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27-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2400376C2
Принадлежит: РЕНО С.А.С (FR)

Изобретения относятся к магистрали распределения воздуха в салоне автотранспортного средства и способу монтажа магистрали распределения воздуха в салоне автотранспортного средства. Магистраль распределения воздуха интегрирована в салон автотранспортного средства. Салон содержит, по меньшей мере, одну жесткую полую поперечную балку усиления конструкции автотранспортного средства. Магистраль выполнена путем экструзии и размещена в поперечной балке на расстоянии от ее внутренней стенки. Способ характеризуется тем, что собирают полую часть поперечной балки, трубчатую часть поперечной балки и соединительную деталь с образованием поперечной балки. Экструдированная магистраль вставляется в полую часть поперечной балки. Собранную таким образом конструкцию устанавливают в панели приборного щитка автотранспортного средства. Достигаются снижение себестоимости, габаритов, уменьшение шумов и простота установки. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

04-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729140C1

FIELD: cooling or freezing equipment. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to refrigerators for vehicles. Refrigerating or heating device includes a cavity, at least a wall section of which is provided in form of a vacuum adiabatic housing, a machine compartment located on the side and outside of the cavity, compressor located in engine compartment for coolant compression, first heat exchange module located in engine room to provide heat exchange of cooling agent, a second heat exchange module disposed in the cavity for providing heat exchange of the coolant, and a cover of the engine room, which closes the engine compartment for separation of the flow path, so that the internal air flow and the external air flow have directions opposite to each other. EFFECT: higher energy efficiency of heat removal efficiency. 15 cl, 22 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 729 140 C1 (51) МПК B60H 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60H 3/00 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019129086, 13.02.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЭлДжи ЭЛЕКТРОНИКС ИНК. (KR) Дата регистрации: 04.08.2020 17.02.2017 KR 10-2017-0021560 (45) Опубликовано: 04.08.2020 Бюл. № 22 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 17.09.2019 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 7 2 9 1 4 0 R U (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2018/151494 (23.08.2018) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр. 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) ХОЛОДИЛЬНОЕ ИЛИ НАГРЕВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО И ТРАНСПОРТНОЕ СРЕДСТВО (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к холодильным теплообмена хладагента, второй теплообменный устройствам для транспортных средств. модуль, расположенный в полости для Холодильное или нагревательное устройство обеспечения теплообмена хладагента, и крышку включает в себя полость, по меньшей мере машинного отделения, которая закрывает участок стенки которой обеспечен в виде ...

27-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008101386A

... 1. Устройство распределения воздуха в салоне автотранспортного средства, содержащее по меньшей мере одну жесткую полую поперечную балку (1) усиления конструкции автотранспортного средства и магистраль (2) распределения воздуха, отличающееся тем, что поперечная балка (1) содержит полую часть (1а) и трубчатую часть (1b), которые соединены между собой соединительной деталью (1с), соответствующей формам частей (1a, 1b) поперечной балки (1) и обеспечивающей жесткость всей конструкции. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что поперечная балка (1) расположена внутри панели приборного щитка автотранспортного средства и выполнена с возможностью крепления на ней других элементов. ! 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что полая часть (1а) поперечной балки содержит выступы (3), равномерно распределенные по периферии и по длине поперечной балки (1). ! 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что поперечная балка (1) является полым телом, по существу, прямоугольной формы и выполнена с возможностью ...

20-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011137320A

... 1. Транспортное средство типа сельскохозяйственного трактора, содержащее кабину (1) с системой отопления, вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха, отличающееся тем, что кабина (1) имеет узел (12) воздуховодов, содержащий, по меньшей мере, первый воздуховод (14) для соединения с входом блока (2) обработки воздуха системы отопления, вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха, и несущие средства для крепления электронных устройств (40), при этом узел (12) воздуховодов и несущие средства предварительно собраны вместе с образованием единого модуля (13).2. Транспортное средство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что несущие средства содержат две по существу плоские части (30) для крепления электронных устройств (40), расположенные по обеим сторонам узла (12) воздуховодов.3. Транспортное средство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что модуль (13) содержит два боковых борта (35) со средствами шарнирного крепления.4. Транспортное средство по п.3, отличающееся тем, что каждое средство шарнирного крепления содержит опорную ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Klimaanlage für Baumaschine

Номер: DE112015004876T5
Автор: HIRAOKA KEN, Hiraoka, Ken
Принадлежит: CATERPILLAR SARL, Caterpillar SARL

Diese Erfindung betrifft eine Klimaanlage für eine Baumaschine, welche die erforderliche Haltbarkeit einer Zuführleitung und einer Abführleitung gewährleisten kann, und welche die Herstellungskosten senken kann. Unter Bezugnahme auf Fig. 1 weist die Klimaanlage die folgenden Merkmale auf: Das Expansionsventil (48) ist in einer höheren Position als die Oberseite einer Bodenplatte (30) einer Kabine (24) angeordnet. Das Expansionsventil (48) ist durch eine Zuführleitung (52) und eine Abführleitung (54) mit einer äußeren Vorrichtung der Klimaanlage verbunden. Die Zuführleitung (52) und die Abführleitung (54) verlaufen entlang der Unterseite der Bodenplatte (30) und biegen sich am Durchgang (30a), der in der Bodenplatte (30) ausgebildet ist, nach oben. Die Zuführleitung (52) und die Abführleitung (54) sind durch eine P-Schelle (56) fixiert, die in der Nähe des Durchgangs (30a) angeordnet ist.

30-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE602005004102T2

24-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0050000524D1

25-05-2005 дата публикации

Klimatisierungsvorrichtung, insbesondere für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE0010349431A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Klimatisierungsvorrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug, die im Bereich einer Stirnwand (12) zwischen einer Antriebsmaschine und einem Fahrzeuginnenraum angeordnet ist und die Luftführungskanäle (34), wenigstens einen Wärmetauscher (14) sowie wenigstens eine Heizeinrichtung (16) aufweist. DOLLAR A Es ist vorgesehen, dass zumindest Teile der Luftführungskanäle (34) als integrierter Bestandteil der Stirnwand (12) ausgebildet sind.

23-11-2000 дата публикации

Vehicle esp. motor car with passenger compartment in front and partition dividing rear space with at least 1 air conditioning system with 1 or more fans and evaporators

Номер: DE0019923188A1

The partition (17) is designed as a prefabricated complete module (24), in which are integrated the air dischargers (28-31) and a pref. minimum number of connecting openings (22), for supplying the in-blown air. Also the number of connection openings (22) on the direct path to the air ducts (18-21) leading to the air dischargers (28-31). Air conditioning in rear space is compact and inconspicuous.

19-05-2004 дата публикации

Cross-member forming part of hybrid structure frame for road vehicle has foundation body with U-section groove detouring round centrally mounted heater or air conditioner and holding air duct

Номер: DE0010251761A1

The foundation body (2) of the cross-member has a U-section groove detouring round a plastics housing (11,12) for a centrally mounted heater or air conditioner. An air duct (14) may fit in the groove in the foundation body. There are straight groove sections (2a,c) on either side of the heater or air conditioner housing and there are air outlets (16) at the ends of the cross-member. The heater or air conditioner has centrally arranged outlets (13,15).

24-02-2005 дата публикации

Safer air vent nozzle arrangement in vehicle, allows nozzle to move relative to its support should crash occur

Номер: DE102004034056A1

In the event of a crash, the nozzle (4) moves relative to its support (3).

15-07-2004 дата публикации

Wandstruktur und Verfahren zu deren Herstellung

Номер: DE0010258705A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Wandstruktur (1), insbesondere zur Verwendung als Instrumententafel für Kraftfahrzeuginnenräume (2). Die Wandstruktur besteht aus einer Schichtung von Oberschicht (3), Hohlraumschicht (4) und Unterschicht (5), wobei die Oberschicht zum Kraftfahrzeuginnenraum hin orientiert ist und die Hohlraumschicht an ein Belüftungssystem des Kraftfahrzeugs angeschlossen, dass Wärmeenergie mittels Luftstrom aus der Oberschicht ableitbar oder zu dieser zuführbar ist. Außerdem ist ein Herstellverfahren für die Wandstruktur gezeigt. DOLLAR A Die Erfindung zeichnet sich insbesondere dadurch aus, dass eine energiesparende und schnelle Klimatisierung von Kraftfahrzeuginnenräumen bzw. eine entsprechende Temperaturregelung von Oberflächenschichten im Kraftfahrzeuginnenraum gewährleistet wird.

04-10-2006 дата публикации

Ceiling modules

Номер: GB0000616647D0

02-12-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001214719A

... 1,214,719. Vehicle bodies. BUDD CO. 8 Nov., 1968 [8 Nov., 1967], No. 53127/68. Heading B7B. A vehicle body has side panels A1 and A2 united to form a box section side sill and A-post the inner panel A1 being joggled at 35 to form an inwardly facing pocket to accommodate the terminal fitting 27 of an air conduit 25 leading from a heat exchanger to outlets 35 and 26a in the passenger space and outlets 30 adjacent the windshield for de-misting. An underframe structure having a floor 40 and side sill extensions 23 is united to the panel A1 to fully enclose the terminal fitting 27.

15-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000390306T

15-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000391069T

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000470620T

15-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: ATA150996A

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000542691T

15-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000355991T

25-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000405636B

15-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000121882A

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000343508T

15-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000224309T

22-01-2001 дата публикации

Vehicle front interior cross member

Номер: AU0005993200A

04-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000962060A1

20-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002402145A1

01-08-2017 дата публикации

Air conditioner for construction machine

Номер: CN0107002385A

18-10-2006 дата публикации

Air conditioning system

Номер: CN0001280117C

20-04-1970 дата публикации


Номер: FR0001591022A

25-11-1994 дата публикации

Structure of assembly of components of heating and air-conditioning for motor vehicles.

Номер: FR0002697475B1

05-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002862577B1

13-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002872931A1

L'invention a pour objet un mécanisme de commande d'au moins un organe à manoeuvrer (8,9,10,11) logé à l'intérieur d'un élément structurant (1), notamment d'un véhicule. Ce mécanisme comprend des moyens de manoeuvre de l'organe (8,9,10,11) qui sont portés par un support (12,13) et qui sont en relation avec un organe de commande (17). Le support (12,13) est rapporté sur l'élément structurant (1) en étant constitué d'au moins une platine (14,15,16) équipée de moyens de centrage (24) et de fixation (25) sur l'élément structurant (1), pour manoeuvrer l'organe (8,9,10,11) logé à l'intérieur de l'élément structurant depuis l'extérieur de ce dernier.

17-06-2005 дата публикации

Air flow distribution module for use in motor vehicle, has two sub-assemblies, one including primary wall defining two channels to direct air flow towards zone of cockpit of vehicle, where module is integrated with structuring device

Номер: FR0002863549A1

L'invention concerne un module de distribution 1 d'un flux d'air en provenance d'une installation de ventilation, chauffage et/ou climatisation destiné à être intégré dans un cockpit d'un véhicule automobile, caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend au moins une première paroi 2 qui délimite au moins un premier canal 3 et un second canal 4 de circulation d'air chacun vers au moins une zone dudit cockpit. Ledit module de distribution 1 est intégré dans un dispositif structurant constitué d'une partie inférieure 30 coopérant avec une partie supérieure 31 de sorte à délimiter un volume intérieur apte à recevoir le module de distribution d'air 1. Application aux cockpits pour un véhicules automobiles.

12-03-2004 дата публикации

Shock absorber for floor of motor vehicle has with cavity fluid-filled duct to protect driver's or passenger's feet in event of impact

Номер: FR0002844234A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif d'amortissement de choc fixé sur un support de plancher (11) d'un véhicule automobile (V) et destiné à protéger, en cas de choc du véhicule (V), un pied d'un passager qui prendrait appui sur ledit dispositif. Ce dispositif est remarquable en ce qu'il comporte au moins un conduit de fluide (19) apte à se déformer sous l'effet d'une pression (P) du pied.

11-08-2006 дата публикации

Dashboard sub-assembly for motor vehicle, has defrosting grid projected towards front and articulated on sub-assembly of dashboard around axis parallel to transversal direction of vehicle between usage and mounting configuration

Номер: FR0002881709A1

L'invention concerne un sous-ensemble de planche de bord. Elle se rapporte à un sous-ensemble qui comprend un corps de planche de bord et des équipements de planche de bord, comprenant un élément (32) en saillie vers l'avant dont une dimension, mesurée depuis une partie du contour formé par l'élément en saillie vers l'avant, est supérieure à une dimension correspondante d'une ouverture de porte avant du véhicule. La partie de l'élément (32) en saillie vers l'avant est articulée sur le sous-ensemble de planche de bord (19) autour d'un axe parallèle à la direction transversale du véhicule, entre une configuration d'utilisation et une configuration de montage. Application aux véhicules automobiles.

25-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0039102929B1

15-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0038903129B1

08-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020050106008A

An instrument panel assembly (10) is provided for an article of manufacture such as an automotive vehicle. The assembly (10) typically includes at least one framework structure (12) and at least one construction (18). The framework structure (12) and the construction (18) are typically attached (e.g., adhesively secured) to each other in a manner that assists in the formation of at least a portion of a system such as a heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system. The framework structure maybe made of steel and/or aluminium, the one construction of synthetic material, wherein the gluing surface and preferably the synthetic one is a low energy surface (less that 45mj/m2) not necessitating a treatment or a prinerization for applying the adhesive, this one comprizing an organoborane/amine complex. A covering part (20) of a blow molded material can be added. © KIPO & WIPO 2007 ...

24-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: WO2004052675A1
Автор: BOEHM, Markus

The invention relates to a wall structure (1) used, in particular in the form of an instrument panel in a motor vehicle interior (2). The inventive wall structure is embodied in the form of a laminated material consisting of a top layer (3), a hollow layer (4) and a lower layer (5). The top layer is oriented towards the interior of the motor vehicle, and the hollow layer is arranged near a ventilation system of the motor vehicle in such away that a heat energy is removed from the top layer or is supplied thereto by means of an airflow. Said invention also relates to a method for producing the inventive wall structure and is characterised in that it makes it possible to air-conditioning the interior of the motor vehicle or control the temperature of the surface layers inside thereof with low energy consumption and in a quick manner.

24-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO2003033310A1

The invention relates to a ventilation device (7) comprising an air-supply conduit (8) for an occupant diffuser that is coupled to an air-supply device, for supplying air to occupant-diffuser vents located in the instrument-panel wall region, said air-supply conduit (8) for an occupant diffuser being covered by the instrument panel (1). In addition, the ventilation device is provided with an airbag module (17), which comprises at least one airbag (18) and at least one gas generator, the airbag module (17), when assembled, being covered by the instrument panel (1). According to the invention, the air-supply conduit (8) for the occupant diffuser runs on the passenger side below a potential head-impact region (6) of the instrument-panel wall, extending essentially in the direction of the transversal axis of the vehicle. This allows a passenger-airbag module to be located away from the potential head-impact region (6) in a free area (15) that is configured in front of the occupant-diffuser ...

05-06-2003 дата публикации

Floor coverings for vehicles having integrated air and lighting distribution

Номер: US20030102690A1

Vehicle floor coverings are provided with tubular air ducts therewithin that are configured to deliver air from air sources upwardly through a porous structure of the floor covering and into a vehicle compartment. Vehicle floor coverings are provided with electrical wiring harnesses therewithin that can facilitate the interconnection of various vehicle electronic components. Vehicle floor coverings are provided with optical fibers therewithin that are configured to deliver light from a light source to one or more locations within a vehicle and/or to provide special effects and customization of vehicle interiors.

11-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: US2010035533A1

A distribution housing including an upstream portion and a widened downstream portion along the transverse axis relative to the upstream portion, in which an air inlet formed in the upstream portion is adapted to correspond to an outlet of an air conditioning apparatus, first and second outlets formed in the downstream portion are respectively adapted to correspond with a duct network for distributing blown air towards a de-icing board and side louvers, first pipes connect the inlet to the first outlets and extend between separation walls of the ducts and side walls of the housing, and a second pipe connects the inlet to the second outlet and extends at least partially between the duct separation walls. The second pipe opens, on the air inlet side, at the center of the air inlet, and the first pipes open on both sides of the first pipe. The housing has a different profile along the plane between the first and second pipes.

12-10-2010 дата публикации

Dashboard support

Номер: US0007810873B2

A dashboard support extending between the A-pillars of a motor vehicle includes a passenger-side beam member constructed to suit a load exposure on a passenger side, a driver-side beam member which is constructed to suit a load exposure on a driver side and connected to the passenger-side beam member; and an air guiding channel which is made of plastic and arranged in the driver-side beam member. The air guiding channel is supported on the inside by the driver-side beam member so as to be aligned in its three rotary degrees of freedom and its translational degrees of freedom in travel direction and vertical direction. The air guiding channel has a sidewall which is formed, for securement in a direction transversely to the travel direction, with an outwardly directed protuberance for engagement in a receiving member in the driver-side beam member when the air guiding channel is displaced transversely to the travel direction.

23-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EP2349820B8
Принадлежит: AGCO GmbH

01-06-2005 дата публикации

Dashboard for motor vehicles

Номер: EP0001535788A1

Dash board for motor vehicle, has defrosting duct that is connected to ventilation system, and support structure provided with internal cavity connected to feed channel via communication pipe for forming acoustic resonator The dashboard has a support structure (11) formed with an upper panel (12). The panel is provided with inlets for blowing air inside a passenger cell. A defrosting duct (15) extends parallel to a lower end of a windshield and is connected to a ventilation system. The structure has an internal cavity (20) connected to a feed channel (16) through a communication pipe (21) for forming an acoustic resonator.

09-05-2007 дата публикации

Номер: JP0003912029B2

27-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2446059C2
Принадлежит: РЕНО С.А.С. (FR)

Группа изобретений относится к технике предотвращения обледенения лобового и боковых стекол транспортного средства. Предложен короб-распределитель, содержащий входной участок и выходной участок, расширяющийся по отношению к входному участку. Во входном участке выполнен воздушный вход, соединенный с выходом кондиционера, а во входном участке выполнены первые и второй выходы, соединенные с сетью каналов распределения нагнетаемого воздуха в сторону отверстия противообледенительной защиты лобового стекла и боковых отверстий. Первые воздуховоды соединяют вход с первыми выходами и расположены между стенками разделения каналов и боковыми стенками короба. Второй воздуховод соединяет вход со вторым выходом и по меньшей мере частично расположен между стенками разделения канала. Со стороны воздушного входа второй воздуховод выходит в центр воздушного входа, а первые воздуховоды выходят по обе стороны от второго воздуховода. Первые и второй воздуховоды имеют различный профиль в вертикальной продольной ...

