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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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16-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000009052U1

Регулятор, состоящий из корпуса, включающего полностью или частично установленный в нем термоблок, содержащий термобаллон с рабочим телом, и нагревательный элемент, отличающийся тем, что в качестве нагревательного элемента установлен терморезистор с положительным температурным коэффициентом. (19) RU (11) 9 052 (13) U1 (51) МПК F25B 27/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ Адрес для переписки: 630058 Новосибирск, ул.Русская 41-7, Байтингеру Н.М. (72) Автор(ы): Байтингер Н.М., Феденок Б.С. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Байтингер Николай Михайлович, Феденок Борис Степанович U 1 9 0 5 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Регулятор, состоящий из корпуса, включающего полностью или частично установленный в нем термоблок, содержащий термобаллон с рабочим телом, и нагревательный элемент, отличающийся тем, что в качестве нагревательного элемента установлен терморезистор с положительным температурным коэффициентом. 9 0 5 2 (54) РЕГУЛЯТОР R U (46) Опубликовано: 16.01.1999 (71) Заявитель(и): Байтингер Николай Михайлович, Феденок Борис Степанович (21), (22) Заявка: 98102228/20, 05.02.1998 RU FD 9 052 U1 RU 9 052 U1 RU 9 052 U1 RU FA 9 052 U1 RU DR 9 052 U1

10-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000035386U1

1. Система автономного энергоснабжения жилых и производственных помещений, содержащая связанные с потребителями энергии ветрогенераторную установку для выработки электроэнергии, установку для преобразования солнечной энергии в тепловую, тепловой аккумулятор и аккумулятор электрической энергии, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно содержит работающий от ветрогенераторной установки тепловой насос, обеспечивающий преобразование низкопотенциальной энергии, и автоматическую систему управления, соединенную через датчики тепловой и электрической нагрузок с исполнительными механизмами. 2. Система автономного энергоснабжения по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что аккумулятор электрической энергии подключен к потребителям электроэнергии через инвертор. 3. Система автономного энергоснабжения по пп.1 и 2, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно содержит утилизатор теплоты сточных вод. 4. Система автономного энергоснабжения по пп.1-3, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно содержит коллектор тепла Земли. 5. Система автономного энергоснабжения по п.4, отличающаяся тем, что установка для преобразования солнечной энергии в тепловую содержит блок солнечных коллекторов, связанных по теплоносителю, по меньшей мере, с двумя теплообменниками, один из которых расположен в тепловом аккумуляторе, а другой - в теплообменном аппарате, связанном по теплоносителю с коллектором тепла Земли. 6. Система автономного энергоснабжения по пп.4 и 5, отличающаяся тем, что тепловой насос содержит работающий от ветрогенераторной установки компрессор, по меньшей мере, два выносных испарителя, один из которых встроен в теплообменный аппарат, связанный по теплоносителю с коллектором тепла Земли, а другой выносной испаритель встроен в утилизатор теплоты сточных вод, и, по меньшей мере, два выносных конденсатора, один из которых встроен в бак горячей воды, а второй выносной конденсатор встроен в теплообменный аппарат, связанный по теплоносителю с потребителями тепловой энергии. 7. Система автономного энергоснабжения по пп.1-6, ...

10-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000061853U1

1. Отопительное устройство, включающее взаимосвязанные между собой и смонтированные на раме функциональные узлы - узел подачи рабочей жидкости с насосом и приводом и трубопроводами, узел нагрева рабочей жидкости, бак-компенсатор с запорной арматурой, отличающееся тем, что отопительное устройство снабжено размещенным на узле нагрева приспособлением дифференциации рабочей жидкости, которое выполнено в виде соединенного с входом и выходом насоса замкнутого трубопровода со смонтированными соосно разновеликих по диаметру и длине завихряющих элементов, при этом завихряющие элементы выполнены в виде ступенчато установленных в зоне расширения трубопровода телескопических стаканов и наклонно установленных перед стаканами и внутри стаканов взаимно пересекающихся направляющих пластин. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что замкнутый трубопровод в плане выполнен прямоугольным. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что замкнутый трубопровод в плане выполнен криволинейным. 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что замкнутый трубопровод в плане выполнен эллипсообразным. 5. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что замкнутый трубопровод в плане выполнен по окружности. 6. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что замкнутый трубопровод в плане выполнен многогранным. 7. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что замкнутый трубопровод в плане выполнен разновеликим. 8. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что замкнутый трубопровод выполнен из стали. 9. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что замкнутый трубопровод выполнен из углеродистой стали. 10. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что замкнутый трубопровод выполнен из легированной стали. 11. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что замкнутый трубопровод выполнен из борсодержащей стали. 12. Устройство п.1, отличающееся тем, что замкнутый трубопровод выполнен из ванадийсодержащей стали. 13. Устройство п.1, отличающееся тем, что замкнутый трубопровод выполнен из кобальтсодержащей стали. 14. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, ...

27-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000090177U1

1. Теплонасосная установка, состоящая из двух блоков, первый, включающий двигатель внутреннего сгорания (далее ДВС) и на его валу электрический генератор электроснабжения потребителей, и второй, включающий электрический двигатель и на его валу компрессор теплового насоса, который в свою очередь имеет конденсатор, испаритель и теплообменник, утилизирующий тепло выхлопных газов ДВС, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно снабжена двумя теплообменниками воздушного и жидкостного охлаждения ДВС в тракте испарителя теплового насоса. 2. Теплонасосная установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что первый теплообменник размещен на тракте трубопровода испарителя теплового насоса, утилизирующего низкотемпературную тепловую энергию с системы воздушного охлаждения корпуса ДВС, при этом первый теплообменник конструктивно является воздушно-жидкостным. 3. Теплонасосная установка по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что второй теплообменник размещен на тракте трубопровода испарителя теплового насоса утилизации низкотемпературной тепловой энергии с системы жидкостного охлаждения ДВС, и при этом второй теплообменник конструктивно является жидкостно-жидкостным. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 90 177 (13) U1 (51) МПК F25B 27/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009130248/22, 06.08.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.08.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 27.12.2009 9 0 1 7 7 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Теплонасосная установка, состоящая из двух блоков, первый, включающий двигатель внутреннего сгорания (далее ДВС) и на его валу электрический генератор электроснабжения потребителей, и второй, включающий электрический двигатель и на его валу компрессор теплового насоса, который в свою очередь имеет конденсатор, испаритель и теплообменник, утилизирующий тепло выхлопных газов ДВС, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно снабжена двумя теплообменниками воздушного и жидкостного охлаждения ...

27-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000094670U1

1. Устройство для охлаждения помещения в теплое время года, содержащее закрывающуюся теплоизолированную емкость холодохранилища для заготовленного в холодное время года дробленого льда и/или снега, где в нижней части емкости холодохранилища выполнен слив для талой воды и установлен трубчатый теплообменник для охлаждения жидкого рабочего тела, а коллекторы теплообменника подключены к приборам охлаждения помещения через подпитанную от внешнего источника систему подающего и обратного трубопроводов, оборудованных циркуляционным насосом, запорной, регулирующей и измерительной арматурой, в том числе средством измерения расхода жидкого рабочего тела и средствами измерения его температуры, отличающееся тем, что подающий и обратный трубопроводы замкнуты на дополнительно установленный бак запаса жидкого рабочего тела, выполненный с возможностью подпитывания системы от внешнего источника, а трубчатый теплообменник состоит из установленных в несколько ярусов и разделенных зазорами труб, где каждый ярус труб теплообменника присоединен через соответствующие коллекторы к подающему и обратному трубопроводам с возможностью отдельного подключения или отключения. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что в емкости холодохранилища установлено по меньшей мере три яруса труб теплообменника. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что зазоры между трубами выполнены больше максимальных размеров кусочков дробленого льда или снега. 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что циркуляционный насос и средство измерения расхода жидкого рабочего тела размещены на подающем трубопроводе между баком запаса жидкого рабочего тела и емкостью холодохранилища. 5. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что одно из средств измерения температуры установлено внутри бака запаса жидкого рабочего тела. 6. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что в качестве жидкого рабочего тела использована вода с антифризной добавкой. 7. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что средства измерения температуры расположены на ...

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000115879U1

Установка для подачи биогаза в газопровод природного газа, содержащая последовательно соединенные газопровод природного газа высокого давления, дросселирующее устройство, газопровод природного газа низкого давления, газопотребляющее оборудование, компрессор, приводимый в движение электродвигателем, выход компрессора через газопровод биогаза высокого давления соединен с газопроводом природного газа низкого давления, а вход компрессора подключен к газопроводу биогаза низкого давления, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена использующим теплоту уходящих газов газопотребляющего оборудования теплообменником подогрева газа и детандером, причем вход теплообменника по газу соединен с газопроводом природного газа высокого давления, а выход - с детандером, установленным параллельно дросселирующему устройству и кинематически соединенным с компрессором, выход детандера подключен к газопроводу природного газа низкого давления. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F25B 27/00 (11) (13) 115 879 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011153068/06, 27.12.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.12.2011 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Интехэнерго-инжиниринг" (ООО "Интехэнерго-инжиниринг") (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2012 Бюл. № 13 1 1 5 8 7 9 R U Формула полезной модели Установка для подачи биогаза в газопровод природного газа, содержащая последовательно соединенные газопровод природного газа высокого давления, дросселирующее устройство, газопровод природного газа низкого давления, газопотребляющее оборудование, компрессор, приводимый в движение электродвигателем, выход компрессора через газопровод биогаза высокого давления соединен с газопроводом природного газа низкого давления, а вход компрессора подключен к газопроводу биогаза низкого давления, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена использующим теплоту уходящих газов газопотребляющего оборудования ...

