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24-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2692322C2
Принадлежит: ДЕНТСПЛАЙ ИХ АБ (SE)

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к контейнеру (1) для медицинского использования в орошающей системе, орошающей системе и способу реверсивного складывания контейнера. Контейнер образует закрытую камеру (17) для содержания жидкости. Контейнер содержит боковой стеночный элемент (2), изготовленный из листового материала и образующий боковую стенку указанной закрытой камеры (17). Боковой стеночный элемент (2) содержит противоположно расположенные первый открытый конец (10) и второй открытый конец (11). Контейнер включает жесткий нижний участок (3), расположенный на первом открытом конце (10) указанного бокового стеночного элемента (2) таким образом, что указанный нижний участок (3) обеспечивает уплотнение первого открытого конца (10) бокового стеночного элемента (2) с формированием дна закрытой камеры (17). Контейнер имеет жесткий верхний участок (4), расположенный на втором открытом конце (11) бокового стеночного элемента (2) таким образом, что указанный верхний ...

20-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2355377C2
Принадлежит: ТЕВА МЕДИКАЛ ЛТД. (IL)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к системам смешивания лекарств. Система смешивания лекарств содержит, по меньшей мере, один элемент сопряжения с гнездом емкости с жидкостью, по меньшей мере, один элемент сопряжения с ампулой с лекарством и, по меньшей мере, один элемент сопряжения со шприцем, выполненный с возможностью прикрепления к шприцу и к, по меньшей мере, одному из следующих компонентов: по меньшей мере, одному элементу сопряжения с гнездом емкости и, по меньшей мере, одному элементу сопряжения с ампулой. По меньшей мере, один из следующих компонентов: по меньшей мере, один элемент сопряжения с гнездом емкости, по меньшей мере, один элемент сопряжения со шприцем и, по меньшей мере, один элемент сопряжения с ампулой снабжен воздуховодом в окружающую среду, выполненным с возможностью предотвращения пропускания в окружающую среду потенциально вредного содержимого ампулы в жидкой, твердой или газообразной форме. Изобретение позволяет работать с токсичными лекарствами ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2643432C2

Изобретение относится к закупоривающему устройству, состоящему, по меньшей мере, из контейнера (1) и/или, по меньшей мере, из части контейнера, например, надетого на контейнер (1) закрывающего колпачка, причем внутренний объем контейнера (1) служит для приема среды, в частности, наливаемой в стерильных условиях текучей среды, которая может быть извлечена из контейнера (1) приспособлением для извлечения, например, иглой шприца, проходящей для этого сквозь по меньшей мере один уплотнительный материал, соединенный с контейнером (1) и/или его частями. При этом уплотнительный материал (9) расположен на обращенной наружу внешней стороне (7) контейнера (1) и/или части контейнера, причем этот уплотнительный материал (9) неподвижно соединен с обращенной наружу внешней стороной (7) контейнера (1) и/или частью контейнера с помощью сварного и/или клеевого соединения. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 20 ил.

25-02-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018127841A3

27-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003130086A

... 1. Способ упаковки белка альбумина, предусматривающий стадии обеспечения гибкого полимерного контейнера, имеющего отверстие, продолжающееся от полости полимерного контейнера, обеспечения некоторого количества альбумина в виде стерильного раствора некоторой концентрации, введения альбумина под давлением магистрали подачи раствора, составляющим от около 4 psig до около 20 psig, в полость полимерного контейнера через имеющееся в нем отверстие, и запечатывания отверстия для заключения жидкого альбумина внутри камеры, непроницаемой для текучей среды, в полости полимерного контейнера. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором альбумин поддерживают при температуре около 68°F (20°С) перед введением в полость контейнера. 3. Способ по п.1, в котором альбумин вводят в полость гибкого полимерного контейнера под давлением магистрали подачи раствора, составляющим от около 12 psig до около 16 psig. 4. Способ по п.1, в котором гибкий полимерный контейнер изготавливают в асептической среде формующего-заполняющего-запечатывающего ...

20-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012153158A

... 1. Впускное устройство (10) для мешка (46) для хранения текучей среды, содержащеекорпус (12), имеющий нижнюю стенку (14) и противоположные боковые стенки (16, 18),соединительное отверстие (20) в указанном корпусе напротив нижней стенки (14), причем соединительное отверстие (20) приспособлено для присоединения к указанному мешку (46) для хранения текучей среды и имеет площадь поверхности удлиненной формы, образованную широким центральным участком (22) и заостренными, противоположными в продольном направлении концами (24),по меньшей мере, одно входное отверстие (26) в нижней стенке (14), приспособленное для сообщения с внутренней частью мешка (46) для хранения текучей среды через указанное соединительное отверстие (20), ипо меньшей мере, одну перегородку (32), поддерживающую указанные боковые стенки (16,18) и ориентированную поперечно продольному направлению (34),отличающееся тем, чтоуказанная перегородка (32) имеет подрезанный край (36), находящийся на расстоянии от нижней стенки (14), который ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Medizinischer Fluidbeutel

Номер: DE102013100479A1

Fluidbeutel, welcher wenigstens einen Auslaufstutzen (2) aufweist, der mit einer schaltbaren Ventileinrichtung (3) zur Außenumgebung hin mittels einer sterildicht auf dem Auslaufstutzen (2) angeordneten Verschlusseinrichtung (4) verschlossen ist, wobei die Verschlusseinrichtung (4) ein auf dem Auslaufstutzen (2) angeordnetes Basisteil (5) und eine Abbrechkappe (8) aufweist, wobei Basisteil (5) und Abbrechkappe (8) über eine als Sollbruchstelle dienende Verbindung (6) einstückig miteinander verbunden sind, wobei die Ventileinrichtung (3) in ihrem Inneren einen Ventilstößel (10) aufweist, der die Ventileinrichtung (3) nach Entfernen der Abbrechkappe (8) bei bestimmungsgemäßem Gebrauch des Fluidbeutels (1) auf Druck öffnet, wobei im Inneren der Abbrechkappe (8) der Verschlusseinrichtung (4) ein Ventilbetätigungselement (9) vorgesehen ist, welches nach Verbindung von Auslaufstutzen (2) mit Verschlusseinrichtung (4) den Ventilstößel (10) eindrückt und so die Ventilreinrichtung (3) derart öffnet ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации

Behälter zum Lagern und/oder Applizieren einer pharmazeutischen Substanz sowie Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung

Номер: DE102015108431A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft einen Behälter zum Lagern und/oder Applizieren einer pharmazeutischen Substanz, umfassend einen Grundkörper aus Glas (12), der eine im Wesentlichen hohlzylindrische Form aufweist und einen Hohlraum (14) umschließt, wobei der Grundkörper (12) ein erstes Ende (16) mit einer ersten Öffnung (18) aufweist, und einen ersten Anschlusskörper (24) aus Glas, wobei der erste Anschlusskörper (24) einen mit der ersten Öffnung (18) kommunizierenden Durchtrittskanal (28) aufweist, der erste Anschlusskörper (24) in einem ersten Anschlussbereich (A1) mit dem Grundkörper (12) verbunden ist und der Behälter (10) im ersten Anschlussbereich (A1) eine oder mehrere erste Absorptionszonen (Z1) aufweist, in welcher der Behälter (10) zumindest abschnittsweise eine höhere Strahlungsabsorption für elektromagnetische Wellen in einem vorbestimmten Wellenlängenbereich (λ) aufweist als der Grundkörper (12) außerhalb der ersten Absorptionszone (Z1).

10-05-2001 дата публикации

Injection moulded cap for medical port connector has integral spacer connecting it via section of weakness to base of port connector so it can be separated by turning, protective foil being fitted over base of cap

Номер: DE0019952863A1

The injection moulded cap (5) for a port connector has an integral spacer (10) attached which is connected via a section of weakness (4) to the base (11) of a port connector (3) and can be separated from it by turning. A protective foil (6) is fitted over the base of the cap and has a tab (8) allowing it to be peeled off.

11-12-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001376768A

... 1376768 Parenteral solution containers BAXTER LABORATORIES Inc 13 Oct 1972 [20 Oct 1971] 47303/72 Heading A5R A pierceable closure for a parenteral solution container 10, comprises a flexible plastics tube 26 integral with the container 10 and closed at its outer end 28 and a tubular gripping sleeve 30 positioned about the tube 26 such that its outer end 28 lies in the bore of the sleeve 30, the sleeve having an open bore of uniform cross-section outwardly of the end 28 of the tube 26 to the outer end of the sleeve 36. The container 10 has two such closures 20, 21 one of which may be sealed with a pierceable latex plug 22 for the addition of supplemental medication and the other having a tubular cover with a removal tab. The closed end 28 defines a diaphragm which is accessible to a hollow spike 32 through which the solution may be transferred when the diaphragm is pierced by the spike 32.

05-07-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002176468B

25-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001474648A

... 1474648 Blood transfusion apparatus TERUMO CORP 8 July 1975 [31 July 1974] 28757/75 Heading A5R A device for use in allowing communication between blood bags comprises a connection tube 13 for connection to a bag, and a communication pipe 17 of hard plastics fitted into and secured to the connection tube and having an open end and a sealed portion 17a and a section of reduced wall thickness 17b about which the pipe 17 can be manually broken to provide communication between the blood bags when the tube 13 is connected to a second bag via a pipe 12 to which it is connectable. Communication pipe 17 is secured in the end of the connection tube 13 by adhesive or high frequency welding and its portion 17a preferably at the pipe end is hermetically sealed by fusion, the end of the fused section lightly contacting the inner wall of the pipe 12 to prevent the free end of pipe 17 from being brought to abutment with the fixed end by blood flow from bag 11 to a second bag (14) Fig. 2, (not shown).

30-03-1983 дата публикации

A method for manufacturing of articles from one or several film webs and an apparatus for the accomplishment of the method

Номер: GB2105648A

PCT No. PCT/SE81/00284 Sec. 371 Date May 28, 1982 Sec. 102(e) Date May 28, 1982 PCT Filed Oct. 1, 1981 PCT Pub. No. WO82/01158 PCT Pub. Date Apr. 15, 1982.A method and an apparatus for manufacturing of articles from continuous film webs (2, 3, 5, 6) by means of welding the film during transportation of the film webs through treatment stations (24, 25, 26). The film webs are during their transport supported by a movable conveyor belt (40) and welded against the conveyor belt so that the film webs (2, 3, 5, 6) adhere to and are connected to the belt and conveyed via formed connections (45) and are released from the conveyor belt after accomplished transportation.

08-11-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001295934A

06-12-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008921873D0

15-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000396688T

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000416817T

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000385816T

15-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: ATA343677A

15-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000343677A

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000475397T

15-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000167388T

15-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000059773T

15-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000256264T

15-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000289830T

15-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000191267T

01-01-2001 дата публикации

Номер: AU0000224033A

15-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003297558A1

25-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003278599A1

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Coded drug reservoir connection element with bendable locking elements

Номер: AU2011237892A1

A locking mechanism (200) is provided for use with a reservoir (500) and a reservoir holder so as to prevent unwanted tampering with the reservoir. The mechanism comprises a main body that is coupled to the reservoir. A first bendable feature (230) is provided on the main body. The first bendable feature snaps from a first position to a second position. In the second position, at least a portion of the bendable feature retains the reservoir within the locking mechanism.

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AU2011252212B2

The present invention refers to a flexible multiple chamber bag for storing medical products comprising two or more chambers. A flexible multiple chamber bag (10) made by circumferentially welding two foils being non peelable and furthermore containing peelable and non-peelable welds (4, 5, 6) within the circumference weld (7) for the separate storing of medical products in separate chambers (1, 2, 3), containing a hanger flap (11) extending from the top end of said bag (10) and a single medical port system (9) welded within the lower end of said circumferential weld (7) of said bag (10) characterized in that one side end but different from the top end and the lower end of said circumferential weld (7) of said bag (10) contains a number of non-welded frustoconical-shaped interruptions (12, 13, 14) between said foils, each of said interruptions (12, 13, 14) respectively being connected to a different chamber (1 or 2 or 3) allowing the temporarily or permanent introduction of an appropriate ...

30-12-1996 дата публикации

Multi-purpose vials for use in hypodermic administrations an d drug delivery systems

Номер: AU0006258996A

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Method for the aseptic filling of a bag

Номер: AU2015246068B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Method for the aseptic filling of a bag Method for the aseptic filling of a bag (1) with a pharmaceutical product or liquid which comprises the following steps: a) a first step in which the cap (3) is inserted in the inlet (4) of the bag (1); b) a second step in which said cap (3) is raised and the pharmaceutical product or liquid concerned is introduced; c) a third step in which the cap (3) is re-inserted in the inlet (4) of the bag (1); and d) a fourth step in which the cap (3) and the inlet (4) of the bag (1) are welded. 22> Figr-16 Fig16 ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Cylindrical collapsible container

Номер: AU2014277208A1

There is provided a container (1) for medical use forming a closed compartment (17) for carrying a liquid. The container (1) comprises a flexible side wall (5), a rigid top portion (4) and a rigid bottom portion (3). In the top portion (4) there is at least one through-hole. The side wall (5), the top (4) and bottom (3) portions together form a compartment (17). Inside the compartment (17), a flexible tube (5) is arranged with one end (21) in fluid communication with a though-hole (12) in the top portion (4). A second end (19) of the tube is connected to the bottom portion (3) via a snap-in connection (18). Liquid from the inside of the container (1) may be withdrawn by pressurizing the compartment (17) in which liquid is stored, when in use. The container (1) is reversible folded and unfolded for convenient filling and storing of the container (1). The container (1) is adapted for use in an irrigation system, and preferably a system for rectal irrigation.

14-12-2017 дата публикации

Dual cap system for container-closures to maintain tip sterility during shelf storage

Номер: AU2013295636B2
Автор: SHANKAR SAI, Shankar, Sai
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

A container-closure system includes a container configured to hold a therapeutic liquid and having a dispensing tip configured to dispense a dose of the therapeutic liquid. A vented cap is configured to fit over at least a portion of the container including the dispensing tip and having one or more vents that allow air to pass into and out of a cavity defined between the vented cap and the dispensing tip. A second cap is configured to fit over at least a portion of the vented cap. A tamper evident seal is coupled to the second cap and one or both of the container and the vented cap.

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Ergonomic system for drainage and disposal of bodily fluids

Номер: AU2013340434A1

There is provided an ergonomic container for draining fluid from the pleural space or peritoneal cavity of a patient. The container is desirably easy to open, easy to pour, easy to hold, easy to control and keep from falling on the floor, and that has graphics that communicate the use and disposal of the container in a relatively simple and easy to understand manner.

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Multi chamber flexible bag and methods of using same

Номер: AU2017261511B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A method of preparing a pharmaceutical product in a single multiple chamber flexible bag. A pharmaceutical product is introduced in a liquid state into a first chamber of the flexible bag through a first port. The pharmaceutical product is lyophilized within the first chamber of the flexible bag to provide a lyophilized pharmaceutical product. The flexible bag has a second chamber and the first chamber and the second chamber are separated by a breakable seal. The second chamber further includes a reconstituting solution for reconstituting the lyophilized pharmaceutical product in the first chamber. A user may apply pressure to the flexible bag to break the seal and mix the lyophilized pharmaceutical product and the reconstituting solution to order to administer the pharmaceutical product to a patient. T 7- +----2 126------- +----24 702 +----112 ...

21-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000681070B2

01-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000635736B2

26-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004504889A

18-04-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004318489A

20-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002558773A1

A connector for use in connecting a container of liquid nutrients to an enteral feeding tube to supply the liquid nutrients to a patient includes an integrally formed spike projecting into a cavity defined by an interior surface of a body of the connector. An air passage in communication with the cavity extends through the spike to outside the connector. A filter is secured to the end of the passage outside the connector. The body of the connector is free of structure that both defines any portion of the liquid passage and is formed for penetrating the puncturable seal of the container.

03-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002707362C

A system for mixing or reconstituting a drug contained in a first container with a diluent or fluid contained in a second container. The second container has a port docking assembly for engaging the first container. The first container is rotatable and axially slidable within the port docking assembly. The port docking assembly has an actuator to urge a stopper fluidly sealing the first container into the interior of the first container. The port docking assembly further includes a movable plug constructed to fluidly seal the second container in a first, docked position and to provide access to the interior of the second container in a second, activated position, whereby fluid communication between the first and second containers is provided when the first and second containers are in the second, activated position.

05-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002707362A1

A system for mixing or reconstituting a drug contained in a first container with a diluent or fluid contained in a second container. The second container has a port docking assembly for engaging the first container. The first container is rotatable and axially slidable within the port docking assembly. The port docking assembly has an actuator to urge a stopper fluidly sealing the first container into the interior of the first container. The port docking assembly further includes a movable plug constructed to fluidly seal the second container in a first, docked position and to provide access to the interior of the second container in a second, activated position, whereby fluid communication between the first and second containers is provided when the first and second containers are in the second, activated position.

20-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002731959C

The present invention relates to a connector for a replaceable container to be used in a medical machine, which is comprised by at least a body, the inner side of which is traversed by inlet and outlet tubes extending from within such container towards an outer side of the connector, wherein said tubes separately extend leading to two laterally spaced-apart apertures that are removably attachable to a mounting means and supplementary connection of said machine.

28-12-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA1138384A

NON-COLLAPSIBLE MEDICAL FLUID CONTAINER WITH AIR VENT FILTER J. Lee Pope, Jr. James W. Scott A non-collapsible medical fluid container is disclosed, with microporous filter means mounted on the interior end of a vent conduit that extends into the container for venting displacement air thereinto. The filter means, preferably a rigid microporous depth-type filter frictionally mounted on the end of the vent conduit, is mounted closely adjacent to an interior surface of the container to prevent dislodgement of the filter by pressure from the venting air.

26-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1169817A

A flexible container for the storage of liquids which incorporates a resealable opening. A flap is temporarily sealed over the opening of the unfilled flexible container. When the container is filled this temporary seal is broken and after filling a permanent heat seal is formed by applying heat externally to the flexible container. The flap is heat sealable on the surface contacting the opening in the container wall but non-heat-sealable on its opposite surface. The temporary seal is preferably a heat activated or pressure sensitive coating which has a low cohesion with the opening of the flexible container wall.

19-08-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001209838A

A closed pouch for infusion liquid is made from a continuously extruded plastics hose by providing transverse seals and cutting the hose in said seals, and an assembly of two necks and a filling hose connection is secured to the outer wall of each pouch, said wall being pierced when liquid is to be extracted from or supplied to the pouch through one of said necks. Such an assembly is made from plastics as a unitary structure together with closing caps for the necks and a common flange to be secured to said wall. One neck is provided, at the flange side, with an enlarged bore terminating in a shoulder which is substantially parallel to the flange, and a pierceable sealing pad is inserted from the flange side into said enlarged bore, the latter being eventually closed by the pouch wall.

