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22-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2619923C2

FIELD: physics. SUBSTANCE: neutral particle beam injector based on the negative ions, containing an ion source, an accelerator and a converter in order to generate a beam of the neutral particles approximately of 5 MW with energy of approximately 0.50-1.0 MeV. Ions, generated by the ion source, are accelerated to the pre-injection at high energy accelarator by the electrostatic preaccelerator based on the multiaperture mesh that is used to draw the ion beams from the plasma and to accelerate to some fraction of the desired beam energy. A beam from the ion source passes through a pair of the deflecting magnets that provides the ability of the beam to move along the axis before entering the high energy accelerator. After acceleration to full energy, the beam enters the converter, wherein it is partially converted into a beam of the neutral particles. The remaining types of ions are separated by the magnet and sent to the electrostatic energy converters. The neutral particle beam passes through the check valve and enters the plasma chamber. EFFECT: increased productivity of the neutral particle beam forming. 23 cl, 18 dwg, 1 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 619 923 C2 (51) МПК G21K 1/00 (2006.01) H05H 3/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2012137795, 04.09.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.09.2012 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 04.09.2012 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.03.2014 Бюл. № 7 2 6 1 9 9 2 3 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): ТРАЙ АЛЬФА ЭНЕРДЖИ, ИНК. (US) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 4588955 A, 13.05.1986. RU 2038708 C1, 27.06.1995. US 2010219352 A1, 02.09.2010. PLASMA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 20090801 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS PUBLISHING, BRISTOL, GB, Часть:11, No:4, с.452-455. (54) ИНЖЕКТОР ПУЧКА НЕЙТРАЛЬНЫХ ЧАСТИЦ НА ОСНОВЕ ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНЫХ ИОНОВ (57) Формула изобретения 1. ...

21-05-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016110165A3

30-01-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2789165C1

Изобретение относится к ускорительной технике и может быть использовано при разработке источников тормозного излучения на основе линейных ускорителей электронов. Технический результат - получение тормозного излучения с диаметром фокусного пятна меньшим 1 мм. Источник тормозного излучения содержит электронную пушку, ускоряющую структуру, электронопровод, к выходу которого вакуумноплотно присоединен первый фланец, который через кольцевые прокладки и кольцевую перегородку герметично соединен со вторым фланцем. В апертуры фланцев впаяны соответственно первая и вторая круглые фольги, между которыми установлена цилиндрическая мишень диаметром меньше 1 мм, контактирующая своими торцами с обращенными друг к другу вогнутыми поверхностями вмятин в центрах первой и второй фольг. Кольцевая перегородка разделяет полость между первым и вторым фланцами на входную камеру и выходную камеры, которые соединены хладотрубопроводами через цилиндрические каналы, выполненные в первом и втором фланцах, с системой ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019143086A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2019 143 086 A (51) МПК A61B 5/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2019143086, 24.05.2018 (71) Заявитель(и): Б. БРАУН МЕЛЬЗУНГЕН АГ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): СПРАВЕ-БАУМБАХ, Габриэле (DE) 24.05.2017 DE 10 2017 111 459.9 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 24.12.2019 R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 24.06.2021 Бюл. № 18 (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2018/215618 (29.11.2018) A Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр. 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" R U (57) Формула изобретения 1. Аналитическое устройство (2), предназначенное для анализа выдыхаемого воздуха пациента (8), предпочтительно для контроля наркоза пациента (8) во время медицинского вмешательства, причем это аналитическое устройство (2) сконфигурировано таким образом, что оно определяет в выдыхаемом воздухе содержание анализируемого вещества, содержащегося в выдыхаемом воздухе пациента (8), причем это аналитическое устройство содержит по меньшей мере одну поликапиллярную колонку (4), предназначенную для предварительного разделения подвергаемого анализу выдыхаемого воздуха; и спектрометр (6) ионной подвижности, в котором газовые компоненты выдыхаемого воздуха ионизируются и с ускорением направляются к детектирующему устройству (20); причем это аналитическое устройство (2) выполнено с возможностью выдачи отклонений (28, 30) сигнала, которые создаются ионизированными газовыми компонентами выдыхаемого воздуха, попадающими в детектирующее устройство (20), отличающееся тем, что оно содержит блок (CPU) для определения, предназначенный для того, чтобы определять содержание определяемого анализируемого вещества, содержащегося в подвергаемом анализу выдыхаемом воздухе, путем калибровки отклонения (30) сигнала анализируемого вещества по отклонению (28) сигнала, вызываемому влажностью ...

10-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012137795A

... 1. Инжектор пучка нейтральных частиц на основе отрицательных ионов, содержащий:- источник ионов,- ускоритель, и- нейтрализатор.2. Инжектор по п.1, в котором источник ионов, ускоритель и нейтрализатор выполнены с возможностью формировать пучок нейтральных частиц с мощностью приблизительно в 5 МВт.3. Инжектор по п.1 или 2, в котором источник ионов, ускоритель и нейтрализатор выполнены с возможностью формировать пучок нейтральных частиц с энергией приблизительно в 0,50-1,0 МэВ.4. Инжектор по п.1 или 2, в котором ускоритель находится в пространственно разнесенной связи с источником ионов.5. Инжектор по п.3, в котором ускоритель находится в пространственно разнесенной связи с источником ионов.6. Инжектор по п.4, в котором ускоритель включает в себя предускоритель и ускоритель высокой энергии.7. Инжектор по п.6, в котором предускоритель является электростатическим предускорителем на основе многоапертурной сетки в источнике ионов.8. Инжектор по п.6, в котором ионы из источника ионов предварительно ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012112826A

... 1. Ускоритель частиц,- причем ускоритель частиц имеет по меньшей мере одну ускорительную секцию (1),- причем ускоритель частиц имеет устройство (5) электропитания,- причем устройство (5) электропитания с ускорительной секцией (1) соединено через фидерную линию (6), так что на ускорительную секцию (1) электрическая энергия может подаваться через фидерную линию (6) в импульсной форме,- причем ускорительная секция (1) на основе поданной на нее электрической энергии генерирует электрическое поле (Е), посредством которого электрически заряженные элементарные частицы (4) ускоряются,- причем устройство (5) электропитания содержит источник (7) постоянного тока и переключающее устройство (8),- причем устройство электропитания (5) выполнено таким образом, что поставляемая от источника (7) постоянного тока электрическая энергия емкостным образом буферизуется и при соответствующем управлении переключающим устройством (8) подается на ускорительную секцию (1),отличающийся тем, чтопереключающее устройство ...

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014128144A

... 1. Линейный ускоритель протонов, включающий в себя множество компонентов (10) ускорителя, расположенных друг за другом, указанные компоненты ускорителя содержат источник (11) протонов и множество ускорительных блоков (15, 17), идополнительно включающий в себя сетчатую опорную конструкцию (20) для поддержки указанных компонентов ускорителя, при этом указанная опорная конструкция имеет форму призмы с многоугольным сечением и множеством боковых граней (21), соединяющих противоположные торцы призмы, причем указанная опорная конструкция расположена концентрично по отношению к указанным компонентам ускорителя,отличающийся тем, что в соответствующих отверстиях (23), образованных на указанных боковых гранях опорной конструкции, установлено множество защитных блоков (30) из материала радиационной защиты.2. Ускоритель по п. 1, в котором указанный источник протонов является дуоплазматроном или микроволновым источником протонов.3. Ускоритель по п. 1, в котором указанные компоненты ускорителя дополнительно ...

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014144613A

1. Способ пакетирования пучка (115) заряженных частиц,причем частицы проходят через электрическое поле в устройстве (120),причем устройство (120) содержит кольцевой центральный электрод (330), который в направлении (101) пучка размещен между первым внешним электродом (310) и вторым внешним электродом (320),причем к центральному электроду (330) прикладывают зависимый от времени сигнал (610) электрического напряжения, временную характеристику которого выбирают таким образом, что находящиеся внутри устройства (120) частицы испытывают зависимое от положения изменение (510, 910, 920) скорости,причем характеристика изменения (510, 910, 920) скорости является примерно пилообразной в направлении (101) пучка.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором сигнал (610) электрического напряжения имеет приблизительно треугольную временную характеристику.3. Способ по любому из предыдущих пунктов, в котором между первым внешним электродом (310) и центральным электродом (330) выполнен первый зазор (315), а между центральным электродом (330) и вторым внешним электродом (320) выполнен второй зазор (325),при этом центры первого зазора (315) и второго зазора (325) имеют фиксированный интервал (340, 860, 870) зазоров относительно друг друга,причем сигнал (610) электрического напряжения имеет частоту возбуждения,причем частицы перед прохождением через устройство (120) имеют фиксированную скорость,причем интервал (210, 760) пакетов получается как частное от деления скорости на частоту возбуждения,причем частоту возбуждения выбирают таким образом, что по меньшей мере три самых низких компонента (810, 820 830) Фурье зависимого от положения изменения (510, 910, 920) скорости отличны от нуля.4. Способ по п. 3, в котором частоту возбуждения выбирают таким образом, что интервал (210, 760) пакетов в четыре раза больше, чем интервал (340, 860) заз РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H05H 7/18 (13) 2014 144 613 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)( ...

12-12-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2831742C1

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Варианты осуществления систем, устройств и способов относятся к быстрому мониторингу положения пучка для обнаружения неточного совмещения пучка в линии движения пучка. В примере быстрый монитор положения пучка включает в себя множество электродов, простирающихся во внутреннюю часть компонента линии движения пучка. Быстрый монитор положения пучка выполнен с возможностью обнаруживать положение пучка, проходящего через компонент линии движения пучка, на основе гало-тока пучка. Варианты осуществления систем, устройств и способов дополнительно относятся к неинвазивному мониторингу параметров пучков, продвигающихся вдоль линии движения пучка. В примерах газ впрыскивается в откачиваемую насосом камеру вдоль линии движения пучка. Один или более параметров пучка измеряются по люминесценции, получающейся в результате столкновений энергетических частиц пучка, продвигающегося через линию движения пучка. Применение данной группы изобретений позволит облегчить ...

10-03-2011 дата публикации

Teilchenbeschleuniger mit Schalteranordnung nahe einer Beschleunigerzelle

Номер: DE102009039998A1

Ein Teilchenbeschleuniger weist mindestens eine Beschleunigerzelle (1) und eine Stromversorgungseinrichtung (5) auf. Die Stromversorgungseinrichtung (5) ist mit der Beschleunigerzelle (1) über eine Einspeiseleitung (6) verbunden, so dass der Beschleunigerzelle (1) über die Einspeiseleitung (6) in gepulster Form elektrische Eenrgie zuführbar ist. Die Beschleunigerzelle (1) generiert aufgrund der ihr zugeführten elektrischen Energie ein elektrisches Feld (E), mittels dessen ein elektrisch geladenes Elementarteilchen (4) beschleunigt wird. Die Stromversorgungseinrichtung (5) weist eine Gleichstromquelle (7) und eine Schalteranordnung (8) auf. Die Stromversorgungseinrichtung (5) ist derart ausgebildet, dass von der Gleichstromquelle (7) gelieferte elektrische Energie kapazitiv gepuffert wird und bei entsprechender Ansteuerung der Schalteranordnung (8) der Beschleunigerzelle (1) zugeführt wird. Die Schalteranordnung (8) ist in der Nähe der Beschleunigerzelle (1) angeordnet, so dass sie einer ...

16-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003176741D1

24-04-2002 дата публикации

Monolithic structure with asymmetric coupling

Номер: GB0000206039D0

11-10-2017 дата публикации

Linear accelerating structure for charged hadrons

Номер: GB0201713889D0

06-12-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001158369A1

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000108874C2

30-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201201376A1

19-05-1961 дата публикации

Device improved to direct the target of a particle accelerator

Номер: FR0001261366A

22-05-1981 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002469625A


15-03-2019 дата публикации

Method and device for packetizing a beam-charged particle

Номер: KR0101958849B1
Принадлежит: 지멘스 악티엔게젤샤프트

본 발명은 빔-하전 입자를 패킷타이징하기 위한 방법에 관한 것이고, 여기서 입자들은 디바이스에서 전기장을 통과한다. 상기 디바이스는, 빔 방향으로 제1 외부 전극과 제2 외부 전극 사이에 배열되는 고리 모양의 형상화된 중심 전극을 포함한다. 시간-종속적 전기 전압 신호가 중심 전극에 인가되고, 그 시간 추이(temporal course)는 디바이스 내부의 입자들이 포지션-종속적 스피드 수정을 겪도록 선택된다. 스피드 수정 추이는 빔의 방향으로 대략 톱니-형상화된다. The present invention relates to a method for packet-taining beam-charged particles, wherein the particles pass through an electric field in the device. The device includes an annular shaped central electrode arranged between the first outer electrode and the second outer electrode in the beam direction. A time-dependent electrical voltage signal is applied to the center electrode, and its temporal course is selected such that particles within the device undergo position-dependent speed modification. The speed correction trend is roughly sawtooth-shaped in the direction of the beam.

18-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: WO2000028797A1

L'invention concerne un accélérateur linéaire à tubes de glissement de conception améliorée. Ledit accélérateur linéaire comporte une chambre à résonance conservant du vide et possédant un orifice d'entrée et un orifice de sortie, une source de champ HF produisant un champ de hautes fréquences oscillant dans la chambre, et plusieurs tubes de glissement sensiblement cylindriques comprenant un corps creux possédant une extrémité à faible puissance et une extrémité à haute puissance et renfermant un aimant, un obturateur d'extrémité basse puissance fixé à l'extrémité basse puissance du corps creux, un obturateur d'extrémité haute puissance fixé à l'extrémité haute puissance dudit corps creux, et une tige s'étendant dudit corps jusqu'à une surface intérieure de la chambre à résonance. Pendant le fonctionnement de l'accélérateur linéaire à tubes de glissement, ces derniers sont refroidis par un fluide de refroidissement provenant d'un réservoir de fluide de refroidissement, passant dans passage ...

10-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: US2008164421A1

The electrode lengths of a plurality of electrodes linearly arranged in an acceleration cavity are proportional to the velocity of a traveling ion beam. Further, the electrode length is so designated that, in each half of a predetermined cycle in the ion beam direction of travel, the absolute value of a difference, relative to a length that is proportional to the beam traveling velocity is equal to or greater than a value corresponding to the phase width of the traveling ion beam, is provided for electrodes that do not exceed three units and that are fewer than electrodes allotted to half the predetermined cycle.

31-03-2020 дата публикации

High power ion beam generator systems and methods

Номер: US0010609808B2
Принадлежит: PHOENIX LLC

Provided herein are high energy ion beam generator systems and methods that provide low cost, high performance, robust, consistent, uniform, low gas consumption and high current/high-moderate voltage generation of neutrons and protons. Such systems and methods find use for the commercial-scale generation of neutrons and protons for a wide variety of research, medical, security, and industrial processes.

03-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200377995A1

A system and associated method are described for depositing high-quality films for providing a nanolayered coating on a three-dimensional surface. The system includes a magnetic array comprising multiple sets of magnets arranged to have Hall-Effect regions that run lengthwise along a sputter target. The system further includes an elongated sputtering electrode material tube surrounding the magnetic array comprising multiple sets of magnets arranged to have Hall-Effect regions that run lengthwise along the sputter target. During operation, the system generates and controls ion flux for direct current high-power impulse magnetron sputtering. During operation logic circuitry issues a control signal to control a kick pulse property of a sustained positive voltage kick pulse taken from the group consisting of: onset delay, amplitude and duration.

30-03-2021 дата публикации

Radiation therapy system and method

Номер: US0010960229B2

The present disclosure relates to a system and a method. The system may include a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) apparatus configured to acquire MRI data with respect to a region of interest (ROI) and a therapeutic apparatus configured to apply therapeutic radiation to at least one portion of the ROI. The MRI apparatus may include a plurality of main magnetic coils arranged coaxially along an axis, a plurality of shielding magnetic coils arranged coaxially along the axis, and a cryostat in which the plurality of main magnetic coils and the plurality of shielding magnetic coils are arranged.

22-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EP2490512A1

A method of production of a radio frequency accelerator which has a tubular part 1 which forms an acceleration cavity, including a temporary assembly step of making a plurality of component members 11 to 14 which have shapes obtained by splitting the tubular part 1 mate with each other to temporarily assemble them into the shape of the tubular part 10 and a welding step of welding the plurality of component members 11 to 14 together. The temporary assembly step includes a step of placing, inside of the tubular part 1, support members 21 for contacting the inside surface of the tubular part 1 and supporting the tubular part 1 from the inside, and the welding step includes a step of welding the plurality of component members 11 to 14 along the butt lines 51 by friction stir welding.

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2580950C2

Изобретение относится к области ускорительной техники. На входе первого объемного резонатора предусмотрен электрод, который подключен к источнику постоянного напряжения и на основе которого формируется потенциальная яма, которая обуславливает ускорение частиц, испускаемых источником ионов, к первому объемному резонатору. За счет того что источник ионов и ускорительный участок, то есть объемные резонаторы ускорительного участка, находятся на общем потенциале, в частности потенциале земли, достигается то, что электростатическая потенциальная яма не вносит вклад в полную энергию частиц, полный эффект ускорения достигается за счет индукции напряжения в ВЧ резонаторе, и источник постоянного напряжения не нагружается током пучка, так что он не должен быть точно регулируемым или высокопроизводительным. Технический результат - повышение скорости заряженных частиц. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2584823C2

FIELD: instrument making. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to acceleration engineering. Microwave system with two paths; wherein one path may be directly connected to accelerating tube, and a second path may be supplied to accelerating tube after magnitude of microwave radiation power is changed by a power control unit such as an attenuator, a power divider, a pulse compressor or booster. EFFECT: technical result is fast switching of power injected into accelerating tube, and regulation of output power with accelerator. 9 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H05H 9/00 (13) 2 584 823 C2 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014137977/07, 19.09.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.09.2014 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.04.2016 Бюл. № 10 (45) Опубликовано: 20.05.2016 Бюл. № 14 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Нуктех Кампани Лимитед (CN), Цзинхуа Юниверсити (CN) 2 5 8 4 8 2 3 R U (54) СИСТЕМЫ ЛИНЕЙНЫХ УСКОРИТЕЛЕЙ ЭЛЕКТРОНОВ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области устройством регулирования мощности, таким как ускорительной техники. Система СВЧ-излучения аттенюатор, делитель мощности, компрессор с двумя трактами; при этом один тракт может импульсов или усилитель. Технический результат быть напрямую соединен с ускорительной - быстрое переключение мощности, вводимой в трубкой, а второй тракт может быть подведен к ускорительную трубку, и регулирование ускорительной трубке после того, как величина выходной энергии ускорителем. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. мощности СВЧ-излучения будет изменена Стр.: 1 C 2 C 2 Адрес для переписки: 119019, Москва, Гоголевский бульвар, 11, этаж 3, "Гоулингз Интернэшнл Инк.", Захаровой Н.С. 2 5 8 4 8 2 3 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2010066256A1, 18.03.2010. RU 118152U1, 10.07.2012. WO 2008121820A2, 09.10.2008. US 2008024065A1, 31.01.2008. R U 22.09.2013 CN 201310432067.8 ( ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2649909C2
Принадлежит: АДАМ С.А. (CH)

Изобретение относится к установке для линейного ускорения протонов протонной терапии. Линейный ускоритель протонов включает в себя множество компонентов ускорителя, расположенных друг за другом и содержащих источник протонов и множество ускорительных блоков. Ускоритель дополнительно включает в себя сетчатую опорную конструкцию для поддержки компонентов ускорителя. Опорная конструкция имеет форму призмы с многоугольным сечением и множеством боковых граней, соединяющих противоположные торцы призмы. Боковые грани содержат отверстия, в которых установлено множество защитных блоков из материала радиационной защиты. Опорная конструкция расположена концентрично по отношению к указанным компонентам ускорителя. Технический результат – возможность установки линейного ускорителя протонов в помещениях с ограниченным объемом. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 649 909 C2 (51) МПК A61N 5/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61N 5/10 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2014128144, 09.07.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): АДАМ С.А. (CH) Дата регистрации: 05.04.2018 2059346 C1, 27.04.1996. RU 2147900 C1, 27.04.2000. US 5014014 A1, 07.05.1991. 10.07.2013 EP 13175973.0 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.02.2016 Бюл. № 4 (45) Опубликовано: 05.04.2018 Бюл. № 10 2 6 4 9 9 0 9 R U (54) САМОЗАЩИЩЕННЫЙ ВЕРТИКАЛЬНЫЙ ЛИНЕЙНЫЙ УСКОРИТЕЛЬ ПРОТОНОВ ДЛЯ ПРОТОННОЙ ТЕРАПИИ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к установке для и множеством боковых граней, соединяющих линейного ускорения протонов протонной противоположные торцы призмы. Боковые грани терапии. Линейный ускоритель протонов содержат отверстия, в которых установлено включает в себя множество компонентов множество защитных блоков из материала ускорителя, расположенных друг за другом и радиационной защиты. Опорная конструкция содержащих источник протонов и множество расположена концентрично по отношению к ...

