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10-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2358354C2

Светоизлучающее устройство согласно изобретению содержит светоизлучающий элемент с первым и вторым электродами и светоизлучающим слоем, находящимся между первым и вторым электродами, полевой транзистор для возбуждения светоизлучающего элемента, активный слой которого сформирован из аморфного оксида, имеющего концентрацию электронных носителей меньше чем 1018/см3. Также предложены еще два варианта светоизлучающих устройств, электрофотографическое устройство, устройство отображения с активной матрицей и изделие для отображения. Светоизлучающие устройства согласно изобретению имеют такие электрофизические характеристики, которые обеспечивают высокую контрастность в устройствах, в которых согласно изобретению могут быть использованы эти светоизлучающие устройства. 6 н. и 20 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

20-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2490832C2

Изобретение относится к органическим люминисцентным элементам. Технический результат заключается в устранении неровностей при больших площадях элемента. Приготавливают донорную пленку, включающую в себя органический донорный слой, и предназначенную для переноса подложку, включающую в себя нижний электрод. Органический донорный слой термически переносят на верх нижнего электрода предназначенной для переноса подложки с формированием органического слоя путем размещения донорной пленки между предназначенной для переноса подложкой и термоголовкой и приведения предназначенной для переноса подложки и термоголовки в тесный контакт друг с другом посредством магнитного притяжения магнитного тела, а затем формируют верхний электрод на органическом слое с получением органического электролюминесцентного элемента. Это обеспечивает органический электролюминесцентный элемент превосходного качества и не имеющий неровностей при переносе органического донорного слоя с донорной пленки, даже когда предназначенная ...

20-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2126610C1

Использование: в электронной технике, в частности для электролюминесцентных экранов, индикаторов и т.д. Сущность изобретения устройство содержит подложку из монокристалла кремния, электронный инжектирующий слой (ЭИС) из пористого кремния, сформированного из приповерхностной части подложки из монокристаллического кремния, активный электролюминесцентный слой и дырочный инжектирующий слой (ДИС), выполненный по крайней мере из одного материала, выбранного из группы, включающей полианилин, алюминий, золото и смешанный оксид индия и олова, при этом ЭИС имеет работу выхода электронов 2,5-4,0 эВ и дополнительно может быть легирован щелочными или щелочноземельными металлами, а ДИС выполнен в виде оптически прозрачного слоя. Для изготовления электролюминесцентного устройства предложен способ, включающий формирование ЭИС в виде пористого кремния путeм электрохимического травления подложки из монокристаллического кремния, нанесение активного электролюминесцентного слоя и ДИС, при этом активный электролюминесцентный ...

10-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU84613U1

... 1. Складной дисплей, включающий видеопанель с, по меньшей мере, двумя шарнирно связанными между собой корпусными элементами и средствами ввода-вывода информации, предназначенными для осуществления коммутативной связи с управляющим процессором, а также с функциональным средством для отображения видеоинформации, включающим соразмерную с видеопанелью сплошную бесшовную многослойную полимерную пленочную структуру, конструктивно-технологически организованную с возможностью реализации заданной функции отображения, которая кинематически связана с корпусными элементами, отличающийся тем, что упомянутое функциональное средство оснащено упругодеформируемой подложкой, конструктивно-технологически сформированной с возможностью восстановления своей исходной формы без искажения после ее изгиба в процессе складывания дисплея; пленочная структура функционального средства размещена и жестко закреплена на подложке с возможностью плотного сопряжения их взаимообращенных поверхностей; при этом кинематическая ...

10-12-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2050041C1

Использование: в системах подсветки, индикации, при создании объемных, плоских, штриховых и контурных изображений и световых и цветовых эффектов. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что в известном способе изготовления источников света со сложной конфигурацией излучающей области, включающем формирование электролюминесцентного слоя, размещенного на подложке, сначала формируют слой электролюминофора, затем на нем размещают либо соприкасающиеся, либо разделенные промежутки шириной порядка размера зерна электролюминофора, электропроводящие волокна, вдавливают их и наносят защитное покрытие, причем с одной стороны электроды выступают за пределы защитного покрытия на длину, необходимую для подключения источника света к источнику питания. Многоэлементный источник света формируют, нанося локальные области электролюминофора на подложку, причем электроды едины для всех излучающих областей. Процесс изготовления может быть непрерывным и включать последовательное формирование выводов, излучающей ...

20-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014131955A

... 1. Способ изготовления конформной электролюминесцентной системы, включающий следующие шаги:выбор подложки;нанесение базового пленочного слоя монтажной панели на подложку с использованием водорастворимого электропроводящего материала монтажной панели;нанесение пленочного слоя диэлектрика на пленочный слой монтажной панели с использованием диэлектрика на водной основе;нанесение на пленочный слой диэлектрика пленочного слоя люминофора на водной основе, возбуждаемого в процессе нанесения источником ультрафиолетового излучения, обеспечивающим визуализацию контрольных ориентиров для корректировки равномерности и однородности распределения люминофора поверх пленочного слоя диэлектрика; инанесение на пленочный слой люминофора пленочного слоя электрода в виде светопропускающего электропроводящего материала на водной основе,каждый из пленочных слоев - монтажной панели, диэлектрика, люминофора и электрода наносят напылением в виде конформного покрытия,характеризующийся тем, что пленочный слой люминофора ...

10-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005109926A

... 1. Экран (30, 40, 60) для паров щелочных металлов, по существу, трубчатой формы, предназначенный для улавливания паров щелочных металлов, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен с возможностью установки одним его концом (34, 44, 64) на дозаторе (10) щелочных металлов, при этом участок контакта между упомянутым концом и упомянутым дозатором выполнен из материала низкой теплопроводности, причем поперечное сечение упомянутого конца перекрывает полностью зону (14) эмиссии щелочных металлов упомянутого дозатора, а упомянутый экран имеет внутреннюю поверхность (31, 43) с высокой удельной площадью. 2. Экран по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен из материала белого цвета. 3. Экран (30) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что упомянутый участок контакта между упомянутым концом и упомянутым дозатором образован одной или более прокладками (32). 4. Экран по п.3, отличающийся тем, что упомянутые прокладки выполнены из керамического материала. 5. Экран по п.3 или 4, отличающийся тем, что упомянутые прокладки являются ...

20-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2548371C1

Изобретение относится к источникам света, в частности к электролюминесцентным панелям (ЭЛП). Технический результат - упрощение технологии изготовления и снижение трудоемкости процесса и себестоимости готовой продукции при одновременном сохранении эксплуатационных параметров. Достигается тем, что непрерывно изготовляют с рулонов многослойную люминесцентную двухсторонне излучающую структуру, состоящую из излучающего слоя, двух прозрачных пленок с двумя электропроводящими слоями и двумя токоподводящими шинами, соединяют их пропусканием через валки с последующим разрезанием на панели заданного размера, и изоляцию торцов. При этом излучающий слой формируют из полимерно-люминофорной композиции, которую предварительно наносят на электропроводящий слой прозрачной пленки на половину толщины излучающего слоя и сушат, оставляя свободными от полимерно-люминофорной композиции узкие края электропроводящих слоев, на которые укладывают токоподводящие медные шины, а соединение двух рулонов половинной толщины ...

27-03-1995 дата публикации

Способ изготовления тонкопленочного электролюминесцентного индикатора

Номер: SU1829874A1

Использование: изготовление тонкопленочных электролюминесцентных индикаторов и панелей, работающих на постоянном или переменном токе. Цель: повышение эксплуатационной надежности изделий. Сущность изобретения: диэлектрические и электролюминесцентный слои осаждают при вращении подложки в собственной плоскости, причем угол падения конденсируемого потока выбирают в диапазоне 75-85° относительно нормали к подложке . 1 ил ...

10-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005105140A

... 1. Электролюминесцентное устройство, содержащее, по меньшей мере, одну прозрачную пленочную подложку, по меньшей мере, один прозрачный электрод, по меньшей мере, один электролюминесцентный слой, по меньшей мере, один диэлектрический слой и, по меньшей мере, один противоэлектрод, отличающееся тем, что на противоэлектроде или между диэлектрическим слоем и противоэлектродом находится проводящий электродный слой, который содержит, по меньшей мере, один проводящий полимер, или противоэлектрод является проводящим электродным слоем, который содержит, по меньшей мере, один проводящий полимер. 2. Электролюминесцентное устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что, по меньшей мере, один проводящий полимер является при необходимости замещенным политиофеном, полианилином, полифениленом, поли(п-фениленвиниленом) или полипирролом. 3. Электролюминесцентное устройство по п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что, по меньшей мере, один проводящий полимер является при необходимости замещенным политиофеном, содержащим ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Anzeigevorrichtung und deren Herstellungsverfahren

Номер: DE112014007325B3

Tragbares Informationsendgerät (7200), umfassend:ein erstes flexibles Substrat (301);eine erste Klebeschicht (318a) über dem ersten flexiblen Substrat (301);eine erste organische Harzschicht (320a) über der ersten Klebeschicht (318a);ein Isolierfilm (321a) über der ersten organischen Harzschicht (320a);einen Transistor (552) über dem Isolierfilm (321a);ein EL-Element (572), das elektrisch mit dem Transistor (552) verbunden ist;eine zweite organische Harzschicht (320b) über dem EL-Element (572);eine zweite Klebeschicht (318b) über der zweiten organischen Harzschicht (320b); undein zweites flexibles Substrat (307) über der zweiten Klebeschicht (318b),wobei eine Dicke der ersten organischen Harzschicht (320a) kleiner als oder gleich 20 µm ist, undwobei mindestens ein Teil eines Anzeigeabschnitts (7202) des tragbaren Informationsendgeräts (7200) eine gekrümmte Oberfläche aufweist.

04-01-1973 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001789114B2

12-08-1982 дата публикации

Thin-film electroluminescence device and process for producing it

Номер: DE0003202399A1

Thin-film electroluminescence device having a thin-film electroluminescence layer (4) which contains a dopant or impurity forming the luminescence centres and is formed on a heat-resistant substrate (1) which supports the thin-film electroluminescence layer (4). The substrate (1) has a stress-relief temperature which is so high that it is capable of withstanding a heat treatment of the thin-film electroluminescence layer (4) in a nonoxidising atmosphere, such as a vacuum or an inert gas, up to about 600 DEG C. The substrate (1) is preferably composed of aluminoborosilicate having a stress-relief temperature of about 650 DEG C or over. ...

12-05-2010 дата публикации

Organisches Doppeltafel-Elektrolumineszenzdisplay und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung

Номер: DE0010357472B4

Organisches Elektrolumineszenzdisplay (ELD) mit: – einem ersten und einem zweiten Substrat (110, 150), auf denen mehrere Unterpixel (SP) definiert sind; – einer Arrayelementschicht (140), die auf dem ersten Substrat (110) hergestellt ist und mehrere Dünnschichttransistoren (T) aufweist, entsprechend jedem der Unterpixel (SP), wobei die Arrayelementschicht (140) eine erste und eine zweite Passivierungsschicht (124, 131) aufweist; – einer auf der zweiten Passivierungsschicht (131) der Arrayelementschicht (140) hergestellten Verbindungselektrode (132), wobei die Verbindungselektrode (132) mit einem der Dünnschichttransistoren (T) über ein Kontaktloch (130) in der zweiten Passivierungsschicht (131) verbunden ist; – einer ersten Elektrode (152), die auf einer Innenseite des zweiten Substrats (150) hergestellt ist; – einer Isolierschicht (154), die innerhalb eines Grenzbereichs in jedem der Unterpixel auf der ersten Elektrode (152) des zweiten Substrats (150) hergestellt ist und einem Elektrodenseparator ...

17-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060129659T2

04-10-2007 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen einer organischen elektrolumineszierenden Vorrichtung

Номер: DE0010152654B4

Verfahren zum Herstellen einer organischen Elektrolumineszenzvorrichtung durch Bereitstellen eines Substrats (1), Aufbringen einer Anode (2), einer organischen Schicht (4), einer Kathode (5) und einer Verkapselung unter Verwendung einer Abdeckung (7), wobei die organische Schicht (4) mindestens eine organische, lichtemittierende Schicht enthält, wobei die organische Schicht (4) und die Kathode (5) innerhalb eines Vakuumverdampfers (20) ausgebildet werden, wobei die organische Elektrolumineszenzvorrichtung nachfolgend in einen eine Xenonlampe (17) aufweisenden Behälter (11) eines Lichtbestrahlungsgerätes (10) eingesetzt wird und die Elektrolumineszenzvorrichtung vor dem Ausbilden der Verkapselung mittels der Xenonlampe (17) mit einer Bestrahlungsstärke im Bereich von 0,1 bis 1000 μW/cm2 bestrahlt wird, wobei die Bestrahlungszeit zwischen 1 Minute und 30 Minuten beträgt, und wobei nachfolgend die Verkapselung auf dem Substrat (1) der Elektrolumineszenzvorrichtung mittels der Abdeckung (7) ...

25-02-1993 дата публикации

Elektrolumineszenz- (EL) - Anzeigetafel und Verfahren zu deren Herstellung

Номер: DE0004226593A1

The invention seeks to reduce the display voltage required to drive an electroluminescence display device of a thin film lamination structure consisting of a light-emitting film (4) and insulation films (3, 5) made of an inorganic substance, by raising the dielectric constants of the insulating films by providing an inorganic insulation substance for the insulation films with a structure of columnar crystals (3a, 5a) extending in the direction of an electric field. The voltage shared by the insulation films in the display voltage is reduced, thereby raising the utilisation efficiency of the display voltage and reducing the display voltage. When forming the inorganic insulation substance into films that have a structure of columnar crystals via the sputtering process, deposition is performed with the plasmic atmospheric pressure raised higher than the limit pressure intrinsic to each type of inorganic insulation substance. ...

23-09-2004 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Strukturierung von Elektroden von organischen lichtemittierenden Elementen

Номер: DE0010236854B4

Verfahren zur Strukturierung einer Kathode (5) und/oder Anode (2) für ein OLED - Display durch Laserablation einer homogenen Kathodenschicht und/oder Anodenschicht, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Profil des Laserstrahls (6) derart verformt wird, dass es die exakte Struktur oder einen periodischen Teil (9) der Struktur der späteren strukturierten Kathode (5) oder Anode (2) aufweist.

31-10-2001 дата публикации

Deposition of soluble materials

Номер: GB0000121815D0

17-05-2000 дата публикации

Deposition of soluble materials

Номер: GB0000007086D0

03-09-2003 дата публикации

Method of producing electroluminescent element

Номер: GB0000318234D0

27-01-1999 дата публикации

Novel electroluminescent materials

Номер: GB0009826407D0

10-11-1999 дата публикации

Multi-color organic electroluminescent element and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: GB0009921232D0

07-04-1999 дата публикации

Opto-electric devices

Номер: GB0009903251D0

25-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002177540B

12-04-1995 дата публикации

Electro-luminescent indicating panel

Номер: GB0002282701A

Reduction of weak points in insulating layers that are used on electro-luminescent indicating panels, and prevention of degradation of the image quality and reduction of the service life are achieved by the use of coated films, applied with fluid materials and sintered, at least on the lower side of insulating layers that make contact with a light emitting film 40. The light emitting film 40 is divided into light emitting film cells 40r, 40g, 40b and the dimensions of the light emitting film cells are made greater than those of the intersection areas S of lower electrode films 20 and the upper electrode film 60 associated with those cells. The cells 40r, 40g, 40b emit light of different colours. ...

18-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002434244A

A dual panel type organic electroluminescent display device includes first and second substrates (210, 250) facing and spaced apart from each other, an array element layer (A) on an inner surface of the first substrate (210) and including a thin film transistor (T), a connection pattern (240) on the array element layer (A) and electrically connected to the thin film transistor (T), a first electrode (252) on an inner surface of the second substrate (250), a partition wall (256) on the first electrode (252) in a non-pixel area (NP) between adjacent pixel areas (P), an organic light-emitting layer (258) on the first electrode (252) in the pixel area (P), a second electrode (260) on the organic light-emitting layer (258) in the pixel area (P) and electrically connected to the connection pattern (240), a moisture absorption layer (262) on the partition wall (256), and a seal pattern (270) between the first and second substrates (210, 250) along a peripheral portion.

14-06-2000 дата публикации

An electroluminescent device

Номер: GB0002344691A

An electroluminescent device has at least first and second light-emitting regions (22,26). The emitter molecules in the first light-emitting region (22) are aligned substantially in a first direction and the emitter molecules in the second light-emitting region (26) are aligned substantially in a second direction, the first direction being different from the second direction. As a consequence of the alignment of the emitter molecules, the first light-emitting region (22) emits light having a first polarisation and the second light-emitting region (26) emits light having a second, different polarisation. Alternatively or in addition, the emitted light may have different wavelengths. Techniques for making the regions (22,26) are described, e.g. by aligning the emitter molecules within a fluid matrix and then fixing the matrix, and by evaporating the emitter molecules perpendicularly onto an alignment layer which itself has been evaporated obliquely onto a substrate.

14-07-1999 дата публикации

Organic light-emitting devices with improved cathode

Номер: GB0002333181A

An organic light-emitting device wherein the cathode (4, 5) comprises a first layer (5) of a conducting material and a second layer (4) of a conductive material having a work function of at most 3,7 ev and wherein the second layer is substantially thinner than the first layer, having a thickness of at most 5 mm.

09-02-2005 дата публикации

Electroluminescent displays

Номер: GB0002404775A

An electroluminescent display includes discrete areas of phosphor 43 that are shaped to match the image to be shown on the display. Electrodes 21 are similarly shaped and are energised via leads 30. The phosphor areas are surrounded by a layer of insulating material 84. The present invention aims to make deactivated phosphor areas visibly indistinguishable from the surrounding insulating layer by matching the colour of the deactivated phosphor areas and that of the insulating layer. Either one or both of the phosphor and the insulating layer are dyed, alternatively a filter 111 (see fig 9) is provided on the front surface of the display to modify the reflectivity of the display.

01-02-2006 дата публикации

Laminated interconnects for opto-electronic device modules

Номер: GB0002416621A

A method of producing an encapsulated module of interconnected opto-electronic devices such as organic photovoltaic (PV) devices or organic light emitting diode (OLED) devices is provided, which comprises: forming a patterned anode layer 104; forming a layer of opto-electronically active material 108 over the patterned anode layer 104; forming a patterned cathode layer 110 over the layer of opto-electronically active material 108, to provide a device array 100 of opto-electronically active cells on the substrate; selectively removing portions of the layer of opto-electronically active material 108 so as to expose minor portions 104a of the anodes 104; forming a patterned interconnect layer 171 on an encapsulating sheet 172 in a pattern to define an array of interconnect pads 171; and laminating the patterned encapsulating sheet 170 over the array 100 of opto-electronically active cells whereby the exposed anode portions 104a are interconnected with the cathodes 110 of adjacent cells by ...

14-03-2007 дата публикации

Organic electroluminescent device and method of fabricating the same

Номер: GB0002430070A

An organic electroluminescent device includes first and second substrates (100, 200) facing and spaced apart from each other, the first and second substrates (100, 200) including a pixel region (p); a gate line on an inner surface of the first substrate; a data line crossing the gate line; a switching thin film transistor connected with the gate line and the data line; a driving thin film transistor (TD) connected with the switching thin film transistor; a power line connected with the driving thin film transistor (TD); a first electrode (202) on an inner surface of the second substrate (200); a first sidewall and a second sidewall (206) on the first electrode (202) at a boundary of the pixel region (P), the first sidewall and the second sidewall (206) spaced apart from each other; an electroluminescent layer (208) on the first electrode (202) in the pixel region (P); a second electrode (210) on the electroluminescent layer (208) in the pixel region (P); a connection electrode (124) electrically ...

