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29-11-2018 дата публикации

Модуль приема разовых команд

Номер: RU185268U1

Полезная модель относится к области испытательного оборудования техники и предназначена для приема двух типов дискретных сигналов: +27В/разрыв и корпус/разрыв.Технический результат заключается в повышении чувствительности устройства к приему сигналов +27В/разрыв и корпус/разрыв с наличием напряжения необходимого для испытания самолетного оборудования, работающего с определенным типом дискретных сигналов, а также в повышении защиты устройства по приему сигналов +27/разрыв от импульсных скачков напряжения, которая позволяет устройству выдерживать скачки напряжения до 200В при продолжительности не более 5 мкс.Технический результат достигается за счет того, что в модуль приема разовых команд введен преобразователь дискретных сигналов в цифровые сигналы, который выполнен в виде микросхемы, позволяющей принимать входные сигналы +27В/разрыв и корпус/разрыв, с чувствительностью к приему входных дискретных сигналов +27В/разрыв при наличии напряжения от 16 до 40 В, а для входных дискретных сигналов ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Мезонинный модуль ввода-вывода сигналов по стандартам ARINC 429 и ARINC 825

Номер: RU195362U1

Полезная модель относится к области вычислительной техники. Технический результат заключается в расширении функциональных возможностей в части обеспечения взаимодействия с вычислительным модулем типа Raspberry Pi в процессе функционирования модуля в режимах Slave и Master. Технический результат достигается за счёт мезонинного модуля ввода-вывода сигналов по стандартам ARINC 429 и ARINC 825, состоящего из печатной платы, которая содержит интерфейсный разъём для приёма и выдачи дифференциальных сигналов ARINC 429 и ARINC 825, разъём JTAG, приёмопередатчики интерфейса ARINC 825, приёмник интерфейса ARINC 429, передатчики интерфейса ARINC 429, микроконтроллер, функционирующий в режимах Slave или Master, разъём серии PBD для подключения вычислительного модуля. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU162375U1

... 1. Вычислительный модуль, содержащий печатную плату и размещенные на ней: процессор с выводом межпроцессорных каналов, подключенный к оперативной памяти, а также к контроллеру периферийных интерфейсов посредством шины ввода-вывода, контроллер периферийных интерфейсов с подключением к нему шин периферийных интерфейсов, оперативную память, пользовательские соединители и соединители для подключения к коммутационной панели, выполненные с возможностью подключения межпроцессорных каналов и шин периферийных интерфейсов к коммутационной панели, отличающийся тем, что в него дополнительно введен разъем для реализации прямого межпроцессорного канала между крейтовыми системами кластера, минуя коммутационную панель.2. Вычислительный модуль по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что первый вход-выход контроллера периферийных интерфейсов соединен с четвертым входом-выходом процессора посредством шины ввода-вывода.3. Вычислительный модуль по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что третий вход-выход процессора соединен с первым ...

15-09-1987 дата публикации

Система соединения нескольких вычислительных устройств

Номер: SU1337902A1

Изобретение относится к области вычислительной техники и может применяться , в частности, при использовании микропроцессоров для решения различных задач, например для управлеV . ния процессами обработки и переработки , работающих в реальном масштабе времени. Целью изобретения является повышение производительности и упрощение конструкции. Система содержит главное вычислительное устройство MR1 и подчиненные вычислительные устройства MR2-MR4, каждое из которых содержит центральное устройство обработки данных ZVE1-ZVE4, устройство передачи данных Dl)l-DU4 с селекторной схемой ввода-вьшода ЕА1-ЕА4 и запоминающее устройство SP1-SP4, которые снабжены аккумуляторами ввода и вьшода АЕ1-АЕ4 и AAI-AA4. Указанная цель достигается за счет реализации возможности асинхронного соединения отдельных вычислительных устройств посредством вызова прерьша- ния. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил. х (Л 00 00 Фиг л вГ ...

23-05-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003820279C2

13-12-2001 дата публикации

Rechnersystem für ein internes Computernetzwerk

Номер: DE0010045922A1

Internes Computernetzwerk, bestehend aus einer Vielzahl von elektronischen Rechnerteilsystemen zur Bildung eines Mehrprozessor- oder Großrechners, bei dem auf einer Leiterplatte eine Vielzahl von Steckplätzen für CPU-Einheiten (11) angeordnet sind. Die CPU-Einheiten (11) sind über Lokalbusse (23) mit Backplains (22a, 22b, 22c, 22d, 22e) verbunden. Die Backplains (22a, 22b, 22c, 22d, 22e) wiederum verbinden die Slavecards (17, 18, 19) mit einer Mastercard.

10-03-1977 дата публикации

Computer controlled exchange data transmission control - uses standby control keeping sync. counters working during failure

Номер: DE0002538572A1

The synchronous data transmission control, for computer-controlled exchanges, avoids loss of synchronisation as a result of interference or failure by using a standby control to take over during this faulty period. The standby control takes over the processing of data for transmission from the original processing device only during a failure. But the counting units (bit, character and block counters). The synchronisation of the counting units at the transmitter is maintained and monitored by the exchange of signals denoting the beginning or end of transmitted frames.

17-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001428704A

... 1428704 Data transmission INTERNATIONAL COMPUTERS Ltd 11 April 1974 [13 April 1973] 17866/73 Heading H4K In an arrangement comprising a first program controlled device, e.g. central processor, interconnected by an acceptor line, a source line and a data transfer-path to a second device, e.g. a subsidiary or second processing unit, to ensure that the first device is not held up waiting for the acceptor line to change state, the first device is programmed so that, when it has data to transfer, it periodically examines the acceptor line, continuing with the execution of a program sequence between such examinations, until it finds the acceptor line active, indicating that the second device is ready to receive data, whereupon the first device activates the source line, applies the data to the data path, and then continues with execution of the program sequence, periodically returning to examine the acceptor line to determine whether it has been deactivated, indicating acceptance of the data ...

14-03-2018 дата публикации

Inter-processor communication

Номер: GB0201801572D0

09-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB2233480A

A multi-processor data processing system is described, in which each processor has a local memory. The local memories together from the main memory of the system, and any processor can access any memory, whether it is local to that processor, or remote. Each processor has an interface circuit which determines whether a memory access request relates to the local memory or to a remote memory, and routes the request to the appropriate memory. remote requests being routed over a bus. Whenever as write access is made to the local memory, a dummy write request is routed over the bus to all the other processors. Each processor monitors all write requests on the bus, and if a copy of the location specified in the request is held in a local cache memory, that copy is invalidated, so as to ensure cache consistency. ...

26-10-1994 дата публикации

Programmable multi-processor interrupt controller system with a processor integrated local interrupt controller

Номер: GB0002277388A

PURPOSE: To deal with the problem of optimum dynamic and static interruption service in a multiprocessor system. CONSTITUTION: A multiprocessor programmable interruption controller system is provided with an I/O interruption controller for receiving an interruption request from an I/O sub-system, plural processor interruption controllers which are related with the specified processor and distribute received interruptions and an interruption controller bus 103 for mainly transmitting the interruption requests between the interruption controllers by using a standard message format and an arbitration protocol and for arbitrating a bus and priority.

07-09-1983 дата публикации

Image forming apparatus and system

Номер: GB0002115654A

A data processing and/or transfer apparatus communicates information to another apparatus in a mode selected from among several modes depending upon a particular characteristic or status of the other apparatus, or depending upon whether the transmitting apparatus is master relative to the other apparatus.

09-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008914352D0

15-09-1999 дата публикации

A multi-processor computer system

Номер: GB0009916289D0

20-02-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001561557A

12-01-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001260104A

... 1,260,104. Data processing. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP. 4 June, 1970 [13 June, 1969], No. 26956/70. Heading G4A. A data processing system comprises a plurality of interchangeable computers, in which each computer is adapted to be selected as a problem or a control computer and in which one of the computers is selected to function as the control computer and the remaining computers are selected to function as problem computers; intercomputer communication control means for providing a control and data link between the selected control computer and the remaining problem computers; file switch means adapted to be connected to the computers and adapted to have a plurality of disc drives attached thereto; and transmission control means adapted to be connected to the control computer and adapted to have a plurality of terminals connected thereto each respective to a particular disc drive. Remote user terminals (typewriters) communicate via the transmission control means with the control ...

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000469397T

15-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: ATA204285A

15-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000055840T

15-12-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000048324T

27-08-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000564772B2

10-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007771287A

12-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007281391A

02-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001807988A

10-02-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001217872A1
Принадлежит: NA

09-12-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001091357A1

22-04-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1076230A

A plurality of processor units are combined to provide an associative electronic real time multiprocessor, which can be constructed form relatively simple modules without the necessity for complex control systems. In the multiprocessor, the individual processor units operate in parallel, and data exchanges between the units are carried out in real time by units which control the exchanges by means of exchange parameters characterizing inter alia the processor units involved in an exchange and the memory locations involved in said units, the control units operating in time division according to priorities established by decision elements operating according to logical criteria which are functions of the exchange parameters. The processor units are divided into subsystems interlinked by transmitting and receiving interface circuits associated with each subsystem.

01-09-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA1226370A

The disclosure teaches a multicomputer network. The network includes a plurality of individual computers and an interconnection system for interconnecting the computers. Interface means are provided for connecting the computers to the interconnection system. The disclosure also teaches an interconnection system for the network which includes a bus controller and a bus. The disclosure finally also teaches an interface means for use in the network.

16-10-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1176378A

Data Processing Arrangements A data processing system having a large number of data processors (1-4) grouped in 'clusters' is used in the control of a telecommunications exchange. The arrangement is such that any one of the processors may pass data to any other of the processors, in its own cluster by way of a synchronous data bus (5), or on other clusters by way of an interface (18, 19) and an asynchronous data bus (22). The arrangement permits larger number of processors (1-4) to have access to storage without undue delay in access to stored data.

17-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1165896A

TITLE MICROPROCESSOR BUS INTERCHANGE CIRCUIT A bus interchange circuit for use with a microprocessor. Timing, gating, sequencing and storage circuitry provide an interface between a microprocessor and external systems requesting control of the microprocessor's busses.

02-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001285658C

CPU CHANNEL TO CPU CHANNEL EXTENDER A system is described with which a channel of an IBM central processor unit (CPU) may communicate at channel speed with a channel of another CPU over extended distances. The system incorporates coupler units at each CPU site and each coupler unit has high speed dedicated data transfer logic that is enabled during data transfer by a microprocessor. During initial selection sequences the microprocessor controls and sets up conditions for data communication through a high speed serial full duplex data link capable of accommodating channel speed data transfers. Each coupler employs suitable parallel to serial and serial to parallel converters. Parity error checks are performed throughout the system to detect errors and alert the system of the occurrence of errors. Data transfers occur without interlock across the link and in a rapid manner.

15-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001157162A1

17-03-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001097821A1
Принадлежит: NA

13-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002125705C

A communication system between a microprocessor based device (10) and a network of a plurality of remote input/output repeater modules (l2a-12d) that control various input and output devices (22a-22 d) and (21a-24d) uses a synchronous serial communications protocol. he microprocessor based device (10) contains a transmit ter module for generating a data packet that is sent to the remote input/output repeater modules (12a-12d). The transmitter modu le controls the clock rate of the network and encodes the data packet with an output data byte for each of the repeater module s (12a-12d). The output byte determines the state of the output devices (24a-24d) that may be connected to the remote input/output repeater module coupled to the network.

08-07-1993 дата публикации

Apparatus for Generating and Sending a Serial Data Packet for Controlling a Network of Single Point I/O Devices

Номер: CA0002125705A1

28-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002037989C

An input/output request control system in a multi-processor system includes a plurality of information processing modules (PM). The system comprises a plurality of input/output adapters (ADP) commonly used by each of said information processing modules and a plurality of input/output devices (DVC) divided into groups, each group controlled by one of two input/output adapters. An input/output request maintaining table (LDVC) manages input/output requests from respective information processing modules for each of the input/output devices controlled by said information processing modules by using a queue. Input/output requests from respective information processing modules are processed based on the state of the input/output request maintaining table and the input/output devices.

21-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002179397C

A multiprocessor programmable inter- rupt controller (MPIC) has a distinct three- wire interrupt bus (15) with one clock wire and two data wires for handling interrupt request (IRQ) related messages. Each pro- cessor chip (114) has an on-board interrupt acceptance unit (IAU) coupled to the inter- rupt bus (15) for the acceptance of IRQs. I/O device interrupt lines are connected to one or more interrupt delivery units (IDUs 113) that are each coupled to the interrupt bus (15). A modification to the lowest prior- ity mode arbitration procedure also provides means for uniform distribution of IRQs to eligible processors. The actual servicing of the IRQs is done by means of the system bus (110). An MPIC cluster system provides means for interconnecting individual MPIC systems into an expanded interrupt controller system whenever the interrupt handling ca- pacity of individual MPIC system (cluster) is exceeded by using a cluster manager.

28-02-1983 дата публикации

Channel-adapter arrangement

Номер: CH0000634940A5

The arrangement is used for producing data transfer connections between data processing processors via their input/output channels, this channel adapter being connected like an I/O device. The arrangement has a separate connection (41, 43, 45, 47) for each channel of a processor to be connected, with their own control devices (42, 44, 46, 48). The connections, and thus the connected processors, can be optionally connected to one another via a switch device (50). A separate address is allocated to each possible connection. When receiving the same address at two connections, the main controller (51) effects their connection via the switch device (50). ...

13-05-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000587520A5
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

31-01-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000584488A5

15-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000629319A5

16-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CN0001008018B
Принадлежит: XU ZHAOCHANG

10-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002526561B1

13-06-1980 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002310594B1

27-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003029044A1

Dispositif de commutation de signaux d'information (32, 43) d'un dispositif maître (14) et d'un dispositif esclave (20) vers un dispositif d'émission (26), ayant pour fonction de : - diviser le signal maître (16) reçu du dispositif maître (14) par une première unité de réception (30) en un premier signal d'information (32), un signal de requête (34) et un signal de commande (36), fournir le signal esclave (22) reçu du dispositif esclave (20) par une seconde unité de réception (40) comme second signal d'information (42) ou de le diviser en un second signal d'information (42) et un signal de réponse (44), - fournir le premier signal d'information (32) et le second signal d'information (42) en fonction du signal de commande (36) de la première unité de réception (30) comme signal d'émission (28) au dispositif d'émission (26), - fournir le signal de requête (34) de la première unité de réception (30) au dispositif d'émission (26) et au dispositif esclave (30), et - fournir le signal de réponse ...

11-12-1992 дата публикации

Shared auxiliary buffer memory and process for automatically testing such a memory

Номер: FR0002677476A1

Dans une mémoire tampon auxiliaire (10) partagée entre plusieurs processeurs (11 à 14), chacun de plusieurs moyens (21 à 24) donnant une information relative à la connexion indique si, oui ou non, chacun des processeurs est logiquement connecté à la mémoire tampon auxiliaire. Des moyens (26) donnant l'information relative au test indiquent que l'un des processeurs peut procéder à un test. L'information relative au test peut valoriser à un le moyen (26) donnant l'information relative au test lorsqu'il est indiqué que tous les processeurs sont logiquement déconnectés d'avec la mémoire tampon auxiliaire.

24-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002737030A1

Dans un système informatique multinodal (SYS), un processeur (Pxm) d'un premier noeud (Nx) émet un message de taille prédéterminée (MESS) sous la forme d'une opération d'écriture dans le module de communication (lSLx) du premier noeud et le transmet au module de communication (lSLy) d'un second noeud (Ny), où il est rangé dans une queue de messages reçus (FIFO-MGT), dans l'ordre de leur réception, puis sorti par un processeur (Pyn) du second noeud (Ny) sous la forme d'une opération de lecture dans le module de communication (lSLy) de ce noeud en vue de traiter l'information contenue dans le message ...

