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17-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2616492C2
Принадлежит: СИТА Йпэнбюрг Б.В. (NL)

Группа изобретений относится к системе сдачи багажа для приема и регистрации багажа на рейсы авиакомпаний и способу регистрации предметов багажа. Система сдачи багажа содержит два транспортера, оборудованные статичными или динамичными весами с множеством разнесенных тензодатчиков, вычислительное средство, горизонтальный рамочный элемент, установленный определенным образом, рамку из разнесенных между собой вертикальных элементов, фотоэлементы, средство автоматического считывания багажных бирок и посадочных талонов, световую решетку, средства измерения температуры, длины, формы, перемещения и вибрации груза, датчики движения и расстояния, выходную и входную дверцу с механизмом автоматического открывания и закрывания. Для регистрации предметов багажа помещают предметы багажа на ленту первого транспортера, выполняют анализ багажа, его веса и размеров, считывают багажную бирку либо получают багажную бирку определенным образом, выполняют оплату сверхнормативного по весу багажа. Обеспечивается ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Мобильное приводное устройство для обработки предмета

Номер: RU2768803C2

FIELD: conveyor devices.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a mobile drive device for handling items such as luggage. The device contains a platform for supporting an object, a drive means and a movable door connected to the platform and designed to move between an open position, in which the platform is accessible to the user, and a closed position, in which the platform is closed. The device contains a control means connected to the drive means and containing a user interface unit. The device is designed to detect when an item has been placed on the platform. If the device determines that the item is on the platform, the user interface block is designed to extract data from the marker presented by the user to the user interface block and determine whether the presented marker is a valid marker based on the extracted data.EFFECT: automated luggage transfer.15 cl, 15 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 768 803 C2 (51) МПК B64F 1/36 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B64F 1/366 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018142070, 09.05.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 24.03.2022 10.05.2016 GB 1608205.9 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.06.2020 Бюл. № 16 (45) Опубликовано: 24.03.2022 Бюл. № 9 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 10.12.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: DE 102012105146 A1, 19.12.2013. CN 102141797 А, 03.08.2011. US 20150096813 A1, 09.04.2015. US 20100046152 А1, 25.02.2010. (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2017/061100 (09.05.2017) C 2 C 2 (73) Патентообладатель(и): СИТА ИПЕНБУРГ БВ (NL), БЛЮБОТИКС СА (CH) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 2 7 6 8 8 0 3 WO 2017/194565 (16.11.2017) R U 2 7 6 8 8 0 3 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 09.05.2017 (72) Автор(ы): ШЕЙХ, Стефан (CH), ВРОНЛАНД, Стивен Себастиан (NL), ТЕРМЕЛЕН, Кос (NL), ВАНДЕР МЕЛЕН, Рейнаут Жюль Райнхильде (NL), РОША, Жюльен (CH), ТОМАТИ, Николя (CH ...

01-03-2017 дата публикации

System and method for dynamic identity authentication

Номер: GB0002541679A

Passengers in a travel path have assurance levels associated with them. In an embodiment, a system for identity-based control comprises maintaining data, perhaps at a database, defining a dynamic assurance level associated with a user, the dynamic assurance level being updated based on received interaction data associated with predefined stages of a travel path. The system also receives and processes a request to authenticate the user and generates an authentication response based on the dynamic assurance level associated with the user. A control signal based on the authentication response is outputted. The passenger can be directed to one of a number of channels, such as security channels, based on the control signal, perhaps via a gate or barrier system. The passenger authentication request may be received from an identity service subscriber. The assurance level can be adjusted based on the type of identity verification (password, passport, or biometric) used through the travel path.

20-11-1996 дата публикации

Passenger/luggage movement control security systems

Номер: GB0009620708D0

24-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009302607D0

01-02-1995 дата публикации

Baggage handling system

Номер: GB0002264094B

13-02-2019 дата публикации

Item handling system, method and apparatus therefor

Номер: GB0002565509A

A mobile drive apparatus (1001) for item handling. The drive apparatus comprises at least one platform for supporting an item; a drive means; and a movable door (5003, 5001) coupled to the at least one platform and configured to move between an open position in which the platform is accessible to a user and a closed position in which the platform is enclosed. The apparatus further comprises control means coupled to the drive means. The control means are configured to control the drive means to move the drive apparatus from a current location associated with an item pickup point to a second different location for processing by an item handling hub, in response to receiving an indication that a token presented by the user is a valid token.

31-08-2007 дата публикации

Method and device for protecting a public or private site by visual identification

Номер: AP2007004135A0

31-08-2007 дата публикации

Method and device for protecting a public or private site by visual identification

Номер: AP0200704135A0

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Improved system, device and method for token generation and use

Номер: AU2019293529A1

A token (100, 703, 705, 707) is provided that can be used with an item handling system (109). The token can be encoded with data. The data can further define a second token (801). The data can include an identifier associated with an item. The item can be processed by the item handling system.

02-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002937636A1

... ² Disclosed herein is a processing station (10) for registering a passenger's ²luggage for a trip. The processing station (10) comprises an injector (14) for ²receiving a ²piece of luggage associated with the passenger. A plurality of sensors (16a-²16i) are ²associated with the injector. A weighing machine (18) is also associated with ²the injector ²(14) for weighing the piece of luggage whilst in the injector (14). The ²luggage processing ²(station 10) also comprises a user interface (20) for receiving various inputs ²for ²confirming that a passenger has checked-in and to display information to the ²passenger ²during processing of the piece of luggage. A controller (28) is associated ²with the ²sensors (16a-16i) and weighing machine (18) and the user interface (20). The ²controller ²(28) is adapted to accept the piece of luggage if the input received via the ²passenger's ²boarding pass or identification card indicate that the passenger has checked-²in for the ²trip, feedback from the sensors ...

28-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200701693A1
Автор: Торенс Б (BE)

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу защиты общественных и частных помещений, в которых размещают багаж, сопровождаемый его владельцами. Способ изобретения заключается в прикреплении фотографии с изображением владельца к багажу в форме идентификационного устройства багажа внутри помещения таким образом, чтобы постоянно и однозначно обеспечивалось установление непосредственного визуального соответствия между фотографией и владельцем, при этом общественное или частное помещение ограничено устройством, уведомляющим о необходимости предъявления указанного идентификатора багажа для совмещения изображений, либо отмены необходимости совмещения изображений. Также описывается устройство для осуществления указанного способа.

30-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000012596B1
Автор: Торенс Б (BE)
Принадлежит: ТОРЕНС Б (BE)

Настоящее изобретение относится к устройству защиты общественных и частных помещений, в которых размещают багаж, сопровождаемый его владельцами. Изобретение предполагает прикрепление фотографии с изображением владельца к багажу в форме идентификационного устройства багажа внутри помещения таким образом, чтобы постоянно и однозначно обеспечивалось установление непосредственного визуального соответствия между фотографией и владельцем, при этом общественное или частное помещение ограничено устройством, уведомляющим о необходимости предъявления указанного идентификатора багажа для совмещения изображений, либо отмены необходимости совмещения изображений. Также описывается устройство для осуществления указанного способа.

09-03-2016 дата публикации

Luggage handling control installation

Номер: CN0105392702A

13-06-2012 дата публикации

Checkpoint system with wheeled bins

Номер: CN0102497942A

21-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002995710A1

L'invention concerne un système (100) de dépose automatique d'au moins un objet sur un convoyeur (102) en vue du transport dudit au moins un objet, ledit système (100) comprenant : - au moins un moyen (104) pour délimiter une zone (106), dite de dépose, permettant d'accéder audit convoyeur (102) et comprenant au moins un point d'entrée (110) dans ladite zone de dépose (106) et au moins un point de sortie (114) de ladite zone de dépose (106) - au niveau de chaque point d'entrée (110) dans ladite zone de dépose (102) au moins un moyen (116) de lecture, dit premier lecteur, d'une donnée d'autorisation, - dans la zone de dépose (106) : * au moins un moyen (132,134) de lecture, dit deuxième lecteur, d'une donnée d'autorisation, et * au moins un moyen (136,138) de délivrance d'un moyen, dit étiquette, d'identification à apposer sur l'objet à déposer, et - au moins une base de données (122) accessible par lesdits lecteurs (116,132). Elle concerne également un procédé mis en oeuvre par un tel système et un aéroport muni d'un tel système. The invention relates to a system (100) for automatically depositing at least one object on a conveyor (102) for transporting said at least one object, said system (100) comprising: - at least one means (104) for delimiting a so-called deposition zone (106) enabling access to said conveyor (102) and comprising at least one entry point (110) in said deposition zone (106) and at least one exit point (114) of said drop zone (106) - at each point of entry (110) in said drop zone (102) at least one reading means (116), said first reader, of an authorization datum, in the drop zone (106): at least one means (132, 134) for reading, said second reader, an authorization data, and at least one means (136, 138) for delivering a means, said label, identification to be affixed to the object to be deposited, and - at least one database (122) accessible by said readers (116, 132). It also relates to a ...

08-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003070786A1

21-08-2015 дата публикации

항공정보시스템 및 그 신호처리방법

Номер: KR1020150095645A
Автор: 이영준, 오상헌

... 본 명세서에서 개시하는 항공정보 제공시스템의 일 예는, 수신되는 수화물을 목적지로 운송하는 수화물 운송부, 운송된 수화물을 출력하는 수화물 출력부, 출력되는 수화물에 대한 상태정보를 제공하는 정보제공기기 및 수화물을 수신하여 출력되도록 전 과정을 제어하고, 이용자가 수령할 때까지 상기 정보제공기기의 상태정보를 업데이트하는 수화물 제어부를 포함하여 구성할 수 있다. 여기서, 상기 상태정보는, 수화물 출력부 식별정보, 항공운행정보, 수화물 목록정보 및 수화물 위치정보 중 적어도 하나 이상을 포함할 수 있다.

01-09-2011 дата публикации

Security Screening Facility

Номер: US20110209415A1

A security screening facility for a location in which passengers travel from a check-in location within an in-secure area of a terminal to a secure part of the terminal for eventually boarding a transport vehicle. The facility includes a prefabricated building located alongside the terminal which houses body scanning apparatus.

13-10-2020 дата публикации

Luggage insurance photo service machine

Номер: US0010805578B2
Принадлежит: GORDON THOMAS HAROLD, Gordon Thomas Harold

The luggage insurance photo service machine is configured for use with a bailment. The luggage insurance photo service machine: 1) captures one or more images of bail associated with the bailment; 2) registers the captured one or more images with a registrar; and, 3) upon successful registration of the bail provides to the bailor physical documentation of the registration. The luggage insurance photo service machine comprises a housing, a recording device, a commercially provided and publically available network, and a registrar. The recording device is contained within the housing. The commercially provided and publically available network provides communication service between the recording device and the registrar. The bail is placed within the housing to allow the recording device to capture the one or more images of the bail.

21-05-2014 дата публикации

Internet based check in system and baggage drop

Номер: EP2369554A3

The present specification describes a check in system for checking a passenger onto a flight. An indication of the airline and a passenger's reservation code is sent from a kiosk to a remote computer system using communications that are sent through the internet. On receipt of these details the remote computer system (68) accesses the airline reservation system and requests a copy of the passenger name record, again using communications that are sent through the internet. The data in the passenger name record is used to check in the passenger at the kiosk (10). It is also used to assess whether the passenger's baggage is outside the baggage allowance for the ticket. The passenger is able to pay any fees at the kiosk further using communications that are sent through the internet. The specification also describes a baggage drop system using a similar process to issue baggage tags.

16-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2684981C2
Принадлежит: СИТА Йпэнбюрг Б.В. (NL)

FIELD: aviation.SUBSTANCE: luggage delivery system for receiving and recording luggage on airline flights comprises a first conveyor equipped with static or dynamic weights containing a plurality of spaced-apart strain gauges, and a barrier installed above the first conveyor and passing across the first conveyor at a distance from the upper surface of the first conveyor and configured to create a physical barrier for bulky luggage. Baggage surrendering system further comprises a luggage registration device comprising a computer with a graphical user interface and a display screen for displaying said interface and information relating to the luggage registration procedure. Luggage registration device comprises a device for automatic reading of luggage tags and/or boarding passes and is installed on the barrier.EFFECT: fast and safe luggage delivery procedure.14 cl, 9 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 684 981 C2 (51) МПК B64F 1/36 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B64F 1/366 (2013.01); B64F 1/368 (2013.01) (21) (22) Заявка: 2017112310, 03.04.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 03.04.2013 16.04.2019 05.04.2012 NL 2008607 Номер и дата приоритета первоначальной заявки, из которой данная заявка выделена: 2014144405 05.04.2012 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 5793639 A, 11.08.1998. DE 19618503 A1, 13.11.1997. WO 2012/012841 A1, 02.02.2012. WO 2008/082300 A1, 10.07.2008. (43) Дата публикации заявки: 24.01.2019 Бюл. № 3 (45) Опубликовано: 16.04.2019 Бюл. № 11 C 2 2 6 8 4 9 8 1 R U C 2 Адрес для переписки: 109012, Москва, ул. Ильинка, 5/2, ООО "Союзпатент" 2 6 8 4 9 8 1 (73) Патентообладатель(и): СИТА Йпэнбюрг Б.В. (NL) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U Дата регистрации: (72) Автор(ы): НАБЕР Йорик (NL), РОСС Леандер Хенрикус Албертус (NL), ВАНДЕР МЁЛЕН Рейнаут (NL), ХАУЛЛЕБЕРГС Барт Рене Ивонне (NL), РЕЙНЕН Рул (NL) (54) СПОСОБ И ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Patent RU2017112310A3

Номер: RU2017112310A3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2017 112 310 A (51) МПК B64F 1/36 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017112310, 03.04.2013 (71) Заявитель(и): СИТА Йпэнбюрг Б.В. (NL) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (43) Дата публикации заявки: 24.01.2019 Бюл. № (72) Автор(ы): НАБЕР Йорик (NL), РОСС Леандер Хенрикус Албертус (NL), ВАНДЕР МЁЛЕН Рейнаут (NL), ХАУЛЛЕБЕРГС Барт Рене Ивонне (NL), РЕЙНЕН Рул (NL) R U 05.04.2012 NL 2008607 (62) Номер и дата подачи первоначальной заявки, из которой данная заявка выделена: 2014144405 03.04.2013 03 R U (57) Формула изобретения 1. Система сдачи багажа для приема и регистрации багажа на рейсы авиакомпаний, содержащая первый транспортер, оборудованный статичными или динамичными весами, содержащими множество разнесенных между собой тензодатчиков, и барьер, установленный над первым транспортером и проходящий поперек первого транспортера на расстоянии от верхней поверхности первого транспортера и выполненный с возможностью создания физического барьера для крупногабаритного багажа. 2. Система сдачи багажа по п. 1, в которой барьер представляет собой рамочный элемент. 3. Система сдачи багажа по п. 1, в которой барьер проходит горизонтально. 4. Система сдачи багажа по п. 1, в которой барьер установлен над первым транспортером на расстоянии от верхней поверхности первого транспортера, по существу равном максимально допустимой высоте багажа. 5. Система сдачи багажа по п. 1 дополнительно содержащая разнесенные между собой вертикальные элементы или стенки, расположенные на расстоянии друг от друга, по существу равном максимально допустимой ширине багажа. 6. Система сдачи багажа п. 1, содержащая рамку из разнесенных между собой вертикальных элементов, на которые опирается по существу горизонтальный рамочный элемент, причем размеры рамки выбраны так, чтобы пространство, ограниченное верхней поверхностью первого транспортера и рамочными элементами, имело площадь ...

