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19-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2680284C2
Принадлежит: РЕНО С.А.С. (FR)

Изобретение может быть использовано в системах управления для двигателей внутреннего сгорания (ДВС). Предложен способ управления ДВС (1), во время которого: считывают значение параметра (R; С), характеризующего первую рабочую точку, и на его основании выводят первое заданное значение (СТI1) температуры охлаждающей жидкости и первое заданное значение (Cr1) обогащения воздушно-топливной смеси, подаваемой в двигатель. Если во время перехода ко второй рабочей точке второе заданное значение температуры меньше первого заданного значения, предусмотрены этапы: а) определения дополнительного обогащения (Δr) для добавления ко второму заданному значению обогащения, b) считывания температуры (Tgb) выхлопных газов и с) постепенного уменьшения дополнительного обогащения в зависимости от считываемой температуры выхлопных газов. Изобретение позволяет ограничить повышение температуры моторного блока двигателя при уменьшенном расходе топлива. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

23-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2678160C1

Изобретение относится к охлаждающему устройству для двигателя внутреннего сгорания. Охлаждающее устройство для двигателя внутреннего сгорания включает в себя контур циркуляции, датчик температуры охлаждающей жидкости, насос для охлаждающей жидкости и электронный блок управления. Электронный блок управления конфигурируется, чтобы выполнять обработку для выполнения управления с обратной связью по мощности насоса для охлаждающей жидкости, так что выходное значение датчика температуры охлаждающей жидкости становится целевой температурой, обработку по определению мицеллы для определения того, добавлены или нет мицеллы в охлаждающую жидкость, на основе работы насоса для насоса для охлаждающей жидкости и расхода охлаждающей жидкости, протекающей через контур циркуляции, обработку по определению эффекта Томса для определения того, удовлетворяет или нет расход охлаждающей жидкости условию проявления эффекта Томса, и корректирующую обработку для увеличения относительного значения для выходного значения ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2652469C1

FIELD: cooling. SUBSTANCE: invention refers to the vehicle cooling system. Cooling system, which includes the oil circulation circuit, the first circuit, including the electric oil pump, which discharges oil as a coolant, which is supplied to the inverter and to the corresponding motors, and to the HV radiator, which cools the oil that is supplied to the inverter and the respective motors, and the second circuit that comprises the mechanical oil pump, which emits oil that is fed into the lubricating part, without passing through the HV-radiator. EFFECT: invention allows to reduce the dimensions of the cooling system that provides for the cooling and lubrication performance values. 12 cl, 11 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 652 469 C1 (51) МПК F01P 7/14 (2006.01) B60K 11/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F01P 7/14 (2017.08); B60K 11/02 (2017.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016150110, 20.12.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ТОЙОТА ДЗИДОСЯ КАБУСИКИ КАЙСЯ (JP) 26.04.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2479731 C1, 20.04.2013. RU 21.12.2015 JP 2015-248591; 09.12.2016 JP 2016-239824 2602845 С2, 20.11.2016. RU 108489 U1, 20.09.2011. DE 102013204766 A1, 25.09.2014. US 2013173104 A1, 04.07.2013. (45) Опубликовано: 26.04.2018 Бюл. № 12 2 6 5 2 4 6 9 R U (54) СИСТЕМА ОХЛАЖДЕНИЯ ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к системе охлаждения контур, включающий механический масляный транспортного средства. Система охлаждения насос, который выпускает масло, которое включает в себя контур циркуляции масла, первый подается в требующую смазки часть, без контур, включающий электрический масляный прохождения через HV-радиатор. Изобретение насос, который выпускает масло в качестве позволяет уменьшить размеры системы охлаждающего вещества, подаваемое в инвертор охлаждения, обеспечивающей рабочие и ...

15-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017112755A

23-04-1992 дата публикации

Cooling system for combustion engine - has control unit to regulate mass flow

Номер: DE0004033261A1

Combustion engine (1) contg. within it a cooling medium pipe (2) through which a cooling medium can flow. The mass flow of the cooling medium is regulated by a temp-responsive control (25) acting on the valves forming part of an auxiliary unit (3). ADVANTAGE - Combustion engine having a cooling system which ensures the optimal operating temp. is rapidly reached and maintained.

17-11-2016 дата публикации

Kühlsystem mit einer Kühlmittelpumpe für eine Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE102015006302A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Kühlsystems mit einem Heizer (9) und einer Kühlmittelpumpe (2) für eine Brennkraftmaschine (1), mit dem Schritt: Umschalten (S80, S110) des Kühlsystems in einen vorgegebenen Betriebsmodus in Abhängigkeit von einer Heizeranforderung und einer Temperatur.

26-10-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Bestimmung der Flussrichtung eines Kühlmediums

Номер: DE102016206836A1

Verfahren (100) zur Bestimmung der Flussrichtung (R) eines Kühlmediums (M), wobei das Kühlmedium (M) zur Kühlung mindestens zweier nebeneinander angeordneter Komponenten (K1, K2) nacheinander an diesen Komponenten (K1, K2) vorbeiströmt. Das Verfahren umfasst die Schritte: Ermitteln einer ersten Temperatur (110), die der ersten Komponente (K1) der mindestens zwei nebeneinander angeordneten Komponenten zugeordnet wird; Ermitteln einer zweiten Temperatur (115), die der zweiten Komponente (K2) der mindestens zwei nebeneinander angeordneten Komponenten zugeordnet wird; Ermitteln einer Differenz (120) der ermittelten Temperaturen; Bestimmen der Flussrichtung (190) des Kühlmediums in Abhängigkeit der ermittelten Differenz.

24-05-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003738412A1

22-09-1994 дата публикации

Control system of a device for the cooling of an internal combustion engine

Номер: DE0004408798A1

The invention relates to a control system of a device for the cooling of an internal combustion engine with a coolant temperature sensor and a fan. The invention is characterised by the following features: - means for the detection of engine parameters for sensing the engine; - first means of comparison between a temperature value (Tf) measured by the sensor and a predetermined upper temperature limit (Tfs); - means which control the adjustment of the value of some engine parameters when the first means of comparison detect that the temperature value (Tf) measured by the sensor is greater than the upper temperature limit (Tfs); - means of triggering operation of the fan when the said temperature value (Tf) measured by the sensor is greater than the upper temperature limit (Tfs); - second means of comparison between a temperature value (Tf) measured by the sensor and a predetermined lower temperature limit (Tfi); - means which re-establish the values of the parameters when the second means ...

24-12-2009 дата публикации

Safety device for internal combustion engine of motorvehicle, has processing unit actuating signal device when temperature of cooling agent is smaller than preset threshold corresponding to engine and demanding cooling of engine

Номер: DE102008029509A1

The device (1) has a closed cooling circuit (3) with a cooling agent e.g. ethylene glycol mixture, for cooling an internal combustion engine (2). A sensor (4) monitors temperature of the agent and outputs a temperature signal relative to the temperature. A processing unit (6) receives the temperature signal. The processing unit actuates a signal device (7) e.g. loudspeaker, when the temperature of the agent is larger than a preset threshold corresponding to an atmospheric boundary limit and is smaller than a preset threshold corresponding to the engine and demanding cooling of the engine. An independent claim is also included for a method for operating a motorvehicle.

14-11-2002 дата публикации

Folgeschadensicheres Verfahren und System zur Regelung der Motorkühlung für ein Hybrid-Elektrofahrzeug

Номер: DE0010221036A1

Diese Erfindung ist ein folgeschadensicherer Algorithmus für ein Hybrind-Elektrofahrzeug (HEV). Das Verfahren und das System ermöglichen es, ein HEV ohne Schaden weiter zu betreiben, nachdem das Kühlsystem des Motors Schaden genommen hat, wenn beispielsweise ein völliger Verlust von Motorkühlmittel aufgetreten ist. Ziele schließen eine folgeschadensichere Fahrzeugstrategie ein, um annehmbare Motortemperaturen und minimale Schall- und Schwingungsemissionen bzw. rauen Betrieb (NVH) aufrechtzuerhalten, während die Reichweite des Fahrzeugs bedeutend verlängert wird. Als erstes wird eine Bestimmung vorgenommen, ob sich das Fahrzeug auf das abgegebene Drehmoment eines elektrischen Antriebsmotors zum Betrieb des Fahrzeugs verlassen kann. Wenn Motorbetrieb erforderlich ist, wird die Kraftstoffzuführung an den Motor und das Zünden der Zylinder regelmäßig abgewechselt, um diejenigen Zylinder kühlen zu können, wenn keine Verbrennung stattfindet. Die Motordrehzahl wird ebenfalls optimiert. NVH muß ...

17-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009019391D0

23-03-2016 дата публикации

Cooling system with a coolant pump for an internal combustion engine

Номер: GB0201602277D0

16-06-1999 дата публикации

A method and apparatus for operating a cooling fluid circuit of an internal combustion engine

Номер: GB0009909207D0

03-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002236408A

A motor vehicle radiator cooling fan control system operates the fan (via relay RY1) whenever the temperature of the coolant exceeds a first reference temperature. The control system detects when a passenger compartment heater 17c is operated and under suitable conditions of a) coolant temperature 31, b) ambient temperature 30 and c) if the vehicle air- conditioning system is not in operation 23, substitutes a second, higher, reference temperature for the first. This reduces on/off cycling of the fan and consequent noise. The level of the second reference depends on the power supplied to the heater blower 45a and can be provided from a look-up table MP. The system forms pan of an air conditioning system with a further air conditioning fan and heat exchanger. There is a complex subsidiary relationship between vehicle speed, operation of the air-conditioning compressor and refrigerant pressure and operation of the two fans in relation to coolant temperature. ...

31-03-2021 дата публикации

Flow control devices for engine cooling systems

Номер: GB0002587384A

A flow controller 200 for an engine cooling system has a chamber 210 to receive coolant flowing through the system. First and second apertures 224,234 have respective first and second vales 220,230 that control flow of coolant into or out of the chamber based upon the coolant pressure. Ideally the first and second valves are pressure relief valves having respective valve elements 222,232 and springs 226,236. The valves may include bleed channels to permit coolant to pass through when the valves are closed. A cooling system 100 is also claimed in which the chamber is fluidly connected (e.g. mounted) to a coolant inlet or outlet of an engine housing 10. The system ideally couples the first aperture to: a radiator 120 via a thermostatically controlled valve 136; a first group of engine components 20 (cylinder head 22 and exhaust manifold 24); and to a bypass duct 13, and drives a pump 110 based on coolant temperature to affect coolant pressure - and thus flow - through the apertures. The second ...

08-12-1982 дата публикации

Engine cooling systems

Номер: GB0002099573A

A system for controlling cooling water temperature for a water-cooled engine has a radiator, a cooling water passage communicating a water jacket in the engine with the radiator, and a thermostat provided in the cooling water passage. The system is provided with a bypass for bypassing the thermostat, a bypass valve provided in the bypass for closing the bypass, and a solenoid operated valve for actuating the bypass valve. Switch circuits are connected parallel to a solenoid of the solenoid operated valve means. The switch circuits comprise a thermo-switch responsive to low cooling water temperature to effect the operation of the solenoid operated valve for closing the bypass valve of the bypass, a vacuum switch responsive to a vacuum in the intake passage at heavy load operation of the engine to effect the operation of said solenoid operated valve for opening the bypass valve, whereby the cooling water temperature is controlled according to the engine operation.

15-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000169087T

13-11-1998 дата публикации

Continuously variable fan drive clutch

Номер: AU0007256998A

17-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1249020A

SELF-PROPELLED TRACTION VEHICLE WITH LOW FUEL CONSUMPTION WHILE IDLING In a diesel-electric locomotive, the power demand of electrically driven auxiliary equipment is automatically increased in response to the temperature of the diesel engine falling to an undesirably low level so as to load the engine when idling and thereby cause it to produce extra heat which prevents abnormal wear and excessive fuel consumption.

09-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002135108C

A water cooling system for a locomotive engine that enables the engine to operate at a maximum power level that generates a maximum permissible engine cooling water temperature corresponding to a particular ambient air temperature. The water cooling system can be either an open-loop or a closed-loop controlled system. In the open-loop control system, an ambient air temperature sensor measures the ambient air temperature. When the ambient air temperature exceeds a predetermined value, a signal from the temperature sensor to a signal processor automatically causes the engine power to derate in accordance with the temperature such that the heat generated by the engine maintains the water temperature of the cooling water constant. An ambient pressure sensor senses ambient pressure such that a correction factor is supplied to correct for cooling losses at higher altitude. In the closed loopsystem, the signal processor generates an error signal as the difference in the maximum allowable engine-out ...

01-12-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002043554A1

In order to monitor a sealed or sealable space filled more particularly with a liquid for corrosion, more particularly in a heating and cooling circuit comprising a heat storage means in a motor vehicle the pressure in the sealed space is measured and a pressure dependent indication, more particularly in the form of an alarm signal, is produced when a threshold value is exceeded.

13-11-1996 дата публикации

Turbocharged Engine Cooling Apparatus

Номер: CA0002172688A1

22-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002209792A1

A temperature control system in a liquid cooled internal combustion engine equipped with a radiator controls the state of a flow control valve for controlling flow of a temperature control fluid through a passageway in the engine. Sensors detect an engine condition temperature, such as engine oil temperature. The sensors preferably also detect the temperature of the temperature control fluid and the temperature of the ambient air. An engine computer receives signals from the sensors and compares the signals to one or more predetermined values. In one embodiment, the engine computer compares the engine oil temperature signal to a predetermined value to control actuation of the valve. In another embodiment, the engine computer adjusts a predetermined temperature control fluid temperature value based on the comparison of the engine oil temperature signal to the predetermined engine oil temperature value. The engine computer then compares the temperature control fluid temperature signal to ...

23-11-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002190162A1

A method for comprehensive integrated control of an internal combustion engine, such as a compression-ignition engine, utilizing an electronic control module (20) is disclosed. The control strategy integrates various functions of engine control including an acceleration balance test for the engine cylinders, a fuel economy vehicle speed limit adder, a fueling limit for high altitude vehicle operation, throttle logic, a data-hub for operation trending and vehicle component lifing analyses, a gear ratio torque limit, an air temperature based torque limit, enhanced cooling fan control, and an idle shutdown strategy based on ambient air temperature.

08-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002273698A1

A heat exchanger for a motor vehicle exhaust includes a tubular body having a first end, a second end, a peripheral sidewall, and at least two flow passages that extend between the first end and the second end. The at least two flow passages include at least one heat exchange fluid flow passage and at least one bypass fluid flow passage. A heat exchange coil is positioned in the at least one heat exchange fluid flow passage. The heat exchange coil has an inlet and an outlet extending through the sidewall of the tubular body. A valve is provided for selecting between the at least one heat exchange fluid flow passage and the at least one bypass fluid flow passage.

03-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002264186A1

A heat exchanger for a motor vehicle exhaust includes an outer tubular body, an inner tubular body is disposed within an interior cavity of the outer tubular body and a tubular spiral heat exchange coil disposed within the inner tubular body. A valve is positioned at an of the inner tubular body. The valve has an open position and a closed position. In the open position hot exhaust gases flow along the flow channel past the heat exchange coil. In the closed position, the inlet of the flow channel is blocked by the valve and hot exhaust gases are diverted along the diversion channel.

30-11-2001 дата публикации

Packaging for vehicle drives.

Номер: CH0000691917A5

05-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002504977A


19-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002729434A1

Installation de refroidissement comprenant une soupape thermostatique réversible d'un niveau élevé à un bas niveau de réglage, ainsi qu'un ventilateur associé à un radiateur. Un circuit (18) de commande du ventilateur comprend un étage (19) de comparaison de la température réelle (Tar ) de l'agent de refroidissement à une consigne (Tar cons1 ), qui forme en cas de dépassement de cette consigne un signal de température qui est envoyé à une entrée d'un opérateur ET (20) dont l'autre entrée reçoit le signal d'inversion de la soupape et qui forme un signal de mise en service du ventilateur (17). Application à tous les véhicules à moteur à combustion interne ...

25-11-1994 дата публикации

System of regulation of an installation of air-conditioning for motor vehicles.

Номер: FR0002697476B1

23-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002816674B1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

06-02-2004 дата публикации

Heating and cooling system for vehicle engine uses heat accumulator with electro-valve control to assist with engine warm-up

Номер: FR0002843168A1

Procédé utilisant un premier chemin de refroidissement (28) avec une conduite de dérivation, un second chemin (30) passant par le radiateur principal (16) du moteur (12), un troisième chemin (32) passant par l'échangeur de chaleur de chauffage (20) et un quatrième chemin (56) passant par un accumulateur de chaleur (60). Des vannes électriques (34, 36) règlent les débits de liquide de refroidissement entre les différents chemins. Une pompe (14) fait circuler le liquide. Une unité de commande électronique (22) agit sur les vannes (34, 36) suivant les paramètres de fonctionnement et d'environnement (40, 42) et des valeurs de consigne (38). Une troisième vanne de commande (54) est associée au quatrième chemin (56). Cette vanne est fermée totalement ou partiellement par l'unité de commande (22) suivant que la température de référence des autres parties du circuit de refroidissement (10) dépasse une valeur de consigne enregistrée ; cette vanne s'ouvre dans le cas inverse.

18-04-1980 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002436878A1

09-06-1995 дата публикации

Cooling system for motor vehicle IC engine

Номер: FR0002713279A1

Dispositif de refroidissement d'un moteur thermique (1) de véhicule automobile, comprenant un radiateur de refroidissement (10) et une pompe de circulation (4), ainsi qu'un réservoir thermiquement isolé (14) contenant en permanence une quantité de liquide de refroidissement, en parallèle avec une conduite de dérivation (20). Des vannes (15, 16, 21) permettent au liquide de refroidissement sortant du moteur, au cours du fonctionnement de celui-ci, de traverser le réservoir ou au contraire de passer par la conduite de dérivation, en fonction de la température du liquide à la sortie du moteur et dans le réservoir, de façon à optimiser la vitesse de montée en température.

25-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003069288A1

23-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR101766125B1

According to the present invention, a method for charging cooling water by using a cooling water pressure sensor when a thermal management system (TMS) is applied comprises: a vehicle starting step; a first cooling water pressure measuring step; a step of operating in accordance with an ECU mapping; a step of determining whether a cooling water charging mode is turned on if the cooling water temperature is higher than or equal to a first determination temperature (T1); a step of opening an integrated flow control valve and changing a cooling fan operating logic to a cooling fan charging logic when the cooling water charging mode has been turned on; a step of determining whether the cooling water charging mode is completed; and a step of releasing the cooling water charging mode. The cooling fan charging logic can improve the charging properties of the cooling water of a vehicle applied with a TMS, in which the cooling water temperature is controlled to increase, by changing a second determination ...

14-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170028683A

A cooling fan controller in an engine room of the present invention comprises: a vehicle communication transceiver connected to a vehicle communication bus and receiving automatic temperature controller information via the vehicle communication bus; a processor which generates a first motor control signal using the automatic temperature controller information when a vehicle communication state is normal, and generates a second motor control signal using engine RPM information received from the engine controller when the vehicle communication state is abnormal; and a PWM inverter which controls a cooling fan motor in accordance with the first motor control signal or the second motor control signal. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 (100) Engine controller (200) Automatic temperature controller (300) Cooling fan controller (310) Motor (400) Air conditioner compressor (AA) Engine RPM information (BB) Capacity control signal ...

30-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170074795A

An cooling system (100) including an oil circulation circuit (200) comprises: a first circuit (210) including an electric oil pump (102) that discharges oil as a coolant to be supplied to an inverter (21) and respective motors (2, 3), and an HV radiator (103) that cools the oil to be supplied to the inverter (21) and the respective motors (2, 3); and a second circuit (220) including a mechanical oil pump (101) that discharges the oil to be supplied to a lubrication-required part (30) without passing through the HV radiator (103). COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 (103) HV radiator (104) Oil storage part (21) Inverter (30) Lubrication-required part? (AA) T/M lubrication oil ...

07-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160128230A

The present invention relates to a control system for an internal combustion engine. The control system for an internal combustion engine reduces a change in an air-fuel ratio, which causes a change in the temperature of a wall, by reducing the amount of the fuel injected from a second fuel injection valve per cycle to be less than the second base injection amount of fuel according to the operation state of an internal combustion engine, and increasing the amount of the fuel injected from a first fuel injection valve per cycle to be more than the first base injection amount of fuel according to the operation state of the internal combustion engine during a certain time after a flow restriction treatment is finished. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 (AA) Cooling water temperature (BB) Air-fuel ratio (CC) Pump operation flag (DD) On (EE) Off (FF) Second injection amount (GG) Threshold for warm-up determination (H1,H2,H3,H4) Time (II) Purification window (JJ) Second base injection amount (KK) Predetermined ...