05-09-2017 дата публикации

어플리케이션을 효율적으로 처리하는 스케쥴링 시스템 및 스케쥴링 방법

Номер: KR0101775029B1
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

... 여러 어플리케이션(application)이 공유하여 사용하는 멀티코어 시스템 상의 스케쥴링에 관한 기술이 개시된다. 본 발명의 일 양상에 따라, 코어가 동작하는 동안 의존성 제거(dependency resolving) 작업 및 워크(work)의 탐색 시간을 중첩시킬 수 있는 기술을 제공할 수 있다.

15-12-1983 дата публикации


Номер: BG0000034874A1

16-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: BE895188A

07-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO2001065369A2
Автор: KOPETZ, Hermann

The essential aim of the invention is, by providing each of the respectively separate computers for executing the application software and the middleware software with an interface which is located between these computers and which is precisely defined in the time domain and range of values, to decouple both of these subsystems to a large extent, and thus to improve the development and the temporal foreseeability of real-time applications.

07-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: WO1993000638A1

An interrupt controller (137) for use in a computer system (100) capable of utilizing multiple processors (120, 132) provides a system for automatically distributing interrupts among processors installed in the system. More specifically, in the present invention, each processor (120, 132) has a corresponding interrupt controller (137). In one embodiment, one interrupt controller acts as a master to acknowledge interrupts at the system level and manage the distribution of interrupts, and any other interrupt controllers act as slave interrupt controllers. The master and slave interrupt controllers also provide an interface for a processor to interrupt another processor, to transfer an interrupt to another processor and to interrupt itself under local software control. Finally, the interrupt controllers (137) provide different masking levels that allow a corresponding processor to temporarily mask interrupts assigned to the processor. The different masking levels also allow the interrupt controllers ...

25-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: WO1991010967A1
Автор: SEKI, Hajime

An electronic computer system of a data-driven type comprising a control processor (1), a plurality of operation processors (31 to 3n), and a plurality of memories (41 to 4n) each of which (4i) is directly accessible only by a corresponding one of the operation processors (31 to 3n). Data can be transferred by packet communication among all the operation processors (31 to 3n), each of which (3i) is provided with an operation control unit (32i) having a function for executing arithmetic logic operations based on data drive and a communication control unit (33i) for controlling the transmission and reception of data among the operation processors (31 to 3n). In the system of the first invention, the control processor (1) broadcasts a program sentence described based on the reversed Polish notation to the operation processors (31 to 3n). In the system of the second invention, for example, storing regions in subsections in the memories (41 t 4n) are indicated to the operation processors (31 ...

10-04-2008 дата публикации

Inter-processor communication method

Номер: US2008086626A1

Inter-processor communication systems and methods that define within the instruction set of the microprocessor a command for directing the microprocessor to relinquish control over at least one of the microprocessor's internal registers. The microprocessor may then signal a communication interface that collects data from external sources. The communication interface takes control over the internal register released by the microprocessor and inputs the collected external data directly into the internal register of the microprocessor. Once data is place into the internal register, control of that register may be returned to the microprocessor.

22-01-1985 дата публикации

Computer intercommunication system

Номер: US0004495572A1
Автор: Bosen; Robert J.
Принадлежит: Zeda Computers International Limited

In a system of computers interconnected for communication between any two or more of the interconnected computers, such intercommunication being in packets of information in a standardized format normally at a standardized speed, a standardized location within the format is provided to contain information that may be used to change the intercommunication speed for the remainder of that particular packet.

07-11-2000 дата публикации

Data transfer method for logical computers

Номер: US0006144995A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

A data transfer method for a computer system in which a computer is logically divided into a plurality of logical processing units and a logical coupling unit. A correspondence between a start of physical addresses of a memory of each logical processing units in a memory of the computer is stored in advance. If a first logical processing unit issues a write command to the logical coupling unit by designating a logical address of data, the logical coupling unit stores an identifier and the logical address of the first logical processing unit. If a second logical processing unit issues a read command of the data, a physical address of data storage corresponding to the logical address of the first logical processing unit is calculated in accordance with the identifier and the logical address of the first logical processing unit and the address correspondence. The data is read by using the calculated physical address.

24-11-1992 дата публикации

System for controlling task operation of slave processor by switching access to shared memory banks by master processor

Номер: US0005167028A1
Автор: Shires; Glen E.
Принадлежит: Lucid Corporation

A Multiprocessor system is disclosed which includes a master processor, slave processor, and first and a second bank of memory for storing information to be operated on by the slave processor and a switch controlled by a master processor to switch the functional position of two banks of memory so that the slave processor switches from operating on information stored in the first bank to operating on information stored in the second bank and back under the control of the master processor.

11-05-1999 дата публикации

Method of recovering exclusive control instruction and multi-processor system using the same

Номер: US0005903763A

A method of recovering an exclusive control instruction in a computer system having a plurality of processor modules and a plurality of shared memory modules which are coupled via a system bus. At least a part of the shared memory modules forms a dual construction. The exclusive control instruction makes access from an arbitrary one of the processor modules to the shared memory modules. First, a read access is performed to a master shared memory module from the arbitrary processor module in response to the exclusive control instruction. Thereafter, a write access is performed to a slave shared memory module, which forms a pair with the master shared memory module from the arbitrary processor module, so as to rewrite data in the slave shared memory module. Finally, a write access is performed to the master shared memory module from the arbitrary processor module, so as to rewrite data in the master shared memory module.

07-07-1987 дата публикации

Co-processor combination

Номер: US0004679166A

A dual processor system in which one processor is dedicated to input/output tasks while the other is dedicated to high level language tasks when operating as a 16-bit machine. The processors include a first microprocessor which is an 8-bit machine, and a second microprocessor which is a 16-bit machine. The first processor has a memory associated therewith which may, for example, be a 64K memory while the second processor has a larger capacity memory. The second processor does not access the memory of the first processor, however, the first processor can access a portion of the second processor's memory. Access to the second processor's memory is controlled by an arbitrator that is operated by system software to prevent access conflicts. For boot-up during power-up operation, a boot ROM is used, attached to the 8-bit processor having stored therein a boot strap program that is initially loaded into the 8-bit processor memory. If the operating system loaded from a diskette indicates 8-bit ...

24-11-1992 дата публикации

Multiprocessor bus locking system with a winning processor broadcasting an ownership signal causing all processors to halt their requests

Номер: US0005167022A

A method and apparatus for granting, to a select processor in a multiprocessor computing system, exclusive access to a bus for issuance of address, data and command signals thereover, wherein each processor includes bus lock request and bus lock assert elements which provide corresponding bus request and bus hold signals which are recognized by corresponding elements included in other processors connected to the bus. The bus lock according to the present invention assures the processor having lock status of privacy on the bus necessary to complete a specified operation without interruption from the other processors.

13-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: US5202998A

18-03-1997 дата публикации

Data transfer device and multiprocessor system

Номер: US0005613138A

In a system for executing distribution, arrangement and collection of array data between a host processor and plural processor elements, control parameter regarding array data to be transferred and an identification number assigned to each data receiver are set beforehand to a data receiver of each processor element. Data sequentially sent out onto a data bus with synchronization with a strobe signal from the data transmitter of the host processor are fetched selectively according to a data transfer allowance signal generated based on the control parameter and the identification number. The fetched data is written into a memory with a discrete address.

01-02-1994 дата публикации

Multi-processor programmable interrupt controller system

Номер: US0005283904A

A multi-processor programmable interrupt controller system which includes: an I/O interrupt controller for receiving interrupt requests from an I/O subsystem; multiple processor interrupt controllers, each associated with a specific processor for dispensing of accepted interrupts; and an interrupt controller bus primarily for the transmission of interrupt requests between interrupt controller units and for priority arbitration, using a standard message format and arbitration protocol.

28-02-1995 дата публикации

Interdicting I/O and messaging operations from sending central processing complex to other central processing complexes and to I/O device in multi-system complex

Номер: US0005394554A

In a multi-system complex having central processing complexes (CPCs) and subsystems, a hardware facility for prompt interdicting I/O and message operations. A CPC or subsystem failure causes as interruption in the availability of the data bases to the attached network of terminals. Often such networks have thousands of terminals. Even a short loss of data is detrimental. Therefore the CPC or subsystem takeover must be accomplished as quickly as possible and the I/O attached to the failing CPC or subsystem must be interdicting to release it for use to the rest of the complex. The disclosed hardware facility provides a mechanism which is program initiated and controlled and which guarantees the prompt completion of the interdiction function.

15-11-2011 дата публикации

Management of external hardware appliances in a distributed operating system

Номер: US0008060891B2

Embodiments are provided to manage external hardware appliances from a distributed operating system interface in a computer network using a driver model to communicate with device drivers associated with the external hardware appliances. In one embodiment, a request to manage an external hardware appliance in the computer network may be received in a distributed web-based operating system interface. A driver model may be selected which is configured to interface with a device driver for managing configuration settings for the external hardware appliance. The driver model may be utilized to manage the external hardware appliance configuration settings from the interface. The settings may include managing domain name changes, firewall settings, proxy settings, and the like. In another embodiment, the driver model may be utilized to manage external hardware appliance settings during a network configuration operation initiated from the distributed operating system interface.

30-09-2014 дата публикации

Systems and methods to control access to multimedia content

Номер: US0008850532B2

Systems and methods to control access to multimedia are disclosed. A method includes receiving a request for multimedia content at a computing device, retrieving a destination address of a mobile communication device related to an authorized user of the computing device and determining whether the mobile communication device is located within a predetermined distance from the computing device. When the mobile communication device is located within the communicative distance from the computing device, the multimedia content is received at the computing device. When the mobile communication device is not located within the communicative distance from the computing device, an authorization-request message is transmitted via a network to the destination address of the mobile communication device, wherein the authorization-request message includes a request for authorization to receive the multimedia content at the computing device.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200019401A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

A mechanism is described for facilitating intelligent dispatching and vectorizing at autonomous machines. A method of embodiments, as described herein, includes detecting a plurality of threads corresponding to a plurality of workloads associated with tasks relating to a graphics processor. The method may further include determining a first set of threads of the plurality of threads that are similar to each other or have adjacent surfaces, and physically clustering the first set of threads close together using a first set of adjacent compute blocks.

26-06-1996 дата публикации

Device for connecting two different computer systems

Номер: EP0000718782A3

11-09-1985 дата публикации

Apparatus for enabling a first processor to cause a second processor to effect a transfer of data between said processors

Номер: EP0000154551A2

Apparatus is described for enabling a first processor to cause a second processor to effect a transfer of data between the processors in accordance with data transfer commands sent from the first processor to the second processor. The processors each have a program instruction memory for enabling the processors to operate independently and simultaneously when no data transfer is occurring between them. The apparatus comprises data transfer circuitry connected between the processors for enabling the data to be transferred. A program instruction decoder is associated with the second processor for normally decoding and executing instructions stored in the program instruction memory of the second processor when no data transfer is occurring. Routing circuitry carries the data transfer commands from the first processor to the program instruction decoder for decoding and executing to provide signals to the data transfer circuitry to effect a transfer of data.

23-01-1991 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for data transfer between processor elements

Номер: EP0000409285A2

A method of data transfer applicable to processing elements (24a, 24b) which are interconnected by a network (18) to form a multiprocessor system, whereby when a datum is to be transferred from a processing element to the network, the datum is sent to a transfer controller (3a) of the processing element at the same time that it is being read out from memory (2a) to be used by the processor (1a) of the processing element, or as it is being generated from the processor and written into memory. Thus, the system performance can be substantially improved, since the time required to execute each data transfer can be "hidden" within the processor execution time. ...

13-01-1993 дата публикации

Memory sharing for communication between processors

Номер: EP0000522582A2

A microcomputer is provided for use in a multi-processor system for transferring data between processors through a memory simply and economically. The microcomputer has an internal memory and a bus control portion that, when an access request to the internal memory is produced from an external microcomputer, connects the external bus to the internal bus when internal buses are not used so that the external microcomputer can access the internal memory through a path from the external bus to the internal bus. This connection and the corresponding has grant and acknowledge signals are derived from decoded address signals. ...

12-06-1991 дата публикации

High performance shared main storage interface

Номер: EP0000432076A2

A high performance interface joins multiple processing devices configured as masters, with multiple memory cards or other devices configured as slaves. The interface includes a working data bus (70) for transmitting working information between the processors (26, 28) and memory cards. Auxiliary busses, including a command/address bus (72) for commands and address information and a communication bus (74) for status information, are connected to all of the processing devices and slave devices (38, 40, 42, 44) and operate in parallel with the working data bus. A system for distributing control of the working information bus, among all of the master devices and slave devices, includes a grant token and plural select tokens. The grant token, a line connected in common to all devices, permits a device currently controlling the interface to retain control until it completes its transmission. The select tokens, each connected to a uniquely associated slave device and to all of the master devices ...

28-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001157340A1
Автор: SEGMAN, Yosef

A system for sending real time electronic information to selected individual viewers of transmitted video or computerized signals. The system features five main components: viewer; viewer display device such as a television, including an electronic device featuring signal recognition and signal decoding capabilities critical to implementation of the system; service center; providers of video or computerized signals; and sender. Operation of the system employs five principal steps: (1) initialization of system; (2) activation of system by sender of electronic information; (3) viewer reception, recognition, and decoding of a transmitted signal, featuring the regularly transmitted video or computerized signal, subset viewer attribute information, encoded sender requested electronic information, and formatting information of sender requested electronic information; (4) display of sender requested electronic information, formatted in a subwindow of display device of viewer television; and (5 ...

03-05-2000 дата публикации

Multiprocessor system

Номер: EP0000628917B1
Принадлежит: ELSAG SPA

20-06-2001 дата публикации

Data processing system comprising at least two processors

Номер: EP0000709787B1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.

27-03-1992 дата публикации

Номер: JP0004018339B2

18-05-1998 дата публикации

Номер: JP0002753240B2

15-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: JP0004362755A

PURPOSE: To attain the automatic execution of a test program with no intervention of the human decision by knowing the testable state of a shared extension storage from the test program. CONSTITUTION: When an X-bit set instruction is carried out by a partition A which carries out a test program, the X-bit is set with a set instruction (set) as long as the V bits Va, Vb and Vc are all not set at a shared extension storage 10. The test program decides the permission for execution of the test of the storage 10 when the X bit is set by the executing result of the X bit set instruction and then decides the inhibition for execution of the test of the storage 10 when the X bit is not set respectively. Meanwhile the X bit is reset at the storage 10 with e reset instruction (reset) when an X-bit reset instruction is carried out by the partition A. COPYRIGHT: (C)1992,JPO&Japio ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации

Модуль приема и выдачи разовых команд

Номер: RU191679U1

Полезная модель относится к области испытательного оборудования техники и предназначена для приема и выдачи двух типов дискретных сигналов: +27 В/разрыв и корпус/разрыв.Технический результат заключается в обеспечении выдачи дискретных сигналов +27 В/разрыв и корпус/разрыв с возможностью увеличения амплитуды выходного сигнала до 60 В и током в нагрузке до 0,1 А с ограничением на выход от короткого замыкания с порогом срабатывания не более 150 мА и временем восстановления не более 2 с при защите от дребезга и сопротивлением коммутации не более 12 Ом на канал.Технический результат достигается благодаря модулю приема и выдачи разовых команд, обеспечивающий прием дискретных разовых команд с чувствительностью к приему сигналов +27 В/разрыв при наличии напряжения в диапазоне от 16 до 40 В, чувствительностью к приему сигналов корпус/разрыв при наличии напряжения от 0 до 3,3 В и защитой по приему сигналов +27/разрыв от импульсных скачков напряжения, дополнительно содержит интерфейсный разъем для ...