07-10-2015 дата публикации

System and method for dynamic identity authentication

Номер: GB0201515110D0

18-04-2018 дата публикации

System and apparatus for resource management

Номер: GB0201803429D0

14-04-2010 дата публикации

Security screening facility

Номер: GB0201003248D0

15-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000237545T

07-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001868192A

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Method and System for Depositing and Checking of Baggage Into Airline Flights

Номер: AU2018204065B2
Принадлежит: Golja Haines & Friend

Baggage drop system for depositing and checking of baggage into airline flights, the system comprising a first conveyor, equipped with a static or dynamic weighing scale, comprising multiple, spaced apart load cells, and a barrier, mounted above and extending across the first conveyor at a distance from the upper surface of the first conveyor and configured to form a physical barrier for oversized baggage. 4 - 13 Fig. 2 ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003081460A1

Ticket information, such as an airline boarding pass may be stored on a mobile device. The presence of a geolocation device such as a Bluetooth beacon is detected by the mobile device in a departure location such as an airport. On detection by the mobile device of a further geolocation device when the mobile device is proximate a self-service function an application on the mobile device is triggered which directs the mobile device to a self- service function such as a bag drop and instructs the mobile device user how to use the self-service function.

16-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002579175A1

07-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002520040A1

An improved security checkpoint separates certain individuals into a secure, enclosed wanding station for additional security screening. The wanding station may be constructed using glass (or other strong, visually transparent substance) and metallic (such as aluminum or steel) posts so that people may be securely enclosed in the wanding station but still have a direct line of sight to personal items being screened at another location. The size of the wanding station may vary according to the needs of the checkpoint but preferably has room to screen three people simultaneously. The wanding station may include an entry area in which people form a queue, optimally of six people, for entering the wanding station. Two or more personal and item screening areas may share a wanding station to form a double lane module. The security module is configured so that most people pass straight through the checkpoint, and people leaving the wanding station can easily obtain their items without delaying ...

31-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002884759C
Принадлежит: IER

A system is provided for the automatic drop-off of at least one object on a conveyor belt for the purpose of the transport of the at least one object. The system includes: at least one apparatus for delimiting an area, called a drop-off area, allowing access to the conveyor belt and including at least one point of entry into the drop-off area and at least one point of exit from the drop-off area; at each point of entry into the drop-off area, at least one first reader, for reading an item of authorization data; in the drop-off area: at least one second reader, for reading an item of authorization data; at least one delivery apparatus for delivering a tag, of identification to be affixed to the object to be dropped; and at least one database which can be accessed by the readers.

02-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002937673A1

Disclosed herein is a processing station (10) for registering a passenger's luggage for a trip. The processing station (10) comprises an injector (14) for receiving a piece of luggage associated with the passenger. A plurality of sensors (16a-16i) are associated with the injector. A weighing machine (18) is also associated with the injector (14) for weighing the piece of luggage whilst in the injector (14). The luggage processing (station 10) also comprises a user interface (20) for receiving various inputs for confirming that a passenger has checked-in and to display information to the passenger during processing of the piece of luggage. A controller (28) is associated with the sensors (16a-16i) and weighing machine (18) and the user interface (20). The controller (28) is adapted to accept the piece of luggage if the input received via the passenger's boarding pass or identification card indicate that the passenger has checked-in for the trip, feedback from the sensors (16a-16i) indicates that predetermined criteria are met, and if feedback from the weighing machine (18) indicates that weight of the piece of luggage is within a predetermined limit.

24-06-2009 дата публикации

Combined systems user interface for centralized monitoring of a screening checkpoint for passengers and baggage

Номер: CN0100504945C

11-08-1998 дата публикации

Baggage receiving and handling method in airport, baggage receiving and handling system in airport, and baggage automatic handling apparatus

Номер: US0005793639A1
Автор: Yamazaki; Minoru
Принадлежит: Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha

An airport baggage receiving and handling method receives a passenger's baggage, identifies the baggage and processes the baggage for the passenger's flight. The method includes providing identification information, storing a result of a baggage security check, retrieving the baggage security check result, conveying the baggage security check result to the passenger, and forwarding the baggage after the baggage security check is satisfied. The identification information identifies the passenger, the baggage, and the passenger and the baggage with respect to each other, when the passenger undergoes a check-in procedure. The baggage security check result is retrieved based on the identification information of the passenger at the time of the passenger's security check. If the baggage security check result is a rejection, the passenger is permitted to satisfy the rejection. As a result, only baggage that has satisfied the security check is forwarded to a sorting section.

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EP2417500A1

29-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001461687A1
Автор: Ben-Ezra Elishah

An airport terminal (100) has a department area (200) which includes at least one, and preferably a plurality of check-in counters (202), at least one, and preferably a plurality of airplane-loading zones (204), and a track system (110), arranged for the movement of wagons (10). Wagon (10) is for automatically transporting and sorting luggage, responsive to commands from a computerized management system (80). The wagon (10) includes a rigid frame for containing the luggage. The frame includes four sides and a double bottom having an upper plate, a lower plate, and an internal compartment.

22-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: EP1725451B1
Принадлежит: Vanderlande Industries B.V.

24-12-2008 дата публикации

Mat for identifying forgery or deception by detection of body abnormalities

Номер: GB0002450311A

An arrangement is described, suitable for use at a check-in, to detect forgery and/or lies, comprising a mat upon which a passenger has to stand and with means for sending a signal. The mat comprises means to detect body abnormalities such as body sweat, agitation, hesitation and/or instability, e.g. when forged papers are handed to an officer. The arrangement may comprise devices which, upon activation, immobilise a passenger for a short time. In one embodiment, a passenger stands on the mat throughout the check-in process whilst legal documents, such as a passport, are checked by an officer. Abnormal bodily reactions elicit a signal from the device that alerts the officer. In reaction to such an alert, an optional immobilisation device may be activated. Other arrangements are also disclosed: a meter informant for informing a user of the cost of calls; a mobile mechanism for illustrating calls or SMS ("text") messages; a theft protection (or alarm) system.

23-01-2019 дата публикации

Item handling system, method and apparatus therefor

Номер: GB0201820007D0

30-05-2012 дата публикации

Power Trolley System Using Wireless Control Technology

Номер: GB0002485759A

A power trolley system carrier control unit 82 comprises a processor operable to receive via a wireless channel position data 84 describing a present position of a carrier 60 within a power trolley system; receive via the wireless channel target position data describing a target position for the carrier within the power trolley system; receive via the wireless channel distance data describing a relative position of a further carrier within the power trolley system; and provide movement control data to a drive unit to cause the carrier to move from the present position to the target position. Preferably a position detector 84 using any one of barcode 91, RFID tag technology is used to feedback wireless position data for the carrier. Preferably the power trolley system has a track or rail 62 on which the carrier is moved. The system further having antenna 83 disposed within the system to receive data from an central controller (fig. 4, 80). A leaky coaxial cable 90 may be distributed alongside ...

01-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201017477D0

08-05-2019 дата публикации

Touchless bag drop

Номер: GB0002568120A

Facilitating interaction between a ticket holder and a self-service function, such as between an airline passenger and a self-service bag drop terminal 230, comprises a mobile device 200 detecting its proximity to the self-service function, the mobile device having ticket information stored on it. A mobile application on the mobile device is then activated. The mobile application is related to the self-service function, and communicates directional information about the self-service function. Proximity may be determined by the mobile device detecting a geolocation device, such as a barcode or a Bluetooth (RTM), NFC or WiFi (RTM) beacon 240. The ticket may be a boarding pass, and passenger information may be communicated to a departure control system 210. The self-service bag drop may weigh the bag, arrange payment for excess baggage and print a bag tag, while the mobile application presents instructions for fixing the bag tag to the bag. The self-service function may comprise passport control ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации

Luggage processing station and system thereof

Номер: AU2020100251B4
Принадлежит: Alder IP Pty Ltd

A processing station for registering a piece of luggage for a trip, wherein the processing station comprises: an injector for receiving the piece of luggage; a stereoscopic camera associated with the injector; wherein the stereoscopic camera, in combination with at least a floor of the injector, is arranged to create a detection zone around the piece of luggage; and a controller associated with the stereoscopic camera being adapted: to monitor intrusions through the detection zone to determine one or both of: (i) whether a predetermined limit on dimensions of the piece of luggage has been exceeded and (ii) whether a foreign object has intruded the zone from outside; and to allow further processing of the piece of luggage only if no intrusion of the zone is detected.

15-04-2002 дата публикации

Ingress/egress control system for airport concourses and other access controlledareas

Номер: AU0002041601A

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Method and system for depositing and checking of baggage into airline flights

Номер: AU2017202273A1
Принадлежит: Golja Haines & Friend

Baggage drop system for depositing and checking of baggage into airline flights, the system comprising a first conveyor, equipped with a static or dynamic weighing scale, comprising multiple, spaced apart load cells, and a barrier, mounted above and extending across the first conveyor at a distance from the upper surface of the first conveyor and configured to form a physical barrier for oversized baggage.

14-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003008725C

A processing station is described for registering a passenger's luggage for a trip. The processing station comprises a luggage transportation tub, an injector, a group of sensors, and a controller. The luggage transportation tub has a first shape and is adapted to receive the passenger's luggage. The injector receives the tub with the luggage therein. The group of sensors is associated with the injector and comprises at least one sensor positioned so as to allow an image of the tub with the luggage to be taken. The controller is associated with the group of sensors and is adapted to control the operation of the group of sensors. The controller compares an image taken to a database of predefined tub shapes.

17-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002719748A1

The present invention relates to systems and methods relating to security checkpoints. In some embodiments the present invention includes a security checkpoint system that is optimized in one or more of design and dcor, audio characteristics, and efficiency in passing customers through the security checkpoint and generating revenue with adverting and sponsorships.

03-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002660912A1

One embodiment of a mobile airline check-in counter with integrated baggage scale wherein the mobile unit contains a plurality of shelves to house supplies and equipment associated with the airline baggage check-in process and including an integrated and retractable baggage scale mounted on a caster system. Other embodiments are described.

02-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002937633A1

... ² Disclosed herein is a processing station (10) for registering a passengers ²luggage for a trip. The processing station (10) comprises an injector (14) for ²receiving a ²piece of luggage associated with the passenger. A plurality of sensors (16a-²16i) are ²associated with the injector. A weighing machine (18) is also associated with ²the injector ²(14) for weighing the piece of luggage whilst in the injector (14). The ²luggage processing ²(station 10) also comprises a user interface (20) for receiving various inputs ²for ²confirming that a passenger has checked-in and to display information to the ²passenger ²during processing of the piece of luggage. A controller (28) is associated ²with the ²sensors (16a-16i) and weighing machine (18) and the user interface (20). The ²controller ²(28) is adapted to accept the piece of luggage if the input received via the ²passenger's ²boarding pass or identification card indicate that the passenger has checked-²in for the ²trip, feedback from the sensors ...

14-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002393519C

An ingress/egress control system (10) controls passenger (P) flow into and out of an airport concourse. Enplaning passengers pass through an entrance portal (18) on their way to an airplane gate. A security screen (22) screens each person passing through the portal for the presence of prohibited items and identifies any person suspected of carrying such an item. A secondary portal (50) is located downstream of the first portal. A visual display system (52) responds to an indication from the security screening to route a suspected person from the first portal to the secondary portal, for further screening to determine if the person is carrying a prohibited item, while providing a different display to passengers passing the security screen so they can enter the concourse. A separate, exit portal (64) is provided for deplaning passengers exiting the concourse. Multiple detectors (42a'-42b', 82, 88) continuously monitor this portal so people cannot inadvertently or intentionally intrude into ...

03-08-2001 дата публикации

Registering machine for airline luggage has registering zone for passengers and conveyors to feed flight and hand luggage through monitor

Номер: FR0002804404A1

The registering machine has a registering zone (5) for the passengers (4) and the flight luggage (2). A conveyor (7) receives the flight luggage and is controlled by a control circuit (9). A detector (10) senses illicit luggage on the conveyor. A hand baggage receiving zone (14) has a feed (18) to transfer the hand luggage onto the main conveyor upstream of the detection zone to allow the latter to operate on both types of luggage.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014044543A1
Автор: ROUX, Damien

The invention relates to a system (100) for automatically dropping at least one object on a conveyor (102), for the subsequent transport of said at least one objet, said system (100) comprising: at least one means (104) for defining a so-called drop area (106), allowing access to said conveyor (102) and comprising at least one point (110) of entry into said drop area (106) and at least one exit point (114) for leaving said drop area (106); at least one means (116) for reading authorisation data, called the first reader, provided at each point (110) of entry into said drop area (102); in the drop area (106): at least one means (132, 134) for reading authorisation data, called the second reader, and at least one means (136, 138) for delivering an identification means, called a tag, to be applied to the object to be dropped; and at least one database (122) that can be accessed by said readers (116, 132). The invention also relates to a method implemented by such a system and to an airport ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012012841A1

Disclosed herein is a processing station (10) for registering a passenger's luggage for a trip. The processing station (10) comprises an injector (14) for receiving a piece of luggage associated with the passenger. A plurality of sensors (16a-16i) are associated with the injector. A weighing machine (18) is also associated with the injector (14) for weighing the piece of luggage whilst in the injector (14). The luggage processing (station 10) also comprises a user interface (20) for receiving various inputs for confirming that a passenger has checked-in and to display information to the passenger during processing of the piece of luggage. A controller (28) is associated with the sensors (16a-16i) and weighing machine (18) and the user interface (20). The controller (28) is adapted to accept the piece of luggage if the input received via the passenger's boarding pass or identification card indicate that the passenger has checked-in for the trip, feedback from the sensors (16a-16i) indicates ...

04-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012130876A1

The present invention relates to a system comprising a check-in module (1) having a baggage drop-off panel (2) and a check-in execution panel (3), a first controller (4) associated with said check-in module, responsible for the operations of issuing boarding passes and the baggage check-in process, connected with a series of peripheral devices, and a second controller (5) of the baggage drop-off system, responsible for receiving, identifying and transporting the baggage to the distribution point at the corresponding vessel, which is connected with the first controller and with a series of peripheral devices responsible for the tasks of receiving, identifying and transporting the luggage. An unassisted luggage check-in system which is adaptable to the already made installations is achieved in a simple, safe, quick manner, reducing the costs in check-in processes and reducing the times dedicated to these tasks.