10-10-2007 дата публикации

Inkjet printing of cross point passive matrix devices

Номер: GB2436893A

Methods of manufacturing a cross-point device such as an organic ferroelectric memory array can use inkjet printing from solution in ambient conditions to deposit electrodes 200 and regions of functional material 150 such as ferroelectric material or semiconductor material between top 200 and bottom 100 electrodes at the intersections, thereby reducing the need for lithography and planarising techniques. In some embodiments, two or three sub-arrays of overlapping or interlacing crossed electrodes are formed, with areas of dielectric material (fig 4c; 160b, 160c) printed between sub-arrays of electrodes to electrically insulate the arrays from one another, so that regions of functional material which are part of adjacent cross-point arrays at least partially overlap on the same vertical level. Intersecting electrodes for each array may be at an angle to one another other than 90 degrees (see figs 9). A wetting layer may be deposited on the functional material prior to deposition of the electrodes ...

29-03-2000 дата публикации

Improved dendrimers

Номер: GB0000002936D0

08-09-2004 дата публикации

More uniform electroluminescent displays

Номер: GB0000417693D0

21-01-2004 дата публикации

Dual panel-type organic electroluminescent device and method for fabricating the same

Номер: GB0000329241D0

16-06-2004 дата публикации

Dual panel-type organic electroluminescent display device and method of fabricating the same

Номер: GB0002396245A

An organic electroluminescent display (ELD) device includes first and second substrates (110, 150) having a plurality of sub-pixels (SP) defined thereon, an array element layer (140) on the first substrate (110) having a plurality of thin film transistors corresponding to each of the sub-pixels (SP), a connecting electrode (132) on the array element layer (140) connected to one of the thin film transistors, a first electrode (152) on an inner surface of the second substrate (150), an insulating layer and an electrode separator (156) formed within a boundary region of each of the sub-pixels (SP), the insulating layer (154) formed beneath the first electrode (152) and the electrode separator (156) formed beneath the insulating layer (154), and an organic light-emitting layer (158) and a second electrode (160) formed in each of the sub-pixels (SP), wherein the electrode separator (156) includes a first region having a pattern structure for separately forming the organic light-emitting layer ...

20-04-2011 дата публикации

Printing electroluminescent illuminated media

Номер: GB0002474429A

An electroluminescent (EL) display is printed and constructed using a printing device comprising a photoreceptor drum, a corona wire, a laser writing assembly and several hopper systems to hold and apply the electroluminescent mixtures and conductive material. Printable media is used comprising two parts, a clear sheet of material coated on one side with a layer of clear conductive material, and a sheet of clear insulating material. A software program is provided to obtain printing co-ordinate information from a provided graphic, specifically for the purpose of printing an electrolumine scent representation of the graphic and to extrapolate from this data the printing positions for the connections to the EL graphic.

30-05-2001 дата публикации

Optoelectronic devices and a method for producing the same

Номер: GB0000109295D0

03-07-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002095470B
Принадлежит: SHARP KK

03-11-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009319432D0

02-01-2002 дата публикации

Electroluminescent polymer having good carrier transport balance an electroluminescent device using the same

Номер: GB0000126393D0

23-01-2002 дата публикации

Fabrication of self-assembled monolayers

Номер: GB0000129034D0

17-04-2002 дата публикации

Phosphorescent compositions and organic light emitting devices containing them

Номер: GB0000204989D0

13-12-1995 дата публикации

Electroluminescent edge connect-composite lamp/strip and method of making the same

Номер: GB0009520715D0

03-06-1998 дата публикации

Flexible substrates for organic devices

Номер: GB0009807149D0

10-11-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001252806A

23-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001572182A

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000418087T

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000418851T

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000395720T

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000368524T

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000464650T

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000430377T

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000463050T

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000527696T

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000323327T

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000342645T

15-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000231679T

15-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000250657T

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Organic el display device and method for production of the same

Номер: US20120112173A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

Disclosed herein is an organic electroluminescence display device including: a substrate; a plurality of lower electrodes formed thereon for each of a plurality of organic electroluminescence elements; a plurality of hole injecting/transporting layers capable of either hole injection or hole transportation which are formed on the lower electrodes for each of the organic electroluminescence elements; a plurality of organic light emitting layers containing a low-molecular weight material which are formed on the hole injecting/transporting layers for each of the organic electroluminescence elements; an electron injecting/transporting layer capable of either electron injection or electron transportation which is formed over the entire surface of the organic light emitting layers; and an upper electrode formed on the electron injecting/transporting layer.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Display panel apparatus and method of fabricating display panel apparatus

Номер: US20120119235A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A display panel apparatus includes a planarizing film formed on a substrate, at least one pixel including a lower electrode; an organic EL layer; and an upper electrode which are formed above the planarizing film; an auxiliary electrode electrically connected to the upper electrode which is the opposite to the lower electrode; a display section including a plurality of the pixels; an electrode plate electrically connected to the auxiliary electrode and arranged to cover the planarizing film outside the display section, and the electrode plate has a hole exposing a part of a surface of the planarizing film. Furthermore, the display panel apparatus also includes a hole injection layer which is an inorganic material layer made of an inorganic material and covering the hole.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Diffraction grating, organic el element using the same, and manufacturing methods thereof

Номер: US20120132897A1

A diffraction grating having a transparent supporting substrate; and a cured resin layer which is stacked on the transparent supporting substrate and which has concavities and convexities formed on a surface thereof, wherein when a Fourier-transformed image is obtained by performing two-dimensional fast Fourier transform processing on a concavity and convexity analysis image obtained by analyzing a shape of the concavities and convexities formed on the surface of the cured resin layer by use of an atomic force microscope, the Fourier-transformed image shows a circular or annular pattern substantially centered at an origin at which an absolute value of wavenumber is 0 μm −1 , and the circular or annular pattern is present within a region where an absolute value of wavenumber is within a range of 10 μm −1 or less.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Electro-optic device and method for manufacturing same

Номер: US20120242937A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

An electro-optic device ( 100 ) includes a conductive wiring board ( 110 ) on one surface of which a plurality of conductive wires ( 140 ) are arranged so as not to intersect with each other, and a plurality of optical elements ( 130 ) each of which is provided on the board ( 110 ), and in which an insulating base member ( 131 ), a lower electrode ( 132 ), a function layer ( 133 ), and an upper electrode ( 134 ) are sequentially formed on the board ( 110 ). In this device ( 100 ), the lower electrode ( 132 ) is electrically connected to one of the conductive wires ( 140 ); the upper electrode ( 134 ) is electrically connected to one of the conductive wires ( 140 ) which is not connected to the lower electrode ( 132 ); and each of the optical elements ( 130 ) is provided such that part of the optical element ( 130 ) overlaps with part of one or more of the conductive wires ( 140 ) in plan view.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Film Forming Method and Method for Manufacturing Film-Formation Substrate

Номер: US20130022757A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

One embodiment of the present invention is a film forming method including the steps of forming an absorption layer 12 over one surface of a first substrate 11 ; forming a layer 16 containing a high molecular compound over the absorption layer; removing an impurity in the layer containing the high molecular compound by performing a first heat treatment on the layer 16 ; forming a material layer 18 containing a first film formation material and a second film formation material over the layer 16 ; performing a second heat treatment to form a mixed layer 19 in which the material layer and the layer 16 are mixed over the absorption layer; and performing third heat treatment to form a layer 19 a containing the first film formation material and the second film formation material on a film-formation target surface of a second substrate.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Wavelength conversion structure, manufacturing method thereof, and light-emitting device comprising the wavelength conversion structure

Номер: US20130043786A1
Принадлежит: Epistar Corp

A wavelength conversion structure comprises a first phosphor layer and a second phosphor layer formed on the first phosphor layer, wherein the first phosphor layer comprises a plurality of first phosphor particles, and the second phosphor layer comprises a plurality of second phosphor particles. The average particle size of the second phosphor particles is not equal to that of the first phosphor particles.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Organic light-emitting display apparatus and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130076268A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

An organic light-emitting display apparatus includes a flexible substrate having a display region and a non-display region located at an outer region of the display region, the non-display region being folded with respect to the display region; at least one organic light-emitting diode (OLED) on the display region of the flexible substrate; and an encapsulation member encapsulating the display region.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing organic electroluminescence display device

Номер: US20130078883A1
Автор: Tomomi Hiraoka
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A method of manufacturing an organic electroluminescence (EL) display device includes: identifying a defective pixel which includes an organic EL element having a short defect from among the pixels; applying a reverse bias voltage within a predetermined range to the pixel identified as the defective pixel; applying, for a certain period, a predetermined voltage to the pixel to which the reverse bias voltage is already applied, and measuring light emission luminance or pixel current of the pixel; and performing another repair process on the pixel having a temporal change amount in the measured light emission luminance or pixel current that is greater than or equal to a threshold.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130082249A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A functional layer of an organic light-emitting element is formed by using an ink including a first solvent and a second solvent having equal or similar boiling points, and a functional material. The first solvent is such that an imitatively formed functional layer formed by replacing the second solvent with the first solvent, in a light-emitting region of an organic light-emitting element, is thicker at both end portions than at a central portion and top surfaces of the end portions are positioned higher than a top surface of the central portion. The second solvent is such that an imitatively formed functional layer formed by replacing the first solvent with the second solvent, in a light-emitting region of an organic light-emitting element, is thicker at a central portion than at both end portions and a top surface of the central portion is positioned higher than top surfaces of the end portions. 1. A method for manufacturing an organic light-emitting element , comprising:a first step of preparing an ink for forming a functional layer of the organic light-emitting element, the ink including a first solvent, a second solvent that differs from the first solvent, and a functional material that is soluble in the first solvent and the second solvent and that forms the functional layer,the first solvent being a solvent such that when the second solvent is replaced with the first solvent and then a functional layer is fowled imitatively, the imitatively formed functional layer has, in a light-emitting region of an organic light-emitting element, a shape such that the functional layer is thicker at both end portions than at a central portion and the top surfaces of the end portions are positioned higher than the top surface of the central portion,the second solvent being a solvent such that when the first solvent is replaced with the second solvent and then a functional layer is formed imitatively, the imitatively formed functional layer has, in a light-emitting region of ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Light Emitting Devices and Systems Having Tunable Chromaticity and Methods of Tuning the Chromaticity of Light Emitting Devices and Systems

Номер: US20130082612A1
Принадлежит: CREE, INC.

A light emitting device package assembly includes a light emitting device package body, and first, second and third white light emitting devices on the package body, each of the first, second and third white light emitting devices emits light when energized having a chromaticity that falls within a respective one of first, second and third non-overlapping chromaticity regions in a two dimensional chromaticity space. The first, second and third chromaticity regions are spaced apart in the two dimensional chromaticity space by respective regions having at least the size of a seven step MacAdam ellipse. Related solid state luminaires and methods are also disclosed. 1. A method of forming a light emitting device package assembly , comprising:providing a light emitting device package body;defining first, second and third non-overlapping chromaticity regions in a two dimensional chromaticity space, wherein the first, second and third chromaticity regions are spaced apart in the two dimensional chromaticity space by respective regions having at least the size of a seven step MacAdam ellipse_and wherein the first and second chromaticity regions comprise white light having a correlated color temperature not greater than 3000K;providing a plurality of white light emitting devices that emit light having a chromaticity that falls within the defined chromaticity regions;selecting at least three of the plurality of white light emitting devices, wherein each of the three light emitting devices emits light from a different one of the defined chromaticity regions; andmounting the selected white light emitting devices on the light emitting device package body.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first chromaticity region comprises light having a chromaticity that falls on a first side of a black body locus in the two dimensional chromaticity space claim 1 , and wherein the second chromaticity region comprises light having a chromaticity that falls on a second side claim 1 , ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Image generating device with improved illumination efficiency

Номер: US20130083509A1
Автор: Chueh-Pin Ko
Принадлежит: Acer Inc

An image generating device includes a first light source, a light conversion element, and an image generating element. The first light source is for generating light with a first wavelength. The light conversion element is disposed on a light path of the light with the first wavelength. The light conversion element includes a first quantum dot layer for converting light with wavelengths under a second wavelength to light with the second wavelength, and a second quantum dot layer for converting light with wavelengths under a third wavelength to light with the third wavelength. The first wavelength is smaller than the second wavelength, and the second wavelength is smaller than the third wavelength. The image generating element is for generating images according to light transmitted from the light conversion element.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087779A1

There is provided a process for forming a contained second layer over a first layer, including the steps: forming the first layer having a first surface energy; treating the first layer with a priming material to form a priming layer; exposing the priming layer patternwise with radiation resulting in exposed areas and unexposed areas; developing the priming layer to effectively remove the priming layer from the unexposed areas resulting in a first layer having a pattern of priming layer, wherein the pattern of priming layer has a second surface energy that is higher than the first surface energy; and forming the second layer by liquid depositions on the pattern of priming layer on the first layer. 2. The process of claim 1 , wherein developing is carried out by treating with a liquid.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein Arand Arare aryl groups having no fused rings.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein Arand Arare selected from the group consisting of phenyl claim 1 , biphenyl claim 1 , terphenyl claim 1 , deuterated derivatives thereof claim 1 , and derivatives thereof having one or more substituents selected from the group consisting of alkyl claim 1 , alkoxy claim 1 , silyl claim 1 , and a substituent with a crosslinking group.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein Rthrough Rare selected from the group consisting of D and Calkyl.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein a=e=0.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein a=e=4 and Rand Rare D.9. The process of claim 1 , wherein b>0 and at least one Ris alkyl.10. The process of claim 1 , wherein c>0 and at least one Ris alkyl.11. The process of claim 1 , wherein d>0 and at least one Ris alkyl.13. The process of claim 12 , wherein the first active layer is a hole transport layer and the second active layer is an emissive layer.14. The process of claim 12 , wherein the first active layer is a hole injection layer and the second active layer is a hole transport layer.15. The process of claim 14 , wherein the hole injection layer comprises ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130089971A1
Автор: Allemand Pierre-Marc

Methods for protecting circuit device materials, optoelectronic devices, and caps using a reflowable getter are described. The methods, devices and caps provide advantages because they enable modification of the shape and activity of the getter after sealing of the device. Some embodiments of the invention provide a solid composition comprising a reactive material and a phase changing material. The combination of the reactive material and phase changing material is placed in the cavity of an electronic device. After sealing the device by conventional means (epoxy seal for example), the device is subjected to thermal or electromagnetic energy so that the phase changing material becomes liquid, and consequently: exposes the reactive material to the atmosphere of the cavity, distributes the getter more equally within the cavity, and provides enhanced protection of sensitive parts of the device by flowing onto and covering these parts, with a thin layer of material. 1. A method for protecting circuit device materials , comprising:mixing an reactive material with a comparatively inert material to form a getter, the comparative inertness relative to the reactive material;placing the getter in the device;applying energy to the getter; andresponsive to applying the energy, distributing the getter inside the device.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising sealing the device claim 1 , and wherein:the device comprises an optoelectronic device, the optoelectronic device including a substrate and an active OLED area;placing the getter includes placing the getter on a surface of a cap; andsealing the device includes joining the cap to the substrate.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein distributing the getter includes transferring at least a portion of the getter to cover the active OLED area.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein at least one of the shape and activity of the getter is modified after the sealing of the device.5. The method according to ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130092908A1

The invention relates, inter alia, to an arrangement () for generating electromagnetic radiation, wherein the arrangement comprises inorganic semiconductor material and organic material (), characterized by a semiconductor cylinder () composed of inorganic semiconductor material and a charge carrier injection zone () situated in the semiconductor cylinder, wherein the charge carrier injection zone adjoins the lateral surface () of the semiconductor cylinder, the organic material () is suitable for emitting electromagnetic radiation in the case of a charge carrier recombination, and the organic material bears indirectly or directly on that section of the lateral surface of the semiconductor cylinder which is adjoined by the charge carrier injection zone and electron-hole pairs from the charge carrier injection zone of the semiconductor cylinder can enter into the organic material, and excite there the emission of electromagnetic radiation by recombination. 110-. (canceled)1110130. An arrangement () for generating electromagnetic radiation , wherein the arrangement comprises inorganic semiconductor material and organic material () , [{'b': 30', '40, 'a semiconductor cylinder (, ) composed of inorganic semiconductor material and'}, {'b': '50', 'claim-text': [{'b': '110', 'the charge carrier injection zone adjoins the lateral surface () of the semiconductor cylinder,'}, {'b': '130', 'the organic material () is suitable for emitting electromagnetic radiation in the case of a charge carrier recombination, and'}, 'the organic material bears indirectly or directly on that section of the lateral surface of the semiconductor cylinder which is adjoined by the charge carrier injection zone and electron-hole pairs from the charge carrier injection zone of the semiconductor cylinder can enter into the organic material, preferably by non-radiative energy transfer, and excite there the emission of electromagnetic radiation by recombination., 'a charge carrier injection zone () ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130099661A1

A light-emitting diode component includes a primary source, a conversion layer forming a secondary source configured for absorbing the primary radiation at least in part and emitting a secondary radiation, an encapsulation layer, situated between the primary and secondary sources. The light-emitting diode component also includes a reflection layer (i) situated between the encapsulation layer and the conversion layer and having a face in contact with the encapsulation layer so as to form an interface with the encapsulation layer, the reflection layer (i) and the encapsulation layer being configured so that the interface allows the primary radiation originating from the primary source to pass and reflects the secondary radiation toward the outside of the light emitting diode. 1. A light-emitting diode component comprising:at least one primary source configured for emitting a primary radiation when said primary source is activated electrically,at least one conversion layer forming a secondary source configured for absorbing at least in part the primary radiation and emitting a secondary radiation,at least one encapsulation layer disposed in contact with the primary source and configured for allowing the primary radiation emitted by the primary source toward the secondary source to pass,{'sub': 2', 'i', '2', 'i, 'an optically homogeneous reflection layer (i), situated between the encapsulation layer and the conversion layer and having a face in contact with the conversion layer and a face in contact with the encapsulation layer so as to form an interface with the encapsulation layer, the reflection layer (i) and the encapsulation layer being configured so that said interface allows the primary radiation originating from the primary source to pass and so that the rays of the secondary radiation emitted toward said interface and arriving on the said interface with an angle greater than Arcsin(n/n) in relation to the perpendicular to said interface are reflected by total ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102094A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

An organic EL device (OELD) having a defective portion is irradiated with a laser beam; first luminance of light emitted from the OELD is measured after the OELD is irradiated with the laser beam, while supplying, to the OELD, a first amount of current with which the OELD in a normal state would emit light having luminance corresponding to a first grayscale level smaller than a reference level; the OELD is re-irradiated with the laser beam when the first luminance is smaller than a threshold; and second luminance of light emitted from the OELD is measured when the first luminance is greater than or equal to the threshold, while supplying, to the OELD, a second amount of current with which the OELD in the normal state would emit light having luminance corresponding to a second grayscale level greater than or equal to the reference level. 1. A method for fabricating an organic electroluminescence (EL) device , the method comprising:irradiating an organic EL device having a defective portion with a laser beam;measuring first luminance of light emitted from the organic EL device after the organic EL device is irradiated with the laser beam, while supplying, to the organic EL device, a first amount of current with which the organic EL device in a normal state would emit light having luminance corresponding to a first grayscale level smaller than a reference grayscale level;re-irradiating the organic EL device with the laser beam when the first luminance measured in the measuring is smaller than a determination threshold; andmeasuring second luminance of light emitted from the organic EL device when the first luminance measured in the measuring is greater than or equal to the determination threshold, while supplying, to the organic EL device, a second amount of current with which the organic EL device in the normal state would emit light having luminance corresponding to a second grayscale level greater than or equal to the reference grayscale level.2. The method for ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105780A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A method of manufacturing an organic EL element operating at low voltage to emit light at high intensity comprises: a first step of forming, on an anode, a hole injection layer including metal oxide; a second step of irradiating the hole injection layer with ultraviolet light, the ultraviolet light having a wavelength greater than a wavelength at which oxygen molecules decompose and yield oxygen radicals; a third step of forming functional layers containing organic material on or above the hole injection layer after the second step, the functional layers including a light-emitting layer; and a fourth step of forming a cathode on or above the functional layers. 1. A method of manufacturing an organic EL element comprising:a first step of forming, on an anode, a hole injection layer including metal oxide;a second step of irradiating the hole injection layer with ultraviolet light, the ultraviolet light having a wavelength greater than a wavelength at which oxygen molecules decompose and yield oxygen radicals;a third step of forming functional layers containing organic material on or above the hole injection layer after the second step, the functional layers including a light-emitting layer; anda fourth step of forming a cathode on or above the functional layers.2. The method of claim 1 , whereinin the second step, the ultraviolet light has a wavelength greater than a wavelength at which ozone decomposes and yields oxygen radicals.3. The method of claim 1 , whereinin the second step, the ultraviolet light has a wavelength longer than 184.9 nm and not longer than 380 nm as a main range.4. The method of claim 1 , whereinin the second step, the ultraviolet light has a wavelength longer than 253.7 nm and not longer than 380 nm as a main range.5. The method of claim 1 , whereinthe first step is performed in vacuum, and the second step is performed in the atmosphere.6. The method of claim 1 , whereinin the second step, the hole injection layer is irradiated with the ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130109119A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co., Ltd.

