldered onto an electrically conductive component ( 11 ) of a window pane, comprising an electrically conductive body ( 20 ), of which one section is designed to be welded or soldered onto the component ( 11 ) for its electrical connection, and of which another if section is designed to be connected in the direction of the outer side of the window pane, characterized in that the body comprises an electrically conductive foil ( 21 ) with a thickness between 1 and 500 μm and intermediate means ( 5, 6 ) that serve as shock-absorbing means between the stiff section of the body of the connecting element and the window pane.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Controllable thermal warming devices

Номер: US20120228279A1
Принадлежит: Haas William J, Haas William S

A portable controllable thermal warming device including a thermal ink heating element having a conductive ink pattern comprised of interconnected lines in a definite pattern fixedly disposed on a substrate, a controller operatively coupled to a power source and the conductive ink pattern, the power source adapted to deliver a voltage to the conductive ink pattern causing the conductive ink pattern to radiate heat, the controller adapted by way of a sensor to control the voltage delivered to the conductive ink pattern and adjust the voltage in response to the operating characteristic and the means for controlling the voltage by a wire link or a wireless remote signal.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Disc comprising an electrical connection element

Номер: US20130043066A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

The present invention relates to a pane with an electrical connection element, comprising: a substrate made of glass ( 1 ), an electrically conductive structure ( 2 ) with a layer thickness of 5 μm to 40 μm on a region of the substrate ( 1 ), a connection element ( 3 ), and a layer of a solder material ( 4 ), which electrically connects the connection element ( 3 ) to a portion ( 12 ) of the electrically conductive structure ( 2 ), wherein the connection element ( 3 ) contains at least an iron-nickel alloy or an iron-nickel-cobalt alloy, the connection element ( 3 ) is connected to the portion ( 12 ) of the electrically conductive structure ( 2 ) via a contact surface ( 11 ) over its entire surface, and the contact surface ( 11 ) has no corners.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Heating device and temperature control device

Номер: US20130043234A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A heating device and a temperature control device are provided. The heating device includes a heating element, and a heat conducting film disposed on the surface of the heating element, wherein the heat conducting film has a surface area that is larger than the contact area between the heat conducting film and the heating element. The heat conducting film is used for uniformly conducting heat generated by the heating element. Therefore, the existing non-uniform heating and slow heat dissipation problems for the heating element having a large surface area can be solved. Furthermore, because the metallic heat conducting film has good heat conduction, the heat can be quickly spread over a larger area to prevent localized overheating and damage to the heating element itself or the electrical product.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Electrical connecting element and disk equipped with such an element

Номер: US20130052859A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

An electrical connecting element is described, designed to be welded or soldered onto an electrically conductive component of a window pane. A body of the electrically connecting element has an electrically conductive foil with a thickness between 1 and 500 μm and intermediate means that serve as shock-absorbing means between a stiff section of the body and the window pane.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Laminated glass pane with electrical function and connection element

Номер: US20130062119A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

A laminated glass pane with electrical function and connection element is described. The laminated glass pane has at least two individual glass panes, which are areally connected to at least one thermoplastic intermediate layer. The laminated glass pane further has at least one electrically functional layer, which is situated between the at least two individual glass panes at least one foil conductor, which is electrically conductively connected to the at least one electrically functional layer, and at least one housing with at least one electrical feed line and at least one electrical line connection. The at least two individual glass panes has at least one undercut glass pane, wherein the at least one foil conductor runs without an overhang around a lateral edge of the at least one undercut glass pane.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Transparent heating device

Номер: US20130075383A1
Автор: Jae Hoon Kim
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

Disclosed herein is a transparent heating device. The transparent heating device according to exemplary embodiments of the present invention includes a transparent heating unit disposed on one side portion of the window to generate heat so as to remove and prevent frost or condensation over the window.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153559A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present invention relates to a heating element comprising: two or more heating units comprising two busbars and a conductive heating means electrically connected to the two busbars, in which the busbars of the heating units are connected with each other in series and power per unit area of each of the heating units in the heating element decreases as a length of the busbar increases, and a method of preparing the same. 1. A heating element , comprising:two or more heating units comprising two busbars and a conductive heating means electrically connected to the two busbars,wherein the busbars of the heating units are connected with each other in series and power per unit area of each of the heating units in the heating element decreases as a length of the busbar increases.2. The heating element according to claim 1 , wherein the power per unit area of each of the heating units in the heating element has no correlation with a gap between the two busbars in each of the heating units.3. The heating element according to claim 1 , wherein the gap between the two busbars in the heating unit is fixed in the heating element and the power per unit area of each of the heating units decreases as a length of the busbar increases.4. The heating element according to claim 1 , wherein the length of the busbar of the heating unit is fixed in the heating element and the power per unit area of each of the heating units has no correlation with a gap between the two busbars in each of the heating units.5. The heating element according to claim 1 , wherein the gap between the heating units is 2 cm or less.6. The heating element according to claim 1 , wherein the conductive heating means is a conductive heating surface or a conductive heating line.7. The heating element according to claim 1 , wherein a temperature deviation in the heating unit is within 20% and a sheet resistance or a transmittance deviation between the heating units is within 20%.8. The heating element according to ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Transparent panel having heatable coating and production method therefor

Номер: US20130161309A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

The invention relates to a transparent pane with a transparent heatable coating, which extends at least over a part of the pane surface, in particular over its visual field. The heatable coating is divided by at least one heatable coating-free zone into at least one first heatable coating zone and a second heatable coating zone, wherein the two heatable coating zones are in each case electrically connected to at least two collecting conductors such that after application of a supply voltage that is provided by a voltage source, in each case a current flows over at least one first heating field formed by the first heatable coating zone and at least one second heating field formed by the second heatable coating zone. At least one heating element is disposed in the heatable coating-free zone, which heating element has an ohmic resistance such that by means of application of the supply voltage to the heating element, the pane is heatable in a surface area containing the heatable coating-free zone. The at least one heating element is configured such that by means of application of the supply voltage to the heating element, the pane is also heatable in at least one surface area adjacent the coating-free zone which surface area contains at least one of the collecting conductors.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174488A1

A slider window assembly for a vehicle includes a frame portion having an upper rail and a lower rail, at least one fixed window panel that is fixed relative to the frame portion, and a movable window panel that is movable along the upper and lower rails. The movable window panel is movable between a closed position and an opened position. The movable window panel may include a panel portion and a carrier element integrally formed with the panel portion, with the carrier portion slidably received in the lower rail and movable along the lower rail as the movable window panel is moved between its closed and opened positions. 1: A slider window assembly for a vehicle , said slider window assembly comprising:a frame portion having an upper rail and a lower rail;at least one fixed window panel that is fixed relative to said frame portion;a movable window panel that is movable along said upper and lower rails, wherein said movable window panel is movable between a closed position and an opened position; andwherein said movable window panel includes a panel portion and a carrier element integrally formed with said panel portion, wherein said carrier portion is slidably received in said lower rail and is movable along said lower rail as said movable window panel is moved between its closed and opened positions.2: The slider window assembly of claim 1 , wherein said movable window panel comprises a polycarbonate material.3: The slider window assembly of claim 1 , wherein said at least one fixed window panel is integrally formed with said frame portion.4: The slider window assembly of claim 3 , wherein said at least one fixed window panel comprises a polycarbonate material.5: The slider window assembly of claim 3 , wherein a panel portion of said at least one fixed window panel is substantially transparent and said frame portion comprises a darkened color that is not transparent.6: The slider window assembly of claim 5 , wherein said darkened color is molded in said frame ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175255A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present invention relates to a heating element including a transparent substrate, a bus bar, a power supply connected to the bus bar, a heat emitting pattern line provided on the transparent substrate and electrically connected to the bus bar, and a non-heat emitting pattern line provided on the transparent substrate and not electrically connected to the bus bar, and a method for manufacturing the same. 1. A heating element , comprising:a transparent substrate;a bus bar;a power supply connected to the bus bar;a heat emitting pattern line provided on the transparent substrate and electrically connected to the bus bar; anda non-heat emitting pattern line provided on the transparent substrate and not electrically connected to the bus bar.2. The heating element according to claim 1 , wherein the transparent substrate is a plastic film claim 1 , a plastic substrate or a glass substrate.3. The heating element according to claim 1 , wherein the heat emitting pattern line is disposed so that heat is uniformly emitted.4. The heating element according to claim 3 , wherein the heat emitting pattern line is disposed so that a standard deviation of a surface temperature in an entire area in which the heat emitting pattern line is provided is 20% or less.5. The heating element according to claim 1 , wherein the non-heat emitting pattern line is disposed so that a distribution of an entire pattern including the heat emitting pattern line and the non-heat emitting pattern line is uniform.6. The heating element according to claim 1 , wherein the non-heat emitting pattern line is disposed so that an opening ratio deviation with respect to a circle having a diameter of 20 cm of the entire pattern including the heat emitting pattern line and the non-heat emitting pattern line is 5% or less.7. The heating element according to claim 1 , wherein when the area in which the heat emitting pattern line is provided is divided into two or more partitions claim 1 , lengths of the heat ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186875A1

A transparent pane with a conductive coating extending at least over a part of the transparent pane surface, in particular over a visual field of the transparent pane is described. The conductive coating is electrically connected to at least two strip-shaped bus bars such that after application of a supply voltage, a current flows over a heating field formed by the conductive coating. The conductive coating has an electrical resistance such that upon application of a supply voltage in the range from more than 100 volts to 400 volts, a heating output from the heating field is in the range from 300 watt/mto 1000 watt/m. The at least two strip-shaped bus bars have a maximum width of less than 5 mm and are dimensioned such that a maximum electrical power loss per unit of length is 10 watt/m. Moreover, the at least two strip-shaped bus bars have a specific resistivity ranging from 2 μohm·cm to 4 μohm·cm. 1. A transparent pane with a conductive coating extending at least over a part of a pane surface of the transparent pane , in particular over a visual field of the transparent pane ,wherein the conductive coating is electrically connected to at least two strip-shaped bus bars such that after application of a supply voltage, a current flows over a heating field formed between the at least two strip-shaped bus bars,{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein the conductive coating has an electrical resistance such that upon application of a supply voltage in the range between more than 100 volts and 400 volts, a heating output from the heating field is in a range from 300 watt/mto 1000 watt/m,'}wherein the at least two strip-shaped bus bars have, at least in sections of the at least two strip-shaped bus bars, a maximum width of less than 5 mm and the width of the at least two strip-shaped bus bars being dimensioned such that a maximum electrical power loss per unit of length is 10 watt/m, andthe at least two strip-shaped bus bars having a specific resistivity in a range from 2 μohm·cm to 4 μ ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220992A1

A transparent pane with a conductive coating is described. The transparent pane is electrically connected to an electrically heatable coating that extends at least over a part of the area of the pane and to at least two first electrodes provided for electrical connection to the two terminals of a voltage source. The heating field of the transparent pane includes at least one coating-free zone. The transparent pane also has at least one second electrode provided for electric connection to one terminal of the voltage source The supply section of the transparent pane consists of at least two supply parts separated from each other, and a coupling section, which is electrically connected to the heatable coating. A method for manufacturing the transparent pane is also described. 1. A transparent pane comprising an electrically heatable coating electrically connected to at least two first electrodes provided for electrical connection to two terminals of a voltage source such that by applying a feed voltage , a heating current flows over a heating field formed between the at least two first electrodes ,wherein the heating field includes at least one coating-free zone, which is bounded by a zone edge formed at least in sections by the electrically heatable coating, characterized by at least one second electrode provided for electrical connection to one terminal of the voltage source, the at least one second electrode having at least one supply section disposed at least in sections in the at least one coating-free zone and at least one connection section connected to the at least one supply section,wherein the at least one connection section extends starting from the at least one coating-free zone, beyond an edge section of the zone edge, the edge section being formed by a section of the heating field that is situated between the at least one coating-free zone and one of the at least two first electrodes provided for connection to a second one of the two terminals of the ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277352A1

A panel heater with at least one flat substrate and an electrically conductive coating is described. The electrically conductive coating extends at least over part of a substrate area and is electrically connected to at least two connecting electrodes provided for electrical connection to the two terminals of a voltage source, such that by applying a feed voltage, a heating current flows in a heating field, which is provided with one or a plurality of heating current paths formed into the conductive coating. The panel heater has one or more measurement current paths formed into the electrically conductive coating, which differ at least in sections from the heating current paths. The heating and measurement current paths are formed into the electrically conductive coating by coating-free separating regions. A method for operation and use of the panel heater is also described. 1. A panel heater comprising:at least one flat substrate andan electrically conductive coating,wherein the electrically conductive coating extends at least over part of a substrate area and is electrically connected to at least two connecting electrodes provided for electrical connection to two terminals of a voltage source, such that by applying a feed voltage, a heating current flows in a heating field,wherein the panel heater is provided with one or more heating current paths and one or more measurement current paths, which are formed into the electrically conductive coating by coating-free separating regions and formed by the electrically conductive coating,wherein the one or more measurement current paths differ at least in sections from the one or more heating current paths, andwherein the one or more measurement current paths are thermally coupled at least to a portion of the heating field and have at least two connecting sections for connecting a measuring device for ascertaining an electrical resistance of the one or more measurement current paths.2. The panel heater according to claim ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130299479A1

The invention relates to a heating element comprising a substrate () equipped with a thin-film multilayer, the thin-film multilayer comprising a heating film () that has an electrical sheet resistance lying between 20 and 200 Ω/□, and two nonmetallic dielectric films () located on either side of the heating film (), the heating element also comprising two conductive collectors designed to receive a voltage, the heating film () being unpatterned, made of metal and electrically connected to the two conductive collectors. 1. A heating element , comprising:a substrate provided with a thin-film multilayer, the thin-film multilayer comprising a heating film having an electrical sheet resistance in the range from 20 to 200 Ω/□, and two nonmetallic dielectric films located on either side of the heating film; andtwo conductive collectors designed to receive a voltage,wherein the heating film is full, made of metal and electrically connected to the two conductive collectors.2. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein the metal of the heating film is at least one selected from the group consisting of niobium claim 1 , molybdenum claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , chromium claim 1 , tin claim 1 , zinc claim 1 , tantalum claim 1 , hafnium claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , tungsten claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , copper claim 1 , and any alloy thereof.3. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein the nonmetallic dielectric films comprise SiN claim 1 , SnZnO claim 1 , SnO claim 1 , or ZnO.4. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein the thin-film multilayer further comprises at least one blocker layer located between the heating film and at least one of the nonmetallic dielectric films.5. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein the heating film has a thickness in the range from 2 to 30 nm in thickness.6. The heating element of claim 5 , wherein the heating film has a thickness in the range from 2 to 8 nm such that the light transmission of the heating element is at least 70%.7. The heating element ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Heated Mirror

