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20-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2233001C2

Изобретение относится к области исследования скважин и пластов в процессе бурения и может быть использовано для повышения отношения сигнал/шум. В качестве пилот-сигнала используют сигнал, создаваемый буровым долотом. Измеряют взаимно коррелированные друг с другом пилот-сигнал и сейсмические сигналы, переданные в грунт и отраженные от пластов. Пилот-сигнал и сейсмические сигналы могут быть обращены из свертки с получением таким образом дорожек сейсмограмм, на которых сигнал искажен шумом. Одновременно с этими сигналами получают связанные с ними параметры бурения. Для обеспечения улучшенного отношения сигнала к шуму и более четкого разделения сигнала и шума пилот-сигнал и сейсмические сигналы, полученные многократными измерениями для одного и того же диапазона глубин, частично или полностью суммируют с весом на основе одного или более параметров бурения или их комбинации. Для измерения указанных сигналов служит ряд приемников, образующих сейсмическую линию. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил., 1 табл.

20-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2382337C2

Изобретение может быть использовано для измерения расхода двухфазного потока нефти, воды и газа. Скважину исследуют на нескольких (не менее трех) установившихся технологических режимах ее работы. При режиме работы с повышенным забойным давлением отбирают пробу нефти глубинным пробоотборником при забойном давлении выше давления насыщения. Пробу пластовой воды (или смеси пластовой воды с закачанной) отбирают с нижней части эксплуатационного забоя при остановленной скважине после разделения воды и нефти на забое. В процессе исследования скважины определяют рабочий интервал давлений и температур контролируемого объема потока. Используя отобранные в процессе исследования скважины пробы нефти и воды, лабораторным способом определяют время прохождения импульсов в нефти и воде в рабочем интервале давлений и температур контролируемого объема потока. Определяют давление и температуру контролируемого объема при замере расхода нефтегазоводяного потока. При расчете расхода нефти и воды время прохождения ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2682828C2

Изобретение относится к средствам калибровки скважинного инструмента и может быть использовано для калибровки генератора тактовых импульсов. Техническим результатом является расширение арсенала технических средств для калибровки скважинных инструментов на месте проведения работ. В частности, предложено устройство для калибровки скважинного генератора тактовых импульсов, содержащее: скважинный генератор тактовых импульсов; приемный элемент для приема производного тактового сигнала в случае, когда скважинный генератор тактовых импульсов расположен в скважине; и измерительную схему для измерения частоты производного тактового сигнала в единицах нескорректированной скважинной тактовой частоты, связанной со скважинным генератором тактовых импульсов, для обеспечения эквивалента измеренной частоты. Причем производный тактовый сигнал получают из поверхностного тактового сигнала, связанного с поверхностным генератором тактовых импульсов, при этом частота производного тактового сигнала составляет ...

20-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2181494C2

Использование: в технологии каротажа для измерения физических свойств подземных формаций. Сущность: способ включает предварительную обработку сигнала обнаружения в скважинном устройстве обработки для определения времени поступления акустической волны в его приемник и передачу на поверхность только времени поступления. Скважинный прибор для акустического каротажа (и система каротажа, в которой его используют) содержит управляющий блок для управления генерацией и приемом акустической волны, который содержит АЦП для преобразования сигнала обнаружения в цифровую форму с заданным интервалом дискретизации, первую память для сохранения полученного цифрового сигнала, вторую память для хранения программы обработки сохраненного цифрового сигнала и микропроцессор, выполненный с возможностью исполнения программы, хранящейся во второй памяти, чтобы при обработке цифрового сигнала, сохраненного в первой памяти, определить время поступления акустической волны, генерированной генератором и поступившей ...

20-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2382196C1

Изобретение относится к нефтяной промышленности, в частности к контролю дебита отдельных нефтяных пластов при многопластовой добыче. Способ постоянного контроля дебита отдельных нефтяных пластов в добывающей скважине при многопластовой добыче, оборудованной электроцентробежным насосом, лубрикатором, перфорационным отверстиями и насосно-компрессорными трубами, включает спуск через лубрикатор на кабеле гидрофона, соединенного с регистрирующей аппаратурой, до уровня нефтяных пластов. Измеряют гидрофоном, соединенным с регистрирующей аппаратурой, амплитудно-частотные спектры звуковых волн, генерируемых турбулентными потоками нефтеводогазовых смесей, вытекаемых из отдельных нефтяных пластов через перфорационные отверстия в добывающую скважину. Осуществляют спуск в добывающую скважину на насосно-компрессорных трубах электроцентробежного насоса с размещенными внутри четвертьволновыми резонаторами. Осуществляют размещение внутри насосно-компрессорных труб над электроцентробежным насосом как минимум ...

27-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2243371C1

Изобретение относится к геофизическим исследованиям глубоких скважин и предназначено для определения физико-механических характеристик горного массива. Техническим результатом является повышение точности и достоверности напряженного состояния горного массива и определение интервалов потенциальной текучести соли после спуска обсадной колонны. Для этого способ включает оценку бокового горного давления солевого массива по скорости продольных и поперечных волн акустического каротажа при пониженном гидростатическом давлении, соответствующем условиям заколонного пространства. Потенциально опасные интервалы в отношении деформации обсадной колонны определяются превышением бокового горного давления над гидростатическим. 1 ил.

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2533468C1

Изобретение относится к исследованию газонефтяных скважин на многопластовых залежах с существенными различиями параметров работы пластов. Способ включает определение значений дебитов верхнего и нижнего пластов и пластовых давлений, а также степень обводненности продукции нижнего пласта. При этом каждую трубу НКТ предварительно оснащают акустическим преобразователем-контроллером, устанавливаемым на середине ее длины и имеющим собственный код управления для связи с телеметрическим модулем системы и в период кратковременной остановки ЭЦН наряду с определением дебитов верхнего и нижнего пластов и пластовых давлений по КВУ и КВД, по результатам непрерывного опроса акустических преобразователей-контроллеров определяют границу уровней раздела «газ-нефть» и «нефть-вода» после расслоения трехфазной смеси в колонне НКТ, объем продукции каждой из трех составляющих трехфазной смеси и степень ее обводненности. Технический результат заключается в повышении точности определения дебитов и обводненности ...

10-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2063509C1

Назначение: изобретение предназначено для получения забойной информации о частоте вращения вала турбобура. Сущность изобретения: датчик снабжен расположенной в корпусе разрезной втулкой с поперечными щелями, расположенными на диаметрально противоположных образующих. Валы датчика выполнены с пазами вдоль образующей и продольным отверстием, в которое вставлен соединительный стержень. На одной стороне разрезной втулки в поперечных щелях размещены статарные сегменты. На другой стороне втулки в поперечных щелях размещены их отражательные полудиски. В пазах вала датчика установлены роторные сегменты и расположены в шахматном порядке по отношению к статарным сегментам. Верхняя и нижние статарные сегменты выполнены в виде подшипников. Между нижним отражательным полукольцом нижнего роторного сегмента и статарным диском гидросирены установлена разделительная втулка. Между узлом соединения и статарным диском гидросирены размещена упорная втулка. Датчик позволяет увеличить затухание звука за счет многократного ...

20-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013130350A

... 1. Система (100) скважинных инструментов, предназначенная для погружения в обсадную трубу (10) и содержащая по меньшей мере три инструмента, имеющих ось инструмента:- первый инструмент (1), имеющий первый конец (11) и второй конец (12) и содержащий первое коммуникационное устройство (13), расположенное на втором конце,- второй инструмент (2), имеющий первый конец (21), который соединен со вторым концом первого инструмента, и второй конец (22), причем второй инструмент содержит кожух (23),- третий инструмент (3), содержащий второе коммуникационное устройство (33) и первый конец (31), причем первый конец третьего инструмента соединен со вторым концом второго инструмента,причем первое коммуникационное устройство и второе коммуникационное устройство содержат антенну для связи друг с другом путем посыла и приема радиоволн, при этом антенна содержит группу ферритовых стержней.2. Система скважинных инструментов по п.1, в которой антенны передают радиоволны, имеющие длину волны меньше 200 м, предпочтительно ...

10-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007144637A

Способ комплексной оценки качества цементирования скважин и разобщения пластов - коллекторов, включающий спуск в скважину скважинного прибора, содержащего приемник шумовых сигналов, контактно связанный с внутренней поверхностью обсадной колонны с помощью прижимных устройств или рычагов - волноводов, регистрацию на подъеме кривых изменения интенсивности излучения, амплитудных и временных (волновых) характеристик принимаемых акустических сигналов, отличающийся тем, что предварительно регистрируют распределение температурных аномалий вдоль ствола скважины по глубине с помощью скважинного термометра, выделяют интервалы отклонений их от геотермы, а регистрацию шумовых сигналов производят после обнаружения температурных аномалий в интервалах их расположения и дважды - при закрытых и раскрытых рычагах - волноводах, причем о наличии и объемах перетоков флюидов в заколонном пространстве скважин судят по изменению амплитудно - частотных характеристик зарегистрированных шумовых сигналов в местах выявленных ...

20-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013149857A

... 1. Система микросейсмического мониторинга, которая содержит:оптическое волокно, расположенное в стволе скважины; при этом оптическое волокно проходит вдоль искривленной траектории ствола скважины для обеспечения азимутальной чувствительности для микросейсмических событий,источник света, который возбуждает оптическое волокно;по меньшей мере один датчик света, который анализирует свет рэлеевского обратного рассеяния для получения акустических сигналов для каждой из множества точек вдоль ствола скважины; ипроцессор, который определяет расстояние, направление или интенсивность микросейсмических событий по меньшей мере частично на основании фазовой информации упомянутых акустических сигналов и ствола скважины.2. Система по п. 1, в которой в рамках упомянутого определения процессор выполняет взаимную корреляцию по меньшей мере двух из упомянутых акустических сигналов.3. Система по п. 1, в которой в рамках упомянутого определения процессор выполняет преобразование упомянутых акустических сигналов ...

30-11-1978 дата публикации

Скважинный гидролокатор

Номер: SU635444A1

24-02-1972 дата публикации

Устройство для преобразования сигналов

Номер: SU330244A1

31-08-1971 дата публикации

Акустический цементомер

Номер: SU312936A1

07-04-1971 дата публикации

Излучатель для возбуждения поперечных SV-волн в скважинах

Номер: SU300600A1
Автор: Дзебань И.П.

07-02-1989 дата публикации

Устройство для скважинной сейсмоакустической локации

Номер: SU1456542A1

Изобретение относится к геофизическим методам поисков и разведки месторождений. Цель - повышение достоверности выявления геоакустических неоднородностей в околоскважинном пространстве за счет определения скорости распространения упругих колеба- НИИ во вмещающих геоакустические неоднородности горных породах. Устр-во содержит источник 1, первый 2 и второй 3 приемники упругих колебаний, генератор 4, усилители 6 и 7, аналого-цифровой преобразователь 9, блок (Б) 10 выявления сигнала. Устр-во также имеет Б 11 визуализации, Б 12 измерения времени вступления сигнала, Б 5 управления, Б 13 вычитания, сумматор 14, Б 15 деления, арифметичесiL & (Л ...

15-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1802100C

15-09-1979 дата публикации

Устройство для акустического каротажа

Номер: SU685995A1

28-11-1972 дата публикации

Устройство для акустического каротажа скважин

Номер: SU360791A3

04-09-1996 дата публикации

Multiple wellbore tool apparatus

Номер: GB0009615542D0

11-08-2021 дата публикации

Communication system for sequential liner hanger setting, release from a running tool and setting a liner top packer

Номер: GB2591956A

A communication system for sequential operation of subterranean tools involves flow based signals that are picked up with a receiver at a master controller 16, the receiver can be acoustic or a ball can be dropped on to seat 40 and a pressure signal sent to the master controller which then signals one or more slave controllers 32, that operate tools and communicate back to the master controller that the subject tool has been operated. Sensors associated with the control system gather data downloaded when the master controller is pulled out of the hole. The system can be used to set a liner hanger and release a running tool 28 and communicate that they have been activated. The liner top packer can be set with a flow-based signal to the master controller which is then removed with the running string 18.

27-03-1996 дата публикации

Coring and drilling system

Номер: GB0002293395A

A core barrel has an inner tube 40 for coring and, alternately, a center plug assembly 80 for closing the throat 30 of the core bit at the bottom of the assembly for drilling in lieu of coring. The inner tube assembly 40 and plug assembly are disposable and retrievable through the drill string on a wireline using an overshot. The core bit is of a stabilized, preferably anti-whirl, design and may be a low-invasion core bit used in cooperation with a low-invasion coring shoe. A logging tool and data transmission assembly may be incorporated in the plug assembly for logging while drilling. The inner tube and centre plug are latched 32 in an outer barrel assembly 16 and rotational bearings 44 permit rotation between segments of the inner tube above and below the latch 32. The plug has cutters 90 on its face. ...

27-09-2006 дата публикации

Kick warning system using high frquency fluid mode in a borehole

Номер: GB0002416397B

11-03-1998 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for communicating data in a wellbore and for detecting the influx of gas

Номер: GB0009800678D0

08-04-1998 дата публикации

Synchronisation in a wellbore communication system

Номер: GB0002317979A

To synchronise the clock generators at each end of an acoustic wellbore communication system, a first synch signal is sent in a first direction and in response a second synch signal is returned, allowing fine correction. After completion of lowering, a downhole acoustic transducer DAT, begins to send a series of chirp signals through the borehole transmission medium e.g. the drilling fluid. Between chirps the DAT listens for tone signals from the surface acoustic transducer SAT. When the SAT receives the chirps, it synchronises its clock to the incoming signal and characterises the channel by analysing subsequent chirps, as in GB2281424 A. Having identified a utilisable frequency band, the SAT transmits a pair of tone signals to the DAT which uses the received signals to refine its synchronisation. Data interchange then can begin.

24-05-2006 дата публикации

Generating acoustic signals for well logging

Номер: GB0002420412A

A logging tool has an acoustic source produces an acoustic signal (Stoneley wave, tube wave, guided wave) within a drill collar or fluid conduit, or in the annulus between the drill collar and the formation. When the acoustic signal reaches a discontinuity in its path (e.g. obstruction inside or outside the collar, hole size variation, formation change, bottom of the hole), part of the wave is radiated into the formation. A receiver receives a signal produced by the interaction of the radiated signal with the formation. The received signal may be subject to semblance processing to determine characteristics of the formation (e.g. earth formation boundaries).

05-12-2007 дата публикации

Providing response signals to seismic vibrations received at a subterranean receiver

Номер: GB0002438762A

A system and method is provided for communicating with a device 54 disposed in a wellbore 66. Seismic signals 72 are sent from a vibrator 71, including a baseplate 76 in contact with the ground 24, through the earth 26 and processed by a receiver 32 disposed in the wellbore 66. The receiver 32 is in communication with the device 54 and transfers data, such as command and control signals, to the device 54. Response signals may be transmitted to the surface to acknowledge receipt of the seismic signals 72 or a modified seismic signal, having an improved signal-to-noise ratio, may be communicated to a deeper location. In an alternative arrangement, a marine vibrator sends seismic signals through the ocean into the seabed strata and onto wellbore devices.

12-10-2016 дата публикации

Temperature sensing using distributed acoustic sensing

Номер: GB0002537262A

An embodiment of a method of measuring temperatures includes: taking distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) measurement data by transmitting interrogation signals into an optical fiber disposed in an environment of interest, and receiving reflected signals over a selected time period from the optical fiber; processing the DAS measurement data to separate components of the DAS data associated with changes in temperature; and generating a temperature change profile for the selected time period based on the separated components of the DAS data.

17-06-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for kick detection using acoustic sensors

Номер: GB0002521282A

A method and apparatus for detecting a kick in a wellbore using acoustic transducers. In one embodiment, a system for detecting a kick in a wellbore includes a drill string having a plurality of sections of drill pipes and a plurality of kick detection subs disposed between the sections of drill pipes. Each of the kick detection subs includes an acoustic transducer and kick detection circuitry coupled to the acoustic transducer. The kick detection circuitry is configured to detect gas bubbles in the wellbore based on acoustic signals received by the acoustic transducer. The kick detection circuitry is also configured to determine whether a kick is present in the wellbore based on the detected gas bubbles. The kick detection circuitry is further configured to transmit information indicating whether a kick is present to the surface.

05-08-2015 дата публикации

Method and system for determining downhole object orientation

Номер: GB0002522654A

A method and tool used for determining the orientation of a downhole object, comprising providing the downhole object with a high frequency highly directional sound source 36 fixed in known relation to the object; operating the high frequency directional sound source; rotating the downhole object; and detecting the high frequency directional sound source using an optical fiber 56 acoustic sensing system 58 deployed downhole when the high frequency directional sound source is pointing at the optical fiber; wherein the rotational orientation of the downhole object with respect to the optical fiber is determined based on the detection of the sound source and the known fixed relation between the sound source and the object and the tool comprises an optical interferometer 58, which may be described as a DAS or distributed acoustic sensing system, arranged to detect optical backscatter signals from the optical fiber. In preferred embodiments the sound source is an ultrasonic source 36 operating ...

20-02-2019 дата публикации

Communication system for an offshore drilling system

Номер: GB0002565726A

A communication system for an offshore drilling system includes an acoustic transceiver located at a surface location and a rotating control device (RCD) located below sea level. The RCD including a RCD acoustic transceiver configured to transmit data related to the RCD through a packer assembly located inside of the RCD and to the acoustic transceiver located at the surface location. The acoustic transceiver and the RCD acoustic transceiver are configured to wirelessly and bilaterally communicate data between the surface location and the RCD.

03-08-2022 дата публикации

Acoustic detection of position of a component of a fluid control device

Номер: GB0002603364A

A system for estimating a position of a component of a fluid control device includes an optical fiber sensor having a section disposed at a fixed location relative to the fluid control device, the fluid control device configured to be disposed in a borehole in an earth formation and including a moveable member, the fixed location selected so that acoustic signals generated by fluid flowing through the fluid control device are receivable by the section of the optical fiber sensor. The system also includes an interrogation assembly configured to inject an optical signal into the optical fiber and receive a return signal, and a processing device configured to detect the return signal, identify a signal pattern based on the return signal, and estimate a position of the moveable member based on the identified signal pattern.

27-04-2022 дата публикации

Sonic through tubing cement evaluation

Номер: GB0002600344A

An acoustic logging tool may comprise a center load carrying pipe, a receiver module connected to the center load carrying pipe, one or more transmitter modules connected to the center load carrying pipe, and one or more mass modules connected to the center load carrying pipe.

28-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000004041A

30-04-2013 дата публикации

Device and method for data communication through metal

Номер: AP2013006807A0

30-03-1980 дата публикации

Apparatus to transmit on the surface the information obtained in a survey.

Номер: OA0000004533A

04-05-2006 дата публикации

Leak detection method.

Номер: OA0000012114A

05-05-2006 дата публикации

System and method for fluid flow optimization in agas-lift oil well.

Номер: OA0000012141A

30-04-1981 дата публикации

Process and device for obtaining measurements compensated in a survey.

Номер: OA0000005660A

31-08-1984 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for inventigating stand-off in aborehole.

Номер: OA0000007351A

30-04-2013 дата публикации

Device and method for data communication through metal

Номер: AP0201306807A0

30-04-2013 дата публикации

Device and method for data communication through metal

Номер: AP0201306807D0

15-02-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000060668T

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Well with pressure activated acoustic or electromagnetic transmitter

Номер: AU2017271008A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A well comprising a pressure activated device exposed to pressure in an annulus above a barrier between an upper tubular and the borehole. An acoustic or electromagnetic (EM) transmitter is coupled to the pressure activated device and configured to transmit a control signal to a respective receiver below the barrier for controlling a valve. In the event of an emergency, certain embodiments allow the pressure in the annulus to be quickly dropped, activating the transmitter to close the valve below the barrier, thus isolating the well below the barrier. A variety of default states may be programmed into the transmitter, such as transmitting a 'stay-open' signal to the receiver controlling the valve, which is configured to close if this signal is not received. A further EM or acoustic transmitter may be coupled to the valve to send information from below the barrier to above the barrier, such as pressure data or valve status.

08-12-2005 дата публикации

Method of seismic source monitoring using modeled source signatures with calibration functions

Номер: AU2005201859A1

22-04-2010 дата публикации

High resolution dispersion estimation in acoustic well logging

Номер: AU2003200065A8

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Acoustic illumination for flow-monitoring

Номер: AU2013340502A1

Embodiments make use of a physical effect observed by the present applicants that externally generated noise can be coupled into a fluid carrying structure such as a pipe, well, or borehole so as to artificially acoustically "illuminate" the pipe, well, or borehole, and allow fluid flow in the structure or structural integrity to be determined. In particular, in embodiments of the invention externally generated noise is coupled into the structure being monitored at the same time as data logging required to undertake the monitoring is performed. This has three effects, in that firstly the externally generated sound is coupled into the structure so as to "illuminate" acoustically the structure to allow data to be collected from which fluid flow may be determined, and secondly the amount of data that need be collected is reduced, as there is no need to log data when the structure is not being illuminated. Thirdly, there are signal processing advantages in having the data logging being undertaken ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus and method using measurements taken while drilling to map mechanical boundaries and mechanical rock properties along a borehole

Номер: AU2015314992B2

The present disclosure involves a novel way of using drilling vibrations generated by the deformation of a rock formation in response to forces acting on the rock formation, where the forces are related to a drill bit and/or drilling fluid system, to identify the nature and occurrence of fractures, fracture swarms and other mechanical discontinuities (boundaries) such as bedding planes and/or faults that offset or otherwise separate rock formations with different mechanical rock properties.

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Downhole flow control device and method

Номер: AU2015208200A1

A downhole flow control device and associated method, wherein the downhole flow device is configured for use with a tubing string, the downhole flow device including a flow path configured to permit flow between external and internal locations of a tubing string; a barrier member configured to selectively vary the flow path; and a receiver configured to receive a control signal to permit control of the barrier member. Beneficially, the downhole flow device may be at least partially operable by fluid or fluid pressure from the tubing string or wellbore. Corresponding fracking valve assemblies, completion assemblies, inflow control device and hydraulic distribution modules may be provided.

