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10-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2411125C2

Изобретение относится к выполнению машины для наложения волокон для изготовления деталей из композитных материалов. Машина дополнительно содержит по меньшей мере одну систему ограничения натяжения волокон. Она располагается между средствами размещения расходуемого запаса волокон и головкой наложения. Система ограничения натяжения волокон содержит по меньшей мере два параллельных между собой цилиндра, на которые имеет возможность частично наматываться множество волокон, и средства приведения упомянутых цилиндров во вращательное движение с одинаковой скоростью. Средства приведения в движение управляются при помощи блока управления машины. Периферийные скорости движения цилиндров превышают скорости перемещения волокон. Средства транспортировки волокон содержат гибкие трубки. Каждая трубка способна принимать одно волокно в свой внутренний проход. Средства нанесения смолы на каждое волокно выполнены с возможностью обеспечения нанесения смолы на волокна на выходе из направляющих средств. Техническим ...

19-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2714813C2

Изобретение относится к способу аддитивного производства композитной структуры. Техническим результатом является повышение прочности и исключение провисания. Технический результат достигается способом аддитивного производства композитной структуры, который включает направление непрерывной армирующей составляющей части в печатающую головку, а также покрытие непрерывной армирующей составляющей части первым матричным компонентом внутри печатающей головки и покрытие вторым матричным компонентом, который отличается от первого матричного компонента. Затем следует выпуск непрерывной армирующей составляющей части через сопло печатающей головки во время движения печатающей головки во многих направлениях. При этом первый и второй матричные компоненты взаимодействуют, чтобы вызвать затвердевание матрицы вокруг непрерывной армирующей составляющей части. Причем первый матричный компонент представляет собой смолу. Второй матричный компонент представляет собой одно из катализатора, отвердителя и инициатора ...

17-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2619740C2

Изобретение относится к изготовлению фюзеляжа летательного аппарата. Ограничивающая система выполнена с возможностью взаимодействия с секторами устройства для изготовления фюзеляжа, в котором барабан для ламинирования ограничен внешней поверхностью. Барабан содержит множество подвижных секторов с угловым разнесением вокруг оси. При этом ограничивающая система расположена между каждым сектором и смежными с ним секторами. Система содержит первый и второй элемент захвата, удерживаемые первым и вторым смежным сектором соответственно. Первый и второй элементы захвата выполнены таким образом, что, когда они соединены друг с другом, формируется заданное пространственное расположение первого сектора относительно смежного с ним второго, предотвращая таким образом поступательное движение вдоль двух направлений. Достигается совмещение двух секторов таким образом, что происходит предотвращение любого относительного перемещения между секторами во время изготовления. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2200777C2

Изобретения могут быть использованы для изготовления из ориентированных в различных направлениях холстов волокнистых полотен, предназначенных для образования каркасных армирующих слоев при получении изделий из композитного материала, и позволяют снизить себестоимость изготовления полотен, обеспечить возможность формирования полотен с гладкой поверхностью без отверстий и шероховатости, большой ширины при снижении толщины и поверхностной плотности и при сохранении высокой способности к деформации полотна. Способ изготовления волокнистого полотна из холстов, ориентированных в различных направлениях, включает этапы наложения нескольких холстов, имеющих одно направление волокнистых элементов, ориентированных в различных направлениях, и соединения наложенных холстов между собой. Для изготовления по меньшей мере одного холста, имеющего одно направление волокнистых элементов, по меньшей мере один жгут распределяют таким образом, чтобы получить холст по существу равномерной толщины шириной, равной ...

07-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2773665C2

Изобретение относится к аддитивному производству детали, и более конкретно к способу и трехмерному принтеру для аддитивного производства армированной волокном детали. Трехмерный принтер (300) содержит: сборочную платформу (100) для поддержки изготавливаемой детали (700) и печатающую головку (500), включающую в себя или соединенную с источником нити волокнистого композита, загруженным нитью (800) волокнистого композита, предварительно пропитанной термопластиком, включающей в себя одну или более неэластичных продольно ориентированных прядей волокон, проходящих внутри термопластичного матричного материала нити (800). При этом печатающая головка (500) включает: первую зону (1) обогрева между источником нити волокнистого композита и нагреваемым соплом (2), при этом первая зона (1) обогрева выполнена с возможностью нагревания при помощи первого нагревателя выше температуры плавления термопластичного матричного материала для предварительного нагрева предварительно пропитанной нити (800) волокнистого ...

04-07-2018 дата публикации

Машина для укладки волокон и способ изготовления волокнистых нетканых матов

Номер: RU2660034C2

Машина (1) для укладки волокон для изготовления волокнистых нетканых матов имеет инструментальный стол (23) для позиционирования формовочного инструмента (12), который обладает возможностью линейного перемещения посредством x-салазок (21) в направлении x и обладает возможностью поворота вокруг вертикальной оси (25) поворота. Над инструментальным столом (23) расположена головка (26) для укладки волокон, которая обладает возможностью линейного перемещения поперек к направлению x посредством y-салазок. Благодаря тому, что головка (26) для укладки волокон обладает возможностью линейного перемещения, а рама (15) машины имеет станину (16), которая распространяется в направлении х и у и на которой х-салазки (21) установлены с возможностью линейного перемещения, соответственно, расположены направляющие х-рельсы (20), волокнистые нетканые маты могут изготавливаться быстро и эффективно. В частности, легко возможна автоматическая загрузка и разгрузка инструментального стола (23). 3 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы ...

27-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2529222C2
Принадлежит: ДАНОБАТ, С. КООП. (ES)

Изобретение относится к системе для автоматического изготовления лопаток ветряной турбины. Система содержит две полуформы для формования двух взаимодополняющих "раковин". Каждая из "раковин" формуется в соответствующих полуформах с помощью "ткани", образованной посредством наложения сухих волокнистых полотен, которые пропитываются смолой, необходимой для объединенного отверждения после наложения. Головочно-несущие средства размещены относительно полуформ, причем упомянутые средства могут, по выбору, иметь многосопловые устройства для удаления из формы или нанесения краски, устройства для нанесения адгезива или устройства для механической обработки. Головочно-несущие средства размещены относительно самих полуформ. Конструкционный узел выполнен с возможностью наложения "тканых" полотен в полуформы (2, 3), при этом весь узел работает автоматически. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение производительности и качества получаемых изделий. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

20-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2453435C2

Группа изобретений относится к способу изготовления полых деталей из композитного материала, содержащих обшивку и, в случае необходимости, элементы усиления и используемых при изготовлении фюзеляжа самолета, и устройству для его осуществления. Способ включает этап введения внутрь удлиненной охватывающей формы многошарнирного манипулятора, оборудованного волокноукладочной головкой. При этом охватывающая форма выполнена открытой через продольную щель, предназначенную для приема опорных средств многошарнирного манипулятора. Способ также включает этап наложения волокон на внутреннюю формовочную поверхность охватывающей формы при помощи волокноукладочной головки для формирования обшивки из композитного материала. При этом этап наложения осуществляют путем перемещения головки наложения при помощи многошарнирного манипулятора и путем относительного поступательного перемещения упомянутых опорных средств многошарнирного манипулятора вдоль упомянутой продольной щели охватывающей формы. При изготовлении ...

29-10-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018104802A3

20-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009136687A

... 1. Головка для нанесения волокон, предназначенная для установки на конце устройства для перемещения с целью нанесения на поверхность широкой полосы, образованной из ряда волокон, содержащая ролик для нанесения волокон в виде полосы, средства для направления волокон на указанный ролик и режущие средства, выполненные с возможностью разрезания волокон перед роликом для нанесения волокон и включающие в себя режущие пластины, приводимые в действие приводными системами между исходным положением и рабочим положением резания, отличающаяся тем, что и указанные режущие пластины (41) и соответствующие приводные системы (40) расположены со стороны ролика (R) относительно указанных волокон (F1, F2) таким образом, что режущие пластины обращены к поверхности волокон, поступающих на ролик, причем направляющие средства включают в себя первые и вторые направляющие средства (C1, C2), расположенные в шахматном порядке вдоль двух направляющих плоскостей (P1, P2), которые сближаются друг с другом в направлении ...

10-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013114256A

... 1. Приводная система секторов устройства (2) для изготовления фюзеляжа летательного аппарата, в которой барабан (4) для ламинирования ограничен внешней поверхностью (5), которая образует тело вращения относительно оси (7) симметрии, причем барабан (4) для ламинирования выполнен с возможностью размещения и удерживания ленты из пропитанного синтетического материала, укладываемого и наматываемого на внешнюю поверхность (5), формируя множество перекрывающихся слоев, которые подвергают процессу высокотемпературной полимеризации в вакууме для формирования конструкционной секции летательного аппарата,барабан (4) для ламинирования содержит множество секторов (12) с угловым разнесением вокруг оси (7), подвижных вдоль направляющих между:- выдвинутым положением для ламинирования, в котором большие прямолинейные кромки (13) секторов (12) параллельны оси (7) и расположены рядом, и внешние поверхности секторов (12), противоположные оси (7), совместно образуют указанную внешнюю поверхность (5), и- втянутым ...

27-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015114717A

... 1. Устройство для управляемой укладки пучков упрочняющих волокон на поверхность (25), включающее- укладочную головку (1) и управляемый узел позиционирования, с которым соединена укладочная головка и посредством которого укладочная головка может двигаться относительно поверхности,- при этом укладочное устройство также включает- средства для предоставления по меньшей мере одного бесконечного, имеющего форму ленточки жгута упрочняющих волокон, снабженных связующим, и- расположенное на укладочной головке первое транспортировочное устройство для транспортировки по меньшей мере одного бесконечного, имеющего форму ленточки жгута упрочняющих волокон, снабженных связующим, к укладочной головке,отличающееся тем, что- на укладочной головке, если смотреть в направлении транспортировки, перед первым транспортировочным устройством расположены средства для расправления по меньшей мере одного бесконечного, имеющего форму ленточки жгута,- укладочная головка имеет расположенное, если смотреть в направлении ...

02-09-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Hchleistungsbauteilen aus Faserverbundkunststoffen (FVK)

Номер: DE102020001367A1

KurzfassungTechnisches ProblemBei Bauteilen, die aus Faserverbundkunststoffen (FVK) hergestellt werden, entstehen verfahrensbedingte Beeinträchtigungen der Leistungsfähigkeit des Bauteiles gemäß Stand der Technik u.a. durch: Einschlüsse (Luft, Wasser, Partikel), Ungenaue Harz-Durchtränkung, Ungenaue Faserorientierung, Faservorspannung. Um solcherlei Defekte bei hochklassigen aus FVK hergestellten Bauteilen zu minimieren, werden gemäß Stand der Technik u.a. folgende Maßnahmen ergriffen: Laminieren im Reinraum, Konsolidieren unter Vakuum, Konsolidieren im Autoklaven.Ziel dieser Erfindung ist es, über den Stand der Technik hinaus, diese verfahrensbedingten Defekte bei der Herstellung des FVK Bauteiles auf ein Minimum zu reduzieren.Lösung des ProblemsDas Bauteil wird mit einem geeigneten voll-automatisierten Laminier-Verfahren erfindungsgemäß in einem evakuierten Raum hergestellt.AnwendungsgebietRotoren für kinetische Energiespeicher, Druckbehälter ...

03-12-2015 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Herstellen eines faserverstärkten Bauteils

Номер: DE102015007043A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung (10) zum Herstellen eines faserverstärkten Bauteils (12), mit einer mehrere Separierelemente (34) aufweisenden Separiereinheit (18) zum Beabstanden von Fasern (36) wenigstens eines Faserbündels (16), einer in Laufrichtung (20) der Fasern (36) hinter der Separiereinheit (18) angeordneten Zusammenführeinheit (22) zum Zusammenführen der mittels der Separiereinheit (18) beabstandeten Fasern (36) zu wenigstens einem Faserband (24), und mit einer in der Laufrichtung (20) der Fasern (36) hinter der Zusammenführeinheit (22) angeordneten Wickeleinheit (28), mittels welcher das wenigstens eine Faserband (24) auf einen Außenumfang des Bauteils (12) wickelbar ist, wobei zumindest ein Teil der Separierelemente (34) derart verstellbar ist, dass jeweilige Abstände (b) quer zur Laufrichtung (20) der Fasern (36) zwischen den Fasern (36) individuell einstellbar sind.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von verstärkten Faserverbundbauteilen und mittels dieses Verfahrens hergestelltes Faserverbundbauteil

Номер: DE102017116803A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von entlang zumindest eines Lastpfads verstärkten Faserverbundbauteilen (3) durch Aufbringen eines entlang eines Lastpfades auf ein zu verstärkendes, thermoplastisch verschweißbares Bauteil (13) ausgelegten Garns (9) und Befestigen des Garns (9) auf dem Bauteil (13) und ein mittels des Verfahrens hergestelltes verstärktes Faserverbundbauteil (3). Um die Herstellung zu vereinfachen und flexibel auszugestalten, wird das Garn (9) mit Verstärkungsfasern (10) und entlang des Garns (9) angeordneten thermoplastischen Elementen (11) versehen, die thermoplastischen Elemente (11) werden mittels einer entlang des Lastpfads verlagerbaren Ultraschallsonotrode (6) unter Andrücken des Garns (9) gegen das Bauteil (13) aufgeschmolzen und das Garn (9) wird entlang des Lastpfads zumindest partiell mittels der aufgeschmolzenen thermoplastischen Elemente (11) mit dem Bauteil (13) verschweißt.

08-09-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Fertigung eines Kunststoffbauteils

Номер: DE102011056637B4

Verfahren zur Fertigung eines Kunststoffbauteils aus einem Faserverbundwerkstoff, bei dem zunächst auf der Oberfläche (4) einer eine Bauteiloberfläche abbildenden Form (1) eine poröse oder permeable Schicht (6) als Träger einer Kunststofffolie (7) aufgelegt, anschließend die als Adhäsionsfolie ausgebildete Kunststofffolie (7), die in ihrer Dicke geringer als 150 µm bemessen ist, in die Form (1) zur Fertigung einer komplexen Bauteilgeometrie eingelegt und mittels eines Unterdrucks an die Oberfläche (4) der Form (7) angelegt wird und anschließend mindestens ein Faserband (5) auf der Kunststofffolie (7) abgelegt wird, wobei das Faserband (5) während des Ablegens oder unmittelbar danach mit einer beheizten Anpressrolle (10) an der Kunststofffolie (7) angedrückt wird oder ein Bereich des abgelegten Faserbandes (5) unmittelbar vor der Anpressrolle (10) beheizt wird.

03-11-2011 дата публикации

Induktionsgestützte Fertigungsverfahren

Номер: DE102007009124B4

Fertigungsverfahren für Formkörper aus Faserverbundwerkstoffen, wobei ein bandförmiges, Verstärkungsfasern und ein duroplastisches oder thermoplastisches Harz aufweisendes Ausgangsmaterial kontinuierlich vorgeschoben oder vorgezogen wird, wobei das vorlaufende Ausgangsmaterial im Durchlauf durch Einkoppeln eines magnetischen Wechselfeldes erwärmt wird, wobei das erwärmte Ausgangsmaterial fortlaufend in den Formkörper geformt wird und wobei das Harz in dem Formkörper ausgehärtet wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Harz des Ausgangsmaterials (1) mit superparamagnetischen Partikeln versetzt wird, die an das magnetische Wechselfeld ankoppeln.

05-12-2012 дата публикации

Sinusoidal flange

Номер: GB0002484349B

08-03-2017 дата публикации

Freespace composite manufacturing process and device

Номер: GB0002542030A

The application provides a movable apparatus for forming a thermo-softening part. The apparatus includes a first placement unit, a second placement unit, and a heat source. The first placement unit comprises one or more first rollers, which are movable in a first predetermined path. The second placement unit comprises one or more second rollers, which correspond to the first rollers. The second rollers are movable in a second predetermined path. The heat source is provided for heating an elongated thermo-softening material to a predetermined temperature. The first rollers and the second rollers are provided on opposite sides of the elongated thermo-softening material for compressing the thermo-softening material to form the thermo-softening material.

18-04-2012 дата публикации

Composite material for automated lay-up

Номер: GB0201204084D0

19-07-2017 дата публикации

Ultrasonic welding of fibre reinforced thermosetting resin sections

Номер: GB0201709100D0

18-04-2007 дата публикации

Reinforced elongated elements, such as tubes, method and device for producing same and use thereof

Номер: GB0002431134A

The invention relates to a reinforced elongated element, to the method and device for producing same and to the use thereof. According to the invention, the reinforced elongated element (12) comprises an elongated core (22) which is covered with at least one layer (33) of a composite material comprising a plurality of slivers (32) which are wound around the core, each of said slivers (32) being produced with glass or carbon yarns or fibres (35) which are embedded in a thermoplastic resin matrix (34). The inventive elongated element can take the form of very long tubes which can be used offshore.

20-06-2018 дата публикации

A method of checking headpath data

Номер: GB0002557336A

A method of checking headpath data for a layup operation in which fibre reinforcement material is applied over a tool by an applicator roller of an applicator head biased against the tool along a compaction axis by a compaction force comprises receiving baseline headpath data defining a baseline headpath position of the applicator head relative the tool. Head displacement along the compaction axis corresponding to an equilibrium condition between the compaction force and a reaction force through the fibre reinforcement material is determined. The determined displacement is used to check for at least one of: a non-compacted portion of fibre reinforcement material, and an intersection of the applicator head and an obstacle. When non-compaction is detected some tows may be excluded to amend compaction profile and the compaction re-determined.

08-07-2020 дата публикации

End effectors carrying plies of limp material for shaping by a mandrel

Номер: GB0002567041B
Принадлежит: BOEING CO, The Boeing Company

04-08-2021 дата публикации

Manufacture of a composite material product

Номер: GB2591552A

A manufacturing method for use in the manufacture of a composite material product method comprises the steps of cutting a first and second section 22, 24 from a textile material containing a reinforcing filament or fibre, arranging the first section 22 within a first part of a mould such that the reinforcing fibre thereof extends in a first direction d' and placing the second section 24 within a second part of the mould such that the reinforcing fibre extends in a second, different direction d". The method may be used to manufacture a part of a gear wherein the first and second directions are angled relative to one another by an angle related to the number of gear teeth 30g of the gear, such as by 360/nX degrees when the gear has X teeth and n is a constant. A composite product comprising first and second sections having reinforcing fibres extending in different directions is further provided. The composite product preferably comprises a gear web which may comprise a metallic member 30f ...

18-01-2017 дата публикации

A method of checking headpath data

Номер: GB0201620816D0

26-02-2020 дата публикации

Rotary compaction tool

Номер: GB0002566822B
Принадлежит: BOEING CO, The Boeing Company

19-02-2020 дата публикации

Manufacture of a composite material product

Номер: GB0202000042D0

23-05-2018 дата публикации

A method

Номер: GB0201805954D0

03-04-2019 дата публикации

A method of manufacturing a composite blade

Номер: GB0201902038D0

15-10-2014 дата публикации

Lenksäule für ein Kraftfahrzeug und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Lenksäule

Номер: AT0000514088B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Lenksäulenanordnung (1) wobei zumindest eines der Bauteile der Lenksäulenanordnung (1) als Faserverbundbauteil ausgebildet ist, mit folgenden Schritten: a) Wickeln von Fasern entlang vorgegebener Bahnen um wenigstens eine Wickelspule (12) eines Wickelkerns (11); b) Einbringen eines aushärtbaren Harzes in die Fasern oder eine Werkzeugform (18); c) Aushärten des Harzes und Bildung des Faserverbundbauteils; d) Entnahme der wenigstens einen Wickelspule (12) nach innen in den Wickelkern (11); e) Entnahme des Wickelkerns (11) und Freisetzen des Faserverbundbauteils; f) Montage der Lenksäulenanordnung (1) unter Einbau des Faserverbundbauteils in die Lenksäule.