Номер: US20130314791A1
Принадлежит: PolylC GmbH & Co. KG

The mirror includes a flexible support layer with at least one metallic layer and electrical contacts on the support layer, wherein the metallic layer forms the mirror and contains interruptions smaller than 100 μm, through which metallic layer an electric current applied to the mirror to heat the mirror is evenly distributed along the metallic layer, which has a thickness of about 700 nm or less. The interruptions are so constructed as to avoid hot spots in the metallic layer when heated. The mirror and its heating functions are produced on one production line. 15141311. Heated mirror comprising a support layer () with at least one metallic layer () and electrical contacts () , wherein the metallic layer () contains high-resolution interruptions () which are scarcely perceptible to the human eye , through which electric current can be evenly distributed along the metallic layer () and thus the metallic layer () , the layer thickness of which is less than/equal to 700 nm , can be used for heating.25. Heated mirror according to claim 1 , wherein the support layer () is transparent.331. Heated mirror according to one of or claim 1 , wherein the result of the interruptions () is that adjoining areas of the metallic layer () are electrically isolated from one another.43. Heated mirror according to one of to claim 1 , wherein the interruptions () are arranged in a meandering pattern.53. Heated mirror according to one of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the interruptions () have the form of simple lines or bands.63. Heated mirror according to one of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the interruptions () are cavities in the metallic layer.7. Heated mirror according to claim 6 , wherein the cavities are filled.83. Heated mirror according to one of the preceding claims claim 6 , wherein the width of the interruptions () is less than 100 μm.913. Heated mirror according to one of the preceding claims claim 6 , wherein a second layer with insulating material is ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Flexible transparent heating element using graphene and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20140021195A1

The present invention relates to a flexible transparent heating element using graphene and a method for manufacturing the same. The heating element comprises a flexible transparent substrate; a graphene layer formed to at least one side of the flexible transparent substrate; and an electrode connected with the graphene layer.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027433A1

An arrangement and a method for de-icing a transparent window, in particular a vehicle windshield, with an electric heating device, are described. The method has the following steps: Step A): Measuring a window temperature before an initial application of a heating voltage; Step B): Measuring the window temperature after a beginning of a heating period; and Step C): Applying a heating voltage of more than 100 volts to a heating device over a heating period of a maximum of 2 minutes, in particular a maximum of 90 seconds, and repeating step B). 1. A method for de-icing a transparent window , in particular a vehicle-windshield , with an electric heating device , in particular a heating layer , which comprises , on a basis of a manual or automatically initiated de-icing process , the following steps:{'sup': '2', 'Step A): measuring a window temperature before an initial application of a heating voltage, wherein the method is terminated if the window temperature exceeds a lower temperature threshold value, or a heating voltage of more than 100 volts is applied to a heating device over a heating period of a maximum of 2 minutes, in particular a maximum of 90 seconds, if the window temperature is equal to or less than the lower temperature threshold value, and wherein the heating voltage and the heating period are selected such that a heating power of at least 2 kilowatts (kW) per square meter (m) of window area is generated, and step B) is executed;'}Step B): measuring the window temperature after a beginning of the heating period, wherein a de-icing process is terminated if the window temperature reaches an upper temperature threshold value, or step C) is carried out if the window temperature is lower than an upper temperature threshold value; and{'sup': '2', 'Step C): applying a heating voltage of more than 100 volts to the heating device over a heating period of a maximum of 2 minutes with the heating voltage and the heating period selected such that a heating power ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027434A1

A transparent pane with an electrical heating layer, which extends at least over a part of the pane surface and can be electrically connected to a power source via connection means is described. The transparent pane has connection means having a strip-shaped first bus bar and a strip-shaped second bus bar, which are electrically conductively connected directly to the heating layer over the entire strip length. A method for producing such a transparent pane is also described. In the method the zone heating element is electrically conductively connected directly to at least one first flat ribbon cable and to at least one second flat ribbon cable in an electrical parallel circuit with respect to the heating field. 1. A transparent pane comprising:an electrical heating layer, which extends at least over a part of a transparent pane surface and can be electrically connected via connection means to a power source, wherein the connection means comprise a strip-shaped first bus bar and a strip-shaped second bus bar, which, in each case, are electrically conductively connected directly to a heating layer over an entire strip length such that after application of a supply voltage, a heating current flows over a heating field formed by the heating layer, wherein the strip-shaped first bus bar is electrically conductively connected in direct contact to at least one first flat ribbon cable and the strip-shaped second bus bar is electrically conductively connected in direct contact to at least one second flat ribbon cable, andat least one heating-field-free pane zone, in which at least one electrical zone heating element is disposed, which has an ohmic resistance such that the heating-field-free pane zone is heatable by applying a supply voltage, wherein the electrical zone heating element is electrically conductively connected in direct contact to the at least one first flat ribbon cable and to the at least one second flat ribbon cable in an electrical parallel circuit with ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083991A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present specification relates to a heating element in which a heating value for each region is controlled or a heating element in which the heating value for each region is controlled and which is inconspicuous, and a method for manufacturing the same. 1. A heating element comprising:a substrate;a conductive heating pattern provided on the substrate; andtwo bus bars provided so as to apply voltage to both ends of the conductive heating pattern, respectively,wherein the conductive heating pattern comprises a border form of a closed figure, and an average area of the closed figure is controlled in at least some regions of the conductive heating pattern according to a distance from the bus bar or along a longitudinal direction of the bus bar.2. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein the conductive heating pattern comprises at least two regions having different average areas of the closed figure per unit area.3. The heating element of claim 2 , wherein the conductive heating pattern comprises at least three regions having different average areas of the closed figure per unit area.4. The heating element of claim 2 , wherein a ratio of the average area of the closed figure per unit area among the regions is a value of 1.1 or more and less than 4.5. The heating element of claim 2 , wherein a difference in aperture ratio between the regions is 5% or less.6. The heating element of claim 5 , wherein the aperture ratio for each region is 90% or more.7. The heating element of claim 2 , wherein the region comprises part ‘A’ and part ‘B’ in accordance with Article 109 of the rule on the vehicle safety standards.8. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein a length of each of the lines constituting the border of the closed figure is from 100 μm to 800 μm claim 1 , and a line width thereof is from 0.1 μm to 30 μm.9. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein the closed figure has a form in which an average distance between lines in a longitudinal direction is longer than an ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091074A1

A carrier, in particular a plastic film, comprising an electrical heating layer is described. The heating layer is applied to at least a portion of a carrier surface. The heating layer is electrically divided by one or more first separating zones, each of which is designed such that a current path changes the direction of flow thereof at the free zone ends, and one or more second separating zones, which are designed such that the current path changing the direction of flow thereof at the free zone ends is divided in at least some sections into a plurality of electrically parallel current sub-paths. One or more second separating zones are associated with at least one free zone end of a first separating zone, with the second separating zones arranged in an aligned extension to the first separating zone. 1. A carrier for panel heating elements , in particular plastic film , with an electrical heating layer applied to at least a part of a carrier surface and with at least two electrodes provided for connection to a voltage source , wherein the at least two electrodes are connected to the electrical heating layer such that a current path for a heating current is formed between the electrodes , wherein the heating layer is electrically divided by:one or more first separating zones, which have, in each case, at least one free zone end, and are implemented such that the current path changes its direction of flow on the free zone ends, andone or more second separating zones, which are implemented such that the current path changing its direction of flow on the free zone ends is divided at least in sections into a plurality of electrically parallel current subpaths,wherein one or more second separating zones are associated with at least one free zone end of a first separating zone, and are arranged in an aligned extension of the first separating zone.2. The carrier according to claim 1 , wherein the separating zones have a distance between them that becomes smaller toward the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Interchangeable lens goggle adaptable to prevent fogging

Номер: US20180000648A1

Anti-fog, interchangeable-lens goggle adapted for use with a battery comprising: a body with a flexible posterior portion for engaging a user's face and an anterior portion; a lens having a resistive anti-fog element thereon, the lens adapted for engaging the anterior portion of the body; an engagement mechanism for releasably interconnecting the lens and the body; an interconnection mechanism preferably protected by a tortuous path electrical interconnection system and depending from the body adapted for detachably interconnecting the heating element of the lens and the battery, the interconnection means operable or integral with the engagement mechanism such that interconnecting the heating element of the lens with the battery also reinforces interconnecting of the lens with the semi-rigid anterior portion of the body; and a strap adapted for holding the goggle on one of a user's head and helmet.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001432A1
Автор: Farreyrol Olivier

A method of producing a vehicle glass assembly, includes (A) providing a connector made of metal plate and comprising a first flat portion, a second flat portion and a bridge portion connecting between the first and the second flat portions, each the flat portion having a respective surface to be soldered, (B) soldering lead-free solder onto the surfaces to form first and second blocks of lead-free solder on the surfaces of the first flat portion and the second flat portion, respectively, (C) providing a glass substrate layer on which an electrically conductive layer comprising a wire pattern and a busbar is formed, and (D) sandwiching the lead-free solder blocks between their respective surfaces and the busbar, and then melting the blocks to form solder connections between the connector and the busbar; wherein the amount of lead-free solder in each of the blocks is between 15 mg and 50 mg. 1. A method of producing a vehicle glass assembly , comprising:(A) providing a connector made of metal plate and comprising a first flat portion, a second flat portion and a bridge portion connecting between the first and the second flat portions, said flat portions respectively having first and second surfaces for soldering,(B) soldering lead-free solder onto said surfaces to form first and second blocks of lead-free solder on the first and second surfaces, respectively,(C) providing a glass substrate layer on which an electrically conductive layer comprising a wire pattern and a busbar is formed, and(D) sandwiching the lead-free solder blocks between their respective surfaces and the busbar, and then melting the blocks to form lead-free solder layers by solder connections between the connector and the busbar;wherein the amount of lead-free solder in each of the blocks is between 15 mg and 50 mg,wherein each block on the first and second surfaces is away from all edges of the first and the second flat portions,wherein all lead-free solders are disposed between the first and the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001695A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Sheet Glass Co Ltd

A laminated glass according to the present invention is a windshield for an automobile to which an information acquisition device for acquiring information from the outside of a vehicle by emitting and/or receiving light can be installed, the windshield including an outer glass plate that includes a first side and a second side that is opposite to the first side, an inner glass plate that is arranged opposite to the outer glass plate and has substantially the same shape as the outer glass plate, and an intermediate film that is arranged between the outer glass plate and the inner glass plate. The windshield includes an information acquisition region that is to be located opposite to the information acquisition device and through which the light passes.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001599A1

A condensation inhibiting device includes a condensation inhibiting unit for inhibiting condensation on a first surface, and a thermoelectric generator which powers the condensation inhibiting unit. 1. A condensation inhibiting device , comprising:a condensation inhibiting unit for inhibiting condensation on a first surface; anda thermoelectric generator which powers the condensation inhibiting unit.2. The condensation inhibiting device of claim 1 , wherein the first surface comprises a first surface of a transparent member claim 1 , andwherein the thermoelectric generator includes an electrode comprising a first portion formed on the first surface and a second portion formed on a second surface of the transparent member.3. The condensation inhibiting device of claim 2 , wherein the transparent member comprises one of a window and a door claim 2 , and the condensation inhibiting unit repels water from the first surface to maintain optical transparency of the transparent member.4. The condensation inhibiting device of claim 2 , wherein the electrode comprises bismuth telluride (BiTe) and is formed around a periphery of the transparent member.5. The condensation inhibiting device of claim 2 , wherein the first portion of the electrode is at a first temperature and the second portion of the electrode is at a second temperature claim 2 , and a difference between the first and second temperatures is at least 50° F.6. The condensation inhibiting device of claim 2 , wherein a temperature gradient between the first and second portions of the electrode causes the thermoelectric generator to generate an electric current in the electrode.7. The condensation inhibiting device of claim 6 , wherein the condensation inhibiting unit comprises a transparent electrostrictive actuator film connected to the electrode and coated on the first surface.8. The condensation inhibiting device of claim 7 , wherein the transparent electrostrictive actuator film includes one of an ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Window assembly

Номер: US20160001744A1
Автор: Charles Sitterlet
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Ltd

A window assembly includes a polymeric interlayer provided between an inner pane of glass and an outer pane of glass. The inner pane and outer pane each have a first major surface and a second major surface. The second major surface of the outer pane and the first major surface of the inner pane face each other. The window assembly also includes a connector assembly. The connector assembly has a wire assembly. The wire assembly has a terminal connector. The terminal connector has a width and a height. The width is greater than the height. The terminal connector is attached to a busbar provided on the second major surface of either the inner pane or the outer pane. A potting layer is provided over the terminal connector. The potting layer separates the terminal connector from an electrically conductive portion of a vehicle adjacent thereto.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001602A1

The wiper-washer control device includes a wiper motor that causes a wiper blade to perform a wiping operation, a washer pump that causes a washer fluid to be sprayed, and a controller that, in cases in which defrosting has been instructed, controls the wiper motor and the washer pump such that a defrosting operation in which the wiping operation and spraying of washer fluid is performed in a predetermined combination. 1. A wiper-washer control device comprising:a wiper motor that causes a wiper blade to perform a wiping operation on a wiping surface;a washer pump that causes a washer fluid to be sprayed; anda control unit that, in cases in which defrosting of the wiping surface has been instructed, controls the wiper motor and the washer pump such that a defrosting operation in which the wiping operation and spraying of washer fluid is performed in a predetermined combination.2. The wiper-washer control device of claim 1 , wherein:the control unit controls the wiper motor and the washer pump such that a first process of performing the wiping operation at a predetermined first speed, a second process of stopping both the wiping operation and the spraying of washer fluid each for a specific duration, and a third process of performing the wiping operation at the first speed or a second speed that is different from the first speed, are performed in sequence as the defrosting operation.3. The wiper-washer control device of claim 2 , wherein in the third process claim 2 , the control unit is set such that the second speed is a speed of the wiping operation that is slower than the first speed.4. The wiper-washer control device of claim 2 , wherein:the control unit controls the wiper motor and the washer pump such that a fourth process of spraying the washer fluid on the wiping surface and performing the wiping operation at a third speed that is faster than at least one of the first speed or the second speed, is performed following after the third process.5. The wiper- ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Window Assembly

Номер: US20200001829A1
Автор: Sitterlet Charles
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Limited

A window assembly includes a polymeric interlayer provided between an inner pane of glass and an outer pane of glass. The inner pane and outer pane each have a first major surface and a second major surface. The second major surface of the outer pane and the first major surface of the inner pane face each other. The window assembly also includes a connector assembly. The connector assembly has a wire assembly. The wire assembly has a terminal connector. The terminal connector has a width and a height. The width is greater than the height. The terminal connector is attached to a busbar provided on the second major surface of either the inner pane or the outer pane. A potting layer is provided over the terminal connector. The potting layer separates the terminal connector from an electrically conductive portion of a vehicle adjacent thereto. 1. A method of forming a window assembly , comprising:providing a terminal connector which has a width and a height, wherein the width is greater than the height;providing a wire assembly comprising a conductive wire with an unsheathed portion;connecting the terminal connector to the unsheathed portion of the conductive wire;providing an inner pane of glass laminated to an outer pane of glass by a polymeric interlayer, the inner pane and outer pane each have a first major surface and a second major surface, wherein the second major surface of the outer pane and the first major surface of the inner pane face each other;attaching the terminal connector to a busbar provided on the second major surface of either the inner pane or the outer pane; andapplying a potting layer over the terminal connector to electrically insulate the terminal connector.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the terminal connector is mechanically connected to the unsheathed portion of the conductive wire.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the terminal connector is crimped to the unsheathed portion of the conductive wire.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Aluminum nitride film, method of manufacturing aluminum nitride film, and high withstand voltage component

Номер: US20190002281A1

An aluminum nitride film includes a polycrystalline aluminum nitride. A withstand voltage of the aluminum nitride film is 100 kV/mm or more.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle window glass and method for manufacturing vehicle window glass

Номер: US20190002338A1
Принадлежит: Central Glass Co Ltd

A vehicle window glass 1 of the present invention is provided with: a glass plate 11; a color ceramic layer 12, which is formed on the surface of the glass plate 11, and has a thickness more than 10 μm but equal to or less than 25 μm; and an electrically conductive layer 13, which is formed on the surface of the color ceramic layer 12, and has silver as a main component. The electrically conductive layer 13 and a terminal electrically connected to the electrically conductive layer 13 are connected to each other using a lead-free solder 14. In the vehicle window glass 1 of the present invention, since the thickness of the color ceramic layer 12 is more than 10 μm, the glass plate 1 is not susceptible to cracks.

