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23-09-2019 дата публикации

Рукав предмета одежды с частично разъемным швом на застежке-молнии

Номер: RU2700917C2
Принадлежит: ЛАДАЕВ Рафаэль (IL)

Рукав предмета одежды, имеющий ближний, плечевой, конец, присоединенный к пройме предмета одежды, и дальний, манжетный, конец, заканчивающийся около манжеты, при этом упомянутый рукав предмета одежды содержит: (а) шов, простирающийся от проймы до манжеты, причем упомянутый шов сомкнут по меньшей мере около упомянутого плечевого конца и около упомянутого манжетного конца; (b) неразъемную застежку-молнию, содержащую: (i) звенья и (ii) по меньшей мере один замок, выполненный так, чтобы сделать возможным обратимое сцепление звеньев, по меньшей мере частичное, между упомянутым плечевым концом и упомянутым манжетным концом; упомянутая неразъемная застежка-молния с обеспечением ее функционирования прикреплена к упомянутому шву вблизи его упомянутого плечевого конца и вблизи его упомянутого манжетного конца. 3 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

16-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU167998U1

Полезная модель относится к швейной промышленности.Задача предлагаемого трансформируемого предмета одежды заключается в расширении функциональных возможностей предмета одежды.Сущность предлагаемого трансформируемого предмета одежды заключается в том, что трансформируемый предмет одежды с возможностью преобразования в кардиган, платье и юбку, выполнен в виде кольца, стачанного по меньшим сторонам продольно вытянутого прямоугольника, длина которого не более 3 м, ширина не более 0,7 м, а вдоль одной из сторон на расстоянии 3 см от края, расположены блочки с шагом 4 см, в которые продеты 2 шнура с концевыми фиксаторами на концах, при этом один шнур установлен на 1/3 длины прямоугольника, симметрично относительно шва, а другой - на оставшиеся 2/3 длины.

06-09-2024 дата публикации

Рубашка для пациентов

Номер: RU228631U1

Полезная модель относится к одежде, а именно к рубашкам, предназначенным для людей обоих полов с необходимостью проведения медицинского вмешательства и использования в период адаптации после данного вмешательства. Рубашка для пациентов, состоящая из передней части (1), спинки (2), рукавов (3) и горловины с окантовкой (4), при этом на передней части (1) выполнены рельефы (5), втачиваемые в боковой шов карманы (6) и отверстия под грудью (7), спинка (2) выполнена распашной по вертикали, соединение осуществляется с использованием застежек (8), на рукавах (3) выполнены передний шов (9) и средний шов (10), при этом в среднем шве (9) размещена средняя потайная молния (11), а в переднем шве (9) размещена передняя потайная молния (12). 2 ил.

11-07-2024 дата публикации

Комбинезон с корсетом

Номер: RU227210U1

Полезная модель относится к области одежды, в частности к комбинезонам с корсетом. Применяется для повседневного ношения, занятий спортом. Комбинезон с корсетом, состоящий из верхней части (1), выполненной из компрессионного материала и пришитой по периметру к корсету; корсета (3), выполненного из сшитых между собой внутреннего слоя (4) и внешнего слоя (5), при этом внутренний слой (4) представляет собой отрез ткани, раскрой которой выполнен перпендикулярно долевой нити, а внешний слой (5) выполнен путем сшивания лоскутов компрессионной ткани с образованием вертикальных швов; нижней части (2), выполненной из компрессионного материала и пришитой по периметру к корсету (3); молнии (6), пришитой от горловины верхней части (1) до места соединения корсета (3) с нижней частью (2).

05-12-2019 дата публикации

Многофункциональный костюм-трансформер для людей с ограниченными двигательными возможностями

Номер: RU194285U1

Многофункциональный костюм–трансформер для людей с ограниченными двигательными возможностями. Задачей технического решения является увеличение универсальности изделия и возможность использования изделий при различных погодных условиях. Решение этой задачи достигается за счет создания костюма, состоящего из разъемных элементов, соединенных креплением, включающего: жилетку, включающую по крайней мере: полочки, спинку; к жилетке присоединены рукава, воротник, при этом жилетка имеет крепления, расположенные в боковых швах, по линии плеча, по кромкам рукавов, по низу полочки, по низу спинки, при этом по крайней мере одно из креплений закрыто внешней планкой; накидку, выполненную из тканевого полотна, которая содержит крепления к нижним частям полочки, крепления под коленями и над пяточной частью стопы человека, имеющая выточки в коленной области и области над стопой. 13 з.п. ф-лы,7 ил.

04-10-2019 дата публикации

Платье для женщин после радикальной мастэктомии при выраженном лимфостазе верхней конечности или после протезирования врожденных или ампутационных дефектов верхней конечности на уровне плеча или после вычленения плеча или с ограниченными двигательными возможностями вследствие травмы или паралича верхней конечности

Номер: RU192879U1

Платье для женщин после радикальной мастэктомии при выраженном лимфостазе верхней конечности или после протезирования врожденных или ампутационных дефектов верхней конечности на уровне плеча или после вычленения плеча или с ограниченными двигательными возможностями вследствие травмы или паралича верхней конечности, содержащее: центральную цельнокроеную часть спинки и центральную цельнокроеную часть переда с вырезом горловины; боковые передние и боковые задние части подрезного лифа, длина которых ниже линии бедер; два передних и два задних расклешенных клиньев, соединенных с боковыми частями переда и спинки лифа по поперечной линии подреза; рукава; накладные карманы. Задачей полезной модели является создание такого платья, которое обеспечивало бы оптимизацию его функциональных и эксплуатационно-эргономических показателей для комфортного ношения и удобного в процессе самообслуживания (при надевании-снятии и застегивании-расстегивании) с помощью одной (здоровой) руки. Поставленная задача достигается ...

05-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2705146C1

Изобретение относится к индивидуальным средствам защиты рук и может быть использовано в легкой промышленности. Технической задачей предлагаемого изобретения является повышение удобства пользования, облегчение процесса одевания и снятие рукавиц, или варежек, или перчаток, без участия второй руки. Для решения поставленной задачи предлагается выполнить крепление рукавиц, или варежек, или перчаток к одежде, в виде текстильных застежек Велкро. При этом на каждой рукавице, или варежке, или перчатке со стороны ладонной и тыльной стороны в районе запястья перпендикулярно оси рукавицы, или варежки, или перчатки закреплена лента с микрокрючками (по первому варианту) или с микропетлями (по второму варианту) текстильной застежки. В подмышках с наружной стороны одежды на каждом рукаве в направлении ее оси и с противоположной стороны на боковой части одежды перпендикулярно линии проймы закреплена лента с микропетлями (по первому варианту) или с микрокрючками (по второму варианту) текстильной застежки ...

19-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018127645A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Kleidungsstück unter Verwendung von Jute, wobei das Obermaterial des Kleidungsstücks zumindest bereichsweise vollständig oder nahezu vollständig aus Jute besteht.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015108065A1

Hier wird ein biometrisches Sensorpaket beschrieben, insbesondere ein biometrisches Sensorpaket zum Integrieren in ein Bekleidungsstück. Außerdem werden Verfahren zum Fertigen derartiger biometrischer Sensorpakete offenbart. Ferner werden Verfahren zum Integrieren von biometrischen Sensorpaketen in Bekleidungsstücke offenbart. Die hier beschriebenen biometrischen Sensorpakete lassen sich in einfacher Weise mit derzeitigen Fertigungsverfahren für biometrische Sensoren fertigen, beispielsweise von Herstellern von Herzschlag-Überwachungsgürteln. Die hier beschriebenen biometrischen Sensorpakete lassen sich dann einfach von den gängigen Bekleidungsstückherstellern in Bekleidungsstücke einarbeiten, ohne dass irgendeine spezielle Kenntnis oder Werkzeuge bezüglich aktueller biometrischer Sensoranordnungen in den biometrischen Sensorpaketen erforderlich wären. Durch den Einsatz der hier beschriebenen biometrischen Sensorpakete lassen sich biometrische Sensoranordnungen, beispielsweise Pulsüberwacher ...

14-08-2019 дата публикации

Montur zur Alterssimulation

Номер: DE102013105302B4
Принадлежит: VOLKMANN ELISA, Volkmann, Elisa

Montur zur Alterssimulation, umfassend mindestens eine am Körper anlegbare Manschette (1-4) und mindestens ein Zugband (6, 7), wobei das mindestens eine Zugband (6, 7) zwei Befestigungspunkte der mindestens einen Manschette (1-4) miteinander verbindet, derart, dass ein von der Manschette (1-4) umgriffenes oder zwischen zwei Manschetten (1-4) liegendes Körpergelenk in eine Beugestellung gebracht wird.

03-07-2013 дата публикации

Compression foot garment,and therapeutic method for reducing heel pain

Номер: GB0201309176D0

03-08-2011 дата публикации

Button fastening

Номер: GB0201110606D0

07-03-2012 дата публикации

Oleophobic membrane including a fluoropolymer and a printed patterned layer of particles, used in a laminated garment

Номер: GB0002483334A

The membrane structure 12 includes an air permeable hydrophobic membrane 16 having a first side 42 and a second side 46, a coating 28 applied to the surfaces of the membrane, the coating including a fluoropolymer having oleophobic properties, and a patterned layer 40 of particles applied onto the first side of the membrane. The particles 40 are preferably titanium dioxide, zirconium dioxide, zinc oxide, carbon or activated carbon in a polyurethane, cellulosic, polyacrylate, polyalcohol or polygycol binder, applied by xerographic, flexographic or gravure-screen printing. The fluoropolymer 28 is preferably an acrylic based polymer with fluorocarbon side chains. The membrane 16 is preferably polyolefin, polyamide, polyester, polysulphone, polyether, (meth)acrylic, polystyrene, polyurethane or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). The garment comprises the membrane structure 12 laminated, on its 2nd side 46 to a fabric.

02-08-2000 дата публикации

Garment carrying electronic devices

Номер: GB0000014323D0

09-12-2015 дата публикации

Garment Size Recommendation And Fit Analysis System And Method

Номер: GB0002526915A

The computer-implemented garment size recommendation and fit analysis system uses a garment fit algorithm which is trained on actual sales data. A memory stores a virtual profile or model of an end-user and a processor is programmed to receive an end-users selection of a garment and to then determine how well the garment will fit the end-users profile or model using the garment fit algorithm. The algorithm may be trained on a specific retailer in order to adjust their size charts. The sales data may include a list of purchased items in an order and the sizes of the item, the customers body parameters, demographic information, location and fit preference and whether items were kept, returned or exchanged. The algorithm may track trends in consumer purchasing and returns behaviour.

06-09-2006 дата публикации

Improvements in garments

Номер: GB0000615121D0

18-07-2007 дата публикации

Vapour Pad

Номер: GB0000711152D0

25-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008612328D0

05-10-1938 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to wearing apparel

Номер: GB0000493245A

... 493,245. Wearing - apparel. WISOLEK, E. Dec. 20, 1937, No. 35279. [Class 141] A lounge, sports, or dress suit consisting of jacket, vest, and trousers has the trousers and vest inseparably connected at the front and the rear part can be released in the form of a flap by unbuttoning or by means of a sliding fastener. Specifications 9277/01, 329,835, [both in Class 141], and 379,867 are referred to.

04-04-2018 дата публикации

Transformable costume

Номер: GB0201802639D0

08-06-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000000193A

A cloth to be used as garment is provided with three holes in line, the two outer holes being for the arms and the middle one for the head. The three holes are a simple cut or a circle. The shape of the cloth can be a rectangular, a circle, a thumb, a hexagon) or a star and the cloth is made of cotton, wool, silk or plastic or a combination of that. The cloth can be used as a gown or as a baby carrier.

31-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AP0009100269D0

31-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AP0009100269A0

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000440511T

15-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000378686T

15-10-2014 дата публикации

Textile Fläche aus Schurwolle bzw. Seide und Zirbenholz

Номер: AT0000514057B1

Textile Fläche aus Schurwolle bzw. Seide und Zirbenholz = Zirbenfilz wird die Faserschicht (1) längs gelegt, die nächste Faserschicht (2) quer gelegt. Faserschicht (3) wird längs gelegt. Zwischen der Faserschicht (3) und der Faserschicht (4) werden die Zirbenholzfasern (7), die von einem Zirbenholzblock abgetragen wird, lose eingelegt. Die Zirbenholzfaser ist ringel- oder spiralförmig, dadurch ist sie sehr gut formbar. Je mehr Zirbenholzfasern verwendet werden umso intensiver ist der Duft, da das Zirbenholz Pinosylvin enthält. Der Duftstoff ist antibakteriell, senkt die Herzfrequenz und hat Schutzwirkung gegenüber Motten und anderen Insekten. Die Faserschicht (4) wird wieder quer gelegt. Die nächste Faserschicht (5) längs und die Faserschicht (6) quer obenauf legen. Die einzelnen Schichten müssen verfilzt und anschließend gewalkt werden, wo sie mit heißen Wasser, ca. 60° und Reibung bearbeitet werden. Das Walken erfolgt durch Rollbewegungen und Knetbewegungen. Die Zirbenholzfaser wird gut ...

15-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000193186T

10-12-1958 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of smooth articles of clothing and device for the execution of the same

Номер: AT0000201008B

05-02-2009 дата публикации

Cooling device

Номер: AU2008282036A1

31-03-2011 дата публикации

Garment backpack

Номер: AU2005314273B2

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003009052A1

An article (10) having a panel secured between two layers (30, 32) of a trim piece (30) and having a pocket (40) affixed to a zipper (50), where a first zipper tape is affixed to the panel, and a second zipper tape is secured between the two layers of the trim piece such that the pocket is in communication with an incised opening in the panel is provided. The panel may be secured between the two layers of the trim piece at a first edge (22), and the incised opening (24) may be formed proximate to the first edge such that the article comprises a pocket presented proximate to the trim piece. The present invention further comprises a method of manufacturing the article including a pocket presented proximate to the trim piece.

05-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002826521C

A garment for neuro-musculo-skeletal assistance comprising a body (2) of the garment provided with elasticity and intended to be worn by a user to adhere to a portion of the user's body and an elastic and continuous framework (5) on the body of the garment and comprising a plurality of anchoring portions (10) and a plurality of active portions (20; 30; 40; 50), each intended to coincide with respective sectors of the user's body, where the framework is structured so that, when the garment is worn by the user and the latter carries out a motor activity, the active portions deform themselves following the deformation of the respective sectors of the user's body and the anchoring portions remain substantially unchanged.

10-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002878661C

Systems and methods of integrate dynamic materials into articles for adjustable physical characteristics (e.g., aesthetic, functional). For example, in response to a human's body heat, a dynamic material may change shape to allow additional permeability in an article of clothing. Similarly, in response to the presence of moisture, an article of clothing may close a vent to prevent the introduction of rain into an internal portion of the article. The shape changing material may change shape that merely affects a feature formed by the shape changing material. The shape changing material may change shape that affects a geometric structure of the article as a whole (e.g., protrusions, dimples, vents, etc.).

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002860541A1

Outerwear garment systems are disclosed having separate components that provide protection from environmental conditions and easy access to protective equipment and accessories for military and non-military uses.

31-05-1933 дата публикации

Kleidungsstück für Männer und Knaben.

Номер: CH0000161826A

15-09-1931 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000149378A

30-09-1898 дата публикации

Article of clothing with clock

Номер: CH0000016084A

30-11-1942 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Verbinden von Hose und Hemdbluse.

Номер: CH0000224422A

28-12-1973 дата публикации

Pullover mit einer ausweitbaren Halsöffnung

Номер: CH0000543862A

31-10-1965 дата публикации

Kleidungsstück und Verfahren zur Herstellung desselben

Номер: CH0000400962A

30-04-1986 дата публикации

Upper body garment construction

Номер: CH0000655430B

29-01-2016 дата публикации

Cleaning Garment.

Номер: CH0000709916A2

Das erfindungsgemässe Kleidungsstück ist gekennzeichnet durch ein flächig in einer Oberfläche integriertes Reinigungstuch (39) zum Abwischen einer Oberfläche. Ist das Kleidungsstück als Krawatte (30) ausgebildet, kann das Reinigungstuch (39) an der Krawattenspitze (33), rückwärtig zur dekorativen Aussenfläche (37), angeordnet werden.

12-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000121310C2

06-11-2018 дата публикации

Preparation method of burnt-out lace jeans wear

Номер: CN0108754779A

29-10-1976 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002148403B1

16-11-1979 дата публикации

Mfg. garment without sectional patterns - from rectangle or square of cloth cut, folded and sewn

Номер: FR0002423172A1

30-10-1998 дата публикации

Garment or undergarment with self-contained prosthesis

Номер: FR0002762482A1

L'invention concerne des vêtements et sous-vêtements pour prothèses, comportant un tissu extérieur ou intérieur cousu ou rendu solidaire, intégré à toute sorte de vêtements pour leur donner une forme, une texture et une chaleur équivalentes à celles du corps humain.

23-11-1973 дата публикации

Garment - in which the lining material is applied to the panels before they are assembled

Номер: FR0002179593A1

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180047833A

A vibration module for a wearable suit is disclosed. According to the present invention, a vibration module for a wearable suit which is mounted on a wearable suit (10) and provides vibration to a user wearing the wearable suit (10). The vibration module includes a vibration motor (110) that eccentrically arranges a weight (112) on a drive shaft (111), and generates a vibration by rotating; a case (120) having an internal space (121) in which the vibration motor (110) is received and vibrates; and a vibration adjusting means (130) which is separated by a predetermined distance along the circumference of the case (120), is inserted into the case part (120), presses the outer surface of the vibration motor (110) and adjusts the vibration amplification of the vibration motor (110). COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 ...

17-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020130137661A

18-09-1972 дата публикации

Garments - formed by moulding thermoplastic-contg knitted hose

Номер: BE784158A

The knitted tubular hose contains >=30% thermoplastic yarn (e.g. polyester, nylon) and is positioned over a former having pref. a circumference less than that of the hose. The hose is then stretched longitudinally so that it contracts radially and takes the shape of the former and the thermoplastic yarn in heat set so that the hose takes the shape of the former. Subsequently the hose in cooled. For difficult shapes e.g. collars of dresses, or trousers, auxiliary clamps or presser elements may be used to maintain the hose against the former. Cost of production of knitted garments is reduced.

01-01-2020 дата публикации

Smart clothing, smart wearable device and smart wearable combination

Номер: TWM588447U

26-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: SI2892374T1

09-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007089848A3

A method of manufacturing a garment is provided that includes applying an adhesive layer to a first ply and/or a second ply in a first amount in a first zone where structural support is desired and in a second amount in a second zone where breathability is desired; arranging the first and second plies with respect to one another so that the adhesive layer is therebetween; and activating the adhesive layer to secure the first and second plies to one another.

04-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO2002051269A1

The invention relates to garments made of a natural material based textile which are made of twist beam threads and weft threads. The garment comprises operating and decorative components which are connected by means of sewing lines. Said sewing lines are embodied with the aid of a double chain stitch basting machine. The garment is embodied with the aid of copper threads which are arranged between the lines and fixed when the cloth elements are sewn. The thickness of said copper threads ranges from 0.05 to 02 mm. The embodiment of a garment with the aid of copper threads promotes vital human processes and improves the performance characteristics of the article.

27-02-1979 дата публикации

Wash-and-wear coat

Номер: US0004141082A1
Принадлежит: Toray Textiles Inc.

Disclosed is a wash-and-wear coat which comprises outer cloths, lining cloths, interlining cloths and sewing threads all of which exhibit very small shrinkage of 1% or less after laundering, the interlining cloths bonded to the outer cloths having a high peeling strength of at least 400 g/cm2 after the first time of laundering and the lining cloths having a proper air permeability of from 100 to 300 ml/cm2 /second. The coat can be provided with a pocket located in the back part lining cloth of the coat which is capable of containing therein the coat itself.

08-02-2022 дата публикации

Article of apparel

Номер: US0011241050B2
Принадлежит: UNDER ARMOUR, INC.

The present invention is directed toward an article of apparel effective to regulate the temperature of the wearer. In an embodiment, the article of apparel includes a base textile with a thermal regulation membrane. The thermal regulation membrane contains a plurality of system-reactive components selectively engaged heat and/or moisture. In an embodiment, the printed coating includes a cooling agent, a phase change material, and a heat dissipation material. In operation, the article of apparel is effective to delay/diminish the rise in skin temperature (compared to a garment lacking the membrane), increasing wearer comfort.

