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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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10-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2187220C2
Принадлежит: РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE)

Настоящее изобретение относится к электрическому прибору. Технический результат - освобождение дополнительного пространства под размещение некоторого количества мощных схемных элементов при оптимальном использовании площади монтажа на печатной плате. Обеспечение хорошего отвода рассеиваемой мощности к другим теплостокам благодаря тепловому контакту перегородок с каркасом. Достигается тем, что в электрическом приборе с по меньшей мере частично расположенной на печатной плате (3) электронной схемой, имеющей мощные схемные элементы (4), каждый из которых имеет систему теплоотвода. Для крепления электронной схемы предусмотрен каркас (1), который имеет некоторое количество перегородок (6, 7), каждая из которых соединена с соответствующей стенкой каркаса, но отстоит от нее, к которым с обеспечением теплового контакта прилегают теплопроводные корпусные части мощных схемных элементов (4), который с обеспечением теплового контакта соединен с теплоотводящей корпусной донной частью (2). 5 з.п. ф-лы ...

20-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2414813C2
Принадлежит: ТАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение применяется в создании конструкций корпусов электронной аппаратуры, а более конкретно - корпусов электронной аппаратуры, устанавливаемой на носителях и, в частности, на летательных аппаратах. Технический результат - изготовление корпусов электронной аппаратуры из материалов с меньшим удельным весом, чем у алюминиевых сплавов, таких как магниевые сплавы, при использовании новой конструкции корпуса, в которой каркас, изготовляемый методом литья и/или механической обработки первого металлического материала, обеспечивает жесткость корпуса, а стенки, изготовляемые из листов второго металлического материала, обеспечивают снижение массы. Достигается тем, что корпус электронной аппаратуры содержит металлические стенки (101), (102), (103), (104), смонтированные на каркасе, причем этот каркас содержит две рамки (111), (112) и четыре поперечины (113), (114), (115), (116) одинаковой длины, соединяющие две рамки (111), (112). Согласно изобретению рамки (111), (112) изготовлены из литого ...

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2594287C2

Изобретение относится к монтируемой в стойке компьютерной системе, которая содержит вычислительные модули, модули запоминающих устройств и силовые модули на общем модуле полки. Технический результат - оптимизация отвода выделяемого тепла для поддержания бесперебойной работы серверов, а также оптимизация энергопотребления и объема обмена данными в сети, предотвращение ошибок обслуживающего персонала по непреднамеренному превышению количества ресурса, доступного для конкретного объема. Достигается тем, что компьютерная система содержит стойку, модуль полки, прикрепленный к стойке, и два или более электрических модуля. Модуль полки содержит два или более звена полки, которые образуют слоты для установки электрических модулей. Звенья полки выполнены регулируемыми для изменения ширины слота. Звенья полки могут быть регулируемыми, чтобы образовать ряд из двух или более слотов неполной ширины, имеющих высоту, величина которой кратна 1/4 единицы стойки. Каждый электрический модуль может содержать ...

20-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2176134C2

Использование: при изготовлении и сборке электронной аппаратуры. Технический результат - повышение универсальности конструкции, плотности установки, эффективности теплоотвода при сохранении ремонтопригодности. Между параллельно расположенными печатными коммутационными платами с металлизированными отверстиями расположены стандартные корпусированные компоненты и/или микроплаты с бескорпусными активными и пассивными компонентами, а также торцевыми поверхностями к ним, по меньшей мере одна соединительная плата, имеющая электрический и механический контакт с ними. Теплоотводящая гребенка частично охватывает корпус корпусированного компонента или основание указанной микроплаты и содержит по меньшей мере один выступ или плоскость, имеющие тепловой контакт с внешней системой теплоотвода. Корпус корпусированного компонента и основание указанной микроплаты выполнены из теплопроводящего материала. При замене бракованных корпусированного компонента или микроплаты производят отпайку групповым инструментом ...

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2606772C2

Изобретение относится к электронному модулю и, в частности, к электронному модулю для использования с системой шин для взаимного соединения. Технический результат – предотвращение небольших относительных перемещений между электронным модулем и монтажной конструкцией при динамических воздействиях, что может приводить к износу электрических соединений между электронным модулем и монтажной конструкцией и к отсоединению от монтажной конструкции. Достигается тем, что электронный модуль имеет шасси, фиксатор, присоединенный к шасси с возможностью поворота, и систему шинопроводов. Электронный модуль включает в себя множество электрических разъемов, чтобы каждый из множества шинопроводов был подсоединен, по меньшей мере, к одному электрическому разъему, тем самым устанавливая электрическое соединение между каждым из множества шинопроводов и системной шиной. Фиксатор выполнен с возможностью соединения электронного модуля с системной шиной таким образом, чтобы множество электрических разъемов устанавливало ...

08-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2610144C2

Изобретение относится к модульной вычислительной системе для центра обработки данных (ЦОД). Технический результат – обеспечение первоначального предоставления ЦОД вычислительной мощности или ее расширение, повышение эффективности отвода тепла, обеспечение защиты от пожара. Достигается тем, что модульная вычислительная система включает один или большее количество модулей ЦОД, содержащих компьютерные системы со стоечным монтажом. По меньшей мере, один электрический модуль соединяется с модулями ЦОД и обеспечивает электропитание компьютерных систем, располагающихся в модулях ЦОД. Один или большее количество модулей кондиционирования воздуха соединяются с модулями ЦОД. Модуль ЦОД может включать две предварительно изготовленные части, каждая из которых включает ряд стоек, включающий две или большее количество компьютерных систем со стоечным монтажом, общий проход на передней стороне ряда стоек, тыльный проход на тыльной стороне ряда стоек, впускное отверстие для воздуха в общем проходе и выпускное ...

11-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2632914C2
Принадлежит: СИМЕНС ШВАЙЦ АГ (CH)

Изобретение относится к исполнительному приводу, а также к сменному соединительному модулю, выполненному с возможностью подвода кабеля к такому исполнительному приводу, и к устройству для привода исполнительных элементов, включающему в себя исполнительный привод и сменный соединительный модуль. Технический результат – обеспечение исполнительного привода, в частности, для вентиляционных заслонок или противопожарных клапанов с высокой гибкостью в электрических соединительных контактах. Достигается тем, что исполнительный привод с корпусом имеет первую часть корпуса и вторую часть корпуса, имеющие соответственно край с соответствующей торцевой поверхностью, и при соединении обеих частей корпуса обе торцевые поверхности расположены противоположно друг другу. При этом первая часть корпуса и вторая часть корпуса могут разъемно и непосредственно или с помощью уплотнения быть соединены друг с другом. При этом исполнительный привод выполнен с возможностью позиционирования по меньшей мере одного ...

26-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2640161C1

Изобретение относится к конструкции системы управления двигателем транспортного средства. Конструкция контроллера электродвигателя включает в себя основание, выполняющее функцию земли, на котором установлены блоки управления фазами электродвигателя. Каждый блок управления содержит земляную шину, фазовую шину, положительную шину и ряд электронных элементов управления током, расположенных между шинами и стягиваемых в единый пакет вместе с упомянутыми шинами. Шины установлены параллельно на основании, при этом фазовая шина и положительная шина установлены на корпусе через непроводящие элементы. На шинах установлена печатная плата схемы управления электронными элементами управления, а также коммутационными соединениями между электронными элементами управления и областями прижима шин к плате. Положительные шины блоков управления связаны с положительным вводом источника питания посредством сборной шины, прижимаемой к торцу положительных шин и состоящей из пластин. Конструкция узла соединения ...

20-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2133523C1

Использование: при создании трехмерных модулей с бескорпусными объемными и пленочными электронными компонентами. Сущность изобретения: между самостоятельными электронными компонентами, выполненными на базе кристаллов ИС, и микроплатами, содержащими активные и пассивные электронные компоненты, размещены промежуточные платы многофункционального назначения. Все составные части модуля выполнены преимущественно из теплопроводящих материалов и совместно с элементами внутримодульного теплоотвода составляют эффективную теплоотводящую систему. Микроплаты и промежуточные платы дополнительно содержат пленочные активные и пассивные компоненты, выполненные по полупроводниковой, тонкопленочной или толстопленочной технологии, что значительно увеличивает функциональные возможности аппаратуры. Предложены варианты экономически эффективной сборки модуля путем каппилярной пайки или с применением эластичных элементов. Техническим результатом изобретения является повышение плотности упаковки модуля, сокращение ...

10-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU120310U1

... 1. Многосекционный вставной модуль, содержащий функциональные блоки, соединенные посредством объединительной платы и защищенные корпусом, отличающийся тем, что корпус разделен хотя бы на две секции, в каждую из которых установлены монтажные платы с присоединенными на контактных торцах электрическими соединителями, соединяемые с электрическими соединителями на объединительной плате и устанавливаемые параллельно боковой стенки корпуса, с противоположной стороны объединительной платы расположен стыковочный разъем, соединяемый с ответной частью стыковочного разъема объединительной платы соседней секции, при этом объединительные платы прикреплены к боковым стенкам корпуса, соседние секции соединены друг с другом посредством реек, расположенных на боковых стенках корпуса. ! 2. Многосекционный вставной модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что между объединительными платами соседних секций устанавливают экран, защищающий от электромагнитного излучения.

10-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU124861U1

... 1. Конструкция радиоэлектронного блока на печатных платах, содержащая несущую панель, в отверстиях которой размещены виброизоляторы, на которых крепятся печатные платы по обе стороны несущей панели, причем каждый виброизолятор имеет цилиндрический корпус с надетой на него упругой втулкой и наружной резьбой на верхнем конце корпуса, при этом упругая втулка прижимается к несущей панели с помощью шайбы и гайки, навинчивающейся на упомянутую резьбу, отличающаяся тем, что в торцах корпуса виброизолятора имеются глухие резьбовые отверстия под крепежные элементы печатных плат (винт или стойку с резьбой).2. Конструкция радиоэлектронного блока на печатных платах по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что количество последовательно устанавливаемых друг над другом печатных плат не ограничено, причем каждая последующая плата закреплена параллельно предыдущей с помощью стоек заданной высоты, расположенных на одних осях с виброизоляторами.3. Конструкция радиоэлектронного блока на печатных платах по пп.1 и 2, отличающаяся ...

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU163776U1

Стенд первичных преобразователей КИП и А модульного типа, выполненный из каркаса - металлической конструкции, содержащей: две вертикальные стойки, выполненные из монолитной полосы путем изгиба с образованием боковых стенок под прямым углом П-образного типа; горизонтальные перекладины аналогичной конструкции, проходящие параллельно друг другу по ширине рамы, основание - поперечины, перпендикулярные перекладинам и проходящие в направлении глубины стойки; изделий из листового металла: кронштейнов, ребер, столиков; причем на передней части каркаса размещена трубная обвязка, изготовленная из трубы ⌀ 14×2 - с тройниками и запорными клапанами, отличающийся тем, что каркас изготовлен при помощи сварки с образованием жесткой сейсмостойкой конструкции, которая выполнена стыковыми сварными соединениями; кроме того, конструкция стендов при помощи типовых крепежных соединений и соответствующих отверстий в каркасе обеспечивает их модульность и позволяет их размещение: по горизонтали рядом друг с другом ...

19-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU173908U1

Полезная модель относится к микроэлектронной технике, а именно к конструкции сверхвысокочастотных (СВЧ) приемников. Технический результат заявляемой полезной модели направлен на повышение стабильности электропараметров при воздействии на модуль четырехканального СВЧ приемника внешних факторов. Результат достигается тем, что четырехканальный СВЧ приемник содержит разделенный перегородками на отсеки корпус, верхнюю крышку, закрепленную по периметру корпуса пайкой, узел герметизации, гермовводы и сверхвысокочастотные разъемы. Причем корпус выполнен монолитным, как одно целое, с боковыми стенками, основанием и перегородками. При этом в перегородках выполнены утолщения, являющиеся упорами для дополнительного крепления верхней крышки к корпусу винтами. С наружной стороны верхней крышки предусмотрены полости под винты, в которые установлены лепестки, опаянные припоем. Кроме этого корпус содержит закрепленную на нем защитную крышку, экранирующую гермовводы. При этом он отличается от прототипа тем ...

20-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU119559U1

... 1. Устройство поддержки печатной платы принтера трафаретной печати, содержащее плиту стола с отверстиями, в которые вставлены с возможностью перемещения опорные элементы в виде стержней с сужениями, и по меньшей мере одно устройство фиксации опорных элементов относительно плиты стола, отличающееся тем, что устройство фиксации представляет собой планку, имеющую два рабочих положения «замкнуто»/«разомкнуто» и установленную с возможностью смещения относительно плиты стола в горизонтальной плоскости для изменения рабочего положения, в планке выполнено по меньшей мере одно сквозное отверстие для размещения в нем по меньшей мере одного опорного элемента, которое снабжено по меньшей мере одним замком в виде локального расширения сквозного отверстия для размещения в нем сужения стержня при перемещении планки в рабочее положение «замкнуто». ! 2. Устройство поддержки печатной платы по п.1, отличающееся тем, что форма и размеры сквозного отверстия планки соответствуют форме и размерам большего по ...

28-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU170544U1

Полезная модель модульного электронного устройства относится к области аппаратостроения и может использоваться при конструировании электронной аппаратуры модульного типа для использования в движущихся объектах.Модульное электронное устройство содержит корпус с внутренними элементами, включающими собранные в стеки электронные модули и теплоотводящие средства. Корпус выполнен упрочненным с закрепленными на его панелях внутренними элементами. По меньшей мере, часть панелей корпуса имеет оребрение в виде рассеивающих тепло, одинаковых по высоте выступов, образующих гладкий внешний габарит устройства, обеспечивающий простоту и удобство его установки в место размещения. В стеках первым электронным модулем является модуль с наибольшим тепловыделением. Каждый стек закреплен на боковой панели корпуса так, что модуль с наибольшим тепловыделением обращен к панели корпуса и соединен с последней через посредство теплоотводящих средств.Предложенное модульное электронное устройство имеет упрощенную конструкцию ...

20-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU139742U1

... 1. СВЧ микроблок, содержащий металлический корпус и микрополосковую плату на диэлектрической подложке, жестко зафиксированной в корпусе, отличающийся тем, что края подложки металлизированы и припаяны непосредственно к внутренним поверхностям стенок корпуса.2. СВЧ микроблок по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что подложка микрополосковой платы выполнена из слоистого пластика.3. СВЧ микроблок по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что подложка микрополосковой платы выполнена из поликора, а корпус выполнен из титана.

10-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2487506C2

Изобретение относится к авиационному электронному оборудованию, в частности к бортовым вычислительным устройствам, предназначенным для летательных аппаратов больших размеров, с вибрационными ограничениями. Технический результат - ограничение относительного движения между дочерними платами и материнской платой, ограничение деформации задней части оборудования. Достигается тем, что авиационное электронное оборудование содержит материнскую плату (108), по меньшей мере одну дочернюю плату (150) и, для каждой дочерней платы, два держателя (116) в форме направляющей, закрепленных непосредственно на материнской плате и удерживающих упомянутую дочернюю плату. Это авиационное электронное оборудование дополнительно содержит по меньшей мере одну механическую деталь (с 122А по 122D, 128А, 128В) соединения между материнской платой (108) и по меньшей мере одним из: донной платой (112) кассеты, связанной с соединителем (124) авиационной электроники, соединителем (124) авиационной электроники и задней ...

10-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2160488C2
Принадлежит: АББ ТРАНСМИТ ОЙ (FI)

Изобретение относится к устройству для крепления электрического компонента (3) к монтажному основанию (1) и для гальванического соединения его с клеммной колодкой (2), закрепленной на монтажном основании (1). Согласно изобретению клеммная колодка (2) содержит первую контакт-деталь съемного соединителя, а компонент (3) содержит вторую контакт-деталь съемного соединителя. Кроме того, компонент и монтажное основание содержат взаимозацепляющиеся детали (8, 9) для крепления компонента к основанию, с помощью которых компонент крепится к основанию, а контакт-детали съемного соединителя обеспечивают гальванический контакт между компонентом (3) и клеммной колодкой (2). Технический результат - предложение нового решения проблемы крепления электрических компонентов к монтажному основанию и быстрого подсоединения их первичной цепи, исключив вероятность ненадежного соединения. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2231236C1

Изобретение применяется в системах связи, вычислительных и других устройствах, устанавливаемых на борт и стационарно. Радиоэлектронный блок пакетного типа содержит печатные платы, закрепленные на пластинах и рамках с межплатными разъемными соединителями. Блок состоит из модулей с одинаковым расположением базовых штырей и межплатных разъемов и рамкой Г- и Т-образной формы формирующими внешний корпус блока. На торцах рамки существует канавка с эластичным уплотнителем и выступами для получения лабиринта, что обеспечивает герметичность и помехозащищенность конструкции. Боковые поверхности рамки имеют оребрение для конвективного отвода тепла и нижнюю поверхность плоскую для кондуктивного. Технический результат - повышенная надежность. Достигается за счет: а) уменьшения количества герметичных стыков; b) уменьшения габаритов; с) улучшения съема тепла при конвективном и кондуктивном способах охлаждения блока; d) жесткости конструкции; е) радиационной защищенности. 3 з.п.ф-лы, 3 ил.

27-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU119973U1

Функциональный модуль для размещения нескольких разнородных радиоэлектронных устройств в одном гнезде стандартного каркаса, содержащий один или два многоконтактных разъема, переднюю панель с ручками, две направляющие для установки в одно гнездо стандартного каркаса, отличающийся тем, что в одном гнезде размещены три печатные платы с набором электронных компонентов, две платы помещены внутрь двух внешних экранов рамочного типа, между платами зажат экран-вставка, представляющий собой две рамки, имеющие общее дно, один из экранов содержит направляющие выступы, которые входят в направляющие пазы гнезда стандартного каркаса и выступы для крепления третьей печатной платы, экран-вставка по габаритам равен платам и размещен внутри внешних экранов, причем линия стыка внешних экранов проходит посередине толщины дна экрана-вставки, крепеж крышек и плат с экранами не зависим друг от друга, имеет разные опорные бобышки, а третья плата закреплена на выступах одного из двух внешних экранов рамочного типа ...

20-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2320103C1

Изобретение касается монтажной платы (10) для электронных компонентов с охлаждающими линиями (16, 18), встроенными в корпус (14) платы, для протекания охлаждающей жидкости, причем на корпусе (14) платы расположено крепежное устройство для монтажа подлежащих охлаждению электронных компонентов. Крепежное устройство имеет, по меньшей мере, одну выполненную в поперечном сечении приблизительно с-образно и проходящую прямолинейно в продольном направлении (А) монтажной платы (10) первую канавку (20), в которую вводится, по меньшей мере, одна гайка для образования болтового соединения с электронным компонентом, устойчивого к проворачиванию. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

23-06-2023 дата публикации

Мобильная стойка для аппаратуры управления МРП с блоками питания

Номер: RU2798473C1

Изобретение относится к средствам для размещения радиоэлектронного оборудования на мобильной стойке, обеспечивающей работу модулей радиопомех (МРП) во время движения транспортного средства. Технический результат - создание мобильной стойки, обеспечивающей работу МРП во время движения транспортного средства, с закрепленными на ней радиоэлектронной аппаратурой и блоками питания, и фиксацию ее в транспортном средстве за штатные элементы крепления с помощью стяжных ремней для крепления грузов. Технический результат достигается тем, что мобильная стойка для аппаратуры управления МРП с блоками питания представляет собой неразъемную стойку, содержащую верхнюю и нижнюю полки в виде рамки с перемычками и находящиеся между ними по углам стойки. К верхней полке с верхней стороны закреплены: преобразователь напряжения и коробка распределительная, на нижней полке с верхней стороны закреплены рамы двух установок аккумуляторов, на каждой из которых с помощью двух прижимов через четыре шпильки с крепежными ...

10-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2260255C1

Изобретение относится к радиотехнике, в частности, к конструкции радиоэлектронных блоков пакетного типа, работающих в условиях значительных перегрузок при эксплуатации электрического соединения печатных плат. Соединитель печатных плат содержит колодку из электроизоляционного материала с направляющими окнами, в овальных гнездах которой размещены пружинные контакты в виде многовитковых пружин овальной формы, пружинный контакт установлен в гнезде колодки с возможностью фиксации его по малой оси, колодка выполнена из упругого электроизоляционного материала и по наружному периметру колодки выполнены фаски, при этом радиус образующей гнезда колодки больше радиуса образующей пружинного контакта. Технический результат - повышение надежности электрического соединения печатных плат за счет улучшения фиксации пружинного контакта в гнезде колодки и увеличения усилия контактирования. 2 ил.

19-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2746671C1

Изобретение относится к средствам автоматизированного контроля и диагностики радиоэлектронной аппаратуры и предназначено для использования в качестве технологического испытательного оборудования для контроля параметров цифровой радиоаппаратуры при производстве и сдаче готовой продукции для обеспечения коммутации контролируемых каналов радиоэлектронной аппаратуры к измерительным приборам и устройствам. Техническим результатом является упрощение компоновочного решения модуля релейного коммутатора. Устройство высотой 3U содержит интерфейсную печатную плату с контроллером модуля и контроллером шины PXI, разъемами шины PXI, две печатные платы с реле, лицевую панель, соединенную с металлической рамкой, при этом на каждой плате с реле с обеих сторон расположено по 128 реле и внешние разъемы коммутации, включение реле осуществляется с помощью буферов управления реле, которые расположены на каждой печатной плате с реле, при этом печатные платы с реле соединяются электрическими цепями между собой ...

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014122770A

... 1. Вычислительное устройство половинной ширины, содержащее: шасси половинной ширины; одну или несколько сборок печатных плат, прикрепленных к шасси, в основном, ориентированных горизонтально; один или несколько процессоров, установленных по меньшей мере на одной из сборок печатных плат; и один или несколько стеков из двух 3,5-дюймовых жестких дисков, прикрепленных к шасси, в котором вычислительное устройство половинной ширины имеет высоту более 1 U и не более 1,5 U.2. Вычислительное устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что высота вычислительного устройства составляет около 1,5 U.3. Вычислительное устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что по меньшей мере один стек из двух 3,5-дюймовых жестких дисков установлен на шасси половинной ширины позади от по меньшей мере одного процессора.4. Вычислительное устройство по п. 1, дополнительно содержащее один или несколько рядов 3.5-дюймовых жестких дисков, прикрепленных к шасси половинной ширины, в котором по меньшей мере один стек из двух 3,5-дюймовых ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2561714C1

Изобретение относится к конструкциям радиоэлектронных блоков, которые могут использоваться в аппаратуре, подвергающейся значительному механическому воздействию. Технический результат - повышение стойкости устройства к механическим воздействиям и упрощение конструкции. Достигается тем, что печатные платы стянуты попарно в функциональную ячейку с помощью конструкционных элементов, выполненных в виде реек. Причем обе платы соединены между собой с одной стороны плоским кабелем, а на другой стороне одной из плат с внутренней стороны установлен плоский угловой разъем, направленный контактами наружу и проходящий через один конструкционный элемент, снабженный стойками, к которым крепится через отверстия на выступающих краях дополнительная плата с установленной на ней ответной частью плоского разъема и подключенным к ней кабелем для внешних связей. А функциональная ячейка крепится на кронштейны радиоэлектронного блока через конструкционные элементы. 2 ил.

20-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007130432A

... 1. Сборка для охлаждения силовых электронных компонентов, содержащая полупроводниковые модули, устройство охлаждения, омываемое потоком охлаждающего вещества, причем в полупроводниковых модулях может выделяться количество тепла Р и Р1, где 1/1,05·Р≥Р1≥1,05·Р, причем полупроводниковые модули расположены на поверхности устройства охлаждения как минимум в один ряд, который расположен поперек направления потока движения охлаждающего вещества, отличающаяся тем, что модули чередуются между собой таким образом, что каждый из как минимум двух модулей, в которых выделяется количество тепла Р, соседствует как минимум с одним модулем, в котором выделяется количество тепла Р1. 2. Сборка для охлаждения силовых электронных элементов согласно п.1 отличающаяся тем, что полупроводниковые модули расположены как минимум в два ряда, причем модули, в которых выделяется количество тепла Р и Р1, расположены в рядах в шахматном порядке.