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Intraoral scanner with defogging element

Номер: US20220015618A1
Автор: Nir Makmel
Принадлежит: Align Technology Inc

An intraoral scanner comprises an optical element for transmission of optical signals and a primary housing that houses the optical element, the primary housing comprising a head configured for insertion into a patient oral cavity, the head of the primary housing defining an aperture for transmission of the optical signals, wherein the primary housing comprises a longitudinal axis, and wherein a vector normal to a plane defined by the aperture is at a right angle or an acute angle to the longitudinal axis. The intraoral scanner further comprises a defogging element coupled to the primary housing, the defogging element comprising a transparent substrate aligned with the aperture, at least one side of the transparent substrate facing an external environment, and a transparent conductive layer on a surface of the transparent substrate, wherein responsive to application of electrical power to the transparent conductive layer, the transparent conductive layer generates heat.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Method for producing a heating system on a 3D plastic window such as a 3D car window of plastic

Номер: US20170006666A1

According to an example aspect of the invention, there is provided a method for producing a heating system on a 3D plastic window such as a car window of plastic, comprising an electric heat conductor structure consisting of at least two bus bars (principal heat conductors) and a grid line pattern with a plurality of grid lines (branch heat conductors), comprising a step, in which the two bus bars are respectively screen-printed onto the 3D plastic window, preferably on the edges of the latter, by means of at least one displaceable squeegee with screen-printing ink in the form of a first electrically conductive paste, preferably a first silver paste, a step, in which the grid line pattern is applied onto the 3D plastic window such that it respectively overlaps the two bus bars with at least one second electrically conductive paste, preferably a second silver paste, which has a greater electrical resistance than the first electrically conductive paste, and a final step, in which the two bus bars and the grid lines overlapping these bus bars are at the respective overlapping points electrically connected into the electric heat conductor structure by means of electrical connectors.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009360A1

A method of improving optical characteristics of an optical window operating in a flow of fluid and having first and second panes of optically transmissive material—each having an edge adjacent to, parallel with, and at least partially coextensive with each other—is described herein. The method includes inserting a thermally conductive blade between two adjacent edges of the first and second panes of optically transmissive material; and lifting an adverse flow stagnation zone forward of the optical window by protruding the thermally conductive blade into the flow of fluid from an outer surface of the panes of the optical window. 1. An optical window for use in a fluid flow , the window comprising:a first pane of optically transmissive material;a second pane of optically transmissive material having an edge adjacent to, parallel with, and at least partially coextensive with a corresponding edge of the first pane; anda blade made of thermally conductive material positioned between the adjacent edges of the first and second panes;wherein the blade extends beyond a surface of the panes into the flow.2. The optical window of claim 1 ,wherein the panes are angled with respect to each other forming a convex side exposed to the flow, andwherein the blade extends from the convex side of the panes.3. The optical window of claim 1 , wherein the blade has a head that extends along the adjacent edges defining a height of the blade claim 1 , and a body extending from the head toward the pane edges defining a depth of the blade.4. The optical window of claim 3 , wherein the head is spaced from the surface of the panes protruding into the flow and the body extends between the adjacent edges of the panes.5. The optical window of claim 3 , wherein the body of the blade is thinner than the head in a direction perpendicular to the depth and the height.6. The optical window of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the blade is moveable with respect to the panes and spacing between a ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030671A1

The invention relates to an exterior panel assembly for a vehicle, the assembly comprising a sheet having side edges, a first and second surface opposite of each other, and comprising a thermoplastic material, wherein the sheet is transparent to electromagnetic radiation in at least one of the ranges for radio waves, infrared radiation, visible light and ultraviolet radiation; a heating device comprising an infrared emitter for emitting infrared rays towards the sheet; and a housing structure for accommodating the heating device, wherein the housing structure opens up towards the sheet with an opening, and wherein the sheet extends over the opening of the housing structure. The inventor further relates to a vehicle comprising such an exterior panel assembly. 1. Exterior panel assembly for a vehicle , the assembly comprising:a safety device;a sheet having side edges, a first and second surface opposite of each other, and comprising a thermoplastic material, wherein the sheet is translucent to electromagnetic radiation in at least one of the ranges for radio waves, infrared radiation, visible light and ultraviolet radiation, equal to or lower than 50% when the sheet thickness is 1 mm,', 'equal to or lower than 30% when the sheet thickness is 2 mm,', 'equal to or lower than 20% when the sheet thickness is 3 mm, or', 'equal to or lower than 10% when the sheet thickness is 4 mm;, 'the sheet has a specific wavelength band (A) within the near infrared band 800 nm to 2000 nm and excluding the wavelength band use by the safety device, in which the transmission isa heating device comprising an infrared emitter configured to emit infrared rays towards the sheet with wavelength(s) within the specific wavelength band (A) of the thermoplastic material; anda housing structure for accommodating the heating device, wherein the housing structure opens up towards the sheet with an opening, and wherein the sheet extends over the opening of the housing structure.2. Assembly according to ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013215A1

A plastic window includes a plastic window body, a conductive portion, a first bus bar, and a second bus bar. The window body is formed in a plate shape and has a first surface and a second surface on both sides thereof. The conductive portion and the first bus bar are made of a conductive material and disposed on the second surface of the window body. The first bus bar is electrically connected to the conductive portion. The second bus bar is made of a conductive metal strip and disposed to be electrically connected to the first bus bar. The second bus bar has a main body, first fixing portions, and second fixing portions. The first fixing portions fix the main body to the second surface. The second fixing portions extend from the main body along the second surface and are attached to the first bus bar. 1. A plastic window comprising:a plastic window body formed in a plate shape and having a first surface and a second surface on both sides of the window body;a conductive portion made of a conductive material and disposed on the second surface of the window body;a first bus bar made of a conductive material and disposed on the second surface of the window body to be electrically connected to the conductive portion; anda second bus bar made of a conductive metal strip and disposed to be electrically connected to the first bus bar, whereinthe second bus bar has a main body, a plurality of first fixing portions, and a plurality of second fixing portions,the first fixing portions fix the main body to the second surface, andthe second fixing portions extend from the main body along the second surface and are attached to the first bus bar for electrical connection to the first bus bar.2. The plastic window according to claim 1 , wherein the main body includes a conductive buffer portion to absorb a difference in expansion and contraction between the window body and the second bus bar due to a change of temperature.3. The plastic window according to claim 2 , wherein the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Windowpane System and Vehicle Incorporating Same

Номер: US20170013679A1
Автор: Tomar Ashutosh

A windowpane system () comprising: a windowpane (); and at least one primary light source (); each primary light source () being arranged so that light () from the primary light source () passes into the windowpane () through a first surface of the windowpane (), the light () then travelling within the windowpane until it has undergone total internal reflection from one or more second surfaces of the windowpane a plurality of times, wherein at least some of the light from the primary light source is absorbed by the windowpane as the light from the primary light source passes through the windowpane. 1. A windowpane system , comprising:a windowpane; andat least one primary light source;the at least one primary light source being arranged so that light therefrom passes into the windowpane through a first surface of the windowpane, the light then travelling within the windowpane until it has undergone total internal reflection from one or more surfaces of the windowpane a plurality of times,wherein at least some of the light from the at least one primary light source is absorbed by the windowpane,wherein the at least one primary light source comprises a scanning light source.2. The windowpane system of claim 1 , wherein the windowpane is heated by absorption of photons by the windowpane.3. The windowpane system of claim 1 , wherein a material of the windowpane provides a predefined absorption rate for photons of a frequency produced by the at least one primary light source.4. The windowpane system of claim 1 , further the comprising at least one secondary light source claim 1 , the at least one secondary light source being arranged so that light therefrom passes into the windowpane through a second surface of the windowpane and travels claim 1 , within the windowpane until it has undergone total internal reflection from one or more surfaces of the windowpane a plurality of times claim 1 ,wherein at least some of the light from the at least one secondary light source is ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032876A1

Provided is a heater control device including a camera sensor configured to capture an image of an outside of a vehicle through an image capturing transparent region of a window glass, a camera heater configured to heat the image capturing transparent region, and a glass heater configured to heat a specific region being a stop position region of a wiper blade. The heater control device executes heating control of energizing the glass heater to heat the specific region during a period from an operation start time of an operation switch to an operation end time of the operation switch at the earliest. The heater control device executes deicing control of energizing the camera heater in order to deice the image capturing transparent region when a deicing execution condition, which is satisfied during a period from the operation start time to the operation end time at the earliest, is satisfied. 1. A heater control device , comprising:a camera sensor configured to capture an image of an outside of a vehicle from an inside of the vehicle through an image capturing transparent region being a partial region of a window glass of the vehicle, to thereby generate image data;a camera heater configured to generate heat by being energized, and to heat the image capturing transparent region with the generated heat;a glass heater configured to generate heat by being energized, and to heat a specific region with the generated heat, the specific region being a partial region of one of the window glass and another window glass different from the window glass and corresponding to a position of a wiper blade at a time when the wiper blade has finished a wiping operation for wiping one of the window glass and the another window glass; anda control unit configured to execute driving assist control, which is control for the vehicle to assist in driving by a driver of the vehicle based on the image data, and to control the energization to the camera heater and the energization to the glass ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014359A1

The present invention relates to a heating device comprising: a base substrate; an electrically conductive layer, referred to as the heating layer, carried by the substrate, formed from at least one percolating network of nano-objects comprising metal nanowires; and a thermal diffusion layer made from aluminum nitride, covering all or part of the heating layer. The invention also concerns a method for preparing such a heating device. 1. A heating device comprising:a base substrate;an electrically conducting layer, referred to as heating layer, carried by the substrate, formed of at least a percolating network of nano-objects comprising metal nanowires; anda thermal diffusion layer based on aluminum nitride, covering all or part of the heating layer.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , in which the heating layer exhibits a transmittance claim 1 , over the whole of the visible spectrum claim 1 , of greater than or equal to 50%.3. The device as claimed in claim 1 , in which the heating layer exhibits a sheet resistance of less than or equal to 500 ohm/square.4. The device as claimed in claim 1 , in which the metal nanowires represent at least 40% by weight claim 1 , of the total weight of the nano-objects of said heating layer.5. The device as claimed in claim 1 , in which the metal nanowires are chosen from silver claim 1 , gold and/or copper nanowires.6. The device as claimed in claim 1 , in which the heating layer comprises claim 1 , besides the metal nanowires claim 1 , carbon nanotubes and/or graphene claim 1 , or their derivatives.7. The device as claimed in claim 1 , in which the percolating network of nano-objects of the heating layer exhibits a density of nano-objects of between 100 μg/mand 500 mg/m.8. The device as claimed in claim 1 , in which the heating layer is provided in the form of a single layer formed of a percolating network of nano-objects.9. The device as claimed in claim 1 , in which the heating layer exhibits a multilayer percolating network ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Connection arrangement for an electrically conductive contact and a method for producing such a connection arrangement

Номер: US20180014361A1
Автор: Schoen Michael
Принадлежит: Richard Fritz Holding GmbH

The invention relates to a connection arrangement for an electrically conductive contact between at least one electrical conductor () provided on a screen (), in particular for a motor vehicle, and an electrical coupling element (), wherein at least one contact point () between the coupling element () and the electrical conductor () is provided on a coupling point () for the at least one electrical conductor () and wherein the electrical coupling element () and the electrical conductor () are connected to each other by means of an electrically conductive compound (), and wherein the at least one contact point () of the coupling point () is at least partially surrounded by a casting compound (), and a method for producing such a connection arrangement (). 1. Connection arrangement for an electrically conductive contact between at least one electrical conductor provided on a screen , and an electrical coupling element , wherein at least one contact point between the coupling element and the electrical conductor is provided on a coupling point for the at least one electrical conductor and wherein the electrical coupling element and the electrical conductor are connected to each other by means of an electrically conductive compound , and wherein the at least one contact point of the coupling point is at least partially surrounded by a casting compound.2. Connection arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one contact point is completely encased by the casting compound and the casting compound surrounding the at least one contact point touches the screen.3. Connection arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the casting compound is formed from an adhesive or resin and forms an additional adhesive connection between the at least one coupling element and the screen.4. Connection arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the casting compound is applied directly onto the screen.5. Connection arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein a primer or an adhesion ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Aircraft Window with Variable Power Density Heater Film

Номер: US20200015358A1

A transparency includes a substrate having a first surface, an opposing second surface, and a peripheral edge extending therebetween. The transparency also includes a conductive coating covering a portion of the first surface. The conductive coating includes a first region having a first power density and a second region having a second power density different from the first power density. 1. A transparency comprising:a substrate comprising a first surface, an opposing second surface, and a peripheral edge extending therebetween; anda conductive coating covering a portion of the first surface,wherein the conductive coating comprises a first region having a first power density and a second region having a second power density different from the first power density.2. The transparency of claim 1 , wherein the first region heats to a first temperature when an electric current is applied to the coating claim 1 , and the second region heats to a second temperature claim 1 , greater than the first temperature claim 1 , when the current is applied to the film.3. The transparency of claim 1 , wherein the first region of the conductive coating has a first thickness claim 1 , and the second region of the conductive coating has a second thickness claim 1 , which is less than the first thickness.4. The transparency of claim 1 , wherein the first region comprises a central portion of the coating claim 1 , and the second region comprises a peripheral portion of the coating extending along a portion of the peripheral edge of the substrate.5. The transparency of claim 1 , wherein the first region comprises a central portion of the coating covering a viewing portion of the substrate claim 1 , and the second region comprises a peripheral portion of the coating enclosing the central portion of the coating.6. The transparency of claim 1 , wherein the conductive coating comprises a gradient coating claim 1 , positioned such that power density of the conductive coating increases ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Self-regulating conductive heater and method of making