06-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO2007139603A2

An inspection system includes a passenger identity verification system, a passenger screening system, and a computer coupled to the passenger verification system and the passenger screening system, the computer configured to receive information from the passenger verification system and operate the passenger screening system based on the information.

17-05-1994 дата публикации

Aircraft baggage managing system utilizing a response circuit provided on a baggage tag

Номер: US0005313052A1
Принадлежит: Nippondenso Co., Ltd.

A system for computer-managing information of baggage to be loaded in an aircraft. The system comprises a response circuit attached to the baggage and a reader disposed at a classification point of the baggage. The response circuit operates to input and store baggage information indicative of at least a flight name of the aircraft and the owner of the baggage, and in response to a question electromagnetic wave, outputs a response electromagnetic wave containing the baggage information. The reader transmits the question electromagnetic wave to the response circuit means and to receive the response electromagnetic wave from the response circuit, thereby reading out the baggage information so that the baggage can be classified in accordance with the read baggage information. Also included is a computer for inputting and storing the baggage information read by the reader and for inputting and storing information representative of the owner of the baggage, the computer performing a verification ...

06-03-2008 дата публикации

Baggage check-in using short message service

Номер: US20080054070A1
Автор: Michael Mak
Принадлежит: bCode Pty Ltd.

A check-in method for airlines allows passengers to use Short Message Service (SMS) to check-in themselves and baggage. A passenger requests to check-in via SMS from practically anywhere and not limited to the airport. After receipt of the request, a confirmation message is sent back to the passenger's registered mobile phone number by SMS. The system will ask the passenger for, and receive from the passenger, the number of bags they intend to check-in for the flight. The passengers can in some embodiments drop the baggage off without any required further action. The system issues an SMS-based cryptographically secure code, such as a bar-code boarding pass to the passenger once the baggage (if any) is successfully transferred and registered to existing baggage management systems through the process above. This code, when scanned, recognized and authenticated provides identification and security clearance for the passenger to board the aircraft.

15-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EP2435309B1
Принадлежит: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

03-03-2011 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Beladen von ULD-Containern mit Fluggepäck oder ähnlichem Stückgut

Номер: DE102009039277A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Beladen von ULD-Containern mit Fluggepäck oder ähnlichem Frachtgut, das in größerer Menge automatisch oder manuell zu einem Stapel geschichtet in dem eine Transporteinheit bildenden ULD-Container transportierbar ist. Um das Fluggepäck optimiert gestapelt, störungsfrei und sehr schnell und ergonomisch vorteilhaft in den ULD-Container einbringen zu können, wird vorgeschlagen, dass eine Anzahl von Fluggepäckstücken außerhalb des ULD-Containers zu einer oder mehreren Volumeneinheiten akkumuliert wird, die als Lage oder Stapel in den ULD-Container eingebracht wird.

15-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000438568T

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000483635T

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000513739T

22-11-2018 дата публикации

Item handling system, method and apparatus therefor

Номер: AU2017261741A1

A mobile drive apparatus (1001) for item handling. The drive apparatus comprises at least one platform for supporting an item; a drive means; and a movable door (5003, 5001) coupled to the at least one platform and configured to move between an open position in which the platform is accessible to a user and a closed position in which the platform is enclosed. The apparatus further comprises control means coupled to the drive means. The control means are configured to control the drive means to move the drive apparatus from a current location associated with an item pickup point to a second different location for processing by an item handling hub, in response to receiving an indication that a token presented by the user is a valid token.

10-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002673244A1
Принадлежит: Michael Kim Tan, Scarabee Id B.V.

In a device (4) for receiving a piece of baggage (2) for transport, for example at an airport, the device comprises a receiving room (18A) with an infeed opening and a discharge opening. The receiving room is provided with a closing assembly, the closing assembly comprising a closing mechanism (22, 24). The device furthermore comprises a conveyor unit (16, 20) for discharging the piece of baggage from the receiving room through the discharge opening. The closing assembly is equipped at any time to keep at least one or other of the infeed opening and the discharge opening closed. In this way a device according to the invention is equipped to protect deposited baggage from third parties and to prevent persons from following the piece of baggage to the areas not accessible to the public. The present invention also provides a method for receiving a piece of baggage, which method is in accordance with the functioning of the above-mentioned device.

11-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002393519A1

An ingress/egress control system (10) controls passenger (P) flow into and out of an airport concourse. Enplaning passengers pass through an entrance portal (18) on their way to an airplane gate. A security screen (22) screens each person passing through the portal for the presence of prohibited items and identifies any person suspected of carrying such an item. A secondary portal (50) is located downstream of the first portal. A visual display system (52) responds to an indication from the security screening to route a suspected person from the first portal to the secondary portal, for further screening to determine if the person is carrying a prohibited item, while providing a different display to passengers passing the security screen so they can enter the concourse. A separate, exit portal (64) is provided for deplaning passengers exiting the concourse. Multiple detectors (42a'-42b', 82, 88) continuously monitor this portal so people cannot inadvertently or intentionally intrude into ...

03-08-2011 дата публикации

Airport terminal service robot and control method thereof

Номер: CN0102141797A

The invention discloses an airport terminal service robot and a control method thereof. The robot comprises a body, a control system, an identity card identifier and a boarding card printer; the body comprises a chassis, a shell, two driving wheels and two driven wheels; the shell is arranged on the surface of the chassis; the two driving wheels and the two driven wheels are arranged on two sides of the rear part and the front part of the chassis respectively, and a wheel cover is arranged above each wheel; and the control system, the identity card identifier and the boarding card printer are all arranged in an equipment cabin of the shell. The airport terminal service robot can realize manual remote control or automatic control, can provide functions of mobile self-service check-in, fixed line guide, baggage carrying, information query, multi-language voice communication, mobile monitoring and the like in a centralized service mode, and can be recreationally interacted with passengers ...

07-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO2003065166A3

Our invention is a secure air travel system and method that eliminates security risks associated with passenger baggage by not allowing checked baggage and most carry-on baggage on the airliners that carry passengers. This method creates a two separate classes of air carriers or two classes of air carrier flights. One class transports passengers only and the other class transports only luggage of passengers between various locations. By eliminating the checked bags and most carry-on bags on the passenger-only flights, the security risks from weapons, bombs or other hazardous materials on these bags are totally eliminated from passenger-only flights. This mode of air travel can be implemented to co-exist with the current airlines and air travel methods.

29-06-2010 дата публикации

Aircraft luggage handling system

Номер: US0007744033B2

In one embodiment, a method of operating an aircraft having a passenger cabin and a cargo hold, comprises the steps of directing passengers to board the aircraft, directing passengers to deposit their luggage in a luggage deposit location on-board the aircraft, and subsequently taking the deposited luggage from the luggage deposit location and then storing the luggage in the cargo hold of the aircraft. In another embodiment, a method of unloading an aircraft having a cargo hold and a passenger cabin, comprises the steps of transporting items of luggage from the cargo hold to a luggage collection location on-board the aircraft, and directing passengers to collect their luggage from the luggage collection location and to disembark the aircraft is also provided. Information may be gathered with regard to the identity of passengers embarking and disembarking the aircraft. Yet another embodiment relates to an aircraft having a passenger cabin, a cargo hold, and a luggage handling system mounted in the cargo hold. The luggage handling system may comprise a plurality of luggage storage locations located in the cargo hold of the aircraft, a selector for selecting one of the luggage storage locations, and a luggage transporter for transporting luggage from a luggage deposit location, to the selected luggage storage location.

24-02-2015 дата публикации

System for decentralized material flow control

Номер: US0008965567B2

A component of a material flow system for transporting goods has a mechatronics arrangement with transport elements, sensors and actuators for transporting the goods, a control device for controlling the mechatronics arrangement, interfaces to adjacent components and the surroundings, and an internal simulator for determining the future state of the component. The internal simulator co-operates with internal simulators of other components of the material flow system, for determining a prognosis of the future state of the installation of the material flow system. The decentralized internal simulators can be synchronously or asynchronously activated.

02-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001872312A1
Автор: Thoorens, B.

03-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: EP1996466A2

11-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001444630A1
Автор: Brosow, Joergen

10-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005136692A

... 1. Способ досмотра лиц с багажом, включающий параллельное цифровое рентгенографическое сканирование багажа и досматриваемых лиц в одежде и с устройствами, предметами и веществами в одежде и/или на теле, и/или внутри тела, получение визуального цифрового рентгенографического изображения багажа и тела на мониторах операторов, физический досмотр вручную багажа и лиц с обнаруженными запрещенными вложениями, при этом прохождение досматриваемых лиц регулируют при вхождении в зону досмотра монитором для демонстрации правил прохождения досмотра, а далее сигнальными табло, определяющими маршруты досмотра, а весь процесс досмотра лиц с багажом контролируют компьютерами на любых маршрутах досмотра, и результаты контроля вносят в базы данных. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что с помощью аппаратуры передачи данных с использованием проводных и беспроводных каналов связи, в том числе спутниковых, осуществляют передачу информации о результатах досмотра багажа и/или лиц в локальные и/или удаленные ...

29-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002450567B1

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002869724A1
Принадлежит: TYPE22 BV

The invention relates to a baggage drop system for depositing and checking of baggage into airline flights. The system comprises a conveyor (1), equipped with a static or dynamic weighing scale (17), comprising multiple, spaced apart load cells (18), and computing means adapted to compare the output of the weighing scale (17) with allowable baggage weights, and a substantially horizontal frame member (2'), mounted above the first conveyor (1) at a distance from the upper surface of the first conveyor (1) equal to the maximum allowable height of baggage, thereby forming a physical barrier for oversized baggage. The system allows to check for the presence of living creatures on the conveyor belt, and for conformity with baggage handling system requirements. The system may further comprise a baggage check-in apparatus (3) to allow automatic baggage check-in by a passenger, including means for payment (12) of excess and/or overweight baggage. The invention further comprises a method for checking in of baggage items using the baggage drop system in accordance with the invention.

25-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002673244C

In a device (4) for receiving a piece of baggage (2) for transport, for example at an airport, the device comprises a receiving room (18A) with an infeed opening and a discharge opening. The receiving room is provided with a closing assembly, the closing assembly comprising a closing mechanism (22, 24). The device furthermore comprises a conveyor unit (16, 20) for discharging the piece of baggage from the receiving room through the discharge opening. The closing assembly is equipped at any time to keep at least one or other of the infeed opening and the discharge opening closed. In this way a device according to the invention is equipped to protect deposited baggage from third parties and to prevent persons from following the piece of baggage to the areas not accessible to the public. The present invention also provides a method for receiving a piece of baggage, which method is in accordance with the functioning of the above-mentioned device.

10-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO2008082300A1
Автор: TAN, Michael, Kim

In a device (4) for receiving a piece of baggage (2) for transport, for example at an airport, the device comprises a receiving room (18A) with an infeed opening and a discharge opening. The receiving room is provided with a closing assembly, the closing assembly comprising a closing mechanism (22, 24). The device furthermore comprises a conveyor unit (16, 20) for discharging the piece of baggage from the receiving room through the discharge opening. The closing assembly is equipped at any time to keep at least one or other of the infeed opening and the discharge opening closed. In this way a device according to the invention is equipped to protect deposited baggage from third parties and to prevent persons from following the piece of baggage to the areas not accessible to the public. The present invention also provides a method for receiving a piece of baggage, which method is in accordance with the functioning of the above-mentioned device.

11-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO2002029744A1
Автор: BRUNETTI, Sam

An ingress/egress control system (10) controls passenger (P) flow into and out of an airport concourse. Enplaning passengers pass through an entrance portal (18) on their way to an airplane gate. A security screen (22) screens each person passing through the portal for the presence of prohibited items and identifies any person suspected of carrying such an item. A secondary portal (50) is located downstream of the first portal. A visual display system (52) responds to an indication from the security screening to route a suspected person from the first portal to the secondary portal, for further screening to determine if the person is carrying a prohibited item, while providing a different display to passengers passing the security screen so they can enter the concourse. A separate, exit portal (64) is provided for deplaning passengers exiting the concourse. Multiple detectors (42a'-42b', 82, 88) continuously monitor this portal so people cannot inadvertently or intentionally intrude into ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013178431A1

The invention relates to a container for transporting items of luggage in a sorting system at an airport by means of a conveyor system for conveying the items of luggage, having a bed region (12) for coupling to a conveyor unit of the conveyor system and a transport region (18), which is supported by the bed region (12) and is provided to receive an item of luggage to be transported, wherein the bed region (12) and the transport region (18) are each produced from an x-ray transparent material. To provide a generic container which can be produced with a low expenditure, is robust with regard to the above-mentioned transport processes and is as homogeneous as possible with regard to the x-ray transparency, the bed region (12) and the transport region (18) are formed from a base body (26), which is produced in one piece and from an x-ray transparent material, wherein the base body is formed from a foam preform. The invention also relates to a sorting system for items of luggage at an airport ...

03-10-1972 дата публикации


Номер: US0003695462A

A baggage handling system utilizing four-sided open top containers each carrying only one owner's set of baggage from the check-in to the enplaning dispensing station, and from the deplaning loading station to a baggage claim area. The system contemplates, in one form, that delivery of the baggage to the baggage claim area will occur only at the initiation of the baggage owner. A coded signal comprising a baggage identification number or in the case of a dispensing station, a flight number, is fed to a computer which compares the information in the signal with the contents of the container, pulls the appropriate container out of the container system, and causes it to discharge at the point where the coded signal was generated. The containers are located by the computer by means of a memory system which has been supplied the identity of each individual container and which at all times can determine the precise location of each individual container in the system. When the system is used for ...

26-12-1995 дата публикации

Aircraft baggage managing system utilizing a response circuit provided on a baggage tag

Номер: US0005478991A

A system for computer-managing information of baggage to be loaded in an aircraft. The system comprises a response circuit attached to the baggage and a reader disposed at a classification point of the baggage. The response circuit operates to input and store baggage information indicative of at least a flight name of the aircraft and the owner of the baggage and in response to a question electromagnetic wave, outputs a response electromagnetic wave containing the baggage information. The reader transmits the question electromagnetic wave to the response circuit means and receive the response electromagnetic wave from the response circuit, thereby reading out the baggage information so that the baggage can be classified in accordance with the read baggage information. Also included is a computer for inputting and storing the baggage information read by the reader and for inputting and storing information representative of the owner of the baggage, the computer performing a verification ...

12-07-2011 дата публикации

Baggage check-in using short message service

Номер: US0007975918B2

A check-in method for airlines allows passengers to use Short Message Service (SMS) to check-in themselves and baggage. A passenger requests to check-in via SMS from practically anywhere and not limited to the airport. After receipt of the request, a confirmation message is sent back to the passenger's registered mobile phone number by SMS. The system will ask the passenger for, and receive from the passenger, the number of bags they intend to check-in for the flight. The passengers can in some embodiments drop the baggage off without any required further action. The system issues an SMS-based cryptographically secure code, such as a bar-code boarding pass to the passenger once the baggage (if any) is successfully transferred and registered to existing baggage management systems through the process above. This code, when scanned, recognized and authenticated provides identification and security clearance for the passenger to board the aircraft.