15-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000518548B1

Handhabungsgerät für Einlegeteile mit einem Bewegungsapparat (2) und einem mittels des Bewegungsapparates(2) bewegbaren Übernahmekopf (3), welcher zum Aufnehmen und Ablegen zumindest eines Einlegeteils ausgebildet ist, wobei eine Beleuchtungsvorrichtung (4) zur Beleuchtung des zumindest einen aufgenommenen Einlegeteils (5) vorgesehen ist, welche dazu ausgebildet ist, das zumindest eine aufgenommene Einlegeteil (5) von einer dem Übernahmekopf (3) zugewandten Seite des zumindest einen aufgenommenen Einlegeteils (5) her zu beleuchten.

15-05-2019 дата публикации

Method for arranging of semi-finished products

Номер: AT0000520587A1

Verfahren zum Anordnen von, insbesondere thermoplastischen, Halbzeugen (H), unter Verwendung einer elektronisch gesteuerten oder geregelten Ablegevorrichtung für die Halbzeuge (H), mit den Schritten Erfassen zumindest eines Teils eines Umrisses (U) eines abzulegenden Halbzeugs (H), Bestimmen einer Soll-Position (PSOLL) für das Halbzeug (H) und/oder für die Ablegevorrichtung zum Ablegen des Halbzeugs (H) unter Abgleich des zumindest einen Teils des Umrisses (U) mit einer an einem Untergrund auftretenden Legekante und Ablegen des Halbzeugs (H) durch die Ablegevorrichtung unter Verwendung der Soll-Position (PSOLL).

15-01-2018 дата публикации

Laying apparatus for producing a fiber composite film

Номер: AT0000518786B1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Folienlegevorrichtung (1) zum Herstellen eines Faserverbundwerkstoffes, die Folienlegevorrichtung (1) umfassend: - eine Legeform (3) zur Aufnahme eines Geleges (4); - eine Anpressvorrichtung (14) zum Anpressen einer Bahn (5) eines folienförmigen Materials auf eine Legeform (3) oder ein Gelege (4); - eine Handlingvorrichtung (16) zum Verschieben der Anpressvorrichtung (14) relativ zur Legeform (3). Weiters betrifft die Erfindung die Anpressvorrichtung (14) und ein Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Faserverbundwerkstoffes.

15-03-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Anordnen von Halbzeugen

Номер: AT520587B1

Verfahren zum Anordnen von, insbesondere thermoplastischen, Halbzeugen (H), unter Verwendung einer elektronisch gesteuerten oder geregelten Ablegevorrichtung für die Halbzeuge (H), mit den Schritten Erfassen zumindest eines Teils eines Umrisses (U) eines abzulegenden Halbzeugs (H), Bestimmen einer Soll-Position (PSOLL) für das Halbzeug (H) und/oder für die Ablegevorrichtung zum Ablegen des Halbzeugs (H) unter Abgleich des zumindest einen Teils des Umrisses (U) mit einer an einem Untergrund auftretenden Legekante und Ablegen des Halbzeugs (H) durch die Ablegevorrichtung unter Verwendung der Soll-Position (PSOLL).

15-10-2018 дата публикации

Production line for laying slivers

Номер: AT0000519766A4

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Fertigungsanlage (1) zum Legen von Faserbändern (2). Die Fertigungsanlage (1) umfasst: - eine Legevorrichtung (6) mit einer Abrollvorrichtungsaufnahme (9) und zumindest zwei nebeneinander an der Abrollvorrichtungsaufnahme (9) angeordneten Abrollvorrichtungen (8), welche Abrollvorrichtungen (8) jeweils eine Aufnahmevorrichtung (10) zur Aufnahme einer Rohmaterialrolle (11) und eine Schneideinheit (27) zum Schneiden des Faserbandes (2) umfassen; - eine Ablagevorrichtung (7) mit einer Ablagefläche (12) zur Aufnahme des von der Rohmaterialrolle (11) abgerollten Faserbandes (2), wobei die Ablagefläche (12) der Ablagevorrichtung (7) und die Abrollvorrichtung (8) der Legevorrichtung (6) zueinander in Legerichtung (18) relativverschiebbar sind, wodurch das Faserband (2) streifenweise auf die Ablagefläche (12) abrollbar ist. Die zumindest zwei Abrollvorrichtungen (8) sind mittels einer Linearführung (17) mit einer Abrollvorrichtungsaufnahme (9) der Legevorrichtung (6) ...

15-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000039079T

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Method for repairing a civil engineering structure

Номер: AU2017304363A1
Принадлежит: AJ PARK

The invention relates to a method for repairing a civil engineering structure, which includes depositing directly on a portion of the structure to be repaired a reinforcement structure made up of one or more consecutive layers of at least one reinforcement material, each extruded in contact with the surface on which the material is to be deposited, by a robotised system.

11-02-2021 дата публикации

Wheel disc and production machine

Номер: AU2019311265A1

The invention relates to a device (200) designed to at least partially form at least one wheel disc comprising a rim (400) and a hub support defining a rotating axle (310), the device being characterised in that it comprises at least a central area (210), a peripheral area (220) partially surrounding the central area, a first portion (221) comprising at least one first layer and extending into the peripheral area and into the central area along a first axis, and a second portion (222) comprising at least one second layer and extending into the peripheral area and into the central area along a second axis different from the first axis; and in that the first portion and the second portion are mutually arranged one on top of the other in the central area, defining a stack.

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Depositing device for the controlled deposition of reinforcing fibre bundles

Номер: AU2013339696B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The invention relates to a device for depositing reinforcing fibre bundles onto a surface (25), comprising a depositing head (1) and a controllable positioning unit, by means of which the depositing head can be displaced relative to the surface, means for producing a continuous, strip-like strand (6) of reinforcing fibres provided with a binder, and a first conveying device arranged on the depositing head for conveying the strand onto the depositing head, means for laying out the strand being arranged on the depositing head before the first conveying device (8), and the depositing head having a second conveying device (16) arranged after the first conveying device, further comprising a longitudinal separating device (12), which is arranged between the first and the second conveying devices and which comprises a separating element for separating the strand along its longitudinal extension, and a trimming unit arranged after the second conveying device in the direction of conveyance for trimming ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации

Process for preparing moulded articles from fibre-reinforced composite materials and prepreg of fibre reinforced curable composite material

Номер: AU2016270518A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

The present invention relates to low or zero-tack composite materials such as pre-pregs and their use in automated manufacturing, particularly robotic pick and place. The present invention further relates to an automated process for preparing an article, particularly a moulded article, from a fibre- reinforced composition material. The moulded articles prepared by the process described herein are particularly suitable as components for transport applications, and particularly the automotive industry. The automotive components prepared by the present invention are particularly suitable as mid- or high-volume automotive parts, in which cost and speed of production are paramount. The present invention provides a process in which the cutting and handling of pre-preg materials is greatly simplified, providing advantages of efficiency and economy. The lay-up time according to the present invention is significantly reduced, allowing a reduction in the unit cost per component and/or allowing the ...

11-10-1999 дата публикации

Method of dispensing chopped reinforcement strand using a vortex nozzle

Номер: AU0002930499A

14-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002773942A1

A method of producing a fibre reinforced structure in which a fibre material is laid on a mould surface (1) resembling a negative image of the fibre reinforced structure to be pro-duced and in which a resin is infused and cured after the fi-bre material is laid on the mould surface (1) is provided. Layering the fibre material on the mould surface (1) com-prises a step of laying rovings (13) of the fibre material on the mould surface (1) or on a fibre material already laid on the mould surface (1) and applying an underpressure to a space between the rovings (13) and the mould surface (1).

31-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003083117A1

A method for manufacturing a rotor blade panel of a wind turbine includes placing a mold of the rotor blade panel relative to a computer numeric control (CNC) device. The method also includes forming one or more fiber-reinforced outer skins in the mold. The method also includes printing and depositing, via the CNC device, printing and depositing, via the CNC device, a plurality of rib members that intersect to form at least one three-dimensional (3-D) reinforcement grid structure onto an inner surface of the one or more fiber-reinforced outer skins before the one or more fiber-reinforced outer skins have cooled from forming. Further, the grid structure bonds to the fiber-reinforced outer skin(s) as the structure is deposited. In addition, the plurality of rib members include, at least, a first rib member extending in a first direction and a second rib member extending in a different, second direction. Moreover, the first rib member has a varying height along a length thereof.

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3115026A1

The machine comprises a solid matrix (1), a deformable body (2) joined to the surface of said matrix (1), a shaping mould (3) and a securing system system (5) for the fibre structure (4). The matrix (1) is a solid element having a functional face, the geometry of which depends on the part to be manufactured. The deformable body (2) has an initial geometry that depends on the geometry to be given to the fibre structure (4). The shaping mould (3) has the geometry to be given to the fibre structure (4) during the process of adaptation to the shaping mould (3), and the shaping mould (3) is located such that the deformable body (2) is located between said shaping mould (3) and the matrix (1).

24-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003004233C

A method of laying up composite material on a substrate involves placing individual chopped fiber pre-preg segments on the substrate and controlling an orientation of the pre-preg segments on the substrate.

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003013239A1

A method for manufacturing a wind turbine blade component (6) using a layup head for automatic or semi-automatic layup of fibre material as ply sections (X1) from respective rolls of a plurality of rolls (10) in a blade component mould (8). The method comprising the steps of defining a list of ply sections (X1) for the blade component including the layup sequence and length of each ply section (X1-Xn), generating a selection of layup plans using at least said list of ply sections, at least a subset of said plurality of rolls (10) and the initial lengths of fibre material on said plurality of rolls, selecting one layup plan of said selection of layup plans in constraint of at least one criterion, said at least one criterion comprises optimisation of the remaining amount of fibre material waste on said plurality of rolls in a length direction, and controlling the layup head and said plurality of rolls with computing means (14) to perform the selected layup plan in manufacturing of the blade ...

24-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003006650C

It is possible to achieve reduction in the occurrence of tension decrease at fiber bundles in a sheet. A method of manufacturing a tank includes: a feed step of feeding a sheet including aligned fiber bundles while applying tension to the sheet in the longitudinal directions of the fiber bundles; a detection step of detecting a decreased tension part subjected to tension decrease in the sheet being fed; a tension recovery step of compensating for the tension decrease at the decreased tension part by spraying an organic solvent if the decreased tension part is detected in the detection step; and a winding step of winding the sheet having been fed on a liner.

03-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003011869A1

An end effector is provided that includes a vacuum source and a plurality of gripping surfaces with each gripping surface including a plurality of vacuum zones having a non-smooth portion for distributing a vacuum, and a plurality of openings defined over the non-smooth portion for distributing the vacuum on the gripping surface using the vacuum source. The plurality of gripping surfaces is generally arranged in a polygonal shape. The plurality of vacuum zones are generally configured to grip cut-outs having a plurality of shapes. Methods are also provided for removing a cut-out from a sheet of material using an end effector having a plurality of gripping surfaces ...

11-12-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001179215A1
Принадлежит: MACRAE & CO.

09-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002639860A1

A method for manufacturing a hollow load-bearing beam structure of fiber-reinforced composite material. The method comprises the steps of preparing a first lay-up (1; 12) of a first plurality of layers (1a-1d; 12a-12d), and a second lay-up (6; 12) of a second plurality of layers (6a-6d; 12a-12d). The first and second lay-ups (1, 6; 12) are positioned on different sides (5, 7) of a mandrel (4) and formed to a beam structure by bending the lay-ups (1, 6; 12) against the mandrel (4), such that the side edges of the respective layers (1a-1d, 6a-6d; 12a-12d) of the first and second lay-ups (1, 6; 12) are arranged as offset butt joints (9) in the circumferential direction of the formed beam structure (11).

28-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002995068A1

A system for process control of a composite fabrication process comprises an automated composite placement head, a vision system, and a computer system. The automated composite placement head is configured to lay down composite material. The vision system is connected to the automated composite placement head and configured to produce image data during an inspection of the composite material, wherein the inspection takes place at least one of during or after laying down the composite material. The computer system is configured to identify inconsistencies in the composite material visible within the image data, and make a number of metrology decisions based on the inconsistencies.

27-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002888951C

The invention relates to a method for producing a fiber preform by deposition of reinforcing fiber bundles onto a surface with the steps: - Supplying at least one continuous, ribbon-shaped strand of reinforcing fibers provided with a binder from a supply device to a deposition head, wherein the at least one strand has a width of at least 5 mm and a concentration of the binder in the range of 2 to 45 wt.%, - Spreading the at least one strand in a spreader unit arranged on the deposition head and conveying in the conveying direction by means of a first conveying device to a longitudinal splitting device, thereby stabilizing the at least one strand in the direction transverse to the conveying direction, - Cutting the at least one strand in the longitudinal splitting device along the longitudinal extension thereof into at least two partial strands by means of at least one splitting element, - Conveying the partial strands by means of a second conveying device to a cut-to-length unit arranged ...

21-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002913367A1

The present concept is a continuously variable speed transmission and steering differential. It includes a laterally extending central drive axle driven by an external power source, two pairs of drive sheaves mounted to drive axles, and a means for transmitting rotational energy from the drive sheaves to the drive axles. There are two extended shift arms spaced apart for controlling the positioning of movable drive sheaves. Narrowing or increasing the gap between shift arms, does the same for the gap between the drive sheaves, increasing or decreasing the gear ration respectively which provides speed control. Shifting the shift arms left or right varies the gear ratio between the left and right pair of sheaves, providing differential speed between the left and right driven axles, which provides steering control.

12-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002898224C

Interlaminar features of a composite structure are laid up by placing and steering individual chopped fiber pre-preg segments onto a substrate.

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002930022A1

Disclosed is a laying down device (1) for the automated laying down of fibre tapes (2) on a surface (6), wherein a creel (10) is arranged on an independent positioning device (22) that can be individually traversed in three dimensions, and tracks the movements of a laying head (8); also disclosed is a laying method.

27-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002732391C

A method of fabricating a curved one-piece frame for an aircraft having an integrated shear tie, comprises, at least, defining a curvature of the curved one-piece frame using a polar coordinate reference system, and assembling a composite layup, which includes laying up multiple plies of composite material including resin reinforced unidirectional fibers, each of the multiple plies having an angular fiber orientation, and using the polar coordinate reference system to orient each of the plies relative to the curvature as the plies are being laid up, laying down composite fibers on a tool such that the composite fibers are substantially tangent to the curvature at substantially all points along the curvature. Orienting includes varying a quantity or composition of the multiple plies within the curved one-piece frame, along an arc length or a width of the frame. The layup is placed and drawn on a tool, and then cured.

13-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002870238C

Systems and methods for in-process vision inspection for automated machines are disclosed. In one embodiment, a system provides a feed assembly for applying composite tape; a unit for forming lateral stripes across a portion of the tape that has been applied; a camera for capturing images of the lateral stripes; and a processor programmed to process the images of the lateral stripes to identify any discontinuities in the tape, wherein those stripes intersecting any discontinuities will make those discontinuities apparent.

20-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002878541A1

Prepreg tows are placed on a substrate having a bend with a curvature extending over a transition region in the substrate. The tows are steered and laid on the substrate in at least a first section and a second section within the transition region, wherein each of the first and second sections has an angular orientation that is less than the curvature of the bend in order to reduce gathering of the tows.

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002888348A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

Film material (32) is applied to a surface (60a) of an elongate structural member (34). A carriage (36) moved along the structural member (34) dispenses, compacts and cuts the film material (32) in a single pass along the structural member (34).

30-09-2020 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for the additive production of high strength components.

Номер: CH0000716021A2

Verfahren zur additiven Herstellung von hochfesten Bauteilen nach dem 2D- oder 3D-Druckverfahren, bei dem eine Endlosfaser (2), die mindestens einen axialen Faserstrang umfasst, in einer Beschichtungsmaschine (3) vorzugsweise hohlraumfrei mit einem wärmeschmelzbaren Kunststoff eines Matrixmaterials getränkt wird, und danach über eine Fördereinheit (6) durch eine Schneidvorrichtung und danach durch eine Heizzone mit mindestens einem Heizelement (15) geführt wird, in deren Bereich das wärmeschmelzbare Matrixmaterial auf eine Temperatur über der Schmelztemperatur des Matrixmaterials gebracht wird, um das Matrixmaterial mindestens teilweise innerhalb des Filaments zu schmelzen, um danach die so beschichtete Endlosfaser (22) auf einer Ablagefläche mit weiteren, dort abgelegten, beschichteten Endlosfasern im Schmelzverbund zu einem 2D- oder 3D-Körper zu verbinden, wobei die Förderstrecke stromabwärts der Fördereinheit (6) und stromaufwärts der Heizzone gekühlt wird.

31-08-2018 дата публикации

Preparation and application of two-dimensional multi-directional cloth for flanged containment case

Номер: CN0108466437A

24-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003066428B1

06-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002986178B1
Принадлежит: ORBITAL ATK, INC.

03-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003050681A1

L'invention concerne une tête de pose de fibres (10) et un procédé pour poser du matériau à base de fibres (1) quasi sans fin, en vue de fabriquer une pièce composite renforcée de fibres. Une charge électrostatique du matériau à base de fibres en forme de bande, et d'un élément de guidage, est neutralisée à l'aide d'un dispositif de décharge électrostatique (20, 21), et/ou le matériau à base de fibres (1) et un élément de guidage (2) est chargé électrostatiquement à l'aide d'un dispositif de charge électrostatique (22, 23), la charge électrostatique étant effectuée avec la même polarité.

02-08-2013 дата публикации

Automated system Of FOOD Of a MATERIAL

Номер: FR0002986178A1
Принадлежит: ORBITAL ATK, INC.

Système automatisé de distribution de matériau comprenant un ensemble de manipulation de matériau (104) agencé pour guider le matériau, un élément de compactage (110), un actionneur de manipulation (112), et un actionneur de coupe. L'ensemble de manipulation de matériau (104) comprend un élément d'adhérence (104f) qui presse sélectivement le matériau sur une surface de formage d'un outil. L'élément de compactage (110) est espacé d'une distance choisie de l'élément d'adhérence (104f). L'actionneur de manipulation (112) est couplé de manière à déplacer l'ensemble de manipulation de matériau (104) et/ou l'élément de compactage (104f) pour déplacer l'ensemble de manipulation de matériau (104) par rapport à l'élément de compactage (110). L'ensemble de coupe (108) est positionné entre l'élément d'adhérence (104f) et l'élément de compactage (110), pour couper sélectivement le matériau.

13-02-2015 дата публикации

fiber feeding device

Номер: FR0003009513A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif d'alimentation en fibres pour acheminer du matériau de fibres continu, à partir d'une réserve de stockage de matériau de fibres, vers une unité de transformation éloignée de la réserve de stockage de matériau de fibres et librement mobile dans l'espace, le dispositif d'alimentation en fibres présentant des segments reliés les uns aux autres et prévus mobiles les uns par rapport aux autres, et qui possèdent chacun au moins un élément de guidage pour l'acheminement guidé du matériau de fibres continu le long des segments reliés entre eux. Conformément à l'invention, il est prévu un dispositif tendeur, conçu pour produire une contrainte de flexion prédéterminée entre les segments respectivement reliés entre eux, lorsque la distance entre la réserve de stockage de matériau de fibres et l'unité de transformation librement mobile, varie.

28-09-2018 дата публикации

입체구조물의 제조방법 및 3D프린터용 필라멘트

Номер: KR1020180105650A

... 3D프린터를 이용하여 입체구조물을 제조함에 있어서, 내부의 공극의 양이 적은 입체구조물의 제조방법, 및, 상기 입체구조물을 제조하기 위한 3D프린터용 필라멘트의 제공. 연속강화섬유(A)와 연속열가소성 수지섬유(B)를 포함하는 혼섬사로서, 혼섬사 중의 연속강화섬유(A)의 분산도가 60~100%인 혼섬사를 포함하는 필라멘트를, 3D프린터를 이용하여 용융하고, 적층하는 것을 포함하는, 입체구조물의 제조방법.

23-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170056213A

The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a forming sheet roll for a reinforced panel, capable of consecutively supplying a stacked base sheet layer and reinforced sheet layer when molding a reinforced panel through hot press by winding the stacked base sheet layer and reinforced sheet layer, and to a reinforced panel manufactured by using the same. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 ...