20-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000122160U1

1. Устройство для производства тепловой и электрической энергии, содержащее источник тепла, термоэлектрический преобразователь (ТЭП) с теплообменником на стороне горячих контактов, охлаждающую камеру для жидкого теплоносителя на стороне холодных контактов и систему дополнительного нагрева теплоносителя над теплообменником ТЭП, отличающееся тем, что система дополнительного нагрева содержит испаритель или испарители теплоносителя и вертикальный выходной патрубок длиной не менее 0,1 м. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что испаритель (или каждый из испарителей) выполнен в виде наклонного трубопровода, более низкий конец которого соединен с выходом охлаждающей камеры, а более высокий - с выходным патрубком, причем перепад высот концов испарителя больше вертикального размера проходного отверстия испарителя. 3. Устройство по п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что содержит испарители с разным отношением площади сечения прохода к эффективной площади поверхности теплообмена или с разной формой сечения прохода. 4. Устройство по любому из пп.1-3, отличающееся тем, что источником тепла служит газовая горелка или топка на жидком или твердом топливе. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F25B 27/02 (11) (13) 122 160 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011111612/28, 28.03.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.03.2011 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ЯК-44" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.11.2012 Бюл. № 32 1 2 2 1 6 0 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для производства тепловой и электрической энергии, содержащее источник тепла, термоэлектрический преобразователь (ТЭП) с теплообменником на стороне горячих контактов, охлаждающую камеру для жидкого теплоносителя на стороне холодных контактов и систему дополнительного нагрева теплоносителя над теплообменником ТЭП, отличающееся тем, что система дополнительного нагрева содержит испаритель или ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000129199U1

1. Воздушная холодильная установка, содержащая турбокомпрессор, турбодетандер и камеру сгорания топлива, при этом выход компрессора турбокомпрессора связан со входом пневморегулятора, выполненного с возможностью разделения потока сжатого воздуха на два потока, при этом первый выход пневморегулятора сообщен с камерой сгорания, а второй выход пневморегулятора через первый воздухоохладитель связан со входом второго компрессора турбодетандера, выход которого через второй воздухоохладитель сообщен со входом турбодетандера, причем вход турбины турбокомпрессора сообщен с выходом камеры сгорания, а ее выход через регенератор сообщен с атмосферой, кроме того, паровой выход тепловоспринимающего контура регенератора сообщен с камерой сгорания, связанной со средством подачи топлива, отличающаяся тем, что установка снабжена тепловым насосом, контур которого включает парогазовый конденсатор, дополнительный компрессор выполненный с возможностью привода от турбины турбокомпрессора, при этом выход дополнительного компрессора через теплоотдающий контур парового испарителя и дроссель сообщен с тепловоспринимающим контуром парогазового конденсатора, выход которого сообщен со входом дополнительного компрессора, причем на газоотводящей линии между выходом турбины турбокомпрессора и регенератором установлен пароперегреватель, кроме того, на газоотводящей линии между выходом регенератора и атмосферой установлены последовательно связанные парогазовый конденсатор, теплообменник и сепаратор, при этом газовый выход сепаратора сообщен с атмосферой, а его конденсатный выход сообщен со входом тепловоспринимающего контура регенератора, кроме того, паровой выход тепловоспринимающего контура регенератора сообщен с камерой сгорания линией, включающей последовательно связанные тепловоспринимающие контуры парового испарителя и пароперегревателя. 2. Воздушная холодильная установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что между вторым воздухоохладителем и входом турбодетандера установлен влагоотделитель. РОССИЙСКАЯ ...

20-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000144266U1

Установка для низкотемпературного охлаждения сред, содержащая замкнутый волноводный контур тороидального вида, термоакустический двигатель, резонатор Гельмгольца и термоакустический холодильник, отличающаяся тем, что содержит в качестве источника тепловой мощности радиоизотопный источник энергии. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК F25B 27/00 (11) (13) 144 266 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013140924/06, 05.09.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.09.2013 (45) Опубликовано: 20.08.2014 Бюл. № 23 (54) АВТОНОМНАЯ ТЕРМОАКУСТИЧЕСКАЯ УСТАНОВКА ДЛЯ НИЗКОТЕМПЕРАТУРНОГО ОХЛАЖДЕНИЯ СРЕД С РАДИОИЗОТОПНЫМ ИСТОЧНИКОМ ТЕПЛОВОЙ МОЩНОСТИ U 1 1 4 4 2 6 6 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Установка для низкотемпературного охлаждения сред, содержащая замкнутый волноводный контур тороидального вида, термоакустический двигатель, резонатор Гельмгольца и термоакустический холодильник, отличающаяся тем, что содержит в качестве источника тепловой мощности радиоизотопный источник энергии. 1 4 4 2 6 6 Адрес для переписки: 443105, г.Самара, ул.Ставропольская, 169, кв.23, Харитонову А.А. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Бакулин Игорь Александрович (RU), Кирилин Александр Николаевич (RU), Телегин Валерий Александрович (RU), Харитонов Александр Александрович (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 05.09.2013 (72) Автор(ы): Бакулин Игорь Александрович (RU), Кирилин Александр Николаевич (RU), Телегин Валерий Александрович (RU), Харитонов Александр Александрович (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 144 266 U1 Полезная модель относится к технике охлаждения сред до криогенных температур, основанной на принципах термоакустических преобразований тепловой энергии, а также принадлежит классу автономных устройств с питанием от радиоизотопных источников энергии. Известны модели устройства тепловых машин для генерации электроэнергии, где в качестве источника тепловой мощности используется ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000157594U1

1. Тригенерационная установка, состоящая из двух блоков, первый, включающий двигатель внутреннего сгорания и на его валу электрический генератор электроснабжения потребителей, и второй, включающий электрический двигатель, питающийся от электрического генератора первого блока, на валу электрического двигателя расположен компрессор теплового насоса, который в свою очередь имеет конденсатор, испаритель, отличающаяся тем, что первый блок включает трехконтурный теплообменник, один контур которого соединен с двигателем внутреннего сгорания по тракту выхлопных газов, второй контур по тракту системы охлаждения двигателя, третий контур на входе соединен с конденсатором теплового насоса, а на выходе с потребителем тепловой энергии - горячей воды, кроме того, испаритель теплового насоса соединен с потребителем холода. 2. Тригенерационная установка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что тепловой насос снабжен охладителем конденсата и пароперегревателем. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 157 594 U1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ PC9K Государственная регистрация отчуждения исключительного права по договору Лицо(а), передающее(ие) исключительное право: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Казанский национальный исследовательский технический университет им. А.Н. Туполева - КАИ" (RU) R U Приобретатель(и) исключительного права: Публичное акционерное общество "КАМАЗ" (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Публичное акционерное общество "КАМАЗ" (RU) Дата и номер государственной регистрации отчуждения исключительного права: 04.06.2019 РД0297135 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 04.06.2019 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 04.06.2019 Бюл. №16 1 5 7 5 9 4 Адрес для переписки: ПАО "КАМАЗ", НТЦ, БПЛиИР, Бурганову И.Я.423827, Республика Татарстан, г. Набережные Челны, Автозаводский пр., 2 R U 1 5 7 5 9 4 U 1 U 1 Стр.: 1

02-06-2020 дата публикации

Транспортное средство с паровым двигателем и лазерным источником тепла

Номер: RU0000197837U1

Полезная модель относится к теплоэнергетике и энергомашиностроению, а именно к аппаратам с паровыми двигателями, и может быть использована в качестве гражданского транспортного грузового средства для перевозки пассажиров и различных грузов, а также в качестве военного аппарата, носителя различных видов вооружения - ракет, бомб, торпед и т.п. Всесредный аппарат содержит цельнометаллическую герметичную кабину, грузовой отсек, паровой двигатель, содержащий камеру, в которой для генерации пара установлен лазерный источник тепла (ЛИТ), бак для размещения воды и крылья для создания подъемной силы при движении с малой скоростью в атмосфере, которые для снижения гидросопротивления воды при движении аппарата, полностью погруженного в воду, снабжены приводами, сдвигающими крылья к корпусу аппарата. Для управления аппаратом при его движении в различных средах двигатели аппарата содержат поворотные всеракурсные сопла с приводами. Аппарат снабжен выпускаемыми шасси при его посадке на землю. Для электропитания бортовых систем аппарат содержит аккумулятор или электрогенератор. Для обеспечения жизнедеятельности членов экипажа при кратковременных боевых рейсах аппарат снабжен кислородными масками с питанием от баллонов, а для длительных полетов содержит системы жизнеобеспечения, аналогичные системам, используемым на космических кораблях. Аппарат может выходить на околоземную орбиту и использоваться для межпланетных перелетов. Аппарат может приводняться - садиться на воду и на землю, для чего содержит вдвигаемые при посадке колесные шасси. При работе двигателя исключены токсичные выбросы в атмосферу, загрязнение воды радиоактивными веществами и обеспечивается 100% экологическая безопасность, а также исключаются аварийные ситуации с угрозой для жизни. При использовании аппарата в качестве боевого он может нести паровые торпеды, снабженные газопаровым зарядом ВВ или атомным газопаровым зарядом, или газопаровые бомбы, характеризующиеся повышенной удельной мощностью. И 1 197837 ко ...