04-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EP2435309A1

04-04-2012 дата публикации

Improved security check method and system

Номер: EP2437082A1
Автор: Thøgersen, Lars

A method and a system for transferring a person and the person's carry-on items from a site upstream of a security check point to a site downstream of the security check point comprises loading the person's carry-on items onto a trolley at the upstream site, separating the person from the trolley at the upstream site, and subsequently x-raying the trolley at the security check point while the carry-on items remain loaded onto the trolley, and while a security check of the person is performed. Subsequently, the person and the trolley are united, while the carry-on items remain loaded onto the trolley. The trolley may be made from non-metallic material, such as plastics composite materials, and may optionally comprise a display monitor for displaying user-specific information. The invention is particularly useful for promoting security checks at airports.

13-07-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018142070A3

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2716031C1

Изобретение относится к интеллектуальному взрывобезопасному столу. Техническим результатом является обеспечение безопасности и информационной поддержки сотрудников. Интеллектуальный взрывобезопасный стол содержит рабочий стол, имеющий окно, проходящее насквозь в вертикальном направлении, и взрывобезопасный ящик с открытым верхом, расположенный под окном, при этом внутри указанного ящика расположены подъёмная плита, выполненная с возможностью перемещения вверх и вниз, и опорный механизм, предназначенный для приведения в действие подъёмной плиты, которую необходимо поднимать, причём подъёмная плита используется для размещения источника опасности, соответствует окну и выполнена с возможностью подъема в окно, компьютерную систему обработки, устройство идентификации источника опасности, электрически соединённое с компьютерной системой обработки, и дисплейное устройство, расположенное на рабочем столе и электрически соединённое с компьютерной системой обработки, при этом компьютерная система ...

28-06-2006 дата публикации

Aircraft luggage handling system

Номер: GB0000609891D0

15-08-2018 дата публикации

Improved system, device and method for token generation and use

Номер: GB0201810744D0

22-06-2016 дата публикации

Item handling system, method and apparatus therefor

Номер: GB0201608205D0

10-07-2008 дата публикации

Baggage deposit system

Номер: AU2008203586A1

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Luggage processing station

Номер: AU2011284797C1

Disclosed herein is a processing station (10) for registering a passenger's luggage for a trip. The processing station (10) comprises an injector (14) for receiving a piece of luggage associated with the passenger. A plurality of sensors (16a-16i) are associated with the injector. A weighing machine (18) is also associated with the injector (14) for weighing the piece of luggage whilst in the injector (14). The luggage processing (station 10) also comprises a user interface (20) for receiving various inputs for confirming that a passenger has checked-in and to display information to the passenger during processing of the piece of luggage. A controller (28) is associated with the sensors (16a-16i) and weighing machine (18) and the user interface (20). The controller (28) is adapted to accept the piece of luggage if the input received via the passenger's boarding pass or identification card indicate that the passenger has checked-in for the trip, feedback from the sensors (16a-16i) indicates ...

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Luggage processing station

Номер: AU2011284797A1

Disclosed herein is a processing station (10) for registering a passenger's luggage for a trip. The processing station (10) comprises an injector (14) for receiving a piece of luggage associated with the passenger. A plurality of sensors (16a-16i) are associated with the injector. A weighing machine (18) is also associated with the injector (14) for weighing the piece of luggage whilst in the injector (14). The luggage processing (station 10) also comprises a user interface (20) for receiving various inputs for confirming that a passenger has checked-in and to display information to the passenger during processing of the piece of luggage. A controller (28) is associated with the sensors (16a-16i) and weighing machine (18) and the user interface (20). The controller (28) is adapted to accept the piece of luggage if the input received via the passenger's boarding pass or identification card indicate that the passenger has checked-in for the trip, feedback from the sensors (16a-16i) indicates ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182912A1
Автор: Mak Michael Man Ho

A check-in method for airlines allows passengers to use Short Message Service (SMS) to check-in themselves and baggage. A passenger requests to check-in via SMS from practically anywhere and not limited to the airport. After receipt of the request, a confirmation message is sent back to the passenger's registered mobile phone number by SMS. The system will ask the passenger for, and receive from the passenger, the number of bags they intend to check-in for the flight. The passengers can in some embodiments drop the baggage off without any required further action. The system issues an SMS-based cryptographically secure code, such as a bar-code boarding pass to the passenger once the baggage (if any) is successfully transferred and registered to existing baggage management systems through the process above. This code, when scanned, recognized and authenticated provides identification and security clearance for the passenger to board the aircraft. 1. A method of checking in an airline passenger , comprising the steps of:registering a passenger for an SMS based check in system, and during that registration, capturing data about the passenger;receiving a request SMS message from the passenger, after registration, the request message indicating an intention to check in for a flight;replying to the request message, by SMS, with a confirmation message;transmitting by SMS, a boarding pass message to the same passenger, the boarding pass message being an encoded representation of data unique to the passenger, the SMS boarding pass message being displayable by the passenger as a boarding pass image, the image being optically scannable; thenscanning the passenger's boarding pass image and decoding it and verifying the passenger's identity from the decoded image.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:data captured about the passenger during registration comprises a telephone number to which a future SMS confirmation messages are sent.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein:data captured ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204232A1
Автор: Juergen Wieser, Roy Waeber
Принадлежит: RM TEMENA GmbH

The invention relates to a medical device, comprising a hose-, tube- or hollow needle-shaped body, comprising a first layer ( 12 ) and an adjoining second layer ( 14 ) made of plastic material, wherein hollow spheres ( 22, 24 ) for generating echogenic properties are contained in the second layer. So as to achieve good echogenic properties, according to the invention both the inner first layer ( 12 ) and the adjoining second layer ( 14 ) comprise hollow spheres ( 18, 20, 22, 24 ) for generating echogenic properties, the hollow spheres ( 18, 20 ) of the first layer, these being the first hollow spheres, on average have smaller diameters D 1 than the hollow spheres ( 22, 24 ) of the second layer referred to as the second hollow spheres, and/or that the fill content F 1 of the first hollow spheres in the first layer is less than the fill content F 2 of the second hollow spheres in the second layer.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024227A1

To provide a workload calculation system capable of suppressing the possibility of the cargo handling work not being performed as planned in the work schedule at the arrival airport. A workload calculation system according to the present disclosure includes: an image pick-up unit configured to acquire an image of a cargo loaded aboard an airplane prior to the arrival of the airplane at an arrival airport; a characteristics detection unit configured to detect characteristics of the cargo by recognizing the image of the cargo acquired by the image pick-up unit; and a workload calculation unit configured to calculate a workload required to convey the cargo at the arrival airport by checking the characteristics of the cargo detected by the characteristics detection unit against pre-recorded workload information. 1. A workload calculation system comprising:an image pick-up unit configured to acquire an image of a cargo loaded aboard an airplane prior to the arrival of the airplane at an arrival airport;a characteristics detection unit configured to detect characteristics of the cargo by recognizing the image of the cargo acquired by the image pick-up unit; anda workload calculation unit configured to calculate a workload required to convey the cargo at the arrival airport by checking the characteristics of the cargo detected by the characteristics detection unit against pre-recorded workload information.2. The workload calculation system according to claim 1 , wherein the workload information is information indicating claim 1 , for each characteristic claim 1 , the workload required to convey the cargo having the characteristics at the arrival airport.3. The workload calculation system according to claim 1 , wherein the characteristics detection unit detects a shape characteristic of the cargo.4. The workload calculation system according to claim 1 , wherein the image pick-up unit is disposed at a departure airport of the airplane or inside the airplane. This application ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180032922A1

Disclosed herein is a processing station () for registering a passenger's luggage for a trip. The processing station () comprises an injector () for receiving a piece of luggage associated with the passenger. A plurality of sensors (-) are associated with the injector. A weighing machine () is also associated with the injector () for weighing the piece of luggage whilst in the injector (). The luggage processing (station ) also comprises a user interface () for receiving various inputs for confirming that a passenger has checked-in and to display information to the passenger during processing of the piece of luggage. A controller () is associated with the sensors (-) and weighing machine () and the user interface (). The controller () is adapted to accept the piece of luggage if the input received via the passenger's boarding pass or identification card indicate that the passenger has checked-in for the trip, feedback from the sensors (-) indicates that predetermined criteria are met, and if feedback from the weighing machine () indicates that weight of the piece of luggage is within a predetermined limit. 1. A processing station for registering a passenger's luggage for a trip , the processing station comprising:an injector for receiving a piece of luggage associated with the passenger;a group of sensors comprising at least one sensor associated with the injector for sensing the piece of luggage;a controller associated with the group of sensors, the controller is adapted to monitor the at least one sensor for intrusions by foreign objects not being the piece of luggage into the injector;wherein the injector includes at least one physical wall and a physical floor which is provided to restrict loading of luggage into the injector;wherein the injector also includes an access opening that provides for loading of luggage; andwherein at least one side wall of the injector is generated by at least one sensor forming said access opening.2. The processing station of claim ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180032923A1

Disclosed herein is a processing station () for registering a passenger's luggage for a trip. The processing station () comprises an injector () for receiving a piece of luggage associated with the passenger. A plurality of sensors (-) are associated with the injector. A weighing machine () is also associated with the injector () for weighing the piece of luggage whilst in the injector (). The luggage processing (station ) also comprises a user interface () for receiving various inputs for confirming that a passenger has checked-in and to display information to the passenger during processing of the piece of luggage. A controller () is associated with the sensors (-) and weighing machine () and the user interface (). The controller () is adapted to accept the piece of luggage if the input received via the passenger's boarding pass or identification card indicate that the passenger has checked-in for the trip, feedback from the sensors (-) indicates that predetermined criteria are met, and if feedback from the weighing machine () indicates that weight of the piece of luggage is within a predetermined limit. 1. A processing station for registering a passenger's luggage for a trip , the processing station comprising:a. an injector for receiving a piece of luggage associated with the passenger;b. at least one sensor associated with the injector for sensing whether the dimensions of the piece of luggage exceed a predetermined limit;c. a weighing machine associated with the injector for weighing the piece of luggage whilst in the injector;d. a controller associated with the sensor and weighing machine, the controller being adapted to accept the piece of luggage if feedback from the sensor and weighing machine indicate that dimensions and weight of the piece of luggage are within respective predetermined limits; ande. an injector conveyor in the floor of the injector for conveying the piece of luggage in a first direction, if accepted, to a downstream collector conveyor ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Luggage processing station

Номер: US20220067596A1
Принадлежит: Icm Airport Technics Pty Ltd

An example processing station for registering a passenger's luggage for a trip is provided, the processing station comprising: an injector for receiving a piece of luggage associated with the passenger; at least one sensor associated with the injector for sensing whether the dimensions of the piece of luggage exceed a predetermined limit; a weighing machine associated with the injector for weighing the piece of luggage whilst in the injector; a controller associated with the at least one sensor and weighing machine, the controller being adapted to accept the piece of luggage if feedback from the at least one sensor and weighing machine indicate that dimensions and weight of the piece of luggage are within respective predetermined limits; and an injector conveyor in the floor of the injector for conveying the piece of luggage in a first direction, if accepted, to a downstream collector conveyor system.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180075297A1

Disclosed is a system for handling luggage and method thereof, the system including: a passport reader reading information on a passport and determining whether the passport is normal; a fingerprint reader reading a fingerprint and determining whether the fingerprint corresponds to the information; a face reader reading a face and determining whether the face corresponds to the information; a boarding pass reader reading a boarding pass and verifying a destination; a luggage measurement unit measuring weight of check-in luggage and determining whether the weight exceeds a permissible criterion; a payment processor processing payment when the weight exceeds the criterion; a luggage tag issuing unit issuing a tag for the luggage after the payment and attaching the tag to the luggage; a luggage tag reader reading the tag and verifying the destination; and a central controller controlling the above-described readers, the above-described units, and the payment processor. 1. A system for handling check-in luggage , the system comprising:a passport reader reading information on a passport of a passenger and determining whether or not the passport is normal;a fingerprint reader reading a fingerprint of the passenger and determining whether or not the fingerprint corresponds to the information on the passport;a face reader reading a face of the passenger and determining whether or not the face corresponds to the information on the passport;a boarding pass reader reading a boarding pass of the passenger and verifying information on a destination for the passenger;a luggage measurement unit measuring weight of check-in luggage and determining whether or not the weight exceeds a permissible criterion;a payment processor processing payment when the weight exceeds the permissible criterion;a luggage tag issuing unit issuing a tag for the check-in luggage when the payment for the check-in luggage has been processed and attaching the tag to the check-in luggage;a luggage tag reader ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150095254A1

The invention relates to a baggage drop system for depositing and checking of baggage into airline flights. The system comprises a conveyor (), equipped with a static or dynamic weighing scale (), comprising multiple, spaced apart load cells (), and computing means adapted to compare the output of the weighing scale () with allowable baggage weights, and a substantially horizontal frame member (′), mounted above the first conveyor () at a distance from the upper surface of the first conveyor () equal to the maximum allowable height of baggage, thereby forming a physical barrier for oversized baggage. The system allows to check for the presence of living creatures on the conveyor belt, and for conformity with baggage handling system requirements. The system may further comprise a baggage check-in apparatus () to allow automatic baggage check-in by a passenger, including means for payment () of excess and/or overweight baggage. The invention further comprises a method for checking in of baggage items using the baggage drop system in accordance with the invention. 1. Baggage drop system for depositing and checking of baggage into airline flights , the system comprising a first conveyor , equipped with a static or dynamic weighing scale , comprising multiple , spaced apart load cells , and computing means adapted to compare the output of the weighing scale with allowable baggage weights , and a substantially horizontal frame member , mounted above the first conveyor at a distance from the upper surface of the first conveyor equal to the maximum allowable height of baggage , thereby forming a physical barrier for oversized baggage.2. System according to claim 1 , further comprising spaced apart vertical members or walls claim 1 , provided at a distance from each other equal to the maximum allowable width of baggage.3. System according to or claim 1 , comprising a frame of spaced apart vertical members that support the substantially horizontal frame member claim 1 , the ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Luggage Control and Verification System and Methods of Use

Номер: US20150096813A1
Автор: Julio Aumente Aumente
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for controlling and verifying the size and weight of a piece of carry-on luggage is disclosed. In at least one embodiment, an at least one database server is configured for selectively storing data related to at least one of the luggage, an at least one passenger in possession of the luggage, a transportation vehicle on which the passenger plans to travel, and a transportation hub from which the transportation vehicle is to depart. An at least one luggage device is in selective communication with the at least one database server and comprises a receptacle configured for removable receipt of the luggage—the receptacle formed having a bottom, a back wall, and an at least one side wall—and at least one verification device integral with the receptacle for determination of at least one of a height, depth, width, weight, and identification information associated with the luggage.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111698A1