An organic light-emitting display device, which may be configured to prevent moisture or oxygen from penetrating the organic light-emitting display device from the outside is disclosed. An organic light-emitting display device, which is easily applied to a large display device and/or may be easily mass produced is further disclosed. Additionally disclosed is a method of manufacturing an organic light-emitting display device. An organic light-emitting display device may include, for example, a thin-film transistor (TFT) including a gate electrode, an active layer insulated from the gate electrode, source and drain electrodes insulated from the gate electrode and contacting the active layer and an insulating layer disposed between the source and drain electrodes and the active layer; and an organic light-emitting diode electrically connected to the TFT. The insulating layer may include, for example, a first insulating layer contacting the active layer; and a second insulating layer formed of a metal oxide and disposed on the first insulating layer. 1. A method of manufacturing an organic light-emitting display device , the method comprising:forming a gate electrode on a substrate;forming a gate insulating layer covering the gate electrode on the substrate;forming an active layer on the gate insulating layer;forming an insulating layer covering a channel region of the active layer;forming source and drain electrodes contacting the active layer and formed on the insulating layer; andforming an organic light-emitting diode to be electrically connected to one of the source and drain electrodes,wherein the forming of the insulating layer comprises:forming a first insulating layer covering the channel region of the active layer; andforming a second insulating layer from a metal oxide on the first insulating layer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the forming of the second insulating layer comprises:forming a metal layer on the first insulating layer; andthermal-processing ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112951A1

Methods for fabricating a solution-processed OLED are provided. The methods include depositing an organic layer comprising mixture of an organic electron acceptor and an organic electron donor to form a layer that is insoluble to a non-polar solvent. Devices containing the organic layer may demonstrate improved lifetime and have a lower operating voltage while maintaining good luminous efficiency. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the non-polar solvent is selected from the group consisting of benzene claim 1 , carbon tetrachloride claim 1 , cyclohexane claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2-dichloroethane claim 1 , dichloromethane claim 1 , di-ethyl ether claim 1 , heptane claim 1 , hexane claim 1 , methyl-t-butyl ether claim 1 , pentane claim 1 , di-iso-propyl ether claim 1 , toluene claim 1 , and xylene.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the non-polar solvent is toluene.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electrode is an anode claim 1 , and the first organic layer is deposited in contact with the anode.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein a second organic layer containing a non-polar solvent is deposited over the first organic layer claim 1 , and the first organic layer is insoluble to the non-polar solvent in the second organic layer.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first organic layer is a hole injection layer.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second organic layer is a hole transporting layer claim 1 , a hole blocking layer claim 1 , an electron transporting layer claim 1 , an electron injection layer claim 1 , or an emissive layer.16. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solution process is spin coating or inkjet printing.17. The method of claim 1 , wherein the organic electron acceptor and the organic electron donor are mixed at a mole ratio of 1:1 or 2:1.18. The device of claim 1 , wherein the insoluble organic layer forms when the composition is heated at a temperature no less than about 100° C. and no more than about 250° C.20. The device of claim 19 , wherein ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112966A1
Автор: SASSA Shuichi
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited

The present invention provides a method for manufacturing an organic light-emitting device capable of simply manufacturing the organic light-emitting device without requiring a vacuum atmosphere. The manufacturing method of the present invention includes: a step of preparing a supporting substrate having an organic electroluminescent element formed thereon, the organic electroluminescent element containing an anode, a light-emitting layer, an electron injection layer made by forming a film with a solution containing an ionic polymer, and a cathode; and a step of laminating the supporting substrate and a sealing member to one another so as to seal the organic electroluminescent element. 1. A method for manufacturing an organic light-emitting device , comprising the steps of:preparing a supporting substrate having an organic electroluminescent element formed thereon, the organic electroluminescent element that comprises an anode, a light-emitting layer, an electron injection layer made by forming a film with a solution containing an ionic polymer, and a cathode; andlaminating the supporting substrate and a sealing member to one another so as to seal the organic electroluminescent element.2. The method for manufacturing the organic light-emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the step of laminating the supporting substrate and the sealing member to one another is performed in an atmosphere of normal pressure.3. The method for manufacturing the organic light-emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the step of laminating the supporting substrate and the sealing member to one another claim 1 , a curable resin adhesive is used as an adhesive member for laminating the supporting substrate and the sealing member to one another.4. The method for manufacturing the organic light-emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the step of laminating the supporting substrate and the sealing member to one another claim 1 , a fritted glass ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Nanoengineered Biophotonic Hybrid Device

Номер: US20130119499A1

Apparatus, compositions, methods, and articles of manufacture are disclosed relating to the design and production of biological components and/or their incorporation in devices and systems, including biohybrid photosensitive devices and systems. In some embodiments, biological components include light antenna structures that collect light and emit Stokes-shifted light to a photoactive non-biological component. In some embodiments, the characteristics of biological components are engineered via force-adaptation of an organism or adaptive system. In some embodiments, biological components are modified by removing reaction centers or other structure not contributing to desired performance. 1. An apparatus comprising a plurality of RC− light antenna structures disposed in or on a substrate.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , where the plurality of light antenna structures comprises at least one force-adapted light antenna structure.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a photoactive non-biological component disposed in the path of light emitted by at least one of the light antenna structures.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the substrate comprises or is integral with the photoactive non-biological component.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein light is emitted by one or more of the light antenna structures in response to light incident thereon claim 1 , and the emitted light comprises light that is Stokes-shifted with respect to the incident light.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of light antenna structures comprises structures obtained from an expression system expressing a genetic sequence cloned or derived from force-adapted organisms.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a photoactive non-biological component claim 1 , wherein energy is transmitted from at least one light antenna structure to the photoactive non-biological component by fluorescence resonant energy transfer (FRET).8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Organic Light Emitting Display Panel and Method of Manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20130120981A1
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

An organic light emitting display panel with improved efficiency and lifespan and a method of manufacturing the same are disclosed. The organic light emitting display panel according to the present invention includes a substrate having red, green, blue, and white sub-pixel regions, red, green, and blue color filters respectively formed in the red, green, and blue sub-pixel regions, an overcoat layer that is formed in the red and green sub-pixel regions except for the blue and white sub-pixel regions or is formed in the sub-pixel regions such that a thickness of the overcoat layer in the red and green sub-pixel regions is greater than a thickness of the overcoat layer in the blue and white sub-pixel regions; and organic emitting cells respectively formed in the red, green, blue, and white sub-pixel regions. 1. An organic light emitting display panel comprising:a substrate having red, green, blue, and white sub-pixel regions;red, green, and blue color filters respectively formed in the red, green, and blue sub-pixel regions;an overcoat layer that is formed in the red and green sub-pixel regions except for the blue and white sub-pixel regions or is formed in the sub-pixel regions such that a thickness of the overcoat layer in the red and green sub-pixel regions is greater than a thickness of the overcoat layer in the blue and white sub-pixel regions; andorganic emitting cells respectively formed in the red, green, blue, and white sub-pixel regions.2. The organic light emitting display panel of claim 1 , wherein:the organic emitting cells formed in the red and green sub-pixel regions are disposed on the overcoat layer;the organic emitting cell formed in the blue sub-pixel region is disposed on the blue color filter; andthe organic emitting cell formed in the white sub-pixel region is disposed on a protection layer formed to cover a thin film transistor formed on the substrate.3. The organic light emitting display panel of claim 2 , further comprising a buffer layer ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126840A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

An organic EL element includes a hole injection layer that yields excellent hole conduction efficiency. The organic EL element includes an anode, a cathode, and functional layers that include organic material between the anode the cathode. The functional layers include a hole injection layer that injects holes into the functional layers. The hole injection layer is a metal oxide film that includes a metal oxide. The metal atoms constituting the metal oxide include both metal atoms at a maximum valence thereof and metal atoms at a valence less than the maximum valence, and the metal oxide film includes metal oxide crystals having a particle diameter on the order of nanometers. 1. An organic EL element , comprising:an anode;a cathode;a functional layer, containing an organic material, between the anode and the cathode; anda hole injection layer, for injecting holes to the functional layer, between the anode and the functional layer, whereinthe hole injection layer is a metal oxide film composed of a metal oxide,metal atoms constituting the metal oxide include both metal atoms at a maximum valence thereof and metal atoms at a valence less than the maximum valence, andthe metal oxide film includes a crystal of the metal oxide, a particle diameter of the crystal being on an order of nanometers.2. The organic EL element of claim 1 , whereinthe metal oxide is tungsten oxide, so that the metal oxide film is a tungsten oxide film, andthe metal atoms at the maximum valence are tungsten atoms with a valence of six.3. The organic EL element of claim 2 , whereinthe metal atoms at the valence less than the maximum valence are tungsten atoms with a valence of five.4. The organic EL element of claim 3 , wherein{'sup': 5+', '6+, 'a ratio W/W of the number of the tungsten atoms with a valence of five to the number of the tungsten atoms with a valence of six is at least 3.2%.'}5. The organic EL element of claim 4 , wherein{'sup': 5+', '6+, 'the ratio W/W is at least 3.2% and at most 7 ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126841A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

An organic electroluminescent (EL) element comprises: an anode; a cathode; a functional layer disposed between the anode and the cathode, and including a light-emitting layer containing an organic material; a hole injection layer disposed between the anode and the functional layer; and a bank that defines an area in which the light-emitting layer is to be formed, wherein the hole injection layer includes tungsten oxide and includes an occupied energy level that is approximately 1.8 electron volts to approximately 3.6 electron volts lower than a lowest energy level of a valence band of the hole injection layer in terms of a binding energy, the hole injection layer has a recess in an upper surface of the area defined by the bank, and an upper peripheral edge of the recess is covered with a part of the bank. 1. An organic electroluminescent (EL) element , comprising:an anode;a cathode;a functional layer disposed between the anode and the cathode, and including a light-emitting layer containing an organic material;a hole injection layer disposed between the anode and the functional layer; anda bank that defines an area in which the light-emitting layer is to be formed, whereinthe hole injection layer includes tungsten oxide and includes an occupied energy level that is approximately 1.8 electron volts to approximately 3.6 electron volts lower than a lowest energy level of a valence band of the hole injection layer in terms of a binding energy,the hole injection layer has a recess in an upper surface of the area defined by the bank, andan upper peripheral edge of the recess is covered with a part of the bank.2. The organic EL element of claim 1 , whereinthe occupied energy level at an interface between the hole injection layer and the functional layer is approximately equal to an energy level of a highest occupied molecular orbital of the functional layer in terms of the binding energy.3. The organic EL element of claim 1 , whereina gap between the occupied energy level ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126842A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

Each of organic light-emitting elements and includes an anode, a functional layer including a hole-injection layer, a hole-transport layer and an organic light-emitting layer, and a cathode layered on a substrate in the stated order. Also, a bank defines a formation area of the organic light-emitting layer. Here, the hole-injection layer is a metal oxide layer formed by oxidizing an upper surface portion of the anode composed of the metal layer. Also, a portion of the hole-injection layer that is positioned under the area is depressed so as to form a recess, and upper peripheral edge of the recess is covered with a portion of the bank. 1. A light-emitter , comprising:a first electrode;a layered body disposed on the first electrode, the layered body including a charge injection layer, a charge transport layer, and a light-emitting layer;a second electrode disposed on the layered body; anda bank that defines a position of the light-emitting layer,wherein the charge injection layer is formed by oxidation of an upper portion of a metal,the first electrode includes a metal layer that is a lower portion of the metal,an inner portion of the charge injection layer is depressed to define a recess,an upper peripheral edge of the recess is covered with a part of the bank, anda lower surface of the charge transport layer faces a portion of the recess not covered with the part of the bank.2. The light-emitter of claim 1 , wherein the charge transport layer is in contact with the part of the bank covering the upper peripheral edge of the recess.3. The light-emitter of claim 1 , wherein the charge transport layer is surrounded by (i) a portion of the recess in an area defined by the bank claim 1 , and (ii) the part of the bank covering the upper peripheral edge of the recess.4. The light-emitter of claim 1 , whereinthe bank is formed by a solution, andthe solution is erosive to the charge injection layer formed by oxidation of the upper portion of the metal.5. The light-emitter of ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126843A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

An organic EL element includes a hole injection layer yielding excellent hole conduction efficiency, and comprises: an anode; a cathode; a functional layer disposed between the anode and the cathode, and including a light-emitting layer containing organic material; the hole injection layer disposed between the anode and the functional layer; and a bank defining an area in which the light-emitting layer is to be formed, wherein the hole injection layer includes tungsten oxide, tungsten atoms constituting the tungsten oxide include both tungsten atoms with a valence of six and tungsten atoms with a valence less than six, the hole injection layer includes a crystal of the tungsten oxide, a particle diameter of the crystal being on an order of nanometers, an inner portion of the hole injection layer is depressed to define a recess, and an upper peripheral edge of the recess is covered with a part of the bank. 1. An organic electroluminescent (EL) element , comprising:an anode;a cathode;a functional layer disposed between the anode and the cathode, and including a light-emitting layer containing an organic material;a hole injection layer disposed between the anode and the functional layer; anda bank that defines an area in which the light-emitting layer is to be formed, whereinthe hole injection layer includes a tungsten oxide,tungsten atoms constituting the tungsten oxide include both tungsten atoms with a valence of six and tungsten atoms with a valence less than six,the hole injection layer includes a crystal of the tungsten oxide, a particle diameter of the crystal being on an order of nanometers,an inner portion of the hole injection layer is depressed to define a recess, andan upper peripheral edge of the recess is covered with a part of the bank.2. The organic EL element of claim 1 , whereinthe tungsten atoms with the valence less than six are tungsten atoms with a valence of five.3. The organic EL element of claim 2 , wherein{'sup': 5+', '6+, 'a ratio W/W of the ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Light-emitting element, light-emitting device provided with light-emitting element, and light-emitting element production method

Номер: US20130126844A1
Автор: Seiji Nishiyama
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

Organic EL elements are configured so that at least a hole injection layer and a light-emitting layer are laminated between a first electrode and a second electrode, and a bank defines an area in which the light-emitting layer is to be formed. An inner portion of the hole injection layer is depressed to define a recess. An upper peripheral edge of the recess is covered with a part of the bank.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126847A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

In an organic EL element, a bank is formed on a hole injection layer so as to surround light-emitting layer. The hole injection layer is formed with a tungsten oxide thin film, and has, in an electronic state thereof, an occupied energy level 1.8 eV to 3.6 eV lower than the lowest energy level of a valence band of the hole injection layer. The hole injection layer has a recessed portion in an upper surface thereof. An inner surface of the recessed portion is in contact with a functional layer (light-emitting layer). the inner side surface of the recessed portion includes an upper edge that is one of aligned with part of a lower edge of the bank, the part being in contact with the functional layer, and in contact with a bottom surface of the bank. 1. An organic EL element , comprising:an anode;a cathode;a functional layer that is disposed between the anode and the cathode and includes at least a light-emitting layer made of an organic material;a hole injection layer disposed between the anode and the functional layer; anda bank that defines a region in which the light-emitting layer is to be formed, wherein contains tungsten oxide,', 'includes an occupied energy level that is approximately 1.8 electron volts to approximately 3.6 electron volts lower than a lowest energy level of a valence band of the hole injection layer in terms of a binding energy, and', 'has a recessed portion in an upper surface thereof at the region defined by the bank,, 'the hole injection layer'}the recessed portion has (i) an inner bottom surface that is in contact with a bottom surface of the functional layer, and (ii) an inner side surface that is continuous with the inner bottom surface and in contact at least with part of a side surface of the functional layer, andthe inner side surface of the recessed portion has a lower edge and an upper edge, the lower edge being continuous with the inner bottom surface, and the upper edge being one of (i) aligned with part of a lower edge of the bank, ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126848A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

An organic light-emitting element comprising: an anode; a cathode; banks; a functional layer between the anode and the cathode; and a hole injection layer between the anode and the functional layer. The functional layer includes at least a light-emitting sublayer defined by the banks and that contains an organic material. The hole injection layer comprises tungsten oxide and includes a crystal of the tungsten oxide, whose particle diameter is on an order of nanometers. Tungsten atoms constituting the tungsten oxide include both tungsten atoms with a valence of six and tungsten atoms with a valence less than six. The hole injection layer has a surface facing the functional layer, and a portion of the surface overlapping with the light-emitting sublayer is located closer to the anode than other portions, thereby forming a recessed structure having a recessed portion whose inner surface is in contact with the functional layer. 1. An organic EL element comprising:an anode;a cathode;banks;a functional layer between the anode and the cathode, the functional layer including one or more sublayers, the one or more sublayers including a light-emitting sublayer, the light-emitting sublayer defined by the banks and containing an organic material; anda hole injection layer between the anode and the functional layer, whereinthe hole injection layer comprises tungsten oxide,tungsten atoms constituting the tungsten oxide include both tungsten atoms with a valence of six and tungsten atoms with a valence less than six,the hole injection layer includes a crystal of the tungsten oxide, a particle diameter of the crystal being on an order of nanometers, the hole injection layer has a surface facing the functional layer and has arecessed structure such that a portion of the surface overlapping with the light-emitting sublayer is located closer to the anode than other portions of the surface, andthe recessed structure has a recessed portion whose inner surface is in contact with the ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting device and fabricating method thereof

Номер: US20130126918A1

A light emitting device and a fabricating method thereof are described, wherein the light emitting device includes a substrate, a wall, a first LED chip and a light conversion filling. The first LED chip is disposed on a surface of the substrate. The wall is disposed on the surface of the substrate, and surrounds the first LED chip. A first angle between a central axis of the wall and an inner surface of the wall is 0 degree or is acute, a second angle between the central axis of the wall and an outer surface of the wall is 0 degree or is acute, and the outer surface of the wall and the substrate has a space therebetween. The light conversion filling is surrounded by the light conversion wall, and is disposed on the first LED chip.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134360A1