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: BRPI0807975A2

21-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008020094A1

Head for application of carbon-fibre strips that has at least two reels (1) carrying respective carbon-fibre strips for the selective supply of said strips and in order thus with said strips to make up the width of the stripping for application. These reels (1) are arranged on a master roller (5) formed by independent portions that are actuated individually by respective rotary transmissions.

14-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013022534A3

A device (30) for compacting a contoured elongate composite layup includes flexible first and second fiber reinforced resin flexible sec¬ tions (32, 34) flexible along their lengths. The first section is flexible within a first plane (44) and the second section is flexible within the first plane as well as within a second plane (44, 46) ...

03-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008078161A3

A computerized flexible innovative system for producing structures made of resin, composites, and the like, characterized by the presence of a self-shielded electron gun and by a movement that enables the availability of all those degrees of freedom necessary for positioning the product in every point thereof under the electron beam in order to obtain step-by-step, in real time, polymerization of the product as this is assuming its definitive configuration, which will be completely and uniformly polymerized and hence completely defined. The system is provided with a variety of modalities of feed of the composite material, e.g. dispensers of thin layers of resin, of impregnated fibres and tapes of different types that with their arrangement in a programmed way, which is no longer constrained by the geodetics, opens an innovative capacity of design of tanks, products, and structures that are more resistant and less expensive.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210138742A1

In an automatic lay-up device that lays up a long sheet-shaped thermosetting prepreg on a layer surface by moving, in a lay-up direction, a lay-up head including a raw-cloth roller around which the thermosetting prepreg is wound, a cutting device that cuts the thermosetting prepreg at a cutting angle, and a pressing device that presses the thermosetting prepreg against the layer surface, the automatic lay-up device includes a driving mechanism for moving the pressing device in a direction parallel to the width direction; and a drive controller that controls driving of the driving mechanism to start moving the pressing device when a cutting end of the thermosetting prepreg reaches a position of the pressing device.

15-09-1998 дата публикации

Method for dispensing resinated reinforcement fibers

Номер: US0005806387A

A method for dispensing reinforcement fibers to make a preform or laminate includes winding a continuous length of a reinforcement fiber into coils around a form having a longitudinal axis, moving the coils axially with respect to the form to engage a cutter, cutting the coils to form discrete length reinforcement fibers, applying a resinous material to the discrete fibers, and dispensing the discrete length reinforcement fibers.

14-10-2004 дата публикации

Methods for making pluralities of air diffusers from a single blank

Номер: US2004201135A1

Methods are provided for forming a plurality of air diffusers from a single fiberglass and foil blank. At an automated pre-forming station upstream of a molding station, a blank has pressed therein two air diffuser patterns at a middle portion, two patterns at a first catercorner portion and two patterns at a second catercorner portion and the pressing of each set of two patterns occurs substantially simultaneously to prevent the foil from delaminating from the fiberglass. Thereafter, the blank is fed to a molding station that applies a significantly larger pressing force and heats the blank to form six air diffusers. Perforations are cut in the blank to facilitate separation of the air diffusers in a trimming station downstream of the molding station. Preferred pressing of air diffuser patterns occurs with pneumatic actuated male and female air diffuser pattern molds that are sequentially operated in accordance with a desired pattern.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047035A1
Принадлежит: FELLS Systems GmbH

A forming die for pressure-forming workpieces comprises a die core and a core reinforcement in the form of a reinforcement member made of fibre-reinforced plastics material. The reinforcement member is radially pretensioned against the die core and comprises a plastics matrix and a reinforcing fibre structure which is embedded in the plastics matrix and which extends in the peripheral direction of the die core. A method for producing the forming die includes applying the the fibre-reinforced plastics material to the die core so as to produce a radial pretensioning of the reinforcement member against the die core.

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Systems and Methods of using a Hieroglyphic Machine Interface Language for Communication with Auxiliary Robotics in Rapid Fabrication Environments

Номер: US2014277679A1

Disclosed are methods and systems for using hieroglyphs for communication in a rapid fabrication environment. The method includes receiving, by a control system for an articulated robotic arm, one or more images of a fabrication machine build space. The method includes identifying, by the control system, a hieroglyph present in the one or more images and translating the identified hieroglyph into one or more instructions for manipulation of the articulated robotic arm. The method includes causing the articulated robotic arm to carry out the instructions translated from the identified hieroglyph. Accordingly foreign objects are inserted into fabricated objects during an automated rapid fabrication process without extensive redesign of the rapid fabrication machine. In some implementations, an unmodified third-party stereolithographic rapid fabrication machine can be used.

04-11-2010 дата публикации

Automated Fiber Placement Mandrel Joint Configuration

Номер: US20100276085A1

The present invention provides an automated fiber joint placement machine mandrel configuration where the lap joint is preferably parallel to the mold surface. Accordingly, the user may shim the mandrel segments without otherwise affecting the integrity of the seal. A lap joint is preferably utilized wherein mandrel segments are split at the stringer centerline through the middle of the hat or through the cap of the stringer. The lap joint is preferably designed such that the face sheets of the mandrel segments preferably lie flat on top of one another when placed in contact. The seal plane is thus protected.

18-10-2022 дата публикации

Automated composite fabrication systems and methods

Номер: US0011472139B2
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A system and a method for manufacturing laminated composite components is described. The system may include a cutting station configured to separate component layers from a ply of composition material according to a predefined pattern, a build station configured to stack the component layers according to a predetermined orientation, and a finishing station configured to compact the stacked component layers and provide the laminated composite component to an installation station.

09-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP3950284A1

A fiber placement device comprises an accumulation portion 10 capable of storing and discharging a reinforcing fiber bundle 1M, the accumulation portion 10 comprises: a movable roller 12 guided by a guide mechanism 11 to be able to be moved in a constant movable range; a cylinder 13; a piston 14 arranged within the cylinder 13; a coupling member 15 coupling the movable roller 12 and the piston 14; and an adjustment portion adjusting a force applied to the piston 14 within the cylinder 13 by discharging a fluid from a space with the cylinder 13 sealed on a side opposite to the coupling member 15 with respect to the piston 14 within the cylinder 13 or supplying the fluid into the space, the fluid is discharged from the space within the cylinder 13 to apply a force to the piston 14 so as to move the piston 14, a force is also applied to the movable roller 12 through the coupling member 15 to move the movable roller 12 and thus a tension is applied to the reinforcing fiber bundle 1M.

02-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP4082740A1

A manufacturing system includes a cutting machine, an adhesion machine, and a pick-and-place system. The cutting machine sequentially cuts a continuous length of a unidirectional prepreg into prepreg segments. Each prepreg segment has an opposing pair of segment cut edges that are nonparallel to a lengthwise direction of the unidirectional prepreg. The adhesion machine has a conveyor belt and an adhesion station. The pick-and-place system sequentially picks up the prepreg segments from the cutting machine, and places the prepreg segments in end-to-end relation on the conveyor belt, and in an orientation such that the segment cut edges are generally parallel to a lengthwise direction of the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt feeds the prepreg segments to the adhesion station. The adhesion station adheres the prepreg segments to a continuous length of a backing material, thereby resulting in a continuous length of a backed cross-ply prepreg.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

System and Method for the Automated Delivery and Layup of Resin Infused Fibers

Номер: US20120073730A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An automated in-line feed-through system integrating the delivery, application and infusion of a resin to one or more fiber tows and layup of the one or more infused fiber tows to form a composite structure. The system includes an automated resin delivery, deposition and infusion system configured to deposit the resin on one or more fiber tows and form the infused fiber tows. The system integrates an automated layup system including a compaction roller, a guide roller coupled to an extending cylinder, and an auxiliary roller configured to adhere the one or more infused fiber tows to a substrate. The system further includes a controller configured to control system parameters, including the control of tension of the one or more infused fiber tows within the automated layup system. Other aspects of the automated in-line manufacturing system are also provided.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Peel ply material for use in an automated tape laying machine

Номер: US20120125517A1

A prepreg peel ply material ( 21 ) to be used for improving the surface roughness of a composite laminate ( 13 ) comprising a backing paper ( 23 ) and a base fabric ( 27 ) impregnated with a thermosetting resin, wherein the adherence between the backing paper ( 23 ) and the base fabric ( 27 ), measured by a peeling off parameter P is comprised between 2.9-3.5 min/N/cm2 and the adherence between the base fabric ( 27 ) and the composite material, measured by said parameter P is comprised between 130-160 min/N/cm2. The invention also refers to a method for determining the adaptability to an ATL machine of a prepreg peel ply material ( 21 ) including the obtention of said parameter P and to a method for manufacturing a composite component comprising an step of laying-up a peel ply base fabric ( 27 ) with an ATL machine as the last layer of said component and even as the first layer.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Method for Fabrication of Integrated Lightning Strike Protection Material

Номер: US20120145319A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

The invention is directed to an integrated lightning strike protection system adapted for automated placement on a composite structure having a surfacing layer consisting of an organic polymer resin, a conductive layer of an expanded metal foil, an isolation/tack layer, and a carrier paper layer. In another embodiment of the invention, there is provided an integrated lightning strike protection system having an integrated lightning strike protection material consisting of an expanded metal foil encapsulated in organic polymer resin mounted on a carrier paper, and an automated placement machine suitable for placing the material on an aircraft composite part for protection of the composite part from lightning strikes. In another embodiment of the invention, there is provided a method for fabricating a composite structure with lightning strike protection.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Composite layup

Номер: US20120186743A1
Автор: Gary Holloway
Принадлежит: Vestas Wind Systems AS

A composite layup method is described in which strips of fibrous material are deposited progressively on a mould surface. The method involves feeding a strip of fibrous material to a placement device for placing the strip progressively on the mould surface, and imparting a shape to the strip upstream of the placement device. In this way, shape is imparted to the strip prior to the strip reaching the placement device. The shape imparted to the strip corresponds at least partially to a shape of the mould surface. This prevents or reduces air from becoming trapped between the strip and the mould surface as the strip is deposited in the mould. An end effector assembly suitable for use in the composite layup method is also disclosed.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

System and Method for the Rapid, Automated Creation of Advanced Composite Tailored Blanks

Номер: US20120186749A1
Принадлежит: Fiberforge Corp

An embodiment of the present invention provides a method for manufacturing a composite preform from tape material, including feeding a tape section into a tape section guide that suspends the tape across a tooling surface, moving at least one of the tape section guide and the tooling surface relative to each other to position the tape section at a desired location and orientation relative to the tooling surface, moving the tape section toward a pre-existing tape section disposed on the tooling surface, and tacking the tape section to the pre-existing tape section. A corresponding apparatus for manufacturing composite preforms is also disclosed.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

System and method for determining cumulative tow gap width

Номер: US20120328159A9
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A system for determining cumulative tow gap width includes an in-process vision system having at least one camera adapted to record images of a composite material and a data analysis computer communicating with and adapted to receive image data from the in-process vision system. The data analysis computer may be adapted to calculate a cumulative gap width of tow gaps in the composite material. A user interface may communicate with and be adapted to receive data analysis results from the data analysis computer. A method for determining cumulative tow width gap of tow gaps in a composite structure is also disclosed.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Automated composite annular structure forming

Номер: US20130000825A1
Принадлежит: Alliant Techsystems Inc

Method and apparatus for forming an annular composite structure is provided. In one embodiment an apparatus for forming annular composite structures is provided. The apparatus includes an annular shaped tool and a forming head. The annular shaped tool includes a forming surface of a select cross-sectional geometry. The forming head is configured to form continuous ply layers one ply at a time circumferentially about the forming surface of the tool.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for forming composite stiffeners and reinforcing structures

Номер: US20130004730A1
Принадлежит: Alliant Techsystems Inc

A composite structure is provided. The structure includes at least one ply of preimpregnated material formed into a curved elongated member of continuous fibers onto a mandrel. The fibers have a select orientation. The curved elongated member has a length and a cross-sectional geometry that varies along the length.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Rotary mandrel tool support

Номер: US20130014372A1
Автор: Jeffrey L. Miller
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method for creating a layup of reinforcing fibers comprises mounting a face sheet to a spindle of a mandrel tool support, the face sheet having a layup surface for the reinforcing fibers, and counterbalancing the mounted face sheet for stiffness and center of balance.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Simplified Fiber Tensioning for Automated Fiber Placement Machines

Номер: US20130037649A1
Автор: Peter D. McCowin
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A fiber tensioning device is provided for a spool of fibers. A hub is rotatably mounted on the support and is adapted to have the spool of fibers mounted thereon. Means on the hub apply a drag force on fibers being drawn from the spool to maintain the fibers in tension.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Mechanism and method for predetermined angular cutting of a plurality of ply strips

Номер: US20130047810A1
Автор: Peter D. McCowin
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Apparatus for cutting plural aligned ply strips includes plural knife blades disposed in a spaced manner such that each knife blade is aligned with and in closely spaced relation to an associated ply strip. The knife blades are pivotally mounted in a common housing and are coupled to a single rotational drive for allowing each knife blade to assume the same predetermined cutting angle relative to its associated ply strip, where the cutting angle may be varied between ±45°. The plural knife blades are coupled to a rotational drive by means of plural circular drive gears and are connected to a linear drive for displacing the knife blades into contact with the ply strips for cutting the strips at the predetermined angle. The severed edges of the aligned ply strips are formed in mutual linear alignment and do not include projecting triangular patterns, or crenelations.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Tubular Composite Strut Having Internal Stiffening and Method for Making the Same

Номер: US20130112309A1
Автор: Samuel Ray Stewart
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A strut comprises a substantially hollow composite tube. A fitting on each end of the tube adapts the strut for attachment to a structure. The tube is stiffened by at least one pair of opposing stiffeners.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Composite Lamination Using Array Of Parallel Material Dispensing Heads

Номер: US20130118683A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Aspects of the present disclosure include various exemplary methods relating to composite lamination using one or more arrays of parallel material dispensing heads. In one example, a method of fabricating a high aspect ratio composite article is disclosed which may involve applying a first strip material to a work surface datum at a first angle with a first material dispenser, and applying a plurality of second strip materials to a work surface datum each at a second angle with a plurality of rotatable parallel material dispensers. The method may also involve advancing the first material dispenser and the rotatable parallel material dispensers as a unit the width of the second strip material and continuing application of the first strip material by the first material dispenser and a plurality of second strip materials by the rotatable parallel material dispensers until a desired length is reached.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Method and manufacturing unit for producing fiber composite material components

Номер: US20130228285A1
Принадлежит: MAG IAS GmbH Eislingen

In a method and a manufacturing unit for producing fiber composite material components, a first web of the fiber composite material is firstly applied to a component mould by means of an application tool arranged on a positioning device. A height profile of the applied first web is measured by means of a height profile measuring sensor. During the subsequent application of a second web of the fiber composite material to the component mould, a control device activates at least one drive motor of the positioning device depending on the measured height profile, so application errors, such as, for example, an overlapping of the webs, are avoided. The webs are applied in opposite application directions, wherein the application tool is rotated through 180° relative to the positioning device upon a change in the application direction. For measuring the height profile of the applied webs the manufacturing unit comprises two height profile measuring sensors arranged next to one another on the application tool. This results in a high productivity and quality.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for the Rapid, Automated Creation of Advanced Composite Tailored Blanks

Номер: US20130276954A1

An embodiment of the present invention provides a method for manufacturing a composite preform from tape material, including feeding a tape section into a tape section guide that suspends the tape across a tooling surface, moving at least one of the tape section guide and the tooling surface relative to each other to position the tape section at a desired location and orientation relative to the tooling surface, moving the tape section toward a pre-existing tape section disposed on the tooling surface, and tacking the tape section to the pre-existing tape section. A corresponding apparatus for manufacturing composite preforms is also disclosed.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for manufacturing a reinforcing structure of a tyre for vehicle wheels

Номер: US20130276956A1
Принадлежит: Pirelli Tyre SpA

A process for manufacturing a reinforcing structure of a tyre for vehicle wheels, is carried out on a toroidal support including an outer surface, by means of at least one laying element, which can be oriented in space in a controlled way; the laying element including a laying surface adapted to act on a portion of a rubberized strip-like element for laying the same on the outer surface of the toroidal support. The reinforcing structure includes at least a first and a second radially superimposed reinforcing layers, each including a plurality of strip-like elements; each reinforcing layer having a circumferential extension about a rotation axis of the tyre and comprising thread-like reinforcing elements, arranged parallel to one another. The layers are arranged so that the reinforcing thread-like elements of the first reinforcing layer are oriented obliquely with respect to the equatorial plane of the tyre, and that the reinforcing thread-like elements of the second reinforcing layer also have an oblique orientation, crossed with respect to the thread-like elements of the first layer.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Self-propelled airship hull repair system

Номер: US20130312895A1
Принадлежит: Lockheed Martin Corp

An airship hull repair system. The system includes a drive subsystem configured to move the system across an airship hull, a damage detecting subsystem configured to detect damage to the airship hull, a hull repair subsystem configured to repair the detected damage to the airship hull, and a magnetic coupling. The drive subsystem, the damage detecting subsystem, and the hull repair subsystem are included in an interior piece of the system configured to move on an interior of the airship hull and an exterior piece of the system configured to move on an exterior of the airship hull. The magnetic coupling couples the interior piece and the exterior piece to move together.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Composite structure manufacturing method and apparatus

Номер: US20140001670A1
Автор: Michael Drever
Принадлежит: Michael Drever

A manufacturing apparatus employs three-dimensional (3D) printing technology and computer numerical controlled (CNC) positioning technology that creates composite structures of any size. The composite structures exhibit predefined characteristics suitable for different applications. The composite structures consist of plastic sheathing melded together to form bladders, as well as fabric impregnated with one or more resin-based compounds. The composite structures assume any of a myriad of predefined shapes. The composite structures exhibit fire-resistance, water-resistance, water containment, phase-change capability, ballistic protection, low weight, and may further be operable as a solar panel or be electrically conductive. The composite structures are optionally constructed with vias or pathways, through which pipes, electrical conduit, and other building materials may be threaded. The 3D printing and CNC technologies create the composite structures by printing them, already inpregnated and selectively cured. The composite structures are optionally inflated so as to take on an intended shape.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060742A1
Автор: HAMLYN Alexander

A fiber application machine comprising a fiber application head, a displacing system to displace said fiber application head, a fiber storage, and a fiber conveyor to convey the fibers from the fiber storage to the application head. The machine further comprises a safety system comprising at least one perimeter barrier defining a safety zone wherein the displacing system carrying the application head is placed, the fiber storage being arranged outside of said safety zone. 1. Fiber application machine comprising:a fiber application head further comprising an application roller and means for guiding fibers on said application roller,a displacing system to displace said fiber application head,fiber storing means,fiber conveying means to convey the fibers from said storing means to the application head, anda safety system comprising at least one perimeter barrier defining a safety zone wherein the displacing system carrying the application head is placed, the storing means being arranged outside of said safety zone.2. A fiber application machine according to claim 1 , wherein said safety system comprises a perimeter barrier formed from a lateral wall.3. A fiber application machine according to claim 2 , wherein said safety system forms a protective enclosure claim 2 , including said lateral wall and an upper wall.4. A fiber application machine according to claim 3 , wherein said fiber application head comprises a heating system of the laser type claim 3 , said protective enclosure forming a screen to the radiation emitted by the heating system.5. A fiber application machine according to claim 4 , wherein the conveying means are able to convey the fibers from the storing means to the application head by passing said fibers through an opening of a wall of the enclosure in a substantially light radiation-tight manner.6. A fiber application machine according to claim 1 , wherein the storing means rest in a fixed manner on the ground claim 1 , during draping operations claim ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Fiber application head including a segmented compaction roller

Номер: US20140083620A1
Принадлежит: Coriolis Composites SAS

A fiber application head for a fiber application machine for the production of parts made of composite materials, comprising a compacting roller, said compacting roller comprising several independent roller segments mounted side by side on an axial rod. Each roller segment comprises a tubular central portion through which said segment is mounted on the axial rod, a tubular peripheral portion having a cylindrical outer surface and one or more curved spring plate arranged between the outer surface ( 31 a ) of the central portion and the inner surface of the peripheral portion.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001587A1

Various embodiments related to three dimensional printers, and reinforced filaments, and their methods of use are described. In one embodiment, a void free reinforced filament is fed into an extrusion nozzle. The reinforced filament includes a core, which may be continuous or semi-continuous, and a matrix material surrounding the core. The reinforced filament is heated to a temperature greater than a melting temperature of the matrix material and less than a melting temperature of the core prior to extruding the filament from the extrusion nozzle. 1. A method for manufacturing a part , the method comprising steps of:adhering a coated continuous core reinforced filament to a surface; anddragging the coated continuous core reinforced filament from a nozzle of a printhead when the printhead is moved relative to the surface.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coated continuous core reinforced filament is substantially void free.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein a core of the coated continuous core reinforced filament comprises a multifilament core.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein prior to the step of dragging claim 1 , the coated continuous core reinforced filament is adhered to a point on the surface.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the point is an anchor point.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the core of the coated continuous core reinforced filament is substantially impregnated with a matrix material.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the coating surrounding the coated continuous core reinforced filament is a matrix material.8. The method of claim 6 , further comprising affixing the dragged coated reinforced filament to an opposing section of a gap claim 6 , such that the coated continuous core reinforced filament bridges the gap from the anchor point to the affixed point.9. A method for manufacturing a part claim 6 , the method comprising steps of:coextruding a continuous core reinforced filament and a matrix material;adhering the coated continuous core ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001606A1
Автор: Tyler Kenneth Lyle
Принадлежит: Continuous Composites Inc.