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014106995A

... 1. Опорная рама, приспособленная для крепления по меньшей мере одной карты расширения к материнской плате, при этом материнская плата имеет первую сторону, вторую сторону, смежную с первой стороной и по меньшей мере один разъем, причем карта расширения вставлена в разъем и содержит крепежную пластину, расположенную на одной стороне карты расширения вдали от разъема; при этом указанная опорная рама содержит:первую соединительная секцию, закрепленную на первой стороне материнской платы;опорную секцию, соединенную с одним концом указанной первой соединительной секции, смежной со второй стороной; ивторую соединительную секцию, соединенную с указанной опорной секцией, и находящуюся на расстоянии от указанной первой соединительной секции;при этом высота определена указанной второй соединительной секцией, относительно материнской платы, при этом вторая соединительная секция совмещена с крепежной пластиной карты расширения, и крепежная пластина зафиксирована на указанной второй соединительной секции ...

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013126052A

... 1. Блок электронный, состоящий из корпуса, имеющего отверстия для подвода/отвода теплоносителя, отличающийся тем, что в его конструкцию дополнительно включен, по меньшей мере, один канал, проходящий сквозь, по меньшей мере, одну стенку, и/или дно, и/или крышку блока электронного, предназначенный для формирования потока теплоносителя, направляемого внутрь электронных модулей, имеющих соответствующую для такого способа охлаждения конструкцию, в случае их установки в данный блок.2. Блок электронный по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отверстия, соединяющие каналы, как с внешним, так и с внутренним пространством данного блока, выполнены с обеспечением герметичности.3. Блок электронный по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что в случае неполного заполнения данного блока электронными модулями неиспользуемые отверстия на стенках блока закрываются при помощи герметичных заглушек и/или иных средств.

20-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94027967A

Изобретение относится к радиоэлектронике и вычислительной технике и может быть использовано при проектировании конструкций радиоэлектронных блоков и блоков многопроцессорных вычислительных систем, работающих в условиях повышенных динамических нагрузок. Основной задачей данного изобретения является увеличение комбинационных возможностей обработки информации. Радиоэлектронный блок содержит платы, соединенные между собой силовыми элементами взаимного сцепления, установленными на платах, и контактные устройства, выполненные в виде контактных элементов взаимного сцепления для соединения с плоскими кабелями, с помощью которых осуществлена внешняя и внутренняя коммутация блока. Для крепления блока на внешнем основании или для соединения с другими блоками на внешней поверхности платы расположены силовые элементы взаимного сцепления. Платы содержат элементы конструктивной жесткости, выполненные в виде ребер жесткости.

30-12-1994 дата публикации

Трансформируемый электромонтажный жгут В.В.Мокрышева

Номер: SU1834630A1

Изобретение касается производства электро-и радиотехнических уаройав и может быть использовано для осуществления электрических соединений между узлами и блоками этих уаройав. Цель изобретения - улучшение эксплуатационных воз- можноаей жгута Жгут содержит ряды токопрово- дящих жид переплетенных с поперечными элементами в виде аержней, на которых эксцентрично и с возможностью вращения установлены цилиндрические ролики, переплетенные продольными элементами в виде лент. На поверхности лент и цилиндрических роликов имеются элементы их взаимного сцепления в виде эластичных крючков и петель . 10 ил.

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014112075A

... 1. Гибкий светодиодный экран с возможностью свободного складывания, содержащий ряд светодиодных подэкранов, печатные платы, расположенные внутри корпусов светодиодных подэкранов, светодиоды, расположенные на печатных платах, и электрические провода, электрически соединяющие печатные платы; отличающийся тем, что смежные светодиодные подэкраны соединены посредством соединительного механизма, допускающего относительно свободное вращение.2. Гибкий светодиодный экран с возможностью свободного складывания по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что соединительный механизм содержит штангу вращения и валы вращения, расположенные на двух концах штанги вращения; при этом корпус светодиодного подэкрана содержит передний корпус и задний корпус; при этом канавки симметрично расположены по краям переднего корпуса и заднего корпуса, при этом валы вращения на двух концах штанги вращения соответственно установлены в канавки в корпусах двух смежных светодиодных подэкранов, при этом канавки переднего корпуса и заднего ...

20-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: SU1840429A1

Изобретение относится к радиотехнике. Технический результат - повышение надежности. Технический результат достигается за счет уменьшения изгибающего усилия на диод при его расположении перпендикулярно плоскости втулки и закреплении выводов диодов с металлизированным слоем с разных сторон втулок. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

07-03-1992 дата публикации

Держатель для светодиода

Номер: SU1718396A2

Изобретение относится к приборостроению и может быть использовано в устройствах для установки на панели приборов светодиодов. Цель изобретения - повышение эксплуатационных возможностей - достигается тем, что в держателе для светодиода, содержащем эластичный корпус 1 с внутренними продольными выступами 4, 5, расположенными в два ряда с зазором для размещения фланца 7 светодиода 3, с цанговыми прорезями 9 в стенках корпуса, с наружными продольными выступами 10 и кольцевым фланцем 11, для закрепления держателя в отверстии панели выполнены продольные, смещенные относительно друг друга, взаимно заходящие цанговые прорези 8, 9. 6 ил.

30-03-1991 дата публикации

Держатель для светодиода

Номер: SU1638814A1

Изобретение относится к области радиоэлектроники и может быть использовано для установки светодиода (СД). Цель - повышение надежности фиксации СД 3 и упрощение сборки его держателя - достигается тем что вкладыш 5 фиксатора СД -3 имеет конические отверстия , с поверхностью которых контактирует конусные поверхности 8 контактных элементов 7, выполненных в виде цанг с опорными выступами 12, имеющими взаимодействие с одним тор-- цом прижимной шайбы 10, другой торец которой сопряжен с опорной поверхностью 16 накидной гайки 15. I ил.

23-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1829127C

30-04-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для прокладки кабелей

Номер: SU1307502A1

... , изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано для прокладки кабелей. Цель изобретения - расширение технологических возможностей устройства . Устр-во содержит стойку I, сочлененную с полкой 2, неразъемно соединенной с боковиной 3, замки 4 и 5 и фиксирую- пхие элементы в виде шайб 6. Выполнепие каждого замка 4 и 5 в виде прямоугольной пластины с Г-образным выступом на одном конце и выполнение на coчлeliяo ыx со стойкой 1 концах полки 2 и замков 4 и 5 поперечных гофр с образованием прямоугольных наклонных зубцов 11 обеспечивает возможность формирования необходимого размера рабочего объема в момент монтажа и изменения объема по мере необходимости без использования дополнительных деталей. При этом фиксация мест соедипе- ний замыкающей Н1айбой 6. установленной в паре соосных вырезов замков 4 и 5 или no,:i- кп 2 и выполненной с круглым отверстием, имеющим односторонний диаметра,1ьный паз и вертикальный выступ, взаимодействующий с близлежащим отверстием полки 2 или стойки 1 ...

15-03-1987 дата публикации

Электромонтажный блок

Номер: SU1251790A1

... 1.

23-10-1989 дата публикации

Стойка радиоэлектронной аппаратуры

Номер: SU1517149A1

Изобретение относится к электрорадиотехнике и может быть использовано при проектировании несущих конструкций электрорадиоаппаратуры. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности - достигается за счет того, что стойка радиоэлектронной аппаратуры, содержащая каркас 1 с блоками 2 с кабелями 3 и держатели кабелей в виде уголков 6 с полками 8 с пазами 10 и с полками 9, снабжена втулками 12, 13, 14. В полках 9 уголков 6 выполнены пазы 11, втулки 12, 13 выполнены с кольцевыми канавками 15, втулки 13, 14 выполнены разрезными. Втулки 12, 13, 14 установлены на кабелях 3 с возможностью перемещения относительно них и размещения в пазах 10, 11 уголков 6. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

07-03-1992 дата публикации

Колодка для разводки электрических проводников

Номер: SU1718394A1

Изобретение относится к электронике и вычислительной технике и может быть ис-. пользовано для монтажа электрических проводников на печатных платах. Целью изобретения является повышение технологичности . В колодке для разводки электрических проводников центральная полка 6 имеет отверстия 7 для формирования и крепления жгута 8. На свободном конце полки б выполнены пазы 9 для проведения электрических проводников в отверстия 7. Между пазами 9 расположены пазы 10, предназначенные для крепления жгута на колодке. 2 ил.

07-11-1986 дата публикации

Контактный соединитель

Номер: SU1269284A1

Изобретение, относится к электротехнике . Может быть использовано при монтаже электрорадиоаппаратуры. Цель изобретения - повьшение надежности работы., соединителя. При изгибе жгутов 14 в двух взаимно перпендикулярных плоскостях происходит поворот одной колодки 1 относительно промежуточной платы (ПП) 2 а другой - относительно дополнительной ПП 5 по кольцевым направляющим 16, оси вращения которой проходят в месте соединения контактов 11 с цилиндрическими стержнями 4 и 7. Ограничитель -15 обеспечивает движение колодок 1 строго по кольцевым направляющим . Оснащение соединителя ПП 5, размещенной под углом 90 к ПП 2, и монтажной платой, выполненной в виде печатной платы 8, установленной между ПП 2 и 5, а также наличие электриi ческого контакта между печатными про (Л водниками печатной платы 8 и цилиндрическими стержнями 4 и 7 ПП 2 и 5 исключают механические изгибы и развороты отдельных частей жгута 14 подвижными контактньми соединениями между ними. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 2 ил.

23-07-1983 дата публикации

Колодка для фиксации и разводки электрических проводников

Номер: SU1031013A1

КОЛОДКА ДЛЯ ФИКСАЦИИ И РАЗВОДКИ ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИХ ПРОВОДНИКОВ, содержащая U-образное основание с пазами в боковых полках для электрических проводников и элементы фиксации проводников, отличающ а я с я тем, что, с целью упрсяцения конструкции,боковые полки основания соединены между собой перегородками , расположенными между пазами, причем внутренние стенки пазов боковых полок основания выполнены со скосами , а элементы фиксации проводников выполнены в виде выступов клино видной формы, размещенных на каждой перегородке. I (Л 00 Ьо ...

07-10-1990 дата публикации

Высокочастотный интегральный модуль

Номер: SU1598238A1

Изобретение относится к высокочастотной интегральной технике и может быть использовано в приемоусилительных, радиопередающих устройствах и устройствах обработки информации в радиорелейной связи, связи с первичными объектами и т.д. Цель изобретения - повышение плотности компоновки и технологичности конструкции - достигается тем, что высокочастотный интегральный модуль содержит основание-радиатор 1, тепловую трубу, состоящую из корпуса 2, фитиля 3 и парового канала 4, а также компоненты в виде прямоугольных параллелепипедов: полупроводниковые кристаллы 5, металлические элементы 6 и 7, диэлектрические элементы 8, дисикативные (поглощающие, резистивные) элементы 9, гиромагнитные элементы 10, элементы 11 интегральной оптики, элементы 12 из анизотропного диэлектрика, с использованием которого сформирован направленный ответвитель 13. Металлические элементы 6 и 7 образуют экранные слои металлизации полосковых плат, которые в сочетании с полупроводниковыми кристаллами 5 образуют управляемый резонансный ...

07-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: SU1534766A1

Изобретение относится к радиоэлектронике и может быть использовано для установки световых сигнальных элементов, преимущественно светодиодов. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности и ремонтопригодности - достигается за счет того, что светодиод 7 разъемно соединен с внешними выводами 18 через контактные площадки печатной платы, разъемно соединенной с корпусом 1, выполненным в виде бочкообразной цанги из упругого электроизоляционного материала, посредством втулки 12 и разрезного пружинного кольца. Изобретение позволяет устанавливать снаружи светодиоды 7 в отверстия панелей 4 без применения дополнительных средств фиксации, а также компенсировать разброс диаметров корпуса 1 и установочного отверстия за счет упругой деформации ребер 2. Конструкция фланца 3 корпуса 1 обеспечивает защиту светодиода 7 от механических повреждений. Изобретение позволяет упростить монтаж, повысить ремонтопригодность, обеспечить защиту от механических повреждений. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

19-10-1971 дата публикации

Способ изготовления электромонтажной сетки

Номер: SU318256A3

04-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003908481A1

17-09-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003908481C2

21-07-1977 дата публикации

Household control unit for stereo equipment - has slide control modules forming part of housing by fitting end to end

Номер: DE0002601892A1

The household control unit for e.g. stereo equipment has its modules forming part of the main housing. It is not composed of plug-in assemblies that fit into an exterior housing. The module sub-housings are identical so that when joined together they appear to form a single housing. The ends of this composite housing are closed by two end plates. The wiring passes through all sub-housings. The modules may be: power supply, amplifier, volume control, loudspeaker, receiver, transmitter, record player and tape recorder.

13-03-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002252954C3

23-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0050208441D1

14-03-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003311459C2

02-11-2006 дата публикации

Component for use in area of micro technology, has tubes with smaller diameter aligned parallel with linear extensions by connecting unit and combined to cable, where unit has laminar units provided in surface with continuous grooves

Номер: DE0020321316U1

Component has inner hollow tubes (4) with a diameter smaller than 200 micrometers. The tubes are aligned parallel with linear extensions by a connecting unit (2) and are combined to a cable (1S). The connecting unit has a set of laminar units (20, 21) that are provided in a surface having continuous grooves (20N, 21N), whose longitudinal axes are aligned parallel to each other. The tubes are insertable and fixable into the respective grooves. The laminar units are connected to the connecting unit in such a manner that the groove (21N) is arranged opposite to the groove (20N).

18-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020206199A1

Es wird ein Stromrichter für ein zumindest teilweise elektrisch angetriebenes Fahrzeug mit einer ersten Leiterplatte vorgeschlagen, wobei die erste Leiterplatte drei Leistungsschaltergruppen mit jeweils einem Phasenterminal aufweist und die Anschlüsse zum Verbinden mit einer zweiten Leiterplatte mit einer Mehrzahl von Zwischenkreiskondensatoren vorgesehen sind. Dabei liegt die zweite Leiterplatte auf zwei Gleichstromschienen, die voneinander elektrisch isoliert sind.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE112005003267B4

Eine Schaltkreisstruktur, aufweisend: eine isolierende Platte (14) mit Öffnungen (23, 50, 51); eine erste Busschiene (15), die entlang einer Oberfläche der isolierenden Platte (14) angeordnet ist; eine zweite Busschiene (18), die entlang der anderen Oberfläche der isolierenden Platte (14) angeordnet ist und in bestimmten (23, 50) der Öffnungen freiliegt; und ein elektronisches Bauteil (16), das mit Verbindungsanschlüssen (25B, 25C) versehen ist, wobei die Verbindungsanschlüsse mit der zweiten Busschiene (18) in den Öffnungen (23, 50) verbunden sind, wobei das elektronische Bauteil (16) weiterhin ein Paar von Steueranschlüssen (25A) hat, das auf der einen Oberfläche der isolierenden Platte (14) angeordnet ist; und die erste Busschiene (15), die auf der einen Oberfläche angeordnet ist, mehrfach vorhanden ist, wobei eine dieser ersten Busschienen (15) mit einem der Steueranschlüsse (25A) verbunden ist und eine andere dieser Busschienen (15) mit dem anderen der Steueranschlüsse (25A) verbunden ...

06-12-1990 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003580345D1

21-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE112016000588T5

Es wird eine Schaltungsanordnung bereitgestellt, an der sich eine elektronische Komponente einfach montieren lässt (einfach eine elektrische Verbindung von Anschlüssen herstellen lässt). Eine Schaltungsanordnung 1 umfasst ein Substrat 10, wobei an einer Fläche 10a des Substrats 10 ein Leiterbahnmuster 101 bereitgestellt ist; ein Leiterelement 20, das an der anderen Fläche 10b des Substrats 10 fixiert ist; eine elektronische Komponente 30, die unter mehreren Anschlüssen erste Anschlüsse 32 und 33, die mit dem Leiterelement 20 elektrisch verbundenen sind, und einen zweiten Anschluss 34 der mehreren Anschlüsse aufweist, der mit dem an dem Substrat 10 bereitgestellten Leiterbahnmuster elektrisch verbunden ist, und ein Verbindungselement 40 zum elektrischen Verbinden des zweiten Anschlusses 34 und des auf dem Substrat bereitgestellten Leiterbahnmusters 101, wobei mindestens ein Abschnitt des Verbindungselements 40 über ein isolierendes Material an dem Leiterelement 20 fixiert ist.

08-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010164879B4

Ein Verdrahtungssubstrat umfasst ein Substrat mit einem Verdrahtungsmuster und ein linienförmiges Isoliermuster, das auf dem Substrat derart gebildet ist, daß es das Verdrahtungsmuster schneidet und einen Teil des Verdrahtungsmusters für eine Anschlußbereichselektrode definiert. Das Isoliermuster umfasst eine Mehrzahl von linienförmigen Abschnitten, die miteinander verbunden sind, um eine rahmenartige Struktur zu bilden.

13-12-2007 дата публикации

Digitalkamera-Modul mit einer Stapelstruktur

Номер: DE602004009753D1

28-03-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0008436611U1

29-03-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002223345C3

24-07-2003 дата публикации

Electrical energy distribution unit for connector housing in automobile has control board and relay card supported parallel to one another facing heat sink supporting bus rails of distribution circuit

Номер: DE0010302371A1

The energy distribution unit (30) has a number of bus raills (36) mounted on the surface of a heat sink (32) for providing an energy distribution circuit, a number of associated switching devices (40), e.g. FET's, a control board (50) for controlling the switching devices and a relay card (56) with a second energy distribution circuit containing at least one relay switch. The control board and the relay card are supported independent of one another in parallel planes, each having one surface facing the rear of the heat sink. An Independent claim for an electrical connector housing containing an energy distribution unit is also included.

12-06-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002258557A1

13-01-1977 дата публикации

Telephone equipment connection assembly - has hooks on support rail engaging pockets in equipment bases

Номер: DE0002530151A1

The connection assembly for electrically and mechanically connecting adjacent telephone equipment, is robust, cheap and hidden from sight. It also allows equipment of different sizes to be connected in any sequence. A support rail (6) passes beneath the equipment. The rail has hooks that engage in pockets in the base plate (8) of the equipment. A circuit board (4) is embedded in the rail. The circuit board provides the electrical connection via contact paths, between the contacts (5) in the equipment. The circuit board has openings (7) into which the hook-shaped contact elements (5) project.

15-01-2019 дата публикации

Optoelektronischer Sensor

Номер: DE202017106142U1
Принадлежит: SICK AG

Optoelektronischer Sensor, vorzugsweise ein optoelektronischer Miniatursensor, umfassend optische und elektronische Bauelemente (3, 4), welche auf einer einseitig bestückten Leiterplatte (2) positioniert sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die dünne Leiterplatte (2) mit einer unbestückten Seite auf einer Stabilisierungsplatte (8) unmittelbar aufliegt, wobei die Stabilisierungsplatte (8) eine Außenwandung des Sensors (1) bildet.

02-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002734312A1

14-12-2017 дата публикации

Leitungsintegrierter Schalter und Verfahren zum Herstellen eines leitungsintegrierten Schalters

Номер: DE102016110847A1

Leitungsintegrierter Schalter mit zumindest einem ersten metallischen Flachteil 2, zumindest einen zweiten metallischen Flachteil 8, wobei die Flachteile in einem Überlappungsbereich mit ihren breiten Seiten übereinander angeordnet sind und in dem Überlappungsbereich ein Halbleiterschalter 18 zwischen den Flachteilen 2, 8, die Flachteile 2, 8 schaltend miteinander verbindend, angeordnet ist. Ein einfacher Aufbau ist dadurch möglich, dass zumindest im Überlappungsbereich ein erstes der Flachteile 2 auf einer dem zweiten der Flachteile 8 zugewandten Seite zumindest teilweise mit einer Isolation beschichtet ist, wobei in der Isolation in einem Kontaktbereich 10 eine Ausnehmung vorgesehen ist und der Halbleiterschalter 18 in dem Kontaktbereich 10 mit dem Flachteil 8 elektrisch kontaktiert ist.

17-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003375681D1

21-02-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002736290C3
Принадлежит: HITACHI, LTD., TOKIO

17-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069937672D1

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Elektronische Schaltung

Номер: DE102011054818A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine elektronische Schaltung, umfassend mindestens drei Leiterplatten (2.1, 2.2, 2.3), die an einem Rahmen (1) befestigt und mittels in diesem angeordneten Kontaktstiften (7) elektrisch verbunden sind, und einen elektrischen Anschluss (11), der mit einer dritten der Leiterplatten (2.1) verbunden ist. Die Schaltung soll einen geringen Bauraum aufweist und hierbei preiswert zu fertigen und zu montieren sein. Hierfür wird vorgeschlagen, die Leiterplatten (2.1, 2.2, 2.3) in Ebenen parallel zueinander anzuordnen und mit vorbestimmtem gegenseitigem Abstand an dem Rahmen (1) zu befestigen, wobei an Stirnseiten des Rahmens (1) Sockel (4, 5, 6) ausgebildet sind, wobei Enden parallel zu den Stirnseiten von gruppenweise mindestens zwei der Sockel (4, 5, 6) in einer Ebene liegen, und wobei die Ausbildung des Rahmens (1) und der Leiterplatten (2.1, 2.2, 2.3) aufeinander abgestimmt sind.

31-07-2008 дата публикации

Elektrischer Anschlusskasten

Номер: DE102005038862B4

Elektrischer Anschlusskasten, umfassend: einen ersten Stromverteiler (14) zur batterieseitigen Verbindung und einen zweiten Stromverteiler (15) zur generatorseitigen Verbindung, wobei die ersten und zweiten Stromverteiler (14, 15) jeweils eine gedruckte Schaltplatine (16, 20) an einer Innenseite, einen Kühlkörper (19, 23) an einer Außenseite sowie eine Busstange (18, 22) zwischen der gedruckten Schaltplatine (16, 20) und dem Kühlkörper (19, 23) aufweisen, und so angeordnet sind, dass ihre Innenseiten einander gegenüberliegen; und einen Zweigschaltungsblock (13), der eine Mehrzahl von Isolierplatten (24) und Busstangen (25) aufweist.

17-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE102006008767B4

Stromzähler mit je Stromphase einem U-förmigen Leiterstück (8), dessen U-Schenkel (7, 10) unter Bildung von Anschlusskontakten durch eine Bodenwand (1) des Stromzählergehäuses hindurch aus dem Stromzähler herausgeführt sind und das in Verbindung mit einem die Phasenstromstärke erfassenden Wandler (4) steht, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Leiterstücke (8) mit jeweils einem (10) ihrer U-Schenkel (7, 10) unter Führung beider U-Schenkel (7, 10) durch Öffnungen (9, 11) in der Bodenwand (1) hindurch auf ein von der Bodenwand (1) vorstehendes Halteelement (17) aufsteckbar und an dem Halteelement (17) unter Befestigung der Leiterstücke (8) auf der Bodenwand (1) an dem Halteelement (17) jeweils einrastbar sind.

14-12-1972 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001763307B2

17-06-2010 дата публикации

Electrical power distribution unit, particularly for motor vehicle, has power distribution device and housing, where housing has firm foam, and current distribution unit is foamed in foam of housing

Номер: DE102008060062A1

The electrical power distribution unit has a power distribution device (1) and housing, where the housing has firm foam. The current distribution unit is foamed in the foam of the housing. An independent claim is included for a method for manufacturing electrical power distribution unit.