Номер: US20160021705A1

A heater comprising: a heater layer including: (a) a thermoplastic elastomer; and (b) a plurality of conductive fillers mixed within the thermoplastic elastomer, wherein the conductive fillers are a metal coated material or entirely made of metal; and wherein the heater layer is made up of about 30 percent or less conductive fillers.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170019955A1

A transparent pane having an electrically heatable coating and at least one coating-free zone that can be used, for example, as communication window, is presented. The electrically heatable coating is connected to two collecting electrodes, such that a supply voltage applied to the electrodes generates a heating current that flows via a heating field formed between the collecting electrodes, the heating field containing the coating-free zone whose zone-edge is formed, at least in sections, by the heatable coating. Other implementation details include provision of two electrical supply lines electrically connecting the two collecting electrodes to separate subdivisions of an additional electrode. In one case, the electrical supply lines run, at least in sections, in the heating field, in the coating-free zone, in a coating-free edge strip, in a subregion of the coating outside the heating field, and/or in the zone-edge. Methods for producing the transparent pane are also presented. 115-. (canceled)16. A transparent pane comprising: wherein at least one collecting electrode of the at least two collecting electrodes is electrically connected via at least two electrical supply lines to at least one additional electrode,', i) the heating field,', 'ii) at least one subregion of the electrically conductive coating outside the heating field,', 'iii) at least one zone of a coating-free edge strip defined by at least one zone of a coating edge,', 'iv) the zone edge of at least one second coating-free zone formed by the electrically conductive coating', 'v) at least one zone of the coating-free edge strip associated with the at least one first coating-free zone or with the at least one second coating-free zone,', 'vi) the at least one first coating-free zone, and', 'vii) at least one lateral zone edge of the at least one first coating-free zone,, 'wherein at least one electrical supply line of the at least two electrical supply lines runs, at least in sections, in one or more ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Electrical Connecting Portion for a Device with a Heating Function

Номер: US20220039208A1
Автор: Hung Jui-Hung

An electrical connecting portion for a device with a heating function is a portion of a heating unit of the device. The electrical connecting portion includes a substrate, two copper layers, and two electrically conductive coating layers. The substrate is made of a light-transmittable material and includes a front face and a rear face. Each of the two copper layers includes at least one first through-hole extending in a front-rear direction. Each of the two electrically conductive coating layers substantially covers a respective one of the two copper layers and is coupled to the front face of the substrate. Each of the two electrically conductive coating layers substantially fills the at least one first through-hole of the respective one of the two copper layers. The two electrically conductive coating layers have an insulating spacing therebetween. Thus, the electrical connecting portion prevents hot melting and provides better electrical connection reliability. 1. An electrical connecting portion for a device with a heating function , comprising:a substrate made of a light-transmittable material and including a front face and a rear face;two copper layers, wherein each of the two copper layers includes at least one first through-hole extending in a front-rear direction; andtwo electrically conductive coating layers, wherein each of the two electrically conductive coating layers substantially covers a respective one of the two copper layers and is coupled to the front face of the substrate, and wherein each of the two electrically conductive coating layers substantially fills the at least one first through-hole of the respective one of the two copper layers.2. The electrical connecting portion for the device with the heating function as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising two glue layers claim 1 , wherein each of the two glue layers is disposed between the respective one of the two copper layers and a respective one of the two electrically conductive coating ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039215A1
Автор: TONDU Thomas

An anti-icing glazing or portion thereof, is entirely located, in the fitted position, on one side of the plane of symmetry of the body of an airborne, water-borne or terrestrial vehicle, wherein the heating power is differentiated over the whole of the surface thereof, so as to apply the maximum power to the portion of the surface where the heat loss is maximum. 1. An anti-icing glazing or portion thereof , entirely located , in a fitted position , on one side of a plane of symmetry of the a of an airborne , water-borne or terrestrial vehicle , wherein a heating power is differentiated over the whole of a surface thereof , so as to apply a maximum power to the portion of the surface where a heat loss is maximum.2. The anti-icing glazing or portion thereof as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said portion of the surface where the heat loss is maximum is a bottom portion of the glazing which is subjected to greater collection of water than the rest of the glazing.3. The anti-icing glazing or portion thereof as claimed in claim 1 , an envelope of which is defined by a quadrilateral ABCD claim 1 , AB being a tangent to a middle of an upper post of the glazing or the portion thereof claim 1 , BC a tangent to a middle of a rear post thereof claim 1 , CD a tangent to a middle of a lower post thereof and DA a tangent to a middle of a front post thereof claim 1 , optionally included in the plane of symmetry of the body of the vehicle claim 1 , E and G being the middles of the segments DA claim 1 , respectively BC claim 1 , F being any point on the segment EG claim 1 , wherein a mean specific heating powers are 7 claim 1 , respectively 4 claim 1 , respectively 4 claim 1 , each to within ±1 kW/m claim 1 , in the surface areas delimited by the points CDEF claim 1 , respectively ABGE claim 1 , respectively CFG.4. The anti-icing glazing or portion thereof as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a differentiated heating power is obtained by a deposition of a transparent electrically ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Transparent heating element, heating element with cover, sensor device, and mobile object

Номер: US20220039216A1

A transparent heating element is disposed to face a sensor. The transparent heating element has a pair of bus bars spaced apart from each other in a first direction, and a plurality of coupling conductors coupling the pair of bus bars. The coupling conductors are arranged in a second direction not parallel to the first direction. The coupling conductor is folded back at least twice in the first direction.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023606A1
Автор: Krebs Peter

A rear-view mirror arrangement for a motor vehicle, having a mirror assembly held on a carrier plate. The mirror assembly includes a liquid-crystal cell to view following traffic, and which has a variable reflectance controllable via a control device. The mirror assembly has a transparent plate arranged on a front side thereof and a rear-side reflective coating adjacent to and pointing toward the carrier plate. The rear-view mirror arrangement is automatically dimmable and heatable, and includes an optical liquid-crystal cell to produce a permanently clear optical image for the vehicle occupant as a user. In order to provide a heatable effect, an areal heating element is arranged on the carrier plate to generate thermal radiation, and a housing gap is disposed between the carrier plate and the mirror assembly such that the thermal radiation is to transmitted to a radiation-absorbing coating arranged on a reflective coating of the mirror assembly. 14-. (canceled)5. A rear-view mirror arrangement for a motor vehicle , comprising:a carrier plate;a mirror assembly including a liquid-crystal cell, a transparent layer arranged on a front side thereof, a rear-side reflective layer, and a radiation-absorbing coating on the rear-side reflective layer;a housing gap between the carrier plate and the mirror assembly; andan areal heating element to generate thermal radiation which is transmitted through the housing gap to the radiation-absorbing coating, thereby heating the mirror assembly.6. The rear-view mirror arrangement of claim 5 , wherein the carrier plate comprises a carrier base plate and a carrier plate rim.7. The rear-view mirror arrangement of claim 6 , wherein the carrier base plate has bearing points to support the mirror assembly in a spaced apart arrangement with respect to the carrier base plate.8. The rear-view mirror arrangement of claim 6 , further comprising:a second housing gap between the carrier plate rim and the mirror assembly; anda seal which ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022318A1

The present invention relates to a windshield monitoring system. The windshield monitoring system comprises; a windshield () and an emitter () arranged to emit a sound pulse to induce a surface acoustic wave (SAW) to a surface of the windshield (). The windshield monitoring system also comprises a sensor () arranged to receive the surface acoustic wave from the windshield () and a detection module () arranged to detect the presence of surface contamination () by attenuation in intensity of the received wave compared to an expected wave. 1. A windshield monitoring system , comprising:an emitter configured to emit a sound pulse to induce a surface acoustic wave (SAW) on a surface of a windshield;a sensor configured to receive the SAW from the windshield;a waveguide to spread the surface acoustic wave across the windshield from the emitter to the sensor; anda detection module configured to detect the presence of surface contamination by intensity attenuation of the received wave compared to an expected wave.2. (canceled)3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the waveguide comprises a source reflector and a sink reflector claim 1 , wherein the source reflector is configured to direct the SAW away from the emitter and progressively reflect the SAW claim 1 , along the length thereof claim 1 , across the windshield to the sink reflector claim 1 , wherein the sink reflector is configured to reflect any received waveform to the sensor claim 1 , and wherein the source and sink reflectors are formed as substantially parallel elongate strips along opposing edges of the windshield.4. The system of claim 3 , further comprising a locating module configured to locate a position of the contamination by the time of attenuation on the received SAW.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the reflectors comprise surface etchings on the surface of the windshield.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the emitter and sensor are provided on a same side of the windshield.7. The system of claim 1 , ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022222A1

The present disclosure generally relates to a system for heating a bulk medium includes two or more electrodes spaced apart from one another and coupled to the bulk medium; and a power control system coupled to the electrodes, the power control system configured to heat the bulk medium by shaping a density of the current along a current path between the electrodes, thereby, producing an effective resistance along the current path in the bulk medium that is greater than the resistance of the bulk medium to a DC current, in which the power control system shapes the density of the current within a depth of the bulk medium by tuning a skin-depth of the current, and in which the power control system shapes the density of the current in a direction across the current path by tuning a proximity effect of the current. 1. A system for heating a bulk medium comprising:two or more electrodes spaced apart from one another and coupled to the bulk medium; anda power control system coupled to the electrodes, the power control system configured to heat the bulk medium by shaping a density of current along a current path between the electrodes, thereby, producing an effective resistance along the current path in the bulk medium that is greater than the resistance of the bulk medium to a DC current,wherein the power control system shapes the density of the current within a depth of the bulk medium by tuning a skin-depth of the current, andwherein the power control system shapes the density of the current in a direction across the current path by tuning a proximity effect of the current.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the bulk medium is a portion of an aircraft.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the bulk medium is one or more of a portion of an aircraft wing claim 1 , a portion of an aircraft empennage claim 1 , or a portion of an aircraft fuselage.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the two or more electrodes are a first set of two or more electrodes claim 1 , and wherein the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023718A1
Принадлежит: AGC Inc.

A window glass for vehicle includes a glass plate having a transmissive region transmitting visible light, and a light shielding film shielding visible light; a dielectric having a first surface and a second surface; a planar conductor arranged between the glass plate and the first surface of the dielectric; positive and negative electrodes connected to the planar conductor; one or more feeding electrodes and one or more grounding electrodes arranged on the second surface of the dielectric. The planar conductor generates heat by an electric voltage applied between the positive and negative electrodes. The feeding electrodes and the grounding electrodes are arranged to face the planar conductor via the dielectric so that the planar conductor receives at least electromagnetic waves of a VHF band. The positive electrode, the negative electrode, the feeding electrodes and the grounding electrodes are arranged to overlap with the light shielding film in a planar view. 1. A window glass for vehicle comprising:a glass plate having a transmissive region that transmits visible light, and a light shielding film that shields visible light arranged around the transmissive region;a dielectric having a first surface that faces the glass plate, and a second surface opposite to the first surface;a planar conductor arranged between the glass plate and the first surface of the dielectric;a positive electrode connected to the planar conductor;a negative electrode connected to the planar conductor;one or more feeding electrodes arranged on the second surface of the dielectric; andone or more grounding electrodes arranged on the second surface of the dielectric,wherein the planar conductor generates heat by an electric voltage applied between the positive electrode and the negative electrode,wherein the feeding electrodes and the grounding electrodes are arranged to face the planar conductor via the dielectric so that the planar conductor receives at least electromagnetic waves of a VHF ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220046760A1

A heater control device includes a camera sensor configured to capture an image of an outside of a vehicle through an image capturing transparent region of a window glass, and a camera heater configured to heat the image capturing transparent region. The heater control device is configured to: apply, to a correlation which is set in advance between an outside temperature, a vehicle speed, and energization electric power, and a temperature of the image capturing transparent region corresponding to the outside temperature, the vehicle speed, and the energization electric power, the outside temperature at a current time, the vehicle speed at the current time, and a target temperature equal to or higher than a dew-point temperature, to thereby determine defogging electric power so that the temperature of the image capturing transparent region is prevented from falling below the dew-point temperature. 1. A heater control device , comprising:a camera sensor configured to capture an image of an outside of a vehicle from an inside of the vehicle through an image capturing transparent region being a partial region of a window glass of the vehicle;a camera heater configured to generate heat by being energized, and to heat the image capturing transparent region with the generated heat; anda control unit configured to control the energization to the camera heater, estimate a dew-point temperature based on an inside temperature being a temperature inside the vehicle and an inside humidity being a humidity inside the vehicle;', 'apply, to a correlation which is set in advance between an outside temperature being a temperature outside the vehicle, a vehicle speed being a speed of the vehicle, and energization electric power for energizing the camera heater, and a temperature of the image capturing transparent region corresponding to the outside temperature, the vehicle speed, and the energization electric power, the outside temperature at a current time, the vehicle speed at the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029563A1

The present invention relates to a windshield monitoring system, comprising; a windshield () for a vehicle (); a plurality of light emitters () forming an array, each emitter () arranged to direct a beam of light into an edge of the windshield () at an angle of incidence arranged to subject the beam of light to total internal reflection at a windshield to air interface to propagate the beam of light across the windshield to an opposing edge thereof, and the angle of incidence being arranged to refract the light beam away from the windshield at a windshield to contaminant interface; the system comprising a light detector arranged to detect that light from the beam of light has been refracted away from the windshield; and wherein the emitters () are separated substantially across a length of the windshield (). 1. A windshield monitoring system , comprisingat least one array of light emitters, each light in the at least one array arranged to direct a beam of light into an edge of a vehicle windshield at an angle of incidence arranged to subject the beam of light to total internal reflection at a windshield to air interface to propagate the beam of light across the windshield to an opposing edge thereof, the angle of incidence being arranged to refract the light beam away from the windshield at a windshield to contaminant interface; anda light detector arranged to detect that light from the beam of light has been refracted away from the windshield;wherein the light emitters are separated substantially across a length of the windshield.25-. (canceled)6. The system of claim 1 , wherein each light emitter comprises a pulsar to pulsate the light beam according to a predefined pattern.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein each light beam is pulsated claim 6 , strobed or shuttered at a unique predefined pattern or is phase shifted relative to other light pulse patterns.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one array substantially spans along a side edge of the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Laminated substrate

Номер: US20210029784A1
Автор: Jason Eite
Принадлежит: Diamond Coatings Ltd

The present invention provides a laminated substrate for use as an anti-fogging insert for an eye shield, more particularly for use as a heated anti-fogging insert for a visor or goggles.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031116A1