A method and apparatus for the additive manufacturing of three-dimensional objects are disclosed. Two or more materials are extruded simultaneously as a composite, with at least one material in liquid form and at least one material in a solid continuous strand completely encased within the liquid material. A means of curing the liquid material after extrusion hardens the composite. A part is constructed using a series of extruded composite paths. The strand material within the composite contains specific chemical, mechanical, or electrical characteristics that instill the object with enhanced capabilities not possible with only one material. 1. An apparatus for additive manufacturing of a three-dimensional object , comprising:a nozzle configured to emit a fiber together with a polymer;a feeder configured to feed the fiber to the nozzle;a device configured to harden the polymer;a mechanical apparatus configured to move the nozzle during emitting to form the three-dimensional object from the fiber and the polymer; anda control unit programmed to cause the mechanical apparatus to move the nozzle at a rate faster than a rate at which the feeder feeds the fiber to the nozzle during emitting.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein moving the nozzle at the faster rate generates tension within the fiber.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein moving the nozzle at the faster rate causes the fiber to be pulled from the nozzle.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the device is configured to create an environment that causes the polymer to harden.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the device is configured to regulate a temperature of the environment.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the device is configured to harden the polymer at a location outside of the nozzle.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle is configured to create an environment that maintains the polymer as a liquid inside of the nozzle.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the polymer is a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001552A1

A system for additively manufacturing an object comprises a source of a feedstock line, a rigidizing mechanism that receives the feedstock line from the source and transforms the resin from a first at least partially uncured state to a rigid at least partially uncured state, a delivery guide that deposits the feedstock line along a print path, a feed mechanism that feeds the feedstock line through the delivery guide, a de-rigidizing mechanism that transforms the resin from the rigid at least partially uncured state to a second at least partially uncured state, and a curing mechanism that transforms the resin from the second at least partially uncured state to an at least partially cured state. 1300102300. A system () for additively manufacturing an object () , the system () comprising:{'b': 302', '106', '106', '302', '108', '110, 'a source () of a feedstock line (), wherein the feedstock line (), originating from the source (), comprises elongate fibers (), at least partially encapsulated in a resin () in a first at least partially uncured state;'}{'b': 112', '106', '302', '110', '106', '112', '110', '106', '106', '110', '110', '110, 'a rigidizing mechanism () to receive the feedstock line () from the source () with the resin () of the feedstock line () in the first at least partially uncured state, wherein the rigidizing mechanism () is configured to transform the resin () of the feedstock line () from the first at least partially uncured state to a rigid at least partially uncured state, and wherein the feedstock line () and the resin () are more rigid when the resin () is in the rigid at least partially uncured state than when the resin () is in the first at least partially uncured state;'}{'b': 116', '106', '112', '110', '116', '106', '114, 'a delivery guide () to receive the feedstock line () from the rigidizing mechanism () with the resin () in the rigid at least partially uncured state, wherein the delivery guide () is configured to deposit the feedstock line ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001573A1

A manufacturing system for laying up a stringer laminate includes a lamination surface and a plurality of lamination heads including a frame filler outer ply lamination head for laying up (e.g., laminating) frame filler bottom ply at a plurality of frame filler locations. Also included is at least one frame filler inner ply lamination head for laying up one or more frame filler inner plies over a protruding portion of the frame filler bottom ply at each frame filler location. Further included is at least one stringer body lamination head laying up one or more stringer body plies defining a stringer body portion extending along the lamination surface. A frame filler outer ply lamination head is configured to lay up a frame filler top ply at each frame filler location such that the frame filler inner plies are captured between a frame filler bottom ply and a frame filler top ply. 1. A manufacturing system for laying up a stringer laminate , comprising:a lamination surface; at least one frame filler outer ply lamination head configured to laminate a plurality of frame filler bottom plies at spaced intervals along the lamination surface to define a plurality of frame filler locations;', 'at least one frame filler inner ply lamination head configured to laminate one or more frame filler inner plies over a protruding portion of the frame filler bottom ply at each frame filler location such that an overlapping portion of each frame filler bottom ply is non-covered by the frame filler inner ply at each frame filler location;', 'at least one stringer body lamination head configured to laminate one or more stringer body plies defining a stringer body portion extending along the lamination surface and overlapping the overlapping portion at each frame filler location such that each stringer body ply is in side-by-side arrangement with a frame filler inner ply; and', 'the frame filler outer ply lamination head configured to laminate a frame filler top ply over the one or more ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001464A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.,

A method produces a reinforcing fiber sheet in which a plurality of bundles of reinforcing fibers lined up into one direction to form a plane are adhered to one another through a binder in an amount far smaller than that of the bundles. This method includes step (a) of placing a plurality of reinforcing fibers each having any length at any position on a flat plate, and fixing the reinforcing fibers onto the flat plate, step (b) of placing a binder onto the reinforcing fibers to be adhered onto the fibers, and step (c) of separating the reinforcing fibers from the flat plate. 114-. (canceled)15. A method of producing a reinforcing fiber sheet in which a plurality of bundles of reinforcing fibers lined up into one direction to form a plane are adhered to one another through a binder , comprising steps (a) and (b):(a) placing a plurality of bundles of reinforcing fibers each having a predetermined length at a predetermined position on a flat plate, and fixing the bundles of reinforcing fibers onto the flat plate, and(b) placing a binder onto the bundles of reinforcing fibers to be adhered onto the bundles.16. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the binder comprises a material having a stretchability of 150% or more.17. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the binder comprises fibers lined up into one direction.18. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the binder is a nonwoven fabric comprising short fibers and/or continuous fibers.19. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the binder is supplied in a melt-blown manner in which a resin is jetted out through pores to the atmosphere.20. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the binder is a film.21. The method according to claim 18 , comprising forming a plurality of cuts in the nonwoven fabric or the film.22. The method according to claim 15 , comprising forming a plurality of cuts in the reinforcing fiber sheet.23. The method according to claim 15 , wherein claim 15 , in step (a) claim 15 , the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001343A1

This compactor includes first rollers having first roller surfaces that press a laminated sheet from the second surface side of a release sheet, the first rollers being disposed separated from each other; and a second roller having a second roller surface that presses the laminated sheet from the second surface side of the release sheet, the second roller being disposed such that the second roller surface faces a gap provided between the first rollers. 1. A prepreg sheet automatic lamination device for laminating a plurality of semi-cured prepreg sheets , the prepreg sheet automatic lamination device comprising:a compactor group including a plurality of compactors that are arranged, each of the compactors being configured to press a laminated sheet including a release sheet and a semi-cured prepreg sheet attached to a first surface of the release sheet onto a top surface of a laminate base formed of at least one semi-cured prepreg sheet, from a second surface side of the release sheet of the laminated sheet;a stage on which the laminate base is placed;a laminated sheet supply portion configured to supply the laminated sheet onto the top surface of the laminate base; anda release sheet recovery portion configured to recover the release sheet peeled off from the semi-cured prepreg sheet pressed, by the compactor group, onto the top surface of the laminate base,the compactor including:a pair of first rollers disposed separated from each other, each of the first rollers having a first roller surface that presses the laminated sheet from the second surface side of the release sheet; anda second roller having a second roller surface that presses the laminated sheet from the second surface side of the release sheet, the second roller being disposed such that the second roller surface faces a gap provided between the pair of first rollers.2. The prepreg sheet automatic lamination device according to claim 1 , whereinthe second roller is disposed such that outer peripheral ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001383A1

A method for the hot stamping of a composite part with continuous fiber reinforcement in a thermoplastic matrix. A blank including a laminated structure of plies consisting in unidirectional tapes of fibers pre-impregnated with thermoplastic polymer is obtained. The blank is heated in the open to a temperature greater than or equal to the melting temperature of the polymer making up the matrix. The blank is then stamped. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for hot stamping a composite part with continuous fiber reinforcement in a thermoplastic matrix , comprising the steps of:obtaining a blank comprising an unconsolidated laminated structure of plies consisting in unidirectional tapes of fibers pre-impregnated with a thermoplastic polymer;heating the blank in an open air to a temperature greater than or equal to a melting temperature of the polymer making up the thermoplastic matrix; andstamping the blank.12. The method according to claim 11 , wherein the obtaining step comprises the step of assembling the plies by welded spots.13. The method according to claim 11 , wherein each ply of the blank is made up of strips assembled edge to edge by a weld.14. The method according to claim 11 , further comprising claim 11 , prior to the obtaining step claim 11 , the step of selecting a thermoplastic polymer claim 11 , making up the thermoplastic matrix claim 11 , with a recrystallization temperature between a glass transition temperature and the melting temperature of said polymer; and wherein the obtaining step further comprises the step of laying up the plies claim 11 , in a form of pre-impregnated strips claim 11 , using a laying up machine comprising a heater to heat said strips claim 11 , wherein a heating temperature of said strips during a depositing process is below the melting temperature of the polymer and above the recrystallization temperature.15. The method according to claim 14 , wherein the selecting step further comprises the steps of carrying out a differential ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001384A1

Devices and methods are disclosed for depositing reinforcing fiber tapes and detecting laying errors. Automatic depositing of reinforcing fiber tapes on a support can occur by a laying head and at least one roller assigned to the laying head. At least one radiation source and/or at least one sensor is integrated into the at least one roller for the detection of laying errors, and this roller is transmissive at least by region for a radiation emitted by the radiation source. 1. A device for automatically depositing of reinforcing fiber tapes on a support by a laying head and at least one roller assigned to the laying head , wherein for detection of laying errors at least one radiation source and/or at least one sensor is integrated into the at least one roller , the roller being transmissive for radiation emitted by the radiation source at least in regions.2. The device of wherein the radiation emitted from the at least one radiation source and reflected from at least one deposited reinforcing io fiber tape as diffuse and/or direct reflection radiation is detectable by the at least one sensor for the detection of laying errors.3. The device of wherein the at least one radiation source is emitting electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range between 1 mm and 200 nm.4. The device of wherein the at least one radiation source is a light-emitting diode claim 1 , a laser diode or a laser.5. The device of wherein the roller with integrated radiation source and/or with integrated sensor is formed to be at least partially flexible.6. The device of wherein the roller with integrated radiation source and/or with integrated sensor is at least partially formed with a material essentially transmissive for the radiation.7. The device of wherein claim 1 , by the roller with integrated radiation source and/or with integrated sensor claim 1 , the deposited reinforcing fiber tapes are compactible and/or drapable.8. The device of wherein the roller with integrated radiation source ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Method for Forming Contoured Composite Laminates

Номер: US20180001578A1

A composite prepreg laminate such as a hat type-stringer is formed on a contoured mandrel using a combination of mechanical sweeping and vacuum forming. 137-. (canceled)38. A method of forming a composite prepreg laminate , comprising:placing at least one prepreg ply on a contoured mandrel;mechanically sweeping the prepreg ply over a first section of the contoured mandrel; andvacuum forming the prepreg ply over a second section of the contoured mandrel.39. The method of claim 38 , wherein vacuum forming the prepreg ply is performed after the mechanically sweeping.40. The method of claim 38 , further comprising:clamping a third section of the prepreg ply on the contoured mandrel.41. The method of claim 38 , wherein:placing at least one prepreg ply includes placing a plurality of prepreg plies on the contoured mandrel;the mechanically sweeping includes mechanically sweeping the plurality of prepreg plies over the first section of the contoured mandrel; andthe vacuum forming includes vacuum forming all of the prepreg plies as a group over the second section of the contoured mandrel after the mechanical sweeping.42. The method of claim 38 , wherein mechanically sweeping the plies includes:contacting the prepreg ply with opposing sets of fingers,pressing the prepreg ply against the second section of the mandrel using the opposing sets of fingers, anddisplacing the opposing sets of fingers as the opposing sets of fingers are pressing the prepreg ply against the second section of the mandrel.43. The method of claim 42 , further comprising:using the opposing sets of mechanical fingers to hold the prepreg ply against the mandrel while the prepreg ply is being vacuum formed over the second section of the mandrel.44. The method of claim 38 , wherein mechanically sweeping the prepreg ply is performed using a plurality of forming heads claim 38 , and the method further comprises aligning each of the forming heads with the contoured mandrel.45. The method of claim 38 , wherein ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Method for the production of a part made from a composite material

Номер: US20200001504A1
Принадлежит: Safran Ceramics SA

A method of fabricating a composite part, includes forming a fiber preform for the part that is to be obtained by depositing a plurality of fiber structures impregnated with a thermoplastic polymer onto a surface, with deposition being performed by automated fiber placement; eliminating the thermoplastic polymer present in the preform by dissolution with a solvent; and injecting a liquid impregnation composition into the pores of the fiber preform after eliminating the thermoplastic polymer in order to form a matrix in the pores of the fiber preform.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001528A1
Принадлежит: Continuous Composites Inc.

A system for additively manufacturing a composite part is disclosed. The system may include a vat configured to hold a supply of resin, and a build surface disposed inside the vat. The system may also include a print head configured to discharge a matrix-coated continuous reinforcement onto the build surface, and an energy source configured to expose resin on a surface of the matrix-coated continuous reinforcement to a cure energy. 1. An additive manufacturing system , comprising:a vat configured to hold a supply of resin;a build surface disposed inside the vat;a print head configured to discharge a matrix-coated continuous reinforcement onto the build surface; andan energy source configured to expose resin on a surface of the matrix-coated continuous reinforcement to a cure energy.2. The additive manufacturing system of claim 1 , further including a cure enhancer configured to at least partially cure a matrix in the matrix-coated continuous reinforcement prior to exposure of the resin.3. The additive manufacturing system of claim 2 , further including an elevator configured to incrementally lower the matrix-coated continuous reinforcement into the supply of resin.4. The additive manufacturing system of claim 3 , wherein the build surface is perforated to pass resin from a section of the vat below the build surface to a section of the vat above the build surface during incremental lowering of the matrix-coated continuous reinforcement.5. The additive manufacturing system of claim 2 , further including a valve moveable to incrementally raise a level of the supply of resin inside the vat after discharge of the matrix-coated continuous reinforcement.6. The additive manufacturing system of claim 1 , further including a support configured to move the print head inside the vat.7. The additive manufacturing system of claim 6 , further including a controller in communication with the print head claim 6 , the energy source claim 6 , and the support claim 6 , the controller ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

End Effector for Forming Prepreg Plies on Highly Contoured Surfaces

Номер: US20200001551A1

Apparatus including a robotically controlled end effector having a compliant nosepiece that forms plies of a material onto contoured surfaces of a tool. The end effector includes a plurality of individually controllable rotary actuators which respectively control the position and compliancy of individual sections of the nosepiece in order to better conform the plies the contoured tool surfaces. 1. An end effector for forming a composite ply onto a contoured tool surface , comprising:an elongated, compliant nosepiece configured to form the composite ply down against the contoured tool surface;a plurality of nosepiece drives coupled with sections of the compliant nosepiece along its length; anda plurality of actuators respectively coupled with the nosepiece drives, each of the actuators being configured to displace one of the sections of the nosepiece and including compliancy for limiting force applied by the actuator to the compliant nosepiece.2. The end effector of claim 1 , further including:a nosepiece coupling between each of the nosepiece drives and the compliant nosepiece, the nosepiece coupling being configured to allow swiveling of one of the sections of the compliant nosepiece relative to the nosepiece drive.3. The end effector of claim 2 , wherein:the nosepiece drive includes a drive shaft, andthe nosepiece coupling includes bearing supports, a nosepiece holder and bushings mounting the nosepiece holder on the bearing supports for swiveling.4. The end effector of claim 1 , wherein each of the nosepiece drives includes:a pinion gear driven by one of the actuators, anda drive shaft coupled with the compliant nosepiece, including a gear rack coupled with the pinion gear.5. The end effector of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of position sensors respectively configured to sense the positions of the actuators.6. The end effector of claim 5 , further including:a controller coupled with each of the actuators and the position sensors for controlling ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001552A1

A mobile platform which is designed to equip a cable-driven parallel robot, characterized in that the platform is configured to support at least one roll of a fabric made of composite material, and to permit the unwinding of said at least one roll, in order to carry out draping of a preform, in particular a dry preform, by controlled displacement of the platform above a draping line. 1: A device comprising:a mobile platform which is designed to equip a cable-driven parallel robot, whereinthe platform is configured tosupport at least one roll of a fabric made of composite material, andpermit the unwinding of said at least one roll, in order to carry out draping of a dry preform, by controlled displacement of the platform above a draping line.2: The device as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a support for the at least one roll.3: The device as claimed in the claim 2 , wherein the support is connected to the platform by a securing system claim 2 , the latter being configured to permit controlled displacement in translation and/or in rotation of the support relative to the remainder of the platform.4: The device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the securing system includes a mechanical system which permits guided displacement claim 3 , selected in the group including a slide claim 3 , a rail claim 3 , a roller claim 3 , a sliding shaft claim 3 , and any combination thereof.5: The device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising means for rotation of the roll.6: The device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a system for cutting the fabric.7: The device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a system for guiding the fabric.8: The device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising means for perception of the relief and/or of a contrast of appearance chosen from a group consisting of at least one laser profile meter and at least one thermal camera.9: The device as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the means for perception are integral in displacement with the support ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001564A1
Принадлежит: CC3D LLC

A print head is disclosed for use with an additive manufacturing system. The print head may include a housing configured to receive a prefabricated woven sleeve, and a fiber guide disposed at least partially inside the housing and configured for insertion into the prefabricated woven sleeve. The print head may also include a diverter connected to an end of the fiber guide inside of a downstream mouth of the housing, and at least one cure enhancer located at the mouth of the housing. 1. A print head for an additive manufacturing system , comprising:a housing configured to receive a prefabricated woven sleeve;a fiber guide disposed at least partially inside the housing and configured for insertion into the prefabricated woven sleeve;a diverter connected to an end of the fiber guide inside of a downstream mouth of the housing; andat least one cure enhancer located at the downstream mouth of the housing.2. The print head of claim 1 , wherein the at least one cure enhancer includes an inner cure enhancer connected to the diverter.3. The print head of claim 2 , wherein the at least one cure enhancer further includes at least one outer cure enhancer operatively connected to the housing.4. The print head of claim 3 , further including a collar mounted to the housing at a downstream end claim 3 , wherein the at least one outer cure enhancer includes a plurality of outer cure enhancers distributed around an inner periphery of the collar.5. The print head of claim 1 , further including a collar mounted to the housing at a downstream end claim 1 , wherein the at least one cure enhancer includes a plurality of cure enhancers distributed around an inner periphery of the collar.6. A method of additively manufacturing a composite tube claim 1 , comprising:loading a finite length of a prefabricated woven sleeve into a print head;wetting the prefabricated woven sleeve with a liquid matrix;discharging the prefabricated woven sleeve from the print head; anddirecting a cure energy onto ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001565A1
Принадлежит: CC3D LLC