15-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002240822A1

08-02-2017 дата публикации

Railway vehicle main circuit device

Номер: GB0002541086A

A main circuit device is arranged in a railway vehicle and includes a unit frame 15 which houses a unit switch 4a, 4b and at least one resistor 13. The unit switch and the resistor(s) are disposed in a vertical position, with the unit switch located towards the side of the vehicle and the resistor(s) located towards the centre of the vehicle. The main circuit device may be suspended across an underfloor portion of the vehicle and may include a plurality of unit frames, each housing a unit switch and a resistor. A low voltage interface side of the switch may be located towards the side of the vehicle and a high voltage interface side of the switch may be located towards the centre of the vehicle. A conductive bar may be connected to the high voltage interface of the switch and the high voltage interface may be set at a position above the charging resistor via the conductive bar. The unit frame may be disposed within, and detachably fixed to, a housing of a line breaker box or a housing of ...

01-07-1953 дата публикации

Mounting arrangements for components of electrical circuits

Номер: GB0000693459A

... 693,459. Distribution boards and panels. STANDARD TELEPHONES & CABLES, Ltd. Feb. 5, 1952 [Feb. 6, 1961], No. 2893/51. Class 38 (i). A mounting unit for wire-ended circuit components comprises two phenol fibre insulating sheets 1, 2 spaced by the limbs 7 of mounting brackets 5, 6 having limbs 11, 12 for mounting on to a plate 14. The lower ends of sheets 1, 2 are inserted in an aperture 15, the holes 10 in the bracket registering with holes 13 in the plate 14. Connecting tags of the type described in Specification 662,050, to which the components may be attached, are provided on the outer surfaces of the sheets 1, 2. In another embodiment (Fig. 2) similar but narrower sheets 16, 17 are provided and the brackets mounted so that the spacing of holes 10 remains the same. Pillars 18 are provided on the brackets to which valve-holders 19, 20 may be secured. The Provisional Specification also refers to several such units slid in guides in a box, and to two units slidably arranged in guides, one ...

12-03-1952 дата публикации

Improvements in radio apparatus

Номер: GB0000668306A

... 668,306. Radio receiving sets; aerials. PHILCO CORPORATION. March 4, 1949 [March 4, 1948], No. 5987/49. Classes 40 (v) and 40 (vii). A radio receiver comprises a cabinet having a pair of confronting panels and an antenna structure arranged between the panels and co-operating therewith to complete the cabinet, and within the cabinet a radio chassis and a loud-speaker. A chassis 11 comprises a boxlike portion 12 closed by a removable lid 18 which has a central circular aperture surrounded by a perpendicular flange 19. A loud-speaker is mounted on the inside of the lid 18 by suitable securing means 21a and the major circuit components are mounted substantially radially around the box 12. The chassis 11 is mounted on a back-plate 22 and the back-plate and a front-plate 23 fit into channels 32, 33 respectively in a split band 31. Lugs 34 on the band 31 are then screwed to a block 36 on a base 37, thus clamping the back and front plates in position and enclosing the chassis. The band 31 is made ...

23-08-1950 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to supporting means for electric circuit components

Номер: GB0000641884A

... 641,884. Casings, enclosures and mountings for resistances ; combinations and sets of resistances; couplings ; condensers. SCIENTIFIC ACOUSTICS Ltd., and CLARK, F. Aug. 30, 1946, No. 26216. [Classes 37 and 38 (i)] [Also in Group XL (c)] A supporting arrangement for one or more circuit components of electrical apparatus comprises a plurality of collar like elements of electrically non-conductive or semi-conductive material in stacked relationship on a single central support, a number of metal connecting tag members being clamped between each or certain adjacent pairs or embodied in some or all of such elements. As shown in Fig. 5, the insulating collar-like elements 10 are mounted on the threaded rod 29, and on one face are provided with an axial projection which may be of hexagonal cross-section, and on the other with a recess shaped to receive the projection of the adjacent element. The metal tag members 19 are clamped between adjacent members 10 and consist of a central ring-shaped portion ...

04-11-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001211367A

... 1,211,367. Fusible cut-outs. JOSEPH LUCAS (INDUSTRIES) Ltd. 25 April, 1968 [15 May, 1967], No. 22401/67. Heading H2G. Fuse holder having insulating base fixed to a flexible printed circuit carrier 18 by means of a pair of fuse clips 15 held releasably in place by tags 22 and plate 19 with resilient arms 21 which may be integral with 15, arms 21 of the two clips contacting respective exposed areas of the printed circuit, the free ends of the clip remote from the base having shaped portions for engaging a fusible member 17. The holder 13 may be in the form of a box 12 and may be secured to or form an integral part of a panel 11, e.g. the facia of a road vehicle. The holder may be fitted with snapfitting lid 23 made of resilient synthetic resin material. Means may be provided within the fuse holder for housing a spare fuse.

18-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002215916B

16-04-1997 дата публикации

Interference suppression in a control device

Номер: GB0002300772B

29-04-2020 дата публикации

User control interface

Номер: GB0002500958B
Принадлежит: IFPL GROUP LTD, IFPL Group Limited

24-06-1964 дата публикации

Method of and apparatus for packaging multi-terminal modules

Номер: GB0000961756A

... 961,756. Circuit assemblies. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Inc. Aug. 13, 1962 [Aug. 14, 1961], No. 31014/62. Heading H1R. Multi-terminal modules are packaged in bays formed by shaping and interleaving conductive and insulating sheets. Fig. 1 shows a conductive sheet 110 of Au-coated Ni-Fe-Co alloy, having a rectangular rim portion and cross bars 117, 117a . . . 117d, defining bays 111 . . . 116. Uniformly spaced conductive strips 118 . . . 122 extending the length of the sheet are cut out or trimmed to leave tabs in register with the terminals of modules 151 . . . 156, Fig. 2; alternatively, the sheets may be machined or stamped with tabs in desired patterns. End arrays of tabs 130 . . . 139 are provided, of which 130 is shown as being retained. A plurality of such conductive sheets 110, 160 . . . 163, Fig. 4, are interleaved with insulating sheets 1101 . . . 1631, e.g. of plastic film adhesively or otherwise secured to the conductive sheets and preferably shaped to form bays of slightly ...

27-01-2016 дата публикации

Data processing system with balcony boards

Номер: GB0002528464A

A data processing system 210, comprising a mainboard 10, at least one processor module 12, and at least one memory module 14; the data processing system 210 further comprises: at least one balcony board 16 carrying at least one of the processor modules 12 and at least one of the memory modules 14, wherein the processor module 12 comprises a first pin area 22 for connecting to the balcony board 16 and a second pin area 24for connecting to the mainboard 10, such that the balcony board 16 is attached to the mainboard 10 in a fixed position; further comprising an opening 18 in the balcony board 16 through which the processor module 12 is plugged in a socket 20 attached to the mainboard 10, or further comprising an opening 19 in the mainboard 10 through which the processor module 12 is plugged in a socket 21 attached to the balcony board 16. Is disclosed are a mainboard 10 or a balcony board 16 for a data processing system 210, comprising at least one opening 18,19 for receiving a processor ...

24-03-1965 дата публикации

Programming matrix system

Номер: GB0000987147A

... 987,147. Permanent data stores. A. PERRET, and C. PERRET. Nov. 2, 1962 [Nov. 29, 1961], No. 41502/62. Heading G4A. [Also in Division H1] A permanent data-store for the programming of calculating machines or machine tools comprises a stack of parallel plates 309 (only two shown in Fig. 17) with linear conductors 311 on each face, a network of conductors (not shown) at their rear, and removable slides carrying elements such as diodes insertible between the plates and making contact with selected areas 339 of the conductors 311, and with parts of the rear network by means of plugs 333, 334 which engage sockets in that network. Fig. 4 shows part of a carrier having a common conductive strip 315 joined to plug 334 of Fig. 17, clip-in sockets 314 for correspondingly shaped diodes 313, and a handle 318 for insertion and withdrawal; in this case the top ends of the diodes contact the underface of a plate, other arrangements of carriers providing alternative or additional contacts to an upper face ...

16-09-1926 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to sound reproducing sets suitable for the reception ofwireless telephony

Номер: GB0000258034A

... 258,034. British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Kinman, T. H., and Warren, H. W. H. July 3, 1925. Receiving sets, construction of; grounding aerials.-Some of the components of a combined receiving-set and loud speaker are mounted on the wall of the loud-speaker horn 28 or on a panel 34 which is attached to the loud-speaker and forms the front wall of a relatively small enclosing casing. The horn has a length substantially equal to the depth of the casing and the smaller end communicates with a sound-reproducing, unit 32 by a vertical passage 33. A transformer 14 is mounted on the upper side of the horn at the smaller end and two valve holders 36 are mounted at the flaring end. A single control disconnects the aerial from earth, completes the filament circuits, and operates a reaction coil 17.

26-07-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001283363A

... 1283363 Circuit board assemblies SIEMENS AG 10 June 1969 [12 June 1968] 29414/69 Heading HlR In an electrical unit a plurality of circuit boards PI-P4 are mounted in metal frames M2-M4 which are stacked one above the other with metal covers Dl, D2 at each end, the frames and covers thus forming a housing for the circuit boards. As shown, the boards rest on ledges in the frames and the frames, boards and covers are secured together by screw connections as shown by the broken lines. Components B, conductors, and contact pins St are secured to the boards, connections between the various components and conductors on different boards being made through the contact pins, which connections are detachable. Contact plug Sl may be formed in the covers Dl, D2, and as shown, the frames M3, M4 and board P3 are made longer than the other frames and boards to accommodate a plug S3. The boards may be provided on one or both sides with a metal layer which then acts as a conductor for taking away heat, a ...

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Television receiver and electronic apparatus

Номер: US20120236214A1
Принадлежит: Individual

According to one embodiment, a television receiver includes: a housing; a circuit board arranged in the housing; an electronic component mounted on the circuit board; a reinforcing member comprising a first surface in contact with the circuit board, and a second surface located on an opposite side of the first surface and exposed to an inside of the housing; a component contained in the housing, the component comprising a first supported area located at a distance from a surface of the circuit board; and a support member configured to support the component, the support member comprising a first end portion fixed to the first supported area of the component, and a second end portion fixed to the second surface of the reinforcing member.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Quick change base supporting fluorescent ballasts and/or light emitting diode power supplies

Номер: US20120249016A1
Автор: Toby Smith
Принадлежит: Individual

Embodiments of the invention comprise a base and a light emitting diode (LED) power supply (PS) detachably connectable to the base module. The LED PS provides current and voltage to at least one LED lamp in a lighting fixture. The base optionally includes electrical connections for detachable connection of a ballast and further includes electrical connections to mains electrical power. An embodiment may further include the ballast. The LED PS, base, and ballast implement a common electrical and mechanical interface for enabling replacement of fluorescent lamps in lighting fixtures with LED lamps. A lamp including a base is included in some embodiments of the invention.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Electrical wire jacketing configuration

Номер: US20120267140A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

An electrical wire jacketing configuration used in an electrical junction box herein has a body portion in which a recess is formed. The electrical wire jacketing configuration includes a gutter-shaped portion configured to pass an electrical wire therethrough, a slidable engaging portion formed in both end portions of the gutter-shaped portion in the across-the-width-direction, and is slidingly engabeable with a guide portion of the recess, and a projection extending from the gutter-shaped portion toward the recess so as to prevent possible erroneous or wrong attachment of the electrical wire jacketing configuration to the recess. The recess may have a secondary guide portion configured to proceed the projection into the recess such that the projection can engage with the recess. The electrical wire jacketing configuration to which the electrical wire is fixed slidably moves toward the recess in a longitudinal direction of the electrical wire, and thereby mates with the recess.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Liquid cooling during testing

Номер: US20120291999A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system includes electronics for testing a device, a reservoir to store coolant, where the reservoir includes a bellows that is compressible, a pump system to move coolant out of the reservoir to cool the electronics, and means to compress the bellows and thereby pressurize the coolant stored in the reservoir so that the coolant remains substantially flush with an interface to the pump system.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Electrical junction box

Номер: US20120327618A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

An electrical junction box 1 includes: a metallic substrate 24 ; a relay 25 mounted on a surface of the metallic substrate 24 , and arranged lower than the metallic substrate 24 ; an upper cover 4 covering the metallic substrate 24 , and arranged upper than the metallic substrate 24 ; a hole 17 opening on a surface of a ceiling wall 7 arranged parallel to the metallic substrate 24 of the upper cover 4 ; and a heat introducing tube 18 continued to an inner edge of the hole 17 , and penetrating the metallic substrate 24.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Electric junction box

Номер: US20120327620A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

An electric junction box to prevent fluid such as water infiltrating inside its covers from adhering to a printed wiring board even if its upper cover and lower cover are stacked to each other in an orthogonal direction, comprises a metal board, its surface being arranged in a horizontal direction, and a main body accommodating the metal board. The main body includes an upper cover and a lower cover to be stacked to each other in a direction orthogonal to a surface of the metal board. On a side wall of the lower cover a locking projection is disposed. On a side wall of the upper cover a locking step is disposed with which the locking projection is locked. The upper cover includes an inner wall disposed inside the side wall of the lower cover, its lower end being disposed below the metal board.

14-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130038993A1

The invention relates to an inverter ( 1 ), comprising an upper and lower housing part ( 33, 34 ), wherein electronic components are arranged in the upper and lower housing parts ( 33, 34 ), said components being electronically connected to one another in a releasable manner by means of a contact-making system ( 40 ) formed from two parts. In order to produce an electrical and mechanical connection by means of a pivoting movement, the upper housing part ( 33 ) is connected to the lower housing part ( 34 ) in a manually detachable manner by means of a rotating element ( 35 ), wherein the rotating element ( 35 ) forms an axis of rotation for a circle arc ( 58 ), and, in the upper and lower housing parts ( 33, 34 ), a part of the contact-making system ( 40 ) is respectively arranged along the circle arc ( 58 ) in such a way that these parts, during a pivoting movement of the upper housing part ( 33 ) relative to the lower housing part ( 34 ) into an operating position, can be automatically contact-connected, with the housing parts ( 33, 34 ) connected.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Circuit boards, connectors, cases, circuit board assemblies, case assemblies, devices and methods of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130077270A1

Example embodiments are directed to circuit boards, connectors, cases, circuit board assemblies, case assemblies, devices and methods of manufacturing the same, which are common to at least two different form factors. 1. A circuit board , comprising:a board, common to at least a first form factor and a second form factor; andfirst circuit board connection terminals of the first form factor.2. The circuit board of claim 1 , further comprising:second circuit board connection terminals of the second form factor.3. The circuit board of claim 2 , where the first form factor and the second form factor are at least one of different and mutually exclusive.4. The circuit board of claim 2 , where the first and second circuit board connection terminals are on one of a same end of the circuit board claim 2 , different ends of the circuit board claim 2 , and both ends of the circuit board.5. The circuit board of claim 2 , where the first and second circuit board connection terminals are on one of a same side of the circuit board claim 2 , different sides of the circuit board of the circuit board claim 2 , and both sides of the circuit board.6. The circuit board of claim 2 , where the first and second circuit board connection terminals are offset from a first edge of the circuit board.7. The circuit board of claim 2 , where the first and second circuit board connection terminals are nested.8. A circuit board assembly claim 2 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00002', 'claim 2'}, 'the circuit board of ; and'}a connector including connector connection terminals;where only one of the first circuit board connection terminals and the second circuit board connection terminals are connected to the connector connection terminals.9. A device of the first form factor claim 2 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00008', 'claim 8'}, 'the circuit board assembly of ; and'}a case of the first form factor.10. A device of the second form factor claim 2 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@ ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Electronic Arrangement and Method for Producing an Electronic Arrangement

Номер: US20130077280A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

An electronic arrangement () comprising a carrier (), on which at least one connecting area () is arranged. At least one electronic component () is fixed on the connecting area () by means of a contact material (). A covering area () surrounds the connecting area () on the carrier (). At least one covered region () is covered by a covering material (). The covering material () is designed in such a way that an optical contrast between the covering area () and the covered region () is minimized. 1. An electronic arrangement comprising:a carrier;at least one connecting area on the carrier;at least one electronic component, which is fixed at least on the connecting area by a contact material;a covering area, which surrounds the connecting area on the carrier; andat least one covered region covered by a covering material;wherein the covering material is configured so that an optical contrast between the covering area and the covered region is minimized.2. The electronic arrangement as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the connecting area comprises an electrical contact-making area and/or an adhesive-bonding area.3. The electronic arrangement as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the optical contrast is a color contrast and/or a brightness contrast.4. The electronic arrangement as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the contact material comprises solder and/or an adhesive.5. The electronic arrangement as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the electronic component comprises an optoelectronic component.6. The electronic arrangement as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the electronic component comprises a non-optoelectronic component.7. The electronic arrangement as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the covered region comprises the area of the non-optoelectronic component which faces away from the carrier.8. The electronic arrangement as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the covered region comprises the side areas of the electronic component.9. The electronic arrangement as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130077281A1

The invention relates to a chain including multiple microelectronic chip elements that are connected to a wire. The wire has notches that define preferred breaking points when the wire is subject to tensile stress. If the wire is conductive, the notches can be spread so that the length of the wire between a chip element and a notch is equal to the length of an antenna. 113-. (canceled)14. A chain comprising:a wire,a plurality of notches formed on the wire and configured to define preferential breaking points when the wire is submitted to tensile stress,several microelectronic chip elements connected to the wire.15. The chain according to claim 14 , whereinone of the microelectronic chip elements requires an antenna having a first length,the wire is an electrically conducting wire and is connected to a first side of said one of the microelectronic chip elements for forming the antenna,a second length of the wire between said one of the microelectronic chip elements and one of the notches is equal to the first length.16. The chain according to claim 15 , wherein two consecutives microelectronic chip elements are separated by a third length of the wire greater than the first length claim 15 , and wherein an additional notch is disposed between the two consecutives microelectronic chip elements.17. The chain according to claim 15 , wherein said one of the microelectronic chip elements is provided with a groove having the wire inserted therein claim 15 , the groove comprising a ridge arranged close to one end of the groove and configured to notch the wire during insertion of the wire into the groove.18. The chain according to claim 16 , wherein it comprises an anchoring element attached to the wire and disposed between two consecutive microelectronic chip elements so that the wire has a single notch between the anchoring element and each of the two consecutive microelectronic chip elements.19. The chain according to claim 15 , comprising an additional electrically ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130083502A1

A package substrate includes a main package body including a first principal surface on which an IC is mounted, and a second principal surface, opposed to the first principal surface, on which first bonding materials for mounting are provided. An internal circuit is provided within the main package body and connected to the first bonding materials. A sub-package is arranged on the second principal surface and includes electronic components embedded therein. A thickness direction dimension being the distance from the second principal surface to a portion of the sub-package most distant from the second principal surface, is not more than a thickness direction dimension being the distance from the second principal surface to an edge of the first bonding material at the second principal surface. 1. A package substrate comprising: a main package body including first and second principal surfaces that are opposed to each other;', 'a first bonding material provided on the second principal surface of the main package body; and', 'an internal circuit provided within the main package body and electrically connected to the first bonding material; and, 'a main package includinga sub-package located on the second principal surface of the main package and including first and second principal surfaces that are opposed to each other and a plurality of electronic components embedded therein; whereina thickness direction dimension that is a dimension from the second principal surface of the main package to a portion of the sub-package that is most distant from the second principal surface of the main package, is substantially equal to or less than a thickness direction dimension of the first bonding material;the first principal surface of the sub-package is arranged closer to the main package than the second principal surface of the sub-package; andthe plurality of electronic components embedded in the sub-package are arranged in a direction parallel or substantially parallel to at ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130094166A1

A plurality of display panels (A and B) are provided on a single substrate (). Data signal lines (A), scanning signal lines (A), a data signal line drive circuit (A) for driving the data signal lines (A), and a scanning signal line drive circuit (A) for driving the scanning signal lines (A) are provided for the display panel (A). Data signal lines (B), scanning signal lines (B), a data signal line drive circuit (B) for driving the data signal lines (B), and a scanning signal line drive circuit (B) for driving the scanning signal lines (B) are provided for the display panel (B). Input signal lines (A and B) are provided so as not intersect each other in a plan view. This allows a reduction in power consumption and an increase in flexibility in design in a display panel which includes a plurality of display panels on a single substrate. 1. A display device comprising:a substrate;a plurality of display panels provided on the substrate;a plurality of input signal lines for supplying, to the plurality of display panels, an input signal which has been externally supplied, the plurality of input signal lines being provided on the substrate;a plurality of data signal lines provided for each of the plurality of display panels;a plurality of scanning signal lines provided for each of the plurality of display panels;a data signal line drive circuit for driving the plurality of data signal lines, the data signal line drive circuit being provided for each of the plurality of display panels; anda scanning signal line drive circuit for driving the plurality of scanning signal lines, the scanning signal line drive circuit being provided for each of the plurality of display panels,the plurality of input signal lines being arranged so as not to intersect each other in a plan view.2. The display device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein:the plurality of display panels include a first display panel and a second display panel, the first display panel being provided closer to an input ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Television Receiver and Electronic Apparatus

Номер: US20130114214A1

According to one embodiment, a television receiver includes: a housing; a circuit board arranged in the housing; an electronic component mounted on the circuit board; a reinforcing member comprising a first surface in contact with the circuit board, and a second surface located on an opposite side of the first surface and exposed to an inside of the housing; a component contained in the housing, the component comprising a first supported area located at a distance from a surface of the circuit board; and a support member configured to support the component, the support member comprising a first end portion fixed to the first supported area of the component, and a second end portion fixed to the second surface of the reinforcing member. 1. An electronic apparatus comprising:a housing;a circuit board arranged in the housing;an electronic component mounted on the circuit board;a reinforcing plate comprising a first surface in contact with the circuit board, and a second surface located on an opposite side of the first surface and exposed to an inside of the housing;a component contained in the housing, the component comprising a first area located at a distance from a surface of the circuit board and a second area connected to the circuit board electrically at a position other than a third area of the circuit board, the third area being in contact with the reinforcing plate, the first area being located at the third area; anda support member configured to support the component, the support member comprising a first end portion fixed to the first area of the component, and a second end portion fixed to the second surface of the reinforcing plate.2. An electronic apparatus comprising:a housing;a circuit board arranged in the housing;an electronic component mounted on the circuit board;a component contained in the housing, the component comprising a first area located at a distance from a surface of the circuit board and a second area connected to the circuit board ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

System Including A Module

Номер: US20130114216A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

In an embodiment a first module can include a first side and a first edge. An optical transmitter connector can be a first distance from the first side at a first position along the first edge. An optical receiver connector can be a second distance from the first side wherein the first and the second distances are different and wherein the optical receiver connector is at a second position along the first edges. In an embodiment a chassis includes a first slot and a second slot with a first waveguide and a second waveguide.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130119908A1
Автор: HARADA Kazuki, HOTTA Daiji
Принадлежит: Honda elesys Co., Ltd.