04-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2624450C2

FIELD: electricity. SUBSTANCE: in method for packing a beam of charged particles, the particles pass through the electric field in the device. The device comprises an annular electrode disposed in the direction of the beam between the first outer electrode and the second outer electrode. A time-dependent voltage signal is applied to the central electrode, the time characteristic of which is selected in such a way that the particles inside the device undergo the position-dependent speed variation, the speed variation characteristic being approximately sawtooth in the direction of the beam. EFFECT: improving the packing quality. 8 cl, 9 dwg С 2 2624450 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) (11) 2 о а аз (13) (50) МПК ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ НОЗН 7/18 (2006.01) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2014144613, 31.05.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 31.05.2012 Дата регистрации: 04.07.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 31.05.2012 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.07.2016 Бюл. №20 (45) Опубликовано: 04.07.2017 Бюл. № 19 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки РСТ на национальной фазе: 31.12.2014 (86) Заявка РСТ: ЕР 2012/060273 (31.05.2012) (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: УГО 2013/178275 (05.12.2013) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (72) Автор(ы): АПТАКЕР Питер Саймон (СВ), БИСЛИ Пол (СВ), ХАЙД Оливер (ОЕ) (73) Патентообладатель(и): СИМЕНС АКЦИЕНГЕЗЕЛЛЫПАФТ (ОЕ) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: 0% 466711 1А, 19.05.1987. 05 5719478,17.02.1998. 05 632686181, 04.12.2001. МЕ! К. её а|; "Оезюп ап Тез{ оЁ 2-4МНи замлоо-\ауе Рге-ВипсВег ог 26МН?7-КЕО"; ТРАС '10 Ргосеед1т2$, Куою; рр. 3903-3905; ХРО02695191; 2010; ГР. ВуйтзК! У. её а[; "А Тир Сар Кезопаог Оез12п Гог {Ше зерагаед РопсНноп ОТ, аё ТгаштЕ"; РАС 1997 Ргосее 4112$, (см. прод.) (54) СПОСОБ И УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПАКЕТИРОВАНИЯ ПУЧКА ЗАРЯЖЕННЫХ ЧАСТИЦ (57) Реферат: В ...

20-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2672860C2

Изобретение относится к средствам ускорения ионов для терапии фибрилляции (AF) предсердий, артериовенозных мальформаций (AVMS) и фокальных эпилептических нарушений. Система (12) состоит из источника (1) импульсов ионов, предварительного ускорителя (3) и одного или более линейных ускорителей или линаков (5, 6, 7), работающих на частотах, больших 1 ГГц, с частотой повторений от 1 Гц до 500 Гц. В пучке частиц, выходящем из комплекса (12), может изменяться (i) интенсивность (при воздействии на источник (1) ионов), (ii) глубина проникновения (путем независимой регулировки радиочастотных источников электроэнергии для ускорительных блоков линаков) и (iii) поперечно относительно центрального направления пучка (путем изменения токов в катушках двух ортогональных сканирующих магнитов, расположенных перед пациентом). Техническим результатом является возможность регулировки за несколько миллисекунд и в трех ортогональных направлениях места каждого ввода энергии в теле пациента, что позволяет осуществлять облучение бьющегося сердца. 3 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 1 табл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 672 860 C2 (51) МПК H05H 7/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H05H 7/22 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016110165, 13.08.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФОНДАЦИОНЕ ПЕР АДРОТЕРАПИЯ ОНКОЛОДЖИКА-ТЭРА (IT) Дата регистрации: 20.11.2018 2006170381 A1, 03.08.2006. DE 102011076262 A1, 29.11.2012. RU 2316157 C2, 27.01.2008. 22.08.2013 IT CO2013A000036 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 28.09.2017 Бюл. № 28 (45) Опубликовано: 20.11.2018 Бюл. № 32 (86) Заявка PCT: C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 22.03.2016 IB 2014/001514 (13.08.2014) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 2 6 7 2 8 6 0 WO 2015/025203 (26.02.2015) R U 2 6 7 2 8 6 0 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 2008081480 A1, 10.07.2008. US Приоритет(ы): (30) ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012157719A

... 1. Ускорительный участок для ВЧ ускорителя заряженных частиц с по меньшей мере одним объемным резонатором (31), который выполнен с возможностью ускорения частиц, испускаемых из источника (10) ионов,причем между источником (10) ионов и первым объемным резонатором (31) ускорительного участка осуществляется электростатическое предварительное ускорение на основе потенциальной ямы, иисточник (10) ионов и ускорительный участок, в частности, первый объемный резонатор (31), находятся под одним потенциалом (U0).2. Ускорительный участок по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что на первом объемном резонаторе (31) ускорительного участка размещен электрод (41), который по отношению к источнику (10) ионов находится под потенциалом (U1), так что для частицы, испускаемой из источника (10) ионов, создается ускоряющая потенциальная яма.3. Ускорительный участок по п. 2, отличающийся тем, что электрод (41) выполнен как кольцевой электрод на входе (х1) в первый объемный резонатор (31), который, в частности, выполнен таким ...

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005121525A

... 1. Линейный ускоритель для ускорения пучка ионов, характеризующийся тем, что он содержит (i) по меньшей мере, одну пару из первой и второй ускоряющих структур (8), выравненных по одной оси, резонирующих в электромагнитном поле стоячих волн Н-типа, в каждой из которых размещено несколько коаксиальных дрейфовых труб (15), поддерживаемых ножками и отделенных друг от друга с образованием соответствующего зазора (20), ускоряющего пучок ионов, при этом наружное окончание (8А) указанной первой ускоряющей структуры является входом для предварительно ускоренного, коллимированного и сфокусированного пучка ионов, а наружное окончание (8В) является выходом для пучка ионов высокой энергии, (ii) расположенную между ними структуру (9) связи или, при необходимости, модифицированную структуру (9А) связи для соединения с генератором (11) радиочастотной мощности, действующую в качестве моста для потока радиочастотной мощности между смежными ускоряющими структурами (8), коаксиальную, резонирующую в режиме ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012140481A

... 1. Высокочастотный (ВЧ) объемный резонатор для ускорения заряженных частиц (15), причем в ВЧ объемный резонатор (11) может вводиться электромагнитное ВЧ поле, которое в процессе работы воздействует на пучок (15) частиц, который пересекает ВЧ объемный резонатор (11),отличающийся тем, чтопо меньшей мере, один промежуточный электрод (13) для повышения электрической прочности на пробой размещен в ВЧ объемном резонаторе (11) вдоль хода пучка (15) частиц,причем промежуточный электрод (13) имеет, таким образом, ограниченную проводимость, что промежуточный электрод (13) при вводе электромагнитного ВЧ поля на рабочей частоте ВЧ объемного резонатора, по меньшей мере, частично пронизывается введенным электромагнитным ВЧ полем.2. ВЧ объемный резонатор по п.1, причем промежуточный электрод (13) имеет тонкий слой с ограниченной проводимостью, так что введенное электромагнитное ВЧ поле на рабочей частоте ВЧ объемного резонатора пронизывает промежуточный электрод.3. ВЧ объемный резонатор по п.1 или 2, ...

15-04-2020 дата публикации

Method for use with a radiotherapy device

Номер: GB0002577858A

A method of determining the nature of a fault in a radiotherapy device comprising a linear accelerator. The device has a vacuum tube with: an electron gun 202, at a first end; a waveguide 204, for accelerating the electrons towards a target to produce radiation; and, a flight tube 206, at a second end. Two sensors 232,236 detect signals indicative of pressure in first and second regions of the vacuum tube respectively, the first region being closer to the first end than the second region is. The method comprises processing the signals to compare pressures in each region to associated thresholds, to determine the fault nature. The signals may be time-averaged. A rotatable gantry may be included, with a radiation source attached. A system including the radiotherapy device, a remote controller 260 and a central controller 270 which receives data from the radiotherapy device is also discussed.

28-11-2001 дата публикации

Radio frequency linear accelerator

Номер: GB0000123977D0

04-06-2014 дата публикации

Linear accelerator

Номер: GB0201407161D0

29-11-2017 дата публикации

Linear accelerating structure for protons

Номер: GB0201716879D0

17-05-2017 дата публикации

Shielding structures for linear accelerators

Номер: GB0201705371D0

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AU2017216558A1
Принадлежит: AJ PARK

A negative ion-based neutral beam injector comprising a negative ion source, accelerator and neutralizer to produce about a 5 MW neutral beam with energy of about 0.50 to 1.0 MeV. The ions produced by the ion source are pre-accelerated before injection into a high energy accelerator by an electrostatic multi-aperture grid pre accelerator, which is used to extract ion beams from the plasma and accelerate to some fraction of the required beam energy. The beam from the ion source passes through a pair of deflecting magnets, which enable the beam to shift off axis before entering the high energy accelerator. After acceleration to full energy, the beam enters the neutralizer where it is partially converted into a neutral beam. The remaining ion species are separated by a magnet and directed into electrostatic energy converters. The neutral beam passes through a gate valve and enters a plasma chamber. C~Cl ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Improvements to linear accelerators

Номер: AU2019273122A1

The invention relates to a drum assembly for a linear accelerator, the drum assembly comprising a drum having a front face including a front rim and a rear face including a rear rim, one or more support wheels supporting the drum, an arm extending from the front face of the drum and including a beam collimator through which a beam of radiation is emitted to form a radiation isocentre. One or more rear rim members are associated with the rear rim, the rear rim members adapted to substantially offset isocentre distortion due to unintended movement of the drum assembly. The invention also relates to variants thereto and combinations thereof.

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003101216A1
Принадлежит: BERESKIN & PARR LLP/S.E.N.C.R.L.,S.R.L.

The invention relates to a drum assembly for a linear accelerator, the drum assembly comprising a drum having a front face including a front rim and a rear face including a rear rim, one or more support wheels supporting the drum, an arm extending from the front face of the drum and including a beam collimator through which a beam of radiation is emitted to form a radiation isocentre. One or more rear rim members are associated with the rear rim, the rear rim members adapted to substantially offset isocentre distortion due to unintended movement of the drum assembly. The invention also relates to variants thereto and combinations thereof.

03-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002797395A1
Принадлежит: Quan Japan Co Ltd

By positioning, in a cascade, a plurality of acceleration electrode tubes (LA#1-LA#28), which impart an acceleration potential to a charged particle (2), and appropriately controlling the timing of acceleration voltage impression to each acceleration electrode tube (LA#1-LA#28) with a control device (8), it is possible to acquire acceleration energies every time the charged particle (2) jumps the gaps of the acceleration electrode tubes (LA#1-LA#28).

09-02-1996 дата публикации

An electrostatic particle accelerator in a vacuum system.

Номер: FR0002710487B1

11-04-2018 дата публикации

초전도 가속기

Номер: KR0101848220B1

... 초전도 가속기는, 초전도 상태에서 하전 입자 빔을 가속하는 공간을 형성하는 가속 공동과, 가속 공동의 외주측에 배치되며, 가속 공동과의 간극에 가속 공동을 냉각하는 냉매가 충전되는 냉매조(11)를 구비한다. 초전도 가속기는, 냉매조(11)의 외주부에 마련되고, 가속 공동에 있어서의 하전 입자 빔의 빔축 방향의 양단부, 또는 빔축 방향에 직교하는 방향의 양단부에 각각 마련된 한 쌍의 압압 부재(21)를 더 구비한다. 초전도 가속기는, 냉매조(11)의 외주부에 연속하여 마련되고, 한 쌍의 압압 부재(21)끼리를 접근시키는 방향의 장력을 발생시키는 와이어(22)와, 와이어(22)에서 발생하는 장력을 조정하는 장력 조정부(25)를 더 구비한다.

02-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170046626A

The present invention relates to a particle accelerator model kit using electrostatic force, comprising: a plurality of rail units, as insulated bodies, being coupled to one another to form one circular guide rail; a positive electrode line formed in the direction vertical to the rail units and formed to be spaced at regular intervals; a model particle ball coated with electrification materials and positioned on the rail units to move; a circuit control unit connected to the electrode line to control application of voltage; and a power source unit applying power to the circuit control unit. The present invention provides the educational particle accelerator model kit using the electrostatic force, having an educational toy form to enable a user to easily understand the principle of the particle accelerator, enabling the user to rapidly and easily understand the principle of the particle accelerator by simple configuration and simple operation, and having low manufacturing costs. COPYRIGHT ...

23-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170070926A

The present invention provides a system and a method of measuring displacement of an accelerating tube in a high vacuum chamber using an accurate alignment device. According to the present invention, the system to measure displacement of an accelerating tube comprises: a vacuum chamber having the inside of a vacuum state; a hollow accelerating tube located in the vacuum chamber; a reference scale protruding by being attached onto a surface of the accelerating tube; an accurate alignment device installed in one side of the vacuum chamber at fixated intervals; a first lens device installed between the accurate alignment device and the vacuum chamber; and a second lens device installed in the other side of the vacuum chamber at fixated intervals. The vacuum chamber includes a first viewport and a second viewport located to correspond to each other on one side and the other side. The accurate alignment device, the first lens device, the first viewport, the reference scale, the second viewport ...

10-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011015438A1

The present invention relates to a waveguide, in particular waveguides in a dielectric–wall accelerator, and to a method for the manufacture thereof. According to the present invention, planar contact electronic assemblies (50) are integrated in a waveguide, in particular a waveguide of an accelerator cell (10) of a dielectric–wall accelerator.

14-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011042251A1
Автор: HEID, Oliver

The invention relates to an HF resonator cavity for accelerating charged particles (15), wherein an electromagnetic HF field can be coupled into the HF resonator cavity which field acts upon a particle beam (15) when operated, said particle beam traversing the HF resonator cavity (11). The invention is characterized in that at least one intermediate electrode (13) for increasing the electrical disruptive strength in the HF resonator cavity (11) is arranged along the beam path of the particle beam (15).

13-08-2019 дата публикации

Wafer-based charged particle accelerator, wafer components, methods, and applications

Номер: US0010383205B2

A wafer-based charged particle accelerator includes a charged particle source and at least one RF charged particle accelerator wafer sub-assembly and a power supply coupled to the at least one RF charged particle accelerator wafer sub-assembly. The wafer-based charged particle accelerator may further include a beam current-sensor. The wafer-based charged particle accelerator may further include at least a second RF charged particle accelerator wafer sub-assembly and at least one ESQ charged particle focusing wafer. Fabrication methods are disclosed for RF charged particle accelerator wafer sub-assemblies, ESQ charged particle focusing wafers, and the wafer-based charged particle accelerator.

27-07-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230239991A1

A reusable joint for a medical linac, a reusable CF choke flange for a medical linac, a linac and a method for forming a reusable joint for a medical linac are disclosed. The reusable joint comprises a CF choke flange, a CF cover flange and a gasket. The CF choke flange comprises a first waveguide aperture, a choke groove and a first CF groove comprising a first knife-edge, wherein the choke groove is disposed radially inwards from the first CF groove on the CF choke flange. The CF cover flange comprises a second waveguide aperture aligned with the first waveguide aperture and a second CF groove comprising a second knife-edge and aligned with the first CF groove. The gasket is disposed between and in contact with the first CF groove and the second CF groove.

27-04-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230125883A1
Автор: Keith E. Kowal
Принадлежит: Applied Materials, Inc.

An apparatus may include global control module, the global control module including a digital master clock generator and a master waveform generator. The apparatus may also include a plurality of resonator control modules, coupled to the global control module. A given resonator control module of the plurality of resonator control modules may include a synchronization module, having a first input coupled to receive a resonator output voltage pickup signal from a local resonator, a second input coupled to receive a digital master clock signal from the digital master clock generator, and a first output coupled to send a delay signal to the master waveform generator.

26-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EP2537625A1

Provided is a welding method of welding a cylindrical stiffening member to an outer circumference of a superconducting accelerator tube body using a laser beam in a process of manufacturing a superconducting accelerator tube. The laser beam is configured such that a distribution profile of energy density on an irradiated face to which the laser beam is irradiated is a Gaussian distribution profile having a peak section, and the energy density of the peak section is 5.8×105 W/cm2 or more.

14-05-2014 дата публикации

Номер: JP0005489830B2

25-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2617440C2

Ускоритель частиц имеет по меньшей мере одну ускорительную секцию (1) и устройство (5) электропитания. Устройство (5) электропитания с ускорительной секцией (1) соединено через фидерную линию (6), так что на ускорительную секцию (1) электрическая энергия может подаваться через фидерную линию (6) в импульсной форме. Ускорительная секция (1) на основе поданной на нее электрической энергии генерирует электрическое поле (Е), посредством которого электрически заряженные элементарные частицы (4) ускоряются. Устройство (5) электропитания содержит источник (7) постоянного тока и переключающее устройство (8). Устройство (5) электропитания выполнено таким образом, что поставляемая от источника (7) постоянного тока электрическая энергия емкостным образом накапливается и при соответствующем управлении переключающим устройством (8) подается на ускорительную секцию (1). Переключающее устройство (8) размещено вблизи ускорительной секции (1), так что оно подвергается действию ионизирующего излучения, которое ...

09-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU207660U1

Многоапертурный согласующий канал с радиальной компрессией пучков ионов эффективен для применения в многоканальных ускорителях ионов, инжекция в которые производится из плазмы с низкой плотностью ионной компоненты и большой площадью поверхности эмиссии ионов. Оригинальность предложенного технического решения в том, что размеры входных апертур трубок дрейфа отдельных каналов полезной модели превосходят геометрические размеры апертур на ее выходе. Это позволяет обеспечивать отбор ионов для ускорения в каждом отдельном канале многоканальной ускоряющей ВЧ системы от плазменной поверхности, площадь которой превосходит соответствующий размер канала ускоряющей ВЧ системы, способствуя увеличению общей площади поверхности экстракции ионов для ускорения. Примененный способ электростатической фокусировки ионов электрическим полем в ускоряющих зазорах между смежными трубками дрейфа, которые имеют в данных зазорах одинаковые размеры апертур, синхронно уменьшающихся к выходу полезной модели, обеспечивает ...

02-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: DE0029920979U1

22-01-2020 дата публикации

Radiotherapy apparatus

Номер: GB0002575637A

A radiotherapy apparatus has the waveguide of a linear accelerator enclosed by a housing 58 of nickel-iron alloy of high magnetic permeability. The linac is mounted to a magnetic resonance imaging system to provide for image guided radiotherapy. Its housing has a first aperture (120, figure 8) through which a therapeutic X-ray beam is delivered, and a second aperture (82, figure 3) through which electrons enter the accelerator waveguide and through which pass electrical cables 106 for the particle source and coolant pipes 104 for the waveguide. The housing shields the linac from the magnetic field of the MRI system: preferably it is continuously curved in cross-section and is made from multiple parts with overlapping joints joined by fillet welds and/or mechanical fixings. The housing attaches to the MRI system via an interface flange 72. A collar 64 couples an RF waveguide 56 to the second aperture whilst the cabling and piping enter through a protrusion 102 of the aperture. The linac ...

13-07-2016 дата публикации

Radiotherapy systems and methods

Номер: GB0002528863B
Автор: JOHN ALLEN, John Allen
Принадлежит: ELEKTA LTD, Elekta Limited

19-04-2004 дата публикации

Particle accelerator having wide energy control range

Номер: AU2003272744A8

31-08-2017 дата публикации

Negative ion-based neutral beam injector

Номер: AU2013312795B2
Принадлежит: AJ PARK

A negative ion-based neutral beam injector comprising a negative ion source, accelerator and neutralizer to produce about a 5 MW neutral beam with energy of about 0.50 to 1.0 MeV. The ions produced by the ion source are pre-accelerated before injection into a high energy accelerator by an electrostatic multi-aperture grid pre-accelerator, which is used to extract ion beams from the plasma and accelerate to some fraction of the required beam energy. The beam from the ion source passes through a pair of deflecting magnets, which enable the beam to shift off axis before entering the high energy accelerator. After acceleration to full energy, the beam enters the neutralizer where it is partially converted into a neutral beam. The remaining ion species are separated by a magnet and directed into electrostatic energy converters. The neutral beam passes through a gate valve and enters a plasma chamber.

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003094437A1

Proton beams are a promising alternative to X-rays for therapeutic purposes because they may also destroy cancer cells, but with a greatly reduced damage to healthy tissue. The energy dose in tissue may be concentrated at the tumor site by configuring the beam to position the Bragg Peak proximate the tumor. The longitudinal range of a proton beam in tissue is generally dependent upon the energy of the beam. However, after switching energies, the proton-beam system requires some time for the beam energy to stabilize before it may be used for therapy A proton linear accelerator system is provided for irradiating tissue with an improved beam energy control, configured to provide RF energy from afirst RF energy source during the on-time of the proton beam operating cycle for changing the energy of the proton beam, and to provide RF energy from a second distinct RF energy source during the off-time of the proton beam operating cycle for increasing or maintaining the temperature of the cavity ...

