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10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2555641C2

Изобретение относится к осветительному устройству, размещенному в удлиненном, полом, трубчатом элементе. Достигаемый результат - создание осветительного устройства, характеризующегося простотой изготовления и легкостью сборки. Концепция изобретения предусматривает производство осветительного устройства на частично гибком многослойном комплекте (220), который скручивается в трубку так, что источник света (211) размещается внутри трубки. Гибкий многослойный комплект размещается так, что трубка образует камеру смешивания света и поверхность выхода света (222) для осветительного устройства. Гибкий многослойный комплект имеет базовую часть, на верхней стороне которой размещен упомянутый источник света (211), и прозрачную или полупрозрачную часть - упомянутую поверхность выхода света (222). 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

07-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2713748C2

Изобретение относится к осветительному устройству (100, 200, 300), содержащему разделенное осветительное средство по меньшей мере с двумя термически разделенными субсредствами (104, 106, 202, 204, 206, 302). Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности светового выхода осветительного устройства, а также повышение надежности такого осветительного устройства. Результат достигается тем, что каждое субсредство содержит по меньшей мере один твердотельный источник (114, 212, 306) света и компонент (118, 210, 304), адаптированный к регулированию электрического тока или мощности для упомянутого по меньшей мере одного твердотельного источника (114, 212, 306) света таким образом, что субсредства (104, 106, 202, 204, 206, 302) являются индивидуально возбуждаемыми на основе тепловых условий каждого субсредства. 3 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

23-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2685691C2

Изобретение относится к области светотехники, а именно к светильникам, содержащим твердотельные или светодиодные осветительные элементы. Техническим результатом является создание светильника узким углом освещенности и упрощение изготовления такого светильника. Осветительное устройство (100) содержит удлиненный корпус (110), имеющий окно (112) для выхода света, несущий узел (120) внутри корпуса, содержащий множество элементов (122) твердотельного или светодиодного освещения, и отражатель (130, расположенный между корпусом и несущим узлом. Отражатель (130) имеет множество выполненных в нем отверстий (132), расположенных между корпусом и несущим узлом. Клей (140) для крепления отражателя к корпусу, при этом клей проходит через отверстия в отражателе и крепит несущий узел к корпусу. Также предложены способ сборки осветительного устройства и светильник, содержащий осветительное устройство. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

06-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2686853C2

Изобретение относится к области светотехники. Техническим результатом является упрощение изготовления. Осветительное устройство (1), содержащее по меньшей мере один источник (3) света, преобразующий длину волны элемент (8), выполненный с возможностью преобразования длины волны света, излучаемого упомянутым по меньшей мере одним источником света, по меньшей мере одну опору (7), выполненную с возможностью поддерживать преобразующий длину волны элемент отдаленным от упомянутого по меньшей мере одного источника света, и колбу (2), выполненную с возможностью заключения в ней преобразующего длину волны элемента и по меньшей мере участка упомянутой по меньшей мере одной опоры. Упомянутая по меньшей мере одна опора выполнена с возможностью поворота относительно преобразующего длину волны элемента. Осветительное устройство дает возможность использовать жесткий преобразующий длину волны элемент и по меньшей мере частично жесткую опору, поскольку эти два компонента можно перемещать относительно друг ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2695639C2

Изобретение относится к области светотехники. Техническим результатом является упрощение изготовления. Светодиодный модуль включает в себя печатную плату (PCB) с установленным на ней множеством светодиодов, а также первую и вторую оптические покрывающие пластины, каждая из которых содержит оптически светопропускающий участок и связана с печатной платой таким образом, что покрывает соответствующий поднабор множества светодиодов. Первая и вторая оптические покрывающие пластины имеют взаимно дополняющие геометрические очертания, так что они являются самоустанавливающимися по двум осям. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2589338C2

Устройство вывода света содержит матрицу электрически взаимно соединенных светоизлучающих диодов, слой подложки, в котором или на котором расположена матрица светоизлучающих диодов, адгезионный слой, имеющий участки над светоизлучающими диодами, причем участки адгезионного слоя имеют свойство фотоактивируемой электропроводности, и электрически заряженные рассеивающие частицы (22), приклеенные электростатическим притяжением к участкам адгезионного слоя, тем самым формируя области рассеяния, которые самосовмещены со светоизлучающими диодами. Таким образом устройство вывода света имеет области рассеяния, выполненные поверх светодиодов с использованием процесса самосовмещения, во время которого для управления процессом осаждения используют свет от самих светодиодов. Также предложен способ изготовления устройства для вывода света. Изобретение решает проблему необходимости производства источников света с оптическими структурами, используемыми для маскирования точечных источников, которые должны ...

31-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016141557A3

19-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015140081A3

20-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2434314C1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может использоваться при производстве светодиодных ламп, предназначенных для освещения. В способе используют шаблон, содержащий отверстия для размещения в них без зазора светодиодов с выводами. Также шаблон снабжен бортом по периметру и по крайней мере одним штифтом для фиксации на печатной плате. В ходе осуществления способа устанавливают шаблон на печатную плату так, чтобы борт шаблона охватывал по периметру печатную плату и все штифты шаблона вошли в соответствующие отверстия печатной платы. После этого размещают светодиоды в соответствующих отверстиях шаблона, производят пайку светодиодов. Затем шаблон удаляют, после чего приклеивают печатную плату по периметру к корпусу лампы с внутренней стороны. При использовании изобретения достигается снижение материалоемкости способа изготовления светодиодной лампы и расширение диапазона промышленно выпускаемых светодиодов, которые могут применяться для изготовления светодиодных ламп. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

03-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2649409C1

Изобретение относится к области светотехники. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности теплоотдачи. Узел источника света содержит подложку (10), содержащую первый (14а) и второй участки (14b) подложки, расположенные под углом сгиба (α) по отношению друг к другу, образуя V-образную конструкцию, в которой на вершине V-образной конструкции первый участок (14а) содержит первый электрический вывод (16a), а второй участок (14b) содержит второй электрический вывод (16b). Узел источника света дополнительно содержит источник (20) света, выполненный с возможностью перемыкания контактного промежутка между первым и вторым электрическими выводами (16a, 16b), так чтобы источник (20) света находился в электрическом соединении с этими первым и вторым электрическими выводами (16a, 16b). 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

19-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2721447C1

Группа изобретений относится к светодиодным отображающим и осветительным устройствам, выполненным в виде гибкой тонкопленочной конструкции. Экранное устройство содержит по меньшей мере один модуль. Каждый модуль содержит слоистую конструкцию из по меньшей мере одного слоя изготовленного из полимера. Слоистая конструкция содержит светодиодную слоистую конструкцию по меньшей мере из одного светодиодного слоя, который содержит множество светодиодов. Модуль содержит по меньшей мере два слоя, наложенные друг на друга в каждом модуле с образованием слоистой конструкции для одного модуля. В случае выполнения экранного устройства из двух модулей модули соединены друг с другом. Слоистая конструкция является частично гибкой. Устройство содержит множество сквозных отверстий, выполненных по экранному устройству, для увеличения прозрачности устройства, и/или для обеспечения полостей для светодиодов смежного слоя, и/или для обеспечения возможности проникновения воздуха и/или воды через экранное устройство ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014113346A

... 1. Сетчатый осветительный модуль (13; 23), содержащий:- множество электропроводящих проводов (15a-b), задающих сетку с узлами (16а-с); и- множество твердотельных источников (17a-c) света, каждый из которых размещен в соответствующем одном из узлов и соединен с двумя электропроводящими проводами из множества электропроводящих проводов,при этом электропроводящие провода (15a-b) уложены так, что сетчатый осветительный модуль (13; 23) проявляет трехмерную топографию, икаждый из электропроводящих проводов (15a-b) уложен так, чтобы проявлять множество сгибов (18a-b; 28a-c), каждый из которых размещен между двумя взаимно смежными твердотельными источниками света, и по меньшей мере один сгиб (18a-b; 28a-c) размещен между каждой взаимно смежной парой твердотельных источников света, соединенных с электропроводящим проводом.2. Сетчатый осветительный модуль (23) по п. 1, в котором по меньшей мере три сгиба (28a-c) размещены между двумя взаимно смежными твердотельными источниками света.3. Сетчатый осветительный ...

09-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017144588A

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013152399A

... 1. Светодиодный источник света, содержащий:плату светодиода, содержащую светодиодный излучатель и схему управления указанным светодиодным излучателем;опору, выполненную с возможностью поддержки платы светодиода; икорпус, охватывающий указанную плату светодиода;причем корпус заполнен газом или смесью газов, чтобы указанные газ или смесь газов действовали как среда, обеспечивающая отвод тепла от платы светодиода; а газ или смесь газов выбраны таким образом, чтобы обеспечивался более интенсивный, по сравнению с воздухом, отвод тепла от платы светодиода.2. Светодиодный источник света по п.1, в котором указанная опора содержит пружинную опору.3. Светодиодный источник света по п.1, в котором тепло отводится от светодиодного излучателя к поверхности корпуса посредством конвекционного потока.4. Светодиодный источник света по п.1, в котором материал корпуса выбран таким образом, чтобы обеспечивалось пропускание света и перенос тепла от поверхности корпуса в окружающую среду путем излучения.5. Светодиодный ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102012212025A1

Es wird ein Leuchtmodul bereitgestellt mit einer ersten Leiterplatte (1), an welcher mindestens eine Lichtquelle (3) angeordnet ist, einem Abdeckelement (5), welches die erste Leiterplatte (1) zumindest teilweise abdeckt, und einer zweiten Leiterplatte (9), an welcher mindestens ein elektronisches Bauelement (11) angeordnet ist, wobei die zweite Leiterplatte (9) an dem Abdeckelement (5) befestigt ist und mit der ersten Leiterplatte (1) elektrisch verbunden ist.

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Leuchtvorrichtung mit Linse und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung

Номер: DE102017116932B4

Leuchtvorrichtung aufweisend ein Leuchtmodul (3, 4) und eine mit dem Leuchtmodul (3, 4) mechanisch verbundene Linse (5), wobei die Linse (5) einen oder mehrere Verbindungsstifte (6) aufweist, dass das Leuchtmodul (3, 4) eine oder mehrere Aufnahmeöffnungen (15, 16) zur Aufnahme der Verbindungsstifte (6) aufweist und dass die freien Enden (6a) der Verbindungsstifte (6) durch thermisches Umformen so verformt sind, dass das Leuchtmodul (3, 4) an der Linse (5) gehalten wird,wobei das Leuchtmodul eine Platine (3) mit einer oder mehreren Halbleiterlichtquellen aufweist,wobei das Leuchtmodul einen Kühlkörper (4) aufweist,wobei der Kühlkörper (4) eine oder mehrere Aufnahmeöffnungen (16) zur Aufnahme der Verbindungsstifte (6) aufweist,wobei der Kühlkörper (4) zwischen Linse (5) und Platine (3) angeordnet ist,dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Kühlkörper (4) mehrere Vorsprünge (14) in Richtung der Platine (3) aufweist.

06-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017209065A1

Offenbart ist eine Leuchtvorrichtung mit einer Leiterplatte. Diese hat einen oder mehrere leitfähige Abschnitte. Auf einem leitfähigen Abschnitt ist eine Licht emittierende Diode (LED) über eine Lötverbindung elektrisch kontaktiert und befestigt. Des Weiteren weist die Leiterplatte eine lackförmige Isolationsschicht auf und/oder der leitfähige Abschnitt hat eine Kante. Der Befestigungsbereich der LED ist über eine Auslauföffnung mit einem Auslaufraum verbunden, damit bei der Herstellung geschmolzenes Lot definiert abfließen kann. Die Anordnung und/oder Ausgestaltung der Auslauföffnung erfolgt hierbei derart, dass eine bevorzugte Bewegungsrichtung der LED ausgebildet wird, um diese definiert zu positionieren.

24-09-2015 дата публикации

Lampe mit rohrförmigem Kolben und Halbleiterlichtquelle

Номер: DE102014205360A1

Ein Halteelement dient zum Halten eines Leuchtbands (35, 36) mit mindestens einer Halbleiterlichtquelle (36) in einem rohrförmigen Kolben (2), wobei das Halteelement (4) eine elastisch verformbare Klammer (4) ist, die als ein zur Unterbringung in dem Kolben (2) vorgesehener Träger für das Leuchtband (35, 36) ausgebildet ist. Eine Lampe (1) weist einem lichtdurchlässigen rohrförmigen Kolben (2) auf, in welchem ein Leuchtband (35, 36) mit mindestens einer Halbleiterlichtquelle (36) mittels mindestens eines Halteelements (4) gehalten wird. Ein Verfahren dient zum Einführen mindestens eines Halteelements (4) in einen lichtdurchlässigen rohrförmigen Kolben (2), wobei das Einführen des Halteelements (4) ein seitliches Zusammendrücken des Halteelements (4) vor seinem Einführen in den Kolben (2) und ein Freilassen des Halteelements (4) an der gewünschten Position nach Einführen in den Kolben (2) umfasst. Die Erfindung ist insbesondere anwendbar auf LED-Retrofits für Leuchtstofflampen, insbesondere ...

06-09-2013 дата публикации

Halbleiterlampe mit Wärmeleitkörper zwischen Treiber und Treibergehäuse

Номер: DE202013007592U1
Принадлежит: OSRAM GMBH

Halbleiterlampe (1) mit mindestens einer Halbleiterlichtquelle (9), aufweisend ein Treibergehäuse (3) mit einer Treiberkavität (21) einen in der Treiberkavität (21) untergebrachten Treiber (4) und einen lokalen wärmeleitenden Körper (22, 23, 24), welcher einen Teil des Treibers (4) mit einem Teil des Treibergehäuses (3, 5) wärmeleitend verbindet, wobei der lokale wärmeleitende Körper (22, 23, 24) aus einem Wärmeleitmaterial (25) von beim Einfüllen in die Treiberkavität (21) formhaltend pastenartiger Konsistenz besteht.

08-05-2013 дата публикации

Illumination apparatus

Номер: GB0002496183A

An illumination apparatus comprises an array of inorganic light emitting elements which is formed by selectively removing inorganic light emitting diodes (LEDs) from an array formed on a monolithic wafer and preserving the relative spatial positions of the diodes then forming an array of the selectively removed inorganic LEDs whilst maintaining the relative spatial positions, so that the inorganic LEDs 6, 8 are interspersed in gaps within an array of organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) 4, positioned within apertures within OLEDs (see Fig. 6a), or formed on the surface of a continuous layer of OLEDs (see Fig. 7) the inorganic LEDs and OLEDs sharing a common substrate 2. There may be more than one array of inorganic LEDs 6, 8, each with different wavelength characteristics. The inorganic light emitting elements 6, 8 are provided at reduced density compared to the organic light emitting elements, achieving high efficiency, long lifetime and high uniformity for white light illumination over ...

23-04-2014 дата публикации

LED lamp with embedded circuitry

Номер: GB0201404119D0

20-06-2018 дата публикации

Light emitting diode lighting

Номер: GB0002557338A

A light emitting diode lighting device comprises a light emitting diode with an emitting surface and a housing 100 in which the light emitting diode is mounted. The light emitting diode and housing together comprise an upper surface 101 and a lower surface 102. The emitting surface forms part of the upper surface 101 and there is a first edge 103 between the upper and lower surfaces. A shortest distance from the emitting surface to the lower surface 102 is less than a shortest distance from the emitting surface to the first edge 103. The LED lighting device may be disc-shaped or waterproof. The LED lighting device may be combined with a diffuser element. An LED light string and a method of illuminating an LED light string is also disclosed.

17-06-2020 дата публикации

Led meshwork lamp and production method thereof

Номер: GB0202006454D0

15-09-2020 дата публикации

Protection panel for CSP LED module

Номер: AT0000016805U1

Schutzplatte (10) für ein LED-Modul (1) mit wenigstens einem rahmenlosen CSP LED-Chip (2) wobei die Schutzplatte (10) eine Dicke (t) aufweist die wenigstens so gross ist wie der Überstand des rahmenlosen CSP LED-Chips (2) auf dem LED-Modul (1) und die Schutzplatte (10) aufweist: - eine oder mehrere Ausnehmungen (3, 5) für ein oder mehrere Montagelöcher (3',5') in dem LED-Modul (1) - wenigstens eine Ausnehmung oder Vertiefung (4) für einen rahmenlosen CSP LED-Chip (2) und - Mittel zur entfernbaren Fixierung der Schutzplatte (10) auf der den wenigstens einen rahmenlosen CSP LED-Chip (1) tragenden Seite (1a) des LED-Moduls (1).

15-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000317091T

24-05-2001 дата публикации

Method for production of conducting element and conducting element

Номер: AU0000733755B2

02-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002763244A1

The present invention discloses an illumination device (100) and a method (4000) for assembly of such an illumination device. The illumination device (100) comprises a light source (110) arranged to generate light, a carrier (120) arranged to support the light source and an envelope (130) enclosing the light source and the carrier. The envelope comprises at least two enveloping parts which, when joined together, form the envelope. Further, the carrier is arranged in thermal contact with at least one of the enveloping parts for dissipating heat out of the illumination device. The method comprises the steps of mounting (4100) the light source in thermal contact with the carrier and enclosing (4200) the light source and the carrier with the envelope. The present invention is advantageous in that it provides a convenient design which facilitates the assembly of the illumination device. Further, the present invention is advantageous in that it provides an illumination device with improved heat ...

18-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3097887A1

29-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003014180A1
Принадлежит: RIDOUT & MAYBEE LLP

A light set circuit with time control function includes a power supply module, a plurality of light emitting modules and a time control module. A first wire receives a positive voltage and a second wire receives a negative voltage, or the first wire receives a negative voltage and the second wire receives a positive voltage, from the power supply module. A first positive pin of a first light emitting module and a second positive pin of a second light emitting module are connected to the second wire, and a first negative pin of the first light emitting module and a second positive pin of the second light emitting module are connected to the second wire. The time control module counts time and controls light emitting states of the light emitting modules.

28-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003066153A1

A light emitting device manufacturing method includes: disposing n pieces of light emitting elements in m rows on a substrate block, where an interval between a kth light emitting element from one end of rows and a (k+1)th light emitting element has a first distance; disposing a phosphor member on the light emitting elements; disposing a frame member to surround the light emitting elements; disposing a cover member in each area surrounded by the frame member to cover lateral surfaces of the light emitting elements and the phosphor members while forming recesses at an upper surface between the kth light emitting elements and the (k+1)th light emitting elements apart by the first distance; disposing a light shielding member in each recess; and cutting the light shielding members, the cover members, and the substrate block between the light emitting elements that are apart by the first distance.

05-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002823040A1

An illumination module includes a plurality of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). The illumination module may include a reflective color converting element with a PTFE layer and a color converting layer fixed to the PTFE layer. The color converting layer includes phosphor particles embedded in a polymer matrix and has a thickness that is less than five times an average diameter of the phosphor particles. The illumination module may include a transmissive color converting element. The color converting elements may be produced by mixing a polymer binder with a solvent and phosphor particles to form a homogeneous suspension of the phosphor particles. The homogeneous suspension is applied to a surface to form an uncured color converting layer, which is heated to vaporize the solvent. The cured color converting layer includes the phosphor particles suspended in the polymer binder ...

30-09-2014 дата публикации

Chemical-Resistant Led Lamp.

Номер: CH0000707781A2

Die Erfindung betrifft eine LED-Leuchte für den innen- und Aussenbereich mit einem Leuchten-Kopf (1) aus Hochleistungskunststoff. Der Leuchten-Kopf (1) weist ein Schraubgewinde (5) auf und ist mit dem Leuchten-Sockel (2) verbunden. Zwischen Leuchten-Sockel (2) und Leuchten-Kopf (1) sind ein O-Ring (6) und eine Schaftnutdichtung (7) vorgesehen. Damit wird eine chemikalienbeständige, wasser- und wasserdampfdichte Leuchte bereitgestellt.

28-06-2019 дата публикации

LED lamp assembly and method for producing the same.

Номер: CH0000711339B1
Автор: VIMAL SONI, Vimal Soni
Принадлежит: CORVI LED PVT LTD, Corvi Led Pvt Ltd

Die vorliegende Erfindung bezieht sich auf eine LED-Lampen-Anordnung (1), umfassend einen Sockel (2) mit einem Verbindungsteil (20) zum Verbinden der Anordnung (1) mit einer elektrischen Lampenfassung, und mit einem Halteteil (21), wobei das Verbindungsteil (20) und das Halteteil (21) in entgegengesetzte Richtungen zeigen, die im Wesentlichen parallel zu einer zentralen Achse (M) der Anordnung (1) verlaufen; und ein Substrat (3) zum Aufnehmen von zumindest einer LED und mit einem Befestigungsabschnitt (30), der am Halteteil (21) in einem vollständig zusammengesetzten Zustand der Anordnung (1) befestigt ist. Ferner bezieht sich die vorliegende Erfindung auf ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer LED-Lampen-Anordnung (1) so wie vorstehend dargelegt. Eine LED-Lampen-Anordnung (1), die einfach zusammenzubauen und trotzdem robust ist und die eine Vollautomatisierung der Produktion ermöglicht oder zumindest die Herstellungsaufwendungen minimiert und somit die Kosten der LED-Lampen reduziert, wird ...

31-01-2017 дата публикации

LED lamp assembly and method of making the same.