25-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001336379C

A pre-slit injection site includes a housing with a flow path therethrough. A first end of the housing carries a pre-slit septum. One form of a blunt cannula, usable with the injection site, carries a locking member. When the pre-slit injection site slidably receives the blunt cannula, the locking member latches to the injection site and creates a mechanically coupled unit. Another form of the cannula includes a tube having a tapered distal end region and having elongate discharge slots for reducing contact surface area and for directing the flow laterally out of the cannula. The cannula may also include a rounded lead post, an annular barb, and axially oriented grooves.

20-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002468503A1

A transport carrier adapted for sterilization by application of E-beam radiation. The transport carrier comprises a generally rectangular container tray, the tray enclosing a volume and including an upper peripheral edge bent-over outwardly to form a horizontally oriented peripheral lip. A rail cartridge for supporting a multiplicity of containers is provided. The rail cartridge is configured to be received within the volume of the tray. A sealable film lid is affixed to the horizontally oriented peripheral lip to thereby cover the tray to form a transportable sterile containment isolator for transporting and sterilizing empty containers.

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003043865A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

Systems and methods for formulating a radioactive liquid using a disposable container (108) are described. The disposable container includes a flexible sidewall (144) defining an interior space (146) for containing the radioactive liquid during formulation. The flexible sidewall is constructed of sterile, pyrogen-free material to prevent contamination of the radioactive liquid. The flexible sidewall includes a first portion and a second portion. The disposable container also includes an access port (154) and a dispense port (156). The access port is defined by the first portion of the flexible sidewall to provide access to the interior space. The dispense port is defined by the second portion of the flexible sidewall for the radioactive liquid within the interior space to be dispensed through.

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003062836A1
Принадлежит: BERESKIN & PARR LLP/S.E.N.C.R.L.,S.R.L.

A peritoneal dialysis concentrate comprises an all-in-one concentrate or at least two concentrate parts to be stored separately before use, wherein by a diluting solution, the all-in-one concentrate can be diluted or dissolved, or the at least two concentrate parts can be diluted or dissolved, and mixed with each other to obtain the peritoneal dialysis solution suitable for peritoneal dialysis treatment. Also a single-chamber peritoneal dialysis bag, a dual-chamber peritoneal dialysis bag and a multi-chamber peritoneal dialysis bag contain the peritoneal dialysis concentrate. In addition, a set for a continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis and a set for an automated peritoneal dialysis comprise the single-chamber peritoneal dialysis bag or the dual-chamber peritoneal dialysis bag or the multi-chamber peritoneal dialysis bag, which contains the peritoneal dialysis concentrate. The peritoneal dialysis concentrate and the corresponding set for CAPD/APD can allow for saving logistic cost, ...

11-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002436934A1

08-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002468377C
Принадлежит: B. BRAUN MEDICAL, INC.

A sacrificial port adapted for insertion between the front and rear film sheets defining a medical container. The sacrificial port comprise;s a generally tubular, hollow filling barrel with a tapered heat seal flange. The flange includes central orifices which communicate with the tubular filling barrel. The filling barrel terminates at the flange orifice at a first end. A first grasping flange is disposed along the length of the filling barrel. The first grasping flange extends from the barrel in a direction orthogonal to the barrel's central axis. A second grasping flange is disposed along the length of the barrel and spaced-apart along the length of the barrel from the first grasping flange. The second grasping flange extends outwardly from the barrel and parallel to the first grasping flange.

03-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002656488A1

A flexible non-PVC, non-DEHP polyolefin container or bag for medical flui ds has an elongated container body formed of polyolefin film. The container has one or more ports equipped with a polyolefin fill tube and port closure assembly. The container includes a concave seam on at least one of its longi tudinal sides.

23-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002909272A1

Method for the aseptic filling of a bag with a pharmaceutical product or liquid which comprises the following steps: a) a first step in which the cap is inserted in the inlet of the bag; b) a second step in which said cap is raised and the pharmaceutical product or liquid concerned is introduced; c) a third step in which the cap is re-inserted in the inlet of the bag; and d) a fourth step in which the cap and the inlet of the bag are welded.

30-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002985042A1

A method of preparing a pharmaceutical product in a single multiple chamber flexible bag. A pharmaceutical product is introduced in a liquid state into a first chamber of the flexible bag through a first port. The pharmaceutical product is lyophilized within the first chamber of the flexible bag to provide a lyophilized pharmaceutical product. The flexible bag has a second chamber and the first chamber and the second chamber are separated by a breakable seal. The second chamber further includes a reconstituting solution for reconstituting the lyophilized pharmaceutical product in the first chamber. A user may apply pressure to the flexible bag to break the seal and mix the lyophilized pharmaceutical product and the reconstituting solution to order to administer the pharmaceutical product to a patient.

29-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002732865C

A multilayered liquid container having a discharge port welded under specified conditions to a sealant, which is constituted of a resin comprising a cycloolefin resin as a main component. The discharge port is composed of: an innermost layer constituted of a resin comprising a cycloolefin as a main component; and a surface layer whose main part is constituted of a resin comprising a specific type of polyethylene as a main component. According to the present invention, there can be provided a multilayered liquid container, which can prevent an effective component of a content fluid from being adsorbed onto or penetrating through not only the container body, but also the resin constituting the discharge port, and enables high temperature sterilization treatment, coupled with the discharge port having high welded strength and drop strength.

11-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002732865A1

A multilayered liquid container having a discharge port plug fusion-bonded under specific conditions to a sealant which is constituted of a resin comprising a cycloolefin resin as a major component. The discharge port plug is composed of: an innermost layer constituted of a resin comprising a cycloolefin resin as a major component; and a surface layer, the main part of which is constituted of a resin comprising a specific polyethylene as a major component. This multilayered liquid container can prevent the effective component of liquid contents from being adsorbed onto or penetrating through not only the container main body but also the resins constituting the discharge port plug. This container is capable of high-temperature sterilization. The discharge port plug has high fusion bonding strength and high drop strength.

17-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002610503A1
Автор: DALY, PAUL J.

The present invention provides an enteral feeding set comprising tubing adapted for fluid flow therethrough and further adapted to be engaged by a pump unit, a valve mechanism in direct communication with said tubing, said valve mechanism being adapted to be engaged by said pump unit, and a feeding set indicator for permitting identification of the functional configuration of said administration feeding set by said pump unit, characterized in that said tubing comprises at least two inlet tubes on an upstream side of said valve mechanism and a single outlet tube on a downstream side thereof and wherein said inlet tubes each include a connector for connecting said tube to a supply of fluid at a connection end thereof, each of said connectors being of like form but visually distinguishable for indicating to a user which supply of fluid each connector should be attached thereto.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002862241A1

A vial for storing multiple doses of a substance to be dispensed into one or more syringes or other delivery devices. The vial has a body, a variable- volume storage chamber within the body for storing multiple doses of the substance therein, and a one-way valve connectable in fluid communication with a syringe or other delivery device. The one-way valve is moveable relative to the body between first and second positions (i) one of which permits the valve to open so that substance from the variable-volume storage chamber can flow therethrough and into the syringe or other delivery device connected in fluid communication therewith, and (ii) one of which prevents the valve from opening.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002879703A1

A container-closure system includes a container configured to hold a therapeutic liquid and having a dispensing tip configured to dispense a dose of the therapeutic liquid. A vented cap is configured to fit over at least a portion of the container including the dispensing tip and having one or more vents that allow air to pass into and out of a cavity defined between the vented cap and the dispensing tip. A second cap is configured to fit over at least a portion of the vented cap. A tamper evident seal is coupled to the second cap and one or both of the container and the vented cap.

14-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002793972C

The present invention refers to a flexible multiple chamber bag for storing medical products comprising two or more chambers. A flexible multiple chamber bag (10) made by circumferentially welding two foils being non peelable and furthermore containing peelable and non-peelable welds (4, 5, 6) within the circumference weld (7) for the separate storing of medical products in separate chambers (1, 2, 3), containing a hanger flap (11) extending from the top end of said bag (10) and a single medical port system (9) welded within the lower end of said circumferential weld (7) of said bag (10) characterized in that one side end but different from the top end and the lower end of said circumferential weld (7) of said bag (10) contains a number of non-welded frustoconical-shaped interruptions (12, 13, 14) between said foils, each of said interruptions (12, 13, 14) respectively being connected to a different chamber (1 or 2 or 3) allowing the temporarily or permanent introduction of an appropriate ...

26-09-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002042372C

A pre-slit injection site (710) includes a housing (712) with a flow path (728) therethrough. A first end (714) of the housing (712) carries a pre-slit septum (718). A second end (716) of the housing carries a coupling component (736) to adapt the site to standard vials. The coupling component (736), a vial adapter, includes an adapter spike (752) with openings (758) allowing for the drainage of fluid in the vial through the spike (752) and into the injection site (710). The vial adapter (736) is provided with a skirt housing unit (734, 744) which protects the adapter spike (752) in manufacturing and use. The skirt housing unit (734. 744) also provides features to lockingly engage the adapter (700) with injection site (710) to standard vials, despite dimensional variations in vial closures. Another embodiment of the coupling component (814) is a spike (816) having a barb feature (818) capable of insertion into a standard vial or port and resisting disengagement. A blunt cannula (730) is ...

22-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002154764A1

A drug delivery device (250) is provided for coupling a container (260) including a beneficial agent (262) to the device (250). The device (250) includes a substantially hollow member for housing a solution (256) wherein the hollow member includes an upper section (254) having flexible walls and a lower section (252) having substantially rigid walls. A spike (258) extends from the lower section (252) to provide fluid communication between an interior of the device (250) and the container (260). To this end, the beneficial agent (262) mixes with the solution (256) forming a mixture for administration to a patient. A cannula (266) and a plunger (264) are further provided for administration of the mixture (270) to the patient.

19-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002216924C

A connector assembly includes first and second fittings and first and second membrane assemblies. Each fitting defines a respective aperture. Each membrane assembly has a layer sealing the aperture and a removable contamination containment layer overlying a respective sealing layer. The first and second fittings may be resiliently coupled in biased opposition to urge positive contact between the first and second removable contamination containment layers and/or the first and second sealing layers. In one application, a connector assembly according to the invention may define a fluid communication path for handling a fluid without allowing the level of contaminants in the fluid to increase. A connector assembly according to the invention may be used to handle a biological fluid while maintaining the fluid free of viable contaminating microorganisms or preserving its sterility, for example.

24-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002235218A1

A filter bag (200) and connector cartridge are used for collection of physiological fluids. The bag (200) includes an internal filter (206) and two seals (218, 220) on the perimeter. An inner seal (218) bonds the outer sheets (202, 204) of the bag and the filter, while the outer seal (220) bonds only the two outer sheets (202, 204) and acts as a safety seal. The bag includes a verification element that cooperates with a verification connector to ensure that the bag is properly attached to the fluid supply line before a fluid pump is enabled.

23-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002279254C

The present invention provides a connector device (10) for establishing fluid communication between a first container (12) and a second container (14). The device (10) has a first sleeve member (30) having a first end (40) and a second end (42), the first sleeve member (30) having at the first end (40) a first attaching member adapted to attach to the first container (12). The device (10) further has a second sleeve member (32) having a first end (80) and a second end (82), the second sleeve member (32) being associated with the first sleeve member (30) and movable with respect thereto from an inactivated position to an activated position, the second sleeve member (32) having at the second end (82) a second attaching member adapted to attach the second sleeve member (32) to the second container (14). First and second piercing members (34) project from one of the first and second sleeve members (30, 32) for providing a fluid flow path from the first container (12) to the second container ...

14-01-1977 дата публикации

Infusion assembly for prepn. of infusion solns. - comprising carrier soln. bottle and infusion concentrate containers with closure cap contg. sterile canula

Номер: CH0000583567A5
Принадлежит: ROTTA GMBH & CO DR, ROTTA (DR.) GMBH & CO.

Appts. comprises a bottle for a carrier soln., e.g. glucose, and at least one container for an infusion concentrate provided with a closure, the contents of the container being injectable via a cannula into the bottle of carrier soln. The closure of the infusion concentrate container is so designed that it encloses a sterile cannula, suitable for the transfer of the concentrate into the carrier soln., while the container has a partially flexible, manually compressible wall and a mval-scale. The transfer of concentrate to the carrier solution can be made directly and metered accurately under sterile conditions.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Drug suspension agent and method of manufacture thereof

Номер: US20120171396A1
Автор: Mengjun Yang

A drug suspension agent and method of making same is used for curing or preventing diseases, or adjusting the physiological function of a human or animal body by drug information without contacting the skin. The basic configuration of the drug suspension agent consists of a drug holder (1), a container (4) and a connector (5). The contents (2) are drugs having pharmacological activity.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Patient Hydration System

Номер: US20120199595A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A patient hydration system comprises a bladder, a flexible tube, a safety guard, and a mouthpiece. The bladder can be a generally rectangular-shaped pouch designed to hold liquids. The bladder can have an attachment means whereby a retention member can be used to hang the bladder. The bladder has a port that allows the attachment of the flexible tube. The tube is also connected to the safety guard and mouthpiece. The contents of the bladder flow through the tube and out of the mouthpiece on demand. A keeper clip can be added in proximity to the mouthpiece. The safety guard provides a substantial handle for grasping and maneuvering the system, ensures that the mouthpiece is not inadvertently swallowed by the patient, and protects the mouthpiece from surface contamination if the mouthpiece is placed on a table, plate, etc.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Configurable port fitment, kit, and related methods

Номер: US20120284991A1
Принадлежит: Matthew Kusz, Vishwas Pethe

A configurable port fitment includes an adapter for forming a locking engagement with a connector associated with a vessel. A kit and related methods may use the configurable port fitment.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Port device

Номер: US20130049356A1
Принадлежит: B Braun Melsungen AG

A port device ( 10 ) for a fluid storage bag ( 46 ) comprises a housing ( 12 ) having a bottom wall ( 14 ) and opposing sidewalls ( 16, 18 ), and a connective opening ( 20 ) in said housing ( 12 ) opposite to said bottom wall ( 14 ). The connective opening ( 20 ) is adapted to be connected with said fluid storage bag ( 46 ) and has an elongate surface area shaped by a wide center portion ( 22 ) and peaked longitudinally opposing ends ( 24 ). A port device ( 10 ) further comprises at least one access port ( 26 ) in said bottom wall ( 14 ) adapted to communicate with the interior of said fluid storage bag ( 46 ) through said connective opening ( 20 ). In order to be fixable to the fluid storage bag ( 46 ) in a safe and easy manner, said port device ( 10 ) further comprises at least one bridge element ( 32 ) supporting said sidewalls ( 16, 18 ) and oriented transversely to the longitudinal direction ( 34 ).

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Multi-Layer Tube For Medical Use And Medical Infusion Bag

Номер: US20130123739A1
Автор: Yoshikawa Katsuyuki

Disclosed is a multi-layer tube for medical use, the tube being characterized by having: an outer layer including a resin material that contains high-density polyethylene, and an inner layer including a resin material that contains random polypropylene and/or block polypropylene. Also disclosed a medical infusion bag provided with the multi-layer tube. 1. A multi-layer tube for medical use , comprising: an outer layer comprising a resin material that contains high-density polyethylene; and an inner layer comprising a resin material that contains random polypropylene and/or block polypropylene.2. The multi-layer tube according to claim 1 , further comprising an adhesive layer comprising an adhesive resin claim 1 , which is provided between the outer layer and the inner layer.3. The multi-layer tube according to claim 1 , wherein the outer layer comprises a resin material that contains high-density polyethylene and an adhesive resin.4. The multi-layer tube according to claim 2 , wherein the outer layer comprises a resin material that contains high-density polyethylene and an adhesive resin.5. A medical infusion bag comprising a bag body made of a polyethylene film in a back-form claim 2 , which stores a medical infusion claim 2 , and a tube port welded to a bottom of the bag body claim 2 , through which the medical infusion is discharged from the bag body claim 2 ,wherein the multi-layer tube for medical use comprises:an outer layer comprising a resin material that contains high-density polyethylene; and an inner layer comprises a resin material that contains random polypropylene and/or block polypropylene is used as the tube port. The present invention relates to a multi-layer tube for medical use, which is suitably used as a tube port of a medical infusion bag, and the medical infusion bag.This application claims priority to and the benefit of Japanese Patent Application No. 2010-172263 filed on Jul. 30, 2010, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Coded drug reservoir connection element with bendable locking elements

Номер: US20130204201A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A locking mechanism is provided for use with a reservoir and a reservoir holder so as to prevent unwanted tampering with the reservoir. The mechanism comprises a main body that is coupled to the reservoir. A first bendable feature is provided on the main body. The first bendable feature snaps from a first position to a second position. In the second position, at least a portion of the bendable feature retains the reservoir within the locking mechanism.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Ultrasound Coupling Liquid and Container

Номер: US20130211250A1
Принадлежит: Theraclion SA

This invention relates to a coupling liquid for ultrasound devices, preferably high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). The coupling liquid comprises a liquid aqueous solution of at least one hydrophilic polymer having an average molecular mass of between 30,000 and 70,000 and at least one alcohol with a carbon chain of 1 to 7 carbon atoms. Also disclosed is a container ( 10 ) for an ultrasound coupling liquid having a thin wall.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130267927A1
Принадлежит: TOSHO INC.

