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10-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2460978C2

Изобретение относится к применению материала, имеющего структуру феррошпинели/закиси железа, в качестве чувствительного материала в виде тонкой пленки для болометрического обнаружения инфракрасного излучения. Химический состав указанной структуры, за исключением возможно присутствующих легирующих добавок, имеет эмпирическую формулу (I): (Fe1-zMz)xO, где x строго меньше 1 и строго больше 0,75. Изобретение также относится к болометрическому устройству для обнаружения инфракрасного излучения или формирования инфракрасного изображения, которое содержит по меньшей мере один сенсор, оборудованный чувствительным элементом в форме тонкой пленки, как определено выше. Технический результат - повышение эффективности обнаружения излучения. 3 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 5 пр.

26-03-2024 дата публикации

Способ получения керамического композита В4С - SiC

Номер: RU2816158C1

Изобретение относится к керамическому материалу B4C-SiC и способу его получения. Материал может быть использован для изготовления элементов аппаратов, работающих в условиях ударных воздействий и интенсивного абразивного изнашивания, а также для изготовления бронекерамики. Заявляемый способ получения керамического материала на основе B4C-SiC заключается в смешении порошка карбида кремния со средним размером частиц 2-5 мкм, карбида бора со средним размером частиц 10-100 мкм и углерода со средним размером частиц 13-120 нм (соотношение компонентов 69,6% В4С, 17,4% SiC, 13% С) в валковой мельнице, введении временной технологической связки в виде смеси 10%-го раствора поливинилового спирта и полиэтиленгликоля в соотношении 50/50, формовании заготовок прессованием в металлической пресс-форме при давлении 100 МПа, сушке в сушильном шкафу и силицирующем обжиге, засыпке кусковым кремнием в соотношении 2:1 по отношению к массе заготовки в вакуумной печи в вакууме при температуре 1650°С в течение 20 ...

13-03-2023 дата публикации

Способ получения высокотемпературной керамики на основе оксида иттрия

Номер: RU2791771C1

Изобретение относится к области производства высокотемпературных керамических изделий. Способ получения высокотемпературной керамики на основе оксида иттрия включает смешивание частиц оксида иттрия со связующим, формование изделий, сушку и отжиг. Частицы оксида иттрия представляют собой смесь порошка оксида иттрия с размером частиц 0,002 мм в количестве 9-18 вес.%, гранул оксида иттрия с размером частиц 0,05-0,15 мм в количестве 63-72 вес.% и гранул оксида иттрия с размером частиц 1,0-1,5 мм в количестве 12-21 вес.%, причём гранулы оксида иттрия получают в результате дробления материала, полученного путём плавки порошка оксида иттрия методом гарнисажа в тигле с температурой охлаждающей воды 22-32°С, и просеивания полученного дроблёного материала через сита с соответствующими размерами ячеек. Связующим материалом является водный раствор поливинилового спирта с концентрацией поливинилового спирта 1-8 вес.%. Сушку изделий проводят при температуре 120-300°С, отжиг на воздухе - при температуре ...

10-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008134996A

... 1. Полимеризуемый неорганический-органический раствор предшественника для наноразмерных оксидов металлов, получаемый способом, включающим стадии: ! (a) получение раствора, по крайней мере, одного катиона металла и органического соединения, и ! (b) нагревание раствора до температуры от 20 до 300°С с получением полимеризуемого раствора предшественника для наноразмерных оксидов, и ! (c) завершение нагревания, когда вязкость при комнатной температуре составит от 10 до 500 мПа·сек. ! 2. Полимеризуемый неорганический-органический раствор предшественника по п.1, где, по крайней мере, один катион металла выбирают из группы, включающей Се, Gd, Co, Al, Sm, Fe, Mg, Ni, Y, Zr, La, Sr, Mn, Sc, Ti и их смеси. ! 3. Полимеризуемый неорганический-органический раствор предшественника по п.1, где, по крайней мере, одно органическое соединение имеет карбонильную группу или является мономерным соединением. ! 4. Полимеризуемый неорганический-органический раствор предшественника по п.3, где, по крайней мере, ...

27-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015131811A

... 1. Пьезоэлектрический элемент, содержащий:первый электрод;второй электрод; ипьезоэлектрический материал, включающий в свой составоксид металла типа перовскита, представленный общей формулой (1) (BaCa)(TiZr)O(где 1,00≤a≤1,01, 0,02≤x≤0,30, 0,020≤y<0,095 и y≤x) (1), икомпонент марганца,причем содержание марганца на металлической основе по отношению к 100 весовым частям оксида металла типа перовскита составляет 0,02 весовые части или более и 0,40 весовые части или менее,причем пьезоэлектрический материал образован кристаллическими зернами, имеющими средний круговой эквивалентный диаметр больше, чем 1 мкм и меньше, чем 10 мкм, ипричем пьезоэлектрический материал имеет относительную плотность 93,0% или более и 100% или менее.2. Пьезоэлектрический элемент по п. 1, в котором x и y в основном компоненте пьезоэлектрического материала удовлетворяет условиям 0,125≤x≤0,175 и 0,055≤y≤0,09, соответственно, и содержание марганца на металлической основе по отношению к 100 весовым частям оксида металла типа ...

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014103798A

... 1. Пьезоэлектрический элемент, содержащий:первый электрод;второй электрод; ипьезоэлектрический материал, включающий в свой составв качестве основного компонента оксид металла типа перовскита, представленный общей формулой (1), имарганец, включенный в состав оксида металла типа перовскита(BaCa)(TiZr)O(где 1,00≤a≤1,01, 0,02≤x≤0,30, 0,020≤y<0,095 и y≤x) (1),причем содержание марганца на металлической основе по отношению к 100 весовым частям оксида металла типа перовскита составляет 0,02 весовые части или более и 0,40 весовые части или менее,причем содержание вспомогательного компонента, не являющегося марганцем, по отношению к 100 весовым частям оксида металла типа перовскита составляет менее 2,1 весовых частей на оксидной основе,причем пьезоэлектрический материал образован кристаллическими зернами, имеющими средний круговой эквивалентный диаметр больше, чем 0,8 мкм и меньше, чем 182,0 мкм,причем пьезоэлектрический материал имеет относительную плотность 89,0% или более и 100% или менее.2.

07-11-2002 дата публикации

Wässriges Bindemittelsystem für ein Schnellverfahren

Номер: DE0069430157T2

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Druckverfahren zur Herstellung eines Grünkörpers, Grünkörper und keramischer Formkörper

Номер: DE102012219989B4

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Grünkörpers, bei dem man a) eine Schicht, die ein keramisches, glaskeramisches oder Glaspulver enthält, auf einer Unterlage bildet, b) mindestens eine Verfestigungszusammensetzung auf die zuvor genannte Schicht auf zumindest einen Teil davon appliziert, die wenigstens eine organometallische Verbindung, wobei diese wenigstens ein Atom aufweist, das nicht C, Si, H, O oder N ist, und dieses Atom an wenigstens einen organischen Rest gebunden ist, enthält, c) Schritte a) und b) mindestens einmal wiederholt, und d) das nicht gebundene keramische Pulver entfernt, wobei der Grünkörper freigelegt wird, wobei die Viskosität der Verfestigungszusammensetzung höchstens 50 mPa × s bei 20°C und 1 bar beträgt.

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Schlichtezusammensetzung für die Gießereiindustrie, enthaltend partikuläres, amorphes Siliziumdioxid und Säure

Номер: DE102017107658A1

Es wird eine Schlichtezusammensetzung beschrieben, zur Verwendung in der Gießerei, insbesondere umfassend partikuläres, amorphes Siliziumdioxid (SiO) und eine wässrige Phase mit einem pH-Wert von höchstens 5, sowie geschlichtete, wasserglasgebundene Gießereiformkörper, insbesondere geschlichtete, wasserglasgebundene Gießereiformen und Gießereikerne, welche jeweils eine erfindungsgemäße Schlichtezusammensetzung umfassen. Weiter wird beschrieben die Verwendung einer erfindungsgemäßen Schlichtezusammensetzung zur Herstellung eines Überzugs auf einem wasserglasgebundenen Gießereiformkörper und ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines mit einer wasserhaltigen Schlichte geschlichteten wasserglasgebundenen Gießereiformkörpers (Form oder Kern). Ebenfalls wird angegeben ein Kit, u.a. enthaltend eine erfindungsgemäße Schlichtezusammensetzung.

24-12-2020 дата публикации

Einrichtung zur Entnahme und Abgabe einer Schmelze sowie Verfahren zum Herstellen der Einrichtung

Номер: DE102019116844A1

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf eine Dosiereinrichtung (10) zur Entnahme und Abgabe einer Schmelze und besteht aus einem oxidfaserverstärkten oxidkeramischen Verbundwerkstoff oder enthält diesen.

22-04-1971 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001571351B2

25-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE102008039668A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Ventilmetalloxidformulierung mit organischen Hilfsmitteln, wobei der zum Erreichen einer Gründichte von mindestens 50% der theoretischen Dichte notwendige Pressdruck bei 200 MPa oder liegt und die zum Zerstören des Presslings benötigte Kraft in axialer und radialer Richtung 10 MPa oder mehr beträgt sowie ein Verfahren zu deren Herstellung.

02-06-2010 дата публикации

A method of manufacturing a ceramic matrix composite article

Номер: GB0201006625D0

01-11-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002217702A

A ceramic material having a dieiectric constant of less than 6 when measured at 1 MHZ is formed by preparing a green structure composed of foam and alumina having a surface area of 20M/g and glass frits powder. A laminate of three 1.016mm layers of the green structure is then sintered in air at about 920 DEG C to gild the ceramic material.

03-07-2002 дата публикации

Monolithic ceramic electronic component and ceramic paste

Номер: GB0002370568A

A process for producing a monolithic ceramic electronic components, e.g. a capacitor or inductor includes: forming a plurality of composite structures 6 each comprising a ceramic green sheet 2 produced by shaping a ceramic slurry, internal circuit element films 1 formed by applying a conductive paste partially onto a main surface of the sheet so as to provide step-like sections defining spaces, and a ceramic green layer 5, the layer being formed by applying the ceramic paste onto the surface of the sheet to compensate for the spaces; forming a green laminate from the structures and firing the laminate. The ceramic paste comprises a ceramic powder, an organic solvent and a binder which is a mixture of a cellulose ester and a polyacrylate.

19-12-2001 дата публикации

Monolithic ceramic electronic component and production process therefor, and ceramic paste and production process therefor

Номер: GB0000125761D0

29-11-2017 дата публикации

Mo-doped co2Z-type ferrite composite material for use ultra-high frequencyncy

Номер: GB0002550737A

A Co2Z hexaferrite composition is provided containing molybdenum and one or both of barium and strontium, having the formula (Ba2Sr(3-Z))Co(2+X)MoxFe(y-2x)O41 where x = 0.01 to 0.20; y = 20 to 24; and z = 0 to 3. The composition can exhibit high permeabilities and equal or substantially equal values of permeability and permittivity while retaining low magnetic and dielectric loss tangents and loss factors. The composition is suitable for high frequency applications such as ultrahigh frequency and microwave antennas and other devices.

24-02-1982 дата публикации

Composite binder composition for powder molding

Номер: GB0002081733A

A composite binder composition comprising an incompatible mixture of a water-soluble polymer and a sparingly water-soluble organic substance dispersed in emulsion form, when used in ceramic powder molding, exhibits unexpected characteristics to give a high-quality powder-molded article. In Examples, the ceramic powder is alumina or magnesia; the water-soluble polymer is polyvinyl alcohol, methyl cellulose or gelatin; and the organic substance is wax, stearic acid or liquid paraffin.

26-04-1967 дата публикации

Sinterable films

Номер: GB0001066673A

A self-supporting film comprising particles of a fusible, heat-softenable or sinterable material homogenously dispersed in a soluble organic binder is bonded to a surface by heating the assembly to remove the binder and bond the particles to each other and to the surface, the fusion, softening or sintering temperature of the said particles being above the volatilisation of decomposition temperature of the binder. The method has particular application in the formation of glass-metal, glass-ceramic, glass-glass, ceramic-metal and ceramic-ceramic seals. The self-supporting film may be composed of fine particles of metal, metal oxide, metal hydride, brazing alloy or glass homogeneously dispersed in an organic binder such as ethyl cellulose, nylon, polyvinyl alcohol, polymethyl methacrylate, methyl cellulose or hydroxyethyl cellulose and including butyl carbitol as a temporary plasticizer and ethylene carbonate. The glass particles may be those such as Corning 7052. The metals may be molybdenum ...

11-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008828638D0

28-02-2009 дата публикации

A method of agglomeration

Номер: AP0200904780A0

31-10-2013 дата публикации

A method of agglomeration

Номер: AP0000002786A

28-02-2009 дата публикации

A method of agglomeration

Номер: AP2009004780A0

28-02-2009 дата публикации

A method of agglomeration

Номер: AP0200904780D0

15-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000138052T

15-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000133401T

15-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000123273T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000337282T

23-10-1996 дата публикации

Processing aid system for polyolefins

Номер: AU0005384496A

07-06-2007 дата публикации

Low thermal expansion foundry media

Номер: AU2006320278A1

16-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003252489A1

04-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001213618A1

29-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001196034A1

28-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000961614A1

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3135221A1

The present invention relates to surface-treated prepreg composites and corresponding methods of surface treating an inorganic fabric to form a surface-treated fabric reinforced prepreg composite. The method comprises infiltrating an inorganic fabric with a first slurry mixture to form an infiltrated fabric; optionally drying the infiltrated fabric; infiltrating an inorganic paper with a second slurry mixture to form an infiltrated paper; optionally drying the infiltrated paper; and applying the infiltrated paper to at least one surface of the infiltrated fabric to form a surface-treated prepreg composite.

29-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA1196034A
Принадлежит: CICE SA, C.I.C.E. S.A.

Ceramic composition containing alumina, a deflocculating agent and at least one organic binder. According to the invention it is constituted, in dry extract form, 95 to 99% by weight of a mixture of a first alumina of grain size below 2 microns, which can be fritted at a temperature below 1600.degree.C for a bulk density below 2.3 and a second alumina of grain size below 3 microns, which can be fritted at a temperature below 1650.degree.C for a bulk density below 2.4 and 1 to 5% by weight of organic products containing at least one deflocculating agent and at least one binder chosen from among the alkyl polyacrylates and their copolymers.

28-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA961614A

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003051884A1

L'invention concerne un procédé de fabrication d'une pièce en matériau composite comprenant les étapes suivantes: formation d'une préforme fibreuse de la pièce à obtenir par dépôt sur une surface d'une pluralité de structures fibreuses imprégnées (3) par un polymère thermoplastique, le dépôt étant effectué par placement automatique de fibres, élimination du polymère thermoplastique présent dans la préforme par dissolution par un solvant, et injection d'une composition d'imprégnation liquide dans la porosité de la préforme fibreuse après élimination du polymère thermoplastique afin de former une matrice dans la porosité de la préforme fibreuse.

05-11-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001196346A1

28-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002639179A1

Polymerised inorganic-organic precursor solution obtainable according to a process comprising the steps of (a) forming a solution of at least one metal cation and an organic compound and (b) heating the solution to a temperature between 20 -- 300.degree.C to form a polymerised solution of precursor for nano--sized oxides, and (c) concluding the heating when the room temperature vis-cosity of the solution is from 10 to 500 mPa.cndot.s.

02-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002682485C

In the method for manufacturing slabs of ceramic material which envisages preparation of an initial mix comprising ceramic sands with a grain size of less than 2 mm, preferably less than 1.2 mm, a binder and the so-called filler namely mineral powders chosen from feldspars, nephelines, sienites, mixed with clays and/or kaolinites, which powders after firing form a continuous ceramic matrix, deposition of the initial mix on a temporary support for the compaction step by means of vacuum vibrocompression, drying and firing, a binder consisting of an aqueous dispersion of colloidal silica called silicasol is used.

02-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002682485A1

In the method for manufacturing slabs of ceramic material which envisages preparation of an initial mix comprising ceramic sands with a grain size of less than 2 mm, preferably less than 1.2 mm, a binder and the so-called fil ler namely mineral powders chosen from feldspars, nephelines, sienites, mixe d with clays and/or kaolinites, which powders after firing form a continuous ceramic matrix, deposition of the initial mix on a temporary support for th e compaction step by means of vacuum vibrocompression, drying and firing, a binder consisting of an aqueous dispersion of colloidal silica called silica sol is used.

31-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002139267C

A method of fabricating a ceramic multi-layer wiring substrate, in which deformation of ceramic green sheets is prevented so that probability of connection failure of through-holes is reduced, includes forming a ceramic green sheet on a carrier film, and then forming through-holes through the ceramic green sheet and the carrier film. The carrier film is used as a mask when the through-holes are filled with electrically-conductive paste. The green sheet is attached onto a thick plate. Green sheets attached onto respective thick plates are sequentially adhered and laminated temporarily. The laminated green sheets form a ceramic green sheet lamination block which is sintered, resulting in a ceramic multi-layer wiring substrate.

15-11-2019 дата публикации

Binder for injection molding composition.

Номер: CH0000714966A2

L’invention concerne un liant pour composition de moulage par injection comprenant: de 40 à 55% vol. d’une base polymérique, de 35 à 45% vol. d’un mélange de cires ou un mélange de cire et d’huile de palme, et au moins 5% vol. d’au moins un surfactant, dans lequel la base polymérique est constituée de copolymères d’éthylène et d’acide méthacrylique ou acrylique, de copolymères d’éthylène et de propylène et/ou de polypropylène greffé anhydride maléique, et de polymères solubles dans l’alcool isopropylique, l’alcool propylique et/ou l’essence de térébenthine, et choisis parmi le groupe comprenant un acétobutyrate de cellulose, un poly(butyral de vinyle) et un copolyamide, les quantités respectives des composants du liant étant telles que leur somme est égale à 100% en volume du liant.L’invention concerne aussi les compositions de moulage par injection comprenant ledit liant et une poudre inorganique, par exemple céramique.

30-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000013245B1

Предложены состав для литья, имеющий низкий коэффициент теплового расширения, и способы и материалы для получения этого состава.

30-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200801109A1

Предложены состав для литья, имеющий низкий коэффициент теплового расширения, и способы и материалы для получения этого состава.

29-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200700296A1

В изобретении предлагается способ приготовления твердых спеченных керамических частиц, которые являются главным образом круглыми и сферическими, из суспензии, в которую входят кальцинированный, некальцинированный или частично кальцинированный исходный материал, имеющий содержание оксида алюминия ориентировочно свыше 40%. Суспензию подвергают обработке при помощи процессов распылительной сушки, чтобы получить твердые, главным образом круглые и сферические спеченные частицы, имеющие средний размер ориентировочно свыше 200 мкм, объемную плотность ориентировочно свыше 1,40 г/см3 и кажущуюся удельную массу ориентировочно свыше 2,60.

30-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000010944B1

В изобретении предлагается способ приготовления твердых спеченных керамических частиц, которые являются главным образом круглыми и сферическими, из суспензии, в которую входят кальцинированный, некальцинированный или частично кальцинированный исходный материал, имеющий содержание оксида алюминия ориентировочно свыше 40%. Суспензию подвергают обработке при помощи процессов распылительной сушки, чтобы получить твердые, главным образом круглые и сферические спеченные частицы, имеющие средний размер ориентировочно свыше 200 мкм, объемную плотность ориентировочно свыше 1,40 г/см и кажущуюся удельную массу ориентировочно свыше 2,60.

25-05-2018 дата публикации

Forming method of fiber reinforced ceramic thin-wall part based on 3D printing technology

Номер: CN0108069706A

01-03-2019 дата публикации

Suddenly-changing temperature resistant ultrathin zirconia kiln furniture

Номер: CN0109400184A

20-04-2018 дата публикации

High-purity low-creep-deformation electrofused mullite brick and preparation method thereof

Номер: CN0107935575A

13-10-2017 дата публикации

Sintering material, and powder for manufacturing sintering material

Номер: CN0107250082A

29-10-2019 дата публикации

A high-performance SiC/W metal ceramic composite nozzle and its preparation method

Номер: CN0106986649B

18-06-1959 дата публикации

Improvement applied to bodies made up and manufactoring process

Номер: FR0001181771A

31-10-1991 дата публикации

Procédé de frittage d'un hexaborure de lanthane ou hexaborure isostructural de celui-ci.

Номер: FR0002661406A

L'invention concerne le frittage de l'hexaborure de lanthane ou d'un hexaborure isostructural de celui-ci. Le procédé de l'invention est caractérisé en ce qu'on utilise du silicium métal comme additif de frittage.

03-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003062336A1

L'invention concerne un procédé de fabrication d'une pièce en matériau composite comprenant les étapes suivantes : - formation d'une préforme fibreuse de la pièce à obtenir par dépôt sur une surface d'une pluralité de structures fibreuses imprégnées par un polymère thermoplastique, le dépôt étant effectué par placement automatique de fibres, - élimination du polymère thermoplastique présent dans la préforme par dissolution par un solvant, et - injection d'une composition d'imprégnation liquide dans la porosité de la préforme fibreuse après élimination du polymère thermoplastique afin de former une matrice dans la porosité de la préforme fibreuse.