Номер: CH0000711339A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung bezieht sich auf eine LED-Lampenanordnung (1), umfassend einen Sockel (2) mit einem Verbindungsteil (20) zum Verbinden der Anordnung (1) mit einer elektrischen Lampenfassung, und mit einem Halteteil (21), wobei das Verbindungsteil (20) und das Halteteil (21) in entgegengesetzte Richtungen zeigen, die im Wesentlichen parallel zu einer zentralen Achse (M) der Anordnung (1) verlaufen; und ein Substrat (3) zum Aufnehmen von zumindest einer LED und mit einem Befestigungsabschnitt (30), der am Halteteil (21) in einem vollständig zusammengesetzten Zustand (W) der Anordnung (1) befestigt ist. Ferner bezieht sich die vorliegende Erfindung auf ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer LED-Lampenanordnung (1) so, wie vorstehend dargelegt. Eine LED-Lampenanordnung (1), die einfach zusammenzubauen und trotzdem robust ist und die eine Vollautomatisierung der Produktion ermöglicht oder zumindest die Herstellungsaufwendungen minimiert und somit die Kosten der LED-Lampen reduziert, wird ...

30-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000019873B1

Изобретение относится к светодиодным лампам. Техническим результатом является повышение технологичности конструкции и упрощение сборки изделия, которые достигаются за счет создания гарантированного соединения между полым кольцеобразным радиатором (4), светоизлучающей оболочкой (1) и переходным конусом (10) при помощи двухзвенного механизма запирания, элементы которого: защелки (3) и (11), выступы (12) и отверстия (7) - формируются на стадии изготовления этих деталей лампы.

07-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN0108375051A

27-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN0106895277A

18-07-2017 дата публикации

Easy-to-assemble COB lamp, lamp support and a lamp bead preparation method, simple assembly of the LED module

Номер: CN0103883995B

27-08-2019 дата публикации

LED tri-proof lamp assembling jig

Номер: CN0108006460B

05-04-2019 дата публикации

Power supply device

Номер: CN0109586352A

13-11-2018 дата публикации

가요성 기판의 제조방법

Номер: KR0101917559B1
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지화학

... 본 발명은 가요성 기판의 제조방법에 관한 것으로, 레이저 조사 또는 광 조사 공정 등을 진행하지 않더라도 상기 캐리어 기판으로부터 가요성 기판을 용이하게 분리가 가능하여, 레이저 또는 광 조사 등에 의한 소자의 신뢰성 저하 또는 불량 발생 또한 억제할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 롤투롤(roll to roll)공정에 의한 가요성 기판의 연속생산이 보다 용이해질 수 있다.

18-01-2019 дата публикации

휴대용 플렉서블 발광다이오드 조명장치 및 그의 제조방법

Номер: KR0101940421B1
Автор: 김종수
Принадлежит: 김종수

... 이 발명은, 발광다이오드 및 연성회로기판에서 발생되는 열의 냉각 및 방출 효율을 높일 수 있으면서도 휴대용 플렉서블 발광다이오드 조명장치의 유연성을 유지할 수 있는, 휴대용 플렉서블 발광다이오드 조명장치 및 그의 제조방법에 관한 것으로서,이 발명의 휴대용 플렉서블 발광다이오드 조명장치의 구성은, 발광다이오드를 이용하여 빛을 방출하는 발광부와, 상기한 발광부에 연결되어 있는 전원공급 케이블과, 상기한 전원공급 케이블을 발광부에 안정적으로 연결 및 고정시키기 위한 절연 연결부를 포함하며, 상기한 발광부는, 유성성 및 굴곡성을 갖는 연성회로기판과, 상기한 연성회로기판의 상부에 어레이 형태로 설치되어 있는 다수개의 발광다이오드와, 상기한 발광다이오드를 덮고 있는 실리콘층과, 상기한 실리콘층의 상부에 형성되는 광확산층과, 상기한 연성회로기판의 하부에 형성되는 제1 절연층과, 상기한 제1 절연층의 하부에 형성되는 반사층과, 상기한 반사층의 하부에 형성되는 제2 절연층과, 방열을 위하여 상기한 제2 절연층의 하부에 형성되는 흑연층과, 방열을 위하여 상기한 흑연층의 하부에 형성되는 알루미늄층과, 상기한 알루미늄층의 하부에 형성되는 제3 절연층을 포함하며, 상기한 절연 연결부는 원재료로 열가소성 폴리우레탄(Thermalplastic Poly Urethan, TPU)에 탈크, 슬립제(slip agent)를 혼합한 전체 100 중량에 대하여, 탄소섬유 35~45 중량부, 난연제 20~25 중량부, 자외선 차단제 13~15 중량부를 첨가 혼합하여 생성된 TPU 복합 조성물을 성형하여 제작된다.

24-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0101971879B1

31-10-2016 дата публикации

LED 라이트 바 제조방법 및 LED 라이트 바

Номер: KR1020160125458A

LED 라이트 바를 제조하는 방법과 LED 라이트 바를 제작하는 방법을 이용하여 제작되는 LED 라이트 바(26). 방법은 : 투명한 기판(20)을 제공하는 단계, 여기서 LED 칩들(23)을 고정하기 위한 적어도 하나의 프레임워크 영역(21)은 투명한 기판(20) 상에 제공되고, 각 프레임워크 영역(21)의 양측들에는 프레임워크 영역(21)과 평행한 적어도 하나의 연마 홈(22)가 각기 제공되며, 연마 홈(22)는 투명한 기판(20)의 상부 표면 및 하부 표면을 관통하는(penetrating through) 홈 바디임; 다이 본드 과정을 통해 프레임워크 영역(21)에서 몇몇 LED 칩들(23)을 배열하는 단계, 동일 프레임워크 영역(21)에서 LED 칩들(23)은 LED 칩 기둥을 형성함; 와이어-본딩 공정을 통해 동일 LED 칩 기둥 내에 인접한 LED 칩들의 양 및 음극들을 연결하는 단계; LED 칩들(23)이 몰딩 공정을 통해 배열된 투명한 기판(20)의 영역의 상부 및 하부 표면에, 형광 파우더와 혼합된 포장 접착제(25)를 코팅하는 단계, 및 압력의 작용 하에서 포장 접착제(25)를 구비하는 연마 홈(22)을 완전히 채우는 단계; 및 포장 접착제(25)가 응고된 후에, 동일물 주위 접착제를 구비하는 LED 라이트 바를 얻기 위해 연마 홈(22)을 따라서 절단하는 단계, 이에 의해 포장 접착제(25)로 코팅되도록 절단함으로써 마침내 얻어지는 LED 라이트 바(26)의 네 측면들을 모두 허가하고, 원래의 측-표면 라이트 누출의 문제를 극복한다. 방법을 이용하여 제조된 LED 라이트 바(26)는 균일한 하이트를 방사할 뿐만 아니라, 색 온도 일관성에 의해 형광 파우더의 이용을 증가시키는 것을 필요로 하지 않고, 이에 의해 비용을 줄인다.

24-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020140035981A

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170070790A

According to the present invention, a light source module comprises a light source and a body for supporting the light source. The body includes: a heat sink which has the light source supported thereon and absorbs heat from the light source to emit the heat to the outside; an insulating unit which is provided on the surface of the heat sink and has an electrical insulating property; and a plating unit provided to the insulating unit. The plating unit can include a contact heat dissipation unit in contact with a portion of the bottom surface of the light source, and a diffusion heat dissipation unit connected to the contact heat dissipation unit to receive the heat from the light source and to emit the heat to the heat sink. According to the present invention, the effects can be achieved, such as an improved service life of a product due to rapid heat dissipation, increased safety of the product, a rapid manufacturing process, low manufacturing cost, convenient mass production, improved ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020130111516A

01-07-2012 дата публикации

LED lamp with high color rendering index

Номер: TW0201226802A

An LED lamp with a high color rendering index (CRI) is disclosed. Example embodiments of the invention provide an LED lamp (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700) with a relatively high color rendering index (CRI). In some embodiments, the lamp (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700) has other advantageous characteristics, such as good angular uniformity. In some embodiments, the LED lamp (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700) is sized and shaped as a replacement for a standard incandescent bulb, and includes an LED assembly (102, 202, 302, 402, 502, 602, 702) with at least first and second LEDs operable to emit light of two different colors. In some embodiments, the lamp (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700) can emit light with a color rendering index (CRI) of at least 90 without remote wavelength conversion. In some embodiments, the LED lamp (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700) conforms some, most, or all of the product requirements for a 60-watt incandescent replacement for the L prize.

01-07-2013 дата публикации

LED packages for an LED bulb

Номер: TW0201326663A

A light-emitting diode (LED) bulb includes a base, a shell connected to the base, a thermally conductive liquid held within the shell, and one or more support structures disposed within the shell. One or more LEDs are mounted to the one or more support structures and immersed in the thermally conductive liquid. The one or more LEDs each comprise a semiconductor die having at least one light-emitting interface and the one or more LEDs configured to emit light from the at least one light-emitting interface directly into the thermally conductive liquid.

07-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013030128A2

The present invention discloses an LED luminary and a method for fabricating the LED luminary. The LED luminary includes: an LED light emitting module including a plurality of LED light emitting elements; and an installation component for installing the LED light emitting module in the LED luminary, wherein the LED light emitting module is installed so that the LED light emitting elements included in the LED light emitting module are not on the same plane. With the LED luminary, more uniform light emission can be achieved while improving the luminous efficiency.

12-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012092808A1

An LED module, comprises a cuttable LED stent and a divisible driving circuit. The LED stent is disposed with multiple LED light emitting units of different powers and different color temperatures, the LED light emitting unit comprises an LED chip and an encapsulation layer disposed outside the LED chip; and the driving circuit is connected to the LED chip, for driving any one or more LED chips to emit light. The LED module may be cut into module units having a desired power, a luminous color, and a color temperature according to actual needs, and the LED module is fabricated through one process, the use of numerous materials and production apparatuses is avoided, and no troublesome and complicated process is required to be used, thereby solving the problem of resource waste and low production efficiency in the production process.

17-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013007685A3

The present invention relates to an illuminating system having an LED lighting module (1) and a phosphor tube (3), and light from the LED lighting module (1) going out through the phosphor tube (3), wherein the phosphor tube (3) is provided rotatably with respect to the LED lighting module (1), and wherein the phosphor tube (3) consists of at least two phosphor tube sectors (3a, 3b, 3c) divided at a circumference, each of the phosphor tube sectors (3a, 3b, 3c) is provided with a phosphor material, and light with different light emission properties is generated after the phosphor material in each of the phosphor tube sectors (3a, 3b, 3c) is excited. This illuminating system according to the present invention is capable of emitting light with different light emission properties, and particularly, with different CCTs, and also has constant optical efficiency, longer lifetime and favorable reliability with a simple structure and low cost as well.

03-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150346411A1

A lighting device is provided that includes a light source package including a diode disposed in a housing and emitting light at an emission point within the housing. The lighting device also has an optical fiber extending through an opening in the housing and having a terminal end optically aligned on an optical axis with the diode to within a distance of less than 1.0 millimeter from the emission point, wherein the fiber emits light via a light diffusing fiber.

01-10-2015 дата публикации

Low-Profile Outdoor Lighting Module With Light Emitting Diodes

Номер: US20150276144A1
Принадлежит: Bridgelux, Inc.

A low-profile lighting module with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) has a water-tight seal between a molded-plastic cover and a printed circuit board (PCB). A substrate with the LEDs fits up into an indentation in the lower surface of the PCB. Landing pads on the top of the substrate attach to contact pads in the indentation that are extensions of a conductor of the PCB which is electrically coupled through the landing pads to the LEDs. A lens with a curved optical portion surrounded by a flat lip fits into another indentation on the upper surface of the PCB. A highly reflective sheet is disposed between the planar lower surface of the lens and bottom of the indentation in the upper surface. A double-sided adhesive sheet is disposed under the inside surface of the molded-plastic cover and over both the upper surface of the PCB and the flat lip of the lens.

25-04-2017 дата публикации

Laminate for light emitting device and process of preparing same

Номер: US0009634290B2

A laminate for a light emitting device, includes a glass substrate, a random network of reliefs formed on the glass substrate, and a flattening layer formed on the network, wherein the network of reliefs are formed from a glass frit. The laminate for a light emitting device further includes a network inducing the scattering of light for efficiently extracting outward a loss of light at an interface between a glass substrate and an internal light extraction layer. The laminate is suitable for the industrial field of optical devices, such as organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), backlights, lighting, and the like.

13-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: US2008062688A1

The present disclosure is generally directed to illumination devices, and methods for making the same. The device, in particular, includes a first conductor layer, a first insulator layer disposed on the first conductor layer and having at least one first aperture defined therein through the first insulator layer, a second conductor layer disposed on the first insulator layer and having at least one second aperture defined therein through the second conductor layer and positioned to align with the at least one first aperture, and a light manipulation layer disposed on the second conductor layer and having at least one pair of apertures defined therein through the light manipulation layer including a third aperture and a fourth aperture, where the third aperture is positioned to align with the at least one second and first apertures.

23-06-2020 дата публикации

LED light bulb with two sets of filaments

Номер: US0010690293B2

An LED light bulb includes a bulb shell, a bulb base, a stem, conductive supports, an LED filament, and a supporting arm. The bulb base is connected to the bulb shell. The stem is connected to the bulb base. The conductive supports are connected to the stem. The LED filament includes a filament body and two conductive electrodes. The conductive electrodes are at two ends of the filament body and connected to the conductive supports. The filament body is around the stem. The supporting arm is connected to the stem and the filament body. In a height direction of the LED light bulb, H is a distance from a bottom to a top of the bulb shell. A first height difference is defined between the two conductive electrodes and is from 0 to 1/10H. The filament body is curved to form a highest point and a lowest point. A second height difference is defined between the highest point and the lowest point. The first height difference is less than the second height difference.

11-04-2017 дата публикации

Flexible substrate lighting fixtures

Номер: US0009618167B2

A lighting fixture can comprise a flexible substrate and an array of light emitting diodes (LEDs) coupled to the flexible substrate. In various embodiments, the array of LEDs can be disposed at one region of the flexible substrate, with another area of the flexible substrate free from LEDs. Light emitted from the LED array can be incident upon the area that is free from LEDs, and that area can manage the incident light to achieve a desired effect. Accordingly, the flexible substrate can filter, diffuse, refract, transmit, diffract, imprint information upon, or otherwise purposely manipulate light generated by associated LEDs The flexible substrate may be manipulated into different forms for different lighting fixtures styles and models and for different applications.

18-08-2020 дата публикации

Hard-pressed glass light emitting diode flood lamp

Номер: US0010746391B2

In various embodiments, a light emitting diode (LED) lamp is provided. The LED lamp may include a base; a first housing having a first end and a second end, the first end secured to the base; a second housing having at least in part a partially conical shape, an end of the second housing having a smaller diameter secured to the second end of the first housing; at least one LED secured within the second; driver circuitry secured within the LED flood lamp between the end of the base and the at least one LED; a reflector having a partially conical shape; and a diffuser element secured to at least one of a wider end of the reflector or the end of the second housing having the larger diameter. In some embodiments, the first or second housing may include one or more vents.

28-12-2021 дата публикации

Method for producing a tube lamp and corresponding tube lamp

Номер: US0011209130B2
Принадлежит: LEDVANCE GMBH

A method for producing a tube lamp uses at least one leadframe. A leadframe is a flat structure which has two opposing surfaces extending substantially parallel and spaced apart by the sheet thickness. One or more stabilizing sections are applied to the leadframe. The leadframe is fastened with the stabilizing sections in a tubular housing of the tube lamp.

13-01-2009 дата публикации

Roll-to-roll fabricated light sheet and encapsulated semiconductor circuit devices

Номер: US0007476557B2

A method of making a light active sheet. A bottom substrate having an electrically conductive surface is provided. A hotmelt adhesive sheet is provided. Light active semiconductor elements, such as LED die, are embedded in the hotmelt adhesive sheet. The LED die each have a top electrode and a bottom electrode. A top substrate is provided having a conductive layer. The hotmelt adhesive sheet with the embedded LED die is inserted between the electrically conductive surface and the conductive layer to form a lamination. The lamination is run through a heated pressure roller system to melt the hotmelt adhesive sheet and electrically insulate and bind the top substrate to the bottom substrate. As the hotmelt sheet is softened, the LED die breakthrough so that the top electrode comes into electrical contact with the conductive layer of the top substrate and the bottom electrode comes into electrical contact with the electrically conductive surface of the bottom substrate. Thus, the p and n sides ...

25-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: US20110204392A1

Disclosed herein is a method for producing an LED array grid including the steps of (i) arranging N electrically conducting parallel wires, where N is an integer >1, thus creating an array of wires having a width D perpendicular to a direction of the wires, (ii) arranging LED components to the array of wires such that each LED component is electrically coupled to at least two adjacent wires, (iii) stretching the array of wires such that the width D increases, and arranging the stretched LED array grid onto a plate or between two plates ...

05-09-2017 дата публикации

Light-emitting device, method for designing light-emitting device, method for driving light-emitting device, illumination method, and method for manufacturing light-emitting device

Номер: US0009755118B2

These objects are achieved by the light-emitting device that incorporates light-emitting elements and satisfies predetermined requirements, in which φSSL (λ) emitted from the light-emitting device satisfies a predetermined condition.

03-10-2017 дата публикации

Light tube and power supply circuit

Номер: US0009777893B2
Принадлежит: iLumisys, Inc., ILUMISYS INC

A replacement light tube for replacing a fluorescent light tube includes a bulb portion extending between a first end and a second end, the bulb portion comprising a support structure, a plurality of white light emitting diodes (LEDs) and an elongate light-transmissive cover. The support structure has a first surface extending between the first end and the second end. The plurality of LEDs are supported by the first surface and arranged between the first end and the second end. The elongate light-transmissive cover extends between the first end and the second end and over the first surface of the support structure. A first end cap and a second end cap are disposed on the first end and the second end, respectively, each configured to fit with a socket for a fluorescent light tube. A power supply circuit is configured to provide power to the plurality of LEDs. The plurality of LEDs are arranged to emit light through the elongate light-transmissive cover and at least a portion of the power ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Automatic production process of LED bulbs

Номер: US20200011490A1
Принадлежит: Dongguan Miray E-Tech Co.,Ltd

An automatic process of making a LED bulb comprising: automatic manufacturing of a glass core column with a driving chip and a resistor, automatic welding of an LED wick, automatic sealing and venting of a lamp cover and the wick and gas protection, automatic installation of a lamp holder, and automatic optical inspection and packaging. With the automatic process, which is a substitution for the manual production having a high cost labor and which reduces the uncertainty of the quality, continuous all-day production without interruptions is achieved, and the production efficiency and quality are improved. 1. An automatic process of making a LED bulb comprising:step (1), automatically manufacturing a glass core column with a driving chip and a resistor, which comprises: successively placing a glass horn tube, a first conducting wire, a second conducting wire with the driving chip and a resistor element, and a vent tube into a firing mold of a multi-station automatic rotating machine, fusing and pressing an upper end of each of the glass horn tube and the vent tube, the first conducting wire, and the second conducting wire with the driving chip and the resistor into a flat shape via flames, and then moving the glass core column to a conveying device via an automatic clamping manipulator for conveying the glass core column to the next step;step (2), automatically welding an LED filament, which comprises: fixing the LED filament between the first conducting wire and the second conducting wire by using an automatic welding machine, such that the LED filament and the glass core column together form an LED wick, and then automatically conveying the LED wick to a sealing and venting machine;step (3), automatically sealing and venting of a lamp cover and the LED wick and gas protection, which comprises: passing the LED wick into the lamp cover from a lower opening of the lamp cover, and heating and fusion-bonding the lower opening of the lamp cover with a flame, such that ...

07-06-2016 дата публикации

Illumination device and method for assembly of an illumination device

Номер: US0009360203B2

The present invention discloses an illumination device (100) and a method (4000) for assembly of such an illumination device. The illumination device (100) comprises a light source (110) arranged to generate light, a carrier (120) arranged to support the light source and an envelope (130) enclosing the light source and the carrier. The envelope comprises at least two enveloping parts which, when joined together, form the envelope. Further, the carrier is arranged in thermal contact with at least one of the enveloping parts for dissipating heat out of the illumination device. The method comprises the steps of mounting (4100) the light source in thermal contact with the carrier and enclosing (4200) the light source and the carrier with the envelope. The present invention is advantageous in that it provides a convenient design which facilitates the assembly of the illumination device. Further, the present invention is advantageous in that it provides an illumination device with improved heat ...

26-11-2013 дата публикации

Modular architecture for sealed LED light engines

Номер: US0008593044B2

Apparatus and associated methods involve an assembly of multiple LED light engines in which a desired number of LED lamps are mounted to a plate that forms a wall of an enclosure. In an illustrative example, three LED light engines may be mounted to a plate that may be slidably installed as a wall of an extruded housing that contains electrical connections from an AC power inlet to each light engine. In various examples, the number and layout arrangement of the LED light engines may be custom selected for a particular application.

11-04-2017 дата публикации

Lighting device with reduced light output degradation

Номер: US0009618161B2

A lamp includes a substrate having a center region and a peripheral region, a first subset of light-emitting devices disposed on the center region, and a second subset of light-emitting devices disposed on the peripheral region. A temperature difference between the center region and the peripheral region is greater than 10 degrees.

27-02-2018 дата публикации

Lighting device and corresponding method

Номер: US0009903998B2
Принадлежит: OSRAM GMBH, OSRAM GmbH

A lighting device includes an elongated profiled body including at least one light permeable material, e.g. a polymeric material, having a mouth portion where an e.g. white light radiation source assembly is arranged which includes one or more electrically powered light radiation sources facing the profiled body. The light radiation emitted by the light radiation source assembly propagates through the light permeable material of the profiled body. The material of the profiled body includes pigments and is at least in part light diffusive, whereby, by propagating through profiled body, the light radiation becomes a colored light radiation of a color determined by the pigments and with a homogeneous near field distribution.

