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27-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2342330C2
Принадлежит: ОТВ С.А. (FR)

Изобретение относится к обработке кислотных промышленных сточных вод. Способ удаления фторидов из выходящего потока сточных вод включает установление начального значения рН поступающего потока на уровне меньше, чем примерно 3,5 или поддержание рН поступающего потока на уровне меньше, чем примерно 3,5. Затем направляют сточные воды в первую систему обратного осмоса и удаляют часть фторидов из сточных вод. Поддерживают рН сточных вод на уровне меньше, чем примерно 3,5 по меньшей мере до тех пор, пока идет обработка в первой системе обратного осмоса. Затем направляют сточные воды из первой системы обратного осмоса во вторую систему обратного осмоса и удаляют фториды из сточных вод. После обработки в первой системе обратного осмоса устанавливают высокий рН. В результате использования первой и второй систем обратного осмоса удаляют по меньшей мере 90% фторидов из сточных вод, 2 н. и 23 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил., 2 табл.

10-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2314288C2

Изобретение относится к способу разделения при фракционировании раствора, содержащего бетаин и сахарозу, путем осуществления на указанном растворе хроматографического фракционирования и нанофильтрации и регенерации фракции, обогащенной бетаином, и возможно фракции, обогащенной сахарозой, причем хроматографическое разделение проводят с использованием материала для заполнения колонок, выбираемого из катионообменных смол и анионообменных смол, а нанофильтрация проводится с мембраной для нанофильтрации, выбираемой из полимерных и неорганических мембран, имеющих предельную величину пропускания от 100 до 2500 г/моль. Раствор для фракционирования в соответствии с настоящим изобретением является обычно раствором, полученным из сахарной свеклы, например, раствором черной патоки. 39 з.п. ф-лы, 12 табл., 3 ил.

29-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2728486C2
Принадлежит: ЧЭН Сяолин (CN)

Изобретение относится к многостадийным способам опреснения, включающим последовательное удаление примесей без добавления агрессивных химических веществ. Кроме того, изобретение включает получение полезного побочного продукта (удобрения) во время удаления солей морской воды. Во время начальной обработки морскую воду или соленые сточные воды обрабатывают для осаждения минералов, выпадающих в осадок, в виде фосфатов, в том числе фосфата магния-аммония, применяемых в качестве удобрения. Во время начальной фазы фосфат аммония и фосфат натрия добавляют к морской воде или соленым сточным водам с последующим добавлением аммиака и заряженного растворителя на водной основе. После отделения осажденного твердого вещества очищенную морскую воду или соленые сточные воды подвергают аэрации и фильтрации с получением питьевой или другим образом пригодной для применения воды. Изобретение обеспечивает получение питьевого продукта, способ получения которого оптимизирован и экономически эффективен вследствие ...

10-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2375312C2

Изобретения относятся к области очистки сырой воды, содержащей одно или несколько трудноразлагаемых веществ, выбранных из группы, включающей галогенированные дибензодиоксины, галогенированные дибензофураны, полихлорированные бифенилы (ПХБ), разрушающие эндокринную систему вещества, иные, чем диоксины, канцерогенные вещества и органические галогенированные соединения, которые могут быть непосредственно удалены методом фоторазрушения или химического разложения. Для осуществления способа трудноразлагаемые вещества концентрируют и обезвреживают следующих на стадиях: (В) стадия адсорбционной очистки, (С) стадия очистки мембранной фильтрацией и (D) стадия химического разложения трудноразлагаемого вещества, адсорбированного на адсорбенте с применением пероксида без операции десорбции из адсорбента. Способ имеет в предпочтительном варианте выполнения дополнительные стадии: (А) стадия мембранного концентрирования, (Е) стадия нейтрализации хлора, (F) стадия фоторазрушения, (G) стадия обратной промывки ...

17-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2753536C2
Принадлежит: ОуСиПи СА (MA)

Изобретение относится к химической промышленности и охране окружающей среды. Фосфогипс (PG) выщелачивают (101) с помощью основного раствора, содержащего 0,1 - 0,8 М хелатирующего агента, выбранного из этилендиаминтетрауксусной кислоты (ЭДТА) и ее натриевой, калиевой, кальций динатриевой, диаммонийной соли, соли триэтаноламина (ТЭА-ЭДТА), гидроксиэтилэтилендиаминтетрауксусной кислоты (ГЭДТА) и ее тринатриевой соли и их смесей. В конце стадии (101) растворение сульфата натрия составляет 91 - 99%. Полученный раствор (S) сульфата натрия, содержащий примеси металлов, по меньшей мере часть которых образует комплексы с указанным хелатирующим агентом, обрабатывают (102) для удаления твердых веществ (R), например, центрифугированием и последующей фильтрацией. В конце указанной обработки раствор (S) сульфата натрия имеет содержание твердых частиц менее 1%. Фильтрат (F) направляют на первую стадию (103) фильтрации с использованием нанофильтрационной мембраны (NF1), точка отсечки которой составляет ...

10-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2363663C2
Принадлежит: ЕФРАТИЙ Ави (IL)

Изобретение предназначено для опреснения морской и обессоливания жесткой воды. Установка непрерывного ступенчатого обессоливания солевого водного раствора обратным осмосом включает контур замкнутого цикла с одним или несколькими модулями обессоливания, соединенными параллельно, средство создания противодавления, средство циркуляции для обеспечения рециркуляции обессоленного раствора в указанном замкнутом контуре и контейнер для замены концентрированного солевого раствора свежим питающим раствором. Установка дополнительно снабжена средствами контроля и клапанным механизмом, обеспечивающим отключение контейнера и подключение его к замкнутому контуру, замену концентрированного соляного раствора на свежий питающий раствор из контейнера, а также нагнетание давления и декомпрессию контейнера. Каждый из модулей обессоливания включает один или более мембранных элементов. Изобретение также относится к способу обессоливания солевого водного раствора посредством указанной установки. Изобретение позволяет ...

16-12-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019105384A3

20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014123820A

... 1. Способ очистки жидкости, заключающийся в пневматически запускаемом цикле фильтрации жидкости с рециркуляцией, в котором на первой стадии цикла заполняют исходной жидкостью емкость для исходной жидкости, являющуюся частью блока рециркуляции жидкости, входящего в блок очистки жидкости, после чего блоку рециркуляции при помощи средства создания давления сообщают энергию сжатого газа, за счет которой в блоке рециркуляции жидкости устанавливается давление достаточное для протекания фильтрации жидкости в блоке фильтрации, являющемся частью блока очистки, на второй стадии цикла, отличающийся тем, что цикл фильтрации жидкости включает три стадии, проходящие с возможностью непрерывного возврата всей дренажной жидкости в систему очистки до окончания цикла фильтрации жидкости.2. Способ очистки жидкости по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что на первой стадии цикла фильтрации жидкости передачу энергии сжатого газа или сжатой смеси газа и жидкости осуществляют, но, не ограничиваясь только этим, через не проницаемую ...

20-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94046281A

Изобретение относится к способу получения и подготовки моечной воды для моечной установки. Для расходования сравнительно небольших количеств моечной воды отведенную моечную воду повторно используют, в основном в замкнутом циркуляционном контуре для последующих моечных процессов, для этого отведенную моечную воду собирают и подают к фильтровальной установке или подобному подготовительному устройству, при этом частичное количество полученного в подготовительном устройстве фильтрата или подобной чистой воды подают для одного последующего моечного процесса в качестве моечной воды. Изобретение относится также к моечной установке, в частности установке для мойки автомобилей, содержащей душевую головку или подобный выпуск для моечной воды, который предусмотрен для подачи моечной воды на автомобиль или подобный очищаемый предмет. Отличительные признаки изобретения: установка содержит улавливающее устройство для сбора моечной воды по окончании каждого моечного процесса и соединено с водоподготовительным ...

23-01-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2788598C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в химической промышленности. Для получения концентрированного раствора метавольфрамата аммония (МВА) водный раствор метавольфрамата аммония направляют по меньшей мере через одну обратноосмотическую ячейку с получением концентрата и пермеата. Обратный осмос выполняют в высоконапорной обратноосмотической ячейке при давлении более 90 бар, способ осуществляют непрерывно. Предложены также применение высоконапорной обратноосмотической ячейки и устройство для получения концентрированного раствора МВА. Изобретения позволяют снизить расход энергии при концентрировании МВА. 3 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 1 пр.

14-08-2013 дата публикации

Treating process water obtained from a hydrothermal carbonization process, comprises supplying the process water charged with working pressure into membrane, which divides process water into permeate emerging through membrane, and retentate

Номер: DE102012002590A1

Treating process water (5) obtained from a hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) process (1), comprises supplying the process water charged with working pressure into a membrane, which divides the process water into a permeate (7) emerging through the membrane, and a retentate (6) that is retained from the membrane, where the retentate is supplied again to the HTC process.

25-11-1982 дата публикации

Plant for treating hot textile effluents

Номер: DE0003116942A1

By means of a plant for treating hot effluents (waste waters) of the textile processing industry having at least one separation stage operating by the reverse-osmosis principle, in a simple manner, water is recovered for the production process, heat energy contained in the effluent is made reusable and valuable materials contained in the effluent are recovered. The waste water is substantially freed from ballast materials and hazardous substances. For this purpose, the plant has a first reverse osmosis separation stage having membranes based on polyvinyl alcohol or derivatives thereof, which have been chemically cross-linked, and a feedline for the effluent, a first outlet line for a hot concentrate and a second outlet line for hot water as permeate. The first outlet line opens out into an inlet of a second separation stage which is provided with a third outlet line for a hot concentrate and a fourth outlet line for hot water. The third outlet line is connected to an inlet of an evaporator ...

19-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102010043711B4

Wasseraufbereitungsverfahren, bei dem Betriebswasser mittels einer Umkehrosmose aus Rohwasser gewonnen wird, wobei das Rohwasser vor einem ersten Umkehrosmoseschritt mit einem zweiten Fällungsmittel versetzt und nachfolgend ein bei dieser Fällungsreaktion entstandenes Fällungsprodukt abgetrennt wird, wobei aus dem so behandelten Rohwasser bei dem ersten Umkehrosmoseschritt Betriebswasser gewonnen wird, wobei ein bei dem ersten Umkehrosmoseschritt anfallendes erstes Rohwasserkonzentrat nachfolgend mit einem ersten Fällungsmittel versetzt wird, wobei das Rohwasser und das erste Rohwasserkonzentrat jeweils mittels eines statischen oder dynamischen Mischers (34) mit dem jeweiligen Fällungsmittel vermischt werden, wobei ein bei den Fällungsreaktionen entstandenes Fällungsprodukt jeweils mittels einer Vorrichtung zur Membranfiltration (36, 36') abgetrennt wird und wobei ein im Wege der Fällungsreaktion aus dem ersten Rohwasserkonzentrat gebildetes zweites Rohwasserkonzentrat nachfolgend wiederum ...

26-11-1998 дата публикации

Wasserreinigungsvorrichtung mit Abwasserwiedergewinnungsfunktion

Номер: DE0029814561U1

01-09-2010 дата публикации

Thin film composite membranes for separation

Номер: GB201012083D0

22-03-2000 дата публикации

Method for separating and isolating precious metals from non precious metals dissolved in solutions

Номер: GB0002341602A

A method for separating gold and/or silver from copper or other contaminant metals is provided in which a suitable filter membrane (64), particularly a nanofilter, is used to form a retentate (134) containing most of the multivalent metal cyanide complexes and a permeate (135) containing most of the precious metal cyanide complexes. The process is particularly applicable to the recovery of gold and/or silver from ores containing these metals and one or more contaminant metals. The precious metal can thereafter be recovered from the permeate (135) and the metal in the multivalent metal cyanide complex from the retentate (134).

05-11-1997 дата публикации

Selective extraction of halide ions from photographic baths

Номер: GB0002312755A

Fixing or bleach/fixing solutions in tank (1) are diluted with water before being subjected to a first nanofiltration step (2) in diafiltration mode at a low flow rate and concentration factor to produce (a) a retentate low in halide ions but high in other substances, the retentate being returned to tank (1) and (b) a permeate high in halide ions and low in other substances which is pumped to a second nanofiltration step (3) in concentration mode at a higher flow rate and concentration than the first step to produce (c) a retentate low in halide ions but high in other substances, the retentate being returned to tank (1) and (d) a permeate high in halide ions but low in other substances which is passed to drainage system (7). The method makes it possible to prolong the activity of the fixing or bleaching/fixing baths during the processing of photographic products.

30-01-2013 дата публикации

Cooling process

Номер: GB0201222999D0

02-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008521607D0

27-06-2018 дата публикации

Membrane cleaning method and apparatus

Номер: GB0002557610A

A method and system for cleaning a semi-permeable membrane (3) in a pressure vessel (2) preferably of a desalination plant. The membrane having a feed side (FS) and an opposite permeate side (PS) and extending between a front end and a rear end of the vessel. The vessel has a front end feed port (12) and a rear-end brine port (14) in communication with the feed side of the membrane. At least one permeate port (16, 17) is in communication with the permeate side of the membrane. In a normal separation process through the membrane feed water passes from the feed side to the permeate side to provide residual brine water (BS) from the rear-end brine port and a permeate water from the permeate port. In a cleaning process a washing water is delivered from an external source to the permeate side under higher pressure than the permeate pressure during the normal separation process. The higher permeate pressure causing a change in a net driving differential pressure across the membrane to cause a ...

11-04-2007 дата публикации

Lead element for use in the purification of water by reverse osmosis

Номер: GB0000703948D0

17-08-2016 дата публикации

Reverse osmosis system

Номер: GB0201611759D0

25-10-2017 дата публикации

Method of controlling salinity of a low salinity injection water

Номер: GB0201714649D0

28-02-1979 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for the production of pyrogen-free sterile water

Номер: GB0002002736A
Автор: Alhauser, Erich

A process and an apparatus for the continuous production of pyrogen-free sterile water from untreated water in which the water is pressurised, pre-filtered, subjected to an ion-exchange process, and then is subjected to a reverse osmosis process in which the permeate comprises the pyrogen-free sterile water and the concentrate is returned to the untreated water prior to pressurisation. Provision is made for the removal of the heat generated during the pressurising step. Preferably the prefiltering is accomplished by a second reverse osmosis step. The pyrogen-free sterile water thus produced can be used in injection and infusion solutions and in eye medicaments.

16-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001491833A

... 1491833 Water purification FOREMOST - McKESSON INC 16 Feb 1976 [21 Feb 1975] 05985/76 Heading B1X A method for purifying and dispensing water comprises the steps of: delivering water under pressure to the feed water inlet of a first reverse osmosis unit, delivering permeate from the first reverse osmosis unit to the feed water inlet of a second reverse osmosis unit at substantially the same rate that the permeate is produced by the first unit, delivering permeate from the second reverse osmosis unit to a storage tank, dispensing water from the tank, interrupting operation of the reverse osmosis units in the event that the water in the tank rises to a first predetermined level, and resuming operation of the reverse osmosis units in the event that the water in the tank drops to a second predetermined level. The flow pattern is shown in the Drawing: the storage tank 36 is provided with float switches to control the operation of pumps 23 and 24, a limit switch which renders the coincontrolled ...

31-12-1980 дата публикации

A method for reducing the process water requirement and the waste water production of thermal power stations

Номер: GB0002049470A

The requirements and treatment costs of water used in a fossil fuel fired power station are reduced by a process which employs multiple reverse osmosis stages. This process also employs station waste heat to concentrate solid waste material to facilitate disposal thereof.

25-07-2018 дата публикации

Computerized control system for a desalination plant

Номер: GB0201809495D0

31-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201709696D0

31-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP2017009696A0

08-11-2010 дата публикации

Apparatus for continuous closed circuit desalination under variable pressure with a single container.

Номер: AP0000002163A

16-01-2012 дата публикации

Continuous closed-circuit desalination apparatus without containers.

Номер: AP0000002349A

30-04-2006 дата публикации

Apparratus for continuous closed circuit desalination under variable pressure with a single container.

Номер: AP2006006545A0

28-02-2007 дата публикации

Continuous closed-circuit desalination apparatus without containers.

Номер: AP2007003896A0

31-01-2007 дата публикации

Apparatus for continuous closed circuit desalination under variable pressure with a single container.

Номер: OA0000013243A

28-02-2007 дата публикации

Continuous closed-circuit desalination apparatus without containers.

Номер: AP0200703896D0

30-04-2006 дата публикации

Apparratus for continuous closed circuit desalination under variable pressure with a single container.

Номер: AP0200606545D0

30-04-2006 дата публикации

Apparratus for continuous closed circuit desalination under variable pressure with a single container.

Номер: AP0200606545A0

28-02-2007 дата публикации

Continuous closed-circuit desalination apparatus without containers.

Номер: AP0200703896A0

31-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201709696A0

27-04-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000362320B

15-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: ATA594878A

15-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000099986T

15-09-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000093368T

15-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000304546T

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000310712T

15-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000243656T

21-02-2008 дата публикации

Multiple stage reverse osmosis method for removing boron from a salinated fluid

Номер: AU2007285345A1

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Fresh water producing apparatus and method for operating same

Номер: AU2011291837B2

A fresh water producing apparatus for producing fresh water from raw water containing solutes is disclosed. The fresh water producing apparatus comprises a first semipermeable membrane unit and a second semipermeable membrane unit. A first raw water supply line for supplying the raw water is connected to the first semipermeable membrane unit. A second raw water supply line for supplying the raw water is connected to the second semipermeable membrane unit. The first semipermeable membrane unit and the second semipermeable membrane unit are connected by a concentrated water line for supplying concentrated water of the first semipermeable membrane unit to the second semipermeable membrane unit.

23-04-1999 дата публикации

Process for desalination of saline water, especially sea water, having increasedproduct yield and quality

Номер: AU0009584998A

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Method for producing sugar solution

Номер: AU2013300498A1

A method for producing a sugar solution by filtering a cellulose-derived sugar solution through one or more separation membranes selected from an ultrafiltration membrane, a nanofiltration membrane, and a reverse-osmosis membrane, wherein separation membranes which are dirty as a result of the filtration are cleaned using a cleaning fluid containing an acidic substance and an aromatic compound. As a result, it is possible to effectively clean dirty separation membranes.

17-08-2017 дата публикации

Forward osmotic and water hammer method of membrane cleaning

Номер: AU2015302943B2

Apparatus and method for semi-permeable membrane cleaning in particular, applying series of pulsed water stroke, made simultaneously with osmosis backward flow causing superposed membrane directional shaking and fouling detachment. Pulsed water stroke provided by water stroke generator as several momentum sharp changes in gauge pressure and induce velocity pulse of residual brine flow. The pulsed water strokes ideally induce resonance in the membrane. Osmosis backward wash may be provided either by injection for predetermined injection time, additional solution selected in such way that net driving pressure becomes opposite to normal osmotic operation thereby providing a backward flow of permeate towards to the side opposite to normal operation mode, so as to lift said foulant, or by throttling permeate exiting from the permeate enclosure, until the net driving pressure value become equal to zero, during application of precise synchronized and opposing brine and permeate pressure strokes ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Membrane filtration process with high water recovery

Номер: AU2010361595A1

A membrane filtration process includes pretreating an influent solution to remove suspended solids, to produce a pretreated solution. pH of the pretreated solution is adjusted to at least 8.3 or lower by injecting CO ...

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Membrane filtration system

Номер: AU2011204913A1

According to one embodiment, a membrane filtration system includes a raw water tank, a pretreatment membrane module, a raw water feed line, a high-pressure RO membrane 5 module, a high-pressure line, a preceding power recovery unit which pressurize the pretreated water by transmitting the pressure of the concentrate to the pretreated water, a succeeding power recovery unit which pressurize the raw water by transmitting a remaining pressure of the 10 concentrate to the raw water, a concentrate discharge line, a first pressure transmission line communicating to the power recovery unit by being branched from the high pressure line, a second pressure transmission line communicating to the power recovery unit by being branched 15 from the raw water feed line, and a valve provided in the drain line to regulate a discharge of the concentrate from the power recovery unit in accordance with a pressure loss in the pretreatment membrane module. 2749426_1 (GHMatters) P87638.AU 21/07/11 -) 'q -JL C- ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Seawater injection control methods and systems

Номер: AU2016294859A1

A control method and system for controlling the operation of a seawater injection system (1) comprising at least one water treatment line in which seawater is forced through one or more coarse filtration unit(s)(2), ultrafiltration unit(s) (3) and at least one of a reverse osmosis unit (4) and/ora nanofiltration unit (5) to a water injection pump(6), and wherein the flowrate required to create differential pressure across membrane(s) (9) of the ultrafiltration unit(s)(3)is obtained by a boosting pump (8). A controller "C" implemented operation control is applied to adjust automatically the outlet pressure and flow of the boosting pump (8)such that an average flowrate through the ultrafiltration units is maintained and determined as boosting pump flow divided by the number (N) of active ultrafiltration units. A proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control mechanism (18) is preferably applied to all adjustable flow/pressureregulating units in the seawater injection system.

16-11-1995 дата публикации

Water purification system and method

Номер: AU0002358395A

18-12-2000 дата публикации

Filtration using pressure vessel with multiple filtration channels

Номер: AU0003224100A

26-03-1998 дата публикации

Modular filtration system

Номер: AU0004239397A

07-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002540205A1

A method is provided for the continuous production of treated waters using a staged, tapered array membrane plant (1) by a process of process logic controlled (PLC) (12) stage isolation and washing concurrent with continued operation of all other stages of the plant (1). These are sensors that supply the PLC (12) with data required to identify location and degree of fouling of stages (2), (3), (4); when a stage (2, 3, 4) is fouled the PLC (12) commands initiation of a sequence of automated valve openings (7, 27-32) and closings to a) remove the fouled stage from feed water service, b) flush and wash the stage, and c) return the stage to service. Optionally, a feed water pump (6) produces varying amounts of membrane process permeate during the treatment of fouling.