19-12-1980 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002457268A1

28-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003068035A1

01-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002954761A1

Poudre de granules destinée notamment à la fabrication de pièces frittées céramiques, ladite poudre présentant la composition chimique massique suivante, sur la base de la matière sèche : - ZrO2 : complément à 100% ; - un stabilisant de la zircone choisi dans le groupe formé par Y2O3, Sc2O3, MgO, CaO, CeO2, et leurs mélanges, la teneur massique en stabilisant, sur la base de la somme des teneurs en zircone et en stabilisant, étant comprise entre 2,0% et 20%, la teneur massique MgO + CaO étant inférieure à 5,0% sur la base des teneurs en zircone et en stabilisant ; - au moins 1,0% d'un premier liant présentant une température de transition vitreuse inférieure ou égale à 25°C ; - 0 à 4,0% d'un liant additionnel présentant une température de transition vitreuse supérieure à 25°C ; - 0 à 5,0% d'alumine ; - 0 à 4,0% d'un additif temporaire différent d'un premier liant et d'un liant additionnel, la teneur totale dudit premier liant, dudit liant additionnel et dudit additif temporaire étant inférieure ...

26-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003072681A1

16-04-2004 дата публикации

Production of multilayer structures, especially low temperature co fired ceramics for electronic applications, comprises using a ceramic powder with a defined surface area

Номер: FR0002845632A1

L'invention concerne un procédé de fabrication de structure multicouches à base de poudre de matériau céramique, comprenant la réalisation d'au moins une poudre de matériau céramique, la mise en suspension de ladite poudre céramique et l'étalement de ladite suspension sur un support en défilement caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend en outre des moyens pour fabriquer la poudre de matériau céramique avec une surface spécifique comprise entre environ 3 m2/g et 5 m2/g. La surface spécifique de la poudre de matériau céramique présente une influence importante sur la qualité des couches obtenues selon la technique de bandes coulées classiquement utilisée dans la technologie LTCC (Low Temperature Cofired Ceramics). Les surfaces spécifiques revendiquées permettent d'obtenir des surfaces lisses sans fissures ni craquelures. Application : Intégration de composants dans des structures multicouches céramiques.

20-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101095027B1

13-04-2015 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020150039692A

19-08-2020 дата публикации

Boron nitride nanotube Composite material and preparation method thereof

Номер: KR1020200097368A

11-09-2017 дата публикации

Номер: TWI598290B

30-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011077381A1
Автор: NAHAS, Nabil

The invention relates to a granulated powder intended, in particular, for the production of ceramic sintered parts, said powder having the following chemical weight composition, based on dry matter, namely: a zirconia stabiliser selected from the group containing Y2O3, Sc2O3, MgO, CaO, CeO2, and mixtures thereof, the weight content of stabiliser, based on the total zirconia and stabiliser content, being between 2 % and 20 % and the MgO + CaO content being less than 5 % based on the total zirconia and stabiliser content; at least 1 % of a first binder having a glass transition temperature less than or equal to 25°C; 0 - 4 % of an additional binder having a glass transition temperature greater than 25°C; 5 - 50 % alumina; 0 - 4 % of a temporary additive different from the first binder and the additional binder, the total content of the first binder, the additional binder and the temporary additive being less than 9 %; less than 2 % impurities; and ZrO2 to make up 100%. According to the invention ...

07-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013032146A1

A method of fabricating silicon carbide according to the embodiment comprises the steps of preparing a mixture by mixing a silicon source comprising silicon with a solid carbon source or a carbon source comprising an organic carbon compound; supplying binder into the mixture to granulate the mixture; and reacting the granulated mixture.

14-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO0002021575A3
Автор: GOLAN, Gady

A method of producing silicon carbide by introducing into the interior of a furnace a quantity of relatively pure elemental silicon and a quantity of elemental carbon; subjecting the interior of the furnace to a vacuum; and heating the silicon and carbon to a temperature of 1500 °C-2200 °C to vaporize the silicon and to react it with the carbon to produce silicon carbide. Several embodiments are described for producing a heating or lighting element or high temperature sensor. The carbon is shaped with the aid of a binder and silicon particles are applied to the outer surfaces. A further embodiment for producing silicon carbide powder is also described.

05-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO2006105151A1

A method and apparatus for forming polycrystalline diamond composites comprising forming a preform shape with at least 60 volume percent diamond, and then depositing diamond by chemical vapor methods. The chemical vapor deposition may be chemical vapor infiltration with a thermal gradient applied through a thickness of the preform shape. The thermal gradient may be selected to provide sufficient temperature variation to produce a diamond layer on a hot surface of the preform shape but is too low to produce a diamond layer on a hot surface of the preform shape but is too low to produce a diamond layer on a cooler surface of the preform shape. Diamond may be deposited on the surface of a preform shape that is subsequently removed.

23-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010105617A4

The invention relates to a crucible for melting and crystallizing a metal, a semiconductor material, or a metal alloy, wherein a crucible wall of a crucible base body is made at least partially of a crucible material comprising silicon nitride and silicon dioxide at a weight ratio of between about 1:10 and about 1:1 (Si3N4 : SiO2). The invention further relates to a component for a crucible base body of a crucible for melting and crystallizing a metal, a semiconductor material, or a metal alloy, wherein a component segment is made at least partially of a crucible material comprising silicon nitride and silicon dioxide at a weight ratio of between about 1:10 and about 1:1 (Si3N4 : SiO2), and to a method for producing a component for a crucible base of a crucible for melting and crystallizing a metal, a semiconductor material, or a metal alloy, wherein a component segment is formed at least partially of a crucible material comprising silicon nitride and silicon dioxide at a weight ratio of ...

10-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: WO1996031562A1

A processing aid system composition containing fluoropolymer processing aid, polar-side-group-containing extrusion adjuvant, and poly(oxyalkylene) polymer enhances extrusion of polyolefins.

16-07-1987 дата публикации


Номер: WO1987004110A1

A novel method of processing sinterable powders into sintered ceramic products of calcium phosphate compounds, such as hydroxylapatite, involving agglomeration of fine particles with a binding agent and extraction of the binding agent from the agglomerates prior to sintering. The sintered agglomerates have a porosity, particle size and spherical shape which provides a unique combination of advantageous properties when employed as implant materials.

12-12-1991 дата публикации

Номер: WO1991018698A1

11-08-2015 дата публикации

Process of making metal and ceramic nanofibers

Номер: US0009102570B2

Provided herein are nanofibers and processes of preparing nanofibers. In some instances, the nanofibers are metal and/or ceramic nanofibers. In some embodiments, the nanofibers are high quality, high performance nanofibers, highly coherent nanofibers, highly continuous nanofibers, or the like. In some embodiments, the nanofibers have increased coherence, increased length, few voids and/or defects, and/or other advantageous characteristics. In some instances, the nanofibers are produced by electrospinning a fluid stock having a high loading of nanofiber precursor in the fluid stock. In some instances, the fluid stock comprises well mixed and/or uniformly distributed precursor in the fluid stock. In some instances, the fluid stock is converted into a nanofiber comprising few voids, few defects, long or tunable length, and the like.

27-11-2003 дата публикации

Alumina fiber aggregate and its production method

Номер: US20030219590A1

An alumina fiber aggregate comprising alumina short fibers whose average diameter is 4.0 to 10.0 μm and smallest diameter is not less than 3.0 μm, and a method of producing an alumina fiber aggregate which comprises spinning a spinning solution containing basic aluminum chloride, a silicon compound, an organic polymer and water by the blowing method, and calcining the obtained aggregate of alumina short fiber precursor, the spinning solution being one in which the aluminum/silicon ratio is 99/1 to 65/35 calculated as Al2O3/SiO2ratio by weight, the concentration of basic aluminum chloride is 180 to 200 g/L and the concentration of the organic polymer is 20 to 40 g/L. The alumina short fibers in the alumina fiber aggregate are enlarged in diameter to suppress scattering of the fibers.

05-11-2019 дата публикации

Co2 Z-type ferrite composite material for use in ultra-high frequency antennas

Номер: US0010468169B2

A ferrite composition is provided containing Ba, Co, and Ir and having a Z-type hexaferrite phase and a Y-type hexaferrite phase. The ferrite composition has the formula Ba3Co(2+x)IrxFe(24-2x)O41 where x=0.05-0.20. The composition has equal or substantially equal values of permeability and permittivity while retaining low magnetic and dielectric loss factors. The composition is suitable for ultrahigh frequency applications such as high frequency and microwave antennas.

25-08-2005 дата публикации

Thermo-mechanical property enhancement plies for CVI/SiC ceramic matrix composite laminates

Номер: US2005186878A1

A ceramic matrix composite laminate includes at least two directional, continuous ceramic fiber preform lamina each being formed of interwoven or braided fibers. A layer of non-woven mat includes a plurality of chopped ceramic fibers mixed with a bonding agent. The non-woven mat layer is interposed between adjacent directional, continuous ceramic fiber preform lamina to substantially eliminate inter-laminar gaps formed between the adjacent directional, continuous ceramic fiber preform lamina. The additional chopped fiber content improves the interlaminar mechanical and thermo-mechanical material properties of resulting ceramic matrix composite laminate.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Process for production of scandia-stabilized zirconia sheet, scandia-stabilized zirconia sheet obtained by the process, and scandia-stabilized zirconia sintered powder

Номер: US20120231368A1

The process for production of a scandia-stabilized zirconia sheet according to the present invention is characterized in comprising the steps of pulverizing a scandia-stabilized zirconia sintered body to obtain a scandia-stabilized zirconia sintered powder having an average particle diameter (De) determined using a transmission electron microscope of more than 0.3 μm and not more than 1.5 μm, and an average particle diameter (Dr) determined by a laser scattering method of more than 0.3 μm and not more than 3.0 μm, and a ratio (Dr/De) of the average particle diameter determined by the laser scattering method to the average particle diameter determined using the transmission electron microscope of not less than 1.0 and not more than 2.5; preparing a slurry containing the scandia-stabilized zirconia sintered powder and a zirconia unsintered powder, wherein a percentage of the scandia-stabilized zirconia sintered powder to a sum of the scandia-stabilized zirconia sintered powder and the zirconia unsintered powder in the slurry is not less than 2 mass % and not more than 40 mass %; forming the slurry into a greensheet; and sintering the greensheet.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Honeycomb structure and method of manufacturing honeycomb structure

Номер: US20120264596A1
Автор: Yoshihiro Koga
Принадлежит: Ibiden Co Ltd

A honeycomb structure includes a substantially pillar-shaped honeycomb unit having cells defined by cell walls. The cell walls include silicon carbide particles having a nitrogen-containing layer provided on surfaces of the silicon carbide particles. A method of manufacturing a honeycomb structure includes preparing paste containing silicon carbide particles. The paste is molded to form a honeycomb molded body. The honeycomb molded body is fired in an inert atmosphere containing no nitrogen to obtain a substantially pillar-shaped honeycomb unit having cells defined by cell walls. The honeycomb unit is heated in an environment containing nitrogen to provide a nitrogen-containing layer on surfaces of the silicon carbide particles forming the cell walls.

06-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120305392A1
Принадлежит: Ulvac Inc

Provided is a method for stably manufacturing high-density sintered LiCoO 2 . Said method uses a CIP-and-sintering method, which has a forming step using cold hydrostatic pressing and a sintering step. The pressing force is at least 1000 kg/cm 2 , the sintering temperature is between 1050° C. and 1120° C., and the sintering time is at least two hours. This makes it possible to stably manufacture sintered LiCoO 2 with a relative density of at least 90%, a resistivity of at most 3 kΩ·cm, and a mean grain diameter between 20 and 50 μm.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Compositions and methods for converting hazardous waste glass into non-hazardous products

Номер: US20140073830A1
Принадлежит: Catholic University of America

The present invention provides compositions and methods for converting hazardous waste glass into safe and usable material. In particular, the present invention provides compositions and methods for producing ceramic products from toxic-metal-containing waste glass, thereby safely encapsulating the metals and other hazardous components within the ceramic products.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001354A1

A coating composition is described, for use in the foundry, in particular comprising particulate, amorphous silicon dioxide (SiO) and an aqueous phase having a pH of at most 5, and also coated, waterglass-bound foundry molding elements, especially coated, waterglass-bound foundry molds and foundry cores, which each comprise a coating composition of the invention. Further described is the use of a coating composition of the invention for producing a coating on a waterglass-bound foundry molding element and a method for producing a waterglass-bound foundry molding element (mold or core) coated with a water-containing refractory coating. Likewise specified is a kit whose contents include a coating composition of the invention. 1. The method of a coating composition comprising(a) an aqueous phase having a pH of at most 5,(b) particulate, amorphous silicon dioxide, and(c) one or more further refractories,for producing a coating on a waterglass-bound mold or a waterglass-bound core, for use in the foundry.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,where the primary particles of the particulate, amorphous silicon dioxide of constituent (b) (i) are spherical and/or (ii) possess a D90<10 μm, determined by laser diffraction,where preferably the primary particles of the particulate, amorphous silicon dioxide of constituent (b) (i) are spherical and possess a sphericity of 0.9 or more, determined by evaluation of two-dimensional microscope images.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,where the constituent (c) comprises one or more substances selected from the group consisting of quartz, aluminum oxide, zirconium dioxide, aluminum silicates, phyllosilicates, zirconium silicates, olivine, talc, mica, graphite, coke, feldspar, diatomite, kaolins, calcined kaolins, metakaolinite, iron oxide, and bauxite,and/orwhere the constituent (a) comprises one or more acids, preferably having a pKa<5, more preferably having a pKa<4, which are selected from the group consisting of inorganic and ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Method for the production of a part made from a composite material

Номер: US20200001504A1
Принадлежит: Safran Ceramics SA

A method of fabricating a composite part, includes forming a fiber preform for the part that is to be obtained by depositing a plurality of fiber structures impregnated with a thermoplastic polymer onto a surface, with deposition being performed by automated fiber placement; eliminating the thermoplastic polymer present in the preform by dissolution with a solvent; and injecting a liquid impregnation composition into the pores of the fiber preform after eliminating the thermoplastic polymer in order to form a matrix in the pores of the fiber preform.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001913A1

A composition useful in methods and apparatuses for inhibiting the build-up of byproduct carbonaceous material includes a perovskite material or a precursor therefor; and a yttrium doped ceria or a precursor therefor. 1. A composition comprising:a perovskite material or a precursor therefor; anda yttrium doped ceria or a precursor therefor.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the perovskite material is of formula ABO claim 1 , wherein0.9 Подробнее

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009476A1
Автор: KAWAI Yutaka

A baking slurry composition of the present invention contains an amino alcohol compound represented by formula, inorganic powder , a polyvinyl alcohol resin, and water. In the formula, 2. The baking slurry composition of claim 1 , wherein a component (C3) having a saponification degree of more than or equal to 85 mol % and less than or equal to 99 mol %, and', 'a component (C4) having a saponification degree of more than or equal to 60 mol % and less than 85 mol %., 'the polyvinyl alcohol resin (C) contains'}3. The baking slurry composition of claim 1 , whereinthe polyvinyl alcohol resin (C) contains a nonionic polyvinyl alcohol resin (C1) and an anionic polyvinyl alcohol resin (C2).4. The baking slurry composition of claim 3 , whereinthe anionic polyvinyl alcohol resin (C2) contains a polyvinyl alcohol resin (C21) having a carboxyl group.5. The baking slurry composition of claim 4 , wherein a nonionic polyvinyl alcohol resin (C11) having a saponification degree of more than or equal to 85 mol % and less than or equal to 99 mol %, and', 'a nonionic polyvinyl alcohol resin (C12) having a saponification degree of more than or equal to 60 mol % and less than 85 mol %., 'the nonionic polyvinyl alcohol resin (C1) contains'}6. The baking slurry composition of claim 5 , whereinthe nonionic polyvinyl alcohol resin (C1) contains a nonionic polyvinyl alcohol resin (C11) having a saponification degree of more than or equal to 85 mol % and less than or equal to 99 mol %, andthe polyvinyl alcohol resin (C21) contains an anionic polyvinyl alcohol resin (C211) having a saponification degree of more than or equal to 60 mol % and less than 85 mol % and a carboxyl group.9. The green sheet of claim 8 , whereinthe green sheet is adopted to produce a ceramic capacitor comprising a sintered product of the inorganic powder (B), the sintered product being obtained by baking the green sheet.11. A method for manufacturing a sintered product claim 8 , the method comprising baking the green ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Baking slurry composition, green sheet, method for manufacturing green sheet, method for manufacturing sintered product, and method for manufacturing monolithic ceramic capacitor

Номер: US20210009477A1
Автор: Yutaka Kawai
Принадлежит: Goo Chemical Industries Co Ltd

A baking slurry composition for producing a green sheet of the present invention contains inorganic powder, a polyvinyl alcohol resin, acrylic polymer, and water. The acrylic polymer has a glass transition temperature higher than or equal to −50° C. and lower than or equal to 30° C. and an acid value greater than or equal to 50 mg KOH/g and less than or equal to 200 mg KOH/g. The acrylic polymer has a weight percentage of more than or equal to 0.1 and less than or equal to 5.0 relative to a total solid content of the baking slurry composition.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009478A1
Автор: KAWAI Yutaka

A green sheet producing binder composition of the present invention is a binder composition for producing a green sheet. The binder composition contains a polyvinyl alcohol resin. The polyvinyl alcohol resin contains at least two kinds of components having degrees of hydrophilicity different from each other. 1. A binder composition for producing a green sheet , the binder composition comprising a polyvinyl alcohol resin (C) ,the polyvinyl alcohol resin (C) containing at least two kinds of components having degrees of hydrophilicity different from each other.2. The binder composition of claim 1 , whereinthe polyvinyl alcohol resin (C) contains at least two kinds of components having degrees of saponification different from each other.3. The binder composition of claim 2 , wherein a component (C3) having a saponification degree of more than or equal to 85 mol % and less than or equal to 99 mol %, and', 'a component (C4) having a saponification degree of more than or equal to 60 mol % and less than 85 mol %., 'the polyvinyl alcohol resin (C) contains'}4. The binder composition of claim 1 , wherein a nonionic polyvinyl alcohol resin (C1) and', 'an anionic polyvinyl alcohol resin (C2)., 'the polyvinyl alcohol resin (C) contains'}5. The binder composition of claim 4 , whereinthe anionic polyvinyl alcohol resin (C2) contains a polyvinyl alcohol resin (C21) having a carboxyl group.6. The binder composition of claim 5 , wherein a nonionic polyvinyl alcohol resin (C11) having a saponification degree of more than or equal to 85 mol % and less than or equal to 99 mol %, and', 'a nonionic polyvinyl alcohol resin (C12) having a saponification degree of more than or equal to 60 mol % and less than 85 mol %., 'the nonionic polyvinyl alcohol resin (C1) contains'}7. The binder composition of claim 5 , whereinthe polyvinyl alcohol resin (C1) contains a nonionic polyvinyl alcohol resin (C11) having a saponification degree of more than or equal to 85 mol % and less than or equal to 99 ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014052A1

Disclosed herein are a ceramic particle comprising a ceramic core substrate and a conformal coating of a sintering aid film on a surface of the core substrate, wherein the conformal coating includes a plurality of distributed islands of the sintering aid film across the surface of the core substrate; methods for producing the ceramic particle by ALD or MLD; and methods of using the coated ceramic particles in additive manufacturing or in solid oxide fuel cells. In one example, the film may have a thickness of less than three nanometers. The disclosed ceramic particle may be non-reactive with water. 1. A ceramic particle comprising:a core substrate chosen from yttria-stabilized zirconia, partially stabilized zirconia, zirconium oxide, aluminum nitride, silicon nitride, silicon carbide, boron carbide, boron nitride, aluminum oxide, barium titanate, and cerium oxide, anda conformal coating of a sintering aid film on a surface of the core substrate, wherein the conformal coating of the sintering aid film comprises a plurality of distributed islands of the sintering aid film across the surface of the core substrate.2. The ceramic particle of claim 1 , wherein less than 40 percent of the surface of the core substrate is covered by the plurality of distributed islands of the sintering aid film claim 1 , and wherein the plurality of distributed islands of the sintering aid film are substantially evenly distributed.3. The ceramic particle of claim 2 , wherein about 5 percent of the surface of the core substrate is covered by the plurality of distributed islands of the sintering aid film.4. The ceramic particle of claim 1 , wherein the ceramic particle is non-reactive with water.5. The ceramic particle of claim 1 , wherein the core substrate comprises barium titanate and the sintering aid film comprises at least one compound chosen from alumina claim 1 , an alkaline earth oxide claim 1 , zinc oxide claim 1 , titanium oxide claim 1 , boron nitride claim 1 , a silicon oxide ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016157A1
Автор: CHEN Yajie, HARRIS Vincent

A CoZ hexaferrite composition is provided containing molybdenum and one or both of barium and strontium, having the formula (BaSrCo)MoFeOwhere x=0.01 to 0.20; y=20 to 24; and z=0 to 3. The composition can exhibit high permeabilities and equal or substantially equal values of permeability and permittivity while retaining low magnetic and dielectric loss tangents and loss factors. The composition is suitable for high frequency applications such as ultrahigh frequency and microwave antennas and other devices. 2. The hexaferrite composition of claim 1 , wherein x=0.08 to 0.15.3. The hexaferrite composition of claim 1 , wherein x=0.10 to 0.12.4. The hexaferrite composition of claim 1 , wherein the hexaferrite composition has a real permeability at least 3.0 over a frequency range of 0.1 to 3.0 GHz.5. The hexaferrite composition of claim 1 , wherein the hexaferrite composition has a real permeability at least 7.0 over a frequency range of 0.1 to 3.0 GHz.6. The hexaferrite composition of claim 1 , wherein the hexaferrite composition has a real permeability ranging from 7.0 to 12.0 over a frequency range of 0.1 to 3.0 GHz.7. The hexaferrite composition of claim 1 , wherein z=1.2 to 3.0 claim 1 , and the hexaferrite composition has a real permeability ranging from 8.0 to 12.0 over a frequency range of about 0.1 GHz to at least 1.0 GHz.8. The hexaferrite composition of claim 1 , wherein z=0 to 0.5 claim 1 , and the hexaferrite composition has a real permeability ranging from 2.0 to 4.0 over a frequency range of about 0.1 GHz to about 3.0 GHz.9. The hexaferrite composition of claim 1 , wherein the hexaferrite composition has a real permittivity at least 6.0 over a frequency range of 0.1 to 3.0 GHz.10. The hexaferrite composition of claim 1 , wherein the hexaferrite composition has a real permittivity at least 8.0 over a frequency range of 0.1 to 3.0 GHz.11. The hexaferrite composition of claim 1 , wherein the hexaferrite composition has a real permittivity ranging from 6.0 to ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Sintering material, and powder for manufacturing sintering material