15-08-2019 дата публикации

Communication system for sequential liner hanger setting, release form a running tool and setting a liner top packer

Номер: AU2016355427B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

A communication system for sequential operation of subterranean tools involves flow based signals that are picked up with an acoustic receiver at a master controller, which then signals one or more slave controllers that operate tools and communicate back to the master controller that the subject tool has been operated. Sensors associated with the control system gather data downloaded when the master controller is pulled out of the hole. The system can be used to set a liner hanger and release a running tool and communicate that the liner hanger and running tool has activated. This can be confirmed with setting down weight and noting the running string going from tension to compression with a load cell or by translating the running string within the hole. The liner top packer can be set with a flow based signal to the master controller which is then removed with the running string.

14-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003269184A

21-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002529915A1

A technique that is usable with a subterranean well includes communicating a wireless stimulus in the well. The technique includes actuating a valve in response to the communication. The valve has more than one controllable open position.

17-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002537186A1

Apparatuses and methods to power and communicate with downhole sensors are presented. Preferred embodiments of the present invention includes energizing a downhole sensor with a surface pressure wave generator and a downhole mechanical to electrical energy converter. Preferred embodiments of the present invention also include transmitting data measured from a downhole sensor to a surface unit through modulation of surface-generated pressure waves.

08-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002463412A1

An electromechanical transducer formed by an electrical and mechanical combination of a piezoelectric device and a magnetostrictive device. The two devices are electrically coupled so that their capacitive and inductive reactances approach a balance to provide an essentially resistive combined input at a selected frequency. Efficiency of circuits driving the transducer is improved. The devices are mechanically coupled so that the mechanical outputs add or reinforce each other. Two transducer pairs may be used in a two frequency telemetry system with each pair tuned to one of the frequencies for optimal reactance balancing and transduction efficiency.

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003089466A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

A method for determining rock properties includes running a downhole tool into a wellbore, the downhole tool including one or more protrusions (136) coupled with at least one expandable member (132) of the downhole tool, the one or more protrusions (136) including memory metal; actuating the downhole tool, at a location in the wellbore adjacent the underground rock formation, to adjust the at least one expandable member (132) to move the one or more protrusions (136) into or near contact with the underground rock formation; activating the one or more protrusions (136) to fracture the underground rock formation through forcible contact between the one or more protrusions (136) and the underground rock formation.

23-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3119166C

A method may include providing one or more telemetry transmission systems, the one or more transmission systems comprising one or more receivers and one or more transmitters. The method may also include transmitting a first synchronization sequence from the one or more telemetry transmission systems, the first synchronization sequence transmitted in a first channel, and the first synchronization sequence being at least a portion of a first telemetry signal. In addition, the method may include transmitting a second synchronization sequence the one or more telemetry transmission systems, the second synchronization sequence transmitted in a second channel, and the second synchronization sequence being at least a portion of a second telemetry signal. The first and second synchronization sequences may be transmitted simultaneously or at a predetermined time difference. The method may include receiving the first synchronization sequence at the one or more receivers, and receiving the second synchronization ...

22-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003032665C

Methods of acoustically communicating and wells that utilize the methods are disclosed herein. The methods generally utilize an acoustic wireless network including a plurality of nodes spaced-apart along a length of a tone transmission medium and include determining a major frequency of a received acoustic tone transmitted via the tone transmission medium.

09-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003033222A1

In conjunction with a communication network, for example, a downhole wireless network for transmission of data along a tubular body, disclosed herein are: (1) a variety of hardware interfacing methods with sensors and downhole tools; (2) sensing concepts that are enabled by the unique interfaces; (3) physical implementation of the integrated sensor/communication node structures; (4) related software communication protocols. The interfaces may support both data communication and power transfer.

30-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002457426C

Method, apparatus and article of manufacture for monitoring and characterizing the operation of a transducer (i.e., motor or pump) downhole. In particular, transducer RPMs are determined by analysis of acoustic information. An acoustical source (signal generator) located on a downhole tool (e.g., a drill string) creates acoustic energy which is received and processed by a receiving unit, which may be located at the surface of a wellbore. The acoustical source is operably connected to the transducer, so that the frequency of the signal produced by the acoustical source corresponds to the speed of the transducer. The acoustic signal of the acoustical source may then be isolated from other acoustical energy produce by downhole equipment, such as a drill bit. Having determined transducer speed by isolation of the acoustic signal, other operating parameters may be determined. illustrative operating parameters include torque, flow, pressure, horsepower, and weight-on-bit.

09-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002506912C

A rotary pulser for transmitting information to the surface from down hole in a well by generating pressure pulses encoded to contain information. The pressure pulses travel to the surface where they are decoded so as to decipher the information. The pulser includes housing containing a stator forming passages through which drilling fluid flows on its way to the drill bit, a rotor, and a replaceable wear sleeve enclosing the rotor. The rotor has blades that are capable of imparting a varying obstruction to the flow of drilling fluid through the stator passages depending on the circumferential orientation of the rotor, so that rotation of the rotor by a motor generates the encoded pressure pulses. The rotor is located downstream of the stator and the rotor blades are shaped so that when the motor is not in operation, a hydrodynamic opening torque is imparted to the rotor that tends to rotate the rotor blades away from the circumferential orientation that results in the maximum obstruction ...

27-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002645271A1

The present invention regards communication means for communicating wireless signals within a hydrocarbon well (101), the communication means comprising: at least one first communication means (107, 302) located in a first portion (108) within the well (101), the first communication means (107, 302) comprising at least one signal transmitter (107) or at least one signal transceiver (107, 302); and at least one second communication means (103, 301) located in a second portion (109) of the well (101), at least one of said first (107, 302) or second (103, 301) communication means being associated with an activation system (104) for a downhole device (102), wherein the transmitter (107, 301) being defined by a connector (801), a housing (802) and a flexible membrane (502), said flexible membrane being arranged for transferring to a well fluid oscillations provided by an actuator (501) located in a portion of the housing (802), the flexible membrane (502) being coupled to the actuator (501) ...

08-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002989299C

A system for channel sounding and initializing an equalizer using a frequency hopping sounder signal. The system identifies a frequency range for sounding a channel between a first device at a first location within a wellbore and a second device at a second location within the wellbore. Center frequencies, bandwidths, and timeframes are assigned to each of a plurality of sounding sequences, such that an entirety of the frequency range is assigned to the plurality of sounding sequences, and wherein when played in order according to the timeframe assigned to each sounding sequence in the plurality of sounding sequences, a sounding signal having a non-contiguous frequency is produced. By comparing an attenuated sounding signal based on the sounding signal to the sounding signal, the system estimates a transfer function of the channel. The system also initializes the equalizer based on the comparison.

01-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002917583C

Systems and methods for distributed acoustic sensing based on coherent Rayleigh scattering are disclosed herein. A system comprises a pulse generator, an optical fiber coupled to the pulse generator, an interferometer coupled to the optical fiber, a photodetector assembly coupled to the interferometer, and an information handling system, which activates two optical gain elements so as to vary the optical path length of the interferometer. A method comprises sending an optical pulse down an optical fiber, splitting backscattered light from the optical pulse into a first backscattered pulse and a second backscattered pulse, activating a first optical gain element and a second optical gain element, sending the first backscattered pulse into a first arm of an interferometer, sending the second backscattered pulse into a second arm of an interferometer, combining the first and second backscattered pulses to form an interferometric signal, and receiving the interferometric signal at a photodetector ...

21-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002977253C
Принадлежит: SILIXA LTD

The present invention provides novel apparatus and methods for fast quantitative measurement of perturbation of optical fields transmitted, reflected and or scattered along a length of an optical fibre. The present invention can be used for point sensors as well as distributed sensors or the combination of both. In particular this technique can be applied to distributed sensors while extending dramatically the speed and sensitivity to allow the detection of acoustic perturbations anywhere along a length of an optical fibre while achieving fine spatial resolution. The present invention offers unique advantages in a broad range of acoustic sensing and imaging applications. Typical uses are for monitoring oil and gas wells such as for distributed flow metering and or imaging, seismic imaging, monitoring long cables and pipelines, imaging within large vessels as well as for security applications.

30-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002726526A1

The method for a productive formation properties determination comprises positioning a complex well-logging tool in a borehole, the well-logging tool consists of the device for the formation temperature impact and two similar logging probes located symmetrically along the well-logging tool relative to the device for the formation temperature impact. During the logging tool movement in the borehole continuous formation temperature impact and formation temperature measurement are performed. Based on the obtained dependencies of the formation parameters in question as function of temperature the productive formation properties are determined.

16-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002805326C

A communication system can include a transmitter which transmits a signal, and at least one sensing device which receives the signal, the sensing device including a line contained in an enclosure, and the signal being detected by the line through a material of the enclosure. A sensing system can include at least one sensor which senses a parameter, at least one sensing device which receives an indication of the parameter, the sensing device including a line contained in an enclosure, and a transmitter which transmits the indication of the parameter to the line through a material of the enclosure. Another sensing system can include an object which displaces in a subterranean well. At least one sensing device can receive a signal from the object. The sensing device can include a line contained in an enclosure, and the signal can be detected by the line through a material of the enclosure.

07-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002870053C

A method of determining an azimuthal orientation of a well tool relative to a line in a well can include connecting at least one acoustic source to the well tool, the acoustic source having a known azimuthal orientation relative to the well tool, and detecting at least one acoustic signal transmitted from the acoustic source to an acoustic sensor, the acoustic sensor having a known azimuthal orientation relative to the line. A system for determining an azimuthal orientation of one or more lines relative to a well tool in a wellbore can include at least one acoustic source having a known azimuthal orientation relative to the well tool, and an optical waveguide connected to a distributed acoustic sensing instrumentation, the waveguide having a known azimuthal orientation relative to the lines, and in which the distributed acoustic sensing instrumentation detects acoustic signals transmitted from the acoustic source to the waveguide.

22-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002208965C

A method for logging a subterranean formation from within a well that has be en cased and cemented is disclosed. An acoustic signal is transmitted into the formation from a pulse-echo transducer placed within the wellbore and the first casing echo and the first formation echo are detected. The amplitude and the arrival times of these tw o echoes, combined with some known information about the wellbore, the casing, and the cement enable several parameters to be calculated. These parameters in turn may be used to image the formation around the well.

06-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002253574A1

The present invention provides multi-branched wellbore systems and methods for forming and utilizing such wellbores. An access wellbore is formed substantially in a non-producing formation. From the access wellbore are drilled one or more branch wellbores into producing formations and into nonproducing formations. Additional branch wellbores may be formed from the access wellbore or the branch wellbores. Seals between the access wellbore and the production wellbores are formed outside the hydrocarbon-bearing formations. Flow control devices and other devices are installed outside the access wellbore, thereby utilizing the access wellbore primarily for transporting fluids during production of hydrocarbons. The distance between the access wellbore and any other desired formation, such as the producing formations, is determined during drilling of the access wellbore, preferably by utilizing acoustic sensors deployed in a drilling assembly. The distance between the access wellbore and the various ...

25-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002286014C

An apparatus and method of communicating in a tubular system through a media disposed therein and actuating a controllable device are disclosed. The apparatus and method utilize a transmission apparatus at a transmission node that is in communication with the media. The transmission apparatus generates pressure impulses that are propagated through the media. The pressure impulses may be either positive or negative pressure impulses depending upon the selected transmission apparatus. The pressure impulses are detected by a reception apparatus at a reception node. The detection apparatus may detect the pressure impulses as variation in the media or as variation in the tubular system caused by the pressure impulses. Once the detection apparatus has detected the appropriate pressure impulse or pattern of pressure impulses, a signal may be generated to actuate the controllable device.

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000023355B1

Способ получения информации о местах вокруг скважины по мере того, как пробуривают ее сквозь геологическую среду, содержащий подготовку по меньшей мере одного волоконно-оптического кабеля, размещаемого в буровой скважине в пределах акустической области скважины, при этом проксимальный конец кабеля связывают с источником света и фотодетектором, волоконно-оптический кабель акустически связывают с подземным пластом с тем, чтобы дать возможность акустическим сигналам в геологической среде воздействовать на физическое состояние кабеля, подготовку акустического источника в скважине, пропускание по меньшей мере одного светового импульса в кабель, прием на фотодетекторе первого светового сигнала, показывающего физическое состояние по меньшей мере одного первого отрезка кабеля. Первый отрезок выбирают так, чтобы первый световой сигнал обеспечивал информацию вокруг положения акустического источника, и выводят, по меньшей мере, информацию на дисплей.

30-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000025374B1

В изобретении представлена скважина, содержащая ствол скважины и устройство устья скважины и соединительную коробку связи в скважинном устройстве или вблизи него, при этом скважина содержит несколько датчиков, соединенных с беспроводными передатчиками, которые приспособлены для передачи информации с датчиков в соединительную коробку связи; датчики содержат по меньшей мере один датчик давления и скважина содержит первое запоминающее устройство, расположенное на расстоянии от соединительной коробки связи, причем первое запоминающее устройство сконфигурировано таким образом, чтобы хранить информацию, поступающую от датчиков, где соединительная коробка связи содержит приемник, приспособленный для приема сигналов от передатчиков и по меньшей мере одно из передающего устройства и второго запоминающего устройства для передачи и/или хранения данных, полученных от передатчиков. Соединительная коробка связи обычно характеризуется безотказной работой при ударных нагрузках (с ускорением свыше 50 g ...

28-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201370022A1

31-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000021075B1

В изобретении описано устройство для оценки притока пластового флюида в скважинный флюид, содержащее несущий элемент, акустический преобразователь, расположенный на этом несущем элементе, первый рефлектор, расположенный на первом расстоянии от акустического преобразователя и определяющий первый путь прохождения сигнала в прямом и обратном направлениях, второй рефлектор, расположенный на втором расстоянии от акустического преобразователя и определяющий второй путь прохождения сигнала в прямом и обратном направлениях, и процессор, связанный с акустическим преобразователем и обеспечивающий измерение разности между первым временем прохождения акустического сигнала, проходящего в скважинном флюиде по первому пути прохождения сигнала в прямом и обратном направлениях, и вторым временем прохождения акустического сигнала, проходящего в скважинном флюиде по второму пути прохождения сигнала в прямом и обратном направлениях, с целью оценки притока пластового флюида, причем акустический преобразователь ...

30-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201290201A1

23-11-2018 дата публикации

Coal mine downhole drilling depth measuring device

Номер: CN0108868752A

31-05-2019 дата публикации

Operation-free fractured well testing evaluation method

Номер: CN0109826605A

08-09-2017 дата публикации

Frequency-difference infrasonic wave generator for measuring oil-well dynamic liquid level

Номер: CN0107143324A

07-10-2015 дата публикации

Along with boring acoustic log device

Номер: CN0204691763U

The embodiment of the utility model provides an along with boring acoustic log device is related to, the device includes: drill collar, transmitting transducer and the receiving transducer of setting on the drill collar, transmitting transducer is including first radiation metal block, first quality metal block and a plurality of transmission type piezoceramics piece, the receiving transducer is including second radiation metal block, second quality metal block and a plurality of receipt type piezoceramics piece. The embodiment of the utility model provides a device, the multipolar component mode who utilizes monopole, dipole and quadrupole subunit to become can direct measurement stratum compressional wave, shear wave, the stonely wave velocity of sound and decay isoparametric, both can refer to the verification each other, also can the individual curing, improved the credibility and the range of application of device greatly.

17-12-2014 дата публикации

Borehole operation automatic well killing process method and device

Номер: CN104213905A

The invention discloses a borehole operation automatic well killing process method and device, and belongs to the technical field of oil field borehole operation. The device comprises a liquid level dynamic monitoring system, a central processing system and a liquid storage and filling system. The liquid level dynamic monitoring system completes oil well real-time dynamic working liquid level detection, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide and combustible gas monitoring data collection and excessive alarm tasks, the relative position of the oil well working liquid level is determined with sound speed as the standard according to received working liquid level reflection wave round-trip transmission time, and oil well working liquid level monitoring is completed. The borehole working liquid level variable quantity and tendency are dynamically monitored accurately in the oil well operation process. When the liquid level reduces and exceeds a set limit, the liquid filling system is automatically ...

13-04-2011 дата публикации

Three-combination logging instrument

Номер: CN0201794584U

08-10-2019 дата публикации

A DH of the sonic

Номер: CN0209469427U

29-03-2017 дата публикации

Corrosion resistant microphone

Номер: CN0206053938U

09-01-2018 дата публикации

Integrated while-drilling sound-wave receiving energy converter sealing device

Номер: CN0107558993A

29-05-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для токоподвода к электробуру при бурении скважин

Номер: RU0000179962U1

Полезная модель может быть использовано для токоподвода и передачи сигналов в скважину и из скважины в процессе бурения. Устройство для токоподвода к электробуру содержит КС (1), длина которых равна длине бурильной трубы БТ (2), и имеющие электроконтактные разъемы (3) и (4), узел (5) радиальной и осевой фиксации КС (1). Устройство снабжено жесткими герметичными корпусами К (7), в каждом из которых зафиксирована КС (1), и узлом (8) герметичного соединения К (7). К (7) установлены в БТ (2) с возможностью осевого перемещения. Исключается возможность механического повреждения кабельной секции при монтаже и эксплуатации, обеспечивается надежное соединение разъемов. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 179 962 U1 (51) МПК E21B 47/12 (2012.01) E21B 17/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E21B 47/12 (2006.01); E21B 17/02 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018101047, 11.01.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 29.05.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 29.05.2018 Бюл. № 16 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2229583 C1, 27.05.2004. RU (54) Устройство для токоподвода к электробуру при бурении скважин (57) Реферат: Полезная модель может быть использовано герметичными корпусами К (7), в каждом из для токоподвода и передачи сигналов в скважину которых зафиксирована КС (1), и узлом (8) и из скважины в процессе бурения. Устройство герметичного соединения К (7). К (7) установлены для токоподвода к электробуру содержит КС (1), в БТ (2) с возможностью осевого перемещения. длина которых равна длине бурильной трубы БТ Исключается возможность механического (2), и имеющие электроконтактные разъемы (3) повреждения кабельной секции при монтаже и и (4), узел (5) радиальной и осевой фиксации КС эксплуатации, обеспечивается надежное (1). Устройство снабжено жесткими соединение разъемов. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. R U 1 7 9 9 6 2 84063 U1, 26.07.2009. SU 546703 A1, 15 ...

16-10-2018 дата публикации

Резистивиметр скважинный

Номер: RU0000184117U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для геофизических исследований в нефтяных и газовых скважинах и может быть использована для измерения удельного электрического сопротивления скважинной жидкости. Скважинный резистивиметр содержит полый цилиндрический корпус, выполненный из двух соосно расположенных соединенных друг с другом посредством посадки с натягом труб. При этом на внешней поверхности внутренней трубы выполнены симметрично относительно продольной оси корпуса два продольных паза для кабеля. Технический результат заключается в упрощении технологии и снижении трудоемкости изготовления, расширении эксплуатационных возможностей, повышении надежности и ремонтопригодности, увеличении срока службы, упрощении обслуживания, возможности использования универсального технологического оборудования, а также расширении арсенала технических средств указанного назначения. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 184 117 U1 (51) МПК E21B 47/12 (2012.01) G01V 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E21B 47/12 (2018.08); G01V 3/00 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018112855, 09.04.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 16.10.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 16.10.2018 Бюл. № 29 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 4873488 A, 10.10.1989. US (54) РЕЗИСТИВИМЕТР СКВАЖИННЫЙ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к устройствам для геофизических исследований в нефтяных и газовых скважинах и может быть использована для измерения удельного электрического сопротивления скважинной жидкости. Скважинный резистивиметр содержит полый цилиндрический корпус, выполненный из двух соосно расположенных соединенных друг с другом посредством посадки с натягом труб. При этом на внешней поверхности внутренней трубы выполнены симметрично относительно R U 1 8 4 1 1 7 4651101 A, 17.03.1987. US 5467019 A, 14.11.1995. SU 177559 A1, 18.12.1966. SU 115891 A1, 01.01.1958. Стр.: 1 ...

