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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


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Применить Всего найдено 1954. Отображено 199.
10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2587019C2

Изобретение относится к области воздушных компрессоров, выполненных с возможностью использования на рельсовых транспортных средствах. Компрессор включает составной корпус. Первый поршневой цилиндр поддерживается в первом отверстии в корпусе компрессора. Второй поршневой цилиндр поддерживается во втором отверстии в корпусе компрессора и соединен по текучей среде с первым поршневым цилиндром. Составной узел коленчатого вала поддерживается посредством корпуса компрессора. Узел коленчатого вала соединен с поршнями первого и второго поршневых цилиндров посредством соответствующих шатунов. Шатуны соединяются с поршневым пальцем, связанным с каждым из поршней. Поршневые пальцы поддерживаются посредством втулки с сухой смазкой на соответствующем поршне. Корпус компрессора может содержать по меньшей мере первую часть корпуса и вторую часть корпуса. Первая часть корпуса и вторая часть корпуса могут образовать соответствующие половины корпуса компрессора, которые скреплены вместе механическими крепежными ...

03-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2659695C2

Система управления предназначена для управления мотором насоса системы смазки. Система содержит подвод питания системы насоса, привод мотора, датчик тока, контроллер смазки и контроллер привода. Подвод питания системы насоса приспособлен подавать питание системы. Привод мотора приспособлен приводить в действие мотор насоса смазки с помощью питания системы. Датчик тока расположен между подводом питания системы насоса и приводом мотора, чтобы распознавать входной ток питания системы. Контроллер смазки приспособлен обеспечивать сигналы активации мотора. Контроллер привода расположен так, чтобы принимать сигналы активации мотора с помощью отдельного цифрового входа и управлять приводом мотора как функцией распознанного входного тока и определенной пользователем заданной величины тока в ответ на сигналы активации. Технический результат – расширение арсенала технических средств управления мотором насоса смазки. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

24-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU197427U1

Полезная модель относится к системам смазки машин и двигателей, в частности к конструктивным элементам с приспособлениями для слива смазывающих жидкостей, и может быть использована при подготовке к ремонту насосных агрегатов, транспортирующих нефтесодержащую жидкость. Сливное устройство насосного агрегата включает короб 1 и сливной патрубок 2. Короб 1 крепят к стенке насосного агрегата 3, в которой размещено сливное отверстие с пробкой 4. Короб 1 включает плоское прямоугольное днище 5 со сквозным отверстием 6 в центральной части, две длинные боковые симметричные, вертикально ориентированные стенки 7, торцевую вертикально ориентированную стенку 8, переходящую в наклонный козырек прямоугольной формы 9. В центральной части вертикально ориентированной стенки 8 выполнено сквозное отверстие 10. Другая торцевая стенка 11 короба 1 выполнена прямоугольной, наклонной наружу. Высота торцевой стенки 11 и угол наклона соответствуют высоте и углу наклона крепежного основания 12 корпуса насосного агрегата ...

21-02-2024 дата публикации

Плунжерный насос высокого давления для водной гидравлики

Номер: RU2814000C1

Изобретение относится к области насосного оборудования, в частности к плунжерным насосам высокого давления. Насос высокого давления содержит корпус 1 с выполненным в нем картером для жидкой смазки, в котором размещены коленчатый вал и шатун 4, связывающий коленчатый вал с ползуном 5, соединенным с плунжером 7. Плунжер 7 выполнен из нержавеющей стали с термической обработкой. Ползун 5 выполнен из алюминиевого сплава с термической обработкой и покрытием, уменьшающим трение скольжения. Насос оснащен дополнительной системой принудительной смазки ползуна 5 от имеющегося или дополнительного смазочного насоса через форсунку в корпусе насоса в верхней и (или) нижней части полости рабочего цилиндра с образованием гарантированного жидкостного слоя, разделяющего сопряженные поверхности гильзы 6 и ползуна 5. Изобретение направлено на повышение прочностных характеристик наружных поверхностей плунжера и ползуна. 2 ил.

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Schmierstruktur für die Antriebswelle einer Flüssigkeitsdruckerhöhungspumpe

Номер: DE102015120076A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Schmierstruktur für die Antriebswelle einer Flüssigkeitsdruckerhöhungspumpe, wobei der erste exzentrische Teil (43) durch Drehen der Antriebswelle (10) den Flüssigkeitsdruck erhöht und der zweite exzentrische Teil (45) durch Drehen der Antriebswelle (10) den Ölkolben (95) des Ölförderorgans (90) drückt, wodurch das Schmierloch im runden Mittelloch ausgesaugt wird. Das druckerhöhte Schmieröl wird in die Ölbohrung (46) der Antriebswelle (40) zurückgeführt, fließt zwangsläufig durch die Ölaustrittslöcher (47) aus und schmiert die Oberfläche des ersten exzentrischen Teils (43), wodurch das Exzenterrad (44) für die Kolben (30) gut geschmiert wird und reibungslos gedreht werden kann, so dass die Lebensdauer der Antriebswelle (40) und des Exzenterrads (44) verlängert wird.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE112013001447B4

Fluidmaschine (29A), aufweisend: einen Ansauganschluss (55), in welchen ein Arbeitsfluid strömt, das aufgeheizter Dampf wird und einen hohen Druck aufweist; einen Antriebsbereich, welcher durch eine Expansion des Arbeitsfluids angetrieben wird, das von dem Ansauganschluss (55) angesaugt wird; einen Ablassanschluss (53), aus welchem das Arbeitsfluid strömt, das einen niedrigen Druck aufweist, während es den Antriebsbereich durchströmt; und einen Bypasskanal (81), welcher das aus dem Ansauganschluss (55) gesaugte Arbeitsfluid zu dem Ablassanschluss (53) leitet, während er dem Arbeitsfluid erlaubt, einen Gleitbereich der Fluidmaschine (29A) und des Antriebsbereichs zu umgehen.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE112011102085T5

Schmierleistung und Haltbarkeit eines Taumelscheibenkompressors sind gesichert. Ein erstes Verbindungsloch 202 ist nahe einem Durchdringungsbolzen 201a an einer stromaufwärtigen Seite in einer Drehrichtung ausgebildet, der Durchdringungsbolzen 201a ist außerhalb einer Drehbahn eines Drehbauteils, wie einer Taumelscheibe, in einem vorderen Gehäuse 101 angeordnet und ein zweites Verbindungsloch ist so ausgebildet, dass es nahe einem oberen Durchdringungsbolzen 201b an einer stromabwärtigen Seite in einer Drehrichtung ist. Die ersten und zweiten Verbindungslöcher sind durch Durchdringen einer peripheren Wand des vorderen Gehäuses 101 ausgebildet, eine Lagerkammer 206, die Öl in einem Kältemittel lagert, ist außerhalb des vorderen Gehäuses 101 angeordnet, indem es durch die Verbindungslöcher mit einem Innenraum des vorderen Gehäuses verbunden ist, und während Kältemittel in der Lagerkammer 206 aus dem zweiten Verbindungsloch 203 in den Innenraum des vorderen Gehäuses 101 zurückgeführt wird, ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации

Fördereinrichtung für ein Kraftstoffeinspritzsystem

Номер: DE102017204288A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Fördereinrichtung (1) für ein Kraftstoffeinspritzsystem, insbesondere für ein Common-Rail-Einspritzsystem, umfassend eine Vorförderpumpe (2) und eine Hochdruckpumpe (3), die über eine Zulaufleitung (4) verbunden sind, wobei die Zulaufleitung (4) in einen Triebwerksraum (5) der Hochdruckpumpe (3) mündet. Erfindungsgemäß weist die Zulaufleitung (4) einen an die Vorförderpumpe (2) angeschlossenen ersten Leitungsabschnitt (4.1) auf, der sich in einen zweiten Leitungsabschnitt (4.2) und einen dritten Leitungsabschnitt (4.3) aufteilt, wobei der zweite Leitungsabschnitt (4.2) und der dritte Leitungsabschnitt (4.3) den Triebwerksraum (5) mit einem Einlassventil (6) der Hochdruckpumpe (3) verbinden.

27-08-1997 дата публикации

Radial plunger pump

Номер: GB0002309270A8

17-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009901829D0

15-02-2012 дата публикации

High pressure pump with sliding shoe

Номер: GB0002482786A

A high pressure pump has a housing with a crank shaft 10 which drives a plurality of pistons 14 in each case via a connecting rod 12, with each piston being guided in a cylinder 16 which is secured to a cylinder head 18 and which sucks fluid from an inlet and delivers it under pressure to an outlet, where a sliding shoe 34 is provided as a connection rod guide that the piston is insertable in a form-fitted manner. Preferably the housing has ribs to take up the forces between the crank shaft and the cylinder head. An oil sump may be provided in the housing such that part of the fluid is directed through cooling pipes that are guided through the oil sump. There may also be two sliding ring seals to seal the piston in the cylinder, between which there is a monitoring passage for the oil pressure.

24-07-2019 дата публикации

Cylinder block, and swashplate type hydraulic rotating device provided with same

Номер: GB0201908150D0

08-06-2022 дата публикации

Oil pump for an aged engine

Номер: GB0002601682A

An oil pump for an engine is disclosed. The oil pump may include a first pump mechanism configured to supply oil to a main lubrication gallery of the engine, and a second pump mechanism configured to supply oil to a piston cooling gallery of the engine. The first pump mechanism may be designed for a first type of engine and the second pump mechanism may be designed for a second type of engine. The first type of engine may have a greater quantity of cylinders than the second type of engine.

15-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000015924U1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Kältemittelverdichter mit - einem, vorzugsweise hermetisch abdichtbaren, Verdichtergehäuse; - einer elektrischen Antriebseinheit umfassend einen Rotor (4) und einen Stator (3); - einer mit dem Rotor (4) drehfest verbundenen, eine Längsachse (2) aufweisenden Kurbelwelle (1); - einer von der Kurbelwelle (1) antreibbaren Kolben-Zylinder- Einheit; wobei die elektrische Antriebseinheit als Außenläufermotor ausgebildet ist und der Rotor (4) ein sich zumindest abschnittsweise radial zur Längsachse (2) nach außen erstreckendes Trägerelement (12) aufweist und das Trägerelement (12) drehfest an der Kurbelwelle (1) angebunden ist. Um eine erhöhte Förderleistung von Schmiermittel aus einem Schmiermittelsumpf bei vorzugsweise geringer bzw. reduzierter Bauhöhe des Kompressors zu ermöglichen ist erfindungsgemäß vorgesehen, dass auf einer der Kolben-Zylinder-Einheit (5) abgewandten Seite des Trägerelements (12) eine hülsenförmige Schmiermittelaufnahme (8) zur zentrifugischen ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Hydraulic piston with valve for cooling and lubrication

Номер: AU2018328072A1
Принадлежит: Baldwins Intellectual Property

The hydraulic piston (1) forms a hydraulic chamber (5) with a cylinder (4) and has a cylindrical body (6) that receives sealing means (16) and the cylindrical external surface (13) of which is housed with a little play in the cylinder (4) so as to leave an interstitial space (32), the cylindrical body (6) being traversed by a cooling and lubrication duct (7) that can be opened or closed by a cooling and lubrication valve (2) driven in translation by a piston valve actuator (22), so that when the pressure in the hydraulic chamber (5) is low, fluid (11) can pass through a flow calibrating orifice (27) from the hydraulic chamber (5) toward the interstitial space (32), and not when the pressure in the chamber (5) is high.

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Electronic pump motor control

Номер: AU2014305913B2
Принадлежит: Fisher Adams Kelly Callinans

A motor control system for a lubricant pump motor comprises a pump system power input, a motor drive, a current sensor, a lubrication controller, and a drive controller. The pump system power input is configured to supply system power. The motor drive is configured to drive the lubricant pump motor using the system power. The current sensor is disposed between the pump system power input and the motor drive to sense an input current of the system power. The lubrication controller configured to provide motor activation signals. The drive controller is disposed to receive the motor activation signals via an isolated digital input, and to control the motor drive as a function of the sensed input current and a user-defined current set-point, in response to the activation signals.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Reciprocating compressor, pressure packing, and method

Номер: AU2012382994A1

A pressure packing (38) for a piston rod (24) of a reciprocating compressor (10) includes a case (46) having a piston rod through bore (48). A compartment (52) within the case is coincident with the through bore (48) and the compartment (52) has an axial length (54) at least as long as a stroke of the piston rod (24).

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Cryogenic pump heater

Номер: AU2016298535A1
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

A pump (118) for pumping a cryogenic fluid includes an activation portion (302) that includes at least one actuator (154). The activation portion (302) contains oil that may be cooled by the cryogenic fluid. The pump (118) further includes a pumping portion (310) that includes at least one pumping element, the at least one pumping element being operated by the at least one actuator (154), and a heater (156) associated with the activation portion (302) and configured to, when the heater (156) is active, transfer heat energy to the activation portion (302) such that the oil contained in the activation portion (302) is warmed.

14-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AU2017268516A1
Принадлежит: Fisher Adams Kelly Callinans

BOX LUBRICATION PUMP A box lubricator that includes a pump with a piston housing and piston. 5 The piston housing extends from a first end to a second end, and includes a bore extending through the piston housing from the first end of the piston housing to the second end of the piston housing. The piston housing also includes a recess disposed at the second end of the piston housing, the recess being concentric with the bore and comprising a diameter larger than a diameter of the bore. The piston is disposed inside the 10 bore of the piston housing. At least one elastomeric seal is disposed inside the recess of the piston housing and around the piston. In some embodiments, a ball and socket joint connects the piston to the rocker arm assembly. In some embodiments, a fluid passage and a check valve are disposed inside the piston. 48 50 - 44Z ---- l 36 40 22 42 10 26 38 24 20 342 14 12 44 0 0 (0 26 3 26 46 18 16 22 ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2020277144A1

A pump includes a pump body. The pump may also include a pump mounting flange configured to mount the pump to an engine flange including four clocked mounting holes. The pump mounting flange may include a first set of four mounting holes corresponding to the four clocked mounting holes in a first orientation. The pump mounting flange may include a second set of four mounting holes corresponding to the four clocked mounting holes in a second orientation. '-A Lu ci ...

23-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002576766C
Принадлежит: BLACK & DECKER INC.

... ²²²An air compressor with an internal combustion engine having an engine oil ²sump, a compressor driven by the internal combustion engine and having a ²compressor oil sump, and a controller coupled to the internal combustion ²engine. The controller is configured to halt the operation of the internal ²combustion engine in response to either a low oil condition in the engine oil ²sump or a low oil condition in the compressor oil sump. A method for the ²operation of an air compressor is also provided.² ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003093855A1
Принадлежит: PERRY + CURRIER

The oil quality in an oil reservoir of a pump is monitored using the disclosed oil-monitoring sensor. The oil-monitoring sensor includes a first capacitive portion for measuring oil level and a second capacitive portion for measuring dielectric constant of the oil. Changes in dielectric constant of the oil are indicative of degradation of the quality of the oil (e.g., due to contaminants, oxidation, etc.) So oil-monitoring sensor is used to indicate various parameters about the oil quality to an operator. Using the disclosed sensors, the quality of the lubricant and/or cooling oil used by the pump may be monitored without needing to be present at the pump, or without needing to access the interior of the pump (or oil reservoir).

14-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003001595C

In an embodiment, a pump includes a pump housing formed as a singular body. The pump housing may include a mounting feature adjacent a first end of the pump housing. The mounting feature may be configured for mounting the pump relative to a prime mover. A drive system cavity may be formed in the first end of the pump housing, and sized to receive at least a portion of an axial drive system. A pump cylinder may extend inwardly into the pump housing from the drive system cavity. A piston guide plate may be configured to be affixed within the drive system cavity. The piston guide plate includes a piston guide associated with the pump cylinder. The piston guide may be configured to at least partially receive a pump piston therethrough for facilitating alignment and axial movement of a pump piston within the pump cylinder.

17-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003001595A1

In an embodiment, a pump includes a pump housing formed as a singular body. The pump housing may include a mounting feature adjacent a first end of the pump housing. The mounting feature may be configured for mounting the pump relative to a prime mover. A drive system cavity may be formed in the first end of the pump housing, and sized to receive at least a portion of an axial drive system. A pump cylinder may extend inwardly into the pump housing from the drive system cavity. A piston guide plate may be configured to be affixed within the drive system cavity. The piston guide plate includes a piston guide associated with the pump cylinder. The piston guide may be configured to at least partially receive a pump piston therethrough for facilitating alignment and axial movement of a pump piston within the pump cylinder.

16-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002634348A1

The invention relates to a hydraulic device, for example a hydraulic percussion device, with a supply line for a pressurized hydraulic fluid and with a lubricating pump (1) which is flow-connected to the supply line via a hydraulic inlet (E) and which comprises a pump element (10) for conveying lubricant, e.g. lubricating grease, from a reservoir (12) to at least one lubricating point on the hydraulic device that is to be supplied with lubricant, and means for producing a pump stroke of the pump element (10). The means provided for producing a pump stroke comprise a piston unit (4) which is assigned means for reversing the direction of movement of at least one element of the piston unit (4), comprising at least one bypass (20) and at least one elastic element (9; 9a, 9b) which acts on the piston unit (4) in a first direction oriented towards the hydraulic inlet (E), such that the piston unit (4) can be displaced in an oscillating manner in a base body (2, 3) to produce the pump stroke, ...

07-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002972031C

A dual circuit lubrication system for a power end of a reciprocating pump that includes a lubrication pump that supplies lubrication fluid to a high pressure lubrication circuit and a low pressure lubrication circuit. The high pressure lubrication circuit is fluidly coupled to a crankshaft to supply lubrication fluid to sliding surfaces associated with the crankshaft at a first lubrication fluid pressure. The crankshaft drives a crosshead coupled to a plunger to displace fluid from a fluid end of the reciprocating pump. The low pressure lubrication circuit is fluidly coupled to supply the lubrication fluid to a plurality of rolling surfaces associated with the crankshaft at a second lubrication fluid pressure. The first lubrication fluid pressure is greater than the second lubrication fluid pressure.

11-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002257625A1

This invention relates to a ram-type mud pump comprising a pump body, a cam plate driving shaft in the said pump body, a swash plate supported on the driving shaft via a ball coupling and swayable with the rotation of the cam, at least seven rams each of which articulated with the swash plate via one of the balls of the two-ball levers and reciprocating in the corresponding cylinders, and at least seven pump ends incorporated with pump valves. It characterizes in that said ram comprises a ram body and a rubber piston at its front end, said rubber piston can slide on the ram body, a void is provided between the adjacent ram body and the rubber piston to reserve lubricating oil. A lubricating oil path is provided in the center of each body of two-ball lever and a one-way valve is provided on the oil path to prevent the lubricating oil from flowing back.

30-09-2019 дата публикации

Piston shoe assembly for an axial piston machine.

Номер: CH0000714838A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Kolben-Gleitschuh-Einheit für eine hydraulische bzw. pneumatische Vorrichtung, insbesondere eine Hydraulikmaschine bzw. Axialkolbenmaschine, mit wenigstens einem Kolben (10), der mittels Kugelgelenk (11, 20, 21, 30) mit wenigstens einem Gleitschuh (25) gelenkig verbunden ist, wobei die Kugelkalotte des Kugelgelenkes teilweise durch eine kalottenartige Aussparung (11) des Kolbens (10) oder des Gleitschuhs (25) gebildet ist und durch wenigstens ein separates, mit dem Kolben (10) bzw. Gleitschuh (25) verbindbares Verschlussteil (30) vervollständigt ist.

27-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200801766A1

Изобретение относится к гидравлическому устройству, прежде всего гидравлическому ударному устройству, с подводящим трубопроводом для находящейся под давлением гидравлической текучей среды, например, гидравлического масла, а также со смазочным насосом, который гидравлически связан с подводящим трубопроводом через гидравлическое впускное отверстие и который имеет насосный элемент для подачи смазочного вещества, например пластичной смазки из запасного резервуара к по меньшей мере одному, требующему смазки месту гидравлического устройства, и генерирующие ход поршня насосного элемента средства. В качестве генерирующих ход поршня средств предусмотрена поршневая группа, по отношению к которой средства для реверсирования направления движения по меньшей мере одного элемента поршневой группы с по меньшей мере одним, образованным прежде всего одним пазовым углублением байпасом, а также по меньшей мере одним, подающим поршневую группу в первом, обращенном к гидравлическому впускному отверстию направлении ...

19-03-2019 дата публикации

Novel three-plunger coal slurry feeding pump unit

Номер: CN0109488553A

13-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002788310A1

Système de rampe commune comprenant une pompe d'alimentation amont (3) prenant du carburant dans un réservoir (1) pour le fournir à une pompe à haute pression (6). Le flux de carburant est divisé par une vanne (8) en un flux de graissage (9) et un flux d'alimentation à haute pression (10); ce dernier est mis à haute pression pour passer dans un réservoir à haute pression (rampe). Le flux de graissage (9) est dérivé par une vanne de régulation de pression (8) du flux de carburant fourni par la pompe d'alimentation amont (3). A l'entrée de la pompe à haute pression (6) il y a un clapet (11) ayant une certaine pression d'ouverture.

19-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003067071B1

30-07-1999 дата публикации

Pump for hydraulic oil

Номер: FR0002774133A1

Pompe comportant une installation d'étanchéité (25) formée par un anneau (29) à section en U dont une branche forme un segment d'étanchéité (31) appliqué sur l'arbre (11) avec précontrainte et l'autre un segment d'étanchéité (33) appliqué avec précontrainte contre une surface d'étanchéité (37) entourant l'arbre (11). L'anneau (29) présente une zone d'étanchéité (35) reliant les segments (31, 33) tournés vers l'intérieur de la pompe (1) alors que les segments (31, 33) s'en écartent.

26-06-2020 дата публикации

Surface texturing

Номер: FR0003090755A1

29-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003013774A1

Une pompe d'injection de carburant (10) à haute pression, notamment de gasoil, pour moteur de véhicule automobile, comprend un poussoir (11) incluant un corps de poussoir (12), un axe de rotation (13) fixe par rapport au corps de poussoir (12), un galet (14) monté à rotation par rapport au corps de poussoir (12) autour de l'axe de rotation (13) et un palier (15) disposé entre l'axe de rotation (13) et le galet (14). Le galet (14) est apte coopérer avec une came solidaire d'un vilebrequin du moteur. Des éléments de lubrification du palier (15) sont formés dans la matière de l'axe de rotation (13).