Номер: US20180016193A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Yttrium Co Ltd

The present invention is a sintering material including a granule, the sintering material having an apparent tap density of 1.0 to 2.5 g/cm 3 , a 50% cumulative volume particle diameter (D 50N ) of 10 to 100 μm as measured before ultrasonication by laser diffraction/scattering particle size distribution analysis, a 50% cumulative volume particle diameter (D 50D ) of 0.1 to 1.5 μm as measured after ultrasonication at 300 W for 15 minutes by laser diffraction/scattering particle size distribution analysis, and an X-ray diffraction pattern in which the maximum peak observed in the 20 angle range of from 20° to 40° is assigned to a rare earth oxyfluoride of the form LnOF when analyzed by X-ray diffractometry using Cu—Kα or Cu—Kα 1 rays.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Water-based ceramic three-dimensional laminate material and method for using the same to manufacture ceramic objects

Номер: US20200017414A1

The invention relates to a water-based ceramic three-dimensional laminate material and a method for using the same material to manufacture the ceramic objects, comprising: a step Sa of preparing a plurality of projected slice graphics and a slurry, wherein the projected slice graphics are formed by slicing a three-dimensional image along a specific direction with a specific thickness, the slurry is prepared by mixing the material powder, the photo-curing resin, the solvent and the additive; a step Sb of uniformly laying the slurry on the substrate to form a sacrificial layer; and a step Sc of uniformly laying the slurry on the slurry to form a reaction layer on the sacrificial layer; a step Sd of irradiating the reaction layer with a light beam according to one of the plurality of projected slice graphics, and the slurry is cured after being irradiated; a step Se of repeating steps Sc and Sd until a ceramic body is formed; a step Sf of washing the ceramic body with water or an organic solvent; and a step Sg of sintering the ceramic body at a high temperature to form a ceramic object. 1. A method of manufacturing a ceramic object using a water-based ceramic three-dimensional laminate material , comprising:a step (Sa) of preparing a plurality of projected slice graphics and a slurry, wherein the projected slice graphics are generated by slicing a three-dimensional image along a specific direction with a specific thickness; the slurry is prepared by mixing material powder, photo-curable resin, solvent and additive; the material powder comprising at least one of aluminum oxide powder, zirconium oxide powder, and glass ceramic powder, the photo-curable resin comprising at least one of a water-soluble resin and a water-dispersible resin; the solvent is water or a mixed solvent comprising water and alcohols, and the additive includes at least one of a dispersing agent, a binder, and a plasticizer;a step (Sb) of uniformly laying the slurry on a substrate to form a ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Polycrystalline dielectric thin film and capacitor element

Номер: US20190023616A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corp

A polycrystalline dielectric thin film and capacitor element has a small dielectric loss tan δ. The polycrystalline dielectric thin film, in which the main composition is a perovskite oxynitride. The perovskite oxynitride is expressed by the compositional formula AaBbOoNn (a+b+o+n=5), where a/b>1 and n≥0.7.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037508A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

A solid electrolyte layer contains a proton conductor having a perovskite structure, the proton conductor being represented by formula (1): BaZrCeMO(where element M is at least one selected from the group consisting of Y, Yb, Er, Ho, Tm, Gd, and Sc, 0.85≦x<0.98, 0.70≦y+z<1.00, a ratio of y/z is 0.5/0.5 to 1/0, and δ is an oxygen vacancy concentration). 2. The solid electrolyte layer for a fuel cell according to claim 1 , wherein 0.85≦x≦0.96.3. The solid electrolyte layer for a fuel cell according to claim 1 , wherein 0.75≦y+z≦0.90.4. The solid electrolyte layer for a fuel cell according to claim 1 , wherein the element M is at least one selected from the group consisting of Y and Yb.5. The solid electrolyte layer for a fuel cell according to claim 1 ,wherein letting a thickness of the solid electrolyte layer be T, letting a ratio of Ba at a position 0.25T from one surface of the solid electrolyte layer be x1, and letting a ratio of Ba at a position 0.25T from the other surface of the solid electrolyte layer be x2, x1>x2 is satisfied, andthe other surface is brought into contact with a cathode of a fuel cell.6. The solid electrolyte layer for a fuel cell according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of y/z claim 1 , namely claim 1 , Zr/Ce claim 1 , is 0.5/0.5 to 0.9/0.1.8. A fuel cell comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00007', 'claim 7'}, 'the cell structure according to ;'}an oxidant channel to supply an oxidant to the cathode; anda fuel channel to supply a fuel to the anode. The present invention relates to a proton conductor, and in particular, to an improvement in a solid electrolyte layer for a fuel cell.Fuel cells include a cathode, an anode, a cell structure including a solid-electrolyte layer arranged therebetween, an oxidant channel to supply an oxidant to the cathode, and a fuel channel to supply a fuel to the anode. Perovskite oxides, such as BaCeYO(BCY) and BaZrYO(BZY), having proton conductivity are highly conductive in an intermediate temperature range ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Electrically insulating material for thermal sprayed coatings matching the coefficient of thermal expansion of the underlying body

Номер: US20150044486A1
Принадлежит: Oerlikon Metco US Inc

Compositions and method for preparing thermally sprayed coatings are disclosed. The inventive compositions include at least one component that is electrically-insulating and/or non-subliming at thermal spray temperatures; and at least one component that has a high coefficient of thermal expansion. The invention also provides a compositions and methods for preparing a coating comprising a spinel, from materials that do not comprise a spinel; and also provides non-spinel materials used to prepare coatings comprising spinel. The invention includes coatings made from the materials and methods; and articles comprising the coatings.

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Shape Memory Ceramic Particles and Structures Formed Thereof

Номер: US20190039959A1

There is provided a shape memory ceramic structure including an aggregate population of crystalline particles. Each crystalline particle in the population, of crystalline particles comprises a shape memory ceramic particle material. Each crystalline particle in the population of crystalline particles has a crystalline particle extent that is between about 0.5 microns and about fifty microns. At least a portion of the population of crystalline particles has a crystalline structure that is either oligocrystalline or monocrystalline. 1. A shape memory ceramic structure comprising:an aggregate population of crystalline particles;each crystalline particle in the population of crystalline particles comprising as shape memory ceramic particle material and having a crystalline particle extent between about 0.5 microns and about fifty microns; andat least a portion of the population of crystalline particles having a crystalline structure selected from the group consisting of oligocrystalline and monocrystalline.2. The shape memory ceramic structure of wherein the shape memory ceramic material comprises an element selected from the group consisting of zirconium claim 1 , cerium claim 1 , and oxygen.3. The shape memory ceramic structure of wherein the shape memory ceramic material comprises ZrO.4. The shape memory ceramic structure of wherein the shape memory ceramic material comprises ZROdoped with at least one dopant selected from the group consisting of Ce claim 1 , Y claim 1 , Ca claim 1 , Mg claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Ge claim 1 , La claim 1 , Pb claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , Ta claim 1 , Mn.56. The shape memory ceramic structure of wherein the shape memory ceramic material comprises a shape memory ceramic material selected from the group consisting a AlSiO claim 1 , CaSiO claim 1 , MgSiO claim 1 , MgSiO. cm . The shape memory ceramic structure of wherein each crystalline particle in the population of crystalline particles has a particle geometry selected from the group consisting ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Method of densifying a ceramic matrix composite using a filled tackifier

Номер: US20210053882A1
Принадлежит: Raytheon Technologies Corp

A method of producing an enhanced ceramic matrix composite includes applying a tackifier compound to a fiber preform. The tackifier compound includes inorganic filler particles. The method further includes modifying the tackifier compound such that the inorganic filler particles remain interspersed throughout the fiber preform, and occupy pores of fiber preform.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057411A1

The present invention provides a method for producing a lamination-shaped fired body. This production method includes a shaping step (S) of shaping a lamination-shaped article by using a lamination shaping powder that contains non-hydrating reaction raw material particles, an impregnation step (S) of impregnating the lamination-shaped article with a coupling liquid that contains a coupling agent, and a firing step (S) of firing the lamination-shaped article so as to obtain a lamination-shaped fired body, implemented following the impregnation step. 1. A method for producing a lamination-shaped fired body ,the method comprising:a shaping step of shaping a lamination-shaped article by using a lamination shaping powder that contains non-hydrating reaction raw material particles;an impregnation step of impregnating the lamination-shaped article with a coupling liquid that contains a coupling agent; anda firing step of firing the lamination-shaped article so as to obtain a lamination-shaped fired body, implemented following the impregnation step.2. The method for producing a lamination-shaped fired body according to claim 1 , wherein the coupling agent contains at least one element selected from the group consisting of Si claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Al and Zr.3. The method for producing a lamination-shaped fired body according to claim 1 , wherein the non-hydrating reaction raw material particles are constituted mainly from a metal containing at least one element selected from the group consisting of Al claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Ni and Fe or an alloy thereof.4. The method for producing a lamination-shaped fired body according to claim 1 , wherein the non-hydrating reaction raw material particles are constituted mainly from an oxide containing at least one element selected from the group consisting of Al claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Fe and Si.5. The method for producing a lamination-shaped fired body according to claim 1 ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055781A1

A ceramic and a method of forming a ceramic including milling steel slag exhibiting a diameter of 5 mm of less to form powder, sieving the powder to retain the powder having a particle size in the range of 20 to 400 removing free iron from the powder with a magnet, heat treating the powder at a temperature in the range of 700° C. to 1200° C. for a time period in the range of 1 hour to 10 hours and oxidizing retained iron in the powder, compacting the powder at a compression pressure in the range of 20 MPa to 300 MPA, and sintering the powder at a temperature in the range of 700° C. to 1400° C. for a time period in the range of 0.5 hours to 4 hours to provide a ceramic. 1. A method of forming a ceramic from steel slag , comprising:milling steel slag exhibiting a diameter of 5 mm of less to form powder;sieving said powder to retain said powder having a particle size in the range of 20 μm to 400 μm;removing free iron from said powder with a magnet;heat treating said powder at a temperature in the range of 700° C. to 1200° C. for a time period in the range of 1 hour to 10 hours and oxidizing retained iron in said powder;compacting said powder at a compression pressure in the range of 20 MPa to 300 MPa; andsintering said powder at a temperature in the range of 700° C. to 1400° C. for a time period in the range of 0.5 hours to 4 hours to provide a ceramic.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising preheating said powder prior to sintering wherein said green compact is preheated at a rate of 1 K/min to 10 K/min.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said sintering is performed after compacting claim 1 , wherein said compression pressure is in the range of 30 MPa to 300 MPa claim 1 , and said sintering temperature is in the range of 800° C. to 1100° C.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein said compression pressure in the range of 120 MPa to 180 MPa.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein sintering is performed concurrently with said compacting.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein said ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220076887A1
Автор: Gaini Francesca Maria

A method for establishing a personalized investment portfolio comprising the steps of starting from a client's investor behavior and experience establishing a client profile based on questions regarding the client's behavior of daily life and investment approach and experience to provide a behavioral profile; constructing a computer program model to determine optimal asset class allocation for each client profile covering a wide range of assets, including real estate, insurance, arts and traditional financial asset classes as a holistic asset allocation; and establishing a model of a personalized ranking of financial investment products for a client investor, based on product characteristics and investor profile with a best fit investment program. 1. A method for determining a behavioral profile of a potential financial investor's personal preferences and degree of risk aversion for use in appropriately and personally acceptably strategizing investment opportunities , comprising the steps of:{'claim-text': ['a. question choices have been predetermined to be indicative of characteristics of personal preferences based on a probability scale,', 'b. question choices are selected and couched to be non-invasive, inoffensive and discrete to avoid skewed deliberate choices,', 'c. some question choices relate to aspects of investment strategies with different answers having been predetermined as being indicative of personal preference choices and degree of risk aversion;'], '#text': 'a. crafting a questionnaire with multiple choice questions concerning personal choices and opinions regarding common daily life matters and social interactions, wherein:'}b. having the potential financial investor provide answers to the questionnaire; andc. recording and evaluating the questionnaire answers with a scoring matrix and an algorithm which provides predetermined results of a behavioral profile of the potential investor based on a probability analysis based on previously determined ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

A method of generating a mold and using it for printing a three-dimensional object

Номер: US20210069784A1
Принадлежит: Addleap AB, Desktop Metal Inc

This invention relates to three-dimensional printing. This invention in particular relates to a method of generating mold and printing a three-dimensional object. The mold thickness is controlled and holes are generated in the mold surface for releasing moisture easily. The mold surface having holes is designed initially digitally and then combined with the three-dimensional model before printing the three-dimensional object. In case the thickness of the mold surface is more then it reduces the overall quality of the three-dimensional object. When the model is enclosed inside the mold, there will be some residue moisture in the model even if the drying apparatus can improve this by drying layer by layer. This affects the final quality of the part. A solution of these problems is provided in the present invention. The thickness of the mold layer is between 0.5 to 1 mm and holes having 0.1 to 0.4 mm diameter. The holes are evenly distributed on the mold. The mold having the holes is prepared from which moisture can easily escape. A method of digitally generated a mold having thin layer and holes is used for fabricating three dimensional objects with high precision and quality.

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089501A1

Provided are metal oxide ceramic materials and intermediate materials thereof (e.g., nanozirconia gels, nanozirconia green bodies, pre-sintered ceramic bodies, zirconia dental ceramic materials, and dental articles). The nanozirconia gels are formable gels. Also provided are methods of making and using the metal oxide materials and intermediate materials. The nanozirconia gels can be made using, for example, osmotic processing. The nanozirconia gels can be used to make nanozirconia green bodies, pre-sintered ceramic bodies, zirconia dental ceramic materials, and dental article. The nanozirconia green bodies, pre-sintered ceramic bodies, zirconia dental ceramic materials, and dental articles have desirable properties (e.g., optical properties and mechanical properties). 1. A gel comprising a plurality of zirconia nanoparticles and water , wherein the zirconia nanoparticles have an average size of 10 to 30 nm , 95% or more of the zirconia nanoparticles by volume have a size of 45 nm or less , the zirconia nanoparticles are present at 70 to 85% by weight based on the total weight of the gel , and wherein the gel further comprises a processing agent chosen from colloid stabilizers , particle interaction strengthening agents , and combinations thereof.2. The gel of claim 1 , wherein the processing agent is present from 1.5 to 3.3% by weight of the nanoparticles in the gel.3. The gel of claim 1 , wherein the colloid stabilizer is a dispersant claim 1 , protective colloid claim 1 , or a combination thereof.4. The gel of claim 1 , wherein the colloid stabilizer is an electrosteric colloid stabilizer and/or an electrostatic colloid stabilizer.5. The gel of claim 4 , wherein the colloid stabilizers are chosen from organocarboxylic acids and salts thereof claim 4 , polyoxocarboxylic acids and salts thereof claim 4 , amino acids and salts thereof claim 4 , organoamines and ammonium salts thereof claim 4 , organoalcohols claim 4 , organosilanes claim 4 , and combinations thereof ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089502A1

Provided are metal oxide ceramic materials and intermediate materials thereof (e.g., nanozirconia gels, nanozirconia green bodies, pre-sintered ceramic bodies, zirconia dental ceramic materials, and dental articles). The nanozirconia gels are formable gels. Also provided are methods of making and using the metal oxide materials and intermediate materials. The nanozirconia gels can be made using, for example, osmotic processing. The nanozirconia gels can be used to make nanozirconia green bodies, pre-sintered ceramic bodies, zirconia dental ceramic materials, and dental article. The nanozirconia green bodies, pre-sintered ceramic bodies, zirconia dental ceramic materials, and dental articles have desirable properties (e.g., optical properties and mechanical properties). 1. A gel comprising a plurality of zirconia nanoparticles and water , wherein the zirconia nanoparticles have an average size of 10 to 30 nm , 95% or more of the zirconia nanoparticles by volume have a size of 45 nm or less , the zirconia nanoparticles are present at 70 to 85% by weight based on the total weight of the gel and the gel is a formable gel wherein the gel exhibits a viscosity at yield point of 1×10to 12×10mPa·s.2. A gel comprising a plurality of zirconia nanoparticles and water , wherein the zirconia nanoparticles have an average size of 10 to 30 nm , the zirconia nanoparticles are present at 70 to 85% by weight based on the total weight of the gel and the gel is free-standing and exhibits a viscosity at yield point of 1×10to 50×10mPa·s.3. The gel of claim 2 , wherein the viscosity at yield point is 1×10to 12×10mPa·s and the gel is formable.4. The gel of claim 3 , wherein the viscosity at yield point is 1×10to 4×10mPa·s and the gel is very soft.5. The gel of claim 3 , wherein the viscosity at yield point is 4×10to 8×10mPa·s and the gel is soft.6. The gel of claim 3 , wherein the viscosity at yield point is 8×10to 12×10mPa·s and the gel is semi-soft.7. The gel of claim 2 , wherein the ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Composites of sintered Mullite reinforced corundum granules and method for its preparation

Номер: US20170073275A1

The present disclosure relates to a composite of sintered mullite reinforced corundum granules and a method for its preparation. The composite comprises mullite and corundum in an interlocking microstructure. The process for preparing the composite involves the steps of admixing the raw materials followed by sintering to obtain the composite comprising sintered mullite reinforced corundum granules. 1. A composite of sintered mullite reinforced corundum granules , comprising 6 to 80 wt % of mullite and 10 to 90 wt % of corundum , having particle size ranging from 0.25 mm to 1.5 mm;wherein, the mullite is obtained from clay and corundum is obtained from alumina ore; andwherein, the mullite and the corundum in the composite have an interlocking microstructure.2. The composite as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the clay is Kaolin.3. The composite as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the alumina ore is at least one selected from the group consisting of bauxite and aluminum trihydroxide.4. A method for preparing a composite of sintered mullite reinforced corundum granules comprising the following steps:a) grinding raw materials comprising at least one clay and at least one alumina ore, to obtain ground raw materials having particle size less than 45 microns;b) admixing the ground raw materials to obtain an admixture;c) granulating the admixture in the presence of at least one binder and optionally at least one additive to obtain granulated pellet; andd) sintering the granulated pellet in the temperature range of 1300° C. to 1600° C. to obtain the composite comprising sintered mullite reinforced corundum granules.5. The method as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the binder is at least one selected from the group consisting of bentonite claim 4 , starch and polyvinyl alcohol.6. The method as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the additive comprises at least one fluxing agent selected from the group consisting of potash feldspar and iron ore slime.7. The method as claimed in claim 4 , wherein ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190084886A1

The present disclosure relates to solid electrolyte containing MgO partially stabilized zirconia doped with at least one of Mn and Co. 1. A solid electrolyte containing MgO partially stabilized zirconia doped with at least one of Mn and Co.2. The solid electrolyte according to claim 1 , wherein in the MgO partially stabilized zirconia doped with the Mn or the Co claim 1 , at least one of the Mn and the Co is substituted into a zirconium position to form an oxygen vacancy.3. The solid electrolyte according to claim 1 , wherein the MgO partially stabilized zirconia doped with the Mn or the Co is present only in a cubic phase at room temperature.4. The solid electrolyte according to claim 1 , wherein the MgO partially stabilized zirconia doped with the Mn or the Co has an improved ionic conduction compared to MgO partially stabilized zirconia not doped with Mn or Co.5. A sensor for measuring dissolved oxygen in molten steel claim 1 , wherein the sensor includes the solid electrolyte according to .6. An ion conductivity measuring sensor for measuring an ion conductivity at a temperature of 1500° C. or higher claim 1 , wherein the sensor includes the solid electrolyte according to .7. A method for producing Mn or Co-doped partially stabilized zirconia claim 1 , the method comprising:mixing MgO partially stabilized zirconia powders and manganese oxide powders or cobalt oxide powders to form a mixture; andsintering the mixture.8. The method for producing the Mn or Co-doped partially stabilized zirconia according to claim 7 , wherein a ratio of the MgO partially stabilized zirconia powders and the manganese oxide powders or the cobalt oxide powders is in a range of from 1:5 to 1:10.9. The method for producing the Mn or Co-doped partially stabilized zirconia according to claim 7 , wherein the mixing of the powders includes ball-milling the MgO partially stabilized zirconia powders and the manganese oxide powders or the cobalt oxide powders in solvent.10. The method for ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200090868A1
Автор: Iguchi Toshihiro
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