A medicine feeder that causes no axial rotation beyond control during fitting between transmission mechanisms includes a medicine storing device and a drive device. The medicine storing device includes a container and discharge mechanism. The container stores medicines. The discharge mechanism is rotationally driven to discharge medicines from the container, and includes a first transmission mechanism with a fitting portion. The drive device rotationally drives the discharge mechanism when the medicine storing device is brought into a cooperation enabling position, and includes a second transmission mechanism with a fitted portion. When the fitting portion of the first transmission mechanism and the fitted portion of the second transmission mechanism are fitted with each other, the drive device can rotationally drive the discharge mechanism of the medicine storing device. The fitted portion is supported to be displaceable in the axial direction of a drive shaft, and moved by an energy storing member. 1. A medicine feeder comprising: the container being configured to store a medicine, and', 'the discharge mechanism including a rotary member configured to rotate at a steady speed to discharge the medicine from the container, and a first transmission mechanism including a fitting portion and operable to transmit a rotational force to the rotary member; and, 'a medicine storing device including a container and a discharge mechanism,'}a drive device including a second transmission mechanism including a fitted portion and coupled to the first transmission mechanism via a fitting structure, and configured to provide the second transmission mechanism with the rotational force,the fitting structure being constituted from the fitting portion of the first transmission mechanism and the fitted portion of the second transmission mechanism, wherein:at least one of the first transmission mechanism and the second transmission mechanism includes an energy storing member configured ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Bag with a flexurally rigid plastic part welded into it

Номер: US20130281964A1

The subject of the invention is a bag for receiving, preparing and producing dialysis fluid. The invention relates in particular to a bag having a sealing bordering line and a flexurally rigid hard plastic part connected to the film material. The hard plastic part is connected to the film material separately from the sealing bordering line and offers an area for gripping the bag for fastening it without having to act mechanically on the sealing bordering line in a direct manner.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Hermetic connector, pierceable without needle and automatically and sealingly reclosable, for devices intended for collecting and dispensing liquid solutions for pharmaceutical and/or nutritional use

Номер: US20130299021A1
Принадлежит: Ditta Paolo Giuseppe GOBBI FRATTINI

A connector for devices intended to collect and dispense liquid solutions for pharmaceutical and/or nutritional use is described. The connector comprises a closing plug pierceable by pressing a needleless introduction/collection tang. The closing plug comprises a check valve with closing lips openable by introducing said tang and elastically reclosable after extracting the introduced tang and further comprising a pierceable and elastically sealingly reclosable membrane placed to hermetically close the inlet end of said check valve. Said closing lips are located at one end of an elastically deformable plastic material body, which is longitudinally crossed by a thin rectangular section slot, the slot being closed on the other end by said pierceable and elastically reclosable membrane.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Gripping member of a bag for pharmaceutical products

Номер: US20130308879A1
Автор: Walter Bianco
Принадлежит: Health Robotics SRL

A bag for pharmaceutical products is gripped by a gripping member provided with two jaws movable between a gripping position and a releasing position of the bag, with a recess obtained between the two jaws to accommodate therein at least one duct to access the content of the bag, and with a support pin protruding into the recess to allow the access duct to be folded from a substantially rectilinear, initial configuration to a final configuration, where the access duct is folded about the support element itself.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Drug storage container

Номер: US20140014547A1
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

A drug storage container includes: a first container; a second container that is disposed on the lower end side of the first container; a needle tube for making an internal space of the first container and an internal space of the second container communicate with each other; operating means for performing an operation of bringing the first container closer to the second container; a drug stored in the internal space; and a liquid stored in the internal space. In the drug storage container, with the first container and the second container brought closer to each other by the operating means, the internal space of the first container and the internal space of the second container are made to communicate with each other through the needle tube, and the volume of the internal space of the second container is reduced.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Z-Shaped Fluid Channel Arrangement

Номер: US20140046267A1

The invention is related to a manifold comprising at least two valve receptacles, further comprising a fluid groove arrangement comprising at least two fluid grooves, wherein a first fluid groove of the at least two fluid grooves has a starting point near a first valve receptacle of the at least two valve receptacles and an end point near a second valve receptacle of the at least two valve receptacles and wherein a second fluid groove of the at least two fluid grooves has a starting point near a second valve receptacle of the at least two valve receptacles. The invention is further related to an apparatus comprising a manifold of the aforementioned kind and further comprising an inner body of a dispense interface. 116.-. (canceled)17. A manifold comprising:at least two valve receptacles;a fluid groove arrangement comprising at least two fluid grooves;wherein a first fluid groove of the at least two fluid grooves has a starting point near or at a first valve receptacle of the at least two valve receptacles and an end point near or at a second valve receptacle of the at least two valve receptacles;wherein a second fluid groove of the at least two fluid grooves has a starting point near or at the second valve receptacle of the at least two valve receptacles.18. The manifold according to claim 17 , wherein the at least two valve receptacles are valve cavities.19. The manifold according to claim 17 ,wherein at least one filling block is provided andwherein an at least indirect fluid connection is provided between the second fluid groove and the at least one filling block.20. The manifold according to claim 19 , wherein the at least one filling block is a rectangular protrusion.21347614762076047600. The manifold according to one of claims to claim 19 , wherein the at least one filling block () and the fluid groove arrangement () are arranged on a surface () of the manifold ().22. The manifold according to claim 17 , wherein each of the at least two valve receptacles is ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Fluid discharge head

Номер: US20140070030A1
Автор: Gisbert Welp, Heiko Harms
Принадлежит: MeadWestvaco Calmar GmbH

Fluid discharge head having a discharge stub ( 5 ) which has a discharge opening ( 6 ) and in which an inner sleeve ( 7 ) is arranged which has a media channel ( 8 ) and which receives a spring-loaded valve body ( 10 ) self-acting closing the discharge opening ( 6 ) by a compression spring ( 20 ), the valve body ( 10 ) being formed as a cylindrical piston, which is axially displaceable in a cylinder chamber ( 12 ) formed by the inner sleeve ( 7 ), an upper valve seat ( 14 ) and a lower valve seat ( 15 ) being provided for the piston ends ( 16, 17 ), and the valve body ( 10 ) having an intermediate valve plate ( 18 ), which forms a chamber bottom of a pressure chamber ( 19 ) which is connected to the media channel ( 8 ) and in which, in order to open the upper valve seat ( 14 ), a media discharge pressure can be set and an opening characteristic is determined by a transmission ratio of the opening diameter of cylinder chamber ( 12 ) and media inlet in the area of the lower valve seat ( 15 ), characterized in that the transmission ratio is greater than 2 and the choice of the spring stiffness of the compression spring ( 20 ) establishes the media discharge pressure in the pressure chamber ( 19 ).

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000650A1

A package for infusion or instillation of medicinal or nutritional products into the body of a patient comprises a bag of liquid diluent equipped with at least one drain tube and a mixing tube equipped with a coupling and perforation device for a bottle of a pharmacological or nutritional substance in powder, gel or other material, provided with a perforatable cap. The package comprises a flexible airtight sterile casing, containing said bottle of the substance in powder or other and the coupling and perforation device. The bottle is housed in the casing in a coupling position with the coupling and perforation device and is manually manoeuvrable from the outside of the casing up to a perforating position of the cap of the bottle. 1. A package for infusion or instillation of medicinal or nutritional products into the body of a patient , comprising a bag of liquid diluent equipped with at least one drain tube provided with a closing device , and a mixing tube equipped with an openable closure and which ends with a coupling and perforation device for a bottle of a pharmacological or nutritional substance in powder , gel or other material , provided with a perforatable cap , said package comprising at least a flexible airtight sterile casing , containing said bottle of the substance in powder or other and said coupling and perforation device , said bottle being housed in the casing in a coupling position only with the coupling and perforation device and being manually manoeuvrable from the outside of the casing up to a perforating position of said cap through the same coupling and perforation device , wherein said coupling and perforation device comprises a first element slidably coupled with a second element and movable between said coupling position of the bottle and said perforating position of the cap of the bottle , in which said first element comprises a ring from which at least two flaps equipped with notches suitable to accommodate the bottle in the coupling ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Anaerobic Blood Storage Containers

Номер: US20180000689A1

A blood storage container for the anaerobic storage of blood, having enhanced sealing methods and materials for the preservation of stored blood is provided. 181.-. (canceled)8220. A blood storage device for storing oxygen depleted blood comprising:{'b': '201', 'an outer receptacle substantially impermeable to oxygen;'}{'b': '202', 'a collapsible blood container ; and'}{'b': 30', '201', '202, 'at least one inlet/outlet that is substantially impermeable to oxygen passing through said outer receptacle and that is in fluid communication with said collapsible container ; and'}{'b': 207', '201, 'an oxygen sorbent situated within said outer receptacle ,'}{'b': 30', '304', '302', '205', '305', '308', '306', '307, 'wherein said at least one inlet/outlet comprises a unitary tube that is substantially impermeable to oxygen comprising tubing , bond , and tubing , wherein said unitary tube is a barrier traversing tube comprising an outer layer , an inner layer , and an oxygen barrier layer .'}83207201. The blood storage device of claim 82 , wherein said sorbent situated within said outer receptacle further comprises a carbon dioxide sorbent.84305. The blood storage device of claim 82 , wherein said at least one oxygen barrier layer of barrier traversing tube is selected from the group consisting of ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) claim 82 , ethyl vinyl alcohol (EVOH) claim 82 , poly(ethylene-vinyl) acetate (PEVA) claim 82 , polypropylene (PP) claim 82 , polyacrylonitrile (PAN) claim 82 , polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) claim 82 , polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) claim 82 , polyurethane (PU) claim 82 , polyethylene terephthalate (PET) claim 82 , polyethylene napthalate (PEN) claim 82 , and polyamide.85304307. The blood storage device of claim 82 , wherein said tubing is a barrier traversing tube having an oxygen barrier layer selected from the group consisting of ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) claim 82 , ethyl vinyl alcohol (EVOH) claim 82 , poly(ethylene-vinyl) acetate (PEVA) claim 82 ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008711A1
Автор: Fangrow Thomas F.

An example of a method of enabling medical fluid transfer between a source container and a destination container can comprise the steps of providing a closed-system fluid transfer module comprising a first closeable, resealable medical connector and a second closeable, resealable medical connector, a multidirectional fluid control valve with a driving interface configured to interface with an electromechanical driver of an electronic medical fluid transfer device, and an intermediate container or an intermediate pumping region; and instructing a user to couple the closed-system fluid transfer module to the electronic medical fluid transfer device. 1. A method of preparing a patient container of medical fluid for administration to a patient , the method comprising the steps of:providing a fluid transfer module comprising a stopcock and a syringe pump;providing an electronic medical fluid transfer device comprising a computer processor, the electronic medical fluid transfer device being configured to actuate the stopcock and the syringe pump;attaching the fluid transfer module to the electronic medical fluid transfer device;providing a fluid pathway through the stopcock between the syringe pump and a conduit leading to the patient container;actuating the syringe pump with the electronic medical fluid transfer device to draw air through the conduit and into the syringe pump;afterward actuating the stopcock with the electronic medical fluid transfer device to position the stopcock so as to close the fluid pathway between the stopcock and the conduit leading to the patient container and to open a fluid pathway between a medical fluid source container and the syringe pump;afterward actuating the syringe pump with the electronic medical fluid transfer device to draw medical fluid from the medical fluid source container and into the syringe pump;afterward actuating the stopcock with the electronic medical fluid transfer device to close the fluid pathway between the medical ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008224A1

The invention relates to a connector for containers containing medicinal active ingredient, which connector makes it possible to transfer active ingredient from one container into another container. 1. A connector for containers containing medicinal active ingredient , comprising: a guide element having a duct designed for transferring a medicinal active ingredient and having first and second ends;', 'a piercing element arranged, at least in certain sections, in the duct and axially moveably guided within the duct by the guide element; the piercing element having first and second ends, the second end including a stop, and', 'a partition wall located proximate the first end of the guide element;', 'wherein, by connecting the first container in the first connection region, the piercing element can be moved from a starting position, in which the piercing element does not open the partition wall, into an end position, in which the first end of the piercing element opens the partition wall in order to transfer a medicinal active ingredient, and wherein the stop on the second end of the piercing element engages with the second end of the guide element to limit further movement of the piercing element., 'a first connection region for the connection of a first container, the first connection region including2. The connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first end of the piercing element is sharpened or pointed and wherein the stop on the second end of the piercing element is in the form of a collar.3. The connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the piercing element projects by its first end facing the first connection region beyond the guide element.4. The connector as claims in claim 1 , wherein the piercing element and the guide element are designed in such a way that a clearance for transferring a medicinal active ingredient remains between an outer face of the piercing element and an inner face claim 1 , forming the duct claim 1 , or the guide element.5. The ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007930A1

A plastic container has superior storage stability for pharmaceutical ingredients exhibiting a high affinity to plastic and can be mass-produced at low cost. The container has a bag body formed into a bag shape by a sheet member with a storage part on the inside thereof, and a tubular port member attached to the bag body, wherein one end of the tubular port member communicates with the storage part and an opening part of the other end is exposed outside of the bag body. The sheet member is formed from two or more layers including a base resin layer and an innermost layer formed from an amorphous polymer, as a main component, formed by polymerizing at least one type of olefin monomer, having a cyclic hydrocarbon skeleton, and the port member is formed from a resin having a crystalline polyolefin having no cyclic hydrocarbon skeleton, as a main component. 1. A plastic container comprising: a bag body which is formed into a bag shape by a sheet member and has a storage part on the inside thereof; and a tubular port member attached to said bag body , in which one end of the tubular port member communicates with the storage part and an opening part of the other end is exposed outside of the bag body ,wherein said sheet member is formed from two or more layers including a base resin layer and an innermost layer, and said innermost layer is formed from an amorphous polymer, as a main component, formed by polymerizing at least one type or two or more types of olefin monomers, in which at least one type of said olefin monomers is a monomer having a cyclic hydrocarbon skeleton, andwherein said port member is formed from a resin having a crystalline polyolefin having no cyclic hydrocarbon skeleton, as a main component.2. The plastic container according to claim 1 , wherein a relationship between a content contact area S(cm) of said bag body and a content contact area S(cm) of said port member satisfies the following (Expression 1):{'br': None, 'i': ≤S', '/S, 'sub': P', 'B, '0. ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008514A1
Автор: YODA Erika

A medical bag comprising: a bag main body comprising a flexible sheet material having an interior portion partitioned via a partition part into a first space and a second space that is smaller than the first space, a first liquid housed in the first space, and a second liquid housed in the second space. When the volume of the first liquid is set as L and the volume of the second liquid is set as L, L/L is 2.0 to 6.0. The partition part has a breaking strength of 5 to 25 kPa. 1. A medical bag comprising:a bag main body comprising a flexible sheet material having an interior portion partitioned via a partition part into a first space and a second space that is smaller than the first space;a first liquid housed in the first space; anda second liquid housed in the second space;{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2, 'wherein when the volume of the first liquid is set as L and the volume of the second liquid is set as L, L/L is 2.0 to 6.0; and'}wherein the partition part has a breaking strength of 5 to 25 kPa.2. The medical bag according to claim 1 , wherein the partition part is a part formed by sandwiching and melt-bonding the sheet material between an upper mold disposed on an upper side of the sheet material in a vertical direction and having a surface temperature of 130 to 145° C. claim 1 , and a lower mold disposed on a lower side of the sheet material in the vertical direction and having a surface temperature that is 20 to 30° C. lower than the surface temperature of the upper mold.3. The medical bag according to claim 1 , wherein a liquid formed by mixing the first liquid and the second liquid is a peritoneal dialysate.4. The medical bag according to claim 1 , wherein the first liquid has a pH of 4.0 to 6.0.5. The medical bag according to claim 1 , wherein first liquid comprises icodextrin.6. The medical bag according to claim 1 , wherein the second liquid is formulated to adjust a pH of the liquid formed by mixing the first liquid and the second liquid to 6.0 to 7.5.7. The ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009455A1

Disclosed is a bag comprising a bag-shaped container body which is made of a flexible film, and a spout tube which allows the inside of the container body to communicate with the outside the container body, wherein the container body comprises: a cylindrical barrel portion; a first sealing part which is formed at a lower end of the barrel portion by matching and sealing together inner surfaces of the film constituting the container body; and a flat bottom face part including an upper end edge of the first sealing part; wherein the spout tube is interposed between the films that are matched at the first sealing part of the bottom face part; and wherein the first sealing part and the spout tube are disposed in a plane which is approximately parallel to the flat bottom face part. 1. A bag comprising a bag-shaped container body which is made of a flexible film , and a spout tube which allows the inside of the container body to communicate with the outside the container body ,wherein the container body comprises: a cylindrical barrel portion; a first sealing part which is formed at a lower end of the barrel portion by matching and sealing together inner surfaces of the film constituting the container body; and a flat bottom face part including an upper end edge of the first sealing part;wherein the spout tube is interposed between the films that are matched at the first sealing part of the bottom face part; andwherein the first sealing part and the spout tube are disposed in a plane which is approximately parallel to the flat bottom face part.2. The bag according to claim 1 , wherein the first sealing part is folded in approximately parallel to the bottom face part.3. The bag according to claim 1 , wherein the flat bottom face part is formed by folding a lower end of the barrel portion so as that an inner surface of a side edge of the barrel portion and an inner surface in the vicinity of the upper end edge of the first sealing part are in contact with each other and ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009016A1
Автор: Stewart Mary Ellen

An IV container for precise measurement and dispensing of fluid contained in the IV container. This IV container has an upper fluid-containing portion to contain and measure a first quantity of fluid. The upper fluid-containing portion has a first cross-sectional area, and a first plurality of fluid measurement markings along a side of the upper fluid-containing portion that represent measurement units of a first size. A lower fluid-containing portion is in fluid communication with the upper fluid-containing portion, and can contain and measure a second lesser quantity of fluid. The lower fluid-containing portion has a second cross-sectional area that is less than the first cross-sectional area. The lower fluid-containing portion has a second plurality of measurement markings along a side of the lower fluid-containing portion that represent measurement units of a second size that's smaller than the units of the upper fluid containing portion, and therefore provides enhanced measurement precision. 1. An IV container for precise measurement and dispensing of fluid contained in the IV container , the IV container comprising: the upper fluid-containing portion having a first cross-sectional area,', 'the upper fluid-containing portion having a first plurality of fluid measurement markings along at least a portion of a side of the upper fluid-containing portion;, 'an upper fluid-containing portion configured to contain and measure a first quantity of fluid,'} the lower fluid-containing portion having a second cross-sectional area that is less than the first cross-sectional area,', 'the lower fluid-containing portion having a second plurality of fluid measurement markings along at least a portion of a side of the lower fluid-containing portion;, 'a lower fluid-containing portion in fluid communication with the upper fluid-containing portion, the lower fluid-containing portion configured to contain and measure a second quantity of fluid,'}a plurality of ports in fluid ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150011963A1
Автор: Fangrow Thomas F.