A method for producing a luminescent organic film, the method including: coating a solution containing a π-electron conjugated compound precursor A-(B)m and at least one kind of a luminescent dye, where the π-electron conjugated compound precursor A-(B)m contains a leaving substituent; and applying external stimulus to the π-electron conjugated compound precursor A-(B)m to eliminate the leaving substituent thereof, so that the π-electron conjugated compound precursor A-(B)m is converted to a π-electron conjugated compound A-(C)m and an eliminated compound X—Y as in the following reaction formula (I): 3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the π-electron conjugated substituent A is a substituent described in (1) or a substituent described in (2):(1) a substituent derived from a compound selected from the group consisting of: compounds each containing an aromatic hydrocarbon ring or an aromatic heterocyclic ring or both thereof; fused polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon ring compounds; and fused polycyclic aromatic heterocyclic ring compounds, and(2) a substituent derived from a compound where two or more of the compounds listed in (1) are linked together via a covalent bond.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the external stimulus is heating at 25° C. to 500° C.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the luminescent organic film includes the luminescent dye and the π-electron conjugated compound A-(C)m which shows light emission at a shorter wavelength side than in the luminescent dye.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein a doping concentration of the luminescent dye in the luminescent organic film is determined by an amount of the luminescent dye relative to the π-electron conjugated compound precursor A-(B)m in the solution.10. The electronic device of claim 9 , wherein the electronic device is an organic electroluminescence element. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a method for producing an organic electroluminescence element and a luminescent organic thin ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing organic electroluminescent device

Номер: US20130137205A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A method of manufacturing an organic electroluminescent device includes a step of forming a masking layer and an intermediate layer on a first organic compound layer such that the masking layer and the intermediate layer have a predetermined pattern, a step of patterning the first organic compound layer using the masking layer and the intermediate layer, a step of forming a second organic compound layer, and a step of removing the intermediate layer and the second organic compound layer formed thereon in such a manner that the intermediate layer is contacted with a dissolving liquid for dissolving the intermediate layer. In the method, the first and second organic compound layers are protected by covering the first and second organic compound layers with a sacrificial layer until the patterning of the first and second organic compound layers is completed.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140541A1
Принадлежит: Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH

The present invention provides a layer structure comprising a substrate (), at least one LEC () (light emitting electrochemical cell) and at least one further electrotechnical structural element (), a process for the production of this layer structure, and the use thereof in the production of small and large display and control elements and in the production of casing elements for mobile or stationary electronic devices or small or large household appliances or in the production of keyboard systems without moving components. 114-. (canceled)16. The layer structure of claim 15 , wherein the at least one further electrochemical structural element is a battery.17. The layer structure of claim 15 , wherein the layer structure comprises at least one further electrotechnical structural element selected from the group consisting of an antenna claim 15 , a switch claim 15 , a sensor claim 15 , a photovoltaic cell claim 15 , an actuator claim 15 , an energy converter and combinations of two or more of those structural elements claim 15 , which can be the same or different.18. The layer structure of claim 15 , wherein the substrate comprises a polymer selected from the group consisting of polycarbonate (PC) claim 15 , polyester claim 15 , polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) claim 15 , polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) claim 15 , polyamide claim 15 , polyimide claim 15 , polyarylate claim 15 , organic thermoplastic cellulose ester claim 15 , polyfluorohydrocarbon and a mixture thereof.19. The layer structure of claim 18 , wherein the polymer is polycarbonate claim 18 , polyethylene terephthalate claim 18 , polyethylene naphthalate or polyimide.20. The layer structure of claim 15 , wherein the at least one LEC is provided with a barrier layer and an anode layer on its side facing the substrate.21. The layer structure of claim 15 , wherein the at least one LEC is provided on its side remote from the substrate with a cathode layer as well as a metal foil or a second barrier layer and a ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140547A1
Автор: JIN DONG-UN, Lee Jae-Seob
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co., Ltd.

An organic light-emitting device including a barrier layer that includes a silicon oxide layer and a silicon-rich silicon nitride layer. The organic light-emitting device includes a flexible substrate that includes a barrier layer and plastic films disposed under and over the barrier layer. The barrier layer includes a silicon-rich silicon nitride layer and a silicon oxide layer. The order in which the silicon-rich silicon nitride layer and the silicon oxide layer are stacked is not limited and the silicon oxide layer may be first formed and then the silicon-rich silicon nitride layer may be stacked on the silicon oxide layer. The silicon-rich silicon nitride layer has a refractive index of 1.81 to 1.85. 1. An organic light-emitting device comprising:a plastic film;a barrier layer;a thin film transistor (TFT); andan organic field emission layer;wherein the barrier layer comprises a silicon oxide layer and a silicon nitride layer comprising SiNx (where x=about 1.1 to about 1.3), andthe barrier layer is disposed between the plastic film and the TFT.2. The organic light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein a refractive index of the silicon nitride layer ranges from about 1.81 to about 1.85.3. The organic light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein a stress of the silicon nitride layer ranges from about −200 MPa to about 0 MPa.4. The organic light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein the barrier layer comprises a plurality of the silicon oxide layers and a plurality of the silicon nitride layers which are alternately disposed.5. The organic light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the silicon nitride layer ranges from about 20 nm to about 80 nm.6. The organic light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the silicon oxide layer ranges from about 100 nm to about 500 nm.7. The organic light-emitting device of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the barrier layer ranges from about 120 nm to about 2000 nm.8. The organic light-emitting device of ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140983A1
Автор: Ling Peiching, Liu Dezhong
Принадлежит: ACHROLUX INC

A light-emitting structure and a method of fabricating the light-emitting structure. The method includes covering an LED die provided on a carrier with a uniform phosphor layer, with an accommodation space constituted by the carrier and the uniform phosphor layer; 1. A method for fabricating a light-emitting structure , comprising:providing a carrier having at least one LED die disposed on a surface thereof;forming a uniform phosphor layer in a mold cavity of a first mold;covering the at least one LED die with the uniform phosphor layer, wherein an accommodation space is constituted by the carrier and the mold cavity of the first mold;forming a first light-pervious body in the accommodation space to be combined with the uniform phosphor layer; andremoving the first mold, wherein the uniform phosphor layer is formed on a surface of the first light-pervious body.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the uniform phosphor layer comprises phosphor powders and a binder material.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the phosphor powders in the uniform phosphor layer occupy more than 75% in volume of the uniform phosphor layer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the uniform phosphor layer comprises phosphor powders constituted by a plurality of phosphor particles claim 1 , none of which is completely separated from adjacent ones.5. (canceled)6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , after removal of the mold claim 1 , forming a second light-pervious body on the uniform phosphor layer claim 1 , wherein the uniform phosphor layer is sandwiched between the first light-pervious body and the second light-pervious body.7. The method of claim claim 1 , wherein a second light-pervious body is formed on a surface of the mold cavity of the first mold claim 1 , and the uniform phosphor layer is formed on a surface of the second light-pervious body claim 1 , such that claim 1 , after the first light-pervious body is formed claim 1 , the uniform phosphor layer is sandwiched ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

LED-Based Lighting Power Supplies With Power Factor Correction And Dimming Control

Номер: US20130141012A1

A power supply for powering one or more loads includes a boost circuit with power factor correction (PFC) that provides an operating voltage from an electrical power source, and a dimmer detection circuit that determines a dimming level applied to the electrical power source, and generates a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal based upon the dimming level. The power supply also includes one or more current control circuits, each current control circuit being associated with each of the one or more loads, and coupled in series with the operating voltage, its associated load, and a ground of the power supply, so as to control a current through its associated load in response to the PWM signal. 1. A power supply for powering one or more loads , comprising:a boost circuit with power factor correction (PFC) that provides an operating voltage from an electrical power source;a dimmer detection circuit that (a) determines a dimming level applied to the electrical power source and (b) generates a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal based upon the dimming level; andone or more current control circuits, each current control circuit being (c) associated with each of the one or more loads, and (d) coupled in series with the operating voltage, its associated load, and a ground of the power supply, so as to control a current through its associated load in response to the PWM signal.2. The power supply of claim 1 , the dimmer detection circuit comprising a microcontroller that (e) evaluates a waveform of the electrical power source to determine the dimming level applied by a dimming device connected to the electrical power source claim 1 , and (f) generates the PWM signal based upon the dimming level.3. The power supply of claim 2 , the dimmer detection circuit further comprising an analog filter that filters the electrical signal source to provide an analog signal indicative of the dimming level claim 2 , the microcontroller evaluating a digitized representation of the analog signal ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Organic electroluminescent device

Номер: US20130143337A1

The invention relates to OLED devices ( 1 ) operational at high voltages providing a good life time performance, which can be manufactured with reduced effort and costs. The organic electroluminescent device ( 1 ) comprising a substrate ( 2 ) carrying multiple electroluminescent layer stacks ( 3 ) connected in series each comprising a first and a second electrode ( 31, 33 ) and an organic light emitting layer stack ( 32 ) arranged between the first and second electrode ( 31, 33 ), a cover lid ( 4 ) sealed to the substrate ( 2 ) to encapsulate the electroluminescent layer stacks ( 3 ) providing a gap ( 5 ) between the electroluminescent layer stacks ( 3 ) and an inner side ( 41 ) of the cover lid ( 4 ), where the connection in series is established by connecting the first electrode ( 31 ) of at least one of the electroluminescent layer stacks ( 3 ) involved in the serial connection via a conductive bridge ( 6 ) to the second electrode ( 33 ) of another electroluminescent layer stack ( 3 ) involved in the serial connection, preferably the adjacent electroluminescent layer stack ( 3 ), where the conductive bridge ( 6 ) comprises an conductive path ( 62 ) arranged on the inner side ( 41 ) of the cover lid ( 4 ), a first electrical connection ( 61 ) connecting the first electrode ( 31 ) to the conductive path ( 62 ) and a second electrical connection ( 63 ) connecting the conductive path ( 62 ) with the second electrode ( 33 ) of the other electroluminescent layer stack ( 3 ), preferably the adjacent electroluminescent layer stack ( 3 ). The invention further relates to a method providing the organic electroluminescent device ( 1 ) with process steps leading to a reduced effort and costs.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Method of Fabricating Light-Emitting Device and Apparatus for Manufacturing Light-Emitting Device

Номер: US20130143345A1

In this embodiment, an interval distance between a deposition source holder 17 and an object on which deposition is performed (substrate ) is reduced to 30 cm or less, preferably 20 cm or less, more preferably 5 to 15 cm, and a deposition source holder is moved in an X direction or a Y direction in accordance with an insulator (also called a bank or a barrier) in deposition, and a shutter is opened or closed to form a film. The present invention can cope with an increase in size of a deposition apparatus with a further increase in size of a substrate in the future. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for manufacturing a light-emitting device comprising:forming an electrode over a substrate;forming an insulator over the electrode, the insulator covering an end portion of the electrode;forming a hole injection layer of an aqueous solution containing a hole injection substance over the electrode and the insulator; andevaporating a material located in a deposition source by heating the deposition source so that a layer comprising the material is formed over the hole injection layer;wherein the deposition source is moved relative to the substrate during the evaporation of the material, andwherein the material comprises a light-emitting material.12. The method for manufacturing a light-emitting device according to claim 11 , wherein claim 11 , during the evaporation claim 11 , the deposition source is moved along the insulator.13. The method for manufacturing a light-emitting device according to claim 11 , wherein claim 11 , during the evaporation claim 11 , a distance between the deposition source and the substrate is not more than 30 cm.14. The method for manufacturing a light-emitting device according to claim 11 , wherein claim 11 , during the evaporation claim 11 , the deposition source is moved in an X direction or a Y direction which is perpendicular to the X direction.15. The method for manufacturing a light-emitting device according to claim 11 , wherein a shutter is ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for producing light-emitting elements

Номер: US20130143346A1
Автор: Seiji Nishiyama
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A light-emitter is configured so that at least a hole injection layer and a light-emitting layer are laminated between a first electrode and a second electrode, and the light-emitting layer is formed in an area defined by a bank. In the area defined by the bank, the hole injection layer is formed so as to have a recess in an upper surface thereof. An upper peripheral edge of the recess is covered with a part of the bank. The light-emitting layer is formed with respect to the recess formed in the hole injection layer by a laser transfer method.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130146852A1

Light-emitting and/or charge transporting polymers, methods of making the same, and organic light emitting devices comprising such polymers, the polymers comprising a repeat unit of formula (I): 1. A polymer comprising a repeat unit of formula (I):{'br': None, 'sub': q', 'q, '—(Ar)-Sp-CT-Sp-(Ar)—\u2003\u2003(I)'}wherein CT represents a conjugated charge-transporting group; each Ar independently represents an optionally substituted aryl or heteroaryl group; q is at least 1; and each Sp independently represents a spacer group forming a break in conjugation between Ar and CT.2. A polymer according to wherein CT represents a hole-transporting group.3. A polymer according to wherein CT represents an optionally substituted arylamine group.5. A polymer according to wherein CT represents an electron-transporting group.6. A polymer according to wherein CT comprises a heteroaryl group.8. A polymer according to wherein each Sp independently represents an alkyl chain wherein one or more non-adjacent C atoms may be replaced with O claim 1 , S claim 1 , N claim 1 , C═O and —COO— and wherein one or more H atoms may be replaced with F claim 1 , and wherein one or more non-terminal carbon atoms in the alkyl chain may be replaced with optionally substituted arylene or heteroarylene.9. A polymer according to wherein each (Ar)q independently represents optionally substituted phenylene claim 1 , fluorene or pyridine.11. A polymer according to comprising a repeat unit having at least three linking positions claim 1 , the repeat unit not being a repeat unit according to formula (I).12. A composition comprising a polymer according to and at least one light-emitting dopant.13. A composition according to wherein the at least one light-emitting dopant is chemically bound to the polymer.14. A composition according to wherein the at least one light-emitting dopant is bound in the main chain of the polymer or bound as a side group or end group of the polymer.15. A composition comprising a ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130146854A1

A first device comprising a first organic light emitting device (OLED) is described. The first OLED includes an anode, it cathode and an emissive layer disposed between the anode and the cathode. The emissive layer includes a phosphorescent emissive dopant and a host material, that includes nanocrystals. The phosphorescent emissive dopant is bonded to the host material by a bridge moiety. 1. A first device comprising a first organic light emitting device , further comprising: an anode , a cathode and an emissive layer disposed between the anode and the cathode , said emissive layer comprising a phosphorescent emissive dopant and a host material , the host material comprising nanocrystals , wherein said phosphorescent emissive dopant is bonded to said host material by a bridge moiety.2. The first device according to claim 1 , wherein said bridge moiety is selected from the group consisting of a carboxylate claim 1 , a phosphonate claim 1 , a thiol claim 1 , a sulfonic group and an amine group.3. The first device according to claim 1 , wherein said nanocrystals comprise an inorganic material.4. The first device according claim 3 , to claim 3 , wherein the inorganic material comprises one or more inorganic materials selected from the group consisting of a sulfide claim 3 , a selenide claim 3 , telluride claim 3 , an arsenide claim 3 , a phosphide claim 3 , a nitride claim 3 , a carbide claim 3 , an oxide claim 3 , a fluoride claim 3 , an oxysulfide claim 3 , and combinations thereof.5. The first device according to claim 3 , wherein said inorganic material comprises one or more inorganic materials selected from the group consisting of ZnO claim 3 , InO claim 3 , NiO claim 3 , MnO claim 3 , MoS claim 3 , TiO claim 3 , SiC claim 3 , CdS claim 3 , CdSe claim 3 , GaAs claim 3 , InP claim 3 , ZnSe claim 3 , ZnTe claim 3 , GeS claim 3 , InAs claim 3 , CdTe claim 3 , ZnS claim 3 , CdSeS claim 3 , ZnSeTe claim 3 , AlZnO claim 3 , InSnO claim 3 , AlGaAs claim 3 , CuInS claim 3 ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130146855A1

Disclosed herein is a display device, including: a substrate; a circuit part configured to include a drive element; a planarization insulating layer; an electrically-conductive layer including a plurality of first electrodes and an auxiliary interconnect; an aperture-defining insulating layer configured to insulate the plurality of first electrodes from each other and have an aperture through which part of the first electrode is exposed; a plurality of light emitting elements; and a separator configured to be formed by removing the planarization insulating layer at a position between a display area, in which the plurality of light emitting elements connected to the drive element are disposed, and a peripheral area which is surrounding the display area. A method of manufacturing a display device is also provided. 1. A display device , comprising:a substrate;a circuit part configured to include a drive element formed over the substrate;a planarization insulating layer configured to be formed on the circuit part;an electrically-conductive layer configured to be formed on the planarization insulating layer and include a plurality of first electrodes and an auxiliary interconnect;an aperture-defining insulating layer configured to insulate the plurality of first electrodes from each other and have an aperture through which part of the first electrode is exposed;a plurality of light emitting elements configured to be formed by stacking the first electrode, an organic layer including a light emitting layer, and a second electrode common to the plurality of light emitting elements in that order over an exposed part of each of the plurality of first electrodes; anda separator configured to be formed by removing the planarization insulating layer at a position between a display area, in which the plurality of light emitting elements connected to the drive element are disposed, and a peripheral area which is surrounding the display area, whereinin a whole area inside the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130146861A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

An organic EL panel includes first electrode, second electrode; organic light-emitting layer of each of RGB colors, and functional layer disposed between the first electrode and the light-emitting layer. The functional layers of RGB colors have the same film thickness. Film thickness of each of the functional layers of RG colors corresponds to a first local maximum of light-extraction efficiency of light before passing through a color filter, and film thickness of the functional layer of B color corresponds to a value of light-extraction efficiency smaller than a first local maximum of light-extraction efficiency of light before passing through a color filter. The light-emitting layers of RGB colors differ in film thickness, such that the functional layers of RGB colors have the film thickness. Accordingly, the light of each of RGB colors emitted externally after passing through the color filter exhibits a local maximum of light-extraction efficiency. 118-. (canceled)19. An organic EL panel comprising:a first electrode of each of R (red), G (green), and B (blue) colors that reflects incident light;a second electrode that faces the first electrode of each of the R, G, and B colors, and transmits incident light therethrough;an organic light-emitting layer of each of the R, G, and B colors that is disposed between the first electrode of a corresponding color and the second electrode, and emits light of a corresponding color due to voltage application between the first electrode of the corresponding color and the second electrode;a functional layer of each of the R, G, and B colors that is disposed between the first electrode of a corresponding color and the organic light-emitting layer of a corresponding color;a color filter of each of the R, G, and B colors for chromaticity correction that is disposed opposite the organic light-emitting layer of a corresponding color with the second electrode being interposed therebetween, whereina first portion of light of each of ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153871A1

Treatment for Cancer Using A Preparation containing a combination of one or more Natural or Synthetic or a Combination of Natural and Synthetic Boswellic Acids and one or more Natural or Synthetic or a Combination of Natural and Synthetic Cytokinins such as Kinetin, Kinetin Riboside and other Cytokinins and (the Preparation) could also contain one or more Natural or Synthetic or a Combination of Natural and Synthetic plant growth hormones such as Auxins in any percentage Ratio and could Optionally include Pharmaceutically Suitable Radioactive Agent (Radio Therapy) in any percentage ratio as a “Stand Alone” Treatment for Cancer or to Be used in Conjunction with other Pharmaceutically Suitable Therapy and Treatment(s) in any percentage ratio as a Treatment for Treating Cancer. 1. A top-emission white organic light-emitting diode (OLED) comprising an emissive construct , wherein the emissive construct comprises:a fluorescent emissive layer comprising a first host material;a phosphorescent emissive layer comprising a second host material;a partial hole-blocking layer having a first thickness disposed between the fluorescent emissive layer and phosphorescent emissive layer; andwherein the fluorescent emissive layer and the phosphorescent emissive layer define a recombination zone having a second thickness; andwherein the first thickness is less than about one-third of the second thickness.2. The top-emission white OLED according to claim 1 , wherein the first thickness is in the range of about 0.5 nm to about 3 nm.3. The top-emission white OLED according to claim 1 , wherein the partial hole-blocking layer allows about 50% to about 95% of the holes reaching the hole blocking layer to pass from the phosphorescent emissive layer to the fluorescent emissive layer claim 1 , or allows about 50% to about 95% of the holes reaching the hole blocking layer to pass from the fluorescent emissive layer to the phosphorescent emissive layer.4. The top-emission white OLED according to ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153873A1