A dielectric composition including a complex oxide represented by a general formula of ABCOas a main component, in which “A” at least includes Ba, “B” at least includes Zr, “C” at least includes Nb, “a” is 3.05 or more, and “b” is 1.01 or more. 1. A dielectric composition including a complex oxide represented by a general formula of ABCOas a main component , in which“A” at least includes Ba, “B” at least includes Zr, “C” at least includes Nb, “a” is 3.05 or more, and “b” is 1.01 or more.2. The dielectric composition according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': 1-x', 'x', 'a', '1-y', '1-y', 'b', '1-z', 'z', '4', '15+α, 'the general formula is represented by (BaA1)(ZrB1)(NbC1)O, in which'}“A1” includes one or more selected from the group consisting of Mg, Ca, and Sr,“B1” includes one or more selected from the group consisting of Ti and Hf,“C1” includes Ta,“x” is 0.50 or less, “y” is 0.25 or less, and “z” is 0.50 or less.3. The dielectric composition according to claim 1 , wherein “a” is 3.10 or more.4. The dielectric composition according to claim 2 , wherein “a” is 3.10 or more.5. The dielectric composition according to claim 1 , wherein “b” is 1.05 or more.6. The dielectric composition according to claim 2 , wherein “b” is 1.05 or more.7. The dielectric composition according to claim 1 , wherein the dielectric composition includes an oxide including aluminum.8. The dielectric composition according to claim 2 , wherein the dielectric composition includes an oxide including aluminum.9. The dielectric composition according to claim 7 , wherein the oxide including aluminum is a complex oxide including Ba.10. The dielectric composition according to claim 8 , wherein the oxide including aluminum is a complex oxide including Ba.11. The dielectric composition according to claim 1 , wherein a density is 4.48 g/cmor more.12. An electronic component comprising a dielectric layer including the dielectric composition according to and an electrode layer including a base metal as a main ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200090869A1
Автор: Iguchi Toshihiro
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

A dielectric composition comprising a complex oxide represented by a general formula of ABCO and an oxide including aluminum, in which “A” at least includes Ba, “B” at least includes Zr, and “C” at least includes Nb, “a” is 2.50 or more and 3.50 or less, and “b” is 0.50 or more, and 1.50 or less. 1. A dielectric composition comprising a complex oxide represented by a general formula of ABCO and an oxide including aluminum , in which“A” at least includes Ba, “B” at least includes Zr, and “C” at least includes Nb,“a” is 2.50 or more and 3.50 or less, and “b” is 0.50 or more and 1.50 or less.2. The dielectric composition according to claim 1 , wherein the general formula is represented by (BaA1)(ZrB1)(NbC1)O claim 1 , in which“A1” includes one or more selected from the group consisting of Mg, Ca, and Sr,“B1” includes one or more selected from the group consisting of Ti and Hf,“C1” includes Ta,“x” is 0.50 or less, “y” is 0.50 or less, and “z” is 0.50 or less.3. The dielectric composition according to claim 1 , wherein the oxide including aluminum is a complex oxide including Ba.4. The dielectric composition according to claim 2 , wherein the oxide including aluminum is a complex oxide including Ba.5. The dielectric composition according to claim 1 , wherein a density of the dielectric composition is 4.40 g/cmor more.6. An electronic component comprising a dielectric layer including the dielectric composition according to claim 1 , and an electrode layer. The present invention relates to a dielectric composition and an electronic component having a dielectric layer constituted from the dielectric composition.An electronic circuit and a power supply circuit which are incorporated to an electronic device are mounted with many electronic components such as a multilayer ceramic capacitor which uses a dielectric property of dielectrics. As a material constituting the dielectrics of such electronic component (dielectric material), a barium titanate based dielectric composition ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210101842A1

A method of fabricating a brake component made from a ceramic matrix composite is disclosed. In various embodiments, the method includes infiltrating a carbon fabric with a slurry containing a ceramic powder and a sintering aid; laying up the carbon fabric in a desired geometry to form a raw component; warm pressing the raw component to form a green component; and sintering the green component via a spark plasma sintering process to form a sintered component. 1. A method of fabricating a brake component made from a ceramic matrix composite , comprising:infiltrating a carbon fabric with a slurry containing a ceramic powder and a sintering aid;laying up the carbon fabric in a desired geometry to form a raw component;warm pressing the raw component to form a green component; andsintering the green component via a spark plasma sintering process to form a sintered component.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sintering aid includes at least one of aluminum claim 1 , boron or a boride metal.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the sintering aid includes an aluminum oxide.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the sintering aid includes the aluminum oxide and a yttrium oxide.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the sintering aid includes a weight percent of a mixture of the aluminum oxide and the yttrium oxide ranging from about 14 percent to about 85 percent of the aluminum oxide and wherein the slurry comprises between about 3 percent and about 15 percent by weight of the sintering aid.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the ceramic powder comprises at least one of boron carbide or silicon carbide.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising machining the green component prior to sintering the green component.8. The method of claim 7 , further comprising machining the sintered component to form the brake component.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spark plasma sintering process comprises applying a pressure to the green component that is equal to or less than 10 claim 1 ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Method to reduce radiation-induced conductivity in ceramic dielectrics via the incorporation of deep traps

Номер: US20190112234A1

The radiation-induced conductivity in ceramic dielectrics can be reduced via the incorporation of deep traps. For example, the addition of deep traps via substituting Ce onto the Ti site in BaTiOreduces the radiation-induced conductivity by ˜30-40%. 1. A method to reduce the radiation-induced conductivity in a ceramic capacitor , comprising doping the ceramic dielectric of the capacitor with a dopant that provides a deep trap in the band gap of the ceramic dielectric.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dielectric comprises BaTiO.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dielectric comprises (BaSr)TiO claim 1 , Pb(Zr claim 1 ,Ti)O claim 1 , Ca(Zr claim 1 ,Ti)Oor (NaK)NbO.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dopant comprises a neutral dopant.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the neutral dopant comprises Ce.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the neutral dopant comprises a lanthanide.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dopant comprises a positively charged donor compensated by an acceptor.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the donor dopant comprises an early transition metal.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein the acceptor comprises a late transition metal or alkali metal.10. The method of claim 7 , wherein the acceptor or donor is compensated by an intrinsic defect.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of dopant is less than 10 mol %.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the energy level of the deep trap is greater than 20% of the band gap energy of the ceramic dielectric. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/572,021, filed Oct. 13, 2017, which is incorporated herein by reference.This invention was made with Government support under Contract No. DE-NA0003525 awarded by the United States Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration. The Government has certain rights in the invention.The present invention relates to radiation effects in ceramic dielectric materials and, in particular, to a method ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210139382A1

Provided are a dispersion for a silicon carbide sintered body having a small environmental load, high dispersibility, and excellent temporal stability, and a manufacturing method thereof. 1. A dispersion for a silicon carbide sintered body , comprising:silicon carbide particles;boron nitride particles;a resin having a hydroxyl group; andwater,wherein the dispersion has a pH at 25° C. of less than or equal to 7.0, and the silicon carbide particles and the boron nitride particles have charges of the same sign.2. The dispersion according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the silicon carbide particles and the boron nitride particles is subjected to charge control.3. The dispersion according to claim 1 , wherein the silicon carbide particles are subjected to charge control by aluminum hydroxide coating.4. The dispersion according to claim 1 , wherein the boron nitride particles are subjected to charge control by a cationic polymer.5. The dispersion according to claim 1 , wherein the resin having a hydroxyl group is selected from the group consisting of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) claim 1 , polyvinyl butyral (PVB) claim 1 , a glyoxal resin claim 1 , an acrylic resin claim 1 , a phenol resin claim 1 , hydroxyl group-containing polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) claim 1 , hydroxyl group-containing polyester claim 1 , hydroxyl group-containing silicone claim 1 , and a hydroxyl group-containing polycarboxylic acid.6. The dispersion according to claim 4 , wherein the cationic polymer is poly(diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride) claim 4 , poly(methacryloyloxyethyl trimethyl ammonium chloride) claim 4 , poly(acryl amide-co-diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride) claim 4 , poly(dimethyl amine-co-epichlorohydrin-co-ethylene diamine) claim 4 , polyethylene imine claim 4 , ethoxylated polyethylene imine claim 4 , poly(amidoamine) claim 4 , poly(methacryloyloxyethyl dimethyl ammonium chloride) claim 4 , poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) claim 4 , poly(vinyl imidazole) claim 4 , poly(vinyl pyridine) claim 4 ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200115288A1
Принадлежит: ROLEX SA

A process for manufacturing a ceramic powder with binder includes at least one additional element or compound, the ceramic powder with binder being in particular based on zirconia and/or alumina and/or strontium aluminate, wherein the process includes a step (E) of depositing at least one additional element or compound on a ceramic powder with binder by a physical vapour deposition (PVD) and/or by a chemical vapour deposition (CVD) and/or by an atomic layer deposition (ALD). 1. A process for manufacturing a ceramic powder with binder comprising at least one additional element or compound , wherein the process comprises:depositing the at least one additional element or compound on a base ceramic powder with binder by at least one selected from the group consisting of:a physical vapor deposition (PVD),a chemical vapor deposition (CVD), andan atomic layer deposition (ALD).2. The process for manufacturing a ceramic powder with binder as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the depositing comprises adding the at least one additional element or compound in a total amount in the ceramic powder claim 1 , excluding organic compound(s) claim 1 , of less than or equal to 5% by weight.3. The process for manufacturing a ceramic powder with binder as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the depositing comprises adding the at least one additional element or compound in a total amount of greater than or equal to 1 ppm claim 1 , excluding organic compound(s).4. The process for manufacturing a ceramic powder with binder as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the depositing comprises depositing the at least one additional element or compound on the base ceramic powder with binder by physical vapor deposition (PVD) and/or by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) claim 1 , in an amount of between 0.01% and 5% inclusive by weight claim 1 , excluding organic compound(s).5. The process for manufacturing a ceramic powder with binder as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the depositing comprises depositing the at least one ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140206525A1
Принадлежит: Polyvalor LP

There is provided a method for the fabrication of porous SiC ceramic. The method comprises oxidizing particles of SiC ceramic thereby forming amorphous silica on the surface of the particles. The oxidized SiC particles are then mixed with an additive. Alternatively, layer(s) of the additive is (are) deposited on their surface by sol-gel technique. The oxidized SiC particles mixed or coated with the additive are then mixed with at least one pore-former. Alternatively, the oxidized SiC particles mixed or coated with the additive are coated with layer(s) of a polymer or pore-former by in-situ polymerization. In embodiments where the oxidized SiC particles are mixed with an additive and a pore-former or polymer, a further additive may be used. In each of these embodiments, the resulting product is then compacted into a green body which is heated and sintered to yield the porous SiC ceramic material. There is also provided a porous SiC ceramic fabricated by the method according to the invention.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123059A1

The present invention relates to a boroaluminosilicate mineral material, a low temperature co-fired ceramic composite material, a low temperature co-fired ceramic, a composite substrate and preparation methods thereof. A boroaluminosilicate mineral material for a low temperature co-fired ceramic, the boroaluminosilicate mineral material comprises the following components expressed in mass percentages of the following oxides: 0.41%-1.15% of Na2O, 14.15%-23.67% of K2O, 1.17%-4.10% of CaO, 0-2.56% of Al2O3, 13.19%-20.00% of BO, and 53.47%-67.17% of SiO. The aforementioned boroaluminosilicate mineral material is chemically stable; a low temperature co-fired ceramic prepared from it not only has excellent dielectric properties, but also has a low sintering temperature, a low thermal expansion coefficient, and high insulation resistance; it is also well-matched with the LTCC process and can be widely used in the field of LTCC package substrates. 3. A low temperature co-fired ceramic composite material claim 1 , wherein the low temperature co-fired ceramic composite material comprises claim 1 , in mass percentage claim 1 , 35% to 65% of AlOand 35% to 65% of the boroaluminosilicate mineral material according to .4. The low temperature co-fired ceramic composite material according to claim 1 , wherein the low temperature co-fired ceramic composite material comprises 41.69% to 62.53% of AlOand 37.47% to 58.31% of the boroaluminosilicate mineral material according to .5. A method for preparing a boroaluminosilicate mineral material claim 1 , wherein it comprises the following steps:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'weighing a sodium source, a potassium source, a calcium source, an aluminum source, a boron source, and a silicon source according to a ratio of elements of the boroaluminosilicate mineral material according to ; mixing and grinding to obtain a boroaluminosilicate mineral grinding slurry;'}subjecting the boroaluminosilicate mineral grinding slurry ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123064A1
Принадлежит: ROLEX SA

The method for manufacturing a ceramic component, in particular a ceramic component containing zirconia and/or alumina, for a timepiece or a jewelry piece, is characterised in that it includes a step (E) of depositing at least one additional element or compound on a ceramic powder, optionally bound, by atomic layer deposition (ALD). 1. A process for manufacturing a ceramic powder with or without binder comprising at least one additional element or compound , wherein the process comprises:depositing the at least one additional element or compound on a base ceramic powder by an atomic layer deposition (ALD).2. The process for manufacturing a ceramic powder with or without binder as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the depositing comprises adding the at least one additional element or compound in a total amount in the ceramic powder claim 1 , excluding possible organic compound(s) claim 1 , of less than or equal to 3% by weight.3. The process for manufacturing a ceramic powder with or without binder as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the depositing comprises adding the at least one additional compound or element in a total amount of greater than or equal to 1 ppm claim 1 , excluding organic compound(s).4. The process for manufacturing a ceramic powder with or without binder as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one additional element or compound is selected from the group consisting of metals claim 1 , metal alloys claim 1 , oxides claim 1 , nitrides claim 1 , and carbides.5. The process for manufacturing a ceramic powder with or without binder as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the additional element or compound is or comprises at least one metal selected from at least one of the following four lists:a noble metal with a high melting point, selected from the group consisting of platinum, rhodium, osmium, palladium, ruthenium, and iridium;a metal selected from the group consisting of gold, aluminum, silver, rhenium, titanium, tantalum and niobium;a transition metal ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190131071A1
Автор: Fujimoto Masayuki

The present disclosure provides a ceramic sintered body having a favorable dielectric constant. In some embodiments of the present disclosure, the ceramic sintered body includes a semiconductor ceramic phase dispersed in a dielectric ceramic phase, wherein the semiconductor ceramic phase and the dielectric ceramic phase jointly form a percolative composite, and a volume fraction of the semiconductor ceramic phase is close to and less than a percolation threshold. 1. A ceramic sintered body comprising a semiconductor ceramic phase dispersed in a dielectric ceramic phase , wherein the semiconductor ceramic phase and the dielectric ceramic phase jointly form a percolative composite , and a volume fraction of the semiconductor ceramic phase is close to and less than a percolation threshold.2. The ceramic sintered body of claim 1 , wherein the volume fraction of the semiconductor ceramic phase is about 0.05% to about 20% less than the percolation threshold.3. The ceramic sintered body of claim 1 , wherein the volume fraction of the semiconductor ceramic phase is about 0.999 times to about 0.33 times the percolation threshold.4. The ceramic sintered body of claim 1 , wherein the material of the dielectric ceramic phase is selected from a group consisting of CaZrTiO(zirconolite) claim 1 , CaZrO claim 1 , SrZrO claim 1 , BaZrO claim 1 , TiO(rutile) claim 1 , ZrO claim 1 , and solid solutions thereof.5. The ceramic sintered body of claim 1 , wherein the material of the semiconductor ceramic phase is selected from a group consisting of perovskite materials and reduced TiO(rutile).6. The ceramic sintered body of claim 5 , wherein the perovskite materials are selected from a group consisting of strontium titanate (SrTiO) claim 5 , barium titanate (BaTiO) claim 5 , calcium titanate (CaTiO) claim 5 , nickel titanate (NiTiO) claim 5 , manganese titanate (MnTiO) claim 5 , cobalt titanate (CoTiO) claim 5 , copper titanate (CuTiO) claim 5 , magnesium titanate (MgTiO) and complexes ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210171401A1

A monolithic porous body can comprise magneli phase titanium oxide and a developed interfacial area ratio Sdr of at least 60%. The monolithic body can further comprise a total porosity of at least 25% based on the total volume of the body. The monolithic porous body can have a high efficiency for the degradation of water pollutants if used as anode material in an electrolytic cell. 1. A monolithic porous body comprising magneli phase titanium oxide and a developed interfacial area ratio Sdr of at least 60% , the Sdr being measured according to ISO25178-2:2012.2. The monolithic porous body of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises a water pollutant degradation of at least 25%.3. The monolithic porous body of claim 2 , wherein a specific energy consumption for conducting the water pollutant degradation is not greater than 600 kWh/kg TOC between 1 and 10 hours.4. The monolithic porous body of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises a total porosity of at least 25% based on the total volume of the body.5. The monolithic porous body of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises pores having a diameter from 2 μm to 10 μm in an amount of at least 15 vol %.6. The monolithic porous body of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises pores having a diameter greater than 345 μm in an amount of at least at least at least 30 vol % based on the total volume of the body.7. The monolithic porous body of claim 4 , wherein the Sdr of the body is at least 150% and the total porosity is at least 50% based on the total volume of the body.8. The monolithic porous body of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises TiO.9. The monolithic porous body of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises an electric conductivity of at least 20 S/cm.10. The monolithic porous body of claim 1 , wherein the body further comprises a frame structure claim 1 , and wherein the frame structure has a lower porosity than a center region of the monolithic porous body claim 1 , and the frame structure comprises the same magneli phase titanium ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Electromagnetic effect material and ceramic electronic component

Номер: US20170152185A1
Принадлежит: Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

An electromagnetic effect material includes as a primary component, a polycrystalline oxide ceramic containing at least Sr, Co, and Fe. In the polycrystalline oxide ceramic, the crystal c-axis is oriented in a predetermined direction, and the degree of orientation of the c-axis is 0.2 or more by a Lotgering method. A component substrate is formed of this electromagnetic effect material.

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152190A1
Автор: KO Young Shin

The present invention relates to a lightweight sound-absorbing and fire-resistant insulation panel including: a binder; expanded graphite; and swelling clays, and the swelling clays are formed of honeycomb-shaped layered clays containing water molecules in interlayers and have particle sizes in the range of 50 to 200 μm. Further, the expanded graphite is present in an amount of from 10 to 100 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of the swelling clays. According to the present invention, the insulation panel is made of the expanded graphite and the honeycomb-shaped swelling clays, thus providing excellent lightweightness, sound absorption, insulation, fire resistance and flame retardancy, and further, the insulation panel is manufactured without having any sintering, thus providing simple manufacturing processes and lowering production costs. 111-. (canceled)12. A method for manufacturing a lightweight sound-absorbing and fire-resistant insulation panel , the method comprising the steps of:manufacturing expanded graphite by second expanding through thermal treatment after first expanding of graphite by acid;manufacturing swelling clays by crushing clays to a shape of circles, heating the clays at a temperature of about 400 to 600° C., expanding the distance between the layers of clays as much as 20 times to 50 times, and crushing the expanded clays to have particle sizes in the range of 50 to 20 μm, andmixing the expanded graphite with a binder and the swelling clays,wherein the swelling clays are formed of honeycomb-shaped layered clays containing water molecules in interlayers.13. The method according to claim 12 , wherein the expanded graphite is present in an amount of from 10 to 100 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of the swelling clays claim 12 , and the binder is present in an amount of from 30 to 200 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of the swelling clays and the expanded graphite.14. The method according to claim 12 , wherein the binder ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152192A1
Автор: LIN Xinping, LIN Yongzhao

Provided is a ceramic substrate. The ceramic substrate includes a core layer, made of zirconia toughened alumina; and surface layers, symmetrically located on an upper and a lower surfaces of the core layer, made of AlO. The core layer has a chemical composition of 0 wt % Подробнее

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170160225A1

A production method for producing an oxygen sensor, includes spinning a precursor consisting of a salt of at least one metal chosen from Sc, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Yb, Sr, Ba, Mn, Co, Mg, and Ga, a solvent, and a macromolecular polymer to produce nanofibers of the precursor containing the salt of the metal. The method further includes calcining the nanofibers of the precursor at a temperature ranging from 550° C. to 650° C. for 2 to 4 hours, and making a solid electrolyte material composed of the nanofibers obtained from the calcining. The resulting solid electrolyte material constitutes a part of the oxygen sensor. 18.-. (canceled)9. A method for producing an oxygen sensor , the method comprising:spinning a compound precursor consisting of a salt of at least one metal selected from Sc, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Yb, Sr, Ba, Mn, Co, Mg and Ga, a solvent, and a macromolecular polymer to produce nanofibers of the precursor containing the salt of the metal;calcining the nanofibers of the precursor containing the salt of the metal at a temperature ranging from 550° C. to 650° C. for 2 to 4 hours, to obtain nanofibers of metal oxide containing the at least one metal,making a solid electrolyte material composed of the nanofibers obtained from the calcining, andproducing a part of the oxygen sensor from the solid electrolyte material.10. The method according to claim 9 , wherein the metal oxide is a metal oxide of at least one metal chosen from Sc claim 9 , Y claim 9 , La claim 9 , Ce claim 9 , Pr claim 9 , Nd claim 9 , Sm claim 9 , and Gd.11. The method according to claim 9 , wherein the nanofibers of the precursor containing the salt of the metal are prepared by electrospinning or liquid phase spinning method.12. The method according to claim 9 , wherein the metal oxide is a metal oxide of at least two metal elements chosen from Sc claim 9 , Y claim 9 , La claim 9 , Ce claim 9 , Pr claim 9 , Nd claim 9 , Sm claim 9 , Gd claim 9 , Dy claim 9 , Ho claim ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Binder distribution in additively manufactured parts

Номер: US20180162047A1
Принадлежит: Desktop Metal Inc

Techniques and compositions are disclosed for feedstocks with powder/binder systems for three-dimensional printing, such as fused filament fabrication. For example, a plurality of feedstocks may be combined to form a three-dimensional object having a spatial gradient of a first primary binder and a second primary binder. The spatial gradient of the first primary binder and the second primary binder along the three-dimensional object may form the three-dimensional object with an advantageous combination of adequate structural support and a rapid overall rate of debinding the first primary binder and the second primary binder from the three-dimensional object as the three-dimensional object is processed into a final part. Accordingly, the spatial gradient of the first primary binder and the second primary binder may be useful for rapid three-dimensional manufacturing of high quality parts.