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle, in particular motor vehicle, having absoption refrigerating machine

Номер: US20120031131A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A motor vehicle has a drive device or engine which generates waste heat. An air conditioning system cools a passenger compartment and/or at least one component of the vehicle. The cooling device is designed as an absorption refrigerating machine which utilizes the waste heat from the drive device, in particular as a diffusion absorption refrigerating machine.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle cabin heating cooling and ventilation system

Номер: US20120160446A1
Принадлежит: HDT Tactical Systems Inc

An air treatment system for a vehicle includes a first compressor selectively coupled to a first vehicle power source. A second compressor is selectively coupled to a second vehicle power source. A first heat exchanger communicates with an interior space in the vehicle. A second heat exchanger communicates with an environment outside the vehicle. A valve member, in a first position, couples an inlet of each of the first and second compressors to an outlet of the first heat exchanger and an outlet of each of the compressors to an inlet of the second heat exchanger. In a second position, the valve member couples the outlets of the compressors to an inlet of the first heat exchanger and the inlets of the compressors to an outlet of the second heat exchanger. A controller selectively actuates at least one of the first and second compressors and the valve member.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Air Conditioning System With Discharged Heat Driving Compression of System Refrigerant

Номер: US20120291470A1
Автор: Richard J. Cathriner
Принадлежит: Individual

An air conditioning system. The system includes apparatus for circulating a refrigerant in a path, further having apparatus for compressing the refrigerant and generating heat in the refrigerant. The system further includes apparatus for providing a driving force to the apparatus for compressing in response to the generated heat.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130074540A1

A device which is used for preparing hot water, in particular for domestic applications, by recovering heat from waste water, preferably waste water from a sink and/or a dishwasher or washing machine includes a heat pump having an evaporator and a condenser, and a waste water container which collects the waste water. The waste water container is placed in thermal contact with the evaporator and constructed as a cylindrical hollow body with a waste water inlet and a waste water outlet. A hot water reservoir is in thermal contact with the condenser. Accommodated in the hollow body of the waste water container is an agitating apparatus, and a valve is provided at the waste water outlet to cut a flow of waste water through the waste water outlet. 115-. (canceled)16. A device for preparing hot water , comprising:a heat pump having an evaporator and a condenser;a waste water container collecting waste water and placed in thermal contact with the evaporator, said waste water container being constructed as a cylindrical hollow body having a waste water inlet and a waste water outlet;a hot water reservoir in thermal contact with the condenser;an agitating apparatus accommodated in the hollow body, said agitating apparatus including a drive shaft running coaxially in the waste water container and agitating elements arranged on the drive shaft; anda valve provided at the waste water outlet to cut a flow of waste water through the waste water outlet.17. The device of for use in domestic application.18. The device of claim 16 , wherein the heat pump is a compression heat pump.19. The device of claim 16 , for use in the recovery of heat from waste water from a sink and/or a dishwasher or washing machine.20. The device of claim 16 , wherein the agitating elements are constructed in the form of a worm.21. The device of claim 16 , wherein the agitating elements are structured in a way as to form a closure for waste water.22. The device of claim 16 , wherein the agitating elements ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Integrated air-cycle refrigeration and power generation system

Номер: US20130086927A1
Автор: Frank Mills
Принадлежит: Lockheed Martin Corp

An integrated power and refrigeration system is disclosed that includes a first subsystem configured to provide cooling air using a reverse-Brayton cycle using compressed air and a second subsystem configured to provide power by accepting a first portion of the compressed air from the first subsystem, heating the accepted first portion of the compressed air to form hot compressed air, and using the hot compressed air to drive a turbine that is coupled to a power generator.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Heat Powered Reciprocating Piston Engine

Номер: US20130091884A1

A thermodynamic system for powering a reciprocating device includes a refrigerant passing in a closed loop between a refrigerant compressor, a condenser, an expansion valve, and an evaporator. The system includes a heat source for heating the refrigerant, and an engine for receiving the heated refrigerant. The engine includes a housing, a shaft axially movable within the housing, a piston attached to the shaft, a shifter for reversing piston direction, and porting for passing the refrigerant into and out of the engine housing. 1. A thermodynamic system for powering a reciprocating device , the thermodynamic system including a refrigerant passing in a closed loop between a refrigerant compressor , a condenser , an expansion valve , and an evaporator , the thermodynamic system further comprising:a heat source for heating the refrigerant; andan engine for receiving the heated evaporated refrigerant, the engine including a housing, a shaft axially movable within the housing, a piston attached to the shaft, a shifter for reversing piston direction, and porting for passing refrigerant into and out of the engine housing.2. The system as defined in claim 1 , wherein axial movement of the engine shaft powers a pump to pump refrigerant in an air conditioning system.3. The system as defined in claim 1 , wherein the heat source is a solar collector.4. The system as defined in claim 1 , the engine shaft passes through the housing and axially reciprocates to power the compressor.5. The system as defined in claim 1 , wherein the shifter is an axially movable sleeve for opening and closing the porting in response to shifter movement.6. The system as defined in claim 1 , wherein the shaft extends through the housing and axially reciprocates to power a pump.7. The system as defined in claim 1 , further comprising:a condenser fan for cooling the condenser; anda solar panel for powering the condenser fan.8. The system as defined in claim 1 , wherein the heat source is the exhaust of a ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130125566A1
Автор: Grefe Marco

A cooling system of a vehicle with a fuel cell includes an absorbent circuit with an absorber tank, a regenerator tank, an absorbent pump and a first pressure reduction means and a coolant circuit with a condenser connected to a steam outlet of the regenerator tank, a second pressure reduction means and an evaporator arranged between a steam inlet of the absorber tank and the second pressure reduction means. The regenerator tank is designed to desorb the coolant in solution in the absorbent by absorbing a first quantity of heat and to introduce it in a vaporous state into the condenser. The evaporator is designed to evaporate the coolant while absorbing a second quantity of heat and to introduce it in the vaporous state into the absorber tank. At least one of the first and of the second quantity of heat could be provided by the fuel cell. 1. A vehicle comprising a heat emitting device and a cooling system , with the cooling system comprising: an absorber tank;', 'a regenerator tank;', 'an absorbent pump; and', 'a first pressure reduction means,', 'wherein the absorber tank is connected by an absorber tank outlet, by way of the absorbent pump, to a regenerator tank inlet; and', 'wherein a regenerator tank outlet is connected by the first pressure reduction means to an absorber tank inlet; and, 'an absorbent circuit, wherein a liquid absorbent is configured to circulate, the absorbent circuit comprising a condenser connected to a steam outlet of the regenerator tank;', 'a second pressure reduction means; and', 'an evaporator connected to a steam inlet of the absorber tank and by way of the second pressure reduction means is connected to the condenser;, 'a coolant circuit, wherein a coolant is configured to circulate, the coolant circuit comprisingwherein the regenerator is configured to desorb the coolant in solution in the absorbent by absorbing a first quantity of heat and to introduce it in a vaporous state into the condenser; 'wherein at least one of the first and ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Refrigerator, thermosyphon, and solenoid valve and method for controlling the same

Номер: US20130152621A1

A refrigerator may include a body having a freezing chamber and a refrigeration chamber, a cooling circuit for cooling the freezing chamber and the refrigeration chamber, and a power source for supplying power to the cooling circuit. The refrigerator may further include a thermosyphon provided between the freezing chamber and refrigerating chamber. A control circuit may be connected to the thermosyphon to control a flow of refrigerant in the thermosyphon. The control circuit may include a valve provided on a circulation path of the thermosyphon, a electrical power storage device connected between the power source and the valve, and a switching circuit provided between the valve and the electrical power storage device. When the power source does not supply power to the cooling circuit, the control circuit may operate the thermosyphon using power stored in the electrical power storage device.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Thermoelectric-based thermal management system

Номер: US20130213058A1
Автор: Lakhi Nandlal Goenka
Принадлежит: BSST LLC

Disclosed is a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system for a vehicle that operates in a heating mode, a cooling mode or a demisting mode. In some embodiments, the system includes a first circuit having first pump for circulating a first medium therein, a second circuit having a second pump for circulating a second medium therein and a thermoelectric module having a first surface in thermal contact with the first medium and a second surface in thermal contact with the second medium.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Internal heat exchanger

Номер: US20130299143A1
Принадлежит: ContiTech Kuehner GmbH and Cie KG

The present invention provides a heat exchanger having an inner tube forming an inner flow path and having an inlet and an outlet; an outer tube radially surrounding at least a portion of the inner tube and spaced radially outwardly therefrom to form an annular space; and a thermally conductive spiral element wound around the inner cube and disposed in the space, wherein the spiral element forms, in conjunction with the inner tube and the outer tube, a helical flow path through the space, the helical flow path in fluid communication with an inlet and an outlet of the outer tube, and wherein the outer tube is thermally isolated from the spiral element. The invention further provides for collars connecting the outer tube to the inner tube.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333859A1

An improved heat transfer column for geothermal heating and cooling in which refrigerant lines are wound in a spiral fashion about a vertically oriented support. The spiral tubing is surrounded by a flexible, semi-flexible, or rigid liner which is filled with water, the liner being positioned within a cavity in an earth mass. During operation, water within the tube rises and/or by convection and transfers heat evenly to the water within the liner for subsequent transfer to the earth mass. This heat is subsequently extracted from or rejected into the earth mass during a heat transfer cycle, and means is provided for transfer of a portion of the heat in the water to the ambient atmosphere. 1. A geothermal column , comprising:.at least one spirally wound refrigeration coil configured to communicate with a heat pump compressor;a hollow tube having an outer wall of diameter substantially greater than that of said at least one spirally wound refrigeration coil and positioned so as to surround said at least one spirally wound refrigeration coil, said outer wall having a substantially rigid configuration such that said hollow tube maintains its shape; anda support member configured to retain a shape of said at least one spirally wound refrigeration coil and maintain a centrally located position of said at least one spirally wound refrigeration coil within said hollow tube.2. The geothermal column of wherein the at least one spirally wound refrigeration coil is fabricated from copper tubing.3. The geothermal column of wherein the copper tubing has a diameter of from about ⅛ inch to about 1 inch.4. The geothermal column of wherein the at least one spirally wound refrigeration coil includes at least one loop oil trap in an upper portion of the refrigeration coil and a U-shaped oil trap in a lower portion of the refrigeration coil.5. The geothermal column of further comprising a top cap removably attached to an upper end of the hollow tube claim 1 , wherein the top cap includes ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000298A1
Автор: Lopez Oscar

Systems and methods are disclosed for processing hot, humid air resulting from an industrial process, such as paper production. These systems and methods allow a large amount of water to be recovered from the air and the plume emitted into the environment to be reduced, all with reasonable energy consumption. The exhaust stream of air is passed through two heat exchangers, which cool the exhaust air by heating respective streams of water. The heated streams of water are routed to and cooled by an absorption cooler before being returned as input to the heat exchangers. Some embodiments may also include a scrubber, which allows direct air-water contact, positioned between the two heat exchangers. The scrubber also aids removal of pollutants. Some embodiments may mix heated outside air with the exhaust stream of air prior to discharge in order to reduce the emitted plume. 1. A system for treating an exhaust stream of hot , humid air from an industrial process , comprising:a first heat exchanger receiving the exhaust stream of air from the industrial process, the first heat exchanger cooling the exhaust stream of air to a first reduced temperature by use of a first stream of cooler water, the first stream of cooler water being heated by heat exchange with the exhaust stream of air in the first heat exchanger;a second heat exchanger in fluid communication with the first heat exchanger to receive the exhaust stream of air at the first reduced temperature and cool the exhaust stream of air to a second reduced temperature by use of a second stream of cooler water, the second stream of cooler water being heated by heat exchange with the exhaust stream of air in the second heat exchanger;an outlet in fluid communication with the second heat exchanger to receive and discharge the exhaust stream of air at a temperature equal to or lower than the second reduced temperature; andan absorption cooler in association with the first heat exchanger and the second heat exchanger but ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Semi-Electric Mobile Refrigerated System