15-02-2005 дата публикации

Reusable, launderable water-soluble coveralls

Номер: US0006854135B2

The present invention is directed to reusable, launderable water-soluble coveralls.

18-08-1992 дата публикации

Portable sanitary garment

Номер: US5138715A

A cloak-like garment having artificial sleeves and hands provided thereon so that when the garment is worn by a person having his arms and hands inside the garment there is an illusion of a person wearing a conventional sleeved garment with his arms and hands outside the body of the garment.

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190180578A1

The present disclosure relates to a receiving apparatus and method, a transmitting apparatus and method, and a program, which can vibrate a device in a specific area of a receiving area. An example, in which users wearing respective wearable receiving apparatuses are freely moving in the receiving area, is shown. A directional transmitting device unit transmits an area designation signal, and the reachable range of the signal is shown as a beam irradiation area. Only the user in the beam irradiation area receives the area designation signal transmitted by the directional transmitting device unit. The present disclosure can be applied to, for example, a video projection system that vibrates a receiving apparatus by transmission and reception of a directional wireless signal in the specific area where the video is projected.

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150352988A1
Автор: Travis Lyn KNAPP

The head and neck support system includes a pair of rods, a frame having an upper portion and a lower portion, and a pad having an attachment device, a first surface and a second surface. The pad wraps around the frame so as to form a loop to hold the head of a user against the second surface. The pad can have an eye mask or face mask section for a resting or sleeping position for the user. The lower portion of the frame is aligned with the back of the user so that the weight of the user stabilizes the frame. The rods connect the lower portion and the upper portion of the frame so that stabilization from the back of the user supports the pad and head of the user.

26-10-2005 дата публикации

Modular clothing system

Номер: EP0001588638A1

The structure has shoulder straps (A2, A3) extending from a necklet zone (A1) towards a body base while rejoining at the level of a waistline (A6) in order to surround shoulders in a loop closing at the level of the waistline, above right and left hips. Reception zones of bases permit to receive adornment modules. The structure permits to balance and distribute masses at the level of human body using trunk receiving zones such as neck.

24-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: EP0000891252B1
Автор: BEIGE, Marc, KEARNS, John
Принадлежит: Rubie's Costume Co., Inc.

25-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2639964C2
Принадлежит: НАЙК ИННОВЭЙТ С.В. (US)

Аспекты данного изобретения относятся к системам и способам введения динамических материалов в изделия как единого целого с этими изделиями для достижения регулируемых физических характеристик (например, эстетических, функциональных). Например, в ответ на тепло человеческого тела, динамический материал может изменять форму, чтобы обеспечить дополнительную проницаемость или полость в предмете одежды. Аналогично, в ответ на присутствие влаги, предмет одежды может закрывать вентиляционный проем, предотвращая проникновение дождя во внутреннюю часть этого предмета. Материал с изменением формы может изменять форму, оказывая влияние лишь на конструктивный элемент, выполненный из материала с изменением формы. Кроме того, предполагается, что материал с изменением формы может изменять форму, оказывая влияние на геометрическую структуру изделия в целом (например, на выступы, впадины, вентиляционные проемы и т.д.). 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 50 ил.

09-09-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2826416C1

Предмет поясной одежды и комплект поясов для него относится к легкой промышленности, а именно к предметам верхней одежды, в частности к поясной одежде. Предмет поясной одежды, включающий полотнища, и пояс-кулиску, имеющий на внешней стороне отверстия, и пояс, вставленный в пояс-кулиску, имеет второй пояс в комплект к имеющемуся, при этом каждый пояс имеет один свободный конец, а каждый другой конец имеет ответные части одной двухкомпонентной застежки, пояс-кулиска имеет две пары отверстий, верхнюю и нижнюю, в пояс-кулиску через отверстия продет комплект поясов так, что из одной пары отверстий выходят свободные концы поясов, а из другой пары отверстий выходят концы с ответными частями одной двухкомпонентной застежки, при этом концы двухкомпонентной застежки скреплены, а свободные концы завязаны в развязываемый узел, концы каждого из поясов выходят в отверстия пар с противоположных сторон в застегнутом виде. Достигается возможность корректировать степень прилегания пояса-кулиски к телу пользователя ...

12-07-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2822796C1

Изобретение относится к легкой промышленности, а именно к конструкции одежды, которая регулирует тепловой баланс тела человека в различных условиях эксплуатации, в особенности для использования в холодное время года и межсезонье. Технический результат заявленного изобретения заключается в обеспечении баланса одежды между передачей тепла от тела человека во внешнюю среду и его производительностью. Комплект термобелья содержит плечевой и поясной элементы одежды, при этом плечевой элемент выполнен в виде джемпера, а поясной в виде леггинсов. Джемпер выполнен прилегающим, имеет длинный рукав покроя реглан и округлую горловину, обработанную обтачкой, причем рукава выполнены более плотной вязки, чем перед и спинка джемпера. Леггинсы выполнены прилегающими, с длинными штанинами, причем штанины выполнены более плотной вязки, чем леггинсы в верхней части передней и задней половинок. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

12-07-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2822791C1

Изобретение относится к легкой промышленности, а именно к конструкции одежды, которая регулирует тепловой баланс тела человека в различных условиях эксплуатации, в особенности для занятий спортом, прогулок и отдыха. Технический результат заявленного изобретения заключается в обеспечении баланса одежды между передачей тепла от тела человека во внешнюю среду и его производительностью. Костюм спортивный содержит плечевой и поясной элементы одежды, при этом плечевой элемент выполнен в виде джемпера, а поясной в виде брюк. Джемпер имеет втачной длинный рукав, выполненный из более плотного материала с манжетой снизу, горловина округлая с окантовкой, джемпер включает перед и спинку, выполненные из менее плотного материала. Брюки выполнены длинными, с поясом с притачной эластичной тесьмой, а также брючинами, выполненными из более плотного материала с манжетами снизу, при этом в верхней части брюк передняя и задняя половинка выполнены из менее плотного материала. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

03-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2668860C1

Настоящее изобретение может быть использовано в обтягивающей одежде, и в частности в гидрокостюмах мокрого типа для водных видов спорта. Предложена эластичная расширяющаяся вставка для одежды, в которой используются расширяющиеся камеры и элемент впуска и выпуска жидкости или газа внутрь камер. При впуске жидкости или газа происходит увеличение давления в расширяющихся камерах, что приводит к расширению вставки в одном направлении и позволяет увеличить размер элементов обтягивающей одежды во время одевания и снятия. После выпуска жидкости или газа вставка возвращается в исходное состояние. Технический результат заключается в облегчении и ускорении одевания и снятия обтягивающей одежды. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

16-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2778222C1

Предлагаемое изобретение относится к легкой промышленности, а именно к комплектам одежды, и может быть использовано для занятий спортом и активного отдыха. Комплект спортивной одежды, свитер и брюки, выполнен из трикотажа. Свитер имеет длинный рукав, а брюки выполнены длинными. Свитер выполнен прямым полуприлегающим, с напуском по длине по низу, а рукава свитера выполнены втачными одношовными. Рукава дополнительно обработаны манжетами, а низ свитера - поясом. Горловина обработана притачным воротом и снабжена втачной молнией спереди. Ворот, манжеты и пояс свитера выполнены из трикотажного полотна РИБ и имеют горизонтальную контрастную декоративную полосу. Передняя полочка свитера снабжена контрастным накладным декором в виде букв. Брюки прямые полуприлегающие, со стрелками. Боковые швы брюк снабжены втачными карманами. Брюки снабжены контрастными лампасами по всей длине и притачным поясом-резинкой и тесьмой-завязкой внутри. Тесьма-завязка выполнена контрастным цветом по отношению к комплекту ...

28-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2689614C1

Изобретение относится к швейной промышленности, а именно к предмету верхней одежды для людей с ограниченными двигательными возможностями. Технический результат заключается в расширении функциональности верхней одежды для инвалидов-колясочников и достигается за счет того, что в шаговых швах нижней части (низ) полукомбинезона, имеющего крой, повторяющий форму тела сидящего человека, которая представляет собой брюки, состоящие из передних и задних половинок, соединенных по боковым, шаговым и среднему срезам, и выполненные разъемными по боковым швам, установлена одна разъемная двухзамковая молния для трансформации брюк в закрывающее обе ноги полотнище и обратно. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU166649U1

Мешок для ног для людей с ограниченными двигательными возможностями, состоящий из деталей верха, пяточной части и подошвы, ребер жесткости, многослойных пакетов деталей пяточной части и подошвы, верхней кулиски по верхнему краю и нижней кулиски в области щиколоток с двумя лентами - регуляторами плотности прижима с застежками «велькро» на концах, с двумя текстильными лентами с петлями-захватами, съемной меховой подкладки, крепящейся к мешку застежкой «велькро».

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Рукав фрака для выездки

Номер: RU179591U1

Полезная модель относится к швейной промышленности, а именно к спортивной одежде.Техническая проблема, решаемая данной полезной моделью, состоит в создании рукава фрака для выездки, исключающего стеснение движения наездника за счет конструкции рукава, при которой рукав при расположении рук в согнутом локтевом суставе не образует складки по линии локтя с внутренней стороны рукава и не создает натяжение с внешней стороны по всей длине рукава.Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что рукав фрака для выездки, выполненный в виде втачного двухшовного рукава классической формы, получен на основе исходной модельной конструкции втачного двухшовного рукава, состоящей из верхней и нижней частей, путем смещения вершины переднего и заднего срезов верхней части рукава на 4 см в сторону вершины оката рукава по линии оката рукава, смещения линии переднего среза верхней части рукава на 6 см влево по линии локтя с оформлением линии переднего среза вогнутой, на отрезке от вершины до линии локтя с величиной ...

21-12-2018 дата публикации

Мешок для ног в инвалидную коляску

Номер: RU185890U1

Полезная модель относится к легкой промышленности, предназначена для людей с ограниченными двигательными возможностями, передвигающихся в инвалидных колясках.Технической задачей и техническим результатом заявляемой полезной модели является исключение смещения мешка относительно коляски и, соответственно, ног инвалида, с подставки для ног инвалидной коляски, что снижается вероятность выворачивания стоп у неподвижного человека в инвалидной коляске за счет правильного позиционирования ног инвалида.Указанная задача и технический результат достигаются тем, что мешок для ног в инвалидную коляску состоит из деталей верха, подошвы, многослойных пакетов деталей в носочной и пяточной частях и подошве, ребер жесткости в швах соединения деталей, причем по задней поверхности устройства симметрично на участке голени вставлены в швы две петли с застежками на концах для крепления к конструктивным деталям коляски, подошва усилена дополнительной внешней деталью из материала с протектором.

22-06-2018 дата публикации

Брюки для мужчин с ограниченными двигательными возможностями

Номер: RU180797U1

Полезная модель относится к легкой промышленности, в частности к специализированной адаптационной одежде для мужчин с ограниченными двигательными возможностями, передвигающихся в инвалидном кресле-коляске. Брюки повышенной комфортности предназначены для эксплуатации в помещении и на улице потребителями всех возрастных групп. Брюки прямые, умеренной ширины, передние части которых, содержащие верхнюю и нижнюю деталь, соединенные сшиванием на уровне середины бедра, выполнены с тремя вытачками у бокового и тремя у шаговых швов на уровне колена, задние части выполнены с тремя боковыми вытачками. Верхние срезы задних частей брюк к шву сидения завышены, а верхние срезы передних частей к среднему шву занижены, боковая часть цельновыкроенного пояса выполнена с вложением эластичной тесьмы, а его задняя часть снабжена прямоугольной спинкой с бретелями, внутрь которых вложена эластичная лента. Передняя и задняя части брюк выполнены с цельновыкроенной ластовицей, расположенной в нижней части средних ...

10-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2173075C1
Автор: Буряк Д.А.

Изобретение относится к швейной промышленности. Швейное изделие содержит выполненные из ткани элементы одежды, в котором отдельные элементы одежды соединены швейными строчками, выполненными с помощью двухигольной швейной машины цепного стежка. Изделие выполнено с медными нитями толщиной 0,05 - 0,2 мм, проложенными между строчками, выполненными на двухигольной машине цепного стежка, и закрепленными при сострачивании отдельных элементов одежды. Количество медных нитей составляет 0,8 - 2,8% от общей массы ткани при поверхностной плотности ткани 120 - 380 г/м2. Швейное изделие может быть выполнено в виде джинсов, юбок, жилетов, курток. Медная нить проложена при притачивании пояса к изделию на двухигльной швейной машине цепного стежка по всей длине пояса и фиксирована при закреплении концов пояса, при притачивании воротника к изделию на двухигольной машине цепного стежка и фиксирована при закреплении воротника. Медные нити выполнены в виде полимерных нитей, покрытых медной оболочкой, или в виде ...

27-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013142695A

... 1. Предмет одежды, содержащий:корпус (2) предмета одежды, имеющий эластичные свойства и предназначенный для надевания пользователем для сцепления с частью его тела;непрерывный и эластичный каркас (5), выполненный на указанном корпусе предмета одежды и содержащий группу крепежных элементов (10) и группу активных элементов (20, 30, 40, 50), каждый из которых предназначен для совмещения с соответствующими участками тела пользователя; при этом указанный каркас выполнен таким образом, что когда предмет одежды надет на пользователя, то при наличии двигательной активности пользователя активные элементы (20, 30, 40, 50) деформируются вслед за деформациями соответствующих участков тела пользователя, а крепежные элементы (10) остаются по существу неизменными; при этом каркас изготовлен с использованием полимера, расположен на внутренней стороне корпуса (2) предмета (1) одежды и находится в непосредственном контакте с кожей пользователя; отличающийся тем, что корпус предмета одежды содержит участки ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011149775A

... 1. Цельный предмет (10) одежды для закрывания верхней и нижней части туловища носителя (30), содержащий:а) перед (12) и спинку (14) с ягодичной частью (16);б) правую сторону (17) и левую сторону (18);в) область (20) талии;г) по меньшей мере одно застегивающее устройство (21) с концевой частью (23) и начальной частью (25);д) причем по меньшей мере одно застегивающее устройство расположено с боков вдоль правой стороны (17) и левой стороны (18) таким образом, что по меньшей мере концевая часть (23) расположена в переде (12), обеспечивая возможность расстегивания ягодичной части (16).2. Предмет одежды по п.1, в котором по меньшей мере одно застегивающее устройство содержит:а) первое застегивающее устройство (26), расположенное сбоку вокруг левой стороны (18) между передом (12) и спинкой (14); иб) второе застегивающее устройство (28), расположенное сбоку вокруг правой стороны (17) между передом (12) и спинкой (14);в) причем концевые части (23А, 23В) первого застегивающего устройства (26) и второго ...

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005121270A

... 1. Способ защиты человека от радиоактивного материала, создаваемого в ядерной промышленности, включающий следующие этапы: закрывают по меньшей мере часть тела человека (i) выполненным с возможностью повторного использования и стирки водорастворимым комбинезоном, или (ii) водорастворимой пижамой, при этом и (i) выполненный с возможностью повторного использования и стирки водорастворимый комбинезон, и (ii) водорастворимая пижама содержат водорастворимую ткань, выполненную из водорастворимых волокон, и подвергают человека и (i) выполненный с возможностью повторного использования и стирки водорастворимый комбинезон или (ii) водорастворимую пижаму воздействию со стороны среды, содержащей радиоактивный материал, создаваемый в ядерной промышленности. 2. Способ по п.1, который дополнительный включает этап закрытия по меньшей мере части тела человека пижамой, причем пижама содержит по меньшей мере 50 вес.ч. водорастворимых волокон от общего веса водорастворимой пижамы. 3. Способ по п.1, который ...

10-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007121144A
Автор: ХУД Тони (US)

... 1. Устройство одежды, содержащее переднюю часть, имеющую внутреннюю сторону и наружную сторону, площадь поверхности, верхнюю кромку с левой и правой стороной, нижнюю кромку, по меньшей мере две боковые кромки и по меньшей мере один закрепленный на ней карман; изаднюю часть, имеющую внутреннюю сторону, наружную сторону, площадь поверхности, правую кромку, левую кромку, верхнюю кромку с правой и левой стороной, нижнюю кромку и имеющую по меньшей мере один закрепленный на ней карман, который покрывает от около 1 до 50% площади поверхности задней части и примыкает преимущественно к верхней половине задней части;при этом передняя и задняя части соединены так, что правая и левая стороны верхней кромки передней части соединены смежно с правой и левой половинами верхней кромки задней части, оставляя отверстие между ними.2. Устройство одежды, содержащее переднюю часть, имеющую внутреннюю сторону и наружную сторону, площадь поверхности, разделенную на правую и левую половины, причем каждая половина ...

30-01-2008 дата публикации

Hand held object and handling labels

Номер: GB0000724624D0

01-03-2017 дата публикации

Male enhance top

Номер: GB0002541652A

An aesthetic figure and muscle enhancing upper body garment comprising one or more compression regions and one or more padded regions; wherein the garment is configured to provide the wearer with the appearance of an enhanced masculine physique. The compression regions will preferably be arranged to reduce the appearance of excessive body fat in typical problem areas that include the waist, breast and stomach areas. The padded regions will preferably be arranged to enhance the appearance of the main upper body muscle groups which include the Pectoralis Major, Deltoids, Biceps and Triceps muscle groups. The main garment will consist of a knitted fabric in which the said compression and padded regions will be arranged. The shaped pads will preferably be removable and are arranged within pockets located on the garment.

30-07-2008 дата публикации

Exercise garment

Номер: GB0002445915A

Exercise clothing comprises a garment having a plurality of integrated bands running directly over the major muscles in a continuous flow. A band 1, 2 runs from the inside of each wrist, up each arm, diagonally across the chest to the front of each opposite ankle and another band 3, 4 runs from the outside of each wrist, up the back of each arm, diagonally across the back and then down the back of each leg. The bands may encircle the knees and the elbows. There may be an additional two bands 5, 6 each running vertically down from each armpit to the corresponding ankle. There may also be a band 7 running from the inside of one ankle vertically up one leg and to the crotch region and then vertically down the other leg to the inside ankle. The bands may be elastic restrictor bands. The garment may be a one piece suit or comprised of separate trousers and top which are joined at the waist by means of a fastening such as hook and loop tapes.

05-03-2008 дата публикации

Hand held object and handling labels

Номер: GB0002441473A

A hand manipulated object (2) is provided on which a handling instruction (6,8) comprising a handle (60) and a representation of a hand (64) is applied at a location on the object (2) where the object (2) is to be handled so as to facilitate use of the object (2). Also provided is a label (10,12) suitable to be applied at a location on an object (2) for facilitating use of such an object (2), wherein the label (10,12) comprises a handling instruction (6,8) comprising a handle (60) and a representation of a hand (64) which instruction is representative of a handling action at an associated object (2) location for the label (10,12).

17-06-2009 дата публикации

Garment and label

Номер: GB2455435A

A garment 120,130, has a label 124, 134 with an image of a hand upon it, applied at a location on the garment 120, 130, where it is to be handled so as to facilitate dressing in the garment.

06-01-2010 дата публикации

UV-transparent fabric or garment, their method of manufacture and its use in combating vitamin D deficiency

Номер: GB0002461488A

A garment comprising UV-transparent material is described for use in the treatment or prevention of Vitamin D deficiency. The garment may be suitable to be worn as a part of traditional Muslim clothing, for example as a part of the hijab. The wearing of such a garment may reduce the risk of Vitamin D deficiency in veiled Muslim women.

25-03-2020 дата публикации

Electronics arrangement of a wearable article

Номер: GB0202001803D0

13-10-1910 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Body Garments.

Номер: GB0191012901A

... 12,901. Davies, C. W. T. May 27. Fastening wearing-apparel.-Body garments are detachably joined together by a laterally extending member allowing a limited free movement between the garments. In the arrangement shown in Fig. 1, a cord 1, preferably of cat-gut, is threaded through the inner ply of a waistcoat The cord may be drawn out at one or more points into loops 2, which engage with buttons on the other garments. In a modification shown in Fig. 3, the laterally extending member consists of a piece of flexible material 3 provided with a number of horizontally extending button-holes 4, one of which engages' with one of the trouser buttons. In a further modification, the button - holes may extend vertically in the flap 3. In a modification shown in Fig. 5, the member consists of a frame 7 having a number of holes 8. one of which engages with one of the trouser buttons; in another modification, the member is made of a strip of wire bent to form a series of loops: ...