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Slider for Slide Fastener

Номер: US20170164696A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

Provided is a slider having appearance or texture which cannot be obtained with a slider body made of metal or synthetic resin in the related art and further having properties superior than those of sliders in the related art. A slider of an embodiment of the invention includes a slider body formed by sintered bodies containing zirconium oxide as a main component and a tab held by a tab attaching portion of the slider body. 1. A slider for a slide fastener , the slider including:a slider body where an upper blade plate and a lower blade plate are connected by a guide post and a tab attaching portion is disposed on a top surface of the upper blade plate; anda tab held by the tab attaching portion,wherein the slider body is formed by a sintered body containing zirconium oxide as a main component.2. The slider according to claim 1 ,wherein the slider body includes a first sintered member including the upper blade plate, the lower blade plate, and the guidepost and a second sintered member which forms the tab attaching portion and is formed separately from the first sintered member, andthe second sintered member is fixed to the first sintered member via an adhesive agent.3. The slider according to claim 2 ,wherein the second sintered member includes a first attaching post portion fixed to a shoulder opening side on a top surface of the upper blade plate, a second attaching post portion fixed to a rear opening side on the top surface of the upper blade plate, and a bridging portion bridged between upper end portions of the first and the second attaching post portions,the upper blade plate includes a first protruding portion protruding from an end portion on the shoulder opening side on the top surface of the upper blade plate and a second protruding portion protruding from an end portion on the rear opening side on the top surface of the upper blade plate, andthe second sintered member includes a first fitting hole portion to fit the first protruding portion therein, the ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220306543A1

A method for preparing a boron carbide material includes: providing raw materials of a boron material, a carbon material and a rare earth oxide, wherein an element molar ratio B:C of the boron material to the carbon material is in a range of 4:1 to 4:7, and the rare earth oxide is in an amount of 5 wt % or less based on a total weight of the raw materials, mixing and milling the raw materials to obtain a mixture, compressing the mixture into a tablet form by a tablet press, and sintering the compressed mixture by a laser, wherein the laser has a laser wavelength of 980 nm, a laser power in a range of 100 to 3000 W, and a laser irradiation time of 3 to 60 s. 1. A method for preparing a boron carbide material , comprising:providing raw materials of a boron material, a carbon material and a rare earth oxide, wherein an element molar ratio B:C of the boron material to the carbon material is in a range of 4:1 to 4:7, and the rare earth oxide is in an amount of 5 wt % or less based on a total weight of the raw materials,mixing and milling the raw materials to obtain a mixture,compressing the mixture into a tablet form by a tablet press, andsintering the compressed mixture by a laser, wherein the laser has a laser wavelength of 980 nm, a laser power in a range of 100 to 3000 W, and a laser irradiation time of 3 to 60 s.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the rare earth oxide comprises at least one of oxides of lanthanide elements claim 1 , scandium (Sc) and yttrium (Y).3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the boron material comprises at least one of boric acid (HBO) claim 1 , and boron oxide (BO).4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon material comprises at least one of graphite claim 1 , sucrose claim 1 , glucose claim 1 , and graphene.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the milling is a high-energy ball milling.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein a medium for the high-energy ball milling is one or more selected from ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190161413A1

A method of producing an enhanced ceramic matrix composite includes applying a tackifier compound to a fiber preform. The tackifier compound includes inorganic filler particles. The method further includes modifying the tackifier compound such that the inorganic filler particles remain interspersed throughout the fiber preform, and occupy pores of fiber preform. 1. A method of producing an enhanced ceramic matrix composite , the method comprising:applying a tackifier compound to a fiber preform, the tackifier compound comprising inorganic filler particles; andmodifying the tackifier compound such that the inorganic filler particles remain interspersed throughout the fiber preform and occupy pores of the fiber preform.2. The method of and further comprising: coating the fiber preform with an interface coating using a chemical vapor infiltration or chemical vapor deposition process.3. The method of and further comprising: forming a matrix surrounding the fiber preform using a chemical vapor infiltration or chemical vapor deposition process.4. The method of and further comprising: applying a thermal barrier coating or an environmental barrier coating to the ceramic matrix composite.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tackifier compound further comprises a solvent and a resin.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the solvent comprises water claim 5 , acetone claim 5 , ethanol claim 5 , isopropanol claim 5 , or toluene.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the resin comprises polyvinyl-alcohol claim 5 , polyvinyl-styrene claim 5 , or polyacrylate.8. The method of claim 5 , wherein applying the tackifier compound comprises a technique selected from the group consisting of spraying claim 5 , painting claim 5 , filming claim 5 , dip-coating claim 5 , and combinations thereof.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic filler particles comprise a ceramic material or a preceramic polymer.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the ceramic material is formed from a material ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180170812A1

Provided are metal oxide ceramic materials and intermediate materials thereof (e.g., nanozirconia gels, nanozirconia green bodies, pre-sintered ceramic bodies, zirconia dental ceramic materials, and dental articles). The nanozirconia gels are formable gels. Also provided are methods of making and using the metal oxide materials and intermediate materials. The nanozirconia gels can be made using, for example, osmotic processing. The nanozirconia gels can be used to make nanozirconia green bodies, pre-sintered ceramic bodies, zirconia dental ceramic materials, and dental article. The nanozirconia green bodies, pre-sintered ceramic bodies, zirconia dental ceramic materials, and dental articles have desirable properties (e.g., optical properties and mechanical properties). 1. A gel comprising a plurality of zirconia nanoparticles and water , wherein the zirconia nanoparticles have an average size of 10 to 30 nm , 95% or more of the zirconia nanoparticles by volume have a size of 45 nm or less , the zirconia nanoparticles are present at 70 to 85% by weight based on the total weight of the gel , and the gel is a formable gel.2. The gel of claim 1 , wherein:i) 99% of nanoparticles by volume have a size less than 60 nm±10 nm;ii) 95% of nanoparticles by volume have a size less than 40 nm±5 nm;iii) 50% of nanoparticles by volume have a size less than 20 nm±5 nm; andiv.) 5% of nanoparticles by volume have a size less than 12 nm±3 nm.3. The gel of claim 1 , wherein 95% or greater by volume of the zirconia nanoparticles comprise 1 to 5 crystallites.4. The gel of claim 1 , wherein the gel further comprises a processing agent.5. The gel of claim 4 , wherein the processing agent is selected from the group consisting of colloid stabilizers claim 4 , particle interaction strengthening agents claim 4 , and combinations thereof.6. (canceled)7. The gel of claim 5 , wherein the colloid stabilizer is selected from the group consisting of organocarboxylic acids and salts thereof claim 5 , ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160185667A1

The invention provides a cost effective and environmentally friendly process of manufacturing alumina-based, impact-resistant and wear-resistant ceramic objects from alumina of a lower purity. Particularly, the objects may serve as milling and grinding media, or as superior materials for ballistic and armor protection. 111-. (canceled)12. An environmentally friendly process of manufacturing alumina-based , impact-resistant and wear-resistant ceramic objects from alumina having a purity of between 99.5% and 99.9% , comprising{'sub': 2', '3, 'i) mixing alumina containing between 99.5% and 99.9% of AlO, aqueous magnesium bicarbonate solution, and lubricants soluble in water, thereby obtaining an alumina suspension;'}ii) removing liquid from said suspension, whereby forming a ready to press (RTP) powder;iii) forming green bodies by placing the RTP powder into suitable molds with the desired dimensions and then applying the required pressure;iv) heating said green bodies in an appropriate furnace at a temperature between 600° C. and 1100° C., whereby removing essentially all of said lubricants; andv) sintering the heated green bodies obtained in step iv at a temperature between 1100° C. and 1600° C., resulting in said ceramic objects; wherein no halogen-containing gases or corrosive side products are released during said steps of heating and sintering;wherein said impact-resistant and wear-resistant ceramic objects are characterized by a hardness of at least 1900 HV and by a wear weight loss of 3% or less when determined by stirring 1 kg of ceramic milling balls with 0.5 liter water and 120 g SiC powder for 24 hours.13. The process according to claim 12 , wherein said sintering comprises a temperature between about 1570° C. and about 1600° C.14. The process according to claim 12 , wherein said lubricants comprise polyalkyleneglycol or polyvinylalcohol.15. Alumina-based impact-resistant and wear-resistant ceramic objects being characterized by a hardness of at least 1900 ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200169191A1

A piezoelectric material includes: an oxide containing Na, Ba, Nb, Ti, and Mn, in which the oxide has a perovskite-type structure, a total amount of metal elements other than Na, Ba, Nb, Ti, and Mn contained in the piezoelectric material is 0.5 mol % or less with respect to a total amount of Na, Ba, Nb, Ti, and Mn, a molar ratio x of Ti to a total molar amount of Nb and Ti is 0.05≤x≤0.12, a molar ratio y of Na to Nb is 0.93≤y≤0.98, a molar ratio z of Ba to Ti is 1.09≤z≤1.60, a molar ratio m of Mn to the total molar amount of Nb and Ti is 0.0006≤m≤0.0030, and 1.07≤y×z≤1.50 is satisfied. 1. A piezoelectric material comprising:an oxide containing Na, Ba, Nb, Ti, and Mn,wherein the oxide has a perovskite-type structure,a total amount of metal elements other than Na, Ba, Nb, Ti, and Mn contained in the piezoelectric material is 0.5 mol % or less with respect to a total amount of Na, Ba, Nb, Ti, and Mn,a molar ratio x of Ti to a total molar amount of Nb and Ti is 0.05≤x≤0.12, and a molar ratio y of Na to Nb is 0.93≤y≤0.98,a molar ratio z of Ba to Ti is 1.09≤z≤1.60,a molar ratio m of Mn to the total molar amount of Nb and Ti is 0.0006≤m≤0.0030, and1.07≤y×z≤1.50 is satisfied.2. The piezoelectric material according to claim 1 ,wherein a molar ratio b of Ba to a total molar amount of Na and Ba contained in the piezoelectric material is 0.08≤b≤0.13.3. The piezoelectric material according to claim 1 ,wherein a Pb component and a K component contained in the piezoelectric material are less than 1000 ppm in total.4. The piezoelectric material according to claim 1 ,wherein the piezoelectric material has a Curie temperature of 235° C. or more.5. A piezoelectric element comprising:an electrode; anda piezoelectric material portion,{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'wherein the piezoelectric material portion is formed of the piezoelectric material according to .'}6. The piezoelectric element according to claim 5 ,wherein the piezoelectric material portion has ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Slip And Process For The Production Of Ceramic And Glass Ceramic 3D Structures

Номер: US20200172444A1

Slip for the production of ceramic or glass ceramic shaped parts by a LIFT process, which contains (a) ceramic and/or glass ceramic particles, (b) binder, (c) at least one energy transformation component and (d) at least one dispersant, as well as a LIFT process for the production of ceramic or glass ceramic shaped parts using the slip. 1. A slip for the production of ceramic or glass ceramic shaped parts for energy pulse-induced transfer printing (LIFT) , comprising(a) ceramic and/or glass ceramic particles,(b) at least one binder,(c) at least one energy transformation component and(d) at least one dispersant.2. The slip according to claim 1 , comprising as component (a) ceramic particles based on ZrO claim 1 , AlOor ZrO—AlO claim 1 , or based on ZrO claim 1 , AlO claim 1 , ZrOAlOwhich is stabilized in each case with CaO claim 1 , YO claim 1 , LaO claim 1 , CeOand/or MgO claim 1 , or based on ZrOspinel claim 1 , ZrO—AlOspinel claim 1 , a spinel of the ABO claim 1 , ABO claim 1 , ABO claim 1 , ABOtype claim 1 , wherein A is an alkali metal or alkaline earth metal ion and B is a transition metal ion which has a higher oxidation state than A.3. The slip according to claim 2 , in which the ceramic particles additionally comprise ErO claim 2 , FeO claim 2 , CoO claim 2 , MnO claim 2 , NiO claim 2 , CrO claim 2 , PrO claim 2 , TbOand/or BiOas chromophoric component.4. The slip according to claim 1 , which comprises as component (a) glass ceramic particles based on leucite claim 1 , apatite and/or lithium disilicate glass ceramic.5. The slip according to claim 1 , which comprises as binder (b) a binder which is not radically polymerizable and which in pure form is solid at 25° C.6. The slip according to claim 5 , which comprises as binder (b) a cellulose derivative claim 5 , methylcellulose claim 5 , hydroxyethyl cellulose claim 5 , hydroxypropyl methylcellulose claim 5 , hydroxybutyl methylcellulose and/or sodium carboxymethyl cellulose claim 5 , poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Dielectric Composition, Dielectric Element, Electronic Component and Laminated Electronic Component

Номер: US20170190627A1
Автор: Tauchi Goushi

A dielectric composition, a dielectric element, an electronic component and a laminated electronic component are disclosed. In various embodiment, the dielectric composition includes a main component represented by (BiNaSrLn)TiO, wherein Ln is at least one element selected from the group consisting of: La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and Yb, and wherein a, b, c and d satisfy the following: 0 Подробнее

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170190944A1
Автор: Kagawa Seiji

A heat-dissipating sheet having a density of 2.0 g/cmor more and an in-plane thermal conductivity of 580 W/mK or more, which comprises carbon black uniformly dispersed among fine graphite particles, a mass ratio of fine graphite particles to carbon black being 75/25 to 95/5, and the carbon black being composed of channel black and ketjen black and/or acetylene black is produced by applying a dispersion of fine graphite particles, carbon black and an organic binder in an organic solvent to a surface of a die, drying it; burning the resultant resin-containing composite sheet to remove the organic binder; and then pressing the resultant composite sheet of fine graphite particles and carbon black for densification. 1. A method for producing the heat-dissipating sheet according to claim 1 , comprising the steps of (1) preparing a dispersion of fine graphite particles claim 1 , carbon black and an organic binder in an organic solvent claim 1 , a mass ratio of said fine graphite particles to said carbon black being 75/25 to 95/5 claim 1 , and said carbon black being composed of channel black and ketjen black and/or acetylene black; (2) casting said dispersion into a cavity of a lower die plate and then drying it to form a resin-containing composite sheet comprising said fine graphite particles claim 1 , said carbon black and said organic binder; (3) burning said resin-containing composite sheet to remove said organic binder to form a composite sheet of fine graphite particles and carbon black; and (4) pressing said lower die plate combined with an upper die plate to densify said composite sheet of fine graphite particles and carbon black.2. The method for producing a heat-dissipating sheet according to claim 1 , wherein said dispersion comprises 5-25% by mass in total of fine graphite particles and carbon black claim 1 , and 0.5-2.5% by mass of the organic binder.3. The method for producing a heat-dissipating sheet according to claim 1 , wherein a mass ratio of said ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Method of making a fiber preform for ceramic matrix composite (cmc) fabrication utilizing a fugitive binder

Номер: US20190185385A1

A method of making a fiber preform for ceramic matrix composite (CMC) fabrication comprises laminating an arrangement of fibers between polymer sheets comprising an organic polymer, which may function as a fugitive binder during fabrication, to form a flexible prepreg sheet. A plurality of the flexible prepreg sheets are laid up in a predetermined geometry to form a stack, and the stack is heated to soften the organic polymer and bond together the flexible prepreg sheets into a bonded prepreg structure. Upon cooling of the bonded prepreg structure, a rigid preform is formed. The rigid preform is heated at a sufficient temperature to pyrolyze the organic polymer. Thus, a porous preform that may undergo further processing into a CMC is formed.

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180194692A1

Barium titanate foam ceramics and a preparation method thereof are disclosed. An organic binder, an organic rheological agent and an organic dispersing agent are used as auxiliaries; deionized water is used as a solvent; nanometer barium titanate is used as a ceramic raw material; and all of same are mixed and ground so as to form a slurry with a certain solid content. A pretreated polymer sponge is impregnated into the slurry for slurry coating treatment and then dried to obtain a barium titanatefoam ceramic blank with an ideal slurry coating and without blocking holes, and same is then sintered so as to obtain a barium titanate foam ceramic. The foam ceramic has a three-dimensional network skeleton structure, and the skeleton of the foam ceramic is composed of pure barium titanate ceramic of a single chemical composition. 1. A preparation method of barium titanate foam ceramics , comprising the following steps:(1) by weight, 100 parts of nano barium titanate and 30 to 120 parts of an aqueous solution of organic binder with a concentration of 1 to 15 wt % are sufficiently ground to obtain a slurry A; 10 to 80 parts of an aqueous solution of organic rheological agent with a concentration of 0.5 to 3 wt % are added into the slurry A, and the mixture is sufficiently ground to obtain a slurry B; 20 to 80 parts of an aqueous solution of organic dispersant with a concentration of 0.5 to 3 wt % are added into the slurry B, and the mixture is sufficiently ground to obtain a slurry C;(2) a polymer sponge having a specification of 15 to 35 PPI is soaked in an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide with a concentration of 5 to 20 wt %, and then heated up to 50 to 75° C. and kept at that temperature for 2 to 6 h, the polymer sponge is taken out and washed with deionized water, dried to obtain a polymer sponge D; at room temperature, the polymer sponge D is soaked in an aqueous surfactant solution with a concentration of 0.5 to 3 wt % for 2 to 6 h, then taken out and removing the ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170198209A1

A proppant composition may include at least about 50 wt % total silica and up to about 50 wt % total alumina and a connected porosity greater than or equal to about 5%. A proppant precursor composition may include an alumina- or aluminosilicate-containing material and diatomaceous earth, wherein the diatomaceous earth may be greater than or equal to about 25 wt %. A method of making a proppant may include mixing an alumina- or aluminosilicate-containing material and diatomaceous earth to form a precursor composition, pelletizing the precursor composition, and sintering the pelletized precursor composition to form a sintered proppant having a connected porosity greater than or equal to about 5%. A method of treating a fracture site may include delivering a sintered proppant including an active agent to a well site, and dispersing the active agent from the sintered proppant within the well site. 1. A proppant composition , comprising:at least about 50% total silica; andup to about 50% total alumina,wherein the proppant composition has a connected porosity greater than or equal to about 5%.2. The proppant composition of claim 1 , wherein the proppant composition has a total silica content ranging from about 50% to about 90%.3. The proppant composition of claim 1 , wherein the proppant composition has a total silica content ranging from about 65% to about 80%.4. The proppant composition of claim 1 , wherein the proppant composition has a total alumina content ranging from about 10% to about 50%.5. The proppant composition of claim 1 , wherein the proppant composition has a total alumina content ranging from about 20% to about 35%.6. The proppant composition of claim 1 , wherein the proppant composition has a connected porosity greater than or equal to about 10%.7. The proppant composition of claim 1 , wherein the proppant composition has a connected porosity greater than or equal to about 15%.8. The proppant composition of claim 1 , wherein the proppant composition has ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190194075A1

The present application relates to a large-size, high-dielectric breakdown strength titanium oxide based dielectric ceramic material, a preparation method and application thereof. The composition of the titanium oxide based dielectric ceramic material comprises: a CaTiO+b SrTiO+c TiO+d AlTiO+e SiO, wherein a, b, c, d, and e are the mole percentage of each component, 15≤a≤35 mol %, 0≤b≤2 mol %, 30≤c≤84 mol %, 0.5≤d≤25 mol %, 0.5≤e≤15 mol %, and a+b+c+d+e=100 mol %. 1. A large-size , high-dielectric breakdown strength titanium oxide based dielectric ceramic material , a composition of the titanium oxide based dielectric ceramic material comprising:{'sub': 3', '3', '2', '2', '5', '2, 'a CaTiO+b SrTiO+c TiO+d AlTiO+e SiO,'}wherein a, b, c, d, and e are a mole percentage of each component, 15≤a≤35 mol %, 0≤b≤2 mol %, 30≤c≤84 mol %, 0.5≤d≤25 mol %, 0.5≤e≤15 mol %, and a+b+c+d+e=100 mol %.2. The titanium oxide based dielectric ceramic material according to claim 1 , wherein the titanium oxide based dielectric ceramic material has a dielectric breakdown strength of 40 to 48 kV/mm claim 1 , a dielectric constant adjustable in a range of 50 to 150 claim 1 , and a dielectric loss of less than 0.003.3. The titanium oxide based dielectric ceramic material according to claim 1 , wherein the titanium oxide based dielectric ceramic material has a size of 300 mm or greater in at least one dimension.4. A method for preparing a large-size claim 1 , high-dielectric breakdown strength titanium oxide based dielectric ceramic material having a composition of a CaTiO+b SrTiO+c TiO+d AlTiO+e SiO claim 1 , wherein a claim 1 , b claim 1 , c claim 1 , d claim 1 , and e are a mole percentage of each component claim 1 , 15≤a≤35 mol % claim 1 , 0≤b≤2 mol % claim 1 , 30≤c≤84 mol % claim 1 , 0.5≤d≤25 mol % claim 1 , 0.5≤e≤15 mol % claim 1 , and a+b+c+d+e=100 mol % claim 1 , comprising the steps of:weighing and mixing a calcium source, a titanium source, a strontium source, a silicon source and an ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190202691A1