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US2015103537A1

The present invention relates to a LED lamp with a fan and manufacturing method thereof. A lamp body of the LED lamp has an upper lamp body and a lower lamp body connected together; an external wall of a facet of a prism of the upper lamp body is covered with a LED aluminum substrate connected to a LED PCB, a capacitor is soldered at the center of the bottom of the PCB, a LED driving circuit and a fan both are received in a cavity of a lamp holder; air flows into the LED lamp from an air inlet of the lower lamp body and a window of the lamp holder, then passes through an air outlet, a penetrating hole and an air flow channel, and finally an air outlet flue opened in a lamp cover and matching the penetrating hole dissipates heat away from the LED lamp.

29-03-2022 дата публикации

Illumination apparatus

Номер: US0011287109B2
Принадлежит: Optovate Limited

An illumination apparatus comprises a plurality of LEDs aligned to an array of directional optical elements wherein the LEDs are substantially at the input aperture of respective optical elements. An electrode array is formed on the array of optical elements to provide at least a first electrical connection to the array of LED elements. Advantageously such an arrangement provides low cost and high efficiency from the directional LED array.

23-07-2014 дата публикации

Illumination light source and lichting apparatus

Номер: EP2757307A1

An LED unit (1) which serves as an illumination light source includes: a light-emitting element; a circuit board (70) provided in a drive circuit which drives the light-emitting element; a lead wire (43) electrically connecting the light-emitting element and the drive circuit; and a case (50) including a first opening (55a) which is an elongated opening into which the lead wire (43) is inserted. The circuit board (70) includes a second opening (71) which is an elongated opening into which the lead wire (43) is inserted, and the first opening (55a) and the second opening (71) are disposed so that a straight line extending in a lengthwise direction of the first opening (55a) and a straight line extending in a lengthwise direction of the second opening (71) three-dimensionally cross each other.

15-05-2013 дата публикации

Номер: JP0005197874B2

17-09-2014 дата публикации

Номер: JP0005591427B1

10-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2596941C2

Изобретение относится к светоизлучающему устройству, содержащему материал, преобразующий длину волны, и к способу изготовления светоизлучающего устройства. Задачей изобретения является обеспечение усовершенствованного светоизлучающего устройства и преодоление вышеупомянутых недостатков. Светоизлучающее устройство, содержащее: блок генерации света, содержащий по меньшей мере один твердотельный источник света; по меньшей мере две уплотненные прозрачные трубки, каждая из которых заключает материал, преобразующий длину волны, расположенные смежно друг другу таким образом, что между прозрачными трубками образована вытянутая полость. Блок генерации света выполнен с возможностью излучения света в вытянутую полость. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2658339C2

Изобретение относится к области светотехники. Техническим результатом является возможность излучения света в широком диапазоне направлений. Осветительное устройство (100) содержит по меньшей мере два источника (110) света, каждый из которых расположен, чтобы излучать свет, подложку (120), имеющую первую сторону (122) и вторую сторону (124), причем упомянутые по меньшей мере два источника света подсоединены к первой стороне подложки, и колбу, по меньшей мере частично огораживающую источники света и подложку. По меньшей мере один из источников света подсоединен к первому участку (126) подложки и по меньшей мере еще один из источников света подсоединен ко второму участку (128) подложки, причем первый и второй участки подложки являются разными, а подложка расположена таким образом, что вторая сторона первого участка подложки по меньшей мере частично обращена ко второй стороне второго участка подложки. Вследствие этого, источники света можно направлять с возможностью излучения света в нескольких ...

16-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2709099C2

Изобретение относится к области светотехники. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности антенны и упрощение ее установки. Осветительное устройство (1a) содержит откачную трубку (7a) и антенну (12a) беспроводной связи, расположенную внутри откачной трубки (7a). Заявлен способ изготовления такого осветительного устройства. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2698109C2

Изобретение относится к области светотехники. Техническим результатом является улучшение охлаждения светодиодов. Световой модуль (100), содержащий продолговатый элемент (110), имеющий внутреннюю поверхность (112), по меньшей мере частично определяющую светонаправляющую область (114) внутри продолговатого элемента, при этом продолговатый элемент имеет первый конец (116), второй конец (118) и выполнен с возможностью разрешения прохода света через светонаправляющую область (114) и, соответственно, в первый конец и из второго конца. Свет может выводиться из светонаправляющей области (114) через по меньшей мере одно из первого конца (116) и второго конца (118). Продолговатый элемент включает в себя держатель, который по меньшей мере частично является гибким и имеет первую сторону (131) и вторую сторону (132), противоположную первой стороне (131). По меньшей мере один светоизлучающий элемент (120) прикреплен к первой стороне (131) держателя на первом участке (151) держателя. Держатель сконфигурирован ...

23-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2608566C2

Изобретение относится к области светотехники. Техническим результатом является улучшение тепловой характеристики. Осветительное устройство содержит источник (3) света, печатную плату (7), сконфигурированную для управления источником (3) света, рамку (10) печатной платы, содержащую ребро( 11), паз (12), продолжающийся в ребре (11), и электроизолирующую фольгу (33). Кромка (8) печатной платы установлена в паз (12) таким образом, что печатная плата (7) находится в тепловом контакте с рамкой (10) печатной платы, причем фольга (33) и ребро (11) вместе окружают печатную плату (7), тем самым обеспечивая проведение тепла от печатной платы к рамке печатной платы. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

21-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2677687C2

Изобретение относится к устройству освещения и к способу изготовления такого устройства освещения. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении устройства освещения, содержащего источник света, выполненный в виде нити, содержащей светопропускающий трубчатый элемент, светоизлучающий блок, размещаемый в трубчатом элементе, преобразователь длины волны, размещаемый на поверхности трубчатого элемента и выполненный с возможностью преобразовывать свет из первого диапазона длин волн во второй диапазон длин волн. Результат достигается тем, что светоизлучающий блок содержит множество твердотельных источников (102) света и внутренних соединительных элементов (104), размещаемых попеременно с возможностью формировать гирлянду из соединенных твердотельных источников (102) света и внутренних соединительных элементов (104). Внутренние соединительные элементы представляют собой части выводной рамки (104), и по меньшей мере часть множества твердотельных источников (102) света попеременно размещается на ...

28-05-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016117270A3

10-04-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018123319A3

10-12-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017143968A3

20-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017127923A3

20-02-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017105455A3

25-02-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017104984A3

03-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2683960C2

Изобретение относится к световому устройству (100), которое содержит первый гибкий рукав, содержащий текстильный материал, и второй гибкий рукав, содержащий текстильный материал, первый набор из по меньшей мере двух соединительных швов, соединяющих первый рукав и второй рукав друг с другом. Соединительные швы выполнены между первым рукавом и вторым рукавом и продолжаются в поперечном направлении по отношению к продольному направлению первого и второго рукавов под углом, отличным от 90 градусов, по отношению к продольному направлению первого и второго рукавов. Светоизлучающее средство расположено внутри по меньшей мере одного из первого и второго рукавов и представляет собой гибкую основу, на которой расположено множество источников света. Технический результат - снижение нежелательного блескового эффекта от источников света и обеспечение звукопоглощения. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

12-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU177153U1
Принадлежит: СЮЙ Сунянь (CN)

Настоящая полезная модель относится к прозрачной водонепроницаемой LED-лампе c замечательной устойчивостью к атмосферным воздействиям и надёжной герметичностью. Форму для получения лампы изготавливают согласно требованиям потребителя относительно формы прозрачной водонепроницаемой лампы, печатную плату, содержащую управляющую схему и LED-источник света, помещают в формообразующую полость формы для получения LED-лампы, PVC пасту или модифицированную PVC пасту подают в формообразующую полость формы для получения LED-лампы, нагревание осуществляют в течение 15-30 мин, PVC паста или модифицированная PVC паста затвердевает в формообразующей полости формы для получения LED-лампы, затвердевшую водонепроницаемую LED-лампу извлекают из формообразующей полости формы для получения LED-лампы с получением прозрачной водонепроницаемой LED-лампы. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 177 153 U1 (51) МПК C08L 27/06 (2006.01) F21V 15/02 (2006.01) F21V 31/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F21K 9/90 (2017.02); F21V 15/01 (2017.02); F21V 23/007 (2017.02); F21V 31/00 (2017.02); F21V 9/06 (2017.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016134881, 19.01.2015 19.01.2015 (73) Патентообладатель(и): СЮЙ Сунянь (CN) Дата регистрации: 12.02.2018 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 28.01.2014 28.01.2014 28.01.2014 28.01.2014 CN CN CN CN 86106991 A, 11.05.1988. CN 1945103 A, 11.04.2007. CN 201657944 U, 01.12.2010. RU 2200274 C2, 10.03.2003. 201410041678.4; 201410041677.X; 201410041682.0; 201420055350.3 (45) Опубликовано: 12.02.2018 Бюл. № 5 U 1 U 1 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 29.08.2016 (86) Заявка PCT: CN 2015/071042 (19.01.2015) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 1 7 7 1 5 3 WO 2015/113471 (06.08.2015) R U 1 7 7 1 5 3 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: CN 203384767 Y, 25.06.2008. CN R U (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (72) Автор(ы): СЮЙ Сунянь (CN) Адрес для ...

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Illumination device and method for assembly of an illumination device

Номер: US20120069570A1

The present invention discloses an illumination device ( 100 ) and a method ( 4000 ) for assembly of such an illumination device. The illumination device ( 100 ) comprises a light source ( 110 ) arranged to generate light, a carrier ( 120 ) arranged to support the light source and an envelope ( 130 ) enclosing the light source and the carrier. The envelope comprises at least two enveloping parts which, when joined together, form the envelope. Further, the carrier is arranged in thermal contact with at least one of the enveloping parts for dissipating heat out of the illumination device. The method comprises the steps of mounting ( 4100 ) the light source in thermal contact with the carrier and enclosing ( 4200 ) the light source and the carrier with the envelope. The present invention is advantageous in that it provides a convenient design which facilitates the assembly of the illumination device. Further, the present invention is advantageous in that it provides an illumination device with improved heat transfer.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Cooling Member for Semiconductor Light Emitting Elements

Номер: US20120176796A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM GMBH

A cooling member ( 2 ) for at least one semiconductor light emitting element ( 8 ), especially light emitting diode, having a mounting cavity ( 3 ) for accommodating at least part of control electronics ( 4 ) used for operating the at least one semiconductor light emitting element ( 8 ).

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Phosphor distribution in led lamps using centrifugal force

Номер: US20120206039A1
Принадлежит: Cree Inc

A method of manufacturing an LED lamp is disclosed. The method includes admixing an uncured curable liquid resin and a phosphor, dispensing the uncured admixture on an LED chip, centrifuging the chip and the admixture to disperse the phosphor particles in the uncured resin, and curing the resin while the phosphor particles remain distributed.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Led lamp strip and manufacturing process thereof

Номер: US20120228645A1
Автор: Ming-Te Tu, Mu Tsan Liao
Принадлежит: Lingsen Precision Industries Ltd

A process of manufacturing an LED lamp strip includes the steps of forming a plurality of through holes on an adhesive tape, mounting the adhesive tape to a top side of a scrollable lead frame, bonding a plurality of LED chips to the top side of the scrollable lead frame according to the positions of the through holes, packaging the LED chips respectively, and finally cutting the scrollable lead frame. In light of this, the LED lamp strip can be produced under the circumstances of low production cost and less production time.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Led lamp

Номер: US20120257374A1
Автор: Muessli Daniel
Принадлежит: FUTUR TEC (HONG KONG) Ltd

An LED lamp is disclosed herein. The LED lamp may comprise a core with a plurality of outwardly extending elevated sections configured to dispose LED supports. The core may comprise one or more air vents. A heat sink may be disposed in conductive heat transfer communication with a corresponding LED support. An insulator may be disposed about each embossed portion of the core and may have a light redirecting portion configured to redirect light emitted from LEDs supported on a corresponding LED support. One or more heat sinks and its corresponding insulator may be configured and disposed to provide an air gap therebetween.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Solid State Bidirectional Light Sheet for General Illumination

Номер: US20120268931A1
Принадлежит: QUARKSTAR LLC

A solid state light sheet and method of fabricating the sheet are disclosed. In one embodiment, bare LED chips have top and bottom electrodes, where the bottom electrode is a large reflective electrode. The bottom electrodes of an array of LEDs (e.g., 500 LEDs) are bonded to an array of electrodes formed on a flexible bottom substrate. Conductive traces are formed on the bottom substrate connected to the electrodes. A transparent top substrate having conductors is then laminated over the bottom substrate. Various ways to connect the LEDs in series are described along with many embodiments. The light sheets may be formed to emit light from opposite surfaces of the light sheet, enabling it to be used in a hanging fixture to illuminate the ceiling as well as the floor. The light sheet provides a practical substitute for a standard 2×4 foot fluorescent ceiling fixture.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Method for attaching an optical lens to a printed circuit board with electronic light source

Номер: US20120294011A1
Принадлежит: Shat-R-Shield Inc

The present invention relates to a LED assembly and method for attaching an optical lens to a printed circuit board having an electronic light source such as an LED or OLED, by application of an adhesive comprising silicone or an epoxy and heat curing the adhesive material at a low temperature.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Led package module for lighting

Номер: US20120299020A1
Автор: Wei-Jen Chen
Принадлежит: Lingsen Precision Industries Ltd

An LED package module for lighting includes a plurality of LED chips spacedly arranged on a hard substrate and a plurality of dome-shaped encapsulants arranged on the hard substrate in such a way that the encapsulants enclose the LED chips respectively. By means of the dome-shaped encapsulants, the light extracting rate of the LED chips is enhanced. On the surface of the hard substrate, no dam structure is needed; therefore, the amount of the encapsulant material used in the LED package module can be effectively saved.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Optical semiconductor-based tube type lighting apparatus

Номер: US20120320571A1
Принадлежит: Posco Led Co Ltd

An optical semiconductor-based tube type lighting apparatus capable of enlarging light distribution to have improved assembly characteristics. The lighting apparatus includes an elongated light-transmitting tube, and a plurality of optical semiconductor modules arranged along a circumference of the light-transmitting tube and separated from each other in a cross-sectional view of the light-transmitting tube. Each of the optical semiconductor modules is placed on a point, which is not on a central axis line of light emitted from other optical semiconductor modules, so as not to face another optical semiconductor module at an opposite side thereof.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Led module and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130020607A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Optoelectronic Technology Inc

An LED (light emitting diode) module includes a circuit board and a plurality of LEDs mounted on the circuit board. The circuit board includes a support layer, an insulative layer and a conductive layer sequentially stacked on each other. The circuit board is embossed to form a plurality of pleats on top and bottom surfaces thereof, to thereby increase heat dissipation area of the circuit board.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Lighting apparatus

Номер: US20130039095A1

This invention relates to lighting apparatuses, and more particularly to a lighting apparatus which can dissipate heat from a lighting emitting module and an electronic module, reduce weight, and enables easy partial replacement and service.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Lighting system having a multi-light source collimator and method of operating such

Номер: US20130077304A1
Принадлежит: Musco Corp

A lens is provided which is elongated along an axis so to accommodate a linear array of LEDs, the elongation of the lens resulting in a corresponding elongation of the beam output pattern; in practice, the axis of elongation may be oriented so to suit a target area or some portion thereof. A methodology is provided for use with said lens so to evaluate various factors such as droop, heat management, and light output for a given combination of light sources and luminaire design. Alternative designs of lens, as well as alternative optical devices, are also presented for use with said methodology.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

LED lighting device and method for manufacturing an LED lighting device

Номер: US20130094200A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM GMBH

An LED lighting device may include an LED support, which is populated with at least one LED on a front side thereof and a rear side of which is fastened to a rest. The front side of the LED support may be overarched by an electrically insulating, light-permeable and diffusely scattering LED cover, and the LED cover may be overarched by a protection cover resting on the support.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Lighting device including light-emitting element

Номер: US20130141891A1
Автор: Takuya Funakubo

In accordance with a first aspect of the present inventive subject matter, a lighting device includes light-emitting elements arranged in lines that are extended in parallel with one another, the light-emitting elements being divided into groups each including the same number of light-emitting elements, a first connecting electrode is disposed adjacent to one end portion of the lines extended, a second connecting electrode is disposed adjacent to another end portion of the lines extended, and the light-emitting elements within each group are electrically connected in series with one another by metallic wires and electrically connected in series to the first connecting electrode and to the second connecting electrode. The groups each include the same number of light-emitting elements that are electrically connected in parallel between the first connecting electrode and the second connecting electrode.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting system with adjustable watt equivalence

Номер: US20130157394A1
Автор: Zdenko Grajcar
Принадлежит: Once Innovations Inc

A light emitting diode assembly and method of manufacturing the same. The light emitting diode assembly has a heat sink. The assembly additionally has a platform assembly with a substrate having driving elements including a plurality of light emitting diode elements disposed thereon. The driving elements and light emitting diode elements are in electric communication with an AC input to produce an initial light output. The plurality of light emitting diodes emit an initial light output that is a first predetermined amount of lumens in a first lumen range and emit an initial light output that is a second predetermined amount of lumens in a second lumen range current is changed without the need to change the manufacturing process.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Coating Method for an Optoelectronic Chip-on-Board Module

Номер: US20130193592A1

A method is proposed for coating an optoelectronic chip-on-board module including a flat substrate populated with one or more optoelectronic components having at least one primary optical arrangement and optionally at least one secondary optical arrangement. The optoelectronic chip-on-board module is coated with a transparent, UV-resistant, and temperature-resistant coating made of silicone by the following steps: (a) casting a liquid silicone into a mold open towards the top and having outer dimensions corresponding to or exceeding outer dimensions of the substrate; (b) inserting the substrate into the mold, wherein the optoelectronic component(s) are immersed completely into the silicone and a surface of the substrate contacts the silicone completely or the substrate immerses into the silicone at least partially with full surface contact; (c) curing and cross-linking the silicone with the optoelectronic component(s) and the substrate; and (d) removing the substrate from the mold with the coating of cured silicone.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130219695A1

A method for mounting an LED (light emitting diode) on a substrate, includes following steps. Firstly a substrate and an LED are provided. Secondly a surface mounter is provided, which includes a nozzle and a sensor in the nozzle. The nozzle includes a first electrode and a second electrode. Thirdly the nozzle is used to pick up the LED. The LED electrically connects with the first electrode and the second electrode of the nozzle to emit light towards the sensor, and the sensor detects optical characteristics of the light. Fourthly it is decided whether to mount the LED on the substrate or not according to the optical characteristics of the light detected by the sensor. An LED surface mounter which includes a vacuum nozzle and an optical sensor in the vacuum nozzle is also provided. 1. A surface mounter for an LED (light emitting diode) , comprising:a nozzle comprising a first electrode and a second electrode; anda sensor comprising a detecting surface;wherein when the nozzle picks up an LED by a vacuum suction, the LED being in contact with the first electrode and the second electrode of the nozzle to emit light towards the detecting surface of the sensor, and the sensor receiving and detecting the light from the LED.2. The surface mounter of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle further comprises two electrically insulating portions claim 1 , and the first electrode and the second electrode of the nozzle are set apart by the two electrically insulating portions.3. The surface mounter of claim 2 , wherein the first electrode claim 2 , the second electrode and the two electrically insulating portions surround the sensor.4. The surface mounter of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle comprises a top end and a bottom end claim 1 , the sensor is set at the top end of the nozzle and the LED is picked up by the vacuum suction to be located at the bottom end of the nozzle.5. The surface mounter of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle comprises an integrally molded cylinder made of electrically ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

LED Lamp With Open Structure

Номер: US20130223080A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A lamp ( 1 ) has one or more LED's ( 2 ), supported above an open structure ( 7 ). The lamp ( 1 ) is made from thermoplastic material and has a base ( 3 ) including threads ( 4 ) and a lower contact ( 5 ). A thermoplastic body ( 6 ) of larger diameter is located above the base and has an open structure portion ( 7 ) preferably shaped as a truncated inverted and open cone. An upper part of the cone supports a circuit board ( 8 ) with a laminar form that supports the light emitting diodes ( 2 ). A upper semispherical element ( 9 ) is located over the body ( 6 ) and forms a light diffuser. An upper center of the base ( 3 ) has an internal electronic circuit ( 10 ) for connecting to a power source. The LED lamp with the open structure eases installation, has lower weight and cost, allows easy recycling and provides greater security for users.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130272016A1
Автор: Weaver Matthew D.

A collimated light source and a method of manufacturing the collimated light source are disclosed. The collimated light source includes a light emitting diode (LED) array, a light pipe, and a light collimation optics. The light collimation optics can expand over an exit aperture of light pipe. 1. A collimated light source comprising:an electronic circuitry to drive light emitting diodes (LEDs);a plurality of LEDs coupled to the electronic circuitry, the LEDs with more than one color type;a light pipe on the plurality of LEDs to provide total internal reflection of light rays from the plurality of LEDs for light ray angles larger than a critical angle with respect to a normal vector of a surface of the light pipe; anda light collimator over the light pipe to provide an uniform beam wave front exiting through the light pipe from the plurality of LEDs, the light collimator being an optics overhanging over and centered on an exit aperture of the light pipe.2. The collimated light source of claim 1 , wherein a reflective wall is formed around the light pipe and the light collimator.3. The collimated light source of claim 1 , wherein the light collimator is optically bonded to the light pipe.4. The collimated light source of claim 1 , wherein the light collimator is air-gapped from a reflective wall.5. The collimated light source of claim 1 , wherein the light pipe has a narrowing throat region ending in the exit aperture that is optically bonded to the light collimator to create a wide beam angle for light rays exiting the narrowing throat region.6. The collimated light source of claim 1 , further comprising a lenslet beam re-shaper attached over the light collimator.7. The collimated light source of claim 1 , further comprising a first diameter of the light collimator is greater than or equal to 10 times of a second diameter of the exit aperture of the light pipe interfacing the light collimator.8. The collimated light source of claim 1 , further comprising a chamber ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130272017A1
Автор: Weaver Matthew D.