Номер: US20140020414A1
Принадлежит: Carrier Corp

A power supply system for a transport refrigeration system ( 20 ) includes an engine ( 26 ) coupled to a compressor ( 32 ) of a refrigeration unit for direct drive powering the compressor ( 32 ) and a generator ( 24 ) arranged to also be direct driven by the engine ( 26 ) for generating electric power. The generator ( 24 ) and the compressor ( 32 ) are mounted to a common drive shaft ( 25 ) driven by the engine ( 26 ), and the generator ( 24 ) may be integrated with the compressor ( 32 ). The power supply system may further include an alternator ( 50 ) arranged to be belt driven by the engine ( 26 ) for generating DC electric power. A battery pack ( 28 ) may be provided for storing and supplying additional DC power. During peak load demand on the refrigeration unit ( 20 ), the engine ( 26 ) may be operated with the generator ( 24 ) switched off to directly drive the compressor ( 32 ) and direct current may be drawn from the battery pack ( 28 ) to drive the condenser/gas cooler and evaporator fans ( 40, 44 ).

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Integrated Power, Cooling, and Heating Apparatus Utilizing Waste Heat Recovery

Номер: US20140041387A1
Автор: Benson Dwayne M.

The present invention provides an apparatus for utilizing waste heat to power a reconfigurable thermodynamic cycle that can be used to selectively cool or heat an environmentally controlled space, such as a room, building, or vehicle. The present invention also integrates an electric machine, which may operate as a motor or generator, or both, and an additional prime mover, such as an internal combustion engine. Different combinations of these components are preferable for different applications. The system provides a design which reasonably balances the need to maximize efficiency, while also keeping the design cost effective. 1. A heating , cooling , and power system , comprising:a prime mover including an exhaust;a heater thermally coupled to the exhaust of the prime mover;a shaft coupled to the prime mover;an expander coupled to the shaft;a first conduit coupled between the heater and expander and configured for transporting a working fluid;a heat pump coupled to the shaft; andan electrical machine coupled to the shaft and configured to produce electricity or produce mechanical shaft power.2. The heating claim 1 , cooling claim 1 , and power system of claim 1 , further including a recuperator comprising a second conduit coupled between the expander and recuperator to recover heat from the working fluid exiting the expander.3. The heating claim 1 , cooling claim 1 , and power system of claim 1 , wherein the heat pump includes:a first heat exchanger including a second conduit coupled between the expander and the first heat exchanger;an expansion device including a third conduit coupled between the first heat exchanger and the expansion device;a second heat exchanger including a fourth conduit coupled between the expansion device and second heat exchanger; anda compressor coupled to the shaft.4. The heating claim 3 , cooling claim 3 , and power system of claim 3 , wherein the heat pump includes a valve connected to the second conduit to switch the heat pump between ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Solar-powered cooling system

Номер: US20140060093A1
Автор: Joseph C. Farmer

A solar-powered adsorption-desorption refrigeration and air conditioning system that uses nanostructural materials such as aerogels, zeolites, and sol gels as the adsorptive media. Refrigerant molecules are adsorbed on the high surface area of the nanostructural material while the material is at a relatively low temperature, perhaps at night. During daylight hours, when the nanostructural materials is heated by the sun, the refrigerant are thermally desorbed from the surface of the aerogel, thereby creating a pressurized gas phase in the vessel that contains the aerogel. This solar-driven pressurization forces the heated gaseous refrigerant through a condenser, followed by an expansion valve. In the condenser, heat is removed from the refrigerant, first by circulating air or water. Eventually, the cooled gaseous refrigerant expands isenthalpically through a throttle valve into an evaporator, in a fashion similar to that in more conventional vapor recompression systems.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Integrated Power, Cooling, and Heating Device and Method Thereof

Номер: US20140075970A1
Автор: Benson Dwayne M.

A heating, cooling, and power device includes a shaft and an expander coupled to the shaft to rotate the shaft. A first conduit is coupled to the expander and configured to transport a working fluid. A heater is coupled through the first conduit to the expander. A heat pump is coupled to the shaft. An electric machine is coupled to the shaft to produce electricity or mechanical shaft power. A recuperator includes a second conduit coupled between the expander and recuperator. The heat pump includes a first heat exchanger including a second conduit coupled between the expander and the first heat exchanger. An expansion device includes a third conduit coupled between the first heat exchanger and the expansion device. A second heat exchanger includes a fourth conduit coupled between the expansion device and second heat exchanger. A compressor is coupled to the shaft. 1. A heating , cooling , and power device , comprising:a shaft;an expander coupled to the shaft to rotate the shaft;a first conduit coupled to the expander and configured to transport a working fluid;a heater coupled through the first conduit to the expander;a heat pump coupled to the shaft; andan electric machine coupled to the shaft to produce electricity or mechanical shaft power.2. The heating claim 1 , cooling claim 1 , and power device of claim 1 , further including a recuperator comprising a second conduit coupled between the expander and recuperator to recover heat from the working fluid exiting the expander.3. The heating claim 1 , cooling claim 1 , and power device of claim 1 , wherein the heat pump includes:a first heat exchanger including a second conduit coupled between the expander and the first heat exchanger;an expansion device including a third conduit coupled between the first heat exchanger and the expansion device;a second heat exchanger including a fourth conduit coupled between the expansion device and second heat exchanger; anda compressor coupled to the shaft.4. The heating claim 3 , ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003504A1

A heat pump system using waste heat has a compression heat pump circuit that uses the shaft output of a power engine as a power source for a compressor for compressing refrigerant, and an absorption heat pump circuit using waste heat of the power engine as a heat source for a regenerator for heating absorbing liquid, refrigerant vaporized in the compression heat pump circuit is circulated to an absorber of the absorption heat pump circuit, the refrigerant is separated after regenerated by the regenerator, and the separated refrigerant is circulated in the compression heats pump circuit. The absorption heat pump circuit has a reverse pump R in a return pipe for absorbing liquid from the regenerator to the absorber, and the rotation energy of the reverse pump R can be withdrawn by a circulation pump P for the absorbing liquid. 119-. (canceled)23. A heat pump system using waste heat , comprising:a compression heat pump circuit using a shaft output of a power engine as a power source for a compressor that compresses refrigerant; andan absorption heat pump circuit using waste heat of the power engine as a heat source for a regenerator that heats absorbing liquid, wherein refrigerant vaporized in the compression heat pump circuit is circulated to an absorber of the absorption heat pump circuit, the refrigerant is separated after regenerated by the regenerator, the separated refrigerant is circulated into the compression heat pump circuit, and a suction-side refrigerant heat withdrawer for performing heat-exchange between refrigerant to be supplied to the compressor and absorbing liquid to be supplied to the regenerator.24. The heat pump system using waste heats according to claim 23 , wherein a branch pipe that is branched from an absorbing liquid feeding pipe from the absorber to the regenerator is provided claim 23 , and the suction-side refrigerant heat withdrawer is provided to the branch pipe.25. The heat pump system using waste heat according to claim 23 , wherein a ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003505A1
Автор: Trotter Spencer

The invention is a portable refrigerator () that may transition between a functional mode for use in the cold storage of food and drinks and a collapsed mode for transportation. Wheels () with a handle () opposite provide the method of transportation. The food storage space is controllably cooled by a chiller circuit (), which may be powered by one or more solar panels (). The device includes USB and A/C outlets () so that the device can be also be used as a power source. It may also include a lockable latch () to keep the refrigerator space closed. It may also include a u-shaped bar () on the outside so that the device can be secured to a fixed object. 1. A portable refrigerator transitionable between a functional mode and a collapsed mode for use in the cold storage of foodstuffs or drinks , the portable refrigerator comprising:a. a chiller circuit; and i. wherein said storage space is controllably cooled by the chiller circuit; and', 'ii. wherein the front wall, the rear wall, the top wall and the side walls are inwardly foldable to form a compact package when the portable refrigerator is in the collapsed mode; and', 'iii. wherein the top wall comprises one or more solar panels thereon., 'b. a front wall, a rear wall, a top wall, a base, and at least a pair of sidewalls combined together to enclose a storage space when the portable refrigerator is in the functional mode;'}2. The portable refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the chiller circuit is housed within the rear wall.3. The portable refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the front wall claim 1 , the rear wall claim 1 , the top wall claim 1 , the base and the side walls are comprised of a rigid construction.4. The portable refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the portable refrigerator further includes a handle for carrying the portable refrigerator when it is in the collapsed mode.5. The portable refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the chiller circuit is powered by a DC power supply.6. The portable refrigerator of claim ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003506A1

Integrated systems and methods for onsite wastewater treatment in which a portion of onsite energy demands may be driven by energy harvested from the wastewater. Thermal energy of wastewater may be transferred from an onsite wastewater treatment system to an onsite heat pump to recover thermal energy, at least a portion of which may then be delivered to an onsite energy demand. 1. A method for onsite recovery of thermal energy from wastewater , comprising:transferring thermal energy of wastewater from an onsite wastewater treatment system to an onsite heat pump to recover thermal energy; anddelivering at least a portion of the recovered thermal energy to an onsite energy demand.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the onsite energy demand comprises water or space heating.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the thermal energy is recovered prior to treatment of the wastewater.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the thermal energy is recovered during treatment of the wastewater.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the thermal energy is recovered after treatment of the wastewater and prior to reuse of treated wastewater.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising augmenting the recovered thermal energy with thermal energy from an additional energy source.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the onsite wastewater treatment system is fluidly connected to a reuse system.8. The method of wherein the onsite wastewater treatment system comprises a flow equalization tank claim 1 , a waste treatment unit operation downstream of the flow equalization tank claim 1 , and a storage tank downstream of the waste treatment unit operation.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising treating wastewater in the onsite wastewater treatment system and delivering treated water to an onsite water demand.10. A system for onsite recovery of thermal energy from wastewater claim 1 , comprising:an onsite wastewater treatment system;a heat pump configured to deliver thermal energy to an onsite energy ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003416A1