24-05-2017 дата публикации

A wearable article and a method for producing a wearable article

Номер: GB0002544481A

The invention provides a glove 9, formed of an elastomeric material and having a surface 12, wherein a stabilized probiotic 11 is provided on a part of the surface forming an active layer, and the part of the surface contacts the skin of the wearer 10. The invention also describes a wearable article, a method for producing an elastomeric glove, and a method for producing a wearable article. The probiotic bacteria may be provided across the whole surface of the article, preferably the probiotics used are microorganisms that make up part of a normal persons skin flora. The probiotics may be encapsulated within vesicles which burst when in contact with the skin of the user. The active probiotic layer may be in the form of a powder, a fluid, cream or gel and may be sprayed onto the surface using one or more spray guns.

14-08-2019 дата публикации

Transformable costume

Номер: GB0002570947A

In a first aspect a transformable costume component 10 includes a body covering front portion and at least one sleeve portion extending therefrom, the sleeve portion including a first surface and a reverse or underlying second surface, where the first surface is displayed in a rolled-up position of the sleeve portion (fig. 1A) and displays a first look 21, where the second surface is displayed in a rolled-down position (fig. 1B) of the sleeve portion and displays a second look 22, 24, and where the first look is distinct from the second look. In a second aspect the sleeve instead comprises a flap (23-24, fig. 3) forming a first look when the flap is closed and a second look when the flap is open (fig. 3). An accessory (26, fig. 3) might be located inside the flap or sleeve. The sleeve or flap allows the fancy dress costume to be converted from a first outfit to a second outfit.

17-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201016630D0

10-02-1972 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of an article of clothing

Номер: AT0000296183B

15-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000421259T

19-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000194693U1

Полезная модель относится к области обеспечения жизненных потребностей человека, а именно к области индивидуальных средств защиты тела человека от холода для работы на производстве и производственных объектах, а так же в торговых сетях при пониженных температурах и направлена на обеспечение безопасной работы человека на производстве при регулировании размера жилета. Жилет состоит из грудной секции, состоящей из левой 1 и правой 2 полочек, и спинной секции 3. На полочках 1 и 2 закреплен элемент фиксации их взаимного положения, выполненный в виде застежки молнии 4. Полочки 1 и 2 соединены со спинной секцией плечевыми швами. В боках жилета пришиты вставки 5 с перфорированными резинками 6, продетыми в кулисы 7, застегивающимися на пуговицы 8 с изнаночной стороны. В каждом боку имеются верхняя и нижняя кулисы 7 с продетыми перфорированными резинками 6, благодаря которым осуществляется регулирование объема груди и объема бедер. Срезы передних полочек 1 и 2, спинной секции 3 по вертикали и горизонтали и вертикальные срезы боковых вставок 5 обработаны окантовочной тесьмой 9. Жилет выполнен с воротником 10. Жилет выполнен трехслойным: верх - плащевая ткань, утеплитель и подкладочная ткань. Благодаря перфорированным резинкам жилет получается многомерным. Размерный ряд жилета делится на два вида: маленький на 40-50 размеры и большой на 52-64 размеры. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 194 693 U1 (51) МПК A41D 13/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A41D 13/00 (2019.08); A41D 11/00 (2019.08); A41D 1/00 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019135259, 01.11.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Сабирова Ирина Владимировна (RU) Дата регистрации: 19.12.2019 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 01.11.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 19.12.2019 Бюл. № 35 1 9 4 6 9 3 R U (54) ЖИЛЕТ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области обеспечения жизненных ...

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Electrically active textiles, articles made therefrom, and associated methods

Номер: US20120030935A1
Принадлежит: Infoscitex Corp

A method of making articles from electrically active textiles. First and second fabric pieces include conductors therein. A seam is established between the first and second fabric pieces. A determination is made, at the seam, based on one or more predetermined factors, which conductors of the first fabric piece intersect or overlap with which conductors of the second fabric piece. At the seam, an electrical and mechanical connection is formed between select conductors of the first fabric piece and select conductors of the second fabric piece.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

One-Piece Article of Clothing

Номер: US20120073028A1
Автор: Anita Knopik
Принадлежит: WL Gore and Associates GmbH

A one-piece article of clothing having a front part, a back part containing a seat region, a right- and left-hand side, a waist region, and at least one closing device is provided. The closing device(s) may be positioned laterally along the right- and left-hand sides of the garment such that the end portion of the closing device is positioned in the front part to permit the seat region to be opened. In at least one exemplary embodiment, the article contains two closing devices whereby end portions of the two closing devices are positioned in the front part and beginning portions of the two closing devices are positioned facing each other in the back part to enable the opening of the seat region. The article may also have at least one stretching zone and at least one elastic component. In one exemplary embodiment, the article is utilized as cycling bib pants.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Freely cuttable garment

Номер: US20120167635A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A freely cuttable garment is provided. The freely cuttable garment is capable of being cut by a consumer into any design shape for use. The garment is formed of a fray-preventing knitted fabric woven with heat-welding elastic yarn. Sizes of opening parts of the neck, side, and bottom of the garment are smaller than those of a standard product; a total length and sleeve length of the garment are larger than those of the standard product; and a body width, cuff, waist, and lower bottom edge of the garment are equal to those of the standard product. The garment can be cut into any design shape and can be used with the opening parts left cut-off.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Apparel with Reduced Drag Coefficient

Номер: US20120192334A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

An athletic garment including a panel designed to reduce frictional and pressure drag around an appendage of an athlete competing in a high-speed event, such as running and cycling. The panel is positioned to encircle the appendage, and is provided with regions having different surface texture roughnesses. The leading edge of the panel includes texture designed to enhance the laminar boundary layer, while the adjacent portion of the panel includes texture intended to trip the boundary layer to turbulent flow. The drag-reducing panel may be the cuff of a sock, a sleeve, wristband, a headband, or the like.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Garment with Integrated Earphones

Номер: US20120201412A1
Автор: Antonio Del Prete
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention is a garment with an integrated earphone, headset, and wire. The wire allows an audio signal to travel from an electronic device at one end of the wire to the earphone or earphones, and/or a microphone at the other end of the wire. The wire, or wires, is preferably permanently sewn into the seams of the garment. The earphone may be retractable and/or kept in a small pocket near the collar of the garment to limit the movement of the earphone when it is not being actively used. The integrated earphone and microphone are preferably machine washable and dryable along with the garment with which they are integrated.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Interactive point of purchase system

Номер: US20120204307A1

The system includes a garment having a series of electronic components affixed to a new or existing panel of said garment, which garment includes a flexible video display screen mounted on a portion of the garment outer surface and may contain a series of video cameras, communication systems, audio and video input and output devices, computer chips and transmission devices. A power generation system affixed to the garment or garment panel supplies the energy for its display.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Covering Body Parts

Номер: US20120211012A1
Автор: Andrea Niemiec
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and apparatus for covering body parts. Body part covers may be pre-shaped and pre-sized to cover various parts of one's body, or may be fabricated in a generic shape, and cut by the user to a custom shape of the user's choice. Body part covers may also include lettering on one or more surfaces of the body part cover. The lettering may be implemented as text, words, abbreviations, messages, symbols, graphics, designs, phrases and the like. The body part cover may also include an additive such as a scent or fragrance, for example, or may be implemented as scented or unscented copulins or pheromones.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Thermoelectric Textile

Номер: US20120227778A1
Автор: Vladimir Leonov

Disclosed are thermoelectric systems and methods for manufacturing thermoelectric systems. In one embodiment, a thermoelectric system include a flexible structure and at least one thermocouple unit integrated in or attached to the flexible structure, where each thermocouple unit comprises at least one thermocouple and at least one flexible radiator element thermally connected to a first end of the at least one thermocouple. In another embodiment, a method includes providing a flexible structure, forming at least one thermocouple unit comprising at least one thermocouple and at least one flexible radiator element thermally connected to a first end of the at least one thermocouple, and integrating the at least one thermocouple unit in or attaching the at least one thermocouple unit to the flexible structure.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Article of clothing having personalized indicia and method of producing the same

Номер: US20120304358A1
Автор: Matthew Paas
Принадлежит: Individual

An article of clothing having personalized indicia pertaining to the travel history of an individual including: an article of clothing having an inner surface and an outer surface, wherein the outer surface includes an area adapted to contain at least one personalized indicia; and one or more personalized indicia associated with the first area, wherein the personalized indicia correspond to locations traveled to or on by the individual, and further wherein the personalized indicia operate to change the appearance of the article of clothing relative to the same without the personalized indicia.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Wearable Safety/Carrying Device

Номер: US20120311761A1
Автор: Chris Luginbuhl
Принадлежит: Individual

A wearable carrying device for a cell phone or similar object is easily worn and includes various safety advantages for the wearer. An elongated band has opposed ends and opposed sides and a pocket is attached to the band. The band can be secured to the arm or other parts of the body in a tight-fit relationship. A reflective strip is disposed at one side of the band and extends longitudinally along the band.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Thermal footwear system

Номер: US20120311885A1
Автор: Wylie Moreshead
Принадлежит: KINAPTIC LLC

The Thermal Footwear System includes an energy storage section adapted to store electrical energy and an energy release section electrically coupled to the energy storage section, configured to receive electrical energy from the energy storage section and utilize the electrical energy for production of thermal energy without requiring the use of energy overhead elements which cause expenditure of energy for other than heat generation. The Thermal Footwear System also provides for an energy storage section and a self-regulating energy release section printed on a substrate that can be physically separate and still remain electrically coupled. The energy release section typically comprises a multilayer device that consists of an active thermal element with a wide resistive range generating the thermal output, a thermally conductive guidance layer evenly distributing the generated heat over a predetermined area, and a thermally insulating impedance layer reducing the loss of generated heat to the ambient environment.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Shape changing material

Номер: US20120324616A1
Принадлежит: SEARETE LLC

An apparatus may be configured with one or more sensors arranged to detect a first shape-related parameter, one or more control elements arranged to provide a force, and circuitry operably connected to the one or more sensors and the one or more control elements to determine the force provided to the one or more control elements.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Infant hip joint positioning device and associated methods

Номер: US20130023810A1
Принадлежит: HALO Innovations Inc

A device and method are provided for positioning an infant's hips, and for maintaining the hip joint in a physiological position, during early months of life. The hip-positioning device includes a flexible base having a pair of opposed, outwardly extending side portions. The side portions are dimensioned for supporting thighs of an infant at an acute angle greater than zero relative to a dorsal plane of the infant, with knees of the infant in a flexed position. The base further has a downwardly extending, generally central portion that is adapted for positioning between the infant thighs and dimensioned for retaining the infant thighs in an abducted position. The device additionally includes an element for retaining the base on the infant.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Tactical Vest

Номер: US20130025021A1
Автор: A. Vernon Wright
Принадлежит: Individual

A tactical vest can comprise a body garment, a solar collector mounted on the body garment, and a power interface coupled to the solar collector operable to store power collected from the solar collector and distribute power to rechargeable devices that can be connected to the power interface.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130067630A1
Автор: FRENCH Jared, FRENCH Jay

A garment pocket configured to carry, in a concealed and readily-accessible state, a handgun or other object is disclosed. The garment pocket is configured to be folded to yield and maintain at least one additional configuration. The garment pocket can be folded to assume and maintain either a first folded configuration, or a second folded configuration. The garment pocket in the first folded configuration is suitable for carrying, in an ergonomic position, a handgun having, for example, a medium-to-long barrel portion, whereas the garment pocket in the second folded configuration is suitable for carrying, in an ergonomic position, a handgun having, for example, a relatively short barrel portion. 1. A pocket for a garment comprising:a first portion;a second portion attached to the first portion to form a partially-enclosed space, the second portion comprising a continuous exterior surface opposite the partially-enclosed space, the partially-enclosed space comprising a region; an inner edge disposed proximate to an inseam of the garment;', 'a base edge extending from the inner edge; and', 'a seam connecting the first portion and the second portion, the seam extending from the base edge in a direction substantially parallel to the inner edge, the seam being disposed in the partially-enclosed space and being configured and disposed to aid in orienting an object in the region; and, 'the region comprising a partially-enclosed subspace, the partially-enclosed subspace partially defined by'}an anti-telegraphing device positioned on the exterior surface of the second portion to mediate contact between the second portion and the garment.2. The pocket of wherein the anti-telegraphing device comprises a sheet of flexible material.3. The pocket of wherein the sheet of flexible material comprises a resilient polymeric material.4. The pocket of wherein the anti-telegraphing device comprises at least one retaining device.5. The pocket of wherein the at least one retaining device ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130097764A1
Автор: Michel Joyce

Articles of clothing that incorporate fabrics or chemicals having wicking, antibacterial/antifungal and low coefficients of friction either overall or in specific areas of the apparel that will minimize the development of irritation, bacterial and fungal infections of the skin. The invention also includes methods for producing this wicking, antibacterial/antifungal and low coefficient of friction apparel. 1. A seamless garment comprising:a torso portion adapted to encircle the torso of a wearer; said torso portion including a gut supporting portion and a pair of leg portions extending downward from said torso portion and adapted to encircle the legs of the wearer; anda seamless plated panel disposed below said gut supporting portion and sewn into each of said leg portions, said plated panel including a base portion, moisture transmitting fibers plated on an inside of said base portion and friction-reducing fibers plated on an outside of said base portion, wherein said plated panel causes perspiration from the wearer's skin to move to said moisture transmitting fibers and from said moisture transmitting fibers to said friction-reducing fibers so that the wearer's skin remains dry.2. The seamless garment of claim 1 , wherein said plated panel of each of said leg portions extends only partially so that said plated panel does not fully encircle a leg of the wearer when the garment is worn.3. The seamless garment of claim 1 , wherein said plated panel extends beyond an area of the garment that rubs together when the garment is worn by a wearer.4. The seamless garment of claim 1 , wherein said plated panel of said gut supporting portion and each of said leg portions includes at least one of antibacterial fibers claim 1 , antifungal fibers claim 1 , bacteriostatic fibers claim 1 , or fibers chemically treated to be antibacterial claim 1 , antifungal claim 1 , or bacteriostatic plated on the inside of said base portion.5. The seamless garment of claim 1 , wherein said ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130117903A1
Автор: Kanayama Yotaro
Принадлежит: finetrack

The object of the invention to provide a garment for layering having better ventilation performance than conventional counterparts, and an outerwear and an inner-layer wear to be used in this garment for layering. The present invention provides a garment for layering including an outerwear, and one or more inner-layer wears worn inside the outerwear, the outerwear and at least one inner-layer wear having a vent that can be opened and closed. 1. A garment for layering comprising an outerwear , one or more inner-layer wears worn inside the outerwear , and one base layer or two base layers worn under the inner-layer wear ,said outerwear and at least one inner-layer wear having a vent that can be opened and closed,said vent of said outerwear being positioned to coincide with or close to said vent of at least one inner-layer wear worn under said outerwear when said clothing system is worn, andsaid base layer directly contacting skin not having a vent that can be opened and closed.2. The garment for layering according to claim 1 , wherein said vent of said outerwear is positioned in a front part thereof claim 1 , while said vent of said inner-layer wear is positioned in a front part thereof so as to correspond to the position of the vent of the outerwear.3. The garment for layering according to claim 2 , wherein said vent is provided in said front part except for portions from shoulders to armpits.4. The garment for layering according to claim 1 , wherein said clothing system includes one inner-layer wear claim 1 , the inner-layer wear being worn under said outerwear and having said vent claim 1 , and wherein said vent is not provided in one base layer or two base layers worn under said inner-layer wear.5. The garment for layering according to claim 1 , wherein said clothing system includes two inner-layer wears claim 1 , a first inner-layer wear worn under said outerwear having said vent claim 1 , a second inner-layer wear worn under said first inner-layer wear having ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130130540A1
Принадлежит: SKULLCANDY, INC.

A wiring harness for clothing, and garments so equipped. The wiring harness is of asymmetrical configuration, and may extend through channels positioned substantially along reinforced portions of the garment. The wiring harness includes a T-junction from which extend a male media connector and two media cables, a first media cable extending along seams of one side of the garment, and a second media cable extending along a neck portion of the garment from the T-junction at one side to another side, both media cables terminating in male media connectors. The male media connector of the T-junction and the male media connector of the second media cable connect to female media connectors of earphone cables, while the male media connector of the first media cable connects to a female media connector of a portable media device, which may be disposed within a pocket of the garment. 1. A wiring harness for attachment to a garment , the wiring harness comprising:a junction having a male connector;a first media cable extending from a male connector to the junction; anda second media cable extending from a male connector to the junction and operably coupled to the male connector of the first media cable and to the male connector of the junction.2. The wiring harness of claim 1 , wherein the male connector of the junction is an output claim 1 , the male connector of the first media cable is an output claim 1 , and the male connector of the second media cable is an input.3. The wiring harness of claim 2 , further comprising two media output assemblies claim 2 , each media output assembly comprising:a female connector operably coupled to a media output element through a cable;wherein the female connector of each media output assembly is operably coupled to one of the male connector of the junction and the male connector of the media cable.4. The wiring harness of claim 3 , wherein the two media output assemblies are of substantially equal length.5. The wiring harness of claim 1 , ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Apparel with Reduced Drag Coefficient

Номер: US20130133123A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

An athletic garment including a panel designed to reduce frictional and pressure drag around an appendage of an athlete competing in a high-speed event, such as running and cycling. The panel is positioned to encircle the appendage, and is provided with regions having different surface texture roughnesses. The leading edge of the panel includes texture designed to enhance the laminar boundary layer, while the adjacent portion of the panel includes texture intended to trip the boundary layer to turbulent flow. The drag-reducing panel may be the cuff of a sock, a sleeve, wristband, a headband, or the like. 1. A method for reducing drag on a wearer , the method comprising the steps of:providing an athletic garment comprising a panel substantially encircling an appendage of the wearer, the panel comprising a first panel region having a first texture configured to channel a flow pattern of an oncoming fluid without disrupting a laminar flow, a second panel region having a second texture including a first group of ridges configured to transition the flow pattern of the oncoming fluid from laminar flow to a turbulent flow, and a third panel region having a third texture including a second group of ridges configured to increase the turbulent flow of the oncoming fluid, wherein the second group of ridges are wider than the first group of ridges;moving the appendage through a fluid to form a substantially laminar flow at a boundary layer around the athletic garment; andtransitioning the substantially laminar flow at the boundary layer to a turbulent flow at a critical velocity.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising the step of increasing the turbulent flow at the critical velocity.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the fluid is air.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of moving the appendage through the fluid further comprises channeling the substantially laminar flow at the boundary layer around a portion of the athletic garment.5. ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139291A1
Автор: Ko Kwang-Seok

Disclosed are sportswear and outdoor clothing, which have a string. Said sportswear and outdoor clothing include a body unit which is put on an upper body of a wearer, a protection unit which is extended from an upper end of said body unit, and protects the face and neck areas of said wearer from the external environment, and a string which is connected to two upper spots of said protection unit, and is configured to cover a head area of said wearer. 1. Sportswear and outdoor clothing , comprising:a body unit which is put on an upper body of a wearer;a protection unit which is extended from an upper end of the body unit, and protects face and neck areas of the wearer from external environment; anda string which is connected to two upper spots of the protection unit, and is configured to cover a head area of the wearer.2. The sportswear and outdoor clothing of claim 1 , wherein the protection unit has a circular form and the same height.3. The sportswear and outdoor clothing of claim 1 , wherein the protection unit has different heights and at least a portion of the protection unit is configured to cover the head area of the wearer.4. The sportswear and outdoor clothing of claim 1 , wherein the protection unit can protect at least one of the face and neck areas of the wearer.5. The sportswear and outdoor clothing of claim 1 , further comprising a holder provided in the string to adjust a length of the string in accordance with the head area of the wearer.6. The sportswear and outdoor clothing of claim 5 , wherein the holder includes holes through which two lines of the string pass claim 5 , and an adjusting part to tighten or release the string.7. The sportswear and outdoor clothing of claim 1 , wherein the body unit and the protection unit include at least one of polyester claim 1 , spandex claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polyamide claim 1 , cotton claim 1 , rayon claim 1 , and acryl. 1. Technical FieldThe present inventive concept relates to sportswear and ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

System and method for providing haptic feedback from haptic textile

Номер: US20130155020A1
Принадлежит: Immersion Corp

A system includes a haptic textile comprising a plurality of haptic threads configured to provide haptic feedback, and an ancillary electronic device configured to transfer data to or from the haptic textile.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160184A1