03-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190045593A

20-11-2017 дата публикации

A cooling system for a combustion engine and a further object

Номер: SE0001650677A1

The present invention relates a cooling system configured to coo! a combustion engine (2) and at least one further object (18) in a vehicle (1). The cooling system comprises a main radiator (8), a main radiator bypass line (9) directing coolant past the main radiator (8), a first valve device (6) receiving coolant from the combustion engine (2) and directing it to the main radiator (8) and the main radiator bypass line (9), an auxiliary circuit (14) directing coolant to the further object (13), and a second valve device (20) receiving coolant from the main radiator (11) and/or the main radiator bypass line (9) and directing it to the auxiliary circuit (14) and/or the combustion engine (2). The auxiliary circuit (14) comprises an auxiliary radiator (15) in which the coolant is cooled to a lower temperature than in the main radiator (8), and an auxiliary heat exchanger (23) located downstream of the auxiliary radiator (15) in the auxiliary circuit (14). The coolant is heated in the auxiliary ...

21-06-2000 дата публикации

Cooling system for an automotive engine

Номер: TW0000394817B

A cooling system has a radiator for cooling coolant of an automotive engine, cooling fan for cooling the coolant in the radiator, and a thermostat for controlling coolant temperature. The thermostat has a housing having a flange, an actuating rod secured to the housing at a first end thereof, a guide member slidably mounted on the actuating rod, a resilient seal spool provided around a second end portion of the actuating rod and secured to the guide member, a heat sensitive cylinder housing the seal spool and secured to the guide member, wax pellets provided in the heat sensitive cylinder to enclose the seal spool. The flange has a hole so as to pass a coolant, and the thickness of the resilient seal spool being set between 25% and 5% of the diameter of the actuating rod, thereby reducing a spring constant of return spring of the thermostat. A cooling fan switch is provided for starting the cooling fan at a low coolant temperature.

02-03-1995 дата публикации

Номер: WO1995006200A1

09-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO2001057373A1

The invention concerns a method for cooling a motor vehicle engine, which consists in regulating the volume and the flow rate of a coolant fluid in a hydraulic circuit (2) provided with a degassing bypass hose (6) wherein is provided a degassing box (11). The invention is characterised in that the method comprises a step which consists in determining the temperature of the cooling liquid, a step which consists in comparing the temperature of the cooling liquid with a first threshold temperature, and a step which consists in regulating the fluid circulation in the degassing bypass hose (6) such that, when the fluid temperature is higher than the first threshold, the amount of fluid circulating in the bypass hose (6) is greater than the amount circulating in that same bypass hose (6) when the fluid temperature is lower than the first threshold temperature. The invention also concerns a device for cooling a motor vehicle engine.

16-09-2004 дата публикации

Malfunction detecting system of engine cooling apparatus

Номер: US20040181333A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

In a malfunction detecting system of an engine cooling apparatus constituted as a radiator having a thermostat that opens/closes a communicating passage between the engine and the radiator, estimated coolant temperature is calculated using a thermal load parameter correlated to rise in the coolant temperature after engine starting, whilst an engine standing time period is detected. Then, the detected engine standing time period is compared with a predetermined value and based on a result of comparison, one of preset threshold values including a malfunction discrimination threshold value and a malfunction discrimination execute threshold value is selected. The selected threshold value is then compared with the estimated coolant temperature or a difference between the estimated coolant temperature and the detected coolant temperature, and it is discriminated that the cooling apparatus has malfunctioned, when the estimated coolant temperature or the difference exceeds the malfunction discrimination ...

28-06-1994 дата публикации

Temperature and pressure sensor for cooling systems and other pressurized systems

Номер: US0005324114A1
Автор: Vinci; Peter
Принадлежит: Waekon Industries, Inc.

A device for monitoring the temperature and pressure of a liquid coolant in a cooling system having a sealant which seals around a needle from a pressure or temperature probe and re-seals itself upon removal of the needle. The sealant is fitted within an axial bore within the monitoring device. The needles of the pressure and temperature probes puncture the sealant and are adapted to be in communication with the cooling system. The monitoring device further includes a pressure relief probe for rapid decrease of the cooling system pressure. The invention may be for testing a closed pressurized system using the pressure probe with a valve or other orifice for pressurizing the system.

06-08-2013 дата публикации

Engine for vehicle

Номер: US0008499736B2

A vehicle engine in which a water temperature sensor can be protected against debris or foreign matter such as earth and sand, flying stones, etc., from impacting the temperature sensor without taking any protective measure for exclusive use. A vehicle engine includes a head portion of the cylinder fitted with a water temperature sensor for detecting water temperature in a water jacket. The head portion of the cylinder is provided on one side thereof with a sensor mounting hole opening directly under an upstream end opening portion of an intake port. The water temperature sensor is mounted in the sensor mounting hole. Further, the head portion of the cylinder is formed with a left-right pair of hanger bosses which are opposed to each other, with the water temperature sensor therebetween. Engine hanger brackets extend from the body frame and are firmly attached to the hanger bosses.

21-11-2006 дата публикации

Thermostat malfunction detecting system for engine cooling system

Номер: US0007137295B2
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation, DENSO CORP, DENSO CORPORATION

A malfunction of a thermostat in a coolant circulating path is detected from an engine side coolant temperature in consideration of the following behavior of the coolant temperature. When an open-malfunction occurs, the coolant temperature becomes different considerably from that in the normal time in the temperature range in which the thermostat is to be normally closed. When a closure-malfunction occurs, the coolant temperature becomes different considerably from that during the normal time in the temperature range in which the thermostat is to be normally opened. Alternatively, the malfunction may be detected from a difference between the engine side coolant temperature and a radiator side coolant temperature.

16-03-2004 дата публикации

Method and regulating arrangement for heating the cab of a motor vehicle with a diesel engine

Номер: US0006705287B2

A method and a regulating arrangement (10) for heating the cab (21) of a vehicle is described. In the event of a start in a cold environment, a heating program is carried out to heat the cab (21) more rapidly, if the diesel engine temperature, measured by a temperature sensor (15), is below a predetermined value. The supply of air to the diesel engine is reduced via the throttle valve (13) to set a currently predetermined intake pressure. If the driver demands a higher acceleration of the vehicle by actuating the accelerator pedal, throttling can be temporarily canceled. When the engine temperature has exceeded a second value, the heating program is terminated and the engine control (10) returns to normal operation. In order to assist the heating phase, in addition, the exhaust-gas recirculation valve (17) may be closed and electrical consumers switched on.

30-03-2021 дата публикации

Methods of controlling electrical coolant valve for internal combustion engine

Номер: US0010961897B2

A method can include: acquiring, via one or more sensors disposed in a vehicle, one or more engine operation parameters relating to operation of an internal combustion engine disposed along a coolant flow path in the vehicle; calculating at least one target coolant temperature according to the one or more engine operation parameters; and controlling a valve actuator to regulate flow of a coolant through the coolant flow path via an electric coolant valve operatively coupled to the valve actuator such that a temperature of the coolant changes in accordance with the at least one target coolant temperature.

14-02-2023 дата публикации

Systems and methods for preventing engine overcooling

Номер: US0011578640B1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc.

A cooling system includes an internal combustion engine, a coolant pump in fluid communication with the internal combustion engine, and a liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger configured to receive coolant from the internal combustion engine via the coolant pump. The cooling system also includes a bypass valve connected downstream of the coolant pump, the bypass valve configured to close a fluid path that connects the coolant pump and the liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger.

14-12-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017101779A3

02-01-2009 дата публикации

Fehlerdiagnosevorrichtung für einen Motorkühlwassertemperatursensor

Номер: DE102004008142B4

Fehlerdiagnosevorrichtung, umfassend: einen ersten Sensor (10) zum Erfassen einer Kühlwassertemperatur eines an einem Fahrzeug angebrachten Motors (1); einen zweiten Sensor (9) zum Erfassen einer dem Motor (1) zugeordneten Temperatur; ein erstes Berechnungsmittel (52) zum Berechnen einer ersten Differenz zwischen einer von dem ersten Sensor (10) zu der Zeit (to) erfassten Temperatur (Tw0), wenn der Motor (1) in einem vorherigen Betriebszyklus des Motors (1) stoppt, und einer von dem ersten Sensor (10) zu der Zeit (t1) erfassten Temperatur (Tw1), wenn der Motor (1) in einem gegenwärtigen Betriebszyklus des Motors (1) startet; ein zweites Berechnungsmittel zum Berechnen einer zweiten Differenz zwischen einer durch den zweiten Sensor (9) zu der Zeit (t0) erfassten Temperatur (Ta0), wenn der Motor (1) in dem vorherigen Betriebszyklus stoppt, und einer durch den zweiten Sensor (9) zu der Zeit (t1) erfassten Temperatur (Ta1), wenn der Motor (1) in dem gegenwärtigen Betriebszyklus startet; und ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Thermostat mit Fehlerdiagnosefunktion und Verfahren zur Fehlerdiagnose eines Thermostats, welches dasselbe verwendet

Номер: DE102014108603A1

Offenbart sind ein Thermostat (10) mit einer Fehlerdiagnosefunktion und Verfahren zum Diagnostizieren eines Fehlers in einem Thermostat (10). Das Thermostat (10) ist zwischen einem Verbrennungsmotor (1) und einem Radiator (2) installierbar, um Kühlwasser mittels eines Ventils (12), welches abhängig von Temperaturen (T1, T2) im Kühlwasser, welches zwischen dem Verbrennungsmotor (1) und dem Radiator (2) zirkuliert, betätigt wird, zu steuern, so dass es zurück zu dem Verbrennungsmotor (1) umgeleitet wird oder es hin zu dem Radiator (2) zirkuliert wird. Das Thermostat (10) kann eine Mehrzahl von Wassertemperatursensoren aufweisen, welche vor und nach dem Ventil (12) installiert sind, um die Temperaturen (T1, T2) im Kühlwasser vor und nach dem Ventil (12) zu messen, zum Ermitteln, ob das Ventil (12) normal betätigt ist oder ob nicht, durch Vergleichen einer Differenz der Temperaturen (T1, T2) im Kühlwasser vor und nach dem Ventil (12) mit einer vorbestimmten Temperatur.

24-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004022359A1

11-02-2010 дата публикации

Wasserpumpe mit einem elektronisch gesteuerten Flüssigkeitsreibungskupplungsantrieb

Номер: DE0060234893D1

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020117434A1

Eine Vorrichtung und ein Verfahren zum Diagnostizieren eines Fehlers eines Gebläses eines Fahrzeugs verbessern die Leistung verschiedener Systeme unter Verwendung von Zustandsinformationen des Gebläses. Die Vorrichtung und das Verfahren weisen eine Steuerungsvorrichtung (60) auf, das einen dem Gebläse (200) des Fahrzeugs zugeführten Betriebsstromwert in einen Spannungswert umwandelt und auf der Grundlage des Spannungswerts diagnostiziert, ob das Gebläse einen Fehler hat. Die Vorrichtung und das Verfahren weisen auch eine Anzeige (20) auf, die anzeigt, ob das Gebläse einen Fehler hat.

10-07-2008 дата публикации

System und Verfahren für eine elektrische Motorsteuerung

Номер: DE112006002330T5

Ein elektrisches Motor-Steuersystem (13), das folgendes beinhaltet: ein Gehäuse (18); einen Motor (20), der innerhalb des Gehäuses untergebracht ist; einen Regler bzw. Aktuator (19), der operativ mit dem Motor verbunden und derart konfiguriert ist, als eine Reaktion auf einen Arbeitsvorgang des Motors zu wirken; eine Steuerung (21), die innerhalb des Gehäuses untergebracht ist und kommunikativ mit dem Motor gekoppelt ist; und einen ersten elektrischen Leiter (22), der kommunikativ den Motor mit der Steuerung koppelt; wobei die Steuerung derart konfiguriert ist, den Motor, über den ersten elektrischen Leiter, mit Leistung zu versorgen und Datensignale mit dem Motor zu kommunizieren.

23-11-2016 дата публикации

Cooling system with a coolant pump for an internal combustion engine

Номер: GB0002538587A

A method for operating a cooling system with a coolant pump for an i.c. engine, eg for a passenger vehicle, comprises a step S40 in which the pump is operated for a preset period of time after starting the engine and subsequently switching (S50) the cooling system over into a first warming-up operating mode (S70), in which the pump is not operated, if a first warming-up condition is fulfilled, eg if the coolant temperature undershoots a limit value. The preset period at step S40 may be fixed or variable as a function of ambient, coolant, engine or vehicle temperature. In the first warming-up operating mode S70 the pump may not be operated and the bypass and radiator lines (L2, L3, fig.1) may be shut off. If the first warming-up condition is not fulfilled the cooling system may be switched (S50) into a closed-loop control mode S60. If a second warming-up condition is detected (S80) as fulfilled, eg cylinder head temperature exceeds a limit value or engine torque, engine speed or vehicle ...

15-07-2020 дата публикации

Multi-compartment liquid reservoir for a motor vehicle

Номер: GB0202007978D0

15-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000390543T

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000393874T

15-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000022596T

15-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000086361T

24-01-2013 дата публикации

A system for monitoring the coolant level and the temperature of an internal combustion engine

Номер: AU2011272906A1

The present invention relates to a non-invasive engine guard system, which comprises: a) at least one ultrasonic sensor for providing data representing the cooling fluid level in a coolant hose, wherein said coolant hose connects between said engine and a radiator; b) a temperature sensor for monitoring" whether the temperature of said engine or said coolant hose is not above a predetermined level; c) attaching means for externally attaching said ultrasonic sensor and said temperature sensor on top of said coolant hose; d) an electronic unit for controlling said system, processing said data, and for generating information related to the temperature and the cooling fluid level in said coolant hose.

03-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002384477A1

This invention is a fail-safe algorithm for a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV). The method and system allow an HEV to continue to operate without damage after the engine cooling system is compromised, such as when there has been a total loss of engine coolant. Goals include a fail-safe vehicle strategy to maintain acceptable engine temperatures and minimal noise, vibration and harshness (NVH), while greatly extending the vehicle's operating range. First is a determination if the vehicle can rely on an electric traction motor's torque output to operate the vehicle. If engine operation is needed, engine fueling and firing of the cylinders is alternated to allow those cylinders to cool when no combustion is occurring. Engine speed is also optimized. NVH must remain within acceptable levels under most operating conditions. Further, the HEV parallel mode of operation (i.e., with a generator motor brake applied) is prohibited. And finally, the speed of at least one engine compartment cooling fan ...

03-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002246462A1

A cooling system has a radiator for cooling coolant of an automotive engine, cooling fan for cooling the coolant in the radiator, and a thermostat for controlling coolant temperature. The thermostat has a housing having a flange, an actuating rod secured to the housing at a first end thereof, a guide member slidably mounted on the actuating rod, a resilient seal spool provided around a second end portion of the actuating rod and secured to the guide member, a heat sensitive cylinder housing the seal spool and secured to the guide member, wax pellets provided in the heat sensitive cylinder to enclose the seal spool. The flange has a hole so as to pass a coolant, and the thickness of the resilient seal spool being set between 25% and 5% of the diameter of the actuating rod, thereby reducing a spring constant of a return spring of the thermostat. A cooling fan switch is provided for starting the cooling fan at a low coolant temperature.

23-08-2019 дата публикации

System and method for adjusting a rate of coolant flow through an engine based on coolant pressure

Номер: CN0106812585B

08-12-1995 дата публикации

Control system of a device for cooling an internal combustion engine.

Номер: FR0002704906B1

08-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002804722B1

12-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002504976B1

10-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002863662B1
Принадлежит: SC2N

07-07-1995 дата публикации

Temperature control device of an internal combustion engine.

Номер: FR0002705405B1

17-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002864151B1

26-07-1991 дата публикации

Dispositif de commande de régulation de la section de refroidissement d'un moteur.

Номер: FR0002657395A

La présente invention a pour objet un dispositif de commande d'un ou plusieurs éléments mobiles propres à réguler la section de passage du circuit d'air de refroidissement d'un moteur. Selon l'invention il comprend une sonde (7) sensible à la température du moteur et propre à actionner le ou les éléments mobiles, une autre sonde (23) sensible à la température de l'air extérieur et également propre à actionner le ou les éléments mobiles, l'une des sondes (7 et 23) étant agencée pour actionner le ou les éléments mobiles en modifiant l'action de l'autre sonde sur ces éléments.

25-11-1994 дата публикации

Heat regulating device for a heat engine

Номер: FR0002705405A1

La présente invention est constituée par un dispositif de thermorégulation comportant une vanne à trois voies constituée par un corps (30) étanche présentant un premier conduit (31) pour le raccordement d'une tubulure provenant de la sortie du radiateur, un deuxième conduit pour le raccordement d'une tubulure aboutissant à l'entrée du moteur, et un troisième conduit (33) pour le raccordement d'une tubulure provenant du moteur, la vanne comportant un élément thermodilatable actionnant un élément mobile (39) commandant la communication entre le deuxième conduit (32) et l'un des deux autres conduits (31, 33) en fonction de la température du fluide de refroidissement, caractérisé en ce que le dispositif comporte en outre un interrupteur électrique pour commander le ventilateur de refroidissement, ledit interrupteur étant actionné par un organe (57, 66) solidaire de l'élément mobile (39). Application: Thermorégulation de moteur thermique, notamment pour voiture automobile.

22-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003031765A1
Принадлежит: MANITOU BF

Un dispositif d'évacuation de particules et de débris pour nettoyer le caisson (1) d'un groupe motopropulseur comporte une trappe (6) d'évacuation disposée en amont d'un radiateur (2) de refroidissement. Le dispositif comporte un moyen (4, 5, 6a) d'actionnement à distance de la trappe d'évacuation, pour évacuer les particules et débris pendant le fonctionnement du groupe motopropulseur sans arrêter le groupe motopropulseur et sans intervention manuelle.

07-10-1988 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002613421A1

26-07-1991 дата публикации

Control device for regulating the cross-section for cooling of an engine

Номер: FR0002657395A1

15-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: KR0000207099B1

PURPOSE: An early warming up device of a vehicle engine is provided to save time, to reduce a fuel consumption rate and exhaust gas and to extend a life span of the engine by saving a warming up time. CONSTITUTION: A water pump pulley is operated or not operated based on the temperature of engine cooling water. Herein, an ignition key(5) is connected by interposing a battery(1) and a fuse(3). An operation switch(7) according to the temperature of cooling water is connected to the ignition key. The operation switch connects a relay(9) for preventing an excessive load with a drive motor(13) of a water pump lift device(11). Then an operation release switch(17) is connected between the ignition key and operation switch by interposing the drive motor and an operation limitation switch(17). COPYRIGHT 2001 KIPO ...

09-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO2001057375A1

The invention concerns a method for cooling a motor vehicle engine which consists in regulating the volume and the flow rate of a coolant in a hydraulic circuit (2) provided with a first bypass hose (8) wherein is arranged a water/oil exchanger (13). The method comprises a first step which consists in regulating the liquid flow rate in the first bypass hose to increase the speed of the rise in the oil temperature. The invention is characterised in that it comprises a second step which consists in regulating the liquid flow rate in the first bypass hose to maintain the oil temperature at about a reference temperature. The invention also concerns a device for cooling a motor vehicle engine.