17-12-2004 дата публикации

High pressure oil pump for continuous variable speed drive, has channel provided external to body for supplying low pressure oil from cylinder on all races of body in order to obtain pump with null flow on reaching maximum pressure

Номер: FR0002856115A1

L'invention a pour objet une pompe à huile à haute pression à débit variable, destinée à fournir une haute pression limitée à une valeur maxima. Quand cette pression a été atteinte, le débit devient nul et il n'y a plus de perte de puissance. Un accumulateur est de préférence placé à la sortie de la pompe.

20-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120126134A

08-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170014366A

The present invention comprises: a pump body; a cam shaft installed in the pump body to be rotated by receiving a rotational force from the outside; a roller bearing rotationally supporting the cam shaft in the pump body; an inflow port formed for a fluid which is primarily pressurized to the pump body; and an orifice installed to compress the fluid flowing into the inflow port such that the fluid is supplied to the roller bearing. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 ...

24-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020070083741A

A rolling bearing device and a spindle capable of eliminating the need of all or a part of external devices and pipes for lubrication while suppressing cost by using general purpose rolling bearings and solving a problem with noise by compressed air. A pump sucking and discharging a lubricating oil in a tank storing the lubricating oil and a nozzle in which a lubricating oil outlet in communication with the outlet of the pump to supply the lubricating oil discharged from the pump to a rolling bearing is opened in an annular space between the fixed ring and the rotating ring of the rolling bearing are assembled in a housing storing the rollerbearing on the outside of the rolling bearing, for example, on an outer ring spacer. © KIPO & WIPO 2007 ...

06-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012163343A1

The invention relates to a radial piston pump (1), comprising a housing (3), a cylinder block (5) arranged in the housing (3), an interior (7) inside the cylinder block (5), a rotatably supported eccentric (9) being arranged in the interior (7), a suction chamber (13), at least one supply line (15) that has a fluid connection to the suction chamber (13), and at least one radial piston ® that can move in the cylinder block (5), can be actuated by the eccentric and has a fluid connection to the suction chamber (13). The radial piston pump is characterized in that the suction chamber (13) is adjacent to the cylinder block (5), the suction chamber (13) has two sections (13a, 13b), which are separated from one another by two flow resistances (17a, 17b) that can be predetermined, the cylinder block (5) has at least one first fluid connection (19) between a first section (13a) of the suction chamber (13) and the interior (7) of the radial piston pump (1), the cylinder block (5) has at least one ...

22-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012034451A1
Автор: LI, Peilin

A piston lubrication system for concrete cylinders, comprising a hydraulic pump (1), main cylinders (2), concrete cylinders (3), cylinder pistons located within the main cylinders (4), concrete pistons located within the concrete cylinders (5), piston rods (6) and a hydraulic lubrication device; piston rod channels are formed on the piston rods (61), and lubrication channels are formed on the concrete pistons (51); the inlet of the piston rod channels are connected to the cap end cavities or the rod end cavities of the main cylinders, the outlet of the piston rod channels are connected to the inlets of the hydraulic lubrication device, the outlets of the hydraulic lubrication device are connected to the inlets of the lubrication channels, the outlet of the lubrication channels are connected to the lubrication holes formed on the walls of the concrete pistons (52). The lubrication system can accurately apply lubricant on the pistons of the concrete cylinders, thus achieving good lubrication ...

16-01-2018 дата публикации

Compressor having oil separator

Номер: US0009869307B2

An oil separation member has a partition member that partitions between a discharge chamber and a discharge passage. A circular ring portion is provided in the partition member in a manner extending toward the discharge passage. An introduction hole that communicates the discharge chamber and the discharge passage with each other is formed in the circular ring portion. The introduction hole extends in a tangential direction to the circular ring portion.

01-05-2018 дата публикации

Container for accommodating high-viscosity materials

Номер: US0009956535B2

A container for accommodating high-viscosity materials, such as liquid concrete. The container has at least one bearing sleeve, which extends through a wall opening and is fastened in the container wall in a liquid-tight manner. A shaft extends through the bearing sleeve in such a way that an annular gap is left open. A shaft seal, which bridges the annular gap and is made of elastomeric material, is located at the container-interior end of the bearing sleeve. A lubricant is applied to the annular gap from the container exterior. The invention is characterized in that the shaft seal has, on the side thereof radially facing the shaft, a conveying thread that supports the conveying of the lubricant in the direction of the container interior, which conveying thread advantageously communicates with the container interior via a check valve open to the container interior.

06-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220316461A1

A plunger, a hydraulic end and a plunger pump are disclosed. The plunger includes a plunger body, the plunger body includes a flow channel; a first liquid inlet hole is located in the plunger body and passes through the sidewall of the plunger body; the plunger body includes a first end portion and a second end portion, a flow channel extends from the first end portion to the second end portion, a part of the flow channel close to the first end portion is closed, the flow channel extends to the second end portion and forms a first opening, the first liquid inlet hole is communicated with the flow channel, the first valve assembly is located at the first opening, and is configured to allow fluid to flow out from the flow channel at the first opening and prevent fluid from flowing back to the flow channel from outside.

06-09-2022 дата публикации

Compressor having oil guide path

Номер: US0011434888B2
Принадлежит: LG Electronics Inc.

A compressor includes: a driving unit including a stator, a rotor, and a rotary shaft provided in the rotor, having an oil guide path formed at an inner side in a radius direction; a compression unit coupled to the rotary shaft, having a cylinder and a piston reciprocating in the cylinder by a driving force of the driving unit; and an oil supply unit coupled to a lower end of the rotary shaft, supplying oil toward the compression unit. The oil supply unit includes a rotary portion for supplying oil toward the oil guide path while being rotated together with the rotary shaft and a fixed portion having an inner space partitioned to accommodate at least a portion of the rotary portion, and the oil guide path is formed to pass through the rotary shaft along a length direction.

05-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EP2473737B1
Автор: AKBAS, Omer
Принадлежит: Arçelik Anonim Sirketi

01-11-2023 дата публикации


Номер: EP4269798A2

An electric pump system and method of operating the same involves pumping a fluid through a fluid passageway defined in a mechanical pump from a pump inlet to a hollow shaft of a motor, through the hollow shaft to an internal motor cavity defined by a housing of the motor, and through another fluid passageway defined in the motor housing and mechanical pump that leads to a pump outlet. The system and method further involve pumping the fluid through another fluid passageway defined in the mechanical pump from yet another pump inlet to the pump outlet. The temperature of fluid exiting the hollow shaft can be assessed and used by an electronic control unit (ECU) of the electric pump system to control the same. The electric pump system can be part of a cooling and lubrication system for an electric vehicle transmission, gearbox, differential or transfer case, for example.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2485348C2

Изобретение относится к области насосостроения и касается насоса высокого давления для подземных горных работ. Насос содержит корпус и коленчатый вал, который посредством соответствующего шатуна приводит в движение несколько поршней. Каждый поршень перемещается в цилиндре, закрепленном на головке цилиндра, и всасывает текучую среду из впуска и подает ее под давлением к выпуску. В насосе предусмотрен стабилизатор всасываемого потока атмосферного воздуха, который включает в себя расположенную в камере всасывания уплотненную мембрану, одна сторона которой открыта в направлении атмосферы. Компенсируются возникающие на стороне всасывания колебания давления. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

27-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014124848A

... 1. Ящичный лубрикатор, содержащий:насос, содержащийкорпус поршня, проходящий от первого конца до второго конца, при этом корпус поршня содержитвысверленное отверстие, проходящее сквозь корпус поршня от первого конца корпуса поршня до второго конца корпуса поршня;углубление, выполненное на втором конце корпуса поршня концентрично относительно высверленного отверстия, с диаметром, превышающим диаметр высверленного отверстия;поршень, расположенный внутри высверленного отверстия корпуса поршня и содержащий расположенные друг напротив друга первый конец и второй конец; ипо меньшей мере одно уплотнение из эластомера, расположенное в углублении корпуса поршня и вокруг поршня.2. Ящичный лубрикатор по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно содержит:опорную стойку, расположенную в непосредственной близости к корпусу поршня и содержащую расположенные друг напротив друга первый конец и второй конец;впускное отверстие корпуса поршня, пересекающееся с высверленным отверстием между первым концом корпуса ...

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012125243A

... 1. Корпус для удержания смазки в насосном агрегате, содержащем привод со штоком поршня и химический насос со штоком, причем указанные штоки соединены посредством съемного соединительного элемента, отличающийся тем, что корпус содержит первую и вторую по существу цилиндрические части, геометрические размеры которых, позволяют первой части корпуса телескопически перемещаться внутри второй части и находиться с ней в резьбовом соединении, при этом указанные части входят в зацепление друг с другом с возможностью разъединения, с обеспечением возможности выборочного вхождения в зацепление для приведения в первое и второе положения, при этом в первом положении первая часть корпуса введена со скольжением во вторую часть, а во втором положении первая и вторая части корпуса герметично соединены с приводом и насосом.2. Корпус по п.1, в котором указанные части корпуса содержат внешние поверхности, содержащие рифление для выполнения ручных манипуляций по изменению взаимного положения указанных частей ...

20-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2550842C1

Изобретение относится к скважинным штанговым насосным установкам. Скважинная штанговая насосная установка состоит из неподвижной гибкой длинномерной трубы, внутри которой размещена подвижная гибкая длинномерная штанга, один конец которой соединен с силовым приводом на поверхности, а второй - с рабочим органом погружного плунжерного или винтового насоса. Места входа и выхода подвижной гибкой длинномерной штанги и неподвижной гибкой трубы уплотнены. Кольцевое пространство между ними заполнено смазывающей жидкостью и имеет канал на устьевом конце. Нижний и верхний концы неподвижной гибкой трубы соединены с устьевым и насосным патрубками. На нижнем конце штанги расположен стакан, заполненный жидкостью с большим удельным весом, которая обеспечивает защиту уплотнения плунжерного насоса. Гибкая длинномерная штанга может совершать вращательное или возвратно-поступательное движения. Как другой вариант, на нижнем конце штанги расположен перевернутый стакан, заполненный смазывающей жидкостью, которая ...

27-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE602005025388D1

16-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE102010034086A1

Eine Hochdruckpumpe weist ein Gehäuse mit einer Kurbelwelle auf, die über jeweils ein Pleuel mehrere Kolben antreibt, wobei jeder Kolben in einem Zylinder geführt ist, der an einem Zylinderkopf befestigt ist und der Fluid aus einem Einlass ansaugt und unter Druck an einen Auslass abgibt.

17-02-2000 дата публикации

Axialkolbenmaschine mit internem Spülkreislauf

Номер: DE0019613609C2

18-06-2015 дата публикации

Schrägscheibenmaschine, Schrägscheibe und Verfahren zur hydrostatischen Entlastung einer Stellteilanbindung einer Schrägscheibenmaschine

Номер: DE102013225899A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Schrägscheibenmaschine (1), umfassend Arbeitskolben (7), die in einer im Wesentlichen axialen Richtung in Kolbenbohrungen (6) einer Zylindertrommel (5) hin und her bewegbar geführt sind, und eine über Stellkolben (29, 30) verstellbaren Schwenkwiege (14), wobei die Schwenkwiege (14) mindestens einen Schmiermediumkanal (50) aufweist. Der Schmiermediumkanal (50) bildet erfindungsgemäß eine hydraulische Verbindung zwischen zumindest einem Arbeitsraum (49) der Arbeitskolben (7) und zumindest einer Stellteilanbindung (31) der Stellkolben (7) an der Schwenkwiege (14). Ferner betrifft die Erfindung eine Schwenkwiege (14) und ein Verfahren zur hydrostatischen Entlastung einer Stellteilanbindung (31) einer Schrägscheibenmaschine (1).

10-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013114335B4

Ölzuführsystem, aufweisend:eine erste Hydraulikpumpe (100), welche konfiguriert ist, um Öl zu einem Niedrigdruckabschnitt (130) durch eine erste Hauptleitung (110) zu pumpen,eine zweite Hydraulikpumpe (105), welche konfiguriert ist, um Öl zu einem Hochdruckabschnitt (135) durch eine zweite Hauptleitung (115) zu pumpen,ein erstes und ein zweites Rückschlagventil (160, 165), welche jeweilig seitens der ersten Hauptleitung (110) und der zweiten Hauptleitung (115) angeordnet sind,ein erstes Schaltventil (150), welches konfiguriert ist, um das Öl, welches in der zweiten Hauptleitung (115) strömt, zu dem Niedrigdruckabschnitt (130) zuzuführen in Abhängigkeit von dem Öldruck, welcher von einer Frontseite des ersten Rückschlagventils (160) der ersten Hauptleitung (110) aus transferiert ist, undein zweites Schaltventil (155), welches konfiguriert ist, um Öl, das in der ersten Hauptleitung (110) strömt, zu dem Hochdruckabschnitt (135) zuzuführen in Abhängigkeit von dem Öldruck, welcher von einer ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102014215867A1

Um Schmiermittel eines Motor-Pumpenaggregats, das sich in einem Exzenterraum (5) sammelt, dort zu halten und zu verhindern, dass es zum Motor bzw. von dort zu einem Steuergerät gelangt, wird ein Lager, das die Motorwelle mit dem Exzenter trägt, gedichtet in eine Lagerstufe (6) benachbart zur Exzenterkammer angeordnet. Die Abdichtung wird z. B. durch einen Dichtring (17) erzeugt, der an einem Absatz (18) zwischen der Exzenteraufnahme und der Lagerstufe (6) liegt und die zwischen diesem Absatz (18) und der Stirnseite der äußeren Lagerschale (15) eingequetscht wird.

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016224209A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Hochdruckpumpe 1, aufweisend ein Gehäuse 2 mit einem Pumpenzylinder 13, in dem ein Pumpenkolben 16zur Förderung eine Fördermediums translatorisch auf- und ab-beweglich angeordnet ist, wobei der Pumpenkolben 16 direkt oder indirekt mit einer Antriebswelle 5 zusammenwirkt und zumindest eine Lagerung der Antriebswelle 5 mittels durch eine Leitung 21 zugeführtes und sich von dem Fördermedium unterscheidenden Schmiermittel geschmiert ist. Erfindungsgemäß wird eine Hochdruckpumpe 1 bereitgestellt, bei der die Schmierung beispielsweise einer Lagerung einer Antriebswelle 5 verbessert ist. Erreicht wird dies dadurch, dass in die Leitung 21 eine Regeleinrichtung 3 zur Konstanthaltung der der Hochdruckpumpe 1 zugeführten Schmiermittelmenge eingeschaltet ist. Dazu weist die Regeleinrichtung 3 eine von einer Membran 34 betätigte Regeldrossel 40 auf.

24-01-2020 дата публикации

Kolben einer Dichtungsanordnung sowie Dichtungsanordnung mit einer Dichtung und einem Kolben

Номер: DE202012013715U1
Принадлежит: BOSCH GMBH ROBERT, Robert Bosch GmbH

Kolben (7) einer Dichtungsanordnung, wobei die Dichtungsanordnung wenigstens eine Dichtung (9) sowie den Kolben (7) aufweist, und wobei der Kolben (7) bezüglich der Dichtung (9) verlagerbar ist und mit einem Oberflächenbereich (11) an der Dichtung (9) dichtend anliegt, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Oberflächenbereich (11) zunächst spanabtragend zum Ausbilden von Schmiertaschen (12) bearbeitet und nachfolgend eine Randschicht (13) des bearbeiteten Oberflächenbereichs (11) umgeschmolzen ist.

14-01-2015 дата публикации

High pressure pump with inlet membrane

Номер: GB0002482786B

26-02-2020 дата публикации

Venturi flow circuit

Номер: GB0002556078B

02-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002337564B

04-01-2017 дата публикации

Venturi flow circuit

Номер: GB0201619492D0

27-07-2016 дата публикации

Guiding arangement of high pressure pump

Номер: GB0201610181D0

27-01-2016 дата публикации

High pressure pump with pump spring sealing sleeve

Номер: GB0201522211D0

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000309502T

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Method and Devices for Fluid Driven Adult Devices

Номер: AU2017258922A1

A device for use by an individual for sexual pleasure varying in form, i.e. shape, during its use and allowing for the user to select multiple variations of form either discretely or in combination and for these dynamic variations to be controllable simultaneously and interchangeably while being transparent to the normal use of the device, including the ability to insert, withdraw, rotate, and actuate the variable features manually or remotely. According to embodiments of the invention localized and global variations of devices are implemented using fluidics and electromagnetic pumps/valves wherein a fluid is employed such that controlling the pressure of the fluid results in the movement of an element within the device or the expansion/contraction of an element within the device. - 102 - ...

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Combined barrier and lubrication fluids pressure regulation system and unit for a subsea motor and pump module

Номер: AU2011268633A1

A barrier and lubrication fluids pressure regulation system for a subsea motor and pump module is disclosed, comprising a lubrication fluid circuit in flow communication with a hydraulic fluid supply via a first pressure reducing regulator (15); and a barrier fluid circuit in flow communication with the hydraulic fluid supply via a second pressure reducing regulator (14). The first pressure reducing regulator (15) is configured to reduce the supply fluid pressure in response to the pumped medium pressure at the suction side (4) or at the discharge side (5) of the pump, and the second pressure reducing regulator (14) is configured to reduce the supply fluid pressure in response to the output pressure of the first pressure reducing regulator (15). A pressure regulation unit is likewise disclosed, and arranged for housing the components of the barrier and lubrication fluids pressure regulation system in a pressurized vessel.

09-08-2018 дата публикации

Continuous reservoir level monitoring

Номер: AU2017209034A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The lubricant level within a reservoir is difficult to monitor, leading to the reservoir being refilled more often than necessary to ensure that the reservoir always contains lubricant. A lubricant level sensing system is connected to and monitors various aspects of the pump assembly that draws lubricant from the reservoir. The pump assembly displaces a known volume of lubricant with each pump stroke. A lubricant-level estimator calculates an estimated lubricant level remaining in the reservoir based on a stroke-count value as sensed from the pump assembly and on a reference value stored in a memory. The estimated lubricant level provides the lubricant remaining and the rate of usage such that maintenance can be scheduled ahead of time to prevent the reservoir running dry.

11-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3077913A1

15-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002371113A1

A pumping system comprises a pump barrel (526) that is adapted to be placed into a well casing. A plunger (536) is reciprocably positioned within the pump barrel (526) and has an open top end (532), a bottom end (534), and a traveling valve (542) at the bottom end. A connector (538) is coupled to the plunger (536) below the top end (532). A rod (544) is coupled to the connector (538) and is translatable to reciprocate the plunger (536) within the pump barrel (526) using an upstroke and a downstroke. Further, the top end of the plunger is adapted to direct particulate into the plunger and away from the pump barrel upon each upstroke.

14-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2973008C

The present disclosure provides a compressor system operable for compressing a working fluid such as air. A conditioner is positioned upstream of the compressor to reduce the humidity and in some embodiments may control a temperature of the working fluid entering the compressor. A working fluid aftercooler and a lubricant cooler is positioned downstream of the compressor. A first heat exchange system directs water from a source through the conditioner and then to the aftercooler and oil cooler in parallel. A second heat exchange system directs oil from the compressor to the oil cooler and then to a regenerator prior to reentry into the compressor. A control system with one or more control valves is configured to provide oil to the compressor at a target temperature defined to ensure that the temperature of the discharged compressor is above a pressure dew point temperature.

07-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002975661C

A device for use by an individual for sexual pleasure varying in form, i.e. shape, during its use and allowing for the user to select multiple variations of form either discretely or in combination and for these dynamic variations to be controllable simultaneously and interchangeably while being transparent to the normal use of the device, including the ability to insert, withdraw, rotate, and actuate the variable features manually or remotely. According to embodiments of the invention localized and global variations of devices are implemented using fluidics and electromagnetic pumps/valves wherein a fluid is employed such that controlling the pressure of the fluid results in the movement of an element within the device or the expansion/contraction of an element within the device.

08-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003028805A1

A lubrication bypass system is disclosed for controlling flow of a lubricant to a reciprocating machine, such as two-stroke engines and two-stroke compressors, based upon one or more operating parameters. The lubrication bypass system can be positioned in fluid communication with a lubrication system that transports a primary flow of the lubricant from a lubricant reservoir to the reciprocating machine cylinder at a predetermined primary flow rate. The lubrication bypass system can be configured to divert a portion of the primary flow, a bypass flow, from the lubrication system at a bypass flow rate based upon the operating parameters. As a result, a secondary flow of lubricant remaining within the lubrication system can be supplied to the reciprocating machine at a secondary flow rate that is less than the primary flow rate. In this manner, the lubrication bypass system can regulate the secondary flow rate.

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002929056A1

A system for feeding and pumping of less pumpable material in a conduit line (28)is disclosed,comprising at least one main pump (10) for feeding of said less pumpable material into the conduit line (28), and a receiver unit (50) for receipt of the less pumpable material from the conduit line (28), wherein one or more independent driven compensators (40) are included in the conduit line (28) to maintain stable flow, said one or more compensators (40) being a fillable chamber (14;70) adapted to controllably being pressurized for additional feeding of the material through the conduit line.

31-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002885870C

A device for use by an individual for sexual pleasure varying in form, i.e. shape, during its use and allowing for the user to select multiple variations of form either discretely or in combination and for these dynamic variations to be controllable simultaneously and interchangeably while being transparent to the normal use of the device, including the ability to insert, withdraw, rotate, and actuate the variable features manually or remotely. According to embodiments of the invention localized and global variations of devices are implemented using fluidics and electromagnetic pumps/valves wherein a fluid is employed such that controlling the pressure of the fluid results in the movement of an element within the device or the expansion/contraction of an element within the device.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002885865A1

A device for use by an individual for sexual pleasure varying in form, i.e. shape, during its use and allowing for the user to select multiple variations of form either discretely or in combination and for these dynamic variations to be controllable simultaneously and interchangeably while being transparent to the normal use of the device, including the ability to insert, withdraw, rotate, and actuate the variable features manually or remotely. According to embodiments of the invention localized and global variations of devices are implemented using fluidics and electromagnetic pumps/valves wherein a fluid is employed such that controlling the pressure of the fluid results in the movement of an element within the device or the expansion/contraction of an element within the device.