A print head is disclosed for use with an additive manufacturing system. The print head may include a nozzle having an internal passage and at least one ellipsoidal orifice. The print head may also include a fiber guide disposed at least partially inside the nozzle and dividing the internal passage into a plurality of channels. A length of each of the plurality of channels extends in an axial direction of the nozzle. 1. A print head for an additive manufacturing system , comprising:a nozzle having an internal passage and at least one ellipsoidal orifice; anda fiber guide disposed at least partially inside the nozzle and dividing the internal passage into a plurality of channels,wherein a length of each of the plurality of channels extends in an axial direction of the nozzle.2. The print head of claim 1 , wherein the fiber guide includes a plurality of radially oriented dividers.3. The print head of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of radially oriented dividers are generally planner and have inner edges connected to each other.4. The print head of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of radially oriented dividers form a cross-shape.5. The print head of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of radially oriented dividers extend radially outward to an annular wall of the internal passage.6. The print head of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of channels includes a center channel and at least one peripheral channel.7. The print head of claim 6 , wherein the at least one peripheral channel includes a plurality of peripheral channels.8. The print head of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of channels are open at an outer radial side.9. The print head of claim 1 , further including a rotary actuator configured to rotate the fiber guide.10. The print head of claim 1 , wherein the fiber guide terminates short of the at least one ellipsoidal orifice.11. The print head of claim 10 , wherein ends of the fiber guide at the at least one ellipsoidal orifice are rounded.12. The print head of claim 1 ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Optimization of Layup Process for Fabrication of Wind Turbine Blades using Model-based Optical Projection System

Номер: US20190001589A1

A method to design the kits and layup the reinforcement layers and core using projection system, comprising a mold having a contoured surface; a layup projection generator which: defines a plurality of mold sections; identifies the dimensions and location for a plurality of layup segments. A model-based calibration method for alignment of laser projection system is provided in which mold features are drawn digitally, incorporated into the plug(s) which form the wind turbine blade mold, and transferred into the mold. The mold also includes reflective targets which are keyed to the molded geometry wherein their position is calculated from the 3D model. This method ensures the precision level required from projection system to effectively assist with fabrication of wind turbine blades. In this method, digital location of reflectors is utilized to compensate for the mold deformations. 1. A method for fabrication of a composite structure comprising:receiving at least one specification for a composite structure design, the composite structure including a plurality of core panels;generating a manufacturing model of the composite structure design, the manufacturing model including a plurality of core panels;extracting at least one optical projection file from the manufacturing model, the optical projection file(s) having coordinates for projection of a marking(s) within a mold;identifying select reference features associated with a core panel;projecting at least one marking to depict an edge of a core panel; andcomparing core panel reference features to the projected edge of the core panel.2. The method of claim 1 , when the comparison of the core panel reference features and the projected edge of the core panel do not match claim 1 , adjusting the placement of the core panel.3. The method of claim 1 , when the comparison of the core panel reference features and the projected edge of the core panel do not match claim 1 , adjusting the manufacturing model.4. The method of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and material for additive manufacturing

Номер: US20190001590A1
Принадлежит: CC3D LLC

A structure is disclosed that is additively manufactured. The structure may include at least one continuous reinforcement, and a healing matrix associated with the at least one continuous reinforcement. Wherein a cure energy is applied to the at least one continuous reinforcement at a time of failure, the healing matrix is caused to cure and shore up the at least one continuous reinforcement.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220009094A1

An automated fiber bundle placement apparatus including a placing head having a pressing device, and a multi-jointed robot. The pressing device includes a pressing part, a pressing mechanism having a drive device, and a drive control device. The drive control device includes a drive command unit configured to output a drive command corresponding to a contact width of a placement die with the pressing part, the contact width being a length in the width direction of a part of the placement die facing in parallel to a contact range of the pressing part during pressing against the placement die, and is configured to control drive of the drive device to apply a pressing force corresponding to the drive command to the pressing part. 1the automated fiber bundle placement apparatus being characterized in that the drive control device comprises a drive command unit configured to output a drive command corresponding to a contact width of the placement die with the pressing part, the contact width being a length in the width direction of a part of the placement die facing in parallel to a contact range of the pressing part during pressing against the placement die, and is configured to control drive of the drive device to apply the pressing force corresponding to the drive command to the pressing part.. An automated fiber bundle placement apparatus comprising a supply device which a plurality of bobbins each having a fiber bundle wound thereon is mounted thereto and is configured to deliver the fiber bundle from each of the bobbins, a placing head configured to perform placement of each of the fiber bundles supplied from the supply device onto a placement die in a state of being aligned in a width direction and having a pressing device configured to press the fiber bundles onto the placement die, and a multi-jointed robot which the placing head is attached thereto and is configured to move the placing head for the placement, wherein the pressing device comprises a pressing ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008197A1

A fiber laying machine () for producing laid fiber scrims has a tool table () for positioning a mold (), said tool table () being linearly displaceable in an x direction by means of an x carriage () and being pivotable about a vertical pivot axis (). Arranged above the tool table () is a fiber laying head () which is linearly displaceable transversely to the x direction by means of a y carriage (). Since the fiber laying head () is linearly displaceable, the arrangement of the tool table () on the machine frame () is comparatively easy, and so laid fiber scrims are producible quickly and efficiently. In particular, automatic loading and unloading of the tool table () is easily possible. 1. A fiber laying machine for producing laid fiber scrims , having{'b': '15', 'a machine frame (),'}{'b': '21', 'an x carriage () which is linearly displaceable in a horizontal x direction,'}{'b': 23', '12', '23', '21', '25, 'a tool table () for positioning a mold (), said tool table () being arranged on the x carriage () and being pivotable about a vertically extending pivot axis (),'}{'b': 26', '13', '12', '26', '23, 'a fiber laying head () for laying fibers () on a mold (), said fiber laying head () being arranged above the tool table () in a vertical z direction,'}{'b': 42', '13', '26, 'a fiber supply unit () for supplying the fibers () to be laid by the fiber laying head (),'}characterized{'b': 26', '28, 'in that the fiber laying head () is linearly displaceable by means of a y carriage () in a horizontal y direction extending transversely to the x direction.'}221208151015. The fiber laying machine as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the x carriage () is displaceable on x guide rails () which extend from a loading side () of the machine frame () to an unloading side () of the machine frame ().3232714. The fiber laying machine as claimed in or claim 1 , characterized in that the tool table () has a plurality of clamping units () for mechanically clamping and releasing ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Adding a Segment of Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Filament in a Curve

Номер: US20210008817A1
Принадлежит: Arevo, Inc.

In additive manufacturing, a method of adding a segment of fiber-reinforced thermoplastic filament. Adding a segment of filament involves three tasks: (1) determining where the segment of filament should be added, (2) depositing the segment of filament at the desired location, and (3) tamping the segment of filament to ensure adhesion and eliminate voids. Tamping the segment of filament is performed by steering a wheel along the filament. In accordance with the illustrative embodiment, the wheel is steered around a yaw axis that is offset from the wheel's axis by a distance s, where s is a positive real number. 1. A method comprising:depositing a filament on a surface of a supporting structure along a target path; andtamping the filament onto the supporting structure with a wheel by steering the wheel along the filament; (i) a pitch axis around which the wheel is substantially symmetric; and', (ii-a) a nip line segment where the wheel exerts maximum radial force on a first length of the filament, and', '(ii-b) a pinch line segment where the wheel first pinches a second length of the filament between the circumferential surface and the supporting structure so that any movement of the second length of the filament parallel to the pitch axis is substantially constrained; and, '(ii) a circumferential surface that comprises, (iii-a) is perpendicular to the pitch axis, and', '(iii-b) has a non-zero offset s from the pitch axis, wherein s is a positive real number, and', '(iii-c) intersects the pinch line segment; and, '(iii) a yaw axis that, '(iv) a roll axis that intersects the pitch axis and the yaw axis and is perpendicular to the pitch axis and the yaw axis; and, 'wherein the wheel compriseswherein steering the wheel comprises moving the wheel so that the yaw axis intersects and advances along the target path.2. The method of wherein steering the wheel further comprises turning the wheel around the yaw axis to keep the roll axis substantially parallel to the target ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for Additive Manufacturing Using Filament Shaping

Номер: US20190009461A1

A method and apparatus for additive manufacturing wherein a fiber composite filament having an arbitrarily shaped cross section is softened and then flattened to tape-like form factor for incorporation into a part that is being additively manufactured. 120.-. (canceled)21. A system for additive manufacturing of at least a portion of a three-dimensional (3D) object , comprising:a build substrate configured to support said at least said portion of said 3D object;a feed subsystem configured to direct at least one feedstock from a source of at least one feedstock toward said build substrate, which at least one feedstock is usable for printing said at least said portion of said 3D object;at least one energy source configured to soften a portion of said at least one feedstock deposited over said build substrate;a shaper configured to apply pressure to said portion of said at least one feedstock deposited over said build substrate; anda controller operatively coupled to said feed subsystem, said at least one energy source and said shaper, wherein said controller is configured to (i) direct said feed subsystem to direct said at least one feedstock from said source toward said build substrate, wherein said portion of said at least one feedstock is deposited over said build substrate, (ii) direct said at least one energy source to soften said portion of said at least one feedstock deposited over said build substrate, wherein, after softening, said portion of said at least one feedstock is shapeable, and (iii) direct said shaper to press against said portion of said at least one feedstock.22. The system of claim 21 , wherein said controller is further configured to direct said feed subsystem to deposit one or more additional layers.23. The system of claim 21 , wherein said controller is configured to direct said shaper to alter a cross sectional shape of said portion of said at least one feedstock claim 21 , but a cross sectional area of said portion of said at least one ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Systems and methods for additive manufacturing

Номер: US20190009462A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A system (100) for additively manufacturing an object (102) comprises a fiber supply (122) that dispenses elongate fibers (108), a resin supply (124) that applies a resin (110) to the elongate fibers (108) to create a feedstock line (106) with the resin (110) in a first non-rigid uncured state, a rigidizing mechanism (112) that transforms the resin (110) from the first non-rigid uncured state to a rigid uncured state, a delivery guide (116) that deposits the feedstock line (106) along a print path (114), a feed mechanism (126) that feeds the feedstock line (106) through the delivery guide (116), a de-rigidizing mechanism (118) that transforms the resin (110) from the rigid uncured state to a second non-rigid uncured state, and a curing mechanism (120) that transforms the resin (110) from the second non-rigid uncured state to an at least partially cured state.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

End effectors having compaction feet for welding thermoplastic parts

Номер: US20200009743A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

End effectors having compaction feet for welding thermoplastic parts of thermoplastic composite laminated articles are described. An example end effector is to be coupled to a robot. The end effector includes a welding head. The welding head includes a welder having a first central axis and a compaction foot having a second central axis. The welder is movable along the first central axis between a first retracted position and a first extended position relative to a surface of the end effector. The compaction foot circumscribes the welder and is movable along the second central axis between a second retracted position and a second extended position relative to the surface.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009744A1

End effectors having reconfigurable vacuum heads for picking up thermoplastic parts of thermoplastic composite laminated articles are described. An example end effector is to be coupled to a robot. The end effector includes a first vacuum head having a first vacuum surface. The first vacuum head is to pick up a thermoplastic part in response to a first vacuum force applied at the first vacuum surface. The end effector further includes a second vacuum head having a second vacuum surface. The second vacuum head is to assist the first vacuum head in picking up the thermoplastic part in response to a second vacuum force applied at the second vacuum surface. The end effector further includes an arm to adjustably position the second vacuum head relative to the first vacuum head. The second vacuum head is coupled to the arm, and the arm is movable relative to the first vacuum head. 1. An end effector to be coupled to a robot , the end effector comprising:a first vacuum head including a first vacuum surface, the first vacuum head to pick up a thermoplastic part in response to a first vacuum force applied at the first vacuum surface;a second vacuum head including a second vacuum surface, the second vacuum head to assist the first vacuum head in picking up the thermoplastic part in response to a second vacuum force applied at the second vacuum surface; andan arm to adjustably position the second vacuum head relative to the first vacuum head, the second vacuum head being coupled to the arm, the arm being movable relative to the first vacuum head.2. The end effector of claim 1 , wherein the arm is to adjustably position the second vacuum head relative to the first vacuum head based on a property of the thermoplastic part claim 1 , the property being at least one of a size claim 1 , a shape claim 1 , or a porosity of the thermoplastic part.3. The end effector of claim 1 , wherein the first vacuum head includes a pocket shaped to receive the second vacuum head claim 1 , wherein ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

3D Printed Water Cooled Tow Guide for Fiber Placement Machine

Номер: US20220032560A1

A solution for fiber placement tow guides, known as “scoops,” to be cooled that allows for increased heating of outgoing tows while having cooling channels within the scoop to avoid melting, layup of thermoplastic materials will often see material temperatures of over 800° Fahrenheit, which means the heat shield will be heated to even higher temperatures that distorts existing scoops to a degree where they cause unwanted layup quality or may even melt certain scoops. 1. An improved automated fiber placement scoop comprising;a scoop comprising a scoop body; and at least one fin positioned on a distal end of the scoop body;', 'an internal cavity further comprising a porous internal support structure shaped to allow gas and/or liquid to flow within the scoop body., 'the scoop body including;'}2. The improved automated fiber placement scoop of claim 1 , further comprising outer surface contouring.3. The improved automated fiber placement scoop of claim 1 , further comprising at least one vent opening.4. The improved automated fiber placement scoop of claim 3 , wherein a gas and/or liquid enters the internal cavity via the at least one vent opening.5. The improved automated fiber placement scoop of claim 4 , comprising a second vent opening.6. The improved automated fiber placement scoop of claim 5 , wherein the gas and/or liquid leaves the internal cavity via the second vent opening.7. The improved automated fiber placement scoop of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of fins spaced apart and substantially parallel to one another along the distal end of the scoop body.8. The improved automated fiber placement scoop of claim 7 , further comprising spacing the plurality of fins along the distal end of the scoop body so that opposing edges of a tow passing under the scoop are not covered by a fin or other portion of the scoop.9. The improved automated fiber placement scoop of claim 4 , wherein flow of the gas and/or liquid into the internal cavity is adjusted to ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032561A1

A fiber composite laying method for producing a fiber composite scrim for forming a fiber composite component. The method includes supplying a reinforcement fiber band to a laying head, laying and compacting the supplied reinforcement fiber band on a laying surface at an average compaction pressure by a compaction roller, and detecting a local compaction pressure on the laid reinforcement fiber band by pressure sensors on the compaction roller. 1. A fiber composite laying method for producing a fiber composite scrim for forming a fiber composite component , the method comprising:supplying a reinforcement fiber band to a laying head;laying and compacting the supplied reinforcement fiber band on a laying surface at an average compaction pressure by a compaction roller; anddetecting a local compaction pressure on the laid reinforcement fiber band by a plurality of pressure sensors on the compaction roller.2. The fiber composite laying method of claim 1 , further comprising adjusting the average compaction pressure of the compaction roller on a basis of the detected local compaction pressure.3. The fiber composite laying method of claim 1 , further comprising adjusting the local compaction pressure by a plurality of actuators on the compaction roller on a basis of the detected local compaction pressure.4. The fiber composite laying method of claim 1 , further comprising:irradiating the laid reinforcement fiber band, at least in regions, by a radiation source;detecting reflection radiation reflected by the laid reinforcement fiber band by a radiation sensor; andevaluating the detected reflection radiation by an evaluation unit to establish laying errors. This application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/033,300 filed Jul. 12, 2018, and which claims priority to German patent application DE 10 2017 212 068.1 filed Jul. 14, 2017, the entire disclosures of which are incorporated by reference herein.The disclosure herein relates to a fiber composite ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Material feeder of additive manufacturing apparatus, additive manufacturing apparatus, and additive manufacturing method

Номер: US20170014902A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, a material feeder includes a feeding unit. The feeding unit includes a container that is containable of a powdery material and a first wall that is provided with a plurality of first openings communicated with the container and at least partially covers a region to which the material is fed, the feeding unit feeding the material in the container from the first openings to the region to form a layer of the material.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016365A1

A method of fabricating a spar for a blade, which spar includes transversely at least one arrangement. A male former is defined for each arrangement that is to be fabricated and each arrangement is subdivided into a pressure-side subassembly and a suction-side subassembly, each comprising a plurality of hanks, each hank comprising a plurality of U-shaped tape segments stacked on one another. Each subassembly of an arrangement is fabricated outside a mold for fabricating the blade on a single former adapted to that particular arrangement, fabrication being by stacking tape segments on the former using a fiber placement method implemented by a placement head.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016662A1

A method of fabricating a blade spar that includes transversely at least one arrangement. A pressure-side mold and a suction-side mold are defined for each arrangement that is to be fabricated. Each mold includes at least one removable slide and a base. Each slide is then removed from a mold and the tape segments of a hank are laid by a fiber-placement method on each mold. Each mold is closed by putting the slides into place on the mold. During a finalizing step, the molds are juxtaposed and the spar is heated. 1. A method of fabricating a spar of a blade from tapes of composite materials , the spar comprising transversely at least one arrangement each arrangement , being for winding around a root axis , the method being characterized by the following steps:during a preparation step, defining a pressure-side mold and a suction-side mold for each arrangement that is to be fabricated, each mold comprising a base extending longitudinally in the span direction of the spar and defining a laying surface that includes:a root zone having a root wall, the root wall forming two flanks;a connection zone presenting two sloping connection walls forming an upside-down V-shape and connected respectively to the two flanks; anda running zone presenting two running walls respectively extending the two connection walls; removing each slide from each mold;', 'fabricating the pressure-side subassembly and the suction-side subassembly of an arrangement respectively on the pressure-side mold and on the suction-side mold corresponding to the arrangement, each subassembly being fabricated by stacking tape segments on the corresponding mold by a method of placing fibers with the help of a placement head, the placement head laying the segment on the laying surface of the mold; and', 'closing each mold by putting each slide of the mold into place, and juxtaposing the molds in order to form a closed enclosure in which the subassemblies are to be found; and, 'during a fabrication step, for each ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Head and system for continuously manufacturing composite hollow structure

Номер: US20190016034A1
Автор: Kenneth Lyle Tyler
Принадлежит: CC3D LLC

A head is disclosed for use with a continuous manufacturing system. The head may have a housing configured to receive a matrix and a continuous fiber, and a diverter located at an end of the housing. The diverter may be configured to divert radially outward a matrix-coated fiber. The head may also include a cutoff having an edge configured to press the matrix-coated fiber against the diverter.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016066A1

A fiber composite laying device for producing a fiber composite scrim for forming a fiber composite component has a laying head which is designed or configured to continuously supply a reinforcement fiber band, a compaction roller which is designed or configured to receive the supplied reinforcement fiber band, lay the band on a laying surface and press the band onto the laying surface at an average compaction pressure, and pressure sensors which are arranged on the compaction roller and are designed or configured to detect a local compaction pressure on the laid reinforcement fiber band. 1. A fiber composite laying device for producing a fiber composite scrim for forming a fiber composite component , comprising:a laying head to continuously supply a reinforcement fiber band;a compaction roller to receive the supplied reinforcement fiber band, lay the band on a laying surface and press the band onto the laying surface at an average compaction pressure; anda plurality of pressure sensors arranged on the compaction roller and configured to detect a local compaction pressure on the laid reinforcement fiber band.2. The fiber composite laying device of claim 1 , wherein the compaction roller is configured to adjust an average compaction pressure on a basis of detected local compaction pressure.3. The fiber composite laying device of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of actuators arranged on the compaction roller and configured to adjust the local compaction pressure on a basis of the detected local compaction pressure.4. The fiber composite laying device of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the pressure sensors are actuators.5. The fiber composite laying device of claim 1 , wherein the pressure sensors are configured as at least one sensor array along a compaction surface of the compaction roller.6. The fiber composite laying device of claim 1 , wherein the pressure sensors substantially cover an entire compaction surface of the compaction roller.7. The fiber ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Methods of making hybrid laminate and molded composite structures

Номер: US20200016796A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Methods of making a composite structure comprise compression molding a fiber reinforced, thermoplastic component having a web and at least one flange integral with the web; laying up a fiber reinforced, thermoplastic cap; placing the fiber reinforced, thermoplastic cap on the flange; and joining the fiber reinforced, thermoplastic cap with the flange.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016845A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

Provided are composite feedstock strips for additive manufacturing and methods of forming such strips. A composite feedstock strip may include continuous unidirectional fibers extending parallel to each other and to the principal axis of the strip. This fiber continuity yields superior mechanical properties, such as the tensile strength along strip's principal axis. Composite feedstock strips may be fabricated by slitting a composite laminate in a direction parallel to the fibers. In some embodiments, the cross-sectional shape of the slit strips may be changed by reattributing material at least on the surface of the strips and/or by coating the slit strips with another material. This cross-sectional shape change may be performed without disturbing the continuous fibers within the strips. The cross-sectional distribution of fibers within the strips may be uneven with higher concentration of fibers near the principal axis of the strips, for example, to assist with additive manufacturing. 1. A coated composite feedstock strip for additive manufacturing , the coated composite feedstock strip comprising:a composite feedstock strip comprising a first resin and first fibers extending parallel to each other; anda coating layer comprising a second resin and a filler, wherein the coating layer is disposed on an outer surface of the composite feedstock strip.2. The coated composite feedstock strip of claim 1 , wherein the first fibers are continuous fibers.3. The coated composite feedstock strip of claim 1 , wherein a distribution of the first fibers throughout a cross section of the composite feedstock strip is uniform.4. The coated composite feedstock strip of claim 1 , wherein a concentration of the first fibers throughout a cross section of the composite feedstock strip is at least 40% by volume.5. The coated composite feedstock strip of claim 1 , wherein the coating layer is uniformly distributed on the outer surface of the composite feedstock strip.6. The coated ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Material dispensing systems

Номер: US20200016847A1

A material dispensing system including a first frame and a first application head. The first application head supported by the first frame including a first bias ply assembly comprising a bias ply roll supported on a bias ply dispenser unit, the first bias ply assembly configured to pass bias ply material along a bias path; and a first non-bias ply assembly comprising a non-bias ply roll supported by a non-bias ply dispenser unit, the non-bias ply assembly configured to pass non-bias ply material along a non-bias path; wherein the bias path and the non-bias path are substantially parallel. Another aspect provides a material dispensing system including a first frame and a first application head supported thereby; and a second frame and a second application head supported thereby; wherein the first frame and the second frame move in an X direction during operation. Another aspect includes preparing a composite article.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016848A1
Автор: Hagman Thomas J.