27-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU89027U1

... 1. Транспортное средство, в частности легковой автомобиль, содержащее расположенные внутри транспортного средства последовательно в направлении потока участки (4, 8) воздуховода с выпуском (17) для транспортирования и подачи воздуха с целью кондиционирования салона транспортного средства, отличающееся тем, что в нем предусмотрены расположенный в зоне внутреннего пола транспортного средства, жестко прикрепленный к каркасу кузова, нижний участок (4) воздуховода и верхний участок (8) воздуховода стойки кузова транспортного средства, в частности средней стойки (2) кузова транспортного средства, при этом верхний участок (8) воздуховода является элементом обивки (9) для стойки кузова транспортного средства. ! 2. Транспортное средство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что нижний участок (4) воздуховода проходит в зоне каркаса (1) стойки кузова транспортного средства, в частности средней стойки (2) кузова, выше уровня накладки порога водительской или пассажирской двери. ! 3. Транспортное средство по п.1 ...

27-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009127829A

... 1. Короб-распределитель (30), содержащий входной участок (31) и выходной участок (32), расширяющийся вдоль поперечной оси (Т) по отношению к входному участку (31), при этом во входном участке (31) выполнен вход (33) воздуха, приспособленный к присоединению к выходу кондиционера; во входном участке (32) выполнены первые (34) и второй (35) выходы, приспособленные к присоединению к сети каналов для распределения нагнетаемого воздуха в сторону отверстия (14) противообледенительной защиты лобового стекла и боковых отверстий (16); вход (33) соединен с первыми выходами (34) посредством первых воздуховодов (340), расположенных между стенками (39) разделения каналов и боковыми стенками (36) короба (30); вход (33) соединен со вторым выходом (35) посредством второго воздуховода (350), по меньшей мере, частично расположенного между стенками (39) разделения канала; со стороны воздушного входа (33) второй воздуховод (350) открыт к центру воздушного входа (33), а первые воздуховоды (340) проходят с разных ...

21-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069803248D1

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Mittelkonsole für Fahrzeuge sowie Verfahren zu deren Herstellung

Номер: DE102011086701A1

Mittelkonsole für Fahrzeuge, umfassend eine erste in Längsrichtung der Mittelkonsole verlaufende Seitenwand sowie eine der ersten Seitenwand gegenüberliegende in Längsrichtung der Mittelkonsole verlaufende zweite Seitenwand, wobei die Mittelkonsole aus einer ersten Hälfte umfassend die erste Seitenwand, die unmittelbar mit einer zweiten Hälfte umfassend die zweite Seitenwand zusammengefügt ist, aufgebaut ist und von jeder der Seitenwände in Richtung der jeweiligen anderen Seitenwand materialeinheitlich mit der jeweiligen Seitenwand ausgebildete Elemente vorragen, die sich im zusammengefügten Zustand der Hälften zu einem Funktionselement ergänzen, wobei die erste und zweite Hälfte jeweils ein thermoplastisches Schaumgussteil sind. Darüber hinaus betrifft die vorliegende Erfindung auch ein Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung.

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Klimasteuersystem und -verfahren für Kraftfahrzeug mit abnehmbaren Dach und Seitentüren

Номер: DE102019101456A1

Die Offenbarung stellt ein „KI,IMASTEUERSTYSTEM UND -VERFAHREN FÜR EIN KRAFTFAHRZEUG MIT ABNEHMBAREN DACH UND SEITENTÜREN“ bereit. Ein Klimasteuersystem beinhaltet eine Vielzahl von Lüftungsregistern, eine HLK-Einheit, die klimatisierte Luft an die Vielzahl von Lüftungsregistern abgibt, ein Seitentürzustandsüberwachungsgerät und eine Steuerung, die konfiguriert ist, das Öffnen und Schließen der Vielzahl von Lüftungsregistern als Reaktion auf Seitentürzustandsdaten, die durch das Seitentürzustandsüberwachungsgerät bereitgestellt werden, zu steuern. Ein zugehöriges Klimasteuerverfahren ist ebenfalls bereitgestellt.

31-05-2000 дата публикации

Motor vehicle cockpit unit has air delivery channel with shell-shaped component covered to form air channel and forming T-shaped unit with housing for mounting functional components

Номер: DE0019854940A1

The unit has a heating or air conditioning system housing in the centre console area with at least two housing parts, at least one air guidance channel for delivering temp.-controlled air to air outlet openings in the cockpit (12). The air delivery channel has a shell-shaped component that can be covered (60) to form the air channel and that forms a T-shaped unit with the housing. Several cockpit functional components (56,58,..114,116) can be mounted on the unit. Independent claims are also included for a cockpit for a motor vehicle and for a method of manufacturing a cockpit.

09-11-2018 дата публикации

Raumsparendes Armaturenbrett- und Enteisungsplenum

Номер: DE202018105543U1

Armaturenbrett- und Enteisungsplenum, umfassend:einen Krümmerbereich;einen Luftzufuhrbereich stromaufwärts des Krümmerbereichs, wobei der Luftzufuhrbereich einen Luftstrom an einer Einengung durch eine HUD-Baugruppe vorbei zu dem Krümmerbereich zuführt; undeinen Verzweigungsbereich stromabwärts des Krümmerbereichs.

22-09-1999 дата публикации

A dashboard assembly for a vehicle

Номер: GB0002335396A

A dashboard assembly 10 for a vehicle 16 comprises a rigid cross-car beam 12 encased in a foam body 20, which is covered by a thin outer shell 26 such as a glass mat thermoplastic. The foam body 20 is formed in first and second sections 22, 24 which are bonded to each other, to the cross-car beam 12 and to the outer shell 26. Integrally formed with the assembly 10 are ducts 28, 30, 36 for a ventilation system, a recess 40 for an air bag module and a passageway 44 for a steering column.

08-10-2003 дата публикации

Front internal crosspiece of a vehicle

Номер: GB0002367790B

15-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000299809T

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000359950T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000533685T

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000392328T

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000372915T

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000440743T

15-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000150996A

13-02-2001 дата публикации

Method for making a tubular element and resulting tubular element

Номер: AU0007006100A

04-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA962060A

25-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN0109930460A

14-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002795701B1

03-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002887511B1

09-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003077529A1

04-12-1928 дата публикации

Roof improved for cars and all others véhiules

Номер: FR0000647999A

16-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002891224B1

06-07-2007 дата публикации

Dashboard for vehicle, has ventilation duct with central part and two end parts connected to central part, where end parts play roles of air inlet and outlet, respectively, for duct which is integrated in structure of crosspiece

Номер: FR0002895704A1

La planche de bord (10) comprend une conduite de ventilation (30) comportant une partie centrale (31) et deux parties d'extrémité (32) jouant respectivement les rôles d'entrée et de sortie (35) de l'air pour cette conduite (30), et moins une traverse (20) apte à recevoir intérieurement la conduite de ventilation, les deux parties d'extrémité (32) étant rapportées sur la partie centrale (31).

05-11-1999 дата публикации

Under-panel beneath transverse edge of dash board, supporting air ventilation ductwork

Номер: FR0002778153A1

Un panneau (22) propre à être disposé dans une partie inférieure d'une planche de bord de véhicule automobile est réalisé d'une seule pièce par transformation d'une matière plastique avec au moins un conduit (26; 46-1 à 46-5) qui s'étend le long d'une face intérieure (40) et qui comporte une entrée (44) propre à être alimentée par un flux d'air (F) provenant d'un appareil de chauffage et/ ou climatisation et au moins une sortie (48-1 à 48-5) qui débouche sur une face extérieure (42) du panneau pour diriger le flux d'air vers le bas de l'habitacle. Avantageusement, le panneau et les conduits sont réalisés d'une seule pièce par un procédé d'extrusion-soufflage à partir d'une matière thermoplastique.

30-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002891224A1

L'invention concerne une traverse aéraulique. Elle se rapporte à un procédé de fabrication d'une traverse aéraulique qui comprend une poutre métallique (10) et un conduit (16) destiné à raccorder deux ouvertures (12, 14) entre lesquelles il suit un trajet sinueux. Le procédé comprend la fabrication d'une poutre (10) qui délimite un volume enveloppe de logement du conduit entre les deux ouvertures (12, 14), la fabrication du conduit (16) qui est déformable de façon réversible spécifique entre un état de travail et un état contracté d'insertion, la mise du conduit (16) à son état d'insertion, l'insertion du conduit (16) dans la poutre (10) par une ouverture (12, 14) de celle-ci, et la mise du conduit (16) à son état de travail. Application aux véhicules automobiles.

29-05-2009 дата публикации

Distribution housing for e.g. heating, ventilating and air conditioning apparatus, of motor vehicle, has pillars interposed between walls to form permanent contact between walls, where pillars have rectilinear or curved shape in T-L plane

Номер: FR0002924054A3

L'invention concerne un boîtier répartiteur (30) présentant une portion amont (31) et une portion aval (32) élargie, selon l'axe transversal T, par rapport à la portion amont (31) et dans lequel une entrée d'air (33) est formée dans la portion amont (31) et adaptée à correspondre avec une sortie d'un appareil de climatisation, des premières (34) et deuxième (35) sorties sont formées dans la portion aval (32) et sont respectivement adaptées à correspondre avec un réseau de canalisation pour distribuer de l'air soufflé vers une frise de dégivrage (14) et des ouïes latérales (16), la portion aval (32) comporte des premières (37) et deuxième (38) parois s'étendant entre des parois latérales (36) du boîtier répartiteur (30) caractérisé en ce que au moins un pilier est interposé entre les premières (37) et deuxième (38) parois de manière à réaliser un contact permanent entre les premières (37) et deuxième (38) parois.

26-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003016825B1

25-06-1999 дата публикации

Modular dashboard for vehicle

Номер: FR0002772682A1

Le poste de conduite comprend une poutre creuse rigide (1) allongée de gauche à droite du véhicule et solidement ancrée à la carrosserie, et un panneau décoratif (22) formant planche de bord fixé sur la poutre. La poutre définit des conduites pour la distribution d'air dans l'habitacle, dont les sorties sont couvertes par des grilles (23) portées par le panneau (22). Ces conduites communiquent avec un boîtier (20) de chauffage ou de climatisation qui est fixé au-dessous de la poutre.

09-04-2010 дата публикации

Headlight assembling device for motor vehicle, has connection unit connecting case on structural element that houses channel, where channel circulates air from air treating unit that has ventilation, heating and/or air conditioning unit

Номер: FR0002936751A1

L'invention a pour objet un dispositif de montage sur un véhicule d'un projecteur (16) comprenant un boîtier (18) munie d'une paroi transparente. Le boîtier (18) est monté sur un élément structurel du véhicule qui est interposé entre le compartiment moteur et l'habitacle du véhicule. Cet élément structurel est constitué d'une poutre transversale de renfort (1) de l'habitacle du véhicule, qui loge au moins un canal (21) de circulation d'air en provenance d'une unité de traitement thermique d'air que comporte une installation (33) de ventilation, de chauffage et/ou de climatisation équipant le véhicule.

14-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0037287994B1

23-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0032382632B1

27-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0030429712B1

20-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0032399668B1

22-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0033869115B1

10-10-2018 дата публикации

벌브 광원 반사수단을 자체 구비한 공조 콘트롤 장치

Номер: KR0101906215B1
Автор: 박은배
Принадлежит: (주)제이에스테크

... 본 발명은 벌브 광원 반사수단을 자체 구비한 공조 콘트롤 장치에 관한 것으로서, 벌브에서 발생 되는 빛을 본체의 개구단으로 고르게 조사시키는 반사부를 본체의 내측 양측면에 외측으로 상향 경사지게 형성하므로, 종래 기술과 같이 벌브의 빛을 확산시키는 별도의 렌즈를 제작하여 본체의 내부에 설치하지 않아도 되기 때문에 케이스부재를 구성하고 있는 본체의 제작 비용을 현저히 줄일 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 케이스부재의 조립 시간을 줄일 수 있으며, 상기 반사부는 볼록단이 구비된 제1 반사면과 제2 반사면을 다른 각도로 상향 경사지게 형성하면서, 제1 반사면과 제2 반사면을 반사홈이 구비된 연결면을 연결하여 반사부를 통해 본체의 개구단으로 조사되는 빛을 난 반사시켜 표시부가 구비된 전면패널에 음영이 발생 되는 것을 방지할 수 있도록 한 것이다.

18-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200129560A

02-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: BR0PI0504084A

07-10-2003 дата публикации

Estrutura de duto de ar condicionado em painel de instrumentos para veìculo

Номер: BR0115227A

26-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO2008074630A1

The invention relates to a distribution housing comprising an upstream portion and a widened downstream portion along the transverse axis T relative to the upstream portion, in which an air inlet formed in the upstream portion is adapted to correspond to the outlet of an air conditioning apparatus, first and second outlets formed in the downstream portion are respectively adapted to correspond with a duct network for distributing the blown air towards a de-icing board and side louvers, first pipes connect the inlet to the first outlets and extend between the separation walls of the ducts and the side walls of the housing, a second pipe connects the inlet to the second outlet and extends at least partially between the duct separation walls; the second pipes opens, on the air inlet side, at the center of the air inlet, and the first pipes open on both sides of the first pipe, characterised in that the housing has different profile along the plane L-V between the first and second pipes.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle air conditioner

Номер: US20120199661A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

Provided is a vehicle air conditioner which includes a simple water-proofing structure that is capable of preventing flooding of a vehicle cabin from mating surfaces, etc. of expansion-valve covers and top and bottom divided cases of an air conditioning unit (HVAC unit) without employing a water-proofing cover, or the like. In a vehicle air conditioner in which expansion-valve covers that are vertically divided into two parts are provided at an outer surface side of top and bottom divided cases of an air conditioning unit disposed in the vehicle cabin so as to bridge mating surfaces of the cases; an expansion valve can be disposed inside the expansion-valve covers; and, in addition, the interior of the expansion-valve covers communicates with an engine compartment via an opening provided in an toe board.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Automotive vehicle instrument panel construction

Номер: US20120274090A1
Автор: David W. Carter
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

An automotive vehicle including a passenger compartment and an instrument panel is provided. The instrument panel includes a beam disposed at a forward end of the compartment and extending across the width of the compartment. A driver's side instrument panel module is secured to the beam. A passenger's side instrument panel module is also secured to the beam. A defrost module is located adjacent at least one of the driver's side module and said passenger side module and positioned to provide forced air flow over the windshield of the vehicle. A driver's side vent module is disposed between the driver's side module and the sidewall of the compartment. In addition, a passenger side vent module is disposed between the passenger side module and the opposed compartment sidewall.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008952A1

A climate control system includes a plurality of vent registers, an HVAC unit delivering conditioned air to the plurality of vent registers, a side door status monitoring device and a controller configured to control opening and closing of the plurality of vent registers in response to side door status data provided by the side door status monitoring device. A related climate control method is also provided. 110-. (canceled)11. A climate control method for a motor vehicle with a roof and removable side doors , comprising:monitoring, by a side door status monitoring device, removal of one or more of said side doors; andconfiguring a controller to control opening and closing of a plurality of vent registers of said motor vehicle in response to removal of one or more of said removable side doors.12. The climate control method of claim 11 , including monitoring claim 11 , by a roof status monitoring device claim 11 , removal or opening of said roof and configuring said controller to control opening and closing of said plurality of vent registers of said motor vehicle in response to removal or opening of said roof.13. The climate control method of claim 12 , including monitoring claim 12 , by a seat occupancy monitoring device claim 12 , occupancy of a driver seat and front passenger seat of said motor vehicle and configuring said controller to control opening and closing of said plurality of vent registers of said motor vehicle in response to occupancy of said front passenger seat.14. The climate control method of claim 13 , including monitoring claim 13 , by an ambient temperature monitor claim 13 , ambient temperature and configuring said controller to control opening and closing of said plurality of vent registers of said motor vehicle in response to said ambient temperature.15. The climate control method of claim 13 , including configuring said controller to open a driver side floor vent register and close a driver side outboard instrument panel vent register claim ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023791A1

To reduce discomfort of occupants caused by operation sound of a camera cooling system in a vehicle, a vehicle-mounted camera includes a camera cooler and a controller. The vehicle-mounted camera is installed inside of a windshield. The camera cooler cools the vehicle-mounted camera. The controller determines if the vehicle-mounted camera is in a high temperature state. If it is determined that the vehicle-mounted camera is in the high temperature state, the controller controls the camera cooler to operate. The controller controls an air conditioner to provide a sound generation process to generate concealing sound to conceal operation sound caused by the camera cooler when the air conditioner operates. 1. A vehicle-mounted camera disposed inside of a windshield of a vehicle , the vehicle-mounted camera comprising:a camera cooler to cool the vehicle-mounted camera; anda controller, a determiner to determine if the vehicle-mounted camera is in a high temperature state of a given degree of temperature,', 'an actuator to activate the camera cooler when the determiner determines that the vehicle-mounted camera is in the high temperature state, and', 'a processor to perform a concealing sound generation process to generate concealing sound to conceal operation sound generated by the camera cooler when the camera cooler operates., 'the controller including2. The vehicle-mounted camera as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the processor activates an air conditioner installed in the vehicle claim 1 , the air conditioner performing the concealing sound generation process by generating operation sound.3. The vehicle-mounted camera as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the processor activates an audio system installed in the vehicle claim 1 , the audio system performing the concealing sound generation process by generating sound.4. The vehicle-mounted camera as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the determiner further determines if the vehicle-mounted camera is in either a first high- ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Air conditioning system and method for multi-zone air conditioning of a vehicle interior

Номер: US20180029437A1
Принадлежит: Hanon Systems Corp

Air conditioning system for multi-zone air conditioning of a motor vehicle interior comprising a casing with a mixing chamber and several zone outlets outgoing from mixing chamber, in which an evaporator and at least one heat exchanger are disposed such that main air flow from evaporator through at least one heat exchanger into zone outlets is linear and at least two bypass channels, each comprising a louver, in order to circumvent at least one heat exchanger connect a region downstream of evaporator and a region downstream of at least one heat exchanger, wherein the first bypass channel, as a mixing bypass channel, opens out into mixing chamber and the second bypass channel, as a stratification bypass channel, opens out into a zone outlet.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030989A1

A refrigeration cycle device includes a high-pressure side heat exchanger, a low-pressure side heat exchanger, a temperature-adjustment target device to be temperature-adjusted with a high-pressure side refrigerant, an exterior heat exchanger exchanging heat between the high-pressure side refrigerant or a low-pressure side refrigerant and outside air, a switching portion configured to switch between a heat dissipation mode in which the high-pressure side refrigerant dissipates heat into the outside air in the exterior heat exchanger and a heat absorption mode in which the low-pressure side refrigerant absorbs heat from the outside air in the exterior heat exchanger, a cooling request operation portion, and a controller configured to control an operation of the switching portion to perform the heat absorption mode when the cooling request operation portion operates to request cooling of the air and the temperature-adjustment target device needs to be warmed up. 1. A refrigeration cycle device comprising:a high-pressure side heat exchanger that causes a high-pressure side refrigerant to dissipate heat;a low-pressure side heat exchanger that causes a low-pressure side refrigerant to directly or indirectly absorb heat from air which is to be blown into a space to be air-blown;a temperature-adjustment target device to be temperature-adjusted with heat of the high-pressure side refrigerant;a heat medium circuit in which a heat medium circulates between the high-pressure side heat exchanger and the temperature-adjustment target device; anda flow rate adjusting portion configured to adjust a flow rate of the heat medium flowing through the high-pressure side heat exchanger;an exterior heat exchanger that exchanges heat between the high-pressure side refrigerant or the low-pressure side refrigerant and outside air;a switching portion that is configured to switch between a heat dissipation mode in which the high-pressure side refrigerant dissipates heat into the outside air ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Mounting feature to cross car beam

Номер: US20140117700A1
Автор: Jonathan Noah-Navarro
Принадлежит: Denso International America Inc

A mounting system for aligning and suspending an HVAC module onto a cross car beam is provided. The mounting system may include a first mounting feature attached to the HVAC module and a second mounting feature attached to the cross car beam such that the second mounting feature is inserted into the first mounting feature to align the HVAC module with the cross car beam and to suspend the HVAC module from the cross car beam.