In certain embodiments, a vial adaptor comprises a housing member, a connector configured to couple the adaptor with a vial, a regulator channel, and an extractor channel formed in the housing member. The extractor channel is configured to facilitate withdrawal of fluid from the vial when the adaptor is coupled to the vial. The regulator channel is configured to facilitate flow of a regulating fluid to compensate for changes in volume of a medical fluid in the vial. In some embodiments, an expansion member is disposed on the housing member and is configured to expand and contract in accordance with changes in the volume of a medical fluid in the vial. 1. A vial adaptor comprising:a housing member comprising a piercing member having a proximal end and a distal end, the distal end of the piercing member configured to pierce the septum of a vial;a connector configured to couple the housing member with the vial;an extractor channel formed in the housing member, the extractor channel configured to facilitate withdrawal of a medical fluid from the vial when the adaptor is coupled to the vial;a regulator channel formed in the piercing member, the regulator channel configured to facilitate a flow of a regulating fluid therethrough during withdrawal of the medical fluid; andan expansion member connected with an external surface of the proximal end of the piercing member and in fluid communication with the regulator channel, the expansion member configured to expand to receive the flow of the regulating fluid as the medical fluid is withdrawn from the vial.2. The vial adaptor of claim 1 , wherein the expansion member is configured to regulate pressure in the vial when fluid is withdrawn from the vial.3. The vial adaptor of claim 1 , wherein the piercing member comprises a terminal member.4. The vial adaptor of claim 3 , wherein the terminal member is detachable from a remainder of the piercing member.5. The vial adaptor of claim 3 , wherein the terminal member comprises brass ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031566A1
Автор: SANCHEZ Marc

A freeze/thaw containment system is provided, having a protecting body and a flexible pouch protected by two plates of the protecting body. The two plates are attached together at a peripheral margin and form a rectangular protecting body. The peripheral margin is mounted in supporting parts of a stationary frame and sliding positioning members are secured to the peripheral margin, so that the peripheral margin is guided and allowed to be displaced inwardly during filling of the pouch, while the protecting body extends generally planar to sandwich and constrain the pouch in empty state of the pouch. This way of holding and retaining the protecting body allows for progressive conformational change of the protecting body due to the change in volume of the pouch when filled with a biopharmaceutical product, while facilitating reverse displacement of the peripheral margin during draining operations. 1. A system for conditioning a biopharmaceutical composition , for use in freezing , storing and thawing the biopharmaceutical composition contained in a flexible pouch , the system comprising:a protecting body comprising two plates for protecting the pouch, the protecting body comprising a longitudinal axis and four sides, the four sides comprising two longitudinal sides extending parallel to the longitudinal axis and two other sides,an attachment system for fastening the two plates, the protecting body comprising a peripheral margin that extends annularly in a protecting body reference plane, the peripheral margin being provided with at least one opening able to receive at least one port of the pouch,a plurality of positioning members that are secured to or formed on the peripheral margin, anda frame extending around a hollow space, in which the pouch extends, and being provided with two longitudinal supporting parts that are separate from the positioning members,wherein the frame comprises abutment surfaces included and distributed in the two longitudinal supporting parts ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031567A1
Автор: SANCHEZ Marc

A protecting device is provided, having two plates forming a rectangular protecting body for sandwiching, constraining and protecting a flexible pouch. The two plates are attached together at a peripheral margin. Each plate has an outer surface with ribs provided in a peripheral annular region of a covering part receiving the pouch, along the peripheral margin. The peripheral margin is mounted in supporting parts of a frame and sliding positioning members may be secured to the peripheral margin, so that the peripheral margin is guided and allowed to be displaced inwardly during filling of the pouch, while the protecting body extends generally planar, at least at panel parts surrounded by the ribs. This allows for progressive conformational change of the protecting body when filling the pouch with biopharmaceutical product, while facilitating reverse displacement of the peripheral margin during draining operations. 2. The protecting device according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ribs are distributed at least in two opposite parts of the surface which are longitudinally opposite parts.3. The protecting device according to claim 2 , wherein the plurality of ribs includes one or more first transverse rib portions proximal or adjacent to the first end side and one or more second transverse rib portions proximal or adjacent to the second end side.4. The protecting device according to claim 3 , wherein the plurality of ribs further includes a group of elongated rib portions claim 3 , extending in the peripheral annular region of the covering part claim 3 , perpendicular to any one of the first transverse rib portions and the second transverse rib portions.5. The protecting device according to claim 4 , wherein the group of elongated rib portions comprise two opposite elongated rib portions claim 4 , which are longer than any one of the first transverse rib portions and the second transverse rib portions.6. The protecting device according to claim 4 , comprising ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031568A1
Автор: SANCHEZ Marc

A freeze/thaw containment system is provided, having a protecting body and a flexible pouch, of a first capacity, protected by two plates of the protecting body. The two plates are attached together at a peripheral margin and form a rectangular protecting body. The peripheral margin is mounted in a stationary frame and allowed to be displaced inwardly during filling of the pouch, while the protecting body extends generally planar to sandwich and constrain the pouch. One amongst the stationary frame and the protecting body includes fastening members for attachment of a casing configured for storing the bag, in order to have the bag fastened parallel to the protecting body. Two fasteners for cooperating with the fastening members are distributed around a bag containing part of a second capacity at least ten times inferior to the first capacity. Same biopharmaceutical composition is contained in the pouch and in the bag. 1. A freeze/thaw containment system for containing a biopharmaceutical composition , comprising:a flexible pouch of a first capacity, configured to contain the biopharmaceutical composition;a storage unit for use in freezing, storing and thawing the biopharmaceutical composition contained in the flexible pouch;a bag of a second capacity, configured to contain a composition representative of the biopharmaceutical composition, the second capacity being lower than the first capacity; anda casing delimiting an inside volume for housing the bag in a filled state of the bag;wherein the storage unit comprises:a protecting body comprising two plates for protecting the flexible pouch, the protecting body comprising a longitudinal axis and having four sides, the four sides comprising two longitudinal sides extending parallel to the longitudinal axis and two other sides that include a first end side and a second end side each perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, and 'wherein in the assembled state:', 'an attachment device for fastening the two plates so that ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015601A1
Автор: Davidson Stephanie

A needle-less vial assembly that includes a substance transfer assembly configured to telescopically engage with a vial neck of a vial. A first portion of the substance transfer assembly is configured to sealingly engage with an interior wall of the vial neck, where the first portion includes a first inlet configured to receive a substance from the vial. A second portion of the substance transfer assembly is configured to matingly engage with a syringe, and includes an outlet configured to dispense the substance to the syringe. A channel is defined through the first portion and the second portion, thereby enabling fluid communication of the substance from the vial to the syringe via the first inlet and the outlet.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015889A1

A multi-mix infusion bag is provided. The multi-mix infusion bag includes a lower portion and an upper portion. The lower portion has a lower chamber and the upper portion includes a plurality of chambers. Each chamber is separated and contains a fluid agent. The multi-mix infusion bag is configured to transfer each fluid agent within each chamber of the upper portion into the lower chamber for mixing. The multi-mix infusion bag may include dispensing devices associated with each chamber, wherein the dispensing devices operate to transfer the fluid agents into the lower chamber for mixing.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015661A1
Автор: Shankar Sai

A container-closure system includes a container configured to hold a therapeutic liquid and having a dispensing tip configured to dispense a dose of the therapeutic liquid. A vented cap is configured to fit over at least a portion of the container including the dispensing tip and having one or more vents that allow air to pass into and out of a cavity defined between the vented cap and the dispensing tip. A second cap is configured to fit over at least a portion of the vented cap. A tamper evident seal is coupled to the second cap and one or both of the container and the vented cap. 1. An apparatus for dispensing a therapeutic liquid , comprising:a container configured to hold the therapeutic liquid and having a dispensing tip configured to dispense a dose of the therapeutic liquid;a vented cap configured to fit over at least a portion of the container including the dispensing tip and having one or more vents that allow air to pass into and out of a cavity defined between the vented cap and the dispensing tip;a second cap configured to fit over at least a portion of the vented cap; anda tamper evident seal coupled to the second cap and one or both of the container and the vented cap.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the container is configured to dispense a plurality of single doses of the therapeutic liquid in the form of an ophthalmic solution claim 1 , emulsion or suspension.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein one or more vents in the vented cap are configured to allow passage of air into and out of the cavity sufficient to accelerate drying of residual therapeutic liquid at the dispensing tip of the container after dispensing the therapeutic liquid dose.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second cap is configured to be twisted and removed from the apparatus claim 1 , and the tamper evident seal is configured to break in response to the twisting of the second cap.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vented cap and the second cap define ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Multilayer Body, Container and Infusion Bag

Номер: US20210015705A1

A multilayer body includes a base material layer containing a polypropylene resin and a heat seal layer containing a cyclic polyolefin. The cyclic polyolefin is a hydrogenated block copolymer having a hydrogenated aromatic vinyl polymer block unit which is a hydrogenated polymer block composed of aromatic vinyl monomer units and a hydrogenated conjugated diene polymer block unit which is a hydrogenated polymer block composed of conjugated diene monomer units, and the hydrogenated block copolymer has at least two hydrogenated aromatic vinyl polymer block units and at least one hydrogenated conjugated diene polymer block unit. 1. A multilayer body comprising a base material layer containing a polypropylene resin and a heat seal layer containing a cyclic polyolefin ,wherein the cyclic polyolefin is a hydrogenated block copolymer having a hydrogenated aromatic vinyl polymer block unit which is a hydrogenated polymer block composed of aromatic vinyl monomer units and a hydrogenated conjugated diene polymer block unit which is a hydrogenated polymer block composed of conjugated diene monomer units, andthe hydrogenated block copolymer has at least two hydrogenated aromatic vinyl polymer block units and at least one hydrogenated conjugated diene polymer block unit.2. The multilayer body according to claim 1 , wherein an adhesion strength before heat treatment between the base material layer containing the polypropylene resin and the heat seal layer containing the cyclic polyolefin is 30 N/15 mm or more.3. The multilayer body according to claim 1 , wherein the adhesion strength after heat treatment between the base material layer containing the polypropylene resin and the heat seal layer containing the cyclic polyolefin is 30 N/15 mm or more.4. A container comprising a multilayer body which includes a base material layer containing a polypropylene resin and a heat seal layer containing a cyclic polyolefin claim 1 , the container being formed by joining portions of the heat ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015706A1

The present invention relates to a magazine having a plurality of solution bags for dialysis received therein, wherein the plurality of solution bags are identical; wherein the plurality of solution bags are fixed in a stationary manner in an identical orientation at different, but identically designed holding positions of the magazine; and wherein the holding positions are configured such that the solution bags can be removed from the magazine. The invention furthermore relates to a method of filling the solution bags. 1. A magazine having a plurality of solution bags for dialysis received therein , wherein the plurality of solution bags are identical; wherein the plurality of solution bags are fixed in a stationary manner in an identical orientation at different , but identically designed holding positions of the magazine; and wherein the holding positions are configured such that the solution bags can be removed from the magazine.2. A magazine in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the solution bags are bags composed of connected and advantageously welded plastic films.3. A magazine in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the solution bags have a material projection which is not in direct contact with the internal volume and in which at least one hole or a zone of weakened material is preferably worked claim 1 , with the material projection preferably being a peripheral weld seam.4. A magazine in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the magazine has a plurality of identical carriers in which a respective one solution bag is fixed claim 1 , with the carriers being stacked directly at one another.5. A magazine in accordance with claim 4 , characterized in that the carriers have an areal base element and a framework extending in the normal direction claim 4 , wherein the solution bag lies on the base element and is surrounded by the framework.6. A magazine in accordance with claim 5 , characterized in that the carriers have at least ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018799A1

Fluid storage apparatus for medical use is described that includes a length of tubing having a first end and a second end. A first sealable connector portion is provided at the first end and a second sealable connector portion is provided at the second end. The volume of fluid that can be stored within the apparatus is known and an infusate or therapeutic agent is contained within the apparatus. In this manner, a known volume of therapeutic agent can be infused to a patient. The use in neurosurgical applications is described. 1. Fluid storage apparatus for medical use , the apparatus comprising a length of tubing having a first end and a second end , a first sealable connector portion being provided at the first end and a second sealable connector portion being provided at the second end , wherein the volume of fluid that can be stored within the apparatus is known and in that an infusate is contained within the apparatus.2. Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein one or both of the first and second sealable connector portions comprise a self-sealing connector portion.3. Apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein each self-sealing connector portion includes a septum.4. Apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein each self-sealing connector portion includes a twist lock member.5. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the internal volume of the apparatus is selected to be equal to the volume of infusate to be delivered to a patient.6. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus comprises a marking or label that indicates the internal volume of the apparatus.7. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the length of tubing comprises flexible plastic tubing.8. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the volume of infusate that can be stored within the apparatus is less than 10 ml.9. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the infusate comprises a cytotoxic agent or a neurotrophic factor.10. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021255A1

A dialysate extraction device comprising a dialysate extraction means including an inlet port and an outlet port adapted to be connected to a flow path of fluid for flowing the fluid therethrough and a projected collection port for collecting the fluid flowing through the inlet and outlet port; a outer circumference wall part mounted on the dialysate extraction means so that it covers a projected end of the collection port and is projected therefrom; a connection member formed with a connection portion to be connected to the collection port and a fitting portion to be fitted into an inner circumference of the outer circumference wall part and adapted to extract the fluid through the collection port under a condition in which the connection portion is connected to the outer circumference wall part; and correction portions formed on the inner circumference of the outer circumference wall part for correcting position and attitude of the connection member relative to the collection port before a tip end of the connection member reaches the projected end of the collection port during insertion of the connection member into the outer circumference wall part. 1. A dialysate extraction device comprising:a dialysate extraction means including an inlet port and an outlet port adapted to be connected to a flow path of fluid for flowing the fluid therethrough and a projected collection port for collecting the fluid flowing through the inlet and outlet port;a outer circumference wall part mounted on the dialysate extraction means so that it covers a projected end of the collection port and is projected therefrom;a connection member formed with a connection portion to be connected to the collection port and a fitting portion to be fitted into an inner circumference of the outer circumference wall part and adapted to extract the fluid through the collection port under a condition in which the connection portion is connected to the outer circumference wall part; andcorrection ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Pooling device for single or multiple medical containers

Номер: US20170020784A1
Принадлежит: Baxalta GmbH, Baxalta Inc

A device is provided for pooling a fluid from a container unit having at least one container, and includes an inlet port having at least one inlet channel configured for receiving the fluid or ambient air, and an outlet port having at least one outlet channel configured for delivering the fluid to an attachment. Both inlet and outlet ports are disposed on the device. A cavity is provided for accommodating insertion of the container unit for pooling the fluid from the at least one container. At least one spike is disposed in the cavity and configured for puncturing a stopper of the at least one container when the container unit transitions from an upper position to a lower position.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021219A1

A blood collection device including a flow path to flow blood by capillary action capable of collecting a large amount of blood is provided. The blood collection device includes an introduction inlet for introducing the blood of the subject M, a substrate connected to the introduction inlet and including a flow path to flow the blood by capillary action, and a cooling body for cooling the flow path 1. A blood collection device comprising:a substrate which has an introduction inlet for introducing the blood of the subject;a flow path connected to the introduction inlet for allowing blood to flow by capillary action; anda cooling body for cooling the flow path.2. The blood collection device according to claim 1 , whereinthe cooling body is either It is either a refrigerant, a cryogen, or a peltier element.3. The blood collection device according to claim 2 , further comprising:a cryogen containing liquid component;a solid component;a separation member separating the liquid component and the solid component.4. The blood collection device according to claim 1 , whereinthe cooling body cools the flow path so as to bring the blood in the flow path to a temperature of 4° C. to 15° C.5. The blood collection device according to claim 1 , whereinthe internal diameter of the flow path is 0.3 mm to 1.5 mm.6. The blood collection device according to claim 1 , whereinthe flow path has hydrophilic properties.7. The blood collection device according to claim 1 , whereinthe flow path is treated to have hydrophilicity by etching treatment or plasma treatment.8. The blood collection device according to claim 1 , whereinthe cross-sectional area of the flow path is smaller than the surface area of the opening of the introduction inlet.9. The blood collection device according to claim 1 , whereinthe substrate comprises:a reservoir part for collecting blood that is connected to the flow path.10. The blood collection device according to claim 9 , whereinthe reservoir part has a capacity of ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021220A1

A system is provided for storage and reconstitution of IV solutions. The system may include one or more storage and reconstitution devices each configured to store and manipulate IV solution containers containing IV solutions in crystalline form that include hydration chemicals and therapeutic drugs. Crystalline hydration chemicals may include crystalline salts and sugars. The containers may be dimensionally precise enough for mechanical manipulation and configured such that sharp objects such as needles are not needed for fluid delivery to or from the container. Each storage and reconstitution device may store stacked containers and may include components for retrieval of a container from the storage and for reconstitution of the contents therein using a sterile water source within the device. IV doses may be manufactured, under appropriate standards, that can be mechanically reconstituted to produce high-quality doses in real time on the patient care unit or in the pharmacy. 1. A container comprising: a stackable, machine-manipulable rigid portion; and', 'an expandable membrane sealingly attached to the stackable, machine-manipulable rigid portion to form an internal volume within the housing, the internal volume configured to store at least one crystalline hydration chemical and at least one crystalline therapeutic drug;, 'a housing, comprisinga first port in the housing, the first port configured to receive sterile water for reconstitution of the at least one crystalline hydration chemical and the at least one crystalline therapeutic drug; anda second port in the housing, the second port configured to receive an intravenous set connector for delivery of a medical fluid formed from the at least one crystalline hydration chemical, the at least one crystalline therapeutic drug, and the sterile water.2. The container of claim 1 , further comprising the at least one crystalline hydration chemical and the at least one crystalline therapeutic drug stored within the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040037A1

A particulate plug for removing a preservative from a solution, suspension, or emulsion comprising a drug is presented. The plug comprises microparticles of a hydrophobic polymer/fatty acid blend. The microparticles of hydrophobic polymer/fatty acid blend selectively absorb preservative allowing the drug to remain in solution for delivery. 1. A particulate plug for removing a preservative from a solution , suspension , or emulsion comprising a drug , the particulate plug comprising microparticles of a hydrophobic polymer/fatty acid blend , wherein the microparticles form a particulate plug capable of being fitted to an outlet of a container for the solution , emulsion , or suspension , wherein the particulate plug selectively removes a preservative from the solution , emulsion , or suspension.2. The particulate plug of claim 1 , wherein the microparticles have a dimension of 5 μm to about 10 claim 1 ,000 μm.3. The particulate plug of claim 1 , wherein the preservative comprises benzalkonium chloride (BAK).4. The particulate plug of claim 1 , wherein the hydrophobic polymer/fatty acid blend comprises a hydrophobic polymer selected from isotactic polypropylene claim 1 , low density polyethylene claim 1 , or high density polyethylene.5. The particulate plug of claim 4 , wherein the isotactic polypropylene has an average MW of about 250 claim 4 ,000.6. The particulate plug of claim 4 , wherein the isotactic polypropylene has an average MW of about 100 claim 4 ,000 to about 300 claim 4 ,000.7. The particulate plug of claim 4 , wherein the isotactic polypropylene has an average MW of greater than 300 claim 4 ,000.8. The particulate plug of claim 1 , wherein the hydrophobic polymer/fatty acid blend comprises a hydrophobic polymer selected from homopolymers of ethylene claim 1 , propylene claim 1 , 1-butene claim 1 , 4-methyl-l-pentene claim 1 , 3-methyl-1-butene claim 1 , 4 claim 1 ,4-dimethyl-1-pentene claim 1 , 3-methyl-1-pentene claim 1 , 4-methyl-1-hexene claim 1 , 5- ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021945A1

A disposal container for used dialysate including a flexible bag in or at which an inlet connection is formed or arranged which is prepared for connecting the bag to a dialysis machine of the mobile type such that the disposal container is movable or displaceable along with the dialysis machine, wherein the disposal container includes an outlet connection or connector provided separately from the inlet connection, the connector being prepared for connecting the bag to a sewer line in a way sealed against the connector environment; and an extracorporeal blood purification system comprising a stationary system area and a non-stationary system area, the system including a bag according to the invention. 17.-. (canceled)8. A disposal container for used dialysate , the disposal container comprising:a flexible bag;an inlet connection formed or arranged in or at the flexible bag to connect the flexible bag to a mobile dialysis machine such that the disposal container is movable or displaceable along with the mobile dialysis machine; andan outlet connection or connector separate from the inlet connection configured to connect the flexible bag to a sewer line at an end of the flexible bag facing away from the flexible bag such that the flexible bag is sealed against an environment of the outlet connection or connector, wherein the outlet connection or connector is formed integrally with the flexible bag.9. The disposal container according to claim 8 , wherein the outlet connection or connector includes an auxiliary connection via which the outlet connection or connector can be coupled to an auxiliary line that is prepared to ensure an increased emptying rate of dialysate from the flexible bag into the sewer line through pressurization.10. The disposal container according to claim 8 , further comprising:a folding mechanism configured to transmit a compressing force to the flexible bag so as to reduce a volume of the flexible bag to ensure an increased emptying rate of ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Sterile Solutions Product Bag

