Treatment of water
Реферат: 1444815 Ion exchange CLARKE CHAPMAN Ltd 24 Oct 1974 [14 Nov 1973] 52933/ 73. Heading B1J Raw water is passed through a first vessel containing cation-exchange resin, the output therefrom divided into first and second streams and passed to a second vessel containing a bed of weak anion and a bed of strong anionexchange material, the first stream passing through the strong anion-exchange material only and the second stream passing through the weak anion-exchange before passing the strong anion-exchanger. The proportion of first to second stream may be adjusted to achieve a desired ratio of silica to acid ions in the combined streams passing through the strong anionexchanger.
Method for obtaining means for stabilizing water treatment and way of water treatment with help of means for stabilizing water treatment
Номер патента: RU2656005C2. Автор: Игорь Николаевич Самодуров,Дмитрий Павлович Рябченко. Владелец: Дмитрий Павлович Рябченко. Дата публикации: 2018-05-30.