23-09-1988 дата публикации

Двухканальное устройство для сопряжения двух электронно-вычислительных машин

Номер: SU1425692A2

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике и может быть использовано для буферизации сообщений при обмене массивами информации между двумя электронно-вычислительными машинами. Цель изобретения - уменьшение затрат машинного времени при обмене информацией за счет исключения периодического обращения к буферной памяти устройства. Устройство 1 для сопряжения содержит блок 2 памяти, вторую 3 и первую 4 группы элементов ИЛИ, первый 5 и второй 6 элементы ИЛИ, первый 7-и второй 8 каналы, каждым из которых содержит вторую 9 и первую 10 группы элементов И, информационный вход-выход 11 устройства, первый элемент И 12, элемент ИЛИ 13, второй элемент И 14, вход 15 считывания устройства, вход 16 записи устройства, регистр 17 адреса, дешифратор 18 поля .адресов памяти, триггер 19, тактовый вход 20 устройства, элемент И-НЕ 21, элемент НЕ 22, третью группу элементов И 23; элемент 24 задержки, управляющий выход 25, вычитающий счетчик 26, дешифратор адреса счетчика 27, третий элемент И 28, дополнительный ...

16-10-1997 дата публикации

Buffer memory arrangement for multi-processor data processing device

Номер: DE0019623668C1

The arrangement includes a bus coupler (15a, 15c) which joins a system bus (10), having at least one local bus (14a, 14c), to the processors (16a.. d), having buffer memories, which contain buffer lines (17a..d ). The bus coupler includes arrangements, which copy the coherence protocol of the system bus (10) onto the local bus (14a, 14c). The arrangements contain at least one intervention register (21) and at least one write register (22) for buffer lines, which are respectively connected with the local bus (16a.. d) for reading and with the system bus (10) for writing. The write register is also connected with the local bus in such way, that the content of the write register is transferable into the intervention register (21), during one, the content the write register, concerning intervention.

11-10-2017 дата публикации

Вычислительный модуль

Номер: RU0000174347U1

Полезная модель относится к области вычислительной техники, в частности к вычислительным устройствам с перестраиваемой архитектурой, и может быть использована в многопользовательских реконфигурируемых вычислительных системах, предназначенных для решения трудоемких задач и обработки больших информационных массивов и потоков, с использованием распараллеливания и конвейеризации вычислительных процессов.Задача, на решение которой направлена предлагаемая полезная модель, заключается в создании высокопроизводительного реконфигурируемого вычислительного модуля, который обеспечивает возможность распределения вычислительных ресурсов между задачами с точностью до одного вычислительного ПЛИС со СБИС.Техническим результатом предлагаемой полезной модели является повышение средней скорости обмена вычислительных ПЛИС и уменьшение средней рабочей температуры вычислительных СБИС.Указанный результат достигается за счет того, что устройство содержит коммутатор PCI-Express 1, интерфейсную ПЛИС 2, группу из N вычислительных ПЛИС 3, 3, … 3, внешний порт для обмена информацией 4, высокоскоростные интерфейсы PCI-Express 5 и 6, 6, … 6, группу из N вычислительных СБИС 8, 8, … 8, блок 9 оперативного конфигурирования интерфейсной ПЛИС, группу из N памятей 10, 10, … 10стартовых конфигураций вычислительных ПЛИС, внешний порт контроля и управления JTAG 11, блок 13 оперативного реконфигурирования памятей стартовых конфигураций вычислительных ПЛИС, группу из N блоков индивидуального контроля и управления питанием 15, 15, … 15, память 16 конфигурации интерфейсной ПЛИС, группу из N индивидуальных блоков мониторинга 17, 17, … 17, группу из N блоков индивидуальной настройки рабочих частот 20, 20, … 20, блок мониторинга 26. 1 ил. Ц 1 174347 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) (11) за а = «а (13) (51) МПК СОбЕ 15/00 (2006.01) СОбЕ 15/177 (2006.01) СОбЕ 17/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017117329, 18.05.2017 (24) Дата ...

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Computer-Implemented Method For Compensating Ancillary Use Of A Remotely Accessible Network Device

Номер: US20120014290A1
Автор: Scott L. David
Принадлежит: Individual

A computer-implemented method for compensating ancillary use of a wireless service device for excess transmission bandwidth is provided. Wireless service devices are discovered. Each wireless service device is interoperable on a wireless service network operated by a service provider. For each wireless service device, a primary function performable by a subscriber through the wireless service network and an ancillary function performable by a third party through the wireless service network based on availability of capacity for excess transmission bandwidth are determined. The wireless service devices include an available capacity to perform the ancillary function over the service network is identified. The ancillary function is performed over the excess transmission bandwidth using the identified wireless service devices through combination, modification and integration of data from the two or more other such identified wireless service devices. Participants of the ancillary function in exchange for the performance of the ancillary function are compensated.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Recording medium storing communication program, information processing apparatus, and communication procedure

Номер: US20120016997A1
Автор: Akira Naruse
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A computer acquires correspondence data including a plurality of combinations of identifiers of selected computers, in which parallel processes are started, and identifiers of the parallel processes, wherein the selected computers are among a plurality of computers connected to a multipath network having relay devices extending over two or more hierarchies. The computer specifies a network identifier to be used for distributing communication paths among the selected computers for every selected computer that includes an identifier in the correspondence data, wherein the specified network identifiers is among network identifiers of respective communication paths in the multipath network, and the specified network identifier corresponds to each identifier of a plurality of computers, and is used for routing.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Synchronized processing of data by networked computing resources

Номер: US20120042080A1

Systems 100, 1000 , methods, and machine-interpretable programming or other instruction products for the management of data processing by multiple networked computing resources 106, 1106 . In particular, the disclosure relates to the synchronization of related requests for processing of data using distributed network resources.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Data transfer device and data transfer system

Номер: US20120047220A1
Автор: Hiroyuki Usui
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, a data transfer device is provided. The data transfer device is configured to transfer data between a plurality of data transceivers and at least one memory having a first memory area. When one of the data transceivers has acquired an exclusive access right to the first memory area of the memory, the data transfer device stores address information corresponding to the first memory area.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for booting and automatically updating software, and recovering from update error, and computer readable recording medium storing method

Номер: US20120054475A1
Автор: Jong-Suk Lee

Provided are a booting method of updating software components installed in a system and recovering from an error that occurs in an update, a method and system for automatically updating the software and recovering from the error, and a computer readable recording medium storing the method. The master boot record and the backup boot record are used to stably update a kernel and effectively recover from an update error. The component configuration database is used to update a plurality of software components including a kernel in a transaction, and perfectly recover from an update error.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Send-Side Matching Of Data Communications Messages

Номер: US20120066284A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Send-side matching of data communications messages in a distributed computing system comprising a plurality of compute nodes organized for collective operations, including: issuing by a receiving node to source nodes a receive message that specifies receipt of a single message to be sent from any source node, the receive message including message matching information, a specification of a hardware-level mutual exclusion device, and an identification of a receive buffer; matching by two or more of the source nodes the receive message with pending send messages in the two or more source nodes; operating by one of the source nodes having a matching send message the mutual exclusion device, excluding messages from other source nodes with matching send messages and identifying to the receiving node the source node operating the mutual exclusion device; and sending to the receiving node from the source node operating the mutual exclusion device a matched pending message.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Transpose boxes for network interconnection

Номер: US20120072614A1
Принадлежит: Amazon Technologies Inc

The deployment and scaling of a network of electronic devices can be improved by utilizing one or more network transpose boxes. Each transpose box can include a number of connectors and a meshing useful for implementing a specific network topology. When connecting devices of different tiers in the network, each device need only be connected to at least one of the connectors on the transpose box. The meshing of the transpose box can cause each device to be connected to any or all of the devices in the other tier as dictated by the network topology. When changing network topologies or scaling the network, additional devices can be added to available connectors on an existing transpose box, or new or additional transpose boxes can be deployed in order to handle the change with minimal cabling effort.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Routing Data Communications Packets In A Parallel Computer

Номер: US20120079133A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Routing data communications packets in a parallel computer that includes compute nodes organized for collective operations, each compute node including an operating system kernel and a system-level messaging module that is a module of automated computing machinery that exposes a messaging interface to applications, each compute node including a routing table that specifies, for each of a multiplicity of route identifiers, a data communications path through the compute node, including: receiving in a compute node a data communications packet that includes a route identifier value; retrieving from the routing table a specification of a data communications path through the compute node; and routing, by the compute node, the data communications packet according to the data communications path identified by the compute node's routing table entry for the data communications packet's route identifier value.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Virtual resource cost tracking with dedicated implementation resources

Номер: US20120084113A1
Принадлежит: Amazon Technologies Inc

Virtual resources may be provisioned in a manner that is aware of, and respects, underlying implementation resource boundaries. A customer of the virtual resource provider may specify that particular virtual resources are to be implemented with implementation resources that are dedicated to the customer. Dedicating an implementation resource to a particular customer of a virtual resource provider may establish one or more information barriers between the particular customer and other customers of the virtual resource provider. Implementation resources may require transition procedures, including custom transition procedures, to enter and exit dedicated implementation resource pools. Costs corresponding to active and inactive implementation resources in a dedicated pools associated with a particular customer may be accounted for, and presented to, the customer in a variety of ways including explicit, adjusted per customer and adjusted per type of virtual resource and/or implementation resource.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

System, method and computer program product for validating one or more metadata objects

Номер: US20120084266A1
Принадлежит: Salesforce com Inc

In accordance with embodiments, there are provided mechanisms and methods for creating, exporting, viewing and testing, and importing custom applications in a multitenant database environment. These mechanisms and methods can enable embodiments to provide a vehicle for sharing applications across organizational boundaries. The ability to share applications across organizational boundaries can enable tenants in a multi-tenant database system, for example, to easily and efficiently import and export, and thus share, applications with other tenants in the multi-tenant environment.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Inter-Processor Protocol in a Multi-Processor System

Номер: US20120089814A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

In a multiprocessor system, a primary processor may store an executable image for a secondary processor. A communication protocol assists the transfer of an image header and data segment(s) of the executable image from the primary processor to the secondary processor. Messages between the primary processor and secondary processor indicate successful receipt of transferred data, termination of a transfer process, and acknowledgement of same.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Information exchange in wireless servers

Номер: US20120096101A1
Автор: Thomas Murphy
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

Systems and methods for wireless systems provide a mechanism for resource sharing. In an embodiment, an electronic communication is routed between mobile wireless clients without first processing the electronic communication through an external domain. In an embodiment, an e-mail message is routed between mobile wireless clients without first processing the e-mail message through an external e-mail domain identified in the e-mail message. Additional apparatus, systems, and methods are disclosed.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Activating Applications Based on Accelerometer Data

Номер: US20120096249A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

In some implementations, a computer-implemented method includes storing a plurality of acceleration profiles in a mobile device; receiving accelerometer data from an accelerometer in the mobile device; correlating the accelerometer data with one accelerometer profile in the plurality of accelerometer profiles; and activating a user application of the mobile device that is associated with the correlated accelerometer profile. Each acceleration profile can correspond to a sequence of acceleration forces a mobile device would be subjected to when carried with a user during an activity that corresponds to the correlated acceleration profile.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Resilient Integrated Circuit Architecture

Номер: US20120098565A1
Принадлежит: Element CXI LLC

The exemplary embodiments provide a resilient integrated circuit. An exemplary IC comprises a plurality of composite circuit elements, a state machine element (SME), and a plurality of communication elements. Each composite circuit element comprises an element interface and a selected circuit element which may vary by element type, and which may be configurable. The state machine element assigns various functions based on element type, such as assigning a first configuration to a first element type, assigning a second configuration to a second element type, and providing a first data link for the corresponding assignments. In response to detection of a fault or failure, the state machine element re-assigns the first configuration to another composite circuit element and creates a second data link for performance of the same function. The assignment, routing, fault detection, and re-assignment and data re-routing can occur in real time for a wide variety of programs and algorithms, providing for the IC to continue the same functioning despite defects which may arise during operation.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Multiplexing Users and Enabling Virtualization on a Hybrid System

Номер: US20120102138A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method, hybrid server system, and computer program product, support multiple users in an out-of-core processing environment. At least one accelerator system in a plurality of accelerator systems is partitioned into a plurality of virtualized accelerator systems. A private client cache is configured on each virtualized accelerator system in the plurality of virtualized accelerator systems. The private client cache of each virtualized accelerator system stores data that is one of accessible by only the private client cache and accessible by other private client caches associated with a common data set. Each user in a plurality of users is assigned to a virtualized accelerator system from the plurality of virtualized accelerator systems.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Hybrid Server with Heterogeneous Memory

Номер: US20120117312A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method, hybrid server system, and computer program product, for managing access to data stored on the hybrid server system. A memory system residing at a server is partitioned into a first set of memory managed by the server and a second set of memory managed by a set of accelerator systems. The set of accelerator systems are communicatively coupled to the server. The memory system comprises heterogeneous memory types. A data set stored within at least one of the first set of memory and the second set of memory that is associated with at least one accelerator system in the set of accelerator systems is identified. The data set is transformed from a first format to a second format, wherein the second format is a format required by the at least one accelerator system.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Element Controller for a Resilient Integrated Circuit Architecture

Номер: US20120153989A1
Принадлежит: Element CXI LLC

The exemplary embodiments provide a resilient integrated circuit. An exemplary IC comprises a plurality of composite circuit elements, a state machine element (SME), and a plurality of communication elements. Each composite circuit element comprises an element controller, an element interface and a selected circuit element which may vary by element type, and which may be configurable. The state machine element assigns various functions based on element type, such as assigning a first configuration to a first element type, assigning a second configuration to a second element type, and providing a first data link for the corresponding assignments. The element controller controls the execution of data operations by the circuit element. Function assignment, routing, fault detection, and re-assignment and data re-routing can occur in real time for a wide variety of programs and algorithms, providing for the IC to continue the same functioning despite defects which may arise during operation.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Simulation apparatus and method for multicore system

Номер: US20120158394A1

A simulation apparatus and method for a multicore system are provided. The simulation apparatus may prevent the occurrence of a data collision during the communication between modules and may reduce the overhead generated during simulation. The simulation apparatus may select a plurality of modules to be synchronized in terms of function execution timing based on timing information and may configure a multicore system architecture model using the selected modules. The simulation apparatus may acquire function execution timing information of the modules, control the execution of functions by the modules based on the acquired function execution timing information, and output the results of the control of the execution of functions by the modules.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

System and method for manipulating multimedia streams of ip telecommunications for multiple ip-enabled user devices

Номер: US20120158937A1
Автор: Song Jae Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

A technique for manipulating multimedia streams of IP telecommunications for multiple IP-enabled user devices is disclosed. The disclosed technique allows at least a portion of an IP telecommunication is manipulated to selected IP-enabled user devices. Various methods using the multimedia stream manipulation technique are presented.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Shared-bandwidth multiple target remote copy

Номер: US20120166588A1
Автор: John P. Wilkinson
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A computer management apparatus one embodiment includes a split component configured to split data into a plurality of data elements; a send component configured to send each one of the plurality of data elements to a different location selected from a plurality of locations in response to the split component splitting the data, wherein each data element is different; and a message component configured to send a message to each of the locations. A computer management apparatus in another embodiment includes a receive component configured to receive a first data element; an analyze component configured to recieve a message, wherein the message comprises an address of each of the further locations; and a send component configured to send the first data element to each of the further locations of the plurality of further locations in response to the analyze component determining the address of each of the further locations.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Distributed storage system including a plurality of proxy servers and method for managing objects