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Downhole Data Transmission System

Номер: US20120286967A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

A method and system are disclosed herein relating to transmitting data within a borehole. The method and system include having a transmitter disposed at a first location within the borehole and configured to generate a first signal, and more than one receiver and/or repeater disposed at a second location within the borehole. The receivers and/or repeaters are configured to receive the first signal, and further are configured to communicate with each other.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105148A1

Disclosed is an apparatus for completion of a well. The apparatus includes a tubular configured to be disposed in a wellbore penetrating the earth where an annulus region is defined between an exterior surface of the tubular and a wall of the wellbore. The apparatus further includes a plurality of sensors disposed in the annulus region and configured to sense hydrocarbons during cementing of the tubular to the wall of the wellbore. A receiver is disposed remote from the wellbore and configured to receive measurement data from the plurality of sensors and to provide an indication if hydrocarbons are sensed in the annulus region. 1. An apparatus for completion of a well , the apparatus comprising:a tubular configured to be disposed in a wellbore penetrating the earth, an annulus region being defined between an exterior surface of the tubular and a wall of the wellbore;a plurality of sensors disposed in the annulus region and configured to sense hydrocarbons; anda receiver disposed remote from the wellbore and configured to receive measurement data from the plurality of sensors and to provide an indication if hydrocarbons are sensed in the annulus region.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the receiver is disposed at a drilling rig and the indication is provided to a drilling operator.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprising a computer processing system configured to receive the measurement data from the plurality of sensors and to determine if hydrocarbons are present in the annulus region.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the computer processing system is configured to provide an alarm to a drilling operator upon detection of hydrocarbons in the annulus region.5. The apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprising a blowout preventer disposed at a surface of the earth and coupled to the tubular claim 2 , the blowout preventer being configured to close upon receipt of a command from the drilling rig.6. The apparatus ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135114A1

Systems, methods, and devices are provided for compressing a variety of signals, such as measured signals from a hydrocarbon operation, that may be stored and/or transmitted in compressed form. Segmentation tools and techniques are used to compress the signals. Segmentation techniques include breaking a signal into segments and representing the data samples of the signal as segment boundary points, which may reflect where changes occur in the signal, and segment parameters, which may be utilized to model the segmented data. Embodiments can be used in real-time or in batch modes. New data samples can influence previous segment boundary points and/or segment parameters in some cases. Systems may modify what has already been stored or displayed as a result in revising segmentation information based on analysis utilizing the new data samples. Embodiments may utilize different Bayesian analysis techniques including the use of prior probability distributions and maximum a posteriori analyses. 12-. (canceled)3. A method of compressing sensor data comprising:identifying a plurality of data samples from a first sensor;determining a segmentation of the plurality of data samples from the first sensor, wherein the determined segmentation includes a plurality of segments of varying sizes, each segment of the determined segmentation including:more segment parameters that provide a representation of the data samples for the respective segment; anda segment boundary point that indicates a point in the plurality of data samples where a threshold has been exceeded for the data samples with respect to the one or more segment parameters of a previous segment; andstoring the segment boundary point and one or more segment parameters for each of the one or more segments of the determined segmentation.4. The method of compressing sensor data of further comprising:determining a plurality of segmentations of the plurality of data samples from the first sensor;selecting one of the plurality ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Wireless Two-Way Communication For Downhole Tools

Номер: US20130168081A1

Systems, methods, and devices for two-way communication with a downhole tool string are provided. In one example, a method may include placing a downhole tool string into a pressure riser of a well while at least one component of the downhole tool string is not activated. Thereafter, a wireless control signal may be issued through the pressure riser to the downhole tool to cause the downhole tool string to activate the component. The wireless control signal may involve an acoustic signal, an optical signal, and/or an electromagnetic signal such as electrical dipole coupling or magnetic dipole coupling. 1. A method comprising:placing a downhole tool string into a pressure riser of a well while at least one component of the downhole tool string is not activated; andissuing a wireless control signal through the pressure riser to the downhole tool to cause the downhole tool string to activate the at least one component.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one component of the downhole tool string comprises a well-logging tool claim 1 , and wherein issuing the wireless control signal causes the well-logging tool to begin or prepare to begin to gather well-logging data.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one component of the downhole tool string comprises an electronic nuclear radiation generator claim 1 , and wherein issuing the wireless control signal causes the nuclear radiation generator to begin or to prepare to begin to generate radiation.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wireless control signal is issued through the pressure riser via magnetic dipole coupling and wherein the wireless control signal comprises a signal-to-noise ratio of greater than or equal to 11.6 dB.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wireless control signal comprises an acoustic signal claim 1 , an optical signal claim 1 , or an electromagnetic signal claim 1 , or any combination thereof.6. The method of claim 1 , comprising receiving a wireless feedback signal from ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168085A1
Автор: Fraser Scott David
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A dynamically controlled drill string includes a communications sub, a circulation sub and a measurement sub. The communications sub is operable to receive a wireless signals and retransmit the signals wirelessly. The measurement sub is operable to detect a downhole condition and transmit wirelessly a corresponding data signal. The circulation sub is operable to selectively permit fluid communication between the interior fluid conduit and the exterior of the dynamically controlled drill string at the circulation sub. The circulation sub is operable to selectively permit fluid communication through the internal fluid conduit at the circulation sub. A method for using the dynamically controlled drill string in a well bore includes the steps of introducing the dynamically controlled drill string into the well bore and introducing fluid operable to modify a detected downhole conditions into the well bore. 1. A method for modifying a detected downhole condition in a well bore using a dynamically controlled drill string comprising the steps of:introducing the dynamically controlled drill string into the well bore such that a well bore annulus forms between an external surface of the dynamically controlled drill string and a wall of the well bore, where the dynamically controlled drill string includes a communications sub, a measurement sub and a circulation sub along its operable length, has an internal fluid conduit and the external surface for its operative length and has an open distal end that is operable to pass fluid between the internal fluid conduit and the well bore, where the circulation sub is operable to selectively modify a fluid circulation flow path for a fluid in the well bore upon receiving of a pre-designated command signal, and where the well bore is defined by the well bore wall that extends from a surface into a hydrocarbon-bearing formation and contains the fluid;inducing circulation of the fluid in the well bore such that the fluid circulates ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Safety Mechanism For A Well, A Well Comprising The Safety Mechanism, And Related Methods

Номер: US20130175094A1
Принадлежит: Metrol Technology Limited

A safety mechanism comprising: an obstructing member moveable between a first position where fluid flow is permitted, and a second position where fluid flow is restricted preferably blocked; a movement mechanism; and a wireless receiver, often an acoustic transceiver, adapted to receive a wireless signal; wherein the movement mechanism is operable to move the obstructing member from one of the first and second positions to the other of the first and second positions in response to a change in the signal being received by the wireless receiver. Embodiments of the invention thus provide a safety mechanism for a well such as a valve, packer, plug or sleeve, which can be operated wirelessly and so may allow operation of safety mechanisms in a well even when emergency situations have occurred. 1. A safety mechanism comprising:an obstructing member moveable between a first position where fluid flow is permitted, and a second position where fluid flow is restricted;a movement mechanism;and a wireless receiver, adapted to receive a wireless signal;wherein the movement mechanism is operable to move the obstructing member from one of the first and second positions to the other of the first and second positions in response to a change in the signal being received by the wireless receiver.2. A safety mechanism as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a wireless transceiver.3. A safety mechanism as claimed in either preceding claim claim 1 , wherein the second position is a closed position where fluid flow is stopped.4. A safety mechanism as claimed in any preceding claim claim 1 , wherein the receiver is an acoustic receiver and the signal is an acoustic signal.5. A safety mechanism as claimed in any one of to claim 1 , wherein the receiver is an electromagnetic receiver and the signal is an electromagnetic signal.6. A safety mechanism as claimed in claim 5 , wherein an acoustic receiver is also provided and the signal is transmitted over part of its distance by the electromagnetic ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180726A1
Принадлежит: Metrol Technology Limited

A well comprising a borehole and wellhead apparatus, and a communication box at or proximate to the wellhead apparatus, the well comprising a plurality of sensors coupled to wireless transmitters which are adapted to transmit information from the sensors to the communication box; the sensors comprising at least one pressure sensor;and the well comprising a first memory device spaced apart from the communication box, the first memory device configured to store information from the sensors, wherein the communication box comprises a receiver adapted to receive signals from the transmitters, and at least one of a transmission device and a second memory device to transmit and/or store data received from the transmitters. The communication box is typically highly shock resistant (above 50 Gs for at least 5 ms, all axes) and so provides, together with other optional features, a system to monitor a well, especially before, during or after an emergency situation. 1. A well comprising a borehole and wellhead apparatus , and a communication box at or proximate to the wellhead apparatus , the well comprising a plurality of sensors coupled to wireless transmitters which are adapted to transmit information from the sensors to the communication box;the sensors comprising at least one pressure sensor;and the well comprising a first memory device spaced apart from the communication box, the first memory device configured to store information from the sensors,wherein the communication box comprises a receiver adapted to receive signals from the transmitters, and at least one of a transmission device and a second memory device to transmit and/or store data received from the transmitters.2. A well as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the communication box has a survivability shock rating of least 50 Gs for at least 5 ms claim 1 , all axes claim 1 , optionally more than 100 Gs for at least 5 ms claim 1 , all axes; and more optionally more than 500 Gs for at least 5 ms claim 1 , all axes.3. A ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213640A1
Автор: Fraser David Scott
Принадлежит: Saudi Arablan Oil Company

A disconnector drill string has an uphole section and a downhole section coupled together by a disconnection sub, an operative length and an internal fluid conduit that extends along its operative length. The disconnection sub is operable to receive wirelessly a pre-designated command signal, to selectively couple the uphole section and the downhole section together, and to selectively uncouple the uphole section and the downhole section from one another. A method for using the disconnector drill string in a well bore includes the steps of introducing the disconnector drill string into the well bore, transmitting wirelessly the pre-designated command signal to the disconnection sub such that the disconnection sub selectively operates to uncouple the uphole section of the disconnector drill string from the downhole section of the disconnector drill string, and removing the uphole section of the disconnector drill string from the well bore. 1. A method for using a disconnector drill string in a well bore comprising the steps of:introducing the disconnector drill string into the well bore, where the disconnector drill string has a disconnection sub, an internal fluid conduit, an operative length, an uphole section and a downhole section that are coupled together by the disconnection sub, the uphole section positioned uphole of the downhole section along the operative length of the disconnector drill string, and where the well bore is defined by a well bore wall extending from the surface into a hydrocarbon-bearing formation and contains a well bore fluid;transmitting wirelessly a pre-designated command signal to the disconnection sub such that the disconnection sub selectively operates to uncouple the uphole section of the disconnector drill string from the downhole section of the disconnector drill string, severing the internal fluid conduit of the disconnector drill string; andremoving the uphole section of the disconnector drill string from the well bore such that ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220602A1

A downhole tool includes a downlinking system deployed in a downhole tool body having an internal through bore. The downlinking system includes a differential pressure transducer configured to measured a pressure difference between drilling fluid in the internal through bore and drilling fluid external to the tool (in the borehole annulus). The differential transducer is electrically connected with an electronic controller (deployed substantially anywhere in the drill string) that is configured to receive and decode pressure waveforms. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method , comprising:deploying a differential transducer in a longitudinal bore in a pressure housing to form a downlinking system;disposing the downlinking system in a downhole tool body;forming a pressure tight seal with a bulkhead deployed in the longitudinal bore; andelectrically connecting the bulkhead with the differential transducer.22. The method of claim 21 , further comprising:sealingly deploying the downlinking system in a chassis slot of the downhole tool body.23. The method of claim 21 , further comprising:fully assembling the downlinking system prior to disposing the downlinking system in the downhole tool body.24. The method of claim 21 , further comprising:further comprising testing the downlinking system prior to disposing the downlinking system in the downhole tool body.25. The method of claim 21 , further comprising:disposing the downhole tool in a borehole;measuring a differential pressure with the differential transducer; andreceiving and decoding a differential pressure waveform from the differential transducer.26. The method of claim 25 , further comprising at least one of:controlling a second downhole tool based on the decoded differential pressure waveform; andtransmitting the decoded commands to a device in electronic communication with the downlinking system.27. The method of claim 25 , further comprising:servicing the downhole tool.28. The method of claim 27 , wherein the servicing ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Triggering a Downhole Tool

Номер: US20130299163A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

Disclosed are systems and method for servicing a wellbore and otherwise triggering a downhole tool. One method includes arranging an assembly within a lubricator coupled to a tree, the assembly including at least one downhole tool and a signal receiver subassembly, communicating a signal to the signal receiver subassembly while the assembly is arranged within the lubricator, the signal being configured to activate a timer communicably coupled to the signal receiver subassembly, introducing the assembly into the wellbore and advancing the assembly until reaching a target depth, and transmitting a trigger signal with the signal receiver subassembly to the at least one downhole tool and thereby actuating the at least one downhole tool. 1. A method of servicing a wellbore , comprising:arranging an assembly within a lubricator coupled to a tree, the assembly including at least one downhole tool and a signal receiver subassembly;communicating a signal to the signal receiver subassembly while the assembly is arranged within the lubricator, the signal being configured to activate a timer communicably coupled to the signal receiver subassembly;introducing the assembly into the wellbore and advancing the assembly until reaching a target depth; andtransmitting a trigger signal with the signal receiver subassembly to the at least one downhole tool and thereby actuating the at least one downhole tool.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein communicating the signal to the signal receiver subassembly comprises communicating an acoustic signal to the signal receiver subassembly.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising striking the lubricator or the tree in order to generate the acoustic signal.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising generating vibrations using a transducer in order to generate the acoustic signal.5. The method of claim 2 , further comprising perceiving the acoustic signal with a transceiver communicably coupled to the signal receiver subassembly.6. The method ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

System And Method For Communicating Data Between Wellbore Instruments And Surface Devices

Номер: US20130301389A1
Автор: Alford Jeff, Hawthorn Andy

A method for synchronizing an actuation of a seismic source with at least one of an acquisition and storage of an acoustic wave by a seismic tool having steps of determining at least one of a drilling pause and a seismic measurement, transmitting a trigger signal to a tool controller, actuating the seismic source; receiving the trigger signal and recording seismic waves in a data storage medium. 1. A method for synchronizing an actuation of a seismic source with at least one of an acquisition and storage of an acoustic wave by a seismic tool comprising:determining at least one of a drilling pause and a seismic measurement;transmitting a trigger signal to a tool controller;actuating the seismic source;receiving the trigger signal; andrecording seismic waves in a data storage medium.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the actuating the seismic source is accomplished through a rig controller.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the actuating the seismic source is accomplished by the rig controller that actuates the seismic source a predetermined amount of time after transmitting the trigger signal.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the actuating the seismic source is accomplished a predetermined amount of time after transmitting the trigger signal.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the receiving the trigger signal is by a tool controller.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the initiating the recording of the seismic waves is accomplished by the tool controller.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the recording the seismic waves in the data storage medium occurs one of immediately after receiving the trigger signal claim 1 , after a predetermined amount of time claim 1 , and at a specified time.8. A configuration for synchronizing an actuation of a seismic source with at least one of an acquisition and storage of an acoustic wave by a seismic tool claim 1 , comprising:a data storage medium;a seismic source configured ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatus to Process Measurements Associated with Drilling Operations

Номер: US20130345984A1

Methods and apparatus to process measurements associated with drilling operations are described. An example method of modifying processing results during a subterranean formation drilling operation includes identifying a plurality of parameters and processing measurements associated with the subterranean formation obtained while drilling and the plurality of parameters to generate first results. Additionally, the example method includes processing measurements associated with the subterranean formation obtained while drilling is temporarily suspended and the plurality of parameters to generate second results and comparing the first and second results. Further, the example method includes, in response to the comparison of the first and second results, modifying the first results based on the second results to improve a quality of the first results. 1. A drillstring , comprising:a measurement device to measure one or more parameters;a processor to process the one or more measured parameters and one or more processing parameters to generate results; andan apparatus to link results generated during a first time interval and results generated during a second time interval.2. The drillstring as defined in claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is to predict results based on at least some of the generated results.3. The drillstring as defined in claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is to update the one or more processing parameters based on at least some of the generated results.4. The drillstring as defined in claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is to constrain at least some of the generated results.5. The drillstring as defined in claim 1 , wherein the apparatus comprises a Kalman filter or an apparatus to implement a prediction operation.6. A method of selectively associating processing results during a drilling operation claim 1 , comprising:identifying a plurality of parameters;processing measurements obtained while drilling and the plurality of parameters to generate first results; ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Downhole Data Communication and Logging System

Номер: US20140008059A1
Автор: Macrae Jonathan

A logging system and method for use in a wellbore formed in an earth formation. A tubular conduit that extends from the surface into the wellbore is included in the system. The conduit includes a stabilizer with sensors to obtain data from the wellbore. A communication interface is used to communicate data from the stabilizer to the logging tool string. Also, a surface communication and control device, along with a telemetry device can be included in the system. The telemetry device could be used to send and receive data to and/or from the surface communication and control device, if needed. Also provided is a logging tool string that is capable of passing from a position within the conduit to a position outside the lower end of the conduit. In addition, a memory storage device used to and store data collected from the wellbore for further analysis and communication. 1. A logging system for use in a wellbore that comprises:a conduit extending into the wellbore from the surface;a logging tool string, the logging tool string being capable of passing from a position within the conduit to a lower position extending outside a lower end of the conduit into the borehole; and a blade; and', 'a sensor within the blade; and, 'a stabilizer coupled to the tubular conduit, including a conduit communication device located in the conduit; and', 'a logging tool communication device located in the logging tool string; and', 'the conduit communication device being able to wirelessly communicate data collected by the sensor with the logging tool communication device., 'a communication interface including2. The logging system of claim 1 , wherein the logging tool string is capable of being suspended in the position outside the conduit.3. The logging system of claim 1 , further comprising a memory storage device coupled to the tubular conduit capable of storing measurement data from the sensor.4. The logging system of claim 1 , further comprising a surface communication and control ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140025302A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Models of fluid flow in wells in formation of a subsurface earth reservoir are formed by computers based on measurements obtained by well logging tools run in the wells and measurements of formation rock characteristics obtained from laboratory data. The models so formed are used to form measures of injection/production profiles and assist reservoir engineers in allocation of production and injection wells for the reservoir, and in other reservoir production planning and analysis. 1. A method of obtaining a measure of oil and water transmissibility of fluids in a subsurface formation at a location in a well bore , the method comprising the steps of:obtaining data with a logging while drilling tool from the formation at the location in the well bore;obtaining data with a permeability logging tool from the formation at the location in the well bore;obtaining data with a viscosity logging tool from the formation at the location in the well bore;obtaining relative permeability test data regarding the formation;processing the obtained data from the logging tools in a computer to obtain a measure of fluid transmissibility in the subsurface formation at the location in the well bore by performing the computer processing steps of:determining a measure of the thickness of the subsurface formation from the obtained data from the logging while drilling tool;determining a measure of the relative permeability to oil of the subsurface formation from the obtained data from the permeability logging tool and the relative permeability test data;determining a measure of the relative permeability to water of the subsurface formation from the obtained data from the permeability logging tool and the relative permeability test data;determining a measure of the viscosity of fluids in the subsurface formation from the obtained data from the viscosity tool;determining the transmissibility of oil in the subsurface formation at the location in the formation based on the determined measures of ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062715A1
Автор: Clark Brian
Принадлежит: Intelliserv, LLC

Apparatus and methods for locating faults in inductively coupled wired drill pipe while drilling. In one embodiment, apparatus includes a drill string and a wired drill pipe fault monitor. The drill string includes a plurality of wired drill pipes. Each wired drill pipe includes an inductive coupler at each terminal end. The wired drill pipe fault monitor is coupled to the wired drill pipes. The fault monitor includes an impedance measuring system and a fault locator. The impedance measuring system is configured to measure, while drilling the borehole, an input impedance of the wired drill pipes. The fault locator is configured to determine a propagation constant for the wired drill pipes, and to analyze the measured input impedance and determine, as a function of the measured input impedance and the propagation constant, a location of a fault in the wired drill pipes. 1. A method for locating a fault in wired drill pipe , comprising:measuring input impedance of wired drill pipes of a drill string while drilling a borehole, the drill string disposed in the borehole;computing a first distance to a fault based on the fault being an open circuit;computing a second distance to the fault based on the fault being a short circuit;determining which of the first distance and the second distance provides a best estimate of a true distance to the fault.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining comprises:determining which of the first distance and the second distance has a smaller valued imaginary part; andselecting one of the first distance and the second distance having the smaller valued imaginary part to be the best estimate.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining comprises:determining which of the first distance and the second distance is more frequency independent; andselecting the more frequency independent of the first distance and the second distance to be the best estimate.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein computing the first distance and the ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062716A1
Автор: Clark Brian

Apparatus and method for locating faults in wired drill pipe while drilling. In one embodiment, a fault location system includes a plurality of conductively coupled media sections, impedance measurement electronics, and a fault locator. Each media section includes conductive couplers on opposing ends of the media section, and conductive media connected to and communicatively coupling the conductive couplers. The impedance measurement electronics is configured to measure an input impedance of the media sections. The fault locator is configured to determine a propagation constant for the media sections, and to determine, as a function of the input impedance and the propagation constant, a location of a fault in the media sections. 1. A method for locating a fault in wired drill pipe , comprising:disposing a drill string comprising a plurality of wired drill pipes in a borehole;measuring the input impedance of the wire drill pipes while drilling:determining a propagation constant for the wire drill pipes;determining, based on the input impedance, whether a fault in the wired drill pipe is an open circuit or a short circuit.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the analyzing comprising analyzing an imaginary portion of the input impedance and determining claim 1 , based on the imaginary part of the input impedance claim 1 , whether the fault is an open circuit or a short circuit.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the analyzing further comprises:determining that the fault is an open circuit based on the imaginary part being negative below a predetermined frequency; anddetermining that the fault is a short circuit based on the imaginary part being positive below the predetermined frequency.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining a distance from a point of input impedance measurement to the fault as a function of the propagation constant claim 1 , the measured input impedance claim 1 , and whether the fault is an open circuit or a short circuit.5. The method ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

System And Method For Wireless Drilling And Non-Rotating Mining Extenders In A Drilling Operation

Номер: US20140083770A1

Various embodiments of methods and systems for wireless power and data communications transmissions to a sensor subassembly below a mud motor in a bottom hole assembly are disclosed. Power and/or communications are transmitted through stationary or fixed coils. By leveraging resonantly tuned circuits and impedance matching techniques for the stationary coils, power and/or communications can be transmitted efficiently from one stationary coil to the other stationary coil despite any vibration and/or misalignment of the two coils. 4. The drilling and mining extender device of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the electrical transmissions are selected from the group of power transmissions and data communication transmissions.5. The drilling and mining extender device of claim 1 , wherein the first coil is of a mandrel type and the second coil is of a annular type.6. The drilling and mining extender device of claim 1 , wherein the first coil is of a mandrel type and the second coil is of a mandrel type.7. The drilling and mining extender device of claim 1 , wherein the first coil is of an annular type and the second coil is of an annular type.8. The drilling and mining extender device of claim 1 , wherein the first tool and second tool mate together using a fixed and non-movable coupling.9. The drilling and mining extender device of claim 8 , wherein the fixed and non-movable coupling comprises a mechanical fastener.10. The drilling and mining extender device of claim 9 , wherein the fixed and non-movable coupling comprises at least one of screw threads claim 9 , rivets claim 9 , and welds.11. A drilling and mining (“D&M”) extender device for communicatively coupling two stationary tools in a bottom hole assembly of a drill string claim 9 , the extender device comprising:a first stationary coil associated with a first tool; anda second stationary coil associated with a second tool;wherein electrical transmissions between the first and second tools are transmitted ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091944A1