05-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002189625A1

A cooling probe device for cooling oil in a refrigerating compressor is described. It comprises a housing having a coupling for connecting same to a connecting bore of a sealed oil casing of a refrigerating compressor with the housing supported exteriorly of the casing. A pair of refrigerant conduits extend through a chamber of the housing and exit through the coupling a predetermined distance and terminate in a probe to feed a refrigerant gas to the probe through a first of the conduits and out of the probe through a second of the conduits. The predetermined distance of the conduits constitutes a bendable support connection to position the probe immersed in oil contained in the sealed oil casing. The conduits are sealingly connected to the chamber of the housing. The first conduit is adapted for connection to a low-pressure refrigerant gas source, while the second conduit is adapted for connection to a suction line of a refrigeration system whereby cool refrigerant gas is circulated through ...

21-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002257625C

This invention relates to a ram-type mud pump comprising a pump body, a cam plate driving shaft in the said pump body, a swash plate supported on the driving shaft via a ball coupling and swayable with the rotation of the cam, at least seven rams each of which articulated with the swash plate via one of the balls of the two-ball levers and reciprocating in the corresponding cylinders, and at least seven pump en ds incorporated with pump valves. It characterizes in that said ram comprises a ram body and a rubber piston at i ts front end, said rubber piston can slide on the ram body, a void is provided between the adjacent ram body and the rubber piston to reserve lubricating oil. A lubricating oil path is provided in the center of each bo dy of two-ball lever and a one-way valve is provided on the oil path to prevent the lubricating oil from flowing back. ...

26-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000013101B1
Принадлежит: ЛИНКОЛЬН ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к гидравлическому устройству, прежде всего гидравлическому ударному устройству, с подводящим трубопроводом для находящейся под давлением гидравлической текучей среды, например гидравлического масла, а также со смазочным насосом, который гидравлически связан с подводящим трубопроводом через гидравлическое впускное отверстие и который имеет насосный элемент для подачи смазочного вещества, например пластичной смазки, из запасного резервуара к по меньшей мере одному, требующему смазки месту гидравлического устройства, и генерирующие ход поршня насосного элемента средства. В качестве генерирующих ход поршня средств предусмотрена поршневая группа, по отношению к которой средства для реверсирования направления движения по меньшей мере одного элемента поршневой группы по меньшей мере с одним, образованным прежде всего одним пазовым углублением байпасом, а также по меньшей мере одним, подающим поршневую группу в первом, обращенном к гидравлическому впускному отверстию направлении ...

25-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000105254C2

Корпус для удержания смазки в насосном агрегате, содержащий привод со штоком поршня и химический насос со штоком, причем указанные штоки соединены с помощью съемного соединительного элемента. Для возможности проведения технического обслуживания корпус содержит первую и вторую, в сущности, цилиндрические части, геометрические размеры которых позволяют первой части корпуса телескопически перемещаться внутри второй части и находиться с ней в резьбовом соединении. При этом указанные части входят в зацепление друг с другом с возможностью разъединения, с обеспечением возможности выборочного вхождения в зацепление для приведения в первое и второе положение. В первом положении первая часть корпуса введена со скольжением во вторую часть, а во втором положении первая и вторая части корпуса герметично соединены с приводом и насосом.

25-11-2015 дата публикации

Includes a flow and temperature control device of the compressor system

Номер: CN0102803730B

14-02-2020 дата публикации

Five-plunger high-pressure pump

Номер: CN0108626111B

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020100064890A
Автор: • PARK, JAE SUK

PURPOSE: A fuel pump lubrication apparatus driven with a cam is provided to reduce the heat and abrasion through direct lubrication for the contact surfaces between a cam and a roller for a fuel pump driving a tappet and between the tappet and a high-pressure fuel pump adapter. CONSTITUTION: A fuel pump lubrication apparatus driven with a cam comprises a fuel pump adapter lubricating path(120) which is connected to an oil gallery formed inside a cylinder head so that oil passes through the fuel pump adapter lubricating path within a fuel pump adapter. The fuel pump adapter lubricating path is branched into a tappet lubrication nozzle(121) and a cam lubrication nozzle(122). The tappet lubrication nozzle provides oil to the contact portion between the inner surface of the fuel pump adapter(200) and a tappet(210). COPYRIGHT KIPO 2010 ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013137353A1

The present invention relates to a fluid machine (29A) having: a casing section (56) provided with a suction port (55) into which an operating fluid having become a high-pressure heated vapor flows; a housing section (54) provided with a discharge port (53); and scroll sections (51, 52) driven by the operating fluid sucked from the suction port (55). A bypass section (80) is gripped between the casing section (56) and the housing section (54), and the bypass section (80) is provided with a bypass passage (81) for connecting the suction port (55) and the discharge port (53), and also with a valve mechanism (83) for opening and closing the bypass passage (81). When the bypass passage (81) is opened, the operating fluid circulates while bypassing both a drive section, which comprises the scroll sections (51, 52), and a slide section such as a rotation prevention mechanism (60). Even if an operating fluid in a liquid phase flows, the lubrication properties of slide section can be prevented ...

07-07-2020 дата публикации

Pump provided with a reservoir of a lubricant

Номер: US0010704733B2

A pump with a reservoir of a lubricant, including a hollow body in which a piston, loaded by a pressing element, sealingly slides, at least a port for loading the lubricant in a compartment defined by the inner wall of the hollow body and by the piston, and at least a valve for exhausting air trapped in the compartment together with the lubricant during a loading step.

11-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US0010072645B2
Автор: Hiroki Inatani

The present disclosure provides a pump including a cylinder, a plunger, a spring seat, a spring, and a stopper. The cylinder defines therein a cylinder hole. The plunger includes a shaft portion, a seat receiver, and a step surface. The spring biases the plunger in a second direction opposite to a first direction through the spring seat. The stopper includes an engaging portion. The engaging portion restricts, by engaging with the step surface, a movable range of the plunger in the second direction. The stopper defines therein an eccentric hole that has an inner diameter greater than an outer diameter of the step surface. The eccentric hole is eccentric with the plunger and opens through a portion of the stopper other than the engaging portion.

21-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: US2002172604A1

A variable pressure oil pump assembly for use with a vehicle having a controller includes a pump body having an inlet, an outlet, a valve chamber, a first passage disposed between the inlet and the valve chamber, and a second passage disposed between the outlet and the valve chamber. The assembly further includes a pressure relief valve subassembly having a movable plunger that is disposed at least partially in the valve chamber for controlling flow of oil through the valve chamber so as to control outlet oil pressure at the outlet. A plunger adjustment mechanism is associated with the valve subassembly and adapted to communicate with the controller. The plunger adjustment mechanism is operable to control movement of the plunger based on control signals provided by the controller.

06-06-2002 дата публикации

Pump systems and methods

Номер: US2002066572A1

A pumping system comprises a pump barrel that is adapted to be placed into a well casing. A plunger is reciprocatably positioned within the pump barrel and has an open top end, a bottom end, and a traveling valve at the bottom end. A connector is coupled to the plunger below the top end. A rod is coupled to the connector and is translatable to reciprocate the plunger within the pump barrel using an upstroke and a downstroke. Further, the top end of the plunger is adapted to direct particulate into the plunger and away from the pump barrel upon each upstroke.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Cryogenic Pump Heater

Номер: US20170030342A1

A pump for pumping a cryogenic fluid includes an activation portion that includes at least one actuator. The activation portion contains oil that may be cooled by the cryogenic fluid. The pump further includes a pumping portion that includes at least one pumping element, the at least one pumping element being operated by the at least one actuator, and a heater associated with the activation portion and configured to, when the heater is active, transfer heat energy to the activation portion such that the oil contained in the activation portion is warmed. 1. A pump for pumping a cryogenic fluid , comprising:an activation portion that includes at least one actuator, the activation portion containing oil;a pumping portion that includes at least one pumping element, the at least one pumping element being operated by the at least one actuator; anda heater associated with the activation portion and configured to, when the heater is active, transfer heat energy to the activation portion such that the oil contained in the activation portion is warmed.2. The pump of claim 1 , further comprising at least one pushrod disposed between the at least one actuator and the at least one pumping element claim 1 , the at least one pushrod operating to transfer motion from the at least one actuator to operate the at least one pumping element.3. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the oil contained in the activation portion is oil used to lubricate moving and sliding components within the activation portion.4. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the at least one actuator is a hydraulic actuator and wherein the oil contained in the activation portion is hydraulic oil used to provide a hydraulic force input to the at least one actuator.5. The pump of claim 1 , wherein the heater is an electrically operated heater that is connected to a power module and arranged to be activated by a controller.6. The pump of claim 5 , wherein the controller is programmed to activate the heater during a startup sequence ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140169995A1
Принадлежит: Kayaba Industry Co., Ltd

An electric oil pump includes an electric motor and an oil pump that is driven by the motive power from an electric motor, wherein; the oil pump has an introducing channel that guides a drain oil that has leaked from an interior of the oil pump to an interior of the electric motor; and the electric motor has a discharging channel that discharges the drain oil that has been guided to the interior of the electric motor to a tank.

10-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001395753A1
Автор: REMBOLD, Helmut

The invention relates to a piston pump (20), in particular a high-pressure pump for a fuel system of an internal combustion engine, comprising a housing (72). Said pump is also provided with a piston (94), which delimits a working chamber (100). A drive shaft (78) is retained in the housing (72) by means of at least one shaft bearing and comprises at least one crank section (86). The piston (94) is at least indirectly supported on the crank section (86) of the drive shaft (78) using a piston bearing. A hydrostatic bearing system (62) is provided between parts of at least one of the bearings that can be displaced in relation to one another. Said bearing system is connected to the working chamber (100) via a fluidic connection. To improve the efficiency of the piston pump (20), a device (56; 118), which can temporarily interrupt the fluidic connection, is provided in said fluidic connection between the working chamber (100) and the hydrostatic bearing system (62).

30-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: EP1982104B1
Принадлежит: Lincoln GmbH

07-05-2014 дата публикации

Номер: JP0005487019B2

25-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2617531C2

Лубрикатор содержит насос с корпусом поршня и поршнем. Корпус поршня проходит от первого конца до второго конца, и в нем выполнено высверленное отверстие, проходящее сквозь корпус поршня от первого конца корпуса поршня до второго конца корпуса поршня. В корпусе поршня имеется также углубление, расположенное на втором конце корпуса поршня, при этом углубление является концентрическим относительно высверленного отверстия и его диаметр больше, чем диаметр высверленного отверстия. Поршень расположен в высверленном отверстии корпуса поршня. В углублении корпуса поршня и вокруг поршня расположено, по меньшей мере, одно уплотнение из эластомера. Поршень может соединяться с узлом качающегося рычага с помощью шарового шарнира. Внутри поршня имеются канал для жидкости и обратный клапан. Технический результат – повышение надежности. 3 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Fuel Injection System For an Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20120132177A1

The invention relates to a high-pressure fuel pump comprising a drive shaft supported by bearings, and fuel flows through the bearings in a forced manner in such a way that the mechanical and thermal load-carrying capacity of the bearings, and thus the entire high-pressure fuel pump, is significantly increased.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Hermetic compressor

Номер: US20120189437A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool SA

The present invention refers to a hermetic compressor and, more specifically, a hermetic compressor comprising a centrifugal pump ( 1 ) to provide oil for the moving parts of said compressor. In the compressor of the present invention, the vertical shaft ( 7 ) extends axially from the rotor to form a free end ( 8 ) in its inferior portion, and said free end ( 8 ) is sized to be received in a corresponding end ( 12 ) of the centrifugal pump ( 1 ).

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Oil-Free Air Compressor for Rail Vehicles

Номер: US20120192710A1
Принадлежит: Wabtec Holding Corp

An oil-free compressor for a rail vehicle includes a multi-piece compressor housing, a first piston cylinder supported in a first opening in the compressor housing, a second piston cylinder supported in a second opening in the compressor housing, and a multi-piece crankshaft assembly supported by the compressor housing. The crankshaft assembly is linked to pistons of the first and second piston cylinders by respective connecting rods. The connecting rods connect to a wrist pin associated with each of the pistons, and the wrist pins are respectively supported by a dry lubricant bushing to the associated piston. The compressor housing may have at least a first housing portion and a second housing portion. The first housing portion and the second housing portion may form respective halves of the compressor housing that are secured together with mechanical fasteners.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Runner with integral impellor pump

Номер: US20120257998A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

In aspects, the present disclosure provides an apparatus for handling axial thrust in rotating equipment. The apparatus may include a thrust bearing and a runner having a contact surface engaging the thrust bearing. The runner may include passages extending between the contact surface and an opposing surface of the runner. The apparatus may further include a lock ring assembly that has channels in communication with the passages of the runner. In certain embodiments, one or more cavities may be formed on the contact surface of the runner. The cavities may be in communication with the internal passages of the runner. In aspects, the present disclosure provides a method for handling axial thrust in a pump assembly. The pump assembly may include a thrust bearing assembly that may include a runner having a contact surface engaging a thrust bearing pad. The method may include flowing a lubricating fluid to the contact surface using at least one internal passage formed in runner.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Variable Capacity Compressor

Номер: US20130101443A1
Автор: Ishikawa Tsutomu

Lubricating performance and durability of a variable capacity compressor are secured. A first communication hole is formed to be close to a penetration bolt at an upstream side in a rotational direction, the penetration bolt is disposed outside a rotation trajectory of a rotating member such as a swash plate in a front housing and a second communication hole is formed to be close to an upper penetration bolt at a downstream side in a rotational direction. The first and second communication holes are formed by penetrating a peripheral wall of the front housing a storage chamber storing oil in refrigerant is arranged outside the front housing by communicating with an inner space of the front housing through the communication holes, and while refrigerant in the storage chamber is returned to the inner space from the second communication hole oil in refrigerant received by contacting an upstream side of a first penetration bolt is stored in the storage chamber from the first communication hole and as a result, as a rotational speed is increased, a storage amount is increased. 1. A variable capacity compressor including a cylindrical receiving member , a rotating member rotated in a non-horizontal surface around a center shaft of the cylindrical receiving member , a plurality of pistons suctioning and discharging refrigerant by reciprocating axially in parallel to the center shaft in a plurality of cylinders formed on an outer periphery of a center shaft of the cylindrical receiving member , a motion direction conversion mechanism converting a rotation motion of the rotating member into reciprocation of the piston , and a control mechanism controlling a refrigerant discharge amount by controlling a conversion amount of reciprocation of the piston to a rotation amount of the rotating member in the motion direction conversion mechanism , the variable capacity compressor comprising:an oil receiving unit arranged outside a rotation trajectory of the rotating member while ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112073A1

Enclosure () for housing a coupler () between a driving rod () and a driven rod () comprises a first and a second preferably cylindrical pieces (). Said pieces are sized so that the first piece () is able to slide telescopically within the second piece () and are threaded to engage each other when in operation the enclosure () is in a close position, thereby the enclosure () being able to retain lubricant in the inside. For service, after having drained the lubricant from the enclosure (), the two pieces are loosened by screwing the first piece () until the end of the thread is reached, and then the first piece () is slideably telescoped into the second piece (), thereby setting the enclosure () in an open position an enabling easy access to the rod coupler (). 1. An enclosure for retaining pump lubricant on a pump assembly having a driver with a piston rod and a pump with a chemical rod , said rods being joined by a removable coupling , the improvement comprising first and second generally cylindrical housing pieces , said pieces sized so that said first piece will telescopically slide in said second piece and being threaded so as to releasably engage each other so as being selectively engageable in first and second positions whereby in said first position , said first piece is slideably telescoped in said second piece and in said second position , said first and second pieces arc sealingly engaged with said driver and said pump.2. The enclosure of claim I wherein said pieces comprise exterior surfaces , said exterior surfaces comprising knurling to enable manual manipulation between said first and second positions. TECHNICAL FIELDThis application claims the benefit of U.S. Application Ser. No. 61/262,669, filed Nov. 19, 2009, the contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference.The instant invention is designed for used with plural component dispensing systems. Previous designs used a single ISO lube housing piece with a small access hole to get at the ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Power system arrangement

Номер: US20130251556A1
Принадлежит: Solar Turbines Inc

A power system arrangement is disclosed. The power system arrangement may include a power source configured to delivery energy, a power load configured to receive energy from the power source, a lubrication system configured to deliver lubrication fluid through the power system, wherein the lubrication system may include a tank for storing lubrication fluid, and a support structure configured to support the power source, the power load, and the tank. The power source, the power load, and the tank may be coupled to the support structure substantially in series along a longitudinal axis.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Refrigerant Compressor

Номер: US20130272903A1
Принадлежит: Sanden Corporation

In a cylinder head provided on a head side of a cylinder block with a valve plate interposed therebetween, a suction chamber is formed on the center side and a discharge chamber is formed so as to encircle the suction chamber . In the cylinder head , an oil storage chamber for storing an oil separated from a discharged refrigerant by an oil separating portion (a separation pipe etc.) is provided. The oil storage chamber extends in the diametric direction of the cylinder head integrally with the cylinder head and has an open end at the outer face of the cylinder head , and the open end is occluded by an occluding member . Here, the oil storage chamber has a portion bulging into the suction chamber 1. A refrigerant compressor comprising:a cylinder block that has a plurality of cylinder bores disposed in parallel to and around the axis of the cylinder block;a cylinder head that is provided on one end of the cylinder block with a valve plate interposed therebetween;pistons that are inserted from the other end of the cylinder block into the respective cylinder bores and configured to reciprocate in the cylinder bores to compress a refrigerant drawn from a suction chamber on the cylinder head side and discharge the compressed refrigerant into a discharge chamber on the cylinder head side; andan oil recirculation mechanism that separates a lubrication oil from the refrigerant discharged into the discharge chamber and returns the lubrication oil to a lubrication portion of the compressor,wherein the cylinder head has, in its inside, the suction chamber, the discharge chamber, a suction passage for introducing a refrigerant drawn from an external refrigerant circuit into the suction chamber, and a discharge passage for leading out the refrigerant discharged into the discharge chamber to the external refrigerant circuit,wherein the suction chamber is disposed on the center side in the diametric direction of the cylinder head,wherein the discharge chamber is disposed on the ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Crankshaft for an alternative cooling compressor

Номер: US20130336765A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool SA

The present invention refers to a crankshaft ( 1 ) for an alternative compressor comprising a main shaft ( 21 ) connected to an eccentric pin ( 2 ) by means of a peripheral flange ( 3 ) containing a lubricating hole ( 24 ) extending through said eccentric pin ( 2 ) and through at least part of the body of main shaft ( 21 ), one of the edges of said hole ( 24 ) being on the cylindrical surface ( 2 a ) of said eccentric pin ( 2 ). With this type of hole, the present invention allows for the use of shafts having extremely low diameters (and, as result, with low viscous loss), even with high eccentricities, whereby an excellent capacity of oil pumping and mechanical strength is maintained.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140010685A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

The present invention includes an electric component (), a compression component (), a sealed container (), a suction pipe () and a discharge passage (). The compression component includes a crankshaft (), an oil feeding mechanism (), an oil feeding passage (), and a scattering suppressing section (). The scattering suppressing section suppresses the lubricating oil from being scattered from an opening of the oil feeding passage. 1. A sealed compressor comprising:an electric component;a compression component actuated by the electric component; anda sealed container which accommodates the electric component and the compression component and stores lubricating oil in a bottom portion thereof;a suction pipe for guiding a refrigerant gas suctioned into and compressed by the compression component to an inner space of the sealed container; anda discharge passage for guiding the refrigerant gas compressed by the compression component, from the compression component to outside of the sealed container;wherein the compression component includes:a crankshaft including a main shaft rotated by the electric component and an eccentric shaft which is eccentric with the main shaft;an oil feeding mechanism provided in the main shaft to feed the lubricating oil stored in the bottom portion of the sealed container to slide portions of the compression component;an oil feeding passage provided in the eccentric shaft, communicated with the oil feeding mechanism and having an opening in a surface of the eccentric shaft; anda scattering suppressing section for suppressing the lubricating oil from being scattered from the opening of the oil feeding passage.2. The sealed compressor according to claim 1 , a block provided with a compression chamber inside thereof;', 'a piston reciprocatable inside of the compression chamber; and', 'a cylinder head which is fastened to one end of the block and seals one end of the compression chamber;', 'wherein the scattering suppressing section includes a ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Drain for Fuel Pump

Номер: US20140034018A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A fuel pump and method for draining such and for providing a lubrication fluid sump level for startup of the fuel pump are disclosed. The fuel pump may comprise a housing, a first plunger apparatus, and a camshaft rotatably mounted in the housing. The camshaft has a first end and a second end and may define a bore extending from the first end to the second end. The camshaft may include a first interface operatively connected to the first plunger apparatus.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Axial piston motor

Номер: US20150000513A1
Принадлежит: Kawasaki Jukogyo KK

On an inner surface of a housing, a nozzle for jetting operation oil is provided at a position opposite to an outer circumferential surface of a cylinder block. With this configuration, by spraying the operation oil from the nozzle to the outer circumferential surface of the cylinder block during rotation of the cylinder block, this operation oil can remove frictional heat generated by sliding between a piston and a cylinder, and seizure of the piston and seizure of the cylinder can be prevented.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004012A1

A lubrication apparatus of a high pressure pump for a common rail system is configured such that a sufficient amount of lubrication fuel can be supplied from a low pressure pump to the frictional junction between a roller and a shoe within a short period of time, thereby efficiently improving the lubrication performance of the frictional junction. 1. A lubrication apparatus of a high pressure pump for a common rail system , comprising:a first lubrication channel connecting a low pressure pump to a shaft chamber formed in a pump housing of the high pressure pump;a third lubrication channel formed through the pump housing so as to be connected to the first lubrication channel and to be open to a location in which a shoe is installed; anda support lubrication groove formed in the shoe such that the support lubrication groove is open to an outer surface of the shoe, in which a first end of the support lubrication groove is connected to the third lubrication channel and a second end of the support lubrication groove is connected to a frictional junction in which a roller and the shoe come into contact with each other.2. The lubrication apparatus of the high pressure pump for the common rail system as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising:a check valve installed in the third lubrication channel and functioning to allow a flow of fuel from the first lubrication channel to the third lubrication channel and to prevent a reverse flow of the fuel from the third lubrication channel to the first lubrication channel.3. The lubrication apparatus of the high pressure pump for the common rail system as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the support lubrication groove comprises:a first support groove connected to the third lubrication channel and extending in a lengthwise direction of the shoe; anda second support groove connected to the first support groove and being open to the frictional junction.4. The lubrication apparatus of the high pressure pump for the common rail system as ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003205A1