05-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012001682A1
Автор: GORDON, Jaime

The present invention relates to a non-invasive engine guard system, which comprises: a) at least one ultrasonic sensor for providing data representing the cooling fluid level in a coolant hose, wherein said coolant hose connects between said engine and a radiator; b) a temperature sensor for monitoring" whether the temperature of said engine or said coolant hose is not above a predetermined level; c) attaching means for externally attaching said ultrasonic sensor and said temperature sensor on top of said coolant hose; d) an electronic unit for controlling said system, processing said data, and for generating information related to the temperature and the cooling fluid level in said coolant hose.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Cooling-water control valve device

Номер: US20190003370A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A main valve unit is rotatably provided in a main valve accommodation space connected to a first opening portion. A fail-safe valve unit is provided in a fail-safe valve accommodation space connected to a second opening portion. The main valve unit controls flow rate of cooling water flowing from the first opening portion to a radiator via a main water passage formed in a housing depending on a rotational position thereof. The fail-safe valve unit is closed when temperature of the cooling water is lower than a predetermined value, to thereby block off flow of the cooling water to the radiator. The fail-safe valve unit is opened when the temperature of the cooling water is higher than the predetermined value, to thereby allow the flow of the cooling water to the radiator. Each of the first opening portion and the main valve accommodation space is fluidically separated from the second opening portion and the fail-safe valve accommodation space by a partitioning wall formed in the housing.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009645A1

A control apparatus of a heat exchanging apparatus according to the invention executes a control for activating a connection system to connect an engine water passage to a heater water passage and then, executes a control for decreasing a heater pump duty ratio and a control for decreasing an engine pump duty ratio when the control for decreasing the heater pump duty ratio and the control for decreasing the engine pump duty ratio are requested to be executed in order to control a core flow rate to a requested core flow rate and an engine flow rate to a requested engine flow rate after the engine water passage is connected to the heater water passage by the connection system. 1. A control apparatus of a heat exchanging system , a heater core heating system for heating a heater core by heat exchanging water, the heater core heating air to be supplied to an interior of a vehicle to warm the interior of the vehicle, the heater core heating system including a heater water passage, through which the heat exchanging water flows, a heat exchanger for heating the heat exchanging water flowing through the heater water passage, and a heater pump for flowing the heat exchanging water through the heater water passage;', 'an engine cooling system for cooling an internal combustion engine by the heat exchanging water, the engine cooling system including an engine water passage, through which the heat exchanging water flows, and an engine pump for flowing the heat exchanging water through the engine water passage; and', 'a connection system for connecting the engine water passage to the heater water passage such that the heat exchanging water flows into the heater water passage from the engine water passage and flows out from the heater water passage into the engine water passage,, 'the heat exchanging system includingthe control apparatus comprising an electronic control unit for controlling activations of the heater pump, the engine pump, and the connection system, control a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Motor vehicle coolant heat exchanger having a windable covering system having a modifiable winding speed, and pulling means adapten thereto

Номер: US20190009667A1
Принадлежит: Roechling Automotive AG and Co KG

A motor vehicle coolant heat exchanger having a modifiable covering system includes a support, a winding shaft mounted rotatably around a winding axis, a rotational drive, a roller-blind web, at least one pulling means winding body connected to the winding shaft to rotate together, and a pulling means. The roller-blind web is windable onto and unwindable from the winding shaft along a winding trajectory, which comprises a pulling crosspiece at its longitudinal end region located remotely from the winding shaft. The pulling means is unwindable from and windable onto the pulling means winding body parallel to the winding trajectory, which is connected at its longitudinal end remote from the pulling means winding body to the pulling crosspiece. The pulling means is guided around a deflection roller in such a way that its longitudinal end connected to the pulling crosspiece moves away from the winding shaft while it is being wound on.

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Power Systems and Enclosures Having Configurable Air Flow

Номер: US20220042444A1
Автор: Jochman Nathan Joe

Power systems and enclosures having a configurable cooling air flow are disclosed. The power system includes an enclosure; an air inlet location, a first air outlet location, a second air outlet location, a fan assembly, and one or more relocatable covers to obstruct the first and second air outlet locations. The air inlet location may be at a first location on an exterior of the enclosure to permit intake of air from the exterior of the enclosure to an interior of the enclosure. The first air outlet location may be at a second location on the exterior of the enclosure to expel air taken in through the air inlet location, while the second air outlet location at a third location on the exterior of the enclosure to expel air taken in through the air inlet location. 1. A power system having a configurable airflow , the power system comprising:an enclosure;an air inlet location at a first location on an exterior of the enclosure to permit intake of air from the exterior of the enclosure to an interior of the enclosure;a first air outlet location at a second location on the exterior of the enclosure to expel air taken in through the air inlet location, wherein the enclosure defines a first air routing path to direct the air from the air inlet location to the first air outlet location; anda second air outlet location at a third location on the exterior of the enclosure to expel air taken in through the air inlet location, wherein the enclosure defines a second air routing path to direct the air from the air inlet location to the second air outlet location;a fan assembly configured to urge the air from the air inlet location, through the enclosure, and out of the interior of the enclosure via a first one of the first air outlet location and the second air outlet location; andone or more relocatable covers configured to selectively obstruct a second one of the first air outlet location and the second air outlet location.2. The power system of claim 1 , wherein the enclosure ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus for controlling engine and method thereof

Номер: US20220042445A1
Автор: Gun Ku Lee, Su Ho Lee
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

An engine control apparatus and an engine control method for a vehicle are disclosed. The engine control apparatus includes: an integrated thermal management valve in which an opening degree of a plurality of valves is adjusted by rotation of a cam; a storage to store an opening degree of the integrated thermal management valve based on a road slope and a transmission gear value; and a controller that controls the opening degree of the integrated thermal management valve by using an engine revolutions per minute (RPM) and an accelerator pedal value. In particular, when the accelerator pedal value is smaller than a predetermined threshold, the controller controls the opening degree of the integrated thermal management valve based on the road slope and the transmission gear value.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032537A1

Examples of techniques for controlling coolant flow in a vehicle cooling system for an internal combustion engine using a secondary coolant pump are provided. In one example implementation, a computer-implemented method includes receiving, by a processing device, engine operation data about the internal combustion engine. The method further includes detecting, by the processing device, a shutdown of the internal combustion engine. The method further includes calculating, by the processing device, an engine flow based at least in part on the block flow request and the head flow request. The method further includes, subsequent to detecting the shutdown of the internal combustion engine determining, by the processing device, an after-run condition based at least in part on the engine operation data. The method further includes activating, by the processing device, a secondary coolant pump based at least in part on determining the after-run condition. 1. A computer-implemented method for controlling coolant fluid in cooling system for an internal combustion engine using a secondary coolant pump , the method comprising:receiving, by a processing device, engine operation data about the internal combustion engine;detecting, by the processing device, a shutdown of the internal combustion engine;subsequent to detecting the shutdown of the internal combustion engine determining, by the processing device, an after-run condition based at least in part on the engine operation data; andactivating, by the processing device, the secondary coolant pump based at least in part on determining the after-run condition.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the engine operation data is received periodically and stored in a circular buffer.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the engine operation data comprises speed data and torque data.4. The computer-implemented method of claim 3 , further comprising:calculating an average power based at least in part ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Aircraft heating assembly with liquid cooled internal combustion engine and heating element using waste heat

Номер: US20170036775A1
Принадлежит: Pratt and Whitney Canada Corp

An aircraft heating assembly including an internal combustion engine having a liquid coolant system distinct from any fuel and lubricating system of the engine and including cooling passages in the internal combustion engine for circulating a liquid coolant from a coolant inlet to a coolant outlet, a coolant circulation path outside of the internal combustion engine and in fluid communication with the coolant inlet and the coolant outlet, and a heating element in heat exchange relationship with a portion of the aircraft to be heated. The coolant circulation path extends through a heat exchanger configured to remove a portion of a waste heat from the liquid coolant. The heating element is in heat exchange relationship with the coolant circulation path to receive another portion of the waste heat therefrom. A method of heating a portion of an aircraft is also discussed.

24-02-2022 дата публикации

A temperature control system, a vehicle provided therewith and a method for controlling the operation thereof

Номер: US20220055502A1
Автор: Martin Mohlin, Ola Hall
Принадлежит: SCANIA CV AB

A temperature control system for a vehicle, comprising a main circuit comprising a tubing in which there is provided a coolant, a main circuit pump configured to pump said coolant through the tubing of the main circuit in a first direction. Connected in parallel to the main circuit are a first and second sub-circuit for cooling or heating of components connected thereto. In the sub-circuits there are provided first and second pumps that pump coolant through said sub-circuits from a first end to second end at which the respective sub-circuit is connected the main circuit. The first end is downstream the second end as seen in the first direction in the first circuit.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056834A1
Автор: KODAMA Yasuaki

An internal combustion system capable of exactly determining timing of exchanging a coolant of an engine. The internal combustion system includes an engine, cooling circulation mechanism circulating the coolant containing ethylene glycol to the engine while cooling it, temperature sensor measuring the temperature of the coolant having passed through the engine, and control device. The control device includes a number of cold starts counting unit determining engine cold start and counting the number of cold starts before coolant exchange, an accumulated amount of time measuring unit measuring an accumulated amount of time when the coolant temperature measured by the temperature sensor is a defined temperature or higher before the coolant exchange, and an exchange determination unit determining the need for coolant exchange, when the accumulated amount of time is a defined amount of time or greater and the number of cold starts is a defined number of times or greater. 1. An internal combustion system , comprising:an engine;a cooling circulation mechanism that circulates a coolant to the engine while cooling the coolant, the coolant adapted to cool the engine and containing ethylene glycol; anda temperature sensor that measures a temperature of the coolant having passed through the engine,wherein:{'claim-text': ['a number of starts counting unit that determines a cold start of the engine and counts the number of cold starts during a period until the coolant is exchanged;', 'an accumulated amount of time measuring unit that measures an accumulated amount of time when the temperature of the coolant measured by the temperature sensor is equal to or higher than a defined temperature during the period until the coolant is exchanged; and', 'an exchange determination unit that determines that the coolant needs to be exchanged, when the accumulated amount of time is equal to or greater than a defined amount of time and the number of cold starts is equal to or greater than a ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Control method of cooling system for vehicle

Номер: US20200040800A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A method for controlling a cooling system for a vehicle is provided. The system includes an engine, an EGR cooler, an oil cooler, a heater, a radiator, and a controller. The engine, the EGR cooler, the oil cooler, the heater, and the radiator are respectively connected through a coolant line and coolant circulates through the engine, the EGR cooler, the oil cooler, the heater, and the radiator by operation of a water pump. The controller receives the coolant from the engine and operates a control valve connected with the oil cooler, the heater, and the radiator. The method includes sensing driving conditions and operating the control valve when a warm mode is required to rapidly warm up the engine based on the sensed driving conditions. The control valve is operated based on modes that are controlled depending on a coolant temperature, and among modes, one is iteratively performed.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074340A1
Принадлежит: Norco Industries, Inc.

A fluid flushing machine for a vehicle engine component uses a pre-heated cleaner/fluid to increase the effectiveness of the cleaning procedure and reduce the time needed to clean the component. The invention is designed to clean air charged coolers, EGR valves, EGR coolers, and other components that over time have become contaminated with carbon build up, oil, and debris. The machine of the present invention has the option to direct heated cleaning fluid through the vehicle engine's cooling system to remove carbon build up, oil, and debris in the vehicle's EGR valve and cooler component. The machine of the present invention is adapted to perform the operation in an engine-off condition by incorporating an integrated or external electronic device to open the vehicle's EGR valve to allow the cleaning fluid to flow through the engine while it is turned off. 1. A fluid exchange machine for introducing cleaning fluid into a vehicle engine's component while the vehicle engine is off , comprising:a housing;a controller in the housing;a fluid system having a fluid tank, a pump disposed in the fluid tank, and fluid heating element disposed in the fluid tank; anda three way valve connecting the pump, the fluid tank, and a vehicle engine's cooling system; andwherein the fluid system includes a first path from the pump through the three way valve and back to the fluid tank, and a second path from the pump to the three way valve to the vehicle engine's component and then back to the fluid tank; andwherein the fluid exchange machine operates using the first path while a fluid temperature is below a designated temperature, and operates using the second path when the fluid temperature is at or above the designated temperature.2. The fluid exchange machine of claim 1 , wherein the pump is submerged in the fluid claim 1 , and the system further comprises a level sensor to trigger an alarm if the fluid falls below a designated level.3. The fluid exchange machine of claim 2 , wherein ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Power Booster for Engine Fans

Номер: US20180058303A1
Автор: Park Sang Bae

A temperature control system for an engine of a vehicle including a fan configured to generate airflow for cooling the engine. A fan motor is configured to rotate the fan at a first speed and a second speed that is greater than the first speed. A booster is in cooperation with the fan motor and is operable to increase power to the fan motor to increase rotation of the fan from the first speed to the second speed to increase airflow to the engine 1. A temperature control system for an engine of a vehicle , comprising:a fan configured to generate airflow for cooling the engine;a fan motor configured to rotate the fan at a first speed and a second speed that is greater than the first speed; anda booster in cooperation with the fan motor and operable to increase power to the fan motor to increase rotation of the fan from the first speed to the second speed to increase airflow to the engine.2. The temperature control system of claim 1 , further comprising an engine control unit configured to activate the booster to increase rotation of the fan from the first speed to the second speed when the engine requires additional cooling air claim 1 , and deactivate the booster to decrease rotation of the fan from the second speed to the first speed when the engine does not require additional cooling air.3. The temperature control system of claim 2 , further comprising a plurality of sensors configured to collect a set of data from the vehicle and send the set of data to the engine control unit.4. The temperature control system of claim 3 , wherein the engine control unit is configured to activate and deactivate the booster based upon the set of data.5. The temperature control system of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of sensors comprises a coolant temperature sensor claim 3 , a transmission fluid temperature sensor claim 3 , an engine oil temperature sensor claim 3 , and an A/C head pressure sensor.6. The temperature control system of claim 1 , wherein the fan is an axial fan and ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063393A1
Принадлежит: Progress Rail Services Corporation

A warm-up system for an engine of a machine is provided. The machine has a primary alternator and an auxiliary alternator. The warm-up system includes at least one coolant heater configured to heat a coolant flowing through one or more coolant passages of the engine. The coolant heater is electrically powered by the auxiliary alternator of the machine when the engine runs at low load or idle conditions. The engine warm-up system further includes a thermostatic device operably coupled to the coolant heater and configured to control the operation of the coolant heater based on a temperature of the coolant flowing through the coolant passages. 1. A warm up system for an engine of a machine having a primary alternator driven by the engine and an auxiliary alternator driven by the primary alternator and configured to power one or more auxiliary loads of the machine , the warm up system comprising:a first coolant heater configured to heat a coolant flowing through one or more coolant passages of the engine, the first coolant heater being electrically powered by the auxiliary alternator of the machine when the engine operates in low load or idle conditions;a first thermostatic device operably coupled to the first coolant heater and configured to control operation of the first coolant heater based on a temperature of the coolant flowing through the one or more coolant passages;a second coolant heater configured to heat the coolant flowing through the one or more coolant passages of the engine, the second coolant heater being electrically powered by the auxiliary alternator of the machine when the engine operates in low load or idle conditions; anda second thermostatic device operably coupled to the second coolant heater and configured to control operation of the second coolant heater based on the temperature of the coolant flowing through the one or more coolant passages,wherein the first thermostatic device is configured to control the first coolant heater based on a first ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

High-Low Temperature Radiator for Internal Combustion Engine Engineering Machinery

Номер: US20210079834A1
Принадлежит: Qingdao Auto Radiator Co., Ltd.

The present disclosure relates to a novel high-low temperature radiator for internal combustion engine engineering machinery, which is provided with a water inlet pipe, a water inlet chamber, a radiator core body, a water outlet chamber, a water separation plate and a water outlet pipe which are sequentially communicated, the water inlet pipe is communicated with the water inlet chamber, and the water inlet chamber is communicated with the radiator core body; the radiator core body is divided into two parts: a radiator low-temperature core body and a radiator high-temperature core body; the water outlet chamber is divided into two parts: a low-temperature water outlet chamber and a high-temperature water outlet chamber, and the water outlet pipe is divided into a low-temperature water outlet pipe and a high-temperature water outlet pipe according to the core body and the water chamber from which the cooling liquid flows. 1. A novel high-low temperature radiator for internal combustion engine engineering machinery ,wherein the radiator is provided with a water inlet pipe,a water inlet chamber,a radiator core body,a water outlet chamber,a water separation plate anda water outlet pipe which are sequentially communicated,the water inlet pipe is communicated with the water inlet chamber, and the water inlet chamber is communicated with the radiator core body;the radiator core body is divided into two parts,a radiator low-temperature core body and a radiator high-temperature core body, according to the temperature drop range of cooling liquid and the sequence of cooling air entering;the water separation plate is provided in the middle of the water outlet chamber,the water outlet chamber is divided into two parts, a low-temperature water outlet chamber and a high-temperature water outlet chamber by the water separation plate, andthe water outlet pipe is divided into a low-temperature water outlet pipe and a high-temperature water outlet pipe according to the core body and ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus and method of waste energy recovery from a source of heated fluid

Номер: US20160084197A1
Автор: Kirk Ray Davis
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method of recovering waste heat from an engine when the engine is not operating, which includes connecting a heater core to source of fluid heated due to operation of the engine with fluid lines, the flow of fluid from the source of heated fluid controlled by one or more pump, and operating the pumps when the engine is not operating to circulate the fluid from the source of heated fluid through the heater core. A second aspect includes a portable heat recovery system.

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150088364A1

A thermostat failure detection device sequentially calculates a normal-time minimum water temperature on an assumption that a thermostat is normal and an internal combustion engine is operated in a state where the engine water temperature is less likely to rise, sequentially calculates a failure-time maximum water temperature on an assumption that the thermostat is in a stuck-open failure state and the internal combustion engine is operated in a state where the engine water temperature is likely to rise, determines the failure of the thermostat if the engine water temperature is lower than the normal-time minimum water temperature, determines the normality of the thermostat if the engine water temperature is higher than the failure-time maximum water temperature, and determines neither the normality nor the failure if the engine water temperature is between the normal-time minimum water temperature and the failure-time maximum water temperature. 1. A thermostat failure detection device for detecting a failure of a thermostat provided in a cooling water flow passage of an internal combustion engine system , comprising:a normal-time minimum water temperature calculator for sequentially calculating an engine water temperature, the engine water temperature is referred to as a “normal-time minimum water temperature” hereinafter, on an assumption that the thermostat is normal and an internal combustion engine is operated in a state where the engine water temperature is less likely to rise;a failure-time maximum water temperature calculator for sequentially calculating the engine water temperature, the engine water temperature is referred to as a “failure-time maximum water temperature” hereinafter, on an assumption that the thermostat is in a stuck-open failure state and the internal combustion engine is operated in a state where the engine water temperature is likely to rise; anda determiner for determining the failure of the thermostat if the engine water temperature is ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080501A1

Systems and methods for determining an idle, recommended cool-down period (RCDP) for a prime mover of a grounds maintenance vehicle. Delaying engine shutdown until after expiration of the RCDP allows engine components to adequately cool. In some embodiments, systems and methods may provide a quantitative indication of the time remaining in the RCDP, while other embodiments may notify an operator that a re-start of the engine is necessary to continue cool-down. 1. A method for identifying a cool-down period for a prime mover of a grounds maintenance vehicle , the method comprising:periodically measuring and recording one or both of a temperature of and a load on the prime mover during a sample period of time; a load function of the prime mover, wherein the load function is based at least in part on the periodic measurements of load on the prime mover during the sample period of time; and', 'a temperature function of the prime mover, wherein the temperature function is based at least in part on the periodic measurements of temperature of the prime mover during the sample period;, 'calculating, with an electronic controller (EC) associated with the vehicle, one or both ofcalculating, with the EC, a recommended cool-down period (RCDP) to expire before shutdown of the prime mover should occur, wherein the RCDP is based upon one or both of the load function and the temperature function; andissuing, with the EC, a notification indicative of the RCDP.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein issuing the notification comprises displaying the notification on a display screen.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein issuing the notification comprises quantitatively updating the notification to reflect remaining time to expiration of the RCDP.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising issuing a warning if the prime mover is shut down prior to expiration of the RCDP.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein issuing the warning comprises displaying a warning message on a display screen associated ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087964A1

An engine cooling device has a mechanical water pump, a flow rate control valve having a valve body of which a relative rotational position is changed by a motor, and a control unit that performs drive control of the motor to change the relative rotational position of the valve body to a target relative rotational position. The control unit performs protection control for setting the relative rotational position where a withstanding pressure limit rotational speed is equal to or higher than a current engine rotational speed, as a target operating position of the valve body of the flow rate control valve when the engine rotational speed rises, and performs retreat control for reducing a set range of the target relative rotational position to a prescribed retreat operation range when the supply voltage of the in-vehicle electric power supply has dropped. 1. An engine cooling device comprising:a circulation circuit for coolant flowing through a water jacket formed inside an engine;a mechanical water pump that operates in response to rotation of the engine and that circulates the coolant through the circulation circuit;a flow rate control valve that serves to adjust a flow rate of the coolant flowing through the circulation circuit, that has a valve body driven by an electric actuator operating by being supplied with electric power from an in-vehicle electric power supply, and that allows a flow channel area for the coolant to change depending on an operating position of the valve body; anda control unit that sets an operating position within a prescribed control range as a target operating position in accordance with an operating situation of the engine, and that performs drive control of the actuator to change the operating position of the valve body to the set target operating position, whereinthe control unit performs protection control for setting an operating position where a withstanding pressure limit rotational speed is equal to or higher than a current engine ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Sharing Co-Generated Energy When Processing Essential Elements from Plant Matter

Номер: US20220134250A1

Methods and apparatus consistent with the present disclosure may provide electrical energy and thermal to extraction or separation equipment. Methods and apparatus consistent with the present disclosure may extract and concentrate essential elements plant matter. An amount of wasted heat energy collected from a engine that powers an electrical generator may be provided to an evaporation or separation process when electrical power is provided to extraction or separation processing equipment. Computers or electronics that control equipment consistent with the present disclosure may be remotely controlled via a mobile electronic device, when desired. Such computers or electronics may receive sensor data related to the operation of plat matter extractors, related separation equipment, or other equipment may be used to manage a production line. As such, methods and apparatus consistent with the present disclosure may extract essential elements from cannabis plant matter and process those essential elements into cannabis extracts or isolates.