17-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001058550A1

14-03-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001251145A1

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3109230A1

Liquid solution concentration systems, and related methods, are generally described. In some embodiments, the system is an osmotic system comprising a plurality of osmotic modules. For example, the osmotic system can comprise a feed osmotic module configured to produce an osmotic module retentate outlet stream having a higher concentration of solute than the retentate inlet stream transported to the feed osmotic module. The osmotic system can also comprise an isolation osmotic module fluidically connected to the feed osmotic module. The osmotic system can also optionally comprise a purification osmotic module fluidically connected to the feed osmotic module and/or the isolation osmotic module. Certain embodiments are related to altering the degree to which the feed osmotic module retentate outlet stream is recycled back to the retentate- side inlet of the feed osmotic module during operation. Additional embodiments are related to the manner in which the retentate- side effluent from the ...

12-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003102517A1

A predictive system for monitoring fouling of membranes of a desalination or water softening plant comprising ultrafiltration (UF) membranes, reverse osmosis (RO) membranes, and/or nanofiltration (NF) membranes, the system including one or more UF skids comprising a plurality of UF units, each UF unit containing therein a plurality of UF membranes; one or more RO/NF skids comprising one or more RO/NF arrays, wherein each of the one or more RO/NF arrays comprises a plurality of RO units, with each RO unit containing therein a plurality of RO membranes, a plurality of NF units, with each NF unit containing therein a plurality of NF membranes; or a combination thereof; UF sensors and/or RO/NF sensors; and a controller comprising a processor in signal communication with the UF sensors and/or the RO/NF sensors.

17-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002566050A1

19-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002418469C

A process and apparatus for membrane treatment includes feeding a liquid to a membrane. The primary membrane (14) separates the feed into a primary membrane retentate (16) and a primary membrane permeate(18). The primary membrane retentate (16) is fed to supplemental primary membranes (24,34) or to a secondary membrane(54). The primary membrane retentate (16) is separated by the secondary membrane (54) into a secondary membrane retentate(56), and a secondary membrane permeate(58).The secondary membrane retentate (56) may either be discarded, or may be fed to supplemental secondary membranes(64,74). If the secondary membrane retentate (56) is fed to a supplemental secondary membrane(64), the secondary membrane retentate (56) is separated into a supplemental secondary membrane retentate (66) and supplemental secondary membrane permeate(68). The product liquid is formed by blending the primary membrane permeate (18) with the secondary membrane permeate (58) and all supplemental primary membrane ...

06-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002660610A1

A method of processing landfill leachate by use of a membrane separation process is disclosed. Specifically, the following steps are taken to process landfill leachate: collecting landfill leachate in a receptacle suitable to hold said landfill leachate; treating said landfill leachate with one or mo re water soluble polymers, wherein said water soluble polymers are selected from the group consisting of: amphoteric polymers; cationic polymers; zwitte rionic polymers; and a combination thereof; optionally mixing said water sol uble polymers with said landfill leachate; passing said treated landfill lea chate through a membrane, wherein said membrane is an ultrafiltration membra ne or a microfiltration membrane; and optionally back-flushing said membrane to remove solids from the membrane surface.

05-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002694170A1

A mobile station and methods are disclosed for diagnosing and modeling site specific effluent treatment facility requirements to arrive at a treatment regimen and/or proposed commercial plant model idealized for the particular water/site requirements. The station includes a mobile platform having power intake, effluent intake and fluid outflow facilities and first and second suites of selectably actuatable effluent pre-treatment apparatus. An effluent polishing treatment array is housed at the station and includes at least one of nanofiltration, reverse osmosis and ion-exchange stages. A suite of selectively actuatable post-treatment apparatus are housed at the station. Controls are connected at the station for process control, monitoring and data accumulation. A plurality of improved water treatment technologies are also disclosed.

21-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002846945C

The process of producing maple syrup from maple sap can include concentrating the maple sap to a sugar content of between 30 and 50° Brix using membrane filtration, including increasing a differential pressure of the membrane filtration in accordance with an increasing of an osmotic pressure as the sugar content increases to eventually reach the sugar content of between 30 and 50° Brix; and subjecting the concentrated maple sap having a sugar content of between 30 and 50° Brix to evaporation until it transforms into maple syrup.

16-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002078209C
Принадлежит: Clack Corporation, CLACK CORP, CLACK CORPORATION

New and improved filtration purification or water treatment systems for providing improved purified drinking water at a point of use are provided in a substantially leak- free fluid flow control device (22) to which the other filtra- tion purification system elements may be matedly engaged. Other system elements may include various filters (62) of fil- ter modules (24), as well as, system. leads for conveying in- coming tap water in (72), outgoing waste water out to drain (74) and purified water from the filter section (76) to a sto- rage tank (3) until desired for use. The fluid flow control de- vice (22) is preferably a unitary thermoplastic body having a number of discrete fluid flow passages (182, 188, 194, 200) extending therein. In a preferred embodiment, the fluid flow control device (22) includes integrally formed input/output connector features (38), filter-receiving socket portions (90) and an automatic shut off valve (50) disposed in fluid flow communication with certain ones ...

27-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002088602A1

... 2088602 9300300 PCTABS00161 La chaîne de traitement de l'invention comprend: une barrière de sécurité (24) montée en sortie de la chaîne de traitement et constituée d'un filtre physique assurant en sortie dudit filtre une qualité minimale prédéterminée quelque soit la qualité de l'eau en entrée dudit filtre; une installation de prétraitement (21) située en amont de ladite barrière de sécurité, dont l'intensité de traitement est ajustée en fonction des caractéristiques desdites eaux de surface à traiter, grâce à des moyens de mesures (27, 28, 29) situés en entrée de ladite barrière physique. La barrière de sécurité est avantageusement une membrane de nanofiltration, éventuellement couplée à une ou plusieurs membranes d'osmose inverse montées en aval, en série-rejet. L'installation de l'invention s'applique plus particulièrement, mais de façon non exhaustive, au traitement des eaux du type susceptible de présenter une grande variabilité de qualité, notamment aux eaux de surface ou de caractéristiques ...

16-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002163480C
Принадлежит: RIDOUT & MAYBEE LLP

A nanofiltration process using a conventional nanofiltration membrane module under a positive applied pressure is used to selectively change the concentration of one solute, such as sodium chloride or sodium chlorate providing monovalent ions, from another solute such as sodium sulfate or sodium dichromate providing multivalent ions in high salt aqueous concentrations. The process is particularly useful in favourably lowering the concentration of silica and dichromate ions in chloral kali and chlorate brine containing solutions and favourably raising the sodium sulphate level relative to sodium chloride in chloraldhali liquor. The relatively high salt concentration, surprisingly, effects little or no monovalent, particularly, Cl rejection.

05-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002282403C

A filtration system includes production modules (305) which are mechanically coupled in series, and which contain filters that are fluidly coupled in parallel. Among the many different possibilities contemplated, each production module may advantageously contain not only a filter (314), but also flowpaths for feed fluid (334a), waste fluid (334b), and product fluid (334c) so that a series of coupled modules can be installed, accessed, and removed as single unit. It is further contemplated that coupled modules may be deployed in space efficient manner, such as by insertion into a deep or shall well, a tower, along the ground, into the side of a hill or mountain, or even under a road or parking lot. It is still further contemplated that adjacent production modules may be designed to mate with one another using a slip fit joint, and that the production modules may be maintained in mating relationship through connections to supporting cables or rods.

31-01-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000584165A5
Принадлежит: HAGER & ELSAESSER

15-04-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000574261A5
Принадлежит: HAGER & ELSAESSER

29-05-1981 дата публикации

Device and method of preparing an aqueous solution for medical purposes

Номер: CH0000623233A5

A sterile aqueous solution having a specific concentration for medical purposes is obtained by passing water through a reverse osmosis column in which it is freed from all materials having a molecular weight higher than 2000 and is then sterilised in any order and admixed with the corresponding amount of a concentrated solution of the active substance as the required final concentration. The solution is used, for example, for haemodialyses, bladder irrigations and intravenous administrations.

29-09-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000605419A5
Принадлежит: TECNECO SPA

15-11-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000667866A5

15-09-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000662108A5

30-09-2003 дата публикации

Apparatus for separating brine into drinking water and sodium chloride sol or contaminated sea water into pure sea water, mineral oil and solids contains double cone system, into which starting material is fed

Номер: CH0000693539A5

An apparatus for separating a two-component liquid starting material (R) into two products (T1, T2) containing the components in different ratios comprises a pipe system (22), a compressor (24) and a double cone system (11) with a suction inlet (30) for the starting material. A separator (26) is mounted downstream from this with an outlet (32) for the first product and a second outlet (34) for the second product. The apparatus also contains a pressure tank which is either integral with the separator or connected to it by a branch circuit. An Independent claim is included for a double cone system for use in the apparatus with a converging inlet cone and diverging outlet cone, a suction inlet in the diverging cone and a pre-diffuser upstream from the inlet.

15-02-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000668961A5

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Method and System For Processing a Solution by Means of a Two-Stage Membrane Process

Номер: US20140042091A1
Автор: Graf Hans
Принадлежит: KSB Aktiengeselldchaft

A method and system for processing a solution is provided. In at least one first membrane unit, a feed flow is separated into a permeate flow and a retentate flow. According to the invention, at least part of the retentate flow is fed to at least one second membrane unit. In the second membrane unit, retentate is located on one side of a membrane. Located on the other side is a solution in which the concentration of dissolved substances of which is lower than that of the retentate. Thus solvent of the solution passes through the membrane and thins the retentate. 121-. (canceled)22. A process for processing a solution , comprising the acts of:separating a feedstream in at least one first membrane unit into a permeate and a retentate;feeding at least a portion of the retentate into at least one second membrane unit in which the portion of retentate is on a first side of a membrane and on an second side of the membrane is a solution having a concentration of dissolved substances lower than a concentration of dissolved substances in the portion of the retentate; anddiluting the portion of the retentate on the first side of the second membrane unit membrane, wherein the diluting process comprises passing a solvent of the solution having the lower concentration of dissolved substances from the second side of the membrane to the first side of the membrane.23. The process as claimed in claim 22 , wherein a pressure of the retentate in the at least one second membrane unit is lower than a pressure of the retentate in the first membrane unit.24. The process as claimed in claim 23 , wherein a pressure difference between the pressure of the retentate in the at least one first membrane unit and the retentate in the at least one second membrane unit is used to operate a pressure difference-powered device arranged between the at least one first membrane unit and the at least one second membrane unit.25. The process as claimed in claim 24 , wherein the pressure difference-powered ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Membrane-Based Production of High Ethanol Content Solutions

Номер: US20210001272A1
Автор: Ronan MCGOVERN
Принадлежит: Alfa Laval Sandymount Technologies Corp

A method for producing an ethanol solution includes obtaining, from a starting liquid, a liquid feed having less than by weight of constituents and having 3% to 25% by weight of ethanol, supplying the liquid feed to a feed stream inlet of a reverse osmosis separation system having a first pass, wherein (i) each pass has an reverse osmosis membrane filtration unit, each membrane filtration unit having an ethanol rejection percentage of between 50% to 99%, and (ii) each pass has the feed stream inlet for a feed stream, a permeate stream outlet for a permeate stream, and a retentate stream outlet for a retentate stream, operating the system to maintain pressure in one of the membrane filtration units in a range of 1,200 to 4,000 psi, and obtaining retentate that is enriched with ethanol, the retentate differs from the starting liquid by absence of the removed constituents.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001244A1

A nanobiocatalytic membrane for a filtration system is provided which includes a filtration membrane and a plurality of nanobiocatalyst nanoparticles associated with the membrane, each of the nanobiocatalyst nanoparticles including a core, a coating at least partially surrounding the core, and a plurality of nanobiocatalysts coupled to the coating. Each of the plurality of nanobiocatalysts includes an antibacterial nanoparticle comprising bismuth, and a quorum quenching agent coupled to the antibacterial nanoparticle. A nanobiocatalyst nanoparticle for use with a water purification system is also provided. A method of forming a nanobiocatalytic membrane for a filtration system and a method of using a nanobiocatalytic membrane in a filtration system are also provided. 1. A nanobiocatalytic membrane for a filtration system , the nanobiocatalytic membrane comprising:a filtration membrane; a core;', 'a coating at least partially surrounding the core;', an antibacterial nanoparticle comprising bismuth; and', 'a quorum quenching agent coupled to the antibacterial nanoparticle., 'a plurality of nanobiocatalysts coupled to the coating, each of the plurality of nanobiocatalysts comprising], 'a plurality of nanobiocatalyst nanoparticles associated with the membrane, each of the nanobiocatalyst nanoparticles comprising;'}2. The nanobiocatalytic membrane of claim 1 , wherein the membrane includes pores having an average pore size and the plurality of nanobiocatalyst nanoparticles has an average diameter less than the average pore size.3. The nanobiocatalytic membrane of claim 1 , wherein the core comprises a ferromagnetic material.4. The nanobiocatalytic membrane of claim 1 , wherein the antibacterial nanoparticle comprises lipophilic bismuth dimercaptopropanol.5. The nanobiocatalytic membrane of claim 1 , wherein the quorum quenching agent is a quorum quenching enzyme.6. The nanobiocatalytic membrane of claim 5 , wherein the quorum quenching enzyme is acylase or lactonase.7. ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002146A1
Автор: LIBERMAN Boris

A sea water intake unit comprising a source of air (), a substantially vertical pipe () having an air inlet and a sea water inlet for air lifting sea water in the substantially vertical pipe to a height above sea level, the depth of the inlet below sea level being sufficient to promote air lifting of the sea water to the height above sea level. The air lift delivers sea water to a pre-treatment filter unit () in fluid communication with the vertical pipe in which the rate of flow of the sea water is such as to separate out small marine life in an upper portion of the water from the lower filtered portion, and a discharge pipe () to return at least some of the sea water and marine life back to the sea. The intake unit may deliver the lower filtered water to a desalination plant () provided on a disused offshore platform (). 1. A method for delivering sea water to a water treatment plant , the method comprising the steps of:(a) delivering air to at least one inlet in a substantially vertical pipe having at least one sea water inlet at a depth below sea level and air lifting sea water in the pipe to a height above sea level, the depth of the inlet below sea level being sufficient to promote air lifting of the sea water to said height above sea level;(b) passing at least part of the sea water through a pre-treatment filter media at a flow rate sufficiently low to retain small fish, eggs and other small marine life in another part of the sea water above the filter media;(c) discharging the small fish, eggs and other marine life to the sea with a proportion of the airlifted seawater; and(d) delivering the remaining proportion of sea water comprising the pre-treated filter water to a treatment plant.2. The method according to wherein the flow rate of the water passing through the filter media is less than 0.01 m per second or less than 10 mm per second.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising periodically backwashing said filter media.4. The method according ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008868A1

A desalination system includes a desalination platform, a first skid disposed on a first deck of the desalination platform, the first skid including at least one of a first filtration unit configured to produce a first filtrate stream, and a first permeate unit configured to produce a first permeate stream, a first interconnecting pipework coupled to the first skid, and a first pipework support disposed on the first deck, wherein the first interconnecting pipework is disposed on the first pipework support. 1. A desalination system , comprising:a desalination platform;a first skid disposed on a first deck of the desalination platform, the first skid comprising at least one of a first filtration unit configured to produce a first filtrate stream, and a first permeate unit configured to produce a first permeate stream;a first interconnecting pipework coupled to the first skid; anda first pipework support disposed on the first deck, wherein the first interconnecting pipework is disposed on the first pipework support.2. The desalination system of claim 1 , wherein:the first skid comprises a membrane skid and the first permeate unit comprises a reverse osmosis (RO) membrane separation unit; andthe first permeate stream comprises a RO permeate stream.3. The desalination system of claim 1 , wherein:the first skid comprises an ultrafiltration (UF) skid and the first filtration unit comprises an UF filtration unit; andthe first filtrate stream comprises an UF filtrate stream.4. The desalination system of claim 1 , wherein the interconnecting pipework is configured receive at least one of the first filtrate stream and the first permeate stream from the first skid claim 1 , and provide an inlet feed stream to the first skid.5. The desalination system of claim 1 , wherein the first skid comprises:a support structure comprising an upper frame positioned at a top of the first skid and a lower frame positioned at a base of the first skid;an inlet pipework coupled between an inlet ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009218A1
Принадлежит: Gradiant Corporation

Provided herein are osmotic desalination methods and associated systems. According to certain embodiments, multiple osmotic membranes may be used to perform a series of osmosis steps, such that an output stream having a relatively high water purity—compared to a water purity of an aqueous feed stream—is produced. In some embodiments, multiple draw streams can be NI used to produce aqueous product streams having sequentially higher purities of water. Certain embodiments are related to osmotic desalination systems and methods in which forward osmosis is used to produce a first product stream having a relatively high water purity relative to an aqueous feed stream, and reverse osmosis is used to perform a second step (and/or additional steps) on the first product stream. In some embodiments, multiple reverse osmosis steps can be used in series to perform a net desalination process. 1. A method , comprising:transporting an aqueous feed stream containing a suspended and/or emulsified immiscible phase and solubilized ions at a concentration of at least about 60,000 ppm across a first side of a first osmotic membrane;transporting a first draw inlet stream across a second side of the first osmotic membrane, the first draw inlet stream having a higher osmotic pressure than an osmotic pressure of the aqueous feed stream such that water is transported from the aqueous feed stream through the first osmotic membrane to the first draw inlet stream to produce a first draw product stream having a lower osmotic pressure than the first draw inlet stream and a concentrated aqueous stream having a higher concentration of solubilized ions than the aqueous feed stream; a ratio of a mass flow rate of the first draw inlet stream entering the first osmotic membrane to a mass flow rate of the aqueous feed stream entering the first osmotic membrane, and', 'a ratio of the difference between the osmotic pressure of the aqueous feed stream entering the first osmotic membrane and the inlet ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Process and System for Supplying a Low Salinity Injection Water

Номер: US20200009506A1
Автор: Crouch John Henry

A desalination system includes a feed pump having an inlet side and an outlet side. In addition, the system includes a first RO stage having an inlet, RO permeate outlet and RO concentrate outlet. Further, the system includes a second RO stage having an inlet, RO permeate outlet and RO concentrate outlet and an NF stage having an inlet, NF permeate outlet and an NF concentrate outlet. The system also includes a set of conduits adapted to connect: (a) the outlet side of the feed pump to the inlet of the first RO stage; (b) the concentrate outlet of the first RO stage to (i) the inlet of the second RO stage and to the inlet of the NF stage; and (c) the permeate outlet of the first RO stage, the permeate outlet of the second RO stage and the permeate outlet of the NF stage either directly or indirectly to a low salinity water injection line. 1. A desalination system for producing a low salinity injection water for injection in an oil-bearing reservoir , the system comprising:a feed line;a first RO stage having an inlet, a RO permeate outlet, and a RO concentrate outlet;a second RO stage having an inlet, a RO permeate outlet, and a RO concentrate outlet;an NF stage having an inlet, a NF permeate outlet, and an NF concentrate outlet; and (a) connect the feed line to the inlet of the first RO stage;', '(b) connect the concentrate outlet of the first RO stage to: (i) the inlet of the second RO stage, and (ii) the inlet of the NF stage;', '(c) combine the permeate outlet of: (i) the first RO stage, (ii) the permeate outlet of the second RO stage, and (iii) the permeate outlet of the NF stage to form a low salinity injection water; and', '(d) connect the low salinity injection water either directly or indirectly to a low salinity water injection line., 'a set of conduits adapted to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the set of conduits comprises a concentrate conduit that connects the concentrate outlet of the second RO stage with the inlet to the NF stage and wherein a ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015415A1

A process for separating solvent from a feed solution, said process comprising: contacting a feed solution comprising solutes dissolved in a solvent with one side of a nanofiltration membrane, applying hydraulic pressure to the feed solution, such that solvent and some of the dissolved salts from the feed solution flow through the nanofiltration membrane to provide a permeate solution on the permeate-side of the nanofiltration membrane and a concentrated solution on the retentate-side of the nanofiltration membrane; contacting the permeate solution from the nanofiltration membrane with one side of a reverse osmosis membrane and applying hydraulic pressure to the permeate solution, such that solvent from the permeate solution flows through the reverse osmosis membrane to leave a concentrated solution on the retentate-side of the reverse osmosis membrane, using the concentrated solution from the retentate-side of the reverse osmosis membrane as at least part of the feed solution tothe nanofiltration membrane;withdrawing at least a portion of the concentrated solution from the retentate-sideof the nanofiltration membrane. 1. A process for separating solvent from a feed solution , said process comprising:contacting a feed solution comprising solutes dissolved in a solvent with one side of a nanofiltration membrane,applying hydraulic pressure to the feed solution, such that solvent and some of the dissolved salts from the feed solution flow through the nanofiltration membrane to provide a permeate solution on the permeate-side of the nanofiltration membrane and a concentrated solution on the retentate-side of the nanofiltration membrane;contacting the permeate solution from the nanofiltration membrane with one side of a reverse osmosis membrane and applying hydraulic pressure to the permeate solution, such that solvent from the permeate solution flows through the reverse osmosis membrane to leave a concentrated solution on the retentate-side of the reverse osmosis ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Parallel Processing Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems

Номер: US20180015416A1
Автор: Timothy Allen Beall
Принадлежит: TOPPER Manufacturing CORP

Parallel processing reverse osmosis water filtration systems using multiple RO (reverse osmosis) filter systems having their raw water input connections coupled together, their product water output connections coupled together and their drain connections coupled together. Using appropriate valving, any one or more reverse osmosis filter systems may be decoupled from the rest of the system for servicing without shutting down the entire system, and one or more additional reverse osmosis filter systems may be added to increase the product water output capacity when needed. Optional features disclosed include enhanced product water storage capacity, control of the total dissolved solids in the product water dispensed, and protection against leaks that may disable one RO filter system, but not the entire parallel processing reverse osmosis water filtration systems. Various embodiments are disclosed.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Chemical free and energy efficient desalination system

Номер: US20180016173A1
Принадлежит: IDE Technologies Ltd

A desalination system ( 100 ) having an intake unit ( 110 ) providing seawater to a pre-treatment unit ( 120 ) connected to a reverse osmosis (RO) desalination unit ( 130 ) and a post treatment unit ( 150 ). The desalination system ( 100 ) is configured to operate without any external addition of chemicals to simplify logistics and regulation concerns. The units of the system are configured to prevent biofouling, scaling and corrosion by mechanical and biological means including high flow speeds, biological flocculation of colloids, and making the water entering the RO units inhospitable to bacteria and other organisms that cause biofouling, hence preventing their settlement and removing them with the brine. Recovery rate is lowered and energy is recovered to increase the energetic efficiency and minerals that are added to the product water are taken from the brine.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016227A1