Номер: US20120166611A1
Принадлежит: KT Corp

A distributed storage system including a plurality of proxy server and a method for managing objects. The distributed storage system may include a plurality of data nodes, a plurality of proxy server, and a global load balancer. Each one of the plurality of data nodes may be configured to perform at least one management operation and output an operation result. Each one of the plurality of proxy servers may be configured to perform operations for controlling the plurality of data nodes to perform the at least one management operation in response to an operation request from a respective client. The global load balancer may be configured to select one proxy server from the plurality of proxy servers and allocate the selected proxy server to the respective client as the responsible proxy server. The respective client may perform the management operation through the allocated responsible proxy server.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Read-only storage device having network interface, a system including the device and a method of distributing files over a network

Номер: US20120179783A1
Автор: Keicy K. Chung
Принадлежит: Individual

A Read-only storage device having network interface, a system including the device, and a method of distributing files over a network. The storage device comprises a processor communicably connected to a computer interface, a network interface, and a storage means. The processor communicates with a computer and a file server through the computer interface and the network interface, respectively. The computer may request a file from the processor and the processor responds by either (1) providing the requested file to the computer on a read-only basis if the file is cached on the storage means, (2) obtains the file from the file server if the file is available from the file server, caches the obtained file on the storage means, and provides the obtained file to the computer on a read-only basis, or (3) returns a file unavailable notice to the computer.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Wireless network connection system and method

Номер: US20120185606A1
Автор: Iulian Mocanu
Принадлежит: Sierra Wireless Inc

The present invention provides a device, system, method and computer-program product for transferring information between a host computer and a wireless network. The device and system comprise an operatively linked mass storage module and modem module. The mass storage module is configured to transfer information with a host computer. The modem module is configured to transfer information with one or more wireless networks. Communication between the host computer and the mass storage module is at least in part using file system input/output protocols. One or more virtual drivers are provided on the host computer to enable communication with the modem module without installation of modem specific drivers.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Verifiable and Accurate Service Usage Monitoring for Intermediate Networking Devices

Номер: US20120195222A1
Автор: Gregory G. Raleigh

Various embodiments are disclosed for a services policy communication system and method. In some embodiments, an intermediary networking device provides a service intermediary or intermediate connection between a network and one or more communications devices; implements a service policy set for assisting control of the intermediate networking device use of a service on the network, in which the service policy set includes one or more service policies, each policy being associated with either the intermediate networking device or a communications device; and monitors use of the service based on the service policy set; and in which the one or more of the communication devices include a service usage notification capability, and the implementation of the first service policy set is verified.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Network tools for analysis, design, testing, and production of services

Номер: US20120196565A1
Автор: Gregory G. Raleigh

Various embodiments are disclosed for a services policy communication system and method. In some embodiments, a network device publishes a test service profile to a group of communications devices, in which the test service profile provides for beta testing of the test service profile for a service on a network, and the test service profile includes service policy settings; and monitors use of the service by the group of communications devices based on the test service profile.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Extensible and Programmable Multi-Tenant Service Architecture

Номер: US20120210390A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

An extensible, multi-tenant software-as-a-service business application platform is provided for hosting multiple organizations. Organization services are provided by virtual or physical servers with dedicated data stores assembled in scalable groups. Distributed interaction between components of the scalable groups may enable extensibility and reliability, while changes in locations of organization services are provided to the client(s) for seamless continuation of the client's access to the services. Customizable and dynamic APIs for accessing each organization's data and applications isolated from the others and pluggable third party authentication services may also be integrated into the platform.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Automated Device Provisioning and Activation

Номер: US20120214441A1
Автор: Gregory G. Raleigh

Various embodiments are disclosed for a services policy communication system and method. In some embodiments, a communications device stores a set of device credentials for activating the communications device for a service on a network; and sends an access request to the network, the access request including the set of device credentials.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Server Resource Allocation

Номер: US20120215922A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method, programmed medium and system are disclosed which provide for end-to-end QoS for a set of processes that comprise a workload over nfs. A set of processes that comprise a workload such as the processes of a WPAR, or an entire LPAR are given a class designation and assigned priority/limits. The data are then passed to the server which allocates resources based on the sum total of all the current classes and their priorities and/or limits. This requires re-engineering the nfs client code to be workload-aware and the nfs server code to accommodate the resource allocation and prioritization needs of the nfs clients.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Network storage target boot and network connectivity through a common network device

Номер: US20120226896A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present disclosure includes systems and techniques relating to booting to a network storage target. In general, in one implementation, a bus-to-network device driver is loaded during a machine boot, where the bus-to-network device driver is capable of sending machine bus commands over a network, providing access to the network for a network device driver, and distinguishing between received responses to the machine bus commands and other network traffic corresponding to the network device driver. Loading of the bus-to-network device driver can occur in response to an operating system load of bus drivers. For example, the bus-to-network device driver can be an iSCSI driver, and the operating system load of bus drivers can be the operating system load of SCSI drivers.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for synchronizing information between platforms in a portable terminal based on a multi-software platform

Номер: US20120233301A1
Автор: Kang-Ho HUR

A method of synchronizing information between platforms in a portable terminal based on a multi-software platform is provided. The method includes verifying that a first software platform is changed to a second software platform; and if the first software platform is changed to the second software platform, defining volume information of the changed second software platform with reference to volume information of the first software platform.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Methods and systems for data interchange between a network-connected thermostat and cloud-based management server

Номер: US20120233478A1
Принадлежит: Nest Labs Inc

Aspects of the present invention provide energy conserving communications for networked thermostats powered, in part, by batteries. A thermostat communication server stores a thermostat battery-level to determine what data should be sent to the thermostat. The thermostat communication server classifies types of data to be transmitted to the thermostat according to a data priority ranging from a low-priority to a high-priority data type. If the battery-level associated with the battery on the thermostat is at a low battery-level, the thermostat communication server may only transmit data classified under a high-priority data type. This conserves the power used by the thermostat, allows the battery on the thermostat time to recharge and perform other functions. If the battery-level of the thermostat is at a high level, the thermostat communication server may transmit a range of data to the thermostat classified from a low-priority type to a high-priority data type.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Clearinghouse System, Method, and Process for Inventorying and Acquiring Infrastructure, Monitoring and Controlling Network Performance for Enhancement, and Providing Localized Content in Communication Networks

Номер: US20120246142A1
Автор: Theodore S. Rappaport
Принадлежит: Individual

A computerized system, method and process allows telecommunications carriers to find, evaluate and select locations for equipment through direct access to end users, while providing citizens the opportunity to offer the use of their dwelling or other assets to carriers. The system and method further provides a computerized mechanism for (a) creating an inventory and marketplace for available properties for use in telecommunications networks, (b) providing quality and/or performance monitoring and control for wireless communication systems based on data in the clearinghouse, and (c) providing localized content over wireless networks using the clearinghouse.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Application optimization in a network system

Номер: US20120290687A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A network system includes multiple network resource information handling systems (IHSs) for managing applications and application communications. An IHS operating system initializes an application optimizer to provide application acceleration capability to application optimizers, such as application delivery controllers (ADCs) and wide area network (WAN) optimizer controllers (WOCs) within the network system. Upon receipt of a server application request message (SARM), a network system server responds with a restful application optimizer message (RAOM) that includes protocol, policy, and other application optimizer information that pertains to the requesting SARM. Application optimizers may include clients, ADCs and WOCs that reside within the message communication path between client and server. Application optimizers may store protocol, policy, and other information from RAOM 280 to populate application table data. Application optimizers intercept messages between network resources of the network system and apply message policies to improve message performance thereby improving application performance within the network system. Application acceleration provides improvements in quality of experience (QoE) and quality of service (QoS).

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Collective Acceleration Unit Tree Structure

Номер: US20120296915A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A mechanism is provided in a collective acceleration unit for performing a collective operation to distribute or collect data among a plurality of participant nodes. The mechanism receives an input collective packet for a collective operation from a neighbor node within a collective tree. The input collective packet comprises a tree identifier and an input data field and wherein the collective tree comprises a plurality of sub trees. The mechanism maps the tree identifier to an index within the collective acceleration unit. The index identifies a portion of resources within the collective acceleration unit and is associated with a set of neighbor nodes in a given sub tree within the collective tree. For each neighbor node the collective acceleration unit stores destination information. The collective acceleration unit performs an operation on the input data field using the portion of resources to effect the collective operation.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Method of processing web access information and server implementing same

Номер: US20120311140A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A server includes an operation number counting part configured to count the number of operations on a link on a Web page; an operation ratio predicted value calculating part configured to calculate the predicted value of the ratio of the operations of the link based on the Web page; and a link prominence determining part configured to determine the prominence of the link based on the number of the operations and the predicted value of the ratio of the operations.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Configuring a generic computing device utilizing specific computing device operation information

Номер: US20120324293A1
Принадлежит: Cleversafe Inc

A method begins with the specific computing device token sending a distributed storage network (DSN) access request to DSN memory via the generic computing device. The DSN access request identifies specific computing device operation information that is stored as one or more of-sets of encoded data slices in the DSN memory. The method continues with the specific computing device token receiving the one or more of sets of encoded data slices from the DSN memory via the generic computing device and decoding the one or more of sets of encoded data slices to retrieve the specific computing device operation information. The method continues with enabling the generic computing device to function as a specific computing device in accordance with the specific computing device operation information.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Automatically Routing Super-Compute Interconnects

Номер: US20130031334A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A mechanism is provided for automatically routing network interconnects in a data processing system. A processor in a node of a plurality of nodes receives network topology from neighboring nodes in the plurality of nodes within the data processing system. The processor constructs a system node map that identifies a physical connectivity between the node and the neighboring nodes. The processor programs a switch in the node with a connectivity map that indicates a set of point-to-point connections with the neighboring nodes. The set of point-to-point connections comprise locally-connected connections and pass-through connections.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Server with remote reboot and wake-up function

Номер: US20130054953A1
Автор: Bo Tian, Kang Wu

A server includes a number of first and second network cards, a buffer, a restart circuit, an AND gate, and a south bridge. Each of the first network cards includes a first signal pin to transmit a wake-up signal and a restart signal. Each of the second network cards includes a second signal pin to transmit a wake-up signal. The restart circuit is connected to each of the first signal pins through the buffer to receive the restart signal, and reboots the server according to the restart signal. The south bridge is connected to each of the first and second signal pins through the AND gate to receive the wake-up signal, and wakes up the server according to the wake-up signal.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Network control apparatus and method

Номер: US20130058339A1
Принадлежит: Nicira Inc

Some embodiments provide a controller for managing several managed switching elements that forward data in a network. The controller includes an interface for receiving input logical control plane data. It also includes a converter for converting the input logical control plane data to output logical forwarding plane data. The logical forwarding plane data for subsequent translation into a set of physical forwarding behaviors that direct the forwarding of data by the managed switching elements.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for configuring constraints for a resource in an electronic device

Номер: US20130061330A1
Принадлежит: Infosys Ltd

The present invention provides a method and system for configuring constraints for a resource in an electronic device. The method includes identifying context of use/access of a resource and implementing permissions/constraints as per the identified context. The method includes identifying an existing work environment of a resource by capturing information through an application program interface (API), identifying constraints for the resource with respect to the identified work environment from a constraint specification file for the resource which contains constraint details for all work environments, and either configuring the identified constraints for the resource, or modifying the identified work environment for the resource and configuring corresponding constraints for the resource.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130067056A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.

Providing communication path information in a mixed communication network. A first message may be provided from a first device to a second device. The first message may request notification of characteristics of at least one communication path between the second device and a third device. The first device, the second device, and the third device may be coupled together in a mixed communication network. Accordingly, the first device may receive at least one message from the second device regarding the characteristics of the at least one communication path between the second device and the third device. 1. A method , comprising:sending, from a first device to a second device, a subscription message requesting a notification subscription regarding characteristic information about at least one communication path between the second device and a third device; andreceiving at least one notification message from the second device regarding the characteristic information of the at least one communication path between the second device and the third device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first device claim 1 , the second device claim 1 , and the third device are coupled in a hybrid communication network having a plurality of access technologies via a plurality of communication paths between the second device and the third device.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one communication path comprises a plurality of communication paths between the second device and the third device claim 1 , and wherein the subscription message indicates which ones of the plurality of communication paths are requested in the notification subscription.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one communication path comprises a plurality of communication paths between the second device and the third device claim 1 , and wherein the at least one notification message includes characteristic information for more than one of the plurality of communication paths claim 1 , the ...

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Booting devices via the cloud

Номер: US20130067209A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Methods, systems, and computer program products are provided for automatically installing an operating system on a computing device that does not have an operating system pre-installed. Identifying information for the computing device is collected from a resource of the computing device. The identifying information is transmitted to a remote service. An indication is received of an operating system for the computing device selected by the remote service based on the identifying information. The selected operating system is downloaded for installation on the computing device.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Send-side matching of data communications messages

Номер: US20130073603A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Send-side matching of data communications messages in a distributed computing system comprising a plurality of compute nodes, including: issuing by a receiving node to source nodes a receive message that specifies receipt of a single message to be sent from any source node, the receive message including message matching information, a specification of a hardware-level mutual exclusion device, and an identification of a receive buffer; matching by two or more of the source nodes the receive message with pending send messages in the two or more source nodes; operating by one of the source nodes having a matching send message the mutual exclusion device, excluding messages from other source nodes with matching send messages and identifying to the receiving node the source node operating the mutual exclusion device; and sending to the receiving node from the source node operating the mutual exclusion device a matched pending message.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130073665A1

Methods and apparatuses for providing notification data, e.g. in a presence service, referring to a plurality of presentities (B B B) to a plurality of watchers (A, A A) in a communication network. A first notification service manager () operating for a notification server () buffers (3:3) multiple watcher specific notifications and sends (3:5) a single joint notification containing the buffered notifications to a second notification service manager () e.g. operating for an RLS entity (). The second notification service manager () then splits (3:6) the joint notification into the original multiple watcher specific notifications, and sends (3:7) them individually towards respective watchers. Thereby, transmission of numerous individual notifications from one or more notification servers to, e.g. one or more RLS entities can be avoided. 1300400300400123123a,a. A method in a first notification service manager () operating for at least one notification server ( , ) , of providing notification data referring to a plurality of presentities (B , B , B) and directed to a plurality of watchers (A , A , A) in a communication network , the method comprising:{'b': '502', 'receiving () published notification data of the presentities,'}{'b': '504', 'buffering () multiple individual watcher specific notifications with the received notification data,'}{'b': '508', 'creating () a joint notification for the watchers from the buffered watcher specific notifications, and'}{'b': '510', 'sending () the joint notification towards said watchers.'}2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein creating the joint notification includes compressing the buffered watcher specific notifications.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the joint notification is sent in a SIP message with a single SIP header and the different watcher specific notifications are included in the SIP message as separate entities in a multi-part document.4. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the joint notification ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130073710A1
Автор: LEE Gyu Min
Принадлежит: SK TELECOM CO., LTD.