A fracturing pump system includes a fluid end having a cylinder and a piston movable to pressurize fluid in the cylinder. The cylinder has at least one cylinder sidewall, packing located to prevent fluid from leaking between the piston and the cylinder sidewall, and a hydraulically-driven assembly configured to apply variable amounts of pressure on the packing. 1. A fracturing pump system , comprising: a fluid end having a cylinder and a piston movable to pressurize fluid in the cylinder; the cylinder having at least one cylinder sidewall; packing located to prevent fluid from leaking between the piston and the at least one cylinder sidewall; and a hydraulically-driven assembly configured to apply variable amounts of pressure on the packing.2. The fracturing pump system of claim 1 , wherein the hydraulically-driven assembly comprises:a hydraulic supply containing hydraulic fluid; a hydraulic assembly piston for imparting pressure on the packing, the hydraulic assembly piston being movable toward and away from the packing; and', 'a passage from the hydraulic supply to the hydraulic assembly piston; and, 'a hydraulic assembly for interacting with the packing, the hydraulic assembly comprising non-transitory computer memory;', 'a processor in data communication with the computer memory;', 'a sensor in data communication with the processor;', 'a pump in data communication with the processor and in fluid communication with the hydraulic supply;', 'a valve for selectively allowing the hydraulic assembly piston to move away from or towards the packing; and', 'programming stored in the computer memory that, when executed by the processor, causes the processor to: (a) utilize data from the sensor to determine a desired amount of hydraulic control pressure to be applied to the hydraulic assembly piston; and (b) actuate the pump to selectively allow the hydraulic assembly piston to move toward or away from the packing using the hydraulic fluid in the hydraulic supply., 'a ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003476A1

An electric submersible pump (ESP) system having a motor and motor protector containing a halogen saturated synthetic fluid that is chemically inert and non-flammable, such as a polychlorotrifluoroethylene fluid. 1. An electrical submersible pumping system , comprising:a pump;a submersible motor;a motor protector disposed between the submersible motor and the pump;a halogen saturated synthetic fluid that is chemically inert and non-flammable disposed in one or more of the submersible motor and the motor protector; anda fluid flow path communicating the halogen saturated synthetic fluid through one or more of the submersible motor and the motor protector.2. The electrical submersible pumping system of claim 1 , wherein the halogen saturated synthetic fluid is a polychlorotrifluoroethylene fluid.3. The electrical submersible pumping system of claim 1 , wherein the halogen saturated synthetic fluid has a specific gravity of approximately 2.0.4. The electrical submersible pumping system of claim 1 , wherein the halogen saturated synthetic fluid includes a rust inhibitor.5. The electrical submersible pumping system of claim 1 , wherein the halogen saturated synthetic fluid has a surface tension value between 23 and 30 dynes/cm.6. The electrical submersible pumping system of claim 1 , wherein the halogen saturated synthetic fluid has a bulk modulus of over 200 claim 1 ,000 psi at 100° F. with an applied pressure of 10 claim 1 ,000 psi.7. The electrical submersible pumping system of claim 1 , wherein the halogen saturated synthetic fluid has a coefficient of thermal expansion that is less than 0.001 (mm/mm·K).8. The electrical submersible pumping system of claim 1 , wherein the halogen saturated synthetic fluid has a thermal conductivity of approximately 0.2 (W/m·K).9. A well system claim 1 , comprising:a pump system deployed in a wellbore having a submersible motor, a pump, and a motor protector disposed between the submersible motor and the pump;a halogen saturated ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010404A1

A self-aligning mud pump apparatus is provided. In one embodiment, the mud pump includes a rotatable crankshaft, a crosshead, a crosshead guide, and a hub disposed in a housing. The hub is disposed on the crankshaft and is operable to convert rotating motion of the crankshaft to reciprocating motion of the crosshead within the crosshead guide. The hub is coupled to the crosshead via a connecting rod, which is connected the crosshead such that the connecting rod has five degrees of freedom with respect to the crosshead guide. The mud pump may also or instead include a piston coupled to the crosshead with five degrees of freedom between the piston and the crosshead. Additional systems, devices, and methods are also disclosed. 1. A self-aligning mud pump apparatus , comprising:a housing;a rotatable crankshaft disposed in the housing;a crosshead disposed in the housing;a crosshead guide disposed in the housing to constrain movement of the crosshead; anda hub disposed in the housing and disposed on the crankshaft for converting a rotating motion of the crankshaft to a reciprocating motion of the crosshead within the crosshead guide via a connecting rod having a first end coupled to the hub and a second end coupled to the crosshead;wherein the connecting rod is coupled to the crosshead such that the connecting rod has five degrees of freedom with respect to the crosshead guide.2. The mud pump apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the five degrees of freedom include three rotational degrees of freedom and two translational degrees of freedom between the connecting rod and the crosshead guide.3. The mud pump apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the connecting rod is coupled to the crosshead via a bearing with a spherical seat that allows the second end of the connecting rod to pivot in three rotational directions within the crosshead.4. The mud pump apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein play between the bearing and the connecting rod allows the second end of the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010601A1

Various assemblies that can be used in a mud pump with a plunger-style piston to reduce seal failures, to offer control in variability of the circumference of the piston to thereby control fluid pressure, and to provide visibility into seal condition during operation. In one embodiment, a sleeve that can vary the overall effective circumference of the piston enables fluid pressure control. In some embodiments, seal failure within a pump can be monitored via a drain port that would receive drilling fluid leaking past a seal during operation of the pump. A discharge valve can be provided between an inlet and an outlet of the mud pump to reduce the load on pump components during start-up. Additional systems, devices, and methods are also disclosed. 1. A mud pump , comprising:a housing;a crosshead disposed in the housing;a plunger piston having a first end engaging the crosshead and a second end including a piston rod;a seal, disposed about the plunger piston, that seals out drilling fluid in a fluid end of the mud pump; anda drain port that, upon failure of the seal, drains leaking drilling fluid.2. The mud pump according to claim 1 , further comprising a sleeve disposed about the second end of the plunger piston that increases the effective diameter of the second end claim 1 , wherein the seal is disposed about the sleeve as well as the plunger piston.3. The mud pump according to claim 1 , further comprising:an inlet of the fluid end;an outlet of the fluid end; anda discharge valve between the inlet and the outlet configured to allow fluid communication directly between the inlet and the outlet during start-up of the mud pump.4. The mud pump according to claim 1 , further comprising:a lubricated pad disposed about the plunger piston; andan injection port connected to a cavity disposed between the seal and the lubricated pad so as to enable the cavity to receive, from the injection port, water that washes the second end of the plunger piston.5. The mud pump according ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016431A1

Positive displacement machines and methods therefor capable of increasing a load-carrying capacity of a piston-cylinder lubrication interface of positive displacement machines having a cylinder block, a cylindrical bore defined in the cylinder block, a piston reciprocably disposed within the cylindrical bore, and a working fluid within the piston-cylinder lubrication interface to provide a load-bearing function between the piston and the bore wall of the cylinder bore. The method includes providing at least one circumferential groove on a bore wall of the cylindrical bore within the piston-cylinder lubrication interface having an opening facing the piston and that is in fluidic communication with the piston-cylinder lubrication interface so as to contain a portion of the working fluid, and operating the positive displacement machine such that the working fluid enters the cylindrical groove and promotes hydrostatic balancing of pressure of the working fluid within the piston-cylinder lubrication interface. 1. A positive displacement machine comprising:a cylinder block adapted to be rotated about an axis of the positive displacement machine;a plurality of cylindrical bores defined in the cylinder block and surrounding the axis, each of the cylindrical bores having a bore wall and a port;a plurality of pistons reciprocably disposed within the cylindrical bores, each of the pistons defining a piston-cylinder lubrication interface with the bore wall of a corresponding one of the cylindrical bores and defining a displacement chamber within the cylindrical bore adjacent the port thereof;a working fluid located within the displacement chambers and within the piston-cylinder lubrication interfaces to provide a load-bearing function between the pistons and the bore walls of the cylinder bores; anda plurality of circumferential grooves located within the piston-cylinder lubrication interfaces, at least one of the grooves being located on the bore wall of each of the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017046A1
Автор: Shakal Anthony J.

A box lubricator that includes a pump with a piston housing and piston. The piston housing extends from a first end to a second end, and includes a bore extending through the piston housing from the first end of the piston housing to the second end of the piston housing. The piston housing also includes a recess disposed at the second end of the piston housing, the recess being concentric with the bore and comprising a diameter larger than a diameter of the bore. The piston is disposed inside the bore of the piston housing. At least one elastomeric seal is disposed inside the recess of the piston housing and around the piston. In some embodiments, a ball and socket joint connects the piston to the rocker arm assembly. In some embodiments, a fluid passage and a check valve are disposed inside the piston. 1. A box lubricator comprising: [ a bore extending through the piston housing from the first end of the piston housing to the second end of the piston housing;', 'a recess disposed at the second end of the piston housing concentric with the bore and comprising a diameter larger than a diameter of the bore;, 'a piston housing extending from a first end to a second end, the piston housing comprising,'}, 'a piston disposed inside the bore of the piston housing and comprising a first end opposite a second end; and', 'at least one elastomeric seal disposed inside the recess of the piston housing and around the piston;, 'a pump comprising;'}2. The box lubricator of claim 1 , further comprising;a support post in close proximity to the piston housing and comprising a first end opposite a second end;a piston housing inlet intersecting the bore between the first end of the piston housing and the recess; anda piston housing outlet disposed at the first end of the piston housing and in fluid communication with the bore; anda main body joining the support post and the piston housing, the main body including a fluid pathway fluidly connecting the piston housing inlet with the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017047A1
Автор: Shakal Anthony J.

A box lubricator that includes a pump with a piston housing and piston. The piston housing extends from a first end to a second end, and includes a bore extending through the piston housing from the first end of the piston housing to the second end of the piston housing. The piston housing also includes a recess disposed at the second end of the piston housing, the recess being concentric with the bore and comprising a diameter larger than a diameter of the bore. The piston is disposed inside the bore of the piston housing. At least one elastomeric seal is disposed inside the recess of the piston housing and around the piston. In some embodiments, a ball and socket joint connects the piston to the rocker arm assembly. In some embodiments, a fluid passage and a check valve are disposed inside the piston. 1. A piston assembly comprising:a piston housing with a first end opposite a second end, the piston housing further comprising;a bore extending completely through the piston housing from the first end of the piston housing to the second end of the piston housing;a piston housing inlet intersecting the bore between the first end of the piston housing and the second end of the piston housing; anda piston housing outlet disposed at the second end of the piston housing and in fluid communication with the bore; anda piston disposed inside the bore of the piston housing and comprising a first end opposite a second end, the piston further comprising;a fluid passage formed inside the piston and fluidly connecting the piston housing inlet and the piston housing outlet;a first recess formed inside the first end of the piston and in fluid communication with the fluid passage and having a diameter smaller than a diameter of the piston and larger than a diameter of the fluid passage;a check ball disposed inside the first recess; anda retaining guide disposed inside the first recess that limits displacement of the check ball to the first recess.2. The piston assembly of claim 1 , ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Oil Monitoring

Номер: US20210018001A1
Автор: Trever Dean STEWART
Принадлежит: Spm Flow Control Inc

The oil quality in an oil reservoir of a pump is monitored using the disclosed oil-monitoring sensor. The oil-monitoring sensor includes a first capacitive portion for measuring oil level and a second capacitive portion for measuring dielectric constant of the oil. Changes in dielectric constant of the oil are indicative of degradation of the quality of the oil (e.g., due to contaminants, oxidation, etc.) So oil-monitoring sensor is used to indicate various parameters about the oil quality to an operator. Using the disclosed sensors, the quality of the lubricant and/or cooling oil used by the pump may be monitored without needing to be present at the pump, or without needing to access the interior of the pump (or oil reservoir).

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025085A1
Автор: Hay Donald, Hennig Jake

The present disclosure relates, according to some embodiments, to fluid pump apparatuses. A fluid pump apparatus may comprise a suction compensator, a housing compensator, and a pump. A suction compensator may comprise an ambient fluid compensator, an ambient fluid bladder, and a spring compensator, wherein the spring compensator comprises a first separator partitioning an internal volume of the spring compensator into a first suction fluid chamber and a compensation fluid chamber. A housing compensator may comprise a second separator partitioning an internal volume of the housing compensator into a second suction fluid chamber and a lubrication fluid chamber. The compensation fluid chamber may be in fluid communication with the suction compensator. The first suction fluid chamber may be in fluid communication with the second suction fluid chamber. A pump may comprise a housing defining a lubrication fluid compartment in fluid communication with the lubrication fluid chamber. 1. A fluid pump apparatus , the apparatus comprising: [ an ambient fluid bladder disposed within the first internal volume,', 'the ambient fluid bladder in fluid communication with ambient fluid,', 'the ambient fluid bladder partitioning the first internal volume into a bladder volume and a residual volume;, 'an ambient fluid compensator defining a first internal volume,'}, a second internal volume,', 'a first separator partitioning the second internal volume into a first suction fluid chamber and a compensation fluid chamber,', 'a spring disposed within the first suction fluid chamber,', 'wherein compensation fluid chamber is in fluid communication with the residual volume of the suction compensator;, 'a spring compensator comprising], 'a suction compensator comprising a third internal volume,', 'a second separator partitioning the third internal volume into a second suction fluid chamber and a lubrication fluid chamber,', 'wherein the second suction fluid chamber is in fluid communication ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024547A1
Принадлежит: Graco Minnesota, Inc.

The lubricant level within a reservoir is difficult to monitor, leading to the reservoir being refilled more often than necessary to ensure that the reservoir always contains lubricant. A lubricant level sensing system is connected to and monitors various aspects of the pump assembly that draws lubricant from the reservoir. The pump assembly displaces a known volume of lubricant with each pump stroke. A lubricant-level estimator calculates an estimated lubricant level remaining in the reservoir based on a stroke-count value as sensed from the pump assembly and on a reference value stored in a memory. The estimated lubricant level provides the lubricant remaining and the rate of usage such that maintenance can be scheduled ahead of time to prevent the reservoir running dry. 1. A lubricant level sensing system comprising: a reservoir having a reservoir volume and configured to store a reservoir volume of lubricant;', 'a pump assembly configured to displace lubricant from the reservoir with a plurality of pump strokes; and', 'a displacement sensor disposed in the pump assembly, wherein the displacement sensor is configured to sense displacement of a component within the pump assembly and to produce a count signal based on the displacement of the component;, 'a reservoir assembly comprisinga high-level sensor disposed on the reservoir, wherein the high-level sensor produces a reservoir-full signal based on an actual lubricant level being at a reservoir-full level; and a processor; and', 'a memory encoded with instructions that, when executed by the processor, cause the processor to generate a stroke-count value based on the count signal received from the displacement sensor, the stroke-count value being a count of the number of pump strokes for a present estimation cycle, to recall a reference value from the memory, the reference value being a predicted number of pump strokes required to displace the reservoir volume of lubricant, and to estimate the estimated lubricant ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027810A1
Автор: Murison Bruce

A device for use by an individual for sexual pleasure varying in form, i.e. shape, during its use and allowing for the user to select multiple variations of form either discretely or in combination and for these dynamic variations to be controllable simultaneously and interchangeably while being transparent to the normal use of the device, including the ability to insert, withdraw, rotate, and actuate the variable features manually or remotely. According to embodiments of the invention localized and global variations of devices are implemented using fluidics and electromagnetic pumps/valves wherein a fluid is employed such that controlling the pressure of the fluid results in the movement of an element within the device or the expansion/contraction of an element within the device. 1. An electromagnetic pump comprising:a piston formed from at least a first magnetic material having a first length and a first predetermined lateral dimension;a bobbin case formed from a first predetermined material having a second length comprising an inner shell defining a central bore of a second predetermined lateral dimension and having an electrical coil formed from a second predetermined material of predetermined diameter disposed around the inner shell; an inner washer having a first thickness with an inner bore of a third predetermined lateral dimension formed from a third predetermined material that is either ferromagnetic or paramagnetic and having a projection upon the surface towards the bobbin case having a third length with an inner bore of the third predetermined lateral dimension and a predetermined width;', 'a magnet formed from a second magnetic material having a second thickness with an inner bore of a fourth predetermined lateral dimension;', 'a magnet casing formed from a fourth predetermined material having the second thickness and an inner bore to allow the magnet to fit within the magnet casing; and', 'an outer washer having a third thickness with an inner bore of ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030314A1
Автор: FITZNER Stephan

A high pressure pump is provided to be used in a fuel feeding system for a vehicle engine and receive a fuel primarily pressurized by a low pressure pump, and secondarily compresses the fuel to increase the pressure of the fuel for supplying the fuel to a fuel injector. The high pressure pump includes a pump body and a camshaft that is rotatably installed in the pump body to be rotated using torque transmitted from an exterior of the pump body. Additionally, a roller bearing rotatably supports the camshaft in the pump body and an inlet port is disposed on the pump body to introduce a primarily pressurized fluid into the pump body. An orifice is configured to supply the fluid to the roller bearing while reducing a pressure of the fluid introduced via the inlet port. 1. A high pressure pump , comprising:a pump body;a camshaft rotatably installed in the pump body to be rotated using torque transmitted from an exterior of the pump body;a roller bearing rotatably supporting the camshaft in the pump body;an inlet port disposed on the pump body to introduce a primarily pressurized fluid into the pump body; andan orifice configured to supply the fluid to the roller bearing while reducing a pressure of the fluid introduced via the inlet port.2. The high pressure pump of claim 1 , wherein an outlet port is disposed on the pump body to discharge the fluid that passes through the roller bearing from the orifice; and an outlet conduit extends from the roller bearing to the outlet port and functions as a flowing conduit of the fluid claim 1 , the outlet conduit being configured to change a direction thereof multiple times at a location around the roller bearing claim 1 , to cool the high pressure pump.3. The high pressure pump of claim 2 , wherein the inlet port and the outlet port are disposed at opposite positions based on the camshaft to face each other; and the inlet conduit and the outlet conduit are arranged symmetrically based on the roller bearing claim 2 , in which the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Linear compressor

Номер: US20220049689A1

A linear compressor includes a cylinder that defines a compression space of a refrigerant and has a cylindrical shape, and a piston disposed in the cylinder and reciprocating along an axis of the cylinder. The cylinder includes a supply port radially passing through the cylinder, and a recess formed on an inner circumferential surface of the cylinder and communicating with the supply port. The supply port includes a first supply port and a second supply port disposed in a rear of the first supply port, and the recess includes a first recess and a second recess disposed in a rear of the first recess. The first recess and the second recess are formed in different shapes.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032390A1

The invention relates to a piston system (1) for use in a homogenizer, comprising a piston (2) that is configured and arranged to make a reciprocating movement in use of the piston system, a cylinder (3) that is configured and arranged to receive and guide at least a first part of the piston, a first supply channel (8) that is configured and arranged to supply a lubricating medium (9) to a portion (10) of the first part of the piston that in use is arranged inside the cylinder, and a second supply channel (13) that is configured and arranged to, in use, supply a cooling medium (14) to a second part of the piston outside the cylinder. Also disclosed is a process for the production of an elastomer agglomerate composition forcing a slurry comprising elastomeric particles through an aperture to obtain the elastomer agglomerate composition using the piston system. 1. A piston system for use in a homogenizer , comprising:a piston that is configured and arranged to make a reciprocating movement in use of the piston system,a cylinder that is configured and arranged to receive and guide at least a first part of the piston,a first supply channel that is configured and arranged to supply a lubricating medium to a portion of the first part of the piston that, in use, is arranged inside the cylinder, anda second supply channel that is configured and arranged to, in use, supply a cooling medium to a second part of the piston while the second part of the piston is outside the cylinder.2. The piston system according to claim 1 , further comprising a supply configured and arranged to supply elastomeric particles to a chamber of the piston system in communication with a third part of the piston claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in use claim 1 , movement of the piston into the chamber forces the slurry out of the chamber.3. The piston system according to claim 2 , wherein the elastomeric particles are selected from the group consisting of polybutadiene particles claim 2 , poly(styrene ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Electrical Submersible Pump Seal Section Reduced Leakage Features

Номер: US20210033089A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations LLC

A submersible pump assembly includes a pump, a motor, and a seal section connected between. A shaft passage in the seal section has an outboard end that is open to the pump intake and an inboard end that is in fluid communication with motor lubricant in the motor. A drive shaft extends axially within the shaft passage. An outboard bearing at the outboard end of the shaft passage receives the shaft to provide radial support. An inboard bearing at the inboard end of the shaft passage receives the shaft to provide radial support. A shaft seal in the shaft passage receives and seals around the shaft. The shaft seal is located between the outboard bearing and the inboard bearing and seals motor lubricant in the shaft passage from well fluid in the shaft passage. 1. A submersible pump assembly , comprising:a pump;a well fluid intake for flowing well fluid into the pump;a motor containing a motor lubricant;a seal section connected between the motor and the well fluid intake;a shaft passage in the seal section having a longitudinal axis, the shaft passage having an outboard end that is open to the well fluid intake and an inboard end that is in fluid communication with motor lubricant in the motor;a drive shaft extending axially within the shaft passage, the drive shaft being driven by the motor for driving the pump;an outboard bearing at the outboard end of the shaft passage that receives the shaft to provide radial support, the outboard bearing being in non-sealing engagement with the shaft passage to enable well fluid to flow from the well fluid intake through the outboard bearing into the shaft passage;an inboard bearing at the inboard end of the shaft passage that receives the shaft to provide radial support, the inboard bearing being in non-sealing engagement with the shaft passage to enable motor lubricant to flow through the inboard bearing into the shaft passage; anda shaft seal in the shaft passage that receives and seals around the shaft, the shaft seal being ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037715A1