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Coolant Circuit in a Vehicle

Номер: US20220145794A1

A coolant circuit in a vehicle includes a first flow control unit disposed in a main duct between an engine and a radiator. The first flow control unit, as a function of a temperature of a coolant, thermostatically controls a flow of the coolant. A bypass duct is fluidically disposed parallel to the radiator where the bypass duct opens into the main duct after the radiator and branches off the main duct between the engine and the first flow control unit. A second flow control unit is disposed in the bypass duct where the second flow control unit is configured such that the second flow control unit opens or closes the bypass duct as a function of the temperature of the coolant. 111.-. (canceled)12. A coolant circuit in a vehicle , comprising:{'b': '18', 'a pump ();'}{'b': '12', 'an engine ();'}{'b': '14', 'a radiator ();'}{'b': 22', '20', '12', '14', '22', '32', '30', '22, 'a first flow control unit () disposed in a main duct () between the engine () and the radiator (), wherein the first flow control unit () has a first valve () and an actuator () and wherein the first flow control unit (), as a function of a temperature of a coolant, in a stepless manner, thermostatically controls in an open loop or a closed loop a flow of the coolant;'}{'b': 24', '14', '24', '20', '14', '20', '12', '22, 'a bypass duct () which is fluidically disposed parallel to the radiator (), wherein the bypass duct () opens into the main duct () after the radiator () and branches off the main duct () between the engine () and the first flow control unit (); and'}{'b': 26', '24', '26', '34', '26', '24, 'a second flow control unit () disposed in the bypass duct (), wherein the second flow control unit () has a second valve () and is configured such that the second flow control unit () opens or closes the bypass duct () as a function of the temperature of the coolant.'}1328222628224826. The coolant circuit according to claim 12 , wherein a first temperature sensor () is assigned to the first flow ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160102597A1

A method for cooling a coolant for waste heat cooling of an internal combustion engine is described for an agricultural working vehicle. The method includes providing a heat exchanger through which coolant flows and an air delivery means generates an air flow through the heat exchanger. 1. A method for combined preheating and cooling of a coolant for waste heat cooling of an internal combustion engine in an agricultural working vehicle , the method comprising:providing a heat exchanger through which coolant flows and an air delivery means to generate an air flow through the heat exchanger;generating air flow via the air delivery means in a direction towards or away from the internal combustion engine as required;detecting a temperature of the internal combustion engine;producing air flow in the direction away from the internal combustion engine when a temperature value of the internal combustion engine is below a threshold value; andreversing the air delivery means when the temperature value exceeds the threshold value.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the threshold value is established at a level of an operating temperature of the internal combustion engine.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the air delivery means comprises a fan with an electric or hydraulic drive.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the fan has fixed blades.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the fan has variable pitch blades. This application claims the benefit of German Application Ser. No. 102014220692.8, filed Oct. 13, 2014, the disclosure of which is hereby expressly incorporated by reference in its entirety.The present disclosure relates to a method for cooling a coolant for waste heat cooling of an internal combustion engine in an agricultural working vehicle, wherein a heat exchanger through which coolant flows and an air delivery means to generate an air flow through the heat exchanger are provided.Fluid-based cooling systems for waste heat cooling of an internal combustion engine are ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Controllers and methods for a fuel injected internal combustion engine

Номер: US20170114747A1
Автор: Larry Nic Rodriguez
Принадлежит: Individual

An internal combustion engine has a fuel injector that is controlled by an engine control unit. According to one embodiment a device receives from a temperature sensor information corresponding to the temperature of the engine. The device transmits substitute temperature information to the engine control unit when the temperature of the engine is within a predetermined range of temperatures. The substitute temperature information corresponds to a temperature that is different than the actual temperature of the ICE. The engine control unit controls the fuel injector so that it operates in response to the substitute temperature information.

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170138249A1
Автор: PETILLON Yohann
Принадлежит: RENAULT S.A.S.

A method for controlling an internal combustion engine includes acquiring, at a first operating point of the engine, a value of a first characteristic parameter of the first operating point, and deducing from the value a first liquid coolant temperature setpoint in the engine and a first richness setpoint of a mixture of air and fuel to be admitted into the engine. The method also includes acquiring, on passing a second operating point different from the first, the value of the parameter and deducing from the value, second setpoints for temperature and richness. When the second temperature setpoint is strictly lower than the first temperature setpoint, the method includes determining an additional richness to be added to the second richness setpoint, acquiring a burned gas temperature, and progressively reducing the additional richness as a function of the burned gas temperature acquired. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for controlling an internal combustion engine , comprising:acquiring, at a first operating point of the internal combustion engine, a value of a first characteristic parameter of said first operating point, and from said value a first liquid coolant temperature setpoint in the internal combustion engine and a first richness setpoint of a mixture of air and fuel to be admitted into the internal combustion engine are deduced; andacquiring, on passing a second operating point different from the first operating point, the value of said parameter and from the value, second setpoints for temperature and richness are deduced,wherein, when the second temperature setpoint is strictly lower than the first temperature setpoint, provision is made to perform the following steps:a) determining an additional richness to be added to the second richness setpoint,b) acquiring a burned gas temperature, andc) progressively reducing the additional richness as a function of the burned gas temperature acquired.12. The control method as claimed in claim 11 , wherein in the ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190135099A1
Автор: Warwel Manuel

The invention relates to a method () for determining the flow direction (R) of a coolant (M). The coolant (M) flows past at least two adjacent components (K, K) one after the other in order to cool the components (K, K). The method has the following steps: ascertaining a first temperature () which is paired with the first component (K) of the at least two adjacent components; ascertaining a second temperature () which is paired with the second component (K) of the at least two adjacent components; ascertaining the difference () between the ascertained temperatures; and determining the flow direction () of the coolant on the basis of the ascertained difference. 110020012. A method () for determining a flow direction (R) of a coolant (M) in a system () wherein the coolant flows past at least first and second juxtaposed components (K , K) in succession , the method comprising the following steps:{'b': 110', '1, 'ascertaining a first temperature () which is assigned to the first component (K);'}{'b': 115', '2, 'ascertaining a second temperature () which is assigned to the second component (K);'}{'b': '120', 'ascertaining a difference () of the ascertained temperatures; and'}{'b': '190', 'determining the flow direction () of the coolant as a function of the ascertained difference.'}2100. The method () as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein a designated flow direction (R_S) has been predetermined, with the following additional step:{'b': 195', '190, 'initiating safeguarding measures () in the course of determining the flow direction (, R) in a direction that does not coincide with the designated flow direction (R_S).'}3100. The method () as claimed in claim 2 ,{'b': '195', 'wherein the initiating of safeguarding measures () comprises at least one of the following steps{'b': '195', 'sending a fault signal (_S); and/or'}{'b': 195', '195, 'at least reduced-power operation of at least one component (_M) or shutting down at least one component (_O).'}4100. The method () as claimed in ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for diagnosing failure in a blower of a vehicle

Номер: US20210173018A1
Автор: Bon Chang Koo
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

An apparatus and method for diagnosing a failure in a blower of a vehicle improve performance of various systems using state information of the blower. The apparatus and method include a controller that converts an operating current value supplied to the blower of the vehicle into a voltage value and diagnoses whether the blower fails based on the voltage value. The apparatus and method also include a display that displays whether the blower fails.

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210180504A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Kefico Corporation

A method of rapidly cooling a high temperature vehicle coolant is disclosed. The method includes determining a coolant temperature lowering entry condition by detecting information on the coolant temperature, an engine speed, and a gear state and determining whether the coolant temperature needs to be rapidly lowered on the basis of the detected information; and changing a number of gear stages by adjusting the number of gear stages of a transmission to be reduced to a specific number of gear stages when the coolant temperature needs to be rapidly lowered in the determining of the coolant temperature lowering entry condition, so that the cooling fan is driven by driving the fan belt through a crank damper pulley using the increased engine speed according to the reducing adjustment of the number of gear stages. 1. A method of rapidly cooling a coolant when a coolant temperature of a vehicle in which a cooling fan is driven using a fan belt exceeds a predetermined temperature value , the method comprising:{'b': '110', 'determining a coolant temperature lowering entry condition (S) by detecting information on the coolant temperature, an engine speed, and a gear state and determining whether the coolant temperature needs to be rapidly lowered on the basis of the detected information; and'}{'b': 120', '110, 'changing a number of gear stages (S) by adjusting the number of gear stages of a transmission to be reduced to a specific number of gear stages when the coolant temperature needs to be rapidly lowered in the determining of the coolant temperature lowering entry condition (S), so that the cooling fan is driven by driving the fan belt through a crank damper pulley using the increased engine speed according to the reducing adjustment of the number of gear stages.'}2110. The method of claim 1 , wherein in the determining of the coolant temperature lowering entry condition (S) claim 1 , when the detected coolant temperature is higher than a predetermined temperature claim ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170159545A1

An engine cooling device for a vehicle of the present invention includes: an engine cooling circuit that circulates a cooling liquid to an engine and a heat exchanger; a reservoir tank that is connected to the engine cooling circuit, and that stores the cooling liquid to absorb pressure changes within the engine cooling circuit; at least one or more cooling liquid circulating circuits that circulates the cooling liquid to devices installed in the vehicle; a switching section that selectively switches between either of a communicating state of communicating the engine cooling circuit and the cooling liquid circulating circuit, and a cut-off state of cutting-off the engine cooling circuit and the cooling liquid circulating circuit; and a control section that, in a case in which an ignition switch is turned off, controls the switching section such that the communicating state is set. 1. An engine cooling device for a vehicle comprising:an engine cooling circuit that circulates a cooling liquid to an engine and a heat exchanger;a reservoir tank that is connected to the engine cooling circuit, and that stores the cooling liquid to absorb pressure changes within the engine cooling circuit;at least one or more cooling liquid circulating circuits that circulates the cooling liquid to devices installed in the vehicle;a switching section that selectively switches between either of a communicating state of communicating the engine cooling circuit and the cooling liquid circulating circuit, and a cut-off state of cutting-off the engine cooling circuit and the cooling liquid circulating circuit; anda control section that, in a case in which an ignition switch is turned off, controls the switching section such that the communicating state is set.2. The engine cooling device for a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the control section controls the switching section such that the communicating state is set claim 1 , in at least one of a case in which the ignition switch is turned off and ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Method for Operating a Cooling System of an Internal Combustion Engine and Protection System in a Cooling System

Номер: US20170159548A1

A method is provided for operating a cooling system of an internal combustion engine, which cooling system has a controllable rotary slide valve with at least one switched inlet or outlet. The movement of the rotary slide valve into a plurality of switching positions, which each correspond with a cooling system state, is monitored. In accordance with an improper functional state of the rotary slide valve and a current switching position of the rotary slide valve, an operating state of the internal combustion engine is changed to an emergency operation state. A protection system in the cooling system carries out the method and includes a thermal management system, which receives and processes coolant temperatures, and a control unit of a controllable rotary slide valve having a position detector, which can detect a current switching position of the switchable rotary slide valve, wherein the thermal management system is connected to the control unit of the rotary slide valve. 1. A method for operating a cooling system of an internal combustion engine , in which a controllable rotary slide valve having at least one switched inlet or outlet is provided , the method comprising the acts of:monitoring movement of the rotary slide valve into multiple switching positions which correspond to, in each case, one cooling system state, andin a manner dependent on an improper functional state of the rotary slide valve and a present switching position of the rotary slide valve, changing an operating state of the internal combustion engine to an emergency operation state.2. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe emergency operation state comprises a limitation of a rotational speed and/or a torque of the internal combustion engine to a predetermined maximum emergency operation value.3. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe improper functional state of the rotary slide valve is defined by a movement stiffness of the rotary slide valve, a jamming of the rotary slide valve ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190170612A1
Принадлежит: Electricfil Corporation

A vehicle coolant flow and coolant quality sensor assembly for use in an internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle, a hybrid vehicle, or an electric vehicle. The coolant flow sensor includes a dual coil magnetic flow meter or the like for measuring coolant flow rate and the coolant quality sensor includes a sealed hot wire anemometer or the like and an integrated temperature sensor or the like for measuring coolant quality (e.g., ability to absorb heat) and coolant temperature, respectively. The various sensors are disposed in an integrated housing through which coolant is transported. 1. A vehicle coolant flow and coolant quality sensor assembly , comprising:a housing defining a coolant flow channel communicating coolant from a first port to a second port;a coolant flow sensor disposed at least partially within the coolant flow channel and contacting the coolant, wherein the coolant flow sensor is operable for measuring flow of the coolant; anda coolant quality sensor disposed at least partially within the coolant flow channel and contacting the coolant, wherein the coolant quality sensor is operable for measuring ability to absorb heat of the coolant.2. The vehicle coolant flow and coolant quality sensor assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a coolant temperature sensor disposed at least partially within the coolant flow channel and contacting the coolant claim 1 , wherein the coolant temperature sensor is operable for measuring temperature of the coolant.3. The vehicle coolant flow and coolant quality sensor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the coolant flow sensor comprises a dual coil magnetic flow meter.4. The vehicle coolant flow and coolant quality sensor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the coolant quality sensor comprises a sealed hot wire anemometer.5. The vehicle coolant flow and coolant quality sensor assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a printed circuit board comprising one or more of a microcontroller and a transceiver coupled to one or more of the ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Decelerator cooling system and method of controlling the same

Номер: US20200166116A1
Автор: Do Youn Jang
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

The present disclosure provides a cooling system including a decelerator and a cooling line provided in a gear housing to cool at least one of a gear and a lubricant. The cooling system is configured to control the temperature of the lubricant inside the decelerator by circulating a coolant through the cooling line. The decelerator includes a gear set including the gear and the lubricant for accommodating a backlash and a gear housing configured to surround the gear set for transmitting a torque output from an electric motor through the decelerator to a drive shaft and vehicle wheels.

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207519A1

A vehicle thermal energy control system that is able to achieve improved heat management in the entirety of a vehicle is provided. A thermal energy control system is provided in a vehicle and includes heat sources and a heat amount distributor configured to assign a demanded heat amount calculated from heat demands generated in the entirety of the vehicle, to each heat source on the basis of a suppliable heat amount of each heat source. 1a heat source; anda heat amount distributor configured to assign a demanded heat amount calculated from a heat demand generated in an entirety of the vehicle, to the heat source on the basis of a suppliable heat amount of the heat source.. A thermal energy control system provided in a vehicle, the thermal energy control system comprising: This is a continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/242,467, filed Jan. 8, 2019, which claims priority to JP 2018-020271, filed on Feb. 6, 2018. The disclosures of each application are hereby incorporated by reference in their entireties.The present disclosure relates to a vehicle thermal energy control system that assigns a demanded heat amount to heat sources on the basis of a plurality of heat demands generated in a vehicle.Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2011-201488 describes a heat source control apparatus in which cooling water for an engine and a heat pump are used as a heat source for heating the interior of a vehicle. In the heat source control apparatus described in Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2011-201488, distribution of an amount of heat to be supplied from the cooling water for the engine through a heater core to the air in the interior of the vehicle and an amount of heat to be supplied from an interior heat exchanger of a heat pump system to the air in the interior of the vehicle is determined such that heat cost (amount of fuel) to be consumed is minimized.Recent vehicles are equipped with various devices that use heat, and thus heat ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Active seal arrangement for use with vehicle condensers

Номер: US20190184812A1
Автор: Steven David Errick

An active seal arrangement operably connected to a radiator and condenser of a vehicle. The arrangement includes at least one movable seal. The seal is selectively movable between a closed, air-restricting position and an open, air-passing position. The seal is pivotably connected to either the radiator or the condenser. Alternatively, the movable seal is slidably attached to a side wall fitted between the radiator and the condenser. A position controller operably connected to at least one sensor regulates the position of the seal. The seal is moved to its closed, air-restricting position during times of high condenser load such as when idling or when the vehicle is operated at very low vehicle speeds during hot weather. The seal is moved to its open, air-passing position during high powertrain cooling demand such as in hot weather, when ascending a grade, or when towing a large trailer or payload.

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190186337A1

An anomaly diagnosing apparatus is adapted for a cooling device in an internal combustion engine. The apparatus is configured to execute an enlarging process, a rate calculating process, and an anomaly determining process. The enlarging process includes enlarging the cross-sectional area of the flow passage between an inner channel and an outer channel in the cooling device. The rate calculating process includes calculating a reference rate for a rate of rise of temperature of cooling water. The anomaly determining process includes determining that an anomaly is present in the check valve if a rate of rise of a detection value of cooling water temperature is smaller than the reference rate. The rate calculating process includes calculating the reference rate such that the reference rate has a smaller value in a case where the enlarging process is executed than in a case where the enlarging process is not executed. 1. A cooling device anomaly diagnosing apparatus adapted for a cooling device in an internal combustion engine , wherein an inner channel serving as a cooling channel located inside the internal combustion engine,', 'an outer channel serving as a cooling channel located outside the internal combustion engine, the outer channel constituting, together with the inner channel, a loop path in which cooling water is circulated, and', 'a regulating device capable of adjusting a cross-sectional area of a flow passage between the inner channel and the outer channel by an electronic control, the regulating device including a check valve configured to open when a pressure inside is higher than a pressure in the outer channel by an amount greater than or equal to a predetermined amount,, 'the cooling device includes'} an enlarging process of enlarging the cross-sectional area of the flow passage by operating the regulating device such that the cross-sectional area is larger in a case where a rotational speed of a crankshaft of the internal combustion engine is at a ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180245526A1
Принадлежит: Yanmar Co Ltd

In a case where a control device receives a stop signal instructing stopping of an engine and the control device determines that the engine temperature is lower than a predetermined temperature based on a signal from a timer or based on a signal from a cooling water temperature sensor, an operation control is maintained until the control device determines that the engine temperature is the predetermined temperature or higher. This way, an engine is provided which is capable of restraining generation of blowby condensate water without stopping a cooling water pump during the operation of the engine.