Номер: US20190021947A1

A sterile solution product bag includes sterilization grade filter integrated directly into the product bag such that microbial and particulate matter filtration can be performed using the filter directly at the point of fill. The filter can include a hollow fiber filter membrane contained in a stem connected to a bladder of the product bag. 1. A sterile solution product bag comprising:a bladder;a stem having an inlet end and an outlet end, the outlet end of the stem fluidly connected to the bladder; anda filter disposed in line with the stem, the filter having a filter membrane with a nominal pore size in a range of approximately 0.1 μm to approximately 0.5 μm, wherein the filter membrane is shaped as a hollow fiber with pores residing in the wall of the fiber, wherein the outlet end of the hollow fiber of the filter membrane is sealed and the inlet end is an open inlet.2. The sterile solution product bag of claim 1 , wherein the filter membrane is disposed inside of the stem between the inlet and outlet ends.3. The sterile solution product bag of claim 1 , wherein the filter comprises a plurality of filter membranes4. The sterile solution product bag of claim 1 , wherein the filter membrane has a wall thickness in the range of approximately 150 μm to approximately 500 μm.5. The sterile solution product bag of claim 1 , wherein the filter membrane has a longitudinal dimension in the range of approximately 3 cm to approximately 20 cm claim 1 , an inner diameter in the range of approximately 2 mm to approximately 4 mm claim 1 , and an outer diameter in the range of approximately 2.3 mm to approximately 5 mm.6. The sterile solution product bag of claim 1 , wherein the filter membrane is made of at least one of the following materials: a polyolefin claim 1 , polyvinylidene fluoride claim 1 , polymethylmethacrylate claim 1 , polyacrylonitrile claim 1 , polysulfone claim 1 , polyethersulfone claim 1 , and a polymer containing cationic charges.7. The sterile solution ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021953A1

The present invention relates to a bag containing preprepared injectable drug(s) and/or diluents for injectable drugs to be administered by intravenous (IV) application to a patient, said bag having an integrated flushing option. 1. An integrally molded flexible IV container for administering a solution , emulsion , and/or dispersion of a drug to a patient , comprising:at least two adjacent chambers divided by a peelable seamone medication chamber filled with a diluent suitable for dissolving, emulsifying and/or dispersing a drug, (a) the same diluent as contained in said medication chamber or', '(b) a diluent different from the one in said medication chamber but being compatible with said diluent and/or said drug respectively intended to be present in said medication chamber or', '(c) a diluent being compatible with said drug prediluted in said medication chamber and, 'at least one or more flushing chamber(s) filled with either'}at least one opening located in said medication chamber for filling said flushing chamber(s) and said medication chamber with said diluent and/or drug.2. The flexible IV container according to characterized in that said medication chamber contains one single opening.3. The flexible IV container according to claim 1 , characterized in that said opening is an interruption within a contour welding of said container.4. The flexible IV container according to claim 1 , characterized in that said opening is part of an IV port system.5. The flexible IV container according to being a pouch made of two flexible films circumferentially welded together.6. The flexible IV container according to claim 1 , characterized in that said medication chamber and/or said flushing chamber(s) respectively contain a solution of NaCl or Glucose in water.7. The flexible IV container according to claim 1 , having one medication chamber and one flushing chamber.8. The flexible IV container according to claim 1 , characterized in that the volume of said medication ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Storage Bag

Номер: US20160030283A1

A method of making a storage bag comprising the following steps performed in any order: (a) forming a composite tube having an inner surface comprising a higher melting polymer, an outer surface comprising a lower melting polymer, two ends, and a diameter; (b) flattening the tube in a direction perpendicular to the diameter; (c) forming a joint at one of the ends at a temperature between respective melting points of the higher melting polymer and the lower melting polymer; (d) providing a composite sheet having a first side comprising a higher melting polymer and a second side comprising a lower melting polymer; and (e) disposing the composite sheet over the joint such that the first side comprising a lower melting polymer engages the joint and forming a lap seam over the joint at a temperature between respective melting points of the higher melting polymer and the lower melting polymer, and a storage bag made by such method. 1. A method of making a storage bag comprising the following steps performed in any order:(a) forming a composite tube having an inner surface comprising a higher melting polymer, an outer surface comprising a lower melting polymer, two ends, and a diameter;(b) flattening said tube in a direction perpendicular to said diameter;(c) forming a joint at one of said two ends at a temperature between respective melting points of said higher melting polymer and said lower melting polymer;(d) providing a composite sheet having a joint comprising a higher melting polymer and a second side comprising a lower melting polymer;(e) disposing said composite sheet over said joint such that said first side comprising a lower melting polymer engages said joint and forming a lap seam over said joint at a temperature between respective melting points of said higher melting polymer and said lower melting polymer.2. A method of making a storage bag as defined in wherein said storage bag is a cryopreservation bag.3. A method of making a storage bag as defined in ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Container for a Liquid Medicament

Номер: US20180028400A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The present disclosure relates to a container for a liquid medicament that includes a wall structure with at least one flexible portion and confining an inner volume filled with the liquid medicament and an elongated extraction tube having at least a first portion and a second portion that are separated from each other along the tube and which are located inside the inner volume. The extraction tube is radially collapsible when exposed to a compressive force above a predefined threshold, and the first portion, which is located at a distal end of the extraction tube, is less resistive against radial collapsing than the second portion.

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Variable Temperature Seal Element

Номер: US20170036391A1
Автор: Mileti Robert J.

Devices and methods for fusing materials using a heating element, where the overall mass to be sealed varies along the length of the seal. According to the invention, the heating element has a different profile in different areas. According to some aspects, the thickness and/or cross section of the heating element is different in different areas so that when a current is passed through the heating element, each area heats to a different degree. In some aspects, the heating element is shaped to conform to the shape of the parts to be fused together. The transition between areas of different thickness or cross-sectional area, or between areas of different shape may be sharply defined. This abrupt transition may be created by machining the heating element to a finished shape rather than bending flat stock to shape. 1. A method of manufacturing a heat sealing device , comprising the steps of:providing a heating element;providing an electrical power source connected to the heating element; and,providing a holder configured to position the components with respect to the heating element;whereinsaid heating element has a first end and a second end and comprises a resistive material;a first portion of said heating element exhibits a first electrical resistance;a second portion of said heating element exhibits a second electrical resistance; and,wherein when electrical current from said electrical power source is passed through said heating element, the first portion and the second portion generate different heat levels.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:an amount of heat transferred to the components from the first portion is greater than an amount of heat transferred to the components from the second portion.3. The method of claim 1 , whereinsaid first portion and said second portion are joined at a transition such that the first resistance transitions to the second resistance at the transition.4. The method of claim 1 , whereinsaid first portion has a first cross-sectional ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150045782A1
Автор: OTTANELLI Luciano

The invention is a dispensing device for pressurized containers (C) of coolants for cryotherapy, comprising an opening/closing valve (C), a dispenser body (A), a valve-opening element (B) positioned between said dispenser body (A) and said container (C) and resting on said valve (C), a closing cap or plug (T) suited to be positioned on and removably constrained to said dispenser body (A) and comprising one or more teeth or projections (T) resting on said valve-opening element (B) in order to open the valve (C), a tube or duct (A) included in and integral with said dispenser body (A), at least one applicator pad or filter (S) being partially inserted in a removable manner in one end of the tube or duct (A). 1. Dispensing device for pressurized containers (C) of coolants for cryotherapy , comprising at least one manual opening/closing pressure valve (CI) , characterized in that it comprises:at least one dispenser body (A) suited to be permanently fixed to said container (C);at least one valve-opening element (B) positioned between said dispenser body (A) and said container (C) and resting on said valve (CI);{'b': '21', 'at least one closing plug or cap (T) suited to be removably positioned on and fixed to said dispenser body (A) and comprising one or more teeth or projections (T) resting on said valve-opening element (B) to cause the valve (CI) to open;'}{'b': 1', '5', '61', '62', '21, 'at least one tube or duct (A) included in and integral with said dispenser body (A), at one end of which at least one applicator pad or filter (S) is removably inserted, characterized in that said cap (T), on its top (T) opposite said container (C), comprises one or more projections, ribs or protrusions in general (T) defining a substantially plane surface (T) on which the cap (T) can firmly rest, and wherein, with the container overturned downwards, a force exerted on said cap (T) towards the dispenser body (A) makes said teeth or projections (T) of the cap (T) press said valve- ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220062103A1

The invention relates to a recipient () for ex-vivo treatment of biological liquids, which includes: a rigid body (); a reservoir () provided inside the body (), which is formed by a side wall (), a rigid upper wall () and a rigid lower wall () and has an internal thickness defined by the separation between the upper wall () and the lower wall (), at least one of the upper wall () or the lower wall () having a window area () configured to allow the passage of electromagnetic radiation from outside of the body () to the reservoir (); two ports () for liquids to gain access to the reservoir () from outside of the body (); and closure means () for the ports (), the closure means () being configured to provide, jointly, the reservoir () with hermetic sealing against gases and liquids. 2. The container according to claim 1 , wherein said inner thickness of said reservoir is equal to or less than 5 mm.3. The container according to claim 1 , wherein said inner thickness of said reservoir is equal to or greater than 1 mm.4. The container according to claim 1 , wherein said inner thickness of said reservoir is comprised in the range of 1 to 4 mm claim 1 , preferably being 2.5 mm.5. The container according to claim 1 , wherein said reservoir has an inner volume between 2 and 30 ml claim 1 , preferably claim 1 , 10 ml.6. The container according to claim 1 , wherein said window region extends throughout the entire said upper wall or said lower wall having said window region.7. The container according to claim 1 , wherein both said upper wall and said lower wall each has a window region configured to allow the passage of electromagnetic radiation from the outside of said body to said reservoir.8. The container according to claim 1 , wherein said electromagnetic radiation is comprised between infrared and ultraviolet radiation claim 1 , preferably claim 1 , between near infrared and the visible light spectrum.9. The container according to claim 1 , wherein said body is made of a ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

The connection of an accessory to a receptacle

Номер: US20140124504A1

The device ( 1 ) for the sealed connection to a receptacle ( 2 ) of an accessory ( 3 ), the active proximal part ( 9 ) of which is intended to be connected to the inside ( 4 ) of the receptacle ( 2 ) by an opening ( 7 ) in the receptacle ( 2 ), includes a first element ( 15 ), a second element ( 16 ) and a chamber ( 18 ), the first element ( 15 ) including a proximal end part ( 32 ) which is secured by sliding in the proximal direction, with insertion of a lateral sealing component ( 22 ), onto a matching part ( 19 ) of the receptacle ( 2 ), in the proximal direction, the transverse head ( 14 ) corresponding to the lower surface of the first element ( 15 ) and being provided with a lateral head sealing component ( 28 ) and the second element ( 16 ) being capable of being pre-assembled with the first element ( 15 ) by axial sliding in the proximal direction.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046399A1
Автор: Naygauz Mikael

Systems, devices and method to establish fluid communication between vessels. A vessel having at least two entry ports and at least one exit port, and at least one container containing a dosing regimen, the at least one container configured to be received by one of the at least two entry ports of the vessel, whereby upon connection of the at least one container to the one of the at least two entry ports of the vessel, the dosing regimen in the at least one container is transferred into the vessel. Modular dosing system for adding at least one amount of a medicament to a preparation in a modular construction. System for displaying a dosing regimen or single amount of a medicament, so that the administrator of the amount is able to precisely ascertain the amount administered to a patient. 1. A system for intermixing beneficial substances , comprising:a bag having at least two entry ports and an exit port;at least two containers containing an amount of a medicament;wherein the at least two entry ports are configured to be received and engaged by the at least two entry ports of the bag,wherein upon connection of the at least two containers to the at least two entry ports of the bag, the amount of the medicament in the at least two containers is transferred into the bag.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein when the at least two containers are engaged to the at least two entry ports of the bag claim 1 , the at least two containers abut the bag.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein when the at least two containers are engaged to the at least two entry ports of the bag claim 1 , the at least two containers abut a wall of the bag.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein when the at least two containers are engaged to the at least two entry ports of the bag claim 1 , the at least two containers are surface mounted to the bag.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein when the at least two containers are engaged to the at least two entry ports of the bag claim 1 , the at least two containers are ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046400A1
Автор: Naygauz Mikael

Systems, devices and method to establish fluid communication between vessels. A vessel having at least two entry ports and at least one exit port, and at least one container containing a dosing regimen, the at least one container configured to be received by one of the at least two entry ports of the vessel, whereby upon connection of the at least one container to the one of the at least two entry ports of the vessel, the dosing regimen in the at least one container is transferred into the vessel. Modular dosing system for adding at least one amount of a medicament to a preparation in a modular construction. System for displaying a dosing regimen or single amount of a medicament, so that the administrator of the amount is able to precisely ascertain the amount administered to a patient. 1. A modular dosing system for intermixing a beneficial substance , comprising:at least three containers, at least one of the at least three containers including an amount of a medicament;wherein at least three of the containers are configured to be connected and form a fluidic communication between each other,wherein upon connection of the at least three containers, the amount of medicament in at least one of the containers is in fluid communication with the other containers.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the at least two containers have a decontamination interface which operates as a dual entry and exit port.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the at least two containers has a decontamination interface which operates as the exit port into a device selected from the following group of an infusion line claim 1 , a filter claim 1 , or a needle.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the force of gravity pulls the amount of medicament into an infusion line that operates as the exit port.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the at least two containers are attached to the other container having at least one of the entry ports in a vertical or ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Bag assembly and bag system for use with a fluid

Номер: US20190046401A1
Автор: Rudolf Pavlik
Принадлежит: Advanced Scientifics Inc

A bag assembly includes a first panel secured to a second panel by a seam so that a cavity is formed between the first panel and the second panel, the seam encircling the cavity. A first seal couples together the first panel and the second panel at a location spaced apart from the seam so that the cavity encircles the first seal. In one embodiment, the first seal can be circular. A first port communicates with the cavity.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046403A1
Автор: Naygauz Mikael

Systems, devices and method to establish fluid communication between vessels. A vessel having at least two entry ports and at least one exit port, and at least one container containing a dosing regimen, the at least one container configured to be received by one of the at least two entry ports of the vessel, whereby upon connection of the at least one container to the one of the at least two entry ports of the vessel, the dosing regimen in the at least one container is transferred into the vessel. Modular dosing system for adding at least one amount of a medicament to a preparation in a modular construction. System for displaying a dosing regimen or single amount of a medicament, so that the administrator of the amount is able to precisely ascertain the amount administered to a patient. 1. A bag for intermixing beneficial substances , comprising:A bag having at least two entry ports and at least one exit port, the at least two entry ports configured to receive at least two containers.2. The bag of claim 1 , wherein the at least two entry ports abut the bag.3. The bag of claim 1 , wherein the at least two entry ports abut a wall of the bag.4. The bag of claim 1 , wherein the at least two entry ports are surface mounted to the bag.5. The bag of claim 1 , wherein the at least two entry ports are surface mounted to a wall of the bag.6. The bag of claim 1 , wherein the at least two entry ports are flush mounted to the bag.7. The bag of claim 1 , wherein the at least two entry ports are flush mounted to a wall of the bag.8. The bag of claim 1 , wherein the at least two entry ports are configured to directly receive the at least two containers.9. The bag of claim 1 , wherein the at least two entry ports are configured to directly receive and engage the at least two containers.9. The bag of claim 1 , wherein the at least two containers abut the bag upon engagement to the bag.10. The bag of claim 1 , wherein the at least two containers abut a wall of the bag upon engagement ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046404A1
Автор: Naygauz Mikael

Systems, devices and method to establish fluid communication between vessels. A vessel having at least two entry ports and at least one exit port, and at least one container containing a dosing regimen, the at least one container configured to be received by one of the at least two entry ports of the vessel, whereby upon connection of the at least one container to the one of the at least two entry ports of the vessel, the dosing regimen in the at least one container is transferred into the vessel. Modular dosing system for adding at least one amount of a medicament to a preparation in a modular construction. System for displaying a dosing regimen or single amount of a medicament, so that the administrator of the amount is able to precisely ascertain the amount administered to a patient. 1. A vessel for intermixing a beneficial substance , comprising:a vessel having a plurality of engagement mechanisms, wherein the engagement mechanisms are configured to engage a plurality of containers housing a beneficial sub stance.2. The vessel of claim 1 , wherein the vessel is a container.3. The vessel of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of engagement mechanisms abut the container.4. The vessel of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of engagement mechanisms abut a wall of the container.5. The vessel of claim 2 , where a plurality of the engagement mechanisms are surface mounted or flush mounted to the container.6. The vessel of claim 1 , wherein the vessel is a bag.7. The vessel of claim 6 , wherein the plurality of engagement mechanisms abut the bag.8. The vessel of claim 6 , wherein the plurality of engagement mechanisms abut a wall of the bag.9. The vessel of claim 6 , where a plurality of the engagement mechanisms are surface mounted or flush mounted to the bag.10. The vessel of claim 1 , wherein the vessel is a bottle.11. The vessel of claim 10 , wherein the plurality of engagement mechanisms abut the bottle.12. The vessel of claim 10 , wherein the plurality of engagement ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046407A1

A molded spike port including a first portion defining a first chamber, a plug disposed in the first chamber and configured to form a seal with the first portion, a second portion defining a second chamber, the second portion including a sealing ring configured to seal the spike port to a spike, a tip configured to be inserted into a fluid bag, the tip comprising a membrane, and a wall between the first portion and the second portion, wherein the wall is configured to break when the first portion is twisted relative to the second portion. 1. A molded spike port comprising:a first portion defining a first chamber;a plug disposed in the first chamber and configured to form a seal with the first portion;a second portion defining a second chamber, the second portion comprising a sealing ring configured to seal the spike port to a spike;a tip configured to be inserted into a fluid bag, the tip comprising a membrane; anda wall between the first portion and the second portion, wherein the wall is configured to break when the first portion is twisted relative to the second portion.2. The molded spike port of claim 1 , wherein the membrane has a thickness of 0.3 mm to 0.5 mm.3. The molded spike port of claim 1 , wherein the sealing ring is configured to seal spikes of multiple configurations.4. The molded spike port of claim 1 , wherein one of the configurations is ISO-compliant and another of the configurations is non-ISO compliant.5. The molded spike port of claim 1 , wherein the sealing ring has an inner diameter of 4.8 mm to 5.0 mm.6. The molded spike port of claim 1 , wherein the tip of the spike port comprises a smooth outer surface configured to seal the tip of the spike port to the fluid bag via heat sterilization.7. The molded spike port of claim 6 , wherein the smooth outer surface has a surface roughness of 0.56 μm.8. The molded spike port of claim 1 , wherein the plug is interference fit with the first chamber.9. The molded spike port of claim 1 , wherein the ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046408A1
Автор: Naygauz Mikael