14-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002776983A1

The invention relates to an HF resonator cavity for accelerating charged particles (15), wherein an electromagnetic HF field can be coupled into the HF resonator cavity which field acts upon a particle beam (15) when operated, said particle beam traversing the HF resonator cavity (11). The invention is characterized in that at least one intermediate electrode (13) for increasing the electrical disruptive strength in the HF resonator cavity (11) is arranged along the beam path of the particle beam (15).

01-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002800755A1

The present invention relates to a method and a device for injecting charged particles into the first cavity resonator of an RF particle accelerator. An electrode is provided at the entrance to the first cavity resonator, which electrode is connected to a DC voltage source and generates a potential well that accelerates the particles leaving an ion source towards the first cavity resonator. As a result of the ion source and the accelerator path, i.e. more particularly the cavity resonators of the accelerator path, lying at a common potential, more particularly earth potential, the electrostatic potential well does not contribute to the overall energy of the particles, the overall acceleration effect is brought about by voltage induction in the RF resonator and the DC voltage source is not loaded by the beam current, and so the latter need not be precisely regulated or powerful.

03-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013002305A1
Автор: KOKUBO Yuji

Provided is a charged particle accelerator that can be designed and produced more easily than conventional linear accelerators and with which it is possible to obtain an accelerating current of an arbitrary intensity. This charged particle accelerator comprises a plurality of charged particle accelerating units that are made up of accelerating electrodes lined up along respective travel trajectories, the charged particle accelerator being configured in a manner such that a plurality of ion beams emitted from an ion emitting unit can be accelerated in synchronization with one another by the respective charged particle accelerating units.

27-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012175381A1
Автор: HEID, Oliver

The invention relates to a particle accelerator (100) for accelerating a helical beam (150) of charged particles (151) which each move at a prescribed velocity (v1) rectilinearly along a prescribed axis (101) comprising: - a circular-cylindrical RF cavity (110) having an annular entry gap (113) and an annular exit gap (115), situated opposite the entry gap (113), for the helical particle beam (150), and - an RF generator device (120) for producing a circularly polarized electromagnetic wave (160) within the RF cavity (110), wherein the circularly polarized electromagnetic wave comprises an electrical field (161) which is oriented in the direction of the axis (101) and rotates about the axis (101) in sync with the point of entry of the helical particle beam (150) into the RF cavity (110). In addition, the invention relates to an accelerator arrangement and a method for accelerating a helical beam (150) of charged particles (151).

31-08-2010 дата публикации

Fast ferroelectric phase shift controller for accelerator cavities

Номер: US0007786675B2
Принадлежит: Omega-P, Inc., OMEGA P INC, OMEGA-P, INC.

The present invention relates to methods and systems for fast ferroelectric tuning of RF power used in a particle accelerating system. By adjusting the voltages fed to the ferroelectric phase shift controller, the amplitude and phase of the RF power wave are altered, thus changing the coupling of the power generating circuit and the superconducting cavity. By altering this coupling rapidly, maximum power transfer efficiency can be achieved, which is important given the large amounts of power shunted through the particle accelerating system. In one embodiment, the ferroelectric tuner is optimally made of a magic-T waveguide circuit element and two phase shifters, although other implementations of the system may be utilized. Alternative phase shifters are shown.

30-07-2019 дата публикации

Configurable linear accelerator trigger distribution system and method

Номер: US0010367508B1

Some embodiments include a system comprising: a first control logic configured to receive a first trigger and generate a second trigger in response to the first trigger the second trigger having a delay relative to the first trigger of a configurable number of cycles of a counter of the first control logic; a second control logic configured to receive the second trigger and generate a third trigger in response to the second trigger the third trigger having a delay relative to the second trigger of a configurable number of cycles of a counter of the second control logic; and a third control logic configured to receive the second trigger and generate a fourth trigger in response to the second trigger the fourth trigger having a delay relative to the second trigger of a configurable number of cycles of a counter of the third control logic. A particle beam may be accelerated in response to the triggers.

28-12-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230420821A1
Автор: Hideharu TAKAHASHI

According to one embodiment, an high-frequency input coupler installed between a waveguide and an acceleration cavity to input high-frequency waves from the waveguide to the acceleration cavity, a coaxial waveguide conversion unit includes a high-frequency transmission window structure connection unit that connects the high-frequency transmission window structure and an inner conductor connection unit that connects an inner conductor which includes an inner conductor support on a side of the inner conductor connection unit, and the high-frequency input coupler includes an electrically connectable and deformable buffer between the inner conductor support and the inner conductor connection unit.

27-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2316157C2

FIELD: linear accelerators with drift tubes, possible use for accelerating low energy ion beams. SUBSTANCE: in accordance to the invention the particles enter the accelerator at low energy, get accelerated and focused along a straight line in several resonance accelerating structures with connection structures positioned between them up to desired energy, for example, for therapeutic purposes. In accelerating structures, excited with resonance electromagnetic field of H-type, several coaxial drift tubes are positioned, between which a set of accelerating gaps is provided. Aforementioned drift tubes are supported by means of, for example, alternating horizontal and vertical legs. Base module consists of two accelerating structures and connection structures positioned between them or when necessary a modified connection structure, connected to radio frequency power generator. Connection structure when necessary may be connected to vacuum system, and also may be fitted with quadripole lenses. Aforementioned base module may be extended with production of modules, which have odd number n of connection structures and even number N=n+1 of accelerating structures. Linear accelerator contains one or more modules and ensures production of high acceleration gradient and very compact structure. EFFECT: reduced manufacturing costs and operational costs, decreased dimensions of accelerator unit, ensured stability of accelerating field. 3 cl, 11 dwg, 1 tbl ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß RU (19) (11) 2 316 157 (13) C2 (51) ÌÏÊ H05H 9/04 H05H 7/22 (2006.01) (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2005121525/06, 13.06.2003 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÀÌÀËÜÄÈ Óãî (CH), ÊÐÅØÅÍÒÈ Ìàññèìî (CH), ÖÅÍÍÀÐÎ Ðèêêàðäî (CH) (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 13.06.2003 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): ÔÎÍÄÀÖÈÎÍÅ ÏÅÐ ÀÄÐÎÒÅÐÀÏÈß ÎÍÊÎËÎÄÆÈÊÀ-ÒÝÐÀ (IT) (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 20.01.2006 R U (30) ...

21-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2762668C2

Изобретение относится к выводному окну для электронного пучка из линейного ускорителя для использования в процессе производства радиоизотопов. Выводное окно содержит цилиндрический канал, функционально соединяемый на одном конце с вакуумной камерой, предназначенной для прохождения через нее электронного пучка, а также куполообразную чашевидную головку на другом конце канала. Причем чашевидная головка содержит выпуклую часть, имеющую выступающую верхнюю часть, предназначенную для прохода через нее электронного пучка. Геометрия куполообразной чашевидной головки выбрана так, чтобы обеспечивать сопротивление напряжению от давления, создаваемого охлаждающей средой, циркулирующей вокруг выступающей верхней части, и вакуумом в цилиндрическом канале, и поддерживать объединенные тепловое напряжение и напряжение от давления ниже предела усталости материала, образующего выводное окно. Техническим результатом является возможность выводного окна для электронов выдерживать в ходе производства изотопов с использованием потока тормозного излучения высокие перепады давления с минимизацией усталостного разрушения из-за высоких динамических термически индуцированных напряжений, вызванных импульсным электронным пучком, 31 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 762 668 C2 (51) МПК H05H 7/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H05H 7/22 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019126617, 26.01.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): КАНЕЙДЬЕН ЛАЙТ СОРС ИНК. (CA) Дата регистрации: 21.12.2021 26.01.2017 US 62/450,935 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 26.02.2021 Бюл. № 6 (45) Опубликовано: 21.12.2021 Бюл. № 36 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 26.08.2019 2 7 6 2 6 6 8 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 2015176188 A1, 26.11.2015. WO 2014186898 A1, 27.11.2014. WO 2009000076 A1, 31.12. ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2589739C2

FIELD: physics. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to high-frequency (HF) volume resonator for acceleration of charged particles (15), besides, HF cavity resonator (11) can be introduced HF electromagnetic field, which during operation acts on beam (15) of particles, which crosses the HF cavity resonator. Resonator has at least one intermediate electrode (13) to increase electric breakdown strength, arranged in HF volume resonator (11) along run beam (15) of intermediate electrode (13) has so limited conductivity that intermediate electrode at introduction of electromagnetic HF field frequency HF cavity resonator is pierced with at least partially introduced HF electromagnetic field. EFFECT: technical result is increase in strength of resonator for breakdown. 10 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H05H 7/18 (13) 2 589 739 C2 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012140481/07, 02.02.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 02.02.2011 (72) Автор(ы): ХАЙД Оливер (DE) (73) Патентообладатель(и): СИМЕНС АКЦИЕНГЕЗЕЛЛЬШАФТ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.03.2014 Бюл. № 9 R U 24.02.2010 DE 102010009024.7 (45) Опубликовано: 10.07.2016 Бюл. № 19 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 24.09.2012 2 5 8 9 7 3 9 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 5532210A, 02.07.1996. GB 685654A, 07.01.1953. WO 9833228A2, 30.07.1998. US 6025681A, 15.02.2000. US 2001040220A1, 15.11.2001 . (86) Заявка PCT: 2 5 8 9 7 3 9 R U C 2 C 2 EP 2011/051464 (02.02.2011) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2011/104079 (01.09.2011) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) ВЧ ОБЪЕМНЫЙ РЕЗОНАТОР И УСКОРИТЕЛЬ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к высокочастотному вдоль хода пучка (15) частиц, причем (ВЧ) объемному резонатору для ускорения ...

30-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2784895C1

Изобретение относится к источнику тормозного излучения. Источник содержит электронную пушку, ускоряющую структуру, электронопровод, к выходу которого вакуумноплотно присоединен первый фланец, который через первую кольцевую прокладку, кольцевую перегородку и вторую кольцевую прокладку герметично соединен со вторым фланцем. В апертуры фланцев впаяны соответственно первая и вторая круглые фольги, между которыми установлена цилиндрическая мишень диаметром меньше 1 мм, контактирующая своими торцами с обращенными друг к другу вогнутыми поверхностями вмятин в центрах первой и второй фольг. Кольцевая перегородка разделяет полость между первым и вторым фланцами на входную и выходную камеры, которые соединены хладотрубопроводами через цилиндрические каналы, выполненные в первом и втором фланцах, с системой циркуляции хладоагента, контроля его температуры и давления. В кольцевую перегородку с обеих сторон впаяны третья и четвертая фольги с центральными, соосными с цилиндрической мишенью, отверстиями ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2762668C9

FIELD: radioisotope production. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to an output window for an electron beam from a linear accelerator for use in the production of radioisotopes. The output window contains a cylindrical channel functionally connected at one end to a vacuum chamber designed for the passage of an electron beam through it, as well as a domed cup-shaped head at the other end of the channel. The cup-shaped head contains a convex part having a protruding upper part designed for the passage of an electron beam through it. The geometry of the domed cup-shaped head is chosen so that to provide resistance to tension from the pressure created by a cooling medium circulating around the protruding upper part and the vacuum in the cylindrical channel, and to maintain combined thermal tension and pressure tension below the fatigue limit of material forming the outlet window. EFFECT: possibility of the output window for electrons to withstand high pressure drops during the production of isotopes using a braking radiation flux with minimization of fatigue failure due to high dynamic thermally induced tensions caused by a pulsed electron beam. 32 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 762 668 C9 (51) МПК H05H 7/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) СКОРРЕКТИРОВАННОЕ ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ Примечание: библиография отражает состояние при переиздании (52) СПК H05H 7/22 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019126617, 26.01.2018 26.01.2018 (73) Патентообладатель(и): КАНЕЙДЬЕН ЛАЙТ СОРС ИНК. (CA) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (43) Дата публикации заявки: 26.02.2021 Бюл. № 6 (45) Опубликовано: 21.12.2021 (15) Информация о коррекции: Версия коррекции №1 (W1 C2) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 2015176188 A1, 26.11.2015. WO 2014186898 A1, 27.11.2014. WO 2009000076 A1, 31.12.2008. US 7800012 B2, 21.09.2010. US 5898261 A1, 27.04.1999. US 5561342 A1, 01.10.1996. US 5524042 A1, 04.06.1996. US 5391958 A1, ...

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012103491A

... 1. ВЧ резонатор, содержащийкамеру,окружающую камеру проводящую стенку (15), которая имеет внутреннюю сторону (19) и внешнюю сторону (17), иустройство переключения с множеством твердотельных переключателей (29), которые размещены вдоль периметра стенки (15) вокруг камеры,причем твердотельные переключатели (29) с проводящей стенкой (15) соединены таким образом, что при активировании устройства переключения ВЧ токи индуцируются в проводящей стенке (15), за счет чего ВЧ мощность вводится в камеру ВЧ резонатора (11),отличающийся тем, чтона внешней стороне (17) проводящей стенки (15) вдоль периметра ВЧ резонатора (11) имеется экранирующее устройство (33, 37, 39, 41, 43), которое повышает импеданс пути распространения ВЧ токов вдоль внешней стороны (17) стенки (15) так, что введенные в стенку (15) ВЧ токи подавляются на внешней стороне (17) стенки (15).2. ВЧ резонатор по п.1, причемпроводящая стенка (15) имеет первый участок (21) и второй участок (23), изолированный от первого участка (21), и ...

03-02-2021 дата публикации

Radiotherapy apparatus

Номер: GB2575637A8

A radiotherapy apparatus has the waveguide of a linear accelerator enclosed by a housing 58 of nickel-iron alloy of high magnetic permeability. The linac is mounted to a magnetic resonance imaging system to provide for image guided radiotherapy. Its housing has a first aperture (120, figure 8) through which a therapeutic X-ray beam is delivered, and a second aperture (82, figure 3) through which electrons enter the accelerator waveguide and through which pass electrical cables 106 for the particle source and coolant pipes 104 for the waveguide. The housing shields the linac from the magnetic field of the MRI system: preferably it is continuously curved in cross-section and is made from multiple parts with overlapping joints joined by fillet welds and/or mechanical fixings. The housing attaches to the MRI system via an interface flange 72. A collar 64 couples an RF waveguide 56 to the second aperture whilst the cabling and piping enter through a protrusion 102 of the aperture. The linac ...

15-01-2003 дата публикации

Particle accelerator formed from a series of monolithic sections

Номер: GB0002377547A

A device for use in a linear accelerator, operable to accelerate charged particles along a beam axis 50, comprises a plurality of monolithic members 70 connected to form a series of accelerating cavities 72 aligned along the beam axis 50, and coupling cavities 74. Each coupling cavity 74 intersects and communicates with adjacent accelerating cavities 72 at first and second coupling apertures (or irises) 80, said first and second apertures 80 having different sizes. Each monolithic member 70 defines accelerating and coupling half-cavities (figure 5), which can be interconnected using a brazing process. Coupling cavities 74 are designed to be longitudinally asymmetric, the coupling half-cavity of each monolithic member 70 having its post 84 height adjusted to make each partial coupling cavity resonant at an identical desired frequency.

19-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003272744A1

05-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002797395C

A cascade of accelerating electrode tubes (LA#1 to LA#28) that apply an accelerating electric potential to a charged particle (2) are provided. With a controller (8) appropriately controlling timings to apply an accelerating voltage to the accelerating electrode tubes (LA#1 to LA#28), accelerating energy can be gained each time the charged particle (2) passes through gaps between the accelerating electrode tubes (LA#1 to LA#28).

31-03-1995 дата публикации

Electrostatic particle accelerator in a vacuum system

Номер: FR0002710487A1

... a) Accélérateur électrostatique de particules dans un système sous vide, b) caractérisé en ce que le chemin d'accélération, formé des différents tubes à transit (E1-E6), est totalement coaxial sur toute sa longueur à l'intérieur du multiplicateur de haute tension (S1-S6) qui l'entoure de façon annulaire.

24-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002954666A1
Принадлежит: THALES

Dispositif compact pour générer des particules caractérisé en ce qu'il comporte au moins les éléments suivants sont disposés dans une enceinte mise sous vide grâce à un système de mise sous vide (2) : une première partie accélérateur de particules comprenant un premier moyen (7) de génération des particules accélérées dans une partie accélérateur (9), ladite partie accélérateur de particules étant alimentée en puissance haute tension RF grâce à la puissance générée par une deuxième partie composée d'au moins un deuxième moyen de génération (8, 20, 21) de paquets de particules qui génère la puissance haute tension RF. Application à la génération d'électrons.

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150313001A1
Принадлежит: Elekta AB (Publ)

A linear accelerator is disclosed, having a series of interconnected cavities through at least some of which an rf signal and an electron beam are sent, comprising at least one variable coupler projecting into the a cavity of the series, a control apparatus adapted to interpret an electrical signal from the coupler and derive diagnostic information as to the electron beam therefrom, wherein the control apparatus is further adapted to vary the interaction of the at least one coupler with the rf signal in dependence on the diagnostic information. Thus, the accelerator properties can be adjusted by encouraging or inciting an Higher-Order Mode (“HOM”) having a desired effect such as bunching and/or deflecting. The coupler could be rotateable, and partially or fully retractable, to allow its influence to be adjusted and/or for it to be removed from service when not needed. Several such probes could be available, approaching the cavity from different directions or at different locations, or approaching different cavities. The coupler can be asymmetric, in order to exert an appropriate influence on the cavity and provoke a useful HOM. For example, it can be elongate with at least one directional deviation, such as a hockey stick. Generally, however, the appropriate shape for the coupler will be dependent on the shape of the cavity with which it is working and the specific HOMs that are to be excited. 1. A linear accelerator having an evacuated accelerating path comprising a series of interconnected cavities , through at least part of which an rf signal and an electron beam are sent , comprising:at least one variable coupler projecting into the accelerating path; anda controller adapted to interpret an electrical signal from the variable coupler and to derive diagnostic information regarding the electron beam sent through the accelerating path;wherein the controller is further adapted to vary, based on the derived diagnostic information, an interaction of the at least one ...

01-03-1994 дата публикации

Electrostatic lens arrangement of multi-stages of multi-pole electrodes and mass spectrometer using the same

Номер: US0005291016A1
Автор: Taya; Shunroku
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

An electrostatic lens arrangement of three stages of quadrupole electrodes comprising first, second and third stage electrostatic lens unit connected in series, each electrostatic lens unit including first, second, third and fourth electrode arranged around a circle surrounding a center axis of an ion beam passage with an equal interval of 90° C., wherein the respective first, second, third and fourth electrodes for the first, second and third stage electrostatic lens unit are respectively supported by first, second, third and fourth common supporting rod along respective straight lines while electrically insulating each other.

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200137869A1

The method for determining a quality factor of an accelerating superconducting cavity of a particle accelerator, in particular a linear particle accelerator, the method includes 1. A method for determining a quality factor of an accelerating superconducting cavity of a particle accelerator , the method comprising:determining a heat load to which a cryomodule having the accelerating cavity and a bath of cryogenic fluid is subjected; anddetermining a quality factor based on the determination of the heat load during the operation of the particle accelerator.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the determining the heat load and determining the quality factor carried out simultaneously and in real time.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the determining the heat load comprises the use of a state observer.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the state observer comprises an estimation of a density and of a specific internal energy of a bath of cryogenic fluid.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the estimation is carried out based on:a volume of the cryogenic fluid in a liquid state, which is calculated based on a measurement of a height of the cryogenic fluid in the liquid state; anda static heat load and a dynamic heat load received by the bath of cryogenic fluid; andan input specific enthalpy and an output specific enthalpy of the cryogenic bath, based on a measurement of a pressure of the bath of cryogenic fluid.7. A method for operating a particle accelerator claim 1 , having at least one accelerating cavity claim 1 , the operating method comprising implementing the method for determining a quality factor of at least one accelerating cavity according to and modifying at least one operating parameter of the accelerating cavity depending on a quality factor of the accelerating cavity.8. An operating method according to claim 7 , wherein the at least one operating parameter is a power setpoint value for a radiofrequency wave emitted in ...

07-01-2020 дата публикации

Dielectric wall accelerator and applications and methods of use

Номер: US0010529455B2
Принадлежит: STUART MARTIN A, Stuart Martin A.

Provided are a plurality of embodiments, including, but not limited to, a device for generating efficient low and high average power output Gamma Rays via relativistic particle bombardment of element targets using an efficient particle injector and accelerator at low and high average power levels suitable for element transmutation and power generation with an option for efficient remediation of radioisotope release into any environment. The devices utilize diamond or diamond-like carbon materials and active cooling for improved performance. Also provided are a nuclear reactor and a decontamination device using such a device.

20-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220331609A1
Принадлежит: ADAM S.A.