A reverse osmosis unit for processing a feed solution is provided. The unit includes a pressure vessel includes an inlet end, an outlet end, and a vessel body extending between the inlet end and the outlet end. The reverse osmosis unit further includes a plurality of first membrane modules positioned within the pressure vessel. Each first membrane module of the plurality of first membrane modules has a first salt permeance value. At least one second membrane module is positioned within the pressure vessel and coupled in flow communication to the plurality of first membrane modules. The at least one second membrane module has a second salt permeance value that is different from the first salt permeance value. 1. A reverse osmosis unit for processing a feed solution , said unit comprising:a pressure vessel comprising an inlet end, an outlet end, and a vessel body extending between said inlet end and said outlet end;a plurality of first membrane modules positioned within said pressure vessel, each first membrane module of said plurality of first membrane modules comprising a first salt permeance value; and{'sup': '−5', 'at least one second membrane module positioned within said pressure vessel and coupled in flow communication to said plurality of first membrane modules, said at least one second membrane module comprising a second salt permeance value that is different from said first salt permeance value by a difference of at least about 0.4×10cm/sec.'}2. The reverse osmosis unit of wherein said second salt permeance value is greater than said first salt permeance value.3. The reverse osmosis unit of wherein said at least one second membrane module is configured to facilitate processing the permeate having a salinity of at least about 500 parts per million.4. The reverse osmosis unit of wherein said at least one said second membrane module is positioned within said pressure vessel and between said inlet end and said plurality of first membrane modules.5. The reverse ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040640A1

A portable water conditioning system is provided that includes an incoming water inlet; a reverse osmosis stage in fluid communication with the incoming water inlet, the reverse osmosis stage having a permeate outlet and a concentrate outlet; a diversion device having a diversion valve, the diversion valve placing the concentrate outlet in fluid communication with a waste water outlet; a deionizing stage in fluid communication with a pure water outlet; a bypass valve configured to selectively place the permeate outlet in fluid communication with one or more of the waste water outlet, the deionizing stage, and the pure water outlet; and a controller configured to control the diversion device and the bypass valve to provide water at the pure water outlet of a desired condition. 1. A method for conditioning water comprising:receiving incoming water at a water inlet of a water conditioning system;passing the incoming water through a reverse osmosis stage of the water conditioning system, the reverse osmosis stage having a permeate outlet and a concentrate outlet;selectively placing the permeate outlet in fluid communication with each of a waste water outlet, a deionizing stage of the water conditioning system, and a pure water outlet using a bypass valve, wherein the deionizing stage is in fluid communication with the pure water outlet, wherein the selective placement of the permeate outlet is selected based on a desired condition of water to be output from the water conditioning system.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising starting operation of the water conditioning system by:opening the bypass valve; andincreasing a waste water flow to transfer water having high total dissolved solids to pass through the waste water outlet.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising shutting down operation of the water conditioning system by:closing the bypass valve to flush the system of waste water; andincreasing a flow of waste water through the concentrate outlet and ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041460A1

A preparation method of lithium hydroxide includes the following steps: A. coprecipitating a lithium extraction mother solution of salt lake brine with an aluminum salt solution and a sodium hydroxide solution, aging and then performing solid-liquid separation, washing and drying to obtain lithium aluminum hydrotalcite; B. acidifying the lithium aluminum hydrotalcite to obtain a lithium aluminate solution; C. performing nanofiltration on the lithium aluminate solution for lithium-aluminum separation, and sequentially performing primary concentration by reverse osmosis to obtain a primary concentrated lithium-rich solution; D. deeply removing aluminum from the lithium-rich solution to obtain an aluminum-removed lithium-rich solution; E. performing bipolar membrane electrodialysis on the aluminum-removed lithium-rich solution to obtain a secondary concentrated lithium-rich solution; F. evaporating the secondary concentrated lithium-rich solution for concentration to obtain lithium hydroxide. 1. A preparation method of lithium hydroxide , wherein , comprising the following steps:{'sup': +', '2−', '−, 'sub': '3', 'S1. simultaneously dropwise adding an aluminum salt solution and a sodium hydroxide solution into a lithium extraction mother solution of salt lake brine for a coprecipitation reaction at 25° C.-70° C., while keeping a pH of a system at 8-13, to obtain a nucleation system with lithium aluminum hydrotalcite crystal nucleus; wherein, in the lithium extraction mother solution of salt lake brine, a concentration of Liis 1 g/L-2 g/L, a concentration of COis 10 g/L-30 g/L and a concentration of OHis 5 g/L-25 g/L;'}{'sup': 3+', '+', '−', '−', '+, 'wherein, a molar ratio of Al in the aluminum salt solution to Li in the lithium extraction mother solution of salt lake brine is 1.5:1-3.5:1; a molar ratio of a sum of moles of OHin the sodium hydroxide solution and OHin the lithium extraction mother solution of salt lake brine to Li in the lithium extraction mother ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023317A1
Автор: Luo Min, ZHAI Jianwen

This specification describes a method for lowering the content of monovalent ions in a final concentrate of a nanofiltration system relative to a brine and a corresponding nanofiltration system. The nanofiltration system comprises at least three stages of nanofiltration, wherein the concentrate from each segment flows into the next segment. A feed stream is sent into one stage to generate a concentrate stream, and a first portion of the concentrate stream is recirculated to the one stage. The pH of the feed stream is controlled in a range of 2-7. The temperature of the feed stream is in a range of 20-60° C. The feed stream includes the recirculated concentrate stream and at least part of a concentrate generated from an upstream stage. The method and the system described herein can reduce the concentration of monovalent ions in the final concentrate during a nanofiltration separation process. 1. A method for operating a nanofiltration system , the nanofiltration system comprising at least three stages of nanofiltration with concentrate staging between the stages , the method comprising:introducing a feed liquid to one stage and producing a concentrate;recirculating a first portion of the concentrate to the one stage; andcontrolling the feed liquid in a pH range of 2 to 7 and a temperature range of 20° C. to 60° C.,wherein the feed liquid comprises at least part of a previous concentrate produced by a previous stage and the first portion of the concentrate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one stage is the last stage claim 1 , and the previous stage is the last but one stage.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed stream is controlled in a pH range of 3 to 7 and a temperature range of 20° C. to 50° C.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the recirculating is carried out with a recirculation rate of 2 or more.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the recirculation rate is 5 or more.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed liquid further comprises a deionized ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023504A1
Автор: Hou Yizhi, Shen Ke, Wang Chen

The present application discloses a membrane element and a filter cartridge, wherein the membrane element comprises: a water collecting pipe; and a first membrane unit and a second membrane unit rolled on the water collecting pipe together, a waste water outlet of the first membrane unit being in communication with a raw water inlet of the second membrane unit, the waste water outlet of the first membrane unit and the raw water inlet of the second membrane unit being located a same side edge corresponding thereto when the first membrane unit and the second membrane unit are in an unrolled state. The first membrane unit and the second membrane unit may be rolled on the water collecting pipe together at one time. In this embodiment, the membrane element in the embodiment of the present application can improve a surface flow rate of the membrane element, thereby improving the anti-containment performance of the membrane and extending the service life of the membrane, while the production of pure water of the membrane element remains unchanged under the same water intake pressure. 1. A membrane element , comprising: at least one water collecting pipe , a first membrane unit rolled on the water collecting pipe , and a second membrane unit rolled on the water collecting pipe , at least one raw water flow channel of the first membrane unit and the second membrane unit spirally extends along a circumferential direction of the water collecting pipe , a waste water outlet of the first membrane unit is in communication with a raw water inlet of the second membrane unit.2. The membrane element according to claim 1 , wherein in a state that the first membrane unit and the second membrane unit are unrolled claim 1 , the wastewater outlet of the first membrane unit and the raw water inlet of the second membrane unit are on a correspondingly same side edge.3. The membrane element according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , the waste water outlet of the first membrane unit is on a ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024212A1
Автор: Lien Larry

Methods of recovering lithium from a lithium source or a lithium-containing material using low pH solutions and membrane technologies to purify and concentrate the recovered lithium. The lithium sources may include a spent lithium-ion battery/cell, a lithium-containing mineral deposit, or other lithium containing materials. The processes described herein recovery the lithium after digestion of the lithium-containing material with a low pH solution through one or more acid-stable, semipermeable membranes. 1. A method of recovering lithium from a lithium-containing material , the method comprising:mixing a lithium-containing material in an acid solution to form an acidic lithium solution, the mixing at a temperature of about 10° C. to about 100° C., and the acidic lithium solution including at least one or more of the acid solution, lithium, soluble organics, soluble metals, and suspended solids;delivering the acidic lithium solution to an ultrafiltration pretreatment membrane to retain a majority of the suspended solids and to permeate a filtered acidic lithium solution including at least one or more of the acid solution, the lithium, the soluble organics, and the soluble metals;delivering the filtered acidic lithium solution to a nanofiltration membrane to form a retentate and a permeate, the nanofiltration retentate includes one or both of the soluble organics and the soluble metals and the nanofiltration permeate forms a filtered acid and lithium solution including the acid solution and the lithium;delivering the filtered acid and lithium solution to a reverse osmosis membrane to form a retentate and permeate, the reverse osmosis retentate includes the lithium and the reverse osmosis permeate includes the acid solution; andrecovering lithium salts from the reverse osmosis retentate to form the recovered lithium and, optionally, recycling the reverse osmosis permeate to the mixing step.2. The method of recovering lithium of claim 1 , wherein the acid solution ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024557A1
Принадлежит: Porifera, Inc.

Examples disclosed herein relate to methods and systems for controllably removing one or more solutes from a solution. Examples disclosed herein relate to methods and systems for removing water from alcoholic beverages. 1. A method for concentrating a solution , the method comprising:introducing a feed solution having at least one permeable solute into a first side of a forward osmosis system;circulating a draw solution through a second side of the forward osmosis system in a countercurrent flow with respect to the feed solution, the draw solution having one or more solutes and a concentration of the at least one permeable solute that is lower than a concentration of the at least one permeable solute in the feed solution;generating a diluted draw solution in the second side of the forward osmosis system, the diluted draw solution having a higher water concentration and higher at least one permeable solute concentration than the draw solution;producing a product stream including a concentrated feed solution from the first side of the forward osmosis system, the concentrated feed solution having a lower water content and a concentration of the at least one permeable solute that is less than the concentration of the at least one permeable solute in the feed solution;regenerating the draw solution from the diluted draw solution; andrecirculating the draw solution that has been regenerated through the second side of the forward osmosis system.2. The method of wherein generating a diluted draw solution and producing a product stream includes removing water from the feed solution via a forward osmosis membrane.3. The method of wherein the at least one permeable solute includes alcohol and wherein generating a diluted draw solution and producing a product stream includes removing alcohol from the feed solution via the forward osmosis membrane.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed solution includes beer claim 1 , wine claim 1 , a malt beverage claim 1 , distilled ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Method And Facility For Treating Aqueouos Effluents From The Primary Circuit of A Nuclear Power Plant Comprising Boric Acid

Номер: US20220044834A1

The present invention relates to a process for treating aqueous effluents from the primary circuit of a nuclear power plant implementing a separation of boric acid using a reverse osmosis membrane, characterized by the fact that it comprises steps consisting of treating the effluents using a multi-stage assembly composed of reverse osmosis modules comprising a membrane with a high boron rejection rate, arranged in parallel and in series, and recycling of the intermediate products to different points in the assembly. 1. A process for treating aqueous effluents comprising a separation step of boric acid from the aqueous effluents , the aqueous effluents coming from a primary circuit of a nuclear power plant , the process using a reverse osmosis membrane , wherein the process comprises steps consisting in treating the aqueous effluents using a multi-stage assembly composed of reverse osmosis modules , each reverse osmosis module comprising a reverse osmosis membrane with a high boron rejection rate , the reverse osmosis modules being arranged in parallel and in series , and the multi-stage assembly comprising recycling of the intermediate products at various points in the multi-stage assembly.2. The process for treating aqueous effluents as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a step of filtering boric acid by reverse osmosis so as to obtain a boric acid fluid having a boric acid concentration of the order of 7500 mg/L at an outlet of a reverse osmosis module and to obtain a purified fluid having a boric acid concentration of the order of 5 mg/L at an outlet of another reverse osmosis module.3. The process for treating aqueous effluents as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the aqueous effluents have a pH much lower than the pKa of boric acid.4. The process for treating aqueous effluents as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the boron rejection rate of the reverse osmosis membranes is greater than 80% claim 1 , preferably greater than 90%.5. The process for treating aqueous effluents ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Purification of highly saline feeds

Номер: US20180036682A1
Принадлежит: Surrey Aquatechnology Ltd

A process for separating solvent from a feed solution, said process comprising contacting the feed solution with one side of a semi-permeable membrane, applying hydraulic pressure to the feed solution, such that solvent from the feed solution flows through the membrane by reverse osmosis to provide a permeate solution on the permeate-side of the membrane, separating solvent from the permeate solution to provide a stream comprising the solvent and a residual solution having an increased osmotic pressure than the permeate solution, and recycling the residual solution to the permeate-side of the semi-permeable membrane, whereby the osmotic pressure on the permeate-side of the semi-permeable membrane is lower than the osmotic pressure of the feed solution.

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Reverse osmosis system with control based on flow rates in the permeate and brine streams

Номер: US20180036683A1
Автор: Eli Oklejas, Jr.
Принадлежит: Fluid Equipment Development Co LLC

A reverse osmosis system includes a membrane chamber having a feed line. The chamber generates a permeate stream and a brine stream from the feed line. A feed pump pressurizes the feed line. A first flow meter generates a first flow signal corresponding to a flow of fluid in the permeate stream. A booster device has a turbine in fluid communication with the brine stream and a pump in fluid communication with the feed line. A motor is coupled to the turbine device and a variable frequency drive is attached to the turbine device operating in response to the first flow signal. A second flow meter generates a second flow signal corresponding to a flow of fluid in the brine stream and a variable size nozzle operates an opening in response to the second flow meter.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039846A1
Автор: ZHAI Jianwen

A membrane filtration system with reverse osmosis (RO) or nanofiltration (NF) elements is adapted to provide high recovery from difficult wastewater. The system has a plurality of stages. The system is configured to provide concentrate staging. The last stage also has concentrate recirculation. The valves and pumps of the system are arranged such that the order of flow and a recirculation pump may be switched between the first stage and the last stage at some times. 1. A membrane filtration system comprising ,a first stage;a last stage;a feed pump;a brine outlet; and,a set of conduits and valves adapted to provide flow from the feed pump to the brine outlet through the first stage and the last stage and to enable the order of flow between a portion of the first stage and the last stage to be selectively switched,wherein the direction of flow through the stages is not reversed when the order of flow is switched.2. The system of further comprising a recirculation pump wherein the set of conduits and valves is adapted to enable the recirculation pump to be selectively connected to either the portion of the first stage or the last stage.3. A process for treating feed water comprising the steps of:flowing the feed water through a plurality of stages of membrane filtration wherein the order of flow is switched at some times between a portion of a first stage and a last stage without reversing the direction of flow through a feed side of the portion of the first stage or the last stage.4. The process of wherein the stages comprise nominal 8 inch spiral wound modules and the feed or concentrate flow rate through each stage is at least 6 m/h. This application is a divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/775,821, filed Sep. 14, 2015, which is a National Stage Entry of International Application No. PCT/CN2013/072588, filed Mar. 14, 2013.This specification relates to membrane filtration, for example reverse osmosis or nanofiltration.Reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration ( ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039847A1
Автор: ZHAI Jianwen

A membrane filtration system with reverse osmosis (RO) or nanofiltration (NF) elements is adapted to provide high recovery from difficult wastewater. The system has a plurality of stages. The system is configured to provide concentrate staging. The last stage also has concentrate recirculation. The valves and pumps of the system are arranged such that the order of flow and a recirculation pump may be switched between the first stage and the last stage at some times. 1. A process of treating a feed water comprising the steps of:flowing the feed water through a plurality of stages of membrane filtration with concentrate staging between the stages and concentrate recirculation in the last stage.2. The process of further comprising the step of periodically flowing the feed water through the plurality of stages of membrane filtration with the order of flow and concentrate recirculation switched between a portion of the first stage and the last stage.3. The process of wherein the stages comprise nominal 8 inch spiral wound modules and the feed or concentrate flow rate through each stage is at least 6 m/h.4. The process of wherein the process is operated at a recovery rate of 80% or more.5. The process of wherein the feed water has at least 200 mg/L of chemical oxygen demand. This application is a divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/775,821, filed Sep. 14, 2015, which is a National Stage Entry of International Application No. PCT/CN2013/072588, filed Mar. 14, 2013.This specification relates to membrane filtration, for example reverse osmosis or nanofiltration.Reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) membranes are typically used in the form of elements, also called modules, such as spiral wound elements, hollow fiber elements or tubular elements. A number of elements, typically between 1 and 8, are mounted in series in a pressure vessel, alternatively called a housing, with a feed inlet, concentrate outlet, and permeate outlet. Multiple pressure vessels may be ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046422A1

A reverse osmosis water production apparatus for use in a body of water includes a first section defining a buoyancy chamber and an elongate second section connected to the first section and configured to define an elongate chamber which extends downward beneath a waterline in use. The elongate chamber is provided with a plurality of elongate reverse osmosis membrane tubes, each tube containing a reverse osmosis membrane. A longitudinal axis of each reverse osmosis membrane tube is substantially parallel with a longitudinal axis of the elongate chamber and the reverse osmosis membrane tubes are arranged around a passage. 124.-. (canceled)25. A desalination method comprising the steps of:floating, on a body of water, an apparatus comprising a section that extends downward beneath a waterline of the body of water, the section housing a plurality of reverse osmosis (RO) membrane tubes oriented vertically;intaking a volume of the body of water, under hydrostatic pressure, into the plurality of RO membrane tubes;generating fresh water from the plurality of RO membrane tubes; andventing the fresh water to atmospheric pressure.26. The desalination method of claim 25 , wherein the step of intaking comprises the step of pumping the volume of the body of water into the plurality of RO membrane tubes.27. The desalination method of claim 26 , further comprising the step of generating power from a renewable energy source claim 26 , wherein the step of pumping is powered claim 26 , at least in part claim 26 , by the step of generating power from a renewable energy source.28. The desalination method of claim 27 , wherein the renewable energy source is wind energy claim 27 , current energy claim 27 , or wave energy.29. The desalination method of claim 25 , further comprising the step of pumping the fresh water for delivery to a shore of the body of water.30. The desalination method of claim 25 , further comprising the steps of:stopping, at one of the plurality of RO membrane tubes, ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150050706A1

Disclosed is a process for carrying out a cyclisation reaction, a polymerization reaction, an enzymatic reaction showing substrate inhibition, an enzymatic reaction showing product inhibition, a reaction showing precipitation of the substrate or of a reactant, the process comprising the steps of 261062. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the first filtration membrane () has a rejection of at least one compound selected from the reaction product claim 1 , catalyst and one or more of the reactants which are caused to react with the substrate of 60-95% claim 1 , and wherein the at least one compound is returned from the retentate side () of the first filtration membrane () to the reactor ().36. The process according claim 1 , wherein the first membrane () has a substrate rejection of at least 95%.4. (canceled)55277222172. The process according to wherein the diluting substrate feed system () for supplying substrate to the reactor () comprises a second filtration membrane () which is permeable to the solvent (S) claim 1 , wherein the permeability of the second filtration membrane () for the substrate (X) is selected such that the permeate (P) of the second membrane has a desired concentration of the substrate (X) in the solvent (S) claim 1 , wherein permeate (P) with the desired concentration of the substrate (X) in the solvent (S) is supplied from the permeate side () of the second filtration membrane () to the reactor ().67207887. The process according to claim 5 , wherein the second filtration membrane () comprises a retentate side () claim 5 , and substrate (X) which is rejected by the second filtration membrane () is supplied to a substrate feed tank () and is further mixed with solvent claim 5 , and wherein a mixture containing solvent and substrate is supplied from the substrate feed tank () to the second filtration membrane ().711687. The process according to claim 5 , comprising the returning of solvent (S) from the permeate side () of the first ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047083A1

Disclosed is a continuous process for the purification of steviol glycosides such as Rebaudioside D and/or Rebaudioside M extracted from the dried leaves or extracted from a fermentation broth using continuous simulated moving bed processes and nanofiltration without the addition of organic solvents to obtain a purified steviol product comprising sweet steviol glycosides. The sweet steviol glycosides can be used as substitutes for caloric sweeteners in beverages and in other food items. 1. A method of purifying one or more steviol glycosides from a mixture , the mixture including the one or more steviol glycosides and at least one impurity , the method comprising:passing the mixture through a first adsorbent with a first solvent, the first adsorbent comprising one or more hydrophobic interaction resins or one or more ion exchange resins to provide a first eluate stream, the first eluate stream having the first solvent and a higher purity of the one or more steviol glycosides than in the mixture as measured by weight percentage of the solid content, andoptionally removing at least a portion of the first solvent from the first eluate stream to provide a reduced first eluate stream.2. The method of claim 1 , the method further comprising:passing the first eluate stream or the reduced first eluate stream through a second adsorbent with a second solvent, the second adsorbent comprising one or more hydrophobic interaction resins or one or more ion exchange resins to provide a second eluate stream, the second eluate stream having the second solvent and a higher purity of the one or more steviol glycosides than in the first eluate stream or the reduced first eluate stream as measured by weight percentage of the solid content, andoptionally removing at least a portion of the second solvent from the second eluate stream to provide a reduced second eluate stream.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more steviol glycosides are selected from the group consisting of ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Multi-Valent Ion Concentration Using Multi-Stage Nanofiltration