A method and system for managing tow end placement. A tow is laid up over a tuning surface. A first position of a first tow end of the tow and a second position of a second tow end of the tow are measured. A first error between the first position of the first tow end and an expected position for the first tow end, and a second error between the second position of the second tow end and an expected position for the second tow end, are computed. A determination is made as to whether at least one of the first error or the second error is outside of selected tolerances. A start timing offset of a tow placement system is adjusted if the first error is outside of selected tolerances and a stop timing offset of the tow placement system is adjusted if the second error is outside of selected tolerances. 1. A method for calibrating a tow placement system , the method comprising:laying up a tow over a tuning surface;measuring a first position of a first tow end of the tow;measuring a second position of a second tow end of the tow;computing a first error between the first position of the first tow end and an expected position for the first tow end;computing a second error between the second position of the second tow end and an expected position for the second tow end;determining whether at least one of the first error or the second error is outside of selected tolerances; andadjusting a start timing offset of the tow placement system if the first error is outside of selected tolerances and a stop timing offset of the tow placement system if the second error is outside of selected tolerances.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein computing the first error comprises:computing a distance between the first position of the first tow end and a first marker on the tuning surface.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein computing the first error further comprises:computing a difference between a preselected distance and the distance computed between the first position of the first tow end and ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Apparatuses and Methods for Fabricating a Composite Structure and Reacting to a Placement Force

Номер: US20200016849A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A method for fabricating a composite structure includes steps of: (1) laying up, with a delivery head of a tape placement machine, a continuous segment of a composite tape on a composite panel to form a flange portion of an initial ply of a composite stiffener; (2) locating a backing plate, coupled to the delivery head, relative to the delivery head and the composite panel; and (3) further layup up, with the delivery head, the continuous segment of the composite tape on the backing plate to form a web portion of the initial ply of the composite stiffener. 1. A method for fabricating a composite structure , the method comprising:laying up, with a delivery head of a tape placement machine, a continuous segment of a composite tape on a composite panel to form a flange portion of an initial ply of a composite stiffener;locating a backing plate, coupled to the delivery head, relative to the delivery head and composite panel; andfurther laying up, with the delivery head, the continuous segment of the composite tape on the backing plate to form a web portion of the initial ply of the composite stiffener.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:fixing a location of the backing plate relative to the composite panel; andmoving the delivery head relative to the backing plate when laying up the continuous segment of the composite tape on the backing plate to form the web portion of the initial ply of the composite stiffener.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:relocating the backing plate to a side of the web portion of the initial ply, opposite from the delivery head;further layup up, with the delivery head, the continuous segment of the composite tape on the web portion of the initial ply, supported by the backing plate, to form a complementary web portion of the initial ply of the composite stiffener; andfurther laying up, with the delivery head, the continuous segment of the composite tape on the composite panel to form a complementary flange portion of the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Apparatuses and Methods for Fabricating a Composite Structure and Reacting to a Placement Force

Номер: US20200016850A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

An apparatus for fabricating a composite structure includes a tape placement machine including a delivery head configured to dispose a composite tape and a backing plate coupled to the tape placement machine and selectively located relative to the delivery head to react to a placement force applied by the tape placement machine as the composite tape is being disposed. 1. An apparatus for fabricating a composite structure , the apparatus comprising:a tape placement machine comprising a delivery head configured to dispose a composite tape; anda backing plate coupled to the delivery head and selectively located relative to the delivery head to react to a placement force applied by the tape placement machine as the composite tape is being disposed.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a first axis of linear motion claim 1 , and wherein the backing plate is linearly movable relative to the delivery head along the first axis of linear motion.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a first axis of rotational motion claim 2 , and wherein the backing plate is rotationally movable relative to the delivery head about the first axis of rotational motion.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising a second axis of linear motion claim 3 , perpendicular to the first axis of linear motion claim 3 , and wherein the backing plate is linearly movable relative to the delivery head along the second axis of linear motion.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , further comprising a third axis of linear motion claim 4 , perpendicular to the second axis of linear motion claim 4 , and wherein the backing plate is linearly moveable relative to the delivery head along the third axis of linear motion.6. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising a second axis of rotational motion claim 3 , perpendicular to the first axis of rotational motion claim 3 , and wherein the backing plate is rotationally movable relative to the delivery head about the second axis of rotational motion. ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016851A1

A laying die, for picking up and laying of substrates, comprising an elastically deformable substrate receiving structure providing an engagement surface for releasable receiving of substrates, an attaching element comprising a gas channel for providing positively or negatively pressurized gas for picking up and blowing off the substrates, and a carrier body made from elastically deformable material and sandwiched between the substrate receiving structure and the attaching element which is arranged to distribute the positively or negatively pressurized gas over the carrier body. The carrier body comprises breakthroughs to transfer the pressurized gas from the attaching element to the substrate receiving structure that comprises an elastically deformable distribution plate to distribute the positively or negatively pressurized gas over the engagement surface. Also, a laying device which changes the position and/or orientation of substrates to predetermined values can comprise the laying die and a method for manufacturing the laying die. 1. A method for manufacturing a laying die , comprising:providing an elastically deformable substrate receiving structure with an elastically deformable distribution plate;providing a carrier body made from an elastically deformable material;providing an attaching element comprising a gas channel;distributing a plurality of breakthroughs into the carrier body; andsandwiching the carrier body between the substrate receiving structure and the attaching element.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the providing the elastically deformable structure comprises:providing two elastically deformable films;arranging a heating element between the two films to provide a stack; anddistributing a plurality of holes into the stack. This application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/786,815, filed Oct. 23, 2015, which is a U.S. National Stage application of International Application No. PCT/EP2014/001056, filed Apr. 22, ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016522A1

An automatic laminating apparatus includes: a lay-up head provided with a raw-cloth roller on which a thermoplastic prepreg is wound and a pressing device for pressing the thermoplastic prepreg drawn from the raw-cloth roller against a lamination surface; and a welding device provided with a welding head pressed against the thermoplastic prepreg to temporarily weld the thermoplastic prepreg to the lamination surface, the automatic laminating apparatus laminating the thermoplastic prepreg by performing a lamination operation of moving the lay-up head to lay the thermoplastic prepreg having a predetermined length on the lamination surface, in which the welding device is provided in the lay-up head, and the automatic laminating apparatus further comprises a drive control device that causes the welding device to perform temporary welding of the thermoplastic prepreg laid in the lamination operation in a course of the lamination operation. 1. An automatic laminating apparatus comprising:a lay-up head provided with a raw-cloth roller on which a thermoplastic prepreg is wound and a pressing device for pressing the thermoplastic prepreg drawn from the raw-cloth roller against a lamination surface; anda welding device provided with a welding head pressed against the thermoplastic prepreg to temporarily weld the thermoplastic prepreg to the lamination surface,the automatic laminating apparatus laminating the thermoplastic prepreg by performing a lamination operation of moving the lay-up head to lay the thermoplastic prepreg having a predetermined length on the lamination surface, whereinthe welding device is provided in the lay-up head, andthe automatic laminating apparatus further comprises a drive control device that causes the welding device to perform temporary welding of the thermoplastic prepreg laid in the lamination operation in a course of the lamination operation.2. The automatic laminating apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe welding device includes a ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017499A1

A technique for automated online inspection of manufacture of a fibre reinforced polymer composite part during automated ribbon placement (e.g. ATL or AFP) uses interferometric inspection (e.g. OCT) to detect deviations from a planned lay-up for the part, to identify defects. On line, real-time inspection (i.e. on-the-fly) is demonstrated, and edge type defects and whole surface defects are identifiable. A sensor is demonstrated that does not extend a working envelope of the robotic head used for rib bon placement. 1. An automated process for online monitoring of Automated Ribbon Placement ARP , the process comprising:feeding a ribbon while providing robotic control to move an applicator against a previously deposited layer composed of one or more ribbons, to press the ribbon against the layer to build up a fibre reinforced composite;scanning a beam of light across a surface of the ribbon at a first location of the ribbon after the pressing, while the same ribbon is being pressed on the layer at a second location, the beam illuminating a spot on the surface;collecting light scattered from the spot to obtain a sample beam;directing the sample beam and a reference beam onto a photodetector, to obtain an electrical interference signal;receiving a plurality of the electrical interference signals that characterizes a topography of the deposited ribbon on the surface; andprocessing the plurality of the electrical interference signals to identify whether a deviation from a planned lay-up of the ribbon is manifest.2. The process according to wherein collecting the scattered light comprises collecting back-reflected light from the first location.3. The process according to or wherein scanning the beam and collecting the light are jointly performed by an optical device mounted to a robotic head that includes the applicator.4. The process according to wherein the optical device is statically mounted to the robotic head claim 3 , whereby the first and second locations have ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Method for fibre placement with the aid of a temperature-regulated roller

Номер: US20140102625A1
Автор: Denis De Mattia

A method for fibre placement with the aid of a roller is provided. The roller is able to pivot about a rotation axis and to lay a plurality of first pre-impregnated fibres on second pre-impregnated fibres of a laying surface by rolling over said laying surface. The first fibres being distributed along a lower generatrix of the roller and being in contact with an outer surface of said roller over a contact arc. The method includes cooling the first pre-impregnated fibres in contact with the roller so as to enable them to slide on the outer surface of the roller and heating the second pre-impregnated fibres of the laying surface that are located at the front of the roller so as to promote the adhesion of the first fibres to the second fibres of the laying surface.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180018952A1
Автор: Herrera Eric

Systems and methods are provided for fabricating acoustic panels. One embodiment is a method comprising acquiring a core of acoustic cells, and fabricating a facesheet covering the core by: dispensing a base layer of material atop the acoustic cells while leaving openings into each of the acoustic cells, covering the openings by applying a liner of porous material atop the base layer, dispensing a cap layer of material atop liner while leaving gaps in the cap layer over the acoustic cells, and fusing the cap layer to the liner by directly radiating laser energy onto locations where the cap layer has been dispensed. 1. A method comprising:acquiring a core of acoustic cells; and dispensing a base layer of material atop the acoustic cells while leaving openings into each of the acoustic cells;', 'covering the openings by applying a liner of porous material atop the base layer;', 'dispensing a cap layer of material atop liner while leaving gaps in the cap layer over the acoustic cells; and', 'fusing the cap layer to the liner by directly radiating laser energy onto locations where the cap layer has been dispensed., 'fabricating a facesheet covering the core by2. The method of wherein:dispensing the cap layer forms the gaps such that a width of each gap parallel to expected airflow is less than a height of each gap perpendicular to expected airflow.3. The method of wherein:fusing the cap layer to the liner further comprises fusing the liner to the base layer.4. The method of wherein:the core of acoustic cells is thermoplastic; andthe method further comprises fusing the base layer to the core of acoustic cells by directly radiating laser energy onto locations where the base layer has been dispensed.5. The method of further comprising:printing the base layer via three dimensional (3D) printing techniques.6. The method of further comprising:printing the liner via three dimensional (3D) printing techniques.7. The method of wherein:fusing the cap layer comprises directly ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for verification of tow end placement

Номер: US20200019141A1
Автор: Thomas J. Hagman
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method and apparatus for managing tow end placement. A time at which movement of a tow is initiated or stopped during a layup process is detected. A latency between the time and a command time corresponding to a command to begin movement or stop movement of the tow is determined. A determination is made as to whether the latency is within a desired range. A timing offset used by a control system that controls tow layup is adjusted in response to a determination that the latency is not within the desired range.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023433A1

An improved thermoplastic composite prepreg tape is disclosed. The prepreg tape is optimized for high-speed, high quality in-situ consolidation during automated fiber placement. Embodiments of the prepreg tape have uniform dimensions (cross section, width, and thickness), uniform energy absorption, uniform surface roughness, and sufficient resin at the surface to affect a bond between layers. A scattering agent is used in a polymer surface layer to enable a combination of scattering and absorption in the polymer surface layer. 1. A multilayered composite material suitable to be bonded by a laser , comprising:a prepreg fiber tape comprising fibers held together with a thermoplastic polymer matrix;a polymer surface layer disposed on the prepreg fiber tape; anda scattering agent disposed within the polymer surface layer, wherein the scattering agent comprises a plurality of discrete particles that are substantially uniformly distributed throughout the polymer surface layer, and wherein the polymer surface layer and the thermoplastic polymer matrix are comprised of an identical polymer.2. The multilayered composite material of claim 1 , wherein the polymer surface layer is melt miscible with the thermoplastic polymer matrix.3. The multilayered composite material of claim 1 , wherein the scattering agent comprises alumina (AlO).4. The multilayered composite material of claim 1 , wherein the scattering agent comprises titanium dioxide (TiO).5. The multilayered composite material of claim 1 , wherein the scattering agent comprises silica (SiO).6. The multilayered composite material of claim 1 , wherein the scattering agent comprises glass microballoons.7. The multilayered composite material of claim 1 , wherein the scattering agent comprises particles having a diameter ranging from 0.1 micrometers to 2 micrometers.8. The multilayered composite material of claim 1 , wherein the scattering agent is thermochromic.9. The multilayered composite material of claim 8 , wherein the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022022A1
Автор: Tyler Kenneth Lyle
Принадлежит: CC3D LLC

A method and apparatus is disclosed for additive manufacturing and three-dimensional printing, and specifically for extruding tubular objects. A print head extrudes a curable material into a tubular object, while simultaneously curing the tubular object and utilizing the interior of the cured portion of the tubular object for stabilizing and propelling the print head. 1. A method of producing a tubular shaped product , comprising:discharging a solid strand material encased in a curable matrix material from an additive manufacturing device;curing the curable matrix material during discharging;supporting a portion of the additive manufacturing device with the tubular shaped product during discharging; andpropelling the additive manufacturing device during discharging.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein curing the curable matrix material includes exposing the curable matrix material to at least one of ultraviolet light claim 1 , heat claim 1 , a chemical agent claim 1 , a laser beam claim 1 , and a sonic vibration.3. The method of claim 1 , further including at least one of rotating the additive manufacturing device and adjusting an angle of the additive manufacturing device during discharging.4. The method of claim 1 , further including coordinating at least one of a rate of the discharging and a rate of the propelling to adjust an axial trajectory of the tubular shaped product.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein discharging the tubular shaped product includes discharging a ring of composite material.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein discharging the tubular shaped product includes discharging a plurality of separate continuous strands adjacent to each other and arranged in a ring.7. The method of claim 6 , further including selectively inhibiting discharging of at least one of the plurality of separate continuous strands claim 6 , such that a wall opening is formed in the tubular shaped product.8. The method of claim 6 , further including moving at least one of a ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040919A1

In a first aspect, the invention refers to a printhead for the additive manufacturing of a fibre reinforced material, comprising a fibre reinforcement in a polymer matrix, comprising an infiltration unit for mixing and/or infiltrating a fibre roving with a molten polymer; at least one feeder for a polymer and/or a fibre roving to the infiltration unit; a heating element, at least for partially melting the polymer within the infiltration unit; at least one deflecting element within the infiltration unit and an outlet for the resulting fibre reinforced material from the infiltration unit, wherein the molten polymer can be guided within the infiltration unit with a polymer flow direction, from the feeder to the outlet, along a channel between the feeder and the outlet, and the fibre roving can be guided within the channel, by means of deflection, around the deflecting element, area by area, transversely to the polymer flow direction, from the feeder to the outlet. 1. A printhead for the additive manufacturing of a fibre reinforced material , comprising fibre reinforcement in a polymer matrix , comprising:{'b': '1', 'an infiltration unit () for mixing and/or infiltrating a fibre roving with a molten polymer;'}{'b': 7', '5', '1, 'at least one feeder for a polymer () and/or a fibre roving () to the infiltration unit ();'}{'b': '1', 'a heating element, for at least partial melting of the polymer within the infiltration unit ();'}{'b': 15', '1, 'at least one deflecting element () within the infiltration unit (); and'}{'b': 11', '1', '1', '9', '7', '11', '9', '15', '5', '11, 'an outlet () of the infiltration unit for the resulting fibre reinforced material from the infiltration unit (), characterised in that the molten polymer and the fibre roving can be guided within the infiltration unit () along a channel () between the feeder () and the outlet (), and the fibre roving can be deflected within the channel () by the deflecting element (), area by area, transversely and/or ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

System and Method for Assisting in the Manufacture of a Wind Turbine Blade Shell

Номер: US20190022959A1
Принадлежит: LM WP Patent Holdings AS

A method of manufacturing a wind turbine blade shell part is described. Fibre mats and a root end insert are laid up in a mould part in a layup procedure by use of an automated layup system. The fibre mats are laid up by use of a buffer so that the fibre mats may continuously be laid up on the mould surface, also during a cutting procedure. The root end insert is prepared in advance and mounted on a mounting plate. The root end insert is lowered onto the mould by use of the mounting plate and a lowering mechanism. After the wind turbine blade shell has been moulded, the mounting plate is removed.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