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190241040A1

Methods and systems are provided for adjusting a vehicle cabin heating system, based on particulate filter (PF) regeneration prediction. In one example, a method includes predicting an amount of exhaust heat that may be recovered via an exhaust heat exchanger during an upcoming PF regeneration event, and prior to the PF regeneration event, adjusting an amount of electric power supplied to an electric heater of the cabin heating system. The amount of adjustment may be based on the predicted amount of exhaust heat that may be recovered. 1. A method , comprising:predicting an amount of exhaust heat recovered from an upcoming regeneration of a particulate filter (PF) coupled to an exhaust passage of an engine propelling a vehicle, andadjusting an amount of electrical power supplied to an electric heater coupled to a cabin heating system for a cabin of the vehicle, the amount of adjustment based on the predicted amount of recovered exhaust heat.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the upcoming regeneration of the PF is predicted based on one or more of an estimated soot load on the PF claim 1 , a time elapsed since an immediately previous regeneration of the PF claim 1 , and a rate of soot production during combustion claim 1 , the rate of soot production based on one or more of an engine load claim 1 , an engine temperature claim 1 , and an engine speed.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , during the upcoming regeneration claim 1 , injecting fuel to one or more engine cylinders during an exhaust stroke to increase temperature of exhaust gas flowing through the PF.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising claim 3 , during the upcoming regeneration claim 3 , injecting fuel to the exhaust passage via a fuel injector coupled to the exhaust passage upstream of the PF to increase the temperature of exhaust gas flowing through the PF.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the exhaust heat is recovered via an engine coolant flowing through a heat exchanger ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180252146A1

A coolant circulation system includes a coolant circuit including a water jacket, a motor-driven pump, an outlet liquid temperature sensor, and a controller. The controller executes variation determination control for driving the motor-driven pump to determine whether a variation in the temperature of the coolant in a diesel engine is equal to or less than a predetermined value based on an outlet temperature detected by the outlet liquid temperature sensor. The controller executes circulation stop control on condition that it is determined that the variation in the temperature of the coolant is equal to or less than the predetermined value. The controller changes the period during which the circulation stop control is executed in accordance with the outlet liquid temperature detected at the start of the circulation stop control. 1. A coolant circulation system for a vehicle-mounted internal combustion engine , the system comprising:a coolant circuit including a water jacket of an internal combustion engine;a motor-driven pump, which is provided in a middle of the coolant circuit and moves coolant in the coolant circuit;a liquid temperature sensor, which detects a temperature of the coolant flowing in the coolant circuit; anda controller, which controls the motor-driven pump, whereinthe controller executes circulation stop control in which the motor-driven pump is not driven so that circulation of the coolant is kept stopped after the internal combustion engine starts up,the controller changes a period during which the circulation stop control is executed in accordance with a temperature the coolant detected by the liquid temperature sensor at the start of the circulation stop control,the controller executes variation determination control in which the motor-driven pump is driven during a predetermined period after the internal combustion engine starts up to move the coolant in the coolant circuit, thereby determining whether a variation in a temperature of the ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160273433A1
Автор: Yamamoto Kosuke

An exhaust gas treatment apparatus for an internal combustion engine includes: an exhaust gas treatment unit arranged in an exhaust passage of the internal combustion engine, the exhaust passage being configured such that i) exhaust gas flowing along a part of a wall face, which defines the exhaust passage, burbles away from the part of the wall face in an exhaust gas burble zone and ii) as a result of burble of exhaust gas away from the part of the wall face of the exhaust passage in the exhaust gas burble zone, exhaust gas disproportionately flows into the exhaust gas treatment unit or the amount of exhaust gas flowing into the exhaust gas treatment unit reduces. A plasma actuator is also provided arranged at the part of the wall face of the exhaust passage in the exhaust gas burble zone, the plasma actuator being configured to generate air current toward the exhaust gas treatment unit along the part of the wall face in exhaust gas inside the exhaust passage. 1. An exhaust gas treatment apparatus for an internal combustion engine , the exhaust gas treatment apparatus comprising:an exhaust gas treatment unit arranged in an exhaust passage of the internal combustion engine, the exhaust passage being configured such that i) exhaust gas flowing along a part of a wall face, which defines the exhaust passage, burbles away from the part of the wall face in an exhaust gas burble zone and ii) as a result of burble of exhaust gas away from the part of the wall face of the exhaust passage in the exhaust gas burble zone, exhaust gas disproportionately flows into the exhaust gas treatment unit or an amount of exhaust gas flowing into the exhaust gas treatment unit reduces; anda plasma actuator arranged at the part of the wall face of the exhaust passage in the exhaust gas burble zone, the plasma actuator being configured to generate air current in exhaust gas toward the exhaust gas treatment unit along the part of the wall face inside the exhaust passage.2. The exhaust gas ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Cooling circuit arrangement and method for cooling an engine

Номер: US20180274431A1
Принадлежит: Kendrion (Markdorf) GmbH

A cooling circuit arrangement (1) for cooling an engine (2), in particular a motor vehicle combustion engine, by means of a cooling medium, which can be conveyed by a cooling medium pump (4) between a suction side (S) and a pressure side (P) in a cooling medium circuit (3), which comprises a cooler fluid path (7) passing through a cooler (6) and a bypass fluid path (5), wherein a cooling medium valve (8) having an actuator (9) is arranged in the cooling medium circuit (3) for setting a volume flow ratio between cooling medium flows flowing through the cooler fluid path (7) and bypass fluid path (5), wherein the actuator (9) has a hydraulically activatable adjustment element (17), which can be supplied with a cooling medium via at least one control valve (11) allocated to the cooling medium valve (8), in particular from the pressure side (P) out of the cooling medium circuit (3), in order to set the volume flow ratio, and wherein the adjustment element (17) borders a control chamber (19) that can be supplied with cooling medium via the at least one control valve (11), and a valve chamber (20) also supplied with cooling medium, wherein the adjustment element (17) can be displaced in both mutually opposed displacement directions exclusively through exposure to hydraulic pressure by means of the cooling medium, and wherein, in order to displace the adjustment element (11), both the control chamber (19) and valve chamber (20) can be joined with the cooling circuit (3) by means of the at least one control valve (11), or the free flow cross section of corresponding connections can be varied, and that wherein, in order to maintain an adjustment position, the at least one control valve (11) can be used to join both the control chamber (19) and valve chamber (20) with the same cooling circuit side, or the free flow cross section of corresponding connections can be varied, wherein, the at least one control valve (11) has a 4/3-way valve functionality and a pressure-side ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Engine cooling system having coolant temperature sensor

Номер: US20170284278A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

The present disclosure provides an engine cooling system having a coolant temperature sensor to sense the temperature of coolant discharged from an engine; a radiator radiating heat while part of the coolant discharged from the engine is passed through the radiator; a coolant control valve unit to control coolant passing through the radiator and coolant supplied from the engine; and a control unit configured to control the temperature of coolant by controlling the coolant control valve unit according to the coolant temperature sensed by the coolant temperature sensor, wherein the control unit calculates a coolant temperature at an entrance of the engine using the sensed coolant temperature and a heat rejection rate of the engine based on the operation condition, calculates a temperature of coolant discharged from the radiator, and controls the opening degree of the coolant control valve unit using the coolant temperatures.

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160298527A1

In an aspect, an electromechanical apparatus is provided, comprising an electromagnet, a magnetically permeable rotor, a drive, a current source, a current sensor and processing logic. The electromagnet includes a magnetically permeable housing and a wire coil disposed therein. The rotor spins and is disposed in the path of a magnetic circuit generated by the electromagnet. The drive rotates the rotor relative to the electromagnet housing. The rotor and electromagnet housing vary the reluctance therebetween as the rotor rotates. The current source applies a current to the electromagnet coil, wherein, during rotation of the rotor, fluctuations in the current result in the electromagnet coil due to the aforementioned varying reluctance are superimposed on the applied current. The current sensor senses fluctuations in current in the electromagnet coil. The processing logic reads the sensed current and determines the frequency of the fluctuations, which are correlated to rotor speed. 1. An electromechanical apparatus , comprising:an electromagnet including a magnetically permeable housing and a wire coil disposed therein;a magnetically permeable rotor that spins about an axis within the apparatus, the rotor being disposed in the path of a magnetic circuit generated by the electromagnet when energized;a drive for rotating the rotor relative to the electromagnet housing;wherein the rotor and the electromagnet housing are each shaped to vary the reluctance between the rotor and the electromagnet housing as the rotor rotates,a current source configured to apply a current to the electromagnet coil, wherein, during rotation of the rotor, fluctuations in the current result in the electromagnet coil due to varying reluctance between the rotor and the electromagnet housing are superimposed on the applied current;a current sensor connected to, and sensing the fluctuations in the current in, the electromagnet coil; andprocessing logic, connected to the current sensor and ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200277887A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

The disclosure relates to a method for operating a drive device of a motor vehicle, wherein the drive device has at least one heat-generating device and a cooling circuit for cooling the heat-generating device, and at least one first coolant cooler of the cooling circuit and at least one second coolant cooler of the cooling circuit are fluidically connected to the heat-generating device. It is thereby provided that the first coolant cooler and the second coolant cooler are fluidically connected in parallel to the heat-generating device, and that coolant arriving from the heat-generating device be divided by means of a control mechanism between the first coolant cooler and the second coolant cooler. The disclosure furthermore relates to a drive device of a motor vehicle. 1. A method , comprising:operating a drive device of a motor vehicle, wherein the drive device has at least one heat-generating device as well as a cooling circuit for cooling the heat-generating device, at least one first coolant cooler of the cooling circuit and at least one second coolant cooler of the cooling circuit are connected in parallel to the heat-generating device; anddividing coolant arriving from the heat-generating device by a final control element between the first coolant cooler and the second coolant cooler, wherein the coolant is divided between the first coolant cooler and the second coolant cooler as a function of a parameter selected from the group consisting of: a driving speed, a blower control, a cooling air mass flow, and a coolant volumetric flow of the motor vehicle.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the coolant is cooled by the first coolant cooler with a first cooling capacity and by the second coolant cooler with a second cooling capacity.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the coolant is divided between the first coolant cooler and the second coolant cooler such that a total cooling capacity resulting from the first cooling capacity and the second ...

10-09-2020 дата публикации

Method for charging coolant in cooling system for vehicle

Номер: US20200284185A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A method for charging coolant in a cooling system for a vehicle may include determining a vehicle-diagnostic apparatus connection that determines whether a diagnostic apparatus configured for charging coolant has been connected to a vehicle; starting a coolant charging mode for charging the coolant by the diagnostic apparatus; and determining whether a coolant charging mode release condition has been satisfied after starting the coolant charging mode.

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190292976A1

A rotor is configured to be movable among a heater water flow mode in which an air-conditioning outflow port communicates with the inside of a casing through an air-conditioning communication port, a heater cut mode in which communication between the air-conditioning outflow port and the inside of the casing through the air-conditioning communication port is cut off, and a switching mode in which a communicating area with the air-conditioning communication port in the air-conditioning outflow port varies in the process that the rotor shifts between the heater water flow mode and the heater cut mode, and the radiator outflow port communicates with the inside of the casing through the radiator communication port in the switching mode. 1. A control valve comprising:a casing having at least an inflow port into which a fluid flows, a first outflow port through which the fluid flows out to a heater core of an air conditioner, and a second outflow port through which the fluid flows out to a first heat exchanger configured to cool the fluid; anda valve which is movably accommodated in the casing and switches between communication and cutoff of an inside and an outside of the casing through the first outflow port and the second outflow port,wherein the valve is provided with a first communication port communicable with the first outflow port and a second communication port communicable with the second outflow port,the valve is configured to be movable among a first position at which the first outflow port and the inside of the casing communicate with each other through the first communication port,a second position at which communication between the first outflow port and the inside of the casing through the first communication port is cut off, anda third position at which a communicating area with the first communication port in the first outflow port varies in a process in which the valve shifts between the first position and the second position, andthe second outflow port ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации

Waste heat recovery device

Номер: US20170306804A1
Принадлежит: Sanden Holdings Corp

In a waste heat recovery device comprising a Rankine cycle in which working fluid circulates and a cooling circuit in which coolant water of an engine circulates, a heat source of a heater of the Rankine cycle is waste heat of the engine. A condenser of the Rankine cycle is configured to exchange heat between the working fluid and coolant water of a third coolant water circuit configured to circulate coolant water having passed through a radiator without passing through the engine.

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190299770A1

A cooling apparatus of vehicle driving apparatuses of the invention controls flow of cooling water so as to cool engine cooling water by at least two radiators when a requested ability of cooling an internal combustion engine, is equal to or larger than a requested ability of cooling a hybrid device. The number of the radiators used for cooling the engine cooling water is larger than the number of the remaining radiator(s). The cooling apparatus controls the flow of the cooling water so as to cool device cooling water at least two radiators when the requested ability of cooling the hybrid device, is larger than the requested ability of cooling the internal combustion engine. The number of the radiators used for cooling the device cooling water is larger than the number of the remaining radiator(s). 2. The cooling apparatus of the vehicle driving apparatuses as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the electronic control unit is configured to:control the flow of the cooling water so as to cool the device cooling water by at least one of the radiators when the requested ability of the engine cooling water is equal to or larger than the requested ability of the device cooling water while the internal combustion engine operates, and the hybrid device operates; andcontrol the flow of the cooling water so as to cool the engine cooling water by at least one of the radiators when the requested ability of the device cooling water is larger than the requested ability of the engine cooling water while the internal combustion engine operates, and the hybrid device operates.3. The cooling apparatus of the vehicle driving apparatuses as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the electronic control unit is configured to:control the flow of the cooling water so as to cool the device cooling water by the radiator or radiators other than at least one radiator when the requested ability of the device cooling water is larger than the requested ability of the engine cooling water, and the requested ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190309872A1

A thermostatic valve for an internal combustion engine, including a housing with a plurality of coolant connections for connection to a coolant circuit of the internal combustion engine, a valve element which is mounted movably in the housing such that a movement of the valve element, at least two coolant connections of the housing are either connectable to one another or separable from one another, an expansion element which is arranged in order, during the operation of the internal combustion engine, to enter into thermal contact with coolant circulating in the coolant circuit, wherein, in the event of a heat-induced expansion, the expansion element moves the valve element in the housing in order to connect the at least two coolant connections, wherein a controllable heating device is provided such that the expansion element can be heated in order to move the valve element. 110121416101612141024241610121432242416. A thermostatic valve for an internal combustion engine , comprising a housing () with a plurality of coolant connections ( , ) for connection to a coolant circuit of the internal combustion engine , furthermore comprising a valve element () which is mounted movably in the housing () , wherein , by means of a movement of the valve element () , at least two coolant connections ( , ) of the housing () are either connectable to one another or separable from one another , furthermore comprising an expansion element () which is arranged in order , during the operation of the internal combustion engine , to enter into thermal contact with coolant circulating in the coolant circuit , wherein , in the event of a heat-induced expansion , the expansion element () moves the valve element () in the housing () in order to connect the at least two coolant connections ( , ) , wherein a controllable heating device ( , ) is provided by means of which the expansion element () can be heated in order to move the valve element ().232343234. The thermostatic valve as claimed ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160334304A1
Автор: IKEMOTO Masato

A control device for an internal combustion engine that includes: a first detection unit detecting, as a first parameter, a temperature of a nozzle tip of an injector; and a second detection unit detecting, as a second parameter, a heat quantity of a cylinder head, and executes a dew condensation determination by using at least one of the first parameter and the second parameter, the control device includes: a third detection unit detecting an evaluation value allowing to evaluate a state of the internal combustion engine, a threshold value for selecting which parameter of the first and second parameters is selected being set with respect to the evaluation value, wherein the control device switches a parameter to be used to the first parameter, to the second parameter, or to both the first and second parameters in accordance with the evaluation value when executing the dew condensation determination. 1. A control device for an internal combustion engine that includes: a first detection unit that detects , as a first parameter , a temperature of a nozzle tip of an injector; and a second detection unit that detects , as a second parameter , a heat quantity of a cylinder head , and executes a dew condensation determination that determines whether dew condensation is to occur on the nozzle tip of the injector after shutdown of the internal combustion engine by using at least one of the first parameter and the second parameter , the control device comprising:a third detection unit that detects an evaluation value that allows to evaluate a state of the internal combustion engine, a threshold value for selecting which parameter of the first parameter and the second parameter is selected being set with respect to the evaluation value,wherein the control device switches a parameter to be used to the first parameter, to the second parameter, or to both the first parameter and the second parameter in accordance with the evaluation value when executing the dew condensation ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170335751A1
Автор: Newman Carl Stephen

An engine coolant temperature sensor configured to earth through the engine coolant such that an alarm will trigger when coolant is absent. 1. An engine coolant temperature sensor comprising:an earth wire configured to earth through engine coolant in a coolant conduit and trigger an alarm when coolant is absent in the coolant conduit.2. The engine coolant temperature sensor according to claim 1 , further comprising a metal housing in electrical contact with the earth wire.3. The engine coolant temperature sensor according to claim 2 , further comprising a plurality of temperature sensing wires spaced away from the earth wire.4. The engine coolant temperature sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the alarm is an audible alarm.5. The engine coolant temperature sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the alarm is a visual alarm.6. An engine system comprising: a plurality of temperature sensing wires enclosed in a housing, and', 'an earth wire enclosed in the housing and spaced away from the plurality of temperature sensing wires., 'an engine coolant temperature sensor including,'}7. The engine system of claim 6 , further comprising a metal tip at least partially surrounding the housing.8. The engine system of claim 7 , where the earth wire is in electrical contact with the metal tip.9. The engine system of claim 6 , where the engine coolant temperature sensor extends into a coolant conduit.10. The engine system of claim 6 , further comprising a controller receiving signals from the earth wire and signals from the plurality of temperature sensing wires.11. The engine system of claim 10 , where the controller determines if a coolant level in a coolant conduit in which the engine coolant temperature sensor is positioned is below a threshold level based on the signals from the earth wire.12. The engine system of claim 11 , where the controller triggers engine deactivation when it is determined that the coolant level in the coolant conduit is below the threshold level.13. The ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации

System and method for operating an engine with an electrically driven compressor

Номер: US20190323442A1

Methods and systems for operating an engine with an electrically driven compressor are described. In one example, a model in a controller determines one or more temperatures of the electrically driven compressor to establish a power output upper threshold that is not to be exceeded by the electrically driven compressor. Various actuators may be adjusted responsive to the power output upper threshold to reduce the possibility of electrically driven compressor degradation.

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170342892A1

A cooling system for a vehicle is provided. The system includes a valve that is disposed at a predetermined position in a cooling channel to discharge bubbles produced in a coolant out of the cooling channel. Additionally, a controller is configured to detect whether bubbles have been produced in the coolant using a rate of pressure change based on a temperature increase in the cooling channel and open the valve in response to detecting that bubbles have been produced. 1. A cooling system for a vehicle , comprising:a valve disposed at a predetermined position in a cooling channel to discharge bubbles produced in a coolant out of the cooling channel; anda controller configured to detect whether bubbles have been produced in the coolant using a rate of pressure change based on a temperature increase in the cooling channel, and open the valve in response to detecting that the bubbles have been produced.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to detect that the bubbles have been produced in the coolant when the rate of pressure change is a predetermined reference value or less.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to close the valve when a rate of pressure change based on a temperature increase after the valve is opened exceeds the predetermined reference value.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to open the valve for a predetermined opening time when in response to determining that the bubbles have been produced claim 1 , and the opening time is in inverse proportion to the rate of pressure change.5. A method of controlling the cooling system for a vehicle claim 1 , comprising:obtaining, by a controller, a rate of pressure change based on a temperature increase in a cooling channel;detecting, by the controller, whether bubbles have been produced in a coolant using the rate of pressure change; anddischarging, by the controller, the bubbles by opening a valve at a predetermined position in the ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170343442A1

Disclosed is a pressure detecting device having a temperature sensor, the device including: a housing having a first chamber, a second chamber, and a port part having a fluid guide tube that guides a pressure transmitting fluid to the second chamber; a lead frame coupled to the housing and configured for being connected to an external device; a circuit substrate electrically connected to the lead frame and including a first surface and a second surface; a pressure detecting element provided on the second surface of the circuit substrate and generating an electrical signal according to a pressure change; a tube coupled to the port part, whereby a first end of the tube is open and provided inside the first chamber; and a temperature detecting element provided inside the tube and transmitting an electrical signal generated according to a temperature change to the circuit substrate. 1. A pressure detecting device having a temperature sensor , the pressure detecting device comprising:a housing having a first chamber, a second chamber, and a port part having a fluid guide tube that guides a pressure transmitting fluid to the second chamber;a lead frame coupled to the housing and configured for being connected to an external device;a circuit substrate electrically connected to the lead frame and including a first surface facing the first chamber and a second surface facing the second chamber;a pressure detecting element provided on the second surface of the circuit substrate and generating an electrical signal according to a pressure change;a tube coupled to the port part, whereby a first end of the tube is open and provided inside the first chamber; anda temperature detecting element provided inside the tube and transmitting an electrical signal generated according to a temperature change to the circuit substrate.2. The pressure detecting device of claim 1 , further including: a fixing element including at least one ring-shaped part wrapping the tube.3. The pressure ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170350303A1

An engine coolant system includes a variable-opening valve having a plurality of tubes in fluid flow communication with an engine block and a radiator. The coolant system also includes an electrically-powered pump arranged to cycle coolant through the radiator and the engine block to regulate an engine temperature. The coolant system further includes a controller programmed to store a baseline relationship between pump speed and pump power draw using a nonlinear scale. The controller is also programmed to detect a steady state operating condition of the pump, and identify an operational relationship between real-time pump speed and a pump power draw. The controller is further programmed to detect a coolant leak based on a deviation between the baseline relationship and the operational relationship. 1. An engine coolant system comprising:a variable-opening valve connected to a plurality of tubes in fluid flow communication with an engine block and a radiator;an electrically-powered pump arranged to cycle coolant through the radiator and the engine block to regulate an engine temperature; and store a baseline relationship between pump speed and pump power draw using a nonlinear scale,', 'detect a steady state operating condition of the pump,', 'identify an operational relationship between real-time pump speed and pump power draw, and', 'detect a coolant leak based on a deviation between the baseline relationship and the operational relationship., 'a controller programmed to'}2. The engine coolant system of wherein the variable-opening valve to regulate coolant flow between a radiator pass and a bypass claim 1 , wherein the controller is further programmed to estimate a unique logarithmic relationship between pump speed and pump power draw for each of a plurality of valve opening sizes.3. The engine coolant system of wherein the controller is further programmed to detect the steady state operating condition based on at least one of: (i) a commanded pump speed being ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180347686A1

An apparatus for controlling the temperature of an oil cooler in a motor vehicle may include a temperature control arrangement. The temperature control arrangement may have a cold thermostat with a limit operating temperature and a warm thermostat with a lower limit operating temperature, the warm thermostat being connected in a fluid-connecting manner to the cold thermostat. The temperature control arrangement may also include a cold inlet for a coolant at a first temperature and a warm inlet for a coolant at a second temperature, the first temperature being lower than the second temperature. The temperature control arrangement may further include a coolant outlet fixable in a fluid-conducting manner to a coolant inlet of the oil cooler. 1. An apparatus for controlling the temperature of an oil cooler in a motor vehicle , comprising a temperature control arrangement including:a cold thermostat with a limit operating temperature;a cold inlet for a coolant at a first temperature and a warm inlet for a coolant at a second temperature, the first temperature being lower than the second temperature;a coolant outlet fixable in a fluid-conducting manner to a coolant inlet of the oil cooler; anda warm thermostat with a lower limit operating temperature, the warm thermostat being connected in a fluid-conducting manner to the cold thermostat.2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cold thermostat and the warm thermostat each has a first fluid chamber claim 1 , a second fluid chamber claim 1 , and a separating piston that separates the first fluid chamber from the second fluid chamber.3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the cold thermostat and the warm thermostat each has a temperature-sensitive expansion element fixed on the respective separating piston and configured to displace the respective separating piston in the respective first fluid chamber.4. The apparatus as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the temperature-sensitive expansion element of the ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200340389A1
Автор: Dumas Pascal

Multi-compartment liquid reservoir (), for a motor vehicle, including a first fluid compartment () equipped with a fluid inlet () and with a fluid outlet (), and a second fluid compartment () equipped with a fluid inlet () and with a fluid outlet (), the reservoir including a liquid-filling neck () and the compartments in fluid communication via at least one passage () allowing one of the compartments to be filled via the other of the compartments, the reservoir further including at least one shut-off system (), able to move between a first position of opening of the at least one passage and a position of closure of the at least one passage, wherein the shut-off system is configured to adopt the first position by default and in the free state, and to be urged into the second position when the reservoir is in operation. 110141822162024123044. Multi-compartment liquid reservoir () for a motor vehicle , comprising a first fluid compartment () equipped with a fluid inlet () and with a fluid outlet () , and a second fluid compartment () equipped with a fluid inlet () and with a fluid outlet () , the reservoir comprising a liquid-filling neck () and the first fluid compartment and the second fluid compartment being in fluid communication via at least one passage () allowing one of the first fluid compartment or the second fluid compartment to be filled via the other of the first fluid compartment or the second fluid compartment , the reservoir further comprising at least one shut-off system () , able to move between a first position of opening of the at least one passage and a position of closure of the at least one passage , wherein the shut-off system is configured to adopt the first position by default and in a free state , and to be urged into the second position when the reservoir is in operation when a fluid is circulating from the inlet to the outlet of one of the first fluid compartment or the second fluid compartment or when an operating temperature of the fluid ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Method and appratus for controlling water pump for vehicle

Номер: US20160369685A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A method for controlling a water pump for a vehicle includes: determining whether an engine is on; measuring a coolant temperature of the engine and an RPM of the engine when the engine is determined to be operated; determining whether the measured coolant temperature is equal to or greater than a predetermined coolant temperature; determining an RPM of a water pump, which adjusts a coolant flow rate, from the measured coolant temperature and the measured RPM of the engine, when the measured coolant temperature is determined to be equal to or greater than the predetermined coolant temperature; and controlling the water pump such that the water pump is operated according to the determined RPM of the water pump.