One embodiment of the present invention provides an electronic control unit for electric power steering, including: a first board which is mounted with first surface-mount components; and only one second board which is mounted with second surface-mount components having larger allowable current capacities than the first surface-mount components, which have approximately the same components mounting area as the first board, and which is layered with the first board. 1. An electronic control unit for electric power steering , including:a first board which is mounted with first surface-mount components; andonly one second board which is mounted with second surface-mount components having larger allowable current capacities than the first surface-mount components, which have approximately the same components mounting area as the first board, and which is layered with the first board.2. The electronic control unit of claim 1 , further including:a connector case which is integral with an external connector, a first rim and a second rim of the connector case being mounted with respective terminal groups by insert molding,wherein the first board and the second board are layered via the connector case such that the terminal groups connect between the respective first surface-mount components and the respective second surface-mount components, andwherein each of the second surface-mount components mounted on the second board is connected to a respective closer one of the terminal group mounted on the first rim and the terminal group mounted on the second rim.3. The electronic control unit of claim 1 , further including:a cover which sandwiches the first body with the connector case; anda heat sink which sandwiches the second board with the connector case while cooling the second surface-mount components mounted on the second board.4. The electronic control unit of claim 1 , 'a control unit which performs a steering assist control using an external multiphase brushless motor ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130120955A1
Автор: Lee Sang Roc

Disclosed herein is a structure for installing a tuner. In the structure for installing a tuner, an edge of a body in which the tuner is installed is formed to have a round shape to bend one side surface of the body and another side surface thereof intersecting with one side surface at a time, such that rigidities of the side surfaces are mutually complemented, thereby making it possible to prevent generation of deformation such as warpage, or the like. 1. A structure for installing a tuner , the structure comprising:a body having a tuner installed therein,wherein the body includes:a first end portion formed so that an internal space is formed in the body;a second end portion formed at the body so as to intersect with the first end portion; anda connection part formed integrally with the first and second end portions therebetween so as to have a round shape.2. A structure for installing a tuner , the structure comprising:a body having a tuner installed therein; andan extension part formed at one side of the body,wherein the extension includes a first end portion formed so that an internal space is formed in the body and the extension part, andthe body includes a second end portion formed so as to intersect with the first end portion,the first and second end portions having a connection part formed integrally therewith therebetween and a round shape.3. The structure as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the body includes opening parts formed therein in order to expose the internal space to the outside.4. The structure as set forth in claim 3 , wherein the first or second end portion is provided with holes for caulking the tuner.5. The structure as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the body and the extension part include opening parts formed therein in order to expose the internal space to the outside.6. The structure as set forth in claim 5 , wherein the first or second end portion is provided with holes for caulking the tuner. This application claims the benefit of Korean ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128464A1

A riser card for connecting at least one high-speed signal card to a mainboard is provided. The high-speed signal card includes a first connecting portion and a second connecting portion. The riser card includes a circuit board, a plurality of slots, a connection terminal, a power supply module, and a supporting board. The slots include a first slot and a second slot disposed spaced apart on a first surface of the circuit board and connected to the first connecting portion and the second connecting portion respectively of the high-speed signal card. The connection terminal connects to the mainboard. The power supply module is fixed to a second surface of the circuit board by using the supporting board and supplies power to the high-speed signal card via the circuit board, so that the high-speed signal card is able to exchange data with the mainboard via the riser card. 1. A riser card for connecting at least one high-speed signal card , the high-speed signal card comprising a plurality of connecting portions , the riser card comprising:a first circuit board having a first surface and a second surface;a plurality of slots disposed spaced apart on the first surface, each of the slots being connected to a corresponding connecting portion of the high-speed signal card; anda connection terminal for connecting to a mainboard.2. The riser card of claim 1 , wherein the first circuit board has a through hole communicating the first surface and the second surface claim 1 , and the through hole is located among the slots.3. The riser card of claim 1 , further comprising a fixing bracket fixed to the first circuit board.4. The riser card of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of the slots disposed spaced apart on the first surface and respectively connected to a plurality of the high-speed signal cards.5. The riser card of claim 1 , further comprising:a supporting board fixed to the second surface; anda power supply module fixed to the supporting boa and supplying power to ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134568A1
Автор: Tan Xiaochun

The present invention relates to the field of semiconductor chip packages, and more specifically to a lead frame and flip chip package device thereof. In one embodiment, a lead frame for electrically connecting a chip to outside leads, can include a plurality of lead fingers, where each of the plurality of lead fingers comprises a plurality of outburst regions extending from an edge thereof. In one embodiment, a flip chip package device can include: a chip and a plurality of solder bumps, where one surface of the chip is connected to a first surface of each of the plurality of solder bumps; and the lead frame, where second surfaces of each of the plurality solder bumps are connected with corresponding outburst regions of the lead frame to connect the chip to the lead frame through the solder bumps. 1. A lead frame for electrically connecting a chip to outside leads , the lead frame comprising:a) a plurality of lead fingers; andb) wherein each of said plurality of lead fingers comprises a plurality of outburst regions extending from an edge thereof.2. The lead frame of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of outburst regions is arrayed along a length of said lead finger.3. The lead frame of claim 1 , wherein upper surfaces of each of said plurality of outburst regions connected to said chip are in a same level as upper surfaces of remaining parts of said lead fingers.4. The lead frame of claim 1 , wherein upper surfaces of each of said plurality of outburst regions connected to said chip are in a level lower than upper surfaces of remaining parts of said lead fingers.5. The lead frame of claim 1 , wherein each of said plurality of outburst regions are in a substantially round shape.6. The lead frame of claim 1 , wherein each of said plurality of outburst regions are in a substantially square shape.7. A flip chip package device claim 1 , comprising:a) a chip and a plurality of solder bumps, wherein one surface of said chip is connected to a first surface of each of said ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135803A1
Принадлежит: TARGET BRANDS, INC.

A display apparatus for portable electronic device including a base, a plurality of mounting sleeves, a plurality of mounting posts, a plurality of mounting brackets, and a power supply unit. The base has a lockable panel that conceals an interior space at least partially defined by the base. The mounting sleeves are coupled to the base. The mounting posts are lockingly engaged with the mounting sleeves in the interior space at least partially defined by the base. The mounting brackets are secured to the mounting posts, each of the mounting brackets fixedly retaining a respective portable electronic device of a plurality of portable electronic devices so that the respective portable electronic device is rigidly secured relative to the base. The power supply unit is concealed and has a plurality of power ports shaped to receive automotive accessory power plugs from the portable electronic devices fixedly retained in the mounting brackets. 1. A display apparatus for portable electronic device , comprising:a base having a lockable panel that conceals an interior space at least partially defined by the base;a plurality of mounting sleeves coupled to the base;a plurality of mounting posts lockingly engaged with the mounting sleeves in the interior space at least partially defined by the base;a plurality of mounting brackets secured to the plurality of mounting posts, each of the mounting brackets fixedly retaining a respective portable electronic device of a plurality of portable electronic devices so that the respective portable electronic device is rigidly secured relative to the base; anda power supply unit concealed in the base and having a plurality of power ports shaped to receive automotive accessory power plugs from the plurality of portable electronic devices fixedly retained in the mounting brackets; the base defines a top surface,', 'each mounting sleeve of the plurality of mounting sleeves is hollow, defines an internal cavity, and extends below the top ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130148309A1
Принадлежит: GEMALTO SA

The invention relates to a method for creating a multi-component device, including the following steps, creating a module having a multilayer structure comprising electrical/electronic components arranged on at least one substrate in stacked layers, the components each having a main surface exposed to the outside, wherein the components are arranged such that the respective main surfaces thereof are oriented in mutually opposite directions. The invention also relates to the corresponding device. 1. A method for creating a multi-component device , including or forming a module , with said method including the following steps:making a module having a multilayer structure comprising electrical/electronic components connected together arranged on at least one substrate in stacked layers, the components each having a main surface exposed to the outside,{'b': 1', '2, 'wherein the components are arranged so that the respective main surfaces (F, F) thereof are oriented in mutually opposite directions.'}2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the components are positioned on two opposite faces of a substrate.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the components are positioned on the same face of a double-folded substrate.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the components are positioned each on different substrates assembled back-to-back afterwards.5. A method according to claim 1 , further including a step of inserting the module into a body of the device claim 1 , with the insertion being performed through an opening on a main face of the device body and leading to a recess arranged in the body such that a component of the module is exposed on each opposite face of the body for a direct visual or tactile interaction with a user.6. A method according to claim 5 , wherein the recess opens onto each opposite main face of the body of the device.7. A multi-component device including or forming a module with a multilayer structure comprising at least two electrical/ ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155640A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A gas insulated switchgear includes a transformer mounting body; a bushing mounted on the transformer mounting body; and a main circuit conductor. The main circuit conductor includes a first main circuit conductor which is connected to a circuit breaker and is located in the bushing and a second main circuit conductor which is connected to the first main circuit conductor. An insulator extends below the lower end of the transformer mounting body and toward the vicinity of the connection between the first main circuit conductor and the second main circuit conductor, in a region where the first main circuit conductor is located in the transformer mounting body. A ground shield is arranged in the insulator, and extends below the lower end of the transformer mounting body and above a coupling portion between the transformer mounting body and the bushing. 1. A gas insulated switchgear comprising:a ground tank which houses a circuit breaker and is filled with insulating gas;a current transformer mounting cylindrical body whose one side is mounted on an opening portion formed on the upper side of said ground tank;a porcelain bushing whose one side is mounted on the other side of said current transformer mounting cylindrical body; anda main circuit conductor which is passed through said porcelain bushing and said current transformer mounting cylindrical body, one side of said main circuit conductor being connected to said circuit breaker and the other side thereof being connected to a main circuit terminal provided on the other side of said porcelain bushing,said gas insulated switchgear including:an insulator which is provided extending further downward than the lower end of said current transformer mounting cylindrical body and increasing its extended insulator outer diameter than an insulator outer diameter located in said current transformer mounting cylindrical body, and extending further upward than a coupling portion between said current transformer mounting ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130163227A1
Автор: HIRANO Shinsaku

An electronic apparatus includes a main body portion, a back surface portion, a movable portion, and a back surface member. The main body portion includes a display portion and is configured to process inputted information. The back surface portion is configured to cover a back surface of the main body portion on an opposite side of the display portion. The movable portion is mounted to a rear surface of the back surface portion on an opposite side of an opposite surface of the back surface portion, the opposite surface being opposed to the main body portion. The back surface member has stretch properties and is configured to cover the back surface portion and the movable portion. 1. An electronic apparatus , comprising:a main body portion that includes a display portion and is configured to process inputted information;a back surface portion configured to cover a back surface of the main body portion on an opposite side of the display portion;a movable portion that is mounted to a rear surface of the back surface portion on an opposite side of an opposite surface of the back surface portion, the opposite surface being opposed to the main body portion; anda back surface member that has stretch properties and is configured to cover the back surface portion and the movable portion.2. The electronic apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe movable portion includes a stand configured to hold postures of the main body portion and the back surface portion.3. The electronic apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe stand is configured to be capable of changing the postures of the main body portion and the back surface portion in at least two stages.4. The electronic apparatus according to claim 3 , further comprisingan operation portion that is exposed from the rear surface of the back surface portion and configured to perform an operation on the main body portion, whereinthe back surface member is configured to cover the operation portion.5. The electronic apparatus ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130170126A1

A mobile apparatus includes a first body, a second body, a rotary adaptor including an accommodation portion to accommodate the second body, rotatably installed on the first body, and to move the second body to a position where the second body is stacked on the first body and a position where the second body is unfolded, first magnets disposed on the accommodation portion, and second magnets disposed on the second body so as to face the first magnets and having different polarity from the first magnets. 1. A mobile apparatus comprising:a first body;a second body;a rotary adaptor comprising an accommodation portion to accommodate the second body, rotatably installed on the first body, and to move the second body to a position where the second body is stacked on the first body and a position where the second body is unfolded;first magnets disposed on the accommodation portion; andsecond magnets disposed on the second body so as to face the first magnets and having different polarity from the first magnets.2. The mobile apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a first electric contact portion disposed on the accommodation portion; anda second electric contact portion disposed on the second body and connected to the first electric contact portion when the second body is mounted on the rotary adaptor,wherein the first magnets and the second magnets are disposed at both sides of the first electric contact portion and both sides of the second electric contact portion.3. The mobile apparatus of claim 2 , wherein:the second body has a long side portion and a short side portion; andthe second electric contact portion and the second magnets are disposed on at least one of the long side portion and the short side portion.4. The mobile apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising:third magnets having the same polarity as one of the first magnets and the second magnets, disposed on one of the second body and the rotary adaptor, and to align the second body such that the first ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130176352A1

A direct-viewing type display device () includes: first and second display panels (); and a joint region (Jab) containing a linking portion () which links together the first frame region (F) and the second frame region (F) and containing the first and second frame regions (F, F). The first display region (D) of the first display panel () has a first peripheral display region (D) which adjoins the first frame region (F) and a first middle display region (DC) which adjoins the first peripheral display region (D). Each region has a plurality of unit-regions, and an average luminance Lof a plurality of first peripheral unit-display regions (D-UA) contained in the first peripheral display region (D) is higher than an average luminance Lof a plurality of first middle unit-display regions (DC-UA) contained in the first middle display region (DC). 1. A display device comprising:a first display panel having a first display region and a first frame region formed outside the first display region, the first frame region extending along a first axis;a second display panel having a second display region and a second frame region formed outside the second display region, the second frame region extending along the first axis;a joint region containing a linking portion, the first frame region of the first display panel, and the second frame region of the second display panel, the linking portion linking together the first frame region and the second frame region, wherein,the first display region has a first peripheral display region which adjoins the first frame region along a second axis intersecting the first axis, and a first middle display region which adjoins the first peripheral display region along the second axis;the second display region has a second peripheral display region which adjoins the second frame region along the second axis and a second middle display region which adjoins the second peripheral display region along the second axis;each of the first display region ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130176689A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

A component built-in module of the present invention includes: a substrate which includes a top surface and a bottom surface; a plurality of electronic components which are mounted on the top surface of the substrate; a resin which seals the top surface of the substrate; and a reinforcing plate which is bonded to the bottom surface of the substrate. The reinforcing plate and the resin are bonded to each other. 1. A component built-in module comprising:a substrate which includes a top surface and a bottom surface;a plurality of electronic components which are mounted on the top surface of the substrate;a resin which seals the top surface of the substrate; anda reinforcing plate which is bonded to the bottom surface of the substrate,the reinforcing plate and the resin being bonded to each other.2. The component built-in module according to claim 1 , wherein:the reinforcing plate includes a first surface, a second surface on an opposite side to the first surface, and an opening part which passes through from the first surface to the second surface;one part of the substrate is a corresponding part which corresponds to the opening part; andthe corresponding part engages with the opening part from a side of the first surface, and the bottom surface of the substrate at the corresponding part is arranged flush with the second surface of the reinforcing plate.3. The component built-in module according to claim 2 , wherein the electronic components are mounted at least on the top surface of the substrate at the corresponding part.4. The component built-in module according to claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing plate is formed with use of a resin of same type as the resin which seals the top surface of the substrate.5. The component built-in module according to claim 4 , wherein the reinforcing plate is formed by coating a metal material with a resin of same type as the resin which seals the top surface of the substrate.6. An electronic device comprising a component built-in ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194517A1

According to one embodiment, an electronic apparatus includes a housing, a circuit board including a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface in the housing, a surface-mounted component on the first surface, a first reinforcing portion on the second surface, and a second reinforcing portion on the second surface. The surface-mounted component includes a corner, a first side, and a second side opposite the first side. The first reinforcing portion is at a position corresponding to the component between the first side and the second side. The second reinforcing portion includes a portion at a position corresponding to the corner. 1. A television comprising:a housing;a circuit board in the housing, the circuit board comprising a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface;a surface-mounted component on the first surface, the component comprising a first corner, a second corner, a first side between the first corner and the second corner, a second side opposite the first side, and bumps between the first side and the second side;a first supporter closer to a center of the first side than to the first corner and passing through the circuit board;a first reinforcing portion on the second surface, the first reinforcing portion configured to be supported by the first supporter, located at a position corresponding to the component between the second side and a substantial center of the first side; anda second reinforcing portion surface-mounted on the second surface, the second reinforcing portion comprising a portion at a position corresponding to a bump closest to the first corner among the bumps,wherein the circuit board comprises a wiring pattern between the second reinforcing portion and the first surface.2. The television of claim 1 , further comprising:a heat receiving portion thermally connected to the component; anda pressing portion configured to be supported by the first supporter and to press the heat receiving portion to ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194757A1
Автор: Harshbarger Daniel R.
Принадлежит: Cummins Emission Solutions Inc.

An apparatus, comprising a housing; a first connector coupled to the housing and having a first plurality of contacts; a second connector coupled to the housing and having a second plurality of contacts; and a circuit electrically connected to at least one of the first contacts and at least one of the second contacts. The circuit is encapsulated within the housing. The circuit is configured to generate an output signal in response to a resistance sensed at the at least one of the first contacts. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a housing;a first connector coupled to the housing and having a first plurality of contacts;a second connector coupled to the housing and having a second plurality of contacts; anda circuit electrically connected to at least one of the first contacts and at least one of the second contacts; the circuit is encapsulated within the housing, and', 'the circuit is configured to generate an output signal in response to a resistance sensed at the at least one of the first contacts., 'wherein2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first connector and the second connector are directly connected to the housing.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first contacts is directly electrically connected to at least one of the second contacts.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a number of the first contacts is different from a number of the second contacts.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first contacts include a sensor input and a sensor return.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second contacts include a sensor output claim 1 , a power supply claim 1 , and a common node.7. A sensor claim 1 , comprising:a first housing;a sensor element disposed in the first housing;a second housing;a conductor coupled to the first housing and the second housing;a connector coupled to the second housing; anda buffer electrically connected to the sensor element through the conductor; the second housing encapsulates the buffer; and', 'the ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201652A1
Принадлежит: SOCOMEC S.A.

An electrical cut-off device () with a single cut-off which comprises fuse boxes () that are each provided with a fuse () connected in series with the single cut-off element. The fuse box is a separate element mounted onto the electrical cut-off device and comprises a handle () that is movable, relative to the electrical cut-off device, into a passive position where the fuse box is connected to the electrical cut-off device but not locked, the electrical cut-off device being in an open position, an active position wherein the fuse box is connected and locked to the electrical cut-off device, the electrical cut-off device is switchable between open and closed positions and an intermediate position where the fuse box is partially removed from the electrical cut-off device and forms a disconnected position. The electrical cut-off device being able to be padlocked, in the intermediate position, so that it is isolated, and the disconnected position of the contacts being visible to the operator through the fuse box. 117-. (canceled)18551110111213. A fuse box ( , ′) of an electrical cut-off device ( , ′) , this device comprising an enclosure () containing at least one pair of fixed electrical contacts () associated with at least one moving electrical contact () coupled with a operating device () , the fuse box comprising:{'b': 53', '50', '51', '19', '59, 'an enclosure () containing at least one fuse () provided with connection areas () arranged so as to be connected to the fixed contacts of the electrical cut-off device through connection openings (, ) provided respectively in the fuse box and in the electrical cut-off device,'}{'b': 5', '5', '1', '1, 'the fuse box and the cut-off device having complementary fit-in shapes so as to be assembled together so that the fuse box (, ′) is a separate element being mountable on the electrical cut-off device (, ′),'}{'b': 55', '5', '5, 'the fuse box comprising a handle () arranged so as to move the fuse box (, ′) into at least one ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206025A1
Автор: Doyle Dennis G.

A combination stencil printer and dispenser includes a frame, a stencil coupled to the frame, a substrate support coupled to the frame to support a substrate in a print position, and a print head coupled to the frame to deposit and print viscous material over the stencil. In one embodiment, the combination stencil printer and dispenser further includes a cleaning assembly coupled to the frame to wipe excess viscous material from a bottom surface of the stencil. The combination stencil printer and dispenser further includes a dispenser mounted on the cleaning assembly to dispense viscous material on the substrate when the substrate is in the print position. In other embodiments, the dispenser can be mounted on a movable stencil or on an independent gantry provided within the combination stencil printer and dispenser. 1. A method of depositing viscous material on a substrate , the method comprising: positioning the substrate in a print position;performing a print operation on the substrate with a print head and a stencil to deposit viscous material on the substrate; anddepositing viscous material on the substrate with a dispenser attached to a cleaning assembly.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein positioning the substrate in the print position includes imaging fiducials associated with the substrate and aligning the substrate with the stencil.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising delivering the substrate to the substrate support prior to positioning the substrate in the print position.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising cleaning a bottom surface of the stencil with the cleaning assembly.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising inspecting the substrate with a vision system to detect a defect with the deposit of viscous material on the substrate.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein inspecting the substrate with the vision system includes moving the vision system over the substrate with a vision system gantry under the control of a controller.7. The ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Electrical Combiner Box With Improved Functionality

Номер: US20130207678A1

A combiner box capable of monitoring energy output from a photovoltaic system and having improved troubleshooting functionality, the ability to independently verify utility charges, and a mechanism for reducing incorrect readings of energy output and consumption due to noise and interference. 1. A device , comprising:a housing;power distribution blocks mounted in said housing for combining utility-compliant alternating current from a plurality of inverters, carried over wires containing monitoring signals from said inverters at a first monitoring frequency, to provide combined alternating current carrying said monitoring signals;wherein said combined alternating current is connected in parallel with alternating current from a utility grid at a utility connection to trigger said inverters to produce said utility-compliant alternating current;wherein said combined alternating current feeds power to said utility grid and a local load connected to said utility connection;noise filters tuned to block interference with said first monitoring frequency, interposed between said power distribution blocks and said utility connection; anda power outlet box having at least two outlets electrically connected to one of said power distribution blocks, wherein a solar energy monitoring device can be plugged into one of said outlets and an internal Ethernet bridge adapter that is connected to the Internet can be plugged into another of said outlets, wherein said solar energy monitoring unit and said internal Ethernet bridge adapter can be connected for data transfer, wherein said power distribution blocks provide said combined alternating current to said solar energy monitoring device which extracts said monitoring signals as extracted monitoring signals, and wherein said internal Ethernet bridge adapter connected to said solar energy monitoring device communicates said extracted monitoring signals at a second monitoring frequency to a remote external Ethernet bridge adapter ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208408A1

The invention provides a device module including a sheet, a device being a sensor, an electronic component, or a circuit board; a reinforcing part provided on the sheet; a connecting part connected to the device; and a plastic part provided on the sheet. The device, the reinforcing part, and the connecting part are embedded in the plastic part. The plastic part includes a first opening that exposes at least a portion of the reinforcing part and a portion of the connecting part on an opposite side thereof from the sheet to the outside of the plastic part. 1. A device module comprising:a sheet;a device being a sensor, an electronic component, or a circuit board;a reinforcing part provided on the sheet;a connecting part connected to the device; anda plastic part provided on the sheet, whereinthe device, the reinforcing part, and the connecting part are embedded in the plastic part, andthe plastic part includes a first opening that exposes at least a portion of the reinforcing part and a portion of the connecting part on an opposite side thereof from the sheet to the outside of the plastic part.2. The device module according to claim 1 , whereinthe connecting part has flexibility, andthe reinforcing part is engaged with or fixed to the connecting part.3. The device module according to claim 1 , whereinthe device is provided on the sheet.4. The device module according to claim 1 , whereinthe device embedded in the plastic part is in spaced relation to the sheet.5. The device module according to claim 1 , further comprising a spacer claim 1 , whereinthe spacer and the device are embedded in the plastic part, with the spacer disposed on the sheet and the device disposed on the spacer.6. The device module according to claim 5 , whereinall edges of the spacer on the side of the sheet are in curved form.7. The device module according to claim 5 , whereinthe spacer is made of material in a same group as that of the material for the sheet or made of an elastic material.8. The ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208436A1
Автор: Hu Li-Hau

An electronic device is provided, including a main body, a display, a foot pad and a transmission unit. The display is pivotally connected to the main body, and the foot pad is disposed on the bottom side of the main body and contacts a supporting surface parallel thereto. The transmission unit is disposed in the main body and connects the foot pad with the display. When the display rotates from a closed position to an open position relative to the main body, the foot pad moves in a first direction parallel to the supporting surface. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a main body;a display, pivotally connected to the main body;a foot pad, disposed on the bottom side of the main body and at the edge thereof, wherein the foot pad contacts a supporting surface and is parallel thereto; anda transmission unit, disposed in the main body and connecting the foot pad with the display;wherein when the display is rotated from a closed position to an open position relative to the main body, the display drives the transmission unit to force the foot pad to move relative to the main body along a first direction, wherein the first direction is parallel to the supporting surface, and when the display is rotated from the open position to the closed position relative to the main body, the display drives the transmission unit to force the foot pad to move relative to the main body along a second direction opposite to the first direction.2. The electronic device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the foot pad comprises a gear rack claim 1 , and the transmission unit comprises a first gear connected to the display and a second gear connecting the first gear with the gear rack claim 1 , wherein when the display is rotated from the closed position to the open position claim 1 , the display rotates and forces the gear rack to move along the first direction via the first gear and the second gear.3. The electronic device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first gear comprises metal and the ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130215627A1
Автор: Lee Chia-En