A LED-pumped phosphor array light source and a method of manufacturing the phosphor array light source are disclosed. The phosphor array light source includes a light emitting diode (LED) array, an imaging optics, a phosphor module array, and a light mixing pipe. The imaging optics focuses the light rays from the LED array on the phosphor module array. The phosphor modules are pumped by the incoming light rays and emit colored light into the light mixing pipe. In some embodiments, the imaging optics include a short-pass filter to minimize light loss through back scattering. 1. A LED-pumped remote phosphor light source comprising:a plurality of light emitting diodes (LEDs);an imaging optics over the plurality of LEDs;a phosphor array attached over the imaging optics on an opposite side from the plurality of LEDs, the phosphor array including more than one color type; anda light mixing pipe bonded to the phosphor array to provide total internal reflection of light rays from the phosphor array for light ray angles larger than a critical angle with respect to a normal vector of a surface of the light mixing pipe.2. The LED-pumped remote phosphor light source of claim 1 , wherein the imaging optics having a reflective exterior except where the imaging optics is exposed to the LEDs and where the imaging optics is exposed to the phosphor array.3. The LED-pumped remote phosphor light source of claim 2 , wherein the reflective exterior is achieved with a reflective coating.4. The LED-pumped remote phosphor light source of claim 2 , wherein the reflective exterior is achieved with micro-grooves pattern on the exterior.5. The LED-pumped remote phosphor light source of claim 1 , wherein the imaging optics is optically bonded via silicone gel to the plurality of the LEDs.6. The LED-pumped remote phosphor light source of claim 1 , wherein the imaging optics is a convex lens.7. The LED-pumped remote phosphor light source of claim 1 , wherein the imaging optics includes air gaps.8. ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Method And Device For Constructing High-Power LED Lighting Fixture

Номер: US20140043817A1

A method and a device for constructing a high-power LED lighting fixture are disclosed, wherein a high power LED lighting fixture is constructed by assembling one or more standard-interface LED lamp heads, in which an LED optical module and a separate power source are integrated, onto a lamp base (). This method can have the production process of the LED lighting fixture shortened, and improve its mass productivity. 1. A method for constructing a high-power LED lighting fixture characterized in that the high-power LED lighting fixture is formed by assembling one or more LED standard-interface lamp heads , in which an LED optical module and a separate power source are integrated , onto a lamp base , the heat generated by each of the standard-interface LED lamp heads being conducted to the lamp base through a connection component of the lamp head and then being dissipated solely by dissipation components of the lamp base.2. The method of characterized in that the connection component comprises a flange connection component claim 1 , a snap-ring connection component claim 1 , a screw thread connection component claim 1 , a bayonet connection component claim 1 , or a clamp spring connection component.3565156105. A standard-interface LED lamp head characterized in that it comprises a lamp frame () claim 1 , a lamp bead integration module () in which an LED optical module and a separate power source are integrated is provided in the lamp frame () claim 1 , a superconductive graphite pad () is provided between the lamp frame () and the lamp bead integration module () claim 1 , and a through hole () is provided in the lamp frame ().45. The standard-interface LED lamp head of characterized in that the lamp frame () is provided with a flange and thereby is fixed to the lamp base through screws claim 3 , or{'b': 5', '2', '2', '1, 'the lamp frame () is provided with a screw thread, a bayonet, or a snap spring and thereby is connected with a seat () fixed on the lamp base so as ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043825A1
Принадлежит: CREE, INC.

LED light bulbs include openings in base or cover portions, and optional forced flow elements, for convective cooling. Thermally conductive optically transmissive material may be used for cooling, optionally including fins. A LED light engine may be fabricated from a substrate via planar fabrication techniques and shaped to form a substantially rigid upright support structure. Mechanical, electrical, and thermal connections may be made between a LED light engine and a LED light bulb. 1. A light emitting diode (LED) light bulb comprising:a LED light engine including a substrate having patterned thereon at least one electrical trace, wherein the substrate includes at least one bend to form multiple non-coplanar LED support surface portions to which multiple LEDs are mounted;a base element including multiple electrical contacts arranged near a base end;a light-transmissive cover defining an interior volume in which the multiple LEDs of the LED light engine are contained;an externally accessible heatsink associated with the base element and arranged between the base end and the cover;wherein the LED light engine is mated with the base element to make mechanical, electrical, and thermal connections to the base element.2. A LED light bulb according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one electrical trace comprises a plurality of electrical traces.3. A LED light bulb according to claim 1 , wherein the base end comprises an Edison-type threaded light bulb connector including a lateral electrical contact and a foot electrical contact.4. A LED light bulb according to claim 1 , wherein the base end comprises a threaded contact-defining end cap arranged to mate with a threaded electrical socket.5. A LED light bulb according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more electrical control circuit elements arranged in the base element.6. A LED light bulb according to claim 5 , wherein the one or more electrical control circuit elements comprises any of a LED drive circuit element and ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140071666A1

An optical semiconductor-based tube type lighting apparatus capable of enlarging light distribution to have improved assembly characteristics. The lighting apparatus includes an elongated light-transmitting tube; a linear slit formed on the light-transmitting tube in a longitudinal direction thereof; and at least one bar-shaped optical semiconductor module secured to the light-transmitting tube, with edges of the slit fitted into side surfaces of the bar-shaped optical semiconductor module. The optical semiconductor module includes a heat sink, a PCB attached to the heat sink, and an array of semiconductor optical devices arranged on the PCB. The heat sink is partially exposed from the light-transmitting tube through the slit. 1. An optical semiconductor-based lighting apparatus comprising:an elongated light-transmitting tube;a linear slit formed on the light-transmitting tube in a longitudinal direction thereof; andat least one bar-shaped optical semiconductor module secured to the light-transmitting tube, side surfaces of the bar-shaped optical semiconductor module being fitted into edges of the slit in a widened state and the side surfaces of the optical semiconductor module being subjected to elastic force from the light-transmitting tube in a direction of narrowing the slit,wherein: a heat sink;', 'a PCB attached to the heat sink; and', 'an array of semiconductor optical devices arranged on the PCB,, 'the optical semiconductor module comprisesthe heat sink is partially exposed from the light-transmitting tube through the slit, andthe exposed portion of the heat sink has a width less than the width of the PCB.2. The optical semiconductor-based lighting apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the light-transmitting tube comprises a pair of L-shaped hooks formed on an inner periphery thereof in the longitudinal direction of the light transmitting tube to face each other,wherein the slit is formed between the pair of L-shaped hooks in the longitudinal direction of the light ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140078758A1
Автор: Arman Antony, Foti Ivan

An LED light assembly comprises an aluminium extrusion cut to length to form a heat sink () with a hollow interior that may be semi-circular in cross-section or any other convenient cross-section to allow air flow through the heat sink and including a mounting surface () for supporting and conveying heat from an LED light source () mounted on the surface. The extrusion has a heat dissipating surface () with fins () for receiving and dissipating heat from the LED light sources () on the mounting surface (). The fins () support items such as anchors (), brackets () and casings () also formed by lengths of respective extrusions and a sliding fit on the heat sink (). 1. An LED light assembly comprising a metal extrusion forming a heat sink with a hollow interior and including a mounting surface for supporting and conveying heat from an LED light source mounted on the surface , a heat dissipating surface for receiving and dissipating heat from the mounting surface and a support.2. An assembly according to wherein the mounting surface is formed as a continuous lengthwise extending wall of the heat sink claim 1 , the wall including at least one aperture for receiving an LED light source.3. An assembly according to wherein the wall is flat.4. An assembly according to wherein the wall has first and second longitudinally extending spaced side edges claim 2 , the heat dissipating surface extending longitudinally along the extrusion and between said first and second edges to define said hollow interior.5. An assembly according to wherein the heat dissipating surface carries at least one heat dissipating fin.6. An assembly according to wherein the at least one fin extends longitudinally along the heat dissipating surface and away from said surface.7. An assembly according to wherein the heat dissipating surface is part-circular in cross-section claim 6 , the at least one fin extending radially away from said surface.8. An assembly according to wherein a plurality of fins are ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

LED Emitter with Improved White Color Appearance

Номер: US20140091329A1
Принадлежит: Chip Star Ltd

The present disclosure involves a lighting instrument. The lighting instrument includes a board or substrate, for example, a printed circuit board substrate. The lighting instrument includes a plurality of light-emitting diode (LED) dies disposed on the substrate. The LED dies are spaced apart from one another. Each LED die is covered with a respective individual phosphor coating that is coated around the LED die conformally. Due at least in part to the individual phosphor coatings, the LED dies and the lighting instrument may assume a substantially white appearance in an off state. The lighting instrument also includes an encapsulation structure disposed over the substrate. The encapsulation structure may be a diffuser cap that encapsulates the light-emitting dies within. A diffuser gel fills the space between the encapsulation structure and the LED dies.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091697A1
Автор: Shum Frank Tin Chung
Принадлежит: Soraa, Inc.

An illumination source includes a heat sink with an inner core region and an outer core region having structures to dissipate heat from the inner core region. An LED assembly is pressed into a thermally-conductive compound disposed between the LED assembly and the inner core region. A retaining clamp is used to mechanically press the LED assembly into the thermally-conductive compound. 1. An illumination source comprising:a heat sink having an inner core region and an outer core region, wherein the inner core region comprises a planar portion and the outer core region includes a plurality of structures configured to dissipate heat emanating from the inner core region;an LED assembly including an LED light source coupled to a planar substrate, wherein the planar substrate is disposed wholly above the inner core region, and wherein the LED assembly generates heat; anda thermally-conductive compound disposed between the planar substrate and the planar portion of the inner core region, the thermally-conductive compound configured to conduct heat from the LED assembly to the inner core region.2. The illumination source of claim 1 , wherein a diameter of the inner core region is from about 25% to about 45% a diameter of the outer core region.3. The illumination source of claim 1 , wherein the planar portion is disposed at a height from about 30% to about 50% from a base of the heat sink to a top of the heat sink.4. The illumination source of claim 1 , further comprising a retaining clamp configured to mechanically press the LED assembly onto the thermally-conductive compound.5. The illumination source of claim 1 , further comprising a GU5.3 form factor base comprising LED assembly driving components claim 1 , wherein an operating temperature of the LED assembly driving components is greater than approximately 90 degrees C.6. The illumination source of claim 5 , wherein the GU5.3 form factor base further comprises:a thermally-conductive shell; anda thermally-conductive ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096378A1

An automatic production method of making a light-emitting-diode lamp tube is disclosed. The method includes providing a circuit board in a shape of a long strip, printing a bonding layer, mounting electronic inserts, heating up the circuit board, assembling a heat dissipation seat, assembling a translucent cover and assembling an end cap, thereby accomplishing the lamp tube. By the abovementioned steps, the light-emitting-diode lamp tube can be produced automatically, the manufacturing process can be simplified to reduce the labor cost, and the yield factor can be improved considerably. 1. A method of making a light-emitting-diode lamp tube , comprising following steps orderly:(A) providing a circuit board in a shape of a long strip, wherein the circuit board is provided with an outbound circuit and an inbound circuit;(B) printing a bonding layer on a surface of the outbound circuit and the inbound circuit of the circuit board;(C) mounting electronic inserts, with that a connecting seat is disposed on the outbound circuit of the circuit board where the bonding layer is provided, and light emitting diodes are disposed on the inbound circuit of the circuit board where the bonding layer is provided, wherein the connecting seat is disposed at an end side of the circuit board;(D) heating up the circuit board to melt down the bonding layer, enabling the connecting seat and the light emitting diodes to be fixed on the circuit board;(E) providing a heat dissipation seat which is in a shape of a long strip and is provided with a straight fixing surface;(F) conducting a first assembling step to assemble and fix the circuit board that has been loaded with the light emitting diodes in the previous step (D) on the straight fixing surface of the heat dissipation seat;(G) providing a translucent cover which is a long strip of an arc-shaped unit;(H) conducting a second assembling step to assemble and fix the translucent cover on the heat dissipation seat that has been completed in ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140098531A1
Автор: Grajcar Zdenko
Принадлежит: Once Innovations, Inc.

A method of manufacturing a light emitting diode lighting assembly that includes producing a heat sink and securing a platform assembly having a plurality of light emitting diode dies on a single plane. A bulb is formed by securing a first lens section made of a first material to a second lens section made of a second material such that only the bulb determines the lamp type of the light emitting diode lighting assembly. 1. A method of manufacturing a light emitting diode lighting assembly steps comprising:producing a heat sink connected to a light emitting diode light source;selecting a first lens section having a first diffusion rate and first reflection coefficient;selecting a second lens section having a second diffusion rate and second reflection coefficient;securing the first and second lens section together to form a bulb;securing the first lens section to the heat sink; andwherein only the selection of the first lens section and second lens section determines the lamp type of the light emitting diode lighting assembly.2. The method of wherein the bulb is frictionally secured to the heat sink.3. The method of wherein the first lens section has a high diffusion rate and the second lens section has a low diffusion rate.4. The method of wherein the first lens section has a reflection coefficient greater than 4% and the second lens section has a reflection coefficient less than 4%.5. The method of wherein the lamp type is omnidirectional lamp.6. The method of wherein the lamp type is A-19.7. The method of wherein the first lens section has a portion of reflective material thereon.8. The method of wherein the portion of reflective material is a metallic ring formed on the second lens section.9. The method of wherein the portion of reflective material is a plurality of spaced apart reflective particles.10. The method of wherein the first lens section is made of a material having a low diffusion rate and the second lens section has a reflective ring formed therein. ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

LED Light Tube and Replacement Method

Номер: US20150003052A1

The LED light tube is adapted to replace a fluorescent light tube which is mounted in a fluorescent light tube fixture. These fixtures have first and second socket end mounts and each end mount mechanically accepts a bi-pin or other common connector for the fluorescent light tube. The fluorescent fixture is supplied with a main power line. In the present invention, the main power line may carry 110 to 277 volts. However, the present invention utilizes main power feed only to the first socket end mount of the fluorescent fixture and further maintains an open circuit between the main line power and the second socket end mount. The LED light tube includes an elongated tubular structure substantially the size and length of the fluorescent light tube and extends between the first and second end mounts of the fixture. Within an end region of the tubular structure and adjacent the first tube end mount, an internal power supply converts the main line power to LED bank power. The tubular structure of the LED light includes an elongated semi-spherical substantially transparent top cover mounted atop a printed circuit board substrate. The substrate supports a plurality of LEDs thereon. The transparent cover and the LED supporting substrate extends the length of the tubular structure other than the end region where the internal power supply is located. The tubular structure also includes an elongated hemispherical metal cover mounted below the printed circuit board substrate and beneath the plurality of LEDs as a heat sink for the LED replacement light. An electrical system within the tubular structure supplies the LED bank power to the plurality of LEDs on the substrate. The method of replacing the fluorescent light tube includes connecting the main line power to the first socket end mount in the fluorescent light fixture and opening an electric circuit between the main line power and the second socket end mount. The elongated tubular structure, having the size and length of ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003071A1

Various embodiments relate to an illuminating device may include a circuit board carrying a light-emitting element, a driver and a heat sink arranged between the circuit board and the driver, wherein the heat sink has a non-conductive base and at least one pair of conductive connectors which embedded in the non-conductive base, respective connector having a first end extending from one side of the non-conductive base to hold the circuit board and a second end extending from the other side of the non-conductive base to hold the driver, wherein the circuit board and the driver are electrically connected by means of the connectors. Various embodiments further relate to a method for manufacturing the illuminating device. 1. An illuminating device , comprising:a circuit board carrying a light-emitting element,a driver anda heat sink arranged between the circuit board and the driver, wherein the heat sink has a non-conductive base and at least one pair of conductive connectors which embedded in the non-conductive base, respective connector having a first end extending from one side of the non-conductive base to hold the circuit board and a second end extending from the other side of the non-conductive base to hold the driver,wherein the circuit board and the driver are electrically connected by means of the connectors.2. The illuminating device according to claim 1 , wherein the connectors are formed in the non-conductive base through an insert-molding process claim 1 ,3. The illuminating device according to claim 2 , wherein respective connector has a tubular body and at least one bending portion as the first end that bends radially outwardly from the tubular body.4. The illuminating device according to claim 3 , wherein the non-conductive base further has protective flanges each formed at a joint between the tubular body and the first end and surrounding the tubular body.5. The illuminating device according to claim 3 , wherein the circuit board has via holes and ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003082A1
Автор: Zhou Nanqing

An LED lamp radiating structure includes a plastic shell and a metal part to serve as heat dissipation bodies. The metal part having a hollow structure is bonded with the plastic shell after the plastic shell is formed by injection molding. A baffle plate is formed on the metal part. An LED chip of the LED lamp is fixed below the baffle plate to contact with the metal part directly. The LED chip is completely contact with the metal part through the baffle plate, and therefore the heat dissipated from the LED chip is conducted to the plastic shell successfully, benefiting the heat dissipation of the LED chip. 1. An LED lamp radiating structure , comprising a plastic shell and a metal part to serve as heat dissipation bodies , the metal part having a hollow structure and being bonded with the plastic shell after the plastic shell is formed by injection molding , the metal part being formed with a baffle plate , a LED chip being fixed below the baffle plate to contact with the metal part directly.2. The LED lamp radiating structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the baffle plate of the metal part is disposed at a middle portion inside the metal part claim 1 , at a bottom of the metal part claim 1 , or at a top of the metal part.3. The LED lamp radiating structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the LED chip is directly fixed below the baffle plate to contact with the baffle plate.4. The LED lamp radiating structure as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the plastic shell is formed with a partition claim 3 , and the partition is against the top of the baffle plate of the metal part.5. The LED lamp radiating structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the metal part is further formed with a chip fixing seat below the baffle plate claim 2 , the LED chip being fixed on the chip fixing seat to contact with the chip fixing seat directly.6. The LED lamp radiating structure as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the plastic shell is formed with a partition claim 5 , the baffle plate of the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Flat lighting device

Номер: US20160003417A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

The present invention relates to a flat lighting device ( 1 ) comprising a carrier ( 2 ) including a thermally conductive layer ( 7 ), at least one solid state light source ( 3 ) arranged on a front side of the carrier ( 2 ), and an electrically insulating cover member ( 5 a, 5 b ) in thermal contact with said front side and a back side opposite said front side. The cover member ( 5 a, 5 b ) is adapted to transfer heat from said carrier ( 2 ) out of the lighting device. The cover member ( 5 a, 5 b ) comprises an optical structure ( 4 ) arranged on the carrier ( 2 ) in front of the at least one light source ( 3 ) and adapted to direct the light emitted by the at least one solid state light source ( 3 ).