A linear accelerator system comprising a source arranged to produce a pulsed beam of charged particles, a linear accelerator string arranged to accelerate the pulsed beam up to a predetermined range of energies, and a pre-acceleration stage interposed between the source and the linear accelerator string and arranged to accelerate the pulsed beam up to an energy suitable for beam insertion into the linear accelerator string and perform bunching of the pulsed beam. An average current detector is arranged to measure an average current in the pulsed beam, the average current detector comprising at least one non-interceptive sensor placed at an input side of the linear accelerator string, downstream of the pre-acceleration stage, the sensor being responsive to the pulsed beam passing thereby.

10-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2583048C2

Изобретение относится к высокочастотному объемному резонатору для ускорения заряженных частиц (15), при этом предусмотрена возможность введения в высокочастотный объемный резонатор (11) электромагнитного высокочастотного поля, которое при работе воздействует на пучок (15) частиц, который проходит в высокочастотном объемном резонаторе (11), который характеризуется тем, что для повышения электрической пробивной стойкости в высокочастотном объемном резонаторе (11) вдоль пути прохождения пучка (15) частиц расположен по меньшей мере один промежуточный электрод (13), установленный подвижно. Технический результат - повышение электрической пробивной стойкости. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

30-01-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2789164C1

Изобретение относится к ускорительной технике и может быть использовано при разработке источников тормозного излучения на основе линейных ускорителей электронов. Технический результат - получение тормозного излучения с диаметром фокусного пятна меньшим 1 мм. Источник тормозного излучения содержит электронную пушку, ускоряющую структуру, электронопровод, к выходу которого вакуумноплотно присоединен первый фланец, который через прокладку герметично соединен со вторым фланцем. В апертуры фланцев впаяны соответственно первая и вторая круглые фольги, между которыми установлена цилиндрическая мишень диаметром меньше 1 мм, контактирующая своими торцами с обращенными друг к другу вогнутыми поверхностями вмятин в центрах первой и второй фольг. Прокладка выполнена в виде кольца с двумя поперечными диаметрально расположенными перегородками внутри, разделяющими полость, между первым и вторым фланцами на входную и выходную камеру, которые соединены хладотрубопроводами через цилиндрические каналы, выполненные ...

20-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012118819A

... 1. Высокочастотный объемный резонатор для ускорения заряженных частиц (15), при этом предусмотрена возможность введения в высокочастотный объемный резонатор (11) электромагнитного высокочастотного поля, которое при работе воздействует на пучок (15) частиц, который проходит в высокочастотном объемном резонаторе (11), отличающийся тем, что для повышения электрической пробивной стойкости в высокочастотном объемном резонаторе (11) вдоль пути прохождения пучка (15) частиц расположен по меньшей мере один промежуточный электрод (13).2. Высокочастотный объемный резонатор по п.1, в котором промежуточный электрод (13) изолирован от стенок высокочастотного объемного резонатора (11) так, что промежуточный электрод (13) во время работы высокочастотного объемного резонатора не создает высокочастотного поля, действующего ускорительно на пучок (15) частиц.3. Высокочастотный объемный резонатор по п.2, в котором промежуточный электрод (13) связан через проводящее соединение (17, 23, 25) со стенкой высокочастотного ...

01-07-2010 дата публикации

Arrangement for producing individual relativistic electrons, has electron accelerator with accelerator cavities, and strewing targets positioned between accelerator cavities

Номер: DE102008054676A1

The arrangement has an electron accelerator with accelerator cavities, and strewing targets (3) positioned between the accelerator cavities. The strewing targets are electron-optically thin. Multiple strewing targets are used between the cavities. An independent claim is also included for a method for producing individual relativistic electrons.

15-07-2020 дата публикации

Linac joints

Номер: GB0202007977D0

17-09-2014 дата публикации

Radiotherapy systems and methods

Номер: GB0201413596D0

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Beam position monitor for electron linear accelerator

Номер: US20120262333A1
Автор: Stefan Trummer
Принадлежит: Astyx GmbH

Electron linear accelerators are used to generate X-ray radiation for the treatment of tumors. Efficient irradiation of tumors can only be guaranteed if the electron beam is guided accurately and so the required dose profile is applied. The deviation from the ideal path of the electron beam is measured by means of so-called beam position monitors and then corrected by magnets. According to the invention the deviation of the electron beam is measured in a drift tube of the linear accelerator, the wave to be decoupled having a frequency range that corresponds to a multiple of the basic frequency of the acceleration field. Coupling probes, a mixer-based receiving concept with high dynamics and sensitivity, a method for evaluating the measuring signals and a calibration method for calibrating out non-linearities are specified. Disruptive influences through the acceleration field are minimized by the measurement method according to the invention and the frequency range to be evaluated. The high evaluated frequencies also offer geometrically small coupling probes which one can introduce into a drift tube in which only the field of the electron beam to be evaluated exists.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130328506A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

According to the drift tube linear accelerator of the invention, its acceleration cavity is configured with a center plate and a pair of half cylindrical tubes, wherein the center plate includes a ridge, stems connecting the ridge and drift tube electrodes, and the drift tube electrodes, and wherein the acceleration cavity is configured, as seen in cross section perpendicular to a beam-acceleration center axis, whose inner diameter in X-direction that is perpendicular to a central axis in planar direction in which the stem of the center plate extends and that is passing through the beam-acceleration center axis, is longer than whose inner diameter in Y-direction parallel to the central axis in planar direction. 1. A drift tube linear accelerator comprising drift tube electrodes arranged in an acceleration cavity , for accelerating charged particles along a beam-acceleration center axis by an electric field generated between one of the drift tube electrode and another of the drift tube electrodes adjacent thereto , wherein:the acceleration cavity is configured with a center plate and a pair of half cylindrical tubes;the center plate comprises a ridge, stems and the drift tube electrodes, each stem connecting the ridge and the drift tube electrode, which are made from a common block; andthe acceleration cavity is configured, as seen in cross section perpendicular to the beam-acceleration center axis, whose inner diameter in X-direction that is perpendicular to a central axis in planar direction in which the stem of the center plate extends and that is passing through the beam-acceleration center axis, is longer than whose inner diameter in Y-direction parallel to said central axis in planar direction.2. The drift tube linear accelerator of claim 1 , wherein the half cylindrical tube includes two joining portions to be joined to the center plate and a body portion connecting the two joining portions claim 1 , and claim 1 , as seen in cross section perpendicular to the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006695A1

The present invention relates to method and device invention made in SS316LN for tuning single-cell or multi-cell SCRF cavity for precise slow and fast tuning with low hysteresis. The tuning mechanism (device) for SCRF cavity consists of two thick square flanges connected to each other through two parallel sets of X-link levers pivoted in between such that the motion of top end of flange and bottom end of flange equalizes; wherein the top end of X-link connects one square flange to the bottom end of the other square flange and vice-versa using thin flat flexure plates; wherein the flexure plates are joined on X-link and square flange by bolts having spring locks; the square flanges have platform on the top that transfer motion and these are connected through power screw mechanism; wherein the power screw for linear actuation is rotated using worm-wheel. 1. A tuning device for superconducting radio frequency (SCRF) cavity , said device comprising:at least two square flanges;at least two sets of X-link levers;at least four thin flat flexure plates for top side and at least four of the said plates for bottom side;one or more piezo actuator(s);at least one motor assemblyat least one power screw assembly;wherein said sets of X-link levers are pivoted substantially at the middle portion; andthat the motor, piezo actuator and power screw assembly equalizing the motion of top end and bottom end of said square flange;wherein said square flanges are connected to each other through said sets of X-link levers; and said thin flat flexure plates connects top end of said X-link levers with at least one square flange to the bottom end of the other square flange and vice-versa causing the linear movement from the top of the said tuning device to be transferred to the bottom leading to top to bottom load transfer; thereby providing slow and/or any fast tuning setup to transfer the force required for fine as well as fast control of frequency of any SCRF cavity.2. The tuning device as ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014877A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A method of manufacturing a radio frequency accelerator that accelerates charged particles injected into a second-stage linear accelerator from a first-stage linear accelerator includes a step of setting a value of a power distribution factor R for the power distributor to supply radio frequency power to the second-stage linear accelerator and a value of a ratio L/ω of a length L of the matching section between the outlet of the first-stage linear accelerator and the inlet of the second-stage linear accelerator to the angular frequency ω of the radio frequency power, so that a charged particle beam is extracted from the second-stage linear accelerator over a range of the total radio frequency power wider than a widest allowable range among allowable total radio frequency power ranges determined for each phase of charged particles on the basis of phase acceptance of the second-stage accelerator. 1. A method of manufacturing a radio frequency accelerator that includes a first-stage linear accelerator for accelerating charged particles injected into the first-stage linear accelerator from an ion source; a second-stage linear accelerator for accelerating a charged particle beam injected into the second-stage linear accelerator from the first-stage linear accelerator through a matching section; a radio frequency power source for generating total radio frequency power to be supplied to the first-stage linear accelerator and the second-stage linear accelerator; and a power distributor for distributively supplying the total radio frequency power supplied from the radio frequency power source to the first-stage linear accelerator and the second-stage linear accelerator , the method of manufacturing the radio frequency accelerator including:a step of setting a value of a power distribution factor R for the power distributor to supply the radio frequency power to the second-stage linear accelerator and a value of a ratio L/ω of a length L of the matching section between an ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Compact SRF Based Accelerator

Номер: US20200015347A1
Автор: Kephart Robert

An accelerator comprising at least one accelerator cavity, an electron gun, at least one cavity cooler configured to at least partially encircle the accelerator cavity, a cooling connector, an intermediate conduction layer formed between the at least one cavity cooler and the at least one accelerator cavity configured to facilitate thermal conductivity between the cavity cooler and the accelerator cavity, a mechanical support connected to the accelerator cavity via at least one endplate and configured for stabilizing the accelerator cavity, and a refrigeration source for providing refrigerant via the cooling connector to the at least one cavity cooler. 1. An accelerator comprising:at least one accelerator cavity;an electron gun;at least one cavity cooler configured to at least partially encircle said accelerator cavity;a cooling connector; anda refrigeration source for providing refrigerant via said cooling connector to said at least one cavity cooler.2. The accelerator of further comprising:an intermediate conduction layer formed between said at least one cavity cooler and said at least one accelerator cavity configured to facilitate thermal conductivity between said cavity cooler and said accelerator cavity.3. The accelerator of wherein said intermediate conduction layer is configured of a ductile material comprising one of:indium; andlead.4. The accelerator of wherein said cooling connector has a minimum thermal conductivity of 1×10W mKat temperatures of 4 degrees K.5. The accelerator of further comprising:a mechanical support connected to said accelerator cavity and configured for stabilizing said accelerator cavity.6. The accelerator of wherein said mechanical support comprises at least one of:a plurality of support rods; anda solid cylinder.7. The accelerator of wherein said refrigeration source further comprises:a vessel containing a cryogenic fluid.8. The accelerator of further comprising:a cold tip associated with said refrigeration source clamped to said ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039246A1

A particle accelerator can include a first waveguide portion and a second waveguide portion. The first waveguide portion can include a first plurality of cell portions and a first iris portion that is disposed between two of the first plurality of cell portions. The first iris portion can include a first portion of an aperture such that the aperture is configured to be disposed about a beam axis. The first waveguide portion can further include a first bonding surface. The second waveguide portion can include a second plurality of cell portions and a second iris portion that is disposed between two of the second plurality of cell portions. The second iris portion can include a second portion of the aperture. The second waveguide portion can include a second bonding surface. 1. A method of manufacturing a particle accelerator , the method comprising:providing a first waveguide structure comprising a first plurality of recesses disposed along a first longitudinal axis of the first waveguide structure, wherein the first waveguide structure comprises a first bonding surface;providing a second waveguide structure comprising a second plurality of recesses disposed along a second longitudinal axis of the second waveguide structure, wherein the second waveguide structure comprises a second bonding surface;aligning the first plurality of recesses with the second plurality of recesses; andjoining the first waveguide structure to the second waveguide structure such that the first and second plurality of recesses form a plurality of accelerating cells of a joint structure;wherein each of the plurality of accelerating cells has a central aperture configured to allow a beam of charged particles to travel therethrough along a longitudinal axis extending through central apertures of each of the plurality of accelerating cells.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein joining the first waveguide structure to the second waveguide structure to form the joint structure comprises electron beam ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Thorium Molten Salt System Using Internally Generated Proton-Induced Neutrons

Номер: US20210020323A1
Автор: Hassan Yassin A., Shao Lin
Принадлежит: Texas Thorium, LLC

A method of generating power using a Thorium-containing molten salt fuel is disclosed. One example includes the steps of providing a vessel containing a molten salt fuel, generating a proton beam externally to the vessel, where the externally generated proton beam being of an energy level sufficient to interact with the salt in the vessel to produce a (p, n) reaction resulting in the generation of a neutron at the first energy level. Neutrons generated within the vessel through the (p, n) reactions caused by the externally generated proton's interaction with the at least one salt are utilized to produce a fission reaction where the fission reaction increases the heat content of the molten salt within the vessel. In the example, a heat exchanger is used to extract heat from the molten salt within the vessel and power is generated from the extracted heat. 1. A method of generating power using a Thorium-containing molten salt fuel , the method comprising the steps of:providing a vessel containing a molten salt fuel, the molten salt fuel comprising Thorium and at least one salt containing an atom capable of interacting with a proton of sufficient energy to produce a (p, n) reaction resulting in the generation of a neutron at a first energy level;providing a lid to the vessel, the lid comprising a top and a bottom with at least one opening through the lid containing an impeller pump assembly configured to recirculate the molten salt fuel in the vessel, at least two openings through the lid containing input and output piping for a sealed heat exchanger coil positioned adjacent the bottom of the lid, and at least one opening through which is a window configured to permit the passage of protons;attaching the lid to the vessel;generating a proton beam externally to the vessel, the externally generated proton beam being of an energy level sufficient to interact with the at least one salt in the vessel to produce a (p, n) reaction resulting in the generation of a neutron at ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Thorium Molten Salt System Using Internally Generated Proton-Induced Neutrons

Номер: US20210020324A1
Автор: Hassan Yassin A., Shao Lin
Принадлежит: Texas Thorium, LLC

A method of generating power using a Thorium-containing molten salt fuel is disclosed. One example of the disclosed method includes the steps of providing a vessel containing a molten salt fuel, the molten salt fuel comprising Thorium and at least one salt containing a nucleus capable of interacting with a proton of sufficient energy to produce a (p, n) reaction resulting in the generation of a neutron at a first energy level and generating a proton beam externally to the vessel, where the externally generated proton beam being of an energy level sufficient to interact with the at least one salt in the vessel to produce a (p, n) reaction resulting in the generation of a neutron at the first energy level. In the example, the externally generated proton beam is directed into the vessel such that at least some protons forming the beam will interact with an atom forming a part of the at least one salt contained in the vessel to causing interaction between the externally generated proton beam and the at least one salt contained in the vessel to produce (p, n) reactions resulting in the generation of neutrons within the vessel and an absorption reaction involving the generated neutrons and Thorium within the vessel. Neutrons generated within the vessel through the (p, n) reactions caused by the externally generated proton's interaction with the at least one salt are utilized to produce a fission reaction where the fission reaction increases. the heat content of the molten salt within the vessel. In the example, a heat exchanger is used to extract heat from the molten salt within the vessel and power is generated from the extracted heat. 1. A method for generating heat in a Thorium containing molten salt , the method comprising the steps of:providing a molten salt assembly comprising a main body, a lid, a tubular member positioned inside the main body, and a quantity of Thorium-containing molten salt within the main body;generating a proton beam having an average energy ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023202A1
Автор: AMALDI Ugo

A system () is proposed for the acceleration of ions to treat Atrial Fibrillation (AF), arteriovenous malformations (AVMS) and focal epileptic lesions; this system () includes a pulsed ion source (), a pre-accelerator () and one or more linear accelerators or linacs () operating at frequencies above 1 GHz with a repetition rate between 1 Hz and 500 Hz. The particle beam coming out of the complex () can vary (i) in intensity, (ii) in deposition depth and (iii) transversally with respect to the central beam direction. The possibility of adjusting in a few milliseconds and in three orthogonal directions, the location of each energy deposition in the body of the patient makes that system of accelerators () perfectly suited to irradiation of a beating heart. 112. An accelerator complex () comprising:{'b': '1', 'an ion source () configured for producing beam pulses of ions with an atomic number between 1 (protons) and 10 (neon ions),'}{'b': '3', 'a pre-accelerator () configured for accelerating rates of the beam pulses,'}{'b': 13', '3', '13', '5', '6', '7, 'a high-energy section () configured to receive beam pulses from the pre-accelerator (), the high-energy section () containing at least one linac (; ; ) comprising a plurality of units and configured to(i) run at a frequency larger than 1 GHz with a repetition rate between 10 Hz and 400 Hz, and{'b': '7', 'claim-text': ["said outgoing accelerated ions of beam pulses forming a spot that deliver a dose of beam pulses to a target area of a patient's body,", "a three-dimensional feedback system configured to vary, before sending every spot, two transverse positions and a depth in the patient's body such that the dose of beam pulses delivered by every spot is limited to a targeted area in order to reduce unwanted irradiation to non-targeted areas, and", {'b': '13', 'a High Energy Beam Transport channel (HEBT) with an associated magnet system that transports the beam pulses forming every spot from the high-energy section () to ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029418A1

Provided herein are high energy ion beam generator systems and methods that provide low cost, high performance, robust, consistent, uniform, low gas consumption and high current/high-moderate voltage generation of neutrons and protons. Such systems and methods find use for the commercial-scale generation of neutrons and protons for a wide variety of research, medical, security, and industrial processes. 1. A neutron generator system comprising: a) an accelerator that produces an ion beam; b) a gas target positioned to be contacted by the ion beam; c) a target aperture separating said accelerator and said gas target; and d) a reverse gas jet , at said target aperture , that increases pressure differential across said aperture.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said reverse gas jet comprises a nozzle that diverges after it converges.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said reverse gas jet comprises a nozzle aperture of approximately ⅜ inch.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein said reverse gas jet comprises a throat gap of less than 0.01 inch.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein said reverse gas jet comprises a nozzle angle of 12.5 degrees.6. A method of increasing a pressure differential across a target aperture of a neutron generator comprising employing a reverse gas jet at said target aperture claim 4 , wherein said neutron generator comprises: i) an accelerator that produces an ion beam claim 4 , ii) a gas target to be contacted by the ion beam claim 4 , and said target aperture claim 4 , and wherein said target aperture separates said accelerator and said gas target.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein said reverse gas jet comprises a nozzle that diverges after it converges.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein said reverse gas jet comprises a nozzle aperture of approximately ⅜ inch.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein said reverse gas jet comprises a throat gap of less than 0.01 inch.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein said reverse gas jet comprises a nozzle angle of 12.5 ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029419A1

Provided herein are high energy ion beam generator systems and methods that provide low cost, high performance, robust, consistent, uniform, low gas consumption and high current/high-moderate voltage generation of neutrons and protons. Such systems and methods find use for the commercial-scale generation of neutrons and protons for a wide variety of research, medical, security, and industrial processes. 1. A system comprising: a) a high energy ion beam generator device that produces a beam , and b) a damage mitigation component , the damage mitigation component comprising: i) a plurality of sensors positioned on said device and configured to monitor a plurality of regions of said device that may interact with said beam; and ii) control software in communication with said plurality of sensors and configured to generate an alert or alarm and adjust said device in response to said alert or alarm.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein one or more of said plurality of sensors measure temperature of a region of said device.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein one or more of said plurality of sensors measure coolant flow rate.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein said sensors are in continuous sensing mode.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein each sensor has associated therewith a threshold value that if exceeded generates said alert or alarm.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein said alert comprises a user warning.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein said alarm triggers a device shut down.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein said alarm is a latching alarm that requires a user to reset the device prior to further operation.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein said control software filters out EMI.10. The system of claim 9 , wherein said filtered EMI is under a predefined threshold duration or frequency.11. A method comprising detecting potential damage events to a high energy ion beam generator device using the system of .12. A system comprising: a) a high energy ion beam generator device ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140132374A1

The present invention provides a drift tube manufacturing method and a drift tube which can reduce cost while securing an adequate level of particle beam focusing performance. The method includes: a magnet housing stage of housing a predetermined number of permanent magnets in a housing, which has a through-hole at a center part and an annular magnet housing space on an outer circumferential side of the through-hole, from an opening part of the magnet housing space into the magnet housing space; a welding stage of setting a lid for covering the opening part on the opening part, and welding the lid and the housing by laser beam welding. At least a surface of the housing and a surface of the lid are formed of copper. 1. A manufacturing method of a drift tube installed in a drift-tube-type accelerator , comprising:a magnet housing stage of housing a predetermined number of permanent magnets in a housing, which has a through-hole at a center part and an annular magnet housing space on an outer circumferential side of the through-hole, from an opening part of the magnet housing space into the magnet housing space; anda welding stage of setting a lid for covering the opening part on the opening part, and welding the lid and the housing by laser beam welding, wherein at least a surface of the housing and a surface of the lid are formed of copper.2. The manufacturing method of a drift tube according to claim 1 , whereinthe housing includes the opening part at one end side of the through-hole, andin the welding stage, at least an inner circumferential portion of the lid and a portion around the through-hole of the housing are welded by laser beam welding.3. The manufacturing method of a drift tube according to claim 1 , whereinin the magnet housing stage, the predetermined number of permanent magnets are housed in a magnet case, and the magnet case is housed in the magnet housing space.4. A drift tube installed in a drift-tube-type accelerator claim 1 , comprising:a housing ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180063939A1
Автор: Jin Feng, Zhou Peng

A method and device for controlling a linear accelerator as well as a linear accelerating system are provided according to examples of the present disclosure. In an example, a first component of the linear accelerator is controlled to move according to a motion instruction; when it is detected that the first component reaches a first position, the first component is controlled to pause moving, and a second component of the linear accelerator is controlled to move in a preset direction; when it is detected that the second component reaches a second position, the second component is controlled to stop moving, and the first component is controlled to continue to move according to the motion instruction. 1. A method of controlling a linear accelerator , comprising:controlling a first component of the linear accelerator to move according to a motion instruction;when it is detected that the first component reaches a first position, controlling the first component to pause moving and controlling a second component of the linear accelerator to move in a preset direction in a way that the second component moves away from a moving path of the first component; andwhen it is detected that the second component reaches a second position, controlling the second component to stop moving, and controlling the first component to continue moving according to the motion instruction, wherein the second component reaching the second position indicates that the second component, or a component connected with the second component, moves beyond the moving path of the first component;wherein the first component is a gantry of the linear accelerator and the second component is a turntable of the linear accelerator; orthe first component is the turntable and the second component is the gantry.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein when the first component is the gantry and the second component is the rotating disk claim 1 ,the first component reaching the first position indicates that a ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087004A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials, Inc.