A gauge assembly that is utilized for wired-pipe telemetry, has been developed where the gauge assembly includes: a trigger, a push rod, wherein the rod is operatively coupled with the trigger, a bearing housing assembly, wherein the bearing housing assembly is operatively coupled with the push rod, an indicator, wherein the indicator is operatively coupled with the push rod, a base plate assembly, and a sensor device, stylus or combination thereof that is both operatively coupled with the push rod and the indicator. Methods of use are also disclosed. 1. A gauge assembly that is utilized for wired-pipe telemetry , wherein the gauge assembly comprises:a trigger assembly,a push rod, wherein the rod is operatively coupled with the trigger,a bearing housing assembly, wherein the bearing housing assembly is operatively coupled with the push rod,an indicator, wherein the indicator is operatively coupled with the push rod,a base plate assembly, anda sensor device, stylus or combination thereof that is both operatively coupled with the push rod and the indicator.2. The gauge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the trigger assembly comprises a trigger claim 1 , a trigger base claim 1 , a trigger axle and a handle.3. The gauge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the push rod moves vertically up and down within the gauge assembly.4. The gauge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the push rod moves vertically up and down within a channel assembly.5. The gauge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bearing housing assembly provides lateral and longitudinal support to the push rod.6. The gauge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the indicator comprises a digital readout.7. The gauge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the indicator is operatively coupled claim 1 , communicatively coupled or a combination thereof with a computer system.8. The gauge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the indicator is operatively coupled claim 1 , communicatively coupled or a combination thereof with a computer system through a wireless ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003202A1

A method and apparatus for generating, propagating, encoding, decoding, modulating and detecting acoustic signals in a well borehole that comprises a signal generator () located at a first location for generating an acoustic source signal; a medium for the propagation the acoustic source signal to a second location and the propagation of the reflections and partial reflections of acoustic signals as it propagates through the medium; an apparatus to remove a detectable amount of energy from propagated acoustic signals; a controllable signal modulator () for attenuating the transmitted acoustic source signal; and a receiver () for receiving the modulated acoustic signals reflected, partially reflected or both by at least one reflector respectively located at one or more other locations. 1. A communication system for a well borehole , the system comprising: a controllable signal modulator for damping an acoustic signal in the well thereby removing a detectable amount of energy from the acoustic signal;a receiver for receiving the damped acoustic signal and detecting the amount of removed energy; andan acoustic propagation medium for propagating the acoustic signal, modulated by a controllable signal modulator located at a first location, to a second location; wherein the receiver is arranged to detect the acoustic signal,and wherein the controllable signal modulator comprises a plurality of conductive coils moveable relative to a plurality of magnets.2. A system according to claim 1 , the system further comprising:a signal generator located at a third location for generating an acoustic source signal.3. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the acoustic propagation medium comprises a pipe disposed in the borehole.4. A system according to claim 2 , wherein the third location is a location at the top of the borehole.5. A system according to any of claim 1 , wherein the first location is within the borehole.6. A system according to claim 5 , wherein the first location ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Steerable Earth Boring Assembly Having Flow Tube with Static Seal

Номер: US20170002610A1

A steerable earth boring assembly which includes an annular collar and a drive shaft with a drill bit, where the shaft pivots with respect to the collar. An upstream portion of the shaft inserts into an orientation sleeve which resides in the collar. An axial bore is obliquely formed through the sleeve, and in which the upstream portion inserts. Rotating the sleeve causes precession of the upstream portion, thereby pivoting the drill bit obliquely to the collar. Selective rotation of the sleeve orients the drill bit into a designated orientation for forming a deviated wellbore. Included in the assembly is a flow tube with an end in sealing contact with the drive shall. 1. A steerable earth boring assembly comprising:an annular collar that has an end in selective engagement with a drill string;an annular flow tube disposed in the collar that is in fluid communication with an annulus in the drill string;a drive shaft coupled with the collar and that is pivotable with respect to the flow tube;a bore axially formed through the drive shaft that selectively receives an earth boring bit and that is in fluid communication with the flow tube; anda sealing element that defines a static seal between the flow tube and drive shaft.2. The steerable earth boring assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bore has a diameter that increases with distance away from the profile to define a shroud portion claim 1 , and wherein the flow tube inserts into the shroud portion claim 1 , so that when the drive shaft pivots an inner diameter of the bore within the shroud portion is spaced away from an outer surface of the flow tube.3. The steerable earth boring assembly of claim 1 , wherein the sealing element continues to block a flow of fluid when the drive shaft pivots with respect to the collar.4. The steerable earth boring assembly of claim 1 , wherein the sealing element comprises an elastomeric O-ring that circumscribes the flow tube.5. The steerable earth boring assembly of claim 1 , further ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002617A1

A tool () for stimulation of wells, includes an electrical supply port, a stimulation head () and at least two capacitive elements (-) between the supply port and the stimulation head, each capacitive element including two terminals (Bp, Bn) with respectively different polarities arranged on the respectively opposed connection faces of the capacitive element, the poles of the capacitive elements (-) having the same polarity being connected together in such a way that the capacitive elements are electrically in parallel. Advantageously, the capacitive elements (-) of the tool () are arranged in series with their connection faces facing each other, and in such a way that the connection faces facing each other of each adjacent pair or capacitive elements correspond to terminals of the same polarity. 111-. (canceled)12. A tool for the stimulation of wells comprising an electric power supply port , a stimulation head and at least two capacitive elements between said power supply port and said stimulation head , each capacitive element comprising two terminals of respectively different polarities arranged on respectively opposite connection faces of said capacitive element ,wherein the terminals of the same polarity of said capacitive elements are connected together such that said capacitive elements are electrically in parallel, andthe capacitive elements of the tool are arranged in series with their connection faces facing each another, and such that the connection faces facing each other of each pair of adjacent capacitive elements correspond to terminals of the same polarity.13. The tool as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the remote terminals of the same polarity of each pair of adjacent capacitive elements are connected by at least one link extending along said pair of adjacent capacitive elements.14. The tool as claimed in claim 13 , comprising at least three capacitive elements claim 13 , and wherein the links between the terminals of different polarities of the same ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002633A1

A technique facilitates mitigation of shock loads. Subterranean communication systems may comprise components susceptible to various shock loads. A shock mitigation system is physically coupled with the subterranean communication system to mitigate such shock loads. The shock mitigation system comprises components selected to enable reduction of various effects of shock loads, e.g. shock loads resulting from perforating procedures, which could otherwise be detrimental to continued operation of the subterranean communication system. 1. A system for use a well , comprising: a perforating gun assembly;', 'an acoustical communication system; and', 'a shock mitigation system mounted along the tool string to mitigate shocks to the acoustical communication system resulting from firing of the perforating gun assembly., 'a tool string deployed in a wellbore, the tool string having2. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the shock mitigation system comprises an acoustical clutch.3. The system as recited in claim 2 , wherein the shock mitigation system comprises an axial shock mitigator.4. The system as recited in claim 3 , wherein the shock mitigation system comprises a radial shock mitigator.5. The system as recited in claim 4 , wherein the acoustical communication system comprises an acoustical rod member and the acoustical clutch comprises a saddle which is spring biased against the acoustical rod member.6. The system as recited in claim 5 , wherein the saddle is spring biased via a Belleville washer.7. The system as recited in claim 5 , wherein the saddle is spring biased via a plurality of Belleville washers.8. The system as recited in claim 5 , wherein the saddle is spring biased via a clamp.9. The system as recited in claim 5 , wherein at least one of the axial shock mitigator or radial shock mitigator comprises an elastomeric shock absorber.10. The system as recited in claim 5 , wherein at least one of the axial shock mitigator or radial shock mitigator comprises ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003007A1

The present disclosure is directed at methods, systems, and techniques for managing batteries for use in a downhole drilling application. The system includes a power bus, pairs of battery terminals for connecting to batteries, switching circuitry that connects and disconnects the batteries to the power bus, data collection circuitry that obtains battery parameters obtained during system operation, and a controller that controls the switching circuitry and receives the battery parameters. A control line connects the controller to the switching circuitry and a data line connects the controller to the data collection circuitry, with the control and data lines being distinct such that control and data signals are not multiplexed with each other. 1. A battery management system for use in a downhole drilling application , the battery management system comprising:(a) a power bus;(b) pairs of battery terminals, wherein each of the battery terminals is for connecting to a battery;(c) switching circuitry operable to electrically connect the power bus to and to disconnect the power bus from any one or more of the pairs of battery terminals electrically connected in parallel;(d) data collection circuitry operable to obtain battery parameters of batteries connected to the pairs of battery terminals;(e) a controller operable to control the switching circuitry and to receive the battery parameters from the data collection circuitry; and(f) a control line communicatively connecting the controller to the switching circuitry and a data line, distinct from the control line, communicatively connecting the controller to the data collection circuitry.2. The system of wherein there are multiple control lines claim 1 , and the controller is configured to use each of the control lines to control whether only one of the pairs of battery terminals is connected to or disconnected from the power bus.3. The system of wherein there are multiple data lines claim 1 , and the controller is ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Acoustic Data Compression Technique

Номер: US20160003036A1
Автор: Medhat Mickael
Принадлежит: Weatherford Technology Holdings LLC

Acoustic data acquired in a MWD/LWD system can be compressed for transmission to the surface. The compression technique can include semblance processing acoustic signals received at a plurality of receivers spaced apart from a transmitter to generate a semblance projection at each of a plurality of depths. Peaks of the semblance projection can then be telemetered to the surface, with each peak including a slowness (velocity) value and a coherence (semblance) value. The telemetered values may be processed at the surface to generate logs as a function of depth.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Downhole Communications Using Frequency Guard Bands

Номер: US20180003037A1
Автор: Roberson Mark W.

A system that is positionable in a wellbore can include a chain of transceivers that are positionable external to a casing string. Each transceiver in the chain of transceivers can be operable to transmit a wireless signal using a separate frequency guard band that is assigned to that transceiver and to receive wireless signals using another frequency guard band assigned to a prior transceiver in the chain of transceivers. 1. A system that is positionable in a wellbore , the system comprising:a chain of transceivers that are positionable external to a casing string, each transceiver in the chain of transceivers being operable to transmit a wireless signal using a separate frequency guard band assigned to that transceiver and to receive wireless signals using another frequency guard band assigned to a prior transceiver in the chain of transceivers.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the frequency guard band comprises an unused range of frequencies that is between adjacent frequency bands for separating the adjacent frequency bands.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein each transceiver in the chain of transceivers is operable to receive a control signal from a remote device and select the separate frequency guard band based on the control signal.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein each transceiver in the chain of transceivers is remotely programmable subsequent to the transceiver being positioned in the wellbore.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein each transceiver in the chain of transceivers comprises:a processing device; and receive a control signal; and', 'select the frequency guard band and a particular frequency within the frequency guard band based on the control signal by consulting a lookup table stored in the memory device in which the frequency guard band and a plurality of frequencies within the frequency guard band are mapped to a plurality of characteristics of the control signal., 'a memory device in which instructions executable by the processing device are ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Device Including a Seal Assembly

Номер: US20190003257A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A device comprising a housing having a longitudinal dimension; a linear actuator including a casing coupled to the housing; an actuator shaft having an exterior surface and configured to be longitudinally translated relative to the casing; and a seal assembly engaging the housing and sealingly engaging the exterior surface. The device also comprising a motor assembly disposed within the housing, the motor assembly including a motor case and a motor shaft, the motor shaft configured to rotate one of the seal assembly or the actuator shaft.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150009041A1

A wellbore communication system () comprises a downhole tool () having a downhole transmitter (), a sensing element () located at surface and coupled to a surface receiver (), and an insulated slickline () having an electrically conductive core surrounded by an insulating coating. The slickline is attached to the downhole tool and coupled to the downhole transmitter. The sensing element is capacitively coupled to the slickline so as to permit movement of the slickline relative thereto and so as to an electric field to extend from the core of the slickline through the insulating coating to the sensing element for transmission of information from the downhole transmitter to the surface receiver via the slickline and the sensing element. 1. A wellbore communication system comprising:a downhole tool having a downhole transmitter;a sensing element located at surface and coupled to a surface receiver; andan insulated slickline having an electrically conductive core surrounded by an insulating coating,wherein the slickline is attached to the downhole tool and coupled to the downhole transmitter, and the sensing element and the slickline are capacitively coupled so as to permit relative movement therebetween and so as to permit an electric field to extend from the core of the slickline to the sensing element through the insulating coating of the slickline for transmission of information from the downhole transmitter to the surface receiver via the slickline and the sensing element.2. (canceled)3. A wellbore communication system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensing element defines a surface profile which is substantially complementary to and disposed towards an outer surface of the slickline.4. A wellbore communication system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensing element defines a generally concave surface profile which is disposed towards an outer surface of the slickline.5. A wellbore communication system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensing element at ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009559A1
Автор: Spring Christian C.

A system and methodology are provided for improving the triggering (firing) of perforating guns, such as perforating guns deployed downhole via tubing. According to an embodiment, a methodology is provided for dependably communicating with an electronic firing head. The electronic firing head receives signals via wireless telemetry, such as either electromagnetic or acoustical telemetry. The methodology prevents surface or off depth detonation of the perforating guns by utilizing a fire command protocol. 1. A method for perforating in a well environment , comprising:deploying a perforating gun assembly downhole in a wellbore;communicating with an electronic firing system associated with an electronic firing head in the perforating gun assembly; andusing a fire command protocol to prevent unintended firing of a perforating gun of the perforating gun assembly while the perforating gun assembly is on surface or off depth.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein communicating comprises communicating with the electronic firing system from surface equipment having a surface control system.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein using comprises restricting storage locations of fire commands.4. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein using comprises installing a dongle in the surface equipment before firing the perforating gun.5. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein using comprises initiating a firing command by providing a selected gun position and a unique electronic firing system serial number and pin code.6. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein using comprises storing a firing command in static ram or in a “write only” history file.7. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein using comprises using a timeout feature with respect to firing commands.8. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein communicating comprises employing mono-directional communications.9. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein communicating comprises employing ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Downhole Sensing Systems and Methods Employing Squeezed Light Interferometry

Номер: US20170009571A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

An illustrative downhole sensing system includes a phase-squeezer assembly, an interferometer with a downhole sensor on the sensing path, and a receiver. The phase squeezer assembly provides a phase-squeezed laser beam, preferably with a squeeze parameter greater than 2. Certain embodiments include a pulse generator that gates the phase-squeezed laser beam to form a sequence of phase-squeezed laser pulses, and may further include a compensator that converts the sequence of pulses into a sequence of double pulses with a slight frequency shift between the pulses in each pair. The interferometer conveys a reference portion of the phase-squeezed laser beam along a reference path and a sensing portion of the phase-squeezed laser beam along a sensing path. A downhole sensor along the sensing path provides the sensing portion of the phase-squeezed laser beam with a measurement-parameter dependent phase shift relative to the reference portion of the phase-squeezed laser beam, which is measured by the receiver. 1. A downhole sensing system that comprises:a phase squeezer assembly that provides a phase-squeezed laser beam;an interferometer that directs a reference portion of the phase-squeezed laser beam along a reference path and a sensing portion of the phase-squeezed laser beam along a sensing path;a downhole sensor along the sensing path to provide the sensing portion of the phase-squeezed laser beam with a measurement-parameter dependent phase shift relative to the reference portion of the phase-squeezed laser beam; anda receiver that measures said phase shift.2. The system of claim 1 , including a fiberoptic cable that conveys the phase-squeezed laser beam to the downhole sensor.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a processing unit that collects measurements of said phase shift from the receiver and derives a time-dependent parameter for display to a user.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the parameter is in a set consisting of temperature claim 3 , pressure ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Well Tools with Vibratory Telemetry to Optical Line Therein

Номер: US20170009572A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A well tool can include an outer housing and a vibratory transmitter disposed in the outer housing. The vibratory transmitter transmits a vibratory signal to an optical line disposed in the outer housing. A well system can include an optical line extending in a wellbore, and at least one well tool secured to the optical line and including a vibratory transmitter which transmits a vibratory signal to the optical line. The optical line conveys the well tool into the wellbore. A method of telemetering data from a well tool to an optical line can include securing the well tool to the optical line without optically connecting the well tool to the optical line, and conveying the well tool in a wellbore on the optical line. 1. A well tool , comprising:an outer housing and a vibratory transmitter disposed in the outer housing, and wherein the vibratory transmitter transmits a vibratory signal to an optical line disposed in the outer housing.2. The well tool of claim 1 , wherein the optical line conveys the well tool through a wellbore.3. The well tool of claim 1 , wherein the optical line is clamped in the outer housing.4. The well tool of claim 1 , wherein the vibratory signal comprises parameter measurements made by a sensor of the well tool.5. The well tool of claim 1 , wherein the optical line extends to a surface location.6. The well tool of claim 1 , wherein the optical line extends completely through the well tool.7. The well tool of claim 1 , wherein the vibratory transmitter transmits the vibratory signal inward toward an inner passage of the well tool.8. The well tool of claim 1 , wherein the well tool is free of any optical connection to the optical line.9. A well system claim 1 , comprising:an optical line extending in a wellbore; andat least one well tool secured to the optical line and including a vibratory transmitter which transmits a vibratory signal to the optical line,wherein the optical line conveys the well tool into the wellbore.10. The well system of ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Interferometric High Fidelity Optical Phase Demodulation

Номер: US20170010133A1
Автор: Barfoot David A.
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

An illustrative interferometric system with high-fidelity optical phase demodulation includes a receiver having a fiberoptic coupler that produces optical interferometry signals having mutual phase separations of 120° and balanced photo-detectors that each produce an electrical difference signal based on a respective pair of said optical interferometry signals. The system further includes circuitry that converts the electrical difference signals into measurements of an interferometric phase. 1. An interferometric system with high-fidelity optical phase demodulation , comprising: a fiberoptic coupler that produces optical interferometry signals having mutual phase separations of 120°;', 'balanced photo-detectors that each produce an electrical difference signal based on a respective pair of said optical interferometry signals; and, 'a receiver havingcircuitry that converts the electrical difference signals into measurements of an interferometric phase.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a source that transmits at least one light pulse along a distributed sensing fiber,wherein the circuitry windows said measurements based on a time delay after each pulse to associate said measurements with a position on the distributed sensing fiber.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the distributed sensing fiber couples one or more return signals to the receiver claim 2 , and wherein the receiver splits the one or more return signals across two optical paths having a propagation delay difference to enable the fiberoptic coupler to produce said optical interferometry signals.4. The system of claim 3 , further comprising a first circulator that couples said at least one light pulse from the source to the distributed sensing fiber claim 3 , and further couples the return signal to the receiver.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the fiberoptic coupler splits the return signal across the two optical paths claim 3 , and wherein the two optical paths are reflectively terminated.6. ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Plug Tracking Using Piezo Electric Pulse Signaling

Номер: US20180010442A1

A system for tracking an object in oil and gas wellbore operations wherein a releasable object carrying a first signal system is released into tube system associated with a wellbore. The first signal system communicates with one or more second signal systems positioned along the travel path of the object; along the surface of the formation; and/or throughout the wellbore. First signal system and the second signal system may communicate by RF signals. First signal system and any second signal systems positioned on the surface communicate by through-the-earth or very low frequency signals. A global positioning system may be utilized in conjunction with any second signal systems on the surface to identify the absolute location of the object in the underground wellbore. The first signal system carried by the object may be a piezoelectric system disposed to transmit a signal when the object experiences a predetermined pressure. 1. A releasable object for release into an oil and gas wellbore , the releasable object comprising:a body; anda piezoelectric system carried by the body.2. The releasable object of claim 1 , wherein the body is selected from the group consisting of a ball claim 1 , a plug claim 1 , or a dart.3. The releasable object of claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric system comprises a piezoelectric element.4. The releasable object of claim 3 , wherein the piezoelectric system comprises a plurality of piezoelectric elements in abutting contact with one another to form a piezoelectric stack.5. The releasable object of claim 4 , wherein the plurality of piezoelectric elements each comprises a disk with an aperture formed therein and the apertures form a throughbore extending through the stack.6. The releasable object of claim 4 , wherein the piezoelectric stack defines an exterior surface claim 4 , the piezoelectric system further comprising a coating disposed over the exterior surface.7. The releasable object of claim 6 , wherein the coating is select from the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Wellbore Logging to Adjust for Downhole Clock Drift

Номер: US20180010445A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A method for logging a wellbore includes positioning a downhole tool having a downhole clock in the wellbore, logging the wellbore with the downhole tool, transmitting a surface signal from a wellbore surface to the downhole tool, and receiving the surface signal at the downhole tool. The method also includes transmitting a downhole signal from the downhole tool to the surface, receiving the downhole signal at the wellbore surface, and determining clock drift based on an arrival time of the surface signal at the downhole tool and an arrival time of the downhole signal at the wellbore surface. 1. A method for logging a wellbore , the method comprising:positioning a downhole tool comprising a downhole clock in the wellbore;logging the wellbore with the downhole tool;transmitting a surface signal from a wellbore surface to the downhole tool;receiving the surface signal at the downhole tool;transmitting a downhole signal from the downhole tool to the surface;receiving the downhole signal at the wellbore surface;determining clock drift based on an arrival time of the surface signal at the downhole tool and an arrival time of the downhole signal at the wellbore surface.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein transmitting the surface signal comprises performing transmission of a data sequence from the wellbore surface to the downhole tool using at least one of mud-pulse telemetry claim 1 , electromagnetic telemetry claim 1 , and acoustic telemetry.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein transmitting the downhole signal comprises transmitting a data sequence from the downhole tool to the wellbore surface using at least one of mud-pulse telemetry claim 1 , electromagnetic telemetry claim 1 , and acoustic telemetry.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein transmitting the surface signal and transmitting the downhole signal comprise transmitting using a symmetric communication channel.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising transmitting the downhole signal at a given time after the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010446A1
Автор: Roberson Mark W.
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A repeater system provided in a wellbore including a plurality of communication units spaced at intervals along a length of a wellbore, the communication units being communicatively coupled via a transmission medium. The communication units are configured to relay data from one communication unit to another communication unit selected from the plurality of communication units along the transmission medium, wherein at least one of the communication units is hopped over as data is relayed across the plurality of communication units along the length of the wellbore. 1. A repeater system provided in a wellbore , the repeater system comprising:a plurality of communication units spaced at intervals along a length of a wellbore, the communication units being communicatively coupled via a transmission medium;the communication units being configured to relay data from one communication unit to another communication unit selected from the plurality of communication units along the transmission medium, wherein at least one of the communication units is hopped over as data is relayed across the plurality of communication units along the length of the wellbore.2. The repeater system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of communication units are spaced at intervals along a length of a casing positioned within the wellbore.3. The repeater system of claim 1 , further comprising a master station located within the wellbore and coupled to at least one of the plurality of communication units claim 1 , the master station configured to transmit the relayed data to a receiving unit positioned outside an entrance hole of the wellbore.4. The repeater system of claim 3 , further comprising a network formed from the plurality of communication units claim 3 , the network relaying data from a first location in the wellbore to the master station claim 3 , the master station configured to transmit to a station unit positioned outside an entrance hole of the wellbore.5. The repeater system of ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010799A1