Disclosed is a policy providing apparatus and a terminal device supporting an network change in heterogeneous networks. The terminal device accesses one network among two or more networks and uses a data service, and the policy providing apparatus recognizes service status information of the data service for the terminal device, generates a network change policy for inducing the terminal device to change the access network based on the recognized service status information, and provides the network change policy to the terminal device. Then, the terminal device determines whether it is possible to access a particular network required to be accessed based on the network change policy, and tries to access the particular network through the multi communication unit and changes the access network when it is possible to access the particular network. 1. A policy providing apparatus , comprising:a device control unit configured to recognize service status information of a data service which is used by a terminal device through one network among two or more networks, generate a network change policy for changing the one network accessed by the terminal device based on the service status information, and provide the terminal device with the network change policy.2. The policy providing apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the service status information comprises at least one of load state information of a wireless access node corresponding to the one network accessed by the terminal device claim 1 , type information of an application executed in the terminal device claim 1 , or network-specific performance information for each of the two or more networks.3. The policy providing apparatus as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the device control unit is configured to acquire load state information of wireless access node corresponding to each of the two or more networks claim 2 , determine certain wireless access node having load state information corresponding to a particular ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Performing a deterministic reduction operation in a parallel computer

Номер: US20130073832A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A parallel computer that includes compute nodes having computer processors and a CAU (Collectives Acceleration Unit) that couples processors to one another for data communications. In embodiments of the present invention, deterministic reduction operation include: organizing processors of the parallel computer and a CAU into a branched tree topology, where the CAU is a root of the branched tree topology and the processors are children of the root CAU; establishing a receive buffer that includes receive elements associated with processors and configured to store the associated processor's contribution data; receiving, in any order from the processors, each processor's contribution data; tracking receipt of each processor's contribution data; and reducing, the contribution data in a predefined order, only after receipt of contribution data from all processors in the branched tree topology.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130080517A1
Автор: "TSyen Luc", Verbandt Hugo

The present invention is related to a method for determining a data traffic load distribution over a network in an IP Multimedia Subsystem, IMS, whereby said network comprises a client source node and at least two server destination nodes. The at least two server destination nodes have a different capacity for handling data transmission requests. The method comprises the steps of 1. A method for determining a data traffic load distribution over a network in an IP Multimedia Subsystem , IMS , said network comprising a client source node and at least two server destination nodes , said at least two server destination nodes having a different capacity for handling data transmission requests , said method comprising:said client source node sending a request for data transmission over said network to said at least two server destination nodes according to a client-server protocol,each of said at least two server destination nodes transmitting, in response to said request, an indication on the status of its actual capacity,said client source node exploiting said status indications for deciding on load distribution of said data traffic over said server destination nodes.2. Method for determining a traffic load distribution as in claim 1 , wherein said indication on the status of the actual capacity represents the amount of used capacity or the amount of free capacity.3. Method for determining a traffic load distribution as in claim 1 , wherein the status of the actual capacity is determined taking into account at least memory and/or processing time.4. Method for determining a traffic load distribution as in claim 1 , whereby said network further comprises a proxy node for establishing connection between said client source node and said server destination node.5. Interface device for use in a network in an IP Multimedia Subsystem claim 1 , IMS claim 1 , said network comprising a client source node and at least two server destination nodes claim 1 , said at least two server ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130080535A1

The present disclosure includes a system and method for collaborative information services. A computing system includes a plurality of collaborative information participants [ interconnected via a communication network [, each participant having zero or more data sources [, and a computing platform [ programmed with query services [. Each query service defines one or more queries [---N] operable on authorized portions of participant data sources [. The computing platform [ is further programmed with indications from individual ones of the plurality of collaborative information participants [ authorizing some portion of their data source [ to be available to the one or more queries [---N] defined by at least one query service [ 1. A computing system , comprising:{'b': 238', '239', '240, 'a plurality of collaborative information participants [] interconnected via a communication network [], each participant having zero or more data sources [];'}{'b': 224', '226', '227', '1', '227', '2', '227', '240, 'a computing platform [] programmed with query services [], each query service defining one or more queries [-, -, . . . , -N] operable on authorized portions of participant data sources [];'}{'b': 224', '238', '240', '227', '1', '227', '2', '227', '226, 'wherein the computing platform [] is further programmed with indications from individual ones of the plurality of collaborative information participants [] authorizing some portion of their data sources [] to be available to the one or more queries [-, -, . . . , -N] used by at least one query service [].'}222622712272227. The computing system of claim 1 , wherein each query service [] specifies information that is output in response to the used one or more queries [- claim 1 , - claim 1 , . . . claim 1 , -N].323224022712272227226. The computing system of claim 1 , wherein the computing platform is further programmed with an authorization service [] that is functional to prevent access to participant data sources [] to ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Network storage target boot and network connectivity through a common network device

Номер: US20130080605A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present disclosure includes systems and techniques relating to booting to a network storage target. In general, in one implementation, a bus-to-network device driver is loaded during a machine boot, where the bus-to-network device driver is capable of sending machine bus commands over a network, providing access to the network for a network device driver, and distinguishing between received responses to the machine bus commands and other network traffic corresponding to the network device driver. Loading of the bus-to-network device driver can occur in response to an operating system load of bus drivers. For example, the bus-to-network device driver can be an iSCSI driver, and the operating system load of bus drivers can be the operating system load of SCSI drivers.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130080606A1

The present disclosure includes systems and techniques relating to booting to a network storage target. In general, in one implementation, a bus-to-network device driver is loaded during a machine boot, where the bus-to-network device driver is capable of sending machine bus commands over a network, providing access to the network for a network device driver, and distinguishing between received responses to the machine bus commands and other network traffic corresponding to the network device driver. Loading of the bus-to-network device driver can occur in response to an operating system load of bus drivers. For example, the bus-to-network device driver can be an iSCSI driver, and the operating system load of bus drivers can be the operating system load of SCSI drivers. 136-. (canceled)37. An apparatus comprising:a first blade server element to be removably coupled to a second blade server element via a multiprocessor blade server;the first blade server element being capable of operating as an iSCSI initiator to initiate a remote boot of an operating system (OS), using a transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP) stack that is independent of an OS TCP/IP stack, from an iSCSI boot target that is remote from the blade server;the target to be viewed as local storage from a viewpoint of the blade server; andthe first blade server element being capable of being used, after booting of the OS, as a network interface for network traffic associated with a network connection associated with the TCP/IP stack that is independent of the OS.38. The apparatus of claim 37 , wherein:one or more of the blade server elements comprises a pipelined multiprocessor.39. The apparatus of claim 37 , wherein:the apparatus includes a dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server to assign iSCSI boot variables.40. An apparatus comprising:a first blade server element to be coupled to a second blade server element via a multiprocessor blade server;the first blade server element ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130080607A1
Автор: Raleigh Gregory G.

Devices, methods, and computer readable media for communicating with a network system over a wireless access network, the network system comprising one or more network elements, and communicating with one or more other devices over one or more of a wireless local-area network, a personal-area network, and a near-field network; obtaining configuration information from the one or more network elements, the configuration information enabling modification of a first service policy setting for authorizing provision of a forwarding service to the one or more other devices; obtaining a user input associated with enabling or disabling the forwarding service; and modifying a second service policy setting in accordance with the user input, the second service policy setting for assisting in enabling or disabling the forwarding service. 1. An end-user device , comprising: assist the end-user device in communicating with a network system over a wireless access network, the network system comprising one or more network elements, and', 'assist the end-user device in communicating with one or more other devices over one or more of a wireless local-area network, a personal-area network, and a near-field network;, 'one or more modems configured to'}memory configured to store a plurality of service policy settings including a first service policy setting for authorizing the end-user device to provide a forwarding service to the one or more other devices, the forwarding service for forwarding traffic between the one or more other devices and the network system;is a user interface; and assist in obtaining configuration information from the one or more network elements, the configuration information instructing the one or more processors to modify or to allow modification of the first service policy setting,', 'assist in obtaining, through the user interface, a user input associated with enabling or disabling the forwarding service, and', 'modify a second service policy setting of the ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130080609A1

Traffic data while the system is in operation is collected for a certain time as a preprocess. Typical patterns are extracted from the collected traffic data. Next, stream programs are created for the individual typical patterns and stored for the future reference. Next, the IDs of alternative tasks for transition among different stream programs are stored. In actual system operation, the system measures traffic data regularly or at any time, compares the resultant patterns with the typical patterns, and selects a stream program corresponding to the closest typical pattern as the next phase. Program shutdown time when shifting from the stream program in the present phase to the next phase can be reduced by gradually shifting empty tasks in the present phase to the next stream program as alternative tasks in consideration of the cost of switching between tasks, the cost of transferring data among resources, and so on. 1. A computer system for dynamically changing a configuration of the system by computer processing so as to be adapted for content of network traffic information , the system comprising:storage means;means for storing, in the storage means, information that indicates tasks and assignment of resources with which the tasks are executed in a stream format to be suitable for phases corresponding to a plurality of different contents of the network traffic information;means for measuring the network traffic information;means for selecting stream-format resource assignment information that is relatively close to the measured network traffic information as a next phase; andmeans for switching from the stream-format resource assignment in the selected present phase to stream-format resource assignment in the next phase, in which the resources that have been processed in the stream-format resource assignment in the present phase act as transient alternative tasks in stream-format resource assignment in the next phase.2. The system according to claim 1 , further ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130080610A1
Автор: ANDO Masahiko
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

An I/O device management method of a computer system including a computer, an I/O device, an I/O switch assigning the I/O device to the computer, and a management computer of managing the I/O device, in which a process of the management processor includes a step of acquiring a piece of configuration information of the I/O device assigned to the computer, and a piece of configuration information of a network connected with I/O device, a step of acquiring a flow amount indicating an amount of a data transmitted and received via the I/O device for each I/O type, a step of determining the I/O device of changing an assignment to the computer based on the pieces of acquired information, and a step of issuing an assignment change instruction to the I/O switch. 1. An I/O device management method in a computer system comprising a computer , a plurality of I/O devices connected to a plurality of networks having different network configurations , an I/O switch assigning the I/O device to the computer so as to be able to communicate with the network , and a management computer managing the I/O device assigned to the computer ,the management computer having a first processor, a first memory connected to the first processor, and a first network interface connected to the first processor, andthe computer having a second processor, a second memory connected to the second processor, and a second network interface connected to the second processor,the method comprising:a first step of acquiring a piece of I/O device configuration information of the I/O device assigned to the computer, and a piece of network configuration information of the network connected with the I/O device assigned to the computer by the management computer;a second step of acquiring a flow amount indicating an amount of a data transmitted and received via the I/O device assigned to the computer for each I/O type which is a type of the data transmitted and received via the I/O device by the management computer;a ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for determining a coordinator

Номер: US20130080615A1

A method and an apparatus for electing a coordinator of a network based on information regarding coordinator capacity including information regarding at least one item for determining whether a corresponding device is suitable as a coordinator.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Data Processing Environment Integration Control

Номер: US20130080642A1

A system and method for controlling an integration of data processing resources. A first endpoint node is selected, wherein the first endpoint node comprises information for using first data processing resources in a data processing environment. A second endpoint node is selected, wherein the second endpoint node comprises information for using second data processing resources in the data processing environment, wherein the second data processing resources comprise data processing resources provided as a service by a provider of data processing resources. An integration node is selected, wherein the integration node comprises information for establishing connectivity between the first data processing resources and the second data processing resources. Integration of the first data processing resources and the second data processing resources is controlled to process a workload using the first endpoint node, the second endpoint node, and the integration node. 1. A method for controlling an integration of data processing resources , the method comprising:identifying, by a processor unit, a type of integration of data processing resources;identifying, by the processor unit, types of components enabled for integration by the type of integration and information to configure the integrations;selecting, by the processor unit, a first endpoint node, wherein the first endpoint node is a candidate integration component from the data processing resources and comprises information for using first data processing resources in a data processing environment;selecting, by the processor unit, a second endpoint node, wherein the second endpoint node comprises information for using second data processing resources in the data processing environment, wherein the second data processing resources comprise data processing resources provided as a service by a provider of data processing resources;selecting, by the processor unit, an integration node, wherein the integration node comprises ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130080649A1
Автор: Meren Libby, Trace Rob M.
Принадлежит: Microsoft

Techniques for securing name resolution technologies and for ensuring that name resolution technologies can function in modern networks that have a plurality of overlay networks accessible via a single network interface. In accordance with some of the principles described herein, a set of resolution parameters may be implemented by a user, such as an end user or an administrator, to be used during a name resolution process for securing the process and/or for conducting the process in an overlay network. In some implementations, the set of resolution parameters may be maintained as a table of rules, and used to govern name resolution processes. For example, resolution parameters may be created that govern a DNSSEC session, or that govern how to communicate with networks implemented with Microsoft's Direct Access overlay technologies, or that govern communications using any other networking technology. 1. A method comprising:(A) accepting as input a first identifier for a network resource;(B) consulting a collection of sets of resolution parameters to determine a set of applicable resolution parameters that apply to the first identifier; and(C) obtaining a second identifier for the network resource, the obtaining comprising conducting a name resolution process to determine the second identifier for the network resource based on the first identifier, wherein the name resolution process is governed by the set of applicable resolution parameters.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the set of applicable resolution parameters governs communication between a host computing device executing the method and a remote computing device to which the host computing device issues a name resolution request.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the obtaining further comprises:(C1) transmitting to the remote computing device the name resolution request in accordance with the set of applicable resolution parameters.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein consulting the collection of sets of ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130080657A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A data transmission device () is provided with a transmission amount analysis unit () for analyzing the transmitted packet data amount with respect to a transmission window size which has been set by a transmission window size setting unit (); a transmission parameter designation unit () for designating, according to the ratio of the transmitted packet data amount with respect to the transmission window size, different transmission powers, modulation methods, and code ratios for a transmission parameter setting unit (); the transmission parameter setting unit () for setting the parameters that have been designated by the transmission parameter designation unit (); and a transmission control unit () for reading transmission data from a transmission buffer () and transmitting the transmission data on the basis of the settings of the transmission parameter setting unit (). 1. A data transmitting apparatus comprising:a transmission buffer that buffers transmission data;a transmission window size setting section that sets a transmission window size in the transmission buffer;a transmission volume analysis section that analyzes the data volume of a transmitted packet relative to the transmission window size set in the transmission window size setting section;a transmission parameter setting section that sets one or more transmission parameters for transmitting the transmission data, depending on the analytical results in the transmission volume analysis section;a transmission control section that reads the transmission data from the transmission buffer and transmits the transmission data based on the transmission parameters; anda data transmission section that transmits the transmission data received from the transmission control section.2. The data transmitting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the transmission parameter setting section sets at least one of a value of transmission power claim 1 , a type of a modulation scheme claim 1 , and a value of a coding rate ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Providing A Dedicated Communication Path Separate From A Second Path To Enable Communication Between Complaint Sequencers Of A Processor Using An Assertion Signal

Номер: US20130080746A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In one embodiment, the present invention includes a method for communicating an assertion signal from a first instruction sequencer to a plurality of accelerators coupled to the first instruction sequencer, detecting the assertion signal in the accelerators and communicating a request for a lock, and registering an accelerator that achieves the lock by communication of a registration message for the accelerator to the first instruction sequencer. Other embodiments are described and claimed.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130081113A1

A particular method includes transmitting a message from a first device to a second device. The message includes first information associated with identification of the first device. The first information enables the second device to obtain access data. The method also includes establishing a first communication link between the first device and the second device based on the access data. The method further includes receiving, via the first communication link, second information associated with establishment of a second communication link between the first device and a third device. The method also includes configuring the first device to establish the second communication link between the first device and the third device based on the second information. 1. A method comprising:transmitting a message from a first device to a second device, wherein the message comprises first information associated with identification of the first device, wherein the first information enables the second device to obtain access data;establishing a first communication link between the first device and the second device based on the access data;receiving, via the first communication link, second information associated with establishment of a second communication link between the first device and a third device; andconfiguring the first device to establish the second communication link between the first device and the third device based on the second information.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first device comprises a machine-to-machine communication device.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising configuring the first device to operate in accordance with a first mode of operation claim 1 , wherein the first device is configured to provide a wireless local area network while in the first mode of operation.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein establishing the first communication link comprises:receiving security information from the second device, wherein the security ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130086233A1