An apparatus, system and method. An apparatus may include an RF power assembly, arranged to output an RF signal; a resonator, coupled to receive the RF signal, the resonator comprising a first output end and a second output end, and a drift tube assembly, configured to transmit an ion beam, and coupled to the resonator. As such, the drift tube assembly may include a first AC drift tube electrode, coupled to the first output end, and a second AC drift tube electrode, coupled to the second output end and separated from the first AC drift tube by a first gap. The RF power assembly may be switchable to switch output from a first Eigenmode frequency to a second Eigenmode frequency. 1. An apparatus , comprising:an RF power assembly, arranged to output an RF signal;a resonator, coupled to receive the RF signal, the resonator comprising a first output end and a second output end; anda drift tube assembly, arranged to transmit an ion beam, and coupled to the resonator, the drift tube assembly comprising:a first AC drift tube electrode, coupled to the first output end; anda second AC drift tube electrode, coupled to the second output end and separated from the first AC drift tube electrode by a first gap,wherein the RF power assembly is switchable to switch output from a first Eigenmode frequency to a second Eigenmode frequency.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the drift tube assembly comprises a triple gap accelerator configuration claim 1 , wherein a first grounded drift tube electrode is disposed upstream from the first AC drift tube and is separated from the first AC drift tube by a second gap; and wherein a second grounded drift tube electrode is disposed downstream from the second AC drift tube electrode and separated from the second AC drift tube electrode by a third gap.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first Eigenmode frequency is at least 13.56 MHz.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first Eigenmode frequency is 13.56 MHz claim 1 , 20 MHz claim 1 , ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087005A1
Автор: HE Shoubo, SONG Ruiying

The present disclosure relates to an accelerating apparatus for a radiation device. The accelerating apparatus may include a plurality of acceleration cavity units including a plurality of acceleration cavities. Each of the plurality of acceleration cavity units may be configured to accelerate a radiation beam passing through an acceleration cavity. And the accelerating apparatus may further include a plurality of coupling cavity units each of which may include a coupling cavity. Two adjacent acceleration cavities may be electromagnetically coupled via the coupling cavity. The plurality of acceleration cavity units may have a plurality of holes each of which may be configured to be in fluidic communication with the corresponding coupling cavity. And an edge region of each of at least a portion of the plurality of holes may include continuously varying curvatures. 1. An accelerating apparatus , comprising:a plurality of acceleration cavity units including a plurality of acceleration cavities; and the plurality of acceleration cavity units has a plurality of holes each of which is configured to form a coupling channel between an acceleration cavity and a coupling cavity;', 'each of the plurality of acceleration cavity units has a first plane, one end of one of the plurality of holes being on the first plane; and', 'each of the plurality of coupling cavity units has a second plane physically connected with the first plane., 'a plurality of coupling cavity units each of which includes a coupling cavity, two adjacent acceleration cavities being electromagnetically coupled via the coupling cavity, wherein'}2. The accelerating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein an edge region of each of at least a portion of the plurality of holes includes continuously varying curvatures.3. The accelerating apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the edge region of each of at least a portion of the plurality of holes is configured with a filleted corner such that the edge region of the each of at least ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160073488A1
Автор: Stuart Martin A.

Provided are a plurality of embodiments, including, but not limited to, a device for generating efficient low and high average power output Gamma Rays via relativistic particle bombardment of element targets using an efficient particle injector and accelerator at low and high average power levels suitable for element transmutation and power generation with an option for efficient remediation of radioisotope release into any environment. The devices utilize diamond or diamond-like carbon materials and active cooling for improved performance. 1. An emitter device comprising:a source of charged particles;a capacitor element for accelerating the charged particles, the capacitor element including a pair of electrodes; anda conduit formed through the capacitor element for transmitting the charged particles, whereinat least one of the capacitor electrodes is at least partially coated with diamond or diamond-like carbon.2. The emitter device of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of photo switches arranged around the capacitor element for providing a uniform current flow during a discharge.3. The emitter device of claim 2 , wherein each one of said photo switches is comprised of a diamond crystal.4. The emitter device of claim 3 , wherein said photo switches are activated in a controlled manner to facilitate a uniform current flow during discharge of the capacitor element.5. The emitter device of further comprising at least one channel for circulating a coolant in the accelerator.6. The emitter device of further comprising a plurality of said capacitor elements stacked to form a capacitor array.7. The emitter device of claim 6 , wherein said capacitor array is provided within a polygon-shaped containment vessel.8. The emitter device of wherein the conduit includes diamond or diamond-like carbon.9. The emitter device of wherein the source of charged particles is a dense plasma flux proton injector device.10. An emitter device comprising:a source of charged particles;a ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Coupling cancellation in electron acceleration systems

Номер: US20190069388A1
Автор: David Newsham
Принадлежит: FAR-TECH Inc

An electron acceleration system includes a first RF cavity, and a second RF cavity whose center is located at a distance not more than 1.5 inch from the center of the first RF cavity, along an axis. The first RF cavity has a length less than about 0.25 inches. The on-axis coupling between the first and second RF cavities along the axis, which is primarily electric, is cancelled out by an off-axis coupling between the RF cavities off the axis, which is primarily magnetic. In this way, the net RF coupling between the RF cavities is zero. The phase and amplitude of the first and second RF cavities are each independently adjustable.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170076830A1
Принадлежит: Muons, Inc.

A method and electron linac system for production of radioisotopes is provided. The electron linac is an energy recovery linac (ERL) with an electron beam transmitted through a thin bremsstrahlung radiator. Isotopes are produced through bremsstrahlung photon interactions in an isotope production target that is spatially separated from the bremsstrahlung radiator. The electron beam does not pass through the isotope production target. The electron beam energy is recollected and reinjected into the linac accelerating structure. The reduction of material in the beam by removing the isotope production target and making the radiator thin is the essential aspect of the invention because large spreads in energy and transverse scattering angles caused by material in the beam preclude efficient energy recovery. The method described here can reduce the cost of energy to produce a quantity of radioisotope by more than a factor of 3 compared to a non-ERL bremsstrahlung method. 1. An isotope-producing electron linac system comprising:An energy recovery linac (ERL);Spatially-separated bremsstrahlung photon radiator and isotope production target;A recirculation lattice enabling energy recovery of electron beam after electrons pass through the bremsstrahlung photon radiator.2. The isotope-producing electron linac system as recited in includes a superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) gun.3. The isotope-producing electron linac system as recited in wherein said ERL contains an SRF accelerating structure.4. The isotope-producing electron linac system as recited in wherein said bremsstrahlung photon radiator is of a maximum thickness compatible with transverse angular spread and energy spread acceptances of said recirculation lattice.5. The isotope-producing electron linac system as recited in wherein said isotope production target absorbs bremsstrahlung photons and generates radioisotopes through photonuclear or photofission processes.6. The isotope-producing electron linac system as ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150084550A1

The present disclosure discloses an electron linear accelerator system. In the present disclosure, a fast-switching dual-path microwave system is proposed, wherein, one path can be directly connected to an accelerating tube, and the other path can be input into the accelerating tube after a magnitude of the microwave power is changed by devices such as an attenuator, a power divider, a pulse compressor or even an amplifier etc., so as to achieve fast switch of the power input into the accelerator and adjust the energy output by the accelerator. 1. An electron linear accelerator system , comprising:a first power divider comprising a first port, a second port and a third port, wherein, microwave is fed into the first port, and a first microwave beam and a second microwave beam with the same amplitude and phase are output from the second port and the third port;a first power combiner comprising symmetrical first port and second port and symmetrical third port and fourth port, wherein, the second port of the first power combiner is coupled to the third port of the first power divider;a second power combiner comprising symmetrical first port and second port and symmetrical third port and fourth port, wherein, the fourth port of the second power combiner is coupled to the fourth port of the first power combiner;a second power divider comprising a first port, a second port and a third port, wherein, the third port of the second power divider is coupled to the second port of the second power combiner, and microwave is input into the second port and the third port of the second power divider and output from the first port of the second power divider; andan accelerating tube comprising an electron beam input port for receiving an electron beam and a microwave feed-in port coupled to the first port of the second power divider, wherein, the electron beam is accelerated by microwave input into the microwave feed-in port;wherein the electron linear accelerator system further ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180092197A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

When accelerating first ions, radio frequency power is fed to a drift tube linear accelerator so that the phase difference between an accelerating half cycle for accelerating the first ions in one of the plurality of drift tube gaps and the accelerating half cycle for accelerating the accelerated first ions reaching the next drift tube gap is set to a first accelerating cycle phase difference; and when accelerating second ions having a charge-to-mass ratio lower than the first ions, the radio frequency power is fed to the drift tube linear accelerator so that the phase difference between an accelerating half cycle for accelerating the second ions in the one drift tube gap and the accelerating half cycle for the accelerated second ions reaching the next drift tube gap is set to a second accelerating cycle phase difference that is larger than the first accelerating cycle phase difference. 1. A synchrotron injector system for injecting ions into a synchrotron , comprising:a first ion source for generating first ions;{'b': 2', '2', '1', '1, 'a second ion source for generating second ions having a charge-to-mass ratio (q/A) lower than the charge-to-mass ratio (q/A) of the first ions;'} a cylindrical resonator; and', 'a plurality of drift tubes arranged linearly along the center axis of the cylindrical resonator, for accelerating ions in an accelerating half cycle that is a radio frequency half cycle containing an accelerating phase of radio frequency electric fields produced in a plurality of drift tube gaps formed between the plurality of drift tubes;, 'a drift tube linear accelerator includinga radio frequency generator for feeding radio frequency power to the drift tube linear accelerator; anda low-energy beam delivery line for injecting either the first ions or the second ions into the drift tube linear accelerator, whereinwhen the first ions are injected from the low-energy beam delivery line, the radio frequency generator feeds the radio frequency power to the ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190090342A1

A superconducting accelerator includes an acceleration cavity, and a refrigerant tank at an outer circumference of the acceleration cavity. The gap between the refrigerant tank and the acceleration cavity is filled with a refrigerant for cooling the acceleration cavity. A pair of pressing members is provided to an outer circumference of the refrigerant tank to be positioned at both side ends of the acceleration cavity in a direction of a beam axis of the charged particle beam or at both ends of the acceleration cavity in a direction perpendicular to the beam axis. A wire is continuously wound around the outer circumference of the refrigerant tank and configured to generate a tensile force in a direction in which the pressing members are brought come into close each other. A tension adjustor is configured to adjust the tensile force generated by the wire. 1. A superconducting accelerator comprising:an acceleration cavity in which a space to accelerate a charged particle beam in a superconductive state is formed;a refrigerant tank positioned at an outer circumference of the acceleration cavity, a gap between the refrigerant tank and the acceleration cavity accommodated in the refrigerant tank being filled with a refrigerant for cooling the acceleration cavity;a pair of pressing members provided to an outer circumference of the refrigerant tank so as to be respectively positioned at both side ends of the acceleration cavity in a direction of a beam axis of the charged particle beam or at both ends of the acceleration cavity in a direction perpendicular to the beam axis;a tensile member provided so as to be continuously wound around the outer circumference of the refrigerant tank and configured to generate a tensile force in a direction in which the pressing members are brought come into close each other; anda tension adjustor configured to adjust the tensile force generated by the tensile member.2. The superconducting accelerator according to claim 1 , whereinthe ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170094770A1
Автор: Kephart Robert

An accelerator comprising at least one accelerator cavity, an electron gun, at least one cavity cooler configured to at least partially encircle the accelerator cavity, a cooling connector, an intermediate conduction layer formed between the at least one cavity cooler and the at least one accelerator cavity configured to facilitate thermal conductivity between the cavity cooler and the accelerator cavity, a mechanical support connected to the accelerator cavity via at least one endplate and configured for stabilizing the accelerator cavity, and a refrigeration source for providing refrigerant via the cooling connector to the at least one cavity cooler. 1. An accelerator comprising:at least one accelerator cavity;an electron gun;at least one cavity cooler configured to at least partially encircle said accelerator cavity;a cooling connector; anda refrigeration source for providing refrigerant via said cooling connector to said at least one cavity cooler.2. The accelerator of further comprising:an intermediate conduction layer formed between said at least one cavity cooler and said at least one accelerator cavity configured to facilitate thermal conductivity between said cavity cooler and said accelerator cavity.3. The accelerator of wherein said intermediate conduction layer is configured of a ductile material comprising one of:indium; andlead.4. The accelerator of wherein said cooling connector has a minimum thermal conductivity of 1×10W mKat temperatures of 4 degrees K.5. The accelerator of further comprising:a mechanical support connected to said accelerator cavity and configured for stabilizing said accelerator cavity.6. The accelerator of wherein said mechanical support comprises at least one of:a plurality of support rods; anda solid cylinder.7. The accelerator of wherein said refrigeration source further comprises:a vessel containing a cryogenic fluid.8. The accelerator of further comprising:a cold tip associated with said refrigeration source clamped to said ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200092979A1

A particle accelerator can include a first waveguide portion and a second waveguide portion. The first waveguide portion can include a first plurality of cell portions and a first iris portion that is disposed between two of the first plurality of cell portions. The first iris portion can include a first portion of an aperture such that the aperture is configured to be disposed about a beam axis. The first waveguide portion can further include a first bonding surface. The second waveguide portion can include a second plurality of cell portions and a second iris portion that is disposed between two of the second plurality of cell portions. The second iris portion can include a second portion of the aperture. The second waveguide portion can include a second bonding surface. 1. A method of manufacturing a particle accelerator , the method comprising:providing a first waveguide structure comprising a first plurality of recesses spaced apart along a first longitudinal axis of the first waveguide structure, the first plurality of recesses each extending radially from the first longitudinal axis of the first waveguide structure, wherein the first waveguide structure comprises a first bonding surface;providing a second waveguide structure comprising a second plurality of recesses spaced apart along a second longitudinal axis of the second waveguide structure, the second plurality of recesses each extending radially from the second longitudinal axis of the second waveguide structure, wherein the second waveguide structure comprises a second bonding surface;aligning the first plurality of recesses with the second plurality of recesses; andjoining the first waveguide structure to the second waveguide structure such that the first and second plurality of recesses forming a plurality of accelerating cells of a joint structure;wherein each of the plurality of accelerating cells has a central aperture configured to allow a beam of charged particles to travel therethrough along a ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220174810A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials, Inc.

An apparatus may include a drift tube assembly, arranged to transmit an ion beam. The drift tube assembly may include a first ground electrode; an RF drift tube assembly, disposed downstream of the first ground electrode; and a second ground electrode, disposed downstream of the RF drift tube assembly. The RF drift tube assembly may define a triple gap configuration. The apparatus may include a resonator, where the resonator comprises a toroidal coil, having a first end, connected to a first RF drift tube of the RF drift tube assembly, and a second end, connected to a second RF drift tube of the RF drift tube assembly. 2. The apparatus of claim 1 , the toroidal coil having a first half and a second half claim 1 , the first half comprising a first number of turns claim 1 , equal to a second number of turns of the second half.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , the toroidal coil defining an elliptical cross-section.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , the toroidal coil defining a D-shaped cross-section.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , the toroidal coil comprising an electrically conductive tube claim 1 , having a constant tube diameter.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , the toroidal coil comprising an electrically conductive tube claim 1 , having a non-uniform tube diameter claim 1 , wherein an outer tube diameter claim 1 , disposed along an outer side of the toroidal coil has a first dimension claim 1 , and wherein an inner tube diameter claim 1 , disposed along an inner side of the toroidal coil has a second dimension claim 1 , less than the first dimension.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , the resonator further comprising a tuner claim 1 , wherein the tuner comprises a tuner body claim 1 , disposed in a first part and a second part claim 1 , along a first side of the toroidal coil and a second side of the toroidal coil claim 1 , respectively.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an exciter coil claim 1 , disposed inside the toroidal coil claim 1 , the exciter coil having a first ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210162241A1

The invention relates to a drum assembly for a linear accelerator, the drum assembly comprising a drum having a front face including a front rim and a rear face including a rear rim, one or more support wheels supporting the drum, an arm extending from the front face of the drum and including a beam collimator through which a beam of radiation is emitted to form a radiation isocentre. One or more rear rim members are associated with the rear rim, the rear rim members adapted to substantially offset isocentre distortion due to unintended movement of the drum assembly. The invention also relates to variants thereto and combinations thereof. 159-. (canceled)60. A drum assembly for a linear accelerator comprising: a drum having a front face including a front rim and a rear face including a rear rim , one or more support wheels supporting the drum , an arm extending from the front face of the drum and including a beam collimator through which a beam of radiation is emitted to form a radiation isocentre and one or more rear rim members associated with the rear rim , the inner surface of the rear rim members being provided with one or more projections extending therefrom , that extend between the rear rim members and the inside edge of the rear rim , and the rear rim members and projections being adapted to substantially offset distortion to the isocentre due to unintended movement of the drum assembly and further wherein the drum assembly also comprises one or more locating members associated with the rear rim , and the rear rim members and locating members together are adapted to create and or limit movement of the drum assembly in a direction that is substantially parallel to the axis of rotation of the drum assembly (i.e. in the direction of the Y axis) the created movement of the drum assembly will substantially offset the equal and opposite distortion of the isocentre caused by the deflection of the beam arm , at particular gantry angles.61. The drum assembly for a ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Separated-orbit bisected energy-recovered linear accelerator

Номер: US20150156859A1
Автор: David R. Douglas
Принадлежит: Jefferson Science Associates LLC

A separated-orbit bisected energy-recovered linear accelerator apparatus and method. The accelerator includes a first linac, a second linac, and a plurality of arcs of differing path lengths, including a plurality of up arcs, a plurality of downgoing arcs, and a full energy arc providing a path independent of the up arcs and downgoing arcs. The up arcs have a path length that is substantially a multiple of the RF wavelength and the full energy arc includes a path length that is substantially an odd half-integer multiple of the RF wavelength. Operation of the accelerator includes accelerating the beam utilizing the linacs and up arcs until the beam is at full energy, at full energy executing a full recirculation to the second linac using a path length that is substantially an odd half-integer of the RF wavelength, and then decelerating the beam using the linacs and downgoing arcs.