Technologies are described herein for cooling systems. In some aspects, a cooling system is configured to enter into a storage configuration or a winterization configuration. In the winterization configuration, refrigerant used in the cooling system is stored in an adsorbent in an adsorbent chamber. 1. A cooling system , comprising:a refrigerant;an adsorbent; anda detector to detect a condition requiring the cooling system to cause the adsorption of substantially all of the refrigerant on an individual molecular basis in the adsorbent.2. The cooling system of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent comprise zeolite claim 1 , a metal organic framework claim 1 , or an electrically activated adsorbent.3. The cooling system of claim 1 , wherein the condition is an ambient air temperature indicating a potential freezing condition of the refrigerant.4. The cooling system of claim 1 , wherein the condition is an unintentional disconnection of a component of the cooling system.5. The cooling system of claim 1 , wherein the condition is a predetermined ambient air pressure claim 1 , a predetermined altitude claim 1 , or a predetermined geographic location.6. The cooling system of claim 1 , further comprising:an evaporator containing the refrigerant;an adsorbent chamber fluidly coupled to the evaporator, the adsorbent chamber containing the adsorbent that adsorbs the refrigerant in a cooling mode and desorbs the refrigerant in a desorbing mode.7. The cooling system of claim 1 , further comprising a temperature station that provides temperature data.8. The cooling system of claim 7 , further comprising a transceiver to receive the temperature data from the temperature station.9. The cooling system of claim 1 , further comprising a winterization chamber having adsorbent disposed therein for adsorbing the refrigerant when the detector detects the condition requiring the cooling system to cause the adsorption of substantially all of the refrigerant on an individual molecular basis in the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Cooling Facility

Номер: US20190003751A1
Автор: Blumhardt Marcus

Facility having a storage unit comprising a housing enclosing a storage volume for receiving goods and/or equipment further comprising an operating system provided with a tempering unit associated with said storage volume for maintaining a defined or set temperature in said storage volume, said operating system being provided with a refrigerant circuit comprising an internal heat exchanger, arranged in said tempering unit, an external heat exchanger as well as a compressor unit for compressing refrigerant, characterized in that said operating system is provided with an engine for driving said compressor unit as an independent power source and said operating system is provided with an electric generator unit mechanically coupled to said engine, said compressor unit and/or said generator unit are driven by said engine independent power source, and said operating system is connected to a local energy supply system of said facility. 1. Facility having a storage unit comprising{'b': '70', 'a housing enclosing a storage volume for receiving goods and/or equipment further comprising an operating system provided with a tempering unit associated with said storage volume for maintaining a defined or set temperature in said storage volume, said operating system () being provided with a refrigerant circuit comprising an internal heat exchanger, arranged in said tempering unit, an external heat exchanger as well as a compressor unit for compressing refrigerant,'}said operating system is provided with an engine for driving said compressor unit as an independent power source and said operating system is provided with an electric generator unit mechanically coupled to said engine, said compressor unit and/or said generator unit are driven by said engine independent power source, and said operating system is connected to a local energy supply system of said facility.2. Facility according to claim 1 , wherein said local energy supply system comprises a local electric mains power ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003756A1

In certain embodiments, a refrigeration system comprises an emergency electric power supply configured to supply power to at least one motor drive of the system. The system further comprises a power switch coupled to the emergency electric power supply, a tank configured to store a refrigerant, a first compressor configured to compress the refrigerant of the tank, and a controller coupled to the power switch and the first compressor. The controller may receive an indication from the power switch that the system is using the emergency electric power supply, and in response to receiving the indication from the power switch that the system is using the emergency electric power supply, operate the system in a first power outage mode. The controller may determine an amount of power to supply to the first compressor based on the first power outage mode and transmit a signal to instruct the first compressor to turn on. 1. A system , comprising:an emergency electric power supply configured to supply power to at least one motor drive of the system;a power switch coupled to the emergency electric power supply;a tank configured to store a refrigerant;a first compressor configured to compress the refrigerant of the tank; receive an indication from the power switch that the system is using the emergency electric power supply; and', 'transmit a signal to instruct the first compressor to turn on., 'a controller coupled to the power switch and the first compressor, the controller configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to:in response to receiving the indication from the power switch that the system is using the emergency electric power supply, operate the system in a first power outage mode; anddetermine an amount of power to supply to the first compressor based on the first power outage mode.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a second compressor claim 1 , the second compressor configured to compress the refrigerant of the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010736A1

An engineless transport refrigeration unit includes a direct current compressor motor, condenser fan motor, evaporator fan motor, an energy storage device, and a generator. The energy storage device is configured to provide direct current electric power to the compressor motor the condenser fan motor, and the evaporator fan motor. The energy storage device is configured to provide power within a range of two hundred volts to six hundred volts. The compressor motor is configured to operate at a direct current voltage range of two hundred to six hundred volts. 1. A tractor trailer system including a self-propelled tractor including a combustion engine and a generator driven by the combustion engine , including a transport container adapted to be connected and towed by the self-propelled tractor , and the tractor trailer system further comprising:an engineless transport refrigeration unit mounted on the transport container, the engineless transport refrigeration unit comprising a compressor constructed and arranged to compress a refrigerant, a direct current compressor motor configured to drive the compressor, a condenser heat exchanger operatively coupled to the compressor, a condenser fan configured to provide air flow over the condenser heat exchanger, a condenser fan motor for driving the condenser fan, an evaporator heat exchanger operatively coupled to the compressor, an evaporator fan configured to provide air flow over the evaporator heat exchanger, an evaporator fan motor for driving the evaporator fan, and an energy storage device configured to provide direct current electric power to the compressor motor, condenser and evaporator fan motors, and wherein the energy storage device is configured to provide power within a range of two hundred volts to six hundred volts and to be recharged by the generator, and wherein the compressor motor is configured to operate at a direct current voltage range of two hundred to six hundred volts.2. The tractor trailer system ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Fuel vaporization using data center waste heat

Номер: US20200011209A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Systems and methods are provided for data center cooling by vaporizing fuel using data center waste heat. The systems include, for instance, an electricity-generating assembly, a liquid fuel storage, and a heat transfer system. The electricity-generating assembly generates electricity from a fuel vapor for supply to the data center. The liquid fuel storage is coupled to supply the fuel vapor, and the heat transfer system is associated with the data center and the liquid fuel storage. In an operational mode, the heat transfer system transfers the data center waste heat to the liquid fuel storage to facilitate vaporization of liquid fuel to produce the fuel vapor for supply to the electricity-generating assembly. The system may be implemented with the liquid fuel storage and heat transfer system being the primary fuel vapor source, or a back-up fuel vapor source.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Ground Loops and Insulation for Direct Exchange Geothermal Systems

Номер: US20150013370A1
Автор: Wiggs B. Ryland

A direct exchange geothermal heating and cooling system has a vacuum insulation layer surrounding the liquid phase working fluid transport line in the system's ground loop, as well as optional multiple vapor phase working fluid transport lines. 1. A direct exchange geothermal heat pump for use with a sub-surface formation , comprising: a liquid transport line including a liquid transport line sub-surface portion; and', 'a vapor transport line including a vapor transport line sub-surface portion fluidly communicating with the liquid transport line sub-surface portion and positioned in thermal conductive relation with the sub-surface formation to provide an exterior heat exchanger;', 'wherein the liquid transport line sub-surface portion and the vapor transport line sub-surface portion define a closed sub-surface ground loop; and, 'a closed loop for transporting a working fluid, the closed loop includinga vacuum insulation assembly surrounding at least an upper portion of the liquid transport line sub-surface portion to define a vacuum-insulated portion of the liquid transport line sub-surface portion.2. The direct exchange geothermal heat pump of claim 1 , in which the vacuum insulation assembly comprises a housing surrounding the vacuum-insulated portion of the liquid transport line sub-surface portion to define a vacuum chamber between an interior surface of the housing and an exterior surface of the vacuum-insulated portion of the liquid transport line sub-surface portion claim 1 , and a vacuum pressure formed in the vacuum chamber.3. The direct exchange geothermal heat pump of claim 2 , in which the exterior surface of the vacuum-insulated portion of the liquid transport line sub-surface portion is spaced from the housing interior surface.4. The direct exchange geothermal heat pump of claim 3 , further comprising a solid-state insulation material disposed between the exterior surface of the vacuum-insulated portion of the liquid transport line sub-surface portion ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034556A1

A subway hybrid-energy multifunctional-end-integrated heat pump system includes energy and user ends and hot water tank. A first energy end includes a capillary-tube front-end heat exchanger and a subway capillary heat pump unit. A second energy end includes a solar panel. A third energy end includes an air-cooled heat pump unit. The user end includes air conditioner, hot water supply, underfloor heating, and radiator heating ends. The first, second and third energy ends connect to the hot water tank. A water outlet is connected to the air conditioner, hot water supply, underfloor heating, and radiator heating ends. Water outlets of the air conditioner, underfloor heating, and radiator heating ends are respectively connected to the first, second and third energy end through a return pipe. 1. A subway hybrid-energy multifunctional-end-integrated heat pump system adopting a capillary-tube heat exchanger , the system comprising: an energy end , a user end , and a hot water storage tank , wherein a first energy end comprises a capillary-tube front-end heat exchanger laid in surrounding rocks of a tunnel and a subway capillary-tube heat pump unit , a second energy end comprises a solar panel , a third energy end comprises an air-cooled heat pump unit , the user end comprises an air conditioner end , a hot water supply end , an underfloor heating end , and a radiator heating end , the first energy end , the second energy end , and the third energy end are connected to a water inlet of the hot water storage tank , a water outlet of the hot water storage tank is connected to the air conditioner end , the hot water supply end , the underfloor heating end , and the radiator heating end , water outlets of the air conditioner end , the underfloor heating end , and the radiator heating end are connected to the hot water storage tank through a first return pipe , the water outlet of the air conditioner end is connected to the third energy end through a second return pipe , and ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Portable Refrigerator