Systems and methods are provided for handling luggage. One exemplary system includes an interface that receives input from a check-in system that indicates sizes and weights for pieces of luggage that are each associated with a unique identifier; and a controller that selects a delivery, identifies pieces of luggage for the delivery, correlates the delivery with dimensions of a cargo hold of a vehicle servicing the delivery, receives input indicating a loading restriction for loading luggage into the cargo hold, and generates a baggage map. The baggage map is based on the sizes and the weights of the pieces of luggage for the delivery, indicates a location for each piece of luggage for the delivery within the cargo hold, and complies with the loading restriction. The system further includes a memory that stores the baggage map. 1. A system comprising:a baggage mapping system comprising:an interface that receives input from a check-in system that indicates sizes and weights for pieces of luggage that are each associated with a unique identifier; anda controller that selects a delivery, identifies pieces of luggage for the delivery, correlates the delivery with dimensions of a cargo hold of a vehicle servicing the delivery, receives input indicating a loading restriction for loading luggage into the cargo hold, and generates a baggage map that: is based on the sizes and the weights of the pieces of luggage for the delivery, indicates a location for each piece of luggage for the delivery within the cargo hold, and complies with the loading restriction; anda memory that stores the baggage map.2. The system of wherein:the interface receives input from a loading system identifying a next piece of luggage to load into the cargo hold; andthe controller analyzes the baggage map to identify the location, and transmits an instruction directing a display to present an image of the location.3. The system of wherein:the interface receives input from a loading system identifying a ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220177158A1

Provided are a system and method for managing airport baggage. The system includes an electronic tag attached to baggage of each passenger and storing baggage information, a plurality of readers installed on one side of a conveyor, which automatically conveys the baggage to a gate and configured to recognize the electronic tag attached to the baggage passing therethrough, and an airport management server installed at each airport and configured to generate, when baggage check-in information is input, a baggage data table of a corresponding passenger and record, when baggage recognition information including reader identification information and baggage identification information is received from the reader, normal baggage recognition in a baggage data table corresponding to the baggage recognition information. 1. A system for managing airport baggage , the system comprising:an electronic tag attached to baggage of each passenger and storing baggage information;a plurality of readers installed on one side of a conveyor, which automatically conveys the baggage to a gate and configured to recognize the electronic tag attached to the baggage passing therethrough; andan airport management server installed at each airport and configured to generate, when baggage check-in information is input, a baggage data table of a corresponding passenger and record, when baggage recognition information including reader identification information and baggage identification information is received from the reader, normal baggage recognition in a baggage data table corresponding to the baggage recognition information.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the airport management server generates a baggage data table with identification information of the readers provided in a baggage handling system claim 1 , which will handle the baggage from a departure airport of the passenger to a destination airport claim 1 , as a first axis and the baggage identification information of the passenger as ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Efficient Security Screening

Номер: US20170140587A1
Принадлежит: SecurityPoint Holdings LLC

The present invention relates to systems and methods relating to security checkpoints. In some embodiments the present invention includes a security checkpoint system that is optimized in one or more of design and decor, audio characteristics, and efficiency in passing customers through the security checkpoint and generating revenue with adverting and sponsorships.

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190138949A1

Ticket information, such as an airline boarding pass may be stored on a mobile device. The presence of a geolocation device such as a Bluetooth beacon is detected by the mobile device in a departure location such as an airport. On detection by the mobile device of a further geolocation device when the mobile device is proximate a self-service function an application on the mobile device is triggered which directs the mobile device to a self-service function such as a bag drop and instructs the mobile device user how to use the self-service function. 1. A method of facilitating interaction between a ticket holder and a self-service function related to the ticket , comprising the steps of:detecting by a mobile device proximity to a self-service function, the mobile device having stored thereon information relating to the ticket and the self-service function being related to the ticket;on detection by the mobile device of proximity to the location, activating an application on the mobile device, the application being related to the self-service function; andcommunicating to the mobile device via the application, information about the self-service function including directional information.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the ticket relates to a passenger journey and includes passenger and journey identification.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the ticket information comprises a boarding pass.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the mobile device detects geolocation device indicating proximity to the self-service function.5. A method according to claim 5 , wherein the geolocation device is a Bluetooth beacon.6. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the application queries the ticket information stored on the mobile device and communicates the ticket information to a remote server.7. A method according to claim 6 , wherein the remote server claim 6 , in response to receipt of the ticket information provides information relating to the self- ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Planning System for Multimodal Travel

Номер: US20220290998A1

A method, apparatus, system, and computer program product for planning multimodal travel. A planning request for the multimodal travel from a first location to an second location is received. Candidate routes are determined for a passenger that is customized for a set of customization parameters a using the first location, the second location, and a set of passenger preferences. A candidate route in the candidate routes comprises a first leg from the first location to a first vertiport via a first modality, a second leg for a passenger air vehicle to travel from the first vertiport to a second vertiport using an air modality, and a third leg from the second vertiport to the second location using a second modality. The candidate route in the candidate routes is selected to form a route for the multimodal travel for the passenger when a user input is received selecting the candidate route. 1. A method for planning multimodal travel , the method comprising:receiving, by a computer system, a planning request for the multimodal travel from a first location to a second location;determining, by the computer system, a set of candidate routes for a passenger that is customized for a set of customization parameters using the first location, the second location, wherein a candidate route in the set of candidate routes comprises a first leg from the first location to a first vertiport via a first modality, a second leg for an air vehicle to travel from the first vertiport to a second vertiport using an air modality, and a third leg from the second vertiport to the second location using a second modality; andselecting, by the computer system, the candidate route in the set of candidate routes to form a route for the multimodal travel for the passenger when a user input is received selecting the candidate route.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein selecting claim 1 , by the computer system claim 1 , the candidate route in the set of candidate routes to form the route for the ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Item Handling System, Method and Apparatus Therefor

Номер: US20190147558A1

A mobile drive apparatus () for item handling. The drive apparatus comprises at least one platform for supporting an item; a drive means; and a movable door () coupled to the at least one platform and configured to move between an open position in which the platform is accessible to a user and a closed position in which the platform is enclosed. The apparatus further comprises control means coupled to the drive means. The control means are configured to control the drive means to move the drive apparatus from a current location associated with an item pickup point to a second different location for processing by an item handling hub, in response to receiving an indication that a token presented by the user is a valid token. 1. A mobile drive apparatus for item handling comprising:a. at least one platform for supporting an item;b. a drive means;c. a movable door coupled to the at least one platform and configured to move between an open position in which the platform is accessible to a user and a closed position in which the platform is enclosed; andd. a control means coupled to the drive means wherein the control means is configured to control the drive means to move the drive apparatus from a current location associated with an item pickup point to a second different location for processing by an item handling hub in response to receiving an indication that a token presented by the user is a valid token.2. A mobile drive apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the control means is configured to communicatively couple with a remote computer or server claim 1 , such as a departure control system claim 1 , and receive a communication from said remote computer or server indicating that the token presented by the user has been determined to be a valid token.3. A mobile apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the control means comprises a user interface unit and is configured to extract data from a token presented by the user to the interface unit claim 1 , and ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160159498A1
Автор: SAFIR André
Принадлежит: SBS

A control installation for handling luggage () in a handling space (). The handling space () has a reception entrance and a discharge exit. Said installation includes a plurality of locking devices () to enable each of said pieces of luggage to be kept locked when said luggage is received at said reception entrance. Each of said locking devices () includes a control transmitter capable of transmitting an identification signal () and an unlocking signal () when said locking device () is unlocked, while said handling space () comprises control receivers () to receive, on the one hand, said identification signal (), and, on the other hand, said unlocking signal (). 1. An installation for luggage handling control in a handling space for air transport , said handling space having a reception entrance for receiving a plurality of pieces of luggage and a discharge exit for discharging said plurality of pieces of luggage , said installation further comprising a plurality of locking devices , each of said locking devices being capable of being mounted on a piece of luggage of said plurality of pieces of luggage so that each of said pieces of luggage can be kept locked , when said luggage is received at said reception entrance ,wherein each of said locking devices comprises a control transmitter capable of transmitting an identification signal and an unlocking signal when said locking device is unlocked, while said handling space comprises control receivers to receive, on the one hand, said identification signal for supplying the position of the locking device within said handling space, and, on the other hand, said unlocking signal.2. The control installation as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a trigger transmitter located at said reception entrance so that it can transmit an activation signal for activating said control transmitter of each of said locking devices.3. The control installation as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said trigger transmitter is also capable of ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Device and method for the handling of luggage

Номер: US20140241837A1
Принадлежит: Vanderlande Industries BV

The present invention relates to a device for handling items of luggage, comprising a storage system for temporary storage therein of items of luggage, which system comprises at a front side thereof a plurality of compartments for items of luggage with a buffer zone behind each compartment, and for each of the compartments a displacement element for moving an item of luggage from a compartment to the buffer zone associated with that compartment, input means designed for the input of identification information by a passenger for the purpose of placing an item of luggage in a compartment of the storage system, and control means. The invention further relates to a method of handling items of luggage.

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210261272A1

A bag unlocking method includes receiving, by a bag handling system, a bag during a check-in process. The bag handling system identifies, from a travel carrier system, traveler information corresponding to the bag. A securing device of the bag is programmed, using an unlock code pertaining to the traveler information. The bag handling system reads a bag tag of the bag at a baggage inspection station, and determines the unlock code pertaining to the bag tag. The bag handling system transmits the unlock code to cause the securing device to unlock at the baggage inspection station. 1. A bag-unlocking method , comprising:receiving a bag during a check-in process;identifying traveler information, from a travel carrier system, corresponding to the bag;programming a securing device of the bag using an unlock code pertaining to the traveler information;reading a bag tag of the bag by a baggage handling scanner of a baggage handling system just outside a baggage inspection station;matching the bag with the traveler information through the bag tag when the bag is presented to the baggage handling scanner just outside the baggage inspection station;in response to electronically matching the bag with the traveler information through the bag tag, transmitting the unlock code obtained through the check-in process to the baggage handling scanner just outside the baggage inspection station to unlock the securing device outside the baggage inspection station; andtransmitting the unlock code from the baggage handling scanner to the securing device on the bag at the baggage handling scanner, acceptance of the unlock code by the securing device causing un-securing of the securing device of the bag just outside the baggage inspection station.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising receiving the unlock code from a traveler during a travel reservation process operated by a reservation system of the travel carrier system.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the securing ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210264445A1

A token () for use with an item handling system () is provided herein. The token can be encoded with data. The data can define a further second token (), wherein the data comprises an identifier associated with an item. The identifier can be associated with the item for processing by the item handling system. 1100703705707109801. A token ( , , , ) for use with an item handling system () wherein the token is encoded with data defining a further second token () wherein the data comprises an identifier associated with an item for processing by the item handling system.2100703705707803. The token ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) according to wherein the data defines a plurality of further tokens comprising a third token ().3100703705707801803102. The token ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) of any preceding claim wherein the data comprises data for independently generating the or each further token ( claim 1 ,) by a device ().4. The token of any preceding claim wherein the data defines the number of further token or tokens and preferably wherein the identifier is a unique identifier.5. The token of any preceding claim wherein the or each further token is attachable to the item for processing by the item handling system.6100703705707100801803. The token ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) according to any preceding claim wherein the format associated with the token () is different from the format associated with the second or/and third tokens ( claim 1 , ).7100703705707801803. The token ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) according to any preceding claim further comprising machine readable data and wherein the further token or tokens ( claim 1 , ) comprise both machine readable data and human readable data.8100703705707801803801803. The token ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) according to any one of to wherein the second token () and third token () are associated with a different item and preferably wherein the second () and third token () are associated with a single user ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Method for optimizing the load factor of luggage compartments

Номер: US20200242721A1
Автор: Nicolas TSCHECHNE

A method for optimizing the load factor of luggage compartments in an aircraft cabin for a flight includes creation of at least one digital image of a piece of luggage, which is intended to be transported in the luggage compartments during the flight, by a passenger of the flight using a camera, determination of dimensions of the piece of luggage using the at least one digital image, comparison of the previously determined dimensions with free volume in the luggage compartments in the aircraft cabin on the flight, and consideration of the result of the comparison when loading the luggage compartments before the beginning of the flight.

21-09-2017 дата публикации

Improved baggage drop system

Номер: US20170270477A1
Автор: Alice C.F. WONG

An improved baggage drop system, method of modification, baggage counter and retrofit system for receiving baggage from a passenger are disclosed. In one aspect the baggage drop system includes a housing adjacent a conveyor system. A first system is operable by the passenger to generate a baggage tag upon receipt of passenger information, and also actuates the conveyor system. A second system is operable by a second person to print a baggage tag, and to actuate the conveyor system. Only one of the first system or the second system is operable at a single point in time.

12-11-2015 дата публикации

Methods and systems for efficient security screening

Номер: US20150325068A1
Принадлежит: SecurityPoint Holdings LLC

The present invention relates to systems and methods relating to security checkpoints. In some embodiments the present invention includes a security checkpoint system that is optimized in one or more of design and decor, audio characteristics, and efficiency in passing customers through the security checkpoint and generating revenue with adverting and sponsorships.