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003445A1
Автор: Hu Che-Chang

An artistic lighting module and a method for manufacturing the same are disclosed. The artistic lighting module comprises at least one transparent panel, at least one light source, and a reflective layer. The light source is disposed at one end of the transparent panel, and the reflecting layer has an artistic pattern. The light rays inputted into the transparent panel are reflected by the reflective layer and outputted through the second surface, such that a lighting pattern corresponding to the artistic pattern is formed on a second surface of transparent panel. 1. An artistic lighting module , comprising:at least one transparent panel having a first surface and a second surface, wherein the first surface is opposite the second surface;at least one light source disposed at one end of the transparent panel and positioned between the first surface and the second surface, wherein light rays emitted from the light source are inputted into the transparent panel; anda reflective layer coated on the first surface of the transparent panel, wherein the reflecting layer has an artistic pattern, and the light rays inputted into the transparent panel are reflected by the reflective layer and outputted through the second surface, such that a lighting pattern corresponding to the artistic pattern is formed on the second surface of transparent panel.2. The artistic lighting module according to claim 1 , wherein the artistic lighting module acts as an architectural window claim 1 , a curtain wall claim 1 , a glass door claim 1 , a partition claim 1 , a mirror claim 1 , a sun roof claim 1 , or a moon roof.3. The artistic lighting module according to claim 1 , wherein the artistic lighting module is employed as a window or a curtain wall of a building or a vehicle claim 1 , and the first surface of the transparent panel faces outdoors claim 1 , and the second surface faces indoors.4. The artistic lighting module according to claim 1 , wherein the light source and a power source are ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Led light bulb

Номер: US20200003368A1

A LED light bulb, consisting of: a bulb shell; a bulb base connected with the bulb shell; a driving circuit disposed in the bulb base; two conductive supports installed in the bulb shell and electrically connected to the driving circuit; a stem disposed in the bulb base; an LED filament module installed in the bulb shell and connected with the stem through the conductive support; at least one supporting arm comprising a hook end and a fixed end, the hook end extends radially from the stand for connecting with one of the connecting portions, and the fixed end is embedded into the stand.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007846A1

A treatment device configured to illuminate a surface of a 3D skin surface when positioned adjacent the illuminated surface of the 3D skin surface. The treatment device includes a number of linear light source strips to conformally illuminate the 3D skin surface. 1. A medical or cosmetic treatment device configured to illuminate a surface of a 3D skin surface when positioned adjacent the illuminated surface of the 3D skin surface , the medical or cosmetic treatment device comprising: each linear light source strip includes a plurality of light sources;', 'each linear light source strip has an origination point and a termination point;', 'for a given linear light source strip, each light source of the given linear light source strip is arranged between the origination point and the termination point;, 'a plurality of linear light source strips, whereincontroller circuitry electrically connected to each of the plurality of linear light source strips, wherein the controller circuitry is configured to provide electrical power to each of the plurality of linear light source strips;wherein the plurality of linear light source strips are arranged to form a three-dimensional (3D) surface such that the combined light emitted by the light sources of the plurality of linear light source strips illuminates the surface of the 3D skin surface when positioned adjacent the 3D skin surface.2. The medical or cosmetic treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of linear light source strips are arranged in a fan like shape and the controller circuitry comprises a hub of the fan like shape.3. The medical or cosmetic treatment device of claim 2 , wherein the controller circuitry comprises two more distinct sub-controllers and the sub-controllers each comprise the hub of a subgroup of the plurality of linear light source strips.4. The medical or cosmetic treatment device of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , within the fan like shape claim 2 , the linear light source strips are arranged ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Recessed Lighting Fixture and Flexibly Attached Compact Junction Box

Номер: US20150009675A1
Автор: Shawn A. Wilcox
Принадлежит: Hubbell Inc

A recessed lighting fixture includes a lamp housing and a separate compact junction box, which contains a power supply that drives the lamp and serves in part to divide the interior cavity of the junction box into two separate wiring compartments. The junction box has two end walls spaced along an axis and a releasably secured. The lighting fixture is particularly suitable for retrofit installations, especially where small aperture downlights are desired.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009958A1

A light emitting device wherein discoloration of a reflective layer in an optical component can be prevented and a stable optical output power can be maintained, and a method of manufacturing an optical component used in the light emitting device. The optical component includes a supporting member defining a through-hole, a reflective layer formed on an inner wall defining the through-hole, a protective layer formed on the reflective layer, and a light transmissive member having a light incident surface, a light emitting surface, and an outer circumference side-surface, and disposed in the through hole. The light transmissive member is fixed in the through-hole with a joining portion where the outer circumference side-surface and the protective layer are joined, and an end portion at the light emitting side of the joining portion is covered with a second protective layer disposed continuously on the protective layer and the light transmissive member. 1. An optical component comprising:a supporting member having an inner wall defining a through-hole;a reflective layer formed on the inner wall defining the through-hole;a first protective layer formed on the reflective layer;a light transmissive member disposed in the through-hole, the light transmissive member having a light incident surface, a light emitting surface, and an outer circumference side-surface, wherein a first portion of the outer circumference side-surface of the light transmissive member is in direct contact with the first protective layer, and a second portion of the outer circumference side-surface of the light transmissive member is separated from the first protective layer; anda second protective layer that extends continuously over and directly contacts both the second portion of the outer circumference side-surface of the light transmissive member and a portion of the first protective layer, so as to cover an interface at which said first portion of the outer circumference side-surface of the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009978A1

A light source module includes at least one light source and a body supporting the light source. The body includes a heat sink supporting the light source on a top surface thereof for absorbing heat from the light source and dissipating the heat to the outside, an electrically insulating layer provided on at least one surface of the heat sink, and a conductive layer provided on the insulating layer, the conductive layer being at least provided in a path region through which electric current is applied to the light source. The conductive layer includes light source connection parts supplying the electric current to the light source, and a light source mounting part disposed between the light source connection parts. One portion of the light source connection part is divided into at least two portions to be connected to each other. Accordingly, it is possible to obtain effects such as rapid fabrication processes, inexpensive fabrication cost, facilitation of mass production, improvement of product yield, and optimization of a conductive material. 1. A light source module comprising:at least one light source configured to emit light;a heat sink supporting the light source on a top surface thereof, the heat sink configured to absorb heat from the light source and dissipate the heat to the outside;an electrically insulating layer applied to at least one surface of the heat sink; anda conductive layer applied to at least one portion of the insulating layer, the conductive layer providing a path for supplying electric current to the light source, light source connection parts providing a conducting path configured to supply electric current to the light source; and', 'a light source mounting part disposed between two of the light source connection parts, the light source mounting part having the light source mounted thereon,', 'wherein one portion of at least one of the light source connection parts is divided into at least two separate branches spaced from each other ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010808A1

An LED module includes a carrier plate having an arrangement face and a wall on the upper side of the plate, the wall running peripherally around the arrangement face and being raised upwards with respect to said arrangement face; an LED arranged on the face; a contact element, to which the LED is connected; and an at least partially transparent potted body covering the arrangement face and the LED towards the top and laterally adjoins an inner face of the wall. The wall is formed monolithically with the remaining carrier plate and is interrupted over its periphery, and the potted body does not adjoin the inner wall face of the wall. The contact element extends away from the arrangement face along the upper side of the carrier plate in the interruption region so that electrical contact can be made with the LED via the contact element from outside the body. 1. A light emitting diode module , comprising:a carrier plate, which has an arrangement face and a wall on the upper side of said carrier plate, said wall running peripherally around the arrangement face and being raised upwards with respect to said arrangement face;a light emitting diode, which is arranged on the arrangement face;a contact element, to which the light emitting diode is electrically conductively connected; andan at least partially transparent potted body, which covers the arrangement face and the light emitting diode towards the top and laterally adjoins an inner wall face of the wall;wherein the wall is formed monolithically with the remaining carrier plate, i.e. is formed from the same continuous carrier plate material;wherein the wall is interrupted over its periphery in an interruption region, and the potted body does not adjoin the inner wall face of the wall there accordingly;wherein, in addition, the contact element extends away from the arrangement face along the upper side of the carrier plate in the interruption region so that electrical contact can be made with the light emitting diode ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010738A1

A light-emitting apparatus includes a supporting element, a light-emitting device, and a connecting pin. The light-emitting device has a pair of conductive pads and is disposed on the supporting element. The connecting pin is inserted from the side surface of the supporting element and electrically connected to one of the conductive pads. The topmost surface of the supporting element is lower than the top surface of the light-emitting device. 1. A light-emitting apparatus , comprising:a supporting element comprising a side surface;a light-emitting device comprising a top surface and a pair of conductive pads, and disposed on the supporting element; anda connecting pin inserted from the side surface and electrically connected to one of the conductive pads;wherein the supporting element comprises a topmost surface lower than the top surface.2. A light-emitting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the connecting pin comprises an inserting portion claim 1 , an extending portion claim 1 , and a bending portion bridging the inserting portion and the extending portion claim 1 , and the inserting portion is substantially perpendicular to the extending portion.3. A light-emitting apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the inserting portion comprises a top surface exposed out of the supporting element for bonding with one of the conductive pads.4. A light-emitting apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the inserting portion comprises a lateral side and a notch formed on the lateral side.5. A light-emitting apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the supporting element comprises an empty space substantially complementary to the inserting portion.6. A light-emitting apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein the supporting element comprises a knob arranged in the empty space.7. A light-emitting apparatus according to claim 6 , wherein the inserting portion comprises a lateral side and a notch formed on the lateral side claim 6 , the knob is substantially complementary to ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010742A1
Автор: KE Jianfeng

This invention provides an integrated LED energy-saving lamp, a manufacturing method thereof and a corn lamp. The LED energy-saving lamp comprises at least one tube, at least one baseplate, a plurality of LED lamp beads and a heat conductive adhesive. Each tube comprises two parallel first parts and a second part for connecting the two first parts. Each baseplate comprises two parallel branch parts, located on the same plane, and a connecting part for connecting with the two branches; the two branches are respectively located in the two first parts of the tube. The LED lamp beads are respectively arranged on the two branches. The heat conductive adhesive is pasted between the two branches and the internal wall of the tube. 1. An LED energy-saving lamp , comprising:at least one tube, comprising two parallel first parts and a second part for connecting the two first parts;at least one baseplate, comprising two parallel branches located on a same plane and a connecting part for connecting the two branches, and the two branches being located inside the two first parts of the tube, respectively;a plurality of LED lamp beads disposed on the two branches, respectively; anda heat conductive adhesive pasted between the two branches and an internal wall of the tube.2. The LED energy-saving lamp according to claim 1 , wherein each branch further comprises an extending part claim 1 , and the extending part is located inside the second part of the tube.3. The LED energy-saving lamp according to claim 1 , wherein the tube is H-shaped claim 1 , U-shaped claim 1 , or H-shaped.4. The LED energy-saving lamp according to claim 1 , wherein the baseplate is H-shaped claim 1 , U-shaped claim 1 , or H-shaped.5. The LED energy-saving lamp according to claim 1 , wherein the baseplate is an aluminum plate claim 1 , an epoxy plate claim 1 , or a soft lamp strip.6. The LED energy-saving lamp according to claim 1 , wherein a cavity is formed between each branch and the internal wall of the tube ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Luminous Systems

Номер: US20190011111A1
Принадлежит: Bambu Vault LLC

A luminous system comprising one or more illumination sources, a multilayer structure, and one or more diffuse reflection layers being optically decoupled from the multilayer structure, wherein the emission and the reflection of the luminous system produce a first observed visible color when the one or more illumination sources are powered and a second observed visible color when the one or more illumination sources are non-powered is disclosed. Also disclosed are methods of creating the inventive luminous system. 1. A luminous system , said luminous system comprising:one or more illumination sources that output, when powered, a primary electromagnetic radiation through one or more exit regions; (i) one or more energy conversion layers that convert at least a portion of incident radiation to a secondary electromagnetic radiation that is at least partially emitted to the viewing hemisphere, the incident radiation being at least one of said primary electromagnetic radiation or ambient electromagnetic radiation, and', '(ii) one or more diffusion layers that substantially increase optical scattering of at least a portion of radiation, the radiation being at least one of said primary electromagnetic radiation, said secondary electromagnetic radiation, or ambient electromagnetic radiation; and, 'a multilayer structure, said multilayer structure comprisingone or more diffuse reflection layers that redirect at least a portion of ambient electromagnetic radiation to the viewing hemisphere, said one or more diffuse reflection layers being optically decoupled from said multilayer structure,wherein the emission and the reflection of said luminous system produce a first observed visible color when said one or more illumination sources are powered and a second observed visible color when said one or more illumination sources are non-powered.2. The luminous system of claim 1 , wherein said first observed visible color and said second observed visible color are substantially ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Illumination apparatus

Номер: US20200011510A1

An illumination apparatus comprises a plurality of LEDs aligned to an array of directional optical elements wherein the LEDs are substantially at the input aperture of respective optical elements. An electrode array is formed on the array of optical elements to provide at least a first electrical connection to the array of LED elements. Advantageously such an arrangement provides low cost and high efficiency from the directional LED array. 1. A method for providing an illumination apparatus , comprising:selectively removing a plurality of light-emitting elements from a monolithic array of light-emitting elements in a manner that preserves the relative spatial position of the selectively removed light-emitting elements;forming a non-monolithic array of light-emitting elements with the removed plurality of light-emitting elements in a manner that preserves the relative spatial position of the selectively removed light-emitting elements;determining a group of light-emitting elements of the non-monolithic array which fails at least one functional criterion; andchanging an electrical drive to at least one light-emitting element of the non-monolithic array such that the group of light-emitting elements which failed the at least one functional criterion passes the at least one functional criterion following the change.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of light-emitting elements that are selectively removed from the monolithic array are selected such that claim 1 , in at least one direction claim 1 , for at least one pair of the selectively removed light-emitting elements in the at least one direction claim 1 , for each respective pair there is at least one respective light-emitting element that is not selected that was positioned in the monolithic array between the pair of removed light-emitting elements in the at least one direction.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein changing the electrical drive comprises creating or removing a short ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for a Smart Module Directly Embedded on a Lighting Fixture

Номер: US20200011519A1
Принадлежит: Fluence Bioengineering, Inc.

Examples of the present disclosure are related to systems and methods for lighting fixtures. More particularly, embodiments disclose directly embedded a smart module with a lighting fixture utilizing metal core PCB (MCPCB). 1. A light fixture comprising:a rectangular substrate having a length and a width;a first grouping of light sources embedded on the substrate and comprising a plurality of rows along the width of the substrate;a second grouping of light sources embedded on the substrate and comprising a plurality of rows along the width of the substrate, wherein there is a space between the first grouping of light sources and the second grouping of light sources; anda smart module located on the substrate within the space.2. The light fixture of claim 1 , wherein traces associated with the smart module are directly embedded on the substrate claim 1 , the traces being configured to electrically couple the first grouping of light sources claim 1 , the second grouping of light sources claim 1 , and electronic components associated with the smart module.3. The light fixture of claim 1 , wherein the smart module comprises a housing configured to cover the smart module.4. The light fixture of claim 3 , wherein the substrate includes a first bend claim 3 , a second bend claim 3 , and a planer surface extending between a proximal end of the first bend and a proximal end of the second bend claim 3 , and the housing extends from a distal end of the first bend to a distal end of the second bend.5. The light fixture of claim 3 , wherein the housing is comprised of plastic or metal.6. The light fixture of claim 1 , further comprising:a heat sink attached to the substrate, wherein the heat sink is formed of a folded fin or extrusions.7. The light fixture of claim 1 , wherein the smart module comprises at least one sensor configured to measure an environmental parameter or a plant growth parameter.8. The light fixture of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is coupled with a heat ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015142A1
Принадлежит: Huizhou Light Engine Limited

An LED light bulb has a lamp base for a lamp socket, a heat sink, and a globe. Within the globe on the heat sink is a printed circuit board having tabs or legs projecting from the circuit board. The tabs or legs have one or more LEDs mounted thereon and are angled relative to the circuit board so as to be directed away from the axis of the light bulb. the circuit board may either be ring-shaped with inwardly extending tabs, or may have outwardly extending tabs. Methods of making such LED light bulb and methods of distributing light from the LED light bulb, which involves directing light output by a plurality of LEDs in a plurality of radially outward directions relative to an axis of the light bulb, are also disclosed herein. 1. A light bulb , comprising:a lamp base configured for electrical connection to a lamp socket;a heat sink having a first portion connected to the lamp base and a second portion, the second portion including a mounting surface opposite the first portion, the heat sink including a mounting rim encircling the mounting surface;a circuit board mounted on the mounting surface, the circuit board including a planar circuit board body mounted in thermal contact with the mounting surface, a plurality of tabs extending from the planar circuit board body, the tabs extending in a plurality of directions from the planar circuit board body, the tabs being disposed at an angle relative to the planar circuit board body;electrical connecting elements connected between the lamp base and the circuit board;LEDs mounted on the tabs and electrically connected to the planar circuit board body so as to emit light from the LEDs in a plurality of directions having an outward component relative to the circuit board; anda globe having a mounting opening affixed to the mounting rim of the heat sink.2. A light bulb as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the circuit board comprises a central planar circuit board body claim 1 , and wherein the plurality of tabs extend in outward ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Circuit Board, Method For Manufacturing The Circuit Board, And Illumination Device Comprising The Circuit Board

Номер: US20150016087A1

A circuit board () for mounting at least one light source (), comprising a substrate () and a plurality of printed electrical conductors () printed on the substrate (), At least one printed electrical conductor () comprises a first region () for arranging the light sources (). The circuit board () further comprises reflectors () which are disposed between the printed electrical conductors () adjacent to each other and cover other regions of the printed electrical conductors () than the first region (), wherein the reflectors () are insulating reflectors. The circuit board is easy to manufacture, has relatively high reflective property, and can efficiently reflect the light emitted from the light source. Also disclosed are a method for manufacturing the circuit board, and an illumination device comprising the circuit board. 1. A circuit board for mounting at least one light source , comprising a substrate and a plurality of printed electrical conductors printed on the substrate , wherein , at least one printed electrical conductor comprises a first region for arranging the light source , the circuit board further comprises reflectors which are disposed between the printed electrical conductors adjacent to each other and cover other regions of the printed electrical conductors than the first region , wherein the reflectors are insulating reflectors.2. The circuit board according to claim 1 , wherein the reflectors are distributed Bragg reflectors.3. The circuit board according to claim 2 , wherein the reflectors cover claim 2 , through electron beam evaporation process or magnetron sputtering process claim 2 , regions between the printed electrical conductors adjacent to each other claim 2 , and the other regions than the first region.4. The circuit board according to claim 1 , wherein the reflector comprises a first layer made from SiO2 and a second layer made from TiO2.5. The circuit board according to claim 4 , wherein a thickness D of the first layer or the second ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150016115A1

Provided is an LED light that includes a base plate, heat pipes disposed on the base plate, at least one heat dissipation fins disposed on the heat pipes, and an LED module fastened to the base plate by screws, in which protrusions having a space with the bottom open integrally protrude from the base plate and a thread for thread-fastening of the screw is formed around the inner side of the protrusions. Accordingly, water or foreign substances from cannot flow into the LED module through around the screw, with high waterproof ability. 1. An LED light comprising:a base plate having a first surface and a second opposite the first surface;at least one heat pipe provided over the base plate and thermally coupled to the first surface of the base plate;a plurality of heat dissipation fins thermally coupled to the at least one heat pipe;andan LED module coupled to the second surface of the base plate by screws,wherein the base plate includes a plurality of screw holes formed through the second surface and a plurality of protrusions that protrudes from the first surface corresponding to the plurality of holes, andwherein the base plate has a prescribed thickness between the first and second surfaces and the screw holes have a prescribed height, the prescribed height of the screw holes being greater than the thickness of the base plate and less than a prescribed height of the protrusions from the second surface.2. The LED light of claim 1 , wherein the hole is enclosed at a distal end toward the first surface and opened at a distal end toward the second surface.3. The LED light of claim 1 , wherein the protrusions include a lateral surface that protrudes from the first surface of the base plate and a top surface provided over the lateral surface.4. The LED light of claim 1 , wherein the holes extend past the second surface of the base plate and extend a prescribed amount into a corresponding protrusion.5. The LED light of claim 4 , wherein the holes are encased by the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Led lamp with high color rendering index

Номер: US20170016583A1
Принадлежит: Cree Inc

An LED lamp with a high color rendering index (CRI) is disclosed. Example embodiments of the invention provide an LED lamp with a relatively high color rendering index (CRI). In some embodiments, the lamp has other advantageous characteristics, such as good angular uniformity. In some embodiments, the LED lamp is sized and shaped as a replacement for a standard incandescent bulb, and includes an LED assembly with at least first and second LEDs operable to emit light of two different colors. In some embodiments, the lamp can emit light with a color rendering index (CRI) of at least 90 without remote wavelength conversion. In some embodiments, the LED lamp conforms some, most, or all of the product requirements for a 60-watt incandescent replacement for the L prize.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018078A1
Автор: Imai Sadato, Katoh Tatsuya

A light-emitting apparatus is provided which can improve the reflectance of light in the emission wavelength region of the LED. The light-emitting apparatus includes a mount board constituted by a metal support, a circuit board provided with an opening and fixed onto the mount board, a multi-layered film containing silver as a light-reflecting material, the multi-layered film being stacked on the mount board exposed in the opening, exclusive of a portion of the mount board onto which the circuit board is fixed, and an LED element mounted on the multi-layered film.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018087A1

According to an aspect there is provided a base for an electric lamp which may be assembled in an efficient and convenient manner. The base comprises: a tubular enclosure () extending along an axial direction between a first and a second end portion of the enclosure, an insulator () attached to the first end portion of the enclosure such that a rotation of the insulator relative to the enclosure about the axial direction is prevented, the insulator having an inner portion () facing towards an inner space of the enclosure, an outer portion () facing away from said inner space and at least one channel for receiving an electrically conducting contact pin (), the channel extending from the outer portion, through the insulator and leading into said inner space, and a housing () for accommodating electrical circuitry () for operating the electric lamp, wherein an end portion () of the electrically conducting contact pin () has a lateral projection or recess being adapted to engage with an engagement portion ( ) of the housing such that a separation between the insulator and the housing is prevented in at least said axial direction, and wherein the housing is attached to the inner portion of the insulator such that a rotation of the housing relative to the insulator about the axial direction is prevented, wherein a rotation of the housing relative to the enclosure is prevented.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018098A1

A doubly-sealed waterproof floodlight includes a heat dissipating portion, a lighting portion coupled to the bottom end of the heat dissipating portion, and a cover filled and coated with a sealing material, doubly-sealed, and integrally coupled to the heat dissipating portion. The heat dissipating portion includes a sealing portion formed on a side end of the heat dissipation portion, coated with the sealing material, and coupled to the cover. The cover includes a coupling portion formed on the top end of a side surface thereof The coupling portion includes a sealing groove into which sealing material is filled for adhering and coupling the heat dissipating portion, a protruding support potion extending from the sealing groove, and a bottom surface portion which is flatly formed at a position lower than the protruding support portion, and in which the sealing material coated on the sealing portion is filled.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017235A1

Presented is an LED module comprising: a printed circuit board, PCB, with a plurality of LEDs mounted thereon; and first and second optical cover plates each comprising an optically transmissive portion and coupled to the PCB so as to cover a respective subset of the plurality of LEDs. The first and second optical cover plates have complementary geometries so that they are self-aligning in two axes. 1. An LED module , comprising:a printed circuit board, PCB, with a plurality of LEDs mounted thereon; andfirst and second optical cover plates each comprising an optically transmissive portion and coupled to the PCB so as to cover a respective subset of the plurality of LEDs,wherein the first and second optical cover plates have complementary geometries so that they are self-aligning in two axes, each of the first and second optical cover plates further comprises a respective sealing groove surrounding the respective subset of the plurality of LEDs and wherein the complementary geometries bridge the respective sealing grooves of the first and second optical cover plate to form one integral sealing groove.2. The LED module of claim 1 , wherein the sealing groove is provided with an adhesive adapted to sealably adhere the optical cover plate to the PCB.3. The LED module of claim 1 , wherein the first and second optical cover plates comprise interlocking geometries adapted to maintain the first and second optical cover plates in a predetermined arrangement relative to each other.4. The LED module of claim 3 , wherein the interlocking geometry comprises a projection formed to extend from the first optical cover plate and adapted to engage with a channel or aperture formed in the second optical cover plate.5. The LED module of claim 1 , wherein the optically transmissive portion of at least one of the first and second optical cover plates comprises an optical enhancement material.6. A method of covering a printed circuit board claim 1 , PCB claim 1 , having a plurality of ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017247A1