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190360380A1
Автор: Dudar Aed M.

Methods and systems are provided for rapidly cooling an engine system of a vehicle at vehicle-off events. In one example, a method may include cooling the engine system via selecting whether to rotate a cooling fan in a first direction or a second direction based on an indication of whether temperature of the engine system decays at a faster rate under conditions where the cooling fan is rotated in the first direction as compared to the second direction, or vice versa. In this way, diagnostics that rely on static, low-noise conditions may be conducted for vehicle-off conditions that are not sufficiently long to allow for sufficient engine system cooling in a timeframe of the vehicle-off condition. 1. A method comprising:cooling an engine system of a vehicle at a vehicle-off event via selecting whether to rotate a cooling fan in a first direction or a second direction based on an indication of whether an engine system temperature decay rate is faster under conditions where the cooling fan is rotated in the first direction as compared to the second direction, or vice versa; andconducting a diagnostic during or following the cooling.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein conducting the diagnostic in response to the cooling includes conducting the diagnostic in response to the engine system being cooled to within a threshold temperature of an ambient temperature.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle is participating in a car-sharing model.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle is capable of autonomous vehicle operation.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the diagnostic relies on low-noise claim 1 , static engine system conditions.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the indication is based at least in part on learned information regarding the vehicle-off event.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the indication is based at least in part on one or more parking conditions at the vehicle-off event claim 1 , the one or more parking conditions including a proximity ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180372051A1
Автор: MIURA Osamu, MIZUI Hiroshi
Принадлежит: Mikuni Corporation

To secure detection accuracy of a temperature sensor in a general purpose engine. A general purpose engine includes an engine main body (), an output shaft () that outputs a rotation force of the engine main body, a cooling fan () that is rotated and driven by the output shaft, a cooling cover () that is fixed to the engine main body to define a cooling air passage (CP) which guides cooling air generated by the cooling fan along an exterior wall () of the engine main body, and a temperature sensor () that is fixed to the engine main body in a region away from the cooling air passage (CP). Accordingly, it is possible to measure a temperature of the engine main body with high accuracy and perform electronic control of fuel injection with high accuracy. 1. A general purpose engine comprising:an engine main body;an output shaft that outputs a rotation force of the engine main body;a cooling fan that is rotated and driven by the output shaft;a cooling cover that is fixed to the engine main body to define a cooling air passage which guides cooling air generated by the cooling fan along an exterior wall of the engine main body; anda temperature sensor that is fixed to the engine main body in a region away from the cooling air passage.2. The general purpose engine according to claim 1 ,wherein the engine main body includes a boss part that projects from an exterior wall thereof,the cooling cover is fastened by a screw that is screwed into a screw hole of the boss part, andthe temperature sensor is fastened to the boss part together with the cooling cover by the screw.3. The general purpose engine according to claim 1 ,wherein the engine main body includes a boss part that projects from an exterior wall thereof, andthe temperature sensor includes a male screw that is screwed into a screw hole of the boss part and an enlarged diameter part that is formed to have a larger diameter than the male screw, and is fastened to the boss part by clamping the cooling cover with the ...

05-12-2019 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for controlling water pump for vehicle

Номер: US20190368408A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A method for controlling a water pump for a vehicle includes: determining whether an engine is on; measuring a coolant temperature of the engine and an RPM of the engine when the engine is determined to be operated; determining whether the measured coolant temperature is equal to or greater than a predetermined coolant temperature; determining an RPM of a water pump, which adjusts a coolant flow rate, from the measured coolant temperature and the measured RPM of the engine, when the measured coolant temperature is determined to be equal to or greater than the predetermined coolant temperature; and controlling the water pump such that the water pump is operated according to the determined RPM of the water pump.

22-05-2003 дата публикации

Method for operating an internal combustion engine and motor vehicle

Номер: DE10155339A1
Принадлежит: DaimlerChrysler AG

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Verbrennungsmotors, der einen Kühlmittelkreislauf aufweist, mit einem Normalbetrieb des Verbrennungsmotors. DOLLAR A Erfindungsgemäß ist zum Erreichen oder Halten einer gewünschten Kühlmitteltemperatur ein Aufheizbetrieb einstellbar, in dem Betriebsparameter des Verbrennungsmotors bei Erfüllung angeforderter Leistungssollwerte für einen maximal möglichen Wärmeeintrag in das Kühlmittel und/oder das Abgas eingestellt werden. DOLLAR A Verwendung z. B. für Kraftfahrzeuge mit Verbrennungsmotoren mit hohem thermodynamischen Wirkungsgrad. The invention relates to a method for operating an internal combustion engine, which has a coolant circuit, with a normal operation of the internal combustion engine. DOLLAR A According to the invention, a heating operation is adjustable to achieve or maintain a desired coolant temperature, are set in the operating parameters of the internal combustion engine upon satisfaction of requested power setpoints for a maximum possible heat input into the coolant and / or the exhaust gas. DOLLAR A use z. B. for motor vehicles with internal combustion engines with high thermodynamic efficiency.

18-08-2004 дата публикации

Radiator cleaner

Номер: KR100444870B1
Автор: 이창호
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

본 발명은 라디에이터 세정장치에 관한 것으로서, The present invention relates to a radiator cleaning device, 종래의 세정장치는 유체의 고압분사를 위하여 일정양의 유체를 보관하는 리저버를 엔진룸 내에 장착해야만 하므로 엔진룸 레이아웃상의 공간적 제약을 받게되는 문제점이 있었고, 또한 차량 내에서 유체를 고압으로 분사하는데 한계가 있어서 라디에이터에 끼여있는 오염물질의 효과적인 제거가 이루어지지 못하는 문제점이 발생하고 있었다. Conventional cleaning device has a problem that the space is limited in the engine room layout because the reservoir that stores a certain amount of fluid in the engine room for high pressure injection of the fluid has a problem, and also limited to the injection of the fluid at high pressure in the vehicle There was a problem that the effective removal of the contaminants stuck to the radiator was not made. 따라서, 상기 문제점을 해결하기 위한 본 발명은 라디에이터와 냉각팬의 사이에 풍향제어를 위한 다수의 가이드를 형성하고, 주행모드 또는 세정모드 선택에 따라 냉각팬이 정역회전하도록 함과 동시에 팬블레이드의 각도가 가변되도록 하며, 세정모드시 가이드들이 노즐형태로 변형되면서 냉각팬의 역회전에 의해 공급되는 바람이 가이드에 의해 라디에이터의 냉각핀으로 집중되어 냉각핀의 사이사이에 끼어있는 이물질이 제거되도록 하므로서, 라디에이터의 냉각효율이 향상되고, 운전자가 운전석에서 손쉽게 제어가 가능토록 한 라디에이터 세정장치에 관한 것이다. Accordingly, the present invention for solving the above problems is to form a plurality of guides for the wind direction control between the radiator and the cooling fan, and the fan blades to forward and reverse rotation at the same time depending on the driving mode or cleaning mode selection at the same time In the cleaning mode, the guides are transformed into nozzle shapes, so that the wind supplied by the reverse rotation of the cooling fan is concentrated by the guides to the cooling fins of the radiator, thereby removing foreign substances caught between the cooling fins. The present invention relates to a radiator cleaning device in which a cooling efficiency of a radiator is improved and a driver can be easily controlled from a driver's seat.

12-06-2006 дата публикации

engine cooling system

Номер: KR100589146B1
Автор: 황규한
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

본 발명은 엔진의 냉각 시스템에 관한 것으로, 서모스탯 하우징에서 오일 쿨러에 이르는 냉각수의 유출/입 경로의 변경을 통해, 엔진의 웜업 이전에 오일 쿨러로 공급되는 냉각수를 차단시켜 히터로 더 많은 양의 냉각수를 공급하도록 하여 차량의 난방 성능을 향상시킬 수 있도록 하는 데 그 목적이 있다. The present invention relates to a cooling system of an engine, and by changing the outflow / inflow path of the coolant from the thermostat housing to the oil cooler, blocking the coolant supplied to the oil cooler before warming up the engine, thereby increasing the amount of The purpose is to improve the heating performance of the vehicle by supplying the coolant. 전술한 목적을 달성하기 위해 본 발명은, 엔진의 작동에 따라 연동되어 냉각수를 실린더 블럭과 실린더 헤드로 각각 토출하는 워터 펌프와; 엔진의 웜업 상태에 따라 냉각수의 유동 경로를 조절하도록 동작되는 서모스탯 및; 상기 실린더 블럭과 실린더 헤드로부터 유출되는 냉각수를 합류시키는 제1합류 공간과, 상기 제1합류 공간과 연통되는 바이패스 공간, 상기 바이패스 공간과의 교통이 상기 서모스탯에 의해 조절되는 제2합류 공간, 상기 제2합류 공간과의 교통이 상기 서모스탯에 의해 조절되는 제3합류 공간을 각각 내부에 갖춘 서모스탯 하우징을 포함하고; 상기 제1합류 공간에는 히터측 유출통로와 스로틀 바디측 유출통로 및 오일 쿨러측 유출통로가 각각 분지되도록 형성되고; 상기 제2합류 공간에는 상기 히터측 유입통로와 스로틀 바디측 유입통로, 라디에이터측 유출통로 및, 워터 펌프측 유출통로가 각각 분지되도록 형성되며; 상기 제3합류 공간에는 상기 라디에이터측 유입통로가 형성되는 한편; 상기 라디에이터측 유입통로에는 상기 오일 쿨러측 유입통로가 분지되어 연결된 것을 특징으로 한다. In order to achieve the above object, the present invention includes a water pump which is linked to the operation of the engine to discharge the coolant to the cylinder block and the cylinder head, respectively; A thermostat operable to adjust the flow path of the coolant according to the warm-up state of the engine; A first confluence space for joining the cylinder block and the coolant flowing out of the cylinder head, a bypass space in communication with the first confluence space, and a second confluence space in which traffic between the bypass space is controlled by the thermostat. And a thermostat housing having a third joining space therein, in which traffic to the second joining space is controlled by the thermostat; A heater side outlet passage, a throttle body side outlet passage, and an oil cooler side outlet passage are formed in the first confluence space, respectively; The second ...

27-03-2012 дата публикации

Method for controlling electric water pump of hybrid vehicle

Номер: KR101125005B1
Автор: 기재영, 심동수

본 발명은 하이브리드 차량의 전력 및 전자부품 등을 냉각하는데 사용되는 전동식 워터펌프의 구동속도를 전력 및 전자부품의 온도가 해당되는 온도 범위와, 펌프 효율점에 따라 가변시켜, 배터리 전력 소모를 줄일 수 있도록 한 하이브리드 차량용 전동식 워터펌프 제어 방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention can reduce the battery power consumption by varying the driving speed of the electric water pump used to cool the power and electronic components of the hybrid vehicle according to the temperature range and the pump efficiency point corresponding to the power and temperature of the electronic components. The present invention relates to an electric water pump control method for a hybrid vehicle. 이를 위해, 본 발명은 하이브리드 차량의 시동 온 단계와; 하이브리드 차량의 냉각대상부품인 전력 및 전자부품의 온도를 검출하는 단계와; 전동식 워터펌프에 인가되는 전압치 오차에 따른 펌프 효율점을 판정하는 단계와; 복수 개의 기준치로 구분되는 복수 개의 온도 범위 중에 상기 전력 및 전자부품의 검출 온도가 해당되는 온도 범위와, 상기 펌프 효율점에 따라 전동식 워터펌프의 구동속도를 변화시키는 단계; 로 이루어지는 것을 특징으로 하는 하이브리드 차량용 전동식 워터펌프 제어 방법을 제공한다. To this end, the present invention comprises the steps of starting the hybrid vehicle; Detecting temperatures of electric power and electronic components, which are cooling target components of the hybrid vehicle; Determining a pump efficiency point according to a voltage value error applied to the electric water pump; Changing a driving speed of the electric water pump according to a temperature range corresponding to a detected temperature of the power and the electronic component among a plurality of temperature ranges divided into a plurality of reference values and the pump efficiency point; It provides an electric water pump control method for a hybrid vehicle, characterized in that consisting of. 하이브리드, 전동식, 워터펌프, 속도, 제어, 온도, 냉각, 전력 및 전자부품 Hybrid, electric, water pump, speed, control, temperature, cooling, power and electronics

22-03-2017 дата публикации

냉각수 제어밸브유닛을 갖는 엔진시스템

Номер: KR101713742B1
Принадлежит: 현대자동차 주식회사

본 발명의 실시예에 따른 냉각수 제어밸브유닛을 갖는 엔진시스템은, 연소실이 형성된 실린더블록, 상기 연소실과 연결되는 흡기포트와 배기포트가 형성된 실린더헤드, 상기 실린더헤드 위에 체결되고, 상기 실린더블록에서 배출되는 냉각수와 상기 실린더헤드에서 배출되는 냉각수를 각각 공급받고, 히터, 라디에이터로 공급되는 냉각수 및 상기 실린더블록에서 배출되는 냉각수를 각각 제어하는 냉각수제어밸브유닛을 포함하고, 상기 실린더블록에서 배출되는 냉각수를 제어하면 상기 실린더헤드에서 냉각수를 공급받던 오일쿨러는 상기 실린더블록에서 냉각수를 공급받고, 상기 냉각수제어밸브유닛은, 상기 실리더헤드로부터는 항상 냉각수를 공급받고, 상기 오일쿨러로는 항상 냉각수를 공급하고, 상기 히터와 상기 라디에이터로 분배되는 냉각수 및 상기 실린더블록에서 배출되는 냉각수를 각각 제어할 수 있다.

17-03-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for improving ignition quality of lpdi type altered vehicle

Номер: KR101716310B1
Автор: 신용남, 이상률
Принадлежит: (주)모토닉

The present invention relates to an apparatus for improving ignition of a direct injection type LPI modified vehicle, and a method therefor. The present invention comprises: a compensation unit compensating an output signal of a water temperature sensor by using a voltage level of the output signal outputted from the water temperature sensor at the reference temperature when the temperature of cooling water is smaller than the preset reference temperature. Therefore, the present invention compensates the output signal outputted from the water temperature sensor at a low-temperature state to improve ignition at the low-temperature state.

04-03-2022 дата публикации

냉각수 제어밸브 유닛의 제어시스템, 및 이의 제어방법

Номер: KR102371254B1
Автор: 이용규

본 발명의 실시예에 따른 냉각수 제어밸브 유닛의 제어방법은, 모터의 회전력을 이용하여, 캠을 회전시키고, 상기 캠에 형성된 프로파일이 로드를 밀어서, 상기 로드에 형성된 밸브가 냉각수통로를 개폐시키는 것으로, 상기 모터를 작동시켜, 상기 캠을 회전시키는 회전단계, 상기 캠의 회전위치를 감지하는 감지단계, 상기 모터가 작동되는 상태에서, 상기 캠 또는 상기 모터가 회전하지 않는 고착상태를 판단하는 판단단계, 및 상기 고착상태로 판단되면, 상기 모터가 설정된 회전방향으로 설정된 토크를 상기 캠 측으로 출력하여 고착상태를 탈출하는 탈출모드를 수행할 수 있다.

25-07-2002 дата публикации

Engine warm-up model and thermostat rationality diagnostic

Номер: US20020099482A1
Принадлежит: DaimlerChrysler Co LLC

A method is provided for diagnosing the rationality of a thermostat in a motor vehicle. The method includes an engine warm-up model and a thermostat diagnostic. The engine warm-up model predicts the temperature that the engine coolant temperature should be equal to at a given time after start-up. This is based on the engine coolant temperature at start-up, ambient air temperature, and how the vehicle is driven subsequent to start-up. This predicted engine coolant temperature is compared to the actual engine coolant temperature as read by an engine coolant temperature sensor. The error between the predicted engine coolant temperature and the actual engine coolant temperature is calculated and integrated over time. The thermostat diagnostic runs at a pre-selected time after start-up and compares the integrated error to a calibrated threshold value. Depending upon the results of the comparison, a pass, fail, or inconclusive condition is determined.

05-01-2022 дата публикации

Thermostatic valve for a coolant circuit

Номер: DE102020213110B3

Es wird ein Thermostatventil zum Steuern der Strömung eines fluiden Mediums in einem Kühlmittelkreislauf einer Brennkraftmaschine bereitgestellt, wobei das Thermostatventil ausgebildet ist, durch ein Dehnstoffelement auf die Temperatur des Kühlmittels und durch einen druckempfindlichen Aktor auf den Ladedruck im Ansaugtrakt zu reagieren. Es werden weiterhin eine Anordnung mit dem Thermostatventil und ein Kraftfahrzeug mit der Anordnung bereitgestellt. A thermostatic valve is provided for controlling the flow of a fluid medium in a coolant circuit of an internal combustion engine, the thermostatic valve being designed to react to the temperature of the coolant through an expansion element and to the boost pressure in the intake tract through a pressure-sensitive actuator. Furthermore, an arrangement with the thermostatic valve and a motor vehicle with the arrangement are provided.

05-03-2018 дата публикации

냉각수 제어밸브유닛을 갖는 엔진시스템

Номер: KR20180021551A
Автор: 박철수, 이재웅

본 발명의 실시예에 따른 냉각수 제어밸브유닛을 갖는 엔진시스템은, 일측으로 냉각수를 공급받고, 타측으로 냉각수를 배출하는 통로가 형성되는 밸브 하우징, 회전 중심축을 중심으로 회전하도록 배치되고, 그 회전위치에 따라서 상기 통로를 폐쇄하는 폐쇄부와 상기 통로를 개방하는 개방부가 회전방향으로 설정된 간격을 두고 형성되는 밸브, 상기 회전 중심축을 중심으로 상기 밸브를 회전시키도록 배치되는 액추에이터, 및 운행조건에 따라서 상기 액추에이터를 제어하는 제어부를 포함하고, 상기 폐쇄부가 상기 통로를 폐쇄한 상태에서 상기 밸브의 폐쇄부를 관통하는 바이패스통로가 형성될 수 있다.