In one embodiment, a method comprises receiving a request to modify a subscriber connection to a network element. The method also includes modifying attributes of the subscriber connection, within a memory of the network element, without disconnecting the subscriber connection from the network element. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:receiving a request to modify a subscriber connection to a network element; andmodifying attributes of the subscriber connection, within a memory of the network element, without disconnecting the subscriber connection from the network element.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein modifying the attributes of the subscriber connection comprises modifying a connection rate of the subscriber connection.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 2 , wherein the subscriber connection is connecting a computing device to the network and wherein modifying the connection rate of the subscriber connection comprises modifying the rate at which data is received into the computing device from the network.4. The computer-implemented method of claim 2 , wherein the subscriber connection is connecting a computing device to the network and wherein modifying the connection rate of the subscriber connection comprises modifying the rate at which data is transmitted from the computing device to the network.5. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein modifying the attributes of the subscriber connection comprises modifying an access control list of the subscriber connection.6. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein modifying the attributes of the subscriber connection comprises modifying the attributes of the subscriber connection with the memory of the network element upon determining that the subscriber connection is active.7. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , comprising re-authenticating a subscriber associated with the subscriber connection prior to modifying the attributes of the ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Forming Configuration Information about Components of Systems which Include Components for which Acquisition of Configuration Information is Restricted

Номер: US20130086256A1
Автор: Sasatani Yohkichi

[Problem to be Solved] 1. A system comprising:a processor; anda memory coupled to the processor, wherein the memory comprises instructions which, when executed by the processor, cause the processor to:identify the existence of the first component from configuration information about one or more other components except the first component;store pattern data for analogizing configuration information about a component for which acquisition of the configuration information is restricted, the pattern data being associated with a set of one or more conditions and one or more attribute values;retrieve pattern data whose configuration information about a component related to the first component, among the one or more other components, satisfies the set of conditions, from the storage section; andform analogized configuration information about the first component using one or more attribute values associated with the retrieved pattern data.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the instructions further cause the processor to:store the configuration information about the one or more other components and the analogized configuration information about the first component as CIs (configuration items) in a configuration management database.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein a CI expressing the existence of the first component is formed in the configuration management database in response to the existence of the first component having been identified.4. The system according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , when multiple CIs expressing the existence of the first component are formed claim 3 , the multiple CIs are integrated in response to the analogized information having been formed.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the identification of the existence of the first component is identified from connection information related to the first component claim 1 , among the configuration information about the one or more other components.6. The system according to ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Updating data stored in a dispersed storage network

Номер: US20130086447A1
Принадлежит: Cleversafe Inc

A method begins by a dispersed storage (DS) processing module receiving a modified data object, wherein the modified data object is a modified version of a data object and the data object is divided into a plurality of data segments and stored in the DSN. The method continues with the DS processing module mapping portions of the modified data object to the plurality of data segments that includes creating a middle data segment of a second plurality of data segments based on a corresponding middle data segment of the plurality of data segments when the a portion of the portions corresponds to middle data of the modified data object. The method continues with the DS processing module encoding the middle data segment using a dispersed storage error coding function to produce an encoded data segment and overwriting the corresponding middle data segment with the encoded data segment in the DSN.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130091200A1
Автор: Murphy Thomas

Systems and methods for wireless systems provide a mechanism for resource sharing. In an embodiment, an electronic communication is routed between mobile wireless clients without first processing the electronic communication through an external domain. In an embodiment, an e-mail message is routed between mobile wireless clients without first processing the e-mail message through an external e-mail domain identified in the e-mail message. Additional apparatus, systems, and methods are disclosed. 1. A wireless server device , comprisinga memory storing instructions; communicating with a plurality of mobile wireless clients;', 'routing an electronic communication of an external domain from a first mobile wireless client of the plurality of mobile wireless clients to at least a second mobile wireless client of the plurality of mobile wireless clients without first processing the electronic communication through the external domain identified in the electronic communication by bypassing the external domain identified in the electronic communication;', 'instructing the external domain to synchronize after or simultaneously with a direct routing of the electronic communication between the first and the at least the second mobile wireless clients of the plurality of mobile wireless clients, and', 'updating an external server associated with the external domain for the electronic communication to operatively provide, to the external server, a record of the electronic communication., 'a processor coupled to the memory, which when executing the instructions cause the processor to perform the operations comprising2. The wireless server device of claim 1 , wherein the electronic communication includes instant messaging.3. The wireless server device of claim 1 , comprising:an e-mail proxy to collect e-mails from one or more e-mail domains external to the wireless server device, each collected e-mail corresponding to a respective one of a set of user identifications, each user ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130091256A1
Автор: Kinnis Tony F.
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

Methods and arrangements for selecting a content source from a plurality of potential content sources based on program information are described. A network resource maintains a mapping between itself and a static URL to be accessed by an application when updating content used in the application. The network resource can receive, over an electronic network, a configuration request providing the static URL and program information that at least identifies the application and version of the application. Based on the received information that is specific to the identified application version and from which content specific for that application version can be obtained, the network resource determines a second URL and provides the second URL to the application in response to the request. 1. A computer program product being embodied in a non-transitory computer-readable medium and comprising computer instructions for:receiving, at a network resource from an electronic device, a configuration request for a content source that contains content specific for an application on the electronic device, the configuration request including a static URL with an appended variable portion, wherein the static URL includes an address of the network resource and the appended variable portion includes application information, the application information including a device type associated with the electronic device;populating the application information into a template in accordance to the device type;determining a second URL based on the template, the second URL being associated with the content source from which the content for the application can be obtained; andproviding the second URL to the electronic device in response to the configuration request.2. The computer program product recited in claim 1 , wherein the application information includes information controlling features to be enabled or disabled in the application.3. The computer program product recited in claim 1 , wherein the ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130091265A1
Автор: Baleh Lounes, Suciu Lucian

A method for determining a profile for a user/application service pair to access data related to the operation of a communication network, or operation data, said data being needed in order to implement the application service at an application layer of a communication device. The method includes a step of determining the access profile on the basis of information related to a service level corresponding to the user/application service pair and on the basis of information related to an access policy associated with the operation data required by the application service. Said method also includes a step of storing the access profile related to the user/application service pair. 1. A method for determining a profile for a user/application service pair to access data relating to the operation of a communications network , or operating data , necessary for the implementation of the application service within an application layer of a communications device , the method comprising:a step for determination of the access profile based on information relating to a level of service associated with a user/application service pair and on information relating to an access policy associated with the operating data required by the application service,a step for storage of the access profile relating to the user/application service pair.2. The determination method as claimed in claim 1 , comprising claim 1 , prior to the step for generation of the access profile claim 1 , a step for updating the information relating to an access policy.3. The determination method as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a step for authentication of the application service prior to the determination of the access profile for the application service.4. A method for an application service to access data relating to the operation of a communications network claim 1 , or operating data claim 1 , necessary for the implementation of the application service within an application layer of a communications device ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Metasearch Engine for Ordering At Least One Item Returned In Search Results Using At Least One Query on Multiple Unique Hosts and for Displaying Advertising

Номер: US20130097230A1
Автор: Lunenfeld Harvey

Process for metasearching on the Internet performed by a metasearch engine, comprising: receiving a user interface related HTTP request from a client device; causing at least one user interface related advertisement to be displayed in a user interface related response; receiving a search related HTTP request, associated with at least one item that may be ordered, from the client device; sending at least one search query to a plurality of unique hosts; receiving search results from the plurality of unique hosts; incorporating the received search results into a search related response; causing at least one search related advertisement associated with the at least one item to be displayed in the search related response; communicating the search related response from the metasearch engine to the client device; receiving an order placement related HTTP request from the client device for placing an order for the at least one item; processing the order. 1. A process for metasearching on the Internet , wherein the steps of the process are performed by a metasearch engine executing on a hardware device , the process comprising the steps of:(a) receiving a user interface related Hypertext Transfer Protocol request from a client device for the metasearch engine to return a user interface related response to the client device;(b) incorporating a user interface into the user interface related response;(c) causing at least one user interface related advertisement to be displayed in the user interface related response;(d) communicating the user interface related response to the client device;(e) receiving a search related Hypertext Transfer Protocol request from the client device for the metasearch engine to send at least one search query to a plurality of unique hosts that provide access to information to be searched, wherein the search related Hypertext Transfer Protocol request from the client device is associated with at least one item that may be ordered from a plurality of ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130097263A1

Completion processing of data communications instructions in a distributed computing environment with computers coupled for data communications through communications adapters and an active messaging interface (‘AMI’), injecting for data communications instructions into slots in an injection FIFO buffer a transfer descriptor, at least some of the instructions specifying callback functions; injecting a completion descriptor for each instruction that specifies a callback function into an injection FIFO buffer slot having a corresponding slot in a pending callback list; listing in the pending callback list callback functions specified by data communications instructions; processing each descriptor in the injection FIFO buffer, setting a bit in a completion bit mask corresponding to the slot in the FIFO where the completion descriptor was injected; and calling by the AMI any callback functions in the pending callback list as indicated by set bits in the completion bit mask. 1. A method of completion processing for data communications instructions in a distributed computing environment , the distributed computing environment including a plurality of computers coupled for data communications through communications adapters and an active messaging interface (‘AMI’) , the method comprising:injecting, by the AMI for each of a sequence of data communications instructions into a slot in an injection FIFO buffer of a data communication adapter, a transfer descriptor specifying to the communications adapter a transfer of payload data according to each data communications instruction, at least some of the instructions specifying callback functions;injecting by the AMI a completion descriptor for each instruction that specifies a callback function into the next slot after that instruction's transfer descriptor in the injection FIFO buffer, the slot in which the completion descriptor is injected having a corresponding slot in a pending callback list;listing, by the AMI in the ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130097294A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

The present invention discloses a service configuration method, apparatus and system. The provided method includes steps as follows: configuring a VLAN ID of a port on an intermediate device according to preset configuration information, where the port is connected to a client; after a DHCP request message which is from the client through the intermediate device is received, obtaining a MAC address in the DHCP request message, and obtaining an IP address corresponding to the MAC address from the configuration information; and sending a response message carrying the IP address and the VLAN ID to the client through the intermediate device, so that the client sets a local virtual local area network identifier to the VLAN ID and sets a local IP address to the IP address after receiving the response message. 1. A local area network system , comprising:a dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server, an intermediate device and a client, wherein the client is connected to the DHCP server through the intermediate device;the DHCP server is configured to configure a virtual local area network identifier (VLAN ID) of a port on the intermediate device according to preset configuration information, wherein the port is connected to the client, receive a DHCP request message from the intermediate device, wherein the DHCP request message carries the VLAN ID, obtain a media access control (MAC) address from the DHCP request message, obtain an IP address corresponding to the MAC address from the configuration information, and send a response message to the intermediate device, wherein the response message carries the IP address and the VLAN ID;the intermediate device is configured to send the DHCP request message to the DHCP server, wherein the DHCP request message is from the client; and send the response message to the client; andthe client is configured to, receive the response message, set a local virtual local area network identifier to the VLAN ID and set a local IP address ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102963A1

Certain aspects of the present disclosure provide techniques and apparatus for secure automatic configuration of equipment through replication. One example method generally includes receiving a request for configuration information used to configure at least a first device to be replicated in at least a second device; and communicating the configuration information to the second device, in response to the request. At least one of the first and second wireless devices may be a medical device, and/or the configuration information may include patient treatment information. In this manner, the amount of configuration data entry by a caregiver and the number of errors in this configuration data are most likely considerably reduced. Furthermore, in an emergency, a common medical treatment may be easily configured for many patients at once (i.e., the configuration information may be easily replicated from patient device to patient device). 1. An apparatus for replicating configuration information , comprising:a receiver configured to receive a request for the configuration information used to configure the apparatus to be replicated in at least a first device;a processing system configured to operate the apparatus based on the configuration information, wherein the operation is controlled by a second device; anda transmitter configured to communicate the configuration information to the first device, in response to the request.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the processing system is configured to cease the operation of the apparatus after the configuration information had been communicated.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least one of starting of the operation claim 1 , stopping of the operation claim 1 , monitoring progress of the operation claim 1 , or managing an alarm based on the operation is controlled by the second device.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the transmitter is configured to communicate by transferring the configuration information to ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130103811A1

A method for providing a communication for at least one device that is provided for a motor vehicle and is linked via a network of the motor vehicle to at least one further device, where data between the at least one device and the at least one further device are exchanged via an Internet Protocol. Also a device and a network are provided. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for providing a communication for at least one device that is provided for a motor vehicle , the method comprising:linking the at least one device via a network of the motor vehicle to at least one further device; andexchanging data between the at least one device and the at least one further device via an Internet Protocol.12. The method as recited in claim 11 , wherein at least one address is assigned to the at least one device claim 11 , the at least one address of the at least one device being partitioned into at least one host address and at least one network address.13. The method as recited in claim 11 , wherein the network is partitioned into a plurality of subnets claim 11 , the at least one device being assigned to at least one subnet.14. The method as recited in claim 13 , wherein a domain is assigned to the at least one device for each subnet.15. The method as recited in claim 13 , wherein at least one device is assigned to at least one functional group claim 13 , each functional group being assigned to a subnet.16. The method as recited in claim 13 , wherein data claim 13 , which are only provided for one subnet claim 13 , are transmitted to at least one device that is assigned to the particular subnet.17. The method as recited in claim 11 , wherein the method is implemented for at least one device configured as a control unit claim 11 , the at least one device being configured for controlling at least one component of the motor vehicle.18. The method as recited in claim 11 , wherein a network is operated for a motor vehicle claim 11 , at least two devices claim 11 , which are provided for ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for implementing a user network identity address provisioning server

Номер: US20130103819A1

A number of computing devices associated with a particular user have a network capability between them for management and control, said capability to enable these devices, running on different, physically distributed hardware, to interwork securely and privately.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Stream application performance monitoring metrics

Номер: US20130103832A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Techniques are disclosed for calculating performance metrics associated with a data stream. A processing element configured to process data tuples flowing through a stream-based computing system receives data tuples via the data stream. Each of the one or more tuples is processed at the processing element, and each of the one or more tuples are associated with metadata that includes information related to the processing of the tuple by the processing element. Performance metrics are then calculated for the data stream based on the metadata associated with the one or more tuples.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130103852A1
Автор: JUNG Heeyoung

In a network environment where end hosts communicate with each other through end nodes connected to a backbone network, when data is sent, each end host generates a packet including a header including host identifier information corresponding to a reception path and a destination path, and transfers the corresponding packet to the end node through an access network. The end node adds a new transport control protocol (TCP) header to the received packet and transfers it to the backbone network, thus controlling traffic, errors and the like in the backbone network. 1. A communication method for communication between end hosts through end nodes connected to a backbone network through access networks , comprising:receiving, by a transmission end node connected to the backbone network, a packet including identifier information regarding a reception end host from an access network to which a transmission end host is connected;adding, by the transmission end node, a transport control protocol (TCP) header for error control and traffic control in the backbone network to the received packet; androuting, by the transmission end node, the packet including the TCP header to a reception end node through the backbone network.2. The communication method of claim 1 , wherein the adding of the header comprises:removing, by the transmission end node, a network frame header regarding the access network to which the transmission end host is connected, from the received packet; andadding the TCP header to the packet from which the access network frame header has been removed.3. The communication method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving, by the reception end node, the packet through the backbone network;removing the TCP header from the packet; andtransferring the packet from which the TCP header has been removed to an access network to which the reception end host is connected so that the packet is provided to the reception end host.4. The communication method of claim 1 , further ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Remote direct memory access adapter state migration in a virtual environment

Номер: US20130110959A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

In an embodiment of the present invention, a method includes partitioning a plurality of remote direct memory access context objects among a plurality of virtual functions, establishing a remote direct memory access connection between a first of the plurality of virtual functions, and migrating the remote direct memory access connection from the first of the plurality of virtual functions to a second of the plurality of virtual functions without disconnecting from the remote peer.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130110960A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

In a subrack with multiple boards, in order to enable a server board and at least one client board of the multiple boards to access a same storage device, an embodiment server board acquires, physical information of at least one physical storage device. Then the server board sends a client board the physical information to enable the client board to establish a virtue storage device and receives a first request for accessing the virtual storage device sent from the client board. The server board convertes the first request for accessing the virtual storage device into a second request for accessing the physical storage device, and sends the second request for accessing the physical storage device to a storage controller connected to the physical storage device in order to enable the storage controller to send relevant data to the client. 1. A method for providing shared access to a storage device for a client board and a server board located in a subrack and each running an independent operating system , the method comprising:acquiring, by a server board, at least one storage device parameter of a physical storage device;sending, by the server board, the storage device parameter to a client board;establishing, by the client board according to the storage device parameter, a virtual storage device corresponding to the physical storage device;receiving, by the server board, a first request for accessing the virtual storage device sent by the client board;converting, by the server board, the first request for accessing the virtual storage device into a second request for accessing the physical storage device; andsending, by the server board, the second request for accessing the physical storage device to a storage controller operating the physical storage device;receiving, by the client board, relevant data from the physical storage device sent by the storage controller according to the second request.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the storage device ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130110996A1
Автор: Young Joel K.
Принадлежит: Digi International Inc.