Systems, devices and method to establish fluid communication between vessels. A vessel having at least two entry ports and at least one exit port, and at least one container containing a dosing regimen, the at least one container configured to be received by one of the at least two entry ports of the vessel, whereby upon connection of the at least one container to the one of the at least two entry ports of the vessel, the dosing regimen in the at least one container is transferred into the vessel. Modular dosing system for adding at least one amount of a medicament to a preparation in a modular construction. System for displaying a dosing regimen or single amount of a medicament, so that the administrator of the amount is able to precisely ascertain the amount administered to a patient. 1. A bottle for intermixing beneficial substances , comprising:a bottle having at least two entry ports and at least one exit port, the at least two entry ports configured to receive at least two containers.2. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein the at least two entry ports abut the bottle.3. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein the at least two entry ports abut a wall of the bottle.4. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein the at least two entry ports are surface mounted to the bottle.5. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein the at least two entry ports are surface mounted to a wall of the bottle.6. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein the at least two entry ports are flush mounted to the bottle.7. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein the at least two entry ports are flush mounted to a wall of the bottle.8. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein the at least two entry ports are configured to directly receive the at least two containers.9. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein the at least two entry ports are configured to directly receive and engage the at least two containers.10. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein the at least two containers abut the bottle upon engagement to the bottle.11. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein the at ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Modular dosing assembly of medical substances

Номер: US20190046724A1
Автор: Mikael NAYGAUZ
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems, devices and method to establish fluid communication between vessels. A vessel having at least two entry ports and at least one exit port, and at least one container containing a dosing regimen, the at least one container configured to be received by one of the at least two entry ports of the vessel, whereby upon connection of the at least one container to the one of the at least two entry ports of the vessel, the dosing regimen in the at least one container is transferred into the vessel. Modular dosing system for adding at least one amount of a medicament to a preparation in a modular construction. System for displaying a dosing regimen or single amount of a medicament, so that the administrator of the amount is able to precisely ascertain the amount administered to a patient.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Modular dosing assembly of medical substances

Номер: US20190046726A1
Автор: Mikael NAYGAUZ
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems, devices and method to establish fluid communication between vessels. A vessel having at least two entry ports and at least one exit port, and at least one container containing a dosing regimen, the at least one container configured to be received by one of the at least two entry ports of the vessel, whereby upon connection of the at least one container to the one of the at least two entry ports of the vessel, the dosing regimen in the at least one container is transferred into the vessel. Modular dosing system for adding at least one amount of a medicament to a preparation in a modular construction. System for displaying a dosing regimen or single amount of a medicament, so that the administrator of the amount is able to precisely ascertain the amount administered to a patient.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052466A1
Автор: LEE Jeehee

A balloon type liquid medicine injector for continuously injecting a small amount of liquid medicine into a body of a patient is disclosed as to be easily assembled and to prevent unnecessary dead space while being inflated after a liquid medicine is injected, so as to be miniaturized. When a tube body is provided outside a fixed pipe, both ends of the tube body are folded and inserted into both ends of the fixed tube, to remove the dead space while being inserted inside the case. In addition, in a state where the both ends of the tube body are folded and inserted into the both ends of the fixed tube, an injection mechanism for injecting the liquid medicine or a stopper mechanism are coupled while pressing the tube body folded inward, so that a separate packing is unnecessary and the airtightness is maintained. 1. A balloon type liquid medicine injector comprising:{'b': '100', 'a hollow fixed tube () formed in an outer wall thereof with a flow path hole; and'}{'b': '200', 'a tube body () extending longer than a length of the fixed tube,'}{'b': 200', '100', '210', '200', '100', '210', '100', '101, 'wherein both ends of the tube body () further extend from both ends of the fixed tube () to form exposure ends (), respectively, in a state where the tube body () is coupled to surround the fixed tube () while being inflated, and the exposure ends () are folded and inserted into the fixed tube (), thereby coming into close contact with an inner wall () of the fixed tube, so as to form a balloon member in which an injection mechanism and a stopper mechanism are mounted to the exposure ends.'}2210200100300400300400. The balloon type liquid medicine injector of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in a state where the exposure ends () of the both ends of the tube body () are folded and inserted into the both ends of the fixed tube () claim 1 , the injection mechanism () for injecting the liquid medicine or the stopper mechanism () is coupled while pressing the exposure ends of the ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Connector for a medical package containing a liquid

Номер: US20200046608A1

The invention relates to a connector for a medical package containing a liquid. The connector comprises a lower section which has a connecting piece for a container of said medical package and a passageway which is closed by a septum, as well as an upper section which is provided with a cap that covers the septum and can be broken off, said septum having, on a top side, a plurality of connections in the form of elevations, for a spike and/or for a needle.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Rfid tag and blood container/system with integrated rfid tag

Номер: US20140128832A1
Принадлежит: Fenwal Inc

The present disclosure relates to arrangements for attaching an RFID tag to a liquid container, and particularly to a blood components container. The RFID tag may be inserted in an enclosure, such as peel tab, or in a sealed cup attached to a container port. The tag could alternately be embedded in a molded plug or component attached to a port. The RFID antenna could be painted or stamped on the surface of the container. Or the tag could be inserted into the container to float freely in the liquid components. The RFID source may be secured around the neck of a rigid or semi-rigid container, attached with a tether or attached to a connector assembled in association with a blood component or other fluid flow path.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220071845A9
Принадлежит: NEOMED, INC.

A container for collecting, transporting, storing, delivering and dispensing fluid. The container has a hollow tube with an outer circumference diameter and is configured to receive a plunger. A collection adaptor and a dispensing adaptor provide interchangeable coupling of a variable volume container such as a syringe with a collection device such as a breast pump and a dispensing device such as a nipple. The container also has a circumferential seal assembly secured at one end of the hollow tube. The seal assembly outer diameter is substantially similar to the hollow tube outer diameter. 121-. (canceled)22. A system for collection and storage of fluid comprising:a variable volume container comprising a container body and a plunger, the container body including an outside surface and defining an internal cavity therein, the container body including a plunger end and a port end, the plunger being receivable within the plunger end of the container body and operable to be advanced and retracted within the internal cavity, the port end of the container body having a container port extending therethrough and in fluid communication with the internal cavity; anda collection adapter comprising a mouth region and a base region, the base region comprising a first container coupling configured for releasable attachment to the port end of the container body and a collection port configured for releasable engagement with the container port of the variable volume container;wherein the collection port of the collection adaptor is configured to form a vented connection with the container port of the variable volume container when the collection port is engaged with the container port to allow release of air from the internal cavity as the fluid is collected therein.23. The system of claim 22 , wherein the container port comprises a reclosable seal to prevent contaminants from entering the internal cavity of the variable volume container when closed claim 22 , and to allow fluid ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200054523A1

A system for storing pharmaceuticals or biological media comprising a bag including a flexible sidewall defining an opening; and a vent coupled with the flexible sidewall at the opening and defining a vent passageway between an internal volume of the bag and an external environment, wherein the vent is coupled with the bag at a location spaced apart from and above the opening. 1. A system for storing pharmaceuticals or biological media comprising:a bag including a flexible sidewall defining an opening; anda vent coupled with the flexible sidewall at the opening and defining a vent passageway between an internal volume of the bag and an external environment,wherein the vent is coupled with the bag at a location spaced apart from and above the opening.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a filter coupled with the bag.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the filter is coupled with the bag at the location spaced apart from and above the opening.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the filter is disposed between the bag and an end of the vent.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the filter is coupled with the vent.6. The system of claim 2 , wherein a portion of the filter is disposed on a first side of the bag and a second portion of the filter is disposed on a second side of the bag.7. The system of claim 2 , wherein the filter extends through the bag at the location spaced apart from and above the opening.8. The system of claim 2 , wherein the filter defines a lumen extending through the bag at the location spaced apart from and above the opening.9. The system of claim 2 , wherein the filter comprises a barb coupled with the bag.10. The system of claim 2 , wherein the vent and filter are coupled together by an interference fit claim 2 , welded together claim 2 , held together by a fastener claim 2 , or a combination thereof.11. The system of claim 2 , wherein the opening is on a first side of the bag claim 2 , and wherein an end of a fluid flow path comprising at ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200060934A1

A medical bag having at least two compartments, a peelable seal between the compartments, a permanent seal on the contour of the bag and at least one filling tube further comprising an opening with no seal on one of the compartments. The at least one tube for filling, comprises an opening with no seal on one of the compartments, and it comprises two labels on the compartment, a label being located on the rear side and the other label being located on the front face of the bag, the opening onto one of the compartments constituting a film excess on top of a label, the excess being sealed only on one of the sides, but not horizontally and being flexible enough to facilitate easy opening. 11011121311121410151611121110161112. A bag () for medical purposes having at least two compartments ( , ) , a peelable seal () between the compartments ( , ) , a permanent seal () on the contour of said bag () and at least one tube () for filling , characterised in that it comprises an opening () with no seal on one of the compartments ( , ) , and in that it comprises two labels on the compartment () , a label being located on the rear side and the other label being located on the front face of said bag () , the opening () onto one of the compartments ( , ) constituting a film excess on top of a label , said excess being sealed only on one of the sides , but not horizontally and being flexible enough to facilitate easy opening.2101112. A bag () for medical purposes having at least two compartments ( claim 1 , ) according to claim 1 , characterised in that it is manufactured from two transparent films prior to the placement of said labels.31011121313. A bag () for medical purposes having at least two compartments ( claim 1 , ) according to one of the preceding claims claim 1 , characterised in that it comprises means so that claim 1 , upon breaking of said peelable seal () claim 1 , the entire width of said peelable seal () does not yield under pressure.410111210. A bag () for medical ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Peritoneal Dialysis Concentrate, Peritoneal Dialysis Bag and Set for Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis or Automated Peritoneal Dialysis

Номер: US20200061272A1

A peritoneal dialysis concentrate comprises an all-in-one concentrate or at least two concentrate parts to be stored separately before use, wherein by a diluting solution, the all-in-one concentrate can be diluted or dissolved, or the at least two concentrate parts can be diluted or dissolved, and mixed with each other to obtain the peritoneal dialysis solution suitable for peritoneal dialysis treatment. Also a single-chamber peritoneal dialysis bag, a dual-chamber peritoneal dialysis bag and a multi-chamber peritoneal dialysis bag contain the peritoneal dialysis concentrate. In addition, a set for a continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis and a set for an automated peritoneal dialysis comprise the single-chamber peritoneal dialysis bag or the dual-chamber peritoneal dialysis bag or the multi-chamber peritoneal dialysis bag, which contains the peritoneal dialysis concentrate. The peritoneal dialysis concentrate and the corresponding set for CAPD/APD can allow for saving logistic cost, easily transporting and only requiring minimum storage space. 1. A peritoneal dialysis concentrate comprising an all-in-one concentrate or at least two concentrate parts to be stored separately before use , wherein by a diluting solution , the all-in-one concentrate can be diluted or dissolved , or the at least two concentrate parts can be diluted or dissolved , and mixed with each other to obtain the peritoneal dialysis solution suitable for peritoneal dialysis treatment.2. The peritoneal dialysis concentrate according to claim 1 , wherein the all-in-one concentrate contains at least one electrolyte salt claim 1 , at least one buffering agent and at least one osmosis agent.3. The peritoneal dialysis concentrate according to claim 1 , wherein the at least two concentrate parts comprise a first concentrate part and a second concentrate part claim 1 , the first concentrate part at least contains at least one electrolyte salt and at least one osmosis agent claim 1 , and the second ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Multiple Dose Vial and Method

Номер: US20180064606A1
Автор: Daniel Py
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing LLC

A vial for storing multiple doses of a substance to be dispensed into one or more syringes or other delivery devices. The vial has a body, a storage chamber within the body for storing multiple doses of the substance therein, a sterile filter configured to sterilize air or other gas flowing into the storage chamber through the filter, and a one-way valve connectable in fluid communication with a syringe or other delivery device. The one-way valve is moveable relative to the body between first and second positions (i) one of which permits the valve to open so that substance from the storage chamber can flow therethrough and into the syringe or other delivery device connected in fluid communication therewith, and (ii) one of which prevents the valve from opening.

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065315A1

The aim of the invention is to avoid the risk of contamination of a bag for medical purposes, in particular to significantly reduce the amount of residual particles of material during the cutting of a tube for access to the bag. The invention proposes a system () for producing a bag for medical purposes comprising a tube transfer station () having transfer means () for transferring a tube (), which is being transported towards the tube transfer station (), to a holder () and for separating there a tube section () transferred to the holder () from a remainder () of the tube (), in order to then render the separated tube section () connectible to two film layers to form an access to the bag. The tube transfer station () comprises at least one air nozzle (), and an effective area () of the at least one air nozzle () is directed onto a designated location () for separation such that a forced air flow () in the designated location () forced by air blown out and/or drawn in can be adjusted for separation. 1. Plant for manufacturing a bag for medical purposes , comprising a tube transfer station with a transfer means for transferring a tube fed to the tube transfer station to a holder and for separating there a tube piece transferred to the holder from a residual tube of the feeding tube , so as to make the separated tube piece subsequently connectable to two film layers for forming an access on the bag , wherein the tube transfer station comprises at least one air nozzle , an action area of the at least one air nozzle being directed at a designated place for cutting , so that an air flow forced by air which has been blown out and/or aspirated can be adjusted for cutting at the designated place.2. Plant according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one air nozzle has a pressure difference means for producing an overpressure and/or a vacuum at the air nozzle claim 1 , so that during operation of the pressure difference means claim 1 , an air flow forced by air which has been ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089307A1

The invention relates to a bag contour welding tool for welding a foil to form an open bag, where the bag contour welding tool has a recess between two head lines, to a device for filling this bag with this bag contour welding unit, to a welding tool for airtight sealing of an opening of a bag for medical purposes with a bag contour welding unit, to a method of filling a bag with a device that has a filling needle, the bag being manufactured with a bag contour welding tool, to a method of manufacturing a bag with a bag contour welding tool, to a plant for manufacturing and filling a bag, the bag being manufactured with a bag contour welding unit, and to a bag which is manufactured and filled with this plant. The invention allows a filling of a bag, in particular a bag for medical purposes, without the necessity of providing a filling port on the bag. In this way, resources and costs can be saved, preventing damage to the environment. 1. Bag contour welding tool for welding a foil to form an open bag ,characterized in thatthe bag contour welding tool has a recess between two head lines.2. Bag contour welding tool according to claim 1 , characterized in that the bag contour welding tool extends in a normal direction to the head lines in the direction of a foot line claim 1 , directly adjacent to the recess.3. Bag contour welding tool according to one of claim 1 , characterized in that the bag contour welding tool claim 1 , starting from the recess beneath the head lines claim 1 , extends in the direction of the corners between the head lines and the lateral lines in the form of a loop.4. Bag contour welding tool according to claim 1 , characterized in that an area limited by the loop of the bag contour welding tool has a closed boundary.5. Device for filling a bag claim 1 , the bag being manufactured with a bag contour welding unit according to claim 1 ,characterized in thatthe device has a filling needle.6. Device according to claim 5 , characterized in that the ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Devices and systems with an external displacement mechanism for contaminant-free engagement of pharmaceutical vessels and pharmaceutical administration devices

Номер: US20190076322A1
Автор: Mikael NAYGAUZ
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates, in some embodiments thereof, to systems, devices and methods allowing for an engagement of two or more vessels or devices in a decontaminated manner. In some embodiments of the invention, the systems and devices of the invention include a first connection interface attached to a first vessel and a second connection interface attached to a second vessel, wherein the first connection interface and the second connection interface are configured to allow for an engagement between the first vessel and the second vessel, and wherein the first and second connection interfaces are further configured to externally displace from the engagement between the first vessel and the second vessel while a hermetically sealed connection is maintained between the first vessel and the second vessel.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Devices and systems with an external displacement mechanism for contaminant-free engagement of pharmaceutical vessels and pharmaceutical administration devices

Номер: US20190076323A1
Автор: Mikael NAYGAUZ
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates, in some embodiments thereof, to systems, devices and methods allowing for an engagement of two or more vessels or devices in a decontaminated manner. In some embodiments of the invention, the systems and devices of the invention include a first connection interface attached to a first vessel and a second connection interface attached to a second vessel, wherein the first connection interface and the second connection interface are configured to allow for an engagement between the first vessel and the second vessel, and wherein the first and second connection interfaces are further configured to externally displace from the engagement between the first vessel and the second vessel while a hermetically sealed connection is maintained between the first vessel and the second vessel.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Devices and systems with an internal displacement mechanism for contaminant-free engagement of medical vessels and devices

Номер: US20190076328A1
Автор: Mikael NAYGAUZ
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates, in some embodiments thereof, to systems, device and methods for establishing a contaminant-free fluid passageway between vessels. In some embodiments of the invention, the systems and devices of the invention include a first connection interface configured to be coupled to a first vessel, and a second connection interface configured to be coupled to a second vessel, the first and second connection interfaces configured to engage with each other and entrap contaminants, the first connection interface and the second connection interface, following the engagement, are configured to internally displace within the first vessel or the second vessel, while allowing for a contaminant-free fluid passageway and hermetically sealed engagement of the vessels.

12-06-2014 дата публикации

System for Processing Cells and Container for Use Therewith

Номер: US20140163475A1
Принадлежит: MEDRAD, INC.

A system for processing cells (and/or other injectate components) includes a container and a plunger adapted to be slidably positioned within the container. The system includes at least one inlet port through which a fluid can enter the system and at least one effluent port through which an effluent can exit the system. The plunger section forms a sealing engagement with the inner wall of the container such that rearward motion of the plunger is adapted to draw fluid into the system via the inlet and forward motion of the plunger is adapted to force effluent out of the system via the effluent port. 1. A container adapted to store and transport an injectate , the container comprising:a first port at a first axial position within the container;a first piercing member having a distal end and extending through a septum of the container;at least a second port at a second axial position within the container, the first axial position and the second axial position being different; anda second piercing member having a distal end extending through an end closure of the container, the first port being disposed on the distal end of the first piercing member and the second port being disposed on the distal end of the second piercing member;wherein the container encompasses viable cells within a first fluid and at least one of the first axial position and the second axial position is above an axial position of cells settled on or adjacent to a bottom of the container.2. The container of wherein the cells are retinal pigment epithelial cells supported on microspheres claim 1 , mesenchymal stem cells claim 1 , multipotent adult progenitor cells claim 1 , embryonic stem cells claim 1 , cardiac precursor cells claim 1 , cardiac cells claim 1 , beta-islet precursor cells claim 1 , beta-islet cells claim 1 , neural precursor cells claim 1 , or neural cells.3. The container of comprising a divider disposed within the container and adapted to create a first fluid path on a first side of ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

System and Method for Filling a Closed Container with a Fixative Solution

Номер: US20200079542A1
Принадлежит: Milestone SRL

The present invention relates to a method and a system (400) for filling a closed container (200) with a fixative solution. The system comprises a container (200) comprising a container body (230) for receiving a biological specimen, a lid (220) for selectively closing the container body (230) and a port (100) forming a unidirectional barrier in a direction from the inside (IC) to the outside (OC) of the closed container (200). The system further comprises a dispensing apparatus (500) having a filling nozzle (300) for dispensing the fixative solution. The filling nozzle (300) is relatively moveable with respect to the container (200) between a retracted position and a filling position to fill the container (200) with the fixative solution.