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200147412A1

The present disclosure relates to a system and a method. The system may include a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) apparatus configured to acquire MRI data with respect to a region of interest (ROI) and a therapeutic apparatus configured to apply therapeutic radiation to at least one portion of the ROI. The MRI apparatus may include a plurality of main magnetic coils arranged coaxially along an axis, a plurality of shielding magnetic coils arranged coaxially along the axis, and a cryostat in which the plurality of main magnetic coils and the plurality of shielding magnetic coils are arranged. 1. A radiation therapy system comprising: a plurality of main magnetic coils;', 'a plurality of shielding magnetic coils; and', 'an annular cryostat in which the plurality of main magnetic coils and the plurality of shielding magnetic coils are coaxially arranged along an axis of the annular cryostat, the plurality of shielding magnetic coils being arranged at a larger radius from the axis than the plurality of main magnetic coils, the annular cryostat including at least one outer wall and at least one inner wall coaxial around the axis, the annular cryostat including an annular recess between the at least one outer wall and the at least one inner wall, and the annular recess having an opening formed at the at least one outer wall; and, 'a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) apparatus configured to acquire MRI data with respect to a region of interest (ROI), the MRI apparatus including a linear accelerator configured to accelerate electrons in an electron beam to produce a photon beam of the therapeutic radiation, the linear accelerator being at least partially located within the annular recess of the annular cryostat;', 'one or more collimation components configured to shape the photon beam of the therapeutic radiation;', 'a first shielding structure configured to provide magnetic shielding for at least one of the linear accelerator or the one or more collimation components; and ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190159331A1

A wafer-based charged particle accelerator includes a charged particle source and at least one RF charged particle accelerator wafer sub-assembly and a power supply coupled to the at least one RF charged particle accelerator wafer sub-assembly. The wafer-based charged particle accelerator may further include a beam current-sensor. The wafer-based charged particle accelerator may further include at least a second RF charged particle accelerator wafer sub-assembly and at least one ESQ charged particle focusing wafer. Fabrication methods are disclosed for RF charged particle accelerator wafer sub-assemblies, ESQ charged particle focusing wafers, and the wafer-based charged particle accelerator. 1. A wafer-based charged particle accelerator , comprising:a charged particle source; 'a wafer having electrical isolation between at least a first and a second electrically conductive electrode,', 'at least one RF charged particle accelerator wafer sub-assembly comprisingwherein at least the first and the second electrode are disposed on respective and opposing first and second sides of the wafer, and create an electric field,further wherein the wafer has one or more orifices through which a charged particle beam can travel, encountering the electric field generated by the at least first and second electrode, a) a thin film inductor in series with an air gap capacitor, or', 'b) a coplanar waveguide resonator,, 'further wherein the second electrode is in the form of an RF resonator configured as either'} 'RF voltage-generating electronics disposed on the substrate; and', 'so as to transform a low voltage on the substrate to a high voltage on the second side of the substrate; and'}a power supply operatively coupled to the at least one RF charged particle accelerator wafer sub-assembly.2. The wafer-based charged particle accelerator of claim 1 , further comprising a beam current-sensor disposed in eithera) a single RF wafer, orb) a separate wafer disposed in the drift space.3. The ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Split structure particle accelerators

Номер: US20210204389A1
Принадлежит: Radiabeam Technologies LLC

A particle accelerator can include a first waveguide portion and a second waveguide portion. The first waveguide portion can include a first plurality of cell portions and a first iris portion that is disposed between two of the first plurality of cell portions. The first iris portion can include a first portion of an aperture such that the aperture is configured to be disposed about a beam axis. The first waveguide portion can further include a first bonding surface. The second waveguide portion can include a second plurality of cell portions and a second iris portion that is disposed between two of the second plurality of cell portions. The second iris portion can include a second portion of the aperture. The second waveguide portion can include a second bonding surface.

15-07-2021 дата публикации

Radiation therapy system and method

Номер: US20210213305A1

The present disclosure relates to a system and a method. The system may include a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) apparatus configured to acquire MRI data with respect to a region of interest (ROI) and a therapeutic apparatus configured to apply therapeutic radiation to at least one portion of the ROI. The MRI apparatus may include a plurality of main magnetic coils arranged coaxially along an axis, a plurality of shielding magnetic coils arranged coaxially along the axis, and a cryostat in which the plurality of main magnetic coils and the plurality of shielding magnetic coils are arranged.

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190191539A1

An objective of the invention is to provide an acceleration cavity, an accelerator, and a resonance frequency adjustment method of an acceleration cavity that can change the natural resonance frequency of the acceleration cavity without occupying space between adjacent accelerator cavities. A QWR includes: a body portion whose axial direction is parallel to the vertical direction, and having a cylindrical side face portion; an upper face portion provided in an upper part of the body portion and is a plate-shaped member; and a deformation adjustment portion applying a pressing force on the upper face portion to deform the upper face portion. 1. An acceleration cavity comprising:a body portion whose axial direction is parallel to the vertical direction, and having a cylindrical side face portion;an upper face portion provided in an upper part of the body portion and is a plate-shaped member; anda deformation adjustment portion applying a pressing force on the upper face portion to deform the upper face portion.2. The acceleration cavity according to claim 1 , whereina plurality of the deformation adjustment portions are provided, each of the deformation adjustment portions applying a pressing force on a different position in the upper face portion.3. The acceleration cavity according to claim 1 , wherein:an upwardly protruding rib is provided on a plane of the upper face portion; andthe deformation adjustment portion applies a pressing force by coming into contact with the rib.4. The acceleration cavity according to claim 1 , whereina part of the upper face portion with which the deformation adjustment portion comes into contact is thinner than other parts.5. The acceleration cavity according to claim 1 , whereina part of the upper face portion with which the deformation adjustment portion comes into contact is formed into a flat plate shape.6. An accelerator comprising the acceleration cavity according to .7. A resonance frequency adjustment method of an acceleration ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200187344A1

A wafer-based charged particle accelerator includes a charged particle source and at least one RF charged particle accelerator wafer sub-assembly and a power supply coupled to the at least one RF charged particle accelerator wafer sub-assembly. The wafer-based charged particle accelerator may further include a beam current-sensor. The wafer-based charged particle accelerator may further include at least a second RF charged particle accelerator wafer sub-assembly and at least one ESQ charged particle focusing wafer. Fabrication methods are disclosed for RF charged particle accelerator wafer sub-assemblies, ESQ charged particle focusing wafers, and the wafer-based charged particle accelerator. 15-. (canceled)6. A wafer-based charged particle accelerator , comprising:a first RF charged particle accelerator wafer sub-assembly comprising a wafer, the wafer defining an orifice through which a charged particle beam can travel, the wafer further having electrical isolation between a first electrically conductive electrode disposed on a first side of the wafer and a second electrically conductive electrode disposed on an opposing second side of the wafer to form an electric field interacting with the orifice so that a charged particle beam traveling through the orifice will encounter an electric field generated by the first electrode and second electrode; andRF voltage-generating electronics disposed on the wafer.71. The wafer-based charged particle accelerator of claim , further comprising:a power supply operatively coupled to the first RF charged particle accelerator wafer sub-assembly.81. The wafer-based charged particle accelerator of claim , wherein the second electrode is in the form of an RF resonator configured as either a) a thin film inductor in series with an air gap capacitor , or b) a coplanar waveguide resonator , so as to transform a low voltage on the wafer to a high voltage on the second side of the wafer.9. The wafer-based charged particle accelerator of ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Drawer-type carrying device for accelerator and cabin structure for accelerator

Номер: US20190198282A1
Принадлежит: Nuctech Co Ltd

The present disclosure provides a drawer-type carrying device for an accelerator and an cabin structure for the accelerator, the drawer-type carrying device for the accelerator includes a frame mechanism and a drawing mechanism. The frame mechanism is used for installing the accelerator; the drawing mechanism is connected with the frame mechanism and the frame mechanism is movable relative to the drawing mechanism. The cabin structure for the accelerator includes a cabin, a shielding mechanism and a drawer-type carrying device for the accelerator. The cabin has a working area and a maintenance area. The shielding mechanism is disposed in the working area and has a side opening door facing towards the maintenance area. The frame mechanism is capable of drawn from the shielding mechanism into the maintenance area when the side opening door is opened.

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190198306A1
Автор: HOSAKA Takashi

A mass analyzer includes a main substrate, an upper substrate adhered to the main substrate, and a lower substrate. A mass analysis room (cavity) is formed in the main substrate and penetrates from an upper surface of the first main substrate to a lower surface of the first main substrate. A vertical direction (Z direction) to the main substrate by the upper substrate, both sides of the lower substrate, a travelling direction (X direction) of charged particles and a right angle to the Z direction by the main substrate, and both sides of a right-angled direction (Y to Z direction) and the X direction by a side surface of the main substrate are surrounded. A central hole is open in the side plate of the main substrate that the charged particles enter. The charged particles enter the mass analysis room through the central hole formed in the first main substrate. 1. An ion trapping mass spectroscope , comprising:a first main substrate having a first face and a second face;a first upper substrate adhered to the first face of the first main substrate;a first lower substrate adhered to the second face of the first main substrate;a plurality of cavities penetrating from the first face of the first main substrate to the second face of the first main substrate;at least one of the cavities penetrating from the first face of the main substrate to the second face of the first main substrate is an ion trapping mass spectroscopic cavity;an ion trapping upper electrode on the first upper substrate and disposed in the upper portion of the ion trapping mass spectroscopic cavity;an ion trapping lower electrode on the first lower substrate and disposed in the lower portion of the ion trapping mass spectroscopic cavity; anda ring electrode formed on the first main substrate and disposed to surround a side of the ion trapping mass spectroscopic cavity,the ion trapping mass spectroscopic cavity is configured to trap charged particles that enter the ion trapping mass spectroscopic cavity, ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200196430A1

Provided herein are high energy ion beam generator systems and methods that provide low cost, high performance, robust, consistent, uniform, low gas consumption and high current/high-moderate voltage generation of neutrons and protons. Such systems and methods find use for the commercial-scale generation of neutrons and protons for a wide variety of research, medical, security, and industrial processes. 1. A method of cleaning a neutron generator solid target comprising: exposing said solid target to a noble gas while said solid target is exposed to an ion beam.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said noble gas is argon.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said noble gas is flowed at 1 to 10 standard cubic centimeters per minute.4. A system that is part of claim 1 , or for use in claim 1 , a neutron generator system claim 1 , comprising:a) a solid target;b) a vacuum system; andc) a source of a noble gas configured to release noble gas near said solid target.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein noble gas is argon. The present application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/196,766, filed Nov. 20, 2018, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/873,664, filed Jan. 17, 2018, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional application Ser. No. 62/447,685, filed Jan. 18, 2017, each of which is herein incorporated by reference in its entirety.Provided herein are high energy ion beam generator systems and methods that provide low cost, high performance, robust, consistent, uniform, high efficiency, and high current/high-moderate voltage generation of neutrons and protons. Such systems and methods find use for the commercial-scale generation of neutrons and protons for a wide variety of research, medical, security, and industrial processes.Particle accelerators are devices that energize ions and drive them into a target. Neutron generators are a specific use of particle accelerator that produce neutrons by fusing isotopes of hydrogen. A fusion reaction ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации

High power ion beam generator systems and methods

Номер: US20180206323A1
Принадлежит: Phoenix Llc

Provided herein are high energy ion beam generator systems and methods that provide low cost, high performance, robust, consistent, uniform, low gas consumption and high current/high-moderate voltage generation of neutrons and protons. Such systems and methods find use for the commercial-scale generation of neutrons and protons for a wide variety of research, medical, security, and industrial processes.

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210236853A1
Принадлежит: ADAM S.A.

Proton beams are a promising alternative to X-rays for therapeutic purposes because they may also destroy cancer cells, but with a greatly reduced damage to healthy tissue. The energy dose in tissue may be concentrated at the tumor site by configuring the beam to position the Bragg Peak proximate the tumor. The longitudinal range of a proton beam in tissue is generally dependent upon the energy of the beam. However, after switching energies, the proton-beam system requires some time for the beam energy to stabilize before it may be used for therapy. A proton linear accelerator system is provided for irradiating tissue with an improved beam energy control, configured to provide RF energy from a first RF energy source during the on-time of the proton beam operating cycle for changing the energy of the proton beam, and to provide RF energy from a second distinct RF energy source during the off-time of the proton beam operating cycle for increasing or maintaining the temperature of the cavity. Each RF source is operated independently, allowing higher RF pulse rates to reach the cavity, supporting a smaller time between proton beam energy pulses. In addition, the peak power requirements for the second RF energy source may, in general, be less than for the second RF energy source, allowing a less costly type to be used for the second source. The use of a first and second RF source may reduce the cavity settling time from minutes to less than 10 seconds. 2. The accelerator system according to claim 1 , the system further comprising an RF coupler for transferring RF energy from the first and/or second RF energy source to the at least one cavity claim 1 , the RF coupler having:a first RF input for receiving RF energy from the first RF source;a second RF input for receiving RF energy from the second RF source; andan RF output for providing RF energy to the at least one cavity.3. The accelerator system according to claim 2 , the system further comprising:a first isolator for ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170213683A1
Автор: Myneni Ganapati Rao

An apparatus and method for preventing the contamination of sensitive accelerator surfaces and preventing deterioration of the accelerator field emission in a linear accelerator. The method includes providing a nanofilter at the inlet of the getter ion pumps connected to the beam line of the linear accelerator. The method includes providing a break in the inlet line, inserting a conflat flange at the break, and sandwiching the nanofilter between the two halves of the conflat flange. The nanofilter includes a maximum pore size of 3 nanometers, thereby preventing contaminants greater than 3 nanometers from flowing from the getter ion pump back to the accelerator system. 1. A contamination-free ion pump for preventing the contamination of an accelerator system , comprising:a getter ion pump including inlet piping; anda nanofilter installed in the inlet piping.2. The contamination-free ion pump of wherein the nanofilter further comprises a maximum pore size of 3 nanometers.3. The contamination-free ion pump of further comprising:a conflat flange including two flange halves in the inlet piping; andthe nanofilter is sandwiched between the two flange halves of the conflat flange.4. The contamination-free ion pump of wherein said getter ion pump further comprises a pump housing claim 1 , an anode claim 1 , one or more cathodes claim 1 , and two magnets of reverse polarity.5. The contamination-free ion pump of wherein the cathodes are constructed of titanium claim 4 , tantalum claim 4 , or a combination of titanium and tantalum.6. The contamination-free ion pump of wherein the anode is electrically isolated from the pump housing and has a positive voltage applied.7. The contamination-free ion pump of wherein the positive voltage applied to the anode is 6 kV.8. The contamination-free ion pump of wherein the getter ion pump and nanofilter are operable at a vacuum of 10to 10Torr.9. The contamination-free ion pump of wherein the getter ion pump and nanofilter are operable at a ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170215269A1

A method for recovering energy from spent energy recovered linac (ERL) beams. The method includes adding a plurality of passive decelerating cavities at the beam dump of the ERL, adding one or more coupling waveguides between the passive decelerating cavities, setting an adequate external Q (Qext) to adjust to the beam loading situation, and extracting the RF energy through the coupling waveguides. 1an ERL beam having a beam dump;adding one or more passive decelerating cavities at the beam dump;adding one or more coupling waveguides between the passive decelerating cavities;{'sub': 'ext', 'setting the external quality factor (Q) to the beam load; and'}extracting the RF energy through the coupling waveguides.. A method for recovering energy from a spent energy recovery linac (ERL) beam, comprising: This application claims the benefit of Provisional U.S. Patent Application Ser. No. 62/287,202 filed Jan. 26, 2016.The United States Government may have certain rights to this invention under Management and Operating Contract No. DE-AC05-060R23177 from the Department of Energy.The present invention relates to energy recovery linacs (ERL) and more particularly to improving the energy recovery in a spent beam.In a conventional Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) the spent electron beam energy is not completely recovered. As shown in , an ERL includes an electron gun that injects high energy particles, such as electrons, through a booster , into a beam line . Magnets direct the path of the electrons through a linac (linear accelerator) which increases the speed and energy of the electrons. Bending magnets direct the beam through a user device and again through the linac in which the unused beam energy is recovered. The spent beam is then stopped in a high power beam dump , which results in several MeV of wasted energy. The booster is not energy recovered and the spent beam still contains a lot of energy that must be absorbed in the beam dump.As shown in , low power RF is input to the ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170223815A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

For the purpose of providing a transportable linear accelerator system which can restrain entering of losing ion beams deviated from a trajectory therefor, to thereby efficiently achieve reduction in radioactivity at low cost, and a transportable neutron source equipped therewith, a transportable linear accelerator system is configured to be provided with a beam chopper just before an inlet of a post-accelerator, thereby to cut off, from the proton beams pre-accelerated by a pre-accelerator, uncontrolled proton beams, and thus to radiate only the controlled proton beams to the post-accelerator, so that the proton beams are prevented from hitting an acceleration electrode, etc. of the post accelerator. 17-. (canceled)8. A transportable linear accelerator system , comprising:a pre-accelerator that clusters and pre-accelerates proton beams generated by an ion source;a beam chopper that cuts off, from the pre-accelerated proton beams, proton beams deviated from a trajectory therefor, to thereby cause only the proton beams controlled by the pre-accelerator to pass through the beam chopper; anda post-accelerator that accelerates up to a given energy the proton beams having passed through the beam chopper.9. The transportable linear accelerator system according to claim 8 , wherein claim 8 , when a plane perpendicular to a traveling direction Z of the pre-accelerated proton beams is defined separately by two axes of an X-axis and a Y-axis claim 8 , the beam chopper comprises: a first slit that causes claim 8 , among the pre-accelerated proton beams claim 8 , only the proton beams existing within a specified distance along the X-axis from a beam-acceleration center axis claim 8 , to pass therethrough;and a second slit that causes, among the proton beams having passed through the first slit, only the proton beam existing within a specified angle from the first slit with respect to the beam-acceleration center axis, to pass therethrough.10. The transportable linear ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200214119A1
Автор: HE Shoubo, SONG Ruiying

The present disclosure relates to an accelerating apparatus for a radiation device. The accelerating apparatus may include a plurality of acceleration cavity units including a plurality of acceleration cavities. Each of the plurality of acceleration cavity units may be configured to accelerate a radiation beam passing through an acceleration cavity. And the accelerating apparatus may further include a plurality of coupling cavity units each of which may include a coupling cavity. Two adjacent acceleration cavities may be electromagnetically coupled via the coupling cavity. The plurality of acceleration cavity units may have a plurality of holes each of which may be configured to be in fluidic communication with the corresponding coupling cavity. And an edge region of each of at least a portion of the plurality of holes may include continuously varying curvatures. 1. An accelerating apparatus , comprising:a plurality of acceleration cavity units including a plurality of acceleration cavities, each of the plurality of acceleration cavity units being configured to accelerate a radiation beam passing through an acceleration cavity; and the plurality of acceleration cavity units has a plurality of holes each of which is configured to be in fluidic communication with the corresponding coupling cavity; and', 'an edge region of each of at least a portion of the plurality of holes includes continuously varying curvatures., 'a plurality of coupling cavity units each of which includes a coupling cavity, two adjacent acceleration cavities being electromagnetically coupled via the coupling cavity, wherein'}2. The accelerating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of acceleration cavity units are arranged in sequence along a moving direction of the radiation beam.3. The accelerating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the edge region of each of at least a portion of the plurality of holes is configured with a filleted corner such that the edge region of the each of at least a ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190224751A1

A system and apparatus for electron beam melting comprises a superconducting radio frequency accelerator configured to produce an electron beam, a conduction cooling system configured to cool the superconducting radio frequency accelerator, and an electron beam melting system wherein the electron beam melts power in a build chamber of the electron beam melting apparatus. 1. A system comprising:a particle accelerator configured to produce a particle beam;a conduction cooling system configured to conduct thermal energy away from the particle accelerator; anda manufacturing system wherein the particle beam provides energy to a build chamber of the additive manufacturing system.2. The system of wherein the particle accelerator comprises a superconducting radio frequency accelerator.3. The system of wherein the superconducting radio frequency accelerator further comprises:a superconducting cavity;an electron gun; anda power coupler.4. The system of wherein the superconducting cavity further comprises:at least 5 .cells.5. The system of wherein the electron gun further comprises one of:a thermionic cathode; anda field emission cathode.6. The system of wherein the superconducting cavity further comprises:a niobium cavity.7. The system of wherein the particle beam comprises an electron beam.8. The system of wherein the manufacturing system comprises an electron beam melting apparatus.9. The system of wherein the electron beam melting apparatus further comprises:a beam bending assembly configured to adjust a position of the electron beam in the build chamber;a build platform configured in the build chamber; anda powder tank configured to provide powder to the build chamber.10. The system of wherein the conduction cooling system further comprises:a refrigeration source;a cavity cooler in conductive contact with the particle accelerator; anda cooling connector forming a conductive connection between the cavity cooler and the refrigeration source.11. The system of wherein the ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210299478A1

Disclosed herein is a method of determining the nature of a fault in a radiotherapy device comprising a linear accelerator. The radiotherapy device is configured to provide therapeutic radiation to a patient. The radiotherapy device comprises a vacuum tube comprising an electron gun, a waveguide configured to accelerate electrons emitted by the electron gun toward a target to produce said radiation, and a flight tube. The electron gun is located at a first end of the vacuum tube and the flight tube is located at a second end of the vacuum tube. The radiotherapy device further comprises a first and a second sensor. The first sensor is configured to provide signals indicative of pressure at a first region inside the vacuum tube and the second sensor is configured to provide signals indicative of pressure at a second region inside the vacuum tube. The first region is closer to the first end of the vacuum tube than the second region is. The method comprises processing a first value derived from signals from the first sensor and a second value derived from signals from the second sensor. The first value is indicative of pressure at the first region inside the vacuum tube, and the second value is indicative of pressure at the second region inside the vacuum tube. Processing the first and second value comprises comparing the first value with a first threshold and comparing the second value with a second threshold; and, based on the processing of the signals, determining that the nature of the fault is associated with the flight tube. 1. A method of determining the nature of a fault in a radiotherapy device , the radiotherapy device comprising a linear accelerator , the radiotherapy device being configured to provide therapeutic radiation to a patient , the radiotherapy device further comprising:a vacuum tube comprising an electron gun, a waveguide configured to accelerate electrons emitted by the electron gun toward a target to produce said radiation, and a flight tube, ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160270203A1