A light absorbing member includes a ceramic composite having a plurality of first ceramic particles exhibiting positive resistance temperature characteristics in a first ceramics having an open porosity of 5% or lower. 1. A light absorbing member comprising:a ceramic composite having a plurality of first ceramic particles exhibiting positive resistance temperature characteristics in a first ceramic having an open porosity of 5% or lower.2. The light absorbing member according to claim 1 ,{'sub': '3', 'wherein the first ceramic particles are a perovskite type composite oxide represented as ABO.'}3. The light absorbing member according to claim 2 ,{'sub': 3', '3, 'wherein the first ceramic particles comprise La as an element of an A site of the ABOand comprises Mn as an element of a B site of the ABO.'}4. The light absorbing member according to claim 1 ,wherein a luminance of color of the first ceramic is 5 or higher in luminance indication classified by the Munsell color system.5. A member for hydrogen production comprising:a hydrogen generating part comprising a porous ceramic composite comprising second ceramic particles in a porous second ceramic; anda light absorbing part,{'claim-ref': [{'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}], 'wherein the light absorbing part comprises a first light absorbing member according to the light absorbing member according to and a second light absorbing member according to the light absorbing member according to .'}6. The member for hydrogen production according to claim 5 ,wherein the first ceramic particles and the second ceramic particles have an average particle diameter of 5 nm to 200 nm.7. The member for hydrogen production according to claim 5 ,{'sub': '3±δ', 'wherein the second ceramic particles are selected from the group consisting of AXO (where 0≤δ≤1, A: at least one of rare earth elements, alkaline earth elements, and alkali metal elements, X: at least one of transition metal elements and ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Co2 Z-Type Ferrite Composite Material for Use in Ultra-High Frequency Antennas

Номер: US20170213628A1
Автор: CHEN Yajie, HARRIS Vincent

A ferrite composition is provided containing Ba, Co, and Ir and having a Z-type hexaferrite phase and a Y-type hexaferrite phase. The ferrite composition has the formula BaCoIrFeOwhere x=0.05-0.20. The composition has equal or substantially equal values of permeability and permittivity while retaining low magnetic and dielectric loss factors. The composition is suitable for ultrahigh frequency applications such as high frequency and microwave antennas. 1. A ferrite composition comprising Ba , Co , Fe , and Ir , wherein said ferrite composition comprises a composite of grains of a Z-type hexaferrite phase and grains of a Y-type hexaferrite phase.3. The ferrite composition of claim 2 , wherein x=0.12-0.15.4. The ferrite composition of claim 1 , wherein the Z-type hexaferrite phase ranges from 65 vol. % to 97.5 vol % claim 1 , and the Y-type hexaferrite phase ranges from 2.5 vol. % to 35 vol. %.5. The ferrite composition of claim 1 , wherein the Z-type hexaferrite phase ranges from 65 vol. % to 97.5 vol % claim 1 , and the Y-type hexaferrite phase comprises a balance.6. The ferrite composition of claim 1 , further comprising BiOranging from 0.2 to 5.0 wt. %.7. The ferrite composition of claim 6 , wherein the BiOis present at grain boundaries of the Z-type hexaferrite phase and the Y-type hexaferrite phase.8. The ferrite composition of claim 1 , wherein the ferrite composition has a real permittivity ranging from about 7 to about 8.9. The ferrite composition of claim 1 , wherein the ferrite composition has a real permeability ranging from about 7 to about 8.10. The ferrite composition of claim 1 , wherein a real permittivity of the ferrite composition is equal to a real permeability of the ferrite composition within 10%.11. The ferrite composition of claim 1 , wherein the ferrite composition has a characteristic impedance matching an impedance of free space within 3%.12. The ferrite composition of claim 1 , wherein the ferrite composition has a dielectric loss tangent ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Dielectric Composition, Dielectric Element, Electronic Component and Multi-Layer Electronic Component

Номер: US20180211780A1
Принадлежит: EPCOS AG

A dielectric composition, a dielectric element, an electronic component and a multi-layer electronic component are disclosed. In an embodiment the dielectric composition includes a perovskite crystal structure containing at least Bi, Na, Sr and Ti, wherein the dielectric composition includes at least one selected from among La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Yb, Ba, Ca, Mg and Zn, wherein the dielectric composition includes specific particles having a core-shell structure that has at least one core portion including SrTiOand wherein α is set to 0.20≤α≤0.70, where α is the ratio of the number of specific particles with respect to the total number of particles contained in the dielectric composition. 1. Dielectric composition having a perovskite crystal structure containing at least Bi , Na , Sr and Ti , characterized in that:said dielectric composition comprises at least one selected from among La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Yb, Ba, Ca, Mg and Zn;{'sub': '3', 'said dielectric composition comprises specific particles having a core-shell structure that has at least one core portion including SrTiO; and'}0.20≤α≤0.70, where α is the ratio of the number of specific particles with respect to the total number of particles contained in the dielectric composition.26-. (canceled) This patent application is a national phase filing under section 371 of PCT/EP2016/063865, filed Jun. 16, 2016, which claims the priority of Japanese patent application 2015-143372, filed Jul. 17, 2015, each of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.The present invention relates to a dielectric composition and a dielectric element comprising the same, and to an electronic component and a laminated electronic component; more specifically, the present invention relates to a dielectric composition, a dielectric element, an electronic component and a laminated electronic component which are used for applications with a relatively high rated voltage.Recent years have seen ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150224575A1
Автор: HIRATA Koki

A sintering and molding method includes forming a fluid mold material by heating a sinter mold material, which includes inorganic particles, a binder material and a binder material which bond together the inorganic particles, to a temperature equal to or more than the melting points of the binder materials, forming a mold layer by spreading the fluid mold material, layering a mold layer, applying UV ink to a desired region on the mold layer, forming a mold cross sectional pattern by curing the UV ink which is applied to a desired region on the mold layer, finishing a mold object by removing a region, where the UV ink is not applied, in the mold layer, carrying out heat treatment on the mold object at a temperature which is less than the initial temperature of thermal decomposition of the binder material, and carrying out sintering treatment on the mold object. 1. A sinter molding material , which is used a molding method which includes applying liquid droplets to a desired region of the sinter mold material and curing the liquid droplets , the sinter mold material comprising:first inorganic particles;a first thermoplastic binder which bonds together the first inorganic particles; anda second thermoplastic binder which bonds together the first inorganic particles,an initial temperature of thermal decomposition of the second thermoplastic binder being higher than an initial temperature of thermal decomposition of the first thermoplastic binder.2. The sinter molding material according to claim 1 , whereinthe initial temperature of thermal decomposition of the first thermoplastic binder is 50° C. or more and less than 350° C.3. The sinter molding material according to claim 1 , whereinthe initial temperature of thermal decomposition of the second thermoplastic binder is 350° C. or more and 750° C. or less.4. The sinter molding material according to claim 1 , whereinthe first thermoplastic binder is polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, poly(meth)methyl acrylate, ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200203596A1
Автор: FUKASAWA Kazuki
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

A piezoelectric composition comprises silver and an oxide containing bismuth, barium, iron, and titanium. The oxide has a perovskite structure. The mass of the oxide is represented by Mand the mass of the silver is represented by M. 100×M/Mis 0.01 or more and 10.00 or less. 1. A piezoelectric composition comprising:silver and an oxide containing bismuth, barium, iron, and titanium,wherein the oxide has a perovskite structure,{'sub': 'ABO3', 'a mass of the oxide is represented by M,'}{'sub': 'AG', 'a mass of the silver is represented by M, and'}{'sub': AG', 'ABO3, '100×M/Mis 0.01 or more and 10.00 or less.'}2. The piezoelectric composition according to claim 1 , further comprising:at least one element D selected from the group consisting of vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum, tungsten, and manganese.3. The piezoelectric composition according to claim 1 , further comprising:at least niobium as an element D.4. The piezoelectric composition according to claim 2 ,{'sub': 'D', 'wherein a total mass of the element D is represented by M, and'}{'sub': D', 'ABO3, '100×M/Mis 0.00 or more and 5.00 or less.'}5. The piezoelectric composition according to claim 1 ,{'sub': m', '3', 'n', '3, 'wherein at least part of the oxide is represented by x[BiFeO]-y[BaTiO],'}x is 0.6 or more and 0.8 or less,y is 0.2 or more and 0.4 or less,x+y is 1,m is 0.96 or more and 1.06 or less, andn is 0.96 or more and 1.06 or less.6. A piezoelectric device comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the piezoelectric composition according to .'} The present invention relates to a piezoelectric composition and a piezoelectric device.Most of the piezoelectric compositions currently in practical use are solid solutions (so-called PZT-based piezoelectric compositions) consisting of lead zirconate (PbZrO) and lead titanate (PbTiO). The PZT-based piezoelectric compositions contain a large amount of lead oxide (PbO) as a main component. Since lead oxide is extremely volatile even at low ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190210928A1

A body including a first phase having silicon carbide, a second phase comprising a metal oxide, the second phase being a discrete intergranular phase located at the grain boundaries of the first phase, and the body has an average strength of at least 700 MPa. 115.-. (canceled)16. A body comprising:a first phase comprising silicon carbide;a second phase comprising a metal oxide, wherein the second phase is a discrete intergranular phase located at the grain boundaries of the first phase; andwherein the body comprises an average strength of at least 700 MPa.17. The body of claim 16 , wherein the body comprises at least 70 wt % and not greater than 99 wt % of the first phase for the total weight of the body claim 16 , and wherein the first phase comprises alpha-phase silicon carbide.18. The body of claim 16 , wherein the first phase has an average grain size of not greater than 2 microns.19. The body of claim 16 , wherein the first phase comprises a maximum grain size of not greater than 10 microns.20. The body of claim 16 , wherein wherein the body comprises at least 1 wt % and not greater than 10 wt % of the second phase for the total weight of the body claim 16 , and wherein the metal oxide of the second phase comprises aluminum and silicon.21. The body of claim 16 , wherein the body comprises an average strength of at least 700 MPa.22. The body of claim 16 , wherein the body comprises an average strength of at least 700 MPa and not greater than 1200 MPa.23. The body of claim 16 , wherein the second phase is a discrete intergranular phase located at the grain boundaries of the first phase claim 16 , and wherein the body comprises a second phase count index of at least 1000.24. The body of claim 23 , wherein the second phase count index is at least 1100/100 microns of image width and not greater than 4000/100 microns of image width.25. The body of claim 23 , wherein the second phase average area index is at least 2500 pixels/100 microns of image width and not greater ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Polycrystalline 18h hexaferrite, method of manufacture, and uses thereof

Номер: US20210246046A1
Автор: Qifan Li, Yajie Chen
Принадлежит: Rogers Corp

A polycrystalline ferrite composition comprises a formula of M5Me2Ti3Fe12O31, wherein M is Ba2+, Se+, or a combination thereof; and Me is Mg2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Co2+, or a combination thereof; and has an average grain size of 1 micrometer to 100 micrometers. A composite comprises a polymer matrix; and the polycrystalline ferrite composition. Methods of making the polycrystalline ferrite composition and the composite are also disclosed.

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210246074A1

The present invention provides a method for producing a lamination-shaped fired body. This production method includes a shaping step (S) of shaping a lamination-shaped article by using a lamination shaping powder that contains non-hydrating reaction raw material particles, an impregnation step (S) of impregnating the lamination-shaped article with a coupling liquid that contains a coupling agent, and a firing step (S) of firing the lamination-shaped article so as to obtain a lamination-shaped fired body, implemented following the impregnation step. 1. A method for producing a lamination-shaped fired body , the method comprising:a shaping step of shaping a lamination-shaped article by using a lamination shaping powder that contains non-hydrating reaction raw material particles;an impregnation step of impregnating the lamination-shaped article with a coupling liquid that contains a coupling agent; anda firing step of firing the lamination-shaped article so as to obtain a lamination-shaped fired body, implemented following the impregnation step.2. The method for producing a lamination-shaped fired body according to claim 1 , wherein the coupling agent contains at least one element selected from the group consisting of Si claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Al and Zr.3. The method for producing a lamination-shaped fired body according to claim 1 , wherein the non-hydrating reaction raw material particles are constituted mainly from a metal containing at least one element selected from the group consisting of Al claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Ni and Fe or an alloy thereof.4. The method for producing a lamination-shaped fired body according to claim 1 , wherein the non-hydrating reaction raw material particles are constituted mainly from an oxide containing at least one element selected from the group consisting of Al claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Fe and Si.5. The method for producing a lamination-shaped fired body according to claim 1 ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Nitrogen-containing porous carbon material, and capacitor and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20170221646A1
Принадлежит: Taiwan Carbon Nano Technology Corp

A nitrogen-containing porous carbon material, and a capacitor and a manufacturing method thereof are provided. A carbon material, a macromolecular material and a modified material are mixed into a preform. The modified material includes nitrogen. A formation process is performed on the preform to obtain a formed object. High-temperature sintering is performed on the formed object to decompose and remove a part of the macromolecular material, while the other part of the macromolecular material and the carbon material together form a backbone structure including a plurality of pores. As such, the nitrogen becomes attached to the backbone structure to form a hydrogen-containing functional group to further obtain the nitrogen-containing porous carbon material. The nitrogen-containing porous carbon material may form a first nitrogen-containing porous carbon plate and a second nitrogen-containing porous carbon plate, which are placed in seawater to form a storage capacitor for seawater.

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Lead-Free High-Insulating Ceramic Coating Zinc Oxide Arrester Valve and Preparation Method Thereof

Номер: US20200223761A1

A lead-free insulating ceramic coating zinc oxide arrester valve and a method for manufacturing thereof are disclosed. In an embodiment a method includes preparing an initial powder from starting materials with the following mass percentages: ZnO: 86-95%; BiO: 1.0-3.0%; CoO: 0.5-1.5%; MnO: 0.2-1.0%; SbO: 3.0-9.0%; NiO: 0.2-1.0%; and SiO: 1.0-3.0%, preparing a ceramic coating powder by mixing the initial powder, deionized water and first grinding balls, milling the mixture, and drying and pulverizing the mixture, preparing a ceramic coating slurry by mixing a PVA solution, the ceramic coating powder and second grinding balls and milling the mixture, applying the ceramic coating slurry to a green body, heating and debinding the ceramic coating slurry with the green body thereby forming a resistor element and sintering the resistor element thereby obtaining a zinc oxide surge arrester valve block having a lead-free insulating ceramic coating. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for preparing a zinc oxide surge arrester valve block having a lead-free insulating ceramic coating , the method comprising:preparing an initial powder from starting materials with the following mass percentages:{'sub': 2', '3', '3', '4', '3', '4', '2', '3', '2, 'ZnO: 86-95%; BiO: 1.0-3.0%; CoO: 0.5-1.5%; MnO: 0.2-1.0%; SbO: 3.0-9.0%; NiO: 0.2-1.0%; and SiO: 1.0-3.0%;'}preparing a ceramic coating powder by mixing the initial powder, deionized water and first agate grinding balls, loading the mixture into a polyurethane ball mill jar, ball milling the mixture, and oven-drying and pulverizing a slurry resulting from the ball milling, wherein a ratio of a mass of the initial powder to a mass of the deionized water to a mass of the first agate grinding balls is 3:2:4;preparing a ceramic coating slurry by mixing a PVA solution, the ceramic coating powder and second agate grinding balls, loading the mixture into a polyurethane ball mill jar and ball milling the mixture, wherein a ratio of a mass of the ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160244374A1

In some examples, a method including positioning a first ceramic or ceramic matrix composite (CMC) part and a second ceramic or CMC part adjacent to each other to define a joint between adjacent portions of the first ceramic or CMC part and the second ceramic or CMC part; and depositing an aqueous braze paste at least one of in the joint or adjacent the joint, wherein the aqueous braze paste comprises water, a water-soluble polymeric binder, and a silicon-based powder alloy. 1. A method comprising:positioning a first ceramic or ceramic matrix composite (CMC) part and a second ceramic or CMC part adjacent to each other to define a joint between adjacent portions of the first ceramic or CMC part and the second ceramic or CMC part; anddepositing an aqueous braze paste at least one of in the joint or adjacent the joint, wherein the aqueous braze paste comprises water, a water-soluble polymeric binder, and a silicon-based alloy powder.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous braze paste includes a greater weight percent of the water than the water-soluble polymeric binder.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble alcohol based binder comprises at least one of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) claim 1 , polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) claim 1 , or polyvinylpyrrolidone/vinyl acetate (PVP/VA) copolymer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the silicon-based alloy powder comprises an alloying component claim 1 , the alloying component comprising at least one of Ti claim 1 , Co claim 1 , C claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , B claim 1 , V claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , or Zr.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous braze paste comprises one or more additional components having a melting temperature greater than about 1400 degrees Celsius.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous braze paste comprises between about 4.25 wt % and about 24 wt % of the water claim 1 , and between about 0.25 wt % and about 4 wt % of the water-soluble polymeric binder.7. The method ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Light-transmissive zirconia sintered body and preparation method therefor and use thereof

Номер: US20190231650A1

Provided is a light-transmissive zirconia sintered body, obtained by preparing a green body from a powder for the light-transmissive zirconia sintered body by means of isostatic pressing, and sintering the green body at a high temperature and normal pressure after degreasing and biscuit firing. The light-transmissive zirconia sintered body is prepared by dispersing zirconia powder in water, adding an appropriate amount of a dispersant and a binder, mixing the mixture to form a slurry, and spray-granulating same, wherein the molar percentage of yttrium oxide in the zirconia powder is 3-5%. The light-transmissive zirconia sintered body can be used for preparing a fixed dental prosthesis.

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170243696A1

The aim of the present invention lies in providing a dielectric composition which has a relatively high dielectric constant of 800 or greater, and which has relatively low dielectric loss of 4% or less when a DC bias of at least 8 V/ym is applied, and also in providing a dielectric element employing said dielectric composition, an electronic component, and a laminated electronic component. A dielectric composition having a main component represented by (BiNaSrBa) (αTi) O, characterized in that a is at least one selected from Zr and Sn; and a, b, c, d and x satisfy the following: 0.140≦a≦0.390, 0.140≦b≦0.390, 0.200≦c≦0.700, 0.020≦d≦0.240, 0.020≦x≦0.240 and 0.950 Подробнее

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190237225A1

A composite thermistor material, a preparation method and an application thereof. The perovskite structure oxide and the pyrochlorite structure oxide are composite by solid state reaction method, which comprise process of ball milling, drying, and calcining. Then the thermistor ceramics with high temperature resistance and controllable B value are sintered at high temperature after mould forming, then the thermistor disks are coated by platinum paste, and then the platinum wire is welded as the lead wire to form thermistor element. The thermistor of the invention can realize temperature measurement from room temperature to 1000° C. and has good negative temperature coefficient thermistor characteristics. The thermistor coefficient B can be adjusted by changing the two-phase ratio to meet the requirements of different systems. 1. A composite thermistor material , which is characterized by comprising a perovskite structure oxide and a pyrochlorite structure oxide , wherein the molar ratio of the two phase is (70:30) to (90:10). The perovskite oxides contain yttrium , manganese and chromium , pyrochlorite oxides contain calcium , titanium , tungsten and cerium.2. The composite thermistor material according to claim 1 , wherein the perovskite oxide and the pyrochlorite oxide are YCrMnOand CaWO—CeTiO claim 1 , respectively.3. The composite thermistor material according to claim 1 , wherein the molar mass ratio of yttrium claim 1 , manganese claim 1 , chromium in the perovskite structure oxide is (2-2.5):(0.8-1.2):(0.8-1.2) claim 1 , and the molar mass ratio of calcium claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , tungsten claim 1 , cerium in the pyrochlorite oxide is (0.8-1.2):(0.8-1.2):(0.8˜1.2):(2˜2.5).4. The composite thermistor material according to claim 3 , wherein the molar mass ratio of yttrium claim 3 , manganese claim 3 , chromium in the perovskite structure oxide is 2:1:1 claim 3 , and the molar mass ratio of the calcium claim 3 , titanium claim 3 , tungsten claim 3 , cerium ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180244582A1
Автор: Li Xiaodong, Zhang Yunya

A graphene/metal-oxide hybrid reinforced composite and a method for a graphene/metal-oxide hybrid reinforced composite. The method includes freeze drying a slurry comprising graphene oxide and flakes to form a flake-graphene oxide foam. The graphene/metal-oxide hybrid reinforced composite comprises graphene, metal, and metal oxide nanoparticles. The metal is arranged in parallel lamellar structure to form metal layers in the composite. The metal oxide nanoparticles are present at the interfaces between the metal layers and the graphene. 1. A process for forming a graphene/metal-oxide hybrid reinforced composite , comprising:freeze drying a slurry comprising graphene oxide and flakes to form a flake-graphene oxide foam.2. The process for forming a graphene/metal-oxide hybrid reinforced composite according to claim 1 , further comprisingcompressing the flake-graphene oxide foam to form a flake-graphene oxide dense foam;annealing the flake-graphene oxide dense foam to form a flake-graphene dense foam;sintering the flake-graphene dense foam to form a bulk graphene/metal-oxide hybrid reinforced composite; andcold rolling the bulk graphene/metal-oxide hybrid reinforced composite to form the graphene/metal-oxide hybrid reinforced composite.3. The process for forming a graphene/metal-oxide hybrid reinforced composite according to claim 1 , wherein the flakes are metal flakes.4. The process for forming a graphene/metal-oxide hybrid reinforced composite according to claim 1 , wherein the flakes are ceramic flakes.5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. The process for forming a graphene/metal-oxide hybrid reinforced composite according to claim 1 , wherein the flakes are coated with a layer of polymer.8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. The process for forming a graphene/metal-oxide hybrid reinforced composite according to claim 1 , wherein the slurry comprising graphene oxide and flakes is formed by a method comprising:forming a suspension comprising graphene oxide; andmixing the suspension ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180248106A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