The electronic unit base includes a body and a first conducting layer. The body includes a supporting face, a bottom face, and a first incline. The supporting face and the bottom face are disposed on the opposite sides of the body. The first incline is disposed on one side of the body between the supporting face and the bottom face, wherein the first incline and the bottom face substantially have a first angle. The first conducting layer is disposed on the supporting face and extends toward the first incline, wherein the first conducting layer covers a portion of the supporting face and a portion of the first incline. 1. An electronic unit base , comprising:a body including a supporting face, a bottom face, and a first incline, wherein the supporting face and the bottom face are disposed on opposite sides of the body, wherein the first incline is disposed on one side of the body between the supporting face and the bottom face, wherein the first incline and the bottom face substantially have a first angle; anda first conducting layer disposed on the supporting face and extending toward the first incline, wherein the first conducting layer covers a portion of the supporting face and a portion of the first incline.2. The electronic unit base of claim 1 , further comprising a first side face disposed between the first incline and the bottom face.3. The electronic unit base of claim 1 , wherein the height of the first side face is less than 1 mm.4. The electronic unit base of claim 1 , further comprising:a second incline disposed on the other side of the body between the supporting face and the bottom face, wherein the second incline and the bottom face substantially have a second angle; anda second conducting layer disposed on the supporting face and extending toward the second incline, wherein the second conducting layer covers a portion of the supporting face and a portion of the second incline, wherein the second conducting layer and the first conducting layer are ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130223025A1

Provided is an electronic device including a housing, at least a part of which has conductive properties; a substrate on which a heating element is mounted and which has a ground pattern; and a spacer which is located between the housing and the ground pattern and which includes a main body portion having heat insulating properties and a conductive portion which is in contact with the ground pattern and the housing and which conducts current between the ground pattern and the housing. 1. An electronic device comprising:a housing, at least a part of which has conductive properties;a substrate on which a heating element is mounted and which has a ground pattern; anda spacer which is located between the housing and the ground pattern and which includes a main body portion having heat insulating properties and a conductive portion which is in contact with the ground pattern and the housing and which conducts current between the ground pattern and the housing.2. The electronic device according to claim 1 ,wherein the housing includes a support portion which has conductive properties and which supports the substrate, andwherein the spacer is provided between the substrate and the support portion.3. The electronic device according to claim 1 ,wherein the spacer is formed by a heat insulating member that is the main body portion, and a conductive member that is the conductive portion.4. The electronic device according to claim 1 ,wherein the spacer has the conductive portion that is formed by performing conductive processing on a surface of a heat insulating member that is the main body portion.5. The electronic device according to claim 3 , a first ground connection portion that is located between the heat insulating member and the ground pattern;', 'a second ground connection portion that is located between the heat insulating member and the housing; and', 'a detour connection portion that detours around the heat insulating member and connects the first ground connection ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130235515A1

An electronic display () is provided that includes a display panel () having an image—forming region, a substantially clear photocured bonding layer () which is the reaction product of a first photocurable resin system disposed upon the image—forming region, an obscuring layer () in proximity to at least a portion of the substantially clear photocurable bonding layer, and a substantially transparent outer panel () in contact with at least a portion of the obscuring layer. The bonding layer () is disposed partially beneath the obscuring layer (). The obscuring layer has an average light transmission of less than about 5% in the wavelength range of 420 nm to 700 nm and a light transmission of greater than about 5% in the wavelength range of 300 to 400 nm. Also provided is a method for making the electronic display. 2. An electronic display according to claim 1 , wherein the image-forming region is part of a liquid crystal display device claim 1 , a cathode-ray tube display device claim 1 , a light-emitting diode display device claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. An electronic display according to claim 1 , wherein the first photocurable resin system comprises a photoinitiator having an absorption band in the 200 nm to 400 nm wavelength range.4. An electronic display according to claim 3 , wherein the first photocurable resin system comprises acrylates.5. An electronic display according to claim 1 , wherein the obscuring layer comprises the reaction product of a second photocurable resin system.6. An electronic display according to claim 5 , wherein the second photocurable resin system comprises at least one pigment or dye.7. An electronic display according to claim 6 , wherein the second photocurable resin system comprises a nickel oxide or a magnesium-doped cobalt phosphate-doped pigment.8. An electronic display according to claim 1 , wherein the obscuring layer comprises a multi-layer optical stack.9. A resin system comprising:a substantially transparent ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130235546A1

An appendage-mounted display apparatus comprising a device mount for attaching electronic devices and a cuff assembly that provides a uniform tension fit around a user's appendage. The cuff assembly comprises a multi-layer blend of soft and rigid components and a ratcheting lacing or strap system to achieve a customizable, non-slip fit that may be quickly and easily adjusted with one hand. The device mount may be adapted to accommodate a variety of electronic devices including mobile phones, smartphones, and other communication devices, portable computers, maps, audio and music devices, global positioning system devices, and other interactive electronic devices and displays, as well as paper maps, checklists, and other static forms of guidance and instruction. In addition, the device mount may include a rail system for attaching a flashlight and/or other tools. 1. An appendage-mounted display apparatus for mounting on a user's appendage , the appendage-mounted display apparatus comprising:an upper panel comprising an upper cage, a base plate, upper structural mesh-coated foam, and an upper grip;a lower panel comprising a lower cage, lower structural mesh-coated foam, a lower grip, and a closed-loop tensioning system coupled to a lower panel exterior surface, wherein the lower panel is configured to fit within the upper panel such that at least a portion of the upper panel overlaps over an outside surface of the lower panel, the closed-loop tensioning system being configured to pull the upper panel and the lower panel substantially radially inward toward the user's appendage such that a uniform level of compressive force about the user's appendage is achieved; anda device mount, wherein the device mount is coupled to an upper panel exterior surface, the device mount being further coupled to the base plate.2. The appendage-mounted display apparatus of wherein a combination of the upper panel and the lower panel forms a substantially frustoconical geometry.3. The ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236210A1

A motherboard mounting structure includes a first board having a first connector and a second board having a second connector electrically connected directly to the first connector of the first board. The second board includes an external terminal connectable to an external device. The external terminal is inserted (or extracted) through an external terminal insertion opening formed on an orthogonal surface of a mainframe orthogonal to a surface of the second board. A mounting board is provided and to which the first and second boards are attached. The second board is attached to the mounting board with the external terminal protruding from the external terminal insertion opening. The first and second boards are slidably attached in a prescribed direction to separate from the orthogonal surface of the mainframe. 1. A motherboard mounting structure comprising:a first board at least having a first connector;a second board having a second connector electrically connected directly to the first connector of the first board, the second board including an external terminal connectable to an external device, the external terminal being inserted through an external terminal insertion opening formed on an orthogonal surface of a mainframe orthogonal to a surface of the second board; anda mounting board to which the first and second boards are attached,wherein the second board is attached to the mounting board with the external terminal protruding from the external terminal insertion opening,wherein the first and second boards are slidably attached in a prescribed direction to separate from the orthogonal surface of the mainframe.2. The motherboard mounting structure as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a first bracket to hold the first board;a second bracket to hold the second board;a first guiding hole formed on one of the first bracket and the mounting board, the guiding hole extending perpendicular to the orthogonal surface of the mainframe;a first guiding projection ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242475A1
Автор: Sloey Jason
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

An electronic device including a connector. The connector includes a housing defining a cavity for receiving a mating connector. The housing includes a contact support member. The connector also includes contacts supported by the contact support member, the contacts including protruding portions that protrude outside of the cavity. The connector may also include a shielding element disposed over the protruding portion of at least some of the contacts. A moisture sealant may be disposed within a gap located between the contacts and the shielding element. In one embodiment, a cap may be provided between the housing and the shielding. The cap and the housing may each include an aperture for viewing a moisture indicator, and at least one of the cap and the housing may include cutouts for holding a transparent element. 1. A connector comprising:a housing defining a cavity for receiving a mating connector, the housing including a contact support member for supporting a plurality of contacts;a plurality of contacts supported by the contact support member, the plurality of contacts including protruding portions that protrude outside of the cavity; anda shielding element disposed over the protruding portion of at least some of the contacts.2. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the shielding element is not disposed over at least one of the contacts.3. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the housing includes a rear surface located opposite to surfaces defining the cavity and a top surface arranged perpendicular to the rear surface claim 1 , the plurality of contacts extend along a portion of the rear surface of the housing and the protruding portions protrude from the rear surface in a direction opposite the cavity claim 1 , and the shielding element extends along the rear surface of the housing in a direction from the top surface of the housing.4. The connector of claim 3 , wherein the shielding element includes portions that terminate before reaching the protruding portions ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242485A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

A touch panel includes: a first electrode in which second-direction parallel bands having a plurality of conducting wires disposed to extend in parallel with one another and along a second direction intersecting with a first direction are formed repeatedly in the first direction with interposition of first-direction gaps in the first direction, and first-direction cross bands having conducting wires disposed to extend in the first direction and intersect with the second-direction parallel bands are formed repeatedly in the second direction; and a second electrode in which first-direction parallel bands are formed as defined herein, and second-direction cross bands are formed as defined herein, and the first electrode and the second electrode are laid on each other so that the second-direction cross bands correspond to positions of the first-direction gaps and the first-direction cross bands correspond to positions of the second-direction gaps. 1. A touch panel comprising:a first electrode in which second-direction parallel bands having a plurality of conducting wires disposed to extend in parallel with one another and along a second direction intersecting with a first direction are formed repeatedly in the first direction with interposition of first-direction gaps in the first direction, and first-direction cross bands having conducting wires disposed to extend in the first direction and intersect with the second-direction parallel bands are formed repeatedly in the second direction; anda second electrode in which first-direction parallel bands having a plurality of conducting wires disposed to extend in parallel with one another and along the first direction are formed repeatedly in the second direction with interposition of second-direction gaps in the second direction, and second-direction cross bands having conducting wires disposed to extend in the second direction and intersect with the first-direction parallel bands are formed repeatedly in the first ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242487A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

A method is provided for producing a metal composite. The composite includes a metal material and a resin curing layer provided along the metal material, and is obtained by using heat and pressure to mold a preform. The preform includes a sheet-shaped base material containing a thermosetting resin, and a metal material arranged or layered so as to contact the sheet-shaped base material. The method for producing a metal composite includes heating the sheet-shaped base material and semi-curing the thermosetting resin while the metal material in the preform arranged inside a mold is heated to a temperature exceeding 180° C., and molding the preform into a composite using pressure, wherein the thermosetting resin is at least one type selected from the group consisting of epoxy resins, phenol resins, benzoxazine resins, and unsaturated polyester resins. 130.-. (canceled)321. The method according to claim 31 , wherein the mold has a surface temperature of 200 to 300° C. when the preform is placed in the step .332. The method according to claim 31 , wherein the thermosetting resin reaches a cured state in the step .34. The method according to claim 31 , wherein the sheet substrate is a prepreg obtained by impregnating a fiber base with a thermosetting resin.35. The method according to claim 31 , wherein a metal constituting the metal material is at least one selected from the group consisting of an aluminum alloy claim 31 , magnesium alloy and titanium alloy.36. A method for producing a metal composite which is molded by heating and pressurizing a preform including a sheet substrate containing at least one thermosetting resin selected from the group consisting of epoxy resin claim 31 , phenol resin claim 31 , benzoxazine resin and unsaturated polyester resin claim 31 , and a metal material disposed in contact with the sheet substrate or laminated therewith to form the metal composite comprising the metal material and a cured resin layer formed by curing the thermosetting ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130250526A1

An electronic device includes a front cover, a rear cover coupled to the front cover, a circuit board fixed to the front cover, a connector mounted on the circuit board, and a cable including a first end connected to the connector and an opposite, second end. The front cover defines a receiving groove. A bottom of the receiving groove defines a through opening and a restriction element protruding from the bottom of the receiving groove. A smallest distance between a sidewall of the receiving groove and the restriction element is smaller than a diameter of the cable. The second end of the cable passes through the through opening from an inner side of the front cover, and the cable is retainably received in a space between the sidewall and the restriction element. 1. An electronic device comprising:a front cover defining a receiving groove, a bottom of the receiving groove defining a through opening and a restriction element protruding from the bottom of the receiving groove;a circuit board fixed to the front cover;a connector mounted on the circuit board; anda cable comprising a first end connected to the connector, and an opposite, second end;wherein a smallest distance between a sidewall of the receiving groove and the restriction element is smaller than a diameter of the cable, the second end of the cable passes through the through opening from an inner side of the front cover, and the cable is retainably received in a space between the sidewall and the restriction element.2. The electronic device as described in claim 1 , wherein the restriction element is a hollow semi-cylinder.3. The electronic device as described in claim 2 , wherein the electronic device further comprises a rear cover coupled to the front cover claim 2 , a first post protrudes from the rear cover and is aligned with the restriction element claim 2 , and the restriction element is sleeved on the first post.4. The electronic device as described in claim 3 , further comprising a guiding element ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258602A1
Автор: Hatai Akira
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

In a power conversion apparatus including a rectifying module mounted with a power conversion device, an inverter module, and a direct-current reactor, a rectifying module and an inverter module B are mounted on a base section of a cooling fin, a direct-current reactor (DCL) is arranged in a lower layer of a vane section attached to the lower surface of the base section of the cooling fin A, an air gap section is provided in the cooling fin A, and a terminal block for obtaining electrical connection between the rectifying module and the inverter module and the direct-current reactor (DCL) is arranged making use of a space of the air gap section. 1. A power conversion apparatus comprising: a power conversion module mounted with a power conversion device; a direct-current reactor; and a cooling fin configured to cool the power conversion module , whereinthe power conversion module is mounted on a base section of the cooling fin,the direct-current reactor is arranged in a lower layer of a vane section attached to a lower surface of the base section of the cooling fin, andan air gap section is provided in the cooling fin, and a terminal block for obtaining electrical connection between the power conversion module and the direct-current reactor is arranged making use of a space of the air gap section.2. The power conversion apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a connection conductor for obtaining electrical connection to the direct-current reactor is formed in an inside of the terminal block claim 1 , and the connection conductor and a side surface of the cooling fin adjacent to the connection conductor in the air gap section are opposed to each other to form stray capacitance.3. The power conversion apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein a dielectric is inserted between the connection conductor and the side surface of the cooling fin.4. The power conversion apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe connection conductor includes a positive-side connection ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258617A1
Автор: INOUE Shigeo

According to one embodiment, a display device includes: a casing comprising an opening; a display, at least a part of the display being housed in the casing; a circuit board configured to be housed in the casing and comprising a first side and a second side; a plurality of connector terminals on each of the first side and the second side of the circuit board and exposed through the opening; a first covering configured to be supported on the circuit board, and facing the first side to cover the opening; and a second covering configured to be supported on the circuit board, and facing the second side to cover the opening. 1. A display device comprising:a casing comprising an opening;a display, at least a part of the display being housed in the casing;a circuit board configured to be housed in the casing and comprising a first side and a second side;a plurality of connector terminals on each of the first side and the second side of the circuit board and exposed through the opening;a first covering configured to be supported on the circuit board, and facing the first side to cover the opening; anda second covering configured to be supported on the circuit board, and facing the second side to cover the opening.2. The display device of claim 1 , wherein each of the first covering and the second covering comprises a second opening exposing the connector terminal.3. The display device of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first covering and the second covering comprises a plurality of first supports supported on the circuit board.4. The display device of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first covering and the second covering comprises a second support supported on the other of the first covering and the second covering.5. The display device of claim 4 , wherein at least one of the first covering and the second covering comprises a preventing part preventing misalignment between the first covering and the second covering.6. The display device of claim 4 , wherein a ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265730A1
Автор: Helvajian Henry

A photostructurable ceramic is processed using photostructuring process steps for embedding devices within a photostructurable ceramic volume, the devices may include one or more of chemical, mechanical, electronic, electromagnetic, optical, and acoustic devices, all made in part by creating device material within the ceramic or by disposing a device material through surface ports of the ceramic volume, with the devices being interconnected using internal connections and surface interfaces. 1. An embedded electromagnetic device comprising:a photostructurable glass-ceramic volume encapsulating plumbing; anddevice material disposed in the plumbing, the device material being an electromagnetic material that forms an electromagnetic device encapsulated by the ceramic volume.2. The embedded electromagnetic device of claim 1 , wherein the glass-ceramic volume including a surface interface for coupling an electromagnetic wave with the device material.3. The embedded electromagnetic device of claim 1 , wherein the embedded electromagnetic device comprising at least one of an antenna claim 1 , modulator claim 1 , mixer claim 1 , coil claim 1 , splitter claim 1 , combiner claim 1 , cancellator claim 1 , absorber claim 1 , isolator claim 1 , delay line or converter.4. The embedded electromagnetic device of claim 1 , wherein:the electromagnetic device interacts with at least one electromagnetic wave; andthe interaction comprises at least one of communication, reception, transmission, attenuation, filtration, separation, combination or absorption.5. The embedded electromagnetic device of claim 1 , further comprising:a conductor port disposed on an outer surface of the glass-ceramic volume;a conductor conduit disposed within the glass-ceramic volume, the conductor conduit providing a fluid path between the conductor port and the electromagnetic device; anda conductor comprising conductor material disposed in the conductor conduit between the conductor port and the electromagnetic ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271925A1
Автор: IKUTA Tomohiro

A wireless communication module includes: a wireless circuit configured to transmit/receive a wireless signal; a first inter-board connector; a first board on which the wireless circuit and the first connector are mounted; a signal processing circuit configured to process the wireless signal transmitted/received by the wireless circuit; a second inter-board connector configured to be connected to the first connector; and a second board on which the signal processing circuit and the second connector are mounted. The first board overlaps at least partially with the second board under a condition where the first connector and the second connector are interconnected. 1. A wireless communication module comprising:a wireless circuit configured to transmit/receive a wireless signal;a first inter-board connector;a first board on which the wireless circuit and the first connector are mounted;a signal processing circuit configured to process the wireless signal transmitted/received by the wireless circuit;a second inter-board connector configured to be connected to the first connector; anda second board on which the signal processing circuit and the second connector are mounted,wherein the first board overlaps at least partially with the second board under a condition where the first connector and the second connector are interconnected.2. The wireless communication module of claim 1 , wherein the first board and the second board are arranged such that a board side of the first board on which the wireless circuit is mounted faces a board side of the second board on which the signal processing circuit is not mounted.3. The wireless communication module of claim 1 , wherein the first board and the second board are arranged such that a board side of the first board on which the wireless circuit is not mounted faces a board side of the second board on which the signal processing circuit is mounted.4. The wireless communication module of claim 2 , wherein an antenna is disposed in ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271958A1
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

Discussed is a display device and a method of manufacturing the same, wherein the display comprises an upper substrate; a lower substrate provided under the upper substrate, wherein the lower substrate extends to be longer than the upper substrate so as to expose a pad region provided at one side of the lower substrate; a panel driver on the pad region of the lower substrate; an exposure prevention member formed on the panel driver, for preventing the panel driver from being exposed to the external; and an upper film formed on the exposure prevention member. 1. A display device comprising:an upper substrate;a lower substrate provided under the upper substrate, wherein the lower substrate extends to be longer than the upper substrate so as to expose a pad region provided at one side of the lower substrate;a panel driver on the pad region of the lower substrate;an exposure prevention member formed on the panel driver, for preventing the panel driver from being exposed to the external; andan upper film formed on the exposure prevention member.2. The display device of claim 1 , wherein the exposure prevention member is formed on an entire area of the pad region provided with the panel driver.3. The display device of claim 1 , wherein the upper film includes a first upper film formed on the upper substrate and the exposure prevention member claim 1 , and a second upper film formed on the first upper film.4. The display device of claim 3 , wherein a height of an upper surface of the exposure prevention member is the same as a height of an upper surface of the upper substrate.5. The display device of claim 1 , wherein the upper film includes a first upper film formed on the upper substrate claim 1 , and a second upper film formed on the first upper film and the exposure prevention member.6. The display device of claim 5 , wherein a height of an upper surface of the exposure prevention member is the same as a height of an upper surface of the first upper film.7. The display ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130279091A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure are directed towards electronic display support structures having an inductive power supply and associated systems, techniques, and configurations. In one embodiment, an apparatus includes a display support structure configured to structurally support an electronic display, the display support structure including a power output module that is configured to inductively couple with a power supply charging module disposed in a floor, the display support structure being configured to electrically couple the power output module with the electronic display. Other embodiments may be described and/or claimed. 1. An apparatus comprising:a display support structure configured to structurally support an electronic display, the display support structure including a power output module that is configured to inductively couple with a power supply charging module disposed in a floor, the display support structure being configured to electrically couple the power output module with the electronic display.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:the electronic display, the electronic display being coupled with a first end of the display support structure, the power output module being disposed at a second end of the display support structure, the first end being disposed opposite to the second end.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising:a mount configured to permanently or removably couple the electronic display with the display support structure, wherein the electronic display is configured with a wireless communication interface to wirelessly receive signals including image information over an air medium for display of images on the electronic display.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the display support structure comprises:a post member including wiring to electrically couple the electronic display with the power output module; anda base member coupled with the post member, the base member being configured to provide ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130279142A1
Автор: Wang Hui

A housing includes a bottom shell and a plurality of protection blocks. The bottom shell includes a bottom wall, a peripheral wall extending from a periphery of the bottom wall, and a support wall extending from a side surface of the peripheral wall toward the interior of the housing. The support wall includes a plurality of corners. Each of the plurality of corners encloses a protection groove holding a protection block, thus building protection against impacts within the existing profile of the housing, instead of the protection being attached to the exterior of the housing. 1. A housing comprising:a bottom shell comprising a bottom wall, a peripheral wall extending from a periphery of the bottom wall, and a support wall extending from a side surface of the peripheral wall toward an interior of the housing, wherein the support wall comprises a plurality of corners, each of the plurality of corners comprises a top surface away from the bottom wall, the top surface defines a protection groove; anda plurality of protection blocks, each of the plurality of protection blocks being securely fixed to the support wall in the protection groove.2. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the protection groove is substantially L-shaped claim 1 , and each of the plurality of protection blocks is accordingly shaped relative to the protection groove.3. The housing of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of mounting grooves is defined in the support wall.4. The housing of claim 1 , wherein a height of the peripheral wall is greater than a height of the support wall along a direction substantially perpendicular to the bottom wall claim 1 , such that the peripheral wall and the support wall cooperatively define a receiving groove.5. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the bottom wall is substantially rectangular claim 1 , the support wall comprises four corners claim 1 , each of the four corners defines the protection groove claim 1 , the housing comprises four protection blocks claim 1 , and each ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130279968A1

A mounting device for securing a circuit board to a bottom plate of a chassis includes a positioning post, an installation member, a moving member, and a mounting member. The positioning post defines a groove. The moving member is slidably received in the installation member and includes a first driving portion. The mounting member is mounted to the installation member and prevents the moving member from sliding out of the installation member. The mounting member includes two resilient portions. The moving member is slidable relative to the mounting member. The first driving member elastically deforms the two resilient portions to be received in the groove when the moving member is slid towards the mounting member to secure the mounting member to the positioning post. The first driving portion is secured between the two resilient portions, to prevent the moving member from sliding relative to the mounting member. 1. A mounting device for securing a circuit board to a bottom plate of a chassis comprising:a positioning post configured for being secured to the bottom plate and defining a groove;an installation member configured for being secured to the circuit board;a moving member slidably received in the installation member and comprising a first driving portion; anda mounting member mounted to the installation member and preventing the moving member from sliding out of the installation member;wherein the mounting member comprises two resilient portions; the moving member is slidable relative to the mounting member; the first driving member elastically deforms the two resilient portions to be received in the groove when the moving member is slid towards the mounting member to secure the mounting member to the positioning post; and the first driving portion is secured between the two resilient portions to prevent the moving member from sliding relative to the mounting member.2. The mounting device of claim 1 , wherein the installation member comprises a body and a top ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130279973A1