A linear proton accelerator includes a plurality of accelerator components arranged after one another, and a proton source and a plurality of accelerating units. The accelerator further includes a reticular support structure for supporting the accelerator components. The support structure is shaped as a prism with a polygonal cross-section, and has a plurality of side faces joining opposite ends of the prism. The support structure is arranged concentrically with respect to the accelerator components. 1. A linear proton accelerator including a plurality of accelerator components arranged after one another , said accelerator components comprising:a proton source;a plurality of accelerating units; anda reticular support structure for supporting said accelerator components, said support structure being shaped as a prism with a polygonal cross-section, and having a plurality of side faces joining opposite ends of the prism, wherein said support structure is arranged concentrically with respect to said accelerator components;wherein a plurality of shielding slabs of radiation shielding material are mounted on respective openings formed on said side faces of the support structure.2. An accelerator according to claim 1 , wherein said proton source is a duoplasmatron or microwave proton source.3. An accelerator according to claim 1 , wherein said accelerator components further comprise an injector arranged after the proton source.4. An accelerator according to claim 4 , wherein said injector comprises a radio-frequency quadrupole injector arranged after the proton source.5. An accelerator according to claim 1 , wherein said accelerating units comprise a plurality of side coupled drift tube linac units and a plurality of coupled cavity linac units.6. An accelerator according to claim 1 , wherein said accelerator and support structure are positioned vertically.7. An accelerator according to claim 6 , wherein said support structure is configured for being installed within a ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации

Scanning Linear Accelerator System Having Stable Pulsing at Multiple Energies and Doses

Номер: US20170265291A1

A linac-based X-ray system for cargo scanning and imaging applications uses linac design, RF power control, beam current control, and beam current pulse duration control to provide stable sequences of pulses having different energy levels or different doses. 1. A method for generating an alternating series of X-ray pulses of different energies comprising the steps ofproviding an electron accelerator with a resonance bandwidth, the electron accelerator including an electron gun and a target,providing to the electron accelerator a plurality of pulses of alternating RF powers, each of the RF pulses having an RF pulsewidth, such that a pulse of a higher RF power is followed by a pulse of a lower RF power, and the RF powers are sufficiently similar that the frequency difference of the alternating pulses of RF power is within the resonance bandwidth of the electron accelerator,providing to the electron gun a plurality of current pulses of electrons of alternating currents, each current pulse synchronized to occur within the RF pulsewidth of the corresponding higher and lower RF power pulses, andcontrolling the duration of the current pulses, such that the combination of alternating RF power pulses and alternating current pulses of electrons causes the electron accelerator to emit pulses of alternating energies of at least 2 Mev that strike a target which in response emits X-rays of alternating energy levels each having a dose in a controllable ratio and the alternating energy levels having an energy difference of not less than 1 Mev.2. The method of wherein the ratio is approximately 1:1.3. The method of wherein the ratio is substantially different from 1:1.4. The method of wherein the pulses of alternating energies comprises pulses of approximately 4 Mev and 6 Mev.5. A linac system for providing pulses with stable dose per pulse during periods of scanning claim 1 , comprising:a power source for supplying power,an RF source with a controllable output frequency for ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170265292A1
Автор: Mishin Andrey

A hybrid linear accelerator is disclosed comprising a standing wave linear accelerator section (“SW section”) followed by a travelling wave linear accelerator section (“TW section”). In one example, RF power is provided to the TW section and power not used by the TW section is provided to the SW section via a waveguide. An RF switch, an RF phase adjuster, and/or an RF power adjuster is provided along the waveguide to change the energy and/or phase of the RF power provided to the SW section. In another example, RF power is provided to both the SW section and the TW section, and RF power not used by the TW section is provided to the SW section, via an RF switch, an RF phase adjuster, and/or an RF power. In another example, an RF load is matched to the output of the TW section by an RF switch. 1. A hybrid linear accelerator comprising:a source of charged particles configured to provide an input beam of charged particles;a standing wave linear accelerator section configured to receive the input beam of charged particles and accelerate the charged particles, the standing wave linear accelerator section providing an intermediate beam of accelerated electrons;a traveling wave linear accelerator section configured to receive the intermediate beam of accelerated electrons, and to further increase the momentum and energy of the intermediate beam of accelerated electrons, the traveling wave linear accelerator section providing an output beam of charged particles;a drift tube configured to provide a path to for passage of the intermediate beam from the standing wave linear accelerator section to the traveling wave linear accelerator section, the drift tube configured to RF decouple the standing wave linear accelerator section from the traveling wave linear accelerator section to further increase the momentum and energy of the intermediate beam;an RF source configured to provide RF power to the traveling wave linear accelerator section; anda waveguide having an input coupled to ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170273168A1
Автор: Burt Graeme, KONOPLEV Ivan

A radio-frequency (RF) cavity apparatus for accelerating charged particles includes first and second cavity arms. The first and second cavity arms have respective first and second axes of rotational symmetry and each cavity arm includes at least one cell. The first and second cavity arms are connected by a resonance coupler. The cell(s) of the first cavity aim have an axial dimensional parameter that is equal to a corresponding axial dimensional parameter of the cell(s) of the second cavity arm, and the cell(s) of the first cavity arm have at least one non-axial dimensional parameter that differs from corresponding non-axial dimensional parameter(s) of the cell(s) of the second cavity arm.

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170295638A1

An apparatus includes an accelerator guide and a shielding structure enclosing the accelerator guide. The accelerator guide includes an electron source at a first end, a target at a second end, and a plurality of accelerating cavities coupled in series along a longitudinal axis between the first end and the second end. The accelerator guide has a contour as viewed in the longitudinal axis. The shielding structure has an inner wall surface defining a contour as viewed in the longitudinal axis generally conformal to the contour of the accelerator guide. 1. An apparatus , comprising:an accelerator guide comprising an electron source at a first end, a target at a second end, and a plurality of accelerating cavities coupled in series along a longitudinal axis between the first end and the second end, the accelerator guide having a contour as viewed in the longitudinal axis;a shielding structure enclosing the accelerator guide, the shielding structure having an inner wall surface defining a contour as viewed in the longitudinal axis generally conformal to the contour of the accelerator guide.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the accelerator guide further comprises a guide-slide coupled at the second end claim 1 , the guide-slide defining the contour of the accelerator guide as viewed in the longitudinal axis and providing a contact surface slidably engaging the inner wall surface of the shielding structure.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the guide-slide has a contour generally in an obround shape as view in the longitudinal axis.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the shielding structure comprises a mono-block surrounding at least a major portion of the accelerator guide.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the mono-block comprises a radiation shield and a magnetic shield integrated with the radiation shield.6. The apparatus of claim 4 , further comprising a mounting flange coupled to the first end of the accelerator guide for mounting the accelerator guide ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации

Conduction cooling systems for linear accelerator cavities

Номер: US20160309573A1
Автор: Robert Kephart
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is a conduction cooling system for linear accelerator cavities. The system conducts heat from the cavities to a refrigeration unit using at least one cavity cooler interconnected with a cooling connector. The cavity cooler and cooling connector are both made from solid material having a very high thermal conductivity of at least approximately 1×10 4 W m −1 K −1 at temperatures of approximately 4 degrees K. This allows for very simple and effective conduction of waste heat from the linear accelerator cavities to the cavity cooler, along the cooling connector, and thence to the refrigeration unit.

09-11-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus for mm-wave radiation generation utilizing whispering gallery mode resonators

Номер: US20170325326A1

An apparatus for generating high frequency electromagnetic radiation includes a whispering gallery mode resonator, coupled to an output waveguide through a coupling aperture. The resonator has a guiding surface, and supports a whispering gallery electromagnetic eigenmode. An electron source is configured to generate a velocity vector-modulated electron beam, where each electron in the velocity vector-modulated electron beam travels substantially perpendicular to the guiding surface, while interacting with the whispering gallery electromagnetic eigenmode in the whispering gallery mode resonator, generating high frequency electromagnetic radiation in the output waveguide. 1. An apparatus for generating mm-wave electromagnetic radiation at an output frequency comprising: a) a whispering gallery mode resonator with a guiding surface , wherein the whispering gallery mode resonator has dimensions selected to support a whispering gallery electromagnetic eigenmode at the output frequency , b) an output waveguide coupled to the whispering gallery mode resonator through an aperture , and c) an electron beam source , wherein the electron beam source is designed to generate a velocity vector-modulated electron beam , wherein the electron beam source is configured such that the velocity vector-modulated electron beam travels substantially perpendicular to the guiding surface.290. The apparatus of wherein the whispering gallery mode resonator is a spherical sector claim 1 , wherein the whispering gallery mode resonator is designed to support two orthogonal whispering gallery eigenmodes with the same output eigen-frequency claim 1 , wherein the apparatus further comprises a coupler coupling the whispering gallery mode resonator to the output waveguide claim 1 , wherein the coupler is designed to couple the two orthogonal whispering gallery eigenmodes with a degree phase difference to the output waveguide.3. The apparatus of wherein the whispering gallery mode resonator is a ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160338187A1
Автор: Biallas George Herman

A diaphragm flange for connecting the tubes in a particle accelerator while minimizing beamline impedance. The diaphragm flange includes an outer flange and a thin diaphragm integral with the outer flange. Bolt holes in the outer flange provide a means for bolting the diaphragm flange to an adjacent flange or beam tube having a mating bolt-hole pattern. The diaphragm flange includes a first surface for connection to the tube of a particle accelerator beamline and a second surface for connection to a CF flange. The second surface includes a recessed surface therein and a knife-edge on the recessed surface. The diaphragm includes a thickness that enables flexing of the integral diaphragm during assembly of beamline components. The knife-edge enables compression of a soft metal gasket to provide a leak-tight seal. 1. A diaphragm flange , comprising:a. an annular outer ring including one or more bolt holes and an inner periphery;b. a first side having a flat surface a second side having a flat surface;c. an annular diaphragm integral with and extending from the inner periphery of the outer ring; andd. an opening in said annular diaphragm.2. The diaphragm flange of claim 1 , further comprising an annular ring outboard of the annular edge and forming an annular seat adjacent said opening.3. The diaphragm flange of claim 1 , further comprisinga recessed surface on said second side of said diaphragm flange; andan annular knife-edge extending from said recessed surface.4. The diaphragm flange of claim 1 , further comprising a leak check groove extending laterally across the annular outer ring.5. The diaphragm flange of claim 1 , wherein said diaphragm includes a thickness that enables elastic or inelastic deformation of the diaphragm.6. The diaphragm flange of claim 1 , wherein said diaphragm includes a thickness of between 0.04 inch and 0.10 inch.7. The diaphragm flange of claim 1 , wherein said diaphragm includes a thickness of between 0.05 inch and 0.09 inch.8. The ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170345518A1
Автор: Stuart Martin A.

Provided are a plurality of embodiments, including, but not limited to, a device for generating efficient low and high average power output Gamma Rays via relativistic particle bombardment of element targets using an efficient particle injector and accelerator at low and high average power levels suitable for element transmutation and power generation with an option for efficient remediation of radioisotope release into any environment. The devices utilize diamond or diamond-like carbon materials and active cooling for improved performance. 1. An emitter device comprising:a source of charged particles;a capacitor element for accelerating the charged particles, the capacitor element including a pair of electrode plates arranged perpendicular to an axis of the emitter device; anda conduit formed through the capacitor element along the axis of the emitter device for transmitting the charged particles, whereinat least one of the capacitor electrode plates is at least partially coated with diamond or diamond-like carbon that are configured to act as an insulator.2. The emitter device of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of photo switches arranged around the capacitor element for providing a uniform current flow during a discharge.3. The emitter device of claim 2 , wherein each one of said photo switches is comprised of a diamond crystal.4. The emitter device of claim 3 , wherein said photo switches are activated in a controlled manner to facilitate a uniform current flow during discharge of the capacitor element.5. The emitter device of claim 1 , further comprising at least one channel for circulating a coolant in the accelerator.6. The emitter device of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of said capacitor elements stacked to form a capacitor array.7. The emitter device of claim 6 , wherein said capacitor array is provided within a polygon-shaped containment vessel.8. The emitter device of claim 1 , wherein the conduit includes diamond or diamond-like carbon ...

29-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180343733A1

The invention provides a method for accelerating protons and carbon ions up to 450 MeV/u in a very compact linac, the method comprising subjecting the particles to a radio frequency quadrupole field to accelerate the particles to at least 3 MeV/u, a drift tube linac (DTL) to an energy of 20 MeV/u, followed by a coupled DTL to 45 MeV/u and finally a high-gradient section made of CCL-type standing wave cavities or negative harmonic traveling wave cavities operating at S-band frequencies and capable of delivering voltage gradients of 40 to 60 MV/m. Focusing the accelerated particles while accelerated to higher energy is provided by appropriately placed constant field permanent magnets and electromagnetic quadrupoles. The compactness and power efficiency of the linac is enabled by using high-gradient structure in the S-band frequencies for lower energy particles than ever before. The low-intensity required for hadron therapy allows the use of small-aperture S-band structures and the operation at very high gradient compared to high-intensity machines for research. Operating with very short sub-microsecond pulses at repetition rates up to 400 Hz allows the fast and flexible beam energy and intensity tuning not provided by existing hadron therapy machines. The designed linac is capable of accelerating ions as heavy as neon to the full 450 MeV/u energy, therefore allowing fast beam switching if different ion sources are installed in the front-end of the linac. 1. A method for accelerating charged particles , the method comprisinga) subjecting the particles to a radio frequency quadrupole field for a time sufficient to accelerate the particles to about 1-3 MeV/u;b) focusing the accelerated particles; andc) imparting higher energy to the focused accelerated particles.2. The method as recited in wherein the particles are C and the particles are converted to C upon leaving the radio frequency quadrupole.3. The method as recited in wherein the step of focusing the accelerated ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Compact SRF Based Accelerator

Номер: US20180352644A1
Автор: Kephart Robert

An accelerator comprising at least one accelerator cavity, an electron gun, at least one cavity cooler configured to at least partially encircle the accelerator cavity, a cooling connector, an intermediate conduction layer formed between the at least one cavity cooler and the at least one accelerator cavity configured to facilitate thermal conductivity between the cavity cooler and the accelerator cavity, a mechanical support connected to the accelerator cavity via at least one endplate and configured for stabilizing the accelerator cavity, and a refrigeration source for providing refrigerant via the cooling connector to the at least one cavity cooler. 1. An accelerator comprising:at least one accelerator cavity;an electron gun;at least one cavity cooler configured to at least partially encircle said accelerator cavity;a cooling connector; anda refrigeration source for providing refrigerant via said cooling connector to said at least one cavity cooler.2. The accelerator of further comprising:an intermediate conduction layer formed between said at least one cavity cooler and said at least one accelerator cavity configured to facilitate thermal conductivity between said cavity cooler and said accelerator cavity.3. The accelerator of wherein said intermediate conduction layer is configured of a ductile material comprising one of:indium; andlead.4. The accelerator of wherein said cooling connector has a minimum thermal conductivity of 1×10W mKat temperatures of 4 degrees K.5. The accelerator of further comprising:a mechanical support connected to said accelerator cavity and configured for stabilizing said accelerator cavity.6. The accelerator of wherein said mechanical support comprises at least one of:a plurality of support rods; anda solid cylinder.7. The accelerator of wherein said refrigeration source further comprises:a vessel containing a cryogenic fluid.8. The accelerator of further comprising:a cold tip associated with said refrigeration source clamped to said ...

21-12-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus for mm-wave radiation generation utilizing whispering gallery mode resonators

Номер: US20170367171A1
Принадлежит: Leland Stanford Junior University

An apparatus for generating high frequency electromagnetic radiation includes a whispering gallery mode resonator, coupled to an output waveguide through a coupling aperture. The resonator has a guiding surface, and supports a whispering gallery electromagnetic eigenmode. An electron source is configured to generate a velocity vector-modulated electron beam, where each electron in the velocity vector-modulated electron beam travels substantially perpendicular to the guiding surface, while interacting with the whispering gallery electromagnetic eigenmode in the whispering gallery mode resonator, generating high frequency electromagnetic radiation in the output waveguide.

23-09-2009 дата публикации

Driftröhrenbeschleuniger zur Beschleunigung von Ionenpaketen

Номер: EP1505855A3

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Driftröhrenbeschleuniger (1) zur Beschleunigung von Ionenpaketen in Ionenstrahlbeschleunigungsanlagen, wobei ein Gehäuse (2) aus einem längsgeteilten dreiteiligen Vakuumtank (3) besteht, der ein Mittelstück (4) und eine untere Halbschale (5) aus einem strukturierten unteren Stahlblock (15) und eine obere Halbschale (6) aus einem strukturierten oberen Stahlblock (19) aufweist.( Die zwischen Mittelstück (4) und den strukturierten Stahlblöcken (15, 19) angeordnete Kavität weist mindestens zwei Beschleunigungsbereiche (24, 25) auf, zwischen denen eine magnetische Fokussiereinrichtung (17) angeordnet ist, welche den Ionenstrahl von einem Bereich (24) zum nächsten Bereich (25) fokussiert.) Der erfindungsgemäße Driftröhrenbeschleuniger (1) weist einen derart stabilen und massiven Aufbau auf, dass er keinerlei äußere Stützhilfen benötigt, um eine sichere und auf wenige Mikrometer genaue Ausrichtung der Beschleunigungskomponenten innerhalb des Driftröhrenbeschleunigers (1) auf die ionenstrahlführende Längsachse (7) des Mittelstückes (4) zu erreichen. Die massive Struktur des erfindungsgemäßen Driftröhrenbeschleunigers (1) kann allgemein für jeden Linearbeschleuniger eingesetzt werden.

10-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN110225644A
Автор: 何源, 王志军, 窦为平
Принадлежит: Institute of Modern Physics of CAS


25-05-2018 дата публикации

For operating linear accelerator method and linear accelerator

Номер: CN108076579A
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

本公开涉及用于操作线性加速器的方法和线性加速器。在用于操作线性加速器(1)的方法中,带电粒子由粒子源(2)发射,并通过高频交变场在加速器(3)中被加速,使得带电粒子脉冲被生成。高频功率(P HF )通过高频脉冲被周期性地提供给加速器(3),以生成高频交变场。根据本发明,在高频脉冲的HF脉冲长度(Δt)期间,粒子源(2)发射的粒子流发生变化,使得在HF脉冲长度(Δt)期间形成的脉冲具有至少两个子脉冲,至少两个子脉冲具有不同的针对每个粒子的平均能量。本发明还涉及被设计为执行该方法的线性加速器,并且涉及具有这种线性加速器的材料鉴别放射检查设备。

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Method for producing superconducting sealing rings

Номер: DE102015212930B4
Принадлежит: Heraeus Deutschland GmbH and Co KG

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Dichtungsringen (16, 36) für supraleitende vakuumdichte Strukturen, wobei die Dichtungsringe (16, 36) aus Vanadium, Niob oder Tantal als Hauptkomponente oder einer metallischen Verbindung damit als Hauptkomponente bestehen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass ein metallischer Draht (1, 21) mit Vanadium, Niob oder Tantal als Hauptkomponente oder einer metallischen Verbindung damit als Hauptkomponente ringförmig gebogen wird und der Draht (1, 21) in einer mehrteiligen Hohlform (4, 5, 24, 25) platziert wird, wobei die Teile der Hohlform (4, 5, 24, 25) derart gestaltet sind, dass die Teile der Hohlform (4, 5, 24, 25) im zusammengefahrenen Zustand innen und außen auf Stoß gefahren werden und dazwischen nicht auf Stoß gefahren werden, wobei A) vor dem Einlegen in die Hohlform (4, 5, 24, 25) die aneinander anliegenden Enden des Drahts (1, 21) mit einem Laser verschweißt werden, oder B) der Draht überlappend in der Hohlform (4, 5, 24, 25) angeordnet wird, und wobei der an den Enden verschweißte Drahtring (1) oder der überlappende Drahtring (21) nach dem Einlegen in die Hohlform (4, 5, 24, 25) durch Pressformen mit der Hohlform (4, 5, 24, 25) in eine Ringform (16, 35) umgeformt wird. Method for producing sealing rings (16, 36) for superconducting vacuum-tight structures, wherein the sealing rings (16, 36) consist of vanadium, niobium or tantalum as the main component or a metallic compound therewith as the main component, characterized in that a metallic wire (1, 21) is bent annularly with vanadium, niobium or tantalum as the main component or a metallic compound therewith as a main component and the wire (1, 21) is placed in a multi-part mold (4, 5, 24, 25), wherein the parts of the mold ( 4, 5, 24, 25) are designed such that the parts of the mold (4, 5, 24, 25) are moved in the contracted state inside and outside in shock and be driven in between not on impact, wherein A) before insertion in the mold (4, 5, 24, 25) the abutting ends of the wire (1, ...