A pumping method can include displacing a rod string with pressure applied to an actuator by a pressure source including an accumulator and a separate gas volume in communication with the accumulator. A sensor indicates whether a fluid is in the gas volume. A pumping system can include an actuator, a pump connected between the actuator and an accumulator, a hydraulic fluid contacting a gas in the accumulator, a separate gas volume in communication with the accumulator, and a sensor that detects the hydraulic fluid in the gas volume. Another pumping system can include an actuator, a pump connected between the actuator and an accumulator that receives nitrogen gas from a nitrogen concentrator assembly while a hydraulic fluid flows between the pump and the actuator, a separate gas volume in communication with the accumulator, and a sensor that detects a presence of the hydraulic fluid in the gas volume. 1. A hydraulic pumping method for use with a subterranean well having a rod string connected to a downhole pump , the method comprising:displacing the rod string in response to pressure applied to a hydraulic actuator by a hydraulic pressure source connected to the hydraulic actuator, the hydraulic pressure source including an accumulator and a separate gas volume in communication with the accumulator,wherein a sensor provides an indication of whether a hydraulic fluid is present in the gas volume.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sensor also provides an indication of a level of the hydraulic fluid in the gas volume.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising removing the hydraulic fluid from the gas volume in response to the sensor indication.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising automatically regulating pressure in the accumulator in response to measurements of the pressure applied to the hydraulic actuator.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein automatically regulating comprises maintaining a maximum level of the pressure in the accumulator at ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037841A1

A hydraulic pumping system can include an actuator including a piston rod that displaces in response to pressure in the actuator, a seal assembly that seals about the piston rod and is exposed to the pressure in the actuator, and another seal assembly that seals about the piston rod, is exposed to pressure in a well and includes multiple separate seal cartridges, each of the seal cartridges including a dynamic seal that slidingly and sealingly engages the piston rod. Another hydraulic pumping system can include an actuator including a piston rod that displaces in response to pressure in the actuator, a seal assembly that seals about the piston rod and is exposed to the pressure in the actuator, and another seal assembly that seals about the piston rod, is exposed to pressure in a well and includes a labyrinth ring comprising multiple ring layers. 1. A hydraulic pumping system for use with a subterranean well , the system comprising:a hydraulic actuator including a piston rod that displaces in response to pressure in the hydraulic actuator;a first seal assembly that seals about the piston rod and is exposed to the pressure in the hydraulic actuator; anda second seal assembly that seals about the piston rod and is exposed to pressure in the well, the second seal assembly including multiple separate seal cartridges, each of the seal cartridges including a dynamic seal that slidingly and sealingly engages the piston rod.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the seal cartridges further includes a static seal that sealingly engages a housing of the second seal assembly.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the seal cartridges further includes a seal carrier that structurally isolates the dynamic seals of adjacent seal cartridges from each other.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the second seal assembly further includes a labyrinth ring comprising multiple ring layers.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a lubricant injector that delivers a pressurized ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040963A1

A high pressure fluid system including enhanced safety, maintenance and servicing features. The system can include a CAM assembly module, having a valve seat assembly, seal cartridge assembly and inlet manifold, that is easily installed in and removed from a frame and/discharge manifold as a single unit. A discharge manifold can isolate different pressure rated passageways of the system, and multiple rupture discs associated with the same. A discharge manifold end plate can be included to provide ease of repair of discharge outlets and to establish a plumbing system for the rupture discs. A quick coupler can facilitate connection between a plunger of the seal cartridge assembly and a cross head stub connected to a power frame. A lubrication valve assembly can provide and meter lubrication from a high pressure inlet source to a plunger and packing of the seal cartridge assembly. 1. A cartridge assembly module for a pressure fluid end system comprising:a valve seat assembly having a discharge valve and defining a discharge passageway;a seal cartridge assembly fixedly secured to the valve seat assembly so as to form a single piece cartridge,wherein the single piece cartridge is adapted for installation relative to and removal from a loading opening of a fluid end frame, with both the valve seat assembly and seal cartridge assembly remaining secured to one another, and with a discharge manifold remaining fixedly secured to the fluid end frame, during the installation and the removal.2. The cartridge assembly module of comprising:a housing;a handle joined with the housing and operable to tilt the single piece cartridge.3. The cartridge assembly module of comprising:a fastener extending through a hole defined by at least one of the valve seat assembly and the seal cartridge assembly, the fastener fixedly securing the valve seat assembly to the seal cartridge assembly so as to form the single piece cartridge.4. The cartridge assembly module of claim 1 ,wherein the valve ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Sealed Eccentric Drive for Submersible Pump

Номер: US20180045193A1
Автор: Tanner David
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes, a GE company, LLC

A pump is driven by rotation of an electrical motor drive shaft. An eccentric drive unit includes an eccentric member coupled between the motor drive shaft and the pump drive shaft. The eccentric member has an offset portion parallel to and offset from the motor axis for orbiting around the motor axis. A flexible boot encloses the offset portion. A pump end static seal seals a pump end of the boot at an interface between the eccentric member and the pump drive shaft. A motor end static seal seals a motor end of the boot at a motor end of the eccentric member. 1. A well pump assembly , comprising:a pump having a pump drive shaft;an electrical motor having a motor drive shaft that rotates on a motor axis;an eccentric drive unit, comprising:an eccentric member operably coupled between the motor drive shaft and the pump drive shaft, the eccentric member having an offset portion parallel to and offset from the motor axis that orbits around the motor axis;a flexible boot enclosing the offset portion;a pump end static seal that seals a pump end of the boot at an interface between eccentric member and the pump drive shaft; anda motor end static seal that seals a motor end of the boot at a motor end of the eccentric member.2. The pump assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising:a motor fluid communication path into the eccentric drive unit that communicates lubricant from the motor to an interior of the boot; anda well fluid communication path into the eccentric drive unit that communicates an exterior of the boot with well fluid.3. The pump assembly according to claim 1 , wherein:the motor end static seal of the boot is fixed and does not rotate relative to the eccentric drive unit;the pump end static seal of the boot is on an offset axis parallel to the motor axis;the pump end static seal orbits around the motor axis but does not rotate relative to the offset axis; wherein the eccentric drive unit further comprises:a motor fluid communication path that extends into ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Pump with angled drain system

Номер: US20180045368A1
Принадлежит: Irwin Industrial Tool Co

A pump, such as a vacuum pump, includes at least one housing and a motor and oil reservoir disposed within the housing. The pump housing can include a bottom exterior surface and one or more side and/or front exterior surfaces that extend generally up from the bottom exterior surface. An oil drain port can be positioned at or near the intersection of the bottom exterior surface and the side or front exterior surface. The housing can include an interior bottom surface that defines at least a portion of a drain passageway for the pump and can be fluidicly coupled to the oil reservoir. At least a portion of the interior bottom surface can be angled downward at an acute angle to the horizontal towards the oil drain port to improve the draining and replacement of oil in the pump.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065236A1

A hydraulic radial piston device includes a housing, a pintle having a pintle shaft, a rotor mounted on the pintle shaft and defining a plurality of cylinders, and a plurality of pistons displaceable in the cylinders. The radial piston device further includes a piston ring that provides an interface for the pistons. The radial piston device includes various configurations for improving the performance and efficiency of the device.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Friction and wear reduction in cryogenic mechanisms and other systems

Номер: US20140126848A1
Принадлежит: Raytheon Co

An apparatus includes a first component having a first surface and a second component having a second surface. The first surface includes sputtered gold, and the second surface includes a stainless steel alloy. The first surface is configured to contact the second surface, and one of the components is configured to move against another of the components. The stainless steel alloy could consist of a UNS 21800/AISI Type S21800 metal. The sputtered gold could include ion sputtered gold, and the sputtered gold could have a thickness of about 1 micron. The first component could include a first blade of an adjustable aperture mechanism, where the adjustable aperture mechanism also includes a second blade. The second component could include a first plate of the adjustable aperture mechanism, where the adjustable aperture mechanism further includes a second plate. The blades can be configured to move within a space between the plates.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054815A1

A fuel injection pump includes: a tappet configured to reciprocate by rotation of a cam; a cylinder that supports the tappet to reciprocate; and a plunger configured to reciprocate with the tappet. The tappet includes: a tappet body supported by the cylinder to reciprocate; a pin supported on both sides in an axial direction of the pin by the tappet body; a roller rotatably fitted to an outer peripheral side of the pin; a washer disposed between at least one end surface of the roller in the axial direction and an inner peripheral surface of the tappet body. The washer has at least one protrusion to be in contact with a stopper of the tappet body in either of two rotational directions. 1. A fuel injection pump comprising:a tappet configured to reciprocate by rotation of a cam;a cylinder that supports the tappet to reciprocate; anda plunger configured to reciprocate with the tappet to discharge pressurized fuel, wherein a tappet body supported by the cylinder to reciprocate,', 'a pin supported on both sides in an axial direction of the pin by the tappet body,', 'a roller rotatably fitted to an outer peripheral side of the pin, the roller rotating and reciprocating by rotation of the cam to cause the plunger and the tappet body to reciprocate, and', 'a washer disposed between at least one end surface of the roller in the axial direction and an inner peripheral surface of the tappet body, and', 'the washer has at least one protrusion to be in contact with a stopper of the tappet body in either of two rotational directions., 'the tappet includes'}2. The fuel injection pump according to claim 1 , whereinthe washer is formed in an annular shape, and an inner circumference of the washer is supported by the pin, the roller, or a bush fitted to the outer peripheral side of the pin to rotatably support the roller.3. The fuel injection pump according to claim 1 , whereinan end surface of the washer facing the roller has an abrasion resistance coating.4. The fuel injection pump ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Lubricator for bypass plunger

Номер: US20210054839A1
Автор: Kevin Kegin
Принадлежит: Tri Lift Services Inc

A lubricator for a plunger lift system includes a tubular body, a shift rod housing, a first spring, and a second spring. The tubular body has a sidewall and a closed end. The shift rod housing is disposed in the tubular body and has a chamber, a first end, and a second end. The shift rod has a first portion which is slidably disposed in the chamber of the shift rod housing and a second portion projecting from the first end of the shift rod housing. A distal end of the second portion of the shift rod is engageable with a shift valve of a bypass plunger. The first spring is disposed in the chamber of the shift rod housing in a way to absorb an impact force applied to the shift rod by the shift valve of the bypass plunger. The second spring is disposed in the tubular body between a portion of the shift rod housing and a portion of the tubular body in a way to absorb an impact force applied to the shift rod housing by a plunger body of the bypass plunger.

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Fluid Pump and Method of Pumping a Fluid

Номер: US20140134003A1
Автор: Bez Eckhard, Owen Ian

Embodiments of the invention provide dry gaseous fluid pump apparatus comprising: a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet; at least one pump body having an internal wall defining an internal pump chamber thereof; a compression member provided within the pump chamber; and valve means being operable selectively to allow fluid to be drawn from the fluid inlet and into the pump chamber when at least a portion of the compression member is translated in a first direction and to be exhausted from the pump chamber through the fluid outlet when said at least a portion of the compression member is translated in a second direction opposite the first, the valve means being arranged to be actuated by actuator means under the control of control means to perform at least one selected from amongst the functions of allowing fluid to be drawn from the fluid inlet into the pump chamber and allowing fluid to be exhausted from the pump chamber through the fluid outlet, the apparatus comprising a linear drive assembly operable to drive the at least a portion of the compression member to and fro within the pump chamber. 1. Dry gaseous fluid pump apparatus comprising:a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet;at least one pump body having an internal wall defining an internal pump chamber thereof;a compression member provided within the pump chamber; anda valve being operable selectively to allow fluid to be drawn from the fluid inlet and into the pump chamber when at least a portion of the compression member is translated in a first direction and to be exhausted from the pump chamber through the fluid outlet when said at least a portion of the compression member is translated in a second direction opposite the first, the valve being arranged to be actuated by an actuator under the control of a controller to perform at least one selected from amongst the functions of allowing fluid to be drawn from the fluid inlet into the pump chamber and allowing fluid to be exhausted from the pump chamber through the ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074402A1

An electrically operated displacement pump includes an electric motor having a stator and a rotor. The rotor is connected to the fluid displacement member to drive axial reciprocation of the fluid displacement member. A drive mechanism is disposed between and connected to each of the rotor and the fluid displacement member. The drive mechanism receives a rotational output from the rotor and provides a linear input to the fluid displacement member. A controller controls operation of the motor based on an operating state of the motor to control pumping by the displacement pump. 1. A pump for pumping a fluid , the pump comprising:a first fluid displacement member configured to reciprocate to pump the fluid by alternatively moving in a first linear direction along an axis to perform a pumping stroke and in a second linear direction along the axis to perform a suction stroke;an electric motor comprising a stator and a rotor, the rotor configured to generate rotational output;a drive mechanism comprising a screw and a drive nut, the drive mechanism configured to receive the rotational output and convert the rotational output into linearly reciprocating motion, wherein rotation of the rotor in a first rotational direction drives the first fluid displacement member to linearly move in the first linear direction along the axis, and rotation of the rotor in a second rotational direction drives the first fluid displacement member to linearly move in the second linear direction along the axis; and the controller regulates output pressure of the fluid by regulating the current flow to the electric motor such that the rotor rotates to cause the first fluid displacement member to reciprocate to pump the process fluid until the pressure of the fluid stalls the rotor while the first fluid displacement member is in either the pump stroke or the suction stroke even while current is supplied to the electric motor by the controller so that the rotor applies torque to the screw while the ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Sealing system pump piston

Номер: US20190055939A1

A lubricating sealing system for a fluid end includes a fluid end, a sleeve, a plunger, and a lubrication system. The sleeve is coupled to an internal surface of the fluid end. The plunger reciprocates in a linear manner through the sleeve and into a pressure chamber of the fluid end. The lubrication system is in communication with the plunger and configured to provide lubricant through an interior of the plunger for routing to surfaces between the plunger and the sleeve. The lubricant is pressurized and moved via the reciprocating of the plunger and create a positive pressure on the lubricant over the pressures experienced in the pressure chamber of the fluid end. The positive pressure creates a barrier and pushes away contaminants from the plunger seals thereby avoiding wash out. 1. A lubricating sealing system for a fluid end , comprising:a sleeve coupled to an internal surface of the fluid end;a plunger configured to contact and translate within the sleeve, the plunger moving in a linear reciprocating manner through the sleeve and into an internal chamber of the fluid end; anda lubrication system in communication with the plunger, the lubrication system configured to provide lubricant through an interior of the plunger for routing to surfaces between the plunger and the sleeve.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the lubricant is pressurized within the plunger and fed to and around a plunger seal to create a pressurized barrier against the introduction of proppants between the plunger and the sleeve.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the lubricant is pressurized within the plunger as a result of the reciprocating motion of the plunger.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plunger reciprocates between a withdrawn position and an extended position claim 1 , the act of transitioning between the positions fluctuates the pressure level acted upon the lubricant.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plunger includes a central passage axially aligned with the plunger ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058437A1

The present invention relates to pumps, particularly a compact, linear, positive displacement pump that can be used in several applications including medical and non-medical devices. In particular, the invention is related to linear, positive displacement compression blood pumps (either intracorporeal or extracorporeal) that provide systemic circulatory stability by maintaining a steady average blood pressure. In some embodiments, the invention relates to perfusion pumps, infusion pumps, pumps used for ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenators) and bioreactor pumps. 1. An external cam controlled compression pump comprising:a) a tube having a first end and a second end in opposition to one another, and a sidewall surrounding a lumen extending between the first end and the second end;b) a cam having a first end and a second end in opposition to one another, a tube contact surface disposed between the first end and the second end, wherein said cam comprises a helical ridge with at least one axis of rotation, wherein said helical ridge comprises said tube contact surface of said cam;c) a mount portion configured to rotatably support the cam and compressively position the tube contact surface of the cam in contact with the sidewall of the tube; andd) a motor in operable connection with the cam and configured to rotate the cam to drive the tube contact surface along the sidewall of the tube from a first location adjacent the first end of the tube to a second location adjacent the second end of the tube.2. The pump of wherein the tube contact surface of the cam is outside of the sidewall of the tube.3. The pump of configured as a device for augmenting blood flow in a single ventricle circuit.4. The pump of further comprising a biocompatible claim 1 , implantable housing in a surrounding configuration to the tube claim 1 , cam claim 1 , and motor.5. The pump of further comprising a biocompatible claim 1 , implantable housing for intracorporeal implantation.6. The pump of ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150064030A1

A fluid pressure drive unit is to supply a working fluid to and drive a fluid pressure actuator. The fluid pressure drive unit includes a fluid pressure pump for suctioning and discharging the working fluid, an electric motor for driving and rotating the fluid pressure pump, a power transmission mechanism for transmitting a power between a rotation shaft of the fluid pressure pump and a rotation shaft of the electric motor, and a circulation mechanism to be driven by the power transmitted by the power transmission mechanism, the circulation mechanism for guiding a lubricating fluid in the power transmission mechanism and cooling the electric motor. 1. A fluid pressure drive unit adapted to supply a working fluid to and driving a fluid pressure actuator , comprising:a fluid pressure pump that is configured to suction and discharge the working fluid;an electric motor that is configured to drive and rotate the fluid pressure pump;a power transmission mechanism that is configured to transmit a power between a rotation shaft of the fluid pressure pump and a rotation shaft of the electric motor; anda circulation mechanism that is configured to be driven by the power transmitted by the power transmission mechanism, the circulation mechanism that is configured to guide a lubricating fluid in the power transmission mechanism and cool the electric motor.2. The fluid pressure drive unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe power transmission mechanism includes a first gear that is configured to rotate integrally with the rotation shaft of the fluid pressure pump, a second gear that is configured to rotate integrally with the rotation shaft of the electric motor, and an idle gear provided between the first gear and the second gear, the idle gear that is configured to transmit the power, andthe circulation mechanism has a rotation member that is configured to rotate integrally with at least any one of the first gear, the second gear, and the idle gear, the rotation member that is ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Reciprocating pump

Номер: US20170058890A1
Принадлежит: Maruyama Manufacturing Co Inc

In a reciprocating pump which performs a pumping action by causing a reciprocating member to reciprocate as a driving part including a driving shaft accommodated in a driving part case is driven, a portion of the driving part is immersed in a lubricating oil in the driving part case, and one or more ribs are provided on an upper part of an inner wall forming the driving part case so as to be directed inward.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062804A1

A system for controlling a dual oil pump of an engine includes: an oil pan to store engine oil, a battery, an electric oil pump (EOP) for discharging the engine oil from the oil pan using a motor driven with electric power supplied from the battery, a mechanical oil pump (MOP) connected to a crankshaft of the engine and discharging the engine oil using the mechanical driving force of the engine, an oil gallery for circulating the engine oil discharged by the EOP and the MOP to each part of the engine, a transmission passage for delivering the engine oil discharged from the EOP and the MOP to the oil gallery, a data detector for detecting engine data for the control of the EOP, and a controller for controlling the EOP. 1. A system for controlling a dual oil pump of an engine , comprising:an oil pan to store engine oil;a battery;an electric oil pump configured to discharge the engine oil from the oil pan using a motor driven with electric power supplied from the battery;a mechanical oil pump connected to a crankshaft of the engine and configured to discharge the engine oil from the oil pan using a mechanical driving force of the engine;an oil gallery for circulating the engine oil discharged by the electric oil pump and the mechanical oil pump to each part of the engine;a transmission passage configured to deliver the engine oil discharged from the electric oil pump and the mechanical oil pump to the oil gallery, and including: an electric oil pump outlet connected to the electric oil pump and a mechanical oil pump outlet connected to the mechanical oil pump;a data detector configured to detect engine data to control the electric oil pump; anda controller configured to control operation of the electric oil pump,wherein:the data detector includes an oil pressure sensor configured to detect an oil pressure of the oil gallery, and an RPM sensor configured to detect revolutions per minute (RPM) of the engine,the electric oil pump outlet and the mechanical oil pump outlet ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Axial piston device

Номер: US20150068395A1
Автор: Tomoyuki Tsuji, Tooru Oota
Принадлежит: Kanzaki Kokyukoki Manufacturing Co Ltd

A housing of an axial piston device is provided with a drain port for discharging the retained oil to the outside and a supply oil passage for guiding lubricating oil, which has been supplied from an oil source, toward a first hydraulic axial piston member. The drain port is arranged so as to bring about such a retained-oil level that a second hydraulic axial piston member, which is disposed below the first hydraulic axial piston member, is partially or entirely immersed in the retained oil while the first hydraulic axial piston member is not immersed in the retained oil.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063727A1
Автор: Murison Bruce

A device for use by an individual varying in form, i.e. shape, during its use and allowing for the user to select multiple variations of form either discretely or in combination and for these dynamic variations to be controllable simultaneously and interchangeably while being transparent to the normal use of the device, including the ability to insert, withdraw, rotate, and actuate the variable features manually or remotely. According to embodiments of the invention localized and global variations of devices are implemented using fluidics and electromagnetic pumps/valves wherein a fluid is employed such that controlling the pressure of the fluid results in the movement of an element within the device or the expansion/contraction of an element within the device. 1. A device comprising:a fluidic control system comprising at least a pump and a control circuit electrically connected to the pump;a plurality of fluidic actuators, each fluidic actuator providing a predetermined action as the result of an increase or decrease of pressure within the fluidic actuator; anda plurality of valves, each valve electrically connected to the control circuit and fluidically coupled to the pump and a predetermined group of the plurality of fluidic actuators and controlling fluid flow at least one of into and from the predetermined group of the plurality of fluidic actuators; whereina first predetermined subset of the plurality of fluidic actuators are disposed within an outer portion of the device comprising a plurality of regions wherein each fluidic actuator of the first predetermined subset of the fluidic actuators is associated with a predetermined region of the plurality of regions; anda second predetermined subset of the plurality of fluidic actuators are disposed within an inner portion of the device comprising a plurality of sections wherein each fluidic actuator of the second predetermined subset of the fluidic actuators is associated with a predetermined section of the ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067455A1

A linear actuator comprising a motor adapted to axially rotate a rotor shaft in alternating directions, the motor having a stator positioned co-axially around the rotor shaft with the rotor shaft being co-axially coupled to a drive mechanism to convert axial rotation of the rotor shaft into reciprocal displacement of the drive mechanism, the drive mechanism having opposed ends, one end coupled to a piston arranged within a cylinder to define a pumping chamber between the piston and the cylinder, wherein alternating rotation of the rotor shaft causes reciprocal linear displacement of the piston within the pumping chamber, and the linear displacement of the drive mechanism operates a lubrication system within the linear actuator. 1. A linear actuator comprising a motor adapted to axially rotate a rotor shaft in alternating directions , the motor having a stator positioned co-axially around the rotor shaft with the rotor shaft being co-axially coupled to a drive mechanism to convert axial rotation of the rotor shaft into reciprocal displacement of the drive mechanism , the drive mechanism having opposed ends , one end coupled to a piston arranged within a cylinder to define a pumping chamber between the piston and the cylinder , wherein alternating rotation of the rotor shaft causes reciprocal linear displacement of the piston within the pumping chamber , and the linear displacement of the drive mechanism operates a lubrication system within the linear actuator.2. The linear actuator according to claim 1 , wherein the rotor shaft is a hollow rotor shaft3. The linear actuator according to claim 2 , wherein an interior of the hollow rotor shaft is co-axially coupled to the drive mechanism.4. The linear actuator according to claim 1 , wherein the linear motion of the piston within the pumping chamber constitutes a pump to thereby drive the lubrication system within the linear actuator.5. The linear actuator according to claim 1 , further comprising a check valve operably ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Hydrostatic Axial Piston Machine