Various embodiments include a method and system for configuring a smart energy network using a link key database. An energy services interface, on the smart energy network, extracts a unique identifier associated with a smart energy device from a communication with the smart energy device. The energy services interface may then use the unique identifier to receive information associated with the smart energy device from the link key database. 1. An energy services interface (ESI) capable of communicating with a SE device and a link key database , the ESI configured to:extract a unique identifier from a communication with the SE device; andload a portion of information associated with the SE device from the link key database using the unique identifier.2. The ESI of claim 1 , wherein the portion of information is a driver for the SE device.3. The ESI of claim 1 , wherein the unique identifier is a media access control (MAC) address of the SE device.4. The ESI of configured to:extract a key value from an unencrypted portion of an encrypted communication from the SE device to join a SE network; andretrieve a link key associated with the SE device from the link key database using the key value, wherein the link key is used to both encrypt and decrypt the encrypted SE device communication.5. The ESI of claim 4 , wherein the key value is a media access control (MAC) address of the SE device.6. The ESI of claim 4 , wherein the ESI is configured to:decrypt the encrypted SE device communication using the link key; andjoin the SE device to the SE network.7. A system comprising:an energy services interface (ESI);a storage device having a link key database;a network communicatively coupled to the storage device and the ESI; anda device capable of communicating with the storage device over the network; andwherein the network is configured to associate a physical location with a unique identifier associated with the ESI to allow the ESI to communicate with the link key database ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130117404A1
Принадлежит: Sviral, Inc.

A hardware task manager for managing operations in an adaptive computing system. The task manager indicates when input and output buffer resources are sufficient to allow a task to execute. The task can require an arbitrary number of input values from one or more other (or the same) tasks. Likewise, a number of output buffers must also be available before the task can start to execute and store results in the output buffers. The hardware task manager maintains a counter in association with each input and output buffer. For input buffers, a negative value for the counter means that there is no data in the buffer and, hence, the respective input buffer is not ready or available. Thus, the associated task can not run. Predetermined numbers of bytes, or “units,” are stored into the input buffer and an associated counter is incremented. When the counter value transitions from a negative value to a zero the high-order bit of the counter is cleared, thereby indicating the input buffer has sufficient data and is available to be processed by a task. 128-. (canceled)29. An integrated circuit comprising:a plurality of computing nodes, at least one of the plurality computing node comprising memory;an interconnection network operatively coupled to the plurality of computing nodes, the interconnection network configured to provide interconnections among the plurality of computing nodes to route data to at least one of the plurality of computing nodes; anda hardware task manager in the at least one of the plurality of computing nodes, the hardware task manager configured to write input data to a local memory address based on parameters associated with an input port assigned to the data.30. The integrated circuit of claim 29 , wherein the plurality of computing nodes comprise a plurality of heterogeneous computing nodes.31. The integrated circuit of claim 29 , wherein the interconnection network is reconfigurable.32. The integrated circuit of claim 29 , wherein the parameters are ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130117421A1
Автор: WIMMER Wolfgang

A Process Control (PC) or Substation Automation (SA) system is disclosed with appropriate message filtering based on Virtual Local Area Network identifiers VLAN-IDs as communication sub-network identifiers. The VLAN-IDs are determined in order to optimize data flow in the sense that receiver IEDs only receive the intended messages, while at the same time the number of sub-network identifiers can be reduced to a maximum extent. Restricting the real time traffic in such a way can ensure proper operation of the systems, such as large SA systems using GOOSE for interlocking and having sensors connected with the Sampled Value (SV) protocol according to IEC 61850-9-2. 1. A method of determining Virtual Local Area Network identifiers (VLAN-IDs) in an Ethernet switch-based communication network of a process control (PC) system having a plurality of Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) , connected to switches of the Ethernet switch-based communication network , wherein IEDs are configured to periodically send multicast messages , and wherein the switches are adapted to selectively forward a multicast message based on message-specific VLAN-IDs , the method comprising:retrieving, for each sender IED of the plurality of IEDs and for each message configured to be transmitted by each sender IED, from a system description of the PC system having logical data flow definitions, receiver IEDs for which the message is destined;identifying a first exhaustive set of receiver IEDs of a first message, and a second exhaustive set of receiver IEDs of a second message;assigning, when the first and second sets of receiver IEDs differ in at most the sender IEDs, a same VLAN-ID to both the first and second messages, andstoring the assigned VLAN-ID in a system description of the PC system.2. The method according to claim 1 , comprising:employing the assigned VLAN-ID for multicast address filtering at a connection or port of a switch of the communication network to which a receiver IED of the ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for updating a user terminal

Номер: US20130117425A1
Автор: Magnus Jarl
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and arrangement in a User Terminal (UT) for updating an operational parameter in the UT, the method is comprising: to register, for at least one software module in the UT, a corresponding validator and/or a corresponding consistency verifier to a proxy module in the UT, wherein the validator is adapted to validate parameter syntax and wherein the consistency verifier is adapted to verify parameter consistency; to receive, from a Service Provider (SP), an operational parameter to be updated in the UT; and to check syntax validity and consistency of the received operational parameter which is based on each validator and/or each consistency verifier registered to the proxy module.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130117469A1

Systems and methods to perform a register access are described. A particular method includes receiving a data frame at a bridge element of a plurality of bridge elements in communication with a plurality of server computers. The data frame may include a register access request and may be forwarded from a controlling bridge in communication with the plurality of bridge elements. A register may be accessed and execution of the register access request may be initiated in response to receiving the data frame. 1. An apparatus comprising:a plurality of server computers;a plurality of distributed bridge elements in communication with the plurality of server computers, wherein each distributed bridge element is configured to access a register in response to receiving a data frame that includes a register access request; anda controlling bridge configured to control the plurality of distributed bridge elements and to generate and communicate the data frame to at least one of the plurality of bridge elements.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the register is included within a bridge element of the plurality of bridge elements.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a non-bridge element node that includes the register.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a main register ring coupled to the plurality of bridge elements claim 1 , wherein the main token ring includes a token protocol.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the data frame includes a sequence number associated with the register access request.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein a bridge element of the plurality of bridge elements is configured to store the sequence number in a memory.7. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the controlling bridge is configured to use the sequence number to confirm that the data frame was delivered to the bridge element.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the controlling bridge is configured to store the sequence number in a memory.9. The apparatus of claim 1 ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Managing Chip Multi-Processors Through Virtual Domains

Номер: US20130117521A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

A chip multi-processor (CMP) with virtual domain management. The CMP has a plurality of tiles each including a core and a cache, a mapping storage, a plurality of memory controllers, a communication bus interconnecting the tiles and the memory controllers, and machine-executable instructions. The tiles and memory controllers are responsive to the instructions to group the tiles into a plurality of virtual domains, each virtual domain associated with at least one memory controller, and to store a mapping unique to each virtual domain in the mapping storage.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Novel Media File Access and Storage Solution for Multi-Workstation/Multi-Platform Non-Linear Video Editing Systems

Номер: US20130124690A1
Автор: Liebman Andrew

A novel system, method and computer program product for accessing digital media files stored in a media storage device via a server device in communication with the media storage device. The method includes providing, via the server, a file virtualization scheme that permits that enables a server to permit multiple non-linear editing workstations and other devices to see and access the same media files (video, audio, graphics, etc.) stored in the media storage device while keeping each workstation and other devices isolated from the others (i.e., unaware that the others exist). In this manner, workstation crash and project file corruption is avoided when multiple users access each other's projects. There is additionally provided a tool for managing the digital media storage system particularly enabling media and corresponding virtual files to be automatically manipulated, e.g., deleted, removed, transferred and synchronized, in response to user requests, all the while automatically retaining the file virtualization features as described. There is additionally provided a tool for allowing multiple non-linear editing systems to safely open up and work from and collaborate on the same “Project”. The tool manages ownership and permissions over different editors' contributions to shared Projects and implements “symbolic links” to create a virtual file and folder structure that creates an “optimized view” of the Project for each editor, that keeps work organized so that it is clear which editor is editing what and that allows each editor to maintain his/her own settings for the Project. 150-. (canceled)51. A computer implemented method for managing digital media files in a system including a computer server that is in communication with a storage device , the method comprising:providing, using at least one processor, a user directory in which a user is enabled to store digital media files;receiving an instruction to move and moving, using at least one processor, a first ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Method, arrangement and program for efficient configuration of network nodes

Номер: US20130124701A1
Автор: Axel Klatt, Juergen Maurer

A method for configuration of a plurality of network nodes for use with a network includes: for each network node of the plurality of network nodes in a first step, assigning, by the network, a preliminary Internet Protocol link to the network node; in a second step, transmitting, by the network, preliminary configuration parameters to the network node; and in a third step, using, by the network node, the preliminary configuration parameters to retrieve, by using a standardized naming convention in a request to the configuration server entity, additional configuration information, wherein the additional configuration information comprises at least one of a vendor- or technology-specific commissioning file.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and System For Network Configuration And/Or Provisioning Based On Metadata

Номер: US20130124702A1

Disclosed are various embodiments for configuring a virtual machine. A template for a virtual machine may be generated. The template may include metadata that references data for port profiles for the virtual machine. The template for the virtual machine may be stored in a template repository, and the data for the port profiles may be stored in a port profile database that is separate from the template. 1. A method , comprising:generating, using at least one computing device, a template for a virtual machine, the template comprising metadata that references data for a plurality of port profiles for the virtual machine;storing, using the at least one computing device, the template for the virtual machine in a template repository; andstoring, using the at least one computing device, the data for the port profiles for the virtual machine in a port profile database that is separate from the template.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the template repository is in a first device claim 1 , and the port profile database is in a second device that is separate from the first device.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising storing an updated version of the data for the port profiles in the port profile database.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising storing an updated version of the data for the port profiles in the port profile database without modifying the template for the virtual machine.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metadata comprises an identifier that references the port profile database.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metadata comprises a configuration parameter for a virtual switch claim 1 , a physical switch claim 1 , a network interface controller claim 1 , or any combination thereof.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the port profiles comprise a networking attribute claim 1 , a storage attribute claim 1 , a quality of service attribute claim 1 , a medium access control identification claim 1 , a virtual local area network identification ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and System for Storing Time-Dependent Data

Номер: US20130132470A1

A method for processing time-dependent data including downloading source data stored on one or more computer readable media at one or more data sources; wherein said source data includes a plurality of records each of which includes a time stamp; determining by a computer system a time zone offset of said time stamp; converting said time stamp by said computer system to a common time zone stamp; and storing said source data with said common time zone stamp. The time dependent data is preferably energy market data. 1. A method for processing time-dependent data comprisingdownloading source data stored on one or more computer readable media at one or more data sources; wherein said source data includes a plurality of records each of which includes a time stamp;determining by a computer system a time zone offset of said time stamp;converting said time stamp by said computer system to a common time zone stamp;storing said source data with said common time zone stamp.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , prior to said determining step claim 1 , normalizing said source data such that said time stamp is in a common format.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein said common format comprises one of a 12-hour format and a 24-hour format.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said time-dependent data comprises energy market data.5. The method according to claim 4 , further comprising determining whether an adjustment is required for daylight savings time prior to said determining step.6. The method according to claim 4 , further comprising claim 4 , prior to said storing step claim 4 , calculating by said computer system priority time zone stamp information claim 4 , wherein said priority time zone is determined by an operator of said computer system.7. The method according to claim 6 , further comprising determining whether said time zone stamp information is indicative of a peak hour usage.8. The method according to claim 6 , further ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130132505A1
Автор: Morris Terrel

A computer system has a plurality of computer servers, each including at least one central processing unit (CPU). A memory appliance is spaced remotely from the plurality of computer servers. The memory appliance includes random access memory (RAM). A photonic CPU link is operatively attached to the at least one CPU. A photonic circuit switch is operatively attached to the photonic CPU link. An allocated portion of the RAM is addressable by a predetermined CPU selected from the plurality of computer servers. 1. A computer system , comprising:a plurality of computer servers, each including at least one central processing unit (CPU);a memory appliance spaced remotely from the plurality of computer servers and including random access memory (RAM) therein;a photonic CPU link operatively attached to the at least one CPU; anda photonic circuit switch operatively attached to the photonic CPU link and the memory appliance;wherein an allocated portion of the RAM is addressable by a predetermined CPU selected from the plurality of computer servers having the at least one CPU.2. The computer system as defined in wherein the computer system is configured to allocate the allocated portion claim 1 , or reallocate the allocated portion of the RAM during a configuration event claim 1 , the configuration event being executed by a configuration mechanism in about 100 milliseconds or less.3. The computer system as defined in wherein the memory appliance is located at a distance ranging from about 1 meter to about 10 meters from the plurality of computer servers.4. The computer system as defined in wherein the photonic circuit switch is configured to have a switch time less than about 100 milliseconds.5. The computer system as defined in wherein the photonic circuit switch is configured to have a propagation delay time of between 50 picoseconds and 500 picoseconds.6. The computer system as defined in wherein the photonic circuit switch is selected from the group consisting of MEMs ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130132506A1
Автор: Morris Terrel

A computer system has a plurality of computer servers, each including at least one central processing unit (CPU). A memory appliance is spaced remotely from the plurality of computer servers. The memory appliance includes random access memory (RAM). A photonic CPU linkis operatively attached to the at least one CPU. An optical-electrical converter is operatively attached to the photonic CPU link. An electronic circuit switch is operatively attached to the optical-electrical converter and the memory appliance. An allocated portion of the RAM is addressable by a predetermined CPU selected from the plurality of computer servers. 1. A computer system , comprising:a plurality of computer servers, each including at least one central processing unit (CPU);a memory appliance spaced remotely from the plurality of computer servers and including random access memory (RAM) therein;a photonic CPU link operatively attached to the at least one CPU;an optical-electrical converter operatively attached to the photonic CPU link; andan electronic circuit switch operatively attached to the optical-electrical converter and the memory appliance;wherein an allocated portion of the RAM is addressable by a predetermined CPU selected from the plurality of computer servers having the at least one CPU.2. The computer system as defined in wherein the computer system is configured to allocate the allocated portion claim 1 , or reallocate the allocated portion of the RAM during a configuration event claim 1 , the configuration event being executed by a configuration mechanism in about 100 milliseconds or less.3. The computer system as defined in wherein the memory appliance is located at a distance ranging from about 1 meter to about 10 meters from the plurality of servers.4. The computer system as defined in wherein the electronic circuit switch is configured to have a switch time less than about 100 milliseconds.5. The computer system as defined in wherein the electronic circuit switch is ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130132529A1
Принадлежит: IIMEC

A method for determining a data format for processing data to be transmitted along a communication path is disclosed. In one aspect, the method includes identifying at run-time an operational configuration based on received information on the conditions for communication on the communication path. The method may also include selecting according to the identified operational configuration, a data format for processing data to be transmitted among a plurality of predetermined data formats. 1. A method of determining a data format for representing data in an algorithm to process signals to be transmitted along a communication path , the method comprising:clustering at design-time a predetermined set of different possible configurations in operational scenarios with different tolerance to quantization noise;performing at design-time separate fixed-point refinements for the data using predetermined data formats for each of the operational scenarios;identifying at run-time one of the operational scenarios based on received information on current conditions for communication on the communication path;selecting one of the predetermined data formats corresponding to the identified operational scenario for representing the data in the algorithm;applying the algorithm to process the signals to be transmitted; andtransmitting the signals.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining the information on the communication conditions on the communication path.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the selected data format determines the word length of words in the data.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the selected data format determines the fixed-point representation of the data.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein in the process of identifying at run-time the operational scenario a varying noise-robustness is taken into account exhibited by an application wherein the data is used.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method is performed on a ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130132533A1
Принадлежит: NICIRA, INC.