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087997A1

Disclosed is a bag including: a first envelope having at least one fill and/or discharge orifice for a biopharmaceutical fluid and a fill and/or discharge tube associated in a fluidtight manner with the fill and/or discharge orifice, a second envelope within which the first envelope is located, and a spacer element. The first envelope, the second envelope, and the spacer element form a coherent whole, in particular during use of the bag, and the fill and/or discharge tube traverses the second envelope by a fluidtight connection, the fill and/or discharge inlet being located outside the second envelope. 126-. (canceled)28. Bag according to claim 27 , wherein the spacer element is porous and completely covers the wall of the first envelope.29. Bag according to claim 27 , wherein the spacer element is porous and comprises an opening to the wall of the first envelope.30. Bag according to claim 27 , wherein the first envelope is of the 2D type or wherein the first envelope is of the 3D type comprising one or more gussets.31. Bag according to claim 27 , wherein the spacer element comprises at least one porous layer of woven fabric claim 27 , non-woven fabric claim 27 , PE claim 27 , PP claim 27 , or PTFE.32. Bag according to claim 27 , wherein the spacer element is responsive to the biopharmaceutical fluid that reaches it claim 27 , a detection member being provided to detect an interaction between the spacer element and the biopharmaceutical fluid.33. Bag according to claim 27 , wherein the spacer element is neutral to the biopharmaceutical product.34. Bag according to claim 27 , wherein the wall of the second envelope comprises a port suitable for being closed or connected in a fluidtight and removable manner to a source of gas or fluid.35. Bag according to claim 27 , comprising a third envelope which is flexible claim 27 , closed claim 27 , fluidtight claim 27 , and made of plastic claim 27 , having a wall defining a third inner chamber in which the second envelope is ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220133591A1

The present invention relates to a container, which accommodates a drug and is sealed, includes a container stopper part including at least one filling groove formed in order to inject a drug, and a container body including an opening into which the container stopper part is inserted and which is sealed, wherein the filling groove is formed in an outer wall surface of the container stopper part in a longitudinal direction in which the container stopper part is inserted thereinto and forms a passage which is formed between the outer wall surface of the container stopper part and an inner wall surface of the container body and through which the drug is injectable.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220133593A1

The package comprises a sterile bag () filled with liquid diluent, a bottle () equipped with a pierceable cap () to contain a medicinal or nutritional substance and a tube () extending from the bag and ending with a coupling and perforation device () for the cap of the bottle. Said bag is housed in a flexible sterile sealed casing (), while the bottle and the coupling and perforation device are accommodated in a second flexible sterile sealed casing (). The tube () has a portion () between the first and second casing, housing a flow diverter () adjustable from a first position in which it impedes any communication between the bottle and the bag, to a second position in which it allows the bag to be put in communication with a sealed side opening () for a syringe (), or a third position in which it allows the bottle to be connected with said side opening. To another side opening () of the flow diverter a flexible tube () with hydrophobic filter () is attached, terminating into one and/or the other of said sterile sealed casings and serving as a pressure compensator.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200085688A1

A plastic container product, in particular produced by a blow molding, filling and sealing method, comprising a container body () having a content of the container and an adjoining head part () which delimits an extraction area (), which is closed by a head membrane (), which has a connecting seam (), which passes through a plane () spanned by the head membrane () and separates at least two penetrable areas () on the free end face () of the head membrane () from each other for extracting the content of the containers, characterized in that the connecting seam () seen on the free end face () of the head membrane () has a course of the seam () at least partially deviating from a fictitious rectilinear course () extending within this plane (), which is longer than the rectilinear course () and at least partially comprises the penetrable areas (). 11012141638201622242616382616363220322224. A plastic container product , in particular produced by a blow molding , filling and sealing method , comprising a container body () having a content of the container and an adjoining head part () which delimits an extraction area () , which is closed by a head membrane () , which has a connecting seam () , which passes through a plane () spanned by the head membrane () and separates at least two penetrable areas ( , ) on the free end face () of the head membrane () from each other for extracting the content of the containers , characterized in that the connecting seam () seen on the free end face () of the head membrane () has a course of the seam () at least partially deviating from a fictitious rectilinear course () extending within this plane () , which is longer than the rectilinear course () and at least partially comprises the penetrable areas ( , ).238112216. The container product according to claim 1 , characterized in that the connecting seam () extends from one point (E) of the head part () to an opposite point (E) thereof and as reinforcing means at least partially ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Aseptic Connectors with Integrated Wireless Connectivity

Номер: US20200085689A1

The present disclosure relates to aseptic connectors with integrated wireless connectivity. For example, an example system may include a removable clamp configured to secure a first portion of an aseptic connector to a second portion of the aseptic connector. The removable clamp may include a housing, a controller disposed within the housing, a rechargeable battery disposed within the housing, a wireless radio disposed within the housing, and a sensor plug receptacle configured to receive a sensor plug coupled to a sensor of the aseptic connector. The controller may be configured to determine a sensor output of the sensor and to transmit the output using the wireless radio. 1. A system comprising: a housing;', 'a controller disposed within the housing;', 'a rechargeable battery disposed within the housing;', 'a wireless radio disposed within the housing; and', 'a sensor plug receptacle configured to receive a sensor plug coupled to a sensor of the aseptic connector;, 'a removable clamp configured to secure a first portion of an aseptic connector to a second portion of the aseptic connector, the removable clamp comprisingwherein the controller is configured to determine a sensor output of the sensor and to transmit the output using the wireless radio.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising the aseptic connector claim 1 , wherein second portion of the aseptic connector is a connector body claim 1 , and wherein the sensor is disposed within the connector body.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first portion of the aseptic connector is an insert portion claim 2 , and wherein a fluid flows through the connector body to the insert portion.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the sensor is a single use integrated sensor.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the sensor is removably coupled to the connector body.6. The system of claim 2 , wherein the sensor plug is configured to detach from the sensor plug receptacle.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the removable ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Syringe for drug mixing kit, drug mixing kit, and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20220142867A1
Автор: Yong Hyun Kim
Принадлежит: Individual

A drug mixing kit according to a disclosed embodiment for mixing a first content in a liquid form in a first container with a second content in a liquid or powder form in a second container includes: a syringe forming therein an accommodation space in which a liquid is accommodated; and a drug mixing device coupled with the syringe and forming therein a drug flow path extending from one end configured to allow the liquid in the accommodation space to flow into the drug flow path therethrough to other end configured to allow the liquid in the second container to flow into the drug flow path therethrough.

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Container and connector for providing a medical solution

Номер: US20140175126A1
Принадлежит: Metpro AB

A container for mixing an enclosed medical agent with a fluid. The container comprising an inclining bottom seam directed towards a connector. The connector comprising an elongated hollow body having a plurality of interconnected walls defining a first and a second longitudinal flow channel for fluidly connecting an inside and an outside of the container. The first flow channel has a first opening and a second opening, the first opening of the first flow channel is devised to be arranged inside of the container and the second opening of the first flow channel is devised to be arranged outside the container. The first opening of the first flow channel is arranged radially outwards from the first flow channel and directed towards said inclined bottom seam. The second flow channel has a first opening devised to be arranged inside of said container and a second opening devised to be arranged outside the container arranged axially to the first opening of the second flow channel.

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Blood Sample Management Using Open Cell Foam

Номер: US20160100783A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A specimen transfer device adapted to receive a blood sample is disclosed. The specimen transfer device includes a housing and an actuation member. A deformable material is disposed within the housing and is deformable from an initial position in which the material is adapted to hold the sample to a deformed position in which at least a portion of the sample is released from the material. A viscoelastic member is disposed within the housing between the material and the housing and between the material and the actuation member. The viscoelastic member is engaged with the actuation member and the material such that movement of the actuation member from a first position to a second position deforms the material from the initial position to the deformed position.

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Drug Vial Safety Device

Номер: US20150105745A1

A drug vial safety device, including a cover that is securable to a drug vial is disclosed. The cover at least partially encloses at least a neck and a lid of the drug vial. The cover includes a port having a shape that restricts syringe access to the vial through the port to a syringe shaped to be compatible with the port shape. 1. A drug vial safety device , comprising:a cover securable to drug vial to at least partially enclose at least a neck and a lid of the drug vial;wherein the cover includes a port having a shape that restricts syringe access to the vial through the port to a syringe shaped to be compatible with the port shape.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the shape of the port restricts access to through the port to a syringe shaped to be complementary with the port shape.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the cover comprises:a cap-separating portion for separating a cap from a drug vial lid; andan ejection window for removing a separated-cap from the cover.4. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the cap-separating portion comprises at least one arm that contacts and lifts the cap from the lid when the cover secured to a drug vial is displaced away from the drug vial.5. The device according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one arm comprises a plurality of arms.6. The device according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one arm comprises at least two arms that are substantially the same length.7. The device according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one arm comprises at least two arms having different respective lengths to provide a shearing force to the cap when the cover secured to the drug vial is displaced away from the drug vial.8. The device according to claim 4 , further comprising a lip that engages the lid to limit displacement of the cover away from the drug vial.9. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the cap-separating portion comprises:a first portion; anda second portion;wherein one of the first and second ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Anaerobic Blood Storage Containers

Номер: US20210100721A1
Принадлежит: Hemanext Inc

A blood storage container for the anaerobic storage of blood, having enhanced sealing methods and materials for the preservation of stored blood is provided.

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170100307A1

There is described a package for the reconstitution and administration of fluid medicinal or nutritional substances which are infused or instillable within the body of a patient, comprising a flexible casing containing a vial of a medicinal or nutritional substance in a coupling position to a coupling and perforation device inserted into a mixing tube for the connection with a bag of liquid diluent. The casing comprises a connector provided with an openable and hermetically closable cap, adapted to introduce a mixture of sterilizing gas and oxygen into said casing. 1. Package for reconstitution and administration of fluid medicinal or nutritional substances which are infused or instillable within the body of a patient , comprising a flexible casing containing a vial of a medicinal or nutritional substance in coupling position with a coupling and perforation device inserted into a mixing tube for the connection with a bag of liquid diluent , said casing comprising a connector , provided with an openable and hermetically closable cap , suitable for the introduction of a mixture of sterilizing gas and oxygen within said casing , wherein said coupling and perforation device comprises a first element slidably coupled with a second element and movable between the coupling position of the vial and a perforating position of the cap of the vial , wherein said first element comprises a ring from which at least two flaps provided with notches suitable to receive the vial in the engagement position , vertically branch off , and an openable closure is surmounted by a circular base from which further flaps , in turn equipped with notches suitable to accommodate the vial in the perforating position of the cap of the vial , perimetrally and vertically side by side branch off , and said ring is inserted externally to said additional flaps and is configured to slide coaxially with respect to the circular base , and said further flaps have a curvature at their free ends such as to ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Novel Cryopreservation Bags and method of use thereof for Closed System, High Capacity Cell-Banking

Номер: US20180100135A1
Принадлежит: MERIAL INC.

The disclosure provides a cell freezing and storage bag assembly and a method for using the assembly in banking eukaryotic cells for later seed train expansion. The bag is constructed principally of fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) fabric, and is designed to be filled such that the cell suspension has a very thin cross-section. The bag design includes at least an inlet conduit and an outlet or inoculation conduit, which can be sterilely welded to the source of the eukaryotic cells. The use of at least two sterile-weldable conduits allows for “closed system” filling of the bags, which significantly reduces the risk of contamination relative to other cell-banking methods. The bag also include a sleeve, which can be thermo-welded to form an enclosure, which protects the inlet and outlet conduits against contamination and mechanical damage during freezing, storage and subsequent thawing. In the method, once each bag is filled, its corresponding inlet conduit is sealed, and both the inlet and outlet conduits are enclosed within the bag's sleeve. This closed system method obviates the need for sterile environments (e.g. laminar flow unit). 114-. (canceled)15. A high-capacity cryopreservation bag , which is adapted for use in a high capacity biological material , closed cryopreservation banking system , and which is resistant to liquid nitrogen temperatures comprising:a. a first fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) enclosure;b. at least two sterile-weldable fluid conduits adapted for use in a high capacity biological material, closed banking system;c. a first rigid FEP inlet conduit, in fluid connection with the first FEP enclosure, and connectable to the first of the two sterile-weldable fluid conduits, wherein said first conduit is a first flexible PVC tube;d. a second rigid FEP outlet conduit, in fluid connection with the first FEP enclosure, and connectable to the second of the two sterile-weldable fluid conduits, wherein said second conduit is a second flexible ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Device for Storing Blood and Method for Use Thereof

Номер: US20190099530A1

A mass exchanger for use in storing blood or a blood product such as packed cells is described. The mass exchanger comprises an external casing, a cavity is provided within the casing having a region for storing blood and one or more channels extending within the casing for accommodating flow of a treatment fluid, the one or more channels each being at least partly bounded by a permeable membrane to allow transfer of chemical species between the channel and the cavity; wherein the casing comprises at least one flexible wall. The mass exchanger can include a region for storing blood comprising a bag. Here the bag or the casing comprise at least one flexible wall. A method of storing blood in the mass exchanger is also described. 1. A mass exchanger for use in storing blood or a blood product such as packed cells , the mass exchanger comprising an external casing , a cavity being provided within the casing having a region for storing blood and one or more channels extending within the casing for accommodating flow of a treatment fluid , the one or more channels each being at least partly bounded by a permeable membrane to allow transfer of chemical species between the channel and the cavity;wherein the casing comprises at least one flexible wall.2. A mass exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the region for storing blood comprises a bag and wherein the bag or the casing comprise at least one flexible wall.3. A mass exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the permeable membrane is permeable to gas but impermeable to liquids or to ionic or dissolved species.4. A mass exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the permeable membrane is microporous.5. A mass exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the total surface area of the permeable membranes associated with the one or more channels lies in the range 0.05 mto 1 m.6. A mass exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein at least one channel has a tubular shape.7. A mass exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the walls ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Double-headed transfusion container

Номер: US20160106623A1
Автор: Ke Li, YU Qiu
Принадлежит: Chongqing Lummy Pharmaceutical Co Ltd

A double-headed transfusion container comprises a body portion ( 1 ), both the top and the bottom of the body portion ( 1 ) being provided with an opening portion ( 2 ). The body portion ( 1 ) and the opening portion ( 2 ) are integrally formed of polypropylene blending plastic through blow molding, so as to obtain a seamless transparent polypropylene blending plastic transfusion container, which has advantages of a light weight and a low cost, further has good self-draining performance, and can steadily drain the liquid in the container from the container without any vent needle. Both the top and the bottom of the body portion ( 1 ) are provided with the opening portion ( 2 ), which facilitates connection to another independent auxiliary instrument better and can improve the safety of the transfusion product.

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Connector for medical lines

Номер: US20160106967A1
Автор: Gianni Guala
Принадлежит: Industrie Borla SpA

A connector for medical lines includes a tubular body having a male luer-lock fitting at one end, intended to be screw-coupled with a complementary female fitting. An outer jacket is coupled in unidirectional rotation with the tubular body in the direction corresponding to the screwing of the male fitting and freely rotatable in the opposite direction. For selectively coupling the outer jacket with the tubular body in the direction corresponding to the unscrewing of the male fitting, at least one side push-button carried by said outer jacket is provided.

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180104147A1

A single-use bag () and dispensing system () for storage of liquid or frozen media and for dispensing the media are disclosed. A single-use bag () is composed of materials that can withstand the temperatures required for dry heat sterilization and, further, includes specialized clamps () that accommodate the materials and construction techniques necessary for constructing the single-use bag () for restriction and isolation of flow from the single-use bag (). The single-use bag () includes an inner film () defining a bag interior () and an outer film () overlying the inner film (), the inner film () and the outer film () being heat bonded together, the inner film () being composed of perfluoroalkoxy alkane (PFA) and the outer film () being composed of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), the single-use bag () defining at least one exit port () on a bottom edge () thereof; and at least one closeable exit passage () depending from the bottom edge () of the single-use bag (), each of the at least one exit passage () being coupled to a respective one of the at least one exit port (), the at least one exit passage () being in fluid communication with the bag interior (). 1. A storage and dispensing system capable of storing a liquid or frozen medium and dispensing the medium , the system comprising:a single-use bag including an inner film defining a bag interior and an outer film overlying the inner film, the inner film and the outer film being heat bonded together, the inner film being composed of perfluoroalkoxy alkane and the outer film being composed of polytetrafluoroethylene, the single-use bag defining at least one exit port on a bottom edge thereof; andat least one closeable exit passage depending from the bottom edge of the single-use bag, each of the at least one exit passage being coupled to a respective one of the at least one exit port, the at least one exit passage being in fluid communication with the bag interior.2. The storage and dispensing system of claim 1 ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180104148A1

A connector for a medical container comprises a connector element to be attached to the medical container for providing a port to the medical container. The connector element comprises a head section and a pinch-off section adjoining the head section. The head section comprises an opening and the pinch-off section encloses an inner lumen being in fluid connection with the opening of the head section for proving a fluid path through the connector element. The pinch-off section is flexibly deformable for pinching off the fluid path. A closure element is attachable to the head section for closing the opening of the head section, and a pierceable membrane element is held between the head section of the connector element and the closure element. A deflection element extends from the head section towards the inner lumen for deflecting a needle of a delivery device when piercing the membrane element. 18-. (canceled)9. A connector for a medical container , comprising:a connector element to be attached to the medical container for providing a port to the medical container, the connector element comprising a head section and a pinch-off section adjoining the head section, wherein the head section comprises an opening and the pinch-off section encloses an inner lumen being in fluid connection with the opening of the head section for providing a fluid path through the connector element, the pinch-off section being flexibly deformable for pinching off the fluid path through the connector element,a deflection element extending from the head section towards the inner lumen of the pinch-off section for deflecting a needle of a delivery device when piercing the membrane element wherein the deflection element reaches into the inner lumen of the pinch-off section.10. The connector according to claim 9 , wherein said connector further comprises claim 9 , a closure element attachable to the head section of the connector element for closing the opening of the head section claim 9 , and a ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180104149A1
Принадлежит: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.