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043648A1
Автор: HIROTA Hiroyuki

To provide a grill installation structure that is capable of firmly supporting an air outlet of a grill body of an air-conditioning grill to a grill installation part of an installation member even when the grill installation part of the installation member is designed to have a notched shape. A finisher of the grill installation part is formed in a notched shape such that an air-conditioning grill unit is insertable in a direction (grill insertion direction Ig) orthogonal to an opening direction of the air outlet, and the finisher includes a grill fixing part on the back. The air-conditioning grill unit includes an outer peripheral flange disposed frontward to a front surface side of the finisher, and the air-conditioning grill unit includes a grill holding plate that is installed in the grill fixing part from a back thereof. 1. An air-conditioning grill installation structure , comprising:a grill installation part provided on an installation member;an air-conditioning grill installed in the grill installation part, the air-conditioning grill including an air outlet; anda grill fixing part provided on a back of the installation member, whereinthe grill installation part of the installation member is formed in a notched shape such that the air-conditioning grill is insertable from a direction orthogonal to an opening direction of the air outlet,the air-conditioning grill is provided with an outer peripheral flange that is disposed frontward to a front surface side of the installation member, andthe air-conditioning grill is provided with a grill holding plate that is installed in the grill fixing part from a back of the grill fixing part.2. The structure according to claim 1 , whereinthe grill fixing part includes a positioning projection and an installation hole,the grill holding plate includes a locate hole and an insertion hole, the locate hole being configured to position and hold the grill holding plate by engaging with the positioning projection and the ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043749A1

An outdoor unit for an air conditioner is provided, which includes a case, a plurality of path portions separated from each other in the case and having a same discharge port, electronic units arranged on the plurality of path portions, and an air circulator arranged on the discharge port of the plurality of path portions to compulsorily circulate air in the case to an outside of the case through the plurality of path portions of the case. 1. An outdoor unit for an air conditioner comprising:a case;a plurality of path portions separated from each other in the case, and sharing one main discharge port for discharging air to the outside of the case;electronic units arranged on the plurality of path portions; andan air circulator arranged on the discharge port of the plurality of path portions to compulsorily circulate air in the case to an outside of the case through the plurality of path portions of the case.2. The outdoor unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of path portions have intake ports formed in different locations.3. The outdoor unit as claimed in claim 2 , wherein one of the intake ports is formed at a lower portion of the case claim 2 , one of the discharge ports is formed at an upper portion of the case claim 2 , and the air circulator discharges air that flows into the lower portion of the case to the upper portion of the case through.4. The outdoor unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the case comprises a duct claim 1 , and the plurality of path portions includes:a first path portion formed between the case and the duct and the air flows through the first path portion is discharged through a discharge port of the first path portion; anda second path portion formed in the case and the air flows through the second path portion is discharged through a discharge port of the second portion.5. The outdoor unit as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the first path portion is arranged more adjacent to the air circulator than the second path portion.6. ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047351A1

An air conditioning unit for a vehicle includes an air conditioning case, a blower, a cooler including a core, and a drain port that drains condensed water generated in the cooler from the air conditioning case. A bottom surface of the air conditioning case defines a drain path extending from a boundary between the blower and the air conditioning case to the drain port. The drain path is inclined downward toward the drain port. A backflow prevention rib protrudes from the bottom surface to extend along a direction intersecting with a width direction of the air conditioning case. The backflow prevention rib is configured to guide the condensed water to the drain port. The backflow prevention rib is located below a virtual line that extends from the boundary to a lower end of an upstream surface of the core. 1. An air conditioning unit for a vehicle in a center console positioned in a vehicle compartment , comprising:an air conditioning case that defines an air passage therein through which air flows toward the vehicle compartment;a blower that is configured to supply the air into the air passage;a cooler in the air conditioning case, the cooler including a core that is configured to cool the air flowing through the air conditioning case; anda drain port that is defined in a bottom surface of the air conditioning case and that is configured to drain a condensed water, which is generated in the cooler, from the air conditioning case, whereinthe bottom surface of the air conditioning case defines a drain path extending from a boundary between the blower and the air conditioning case to the drain port, the drain path being inclined downward toward the drain port,the bottom surface of the air conditioning case is provided with a backflow prevention rib that is configured to guide the condensed water to the drain port and to block a backflow of the condensed water toward the blower,when a width direction of the bottom surface of the air conditioning duct is defined to be ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047418A1

An interior structure for a vehicle includes an instrument panel disposed below a windshield, an air conditioning duct provided inside the instrument panel, and a head-up display device having a housing structure and mounted to the instrument panel, the head-up display device being configured to project information on the windshield. The head-up display device has a heat dissipating portion on an outer peripheral face of the housing. The air conditioning duct has a facing portion that faces the heat dissipating portion so as to be able to exchange heat with the heat dissipating portion. 1. An interior structure for a vehicle , the interior structure comprising:an instrument panel disposed below a windshield;an air conditioning duct provided inside the instrument panel; anda head-up display device having a housing structure and mounted to the instrument panel, the head-up display device being configured to project information on the windshield,wherein the head-up display device has a heat dissipating portion on an outer peripheral face of the housing, andthe air conditioning duct has a facing portion that faces the heat dissipating portion so as to be able to exchange heat with the heat dissipating portion.2. The interior structure for the vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the facing portion faces the heat dissipating portion with a predetermined gap interposed between the heat dissipating portion and the facing portion.3. The interior structure for the vehicle according to claim 1 , whereinthe housing has a side face, the heat dissipating portion is disposed on the side face, andthe facing portion is disposed side by side with the side face provided with the heat dissipating portion.4. The interior structure for the vehicle according to claim 3 , whereinthe housing includes a first side face and a second side face facing each other in a vehicle width direction of the vehicle, the side face on which the heat dissipating portion is disposed is the first side face ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054793A1

An air conditioning device for a vehicle includes a seat air conditioning unit that blows out air from a front side of a seat and an interior air conditioning unit that blows out air whose temperature has been adjusted by a cooling heat exchanger and a heating heat exchanger toward the vehicle interior space. The air conditioning device for a vehicle includes a first duct member for guiding the air flowing between the cooling heat exchanger and the heating heat exchanger in the interior air conditioning unit to the seat air conditioning unit. The air conditioning device for a vehicle further includes a second duct member for guiding the air higher in temperature than the air flowing between the cooling heat exchanger and the heating heat exchanger to the seat air conditioning unit. 1. An air conditioning device for a vehicle , comprising:a seat air conditioning unit provided in a seat which is disposed in a vehicle interior space, the seat air conditioning unit being configured to blow out air from a front side of the seat;an interior air conditioning unit that includes a cooling heat exchanger which cools air and a heating heat exchanger which heats air having passed through the cooling heat exchanger, the interior air conditioning unit being configured to blow out air whose temperature has been adjusted by the cooling heat exchanger and the heating heat exchanger into the vehicle interior space;a first duct member that guides air flowing between the cooling heat exchanger and the heating heat exchanger in the interior air conditioning unit to the seat air conditioning unit; anda second duct member that guides air higher in temperature than the air flowing between the cooling heat exchanger and the heating heat exchanger to the seat air conditioning unit.2. The air conditioning device for a vehicle according to claim 1 , whereinthe second duct member is connected to the interior air conditioning unit to guide the air having passed through the heating heat exchanger ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Refrigerated Container and Duct Extension

Номер: US20160076806A1

A duct () comprises the molded combination of: an inlet flange () surrounding an inlet (), the inlet having a height and a width; and body () extending from the inlet to an outlet () and having a body interior that laterally outwardly diverges and upwardly shifts from the inlet toward the outlet. 1100. A duct () comprising the molded combination of:{'b': 110', '102, 'an inlet flange () surrounding an inlet (), the inlet having a height and a width; and'}{'b': 112', '104, 'body () extending from the inlet to an outlet () and having a body interior that laterally outwardly diverges and upwardly shifts from the inlet toward the outlet.'}2. The duct of wherein:the duct comprises thermoplastic polyolefin.3. The duct of being twin-sheet thermoformed.4. The duct of wherein:{'b': 130', '132', '132, 'the duct comprises a proximal trunk () and a plurality of distal branches (A-D).'}5. The duct of wherein:{'b': 134', '134, 'a plurality of walls (A-C) divide the distal branches, each wall comprising at least one portion protruding upward from a bottom of the body and at least one portion protruding downward from a top of the body and meeting.'}6. The duct of wherein:{'b': '186', 'one or more of the walls includes an interrupted portion () wherein the wall protrudes upward from the bottom of the duct to a non-recessed location on the top of the duct.'}7. The duct of wherein:{'b': '188', 'the interrupted portion includes a mounting hole ().'}8. The duct of further comprising:{'b': 142', '144, 'a plurality of tabs () at the outlet, each tab includes a mounting a hole ().'}920. A transport refrigeration system () including the duct of and further comprising:{'b': '22', 'a container (); and'}{'b': '30', 'claim-text': [{'b': 42', '62', '64, 'a fan () for driving air along a flowpath from an inlet () to an outlet (); and'}, {'b': '38', 'a heat exchanger () along the flowpath for cooling the air, wherein], 'a refrigeration system () including{'b': '102', 'the duct is mounted so that ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190084370A1

Systems and methods are provided for thermal control using vascular channels. Vascular channels are incorporated in a network within a component. The component is a part of a manufactured environment configured for occupants. A fluid circuit is connected with the vascular channels and circulates a fluid through the component to alter a thermal state of the component. 1. A thermal control system comprising:a component with vascular channels incorporated in a network within the component, the component configured as a part of a manufactured environment configured for occupants;a fluid circuit connected with the vascular channels and configured to circulate a fluid through the component;wherein the fluid alters a thermal state of the component.2. The thermal control system of wherein the manufactured environment comprises a cabin of a vehicle and the component is an interior panel of the vehicle.3. The thermal control system of comprising:a heat exchanger, wherein the fluid circuit includes the heat exchanger; anda heating-ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system configured to circulate a second fluid, wherein the second fluid is circulated through the heat exchanger.4. The thermal control system of wherein the component comprises a vehicle dashboard.5. The thermal control system of wherein the component comprises a vehicle windshield.6. The thermal control system of wherein the vascular channels have a diameter between 100 micrometers and five millimeters.7. The thermal control system of wherein the vascular channels comprise tubes embedded in the component.8. The thermal control system of wherein the network comprises a manifold connected with the vascular channels.9. The thermal control system of wherein the component comprises a fiber material incorporated in a polymer matrix.10. The thermal control system of comprising:a heat exchanger, wherein the fluid circuit includes the heat exchanger;a heating-ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system configured ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170087956A1
Автор: Graaf Marc, Richter Gerald

An air conditioning system for a motor vehicle operable in refrigeration mode and in heat pump mode, as well as in reheating mode. The operating mode adjusted by controlling air dampers and air directing elements. The air conditioning system has a housing having a cold air flow path a warm air flow path, and an air outlet. The air outlet formed in the region of the cold air flow path and discharging air into the environment. The warm air flow path branches off from the cold air flow path. The cold air flow path and the warm air flow path lead into a first mixing chamber. The air conditioning system further includes a refrigerant circuit having a heat exchanger operable as an evaporator, a compressor, a heat exchanger operable as a first condenser/gas cooler, a heat exchanger operable as a second condenser/gas cooler, and an expansion element. 1. An air conditioning system for conditioning air in a passenger compartment of a motor vehicle , which is designed to operate in refrigeration mode for cooling and in heat pump mode for heating the air , as well as in reheating mode , an operating mode adjusted by controlling air dampers and air directing elements , the air conditioning system comprising:a housing having a cold air flow path and a warm air flow path for conducting air, and an air outlet formed in the region of the cold air flow path for discharging the air into an environment surrounding the air conditioning system, the warm air flow path branching off from the cold air flow path, the cold air flow path and the warm air flow path leading into a first mixing chamber; anda refrigerant circuit having a heat exchanger operating as an evaporator, a compressor, a heat exchanger operating as a first condenser/gas cooler, a heat exchanger operating as a second condenser/gas cooler, and an expansion element, the heat exchanger operating as the evaporator positioned within the cold air flow path, the heat exchanger operating as the first condenser/gas cooler positioned ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Air conditioning system for vehicle

Номер: US20180093545A1
Принадлежит: Hanon Systems Corp

Disclosed herein is an air conditioning system for a vehicle, which includes an evaporator mounted in a cold air passageway, a condenser mounted in a warm air passageway inside an air-conditioning case, and supporting means for fixing and supporting air conditioner components for enhancing heating and cooling performance to the air-conditioning case so as to integrate the air conditioner components with the air-conditioning case, thereby simplifying distribution, delivery and management of the air conditioning system, enhancing productivity due to simplification of the assembling process of vehicles, and reducing weight of the air conditioning system due to reduction in length of a refrigerant circulation line.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190092125A1

The present invention relates to an air conditioner for a vehicle, in which a means for fixing a cable connecting device is disposed integrally with an air-conditioning case, thereby having an optimized installation location, keeping rigidity, achieving weight lightening, and enhancing assemblability. The air conditioner is to condition air in the interior of the vehicle by heating or cooling indoor air, and includes: a cable connecting device for connecting an actuating means of a controller of the vehicle to actuate a door inside an air-conditioning case with an actuating means of the air-conditioning case by a cable; and a cable fixing part for fixing the cable connecting device to the air-conditioning case. 1. An air conditioner for a vehicle , which is to condition air in the interior of the vehicle by heating or cooling indoor air , the air conditioner comprising:a cable connecting device for connecting an actuating means of a controller of the vehicle to actuate a door inside an air-conditioning case with an actuating means of the air-conditioning case by a cable; anda cable fixing part for fixing the cable connecting device to the air-conditioning case.2. The air conditioner according to claim 1 , wherein the cable fixing part has a temporary mounting structure that the cable connecting device is assembled and disassembled.3. The air conditioner according to claim 1 , wherein the cable fixing part is formed in a rib shape protruding from an outer face of the air-conditioning case.4. The air conditioner according to claim 2 , wherein the cable fixing part fixes the cable connecting device connected to the actuating means of the controller.5. The air conditioner according to claim 3 , wherein the cable fixing part is formed at a front face of the rear of the air-conditioning case in front of the heater core in a back-and-forth direction of the vehicle.6. The air conditioner according to claim 1 , wherein the cable fixing part includes a side wall part claim 1 ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180099539A1

Disclosed herein is an air conditioning system for a vehicle, in which an air conditioning module having noise-induced sources is arranged at an engine room based on a dash panel and a distribution duct for distributing air to the interior of the vehicle is arranged in the interior of the vehicle based on the dash panel, thereby reducing noise and vibration in the interior of the vehicle, securing visibility and enabling a worker to easily access the air conditioning system for follow-up service because the air conditioning module causing noise is arranged inside the engine room, and enhancing passengers' convenience by maximizing the interior space of the vehicle in comparison with the conventional air conditioning systems because only the distribution duct is arranged in the interior of the vehicle. 1. An air conditioning system for a vehicle comprising:an air conditioning module having noise-induced sources; anda distribution module for distributing air discharged from the air conditioning module to a specific position in the interior of the vehicle,wherein the air conditioning module is arranged in an engine room based on a dash panel, which partitions the engine room from the interior of the vehicle, and the distribution module is arranged in the interior of the vehicle.2. The air conditioning system according to claim 1 , wherein the noise-induced sources are a blower unit claim 1 , which inhales and blow indoor air and outdoor air to the air conditioning module claim 1 , and components causing a phase change of refrigerant.3. The air conditioning system according to claim 2 , wherein an indoor air inflow duct which connects the blower unit with the interior of the vehicle is mounted on the outer surface of the air conditioning module.4. The air conditioning system according to claim 3 , wherein the indoor air inflow duct is arranged on the side of the air conditioning module.5. The air conditioning system according to claim 3 , wherein the indoor air inflow ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190100072A1

A panel and defrost plenum includes a manifold section, an air feed section upstream from the manifold section and a branch section downstream from the manifold section. The air feed section delivers an airstream past a HUD package restriction to the manifold section. A related method of routing an airstream past a HUD package restriction is also disclosed. 1. A panel and defrost plenum , comprising:a manifold section;an air feed section upstream of said manifold section, said air feed section delivering an airstream past a HUD package restriction to said manifold section; anda branch section downstream from said manifold section.2. The panel and defrost plenum of claim 1 , wherein said manifold section includes a displaceable air distribution door.3. The panel and defrost plenum of claim 2 , further including an actuator connected to said displaceable air distribution door.4. The panel and defrost plenum of claim 3 , wherein said manifold section includes a first air discharge port and a second air discharge port.5. The panel and defrost plenum of claim 4 , wherein said branch section includes a first branch duct extending from said first air discharge port to an outboard panel duct outlet.6. The panel and defrost plenum of claim 5 , wherein said branch section includes a second branch duct extending from said second air discharge port to a windshield defrost duct outlet.7. The panel and defrost plenum of claim 6 , wherein said branch section includes a third branch duct extending from said second air discharge port to a side window demist duct outlet.8. The panel and defrost plenum of claim 7 , further including an air bleed feature on said displaceable air distribution door.9. The panel and defrost plenum of claim 1 , wherein said air feed section includes a single lumen for said airstream.10. The panel and defrost plenum of claim 2 , wherein said displaceable air distribution door includes a pivot axis.11. The panel and defrost plenum of claim 10 , further ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210122213A1
Принадлежит: SILENTIUM LTD.