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180314987A2

Disclosed herein is a processing station () for registering a passenger's luggage for a trip. The processing station () comprises an injector () for receiving a piece of luggage associated with the passenger. A plurality of sensors (-) are associated with the injector. A weighing machine () is also associated with the injector () for weighing the piece of luggage whilst in the injector (). The luggage processing (station ) also comprises a user interface () for receiving various inputs for confirming that a passenger has checked-in and to display information to the passenger during processing of the piece of luggage. A controller () is associated with the sensors (-) and weighing machine () and the user interface (). The controller () is adapted to accept the piece of luggage if the input received via the passenger's boarding pass or identification card indicate that the passenger has checked-in for the trip, feedback from the sensors (-) indicates that predetermined criteria are met, and if feedback from the weighing machine () indicates that weight of the piece of luggage is within a predetermined limit. 1. A processing station for registering a passenger's luggage for a trip , the processing station comprising:an injector for receiving a piece of luggage associated with the passenger;a group of sensors comprising at least one sensor associated with the injector for sensing the piece of luggage;a controller associated with the group of sensors, the controller is adapted to monitor at least one sensor for intrusions by foreign objects not being the piece of luggage into the injector;wherein the injector includes at least one physical wall and a physical floor which is provided to restrict loading of luggage into the injector;wherein the injector also includes an access opening that provides for loading of luggage; andwherein at least one side wall of the injector is generated by at least one sensor forming said access opening.2. The processing station of claim 1 , ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200324914A1

A baggage drop system is disclosed for depositing and checking of baggage into airline flights. The baggage drop system can include a substantially horizontal frame member. The frame member can be mounted above a first conveyor equipped with a static or dynamic weighting scale. The frame member can also be mounted away from an end of the first conveyor at a distance from an upper surface of the first conveyor substantially equal to a maximum allowable height of baggage thereby forming a physical barrier for oversized baggage. A computer can be configured to compare an output of the weighing scale with allowable baggage weights. 1. A baggage drop system for depositing and checking of baggage into airline flights , the system comprising: above a first conveyor equipped with a static or dynamic weighting scale; and', 'away from an end of the first conveyor at a distance from an upper surface of the first conveyor substantially equal to a maximum allowable height of baggage thereby forming a physical barrier for oversized baggage; and, 'a substantially horizontal frame member configured to be mountedcomputing means configured to compare an output of the weighing scale with allowable baggage weights.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising spaced apart vertical members or walls claim 1 , provided at a distance from each other substantially equal to a maximum allowable width of baggage.3. The system of claim 1 , comprising a frame of spaced apart vertical members that supports the substantially horizontal frame member claim 1 , the frame having dimensions such that a space enclosed by the upper surface of the first conveyor and the frame members has a surface area substantially equal to a maximum allowable cross-sectional surface area of baggage.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the computing means further comprise a graphical user interface and a display screen for a display of said interface and information concerning a process of baggage check-in.5. The system of ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170374532A1

A method and a trolley for facilitating a passenger's way through an airport terminal, and improved methods for boarding aircrafts. The trolley may include an interface, such as a boarding card reader, for receiving information identifying the passenger and/or the passenger's flight. Mobile wireless communication means may be provided at the trolley for receiving airport information data, such as flight departure gate, delay or cancellation information, from a computer network within an airport terminal. Data output means are provided to communicate information to the passenger. The trolley may be X-ray compliant. A communication interface may be provided at the trolley for communicating with a portable device, such as a smartphone or equivalent means of the passenger. Individually selected information based on passenger identity, destination, position or past collection of passenger behaviour may be disseminated to passengers on an individual basis. Passengers may be allowed to pass a gate for aircraft boarding only when called in accordance with a predetermined boarding sequence on the basis of, e.g., seat number or seat row. 1. A method for facilitating a flow of passengers in an airport terminal , comprising the steps of:providing a computer network within the airport terminal, the computer network being optionally connected to one or more remote networks, the computer network within the airport terminal comprising:at least one server comprising a data storage unit storing airport information data selected from flight departure information and passenger wayfinding information;stationary wireless communication means for dissemination of the airport information data;continuously or intermittently updating the airport information data in the data storage unit of the at least one server;providing a plurality of hand luggage trolleys;assigning one of the trolleys to each of the passengers, each trolley comprising:an interface for receiving information identifying the ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации

Luggage processing station

Номер: US20200401956A1

An example luggage processing station comprises: an injector adapted to receive a piece of luggage, the injector comprising an injector conveyor belt integrated into a floor of the injector; a group of sensors positioned around the injector directed towards the injector conveyor belt; a controller adapted to assess the piece of luggage compared to an acceptance parameter whilst the piece of luggage is stationary on the injector conveyor belt; and the controller is configured to actuate the injector conveyor belt when the controller assesses the piece of luggage as meeting the acceptance parameter.

17-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220366325A1

Systems and methods for facilitating interaction between a ticket holder and a self-service function related to a ticket are described herein. A mobile device can detect proximity to a self-service function. The mobile device can activate an application related to the self-service function. The mobile device can communicate with a beacon to retrieve an identifier of the self-service function. A first connection session can be established between the mobile device and a cloud broker service while a second connection session can be established between the self-service function and the cloud broker service. The cloud broker service can generate an end to end session using the first and second connection sessions by mapping an identifier of the mobile device with the identifier of the self-service function. Communications can be sent from the self-service function to the application of the mobile device through the cloud broker service including directional information.

24-02-2021 дата публикации

Apparutus and Method to control taking Airport Baggage

Номер: KR102219731B1
Автор: 김동호, 나동길, 송재관
Принадлежит: 한국전자통신연구원

본 발명은 공항 수하물 수취 제어장치 및 제어방법에 관한 것으로, 본 발명에 따른 다른 실시예는 컨베이어 벨트에서 이동하는 수하물에 부착된 태그를 인식하는 태그 리더기로부터 상기 태그에 기록된 수하물 정보를 수신하는 수하물 정보 수신부, 상기 수하물 정보를 기초로 상기 수하물 소유자가 상기 수하물을 수취할 수 있는 수취정보를 생성하는 수취정보 생성부, 상기 수취정보를 상기 수하물 소유자의 단말기에 제공하는 수취정보 제공부, 상기 수하물 소유자의 단말기로부터 상기 수하물의 이동 경로에 대한 요청을 수신하는 이동요청 수신부 및 상기 수하물의 이동 경로에 대한 요청을 기초로 상기 수하물을 특정 장소로 이동시키는 이동 제어부를 포함하는 공항 수하물 수취 제어장치를 제공할 수 있다. The present invention relates to an airport baggage claim control device and a control method, and another embodiment according to the present invention is a baggage receiving baggage information recorded on the tag from a tag reader that recognizes a tag attached to baggage moving on a conveyor belt. An information receiving unit, a claim information generating unit that generates claim information for the baggage owner to receive the baggage based on the baggage information, a claim information providing unit that provides the claim information to the baggage owner's terminal, and the baggage owner To provide an airport baggage claim control device comprising a movement request receiving unit for receiving a request for the movement route of the baggage from the terminal of the terminal and a movement control unit for moving the baggage to a specific place based on a request for the movement route of the baggage. I can.

20-10-2015 дата публикации

Kiosk for energy industry logistics

Номер: US9165265B2
Принадлежит: PHI Inc

An automated kiosk and related apparatus provide check-in and boarding services to energy sector passengers, such as helicopter passengers. Preferably, the kiosk and related apparatus can take and store a picture of the passenger, calculate and/or measure the weight of the passenger and the passenger's luggage, print luggage tags and boarding printouts, check third parties' databases (such as a no-fly list (NFL)) for approval for the passenger's flight and can transmit data to another location (server, third party employer, pilot).

12-12-2000 дата публикации

System and method for matching passengers and their baggage

Номер: US6158658A
Автор: John L. Barclay
Принадлежит: Laser Data Command Inc

A system and method for enhancing passenger security in the travel industry by matching passengers with their baggage through storage of images of passengers and their baggage and other textual data in computer memory and in printed codes which may be on passenger baggage, a boarding pass, a positive passenger bag identifier, and a passenger identification card. The codes on boarding passes are scanned at the boarding gate before passengers may board to check whether the passenger image recovered from the code matches that of the passenger attempting to board. The boarding gate scan also generates a passenger manifest which, when compared to the list of passengers who checked baggage, identifies passengers who checked baggage but did not board. Positive passenger baggage match identifiers are generated associating passengers and the coded image of the baggage checked by the passenger. The positive passenger baggage matching identifiers corresponding to the unboarded passengers may be identified, thereby permitting recovery of an image of the unboarded passengers' baggage. The baggage may then be identified visually and removed or inspected prior to departure of the commercial carrier.

14-10-2010 дата публикации

System for decentralised material flow control

Номер: WO2010115704A1

The invention relates to a component of a material flow system for transporting goods, said component comprising a mechatronics arrangement with transport elements, sensors and actuators for transporting the goods, a control device for controlling the mechatronics arrangement, interfaces to adjacent components and the surroundings, and an internal simulator for determining the future state of the component. The internal simulator co-operates with internal simulators of other components of the material flow system, for determining a prognosis of the future state of the installation of the material flow system. The decentralised internal simulators can be synchronously or asynchronously activated.

14-10-2010 дата публикации

System for decentralized material flow control

Номер: DE102009031137A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

Komponente eines Materialflusssystems zur Beförderung von Gütern, umfassend eine Mechatronik mit Förderelementen, Sensoren und Aktoren zum Transport der Güter, eine Steuerung zur Ansteuerung der Mechatronik, Schnittstellen zu Nachbarkomponenten und zur Umgebung, einen Eigensimulator zur Bestimmung des komponentenspezifischen zukünftigen Zustandes, wobei der Eigensimulator mit Eigensimulatoren weiterer Komponenten des Materialflusssystems zusammenwirkt, zur Bestimmung einer Prognose des zukünftigen Anlagenzustandes des Materialflusssystems. Die dezentralen Eigensimulatoren können synchron oder asynchron aktiviert werden. Component of a material flow system for the carriage of goods, comprising a mechatronics with conveying elements, sensors and actuators for transporting the goods, a controller for controlling the mechatronics, interfaces to adjacent components and the environment, a self-simulator for determining the component-specific future condition, wherein the self-simulator with self-simulators cooperates with other components of the material flow system to determine a prognosis of the future plant status of the material flow system. The decentralized self-simulators can be activated synchronously or asynchronously.

14-03-2012 дата публикации

System for decentralised material flow control

Номер: CN102378946A
Автор: G.拜尔, K.科伊特纳
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG


27-09-2017 дата публикации

Improved baggage drop system

Номер: KR20170108891A
Принадлежит: 에어포트 어써러티

승객으로부터 수화물을 받기 위한 개선된 수화물 처리 시스템, 변경 방법, 수화물 카운터 및 개장 시스템이 개시된다. 하나의 양태에서 수화물 처리 시스템은 컨베이어 시스템에 인접한 하우징을 포함한다. 제1 시스템은 승객 정보의 수령시에 수화물 확인 태그를 생성하기 위해 승객에 의해서 조작 가능하며 컨베이어 시스템을 또한 작동시킨다. 제2 시스템은 인쇄된 수화물 라벨을 생성하고 컨베이어 시스템을 작동시키기 위해 상대방에 의해 조작 가능하다. 제1 시스템 및 제2 시스템 중의 하나만이 단일 시점에서 조작 가능하다.

23-07-2015 дата публикации

Apparutus and Method to control taking Airport Baggage

Номер: KR20150085388A
Автор: 김동호, 나동길, 송재관
Принадлежит: 한국전자통신연구원

본 발명은 공항 수하물 수취 제어장치 및 제어방법에 관한 것으로, 본 발명에 따른 다른 실시예는 컨베이어 벨트에서 이동하는 수하물에 부착된 태그를 인식하는 태그 리더기로부터 상기 태그에 기록된 수하물 정보를 수신하는 수하물 정보 수신부, 상기 수하물 정보를 기초로 상기 수하물 소유자가 상기 수하물을 수취할 수 있는 수취정보를 생성하는 수취정보 생성부, 상기 수취정보를 상기 수하물 소유자의 단말기에 제공하는 수취정보 제공부, 상기 수하물 소유자의 단말기로부터 상기 수하물의 이동 경로에 대한 요청을 수신하는 이동요청 수신부 및 상기 수하물의 이동 경로에 대한 요청을 기초로 상기 수하물을 특정 장소로 이동시키는 이동 제어부를 포함하는 공항 수하물 수취 제어장치를 제공할 수 있다.

01-11-1999 дата публикации

Baggage receiving and handling method in airport, baggage receiving and handling system in airport, baggage automatic handling apparatus

Номер: KR100228994B1

이용자가 예약한 정보를 기억하여 두고, 그 이용자가 입장한 때에 예약정보를 검색하여, 일치한 경우에 탑승권을 부여하는 동시에 그 탑승권의 번호로 부터 검색가능한 수화물 번호를 붙인 태그를 각 수화물에 부여하여, 태그를 부착한 수화물을 수납하도록 하였다. The reservation information is retrieved when the user enters the reservation information, a boarding pass is given when the user matches the boarding pass, and a tag attached with a retrievable baggage number from the number of the boarding pass is given to each baggage , And the tagged baggage was received. 수납된 수화물은 승객에서 떨어져서 안전 체크를 받아, 승객이 자신의 안전체크를 받을때에 자기의 수화물의 안전체크 결과가 불합격인 것이 있는 경우에는 그 해소처리를 하고, 자신의 안전체크를 종료한 승객의 수화물만을 분류하여 컨베이어에 얹어놓아 해당하는 항공편의 비행기 마다로 구분하여 적재처리를 행한다. When the passenger has received the safety check, the passbook is removed from the passenger, and when the passenger has received the safety check of his / her own, the result of the safety check of his / her luggage is rejected, Are classified and placed on a conveyor so as to be divided into each airplane of the corresponding flight, and the loading process is performed.

19-07-1999 дата публикации

A conveyor system for conveying differents kind of articles

Номер: AU1483999A
Принадлежит: Crisplant AS

Baggage handling conveyor system for conveying articles needed to be supported by trays as well as articles not needed such support, comprising a delivery platform for receiving articles, a storage device for storing trays and a conveyor for selectively and automatically moving a tray from the storage device to the delivery platform. The conveyor is movable between a position establishing a conveying connection between the storage device and the delivery platform, and a position disrupting the connection. Articles may be moved from the delivery platform to a predetermined destination. The system reduces the risk of, e.g., back injuries to the staff. The system is well suited for airport check-in counters.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Check-in system

Номер: AU2006301017B2
Автор: David Pierce Jones
Принадлежит: Squid Inc

A check-in system for receiving and transporting luggage from a passenger, comprising: a conveyor for transporting luggage, the conveyor having a top surface on which luggage is received and which extends from a front end to a rear end; a floor adjacent the front end of the conveyor for supporting a passenger; wherein the top surface of the front end of the conveyor is substantially flush with the floor, such that luggage may be slid from the floor onto the conveyor.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Luggage processing station

Номер: KR20130041980A

본원에서는 승객의 여행용 수하물을 등록하기 위한 처리 스테이션(10)이 개시된다. 처리 스테이션(10)은 승객과 관련된 수하물을 수용하기 위한 인젝터(14)를 포함한다. 복수의 센서들(16a 내지 16i)은 인젝터와 관련된다. 중량계(18)는 인젝터(14)에 있는 동안 수하물의 중량을 재기 위해 인젝터와 또한 관련된다. 수하물 처리 스테이션(10)은 또한 승객이 체크-인한 것을 확인하기 위해 그리고 수하물의 처리 중 승객에게 정보를 표시하기 위해 다양한 입력들을 수신하기 위한 사용자 인터페이스(20)를 포함한다. 컨트롤러(28)는 센서들(16a 내지 16i) 및 중량계(18) 및 사용자 인터페이스(20)와 관련된다. 컨트롤러(28)는 만일 승객의 탑승권 또는 인식 카드를 통해 수신된 입력이 승객이 여행을 위한 체크-인을 하였다는 것을 나타내고, 센서들(16a 내지 16i)로부터의 피드백이 소정의 기준을 만족함을 나타내고, 그리고 만일 중량계(18)로부터의 피드백이 수하물의 중량이 소정의 한계 이내에 있음을 나타내는 경우, 수하물을 접수하도록 구성된다.