A circuit board mounting assembly includes a base panel, a circuit board, and a mounting apparatus. The base panel includes a hollow post. A groove is defined in the hollow post. The mounting apparatus includes a securing member and a driving member. The securing member includes a pair of engaging balls. The driving member includes a first engaging rod and a second engaging rod that are movable along its axial direction. A diameter of the first engaging rod is greater than the diameter of the second engaging rod. When the second engaging rod is located between and resisted against the pair of engaging balls, the pair of engaging balls is not engaged with the groove. When the first engaging rod is located between and resisted against the pair of engaging balls, and the pair of engaging balls is engaged with the groove for locking the circuit board to the panel. 1. A circuit board mounting assembly comprising:a base panel comprising a hollow post, a groove is defined in the hollow post;a circuit board with a first mounting hole; anda mounting apparatus, configured to lock the circuit board to the base panel, comprising: a securing member, extending in the hollow post via the first mounting hole, comprising a pair of engaging balls engageable with the groove; and a driving member comprising a first engaging rod and a second engaging rod that are movable in the securing member along its axial direction, and a diameter of the first engaging rod is greater than the diameter of the second engaging rod;wherein when the circuit board is in an unlocked state, the second engaging rod is located between and resisted against the pair of engaging balls, and the pair of engaging balls is not engaged with the groove; when the circuit board is in a locked state, the first engaging rod is located between and resisted against the pair of engaging balls, and the pair of engaging balls is engaged with the groove for preventing the circuit board disengaging from the base panel.2. The ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130286602A1
Автор: CHANG Nai-Chien

A wireless module includes a wireless signal transceiver and a transferring unit. The wireless module is assembled to a connector unit after the wireless signal transceiver is assembled to the transferring unit. Therefore, the connector unit transmits and receives wireless signals through the wireless module. 1. A wireless module including:a wireless signal transceiver having a first printed circuit board, a wireless signal processing chip, and a first connector, the wireless signal processing chip and the first connector mounted on the first printed circuit board, the first connector electrically connected to the wireless signal processing chip; anda transferring unit having a second printed circuit board, a second connector, and a plurality of signal transmission parts, the second connector mounted on the second printed circuit board and electrically connected to the first connector, the signal transmission parts electrically connected to one side of the second printed circuit board.2. The wireless module in claim 1 , wherein the wireless signal processing chip is a wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) signal processing chip or a Bluetooth signal processing chip.3. The wireless module in claim 2 , wherein the wireless signal transceiver further includes a first antenna connector mounted on the first printed circuit board; the first antenna connector is electrically connected to the wireless signal processing chip; the transferring unit further includes at least a transferring connector electrically connected to the first antenna connector; the transferring connector is mounted on the second printed circuit board or is electrically connected to the second printed circuit board through a transmission wire of the transferring unit; the transferring unit further includes a second antenna connector mounted on another side of the second printed circuit board.4. The wireless module in claim 3 , wherein the transferring unit further includes a plurality of antennas electrically ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130286603A1
Автор: Okada Takashi, SEKI Atsuko

According to one embodiment, there are provided a memory which is provided on a circuit board, a controller which is provided on the circuit board and controls the memory, and a signal line which is formed on the circuit board and configured to perform data transmission between the controller and the memory, in which a width of the signal line in the place where the signal line is led out from the memory is large compared with a place disposed under the memory. 1. A memory card comprising:a circuit board;a memory which is provided on the circuit board;a controller which is provided on the circuit board and controls the memory; anda signal line which is formed on the circuit board and configured to perform data transmission between the controller and the memory,wherein a width of the signal line in the place where the signal line is led out from the memory is large compared with a place disposed under the memory.2. The memory card according to claim 1 ,wherein the memory is provided with a memory package on which a memory chip is mounted, and{'b': '2', 'wherein a width of the signal line in a place of a boundary portion of the memory package is large by or more times compared with the place disposed under the memory.'}3. The memory card according to claim 1 ,wherein a width of the signal line in a place where the signal line is led out from the controller is large by 2 or more times compared with the place disposed under the controller.4. The memory card according to claim 1 ,wherein the controller includesa controller chip which is COB-mounted on the circuit board, anda sealing resin which seals the controller chip on the circuit board, andwherein a width of the signal line in a place of a boundary portion of the sealing resin is large by 2 or more times compared with the place disposed under the memory.5. The memory card according to claim 1 , further comprisinga case which is bent and accommodates the circuit board,{'b': '2', 'wherein a width of the signal line in ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130294018A1
Принадлежит: NEC Display Solutions Ltd

A cable holder includes a holder body, and first and second arm sections that extend from the holder body, and extend in mutually approaching, intersecting directions so as to enclose a housing space for housing a cable. The first arm section has a first oblique section at a tip part thereof, and the second arm section has a second oblique section at a tip part thereof. The first and second oblique sections are inclined in mutually reverse directions, face each other, and are arranged with a gap therebetween. 1. A cable holder comprising:a holder body; andfirst and second arm sections that extend from the holder body, and extend in mutually approaching, intersecting directions so as to enclose a housing space for housing a cable,the first arm section having a first oblique section at a tip part thereof, and the second arm section having a second oblique section at a tip part thereof,the first and second oblique sections inclined in mutually reverse directions, facing each other, and arranged with a gap therebetween.2. The cable holder according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first oblique section of the first arm section and the second oblique section of the second arm section is provided with a bump protruding into the gap claim 1 , and the bump of the first oblique section and the bump of the second oblique section are provided such that the bumps are dislocated with each other in a direction in which the gap extends.3. The cable holder according to claim 2 , wherein a distance between the bump of the first oblique section and the bump of the second oblique section is set to be smaller than an outer diameter of the cable.4. The cable holder according to claim 1 , wherein a width of the first oblique section provided at the tip part of the first arm section is gradually become smaller toward a tip of the first oblique section claim 1 , and a width of the second oblique section provided at the tip part of the second arm section is gradually become smaller toward a ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130308289A1
Принадлежит: LG INNOTEK CO., LTD.

Provided is a tape for electronic devices with lead crack and a method of manufacturing the tape. According to the present invention, by forming a bending portion on a narrow circuit pattern to be connected from an inner lead to an outer lead and further forming the bending portion within a resin application portion, crack occurred in a narrow wiring width can be avoided. The tape may include a first lead and a second lead formed on a dielectric substrate and a bending portion formed on one of the first lead and the second lead wherein the bending portion is formed within a resin application portion. 118-. (canceled)19. A tape for electronic devices:a first lead and a second lead formed on a dielectric substrate; anda bending portion formed on one of the first lead and the second lead.20. The tape for electronic devices of claim 19 , wherein the bending portion has a structure in which the bending portion forms an angle of inclination with the second lead and in a longitudinal direction of the second lead.21. The tape for electronic devices of claim 20 , wherein the bending portion is formed on one of the first lead and the second lead.22. The tape for electronic devices of claim 21 , wherein the bending portion is less than one width of a width of the first lead and a width of the second lead.23. The tape for electronic devices of claim 20 , wherein at least one or more different distances among patterns of the first lead and the second lead exist.24. The tape for electronic devices of claim 21 , wherein the bending portion comprises a connecting pattern for the first lead and the second lead.25. The tape for electronic devices of claim 24 , wherein the connecting pattern connects the first lead and the second lead in a bending form.26. The tape for electronic devices of claim 25 , further comprising a resin application portion on the dielectric substrate.27. The tape for electronic devices of claim 26 , wherein the resin application portion is formed over a chip ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130314858A1

An electronic device having a calculation function and suitable for being detachably connected to a portable electronic device having a calculation function is provided. The electronic device includes a body, a connecting base and a supporter. The body has a first surface. The connecting base is disposed at the body and has a containing cavity. The portable electronic device is suitable for being disposed in the containing cavity to be electronically connected to the electronic device. A back surface of the portable electronic device leans against the first surface. The supporter is connected to the body and supports the body, and an angle is formed therebetween. 1. An electronic device having a calculation function and detachably connected to a portable electronic device having the calculation function , the electronic device comprising:a body having a first surface;a connecting base disposed at the body and including a containing cavity, wherein the portable electronic device is capable of being disposed in the containing cavity to be electrically connected to the electronic device, and a back surface of the portable electronic device leans against the first surface; anda supporter disposed at the body and supporting the body, wherein an angle is formed between the supporter and the body.2. The electronic device according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic device further includes a first magnetic element disposed in the body claim 1 , the portable electronic device further includes a second magnetic element disposed at the back surface claim 1 , and a magnetic force of attraction is generated between the first magnetic element and the second magnetic element to fix the portable electronic device to the body.3. The electronic device according to claim 1 , wherein the connecting base further includes a positioning post disposed in the containing cavity claim 1 , the portable electronic device further includes a fixing hole corresponding to the positioning post ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130314859A1

An electronic device includes first and second bodies. The second body includes a display module and a supporting assembly. The supporting assembly includes a sliding component slidably disposed on the display module and a pivot component pivoted to the first body and the sliding component. When the second body expands from the first body through the rotation of the pivot component relative to the first body, the sliding component and the pivot component are adapted to rotate relative to each other so that a bottom side of the display module moves to a predetermined position on the first body. When the bottom side is located at the predetermined position, the sliding component and the display module are adapted to slide relative to each other so that the display module rotate around the bottom side, so as to change an included angle between the display module and the first body. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a first body; and a display module; and', 'a supporting assembly, comprising a sliding component and a pivot component, wherein the sliding component is slidably disposed on the display module, two ends of the pivot component are respectively pivoted to a rear side of the first body and the sliding component, and the pivot component is adapted to rotate relative to the first body to expand the second body from the first body,, 'a second body, comprisingwhen the second body expands from the first body, the sliding component and the pivot component are adapted to rotate relative to each other so that a bottom side of the display module moves to a predetermined position on the first body from the rear side of the first body,when the bottom side of the display module is located at the predetermined position, the sliding component and the display module are adapted to slide relative to each other so that the display module rotates relative to the first body while taking the bottom side as a rotation axis, so as to change an included angle between the display ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130314881A1

A portable display device may include a display panel, a window, an attaching member and a blocking member. The display panel may have a drive circuit region and a display region. The window may be positioned facing to the display panel. The attaching member may be interposed between the display region of the display panel and the window to attach the display panel to the window. The blocking member may be arranged on a boundary line between the drive circuit region and the display region to prevent the attaching member from infiltrating into the drive circuit region. Thus, flows of the attaching member may be readily controlled using the blocking member having a simple structure to prevent the infiltration of the attaching member into the drive circuit region. As a result, the portable display device may be assembled by a simple process and a low cost. 1. A portable display device , comprising:a display panel having a drive circuit region and a display region;a window arranged facing the display panel;an attaching member interposed between the display region of the display panel and the window to attach the window to the display panel; anda blocking member arranged on a boundary line between the drive circuit region and the display region to prevent the attaching member from infiltrating into the drive circuit region.2. The portable display device recited in claim 1 , wherein the drive circuit region is arranged adjacent to only one side surface of the display panel claim 1 , and the blocking member is wholly arranged on the boundary line and parallel to the side surface of the display panel.3. The portable display device recited in claim 1 , further comprising:a flexible printed circuit (FPC) arranged in the drive circuit region,wherein the blocking member is partially arranged on the boundary line to prevent the attaching member from infiltrating into the FPC.4. The portable display device recited in claim 3 , wherein the blocking member comprises a main blocking ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130314883A1
Автор: LING Yan

A connecting device for connecting a substrate unit and a chip unit includes a first flexible connection unit having at least one first wire extending from a first end to a second end on a surface of the substrate unit, and a rigid connection unit having at least one second conductive wire for electrically connecting to the first conductive wire. The chip unit is sequentially and electrically connected to the substrate unit first via the rigid connection unit and then via the flexible connection unit. 1. A connecting device for connecting a substrate unit and a chip unit , the connecting device comprising:a first flexible connection unit having a first wire for electrically connecting to the substrate unit; anda rigid connection unit connected to the first flexible connection unit and having a second wire configured to electrically connect to the first wire;wherein the chip unit is electrically connected to the second wire.2. The connecting device according to claim 1 , wherein the first wire comprises a first conductive contact terminal disposed on a first end and a second conductive contact terminal disposed on a second end; andthe second wire comprises a third conductive contact terminal disposed on a third end;wherein the first conductive contact terminal is configured to connect to the substrate unit by anisotropic conductive film bonding or metal-welding; andwherein the second conductive contact terminal and the third conductive contact terminal are connected by anisotropic conductive film bonding or metal-welding.3. The connecting device according to claim 2 , wherein the rigid connection unit comprises:a rigid substrate having a surface; andthe second wire comprises a fourth conductive contact terminal disposed on a fourth end;wherein the second wire, the third conductive contact terminal and the fourth conductive contact terminal are disposed on the surface of the rigid substrate.4. The connecting device according to claim 3 , further comprising:a second ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Module Arrangement

Номер: US20130329377A1
Принадлежит: FESTO AG & CO. KG

A module arrangement including a plurality of functional modules lined up in a stacking direction, which are connected to one another for fluidic and electric communication, wherein a functional module includes a plate-shaped base body having two parallel, opposite joining surfaces which are designed to contact joining surfaces of adjacent base bodies, wherein the base body includes a connecting device designed for transferring electric signals and/or electric supply voltages and/or fluid flows between adjacent functional modules along the stacking direction, and wherein several signal lines selectable by the control module extend along the stacking direction of the functional modules for transmitting control signals provided for the direct selection of individual functional modules wherein at least one storage device for detecting, buffering and transferring at least one electric signal of an external component is electrically looped into at least one signal line. 1. A module arrangement comprising a plurality of functional modules lined up in a stacking direction , which are connected to one another for fluidic and electric communication , wherein in each case at least one functional module is designed as a control module for providing and/or processing signals of functional modules lined up therewith and at least one functional module is designed as a valve module for influencing at least one fluid flow and at least one functional module is designed as a signal processing module for processing and/or outputting electric signals from and/or to external components and each of the functional modules comprises a plate-shaped base body having two parallel , opposite joining surfaces the face normals of which determine the stacking direction and which are designed to contact joining surfaces of adjacent base bodies , wherein the base body comprises connecting means designed for transferring electric signals and/or electric supply voltages and/or fluid flows between ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130329385A1

An electronic device includes: a housing having a concave portion in the first surface of the housing; a lid made of a semiconductor material containing an impurity material; a first metal film formed in a metal film formation region on the first surface of the housing, wherein the metal film formation region is defined as a region surrounding the concave portion on the first surface of the housing; a second metal film formed on the first surface of the lid to overlap with the metal film formation region in a top view of the electronic device; a third metal film formed on the second surface of the lid to overlap with the metal film formation region in the top view; and an electronic component disposed in the concave portion. The lid is bonded onto the housing via the first and second metal films to cover the electronic component. 1. An electronic device comprising:a housing comprising a first surface and a second surface opposite to the first surface, wherein a concave portion is formed in the first surface of the housing;a lid made of a semiconductor material containing an impurity material and comprising a first surface and a second surface opposite to the first surface, wherein the first surface of the lid faces the first surface of the housing;a first metal film formed in a metal film formation region on the first surface of the housing, wherein the metal film formation region is defined as a region surrounding the concave portion on the first surface of the housing;a second metal film formed on the first surface of the lid to overlap with the metal film formation region in a top view of the electronic device;a third metal film formed on the second surface of the lid to overlap with the metal film formation region in the top view; andan electronic component disposed in the concave portion,wherein the lid is bonded onto the housing via the first and second metal films to cover the electronic component disposed in the concave portion.2. The electronic device ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Appendage Mountable Electronic Devices COnformable to Surfaces

Номер: US20130333094A1

Disclosed are appendage mountable electronic systems and related methods for covering and conforming to an appendage surface. A flexible or stretchable substrate has an inner surface for receiving an appendage, including an appendage having a curved surface, and an opposed outer surface that is accessible to external surfaces. A stretchable or flexible electronic device is supported by the substrate inner and/or outer surface, depending on the application of interest. The electronic device in combination with the substrate provides a net bending stiffness to facilitate conformal contact between the inner surface and a surface of the appendage provided within the enclosure. In an aspect, the system is capable of surface flipping without adversely impacting electronic device functionality, such as electronic devices comprising arrays of sensors, actuators, or both sensors and actuators. 1. An appendage mountable electronic system , said system comprising:a flexible or stretchable substrate having an inner surface and an outer surface, wherein the inner surface defines an enclosure capable of receiving an appendage having a curved surface; anda flexible or stretchable electronic device comprising one or more sensors, actuators or both supported by the inner surface or the outer surface of said flexible or stretchable substrate; said sensors, actuators or both comprising one or more inorganic semiconductor components, one or more metallic components, or one or more inorganic semiconductor components and one or more metallic components; wherein at least a portion of said inorganic semiconductor components, metallic components or both has a thickness less than or equal to 500 microns;wherein said flexible or stretchable substrate and said electronic device provide a net bending stiffness of the system low enough such that the inner surface of the substrate is capable of establishing conformal contact with a surface of said appendage provided within said enclosure.2. ( ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335925A1

A portable electronic device including a first body, a second body, and an assembling structure is provided. The assembling structure includes a first assembling unit and a second assembling unit. The first assembling unit is adapted to hidden in one of the first and the second bodies, and the second assembling unit is disposed and hidden in another one of the first and the second bodies. When the first body is close to the second body, the first assembling unit is protruded out of the first body or the second body, and assembled to the second assembling unit, such that the first and the second bodies are fixed to each other. 1. A portable electronic device , comprising:a first body;a second body; a first assembling unit, adapted to hidden in one of the first body and the second body; and', 'a second assembling unit, disposed and hidden in another one of the first body and the second body, wherein when the first body is close to the second body, the first assembling unit is protruded out of the first body or the second body, and assembled to the second assembling unit, such that the first body and the second body are fixed to each other., 'an assembling structure, comprising2. The portable electronic device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first body has a first display surface and a first side surface adjoining the first display surface claim 1 , the second body has a second display surface and a second side surface adjoining the second display surface claim 1 , the first assembling unit is adapted to protruded out or hidden in the first side surface of the first body claim 1 , the second assembling unit is hidden in the second side surface of the second body claim 1 , when the first body and the second body are fixed together claim 1 , the first side surface is overlapped with the second side surface.3. The portable electronic device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein when the first side surface is overlapped with the second side surface claim 2 , the first ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Semiconductor Device

Номер: US20140003002A1

The present invention provides a non-insulated type DC-DC converter having a circuit in which a power MOS•FET for a high side switch and a power MOS•FET for a low side switch are connected in series. In the non-insulated type DC-DC converter, the power transistor for the high side switch, the power transistor for the low side switch, and driver circuits that drive these are respectively constituted by different semiconductor chips. The three semiconductor chips are accommodated in one package, and the semiconductor chip including the power transistor for the high side switch, and the semiconductor chip including the driver circuits are disposed so as to approach each other. 129-. (canceled)30. A semiconductor device including a DC-DC converter , comprising:a first semiconductor chip including a high side MOSFET of the DC-DC converter and having a first obverse surface on which a first source electrode pad and a first gate electrode pad are formed and a first reverse surface on which a first drain electrode is formed;a first die pad having a first bottom surface and a first top surface over which the first semiconductor chip is mounted such that the first reverse surface of the first semiconductor chip faces to the first top surface of the first die pad, thereby the first drain electrode of the first semiconductor chip is electrically connected to the first die pad;a second semiconductor chip including a low side MOSFET of the DC-DC converter and having a second obverse surface on which a second source electrode pad and a second gate electrode pad are formed and a second reverse surface on which a second drain electrode is formed;a second die pad having a second bottom surface and a second top surface over which the second semiconductor chip is mounted such that the second reverse surface of the second semiconductor chip faces to the second top surface of the second die pad, thereby the second drain electrode of the second semiconductor chip is electrically connected ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140003003A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

To provide a mobile terminal having a board support structure capable of reducing impact on built-in components of the mobile terminal when a housing thereof undergoes a primary mode of deformation. 1. A mobile terminal having a board support structure , wherein at least one edge of a board is movable in a plane direction of the board with respect to a housing of the mobile terminal.2. The mobile terminal having a board support structure according to claim 1 , wherein the board is substantially rectangular and is movable in a longitudinal direction.3. The mobile terminal having a board support structure according to claim 2 , wherein the board is supported by a support member on a short edge side and at least one of short edges is fixed in a direction perpendicular to a plane of the board claim 2 , and is movable in the plane direction of the hoard by sliding with respect to the support member.4. The mobile terminal having a board support structure according to claim 3 , wherein the support member sandwiches the board between one surface and other surface and tightens the board between the one surface and the other surface by screw fastening.5. The mobile terminal having a board support structure according to claim 1 , wherein two opposing edges of the board are movable in a direction perpendicular to the edges.6. The mobile terminal having a board support structure according to claim 1 , wherein one edge of the board is movable in a direction perpendicular to the edge.7. The mobile terminal having a board support structure according to claim 1 , wherein the mobile terminal is substantially rectangular when viewed from the plane direction of the board and includes a plurality of the boards divided in a longitudinal direction.8. A housing comprising:a board contained in the housing,a first passing member passing through one edge of the board,a second passing member passing through the other edge which is opposite to the one edge of the board,a first contact portion ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140003022A1
Автор: LEE Byung-Jun

A flat panel display device includes a film substrate having a pixel region and a non-pixel region defined therein, at least two pad parts formed at the non-pixel region, and at least one hole formed between the pad parts adjacent to each other, wherein the pixel region has a plurality of pixels arranged therein and a non-pixel region is disposed around the pixel region. 1. A flat panel display device , comprising:a film substrate having a pixel region and a non-pixel region defined therein, at least two pad parts at the non-pixel region, and at least one hole between adjacent pad parts, wherein the pixel region has a plurality of pixels arranged therein and the non-pixel region is arranged around the pixel region.2. The flat panel display device according to claim 1 , wherein the film substrate is made of a plastic-based material.3. The flat panel display device according to claim 2 , wherein the plastic-based material is selected from a group of polyester claim 2 , polyvinyl claim 2 , polycarbonate claim 2 , polyethylene claim 2 , polyacetate claim 2 , polyimide claim 2 , polyethersulfone (PES) claim 2 , polyacrylate (PAR) claim 2 , polyethylenenaphthalate (PEN) claim 2 , polyethyleneterephthalate (PET) claim 2 , and the like.4. The flat panel display device according to claim 1 , wherein one side of the hole is open to the outermost perimeter of the film substrate.5. The flat panel display device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one hole includes a plurality of holes arranged in a direction perpendicular to a direction in which the pad parts are arranged.6. The flat panel display device according to claim 1 , wherein each pad of the pad parts is electrically connected to the pixels through a plurality of wirings.7. The flat panel display device according to claim 1 , further comprising:an anisotropic conductive film on the pad parts; anda printed circuit board on the anisotropic conductive film and electrically connected to the pad parts through the ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Electronic device and wire fixing mechanism thereof

Номер: US20140009876A1
Автор: Jo-Chiao Wang
Принадлежит: AOPEN INC

A wire fixing mechanism is provided for fixing a wire to an electronic device. The wire fixing mechanism includes a mechanism body, a wire restriction portion and a fixing portion. The wire restriction portion is connected to the mechanism body, wherein, the wire restriction portion restricts the wire. The fixing portion is connected to the mechanism body, wherein the fixing portion is adapted to be fixed to the electronic device.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140016279A1
Автор: CHAN Winston