Номер: US20210053848A1

A system and method for producing from saline source water a product containing an increased ratio of multi-valent ions to mono-valent ions, which includes multiple nanofiltration units arranged to selectively remove mono-valent ions from the water fed into each nanofiltration stage in the nanofiltration permeate stream while retaining multi-valent ions in the nanofiltration reject stream. The rate at which the increase in the multi-valent ion- to mono-valent ion ratio is obtained may be enhanced by introduction of lower salinity water into the nanofiltration reject between stages, and by recirculating a portion of downstream nanofiltration reject flow into an upstream nanofiltration unit. The enhanced multi-valent ion product is suitable for multiple uses, including irrigation of plants and remineralization of desalinated water. The relative concentrations of the multi-valent ions in the product may be adjusted, for example by selection of nanofiltration membrane technologies which have higher or lower rejection for specific multi-valent ions. 1. A multi-valent ion concentration system , comprising:a plurality of nanofiltration units, [ reject in a nanofiltration reject stream multivalent ions from a feed water supplied to the at least one of the nanofiltration units, and', 'pass in a nanofiltration permeate stream mono-valent ions from the feed water supplied to the at least one of the nanofiltration units,, 'at least one of the plurality of nanofiltration units is configured to'}, 'a first one of the plurality of nanofiltration units is configured to receive saline source water as the feed water to the first nanofiltration unit,', 'the plurality of nanofiltration units are interconnected such that the nanofiltration reject stream from the first nanofiltration unit is the feed water to a second one of the plurality of nanofiltration units, and', 'the plurality of nanofiltration units are interconnected such that the nanofiltration reject stream from at least one ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072475A1

A method and device for continuous batch separation where batch reset time is eliminated is provided. Separation is achieved in passes employing more than one liquid container or chamber. First pass begins with batch feed solution from a source reservoir, the feed solution flows from the source reservoir, undergoes separation in the separation device and the retentate is returned to a receiving reservoir until the source reservoir is evacuated. On feed switch over sequence, all pass one solution present in the holdup volume of the system is replaced with pass two solution with minimal to no mixing between the two solutions. Separation continues during the switch over sequence. The batch continues with subsequent passes until desired separation or operating conditions are met. Feed solution for the next batch is filled and kept ready during separation of a batch. Similar feed switch over sequence is followed between batches. 1. A method of performing batch and semi batch separations in a separation system , the method comprising:a. receiving, by at least one reservoir, a system level feed solution from an external source to initiate a first pass of a batch separation, wherein the batch separation includes one or more pass level separations;b. supplying, by the at least one reservoir, at least one of the system level feed solution and a pass level retentate solution as a pass level feed solution to a first side of a semi-permeable membrane of a separation unit;c. exerting, by a pressurizing unit, a pressure on the pass level feed solution in fluid communication with the first side of the semipermeable membrane such that a pass level permeate solution from the pass level feed solution passes from the first side of the semipermeable membrane to a second side of the semipermeable membrane of the separation unit,wherein the pressurizing unit includes at least one of an energy recovery device (ERD) device, a high-pressure pump, a booster pump, a piston, an hydraulic fluid ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072477A1
Автор: CHAVERON Michel

A treatment of demineralization effluents, particularly recycling effluents, a method for demineralizing whey and treating the effluents, and a facility for implementation thereof. The treatment of whey demineralization effluents includes: i) supplying a whey demineralization effluent, ii) treating by reverse osmosis effluent recovered in i) to obtain a reverse osmosis permeate and retentate, iii) neutralizing the retentate pH, iv) treating the neutralized retentate by nanofiltration to obtain a permeate including monovalent ions and a retentate including divalent ions and residual organic materials, v) treating the permeate in iv) by electrodialysis with bipolar membrane to obtain acidic solution(s) and basic solution(s). Thus, it is possible to treat effluents, limit their environmental impact, generate solutions for the whey demineralization process, reduce the cost of whey demineralization because some process water from electrodialysis comes from treatment of the generated effluents, and reduce the total amount of effluent sent to the wastewater treatment plant. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for treating whey demineralization effluents , comprising the following steps:i) supplying a whey demineralization effluent,ii) treating by reverse osmosis the effluent recovered in step i) so as to obtain a reverse osmosis permeate and retentate,iii) neutralizing the reverse osmosis retentate to a pH of between 6 and 9,iv) treating the neutralized reverse osmosis retentate by nanofiltration so as to obtain a nanofiltration permeate comprising the monovalent ions and a nanofiltration retentate comprising the divalent ions and the residual organic materials, andv) treating the nanofiltration permeate obtained in step iv) by electrodialysis with bipolar membrane, so as to obtain at least one acidic solution and at least one basic solution.12. The method according to claim 11 , wherein the whey demineralization effluent is a brine from electrodialysis of whey claim 11 , ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058369A1

A method of producing a sugar liquid includes a step of filtering a saccharified liquid derived from cellulose-containing biomass, through a nanofiltration membrane and/or reverse osmosis membrane; and a two-step washing step of washing the nanofiltration membrane and/or reverse osmosis membrane after the filtration, with an acid washing liquid and then with an alkali washing liquid; is provided. The method of producing a sugar liquid in which a cellulose-derived sugar liquid is processed through a nanofiltration membrane and/or reverse osmosis membrane is/are effectively washed in a contaminated separation membrane(s). 110-. (canceled)11. A method of producing a sugar liquid comprising:a step of filtering a saccharified liquid derived from cellulose-containing biomass, through a nanofiltration membrane and/or reverse osmosis membrane; anda two-step washing step of washing said nanofiltration membrane and/or reverse osmosis membrane after said filtration, with an acid washing liquid and then with an alkali washing liquid.12. The method according to claim 11 , further comprising a water washing step before said two-step washing step.13. The method according to claim 11 , wherein said saccharified liquid is filtered through an ultrafiltration membrane to obtain a filtrate claim 11 , and said filtrate is subjected to said step of filtration through a nanofiltration membrane and/or reverse osmosis membrane.14. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the molecular weight cutoff of said ultrafiltration membrane is not more than 50 claim 13 ,000.15. The method according to claim 11 , wherein said saccharified liquid contains calcium.16. The method according to claim 11 , wherein the pH of said acid washing liquid is not more than 3.17. The method according to claim 11 , wherein said acid washing liquid contains one or more selected from the group consisting of nitric acid claim 11 , sulfuric acid claim 11 , citric acid claim 11 , phosphoric acid claim 11 , lactic acid ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Concentrating Aqueous Solutions via Hybridizing Electrodialysis and Other Desalination Techniques

Номер: US20190062189A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

An aqueous solution flows through a desalination system that separates the aqueous solution into purified water and concentrated brine. The concentrated brine is directed into an electrodialysis system that includes an anode and a cathode and at least two monovalent selective ion exchange membranes between the anode and the cathode. At least one of the monovalent selective ion exchange membranes separates at least one diluate channel from at least one concentrate channel in the electrodialysis system, and this membrane selectively allows at least one monovalent ion to pass through the membrane while blocking or inhibiting the transport therethrough of multi-valent ions. The concentrated brine flows through at least the concentrate channel while a voltage is applied to the anode and cathode; and additional aqueous solution flows through the diluate channel. 1. A method for concentrating aqueous solutions , comprising:directing an aqueous solution through a desalination system that separates the aqueous solution into purified water and concentrated brine;directing the concentrated brine into an electrodialysis system comprising an anode and a cathode and at least two monovalent selective ion exchange membranes between the anode and the cathode, wherein at least one of the monovalent selective ion exchange membranes separates at least one diluate channel with a comparatively diluted ion concentration from at least one concentrate channel with a comparatively concentrated ion concentration in the electrodialysis system, wherein each monovalent selective ion exchange membrane selectively allows at least one monovalent ion to pass through the membrane while blocking or significantly inhibiting the transport of multi-valent ions through the membrane;flowing the concentrated brine through at least the concentrate channel while applying a voltage to the anode and cathode; andflowing additional aqueous solution mixed with concentrated brine from the desalination system ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200061544A1

A method for process a chemical liquid is provided. The method includes at least providing a system having at least one filtration medium, treatment the system with a treatment liquid having a content of iron (Fe) and calcium (Ca) of about 10 ppb or less, and processing a chemical liquid using an apparatus having the system configured therein after the treatment process. 1. A method for processing a chemical liquid , comprising:providing a system comprising at least one filtration medium, selected from a filter, an ion exchange membrane, and an ion adsorption membrane;performing a treatment process on the system using a treatment liquid having a content of iron (Fe) and calcium (Ca) limited to about 10 ppb or less; andsubsequent to the treatment process, processing a chemical liquid with the system configured in an apparatus.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the system is configured in the apparatus after the treatment process is performed.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the system is configured in the apparatus before the treatment process is performed.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the treatment process comprises passing the treatment liquid through the system comprising the at least one filtration medium.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the treatment liquid is the same as at least one organic solvent contained in the chemical liquid.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the treatment process is performed one or more times.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the treatment process is performed on the system comprising at least two filtration media claim 1 , selected from the filter claim 1 , the ion exchange membrane claim 1 , and the ion adsorption membrane.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the treatment process is performed on the system comprising one of the filter and the ion exchange membrane or the ion adsorption membrane.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one filtration medium comprises a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) filter having a ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180071683A1

A water treatment device () includes a primary unit (U) having a plurality of primary elements (E) as reverse osmosis membrane devices disposed in parallel to each other to separate water to be treated (SW) supplied from an upstream side into primary condensed water (CW) and fresh water (FW); a pump (P) which feeds the water to be treated from the upstream side of the primary unit to supply the water to be treated to the primary unit; a secondary unit (U) having secondary elements (E) as reverse osmosis membrane devices, the secondary elements being provided in smaller number than the primary elements and disposed in parallel to each other to separate the primary condensed water into secondary condensed water (CW) and fresh water (FW); and a reflux unit () which refluxes a part of the secondary condensed water between the primary unit and the secondary unit. 1. A water treatment device comprising:a primary unit having a plurality of primary elements as reverse osmosis membrane devices disposed in parallel to each other to separate water to be treated supplied from an upstream side into primary condensed water and fresh water;a pump which feeds the water to be treated from the upstream side of the primary unit to supply the water to be treated to the primary unit;a secondary unit having secondary elements as reverse osmosis membrane devices, the secondary elements being provided in smaller number than the primary elements and disposed in parallel to each other to separate the primary condensed water into secondary condensed water and fresh water; anda reflux unit which refluxes a part of the secondary condensed water between the primary unit and the secondary unit.2. The water treatment device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a reflux line through which the secondary condensed water flows, by connecting the downstream side of the secondary unit and the upstream side of the secondary unit; anda reflux pump provided on the reflux line to feed the secondary ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Black Liquor Concentration by a Membrane Comprising Graphene Oxide on Porous Polymer

Номер: US20180071684A1

The disclosed technology includes a membrane-based device configured to concentrate black liquor, which results from papermaking. Certain embodiments may comprise a nanofiltration membrane configured to remove lignin from black liquor, and the nanofiltration membrane may include a first macroporous polymer substrate and a first graphene oxide membrane covering the first macroporous polymer substrate. Some embodiments may comprise a reverse osmosis membrane, which may include a second macroporous polymer substrate and a second graphene oxide membrane covering the second macroporous polymer substrate. 1. A membrane system comprising a nanofiltration membrane configured to remove lignin from black liquor , the nanofiltration membrane comprising:a first macroporous polymer substrate; anda first graphene oxide membrane covering the first macroporous polymer substrate.2. The membrane system of claim 1 , wherein the first macroporous polymer substrate comprises a polymer with aryl groups.3. The membrane system of claim 2 , wherein the first macroporous polymer substrate comprises at least one of poly(sulfone) and poly(ethersulfone).4. The membrane system of claim 1 , wherein the first macroporous polymer substrate has a thermal stability limit greater than about 70° C.5. The membrane system of claim 1 , wherein the first graphene oxide membrane has a thickness of less than about 300 nm.6. The membrane system of claim 1 , wherein the first microporous polymer substrate comprises a flat polymer sheet claim 1 , the flat polymer sheet having a surface area greater than or equal to about 700 cm.7. The membrane system of claim 1 , wherein the first macroporous polymer substrate comprises a plurality of the flat polymer sheets rolled around a core tube to form a spiral wound membrane module.8. The membrane system of claim 1 , wherein the first microporous polymer substrate comprises a hollow polymer tube claim 1 , the hollow polymer tube having a surface area greater than or ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180072588A1

This disclosure relates to an apparatus and method for analyzing an influence variable on membrane fouling of a seawater desalination system, wherein influence variables other than variables having a low degree of influence, among variables affecting the membrane, are selected, and the influence thereof on membrane fouling is used to derive an equation. The apparatus includes a variable storage unit configured to store variables affecting membrane fouling of a seawater desalination system, a dominant variable selection unit configured to select at least one dominant variable among the variables through at least one algorithm, and an equation derivation unit configured to derive a specific equation based on a correlation between the selected dominant variable and the membrane fouling. 1. An apparatus for analyzing membrane fouling of a seawater desalination system , comprising:a variable reception unit configured to receive variables affecting membrane fouling of a seawater desalination system collected by a sensor included in the seawater desalination system;a memory that includes a variable storage unit configured to store variables affecting membrane fouling of a seawater desalination system;a processor that includes a dominant variable selection unit configured to select at least one dominant variable among the variables;a derivation unit configured to determine a correlation between the selected dominant variable and the membrane fouling; anda variable control unit configured to control the seawater desalination system to control the dominant variable.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the variables include at least one of a variable measured during an intake process claim 1 , a variable measured after a UF (Ultra Filtration) process claim 1 , a variable measured during a DAF (Dissolved Air Flotation) process claim 1 , a variable measured before an RO (Reverse Osmosis) process claim 1 , and a variable measured after an RO process.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Process of supplying water of controlled salinity

Номер: US20150083656A1
Автор: John Dale Williams
Принадлежит: BP Exploration Operating Co Ltd

A process of producing an injection water stream of controlled salinity and controlled sulfate anion content that is suitable for injection into an oil bearing formation of an oil reservoir, the process comprising the steps of: (a) feeding a source water having a total dissolved solids content in the range of 20,000 to 45,000 ppm and a sulfate anion concentration in the range of 1,000 to 4,000 ppm, preferably, 1,500 ppm to 4,000 ppm to a desalination plant that comprises a plurality of reverse osmosis (RO) membrane units and a plurality of nanofiltration (NF) membrane units wherein the source water is pressurised to a pressure in the range of 350 to 1250 psi absolute, and dividing the source water to provide a feed water for the RO membrane units (hereinafter “RO feed water”) and a feed water for the NF membrane units (hereinafter “NF feed water”); (b) if necessary, increasing the pressure of the RO feed water to a value in the range of 900 to 1250 psi absolute before introducing the RO feed water to the RO membrane units and withdrawing an RO permeate and an RO retentate from the RO membrane units wherein the RO membrane units are operated in either a single-pass, single-stage mode or in a single-pass, two-stage mode and wherein the recovery of RO permeate is in the range of 35 to 75% by volume, preferably, 35 to 60% by volume based on the volume of the RO feed water that is fed to the RO membrane units such that the RO permeate has a total dissolved solids contents of less than 250 ppm, and a sulfate anion concentration of less than 3 ppm; (c) if necessary, reducing the pressure of the NF feed water to a value in the range of 350 to 450 psi absolute before introducing the NF feed water to the NF membrane units and withdrawing an NF permeate and an NF retentate from the NF membrane units wherein the NF membrane units are operated in a single-pass, single-stage mode and wherein the NF membrane units are operated with a recovery of NF permeate in the range of 35 to ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076784A1
Автор: Bublitz Mark O.

A multistage desalination process for treatment of seawater or salt wastewater. During initially processing the seawater or salt wastewater is treated to precipitate scaling minerals as phosphates including magnesium ammonium phosphate useful as a fertilizer. During the initial phase, ammonium phosphate and sodium phosphate are added to the seawater or salt wastewater followed by an addition of ammonia and a water-based charged solvent. After separating the precipitated solids, the cleaned seawater or salt wastewater is aerated and filtered to produce potable or otherwise usable water. 1. A seawater or salt wastewater desalination process comprising:performing a phosphate precipitation process, the phosphate precipitation process including adding a first mixture comprising ammonium phosphate and sodium phosphate to seawater or salt wastewater and mixing the first mixture and the seawater or salt wastewater;after mixing the first mixture and the seawater or salt wastewater, adding a second mixture comprising ammonia and a water-based charged solvent to the seawater or salt wastewater and mixing to produce a seawater or salt wastewater mixture having a pH of greater than or equal to about 8.5;performing a solids collection process to collecting precipitated solids from the seawater or salt wastewater mixture, the solids including, magnesium ammonium phosphate;after performing the solids collection, performing an oxidation process comprising aeration of the seawater or salt wastewater mixture, followed by filtration removal of solids produced during the oxidation process; andperforming a final filtration process comprising microfiltration followed by nano-filtration of the seawater or salt wastewater to produce potable or usable water.2. The desalination process of further comprising filtering the seawater or salt wastewater mixture after the solids collection process.3. The desalination process of wherein the filtration comprises filtration through sand followed by ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Membrane System to Treat Leachate and Methods of Treating Leachate

Номер: US20170081218A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure provide for systems for removing contaminants from a leachate, methods of removing contaminants from a leachate, and the like. 1. A method of treating leachate , comprising:introducing a leachate to a first membrane system to separate the leachate into a first stage concentrate and a first stage permeate, andintroducing the first stage permeate to a second membrane system to separate the first stage permeate into a second stage concentrate and a second stage permeate.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:introducing a raw leachate to a prefilter to form a leachate.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:mixing the first stage concentrate with the leachate as the first stage concentrate is formed.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:mixing the second stage concentrate with the leachate as the second stage concentrate is formed.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first membrane system includes two or more reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membranes connected to one another in series claim 1 , in parallel claim 1 , or in a combination of series and parallel.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second membrane system includes two or more reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membranes connected to one another in series claim 1 , in parallel claim 1 , or in a combination of series and parallel.7. A recursive concentrate reduction membrane system claim 1 , comprising:a first stage including one or more membranes selected from the group consisting of: a reverse osmosis membrane and a nanofiltration membrane, wherein a leachate is introduced to the first stage to separate the leachate into a concentrate and a permeate and,a second stage including one or more membranes selected from the group consisting of: a reverse osmosis membrane and a nanofiltration membrane, wherein the first stage and the second stage are in fluidic communication, wherein the concentrate is introduced to the second stage to separate the ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180085709A1

A water treatment device () includes a primary unit (U) having a plurality of primary elements (E) as reverse osmosis membrane devices disposed in parallel to each other to separate water to be treated (SW) into primary condensed water (CW) and fresh water (FW); a pump (P) which feeds the water to be treated (SW) to the primary unit (U); a secondary unit (U) having secondary elements (E) as reverse osmosis membrane devices, the secondary elements (E) being provided in smaller number than the primary elements (E) and disposed in parallel to each other to separate the primary condensed water (W) into secondary condensed water (CW) and fresh water (FW); and a switching unit () provided only in the secondary unit (U) among the primary unit (U) and the secondary unit (U) to separate at least one of the plurality of secondary elements (E) so that treatment is disabled. 1. A water treatment device comprising:a primary unit having a plurality of primary elements as reverse osmosis membrane devices disposed in parallel to each other to separate water to be treated into primary condensed water and fresh water;a pump which feeds the water to be treated to the primary unit;a secondary unit having secondary elements as reverse osmosis membrane devices, the secondary elements being provided in smaller number than the primary elements and disposed in parallel to each other to separate the primary condensed water into secondary condensed water and fresh water; anda switching unit provided only in the secondary unit among the primary unit and the secondary unit to separate at least one of the plurality of secondary elements so that treatment is disabled.2. The water treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the secondary elements includes:an introduction line which guides the primary condensed water supplied from the primary unit to the secondary element,a secondary condensed water line through which the secondary condensed water separated from the primary ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086274A1
Принадлежит: Porifera, Inc.