This invention relates to the field of lighting modules employing light emitting diodes (LEDs), and more particularly to LED modules suitable for exposed lens plate luminaires. There is herein provided an LED module having a printed circuit board comprising at least two layers, wherein the interface between two layers at a side surface of the printed circuit board is covered by a protrusion of an optically transmissive cover plate. The same said optically transmissive cover plate is also adapted to cover at least one LED positioned in or on the printed circuit board. 1. An LED module comprising:a printed circuit board having an upper surface and a side surface; the printed circuit board comprising a first layer; a second layer; and a plurality of LEDs adapted to output light from the upper surface; and{'b': '107', 'an optically transmissive cover plate positioned to cover at least one of the plurality of LEDs and having at least one protrusion arranged to cover a portion of an interface () between the first layer and the second layer at the side surface of the printed circuit board,'}wherein at least one side surface of the printed circuit board is at least partially inwardly inclined.2. The LED module as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising sealant positioned between the protrusion of the optical plate and the covered portion of the interface so as to prevent ingress of foreign contaminants into the said covered portion of the interface.3. The LED module as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the sealant is adapted to adhere the protrusion of cover plate to the covered portion of the interface.4. The LED module as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the first layer comprises an metal substrate; andthe second layer comprises a dielectric material5. The LED module of claim 1 , wherein the optical plate further comprises at least one depression alongside the protrusion of the optical plate.6. The LED module of claim 5 , further comprising sealant positioned between the ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Light emitting device and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20160020369A1
Автор: Hiroaki Ukawa
Принадлежит: Nichia Corp

Provided is a light emitting device that reduces color unevenness between a plurality of light emitting elements. A light emitting device 1 includes a base substrate 10, a first frame body 11 disposed at an upper surface 10 a of the base substrate 10, and a second frame body 12 disposed at the upper surface 10 a of the base substrate 10 and surrounding the first frame body 11 while being spaced away from the first frame body 11 . A plurality of light emitting elements 2 is disposed within a region surrounded by the first frame body 11 . A first sealing resin 21 is disposed within the region surrounded by the first frame body 11 to cover the light emitting elements 2 . The first sealing resin 21 includes a wavelength conversion member that converts a wavelength of light emitted from the light emitting elements 2 . A second sealing resin 22 is disposed within the region surrounded by the second frame body 12 to cover the first sealing resin 21 . The second sealing resin 22 has a light diffusion material layer 221 having a convex upper surface over the first sealing resin 21.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022073A1
Автор: Moon Daisung, Moon Sangpil

The present invention relates to a LED bulb emitting light ray in a downward direction and a manufacturing method thereof. The LED bulb emitting light ray in a downward direction comprises a screw head, a base, a lamp body, and a lampshade integrally connected in order, wherein a PCB board longitudinally arranged within the base is fixedly connected with a PCB board transversely arranged on the top of the lamp body and fastened via a base buckle to the bottom of the LED aluminum substrate component longitudinally fixed on the lamp body by fastening a hook buckle to a buckle hole of the base, the top of the LED aluminum substrate component is fixedly connected with the PCB board on the top of the lamp body, the PCB board on the top of the lamp body is connected with the lamp body by fastening element. 1. A LED bulb emitting light ray in a downward direction and comprising a screw head , a base , a lamp body , and a lampshade integrally connected in order , characterized in that: the lampshade is connected by a hook buckle with the lamp body mounted on the base , a PCB board longitudinally arranged within the base is fixedly connected with a PCB board transversely arranged on the top of the lamp body , the PCB board on the top of the lamp body is fastened via a base buckle to the bottom of the LED aluminum substrate component longitudinally arranged and covering the lamp body , the LED aluminum substrate component is fixed on the lamp body by fastening the hook buckle convexly arranged on the bottom of the base buckle to a buckle hole of the base , the top of the LED aluminum substrate component is fixedly connected with the PCB board on the top of the lamp body , the PCB board on the top of the lamp body is connected with the lamp body by fastening element.2. The LED bulb emitting light ray in a downward direction according to claim 1 , characterized in that: the lamp body is composed of a heat dissipation cup claim 1 , a bottom cylinder fixedly arranged on the top ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140104838A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM GMBH

In various embodiments, a method for producing a lighting apparatus is provided. The method may include providing a light strip with a strip-shaped carrier and a plurality of semiconductor light sources arranged in a row on the carrier; attaching at least one preshaped wall to the carrier, which wall, when attached to the carrier, consists of a curable but not yet completely cured material; filling regions above the carrier next to the at least one wall with at least one curable filler; and curing at least the filler. 1. A method for producing a lighting apparatus , the method comprising:providing a light strip with a strip-shaped carrier and a plurality of semiconductor light sources arranged in a row on the carrier;attaching at least one preshaped wall to the carrier, which wall, when attached to the carrier, consists of a curable but not yet completely cured material;filling regions above the carrier next to the at least one wall with at least one curable filler; andcuring at least the filler.2. The method of claim 1 ,wherein the material of the wall is an air-curable or a UV-curable material.3. The method of claim 1 ,wherein the at least one preshaped wall is strip-shaped and has cutouts for the semiconductor light sources; andwherein the filling comprises filling of the cutouts.4. The method of claim 1 ,wherein the at least one preshaped wall has two strip-shaped walls which run peripherally with respect to the semiconductor light sources in the direction of extent of the carrier; andwherein the filling comprises filling an open region between the two walls.5. The method of claim 4 ,wherein the materials of the two walls are different.6. The method of claim 5 ,wherein the semiconductor light sources are laterally emitting semiconductor light sources and are directed onto a wall made of a material which is light-transmissive, in particular transparent.7. The method of claim 6 ,wherein the semiconductor light sources are laterally emitting semiconductor light ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140104858A1

A lighting device includes a body defining a circuitry chamber and including an integrally molded base. The lighting device may also include a light source carried by the body and an electrical contact carried by the body. The lighting device may further include a driver circuit in electrical communication with the light source and the electrical contact. The driver circuit and/or the electrical contact may be integrally connected to the body. A method aspect of the invention is for assembling a lighting device. The method may include integrally forming the base and the body to define an integrally molded base, integrally connecting the driver circuit and/or the electrical contact to the body and fixedly attaching the light source to the body. The method may further include positioning the light source in electrical communication with the driver circuit and positioning the electrical contact in electrical communication with the driver circuit. 1. A lighting device comprising:a body defining a circuitry chamber and including an integrally molded base; anda light source carried by the body;an electrical contact carried by the body; anda driver circuit in electrical communication with the light source and the electrical contact;wherein at least one of the driver circuit and the electrical contact are integrally connected to the body.2. The lighting device according to wherein at least one of the driver circuit and the electrical contact are integrally connected to the body by at least one of molding and overmolding so as to be integrally molded with the body.3. The lighting device according to wherein the integrally molded base is formed into a standard light socket base selected from the group consisting of an Edison base claim 1 , a bayonet base claim 1 , a double contact bayonet base claim 1 , a bi-pin claim 1 , a bi-post claim 1 , a wedge claim 1 , and a GU10 turn and lock base.4. The lighting device according to wherein a spring clip is fixedly attached to at ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022999A1

A lighting device in which a heat sink and a cover are formed by co-extrusion and a manufacturing method for the same are provided. The heat sink and the cover may be co-extruded. A shape control portion may be formed at the heat sink to control a shape of a seating portion to seat a circuit substrate during extrusion of the heat sink. In addition, a light characteristic control portion may be provided between a light emitting diode (LED) and the cover to control characteristic of light generated from the LED. 1. A lighting device , comprising:a circuit substrate including a light emitting diode (LED) disposed on a first surface of the circuit substrate;a heat sink including a seating portion in which a second surface of the circuit substrate is seated;a cover connected to the heat sink such that the circuit substrate is disposed between the cover and the heat sink; anda shape control portion disposed at the heat sink around the seating portion to minutely control a shape of the seating portion by securing heat radiation performance around the seating portion.2. The lighting device of claim 1 , wherein the shape control portion has a cooling path defined at the heat sink to uniformly guide coolant to environs of the seating portion.3. The lighting device of claim 2 , wherein the shape control portion has:a first cooling path defined in the heat sink around the seating portion; anda second cooling path defined between the outside of the heat sink and the first cooling path to supply the coolant to the inside of the first cooling path.4. The lighting device of claim 3 , wherein the second surface of the circuit substrate and the seating portion have at least one of a curved cross section and a linear cross section to correspond to each other to make surface contact with each other.5. The lighting device of claim 3 , wherein the second surface of the circuit substrate and the seating portion have a curved or linear cross section to correspond to each other claim 3 , ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150023018A1

A fastener includes a head portion and a shank portion that extends from the head portion. The shank portion has a distal end that is distal from the head portion and that is formed with at least two bendable anchor segments. The fastener is used to fasten a base plate of a light emitting bar to a base of a light source module. 1. A fastener comprising a head portion and a shank portion that extends from said head portion , said shank portion having a distal end that is distal from said head portion and that is formed with at least two bendable anchor segments.2. The fastener as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said distal end of said shank portion is formed with a slit that extends toward said head portion claim 1 , said slit configuring said shank portion with said anchor segments that are spaced apart from each other claim 1 , said anchor segments being bendable in directions away from said slit.3. The fastener as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said shank portion is tubular.4. The fastener as claimed in claim 1 , which is made of a material selected from metal and plastic.5. A light source module comprising:a base including a base wall and having a receiving space, said base wall being formed with a fastener hole; anda light emitting bar disposed in said receiving space, said light emitting bar including a base plate, an electrically conducting unit disposed on said base plate, a light emitting component connected electrically to said electrically conducting unit, and a fastener to fasten said base plate to said base wall, said base plate being formed with a through hole, said fastener having a head portion that is disposed in said through hole in said base plate, and a shank portion that extends from said head portion and that extends through said fastener hole in said base wall, said shank portion having a distal end that is distal from said head portion and that is formed with at least two anchor segments, said anchor segments being bent to abut against one side of ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Automated color tuning of an led based illumination device

Номер: US20140106639A1
Автор: Gerard Harbers
Принадлежит: Xicato Inc

The color of light emitted by an assembled light emitting diode (LED) based illumination device with at least two different wavelength converting materials is automatically tuned to within a predefined tolerance of a target color point by modifying portions of the wavelength converting materials. The color of light emitted from the assembled LED based illumination device is measured and a material modification plan is determined based at least in part on the measured color of light and a desired color of light to be emitted. The material modification plan may further include the location of the wavelength converting materials to be modified. The wavelength converting materials are selectively modified in accordance with the material modification plan so that the assembled LED based illumination device emits a second color of light that is within a predetermined tolerance of a target color point.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021889A1
Автор: EBOSHI Naoki, YUTO Hiroaki

A wavelength conversion member manufacturing method includes providing a wavelength conversion member having an upper surface, and forming, in the wavelength conversion member, at least one depressed portion having an inclined surface inclined with respect to the upper surface by irradiating the wavelength conversion member with a pulsed laser beam from above. The forming of the at least one depressed portion includes performing a set of scanning more than once at different processing depths in regions overlapping each other in a top view, the set of scanning includes performing scanning with the pulsed laser beam along a first direction more than once at irradiation positions shifted in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction in the top view, and the performing of the scanning includes applying the pulsed laser beam at a fixed processing depth. 1. A wavelength conversion member manufacturing method comprising: a phosphor portion, and', 'a light-transmissive portion configured to transmit fluorescence from the phosphor portion; and, 'providing a wavelength conversion member having an upper surface, the wavelength conversion member including'}forming, in the wavelength conversion member, at least one depressed portion having an inclined surface inclined with respect to the upper surface by irradiating the wavelength conversion member with a pulsed laser beam from above, the forming of the at least one depressed portion including performing a set of scanning more than once at different processing depths in regions overlapping each other in a top view,the performing of the set of the scanning including performing scanning with the pulsed laser beam along a first direction more than once at irradiation positions shifted in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction in the top view, the performing of the scanning including applying the pulsed laser beam at a fixed processing depth.2. The wavelength conversion member manufacturing method ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025278A1
Автор: Camarota Michael V.
Принадлежит: ITC Incorporated

An LED linear light assembly () comprises an elongated LED linear light component () having a series of spaced-apart LEDs () mounted on a base (). A housing () laterally encloses the LED linear light component (). The housing () includes a curved section () having translucent properties for providing a lens for the LEDs (). The housing () also includes a transparent and clear bottom section () coupled to or otherwise integrally formed with the curved section (). The transparency of the bottom section () permits a user to sever the continuous LED linear light assembly () and form individual segments by viewing the appropriate cutting positions through the bottom section (). 1. A linear light assembly comprising: a first section extending along the length of said housing to form a base of said housing;', 'a second section extending along the base of said housing, said second section connected to said first section to form an opening therebetween;, 'an elongated housing having a length, said housing comprisinga linear light component located within said opening and positioned approximately adjacent to said first section;wherein said first section and second section are at least partially translucent to allow light to pass therethrough, and wherein said first section has a greater translucence than said second section.2. The linear light assembly of claim 1 , wherein said elongated housing is flexible.3. The linear light assembly of claim 1 , wherein said linear light component is flexible.4. The linear light assembly of claim 1 , further comprising one or more indicia formed on a side of said linear light component adjacent to said first section.5. The linear light assembly of claim 4 , wherein said first section is sufficiently translucent to allow a user to visualize said indicia through said first section.6. The linear light assembly of claim 4 , wherein the indicia comprise connector pads that electrically connect a first group of one or more lights on said linear ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023771A1

A display device includes an organic fluorescent body unit and a display panel provided on the organic fluorescent body unit. The organic fluorescent body unit may include a light source unit including a light source substrate and a plurality of light sources on the light source substrate, a red organic fluorescent body layer covering the light sources and including a red organic fluorescent body, and a green organic fluorescent body layer provided on the red organic fluorescent body layer and including a green organic fluorescent body. The red organic fluorescent body layer may include a plurality of red organic fluorescent body patterns, each of which respectively covers one of the light sources. 1. A display device comprising an organic fluorescent body unit and a display panel provided on the organic fluorescent body unit , wherein the organic fluorescent body unit includes:a light source unit including a light source substrate and a plurality of light sources on the light source substrate;a red organic fluorescent body layer covering the light sources and including a red organic fluorescent body; anda green organic fluorescent body layer provided on the red organic fluorescent body layer and including a green organic fluorescent body,the red organic fluorescent body layer including a plurality of red organic fluorescent body patterns, each of which respectively covers one of the light sources.2. The display device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , on a plane claim 1 , the red organic fluorescent body patterns overlap a portion of the light source substrate.3. The display device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , on a plane claim 1 , the red organic fluorescent body patterns are spaced apart from each other.4. The display device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the organic fluorescent body unit further includes a base member in which are defined fluorescent body grooves claim 1 , wherein the base member is provided between the light source ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024850A1

A replacement light tube for replacing a fluorescent light tube includes a bulb portion extending between a first end and a second end, the bulb portion comprising a support structure, a plurality of white light emitting diodes (LEDs) and an elongate light-transmissive cover. The support structure has a first surface extending between the first end and the second end. The plurality of LEDs are supported by the first surface and arranged between the first end and the second end. The elongate light-transmissive cover extends between the first end and the second end and over the first surface of the support structure. A first end cap and a second end cap are disposed on the first end and the second end, respectively, each configured to fit with a socket for a fluorescent light tube. A power supply circuit is configured to provide power to the plurality of LEDs. The plurality of LEDs are arranged to emit light through the elongate light-transmissive cover and at least a portion of the power supply circuit is packaged inside at least one of the end caps. 120.-. (canceled)21. A light fixture comprising:a socket;a first bracket configured to receive a light emitting diode (LED) replacement light tube and secure the LED replacement light tube with respect to the socket; anda first inductive transmitter configured to receive electrical power from a power source and transmit at least a portion of the electrical power inductively to a first inductive receiver of the LED replacement light tube.22. The light fixture of claim 21 , wherein the first inductive transmitter is configured to magnetically link to the first inductive receiver of the LED replacement light tube.23. The light fixture of claim 21 , wherein the first inductive transmitter is disposed on the first bracket.24. The light fixture of claim 21 , further comprising a second bracket configured to receive the LED replacement light tube and secure the LED replacement light tube with respect to the socket.25. The light ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025340A1
Принадлежит: LEDVANCE LLC

A method of lamp assembly that etching a glass tube body to increase a texture of the surface of the sidewall of the glass tube body, the sidewall of the glass tube body enclosing a hollow interior; and positioning a circuit board including a plurality of light emitting diodes (LEDs) within the hollow interior of the glass tube, wherein the increase in the texture of the surface increases the light diffusivity of the glass tube body. 1. A lamp tube comprising:a glass tube body having a perimeter defined by a sidewall of the glass tube body for enclosing a hollow interior, in which an interior surface of the sidewall is textured to increase light diffusivity.2. The lamp tube of claim 1 , wherein the glass tube body is comprised of a soda lime silicate glass.3. The lamp tube of claim 1 , wherein the glass tube body has a cross-sectional geometry that is perpendicular to a length of the glass tube body with a substantially cylindrical perimeter.4. The lamp tube of claim 1 , wherein a texture of the sidewall that is textured to increase light diffusivity includes a plurality of scallops defined by a peaked upper surface and tapered sidewalls extending to a base having a greater width than the peaked upper surface of the scallops.5. The lamp tube of claim 4 , wherein a height for each of said scallops ranges from 5 microns to 40 microns claim 4 , wherein a diameter for said scallops ranges from 100 microns to 2000 microns.6. The lamp tube of claim 5 , wherein said texture that provides at least one of said first roughness and said second roughness includes a plurality of plateaus each including surface projections having an inverted v-shaped side cross-sectional geometry claim 5 , the upper surface of the projection provided by the apex of the inverted v-shape.7. The lamp tube of claim 6 , wherein said plateaus have a diameter ranging from 10 micrometers to 100 micrometers in diameter claim 6 , and having a density ranging from 25 to about 500 island per square ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025344A1
Принадлежит: LEDVANCE LLC

A lamp tube including a glass tube body having a cross-sectional geometry that is perpendicular to a length of the glass tube body with a substantially cylindrical perimeter defined by a sidewall of the glass tube body enclosing a hollow interior for housing a light source. The sidewall of the glass tube body that defines the substantially cylindrical perimeter including at least one pair of ridges on opposing sides of the substantially cylindrical perimeter. Each ridge of the at least one pair of the ridges includes an apex extending towards the hollow interior for the glass tube body. 1. A tube structure comprising:a tube body defined by a sidewall of the tube body enclosing a hollow interior, the sidewall of the tube body including at least one ridge on an interior surface of the tube body, the at least one ridge comprising an apex extending towards the hollow interior for the tube body, and the at least one ridge extends continuously along at least a portion of a length of the tube body, wherein from a perspective of an exterior surface of the sidewall of the tube body a divot is present corresponding to the ridge.2. The tube structure of claim 1 , wherein the at least one ridge retains an edge of a circuit board including a light source.3. The tube structure of claim 1 , wherein the at least one ridge has a protruding width towards the hollow body of the tube body that ranges from 1/10 a width of the tube body to ⅕ the width of the tube body.4. The tube structure of claim 1 , wherein the apex of said at least one ridge of is present at a peak of a convex curvature in the sidewall of the tube body relative to a center of the hollow interior for the tube body.5. The tube structure of claim 1 , the divot having a concave curvature extending toward the hollow interior for the tube body.6. The tube structure of claim 5 , wherein a sidewall thickness of the tube body at portions including said at least one ridge and said each divot corresponding to said at least one ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Watertight LED Arrangement

Номер: US20200025364A1
Автор: Schluter Werner

A watertight LED arrangement is provided that extends in a longitudinal direction (L). The arrangement includes a strip-shaped LED board () provided with a multiplicity of LEDs () on its upper side and at least one cable () electrically connected to the LED board (). A one-piece, elastically formed watertight sheath () which surrounds the LED board () and defines a light emission wall () at least on its upper side opposite the LEDs () receives the LED board () in a form-fitting manner. The sheath bears directly against the underside of the LED board (), and a cavity () extending in the longitudinal direction (L) is provided between the upper side of the LED board () and the light emission wall (). 11. A watertight LED arrangement () extending in a longitudinal direction (L) , comprising:{'b': 3', '2, 'a strip-shaped LED board () provided with a multiplicity of LEDs () on its upper side;'}{'b': 4', '3, 'at least one cable () electrically connected to the LED board (); and'}{'b': 6', '3', '5', '2', '6', '3, 'a one-piece, elastically formed watertight sheath () which surrounds the LED board () and defines a light emission wall () at least on its upper side opposite the LEDs (), the sheath () receiving the LED board () in a form-fitting manner;'}{'b': 3', '7', '3', '5, 'wherein the sheath bears directly against the underside of the LED board (), and a cavity () extending in the longitudinal direction (L) is provided between the upper side of the LED board () and the light emission wall ().'}21310535. The LED arrangement () according to claim 1 , wherein the LED board () is provided on at least one of its free ends with a leaf region () angled in the direction of the light emission wall () or claim 1 , adjacent to the LED board () claim 1 , a sealing element extending upwards in the direction of the light emission wall () claim 1 , the sealing element being formed in a blade or a film.31436. The LED arrangement () according to claim 1 , wherein the cable () projects ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025551A1
Автор: Moon Sang Pil

The invention provides a laser light installed inside a bulb lamp and a method of assembling a laser light inside a bulb lamp. The laser light comprises a bulb lamp, wherein a fixing support which further has heat dissipation function is coaxially arranged on an LED light board disposed inside the bulb lamp, a laser module is sleeved inside the fixing support. The laser module consists of a lens module, a laser head base, a laser head and a heat dissipating tube. The lens module consists of a focus base, and further, a transparent piece, a grating piece, a lens base, a lens and a lens fixing base accommodated in the lens base, which are sleeved inside the focus base in sequence. A through hole is provided on a portion of a lamp cover corresponding to the laser module and is enclosed by a transparent cap. 1. A laser light installed inside a cavity of a bulb lamp , comprising a bulb lamp , wherein a fixing support having heat dissipation function is coaxially arranged on an LED light board disposed inside the cavity of the bulb lamp , a laser module is sleeved inside the fixing support , a through hole is provided on a portion of a lamp cover corresponding to the laser module , and the through hole is enclosed by a transparent cap.2. The laser light installed inside a cavity of a bulb lamp according to claim 1 , wherein the fixing support consists of a small conical part claim 1 , a big conical part extending from a bottom of the small conical part claim 1 , a pair of support legs symmetrically extending from a bottom of the big conical part claim 1 , ear shaped parts respectively extending radially outwards from ends of support legs claim 1 , and screw holes respectively provided on the ear shaped parts.3. The laser light installed inside a cavity of a bulb lamp according to claim 1 , wherein the laser module consists of a lens module claim 1 , a laser head base claim 1 , a heat dissipating tube claim 1 , and a laser head disposed inside the laser head base.4. The ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140111985A1
Автор: Harbers Gerard
Принадлежит: Xicato, Inc.