A window heater for a vehicular camera or the like provides for a first heating element surrounding the field-of-view of the camera and a second heater element winding through the field-of-view of the camera to optimize heat delivery to the windshield without obstructing the camera's field-of-view. 1. A vehicular sensor heater comprising:a flexible substrate having a periphery and a central area surrounded by the periphery, the periphery sized to circumscribe a field-of-view of a vehicular imaging sensor through a window when the flexible substrate is attached to the window;a first and second terminal supported on the flexible substrate;a first resistive coating supported at to the periphery of the flexible substrate;a first electrode material communicating with the fist resistive coating to provide an electrical path between the first and second terminals through the resistive coating; anda second resistive coating different from the first resistive coating supported by the central area of the flexible substrate to provide an electrical path between the first and second terminals through the second resistive coating.2. The vehicular sensor heater of wherein the first resistive coating is a positive temperature coefficient resistant material.3. The vehicular sensor heater of wherein the first resistive material is formed in a ring around the field-of-view and the first electrode material provides a first conductor communicating between the first terminal and a radially outer edge of the first resistive material and a second conductor communicating between the second terminal and the radially inner edge of the first resistive material.4. The vehicular sensor heater of wherein the first and second conductors provide radially-extending interdigitated conductive fingers.5. The vehicular sensor heater of wherein the second resistive coating is a linear temperature coefficient resistance material.6. The vehicular sensor heater of wherein the second resistive coating ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140117003A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present specification relates to a heating element in which a heating value for each region is controlled or a heating element in which the heating value for each region is controlled and which is inconspicuous, and a method for manufacturing the same. 1. A heating element comprising:a substrate;a conductive heating pattern provided on the substrate; andtwo bus bars provided so as to apply voltage to both ends of the conductive heating pattern, respectively,wherein the conductive heating pattern comprises a pattern in which the conductive heating pattern comprises a pattern in which the number of lines is controlled in at least some regions in a pattern comprising lines connecting vertices constituting a border of a closed figure having at least three vertices, according to a distance from the bus bar or along a longitudinal direction of the bus bar.2. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein the closed figure comprises one or two or more of a closed figure having three vertices claim 1 , a close figure having four vertices claim 1 , a closed figure having five vertices claim 1 , a closed figure having six vertices claim 1 , a closed figure having seven vertices claim 1 , and a closed figure having eight vertices.3. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein the closed figure is composed of a closed figure having four vertices.4. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein the closed figure is composed of a closed figure having six vertices.5. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein the closed figure is a figure in which at least one of a polygon having at least three vertices claim 1 , a position of a vertex of a polygon having at least three vertices claim 1 , and a curvature degree of lines thereof is modified.6. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein the closed figure is a figure in which a position of each vertex of a polygon is changed in a specific unit region claim 1 , a figure in which a line of a polygon is modified in a form where the vertices are ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Heating device for camera module and camera module having same

Номер: US20190033690A1
Автор: Hyun Ho CHOI
Принадлежит: LG Innotek Co Ltd

A heating device for a camera module comprises: a resistance heating film formed on a lens through which external light is introduced for generating heat by electric current; a power applying member for supplying the electric current to the resistance heating film; and a connecting member for electrically connecting the resistance heating film and the power applying member in close contact with each other.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039390A1

A defroster and a vehicle are provided. The defroster includes: a housing defining an air outlet; a heating device disposed in the housing; an air blower defining a blowing outlet and disposed in the housing; and an air duct defining a duct inlet and a duct outlet, the air duct being disposed between the blowing outlet and the heating device so that air blown out from the blower outlet enters the air duct via the duct inlet and goes out of the air duct via the duct outlet, then passes through the heating device to exchange heat with the heating device, and is discharged out of the housing via the air outlet, wherein an area of the duct inlet is different from that of the duct outlet. 1. A defroster for a vehicle , comprising:a housing including an air outlet;a heating device disposed in the housing;an air blower disposed in the housing and including a blowing outlet; andan air duct including a duct inlet at one end thereof and a duct outlet at the other end thereof, the air duct being disposed between the blowing outlet and the heating device so that air blown out from the blower outlet enters the air duct via the duct inlet and exist the air duct via the duct outlet, then passes through the heating device to exchange heat with the heating device, and is discharged out of the housing via the air outlet, wherein an area of the duct inlet of the air duct is different from that of the duct outlet of the air duct.2. The defroster of claim 1 , wherein the air blower has one blowing outlet formed at a center of a surface of the air blower claim 1 , and the area of the duct outlet is larger than that of the duct inlet.3. The defroster of claim 1 , wherein the air blower has three or more blowing outlets formed at a periphery of a surface of the air blower claim 1 , and the area of the duct outlet is smaller than that of the duct inlet.4. The defroster of claim 1 , wherein the air blower has two blowing outlets formed at left and right sides of a surface of the air blower ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036646A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

A plate for an electro-thermal window includes a heatable transparent conductive film, and bus bars that feed power to the transparent conductive film. The bus bars include a left bus bar connected to a left side edge and a right bus bar connected to a right side edge of the transparent conductive film. The transparent conductive film is divided into regions by a slit continuously or discontinuously formed from the left bus bar to the right bus bar. The regions include first and second regions. A distance between the left bus bar and the right bus bar of the first region is shorter than a distance between the left bus bar and the right bus bar of the second region. A width of the first region in a direction orthogonal to the slit is shorter than a width of the second region in the direction. 1. A plate for an electro-thermal window comprising:a transparent conductive film that can be heated; anda plurality of bus bars that feed power to the transparent conductive film;wherein the plurality of bus bars include a left bus bar connected to a left side edge part of the transparent conductive film and a right bus bar connected to a right side edge part of the transparent conductive film,wherein the transparent conductive film is divided into a plurality of regions by a slit that is continuously or discontinuously formed from the left bus bar to the right bus bar,wherein the plurality of regions include a first region and a second region,wherein a distance between the left bus bar and the right bus bar of the first region is shorter than a distance between the left bus bar and the right bus bar of the second region, andwherein a width of the first region in a direction orthogonal to the slit is shorter than a width of the second region in the direction orthogonal to the slit.2. The plate for an electro-thermal window as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the transparent conductive film is divided into three or more regions by a plurality of the slits.3. The plate for an electro ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053112A1
Автор: Lu Yuesheng

A vehicular camera includes a camera housing, a lens assembly having a lens barrel and a lens disposed in the lens barrel, an imager printed circuit board (PCB) disposed in the camera housing, and an induction heating device having an inductive coil that at least partially circumscribes a portion of the lens assembly. The inductive coil is disposed at the imager PCB and is electrically connected to circuitry of the imager PCB. The camera housing includes an electrical connector that is configured to electrically connect with an electrical connector of a vehicle. With the vehicular camera disposed at the vehicle, the heating device is operable to generate a magnetic field that induces electrical current in the portion of the lens assembly to generate heat at the portion of the lens assembly to heat at least part of the lens. 1. A vehicular camera comprising:a camera housing;a lens assembly comprising a lens barrel and a lens having optic elements disposed in the lens barrel;an imager printed circuit board (imager PCB), the imager PCB having a first side and a second side separated from the first side by a thickness of the imager PCB, wherein an imager is disposed at the first side of the imager PCB;wherein the imager PCB is at least partially housed by the camera housing;wherein the lens assembly is at least partially housed by the camera housing;an induction heating device comprising an inductive coil that at least partially circumscribes at least a portion of the lens assembly;wherein the camera housing includes an electrical connector that is configured to electrically connect with an electrical connector of a vehicle when the vehicular camera is disposed at the vehicle to electrically connect electronic circuitry of the vehicular camera to a power source of the vehicle; andwherein, with the vehicular camera disposed at the vehicle and with the electrical connector electrically connected with the electrical connector of the vehicle, the induction heating device, ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037401A1

A planar heating structure is disclosed. The planar heating structure includes a glass substrate layer, a nanometallic transparent conductive layer, and a first passivation layer. The nanometallic transparent conductive layer is disposed on the glass substrate layer and receives a voltage to generate heat energy. The first passivation layer is disposed on the nanometallic transparent conductive layer and completely covers the nanometallic transparent conductive layer. 1. A planar heating structure , comprising:a glass substrate layer;a nanometallic transparent conductive layer having a plurality of metal nanowires disposed on the glass substrate layer and receiving electrical energy to convert the electrical energy into heat energy, wherein more than 92% of the metal nanowires have a length greater than 5 μm;a first passivation layer disposed on the nanometallic transparent conductive layer and completely covering the nanometallic transparent conductive layer, wherein a thermal conductivity of the first passivation layer is lower than that of the glass substrate layer so that most of the heat energy converted from the electrical energy is discharged from the glass substrate layer in a conductive manner or a radiating manner; andtwo electrodes located on two opposite sides of the planar heating structure having a shortest relative distance, a voltage being applied between the two electrodes,wherein, when the voltage is substantially 40 volts and when per square centimeter of a surface the planar heating structure consumes a power of 0.07 W, the planar heating structure has a temperature rise of 12° C.±1° C. within 2 minutes.2. The planar heating structure of claim 1 , wherein an aspect ratio of the metal nanowires is between 10 and 100.3. The planar heating structure of claim 1 , wherein a threshold surface loading level of the nanometallic transparent conductive layer is between 0.05 μg/cmand 10 μg/cm.4. The planar heating structure of claim 1 , wherein the planar ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Film Heater

Номер: US20210037614A1
Автор: Tatsuya Otsuka
Принадлежит: Toppan Infomedia Co Ltd

Provided is a film heater which is easy to manufacture and is capable of being easily adhesively attached to an adherend even having an uneven shape, without impairing aesthetic quality of the adherend. In the film heater, a conductive pattern composed of a conductive wire is provided on one surface of a support sheet composed of a transparent thermoplastic resin sheet, wherein the conductive pattern is configured such that a connection terminal section, a lead wire extending from the connection terminal section and a heater section continuing from the lead wire are provided as a continuous linear pattern composed of a single conductive wire.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210037616A1
Автор: MEYERS Michel

A method to retrofit a transparent window which does not comprise an electric heating device, such as a vehicle windshield, with a transparent window having an electric heating device. The method includes (i) removing from the vehicle the transparent window which does not comprise an electric heating device, (ii) installing a transparent window, provided with an electric heating device, such as a heating layer, and at least one temperature sensor, to obtain a retrofitted heating transparent window, (iii) connecting the electric heating device to a voltage supply device such that by applying a heating voltage to the transparent window, and (iv) connecting a remote control device with the at least one temperature sensor and the voltage supply device. 1. A method to retrofit a transparent window which does not comprise an electric heating device with a transparent window having an electric heating device the method comprising:a. removing from the vehicle the transparent window which does not comprise an electric heating deviceb. installing a transparent window, provided with an electric heating device in particular a heating layer, and at least one temperature sensor, to obtain a retrofitted heating transparent window,c. connecting the electric heating device to a voltage supply device and applying a heating voltage to the transparent window and,d. connecting a remote control device with the at least one temperature sensor and the voltage supply device.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the electric heating device is used for de-icing and/or defogging the retrofitted transparent window.3. A method for de-icing and/or defogging a transparent window retrofitted in accordance with the method of comprising:a. measuring a window temperature before an initial application of a heating voltage, wherein the method is terminated if the window temperature exceeds a lower temperature threshold value and wherein the heating voltage and a heating period are selected such ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170041987A1

A pane with an illuminated switch surface and a heating function is described. The pane includes a transparent substrate and a heating zone that is connected to at least two busbars intended for connecting to a voltage source, such that a current path for a heating current is formed between the busbars. The pane also includes an electrically conductive structure that forms a switch surface, and that can be connected to a sensor electronics assembly. Marking of the switch surface is provided by illumination means. 116.-. (canceled)17. A pane with an illuminated switch surface and a heating function , the pane comprising:a transparent substrate;a heating zone connected to at least two busbars, provided for connection to a voltage source, so as to form a current path for a heating current between the at least two busbars;an electrically conductive structure that forms a switch surface and that is adapted for connection to a sensor electronics assembly; andan illumination means configured to mark the switch surface.18. The pane according to claim 17 , wherein the substrate is bonded via at least one intermediate layer to a cover pane.19. The pane according to claim 18 , wherein the intermediate layer comprises one or more of: a) polyvinyl butyral (PVB) and b) ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA).20. The pane according to claim 17 , wherein the heating zone comprises a transparent and electrically conductive layer.21. The pane according to claim 20 , wherein the electrically conductive structure and the heating zone are electrically isolated from the transparent and electrically conductive layer by at least one dividing line.22. The pane according to claim 17 , wherein the heating zone comprises one of: a) at least one heating wire claim 17 , and b) at least one printed heating structure claim 17 , made of an electrically conductive material.23. The pane according to claim 17 , wherein the electrically conductive structure comprises at least one linearly shaped electrically ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042072A1

A number of variations may include a method that may include providing a glass substrate that may include a first surface and a second surface; disposing a ceramic frit that may include at least one bus bar and at least one grid line on the first surface to form a window assembly; bathing the window assembly in a first bath solution; and drying the window assembly. 1. A product comprising:{'sub': '(s)', 'a window assembly comprising a glass substrate and a silver ceramic frit comprising AgCldisposed on the glass substrate.'}2. A product comprising:{'sub': 18', '35', '2, 'a window assembly comprising a glass substrate and a silver ceramic frit comprising AgCHOdisposed on the glass.'}3. A method comprising:providing a glass substrate comprising a first surface and a second surface;disposing a ceramic frit comprising at least one bus bar and at least one grid line on the first surface to form a window assembly;bathing the window assembly in a first bath solution; anddrying the window assembly.4. A method as set forth in wherein the ceramic frit comprises silver.5. A method as set forth in wherein the first bath solution comprises nitric acid.6. A method as set forth in wherein bathing the window assembly in a first bath solution comprises bathing the window assembly in 3 Molar nitric acid for about ten minutes.7. A method as set forth in wherein bathing the window assembly in a first bath solution comprises bathing the window assembly in 8 Molar nitric acid for about ten minutes.8. A method as set forth in wherein the first bath solution comprises sodium hypochlorite.9. A method as set forth in wherein bathing the window assembly in a first bath solution comprises bathing the window assembly in a 5% sodium hypochlorite solution for 30 minutes.10. A method as set forth in wherein bathing the window assembly in a first bath solution comprises bathing the window assembly in a 5% sodium hypochlorite solution for 60 minutes.11. A method as set forth in further comprising ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Heated Light Enclosure Having an Adaptable Heating System

Номер: US20160046262A1
Автор: Van Straten George A.