For example, an apparatus may include an input to receive input information including a Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) input including HVAC configuration information corresponding to a configuration of an operation of an HVAC system of a vehicle; a plurality of noise inputs representing acoustic noise at a plurality of noise sensing locations; and a plurality of residual-noise inputs representing acoustic residual-noise at a plurality of residual-noise sensing locations within at least one sound control zone in the vehicle; a controller configured to determine a sound control pattern to control sound within the at least one sound control zone in the vehicle, the controller configured to determine the sound control pattern based on the HVAC input, the plurality of noise inputs and the plurality of residual-noise inputs; and an output to output the sound control pattern to a plurality of acoustic transducers. 1. An apparatus comprising: a Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) input comprising HVAC configuration information corresponding to a configuration of an operation of an HVAC system of a vehicle;', 'a plurality of noise inputs representing acoustic noise at a plurality of noise sensing locations; and', 'a plurality of residual-noise inputs representing acoustic residual-noise at a plurality of residual-noise sensing locations within at least one sound control zone in the vehicle;, 'an input to receive input information, the input information comprisinga controller comprising logic and circuitry configured to determine a sound control pattern to control sound within the at least one sound control zone in the vehicle, the controller configured to determine the sound control pattern based on the HVAC input, the plurality of noise inputs and the plurality of residual-noise inputs; andan output to output the sound control pattern to a plurality of acoustic transducers.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Mounting structure of resin components

Номер: US20150117946A1
Автор: Takashi Suzuki
Принадлежит: Nihon Plast Co Ltd

A mounting structure of two resin components includes a primary component including an insertion piece extendedly provided from a base portion, and an engagement recessed portion formed in the insertion piece; and a secondary component formed capable of being mounted to the primary component and including an insertion portion configured to guide the insertion piece formed at the base portion, an engagement protruding portion formed in the insertion portion and configured to fit into the engagement recessed portion of the insertion piece, and a restriction wall configured to cover a root side of the insertion piece inserted into the insertion portion, and in a top plan view, a width of the restriction wall being gradually decreased toward a direction separating from a side where the primary component is mounted.

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190111762A1

A method of controlling an air conditioning system for a vehicle is provided. The method includes detecting a cooling mode while the vehicle is being driven and comparing a vent discharge temperature of air with a cooling target temperature set by a user. When the vent discharge temperature is greater than the cooling target temperature the compressor RPM is determined and air is introduced into the vehicle without passing through the interior heat exchanger and the electric heater. When the vent discharge temperature is less than the cooling target temperature, the compressor RPM is determined and a door in the system is opened to guide the air through the interior heat exchanger to heat the air is heated and then the vent discharge temperature is compared with the cooling target temperature again, and the electric heater is operated. 1. A method of controlling an air conditioning system for a vehicle , the air conditioning system including a heating , ventilation , air conditioning (HVAC) module and an expansion valve , the method comprising:detecting, by a controller, an operation of a cooling mode while a starting of the vehicle is on and the vehicle is being driven, and comparing a vent discharge temperature of air with a cooling target temperature set by a user;when the vent discharge temperature is greater than the cooling target temperature, determining, by the controller, revolutions per minute (RPM) of a compressor, introducing air supplied into the vehicle without passing through an interior heat exchanger and an electric heater, and terminating the operation, wherein the compressor is connected between the evaporator and the interior heat exchanger through a refrigerant line; andwhen the vent discharge temperature is less than the cooling target temperature, determining, by the controller, the RPM of the compressor and opening a door disposed within the HVAC module, to guide the air supplied into the vehicle pass through the interior heat exchanger to ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129304A1

A seat with a warmer may include a heating unit mounted on a rear side of a seat back and radiating heat toward a rear seat; an air duct disposed close to the heating unit on the seat back, extending up and down on the seat back, and passing air therein, and a blowing unit disposed in the air duct generating a sucking force in the air duct so that air heated by the heating unit flows into the air duct, and sending out the heated air in the air duct to a floor under the rear seat. 15-. (canceled)6. A seat apparatus with a warmer , comprising:a heating unit mounted on a rear side of a seat back and radiating heat toward a rear seat;an air duct disposed close to the heating unit on the seat back, extending up and down on the seat back, and passing air therein; anda blowing unit disposed in the air duct generating a sucking force in the air duct so that air heated by the heating unit flows into the air duct, and sending out the heated air in the air duct to a floor under the rear seat,wherein the air duct includes a horizontal duct horizontally extending over the heating unit and a vertical duct extending downward from the horizontal duct, and the blowing unit is disposed at a lower end of the vertical duct.7. The seat apparatus of claim 6 , wherein air intake holes are formed through a bottom of the horizontal duct of the air duct and the vertical duct is disposed across a center of the heating unit from a center of the horizontal duct.8. The seat apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the horizontal duct of the air duct is symmetrically divided into two parts at left and right sides from a center of the heating unit and has air intake holes formed through a bottom of the horizontal duct claim 6 , while the vertical ducts are connected to the divided horizontal ducts claim 6 , respectively claim 6 , and disposed symmetrically at both sides of the heating unit.9. The seat apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the air duct vertically extends across a center of the heating unit and has ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180141403A1
Автор: KOMOWSKI Michael

An air control apparatus for an air conditioning system may include a housing defining at least one duct and at least one flap. The at least one flap may comprise a shaft having at least one projecting wing. At least one longitudinal end of the shaft may be rotatably mounted about an axis of rotation on a wall of the housing via a bearing opening. The bearing opening may include an offset region and a bearing region. The offset region may have a larger inner diameter than the bearing region. A sealing contour may be disposed on the at least one wing and a counter-sealing contour may be disposed on the associated wall. 1. An air control apparatus for an air conditioning system comprising:a housing defining at least one duct configured to conduct an air flow, the housing having at least one flap configured to control the air flow in the duct, the at least one flap arranged in the housing about an axis of rotation to open and close the duct;wherein the at least one flap comprises a shaft having a first longitudinal end and a second longitudinal end and at least one projecting wing, wherein at least one of the first longitudinal end and the second longitudinal end is rotatably mounted about the axis of rotation on a wall of the housing, the wall having a bearing opening defined in the wall configured to accommodate at least a portion of the shaft;wherein an inner circumference of the bearing opening has a cylindrical inner bearing surface arranged coaxially to the axis of rotation;wherein the bearing opening includes an offset region and a bearing region, the offset region having a larger inner diameter than the bearing region;wherein at least one of the first longitudinal end and the second longitudinal end includes a first shaft section having an outer diameter substantially corresponding to the inner diameter of the offset region of the bearing opening, and a second shaft section having an outer diameter substantially corresponding to the inner diameter of the ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220297507A1

A defroster structure includes: a window panel; an instrument panel; an air outlet member formed with an opening through which defrost air is blown out; and a duct member. The air outlet member includes an adjacent part forming a front edge of the opening and adjacent to the window panel, and a fixed part continuous to the adjacent part. The fixed part is fixed to the duct member at a position in front of a front end part of the window panel, which is exposed to the vehicle compartment, in cross-sectional view in a front-rear direction. 1. A defroster structure comprising:a window panel arranged at a front in a vehicle compartment;an instrument panel extending rearward in the vehicle compartment from the window panel;an air outlet member arranged in the instrument panel and formed with an opening through which defrost air is blown out to the window panel; anda duct member arranged under the instrument panel and forming a path to supply the defrost air to the opening, whereinthe air outlet member includes an adjacent part forming a front edge of the opening and adjacent to the window panel, and a fixed part continuous to the adjacent part, andthe fixed part is fixed to the duct member at a position in front of a front end part of the window panel, which is exposed to the vehicle compartment, in cross-sectional view in a front-rear direction.2. A defroster structure comprising:a window panel arranged at a front in a vehicle compartment;an instrument panel extending rearward in the vehicle compartment from the window panel;an air outlet member arranged in the instrument panel and formed with an opening through which defrost air is blown out to the window panel; anda duct member arranged under the instrument panel and forming a path to supply the defrost air to the opening, whereinthe air outlet member includes an adjacent part forming a front edge of the opening and adjacent to the window panel, and fixed parts continuous to the adjacent part, andat least a part of the ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

HVAC Driver-Focus Mode Operation Mechanism

Номер: US20190152289A1
Автор: Belanger Brian, Chen Siyue

A heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) airflow distribution module is integrated with a driver-focus mode operation mechanism for a vehicle. The module utilizes: a driver face door to control airflow through driver face outlets; a passenger face door sub assembly to control airflow through a passenger center face outlet and a passenger side face outlet independently; a foot door sub assembly including a passenger front foot door and a main foot door to control airflow through a passenger front foot outlet independently from driver front and rear foot outlets and a passenger rear foot outlet; and a separator to separate airflow through passenger front and rear foot outlets. The present disclosure enables an HVAC airflow distribution module to focus airflow on the driver's seat and maintain the vehicle recirculation at a comfortable level when no passenger is present. 1. A heating , ventilation , and air conditioning (HVAC) airflow distribution module with a driver-focus mode operation mechanism for a vehicle comprising:a passenger side face outlet defined by the HVAC airflow distribution module;a passenger center face outlet defined by the HVAC airflow distribution module;a passenger face door sub assembly movable to independently control airflow through the passenger side face outlet and the passenger center face outlet;a passenger front foot outlet defined by the HVAC airflow distribution module;a driver front foot outlet defined by the HVAC airflow distribution module;a driver rear foot outlet defined by the HVAC airflow distribution module;a passenger rear foot outlet defined by the HVAC airflow distribution module; anda foot door sub assembly movable to independently control airflow through the passenger front foot outlet and at least one of the driver front foot outlet, the driver rear foot outlet, and the passenger rear foot outlet.2. The HVAC airflow distribution module of claim 1 , wherein the face door sub assembly includes:an outer portion at ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle air-conditioner-unit attachment-part structure

Номер: US20180178623A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

In a vehicle air-conditioner-unit attachment-part structure, an air conditioner unit is arranged to face a rear surface of a dashboard and on an occupant room side. An air conditioner unit-side fixation part that is provided on a unit case is attached to a vehicle body-side fixed part at a more vehicle rearward position than the dashboard. A displacement acceptance part that accepts a movement to a vehicle rearward direction of the unit case with respect to the vehicle body-side fixed part is provided between the air conditioner unit-side fixation part and the vehicle body-side fixed part when an impact load is input to the unit case via the dashboard from a vehicle frontward direction.

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180178691A1

A vehicle seat fan apparatus includes a fan including an impeller and a fan opening, the fan being attached to a vehicle seat at a position where an opening of an air passage provided on a back surface of a seat pad faces the fan opening; and a seal member configured to be interposed between the opening of the air passage and the fan opening, and to form an airflow path that allows airflow to move between the opening of the air passage and the fan opening. A release path is provided in a connection portion where the seal member is connected to the opening of the air passage, so as to allow part of the airflow to move between an inside and an outside of the airflow path, and between an inside and an outside of the air passage. 1. A vehicle seat fan apparatus configured to be attached to a vehicle seat including a seat pad defining a support surface that supports a body of a seated occupant , the seat pad having an air passage configured such that air flows through the air passage , and the vehicle seat fan apparatus being configured to cause the air to flow through the air passage , the vehicle seat fan apparatus comprising:a fan including an impeller that generates airflow, and a fan opening as an opening that allows the airflow to move through the air passage, the fan being attached to the vehicle seat so as to extend along the seat pad at a position where an opening of the air passage provided on a back surface of the seat pad faces the fan opening; anda seal member configured to be interposed between the opening of the air passage and the fan opening, and to surround a space between the opening of the air passage and the fan opening so as to form an airflow path that allows the airflow to move between the opening of the air passage and the fan opening, whereina release path is provided in a connection portion where the seal member is connected to the opening of the air passage, so as to allow part of the airflow to move between an inside and an outside of the ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200171911A1

A vehicle air conditioning device comprises an instrument panel, a door that includes an overlapping portion where part of the door overlaps with the instrument panel in a closed state of the door, and a door blower outlet that opens toward a vehicle cabin interior, a first opening that is open toward the door, a second opening that is open toward the instrument panel, an air conditioning unit body, a first duct that that has a length direction end portion connected to the first opening, a second duct that has a length direction end portion connected to the door blower outlet, and a fin member respectively provided at the first opening and the second opening. 1. A vehicle air conditioning device comprising:an instrument panel that is provided at a front side of a vehicle cabin;a door that is provided at a vehicle width direction outer side of the instrument panel so as to be capable of opening and closing, and that includes an overlapping portion where part of the door overlaps with the instrument panel in a closed state of the door, and a door blower outlet that opens toward a vehicle cabin interior;a first opening that is provided at the instrument panel at a location corresponding to the overlapping portion of the door and that is open toward the door;a second opening that is provided at the overlapping portion of the door at a location corresponding to the first opening and that is open toward the instrument panel;an air conditioning unit body that is provided inside the instrument panel and that supplies air through a blower outlet;a first duct that is formed in a tube shape, that has one length direction end portion connected to the blower outlet, and that has another length direction end portion connected to the first opening;a second duct that is formed in a tube shape, that has one length direction end portion connected to the second opening, and that has another length direction end portion connected to the door blower outlet; anda fin member respectively ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190186089A1

An earth working machine (), for example a road milling machine (), recycler, stabilizer, or surface miner, having a propelling unit () and a machine frame () carried by the propelling unit (), comprises a working apparatus () for earth working; an operator's platform (), having an operating console () for controlling at least one functional device () of the earth working machine (), being provided on the machine frame (); the operating console () comprising a console body () and an operating panel () that is movable relative to the console body () and has at least one operating element () associated or associatable with a functional device () for control thereof. Provision is made according to the present invention that the operating panel () is displaceable into a stowed position in which the at least one operating element () is covered by a portion () of the console body (), the operating panel () being displaceable out of the stowed position into an operating position in which at least one operating element () is uncovered and is therefore accessible for operation thereof by a machine operator. 115-. (canceled)16. An earth working machine , comprising:a propelling unit;a machine frame carried by the propelling unit;a working apparatus supported from the machine frame for earth working; andan operator's platform provided on the machine frame, the operator's platform including an operating console, the operating console including a console body and an operating panel movable relative to the console body, the operating panel including at least one operating element;wherein the operating panel is displaceable between a stowed position and an operating position, the at least one operating element being covered by a portion of the console body when the operating panel is in the stowed position, and the at least one operating element being uncovered and therefore accessible for operation thereof by a machine operator when the operating panel is in the operating ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210221196A1
Принадлежит: SILENTIUM LTD.

For example, an apparatus may include an input to receive input information including a Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) input including HVAC configuration information corresponding to a configuration of an operation of an HVAC system of a vehicle; a plurality of noise inputs representing acoustic noise at a plurality of noise sensing locations; and a plurality of residual-noise inputs representing acoustic residual-noise at a plurality of residual-noise sensing locations within at least one sound control zone in the vehicle; a controller configured to determine a sound control pattern to control sound within the at least one sound control zone in the vehicle, the controller configured to determine the sound control pattern based on the HVAC input, the plurality of noise inputs and the plurality of residual-noise inputs; and an output to output the sound control pattern to a plurality of acoustic transducers. 1. An apparatus comprising: system bus information received via a system bus of a vehicle;', 'a plurality of noise inputs representing acoustic noise at a plurality of noise sensing locations; and', 'a plurality of residual-noise inputs representing acoustic residual-noise at a plurality of residual-noise sensing locations within a sound control zone in the vehicle;, 'an input to receive input information, the input information comprisinga controller comprising logic and circuitry configured to determine a sound control pattern to control sound within the sound control zone in the vehicle, the controller configured to determine the sound control pattern based on the system bus information, the plurality of noise inputs, and the plurality of residual-noise inputs; andan output to output the sound control pattern to a plurality of acoustic transducers.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to determine a prediction filter setting of at least one prediction filter based on the system bus information claim 1 , and to ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200189351A1

A vehicle heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) unit. The vehicle HVAC unit includes an evaporator, a driver side face outlet, and a passenger side face outlet. A face airflow control door extends across both the driver side face outlet and the passenger side face outlet. A divider separates a driver side airflow path from a passenger side airflow path. The driver side airflow path extends across the evaporator to the driver side face outlet, and the passenger side airflow path extends across the evaporator to the passenger side face outlet. A passenger side airflow control door is within the passenger side airflow path between the face airflow control door and the evaporator. The passenger side airflow control door is movable to block airflow through the passenger side airflow path to the passenger side face outlet. 1. A vehicle heating , ventilation , and air conditioning (HVAC) unit comprising:an evaporator;a driver side face outlet and a passenger side face outlet;a face airflow control door extending across both the driver side face outlet and the passenger side face outlet;a divider separating a driver side airflow path from a passenger side airflow path, the driver side airflow path extending across the evaporator to the driver side face outlet, and the passenger side airflow path extending across the evaporator to the passenger side face outlet; anda passenger side airflow control door within the passenger side airflow path between the face airflow control door and the evaporator movable to block airflow through the passenger side airflow path to the passenger side face outlet.2. The vehicle HVAC unit of claim 1 , wherein the passenger side airflow control door includes: a shaft extending across the divider from the driver side airflow path to the passenger side airflow path; and a flap mounted to the shaft claim 1 , the flap confined to the passenger side airflow path.3. The vehicle HVAC unit of claim 1 , further comprising an actuation ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Plumbing line hangers

Номер: US20190202259A1
Принадлежит: FCA US LLC

A hanger for securing an HVAC fluid line to a vehicle includes a rigid wire having a first end and a second end. The first end is formed to define a first aperture configured to receive a first fastener to couple the first end to the vehicle. The second end is configured to support the HVAC fluid line in a desired orientation.

13-08-2015 дата публикации

Heater module including thermal energy storage mataerial

Номер: US20150224850A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Improved thermal energy storage materials, devices and systems employing the same and related methods. The thermal energy storage material may be employed in a heater module capable of generating and storing heat. The thermal energy storage materials may include a phase change material that includes a metal-containing compound. The thermal energy storage materials may be encapsulated. Preferably the heater module includes an electric heater and/or a fan.