A method for manufacturing a disposable worn article of the present invention includes: a first step of applying an adhesive on at least one of a first web and a second web; a second step of sandwiching an elastic member between the first and second webs and combining the first and second webs and the elastic member together, thereby producing a combined web; and a third step of melting a portion of at least one of the first and second webs and a portion of the elastic member, thereby reducing a shrinking force of the elastic member in the melted portion. 119-. (canceled)20. A disposable worn article , comprising:a combined web having a shape that can be subdivided lengthwise into a crotch section between a front waist section and a back waist section, the combined web including a plurality of elastic members extending in a widthwise direction, the elastic members being provided between a first web and a second web, and the combined web including at least one widthwise-extending elastic member extending in either the front waist section or the back waist section, the elastic member being secured to at least one of the first and second webs on which an adhesive has been continuously applied, and the elastic member is cut so as to be discontinuous in a widthwise center area. This is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/622,763, filed Jul. 18, 2003, which is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/891,034, filed on Jun. 25, 2001, both of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a disposable worn article using an elastic sheet.2. Description of the Related ArtJapanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2000-26015 discloses a method for cutting off only an elastic member without damaging a base material sheet by using a roll cutter having a ridge-shaped blade thereon.However, Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2000-26015 fails to disclose sealing ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Compression Garment

Номер: US20130167284A1
Автор: Conner Toni

The present invention relates to the field of undergarments for women, and more particularly to a wrap for lactation suppression, for use by a non nursing mother during the postpartum period to reduce the accumulation of breast milk and associated pain, as well as for mastectomy and Lymphedema patients, and those who have undergone breast augmentation, reconstruction, and reduction surgeries. The present invention, described and claimed in detail below, can be used with or without a user's own support garment such as a bra or sports bra. It is comprised of a larger interior component with velcro for attachment, and an out elastic strap component for securing a good tight fit and adjustability. 1. A compression garment comprising:a) an interior component made of sufficiently inelastic materialb) an elastic strapc) three velcro strips located at the ends of the elastic strap and at one end of the inelastic component2. The compression garment of claim 1 , wherein the inelastic component is made of a white 2.7 oz per square yard loop fabric adhesive laminated to blue white polyester (polyurethane) foam in a 0.110 thickness adhesive laminated to 100% white cotton flannel 3.35 ounces per square yard.3. The garment of wherein the garment is used to suppress lactation.4. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the garment is used by mastectomy or lymphedema patients.5. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the garment is used by either breast augmentation claim 1 , breast reconstruction claim 1 , or breast reduction patients. This application relates to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/478,889 filed 25 Apr. 2011 entitled Compression garment, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, and claims any and all benefits to which it is entitled thereby.The female mammary glands produce milk in the time following childbirth as a natural feeding method for the newborn infant. Milk is produced and stored in the mother's breasts from the time of delivery until several ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Compression garment or method of manufacture

Номер: US20130174317A1
Автор: Young Gregory John

A compression garment comprising a compression fabric formed into a number of panels to said panels defining muscle groups according to the surface anatomy of a person; and a number of seams joining adjacent panels; such that the shape of the compression garment is formed by joining adjacent said number of panels together at said number of seams; wherein each garment panel provides targeted compressive support to the said muscle groups isolating each muscle group from the others and the seams follow the contour of the surface anatomy of the muscle groups when the garment is assembled and worn. 1. A compression garment comprising:compression fabric comprising polyester in the range of 60 to 85% and elastomeric material in the range of 40 to 15%, and providing multidirectional tension;the compression fabric formed into a number of panels, each panel following the outline of a muscle group according to the surface anatomy of a person to provide targeted gradient compression, by virtue of the multidirectional tension of the compression fabric;seams joining adjacent panels and following a contour of the surface anatomy of the muscle groups such that when the garment is assembled and worn the panels and seams isolate each muscle group from the others; andwherein the shape of the compression garment is formed by the panels and the seams; andwherein the compression fabric has wicking properties.2. The compression garment of claim 1 , wherein each garment is formed to allow compression in dynamic and static conditions.3. The compression garment of wherein the targeted gradient compression is greatest at the distal ends of the person in the garment.4. The compression garment of wherein the seams are flat locked.5. The compression garment of wherein the muscle groups are major muscle groups.6. The compression garment of wherein the ratio of the polyester to elastomeric material is 75% to 25%.7. The compression garment of wherein the ratio of the polyester to elastomeric ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130179116A1
Принадлежит: AliphCom

Spatial and temporal vector analysis in wearable devices using sensor data are described, including evaluating a motion to determine motion signals, the motion being evaluated using data provided by one or more sensors in data communication with a wearable device, isolating motion signals into one or more motion sub-signals, determining a spatial vector and a temporal vector associated with each of the one or more motion sub-signals, and transforming the spatial vector and the temporal vector into a data structure to be used by an application configured to analyze the data structure and to generate content associated with the motion. 1. A method , comprising:evaluating a motion to determine one or more motion signals, the motion being evaluated using data provided by one or more sensors in data communication with a wearable device;isolating each of the one or more motion signals into one or more motion sub-signals;determining a spatial vector and a temporal vector associated with each of the one or more motion sub-signals; andtransforming the spatial vector and the temporal vector into a data structure to be used by an application configured to analyze the data structure and to generate content associated with the motion.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the one or more motion signals is isolated at an angular rate.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein each of the one or more motion signals is isolated using a coordinate transformer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein isolating each of the one or more motion signals comprises processing the one or more motion signals using a bank of coordinate transformers claim 1 , each of the coordinate transformers associated with a fixed angular rate.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the application is configured to analyze the data structure using an algorithm configured to determine a magnitude component of the motion.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the application is configured to analyze the data structure using an ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Supplementary garment and layered clothing system

Номер: US20130180026A1
Автор: Yotaro Kanayama
Принадлежит: finetrack

A supplementary garment provides additional layering with a five-layer construction of clothing to supplement the functions of the outer two layers. The supplementary garment for layering includes a first supplementary garment worn directly inside an outer garment that is the outermost layer of the five-layer construction, so as to form a six-layer construction. The garment for layering can further include a second supplementary garment worn directly outside the outer garment so as to form a seven-layer construction.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Fabrics Containing Multi-Groove Fibers

Номер: US20130183480A1
Автор: Rock Moshe
Принадлежит: MMI-IPCO, LLC

Fabric having a fabric body defines a first surface and an opposite second surface, with at least one of the first and second surfaces incorporating fibers having an axial core surrounded by a multiplicity of radially extending, axially-elongated whiskers. The whiskers are separated by axially-extending grooves. The fibers have denier of about dpf to about dpf. Garments formed of such fabric are also described. 1. A fabric comprising a fabric body defining a first surface and an opposite second surface , and at least one of the first surface and the second surface incorporating fibers having an axial core surrounded by a multiplicity of radially extending , axially-elongated whiskers , separated by axially-extending grooves , said fibers having denier of about 0.3 dpf to about 10.0 dpf.2. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the first surface is a smooth surface and incorporates said fibers.3. The fabric of claim 1 , wherein the first surface is a raised surface and incorporates said fibers.4. The fabric of or claim 1 , wherein the second surface incorporates fibers other than said fibers.5. The fabric of claim 3 , wherein the second surface is a raised surface and incorporates said fibers.6. The fabric of or claim 3 , wherein the second surface incorporates fibers other said fibers claim 3 , and the fibers incorporated in the second surface have denier relatively greater than the denier of said fibers incorporated in the first surface.7. The fabric of claim 3 , wherein the fibers other than said fibers incorporated in the second surface have denier of about 0.1 dpf to about 3.0 dpf.8. The fabric of claim 3 , wherein the fabric has construction selected from among has double needle bar warp knit (raschel) claim 3 , circular terry sinker loop claim 3 , cut loop terry sinker loop claim 3 , and brushed warp knit construction.9. The fabric of claim 2 , wherein the fabric has constructions selected from among plaited single jersey claim 2 , plaited jersey claim 2 , double ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Insulative devices and related methods for treating symptoms of lung and other ailments

Номер: US20130191977A1
Автор: Daniel Mayeri
Принадлежит: Individual

An insulative device including an inner layer configured to contact a wearer's body, an outer layer coupled to the inner layer and configured to face away from the wearer's body, a pad disposed between the inner layer and the outer layer and the pad configured to cover a region of the wearer's torso corresponding approximately to the location of the lungs of the wearer, and wherein the inner layer includes a wicking material and the pad includes a sweat absorbing material so that sweat is wicked away from the body, absorbed in the pad, and prevented from evaporating near the wearer's body keeping the region around the lungs warm while allowing the rest of the wearer's body to stay cool so that symptoms of lung ailments are reduced.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Progressive mobility assistance garment for rehabilitation

Номер: US20130205466A1

An improved patient garment for assisting a caregiver in lifting, and performing therapy evaluation and treatment techniques on a patient, without having to change slings for each task is provided. The garment comprises at least a pelvic belt having a width and length configured to fit around the waist of a human below the rib cage and above the hips and said length having an open front that contains at least one adjustable strap and buckle combination to secure the garment around a human torso, a top rim and a bottom rim; multiple fastening means attached to the garment along the top and bottom rims, and additional fastening means attached to the surface of the garment along its length and located between the top rim and the bottom rim of said garment. The invention can include other pieces of garments that are attachable to the pelvic belt and detachable there from depending on the function desired by the caregiver. 1. A patient assistance garment configured to be worn on the torso of a patient that provides assistance to a caregiver comprising:a pelvic belt having a width and length configured to fit around the waist of a human below the rib cage and above the hips and said length having an open front that contains at least one adjustable strap and buckle combination to secure the garment around a human torso, a top rim and a bottom rim;multiple attachment means fixed to the pelvic belt along the top and bottom rims, andadditional attachment means fixed to the surface of the pelvic belt along its length and located between the top rim and the bottom rim of said garment.2. The garment of wherein said garment includes in addition at least one strap and buckle combination attached to the back or side of said pelvic which can be adjusted to gather the material of the pelvic belt and further adjust the length of said garment.3. The garment of wherein said garment comprises in addition a pair of thigh/crotch straps that are attachable to the lower rim of said pelvic ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239287A1
Автор: Loveland Amanda
Принадлежит: MODBOD, LLC

Methods for performing an exercise, such as yoga, physical exercise or other athletic activities, include perceiving an inspirational message immediately before performing the exercise. The inspirational message may also be viewed at least once during and/or after the exercise. Perception of the inspirational message may be personal to the individual, and may be associated with clothing worn by the individual as the individual performs the exercise. In some embodiments, an inspirational message may be carried on the inner surface of a front of a garment configured to be worn on an individual's upper body. In such an embodiment, an individual may perceive the inspirational message while putting on the garment and taking off the garment. In some embodiments, the individual may also perceive the inspirational message before putting on the garment, while performing the exercise and/or after taking off the garment. 1. A yoga method , comprising:obtaining a garment to be worn over an upper body of a torso of an individual while practicing yoga;viewing an inspirational message on an interior surface of a front of the garment immediately before performing yoga;placing the garment on the upper body; andperforming yoga with the garment on the upper body and the inspirational message positioned next to the upper body.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein viewing the inspirational message comprises viewing the inspirational message immediately before placing the garment on the upper body.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein viewing the inspirational message comprises viewing the inspirational message while placing the garment on the upper body.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:reviewing the inspirational message at least once while wearing the garment and performing yoga.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising:removing the garment after performing yoga; andagain reviewing the inspirational message.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein again reviewing the inspirational ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239289A1
Автор: IWASHITA Kenji

A water-repellent woven fabric having excellent water repellency, which is friendly to the environment, and a garment made of the water-repellent woven fabric are provided. A composite yarn containing a false-twist crimped textured yarn having an S-direction torque and a false-twist crimped textured yarn having a Z-direction torque is arranged for a warp or a weft to obtain a fabric, and a fluorine-based water repellent having a total concentration of perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid of 0 to 5 ng/g is then adhered to the woven fabric. 1. A water-repellent woven fabric having adhered thereto a fluorine-based water repellent having a total concentration of perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid of 0 to 5 ng/g , whereinthe woven fabric contains a composite yarn containing a false-twist crimped textured yarn having an S-direction torque and a false-twist crimped textured yarn having a Z-direction torque.2. The water-repellent woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein fibers constituting the composite yarn have a single yarn fineness of not more than 1 dtex.3. The water-repellent woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the composite yarn has a number of filaments of 50 or more.4. The water-repellent woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the composite yarn has a crimp degree of 13% or more.5. The water-repellent woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the composite yarn is subjected to interlacing processing at a number of interlaces of 35 to 90 per meter.6. The water-repellent woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the woven fabric has a cover factor ranging from 1 claim 1 ,500 to 2 claim 1 ,800.7. The water-repellent woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the woven fabric is subjected to calendar processing.8. The water-repellent woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein lotus-leaf-like fine irregularities are formed on the surface of the woven fabric.9. The water-repellent woven fabric according to ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247271A1

This disclosure relates to apparel and/or clothing accessories containing a fluid container. In particular, disclosed are systems and methods for providing apparel and/or accessories that selectively contain a fluid container that can be filled with a drinkable liquid. The apparel item may include any clothing or object that is adapted to be worn by a person, such as a necktie. In some cases, the apparel item is made to receive and retain a liquid-tight container within an internal compartment of the apparel. A flexible tube is connected to the container and runs from within the apparel item out, so that a wearer can drink fluid from the container through the flexible tube. Additionally, in some cases, when inflated, the container provides a pillow or cushion. 1. An item of apparel comprising:a container, the container being liquid-tight;an apparel item comprising an internal compartment configured to receive and retain the container; anda flexible tube connected to the container and running from within the apparel item out of the apparel item.2. The item of claim 1 , wherein the apparel item comprises a necktie.3. The item of claim 2 , wherein the necktie includes a wide end and a narrow end claim 2 , wherein the container is disposed within the internal compartment within the wide end.4. The item of claim 3 , wherein the flexible tube runs from the container to the narrow end of the necktie.5. The item of claim 2 , wherein the internal compartment further includes a retaining mechanism that is adapted to selectively retain the container in the necktie.6. The item of claim 1 , wherein a first end of the flexible tube is connected to the container and a second end of the flexible tube has a valve to selectively seal the second end.7. The item of claim 6 , wherein the valve includes a valve opening claim 6 , and wherein the valve opening comprises a slit.8. The item of claim 7 , wherein the valve comprises a compressible material.9. The item of claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130254971A1

A compression garment comprising of targeted higher compression muscle support zones knitted in seamlessly and lower compression zones knitted seamlessly in-between and around the targeted higher compression muscle support zones, thereby isolating each targeted higher compression muscle support zone from one another; wherein the total seamless construction provides targeted anatomical muscle compression support, and said construction collectively defines and overlays the human musculature surface anatomy of the wearer of the garment. 2. The compression garment of wherein the garment can be men's or women's compression long sleeve shirts claims 1 , short sleeve shirts claims 1 , sleeveless shirts claims 1 , underwear claims 1 , shorts claims 1 , pants claims 1 , arm sleeves claims 1 , leg sleeves claims 1 , socks and women's sport bras.2. The compression garment of to wherein the fabric comprises nylon and/or polyester and spandex.3. The compression garment of to wherein nylon and/or polyester is in the range of 80 to 91% claims 1 , while spandex is in the range of 9 to 20%.4. The compression garment of to wherein the fabric has antimicrobial and moisture wicking properties. The present invention relates to a compression garment and in particular a seamless compression garment for providing targeted anatomical muscle support, as well as increased circulation, and better recovery from athletic activity.In today's athletic environment, many athletes wear compression garments for numerous purported advantages including muscle support for injury prevention, as well as reduced muscle vibration and better circulation, which can aid in recovery from fatigue.Most compression garments do not however provide targeted support to areas of the body, but rather overall compression. As a result, compression garments have inherent unwanted push-pull effects that reduce the garment ability to maintain optimal compression support for complex moving muscles. Some compression garments ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130291279A1

Garments and methods are provided for carrying an infant in skin-to-skin contact. In one exemplary embodiment, a garment can have a back panel and two front panels. The front panels can be configured to overlap and adjustably couple together such that the front panels can securely hold a baby against a wearer's chest. One of the front panels can have a pocket formed on an interior surface thereof that is configured to prevent a baby from slipping out of the garment. The garment can also have an adjustable belt configured to be positioned around the garment. The belt can provide additional support to the garment for securely holding a baby against a wearer's chest. 1. A garment for carrying an infant , comprising:a back panel having first and second lateral sides;a first front panel attached to the first lateral side of the back panel;a first arm opening located between the first front panel and the back panel;a second front panel attached to the second lateral side of the back panel, the second front panel being configured to overlay the first front panel;a second arm opening located between the second front panel and the back panel;at least one fastener formed on each of the first and second front panels, the fasteners being configured to adjustably coupled to one another to secure the second front panel to the first front panel and thereby securely hold an infant against a wearer's chest; anda pocket formed on the interior surface of the first front panel, the pocket being configured to prevent a baby from slipping out of the garment.2. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the at least one fastener on the first and second front panels comprises at least one fastener formed on the exterior surface of the first front panel claim 1 , and at least one fastener formed on the interior surface of the second front panel and configured to mate with the at least one fastener on the exterior surface of the first front panel.3. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the at least one ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Clothing Systems Having Resistance Properties

Номер: US20130298302A1
Автор: Whaley Patrick Gerald

A weighted article of clothing having cooling properties, comprising a clothing substrate with weights attached thereto, the weights being made of a gel and being strategically placed so as to not interfere with the movements of a wearer and to not interfere with outer clothing or equipment worn over the weighted article of clothing and with the weights being arranged in a plurality of weight clusters and linking strands, with neighboring weight clusters being connected together with the linking strands. An exercise and training device for swimmers in the form of a shirt, top, or singlet that, due to the material of manufacture, increases the resistance to the swimmer's movement through the water. 1. An article of clothing , comprising:a clothing substrate comprising a first pocket and a second pocket, wherein the first pocket and second are strategically placed so as to not interfere with the movements of a wearer;at least one weighted element housed in each of the first and second pockets; andwherein the clothing substrate has less than or equal to about 25% vertical stretch.2. The article of clothing of claim 1 , the clothing substrate having greater than or equal to about 90% horizontal stretch.3. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the first pocket and the second pocket are strategically placed so as not to interfere with outer clothing or equipment worn over the article of clothing.4. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the clothing substrate is breathable.5. The article of clothing of claim 1 , further comprising a support belt.6. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the at least one weighted element is gel.7. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the at least one weighted element is shaped to contact the clothing substrate with maximum surface area such that the at least one weighted element adheres naturally to the anatomy of a wearer.8. An article of clothing claim 1 , comprising:a clothing substrate ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Clothing Systems Having Resistance Properties

Номер: US20130305427A1
Автор: Whaley Patrick Gerald

A weighted article of clothing having cooling properties, comprising a clothing substrate with weights attached thereto, the weights being made of a gel and being strategically placed so as to not interfere with the movements of a wearer and to not interfere with outer clothing or equipment worn over the weighted article of clothing and with the weights being arranged in a plurality of weight clusters and linking strands, with neighboring weight clusters being connected together with the linking strands. An exercise and training device for swimmers in the form of a shirt, top, or singlet that, due to the material of manufacture, increases the resistance to the swimmer's movement through the water. 1. An article of clothing , comprising:a clothing substrate comprising a first pocket and a second pocket, wherein the first pocket and second pocket are strategically placed so as not to interfere with the movements of a wearer;at least one weighted element housed in each of the first and second pockets; andat least one linking strand disposed between the first and second pockets, wherein the width of the at least one linking strand is less than the width of each of the first and second pockets.2. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the first pocket and the second pocket are strategically placed so as not to interfere with outer clothing or equipment worn over the article of clothing.3. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the clothing substrate is breathable.4. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the at least one linking strand is weighted.5. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the at least one linking strand maintains the at least one weighted element in place with respect to the body of a person wearing the article of clothing when the person moves.6. The article of clothing of claim 1 , further comprising a support belt.7. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the at least one weighted element is gel.8. ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Heat activated thermal garment

Номер: US20130306614A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a heat activated thermal garment utilizing a back brace for housing of a main controller element and a lithium palmer battery. The controller is used for monitoring and supplying power for up to eight pieces of resistively heated clothing strips that can be incorporated into medical therapeutic products, athletic wears and clothing lines. The heating strips are strategically positioned within the garments. In a preferred embodiment a wristwatch type thermostat controller is employed that is wirelessly coupled to the back brace mounted controller. The wristwatch allows direct control of temperatures at select positions in a garment.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130309478A1