17-07-2013 дата публикации

Luggage processing station

Номер: CN103209896A


20-10-2005 дата публикации

Novel method to secure airline and other carrier travel

Номер: WO2005096770A2
Принадлежит: Alpa Pandya, Pandya Ashish A

Our invention is a secure travel system and method that greatly eliminates security risks associated with passenger baggage by not allowing checked baggage and most carry-on baggage on secure airliners, secure railcars and other secure vehicles that carry passengers. This method creates two separate classes of travel vehicles or two classes of carrier flights, trains or the like. One class transports passengers only and the other class transports only baggage of passengers between various locations. Explosion buffered vehicles carrying passengers and baggage are also described. By eliminating or buffering checked bags and most carry-on bags on the secure vehicles, the security risks from weapons, bombs or other hazardous materials on these bags are totally eliminated or greatly reduced. This mode of travel can be implemented to co-exist with current travel methods.

31-07-2020 дата публикации

Process for optimizing the available volume of luggage compartments

Номер: FR3092087A1
Автор: Nicolas TSCHECHNE

La présente invention concerne un procédé d’optimisation du volume disponible de compartiments à bagages dans une cabine d’avion pour un vol comportant les étapes suivantes :a) élaboration (23)à d’au moins un cliché numérique d’un bagage qui doit être transporté dans les compartiments à bagages pendant le vol, à l’aide d’un appareil photo par un passager du vol,b) détermination (25) des dimensions du bagage en utilisant l’au moins un cliché numérique,c) comparaison (23) des dimensions précédemment définies avec le volume disponible dans les compartiments à bagages dans la cabine d’avion pour le vol etd) prise en compte (35) du résultat de la comparaison pour le chargement des compartiments à bagages avant le début du vol. Figure à publier avec l’abrégé : Fig. 1. The present invention relates to a method for optimizing the available volume of baggage compartments in an aircraft cabin for a flight comprising the following steps: a) developing (23) at least one digital photograph of a baggage which must be carried in the baggage compartments during the flight, using a camera by a passenger on the flight, b) determining (25) the dimensions of the baggage using the at least one digital snapshot, c) comparison ( 23) dimensions previously defined with the volume available in the baggage compartments in the aircraft cabin for the flight and d) taking into account (35) the result of the comparison for loading the baggage compartments before the start of the flight. Figure to be published with the abstract: Fig. 1.

24-10-2019 дата публикации

Luggage Processing Station And System Thereof

Номер: AU2017225113B2
Принадлежит: Icm Airport Technics Pty Ltd

Abstract A processing station for registering a passenger's luggage for a trip, wherein the processing station comprises: a luggage transportation tub having a first shape, the tub is adapted to receive the luggage associated with the passenger; an injector for receiving the tub with the luggage therein; a group of sensors comprising at least one sensor, the group of sensors associated with the injector, wherein the group of sensors positioned so as to allow an image of the tub with the luggage to be taken; and a controller associated with the group of sensors, the controller being adapted to control the operation of the group of sensors and wherein the controller compares an image taken to a database of predefined tub shapes. 26 7 1g6 16d 30 -38 -10 44- 16g 24-d 22- - 32 20 16c r 14 28 50- 34

13-08-2009 дата публикации

Baggage system

Номер: CA2714230A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A baggage handling system comprising: a plurality of pre-loading queues (10) operable to receive baggage; and a loading station (17) operable to receive baggage from individual ones of said queues. Thereby, a single loading station can be allocated to multiple destinations simultaneously.

16-03-2006 дата публикации

Baggage check procedure conducting method for use during air travel, involves providing baggage to security check, where baggage is brought independently to airplane and inspection is performed in decentralized custom clearance center

Номер: DE102004038158A1
Автор: Udo Adam
Принадлежит: Udo Adam

The method involves providing current journey documents to passengers and inspecting baggage. The inspected baggage is provided to security check and further inspection is done if necessary. The baggage is then brought independently to an airplane (FZ). The inspection is performed in a decentralized custom clearance center. The decentralized custom clearance center is built in e.g. bus, by which the passengers are brought to an airport.

18-05-2021 дата публикации

Item handling system, method and apparatus therefor

Номер: US11010854B2
Принадлежит: BLUEBOTICS SA, Sita Ypenburg BV

A mobile drive apparatus ( 1001 ) for item handling. The drive apparatus comprises at least one platform for supporting an item; a drive means; and a movable door ( 5003, 5001 ) coupled to the at least one platform and configured to move between an open position in which the platform is accessible to a user and a closed position in which the platform is enclosed. The apparatus further comprises control means coupled to the drive means. The control means are configured to control the drive means to move the drive apparatus from a current location associated with an item pickup point to a second different location for processing by an item handling hub, in response to receiving an indication that a token presented by the user is a valid token.

27-02-2013 дата публикации

Baggage system

Номер: EP2250091B1
Принадлежит: BAA IP Holdco Ltd

08-03-2016 дата публикации

Electric field quantitative measurement system and method

Номер: US9279719B2
Автор: Edward R. Generazio

A method and system are provided for making a quantitative measurement of an electric field. A plurality of antennas separated from one another by known distances are arrayed in a region that extends in at least one dimension. A voltage difference between at least one selected pair of antennas is measured. Each voltage difference is divided by the known distance associated with the selected pair of antennas corresponding thereto to generate a resulting quantity. The plurality of resulting quantities defined over the region quantitatively describe an electric field therein.

09-03-2016 дата публикации

Automated self-serve baggage drop-off device

Номер: EP2630040B1
Принадлежит: Aeroports de Paris SA

13-02-2013 дата публикации

Mobile check-in system

Номер: DE202012104079U1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Avistra GmbH

System zum mobilen Einchecken von Fluggastpassagieren und deren Gepäckstücken vor Ankunft der Passagiere in einer Ankunftszone am Flughafen, mittels elektronischer Eingabe der Passagier- und/oder Reisedaten in ein mobiles Check-In Terminal, welches sich in einem Kraftfahrzeug befindet, wobei das Terminal eine Wägung der Gepäckstücke durchführt, Gebühren für Über- oder Sondergepäck berechnet, wobei eine oder mehrere Bordkarten und/oder ein oder mehrere Gepäckabschnitte zum Anbringen an den Gepäckstücken erstellt und ausgegeben werden und wobei die eingecheckten Gepäckstücke in dem Kraftfahrzeug gelagert und mittels diesem zu einer Transport- und Sortieranlage am Flughafen oder einem Umschlagpunkt für den Weitertransport zu einer Transport- und Sortieranlage am Flughafen transportiert werden. A system for the mobile check-in of passenger passengers and their luggage before arrival of the passengers in an arrival zone at the airport, by electronically entering the passenger and / or travel data in a mobile check-in terminal, which is located in a motor vehicle, the terminal weighing the Carries pieces of luggage, charges for excess or special baggage, wherein one or more boarding passes and / or one or more luggage sections are created and issued for attachment to the luggage and the checked-in luggage stored in the motor vehicle and by means of this to a transport and sorting be transported at the airport or a transfer point for onward transport to a transport and sorting system at the airport.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Luggage processing station

Номер: CA2937637A1

Disclosed herein is a processing station (10) for registering a passenger's luggage for a trip. The processing station (10) comprises an injector (14) for receiving a piece of luggage associated with the passenger. A plurality of sensors (16a-16i) are associated with the injector. A weighing machine (18) is also associated with the injector (14) for weighing the piece of luggage whilst in the injector (14). The luggage processing (station 10) also comprises a user interface (20) for receiving various inputs for confirming that a passenger has checked-in and to display information to the passenger during processing of the piece of luggage. A controller (28) is associated with the sensors (16a-16i) and weighing machine (18) and the user interface (20). The controller (28) is adapted to accept the piece of luggage if the input received via the passenger's boarding pass or identification card indicate that the passenger has checked-in for the trip, feedback from the sensors (16a-16i) indicates that predetermined criteria are met, and if feedback from the weighing machine (18) indicates that weight of the piece of luggage is within a predetermined limit.

11-05-2017 дата публикации

System for the integral control of passengers and baggage

Номер: CA3006923A1
Принадлежит: Sistemas Tecnicos Y Montajes SL

The invention relates to an integrated system comprising a networked central computer platform (11) which centralises information relating to passenger and luggage control, and to which are connected: a device (12) for controlling passengers and luggage, a parameter of an item of hand luggage (21) being measured and being used by a classifier to determine a category for the hand luggage (21), the category being compared with a condition defined by a transport company; a payment point (13) at which the passenger, if the previous comparison indicates a pending payment, is provided with means for making the pending payment; and an access management subsystem (14) which enables/disables access to zones defined by the transport company on the basis of said comparison and whether the passenger, in the previously-mentioned case, has made the pending payment at the payment point (13).

13-09-2007 дата публикации

Integrated verification and screening system

Номер: US20070211922A1
Принадлежит: GE Homeland Protection Inc

An inspection system includes a passenger identity verification system, a passenger screening system, and a computer coupled to the passenger verification system and the passenger screening system, the computer configured to receive information from the passenger verification system and operate the passenger screening system based on the information.

30-01-1979 дата публикации

System for passenger and luggage processing at commercial airports

Номер: US4137567A
Автор: Hans J. Grube
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for processing passengers and their luggage at civil airports including a passenger processing counter for verifying airline tickets and confirming passenger identity, equipment for conveying large luggage to be separately stowed aboard the plane from the counter to the plane and installations for performing a security check of both the passengers and their hand or cabin luggage. The system is characterized by a movable conveyor belt extending from the passenger processing counter and along side a passenger passageway for lined-up passengers and the counter in close proximity thereto but inaccessible to the passengers from the station for passenger processing to a point of pickup and handling by secure airport personnel. A passenger security check zone is provided for allowing a security check of the individual passengers and is designed in the manner of a one-way gate for allowing only one-way travel of passengers through the passenger passageway from a point immediately following the passenger processing station through to a verification zone which immediately follows the security check zone and where a passenger becomes cleared by the system. A second movable conveyor belt is provided on the opposite side of the passenger passageway and starting immediately prior to the security check zone for the passengers. The second conveyor belt provides a security check of the hand or cabin luggage of the passengers and terminates behind the verification zone. The second conveyor belt is inaccesible to passengers while they are passing through the passenger security check zone and becomes accessible to particular and already cleared passengers so tha they may retrieve their security checked hand or cabin luggage after passing through the security check zone and upon reaching the verification zone.

29-07-1998 дата публикации

Baggage handling system

Номер: CN1039299C
Автор: W·T·怀特
Принадлежит: GEC Alsthom Ltd


17-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: ES2354753T3
Автор: Michael Kim Tan
Принадлежит: SCARABEE ID BV

Dispositivo para la recepción de un elemento de equipaje para el transporte, comprendiendo el dispositivo: - una cámara receptora con una abertura de entrada y una abertura de descarga y con un conjunto de cierre, comprendiendo el conjunto de cierre un mecanismo de cierre, y - una unidad de transporte para transportar el elemento de equipaje de la cámara receptora a través de la abertura de la descarga, comprendiendo el conjunto de cierre un mecanismo de cierre y un circuito de control, encontrándose el circuito de control conectado para cerrar el mecanismo de cierre a fin de controlar el mecanismo de cierre - comprendiendo el conjunto de cierre el mecanismo de cierre y estando el conjunto de cierre equipado para - cerrar la abertura de descarga de la cámara receptora antes de abrir la abertura de entrada de la cámara receptora a fin de introducir el elemento de equipaje en la cámara receptora, y - cerrar la abertura de entrada de la cámara receptora antes de abrir la abertura de descarga a fin de descargar el elemento de equipaje de la cámara receptora. Device for receiving a luggage item for transport, the device comprising: - a receiving chamber with an inlet opening and a discharge opening and with a closure assembly, the closure assembly comprising a closure mechanism, and - a transport unit for transporting the luggage element of the receiving chamber through the discharge opening, the closure assembly comprising a closing mechanism and a control circuit, the connected control circuit being found to close the closing mechanism in order to control the closing mechanism - the closing assembly comprising the closing mechanism and the closing assembly being equipped to - close the discharge opening of the receiving chamber before opening the entrance opening of the receiving chamber in order to insert the luggage element into the receiving chamber, and - close the entrance opening of the receiving chamber before opening the opening download in order to download ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Automatic bag drop method and system

Номер: CA2884759A1
Автор: Damien Roux

A system is provided for the automatic drop-off of at least one object on a conveyor belt for the purpose of the transport of the at least one object. The system includes: at least one apparatus for delimiting an area, called a drop-off area, allowing access to the conveyor belt and including at least one point of entry into the drop-off area and at least one point of exit from the drop-off area; at each point of entry into the drop-off area, at least one first reader, for reading an item of authorization data; in the drop-off area: at least one second reader, for reading an item of authorization data; at least one delivery apparatus for delivering a tag, of identification to be affixed to the object to be dropped; and at least one database which can be accessed by the readers.

10-02-2021 дата публикации

Luggage size measurement system and method of automatically charging luggage using the same

Номер: KR102213186B1
Автор: 김기돈
Принадлежит: 김기돈

본 발명은 수화물 사이즈 측정시스템 및 이를 이용한 수화물 자동 위탁 방법에 관한 것으로서, 수화물이 운반되는 반송수단에 설치되고, 서보모터 또는 리니어 모터를 포함하는 구동부 작동에 의해 이동되면서 수화물을 감지하도록 구비되는 센서모듈과, 상기 센서모듈에 의한 수화물 감지구간 거리 값을 이용하여, 수화물 길이, 폭 및 높이 사이즈를 검출하도록 구비되는 제어부를 포함한다. 본 발명에 따르면 수화물 사이즈 측정에서 반입여부를 판단하는 위탁절차에 이르기 까지 모든 과정이 자동으로 수행되고, 복수의 센서모듈에 의해 수화물이 감지되는 구간의 거리 값을 이용하여 수화물 길이, 폭 및 높이 사이즈를 검출하므로 구조가 간단하면서 측정 정밀도가 향상되는 장점이 있다.

23-05-2017 дата публикации

Automatic bag drop method and system

Номер: US9656767B2
Автор: Damien Roux

A system is provided for the automatic drop-off of at least one object on a conveyor belt for the purpose of the transport of the at least one object. The system includes: at least one apparatus for delimiting an area, called a drop-off area, allowing access to the conveyor belt and including at least one point of entry into the drop-off area and at least one point of exit from the drop-off area; at each point of entry into the drop-off area, at least one first reader, for reading an item of authorization data; in the drop-off area: at least one second reader, for reading an item of authorization data; at least one delivery apparatus for delivering a tag, of identification to be affixed to the object to be dropped; and at least one database which can be accessed by the readers.

11-10-2006 дата публикации

Security checkpoint

Номер: CN1846151A
Автор: A·詹金斯, W·J·麦甘
Принадлежит: General Electric Co


03-07-2014 дата публикации

Method and system for depositing and checking of baggage into airline flights

Номер: WO2013151436A3
Принадлежит: Type22 B.V.