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200207180A1

The present invention relates to a blower unit of an air conditioner for a vehicle, which can effectively prevent water from being introduced into a motor and has a motor housing and a blower wheel improved to smoothly perform cooling of the motor. The blower unit of a two-layered air conditioner for a vehicle, which can divide and inhale indoor air and outdoor air, includes: a scroll case having an upper passageway and a lower passageway; a first blower wheel disposed in the upper passageway; a second blower wheel disposed in the lower passageway and arranged below the first blower wheel; a blower motor for rotating the first blower wheel and the second blower wheel; and a motor housing for covering the blower motor, wherein a hub for guiding air is disposed on the second blower wheel, and the hub of the second blower wheel is partially overlapped with an end portion of the motor housing. 1. A blower unit of a two-layered air conditioner for a vehicle , which can divide and inhale indoor air and outdoor air , comprising:a scroll case having an upper passageway and a lower passageway;a first blower wheel disposed in the upper passageway;a second blower wheel disposed in the lower passageway and arranged below the first blower wheel;a blower motor for rotating the first blower wheel and the second blower wheel; anda motor housing for covering the blower motor,wherein a hub for guiding air is disposed on the second blower wheel, andwherein the hub of the second blower wheel is partially overlapped with an end portion of the motor housing.2. The blower unit of the two-layered air conditioner according to claim 1 , wherein the end portion of the motor housing is formed in a ring shape around the circumference of a rotary shaft of the blower motor to be spaced apart at a predetermined interval in the radial direction and has a partition wall shape extending upwardly.3. The blower unit of the two-layered air conditioner according to claim 2 , wherein the end portion of ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210245602A1

A front part structure of a vehicle cabin may include: an instrument panel including an air outlet at an end of the instrument panel on a passenger seat side; an air conditioner main body arranged inside the instrument panel at a center in a vehicle width direction; a cross beam arranged inside the instrument panel and connected to a right side and a left side of a vehicle body; and an air duct arranged inside the instrument panel and connecting the air conditioner main body to the air outlet. The air duct may extend in front of the passenger seat at a height lower than the cross beam. 1. A front part structure of a vehicle cabin , the front part structure comprising:an instrument panel including an air outlet at an end of the instrument panel on a passenger seat side;an air conditioner main body arranged inside the instrument panel at a center in a vehicle width direction;a cross beam arranged inside the instrument panel and connected to a right side and a left side of a vehicle body; andan air duct arranged inside the instrument panel and connecting the air conditioner main body to the air outlet,whereinthe air duct extends in front of the passenger seat at a height lower than the cross beam.2. The front part structure of claim 1 , wherein the air duct extends under an air bag for the passenger seat.3. The front part structure of claim 2 , wherein the air duct extends under an air bag bracket that is fixed to the cross beam and supports the air bag. This application claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2020-19585 filed on Feb. 7, 2020, the contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference into the present application.The technique disclosed herein relates to a front part structure of a vehicle cabin in a vehicle. The technique particularly relates to an arrangement of an air duct connecting an air conditioner main body to an air outlet. The air conditioner main body is arranged inside an instrument panel at a center in a vehicle width direction. ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190225045A1

A climate control system includes a plurality of vent registers, an HVAC unit delivering conditioned air to the plurality of vent registers, a side door status monitoring device and a controller configured to control opening and closing of the plurality of vent registers in response to side door status data provided by the side door status monitoring device. A related climate control method is also provided. 1. A climate control system , comprising:a plurality of vent registers;a HVAC unit delivering conditioned air to said plurality of vent registers;a side door status monitoring device; anda controller configured to control opening and closing of said plurality of vent registers in response to side door status data provided by said side door status monitoring device.2. The climate control system of wherein said plurality of vent registers includes (a) a driver side outboard instrument panel vent register claim 1 , (b) a driver side center instrument panel vent register claim 1 , (c) a driver side floor vent register claim 1 , (d) a passenger side outboard instrument panel vent register claim 1 , (e) a passenger side center instrument panel vent register and (f) a passenger side floor vent register.3. The climate control system of claim 2 , wherein said controller is configured to open said driver side floor vent register and said passenger side floor vent register and close said driver side outboard instrument panel vent register claim 2 , said driver side center instrument panel vent register claim 2 , said passenger side outboard instrument panel vent register and said passenger side center instrument panel vent register when said side door status monitoring device detects removal of a side door and said HVAC unit is in a heating mode.4. The climate control system of claim 2 , further including a seat occupant monitoring device wherein said controller is configured to open said driver side floor vent register and close said driver side outboard instrument panel ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации

Absorbing device and method for its production

Номер: US20170248264A1
Принадлежит: Hanon Systems Corp

The absorbing device includes a hollow enclosed chamber including two pot parts. Open ends of the pot parts are connectable to each other by welding or soldering. Each of the pot parts is integrally formed in an opposing end of an air-conditioning conduit, wherein open ends of the pot parts are oriented toward each other. Each of the pot parts is provided with a reduced passage opening interconnected with an internal space of the air-conditioning conduit via a tapered section.

06-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180251004A1
Автор: FUKUDA Tomokazu

A vehicle seat includes a plate provided on a seatback, an attachment mounted on the plate, two wires extending substantially in an up-down direction to receive a load in a seat front-rear direction applied to the plate, and two locking fixing portions provided above a location of a combined center of gravity of the plate and the attachment to lock and fix the plate with the two wires. Each of the two locking fixing portions includes a first holding portion, a second holding portion, and a wall portion. The first holding portion and the second holding portion hold the corresponding wire in the seat front-rear direction. The wall portion contacts the corresponding wire from a side opposite to the attachment across the wire. The two locking fixing portions are open on the attachment sides. 1. A vehicle seat mounted on a vehicle , the seat having a seatback for supporting the back of a seat occupant , the seat comprising:a plate provided on the seatback;an attachment mounted on the plate;two wires, each provided on one side in a seat width direction across the attachment, the two wires extending substantially in an up-down direction and receiving a load in a seat front-rear direction applied to the plate,two locking fixing portions provided above a location of a combined center of gravity of the plate and the attachment, and locking and fixing the plate to the respective wires, the two locking fixing portions each including a first holding portion and a second holding portion that hold the corresponding wire from the seat front-rear direction, and a wall portion that contacts the corresponding wire from a side opposite to the attachment across the wire, the two locking fixing portions being open on the attachment sides.2. The vehicle seat according to claim 1 ,wherein the locking fixing portions are first locking fixing portions,wherein the vehicle seat further comprises two second locking fixing portions below the location of the combined center of gravity of the ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190248300A1
Автор: TAKAGI Hidemichi

Vehicle-environment monitoring device is capable of monitoring a situation outside a vehicle. The vehicle-environment monitoring device includes an image capturing module, an image-capturing-device cover, a fan, and an air passage. The image capturing module is disposed near an inner surface of a glass member and includes a heat-generating device and an image sensor configured to capture an image of the situation outside the vehicle. The image-capturing-device cover covers the image capturing module from inside a vehicle cabin. The fan cools the heat-generating device by introducing air into the image-capturing-device cover and blows the air toward the glass member. The air passage is formed inside the image-capturing-device cover, and the air blown by the fan flows toward the glass member through the air passage. 1. A vehicle-environment monitoring device capable of monitoring a situation outside a vehicle , the vehicle-environment monitoring device comprising:an image capturing module mountable near an inner surface of a glass member, and the image capturing module comprising a heat-generating device and an image sensor configured to capture an image of the situation outside the vehicle;an image-capturing-device cover that covers the image capturing module from inside a vehicle cabin;a fan configured to cool the heat-generating device by introducing air into the image-capturing-device cover and blow the air toward the glass member; andan air passage that is formed inside the image-capturing-device cover and through which the air blown by the fan flows toward the glass member.2. The vehicle-environment monitoring device according to claim 1 ,wherein the air passage is defined by an air passage wall that is formed by causing a portion of an inner surface of the image-capturing-device cover to project in a wall shape.3. The vehicle-environment monitoring device according to claim 1 , further comprising a bracket attachable to the glass member from inside the vehicle ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации

Hvac instrument panel bracket

Номер: US20200247478A1

A structural instrument panel member for an instrument panel assembly of a vehicle comprises a cross beam, a steering column support, a first and second HVAC duct, and a first dash panel mount. The cross beam mount has a first surface, a first side, a second side and a first, second, third, fourth and fifth walls. The cross beam mount is fastened to a cross beam of the vehicle. The steering column support extends from the first side of the cross beam mount. The first and second HVAC duct each have a first end and a second end. The first HVAC duct is disposed on the second side of the cross beam mount and the second HVAC duct is disposed adjacent the first HVAC duct. The first dash panel mount extends from the first HVAC duct and fastened to a dash panel of the vehicle.

21-09-2017 дата публикации

Thermal Management Assembly for an Electrified Vehicle

Номер: US20170267055A1

An encasement of an electric machine of an electrified vehicle is provided. The encasement may include a base sidewall, an inner sidewall, and an outer sidewall. The inner sidewall may extend in a circular pattern about the base sidewall. The outer sidewall may extend from the base sidewall and may be spaced apart from the inner sidewall to define a coolant channel at least partially surrounding end windings of a stator of the electric machine. The base sidewall may define features between the sidewalls to promote turbulence of coolant flowing through the coolant channel. The base sidewall may define a meandering trough between the sidewalls to form a predetermined coolant path relative to a location of the end windings.

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180272833A1

A vehicle HVAC system may include a housing, a blower disposed in the housing to blow air, an evaporator core disposed in the housing to cool the air having passed through the blower, a heater core disposed in the housing to increase a temperature of the air having passed through the evaporator core, a temperature door assembly including a pair of slidable temperature door plates to control the air having passed through the blower, and a mode door assembly including a slidable mode door plate to control a vent outlet and a floor outlet such that one thereof is closed, or to control air to be discharged through the vent outlet and the floor outlet. 1. A vehicle heating , ventilation , and air conditioning (HVAC) system with a sliding door , comprising:a housing;a blower disposed in the housing to blow air;an evaporator core disposed in the housing to cool the air having passed through the blower;a heater core disposed in the housing to increase a temperature of the air having passed through the evaporator core;a temperature door assembly including a pair of slidable temperature door plates facing each other to control the air having passed through the blower to pass through, not to pass through, or to partially pass through the heater core; anda mode door assembly including a slidable mode door plate to control a vent outlet for discharge of conditioned air to a predetermined direction and a floor outlet for discharge of the conditioned air to a vehicle internal such that one thereof is closed, or to control air to be discharged through the vent outlet and the floor outlet at a fixed rate.2. The vehicle HVAC system of claim 1 , whereinthe housing is provided therein with a first guide for fixing a first end portion of the heater core, which is adjacent to the blower, and a second guide for fixing a second end portion of the heater core; andthe first and second guides are distanced from respective internal surfaces of the housing.3. The vehicle HVAC system of claim 2 ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации

System and method for reducing air pressure in a vehicle trunk to assist in closing a trunk door

Номер: US20200262270A1

System, methods, and other embodiments described herein relate to assisting in closing a trunk door of a vehicle by leveraging a Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning (HVAC) system in the vehicle. In one embodiment, a method includes detecting a position of the trunk door, and when the position of the trunk door is an open position, determining whether to activate the HVAC system to reduce air pressure in a trunk of the vehicle, where the trunk and the HVAC system are fluidly connected by an air duct. The method includes, in response to determining to activate the HVAC system to reduce air pressure in the trunk, pumping air out of the trunk through the air duct such that at least some of any increased air pressure caused by a trunk door closure is removed from the trunk. The method includes, when the position of the trunk door has changed from the open position to a closed position, deactivating the HVAC system to stop pumping air out from the trunk.

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160297282A1

An HVAC module includes an evaporator and a heater core housed in a HVAC casing. The HVAC casing has an opening wherein a heat exchanger is inserted into the opening. The case may have a tongue portion extending external of the case. The heat exchanger may have an insert with grooves that engage the tongue portions to act as an air seal for the heat exchanger. 1. A vehicle HVAC module , comprising:a HVAC case;a heat exchanger, installable inside the HVAC case through an opening in a sidewall of the HVAC case;a plurality of grooves extending from the heat exchanger; anda plurality of tongue portions extending from an external surface of the sidewall wherein the tongue portion internally engages the grooves.2. A vehicle HVAC module according to wherein the opening and the heat exchanger are generally rectangular in shape.3. A vehicle HVAC module according to wherein the plurality of tongue portions extend perpendicular to the sidewall and parallel to the rectangular opening.4. A vehicle HVAC module according to wherein the plurality of grooves span the length of the rectangular heat exchanger.5. A vehicle HVAC module according to wherein the heat exchanger further comprises an insert claim 1 , the insert extending beyond the width of the opening in the sidewall claim 1 , the plurality of grooves extending from the insert.6. A vehicle HVAC module according to wherein the plurality of grooves further comprise a channel that spans the length of the groove claim 1 , the plurality of tongue portions further comprise a lip wherein the channel is configured to engage the lip as a locking feature.7. A seal for a heat exchanger in an HVAC module comprising:an HVAC module having an external surface and an interior surface defining a channel for air to flow therethrough;a heat exchanger disposed in said channel of the HVAC module; anda plurality of tongue portions extending perpendicular from the external surface for sealing the heat exchanger to the HVAC module wherein the heat ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180304721A1
Принадлежит: C.R.F. Societa Consortile per Azioni

A tube of elastomeric material for an air conditioning system or for other system which is on-board of a motor-vehicle is intended to be fitted over a metal connecting element and to be locked onto the latter by means of a crimping operation that envisages the clamping around the tube of a metal clamping element. The tube includes at least one body made of polymeric elastomeric material supplemented with carbon-based nanofillers wherein an outer surface with one or more piezo-resistive areas is provided, where the polymeric material supplemented with carbon-based nanofillers has been made locally piezo-resistive by means of laser irradiation. The piezo-resistive areas arranged on the body of polymeric elastomeric material of the tube can be used for verifying the correct execution of the crimping operation. 1. Tube made of elastomeric material for an air conditioning system or other system which is on-board of a motor-vehicle , intended to be fitted over a metal connecting element , and to be locked onto the latter by means of a metal clamping element that is clamped around said tube with a crimping operation , wherein said tube comprises at least one body formed of polymeric elastomeric material supplemented with carbon-based nanofillers , said body including:an outer surface with one or more piezo-resistive areas where said polymeric material supplemented with carbon-based nanofillers has been made locally piezo-resistive by laser irradiation, so as to define one or more electric deformation sensors configured to detect the pressure exerted above said piezo-resistive areas,one or more conductive paths where said polymeric material supplemented with carbon-based nanofillers has been made locally electrically-conductive by laser irradiation, so as to define one or more electrical connection lines of said one or more piezo-resistive areas, wherein electrodes may be associated with said body,in such a way that said piezo-resistive areas can be used to verify the ...

19-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150328957A1

Disclosed herein is an air conditioner for a vehicle which includes a sealing member having a first sealing part for sealing a space between a flange of inlet and outlet pipes of an evaporator and a pipe penetration part of an air-conditioning case and a second sealing part for sealing a space between a dash panel of the vehicle and an outer face of the air-conditioning case, thereby simplifying an assembling process and reducing manufacturing costs by reducing the number of components for sealing of the pipe penetration part and minimizing vibration and noise transferred from an engine room side of the vehicle to the air-conditioning case.

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170326939A1
Автор: Hiraoka Ken

An air conditioner for a construction machine which can ensure the required durability of a supply line and a discharge line, and which can reduce manufacturing costs. The air conditioner has an exterior unit outside the cab and an interior unit on the floor of the cab, the interior unit including an expansion valve disposed at a position above an upper surface of a floor plate of a cab. The expansion valve is connected to an outer device of the air conditioner by a supply line and a discharge line extending along the bottom surface of the floor plate, and bent upward at a passage which is formed in the floor plate. The supply line and the discharge line are fixed by a latching means such as a p-clip disposed in proximity to the passage. 1. An air conditioner for a construction machine having a cab with a lower part closed with a floor plate , the air conditioner comprising:an exterior unit disposed outside the cab; andan interior unit disposed inside the cab on an upper surface of the floor plate,wherein the exterior unit includes a compressor for compressing a refrigerant, and a condenser for condensing the refrigerant compressed by the compressor,the interior unit includes an expansion valve that expands the refrigerant condensed by the condenser, and an evaporator that evaporates the refrigerant expanded by the expansion valve,the expansion valve being disposed at a position above an upper surface of the floor plate and connected to the exterior unit by a supply pipe for supplying the refrigerant condensed by the condenser from the exterior unit to the interior unit and a discharge pipe for discharging the refrigerant evaporated by the evaporator from the interior unit to the exterior unit,the floor plate has a passage opening through which the supply pipe and the discharge pipe pass, the supply pipe and the discharge pipe extending under the floor plate along a bottom surface of the floor plate, bending upward at the passage opening and passing through the ...

03-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150343879A1
Принадлежит: MAHLE International GmbH

A climate control system for a vehicle interior, having a housing, a cooling device, and a heating device. At least one first flow channel, a second flow channel, and a third flow channel are disposed in the housing. A mixing chamber is disposed within the housing, which has at least one outflow opening, which is downstream of the mixing chamber in the flow direction. The flow channels are closable by a flap element, a third flow channel leads from the cooling device to the outflow opening while bypassing the mixing chamber, the flap element in the first flow channel and the flap element in the second flow channel are kinematically coupled and can be adjusted by a mutual control device. The flap element in the third flow channel is kinematically coupled to the other two flap elements or can be adjusted independently by a further control device. 1. A climate control system for a vehicle interior , the system comprising:a housing;a cooling device;a heating device;at least one first flow channel for a first cold air flow, a second flow channel for a hot air flow, and a third flow channel for a second cold air flow are disposed in the housing;a mixing chamber disposed within the housing that is supplyable with the hot air flow and with the first cold air flow, the housing having at least one outflow opening, which is downstream of the mixing chamber in the flow direction; andat least one flap element adapted to respectively close the first, second and third flow channels,wherein the third flow channel leads from the cooling device to the outflow opening while bypassing the mixing chamber,wherein the flap element in the first flow channel and the flap element in the second flow channel are kinematically coupled together and adjustable by a mutual control device, andwherein the flap element in the third flow channel is kinematically coupled to the flap elements in the first and second flow channel or is adjustable independently by a further control device.2. The climate ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190329629A1
Автор: Andrews Michael

A cab heating system for a vehicle comprising a turbine engine, a heat exchanger, and a duct. The turbine engine generates exhaust containing waste heat. The heat exchanger comprises a first portion, a second portion, and first and second lines for carrying auxiliary working fluid between the first and second portions. The duct is operatively connected to carry exhaust from the turbine engine to the first portion of the heat exchanger. The first portion of the heat exchanger transfers waste heat of the exhaust generated by the turbine engine to the auxiliary working fluid. The first line carries the auxiliary working fluid to the second portion of the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger extracts heat from the auxiliary working fluid. The second line carries the auxiliary working fluid to the first portion of the heat exchanger.

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200338954A1

The present invention relates to a fluid line system () for guiding fluid, in particular for a motor vehicle. The fluid line system () comprises a sensor device () for capturing sensor parameters and a housing (), which has two or more housing parts (). Each housing part () has a mounting surface area () for arranging a further housing part (). The housing () further has a groove arrangement (), which comprises at least one groove recess (), which is arranged on a mounting surface area (), wherein a groove recess () has a groove opening (), which opens out to the respective mounting surface area (). In any case, the groove opening () is closed by in a fluid-tight manner means of the mounting surface area () of at least one further housing part (). It is attained thereby that a fluid duct (), through which fluid can flow and through which fluid can be applied to the sensor device (), is limited between the respective groove recess () and the respective mounting surface area (). 1. A fluid line system for guiding fluid in a HVAC device , comprising:a sensor device for capturing sensor parameters,a housing including at least two housing parts,wherein each of the at least two housing parts has a mounting surface area for arranging a further housing part,wherein the housing has a groove arrangement including at least one groove recess that is arranged on the mounting surface area of at least one of the two housing parts,wherein the at least one groove recess has a groove opening that opens out to the mounting surface area, andwherein the groove opening is closed via the mounting surface area of at least one further housing part to limit a fluid duct, through which fluid can flow and be applied to the sensor device, between the at least one groove recess and the mounting surface area.2. The fluid line system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one groove recess includes two or more groove recesses arranged on a single housing part of the at least two housing parts ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160368519A1
Автор: Stefan Frederic

A device is provided for ventilating a steering wheel surround of a vehicle. The device includes at least one adjustable air vent in the vicinity of the steering wheel, wherein the adjustability of the at least one air vent is configured to reach with an airflow at least one imaginary point on the steering wheel at different rotational angles of the steering wheel. A method for operating the device is also disclosed. In the device the at least one air vent is able to be adjusted synchronously with a rotation of the steering wheel, so that the airflow during and/or after the rotation of the steering wheel approximately follows the movement of the at least one imaginary point on the steering wheel. 1. A device for ventilating a steering wheel surround of a vehicle , comprising at least one adjustable air vent in a vicinity of a steering wheel , wherein the adjustability of the at least one adjustable air vent is configured to reach with an airflow at least one imaginary point on the steering wheel at different rotational angles of the steering wheel , whereinthe at least one adjustable air vent is able to be adjusted synchronously with a rotation of the steering wheel, so that the airflow during and/or after the rotation of the steering wheel approximately follows a movement of the at least one imaginary point on the steering wheel.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one adjustable air vent is a nozzle claim 1 , having an outflow cross section located substantially parallel to a steering wheel plane.3. The device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the device contains means which are configured to adjust temperature and/or air humidity of the airflow from the at least one adjustable air vent.4. The device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the device contains measuring means which are configured to detect a position of at least one hand on the steering wheel.5. The device as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the measuring means contain at least one ...