Номер: US20210018250A1

A portable refrigerator includes a main housing, a refrigerator cover, a cooling mechanism, a rechargeable battery pack and a control unit. The cooling mechanism includes heat exchanging tubes, a compressor, an evaporator and a condenser connected to the evaporator and the compressor. The rechargeable battery pack is detachably attached on a power compartment of the main housing. The control unit is supported in the main housing and electrically connected to the rechargeable battery pack and the cooling mechanism for centrally controlling an operation of the cooling mechanism. A to predetermined amount of refrigerant is arranged to controllably pass through the heat exchanging tubes, the condenser, the evaporator and the compressor for extracting heat from the accommodating cavity. 1. A portable refrigerator , comprising:a main housing having an accommodating cavity for storing at least one item, and a power compartment;a refrigerator cover provided on said main housing for selectively closing said accommodating cavity;a cooling mechanism which is supported by said main housing and comprises a plurality of heat exchanging tubes, a compressor, an evaporator connected to said compressor through at least one of said heat exchanging tubes, and a condenser connected to said evaporator and said compressor through at least one of said heat exchanging tubes;a rechargeable battery pack detachably attached in said power compartment of said main housing, said rechargeable battery pack being adapted for connecting to a power source; anda central control unit supported in said main housing and electrically connected to said rechargeable battery pack and said cooling mechanism for centrally controlling an operation of said cooling mechanism, wherein a predetermined amount of refrigerant is arranged to controllably pass through said heat exchanging tubes, said condenser, said evaporator and said compressor for extracting heat from said accommodating cavity.2. The portable ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Cooler cart

Номер: US20150021106A1
Автор: Robert LaRosa
Принадлежит: Individual

A cooler cart including: a cooler, where the cooler includes a tub insert; a lid, where the lid provides access to the tub insert; a solar panel array, where the solar panel provides an energy source; a motor, where a rechargeable battery provides power for the motor; and at least two wheels, wherein the wheels are propelled by the motor. In one particular embodiment, the motor may be powered by a 12-volt rechargeable battery. The battery may also supply power to a portable adaptor, wherein the portable adaptor provides a means to recharge portable electronic devices. The tub insert comprises a main portion of the cooler.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Passive organic working fluid ejector refrigeration method

Номер: US20160025391A1

The present invention relates to a passive type organic working fluid ejector refrigeration method. The liquid organic working fluid of the reservoir is added to evaporator using gravity. Then the refrigerant absorbs heat during evaporation in the evaporator. When the refrigerant temperature and pressure increases to a certain value, the self-operated pressure regulator valve automatically opens and the ejector begins to work. After condensing in the condenser, the working fluid divided into two streams. One stream returns to the reservoir and the other one flows into the cooling evaporator of refrigeration cycle to produce chilled water about 12° C. When the liquid refrigerant is completely evaporated in the evaporator, the self-operated pressure regulator valve opens and the working fluid flows into the evaporator from the reservoir. A certain quality of the working fluid is closed in the evaporator, preparing for a new work cycle as above-mentioned. The system of the present invention can use organic fluid as the working fluid to utilize the low-temperature heat sources range from 60 to 200° C., using groundwater, river (sea) water or air as cold source and using gravity to transport liquid working fluid. 1. A method of the passive type organic working fluid ejector refrigeration comprises the following steps of:(1) Through judging the low pressure in the evaporator, the first self-operated pressure regulator valve and the second self-operated pressure regulator valve are closed. The third self-operated pressure regulator valve is opened, the liquid organic working fluid of reservoir flows into the evaporator under the action of gravity until surface equilibrium. Then the third self-operated pressure regulator valve is closed, the liquid refrigerant will be closed in the evaporator;(2) The liquid refrigerant absorbs heat and evaporates in the evaporator. The temperature and pressure of working fluid is increasing, until reaching 101° C. and 2 MPa. The first self- ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Air Conditioning System

Номер: US20160033177A1
Принадлежит: OXICOOL Inc, US Department of Navy

An air conditioning system that includes desiccant compartments for holding a desiccant; a heat exchanger, a blower and a vessel. The heat exchanger can be filled with a heat transfer medium, while the blower blows ambient air by the heat exchanger such that the blown air is cooled and the heat exchanger is warmed such that thermal energy increases and is transferred from the air to the heat transfer medium causing the heat transfer medium to turn into vapor. The vapor is then diffused to one of the desiccant compartments such that the vapor is adsorbed onto the desiccant creating a mixture. Then an energy source is applied to the mixture such that the vapor and desiccant are separated. The separated vapor is transported to the vessel where it is condensed and then sent back to the heat exchanger, such that the system is able to be continuously operating.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033178A1

The present disclosure is directed to a system and method for controlling ambient temperature at a power-consuming site having a hybrid generator-battery power system. The generator-battery power system includes an engine-generator set and one or more DC-powered batteries that alternately share the site load. Thus, the method includes providing one or more temperature sensors communicatively coupled to a battery management system at the power-consuming site. Another step includes monitoring the ambient temperature of the power-consuming site via the one or more temperature sensors when one or more of the DC-powered batteries are discharging (i.e. when the engine-generator set is off). The method also includes sending, via the battery management system, a start-up command to the engine-generator set when the ambient temperature of the power-consuming site reaches a threshold temperature such that the engine-generator set can provide AC power to an air conditioning unit at the power-consuming site. 1. A method for controlling ambient temperature at a power-consuming site having a generator-battery hybrid power system , the method comprising:providing one or more temperature sensors communicatively coupled to a battery management system at the power-consuming site, the battery management system configured to control one or more DC-powered batteries;monitoring the ambient temperature of the power-consuming site via the one or more temperature sensors when one or more of the DC-powered batteries are discharging; and,sending, via the battery management system, a start-up command to an AC engine-generator set when the ambient temperature of the power-consuming site reaches a threshold temperature such that the engine-generator set provides AC power to an air conditioning unit at the power-consuming site.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining a local temperature of the battery management system and determining a temperature offset between the local ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031286A1

A solar-thermal refrigerant compression system employing refrigerants, such as R410a and R500, and a method of employing the system in refrigeration and air-conditioning units. The system includes a refrigerant storage tank, an evaporator, a mixing chamber, a condenser and an isochoric thermal compressor comprising a condensate heat exchanger and a heating coil connected to a solar collector field. 1: A solar refrigeration system comprising:a refrigerant storage tank, which stores a refrigerant liquid, wherein the storage tank is fluidly connected to a first conduit, a second conduit, and an inlet;a finned evaporator, which receives and evaporates a first portion of the refrigerant liquid from the refrigerant storage tank to form a refrigerant vapor;a mixing chamber, which receives the refrigerant vapor from the evaporator and a second portion of the refrigerant liquid from the refrigerant storage tank through the second conduit, wherein the refrigerant vapor and the second portion of the refrigerant liquid are mixed in the mixing chamber to form a mixture;wherein the first conduit consists of a plurality of check valves and a first throttle valve, wherein the first throttle valve regulates a volume of the second portion of the refrigerant liquid flowing to the mixing chamber;an isochoric thermal compressor comprising a condensate heat exchanger and a heating coil fluidly connected to a solar collector field, wherein the isochoric thermal compressor receives the mixture from the mixing chamber and compresses the mixture by heating the mixture to form a compressed refrigerant; anda condenser, which is located between the isochoric thermal compressor and the refrigerant storage tank, wherein the condenser receives and condenses the compressed refrigerant to form a condensate that flows through the condensate heat exchanger to the inlet of the refrigerant storage tank;wherein the condenser, the isochoric thermal compressor, the refrigerant storage tank, the finned ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033772A1
Принадлежит: ABB RESEARCH LTD.

An apparatus is disclosed which includes a generator receiving a heat load from first electric components, an evaporator for receiving a heat load from second electric components, a tight enclosure, and an absorber-condenser arranged outside of the tight enclosure. For efficient cooling of the apparatus, one or more of the generator, evaporator and absorber-condenser is entirely or partly manufactured of aluminum. The inert and refrigerant can be selected such that R134a is used as the inert and butane as the refrigerant fluid, or R32 is used as the inert and cyclopropane is used as the refrigerant, and the absorber is selected to include an alkyl acetamide, a carbonate ester or a glycol ester. 1. An apparatus comprising:a generator;an evaporator; andan absorber-condenser for circulating an absorber, an inert fluid and a refrigerant, wherein:the generator is configured to receive a heat load from first electric components, the generator including a fluid channel for receiving fluid including a mixture of the absorber and the inert fluid, and being configured to evaporate a part of the received fluid with the heat load from the first electric components;the evaporator is configured to receive a heat load from second electric components, the evaporator including a fluid channel for a fluid mixture of the inert fluid and the refrigerant for transferring heat received from the second electric components into the fluid mixture of the fluid channel;the absorber-condenser is configured to receive heated absorber from the generator and heated inert fluid and refrigerant from the evaporator, and to transfer heat from the received fluids to surroundings; andone or more of the generator, evaporator and absorber-condenser is entirely or partly manufactured of aluminum.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising:an enclosure for enclosing the generator and the evaporator, the absorber-condenser being arranged outside of the enclosure for transferring heat to outside of ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Power Generation System and Method

Номер: US20150033778A1
Автор: Williams Donald

A method is disclosed for generating and distributing electric power for localized use. The method entails providing an enclosed building having an air conditioning and ventilation unit for supplying cooled air within the building, the unit including a closed loop circuit configured to operate a closed loop refrigeration cycle, including a compressor operable to compress a working fluid of the closed loop circuit. The method further includes engaging an internal combustion engine with the compressor and operating the internal combustion engine to drive the compressor, thereby transferring energy to the refrigeration cycle. The method may also involve engaging an electric motor with the compressor and operating the electric motor to drive the compressor, thereby transferring energy to the refrigeration cycle. 1. A method of generating and distributing electric power to meet localized demand , said method comprising:providing a local environment having an air conditioning unit for supplying cooled air within the local environment, the unit including a loop circuit configured to operate a loop refrigeration cycle, including a compressor operable to compress a working fluid of the closed loop circuit;engaging an internal combustion engine with the compressor; andoperating the internal combustion engine to drive the compressor, thereby transferring energy to the refrigeration cycle.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:engaging an electric motor generator unit with the compressor; and operating the electric motor generator unit to drive the compressor, thereby transferring energy to the refrigeration cycle.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:before engaging the electric motor generator unit, disengaging the internal combustion engine from the compressor.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:selectively engaging one of the internal combustion engine and electric motor generator unit to drive the compressor.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033031A1
Автор: Shaaban Aly H., Zhou Gong