An easy way for a person to utilize the indicating character of body perspiration for recognizing possible diseases is realized by using a piece of clothing as a carrier for a corresponding indicator dye, without additional stress or strain in everyday life or additional effort of a general nature, by bonding the indicator dye to the fiber of the piece of clothing by means of a chemical bond such as an atomic bond or a covalent bond. 1. A piece of clothing to which an indicator dye is bonded by chemical bonding , wherein the piece of clothing comprises at least one fiber to which the indicator dye is indirectly coupled via nano- or microparticles which are bonded , printed , adhered or laminated to the at least one fiber , wherein the indicator dyeis covalently bonded to the surface of the nano- or microparticles,is covalently bonded in pores of the nano- or microparticles, orthe indicator dye is covalently polymerized into the nano- or microparticles.2. The piece of clothing according to claim 1 , wherein the indicator dye is implemented such that an optical characteristic of the indicator dye selectively changes when contacting an analyte.3. The piece of clothing according to claim 2 , wherein the indicator dye is implemented such that the optical characteristic that changes selectively on contact with the analyte claim 2 , is an absorption wavelength claim 2 , an absorption intensity claim 2 , an emission wavelength claim 2 , an emission intensity or a fluorescence decay time of the indicator dye.4. The piece of clothing according to claim 1 , wherein the indicator dye is implemented such that the change is reversible by washing out the analyte.5. The piece of clothing according to claim 1 , wherein the chemical bond is an atomic bond.616. The piece of clothing according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one fiber is exposed at an interior side () of the piece of clothing claim 1 , so that when the piece of clothing is worn by a person the indicator dye is in ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312153A1
Автор: Abbott Michael D.
Принадлежит: HBI Branded Apparel Enterprises, LLC

A method of manufacturing a garment is provided that includes applying an adhesive layer to a first ply and/or a second ply in a first amount in a first zone where structural support is desired and in a second amount in a second zone where breathability is desired; arranging the first and second plies with respect to one another so that the adhesive layer is therebetween; and activating the adhesive layer to secure the first and second plies to one another. 1. A garment comprising:a first ply;a second ply; andan adhesive layer securing said first and second plies to one another, said adhesive layer having a plurality of different zones each having a different amount of adhesive therein.2. The garment of claim 1 , further comprising a transition area between said zones claim 1 , wherein said amount gradually changes in said transition area.3. The garment of claim 1 , wherein said amount abruptly changes between said plurality of different zones.4. The garment of claim 1 , wherein at least one of said plurality of different zones comprises no amount of said adhesive. This application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/699,835, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/763,312, filed Jan. 30, 2006, the contents of which are incorporated by reference herein.1. Field of the InventionThe present disclosure relates to a garment and method of making the same. More particularly, the present disclosure relates to a method of applying an adhesive to a first ply and a second ply.2. Description of the Related ArtApplication of an adhesive to a ply to secure the ply to another or second ply is known in the art. The ply may be a nylon, a spandex fabric, a cotton or a combination fabric. The adhesive may be any heat setting adhesive known in the art. The adhesive is applied and the ply is heated or allowed to dry to connect the ply to another second ply.Such known garments have a number of problems. First, the garments are very ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130326785A1

A garment for neuro-musculo-skeletal assistance comprising a body () of the garment provided with elasticity and intended to be worn by a user to adhere to a portion of the user's body and an elastic and continuous framework () on the body of the garment and comprising a plurality of anchoring portions () and a plurality of active portions (), each intended to coincide with respective sectors of the user's body, where the framework is structured so that, when the garment is worn by the user and the latter carries out a motor activity, the active portions deform themselves following the deformation of the respective sectors of the user's body and the anchoring portions remain substantially unchanged. 114-. (canceled)151. A garment () comprising:{'b': '2', "a body () of the garment having elasticity and intended to be worn by a user for adhering to a portion of the user's body;"}{'b': 5', '10', '20', '30', '40', '50, "a continuous and elastic framework () realized on said body of the garment and comprising a plurality of anchoring portions () and a plurality of active portions (; ; ; ), each intended to coincide with respective sectors of the user's body;"}{'b': 20', '30', '40', '50', '10, "said framework being structured so that when the garment is worn by the user and the latter carries out a motor activity, the active portions (; ; ; ) deform themselves following the deformation of the respective sectors of the user's body and the anchoring portions () remain substantially unchanged;"}{'b': 5', '2', '1, "the framework () being created with a resin, being placed on the inner side of the body () of the garment () and being in direct contact with the user's skin;"}said garment being characterized in that the body of the garment comprises a plurality of portions provided with more compact stitches than remaining parts of the body of the garment and intended to correspond with the anchoring portions and the active portions of the framework.161. A garment () according to ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021189A1
Автор: Yue Steven

A retractable electrical connector assembly is attached to a piece of clothing, is electrically connected to an electric-powered article, and includes an electrical connector, a stationary unit and a movable unit. The electrical connector is disposed at the clothing and electrically connected between a power supply and the electric-powered article. The stationary unit is attached to the clothing. The movable unit is connected to the electrical connector, and is movable relative to the stationary unit to move the electrical connector between an inner position, where the electrical connector is received in the clothing, and an outer position, where the electrical connector is exposed partially from the clothing. 1. A retractable electrical connector assembly adapted to be attached to a piece of clothing and adapted to be electrically connected to an electric-powered article for transmitting electricity from a power supply to the electric-powered article , the piece of clothing including a clothing main body and a pair of limb parts extending from the clothing main body , at least one of the limb parts being formed with a slit , said retractable electrical connector assembly comprising:an electrical connector adapted to be disposed at the piece of clothing and to be electrically connected between the power supply and the electric-powered article for transmitting the electricity from the power supply to the electric-powered article;a stationary unit adapted to be attached to said one of the limb parts that is formed with the slit; anda movable unit connected to said electrical connector, adapted to be exposed from said one of the limb parts through the slit, and movable relative to said stationary unit to move said electrical connector between an inner position, where said electrical connector is adapted to be received in said one of the limb parts, and an outer position, where said electrical connector is adapted to be exposed partially from said one of the limb parts. ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041097A1
Автор: Toratani Ikuo
Принадлежит: TORATANI CO., LTD.

Clothing such as shorts which is capable of fitting excellently to the lower region of the hips of a person and certainly preventing hip hemlines thereof from rising. The clothing includes a stretchable front covering portion and a stretchable back covering portion, and a gusset portion united with the body, disposed between a lower end of the front covering portion and a lower end of the back covering portion and covering the crotch of the person. A body is opened and developed along a back center line of the back covering portion, and in the developed body, with respect to a front center line of the front covering portion, the back center line of the back covering portion is set so that the downward extended line of the back center line approaches the downward extended line of the front center line in a downward narrowing manner. 1. Clothing such as shorts , comprising:{'b': 14', '11', '12', '11', '15, 'a body including a stretchable front covering portion covering the lower abdomen of a person and a stretchable back covering portion covering the buttocks of the person, the front covering portion being formed at the lower end thereof with high-thigh-size formation portions which are bilaterally symmetrical and each covered upward; and'}{'b': 13', '16', '11', '17', '12, 'a gusset portion united with the body, disposed between a lower end of the front covering portion and a lower end of the back covering portion and covering the crotch of the person, wherein'}{'b': 14', '12', '11', '12', '12, 'the body has the left half and the right half of the back covering portion on both left and right sides respectively of the front covering portion and is formed into a tubular shape by sewing together the left edge of the left half of the back covering portion and the right edge of the right half of the back covering portion , and'}{'b': 14', '2', '12', '14', '1', '11', '2', '12', '2', '1, 'the body is opened and developed along a back center line S vertically running through ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140047614A1

The invention provides a hooded sweatshirt with an elongated collar for improved cold protection. The elongated collar resides within the interior of the hood of the sweatshirt and provides a close fit at the neck region. 1. A hooded sweatshirt comprising a hood seamed to the sweatshirt at a neck circumference of the sweatshirt and an elongated collar seamed to the sweatshirt at said neck circumference interior to said hood.2. The hooded sweatshirt of claim 1 , wherein said elongated collar is seamed to said neck circumference through a circular strip of material claim 1 , said circular strip of material comprising a first circumferential edge to which said elongated collar is seemed and a second circumferential edge which is seemed to said neck circumference.3. The hooded sweatshirt of claim 2 , wherein said circular strip of material is a ribbing band or a knit-ribbed band.4. The hooded sweatshirt of claim 2 , wherein said circular strip of material is an elastic band.5. The hooded sweatshirt of claim 1 , wherein said elongated collar is seamed to said neck circumference at both circumferential edges of said elongated collar.6. The hooded sweatshirt of claim 1 , wherein said elongated collar is seamed to said neck circumference at one circumferential edge of said elongated collar.7. The hooded sweatshirt of claim 2 , wherein said elongated collar is seamed to said circular strip of material at both circumferential edges of said elongated collar.8. The hooded sweatshirt of claim 2 , wherein said elongated collar is seamed to said circular strip of material at one circumferential edge of said elongated collar.9. The hooded sweatshirt of claim 2 , which comprises a knitted fabric.10. The hooded sweatshirt of claim 2 , which comprises cotton.11. The hooded sweatshirt of claim 10 , which further comprises polyester.12. The hooded sweatshirt of claim 2 , which comprises fleece.13. The hooded sweatshirt of claim 2 , which comprises wool.14. The hooded sweatshirt of claim ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053311A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

Aspects of the present invention relate to systems and methods of integrating dynamic materials into articles for adjustable physical characteristics (e.g., aesthetic, functional). For example, in response to a human's body heat, a dynamic material may change shape to allow additional permeability in an article of clothing. Similarly, in response to the presence of moisture, an article of clothing may close a vent to prevent the introduction of rain into an internal portion of the article. The shape changing material may change shape that merely affects a feature formed by the shape changing material. Additionally, it is contemplated that the shape changing material may change shape that affects a geometric structure of the article as a whole (e.g., protrusions, dimples, vents, etc.). 1. An article of clothing having an auxetic structure , comprising:a carrier material of flexible material;a plurality of dynamic material portions physically associated with the carrier material such that the carrier material and the plurality of dynamic material portions form an auxetic structure geometrically responsive to a stimulus; andthe auxetic structure is able to transition from a first thickness to a second thickness in response to the stimulus.2. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the article of clothing is selected from a group comprising shirt claim 1 , pants claim 1 , shorts claim 1 , outerwear claim 1 , undergarment claim 1 , socks claim 1 , headwear claim 1 , and hand wear.3. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the carrier material is formed from a woven claim 1 , knit claim 1 , or non-woven material.4. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the dynamic material portions are a shape memory polymer.5. The article of clothing of further comprising a biasing material.6. The article of clothing of claim 5 , wherein the biasing material is positioned proximate the plurality of dynamic material portions.7. The article of clothing of claim 6 , wherein ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053312A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

Aspects of the present invention relate to systems and methods of integrating dynamic materials into articles for adjustable physical characteristics (e.g., aesthetic, functional). For example, in response to a human's body heat, a dynamic material may change shape to allow additional permeability in an article of clothing. Similarly, in response to the presence of moisture, an article of clothing may close a vent to prevent the introduction of rain into an internal portion of the article. The shape changing material may change shape that merely affects a feature formed by the shape changing material. Additionally, it is contemplated that the shape changing material may change shape that affects a geometric structure of the article as a whole (e.g., protrusions, dimples, vents, etc.). 1. An article of clothing having dynamic permeability , comprising:a first material portion having a top surface and an opposite bottom surface, a first end and an opposite second end, a first side and an opposite second side;a second material portion having a top surface and an opposite bottom surface, a first end and an opposite second end, a first side and an opposite second side;the first material portion bottom surface is proximate the second material top surface, the first material first end is aligned with the second material first end, and the first material first side is aligned with the second material first side;the first material having a gill slit extending through the first material top surface and bottom surface and extending in a first-side-to-second-side direction with an inflection point more proximate the first end than the second end, the first material gill slit forming a first material gill;the second material having a gill slit extending through the second material top surface and bottom surface and extending in a first-side-to-second-side direction with an inflection point more proximate the second end than the first end, the second material gill slit forming a ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053315A1

Some implementations of this disclosure provide an electronically customizable article comprising a fashion article selected from the group consisting of a handbag, a shoe, glasses, a tie, and a bowtie wherein the fashion article comprises an electronic visual display, a processor, a communication interface for communication between the fashion article and a network, and a non-transitory computer readable medium containing instructions that, when executed by the processor, causes the fashion article to connect to a server over the network, receive data from the server, and display one or more images associated with the data on the electronic visual display. 1. An electronically customizable article comprising:a fashion article selected from the group consisting of a handbag, a shoe, glasses, a tie, and a bowtie wherein the fashion article comprises an electronic visual display, a processor, a communication interface for communication between the fashion article and a network, and a non-transitory computer readable medium containing instructions that, when executed by the processor, causes the fashion article to connect to a server over the network, receive data from the server, and display one or more images associated with the data on the electronic visual display.2. The electronically customizable article of wherein the electronic visual display is a touch screen display.3. The electronically customizable article of wherein the electronic visual display is configured to rotate a display on the electronic visual display based on the position of the electronically customizable article.4. The electronically customizable article of wherein the electronic visual display at multiple locations on the fashion article.5. The electronically customizable article of wherein the data received from the server includes data associated with an email.6. The electronically customizable article of wherein the data received from the server includes data associated with a text message ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140059734A1
Автор: Toronjo Alan

An article of apparel includes a base layer and an auxetic layer. The base layer includes a four way stretch material. The auxetic layer is coupled to the base layer and includes an auxetic structure defining a repeating pattern of voids. In accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the disclosure, each void has a reentrant shape and is at least partially filled with a foam or a hot melt material. 1. An article of apparel comprising:a base layer comprising a four way stretch material; andan auxetic layer coupled to the base layer, the auxetic layer comprising an auxetic structure defining a repeating pattern of voids.2. The article of apparel of wherein each void has a reentrant shape.3. The article of apparel of wherein each void in the auxetic structure is at least partially filled with a foam.4. The article of apparel of wherein each void is at least partially filled with a hot melt material.5. The article of apparel of wherein the four way stretch material is a compression fabric.6. The article of apparel of wherein the auxetic structure is comprised of a polymer material.7. The article of apparel of wherein the polymer material is a foam material.8. The article of apparel of further comprising a foam layer between the base layer and the auxetic layer.9. The article of apparel of wherein the base layer is positioned on a first side of the auxetic layer claim 1 , the article of apparel further comprising a cover layer positioned on a second side of the auxetic layer.10. The article of apparel of wherein the base layer is connected to the cover layer in a plurality of the voids.11. The article of apparel of wherein each void has a bow-tie shape.12. The article of apparel of wherein the auxetic structure comprises a plurality of interconnected members.13. The article of apparel of wherein the interconnected members are between 1 mm and 5 mm wide.14. The article of apparel of claim 1 , wherein the article of apparel is a garment.15. The article of apparel of claim ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140068829A1
Принадлежит: Freolla LLC

A garment to for preventing inflammations of the skin between the thighs comprises first portions of the elastic tubular member which have a first thickness. Second portions of the elastic tubular member have a second thickness greater than the first thickness. The first and second portions of the elastic member have an elastic characteristic in a circumferential direction. The first and second portions of the elastic member are interspersed along the surface of the garment to promote the exposure of the thighs underneath the garment to the n of air. A first gripping member or members is disposed along the inner circumference of the tubular member proximate the top of the tubular member. A second gripping member or members disposed along the inner circumference of the tubular member proximate the bottom of the tubular member. 1. A garment to be worn by an individual over the thighs for protecting the thighs from irritation due to the facing surfaces of the thighs bearing and/or rubbing against each other , comprising:(a) an elastic tubular member dimension smaller than the length of the thighs of said individual and having a circumference smaller than the circumference of at least a portion of the thighs of said individual, said elastic tubular member having a top and a bottom;(b) first portions of said elastic tubular member having a first thickness;(c) second portions of said elastic tubular member having a second thickness, said second thickness being greater than said first thickness;(d) said first and second portions of said elastic member having an elastic characteristic in a circumferential direction;(e) said first and second portions of said elastic member being interspersed along the surface of said garment to promote the exposure of the thighs underneath said garment to air;(f) a first gripping member or members disposed along the inner circumference of said tubular member proximate the top of said tubular member; and(g) a second gripping member or members ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140068832A1
Принадлежит: SCOTTEVEST, INC.

An improved garment pocket system securely holds personal items with easy access to a touch screen feature of an electronic device. A garment includes a pocket system accessible from one or more garment surfaces allowing a user to store an external electronic device therein having a touch control surface. The pocket system includes an access panel which is an optically transmissive and control transmissive panel and a guiding system for receiving and positioning the touch control surface proximate the access panel for a user-access exterior to the pocket system. The improved garment pocket system may be retained proximate the garment surface or may externally descend from the garment surface for greater user control. 1. A garment system , for securing an electronic device in a retained position and allowing an external operation of said electronic device during a use thereof while in said retained position , said garment system comprising:an outer garment surface and an inner garment surface bounding an interior passage therebetween and defining at least one user limb opening;at least one pocket system providing an operable pocket member having a main opening on one of said outer garment surface and said inner garment surface and extending into said interior passage therebetween and defining a bounded region of said operable pocket member;at least one touch panel member in said pocket system;said pocket system operable to secure said electronic device in said retained position proximate said touch panel member;said touch panel member being positioned on one of said inner garment surface and on an extending pocket portion extendable through said outer garment surface during said use; andsaid touch panel member being a material capable of transmitting an optical and an electronic instruction from an external user to said electronic device through said touch panel member to effectuate said external operation of said electronic device while said device is retained in ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Apparatuses, system and process for protective garments

Номер: US20140073263A1
Принадлежит: Dainese SpA

An apparatus for personal protection is described. The apparatus has a secondary control unit which is connected to at least one firing controller and to at least one first secondary transceiver for transmitting and receiving on a first radio channel control signals and/or activation signals, wherein the secondary control unit is connected to a smart-card reader for reading an identification code stored in a smart-card and transmitting this identification code from the secondary transceiver in a control signal. A protective garment and a system which includes the apparatus, a main apparatus and vehicles which can communicate with the apparatus, as well as a process which can be carried out by this system are also described.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Apparel Systems, Wearable Item Systems, Decor Systems, And Other Systems And Designs

Номер: US20140082814A1
Принадлежит: Digital Dudz Inc.