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200346515A1

An arrangement for sealing functional unit interfaces includes a functional unit, an interface, and a sealing element. The interface has a first main surface, a second main surface, and an opening. The second main surface has a clamping section enclosing the opening. The functional unit has a front face with a counter-clamping section opposite the clamping section. The sealing element has a sealing body and a support element at least partially arranged within the sealing body. The sealing body has a first section clamped between the clamping section and the counter-clamping section. The opening is closed by a second section of sealing body, which is at least partially arranged between the opening and the front face. The support element is partially arranged in the first section and partially in the second section of the sealing body. The support element and the sealing body consist of different materials. 112. An arrangement () for sealing functional unit interfaces () in a vehicle , the arrangement comprising:a functional unit, a functional unit interface, and a sealing element,{'b': 2', '3', '3', '4', '5, 'wherein the functional unit interface () has a partition (), the partition () at least partially separating a first space area () and a second space area (),'}{'b': 3', '6', '7', '8', '7', '9', '8, 'wherein the partition () has a first main surface (), a second main surface (), and an opening (), the second main surface () having a clamping section () enclosing the opening (),'}{'b': 6', '4', '7', '5', '10', '5, 'wherein the first main surface () is arranged in the first space area (), the second main surface () is arranged in the second space area (), and the functional unit () is arranged at least partially in the second space area (),'}{'b': 10', '11', '8', '2, 'wherein the functional unit () has a front face () arranged at least partially opposite the opening () of the functional unit interface (),'}{'b': 11', '12', '9, 'wherein the front face () has a ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190351731A1
Автор: JEONG Seong-Bin

A roof-type air conditioner for vehicles may include an evaporator to discharge cold air to the internal of a vehicle, and a conveying unit to move the evaporator in a longitudinal direction of the vehicle on a ceiling of the vehicle such that the evaporator is disposed to the ceiling of the internal of the vehicle and positioned to a region required for cooling. 1. A roof-type air conditioner for a vehicle , the roof-type air conditioner comprising:an evaporator to discharge cooled air to an internal of the vehicle; anda conveying unit to selectively move the evaporator in a longitudinal direction of the vehicle on a ceiling of the vehicle such that the evaporator mounted to the ceiling of the internal of the vehicle is selectively mountable to a region required for cooling.2. The roof-type air conditioner of claim 1 , wherein the conveying unit includes:a frame having rails mounted in the longitudinal direction of the vehicle;a drive actuator;a plate slidably mounted on the rails to be movable in the longitudinal direction of the vehicle on the rails, the evaporator being mounted on the plate; anda conveying device for sliding the plate by operation of the drive actuator.3. The roof-type air conditioner of claim 2 , wherein the conveying device includes:a drive gear rotated by the drive actuator; anda wire, wherein a first end portion of the wire is connected to the plate and a second end portion of the wire is engaged to the drive gear.4. The roof-type air conditioner of claim 2 , wherein the conveying device includes:a drive gear rotated by the drive actuator;a first wire, wherein a first end portion of the first wire is connected to a first portion the plate and a second end portion of the first wire is engaged to the drive gear; anda second wire, wherein a first end portion of the second wire is connected to a second portion of the plate and a second end portion of the second wire is engaged to the drive gear,wherein the second end portion of the first wire ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190360617A1

A hose arrangement for a motor vehicle may include a flexible elongated bellows including a plurality of radially orientated pleats and two axial longitudinal ends. The hose arrangement may also include at least one reinforcement rib which, on an outside, is coupled to a pleat tip of a respective pleat of the plurality of pleats in a material-bonded manner via two-component injection moulding. The at least one reinforcement rib may engage about the respective pleat in a circumferential direction. The at least one reinforcement rib may have at least two rib segments disposed following one another in the circumferential direction. Each of the at least two rib segments may radially cover the pleat tip by a segment angle of 30° to 310° in the circumferential direction. 1. A hose arrangement for a motor vehicle , comprising:a flexible elongated bellows including a plurality of radially orientated pleats and two axial longitudinal ends; andat least one reinforcement rib which on an outside, is coupled to a pleat tip of a respective pleat of the plurality of pleats in a material-bonded manner via two-component injection moulding and engages about the respective pleat in a circumferential direction;wherein the at least one reinforcement rib has at least two rib segments disposed following one another in the circumferential direction, and wherein each of the at least two rib segments radially covers the pleat tip by a segment angle of 30° to 310° in the circumferential direction.2. The hose arrangement according to claim 1 , further comprising at least two expansion joints arranged in the circumferential direction between the at least two rib segments of the at least one reinforcement rib claim 1 , wherein each of the at least two expansion joints extends over a joint angle of 10° to 290° in the circumferential direction.3. The hose arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one reinforcement rib lies against a surface of the pleat tip with via a rib bonding ...

19-11-2020 дата публикации

Air conditioning unit and system for vehicle

Номер: US20200361285A1
Автор: Gee Young Shin
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

An air conditioning unit for a vehicle includes: a first channel having a first inlet and a first outlet, and having a first blower fan and a heating core therein; a second channel having a second inlet and a second outlet, and having a second blower fan and a cooling core therein; a bypass channel diverging from the second outlet of the second channel and connected with the first inlet of the first channel; and a control door disposed between the bypass channel and the first channel and selectively closing the bypass channel or the first inlet such that the first channel and the second channel are disconnected when the bypass channel is closed, and interior air is introduced through the second inlet and the second outlet and then discharged to the exterior through the first outlet when the first inlet is closed.

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180370322A1

An HVAC module is mounted in a front compartment of a vehicle, proximate a wall that separates the front compartment of the vehicle from a passenger cabin of the vehicle. The HVAC module includes an intake and blower section that receives air from the passenger cabin or from outside the vehicle and provides it to a conditioning and distribution section of the HVAC module, which selectively conditions the air with heating or cooling equipment and distributes the conditioned air to the passenger cabin. 1. A vehicle , comprising:a passenger compartment;a front compartment forward of the passenger compartment;a wall separating the passenger compartment from the front compartment;an HVAC module mounted on the wall in the front compartment, the HVAC module comprising an intake and blower section and a conditioning and distribution sections; anda duct extending through the front compartment along the wall to an air vent in the wall, the duct in fluid communication with the conditioning and distribution section.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the intake and blower section comprises a fresh air intake.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the intake and blower section comprises a recirculation air intake.4. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the conditioning and distribution section comprises at least one multi-channel outlet.5. The vehicle of claim 4 , wherein the at least one multi-channel outlet comprises a plurality of channels configured to be selectively opened or closed.6. The vehicle of claim 4 , wherein the at least one multi-channel outlet is in fluid communication with a plurality of air vents via a plurality of ducts.7. The vehicle of claim 6 , wherein a first one of the plurality of air vents is a defrost air vent and a second one of the plurality of air vents is positioned near a floor of the passenger compartment.8. The vehicle of claim 4 , wherein the at least one multi-channel outlet faces the wall.9. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the intake and blower ...

05-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190366795A1

A cooling assembly includes an instrument panel. A passenger compartment for a vehicle can also utilize the cooling assembly. The instrument panel includes a first surface and a second surface opposing the first surface. The cooling assembly also includes a thermoelectric apparatus coupled to one of the first and second surfaces. The thermoelectric apparatus includes a first conductive plate and a second conductive plate spaced apart from each other. The first and second conductive plates are configured to be at different temperatures from each other during operation of the thermoelectric apparatus. The cooling assembly further includes a film secured to one of the first and second surfaces of the instrument panel and thermally connected to one of the first and second conductive plates of the thermoelectric apparatus such that operation of the thermoelectric apparatus causes the film to decrease in temperature by an amount sufficient for cooling the instrument panel. 1. A cooling assembly comprising:an instrument panel including a first surface and a second surface opposing the first surface;a thermoelectric apparatus coupled to one of the first and second surfaces;wherein the thermoelectric apparatus includes a first conductive plate and a second conductive plate spaced apart from each other, and wherein the first and second conductive plates are configured to be at different temperatures from each other during operation of the thermoelectric apparatus; anda film secured to one of the first and second surfaces of the instrument panel and thermally connected to one of the first and second conductive plates of the thermoelectric apparatus such that operation of the thermoelectric apparatus causes the film to decrease in temperature by an amount sufficient for cooling the instrument panel.2. The assembly as set forth in wherein the first conductive plate is configured to decrease in temperature during operation of the thermoelectric apparatus and the second conductive ...

19-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190381856A1
Автор: Bae Jaehyun, KI Duchan

Provided is a refrigerating or warming apparatus. The refrigerating or warming apparatus may include a cavity or compartment of which at least a portion of a wall is provided as a vacuum adiabatic body, a machine room disposed at a side outside the cavity, a compressor accommodated in the machine room to compress a refrigerator, a first heat exchange module or assembly accommodated in the machine room to allow the refrigerant to be heat-exchanged, a second heat exchange module or assembly accommodated in the cavity to allow the refrigerant to be heat-exchanged, and a machine room cover which covers the machine room to separate air flow passages where an internal air flow and an external air flow have directions opposite to each other. 1. A refrigerating or warming apparatus comprising:a compartment of which at least a portion of a wall is provided as a vacuum adiabatic body;a machine room provided at a side outside the compartment;a compressor provided in the machine room to compress a refrigerant;a first heat exchange assembly provided in the machine room to allow the refrigerant to be heat-exchanged;a second heat exchange assembly provided in the compartment to allow the refrigerant to be heat-exchanged; anda machine room cover which covers the machine room, wherein an internal air flow inside the machine room cover and an external air flow outside the machine room cover have directions opposite to each other.2. The refrigerating or warming apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first heat exchange assembly and the compressor are successively arranged within the machine room according to the internal air flow direction.3. The refrigerating or warming apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a passage guide provided below the compressor to discharge air of the internal air flow in a direction away from the compartment.4. The refrigerating or warming apparatus according to claim 3 , further comprising a connection passage further provided on a ...

26-12-2019 дата публикации

Blower device

Номер: US20190389278A1
Автор: Ayaka Tomido, Sho Kosaka
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A blower device includes a passage-forming section that forms a passage through which air flows inside. A partition section is provided within the passage-forming section. The partition section divides at least a part of the passage into a first passage and a second passage. The partition section has a hole. The hole passes through the partition section and provides a constant communication between the first passage and the second passage.

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200398635A1
Принадлежит: Valeo North America, Inc.

A method for servicing a heater core installed in a heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) assembly for a motor vehicle includes removing a sealing attachment from an interfacing connection interfacing with the heater core. The method includes sliding the heater core in a direction of insertion. The method includes disconnecting, from the heater core, the interfacing connection. The method includes removing the heater core in a direction of extraction, the direction of extraction being orthogonal to the direction of insertion. 1. A method for servicing a heater core installed in a heating , ventilation , and air-conditioning (HVAC) assembly for a motor vehicle , comprising:removing a sealing attachment from an interfacing connection interfacing with the heater core;sliding the heater core in a direction of insertion;disconnecting, from the heater core, the interfacing connection; andremoving the heater core in a direction of extraction,wherein the direction of extraction is orthogonal to the direction of insertion.2. The method of claim 1 , the method further comprising:sliding a supporting cover in a direction parallel to the direction of insertion and orthogonal to the direction of extraction; anddetaching the supporting cover from the HVAC assembly in the direction of extraction.3. The method of claim 2 , the method further comprising:unlocking the supporting cover by sliding a locking element in the direction orthogonal to the direction of extraction before sliding the supporting cover.4. The method of claim 3 ,wherein the supporting cover comprises the locking element attached to an outer surface of the supporting cover, andwherein the outer surface is a surface of the supporting cover that faces the direction of extraction.5. The method of claim 4 ,wherein, before unlocking the supporting cover, the supporting cover is in contact with the heater core; andwherein, before unlocking the supporting cover, the locking element is not in contact with the ...

18-02-1992 дата публикации

Modular structural instrument panel carrier

Номер: US5088571A
Принадлежит: Motors Liquidation Co

An instrument panel carrier for mounting instrument panel components in a motor vehicle is comprised of a box shaped beam extending transversely across the vehicle and defined by first and second panels connected together. The beam has ends thereof adapted for attachment to the pillars of the vehicle body so that the beam becomes an integral load carrying member of the vehicle body. The beam includes a vertical extending wall having a plurality of air flow openings therein spaced transversely along the beam to communicate air flow across the vehicle from a HVAC module. One of the panels extends rearward and generally horizontally from the beam to define a shelf structure which extends across the vehicle and cooperates with the vertical extending wall of the beam in defining a structure to receive and mount the various instrument panel components. The instrument panel carrier is configured to locate the vertical extending wall substantially forward of the occupant and the horizontal extending shelf at a relatively low position to thereby facilitate the design of uniquely configured instrument panel components which are attached to the carrier by mounting brackets designed to provide the desired mounting height and position for the particular body style.

10-12-2019 дата публикации

Refrigerated container and duct extension

Номер: US10502475B2
Принадлежит: Carrier Corp

A duct (100) comprises the molded combination of: an inlet flange (110) surrounding an inlet (102), the inlet having a height and a width; and body (112) extending from the inlet to an outlet (104) and having a body interior that laterally outwardly diverges and upwardly shifts from the inlet toward the outlet.

08-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: CN110300681B
Автор: 奇斗赞, 裵在贤


24-11-2006 дата публикации

air compress connector for cars

Номер: KR200431728Y1
Автор: 강남진, 전성원, 최정욱
Принадлежит: 케이유엠 주식회사

본 고안은 커넥터본체와, 상기 커넥터본체내에 설치되는 접속부로 구성하여 차량의 컴프레셔에 접속되는 커넥터에 있어서, 상기 접속부는 바닥면으로 전선에서 인가된 전류를 도통시키는 도체가 일정패턴으로 형성되고, 상면에는 다이오드 및 저항소자가 설치되는 기판부와, 상기 기판부에 설치되며 상기 도체에서 인가된 전류를 도통시키는 제 1, 2터미널로 구성하고, 상기 접속부는 상기 커넥터본체내에 인서트 사출방식으로 일체 성형시켜 구성함을 특징으로 하는 차량용 컴프레셔에 접속되는 커넥터를 제시한다. The present invention is composed of a connector body and a connecting portion provided in the connector body, the connector is connected to the compressor of the vehicle, wherein the connecting portion is formed in a predetermined pattern of a conductor for conducting current applied from the wire to the bottom surface, And a substrate portion in which a diode and a resistance element are installed, and first and second terminals provided in the substrate portion to conduct current applied from the conductor, and the connection portion is integrally molded by insert injection in the connector body. A connector is connected to a vehicle compressor characterized by a configuration. 컴프레셔, 커넥터, 커넥터본체, 접속부, 기판부, 제 1, 2터미널, 인서트사출 Compressor, Connector, Connector Body, Connection, Board, Terminal 1, Terminal 2, Insert Injection

15-11-2016 дата публикации

Automotive air conditioning gas pipe and its manufacturing method

Номер: KR101676350B1
Автор: 박동운
Принадлежит: 박동운

The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing an automotive air-conditioner gas pipe in which a charge valve is constituted, comprising: a flattening process (S10); a tapping process (S20); a cutting process (S30); an O-ring laying process (S40); and a coupling process (S50). Since the gas pipe is made with a structure in which a main injector and an auxiliary injector can be easily replaced, if a failure occurs due to long-term use, the injector having a failed charge valve can be easily removed and replaced. Therefore, the present invention is can greatly reduce cost and time wasted in a process of replacing the entire air conditioner gas pipe.

10-02-2017 дата публикации

Air conditioner for vehicles

Номер: KR101705706B1
Автор: 엄부용
Принадлежит: 한온시스템 주식회사

본 발명은 차량용 공조장치에 관한 것으로, 공조케이스 내부에 설치된 다수 도어들의 개도를 조절하도록 상기 공조케이스에 고정되며 일측에는 접속구를 구비한 엑츄에이터와, 상기 접속구에 접속되며 제어신호 송신 또는 전원공급용 리드와이어가 연결된 커넥터를 포함하는 차량용 공조장치에 있어서; 상기 접속구의 설치위치에 인접한 상기 공조케이스 상에 돌출형성되며, 상기 접속구에 연결된 커넥터를 지지하도록 형성된 가드를 구비하고, 상기 가드의 내부에는 상기 커넥터를 접속구 쪽으로 안내하도록 커넥터를 지지하는 일측면에 상기 접속구를 향해 다수의 안내리브가 형성된 것을 특징으로 하는 차량용 공조장치를 제공한다. 본 발명에 따르면, 엑츄에이터의 커넥터 삽입부에 가드(Guard)를 설치하여 커넥터의 접속을 원활하게 하고, 작업중 단선이나 이탈이 발생되지 않도록 하며, 접속 후에도 리드와이어를 정위치에 견고히 고정시킴으로써 리드와이어가 들뜨지 않도록 하는 효과를 제공한다. The present invention relates to an air conditioner for a vehicle, and more particularly, to an air conditioner for an automotive air conditioner, which comprises an actuator fixed to the air conditioner case to adjust the opening degree of a plurality of doors provided in the air conditioner case, A vehicle air conditioning apparatus including a connector to which a wire is connected, The air conditioner according to claim 1, further comprising a guard protruded from the air conditioning case adjacent to a mounting position of the connection port to support a connector connected to the connection port, And a plurality of guide ribs are formed toward the connection port. According to the present invention, a guard is provided in a connector inserting portion of an actuator to smooth connection of a connector, to prevent disconnection and disconnection during operation, and to securely fix a lead wire to a correct position even after connection, Provides an effect to keep you from being excited.