An example water purification system for purifying high concentration feed solutions includes a high rejection forward osmosis module, one or more low rejection modules, and a high rejection reverse osmosis module. The low rejection modules may have different rejection levels. The system may be pressurized by one or more pumps. One or more of the low rejection modules may include one or more nanofiltration (NF) membranes. The draw solution may comprise a monovalent salt, a multivalent salt, or a combination of both. 1. A system , comprising:a plurality of low rejection stages connected in series, wherein a first low rejection stage of the plurality of low rejection stages is configured to receive a first stream and provide an output stream to the next low rejection stage in the plurality of low rejection stages, wherein the plurality of low rejection membrane stages include low rejection membrane modules having a low rejection membrane with a salt rejection rate of less than 90% at a first hydrostatic pressure; anda reverse osmosis stage configured to receive the output stream from a final low rejection stage of the plurality of low rejection stages, wherein the reverse osmosis stage is further configured to provide a product stream and a reverse osmosis reject stream, wherein the reverse osmosis stage has a reverse osmosis membrane with a higher salt rejection than the low rejection membrane modules at the first hydrostatic pressure;wherein the reverse osmosis reject stream is fluidly coupled to the system prior to the plurality of low rejection stages to recycle the reverse osmosis reject stream through the system.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of low rejection stages are configured to provide a reject stream to a previous low rejection stage of the plurality of low rejection stages connected in series.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the recovery rate of the plurality of low rejection stages is based claim 1 , at least in part claim 1 , on a ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087171A1
Автор: Katz Gary P.
Принадлежит: Katz Water Tech, LLC

An apparatus, system and method to purify water is disclosed. Pumps and energy recovery devices for taking water from an intake, filtering the water to remove solid contaminates before running the filtered water through the reverse osmosis system to the discharge device and purified water lines are described. The system may comprise a control panel that controls the plurality of filters, plurality of reverse osmosis membranes, purified water line and effluent discharge device, to achieve favorable water purification. A method that utilizes the apparatus and/or system is described herein. 1. A water purification apparatus comprising:a. at least one reverse osmosis housing device for holding a plurality of reverse osmosis membranes on a skid, wherein the plurality of reverse osmosis membranes on a skid can be removed and inserted and attached to connections on the reverse osmosis housing that align and correspond to connections on the plurality of reverse osmosis membranes on a skid, and wherein at least one connection is a fluid line connecting the plurality of reverse osmosis membranes on a skid with the reverse osmosis housing device;b. a plurality of energy recovery devices located on a skid for recapturing pressure energy from water running through the plurality of reverse osmosis membranes on a skid and returning the pressure energy to move additional water through at least a portion of the plurality of reverse osmosis membranes on a skid, at least one energy recovery housing device for holding the plurality of energy recovery devices on a skid, wherein the plurality of energy recovery devices on a skid can be removed and inserted and attached to connections on the housing that align and correspond to connections on the plurality of energy recovery devices on a skid, and wherein at least one connection on the housing that align and correspond to connections on the plurality of energy recovery devices on a skid is a fluid line connecting the plurality of energy ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220143552A1
Автор: MIHRANYAN Albert
Принадлежит: NVIGOREA AB

The present invention provides method of removing particles from a feed fluid, the method comprising: passing the fluid through a first filtration medium having a thickness of from 5 to 20 μm, wherein passing the feed fluid through the first filtration medium provides a particle removal probability log10 reduction value (LRV) of greater than or equal to 1 for particles having a diameter of from about 10 to about 40 nm and a particle removal probability log10 reduction value (LRV) of greater than or equal to 3 for particles greater than about 40 nm in diameter; and passing the fluid through a second filtration medium having a thickness of from 20 to 70 μm (e.g. 20 to 45 μm) 20 to 45 pm, wherein passing the feed fluid through the second filtration medium provides a particle removal probability log10 reduction value (LRV) of greater than or equal to 3 for particles having a diameter of from about 10 to about 40 nm and a particle removal probability log10 reduction value (LRV) of greater than or equal to 3 for particles having a diameter of greater than or equal to about 40 nm; so as to retain at least a portion of the particles on each medium to produce a filtrate containing a lower concentration of the particles than the feed fluid. 1. A method of removing particles from a feed fluid , the method comprising:passing the fluid through a first filtration medium having a thickness of from 5 to 20 μm, wherein passing the feed fluid through the first filtration medium provides a particle removal probability log10 reduction value (LRV) of greater than or equal to 1 for particles having a diameter of from about 10 to about 40 nm and a particle removal probability log10 reduction value (LRV) of greater than or equal to 3 for particles greater than about 40 nm in diameter; andpassing the fluid through a second filtration medium having a thickness of from 20 to 70 μm (e.g. 20 to 45 μm), wherein passing the feed fluid through the second filtration medium provides a particle ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190091629A1

A reverse osmosis water production apparatus for use in a body of water includes a first section defining a buoyancy chamber and an elongate second section connected to the first section and configured to define an elongate chamber which extends downward beneath a waterline in use. The elongate chamber is provided with a plurality of elongate reverse osmosis membrane tubes, each tube containing a reverse osmosis membrane. A longitudinal axis of each reverse osmosis membrane tube is substantially parallel with a longitudinal axis of the elongate chamber and the reverse osmosis membrane tubes are arranged around a passage. 1. A reverse osmosis water production apparatus for use in a body of water comprising;a first section defining a buoyancy chamber;an elongate second section connected to the first section and configured to define an elongate chamber which extends downward beneath a waterline in use, the elongate chamber provided with a plurality of elongate reverse osmosis membrane tubes, each tube containing a reverse osmosis membrane, wherein a longitudinal axis of each reverse osmosis membrane tube is substantially parallel with a longitudinal axis of the elongate chamber;wherein the reverse osmosis membrane tubes are arranged around a passage.2. The reverse osmosis water production apparatus of wherein the first section is substantially cylindrical.3. The reverse osmosis water production apparatus of wherein the second section is substantially cylindrical.4. The reverse osmosis water production apparatus of wherein the first and second sections are substantially cylindrical claim 1 , and wherein a diameter of the first section is greater than a diameter of the second section claim 1 , more preferably around two times the diameter of the second section.5. The reverse osmosis water production apparatus of wherein the reverse osmosis membrane tubes are arranged in a substantially concentric ring around the passage.6. The reverse osmosis water production apparatus ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220144655A1
Автор: Mack Bernard Roy

A method is disclosed for concentrating and purifying an eluate brine and producing a purified lithium compound. An extraction eluate, rich in lithium, is directed to a nanofiltration unit or a softening process that removes sulfate and/or calcium and magnesium. Permeate from the nanofiltration unit or the effluent from the softening process is directed through an electrodialysis unit. As the lithium-rich solution moves through the electrodialysis unit, lithium, sodium and chloride ions pass from the solution through a cation-transfer membrane and an anion-transfer membrane to concentrate compartments. A dilute stream is directed through the concentrate compartments and collects the lithium, sodium and chloride ions. The electrodialysis unit also produces a product stream which contains non-ionized impurities, such as silica and/or boron. Concentrate from the electrodialysis unit is subject to a precipitation process that produces a lithium compound that is subsequently subjected to a purification process. 1. A method of recovering lithium carbonate from a brine rich in lithium , sodium and chloride and having impurities in the form of hardness , sulfate , and silica , the method comprising:directing the brine to a nanofiltration unit and subjecting the brine to nanofiltration and removing sulfate from the brine, along with hardness associated with the sulfate;wherein after nanofiltration, the brine still contains silica and residual hardness and remains rich in lithium, sodium and chloride;after nanofiltration, maintaining conditions in the brine that result in the silica being substantially non-ionized;further after nanofiltration, directing the brine through an electrodialysis unit and subjecting the brine to an electrodialysis process and producing a concentrate rich in lithium, sodium and chloride and a product stream depleted in lithium, sodium and chloride but including the substantially non-ionized silica;after subjecting the brine to the electrodialysis ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Method and System for Operating a High Recovery Separation Process

Номер: US20190092656A1
Автор: JR. Eli, Oklejas

A reverse osmosis system and method includes a pump pressurizing a feed stream, a first and second membrane array that generates permeate and brine streams. A first energy recovery device uses first energy from the second brine stream to pressurize the first brine stream. A first and second auxiliary and bypass valves are associated with the first and second energy recovery device. A second energy recovery device uses second energy from the second brine stream to increase a second pressure of the feed stream. A first flowmeter generates a first flow signal for the first permeate stream. A second flowmeter generates a second flow signal for of the second permeate stream. A third flowmeter generates a third flow signal for the second brine stream. A motor drives the first energy recovery device. A controller controls the in response to the flow signals. 1. A reverse osmosis system comprising:a pump operable to pressurize a feed stream;a first membrane array configured to receive the feed stream and to generate a first permeate stream and a first brine stream from the feed stream;a second membrane array configured to receive the first brine stream and to generate a second permeate stream and a second brine stream from the first brine stream;a first energy recovery device configured to receive the second brine stream and to use first energy from the second brine stream to increase a first pressure of the first brine stream;a first auxiliary valve and a first bypass valve associated with the first energy recovery device;a second energy recovery device configured to receive the second brine stream after the first energy recovery device and to use second energy from the second brine stream to increase a second pressure of the feed stream;a second auxiliary valve and a second bypass valve associated with the second energy recovery device;a first flowmeter generating a first flow signal corresponding to a first flow of the first permeate stream;a second flowmeter generating ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Subsea Seawater Filtration Apparatus

Номер: US20200094192A1

A filtration apparatus includes a tubular casing having a longitudinal axis and first and second casing ends. A plurality of partition plates are positioned in the casing and sealed thereto to thereby define an intake collection chamber between a first of the partition plates and the first casing end, a discharge collection chamber between a second of the partition plates and the second casing end, and a reject collection chamber opposite the second partition plate from the second casing end. A plurality of elongated filtration membrane stacks are positioned side-by-side in the casing generally parallel to the longitudinal axis. Each filtration membrane stack includes an intake end which is fluidly connected to the intake collection chamber, a discharge end which is fluidly connected to the reject collection chamber, and a permeate channel which extends between the first and second ends and is fluidly connected to the discharge collection chamber. 1: A filtration apparatus which comprises:a tubular casing which includes a longitudinal axis and first and second casing ends;a plurality of partition plates which are positioned in the casing and are sealed thereto to thereby define an intake collection chamber between a first of said partition plates and the first casing end, a discharge collection chamber between a second of said partition plates and the second casing end, and a reject collection chamber opposite the second partition plate from the second casing end;a plurality of elongated filtration membrane stacks which are positioned side-by-side in the casing generally parallel to the longitudinal axis, each filtration membrane stack comprising an intake end which is fluidly connected to the intake collection chamber, a discharge end which is fluidly connected to the reject collection chamber, and a permeate channel which extends between the intake and discharge ends and is fluidly connected to the discharge collection chamber, wherein an end of the permeate ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200095149A1

An automated waste water treatment system includes a collection tank constructed to hold waste water, a first flow line connected to the collection tank to output the waste water from the collection tank, an electrocoagulation unit that receives the waste water and outputs the waste water as coagulated waste water to a flow line, a polymer dosage tank to provide a polymer dosage into the flow line where the polymer dosage mixes with the coagulated waste water to produce and output flocculated waste water. A clarifier connected to the flow line receives the flocculated waste water and produces sludge-free waste water and concentrated sludge, a series of filters to output filter-treated water, and an ultrafiltration system that receives filter-treated water and outputs ultrafiltration-treated water to a reverse osmosis system. 1. An automated waste water treatment system comprising:a collection tank constructed to hold waste water;a first flow line connected to the collection tank to output the waste water from the collection tank;an electrocoagulation unit connected to the first flow line to receive the waste water and to output the waste water as coagulated waste water into a second flow line;a polymer dosage tank to provide a polymer dosage into the second flow line wherein the polymer dosage mixes with the coagulated waste water to produce and output flocculated waste water;a clarifier connected to the second flow line to receive the flocculated waste water and to produce sludge-free waste water and concentrated sludge;a filter feed tank to receive the sludge-free water from the clarifier;a filter press to produce treated water from the concentrated sludge;a pressure sand filter constructed to receive the sludge-free waste water and the treated water and outputs to a activated carbon filter and/or iron removal filter (CIRF); andan ultrafiltration system that receives CIRF-filtered water and outputs ultrafiltration-treated water to a reverse osmosis system,wherein ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180099889A1
Автор: Gurney Darren

A system for descaling apparatus is described. The system provides for: a water inlet feedstream; a reverse osmosis system in fluid communication with the water inlet feedstream, in which the reverse osmosis system produces a water permeate output feedstream; and a pressurised carbon dioxide feedstream. The pressurised carbon dioxide feedstream and water permeate output feedstream are arranged in use to combine to produce a pressurised carbonic acid input feedstream. 1. A system for descaling apparatus , the system comprising: a water inlet feedstream;a reverse osmosis system in fluid communication with the water inlet feedstream, in which the reverse osmosis system produces a water permeate output feedstream; anda pressurised carbon dioxide feedstream,in which the pressurised carbon dioxide feedstream and water permeate output feedstream are arranged in use to combine to produce a pressurised carbonic acid input feedstream.2. The system as claimed in claim 1 , in which the system further comprises a carbonic acid storage tank in communication with:the water permeate output feedstream and the pressurised carbon dioxide feedstream; orthe carbonic acid input feedstream, and operable to store carbonic acid for scale removal.3. The system as claimed in claim 2 , in which the water permeate output feedstream and pressurised carbon dioxide feedstream combine upstream of the storage tank.4. The system as claimed in claim 2 , in which the water permeate output feedstream and pressurised carbon dioxide feedstream combine within the storage tank.5. The system as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:one or more apparatus for descaling in fluid communication with the carbonic acid input feedstream from the carbonic acid storage tank; and a contaminated carbonic acid output feedstream in fluid communication with the apparatus.6. The system as claimed in claim 5 , in which the contaminated carbonic acid output feedstream is in fluid communication with one of a device selected ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210122651A1
Автор: JR. Eli, Oklejas

A turbocharger includes a turbocharger housing having an impeller housing comprising a circular cross-section. A main nozzle is disposed within the turbocharger housing communicating a first portion of a fluid stream to a first volute. A first auxiliary channel and a first auxiliary nozzle communicating a second portion of the fluid stream to the first volute. The first auxiliary nozzle is downstream of the main nozzle. A second auxiliary channel and a second auxiliary nozzle communicate a third portion of the fluid stream to the first volute. The second auxiliary nozzle is downstream of the first auxiliary nozzle. A valve assembly is selectively coupling the first auxiliary channel to the first auxiliary nozzle and the second auxiliary channel to the second auxiliary nozzle. 1. A turbocharger comprising:a turbocharger housing having an impeller housing comprising a circular cross-section;a main nozzle disposed within the turbocharger housing communicating a first portion of a fluid stream to a first volute;a first auxiliary channel and a first auxiliary nozzle communicating a second portion of the fluid stream to the first volute, said first auxiliary nozzle downstream of the main nozzle;a second auxiliary channel and a second auxiliary nozzle communicating a third portion of the fluid stream to the first volute, said second auxiliary nozzle downstream of the first auxiliary nozzle; anda valve assembly selectively coupling the first auxiliary channel to the first auxiliary nozzle and the second auxiliary channel to the second auxiliary nozzle.2. The turbocharger as recited in wherein the first auxiliary nozzle is about ninety degrees from the main nozzle.3. The turbocharger as recited in wherein the second auxiliary nozzle is about ninety degrees from the first auxiliary nozzle.4. The turbocharger as recited in wherein the first auxiliary nozzle is about tangential to the circular cross-section of the impeller housing.5. The turbocharger as recited in wherein the ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106348A1

A method for treating, and recovering phosphate compounds from, phosphate-containing wastewater. The method includes the steps on (a) removing fluoride from the wastewater; (b) recovering a phosphate compound from the wastewater by maintaining supersaturation conditions for the phosphate compound; and (c) polishing the wastewater. A silica removal step may be optionally performed after step (a) and before step (b). 143.-. (canceled)44. A method for treating , and recovering phosphate compounds from , wastewater , the method comprising:(a) measuring, precipitating and removing fluoride from the wastewater by raising the pH of the wastewater by adding a calcium-containing base with a stoichiometric amount of calcium to precipitate the fluoride, wherein the pH does not promote precipitation of phosphates, and then further raising the pH of the wastewater by adding one or more calcium-free bases;(b) recovering struvite from the wastewater from which fluoride has been removed by maintaining supersaturation conditions for the struvite; and(c) polishing the wastewater,wherein step (c) comprises subjecting the wastewater from step (b) to a membrane treatment system to obtain a concentrate and a permeate comprising treated effluent.45. A method according to wherein the membrane treatment system comprises a two stage membrane treatment.46. A method according to comprising lowering the pH to about pH 3 to 5 prior to the two stage membrane treatment.47. A method according to comprising removing suspended solids by filtration prior to the two stage membrane treatment.48. A method according to wherein prior to step (b) the wastewater is subjected to a first membrane treatment to obtain a first concentrate comprising divalent ions and a first permeate comprising monovalent ions claim 44 , wherein the first concentrate defines feed for step (b).49. A method according to wherein wastewater from step (b) is recirculated to step (a).50. A method according to wherein the first permeate ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111070A1
Автор: Burrows Bruce D.

A water purification system that allows for bypassing one or more stages of purification during periods of high demand. Bypass can be selectively implemented as a function of fluid particulate levels and/or reservoir level. 1. A fluid purification system comprising:a first filter comprising a particulate filter, and having an inlet and an outlet;a second filter comprising a reverse osmosis filter, and having an inlet and at least a first outlet;a reservoir to hold fluid, the reservoir having an inlet and an outlet;a bypass valve positioned between the outlet of the first filter, the inlet of the second filter and the inlet of the reservoir, and having a first position wherein the bypass valve provides fluid communication between the outlet of the first filter and the inlet of the second filter, and having a second position wherein the bypass valve provides fluid communication between the outlet of the first filter and the inlet of the reservoir, bypassing the inlet of the second filter; anda controller controlling position of the bypass valve between at least the first position and the second position.21. The fluid purification system of , further comprising a level sensor in communication with the controller and wherein level sensor information provided to the controller determines whether the bypass valve is in the first position or the second position.3. The fluid purification system of claim 1 , further comprising a particulate sensor and a level sensor in communication with the controller and wherein at least one of particulate sensor information or level sensor information provided to the controller determines whether the bypass valve is in the first position or the second position.4. The fluid purification system of claim 1 , further comprising a particulate sensor in communication with the controller and wherein particulate sensor information provided to the controller determines whether the bypass valve is in the first position or the second position.5. The ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111845A1

A water treatment device includes a primary unit having a plurality of primary elements as reverse osmosis membrane devices disposed in parallel with each other to separate water to be treated into primary condensed water and fresh water; a pump which feeds the water to be treated from the upstream side of the primary unit to the primary unit; a secondary unit having secondary elements which are provided to be fewer in number than the primary elements and separate the primary condensed water into secondary condensed water and fresh water; a sub-element which separates one of the water to be treated and the primary condensed water; and a mode switching unit which switches the sub-element between a primary mode of being used as the primary element in the primary unit and a secondary mode of being used as the secondary element in the secondary unit. 16-. (canceled)7. A water treatment device comprising:a primary unit having a plurality of primary elements as reverse osmosis membrane devices disposed in parallel to each other to separate water to be treated supplied from the upstream side into primary condensed water and fresh water;a pump which feeds the water to be treated from the upstream side of the primary unit to supply the water to be treated to the primary unit;a secondary unit having secondary elements as reverse osmosis membrane devices, the secondary elements being provided in smaller number than the primary elements and disposed in parallel to each other to separate the primary condensed water into secondary condensed water and fresh water;a sub-element provided as a reverse osmosis membrane device which separates one of the water to be treated and the primary condensed water into condensed water and fresh water; anda mode switching unit which switches the sub-element between a primary mode of being used as the primary element in the primary unit and a secondary mode of being used as the secondary element in the secondary unit,wherein the sub-element forms ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220177340A1

A pure-water production device including: a first reverse osmosis membrane device to which water to be treated is supplied; a second reverse osmosis membrane device to which permeated water from the first reverse osmosis membrane device is supplied; an electrodeionization device to which permeated water from the second reverse osmosis membrane device is supplied; a brine tank to which concentrated water from the first reverse osmosis membrane device is supplied; and a third reverse osmosis membrane device connected to the brine tank, wherein the second reverse osmosis membrane device is a high-pressure reverse osmosis membrane device, the brine tank is supplied with at least one concentrated water selected from the group consisting of concentrated water from the second reverse osmosis membrane device and concentrated water from the electrodeionization device, wherein permeated water from the third reverse osmosis membrane device is supplied to water to be treated, is used. 1. A pure-water production device comprising:a first reverse osmosis membrane device to which the water to be treated is supplied;a second reverse osmosis membrane device to which permeated water from the first reverse osmosis membrane device is supplied;an electrodeionization device to which permeated water from the second reverse osmosis membrane device is supplied;a brine tank to which the concentrated water from the first reverse osmosis membrane device is supplied; anda third reverse osmosis membrane device connected to the brine tank, whereinthe second reverse osmosis membrane device is a high-pressure reverse osmosis membrane device,the brine tank is supplied with at least one concentrated water selected from the group consisting of concentrated water from the second reverse osmosis membrane device and concentrated water from the electrodeionization device, andpermeated water from the third reverse osmosis membrane device is supplied to the water to be treated.2. The pure-water production ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

System and Method for the Production of High Gravity Non-Alcoholic Beer through Minimal Water Addition

Номер: US20220177816A1
Принадлежит: Alfa Laval Copenhagen AS

A high gravity non-alcoholic beverage is disclosed having an ABV between about 0.1% to about 0.8% or between about 3% to about 6%, a real extract by weight between about 15% to about 70%, and an ethyl acetate amount between about 1 to about 500 mg/l. A method for producing the high gravity non-alcoholic beverage from a starting liquid includes providing a set of reverse osmosis pressure vessels, each pressure vessel having a feed inlet, a retentate outlet, and a permeate outlet, the set having a first pressure vessel, providing the starting liquid to the feed inlet of the first pressure vessel, adding water at a blend point when ABV content in a selected one of the permeate streams exceeds ABV content of a retentate stream at the blend point, and obtaining the high gravity non-alcoholic beverage from a selected one of the retentate streams.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113932A1
Принадлежит: Arkema France

A hydrogen peroxide purification process, including supplying a starting stream containing hydrogen peroxide at a content above 50 wt %, as well as at least one stabilizer; a single step of purification of the starting stream, the single step having purification by reverse osmosis; collecting a purified stream at the end of said single purification step, in which purification by reverse osmosis includes: passing the starting stream over a first membrane; collecting a permeate and a retentate from the first membrane; passing the permeate from the first membrane over a second membrane; collecting a permeate and a retentate from the second membrane, the purified stream having the permeate from the second membrane. 2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which the starting stream is prepared by a process comprising passage over adsorption resin.3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which the starting stream contains at least 55 wt % of hydrogen peroxide.4. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which the stabilizer is selected from phosphate or pyrophosphate salts claim 1 , tin salts claim 1 , organophosphorus compounds and phosphonates claim 1 , carboxylic acids claim 1 , borates claim 1 , nitrates and combinations of the latter.5. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which purification by reverse osmosis comprises:passing the starting stream over a single membrane;collecting a permeate and a retentate from the membrane, the purified stream consisting of the permeate.6. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which purification by reverse osmosis is carried out on a membrane of the polyamide claim 1 , polypiperazine claim 1 , polyacrylonitrile or polysulfone type.7. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which the purified stream contains:less than 100 mg/kg of total organic carbon;less than 5 mg/kg of phosphorus;less than 0.04 mg/kg of iron; andless than 0.1 mg/kg of the sum of chromium and nickel.8. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which purification of ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170121202A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

This desalinization system, which obtains industrial-use water and drinking water from seawater and wastewater, is provided with: a purification device that purifies wastewater by removing activated sludge therefrom; a first RO membrane that removes salt from the output of the purification device by transferring said salt to first concentrated water, thereby producing industrial-use water; a UF membrane that seawater passes through and that removes particulates from said seawater; a second RO membrane that removes salt from the treated output of the UF membrane by transferring said salt to second concentrated water, producing drinking water; an agitation device to which the second concentrated water from the second RO membrane and the first concentrated water from the first RO membrane are sent to be agitated; and a third RO membrane removing salt from the liquid mixture agitated by the agitation device by transferring said salt to third concentrated water, producing industrial-use water. 1. A sea-water desalination method for acquiring industrial water and drinking water from sea-water and sewage water , removing activated sludge and purifying by making the sewage water permeate purification apparatus; producing drinking water by making the sea-water permeate UF membrane and first RO membrane; and producing industrial water by making mixture fluid which mixed first concentrated-water removed by the first RO membrane and the treated water which permeated the purification apparatus permeate second RO membrane.2. A sea-water desalination method according to claim 1 , recovering at least either of pressure energy of the first concentrated-water or pressure energy of second concentrated-water removed by the second RO membrane. This application is a Divisional of application Ser. No. 14/232,955 filed Jan. 15, 2014, which is a National Stage Application of PCT/JP2012/070792 filed Aug. 16, 2012. The entire disclosures of the prior applications are hereby incorporated by ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Thermal energy conversion submerged reverse osmosis desalination system

Номер: US20220266198A1
Принадлежит: Natural Ocean Well Co

A submersible reverse osmosis desalination apparatus uses low temperature concentrate or brine from the desalination apparatus to provide a high volume cold liquid stream to an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) heat engine. The OTEC engine also employs a warm liquid stream and uses the cold and warm liquid streams to obtain electrical power from a closed-cycle or open-cycle heat exchange and generator system. Use of the concentrate or brine stream provides a much greater liquid volume and much greater cold thermal energy content than would be obtained by using cold desalinated product water from the desalination apparatus in the OTEC heat engine.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170121203A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

This desalinization system, which obtains industrial-use water and drinking water from seawater and wastewater, is provided with; a purification device that purifies wastewater by removing activated sludge therefrom; a first RO membrane that removes salt from the output of the purification device by transferring said salt to first concentrated water, thereby producing industrial-use water; a UF membrane that seawater passes through and that removes particulates from said seawater; a second RO membrane that removes salt from the treated output of the UF membrane by transferring said salt to second concentrated water, producing drinking water; an agitation device to which the second concentrated water from the second RO membrane and the first concentrated water from the first RO membrane are sent to be agitated; and a third RO membrane removing salt from the liquid mixture agitated by the agitation device by transferring said salt to third concentrated water, producing industrial-use water. 1. A sea-water desalination method for acquiring industrial water and drinking water from sea-water and sewage water , producing industrial water by making the sewage water permeate purification apparatus and first RO membrane; producing drinking water by making the sea-water permeate UF membrane and second RO membrane; and producing industrial water by making mixture fluid which mixed first concentrated-water removed by the first RO membrane and the second concentrated-water removed by the second RO membrane permeate third RO membrane.2. A sea-water desalination method according to claim 1 , for recovering at least either of pressure energy of second concentrated-water removed by the second RO membrane or pressure energy of third concentrated-water removed by the third RO membrane. This application is a Divisional of application Ser. No. 14/232,955 filed Jan. 15, 2014, which is a National Stage Application of PCT/JP2012/070792 filed Aug. 16, 2012. The entire disclosures of the ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus, method and system for desalinating water using energy recovery

Номер: US20220267176A1
Автор: Gary P. Katz
Принадлежит: Katz Water Tech LLC

An apparatus, system and method to purify water is disclosed. Pumps and energy recovery devices for taking water from an intake, filtering the water to remove solid contaminates before running the filtered water through the reverse osmosis system to the discharge device and purified water lines are described. The system may comprise a control panel that controls the plurality of filters, plurality of reverse osmosis membranes, purified water line and effluent discharge device, to achieve favorable water purification. A method that utilizes the apparatus and/or system is described herein.