System and Method for Assisting in the Manufacture of a Wind Turbine Blade Shell

Номер: US20190022960A1

A method of manufacturing a wind turbine blade shell part is described. Fibre mats and a root end insert are laid up in a mould part in a layup procedure by use of an automated layup system. The fibre mats are laid up by use of a buffer so that the fibre mats may continuously be laid up on the mould surface, also during a cutting procedure. The root end insert is prepared in advance and mounted on a mounting plate. The root end insert is lowered onto the mould by use of the mounting plate and a lowering mechanism. After the wind turbine blade shell has been moulded, the mounting plate is removed. 1. A fibre mat layup system for laying up and cutting fibre mats in a mould for the manufacture of a fibre-reinforced composite part , in particular a part for a wind turbine blade , such as an aerodynamic shell part , wherein the system is adapted to laying up the fibre mat as it is moved in a longitudinal direction along the mould , and wherein the system comprises:a first drive roller for advancing the fibre mat,a cutting device for cutting the fibre mat,a first clamping device for clamping the fibre mat, while the fibre mat is being cut by the cutting device,a buffer roller providing a buffer length for the fibre mat and being arranged downstream of the first drive roller, the first clamping device and the cutting device, the buffer roller being movable so as to vary the buffer length of the fibre mat, anda second drive roller for advancing the fibre mat and being arranged downstream of the buffer roller.2. A fibre mat layup system according to claim 1 , wherein the fibre mat is supplied from a fibre mat roll.3. A fibre mat layup system according to or claim 1 , wherein the system further comprises a draping device arranged downstream of the second drive roller.4. A fibre mat layup system according to claim 3 , wherein the draping device comprises one or more rollers claim 3 , such as a compression roller.5. A fibre mat layup system according to or claim 3 , wherein the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023569A1
Автор: Hoa Suong Van

Systems and methods for 4D printing of composites are described herein. A composite layer arrangement is obtained for forming a composite laminate having a substantially flat profile. A plurality of composite layers are deposited according to the composite layer arrangement to form the composite laminate. The composite laminate is activated to produce a curved composite structure. 1. A method for four-dimensional printing of a composite structure , the method comprising:obtaining a composite layer arrangement for forming a composite laminate having a substantially flat profile;depositing a plurality of composite layers according to the composite layer arrangement to form the composite laminate, each one of the plurality of composite layers comprising longitudinal fibers having a longitudinal direction; andactivating the composite laminate to produce the composite structure comprising at least one curvature.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein activating the composite laminate comprises:heating the composite laminate to a first temperature; andcooling the composite laminate from the first temperature to a second temperature to produce the composite structure comprising at least one curvature.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein obtaining the composite layer arrangement comprises:generating a model of the composite laminate;determining a reconfiguration of the composite laminate that is expected to occur when the composite laminate corresponding to the model is activated to produce the three-dimensional composite structure; andgenerating the composite layer arrangement based on the reconfiguration.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein generating the model of the composite laminate comprises modeling a shrinkage of resin used in the plurality of composite layers and modeling coefficients of thermal contraction of the plurality of composite layers.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein said modeling comprises generating a laminate matrix indicative of shrinkage of the resin and of ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023595A1

An apparatus for applying a liquid matrix to a fiber tow includes a belt press arranged to receive the fiber tow and compress it between two moving belts and a matrix application roller arranged to receive liquid matrix and transfer it to the fiber. The apparatus also includes a second matrix application component arranged adjacent to the matrix application roller so as to form a first gap between the component and the matrix application roller. The matrix application roller is positioned adjacent to the belt press so as to form a second gap between the matrix application roller and a belt of the belt press; and wherein the second gap is larger than the first gap. 1. An apparatus for applying a liquid matrix to a fiber tow , comprising:a belt press arranged to receive the fiber tow and compress it between two moving belts;a matrix application roller arranged to receive liquid matrix and transfer it to the fiber tow; anda second matrix application component arranged adjacent to the matrix application roller so as to form a first gap between the component and the matrix application roller;wherein the matrix application roller is positioned adjacent to the belt press so as to form a second gap between the matrix application roller and a belt of the belt press; andwherein the second gap is larger than the first gap.2. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the speed of the belt press and the speed of the matrix application roller are independently controlled.3. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the matrix application roller is controlled such that its surface speed is different to the speed of the adjacent belt.4. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second matrix application component is a roller.5. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second matrix application component is a blade.6. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the matrix application roller is positioned adjacent to a roller of the belt press.7. An apparatus as ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Integrated Robotic 3D Printing System for Printing of Fiber Reinforced Parts

Номер: US20210023774A1

A system for printing a three-dimensional object is provided. The system can include at least one print head configured to receive a continuous fiber and at least partially encase the continuous fiber with a formation material to create a composite material. The at least one print bed can be configured to move in at least six different degrees of freedom. The system can also include at least one print bed comprising a printing surface onto which the composite material may be selectively applied to form a work piece. The at least one print head can be positioned relative to the at least one print bed and configured to advance print media thereon.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025238A1

A connecting rod includes a shank formed of a composite. The connecting rod also includes a first end portion coupled to the shank and a second end portion coupled to the shank. The first end portion has an annular shaped portion, and the second end portion has an annular shaped portion. The shank defines a channel coupled to the first and second end portions. 1. A connecting rod comprising:a shank formed of a composite;a first end portion coupled to the shank, wherein the first end portion has an annular shaped portion;a second end portion coupled to the shank, wherein the second end portion has an annular shaped portion; andwherein the shank defines a channel coupled to the first and second end portions.2. The connecting rod as set forth in further including a component disposed in the shank to form the channel.3. The connecting rod as set forth in wherein the component is further defined as a sacrificial component claim 2 , wherein the sacrificial component is ignited to cause deflagration of the sacrificial component claim 2 , thereby forming the channel in the shank.4. The connecting rod as set forth in wherein the component is further defined as a sacrificial component claim 2 , wherein the sacrificial component is melted to remove the sacrificial component from the shank claim 2 , thereby forming the channel in the shank.5. The connecting rod as set forth in wherein the component is further defined as a tube.6. The connecting rod as set forth in wherein:the first end portion includes a first inner surface that defines a boundary of a first cavity;the first end portion includes a first wall that defines a boundary of a first passageway, and the first passageway connects with the first cavity and the channel;the second end portion includes a second inner surface that defines a boundary of a second cavity;the second end portion includes a second wall that defines a boundary of a second passageway, and the second passageway connects with the second cavity and the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029437A1

A gripping apparatus is disclosed for gripping and holding electrically conductive, textile materials. The gripping apparatus includes a gripping device which has a gripping face for gripping and holding the textile material. With the aid of an electrical contact device, electrodes can be brought into contact with the textile material in order to bring about a current flow in the textile material. 1. A gripping apparatus for gripping and holding electrically conductive , textile materials , comprisinga gripping device which has a gripping face that faces a textile material to be gripped and is configured to grip and hold the textile material; andan electrical contact device which has at least one electric electrode that is connectable to a source of electric power in order to apply an electric voltage, said at least one electric electrode being configured to come into electrical contact with the textile material and interacting with at least one electric counterelectrode such that a current flow in the textile material between the at least one electric electrode and the at least one electric counterelectrode is brought about for temperature control when the at least one electric electrode and the at least one electric counterelectrode have been brought into contact with the textile material.2. The gripping apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the gripping device is configured as one or more of an adhesive gripper claim 1 , electro-adhesive gripper claim 1 , suction gripper claim 1 , Bernoulli gripper claim 1 , magnetic gripper claim 1 , freezing gripper and needle gripper.3. The gripping apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one electric electrode is arranged within the gripping face of the gripping device.4. The gripping apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one electric electrode includes a plurality of electric electrodes.5. The gripping apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the electrical contact device includes a control ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Composite Laminates Having Hole Patterns Produced by Controlled Fiber Placement

Номер: US20150030803A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A composite laminate has a pattern of holes therein. The holes are formed by laying down plies of unidirectional pre-preg material having varying fiber orientations. The tows are spaced apart and located to form holes through the laminate.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Sandwich type load bearing panel

Номер: US20150030806A1
Автор: Axel Fink

A sandwich type load bearing panel ( 1 ) with a transversely shear stiff core ( 3 ) and a plurality of individual unidirectional plies respectively for a first and a second composite layer ( 2, 4 ), bonded each to one of the main surfaces of the core ( 3 ). The first composite layer ( 2 ) is a continuous and monolithic assembly and the second layer ( 4 ) is an open net of intercrossing strips ( 4 a, 4 b, 4 c ) running along at least three directions and being laid up of said plurality of individual unidirectional plies.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods for additively manufacturing composite parts

Номер: US20170028625A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method ( 400 ) of additively manufacturing a composite part ( 102 ) is disclosed. The method ( 400 ) comprises applying a thermosetting resin ( 252 ) to a non-resin component ( 108 ) of a continuous flexible line ( 106 ) while pushing the non-resin component ( 108 ) through a delivery guide ( 112 ) and pushing the continuous flexible line ( 106 ) out of the delivery guide ( 112 ). The continuous flexible line ( 106 ) further comprises a thermosetting resin component ( 110 ) that comprises at least some of the thermosetting resin ( 252 ) applied to the non-resin component ( 108 ). The method ( 400 ) further comprises depositing, via the delivery guide ( 112 ), a segment ( 120 ) of the continuous flexible line ( 106 ) along the print path ( 122 ).

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028633A1

A system () comprises a delivery guide () movable relative to a surface (). The delivery guide () is configured to deposit a continuous flexible line () along a print path () that is stationary relative to the surface (). The system () further comprises a vessel (), configured to hold a volume of a liquid photopolymer resin () and to apply a quantity of the liquid photopolymer resin () to the non-resin component () to create the continuous flexible line (). The system () further comprises a feed mechanism (), configured to pull the non-resin component () through the vessel () and to push the continuous flexible line () out of the delivery guide (). The system () further comprises a source () of curing energy (). The source () is configured to deliver the curing energy () at least to a portion () of the segment () of the continuous flexible line () after the segment () of the continuous flexible line () exits the delivery guide (). 1100102100. A system () for additively manufacturing a composite part () , the system () comprising:{'b': 112', '114', '120', '106', '122', '122', '114, 'a delivery guide () movable relative to a surface () and configured to deposit at least a segment () of a continuous flexible line () along a print path (), wherein the print path () is stationary relative to the surface ();'}{'b': 236', '252', '252', '108, 'a vessel (), configured to hold a volume of a liquid photopolymer resin () and to apply a quantity of the liquid photopolymer resin () to the non-resin component ();'}{'b': 104', '108', '236', '106', '108', '110', '252', '108', '236', '112, 'a feed mechanism (), configured to pull the non-resin component () through the vessel () and to push the continuous flexible line (), comprising the non-resin component () and further comprising a photopolymer-resin component () that comprises at least some of the liquid photopolymer resin () applied to the non-resin component () in the vessel (), out of the delivery guide (); and'}{'b': 116', ' ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028634A1

A method () of additively manufacturing a composite part () is disclosed. The method () comprises pushing a continuous flexible line () through a delivery guide (). The continuous flexible line () comprises a non-resin component () and a thermosetting-epoxy-resin component () that is partially cured. The method () also comprises depositing, via the delivery guide (), a segment () of the continuous flexible line () along a print path (). The method () further comprises maintaining the thermosetting-epoxy-resin component () of at least the continuous flexible line () being pushed through the delivery guide () below a threshold temperature prior to depositing the segment () of the continuous flexible line () along the print path (). 1144-. (canceled)145300102300. A method () of additively manufacturing a composite part () , the method () comprising:{'b': 106', '112', '106', '108', '110, 'pushing a continuous flexible line () through a delivery guide (), wherein the continuous flexible line () comprises a non-resin component () and a thermosetting-epoxy-resin component () that is partially cured;'}{'b': 112', '120', '106', '122, 'depositing, via the delivery guide (), a segment () of the continuous flexible line () along a print path (); and'}{'b': 110', '106', '112', '120', '106', '122, 'maintaining the thermosetting-epoxy-resin component () of at least the continuous flexible line () being pushed through the delivery guide () below a threshold temperature prior to depositing the segment () of the continuous flexible line () along the print path ().'}146148-. (canceled)149300106108. The method () according to claim 145 , wherein the continuous flexible line () comprises a prepreg composite material claim 145 , and wherein the non-resin component () comprises one or more of a fiber claim 145 , a carbon fiber claim 145 , a glass fiber claim 145 , a synthetic organic fiber claim 145 , an aramid fiber claim 145 , a natural fiber claim 145 , a wood fiber claim 145 , a boron ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028635A1

A system () for additively manufacturing a composite part () is disclosed. The system () comprises a delivery guide (), movable relative to a surface (). The delivery guide () is configured to deposit at least a segment () of a continuous flexible line () along a print path (). The continuous flexible line () comprises a non-resin component () and a thermosetting resin component () that comprises a first part () and a second part () of a thermosetting resin (). The print path () is stationary relative to the surface (). The delivery guide () comprises a first inlet () configured to receive the non-resin component (), and a second inlet () configured to receive at least the first part () of the thermosetting resin (). The delivery guide () is further configured to apply the first part () and the second part () of the thermosetting resin () to the non-resin component (). The system further comprises a feed mechanism (), configured to push the continuous flexible line () out of the delivery guide (). 1100102100. A system () for additively manufacturing a composite part () , the system () comprising:{'b': 112', '114, 'claim-text': [{'b': 112', '120', '106', '122', '106', '108', '110', '110', '253', '252', '255', '252, 'the delivery guide () is configured to deposit at least a segment () of a continuous flexible line () along a print path (), wherein the continuous flexible line () comprises a non-resin component () and a thermosetting resin component (), wherein the thermosetting resin component () comprises a first part () of a thermosetting resin () and a second part () of the thermosetting resin ();'}, {'b': 122', '114, 'the print path () is stationary relative to the surface ();'}, {'b': 112', '170', '108', '250', '253', '252, 'the delivery guide () comprises a first inlet (), configured to receive the non-resin component (), and a second inlet (), configured to receive at least the first part () of the thermosetting resin (); and'}, {'b': 112', '253', '252', '255', ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028636A1

A method () of additively manufacturing a composite part () is disclosed. The method () comprises depositing a segment () of a continuous flexible line () along a print path (). The continuous flexible line () comprises a non-resin component () and a thermosetting resin component () that is not fully cured. The method () further comprises, while advancing the continuous flexible line () toward the print path (), delivering a predetermined or actively determined amount of curing energy () at least to a portion () of the segment () of the continuous flexible line () at a controlled rate after the segment () of the continuous flexible line () is deposited along the print path () to at least partially cure at least the portion () of the segment () of the continuous flexible line (). 1187-. (canceled)188300102300. A method () of additively manufacturing a composite part () , the method () comprising:{'b': 120', '106', '122', '106', '108', '110, 'depositing a segment () of a continuous flexible line () along a print path (), wherein the continuous flexible line () comprises a non-resin component () and a thermosetting resin component () that is not fully cured; and'}{'b': 106', '122', '118', '124', '120', '106', '120', '106', '122', '124', '120', '106, 'while advancing the continuous flexible line () toward the print path (), delivering a predetermined or actively determined amount of curing energy () at least to a portion () of the segment () of the continuous flexible line () at a controlled rate after the segment () of the continuous flexible line () is deposited along the print path () to at least partially cure at least the portion () of the segment () of the continuous flexible line ().'}189300252108106112110252108. The method () according to claim 188 , further comprising applying a thermosetting resin () to the non-resin component () while pushing the continuous flexible line () out of a delivery guide () claim 188 , wherein the thermosetting resin component () ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028637A1

A system () for additively manufacturing a composite part () comprises a delivery guide (), movable relative to a surface (). The delivery guide () is configured to deposit at least a segment () of a continuous flexible line () along a print path (). The continuous flexible line () comprises a non-resin component () and a thermosetting-resin component (). The thermosetting-resin component () comprises a first part () and a second part (). The non-resin component () comprises a first element () and a second element (). The system () further comprises a first resin-part applicator (), configured to apply the first part () to the first element (), and a second resin-part applicator (), configured to apply the second part () to the second element (). The system () also comprises a feed mechanism (), configured to pull the first element () through the first resin-part applicator (), to pull the second element () through the second resin-part applicator (), and to push the continuous flexible line () out of the delivery guide (). 138-. (canceled)39700102700. A system () for additively manufacturing a composite part () , the system () comprising:{'b': 112', '114, 'claim-text': [{'b': 112', '120', '106', '122, 'the delivery guide () is configured to deposit at least a segment () of a continuous flexible line () along a print path (),'}, {'b': 106', '108', '110, 'the continuous flexible line () comprises a non-resin component () and a thermosetting-resin component (),'}, {'b': 110', '253', '252', '255', '252, 'the thermosetting-resin component () comprises a first part () of a thermosetting resin () and a second part () of the thermosetting resin (),'}, {'b': 122', '114, 'the print path () is stationary relative to the surface (), and'}, {'b': 108', '271', '273, 'the non-resin component () comprises at least a first element () and a second element ();'}], 'a delivery guide (), movable relative to a surface (), wherein{'b': 236', '253', '252', '271', '108, 'a first resin-part ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Systems for additively manufacturing composite parts

Номер: US20170028640A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A system ( 100 ) for additively manufacturing a composite part ( 102 ) is disclosed. The system ( 100 ) comprises a housing ( 104 ) and a nozzle ( 107 ). The nozzle ( 107 ) is supported by the housing ( 104 ). The nozzle ( 107 ) comprises an outlet ( 110 ), sized to dispense a continuous flexible line ( 112 ). The continuous flexible line ( 112 ) comprises a non-resin component ( 114 ) and a photopolymer-resin component ( 116 ). The system ( 100 ) also comprises a feed mechanism ( 118 ), supported within the housing ( 104 ). The feed mechanism ( 118 ) is configured to push the continuous flexible line ( 112 ) out of the outlet ( 110 ) of the nozzle ( 107 ). The system ( 100 ) further comprises a light source ( 120 ), supported by the housing ( 104 ). The light source ( 120 ) is configured to deliver a light beam to the continuous flexible line ( 112 ) after the continuous flexible line ( 112 ) exits the outlet ( 110 ) of the nozzle ( 107 ) to at least partially cure the photopolymer-resin component ( 116 ) of the continuous flexible line ( 112 ).

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods for additively manufacturing composite parts

Номер: US20170028644A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A system ( 100 ) for additively manufacturing a composite part ( 102 ) comprises a delivery assembly ( 266 ), a feed mechanism ( 104 ), and a source ( 116 ) of curing energy ( 118 ). The delivery assembly ( 266 ) comprises a delivery guide ( 112 ) movable relative to a surface ( 114 ) and is configured to deposit a continuous flexible line ( 106 ) along a print path ( 122 ). The delivery assembly ( 266 ) further comprises a first inlet ( 170 ), configured to receive a non-resin component ( 108 ), and a second inlet ( 250 ), configured to receive a photopolymer resin ( 252 ). The delivery assembly ( 266 ) applies the photopolymer resin ( 252 ) to the non-resin component ( 108 ). The feed mechanism ( 104 ) pushes the continuous flexible line ( 106 ) out of the delivery guide ( 112 ). The source ( 116 ) of the curing energy ( 118 ) delivers the curing energy ( 118 ) to a portion ( 124 ) of the continuous flexible line ( 106 ) after it exits the delivery guide ( 112 ).