11-06-2021 дата публикации

Manufacturing method of automobile air conditioner coaxial pipe and automobile air conditioner coaxial pipe

Номер: CN112937248A
Принадлежит: Chery Automobile Co Ltd


15-02-2007 дата публикации

Fluid passageway structure of defrost duct for vehicles

Номер: KR100683220B1
Автор: 이명길
Принадлежит: 현대모비스 주식회사

본 발명은 차량용 전면 글라스를 제상하는 전면덕트부를 제1전면덕트와 제2전면덕트로 구획하고, 측면 글라스를 제상하는 사이드 덕트부를 제2사이드덕트와 제2사이드덕트로 구획하여 격자 형상으로 구획된 흡입부를 통하여 유입된 공기가 각각의 구획된 공간으로 이동되도록 하여 제상효과를 극대화 하는 차량용 제상덕트의 유로구조에 관한 것이다. According to the present invention, a front duct section for defrosting a vehicle front glass is partitioned into a first front duct and a second front duct, and a side duct section for defrosting a side glass is partitioned into a second side duct and a second side duct and partitioned into a grid shape. It relates to a flow path structure of the vehicle defrost duct for maximizing the defrost effect by allowing the air introduced through the suction portion to move to each partitioned space. 상기와 같은 본 발명에 의하면, 제상덕트의 중앙부만 아니라 좌우측으로도 균일한 송풍이 이루어지게 됨으로 제상효과를 극대화 하게 된다. According to the present invention as described above, the defrosting effect is maximized by the uniform ventilation is made not only in the center portion of the defrost duct but also in the left and right sides. 윈드실드 글라스, 전면덕트부, 에어가이드, 사이드덕트부 Windshield glass, front duct, air guide, side duct

28-05-2014 дата публикации

Air purifying device with anion and cation producer for a vehicle

Номер: KR101392331B1
Принадлежит: 한국델파이주식회사

본 발명은 음이온 및 양이온 발생장치를 구비한 자동차용 공기정화장치에 관한 것으로서, 차량의 공기정화장치에 구비되어 공기를 정화함과 동시에 음이온을 발생시킬 수 있는 음이온 및 양이온 발생장치를 구비한 자동차용 공기정화장치를 제공하기 위한 것이다. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to an air purifying apparatus for an automobile having an anion and a cation generating apparatus and an air purifying apparatus for an automobile having an anion and a cation generating apparatus And to provide an air purification device. 그 기술적 구성은 차량 실내의 공기를 정화 및 살균하도록, 음이온을 발생시켜 이를 배출시키는 음이온 핀을 포함하는 음이온 발생부; 상기 음이온 발생부에서 배출되는 음이온이 이온 클러스터를 이루도록 양이온을 발생시켜 이를 배출시키는 양이온 핀을 포함하는 양이온 발생부; 상기 음이온 핀 및 양이온 핀이 차량 실내의 공기를 흡입하여 공기를 정화시키는 공기청정기 내 유로에 주는 영향을 최소화하기 위해, 상기 음이온 핀 및 양이온 핀이 상기 공기청정기 내 공기가 유입 가능하도록 형성된 유입부(inlet)에 일체로 고정되도록 구비되는 지지판; 을 포함한다. An anion generator including an anion pin for generating and discharging negative ions so as to purify and sterilize air in a vehicle interior; A cation generator including a cation pin generating a cation so that the anion discharged from the anion generator forms an ion cluster and discharging the cation; In order to minimize the influence of the anionic fins and the cation fins on the flow path in the air purifier that sucks air in the interior of the vehicle and purifies the air, the anion fins and the cation fins are provided in the inflow portion a support plate integrally fixed to the inlet; . 공기정화장치, VAPS, 음이온, 양이온, 브러쉬, 원추형, 대전체, 전기 배선 Air Purifier, VAPS, Anion, Cation, Brush, Cone, Large Full, Electrical Wiring

14-12-2016 дата публикации

Air-conditioning grid mounting structure and air-conditioning grid installation method

Номер: CN106232401A
Автор: 广田浩之
Принадлежит: Calsonic Kansei Corp


23-08-1988 дата публикации

Ventilating device for a car

Номер: KR880002950Y1
Автор: 박영민
Принадлежит: 주식회사 금성사, 허신구

내용 없음. No content.

15-05-1999 дата публикации

Fracture protecting structure of vent nozzle in a car

Номер: KR0139408Y1
Автор: 임길웅
Принадлежит: 대우자동차주식회사

본 고안은 자동차 벤트노즐의 공기토출부 균열방지 구조에 관한 것으로, 인스트루먼트 패널(10)에 설치되는 벤트노즐(20)의 노즐몸체(22)와, 상기 노즐몸체(22)의 외주면 소정위치의 마운트 돌출부(32)에서 돌출되어 일체로 형성되고 일단에는 설치공 형성부(36)가 형성되는 복수개의 인스트루먼트 패널 설치마운트(30)와, 상기 노즐몸체(22)의 전면에 결합되는 공기토출부(24)를 포함하여 형성되는 자동차 벤트노즐(20)에 있어서, 상기 마운트 돌출부(32)와 상기 설치공 형성부(36) 사이에 완충노치부(34)가 형성된 인스트루먼트 패널 설치마운트(30)를 포함하여 상기 복수개의 인스트루먼트 패널 설치마운트(30)가 형성되는 것을 특징으로 하는 자동차 벤트노즐의 공기토출부 균열방지 구조를 제공함으로써, 자동차 사고 등에 의해 벤트노즐(20) 전면의 공기토출부(24)에 탑승자의 두부에 충격이 가하여지는 경우 그 충격에너지를 벤트노즐(20)의 인스트루먼트 패널 설치마운트(30)에 형성된 완충노치부(34)에서 파괴에너지로 방출하여, 탑승자의 두부에 미치는 충격을 감쇄시키는 효과가 제공되며, 또한 벤트노즐(20) 전면의 공기토출부(24) 표면에 균열면이 형성되지 않게 됨에 따라 탑승자 두피의 손상을 방지하는 효과가 제공된다. The present invention relates to a structure for preventing the air discharge part crack of an automobile vent nozzle, the nozzle body 22 of the vent nozzle 20 installed in the instrument panel 10, and the mount of the predetermined position on the outer circumferential surface of the nozzle body 22 A plurality of instrument panel mounting mounts 30 protruding from the protruding portion 32 and integrally formed at one end thereof and having an installation hole forming portion 36 formed therein, and an air discharge portion 24 coupled to the front surface of the nozzle body 22. In the automotive vent nozzle 20 is formed, including an instrument panel mounting mount 30, the buffer notch 34 is formed between the mounting protrusion 32 and the mounting hole forming portion 36, By providing a structure for preventing the air discharge portion crack of the air vent nozzle of the vehicle, characterized in that the plurality of instrument panel mounting mount 30 is formed, the air discharge portion 24 in front of the vent nozzle 20 by an automobile accident, etc. When an impact is applied to the head of the occupant, the impact energy is released as destructive energy from the buffer notch 34 formed in the instrument panel mounting mount 30 of the vent nozzle 20 to attenuate the impact on the head of the occupant. In addition, since the crack surface ...

20-11-1989 дата публикации

Automobile cowl structure

Номер: KR890008188Y1
Автор: Toshinori Sakamoto
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor

07-10-2016 дата публикации

Air conditioner for automotive vehicles

Номер: KR101663605B1
Принадлежит: 한온시스템 주식회사

본 발명은 차량용 공조장치에 관한 것으로서, PTC 히터에 전원을 인가하는 PTC 커넥터를 대시패널에 설치하여 PTC 커넥터의 고열에 의하여 주변 부품을 손상시키는 발열문제와 감전에 의한 탑승자의 안전사고를 예방할 수 있도록 하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위한 본 발명은 공조케이스와, 상기 공조케이스의 내부통로에 설치되어 유입된 공기를 냉각하는 증발기 및 유입된 공기를 가열하는 PTC 히터와, 상기 PTC 히터에 전원을 인가하도록 설치되는 PTC 커넥터를 포함하는 차량용 공조장치에 있어서, 상기 PTC 커넥터는, 차실외측에 배치되도록 대시패널상에 설치 고정되는 커넥터 고정부재를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to a vehicle air conditioner, and more particularly, to a vehicle air conditioner which is provided with a PTC connector for supplying power to a PTC heater to a dash panel so as to prevent a heat generation problem caused by high temperature of the PTC connector, . According to an aspect of the present invention, there is provided an air conditioner comprising: an air conditioning case; an evaporator for cooling the air introduced into an internal passage of the air conditioning case; a PTC heater for heating the introduced air; The PTC connector is characterized in that it includes a connector fixing member which is fixed on the dash panel so as to be disposed outside the vehicle room.

20-01-2014 дата публикации

Tractor cabins

Номер: RU2504495C2
Принадлежит: Агко Гмбх

FIELD: transport. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to tractor cabins equipped with heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Tractor cabin comprises floor 12. At least a part of said floor is composed of duplex structure with top layer 12a and bottom layer 12b located at preset vertical distance below top layer to form chamber 29, 30 there between. Said floor part supports heating, ventilation and air conditioning unit 11 with discharge side directed between said top and bottom layers. Top layer 12a comprises outlet holes 27a, 28a to release or circulate air from aforesaid unit. EFFECT: simplified mounting and connection of heating, ventilation and air conditioning unit, extra storage space. 7 cl, 13 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 504 495 (13) C2 (51) МПК B62D 33/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011121345/11, 26.10.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.10.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): АГКО ГМБХ (DE) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.12.2012 Бюл. № 34 2 5 0 4 4 9 5 (45) Опубликовано: 20.01.2014 Бюл. № 2 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: EP 1609701 A1, 28.12.2005. JPH 0660656 U, 23.08.1994. US 4088364 A, 09.05.1978. SU 765086 A1, 23.09.1980. 2 5 0 4 4 9 5 R U (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2009/064056 (26.10.2009) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 27.05.2011 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2010/049380 (06.05.2010) Адрес для переписки: 109012, Москва, ул. Ильинка, 5/2, ООО "Союзпатент" (54) КАБИНЫ ТРАКТОРОВ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к кабинам тракторов, имеющим системы отопления, вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха. Кабина трактора содержит пол (12), по меньшей мере, часть которого является двухслойной конструкцией, имеющей верхний слой (12а) и нижний слой (12b), расположенный на заданном расстоянии по вертикали ниже верхнего слоя для формирования полости (29, 30) между слоями. Часть пола ...

15-02-2007 дата публикации

Defrost duct for vehicles

Номер: KR100683217B1
Автор: 이명길
Принадлежит: 현대모비스 주식회사

본 발명은 차량용 제상덕트에 관한 것으로서, 특히 히터유닛으로부터 공급되는 공기가 제상덕트의 흡입구로부터 토출구까지 일정한 방향성이 유지된 상태에서 이동되도록 함으로써, 제상덕트의 토출구에서 좌우방향으로 균일한 송풍량이 유지될 수 있도록 한 차량용 제상덕트에 관한 것이다. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a vehicle defrost duct, and in particular, the air supplied from the heater unit is moved from the inlet to the discharge port of the defrost duct in a state where constant directionality is maintained, thereby maintaining a uniform air flow amount in the left and right directions at the discharge port of the defrost duct. It relates to a vehicle defrost duct. 본 발명에 따른 차량용 제상덕트는, 차량의 윈드실드 글라스의 내측 하단에 배치되도록 인스트루먼트 패널의 상단에 좌우 방향으로 길게 형성된 다수 개의 배출홀부와, 상기 배출홀부와 히터유닛을 연통되도록 설치된 덕트 본체와, 상기 덕트 본체의 상단이 개구되어 이루어지고, 상기 배출홀부에 대응되도록 배치된 토출구와, 상기 덕트 본체의 하단이 개구되어 이루어지고, 상기 히터유닛과 대응되도록 배치된 흡입구와, 상기 덕트 본체의 내벽에 형성되고, 덕트 본체의 중앙에서 양측 방향으로 갈수록 높이가 더 높아지도록 형성된 다수 개의 가이드가 포함된 것을 특징으로 한다. Vehicle defrost duct according to the present invention, a plurality of discharge holes formed in the left and right direction on the upper end of the instrument panel to be disposed on the inner lower end of the windshield glass of the vehicle, the duct body is installed so as to communicate the discharge hole and the heater unit, A discharge port formed to open at an upper end of the duct body and disposed to correspond to the discharge hole, an inlet port formed to open at a lower end of the duct body to be disposed to correspond to the heater unit, and an inner wall of the duct main body. It is formed, characterized in that it comprises a plurality of guides formed so that the height is higher toward both sides from the center of the duct body. 윈드실드 글라스, 인스트루먼트 패널, 디프로스트 덕트, 가이드, 유로 Windshield glass, instrument panel, defrost duct, guide, flow path

10-12-2008 дата публикации

Improved instrument cluster unit and method for its manufacturing

Номер: RU2340503C2

FIELD: transportation. SUBSTANCE: method comprises stages at which: first frame is provided being made of the first material and this first frame forms corresponding surface of the first material and this first material is metal; first element is provided being made of the second material; the first element forms corresponding surface being made of the second material and this second material is plastic; then corresponding surface of the first frame is glued to corresponding surface of the first element. Thereby the first frame or the first element or both form channel which partially comprises air duct after gluing of corresponding surfaces. Air duct is formed by interaction of the first frame and the first element. The first frame passes across vehicle from adjacent to one vehicle pillar to adjacent to opposite vehicle pillar. Air duct passes essentially the same distance as the first frame. EFFECT: integral structure with small weight. 23 cl, 9 dwg ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß RU (19) (11) 2 340 503 (13) C2 (51) ÌÏÊ B62D 25/14 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2005128495/11, 11.02.2004 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÊÅËÜÌÀÍ Õàéí É. (DE), ÑËÈÊ Ãåðõàðä (DE) (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 11.02.2004 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): ÄÀÓ ÃËÎÁÀË ÒÅÊÍÎËÎÄÆÈÇ ÈÍÊ. (US) R U (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 13.02.2003 US 60/447,117 (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 10.02.2006 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 10.12.2008 Áþë. ¹ 34 2 3 4 0 5 0 3 (56) Ñïèñîê äîêóìåíòîâ, öèòèðîâàííûõ â îò÷åòå î ïîèñêå: ÅÐ 0515287 À, 25.11.1992. DE 19626441 À1, 15.01.1998. GB 1447384 À, 25.08.1976. US 2002153741 À, 24.10.2002. US 2003/001410 À, 02.01.2003. (85) Äàòà ïåðåâîäà çà âêè PCT íà íàöèîíàëüíóþ ôàçó: 13.09.2005 2 3 4 0 5 0 3 R U (87) Ïóáëèêàöè PCT: WO 2004/074026 (02.09.2004) C 2 C 2 (86) Çà âêà PCT: US 2004/003857 (11.02.2004) Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 129010, Ìîñêâà, óë. Á.Ñïàññêà , 25, ñòð.3, ÎÎÎ "Þðèäè÷åñêà ôèðìà ...

19-12-2016 дата публикации

Air conditioning system for vehicle

Номер: KR20160144552A
Автор: 박준규

냉방덕트가 구비되고, 냉방덕트의 일측에 냉방측유입구가 형성되며 냉방덕트의 타측에 냉방측 실내유출구 및 냉방측 실외유출구가 형성되고, 냉방덕트 내부에 증발기가 구비된 냉방모듈과 난방덕트가 구비되고, 난방덕트의 일측에 난방측유입구가 형성되며 난방덕트의 타측에 난방측 실내유출구 및 난방측 실외유출구가 형성되고, 난방덕트 내부에 응축기가 구비된 난방모듈 및 냉방덕트 또는 난방덕트 내부에 각각 마련된 냉방블로워 및 난방블로워를 포함하는 차량용 공조시스템이 소개된다.

17-01-2022 дата публикации

Patent RU2020124274A3

Номер: RU2020124274A3

ВУ“? 2020124274” АЗ Дата публикации: 17.01.2022 Форма № 18 ИЗ,ПМ-2011 Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение 5 «Федеральный институт промышленной собственности» (ФИПС) ОТЧЕТ О ПОИСКЕ 1. . ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ ЗАЯВКИ Регистрационный номер Дата подачи 20201242774/11(041942) 13.02.2018 Приоритет установлен по дате: [ ] подачи заявки [ ] поступления дополнительных материалов от к ранее поданной заявке № [Х] приоритета 16.09.2019 по первоначальной заявке № 2019129086 из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи первоначальной заявки № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи ранее поданной заявки № [Х] подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) в государстве-участнике Парижской конвенции (31) Номер первой(ых) заявки(ок) (32) Дата подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) (33) Код страны 1. 10-2017-0021560 17.02.2017 КК Название изобретения (полезной модели): [Х] - как заявлено; [ ] - уточненное (см. Примечания) ХОЛОДИЛЬНОЕ ИЛИ НАГРЕВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО И ТРАНСПОРТНОЕ СРЕДСТВО Заявитель: ЭлДжи ЭЛЕКТРОНИКС ИНК., КК 2. ЕДИНСТВО ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ [Х] соблюдено [ ] не соблюдено. Пояснения: см. Примечания 3. ФОРМУЛА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ: [Х] приняты во внимание все пункты см. п см. Примечания [ ] приняты во внимание следующие пункты: р [ | принята во внимание измененная формула изобретения (см. Примечания) 4. КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ОБЪЕКТА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ (ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ) (Указываются индексы МПК и индикатор текущей версии) ВбОН 3/00 (2006.01) 5. ОБЛАСТЬ ПОИСКА 5.1 Проверенный минимум документации РСТ (указывается индексами МПК) В60Н1/00-1/32, 3/00, В60М3З/00-3/10 5.2 Другая проверенная документация в той мере, в какой она включена в поисковые подборки: 5.3 Электронные базы данных, использованные при поиске (название базы, и если, возможно, поисковые термины): РУ/РТ, ЕАРАТХУ, Ебрасепеё, РабЗеагсь 6. ДОКУМЕНТЫ, ОТНОСЯЩИЕСЯ К ПРЕДМЕТУ ПОИСКА Кате- Наименование документа с указанием (где необходимо) частей, Относится к гория* относящихся к предмету поиска пункту формулы № ...

26-01-2018 дата публикации

Air conditioning system for vehicle

Номер: KR101822287B1
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

내부에 에바코어가 배치된 냉방덕트; 내부에 컨덴서가 배치된 난방덕트; 냉방측 실내 유출구 및 난방측 실내 유출구에서 연장되고, 냉방측 실내 유출구 및 난방측 실내 유출구에서 공급되는 공기를 실내로 유도하는 연장덕트; 및 냉방덕트와 난방덕트의 경계벽면 중 실내 유출구측 단부에 마련되는 유로조절도어;를 포함하는 차량용 공조시스템이 소개된다. A cooling duct in which an eva core is disposed; A heating duct in which a condenser is disposed; An extension duct extending from the cooling indoor side outlet and the indoor side indoor heating outlet and guiding air supplied from the cooling indoor indoor outlet and the heating indoor indoor outlet to the room; And a flow control door provided at an end portion of the boundary wall between the cooling duct and the heating duct on the side of the indoor air outlet.

27-07-1999 дата публикации

Air duct structure of vehicular instrument panel

Номер: JPH11198681A
Принадлежит: Daewoo Motor Co Ltd, Nishikawa Kasei Co Ltd

(57)【要約】 【課題】 部品点数の低減と構造の簡素化により、経費 の削減及び組付け作業性の向上を図る。 【解決手段】 車幅方向に延びるデフロスターダクトロ ア9と、デフロスターダクトロア9の車幅方向中程から 車体後方に延びるセンターダクトロア11とを一体に形 成してフロントダクトロア13を構成する。デフロスタ ーダクトロア9にインストルメントパネルを上方から接 合して内部にデフロスターエア通路21が形成されたデ フロスターダクト5を構成する。センターダクトロア1 1にセンターダクトアッパー23を上方から接合して内 部に空調エア通路25a〜25cが形成されたセンター ダクト7を構成する。

03-02-1999 дата публикации

Integrated air conduit for motor vehicle instrument panel

Номер: EP0894054A1
Автор: Uwe Dausch
Принадлежит: Valeo Climatisation SA

The invention concerns an air conduit (12) for motor vehicle instrument panel (10) made in the form of an open conduit with a longitudinal slot (26) defined by two fusion faces (28, 30), the open conduit (12) being produced in one single piece with the instrument panel (10) by moulding a ductile material enabling the stripping by widening the longitudinal slot (26), means for joining (36, 38) being provided for joining the fusion faces (28, 30) of the longitudinal slot (26) after stripping.