A film-forming ink according to an embodiment of the invention includes a film-forming material; and a liquid medium which dissolves or disperses the film-forming material, in which the liquid medium contains an ether compound represented by Formula (I). 2. The film-forming ink according to claim 1 ,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the liquid medium has a surface tension of 35 dyn/cmor less.'}3. The film-forming ink according to claim 1 ,wherein in Formula (I), n represents 2 to 4.4. The film-forming ink according to claim 3 ,{'sub': '3', 'wherein in Formula (I), the number of carbon atoms in Ris 2 or 3.'}5. The film-forming ink according to claim 1 ,wherein a content of the ether compound in the liquid medium is 0.1 wt % to 100 wt %.6. The film-forming ink according to claim 1 ,wherein the film-forming material contains a π-conjugated compound.7. The film-forming ink according to claim 1 ,wherein the film-forming material contains a metal complex.8. The film-forming ink according to claim 1 ,wherein the liquid medium contains an aromatic hydrocarbon compound in addition to the ether compound.9. The film-forming ink according to claim 1 ,wherein the film-forming material is soluble in a non-aqueous solvent.10. The film-forming ink according to claim 9 ,wherein the film-forming material is a material constituting an organic layer of an organic electroluminescence element, or a precursor thereof.11. The film-forming ink according to claim 1 , which is used for forming a film claim 1 , formed of the film-forming material as the major component claim 1 , by being applied to a substrate and removing the liquid solvent.12. The film-forming ink according to claim 1 , which is used for forming a film with a liquid droplet discharge method.13. A film-forming method comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'applying the film-forming ink according to to a substrate; and'}removing the liquid medium from the film-forming ink to form a film.14. A film-forming method ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153883A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

To increase light-extraction efficiency and simplify manufacturing process. An organic EL panel includes: first electrode reflecting incident light; second electrode transmitting incident light therethrough; organic light-emitting layer emitting light of corresponding color among R, G, and B colors; first functional layer including charge injection/transport layer and at least one other layer, and disposed between the first electrode and the light-emitting layer; and second functional layer disposed between the second electrode and the light-emitting layer. The charge injection/transport layers of R, G, and B colors differ in film thickness, the at least one other layers of R, G, and B colors are equal in film thickness to one another, the second functional layers of R, G, and B colors are equal in film thickness to one another, and the light-emitting layers of R and G colors are equal in film thickness, and differ in film thickness from the light-emitting layer of B color. 117-. (canceled)18. An organic EL panel comprising:a first electrode of each of R (red), G (green), and B (blue) colors that reflects incident light;a second electrode that faces the first electrode of each of the R, G, and B colors, and transmits incident light therethrough;an organic light-emitting layer of each of the R, G, and B colors that is disposed between the first electrode of a corresponding color and the second electrode, and emits light of a corresponding color due to voltage application between the first electrode of the corresponding color and the second electrode;a first functional layer of each of the R, G, and B colors that includes a charge injection/transport layer and at least one other layer, and is disposed between the first electrode of a corresponding color and the organic light-emitting layer of a corresponding color;a second functional layer of each of the R, G, and B colors that is disposed between the second electrode and the organic light-emitting layer of a ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154474A1
Принадлежит: TOYODA GOSEI CO., LTD.

A method of manufacturing a light-emitting device includes placing a phosphor-containing film on a mold for compression molding, the mold having a concave portion of a predetermined shape and the film being placed along an inner wall of the concave portion, supplying a resin material on the phosphor-containing film in the concave portion, immersing a light-emitting element mounted on a substrate in the resin material in the concave portion, and applying pressure and heat to the resin material and the phosphor-containing film, thereby forming a transparent sealing resin for sealing the light-emitting element and a phosphor-containing layer covering a surface thereof. 1. A method of manufacturing a light-emitting device , comprising:placing a phosphor-containing film on a mold for compression molding, the mold having a concave portion of a predetermined shape and the film being placed along an inner wall of the concave portion;supplying a resin material on the phosphor-containing film in the concave portion;immersing a light-emitting element mounted on a substrate in the resin material in the concave portion; andapplying pressure and heat to the resin material and the phosphor-containing film, thereby forming a transparent sealing resin for sealing the light-emitting element and a phosphor-containing layer covering a surface thereof.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the phosphor-containing film is placed so as to be in contact with the inner wall of the concave portion claim 1 , andwherein the phosphor-containing layer functions as a release film when the substrate, the light-emitting element, the transparent sealing resin and the phosphor-containing layer are released from the mold.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the phosphor-containing film comprises a concavo-convex surface on one side thereof.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the phosphor-containing film comprises a concavo-convex surface on both sides thereof.5. The method ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154481A1

Example embodiments of the present invention provide a LED light source with an effective and efficient heat management system. For example, embodiments of the present invention include devices, systems, materials, and methods to effectively transfer heat away from LEDs used in an LED light source to produce an LED light source that has high lumen output compared to conventional LED light sources. In particular, example embodiments of the present invention provide an LED light source that includes a transparent or translucent heat conductive material in which the LEDs are embedded. 1. A light source , comprising:a socket connection capable of connecting to a source of electricity;one or more LEDs electrically coupled to the socket connection;a heat conductive material into which the LEDs are embedded, the heat conductive material being substantially translucent or transparent such that light emitted from the LEDs is able to pass through the heat conductive material.2. The light source recited in claim 1 , wherein the heat conductive material is shaped and dimensioned to a standard light source size such that the light source as a whole inherits a standard lighting form factor.3. The light source recited in claim 1 , further comprising an enclosure that surrounds the heat conductive material.4. The light source recited in claim 1 , wherein the heat conductive material is a silicone-based material.5. The light source recited in claim 1 , wherein the heat conductive material is a transparent or translucent ceramic.6. The light source recited in claim 1 , wherein the heat conductive material is an organic wax.7. The light source recited in claim 1 , wherein the heat conductive material is a solid.8. The light source recited in claim 1 , wherein the heat conductive material is a thermoplastic.9. A light source claim 1 , comprising:a socket connection capable of connecting to a source of electricity;an LED element comprising one or more LEDs, wherein the one or more LEDs ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Organic Light Emitting Display Device and Method of Manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20130161595A1
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

Provided are a method of manufacturing an organic light emitting display device and an organic light emitting display device manufactured by the method. The method includes calculating a peak-luminance current density for each of a red sub-pixel, a blue sub-pixel, a green sub-pixel, and a white sub-pixel, calculating an average use current density for each of the red sub-pixel, blue sub-pixel, green sub-pixel, and white sub-pixel; determining a size of each sub-pixel with the peak-luminance current density and the average use current density, and forming the sub-pixels with the determined sizes of the respective sub-pixels. The present invention sets the size of each sub-pixel in consideration of a peak-luminance current density and an average use current density, thus easily achieving the peak luminance and enhancing the color-coordinate life. 1. A method of manufacturing an organic light emitting display device , comprising:calculating a sub-pixel having a highest peak-luminance current density among a red sub-pixel, a blue sub-pixel, a green sub-pixel, and a white sub-pixel, the peak-luminance current density being a current density necessary for the sub-pixel for realizing peak luminance that is predetermined maximum peak;calculating a sub-pixel having a highest average use current density among the red sub-pixel, blue sub-pixel, green sub-pixel, and white sub-pixel, the average use current density being a current density that is averagely used with a use time of the sub-pixel; anddetermining one of the sub-pixel having the highest peak-luminance current density and the sub-pixel having the highest average use current density to have a greatest area, and determining the other to have a second greatest area.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:after the determining,forming a TFT array;forming a 2-peak white OLED emitting white light by combination of light emitted from first and second emission layers(EMLs), on the TFT array; andforming a color filter ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Film Formation Apparatus and Film Formation Method

Номер: US20130164437A1

A film formation apparatus with which a deposited film to cover a deposition object having a three-dimensional curved surface can be formed and a method of forming a deposited film to cover a three-dimensional curved surface. The film formation apparatus includes a deposition source having deposition directivity, a deposition-source-moving mechanism which moves the deposition source, a deposition-object-holding mechanism which holds a deposition object having a three-dimensional curved surface, a deposition-direction-changing mechanism which changes the deposition direction, and a control portion which controls the deposition-source-moving mechanism and the deposition-direction-changing mechanism. 1. A film formation apparatus comprising:a deposition source having a deposition direction with directivity;a first unit configured to move the deposition source;a second unit configured to hold a deposition object comprising a three-dimensional curved surface; anda control portion configured to control the first unit so that a layer is deposited on the three-dimensional curved surface,wherein an angle between the three-dimensional curved surface and the deposition direction is maintained substantially constant.2. The film formation apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a third unit configured to change the deposition direction and controlled by the control portion.3. The film formation apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a fourth unit configured to change an angle between the deposition object and the deposition direction and controlled by the control portion.4. The film formation apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein a distance between the deposition source and the three-dimensional curved surface is maintained substantially constant.5. The film formation apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the deposition source is moved at a plurality of speeds.6. The film formation apparatus according to claim 5 ,wherein the deposition source is ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130164439A1
Принадлежит: KATEEVA, INC.

The disclosure relates to a method and apparatus for preventing oxidation or contamination during a circuit printing operation. The circuit printing operation can be directed to OLED-type printing. In an exemplary embodiment, the printing process is conducted at a load-locked printer housing having one or more of chambers. Each chamber is partitioned from the other chambers by physical gates or fluidic curtains. A controller coordinates transportation of a substrate through the system and purges the system by timely opening appropriate gates. The controller may also control the printing operation by energizing the print-head at a time when the substrate is positioned substantially thereunder. 1. A system for depositing an organic material on a substrate , comprising:a housing comprising at least a first chamber and a second chamber;an opening in at least one side of each of the first and second chambers;one or more seals for reversibly closing the opening in each of the first and second chambers;a print head disposed within the second chamber;a gas-bearing surface comprising a plurality of vacuum and pressure ports disposed within the second chamber;at least one transport mechanism for moving the substrate into and out of the second chamber;a vacuum source adapted for communication with at least one of the chambers; and,an inert-gas source adapted for communication with at least one of the chambers.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said first chamber comprises an inlet chamber.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said first chamber comprises both an inlet and an outlet chamber.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein said second chamber comprises a print head chamber.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein said housing further comprises a third chamber.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein said first claim 5 , second claim 5 , and third chambers are disposed in line with one another.7. The system of claim 5 , wherein said third chamber comprises an outlet chamber.8. The system of ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Method of fabricating organic light emitting diode display device

Номер: US20130164872A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An organic light emitting diode display device and a method of manufacturing thereof, the device including a substrate, the substrate including a pixel part and a circuit part; a first semiconductor layer and a second semiconductor layer on the pixel part of the substrate; a gate insulating layer on an entire surface of the substrate; gate electrodes on the gate insulating layer, the gate electrodes corresponding to the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer, respectively; source/drain electrodes insulated from the gate electrodes, the source/drain electrodes being connected to the first and second semiconductor layers, respectively; a first electrode connected to the source/drain electrodes of the first semiconductor layer; an organic layer on the first electrode; a second layer on the organic layer; and a metal catalyst layer under the first semiconductor layer.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169149A1

A method for manufacturing a light emitting device having a light emitting element and a resin layer containing fluorescent material particles and a filler which reflects light comprises a fluorescent material precipitation process for precipitating the fluorescent material particles in advance of the filler. A light emitting device comprises a base body; a light emitting element mounted on an upper surface of the base body via a mounting portion; and a sealing resin for sealing the light emitting element. The sealing resin comprises: a fluorescent material-containing first layer for covering the light emitting element on and above the mounting portion, a fluorescent material-containing second layer formed on an upper surface of the base body around the mounting portion, and a filler-containing layer formed on the fluorescent material-containing second layer around the mounting portion. 1. A method for manufacturing a light emitting device having a light emitting element and a resin layer containing fluorescent material particles and a filler which reflects light , the method comprising:a fluorescent material precipitation process for precipitating the fluorescent material particles in advance of the filler.2. The method for manufacturing the light emitting device according to claim 1 , the fluorescent material precipitation process comprising:a first resin layer forming process for applying a first resin containing the filler around the light emitting element, except for at least an upper surface of the light emitting element, to form a first resin layer around the light emitting element;a second resin layer forming process for applying a second resin containing the fluorescent material particles onto the first resin layer and the light emitting element, before the first resin cures, to form a second resin layer on the first resin layer and the light emitting element; anda precipitation process for precipitating the fluorescent material particles such that the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181207A1

An organic electroluminescence device comprises the following structure: a conductive base (), a hole injection layer (), a light emission layer (), and a cathode layer () are laminated in sequence. The material of the hole injection layer () comprises a conductive polymer and an azo initiator. A nano-network structure is provided on the connecting surface of the hole injection layer () and the light emission layer (). After being heated to a higher temperature, the azo initiator can be decompounded to release N, thus the nano-network structure is formed on the surface of the hole injection layer (). The nano-network structure can efficiently increase the contacting area of the hole injection layer () and the adjacent layer. The injection efficiency of the hole is improved. A manufacturing method of the organic electroluminescence device is also provided. 1. An organic electroluminescent device , comprising a sequentially laminated structure comprising a conductive substrate , a hole injection layer , a light emitting layer and a cathode layer; wherein the hole injection layer comprises a conductive polymer and an azo initiator , and the surface of the hole injection layer connecting to the light emitting layer has a nano-reticular structure formed by thermal decomposition of the azo initiator.2. The organic electroluminescent device according to claim 1 , wherein:the azo initiator is oil-soluble azobisisobutyronitrile, and the conductive polymer is poly(3-hexylthiophene), poly(3-methylthiophene), poly(3-octyloxythiophene) or poly(3-dodecylthiophene) the azo initiator; orthe azo initiator is water-soluble azobis(isobutyramidine) hydrochloride, azobis[2-(2-imidazolin-2-yl)isobutane] hydrochloride, azobis(cyanovaleric acid) or azobis[2-(2-imidazolin-2-yl)propane], and the conductive polymer is a mixture of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) and poly(sodium-p-styrenesulfonate) in a mass ratio of from 1:2 to 1:6; orthe azo initiator is amphipathic azoisobutyronitrile ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183782A1
Автор: Mima Shoji
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited

An object of the present invention is to provide a method for an organic EL element in which the organic EL element can be readily produced by a roll to roll method, in the case where the respective components of the organic EL element are sequentially laminated from a cathode. A method for manufacturing an organic EL element of a preferable embodiment is a method for manufacturing an organic EL element by laminating, on a supporting substrate, a cathode, an electron injection layer, a light-emitting layer and an anode to manufacture an organic EL element by a roll to roll method, the manufacturing method including a step for forming an electron injection layer on the cathode of the supporting substrate on which the cathode has been formed, by applying an ink including an ionic polymer so as to form a film, a step for forming a light-emitting layer on the electron injection layer, and a step for forming an anode on the light-emitting layer. 1. A method for manufacturing an organic EL element by laminating , on a supporting substrate , a cathode , an electron injection layer , a light-emitting layer and an anode in this order to manufacture an organic EL element using a roll to roll method , the manufacturing method comprisinga step for forming the electron injection layer, on the cathode of the supporting substrate on which the cathode has been formed, by applying an ink including an ionic polymer so as to form a film,a step for forming the light-emitting layer on the electron injection layer, anda step for forming the anode on the light-emitting layer.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the supporting substrate is made of a thin metal plate.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ink is applied in an atmosphere of normal pressure in the step for forming the electron injection layer. The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing an organic EL element.There are a variety of light-emitting elements having different configurations, light ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186335A1

A vapor deposition apparatus () includes: a mask unit () including a vapor deposition source (), a vapor deposition mask (), and a mask holding member (); a substrate holder (); and at least either a mask unit moving mechanism () or a substrate moving mechanism (), with a roller () provided in a surface of one of (A) the substrate holder () and (B) the mask holding member () which faces the other one of (A) the substrate holder () and (B) the mask holding member (). 1. A vapor deposition apparatus for forming a film of a predetermined pattern on a film formation substrate on which the film is to be formed , the vapor deposition apparatus comprising:a substrate holding member for holding the film formation substrate;a mask unit including (i) a vapor deposition source from which vapor deposition particles are ejected, (ii) a vapor deposition mask which has openings and causes the vapor deposition particles ejected from the vapor deposition source to be vapor-deposited on the film formation substrate through the openings, and (iii) a mask holding member for holding the vapor deposition mask, the vapor deposition mask being smaller in area than the film formation substrate, the vapor deposition source and the vapor deposition mask having their relative positions fixed; andmoving means for causing a relative movement of at least one of (A) the mask unit and (B) the substrate holding member for scanning,the substrate holding member and the mask holding member being placed opposite each other so that the vapor deposition mask and the film formation substrate face each other during scanning,the vapor deposition apparatus further comprising a gap retaining member provided in a surface of at least one of (A) the substrate holding member and (B) the mask holding member which faces the other one of (A) the substrate holding member and (B) the mask holding member, the gap retaining member protruding toward the other member, the gap retaining member rotating, during scanning, in ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187138A1

An organic electroluminescence display unit including: a lower electrode for each device; a first hole injection/transport layer provided on the lower electrode for each device; a second organic light emitting layer of the first color provided on the first hole injection/transport layer for the second organic electroluminescence device; a second hole injection/transport layer provided on the entire surfaces of the second organic light emitting layer and the first hole injection/transport layer for the first organic electroluminescence device, and being made of a low molecular material; a blue first organic light emitting layer provided on the entire surface of the second hole injection/transport layer; and an electron injection/transport layer having at least one of electron injection characteristics and electron transport characteristics, and an upper electrode that are provided in sequence on the entire surface of first organic light emitting layer. 1. An organic electroluminescence display unit comprising:a lower electrode provided on a substrate for each of a blue first organic electroluminescence device and a second organic electroluminescence device of first color different from blue;a first hole injection/transport layer provided on the lower electrode for each of the first organic electroluminescence device and the second organic electroluminescence device, and having at least one of hole injection characteristics and hole transport characteristics;a second organic light emitting layer of the first color provided on the first hole injection/transport layer for the second organic electroluminescence device;a second hole injection/transport layer provided on the entire surfaces of the second organic light emitting layer and the first hole injection/transport layer for the first organic electroluminescence device, and being made of a low molecular material;a blue first organic light emitting layer provided on the entire surface of the second hole injection/ ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187141A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

An organic EL element includes a transparent substrate; a first electrode; an organic light emitting layer formed on the first electrode; and a second electrode formed on the organic light emitting layer, wherein a scattering layer including a base material made of glass and scattering substances dispersed in the base material is provided on the transparent substrate, and a light extraction assistance layer is provided between the scattering layer and the first electrode, the light extraction assistance layer being made of an inorganic material other than glass. 1. An organic EL element comprising:a transparent substrate;a first electrode;an organic light emitting layer formed on the first electrode; anda second electrode formed on the organic light emitting layer,wherein a scattering layer including a base material made of glass and scattering substances dispersed in the base material is provided on the transparent substrate, anda light extraction assistance layer is provided between the scattering layer and the first electrode, the light extraction assistance layer being made of an inorganic material other than glass.2. The organic EL element according to claim 1 , wherein the light extraction assistance layer has a refraction index more than or equal to 2.2 within a wavelength range of 430 nm to 650 nm.3. The organic EL element according to claim 1 , wherein the light extraction assistance layer is made of a material selected from a group including Ti containing nitride claim 1 , Ti containing oxide and Ti containing nitride-oxide.4. The organic EL element according to claim 1 , wherein the light extraction assistance layer is made of TiZrO.5. The organic EL element according to claim 1 , wherein the light extraction assistance layer is made of TiO.6. The organic EL element according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the light extraction assistance layer is less than or equal to 50 nm.7. A translucent substrate comprising a transparent substrate and a ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187146A1