Multiple colors of light emitted by an assembled light emitting diode (LED) based illumination device is automatically tuned to within a predefined tolerance of multiple target color points by modifying portions of wavelength converting materials associated with each color. A first color of light emitted from the assembled LED based illumination device in response to a first current is measured and a second color of light emitted from the assembled LED based illumination device in response to a second current is measured. A material modification plan to modify wavelength converting materials is determined based at least in part on the measured colors of light and desired colors of light to be emitted. The wavelength converting materials may be selectively modified in accordance with the material modification plan so that the assembled LED based illumination device emits colors of light that are within a predetermined tolerance of target color points. 1. A method comprising:measuring a first color of light emitted from an LED based illumination device in response to a first current supplied to the LED based illumination device, the LED based illumination device including a first LED configured to receive the first current, wherein light emitted from the first LED illuminates a first amount of a first wavelength converting material and a second amount of a second wavelength converting material;measuring a second color of light emitted from the LED based illumination device in response to a second current supplied to the LED based illumination device, the LED based illumination device including a second LED configured to receive the second current, wherein light emitted from the second LED illuminates a third amount of a third wavelength converting material and a fourth amount of a fourth wavelength converting material; anddetermining a material modification plan based at least in part on the first color of light and the second color of light that includes a ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Light Emitting Diode Retrofit Kit For High Intensity Discharge Lighting

Номер: US20140111990A1
Принадлежит: LED Industries, Inc.

A principal aspect of invention comprises a housing that before being retrofit included a high intensity discharge light source, a high intensity discharge lens, and a high intensity discharge lighting fixture chamber defined between the housing and the high intensity discharge lens. The housing is retrofit to exclude a routinely functioning high intensity discharge light source and exclude at least a portion of the high intensity discharge lens. The housing is made to include at least a first support for at least one light emitting diode light source in place of the portion of the high intensity discharge lens. With this aspect, the retrofit high intensity discharge lighting fixture is no longer a source of high intensity discharge light and is instead a source of light emitting diode light. Also, the light emitting diode light source is outside the light emitting diode lighting fixture chamber, and is thereby substantially free of exposure to the temperature effects of being within either the high intensity discharge lighting fixture chamber or the light emitting diode lighting fixture chamber. 1. A retrofit high intensity discharge lighting fixture , comprising:a housing that before being retrofit included a high intensity discharge light source, a high intensity discharge lens, and a high intensity discharge lighting fixture chamber defined between the housing and the high intensity discharge lens, the housing excluding a routinely functioning high intensity discharge light source and excluding at least a portion of the high intensity discharge lens, the housing including at least a first support for at least one hereinafter-defined light emitting diode light source in place of the at least a portion of the high intensity discharge lens, the housing thereby having a light emitting diode lighting fixture chamber between the first support, any remaining portion of the high intensity discharge lens, and the housing;a second support for the hereinafter-defined light ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Edgelit LED Blade Fixture

Номер: US20200025998A1

A lighting fixture that includes a frame, a heat sink assembly, an LED assembly, and a reflector. The frame includes a first end plate and a second end plate, each end plate including a slot formed therein. The slot extends from a top edge of the end plates towards a bottom edge of the end plates. The heat sink assembly includes one or more LEDs and a lightguide having a first longitudinal edge that receives light emitted from the LEDs. A first edge and a second edge of the lightguide are slidably inserted into respective slots. The heat sink assembly includes a heat sink base and a heat sink cap coupled thereto which forms a first cavity for housing the LEDs and a second cavity adjacent the first cavity for housing a portion of the lightguide. The reflector is coupled to the end plates. 1. A lighting system comprising: a first end plate; and', 'a second end plate positioned opposite to and at a distance from the first end plate;, 'a frame comprisinga heat sink assembly attached to the frame;a reflector coupled to the frame and extending from the first end plate to the second end plate; and [ 'wherein the first lateral edge is attached to the first end plate and the second lateral edge is attached to the second end plate, such that the lightguide is oriented with the first longitudinal edge facing the heat sink assembly and the second longitudinal edge facing an area to be illuminated; and', 'a lightguide comprising a first surface, a second surface facing a direction opposite the first surface, the first surface and the second surface bounded by a first longitudinal edge, a second longitudinal edge positioned opposite the first longitudinal edge, a first lateral edge, and a second lateral edge positioned opposite the first lateral edge,'}, 'one or more light emitting diodes (LEDs) disposed on the heat sink assembly and optically coupled to the lightguide such that light emitted by the one or more LEDs enters the lightguide through the first longitudinal edge and a ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150029725A1
Автор: Kamikawa Takeshi

A light emitting device includes a light emitting element, a ceramic substrate including a mounting surface on which the light emitting element is mounted, and a non-mounting surface opposite to the mounting surface and on which the light emitting element is not mounted, and a metal reflection film formed on the non-mounting surface. The metal reflection film reflects light from light emitting element that has passed through the ceramic substrate. 1. A light emitting device , comprising:a light emitting element;a ceramic substrate having a mounting surface on which said light emitting element is mounted and a non-mounting surface opposite to said mounting surface and on which said light emitting element is not mounted; anda metal reflection film, formed on said non-mounting surface, for reflecting light from said light emitting element transmitted through said ceramic substrate.2. The light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein surface roughness in maximum height (Rz) of said non-mounting surface of said ceramic substrate is not larger than wavelength of light emitted from said light emitting element.3. The light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein arithmetic mean surface roughness (Ra) of said non-mounting surface of said ceramic substrate is at most 0.04 μm.4. The light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein thickness of said ceramic substrate is at least 0.2 mm and at most 2.0 mm.5. The light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein said metal reflection film includes any of a reflection film of Ag claim 1 , a reflection film of Ag alloy claim 1 , a reflection film of Al claim 1 , and a reflection film of Al alloy.6. The light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein a region for forming said metal reflection film includes a region immediately below said light emitting element.7. The light emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein said ceramic substrate includes a substrate formed of an alumina sintered body.8. The ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150029732A1
Автор: Hatch Michael L.
Принадлежит: Hatch Transformers, Inc.

A recessed LED light fixture is provided. The fixture includes a housing assembly, a power supply, and a light source. The power supply is positioned below the light source relative to an opening of the housing from which light from the light source is emitted. The power supply is positioned on an exterior side of the housing and proximate a lower-most extent of the housing. 1. A recessed LED lighting fixture configured for installation in a ceiling in an installed position , the recessed LED lighting fixture comprising:a housing assembly having an opening in a bottom face thereof, the opening communicating with a recess of the housing assembly;a LED light source positioned within the recess of the housing assembly and mounted to an interior mounting surface of the recess such that it emits light through the opening of the housing assembly;a power supply mounted to the housing assembly below the LED light source in the installed position.2. The recessed LED lighting fixture of claim 1 , wherein the housing assembly comprises a housing body and a removable housing cover.3. The recessed LED lighting fixture of claim 1 , wherein the housing assembly comprises a housing body and wherein the mounting surface is provided by a dividing wall of the housing body bounding the recess claim 1 , and wherein a aperture is formed in the dividing wall for routing electrical lead wires to the LED light source.4. The recessed LED lighting fixture of claim 3 , wherein the housing body includes a trim ring extending radially outward adjacent a lower most extent of the housing body claim 3 , the trim ring including defining an upper surface and a lower surface claim 3 , the power supply mounted to the upper surface.5. A recessed LED lighting fixture claim 3 , comprising:a generally cylindrical housing assembly having an opening in a bottom face thereof, the opening communicating with a recess of the housing assembly;a LED light source positioned within the recess of the housing assembly ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200028035A1
Принадлежит: Lumileds Holding B.V.

The invention describes a semiconductor die comprising at least a first light-emitting diode and a second light-emitting diode, wherein the first light-emitting diode comprises a first diode formed in a first die area and a first phosphor layer deposited over the first die area; the second light-emitting diode comprises a second diode and a second phosphor layer deposited over the second die area; the first diode and the second diode are electrically connected in anti-parallel; and wherein the optical properties of the second phosphor layer differ from the optical properties of the first phosphor layer. 1. A semiconductor die comprising:at least a first light-emitting diode, comprises a first diode formed in a first die area and a first phosphor layer deposited over the first die area; and wherein the first diode and the second diode are electrically connected in anti-parallel, and', 'wherein the optical properties of the second phosphor layer differ from the optical properties of the first phosphor layer., 'a second light-emitting diode, comprises a second diode and a second phosphor layer deposited over the second die area,'}2. The semiconductor die according to claim 1 , wherein the first light-emitting diode and the second light-emitting diode emit electromagnetic radiation in different wavelength ranges.3. The semiconductor die according to claim 2 , wherein the difference in wavelength between the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the first light-emitting diode and the electromagnetic radiation emitted by second light-emitting diode comprises at least 200 nm claim 2 , more preferably at least 250 nm.4. The semiconductor die according to claim 1 , wherein the first diode and the second diode are each provided as a transient-voltage suppressor for the other of the second diode and the first diode.5. The semiconductor die according to claim 1 , wherein the at least first light-emitting diode emits electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum.6. The ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030529A1

A small form factor LED lighting system provides for color-controlled dimming. Embodiments of the invention use one or more small-footprint LED(s) that can emit light of different correlated color temperatures (CCTs, colors or spectral outputs). The CCT of the fixture or bulb can change when dimmed by disproportionate adjustment of the driving power for each color. The small size and footprint of the LEDs enables use in decorative LED lamps, such as those designed to replace candelabra style incandescent bulbs. Various options can be used to tune the performance and lighting characteristics of a lamp according to embodiments of the invention, such as the use of differing LED device package optics, the use of reflective materials in and/or around LED device packages, and the use of a secondary optic to produce an omnidirectional light pattern. 1. A lamp comprising:at least one LED to provide light of at least two different spectral outputs, the at least one LED disposed on a mounting surface within a 7 mm footprint; anda guide optic disposed to receive the light from the at least one LED;wherein at least a portion of the light travels through the guide optic, and the light is emitted from the lamp with a correlated color temperature (CCT) of from 1200K to 3500K that is reduced when the lamp is dimmed.2. The lamp of wherein the at least two spectral outputs comprise a first spectral output with a CCT from about 1200K to about 2700K and a second spectral output with a CCT from about 2200K to about 5000K.3. The lamp of wherein the at least two spectral outputs comprise a first spectral output with a CCT from about 1200K to about 2200K and a second spectral output with a CCT from about 2700K to about 3500K.4. The lamp of wherein the at least one LED comprises a plurality of LED chips disposed in a plurality of individual LED device packages.5. The lamp of claim 4 , further comprising a reflective material between and/or around the plurality of LED chips.6. The lamp of ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030559A1

A light emitting device includes a base having a supporting part and a frame part disposed on an upper surface of the supporting part; a light emitting element mounted on the upper surface of the supporting part at a location interior of the frame part; a cover body fixed to an upper surface of the frame part and defining an opening at a location interior of the frame part in a top view; and a light-transmissive body covering the at least one opening. The cover body includes: a first portion disposed on the upper surface of the frame part, a second portion extending inward from the first portion and then bending and extending upward or downward so as to be spaced from an inner lateral surface of the frame part or a plane that includes an inner lateral surface of the frame part, and a third portion connected to the second portion and defining the opening. 1. A light emitting device comprising:a base having a supporting part and a frame part disposed on an upper surface of the supporting part;at least one light emitting element mounted on the upper surface of the supporting part at a location interior of the frame part;a cover body fixed to an upper surface of the frame part and defining at least one opening at a location interior of the frame part in a top view; andat least one light-transmissive body covering the at least one opening; a first portion disposed on the upper surface of the frame part,', 'a second portion extending inward from the first portion and then bending and extending downward so as to be spaced from an inner lateral surface of the frame part, or a second portion extending inward from the first portion and then bending and extending upward so as to be spaced from a plane that includes an inner lateral surface of the frame part, and', 'a third portion connected to the second portion and defining the at least one opening,', 'wherein a thickness of the second portion is greater than a thickness of the first portion, and', 'wherein a thickness of the ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033088A1

A light emitting diode (“LED”) light module that can be installed in lighting fixtures—either new lighting fixtures or existing lighting fixtures already installed in the field. The LED light module includes a LED assembly mounted on a reflector. The LED light module is positioned in a light fixture housing to emit light from the fixture housing. 1. A lighting system comprising at least one LED light module , wherein the LED light module comprises: a channel;', 'a plurality of light emitting diodes extending along the channel; and', 'an optic mounted on the channel and over the plurality of light emitting diodes; and, '(a) an LED assembly comprising(b) a reflector comprising a base and angled reflective walls extending downwardly from opposing sides of the base,wherein the LED assembly is mounted on the base of the reflector such that the angled reflective walls are positioned to reflect light emitted from the light emitting diodes.2. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the optic is mounted on the channel via snap-fit engagement.3. The lighting system of claim 1 , further comprising a fixture housing into which the LED light module is installed.4. The lighting system of claim 1 , further comprising at least two mounting brackets.5. The lighting system of claim 4 , further comprising a fixture housing claim 4 , wherein the at least two mounting brackets are mounted on opposing ends of the fixture housing and wherein the LED light module is mounted to the at least two mounting brackets to retain the LED light module within the fixture housing.6. The lighting system of claim 1 , further comprising a louver formed of louver blades having a top surface claim 1 , wherein the top surface of at least some of the louver blades comprise a profile substantially the same as the profile of at least a portion of the optic of the LED assembly.7. The lighting system of claim 1 , further comprising an access door having a first end claim 1 , a second end claim 1 , and a back ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Non-Uniform Lens Array for Illumination Profile Modification

Номер: US20160033089A1

Embodiments of a light source include a substrate having a first end and a second end opposite the first end. A plurality of solid state light emitting diodes (LEDs) form an array, with the plurality of LEDs mounted on the substrate in a row between the first end and the second end. The plurality of LEDs further have a first edge LED and a second edge LED having a first encapsulation lens height relative to the substrate. At least one interior LED having a second encapsulation lens height less than the first encapsulation lens height is disposed between the first edge LED and the second edge LED. The spacing between the plurality of LEDs is substantially uniform. 1. A light source comprising:a substrate comprising a first end and a second end opposite the first end;a plurality of solid state light emitting diodes (LEDs), each LED further comprising an LED die and an encapsulating lens having an encapsulating lens height; andan array comprising the plurality of LEDs mounted on the substrate in a row between the first end and the second end, the plurality of LEDs further comprising a first edge LED and a second edge LED having a first encapsulation lens height relative to the substrate, the first edge LED disposed adjacent to the first end, the second edge LED disposed adjacent to the second end, and at least one interior LED having a second encapsulation lens height less than the first encapsulation lens height disposed between the first edge LED and the second edge LED,wherein a spacing between the plurality of LEDs is substantially uniform.2. The light source of claim 1 , wherein the first edge LED and the second LED further comprise a first lens diameter claim 1 , and the at least one interior LED further comprises a second lens diameter.3. The light source of claim 2 , wherein the first diameter is less than the second diameter.4. The light source of claim 2 , wherein the first diameter is greater than the second diameter.5. The light source of claim 2 , wherein ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033110A1

A system and method according to various embodiments can include a lighting fixture comprising a light source. A multilayer thin film coated reflector is applied to an outer light emitting surface of the lighting fixture. A top layer of the multilayer thin film coated reflector comprises a material including an anatase TiO crystal structure that exhibits antimicrobial properties when activated by the light source. 1. A lighting system comprising:a lighting fixture comprising a light source;a multilayer thin film coated reflector applied to an outer light emitting surface of the lighting fixture; anda top layer of the multilayer thin film coated reflector comprises a material including an anatase TiO crystal structure that exhibits antimicrobial properties when activated by the light source.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the top layer comprises an anatase TiO crystal structure material doped with a doping material selected from at least one of silicon claim 1 , silver claim 1 , zinc claim 1 , iron claim 1 , manganese claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the top layer is subjected to an annealing process after the multilayer thin film is applied to the reflector to induce a transition of a material including an amorphous TiO structure to the material including the anatase TiO crystal structure to provide the antimicrobial properties under the light source.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the light source emits a wavelength that contains at least one of an ultraviolet light and blue wavelengths.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the light fixture comprises at least one light emitting diode (LED) as the light source.6. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the light fixture is a light emitting diode (LED) downlight module.7. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the multilayer thin film comprises at least one dielectric layer.8. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the multilayer ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031188A1

A lighting device may comprise: a housing configured to receive a light emitting circuit and a battery; a light emitting circuit including one or more light emitting diodes mounted to a circuit board; a translucent or transparent conformal lens formed to cover the one or more light emitting diodes; and an electrical switch for selectively energizing the light emitting diodes to produce light. The housing may be in a shape resembling a key. A method for making a lighting device may comprise: obtaining a circuit board having one or more light emitting devices; obtaining a housing configured to receive the circuit board; placing the circuit board in the housing; then dispensing a conformal coating material onto the circuit board; allowing the dispensed conformal coating material to spread and level; and curing the conformal coating material to form a cover on the circuit board. 1. A lighting device comprising:a housing defining a recess configured to receive a light emitting circuit and defining a cavity configured to receive a battery;a circuit board containing the light emitting circuit and disposed in the recess of said housing, wherein the light emitting circuit includes one or more light emitting diodes mounted to said circuit board so as to be exposed when said circuit board is disposed in the recess of said housing;a battery disposed in the cavity of said housing;a translucent or transparent conformal lens covering said circuit board disposed in the recess of said housing and the one or more light emitting diodes thereon, wherein said translucent or transparent conformal lens is formed in the recess to cover said circuit board and to secure said circuit board in the recess of said housing; andan electrical switch for selectively energizing said light emitting circuit to cause said one or more light emitting diodes thereof to produce light.2. The lighting device of wherein said battery is a rechargeable battery claim 1 , said lighting device further comprising: a ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Luminous Systems

Номер: US20180031205A1

A luminous system comprising one or more illumination sources, a multilayer structure, and one or more diffuse reflection layers being optically decoupled from the multilayer structure, wherein the emission and the reflection of the luminous system produce a first observed visible color when the one or more illumination sources are powered and a second observed visible color when the one or more illumination sources are non-powered is disclosed. Also disclosed are methods of creating the inventive luminous system. 1. A luminous system , said luminous system comprising:one or more illumination sources that output, when powered, a primary electromagnetic radiation through one or more exit regions; (i) one or more energy conversion layers that convert at least a portion of incident radiation to a secondary electromagnetic radiation that is at least partially emitted to the viewing hemisphere, the incident radiation being at least one of said primary electromagnetic radiation or ambient electromagnetic radiation, and', '(ii) one or more diffusion layers that substantially increase optical scattering of at least a portion of radiation, the radiation being at least one of said primary electromagnetic radiation, said secondary electromagnetic radiation, or ambient electromagnetic radiation; and, 'a multilayer structure, said multilayer structure comprisingone or more diffuse reflection layers that redirect at least a portion of ambient electromagnetic radiation to the viewing hemisphere, said one or more diffuse reflection layers being optically decoupled from said multilayer structure,wherein the emission and the reflection of said luminous system produce a first observed visible color when said one or more illumination sources are powered and a second observed visible color when said one or more illumination sources are non-powered.2. The luminous system of claim 1 , wherein said first observed visible color and said second observed visible color are substantially ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031209A1