The invention relates to a baggage drop system for depositing and checking of baggage into airline flights. The system comprises a conveyor (1), equipped with a static or dynamic weighing scale (17), comprising multiple, spaced apart load cells (18), and computing means adapted to compare the output of the weighing scale (17) with allowable baggage weights, and a substantially horizontal frame member (2'), mounted above the first conveyor (1) at a distance from the upper surface of the first conveyor (1) equal to the maximum allowable height of baggage, thereby forming a physical barrier for oversized baggage. The system allows to check for the presence of living creatures on the conveyor belt, and for conformity with baggage handling system requirements. The system may further comprise a baggage check-in apparatus (3) to allow automatic baggage check-in by a passenger, including means for payment (12) of excess and/or overweight baggage. The invention further comprises a method for checking in of baggage items using the baggage drop system in accordance with the invention.

17-11-2010 дата публикации

Baggage system

Номер: EP2250091A2
Принадлежит: BAA IP Holdco Ltd

A baggage handling system comprising: a plurality of pre-loading queues (10) operable to receive baggage; and a loading station (17) operable to receive baggage from individual ones of said queues. Thereby, a single loading station can be allocated to multiple destinations simultaneously.

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Intelligent baggage handling

Номер: CA2976999A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Systems and methods are provided for handling luggage. One exemplary system includes an interface that receives input from a check-in system that indicates sizes and weights for pieces of luggage that are each associated with a unique identifier; and a controller that selects a delivery, identifies pieces of luggage for the delivery, correlates the delivery with dimensions of a cargo hold of a vehicle servicing the delivery, receives input indicating a loading restriction for loading luggage into the cargo hold, and generates a baggage map. The baggage map is based on the sizes and the weights of the pieces of luggage for the delivery, indicates a location for each piece of luggage for the delivery within the cargo hold, and complies with the loading restriction. The system further includes a memory that stores the baggage map.

11-05-2005 дата публикации

Method for securing air traffic

Номер: CN1615483A
Автор: 乔尔根·布洛索
Принадлежит: Individual


30-09-2016 дата публикации

Baggage deposit system and method

Номер: PL2114767T5
Автор: Michael Kim Tan
Принадлежит: Scarabee Id B V

21-02-2023 дата публикации

Work volume calculation system

Номер: JP7227104B2
Принадлежит: Denso Corp, Toyota Motor Corp

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Luggage processing station and system thereof

Номер: AU2015222687A1

A processing station for registering a piece of passenger's luggage for a trip, wherein the processing station comprises: an injector for receiving the piece of luggage associated with the passenger; at least one sensor associated with the injector, the at least one sensor, in combination with at least the floor of the injector, creating a zone around the piece of luggage; and a controller associated with the sensor being adapted to: monitor, via the at least one sensor, intrusions through the zone to determine one or more of whether a predetermined limit on dimensions of the piece of luggage has been exceeded or whether a foreign object has intruded the zone from outside, and allow further processing of the piece of luggage only if no intrusion of the zone is detected; and wherein the controller adjusts the area of the zone to accommodate different sizes of luggage.

26-02-2004 дата публикации

Airport check-in system and method

Номер: US20040035928A1
Автор: Jeffrey Anderson
Принадлежит: Alaska Airlines Inc

An improved airport check-in system includes a central conveyor and a plurality of outwardly-extending conveyors. Airline agents operate workstations adjacent the outwardly extending conveyors, which are accessible by passengers so that passengers can deposit their own bags directly onto the conveyors. A number of electronic kiosks are provided to obtain boarding passes having encoded passenger information. Check-in is accomplished in two steps, including first obtaining a boarding pass and then proceeding to a baggage check station to check bags. At the baggage check station, the boarding pass is scanned to quickly retrieve key information that would otherwise have been gathered verbally, hastening the check-in process.

27-10-2007 дата публикации

Method for inspecting individuals with baggage and device for inspecting individuals with baggage

Номер: RU2309459C2

FIELD: engineering of systems for detecting forbidden enclosures during inspection of individuals with the goal of finding dangerous or unwanted objects or substances. SUBSTANCE: inspection of individuals with baggage includes parallel digital x-ray scanning of baggage of individuals being inspected, production of visual digital x-ray image of baggage and body on monitors of operators. EFFECT: prevented terrorist acts ensured safety of people, ensured high probability of detection of forbidden and dangerous devices, objects and substances, substantially increased throughput due to reduced inspection time, increased comfort of individuals passing the inspection. 2 cl, 28 dwg

12-09-2006 дата публикации

Security checkpoint

Номер: US7106192B2

An improved security checkpoint separates certain individuals into a secure, enclosed wanding station for additional security screening. The wanding station may be constructed using glass (or other strong, visually transparent substance) and metallic (such as aluminum or steel) posts so that people may be securely enclosed in the wanding station but still have a direct line of sight to personal items being screened at another location. The size of the wanding station may vary according to the needs of the checkpoint but preferably has room to screen three people simultaneously. The wanding station may include an entry area in which people form a queue, optimally of six people, for entering the wanding station. Two or more personal and item screening areas may share a wanding station to form a double lane module. The security module is configured so that most people pass straight through the checkpoint, and people leaving the wanding station can easily obtain their items without delaying others. The security module may further include a small item x-ray or other screening device positioned near the wanding station to expedite the screening within the wanding station.

31-07-2003 дата публикации

Novel method to secure airline travel

Номер: US20030141411A1
Автор: Alpa Pandya, Ashish Pandya
Принадлежит: Alpa Pandya, Ashish Pandya

Our invention is a secure air travel system and method that eliminates security risks associated with passenger baggage by not allowing checked baggage and most carry-on baggage on the airliners that carry passengers. This method creates a two separate classes of air carriers or two classes of air carrier flights. One class transports passengers only and the other class transports only luggage of passengers between various locations. By eliminating the checked bags and most carry-on bags on the passenger-only flights, the security risks from weapons, bombs or other hazardous materials on these bags are totally eliminated from passenger-only flights. This mode of air travel can be implemented to co-exist with the current airlines and air travel methods.

10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011143906A
Принадлежит: Смитс Хайманн Гмбх

1. Транспортный поддон (9) в системе (1) рентгеновского контроля, имеющий прочно соединенное с поддоном (9) средство (10, 11, 12) маркировки с характерным для поддона идентификатором.2. Транспортный поддон (9) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что средство (10, 11, 12) маркировки представляет собой RFID-передатчик (10).3. Транспортный поддон (9) по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что средство (10, 11, 12) маркировки представляет собой штрих-код (11).4. Транспортный поддон (9) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что средство (10, 11, 12) маркировки представляет собой свинцовые символы (12а).5. Система (1) рентгеновского контроля, имеющая по меньшей мере один транспортный поддон (9) по одному из пп.1-4, пост (2) первичного контроля с рентгеновским аппаратом (5) для создания рентгеновского изображения, средством (6) для считывания средства (10, 11, 12а) маркировки транспортного поддона (9), и средством для соотнесения рентгеновского изображения с транспортным поддоном (9), а также пост (3) последующего контроля со средством (7) для считывания средства (10, 11, 12а) маркировки транспортного поддона (9) и устройством (8) для отображения соотнесенного с транспортным поддоном (9) рентгеновского изображения.6. Способ проверки безопасности объекта, прежде всего ручной клади, имеющий следующие технологические шаги:- укладка объекта в транспортный поддон (9) по одному из пп.1-4,- запись рентгеновского изображения объекта,- анализ рентгеновского изображения,- определение идентификатора транспортного поддона (9),- автоматическое соотнесение рентгеновского изображения с транспортным поддоном (9),- транспортировка транспортного поддона (9) к посту (3) последующего контроля,- определение идентификатора транспортного п�

03-08-2012 дата публикации

Conveyor system

Номер: DK201170058A
Автор: Sperling Flemming

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Convertible check-in desk assembly for checking in a piece of baggage and/or a passenger

Номер: WO2020128778A1
Принадлежит: C.C.M. S.R.L.

A check-in desk assembly (1) for checking in a piece of baggage and/or a passenger, said assembly (1) comprising a check-in desk (10) which can be controlled by an operator, comprising a base (20) having an operator side (21) adapted to face a check-in operator, an opposite passenger side (22) adapted to face a passenger, the passenger side (22) defining a front base surface (23); a self-service check-in module (50) having a casing (51) comprising a front module surface (52) adapted to face the passenger and an opposite rear module portion (53), wherein the passenger side of the base (20) comprises a first reversible coupling portion (25), and the rear module portion (53) comprises a second coupling portion (54), said first coupling portion (25) and said second coupling portion (54) being configured to be engaged in a mutually reversible manner, to reversibly fix the self- service check-in module (50) to the controllable check-in desk (10).

13-01-2016 дата публикации

Luggage processing station

Номер: CN105235913A


12-03-2014 дата публикации

Transport bin identification

Номер: CN102348601B
Автор: H·延奇, S·奥斯特
Принадлежит: Heimann Systems GmbH and Co KG


27-09-2022 дата публикации

Intelligent explosion-proof table

Номер: US11454483B2
Принадлежит: Nuctech Co Ltd, TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY

The present disclosure provides an intelligent explosion-proof table, including a worktable, an explosion-proof box; the worktable has a window passing through in the vertical direction. The explosion-proof box with an open top is arranged under the window of the worktable. A lifting plate which can be moved up and down and a support mechanism for driving the lifting plate to be lifted are provided inside the explosion-proof box. The lifting plate is used for placing a danger source and matches with the window and is capable of being raised into the window.

03-09-2014 дата публикации

Device and method for handling items of luggage

Номер: EP2772440A1
Принадлежит: Vanderlande Industries BV

The present invention relates to a device (1) for handling items of luggage (2), comprising a storage system (3) for temporary storage therein of items of luggage (2), which system comprises at a front side thereof a plurality of compartments (10) for items of luggage (2) with a buffer zone (12) behind each compartment (10), and for each of the compartments a displacement element (16) for moving an item of luggage (2) from a compartment (10) to the buffer zone (12) associated with that compartment, input means (51) designed for the input of identification information by a passenger for the purpose of placing an item of luggage (2) in a compartment (10) of the storage system (3), and control means. The invention further relates to a method of handling items of luggage.

18-10-2004 дата публикации

Security checkpoint

Номер: AU2003212572A1

01-05-2013 дата публикации

Securely delivering and verifying a mobile boarding pass

Номер: EP2587421A1
Автор: Erick Kobres
Принадлежит: NCR Corp

A system and method of securely delivering and verifying a mobile boarding pass (62) which validates the mobile boarding pass (62) as not being fraudulently copied or altered when read at a security checkpoint (14). An example method includes receiving boarding pass data for a traveler from reservation data (24), creating a digital certificate containing the boarding pass data (24), encrypting the digital certificate using a plurality of different tokens to produce a series of different encrypted digital certificates, encoding the series of different encrypted digital certificates into a series of different two-dimensional barcodes (62), and providing the series of different two-dimensional barcodes (62) to a mobile communication device (60).

23-12-2004 дата публикации

Combined systems user interface for centralized monitoring of a screening checkpoint for passengers and baggage

Номер: CA2527876A1

A combined systems user interface (CUI)(242) may be configured with an advanced technology screening checkpoint (ATSC)(10), which is a passenger-friendly high performance system for screening passengers and carry-on items to detect assembled bombs, bomb components, metallic and non-metallic weapons, and other contraband items. The CUI may include a baggage, passenger, and secondary screening status regions. The baggage screening status region displays screening information generated by an explosives screening system (30) and a baggage imaging system (35), while the passenger screening status region displays screening information generated by an explosives detection portal (40) and a metal detection portal (50). In some implementations, a secondary screening status region displays screening information generated by a body scanning system (55) and an enhanced explosives screening system (60).

08-03-2017 дата публикации

For by Left baggage and consign the method and system in airline's airliner

Номер: CN104349978B
Принадлежит: Peng Bao Staj Pte Ltd


29-07-2015 дата публикации

Automatic bag drop method and system

Номер: EP2897865A1
Автор: Damien Roux

The invention relates to a system (100) for automatically dropping at least one object on a conveyor (102), for the subsequent transport of said at least one objet, said system (100) comprising: at least one means (104) for defining a so-called drop area (106), allowing access to said conveyor (102) and comprising at least one point (110) of entry into said drop area (106) and at least one exit point (114) for leaving said drop area (106); at least one means (116) for reading authorisation data, called the first reader, provided at each point (110) of entry into said drop area (102); in the drop area (106): at least one means (132, 134) for reading authorisation data, called the second reader, and at least one means (136, 138) for delivering an identification means, called a tag, to be applied to the object to be dropped; and at least one database (122) that can be accessed by said readers (116, 132). The invention also relates to a method implemented by such a system and to an airport comprising such a system.

23-05-2007 дата публикации

Luggage conveyor flush with floor

Номер: GB2432350A
Автор: David Pierce Jones
Принадлежит: Squid Inc

A check-in system 1 for receiving luggage comprises a conveyor 2 for transporting luggage and a floor 3. A top surface 5 of a front end 6 of the conveyor is substantially flush with the floor, to allow luggage to be transferred from the floor to the conveyor. The conveyor is inclined upwardly from the front end to a rear end 7. Removable access panels may be located adjacent the conveyor and flush with the floor. A method of assembling a check-in system is also claimed.

03-09-2015 дата публикации

Luggage processing station and system thereof

Номер: WO2015127503A1

A processing station for registering a piece of passenger's luggage for a trip, wherein the processing station comprises: an injector for receiving the piece of luggage associated with the passenger; at least one sensor associated with the injector, the at least one sensor, in combination with at least the floor of the injector, creating a zone around the piece of luggage; and a controller associated with the sensor being adapted to: monitor, via the at least one sensor, intrusions through the zone to determine one or more of whether a predetermined limit on dimensions of the piece of luggage has been exceeded or whether a foreign object has intruded the zone from outside, and allow further processing of the piece of luggage only if no intrusion of the zone is detected; and wherein the controller adjusts the area of the zone to accommodate different sizes of luggage.

01-06-2005 дата публикации

Assisting the passage of an entity through successive zones to a destination

Номер: GB2408617A
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce PLC

A method and a corresponding system for assisting the passage of an entity (10) through successive zones (Zn to Z1) to a destination (40) are provided. The method includes the steps of: associating an identifier with the entity; creating a plurality of required incidents for the entity, each required incident having a place reference and a time reference associated with it, the required incidents including a final incident for which the place reference is the destination and the time reference is a predetermined time; at intervals, detecting the presence of the entity in one of said zones and the time of said presence, thereby generating a match; registering correspondences between the matches thus-generated and said required incidents; and generating an alert for the entity when the time reference for a required incident is reached and that incident does not have a corresponding match. The method operates on a pull system whereby earlier events are driven by the requirements of future events. The method allows preventative action to be taken before delays occur and can adjust to deal with variations in local conditions. A preferred embodiment is implemented in a transport hub, where the entities may be passengers, crew or luggage.

15-10-2014 дата публикации

Transportable control station for controlling people and luggage

Номер: EP1784333B1