A containment and transfer device for use with highly active or sensitive compounds, comprising a sleeve or a bag with one or more flexible walls, a first sanitary clamp, an endcap, a second sanitary clamp and a compression clamp. The sleeve or bag has a first end for connection to a container, and a second end for (a) connection to a storage or mixing vessel at the discharge location, or (b) connection to an endcap for transportation. The flexible walls surround and define an internal passageway in that permits compounds in the first end of the sleeve or bag to pass into the second end of the sleeve or bag. The compression clamp compresses the flexible walls of the sleeve or bag together to produce a barrier across the internal passageway, preventing the highly active or sensitive compound from flowing into the second end of the sleeve or bag during packing, transporting and discharging the device. 1. A containment and transfer device for use with a container and a highly active or sensitive compound , the container having a mouth and a sanitary fitting located at the mouth , the containment and transfer device comprising:a) a sleeve comprising a first end, a second end, an internal passageway fluidly coupling the first end of the sleeve to the second end of the sleeve, and one or more flexible walls circumscribing the internal passageway;b) a first sanitary clamp that fastens the first end of the sleeve to the sanitary fitting on the mouth of the container;c) an endcap configured to close the second end of the sleeve;d) a second sanitary clamp that fastens the second end of the sleeve to the endcap; ande) a compression clamp that compresses the one or more flexible walls of the sleeve together to produce a barrier across the internal passageway.2. The containment and transfer device of claim 1 , wherein the barrier across the internal passageway will not permit the highly active or sensitive compound to pass from the first end of the sleeve to the second end of ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210122553A1
Автор: BAZIN Frédéric

A 3-D flexible bag to be filled with a biopharmaceutical product is formed by assembling of two wall elements and two gussets. At least one connection port is provided, for filling and/or emptying. A substantially parallelepipedal configuration is obtained in a filled state thanks to the unfolding of the gussets combined with the folding of flaps of the two wall elements. A transverse weld, formed at one end, connects the two wall elements of the bag and extends continuously, keeping in a folded-flat state:—an elongate edge portion of one gusset;—an elongate edge portion of the other gusset. This transverse weld has a length corresponding to a determined dimension of the flexible bag in the parallelepipedal configuration. 1. A 3-D flexible bag to be filled with a biopharmaceutical product , using at least one flexible supply duct , and provided with at least one connection port for filling and/or emptying , the flexible bag being designed to be expanded from a flat , empty configuration to a substantially parallelepipedal configuration in a filled state , the flexible bag having:a first wall element consisting of a film and making it possible to define a front face,a second wall element consisting of a film and making it possible to define a rear face,a first gusset and a second gusset, each connected to two side edges from either of the first and second wall elements, the first gusset and the second gusset being constituted by respective films cut from a part and each likely to be folded along a folding line towards the inside which extends between two opposite ends of the flexible bag, andsaid connection port, formed exclusively the first wall element or the second wall element,the first wall element and the second wall element being welded to one another along a transverse direction to at least one of the two opposite ends,the first wall element, the second wall element, the first gusset and the second gusset being flexible and having a resistance to traction of ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160114922A1
Принадлежит: Grifols, S.A.

Method for the aseptic filling of a bag with a pharmaceutical product or liquid which comprises the following steps: a) a first step in which the cap is inserted in the inlet of the bag; b) a second step in which said cap is raised and the pharmaceutical product or liquid concerned is introduced; c) a third step in which the cap is re-inserted in the inlet of the bag; and d) a fourth step in which the cap and the inlet of the bag are welded. 1. A method for the aseptic filling of a bag with a pharmaceutical product or liquid characterised in that it comprises the following steps:a) a first step in which the cap is inserted in the inlet of the bag producing a hermetic closure therebetween;b) a second step in which said cap is raised and the pharmaceutical product or liquid concerned is introduced;c) a third step in which the cap is re-inserted in the inlet of the bag producing or providing a hermetic closure therebetween; andd) a fourth step in which the cap and the inlet of the bag are welded,in which bags are used that comprise at least one inlet/cap structure which comprises an inlet and a cap, and which has two closure positions, a first position which consists of a reversible hermetic closure and a second position which consists of a final or irreversible hermetic closure by welding, andin which at least the second and third steps (steps b) and c) respectively), are carried out in a sterile environment.2. A method according to claim 1 , characterised in that the pharmaceutical product or liquid is blood claim 1 , plasma claim 1 , serum claim 1 , red blood cell solution claim 1 , albumin solution claim 1 , α1-antitrypsin solution claim 1 , von Willebrand factor solution claim 1 , solution comprising coagulation factors such as factor VII claim 1 , factor VIII and factor IX claim 1 , immunoglobulin solution claim 1 , plasminogen solution claim 1 , plasmin solution claim 1 , antithrombin III solution claim 1 , fibrinogen solution claim 1 , fibrin solution claim 1 , ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Improved Dosing System

Номер: US20180111713A1

The present invention refers to an improved dispensing system for liquid dispensing in the form of drops, comprising: a cap; a dosage unit having a skirt showing a protrusion or edge at its lower end; and a container having a shoulder surface located at the inner part of the shoulder, wherein the shoulder surface holds the dosage unit through interfering with said protrusion or edge of the insert thus avoiding that the dosage unit can be removed from the container. While opening the improved dispensing system according to the present invention, a ring attached to the cap body breaks in sections, preventing said ring to be relocated in the cap and, thus, avoiding that the dosage unit can be reused for filling a different substance. 1500. An improved dispensing system () comprising:{'b': '100', 'a cap ();'}{'b': 200', '205', '207, 'a dosage unit (), having a skirt () which shows at its lower end a protrusion or edge (); and'}{'b': 300', '307', '308', '307', '200', '207', '200, 'a container () having a surface () located at the inner part of the shoulder (), wherein the surface () holds the dosage unit () through the interference with said protrusion or edge () of the dosage unit ().'}2500100. The improved dispensing system () according to wherein the cap () is of the kind having a thread and comprises:{'b': '107', 'An inner ring ();'}{'b': 108', '107, 'a ring projection () of the inner ring ();'}{'b': 103', '101', '109, 'a ring () attached to the cap body () through a plurality of binding points ();'}{'b': 104', '103, 'Fins () located at the inner part of ring (); and'}{'b': 102', '103, 'Slots () perpendicularly located in the ring ().'}3500103. The improved dispensing system () according to wherein ring () has various divisions according to the slots.4500200. The improved dispensing system () according to wherein the dosage unit () comprises:{'b': 205', '201', '207', '205', '201', '202', '201', '205', '200', '204', '207', '205', '208', '203', '202', '201', '201, 'A ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140194832A1
Автор: CHUNG Sun
Принадлежит: HUBIOMED Co., Ltd.

An instillator for injection of a Ringer's solution temporarily stores Ringer's solutions or others, and couples a precise flow regulator onto an instillation container, thereby allowing the solutions to be administered more accurately, preventing accidents from happening because the regulator is out of a patient's reach, and allowing a connected tube to be easily arranged. The instillator includes an instillation container, a solution inflow tube with a penetration needle and a solution guide passage, and a lower stopper with a solution drainage passage and a tube connector, wherein a drainage guide plate with a drainage hole is inserted into the container to discharge a solution downwardly, a precise flow regulator is coupled onto the plate to be rotated from side to side, and an instillation hole communicating with the tube connector is formed in the regulator. 1. Instillator for injection of a Ringer's solution , comprising:a cylindrical instillation container which is made out of a transparent material;a solution inflow tube which is formed on the top of the instillation container in a projecting manner, has a penetration needle, which penetrates a rubber stopper for closing a solution bottle, formed on the top of the solution inflow tube, and has a solution guide passage, which guides a solution stored in the solution bottle to flow into the instillation container, formed along a vertical centerline of the solution inflow tube; anda lower stopper which is inserted into the bottom of the instillation container, has a solution drainage passage, which is used to discharge the solution filling the instillation container, formed on the top surface of the lower stopper in a penetrating manner so that the solution drainage passage reaches the bottom surface of the lower stopper, and has a tube connector formed on the bottom of the solution drainage passage in a projecting manner,wherein a drainage guide plate with a drainage hole is fixedly inserted into the bottom ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113824A1

A system and method for protecting biological or other material from contamination through the steps of filling, freeze-drying, packaging, storing and use are disclosed. A system can include a flexible container, a membrane configured to transmit air or solvent vapor out of the flexible container, and a membrane frame supporting the membrane and engaged with at least one column member. The at least one column member can be configured to maintain the membrane and the membrane frame a spaced distance from one or more contents received within the flexible container. Upon application of a downward force, the at least one column member can assume a collapsed configuration. A method can include inserting a biological material, for example, into a flexible container, freeze-drying the biological material, moving the freeze-dried biological material to a portion of the flexible container that includes at least one port, and sealing the biological material within the portion. 1. A method , comprising:inserting a biological material into a flexible container in which a first container side includes a gas-permeable membrane;freeze-drying the biological material in the flexible container, including allowing air or solvent vapor to escape the flexible container through the membrane;moving the freeze-dried biological material to a portion of the flexible container spaced from the membrane; andsealing the biological material within the portion of the flexible container spaced from the membrane.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising preventing the membrane from contacting the biological material.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein preventing the membrane from contacting the biological material includes supporting the membrane at a spaced distance from a second container side using a membrane frame and at least one column member.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising claim 3 , prior to sealing the biological material within the portion of the flexible container spaced ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Needle-less vial assembly for use with needle-free system

Номер: US20150122370A1
Автор: Stephanie Davidson
Принадлежит: Individual

A needle-less vial assembly that includes an assembly body arranged at least partially within a neck of a vial, the body having a first portion within the vial for receiving a substance, a second portion that includes a means for matingly engaging with a syringe, and a channel defined therein, thereby enabling fluid communication of the substance between the vial and the syringe. The assembly further including a first inlet arranged longitudinally along a length of the first portion and proximate to the second portion, wherein the first inlet enables fluid communication between an interior of the vial and the channel, thereby enabling withdrawal of substantially all of the substance within the vial, and an outlet arranged at an end of the second portion of the body, thereby enabling a needle-less transfer of substances between the channel and the syringe.

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Bag for Liquids

Номер: US20190117512A1

A liquid bag according to one embodiment stores liquid containing an active ingredient to be transdermally administered. This liquid bag includes a bag body configured to store the liquid and feed the liquid toward an injection needle. The bag body includes a tubular portion. At least part of the tubular portion is bent with respect to the axial direction of the tubular portion with the liquid being stored in the tubular portion. 1. A liquid bag for storing liquid containing an active ingredient to be transdermally administered , the liquid bag comprisinga bag body configured to store the liquid and feed the liquid toward an injection needle, whereinthe bag body includes a tubular portion, andat least part of the tubular portion is bent with respect to an axial direction of the tubular portion with the liquid being stored in the tubular portion.2. The liquid bag according to further comprising a support portion configured to maintain a state in which the at least part of the tubular portion is bent.3. The liquid bag according to claim 1 , wherein the at least part of the tubular portion is arranged in a spiral or meandering manner on an imaginary plane.4. The liquid bag according to claim 1 , wherein the at least part of the tubular portion is helically arranged.5. The liquid bag according to claim 1 , wherein the tubular portion has a branch portion. One aspect of the present invention relates to a liquid bag for storing liquid containing an active ingredient to be transdermally administered.Liquid bags used for transdermal administration are conventionally known. For example, Patent Literature 1 describes a liquid-medicine continuous injection device including an elastic bag configured to be filled with liquid medicine and a case configured to accommodate the elastic bag, and the device is configured to cause the liquid medicine to continuously flow out by constricting force of the elastic bag. Patent Literature 2 describes a liquid administration device including ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200113779A1

Provided is a cell preserving vessel which is protected against damage during storage. The cell preserving vessel includes: a vessel body which is made of a flexible resin member and has a cell accommodating part ; a cell introducing tube which is connected to the vessel body and through which cells are introduced into the cell accommodating part ; and a pair of tube protecting parts which are arranged to hold the cell introducing tube therebetween and which protect a vicinity of a joined portion of the cell introducing tube , the joined portion being joined to the vessel body . The tube protecting parts are preferably constituted by sheet members and that form the vessel body 1. A cell preserving vessel comprising:a vessel body which is made of a flexible resin member and has a cell accommodating part;a cell introducing tube which is connected to the vessel body and through which cells are introduced into the cell accommodating part; anda pair of tube protecting parts which are arranged to hold the cell introducing tube therebetween and protect a vicinity of a joined portion of the cell introducing tube, the joined portion being joined to the vessel body.2. The cell preserving vessel according to claim 1 , whereinthe vessel body is made of sheet members superposed on each other and joined to each other at peripheral margins thereof, andthe tube protecting parts are extended from a peripheral margin of the vessel body.3. The cell preserving vessel according to claim 2 , whereinthe tube protecting parts are constituted by the sheet members forming the vessel body.4. The cell preserving vessel according to claim 1 , whereinthe tube protecting parts have a recessed groove formed thereon, the recessed groove corresponding to an outline shape of the cell introducing tube.5. The cell preserving vessel according to claim 4 , whereinthe recessed groove is larger than the outline shape of the cell introducing tube.6. The cell preserving vessel according to claim 1 , ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200113781A1

A sterile solution product bag includes sterilization grade filter integrated directly into the product bag such that microbial and particulate matter filtration can be performed using the filter directly at the point of fill. The filter can include a hollow fiber filter membrane contained in a stem connected to a bladder of the product bag. 1. A sterile solution product bag comprising:a bladder;a stem having an inlet end and an outlet end, the outlet end of the stem fluidly connected to the bladder; anda filter disposed in line with the stem, the filter having a filter membrane with a nominal pore size in a range of approximately 0.1 μm to approximately 0.5 μm,wherein the bladder comprises a plurality of bladders fluidly connected to one another at least partly by tubing, the stem and the filter being fluidly connected to the tubing and the plurality of bladders for filling the product bag.2. The sterile solution product bag of claim 1 , wherein the tubing comprises a first part extending from the stem claim 1 , and a plurality of second parts extending from the first part to the plurality of bladders claim 1 , each second part extending to one bladder.3. The sterile solution product bag of claim 1 , wherein the tubing comprises sealable tubing.4. The sterile solution product bag of claim 3 , wherein the first part extends to a juncture claim 3 , and the plurality of second parts extend from the juncture to the plurality of bladders.5. The sterile solution product bag of claim 1 , wherein the filter comprises a single filter.6. The sterile solution product bag of claim 1 , wherein the filter comprises a flat sheet membrane.7. The sterile solution product bag of claim 1 , wherein the filter membrane is shaped as a hollow fiber with pores residing in the wall of the fiber claim 1 , wherein the outlet end of the hollow fiber of the filter membrane is sealed and the inlet end is an open inlet.8. The sterile solution product bag of claim 1 , wherein the filter membrane ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200113782A1

A multi-mix infusion bag is provided. The multi-mix infusion bag includes a lower portion and an upper portion. The lower portion has a lower chamber and the upper portion includes a plurality of chambers. Each chamber is separated and contains a fluid agent. The multi-mix infusion bag is configured to transfer each fluid agent within each chamber of the upper portion into the lower chamber for mixing. The multi-mix infusion bag may include dispensing devices associated with each chamber, wherein the dispensing devices operate to transfer the fluid agents into the lower chamber for mixing. 1. A multi-mix infusion bag comprising:a lower portion having a lower chamber;an upper portion comprising a plurality of chambers, wherein each chamber is separated and contains a fluid agent;a separating wall located between the upper portion and the lower portion to prevent the fluid agents in the plurality of chambers from entering the lower chamber; anda plurality of perforations formed the separating wall, the plurality of perforations corresponding to the plurality of chambers, wherein each perforation is formed in response to pressure applied to each of the plurality of chambers of the upper portion, wherein the fluid agent from each of the plurality of chambers is transferred into the lower chamber through the perforations for mixing of the fluid agents.2. The bag of claim 1 , further comprising an outlet coupled to the lower chamber claim 1 , wherein the mixed fluid agents are dispensed through the outlet.3. The bag of claim 2 , further comprising an inlet coupled to the lower chamber.4. The bag of claim 3 , wherein an additive is flowed into the lower chamber through the inlet and mixed with the fluid agents in the lower chamber. This application is a Continuation of U.S. patent application entitled “MULTI-MIX INFUSION BAG,” Ser. No. 14/804,071, filed Jul. 20, 2015 which claims priority to U.S. Provisional patent application entitled “MULTI-MIX INFUSION BAG,” Ser. No. 62 ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200113783A1

A method of preparing a pharmaceutical product in a single multiple chamber flexible bag. A pharmaceutical product is introduced in a liquid state into a first chamber of the flexible bag through a first port. The pharmaceutical product is lyophilized within the first chamber of the flexible bag to provide a lyophilized pharmaceutical product. The flexible bag has a second chamber and the first chamber and the second chamber are separated by a breakable seal. The second chamber further includes a reconstituting solution for reconstituting the lyophilized pharmaceutical product in the first chamber. A user may apply pressure to the flexible bag to break the seal and mix the lyophilized pharmaceutical product and the reconstituting solution to order to administer the pharmaceutical product to a patient. 1. A flexible pharmaceutical bag comprising:a first chamber configured to hold a lyophilized pharmaceutical product;a second chamber separated from the first chamber;a third chamber separated from one of the first and second chambers, the third chamber configured to hold a solution;a first seal disposed between the first chamber and the second chamber that separates and seals the first chamber from the second chamber;a second seal disposed between the third chamber and one of the first and second chambers that seals the third chamber from the first or the second chamber; anda first port attached to the first chamber, the first port configured to introduce a pharmaceutical product into the first chamber and allow passage of water vapor from the pharmaceutical product during lyophilization of the pharmaceutical product.2. The pharmaceutical bag of claim 1 , further comprising a second port attached to the second chamber claim 1 , the second port configured to introduce a reconstituting solution to the second chamber for reconstituting the lyophilized pharmaceutical product in the first chamber.3. The pharmaceutical bag of claim 1 , wherein the seal is a connection ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Aseptic tamper evident sampling container

Номер: US20190120730A1
Принадлежит: Bama Sas, CSP Technologies Inc

A closed and tamper-evident sealed container, including a fluid transport adapter. The adapter provides for sterile fluid communication between a fluid source outside the container and the container interior when adapter is open. The adapter is adjustable to a closed position wherein the fluid communication ceases. An alternative to the adapter utilizes a sampling attachment that fits into tight engagement with the lid which comprises at least one septum. Coupling the sampling attachment to the lid either causes sharps in the attachment to penetrate the at least one septum or to displace the edges of the septum inward to form a fluid communication with the container interior while the lid remains sealed closed. Other variations include a rotatable sampling attachment, a container with a displaceable bottom wall to act as a syringe and a large volume (e.g., 1500 mL) sealed ampoule which also uses a sampling attachment.