A lighting module () is disclosed, comprising an elongated member () having an inner surface () at least in part delimiting a light-guiding region () within the elongated member, wherein the elongated member has a first end () a second end () and is configured to permit passage of fluid through the light-guiding region () and into and out of the first end and the second end, respectively. Light can be out-coupled from the light-guiding region () via at least one of the first end () and the second end (). The elongated member () includes a carrier which is at least in part flexible and has a first side () and a second side () opposite to the first side (). At least one light-emitting element () is coupled to the first side () of the carrier on a first portion () of the carrier. The carrier is arranged such that the second side () of the first portion () of the carrier at least partially faces the second side () of a second portion () of the carrier, such that the first side () of the first portion () of the carrier at least in part constitures the inner surfave () of the elongated member (). By way of such arrangement of the carrier, the at least one light-emitting element () can be arranged within the elongated member (), and may hence emit light into the light-guiding region (). A lighting device () comprising the lighting module () is also disclosed. 1. A lighting module comprising:an elongated member having an inner surface at least in part delimiting a light-guiding region within the elongated member, wherein the elongated member has a first end and a second end, wherein light can be out-coupled from the light-guiding region via at least one of the first end and the second end, and wherein the light-guiding region permits passage of fluid therethrough and into and out of the first end and the second end, respectively; andat least one light-emitting element configured to emit light;wherein the elongated member includes a carrier which is at least in part flexible ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031225A1

A retrofit light bulb () is disclosed. The retrofit light bulb () comprises a substantially flat heat spreader () having an opening (); first and second cover members () sandwiching the heat spreader (), each cover member () having a protruding portion () directed away from the heat spreader () and aligned with the opening (), the two protruding portion () together forming a compartment (); and one or more solid state lighting devices () mounted on a carrier () arranged in said compartment (), in thermal contact with the heat spreader (), wherein said one or more solid state lighting devices () are arranged so that each protruding portion () receives light directly from each solid state lighting device (). The compartment thus forms a single light mixing chamber in which light emitted by all of the SSL devices is mixed. 1. A retrofit light bulb having an optical axis , comprisinga substantially flat heat spreader having an opening;said flat heat spreader is arranged along the optical axis and comprises a first side surface and a second side surface, parallel to each other with a normal perpendicular to the optical axis;first and second cover members interposing the heat spreader, each cover member having a protruding portion directed away from the heat spreader and aligned with the opening, the two protruding portions together forming a compartment; andone or more solid state lighting devices mounted on a carrier arranged in said compartment, in thermal contact with the heat spreader, wherein said one or more solid state lighting devices are arranged so that each protruding portion receives light directly from each solid state lighting device.2. The retrofit light bulb according to claim 1 , wherein the first cover member facing the first side surface claim 1 , and the second cover member facing the second side surface.3. The retrofit light bulb according to claim 1 , wherein the opening contains an optical center of the retrofit light bulb.4. The retrofit light ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Reflector lamp with flex DLE

Номер: US20190032859A1
Автор: Krisztian NOVAK
Принадлежит: LEDVANCE GmbH

A light fixture includes a printed circuit board received in a housing. At least one light-emitting diode is mounted on a first region of the printed circuit board and an electronic driver is mounted on a second region of the printed circuit board. The first region is connected to the second region by a deformation zone of the printed circuit board formed in one-piece with the first region and the second region. The first region and the second region are electrically contacted with one another through the deformation zone.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032863A1

An LED lighting device includes a housing, an LED light-emitting unit arranged inside the housing, and an LED driver configured to drive the LED light-emitting unit to operate. The LED driver and the LED light-emitting unit are integrally arranged inside the housing. The LED lighting device allows the number of components to be reduced, and the structure to be more compact, thus allowing the LED driver to be set inside a housing of a small lighting device. 1. An LED lighting device , comprising:a housing;an LED light-emitting unit arranged inside the housing; andan LED driver configured to drive the LED light-emitting unit to operate,wherein the LED driver and the LED light-emitting unit are integrally arranged inside the housing.2. The LED lighting device according to claim 1 , wherein the LED driver and the LED light-emitting unit are formed on the same circuit board.3. The LED lighting device according to claim 1 , further comprising a bracket made of steel claim 1 , configured to support the LED driver and the LED light-emitting unit inside the housing.4. The LED lighting device according to claim 3 , wherein the bracket has an outer profile capable of fitting against an inner surface of the housing claim 3 , and is formed with a supporting part claim 3 , with the circuit board being disposed and adhesively bonded on the supporting part.5. The LED lighting device according to claim 4 , wherein the supporting part of the bracket is formed by bending a portion of the bracket.6. The LED lighting device according to claim 4 , wherein the supporting part of the bracket is a pair of extension arms extending inward from an inner surface of the bracket.7. The LED lighting device according to claim 4 , wherein a pair of hook-shaped portions are formed on the inner surface of the housing claim 4 , and are configured to cooperate with two side ends of the bracket claim 4 , to position the bracket in the housing.8. The LED lighting device according to claim 4 , wherein LED ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Method for producing a lighting device and lighting device

Номер: US20150036343A1
Автор: Joerg Sorg, Ralph Wirth
Принадлежит: OSRAM GMBH

A method for producing a lighting device may include: providing a first mount, fastening a second mount to the first mount, at least partially severing the second mount into at least two parts after fastening of the second mount to the first mount, and fastening at least two luminescence diode chips to that side of the second mount which is remote from the first mount.

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140119015A1
Автор: Morgan Brian K.

Disclosed is a lighting assembly for installation in conventional lighting fixtures using an angled mounting component and LED-based printed circuit board lighting fixtures having a plurality of LEDs. The printed circuit boards are secured to the mounting component of a conventional lighting fixture such that the LEDs are positioned to provide a light pattern similar to the pattern existing with the original fixture. 1. A power-consumption reducing system , the system comprising:a lighting assembly made to be installable into a structure;a plurality of illumination devices on the assembly;both an external power source as well as a battery electrically connected to the illumination devices;a switching system, the switching system upon receipt of a remotely transmitted first signal causing the external power source to be disconnected from the illumination devices, causing the illumination devices to be powered solely by battery power;the switching system, upon the transmission of a remotely-transmitted second signal causing the external power source to become reconnected and power the illumination devices.2. The assembly of comprising:a power save component which switches the illumination devices back to the external power source if the battery backup reaches a certain percentage of full charge.3. The assembly of wherein the assembly is adapted to receive the first and second signals electronically.4. The assembly of wherein the assembly is adapted to receive the first and second signals wirelessly.5. The assembly of wherein the external power source is an AC power grid.6. The assembly of wherein the first and second signals are transmitted according to time tables established by an external entity.7. The assembly of wherein the external entity is a power provider.8. The assembly of wherein the first and second signals are transmitted by the external entity in response to consumption demands.9. The assembly of wherein the illumination devices are LEDs mounted on two ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032967A1
Автор: SONG TaeJoon
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

A lighting apparatus using an organic light emitting diode that has a first area and a second area, the lighting apparatus comprises a substrate; an auxiliary line disposed in the first area on the substrate; a plurality of barrier layers disposed in the second area on the substrate; a first electrode disposed on the auxiliary line and the plurality of barrier layers; an organic layer disposed on the first electrode; and a second electrode disposed on the organic layer. 1. A lighting apparatus using an organic light emitting diode that has a first area and a second area , the lighting apparatus comprising:a substrate;an auxiliary line disposed in the first area on the substrate;a plurality of barrier layers disposed in the second area on the substrate;a first electrode disposed on the auxiliary line and the plurality of barrier layers;an organic layer disposed on the first electrode; anda second electrode disposed on the organic layer.2. The lighting apparatus using an organic light emitting diode according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of barrier layers includes a first inorganic barrier layer claim 1 , an organic barrier layer claim 1 , and a second inorganic barrier layer which are sequentially laminated.3. The lighting apparatus using an organic light emitting diode according to claim 2 , wherein the first inorganic barrier layer and the second inorganic barrier layer surround the organic barrier layer.4. The lighting apparatus using an organic light emitting diode according to claim 2 , wherein a thickness of the organic barrier layer is greater than a thickness of the first inorganic barrier layer and the second inorganic barrier layer.5. The lighting apparatus using an organic light emitting diode according to claim 2 , wherein the organic barrier layer is made of photoacryl (PAC).6. The lighting apparatus using an organic light emitting diode according to claim 2 , wherein the organic barrier layer and the second inorganic barrier layer have round edges ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Application of Dielectric Layer and Circuit Traces on Heat Sink

Номер: US20150040388A1

A dielectric layer is directly applied onto the surface of a heat sink part. For example, the composition for making the dielectric layer may be made into a paste or ink and then printed as a paste or ink, or applied with some other equivalent method, such as a lamination technique. The electrical circuit traces are then printed in a similar fashion onto the dielectric layer in the required pattern for whatever circuitry is to be applied. That circuitry (e.g., circuit elements) is then attached to the electrical traces as needed for the particular application. 1. A method comprising:printing a dielectric layer onto a heat sink part; andprinting conductive traces onto the dielectric layer.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising electrically coupling electronic circuit elements to the conductive traces.3. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the electronic circuit elements comprise light emitting diodes.4. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the heat sink part has a thermal conductivity greater than 180 W/mK.5. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the heat sink part is selected from the group consisting of aluminum claim 1 , copper claim 1 , carbon claim 1 , or any combinations of the foregoing.6. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the electronic circuit elements are soldered to the conductive traces.7. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein a thermal conductivity of the dielectric layer is greater than 1 W/mK.8. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the printed dielectric layer is a composite film comprising a polymer and ceramic particles embedded within the polymer.9. The method as recited in claim 8 , wherein the ceramic is selected from the group consisting of AlN claim 8 , BN claim 8 , SiC claim 8 , AlO claim 8 , diamond claim 8 , and any combination of the foregoing.10. The method as recited in claim 8 , wherein loading of the ceramic particles in the composite film creates a film density greater than 2 g/cm. ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038047A1
Принадлежит: Hellux LLC

Inventive embodiments include a device for distributing power to devices over an area, with a power density of at least one Watt per ft(or 900 cmif we go metric). The device includes a flexible substrate; a circuit comprising a thin film conductor having a thickness of 400 nanometers or less, wherein the circuit is adhered to the substrate; a plurality of devices positioned on the sheet and attached to the circuit wherein each device of the plurality is driven at substantially the same voltage; and the power delivered to the devices is at least 90% of the input power of the energized circuit. 1. A device for providing high intensity illumination , comprising:a flexible substrate; 'a plurality of low power light emitting diodes attached to the circuit wherein each light emitting diode of the plurality has substantially the same voltage; and', 'a circuit comprising a conductor having a thickness of 40 to 400 nanometers, wherein the circuit is adhered to the substrate and the circuit displays a common voltage drop when energized;'}two or more connectors positioned symmetrically with respect to the circuit.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a film that overlays the circuit and substrate.3. The device of claim 1 , further comprising ink that overlays the circuit and substrate.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is 2 to 10 mils thick.510-. (canceled)11. The device of comprising a module capable of being connected in series or parallel with another module.12. The device of claim 1 , being free from heat sinks.13. The device of claim 1 , wherein the conductor has a width of about one centimeter.14. The device of claim 1 , having a sheet resistance of 1 ohm/sq. or lower.15. The device of claim 1 , wherein the loss in luminous efficacy through ohmic heating is less than 10%.16. The device of claim 1 , wherein the LEDs display two or more colors.1720-. (canceled)21. A method of making a high power light module using additive print circuitry claim 1 , ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Luminous Systems

Номер: US20150041683A1

A luminous system comprising one or more illumination sources, a multilayer structure, and one or more diffuse reflection layers being optically decoupled from the multilayer structure, wherein the emission and the reflection of the luminous system produce a first observed visible color when the one or more illumination sources are powered and a second observed visible color when the one or more illumination sources are non-powered is disclosed. Also disclosed are methods of creating the inventive luminous system. 1. A luminous system , said luminous system comprising:one or more illumination sources that output, when powered, a primary electromagnetic radiation through one or more exit regions; (i) one or more energy conversion layers that convert at least a portion of incident radiation to a secondary electromagnetic radiation that is at least partially emitted to the viewing hemisphere, the incident radiation being at least one of said primary electromagnetic radiation or ambient electromagnetic radiation, and', '(ii) one or more diffusion layers that substantially increase optical scattering of at least a portion of radiation, the radiation being at least one of said primary electromagnetic radiation, said secondary electromagnetic radiation, or ambient electromagnetic radiation; and, 'a multilayer structure, said multilayer structure comprisingone or more diffuse reflection layers that redirect at least a portion of ambient electromagnetic radiation to the viewing hemisphere, said one or more diffuse reflection layers being optically decoupled from said multilayer structure,wherein the emission and the reflection of said luminous system produce a first observed visible color when said one or more illumination sources are powered and a second observed visible color when said one or more illumination sources are non-powered.2. The luminous system of claim 1 , wherein said first observed visible color and said second observed visible color are substantially ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Led luminous tube

Номер: US20150043203A1
Автор: Tomas Bengtsson
Принадлежит: Aura Light International AB

The invention relates to a LED lamp ( 1 ) shaped as a slim conventional luminous tube, the LED lamp ( 1 ) comprising an elongated tubular glass casing ( 9 ), a socket ( 11, 11′ ) arranged at both ends, a LED unit ( 3 ) comprising a plurality of LED circuits ( 5 ) arranged on an elongated circuit board ( 7 ), and at least one conductor ( 18, 27, 31 ), the LED unit ( 3 ) being fixated against the first side of a support structure ( 35 ), the support structure ( 35 ) serving, in the operation of the LED lamp ( 1 ), to conduct heat away from the LED circuits ( 5 ). The support structure comprises a second side, abutment surface ( 40 ) opposite the first side, of the support structure ( 35 ), which abuts against the inside ( 10 ) of the glass casing ( 9 ), the support ( 35 ) extending in the longitudinal direction of the LED lamp ( 1 ) such that a distance (a) is attained between the support structure ( 35 ) and the socket ( 11, 11′ ). The invention also relates to a method of preparing the LED lamp by providing the LED unit ( 3 ) including the support structure ( 35 ) and providing the glass casing ( 9 ) at various work stations, and the LED unit ( 3 ) is inserted to a predetermined position in the glass casing ( 9 ), in which position the support structure ( 35 ) extends in the longitudinal direction of the LED lamp ( 1 ) such that a distance (a) is attained between the support structure ( 35 ) and the socket ( 11, 11′ ).

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041110A1
Принадлежит: Fluence Bioengineering, Inc.

Examples of the present disclosure are related to systems and methods for lighting fixtures. More particularly, embodiments disclose lighting fixtures utilizing metal core PCB (MCPCB) for thermal, mechanical, and/or optical controls. 1400. A horticultural light fixture system () , comprising:{'b': 110', '120, 'a first set of substrates () having a first plurality of solid-state light sources () extending along a longitudinal axis of each of the substrates;'}{'b': '220', 'a first endcap () being coupled to first ends of each of the substrates of the first set;'}{'b': '230', 'a second endcap () being coupled to second ends of each of the substrates of the first set; the first endcap and the second endcap extending in a direction transverse to the longitudinal axis of the first set of substrates;'}{'b': 110', '120, 'a second set of substrates () having a second plurality of solid-state light sources () extending along a longitudinal axis of each of the substrates;'}{'b': '220', 'a third endcap () being coupled to first ends of each of the substrates of the second set;'}{'b': '230', 'a fourth endcap () being coupled to second ends of each of the substrates of the second set; the third endcap and the fourth endcap extending in a direction transverse to the longitudinal axis of the second set of substrates;'}the second set of substrates being positioned parallel to the first set of substrates, whereby the first and third endcaps are adjacent one another and the second and fourth endcaps are adjacent one another;a coupling mechanism connected between the first set of substrates and the second set of substrates and coupling the first set of substrates in movable relation to the second set of substrates from a first position to a second position.2. The horticultural light fixture system of claim 1 , wherein the coupling mechanism comprises a hinge.3. The horticultural light fixture system of claim 1 , wherein the coupling mechanism permits angular displacement of the first ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047514A1

A lighting device () is provided comprising at least one light source (), a wavelength converting element () adapted to convert a wavelength of light emitted by the at least one light source, at least one support () arranged to support the wavelength converting element remote from the at least one light source, and an envelope () adapted to enclose the wavelength converting element and at least a portion of the at least one support. The at least one support is arranged to be able to pivot relative to the wavelength converting element. The present lighting device enables using a rigid wavelength converting element and an at least partially rigid support, as these two components may be moved relative to each other for facilitating insertion of the unit in the envelope. 1. A lighting device comprising:at least one light source,a wavelength converting element adapted to convert a wavelength of light emitted by the at least one light source,at least one support arranged to support the wavelength converting element remote from the at least one light source, andan envelope adapted to enclose the wavelength converting element and at least a portion of the at least one support,wherein the at least one support is arranged to be able to pivot relative to the wavelength converting element.2. The lighting device as defined in claim 1 , further comprising a base adapted to be coupled to a light socket claim 1 , wherein the envelope has an opening adapted to be coupled to the base.3. The lighting device as defined in claim 2 , wherein the wavelength converting element has an elongated shape and is arranged to be able to pivot with respect to the at least one support in a plane extending along a longitudinal direction of the wavelength converting element claim 2 ,wherein a length of the wavelength converting element as measured along said longitudinal direction is greater than a maximum width of the opening of the envelope, andwherein a maximum width of the wavelength converting ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150049483A1
Автор: LEE Ki S.
Принадлежит: BITRO GROUP, INC.

One embodiment of a light emitting diode (LED) lighting device comprises multiple LED light sources disposed on multiple elongated circuit boards, with each LED light source being electrically connected to one of the circuit boards. The elongated circuit boards are electrically coupled using electrical passageways to provide power to the circuit boards at intervals along the length of the elongated circuit boards, and the light sources disposed on the circuit boards emit light in the same direction perpendicular to the elongated circuit boards. The electrical passageways can be wires or groups of wires. 1. A light emitting diode (LED) lighting device comprising:a plurality of LED light sources disposed on each of two or more elongated circuit boards, each LED light source of the plurality of LED light sources being electrically connected to one of the two or more elongated circuit boards, the two or more elongated circuit boards electrically coupled to provide power to the circuit boards,wherein the two or more elongated circuit boards are electrically coupled at intervals along the length of the elongated circuit boards, andwherein the plurality of LED light sources disposed on each of two or more elongated circuit boards emit light in the same direction perpendicular to the elongated circuit boards.2. The device of wherein the two or more elongated circuit boards are electrically coupled using two or more electrical passageways each connected to power or ground claim 1 , the two or more elongated circuit boards electrically coupled at intervals along the electrical passageways.3. The device of wherein each of the two or more electrical passageways is connected to each of the two or more elongated circuit boards by at least one electrically conductive screw or pin that passes through the circuit board and connects a portion of a first electrically conductive layer to an electrical wire on the opposite side of a substrate on each elongated circuit board.4. The ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Illumination system with light emitting diodes arranged on nonplanar flat surfaces

Номер: US20140126198A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and apparatus for an illumination system includes a linear metal heat sink with at least a first planar surface and a second planar surface. The first planar surface is positioned substantially nonplanar with the second planar surface, and at least a portion of the linear metal heat sink is designed for exposure to free air. A first plurality of light emitting diodes is attached on the first planar surface, and a second plurality of light emitting diodes is attached on the second planar surface.

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140126200A1

A white light source employing a III-nitride based laser diode pumping one or more phosphors. The III-nitride laser diode emits light in a first wavelength range that is down-converted to light in a second wavelength range by the phosphors, wherein the light in the first wavelength range is combined with the light in the second wavelength range to create highly directional white light. The light in the first wavelength range comprises ultraviolet, violet, blue and/or green light, while the light in the second wavelength range comprises green, yellow and/or red light. 1. A light emitting apparatus , comprising:at least one electrically-injected III-nitride based laser diode optically coupled to at least one phosphor element, wherein light emitted from the laser diode is directed onto the phosphor element to optically pump the phosphor element, light emitted from the phosphor element has a longer wavelength than the light emitted from the laser diode, and the light emitted from the phosphor element is combined with the light emitted from the laser diode to create white light.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the light emitted from the laser diode comprises ultraviolet (UV) claim 1 , violet claim 1 , blue claim 1 , blue-green or green light.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the light emitted from the phosphor element comprises green claim 1 , yellow or red light.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the light emitted from the laser diode is collected and guided to the phosphor element at a remote location.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the phosphor element comprises a phosphor embedded in a polymer material claim 1 , a polycrystalline plate claim 1 , or a single crystal phosphor plate.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the phosphor element is oriented perpendicular to the light emitted from the laser diode.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one laser diode comprises a single laser diode claim 1 , and the at least one phosphor element ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065408A1

There is provided a lighting device comprising an exhaust tube and a wireless communication antenna arranged inside the exhaust tube. There is also provided a method for producing such a lighting device. 1. A lighting device comprising;a light source carrier having one or more solid state light sources;a light transmissive envelope to contain the light source carrier;an exhaust tube arranged inside the light transmissive envelope for introducing a gas into the light transmissive envelope; anda wireless communication antenna arranged inside the exhaust tube, wherein the antenna is isolated from the light source carrier.2. The lighting device according to claim 1 , wherein an outer portion of the antenna protrudes from an open end of the exhaust tube.3. The lighting device according to claim 2 , wherein the outer portion of the antenna extends straight along the exhaust tube.4. The lighting device according to claim 2 , wherein the outer portion of the antenna is wound around the exhaust tube.5. The lighting device according to claim 2 , further comprising a support structure supporting the outer portion of the antenna at a distance from the exhaust tube.6. The lighting device according to claim 1 , further comprisinga tubular light source carrier attached to the exhaust tube, the exhaust tube being arranged partly inside the tubular light source carrier.7. The lighting device according to claim 6 , wherein an open end of the exhaust tube is situated inside the tubular light source carrier.8. The lighting device according to claim 6 , wherein the exhaust tube extends throughout the entire tubular light source carrier so that an open end of the exhaust tube is outside the tubular light source carrier.9. The lighting device according to claim 6 , wherein the tubular light source carrier is adapted to act as a radiator claim 6 , an electrical resonance frequency of the tubular light source carrier being approximately equal to a receiving frequency of the antenna.10. The ...