The piezoelectric composition is represented by the following Chemical Formula (1): 1. A piezoelectric composition represented by a following Chemical Formula (1):{'br': None, 'i': x', 'y', 'z, 'sub': m', '3', 'm', '3', 'm', '3, '[BiFeO]-[BaTiO]-[BiAlO]\u2003\u2003(1)'}wherein 0.5≤x≤0.7995, 0.2≤y≤0.4, 0.0005≤z≤0.1, x+y+z=1, and 0.96≤m≤1.04].2. A piezoelectric device comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the piezoelectric composition according to .'} The present invention relates to a piezoelectric composition and a piezoelectric device.A perovskite-type metal oxide is known as a common piezoelectric composition. The constitution of a perovskite-type metal oxide is represented by ABO. A perovskite-type piezoelectric composition is, for example, lead zirconate titanate (Pb(Zr, Ti)O). The curie temperature (T) of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) is high, and the piezoelectric constant (d) of PZT is large. However, PZT does harm to the environment or the human body due to containing lead as an element at A sites. The piezoelectric composition not containing lead is required in view of influence on the environment or the human body.An example of the piezoelectric composition not containing lead is bismuth ferrite (BiFeO) described in the following Non Patent Literature 1. The Tc of bismuth ferrite (BFO) is high, and BFO exhibits large spontaneous polarization. However, in the case of BFO alone, enough piezoelectric performance (for example, d) is not obtained due to the anisotropy being high, the leakage current being large and the like.Therefore, a piezoelectric composition the Tc of which is high and the dof which is large is required. A binary compound composed of barium titanate and bismuth ferrite is disclosed in the following Non Patent Literature 2. A ternary compound composed of barium titanate, bismuth ferrite and a composite oxide such as bismuth magnesate titanate is disclosed in Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication 2013-191751.A ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180248107A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

The piezoelectric composition is represented by the following Chemical Formula (1): 1. A piezoelectric composition represented by a following Chemical Formula (1):{'br': None, 'i': x', 'y', 'z, 'sub': m', '3', 'm', '3', 'm', '3, '[BiFeO]-[BaTiO]-[SrTiO]\u2003\u2003(1)'}wherein 0.5≤x≤0.8, 0.02≤y≤0.4, 0.02≤z≤0.2, x+y+z=1, and 0.96≤m≤1.04.2. A piezoelectric device comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the piezoelectric composition according to .'} The present invention relates to a piezoelectric composition and a piezoelectric device.A perovskite-type metal oxide is known as a common piezoelectric composition. The constitution of a perovskite-type metal oxide is represented by ABO. A perovskite-type piezoelectric composition is, for example, lead zirconate titanate (Pb(Zr, Ti)O). The curie temperature (T) of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) is high, and the piezoelectric constant (d) of PZT is large. However, PZT does harm to the environment or the human body due to containing lead as an element at A sites. The piezoelectric composition not containing lead is required in view of influence on the environment or the human body.An example of the piezoelectric composition not containing lead is bismuth ferrite (BiFeO) described in the following Non Patent Literature 1. The Tc of bismuth ferrite (BFO) is high, and BFO exhibits large spontaneous polarization. However, in the case of BFO alone, enough piezoelectric performance (for example, d) is not obtained due to the anisotropy being high, the leakage current being large and the like.Therefore, a piezoelectric composition the Tc of which is high and the dof which is large is required. A binary compound composed of barium titanate and bismuth ferrite is disclosed in the following Non Patent Literature 2. A ternary compound composed of barium titanate, bismuth ferrite and a composite oxide such as bismuth magnesate titanate is disclosed in Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication 2013-191751.A ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180257990A1

Disclosed is a manufacturing method of a gas sensor element. The gas sensor element has a plate shape extending in a direction of an axis thereof and includes: a detection portion arranged on a front end side of the gas sensor element to detect a specific gas component in a gas under measurement; and a porous protective layer formed around the detection portion. The manufacturing method of the gas sensor element is characterized in that the porous protective layer is formed by press forming of a raw material powder. 1. A manufacturing method of a gas sensor element , the gas sensor element having a plate shape extending in a direction of an axis thereof and comprising: a detection portion arranged on a front end side of the gas sensor element to detect a specific gas component in a gas under measurement; and a porous protective layer formed around the detection portion ,the manufacturing method comprising: forming the porous protective layer by press forming of a raw material powder.2. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 ,wherein the gas sensor element comprises a plurality of porous protective layers formed on the detection portion; andwherein at least an outermost one of the plurality of porous protective layers is formed by press forming of the raw material powder.3. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 , further comprising granulating the raw material powder.4. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 ,wherein the press forming is performed by isostatic pressing with the use of a rubber mold. The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a gas sensor element, particularly of the type having a porous protective layer formed on a detection portion of the gas sensor element.As gas sensors for fuel efficiency improvement and combustion control of internal combustion engines (including automotive engines), there are known oxygen sensors and air-fuel ratio sensors, each adapted to measure the concentration of oxygen in a gas under ...

21-10-2021 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing piezoelectric ceramics, piezoelectric ceramics, piezoelectric element, ultrasonic motor, optical apparatus, dust removing device, image pickup apparatus, ultrasonic probe, ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus, and electronic apparatus

Номер: US20210328131A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

Provided are a piezoelectric ceramics which does not contain lead, has small temperature dependence of a piezoelectric constant within an operating temperature range, and has high density, a high mechanical quality factor, a satisfactory piezoelectric constant, and a small surface roughness, and a method of manufacturing the piezoelectric ceramics. The method of manufacturing a piezoelectric ceramics is characterized by including: sintering a compact containing a raw material at 1,000° C. or more to obtain a sintered compact; abrading the sintered compact; and annealing the abraded sintered compact at a temperature of 800° C. or more and less than 1,000° C.

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170283329A1

A preparation method of a SiC porous ceramic material and porous ceramic material manufactured by using the method, comprising: mixing a SiC aggregate, a sintering aid (zirconium oxide), a pore-forming agent (activated carbon) and a polymer binder with a reinforcing agent (SiC whiskers) according to a certain proportion, and obtaining a porous ceramic material via forming, drying and high-temperature sintering. The porous ceramic material has a high strength, a high porosity, a good thermal shock resistance and a low sintering temperature, and can server as a filter material of high-temperature flue gas and a carrier material in vehicle exhaust purification. 19-. (canceled)10. A method for preparing a whisker-reinforced SiC porous ceramic material , comprisingusing raw materials for preparing said ceramic material includinga large sized particle SiC aggregate,a sintering aid,a pore-forming agent,a type of macromolecular polymer for bonding, andanother type of macromolecular polymer used for reducing mold-release resistance,the method is characterized in that the raw materials also includes a SiC whisker as a reinforcing agent.11. The method described in is characterized in thatsaid sintering aid is zirconia,said pore-forming agent is activated carbon,said macromolecular polymer for bonding is polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), andsaid macromolecular polymer used for reducing the mold release resistance is liquid paraffin.12. The method described in comprisingpreparing SiC porous ceramic material, including(1) mixing a SiC aggregate, zirconia, activated carbon and SiC whiskers and then mechanically grounding the resulted mixture to obtain a mixed powder a;(2) adding PVA and liquid paraffin into the mixed powder a and mixing them evenly, and then making the mixture of PVA, liquid paraffin and mixed powder a into a first SiC porous ceramic green body through the dry pressing or extrusion method, and then dry the first green body in the oven to get green body b;(3) placing green ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Composites of sintered Mullite reinforced corundum granules and method for its preparation

Номер: US20180282223A1

The present disclosure relates to a composite of sintered mullite reinforced corundum granules and a method for its preparation. The composite comprises mullite and corundum in an interlocking microstructure. The process for preparing the composite involves the steps of admixing the raw materials followed by sintering to obtain the composite comprising sintered mullite reinforced corundum granules. 1. A method for preparing a composite of sintered mullite reinforced corundum granules comprising the following steps:a) grinding raw materials comprising at least one clay and at least one alumina source, to obtain ground raw materials having particle size less than 45 microns;b) admixing the ground raw materials to obtain an admixture;c) granulating the admixture in the presence of at least one binder and at least one fluxing agent to obtain granulated pellet; andd) sintering the granulated pellet in the temperature range of 1300° C. to 1600° C. to obtain the composite of sintered mullite reinforced corundum granules.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the binder is at least one selected from the group consisting of bentonite claim 1 , starch and polyvinyl alcohol.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fluxing agent is selected from potash feldspar and iron ore slime.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the granulating is carried out optionally in the presence of at least one sintering aid selected from titania and zirconia.5. A composite of sintered mullite reinforced corundum granules claim 1 , comprising 6 to 80 wt % of mullite and 10 to 90 wt % of corundum claim 1 , having particle size ranging from 0.25 mm to 1.5 mm;wherein, the mullite is obtained from clay and corundum is obtained from alumina source; andwherein, the mullite and the corundum in the composite have an interlocking microstructure.6. The composite as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the clay is Kaolin.7. The composite as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the alumina source is ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180282228A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

A dielectric thin film has a main component including an oxynitride having excellent dielectric property, and a capacitance element includes the dielectric thin film. The dielectric thin film has a main component made of an oxynitride expressed by a compositional formula of ABON(a+b+o+n=5), wherein “A” is one or more selected from Sr, Ba, Ca, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, and Na, “B” is one or more selected from Ta, Nb, Ti, and W, and crystalline particles constituting the dielectric thin film are polycrystalline which are not oriented to a particular crystal plane orientation, and further the crystalline particles have columnar shape crystals. 1. A dielectric thin film comprising a main component comprised of an oxynitride expressed by a compositional formula of ABON(a+b+o+n=5) , whereinsaid “A” is one or more selected from the group consisting of Sr, Ba, Ca, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, and Na,said “B” is one or more selected from the group consisting of Ta, Nb, Ti, and W, andcrystalline particles constituting said dielectric thin film are polycrystalline which are not oriented to a particular crystal plane orientation, and further the crystalline particles comprises columnar shape crystals.2. The dielectric thin film according to claim 1 , wherein said columnar shape crystals extend to a direction crossing with a substrate of which said dielectric thin film is formed.3. The dielectric thin film according to claim 2 , wherein a constituting ratio of said columnar shape crystals penetrating from a surface to a rear face of said dielectric thin film are 30% or more.4. The dielectric thin film according to claim 1 , wherein a fluctuation rate calculated from compositional ratios of nitrogen at a position of ¼ of depth claim 1 , ½ of depth claim 1 , and ¾ of depth from the surface of said dielectric thin film in a thickness direction are within maximum of ±55%.5. The dielectric thin film according to claim 1 , wherein said “A” is Sr claim 1 , said “B” is Ta and/or Nb claim 1 , and said “n” is ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180282229A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

A dielectric thin film with high relative permittivity and high insulation can establish the amount of nitrogen in a metal oxynitride to be low. A dielectric thin film, wherein the dielectric composition is a metal oxynitride solid solution including Ma and Mb: a composition represented by the chemical formula MazMbOxNy (Ma is one element selected from Sr, Ba, Ca, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, and Na, Mb is one element selected from Ta, Nb, Ti and W, O is oxygen, and N is nitrogen); when a is the ionic valence exhibited when Ma occupies an A site in the perovskite structure and b is the ionic valence exhibited when Mb occupies a B site in the perovskite structure, a and b are 6.7≤a+b≤7.3, and x, y and z are 0.8≤z≤1.2, 2.450≤x≤3.493, and 0.005≤y≤0.700. 110-. (canceled)11. A dielectric thin film consisting of a dielectric composition containing a dielectric having a perovskite structure , wherein{'sub': z', 'x', 'y, 'the dielectric composition has a composition represented by a chemical formula of MaMbON(Ma is one or more elements selected from Sr, Ba, Ca, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, and Na, Mb is one or more elements selected from Ta, Nb, Ti, and W, O is oxygen, and N is nitrogen),'}a relation of 6.7≤a+b≤7.3 is satisfied, where a is an ionic valence when Ma occupies an A site of the perovskite structure, and b is an ionic valence when Mb occupies a B site of the perovskite structure,x, y, and z of the chemical formula satisfy 0.8≤z≤1.2, 2.450≤x≤3.493, and 0.005≤y≤0.700,the dielectric composition is a metal oxynitride solid solution containing Ma and Mb, and{'sup': '10', 'a specific resistance of the dielectric thin film is 10Ωcm or more.'}12. A dielectric thin film consisting of a dielectric composition containing a dielectric having a perovskite structure , wherein{'sub': z', 'x', 'y, 'the dielectric composition has a composition represented by a chemical formula of MaMbON(Ma is one or more elements selected from Sr, Ba, Ca, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, and Na, Mb is one or more elements selected from Ta ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180286585A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

A polycrystalline dielectric thin film including a main component made of an oxynitride expressed by a general formula of (M(1)M(2))(M(3)M(4))(ON). 0≤x≤1, 0≤y≤1, and 0 Подробнее

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160304404A1

A ceramic and a method for preparing a ceramic are provided. The ceramic includes an alumina and an oxygen-containing compound of strontium having a perovskite structure. 1. A ceramic comprising an alumina and an oxygen-containing compound of strontium having a perovskite structure.2. The ceramic of claim 1 , wherein the oxygen-containing compound of strontium comprises SrAOand SrEO claim 1 , where A represents at least one of tantalum and niobium; E represents at least one selected from the group consisting of cobalt claim 1 , iron and manganese.3. The ceramic of claim 2 , wherein a ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 claim 2 , b ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 claim 2 , c ranges from 6.5 to 7.5 claim 2 , y ranges from 0.9 to 1.1 claim 2 , and z ranges from 2.7 to 3.3.4. The ceramic of claim 1 , wherein the red-green value of the ceramic ranges from 0.06 to 0.07 claim 1 , and the blue-yellow value ranges from 0.032 to −0.02.5. The ceramic of claim 1 , wherein an intensity of light reflected by a surface of the ceramic ranges from 43 to 44.6. The ceramic of claim 2 , wherein the toughness of the ceramic is in a range of 6 MPa mto 8 MPa m.7. A method of preparing a ceramic claim 2 , comprising:providing a first uniform slurry of a basis material, an additive, a flexibilizer, a black stain and a sintering aid in an organic solvent;providing a second uniform slurry of the organic solvent and a binder;drying the second slurry to form a spherical powder; anddry pressing and sintering the spherical powder to form the ceramic, whereinthe basis material comprises alumina, the additive comprises strontium carbonate, and an oxygen-containing compound of strontium having a perovskite structure is obtainable by a reaction of the additive with at least one of the flexibilizer and the black stain during the sintering process.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein based on 100 weight parts of the basis material claim 7 , the amount of the additive ranges from 1 weight part to 4 weight parts claim 7 , the ...

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200283340A1

The present invention relates to an environment-friendly microwave dielectric ceramic material for small navigation antenna, which is applied to the microwave components such as dielectric resonator, filter, oscillator, cellphone antenna and GPS of small navigation antenna transceiving satellite communication system. The main powder ingredients of the raw material of the present invention include: CaCO, TiO, MgO, ZnO, AlOand a micro amount of additives: SiOand VO. The present invention has low sintering temperature resulting in low power consumption, low dielectric constant, high quality factor and stable resonance frequency temperature characteristic. 1{'sub': 3', '2, 'CaCO24%-30%; TiO24%-36%;'}MgO 23%-33%; ZnO 10%-15%;{'sub': 2', '3, 'AlO1%-6%;'}{'sub': 2', '2', '5, 'SiO0.8%-1.4%; VO0.6%-1.7%;'}the manufacturing method of the dielectric ceramic material is:{'sub': 3', '2', '2', '3', '2', '2', '5, '{circle around (1)} weighing CaCO, TiO, MgO, ZnO, AlO, SiOand VOpowders according to the ingredient requirement, putting the powders in the barrel of a ball mill, and conducting ball milling and stirring for 4-6 hours;'}{circle around (2)} adding 15% PVA water solution to the milled slurry and stirring for 1-2 hours;{circle around (3)} molding by dry pressing with a pressure of 500-800 MPa and potting;{circle around (4)} preserving heat at a temperature of 1200° C.-1280° C. for 2-4 hours, completing glue expelling and sintering at one time, and thus the microwave dielectric ceramic material for small navigation antenna is obtained.. An environment-friendly microwave dielectric ceramic material for small navigation antenna, with the main powder ingredients of the raw material including: CaCO, TiO, MgO, ZnO, AlOand a micro amount of additives; the dielectric ceramic material is characterized in that: the micro amount of additives are SiOand VO, and the content of each ingredient is: The present invention relates to an environment-friendly microwave dielectric ceramic ...

10-09-2020 дата публикации

Zirconia layered body

Номер: US20200283343A1
Принадлежит: Tosoh Corp

Provided is at least any of a layered body, which has a change in texture derived from zirconia, particularly a change in translucency and is suitable as a dental prosthetic member, a precursor thereof, or a method for producing these. There is provided a layered body having a structure in which two or more layers containing zirconia containing a stabilizer are layered, the layered body including at least: a first layer containing zirconia having a stabilizer content of higher than or equal to 4 mol %; and a second layer containing zirconia having a stabilizer content different from that of the zirconia contained in the first layer.

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180301695A1
Автор: Kitano Takahiro

The present invention provides a carbon-silicon composite material suitable (e.g., high capacity; small irreversible capacity; long cycle life) to be used as a negative electrode material for battery. The carbon-silicon composite material comprises a carbon black and a silicon particle, wherein the carbon black and the silicon particle are bound via a resin thermolysis product. 120-. (canceled)21: A carbon-silicon composite material comprising:a carbon black; anda silicon particle;wherein the carbon black has a primary diameter of 21 to 69 nm; andwherein the carbon black and the silicon particle are bound via a resin thermolysis product.22: The carbon-silicon composite material of claim 21 , wherein the silicon particle has a grain size of 0.05 to 3 μm.23: The carbon-silicon composite material of claim 21 , wherein the resin thermolysis product exists on a surface of the silicon particle.24: The carbon-silicon composite material of claim 21 , wherein the silicon particle is covered with the resin thermolysis product.25: The carbon-silicon composite material of claim 21 , wherein a silicon content is 20 to 96 mass %.26: The carbon-silicon composite material of claim 21 , wherein a carbon content is 4 to 80 mass %.27: The carbon-silicon composite material of claim 21 , wherein the carbon-silicon composite material is a particle having a diameter of 1 to 20 μm.28: The carbon-silicon composite material of claim 21 , wherein the carbon-silicon composite material is a fiber having a fiber diameter of 0.5 to 6.5 μm and a fiber length of 5 to 65 μm.29: The carbon-silicon composite material of claim 21 , wherein the resin is a thermoplastic resin.30: The carbon-silicon composite material of claim 21 , wherein the resin mainly comprises polyvinyl alcohol.31: The carbon-silicon composite material of claim 21 , wherein the carbon-silicon composite material is suitable for use as a negative electrode material for a battery.32: A negative electrode claim 21 , comprising the ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190300437A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

A dielectric composition has barium, strontium, and bismuth calcium titanates constituting a main component and subcomponent. “a” mol % represents a content of barium titanate in terms of BaTiO, “b” mol % strontium titanate in terms of SrTiO, and “c” mol % bismuth calcium titanate in terms of CaBiTiOin the main component composition. a+b+c=100 is satisfied, 50≤a≤83, 12≤b≤49.5, 0.5≤c≤5. The dielectric composition includes a first subcomponent constituted by at least one compound including one of manganese, iron, and chromium. The first subcomponent is included in a ratio of 0.2 wt % or more and 3 wt % or less in terms of total of MnCO, FeO, and CrOwith respect to 100 wt % of the main component. The dielectric composition includes a second subcomponent compound including niobium, included in a ratio of 0.1 wt % or more and 3 wt % or less in terms of NbOwith respect to 100 wt % of the main component. 1. A dielectric composition comprising barium titanate , strontium titanate , and bismuth calcium titanate constituting a main component and a subcomponent , wherein{'sub': 3', '3', '4', '4', '15, 'when “a” mol % represents a content of barium titanate in terms of BaTiO, “b” mol % represents a content of strontium titanate in terms of SrTiO, and “c” mol % represents a content of bismuth calcium titanate in terms of CaBiTiOin a composition of the main component, and a+b+c=100 is satisfied,'}said “a”, “b”, and “c” are values within below ranges,50≤a≤83,12≤b≤49.5,0.5≤c≤5,{'sub': 3', '2', '3', '2', '3, 'the dielectric composition includes a first subcomponent constituted by at least one selected from the group consisting of a compound including manganese, a compound including iron, and a compound including chromium, and the first subcomponent is included in a ratio of 0.2 wt % or more and 3 wt % or less in terms of total of MnCO, FeO, and CrOwith respect to 100 wt % of the main component, and'}{'sub': 2', '5, 'the dielectric composition includes a second subcomponent which is ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации

High-temperature Resistant Lightweight Thermal Insulation Material with Dual-pore Structure and Preparation Method Thereof

Номер: US20190300447A1

A high-temperature resistant lightweight thermal insulation material having a dual-pore structure and a preparation method thereof, wherein the material is prepared by adding a molding promoter and a pore former into raw materials including alumina, silica and aluminosilicate powders, stirring the resulting mixture evenly and extrusion molding the same, followed by sintering, whereby the high-temperature resistant lightweight thermal insulation material having a dual-pore structure comprising macroscopic through-pores and micro-pores is obtained, and wherein the ratio of the total volume of the through-pores to the total volume of the micro-pores is 0.5 to 25:1. 1. A high-temperature resistant lightweight thermal insulation material having a dual-pore structure , wherein the material is prepared by adding a molding promoter and a pore former into raw materials including alumina , silica and aluminosilicate powders , stirring the resulting mixture evenly and extrusion molding the same , followed by sintering , wherein the high-temperature resistant lightweight thermal insulation material having a dual-pore structure comprising macroscopic through-pores and micro-pores is obtained , wherein the ratio of the total volume of the through-pores to the total volume of the micro-pores is 0.5 to 25:1.2. The high-temperature resistant lightweight thermal insulation material according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the total volume of the through-pores to the total volume of the micro-pores is 1 to 15:1.3. The high-temperature resistant lightweight thermal insulation material according to claim 1 , wherein the total volume fraction of the through-pores and the micro-pores in the material is 18% to 80%.4. The high-temperature resistant lightweight thermal insulation material according to claim 1 , wherein the macroscopic through-pores are parallel to each other claim 1 , and the direction of the through-pores is perpendicular to the direction of heat flow in use.5. The high- ...