Composition which may be useful in an organic light emitting diode, the composition having a fluorescent light-emitting polymer with light-emitting repeat units, and a triplet-accepting unit bound to the light-emitting polymer. 1. A composition comprising a fluorescent light-emitting polymer comprising light-emitting repeat units , and a triplet-accepting unit bound to the light-emitting polymer.2. A composition according to in which the triplet-accepting unit is present in an amount in the range of 0.1 to 10 mol %.3. A composition according to wherein the triplet-accepting unit is a triplet accepting compound mixed with the light-emitting polymer and any other component or components of the composition.4. A composition according to wherein the triplet-accepting unit is bound to the light-emitting polymer or to any other component or components of the composition.5. A composition according to wherein the composition comprises at least one of a hole transporting material and an electron transporting material and wherein the triplet-accepting unit is bound to at least one of the hole transporting material claim 4 , the electron transporting material and the light-emitting material.6. A composition according to wherein the triplet-accepting unit is bound to the light emitting polymer.7. A composition according to wherein the light-emitting polymer comprises a light-emitting repeat unit and at least one of repeat units providing electron transport and repeat units providing hole transport claim 6 , wherein the triplet-accepting material is bound to at least one of the light-emitting repeat unit claim 6 , the repeat unit providing electron transport and the repeat unit providing hole transport.8. A composition according to wherein the triplet-accepting unit is a repeat unit in the main chain of the light-emitting polymer or a side-group or end-group of the light-emitting polymer.9. A composition according to wherein the triplet-accepting unit is substituted with one or ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187147A1

Composition for use in an organic light-emitting device, the composition having a fluorescent light-emitting material and a triplet-accepting material subject to the following energetic scheme: 2×T>S>S, or T+T>S>Sin which: T1A represents a triplet excited state energy level of the triplet-accepting material; TIE represents a triplet excited state energy level of the light-emitting material; Srepresents a singlet excited state energy level of the triplet-accepting material; and Srepresents a singlet excited state energy level of the light-emitting material; and in which light emitted by the composition upon excitation includes delayed fluorescence. 1) A composition for use in an organic light-emitting device comprising a fluorescent light-emitting material and a triplet-accepting material wherein:{'br': None, 'i': ×T', '≧S', '>S', 'T', '+T', '≧S', '>S, 'sub': 1A', '1A', '1E', '1A', '1E', '1A', '1E, '2, or'}in which:{'sub': '1A', 'Trepresents a triplet excited state energy level of the triplet-accepting material;'}{'sub': '1E', 'Trepresents a triplet excited state energy level of the light-emitting material;'}{'sub': '1A', 'Srepresents a singlet excited state energy level of the triplet-accepting material; and'}{'sub': '1E', 'Srepresents a singlet excited state energy level of the light-emitting material;'}and wherein light emitted by the composition upon excitation includes delayed fluorescence.2) A composition according to wherein at least 10% claim 1 , optionally at least 20% claim 1 , of the luminescent intensity of light emitted by the composition upon excitation is delayed fluorescence.3) A composition according to any preceding claim wherein a continuous excitation of the composition for a period sufficient to cause the luminescent intensity of the composition to fall by 50% from an initial luminescent intensity results in emission of delayed fluorescence for the entire period following initial emission of delayed fluorescence following initial excitation of ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187148A1

The invention describes a multi-device OLED () comprising a device layer stack () comprising a bottom electrode (), a top electrode (), at least one inter electrode () and plurality of active layers (), wherein the bottom electrode () is applied to a substrate (), and each active layer () is enclosed between two electrodes (); a current distribution means () comprising a current distribution layer () for each electrode () of the device layer stack (); a plurality of openings () extending from the top electrode () into the device layer stack (), wherein each opening () exposes a contact region () of an electrode (); and a plurality of electrical connectors (), wherein an electrical connector () extends into an opening () to electrically connect the electrode () exposed by that opening () to the current distribution layer () for that electrode (). The invention also describes a method of manufacturing such a multi-device OLED. The invention further describes a method of driving such a multi-device OLED, which method comprises applying a voltage across at least one pair () of current distribution layers ( ) of the current distribution means () to stimulate the corresponding active layer () of a device of the multi-device OLED (). 1. A multi-device OLED comprisinga device layer stack comprising a bottom electrode comprising an isolated region, a top electrode, at least one inter electrode and plurality of active layers, wherein the bottom electrode is applied to a substrate, and each active layer is enclosed between two electrodes;a current distribution means comprising a current distribution layer for each electrode of the device layer stack;a plurality of openings extending from the top electrode into the device layer stack, wherein each opening exposes a contact region of an electrode, wherein the contact region of the inter electrode comprises the isolated region of the bottom electrode; anda plurality of electrical connectors, wherein an electrical connector ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Encapsulation for organic optoelectronic devices

Номер: US20130189805A1
Автор: Glenn Thompson
Принадлежит: Plextronics Inc

An organic optoelectronic device includes a substrate, an anode, a cathode, an active region comprising an organic material, an encapsulation that isolates the active region from an ambient environment, wherein the encapsulation comprises a housing, and a first hermetically sealed electrical path through the housing.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130189807A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Embodiments described herein provide methods for processing various polymer materials for use in devices, such as photovoltaic devices. In some cases, oxidative chemical vapor deposition (oCVD) may be used to process conjugated polymers, including relatively insoluble conjugated polymers. The methods described herein provide processing techniques that may be used to synthesize and/or process polymers, such as unsubstituted thiophene. 1. A method of forming a semiconducting polymer on a surface , comprising:reacting a vapor-phase monomer species and a vapor-phase oxidizing agent to produce a vapor comprising a semiconducting polymer precursor;contacting the vapor with a surface to form the semiconducting polymer precursor on the surface; andtreating the semiconducting polymer precursor on the surface with a reducing agent to produce the semiconducting polymer.2. A method as in claim 1 , wherein the semiconducting polymer is a conjugated polymer.3. A method as in claim 2 , wherein the conjugated polymer is a polyacetylene claim 2 , polyarylene claim 2 , polyarylene vinylene claim 2 , or polyarylene ethynylene claim 2 , any of which are optionally substituted.4. A method as in claim 2 , wherein the conjugated polymer is polyphenylene claim 2 , polythiophene claim 2 , polypyrrole claim 2 , polyaniline claim 2 , or polyacetylene claim 2 , any of which are optionally substituted.5. A method as in claim 2 , wherein the conjugated polymer is an optionally substituted polythiophene.6. A method as in claim 2 , wherein the conjugated polymer is an unsubstituted polythiophene.7. A method as in claim 1 , wherein the monomer species is a compound comprising an aryl or heteroaryl group claim 1 , any of which is optionally substituted.8. A method as in claim 1 , wherein the monomer species is an optionally substituted heteroaryl group.9. A method as in claim 8 , wherein the heteroaryl group is an optionally substituted thiophene.10. A method as in claim 1 , wherein the oxidizing ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130189808A1

A selective organic emissive material deposition technique is disclosed. A charged organic emissive material may be mixed with a carrier gas and ejected towards a charged intended area of a substrate. The charge for the emissive material may be such that the organic emissive material is attracted to the charged intended area of the substrate and, accordingly, deposited selectively over the charged intended area of the substrate. Additionally, surrounding unintended areas of the substrate may be charged such that the charged organic emissive material is repelled by the unintended areas. 1. A method comprising:applying a first charge to at least a portion of a first mixture, the first mixture comprising a first organic emissive material and a first carrier gas;applying a second charge to a first portion of a substrate, the second charge being of opposite sign to the first charge; anddirecting the first organic emissive material toward the substrate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the charge is applied to the first organic emissive material.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the charge is applied to the first carrier gas.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the charge is applied to the first carrier gas before the first organic emissive material is introduced to the first carrier gas to form the first mixture.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:applying a third charge to a second region of the substrate, the third charge being of the same sign as the first charge.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:applying a third charge to a second region of the substrate, the third charge being of the same sign as, but different magnitude than, the second charge.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises a plurality of electrodes claim 1 , and the first region of the substrate comprises at least one claim 1 , but not all claim 1 , of the plurality of electrodes.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the substrate comprises an active matrix backplane. ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130189895A1

A method of manufacturing an organic-light-emitting-diode (OLED) flat-panel light-source apparatus. The method includes depositing a metal layer on a substrate and patterning the metal layer to form a plurality of subsidiary electrodes, forming an insulating layer on the substrate including the plurality of subsidiary electrodes and forming a first subsidiary electrode layer by etching the insulating layer until some of the plurality of subsidiary electrodes are exposed, and sequentially forming an anode, an organic emission layer (EML), and a cathode on the substrate on which the first subsidiary electrode layer is formed. 1. A method of manufacturing an organic-light-emitting-diode (OLED) flat-panel light-source apparatus , the method comprising:depositing a metal layer on a substrate and patterning the metal layer to form a plurality of subsidiary electrodes;forming an insulating layer on the substrate including the plurality of subsidiary electrodes and forming a first subsidiary electrode layer by etching the insulating layer until some of the plurality of subsidiary electrodes are exposed; andsequentially forming an anode, an organic emission layer (EML), and a cathode on the substrate on which the first subsidiary electrode layer is formed.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein some of the plurality of subsidiary electrodes are bonded to the anode and supply power to the anode in an emission region less affected by IR-drop claim 1 , and others of the plurality of subsidiary electrodes are electrically insulated from the anode and supply power to other emission regions in an emission region more affected by the IR-drop.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:forming an insulating layer on the cathode and etching the insulating layer; anddepositing a metal layer on the cathode on which the insulating layer is formed and forming the plurality of subsidiary electrodes on the insulating layer or the cathode by patterning the metal layer to form a second ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193416A1
Автор: SHIN Jin Wook

Provide is an organic electroluminescent device including an organic electroluminescent layer emitting a light and a plurality of nano-sized embossing layers stacked to improve light extraction efficiency of the emitted light. 1. An organic electroluminescent device , comprising:an organic electroluminescent layer emitting a light;a plurality of nano-sized embossing layers stacked to improve light extraction efficiency of the emitted light;andat least one planarization layer covering a corresponding one of the nano-sized embossing layers.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the nano-sized embossing layers comprises convex portions claim 1 , whose width ranges from 100 nm to 1000 nm.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the nano-sized embossing layers comprises convex portions claim 1 , whose space ranges from 100 nm to 3000 nm.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the nano-sized embossing layers comprise at least one of SiO claim 1 , SnO claim 1 , TiO claim 1 , TiO—SiO claim 1 , ZrO claim 1 , AlO claim 1 , HfO claim 1 , InO claim 1 , ITO claim 1 , nitride claim 1 , polyethylene resin claim 1 , poly acryl resin claim 1 , polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin claim 1 , polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) claim 1 , polyimide resin claim 1 , polystyrene resin claim 1 , epoxy resin claim 1 , or silicone resin.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the nano-sized embossing layers are formed as a part of the planarization layer.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the planarization layer has a refractive index ranging from 1.2 to 2.5.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein one of the at least one planarization layer has a refractive index ranging from 1.7 to 2.5 and is disposed under an electrode for supplying holes to the organic electroluminescent layer.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein a refractive index of the at least one planarization layer increases with decreasing distance from the organic electroluminescent layer.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein a refractive index of each planarization layer is ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193829A1
Автор: Anderson Deloren E.

A light fixture, comprising a matrix, a plurality of electrical sockets fixedly secured to the matrix and forming a rigid matrix of electrical sockets electrically interconnected in two dimensions. One or more light emitting diode modules are individually removable and replaceable within any individual electrical socket within the matrix. Each individual light emitting diode module includes a base and a light emitting diode, wherein the base is configured and arranged for fitted electrical engagement within the electrical socket. 1. A high intensity light emitting diode module comprising:a high intensity light emitting diode;a heat sink thermally coupled to the high intensity light emitting diode;a pair of light emitting diode contacts extending from the light emitting diode, each contact for mating with corresponding power source contacts to couple to a power source to produce a large volume of light; anda base coupled to the heat sink having the light emitting diode contacts extending into the base to provide electrical connection between the light emitting diode contacts and the power source contacts.2. The high intensity light emitting diode module of wherein the base claim 1 , light emitting diode contacts and power source contacts provide a friction fit to electrically connect the respective contacts.3. The high intensity light emitting diode module of wherein the pair of light emitting diode contacts comprise male connectors for mating with the power source contacts.4. The high intensity light emitting diode module of and further comprising a guide coupled to the high intensity light emitting diode adapted to fit with a mating guide about the power source contacts to align the light emitting diode contacts with the power source contacts.5. The high intensity light emitting diode module of and further comprising a lens optically coupled to the light emitting diode to provide light directional control.6. The high intensity light emitting diode module of wherein ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193845A1
Автор: Kobayakawa Masahiko
Принадлежит: ROHM CO., LTD.

An LED module includes: an LED chip; and a resin case having a reflective surface surrounding the LED chip. An area contact inhibitor to inhibit area contact with an adjacent LED module is formed on an outer surface of the resin case. 1. An LED module comprising:an LED chip;a resin case having a reflective surface formed on an inner side of the resin case to surround the LED chip; andan area contact inhibitor configured to inhibit area contact with an adjacent LED module formed on an outer surface of the resin case.2. The LED module of claim 1 , wherein the resin case is made of a resin material whose Shore hardness is 50 or less.3. The LED module of claim 2 , wherein the resin case is made of a silicon resin or a resin containing a silicon resin as a main ingredient.4. The LED module of claim 1 , further comprising a mounting member having a mounting surface on which the LED chip is mounted.5. The LED module of claim 4 , wherein the resin case is configured to include a frame-like part which has the reflective surface formed on the inner side of the resin case and projects away from the mounting surface.6. The LED module of claim 5 , wherein the area contact inhibitor is formed on at least a portion of an outer surface of the frame-like part.7. The LED module of claim 6 , wherein the area contact inhibitor formed on the outer surface of the frame-like part is configured to include a first planar portion and a second planar portion which is different from the first planar portion and is located farther from the mounting member than the first planar portion.8. The LED module of claim 7 , wherein a step is formed between the first planar portion and the second planar portion claim 7 , such that one end of the step close to the first planar portion is located farther from the LED chip than the other end close to the second planar portion.9. The LED module of claim 7 , wherein the first and second planar portions have different angles with respect to a normal direction ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200353A1
Автор: Schmid Gunter, TAROATA Dan

The device for charge carrier modulation is a current-controlled component, which has semiconductor layers arranged on top of each other. The organic semiconductor layers arranged on top of each other are an electron transport layer, which is arranged between a first and a second hole transport layer, and/or a hole transport layer, which is arranged between a first and a second electron transport layer. The respective central layer is the modulation layer having a contact for a modulation voltage. By applying a modulation voltage, a modulation current flow is generated over the modulation layer. The modulation current flow influences the component current flow which flows from the first into the second hole or electron transport layer via the respective modulation layer. 115-. (canceled)16. A current-controlled component comprising:organic semiconductor layers lying on one another the organic semiconductor layers including at least one of:a multiple hole transport layer arrangement includinga first hole transport layer,a second hole transport layer, andan electron transport layer arranged between the first hole transport layer and the second hole transport layer, anda multiple electron transport layer arrangement includinga first electron transport layer,a second electron transport layer, anda hole transport layer arranged between the first electron transport layer and the second electron transport layer.17. The current-controlled component as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the organic semiconductor layers lie on one another in a vertical layer stack.18. The current-controlled component as claimed in claim 16 , further comprising one ofheterojunctions formed between the organic semiconductor layers lying on one another, andintrinsic interlayers arranged between the organic semiconductor layers.19. The current-controlled component as claimed in claim 16 , wherein in the multiple hole transport layer arrangement, the electron transport layer arranged between the first ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130203193A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co., Ltd.

A method of manufacturing an organic light emitting diode (OLED) display is disclosed. In one aspect, the method includes preparing a substrate, forming a spacer on the substrate along an edge of the substrate, forming a driving circuit and an organic light emitting diode on the substrate to be surrounded by the spacer and forming an encapsulation thin film so as to substantially cover the driving circuit and the organic light emitting diodel. The mask that is used in the forming of the driving circuit and the organic light emitting diode is supported by and contacts the spacer. 1. A method of manufacturing an organic light emitting diode (OLED) display , comprising:preparing a substrate;forming a spacer on the substrate along an edge of the substrate;forming a driving circuit and an organic light emitting diode on the substrate to be surrounded by the spacer; andforming an encapsulation thin film so as to substantially cover the driving circuit and the organic light emitting diode,wherein the mask that is used in the forming of the driving circuit and the organic light emitting diode is supported by and contacts the spacer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the height of the spacer is greater than the height of the layered structure of the driving circuit and the organic light emitting diode.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the height of the spacer is greater than the height of the layered structure of i) the driving circuit claim 2 , ii) the organic light emitting diode and iii) the encapsulation thin film.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the height of the spacer is about 3 μm to about 5 μm.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spacer is formed at least partially of acryl claim 1 , urethane and polyimide (PI).6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the encapsulation thin film contacts the spacer.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the encapsulation thin film is formed by alternately layering at least a pair of an inorganic film and an organic film.8. The method of ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130203197A1
Принадлежит: InnoLux Corporation

A method of fabricating a pixel structure for an organic light-emitting display (OLED) is disclosed. A substrate having at least a sub-pixel region is provided. An auxiliary electrode layer and an insulating layer are formed on the substrate in the sub-pixel region, wherein the insulating layer has an opening to expose the auxiliary electrode layer. A lower electrode layer, an organic light emission layer, and an upper electrode layer are formed on the substrate, wherein the organic light emission layer fills the opening in the insulating layer. Another opening is formed in the upper electrode layer and the organic light emission layer directly on the opening in the insulating layer by performing a laser process, such that the upper electrode layer and the auxiliary electrode layer are welded together through the opening in the upper electrode layer and the organic light emission layer. 1. A method of fabricating a pixel structure for an organic light-emitting display , comprising:providing a substrate having a plurality of series of sub-pixel regions arranged in parallel;forming an auxiliary electrode layer on the substrate, wherein the auxiliary electrode layer corresponds to at least a sub-pixel region in the plurality of series of sub-pixel regions;forming a first insulating layer on the substrate and covering the auxiliary electrode layer, wherein the first insulating layer has at least a first opening to partially expose the auxiliary electrode layer ;forming a lower electrode layer on the substrate in each sub-pixel region in the plurality of series of sub-pixel regions;forming an organic light-emitting layer on each lower electrode layer, filling the first opening;forming an upper electrode layer on the organic light-emitting layer; andperforming a laser process in the upper electrode layer and the organic light-emitting layer directly on the first opening to form at least a third opening therein, such that the upper electrode layer and the auxiliary ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130207087A1
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

An organic light emitting display device includes a light shield layer formed on a substrate and a buffer layer formed on an entire surface of the substrate, an oxide semiconductor layer and first electrode formed on the buffer layer, a gate insulation film and gate electrode formed on the oxide semiconductor layer while being deposited to expose both edges of the oxide semiconductor layer, an interlayer insulation film formed to expose both the exposed edges of the oxide semiconductor layer and the first electrode, source and drain electrodes connected with one edge and the other edge of the oxide semiconductor layer, respectively, and a protective film formed to cover the source and drain electrodes while exposing a region of the first electrode so as to define a luminescent region and a non-luminescent region. 1. An organic light emitting display device comprising:a substrate;a light shield layer formed on the substrate;a buffer layer formed on a surface of the substrate so as to cover the light shield layer;an oxide semiconductor layer formed on the buffer layer, the oxide semiconductor layer having a source area, a drain area, and a channel area between the source area and the drain area;a first electrode formed on the buffer layer;a gate insulation film formed on the channel area of the oxide semiconductor layer;a gate electrode formed on the gate insulation film;an interlayer insulation film covering the gate insulation film and the gate electrode;a source electrode connected to the source area of the oxide semiconductor layer;a drain electrode connected to the drain area of the oxide semiconductor layer and further connected to the first electrode; anda protective film formed to cover the source electrode and the drain electrode and exposing a region of the first electrode.2. The organic light emitting display device according to claim 1 , wherein the oxide semiconductor layer overlaps with the light shield layer claim 1 , and wherein the light shield layer ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130207089A1