Номер: US20150075362A1
Автор: BERGMANN Martin

A hydrostatic axial piston machine () has a housing (), a rotatable drive shaft () mounted in the housing () by a bearing device () that comprises at least one roller bearing (), a cylinder drum () having at least one piston bore (), and a longitudinally displaceable piston () in each piston bore. A spray jet lubrication system () for the roller bearing () includes at least one lubricant spray jet () directed toward the area of an axial edge () of an inner ring () of the roller bearing () with which the roller bodies of the roller bearing () are in contact via an end surface. 1. A hydrostatic axial piston machine , comprising:a housing;a drive shaft rotatably mounted in the housing by a bearing device comprising at least one roller bearing;a cylinder drum comprising at least one piston bore;a longitudinally displaceable piston located in each piston bore;a spray jet lubrication system for the at least one roller bearing, the lubrication system comprising at least one lubricant spray jet directed toward an area of an axial edge of an inner ring of the roller bearing with which roller bodies of the roller bearing are in contact via an end surface.2. The hydrostatic axial piston machine as recited in claim 1 , wherein the spray jet lubrication system is located on an axial edge of the roller bearing facing the cylinder drum.3. The hydrostatic axial piston machine as recited in claim 1 , wherein the spray jet lubrication system comprises a plurality of lubricant spray jets located over a periphery of the inner ring of the at least one roller bearing and oriented toward the axial edge of the inner ring of the roller bearing.4. The hydrostatic axial piston machine as recited in claim 3 , wherein the lubricant spray jets are distributed uniformly over the periphery.5. The hydrostatic axial piston machine as recited in claim 3 , wherein the lubricant spray jets are distributed non-uniformly over the periphery.6. The hydrostatic axial piston machine as recited in claim 1 , ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180073492A1

A hydraulic radial piston device includes a housing, a pintle having a pintle shaft, a rotor mounted on the pintle shaft and defining a plurality of cylinders, and a plurality of pistons displaceable in the cylinders. The radial piston device further includes a piston ring that provides an interface for the pistons. The radial piston device includes various configurations for improving the performance and efficiency of the device. 1. A hydraulic radial piston device comprising:a housing;a pintle attached to the housing and having a pintle shaft;a rotor mounted on the pintle shaft and configured to rotate relative to the pintle shaft about a rotor axis of rotation, the rotor having a plurality of cylinders;a plurality of pistons, each being displaceable in each of the plurality of cylinders;a piston ring disposed around the rotor and having a piston ring axis of rotation, the piston ring configured to rotate about the piston ring axis of rotation as the rotor rotates relative to the pintle shaft about the rotor axis of rotation; anda drive shaft rotatably supported within the housing and rotatable with the rotor;wherein the pintle includes an integrated bearing surface configured to provide a bearing surface against which the rotor rotates, the integrated bearing surface integrally formed to surround a rotor inlet communication port and a rotor outlet communication port, the rotor inlet communication port formed on the pintle shaft and configured to be selectively in fluid communication with the plurality of cylinders, and the rotor outlet communication port formed on the pintle shaft and configured to be selectively in fluid communication with the plurality of cylinders.2. The radial piston device of claim 1 , wherein the pintle includes a pintle wall extending at least partially along a pintle inlet channel defined by the pintle shaft.3. The radial piston device of claim 2 , wherein the pintle wall is configured to separate the pintle inlet channel into two ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150078925A1

A reciprocating compressor is provided. The reciprocating compressor may include a cylinder having a compression space, a piston inserted into the cylinder to define the compression space while being reciprocated, the piston having a suction passage to communicate with the compression space, a gas bearing having at least one bearing hole that passes through the cylinder, so that a refrigerant gas may be injected between the cylinder and the piston to support the piston with respect to the cylinder, and a flow resister disposed at an outer circumferential surface of the cylinder or at one side of the cylinder to restrict a flow of the refrigerant gas flowing through or toward the at least one bearing hole. 1. A reciprocating compressor , comprising:a cylinder having a compression space;a piston inserted into the cylinder to define the compression space while being reciprocated, the piston having a suction passage to communicate with the compression space;a bearing including at least one bearing hole that passes through the cylinder, so that a refrigerant is injected between the cylinder and the piston to support the piston with respect to the cylinder; anda flow resister disposed at an outer circumferential surface of the cylinder or at one side of the cylinder to restrict a flow of the refrigerant flowing through or toward the at least bearing hole.2. The reciprocating compressor according to claim 1 , wherein each of the at least bearing hole comprises:a guide groove recessed from the outer circumferential surface of the cylinder; anda nozzle that extends from the guide groove toward an inner circumferential surface of the cylinder.3. The reciprocating compressor according to claim 2 , wherein a cross-sectional area of the guide groove is greater than a cross-sectional area of the nozzle.4. The reciprocating compressor according to claim 2 , wherein the flow resister is disposed in the guide groove.5. The reciprocating compressor according to claim 4 , wherein the ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090477A1

A fracturing apparatus and a fracturing system are provided. The fracturing apparatus includes: a plunger pump configured to pressurize a fracturing fluid to form a high-pressure fracturing fluid; a turbine engine coupled to the plunger pump and configured to provide a driving force to the plunger pump; an auxiliary unit including a driving electric motor, the auxiliary unit being configured to provide the fracturing apparatus with at least one selected from the group consisting of start-up assist function, lubrication function, cooling function, and air supply function; and a power supply electrically coupled to the driving electric motor of the auxiliary unit to provide driving power. 1. A fracturing apparatus comprising:a plunger pump configured to pressurize a fracturing fluid to form a high-pressure fracturing fluid;a turbine engine coupled to the plunger pump and configured to provide a driving force to the plunger pump;an auxiliary unit comprising a driving electric motor, the auxiliary unit being configured to provide the fracturing apparatus with at least one selected from the group consisting of start-up assist function, lubrication function, cooling function, and air supply function; anda power supply electrically coupled to the driving electric motor of the auxiliary unit to provide driving power.2. The fracturing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the auxiliary unit comprises a start-up unit configured to start up the turbine engine claim 1 , and the driving electric motor comprises a start-up electric motor.3. The fracturing apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the start-up electric motor is configured to directly start up the turbine engine and directly connected with the turbine engine claim 2 , and the start-up unit is disposed on the turbine engine.4. The fracturing apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the auxiliary unit further comprises a lubricating unit and a cooling unit claim 2 ,the driving electric motor further comprises a ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Power sources and transmission networks for auxiliary equipment onboard hydraulic fracturing units and associated methods

Номер: US20210079902A1
Принадлежит: BJ SERVICES LLC

Embodiments of systems and methods disclosed provide a hydraulic fracturing unit that includes a reciprocating plunger pump configured to pump a fracturing fluid and a powertrain configured to power the reciprocating plunger pump. The powertrain includes a prime mover and a drivetrain, the prime mover including a gas turbine engine. The hydraulic fracturing unit also includes auxiliary equipment configured to support operation of the hydraulic fracturing unit including the reciprocating plunger pump and the powertrain. A power system is configured to power the auxiliary equipment. The power system includes a power source and a power network. The power source is configured to generate power for the auxiliary equipment. The power network is coupled to the power source and the auxiliary equipment, and configured to deliver the power generated by the power source to the auxiliary equipment. Associated systems including a plurality of hydraulic fracturing units are also provided.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210079913A1

A positive displacement pump of this disclosure includes a plain bearing comprising a composite material located between a first component that may experience an oscillating motion at low speed (or at low speed and high loads) and a second component located about the first. The pump may be a mud pump configured to circulate a drilling fluid into and out of a well bore during an oil/gas well drilling operation. The first component may be a wrist pin of a crosshead and the second component may be an end of a connecting rod. The composite material may be a bearing grade material that is self-lubricating and wet or contaminant tolerant or resistant. The composite material may include polyketone. In retrofit or new applications, the plain bearing may include a sleeve containing a liner made of the composite material. No external lubrication may be required, eliminating the need for lubricating structures. 1. A positive displacement pump comprising:a crosshead containing a wrist pin;a connecting rod having one end connected to the wrist pin; anda plain bearing comprising a composite material located between and in contact with the one end of the connecting rod and the wrist pin.2. The positive displacement pump of claim 1 , wherein the composite material includes polyketone.3. The positive displacement pump of claim 1 , further comprising:a sleeve containing the plain bearing;4. The positive displacement pump of claim 3 , wherein:an outer diameter of the plain bearing comprises an interference fit with the sleeve, an inner diameter of the plain bearing being slideable on the wrist pin.5. The positive displacement pump of claim 3 , wherein:an outer diameter of the plain bearing comprises a sliding portion.6. The positive displacement pump of claim 1 , wherein the composite material is self-lubricating composite material.7. The positive displacement pump of claim 1 , wherein the composite material is water tolerant composite material.8. The positive displacement pump of ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084556A1
Автор: Aoki Masanori, Kato Yohei

A refrigeration cycle apparatus includes a compressor and sets a heating-mode lower limit refrigerant volume flow rate through the compressor. The heating-mode lower limit refrigerant volume flow rate is a lower limit of a volume flow rate in a heating operation. The apparatus controls a rotation speed of the compressor such that the volume flow rate in the heating operation is greater than or equal to the heating-mode lower limit refrigerant volume flow rate. The heating-mode lower limit refrigerant volume flow rate includes a first lower limit for use of an R410A refrigerant and a second lower limit for use of an R32 refrigerant. When using the R32 refrigerant in the refrigeration cycle apparatus designed for the R410A refrigerant, the apparatus performs correction such that the lower limit is increased from the first lower limit to the second lower limit to control the rotation speed of the compressor. 1. A refrigeration cycle apparatus including a variable displacement compressor and pipes designed for R410A refrigerant ,the apparatus setting a heating-mode lower limit refrigerant volume flow rate in the compressor, the heating-mode lower limit refrigerant volume flow rate being a lower limit of a volume flow rate in a heating operation, the apparatus controlling a frequency of the compressor such that the volume flow rate in the heating operation is greater than or equal to the heating-mode lower limit refrigerant volume flow rate,the heating-mode lower limit refrigerant volume flow rate including a first lower limit for use of R410A refrigerant and a second lower limit for use of R32 refrigerant in the refrigeration cycle apparatus designed for the R410A refrigerant, the second lower limit being greater than the first lower limit, andin the heating operation in the use of the R32 refrigerant in the refrigeration cycle apparatus designed for the R410A refrigerant, the apparatus performing correction such that a lower limit is increased from the first lower ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170082094A1
Автор: INATANI Hiroki
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

The present disclosure provides a pump including a cylinder, a plunger, a spring seat, a spring, and a stopper. The cylinder defines therein a cylinder hole. The plunger includes a shaft portion, a seat receiver, and a step surface. The spring biases the plunger in a second direction opposite to a first direction through the spring seat. The stopper includes an engaging portion. The engaging portion restricts, by engaging with the step surface, a movable range of the plunger in the second direction. The stopper defines therein an eccentric hole that has an inner diameter greater than an outer diameter of the step surface. The eccentric hole is eccentric with the plunger and opens through a portion of the stopper other than the engaging portion. 1. A pump comprising:a cylinder that defines therein a cylinder hole;a plunger that includes a shaft portion, a seat receiver, and a step surface, the shaft portion having a portion reciprocatably inserted into the cylinder hole to define a pump chamber, the seat receiver protruding radially outward of the plunger and being arranged at a first side of the shaft portion opposite to a second side of the shaft portion that is close to the pump chamber, the step surface being formed at a middle portion of the shaft portion, the plunger being moved in a first direction to pressurize a fluid in the pump chamber by a driving force applied to an end surface of the first side of the shaft portion;a spring seat that has a plate shape and engages with the seat receiver;a spring that biases the plunger in a second direction opposite to the first direction through the spring seat; anda stopper that is fixed to the cylinder and includes an engaging portion, the engaging portion restricting, by engaging with the step surface, a movable range of the plunger in the second direction, whereinthe stopper defines therein an eccentric hole that has an inner diameter greater than an outer diameter of the step surface, andthe eccentric hole is ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150093265A1

An apparatus and method are disclosed for transmitting drive between a first and at least one further component. The apparatus includes an elongate shaft element extending along a respective longitudinal axis and comprising a first and further shaft region, each of which comprises a substantially cylindrical outer surface extending from a respective first and further side of a cam body region. The apparatus also includes a fluid communication pathway extending within the shaft element from a first end region of the shaft element to at least one outlet aperture in an outer surface of the first cylindrical region. 1. Apparatus for transmitting drive between a first and at least one further component , comprising:an elongate shaft element extending along a respective longitudinal axis and comprising a first and further shaft region, each comprising a substantially cylindrical outer surface, extending from a respective first and further side of a cam body region; anda fluid communication pathway extending within the shaft element from a first end region of the shaft element to at least one outlet aperture in an outer surface of the first cylindrical region.2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the elongate shaft element is a substantially hollow body, an interior region of the shaft element comprising the fluid communication pathway and said outlet aperture comprising an aperture in the body.3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the shaft element is a hydroformed member and said first and further shaft regions and said cam body region are integrally formed.4. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said first and further shaft regions each comprise a respective cylindrical outer surface comprising a respective bearing journal surface.5. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the first and further shaft regions comprise regions of a hydroformed and integrally formed shaft member and said cam body region comprises a cam element secured ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Fluid Machinery

Номер: US20150098845A1
Автор: Nakamura Shinji

A fluid machinery including: an expander that generates power by expansion of refrigerant; and a piston pump that pumps the refrigerant, and capable of reducing a decrease in lubrication performance of a mechanical sliding section in a crank chamber of the piston pump. A fluid machinery A includes an expander unit (scroll expander) A that generates power by expansion of refrigerant, and a pump unit (piston pump) A that pumps the refrigerant. A rotating shaft of the fluid machinery A functions as an output shaft of the expander unit A and a drive shaft of the pump unit A. The rotating shaft has a crank section housed in the crank chamber A. A refrigerant outlet chamber A, through which the expanded refrigerant is discharged from the expander unit A, communicates with the crank chamber A via a bearing , a housing space of a driven crank mechanism , and an anti-rotation member 1. A fluid machinery comprising:an expander that generates power by expansion of a refrigerant; anda piston pump that pumps the refrigerant,wherein a refrigerant outlet chamber through which the refrigerant after expansion is discharged from the expander communicates with a crank chamber of the piston pump.2. The fluid machinery according to claim 1 ,wherein the refrigerant outlet chamber and the crank chamber communicate with each other within a housing that houses the expander and the piston pump.3. The fluid machinery according to claim 2 ,wherein the refrigerant after expansion, which has been discharged to the refrigerant outlet chamber from the expander, is discharged to the outside of the housing through the crank chamber.4. The fluid machinery according to claim 2 ,wherein the refrigerant outlet chamber and the crank chamber communicate with each other via a bearing section that rotatably supports a rotating shaft having a function as an output shaft of the expander and a function as a drive shaft of the piston pump.5. The fluid machinery according to claim 4 ,wherein the expander is a ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170096991A1

A linear compressor includes an inner back iron positioned in a driving coil. A flex mount is positioned within the inner back iron and is coupled to the inner back iron. A coupling extends between the flex mount and a piston, and a compliant bellows is coupled to the flex mount and the piston. 1. A linear compressor , comprising:a cylinder defining a chamber;a piston slidably received within the chamber of the cylinder;a driving coil;an inner back iron positioned in the driving coil, the inner back iron having an outer surface;a magnet mounted to the inner back iron at the outer surface of the inner back iron such that the magnet faces the driving coil;a flex mount positioned within the inner back iron and coupled to the inner back iron;a coupling extending between the flex mount and the piston; anda compliant bellows coupled to the flex mount and the piston.2. The linear compressor of claim 1 , further comprising a helical spring claim 1 , the helical spring coupling the inner back iron to the cylinder claim 1 , the compliant bellows positioned within the helical spring.3. The linear compressor of claim 2 , wherein the flex mount contacts and is coupled to the helical spring within the inner back iron.4. The linear compressor of claim 1 , wherein the flex mount defines a suction gas inlet claim 1 , the flex mount claim 1 , the compliant bellows and the piston defining a suction gas passage from the suction gas inlet of the flex mount to the piston within the cylinder.5. The linear compressor of claim 4 , further comprising a muffler disposed within the suction gas passage.6. The linear compressor of claim 4 , wherein the compliant bellows obstructs lubrication oil from flowing into the suction gas passage between the inner back iron and the piston.7. The linear compressor of claim 1 , further comprising a muffler mounted to the flex mount within the inner back iron.8. The linear compressor of claim 7 , wherein one end of the compliant bellows is mounted to the ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210102535A1
Автор: PRODAN Marian

A reciprocating gas horizontal compressor with free lifting piston, which includes a piston with straight ends and compression chamber inclined, a crankcase in which are mounted a crankshaft, a connecting rod fixed to a cross head through a bolt which alternately drives into a cross-head body a piston rod in some distance pieces and a cylinder body which contain a cylinder liner, in which is moving rectilinear and alternatively an improved piston, provided with straight ends and compression chamber inclined in areas (m) and (k), with the same angle and in the same plane as the zone (p) from a cylinder head element and respectively in area (n) from a cylinder head element and some magnets fixed to a piston and some magnets fixed in a cylinder and outside and the lower part of a cylinder liner, through which the piston is free lifting on the stroke length with reduced friction. 111292826238724201141811323388113011318630. Reciprocating gas horizontal compressor , with free lifting piston , having a piston () , which includes a crankcase () , a crankshaft () a cross head () , a distance piece () , a cylinder () , a piston rod () , an oil wiper case () , an auxiliary gas case () , a main gas case () , some suction valves () and some discharge valves () , wherein the piston () have some straight ends and some inclined compression chambers (m) and (k) who is making , together with zone (n) from the inclined cylinder head element () and zone (p) from an inclined cylinder head element () , two inclined gas compression chambers in the cylinder () , one at each end of the cylinder () for gas compression and free lifting of the piston () with an alternative movement and provided with some permanent magnets () fixed to the lower part of the piston () , on two or more rows and some permanent magnets () fixed in the cylinder () under the cylinder liner () , with a magnetic field opposed versus to the field created by permanent magnets () that produces simultaneous free lifting and ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190107312A1
Автор: AHN Kwangwoon, Noh Kiwon

A linear compressor includes a linear motor in which a mover reciprocates with respect to a stator; a compression unit configured to form a compression space in a cylinder while a piston connected to the mover of the linear motor reciprocates in the cylinder; a plurality of discharge covers in which each discharge space is provided to accommodate refrigerant discharged from the compression space, and the each discharge space is sequentially communicated therewith; and a gas bearing configured to guide part of refrigerant accommodated in a discharge space of any one of the plurality of discharge covers between the cylinder and the piston to lubricate between the cylinder and the piston with the refrigerant, wherein at least part of a discharge cover in contact with the compression unit is exposed to an outside of a discharge space of another discharge cover. 1. A linear compressor , comprising:a linear motor comprising a mover configured to reciprocate with respect to a stator;a compression unit comprising a (i) cylinder and (ii) a piston that is connected to the mover and that is configured to reciprocate within the cylinder, wherein the cylinder defines a compression space therein in which a refrigerant is compressed based on reciprocation of the piston within the cylinder;a plurality of discharge covers that define a plurality of discharge spaces configured to accommodate the refrigerant that is discharged from the compression space, the plurality of discharge spaces configured to communicate with each other; anda gas bearing configured to guide a portion of the refrigerant from at least one discharge space, among the plurality of discharge spaces, into a region between the cylinder and the piston to lubricate friction between the piston and the cylinder,wherein the plurality of discharge covers comprises a first discharge cover that is configured to contact the compression unit and that defines a first discharge space among the plurality of discharge spaces, and ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for supplying fuel to engine of ship

Номер: US20150121859A1

Disclosed herein are an apparatus and a method for supplying a fuel to an engine of a ship. The apparatus for supplying a fuel to an engine of a ship includes: a high pressure pump pressurizing a liquefied natural gas (LNG) and supplying the pressurized LNG to the engine; a hydraulic motor driving the high pressure pump; and a lubricating pump supplying lubricating oil to the high pressure pump.

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Power end for hydraulic fracturing pump

Номер: US20210140416A1
Принадлежит: ST9 Gas and Oil LLC

A hydraulic fracturing pump includes a power end with a plurality of torsion tubes extending between sides of a crankcase housing in which a crankshaft is rotatably mounted. The crankshaft is coupled by piston arms to crossheads disposed to reciprocate along crosshead axes that are perpendicular to the crankshaft. Disposed within the crankcase housing are a plurality of ribs generally perpendicular to the crankshaft and extending from the base of the crankshaft housing to an upper surface of the crankshaft housing. The torsion tubes are generally adjacent the upper surface of the crankcase housing and pass perpendicularly through each of the plurality of ribs and are attached to the ribs to provide rigidity to the power end.

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Rotary compressor

Номер: US20150125322A1
Автор: Wen-Fu Chiang

A rotary compressor includes a motor, an eccentric shaft and a cylinder installed in a casing. The motor includes a rotor and a stator. The eccentric shaft rotates with the rotor and turns around in the cylinder. The cylinder divides the casing into a high pressure chamber and a low pressure chamber, and the high pressure chamber is disposed between the motor and cylinder, and the low pressure chamber is disposed at the bottom of the cylinder. An isolating element is installed between the cylinder and the casing for isolating the high pressure chamber and the low pressure chamber. The isolating element includes at least one reflowing hole penetrated through the isolating element and interconnected between the high pressure chamber and the low pressure chamber for isolating high and low pressures effectively.