22-02-2006 дата публикации

Instrument panel integrated defroster duct

Номер: KR20060016331A
Автор: 이현동
Принадлежит: 현대모비스 주식회사

본 발명은 다수 개의 덕트를 일체로 성형한 디프로스터 덕트와 인스트루먼트 패널의 접합 부위를 열로써 진동융착하는 융착부와 스크류로 체결하는 체결부로 나누어 선택적으로 결합함으로써 조립공수도 줄이면서 결합력을 극대화한 인스트루먼트 패널 일체형 디프로스터 덕트에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 따른 인스트루먼트 패널 일체형 디프로스터 덕트는 자동차의 내부로 흡입된 공기를 실내로 안내하는 복수 개의 덕트를 일체로 성형한 디프로스터 덕트와, 상기 디프로스터 덕트의 상부를 덮는 인스트루먼트 패널과, 상기 디프로스터 덕트에 소정 높이의 돌기를 돌설하여 인스트루먼트 패널과의 접합 부위를 열에 의한 진동 융착하여 일체적으로 형성하는 융착부와, 상기 디프로스터 덕트의 불균일한 굴곡구간을 스크류로 체결하여 일체적으로 형성하는 체결부로 이루어짐을 특징으로 한다. 인스트루먼트 패널, 디프로스터 덕트, 진동융착, 스크류

08-06-2022 дата публикации

Air conditioning system for automotive vehicles

Номер: KR102405181B1
Автор: 김정현, 정해석
Принадлежит: 한온시스템 주식회사

본 발명은 차량용 공조장치에 관한 것으로, "초기난방모드" 진입 후, 엔진 냉각수 온도가 낮은 상태임에도 불구하고 "시간"의 경과에 따라 "초기난방모드"로부터 해제될 시에, 블로어 회전속도의 과도한 상승을 제한할 수 있도록 구성함으로써, 블로어 회전속도의 과도한 상승으로 인한 다량의 찬공기 유입을 방지할 수 있고, 이를 통해, 차실내의 쾌적성을 개선할 수 있도록 하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 본 발명은, 겨울철 초기 시동 시에, 초기난방모드로 진입하면서 블로어의 회전속도를 미리 설정된 저단으로 제어하고, 초기난방모드의 진입 후, 미리 설정된 기준시간이 경과되면, 초기난방모드로부터 해제되면서 블로어의 회전속도를 미리 설정된 시간 간격을 두고 미리 설정된 회전속도값 만큼 상승시키는 차량용 공조장치에 있어서, 초기난방모드 진입 후, 기준시간의 경과에 따라 초기난방모드로부터 해제될 시에, 엔진 냉각수 온도에 따라 차실내의 공기토출풍량이 능동적으로 가변될 수 있도록, 엔진 냉각수 온도에 따라 블로어의 회전속도 상승 정도를 가변 제어하는 제어부를 구비한다.

01-08-1998 дата публикации

Suction grill of heating air intake part

Номер: KR0121374Y1
Автор: 이자행
Принадлежит: 전성원, 현대자동차주식회사

본 고안은 자동차의 히터 유니트에서 블로어내로 공기를 흡입시키기 위한 공기흡입부의 석션 그릴에 관한 것으로, 석션 그릴 구조를 단순화하여 작업성을 향상시키고 외관을 심플하게 구성할 수 있도록 하기 위하여, 히터 유니트(H)에 스크류롤 체결가능하고 보강리브(5)와 이 보강리브(5) 중간에 원주상으로 융착가능하게 형성되는 고정돌기(4)를 갖는 그릴 본체(1)와, 이 그릴 본체(1)의 고정돌기(4)에 끼워져 융착될 수 있는 그물망(2)으로 구성시킨 것이다. The present invention relates to a suction grill of an air intake unit for sucking air into a blower in a car heater unit, and in order to simplify the suction grill structure to improve workability and to simplify the appearance of the heater unit (H). And a grill body (1) having a reinforcing rib (5) and a fixing protrusion (4) circumferentially fused in the middle of the reinforcing rib (5) and the grill body (1). It is made of a mesh (2) that can be fused to the fixing protrusion (4).

16-06-2015 дата публикации

Air conditioner for vehicles

Номер: KR101529215B1
Автор: 이용흥
Принадлежит: 한라비스테온공조 주식회사

본 발명은 차량용 공조장치에 관한 것으로써, 더욱 상세하게는 공조케이스내의 공기를 인출하여 냉온장고로 공급하기 위해 공조케이스의 측면에 결합된 어스피레이터(ASPIRATOR)의 출구와 냉온장고를 직접 연결부재로 연결함으로써, 조립성을 향상함은 물론 조립공수를 줄이고 금형을 단순화 할 수 있으며 상기 어스피레이터를 통해 버려지는 풍량을 활용하므로 승객의 불쾌감을 해결할 수 있는 차량용 공조장치에 관한 것이다. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to an air conditioner for a vehicle, and more particularly, to an air conditioner for an automotive air conditioner, and more particularly, to an air conditioner for an automotive air conditioner which includes an outlet of an ASPIRATOR, The present invention relates to a vehicle air conditioner capable of solving the uncomfortable feeling of a passenger by reducing assembling airflow and simplifying the mold and utilizing the amount of air discharged through the earthpirator. 이에 본 발명은 내부에 증발기(41) 및 히터코어(42)가 설치된 공조케이스(40)와, 상기 공조케이스(40)의 외측면에 연통되게 결합됨과 아울러 공조케이스(40) 내부로부터 인출되는 공기에 의해 공기흡입작용을 발생시켜 차량 실내의 공기를 흡입하는 어스피레이터(ASPIRATOR)(100)를 포함하여 이루어진 차량용 공조장치에 있어서, 상기 어스피레이터(100)의 출구(102)가 냉온장고(50)와 연통되도록 연결부재(110)를 설치하여, 상기 공조케이스(40)로부터 인출되어 어스피레이터(100)로 공급된 냉풍 또는 온풍을 상기 냉온장고(50)로 공급하도록 한 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to an air conditioning case 40 having an evaporator 41 and a heater core 42 installed therein and an air blowing fan 40 connected to the outer surface of the air conditioning case 40, And an aspirator (100) for sucking air in a vehicle room by generating an air sucking action by an air outlet (102) of the air conditioner (100) And the cold air or warm air supplied from the air conditioning case 40 to the earth pump 100 is supplied to the cold / warm elongated room 50 . 공조장치, 공조케이스, 냉온장고, 어스피레이터, 연결부재 Air conditioner, air conditioner case, cold / hot air conditioner, earth filler, connecting member

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Air conditioner for vehicles

Номер: KR101172695B1
Принадлежит: 한라공조주식회사

본 발명은 차량용 공조장치에 관한 것으로써, 더욱 상세하게는 디프로스트벤트, 페이스벤트, 플로어벤트 각각의 중첩되는 상류영역의 공조케이스 내벽면에 공급홀로 공기를 가이드 하는 부채꼴 홈 형태의 공기가이드부를 형성하여 각 벤트로 유동하는 공기가 공기가이드부를 경유하도록 함으로써, 모든 공조모드에서 공급홀을 통해 어스피레이터로 공급되는 공기의 풍속을 높일수 있고 상기 공기가이드부의 높이(홈 깊이)를 줄일 수 있는 차량용 공조장치에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a vehicle air conditioner, and more particularly, to form a fan-shaped groove air guide part for guiding air to a supply hole on an inner wall surface of an air conditioning case of an overlapping upstream region of each of the defrost vent, the face vent, and the floor vent. By allowing the air flowing through each vent to pass through the air guide unit, in all air conditioning modes, the air velocity of the air supplied to the aspirator through the supply hole can be increased and the height (groove depth) of the air guide unit can be reduced. Relates to a device. 이에 본 발명은 입구측에 공기유입구(111)가 형성되고 출구측에는 디프로스트 벤트(112), 페이스 벤트(113), 플로어 벤트(114)가 형성된 공조케이스(110)와, 상기 각 벤트를 개폐하도록 설치되는 복수개의 모드도어(116)와, 상기 공조케이스(110)의 측면에 관통 형성되는 공급홀(140) 및 상기 공급홀(140)로부터 인출되는 공기에 의해 벤츄리작용을 발생시켜 차량 실내의 공기를 흡입하는 어스피레이터(ASPIRATOR)(150)를 포함하여 이루어진 차량용 공조장치에 있어서, 상기 공급홀(140)을 통해 어스피레이터(150)로 공급되는 공기의 풍속을 높일수 있도록 상기 각 벤트의 중첩되는 상류영역의 공조케이스(110) 내벽면에 공급홀(140)로 공기를 가이드 하는 공기가이드부(145)를 형성하여 각 벤트로 유동하는 공기가 공기가이드부(145)를 경유하도록 한 것을 특징으로 한다. In the present invention, the air inlet 111 is formed on the inlet side and the air-conditioning case 110 formed with the defrost vent 112, the face vent 113, the floor vent 114 on the outlet side, so as to open and close the vents. A venturi action is generated by a plurality of mode doors 116 installed, a supply hole 140 penetrating through a side surface of the air conditioning case 110, and air drawn out from the supply hole 140 to generate air inside the vehicle. In the vehicle air conditioner comprising an aspirator (150) to suck the, the overlap of each vent so as to increase the wind speed of the air supplied to the aspirator 150 through the supply hole 140 An air guide part 145 ...

26-01-2018 дата публикации

Air conditioning apparatus for vehicle

Номер: KR101822288B1
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

내부에 에바코어가 배치된 냉방덕트; 내부에 컨덴서가 배치된 난방덕트; 및 냉방덕트와 난방덕트가 중첩되어 형성된 중첩덕트;를 포함하고, 에바코어 및 컨덴서는 하나의 냉매유로 상에 연결된 것을 특징으로 하는 차량용 공조장치가 소개된다. A cooling duct in which an eva core is disposed; A heating duct in which a condenser is disposed; And And an overlapping duct formed by superimposing a cooling duct and a heating duct, wherein the eva core and the condenser are connected to one coolant channel.

02-01-2003 дата публикации

Assembly comprising a vehicle body, a windscreen, a dashboard and an airbag module

Номер: EP1270341A2
Принадлежит: TRW Occupant Restraint Systems GmbH

The car assembly comprises bodywork (10), a windscreen (12), instrument panel (14) and heater duct (34). An air bag module (16) is mounted between the windscreen and heater duct.

27-09-2019 дата публикации

A kind of electric car integrated heat management system based on eddy-current brake heating

Номер: CN110281736A


08-11-2016 дата публикации

Seat with warmer

Номер: KR101673807B1
Автор: 김재웅, 박재우, 오만주
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

According to the present invention, disclosed is a seat provided with a warmer, which comprises: a heating unit installed on the rear side of a seatback for radiating the radiant heat to the rear seat; an air duct installed to be adjacent to the heating unit in the seatback, formed to be extended to the up and down of the seatback, and formed to penetrated the air to the inside; and a ventilating means installed on the air duct, for introducing the air heated by the heating unit by the suction power inside the air duct and for discharging the heated air introduced inside the air duct to the floor side of the rear seat.

29-04-2015 дата публикации

Air-conditioner pipe

Номер: CN104566882A
Автор: 葛纯刚


16-06-2017 дата публикации

Air conditioner for vehicles

Номер: KR101748202B1
Автор: 김동현, 맹찬주, 안용남
Принадлежит: 한온시스템 주식회사

본 발명은 차량용 공조장치에 관한 것으로서, 계절에 따라 냉장고(쿨박스)와 온장고로 사용될 수 있는 냉온장고를 구비한 차량용 공조장치에 관한 것으로, 상기 차량용 공조장치는, 공조케이스(110)와, 증발기(101) 및 히터코어(102)와, 다수의 도어와, 연결덕트(130)와, 상기 공조케이스(110)의 냉풍과 온풍을 유입받아 냉장 또는 온장 기능을 수행하는 냉온장고(151)를 포함하고, 상기 연결덕트(130)는, 상기 공조장치(100) 내부의 냉풍을 인출하도록 형성된 냉풍인출홀(120A)에 연결되는 냉풍연결덕트(130A);와, 상기 공조장치(100) 내부의 온풍을 인출하도록 형성된 온풍인출홀(120B)에 연결되는 온풍연결덕트(130B);를 포함하며, 상기 냉온장고(151)는, 상기 냉풍연결덕트(130A)가 결합되는 냉풍유입구(151A);와, 상기 온풍연결덕트(130B)가 결합되는 온풍유입구(151B);와, 상기 냉풍유입구(151A)와 온풍유입구(151B)를 선택적으로 개폐하는 냉온변환도어(157)을 포함하여 구성되어, 별도의 온장고를 위한 히터를 구비함이 없이 하나의 냉온장고를 선택적으로 냉장고 또는 온장고로 사용할 수 있도록 한다. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention [0001] The present invention relates to an air conditioner for a vehicle, and more particularly, to a vehicle air conditioner having a cold / warm storage device that can be used as a refrigerator (cool box) The vehicle air conditioner includes an air conditioner case 110, an evaporator 101 and a heater core 102, a plurality of doors, a connecting duct 130, and cool air and warm air from the air conditioner case 110 (151) which performs a cold or warming function, The connecting duct 130 includes a cold air connecting duct 130A connected to the cold air drawing out hole 120A formed to draw out the cold air inside the air conditioning apparatus 100 and a hot air connecting duct 130A for drawing out the hot air inside the air conditioning apparatus 100 And a hot air connection duct 130B connected to the hot air take-out hole 120B, The hot / cold storage unit 151 includes a cold air inlet 151A to which the cold air connecting duct 130A is coupled, a hot air inlet 151B to which the hot air connecting duct 130B is coupled, And a hot-air inlet 151B for selectively opening and closing the hot-air inlet 151B, It is possible to selectively use one cold storage unit as a refrigerator or a heating unit without a heater for a separate heating unit.

04-08-2022 дата публикации

Air conditioner system control method for vehicle

Номер: KR102429011B1

차량용 에어컨 시스템 제어방법이 개시된다. 본 발명의 실시예에 따른 차량용 에어컨 시스템 제어방법은 제어부에 의해 제어되며, 블로우 모터의 작동을 통해 증발기를 통과한 공기를 차량의 실내로 직접 유입시키거나, 실내 열교환기와 전기히터를 통과하여 유입되도록 선택적으로 작동되는 개폐 도어가 내부에 구비되는 HVAC모듈과, 상기 증발기와 상기 실내 열교환기의 사이에서 냉매라인을 통해 연결되며 냉매를 압축시키는 압축기와, 상기 실내 열교환기와 상기 냉매라인을 통해 연결되고 냉매를 응축시키는 컨덴서와, 상기 컨덴서와 상기 증발기의 사이에서 상기 냉매라인에 구비되며 냉매를 팽창시켜 상기 증발기에 공급하는 팽창밸브를 포함하는 차량용 에어컨 시스템에서, (A) 차량의 시동이 ON 되어 주행 중에 냉방모드 작동을 감지하고, 공기의 벤트 토출 온도와 사용자의 냉방 목표 온도를 비교하는 과정; (B) 상기 벤트 토출 온도와 상기 냉방 목표 온도 중, 상기 벤트 토출 온도가 높을 경우, 상기 압축기의 RPM을 판단하고, 차량의 실내로 공급되는 공기를 상기 실내 열교환기와 상기 전기히터의 통과 없이 실내로 유입시키고 제어를 종료하는 과정; 및 (C) 상기 벤트 토출 온도와 상기 냉방 목표 온도 중, 상기 벤트 토출 온도가 낮을 경우, 상기 압축기의 RPM을 판단하여 상기 개폐 도어를 개방하고, 차량의 실내로 공급되는 공기가 가열되도록 상기 실내 열교환기를 통과시킨 후, 상기 벤트 토출 온도와 상기 냉방 목표 온도를 다시 비교하여 상기 전기히터를 작동시키고, 제어를 종료하는 과정을 포함한다. Disclosed is a method for controlling an air conditioner system for a vehicle. The method for controlling an air conditioner system for a vehicle according to an embodiment of the present invention is controlled by a control unit, and the air that has passed through the evaporator is directly introduced into the interior of the vehicle through the operation of a blow motor, or is introduced through an indoor heat exchanger and an electric heater. An HVAC module having a selectively operated opening/closing door therein, a compressor connected between the evaporator and the indoor heat exchanger through a refrigerant line and compressing a refrigerant, and the indoor heat exchanger and a refrigerant connected through the refrigerant line In the vehicle air conditioner system comprising a condenser for condensing, and an expansion valve provided in the refrigerant line between the condenser and the evaporator to expand the refrigerant and supply it to the evaporator, (A) the vehicle is started while driving detecting the cooling mode operation and comparing the air vent discharge temperature with the user's cooling target temperature; (B) When the vent discharge temperature is high among the vent ...

13-12-2013 дата публикации

A device for extending the performances of cooling cabinet in vehicle air conditioner

Номер: KR101340477B1
Автор: 나민균, 조중원
Принадлежит: 한라비스테온공조 주식회사

본 발명은 차체 외부로 그대로 버려지는 응축수를 재활용하되, 쿨박스와 연결된 냉장용 덕트내의 공기보다 낮은 온도의 응축수를 상호 열교환 시킨 다음 응축수를 차체 외부로 배출함으로써, 버려지는 에너지를 이용하여 쿨박스의 내부 온도를 더욱 낮추어줄 수 있도록 한 자동차 공기조화장치의 쿨박스 성능 향상장치를 제공하는 것이다. The present invention recycles condensate that is discarded as it is to the outside of the vehicle body, by mutually exchanging condensate at a lower temperature than air in the refrigerating duct connected to the cool box, and then discharging the condensate to the outside of the vehicle body, by using the discarded energy, the internal temperature of the cool box. It is to provide a cool box performance improving device of the car air conditioner to lower the even more. 쿨박스, 응축수, 열교환, 성능, 향상 Coolboxes, Condensate, Heat Exchangers, Performance, Enhancements

07-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: FR2759027A1
Автор: Uwe Dausch
Принадлежит: Valeo Climatisation SA

Un conduit d'air (12) pour une planche de bord (10) de véhicule automobile est réalisé sous la forme d'un conduit ouvert présentant une fente longitudinale (26) limitée par deux lèvres (28, 30) , le conduit ouvert (12) étant réalisé d'une seule pièce avec la planche de bord (10) par moulage d'une matière déformable autorisant un démoulage avec élargissement de la fente longitudinale (26) , des moyens de jonction (36, 38) étant prévus pour réunir les lèvres (28, 30) de la fente longitudinale (26) après démoulage.