Systems and methods for apparel, wearable items, decor items, and other apparatuses configured to support a handheld device configured to generate a display are presented. Some garments are presented that have a wearable pocket for at least partially supporting a handheld device configured to generate a display that is at least partially visible through one or more apertures in the garment. Some apparel systems are presented that are configured to display an animation through a wearable prop. Ornamental designs for surface indicia, including color surface indicia, are also presented. 1. An apparel system configured to be worn by a wearer , comprising: a body having an aperture;', 'a prop coupled to or integral with the body;', 'a pocket coupled to or integral with the body;, 'a device support member comprisingwhere the device support member is configured to support a handheld device having a screen such that at least a portion of the screen is visible through the aperture.2. The apparel system of claim 1 , where the device support member further comprises:a bib coupled to or integral with the body, the bib configured to be coupled to a wearer's neck.3. The apparel system of claim 1 , where the prop comprises a wound claim 1 , the system further comprises a handheld device sized to be supported by the device support member and configured to run an application displaying a beating heart.4. The apparel system of claim 1 , further comprising a garment configured to be worn by a wearer over the device support member claim 1 , and where the body of the device support member is configured to be coupled directly to the garment.5. The apparel system of claim 4 , where the device support member is sewn claim 4 , fused claim 4 , or adhered to the garment.6. The apparel system of claim 1 , where the device support member comprises latex.7. The apparel system of claim 1 , further comprising a handheld device configured to run an application that can generate a display related to ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140082818A1
Автор: Nysheva-Starr

This invention is a mainly a robe for yoga practitioners to use to 1) meditate in 2) use to comfort themselves and provide warmth during the final part of a yoga practice—Śavāsana. This garment is called a robe, but, it can resemble a robe, blanket or sleeping bag. It can be made to expose the feet for walking around in like a robe. It can be made to cover the feet, especially when in a prone or supine position like a blanket. It fully covers the body in 360 degrees like a sleeping bag. A person steps into the garment through a vertical mid-body zipper opening. To expose or cover the feet a drawstring is attached about a foot from the floor. There are seven circular images on the front of the robe—strategically placed in the positions that represent the 7 chakra centers and their colors. On the back of the robe, there is a spiral from the crown of the robe to the base of the spine. On the back, placed behind its color compliment on the front of the robe, there is a description of each chakra image, the mantra it occupies and the parts of the body it affects, written in the accommodating colors. 1. This invention is a garment for yoga practitioners during the final relaxation stage and/or during meditation and also for people who do not practice yoga, but, want to begin meditation or meditate more often or more intently and intensely. This application claims the benefit of provisional patent application No. 61/537,602.Yoga Meditation/Śavāsana Robe. It is also called a ‘Yoga Robe’for abbreviated purposes.I. DescriptionThe item is an all natural only fabric garment that is a combination of a blanket and a robe and/or sleeping bag. It covers the body from head to toe like a blanket. It is a full body covering garment that opens at the feet if desired, like a robe. It can be designed to close the feet in like a sleeping bag. It has sleeves that extend to the wrist on the front of the arm and extends to mid back of the palm on the back hands. It also has a hood that is ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Apparel systems, wearable item systems, decor systems, and other systems and designs

Номер: US20140082822A1

Systems and methods for apparel, wearable items, décor items, and other apparatuses configured to support a handheld device configured to generate a display are presented. Some garments are presented that have a wearable pocket for at least partially supporting a handheld device configured to generate a display that is at least partially visible through one or more apertures in the garment. Some apparel systems are presented that are configured to display an animation through a wearable prop. Ornamental designs for surface indicia, including color surface indicia, are also presented. 167-. (canceled)68. An apparel system configured to be worn by a wearer , comprising:a garment comprising at least one aperture;a pocket configured to be worn underneath the garment; anda handheld device configured to be supported, at least in part, by the pocket and comprising a screen and an application configured to generate a display on the screen;where the display is configurable to be visible through the at least one aperture when the handheld digital device is supported, at least in part, by the pocket.69. The apparel system of claim 68 , further comprising a stiffening layer coupled to an inside surface of the garment.70. The apparel system of claim 69 , where the pocket is configured to be coupled to the stiffening layer.71. The apparel system of claim 70 , further comprising a hook and loop fastener coupled to the garment claim 70 , where one portion of the hook and loop fastener is coupled to the pocket and another portion of the hook and loop fastener is coupled to the stiffening layer.72. The apparel system of claim 71 , where the pocket is sewn to the stiffening layer along at least one edge of the pocket.73. The apparel system of claim 68 , further comprising stiffening piping coupled to an inside surface of the garment.74. The apparel system of claim 68 , where the garment further comprises a graphic.75. The apparel system of claim 68 , where the garment further ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140082892A1
Автор: Honeycutt Rob
Принадлежит: SNIK LLC

A headset cord holder comprising: a body configured to be coupled to at least one article from the group of articles consisting of a bag and an item of clothing, wherein the body is either part of a closure mechanism configured to releasably couple a first portion of the at least one article to a second portion of the at least one article, part of a slideable item capable of being translated along the at least one article, or part of an ornamental accessory having an aesthetic characteristic unrelated to its functional structure; and a groove built into the body, wherein the groove is configured to receive and releasably secure a headset cord. 126-. (canceled)27. A headset cord holder comprising:a body coupled to at least one article from the group of articles consisting of a bag and an item of clothing, the body comprising an outside surface, wherein the body is part of a closure mechanism that releasably couples a first portion of the at least one article to a second portion of the at least one article; anda first groove integrally molded within the outside surface of the body that directly receives and releasably secures a headset cord, the first groove comprising a first groove wall, a second groove wall and a groove entry space, both the first groove wall and the second groove wall extending into the body below the outside surface to form the first groove, such that when the headset cord is secured within the first groove, at least a portion of the headset cord is held within the body and below the outside surface.28. The headset cord holder of claim 27 , wherein the body is integrally formed with the closure mechanism.29. The headset cord holder of claim 27 , wherein the body is configured to be removably coupled to the closure mechanism.30. The headset cord holder of claim 27 , wherein the closure mechanism is a button.31. The headset cord holder of claim 27 , wherein the closure mechanism is a zipper.32. The headset cord holder of claim 27 , wherein the ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Apparel with sensor and methods of making the same

Номер: US20140090146A1
Принадлежит: adidas AG

An item of clothing that includes a first textile area that is suitable to receive at least one sensor, a second textile area, and a third textile area, which is arranged at least partially between the first and second textile areas. The third textile area is provided such that when the item of clothing is worn it isolates at least one motion between the first textile area and the second textile area, so that a sensor or sensors remain substantially fixed in relation to an area of a subjacent organ of a wearer of the item of clothing.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140090150A1
Автор: Skertic Richard J.
Принадлежит: Anzen Electronics, LLC

A thermal-electronic device includes a first thermo-electric material having a first charge and a second thermo-electronic material having a second charge that is opposite the first charge. A flexible conductive interconnection is positioned between the first thermo-electric material and the second thermo-electric material to bond the first thermo-electric material and the second thermo-electric material into a segment. A plurality of segments are bonded together to form a thread having alternating first thermo-electric materials and second thermo-electric materials. The conductive interconnection allows a charge to flow between the first thermo-electric materials and second thermo-electric materials. 1. A thermal-electronic device comprising:a first thermo-electric material having a first charge;a second thermo-electronic material having a second charge that is opposite the first charge; anda flexible conductive interconnection positioned between the first thermo-electric material and the second thermo-electric material to bond the first thermo-electric material and the second thermo-electric material into a segment, wherein a plurality of segments are bonded together to form a thread having alternating first thermo-electric materials and second thermo-electric materials, and wherein the conductive interconnection allows a charge to flow between the first thermo-electric materials and second thermo-electric materials.2. The thermal-electronic device of claim 1 , further comprising a strip of flexible graphite adhered to at least one of a top or a bottom of the thread.3. The thermal-electronic device of claim 1 , wherein a heat gradient across the conductive interconnection facilitates the charge flowing between the first thermo-electric materials and second thermo-electric materials.4. The thermal-electronic device of claim 3 , wherein a direction of the charge is dependent on a direction of the heat gradient.5. The thermal-electronic device of claim 3 , wherein ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Internally Belted Coveralls

Номер: US20140096304A1
Автор: Martinez Donald

A unitary coverall garment with integral jacket and trouser section incorporates a separate belt held by interior belt loops or a belt tube within the garment. The belt has a fastening buckle and adjustable strap that is fed through the interior belt loops or a tube. A closing means is provided to close the garment to cover the interior belt. Adjusting the belt to pull the garment inward toward the wearer and closing the garment to cover the belt will minimize the risks associated with snagging the belt or garment on moving equipment. The coverall garment is worn by opening the jacket section, stepping into the trouser section, positioning the jacket section on the wearer's upper body, fastening the internal belt around the wearer's waist, tightening the adjustment strap, and closing the jacket section opening over the belt. 1. A garment comprising:(a) a unitary coverall having an opening extending down its front from the neck opening to the crotch;(b) at least three inner garment belt loops concealed within the waist section of said unitary converall;(d) a belt unsecured to said unitary coverall, said belt fed through said inner garment belt loops;(d) a buckle composed of male and female buckle ends attached to opposite ends of said flat webbing belt;(e) a belt feed attachment on said male buckle end of said buckle, said;(f) a flat webbing belt strap extending from said flat webbing belt and through said belt feed attachment for adjustment of said flat webbing belt around a user's waist; and(g) a closing means for closing said opening thereby concealing said fiat webbing belt, said buckle, and said strap.2. The garment as recited in wherein said flat webbing belt is fed through a single inner garment belt tube.3. A garment comprising:(a) a unitary coverall having a waistband, a jacket section and a trouser section, said jacket section having a closable opening;(b) at least one belt loop on the interior of said coverall at said waistband section;(c) a belt strap ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Athletic Arm Warmer With Compression Sleeve

Номер: US20150000003A1
Принадлежит: UNDER ARMOUR, INC.

A garment for warming a first arm and a shoulder of a wearer includes a sleeve configured to receive the first arm of the wearer and substantially cover the first arm of the wearer. The garment does not including an opposing sleeve configured to receive a second arm of the wearer. The garment further includes a compression adjustment arrangement provided on the sleeve. The compression adjustment arrangement is configured to change a level of compression provided by the sleeve to the first arm of the wearer. 1. A garment for warming a first arm and shoulder of a wearer , the garment comprising:a sleeve configured to receive the first arm of the wearer and substantially cover the first arm of the wearer, the garment void of an opposing sleeve configured to receive a second arm of the wearer;a torso portion connected to the sleeve, the torso portion configured to at least partially cover the shoulder of the wearer; anda zipper arrangement provided on the sleeve, wherein the zipper arrangement is configured to move between a zipped state and an unzipped state, wherein a level of compression provided by the sleeve is changed when the zipper arrangement is moved between the zipped state and the unzipped state.2. The garment of wherein the zipper arrangement extends from a shoulder end to a wrist end of the sleeve.3. The garment of wherein the zipper arrangement includes a first pull and a second pull claim 1 , the first pull configured to zip the zipper arrangement when moved in an upward direction on the sleeve and the second pull configured to zip the zipper arrangement when moved in a downward direction on the sleeve.4. The garment of wherein the zipper arrangement includes a first zipper and a second zipper claim 1 , wherein a backing layer is positioned inside of zipper elements for the first zipper on the sleeve claim 1 , and wherein no backing layer is positioned inside of zipper elements for the second zipper on the sleeve.5. The garment of wherein the sleeve ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000158A1
Автор: MIYAKE Kensaku

To provide a warming tool capable of more effectively keeping a human body warm for a long period of time during an emergency such as a disaster or rescue situation. 1. A warming tool comprising a front face part and a back face part formed from a flexible fabric;the front face part and the back face part comprising upper end parts, both side end parts, and lower end parts in peripheral edge sections thereof, the upper end parts and the both side end parts being connected respectively, whereby the warming tool has a bag shape that opens on the side of the lower end parts;the upper end parts comprising a neck part formed in center sections thereof to a size that allows a head of a human body to pass therethrough;the both side end parts comprising arm parts formed on an upper part side thereof so that arms of the human body can pass therethrough; andthe front face part further comprising a plurality of pockets on a surface thereof for holding heating elements that emit heat when brought into contact with air.2. The warming tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe neck part is linearly formed between the upper end parts of the front face part and the back face part.3. The warming tool according to claim 1 , further comprising sleeve parts connected to the arm parts and having a tubular shape so as to cover sections of the arms of the human body that protrude from the arm parts.4. The warming tool according to claim 1 , having dimensions that claim 1 , when worn on a human body of a standard type (presumably about 170 cm in height and about 60 kg in weight) claim 1 , allow at least both knees of the human body to be covered.5. The warming tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe plurality of pockets is formed only on the surface of the front face part and not on the back face part.6. The warming tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe plurality of pockets includes at least one of the following:(1) a pocket formed for disposing the heating element in a vicinity of an armpit ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000170A1
Автор: Quaglia Brian

A SWIM GOGGLES HEADWEAR AND COSTUME SYSTEM WITH A COSTUME SWIM MASK, HAVING A MASK ELEMENT ATTACHED TO AT LEAST ONE COSTUME ELEMENT, AND AT LEAST ONE INTEGRATED GOGGLES, EYEWEAR, AND/OR LENSES ELEMENT providing under water vision with a water-tight sealing portion or mechanism securing the eyepieces around the eye area of a user during use of the goggles and a material or fabric costume mask element conducive to being worn by a child or adult and to even help in aiding the process of learning to swim. 1. A swim goggles headwear and costume system , including a costume swim mask , having a mask element attached to at least one costume element , and at least one integrated goggles , eyewear , and/or lenses element comprising:at least one of: goggles; eyewear; and/or lenses element;said lenses element, if present, is comprised of a pair of connected or unconnected eyepieces;any of said lenses, goggles, or eyewear elements, if present, are adapted to provide under water vision;a water-tight sealing portion, device, part, or mechanism securing the goggles, eyewear, and/or lenses element, that is present, and/or eyepieces around the eye area of a user during use of the said swim goggles headwear and costume system; anda costume mask having:a material or fabric mask or mask element, having a pair of eyeholes; andat least one costume or costume element, in whole or in part.2. The invention of wherein the said swim goggles claim 1 , eyewear claim 1 , or lenses element claim 1 , if present claim 1 , have at least one of sun protection claim 1 , reliable sun protection that is officially tested for UV protection claim 1 , rash protection claim 1 , jelly fish sting protection and/or all-day sun protection.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The invention of wherein the invention claim 1 , or the said mask claim 1 , or the said costume or said costume swim mask partially covers the wearer's face.7. (canceled)8. The invention of wherein the invention claim 1 , or the said ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000169A1

Disclosed are clothes for providing a display function. The clothes may include: a flexible display module including a predetermined number of light emitting diode elements disposed at a predetermined interval; a communication module which communicates with at least one of a user terminal and a control server, and receives at least one of a control signal and image data, the image data including at least one of still image data and video data; a control module which controls the flexible display module to output an image corresponding to h received image data in response to the received control signal or a control signal generated by the control module; and a memory module which stores at least one of an image that is displayable in the flexible display module and identification information of the clothes. 1. An article of clothing for providing a display function , the article of clothing comprising:a flexible display including a predetermined number of light emitting diode elements disposed at a predetermined interval; communicate with at least one of a user terminal and a control server,', 'receive at least one of a control signal and image data, the image data including at least one of still image data and video data, and', 'control the flexible display to output an image corresponding to the received image data in response to the received control signal or a control signal generated by the processor; and, 'a processor configured tomemory configured to store at least one of an image that is displayable in the flexible display and identification information of the article of clothing.2. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the flexible display displays an image corresponding to an image displayed in the user terminal.3. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the flexible display receives at least one of a control signal of the flexible display and image data from at least one of the user terminal and the control server claim 1 , and outputs an image ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000193A1
Автор: Asnis Anna, Israel Jason

One non-limiting embodiment of the present invention includes an athletic garment including a garment configured to snugly fit a torso wherein the garment has a front portion and a rear portion. The athletic garment further includes a pocket secured to the rear portion of the garment providing a pocket for containing items therein. The pocket includes a secured portion and a hanging portion wherein the secured portion is secured to the garment and the hanging portion is not secured to the garment. 1. (canceled)2. An athletic article of clothing comprising:a garment comprising a front portion and a rear portion; anda pocket positioned adjacent an outside surface of the garment, the pocket comprising a secured portion and a hanging portion, wherein the secured portion is secured to the garment, and the hanging portion is not directly secured to the garment,wherein the hanging portion forms a space between the pocket and the rear portion of the garment and wherein the secured portion forms an opening.3. The athletic article of clothing of claim 2 , wherein the secured portion of the pocket is further secured to a seam between the front portion and the rear portion of the garment.4. The athletic article of clothing of claim 2 , wherein the hanging portion of the pocket comprises a first portion of a vertical height of the pocket claim 2 , wherein the secured portion comprises a second portion of the vertical height of the pocket claim 2 , and wherein a ratio of the first portion to the second portion is at least 1 to 1 and less than or equal to 4 to 1.5. The athletic article of clothing of claim 4 , wherein the ratio of the first portion to the second portion is at least 2 to 1.6. The athletic article of clothing of claim 4 , wherein the ratio of the first portion to the second portion is at least 3 to 1.7. The athletic article of clothing of claim 2 , wherein the hanging portion of the pocket comprises a first portion of a vertical height of the pocket claim 2 , ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000329A1
Принадлежит: KPR U.S., LLC

Monitoring vital parameters of a wearer of a compression garment by analyzing a pressure signal waveform indicative of a fluid pressure in an inflatable and deflatable bladder of the compression garment. Analyzing the pressure signal waveform for an oscillating amplitude as a function of time and/or a representation of a pulse of the wearer provides an indication of blood pressure of the wearer. 1. A controller for controlling inflation and deflation of at least one bladder of a garment to provide compression therapy treatment to a wearer of the garment , the controller comprising one or more processors and a non-transitory , computer-readable storage medium including computer-executable instructions for causing the one or more processors to:receive, from a pressure sensor, a signal indicative of fluid pressure in the at least one bladder of the garment;determine whether the received signal includes oscillating amplitude as a function of time; andbased at least in part on the determination of whether the received signal includes oscillating amplitude as a function of time, estimate a blood pressure of the wearer of the garment.2. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the instructions to receive the signal indicative of fluid pressure include instructions to receive the signal indicative of fluid pressure while the at least one bladder is inflated.3. The controller of claim 2 , wherein the instructions to receive the signal indicative of fluid pressure include instructions to receive the signal indicative of fluid pressure while the at least one bladder is inflated at a substantially constant pressure.4. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the instructions to receive the signal indicative of fluid pressure include instructions to receive the signal indicative of fluid pressure at least one of:at a predetermined interval, andbased at least in part on a user input.5. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the instructions to receive the signal indicative of fluid pressure ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000416A1
Автор: Hegde Pawankumar

Embodiments are directed to ergonomic monitoring. A plurality of diverse motion-assessment sensors are incorporated into a garment. Output from groups of diverse sensors associated with corresponding regions of the garment is obtained. Predefined movements by a wearer of the garment are recognized. The predefined movements are associated with respective parameters that represent characteristics of the movements. The values of the parameters are determined, and an ergonomic impact of any of the recognized movements is assessed based on the recognized movements, the parameter values, and predefined ergonomic impact criteria. 1. A system for ergonomic monitoring , the system comprising: a sensor aggregator configured to obtain output from groups of diverse sensors associated with corresponding regions of the garment;', 'a movement interpreter configured to recognize predefined movements by a wearer of the garment, the predefined movements being associated with respective parameters that represent characteristics of the movements;', 'a movement parameter score assessor configured to determine values of the parameters; and', 'an ergonomic analyzer configured to assess an ergonomic impact of any of the recognized movements based on the recognized movements, the parameter values, and predefined ergonomic impact criteria., 'a controller interfaced with a plurality of diverse motion-assessment sensors incorporated into a garment, the controller including2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the diverse motion-assessment sensors include at least one sensor to measure muscular output of the wearer at specific regions of the body of the wearer.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the parameters include posture claim 1 , velocity claim 1 , intensity of efforts claim 1 , and task duration.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the garment is a type of garment selected from the group consisting of: a full-body suit claim 1 , a smock having sleeves and upper-body coverage claim 1 , a vest ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001192A1
Автор: KIM Boo Yeol
Принадлежит: UNHAE ENC CO., LTD.

A wearable quantum treatment device embodied in a garment made in such ways as making a conductive fabric into a garment for a human body; sewing a common fabric with quantum energy generating coils; sewing a fabric of a conductive film with quantum energy generating coils; winding a metal wire into quantum energy generating coils and attaching the same to a fabric, such that a power supply unit disposed at one side of a lower portion of the front or the back of a garment supplies a variable DC or AC power in a form of pulsed electromagnetic field to the quantum energy generating coils, whereby pulsed electromagnetic fields are generated in directions opposite to each other, thereby overlapping and dissipating each other so as to create and irradiate quantum energy in a state of zero strength electromagnetic field to a human body, thus eventually improving health and treating diseases. 1. A wearable quantum treatment device , comprising: a power supply unit selected from a group consisting of:a first power supply unit having a battery cell, a DC/DC converter, a voltage determining unit, a voltage and current detecting sensor, a control circuit, a power cut-off switch, and a control unit integrated with a temperature sensor detecting surface temperature of first and second quantum energy generating coils and temperature of a user's body part where the wearable quantum treatment device is applied, configured to supply a variable power as a form of pulsed electromagnetic field to the first and second quantum energy generating coils;a second power supply unit having a step-down transformer, a rectifier circuit, an input module, an operation module, and a control module, a control unit integrated with a temperature sensor detecting surface temperature of the first and second quantum energy generating coils and temperature of a user's body part where the wearable quantum treatment device is applied, configured to supply a variable power as a form of pulsed electromagnetic ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001207A1
Автор: Moylen Michael R.