Some embodiments provide a non-transitory machine readable medium of a first middlebox element of several middlebox elements to implement a middlebox instance in a distributed manner in several hosts. The non-transitory machine readable medium stores a set of instructions for receiving (1) configuration data for configuring the middlebox instance to implement a middlebox in a logical network and (2) a particular identifier associated with the middlebox in the logical network. The non-transitory machine readable medium stores a set of instructions for generating (1) a set of rules to process packets for the middlebox in the logical network and (2) an internal identifier associated with the set of rules. The non-transitory machine readable medium stores a set of instructions for associating the particular identifier with the internal identifier for later processing of packets having the particular identifier. 1. A non-transitory machine readable medium of a first middlebox element of a plurality of middlebox elements to implement a middlebox instance in a distributed manner in a plurality of hosts , the non-transitory machine readable medium storing sets of instructions for:receiving (1) configuration data for configuring the middlebox instance to implement a middlebox in a logical network and (2) a particular identifier associated with the middlebox in the logical network;generating (1) a set of rules to process packets for the middlebox in the logical network and (2) an internal identifier associated with the set of rules; andassociating the particular identifier with the internal identifier for later processing of packets having the particular identifier.2. The non-transitory machine readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the middlebox is a firewall.3. The non-transitory machine readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the middlebox is a wide area network (WAN) optimizer.4. The non-transitory machine readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the first middlebox element ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130132536A1
Принадлежит: NICIRA, INC.

Some embodiments provide a method for configuring a logical middlebox in a hosting system that includes a set of nodes. The logical middlebox is part of a logical network that includes a set of logical forwarding elements that connect a set of end machines. The method receives a set of configuration data for the logical middlebox. The method uses a stored set of tables describing physical locations of the end machines to identify a set of nodes at which to implement the logical middlebox. The method provides the logical middlebox configuration for distribution to the identified nodes. 1. A method for configuring a logical middlebox in a hosting system comprising a set of nodes , the logical middlebox part of a logical network comprising a set of logical forwarding elements that connect a set of end machines , the method comprising:receiving a set of configuration data for the logical middlebox;using a stored set of tables describing physical locations of the end machines to identify a set of nodes at which to implement the logical middlebox; andproviding the logical middlebox configuration for distribution to the identified nodes.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the configuration data comprises a set of database table records.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the database table records and the stored set of tables are used as inputs to the identification.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the set of configuration data is received through an application programming interface exposed to a user.5. The method of further comprising:receiving logical control plane data describing the set of logical forwarding elements;generating logical forwarding plane data from the logical control plane data, the logical forwarding plane data comprising a set of flow entries for forwarding packets within the logical network; andgenerating physical control plane data from the logical forwarding plane data, the physical control plane data comprising a set of flow entries for forwarding ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Managing Rehoming of User Endpoint Devices in a Communication Network

Номер: US20130132537A1
Принадлежит: AT &T Intellectual Property I, LP

A system that incorporates teachings of the present disclosure may include, for example, a Domain Name System (DNS) server having a controller to receive new provisioning information for updating a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), and update the FQDN with the new provisioning information. The new provisioning information can include among other things a start time for rehoming one or more user endpoint devices (UEs) assigned to a current session border Controller (S/BC), a move-from record comprising a descriptor of at least the current S/BC, a move-to record comprising a descriptor of at least a new S/BC to which to rehome the one or more UEs, a transfer window representing a total time for the rehoming the one or more UEs to the new S/BC, and a pacing parameter for rehoming the one or more UEs to the new S/BC during the transfer window. Additional embodiments are disclosed. 1. A computer-readable storage medium , comprising computer instructions , which when executed by a processor , cause the processor to perform operations comprising:receiving new provisioning information for updating a fully qualified domain name; andupdating the fully qualified domain name with the new provisioning information, wherein the new provisioning information comprises a start time for rehoming a user endpoint device assigned to a current session border controller, a move-from record comprising a descriptor of the current session border controller, a move-to record comprising a descriptor of a new session border controller to which to rehome the endpoint device, a transfer window representing a time for the rehoming of the user endpoint device to the new session border controller, and a pacing parameter for rehoming the user endpoint device to the new session border controller during the transfer window.2. The computer-readable storage medium of claim 1 , wherein the operations further comprise:initiating a transfer window timer having a duration defined by the transfer window ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130132539A1

A number of computing devices associated with a particular user have a network capability between them for management and control, said capability to enable these devices, running on different, physically distributed hardware, to interwork securely and privately. 1. A method for establishing a virtual subnetwork for a plurality of computing devices associated with the same user , comprising;obtaining a routable network IP address at a device;authenticating a user at the device;contacting a user network ID provisioning service;receiving a user-specific logical IP address to the computing device wherein the logical IP address comprises a user identifier portion and a device identifier portion, the user identifier portion corresponding to the user and the device identifier portion corresponding to the device, and the logical IP address permits multiple devices associated with the user to be connected on a virtual subnetwork corresponding to the user;installing the logical IP address at the device andregistering the logical IP address with a device map server.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the logical IP address comprises an IPv6 address and the routable network address comprises a routable IPv6 address or a routable IPv4 address.3. The method of claim 1 , in which the logical IP address comprises a static IP address.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the device corresponds to at least one of a mobile device claim 1 , personal computing device claim 1 , a gaming device claim 1 , a robotic device claim 1 , a telepresence device claim 1 , a cloud-based device claim 1 , or a virtual machine device.5. The method of claim 1 , in which a routable network address is assigned by a local subnet.6. The method of claim 1 , in which a map-and-encapsulate protocol is used to define a dual-addressing structure for the device.7. The method of claim 6 , in which user multi-cast is performed to send a message to a plurality of the devices associated with the user by means of the ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130132540A1
Автор: Luers Jurgen

A method and an arrangement for configuration of a mobile appliance in a communication arrangement, with a communication address that is linked to its location in each case being assigned to the mobile appliance are provided. For this purpose, the location of the mobile appliance is determined in a first step, a configuration which is linked to the determined location is checked in a second step from a database, and this determined configuration is assigned to the mobile appliance in a third step. 113-. (canceled)14. A method for configuring a mobile appliance in a communication system , the system comprised of the mobile appliance and an assignment device , the method comprising:the assignment device determining a location of the mobile appliance;the assignment device requesting a configuration for the mobile appliance from a database, the configuration being linked to the determined location; andthe assignment device assigning the configuration to the mobile appliance such that the mobile appliance is assigned a communication address linked to the location of the mobile appliance, the assigned communication address being an address of the mobile appliance.15. The method as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the assigning occurs after an assignment command from a user has been provided as input to the assignment device.16. The method as claimed in claim 15 , further comprising:the assignment device repeating the determining of the location and the requesting the configuration;the assignment device checking the configuration of the mobile appliance with the repeated configuration request; andthe assignment device providing the user an option to reconfigure the mobile appliance with the repeated configuration request when the configuration does not match the repeated configuration request, the option provided via a user interface of the mobile appliance.17. The method as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the repeating is done periodically after a predetermined period of time. ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and Device for Integrating a Device into a Network

Номер: US20130132541A1

A method and a server for integrating a device into a network, a first device identification of the device is detected being a reading device authorized for this purpose, and the detected first device identification being transmitted as configuration data into an access-protected configuration data memory of the network. The first device identification of the device is transmitted from the reading device to the configuration data memory and stored in the memory. After the device to be integrated is connected to an access node of the network, the server automatically configures the connected device for the network if a corresponding first device identification of the device is already stored in the access-protected configuration data memory of the network for the second device identification of the device connected to the access node of the network such that an efficient and secured integration of a communication-enabled terminal into a network is achieved. 117-. (canceled)18. A method for integrating a device into a network , comprising the steps of:(a) detecting, by a reading device, a first device identification of the device, the reading device being authorized to transmit the detected first device identification as configuration data to an access-protected configuration data memory of the network, and the first device identification of the device being transmitted from the reading device to the configuration data memory of the network and being stored therein;(b) connecting the device to be integrated to an access node of the network, the device being identified to a server of the network by a second device identification; and(c) configuring automatically, by the server, the connected device for the network, if an associated first device identification of the device is already stored in the access-protected configuration data memory of the network for the second device identification of the device connected to the access node of the network, the automatic ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Network Device, Method of Controlling Network Device, and Recording Medium on Which Program for Controlling Network Device Is Recorded

Номер: US20130132576A1
Принадлежит: Buffalo Inc.

An access point AP that is an embodiment of a network device assigns an IP address to a terminal connected to the access point AP itself. The access point AP includes: a distributing unit that distributes the IP address to terminal and has functionality to notify the terminal to transmit all access requests to the network device AP itself; a distribution control unit for switching the functionality of the distributing unit to be operative on the basis of the generation of a predetermined starting event; an accepting unit for accepting any given access request from the terminal; and a notifying unit for notifying the requesting terminal of information for accessing the network device AP when the accepting unit has accepted the request, regardless of the content of the request. 1. A self network device for use connected to a network , said self network device comprising:a distributing unit for assigning an IP address to a terminal being another, non-self network device connected to the self network device, and distributing the assigned IP address to the terminal, and for notifying the terminal to transmit all access requests to said self network device;a distribution control unit for actuating said distributing unit based on the generation of a predetermined starting event;an accepting unit for accepting any given access request from the terminal; anda notifying unit for, if said accepting unit has accepted a given access request from the terminal after said distributing unit has been actuated, notifying the terminal of information for accessing said self network device, regardless of the content of the given access request.2. The self network device according to claim 1 , wherein if said accepting unit has accepted a name-resolving request from the requesting terminal as the given access request claim 1 , said notifying unit notifies the terminal of information including the IP address of said self network device as said accessing information.3. The self network ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130138833A1

System, apparatus, and methods for dynamically managing logical path resources are provided. The logical path resources are managed by adding, removing, and establishing logic paths based on specified priority schemes associated with the logical path resources. Information associated with the logical path resources is updated in a logical path resource table. 1. A method for dynamically managing logical path resources in a storage system comprising a processor , the method comprising:establishing, by the processor, a new logical path;designating, by the processor, a priority scheme to the new logical path, the designated priority scheme comprising one of a plurality of priorities comprising a critical priority, a normal priority, and a non-critical priority; determining that the logical path resource is available if the designated priority scheme is the critical priority and the current logical path includes the non-critical priority,', 'determining that the logical path resource is unavailable if the designated priority scheme is the non-critical priority or the normal priority, and', 'determining that the logical path resource is unavailable if the current logical path includes the critical priority or the normal priority such that the logical path resource is unavailable to the new logical path when the designated priority is critical and the current logical path includes the critical priority or the normal priority;, 'determining, by the processor, an availability of a logical path based on a comparison of the designated priority scheme and a priority of a current logical path, said determining comprisingperforming a path priority operation based on the availability of logical path resource; andupdating information associated with logical path resources in a logical path resource table based on performing the path priority operation.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein performing the path priority operation comprises replacing the current logical path with the new ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130144977A1
Автор: Wilkinson John P.

In one embodiment, a method for sharing bandwidth in a data processing system having a plurality of locations includes splitting data into a plurality of data elements, sending each one of the plurality of data elements to a different location selected from the plurality of locations, wherein each data element is different, and sending a message to each of the locations. In another embodiment, a method for sharing bandwidth in a data processing system having a plurality of locations, wherein the plurality of locations comprises a first location and plurality of further locations, includes receiving a first data element, receiving a message, wherein the message comprises an address of each of the further locations, and sending the first data element to each of the further locations of the plurality of further locations, responsive to determining the address of each of the further locations. 1. A method for sharing bandwidth in a data processing system having a plurality of locations , the method comprising:splitting data into a plurality of data elements;sending each one of the plurality of data elements to a different location selected from the plurality of locations, wherein each data element is different; andsending a message to each of the locations.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the data is split into equal size data elements.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the data elements are sent to each location alternately.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the message comprises an address of each of the locations of the plurality of locations.5. A method for sharing bandwidth in a data processing system having a plurality of locations claim 1 , wherein the plurality of locations comprises a first location and plurality of further locations claim 1 , the method comprising:receiving a first data element;receiving a message, wherein the message comprises an address of each of the further locations; andsending the first data element to each of the further locations of ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130144990A1
Автор: Gao Bin, ZHANG Na

A method and system for configuring a complex network and a server resource configuration and management module are provided. The method comprises: obtaining an access record of each cloud computing server in a cloud server pool in a network; constructing a complex network model according to the access record(s); performing a community division process to the complex network model to obtain a community structure and memberships of members in each community; and configuring a structure of the network according to the community structure and the memberships of the members in each community. The provided technical scheme is applicable to a cloud computing network. The method and system for configuring a complex network and the server resource configuration and management module, realize configuring the network according to the usage of each cloud computing server in the current network, solve the problem of no mechanism for configuring a cloud computing network reasonably. 1. A method for configuring a complex network , comprising:obtaining an access record of each cloud computing server in a cloud server pool in a network;constructing a complex network model according to the access record(s);performing a community division process to the complex network model to obtain a community structure and memberships of members in each community; andconfiguring a structure of the network according to the community structure and the memberships of the members in each community.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , before the step of obtaining the access record of each cloud computing server in the cloud server pool in the network claim 1 , the method further comprises:each cloud computing server in the cloud server pool recording resource requesting situations of terminals in the network to the cloud computing server, and taking the resource requesting situations as the access record.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , before the step of ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Content Delivery Network and Method for Content Delivery

Номер: US20130144994A1
Автор: Li Lichun, Wang Jun

The disclosure provided a content delivery network, which comprises a content locating system, a delivery configuration managing system and at least one content providing node; wherein the content providing node is configured to acquire and provide a content; the content locating system is configured to determine a download location of a content requested to be downloaded and provide the determined download location information to a content download requester; and the delivery configuration managing system is configured to maintain and/or generate the delivery configuration information of the content, determining a delivery configuration of the content to be downloaded according to the received information of the content requested to be downloaded, and notify the same to the download requester. Further the disclosure provided a method for content delivery on the basis of the content delivery network described above. The technical solution of the disclosure supports various content delivery configurations with relatively low complexity and costs. 1. A content delivery network , comprising a content locating system , a delivery configuration managing system and at least one content providing node; wherein ,the content providing node is configured to acquire and provide a content;the content locating system is configured to determine a download location of a content requested to be downloaded and provide the determined download location information to a content download requester; andthe delivery configuration managing system is configured to maintain and/or generate delivery configuration information of the content; determine a delivery configuration of the content to be downloaded according to received information of the content requested to be downloaded, and notify the delivery configuration to the download requester.2. The content delivery network according to claim 1 , wherein the content locating system is further configured to acquire current loading conditions ...