The present invention regards a thermally driven, environmental control unit including, in a closed fluid-flow, non-pressurized circuit, a mixing heat exchanger, a heat recovery unit, a fractionator/evaporator, and one or more condensers. The system is designed to include at least one solute and a solvent, selected so that the mixture of each solute and the solvent produce an enthalpy change of between about 5 to 30 kJ/mol for cooling and −10 to −200 kJ/mol for heating. A plurality of pumps is integrated into the system to move the solute and the solvent, and a mixture thereof, among the various components of the present invention. The unit further includes a liquid loop coupled with the mixing heat exchanger and an air handler to provide warm or cool supply air. The present invention further regards a process for cooling or heating air using enthalpy change of solution associated with the dissolution of a solute in a solvent, at relatively constant atmospheric pressure, and separation of the solute from the solvent for re-use in the process. 1. A method for changing the temperature of a fluid using a thermally driven control unit comprising a mixer , a heat source , a condenser , a solute , and a solvent , the method comprising the steps of:mixing the solute and the solvent to form a binary mixture in the mixer,wherein the mixing of the solute and the solvent creates an enthalpy change,wherein the enthalpy change from the mixing of the solute and the solvent changes the temperature of the fluid;separating the solute and the solvent by heating the binary mixture with heat supplied by the heat source to vaporize the solute,wherein a boiling point of the solute is lower than a boiling point of the solvent;condensing the solute into a liquid state in the condenser; andsupplying the solute and the solvent to the mixer,wherein the solute and the solvent are supplied to the mixer in a liquid state.2. The method of claim 1 ,wherein the solute is a first solute and the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041924A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

Particular embodiments described herein provide for an electronic device that can be configured to receive data related to thermal properties of a first heat source, activate an air mover based on the received data related to the thermal properties of the first heat source, where a majority of the air moved by the air mover is biased in a first direction, determine that the majority of the air should have a bias in a second direction, and reverse a direction of rotation of the air mover to cause the air moved by the air mover to have a bias in the second direction. In an example, the first direction towards the first heat source and the second direction is opposite the first direction and towards a second heat source. 1. At least one machine readable medium comprising one or more instructions that , when executed by at least one processor , causes the at least one processor to:receive data related to thermal properties of a first heat source;activate an air mover based on the received data related to the thermal properties of the first heat source, wherein a majority of air moved by the air mover is biased in a first direction;determine that the majority of the air moved by the air mover should have a bias in a second direction; andreverse a direction of rotation of the air mover to cause the air moved by the air mover to have a bias in the second direction.2. The at least one machine readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the second direction is towards a second heat source and relatively opposite the first direction claim 1 , wherein the first direction is towards the first heat source.3. The at least one machine readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the air mover is a volumetric resistance blower dish fan.4. The at least one machine readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the air mover is a bladed dish fan.5. The at least one machine readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the one or more instructions further cause the at least one processor to:receive data related to ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Heat-electricity combined production system that utilizes solar energy and geothermal heat

Номер: US20140123644A1
Принадлежит: Korea Institute of Energy Research KIER

A heat-electricity combined production system includes: a solar cell module in which a flow path through which a heat source side heating medium heated by solar heat flows, is formed and which generates electricity by solar light; a geothermal heat exchanger that absorbs geothermal heat through the heat source side heating medium; a heat pump including a heat source side heat exchanger that performs heat-exchange between the heat source side heating medium and a refrigerant and a load side heat exchanger that performs heat-exchange between the refrigerant and a load side heating medium; a controller that control the heat source side heating medium to pass through both the solar cell module and the geothermal heat exchanger; and a plurality of pipes that connect the solar cell module, the geothermal heat exchanger and the heat pump.

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140123695A1
Автор: Berg Eric
Принадлежит: Lennox Industries Inc.

A power-generating system comprising an energy-converting module that converts non-electrical waste energy generated by one or more components of an HVAC system into electrical energy, and, a control module that directs the electrical energy to one or more electricity-consuming components of the HVAC system. 1. A power-generating system , comprising:an energy-converting module that converts non-electrical waste energy, generated by one or more components of an HVAC system, into electrical energy; anda control module that directs the electrical energy to one or more electricity-consuming components of the HVAC system.2. The system of claim 1 , further including an inverter configured to convert the electrical energy into an alternating current.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the control module is configured to regulate amounts of the alternating current directed to the electricity-consuming components by the inverter.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the control module is further configured to direct excess amounts of the electrical energy from the inverter to an electric utility grid.5. The system of claim 1 , further including a battery configured to store the electrical energy claim 1 , wherein the control module is configured to regulate amounts of the electrical energy stored in the battery.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the energy-converting module includes a piezoelectric module configured to convert the non-electrical waste energy in the form of mechanical vibrations generated by the one or more components.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the energy-converting module includes a thermoelectric module configured to convert the non-electrical waste energy in the form of heat generated by the one or more components.8. The system of claim 7 , further including a heat sink mounted to the thermoelectric module.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the energy-converting module includes a piezoelectric module configured to convert the non-electrical waste ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Thermally Enhanced Cascade Cooling System