The present invention relates to touch panel and a fabrication method thereof. The method for forming touch panel disclosed in the present invention includes: forming a first pattern on a surface of a first substrate having a conductive material; forming a second pattern on a surface of a second substrate; aligning and laminating the first substrate having the first pattern and the second substrate; and cutting the laminated first substrate and second substrate into a plurality of touch panels. The present invention may resolve problems such as the high probability of substrate cracking and the high complexity of alignment of existing method for fabricating touch panel. A simple fabrication procedure may be used to perform alignment, to lamination and cutting, and the yield may be further improved. 1. A method for fabricating a touch panel , comprising:forming a first pattern on a surface of a first substrate having a conductive material;forming a second pattern on a surface of a second substrate;aligning and laminating the first substrate having the first pattern and the second substrate; andcutting the laminated first substrate and second substrate into a plurality of touch panels.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the material of the first substrate and the material of the second substrate are both at least one of the following: glass claim 1 , polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) claim 1 , polycarbonate (PC) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET).3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the conductive material on the first substrate comprises at least one of the following: indium-tin-oxide (ITO) claim 1 , poly (3 claim 1 , 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) and a carbon nanotube.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first pattern is a sensing circuit claim 1 , and the second pattern comprises a frame.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the sensing circuit is formed through laser scribing.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140016291A1

According to one embodiment, an electronic apparatus includes a casing, a device attachment portion, a pointing device, an attachment member and a button member. The casing includes an outer surface, an inner surface and an opening. The device attachment portion is provided in the casing. The pointing device is attached to the device attachment portion from a side of the inner surface. The attachment member is removably fixed to the casing and covers a part of the pointing device from the side of the inner surface. The button member is attached to the attachment member and includes a base portion, a supporting portion and an operating portion. The base portion is fixed to the attachment member. The supporting portion extends from the base portion. The operating portion at a front end of the supporting portion is fitted in the opening, and exposed to the outside of the casing. 1. An electronic apparatus comprising:a casing comprising an outer surface exposed to an outside of the casing, an inner surface located in an opposite side from the outer surface and an opening provided across the outer surface and the inner surface;a device attachment portion provided proximity with the opening in the casing;a pointing device attached to the device attachment portion from a side of the inner surface;an attachment member removably fixed to the casing from the side of the inner surface and covering a part of the pointing device from the side of the inner surface; andan operating portion supported by the attachment member and exposed from the opening.2. The electronic apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a button member including the operating portion claim 1 , whereinthe button member is attached to the attachment member at a position which overlaps the pointing device.3. The electronic apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the attachment member is made of metal.4. The electronic apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a shock absorbing member fixed to the attachment member ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140022720A1

Systems and methods provide for a device including a film having a shape that defines an interior region. The device may also include one or more electronic components disposed within the interior region of the film, and a hardened thermo-set resin within the interior region, wherein the thermo-set resin encompasses the electronic components and substantially fills the interior region of the film. In one example, printed content is coupled to a surface of the film. In addition, the thermo-set resin may include an additive that is configured to absorb and distribute heat generated by the electronic components. 130-. (canceled)31. A computing device comprising:a film including a shape that defines an interior region, wherein the film includes one or more of a plastic material, a metal material, and a flame retardant material;an electronic component disposed within the interior region, wherein the electronic component includes a circuit board having one or more of a processor, a memory controller, a memory module, and a chipset component; anda cured resin disposed within the interior region, wherein the resin encompasses the electronic component, substantially fills the interior region of the film, and includes an additive that is configured to absorb, store and distribute heat generated by the electronic component during operation of the computing device.32. The computing device of claim 31 , further including content coupled to a surface of the film.33. The computing device of claim 32 , wherein the content is coupled to an interior surface of the film.34. The computing device of claim 32 , wherein the content is coupled to an exterior surface of the film.35. The computing device of claim 31 , wherein the resin includes a castable material.36. A method of constructing a computing device comprising:disposing a film within a mold;using the mold to provide the film with a shape that defines an interior region, wherein the film includes one or more of a plastic material, ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140022754A1

In an electro-optical device, a backup plate is disposed to overlap an electro-optical panel, and the backup plate includes a groove portion (reinforcing groove) recessed from the front face and protruding on the back face. In addition, the backup plate includes a groove reinforcement region including the reinforcing member extending through inside of the groove portion. Accordingly, the backup plate is resistant to deflection, and therefore deflection of the electro-optical panel can be effectively suppressed. 1. An electro-optical device comprising:an electro-optical panel;a backup plate disposed to overlap the electro-optical panel and including a groove portion recessed in a direction opposite to the electro-optical panel; anda groove reinforcement region including a reinforcing member, the reinforcing member being fixed to the backup plate inside the groove portion and extending along the groove portion, such that a surface of the reinforcing member on the side of the electro-optical panel is located within a depth of the groove portion.2. The electro-optical device according to claim 1 ,wherein the backup plate includes a plurality of groove portions each of which oriented parallel to one of the sides of the electro-optical panel, andat least one of the groove portions includes the reinforcing member to form the groove reinforcement region.3. The electro-optical device according to claim 1 ,wherein the reinforcing member includes a frontal portion covering the opening of the groove portion on the side of the electro-optical panel, and a pair of side portions respectively superposed on inner side walls of the groove portion opposing each other.4. The electro-optical device according to claim 3 ,wherein the reinforcing member is formed of a metal plate, and bent along the inner side walls in the groove reinforcement region.5. The electro-optical device according to claim 1 ,wherein at least a part of the groove reinforcement region includes a wiring member ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140029207A1
Автор: Beraud Henry

The invention relates to a control and display module for motor vehicles, comprising: a display screen for displaying data; a touchpad for entering user commands, said touchpad at least partially overlapping the display screen; and a casing in which the display screen and the touchpad are housed, said casing comprising a front frame. The module is characterised in that: the casing includes an internal rim protruding between the display screen and the touchpad, which rim maintains the display screen in position in the casing; and the control and display module also comprises a seal including a first portion inserted between the internal rim of the casing and the display screen and a second portion extending beyond the internal rim towards the centre of the display screen. 1. A control and display module for motor vehicles comprising:a display screen for displaying data;a touchpad intended for the input of commands by a user, said touchpad at least partially overlaying said display screen;a casing in which said display screen and said touchpad are housed, said casing comprising a front frame, whereinthe casing has an internal rim protruding between the display screen and the touchpad, said internal rim holding the display screen in position in the casing; anda seal of which a first portion is inserted between the internal rim of the casing and the display screen and a second portion extends beyond the internal rim toward the center of the display screen.2. The control and display module as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second portion of the seal extending beyond the internal rim links the display screen and the touchpad in a seal-tight manner.3. The control and display module as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising an additional seal claim 1 , of which a first portion is inserted between the touchpad and the internal rim of the casing and a second portion extends beyond the internal rim toward the center of the display screen claim 1 , the second portions of the ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140029228A1
Автор: YAMAGUCHI Takehisa

A substrate having a circuit component mounting area includes source wiring and a redundant pattern. A substrate is formed by cutting a part of a substrate disposed opposite to the substrate along a cutting line for exposing the circuit component mounting area. The source wiring is extended from an inner part of a display area to the circuit component mounting area. The redundant pattern is formed in a position corresponding to the cutting line and in the vicinity of the source wiring. 1. A display panel comprising:a first substrate having a display area for displaying a video and a circuit component mounting area formed around the display area for mounting a circuit component thereon; anda second substrate disposed opposite to said first substrate,wherein said second substrate is formed by cutting a part of a substrate disposed opposite to said first substrate along a cutting line for exposing said circuit component mounting area, and first wiring extended from an inner part of said display area to said circuit component mounting area; and', 'a redundant pattern formed in a position corresponding to said cutting line and in the vicinity of said first wiring., 'said first substrate includes2. The display panel according to claim 1 , wherein said redundant pattern is formed in a position which overlaps with a part of said first wiring in a direction along a main surface of said first substrate and is different from said first wiring in a vertical direction of said first substrate.3. The display panel according to further comprising a sealing material for connecting said first substrate to said second substrate claim 1 ,said cutting line being disposed on an outside of a position of said sealing material, andsaid redundant pattern being extended across said position of said sealing material.4. The display panel according to claim 1 , wherein said redundant pattern is used for electrically connecting two places of said first wiring which interpose a disconnected ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034381A1

A component for a vehicle latch assembly is provided, the component having: an electrical sub-system having a plurality of circuit paths each being electrically connected to a common ground, the electrical sub-system being molded into a pre-mold by a first molding process, the pre-mold comprising an encapsulation layer molded around the common ground and an at least one structural member secured to the encapsulation layer and at least one of the plurality of circuit paths, the structural member providing rigidity to the pre-mold; and a plurality of locating features extending from at least one of the encapsulation layer and the structural member. 1. A method for forming a component of a vehicle latch assembly , the method comprising:placing an electrical sub-system having a plurality of circuit paths each electrically connected to a common ground in a mold;molding the electrical sub-system into a pre-mold by a first molding process wherein only the common ground is encapsulated by an insulating layer; andmolding a housing component over the pre-mold by a second molding process.2. The method as in claim 1 , wherein the electrical sub-system has at least one terminal extending outwardly from the housing component and the first molding process and the second molding process are plastic injection molding processes.3. The method as in claim 1 , wherein the pre-mold further comprises at least one structural member secured to the insulating layer and at least one of the plurality of circuit paths claim 1 , the structural member providing rigidity to the pre-mold.4. The method as in claim 3 , wherein the first molding process forms a plurality of locating features extending away from at least one of the insulating layer and the structural member claim 3 , wherein the plurality of locating features are configured to locate the component in a tool when the component is encapsulated by the second molding process.5. The method as in claim 4 , wherein the electrical sub-system ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140036428A1
Принадлежит: Fischer Technology Pte Ltd

A method comprising: patterning one or more electrical layers on a substrate; shaping the patterned substrate into a 3-dimensional contour, wherein the contour including a significant change in gradient in or adjacent to one or more sensing areas of the electrical layer, and over-moulding the shaped substrate, wherein degradation of a trace in the electrical layer at or adjacent to the one or more sensing areas during shaping and/or over-moulding is substantially minimised based on the width of the trace, the thickness or number of layers of the trace, the bending radius of the trace, the material of the trace, and/or a primer over layer on the trace. 1. A method comprising:patterning one or more electrical layers on a substrate;shaping the patterned substrate into a 3-dimensional contour, wherein the contour including a significant change in gradient in or adjacent to one or more sensing areas of the electrical layer, andover-moulding the shaped substrate, the width of the trace,', 'the thickness or number of layers of the trace,', 'the bending radius of the trace,', 'the material of the trace, and/or', 'a primer over layer on the trace., 'wherein degradation of a trace in the electrical layer at or adjacent to the one or more sensing areas during shaping and/or over-moulding is substantially minimised based on2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the width is >0.2 mm.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the number of layers is a double or triple layer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bending radius is at least two times the substrate thickness.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the material is silver paste which is highly conductive claim 1 , ductile and/or has a high bonding strength to the substrate.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the primer overlayer comprises a first transparent primer layer on a first electrical layer claim 1 , a second electrical layer on the first transparent primer layer and a second transparent primer layer on the second electrical ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140036458A1
Автор: Nakajima Yuji, SATO Yuki

According to one embodiment, an electronic apparatus includes a housing, a sheet display, a circuit board, and a touch sensor. The housing includes a wall opposite an opening. The sheet display includes a first surface and a second surface. The first surface includes a display screen configured to expose through the opening. The circuit board is configured to connect to the sheet display via a flexible wiring board. The circuit board is between the sheet display and the wall, and configured to control the sheet display. The touch sensor includes a portion between the sheet display and the circuit board. The touch sensor faces the second surface of the sheet display, and is configured to detect an operation on the display screen. 1. An electronic apparatus comprising:a housing comprising an opening and a wall opposite the opening;a sheet display comprising a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface, the first surface comprising a display screen configured to be exposed through the opening;a circuit board configured to connect to the sheet display via a flexible wiring board, the circuit board between the sheet display and the wall, and configured to drive the sheet display; anda touch sensor comprising a portion between the sheet display and the circuit board, the touch sensor facing the second surface of the sheet display, and configured to detect an operation on the display screen.2. The electronic apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a first supporting portion comprising a portion between the touch sensor and the wall, the first supporting portion configured to support at least a central portion of the touch sensor from an inner side of the housing.3. The electronic apparatus of claim 2 ,wherein the first supporting portion is a metal plate comprising a shield portion between the touch sensor and the circuit board, the plate attached to the housing.4. The electronic apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising:a protective panel facing the ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043734A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co., Ltd.

A flexible display apparatus is disclosed. In one aspect, the apparatus includes a flexible display panel including a first surface, a second surface facing the first surface, and a side surface that connects the first surface and the second surface. The apparatus also includes a passivation layer that is disposed on at least one of the first surface, the second surface, and the side surface of the display panel and includes a viscoelastic fluid and a vessel unit that contains the viscoelastic fluid therein. 1. A flexible display apparatus comprising:a flexible display panel comprising a first surface, a second surface opposing the first surface, and a side surface that connects the first and second surfaces; anda passivation layer disposed on at least one of the first, second and side surfaces of the display panel, wherein the passivation layer comprises a viscoelastic fluid and a vessel unit that contains the viscoelastic fluid therein.2. The flexible display apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the viscoelastic fluid is a non-Newtonian fluid.3. The flexible display apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vessel unit comprises at least one division part that defines the viscoelastic fluid.4. The flexible display apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the vessel unit comprises i) a first vessel unit comprising at least one first division part that defines the viscoelastic fluid and ii) a second vessel unit that is disposed to cross the first division part and comprises at least one second division part.5. The flexible display apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vessel unit is flexible.6. The flexible display apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the display panel is configured to display an image on the first surface and wherein the passivation layer is disposed on the second surface.7. The flexible display apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the passivation layer is disposed so as to surround the second surface and the side surface.8. The flexible display apparatus of claim 1 , further ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043771A1

The invention provides a device module that can be manufactured with a die. The device module includes a plastic part, a device, a holder, and an external connection. The device is embedded in the plastic part. The holder is embedded in the plastic part and includes an exposed portion exposed from the plastic part in a thickness direction of the plastic part in such a manner as to close a housing recess of the die. The external connection is connected to the device and partially fixed to the holder. The external connection includes a lead-out portion insertable in the housing recess of the die. The lead-out portion is embedded in the plastic part and being led out of the plastic part in the thickness direction. Alternatively, the lead-out portion is led through and out of the holder in the thickness direction. 1. A device module manufacturable with a die , the device module comprising:a plastic part;a device being a sensor, an electronic component, or a circuit board, the device being embedded in the plastic part;a holder embedded in the plastic part, the holder including an exposed portion exposed from the plastic part in a thickness direction of the plastic part in such a manner as to close a housing recess of the die; and 'a lead-out portion insertable in the housing recess of the die, the lead-out portion being embedded in the plastic part and being led out of the plastic part in the thickness direction, or alternatively the lead-out portion being led through and out of the holder in the thickness direction.', 'an external connection connected to the device and partially fixed to the holder, the external connection including2. The device module according to claim 1 , wherein a base embedded in the plastic part, and', 'the exposed portion protruding from the plastic part in the thickness direction', 'in such a manner as to fit in the housing recess of the die., 'the holder includes3. The device module according to claim 2 , whereinthe exposed portion of the ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Compliable Units and Compliable Network Having the Same

Номер: US20140043775A1
Принадлежит: IMEC Taiwan CO.

A compliable unit in an compliable network comprises a first layer including at least one device component at a first region of the first layer, and a second layer including at least one compliable element at a first region of the second layer to transfer the at least one device component to a desired location. The first layer and the second layer are arranged in a stack. 1. A compliable unit comprising:a first layer including at least one device component at a first region of the first layer; anda second layer including at least one compliable element at a first region of the second layer to transfer the at least one device component to a desired location,wherein the first layer and the second layer are arranged in a stack.2. The compliable unit according to further comprising an interposer between the first layer and the second layer.3. The compliable unit according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first layer or the second layer includes an interposer.4. The compliable unit according to further comprising at least one device component at a second region of the second layer.5. The compliable unit according to further comprising at least one compliable element at a second region of the first layer.6. The compliable unit according to further comprising a third layer stacked over at least one of the first layer or the second layer.7. The compliable unit according to claim 6 , wherein the third layer includes at least one of one or more device components or one or more compliable elements.8. The compliable unit according to claim 1 , wherein one of the at least one compliable element is connected to one of a power source claim 1 , ground claim 1 , and a signal source.9. The compliable unit according to claim 1 , wherein one of the at least one compliable element is configured to perform at least one of transmitting power claim 1 , carrying signals claim 1 , serving as an antenna claim 1 , generating energy claim 1 , generating signal claim 1 , or inducing at ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043779A1
Автор: Nakayama Shinji

A method of manufacturing an electronic device includes preparing a lid having a seal hole, a package having a seam ring (metalization portion) and constituting an internal space along with the lid, and a crystal vibrating piece (electronic component), mounting the crystal vibrating piece in the package, placing the lid on the package such that the seal hole and the seam ring overlap each other in plan view, seam-welding the outer circumferential portion of the lid and the package, and irradiating an energy beam to bond the seal hole and the seam ring and sealing the seal hole and the internal space. 1. A method of manufacturing an electronic device , the method comprising:preparing a lid having a seal hole, a package having a metalization portion and constituting an internal space along with the lid, and an electronic component;mounting the electronic component in the package;placing the lid on the package such that the seal hole and the metalization portion overlap each other in plan view;welding the outer circumferential portion of the lid and the package; andirradiating an energy beam to bond the seal hole and the metalization portion and sealing the internal space.2. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein a metal solder is arranged on one surface of the lid, andin the bonding of the seal hole and the metalization portion, the one surface is arranged on a surface side of the lid placed on the metalization portion, and the seal hole and the metalization portion are bonded together by the metal solder.3. The method according to claim 2 ,wherein the metal solder is a silver solder or a gold (Au)/tin (Sn) alloy solder.4. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein, in the bonding of the seal hole and the metalization portion, a fillet-like portion is formed between the inner surface of the seal hole and the metalization portion.5. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the metalization portion of the package to be prepared in the preparing of the lid, the package, ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043781A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

Electronic equipment includes a first water cutoff member and a second water cutoff member on the periphery of a hole communicating from outside with a space in which an electric component such as an electric circuit board is provided. This can prevent liquid, dust, and the like, which enter a first housing from outside, from entering the space. Thus, the electric component, etc. placed in the space can be prevented from being damaged due to an electric short-circuit. 111.-. (canceled)12. Electronic equipment , comprising:a first housing defining an interior, comprising first and second ends, a user input, and an upper surface that extends between the first and second ends, an opening permitting communication with the interior space and accessible from the upper surface being provided at the first end area;a circuit board in the interior of the first housing;a plurality of electric elements mounted on the circuit board;a second housing defining an interior, rotatably mounted to the first housing at the first end;a display mounted in the second housing;an antenna wire provided in the interior of the second housing, extending partially around a periphery of the display, and connected to the circuit board via the opening in the first housing; anda seal member for the opening, permitting passage of the antenna wire through the opening, the seal member comprising a cover member and a member with elasticity provided between the cover member and an upper surface of the wall defining the opening, the cover member and the member with elasticity being substantially parallel to the upper surface of the first housing.13. The electronic equipment of claim 12 , wherein the second housing is rotatably mounted to the first housing with a hinge claim 12 , and the antenna wire exits the second housing in the vicinity of the hinge. 1. Field of the InventionThe present application relates to electronic equipment with electric wiring.2. Description of Related ArtIn recent years, mobile ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140055960A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd

A display device having a compact structure includes a main board and an inverter board of the display device connected to each other. A bracket supports the main board and the inverter board. The bracket includes a shielding part to block electromagnetic waves, an inverter board holding part to allow the inverter board to be easily seated on the bracket, and a support and fixing part to support and fix the bracket. Further, a front cover and a back cover are connected in a snap-fit manner, and a bottom chassis includes a cable receipt groove to organize the internal wiring of the display device. 1a display module including a display panel and a panel driving part;a cover supporting the display module;a first board electrically connected with the display module to control the display module, and including a power input terminal and at least one external signal input terminal;a second board electrically connected with the power input terminal of the first board and the panel driving part of the display module to supply power; and;a button part having at least one menu button,wherein the first and the second boards, and the button part are disposed on a rear surface of the display module and electrically connected to each other, andwherein the rear surface of the display is covered by the cover and the cover having a hole to expose the at least external signal input terminal and the at least one menu button.. A display device comprising: This application is a Continuation Application of prior application Ser. No. 12/975,851, filed on Dec. 22, 2010 in the United States Patent and Trademark Office, which claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119(a) from Korean Patent Application No. 10-2010-0001371, filed on Jan. 7, 2010 in the Korean Intellectual Property Office, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference.1. Field of the InventionEmbodiments of the present general inventive concept relate to a display device which is improved to have a compact structure.2. ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140063703A1

A docking station for an electronic device is provided. The docking station includes a housing having an inner space, a rotator disposed in a rotatable manner inside the housing, and partially exposed outwardly to the housing when completely open, a movable member coupled to the rotator, and exposed together with a device mounting groove for mounting an electronic device thereon when the rotator is completely open, and a stopper coupled to the movable member to selectively control the movable member so that a position of the movable member is fixed when the rotator is completely open and so that the movable member moves in a closing direction together when the rotator is closed. 1. A docking station comprising:a housing having an inner space;a rotator disposed in a rotatable manner inside the housing, and partially exposed outwardly to the housing when completely open;a movable member coupled to the rotator and exposed together with a device mounting groove for mounting an electronic device thereon when the rotator is completely open; anda stopper coupled to the movable member to selectively control the movable member so that a position of the movable member is fixed when the rotator is completely open.2. The docking station of claim 1 , wherein the movable member moves in a closing direction together when the rotator is closed.3. The docking station of claim 1 , wherein the rotator includes a guide protrusion at both lateral sides thereof claim 1 , and the guide protrusion is guided by being inserted to a first guide slit having a specific length and formed at both lateral sides of the housing.4. The docking station of claim 1 , wherein the rotator comprises:a body;an upper surface formed in a rear direction of the body and at least aligned with a surface of the housing when the rotator is completely closed; anda movable member mounting groove formed in a direction facing the upper surface such that the movable member is disposed in a movable manner.5. The docking ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140063755A1
Автор: SONG Chang Jin
Принадлежит: Pantech Co., Ltd.

A terminal includes: a touch unit that includes first electrodes connected in a first diagonal direction, the first diagonal direction being oblique to each side of the touch unit, and a second electrodes disposed in the second diagonal direction which intersects the first diagonal direction, the second diagonal direction being oblique to each side of the touch unit, and a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) configured to receive information generated in response to electric signals from one or more of the first electrodes and the second electrodes. Accordingly, a width of the terminal may be reduced as signal wirings need not be formed at the side surface thereof. 1. A terminal comprising: first electrodes disposed at least partially in a first diagonal direction, the first diagonal direction being oblique to each side of the touch unit, and', 'second electrodes disposed at least partially in a second diagonal direction that intersects the first diagonal direction, the second diagonal direction being oblique to each side of the touch unit; and, 'a touch unit comprisinga Printed Circuit Board (PCB) configured to receive information generated in response to electric signals from one or more of the first electrodes and the second electrodes.2. The terminal of claim 1 , wherein the first electrodes and the second electrodes are disposed alternately.3. The terminal of claim 2 , wherein the first electrodes and the second electrodes are disposed in a grid pattern along a first direction and a second direction orthogonal to the first direction.4. The terminal of claim 3 , wherein the first diagonal direction intersects the first direction at a non-orthogonal angle.5. The terminal of claim 1 , further comprising:first electrode lines disposed between the first electrodes, respectively; andsecond electrode lines disposed between the first electrodes, respectively.6. The terminal of claim 1 , wherein the first electrodes are disposed in a first sensing layer claim 1 , and the second ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140063762A1

A bonding wire according to the invention contains a core having a surface, in which the core contains silver as a main component and at least one element selected from gold, palladium, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, nickel, copper, and iridium. The wire exhibits at least one of the following properties: 1. A bonding wire comprising a core having a surface , wherein the core comprises silver as a main component and at least one element selected from the group consisting of gold , palladium , platinum , rhodium , ruthenium , nickel , copper and iridium , wherein the bonding wire exhibits at least one of the following properties:an average size of crystal grains of the core is between 0.8 μm and 3 μm,an amount of crystal grains having an orientation in a <001> direction in a cross section of the wire is in a range of 10-20%,an amount of crystal grains having an orientation in a <111> direction in a cross section of the wire is in a range of 5-15%, anda total amount of crystal grains having an orientation in the <001> direction and of crystal grains having an orientation in the <111> direction in a cross section of the wire is in a range of 15-40%.2. The bonding wire according to claim 1 , wherein the core comprises silver as a main component and at least one element selected from the group consisting of gold claim 1 , palladium claim 1 , and platinum.3. The bonding wire according to claim 1 , wherein the core comprises 80-95 wt. % silver claim 1 , 5-12 wt. % gold claim 1 , 1.5-5 wt. % palladium and up to 0.01 wt. % unavoidable impurities.4. The bonding wire according to claim 1 , wherein the core comprises 90-99.7 wt. % silver claim 1 , 0.3-10 wt. % gold and up to 0.01 wt. % unavoidable impurities.5. The bonding wire according to claim 1 , wherein the core comprises 90-99.7 wt. % silver claim 1 , 0.3-10 wt. % palladium and up to 0.01 wt. % unavoidable impurities.6. The bonding wire according to claim 1 , wherein the core comprises 80-99 wt. % silver claim 1 , 0-10 wt. ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140068920A1
Автор: Williams Tiffany J.