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210156378A1

A pump includes a cam plate, and an input shaft for rotationally driving the cam plate. A pump housing at least partially surrounds the cam plate and defines a cam plate oil reservoir around at least a portion of the cam plate. A bearing support is at least partially disposed within the cam plate oil reservoir. The bearing support defines a bearing oil reservoir at least partially surrounding a portion of the input shaft. At least one passage extends between the bearing oil reservoir and the cam plate oil reservoir. Dynamic motion imparted on oil within the cam plate oil reservoir facilitates migration of oil from the cam plate oil reservoir through a bearing at least partially supported by the bearing support into the bearing oil reservoir and through the at least one passage into the cam plate oil reservoir. 1. An axial cam piston pump comprising:a cam plate;an input shaft for rotationally driving the cam plate;a pump housing at least partially surrounding the cam plate and defining a cam plate oil reservoir around at least a portion of the cam plate;a bearing support at least partially disposed within the cam plate oil reservoir, the bearing support defining a bearing oil reservoir at least partially surrounding a portion of the input shaft; andat least one passage extending between the bearing oil reservoir and the cam plate oil reservoir, the at least one passage configured such that a dynamic motion imparted on oil within the cam plate oil reservoir facilitates migration of oil from the cam plate oil reservoir through a bearing at least partially supported by the bearing support into the bearing oil reservoir and through the at least one passage into the cam plate oil reservoir.2. The axial cam piston pump according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one piston reciprocatingly driven by rotation of the cam plate for pumping a fluid.3. The axial cam piston pump according to claim 1 , wherein the cam plate includes one or more features that facilitate ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220275792A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD.

A hydraulic pump motor includes: a cylinder block; a plurality of cylinder bores; a port block and a valve plate, the valve plate being provided with a high pressure port and a low pressure port, the port block being provided with a discharge oil passage and a suction oil passage, a piston disposed in each cylinder bore, and oil flowing through the discharge oil passage and the suction oil passage. Further, the valve plate is provided with a reproduction port at a bottom dead center side position, the port block is internally provided with a reproduction oil passage, and the reproduction oil passage passes through a first region on a side of the high pressure port of the virtual plane and passes through a second region on a side of the low pressure port of the virtual plane in the port block. 1. A hydraulic pump motor , comprising:a cylinder block provided with a plurality of cylinder bores around a rotation axis; anda port block with which an end surface of the cylinder block is rotatably slide contact via a valve plate,the valve plate being provided with a high pressure port on one side of a virtual plane including the rotation axis and provided with a low pressure port on another side of the virtual plane on a circumference centered on a rotation axis of the cylinder block,the port block being provided with a discharge oil passage that communicates with the high pressure port and a suction oil passage that communicates with the low pressure port, anda piston disposed in each cylinder bore reciprocating with rotation of the cylinder block, oil flowing through the discharge oil passage and the suction oil passage,wherein the valve plate is provided with a reproduction port at a bottom dead center side position that communicates with the cylinder bore between the low pressure port and the high pressure port,the port block is internally provided with a reproduction oil passage that communicates between the reproduction port and the discharge oil passage, andthe ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Fuel pump

Номер: US20140216417A1
Принадлежит: Arens Metallbau & Bauschlosserei GmbH

The invention relates to an engine system comprising a fuel pump for compressing fuel. The fuel pump having at least two compression pistons, an eccentric chamber in which the at least two compression pistons are mounted in axially displaceable fashion, and a rotatably mounted eccentric for driving the at least two compression pistons is accommodated in the eccentric chamber, wherein the eccentric and the at least two compression pistons are operatively connected to one another such that the two compression pistons are axially displaced for the compression of fuel. Provision is made, here, for the eccentric chamber to be at least partially filled with lubricant.

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160138584A1
Принадлежит: Nuovo Pignone Srl

A pressure packing for a piston rod of a reciprocating compressor includes a case having a piston rod through bore. A compartment within the case is coincident with the through bore and the compartment has an axial length at least as long as a stroke of the piston rod. 1. A pressure packing for a piston rod of a reciprocating compressor , the pressure packing comprising:a case comprising a piston rod through bore; anda compartment within the case and coincident with the piston rod through bore, the compartment having an axial length at least as long as a stroke of the piston rod.2. The pressure packing of claim 1 , wherein the case further comprises a piston rod wiper at an end of the compartment.3. The pressure packing of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of packing bodies each comprising at least one piston rod sealing ring around the piston rod through bore.4. The pressure packing of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , a packing ring between a first the packing body and a second the packing body; anda gas passageway extending from the case, through the first the packing body, and into the packing ring, the gas passageway comprising an exit defined by at least one radial orifice in the packing ring.5. The pressure packing of claim 1 , wherein one of the packing bodies comprises a flange comprising a plurality of bolt holes claim 1 , and the case comprises a plurality of bolt holes coaxial with the bolt holes in the flange.6. A two compartment assembly for a reciprocating compressor claim 1 , the two compartment assembly comprising:a distance piece comprising a first compartment;a pressure packing within the distance piece, the pressure packing comprising a second compartment having an axial length at least as long as a stroke of a piston rod of the reciprocating compressor; anda gas passageway extending from outside the distance piece through the pressure packing to the first compartment.7. A reciprocating compressor comprising:a piston rod;a pressure ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160138586A1

A fuel pump is disclosed wherein a substantially cylindrical plunger bore is provided with an annular drain groove fluidically coupled to a drain duct. A pump plunger is driven by a drive system located in a separate mechanical compartment that holds a reservoir of lubricating oil. An annular seal is provided adjacent the drain groove substantially at the end of the bore and retained in position by a seal support. Exemplary embodiments provide the drain groove and seal as being positioned immediately adjacent one another so that the seal forms a lower wall of the drain groove. 118-. (canceled)19. A fuel pump , comprising:a barrel comprising a first end, a second end, a central bore having a longitudinal axis and extending from the first end to the second end;a plunger disposed partially in the central bore and moveable along the longitudinal axis;a drain duct disposed in the barrel and extending between the first end and the second end;a drain groove in fluid communication with the central bore and the drain duct, the drain groove being disposed adjacent the second end and configured to receive a first pressurized fluid from a pumping chamber;a seal disposed in the barrel toward the second end, the seal comprising a first seal portion structured to at least partially seal the first pressurized fluid within the drain groove and a second seal portion structured to at least partially seal a second pressurized fluid within a compartment; anda leakage duct in fluid communication with a fluid reservoir and a cavity disposed intermediate the drain groove and the compartment, the leakage duct providing a flow path to the fluid reservoir for at least one of an amount of the first pressurized fluid bypassing the first seal portion and an amount of the second pressurized fluid bypassing the second seal portion.20. The fuel pump of claim 19 , wherein the first and second seal portions contact the plunger as the plunger moves along the longitudinal axis.21. The fuel pump of ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Compressor system including a flow and temperature control device

Номер: US20160138594A9
Принадлежит: Ingersoll Rand Co

A thermal control valve for use in a lubricant flooded compressor system including a controller that generates a control signal includes a valve body including a hot coolant inlet, a cooled coolant inlet, a mixed coolant outlet, an actuator space, and a cylinder bore. A sleeve is positioned within the cylinder bore and is movable between a first position, a second position, and a third position, and an electrical actuator is at least partially disposed within the actuator space and is operable in response to the control signal to move the sleeve between the first position, the second position, and the third position.

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Large-flow plunger pump

Номер: US20180135617A1
Автор: Qinghe GAO, Yuanzhi MA

The present invention discloses a large-flow plunger pump, comprising a box, a crank-link mechanism, a plunger, a suction valve and a discharge valve. On the basis of the conventional multi-cylinder plunger pumps, assemblies such as a detachable upper crosshead guide, an intelligent plunger packing lubrication system, a damping valve, crankshaft support roller assemblies, and a suction-pressure stabilizer having a cooling water coil therein are invented. Both the service life and the reliability of the large-flow plunger pumps are overall improved.

08-09-2022 дата публикации

High pressure pump

Номер: US20220282725A1
Принадлежит: Kerr Machine Co

A high pressure pump comprising a fluid end mechanically coupled to a power end. The power end is modular and comprises a crankshaft section, a crosshead section, and a connector section coupled together by a first set of stay rods. The fluid end comprises a plurality of fluid end sections positioned in a side-by-side relationship. Each of the plurality of fluid end sections are attached to the power end using a plurality of second set of stay rods.

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Peristaltic pump

Номер: US20210172431A1
Принадлежит: Hach Co

An embodiment provides a self-lubricating linear peristaltic pump for delivering precise volumes of fluid, including: a housing comprising a slide area; at least one pinch block located within the slide area of the housing, wherein the at least one pinch block comprises a base end and a face end; a plurality of compression blocks located within the slide area of the housing, wherein each of the plurality of compression blocks comprises a base end and a face end; a cam located within the housing, wherein the mechanically contacts the base end of each of the at least one pinch block and the base end of each of the plurality of compression blocks; a motor mechanically coupled to the cam, wherein the motor moves the cam upon operation of the motor; and at least one tube in contact with the face end of each of the at least one pinch block and the face end of each of the plurality of compression blocks. Other aspects are described and claimed.

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145386A1

A magnetic piston shoe pair for an axial piston pump and the motor includes: pistons, coil suites, piston shoes and a swash plate, wherein the interior of the coil suite is a closed coil; the bearing surface that the end surface of the swash plate abuts the piston shoe is provided with micro-molding holes; the micro-molding holes are hemispherical; the back surface of the swash plate is provided with a primary iron core and two secondary iron cores; the iron cores are wound with coil; the coil is connected to an external alternating current power supply. When the pump/motor is working, the coil is energized to generate a magnetic field, thereby adsorbing the piston shoe on the swash plate. Meanwhile, the coil suite generates an inductive magnetic field. 1. A magnetic piston shoe pair for an axial piston pump and a motor , comprising a primary iron core , two secondary iron cores , coils , a swash plate , micro-molding holes , an annular pressing plate , piston shoes , coil suites , pistons , cylinders , a spring , a transmission shaft , and a distributor plate , wherein the primary iron core is configured at a central position of a back surface of the swash plate; the two secondary iron cores are symmetrically distributed on both sides of the primary iron core , and respectively located between a first pressure zone and a second pressure zone of a piston pair working area; the coils are wound around the primary iron core and the secondary iron cores; and the coils are electrically connected to an external alternating current power supply.2. The magnetic piston shoe pair for the axial piston pump and the motor according to claim 1 , wherein the piston is sleeved with the coil suite claim 1 , and an interior of the coil suite is a closed coil.3. The magnetic piston shoe pair for the axial piston pump and the motor according to claim 1 , wherein the micro-molding holes are configured on an annular bearing surface that the swash plate abuts the piston shoe.4. The ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145404A1
Принадлежит: Patriot Artificial Lift, LLC

Embodiments of a forged flange lubricator and systems incorporating the same are described. In an embodiment, the forged flange lubricator may include a main body configured to receive fluid raised by a plunger lift assembly from a well. Additionally, the lubricator may include a port in the main body configured to conduct fluid as it is received by the main body, wherein the main body and the port are a unitary structure devoid of applied junctions. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a main body configured to receive fluid from a well;a first flange on the main body;a second flange on the main body;a first port in the main body associated with the first flange;a second port in the main body associated with the second flange; anda third port in the main body;wherein the main body, the first flange, and the second flange are a unitary structure devoid of applied junctions.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first or second flanges is configured to receive a fastener at the one or more fixation points for fastening a peripheral component to the flange.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein at least one of the first or second flanges further comprises a groove for receiving a sealing member claim 2 , the sealing member configured to form a seal between the flange and the peripheral component.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first flange is configured to interface with a wellhead.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a support structure disposed around the first port and the second port for strengthening a region of the main body surrounding the port.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a third flange on the main body claim 1 , wherein the third flange and the main body form a unitary structure devoid of applied junctions.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the third port further comprises a sensor port configured to receive a sensor device.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , further comprising a plurality of sensor ports claim ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Pressurized Oil Delivery System for a Reciprocating Air Compressor

Номер: US20140234134A1

A pressurized oil delivery system for a reciprocating air compressor includes an oil pump having an inlet port connected to an oil pickup tube and an outlet port connected to a filter inlet tube and a user interface panel mounted to a crankcase of the air compressor. The filter inlet tube may be connected to an oil filter assembly supported on an exterior face of the user interface panel. A pressure regulating valve may be provided in line in the filter inlet tube upstream of the oil filter assembly. An oil fill port may be located on the user interface panel. An oil level indicator may be connected to an oil level indicator tube passing through and supported by the user interface panel. An oil pressure measurement port may be provided on the user interface panel. 1. A pressurized oil delivery system for a reciprocating air compressor , comprising:an oil pump comprising an inlet port connected to an oil pickup tube and an outlet port connected to a filter inlet tube;a user interface panel, the filter inlet tube connected to an oil filter assembly supported on an exterior face of the user interface panel;a pressure regulating valve in line in the filter inlet tube upstream of the oil filter assembly;an oil fill port located on the user interface panel;an oil level indicator connected to an oil level indicator tube passing through and supported by the user interface panel; andan oil pressure measurement port on the user interface panel.2. The pressurized oil delivery system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the user interface panel is adapted for removable connection to a crankcase of the air compressor.3. The pressurized oil delivery system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the air compressor further comprises a rotatable crankshaft having a pump drive gear and the oil pump comprises a drive gear meshed with the pump drive gear claim 1 , whereby the rotatable crankshaft drives the oil pump.4. The pressurized oil delivery system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the oil ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160160856A1
Автор: Lutzow George, Wallin Hans

A lubricant supply system includes a tank defining an internal volume. A divider is positioned within the tank that separates the internal volume into a first portion and a second portion. A first pump is in fluid communication with the first portion of the internal volume and configured to introduce a liquid refrigerant into the first portion of the internal volume. 1. A lubricant supply system , comprising:a tank defining an internal volume;a divider positioned within the tank that separates the internal volume into a first portion and a second portion; anda first pump in fluid communication with the first portion of the internal volume and configured to introduce a liquid refrigerant into the first portion of the internal volume.2. The lubricant supply system of claim 1 , wherein the divider comprises a diaphragm that is coupled to an inner surface of the tank and configured to flex as the first portion of the internal volume increases and decreases in response to a pressure differential between the first and second portions of the internal volume.3. The lubricant supply system of claim 1 , wherein the divider comprises a piston that is configured to move within the tank as the first portion of the internal volume increases and decreases in response to a pressure differential between the first and second portions of the internal volume.4. The lubricant supply system of claim 1 , wherein the divider comprises a bladder at least partially surrounding the first portion of the internal volume.5. The lubricant supply system of claim 4 , wherein the bladder is configured to flex as the first portion of the internal volume increases and decreases in response to a pressure differential between the first and second portions of the internal volume.6. The lubricant supply system of claim 1 , wherein the first portion of the internal volume has the refrigerant positioned therein.7. The lubricant supply system of claim 1 , wherein the tank defines an opening that provides a ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160160857A1

A lubricant supply system includes first and second tanks, each including an internal volume that is divided into a first portion and a second portion. The first portion of the internal volume of the first tank and the first portion of the internal volume of the second tank are configured to alternate supplying a liquid refrigerant to a machine. A pump is in fluid communication with the second portion of the internal volume of the first tank and the second portion of the internal volume of the second tank. The pump is configured to vary a pressure of a gas in the second portion of the internal volume of the first tank and the second portion of the internal volume of the second tank. 1. A lubricant supply system , comprising:a first tank defining an internal volume that is divided into a first portion and a second portion;a second tank defining an internal volume that is divided into a first portion and a second portion, wherein the first portion of the internal volume of the first tank and the first portion of the internal volume of the second tank are configured to alternate supplying a liquid refrigerant to a machine; anda pump in fluid communication with the second portion of the internal volume of the first tank and the second portion of the internal volume of the second tank, wherein the pump is configured to vary a pressure of a gas in the second portion of the internal volume of the first tank and the second portion of the internal volume of the second tank.2. The lubricant supply system of claim 1 , wherein the first portion of the internal volume of the first tank and the first portion of the internal volume of the second tank are configured to be in fluid communication with a refrigeration chiller and to receive the liquid refrigerant therefrom.3. The lubricant supply system of claim 2 , wherein the pump is configured to transfer at least a portion of the gas from the second portion of the internal volume of the first tank to the second portion of the ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180156205A1
Автор: Yudanov Sergi

A fuel pump assembly for pressurizing fuel such as dimethyl ether (DME). The fuel pump assembly includes a plunger assembly and a pump block defining a pumping chamber and a plunger assembly cavity in communication with the pumping chamber. The plunger assembly is movable at least partially in the plunger assembly cavity towards and from the pumping chamber. The fuel pump assembly includes a metering valve and a suction channel located between the metering valve and the pumping chamber in an intended direction of flow of the fuel, wherein the fuel pump assembly comprises a leakage return conduit, with a first leakage return conduit opening in fluid communication with said plunger assembly cavity, adapted to return fuel that has leaked from the pumping chamber. The leakage return conduit includes a second leakage return conduit opening located in the suction channel. 1. A fuel pump assembly for pressurizing fuel , the fuel comprising a high-volatility fuel , such as dimethyl ether (DME) , the fuel pump assembly comprising a plunger assembly and a pump block defining a pumping chamber and a plunger assembly cavity in communication with the pumping chamber , the plunger assembly being movable at least partially in the plunger assembly cavity towards and away from the pumping chamber , wherein the fuel pump assembly comprises a metering valve and a suction channel located between the metering valve and the pumping chamber in an intended direction of flow of the fuel , wherein the fuel pump assembly comprises a leakage return conduit , with a first leakage return conduit opening in fluid communication with the plunger assembly cavity , adapted to return fuel that has leaked from the pumping chamber , wherein the leakage return conduit comprises a second leakage return conduit opening located in said suction channel , wherein wherein the pumping chamber assumes a minimum volume when the plunger assembly is at a top position and wherein the pumping chamber assumes a ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190154027A1
Автор: Apostolides John K.

A system for controlling a post-lubrication fluid operation of a machine is disclosed. The system includes at least one pump of the machine, a fluid maintenance system and a control system. The fluid maintenance system includes at least one memory device and at least one processor configured to access the memory device. The memory device stores machine data and a fluid operation service schedule. The control system is electrically coupled to the at least one pump and the fluid maintenance system, includes at least one processor and is configured to control the post-lubrication operation of the machine based on at least one of the following (1) the machine data and (2) the fluid operation service schedule. 1. A system for controlling a post-lubrication fluid operation of a machine , the system comprising:at least one pump of the machine; at least one memory device; and', 'at least one processor configured to access the memory device, wherein the memory device stores machine data and a fluid operation service schedule; and, 'a fluid maintenance system comprising the machine data; and', 'the fluid operation service schedule., 'a control system electrically coupled to the at least one pump and the fluid maintenance system, wherein the control system comprises at least one processor and is configured to control the post-lubrication operation of the machine based on at least one of the following2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one pump comprises at least one of a main machine pump claim 1 , a supplemental pump claim 1 , and a fluid reservoir pump.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the machine data comprises historical machine data.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the historical machine data comprises a history of fluid changes associated with the machine.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the machine data comprises trending machine data.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the trending machine data comprises a fuel consumption rate of the machine.7. The ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180163871A1

A device and method for extending the lifespan of a shaft seal for an open-drive compressor is provided. The device and method can also reduce and/or prevent deterioration of the shaft seal regardless of the operation condition of the open-drive compressor. The device and method can further reduce and/or prevent leakage of a lubricant and/or refrigerant that can cause deterioration of components within a transport refrigeration unit (TRU). 120-. (canceled)21. A drive ring for an open-drive compressor for engaging a shaft seal of the open-drive compressor , wherein the open-drive compressor includes a crankshaft having a lubricant channel positioned within the crankshaft , and a shaft seal engaging the crankshaft , the drive ring comprising:one or more engagement surfaces in direct contact with the shaft seal; anda flow path for directing a flow of lubricant away from the crankshaft, and from one side of the drive ring to a shaft seal cavity side of the drive ring, andwherein the flow path receives the flow of lubricant from the lubricant channel positioned within the crankshaft.22. The drive ring of claim 21 , wherein the flow path comprises an annular ring-shaped groove around a portion of an inner surface for receiving the flow of the lubricant from the lubricant channel positioned within the crankshaft.23. The drive ring of claim 21 , wherein the flow path comprises an annular ring-shaped groove around a portion of an inner surface for directing the flow of the lubricant.24. The drive ring of claim 23 , wherein the annular ring-shaped groove runs in a circumferential direction around the portion of the inner surface.25. The drive ring of wherein there are three or more engagement surfaces in contact with the shaft seal.26. An open-drive compressor claim 21 , comprising:a crankshaft, having a first lubricant flow path within the crankshaft;a shaft seal cavity; anda drive ring, directly contacting the crankshaft, including a groove configured to receive a lubricant ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160177945A1

A dual circuit lubrication system for a power end of a reciprocating pump that includes a lubrication pump that supplies lubrication fluid to a high pressure lubrication circuit and a low pressure lubrication circuit. The high pressure lubrication circuit is fluidly coupled to a crankshaft to supply lubrication fluid to sliding surfaces associated with the crankshaft at a first lubrication fluid pressure. The crankshaft drives a crosshead coupled to a plunger to displace fluid from a fluid end of the reciprocating pump. The low pressure lubrication circuit is fluidly coupled to supply the lubrication fluid to a plurality of rolling surfaces associated with the crankshaft at a second lubrication fluid pressure. The first lubrication fluid pressure is greater than the second lubrication fluid pressure. 1. A dual circuit lubrication system for a power end of a reciprocating pump , comprising:one or more lubrication pumps configured to supply a lubrication fluid to a high pressure lubrication circuit and a low pressure lubrication circuit;the high pressure lubrication circuit configured to be fluidly coupled to supply at least some of the lubrication fluid to a plurality of sliding surfaces associated with a crankshaft at a first lubrication fluid pressure; andthe low pressure lubrication circuit configured to be fluidly coupled to supply at least some of the lubrication fluid to a plurality of rolling surfaces associated with a crankshaft at a second lubrication fluid pressure, the first lubrication fluid pressure being greater than the second lubrication fluid pressure.2. The dual circuit lubrication system of claim 1 , wherein the first lubrication fluid pressure is at least 1.5 times the second lubrication fluid pressure.3. The dual circuit lubrication system of claim 1 , wherein the high pressure lubrication circuit supplies the lubrication fluid to a bottom portion of the crosshead.4. The dual circuit lubrication system of claim 3 , wherein the low pressure ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Submersible reciprocating oil well pump unit

Номер: US20170175502A1
Автор: Ruiqi ZHANG, Xihuan ZHAO
Принадлежит: Individual

A submersible reciprocating oil well pump unit, including: a control cabinet, a rotary type submersible motor, a borehole torque reversing device, a borehole reciprocating pump, a submersible cable, a first joint, a second joint, and an oil pipe. The control cabinet is disposed at wellhead and connected to the rotary type submersible motor submerged in a downhole sleeve via the submersible cable. The motor shaft is connected to one end of the screw rod of the screw pair of the borehole torque reversing device via the first joint. One end of the driving rod is connected to a push-pull rod of the borehole reciprocating pump via the second joint. The oil outlet is connected to the oil pipe. The borehole torque reversing device is adapted to drive the control cabinet to commutate automatically according to set loading values.