A heated light enclosure having an adaptable heating system is provided with a controlled heating system to deliver enough heat to a lens on a lamp assembly to remove snow, frost, and/or condensation without overheating the lens. By heating the lens using a combination of one or more of PTC heaters, heat sinks and heat pipes, accumulation of snow, ice, or vapor is mitigated or eliminated from a surface of the lens, thereby enabling light to transmit through the lens. Applications include lamps and bulbs on conveyance devices, including vehicles, boats, planes, and trains, as well as sedentary structures, such as lamp posts, street lights, railroad crossing markers and lights, and airport ground and runway lighting systems. 1. A vehicle heated light assembly , comprising:an enclosure provided by a housing and a lens;a light emitting diode lamp provided in the enclosure configured to emit light through the lens;a positive temperature coefficient heater provided within the enclosure;a thermal heat sink provided in the enclosure and physically affixed in thermally conductive relation with the positive temperature coefficient heater;power circuitry having a source voltage coupled with the positive temperature coefficient heater and voltage regulating circuitry coupled with the source voltage and configured to provide a reduced voltage to the light emitting diode lamp; anda power supply connection coupled with the power circuitry to provide the source voltage.2. The heated light assembly of claim 1 , further comprising at least one elongate claim 1 , thermally conductive heat pipe affixed in thermally conductive relation with the thermal heat sink and carried in the housing proximate the lens to impart conductive and convective heat delivery to the lens.3. The heated light assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heat sink has a tubular cross-sectional profile.4. The heated light assembly of claim 3 , the heat sink comprises a pair of symmetric wing portions.5. The heated light ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043862A1

A method for producing a heatable luminaire cover is described. The heatable luminaire cover has: a polymeric main body, a first busbar, a second busbar and at least two conductor tracks on the inside of the polymeric main body. 1. A method for producing a heatable luminaire cover , comprising:preparing a polymeric main body;fixing a plurality of conductor tracks on an inner side of the polymeric main body by ultrasonically embedding at least one section of each conductor track of the plurality of conductor tracks into the surface of the polymeric main body at a depth that is from 50% to 90% of their thickness; and 'wherein the plurality of conductor tracks is arranged between the first busbar and the polymeric main body and between the second busbar and the polymeric main body.', 'electrically connecting each conductor track of the plurality of conductor tracks to a first busbar and a second busbar, independently from other conductor tracks of the plurality of conductor tracks,'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a protective coating is applied on an outer side of the polymeric main body.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the polymeric main body is prepared by injection molding or by thermoforming. The present application is a continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/361,695 filed on May 29, 2014, which is the US national stage of International Patent Application PCT/EP2012/074796 filed on Dec. 7, 2012 which, in turn, claims priority to European Patent Application EP 11194447.6 filed on Dec. 20, 2011, all of which is incorporated in their entirety by reference.The invention relates to a heatable luminaire cover, a method for its production, and its use.The effectiveness of motor vehicle lighting can be impaired at low ambient temperatures, in particular in the winter. Snow, ice, or condensed atmospheric moisture can accumulate on the outer side of the cover of the motor vehicle luminaire. Atmospheric moisture can also ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048706A1

A system for heating electro-optic media comprises an electro-optic device comprising: a first substrate having first and second surfaces; a second substrate having third and fourth surfaces; a chamber defined between the opposed third surface of the second substrate and the second surface of the first substrate; electro-optic medium in chamber; a first electrode associated with second surface of first substrate; and a second electrode associated with third surface of second substrate; and a circuit in communication with first and second electrodes, comprising: a first EMF source capable of producing a first voltage; a second EMF source capable of producing a second voltage different from the first voltage; a plurality of switches configured to control the application of first and second voltages to the first and second electrodes; and a controller configured to control the switches, the first EMF source, and the second EMF source. 1. A system for heating electro-optic media comprising: a first substrate having a first surface and a second surface;', 'a second substrate having a third surface and a fourth surface;', 'a chamber defined between opposed second surface of first substrate and third surface of second substrate;', 'an electro-optic medium disposed within the chamber;', 'a first thin film electrode associated with the second surface of the first substrate; and', 'a second thin film electrode associated with the third surface of the second substrate; and, 'an electro-optic (EO) device comprising a first EMF source capable of producing a first voltage;', 'a second EMF source capable of producing a second voltage different from the first voltage;', 'a first busbar electrode associated with the first thin film electrode;', 'a second busbar electrode associated with the first thin film electrode;', 'a third busbar electrode associated with the second thin film electrode;', 'a fourth busbar electrode associated with the second thin film electrode;', 'a plurality ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180048079A1

A pane having an electrical connection element, said pane having: a substrate; an electrically conductive structure in a region of the substrate; and a connection element in a region of the electrically conductive structure, the connection element containing at least a chromium-containing steel. The connection element has a region which is crimped about a connecting cable and connected to the electrically conductive structure by means of a solder. 1. A pane , comprising:a substrate,on a region of the substrate, an electrically conductive structure,on a region of the electrically conductive structure, an electrical connection element that comprises at least a chromium-containing steel,wherein the electrical connection element comprises at least 66.5 wt.-% to 89.5 wt.-% iron, 10.5 wt.-% to 20 wt.-% chromium, 0 wt.-% to 1 wt.-% carbon, 0 wt.-% to 5 wt.-% nickel, 0 wt.-% to 2 wt.-% manganese, 0 wt.-% to 2.5 wt.-% molybdenum, 0 wt.-% to 2 wt.-% niobium, and 0 wt.-% to 1 wt.-% titanium,{'sup': −6', '−6, 'wherein a coefficient of thermal expansion of the connection element is from 9×10/° C. to 13×10/° C. in a temperature range from 0° C. to 300° C.,'}{'sup': '−6', 'wherein a difference between a coefficient of thermal expansion of the substrate and a coefficient of thermal expansion of the electrical connection element is less than 5×10/° C.,'}wherein the electrical connection element has a region crimped around a connection cable wherein a lead-free solder material is disposed between the crimped region and the electrically conductive structure so that the crimped region of the electrical connection element is directly connected to the electrically conductive structure via the lead-free solder material, andwherein the connection cable includes a wire conductor.2. The pane according to claim 1 , wherein a material thickness of the electrical connection element is from 0.1 mm to 2 mm.3. The pane according to claim 2 , wherein the material thickness of the connection element ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200045780A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Limited

A window assembly includes a first pane of glass and a first terminal connector in mechanical communication with the first pane of glass. The first terminal connector has a first base portion which includes a first surface. The first surface is separated from the first pane of glass by solder. The first surface includes a center portion. The center portion includes a curved portion which is nearer the major surface of the first pane of glass than a remaining portion of the center portion. The solder separating the curved portion from the major surface of the first pane of glass is of a thickness which is less than a thickness of the solder separating the remaining portion of the center portion. 117.-. (canceled)18. A window assembly , comprising a first pane of glass; a first terminal connector in mechanical communication with the first pane of glass , the first terminal connector having a first base portion that comprises a first surface which faces a major surface of the first pane of glass , the first surface being separated from the major surface of the first pane of glass by solder and comprising a center portion provided between a first edge portion and a second edge portion , the center portion being nearer the major surface of the first pane of glass than the first edge portion and the second edge portion and , wherein the center portion comprises a curved portion which is nearer the major surface of the first pane of glass than a remaining portion of the center portion , wherein the solder separating the curved portion from the major surface of the first pane of glass is of a thickness which is less than a thickness of the solder separating the remaining portion of the center portion from the major surface of the first pane of glass.19. The window assembly of claim 18 , wherein the first edge portion and the second edge portion are each provided in an oblique relationship with the major surface of the first pane of glass.20. The window assembly of claim 18 ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150052814A1

A slider window assembly for a vehicle includes a frame portion having an upper rail and a lower rail, at least one fixed window panel that is fixed relative to the frame portion, and a movable window panel that is movable along the upper and lower rails. The movable window panel is movable between a closed position and an opened position. The movable window panel may include a panel portion and a carrier element integrally formed with the panel portion, with the carrier portion slidably received in the lower rail and movable along the lower rail as the movable window panel is moved between its closed and opened positions. The window assembly may include conductive heater grids that are electrically powered without use of jumper wires that electrically connect between heater grids of the fixed window panel at opposite sides of the movable window panel. 1. A slider window assembly for a vehicle , said slider window assembly comprising:a frame portion having an upper rail and a lower rail;at least one fixed window panel that is fixed relative to said frame portion;a movable window panel that is movable along said upper and lower rails, wherein said movable window panel is movable between a closed position and an opened position; andwherein said movable window panel includes a panel portion and a carrier element integrally formed with said panel portion, wherein said carrier portion is slidably received in said lower rail and is movable along said lower rail as said movable window panel is moved between its closed and opened positions.2. The slider window assembly of claim 1 , wherein said movable window panel comprises a polycarbonate material.3. The slider window assembly of claim 1 , wherein said at least one fixed window panel is integrally formed with said frame portion.4. The slider window assembly of claim 3 , wherein said at least one fixed window panel comprises a polycarbonate material.5. The slider window assembly of claim 3 , wherein a panel portion of said ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160052366A1

A windshield defogging system and method are provided. The system includes a heated windshield with an electrical heating element, an air circulation system with a blower to provide a stream of air over a surface of the windshield and a controller configured to select a duty cycle for the heating element based upon air circulation system operating parameters and environmental conditions such as ambient temperature. 1. A windshield defogging system for a vehicle , comprising:a windshield including an electrical heating element;an air circulation system including a blower to provide a stream of air over a surface of said windshield; anda controller configured to select a duty cycle for said electrical heating element from predetermined data based upon air circulation system operating parameters and environmental conditions.2. The defogging system of claim 1 , wherein said controller is also configured to calculate a fogging probability value and said duty cycle is selected by said controller based upon air circulation system operating parameters claim 1 , said fogging probability value and ambient temperature.3. The defogging system of claim 2 , wherein said air circulation system operating parameters are selected from a group consisting of operating mode claim 2 , blower speed claim 2 , air stream temperature claim 2 , air stream humidity and combinations thereof.4. The defogging system of claim 2 , wherein said controller comprises a computing device including a main processor claim 2 , a memory claim 2 , a network interface and a communications bus.5. The defogging system of claim 2 , wherein said circulation system includes an air conditioning circuit claim 2 , including an evaporator claim 2 , a condenser and a compressor for cooling and dehumidifying the air stream claim 2 , and a heater core for heating said air stream.6. The defogging system of claim 5 , further including at least one sensor selected from a group consisting of an outside ambient temperature ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053376A1
Автор: WEISSBORN Klaus

A method for producing a silver coating on a glass pane, wherein the silver coating includes at least one busbar and/or at least one solder contact surface, wherein the method includes printing the silver coating onto the glass pane by screen printing with a printing pattern having printing and non-printing regions and baking the printed silver coating, wherein the printing region of the printing pattern for the busbar and/or the printing region of the printing pattern for the solder contact surface is provided at least partially with a dot matrix or a line matrix. 1. A method for producing a silver coating on a glass pane , wherein the silver coating includes at least one busbar and/or at least one solder contact surface , wherein the method comprises printing the silver coating onto the glass pane by screen printing with a printing pattern having printing and non-printing regions and baking the printed silver coating , wherein the printing region of the printing pattern for the busbar and/or the printing region of the printing pattern for the solder contact surface is provided at least partially with a dot matrix or a line matrix.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the silver coating includes at least one busbar and a plurality of heating conductors and claim 1 , optionally claim 1 , at least one solder contact surface for an alarm loop and/or an antenna.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the busbar has a maximum width in the range from 9 to 30 mm.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a height of the printed busbar and/or of the printed solder contact surface before baking at the locations that are printed with the printing region of the printing pattern provided with the dot matrix or the line matrix is in the range from 25 to 100 μm.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the dots of the dot matrix have a diameter in the range from 0.14 mm to 0.22 mm claim 1 , and/or wherein the lines of the line matrix have a width in the range ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Mitigation of lens condensation using heat

Номер: US20210055578A1
Принадлежит: Lineage Logistics LLC

Systems, methods, devices, and other techniques for heating a lens to mitigate fogging. The methods can include identifying a temperature of the lens, identifying an ambient temperature of an environment of the lens, determining whether the lens is susceptible to fogging based at least on the temperature of the lens and the ambient temperature of the environment of the lens, and in response to determining that the lens is susceptible to fogging, causing a heating element to apply heat to the lens to mitigate fogging of the lens.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200053837A1

The present invention is to provide a prevention method and a prevention system for preventing dew condensation and light scattering due to the dew condensation. According to one embodiment of the present invention, a fine liquid droplet capable of causing dew condensation is detected by a detection means for detecting a fine liquid droplet, and then the fine liquid droplet is removed on the basis of the detection. The detection means comprises a first thin wire made of a first metal, and a second thin wire made of a second metal or a semiconductor, the second metal is different from the first metal, the first thin wire and the second thin wire are dispose d in juxtaposition with each other on an insulating substrate, and a spacing between the first thin wire and the second thin wire is in a range of 20 nm or more and 10000 nm or less. Further, provided is a prevention system including a detection means for detecting a fine liquid droplet, a removing means for removing the fine liquid droplet, and a control means for controlling the removing means on the basis of information from the detection means. 1. A method for preventing dew condensation comprisingdetecting a fine liquid droplet capable of causing dew condensation, andremoving the fine liquid droplet on the basis of the detection, whereina detection means for detecting the fine liquid droplet comprisesa first thin wire made of a first metal, anda second thin wire made of a second metal or a semiconductor, the second metal being different from the first metal,wherein the first thin wire and the second thin wire are disposed in juxtaposition with each other on an insulating substrate, andwherein a spacing between the first thin wire and the second thin wire is in a range of 20 nm or more and 10000 nm or less.2. The method for preventing dew condensation according to claim 1 , wherein the detection means comprises a plurality of at least one selected from the group consisting of the first thin wire and the second ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056941A1

A method of defogging an inner surface of a vehicle windshield glass. The method includes a first process of defogging by changing a heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system from a heating mode to a cooling mode when fogging occurs on the inner surface of the vehicle windshield glass; once the inner surface of the vehicle windshield glass is changed to a defogging state by the first process, a second process of pre-defogging by turning off a compressor of the HVAC system for a predetermined period of time under a prescribed condition to prevent flash fogging; and after the second process, when the predetermined period of time elapses, a third process of turning on the compressor to return from the cooling mode to the heating mode. 1. A method of defogging an inner surface of a vehicle windshield glass , the method comprising:a first process of defogging by changing a heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system from a heating mode to a cooling mode when fogging occurs on the inner surface of the vehicle windshield glass;once the inner surface of the vehicle windshield glass is changed to a defogging state by the first process, a second process of pre-defogging by turning off a compressor of the HVAC system for a predetermined period of time under a prescribed condition to prevent flash fogging; andafter the second process, when the predetermined period of time elapses, a third process of turning on the compressor to return from the cooling mode to the heating mode.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first process and the second process are preformed even when a target temperature for the heating mode is not reached.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined period of time is set as a time when water condensed on a surface of an indoor heat exchanger included in the HVAC system claim 1 , which serves as an evaporator of the HVAC system for the defogging in the first process claim 1 , is allowed to air dry.4. The method of ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056942A1
Автор: Oikawa Yoshitaka