Provided is a method of fabricating an organic light-emitting device. The method of fabricating an organic light-emitting device includes: providing a substrate; forming a control electrode on the substrate; forming an insulating layer covering at least a top surface of the control electrode; forming a hole transport layer pattern through printing on at least a part of the insulating layer; forming an organic light-emitting layer to be in contact with at least a part of a surface of the hole transport layer pattern; forming an electron transport layer pattern through printing to be in contact with at least a part of a surface of the organic light-emitting layer; and forming a first electrode and a second electrode respectively on the hole transport layer pattern and the electron transport layer pattern. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the forming an electron transport layer pattern is performed as to a part of the organic light-emitting layer is disposed between a part of hole transport layer pattern and a part of electron transport layer pattern.3. A method of fabricating an organic light-emitting device claim 1 , comprising:providing a substrate;forming a control electrode on the substrate;forming an insulating layer covering at least a top surface of the control electrode;forming an electron transport layer pattern by printing on at least a part of the insulating layer;forming an organic light-emitting layer to be in contact with at least a part of a surface of the electron transport layer pattern;forming a hole transport layer pattern through printing to be in contact with at least a part of a surface of the organic light-emitting layer; andforming a first electrode and a second electrode respectively on the hole transport layer pattern and the electron transport layer pattern.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the forming an hole transport layer pattern is performed as to a part of the organic light-emitting layer is disposed between a part of electron ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

OLED with flexible cover layer

Номер: US20130207541A1

The invention relates to an OLED and its manufacture. The OLED comprises substrate (),a first electrode layer (),a package () of layers comprising organic electroluminescence material, a second electrode layer (),a spacer layer () and a cover () being sealed to the substrate () via a sealing material (). According to the invention, the cover () is formed as a layer of a flexible material which is permanently fixed to at least a part of the spacer layer (). OLEDs with this feature have less moisture penetration and can be produced with less costs. Moreover, electrical contacts () between the cover () and one of the electrode layers () are more reliable in OLEDs having this feature. 1. An organic electroluminescence device , comprisinga substrate on which a first electrode layer is provided,a package of layers comprising organic electroluminescence material, which package is provided on the first electrode layer,a second electrode layer being provided on the package,a spacer layer being provided on the second electrode layer,a cover being provided on the spacer layer and being sealed to the substrate via a sealing material, wherein the cover is formed as a layer of a flexible material having a flexural rigidity in the range of from larger than 0.0001 Nm to 0.15 Nm which is permanently fixed to at least a part of the spacer layer, and wherein the cover is curved around its circumference in a direction away from the device.2. (canceled)3. An organic electroluminescence device according to claim 1 , wherein the cover comprises a metal layer.4. (canceled)5. An organic electroluminescence device according to claim 1 , wherein the sealing material comprises one of solder material and glass frit material.6. An organic electroluminescence device according to claim 1 , wherein there exists a non-fixed zone at the circumference of the spacer layer.7. An organic electroluminescence device according to claim 6 , wherein the width of the non-fixed zone is between 0.5 and 20.0 mm.8 ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209666A1

An evaporating method is capable of forming a thin film on a substrate by a vapor deposition process. The evaporating method includes measuring a vapor concentration of a material gas discharged to the substrate by a detector; and controlling a film forming condition based on a measurement result from the detector. 14-. (canceled)5. An evaporating method of forming a thin film on a substrate by a vapor deposition process , the evaporating method comprising:measuring a vapor concentration of a material gas discharged to the substrate by a detector; andcontrolling a film forming condition based on a measurement result from the detector.6. The evaporating method of claim 5 ,wherein the controlling of the film forming condition is performed by previously setting a film forming condition for forming the thin film of a required thickness on the substrate and by measuring a difference from the previously set film forming condition.7. The evaporating method of claim 5 ,wherein the film forming condition is one or more of a carrier gas flow rate, a heater temperature in a material gas generating unit, a material supply amount, a substrate moving speed, a substrate temperature and a chamber pressure.8. The evaporating method of claim 5 ,wherein the detector includes at least one of an optical sensor, a mass spectrometer, a vacuum gauge capable of measuring an absolute pressure and an ionization vacuum gauge. The present disclosure relates to an evaporating apparatus and an evaporating method of forming a light emitting layer when manufacturing, e.g., an organic EL device.Recently, an organic EL (Electro Luminescence) device using EL is under development. Since the organic EL device is self-luminous, power consumption is low. Further, the organic EL device has a wider view angle than, e.g., a liquid crystal display (LCD). Due of these advantages, the organic EL device is expected to be further developed in the future.Basically, the organic EL device has a sandwich structure ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209668A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The disclosure relates to a method for depositing films on a substrate which may form part of an LED or other types of display. In one embodiment, the disclosure relates to an apparatus for depositing ink on a substrate. The apparatus includes a chamber for receiving ink; a discharge nozzle having an inlet port and an outlet port, the discharge nozzle receiving a quantity of ink from the chamber at the inlet port and dispensing the quantity of ink from the outlet port; and a dispenser for metering the quantity of ink from the chamber to the inlet port of the discharge nozzle; wherein the chamber receives ink in liquid form having a plurality of suspended particles and the quantity of ink is pulsatingly metered from the chamber to the discharge nozzle; and the discharge nozzle evaporates the carrier liquid and deposits the solid particles on the substrate. 1. A method for depositing ink on a substrate , the method comprising:using a pulsating energy having a first frequency to meter a quantity of ink to a discharge nozzle, the ink defined by a plurality of solid particles in a carrier liquid;receiving the metered quantity of ink at the discharge nozzle and evaporating the carrier liquid from the metered quantity of ink to provide a quantity of substantially solid ink particles;dispensing the substantially solid ink particles from the discharge nozzle and depositing the substantially solid ink particles on the substrate; andwherein at least a portion of the substantially solid ink particles are converted to a vapor phase during discharge from the discharge nozzle, directed to the substrate as a vapor, and condense on a surface of the substrate in substantially solid form.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of using the pulsating energy to meter the quantity of ink further comprises heating the quantity of ink with a plurality of heat pulses.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of using the pulsating energy to meter the quantity of ink further comprises ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209670A1
Принадлежит: KATEEVA, INC.

The disclosure relates to a method and apparatus for preventing oxidation or contamination during a circuit printing operation. The circuit printing operation can be directed to OLED-type printing. In an exemplary embodiment, the printing process is conducted at a load-locked printer housing having one or more of chambers. Each chamber is partitioned from the other chambers by physical gates or fluidic curtains. A controller coordinates transportation of a substrate through the system and purges the system by timely opening appropriate gates. The controller may also control the printing operation by energizing the print-head at a time when the substrate is positioned substantially thereunder. 1. A system for depositing an organic material on a substrate , comprising:a housing comprising at least a print-head chamber and a second chamber;an opening in at least one side of each of the print-head and second chambers;means for reversibly sealing said print-head chamber and said second chamber from the rest of said housing;a print head disposed within the print-head chamber;a gas bearing disposed within the print-head chamber, said gas bearing comprising a gas-bearing surface comprising a plurality of fluid nozzles;a vacuum source adapted for communication with at least one of the chambers; and,an inert-gas source adapted for communication with at least one of the chambers.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said fluid nozzles comprise both pressure ports and vacuum ports.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein a combination of pressure and vacuum at said pressure ports and said vacuum ports claim 2 , respectively claim 2 , provides for control over the height of the substrate.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein said gas bearing is configured to suspend and provide for the transport of said substrate through at least one of the chambers.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein said gas bearing is configured to support said substrate above said gas-bearing surface during printing.6. ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130210312A1

A light-emitting display capable of maintaining low power consumption and improving display quality irrespective of the configuration of an auxiliary wiring. A second electrode and an auxiliary wiring are electrically connected to each other through a conductive contact section. Moreover, only a part of the auxiliary wiring is connected to the contact section. Even if the surface of the auxiliary wiring is oxidized, an increase in connection resistance is prevented. Moreover, a restriction on layout is not imposed at the time of forming the contact section. 1. A method of manufacturing a light-emitting display comprising the steps of:forming a drive element and a first wiring layer over a substrate, and electrically connecting the plurality of drive elements and the wiring layer;forming a first conductive layer over the drive elements and the wiring layer;forming a first electrode corresponding to the plurality of drive elements, respectively, as well as an auxiliary wiring layer by patterning the first conductive layer;forming a respective light emission section on each of the first electrodes;forming a common second electrode of a material allowing light from each light emission section to pass therethrough on the plurality of the light emission sections; andforming a conductive contact layer, and electrically connecting the common second electrode and the auxiliary wiring layer through the conductive contact layer, 'a portion of the common second electrode is in direct contact with the conductive contact layer, and a portion of the auxiliary wiring layer is positioned above and in direct contact with the conductive contact layer.', 'wherein,'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wiring layer is formed of a material with resistance that is lower than that of the common second electrode.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein one second conductive layer is formed claim 1 , and the first wiring layer and the conductive contact layer are formed by patterning the second ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Cavity Electroluminescent Devices with Integrated Microlenses

Номер: US20130214254A1
Автор: Shi Yijian, Xu Qianfei

Herein is provided electroluminescent devices, and methods for their use and production. In some embodiments, the devices contain embedded optical features that act as lenses to direct photons emitted from an electroluminescent material. The lensing effect from the optical features allows increased light extraction from the devices compared with devices lacking such features. In some embodiments the devices are prepared using a plurality of etching and deposition steps.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214262A1

An organic electroluminescence device is provided. The device comprises an anode base layer (), a hole injection layer () on the anode base layer (), a light emitting layer () on the hole injection layer (), and a cathode electrode layer () on the light emitting layer (). The material of the hole injection layer () is metal oxide or thiophene type compound. The hole injection layer () has advantages of improving the recombination probability of electron-hole and not being easily oxidized, so that the efficiency of the organic electroluminescence device is increased and the service life is prolonged. A method for manufacturing the organic electroluminescence device is also provided. 1. An organic electroluminescent device , comprising an anode base layer , a hole injection layer provided on the anode base layer , a light emitting layer provided on the hole injection layer , and a cathode electrode layer provided on the light emitting layer , wherein the material for the hole injection layer is a metal oxide or a thiophene compound.2. The organic electroluminescent device according to claim 1 , wherein the metal oxide is at least one of zinc oxide claim 1 , magnesium oxide and vanadium pentoxide; and the thiophene compound is at least one of poly(3-hexyl thiophene) claim 1 , poly(3-methyl thiophene) claim 1 , poly(3-octyloxy thiophene) and poly(3-dodecyl thiophene).3. The organic electroluminescent device according to claim 1 , further comprises at least one of a hole transport layer between the hole injection layer and the light emitting layer claim 1 , an electron transport layer between the light emitting layer and the cathode electrode layer claim 1 , and an electron injection layer between the electron transport layer and the cathode electrode layer.4. A method for preparing an organic electroluminescent device claim 1 , comprising the steps of:{'b': '1', 'S, preparing a metal oxide sol or a thiophene compound sol;'}{'b': '2', 'S, providing an anode base layer, ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130217165A1

Making an OLED display, includes forming a first storage plate and a gate insulating layer covering the first storage plate on a substrate; sequentially forming a second storage plate covering the first storage plate and a capacitor intermediate in the gate insulating layer; forming a first doping region by injecting an impurity to a part that is not covered by the capacitor intermediate in the first storage plate; forming an interlayer insulating layer having a capacitor opening exposing the capacitor intermediate, and a plurality of erosion preventing layers on an edge of the capacitor intermediate toward the first doping region in the capacitor opening; removing the capacitor intermediate including the erosion preventing layer and a lower region of the erosion preventing layer, and injecting an impurity in the first storage plate through the second storage plate to form a second doping region contacting the first doping region. 17-. (canceled)8. A method for manufacturing an organic light emitting diode display , the method comprising:forming a first storage plate of a polysilicon layer;forming a gate insulating layer covering the first storage plate on a substrate;sequentially forming a second storage plate for covering the first storage plate and a capacitor intermediate in the gate insulating layer;forming a first doping region by injecting an impurity to a part that is not covered by the capacitor intermediate in the first storage plate;forming an interlayer insulating layer having a capacitor opening exposing the capacitor intermediate, the interlayer insulating layer having a plurality of erosion preventing layers on an edge of the capacitor intermediate toward the first doping region in the capacitor opening;removing the capacitor intermediate, including the erosion preventing layer and a lower region of the erosion preventing layer; andinjecting an impurity in the first storage plate through the second storage plate to form a second doping region ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130217292A1
Автор: SAKAGUCHI Yoshikazu

A collecting/recycling system includes: information collecting section that obtains a status of the organic EL panel used in a market; information processing section that processes and stores, as collection/recycling information, information about a reutilizable member, part, and material of the organic EL panel; collection/recycling predicting section that predicts the timing and quantity of the reutilizable member, part, and material of the organic EL panel, whose the status has been obtained by information collecting section to be distributed to a recycling step based on the collection/recycling information stored in information processing section and production plan setting section that sets a production plan of a recycled organic EL panel using the reutilizable member/part/material based on the timing and quantity predicted by collection/recycling predicting section 1. A collecting/recycling system of an organic EL lighting device using an organic EL panel comprising:information collecting means that obtains a status of the organic EL panel used in a market;information processing means that processes and stores, as collection/recycling information, information about a reutilizable member, part, and material of the organic EL panel;collection/recycling predicting means that predicts the timing and quantity of the reutilizable member, part, and material of the organic EL panel, whose the status has been obtained by said information collecting means, to be distributed to a recycling step based on the collection/recycling information stored in said information processing means; andproduction plan setting means that sets a production plan of a recycled organic EL panel using the reutilizable member/part/material based on the timing and quantity predicted by said collection/recycling predicting means.2. The collecting/recycling system of an organic EL lighting device according to claim 1 , whereinsaid information collecting means finds out and manages information and ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221835A1

Optical elements () are attached to a support film () at select locations, the select locations corresponding to locations of light emitting elements () on another substrate, e.g. the substrate of the title ().The film is placed on the substrate containing the light emitting elements such that the optical elements are in contact with their corresponding light emitting elements. The optical elements are laminated to the light emitting elements, and the support film is removed. The optical elements may include wavelength conversion elements, lens elements, combinations of elements, and so on. Other elements, such as conductors and reflectors may also be positioned on the laminate film 1. A method comprising:providing a support film, andadding one or more layers to a surface of the film, in accordance with a pattern, to form at least a plurality of optical elements, the pattern resulting in variations in elevation of at least one layer normal to the surface of the support film,wherein the pattern corresponds to an arrangement of light emitting devices on a separate substrate, andattaching the plurality of optical elements to the plurality of light emitting devices by vacuum lamination.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the optical elements include wavelength converting elements.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more layers includes a layer of electrically conductive elements.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more layers includes material that enhances thermal conduction.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more layers includes a layer of reflective material.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein each optical element includes a plurality of phosphor elements.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. The method of claim 1 , including removing the support film claim 1 , leaving the plurality of optical elements attached to the plurality of light emitting devices.10. A laminate film comprising:a flexible support film, andone or more laminated layers upon ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221841A1
Автор: Moriwaki Toshiki

A display includes a first substrate including elements arranged on a main surface of the first substrate, a second substrate arranged so as to face the main surface of the first substrate on which the elements are arranged, a first sealing layer arranged between the first substrate and the second substrate, and a second sealing layer arranged between the first substrate and the second substrate so as to surround the first sealing layer. The second substrate has a peripheral projection, the entirety of which projects toward the side on which the elements are arranged, and the peripheral projection surrounds the first sealing layer. The second sealing layer is arranged between the first substrate and the second substrate so as to extend from the periphery of the first sealing layer to the peripheral projection. 1. A display comprising:a first substrate including elements arranged on a main surface of the first substrate;a second substrate arranged so as to face the main surface of the first substrate on which the elements are arranged;a first sealing layer arranged between the first substrate and the second substrate; anda second sealing layer arranged between the first substrate and the second substrate so as to surround the first sealing layer, the second substrate has a peripheral projection, the entirety of which projects toward the side on which the elements are arranged, and the peripheral projection surrounds the first sealing layer, and', 'the second sealing layer is arranged between the first substrate and the second substrate so as to extend from the periphery of the first sealing layer to the peripheral projection., 'wherein,'}2. The display according to claim 1 , wherein the second sealing layer is arranged only between the first substrate and the second substrate.3. The display according to claim 1 , wherein:each of the first substrate and the second substrate is composed of an organic material, anda protective film is arranged on at least one surface of ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221873A1
Автор: Weaver Matthew D.
Принадлежит: Lumenetix, Inc.

A light source apparatus is disclosed. The light source includes an array of light emitting diodes (LEDs) including at least three color channels, the at least three color channels includes: a yellow-greenish channel including a YAG:Ce phosphor emitter pumped by a royal blue InGaN LED; a red channel including a second LED, the second LED being either phosphor-based LED or AlInGaP LED; and a blue green channel including a third LED wherein the third LED is a royal blue InGaN LED. The light source further includes a mixing barrel around the array of LEDs for mixing light generated from the three color channels to simulate a black body radiator at different correlated color temperatures. Each of the at least three color channels includes one or more LEDs emitting the same color. 1. A method of manufacture of a light source comprising: selecting a yellow-greenish channel including a YAG:Ce phosphor emitter pumped by a first LED;', 'selecting a red channel including a second LED;', 'selecting a blue green channel including a phosphor emitter pumped by a third LED;, 'configuring an array of light emitting diodes (LEDs) including at least three color channels each emitting the same color byproviding a mixing barrel for mixing light generated from the three color channels to simulate a black body radiator at different correlated color temperatures; andattaching the array of LEDs within the mixing barrel.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising disposing a hemispherical cap over at least a portion of the YAG:Ce phosphor emitter.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising disposing a hemispherical cap over at least a portion of the phosphor emitter of the blue green channel.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein selecting the yellow greenish channel includes selecting the yellow greenish channel emitting light within a color zone defined by a tetragon in the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) chromaticity diagram having coordinates of: (0.360638 claim 1 ,0. ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130225028A1
Автор: YI Kyung-Soo
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

A method and apparatus for fabricating an organic electroluminescent device, are discussed. According to an embodiment, the method includes depositing an organic material on a substrate coupled to a first tray in a first substrate treatment unit using the first tray as a mask, depositing a metal material on the substrate coupled to a second tray in a second substrate treatment unit using the second tray as mask, wherein the deposition of the organic material or the metal material in the first and second substrate treatment units includes primarily moving the first and second trays such that the first and second trays are aligned with the substrate, when each of the first and second trays is coupled to the substrate, and secondarily moving the first and second trays and the substrate such that the substrate and the trays are aligned at predetermined positions. 1. An apparatus for fabricating an organic electroluminescent device , the apparatus comprising:a first substrate treatment unit for depositing an organic material on a substrate coupled to a first tray using the first tray as a mask;a first tray treatment unit disposed in a line different from that of the first substrate treatment unit, the first tray treatment unit cleaning and inspecting the first tray separated from the organic material-deposited substrate;a second substrate treatment unit disposed in one line with the first substrate treatment unit, the second substrate treatment unit depositing a metal material on the organic material-deposited substrate coupled to a second tray using the second tray as a mask;a second tray treatment unit disposed in a line different from that of the second substrate treatment unit, the second tray treatment unit cleaning and inspecting the second tray separated from the metal material-deposited substrate; anda sealing unit disposed in one line with the second substrate treatment unit, the sealing unit sealing the metal material-deposited substrate,wherein each of the ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Array Substrate and Method of Fabricating the Same

Номер: US20130228756A1
Автор: Lee Jung-Eun
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

A fabricating method of an array substrate includes forming source and drain electrodes in each of pixel regions on a substrate; forming an organic semiconductor layer and a gate insulating layer on the source and drain electrodes, the organic semiconductor layer having an island shape and contacting facing ends of the source and drain electrodes, the gate insulating layer having a same plane shape as the organic semiconductor layer; forming a first passivation layer on the gate insulating layer; forming a gate electrode on the first passivation layer in the pixel region, the gate electrode corresponding to the gate insulating layer; forming a second passivation layer on the gate electrode, the second passivation layer having a drain contact hole exposing the drain electrode; and forming a pixel electrode on the second passivation layer, the pixel electrode contacting the drain electrode through the drain contact hole. 1. A fabricating method of an array substrate , comprising:forming a conductive material on a substrate and forming source and drain electrodes by etching the conductive material in pixel regions on the substrate;forming an organic semiconductor layer and a gate insulating layer on the substrate including the source and drain electrodes,forming a photosensitive organic material layer on the gate insulating layer,forming the organic semiconductor layer into an island shape that contacts facing ends of the source and drain electrodes by etching the organic semiconductor layer and the gate insulating layer, the gate insulating layer having the island shape;forming a first passivation layer on the gate insulating layer over all of a display area of the substrate;forming a gate electrode on the first passivation layer in the pixel region, the gate electrode corresponding to the gate insulating layer;forming a second passivation layer on the gate electrode all over the display area, the second passivation layer having a drain contact hole exposing the drain ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229125A1
Принадлежит: LedEngin, Inc.