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200115774A1
Автор: Lien Larry

Methods of recovering lithium from a lithium source or a lithium-containing material using low pH solutions and membrane technologies to purify and concentrate the recovered lithium. The lithium sources may include a spent lithium-ion battery/cell, a lithium-containing mineral deposit, or other lithium containing materials. The processes described herein recovery the lithium after digestion of the lithium-containing material with a low pH solution through one or more acid-stable, semipermeable membranes. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of recovering graphite from a lithium ion cell or battery , the method comprising:disassembling a lithium ion cell or battery to separate an anode from a cathode to form a disassembled lithium ion cell or battery;mixing the disassembled lithium ion cell or battery with an acid at a temperature of about 10° C. to about 100° C. to form an acidic solution including graphite, lithium, and optionally one or more of soluble organics, soluble metals, and suspended solids;wherein the acid has a pH of about 2.5 or less and includes hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, acetic acid, citric acid, or combinations thereof; andseparating the graphite from the acidic solution.22. The method of recovering graphite of claim 21 , wherein the dissembling including removing a shell surrounding the anode claim 21 , the cathode claim 21 , and an electrolyte of the lithium ion cell or battery.23. The method of recovering graphite of claim 21 , wherein the lithium ion cell or battery is a spent lithium-ion cell or battery.24. The method of recovering graphite of claim 21 , wherein the acid includes hydrochloric acid claim 21 , sulfuric acid claim 21 , nitric acid claim 21 , or combinations thereof and has an acid concentration of about 0.5 to about 30 weight percent in an aqueous solution with a pH of about 1 or less.25. The method of recovering graphite of claim 21 , wherein the mixing is for about 1 minute to about 120 minutes.26. The method of ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150136699A1
Автор: Wohlert Calvin

Equipment, systems, processes and techniques for conducting processing of solutions are described. The techniques can be applied to provide diluted solution (i.e. purified solvent), concentrate solution or each. A variety of specific equipment, example systems and processes are depicted and described. 1. A process for processing solution; the process comprising steps of: (i) a first reverse osmosis unit having a high pressure side inlet, a high pressure side outlet, a low pressure side inlet and a low pressure side outlet;', '(ii) a second reverse osmosis unit having a high pressure side inlet, a high pressure side outlet, a low pressure side inlet and a low pressure side outlet;', '(iii) a third reverse osmosis unit having a high pressure side inlet, a high pressure side outlet, a low pressure side inlet and a low pressure side outlet;', '(iv) a first reverse osmosis unit pump positioned and configured to pump at least some liquid into the high pressure side inlet of the first reverse osmosis unit without the liquid passing through another reverse osmosis unit between the first reverse osmosis pump and the first reverse osmosis unit;', '(v) a second reverse osmosis unit pump positioned and configured to pump at least some liquid into the high pressure side inlet of the second reverse osmosis unit without the liquid passing through another reverse osmosis unit between the second reverse osmosis pump and the second reverse osmosis unit; and,', '(vi) a third reverse osmosis unit pump positioned and configured to pump at least some liquid into the high pressure side inlet of the third reverse osmosis unit without the liquid passing through another reverse osmosis unit between the third reverse osmosis pump and the third reverse osmosis unit; and,, '(a) providing a reverse osmosis system including at least (i) the first reverse osmosis unit pump pumps at least some liquid into the high pressure side inlet of the first reverse osmosis unit;', '(ii) the second reverse ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Wind-Powered Direct Air Carbon Dioxide Capture Device for Ocean Sequestration

Номер: US20220274063A1
Автор: DEHLSEN James

Power generated by a wind turbine is applied to drive reverse osmosis (RO) desalination. Rather than discharging the brine back into the ocean, it is concentrated and modified through industrial-scale processes to produce sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Direct air capture of COoccurs when liquid NaOH, created from the RO desalination brine, is conveyed to the rotor hub and emitted from the wind turbine blades to react with COin the atmosphere. The power of an offshore wind turbine is used for the onboard production of fresh water to supply shoreside water needs, or water may be electrolyzed to produce hydrogen while adding the vital process of COsequestration to the ocean. 1. A direct air carbon dioxide capture device comprising:a wind turbine generator comprising one or more blades;a desalination system, wherein the desalination produces brine;means for producing an alkaline solution from the brine; andmeans for emitting the alkaline solution into an air stream passing through the one or more blades.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the means for emitting the alkaline solution comprises a plurality of nozzles disposed on the one or more blades.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the desalination system comprises a reverse osmosis system or an evaporator and condenser.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the reverse osmosis system is powered by energy generated by the wind turbine generator.5. The device of claim 5 , wherein the means for producing the alkaline solution comprises a brine purification system and a brine concentration system.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the brine purification system and the brine concentration system are powered by energy generated by the wind turbine generator.7. The device of claim 5 , further comprising an electrolysis system claim 5 , storage for hydrogen gas claim 5 , and storage for chlorine gas claim 5 , wherein the electrolysis system is powered by energy generated by the wind turbine generator.8. The device of claim 1 , further ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160136577A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Concentration control in filtration systems and associated methods are generally described. Streams originating from upstream filters and having similar concentrations of a target minor component and/or similar osmotic pressures can be mixed and subsequently filtered within additional filters. Certain embodiments comprise recycling an output stream produced by a filter to a filter feed stream, wherein the output stream and the filter feed stream have similar concentrations of a target minor component and/or similar osmotic pressures. Such strategic mixing and/or recycling can reduce the amount of energy and/or the amount of filtration medium surface area required to achieve a desired concentration of the target minor component in a final product stream. 1. A method of concentrating a minor component of a liquid feed , comprising:establishing a hydraulic pressure differential across a filtration medium within a first filter receiving a liquid feed comprising a major component and the minor component to produce a first permeate enriched in the major component relative to the liquid feed and a first retentate enriched in the minor component relative to the liquid feed;establishing a hydraulic pressure differential across a filtration medium within a second filter receiving at least a portion of the first permeate to produce a second permeate enriched in the major component relative to the first permeate and a second retentate enriched in the minor component relative to the first permeate;establishing a hydraulic pressure differential across a filtration medium within a third filter receiving at least a portion of the second retentate to produce a third permeate enriched in the major component relative to the second retentate and a third retentate enriched in the minor component relative to the second retentate; andrecycling at least a portion of the third retentate to the retentate side of the first filter and mixing the portion of the third retentate with at least a ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160136578A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Flow control in multi-step filtration systems and associated methods are generally described. Certain embodiments are related to methods in which a single filter is used to perform multiple, separate filtration steps. In some cases, a diluted permeate from a first filtration step can be recycled back through the filter, as part of a separate filtration step, to produce a second retentate and a second permeate. Subsequent filtration steps can also be performed. Systems configured to perform multiple, separate filtration steps using a single filter are also described. 1. A method of concentrating a minor component of a mixture , comprising:establishing a hydraulic pressure differential across a filtration medium within a filter receiving a liquid feed comprising a major component and a minor component to produce a first permeate enriched in the major component relative to the liquid feed and a first retentate enriched in the minor component relative to the liquid feed;subsequently, separately from the first hydraulic pressure differential establishing step, transporting at least a portion of the first permeate to the filter; andestablishing a hydraulic pressure differential across the filtration medium within the filter receiving the portion of the first permeate to produce a second permeate enriched in the major component relative to the first permeate and a second retentate enriched in the minor component relative to the first permeate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the minor component is present within the first retentate at a weight percentage;the minor component is present within the second retentate at a weight percentage; andthe lower of the weight percentage of the minor component in the first retentate and the weight percentage of the minor component in the second retentate is at least about 0.5 times the higher of the weight percentage of the minor component in the first retentate and the weight percentage of the minor component in the second retentate. ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Loss Reduction in Beverage Loading and Unloading of Water Removal Systems

Номер: US20210163863A1
Принадлежит: Alfa Laval Inc

A method for reducing beverage loss during loading of beverage into an ethanol concentration system having a set of reverse osmosis pressure vessels, each pressure vessel having a feed inlet, a retentate outlet, and a permeate outlet. The method includes feeding deaerated water into the feed inlet of a first pressure vessel, feeding the beverage into the feed inlet of the first pressure vessel, monitoring an alcohol percentage at the retentate outlet of a second pressure vessel, the second pressure vessel coupled directly or indirectly to the first pressure vessel, and coupling a retentate from the retentate outlet of the second pressure vessel to a feed tank coupled to the feed inlet of the first pressure vessel when the alcohol percentage is within a first target range of 0.5 to 18% alcohol-by-volume (ABV).

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170136411A1

The present liquid purification method, carried out with the aid of a liquid purification system, includes a three-stage liquid filtration cycle, during which all of the drain liquid can be continuously fed back into the purification system until the liquid filtration cycle is complete. During this continuous recycling, a high liquid flow rate is maintained, and the feed rate of the liquid can be controlled during the continuous mixing of initial liquid and drain liquid. The common aim of this subject matter and the technical result achieved in the use of same is the development of a novel energy-efficient method and system for purifying liquids which makes it possible to improve the energy-efficiency of liquid purification while simultaneously increasing the degree of purification and the extent to which the initial liquid is used. 1. A method for purifying a liquid in a pneumatically-started liquid filtration cycle with recirculation having a first stage , a second stage , and a third stage , the method comprising:in the first stage, filling with a raw liquid a raw liquid container being a part of a liquid recirculation unit included in a liquid purification unit,in the second stage, imparting a compressed gas energy to the recirculation unit, and said energy establishes a liquid recirculation unit pressure sufficient for filtering the liquid,in the third stage, returning drain liquid into a purification system continuously prior to completion of the liquid filtration cycle.2. The method for purifying the liquid according to claim 1 , further comprising transmitting a compressed gas or compressed gas and liquid mixture energy at the first stage through claim 1 , but not limited only to claim 1 , a gas and liquid-impermeable partition being a part of the raw liquid container being a part of the recirculation unit included in the liquid purification unit.3. The method for purifying the liquid according to claim 1 , further comprising receiving at least a larger part ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170137304A1
Принадлежит: Unger Marketing International, LLC

A portable water conditioning system is provided that includes a water conditioner, a first sensor, a second sensor, and a controller. The water conditioner has a plurality of conditioning stages that condition water. The plurality of conditioning stages include, in a direction of flow of the water through the water conditioner, a reverse osmosis stage and a deionizing stage. The first sensor detects a first condition of the water before the reverse osmosis stage. The second sensor detects a second condition of the water after the reverse osmosis stage. The controller is in communication with the first and second sensors and determines a health status of the reverse osmosis stage based the first and second conditions. The first and second conditions each include a level of total dissolved solids of the water. 1. A portable water conditioning system , comprising:a water conditioner having a plurality of conditioning stages configured to condition water, the plurality of conditioning stages comprising, in a direction of flow of the water through the water conditioner, a reverse osmosis stage and a deionizing stage;a first sensor configured to detect a first condition of the water before the reverse osmosis stage;a second sensor configured to detect a second condition of the water after the reverse osmosis stage, wherein the first and second conditions each comprise a level of total dissolved solids of the water; anda controller in communication with the first and second sensors, the controller being configured to determine a percent rejection of the reverse osmosis stage based the first and second conditions when at least one variable effecting an accuracy of the determination of the percent rejection is at a known state.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one variable is pressure on the reverse osmosis stage.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a diversion device configured to maintain the pressure at the known state.4. The system of claim 1 , ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Water conditioning systems

Номер: US20220280898A1
Принадлежит: Unger Marketing International LLC

Portable water conditioning systems include a water conditioner having a plurality of conditioning stages including, in a direction of flow of the water through the water conditioner, a reverse osmosis stage having a reverse osmosis membrane, and a deionizing stage. A first sensor is configured to detect a first condition of the water before the reverse osmosis stage and a second sensor configured to detect a second condition of the water after the reverse osmosis stage. The conditions each include (i) a level of total dissolved solids of the water and (ii) temperature of the water. A controller is in communication with the sensors and configured to determine of a percent of dissolved solids that are rejected by the reverse osmosis membrane based on the conditions when backpressure on the reverse osmosis stage is at a known state.

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Method and System for Operating a High Receovery Separation Process

Номер: US20200131056A1
Автор: JR. Eli, Oklejas

A reverse osmosis system and method includes a pump pressurizing a feed stream, a first and second membrane array that generates permeate and brine streams. A first energy recovery device uses first energy from the second brine stream to pressurize the first brine stream. A first and second auxiliary and bypass valves are associated with the first and second energy recovery device. A second energy recovery device uses second energy from the second brine stream to increase a second pressure of the feed stream. A first flowmeter generates a first flow signal for the first permeate stream. A second flowmeter generates a second flow signal for of the second permeate stream. A third flowmeter generates a third flow signal for the second brine stream. A motor drives the first energy recovery device. A controller controls the in response to the flow signals. 1. A turbocharger comprising:a turbocharger housing;a first bypass passage disposed within the housing;a first bypass valve disposed within the housing controlling flow through the first bypass passage;a first main nozzle disposed within the housing communicating a first part of a first portion of a fluid stream to a first volute; anda first auxiliary nozzle comprising a first auxiliary valve selectively communicating a second part of the first portion of the stream to the first volute.2. The turbocharger as recited in further comprising a motor coupled to the turbocharger claim 1 , said motor operable to use energy from a power supply to drive the turbocharger.3. The turbocharger as recited in wherein said motor is operable to use second energy from the fluid stream to provide power to the power supply.4. The turbocharger as recited in further comprising first valve stem forming both the first bypass valve and the first auxiliary valve.5. The turbocharger as recited in wherein the first valve stem comprises a first port coupled therethrough so that when the auxiliary nozzle is partially opened claim 4 , a portion of ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210170338A1

The high water recovery hybrid membrane system for desalination and brine concentration combines nanofiltration, reverse osmosis and forward osmosis to produce pure water from seawater. The reject side of a nanofiltration unit receives a stream of seawater and outputs a brine stream. A permeate side of the nanofiltration unit outputs a permeate stream. A feed side of a reverse osmosis desalination unit receives a first portion of the permeate stream and outputs a reject stream. A permeate side of the reverse osmosis desalination unit outputs pure water. A draw side of at least one forward osmosis desalination unit receives the reject stream and outputs concentrated saline solution. A feed side of the at least one forward osmosis desalination unit receives a second portion of the permeate stream and outputs a dilute saline stream, which mixes with the first portion of the permeate stream fed to the reverse osmosis desalination unit. 16-. (canceled)7. A high water recovery hybrid membrane system for desalination and brine concentration , comprising:a forward osmosis desalination unit including a forward osmosis desalination chamber having a semipermeable membrane defining a feed side and a draw side of the forward osmosis desalination chamber;a delivery pump for injecting a stream of seawater or brine into the feed side of the forward osmosis desalination chamber at a pressure of about 58 bar;a reverse osmosis desalination unit including a reverse osmosis desalination chamber having a semipermeable membrane, the membrane defining a feed side and a permeate side of the reverse osmosis desalination chamber, wherein the feed side of the reverse osmosis desalination chamber is in fluid communication with the feed side of the forward osmosis desalination chamber, such that a fluid drawn through the feed side of the forward osmosis desalination chamber is fed into the feed side of the reverse osmosis desalination chamber, wherein the rejected stream from the feed side of ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Predictive Tool for Monitoring RO and NF Membranes

Номер: US20210171362A1

A predictive system for monitoring fouling of membranes of a desalination or water softening plant includes ultrafiltration (UF) membranes, reverse osmosis (RO) membranes, and/or nanofiltration (NF) membranes. In addition, the system includes one or more UF skids including a plurality of UF units. Each UF unit contains therein a plurality of UF membranes. Further, the system includes one or more RO/NF skids including one or more RO/NF arrays. Each of the one or more RO/NF arrays includes a plurality of RO units, with each RO unit containing therein a plurality of RO membranes, a plurality of NF units, with each NF unit containing therein a plurality of NF membranes, or a combination thereof. Still further, the system includes UF sensors and/or RO/NF sensors. The system also includes a controller comprising a processor in signal communication with the UF sensors and/or the RO/NF sensors. 1. A predictive system for monitoring fouling of membranes of a desalination or water softening plant comprising ultrafiltration (UF) membranes , reverse osmosis (RO) membranes , nanofiltration (NF) membranes , or a combination thereof , the system comprising:one or more UF skids comprising a plurality of UF units, each UF unit containing therein a plurality of UF membranes; a plurality of RO units, with each RO unit containing therein a plurality of RO membranes,', 'a plurality of NF units, with each NF unit containing therein a plurality of NF membranes, or', 'a combination thereof;, 'one or more RO/NF skids comprising one or more RO/NF arrays, wherein each of the one or more RO/NF arrays comprisesUF sensors configured to measure one or more of inlet temperature, inlet pressure, outlet pressure, flow rate, or a combination thereof for each of the one or more UF skids;RO/NF sensors configured to measure inlet temperature, feed pressure, outlet pressure, feed flow rate, permeate flow rate, total dissolved solids (TDS) in the permeate stream, or a combination thereof for each of the ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210171378A1

A method for the treatment of water using reverse osmosis (RO) membranes and nano-filtration membranes wherein the permeate of the membranes is fluid connected to a feed water source via a pressurized storage buffer tank as well as to the fluid connection to use, the method comprising the steps of supplying treated water through a sanitary fully pressurized buffer tank, and supplying waste water through a recirc loop which contains recirculated concentrate and storing treated water in the buffer tank with low total dissolved solids of less than 10% of feed water, low pH of less than pH 7, and of low total organic carbon of less than 25% of feed water ensuring sanitary storage. It further includes opening a waste valve in the recirc loop which purges recirculated concentrate in order to rapidly reduce the conductivity of the water in the recirc loop. It further includes the steps of operating the waste valve such that it maintains the conductivity of the recirculated waste water in the recirc loop within a pre selected range of values and opening the waste valve when a measured conductivity setpoint is exceeded, and closing the waste valve when a measured conductivity setpoint is met. 1. A method for the treatment of water using reverse osmosis (RO) membranes and nano-filtration membranes wherein the permeate of the membranes is fluid connected to a feed water source via a pressurized storage buffer tank as well as to the fluid connection to use , the method comprising the steps;a) supplying treated water through a sanitary fully pressurized buffer tank, and supplying waste water through a recirc loop which contains recirculated concentrate;b) storing treated water in the buffer tank with low total dissolved solids of less than 10% of feed water, low pH of less than pH 7, and of low total organic carbon of less than 25% of feed water ensuring sanitary storage;c) opening a waste valve in the recirc loop which purges recirculated concentrate in order to rapidly reduce ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190144306A1
Автор: DRAK Alex, EFRAT Tomer

A reverse osmosis desalination system for treating feed water, the feed water containing minerals, the system comprising a reverse osmosis unit comprising a first reverse osmosis stage () and a second reverse osmosis stage (), each of the reverse osmosis stages () having a feed water input, a product water outlet and a brine outlet, and a fluidized bed crystallizer (), configured to remove minerals from the water, wherein the fluidized bed crystallizer () receives brine from the first reverse osmosis stage () and passes treated water to the feed water input of the second reverse osmosis stage (). 1. A reverse osmosis desalination system for treating feed water , the feed water containing minerals , the system comprising:a reverse osmosis unit comprising a first reverse osmosis stage and a second reverse osmosis stage, each of the reverse osmosis stages having a feed water input, a product water outlet and a brine outlet, anda fluidized bed crystallizer, configured to remove minerals from the water,wherein the fluidized bed crystallizer receives brine from the first reverse osmosis stage and passes treated water to the feed water input of the second reverse osmosis stage.2. The system of wherein the second reverse osmosis stage is downstream of the first reverse osmosis stage.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the second reverse osmosis stage is a final reverse osmosis stage.4. The system of wherein the second reverse osmosis stage is upstream of the first reverse osmosis stage claim 1 , the fluidized bed crystallizer being located in a brine recycling line claim 1 , such that brine from the second reverse osmosis stage is supplied to the feed water input of the first reverse osmosis stage.5. The system of comprising at least one further reverse osmosis stage having a feed water input claim 4 , the fluidized bed crystallizer further passing treated water to the feed water input of the at least one further reverse osmosis stages.6. The system of wherein the brine ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210179452A1
Принадлежит: Gradiant Corporation

Liquid solution concentration systems, and related methods, are generally described. In some embodiments, the system is an osmotic system comprising a plurality of osmotic modules. For example, the osmotic system can comprise a feed osmotic module configured to produce an osmotic module retentate outlet stream having a higher concentration of solute than the retentate inlet stream transported to the feed osmotic module. The osmotic system can also comprise an isolation osmotic module fluidically connected to the feed osmotic module. The osmotic system can also optionally comprise a purification osmotic module fluidically connected to the feed osmotic module and/or the isolation osmotic module. Certain embodiments are related to altering the degree to which the feed osmotic module retentate outlet stream is recycled back to the retentate-side inlet of the feed osmotic module during operation. Additional embodiments are related to the manner in which the retentate-side effluent from the isolation osmotic module is distributed among the system modules during operation. 124-. (canceled)25. A method , comprising: a feed osmotic module retentate outlet stream exits the retentate side of the feed osmotic module, the feed osmotic module retentate outlet stream having a concentration of the solute that is greater than a concentration of the solute within the feed solution entering the retentate side of the feed osmotic module, and', 'at least a portion of the solvent from the feed solution is transported from the retentate side of the feed osmotic module, through an osmotic membrane of the feed osmotic module, to a permeate side of the feed osmotic module where the portion of the solvent is combined with a feed osmotic module permeate inlet stream to form a feed osmotic module permeate outlet stream that is transported out of the permeate side of the feed osmotic module;, 'transporting a feed solution comprising a solvent and a solute to a retentate side of a feed osmotic ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации

Fresh water producing apparatus and method for operating same

Номер: US20150158744A1

A fresh water producing apparatus for producing fresh water from raw water containing solutes is disclosed. The fresh water producing apparatus comprises a first semipermeable membrane unit and a second semipermeable membrane unit. A first raw water supply line for supplying the raw water is connected to the first semipermeable membrane unit. A second raw water supply line for supplying the raw water is connected to the second semipermeable membrane unit. The first semipermeable membrane unit and the second semipermeable membrane unit are connected by a concentrated water line for supplying concentrated water of the first semipermeable membrane unit to the second semipermeable membrane unit.