A window glass heating device for a vehicle is provided with: a window heater; a window heater control unit that controls operation of the window heater based on an operation on an operation switch; a camera heater; and a camera heater control unit that controls supply of power to the camera heater to defog the camera-imaging window area. The camera heater control unit is configured to acquire window heater operation information which is operation information on operation of the window heater and to limit supply of power to the camera heater when it is estimated that the camera heater is potentially overheated by heat applied from the window heater to the camera heater based on the window heater operation information. 1. A window glass heating device for a vehicle , comprising:a window heater configured to heat a whole area of window glass of the vehicle to defog the window glass;a window heater control unit configured to control the window heater based on an operation on an operation switch;a camera heater that is an electric heater which heats a camera-imaging window area which is a part of the window glass included in an imaging area of a camera that images a vehicle exterior from a vehicle interior via the window glass; anda camera heater control unit configured to control supply of power to the camera heater to defog the camera-imaging window area,wherein the camera heater control unit is configured to acquire window heater operation information which is operation information on operation of the window heater and to limit supply of power to the camera heater when it is estimated that the camera heater is potentially overheated by heat applied from the window heater to the camera heater based on the window heater operation information.2. The window glass heating device according to claim 1 , wherein the window heater is a deicer that includes an electric heating wire disposed on the whole area of the window glass and that defogs the window glass by heat ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061227A1

A wavetrap includes a housing having a base including a base plate. The housing has a wire channel, an inductor pocket and a terminal pocket. The housing has a capacitor pocket that receives a capacitor. The wavetrap includes a defroster wire having a wire end received in the wire channel. The defroster wire extends from the housing for connection to a vehicle defroster circuit. The wavetrap includes an inductor supported by the base plate. The inductor is received in the inductor pocket. The inductor has a coil extending between a first end and a second end. The first end is coupled to the wire end of the defroster wire. The wavetrap includes a ground terminal supported by the base plate. The ground terminal is received in the terminal pocket. The ground terminal is electrically connected to a ground circuit. 1. A wavetrap comprising:a housing having a base including a base plate, the housing having a wire channel, the housing having an inductor pocket, the housing having a terminal pocket, the housing having a capacitor pocket configured to receive a capacitor;a defroster wire having a wire end received in the wire channel, the defroster wire configured to extend from the housing for connection to a vehicle defroster circuit;an inductor supported by the base plate, the inductor received in the inductor pocket, the inductor having a coil extending between a first end and a second end, the first end being coupled to the wire end of the defroster wire; anda ground terminal supported by the base plate, the ground terminal received in the terminal pocket, the ground terminal being electrically connected to a ground circuit.2. The wavetrap of claim 1 , wherein the first end of the inductor extends into the wire channel for termination to the wire end of the defroster wire.3. The wavetrap of claim 1 , wherein the second end of the coil of the inductor is terminated to the ground terminal.4. The wavetrap of claim 1 , wherein the ground terminal is electrically connected ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056643A1
Автор: CHANG Cheng-Chung

An IP Camera includes a heat-generating element, a lens holder, a lens assembly and a heat-conducting element. The lens assembly includes a lens, a front portion and a rear portion opposite to the front portion. The front portion surrounds the lens. The lens assembly is disposed on the lens holder with the rear portion. The heat-conducting element has a thermal conductivity greater than 5 W/mK. The heat-conducting element is in contact with the heat-generating element, and a portion of the heat-conducting element surrounds the front portion. 1. An IP Camera comprising:a heat-generating element;a lens holder;a lens assembly comprising a lens, a front portion and a rear portion opposite to the front portion, the front portion surrounding the lens, the lens assembly disposed on the lens holder with the rear portion; anda heat-conducting element with a thermal conductivity greater than 5 W/mK, the heat-conducting element being in contact with the heat-generating element, a portion of the heat-conducting element surrounding the front portion.2. The IP Camera according to claim 1 , wherein the heat-conducting element comprises at least one heat-dissipating fin arranged around the lens assembly.3. The IP Camera according to claim 1 , wherein a rated power of the heat-generating element is greater than 0.5 Watt.4. The IP Camera according to claim 1 , wherein an annular gap is formed between the heat-conducting element and the front portion claim 1 , and the annular gap has a width less than 5 millimeters.5. The IP Camera according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal conductivity of the heat-conducting element is greater than 50 W/mK.6. The IP Camera according to claim 1 , wherein the heat-generating element comprises a circuit element and a thermal pad with one side in contact with the circuit element and the other side in contact with the heat-conducting element.7. The IP Camera according to claim 1 , wherein the heat-conducting element is not in contact with the front ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140138370A1

A panel heating element is described. The panel heating element has at least one substrate with a substrate surface, and an electrical heating layer for heating the substrate, which heating layer extends at least over a part of the substrate surface and is connected to at least two electrodes provided for connection to a voltage source such that a current path for a heating current is formed between the electrodes. The heating layer is electrically divided by separating zones each having at least one free zone end. The current path changes its direction of flow at the free zone ends. A transition zone adjoins the zone end of each separating zone. 1. A panel heating element , comprising:at least one substrate with a substrate surface,an electrical heating layer made from an electrically conductive material for heating the substrate, wherein the electrical heating layer extends at least over a part of the substrate surface and is connected to at least two electrodes provided for connection to a voltage source such that a current path for a heating current is formed between the electrodes,one or more separating zones, which electrically divide the electrical heating layer, wherein the one or more separating zones have in each case at least one free zone end and are implemented such that the current path changes its direction of flow on the zone ends, and wherein, in each case, a transition zone, which is implemented such that an electrical conductivity of the electrical heating layer decreases toward the free zone end, adjoins the zone end of each separating zone.2. The panel heating element according to claim 1 , wherein the transition zone has a length that corresponds to at least half of a width of the current path measured perpendicular to its length.3. The panel heating element according to claim 1 , wherein in the transition zone claim 1 , a layer thickness of the electrical heating layer decreases toward the at least one free zone end.4. The panel heating ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Transparent heating film

Номер: US20220078890A1
Принадлежит: Young Fast Optoelectronics Co Ltd

A transparent heating film includes: a base layer, being a transparent film with a dielectric property; a resistance layer, being a transparent conductive film with a surface resistivity between 60 and 150 Ω/sq, and disposed on the base layer; an electrode layer, having an electrode circuit pattern which is formed by a mesh crossed with conductive wires, a mesh density of the electrode circuit pattern being between 1 and 25 mesh/mm2, and the electrode circuit pattern electrically connecting with at least one local area of the resistance layer; and a protection layer, being a transparent film with a dielectric property, and completely covering the electrode layer and the resistance layer. The invention can completely planarly and evenly heat up to rapidly defog and locally adjust heating degree.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180062279A1

An electrical contact composite is described. The electrical contact composite has a substrate and an electrically conductive coating applied to the substrate, which coating is connected to an electrode. A metal contact element is connected to the electrode, which contact element is used to connect the conductive coating to a current/voltage source. Furthermore, at least one sprayed layer produced by means of a thermal spraying method, in particular gas dynamic cold spray, and is provided with at least one metal and/or metal alloy, the sprayed layer being arranged between the conductive coating and the contact element. The sprayed layer has a coefficient of thermal expansion that is between the coefficients of thermal expansion of the carrier and of the contact element. The sprayed layer can also be used as the electrode for the conductive coating. 1. An electrical contact composite , comprising , in order:a flat substrate with an electrically conductive coating applied thereon;an electrode that is electrically connected to the conductive coating and mechanically connected to the conductive coating by way of a printing method;a sprayed layer that is produced by a thermal spraying method onto the electrode;a solder layer; and 'wherein the sprayed layer comprises at least one metal and/or at least one metal alloy.', 'a metal contact element that is electrically connected to the electrode and mechanically connected to the sprayed layer by way of the solder layer, the metal contact element serving for electrical connection of the conductive coating to an electrical component,'}2. The contact composite according to claim 1 , wherein a coefficient of thermal expansion of the sprayed layer is in a range of a middle third of a value range for coefficients of thermal expansion bounded by coefficients of thermal expansion of the flat substrate and the contact element.3. The contact composite according to claim 2 , wherein the coefficient of thermal expansion of the sprayed ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Anisotropic exothermic sheet, intermediate film for laminated glass, and laminated glass

Номер: US20200061962A1
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd

The present invention aims to provide an anisotropic heating sheet which is capable of emitting generated heat in a specific direction to efficiently utilize its energy, and which has excellent handleability. The present invention also aims to provide an interlayer film for a laminated glass and a laminated glass each including the anisotropic heating sheet. Provided is an anisotropic heating sheet including: a laminate including an aerogel layer containing an aerogel and a heating layer, the aerogel layer having a tensile strain at break of 0.1% or higher as determined by a tensile test in conformity with JIS C 2151.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210068207A1

A vehicular rear slider window assembly includes a movable window panel that is movable along upper and lower rails of a fixed window panel. A first heater grid is disposed at a first fixed panel, a second heater grid is disposed at a second fixed panel, and a third heater grid disposed at the movable window panel. A jumper electrical connector electrically connects between the first and second fixed panels, and a flexible electrical connector electrically connects between the first or second fixed panel and the movable window panel. The first fixed panel has positive and negative terminals configured to electrically connect to at least one electrical connector of a vehicle wire harness when the vehicular rear slider window assembly is installed at a vehicle. When the positive and negative terminals are electrically powered, electrical current may flow in a single direction across the first and second heater grids. 1. A vehicular rear slider window assembly , the vehicular rear slider window assembly comprising:a first fixed window panel and a second fixed window panel spaced from the first fixed window panel, wherein the first fixed window panel is at one side of an opening through a central region of the vehicular rear slider window assembly, and wherein the second fixed window panel is at an opposite side of the opening;a frame portion comprising an upper rail and a lower rail fixedly attached at the first and second fixed window panels;a movable window panel that is movable along the upper and lower rails, wherein the movable window panel is movable between a closed position and an opened position relative to the opening, and wherein the movable window panel is disposed at the opening when in the closed position;a first heater grid disposed at a surface of the first fixed window panel, wherein the first heater grid has a first positive jumper connection and a first negative jumper connection at the first fixed window panel;a second heater grid disposed at the ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220082906A1
Автор: PARK Je Kyung
Принадлежит: LG INNOTEK CO., LTD.

The present invention relates to a camera module. A camera module according to one aspect comprises: a lens barrel in which a lens part is disposed; a substrate part including a substrate that is disposed below the lens barrel; a housing coupled to the lens barrel; and a heating member electrically connected to the substrate part, wherein the lens barrel includes a first region in which a lens is disposed and a second region disposed spaced apart from the first region, and the heating member is disposed between the first region and the second region. 1. A camera module comprising:a lens module;a housing coupled to the lens modulea substrate part disposed between the lens module and the housing; anda heating member disposed on a portion of the lens module, a base disposed on an upper surface of the housing;', 'a first lens accommodating part protruding upward from an inner surface of the base;', 'a second lens accommodating part protruding downward from a lower surface of the first lens accommodating part; and', 'a lens part disposed inside the first lens accommodating part and the second lens accommodating part,, 'wherein the lens module includeswherein the heating member is disposed outside the second lens accommodating part.2. The camera module of claim 1 , wherein the lens module includes a partition wall disposed outside the second lens accommodating part.3. The camera module of claim 2 , wherein a space is formed between the partition wall and the second lens accommodating part.4. The camera module of claim 1 , wherein the heating member is so disposed as to encompass the lens.5. The camera module of claim 1 , wherein a height of the heating member is lower than that of the second lens accommodating part.6. The camera module of claim 1 , wherein a lower surface of the second lens accommodating part is spaced apart from the substrate part.7. The camera module of claim 6 , wherein a lower surface of the second lens accommodating part is spaced apart from the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Method for electrically connecting to window heater of vehicular liftgate window assembly

Номер: US20210070241A1
Принадлежит: Magna Mirrors of America Inc

A method for providing electrical connection to a heater grid outside of a sealing area of a vehicular rear liftgate window assembly includes providing a glass window panel configured to be pivotally mounted at a vehicle and (i) establishing a heater grid at a central region of an inner surface of the glass window panel, (ii) establishing busbars at the inner surface inboard of a perimeter region and at terminal ends of the electrically conductive traces, and (iii) establishing busbar connecting portions at the inner surface that electrically connect to and extend from the respective busbars across the perimeter region to an outboard region of the inner surface of the glass window panel. The perimeter region includes a sealing region that contacts a seal at the vehicle when the glass window panel is pivotally mounted at the vehicle and when the glass window panel is in the closed position.

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140148085A1

An arrangement to reduce refreezing of meltable snow includes a wiper arm configured to wipe the meltable snow from an ambient-facing surface of a window positioned on a vehicle. The arrangement also includes a sensor coupled to the wiper arm that is configured to gather and transmit a parameter on the vehicle and environment. The arrangement also includes a processor that is configured to receiving the parameter, determining refreezability of the meltable snow based on the parameter, and defining an action to be performed by the wiper arm. 1. An arrangement to reduce refreezing of meltable snow deposited on an ambient-facing surface of a window positioned on a vehicle , the arrangement comprising:at least one wiper arm configured to wipe the meltable snow off the ambient-facing surface of the window;at least one sensor coupled to the at least one wiper arm, the at least one sensor configured to gather and transmit at least one parameter; and receiving the at least one parameter;', 'determining refreezability of the meltable snow based on the at least one parameter; and', 'defining an action to be performed by the at least one wiper arm., 'at least one processor configured to2. The arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the action defined by the at least one processor is engagement of the at least one wiper arm to wipe the meltable snow off the window.3. The arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one parameter is selected from the group comprising actual window temperature claim 1 , predicted window temperature claim 1 , recent driving history claim 1 , climate control settings of the vehicle claim 1 , window moisture sensor feedback claim 1 , vehicle external temperature claim 1 , vehicle internal temperature claim 1 , vehicle type claim 1 , vehicle internal color claim 1 , vehicle external color claim 1 , solar radiation intensity at the vehicle claim 1 , vehicle orientation claim 1 , snow precipitation type claim 1 , snow precipitation ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071841A1

A lighting assembly is presented herein. The lighting assembly includes a receptacle terminal having a connection portion defining an aperture configured to receive a corresponding plug terminal along a longitudinal axis and an attachment portion configured to attach the receptacle terminal to a wire, a terminal housing defining a first oval-shaped opening and an oval-shaped cavity in which the connection portion of the receptacle terminal is disposed, and a terminal housing cover defining a second oval-shaped opening attached to the terminal housing, thereby enclosing the connection portion. The connection portion is sized, shaped, and arranged within the cavity to be movable along a lateral axis that is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. 1. A lighting assembly , comprising:a receptacle terminal having a connection portion defining an aperture configured to receive a corresponding plug terminal along a longitudinal axis and an attachment portion configured to attach the receptacle terminal to a wire;a terminal housing defining a first oval-shaped opening and an oval-shaped cavity in which the connection portion is disposed, wherein the connection portion is sized, shaped, and arranged within the cavity to be movable along a lateral axis perpendicular to the longitudinal axis; anda terminal housing cover defining a second oval-shaped opening attached to the terminal housing, thereby enclosing the connection portion.2. The lighting assembly according to claim 1 , wherein a slot is formed between the terminal housing and the terminal housing cover through which the attachment portion extends.3. The lighting assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the connection portion is characterized as having a circular ring shape.4. The lighting assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the attachment portion is angularly offset relative to the connection portion.5. The lighting assembly according to claim 4 , wherein the attachment portion is arranged at a 45 degree angle ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180069290A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