Disclosed is an apparatus and method for imaging semi-three-dimensional rock formation along the borehole sidewall, and a database, a calculation module, and a pattern generation module are included and can be configured in an electronic device. The database continuously fetches the acoustic reflection amplitude data from a high resolution acoustic televiewer (HiRAT), which moves vertically along the borehole. The calculation module performs a mathematical and statistical process on the acoustic reflection amplitude data for the pattern generation module to generate the image of semi-three-dimensional structure of rock formation along the borehole sidewall. Thus, the semi-3D rock formation image provided by the present invention is beneficial for the researcher to easily identify the characteristics of rock formation. 1. An apparatus for generating a semi-three-dimensional image of rock formation along a sidewall borehole , comprising:a database being connected to a high resolution acoustic televiewer (HiRAT) for receiving and storing a plurality of acoustic reflection amplitude data as a raw data bank, and the HiRAT being configured to move vertically along the borehole and generate the acoustic reflection amplitude data with respect to the depth in the borehole, an acoustic wave being emitted from the HiRAT and reflected at the water-wall interface to generate the reflection amplitude signal;a calculation module being electrically linked to the database for automatically fetching the acoustic reflection amplitude data by executing a specific program, and performing a mathematical and statistical process on the acoustic reflection amplitude data within a depth interval to obtain a statistic value for the acoustic reflection amplitude signal and generate a calculation result comprising the statistic values for showing the distribution tendency of the acoustic reflection amplitude data; anda pattern generation module being electrically linked to the calculation ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Measurement of Torque with Shear Stress Sensors

Номер: US20210010879A1

In some examples, a downhole torque measurement tool comprises a first surface of a structure and a second surface of the structure. The second surface is facing the first surface and a shear stress sensor is positioned on the first surface. A flexible coupling is positioned between the shear stress sensor and the second surface, and the flexible coupling is coupled to the first and second surfaces. 14-. (canceled)5. The tool of claim 9 , wherein the flexible coupling is selected from the group consisting of: silicone rubber; urethane rubber; natural rubber; styrene-butadiene rubber; butylrubber; and combinations thereof.68-. (canceled)9. A downhole torque measurement tool claim 9 , comprising:a lower cylindrical sub having a box end and a pin end;an upper cylindrical sub having a box end, a pin end and an inner bore with an inner surface extending between the box end and the pin end,wherein the box end of the upper cylindrical sub is connected to the pin end of the lower cylindrical sub;wherein the lower cylindrical sub comprises an outer cylindrical shaft having a hollow cavity extending parallel to a longitudinal axis of the outer cylindrical shaft and an inner cylindrical shaft positioned within the hollow cavity and extending parallel to the longitudinal axis of the outer cylindrical shaft, the first and second shafts each having a common end coupled together and forming a unitary structure at the box end of the lower cylindrical sub; andwherein the inner cylindrical shaft has an extended end that extends a length greater than a length of the outer cylindrical shaft at the pin end of the lower cylindrical sub such that the extended end of the inner cylindrical shaft extends into the bore of the upper cylindrical sub and forms an annular space;a flexible coupling positioned within the annular space and at least partially encircling the extended end of the inner cylindrical shaft, the flexible coupling coupled to the extended end of the inner cylindrical shafts; ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015412A1

A well advisor system and console for monitoring and managing monitoring and managing data stream quality in well drilling and production operations. The system may be accessed through one or more workstations, or other computing devices, which may be located at a well site or remotely. The system is in communication with and receives input from various sensors. It collects real-time sensor data sampled during operations at the well site. The system processes the data, and provides nearly instantaneous numerical and visual feedback through a variety of graphical user interfaces (“GUIs”), which are presented in the form of an operation-specific console. A plurality of data checks are dynamically run on the data streams to determine the presence and quality of the data, and data quality indicators are presented on the various consoles and dashboards. 1. A system for monitoring data stream quality at a well-site , comprising:a plurality of sensors to sample or detect parameters related to drilling or production operations in a well, said plurality of sensors comprising surface sensors or downhole sensors or a combination thereof;one or more computing devices adapted to receive parameter information in real time from said plurality of sensors, said one or more computing devices each further comprising a processor or microprocessor, said processor or microprocessor adapted to process the received parameter information to calculate derived parameters, and to perform one or more data quality checks on the received parameter information or the derived parameters; anda visual display, coupled to said one or more computing devices, for displaying some or all of the received parameter information and said derived parameters, and for displaying one or more indicators of data quality states based on the one or more data quality checks.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the visual display of some or all of the received parameter information and said derived parameters claim 1 , ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015413A1
Автор: Gao Li
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

Specific embodiments of disclosed downhole telemetry systems and methods employ time-reversal pre-equalization. One downhole telemetry system embodiment includes an acoustic transducer and a digital signal processor. The acoustic transducer transmits an acoustic signal to a distant receiver via a string of drillpipes connected by tool joints. The digital signal processor drives the acoustic transducer with an electrical signal that represents modulated digital data convolved with a time-reversed channel response. Due to the use of time-reversal pre-equalization, the received signal exhibits substantially reduced intersymbol interference. 1. A downhole telemetry system that comprises:an acoustic transducer that transmits an acoustic signal to a receiver via a string of drillpipes connected by tool joints; anda digital signal processor that drives the acoustic transducer with an electrical signal that represents modulated digital data convolved with a time-reversed channel response.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the digital signal processor convolves a modulated signal with the time-reversed channel response to obtain said electrical signal.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the digital signal processor estimates the time-reversed channel response based on a model with an estimated number of drillpipes in the string.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the acoustic transducer is part of a transceiver claim 2 , and wherein the digital signal processor processes received signals to determine the time-reversed channel response.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the acoustic transducer is part of a transceiver claim 1 , and wherein the digital signal processor derives from a received signal a representation of each channel symbol claim 1 , wherein the digital signal processor stores said representations claim 1 , and wherein the digital signal processor generates said electrical signal by overlapping and adding said representations in a sequence.6. The system of claim 1 ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016317A1
Автор: Roberson Mark W.

An assembly can include a casing string with an outer surface. The assembly can also include an antenna for wirelessly communicating data by generating a surface wave that propagates along an interface surface. The antenna can be positioned coaxially around the casing string. The antenna can include a cylindrically shaped conductor that is positionable coaxially around an outer surface of a casing string for generating a magnetic field component of the surface wave that is non-transverse to a direction of propagation of the surface wave along the interface surface. The antenna can also include a pair of conductive plates positioned at an angle to the cylindrically shaped conductor for generating an electric field component of the surface wave. 1. An assembly comprising:a casing string with an outer surface; and a cylindrically shaped conductor that is positionable coaxially around the outer surface of the casing string for generating a magnetic field component of the surface wave that is non-transverse to a direction of propagation of the surface wave along the interface surface; and', 'a pair of conductive plates positioned at an angle to the cylindrically shaped conductor for generating an electric field component of the surface wave., 'an antenna for wirelessly communicating data by generating a surface wave that propagates along an interface surface, the antenna positioned coaxially around the casing string and comprising2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the antenna is operable to generate the electric field component such that the electric field component is non-transverse to the direction of propagation of the surface wave along the interface surface.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the interface surface is between the casing string and a cement sheath.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the angle is 0 degrees or 90 degrees.5. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the antenna is operable to generate the surface wave responsive to receiving a signal with a ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016319A1

An in-well type acoustic telemetry system includes an elongate tubular housing, an elongate transmitter in the tubular housing, and a receiver in the tubular housing. The transmitter is adapted to generate an output acoustic signal by linearly fluctuating along a transmitter axis in response to an electrical signal. The receiver is adapted to generate a second electrical signal by linearly fluctuating along a receiver axis that is parallel to or coincides with the transmitter axis. 1. An in-well type acoustic telemetry system , comprising:an elongate tubular housing;an elongate transmitter in the tubular housing adapted to generate an output acoustic signal by linearly fluctuating along a transmitter axis in response to an electrical signal; anda receiver in the tubular housing adapted to generate a second electrical signal by linearly fluctuating along a receiver axis that is parallel to or coincides with the transmitter axis.2. The system of claim 1 , where the transmitter comprises a laminated stack of an electrically responsive material adapted to strain along the transmitter axis in response to the electrical signal.3. The system of claim 2 , where the receiver comprises a laminated stack of electrically responsive material adapted to convert strain along the receiver axis into the second electrical signal.4. The system of claim 3 , where the transmitter and the receiver are configured as a unitary transceiver.5. The system of claim 3 , where the electrically responsive material comprises at least one item selected from the group consisting of piezoceramic wafers claim 3 , a piezoelectric claim 3 , a piezopolymer claim 3 , an electrostrictor claim 3 , and a ferroelectric material.6. The system of claim 1 , where the transmitter and the receiver each comprises an electrically responsive material selected from the group consisting of an electromagnetic voice coil and a magnetostrictor.7. The system of claim 1 , where the transmitter is adjacent the receiver.8. ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Plug Tracking Using Through-The-Earth Communication System

Номер: US20180016892A1
Автор: Nicholas F. Budler
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A system for tracking an object in oil and gas wellbore operations wherein a releasable object carrying a first signal system is released into tube system associated with a wellbore. The first signal system communicates with one or more second signal systems positioned along the travel path of the object; along the surface of the formation; and/or throughout the wellbore. First signal system and the second signal system may communicate by RF signals. First signal system and any second signal systems positioned on the surface communicate by through-the-earth or very low frequency signals. A global positioning system may be utilized in conjunction with any second signal systems on the surface to identify the absolute location of the object in the underground wellbore. The first signal system carried by the object may be a piezoelectric system disposed to transmit a signal when the object experiences a predetermined pressure.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018548A1

A wellbore tool string includes a combination of acoustic inspection tool(s) and electro-mechanical inspection tool(s). The tool string is configured to combine acoustic with electro-mechanic wellbore inspection to circumvent limitations that both technologies may be subject to in wellbore environments. Anomalous data from one or more acoustic tools can be correlated with data acquired by an electro-mechanical tool incorporated into the same tool string to determine wellbore conditions that may have adversely affected the operation of the acoustic tool(s).

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017371A1
Автор: McRory John Godfrey

Methods, systems, and techniques for controlling voltage applied across a piezoelectric stack of a downhole acoustic transmitter. At least one of the temperature of the stack and the compressive stress applied to the stack is monitored. At least one of the temperature of the stack and the compressive stress applied to the stack is compared to a temperature threshold and a stress threshold, respectively. When the stack signal is an alternating voltage signal and when at least one of the temperature of the stack and the compressive stress applied to the stack respectively exceeds the temperature threshold and the stress threshold, the stack signal is modified such that a negative polarity portion of the stack signal has a maximum magnitude less than a magnitude of a negative polarity limit.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102806A1

A tubular component for a drill stem that can be cabled includes a first end zone, a second end zone, a sheath, the sheath extends between the first end zone and the second end zone, and a liner fixed in a bore of the first end zone. The liner includes at least one take-up chamber for a cable disposed in the sheath. 118-. (canceled)19. A tubular component for a drill stem that can be cabled , comprising:a first end zone;a second end zone;a sheath extending between the first end zone and the second end zone;a cable disposed at least in part in the sheath; anda liner, the liner being fixed in a bore of the first end zone and including at least one take-up chamber for the cable,a length of the cable being greater than a distance between the first and the second end zone such that the take-up chamber is capable of storing an excess length of the cable.20. A component according to claim 19 , further comprising a second supplemental liner fixed in a bore of the second end zone claim 19 , the second supplemental liner also including at least one take-up chamber for the cable.21. A component according to claim 20 , in which the cable is defined such that the excess length of cable capable of being stored in the take-up chamber of the liner has a dimension that differs from that of an excess length of cable capable of being stored in the take-up chamber of the second supplemental liner.22. A component according to claim 19 , in which the take-up chamber has an axial length which is at least twice claim 19 , or at least three times claim 19 , smaller than the excess length of the cable.23. A component according to claim 19 , in which an outside of the cable includes a retaining stopper to calibrate a length of the cable coming from at least one side of the sheath.24. A component according to claim 19 , in which the liner is traversed by an elongate channel that allows the sheath and/or the cable to pass from the chamber to terminal surfaces of the liner.25. A component ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Systems and Methods to Identify and Inhibit Spider Web Borehole Failure in Hydrocarbon Wells

Номер: US20200018159A1
Автор: Ameen Mohammed S.

Provided are embodiments that include: determining, based on asymmetric spalling of rock at a wall of a wellbore of a hydrocarbon well, that the wellbore is experiencing a spider web borehole failure (SWBF); and in response to the determination: generating a forward model of rock strength for the well (including a rock strength reduction function defining a rock strength reduction factor (r) as a function of angular width of a borehole failure (W)); determining an angular width of the SWBF (W); determining, based on application of the angular width of the SWBF (W) to the rock strength reduction function, a rock strength reduction factor (r) for the well; determining, based on the rock strength reduction factor (r) and an unconfined compressive strength of intact rock (C), an unconfined compressive strength of fractured rock (C); and operating the well based on the unconfined compressive strength of fractured rock (C). 1. A method of operating a hydrocarbon well , the method comprising:conducting testing of the hydrocarbon well to acquire well data indicative of characteristics of a wellbore of the hydrocarbon well;{'sub': 'o', 'determining, based on the well data, an unconfined compressive strength of intact rock (C) corresponding to a compressive strength of intact formation rock at a wall of the wellbore;'}identifying, based on the well data, asymmetric spalling of the formation rock at the wall of the wellbore;determining, based on the asymmetric spalling of the formation rock at the wall of the wellbore, that the wellbore is experiencing a spider web borehole failure (SWBF); and generating a forward model of rock strength for the hydrocarbon well, the forward model of rock strength for the hydrocarbon well comprising a rock strength reduction function defining a rock strength reduction factor (r) as a function of angular width of a borehole failure (W);', {'sub': 'SWBF', 'determining an angular width of the SWBF (W);'}, {'sub': 'SWBF', 'determining, based on ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021015A1
Автор: Xiao Jinjlang
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Systems and methods for generating and monitoring an acoustic response to particular fluid flow conditions in a wellbore include incorporating a sound-producing element into each inflow control device installed in a wellbore. Each of the sound-producing elements generates an acoustic signature that is readily identifiable from each other sound-producing element installed in the wellbore. 1. A monitoring system for use in a wellbore extending through a subterranean formation , the system , comprising:first and second inflow control tools disposed in the wellbore and operable to regulate fluid flow into the wellbore;a first sound-producing element operable to generate a first acoustic signal in response to fluid flow through the first inflow control tool, wherein the first acoustic signal defines a first acoustic signature;a second sound-producing element operable to generate a second acoustic signal in response to fluid flow through the second inflow control tool, wherein the second acoustic signal defines a second acoustic signature that is distinguishable from the first acoustic signature; anda sensing subsystem operable to detect the first and second acoustic signals and operable to distinguish between the first and second acoustic signatures.2. The monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the first sound-producing element is disposed. within a flow path defined through the first inflow control tool.3. The monitoring system of claim II claim 1 , wherein the first sound-producing element is disposed at a downstream location with respect to the first inflow control tool.4. The monitoring system of claim I. wherein the first sound-producing element comprises a structure induced to vibrate in response to fluid flow through the first inflow control tool.5. The monitoring system of claim 4 , wherein the first sound-producing element comprises at least one of:a whistle;a bell;a Helmholtz resonator; anda rotating wheel.6. The monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018641A1
Автор: SHEN Yongjin

The present invention relates to a device, method and system for measuring a resistivity of an open hole formation in a vertical direction. The device includes an acoustic wave transmitting probe and a plurality of acoustic wave receiving probes. The acoustic wave transmitting probe is located below each of the acoustic wave receiving probes such that the acoustic wave transmitting probe and the plurality of acoustic wave receiving probes are coaxially and parallelly disposed in an open hole. The axial direction of the acoustic wave transmitting probe and the acoustic wave receiving probes is parallel to the axial direction of the open hole and is perpendicular to the direction of the formation. The measurement accuracy of the resistivity can be improved by using the device, method and system of the present invention. 1. A device for measuring the resistivity of an open hole formation in a vertical direction , comprising:an acoustic wave transmitting probe; anda plurality N of acoustic wave receiving probes coaxially aligned with the acoustic wave transmitting probe such that the acoustic wave transmitting probe is positioned below the plurality of acoustic wave receiving probes,the acoustic wave transmitting probe and the plurality of acoustic wave receiving probes being coaxially parallelly disposed in an open hole such that an axial direction of the acoustic wave transmitting probe and the plurality of acoustic wave receiving probes is parallel to an axial direction of the open hole and is perpendicular to a direction of the formation.2. The device for measuring a resistivity of an open hole formation in a vertical direction according to claim 1 , wherein the acoustic plurality of wave receiving probes are equidistantly distributed.3. The device for measuring a resistivity of an open hole formation in a vertical direction according to claim 1 , wherein the acoustic wave transmitting probe and the plurality of acoustic wave receiving probes are each made of a ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150023137A1

A system for producing controlled vibrations within a borehole comprises a vibration mechanism an impact to produce a plurality of vibration beats. The vibration mechanism is located substantially near a bottom hole assembly within the borehole. A damping mechanism selectively damps the vibration beats to encode information therein. The damping mechanism is located remotely from the vibration mechanism along a drill string of the bottom hole assembly. 1. A system for producing controlled vibrations within a borehole comprising:a vibration mechanism for generating an impact to produce a plurality of vibration beats, wherein the vibration mechanism is located substantially near a bottom hole assembly within the borehole; anda damping mechanism for selectively damping the vibration beats to encode information therein, wherein the damping mechanism is located remotely from the vibration mechanism along a drill string of the bottom hole assembly.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the vibration mechanism is configured to use mechanical energy provided by a mechanical energy source to enable translational movement of a first surface relative to a second surface to allow the first surface to repeatedly impact the second surface to produce the plurality of vibration beats.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the damping mechanism is configured to selectively damp the vibration beats to a plurality of levels to encode the information therein.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the vibration beats occur at a fixed frequency.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the vibration damping mechanism is further configured to dampen a particular vibration beat below a detection threshold to skip that vibration beat while encoding information.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein defined amplitude values of the vibration beats are bounded by a first amplitude value representing a full impact of the first and second surfaces and a second amplitude value that is below a detection threshold.7. The ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024910A1

Systems and methods for monitoring a position of a service tool in a wellbore are provided. The service tool can have a sensor assembly coupled thereto and be positioned within the wellbore. The service tool can be moved within the wellbore. The distance travelled by the service tool in the wellbore can be measured with the sensor assembly. The position of the service tool in the wellbore can be determined by comparing the distance travelled to a stationary reference point. 1. A method for monitoring a position of a service tool in a wellbore , comprising:positioning the service tool having a sensor assembly coupled thereto within the wellbore;moving the service tool within the wellbore;measuring a distance travelled by the service tool in the wellbore with the sensor assembly;determining a position of the service tool in the wellbore by comparing the distance travelled to a stationary reference point; andtransmitting to a surface location via wireless signals at least one of the distance travelled by the service tool in the wellbore and the position of the service tool in the wellbore.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising moving the service tool in the wellbore in response to at least one of the transmitted distance travelled and the transmitted position of the service tool.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising moving the service tool in the wellbore in response to at least one of the transmitted distance travelled and the transmitted position of the service tool to align one or more crossover ports disposed through the service tool with one or more completion ports disposed through a completion assembly.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising flowing a treatment fluid through the one or more crossover ports and the one or more completion ports and into an annulus formed between the completion assembly and the wall of the wellbore and below a packer.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the treatment fluid is a gravel packing fluid.6. The method ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024913A1

An acoustic receiver for use on a drill string includes a housing attachable to the drill string; a first sensor mounted within the housing for measuring a first parameter at a first location on the drill string and for generating a first parameter signal representative of the first parameter; a second sensor mounted within the housing for measuring a second parameter at a second location on the drill string and for generating a second parameter signal representative of the second parameter; and a controller mounted within the housing and communicatively coupled to the first and second sensors. The magnitudes of the first and second parameters vary in proportion to magnitude of the acoustic wave and the first and second parameters have a quadrature phase relationship. The controller is configured to combine the first and second parameter signals to determine the magnitude of the acoustic wave. 1. A method for measuring an acoustic wave propagating along a drill string , the method comprising:(a) measuring a first parameter of the drill string at a first location along the drill string;(b) measuring a second parameter of the drill string at a second location along the drill string, wherein magnitudes of the first and second parameters vary in proportion to magnitude of the acoustic wave and wherein the first and second parameters have a quadrature phase relationship; and(c) determining the magnitude of the acoustic wave from one or both of the first and second parameters,wherein the first and second locations are separated by a distance other than n·(λ/4), where n is an odd integer.2. The method of wherein a combination of the first and second parameters is used to determine the magnitude of the acoustic wave.3. The method of wherein the first parameter is axial acceleration and the second parameter is axial strain.4. The method of wherein a piezoelectric transducer is used to measure the strain.5. The method of wherein measuring the strain generates a strain signal ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027684A1