17-11-2022 дата публикации

차량의 열관리 시스템

Номер: KR20220152604A
Автор: 정성빈

본 발명은 차량의 열관리 시스템에 관한 것으로서, 저온 주행시 냉각수 유량의 감소로 인한 히트 펌프 시스템의 성능 저하 문제가 개선될 수 있는 차량의 열관리 시스템을 제공하는데 주된 목적이 있는 것이다. 상기한 목적을 달성하기 위해, 전력전자 부품의 냉각을 위한 것으로서, 제1 라디에이터, 제1 라디에이터와 전력전자 부품 사이의 냉각수 순환을 위한 제1 냉각수 라인, 제1 냉각수 라인을 따라 냉각수를 순환시키는 제1 전동식 워터펌프를 포함하는 제1 냉각 회로; 냉매를 압축하는 압축기, 압축기에 의해 압축된 냉매와 차량 실내로 공급되는 공기 사이의 열교환이 이루어지는 내부 응축기, 압축기와 내부 응축기 사이의 냉매 순환을 위한 냉매 라인, 및 상기 냉각수와 냉매 사이의 열교환이 이루어지는 열교환기를 포함하는 히트 펌프 시스템; 상기 전력전자 부품 입구측과 출구측의 제1 냉각수 라인 사이를 연결하는 유량 증대용 바이패스 라인; 및 상기 제1 냉각수 라인에서 유량 증대용 바이패스 라인이 분기된 위치에 설치되어, 냉각수가 전력전자 부품을 선택적으로 바이패스할 수 있도록 냉각수 유동방향을 제어하는 냉각수 제어밸브를 포함하는 차량의 열관리 시스템이 개시된다.

26-09-1996 дата публикации

Electronically controlled engine cooling apparatus

Номер: WO1996029509A1
Принадлежит: Standard-Thomson Corporation

An apparatus is provided for controlling the temperature of an engine (28) based on a temperature control signal (20) related to an optimum engine temperature generated by an electronic control module (10) using an output signal from at least one sensor (14). A controller (22) generates an output signal (26) based on a temperature control signal (20) received from the electronic control module (10) and on a signal (24) proportional to the actual engine temperature received from an engine temperature sensor (14). The apparatus also includes an electronically actuated thermostat (24) including a valve (46) located within a coolant flow passageway (40) of the engine block (38) and a motor (44) electrically coupled to the controller (22) for controlling the valve (46).

02-08-1999 дата публикации

Apparatus of coolant inflow

Номер: KR200153654Y1
Автор: 김정식
Принадлежит: 정몽규, 현대자동차주식회사

물펌프의 임펠러가 펌프바디의 플렌지면에서 노출되어 실린더블럭에 팁클리어런스를 보유하면서 장착된 냉각수 유입장치에 있어서; 초기시동 상태에서 기관의 동력손실과, 이음발생과, 마찰손실과, 연료소비의 감소, 그리고 난기완료 상태에서 냉각효율의 극대화를 도모하기 위하여; 실린더헤드의 냉각수 온도를 감지하는 온도감지수단과, 기관의 부압에 따라 작동되는 액츄에이터와, 이 액츄에이터에 의하여 가동되어 토출량을 조절하는 유량조절수단과, 이 유량조절수단을 탄지하는 탄성부재와, 액츄에이터의 작동을 온ㆍ오프하는 전자변을 포함하여 이루어짐을 특징으로 하는 냉각수 유입장치. A coolant inlet device mounted on the cylinder block while the impeller of the water pump is exposed on the flange surface of the pump body to hold the tip clearance in the cylinder block; To maximize engine power loss, joint generation, frictional losses, fuel consumption in the initial start-up state and cooling efficiency in turbulence; A temperature sensing means for sensing the coolant temperature of the cylinder head, an actuator operated according to the negative pressure of the engine, a flow control means for operating by the actuator to adjust the discharge amount, an elastic member for holding the flow control means, and an actuator Cooling water inlet device, characterized in that comprises an electronic valve for turning on and off the operation.

07-07-2008 дата публикации

split cooling circuit of engine

Номер: KR100844656B1
Автор: 이봉상
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

본 발명은 냉각팬의 구동에 기준이 되는 냉각수의 온도 검출이 실린더 블럭측 냉각수의 온도에 영향을 받지 않는 부위로 한정되어 이루어지도록 함으로써, 냉각수의 온도가 보다 상승한 시점에서 냉각팬의 구동이 수반될 수 있고, 이로부터 실린더 블럭의 과냉에 따른 마찰 손실을 배제하고, 냉각팬의 구동 시간의 단축으로부터 불필요한 동력 손실을 줄일 수 있도록 하는 데 그 목적이 있다. According to the present invention, the temperature detection of the cooling water, which is a reference for driving the cooling fan, is limited to a portion which is not affected by the temperature of the cooling water of the cylinder block, so that the cooling fan is driven when the temperature of the cooling water is higher. It is possible to eliminate the friction loss caused by the overcooling of the cylinder block, and to reduce unnecessary power loss from the shortening of the driving time of the cooling fan. 전술한 목적을 달성하기 위해 본 발명은, 워터펌프(10)로부터 토출되는 냉각수의 유출경로와 각각 개별적으로 연결되는 냉각수의 유입경로를 갖춘 실린더 헤드(12) 및 실린더 블럭(14)과; 상기 실린더 헤드(12)와 상기 실린더 블럭(14)측 냉각수의 유출경로상에 설치되는 서모스탯 조립체(16)로부터 분지되어 연결되는 히터(18)와 스로틀 바디(20) 및 라디에이터(22); 상기 히터(18)와 스로틀 바디(20) 및 라디에이터(22)로부터 각각 분지되어 연결되는 메인 서모스탯(24); 상기 실린더 헤드(12)측 냉각수의 유출경로에 설치되어 냉각수의 온도를 검출하는 수온감지센서(26) 및; 상기 수온감지센서(26)로부터 검출된 냉각수의 온도에 따라 냉각팬(28)의 구동을 제어하는 제어유니트(ECU)를 포함하여 구성된 것을 특징으로 한다. In order to achieve the above object, the present invention includes a cylinder head (12) and a cylinder block (14) having an inflow path of cooling water respectively connected to an outflow path of the cooling water discharged from the water pump (10); A heater 18, a throttle body 20, and a radiator 22 branched from a thermostat assembly 16 installed on an outflow path of the cylinder head 12 and the cylinder block 14 to coolant; A main thermostat 24 branched from the heater 18, the throttle body 20, and the radiator 22, respectively; A water temperature sensor 26 installed in an outflow path of the coolant on the cylinder head 12 side to detect a temperature of the coolant; It characterized in that it comprises a control unit (ECU) for controlling the driving of the cooling fan 28 according to the temperature of the cooling water ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Engine cooling system of vehicle and method for controlling the same

Номер: KR101349071B1
Автор: 김건태, 전기남, 정일

The present invention relates to an engine cooling system of a vehicle and a controlling method thereof and, more specifically, to an engine cooling system of a vehicle and a controlling method thereof capable of minimizing the friction loss and heat loss of an engine, the operation of a cooling fan in an unnecessary area, and a drive loss thereby by maintaining an engine cooling water temperature highly in comparison with an existing engine cooling water temperature by increasing an operation temperature of a thermostat and a fan clutch in a condition of a low air temperature. To achieve the aforementioned purposes, the present invention provides the engine cooling system of a vehicle and the controlling method thereof, which includes: an air temperature sensor which detects an air temperature; a radiator which emits heat of cooling water; an electronic thermostat which controls the cooling water which flows to the radiator; a cooling fan unit which has the cooling fan controlling a heat exchange quantity in the radiator; and a control unit which controls the operation temperature of the thermostat and the fan clutch in real time depending on the air temperature which is detected by the air temperature sensor. [Reference numerals] (AA) Cooling water temperature; (BB) Operation temperature; (CC) Electronic fan clutch; (DD) Controlled temperature; (EE) Electronic thermostat; (FF) Air temperature

15-03-2003 дата публикации

Method for sensing out of order thermostat of vehicle

Номер: KR100376667B1
Автор: 여인주
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

본 발명은 엔진을 냉각하는 냉각수의 온도에 따라 냉각수의 통로를 개폐하는 수온조절기의 고장을 감지하여 엔진 과열을 사전에 방지하도록 한 자동차의 수온조절기 고장 감지 방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명은 엔진 시동 온 상태에서 각종 센서의 신호를 감지하는 단계와, 상기 단계에서 감지된 신호중에서 현재의 흡입 공기량이 현재의 엔진 조건에 대하여 설정된 기준 공기량보다 많은 상태인지를 판단하는 단계와, 상기 단계에서 현재의 흡입 공기량이 현재의 엔진 조건에 대하여 설정된 기준 공기량 이상이면 고부하의 상태인 것으로 판단한 다음 현 상태가 부하 변동여부를 판단하기 위하여 설정된 일정시간을 경과하였는지를 판단하는 단계와, 상기 단계에서 현재의 흡입 공기량이 현재의 엔진 조건에 대하여 설정한 기준 공기량 이상으로 부하 변동 판단을 위해 설정한 시간을 경과한 것으로 판단되면 부하 변동이 없는 것으로 판단한 후 엔진 시동후 현재까지의 시간 경과가 고장판정 설정시간을 경과하였는지를 판단하는 단계와, 상기에서 시동후 현재까지의 시간 경과가 고장판정 설정시간을 경과하지 않으면 설정시간의 경과를 연속적으로 검출하고, 설정시간의 경과가 판단되면 냉각수온이 설정된 기준온도 이하인지를 판단하는 단계와, 상기 단계에서 냉각수온이 설정된 기준온도 이상이면 수온 조절기를 정상으로 판정하고, 기준온도 이하이면 수온 조절기를 고장으로 판정하여 해당 정보를 지시하는 단계와, 상기 단계에서 현재의 흡입 공기량이 현재의 엔진 조건에 대하여 설정된 기준 공기량 이하이면 저부하의 상태인 것으로 판단한 다음 현 상태가 부하 변동여부를 판단하기 위하여 설정된 일정시간을 경과하였는지를 판단하는 단계와, 상기 단계에서 현재의 흡입 공기량이 현재의 엔진 조건에 대하여 설정한 기준 공기량 이하로 부하 변동 판단을 위해 설정한 시간을 경과한 것으로 판단되면 부하 변동이 없는 것으로 판단한 후 엔진 시동후 현재까지의 시간 경과가 고장판정 설정시간을 경과하였는지를 판단하는 단계와, 상기에서 시동후 현재까지의 시간 경과가 고장판정 설정시간을 경과하지 않으면 설정시간의 경과를 연속적으로 검출하고, 설정시간의 경과가 판단되면 냉각수온이 설정된 기준온도 이하인지를 판단하는 단계와, 상기 단계에서 냉각수온이 설정된 기준온도 이상이면 수온 조절기를 정상으로 판정하고, 기준온도 이하이면 수온 조절기를 고장으로 판정하여 해당 정보를 지시하는 단계를 포함한다.

08-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN108137163A
Принадлежит: Pratt and Whitney Canada Corp


15-02-2017 дата публикации

Engine cooling control system

Номер: KR101706730B1
Автор: 고영호
Принадлежит: 주식회사 이엠티

The present invention provides an engine cooling control system, which can automatically control operation and a speed of a cooling fan by an engine management system in accordance with a signal of a sensor such as an engine temperature sensor and a pressure sensor or a pulse width modulation (PWM) signal. The present invention has an effect as follows, wherein device durability is great with a valve structure controlled in a rotation type, and a structure is simple to be miniaturized. Moreover, a magnetic field path is radially arranged to improve a magnetic force, and precision control can be possible at the same time.

20-03-1982 дата публикации

Cooling device of engine

Номер: JPS5749014A
Автор: Kazuhiko Asano
Принадлежит: NipponDenso Co Ltd

25-09-1998 дата публикации

Cooling water temperature controller

Номер: KR19980044867U
Автор: 이종부
Принадлежит: 박병재, 현대자동차 주식회사

본 고안의 목적은 엔진의 중저속 운전시 토오크를 확보하고 연비를 개선할 수 있는 수온조절장치를 제공하는데 있다. 상기 목적을 달성하기 위하여 본 고안은 냉각수온을 검출하는 TPS센서와; 엔진 회전수를 검출하는 rpm센서와; 실린더헤드의 라디에이터의 냉각수로 출구에 설치되어 냉각수가 라디에이터나 또는 워터 펌프측으로 흐르도록 흐름 방향 변경토록 작동되는 솔레노이드 밸브와; 상기 냉각수온 센서로부터 검출된 냉각수온이 기준치 이상이거나 또는 스로틀밸브의 개도량 변화량이 일정치 이상이거나 또는 엔진 회전수가 설정치 이상인 조건 중 어느 하나에 해당시에 상기 솔레노이드 밸브를 온 작동제어하며 그 반대 조건일 때는 솔레노이드 밸브를 오프제어하는 전자제어장치와; 를 포함하여 구성되는 것을 특징으로 한다.

12-10-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for controlling cooling system of vehicle

Номер: KR101558803B1
Автор: 이선민
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

Introduced in the present invention is an apparatus and a method to control a cooling system of a vehicle. The present invention comprises: a measurement step of measuring a temperature of cooling water and a temperature of air; a detection step of detecting the highest temperature of cooling water measured in the air temperature condition when a vehicle is moving; a calculation step which calculates a temperature correction value with a function of the highest temperature of cooling water and the highest allowable temperate of cooling water; and a determination step of determining a target temperature of cooling water corresponding to a change in the highest temperature of the cooling water in accordance to the temperature condition of air.

07-10-1998 дата публикации

Engine Room Chiller

Номер: KR19980052519U
Автор: 김재관
Принадлежит: 박병재, 현대자동차 주식회사

본 고안은 엔진룸 냉각장치에 관한 것으로서, 언더커버에 대해 일정각도 회전가능하도록 결합되는 다수의 흡입날개와, 상기 흡입날개의 회전축상에 결합되는 구동기어와, 상기 구동기어와 맞물리도록 길게 형성된 워엄기어와, 입력되는 전압에 의해 구동하여 상기 워엄기어를 회전시키는 모터와, 엔진 냉각수의 온도를 감지하고, 그 감지결과를 전기신호로 출력하는 수온센서와, 상기 수온센서에서 감지된 냉각수 온도가 일정치 이상으로 상승하면 모터를 구동시키기 위한 전압을 출력하는 제어부로 구성된 것을 특징으로 하여 엔진이 과열되는 것을 미연에 방지할 수 있도록 한 엔진룸 냉각장치에 관한 것이다.

08-12-2011 дата публикации

Automobile air flap opening and closing apparatus

Номер: KR101090824B1

엔진 워밍업 후 냉각수 온도가 과열범위에 있는 경우에만 쿨링모듈로 외부 공기가 유입되도록 하고 그 외의 경우에는 쿨링모듈로의 공기 유입을 차단하는 자동차용 에어플랩 개폐장치가 소개된다. An automotive air flap switchgear is introduced to allow external air to enter the cooling module only when the coolant temperature is in the overheated range after engine warm-up, and otherwise to block the inflow of air to the cooling module. 상기 에어플랩 개폐장치는, 엔진의 냉각수 온도를 측정하기 위해 엔진 일측에 구비된 냉각수온센서(110); 상기 냉각수온센서(110)로부터 입력받은 측정값을 내부에 저장된 기준값과 비교하여 제어신호를 송출하는 제어부(120); 상기 제어부(120)의 제어신호에 따라 동작되는 것으로, 시계방향 또는 반시계방향으로 회전되는 회전부(131)가 구비된 액츄에이터(130); 상기 회전부(131)의 회전방향에 따라 상기 관통부(11)를 개폐하는 플랩도어(210)가 접히거나 펴져서 상기 쿨링모듈로 공기를 유입시키거나 차단하며, 다수개가 상기 회전부(131)에 교차하는 방향으로 일정거리 이격 배치되는 플랩유닛(200);을 포함한다. The air flap opening and closing device, the coolant temperature sensor 110 provided on one side of the engine to measure the coolant temperature of the engine; A controller 120 which transmits a control signal by comparing the measured value received from the cooling water temperature sensor 110 with a reference value stored therein; An actuator 130 which is operated according to a control signal of the controller 120 and includes a rotating unit 131 that is rotated in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction; The flap door 210 that opens and closes the through part 11 in accordance with the rotational direction of the rotating part 131 is folded or extended to introduce or block air into the cooling module, and a plurality of the flap doors 210 cross the rotating part 131. It includes; flap unit 200 is spaced apart a predetermined distance in the direction. 자동차, 에어플랩, 쿨링모듈, 라디에이터그릴, 캐리어, 플랩도어 Automotive, Air flap, Cooling module, Radiator grill, Carrier, Flap door

18-12-2003 дата публикации

A monitoring system of working of thermostat

Номер: KR100410498B1
Автор: 원영진
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

본 발명은 엔진의 냉각장치에 사용되는 서모스탯에 관한 것으로서, The present invention relates to a thermostat used in the cooling device of the engine, 서모스탯하우징에 설치된 센서하우징과, 서모스탯의 원형밸브에 일단이 접촉되어 원형밸브의 움직임에 따라 섭동되도록 상기 센서하우징에 설치된 슬라이드바아와, 상기 슬라이드바아가 원형밸브에 밀착된 상태를 유지하도록 설치된 스프링과, 상기 슬라이드바아의 움직임을 전기적 저항의 변화로 변환시키는 가변저항과, 엔진 냉각수의 수온을 측정하는 수온센서와, 상기 가변저항의 저항값 변화와 상기 수온센서로부터의 신호에 따라 고장경고수단을 작동시키는 ECU로 구성된 서모스탯 작동 모니터링 시스템을 제공하여, The sensor housing installed in the thermostat housing and the slide bar installed in the sensor housing so that one end is in contact with the circular valve of the thermostat and perturbed by the movement of the circular valve, and the slide bar is installed to maintain the state in close contact with the circular valve A failure warning means according to a spring, a variable resistor for converting the movement of the slide bar into a change in electrical resistance, a water temperature sensor for measuring the water temperature of the engine coolant, a resistance value change of the variable resistor and a signal from the water temperature sensor By providing a thermostat operation monitoring system composed of ECUs 서모스탯의 작동상태를 계속적으로 모니터링 할 수 있도록 하여 그 고장여부를 즉각적으로 판단할 수 있도록 함으로써, 항상 원활한 냉각수 흐름 조절이 이루어질 수 있도록 하여 엔진의 정상적인 작동상태를 확보하도록 한다. By continuously monitoring the operating state of the thermostat, it is possible to immediately determine whether there is a failure, so that the coolant flow control can be always performed to ensure the normal operating state of the engine.

17-06-1996 дата публикации

Vehicle cooling action control device and method

Номер: KR960018166A
Автор: 김윤석
Принадлежит: 전성원, 현대자동차 주식회사

냉각수의 온도에 따라 저항값이 가변되어 그에 해당하는 전기적인 신호를 출력하는 냉각수온 감지 수단과; 외부의 대기 온도를 감지하여 그에 해당하는 전기적인 신호를 출력하는 대기 온도 감지 수단과; 상기 냉각수온 감지 수단에서 출력되는 신호에 따라 현재 냉각수의 온도를 감지한 다음, 감지되는 냉각수의 온도와 설정 온도와의 관계를 판단하여, 감지되는 냉각수의 온도가 설정 온도 이상인 경우에 설정된 보상 시간이 경과하면 라디에이터 팬 구동 신호를 출력하는 엔진 제어 수단과; 상기 엔진 제어 수단에서 출력되는 구동 신호에 따라 동작되어 냉각 작용을 수행하는 라디에이터 팬을 구동시키는 구동 수단으로 이루어지는 차량의 냉각 작용 제어장치는, 기관의 과열 현상을 방지하기 위하여 방열 작용을 하는데 있어서, 냉각 수온 감지 센서에서 출력되는 신호와 현재 차량의 주행 상태에 따라 엔진 제어 장치가 라디에이터 팬의 구동 여부를 제어하므로써, 차량 상태를 고려하지 않은 냉각팬 구동으로 인한 엔진 출력 저하 및 운전성 저하를 방지할 수 있으며, 그 방업을 제공할 수 있다.

01-11-1999 дата публикации

Apparatus of stimulation for warming up of engine

Номер: KR200159683Y1
Автор: 김규완
Принадлежит: 정몽규, 현대자동차주식회사

본 고안의 목적은 배기가스열을 이용하여 엔진의 냉간시동시 신속히 냉각수의 온도를 정상화 시키므로써 워밍업 시간을 단축시켜 배기가스 배출을 저감하게 되는 엔진의 워밍업 측진장치를 제공하는 데 있다. It is an object of the present invention to provide a warm-up gauging device for an engine, which reduces the exhaust gas emission by shortening the warm-up time by quickly normalizing the temperature of the coolant during cold start of the engine by using exhaust gas heat. 상기한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 본 고안은 워터펌프로부터 실린더로 냉각수가 송출되는 냉각수통로에 마련되는 열교환 하우징과; In order to achieve the above object, the present invention provides a heat exchange housing provided in a cooling water passage through which cooling water is sent from a water pump to a cylinder; 배기매니폴드로부터 상기 열교환 하우징을 관통하여 촉매변환기 전방의 배기파이프로 접속되는 배기가스 순환통로와; An exhaust gas circulation passage which passes from the exhaust manifold to the exhaust pipe in front of the catalytic converter through the heat exchange housing; 상기 배기가스 순환통로로부터 상기 열교환 히우징내 공간으로 돌출하는 복수개의 방열용 파이프와; A plurality of heat dissipation pipes protruding from the exhaust gas circulation passage into the space in the heat exchange housing; 상기 배기가스 순환통로를 개폐하는 솔레노이드 밸브와; 및 A solenoid valve for opening and closing the exhaust gas circulation passage; And 냉각수온센서로부터 검출되는 냉각수온이 정상치에 미달할 때 상기 솔레노이드밸브가 개방되도록 제어하는 전자제어장치와;를 포함하여 구성되는 것을 특징으로 한다. And an electronic controller for controlling the solenoid valve to open when the coolant temperature detected by the coolant temperature sensor is lower than a normal value.