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031165A1
Автор: NGUYEN Duy Chinh

A fiber-laying device is disclosed for laying continuous fiber material which is conveyed from a fiber storage unit to a fiber-laying head which is movable in space. The fiber materials here are guided along the kinematic chain of the robot, wherein an equalization system for equalizing length variations during movement of the robot is provided in the fiber-material storage unit. 1. A fiber-laying device for laying continuous fiber material for manufacturing a fiber-composite component using a multiaxial automaton which at the end of its kinematic chain has a fiber-laying unit for laying the continuous fiber material , wherein the kinematic chain of the automaton comprises a plurality of joints in order for the fiber-laying unit to be moved in space , the fiber-laying device comprising:a fiber-material storage unit for providing the continuous fiber material to be laid;a fiber-guiding installation for infeeding the continuous fiber material from the fiber-material storage unit to the fiber-laying unit which is remote from the fiber-material storage unit and is movable in space, wherein the fiber-guiding installation comprises at least one deflection unit which is disposed on the automaton so as to be fixedly spaced apart from a joint of the kinematic chain of the automaton, wherein at least two fiber-guiding portions are formed between the fiber-material storage unit and the fiber-laying unit; anda fiber-material equalization installation which is provided ahead of the kinematic chain of the automaton in the fiber-infeed direction and which is configured for compensating for a length variation of at least one fiber-guiding portion of the at least two fiber-guiding portions when the fiber-laying unit is moved by the automaton, the length variation correlating to the fixed spacing of the at least one deflection unit from the respective joint.2. The fiber-laying device according to claim 1 , wherein the fiber-material equalization installation is disposed in the fiber- ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048241A1

A winding method and apparatus for producing a consolidated metal matrix composite is described. The methods are directed to winding softened metal matrix composite tape and layering the resulting softened metal matrix composite tape onto a rotating mandrel in a prescribed pattern on the surface of the mandrel to form a consolidated metal matrix composite. Upon cooling, the matrix metal solidifies and the resulting consolidated metal matrix composite may be removed from the mandrel. The consolidated metal matrix composites may be produced in a variety of shapes, such as cylinder, a tapered cylinder, a sphere, an ovoid, a cube, a rectangular solid, a polygonal solid, and panels. 1. A method for forming a consolidated metal matrix composite , comprising the steps of:supplying metal matrix composite tape from a tape source to a rotating payout unit submerged in a metal bath, wherein the tape source and rotating payout unit are connected to a carriage;applying metal matrix composite tape from the rotating payout unit onto a rotating mandrel submerged in the metal bath; andmoving the carriage laterally and substantially parallel to the axis of rotation of the rotating mandrel a predetermined distance and speed to provide overlapping layers of metal matrix composite tape around the rotating mandrel, whereby the tape source and rotating payout unit maintain a constant orientation as the carriage moves, and whereby the overlapping layers of metal matrix composite tape intermix and consolidate with adjacent layers of metal matrix composite tape to provide a consolidated metal matrix composite.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of positioning the softened metal matrix composite tape on said rotating mandrel wherein the softened metal matrix composite tape has an angle of approach to an axis of rotation of the rotating mandrel ranging from about 0 degrees to about 180 degrees.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of laterally moving said ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

System and method for forming a part by automated fiber placement

Номер: US20190030835A1
Автор: Michael Drumheller
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method of forming a part includes applying first fiber tows according to a pattern to form a first ply of a set of plies. The method further includes applying second fiber tows according to the pattern to form a second ply of the set of plies that overlies the first ply. The pattern of the second ply is shifted relative to the pattern of the first ply by an offset distance based on a period of the first fiber tows and a number of plies having the pattern in the set of plies.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150034247A1

A composite structure is fabricated by laying up at least one ply of fiber reinforcement and at least one layer of resin on a tool. The resin film layer is formed by laying strips of resin film. The fiber reinforcement is infused with resin from the resin layer. 115-. (canceled)16. Apparatus for fabricating a composite structure , comprising:an end effector adapted to be moved along the surface of a substrate;a supply of resin film on the end effector; anda compaction roller on the end effector head for compacting the resin film against the substrate as the end effector moves along the substrate surface.17. The apparatus of claim 16 , wherein:the resin film supply includes a spool of resin film, andthe end effector includes a guide for guiding the resin film from the spool to the compaction roller, and a cutter for cutting the resin film to desired lengths.18. The apparatus of claim 16 , further comprising:a spool of a fiber reinforcement on the end effector, andwherein the end effector further includes a guide for guiding the fiber reinforcement from the spool to the compaction roller, and a cutter for cutting the fiber reinforcement to desired lengths.19. The apparatus of claim 16 , further comprising:an automatically controlled manipulator for moving the end effector along the surface of the substrate;a supply of a fiber reinforcement on the end effector, andwherein the end effector includes guides for guiding the resin film and the fiber reinforcement from the supply of resin film and the supply of the reinforcement in substantially aligned overlapping relationship to the compaction roller.20. The apparatus of claim 19 , wherein the end effector includes at least one cutter for cutting the resin film and the reinforcement guided to the compaction roller to desired lengths.21. (canceled)22. Apparatus for laying up a composite aircraft structure claim 19 , comprising:a manipulator; a frame,', 'a spool of resin film on the frame,', 'a spool of dry fiber ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031062A1
Принадлежит: Zhejiang University

A fiber coil mounting device is used in automated composite material layup equipment. The fiber coil mounting device includes a fiber coil mounting shaft with axial hollow structure, a fiber stop plate disposed on two sides of the fiber coil mounting shaft, and an anti-slide fiber coil tightening mechanism. The anti-slide fiber coil tightening mechanism includes a piston assembly disposed inside the axial hollow structure, a spring piece disposed on the piston assembly, a driving unit controlling an axial slide of the piston assembly, and a tightening unit driven by an axial force produced by the spring piece during the axial slide of the piston assembly. 1. A fiber coil mounting device used in automated composite material layup equipment , the fiber coil mounting comprising: a fiber coil mounting shaft having an axial hollow structure , a fiber stop plate disposed on two sides of the fiber coil mounting shaft , and an anti-slide fiber coil tightening mechanism , wherein , the anti-slide fiber coil tightening mechanism comprises a piston assembly disposed inside the axial hollow structure , a spring piece disposed on the piston assembly , a driving unit controlling an axial slide of the piston assembly , and a tightening unit driven by an axial force produced by the spring piece during the axial slide of the piston assembly.2. The fiber coil mounting device used in automated composite material layup equipment according to claim 1 , wherein the tightening unit comprises an elastic O-ring disposed on a wall of the fiber coil mounting shaft and a driving assembly penetrating through the wall of the fiber coil mounting shaft; the driving assembly is displaced via the axial force produced by the spring piece claim 1 , and drives the O-ring to expand and contract.3. The fiber coil mounting device used in automated composite material layup equipment according to claim 2 , wherein the driving assembly comprises an O-ring top block and a connecting block; the O-ring top ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031064A1
Принадлежит: Zhejiang University

This invention relates to a cutter device for automated composite material placement equipment, including cutter component, drive mechanism that drives the cutter component to slide, and guide mechanism that provides slide room for the cutter component, the said guide mechanism comprises: cutter stop, base, cover plate arranged on the base, and cutting board arranged between the base and the cover plate; guide groove for accommodating cutter component slide is provided at the said base's contact side with the cutting board; the said cutter stop is arranged at the outer side of the guide groove to limit the cutter component from sliding out; the said cutting board has a protruding part relative to the base and the cover plate, a first tow guide hole is provided on the said protruding part; a second tow guide hole coaxial with the first guide hole is provided at the said cutter stop, a cutter avoidance groove is further provided at the said cutter stop's side close to the cutting board, and the second tow guide hole goes through the said cutter avoidance groove. The cutter device comes in robust and compact construction to guide the cutter to realize accurate movement. 1. A cutter device for automated composite material placement equipment , comprising cutter component , drive mechanism that drives the cutter component to slide , and guide mechanism that provides slide room for the cutter component , wherein the guide mechanism comprises: cutter stop , base , cover plate arranged on the base , and cutting board arranged between the base and the cover plate;a guide groove for accommodating cutter component slide is provided a side of the base in contact with the cutting board; the cutter stop is arranged at the outer side of the guide groove to limit the cutter component from sliding out; the cutting board has a protruding part relative to the base and the cover plate, and a first tow guide hole is provided on the protruding part; a second tow guide hole coaxial with ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

System and method for cutting material in continuous fiber reinforced additive manufacturing

Номер: US20210031395A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Methods, apparatus, and systems for cutting material used in fused deposition modeling systems are provided, which comprise a ribbon including one or more perforations. Material is passed through at least one perforation and movement of the ribbon cuts the material. A further embodiment comprises a disk including one or more blade structures, each forming at least one cavity. Material is passed through at least one cavity and a rotational movement of the disk cuts the material. A further embodiment comprises a slider-crank mechanism including a slider coupled to a set of parallel rails of a guide shaft. The slider moves along a length of the rails to cut the material. Yet another embodiment comprises one or more rotatable blade structures coupled to at least one rod. The rotation of the blade structures causes the blade structures to intersect and cut extruded material during each rotation.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031465A1
Автор: Halbritter Allen

Tape layup systems and associated methods. A tape layup system includes a feed spool and an uptake spool. The feed spool is configured to carry a tape roll of tackifier tape that includes a tackifier material and a backing material, and the uptake spool is configured to carry a backing material roll of the backing material. The tape layup system further includes a torque transmission system configured to convey a torque from the feed spool to the uptake spool. The tape layup system is configured such that conveying a torque from the feed spool to the uptake spool operates to draw the backing material onto the backing material roll. A method of operating a tape layup system includes generating tension in a tackifier tape to rotate a feed spool and consequently rotating an uptake spool to draw a backing material onto a backing material roll. 1. A tape layup system operable to apply a tackifier material to a work surface , the tape layup system comprising:a frame;a feed spool configured to carry a tape roll of tackifier tape that includes the tackifier material and a backing material affixed to a first tape side of the tackifier material, wherein the feed spool is rotatably coupled to the frame, and wherein the feed spool is configured to rotate relative to the frame about a feed spool axis;an uptake spool configured to carry a backing material roll of the backing material, wherein the uptake spool is rotatably coupled to the frame, and wherein the uptake spool is configured to rotate relative to the frame about an uptake spool axis;a torque transmission system configured to convey a torque from the feed spool to the uptake spool; anda compaction assembly that includes a compaction roller configured to press the tackifier material onto the work surface;wherein the tape layup system is configured such that, when the compaction roller is translated along the work surface, the tape layup system operates to generate a tension in the tackifier tape between the compaction ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Fiber-reinforced 3d printing

Номер: US20180036946A1
Принадлежит: University of Michigan

A 3D printing system configured to embed and orient reinforcing fibers in a printable matrix material in at least three directions, wherein at least one of the directions is non-parallel with a plane defined by two other of the directions. The 3D printing system may be configured to deposit a layer of printable non-metallic material along a printing path on a contoured printing surface to form a 3D printed article. The system can carry out a method of 3D printing a fiber-reinforced article that includes the steps of: depositing a plurality of layers of printable matrix material one over another to define a three-dimensional shape of the article; and embedding a reinforcing fiber in the printable matrix material during the step of depositing, with the reinforcing fiber extending into more than one of the plurality of material layers.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036966A1

Various embodiments relate to a system for the production of fiber composite components, comprising having at least a first fiber placement machine for the application of fiber layers to a workpiece, and a further processing station, distinct from the fiber placement machine, for the modification of the workpiece, wherein the workpiece can be brought both to the fiber placement machine and to the further processing station by means of an automated conveyor means. Various additional embodiments are also disclosed herein. 1. A system for the production of fiber composite components , comprising:at least a first fiber placement machine for the application of fiber layers to a workpiece; anda further processing station, distinct from the fiber placement machine, for the modification of the workpiece,wherein the workpiece can be brought both to the fiber placement machine and to the further processing station by an automated conveyor.2. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the system comprises a second fiber placement machine claim 1 , which is spatially separated from the first fiber placement machine and is connected to the first fiber placement machine by the automated conveyor.3. The system as claimed in claim 2 , comprising a number of fiber placement machines as parallel processing stations claim 2 , which perform the same processing steps on simultaneously processed workpieces.4. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a number of fiber placement machines perform different processing steps on a workpiece one after the other as sequential processing stations.5. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the system comprises at least one buffer station for receiving claim 1 , storing and transferring a number of workpieces.6. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the further processing station comprises at least one element selected from the group consisting of: a forming device claim 1 , a temperature chamber and a painting device.7. The system as ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036968A1

Various embodiments relate to a fiber-laying machine for producing laid fiber scrims, including a tool table for feeding a workpiece along a feed direction; a laying head for applying fibers onto the workpiece; and a fiber-providing unit for feeding several fiber strands to the laying head; the several fiber strands are combined on the laying head to form a fiber web which is to be applied onto the workpiece; the laying head is movable in a laying direction relative to the fiber-providing unit; a clamping device is arranged on the laying head for releasably clamping the fiber strands, a portion of the fiber web is laid on the workpiece once the fiber strands have been pulled forward by a laying stroke by means of the laying head such that while the fibers are being applied on the workpiece, no fibers are pulled out of the fiber-providing unit. 1. A fiber-laying machine for producing laid fiber scrims , comprising:a tool table for feeding a workpiece along a feed direction;a laying head for applying fibers onto the workpiece; anda fiber-providing unit for feeding several fiber strands to the laying head;wherein the several fiber strands are combined on the laying head to form a fiber web which is to be applied onto the workpiece;wherein the laying head is movable relative to the fiber-providing unit in a laying direction; andwherein a clamping device is arranged on the laying head for releasably clamping the fiber strands, wherein a portion of the fiber web is laid on the workpiece once the fiber strands have been pulled forward by a laying stroke such that while the fibers are being applied on the workpiece, no fibers are pulled out of the fiber-providing unit.2. The fiber-laying machine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fiber-providing unit is arranged in a stationary manner claim 1 , wherein the laying head is movable relative to the fiber-providing unit only in precisely one plane.3. The fiber-laying machine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the clamping device ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055324A1
Автор: Hebert Larry S.

Fiber-reinforced composites is provided. The composites include a plurality of prepreg layers, each comprising a polymeric resin and a plurality of fibers disposed therein; and at least one electrically-conductive layer at least partially embedded in the plurality of prepreg layers. These fiber-reinforced composites can save weight relative to externally provided wires and can be provided in forms suitable for use in automated fiber placement and automated tape layup machines. Advantageous applications include uses in lightning strike protection, energy storage, signal transmission, and power distribution. 1. A structural fiber-reinforced composite comprising:a plurality of prepreg layers, each comprising a polymeric resin and a plurality of fibers disposed therein; andat least one electrically-conductive layer in contact with the plurality of prepreg layers, the at least one electrically-conductive layer having a ribbon shape.2. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric resin comprises a thermoset resin and wherein the thermoset resin comprises an epoxy claim 1 , phenolic claim 1 , bismaleimide claim 1 , or cyanate ester.3. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric resin comprises a thermoplastic resin.4. The composite of claim 3 , wherein the thermoplastic resin comprises a polyurethane claim 3 , polyvinylidene fluoride claim 3 , terpolymer of tetrafluoroethylene claim 3 , hexafluoropropylene and vinylidene fluoride (THV) claim 3 , terpolymer of hexafluoropropylene claim 3 , tetrafluoroethylene and ethylene (HTE) claim 3 , polyetherimide claim 3 , polyetheretherketone (PEEK) claim 3 , polyetherketoneketone (PEKK) claim 3 , or combination thereof.5. The composite of claim 1 , wherein at least one electrically-conductive layer comprises electrically-conductive particles dispersed in a matrix resin.6. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the electrically-conductive layer comprises electrically-conductive sheets of carbon claim 1 , metallized glass and/or ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039265A1
Принадлежит: Safran Nacelles

The present disclosure relates to a preform that includes layers of textile reinforcements that are arranged in a mold by an automatic placement head and are connected to each other, and which can be dry or pre-impregnated, in order to form a part made of composite materials after curing of an impregnating resin. The part includes a folding produced by conformation of the preform after the placement of the layers of textile reinforcements. At the folding, there are spacings between at least some of the layers of textile reinforcements. 1. A preform comprising:layers of textile reinforcements deposited on a mold to form a part made of composite materials after baking an impregnating resin, the part including a folding made by shaping the preform after depositing the layers of textile reinforcements,wherein spacings are disposed at the folding, between at least some of the layers of the layers of textile reinforcements.2. The preform according to claim 1 , wherein the layers of textile reinforcements are deposited using an automatic depositing head and are bonded together.3. The preform according to claim 1 , wherein the layers of textile reinforcements are dry or pre-impregnated.4. The preform according to claim 1 , further comprising inserts disposed within the spacings.5. The preform according to claim 4 , wherein the inserts are removed before the shaping of the preform.6. The preform according to claim 4 , wherein the inserts are formed of a material that can be dissolved in a solvent.7. The preform according to claim 6 , wherein the inserts are formed of a foam material.8. The preform according to claim 1 , wherein the layers of textile reinforcements include a temperature-activated binder claim 1 , and at the folding claim 1 , a portion of the temperature-activated binder is not activated.9. The preform according to claim 1 , wherein the preform is formed in a mold that includes a cavity relative to a radius directly connecting adjacent portions of the folding. ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039332A1

Methods for manufacturing a wind turbine blade component using a layup head for automatic or semi-automatic layup of fibre material as ply sections from respective rolls of a plurality of rolls in a blade component mould are described. The methods generally include: defining a list of ply sections for the blade component including the layup sequence and length of each ply section; generating a selection of layup plans using the list, a subset of the plurality of rolls and the initial lengths of fiber material on the rolls; selecting one layup plan in constraint of at least one criterion, such as optimisation of the remaining amount of fibre material waste on the plurality of rolls in a length direction, and controlling the layup head and plurality of rolls to perform the selected layup plan in manufacturing of the blade component in the blade component mould. 1. A method for manufacturing a wind turbine blade component using a layup head for automatic or semi-automatic layup of fibre material as ply sections or strips from respective rolls of a plurality of rolls in a blade component mould , said method comprising the steps of:a) defining a list of ply sections for the blade component including a layup sequence for the ply sections and a length of each ply section,b) generating a selection of layup plans using at least said list of ply sections, at least a subset of said plurality of rolls and the initial lengths of fibre material on said plurality of rolls,c) selecting one layup plan of said selection of layup plans in constraint of at least one first criterion, said at least one first criterion comprises optimisation of a remaining amount of fibre material waste on said plurality of rolls in a length direction, andd) controlling the layup head and said plurality of rolls with computing means to perform the selected layup plan in manufacturing of the blade component in the blade component mould.2. Method according to wherein each of said layup plans comprise ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039336A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A cutting apparatus including a cutting blade configured to slide along a surface of an anvil to cut tow material. The cutting blade includes a first bottom face portion and a cutting edge. The cutting blade further includes a second bottom face portion positioned between the first bottom face portion and the cutting edge. The first bottom face portion is configured to contact the surface of the anvil when the cutting blade slides along the surface to cut the tow material. The second bottom face portion and the cutting edge are located above the first bottom face portion such that the second bottom face portion and the cutting blade are free of contact from the surface when the cutting blade slides along the surface to cut the tow material. 1. A cutting apparatus comprising: a cutting edge; and', 'a bottom face, wherein said bottom face has a first portion and a second portion, wherein said second portion is positioned between said cutting edge and said first portion, wherein said first portion is configured to contact said surface of said anvil when said cutting blade slides along said surface to cut said tow material, wherein said second portion and said cutting edge are located above said first portion such that said second portion and said cutting blade are free of contact from said surface when said cutting blade slides along said surface to cut said tow material., 'a cutting blade configured to slide along a surface of an anvil to cut tow material, wherein said cutting blade comprises2. The cutting apparatus of wherein said cutting blade further comprises a top face and a distal side located between said top face and said cutting edge claim 1 , wherein said distal side angles downwardly going in a direction from said top face to said cutting edge at a first angle claim 1 , wherein said second portion angles upwardly going in the direction from said first portion to said cutting edge at a second angle.3. The cutting apparatus of wherein a sum of said first ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Fabricating Contoured Laminate Structures

Номер: US20200039154A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A forming module for forming a composite laminate part over a tool is provided. The forming module comprises a base, a ply carrier control assembly adapted for controlling the position of a flexible ply carrier on which composite resin plies are mounted, and a head section mounted on the base and adapted for automatically forming the composite resin plies from the ply carrier onto the tool.

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Tape laying apparatus

Номер: US20210046716A1

The disclosure relates to a tape laying apparatus configured to lay prepreg tape to mould surface. The tape laying apparatus includes a tape supply spool, a compaction head, a cutting tool and at least one travel distance adjustment component. The tape supply spool is configured for the prepreg tape to be wound thereon. The compaction head is configured for delivering the prepreg tape to the mould surface from the tape supply spool. The cutting tool is movable along a cutting path. The cutting tool is configured to cut the prepreg tape passing through the cutting path. The at least one travel distance adjustment component is movably located between the cutting path and the compaction head and configured to push the prepreg tape passing through the cutting path so as to increase or decrease a travel distance of the prepreg tape from the cutting path to the compaction head.