A centralizer for centralizing a pipe downhole in a well is provided. The centralizer includes a plurality of arcuate cuffs having first and second ends. The cuffs are affixed adjacent to the pipe's exterior wall, and positioned circumferentially adjacent around the pipe. The cuffs are flexible so as to be positioned in a first condition wherein the cuffs are retracted radially inward so as to be substantially flat against the pipe's exterior wall. The centralizer includes a lock for maintaining the cuffs substantially flat against the pipe's exterior wall until the centralizer has been transported downhole. Further, the centralizer includes an actuator for unlocking the lock so as to allow the cuffs to expand radially outward to form a loop wherein the loop has a central axis parallel to pipe's longitudinal axis. Preferably, the centralizer includes a collar causing the cuffs to all expand or retract together. 1. A centralizer for centralizing a pipe down hole comprising:a length of pipe having a cylindrical exterior wall and a central conduit defining a longitudinal axis;a plurality of arcuate cuffs having first and second ends, said cuffs affixed adjacent to said pipe's exterior wall and positioned circumferentially around said pipe, said cuffs being flexible so as to be positionable in a first condition wherein said cuffs are retracted radially inward so as to be substantially flat against said pipe's exterior wall and said cuffs positionable in a second condition wherein each of said cuffs are expanded radially outward to form a loop wherein said loop has a central axis parallel to said pipe's longitudinal axis, each of said cuffs storing mechanical spring energy when positioned in said first radially retracted condition with said mechanical spring energy attempting to force said cuffs into said second radially expanded condition;a lock selectively locking said arcuate cuffs into said first condition; andan actuator for selectively unlocking said lock to cause ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Downhole Surveying

Номер: US20150029035A1

A drillstring first tube portion () for connection to further tube portions () of a drillstring via respective connection means has a side wall () including non ferromagnetic material, and at least one downhole survey device () mounted directly or indirectly on or within the side wall. The survey device has at least one survey instrument to obtain survey data, a power source () and wireless communication means () to wirelessly receive and/or transmit survey data within or on the side wall. A method of conducting a downhole survey of drilling using such an apparatus is also disclosed, as well as a method of obtaining data gathered downhole. The survey device and a core orientation device () may communicate wirelessly, such as when passing each other. 1. A drillstring first tube portion for connection to further tube portions of drillstring via respective connection means , the first tube portion having a side wall including non ferromagnetic material , and at least one downhole survey device mounted directly or indirectly on or within the side wall , the survey device including at least one survey instrument to obtain survey data a power source and wireless communication means to wirelessly receive and/or transmit survey data.2. The first tube portion according to claim 1 , the first tube portion being an elongate tube claim 1 , wherein the side wall extends from the survey device a distance to each of opposite first and second ends of the first tube portion to isolate the survey device from significant magnetic effects of steel portions of the drillstring.3. The first tube portion according to claim 1 , including non ferromagnetic second and third tube portions each configured to releasably connect to a respective one of the two opposite ends of the first tube portion and to releasably connect to a remainder of the drillstring.4. The first tube portion as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the survey device includes instrumentation to measure azimuth and inclination of ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150029036A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Provided are systems and methods for ground fault immune data measurement system for electric submersible pumps. A data measurement system coupled to the ESP includes a surface unit coupled to a 3-phase power cable for providing power to a 3-phase motor of the ESP and a downhole unit coupled to the motor of the ESP and located downhole in a well. The downhole unit includes sensor and is configured to generate frequency modulated carrier signals for carrying the sensor data to the surface unit. Each of the frequency modulated carrier signals carries identical sensor data and is modulated to a different frequency. The carrier signals are shunted across the motor windings of the ESP motor and onto the 3-phase power cable via a capacitive coupling. Additionally, another carrier signal carrying control data may be transmitted from the surface unit to the downhole unit. 1. A data measurement system coupled to an electric submersible pump (ESP) , the system comprising:a surface unit coupled to a 3-phase power cable, the 3-phase power cable coupled to a 3-phase motor of the ESP; a plurality of sensors;', 'a processor coupled to the sensors and configured to receive the sensor data; and', 'a modulator coupled to the processor and configured to generate at least three frequency modulated carrier signals for carrying the sensor data to the surface unit, each of the plurality of frequency modulated carrier signals carrying identical sensor data and modulated to a unique frequency;, 'a downhole unit coupled to the motor of the ESP and located downhole in a well, the downhole unit comprisingwherein the downhole unit is capacitively coupled to motor windings of the motor of the ESP and configured to transmit the at least three carrier signals across the capacitive coupling and to the surface unit via the 3-phase power cable.2. The data measurement system of claim 1 , wherein the surface unit comprises:a demodulator configured to demodulate the at least three carrier signals; anda ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140112100A1
Принадлежит: Xact Downhole Telemetry, Inc.

A system and method of optimizing air hammer performance in a well drilling rig whereby an electronic acoustic receiver (EAR) is used to monitor the effects of changing any of the operating parameters under his or her control. The signals are visually presented to the drill operator based on an EAR's output, along with current settings, allowing the drill operator to dial in the parameters of his or her choice until the optimal frequency of the air hammer is regained. The visual output displays the amplitude response of acoustic waves being detected and decoded at the surface by the EAR. The drill operator can observe and use this information to determine the changes necessary in the operating parameters to return the hammer to optimal frequency, and thus optimal performance. 1. A system for optimizing air hammer performance in a well drilling rig including a drillstring , which comprises:an air compressor connected to the drillstring;a bit connected to the drillstring;a controller connected to the compressor and the drillstring;an air hammer attached to a downhole end of the drillstring, said air hammer having performance parameters including a percussive rate corresponding to an air flow from said compressor and bit weight, a penetration rate, and a frequency response;an acoustic telemetry subsystem associated with the air hammer and adapted for transmitting said frequency response via acoustic waves along the drillstring;said controller adapted for operating said actuator;said controller including a manually selectable input for selecting parameters selected from the list comprising bit weight, air flow, and hammer rate;a feedback input, the feedback input being responsive to said frequency response;said controller programmed to automatically adjust for optimal settings an operating parameter of said air hammer in response to said frequency response, said operating parameters including air flow from said compressor and said bit weight; andsaid controller being ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Telemetry System and Method of Operating the Same

Номер: US20160032714A1

Methods and related apparatus pertaining to downhole and surface telemetry, such as a method in which a telemetry system is provided with a communication path formed with an electrically conductive transport medium coupled across a plurality of downhole nodes. Such method includes operating on the communication path with a multi-drop system that provides telemetry to the downhole nodes in a wellbore, including employing modulation in a master-slave arrangement using binary differential phase shift keying or differential quadrature phase shift keying. 1. A method , comprising:providing a telemetry system with a communication path formed with an electrically conductive transport medium coupled across a plurality of downhole nodes;operating on the communication path with a multi-drop system that provides telemetry to the downhole nodes in a wellbore, including employing modulation of a tone in a master-slave arrangement using binary differential phase shift keying or differential quadrature phase shift keying, wherein the telemetry system supports a plurality of downhole functions, and wherein multiple downhole nodes access the communication path without the use of switches.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising line equalization to compensate for attenuation characteristics of the communication path.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising identifying on demand each downhole node using a unique node identifier4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing a control-type application type claim 1 , wherein a user-initiated command is transmitted from a surface acquisition system to a downhole node to perform a specific downhole action.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the specific downhole action includes sending a value to surface.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing a second application type which provides surface control for a wellbore perforation addressable switch employing an encoded signal.7. The method of one of claim 1 , ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030757A1
Автор: Davies Jon, JAFFREY Andrew

A measurement system including a container including an element moveable within an internal volume of the container. A sensor wirelessly measures the position of the element within the container and transmits the measured position information. Also included is an information system capable of reading the position information from the sensor. 1. A measurement system , including:blowout preventers (BOPs) configured in a blowout preventer (BOP) stack;a hydraulic fluid accumulator mounted on the BOP stack and including a piston moveable within an internal volume of the accumulator, the piston dividing the internal volume into a first chamber having hydraulic fluid and a second chamber having a gas with the volumes of the first and second chambers depending on the position of the piston, and the accumulator being capable of providing the hydraulic fluid from the first chamber to operate a BOP of the BOP stack;a sensor capable of wirelessly measuring the position of the piston within the accumulator and transmitting the measured position information, wherein the sensor is installed on a stationary portion of the accumulator and is positioned at a fixed location within the second chamber to emit a wireless signal from the sensor through the gas toward the piston for measuring the position of the piston within the accumulator; andan information system capable of reading the position information from the sensor.2. The system of claim 1 , further including:a radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag located on the piston; andthe sensor including a radio-frequency transceiver capable of sending a radio-frequency signal to the RFID tag and reading a response signal from the RFID tag.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is at least one of a radio-frequency sensor claim 1 , a far field electromagnetic (microwave) sensor claim 1 , a near field electromagnetic sensor claim 1 , and an acoustic sensor.4. The system of claim 1 , further including:more than one accumulator ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Underground GPS For Use In Plug Tracking

Номер: US20180030828A1

A system for tracking an object in oil and gas wellbore operations wherein a releasable object carrying a first signal system is released into tube system associated with a wellbore. The first signal system communicates with one or more second signal systems positioned along the travel path of the object; along the surface of the formation; and/or throughout the wellbore. First signal system and the second signal system may communicate by RF signals. First signal system and any second signal systems positioned on the surface communicate by through-the-earth or very low frequency signals. A global positioning system may be utilized in conjunction with any second signal systems on the surface to identify the absolute location of the object in the underground wellbore. The first signal system carried by the object may be a piezoelectric system disposed to transmit a signal when the object experiences a predetermined pressure. 1. A system for tracking an object in an oil and gas wellbore within a formation , the system comprising:a releasable object disposed in a wellbore extending from the surface of the formation, the releasable object including a first through-the-earth signal system;at least three second through-the-earth signal systems coupled to the surface and disposed to communicate with the first signal system via a through-the-earth signal; anda positioning system associated with each second signal system.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the positioning system is a global positioning system (GPS) comprising a GPS receiver.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first signal system is a transmitter and the second signal systems are receivers.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first signal system is a receiver and the second signal systems are transmitters.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the second through-the-earth signal systems are spaced apart from one another so as to form a triangular grid.6. The system of claim 2 , wherein each second through-the- ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus And Method Of Concentric Cement Bonding Operations Before And After Cementation

Номер: US20150034311A1
Автор: Tunget Bruce A.

Method and apparatus for deploying at least one repeatable signal to empirically measure cement bonding before and after operating a tool string assembly comprising a selectively arrangeable tool assembly of a downhole drive tool usable for operating a downhole placement tool with shaft and axial displacement member extendable and retractable therefrom to radially deploy and operate at least one conduit and downhole coupling tool for placing cement and at least one inner conduit proximally concentrically within a surrounding bore, wherein said drive coupling tool is further usable for transmitting or receiving, through a conductance well element into a memory tool, to measure cement bonding about said surrounding bore before and after concentrically cleaning and coupling cement to at least one conduit and surrounding bore. 11118412121288810. A method ( , A-AT) of using at least one logging signal () to empirically measure cement bonding after using an apparatus ( , A-AT) associated with a tool string ( , A-AT) to concentrically dispose at least one inner conduit within a surrounding bore () to provide concentric cementation and cement bonding before and after cementation , said method comprising the steps of:{'b': 8', '3', '3', '3', '2', '2', '2', '6', '7, 'conveying at least one selectively arrangeable tool string () assembly comprising at least one selectively actuatable downhole drive tool (, A-AT), at least one downhole placement tool (, A-AT) having at least one shaft () and an axial displacement member () extendable and retractable from said at least one shaft, and at least one cutting or displacing tool;'}actuating said at least one selectively actuatable downhole drive tool to operate said at least one downhole placement tool to place said at least one cutting or displacing tool within said at least one inner conduit;actuating said at least one cutting or displacing tool to cut or displace said at least one inner conduit proximally concentrically within said ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Communication Using a Spacer Fluid

Номер: US20140118157A1
Автор: Dale E. Jamison
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

Disclosed are systems and methods for transmitting commands from a surface to downhole electronic equipment using pills of a spacer fluid. One method of communicating down a wellbore may include providing a flow of a first fluid along a flow path, introducing a series of one or more pills of a second fluid into the flow of the first fluid at a first point along the flow path, and detecting the series of one or more pills of the second fluid at a second point along the flow path, the second point being separated from the first point. In certain embodiments, a series of brine pills may be introduced into a flow of a drilling fluid.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032646A1

The disclosed embodiments include downhole communication networks and methods to form downhole communication networks. In one embodiment, a downhole communication network includes a plurality of communication tags deployed in a wellbore. Each communication tag of the plurality of communication tags includes a sensor operable to detect wellbore and hydrocarbon resource properties proximate the respective communication tag. Each communication tag of the plurality of communication tags also includes a storage medium operable to store data indicative of the at least one of wellbore and hydrocarbon resource properties proximate the respective communication tag. Each communication tag of the plurality of communication tags further includes a transmitter operable to transmit a signal indicative of one or more of the wellbore and hydrocarbon resource properties. Each communication tag of the plurality of communication tags further includes a power source operable to provide power to one or more components of the respective communication tag. 1. A downhole communication network comprising: a sensor operable to detect at least one of wellbore and hydrocarbon resource properties proximate the respective communication tag;', 'a transmitter operable to transmit a signal indicative of one or more of the at least one of the wellbore and hydrocarbon resource properties; and', 'a power source operable to provide power to one or more components of the respective communication tag., 'a plurality of communication tags deployed in a wellbore, each communication tag of the plurality of communication tags comprising2. The downhole communication network of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of communication tags comprise a first communication tag and a second communication tag claim 1 , the first communication tag being operable to:establish a first communication channel with the second communication tag to communicatively connect the first communication tag to the second communication tag; ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040528A1

A tapered magnetorheological (MR) valve includes a first fixed housing that remains in a fixed position along a central axis of the tapered MR valve. The first fixed housing defines a first surface of a MR fluid channel that is at an angle with respect to the central axis of the tapered MR valve. A second housing moves linearly along the central axis of the tapered MR valve. The second housing defines a second surface of the MR fluid channel that is at the angle with respect to the central axis of the tapered MR valve. The first fixed housing and the second housing together define a first MR fluid chamber and a second MR fluid chamber interconnected by the MR fluid channel. The second housing moves linearly between a first position and a second position along the central axis of the tapered MR valve. The distance between the first surface of the MR fluid channel and the second surface of the MR fluid channel has a first value at the first position and a second value greater that the first value at the second position. 1. A tapered magnetorheological (MR) valve , comprising:a first fixed housing that remains in a fixed position along a central axis of the tapered MR valve, the first fixed housing defining a first surface of a MR fluid channel that is at an angle with respect to the central axis of the tapered MR valve;a second housing that moves linearly along the central axis of the tapered MR valve, the second housing defining a second surface of the MR fluid channel that is at the angle with respect to the central axis of the tapered MR valve;wherein the first fixed housing and the second housing together define a first MR fluid chamber and a second MR fluid chamber interconnected by the MR fluid channel; andwherein the second housing moves linearly between a first position and a second position along the central axis of the tapered MR valve, the distance between the first surface of the MR fluid channel and the second surface of the MR fluid channel having a ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037684A1
Автор: PABON Jahir

Backward whirling reduction is provided. In one possible implementation a system for reducing backward whirling includes a drill, a bottom hole assembly associated with the drill, and at least one backward whirling disruptor associated with the bottom hole assembly. In another possible implementation, information from a computer simulation associated with a behavior of the bottom hole assembly during a simulated drilling operation is accessed. Then a first section of the bottom hole assembly exhibiting backward whirling during the simulated drilling operation is identified and the bottom hole assembly is modified to include one or more backward whirling disruptors to at least reduce the backward whirling during the simulated drilling operation. 1. A system for reducing backward whirling , the system comprising:a drill;a bottom hole assembly associated with the drill; andat least one backward whirling disruptor associated with the bottom hole assembly.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one backward whirling disruptor includes one or more of:at least one eccentricity associated with at least one portion of the bottom hole assembly disrupting a symmetry of the at least one portion of the bottom hole assembly;at least one mass imbalance associated with at least one portion of the bottom hole assembly; andtwo or more stabilizers of different outside diameters located at different positions on the bottom hole assembly.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one eccentricity includes at least one portion of the bottom hole assembly where a thickness of a wall of the bottom hole assembly is non uniform about a centerline of the bottom hole assembly.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one eccentricity includes at least one portion of the bottom hole assembly where equipment on the bottom hole assembly has a centerline nonconcentric with a centerline of the bottom hole assembly.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the equipment includes one or ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150041119A1
Принадлежит: VETCO GRAY INC.

A wellhead assembly having a tubular magnetized in at least one selected location, and a sensor proximate the magnetized location that monitors a magnetic field from the magnetized location. The magnetic field changes in response to changes in mechanical stress of the magnetized location, so that signals from the sensor represent loads applied to the tubular. Analyzing the signals over time provides fatigue loading data useful for estimating structural integrity of the tubular and its fatigue life. Example tubulars include a low pressure housing, a high pressure housing, conductor pipes respectively coupled with the housings, a string of tubing, a string of casing, housing and tubing connections, housing and tubing seals, tubing hangers, tubing risers, and other underwater structural components that require fatigue monitoring, or can be monitored for fatigue. 1. A method of monitoring a wellhead component comprising:a. sensing a magnetic field that intersects a portion of a tubular that is in the wellbore and that forms part of a wellhead assembly;b. identifying variations in the magnetic field that are from loads applied to the tubular; andc. estimating fatigue loading on the tubular based on the applied loads.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a selected portion of the tubular is magnetized.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the magnetized portion of the tubular resembles an oval shape.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the oval shape with an elongate side oriented in a direction selected from the group consisting of parallel with an axis of the wellbore claim 3 , oblique with an axis of the wellbore claim 3 , and perpendicular with an axis of the wellbore.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of sensing comprises providing a sensor in the magnetic field and monitoring an output of the sensor.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the sensor is part of a sensor system that comprises a plurality of sensors connected by a sensing line claim 5 , and wherein the ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160041287A1
Автор: MERCIU Ioan-Alexandru

An acoustic measurement tool comprises a transmitter for generating acoustic signals and at least one acoustic receiver spaced from the transmitter and configured to receive an acoustic signal, generated by the transmitter, and which has encountered a medium of interest. Moreover, at least one acoustic reference receiver is located adjacent the transmitter and is configured to receive an acoustic signal, generated by the transmitter, prior to the acoustic signal encountering the medium of interest. 1. An acoustic measurement tool comprisinga transmitter for generating acoustic signals;at least one acoustic receiver spaced from the transmitter and configured to receive an acoustic signal, generated by the transmitter, and which has encountered a medium of interest; andat least one reference receiver located adjacent the transmitter and configured to receive an acoustic signal, generated by the transmitter, prior to the acoustic signal encountering the medium of interest.2. The tool according to wherein the reference receiver is provided on a mount comprising highly absorbent material so as to eliminate or at least reduce any perturbations resulting from the acoustic signal being transmitted to the reference receiver via the mount.3. The tool according to comprising a body which houses the transmitter claim 2 , the at least one acoustic receiver and the reference receiver.4. The tool according to wherein the mount is connected directly to the tool body or is provided on the transmitter.5. The tool according to wherein the mount encapsulates the reference receiver claim 2 , with an aperture provided to allow for detection of the acoustic signal claim 2 , generated by the transmitter claim 2 , prior to the acoustic signal encountering the medium of interest.6. The tool according to wherein the transmitter is provided on a mount comprising highly absorbent material.7. The tool according to wherein the transmitter mount is configured to focus the acoustic signals in a ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040737A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes, a GE company, LLC

An apparatus for deploying one or more components of a borehole monitoring system includes a conductor assembly having one or more communication devices connected along a length of a conductor, each communication device being configured to wirelessly communicate data and/or power, the conductor configured to transmit the data and/or the power through a borehole in an earth formation. The apparatus further includes a deployment device configured to transport and support the length of the conductor having the one or more communication devices connected along the length of the conductor and deploy the length of the conductor in the borehole. 1. An apparatus for deploying one or more components of a borehole monitoring system , the apparatus comprising:a conductor assembly comprising one or more communication devices connected along a length of a conductor, each communication device being configured to wirelessly communicate data and/or power, the conductor configured to transmit the data and/or the power through a borehole in an earth formation; anda deployment device configured to transport and support the length of the conductor comprising the one or more communication devices connected along the length of the conductor and deploy the length of the conductor in the borehole.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the deployment device includes a spool.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the spool is configured to be at least one of manually operated and automatically operated.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each of the one or more communication devices is spaced along the length of the conductor such that a location of each communication device corresponds to a selected location on a borehole string deployed in the borehole.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , further comprising one or more carriers fixed to the borehole string claim 4 , each of the carriers being configured to have at least one of the communication devices attached thereto.6. The apparatus of claim 5 ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Determining The Volume Of Cuttings