The glass antenna of the present invention includes a first element connected to a hot-side feeding point, a second element connected to an earth-side feeding point and a coaxial cable having an inner conductor and an outer conductor that is connected to a part of a vehicle body. The glass antenna of the present can improve receiving sensitivity. 1. A glass antenna comprising:a first element that is disposed in, of a rear glass for a vehicle, a peripheral region of a defogger including a plurality of heating wires, and connected to a first feeding point, the first element capable of resonating with a frequency band to be received;a second element that is disposed in opposition to and in parallel with at least a part of the first element, and connected to a second feeding point, the second element having a length between a length obtained by multiplying ½ of a wavelength corresponding to the frequency band to be received by a wavelength shortening rate of the rear glass and a length obtained by multiplying the wavelength by the wavelength shortening rate; anda coaxial cable that includes an inner conductor connected to the first feeding point and an outer conductor connected to the second feeding point, the outer conductor being connected to a part of a body of the vehicle.2. The glass antenna according to claim 1 , wherein:the outer conductor of the coaxial cable is connected to a part of the body of the vehicle in a position corresponding to a length of at least ¼ of the wavelength from the second feeding point.3. The glass antenna according to claim 1 , wherein:the first element and the second element are disposed at a distance from each other so that the first element and the second element are capacitively coupled with each other in the frequency band to be received.4. The glass antenna according to claim 1 , wherein:the first element is disposed to be capacitively coupled with the defogger in the frequency band to be received; andthe second element is disposed ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220086320A1
Автор: Choi Hyun Ho

A heating device for a camera module comprises: a resistance heating film formed on a lens through which external light is introduced for generating heat by electric current; a power applying member for supplying the electric current to the resistance heating film; and a connecting member for electrically connecting the resistance heating film and the power applying member in close contact with each other. 1. A heating device for a camera module , comprising;a resistance heating film disposed on a first lens;a connecting member disposed on the resistance heating film; anda power applying member disposed on the connecting member,wherein the connecting member is disposed on the second heating film of the resistance heating film, andwherein the connecting member comprises a sheet member disposed at a bottom surface facing an upper surface of the power applying member facing the resistance heating film and having an elasticity closely connecting the power applying member to the resistance heating film.2. The heating device for a camera module of claim 1 , wherein the connecting member comprises an elastic member disposed at a bottom surface facing an upper surface of the power applying member facing the resistance heating film and closely connecting the power applying member to the resistance heating film.3. The heating device for a camera module of claim 2 , wherein the elastic member comprises a spring comprising any one of a leaf spring and a coil spring.4. The heating device for a camera module of claim 1 , wherein the connecting member is in direct physical contact with the resistance heating film and the power applying member claim 1 , andwherein the connecting member is disposed between, in an optical axis direction, the resistance heating film and the power applying member.5. The heating device for a camera module of claim 1 , wherein the first lens comprises an outside surface exposed to outside claim 1 , and an inner surface disposed opposite the outside ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Printed transparent heaters using embedded micro-wires

Номер: US20180070411A1
Автор: Haoyan Wei
Принадлежит: Eastman Kodak Co

A transparent heater includes a plurality of high aspect ratio micro-wires. A plurality of channels is formed into the surface of a transparent substrate within an active heater region. The channels have a width of between 4 microns and 9 microns to insure that they are invisible to the naked eye, and a depth that is at least 1.5 times the width. Spacing between the channels is preferably at least 100 μm. Micro-wires are formed by at least partially filling the channels with a conductive material. Power source connections are provided to connect to an electrical power source to supply a current through the plurality of micro-wires. An average optical transmittance of the transparent heater within the active heater region is greater than 50 percent.

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180070412A1
Автор: Cole Bruce

A heating tape for a vehicle includes a base layer, an adhesive layer, and an electrically-resistive layer. The base layer has a strap shape and has optical transparency. The adhesive layer is formed of an adhesive having optical transparency. The adhesive layer is formed on one side of the base layer and is adhesive to a window glass of the vehicle. The electrically-resistive layer is formed of an electrically-resistive material having optical transparency. The electrically-resistive layer generates heat when an electric current passes through the electrically-resistive layer. 1. A heating tape for a vehicle , the heating tape comprising:a base layer that has a strap shape, the base layer having optical transparency;an adhesive layer that is formed of an adhesive having optical transparency, the adhesive layer being formed on one side of the base layer and being adhesive to a window glass of the vehicle; andan electrically-resistive layer that is formed of an electrically-resistive material having optical transparency, whereinthe electrically-resistive layer generates heat when an electric current passes through the electrically-resistive layer.2. The heating tape according to claim 1 , whereinthe base layer includes a UV inhibitor that inhibits a ultraviolet radiation from passing therethrough.3. The heating tape according to claim 1 , whereinthe electrically-resistive layer is configured to heat to a temperature to melt ice or frost formed on the window glass but not to degrade the base layer and the adhesive layer.4. The heating tape according to claim 1 , whereinthe electrically-resistive layer is formed by cold plasma coating.5. The heating tape according to claim 1 , whereinthe adhesive layer is configured to retain the window glass when the window glass is broken.6. The heating tape according to claim 1 , whereinthe window glass includes a rear window of the vehicle, andthe heating tape is used for the rear window.7. The heating tape according to claim 1 , ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190068880A1
Автор: Boer Jonathan

Exterior camera systems of an aircraft include an image sensor configured to capture image data and one or more processors. The one or more processors are configured to determine a contrast of at least a portion of the captured image data; evaluate whether the contrast is less than a threshold contrast level; and output, in response to the contrast being less than the threshold contrast level, an initiate heating command configured to initiate heating of a camera window positioned between the image sensor and an exterior of the aircraft. 1. An exterior camera system of an aircraft comprising:an image sensor configured to capture image data; and determine a first contrast of at least a portion of the captured image data;', 'evaluate whether the first contrast is less than a threshold contrast level; and', 'output, in response to the first contrast being less than the threshold contrast level, an initiate heating command configured to initiate heating of a camera window positioned between the image sensor and an exterior of the aircraft., 'one or more processors configured to2. The exterior aircraft camera system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to output claim 1 , in response to the first contrast being greater than or equal to the threshold contrast level claim 1 , a terminate heating command configured to terminate heating of the camera window.3. The exterior aircraft camera system of claim 1 , wherein the determined contrast is a contrast along an edge of a known object within the captured image data.4. The exterior aircraft camera system of claim 4 , wherein edge-detection is used to determine and evaluate the first contrast along an edge of a known object within the captured image data.5. The exterior aircraft camera system of claim 1 , wherein the determined contrast is an average contrast of the image data.6. The exterior aircraft camera system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more processors are further configured to:determine a second ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing sheet-like heating element and sheet-like heating element manufactured by the method

Номер: US20150076137A1
Автор: Sun Il Kim
Принадлежит: Individual

According to a method for manufacturing a sheet-like heating element and a sheet-like heating element manufactured by the method of the present invention, cubics are pulverized into nanoparticles, the nanoparticle powder is mixed with carbon to become an original yarn, and the original yarn is cut to a length of between 0.2 mm and 0.8 mm and mixed into a pulp liquid to be formed into nanoparticle pulp. The sheet-like heating element forms a space where the particles can be rotated so as to allow 90% or higher far infrared radiation, and thus contributes to the health of users, entails a low defective rate since no bending occurs during the manufacturing, can be manufactured in quantity at low cost, and can be used for multiple purposes.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210073971A1
Автор: YOKOTA Tadashi

An abnormality in an imaging apparatus configured to generate an image or in an optical member located on an optical path for capturing the image can be accurately determined, irrespective of the environment. An image processing apparatus includes a first receiver configured to receive a first image, a second receiver configured to receive a second image having an imaging range that includes at least a portion of an imaging range of the first image, and a controller configured to determine an abnormality in the first image or the second image based on a common portion in the imaging ranges of the first image and the second image. 1. An image processing apparatus comprising:a first receiver configured to receive a first image;a second receiver configured to receive a second image having an imaging range that includes at least a portion of an imaging range of the first image; anda controller configured to determine an abnormality in the first image or the second image based on a common portion in the imaging ranges of the first image and the second image.2. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the first receiver is configured to receive the first image generated by capturing a subject without passing through an optical member that separates an inside and an outside, anda second receiver is configured to receive the second image generated by capturing the subject via the optical member.3. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the controller is configured to determine the abnormality using an image characteristic ratio based on a first image characteristic value indicating a characteristic of the common portion in the first image and a second image characteristic value indicating a characteristic of the common portion in the second image.4. The image processing apparatus according to claim 3 ,wherein the first image characteristic value is a first distribution width indicating a distribution width of a pixel characteristic ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140151354A1
Автор: Schauble Richard Egon

An electrical heater for vehicle windshields and windows includes a heating chamber having heat reflective interior walls and at least one electrically driven heater element so as to produce heat from the element when energized, wherein the heater circuit wiring is adapted to only be electrically connected to a conventional DC electrical system of a vehicle, and wherein the heating chamber is adapted to be mounted under the windshield vents of the vehicle to thereby direct airflow flowing over the heater elements as forced by the vehicle's heater core fan through the vehicle ducting and out from the vehicle's windshield vents. 2. The heater of claim I further comprising at least one hazardous condition detector cooperating with said heater circuit wiring to shut-off energizing of said heater element upon detection of a hazardous condition by said detector.3. The heater of wherein said hazardous condition detector is adapted to detect hazards chosen from the group comprising: overheating of said element claim 2 , overheating of the vents or ducting claim 2 , non-operative fan claim 2 , non-operative vehicle engine.4. The heater of claim I wherein said at least one heater element is an array of substantially parallel elements mounted into said heating chamber.5. The heater of wherein said at least one pair of heat reflectors includes a pair of concave opposed facing reflectors.6. The heater of wherein said at least one pair of heat reflectors includes a pair of substantially sinusoidally arcuate opposed facing reflections.7. The heater of wherein said at least one pair of heat reflectors includes a pair of substantially zig-zag opposed facing reflectors.8. The heater of wherein said heating chamber has walls which include heat reflective inner surfaces on said walls adjacent said at least one pair of heat reflectors.9. The heater of wherein said walls include oppositely disposed walls of said walls of said heating chamber claim 8 , and wherein a first pair of air ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180072139A1
Принадлежит: Kuster Holding GmbH

The invention relates to electrically switchable motor vehicle glazing, such as a side or rear window pane of a motor vehicle, wherein at least one optical property can be changed by feeding an electrical signal through a line arranged on a window-pane holder of the motor-vehicle glazing, wherein an open-loop or closed-loop control unit for feeding the electrical signal is provided in a housing, which is arranged in a stationary manner in relation to a motor-vehicle body. 1110171. An electrically switchable motor vehicle glazing () for a window of a motor vehicle adapted to change at least one optical property by feeding an electrical signal via a line () that is arranged on a window pane holder () of the vehicle glazing () , comprising:{'b': 11', '15', '15', '1, 'a control or regulation unit () for feeding the electric signal is secured on a drive housing or cable drum housing () of a vehicle window regulator () that is adapted for opening and closing the vehicle glazing ();'}{'b': 2', '12', '11', '2, 'wherein the motor vehicle has a body () and a housing () for the control or regulation unit () is mounted so as to remain substantially stationary relative to the body ().'}211221531. The electrically switchable motor vehicle glazing () according to claim 1 , wherein the housing () is mounted on sheet metal of the car body () claim 1 , or mounted on the drive housing or cable drum housing () of a vehicle window regulator () that serves for opening and closing the vehicle glazing ().3112202122252712. The electrically switchable motor vehicle glazing () according to claim 1 , wherein the housing () has an outer wall claim 1 , and at least one fastening tab ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) claim 1 , at least one holder () or at least one fastening extension () is arranged on the outer wall of the housing ().4123215324. The electrically switchable motor vehicle glazing () according to claim 3 , wherein the at least one fastening tab defines a U-shaped cutout () adapted to be ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220091483A1
Принадлежит: Aptiv Technologies Limited

An external camera for a vehicle and its method of manufacture involve providing a camera assembly comprising a lens assembly comprising a lens and a lens holder that houses at least a portion the lens assembly and defining an inner surface, forming an induction coil integrated in the inner surface of the lens holder, the induction coil being configured to generate heat energy to defrost the lens, providing a camera housing that houses the camera assembly, and housing the camera assembly within the camera housing to form the external camera. 1. An external camera for a vehicle , the camera comprising:{'claim-text': ['a lens assembly comprising a lens;', 'an induction coil configured to generate heat energy to defrost the lens; and', 'a lens holder that houses at least a portion the lens assembly and defining an inner surface that has the induction coil integrated therein; and'], '#text': 'a camera assembly comprising:'}a camera housing that houses the camera assembly.2. The camera of claim 1 , wherein the induction coil is formed in the inner surface of the lens holder via laser direct structuring (LDS).3. The camera of claim 2 , wherein the lens holder is formed of a liquid crystal polymer (LCP)4. The camera of claim 1 , wherein the lens assembly comprises a metal barrel that houses the lens and is at least partially inserted into the lens holder.5. The camera of claim 4 , wherein the camera assembly further comprises a lens holder cap that attaches to a first end of the lens holder and an ultraviolet (UV) curable adhesive arranged between the metal barrel and the lens holder cap.6. The camera of claim 5 , wherein the camera assembly further comprises an image sensor holder that attaches to a second opposing end of the lens holder and receives an image sensor.7. The camera of claim 6 , wherein the camera housing defines a first exposed portion where a portion of the lens assembly is exposed and a second exposed portion where an external electrical connection to the ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078488A1

A lighting assembly includes a circuit board substrate having first and second conductive traces, a light emitting electrical device, and a pair of electrical terminals interconnected to the light emitting electrical device by the first and second conductive traces. The pair of electrical terminals are configured to mechanically secure the lighting assembly to a pair of corresponding electrical terminals mounted on a panel. The pair of electrical terminals are further configured to electrically connect the light emitting electrical device to third and fourth conductive circuit traces disposed on a surface of the panel. 1. A lighting assembly , comprising:a circuit board substrate having first and second conductive traces;a light emitting electrical device; anda pair of electrical terminals interconnected to the light emitting electrical device by the first and second conductive traces, wherein the pair of electrical terminals are configured to mechanically secure the lighting assembly to a pair of corresponding electrical terminals mounted on a panel and further configured to electrically connect the light emitting electrical device to third and fourth conductive circuit traces disposed on a surface of the panel.2. The lighting assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the light emitting electrical device is a light emitting diode.3. The lighting assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the pair of electrical terminals are receptacle terminals each have a connection portion defining an aperture and a plurality of contact springs surrounding the aperture claim 1 , wherein the pair of corresponding electrical terminals are plug terminals attached to the third and fourth conductive circuit traces disposed on a surface of the panel claim 1 , and wherein the receptacle terminals are configured to exert a contact force on the plug terminals.4. The lighting assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising:a housing defining an opening and a cavity within, wherein the ...