24-09-2020 дата публикации

Dielectric composition and electronic component

Номер: US20200303122A1
Автор: Toshihiro Iguchi
Принадлежит: TDK Corp

Provided is a dielectric composition which includes, as a main component, a complex oxide represented by a general formula A a B b C 4 O 15+α and having a tungsten bronze structure, wherein “A” includes at least Ba, “B” includes at least Zr, “C” includes at least Nb, “a” is 3.05 or higher, and “b” is 1.01 or higher. In the dielectric composition, when the total number of atoms occupying M2 sites in the tungsten bronze structure is set to 1, the proportion of “B” is 0.250 or higher. In addition, in the dielectric composition, an X-ray diffraction peak of a (410) plane of the tungsten bronze structure is splitted into two, and an integrated intensity ratio of an integrated intensity of a high-angle side peak of the X-ray diffraction peak with respect to an integrated intensity of a low-angle side peak of the X-ray diffraction peak is 0.125 or higher.

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180312674A1
Автор: CARTIER Damien
Принадлежит: COMADUR S.A.

A binder for an injection moulding composition includes: from 35 to 54% by volume of a polymeric base, from 40 to 55% by volume of a mixture of waxes, and approximately 10% by volume of a surfactant, wherein the polymeric base contains copolymers of ethylene and methacrylic or acrylic acid, or copolymers of ethylene and vinyl acetate, or copolymers of ethylene including maleic anhydride or a mixture of these copolymers, as well as polyethylene, polypropylene and acrylic resin. 1. A binder for injection moulding composition including:from 35 to 54% by volume of a polymeric base,from 40 to 55% by volume of a mixture of waxes or a mixture of wax and palm oil,and approximately 10% by volume of a surfactant,wherein the polymeric base contains an ethylene and methacrylic or acrylic acid copolymer, or an ethylene copolymers comprising a maleic anhydride, or a mixture of these copolymers, in addition to polyethylene, polypropylene and an acrylic resin, the respective quantities of the binder components being such that added together, they do not exceed 100%.2. The binder according to claim 1 , including 2 to 7% by volume of one of said copolymers or their mixtures claim 1 , around 25% by volume of polyethylene claim 1 , 2 to 15% by volume of polypropylene and 6 to 15% by volume of acrylic resin.3. A binder for injection moulding composition including:from 35 to 54% by volume of a polymeric base,from 40 to 55% by volume of a mixture of waxes or a wax and palm oil mixture,and approximately 10% by volume of a surfactant,wherein the polymeric base contains 2 to 7% by volume of an ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, approximately 25% by volume of polyethylene, from 2 to 15% by volume of polypropylene and 6 to 15% by volume of acrylic resin, the respective quantities of the binder components being such that added together, they do not exceed 100%.4. The binder according to claim 1 , wherein the ethylene and methacrylic or acrylic acid copolymer contains 3 to 10% by weight of a ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Magnesium oxide based dielectric ceramics with ultrahigh dielectric breakdown strength and its preparation method

Номер: US20200308054A1
Принадлежит: Shanghai Institute of Ceramics of CAS

The present application relates to a magnesium oxide based dielectric ceramics with ultrahigh dielectric breakdown strength and a preparation method thereof. The composition of the magnesium oxide based dielectric ceramic material comprises: (1−x)MgO-xAl2O3, wherein 0<x≤0.12 and x is a mole percentage. The material has a specific composite structure with magnesium aluminate spinel acting as a second phase surrounding a principal crystalline phase, MgO.

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200308059A1

The present application relates to a barium strontium titanate-based dielectric ceramic material, a preparation method, and application thereof. The composition of the barium strontium titanate-based dielectric ceramic material comprises: aBaTiO+bSrTiO+cTiO+dBiO+e MgO+fAlO+gCaO+hSiO, wherein a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h are the molar percentage of each component, 20≤a≤50 mol %, 15≤b≤30 mol %, 10≤c≤20 mol %, 0≤d≤10 mol %, 0≤e≤35 mol %, 0≤f≤6 mol %, 0≤g≤6 mol %, 0≤h≤1 mol %, and a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h=100 mol %. 1. A barium strontium titanate-based dielectric ceramic material , having a composition of aBaTiO+b SrTiO+cTiO+dBiO+eMgO+fAlO+gCaO+hSiO ,wherein a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h are the molar percentage of each component, 20≤a≤50 mol %, 15≤b≤30 mol %, 10≤c≤20 mol %, 0≤d≤10 mol %, 0≤e≤35 mol %, 0≤f≤6 mol %, 0≤g≤6 mol %, 0≤h≤1 mol %, and a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h=100 mol %.2. The barium strontium titanate-based dielectric ceramic material according to claim 1 , wherein the barium strontium titanate dielectric ceramic material has a dielectric strength of 38 to 52 kV/mm at a thickness of 0.38 mm claim 1 , a dielectric constant adjustable from 800 to 2 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 , a dielectric loss of less than 0.003 at 1 kHz and 25° C. claim 1 , and an effective energy storage density as high as 8.6 J/cmat 660 kV/cm.3. The barium strontium titanate-based dielectric ceramic material according to claim 1 , wherein the barium strontium titanate-based dielectric ceramic material has a permittivity variation of 7% or less between 0° C. and 40° C. claim 1 , and a DC resistivity of 10Ω·cm or greater at 100° C.4. A method for preparing a barium strontium titanate-based dielectric ceramic material claim 1 , comprising the steps of:weighing and mixing a Ti source, a Ba source, a Sr source, a Bi source, a Mg source, a Ca source, an Al source, and a Si source according to a chemical composition of the barium strontium titanate-based dielectric ceramic material, and pre-sintering the mixture to obtain a ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170327425A1

A ceramic and a preparation method therefor are provided. The ceramic includes a zirconia matrix, and an additive dispersed inside and on an outer surface of the zirconia matrix. The additive is an oxide including elements A and B, where A is selected from at least one of Ca, Sr, Ba, Y, and La, and B is selected from at least one of Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni. 1. A ceramic , comprising:a zirconia matrix; andan additive, the additive being dispersed inside and on an outer surface of the zirconia matrix, and the additive being an oxide comprising elements A and B;wherein A is selected from at least one of Ca, Sr, Ba, Y, and La, and B is selected from at least one of Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni.2. The ceramic according to claim 1 , wherein a chemical composition of the additive is AxByOz claim 1 , x claim 1 , y and z are atomic percentages claim 1 , and x is approximately 0.5˜2 claim 1 , y is approximately 0.5˜2 claim 1 , and z is approximately 3˜5.3. The ceramic according to claim 1 , wherein an average particle size of the additive is approximately 0.5˜10 micrometers.4. The ceramic according to claim 3 , wherein the average particle size of the additive is approximately 1˜7 micrometers.5. The ceramic according to claim 1 , further comprising:{'sub': 2', '5', '2', '5', '2, 'a sintering aid, wherein the sintering aid is selected from at least one of TaO, NbO, CuO, ZnO, and TiO.'}6. The ceramic according to claim 5 , wherein based on a total weight of the zirconia matrix claim 5 , a content of the sintering aid is approximately 0.1 to 5 weight %.7. The ceramic according to claim 1 , wherein based on a total weight of the zirconia matrix claim 1 , a content of the additive is approximately 1 to 10 weight %.8. The ceramic according to claim 1 , wherein toughness of the ceramic is approximately 10 to 12 MPa m.9. The ceramic according to claim 1 , wherein a number of break-resistance times of the ceramic is 10˜15.10. The ceramic according to claim 1 , wherein a red-green value a of ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160340260A1
Автор: JEON Hyoung Tag

The present invention relates to a production method for a truly spherical ceramic ball by means of a rotational method. More specifically, a method is disclosed which uses seeds to facilitate formation of ceramic balls into a spherical shape and repeats heating and cooling or grades ceramic balls according to size to form ceramic balls having a similar size during the formation process, thereby increasing strength of the ceramic balls while ensuring excellent particle size distribution. 1. A method of producing ceramic balls , comprising steps for:(a) growing and forming a plurality of ceramic balls having a desired size with ceramic powder by rotating a rotary chamber while supplying materials including the ceramic powder, water and/or a binder into the rotary chamber;(b) drying the formed balls; and(c) sintering the dried balls at a temperature higher than a predetermined value,wherein an inner surface of the rotary chamber is rough.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising steps for: grading the formed balls into ball groups according to size claim 1 , and growing and forming the ceramic balls of the ball groups to the desired size in separate rotary chambers.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step for growing and forming comprises a step for temporarily elevating an inner temperature of the chamber to grow the ceramic powder into the ceramic balls having the desired size.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising a step for supplying seeds for adherence of the ceramic powder into the rotary chamber before the step for growing and forming.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising steps for: grading the formed balls into ball groups according to size claim 4 , and growing and forming the ceramic balls of the ball groups to the desired size in separate rotary chambers.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the step for growing ceramic powder comprises a step for temporarily elevating an inner temperature of the chamber to grow the ceramic powder into ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Methods for producing ceramic green body molded article and ceramic molded article

Номер: US20180326613A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Kasei Corp

The present invention provides a method for producing a ceramic green body molded article, comprising: a raw material blending step of kneading 100 parts by mass of a ceramic raw material with 0.1 to 20 parts by mass of a cellulose complex comprising cellulose and a water-soluble polymer to obtain a kneaded product; and a step of molding the kneaded product.

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180327321A1
Принадлежит: BYD Company Limited

A Zr-based composite ceramic material, a preparation method thereof, and a shell or decoration are provided. The Zr-based composite ceramic material includes a zirconia matrix, a cubic SrNbOstable phase, a Ca(PO)(OH)phase, and a SrAlOphase, and the cubic SrNbOstable phase, the Ca(PO)(OH)phase and the SrAlOphase are dispersed within the zirconia matrix. 1. A Zr-based composite ceramic material , comprising:a zirconia matrix,{'sub': 0.82', '3, 'a cubic SrNbOstable phase,'}{'sub': 10', '4', '6', '2, 'a Ca(PO)(OH)phase, and'}{'sub': 12', '19, 'a SrAlOphase,'}{'sub': 0.82', '3', '10', '4', '6', '2', '12', '19, 'wherein the cubic SrNbOstable phase, the Ca(PO)(OH)phase, and the SrAlOphase are dispersed within the zirconia matrix.'}2. The Zr-based composite ceramic material of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , based on 100 mol % of the zirconia matrix:{'sub': 0.82', '3, 'the cubic SrNbOstable phase is about 0.2 mol % to about 8 mol %,'}{'sub': 10', '4', '6', '2, 'the Ca(PO)(OH)phase is about 0.05 mol % to about 1 mol %, and'}{'sub': 12', '19, 'the SrAlOphase is about 0.13 mol % to about 0.83 mol %.'}3. The Zr-based composite ceramic material of claim 2 , wherein:{'sub': 0.82', '3, 'the cubic SrNbOstable phase is about 1 mol % to about 6.1 mol %,'}{'sub': 10', '4', '6', '2, 'the Ca(PO)(OH)phase is about 0.1 mol % to about 0.7 mol %, and'}{'sub': 12', '19, 'the SrAlOphase is about 0.17 mol % to about 0.75 mol %.'}4. The Zr-based composite ceramic material of claim 3 , wherein the zirconia matrix is a zirconia matrix stabilized with about 3 mol % of yttrium.5. The Zr-based composite ceramic material of claim 4 , wherein the cubic SrNbOstable phase in the Zr-based composite ceramic material is formed by adding and sintering a SrCOpowder and a NbOpower during preparation of the Zr-based composite ceramic material.6. The Zr-based composite ceramic material of claim 5 , wherein the Zr-based composite ceramic material has a CIELab color value L of about 89 to about 92 claim 5 , a CIELab ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170341992A1

A method for post-processing a colored zirconium oxide ceramic, the method comprising: putting the colored zirconium oxide ceramic along with a deoxidant into a heating device, conducting a firing process at a preset temperature, and a colorant containing Pr is used for the coloring, and the deoxidant is excessive with respect to a stoichiometric amount of oxygen in the heating device. The technical solution can completely replace Pe with Pr to color the zirconium oxide ceramic yellow. 1. A method for post-processing a colored zirconium oxide ceramic , the method comprising:putting the colored zirconium oxide ceramic along with a deoxidant into a heating device; andperforming a firing process at a preset temperature,{'sup': '3+', 'wherein the colored zirconium oxide ceramic is obtained by coloring a zirconium oxide ceramic with a colorant containing Pr, and'}wherein the amount of said deoxidant is over-stoichiometric with respect to the amount of oxygen present in said heating device.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the deoxidant is an organic or inorganic material that can react with oxygen in the heating device for removing oxygen in the heating device.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the deoxidant comprises at least one of activated carbon claim 2 , charcoal claim 2 , starch claim 2 , coal claim 2 , saccharose claim 2 , lactose claim 2 , polyethylene glycol in powder form claim 2 , polyvinyl alcohol claim 2 , polyethylene claim 2 , and polypropylene.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises claim 1 , before putting the colored zirconium oxide ceramic along with the deoxidant into the heating device and performing the firing process at the preset temperature claim 1 , veneering porcelain or glazing on the zirconium oxide ceramic.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the coloring of the zirconium oxide ceramic with the colorant containing Pr comprises:{'sup': '3+', 'coloring the zirconium oxide ceramic ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170346088A1

An electrode can include a functional layer having an LnMOphase, where Ln is at least one lanthanide optionally doped with a metal and M is at least one 3d transition metal, and a heavily-doped ceria phase. An electrochemical device or a sensor device can include the electrode. 1. An electrode comprising:{'sub': 2', '4, 'a functional layer comprising an LnMOphase, where Ln is at least one lanthanide optionally doped with a metal and M is at least one 3d transition metal;'}{'sub': (1-x-y)', 'x', 'y', '2, 'the functional layer further comprising a ceria phase comprising doped ceria having a general formula CeABO, where A is at least one rare earth dopant, B is at least one alkaline earth dopant, x is greater than 0.2, y is in a range of 0 to 0.2, and x+y is greater than 0.4 and no greater than a solubility limit of ceria.'}2. The electrode of claim 1 , wherein the at least one lanthanide is doped with an alkaline earth metal.3. The electrode of claim 1 , wherein the at least one 3d transition metal includes Ni claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , or any combination thereof.4. The electrode of claim 1 , wherein x+y is at least 0.43.5. The electrode of claim 1 , wherein x+y is at most 0.5.6. The electrode of claim 1 , wherein the ceria phase is present in the functional layer in an amount of at least 40 vol % claim 1 , based on a total volume of the functional layer minus porosity.7. A sensor device comprising the electrode of .8. An electrochemical device comprising the electrode of .9. An electrode comprising:{'sub': 2', '4, 'a functional layer comprising an LnMOphase, where Ln is at least one lanthanide optionally doped with a metal and M is at least one 3d transition metal;'}{'sub': (1-x-y)', 'x', 'y', '2, 'the functional layer further comprising a ceria phase comprising doped ceria having a general formula CeABO, where A is at least one rare earth dopant, B is at least one alkaline earth dopant, x is at least 0.2, y is in a range of 0 to 0. ...

08-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160354186A1

Disclosed is a method of manufacturing a multilayer zirconia block for artificial teeth, including a first material mixing step of mixing a 3 mol % yttrium oxide-tetragonal zirconia polycrystal and an organic binder, a second material mixing step of mixing a 3 mol % yttrium oxide-tetragonal zirconia polycrystal, a 5 mol % yttrium oxide-tetragonal zirconia polycrystal and an organic binder, a third material mixing step of mixing a 5 mol % yttrium oxide-tetragonal zirconia polycrystal and an organic binder, a compression molding step of sequentially placing the mixtures obtained in the first material mixing step, the second material mixing step, and the third material mixing step in a mold for compression molding and performing compression molding, and a calcination step of calcining a compression molded product obtained in the compression molding step. This method provides a multilayer zirconia block that contains yttrium oxide, the amount of which is adjusted in the manufacturing process, thus showing a color similar to that of natural teeth after impregnation with a coloring solution. 1. A method of manufacturing a multilayer zirconia block for artificial teeth , comprising:a first material mixing step of mixing a 3 mol % yttrium oxide-tetragonal zirconia polycrystal and an organic binder;a second material mixing step of mixing a 3 mol % yttrium oxide-tetragonal zirconia polycrystal, a 5 mol % yttrium oxide-tetragonal zirconia polycrystal, and an organic binder;a third material mixing step of mixing a 5 mol % yttrium oxide-tetragonal zirconia polycrystal and an organic binder;a compression molding step of sequentially placing mixtures, obtained in the first material mixing step, the second material mixing step, and the third material mixing step, in a mold for compression molding and performing compression molding; anda calcination step of calcining a compression molded product obtained in the compression molding step.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the organic ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации

Facility for depositing a shaped filed roving

Номер: US20200338840A1
Принадлежит: Safran Ceramics SA

An installation for depositing a shaped filled roving intended to be used to manufacture a composite-material component, includes a device for feeding a fibrous roving impregnated with a composition including a binder and ceramic or carbon fillers, a die for shaping and draining the binder defined by at least one porous surface, the die having an evolving section between an inlet section and an outlet section, the inlet section being larger than the outlet section, a support in communication with the die outlet on which the shaped roving is to be deposited, and a first conveying device configured to convey the roving from the feed device through the die and to the support.

24-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150371742A1
Автор: Zhao Yanshuai, Zhou Wei
Принадлежит: BYD Company Limited

A thermistor material and a method for preparing a thermistor material are provided. The thermistor material is prepared by mixing and heating a mixture containing BaTiO, BO, SiO, LiO, PO, CsO, NdO, AlOand TiO. 1. A method for preparing a thermistor material , comprising steps of:{'sub': 3', '2', '3', '2', '2', '2', '5', '2', '2', '3', '3', '2', '3', '2', '2', '2', '5', '2', '2', '3, 'providing a first mixture comprising BaTiO, BO, SiO, LiO, PO, CsO and NdO, wherein with respect to 100 weight parts of the first mixture, BaTiOis about 94.85 weight parts to about 97.75 weight parts, BOis about 0.4 weight parts to about 2.5 weight parts, SiOis about 0.5 weight parts to about 0.9 weight parts, LiO is about 0.08 weight parts to about 0.2 weight parts, POis about 0.2 weight parts to about 0.3 weight parts, CsO is about 0.6 weight parts to about 0.725 weight parts, and NdOis about 0.325 weight parts to about 0.565 weight parts;'}sintering the first mixture at about 800 degree Celsius to about 900 degree Celsius to form a first powder material;{'sub': 2', '3', '2', '3', '2', '3', '2, 'mixing the first powder material with a second mixture comprising AlOand TiO, wherein with respect to 100 weight parts of BaTiO, AlOis about 0.06 weight parts to about 0.08 weight parts, and TiOis about 0.07 weight parts to about 0.08 weight parts to form a second power material;'}granulating, pelleting and molding the second powder material to form a molded material; andsubjecting the molded material to a heat treatment.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:subjecting the first mixture to milling prior to the sintering step, andsubjecting the second power material to milling prior to the granulating step.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein in the mixing step claim 1 , the first powder material is mixed with the second mixture and a sintering additive.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the sintering additive comprises an acid silica sol.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the granulating ...

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190345067A1

A method includes molding a raw material powder containing a ceramic powder and a thermoplastic resin having a glass transition temperature higher than room temperature into a shape by isostatic pressing and in which a raw material powder slurry is prepared by adding the ceramic powder and the thermoplastic resin to a solvent so that the thermoplastic resin is 2% by weight or more and 40% by weight or less with respect to a total weight of the ceramic powder and the thermoplastic resin, a cast-molded body is to formed by wet-casting the raw material powder slurry into a shape, dried, and subjected to first-stage isostatic press molding at a temperature lower than the glass transition temperature of the thermoplastic resin, then this first-stage press-molded body is heated to the glass transition temperature of the thermoplastic resin or above, and warm isostatic press (WIP) molding is performed. 1. A method for preparing a ceramic molded body for sintering which is molded by isostatic pressing a raw material powder containing a ceramic powder and a thermoplastic resin having a glass transition temperature higher than room temperature into a predetermined shape , the method comprising the steps of:preparing a raw material powder slurry by adding the ceramic powder and the thermoplastic resin to a solvent so that the thermoplastic resin is present in an amount of 2% by weight or more and 40% by weight or less based on the total weight of the ceramic powder and the thermoplastic resin;molding a cast-molded body by wet-casting the raw material powder slurry into a predetermined shape and drying;molding a first-stage press-molded body by isostatic pressing the dried cast-molded body at a temperature lower than the glass transition temperature of the thermoplastic resin as first-stage isostatic press molding; andmolding a ceramic molded body by warm isostatic pressing (WIP) the first-stage press-molded body with heating its body up to a temperature equal to or higher than ...