Номер: US20210047911A1
Автор: Rowe Mathew Dennis
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A method for identifying cuttings volume may comprise taking one or more inlet measurements of a drilling fluid at an inlet meter before the drilling fluid is circulated into a wellbore, taking one or more outlet measurements of a drilling fluid at an outlet meter after the drilling fluid is returned from the wellbore with cuttings, subtracting the one or more inlet measurements from the one or more outlet measurements and adding hole fill to determine mass of the cuttings, identifying a density of the cuttings, and converting the mass of the cuttings to the volume of the cuttings using the density of the cuttings. A system may comprise an inlet meter, an outlet meter, a pump for circulating a drilling fluid and one or more cuttings through the inlet meter and the outlet meter, and an information handling system. 1. A method for identifying cuttings volume comprising:taking one or more inlet measurements of a drilling fluid at an inlet meter before the drilling fluid is circulated into a wellbore, wherein the one or more inlet measurements comprise a mass in and a volume in of the drilling fluid;taking one or more outlet measurements of a drilling fluid at an outlet meter after the drilling fluid is returned from the wellbore with cuttings, wherein the one or more outlet measurements comprise a mass out and a volume out of the drilling fluid;subtracting the one or more inlet measurements from the one or more outlet measurements and adding hole fill to determine mass of the cuttings;identifying a density of the cuttings; andconverting the mass of the cuttings to the volume of the cuttings using the density of the cuttings.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hole fill is a function of bit size claim 1 , reamer size claim 1 , and rate of penetration.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the hole fill is equal to the mass of the cuttings.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more inlet measurements and one or more outlet measurements are taken by one or more ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Microwave Communication System for Downhole Drilling

Номер: US20160047233A1

In one embodiment of the invention, an air drilling downhole telemetry and control system is disclosed, comprising a telemetry and control interface, a topside unit, one or more repeater units, a bottom hole unit, and an air filled drill string composed of a drill pipe acting as a circular waveguide, wherein the topside unit is disposed at the surface end of the drill string, the repeater units are disposed along the drill string, and the bottom hole unit is disposed at the terminal end of the drill string, and each unit is a communications node along a communications link existing between the telemetry and control interface and the bottom hole unit. Each unit comprises a communications subsystem, a power subsystem, and optionally a telemetry and control subsystem. The communications subsystem contains a message buffer system capable of temporarily storing communications during a communications link disruption event. Obstructions along the drill string, such as one-way valves, are incorporated into the repeater units disposed along the drill string. 1. A wireless communication system for use in downhole drilling , comprising a plurality of wireless communication nodes , including:(a) a topside unit mountable around a top of a drill string and comprising a tubular sub with an axial through-bore for flow of fluid therethrough, a microwave downlink transceiver subassembly mounted to the tubular sub and having an antenna feed extending into the through-bore, and a microwave reflector mounted inside the through-bore and upstring of the antenna feed and comprising at least one aperture configured to reflect a range of frequencies including an operating frequency of the downlink transceiver subassembly and to allow passage of fluid therethrough; and(b) a bottom hole unit mountable along the drill string downstring of the topside unit and comprising a tubular sub with an axial through-bore for flow of fluid therethrough, a microwave uplink transceiver subassembly mounted to ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Acoustic Communications Network with Frequency Diversification

Номер: US20160047236A1
Автор: Croux Arnaud

An acoustic communications network includes acoustic modems that exchange messages on an acoustic communications medium, such as tubing deployed in a wellbore. The acoustic communications medium is characterized by an acoustic transfer function having a plurality of passbands and a plurality of stopbands. The messages are communicated by encoding the message into a plurality of symbols representing the message and distributing the plurality of symbols across a bandwidth of a wideband acoustic signal that spans at least one passband and at least one stopband of the acoustic transfer function. 1. A method of communicating in a borehole , comprising: encoding the message into a plurality of symbols representing the message; and', 'distributing the plurality of symbols over a bandwidth of a wideband acoustic signal, wherein the bandwidth spans at least one passband and at least one stopband of the acoustic transfer function; and, 'transmitting a message via an acoustic communications medium between acoustic modems deployed in the borehole, the acoustic communications medium characterized by an acoustic transfer function having a plurality of passbands and a plurality of stopbands, wherein transmitting includesreceiving and processing the wideband acoustic signal to recover the message from the plurality of symbols distributed over the bandwidth.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of symbols are distributed over the bandwidth using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM).3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the message is encoded using Forward Error Correction (FEC).4. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the message is encoded using Forward Error Correction (FEC).5. The method as recited in claim 4 , wherein the message is recovered from the plurality of symbols using maximal combining ratio coding.6. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising selecting the bandwidth of the wideband acoustic signal before ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045037A1

Assemblies and methods of use are disclosed for determining a position of a body within a tubing section. A signal generator coupled to the body is operable to generate a pressure wave in response to detecting a detectable portion of the tubing section when the body is moved relative to the tubing section. 1. An assembly comprising:a body movable relative to a tubing section; and a projection operable for engaging a profile of the detectable portion; and', 'a striking part operable for generating the pressure wave by physically striking a struck part in response to engagement of the profile by the projection., 'a signal generator coupled to the body and operable for detecting a detectable portion of the tubing section in response to relative movement between the body and the tubing section and further operable for generating a pressure wave in response to detection of the detectable portion, the signal generator including2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein:the striking part is a slidable mass located in a recess of the body and biased towards the struck part;the projection is located on the slidable mass;the profile is operable to apply a force against the projection in response to the engagement and is further operable to displace the slidable mass away from the struck part in response to the applied force; andat least one of the projection and profile is operable to be displaced radially in response to application of sufficient force against the projection by the profile in response to the engagement and is further operable to disengage the other of the projection and profile, allowing the slidable mass to move towards the struck part, in response to the radial displacement.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein:the striking part is a hammer head of a hammer located in a recess of the body, the hammer head being biased towards the struck part; andthe projection is located on the hammer is operable to temporarily displace the hammer head away from the struck part in ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045039A1

An underwater hydrocarbon extraction facility including a plurality of actuators wherein each of the actuator includes: an electric motor arranged to operate the actuator; communication means configured to receive communication signals; and a controller connected to the communication means and the electric motor, said controller being operable to activate the electric motor in response to a received communication signal. 1. An underwater hydrocarbon extraction facility including a plurality of actuators , wherein each of the actuators comprises:an electric motor arranged to operate the actuator;communicator configured to receive communication signals; anda controller connected to the communication means and the electric motor, said controller being operable to activate the electric motor in response to a received communication signal.2. The facility according to claim 1 , wherein the electric motor claim 1 , communication means and controller of at least one of the actuators are retrievable.3. The facility according to claim 1 , wherein the electric motor claim 1 , communication means and controller of at least one of the actuators are integral to the actuator.4. The facility according to claim 1 , wherein the electric motor of at least one of the actuators is configured to receive power from a power and communications line.5. The facility according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the actuators comprises a local energy storage means in electrical communication with its electric motor.6. The facility according to claim 1 , wherein the communication means of at least one of the actuators is configured to communicate with a sensor.7. The facility according to claim 6 , wherein communication between said communication means and the sensor is wireless.8. The facility according to claim 6 , wherein communication between said communication means and the sensor is through a wired connection.9. The facility according to claim 1 , wherein the communication means of at ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170045640A1

In some embodiments, methods, apparatus, and systems may operate to determine downhole tool standoff using a nuclear tool and photon activity, and to correct acoustic measurements using the standoff. Additional apparatus and systems, as well as methods, are disclosed, 1. An apparatus , comprising:an array of X-ray detectors mechanically coupled to a collimator determine standoff to a borehole based on photon activity measured by the array;an ultrasonic transducer to measure a measured distance in mud in the borehole; anda processing unit to correct the measured distance to provide a corrected distance in the mud according to the standoff.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the array of X-ray detectors comprises a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor material arranged in a pixelated format.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the array of X-ray detectors comprises a substantially linear arrangement of detector elements.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the collimator comprises an array of tubes to direct photons engaged in the photon activity in the mud to the array of X-ray detectors claim 1 , and wherein each of the tubes are disposed at a substantially similar angle to the array of X-ray detectors.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:tubes in the collimator arranged in a substantially similar orientation to provide a plurality of different travel path lengths, as measured along an energy path created by a single source of energy, for photons associated with the photon activity and received by the array.6. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a source of energy to direct the energy into the mud, to generate the photon activity.7. The apparatus according to claim 6 , wherein the source of energy comprises an X-ray tube.8. A system claim 6 , comprising:a tubular member;an array of X-ray detectors attached to the tubular member and mechanically coupled to a collimator to determine ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Borehole Microseismic Systems and Methods

Номер: US20140123748A1
Автор: Airey Peter

Devices and methods for borehole seismic investigation. The devices can include a first sensor for acquiring data relating to a microseismic event, a second sensor for detecting the start of a microseismic event and a command module for activating the first sensor to transmit data when the second sensor detects the start of the microseismic event. The methods can include activating a first sensor to transmit data relating to a microseismic event when a second sensor detects the start of the microseismic event. The method can also include deactivating the first sensor, or stopping data transmission substantially when the microseismic event ends. 1. A borehole microseismic survey system , comprising:a. a first sensor, which may be a sensor array, for acquiring data associated with acoustic signals;b. a second sensor, which may be a sensor array, for detecting a property associated with a microseismic event; andc. a command module configured for instructing the first sensor to transmit acquired data when the second sensor detects the property.2. A borehole system according to claim 1 , wherein the first sensor transmits a portion of acquired data claim 1 , which portion comprises data acquired shortly before the second sensor detects the property.3. A borehole system according to claim 2 , wherein the portion corresponds to data acquired up to about ten seconds before the second sensor detects the property.4. A borehole system according to claim 1 , wherein the property is a rapid negative pressure transient induced as a fracture opens claim 1 , and the second sensor is a high frequency pressure gauge.5. A borehole system according to claim 1 , wherein the command module is configured for instructing the first sensor to transmit data for an amount of time equal to an average duration of a microseismic event.6. A borehole system according to claim 1 , wherein the command module is configured for instructing the first sensor to transmit data for an amount of time ranging ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140126331A1
Автор: Skinner Neal G.
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

An acoustic telemetry method for use with a subterranean well can include positioning a well tool in the well, the well tool including an acoustic transmitter and a sensor, and an acoustic receiver in the well receiving an acoustic signal transmitted by the transmitter, the acoustic signal including information representative of a measurement by the sensor. A system for use with a subterranean well can include a well tool positioned in the well, the well tool including an acoustic transmitter and a sensor, the acoustic transmitter transmits an acoustic signal including information representative of a measurement by the sensor to an acoustic receiver positioned in the well. 1. A system for use with a subterranean well , the system comprising:at least one well tool positioned in the well, the well tool including a sensor and an acoustic transmitter which transmits an acoustic signal including information representative of a measurement by the sensor to an acoustic receiver positioned in the well.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the acoustic receiver comprises an optical waveguide.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the acoustic signal causes vibrations in the optical waveguide.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein an optical interrogator connected to the optical waveguide detects backscattering of light in the optical waveguide.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the backscattering of light is indicative of vibrations distributed along the optical waveguide.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the acoustic receiver comprises a fiber Bragg grating.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the acoustic receiver comprises a Fabry-Perot interferometer.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the well tool is connected in a tubular string.9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the optical waveguide is positioned external to the tubular string.10. The system of claim 1 , wherein the optical waveguide is positioned between tubular strings.11. The system of claim 1 , wherein the optical waveguide ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140126332A1
Автор: Skinner Neal G.
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A system for use with a subterranean well can include a well tool which generates an acoustic signal in response to operation of the well tool, the acoustic signal being detected by an acoustic receiver in the well. A method for verification of operation of a well tool can include operating the well tool, thereby generating an acoustic signal, and an acoustic receiver receiving the acoustic signal generated by the well tool, the acoustic signal including information indicative of the well tool operating. Another system for use with a subterranean well can include a well tool which generates an acoustic signal in response to operation of the well tool, an optical waveguide which receives the acoustic signal, and an optical interrogator connected to the optical waveguide. The optical interrogator detects the acoustic signal, which is indicative of the well tool operation. 1. A system for use with a subterranean well , the system comprising:a well tool which generates an acoustic signal in response to operation of the well tool, the acoustic signal being detected by an acoustic receiver in the well.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein an actuator of the well tool generates the acoustic signal.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the acoustic signal is indicative of fluid leakage.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the acoustic receiver comprises an optical waveguide.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the acoustic signal causes vibrations in the optical waveguide.6. The system of claim 4 , wherein an optical interrogator connected to the optical waveguide detects backscattering of light in the optical waveguide.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the backscattering of light is indicative of vibrations distributed along the optical waveguide.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the acoustic receiver comprises a fiber Bragg grating.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the acoustic receiver comprises a Fabry-Perot interferometer.10. The system of claim 1 , wherein the well tool is ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065096A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations LLC

A method for characterizing a subsurface formation includes receiving image data of the subsurface formation obtained by a sensor tool and receiving a plurality of non-image data logs, each non-image data log being obtained by a different type of sensor tool. The method also includes performing an electrofacies analysis on the plurality of non-image data logs where the electrofacies analysis includes defining clusters wherein each cluster has a similar property to provide a plurality of electrofacies blocks with each electrofacies block representing a depth interval. The method further includes partitioning the image data into multiple high-resolution depth segments that share a similar property, feature, and/or pattern for each electrofacies block and assigning data from the plurality of non-image data logs into a corresponding high-resolution depth segment to provide a high-resolution data log that characterizes the subsurface formation. 1. A method for characterizing a subsurface formation , the method comprising:receiving image data of the subsurface formation, the image data obtained using a sensor tool;receiving a plurality of non-image data logs, each non-image data log being obtained by a different type of sensor tool;performing an electrofacies analysis on the plurality of non-image data logs, the electrofacies analysis comprising defining clusters wherein each cluster has a similar property to provide a plurality of electrofacies blocks, each electrofacies block representing a depth interval;partitioning the image data into multiple high-resolution depth segments that share a similar property, feature, and/or pattern for each electrofacies block; andassigning data from the plurality of non-image data logs into a corresponding high-resolution depth segment to provide a high-resolution data log that characterizes the subsurface formation.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:performing a quality check on the high-resolution data log; ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220066066A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A method for configuring a logging module for logging sensors deployment based on a sensing data acquisition objective includes selecting a tool body, selecting at least one type of sensor, and selecting at least one type of roller. The method also includes incorporating the at least one selected type of sensor onto the at least one selected type of roller to provide at least one sensor roller, and mounting the at least one sensor roller into a compressible mounting assembly provided in the tool body to provide the logging module.

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Identification of Casing Collars While Drilling and Post Drilling Using LWD and Wireline Measurements

Номер: US20160053608A1

Systems and methods identify and/or detect one or more features of a well casing by utilizing one or more downhole measurements obtainable by a downhole component. The one or more features of the well casing are identifiable and/or detectable from the one or more measurements associated with one or more properties of the one or more features of the well casing. The one or more measurements for indentifying and/or detecting a presence and/or a location of the one or more features of the well casing include sonic measurements, nuclear measurements, gamma ray measurements, photoelectric measurements, resistivity measurements and/or combinations thereof 1. A method for identifying a feature of a well casing located within a wellbore , the method comprising:positioning a downhole component within the wellbore;obtaining one or more measurements associated with the feature of the well casing via the downhole component, wherein the one or more measurements is selected from the group consisting of sonic measurements, nuclear measurements, photoelectric measurements, resistivity measurements and combinations thereof;identifying a location of the feature of the well casing based on the one or more measurements;determining a measured depth based on the location of the feature; andperforming a downhole action based on the measure depth.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the downhole action is selected from the group consisting of positioning a perforation tool claim 1 , side tracking a well and positioning a whipstock.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the feature of the well casing is selected from a group consisting of a casing collar joint claim 1 , a top end of cement located adjacent to the well casing claim 1 , a degree of cement bonding adjacent to the well casing and an air gap associated with the casing collar joint.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:positioning the downhole component on drill pipe.5. The method according to ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054728A1

A method for measuring the thickness of casing in a wellbore and/or analyzing the inner surface of the cased or non-cased wellbore. The method includes an positioning an untethered logging tool in a drill string, receiving the logging tool in a catcher positioned within the drill string, positioning a plurality ultrasonic transducers with the average distance between the outer surface of the plurality of transducers and an interior surface of the catcher sub being less than 0.8 mm, and moving the drill string and the logging tool toward a mouth of the borehole while transmitting acoustic waves through the catcher sub toward the wellbore casing and receiving acoustic waves back to the logging tool after the acoustic waves interact with the wellbore casing and reflect through the catcher. 1. A method for measuring the thickness of casing in a wellbore and/or analyzing the inner surface of the cased or non-cased wellbore , comprising:positioning a drill string in a wellbore;positioning an untethered logging tool in the drill string;pumping fluid into the drill string so that the fluid pushes the logging tool toward a distal end of the drill string so that the logging tool moves in an untethered manner;receiving the logging tool in a catcher positioned within the drill string;positioning a plurality ultrasonic transducers with the average distance between the outer surface of the plurality of transducers and an interior surface of the catcher sub being less than 0.8 mm;moving the drill string and the logging tool toward a mouth of the borehole;while moving the drillstring and the logging tool toward a mouth of the borehole, transmitting acoustic waves through the catcher sub toward the wellbore casing with the logging tool and receiving acoustic waves after the acoustic waves interact with the wellbore casing and reflect back to the logging tool through the catcher; andwhile moving the drill string and the logging tool toward the mouth of the borehole, processing and ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Automatic Adjustment of Magnetostrictive Transducer Preload For Acoustic Telemetry In A Wellbore

Номер: US20180051557A1
Автор: LINES Richard

A magnetostrictive transducer system included as part of a drill string for use downhole in a well to convey signals across regions of the drill string that preclude the use of wired communication elements. The magnetostrictive transducer conveys a carrier signal as an acoustic wave through a drill collar region to an acoustic telemetry receiver, which passes an output both to an uphole processing system and back into the magnetostrictive transducer system. The output signal and carrier signal are compared to determine sub-harmonics or higher order harmonics of the output or carrier signal indicative of offset in the magnetostrictive core of the magnetostrictive transducer system, and provides a corrective component signal to automatically adjust the magnetostrictive core though preloading forces. 1. A magnetostrictive transducer system comprising:a magnetostrictive transducer mechanically coupled to a tubular member, the magnetostrictive transducer arranged to strain in response to a drive signal and thereby produce a corresponding acoustic wave in the tubular member;a preload spring positioned between and in contact with the tubular member and the magnetostrictive transducer to apply a preload force on the magnetostrictive transducer;an oscillator positioned to receive a carrier signal and to drive a reference signal that is proportional to the received carrier signal;a filter module positioned to receive the reference signal, to filter the carrier signal, and to provide a filtered carrier signal to the magnetostrictive transducer, where the filtered carrier signal is a first component of the drive signal;a detector module positioned to receive the reference signal and an output signal and to provide a corrective DC signal as a feedback to the magnetostrictive transducer, where the corrective DC signal is a second component of the drive signal, for automatic adjustment to the strain of the magnetostrictive transducer; andan acoustic telemetry receiver mechanically ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Wirelessly transmitting data representing downhole operation

Номер: US20170051602A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

A system and method for transmitting data from within a wellbore to a surface location includes downhole tool that is nm into the wellbore. The downhole tool includes a sensor, a processor, and a transmitter. A pressure response in the wellbore is measured with the sensor. A function that approximates the pressure response is determined. The function is transmitted to the surface location with the transmitter.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049850A1

A method and downhole tool is provided that uses beamforming to localize acoustic energy at a desired zone-of-interest within a wellbore traversing a subterranean formation. The tool has an array of transmitter elements configured to emit guided mode acoustic signals at variable amplitude and variable time delay, which are individually controlled by an amplitude factor and time delay assigned to respective transmitter elements. A set of amplitude factors and time delays can be assigned to the transmitter elements of the transmitter array such that the transmitter elements produce a focused acoustic beam at the desired zone-of-interest by combination of guided mode acoustic signals transmitted by the transmitter elements. 1. A method for localizing acoustic energy within a wellbore traversing a subterranean formation , the method comprising:providing a downhole tool that can be conveyed within the wellbore, the tool having a transmitter array comprising a plurality of transmitter elements, wherein each transmitter element can be configured to emit an acoustic borehole guided mode signal at variable amplitude and variable time delay, wherein the variable amplitude is controlled by an amplitude factor assigned to the given transmitter element, and wherein the variable time delay is controlled by a time delay assigned to the given transmitter element; andassigning a set of amplitude factors and time delays to the transmitter elements of the transmitter array to control operation of the transmitter elements of the transmitter array such that the transmitter elements produce a focused acoustic beam at a desired zone-of-interest, wherein the focused acoustic beam is formed at the desired zone-of-interest in the wellbore by combination of acoustic borehole guided mode signals transmitted by the transmitter elements of the transmitter array controlled according to the set of amplitude factors and time delays assigned to the transmitter elements of the transmitter array.2. A ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180052903A1

System and methods for transforming well production data for predictive modeling are provided. Aggregated production data for one or more wells in a hydrocarbon producing field is pre-processed in order to generate clusters of the production data, based on a set of uncontrollable production variables identified for the wells. The pre-processed production data within each of the clusters is standardized based on clustering parameters calculated for each cluster. The standardized production data within each of the clusters is then used to generate transactional data for use in a predictive model for estimating future production from the one or more wells. 1. A computer-implemented method of transforming well production data for predictive modeling , the method comprising:obtaining, by a computer system, production data aggregated over a period of time for one or more wells in a hydrocarbon producing field, the aggregated production data including a series of production values for the one or more wells at predetermined increments during the period of time;pre-processing the obtained production data to generate clusters of the production data, based on a set of uncontrollable production variables identified for the one or more wells;standardizing the pre-processed production data within each of the clusters based on clustering parameters calculated for each cluster; andis generating transactional data to be used in a predictive model for estimating production from the one or more wells, based on the standardized production data within each of the clusters.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the uncontrollable variables include one or more geographical or physical parameters associated with each of the one or more wells.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the one or more geographical or physical parameters include one or more of a geographic location of each of the one or more wells claim 2 , a total vertical depth of a wellbore drilled at each of the one or more wells ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170053389A1

Embodiments of the disclosure involve a method comprising computing a true stratigraphic thickness (“TST”) index based on one or more dynamic images, one or more measurement images, or combinations thereof. Computing the TST index comprises outputting a dynamic image value channel comprising a median value on each depth of the one or more dynamic images, a dynamic normalized image value channel comprising a normalization of the dynamic image value channel, a measurement image value channel comprising a median value on each depth of the measurement image, and the TST index. The method also involves computing a decomposition channel based on the TST, extracting lamination boundaries from the dynamic image value channel based on the decomposition channel, and computing the lamination properties based on the lamination boundaries. 1. A method comprising: a dynamic image value channel comprising a median value on each depth of the one or more dynamic images;', 'a dynamic normalized image value channel comprising a normalization of the dynamic image value channel;', 'a measurement image value channel comprising a median value on each depth of the measurement image; and', 'the TST index;, 'computing a true stratigraphic thickness (“TST”) index based on one or more dynamic images, one or more measurement images, or combinations thereof, wherein computing the TST index comprises outputtingcomputing a decomposition channel based on the TST;extracting lamination boundaries from the dynamic image value channel based on the decomposition channel; andcomputing the lamination properties based on the lamination boundaries.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein computing the decomposition channel comprises using a Discrete Fourier Transform (“DFT”) to transform a dip picking image value channel into a spectrum channel.3. The method of claim 1 , comprising inputting a contrast threshold claim 1 , and extracting the lamination boundaries from the dynamic image value channel based on the ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Telemetry System, a Pipe and a Method of Transmitting Information

Номер: US20140133276A1

The invention relates to a telemetry system for use in a pipe having a wall, comprising a transmitter adapted to generate at least one acoustic wave in a frequency range of about 50-300 kHz and to inject the acoustic wave in the wall of the pipe, wherein the transmitter is further arranged to binary code information conceived to be transmitted with the acoustic wave. The invention further related to a pipe comprising the telemetry system and to a method of transmitting information via a pipe. 1. A telemetry system for use in a pipe having a wall , comprising a transmitter adapted to generate at least one acoustic wave in a frequency range of about 50-300 kHz and to inject the acoustic wave in the wall of the pipe , wherein the transmitter is further arranged to binary code information conceived to be transmitted with the acoustic wave.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the acoustic wave is a L(0 claim 1 , 2) or T(0 claim 1 , 1) wave.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the transmitter comprises an array of elements.4. The system according to claim 3 , wherein the transmitter is ring-shaped.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the pipe comprises consecutive segments claim 1 , the transmitter being adapted to be positioned between the consecutive segments.6. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the transmitter is adapted to generate a binary code using pre-defined frequencies of a plurality of the acoustic waves.7. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the system further comprises an amplifier for amplifying a signal generated by the transmitter claim 1 , the amplifier being arranged to implement a consistency check of a received binary code.8. The system according to claim 7 , wherein the amplifier is further arranged to generate an amplified frequency shifted signal.9. A pipe comprising the telemetry system according to .10. The pipe according to claim 9 , forming part of a drill arrangement.11. A method of transmitting information ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Wired pipe surface sub

Номер: US20150061885A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

A sub for a wired pipe system that includes a body includes an outer surface and a pin end and a first transmission device located in or near the pin end. The sub also includes a communication collar that at least partially surrounds the outer surface and that is rotatable relative to the body, a second transmission device in electrical communication with the first transmission device and a transmission line that electrically connects the first and second communication devices and that passes at least partially through the body. The sub further includes a third transmission device located in the communication collar in communication with the second transmission device. In the disclosed sub, the first, second and third transmission devices are all of the same type.