A system, device, and method are provided herein for remotely trigger a light on an awareness article. In some embodiments, the awareness article is a vest used by football players where a plurality of awareness vests are in electronic communication with an electronic device. A coach can control activation of the light on each awareness vest such that, for example, a quarterback can throw a football to the person wearing the awareness vest with the activated light. Various other aspects of the system, device, and method are described herein, and other applications of the awareness vest can include other sports such as soccer and hockey, dog training such as hunting and schutzhund, and military training such as war games, target practice, and enemy identification. 1. An awareness system , comprising:a first awareness vest having a receiver and at least one light, wherein the receiver is in electronic communication with the at least one light;a second awareness vest having a receiver and at least one light, wherein the receiver is in electronic communication with the at least one light;an electronic device having a transmitter in electronic communication with the receiver of the first awareness vest and the receiver of the second awareness vest, wherein the electronic device has a first input and a second input, wherein activation of the first input causes the transmitter to send a signal to the receiver of the first awareness vest to activate a light of the at least one light, and wherein activation of the second input causes the transmitter to send a signal to the receiver of the second awareness vest to activate a light of the at least one light.2. The awareness system of claim 1 , further comprising:a sensor configured to track a spatial position of the first awareness vest and the second awareness vest in an area defined by a continuous border, the sensor in electronic communication with the receivers of the awareness vests.3. The awareness system of claim 2 , ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007750A1
Автор: HO Hoi Ming Michael

A garment structure having an adjustment mechanism for abutting at least one pad unit against a human body includes a garment body, at least one adjustment belt, and at least one pad unit being an electrode pad unit, a heating pad unit, or an electrode pad unit with a heating unit. The adjustment belt has one end connected to the garment body, and another end fixed to an outer surface of the garment body. When the adjustment belt is pulled tight, the garment body is dragged to move toward the skin. The pad unit is disposed on the garment body, and moves, along with a portion of the garment body being dragged, to abut against the skin. A user wearing the garment structure can pull and secure the adjustment belt to enable the pad unit to easily and quickly abut against the skin to proceed with electrotherapy and/or heat therapy. 1. A garment structure , comprising:a garment body for covering a region of a human body and wearable on the human body;at least one adjustment belt having a first end connected to the garment body, and a second end having a fixing portion configured to be fixed to an outer surface of the garment body, and configured to drag an inner surface of the garment body to move in a direction toward a skin surface of the human body when the adjustment belt is pulled; andat least one pad unit disposed on an inner side of the garment body, wherein the pad unit is a first electrode pad unit, a heating pad unit or a second electrode pad unit cooperatively formed with at least one heating unit, and when the adjustment belt is pulled, the pad unit is moved, along with a portion of the garment body that is dragged, to abut against the skin surface of the human body.2. The garment structure according to claim 1 , wherein the garment structure is configured to provide at least one of heat therapy and electrotherapy to a user whether the user is at rest or not or when the user is moving the user's body at work or while walking claim 1 , exercising or playing ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Carbon Nanocomposite Sensors

Номер: US20210002816A1

A piezoresistive sensor featuring a fabric of woven or nonwoven fibers coated with carbon nanotubes can be integrated with footwear or clothing to serve as a pressure sensor that can monitor and/or analyze human activity during the course of the activities of daily living of the wearer. 1. An article configured to be worn on an extremity of a living being , comprising:(a) a stretchy fabric configured as a garment or portion thereof to be worn on the extremity; and (i) a plurality of CNTs deposited on a stretchy fabric in sufficient numbers and concentration as to render the CNT-deposited fabric electrically conductive, said fabric featuring fibers arranged as loops that are interconnected in at least two dimensions; and', '(ii) at least two electrodes attached to said coated fabric in a spaced-apart relationship, thereby defining a known electrical resistance therebetween., '(b) a piezoresistive sensor attached to said stretchy fabric, said piezoresistive sensor including2. The article of claim 1 , wherein said garment or portion thereof includes a sleeve.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the CNT coating is on all or some of the fibers within the fabric.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the CNT coating on the fibers is less than 1 micron in thickness.5. (canceled)6. The article of claim 1 , wherein said carbon nanotubes are multi-walled.7. (canceled)8. The article of claim 1 , wherein said carbon nanotubes are functionalized.9. (canceled)10. The article of claim 1 , wherein said fabric is woven.11. The article of claim 1 , wherein said fabric is nonwoven.1213-. (canceled)14. The article of claim 1 , wherein said fabric includes natural fibers including at least one of cotton and wool fibers.15. The article of claim 1 , wherein said fabric includes synthetic fibers including at least one of nylon claim 1 , polyester claim 1 , glass claim 1 , aramid and spandex fibers.1618-. (canceled)19. The article of claim 10 , wherein fibers of said fabric are organized as a ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003579A1

Sensing devices including sensors such as flexible and stretchable fabric-based pressure sensors, may be associated with or incorporated in garments, such as socks, intended to be worn against a body surface (directly or indirectly). Specific manifestations of a sensing system incorporated in a sock substrate are described in detail. Dedicated electronic devices interface electrically with sensors through intermediate conductive traces, optional conductive bridges, conductive contacts provided in a mounting tab. 1. A sensor system comprising a non-electrically conductive substrate having at least one pressure sensor associated therewith , the at least one sensor being in electrical communication with at least one electrically conductive trace that terminates at or in proximity to a signal transfer terminal , and a dedicated electronic device (DED) having a signal receipt terminal that mates with each signal transfer terminal and a housing component , wherein the DED comprises a device selected from the group consisting of: an accelerometer; a gyroscope; an orientation sensing component; a location sensing component; an inertial measurement unit (IMU); a magnetometer; and a temperature sensor.2. (canceled)3. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the DED housing component is detachably mountable to the substrate to provide mating of signal transfer terminals and signal receipt terminals of the DED.4. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein each conductive trace terminates at a trace termination and additionally comprising at least one conductive bridge providing electrical contact between each trace termination and each signal receipt terminal claim 1 , wherein each conductive bridge is elevated with respect to a surface of the non-electrically conductive substrate.5. (canceled)6. The sensor system of claim 4 , wherein the at least one conductive bridge is fabricated from a material comprising a conductive thread or a conductive thermoplastic elastomer or a conductive ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005503A1
Автор: Kaindl Robert

An article of clothing includes user-protection circuitry, integrated into the article of clothing. The user-protection circuitry includes condition-detection circuitry, which, in operation, generates one or more indications related to an environment of the article of clothing. The user-protection circuitry also includes broadcast circuitry including at least one pulsing device, and control circuitry. The control circuitry, in operation, activates the broadcast circuitry based on the one or more indications related to the environment of the article of clothing generated by the condition-detection circuitry. 1. A system , comprising:an article of clothing; and condition-detection circuitry, which, in operation, generates one or more indications related to an environment of the article of clothing;', 'pulsing circuitry; and', 'control circuitry, which, in operation, activates the pulsing circuitry based on the one or more indications related to the environment of the article of clothing generated by the condition-detection circuitry., 'user-protection circuitry, integrated into the article of clothing, the user-protection circuitry including2. The system of claim 1 , comprising a wireless interface coupled to the user-protection circuitry.3. The system of claim 1 , comprising a control terminal claim 1 , which claim 1 , to operation claim 1 , transmits control signals to the user-protection circuitry.4. The system of wherein claim 1 , in operation claim 1 , the control circuitry configures the user-protection circuitry based on received control signals.5. The system of wherein the user-protection circuitry comprises one or more of:one or more displays;one or more light emitting diodes (LEDs);one or more pulsers;one or more lasers; andone or more speakers.6. The system of wherein the user-protection circuitry claim 1 , in operation claim 1 , silently broadcasts information to a wearer of the article of clothing.7. The system of wherein the pulsing circuitry includes ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Multi-Purpose Wrap

Номер: US20150007377A1

A multi-use wrap is provided which is wearable in myriad different styles, under various categories. The wrap preferably is a substantially rectangular piece of fabric having first and second opposed long edges and first and second opposed short edges, and having a seam along all edges including a fusible interfacing incorporated therein. The wrap can be a shawl that can be worn as a caplet, pinned, belted, off the shoulder, off two shoulders or buttoned down the back. The second implementation is as a sleeve fully buttoned and put on like a jacket or buttoned in back for a covered shoulder effect. The third implementation is as a neck scarf simply tied in front, double tied in front, loosely wrapped, braided, one end tucked inside the other, wrapped around the head. The fourth implementation is as a skirt buttoned on one side with a V shape in the front, to the side or in the back. The fifth implementation is as a top fastened around the neck as a halter top or fastened in the front as a strapless/maternity top. The wrap of the present invention is readily foldable and transportable. 1. A multi-purpose garment for wearing by a person , comprising:a. a substantially rectangular piece of fabric having first and second opposed long edges and first and second opposed short edges, and having a seam along all edges including a fusible interfacing incorporated therein;b. a first set of buttons aligned along the first long edge beginning proximate the first short edge and spaced equidistantly beginning therefrom;c. a second set of buttons aligned along the second long edge proximate the second short edge and spaced equidistantly beginning therefrom;d. a first set of button holes aligned along the second long edge beginning proximate the first short edge and spaced equidistantly therefrom; ande. a second set of button holes aligned along the first long edge beginning proximate the second short edge and spaced equidistantly therefrom.2. The garment of wherein the first and ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006783A1

Disclosed and described herein are systems and methods energy generation from fabric electrochemistry. An electrical cell is created when electrodes (cathodes and anodes) are ‘printed’ on or otherwise embedded into fabrics to generate DC power when moistened by a conductive bodily liquid such as sweat, wound, fluid, etc. The latter acts, in turn, as the cell's electrolyte. A singular piece of fabric can be configured into multiple cells by dividing regions of the fabric with hydrophobic barriers and having at least one anode-cathode set in each region. Flexible inter-connections between the cells can be used to scale the generated power, per the application requirements. 1. An electrochemical fabric comprising: a fabric substrate; and', 'at least one pair of electrodes positioned on or within the fabric substrate,, 'one or more cells, wherein each cell compriseswherein the pair of electrodes comprise an anode and a cathode; andan electrolyte, wherein the electrolyte causes a reduction-oxidation (redox) reaction between the anode and cathode that generates electrical energy.2. The electrochemical fabric of claim 1 , wherein the electrolyte comprises moisture.3. The electrochemical fabric of claim 2 , wherein the moisture comprises any conductive liquid including perspiration from a person wearing the electrochemical fabric claim 2 , wound exudate claim 2 , saline claim 2 , and water.4. The electrochemical fabric of claim 1 , wherein the electrochemical fabric comprises all or a portion of a garment intended to be worn by a person.5. The electrochemical fabric of claim 1 , further comprising circuitry connected to the anode and cathode such that the generated electrical energy is used to at least partially power the circuitry.6. The electrochemical fabric of claim 5 , wherein the circuitry includes an energy storage device.7. The electrochemical fabric of claim 6 , wherein the energy storage device comprises a capacitor or a battery.8. The electrochemical fabric of ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007180A1

A sensor for measuring biometric information includes a biometric electrode sensing biometric information in a state in which the biometric electrode is in contact with a surface of the skin; and a signal line transmitting the sensed biometric information, wherein the biometric electrode is printed on an inner surface of an item of clothing that comes into contact with a human body. 1. A sensor for measuring biometric information , the sensor comprising:a biometric electrode sensing biometric information in a state in which the biometric electrode is in contact with a surface of the skin; anda signal line transmitting the sensed biometric information, wherein the biometric electrode is printed on an inner surface of an item of clothing that comes into contact with a human body.2. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the biometric electrode is formed by printing a mixture solution obtained by mixing a carbon nano-tube (CNT) dispersion to textile paint on an inner surface of the item of clothing.3. The sensor of claim 2 , wherein the signal line is formed by printing the mixture solution on an inner surface of the item of clothing.4. The sensor of claim 3 , wherein the textile paint is printed on a surface of the signal line.5. The sensor of claim 1 , further comprising:a snap button provided at an end portion of the signal line; anda signal processing device having a detachable recess formed to be attached to or detached from the snap button, and receiving biometric information transmitted through the signal line.6. The sensor of claim 5 , wherein the signal processing device includes:an amplifier amplifying the received biometric information;a filter filtering the amplified biometric information; anda communications module wirelessly transmitting the filtered biometric information outwardly.7. An item of clothing comprising:a sensor for measuring biometric information including a biometric electrode sensing biometric information in a state in which the biometric ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007181A1
Автор: Wang Jijun

According to some embodiments of this disclosure, a smart sports protective apparatus comprises: a base body device for covering at least a part of a user's body to relieve an impact of an external force to at least the part of the user's body when the user is playing sports; a circuit device for collecting user data, including the user's biological data, motion status data, and body gesture data, from the user in real time when the user is playing sports, at least a part of the circuit device being arranged inside the base body device; and a power supply device for supplying an electric power to the circuit device, the power supply device being arranged inside the base body device. 1. A smart sports protective apparatus , comprising:a base body device for covering at least a part of a user's body to relieve an impact of an external force to at least the part of the user's body when the user is playing sports;a circuit device for collecting user data, including the user's biological data, motion status data, and body gesture data, from the user in real time when the user is playing sports, at least a part of the circuit device being arranged inside the base body device; anda power supply device for supplying an electric power to the circuit device, the power supply device being arranged inside the base body device.2. The smart sports protective apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the smart sports protective apparatus is a smart leg guard claim 1 , in which the base body device covers at least a part of the user's shank to relieve the impact of the external force to the user's shank when the user is playing sports claim 1 , so as to prevent the user's shank being injured.3. The smart sports protective apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the circuit device comprises:a data collecting unit for collecting the user data, and the data collecting unit including a biosensing module for collecting the user's biological data, a gesture sensing module for collecting the user's body ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007053A1

The subject disclosure can facilitate piezoelectrics for energy harvesting. In one example, an article of manufacture (AOM) is provided. The AOM can comprise a piezoelectric fabric comprising: a piezoelectric film; an elastic base on which the piezoelectric film is bonded forming a piezoelectric material; and a yarn, wherein the yarn and the piezoelectric material are coupled to one another in a defined ratio of interlacement. The yarn and the piezoelectric material are configured as coils in some embodiments. In some embodiments, the piezoelectric material is configured such that compression or elongation of the piezoelectric material generates electrical energy. In some embodiments, the AOM further comprises a power management module coupled to the piezoelectric material and configured to store electrical energy received from the piezoelectric material. The AOM can also comprise a rivet, grommet or button coupled to the piezoelectric material or the power management module and configured to capture energy. 1. An article of manufacture , comprising: a piezoelectric film;', 'an elastic base on which the piezoelectric film is bonded forming a piezoelectric material; and', 'a yarn, wherein the yarn and the piezoelectric material are coupled to one another in a defined ratio of interlacement., 'a piezoelectric fabric comprising2. The article of manufacture of claim 1 , wherein the yarn and the piezoelectric material are configured as coils in the defined ratio of interlacement.3. The article of manufacture of claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric material is configured such that compression or elongation of the piezoelectric fabric generates electrical energy.4. The article of manufacture of claim 1 , wherein the article of manufacture further comprises a power connection component electrically coupled to the piezoelectric fabric and configured to receive or capture harvested energy.5. The article of manufacture of claim 4 , wherein the power connection component ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007662A1
Автор: Powell Leah Laake

The present invention provides a new and useful athletic shorts garment apparatus with improved interfemoral gusset and surrounding modesty panel. This invention is believed to be useful by offering an apparatus which stays in place when in use, does not ride-up the legs, prevents chafing, provides a flared modesty panel that is flattering, accommodates all hip sizes and hides the body shape and contours of the user, has readily accessible large pockets for carrying items, has a double gusset located between the legs to prevent splitting that can occur from a single seam, allows for the addition of a drawstring, and is reversible. The aforementioned existing apparatus in the field is indicated to be used by athletes, most commonly women who are runners, walkers, tennis players and the like. 2. The apparatus as in wherein the anterior face of the waistband complex further comprises a zipper presented horizontally claim 1 , having a top zipper edge and a bottom zipper edge claim 1 , said zipper attached to a upper zipper pocket panel along the top zipper edge and a lower zipper pocket panel along the bottom zipper edge and thereby collectively creating a zipper pocket complex with a left zipper pocket complex edge and a right zipper pocket complex edge claim 1 ,said zipper complex attached to a left side of a right waistband panel along the left zipper pocket complex edge,said zipper complex attached to a right side of a left waistband panel along the right zipper pocket complex edge.3. The apparatus as in wherein the waistband complex further comprises a waistband complex inner lining attached along the top seam edge and the bottom seam edge of the waistband complex claim 1 , thereby creating an interior void between the waistband complex inner lining and the anterior face and the posterior face of the waistband complex.4. The apparatus as in wherein the shorts garment complex further comprises a plurality of pockets attached to the right leg structure.5. The ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007223A1
Принадлежит: TOYOBO CO., LTD.

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a garment-type electronic device capable of reducing discomfort during the wearing in the garment-type electronic device comprising an electrical wiring using stretchable conductor composition. In a part in contact with a body surface of a garment-type electronic device, a level difference at the boundary between the electrode portion where the conductor is exposed and the wiring portion covered with the insulating cover layer is substantially eliminated, whereby a garment type electronic device with a natural wearing feeling in which discomfort during wearing has been reduced is obtained. Furthermore, by providing the projections and the depressions in the fabric texture on its surface, a more natural wearing feeling is obtained. Such a garment-type electronic device can be produced by a printing transfer method. 116-. (canceled)17. A garment-type electronic device comprising an electrical wiring comprising a conductor layer , an insulating cover layer , and an insulating underlying layer in a part in contact with a body surface ,wherein the conductor layer consists of conductive particles and an elastomer,wherein the insulating cover layer consists of an elastomer,wherein the insulating underlying layer consists of an elastomer,wherein the conductor layer has a first surface, a second surface opposite the first surface, and a side surface between the first surface and the second surface,wherein the insulating underlying layer is on a substrate, and the insulating underlying layer is in contact with both the side surface of the conductor layer and the first surface of the conductor layer, the first surface facing the substrate,wherein the electrical wiring has substantially no level difference at a boundary between an electrode portion and a wiring portion, andwherein the conductor layer, the insulating cover layer, and the insulating underlying layer each have an elongation at break of 50% or more and a tensile ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Article of clothing with video recording device support

Номер: US20200007814A1
Принадлежит: Utility Associates Inc

A video recording device, holster and article of clothing are disclosed to reliably and covertly provide for the capture of video, audio, and metadata, and perform other commands. The holster may be provided with a carrier that is, in turn, inserted into the holster. In one embodiment, the holster may be confirmed as being associated with the video recording device to authenticate a user, and establishes a docked position. Moreover, the video recording device may enter a mode of operation associated with using the video recording apparatus automatically when inserted into a holster.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007419A1
Автор: JR. Robert, Williams

The present invention relates to a wearable security and entertainment device comprising, a vest for covering torso of a user, speakers for generating sound to entertain the user, a latch to transmit a signal to the speakers for generating an alarm in an emergency situation by pulling, pockets for carrying objects required by the user and reflecting strips to make the user visible to others. 1) A wearable security and entertainment device , comprising;a vest installed in said device for covering torso of a user;plurality of speakers attached to said vest for generating sound to entertain said user;a latch electrically connected to said speakers, wherein said latch pulled to transmit a signal to said speakers for generating an alarm in an emergency situation;plurality of pockets attached to said vest for carrying objects required by said user; andplurality of reflecting strips associated to said vest to make said user visible to others.2) The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a controller is attached to the speaker for controlling the sound generated by the speaker claim 1 , wherein said controller transmit an electrical signal upon receiving alert signal from said latch.3) The device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a memory unit is connected to said controller for storing musical sound and alert sound.4) The device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein an amplifier is interconnected between said controller and speaker for increasing power of electrical signal received by said controller to increase volume of sound generated by said speaker.5) The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein zips are mounted on said pockets for protecting said objects from falling outside.6) The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said speaker may mount but not limited to first claim 1 , second claim 1 , third claim 1 , fourth side and alike of said vest.7) The device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein said first claim 3 , second claim 3 , third claim 3 , fourth side are preferably top ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Personal wearable headband having far infrared and temperature measurement functions

Номер: US20180008150A1
Принадлежит: Homeway Technology Co Ltd

A personal wearable headband having far infrared and temperature measurement functions includes a headband body defining a headband receiving space and having a plurality of far infrared particles blended in the headband body, a window communicating with the headband receiving space, and a through hole communicating with the headband receiving space and opposite to the window. A temperature measuring unit is disposed in the headband receiving space and includes a temperature measuring element configured to contact the forehead of a user for detecting a temperature thereof, and a display screen corresponding in position to the window and configured to display the temperature detected by the temperature measuring element.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Method and system of attachment and detection of attachment of a wearable sensor to clothing material

Номер: US20180008195A1
Принадлежит: Mondevices Inc

A method and system of universal, secure attachment with attachment detection mechanism, of a wearable sensor-unit to any article of clothing worn around the body in order to measure vital signals of a person, such as motion, movements and activity levels. The method and system permits: reliable attachment to any article of clothing; an attachment in any position to clothing or fabric worn by a person; and detection for the wearable sensor attachment to an article of clothing to minimize false alarms.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008216A1

A wetsuit is provided which comprises (a) a first central region comprising a first material and having a first thickness; and (b) a second lateral region comprising a second material and having a second thickness. The buoyancy per unit area of the first region is greater than the buoyancy per unit area of the second region. 1. A wetsuit comprising:a first central buoyancy enhancing region provided along a centerline on a front of the wetsuit having a first buoyancy per unit area; andan electronics package,wherein the wetsuit has a top portion that extends from a collar portion at a neck region to a middle portion, the middle portion extending from about a rib cage portion to a waist portion, and a bottom portion that comprises the waist portion, a first leg portion, a second leg portion, and a crotch portion, andwherein the electronics package comprises a processor and onboard memory.2. The wetsuit of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of sensors.3. The wetsuit of claim 2 , wherein the sensors comprise at least one of:a set of accelerometers;a temperature monitor;a GPS tracker;a cadence sensor; anda heart rate monitor.4. The wetsuit of claim 1 , further comprising a second central buoyancy enhancing region provided along the vertical centerline on a back of the wetsuit.5. The wetsuit of claim 4 , wherein the second central buoyancy enhancing region comprises a material that is the same material as the first central buoyancy enhancing region.6. The wetsuit of claim 4 , wherein the second central buoyancy enhancing region comprises a different material than the first central buoyancy enhancing region.7. The wetsuit of claim 4 , wherein the second central buoyancy enhancing region comprises a more flexible material than the first central buoyancy enhancing region.8. The wetsuit of claim 4 , wherein the second central buoyancy enhancing region comprises a non-aerated polymeric material.9. The wetsuit of claim 3 , further comprising a GPS antenna/receiver.10. The ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Garment that enables location tracking

Номер: US20190008220A1
Автор: Linda Sejour
Принадлежит: Individual

A garment that enables its wearer to be more easily found is provided. In some embodiment, the present invention may provide for one or more fluid pockets filled with glow-in-the-dark liquid that will expel and leave a lit-up path, and the fluid pockets may be located on the bottom trim of the garment. The present invention may also provide for one or more water, shock or impact, and/or GPS sensors sewn into the trim of the garment. The present invention may also provide for one or more safety spotlights on the garment, such as for example, on the shoulders of the garment. The present invention may provide for one or more sewn-in buttons. Once pressed, the sewn-in button may activate one or more of the sensors, or may activate a tracking beacon functionality, a distress call signal, or any other similar function wherein a person may call for assistance or enable themselves to be found.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008454A1
Принадлежит: Sabrina Fashion Industrial Corp.