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014137977A

1. Система линейного ускорителя электронов, содержащая:первый делитель мощности, содержащий первый порт, второй порт и третий порт; при этом СВЧ-излучение подается в первый порт, а первый СВЧ-пучок и второй СВЧ-пучок с одинаковой амплитудой и фазой исходят из второго и третьего портов;первый сумматор мощностей, содержащий симметричные первый и второй порты и симметричные третий и четвертые порты; при этом второй порт первого сумматора мощностей соединен с третьим портом первого делителя мощности;второй сумматор мощностей, содержащий симметричные первый и второй порты и симметричные третий и четвертый порты; при этом четвертый порт второго сумматора мощностей соединен с четвертым портом первого сумматора мощностей;второй делитель мощности, содержащий первый порт, второй порт и третий порт; при этом третий порт второго делителя мощности соединен со вторым портом второго сумматора мощностей, а СВЧ-излучение подается на второй порт и третий порт второго делителя мощности и на выход первого порта второго делителя мощности; иускорительную трубку, содержащую входной порт для приема пучка электронов и порт для ввода микроволнового излучения, соединенный с первым портом второго делителя мощности; при этом пучок электронов разгоняется СВЧ-излучением, подаваемым на порт для ввода микроволнового излучения;при этом система линейного ускорителя электронов также включает в себя:первый фазовращатель, предусмотренный между вторым портом первого делителя мощности и первым портом первого сумматора мощностей;второй фазовращатель, предусмотренный между первым портом второго сумматора мощностей и вторым портом второго делителя мощно РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H05H 9/00 (13) 2014 137 977 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2014137977, 19.09.2014 (71) Заявитель(и): Нуктех Кампани Лимитед (CN), Цзинхуа Юниверсити (CN) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 22.09.2013 CN 201310432067.8 Адрес для ...

20-03-2015 дата публикации

Radiant tube and particle accelerator having radiant tube

Номер: RU2544838C2
Автор: Оливер ХАЙД

FIELD: physics. SUBSTANCE: radiant tube (4) for guiding a charged particle stream (10), having a hollow cylindrical isolation core (6) directly surrounding a beam-guiding hollow volume (8), the isolation core (6) being formed from a dielectrically acting carrier substrate (14) and an electrical conductor (16) held therein, and a metal housing (5) surrounding the isolation core (6), wherein the conductor (16) is divided into a plurality of conductor loops (20) completely encompassing the circumference of the isolation core (6) at different axial positions and galvanically connected to each other, wherein the conductor (16) in at least two spaced-apart points, particularly at the side of the ends, is galvanically connected to the housing (5), wherein metal layers are embedded in the carrier substrate (14), said metal layers being arranged one behind the other along the axis of the radiant tube (4) and inductively connected to each other through the electrical conductor (16). EFFECT: reduced probability of breakdown. 6 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H05H 5/02 (13) 2 544 838 C2 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011134895/07, 02.12.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 02.12.2009 (72) Автор(ы): ХАЙД Оливер (DE) (73) Патентообладатель(и): СИМЕНС АКЦИЕНГЕЗЕЛЛЬШАФТ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.02.2013 Бюл. № 6 R U 20.01.2009 DE 102009005200.3 (45) Опубликовано: 20.03.2015 Бюл. № 8 3761720А, 25.09.1973 . US 6921042В1, 26.07.2005. WO 2006043366А1, 27.04.2006 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 22.08.2011 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 5 4 4 8 3 8 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2569154A, 24.07.1948 . US 2 5 4 4 8 3 8 R U (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2010/083915 (29.07.2010) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая ...

10-08-2015 дата публикации

Hf resonator and accelerator with such hf resonator

Номер: RU2559031C2

Изобретение относится к области ускорительной техники. ВЧ резонатор содержит камеру, окружающую камеру проводящую стенку (15), которая имеет внутреннюю сторону (19) и внешнюю сторону (17), и устройство переключения с множеством твердотельных переключателей (29), которые размещены по периметру стенки (15) вокруг камеры, причем твердотельные переключатели (29) с проводящей стенкой (15) соединены таким образом, что при активировании устройства переключения ВЧ токи индуцируются в проводящей стенке (15), за счет чего ВЧ мощность вводится в камеру ВЧ резонатора (11), причем на внешней стороне (17) проводящей стенки (15) вдоль периметра ВЧ резонатора (11) имеется экранирующее устройство (33, 37, 39, 41, 43), которое повышает импеданс пути распространения ВЧ токов вдоль внешней стороны (17) стенки (15), так что введенные в стенку (15) ВЧ токи подавляются на внешней стороне (17) стенки (15). Кроме того, изобретение относится к ускорителю с подобным ВЧ резонатором. Технический результат - повышение безопасности работы ускорителя и повышение гибкости управления ускорителем. 2 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H05H 7/18 (13) 2 559 031 C2 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012103491/07, 18.10.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.10.2010 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): БАУРИХТЕР Арнд (DE), ХАЙД Оливер (DE), ХЬЮЗ Тимоти (DE) 17.11.2009 DE 102009053624.8 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.12.2013 Бюл. № 36 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): СИМЕНС АКЦИЕНГЕЗЕЛЛЬШАФТ (DE) (45) Опубликовано: 10.08.2015 Бюл. № 22 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 18.06.2012 2 5 5 9 0 3 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 5497050 A, 05.03.1996 . US 3495125 A, 10.02.1970. US 5661366A, 26.06.1997. US 2009224700 A1, 10.09.2009. EP 0711101 A1, 08.05.1996. (86) Заявка PCT: 2 5 5 9 0 3 1 R U C 2 C 2 EP ...

16-03-2022 дата публикации

Overvoltage protection of accelerator components

Номер: TW202211734A
Принадлежит: 美商中子療法股份有限公司


26-04-2019 дата публикации

A kind of ion accelerator

Номер: CN109688690A
Автор: 钱铁威


09-07-2021 дата публикации

Low-energy heavy ion accelerator and acceleration method

Номер: CN113099601A
Принадлежит: Institute of Fluid Physics of CAEP


24-06-2015 дата публикации

Hf cavity and accelerator having such an hf cavity

Номер: CN102612865B
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG


21-06-2021 дата публикации

Patent RU2019126617A3

Номер: RU2019126617A3

ВУ“? 2019126617” АЗ Дата публикации: 21.06.2021 Форма № 18 ИЗПМ-2011 Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение ж 5 «Федеральный институт промышленной собственности» (ФИПС) ОТЧЕТ О ПОИСКЕ 1. . ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ ЗАЯВКИ Регистрационный номер Дата подачи 2019126617/07(052167) 26.01.2018 РСТ/СА2018/050098 26.01.2018 Приоритет установлен по дате: [ ] подачи заявки [ ] поступления дополнительных материалов от к ранее поданной заявке № [ ] приоритета по первоначальной заявке № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи первоначальной заявки № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи ранее поданной заявки № [Х] подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) в государстве-участнике Парижской конвенции (31) Номер первой(ых) заявки(ок) (32) Дата подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) (33) Код страны 1. 62/450,935 26.01.2017 05 Название изобретения (полезной модели): [Х] - как заявлено; [ ] - уточненное (см. Примечания) ВЫВОДНОЕ ОКНО ДЛЯ ЭЛЕКТРОННОГО ПУЧКА В ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ ИЗОТОПОВ Заявитель: КАНЕЙДЬЕН ЛАИТ СОРС ИНК., СА 2. ЕДИНСТВО ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ [Х] соблюдено [ ] не соблюдено. Пояснения: см. Примечания 3. ФОРМУЛА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ: [Х] приняты во внимание все пункты (см. Примечания) [ ] приняты во внимание следующие пункты: [ ] принята во внимание измененная формула изобретения (см. Примечания) 4. КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ОБЪЕКТА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ (ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ) (Указываются индексы МПК и индикатор текущей версии) НОЗН 7/22 (2006.01) 5. ОБЛАСТЬ ПОИСКА 5.1 Проверенный минимум документации РСТ (указывается индексами МПК) НОЗН 7/22 (2006.01)1 5.2 Другая проверенная документация в той мере, в какой она включена в поисковые подборки: 5.3 Электронные базы данных, использованные при поиске (название базы, и если, возможно, поисковые термины): РУ\У/Р1, Ебрасепек, Соозе, Соозе Рас, Разеагсв, КОРТО, ЦЗРТО, Уапдех 6. ДОКУМЕНТЫ, ОТНОСЯЩИЕСЯ К ПРЕДМЕТУ ПОИСКА Кате- Наименование документа с указанием (где необходимо) частей, Относится к гория* относящихся к предмету поиска пункту ...

18-12-2018 дата публикации

Multi beam source generating apparatus

Номер: KR101930017B1
Принадлежит: 한국원자력연구원

본 발명은 단일 전자빔 가속기를 이용하여 다방향의 다중빔을 발생시킬 수 있는 장치에 관한 것으로, 복수의 빔라인과 대응되어 방사형으로 배치되는 복수의 타겟(111)(112)과; 각 타겟 방향으로 회전 가능하게 마련되어 전자 빔을 가속하기 위한 선형 가속기(120)와; RF 소스(130)를 전달하는 도파관(131)과 상기 가속관(120)을 서로 회동 가능하게 연결하는 로터리 조인트(200);를 포함한다. The present invention relates to an apparatus capable of generating multi-directional multi-beams using a single electron beam accelerator, and includes a plurality of targets (111) (112) arranged radially in correspondence with a plurality of beamlines; A linear accelerator 120 provided to be rotatable in each target direction to accelerate the electron beam; And a rotary joint 200 that rotatably connects the waveguide 131 for transmitting the RF source 130 and the acceleration tube 120.

24-07-1992 дата публикации

Accelerating tube with a conducting layer

Номер: FR2671908A1
Автор: Roche Michel

The invention relates to accelerating tubes used for the construction of electron guns or electrostatic accelerators. It essentially comprises a long insulating tube (1) which seals the tube and which includes an inner lining (4) made of a material having high resistivity. Connection breakers (3) are brazed to the ends of this insulating tube. They support accelerating electrodes (2).

12-11-2018 дата публикации

Negative ion-based neutral beam injector

Номер: PH12018500893A1
Принадлежит: Tae Tech Inc

A negative ion-based neutral beam injector comprising a negative ion source, accelerator and neutralizer to produce about a 5 MW neutral beam with energy of about 0.50 to 1.0 MeV. The ions produced by the ion source are pre-accelerated before injection into a high energy accelerator by an electrostatic multi-aperture grid pre-accelerator, which is used to extract ion beams from the plasma and accelerate to some fraction of the required beam energy. The beam from the ion source passes through a pair of deflecting magnets, which enable the beam to shift off axis before entering the high energy accelerator. After acceleration to full energy, the beam enters the neutralizer where it is partially converted into a neutral beam. The remaining ion species are separated by a magnet and directed into electrostatic energy converters. The neutral beam passes through a gate valve and enters a plasma chamber.

13-08-2020 дата публикации

Negative ion-based neutral beam injector

Номер: KR102144601B1

음이온-기반 중성 빔 입사장치가 약 0.50 내지 1.0 eV 의 에너지를 갖는 약 5 MW 중성 빔을 생성하기 위해, 음이온 소스, 가속기, 및 중화기를 포함한다. 이온 소스에 의해 생성된 이온들은, 고에너지 가속기 내로의 입사 이전에, 플라즈마로부터 이온 빔을 추출하며 그리고 요구되는 빔 에너지의 일부 분율까지 가속시키기 위해 사용되는, 정전 복수-구멍 그리드 예비-가속기에 의해 예비-가속된다. 이온 소스로부터의 빔은, 빔이 고에너지 가속기에 들어가기 이전에 축선 밖으로 시프트될 수 있도록 하는, 한 쌍의 편향 자석을 통과한다. 최대 에너지로의 가속 이후에, 빔은, 빔이 부분적으로 중성 빔으로 변환되는 중화기에 들어간다. 남아있는 이온 종들은 자석에 의해 분리되고, 또한 정전 에너지 변환기 내로 지향된다. 중성 빔은 게이트 밸브를 통과하며 그리고 플라즈마 챔버에 들어간다. The negative ion-based neutral beam injector includes an negative ion source, an accelerator, and a neutralizer to generate an approximately 5 MW neutral beam having an energy of approximately 0.50 to 1.0 eV. The ions produced by the ion source are extracted by an electrostatic multi-hole grid pre-accelerator, which is used to extract the ion beam from the plasma and accelerate it to a fraction of the required beam energy prior to incidence into the high energy accelerator. Pre-accelerated. The beam from the ion source passes through a pair of deflecting magnets that allow the beam to shift out of the axis before entering the high energy accelerator. After acceleration to maximum energy, the beam enters the neutralizer where the beam is partially converted to a neutral beam. The remaining ionic species are separated by the magnet and also directed into the electrostatic energy converter. The neutral beam passes through the gate valve and enters the plasma chamber.

17-09-2014 дата публикации

Hf cavity and accelerator having such an hf cavity

Номер: EP2502470B1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

05-01-1993 дата публикации

Nested tube cryogenic support system

Номер: US5176001A
Принадлежит: Harsco Corp

An improved nested tube cryogenic support and its method of manufacture includes a plurality of nested tube assemblies each including an FRP tube having a metal connector element integrally joined at each end thereof by forming a groove around the outer periphery of the connector elements, forming the end portion of the uncured FRP tube into the groove, and applying a prestressed fiber reinforced plastic band around the outer periphery of the tube at the groove to apply a compressive force reinforcing the joint between the connector elements and the tube.

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Neutral beam injector based on negative ions

Номер: ES2723201T3
Принадлежит: TAE Technologies Inc

Inyector de haces neutros basado en iones negativos que comprende una fuente de iones (110) adaptada para producir un haz de iones negativos, un acelerador (150) y un neutralizador (170), en el que el inyector de haces neutros basado en iones negativos comprende además un preacelerador (111) acoplado a la fuente de iones, y en el que el acelerador está separado de la fuente de iones por una zona de transición (205) interpuesta entre el preacelerador y el acelerador, y caracterizado por que el inyector comprende además un par de imanes deflectores (130), en la zona de transición e interpuestos entre el preacelerador y el acelerador, estando configurado el par de imanes deflectores para permitir que un haz proveniente del preacelerador se desplace fuera de eje con respecto a un eje del preacelerador y sobre un eje del acelerador antes de entrar en el acelerador, de tal manera que se reduce la afluencia de partículas en co-corriente hacia el acelerador y se evita la corriente de retorno de partículas aceleradas hacia el preacelerador y la fuente de iones. Neutral beam injector based on negative ions comprising an ion source (110) adapted to produce a negative ion beam, an accelerator (150) and a neutralizer (170), in which the neutral beam injector based on negative ions it further comprises a pre-accelerator (111) coupled to the ion source, and in which the accelerator is separated from the ion source by a transition zone (205) interposed between the pre-accelerator and the accelerator, and characterized in that the injector comprises in addition a pair of deflector magnets (130), in the transition zone and interposed between the pre-accelerator and the accelerator, the pair of deflector magnets being configured to allow a beam from the pre-accelerator to move off-axis with respect to an axis of the pre-accelerator and on an accelerator axis before entering the accelerator, in such a way that the influx of particles in co-current towards the accelerator is reduced and ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Accelerator and accelerator system

Номер: CA3089085A1

This accelerator (30, 40, 50) comprises a plurality of acceleration cavities (31, 41, 51) having one or two acceleration gaps, a plurality of first control means (33, 43, 53) provided respectively for the plurality of acceleration cavities, each of the plurality of first control means independently generating an oscillating electric field to control the movement of an ion beam inside the corresponding acceleration gap. In addition, M number of multipole magnets (32, 42, 52) generating a magnetic field to control the movement of the ion beam may be provided past N number of acceleration cavities. Each of the first control means independently controls an acceleration voltage and the phase thereof, to supply a high-frequency power. This allows for the adiabatic capture of a direct current beam from an ion generation source, in particular at a pre-acceleration stage.

27-08-2019 дата публикации

Coupling cancellation in electron acceleration systems

Номер: US10398018B2
Автор: David Newsham
Принадлежит: FAR-TECH Inc

An electron acceleration system includes a first RF cavity, and a second RF cavity whose center is located at a distance not more than 1.5 inch from the center of the first RF cavity, along an axis. The first RF cavity has a length less than about 0.25 inches. The on-axis coupling between the first and second RF cavities along the axis, which is primarily electric, is cancelled out by an off-axis coupling between the RF cavities off the axis, which is primarily magnetic. In this way, the net RF coupling between the RF cavities is zero. The phase and amplitude of the first and second RF cavities are each independently adjustable.

28-10-2020 дата публикации

Charged particle beam irradiation device

Номер: JP6775860B1
Автор: 卓司 古川, 洋介 原

【課題】従来の荷電粒子ビーム照射装置では、照射ノズルへ給電するためのケーブルに起因する問題が存在する。【解決手段】本発明は、荷電粒子ビームを偏向することで、アイソセンターへの荷電粒子ビームの照射角を連続的に変える収束電磁石と、前記収束電磁石の有効磁場領域の出射側の形状に沿って連続的に移動する照射ノズルであって、前記収束電磁石から出射した荷電粒子ビームは前記照射ノズルを通り前記アイソセンターに照射される、前記照射ノズルと、前記有効磁場領域の出射側の形状に沿うように 設けられた給電レールと、サポート部材を介して前記照射ノズルに固定された集電靴であって、前記給電レールに沿って摺動し、前記給電レールからの電力を前記照射ノズルに供給する前記集電靴とを備えた荷電粒子ビーム照射装置を提供する。【選択図】図1 PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To have a problem caused by a cable for supplying power to an irradiation nozzle in a conventional charged particle beam irradiation device. According to the present invention, a convergent electromagnet that continuously changes the irradiation angle of a charged particle beam to an isocenter by deflecting a charged particle beam, and a shape on the exit side of an effective magnetic field region of the convergent electromagnet. The charged particle beam emitted from the converging electromagnet passes through the irradiation nozzle and irradiates the isocenter in the shape of the irradiation nozzle and the emission side of the effective magnetic field region. A current collecting shoe fixed to the irradiation nozzle via a power supply rail provided along the feed rail and a support member, which slides along the power supply rail and transfers power from the power supply rail to the irradiation nozzle. Provided is a charged particle beam irradiation device including the current collector shoe to be supplied. [Selection diagram] Fig. 1

18-12-2015 дата публикации

Standing wave electron linear accelerator with continuousely adjustable energy

Номер: KR101578980B1

본 발명에서는 정상파 전자 선형 가속기 장치 및 방법을 개시한다. 정상파 전자 선형 가속기 장치는, 전자빔을 생성하도록 배치된 직류 고압 전자 총; 메인 펄스 전력 신호를 제공하도록 배치된 펄스 전력원; 펄스 전력원이 출력하는 메인 펄스 전력 신호를 제1 펄스 전력 신호와 제2 펄스 전력 신호로 분할하는 전력분배기; 제1 펄스 전력 신호를 이용하여 전자빔을 가속하는 제1 가속관; 제2 펄스 전력 신호를 이용하여 전자빔을 가속하는 제2 가속관; 제2 가속관의 출력이 에너지가 연속적으로 조절되는 가속 전자빔을 생성하도록 제1 펄스 전력 신호와 제2 펄스 전력 신호 사이의 위상 차를 연속적으로 조절하는 위상천이기;를 포함한다. The present invention discloses a stationary electron linear accelerator apparatus and method. A standing wave electron linear accelerator device comprises: a direct current high voltage electron gun arranged to generate an electron beam; A pulse power source arranged to provide a main pulse power signal; A power divider for dividing a main pulse power signal output from a pulse power source into a first pulse power signal and a second pulse power signal; A first acceleration tube for accelerating the electron beam using the first pulse power signal; A second acceleration tube for accelerating the electron beam using the second pulse power signal; And a phase shifter that continuously adjusts the phase difference between the first pulse power signal and the second pulse power signal such that the output of the second acceleration tube produces an accelerating electron beam whose energy is continuously adjusted.

07-05-2021 дата публикации

Power-adjustable waveguide device, accelerator comprising same and adjusting method thereof

Номер: CN112770475A


27-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR2954666B1
Автор: Jean Pierre Brasile
Принадлежит: Thales SA

20-11-2014 дата публикации

Dielectric wall accelerator utilizing diamond or diamond like carbon

Номер: CA2911525A1
Автор: Martin A. Stuart
Принадлежит: Individual

Provided are a plurality of embodiments, including, but not limited to, a device for generating efficient low and high average power output Gamma Rays via relativistic particle bombardment of element targets using an efficient particle injector and accelerator at low and high average power levels suitable for element transmutation and power generation with an option for efficient remediation of radioisotope release into any environment. The devices utilize diamond or diamond-like carbon materials and active cooling for improved performance.