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Device and Method to Position an End Effector in a Well

Номер: US20200055196A1
Принадлежит: DarkVision Technologies Inc.

A device and method for manipulating a robotic end effector in a well. Actuators manipulate the end effector independently through multiple degrees of freedom to improve the perspective of the end effector. An imaging sensor may be used to image, measure and identify features of a well and objects located therein. The sensor may be an ultrasound transducer, camera or x-ray sensor arranged radially, axial or distributed over a 2D surface. The end effector may be connected to a tool, such as a fishing tool, a welder, a milling tool, or a repair tool. 1. A downhole device comprising:an elongate housing deployable in a well;an imaging sensor connected at a distal end of the housing and rotatable thereto, said sensor comprising a one-dimensional array of sensing elements arranged at least partly along a longitudinal axis of the housing;an actuator contained in the housing for rotating the imaging sensor, about said longitudinal axis, relative to the housing; andan imaging circuit arranged to capture and process data of the imaging sensor.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a second actuator contained in the housing for extending the imaging sensor claim 1 , away from the housing claim 1 , along the longitudinal axis.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein said extending has a movement resolution of 1 mm or less.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the longitudinal axis is parallel to an axis passing through the longitudinal centre of the housing.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the one-dimensional array is curvilinear in form.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the sensing elements are distributed over an arc in a longitudinal-transverse plane.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the sensing elements are distributed over an arc spanning downhole and radial of the device.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the sensing elements face uphole.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the housing contains at least two further actuators coupled to the imaging sensor ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Plunger Lift Monitoring via a Downhole Wireless Network Field

Номер: US20180058191A1

A real-time system for monitoring plunger properties in a gas producing well is provided. The system includes a plunger comprising a substantially cylindrical body; at least one sensor disposed along a tubular body; at least one sensor communications node placed along the tubular body and affixed to a wall of the tubular body, the sensor communications node being in electrical communication with the at least one sensor and configured to receive signals therefrom; a topside communications node placed proximate a surface; a plurality of intermediate communications nodes spaced along the tubular body and attached to a wall of the tubular body; wherein the intermediate communications nodes are configured to transmit signals received from the at least one sensor communications node to the topside communications node in substantially a node-to-node arrangement; a receiver at the surface configured to receive signals from the topside communications node; and a plunger control system structured and arranged to communicate with the topside communications node. A method of monitoring plunger properties and controlling plunger performance, and a hydrocarbon well are also provided. 1. A real-time system for monitoring plunger properties in a gas producing well , comprising:a plunger comprising a substantially cylindrical body;at least one sensor disposed along a tubular body;at least one sensor communications node placed along the tubular body and affixed to a wall of the tubular body, the sensor communications node being in electrical communication with the at least one sensor and configured to receive signals therefrom;a topside communications node placed proximate a surface;a plurality of intermediate communications nodes spaced along the tubular body and attached to a wall of the tubular body; wherein the intermediate communications nodes are configured to transmit signals received from the at least one sensor communications node to the topside communications node in ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Zonal Isolation Devices Including Sensing and Wireless Telemetry and Methods of Utilizing the Same

Номер: US20180058198A1

Zonal isolation devices including sensing and wireless telemetry and methods of utilizing the same are disclosed herein. The zonal isolation devices include an isolation body, a sensor, and a wireless telemetry device. The zonal isolation devices may be incorporated into a hydrocarbon well that also includes a wellbore and a wireless data transmission network. The methods include methods of conveying a wireless signal within a well. The methods include detecting a property of the well, transmitting a wireless output signal, conveying the wireless output signal, and receiving the wireless output signal. 1. A zonal isolation device for a well with a wireless data transmission network , the zonal isolation device comprising:an isolation body configured to transition from a contracted conformation, in which a characteristic dimension of the isolation body is less than a characteristic dimension of a fluid conduit of the well such that the zonal isolation device is free to move within the fluid conduit, and an expanded conformation, in which the characteristic dimension of the isolation body is increased such that the isolation body is positionally fixed within the fluid conduit and restricts fluid flow of a wellbore fluid within the fluid conduit;a sensor configured to detect at least one property of the well; anda wireless telemetry device configured to transmit a wireless output signal to the wireless data transmission network, wherein the wireless telemetry device is operatively attached to the isolation body when the isolation body is in both the contracted conformation and the expanded conformation, and further, wherein the wireless output signal is indicative of the at least one property of the well.2. The zonal isolation device of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is operatively attached to the isolation body when the isolation body is in both the contracted conformation and the expanded conformation.3. The zonal isolation device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Reservoir Formation Characterization using a Downhole Wireless Network

Номер: US20180058202A1
Автор: Disko Mark M., Song Limin

A system for reservoir formation characterization with a downhole wireless telemetry system, including at least one sensor disposed along a tubular body; at least one sensor communications node placed along the tubular body and affixed to a wall of the tubular body, the sensor communications node being in communication with the at least one sensor and configured to receive signals therefrom; a topside communications node placed proximate a surface; a plurality of intermediate communications nodes spaced along the tubular body and attached to a wall of the tubular body, wherein the intermediate communications nodes are configured to transmit signals received from the at least one sensor communications node to the topside communications node in substantially a node-to-node arrangement; a receiver at the surface configured to receive signals from the topside communications node; and a topside data acquisition system structured and arranged to communicate with the topside communications node. A method for reservoir formation characterization is also provided. 1. A system for reservoir formation characterization , comprising:at least one sensor disposed along a tubular body configured to sense one or more reservoir formation parameters indicative of at least one reservoir formation property;at least one sensor communications node placed along the tubular body and affixed to a wall of the tubular body, the sensor communications node being in communication with the at least one sensor and configured to receive signals therefrom;a topside communications node placed proximate a surface;a plurality of intermediate communications nodes spaced along the tubular body and attached to a wall of the tubular body, wherein the intermediate communications nodes are configured to transmit signals received from the at least one sensor communications node to the topside communications node in substantially a node-to-node arrangement;a receiver at the surface configured to receive signals ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Methods of Acoustically Communicating and Wells that Utilize the Methods

Номер: US20180058203A1

Methods of acoustically communicating and wells that utilize the methods are disclosed herein. The methods generally utilize an acoustic wireless network including a plurality of nodes spaced-apart along a length of a tone transmission medium. In some embodiments, the methods include methods of communicating when the acoustic wireless network is spectrum-constrained. 1. A method of communicating in an acoustic wireless network that is spectrum-constrained and includes a plurality of nodes spaced-apart along a length of a tone transmission medium , the method comprising:encoding an encoded character with an encoding node of the plurality of nodes, wherein the encoding includes:(i) selecting, based upon the encoded character and from a first predetermined lookup table, a first frequency for a first transmitted acoustic tone;(ii) transmitting the first transmitted acoustic tone, at the first frequency, via the tone transmission medium;(iii) selecting, based upon the encoded character and from a second predetermined lookup table, a second frequency for a second transmitted acoustic tone, wherein the second frequency is different from the first frequency; and(iv) transmitting the second transmitted acoustic tone, at the second frequency, via the tone transmission medium; anddecoding a decoded character with a decoding node of the plurality of nodes, wherein the decoding includes:(i) responsive to the transmitting the first transmitted acoustic tone, receiving a first received acoustic tone from the tone transmission medium;(ii) calculating a first frequency distribution for the first received acoustic tone;(iii) determining, from the first frequency distribution and the first predetermined lookup table, a first decoded character distribution for the decoded character;(iv) responsive to the transmitting the second transmitted acoustic tone, receiving a second received acoustic tone from the tone transmission medium;(v) calculating a second frequency distribution for the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Methods Of Acoustically Communicating And Wells That Utilize The Methods

Номер: US20180058204A1

Methods of acoustically communicating and wells that utilize the methods are disclosed herein. The methods generally utilize an acoustic wireless network including a plurality of nodes spaced-apart along a length of a tone transmission medium and include determining a major frequency of a received acoustic tone transmitted via the tone transmission medium. 1. A method of determining a major frequency of a received acoustic tone transmitted via a tone transmission medium for use in a wellbore acoustic wireless network , the method comprising:receiving, with a decoding node of an acoustic wireless network and from the tone transmission medium, a received acoustic tone for a tone receipt time;estimating a frequency of the received acoustic tone, as a function of time, during the tone receipt time, wherein the estimating includes estimating a plurality of discrete frequency values received at a corresponding plurality of discrete times within the tone receipt time;separating the tone receipt time into a plurality of time intervals, wherein each time interval in the plurality of time intervals includes a subset of the plurality of discrete frequency values received during the time interval;calculating a frequency variation within each subset of the plurality of discrete frequency values;selecting a subset of the plurality of time intervals within which the frequency variation is less than a threshold frequency variation; andaveraging the plurality of discrete frequency values within the subset of the plurality of time intervals to determine the major frequency of the received acoustic tone for use in the wellbore acoustic wireless network.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tone receipt time is at least 50 microseconds.3. The method claim 1 , wherein the receiving includes receiving at a tone frequency of at least 50 kilohertz (kHz) and at most 1 megahertz (MHz).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the receiving includes receiving with an acoustic tone receiver.5. The ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Methods Of Acoustically Communicating And Wells That Utilize The Methods

Номер: US20180058205A1

Methods of acoustically communicating acoustically within a wellbore and wells that utilize the methods are disclosed herein. The methods generally utilize an acoustic wireless network including a plurality of nodes spaced-apart along a length of a tone transmission medium. In some embodiments, the disclosure includes methods of conserving power in the acoustic wireless network. 1. A method of conserving power in an acoustic wireless network including a plurality of nodes , the method comprising: (i) entering, for a low-power state duration, a low-power state in which the given node is inactive; and', '(ii) transitioning, for a listening state duration, to a listening state in which a receiver of the given node listens for a received acoustic tone from a tone transmission medium, wherein the low-power state duration is greater than the listening state duration;, 'repeatedly and sequentially cycling a given node of the plurality of nodes for a plurality of cycles bytransmitting, during the cycling, and via the tone transmission medium, a transmitted acoustic tone for a tone transmission duration, wherein the tone transmission duration is greater than the low-power state duration of the given node;receiving, during the listening state of a given cycle of the plurality of cycles and with the receiver of the given node, the received acoustic tone from the tone transmission medium, wherein the receiving is subsequent to the transmitting; andresponsive to the receiving, interrupting the cycling by transitioning the given node to an active state for at least a threshold active state duration.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the low-power state duration is at least 3 times the listening state duration.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein each cycle in the plurality of cycles defines a cycle duration that is a sum of the low-power state duration and the listening state duration claim 1 , and further wherein the tone transmission duration is at least as large as the cycle ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Dual Transducer Communications Node for Downhole Acoustic Wireless Networks and Method Employing Same

Номер: US20180058207A1

An electro-acoustic communications node system and method for downhole wireless telemetry, the system including a housing for mounting to or with a tubular body; a receiver transducer positioned within the housing, the receiver transducer structured and arranged to receive acoustic waves that propagate through the tubular member; a transmitter transducer and a processor, positioned within the housing and arranged to retransmit the acoustic waves to another acoustic receiver in a different housing, using the tubular member for the acoustic telemetry. In some embodiments, the transducers may be piezoelectric transducers and/or magnetostrictive transducers. Included in the housing is also a power source comprising one or more batteries. A downhole wireless telemetry system and a method of monitoring a hydrocarbon well are also provided. 1. An electro-acoustic communications node assembly for a downhole wireless telemetry system , comprising:a housing having a mounting face for mounting to a surface of a tubular body;a receiver transducer positioned within the housing, the transducer receiver structured and arranged to receive acoustic waves that propagate through the tubular member;a transmitter transducer positioned within the housing, the transmitter transducer structured and arranged to retransmit the received acoustic waves through the tubular member to another receiver transducer;electronic circuits positioned within the housing for electrically communicating with each of the receiver transducer and the transmitter transducer;a processor in communication with each of the receiver transducer and transmitter transducer via the electronic circuits; anda power source comprising one or more batteries positioned within the housing for powering the transmitter transducer and the receiver transducer.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the receiver transducer and the transmitter transducer is a piezoelectric device.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein at ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058665A1

A bottom hole assembly includes a cable to transmit power and communication signals. A first measurement-while-drilling tool is coupled with the cable. A second measurement-while-drilling tool is coupled with the cable. An adapter is coupled with the cable and positioned between the first and second measurement-while-drilling tools. The adapter includes a disconnect in the cable that prevents the power from being transmitted through the adapter. A repeater is coupled with the cable and amplifies the communication signals transmitted through the cable. 114-. (canceled)15. A bottom hole assembly , comprising:a cable configured to transmit power and communication signals;a first measurement-while-drilling tool coupled with the cable;a second measurement-while-drilling tool coupled with the cable;an adapter coupled with the cable and positioned between the first and second measurement-while-drilling tools, wherein the adapter comprises a disconnect in the cable that prevents the power from being transmitted through the adapter; anda repeater coupled with the cable and configured to amplify the communication signals transmitted through the cable wherein the repeater comprises:a first transformer coupled with a first portion of the cable, wherein the first transformer is configured to amplify the communication signals that are travelling in a first direction;a second transformer coupled with the first portion of the cable, wherein the second transformer is configured to amplify the communication signals that are travelling in a second, opposing direction;a first receiver coupled with the first transformer, wherein the first receiver is configured to receive the communication signals travelling in the first direction after the communication signals travelling in the first direction pass through the first transformer;a second receiver coupled with the second transformer, wherein the second receiver is configured to receive the communication signals travelling in the second ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062642A1

An apparatus includes a subsurface sensor for use in a borehole to provide a subsurface measurement series, a subsurface processor to receive the subsurface measurement series, and a machine-readable medium. The machine-readable medium has program code to cause the apparatus to obtain the subsurface measurement series and generate an atom combination based on the subsurface measurement series using the subsurface processor, wherein the atom combination comprises a subset of atoms from a dictionary. The code also has instructions to generate a set of characterizing values and transmit the set of characterizing values to a different physical location, wherein the set of characterizing values comprises an atom identifier and at least one corresponding atom weight for at least one atom from the atom combination. 1. An apparatus comprising:a subsurface sensor for use in a borehole to provide a subsurface measurement series;a subsurface processor to receive the subsurface measurement series; and obtain the subsurface measurement series,', 'generate an atom combination based on the subsurface measurement series using the subsurface processor, wherein the atom combination comprises a subset of atoms from a dictionary,', 'generate a set of characterizing values using the subsurface processor, wherein the set of characterizing values comprises an atom identifier and at least one corresponding atom weight for at least one atom from the atom combination, and', 'transmit the set of characterizing values to a different physical location., 'a machine-readable medium having a program code to cause the apparatus to,'}2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the dictionary is a first dictionary claim 1 , and the program code further comprises instructions to select the first dictionary from a set of dictionaries based on at least one of a reconstruction accuracy threshold and a first bit number threshold.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the subsurface measurement series is a first ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200057170A1

Systems, computer readable, and methods concern receiving seismic data representing a subsurface volume. The method also includes determining, for the seismic data, analysis coordinates as a function of time. One or more of the analysis coordinates may vary in position over time. The method includes performing at least one of an interpolation or regularization process on the seismic data based at least partially on the analysis coordinates. The method also includes outputting a result of the at least one of the interpolation or regularization process. 1. A method for processing seismic data , comprising:receiving seismic data representing a subsurface volume;determining, for the seismic data, analysis coordinates as a function of time, wherein one or more of the analysis coordinates vary in position over time;performing at least one of an interpolation or regularization process on the seismic data based at least partially on the analysis coordinates; andoutputting a result of the at least one of the interpolation or regularization process.2. The method of claim 1 , the method further comprising:performing a drilling process based at least partially on the result of the at least one of the interpolation or regularization process.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the analysis coordinates comprises determining conversion points by ray tracing based at least partially on a path of energy traveling from a source to a receiver used to generate and collect the seismic data.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the analysis coordinates comprises determining an actual location of at least one of a source or a receiver used to generate and collect the seismic data.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the interpolation or regularization process comprises a Fourier interpolation process.6. The method of claim 1 , the method further comprising:separating a portion of the seismic data based at least partially on the seismic data being received from multiple ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140139350A1

Systems and methods for providing broadband communication to and from locations in hostile environments, such as mines, pits, quarries, wells, boreholes, and rigs, for example, are disclosed. According to a first aspect of the present application, a system is disclosed for providing broadband communication via power cabling. The system may comprise one or more broadband communication devices for modulating, demodulating, reconditioning, repeating, transmitting, and receiving a signal via a power cable. The system may further comprise one or more broadband communication devices operatively connected to mining electrical distribution system components and mining equipment to provide broadband communication amongst the components, equipment, and other broadband communication devices within and outside the mine facility via the power cable. 1. An underground mining communication system comprising:a power center, the power center providing electrical energy via one or more electrical connection;one or more mining power cable, the one or more mining power cable operable to connect to the power center, one or more broadband communication device, and mining equipment;one or more frequency blocking device;one or more broadband communication device operable to at least one of modulate, demodulate, recondition, repeat, transmit, and receive communication signals via the one or more mining power cable and further operable to communicate with another one or more broadband communication device.2. The underground mining communication system of claim 1 , wherein a first broadband communication device is operatively connected to the one or more mining power cable and the power center.3. The underground mining communication system of claim 2 , wherein the power center comprises: one or more power distribution transformer claim 2 , the one or more power distribution transformer operable to transfer an electrical energy from one or more electrical energy input to one or more energy ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Integrated Oilfield Decision Making System and Method

Номер: US20150066371A1

A method for acquiring and processing wellbore measurements includes measuring at least one wellbore parameter. The measured wellbore parameters are communicated to a data hub. A computer in signal communication with the data hub automatically processes the measured wellbore parameter using a predefined automatic process. The automatically processed measured wellbore parameter is communicated to at least one user interface based on assigned tasks of a user interacting with the at least one user interface with respect to a wellbore construction procedure. 1. A method for acquiring and processing wellbore measurements , comprising:measuring at least one wellbore parameter along a wellbore;communicating the at least one measured wellbore parameter to a data communication hub;in a computer in signal communication with the data communication hub, automatically processing the at least one measured wellbore parameter using a predefined automatic process; anddisplaying the automatically processed measured wellbore parameter to at least a first user interface based on assigned tasks of a first user interacting with the at least a first user interface with respect to a wellbore construction procedure.2. The method of wherein the assigned tasks for the at least a first user are entered into the computer at a beginning of wellbore construction operations.3. The method of wherein the assigned tasks for the at least a first user are entered into the computer after a beginning of wellbore construction operations.4. The method of further comprising communicating the at least one measured wellbore parameter to at least a second user interface claim 1 , wherein at least a second user validates the at least one measured wellbore parameter using the at least a second interface and wherein the at least a second interface causes the computer to annotate the validated measured wellbore parameter.5. The method of further comprising displaying the validated measured wellbore parameter at ...