07-02-2022 дата публикации

Engine cooling system

Номер: KR102359941B1

본 발명의 실시예에 따른 엔진 냉각 시스템은, 실린더 주변에 블록 냉각수 챔버가 형성된 실린더 블록, 상기 블록 냉각수 챔버에서 냉각수가 들어오는 프론트측에서 상부에서 하부로 설정거리 삽입되어 냉각수의 흐름을 제어하는 프론트 인서트, 및 상기 블록 냉각수 챔버에서 냉각수가 배출되는 리어측에서 상부에서 하부로 설정거리 삽입되어 냉각수의 흐름을 제어하는 리어 인서트를 포함할 수 있다. The engine cooling system according to an embodiment of the present invention includes a cylinder block in which a block coolant chamber is formed around a cylinder, and a front insert inserted a set distance from top to bottom from the front side where coolant enters from the block coolant chamber to control the flow of coolant. , and a rear insert inserted a set distance from the top to the bottom on the rear side from which the coolant is discharged from the block coolant chamber to control the flow of coolant.

16-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for prevention wrong-diagnosing thermostat of car

Номер: KR101939171B1
Автор: 신권철

자동차의 써모스탯 오진단 방지방법이 개시된다. 본 발명의 자동차의 써모스탯 오진단 방지방법은, a) 엔진 시동시, 엔진오프타이머 값을 제공받고, 엔진룸의 공기온도 값을 제공받아 냉간 시동인지, 재 시동인지를 판단하는 단계; b) 상기 a) 단계에서 냉간 시동으로 판단되면 엔진룸의 공기온도 값을 외기온도 값으로 판정하고, 재 시동으로 판단되면 시동을 끄기 이전의 외기온도 값을 현재의 외기온도 값으로 판정하는 단계; c) 상기 b) 단계에서 판정된 외기온도 값을 토대로 엔진 시동 이후 냉각수 온도 값을 모델링하여 산출하는 단계; 및 d) 상기 c) 단계에서 산출된 냉각수 온도 값과 실제 냉각수 온도 값을 토대로 써모스탯의 정상 또는 비정상을 판정하는 단계를 포함하는 단계를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. 본 발명에 의하면, 엔진오프타이머를 토대로 정확한 외기온도를 산출하고, 이를 냉각수 온도를 모델링하고, 모델링된 냉각수 온도와 실제 냉각수 온도를 비교하여 써모스탯의 열림고착 오감지를 방지할 수 있는 효과를 제공할 수 있게 된다.

15-06-1999 дата публикации

The apparatus for detecting abnormal conditions of a cooling fan system in a radiator

Номер: KR100191686B1
Автор: 치야 이시다

본 발명의 목적은 자동차용 라디에이터를 냉각하는 냉각팬의 비작동 이상을 검출하는 이상 검출장치에 관한 것으로 특별한 이상 검출 회로를 사용하는 일없이 실현하고자하는 것이다. 내연기관의 냉각 수온에 따라서 냉각팬을 제어하는 것이다(스텝 200∼212). 냉각팬 제어 장치에서 냉각팬을 회전시키기 위한 회전 실행신호가 출력되어 있고 또한 내연기관의 발열량 및 방열환경이 정상적인 경우에(스텝 206) 냉각수온의 변화를 측정한다(스탭 220∼226). 냉각수온의 변화가 소정 이하인 경우에 냉각팬이 작동하지 않는 이상이 발생하였다고 판단한다(스텝 232∼238). An object of the present invention relates to an abnormality detecting device for detecting non-operational abnormality of a cooling fan for cooling a radiator for automobiles, and is intended to be realized without using a special abnormality detecting circuit. The cooling fan is controlled in accordance with the cooling water temperature of the internal combustion engine (steps 200 to 212). When the rotation execution signal for rotating the cooling fan is output from the cooling fan control device and the heat generation amount and heat radiation environment of the internal combustion engine are normal (step 206), the change in the cooling water temperature is measured (steps 220 to 226). It is determined that an abnormality occurs in which the cooling fan does not operate when the change in the cooling water temperature is less than or equal to the predetermined value (steps 232 to 238).

07-05-2019 дата публикации

Cooling system for vehicles and thereof controlled method

Номер: KR20190045995A

본 발명은 EGR쿨러를 통과하는 냉각수 유량을 제어하여 엔진의 빠른 웜업을 통해 연비를 개선하는 기술에 관한 것으로, 본 발명은 유동정체 제어를 통해 온도가 상승된 냉각수를 오일열교환기 측으로 우선하여 공급하여 냉각수 및 오일온도를 빠르게 승온시키고, 또한 EGR쿨러에서의 배기가스와 냉각수의 열교환에 의한 배기열 회수 기능을 통해 웜업 특성을 개선하여 연비를 향상시키는 것을 특징으로 하는 차량용 냉각시스템 및 그 제어방법이 소개된다.

01-04-2000 дата публикации

Apparatus for controlling operation of cooling fan

Номер: KR100245873B1
Автор: 김광준
Принадлежит: 정몽규, 현대자동차주식회사

본 발명은 엔진의 냉각장치에 관한 것으로서, 엔진이 시동되고 냉각팬 구동 정지 시간이 경과하는 제1단계와, 수온센서 또는 냉각수의 수온 또는 에어컨이 냉각팬 구동 조건에 부합되는 제2단계와, 냉각팬(3)을 구동하는 제3단계와, 수온센서와 냉각수의 수온과 에어컨이 냉각팬 구동 정지 조건에 부합되는 제4단계와, 상기 냉각팬(3)이 구동을 정지하는 제5단계로 이루어진 냉각팬 구동 제어방법을 제공함으로써, 엔진이 운전 중일 때에는 수온센서가 고장이 나거나 에어컨이 구동되면 냉각팬이 무조건 구동하도록 하고, 엔진이 운전을 정지하여도 일정 시간동안 냉각팬이 구동하도록 하기 때문에 엔진이 항상 가장 최적의 조건을 유지하면서 운전하여 엔진의 내구성과 출력 효율이 향상되는 효과를 얻을 수 있다. The present invention relates to a cooling device for an engine, comprising: a first step in which an engine is started and a cooling fan driving stop time elapses; a second step in which a water temperature of a water temperature sensor or cooling water or an air conditioner meets a cooling fan driving condition; A third step of driving the fan 3, a fourth step in which the water temperature of the water temperature sensor, the coolant, and the air conditioner meet the cooling fan driving stop conditions, and a fifth step in which the cooling fan 3 stops driving. By providing a cooling fan driving control method, if the water temperature sensor fails or the air conditioner is driven while the engine is running, the cooling fan is driven unconditionally, and the cooling fan is driven for a certain time even if the engine is stopped. It is possible to obtain the effect of improving the durability and power efficiency of the engine by operating while maintaining the most optimal conditions at all times.

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Control system of coolant control valve unit and the control method thereof

Номер: KR20190029958A
Автор: 이용규

본 발명의 실시예에 따른 냉각수 제어밸브 유닛의 제어방법은, 모터의 회전력을 이용하여, 캠을 회전시키고, 상기 캠에 형성된 프로파일이 로드를 밀어서, 상기 로드에 형성된 밸브가 냉각수통로를 개폐시키는 것으로, 상기 모터를 작동시켜, 상기 캠을 회전시키는 회전단계, 상기 캠의 회전위치를 감지하는 감지단계, 상기 모터가 작동되는 상태에서, 상기 캠 또는 상기 모터가 회전하지 않는 고착상태를 판단하는 판단단계, 및 상기 고착상태로 판단되면, 상기 모터가 설정된 회전방향으로 설정된 토크를 상기 캠 측으로 출력하여 고착상태를 탈출하는 탈출모드를 수행할 수 있다.

26-07-2002 дата публикации

Cooling apparatus for water-cooled engine to shorten warm-up time

Номер: KR100346480B1
Автор: 원영진
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

본 발명의 목적은 엔진의 냉간 구동시 냉각수가 실린더 헤드만을 경유하여 바이패스되므로써 엔진의 웜업 시간을 크게 단축시킨 수냉식 엔진 냉각 시스템을 제공하는 데 있다. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An object of the present invention is to provide a water-cooled engine cooling system which greatly shortens the warm-up time of an engine by allowing the coolant to be bypassed only through the cylinder head during cold driving of the engine. 상기한 목적을 달성하기 위한 본 발명의 엔진의 웜업 시간 단축을 위한 수냉식 엔진 냉각 시스템은 실린더헤드의 워터재킷에 냉각수를 급송하기 위하여 실린더헤드에 장착되어 캠축이나 크랭크 축으로부터 구동 벨트등을 통해 회전력을 전달받아 구동되는 워터펌프와; The water-cooled engine cooling system for shortening the warm-up time of the engine of the present invention for achieving the above object is mounted on the cylinder head for supplying the coolant to the water jacket of the cylinder head, the rotational force from the camshaft or crankshaft through the drive belt, etc. A water pump driven and received; 일단은 실린더블록의 워터재킷에 접속되고 타단은 상기 워터펌프의 흡입구측에 접속되는 냉각수 순환 호스와; A coolant circulation hose having one end connected to the water jacket of the cylinder block and the other end connected to the inlet side of the water pump; 그 냉각수 순환 호스의 도중에 설치되는 라디에이터와; A radiator provided in the middle of the cooling water circulation hose; 상기 워터펌프의 흡입구측에 일단이 접속되고 타단은 워터펌프가 설치된 위치에 대향하는 실린더헤드의 타측에 접속되는 바이패스 관로와; A bypass conduit connected at one end to a suction port side of the water pump and connected at the other end to a cylinder head opposite to a position at which the water pump is installed; 엔진의 냉간시동시 실린더블록의 워터재킷으로부터 펌프측을 연결하는 상기 냉각수 순환 호스를 통한 냉각수의 순환을 차단하도록 작동하는 서모스탯으로 구성되어 있다. It consists of a thermostat that operates to block the circulation of the coolant through the coolant circulation hose connecting the pump side from the water jacket of the cylinder block during cold start of the engine.

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Method for controlled cooling system of vehicles

Номер: KR102132030B1
Принадлежит: 기아자동차(주), 현대자동차(주)

본 발명은 차량의 정차 상태에서 목표 냉각수온을 미리 낮추도록 제어하여 동력성능을 확보하도록 한 기술에 관한 것으로, 본 발명에서는, 차속 및 엔진회전수를 기반으로 엔진운전조건을 판단하고; ISG기능이 작동하는지 판단하며; 상기 엔진운전조건이 저부하운전조건이고, 상기 ISG기능이 작동하지 않는 상태로 판단되면, 목표 냉각수온을 기설정된 목표 냉각수온보다 하강하여 설정하고; 상기 하강 설정된 목표 냉각수온을 추종하도록 냉각수온을 제어하는 것을 특징으로 하는 차량용 냉각시스템 제어방법이 소개된다. The present invention relates to a technique for controlling the target cooling water temperature to be lowered in advance when the vehicle is stopped to secure power performance. In the present invention, the engine operating condition is determined based on the vehicle speed and the engine speed; Determine if the ISG function works; When it is determined that the engine operation condition is a low load operation condition and the ISG function does not operate, a target cooling water temperature is set to be lower than a predetermined target cooling water temperature; A method of controlling a cooling system for a vehicle is introduced, wherein the cooling water temperature is controlled to follow the set target cooling water temperature.

18-05-2022 дата публикации

Cooling system for vehicles and thereof controlled method

Номер: KR102398887B1

본 발명은 EGR쿨러를 통과하는 냉각수 유량을 제어하여 엔진의 빠른 웜업을 통해 연비를 개선하는 기술에 관한 것으로, 본 발명은 유동정체 제어를 통해 온도가 상승된 냉각수를 오일열교환기 측으로 우선하여 공급하여 냉각수 및 오일온도를 빠르게 승온시키고, 또한 EGR쿨러에서의 배기가스와 냉각수의 열교환에 의한 배기열 회수 기능을 통해 웜업 특성을 개선하여 연비를 향상시키는 것을 특징으로 하는 차량용 냉각시스템 및 그 제어방법이 소개된다. The present invention relates to a technology for improving fuel efficiency through fast warming-up of an engine by controlling the flow rate of cooling water passing through an EGR cooler. A cooling system for a vehicle and its control method are introduced, characterized in that it rapidly increases the temperature of the coolant and oil, and also improves the warm-up characteristics through the exhaust heat recovery function by heat exchange of the exhaust gas and the coolant in the EGR cooler to improve fuel efficiency. .

20-06-2007 дата публикации

Apparatus for driving a cooling fan motor of construction heavy equipment

Номер: KR100730825B1
Автор: 박찬일
Принадлежит: 두산인프라코어 주식회사

본 발명은 휠로더와 같은 건설중장비의 냉각팬 모터 구동장치에 관한 것으로, 특히 엔진냉각수 온도 감지센서와, 트랜스미션 오일온도 감지센서와, 작동유온도 감지센서를 포함하고, 냉각팬 모터(109)에 공급되는 압유의 최고압력을 제한하는 릴리이프밸브(110)를 파이롯 가변릴리이프밸브로 구성하고, 이 가변릴리이프밸브(110)는 전자비례제어밸브(121)에 의해 제어되는 파이롯압력에 따라 그 설정압력이 가변되며, 컨트롤러(130)가 엔진냉각수 실제온도(T1)와, 트랜스미션 오일온도(T2)와, 유압작동유 실제온도(T3)를 설정된 각각의 허용 최고온도(Tmax)를 비교하고, 상기 감지온도중 어느 하나의 감지온도가 그의 허용 최고온도를 초과하는 경우 그 온도차이를 대응하는 전류값으로 환산하여 이 전류값을 상기 전자비례제어밸브(121)에 인가하여 그 전류량에 따라 냉각팬 모터의 회전수를 제어하게 하여, 냉각이 필요한 조건을 자동으로 감지하여 냉각이 필요한 경우에만 냉각팬(108)을 회전구동하게 함으로써 엔진이나 작업장치의 작동유 등이 과열되지 않게 하고, 불필요하게 회전하는 냉각팬의 소음을 줄일 수 있는 동시에 에너지 낭비를 줄일 수 있다. The present invention relates to a cooling fan motor driving device for construction equipment such as a wheel loader, and more particularly, includes an engine coolant temperature sensor, a transmission oil temperature sensor, a hydraulic oil temperature sensor, and is supplied to a cooling fan motor 109. The relief valve 110 restricting the maximum pressure of the hydraulic oil is constituted by a pilot variable relief valve, and the variable relief valve 110 is formed according to the pilot pressure controlled by the electromagnetic proportional control valve 121. The set pressure is variable, and the controller 130 compares the actual engine coolant temperature T1, the transmission oil temperature T2, and the hydraulic hydraulic oil actual temperature T3 with each allowable maximum temperature Tmax. If any one of the sensing temperatures exceeds its permissible maximum temperature, the temperature difference is converted into the corresponding current value, and this current value is applied to the electromagnetic proportional control valve 121 to apply the current amount. D. By controlling the rotation speed of the cooling fan motor, the cooling fan 108 is rotated and driven only when cooling is required by automatically detecting a condition that requires cooling, so that the operating oil of the engine or work equipment is not overheated, and is unnecessary. It is possible to reduce the ...

12-04-1977 дата публикации

Engine cooling fan driving mechanism

Номер: JPS5246240A
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

09-02-2021 дата публикации

Waste heat recovery with active coolant pressure control system

Номер: US10914228B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc

A waste heat recovery (WHR) and coolant system with active coolant pressure control includes an engine cooling system, a WHR system, and a coolant pressure control system. A coolant heat exchanger positioned along each of the engine cooling and working fluid circuits, and is structured to transfer heat from the coolant fluid to the working fluid. The coolant pressure control system includes a pressure line operatively coupled to an air brake system and to the coolant tank. A valve is coupled to the pressure line upstream of the coolant tank. A coolant pressure controller is in operative communication with each of the valve, an air pressure sensor, and a coolant temperature sensor. The coolant pressure controller is structured to determine a target coolant pressure based on a coolant temperature and control a valve position of the valve so as to cause the air pressure to approach the target coolant pressure.

07-10-1998 дата публикации

Cooling water freeze prevention device

Номер: KR19980051805U
Автор: 박태광
Принадлежит: 박병재, 현대자동차 주식회사

본 고안은 냉각수 결빙방지장치(10)에 관한 것이다. 상기 장치는, 냉각수 통로(12)내의 냉각수의 온도를 감지하기 위한 수온센서(24); 냉각수 통로(12)내에 배설되는 회전 펠러(18); 상기 회전 펠러(18)를 구동시키기 위한 모터(16); 및 상기 수온센서(24)로부터 전달되는 신호에 따라 냉각수의 온도가 소정온도 미만으로 떨어지는 경우 상기 모터(16)를 온절환시키게 되는 ECU(14);를 포함한다.

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Exhaust gas treatment apparatus and exhaust gas treatment method for internal combustion engine

Номер: KR101762535B1
Принадлежит: 도요타지도샤가부시키가이샤

내연 기관용 배기 처리 장치로서, 상기 배기 처리 장치는, 배기 처리부이며, 상기 배기 처리부는 상기 내연 기관의 배기 통로에 배치되고, 상기 배기 통로는 i) 상기 배기 통로를 구획 형성하는 벽면 부분을 따라서 흐르는 배기가, 배기 박리 영역에서 상기 벽면 부분으로부터 박리되고, ii) 상기 배기 박리 영역에서의 상기 배기 통로의 상기 벽면 부분으로부터 배기가 박리됨으로써, 배기가 상기 배기 처리부에 대해 치우쳐서 유입되거나 또는 배기의 상기 배기 처리부에의 유입량이 감소하도록 구성되는 배기 처리부 및 플라즈마 액추에이터이며, 상기 플라즈마 액추에이터는 상기 배기 박리 영역에서의 상기 배기 통로의 상기 벽면 부분에 배치되고, 상기 플라즈마 액추에이터는 상기 배기 통로 내의 배기에, 상기 벽면 부분을 따른 상기 배기 처리부측에의 기류를 발생시킨다. An exhaust gas processing apparatus for an internal combustion engine, Wherein the exhaust passage is disposed in the exhaust passage of the internal combustion engine, and the exhaust passage is formed by i) exhaust gas flowing along a wall surface portion defining the exhaust passage is peeled from the wall surface portion in the exhaust peeling region, ii) an exhaust treatment section configured to exhaust the exhaust gas from the wall surface portion of the exhaust passage in the exhaust separation region so that the exhaust gas is biased toward the exhaust treatment section or the amount of inflow of the exhaust into the exhaust treatment section is reduced; and Wherein the plasma actuator is arranged in the wall surface portion of the exhaust passage in the exhaust peeling region and the plasma actuator generates airflow to the exhaust treatment portion side along the wall surface portion in the exhaust passage in the exhaust passage .

16-11-1998 дата публикации

Cooling fan motor control method and device by variable speed control

Номер: KR19980078357A
Автор: 박우진
Принадлежит: 대우전자 주식회사, 배순훈

본 발명은 차량의 주행속도와 에어콘의 동작 및 냉각수 온도에 따른 냉각팬의 구동을 제어하기 위한 냉각팬모터 제어방법 및 그에 따른 장치에 관한 것으로 특히, 냉각수의 온도변화에 따른 영역을 소정 영역으로 분할하고 각 영역에 따른 냉각팬 회전범위를 설정하는 제 1 과정과, 현재의 냉각수 온도를 검출하는 제 2 과정과, 상기 제 2 과정에서 검출되어진 현재의 냉각수 온도에 대응하여 상기 제 1 과정에서 분할된 영역중 어느 영역에 속하는가를 판단하는 제 3 과정과, 판단되어진 영역에 대응하는 상기 제 1 과정에서 설정된 냉각팬 회전범위에 따라 냉각팬의 구동 회전수를 제어하는 제 4 과정과, 에어콘의 동작 유무를 판단하는 제 5 과정, 및 상기 제 5 과정에서 에어콘이 동작한다고 판단되면 상기 제 3 과정에서 판단되어진 영역보다 상위 영역에 대응하는 영역으로 재 설정한 후 상기 제 4 과정으로 진행하는 제 5 과정을 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 냉각팬모터 제어방법 및 그에 따른 장치에 관한 것이다.