A light-emitting diode (LED) emitter module includes a substrate having a plurality of base layers of an electrically insulating material, a plurality of electrical contacts disposed on a top one of the base layer, and a plurality of electrical paths coupled to the electrical contacts, wherein at least a portion of the plurality of electrical paths is disposed between the base layers. The emitter module also includes two or more groups of light-emitting diodes (LEDs), each group having one or more LEDs, and each of the LEDs is coupled to an electrical contact. The electrical paths are configured for feeding separate electrical currents to the groups of LEDs. The emitter module also includes a memory device containing information associating a plurality of output light colors with a corresponding plurality of combinations of electrical currents, each combination specifying an electric current for each of the two or more groups of LEDs. 1. A light-emitting diode (LED) emitter module , comprising:a substrate having a plurality of base layers of an electrically insulating material, a plurality of electrical contacts disposed on a top one of the base layer, and a plurality of electrical paths coupled to the electrical contacts, wherein at least a portion of the plurality of electrical paths is disposed between the base layers;two or more groups of light-emitting diodes (LEDs), each group having one or more LEDs, each of the LEDs being coupled to an electrical contact, wherein the electrical paths are configured for feeding separate electrical currents to the two or more groups of LEDs;a memory device containing information associating a plurality output light colors with a corresponding plurality of combinations of electrical currents, each combination specifying an electric current for each of the two or more groups of LEDs; anda circuit for accessing the information in the memory device.2. The emitter module of wherein the memory device is a non-volatile memory device. ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130234115A1

An organic light emitting display device includes a first substrate including a pixel region in which at least one organic light emitting diode including a first electrode, an organic layer, and a second electrode is formed and a non-pixel region formed beside the pixel region. The device includes a second substrate and a frit provided between the non-pixel region on the first substrate and the second substrate. A reflection prevention layer is formed on at least one surface of the second substrate. 1. An organic light emitting display device , comprising:a first substrate comprising a single layer or multiple layers;a second substrate comprising a single layer or multiple layers, the second substrate comprising an inner surface facing the first substrate and an outer surface facing away from the first substrate;an array of organic light emitting pixels formed on the first substrate and interposed between the first and second substrates, the array comprising a top surface opposing the inner surface of the second substrate, wherein the top surface and the inner surface has a gap therebetween with a gap distance smaller than about 300 μm;a frit seal interconnecting the first and second substrates while surrounding the array, wherein the frit seal, the first substrate and the second substrate in combination define a sealed enclosed space in which the array is located such that the gap distance is smaller than about 300 μm; and{'sub': '3', 'an antireflection layer formed over at least one of the inner and outer surfaces of the second substrate, wherein the antireflection layer consists of a single layer of AlF.'}2. (canceled)3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the gap distance is smaller than about 100 μm.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the gap distance is smaller than about 10 μm.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the gap distance is from about 150 μm to about 3 μm.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the antireflection layer forms on the outer surface of the second ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130234121A1
Автор: SONOYAMA Takuya

A manufacturing method of an organic EL apparatus according to the present application example is provided with a plurality of light emitting elements having a light emitting layer between an anode and a cathode, and includes: forming the light emitting layer using a liquid phase process, and forming an intermediate layer between the light emitting layer and the cathode in contact with the light emitting layer using a gas phase process, in which the intermediate layer includes a low molecular weight host material included in the light emitting layer. 1. A manufacturing method of an organic EL apparatus provided with a plurality of light emitting elements having a light emitting layer between an anode and a cathode , the method comprising:forming the light emitting layer using a liquid phase process; andforming an intermediate layer between the light emitting layer and the cathode in contact with the light emitting layer using a gas phase process,wherein the intermediate layer includes a low molecular weight host material included in the light emitting layer.2. A manufacturing method of an organic EL apparatus provided with a first light emitting element having a first light emitting layer between a first anode and a shared cathode , and a second light emitting element having a second light emitting layer between a second anode and the shared cathode , the method comprising:forming the first light emitting layer using a liquid phase process;forming the second light emitting layer, which straddles the first light emitting element and the second light emitting element, between the first light emitting layer and the shared cathode and between the second anode and shared cathode using a gas phase process; andforming an intermediate layer, which straddles the first light emitting element and the second light emitting element, between the first light emitting layer and the second light emitting layer and in contact with the first light emitting layer using the gas phase ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Organic el display panel and method for manufacturing same

Номер: US20130234126A1
Автор: Shuhei Nakatani
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

The present invention provides an organic EL display panel such that, even when a light emitting layer is formed in a line bank, generation of brightness unevenness and emission color unevenness due to application unevenness of an organic light emitting layer is suppressed, and good display quality is achieved. In the present invention, an insulation layer, which would cause application unevenness of the organic light emitting layer, is formed on the organic light emitting layer so as to cover an edge of a pixel electrode. It is possible to suppress film-shape unevenness of the organic light emitting layer, whereby provision and manufacture of an organic EL display panel which exhibits excellent display quality with reduced brightness unevenness and emission color unevenness become possible.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Organic semiconductor device

Номер: US20130234128A1
Автор: Shigeru Aomori
Принадлежит: Individual

An object of the present invention is to facilitate reduction in channel length and increase in channel width in an organic semiconductor device and to improve yield. According to an embodiment of the present invention, an organic semiconductor device includes a laminate provided in a first region of a substrate and including a first electrode, a first organic semiconductor film, and a second electrode which are laminated with each other, the first organic semiconductor film being placed between the first electrode and the second electrode; a first wiring portion provided in a second region adjacent to a portion of the periphery of the first region so as to be electrically connected to the first electrode; a second wiring portion provided in the second region so as to be electrically connected to the second electrode; a gate electrode which surrounds a portion of the periphery of the first region; and a gate insulating film provided at least between the laminate and the gate electrode.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130234590A1

An display device comprising a plurality of pixel define units is disclosed. Each pixel define unit comprises patterned pixel define sections, a first electrode layer, an emission layer and a second electrode layer. The patterned pixel define section has a first lateral surface and a second lateral surface opposite to the first lateral surface. The first electrode layer comprises a first sub-electrode and a second sub-electrode. The first and second sub-electrodes are spaced apart from each other and respectively disposed on the first and second lateral surfaces. The emission layer is disposed on the first electrode layer. The second electrode layer is disposed on the emission layer. 1. A display device , comprising:a plurality of pixel define units, each of the pixel define units comprising:a patterned pixel define section having a first lateral surface and a second lateral surface opposite to the first lateral surface;a first electrode layer, comprising a first sub-electrode and a second sub-electrode, the first sub-electrode disposed on the first lateral surface and the second sub-electrode disposed on the second lateral surface, and the first sub-electrode and the second sub-electrode being spaced apart;an emission layer disposed on the first electrode layer; anda second electrode layer disposed on the emission layer.2. The display device according to claim 1 , wherein the first electrode layer is a reflective electrode layer.3. The display device according to claim 1 , wherein the spacing is smaller than a maximum width of a cross section of the patterned pixel define section.4. The display device according to claim 1 , further comprising an insulating layer claim 1 , disposed between the patterned pixel define section and the emission layer.5. The display device according to claim 4 , wherein the insulating layer covers the patterned pixel define section exposed from the spacing claim 4 , and a thickness of the insulating layer is larger than a thickness of ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236999A1
Принадлежит: ORTHOGONAL, INC.

A method is provided for forming a multi-color OLED device that includes providing a substrate, coating the substrate with a fluorinated photoresist solution to form a first photo-patternable layer and exposing it to produce a first pattern of exposed fluorinated photoresist material and a second pattern of unexposed fluorinated photoresist material, developing the photo-patternable layer with a fluorinated solvent to remove the second pattern of unexposed fluorinated photoresist material without removing the first pattern of exposed fluorinated photoresist material, depositing a first organic light-emitting material over the substrate to form a first organic light-emitting layer for emitting a first color of light and applying the first pattern of exposed fluorinated photoresist material to control the removal of a portion of the first organic light-emitting layer. A second fluorinated photoresist solution is then coated over the first patterened organic light-emitting layer and exposed to form a third pattern of exposed fluorinated photoresist material having a pattern different from the first pattern and a fourth pattern of unexposed fluorinated photoresist material, and developing the photo-patternable layer in a fluorinated solvent to remove the fourth pattern of unexposed fluorinated photoresist material without removing the third pattern of exposed fluorinated photoresist material, depositing at least a second light-emitting material to form a second light-emitting layer for emitting a second color of light that is different than the first color of light and applying the third pattern of exposed fluorinated photoresist material to control the removal of a portion of the second organic light-emitting layer. 1. A method of forming a multi-color OLED device , including:a. first providing a substrate having a first patterned electrode;b. coating a photoresist solution over the substrate to form a first photo-patternable layer, wherein the solution includes a ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240844A1

The present invention relates to a method for producing an organic electroluminescence element, comprising an organic layer between an anode and a cathode of the organic electroluminescence element by a wet film-forming method by using a composition containing an organic electroluminescence element material and a solvent in any one environment of the following film formation environments 1 to 3, and drying the formed film: film formation environment 1: a carbon dioxide concentration of 0.7 g/mor less and an oxygen concentration of 18 to 22 vol %, film formation environment 2: a sulfur oxide concentration of 2.2 μg/mor less and an oxygen concentration of 18 to 22 vol %, and film formation environment 3: a nitrogen oxide concentration of 3.1 μg/mor less and an oxygen concentration of 18 to 22 vol %. 1. A method for producing an organic electroluminescence element having an organic layer between an anode and a cathode , whereina step of forming at least one layer contained in the organic layer comprises: a wet film-forming step by using an organic electroluminescence element composition containing an organic electroluminescence element material and a solvent; and a film-drying step of drying the formed film, and{'sup': '3', 'the wet film-forming step is performed in an environment having a sulfur oxide concentration of 2.2 μg/mor less and an oxygen concentration of 18 to 22 vol %.'}2. A method for producing an organic electroluminescence element having an organic layer between an anode and a cathode , whereina step of forming at least one layer contained in the organic layer comprises: a wet film-forming step by using an organic electroluminescence element composition containing an organic electroluminescence element material and a solvent; and a film-drying step of drying the formed film, and{'sup': '3', 'the wet film-forming step is performed in an environment having a nitrogen oxide concentration of 3.1 μg/mor less and an oxygen concentration of 18 to 22 vol %.'}3. ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240848A1

There is provided an OLED package including a substrate, a lighting component, a compound barrier layer, a moisture absorption zone and an inorganic barrier layer. The lighting component is formed on the substrate. The compound barrier layer completely seals the lighting component configured to block moisture and oxygen. The moisture absorption zone is formed on the substrate surrounding the compound barrier layer and is not formed upon the lighting component. The inorganic barrier layer completely seals the compound barrier layer and the moisture absorption zone configured to block moisture and oxygen. 1. An OLED package , comprising:a substrate;a lighting component formed on the substrate;a compound barrier layer completely sealing the lighting component to block moisture and oxygen;a moisture absorption zone formed on the substrate and surrounding the compound barrier layer but not formed upon the lighting component; andan inorganic barrier layer completely sealing the compound barrier layer and the moisture absorption zone.2. The OLED package as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the compound barrier layer comprises at least one inorganic film layer and at least one organic film layer.3. The OLED package as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising an organic buffer layer between the lighting component and the compound barrier layer.4. The OLED package as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a plastic frame is further formed on the substrate surrounding the moisture absorption zone.5. The OLED package as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the plastic frame is at least one of a thermal-curing adhesive and a UV-curing adhesive.6. The OLED package as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the moisture absorption zone is selected from at least one of calcium chloride claim 1 , silicone claim 1 , bamboo carbon claim 1 , activated carbon claim 1 , a polymer moisture absorbent selected from the group consisting of SiO claim 1 , starch series claim 1 , fiber strand claim 1 , synthetic polymer claim 1 ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Method for Manufacturing Light-Emitting Device

Номер: US20130240855A1

A method for exposing an electrode terminal covered with an organic film in a light-emitting device without damaging the electrode terminal is provided. In a region of the electrode terminal to which electric power from an external power supply or an external signal is input, an island-shaped organic compound-containing layer is formed and the organic film is formed thereover. The organic film is removed by utilizing low adhesion of an interface between the organic compound-containing layer and the electrode terminal, whereby the electrode terminal can be exposed without damage to the electrode terminal. 1. A method for manufacturing a light-emitting device , comprising the steps of:forming an electrode terminal over a substrate;forming a first electrode layer electrically connected to the electrode terminal;forming a partition wall covering an edge portion of the first electrode layer;forming an organic compound-containing layer over the electrode terminal and the first electrode layer;forming a second electrode layer over the organic compound-containing layer;forming a resin layer over the electrode terminal, the first electrode layer, the partition wall, the organic compound-containing layer and the second electrode layer;exposing the electrode terminal by making a cut surrounding a portion of the resin layer which overlaps with the electrode terminal and removing the portion of the resin layer surrounded by the cut and a portion of the organic compound-containing layer which overlaps with the electrode terminal; andforming a conductive layer in contact with the electrode terminal.2. The method for manufacturing a light-emitting device claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate is a flexible substrate.3. The method for manufacturing a light-emitting device claim 1 , according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of forming a transistor over the substrate claim 1 ,wherein the transistor is electrically connected to the first electrode layer, ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240862A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

An adhesive film, and a product and method of encapsulating an organic electronic device (OED) using the same are provided. The adhesive film serves to encapsulate the OED and includes a curable hot-melt adhesive layer including a curable resin and a moisture absorbent, and the curable hot-melt adhesive layer includes a first region coming in contact with the OED upon encapsulation of the OED and a second region not coming in contact with the OED. Also, the moisture absorbent is present at contents of 0 to 20% and 80 to 100% in the first and second regions, respectively, based on the total weight of the moisture absorbent in the adhesive layer. 1. An adhesive film for encapsulating an organic electronic device (OED) , comprising:a curable hot-melt adhesive layer including a curable resin and a moisture absorbent,wherein the curable hot-melt adhesive layer comprises a first region coming in contact with the OED upon encapsulation of the OED; and a second region not coming in contact with the OED, andthe moisture absorbent is present at contents of 0 to 20% and 80 to 100% in the first and second regions, respectively, based on the total weight of the moisture absorbent in the adhesive layer.2. The adhesive film of claim 1 , wherein the curable hot-melt adhesive layer has a viscosity at room temperature of 10dyne/cmor more.3. The adhesive film of claim 1 , wherein the curable resin has a water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of 50 g/m·day or less when measured in a cured state.4. The adhesive film of claim 1 , wherein the curable resin is a thermosetting resin claim 1 , a photocurable resin or a dual curable resin.5. The adhesive film of claim 1 , wherein the curable resin contains at least one curable functional group selected from the group consisting of a glycidyl group claim 1 , an isocyanate group claim 1 , a hydroxyl group claim 1 , a carboxyl group claim 1 , an amide group claim 1 , an epoxide group claim 1 , a cyclic ether group claim 1 , a sulfide group claim 1 ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240870A1

A vapor deposition source (), a limiting plate unit (), and a vapor deposition mask () are disposed in this order. The limiting plate unit includes a plurality of limiting plates () disposed along a first direction. The side surfaces of the limiting plates defining a limiting space () in the first direction are configured such that a portion having a dimension in the first direction of the limiting space between the limiting plates neighboring in the first direction wider than a narrowest portion () having a narrowest dimension in the first direction of the limiting space is formed on at least the vapor deposition source side with respect to the narrowest portion. Accordingly, a coating film whose edge blur is suppressed can be formed at a desired position on a large-sized substrate. 1. A vapor deposition device that forms a coating film having a predetermined pattern on a substrate , the vapor deposition device comprising:a vapor deposition unit including a vapor deposition source having at least one vapor deposition source opening, a vapor deposition mask disposed between the at least one vapor deposition source opening and the substrate, and a limiting plate unit that is disposed between the vapor deposition source and the vapor deposition mask and that includes a plurality of limiting plates disposed along a first direction; anda moving mechanism that moves one of the substrate and the vapor deposition unit relative to the other along a second direction orthogonal to a normal line direction of the substrate and the first direction in a state in which the substrate and the vapor deposition mask are spaced apart at a fixed interval,wherein the coating film is formed by causing vapor deposition particles that have been discharged from the at least one vapor deposition source opening and passed through a limiting space between the limiting plates neighboring in the first direction and a plurality of mask openings formed in the vapor deposition mask to adhere onto ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241402A1
Автор: Wang Shih-Chang
Принадлежит: InnoLux Corporation

A display and a manufacturing method thereof are provided. The display includes a frame, an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) panel, a transparent element and a glue. The OLED panel is disposed in the frame. The transparent element is disposed on the OLED panel. The glue is filled between the OLED panel and the transparent element and between the OLED panel and the frame. 1. A display , comprising:a frame;an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) panel disposed in the frame;a transparent element disposed on the OLED panel; anda glue filled between the OLED panel and the transparent element and between the OLED panel and the frame.2. The display according to claim 1 , wherein the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of the glue is less than 20 g/m-day.3. The display according to claim 1 , wherein the oxygen transmission rate (OTR) of the glue is less than 1×10cc/m-day.4. The display according to claim 1 , wherein the optical transmission rate of the glue is greater than 90%.5. The display according to claim 1 , wherein the transparent element is a panel.6. The display according to claim 1 , wherein the transparent element is an optical film.7. The display according to claim 1 , wherein the fill rate of the glue filled between the OLED panel and the frame is greater than 90%.8. The display according to claim 1 , wherein the glue is an ultra-velvet light curing material or a thermal curing material.9. The display according to claim 1 , wherein the OLED panel comprises:a thin film transistor (TFT) substrate;a plurality of OLEDs disposed on the TFT substrate, wherein the OLEDs emit white lights;a protection layer covering the OLEDs;a sealant disposed at a periphery of the TFT substrate;a color filter substrate disposed on the sealant; anda filler material disposed among the color filter substrate, the sealant and the TFT substrate.10. The display according to claim 1 , wherein the OLED panel comprises:a TFT substrate;a plurality of OLEDs disposed on the TFT substrate, ...