A smart clothing is provided, including a main body, a detecting area, and a compression area. The detecting area is disposed on the main body. The compression area is disposed on the main body opposite to the detecting area, and the compression area has at least one highest point. The position of the highest point is higher than the position of the detecting area. The compression area extends from the highest point to two sides of a wearer's body. 1. A smart clothing , comprising:a main body;a detecting area disposed on the main body; anda compression area disposed on the main body opposite to the detecting area, wherein the compression area has at least one highest point, and a position of the highest point is higher than a position of the detecting area, wherein the compression area extends from the highest point to two sides of a wearer's body.2. The smart clothing of claim 1 , wherein the compression area has a stretching ability in an extension direction thereof.3. The smart clothing of claim 1 , wherein the highest point is located at a central line on a back side of the main body claim 1 , and the compression area symmetrically extends from the highest point to two sides of the wearer's body with respect to the central line as a symmetric center.4. The smart clothing of claim 1 , wherein two sides of the compression area extends to two sides of the detecting area.5. The smart clothing of claim 1 , wherein a distance between the position of the highest point and the position of the detecting area is 10 cm to 20 cm.6. The smart clothing of claim 1 , wherein a width of the compression area is 2 cm to 15 cm.7. The smart clothing of claim 1 , wherein the compression area has at least two different widths claim 1 , and a width near two sides of the wearer's body is larger than a width of a central area on a back side of the wearer.8. The smart clothing of claim 1 , wherein the compression area has at least two different tensile strengths claim 1 , and a tensile ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009114A1
Автор: HAN Ga Hyun

A health mask includes: a body part resting on and covering a partial area of a face, including a respiratory system of a user, the body part having an internal space formed therein; a tight fitting part positioned along a circumference of the body part such that the body part is tightly fitted to the partial area of the face; an ear loop part positioned at opposite sides of the body part such that the body part is secured to the partial area of the face; a filter part positioned at the opposite sides of the body part such that external air is purified and supplied to the internal space of the body part; and an air curtain-forming means provided on the body part such that an air curtain is formed around the body part to block entry of external substances. 137-. (canceled)38. A health mask , comprising:a body part resting on and covering a partial area of a face, including a respiratory system of a user, the body part having an internal space formed therein;a tight fitting part positioned along a circumference of the body part such that the body part is tightly fitted to the partial area of the face;an ear loop part positioned at opposite sides of the body part such that the body part is secured to the partial area of the face;a filter part positioned at the opposite sides of the body part such that external air is purified and supplied to the internal space of the body part; andan air curtain-forming means provided on the body part such that an air curtain is formed around the body part to block entry of external substances.39. The health mask of claim 38 , wherein the air curtain-forming means includes:an air blowing member provided on the body part at a position between the filter part and the ear loop part;a first air passage positioned in the internal space of the body part to allow the air blowing member and a peripheral portion of a user's chin to communicate with each other, such that filtered air is supplied to the peripheral portion of the user's chin; ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Smart garment, user terminal, system including same, and method of changing design of smart garment

Номер: US20220026769A1

The disclosed embodiments provide a smart garment on which implemented designs can be changed in terms of color, image, text, etc. Also, a system is provided that comprises: a server for providing various designs to be implemented on a smart garment; and a user terminal that can change the design of the smart garment by receiving various designs from the server and transmitting same to the smart garment. The system according to the disclosed embodiments comprises: a server including a design database for a smart garment; a user terminal for downloading a design for the smart garment from the server; and the smart garment on which the design transmitted from the user terminal is implemented.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Multilayer composite material and method for manufacturing

Номер: US20200009832A1
Принадлежит: DSM IP ASSETS BV

The invention relates to a structural multilayer composite comprising a layer of leather in contact with at least one monolayer comprising parallel aligned fibers and a matrix material. The composite may further comprise film layer(s) that may be breathable and/or waterproof. The structural multilayer composite material is suitable for use in clothing and outdoor gear and apparel.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030985A1

A selectively actuated textile includes one or more pieces of fabric having one or more circumferentially constrained channels and one or more hollow elastic tubes located within the circumferentially constrained channels and configured to receive a working fluid. Selectively providing or removing working fluid from the hollow elastic tubes provides for selective actuation of the textile. 1. A method of fabricating a soft actuator , the method comprising:stacking two or more layers of fabric adjacent to one another;forming one or more channels between the stacked layers of fabric, wherein the channels provide a circumferential constraint;placing one or more hollow elastic tubes within the one or more channels; andconnecting at least a first end of each of the one or more hollow elastic tubes to a delivery system capable of providing a working fluid to the one or more hollow elastic tubes.2. The method of claim 1 , further including:sealing a second end of each of the one or more hollow elastic tubes.3. The method of claim 1 , further including:connecting the second end of each of the one or more hollow elastic tubes to the delivery system capable of providing a working fluid to the one or more hollow elastic tubes.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the two or more layers of fabric are non-stretch.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the two or more layers of fabric are two-way stretch.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the one or more channels between the stacked layers of fabric includes stitching the two or more layers of fabric together using a side-stitch to form the one or more channels.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the stitching is provided in a direction transverse to a direction of lengthening claim 6 , wherein the direction of lengthening is along a length of the hollow elastic tubes.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the one or more channels between the stacked layers of fabric includes stitching the two or more layers of fabric together ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030987A1

A heated hand garment includes a body having a wrist section, and a plurality of digit sections extending therefrom. The heated hand garment further includes a heating element positioned on the body and operable to heat at least a portion of a hand of a user. The heating element includes a connecting portion configured to be positioned on the wrist section, a first digit portion extending from one end of the connecting portion, and a second digit portion extending from an opposite end of the connecting portion. The first digit portion is positioned on a first digit section of the plurality of digit sections, and the second digit portion is positioned on a second digit section of the plurality of digit sections. 18.-. (canceled)9. A heated hand garment comprising:a body;a heating element positioned on the body and operable to heat at least a portion of a hand of a user; andan electronic controller removably supported by the body, the electronic controller operable to control charging and discharging of a battery pack configured to be supported by the body,wherein the battery pack is configured to power the heating element.10. The heated hand garment of claim 9 , further comprising a battery-receiving receptacle removably coupled to the body claim 9 , wherein the battery-receiving receptacle includes the electronic controller.11. The heated hand garment of claim 10 , wherein the battery-receiving receptacle defines a longitudinal axis and a cavity extending along the longitudinal axis claim 10 , and wherein the cavity is configured to removably receive the battery pack in one of a direction along the longitudinal axis or in a direction transverse to the longitudinal axis.12. The heated hand garment of claim 10 , wherein the battery-receiving receptacle includes an input port for receiving power to charge the battery pack claim 10 , and an output port for supplying power from the battery pack to the heating element.13. The heated hand garment of claim 12 , wherein the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030991A1

A wearable may be provided with or configured to provide interactive skin. The interactive skin may be configured for accepting touch input from a user. The interactive skin may include one or more flexible layers and may include or be mounted under a transparent display cover layer such as a layer of clear glass or plastic. Interactive skin may include a touch-sensitive layer that allows a user to provide touch input to the wearable. Display pixels on interactive skin may be used to display visual information to the user. The interactive skin may be configured for detecting a condition of at least one wearable and generating an output function in response to the detected condition. 120-. (canceled)21. In a structure that forms a body of a handbag:a material that forms the body of the handbag; anda flexible display layer that is included in that material, the flexible display layer directionally facing outwardly away from the inside of the handbag, the flexible display layer comprising image pixels;the flexible display layer extending in the material along two discrete sections of the material such as to form the outwardly facing surface of the handbag along the two sections;wherein the flexible display layer renders a display on the image pixels along the outside of the handbag.22. The structure of wherein the flexible display layer extending in the material in part below the outwardly facing surface of the handbag.23. The structure of :wherein the flexible display layer along the two discreet sections is configured for accepting touch input from outside of the handbag from a user to form an interactive handbag skin; andwherein the touch input of the interactive handbag skin from a user renders the display on the image pixels for user input and output functions.24. The structure of wherein the flexible display further comprises a flexible touchscreen interface claim 23 , wherein the flexible display is controlled by the flexible touchscreen interface.25. The ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011509A1

A sensor apparatus for an item of smart clothing is disclosed herein. The sensor apparatus houses sensor electronics comprising at least one position and/or orientation sensor, and a data store, coupled to a processor and powered by a battery. The processor is configured to receive signals indicative of a change in position and/or orientation from the at least one position and/or orientation sensor. The processor is also configured to determine from the received signals whether there has been a change in position and/or orientation of the sensor apparatus over a first selected time interval; and in the event that there has been a change in position and/or orientation of the sensor apparatus over the first selected time interval, the processor is configured to record the change in position and/or orientation to the data store. 1. A sensor apparatus for an item of smart clothing , the sensor apparatus comprising sensor electronics comprising at least one position and/or orientation sensor , and a data store , coupled to a processor and powered by a battery;wherein the processor is configured to receive signals indicative of a change in position and/or orientation from the at least one position and/or orientation sensor;wherein the processor is configured to determine from the received signals whether there has been a change in position and/or orientation of the sensor apparatus over a first selected time interval; andin the event that there has been a change in position and/or orientation of the sensor apparatus over the first selected time interval, the processor is configured to record the change in position and/or orientation to the data store.2. The sensor apparatus of wherein claim 1 , in the event that there has not been a change in position and/or orientation of the sensor apparatus over the first selected time interval claim 1 , the processor is configured to record a null or no value to the data store.3. The sensor apparatus of wherein the processor is ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Stretchable conductor composition, paste for forming stretchable conductor, garment comprising wiring comprising stretchable conductor composition, and method for producing same

Номер: US20190013111A1
Принадлежит: Toyobo Co Ltd

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a stretchable conductor that can be used to form a film having good repeated stretching durability, a garment-type election device that has a wire using the stretchable conductor, and a method for producing the same. Conductive particles, preferably silver particles, a predetermined quantity of a specific barium sulfate, and a flexible resin component are mixed together to obtain a stretchable conductor composition. A sheet made from the stretchable conductor composition thus obtained has a low initial conductivity, and a high conductivity retention rate when repeatedly stretched. By cutting the stretchable conductor composition into a predetermined shape and affixing the composition to fabric or the like that constitutes a garment, it is possible to achieve a garment-type device having electrical wiring with high stretchability.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014073A1
Автор: Amir Uri, SHOSHANI Boaz
Принадлежит: Healthwatch LTD.

According to the teachings of the present invention there is provided a knitted smart garment. The garment includes a tubular form having variable elasticity and at least one conductive textile electrode for sensing an electrical vital signal, such as a clinical-level ECG signal. The garment further includes at least one elastic and loose conductive stripe, having a first end and a second end. The first end of the at least one conductive stripe is securely attached to a respective conductive textile electrode, and the second end of the at least one conductive stripe is operatively connected with a processor. The elasticity and looseness of the at least one conductive stripe is configured to prevent a pulling force from being applied to the respective conductive textile electrode, when the garment is stretched. 1. A knitted smart garment , the garment comprising:a) a tubular form having a preconfigured elasticity;b) at least one conductive textile electrode for sensing an electrical vital signal; andc) at least one elastic conductive stripe, having a first end and a second end,wherein said first end of each said conductive stripe is securely and conductively attached to a respective said conductive textile electrode, and said second end of said at least one conductive stripe is operatively connected to a processor; andwherein said elasticity of each said at least one conductive stripe is configured to prevent a pulling force from being applied to said respective conductive textile electrode, when said garment is stretched.2. The garment of claim 1 , wherein said electrical vital signal is a clinical-level ECG signal.3. The garment of claim 1 , wherein said at least one conductive stripe is insulated by insulation means.4170. The garment of claim 1 , wherein said at least one conductive stripe movements are restricted by motion restricting means claim 1 , wherein said motion restricting means are selected from a group of motion restricting means including sleeves () ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Garment with illuminate safety features

Номер: US20150016095A1
Автор: Kretzu George

A garment with illuminate safety features and a power source which allows the wearer to selectively set the frequency of the illuminate safety features so as to identify the location of the wearer and serve to warn other individuals or vehicles as to the wearer's location, the illuminate safety features in the form of removable LED strips positioned within channels secured to the garment and which allow for the removal thereof for the cleaning of the garment, the activation of such illumination device can be accomplished by remote control. 1. A motorcycle garment with illumination safety features to identify the location and direction of travel of a motorcycle rider , the garment comprising:a garment formed with a front panel, rear panel, and side panels covering the torso of the rider, there being two arms for the insertion of the arms of the motorcycle rider;a plurality of channels formed on the arms and side panels of the garment, said channels defined by an exterior transparent longitudinal wall;a plurality of LED strips, having a plurality of LED lights affixed thereto, said LED strips selectively slidably engageable in said selective channels formed on said arms and said side panel of said garment, said LED strips having a means for communication with a power source for illumination of said LEDs, said LEDs visible through said transparent longitudinal wall;a power source for said LED strips; anda control means for selectively controlling the lighting, frequency, and sequencing of said illumination of said LED strips.2. The garment in accordance with wherein said plurality of channels formed on the arms and side panels of the garment are defined by an exterior perforated see-through mesh material allowing for the visibility of the illuminated LEDs.3. The garment in accordance with wherein said power source comprises a rechargeable lithium ion battery positioned in a storage pocket formed on said garment claim 1 , said communication means from said LED strips in ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014284A1

A video recording device, holster and article of clothing are disclosed to reliably and covertly provide for the capture of video, audio, and metadata, and perform other commands. The holster may be provided with a carrier that is, in turn, inserted into the holster. In one embodiment, the holster may be confirmed as being associated with the video recording device to authenticate a user, and establishes a docked position. Moreover, the video recording device may enter a mode of operation associated with using the video recording apparatus automatically when inserted into a holster. 1. A device for holding a video recording device within an article of clothing , including:a holster configured to hold a video recording apparatus, said holster being configured to allow video to be recorded by the video recording apparatus; andan article of clothing configured for receipt of said holster, said article of clothing including a view hole positioned so as to be aligned with said view hole in said holster, such that video may be recorded by the video recording device.2. The holster of claim 1 , wherein said article of clothing defines a compartment for receipt of the video recording device.3. The holster of wherein the video recording device is suitable to be acted upon by a magnet claim 1 , and the holster includes at least one magnet that magnetically engages said video recording device so as to position and retain said video recording device in a position that video may be recorded by the video recording device without obstruction by the holster or the article of clothing.4. The holster of further comprising a retaining plate configured to engage said holster to attach the video recording device in a desired position such that video may be recorded by the video recording device without obstruction by the holster claim 3 , the carrier or the article of clothing.5. A device for removably securing a recording device to an article of clothing claim 3 , comprising:a recording ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

System and Method for Monitoring Biological Parameters

Номер: US20180014581A1
Принадлежит: Under Armour Inc

A system includes a biometric detector and a band of stretchable fabric. The biometric detector detects a biological parameter. The biometric detector is fastened to the band of elastomer fabric.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015104A1

Various embodiment of a body-top garment for removably housing a tube assembly is disclosed. The tube assembly has a first end that connects to a mouthpiece, and a second end connects to various types of devices. The body-top garment has an elongated pouch with a zipper opening for easy access to the tube assembly. The elongated pouch has a first opening and a second opening to pass at least part of the tube assembly outside the body-top garment. Optionally, the body-top garment has pocket with a horizontal opening to hold the various type of devices.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Digital Contracts in Blockchain Environments

Номер: US20220034004A1
Автор: Snow Paul
Принадлежит: Inveniam Capital Partners, Inc.

Digital or “smart” contracts execute in a blockchain environment. Any entity (whether public or private) may specify a digital contract via a contract identifier in a blockchain. Because there may be many digital contracts offered as virtual services, the contract identifier uniquely identifies a particular digital contract offered by a virtual machine, vendor or supplier. The blockchain is thus not burdened with the programming code that is required to execute the digital contract. The blockchain need only include or specify the contract identifier (and perhaps one or more contractual parameters), thus greatly simplifying the blockchain and reducing its size (in bytes) and processing requirements. 1. A method performed by a server that reduces a memory byte size consumed by a blockchain stored to a solid-state memory device , the method comprising:receiving, by the server, the blockchain recording transactions conducted by computers via a network;storing, by the server, the blockchain to the solid-state memory device;identifying, by the server, a contract identifier specified by the blockchain in lieu of a programming code representing a smart contract;identifying, by the server, a network address by querying an electronic database that associates the contract identifier specified by the blockchain to the network address;sending, by the server, a service request via the network to the network address requesting a software service associated with the contract identifier; andgenerating, by the server, a data record in a blockchain data layer describing the service request sent via the network to the network address requesting the software service associated with the contract identifier;wherein the contract identifier specified by the blockchain reduces the memory byte size consumed by the blockchain stored to the solid-state memory device.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising receiving a service result of the software service.3. The method of claim 2 , ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015016A1
Автор: Caden Jodi E., Kaden Kari

A wearable article is provided. The wearable article may include a base portion, wherein the base portion may include a front portion, a back portion substantially opposite to the front portion, and an interior portion. The front portion may include at least one body section and the back portion may include at least one wedge section. 1. A wearable article comprising: 'wherein the front portion comprises at least one body section and the back portion comprises at least one wedge section; and', 'wherein the base portion comprises a front portion and a back portion substantially opposite to the front portion;'}, 'a base portion;'}an interior portion.2. The wearable article of claim 1 , wherein at least one body section is permanently fixed to the base portion.3. The wearable article of claim 1 , wherein at least one wedge section is permanently fixed to the base portion.4. The wearable article of claim 1 , wherein body section is removable from the base portion.5. The wearable article of claim 1 , wherein at least one wedge section-is removable from the base portion.6. The wearable article of claim 1 , wherein at least one wedge section has a tapering width.7. The wearable article of claim 1 , wherein at least one wedge section has a length extending the whole length of the base portion.8. The wearable article of claim 1 , wherein at least one wedge section has a length extending only a portion of a back portion of the wearer.9. The wearable article of claim 1 , wherein at least one body section has a length extending the whole length of the base portion.10. The wearable article of claim 1 , wherein at least one wedge section has a length extending only to a front portion of a wearer operable to provide support to a belly portion of a wearer.11. The wearable article of claim 1 , wherein the at least one wedge section is attached to the base portion using an attachment mechanism.12. The wearable article of claim 1 , wherein the at least one wedge section has at least ...