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152159A1
Автор: STAUFFER John E.

Two or more reverse osmosis filtration units are assembled together such that rectification of the retentate and permeate streams is provided. 2. A process for the desalination of salt water by reverse osmosis using two or more filtration units each of which comprises a membrane dividing the unit into retentate and permeate sides wherein the process uses countercurrent streams according to the steps of:a. feeding the retentate from unit n to the permeate side of the unit n−1;b. feeding the permeate from unit n to the retentate side of unit n+1; andc. feeding saltwater to the retentate side of unit n−1 while brine is discarded from said retentate side whereby the permeate from unit n+1 is the desalinated water product. A process for reverse osmosis encompassing rectification is provided for the desalination of salt water. A principal attribute of the process is the significant reduction in operating pressure compared with current practice.In many regions of the world, there is a growing demand for fresh water as supplies fail to keep pace with demand. To meet this demand, desalination of seawater or brackish water is becoming increasingly important. Three technologies are the principal means of achieving desalination: Distillation, electrodialysis, and reverse osmosis. Of these three methods, reverse osmosis shows the most promise.Reverse osmosis (RO) gets its name by the fact that the natural phenomenon of osmosis is run backwards by applying pressure across a permeable membrane. Thus, when pressure is applied to a salt solution next to a porous membrane, pure water will be drive through the membrane, leaving dissolved salt behind. In the early development of RO, membranes were made of cellulose acetate; newer materials consist of polyamide resins deposited on a polysulphone backing.Although simple in concept, RO is demanding in its execution. Seawater containing 3.5 percent salt must be converted to potable water with no more than 0.05 percent dissolved solids. To ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152583A1

A method of recovering a metal from a low-grade ore which is subjected to cyanide leaching to produce a PLS which contains a metal cyanide which is removed from the PLS by ultrafiltration and nano-filtration, and then acidified and sulphidised to produce a metal sulphide from which the metal is extracted, and hydrogen cyanide which is recycled to the cyanide leaching step. 1. A method for the recovery of at least one metal from a low grade ore or residue , wherein the method includes the following steps:a) cyanide-leaching the low grade ore or residue, at an alkaline pH, to produce a pregnant leach solution which contains at least one metal cyanide;b) upgrading the pregnant leach solution by removing leached or barren solids from the pregnant leach solution;c) subjecting the upgraded pregnant leach solution to ultrafiltration to produce a clarified liquor;d) subjecting the clarified liquor to nano-filtration to produce a metal cyanide concentrate and a permeate;e) subjecting the metal cyanide concentrate to acidification and then to sulphidisation to produce a solution which contains a metal-sulphide and hydrogen cyanide;f) subjecting the solution formed in step e) to a solid/liquid separation step, thereby to recover at least some of the metal sulphide and at least some of the hydrogen cyanide; andh) recycling the recovered hydrogen cyanide to the cyanide leaching (step a)).2. A method according to which is conducted at a pH of between 10 and 11.3. A method according to wherein the solids removed in step b) are washed and separated wash water is then recycled to the upgraded pregnant leach solution.4. A method according to wherein claim 1 , in step e) claim 1 , sulphuric acid is added to the concentrate to lower pH to a value between 2 and 6.5. A method according to which includes the step of recycling the permeate produced in step d) to the cyanide leaching step a).6. A method according to wherein the permeate produced in step d) is subjected to a reverse osmosis ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200147549A1

A portable water conditioning system is provided that includes an incoming water inlet; a reverse osmosis stage in fluid communication with the incoming water inlet, the reverse osmosis stage having a permeate outlet and a concentrate outlet; a diversion device having a diversion valve, the diversion valve placing the concentrate outlet in fluid communication with a waste water outlet; a deionizing stage in fluid communication with a pure water outlet; a bypass valve configured to selectively place the permeate outlet in fluid communication with one or more of the waste water outlet, the deionizing stage, and the pure water outlet; and a controller configured to control the diversion device and the bypass valve to provide water at the pure water outlet of a desired condition. 1. A portable water conditioning system , comprising:an incoming water inlet;a reverse osmosis stage in fluid communication with the incoming water inlet, the reverse osmosis stage having a permeate outlet and a concentrate outlet;a deionizing stage in fluid communication with a pure water outlet;a bypass valve configured to selectively place the permeate outlet in fluid communication with one or more of a waste water outlet, the deionizing stage, and the pure water outlet; anda controller configured to control the bypass valve to selectively control a supply of water to the pure water outlet and the waste water outlet based on a desired condition,wherein, during a startup mode, the controller is configured to open the bypass valve to increase a waste water flow to transfer water having high total dissolved solids to pass through the waste water outlet and, during a shutdown mode, the controller is configured to close the bypass valve to flush the system of waste water and increase a flow waste water through the waste water outlet.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a diversion device that places the concentrate outlet in fluid communication with the waste water outlet.3. The system ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200147554A1
Принадлежит: Gradiant Corporation

Provided herein are osmotic desalination methods and associated systems. According to certain embodiments, multiple osmotic membranes may be used to perform a series of osmosis steps, such that an output stream having a relatively high water purity—compared to a water purity of an aqueous feed stream—is produced. In some embodiments, multiple draw streams can be used to produce aqueous product streams having sequentially higher purities of water. Certain embodiments are related to osmotic desalination systems and methods in which forward osmosis is used to produce a first product stream having a relatively high water purity relative to an aqueous feed stream, and reverse osmosis is used to perform a second step (and/or additional steps) on the first product stream. In some embodiments, multiple reverse osmosis steps can be used in series to perform a net desalination process. 147-. (canceled)48. A method , comprising:transporting an aqueous feed stream across a first side of an osmotic membrane;transporting a draw inlet stream across a second side of the osmotic membrane such that water is transported from the aqueous feed stream through the osmotic membrane to the draw inlet stream to produce a draw product stream having a lower osmotic pressure than the draw inlet stream and a concentrated aqueous stream having a higher osmotic pressure than the aqueous feed stream, wherein the aqueous feed stream enters the first side of the osmotic membrane at a first lateral location of the osmotic membrane, and the draw inlet stream enters the second side of the osmotic membrane at a second lateral location of the osmotic membrane that is different than the first lateral location; anddirecting the transport of the aqueous feed stream across the osmotic membrane and/or the draw inlet stream across the osmotic membrane such that the transmembrane net driving force at the entrance of the aqueous feed stream to the osmotic membrane and the transmembrane net driving force at the ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Concentration Control in Filtration Systems, and Associated Methods

Номер: US20180161727A1

Concentration control in filtration systems and associated methods are generally described. Streams originating from upstream filters and having similar concentrations of a target minor component and/or similar osmotic pressures can be mixed and subsequently filtered within additional filters. Certain embodiments comprise recycling an output stream produced by a filter to a filter feed stream, wherein the output stream and the filter feed stream have similar concentrations of a target minor component and/or similar osmotic pressures. Such strategic mixing and/or recycling can reduce the amount of energy and/or the amount of filtration medium surface area required to achieve a desired concentration of the target minor component in a final product stream. 1. A reverse osmosis separation system for enriching a minor component of a liquid feed , the liquid feed having concentrations of a major component and the minor component , the minor component being non-ionic and having a molecular weight less than about 150 g/mole , wherein the concentration of the minor component in the liquid feed is at least about 0.1% to less than 50% by weight , the system comprising:a plurality of passes in a first grouping, including a first pass, wherein (i) each pass has at least one reverse osmosis membrane filtration unit, each membrane filtration unit having at least one membrane that at least partially rejects ethanol, (ii) each pass has a feed stream inlet for a feed stream, a permeate stream outlet for a permeate stream, and a retentate stream outlet for a retentate stream, (iii) the feed stream inlet of each pass, other than the first pass, is coupled to the permeate stream outlet of a preceding pass, and(iv) the retentate stream outlet, of a selected pass, after the first pass, is coupled to the feed stream inlet of the first pass;a retentate side of a particular one of the reverse osmosis membrane filtration units of the first grouping coupled to a reverse osmosis membrane ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180161728A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

According to the present invention, since a pretreatment mechanism can be operated while inhibiting the pretreated water from fluctuating in pressure, a fresh-water production apparatus is obtained in which the desalting mechanism can be stably operated. Furthermore, the period of water supply or flushing in the step of washing the pretreatment mechanism can be shortened, and the load on the lines where washing is not being performed is hence reduced. Consequently, a fresh-water production apparatus is obtained in which the pretreatment mechanism can be operated while inhibiting the pretreatment membranes from being fouled. 1. A fresh-water production apparatus comprising: a pretreatment mechanism including a plurality of lines each including a pretreatment membrane module for filtrating raw water to produce pretreated water; and a desalting mechanism including a semipermeable-membrane module for producing fresh water from the pretreated water supplied thereto ,wherein the pretreatment mechanism includes, on the raw-water side in each line, a raw-water feed valve capable of being regulated with respect to opening/closing speed, and includes, on the pretreated-water side in each line, a filtration valve capable of being regulated with respect to opening/closing speed, andthe fresh-water production apparatus further comprises a filtration initiation step control mechanism which (i) at the time of filtration initiation, initiates an operation of opening the raw-water feed valve while regulating an opening speed of the raw-water feed valve to inhibit the pretreated water from fluctuating in pressure and initiates an operation of opening the filtration valve after the pretreatment membrane module has come to have a raw-water-side pressure not lower than a given pressure or after the raw-water feed valve has come to have a given degree of opening or higher, or which (ii) initiates the operation of opening the filtration valve and initiates the operation of opening the raw ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190160430A1
Автор: Bublitz Mark O.

A multistage desalination process for treatment of seawater or salt wastewater. During initially processing the seawater or salt wastewater is treated to precipitate scaling minerals as phosphates including magnesium ammonium phosphate useful as a fertilizer. During the initial phase, ammonium phosphate and sodium phosphate are added to the seawater or salt wastewater followed by an addition of ammonia and a water-based charged solvent. After separating the precipitated solids, the cleaned seawater or salt wastewater is aerated and filtered to produce potable or otherwise usable water. 1. A seawater or salt wastewater desalination process comprising:performing a phosphate precipitation process, the phosphate precipitation process including adding a first mixture comprising ammonium phosphate and sodium phosphate to seawater or salt wastewater and mixing the first mixture and the seawater or salt wastewater;after mixing the first mixture and the seawater or salt wastewater, adding a second mixture comprising ammonia and a water-based charged solvent to the seawater or salt wastewater and mixing to produce a seawater or salt wastewater mixture having a pH of greater than or equal to about 8.5;performing a solids collection process to collecting precipitated solids from the seawater or salt wastewater mixture, the solids including, magnesium ammonium phosphate;after performing the solids collection, performing an oxidation process comprising aeration of the seawater or salt wastewater mixture, followed by filtration removal of solids produced during the oxidation process; andperforming a final filtration process comprising microfiltration followed by nano-filtration of the seawater or salt wastewater to produce potable or usable water.2. The desalination process of further comprising filtering the seawater or salt wastewater mixture after the solids collection process.3. The desalination process of wherein the filtration comprises filtration through sand followed by ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200156005A1

The present disclosure is directed to methods of purifying solvents. The purified solvents can be used for cleaning a semiconductor substrate in a multistep semiconductor manufacturing process. 1. A method of purifying an organic solvent , comprising:passing an organic solvent through a first filter to a packaging station in a purification system to obtain a purified organic solvent, the first filter comprising a filter housing and at least one filtration medium within the filter housing, and the at least one filtration medium having an average pore size of at most about 5 nm;wherein the purification system comprises the first filter, the packaging station, and a conduit in fluid communication with the first filter and the packaging station, and the inner surface of the conduit or the filter housing comprises a fluoropolymer.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising passing the organic solvent through a second filter in fluid communication with and between the first filter and packaging station claim 1 , wherein the second filter comprises a filter housing and at least one filtration medium within the filter housing claim 1 , and the at least one filtration medium in the second filter has an average pore size of at most about 5 nm.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the at least one filtration medium in the first or second filter comprises a polyamide claim 2 , a polyolefin claim 2 , a fluoropolymer claim 2 , or a copolymer thereof.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the at least one filtration medium in the first or second filter comprises a nylon claim 2 , a polyethylene claim 2 , a polytetrafluoroethylene claim 2 , or a copolymer thereof.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the at least one filtration medium in the first filter comprises a nylon.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein the at least one filtration medium in the second filter comprises a polytetrafluoroethylene.7. The method of claim 2 , wherein the inner surface of the filter housing of the second ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210198136A1
Автор: JANI Jigar

This invention relates to various membrane-based processes and their combinations, such as Forward Osmosis (FO), Reverse 5 Osmosis (RO), Nanofiltration (NF), Ultrafiltration (UF), Membrane Bioreactor (MBR), Osmotic Distillation (OD) and Membrane Distillation (MD), for various application of dilution, concentration, dewatering, separation, purification, fractionation or extraction applications of different solvents including 10 various sources of water, wastewater, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), food and beverage sources, dairy products etc. It is also applicable to all the industrial and domestic applications that involves recovering or water reclamation from inlet sources. 1. A Hybrid Membrane-based processes for dewatering , concentration , solvent separation , extraction , purification or filtration applications of different liquid feed sources consists with single or multistage forward osmosis with any combination of single or multistage reverse osmosis (RO) , nanofiltration (NF) , membrane distillation (MD) in series or parallel configuration for draw solution regeneration and product water recovery;Wherein product of FO is fed to single or multistage high pressure direct pass NF unit;Wherein product of FO is fed to single or multistage high pressure direct pass brine water RO (BWRO) unit;Wherein product of FO is fed to single or multistage high pressure direct pass sea water RO (SWRO) unit;Wherein product of FO is fed to single or multistage NF followed by multistage high pressure BWRO or SWRO combinatorial units;Wherein product of FO is fed to single or multistage high pressure BWRO and SWRO combinatorial unit;Wherein reject or concentrate of single stage FO unit is fed to subsequent single or multistage FO unit with subsequent single or multistage high pressure direct pass NF or BWRO or SWRO units in a combinatorial units;Wherein feed to FO is subjected to prior pre-treatment stages of Membrane Bioreactor (MBR), pressure sand filters (PSF), ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180169583A1
Автор: Wohlert Calvin

Equipment, systems, processes and techniques for conducting processing of solutions are described. The techniques can be applied to provide diluted solution (i.e. purified solvent), concentrate solution or each. A variety of specific equipment, example systems and processes are depicted and described. 123-. (canceled)24. A process for processing a solution; the process comprising: (i) a first reverse osmosis unit positioned to receive solution to be processed; the first reverse osmosis unit including: a high pressure side inlet; a high pressure side outlet; a low pressure side inlet; and a low pressure side outlet;', '(ii) a concentrate outlet-generating reverse osmosis unit; the concentrate outlet-generating reverse osmosis unit including: a high pressure side inlet; a high pressure side outlet; a low pressure side inlet; and a low pressure side outlet; and,', '(iii) an intermediate reverse osmosis unit system including at least one intermediate reverse osmosis unit, each intermediate reverse osmosis unit in the intermediate reverse osmosis unit system having: a high pressure side inlet; a high pressure side outlet; a low pressure side inlet; and a low pressure side outlet;, 'with a reverse osmosis system including at least (i) solution is directed into the first reverse osmosis unit with splitting of the solution and directing a portion of the solution into each of the high pressure side inlet and low pressure side inlet of the first reverse osmosis unit;', '(ii) an outlet flow from the first reverse osmosis unit is directed into a reverse osmosis unit of the intermediate reverse osmosis unit system; and,', '(iii) an outlet flow from a reverse osmosis unit of the intermediate osmosis unit system is directed into both the high pressure side inlet and low pressure side inlet of the final concentrate-generating reverse osmosis unit., 'operating the reverse osmosis unit system such that25. A process according to wherein:(a) the intermediate reverse osmosis unit system ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170173533A1

A reverse osmosis unit for processing a feed solution is provided. The unit includes a pressure vessel includes an inlet end, an outlet end, and a vessel body extending between the inlet end and the outlet end. The reverse osmosis unit further includes a plurality of first membrane modules positioned within the pressure vessel. Each first membrane module of the plurality of first membrane modules has a first salt permeance value. At least one second membrane module is positioned within the pressure vessel and coupled in flow communication to the plurality of first membrane modules. The at least one second membrane module has a second salt permeance value that is different from the first salt permeance value. 1. A reverse osmosis unit for processing a feed solution , said unit comprising: a plurality of first membrane modules positioned within said pressure vessel, each first membrane module of said plurality of first membrane modules comprising a first salt permeance value; and', {'sup': '−5', 'at least one second membrane module positioned within said pressure vessel and coupled in flow communication to said plurality of first membrane modules, said at least one second membrane module comprising a second salt permeance value that is different from said first salt permeance value by a difference of at least about 0.4×10cm/sec.'}], 'a pressure vessel comprising an inlet end, an outlet end, and a vessel body extending between said inlet end and said outlet end;'}2. The reverse osmosis unit of wherein said second salt permeance value is greater than said first salt permeance value.3. The reverse osmosis unit of wherein said at least one second membrane module is configured to facilitate processing the permeate having a salinity of at least about 500 parts per million.4. The reverse osmosis unit of wherein said at least one said second membrane module is positioned within said pressure vessel and between said inlet end and said plurality of first membrane modules.5. The ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190176088A1
Автор: Wohlert Calvin

Equipment, systems, processes and techniques for conducting processing of solutions are described. The techniques can be applied to provide diluted solution (i.e. purified solvent), concentrate solution or each. A variety of specific equipment, example systems and processes are depicted and described. 1. A process for processing a solution; the process comprising: (a) a first solvent outlet-generating reverse osmosis unit including: a high pressure side inlet; a high pressure side outlet; and, a low pressure side outlet; and,', '(b) an intermediate reverse osmosis unit system including at least a first intermediate reverse osmosis unit having: a high pressure side inlet; a low pressure side inlet; a high pressure side outlet; and, a low pressure side outlet;, 'with a reverse osmosis system including (i) solution is directed into the high pressure side inlet of the first solvent-generating reverse osmosis unit;', '(ii) solvent is removed from the low pressure side outlet of the first solvent-generating reverse osmosis unit;', '(iii) there is no low pressure side inlet flow into the first solvent outlet-generating unit;', '(iv) outlet flow from the high pressure side outlet of the first solvent-generating osmosis unit is directed into the high pressure side inlet of the first intermediate reverse osmosis unit;', '(v) at least a portion of flow into the high pressure side inlet of the first solvent outlet-generating reverse osmosis unit comprises low pressure side outlet flow from the intermediate reverse osmosis unit system; and,', '(vi) the first intermediate reverse osmosis unit is operated with: a high pressure side inlet flow; a low pressure side inlet flow; a high pressure side outlet flow; and, a low pressure side outlet flow., 'operating the reverse osmosis unit system such that2. A process according to wherein: '(a) the first solvent outlet-generating reverse osmosis unit includes no low pressure side inlet; and,', 'the reverse osmosis system is such that '(i) ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации

Osmosis energy storage & restoration system and indirect solar powerplant

Номер: US20180180034A1

Natural water evaporation is a buffered process with huge energy absorption from solar & its derivative wind energy. When large surface shallow pool filled with aqueous solution is exposed under sky, the most portion of natural energy will be spent for pulling water out of water molecules cluster, yet there is still some energy for splitting water from solutes, then the concentration increases, in turn, despite the main former energy is sacrificed, but the stronger solution can redeem most the latter energy during a process of Pressure Retarded Osmosis (PRO), via membranes separating solution & available water in situ, then the redeemed energy serves as utilizable power output, with the assistance of key units or components: the osmotic to hydraulic pressure transformer, the hydraulic oil current rectification fluidic circuit & a hydraulic motor. With minor adaptation, same mechanism can also be embodied as: mobile osmosis engine, osmosis vehicle battery, yard synergy-osmosis power system, Grid electricity and miscellaneous renewable energy to osmosis energy storage, even desert to oasis remediation with seawater intake solar-via-osmosis powerplant & parasitic freshwater factory. 1. A method of osmosis energy restoration that comprises three linked energy conversion steps or processes: forward osmosis DC to hydraulic oil AC , oil AC to oil DC , oil DC to shaft AC , and the optional shaft AC to electrons AC or DC can be attached to previous main link as last conversion. Execution of this method will output energy , and it will result in gradual dilution of the working solution until inacceptable preset threshold reaches.2. A derivative method from osmosis energy storage that is equal to the reverse processes of method. Execution of this method needs energy input claim 1 , and it will result in gradual concentration of the working solution until saturation status reaches.3. The apparatus that is implemented with the method combining optionally the reverse of method ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200171434A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

An object of the present invention is to provide a chemical liquid purification method which makes it possible to obtain a chemical liquid having excellent defect inhibition performance. The chemical liquid purification method according to an embodiment of the present invention is a chemical liquid purification method including obtaining a chemical liquid by filtering a substance to be purified containing an organic solvent by using two or more kinds of filters having different pore sizes, in which a supply pressure Pof the substance to be purified supplied to a filter Fhaving a maximum pore size Xamong the two or more kinds of filters and a supply pressure Pof the substance to be purified supplied to a filter Fhaving a minimum pore size Xamong the two or more kinds of filters satisfy P>P. 1. A chemical liquid purification method comprising:obtaining a chemical liquid by filtering a substance to be purified containing an organic solvent by using two or more kinds of filters having different pore sizes,{'sub': 1', 'max', '1', '2', 'min', '2', '1', '2, 'wherein a supply pressure Pof the substance to be purified supplied to a filter Fhaving a maximum pore size Xamong the two or more kinds of filters and a supply pressure Pof the substance to be purified supplied to a filter Fhaving a minimum pore size Xamong the two or more kinds of filters satisfy P>P.'}2. The chemical liquid purification method according to claim 1 ,wherein a size relationship among the pore sizes of the two or more kinds of filters coincides with a magnitude relationship among the supply pressures of the substance to be purified supplied to each of the two or more kinds of filters.3. The chemical liquid purification method according to claim 1 ,{'sub': 1', '2, 'wherein the pore size Xis 110% to 20,000% of the pore size X.'}4. The chemical liquid purification method according to claim 1 ,{'sub': '2', 'wherein the pore size Xis 1.0 to 15 nm.'}5. The chemical liquid purification method according to ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200172414A1
Автор: Bennett David J.

A water filtration system is provided comprising first and second banks of water filter assemblies, wherein the system is arranged to provide filtered water from one bank of water filter assemblies while using some of the filtered water to reverse flush the other bank of water filtration assemblies. A method of filtering water by passing it through the system is also provided. 1. A water filtration system comprising: (a) a plurality of horizontally arranged water filtration assemblies, each water filtration assembly in the first bank comprising a filter module comprising a filter housing including a feed inlet, a filtrate outlet, and a drain outlet, the filter housing defining a filtrate flow path between the feed inlet and the filtrate outlet, and a drain fluid flow path between the feed inlet and the drain outlet, and a porous filter across the filtrate flow path, the filtrate flow path passing through upstream and downstream surfaces of the porous filter, wherein the drain fluid flow path does not pass through the surfaces of the porous filter;', '(b) a first bank feed manifold comprising a first bank feed inlet and a plurality of water filtration assembly inlet ports, each water filtration assembly inlet port being in fluid communication with a respective filter module feed inlet;', '(c) a first bank filtrate manifold comprising a first bank filtrate outlet port and a plurality of water filtration assembly outlet ports, each water filtration assembly outlet port being in fluid communication with a respective filter module filtrate outlet, the first bank filtrate outlet port being in fluid communication with a first constant flow fitting;', '(d) a first bank drain manifold comprising a first bank drain outlet port and a plurality of water filtration assembly drain outlet ports, each water filtration assembly drain outlet port being in fluid communication with a respective filter module drain outlet, the first bank drain outlet port being in fluid communication ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214246A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A process for treating sour water includes combining the sour water with an alkali or alkaline metal hydroxide to produce a sour water mixture, the sour water comprising sulfides, passing an electric current through the sour water mixture, where passing the electric current through the sour water mixture causes at least a portion of the sulfides to react to produce a treated sour water comprising sulfates and having a pH of 7.1 to 9.8, saturating the at least a portion of the sulfates in an aqueous sulfate solution, and separating at least a portion of saturated sulfates from a saturated aqueous sulfate solution. 1. A process for treating sour water , the process comprising:combining the sour water with an alkali or alkaline metal hydroxide to produce a sour water mixture, the sour water comprising sulfides;passing an electric current through the sour water mixture, where passing the electric current through the sour water mixture causes at least a portion of the sulfides to react to produce a treated sour water comprising sulfates and having a pH of 7.1 to 9.8;saturating the at least a portion of the sulfates in an aqueous sulfate solution; andseparating at least a portion of saturated sulfates from a saturated aqueous sulfate solution.2. The process of claim 1 , in which the sulfides in the sour water comprise at least one of hydrogen sulfide claim 1 , ammonium hydrosulfide claim 1 , or both.3. The process of claim 2 , in which the sour water comprises from 100 parts per million by weight (ppmw) to 100 claim 2 ,000 ppmw hydrogen sulfide.4. The process of claim 2 , in which the sour water comprises from 100 ppmw to 100 claim 2 ,000 ppmw ammonium hydro sulfide.5. The process of claim 1 , in which the sour water further comprises at least one carbon-containing compound and where passing the electric current through the sour water causes the at least one carbon-containing compound to react to form bicarbonate ions.6. The process of claim 5 , in which the at least one ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180186663A1

Disclosed is a water treatment apparatus using reverse osmosis including: a PV module including a plurality of reverse osmosis modules arranged at multiple stages and connected to one another such that concentrate of one stage is fed to the following stage; a raw water supply pump feeding raw water to the PV module; a circulation pipe returning product water processed by several reverse osmosis modules disposed at rear stages of the PV module, to be mixed with the raw water; and a product water discharge pipe discharging product water processed by the remaining reverse osmosis modules disposed at front stages of the PV module, out of the PV module. The water treatment apparatus can reduce the TDS concentrations of product water and raw water while minimizing the volume loss of product water by returning a portion of the product water processed by the PV module to be circulated. 1. A water treatment apparatus using reverse osmosis , the water treatment apparatus comprising:a PV module comprising a plurality of reverse osmosis modules arranged in multiple stages and connected to one another such that concentrate of one reverse osmosis module is fed to a following-stage reverse osmosis module;a raw water supply pump that feeds raw water to the PV module;a circulation pipe that returns product water processed by several reverse osmosis modules disposed at rear stages of the PV module, to be mixed with raw water that is to be fed to the PV module; anda product water discharge pipe that discharges product water processed by the remaining reverse osmosis modules disposed at front stages of the PV module, out of the PV module.2. The water treatment apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the number of the reverse osmosis modules connected to the product water discharge pipe is greater than the number of the reverse osmosis modules connected to the circulation pipe.3. A water treatment apparatus using reverse osmosis comprising:a first PV module comprising a plurality of ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170189864A1

The present invention discloses stable composite membranes comprising a porous support having one or more thin selective layers coated on a top surface thereof, whereas at least one of said thin selective layers comprises a crosslinked fluorinated silicone polymer, and further wherein the total thickness of said one or more thin selective layers ranges between 0.1 to 10 microns. The use of these membranes in the process of olive oil wastewater treatment and the valorization of polyphenol-rich by-products, are also disclosed. 133-. (canceled)34. A stable composite membrane comprising a porous support having one or more thin selective layers coated on a top surface thereof , whereas at least one of said thin selective layers comprises a crosslinked fluorinated silicone polymer , and further wherein the total thickness of said one or more thin selective layers ranges between 0.1 to 10 microns.35. The composite membrane of claim 34 , wherein the total thickness of said one or more thin selective layers ranges between 1 to 5 microns.36. The composite membrane of claim 34 , wherein one or more of said thin selective layers further comprises at least one polyphenol and/or at least one polymer having one or more aromatic hydroxyl groups.37. The composite membrane of claim 36 , wherein said polyphenol is selected from polyvinyl phenol and/or hydroxy tyrosol.38. The composite membrane of wherein said fluorinated silicone polymer is selected from fluorinated polysiloxanes claim 34 , fluorinated polysilanes claim 34 , fluorinated chlorosilanes claim 34 , fluorinated alkoxysilanes claim 34 , fluorinated aminosilanes claim 34 , fluorinated silicone esters claim 34 , fluorinated polydialkylsiloxanes claim 34 , and phenyl substituted fluorinated polysiloxanes.39. The composite membrane of claim 34 , wherein said porous support is selected from an ultrafiltration (UF) membrane claim 34 , a microfiltration membrane (MF) and a non-woven polymer.40. The composite membrane of claim 34 , ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210220540A1

A device and method are described for the treatment of blood, which device may be used in conjunction with or in place of a failed Kidney. The device includes an ultrafiltration unit to remove proteins, red and white blood cells and other high molecular weight components, a nanofiltration unit to remove glucose, at least one electrodeionization unit to transport ions from the blood stream, and a reverse osmosis unit to modulate the flow of water, to both the blood and urine streams. In one embodiment, a specialized electrodeionization unit is provided having multiple chambers defining multiple dilute fluid channels, each channel filled with an ion specific resin wafer, and electrodes at the extremity of the device and proximate each of the resin filled dilute channels. By selective application of voltages to these electrodes, the ion transport functionality of a given dilute channel can be turned on or off. 1. A separation device for the selective removal of ions comprising: a first outer flow chamber on a first external boundary on a first side of the stack and next to a first exterior electrode, a second outer flow chamber on a second side of the stack and next to a second exterior electrode, wherein the inside wall of the first outer flow chamber and the inside wall of the and second outer flow chambers each comprise an ionic membrane disposed parallel to and spaced from the exterior electrodes,', 'interior flow chambers comprising walls comprising a plurality of separation membranes, and wherein a plurality of the interior flow chambers are filled with resin having specific ion transport capabilities, and', 'one or more electrodes associated with each of the interior flow chambers filled with resin; and, 'an electrodeionization stack comprisingone or more power supplies for selectively applying a voltage to one or more of the electrodes of the device.2. The separation device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more electrodes associated with each of the interior ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Purifying Solvents

Номер: US20210220754A1

The present disclosure is directed to methods and systems of purifying solvents. The purified solvents can be used for cleaning a semiconductor substrate in a multistep semiconductor manufacturing process. 1. A method for removing metal impurities from an organic solvent , comprising:passing the organic solvent through first and second filter units to obtain a purified organic solvent,wherein the first filter unit comprises a first housing and at least one first filter in the first housing, and the first filter comprises a filtration medium comprising a positively charged ion exchange resin; andwherein the second filter unit comprises a second housing and at least one second filter in the second housing, and the second filter comprises a filtration medium comprising a negatively charged ion exchange resin.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the filtration medium in the first or second filter comprises a polyamide claim 1 , a polyolefin claim 1 , a fluoropolymer claim 1 , or a copolymer thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the filtration medium in the first filter comprises a polyamide.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the filtration medium in the first filter comprises a nylon.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the filtration medium in the first filter comprises quaternary ammonium groups.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the filtration medium in the second filter comprises high density polyethylene.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the filtration medium in the second filter comprises sulfonate groups.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the filtration medium in the first or second filter comprises a polytetrafluoroethylene.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first filter unit comprises 1 to 20 first filters claim 1 , and the second filter unit comprises 1 to 20 second filters.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein passing the organic solvent through the first or second filter unit is performed at a temperature of at most about 80° F.11. The method of claim 1 ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации

Multi-Valent Ion Concentration Using Multi-Stage Nanofiltration

Номер: US20210221707A1

A system and method for producing from saline source water a product containing an increased ratio of multi-valent ions to mono-valent ions, which includes multiple nanofiltration units arranged to selectively remove mono-valent ions from the water fed into each nanofiltration stage in the nanofiltration permeate stream while retaining multi-valent ions in the nanofiltration reject stream. The rate at which the increase in the multi-valent ion- to mono-valent ion ratio is obtained may be enhanced by introduction of lower salinity water into the nanofiltration reject between stages, and by recirculating a portion of downstream nanofiltration reject flow into an upstream nanofiltration unit. The enhanced multi-valent ion product is suitable for multiple uses, including irrigation of plants and remineralization of desalinated water. The relative concentrations of the multi-valent ions in the product may be adjusted, for example by selection of nanofiltration membrane technologies which have higher or lower rejection for specific multi-valent ions. 1. A method for increasing a ratio of multi-valent ions to mono-valent ions in a multi-stage nanofiltration system having a plurality of nanofiltration units , comprising the acts of:receiving at each of the plurality of nanofiltration units a feedwater, wherein the feedwater received at a first one of the plurality of nanofiltration units is a saline source water;generating at each of the plurality of nanofiltration units a nanofiltration reject stream having a greater concentration of multi-valent ions than in the received feedwater; anddiluting the nanofiltration reject stream from one or more of upstream ones of the plurality of nanofiltration units with a lower salinity water having a salinity lower than a salinity of the saline source water,supplying the nanofiltration reject stream from upstream ones of the plurality of nanofiltration units as the feedwater of respective downstream ones of the plurality of ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180193800A1
Автор: Kelada Maher Isaac

The present application includes a symbiotic reverse osmosis train system for maximizing desalinated water recovery, meanwhile yielding high salinity brine suitable for osmotic power generation or commercial salt production. The trains comprise a series of cells operating in an interrelated sequential pattern within a salinity field. Each cell forms a closed hydraulic brine loop having pumping means, power recovery means and shared semipermeable membranes between adjacent cells. Used are a semipermeable Flat Sheet or Hollow Fiber Membrane in desalination and osmotic power generation of brackish, seawater and brines of 15% salinity or more. Charging each cell in the train of cells with a formulated brine having a specified ionizable inorganic salt concentration and type, without permitting mixing of the given brines among adjacent cells. Allowing the train to achieve water recovery exceeding 85% with concentrated rejected brine of 28-30% salt content. 138-. (canceled)39: A method for a symbiotic reverse osmosis , said method comprising the steps of:providing a reverse osmosis train comprising a plurality of cells including an initial end cell being a reverse osmosis cell, one or more intermediate cells, and an opposed end cell being symbiotic reverse osmosis cell, each cell in said plurality of cells forming a hydraulic loop configured of specified volumetric capacity and flow rate for a specified permeate flux, each cell in said plurality of cells having a pumping system and a hydro-power generation turbine system or pressure exchanging means for optimizing power consumption as well as flow and salinity measurements and control, pressure and temperature measurements means, and automated backflush, wherein adjacent cells in said plurality of cells share an enclosed panel of one or more semipermeable membranes, where said membranes are of a hollow fiber or flat sheet membrane configuration, simultaneously functioning in a symbiotic pattern;charging each of said cells ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160207001A1
Автор: Hoffman Richard

A double-pass reverse osmosis (RO) separator module having two stages of RO filtration in a single assembly, including a radially outer RO assembly that surrounds a radially inner RO assembly, wherein each RO assembly includes an RO separation medium. The outer RO assembly may be used for a first-pass of RO filtration in which a first-pass feed liquid enters the outer RO assembly and is separated via reverse-osmosis to provide a permeate liquid and a concentrate liquid. The permeate liquid exiting the outer RO assembly may flow via fluid passages to the inner RO assembly for a second-pass of RO filtration in which the first-pass permeate liquid enters the inner RO assembly as a second-pass feed liquid and is separated via reverse-osmosis to provide a second-pass (i.e., double-filtered) permeate liquid. 1. A double-pass reverse-osmosis separator module comprisinga radially outer RO assembly; anda radially inner RO assembly surrounded by the radially outer RO assembly;wherein the RO assemblies each has a feed inlet, a concentrate outlet, a permeate outlet, and a reverse-osmosis separation medium interposed between the feed inlet and permeate outlet; andwherein at least one flow passage in the separator module directs flow from the permeate outlet of one of the RO assemblies to the feed inlet of the other RO assembly.2. The double-pass reverse-osmosis separator module according to claim 1 , wherein the permeate outlet of the radially outer RO assembly includes at least one radial through passage in the radially inner tubular wall of the radially outer RO assembly; orwherein the permeate outlet of the radially inner RO assembly includes at least one radial through passage in the radially inner tubular wall of the radially inner RO assembly.3. The double-pass reverse-osmosis separator module according to claim 1 , wherein the radially inner tubular wall of the radially outer RO assembly and the radially outer tubular wall of the radially inner RO assembly define an axial ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Computerized Control System for a Desalination Plant

Номер: US20210230017A1
Автор: Crouch John Henry

A control system configured to control operation of reverse osmosis (RO) array(s), nanofiltration (NF) array(s) and/or a blending system including a control panel (CP), regulatory controllers (RCs), and a supervisory controller (SC), wherein the SC is in signal communication with the CP, and with the RCs, wherein the SC is configured to: receive user inputs from the CP, and receive inputs from RCs regarding data from sensors, wherein the RCs are in signal communication with the plurality of sensors, wherein the RCs are configured to: receive data from the sensors, provide outputs to and receive permissions from the SC, and instruct devices in response to the received permissions from the SC, and wherein the SC is configured to: monitor trends in the inputs regarding and/or predict outcomes from data received from the RCs and determine the permissions for RCs based on the monitored trends and/or user inputs from the CP. 1. A control system configured to control the operation of one or more reverse osmosis (RO) arrays , one or more nanofiltration (NF) arrays , a blending system , or a combination thereof within a desalination plant , wherein the control system comprises:a control panel (CP);a plurality of regulatory controllers (RCs); anda supervisory controller (SC), wherein the SC is in signal communication with the CP, and with each of the plurality of RCs, wherein the SC is configured to: receive user inputs from the CP, and receive inputs from the plurality of RCs regarding data from a plurality of sensors within the desalination plant,wherein each of the plurality of RCs is in signal communication with the plurality of sensors, wherein the plurality of RCs is configured to: receive data from one or more of the plurality of sensors, provide outputs to and receive permissions from the SC, and instruct one or more of a plurality of devices of the desalination plant in response to the received permissions from the SC, andwherein the SC is configured to: monitor ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140299546A1

In a nanofiltration system for removing sulfate impurity from an aqueous brine stream and for recovering the brine, introducing a dilution stream upstream of the feed stream inlet of a nanofiltration module in the system dilutes the feed stream. This increases the amount of brine salt and water obtained in the permeate stream without substantially diluting the concentration of sulfate in the pass stream and hence results in enhanced recovery of brine while efficiently removing sulfate impurity. The system and process is especially suitable for recovering brine and removing sulfate impurity from a brine stream in a brine electrolysis plant. In a conventional system, the heat exchanger typically used to cool the feed stream can be omitted if the dilution stream is provided at a temperature suitably lower than that of the feed stream. 1. A process for recovering brine and for removing sulfate impurity from a brine stream in a nanofiltration system , the brine stream comprising an aqueous solution of NaCl , the system comprising a nanofiltration module , the module comprising a nanofiltration membrane for rejecting sulfate , an inlet for a feed stream , an outlet for a permeate stream which has permeated through the membrane , and an outlet for a pass stream which has not permeated through the membrane , the process comprising:introducing a dilution stream upstream of the feed stream inlet of the module, thereby diluting the feed stream at the feed inlet of the module and increasing the amount of NaCl and water in the permeate stream at the permeate outlet of the module without substantially diluting the concentration of sulfate in the pass stream at the pass outlet of the module.2. The process of wherein the brine stream additionally comprises NaClOor NaBrO.3. The process of wherein the dilution stream is water or a dilute brine.4. The process of wherein the nanofiltration system is a multi-stage system comprising at least a first nanofiltration module and a second ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180208480A1

A control method and system for controlling the operation of a seawater injection system comprising at least one water treatment line in which seawater is forced through one or more coarse filtration unit(s), ultrafiltration unit(s) and at least one of a reverse osmosis unit and/or a nanofiltration unit to a water injection pump, and wherein the flowrate required to create differential pressure across membrane(s) of the ultrafiltration unit(s) is obtained by a boosting pump. A controller “C” implemented operation control is applied to adjust automatically the outlet pressure and flow of the boosting pump such that an average flowrate through the ultrafiltration units is maintained and determined as boosting pump flow divided by the number of active ultrafiltration units. A proportional-integral-derivative control mechanism is preferably applied to all adjustable flow/pressure regulating units in the seawater injection system. 1. A method for controlling the operation of a seawater injection system wherein the system comprises at least one water treatment line in which seawater is forced through one or more coarse filtration unit(s) , ultrafiltration unit(s) and at least one of a reverse osmosis unit or a nanofiltration unit to a water injection pump , and wherein the flowrate required to create differential pressure across membrane(s) of the ultrafiltration unit(s) is obtained by a boosting pump , the control method comprising a controller “C” implemented operation control by which the outlet pressure and flow of the boosting pump is adjusted automatically such that an average flowrate through the ultrafiltration units is maintained and determined as boosting pump flow divided by the number of active ultrafiltration units.29. The control method of claim 1 , wherein a proportional-integral-derivative control mechanism is applied and executed in the controller “C” for regulation of the output flow/pressure from any flow regulating unit in the seawater injection system ...