A cable management attachment bracket is disclosed that includes a bracket body with a first attachment tab, a second attachment, and a cable management assembly (CMA) connection point for hingedly connecting with a CMA. The first attachment tab extends from a front edge of the bracket body and is formed to interface with a first receiving portion of a rack slide. The second attachment tab extends from a center portion of the bracket body and is formed to interface with a second receiving portion of a rack slide. Additionally, the CMA connection point is formed on the rear edge of the bracket body. 1. A method for attaching a cable management assembly to a rack comprising:attaching a rack slide assembly to a rack, the rack slide assembly having a stationary member and a slide member;providing a cable management attachment bracket having a front attachment tab and a second attachment tab;securing the cable management attachment bracket to the rack slide assembly by aligning the first attachment tab and the second attachment tab with a first receiving slot and a second receiving slot formed in the slide member; andsecuring the second end of the cable management assembly to a cable management assembly connection point of the cable management attachment bracket.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising securing a first end of a cable management assembly to the rack.3. The method of wherein attaching the rack slide assembly further comprises tool-lessly attaching the rack slide assembly to an interface portion of the rack.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:providing the cable management attachment bracket having a button receiving aperture;providing a locking button on the stationary member; andaligning the locking button with the locking button aperture.5. The method of wherein;the locking button of the stationary member is selectively movable between a recessed position and a locking position; andthe button receiving aperture of the cable management ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140071600A1

A battery module comprises a case, an extension/retraction positioning module, a press element, a battery body and a cap. The extension/retraction positioning module is disposed in the case to enable an extension/retraction operation along a first axis; the press element is connected with the extension/retraction positioning module to drive the extension/retraction positioning module to enable the extension/retraction operation when the press element is pushed; the battery body is disposed in the case to move relative to the case to an initial position or a power supply position by the extension/retraction operation, the battery body comprises a power connecting portion; the cap combines with the case and the portable electronic device in a rotational manner. The battery body moves to the initial position or the power supply position by the extension/retraction operation to determine whether the power connecting portion is electrically connected with the portable electronic device. 1. A battery module for a portable electronic device , the battery module comprising:a case;an extension/retraction positioning module disposed in the case to enable an extension/retraction operation along a first axis;a press element being connected with the extension/retraction positioning module and penetrating through the case, wherein the press element drives the extension/retraction positioning module to perform the extension/retraction operation when the press element is pushed; a first end connected with the extension/retraction positioning module;', 'a second end opposite to the first end; and', 'a power connecting portion disposed at the second end;, 'a battery body disposed in the case to move relative to the case to an initial position or a power supply position by means of the extension/retraction operation, wherein the battery body comprisesan elastic element comprising two ends connected with the battery body and the case respectively; anda cap combined with the case and ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140078689A1
Автор: AN Ick Tae, PAEK Seung Hak
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.

Provided are a vehicle card key and a method of manufacturing the same. The vehicle card key is used to lock/unlock a vehicle door or start an engine in wireless communication with a vehicle. The vehicle card key includes a lower cover, a circuit board stacked on and coupled to a top of the lower cover, and an upper cover coupled to the lower cover as one body to cover an upper side of the circuit board. The lower cover and the upper cover are formed of a thermo-hardening resin. 1. A vehicle card key , comprising:a lower cover;a circuit board stacked on and coupled to a top of the lower cover; andan upper cover coupled to the lower cover as one body to cover an upper side of the circuit board,wherein the lower cover and the upper cover are formed of a thermo-hardening resin.2. The vehicle card key of claim 1 , wherein the upper cover is thermally boned to the lower cover in molding the upper cover claim 1 , and coupled to the lower cover as one body.3. The vehicle card key of claim wherein the upper cover comprises:an upper cover portion covering the upper side of the circuit board; andan upper side wall portion extension-formed in a direction from a border of the upper cover portion to the lower cover, and coupled to a side surface of the lower cover as one body to surround the side surface of the lower cover.4. The vehicle card key of claim 1 , further comprising a key holder of a metal material coupled to a side portion of the circuit board claim 1 , and receiving a mechanical key claim 1 , the key holder being insertion-disposed between the lower cover and the upper cover.5. The vehicle card key of claim 4 , wherein the key holder comprises:a first contact portion contacting one surface of the circuit board;a second contact portion contacting the other surface of the circuit board; anda receiving portion extension-formed in an opposite direction of the circuit board from the first and second contact portions, and disposed at the side portion of the circuit board ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140078692A1
Автор: LEE WON IL, Park Kyung-Jun
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co., Ltd.

Provided are a display device and a method of manufacturing the same. The display device includes a display panel having one surface and the other surface, a main drive board formed on the other surface of the display panel, a flexible circuit board having one end electrically connected to the one surface of the display panel and the other end electrically connected to the main drive board and having a bent portion formed at a lateral surface of the display panel, and a board support portion formed on an inner surface of the flexible circuit board. 1. A display device , comprising:a display panel having spaced-apart first and second surfaces and a lateral surface connecting the first and second surfaces;a main drive board formed on the second surface of the display panel;a flexible circuit board having one terminal end electrically connected to the first surface of the display panel and an opposite terminal end electrically connected to the main drive board, and having a bent portion formed adjacent to the lateral surface of the display panel; anda board support portion formed on an inner major surface of the flexible circuit board.2. The display device of claim 2 , wherein the board support portion includes a first region attached to the inner major surface of the flexible circuit board and a second region not attached to the inner surface of the flexible circuit board.3. The display device of wherein the first region is formed at one and another ends of the board support portion.42. The display device of cairn claim 2 , wherein the first region of the board support portion is attached to the major inner surface of the flexible circuit board by means of an adhesion member.5. The display device of claim 2 , wherein the first region of the board support portion is directly attached to the inner surface of the flexible circuit board by thermal compression.6. The display device of claim 2 , wherein a board supporting bent portion is formed between first and second ends ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140078701A1
Принадлежит: Japan Display Inc.

According to one embodiment, a display device includes a display module including a display panel having a display area which displays an image, and a signal supply source mounted on the display panel, a cover member including a transmissive portion opposed to the display area, a first color portion opposed to the signal supply source, and a second color portion opposed to a peripheral area on an outside of the display area of the display module, and a photosensitive resin which adheres the display module and the cover member to each other. The first color portion has a higher transmittance of light of a wavelength for curing the photosensitive resin than the second color portion. 1. A display device comprising:a display module including a display panel having a display area which displays an image, and a signal supply source mounted on the display panel;a cover member including a transmissive portion opposed to the display area, a first color portion opposed to the signal supply source, and a second color portion opposed to a peripheral area on an outside of the display area of the display module; anda photosensitive resin which adheres the display module and the cover member to each other,wherein the first color portion has a higher transmittance of light of a wavelength for curing the photosensitive resin than the second color portion.2. The display device of claim 1 , wherein the cover member includes a transparent substrate claim 1 , a first color layer disposed over the first color portion and the second color portion on a side of the substrate claim 1 , which is opposed to the display module claim 1 , and a second color layer stacked on the first color layer in the second color portion claim 1 , andthe first color layer has a higher transmittance of light of a wavelength for curing the photosensitive resin than the second color layer.3. The display device of claim 2 , wherein the first color portion linearly extends along one short side of the transmissive ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140078705A1
Автор: Jo Jae-Uk

A display device includes: a display substrate in which a display for displaying an image is formed; an encapsulation substrate, which is assembled on the display substrate and has a first surface facing the display substrate and a second surface opposite to the first surface; and a circuit substrate for transferring an electrical signal to the display, where a plurality of pads, which are electrically connected to the display and connected to the circuit substrate, are formed on the first surface of the encapsulation substrate, and at least one connector is formed on surfaces of the display and the encapsulation substrate which face each other, the connector configured to provide a connection path between the display and the circuit board by being adhesively pressed in a vertical direction. 1. A display device comprising:a display substrate in which a display for displaying an image is formed;an encapsulation substrate, which is assembled on the display substrate and has a first surface facing the display substrate and a second surface opposite to the first surface; anda circuit substrate for transferring an electrical signal to the display,wherein a plurality of pads, which are electrically connected to the display and connected to the circuit substrate, are formed on the first surface of the encapsulation substrate, and at least one connector is formed on surfaces of the display and the encapsulation substrate which face each other, the connector configured to provide a connection path between the display and the circuit board by being adhesively pressed in a vertical direction.2. The display device of claim 1 , wherein an area of at least one side of the encapsulation substrate extends outside the display substrate claim 1 , and the plurality of pads are formed on the exposed area of the encapsulation substrate and connected to at least one wiring line extending from the at least one connector toward the first surface of the encapsulation substrate.3. The ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140085844A1

A conducting member () includes a protrusion () that is flange-shaped and is provided on a side surface of the conducting member () which side surface is in contact with a casing (). 114-. (canceled)15. A conducting member which (i) electrically connects (a) a conducting pattern provided on an outside of a casing made of a dielectric and (b) an electronic component provided on an inside of the casing , (ii) is through the casing , and (iii) is columnar ,said conducting member comprising at least one protrusion that is flange-shaped and is provided on a side surface of the conducting member which side surface is in contact with the casing.16. The conducting member as set forth in claim 15 , wherein:the conducting member is integrally molded with the casing by filling, with a resin, a mold in which the conducting member is fixed, the casing being made of the resin; andthe conducting member has a shape which allows the electric connection between the conducting pattern and the electronic component also in a case where the conducting member is fixed in the mold in a reversed direction.17. The conducting member as set forth in claim 15 , wherein the conducting member has a shape which causes no phase difference between both ends of the conducting member which are connected with the conducting pattern and the electronic component claim 15 , respectively claim 15 , regardless of through which path on the conducting member an electric current flowing between the both ends passes.18. The conducting member as set forth in claim 15 , wherein the at least one protrusion comprises protrusions provided at the respective both ends.19. The conducting member as set forth in claim 18 , further comprising at least one protrusion provided between the protrusions provided at the respective both ends.20. An electronic device comprising:a casing:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00015', 'claim 15'}, 'a conducting member recited in and being through the casingthe conducting pattern; andthe ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140085853A1

A display apparatus including a display and a waveguide plate is provided. The display panel includes multiple rows of display units and multiple rows of solar cell units. The display units and the solar cell units are substantially parallel to a first direction and alternately arranged along a second direction perpendicular to the first direction. The waveguide plate is disposed at one side of the display panel. A first side of the waveguide plate adjacent to the display panel includes multiple microstructures. First and second structure surfaces of each microstructure respectively correspond to one row of the display units and one row of the solar cell units. When the display apparatus is disposed such that the second direction is perpendicular to a ground surface, an inclination of the first structure surface makes a thickness of the waveguide plate gradually decrease along an upward direction from the ground surface. 1. A display apparatus comprising:a display panel comprising multiple rows of display units and multiple rows of solar cell units, the display units and the solar cell units being substantially parallel to a first direction and alternately arranged along a second direction perpendicular to the first direction; anda waveguide plate disposed at one side of the display panel, a first side of the waveguide plate adjacent to the display panel comprising a plurality of microstructures, each microstructure substantially being configured as parallel to the first direction and comprising a first structure surface and a second structure surface, wherein the first structure surface and the second structure surface of each microstructure respectively correspond to one row of the display units and one row of the solar cell units, and when the display apparatus is disposed such that the second direction is perpendicular to a ground surface, an inclination of the first structure surface makes a thickness of the waveguide plate gradually decrease along an upward ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140085855A1

An electronic device includes a first circuit board, a second circuit board, and a third circuit board. A plurality of loads are mounted on the first circuit board, a plurality of direct current (DC) to DC converters are mounted on the second circuit board, and an alternating current (AC) to DC converter is mounted on the third circuit board. The first circuit board is electrically connected to the second circuit board, the DC to DC converters are configured to convert an input DC voltage from the third circuit board to a plurality of output DC voltages correspondingly, and the output DC voltages power the loads correspondingly. The electronic device separates the voltage-conversion processes from other working components, thus the electronic device is protected from electromagnetic interference. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a first circuit board;a second circuit board;a plurality of loads mounted on the first circuit board; anda plurality of direct current (DC) to DC converters mounted on the second circuit board; wherein the first circuit board is electrically connected to the second circuit board, the DC to DC converters are configured to convert an input DC voltage to a plurality of output DC voltages correspondingly; the output DC voltages power the loads correspondingly.2. The electronic device of claim 1 , further comprising:a first male connector;a first female connector;a second male connector; anda second female connector;wherein the first male connector mates with the first female connector; the second male connector mates with the second female connector; the DC to DC converters comprise a plurality of first DC to DC converters and a plurality of second DC to DC converters, the loads comprise a plurality of first loads and a plurality of second loads;wherein the output DC voltages comprise a plurality of first output DC voltages generated by the first DC to DC converters correspondingly and a plurality of second output DC voltages generated by ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140092539A1

Provided is an electronic apparatus that has enhanced strength and reduced weight. An electronic apparatus includes: a housing having two faces that face each other, having an accommodation space therein, and having an opening on one of the two faces; and an electronic device contained in the accommodation space. The housing is configured of a first member and a second member that are divided in the faces, and has a device insertion opening on at least one of opposing faces of the first member and the second member. 1. An electronic apparatus , comprising:a housing having two faces that face each other, having an accommodation space therein, and having an opening on one of the two faces; andan electronic device contained in the accommodation space,wherein the housing is configured of a first member and a second member that are divided in the faces, and has a device insertion opening on at least one of opposing faces of the first member and the second member.2. The electronic apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic device includes a display panel.3. The electronic apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the housing is made of a material including Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP).4. The electronic apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein a part of the housing is made of a material including Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GFRP).5. The electronic apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a center chassis is contained in the housing together with the electronic device claim 1 , and the electronic device is fixed to the housing by the center chassis.6. The electronic apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein the housing has a thick section at a part that faces an end part of the center chassis to hold the center chassis.7. The electronic apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein the center chassis has a bent section at an end part thereof.8. The electronic apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the second member includes a support section provided ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140092565A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

An optical module having a substrate and an electrical connector whose terminals are precisely aligned with pads on the substrate is disclosed. The electrical connector provides upper and lower terminals, while, the substrate provides upper and lower pads each having a V-shaped cut opened for a direction along which the upper and lower terminals are slide. As the electrical connector is assembled with the substrate, the terminals slide along the edge of the V-shaped cut and slide onto the pads at the bottom of the V-shaped cut, which automatically and precisely aligns the terminals with the pads. 1. An optical module , comprising:a substrate having a top surface and a back surface each providing a plurality of first pads and a plurality of second pads thereon, respectively; andan electronic connector having a plurality of first leads and a plurality of second leads, the first leads and the second leads extending along a direction,wherein the each of the first pads includes a cut, the cut being opened for the direction and having a left oblique edge and a right oblique edge with a space perpendicular to the direction gradually narrowing along the direction.2. The optical module of claim 1 ,wherein each of the second pads includes the cut.3. The optical module of claim 2 ,wherein the space between two oblique edges is wider than a width of the second leads at respective ends of the second pads.4. The optical module of claim 1 ,wherein the space between the left oblique edge and the right oblique edge is wider than a width of the first leads at respective ends of the first pads.5. The optical module of claim 1 ,wherein each of the cut shapes a V-character.6. The optical module of claim 1 ,wherein each of the cut further provides a bottom connecting the let oblique edge to the right oblique edge, the cut shaping a rectangle.7. The optical module of claim 1 ,wherein the first pads and the second pads are disposed by a pitch less than 0.6 mm.8. The optical module of claim ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140092577A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A unit mounting device is a unit mounting device on which an electronic device unit 1 is mounted, and includes a base portion provided to face a side surface of the electronic device unit, an upper-side eaves portion formed to extend from an upper part of the base portion towards the electronic device unit side, a lower-side eaves portion formed to extend from a lower part of the base portion towards the electronic device unit side, a standing portion formed to project upward from an end part on an extending side of the lower-side eaves portion, and a projecting portion that is provided to have a width narrower than a width of the side surface of the electronic device unit and to project from the standing portion towards the electronic device unit side. 1. A unit mounting device on which an electronic device unit is mounted , the unit mounting device comprising:a base portion that is provided to face a side surface of the electronic device unit;an upper-side eaves portion that is formed to extend from an upper part of the base portion towards the electronic device unit side;a lower-side eaves portion that is formed to extend from a lower part of the base portion towards the electronic device unit side;a standing portion that is formed to project upward from an end part on an extending side of the lower-side eaves portion; anda projecting portion that is provided to have a width narrower than a width of the side surface of the electronic device unit and to project from the standing portion towards the electronic device unit side.2. The unit mounting device according to claim 1 , wherein the standing portion is formed to have a width wider than a width of the projecting portion.3. The unit mounting device according to claim 1 , wherein a corner of an upper surface of the standing portion and a corner of a surface on a projecting side of the projecting portion are chamfered.4. An electronic device system comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140092631A1

A display which thickness is allowed to be reduced is provided. A display includes: a display panel; and a back-face member having rigidity and provided on a back face of the display panel, the back-face member covering the back face, or the back face and other part of the display panel. 1. A display comprising:a display panel; anda back-face member having rigidity and provided on a back face of the display panel, the back-face member covering the back face, or the back face and other part of the display panel.2. The display according to claim 1 , further comprisinga front-face member provided on a front face of the display panel, the front-face member covering a circumferential edge portion, or the circumferential edge portion and other part of the display panel.3. The display according to claim 2 , wherein the front-face member is a frame covering the circumferential edge portion of the display panel.4. The display according to claim 2 , wherein the front-face member is a transparent plate covering the front face of the display panel.5. The display according to claim 2 , wherein the front-face member and the back-face member are made of a same material.6. The display according to claim 2 , wherein each of the front-face member and the back-face member is made of glass.7. The display according to claim 1 , wherein the front-face member is not included and the display panel is exposed at front.8. The display according to claim 1 , further comprisinga backlight unit including a light source, an optical sheet, and a light-guiding plate, the backlight unit being provided between the display panel and the back-face member, whereinthe light-guiding plate serves as the back-face member.9. The display according to claim 1 , further comprisinga top chassis and a middle chassis between the front-face member and the back-face member.10. The display according to claim 1 , wherein the front-face member and the back-face member are adhered to each other with an adhesion member. ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140098475A1

A UniDirectional (UD) preimpregnated material (prepreg) and method of production are provided. A plurality of reinforced fibers are arranged in one direction. At least one auxiliary fiber is arranged such that it crosses the plurality of reinforced fibers to maintain the arrangement of the plurality of reinforced fibers. The plurality of reinforced fibers and the at least one auxiliary fiber are impregnated with a coupling material, and the coupling material is cured with the plurality of reinforced fibers and the at least one auxiliary fiber. 1. A method for processing a UniDirectional (UD) preimpregnated material (prepreg) , the method comprising the steps of:arranging a plurality of reinforced fibers in one direction;arranging at least one auxiliary fiber such that it crosses the plurality of reinforced fibers to maintain the arrangement of the plurality of reinforced fibers; andimpregnating the plurality of reinforced fibers and the at least one auxiliary fiber with a coupling material, and curing the coupling material with the plurality of reinforced fibers and the at least one auxiliary fiber.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one auxiliary fiber is weaved into or bonded on the plurality of reinforced fibers.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one auxiliary fiber is disposed at a right angle to the plurality of reinforced fibers.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one auxiliary fiber comprises a plurality of auxiliary fibers disposed at an interval between approximately 10 mm and approximately 200 mm.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:performing a post-process after curing the coupling material with the plurality of reinforced fibers and the at least one auxiliary fiber.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the post-process comprises at least one of a dyeing process claim 5 , a deposition process claim 5 , and a coating process.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of reinforced fibers comprises one of ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140098511A1
Автор: CHANG Chia-Yao

Disclosed are a displaying apparatus, a mobile electronic device, and a displaying frame. The displaying apparatus includes a mobile electronic device and a displaying frame. The mobile electronic device includes an electrical power contact, a circuit-breaking contact, and a battery circuit. The electrical power contact is electrically connected to the battery circuit, and the circuit-breaking contact is positioned corresponding to a control point of the battery circuit. The displaying frame includes a conductive part and an insulation part. When the mobile electronic device is disposed in the displaying frame, the conductive part is configured to press against the electrical power contact for transmitting electric power to the mobile electronic device, and the insulation part is configured to be inserted into the circuit-breaking contact to push the control point for breaking the battery circuit. 1. A displaying apparatus , comprising:a mobile electronic device, including an electrical power contact, a circuit-breaking contact, and a battery circuit having a control point, wherein the electrical power contact is electrically connected to the battery circuit, and the circuit-breaking contact is positioned corresponding to the control point of the battery circuit; anda displaying frame, including a conductive part and an insulation part, wherein when the mobile electronic device is disposed in the displaying frame, the conductive part is configured to press against the electrical power contact to transmit electric power to the mobile electronic device, and the insulation, part is configured to be inserted into the circuit-breaking contact to push the control point for breaking the battery circuit.2. The displaying apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the conductive part and the insulation part jut out from a surface of the displaying frame when the mobile electronic device is not disposed in the displaying frame.3. The displaying apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140098549A1

A semi-rigid electronic device is disclosed that includes a flexible panel and a housing. The housing may have a physical dimension L, such as length, height, or a diagonal. The minimum bending device radius of the device along the dimension L may be L/pi when held at an edge. The bending radius increases the more rigid the device. The housing, electronic components, and display may each contribute to the flexibility of the overall device. The housing and/or the flexible panel may also include one or more ribs to constrain movement of the semi-rigid device. 1. A device comprising:a flexible panel; anda housing having a physical dimension L;wherein the device is semi-rigid, and the minimum bending device radius along the physical dimension L is L/pi when the device is held at an edge of the device; andwherein the flexible panel comprises a panel selected from the group consisting of: a display panel and a lighting panel.2. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the flexible panel comprises a display panel selected from the group consisting of: an emissive panel claim 1 , a reflective panel claim 1 , and an LCD.3. The device as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a flexible circuit board disposed within the housing claim 1 , the flexible circuit board providing circuitry configured to control the flexible panel.4. The device as recited in claim 3 , further comprising a processor to execute an operating system and one or more applications.5. The device as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of ribs configured to maintain the device in a flat configuration in the absence of a force applied by the user.6. The device as recited in claim 5 , wherein the plurality or ribs are configurable from a first rib configuration that prevents the flexible panel from flexing in at least one direction to a second rib configuration that allows the flexible panel to flex in the at least one direction.7. The device as recited in claim 5 , further comprising a ...