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150184617A1

A system for supplying fuel to an engine of a ship. The system includes a high pressure pump pressurizing a liquefied natural gas (LNG) and supplying the pressurized LNG to the engine, a hydraulic motor driving the high pressure pump and a chamber carrying the high pressure pump and the hydraulic motor. The chamber is substantially free of electric sparks. 1. A ship comprising:at least one fuel tank containing fuel;a fuel pump in fluid communication with the at least one fuel tank and configured to pressurize fuel from the at least one fuel tank to a pressure in a range from 150 bar absolute (bar(a)) to 400 bar(a);a heater in fluid communication with the fuel pump and configured to heat pressurized fuel from the fuel pump to a supercritical state of the fuel;a supercritical fuel engine in fluid communication with the heater and configured to consume the fuel from the heater in its supercritical state;at least one hydraulic pump configured to convert mechanical power into a pressurized flow of a hydraulic fluid;a first hydraulic motor in fluid communication with the at least one hydraulic pump and configured to convert the pressurized flow from the at least one hydraulic pump into torque to power the fuel pump;a lubricant pump configured to pump lubricant to either or both of the fuel pump and the hydraulic motor;a second hydraulic motor in fluid communication with the at least one hydraulic pump and configured to convert the pressurized flow from the at least one hydraulic pump into torque to power the lubricant pump;hydraulic fluid conduits interconnecting the at least one hydraulic pump and the first and second hydraulic motors;a fuel pump compartment comprising multiple air-tight walls and enclosing the fuel pump, the first hydraulic motor and the lubricant pump and the second hydraulic motor; andat least one hydraulic pump compartment enclosing the at least one hydraulic pump,wherein the fuel pump compartment is air-tightly separated from the at least one ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Gas Compressor

Номер: US20200166030A1

A bearing oil feeding amount is appropriately controlled with respect to specifications of a discharge pressure (bearing load) and a rotation speed. A gas compressor has: a compressor main body that compresses gas and has a rotor; a bearing for supporting the rotor onto a compressor main body casing; an oil case that stores a lubricating oil to be supplied to the bearing; a lubricating oil pipe through which the lubricating oil is circulated from the oil case to the bearing; an oil pump that pumps the lubricating oil from the oil case to the bearing via the lubricating oil pipe; a flow amount control means for adjusting an amount of lubricating oil that circulates through the lubricating oil pipe; an electric motor that supplies power to the rotor; an inverter that outputs a rotation frequency of the electric motor; a pressure sensor that detects the discharge pressure of the compressor main body; and a control unit that determines a lubricating oil supply amount to the bearing on the basis of the load on the bearing corresponding to the pressure detected by the pressure sensor and the rotation speed of the rotor corresponding to the rotation frequency output by the inverter, and that controls the flow amount control means on the basis of the lubricating oil supply amount.

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200166054A1

A system includes a hydraulic energy transfer system configured to exchange pressures between a first fluid and a second fluid, wherein pressure of the first fluid is greater than pressure of the second fluid. The system also includes a lubrication system coupled to the hydraulic energy transfer system and configured to pump or direct a lubrication fluid into the hydraulic energy transfer system. 1. A system , comprising:a hydraulic energy transfer system configured to exchange pressures between a first fluid and a second fluid, wherein pressure of the first fluid is greater than pressure of the second fluid;a lubrication system configured to pump or direct a lubrication fluid into the hydraulic energy transfer system;a filtration system coupled to the hydraulic energy transfer system and configured to filter the lubrication fluid before the lubrication fluid enters the hydraulic energy transfer system;one or more valves and one or more pumps disposed along fluid flow paths of the system; anda controller programmed to control the one or more valves and/or the one or more pumps of the system to selectively route the lubrication fluid into the hydraulic energy transfer system based on operating condition of the system.2. The system of claim 1 , comprising one or more sensors disposed along the one or more fluid paths of the system to collect fluid data related to operating condition of the system.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid data comprises flow rate claim 1 , flow volume claim 1 , pressure claim 1 , temperature claim 1 , or a combination thereof4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the lubrication fluid comprises a lubrication fluid that is a fraction of the first fluid.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the lubrication system comprises a dedicated pump to route the lubrication fluid into the hydraulic energy transfer system.6. The system of claim 4 , wherein the filtration system is integrated within a housing of the hydraulic energy transfer system.7. ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Integrated Pump Pressure Washer

Номер: US20210205830A1
Принадлежит: GXi Holdings LLC

An integrated pressure washer is disclosed. The integrated pressure washer has an engine. At the bottom of the engine is an engine bottom cover. The engine bottom cover has a recess formed by a cylindrical wall that extends up from a base of the engine bottom cover. The pressure washer also has a pump assembly. The pump assembly is attached to the engine bottom cover and extends into the recess. The pump assembly receives water and applies pressure to the water and directs the pressurized water out a high pressure hose.

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207588A1
Принадлежит: BJ Energy Solutions, LLC

Embodiments of systems and methods disclosed provide a hydraulic fracturing unit that includes a reciprocating plunger pump configured to pump a fracturing fluid and a powertrain configured to power the reciprocating plunger pump. The powertrain includes a prime mover and a drivetrain, the prime mover including a gas turbine engine. The hydraulic fracturing unit also includes auxiliary equipment configured to support operation of the hydraulic fracturing unit including the reciprocating plunger pump and the powertrain. A power system is configured to power the auxiliary equipment. The power system includes a power source and a power network. The power source is configured to generate power for the auxiliary equipment. The power network is coupled to the power source and the auxiliary equipment, and configured to deliver the power generated by the power source to the auxiliary equipment. Associated systems including a plurality of hydraulic fracturing units are also provided. 1. A system for fracturing a well , the system comprising: a chassis;', 'a reciprocating plunger pump connected to the chassis and configured to pump a fracturing fluid;', 'a powertrain connected to the chassis and configured to power the reciprocating plunger pump, the powertrain including a direct drive gas turbine engine and a drivetrain, the direct drive gas turbine engine operable using of two or more different types of fuel; and', 'auxiliary equipment located onboard the chassis, the auxiliary equipment driven by electric motors to support operation of the hydraulic fracturing unit including the reciprocating plunger pump and the powertrain; and, 'one or more hydraulic fracturing units, each hydraulic fracturing unit comprising an engine-generator set configured to generate electric power; and', 'an electric power network coupled to the engine-generator set and the electric motors, and coupled or coupleable to a utility power grid, a battery bank or a second engine-generator set of a ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207595A1
Автор: Apostolides John K.

A system for controlling a fluid operation of a machine. The system includes a main pump of the machine, a supplemental pump of the machine, a fluid maintenance circuit comprising a processing circuit, and control system. The fluid maintenance system includes at least one memory device and at least one processor configured to access the memory device. The control system comprises a processing circuit, is electrically couplable to the main pump, the supplemental pump and the fluid maintenance circuit, and is configured to control the post-lubrication operation of the machine based on at least one of the following (1) a fluid operation service schedule and (2) data associated with the machine. 1. A system for controlling a fluid operation of a machine , the system comprising:a main pump of the machine;a supplemental pump of the machine;a fluid maintenance circuit comprising a processing circuit; and a fluid operation service schedule associated with the machine; and', 'data associated with the machine., 'a control system electrically couplable to the main pump, the supplemental pump and the fluid maintenance circuit, wherein the control system comprises a processing circuit and is configured to control a post-lubrication operation of the machine based on at least one of the following2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid maintenance circuit further comprises a memory circuit electrically couplable to the processing circuit of the fluid maintenance circuit.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the control system further comprises a pump control circuit electrically couplable to at least one of the following:the main pump; andthe supplemental pump.4. The system of claim 3 , further comprising a sensing device electrically couplable to the pump control circuit.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a fluid reservoir pump electrically couplable to the control system.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the data associated with the machine comprises a temperature ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Torque Monitoring of Electrical Submersible Pump Assembly

Номер: US20210207596A1
Автор: Semple Ryan, Tanner David
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations LLC

An electrical submersible well pump assembly has a SAW (surface acoustic wave) sensor on a motor shaft. A SAW electronic circuit mounts to the motor housing. The SAW electronic circuit has an antenna closely spaced to the SAW sensor for monitoring torque on the motor shaft. A controller at an upper end of the well supplies power to the motor. A motor gauge unit mounted to a lower end of the motor transmits signals to the controller. A signal line extends from the SAW electronic circuit to the motor gauge unit for transmitting signals from the SAW electronic circuit to the motor gauge unit, and from the motor gauge unit to the controller. 1. An electrical submersible pump assembly for pumping well fluid from a well , comprising:a pump having a pump housing containing a plurality of pump stages through which a pump shaft extends;a motor having a motor housing containing a motor shaft;a seal section having a seal housing containing a seal shaft that is coupled to and between the pump shaft and the motor shaft;a motor shaft surface SAW (acoustic wave) sensor on the motor shaft;a motor shaft SAW electronic circuit mounted to the motor housing, the motor shaft SAW electronic circuit having a motor shaft SAW antenna closely spaced to the motor shaft SAW sensor for monitoring torque on the motor shaft;a controller adapted to be mounted at an upper end of the well for supplying power to the motor;a motor gauge unit mounted to a lower end of the motor for transmitting signals to the controller; anda signal line extending from the motor shaft SAW electronic circuit to the motor gauge unit for transmitting signals from the SAW electronic circuit to the motor gauge unit, and from the motor gauge unit to the controller.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein:the motor shaft SAW sensor is located adjacent an upper end of the motor shaft.3. The assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising:a pump SAW sensor on the pump shaft;a pump SAW electronic circuit on the pump ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации

Electronic pump motor control

Номер: US20160186740A1

A motor control system for a lubricant pump motor comprises a pump system power input, a motor drive, a current sensor, a lubrication controller, and a drive controller. The pump system power input is configured to supply system power. The motor drive is configured to drive the lubricant pump motor using the system power. The current sensor is disposed between the pump system power input and the motor drive to sense an input current of the system power. The lubrication controller configured to provide motor activation signals. The drive controller is disposed to receive the motor activation signals via an isolated digital input, and to control the motor drive as a function of the sensed input current and a user-defined current set-point, in response to the activation signals.

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180180042A1
Автор: POPADIUC Peter O.
Принадлежит: Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc.

A fully submergible dual-action cryogenic pump has a housing configured to receive a liquid into the interior compartment when submerged in the liquid. The housing includes an interior compartment having an inner peripheral surface, a first end, and a second end. A free piston having a first end, a second end, and an outer peripheral surface is contained within the interior compartment. A first compression chamber is formed between the first end of the free piston and the first end of the interior compartment. A second compression chamber is formed between the second end of the free piston and the second end of the interior compartment. An electromagnetic drive is configured to reciprocate the free piston. A sealing area is formed by the outer peripheral surface of the free piston sealing with the inner peripheral surface of the interior compartment. 1. A fully submergible dual-action cryogenic pump , comprising:a housing including an interior compartment, the housing configured to receive a liquid into the interior compartment when submerged in the liquid, the interior compartment including an inner peripheral surface, a first end, and a second end;a free piston contained within the interior compartment of the housing, the free piston including an axis, a first end, a second end, and an outer peripheral surface;a first compression chamber formed between the first end of the free piston and the first end of the interior compartment;a second compression chamber formed between the second end of the free piston and the second end of the interior compartment;an electromagnetic drive configured to reciprocate the free piston along the axis; anda sealing area formed by the outer peripheral surface of the free piston sealing with the inner peripheral surface of the interior compartment between the first compression chamber and the second compression chamber.2. The fully submergible dual-action cryogenic pump of claim 1 , wherein the free piston includes a length from the ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170184009A1
Автор: VIANNEY Rabhi

The cooling and lubricating () system is provided for a piston sealing device () for a piston () which comprises a fixed skirt () and a sliding skirt () joined together by an interskirt mechanical connection () to axially compress a continuous extensible segment () under the action of a sliding skirt spring (), said system () adding to said device () a sliding skirt thrust ring () so as to insert between the fixed skirt () and the continuous extensible segment () a flow valve () traversed by the interskirt mechanical connection (), said valve () being held at rest away from the fixed skirt () by a valve return spring () on the one hand, and comprising a flow calibration orifice () on the other hand. 1123453678910511124610612613141221571215161114174187191220127151. Cooling and lubricating system () for a piston sealing device () , the latter being itself provided for a piston () moving in a cylinder () so as to form a fluid chamber () , said piston () comprising a piston head () having a fixed skirt () and comprising on the one hand a piston bearing surface () to exert a force on means of transmission () and , on the other hand , a compression surface () opening into the fluid chamber () to receive the pressure of a fluid () , while a sliding skirt () is lodged in the cylinder () with slight gap , in a prolongation of the piston head () on the side with the compression surface () and in the axis of said head () , said sliding skirt () being connected to said head () by a mechanical interskirt connection () , while a pressure transmission channel () is devised inside the sliding skirt () and passes straight through the latter in the axial direction , the piston sealing device () also comprising a continuous extensible segment () inserted between the fixed skirt () and the sliding skirt () , said segment () comprising an internal cylindrical segment face () subjected to the pressure of the fluid () via the pressure transmission channel () , an external cylindrical ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170184080A1

A sliding end part of a shoe has an annular seal part located to surround one opening of a lubricant supply hole and sliding on a slide-receiving surface. The sliding end part has a first pad part that has a height from a reference surface lower than the seal part, that is located on the same circumference to partially surround the opening, and that faces the seal part in a radial direction via an annular groove present on an inner side in the radial direction of the seal part. The sliding end part has a second pad part that has a height from the reference surface lower than the seal part, that is located on the same circumference to partially surround the opening, and that faces the seal part in the radial direction via an annular groove present on an outer side in the radial direction of the seal part. 1. A shoe for a hydraulic rotary device comprising:a piston mounting part for attaching a piston;a sliding end part including a portion sliding on a slide-receiving surface; anda lubricant supply hole allowing communication between a mounting surface of the piston mounting part and an end surface of the sliding end part, a substantially planar reference surface,', 'an annular seal part protruding from the reference surface and located to surround an opening of the lubricant supply hole, the annular seal part sliding on the slide-receiving surface,', 'a first pad part protruding from the reference surface to a height in an axial direction from the reference surface lower than a height in the axial direction of the seal part from the reference surface, the first pad part being located on the same circumference to entirely or partially surround the opening and facing an inner side surface of the seal part via an annular groove present on an inner side in a radial direction of the seal part, and', 'a second pad part protruding from the reference surface to a height in the axial direction from the reference surface lower than the height of the seal part, the second pad ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160194986A1

A network device that is used in a mobile communication system that supports cellular communication in which a data path passes through a core network, and D2D communication that is direct device-to-device communication in which a data path does not pass through the core network, comprises: a control unit that sets a D2D radio resource that is ensured for the D2D communication from radio resources be available to the mobile communication system. The control unit changes an amount of the D2D radio resource such that the D2D radio resource reaches an appropriate amount. 1. A network device that is used in a mobile communication system that supports cellular communication in which a data path passes through a core network , and D2D communication that is direct device-to-device communication in which a data path does not pass through the core network , comprising:a control unit that sets a D2D radio resource that is ensured for the D2D communication from radio resources be available to the mobile communication system, whereinthe control unit changes an amount of the D2D radio resource such that the D2D radio resource reaches an appropriate amount.2. The network device according to claim 1 , whereinthe appropriate amount is decided in accordance with an amount of traffic that is transmitted by at least one of the cellular communication and the D2D communication.3. The network device according to claim 1 , whereinthe appropriate amount is decided in accordance with a QoS level required for traffic that is transmitted by at least one of the cellular communication and the D2D communication.4. The network device according to claim 1 , whereinthe appropriate amount is decided in accordance with a time zone.5. The network device according to claim 1 , whereinthe network device manages one cell or a plurality of cells, andthe control unit changes the amount of the D2D radio resource in units of cells.6. The network device according to claim 5 , whereinwhen the amount of the D2D ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации

A downhole sucker rod pumping unit

Номер: US20170191477A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to downhole sucker rod pump assemblies comprising a stationary flexible long-length tube having disposed therein a movable flexible long-length rod, connected at opposite ends to a surface drive and to an operating element of a submersible piston pump or screw pump. An annulus between the rod and the tube is filled with a lubricant from a channel at the wellhead end. The lower and upper ends of the tube are connected to a wellhead pipe and a pumping pipe. At the lower end of the rod is a box filled with a liquid which provides protection for the seal of a plunger pump. The flexible long-length rod is capable of rotating or reciprocating movement. The result is an increase in the operating reliability of a deep-well pump, an increase in the time between repairs and a decrease in the energy consumed when the pump is operating.

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Fluted piston components for pumps

Номер: US20170191478A1

A piston rod and piston head are the driven components within a pump. An upstream end of the piston rod is attached within an aperture of the piston head. At least one flute extends between the upstream end of the piston rod and the aperture, and the at least one flute is configured to provide a flowpath for a fluid, such as paint, to flow downstream of the piston head and piston rod. The flutes facilitate a smooth downstream flow of the fluid, thereby reducing hydraulic resistance and reducing wear caused by the fluid.

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200191141A1

A lubricating sealing system for a fluid end includes a fluid end, a sleeve, a plunger, and a lubrication system. The sleeve is coupled to an internal surface of the fluid end. The plunger reciprocates in a linear manner through the sleeve and into a pressure chamber of the fluid end. The lubrication system is in communication with the plunger and configured to provide lubricant through an interior of the plunger for routing to surfaces between the plunger and the sleeve. The lubricant is pressurized and moved via the reciprocating of the plunger and create a positive pressure on the lubricant over the pressures experienced in the pressure chamber of the fluid end. The positive pressure creates a barrier and pushes away contaminants from the plunger seals thereby avoiding wash out. 119-. (canceled)20. A plunger system for the fluid end of a pump , the plunger system comprising:an elongated plunger piston having a first end, a second end and an outer surface;a fluid cavity formed within the elongated plunger piston extending from adjacent the first end to the second end of the plunger piston;an intensification valve positioned in the fluid cavity adjacent the second end of the piston and movable along a portion of the fluid cavity between a first position and a second position;a lubrication valve positioned in the fluid cavity adjacent the first end of the piston; andat least one outlet tube extending from the outer surface of the plunger piston to a location along fluid cavity between the intensification valve and the lubrication valve.21. The plunger system of claim 20 , wherein the fluid cavity comprises a central passage claim 20 , an upper channel in fluid communication with the central passage claim 20 , and a lower channel in fluid communication with the central passage.22. The plunger system of claim 20 , wherein the fluid cavity is axially aligned within the plunger piston and extends from the first end to the second end of the plunger piston.23. The plunger ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170204846A1

In one embodiment, a reciprocating rod pumping unit includes a tower; a counterweight assembly movable along the tower; a drum connected to an upper end of the tower and rotatable relative thereto; a belt having a first end connected to the counterweight assembly, extending over the drum, and having a second end connectable to a rod string; a prime mover for reciprocating the counterweight assembly along the tower; a sensor for detecting a condition of the pumping unit; a brake system for halting free-fall of the counterweight assembly; and a controller in communication with the at least one of the sensors and operable to activate the brake system in response to detection of the faulty condition of the pumping unit. 1. A reciprocating rod pumping unit , comprising:a tower;a counterweight assembly movable along the tower;a drum connected to an upper end of the tower and rotatable relative thereto;a belt having a first end connected to the counterweight assembly, extending over the drum, and having a second end connectable to a rod string;a prime mover for reciprocating the counterweight assembly along the tower; a speed sensor for detecting a speed of the belt;', 'a cycle sensor for detecting a cycle of the belt;', 'a load sensor for detecting a change in load on the drum;', 'a belt alignment sensor for detecting an alignment of the belt;', 'a vibration sensor for detecting a vibration of the tower; and', 'combinations thereof;, 'a sensor for detecting a condition of the pumping unit selected from the group consisting ofa brake system for halting free-fall of the counterweight assembly; anda controller in communication with the sensor and operable to activate the brake system in response to detection of the faulty condition of the pumping unit.2. The unit of claim 1 , wherein:the unit further comprises a gearbox, and a disk torsionally coupled to the gearbox;', 'a piston disposed in a cylinder;', 'a caliper connected to the piston; and', 'a brake pad mounted to the ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200200134A1

A pump unit for feeding fuel, in particular diesel fuel, to an internal-combustion engine; the pump unit comprising a head () inside which a cylinder () is formed along an axis; a pumping piston () housed inside the cylinder and comprising a head portion () inside the cylinder and an opposite foot portion () projecting outside the cylinder; wherein the piston is slidable inside the cylinder in a reciprocating manner between a first position and a second position where the foot projects from the cylinder by a greater or smaller amount respectively; and wherein the outer surface of the piston comprises a portion () with a surface finish so as to have less friction and a greater lubricant-retaining capacity than the remainder of the outer surface of the piston; the portion extending along the axis between the head of the piston and a first intermediate point () in the first position of the piston, the first intermediate point being inside the cylinder. 11. A pump unit for feeding fuel to an internal combustion engine , the pump unit () comprising:{'b': 2', '3, 'a head () inside which a cylinder () extending along an axis (A) is formed; and'}{'b': 4', '3', '24', '23', '3', '4', '3', '23', '3, 'a pumping piston () housed inside the cylinder () and comprising a head portion () inside the cylinder and an opposite foot portion () projecting outside of the cylinder (), the piston () being slidable inside the cylinder () in a reciprocating manner between a first position and a second position where the foot () projects from the cylinder () by a greater or smaller amount, respectively;'}{'b': 4', '16', '4', '16', '24', '4', '17', '4', '17', '3, 'wherein an outer surface of the piston () comprises a first portion () with a first surface finish so as to have less friction and a greater lubricant-retaining capacity than the remainder of the outer surface of the piston (); the first portion () extending along the axis (A) between the head portion () of the piston () and a first ...