Номер: US20150052926A1
Автор: Alston Gerald Allen

A cascade cooling system that uses low-grade thermal and other energy input sources to provide refrigeration and air conditioning in stationary and mobile applications. A two-loop embodiment includes a heat-powered first loop incorporating a vapor-jet compressor and a second loop based on a mechanical compressor powered by an electric motor or other source of rotational torque. The system uses waste heat, solar thermal or a fuel-fired heat source to partially or fully offset mechanical/electrical energy input. The system can also operate entirely on thermal, electrical or mechanical input. The ability to use multiple energy sources in any combination maximizes energy efficiency, performance and reliability. The system is well suited to making beneficial use of waste heat in vehicle applications. In stationary applications, solar thermal and/or waste heat from industrial processes can be used to improve the efficiency of conventional cooling systems. 2. The system of which further includes an electric rotating machine operably coupled to the said mechanical refrigerant compressor and vapor expander so that torque energy may be transferred.3. The system of in which the electric rotating machine is a motor/generator.4. The system of in which the motor/generator uses some or all of the electrical output energy from a generating mode to fulfill the electrical power demand of system controls including claim 3 , fan claim 3 , valves claim 3 , or other system control devices.5. The system of in which the motor/generator uses some or all of the electrical output energy from a generating mode to charge an electric energy storage device.6. The system of which further includes a plurality of electrically configurable flow control valves operably positioned and configurable so as to bypass the said ejector compressor in the ejector cooling loop and further including such refrigerant flow controls as required to enable the said vapor expander to function as a compressor when ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048752A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Certain aspects of natural gas liquid fractionation plant waste heat conversion to simultaneous power and cooling capacities using integrated organic-based compressor-ejector-expander triple cycles system can be implemented as a system. The system includes a first waste heat recovery heat exchanger network thermally coupled to multiple heat sources of a Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) fractionation plant. The first heat exchanger network is configured to transfer at least a portion of heat generated at the multiple heat sources to a first buffer fluid flowed through the first heat exchanger network. The system includes an integrated triple cycle system configured to generate cooling capacity to cool one or more heat sources of the plurality of heat sources. The system includes a second waste heat recovery heat exchanger network thermally coupled to the integrated triple cycle system, and configured to vaporize at least a portion of a second buffer fluid flowed through the integrated triple cycle system. 1. A system comprising:a first waste heat recovery heat exchanger network thermally coupled to a plurality of heat sources of a Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) fractionation plant, the first heat exchanger network configured to transfer at least a portion of heat generated at the plurality of heat sources to a first buffer fluid flowed through the first heat exchanger network;an integrated triple cycle system configured to generate cooling capacity to cool one or more heat sources of the plurality of heat sources; anda second waste heat recovery heat exchanger network thermally coupled to the integrated triple cycle system, the second heat exchanger network configured to vaporize at least a portion of a second buffer fluid flowed through the integrated triple cycle system.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a control system connected to the first heat exchanger network claim 1 , the integrated triple cycle system and the second heat exchanger network claim 1 , the ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048753A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Certain aspects of natural gas liquid fractionation plant cooling capacity and potable water generation using integrated vapor compression-ejector cycle and modified multi-effect distillation system can be implemented as a system. The system includes a waste heat recovery heat exchanger network thermally coupled to multiple heat sources of a Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) fractionation plant. The heat exchanger network is configured to recover at least a portion of heat generated at the multiple heat sources. The system includes a first sub-system thermally coupled to the waste heat recovery heat exchanger to receive at least a first portion of heat recovered by the heat exchanger network. The first sub-system is configured to perform one or more operations using at least the first portion of heat recovered by the heat exchanger network. 1. A system comprising:a waste heat recovery heat exchanger network thermally coupled to a plurality of heat sources of a Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) fractionation plant, the heat exchanger network configured to recover at least a portion of heat generated at the plurality of heat sources; anda first sub-system thermally coupled to the waste heat recovery heat exchanger to receive at least a first portion of heat recovered by the heat exchanger network, the first sub-system configured to perform one or more operations using at least the first portion of heat recovered by the heat exchanger network.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a second sub-system thermally coupled to the waste heat recovery heat exchanger to receive at least a second portion of heat recovered by the heat exchanger network claim 1 , the second sub-system separate and distinct from the first sub-system claim 1 , the second sub-system configured to perform one or more operations using at least the second portion of heat recovered by the heat exchanger network.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a control system connected to the heat exchanger network ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048754A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Certain aspects of a natural gas liquid fractionation plant waste heat conversion to potable water using modified multi-effect distillation system can be implemented as a system that includes a waste heat recovery heat exchanger network thermally coupled to multiple heat sources of a Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) fractionation plant. The heat exchanger network is configured to recover at least a portion of heat generated at the multiple heat sources. The system includes a sub-system thermally coupled to the waste heat recovery heat exchanger network to receive at least a portion of heat recovered by the heat exchanger network. The sub-system is configured to perform one or more operations using at least the portion of heat recovered by the heat exchanger network. 1. A system comprising:a waste heat recovery heat exchanger network thermally coupled to a plurality of heat sources of a Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) fractionation plant, the heat exchanger network configured to recover at least a portion of heat generated at the plurality of heat sources; anda sub-system thermally coupled to the waste heat recovery heat exchanger network to receive at least a portion of heat recovered by the heat exchanger network, the sub-system configured to perform one or more operations using at least the portion of heat recovered by the heat exchanger network.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a control system connected to the heat exchanger network and the sub-system claim 1 , the control system configured to flow fluids between the NGL fractionation plant claim 1 , the heat exchanger network and the sub-system.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the fluids comprise one or more of a NGL fractionation plant stream or a buffer fluid.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of heat sources comprise:a first plurality of sub-units of the NGL fractionation plant, the first plurality of sub-units comprising a de-ethanizer section, a propane de-hydration section, a de-propanizer ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048755A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Certain aspects of natural gas liquid fractionation plant waste heat conversion to simultaneous power, cooling and potable water using modified Goswami Cycle and new modified MED system can be implemented as a system. In an example implementation, the system includes a waste heat recovery heat exchanger network coupled to multiple heat sources of a Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) fractionation plant, the heat exchanger network configured to transfer at least a portion of heat generated at the multiple heat sources to a first buffer fluid and a second buffer fluid flowed through the first heat exchanger network. The system includes a first sub-system configured to generate power and sub-ambient cooling capacity, the first sub-system thermally coupled to the waste heat recovery heat exchanger. The system includes a second sub-system configured to generate potable water from brackish water, the second sub-system thermally coupled to the waste heat recovery heat exchanger. 1. A system comprising:a waste heat recovery heat exchanger network coupled to a plurality of heat sources of a Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) fractionation plant, the heat exchanger network configured to transfer at least a portion of heat generated at the plurality of heat sources to a first buffer fluid and a second buffer fluid flowed through the first heat exchanger network;a first sub-system configured to generate power and sub-ambient cooling capacity, the first sub-system thermally coupled to the waste heat recovery heat exchanger; anda second sub-system configured to generate potable water from brackish water, the second sub-system thermally coupled to the waste heat recovery heat exchanger.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a control system connected to the heat exchanger network and the first sub-system or the heat exchanger network and the second sub-system or the heat exchanger network claim 1 , the first sub-system and the second sub-system claim 1 , the control system configured to flow ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048756A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Certain aspects of a natural gas liquid fractionation plant waste heat conversion to power using Organic Rankine Cycle can be implemented as a system. The system includes a heating fluid circuit thermally coupled to multiple heat sources of a natural gas liquid (NGL) fractionation plant. The system includes a power generation system that includes an organic Rankine cycle (ORC), which includes (i) a working fluid that is thermally coupled to the heating fluid circuit to heat the working fluid, and (ii) an expander configured to generate electrical power from the heated working fluid. The system includes a control system configured to actuate a set of control valves to selectively thermally couple the heating fluid circuit to at least a portion of the multiple heat sources of the NGL fractionation plant. 1. A system , comprising:a heating fluid circuit thermally coupled to a plurality of heat sources of a natural gas liquid (NGL) fractionation plant;a power generation system that comprises an organic Rankine cycle (ORC), the ORC comprising (i) a working fluid that is thermally coupled to the heating fluid circuit to heat the working fluid, and (ii) an expander configured to generate electrical power from the heated working fluid; anda control system configured to actuate a set of control valves to selectively thermally couple the heating fluid circuit to at least a portion of the plurality of heat sources of the NGL fractionation plant.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the working fluid is thermally coupled to the heating fluid circuit in an evaporator of the ORC.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the heating fluid circuit comprises a heating fluid tank that is fluidly coupled to the evaporator of the ORC.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the working fluid comprises isobutane.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the heating fluid circuit comprises water or oil.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ORC further comprises:a condenser fluidly coupled to a condenser fluid ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048757A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Certain aspects of a natural gas liquid fractionation plant waste heat conversion to power using dual turbines Organic Rankine Cycle can be implemented as a first heating fluid circuit thermally coupled to first multiple heat sources of a natural gas liquid (NGL) fractionation plant, a second heating fluid circuit thermally coupled to second multiple heat sources of the NGL fractionation plant, and two power generation systems, each including an organic Rankine cycle (ORC). A control system actuates a first set of control valves to selectively thermally couple the first heating fluid circuit to at least a portion of the first multiple heat sources of the NGL fractionation plant, and to actuate a second set of control valves to selectively thermally couple the second heating fluid circuit to at least a portion of the second multiple heat sources of the NGL fractionation plant. 1. A system , comprising:a first heating fluid circuit thermally coupled to a first plurality of heat sources of a natural gas liquid (NGL) fractionation plant;a second heating fluid circuit thermally coupled to a second plurality of heat sources of the NGL fractionation plant;a first power generation system that comprises a first organic Rankine cycle (ORC), the first ORC comprising (i) a first portion of a working fluid that is thermally coupled to the first heating fluid circuit to heat the first portion of the working fluid, and (ii) a first expander configured to generate electrical power from the heated first portion of the working fluid;a second power generation system that comprises a second organic Rankine cycle (ORC), the second ORC comprising (i) a second portion of the working fluid that is thermally coupled to the first and second heating fluid circuits to heat the second portion of the working fluid, and (ii) a second expander configured to generate electrical power from the heated second portion of the working fluid; anda control system configured to actuate a first set of ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048758A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Certain aspects of natural gas liquid fractionation plant waste heat conversion to simultaneous power, cooling and potable water using integrated mono-refrigerant triple cycle and modified MED system can be implemented as a system that includes two heating fluid circuits thermally coupled to multiple heat sources of a NGL fractionation plant. An integrated triple cycle system, which includes an organic Rankine cycle (ORC), a refrigeration cycle and an ejector refrigeration cycle, is thermally coupled to the first heating fluid circuit. A MED system, configured to produce potable water, thermally coupled to the second heating fluid circuit. The system includes a control system configured to actuate control valves to selectively thermally couple the heating fluid circuits to portions of the heat sources of the NGL fractionation plant. 1. A system , comprising:a first heating fluid circuit thermally coupled to a first plurality of heat sources of a natural gas liquid (NGL) fractionation plant;a second heating fluid circuit thermally coupled to a second plurality of heat sources of the NGL fractionation plant; an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) that comprises (i) a working fluid that is thermally coupled to the first heating fluid circuit to heat a first portion of the working fluid, and (ii) a first expander configured to generate electrical power from the heated first portion of the working fluid;', 'a refrigeration cycle thermally coupled to the first heating fluid circuit through the working fluid and configured to generate an amount of cooling power with a compressor; and', 'an ejector refrigeration cycle fluidly coupled to the working fluid in an ejector of the ejector refrigeration cycle and configured to reduce a compression power of the compressor in the refrigeration cycle:, 'an integrated triple cycle system thermally coupled to the first heating fluid circuit, the integrated triple cycle system comprisinga multi-effect-distillation (MED) system thermally coupled ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048759A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Certain aspects of natural gas liquid fractionation plant waste heat conversion to cooling capacity using Kalina Cycle can be implemented as a system, which includes a waste heat recovery heat exchanger to heat a buffer fluid stream by exchange with a heat source in a natural gas liquid fractionation plant. The system includes a Kalina cycle energy conversion system including one or more first energy conversion heat exchangers to heat a first portion of a working fluid by exchange with the heated buffer fluid stream, a separator to receive the heated working fluid and to output a vapor stream of the working fluid and the liquid stream of the working fluid, and a cooling subsystem including a first cooling element to condense the vapor stream of the working fluid and a second cooling element configured to cool a process fluid stream from the natural gas liquid fractionation plant by exchange with the condensed vapor stream of the working fluid. 1. A system comprising:a waste heat recovery heat exchanger configured to heat a buffer fluid stream by exchange with a heat source in a natural gas liquid fractionation plant; one or more first energy conversion heat exchangers configured to heat a first portion of a working fluid by exchange with the heated buffer fluid stream;', 'a separator configured to receive the heated working fluid and to output a vapor stream of the working fluid and the liquid stream of the working fluid; and', 'a cooling subsystem including a first cooling element configured to condense the vapor stream of the working fluid and a second cooling element configured to cool a process fluid stream from the natural gas liquid fractionation plant by exchange with the condensed vapor stream of the working fluid., 'a Kalina cycle energy conversion system including2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the cooling subsystem is configured to produce at least 350 MM Btu/h of cooling capacity for the natural gas liquid fractionation plant.3. The system of claim 1 ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160054041A1

A refrigerator includes a compressor, a cold storage medium, a power supply to convert AC power supplied from an outside of the refrigerator, and to receive DC power during interruption of electric power, and a controller to perform a control operation to supply a cooling capacity to an interior of the refrigerator by driving the compressor based on the supplied AC power when no interruption of electric power occurs, and to perform a control operation to supply a cooling capacity to the interior of the refrigerator based on the supplied DC power and the cold storage medium during the interruption of electric power. Accordingly, consumption of electric power during interruption of electric power is reduced. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a compressor;a cold storage medium;a power supply for at least one of converting AC power or for receiving DC power during interruption of electric power; anda controller to perform a control operation to cool an interior of the refrigerator by driving the compressor based on the supplied AC power when no interruption of electric power occurs, and to perform a control operation to cool the interior of the refrigerator based on the supplied DC power and cold air from the cold storage medium during the interruption of electric power.2. The refrigerator according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , during the interruption of electric power claim 1 , the controller performs a control operation to cool the interior of the refrigerator based on the cold storage medium for a first period claim 1 , and then drives the compressor based on the supplied DC power for a second period to cool the interior of the refrigerator based on an operation of the compressor.3. The refrigerator according to claim 2 , further comprising a damper provided between a freezing compartment and a refrigerating compartment in the interior of the refrigerator claim 2 , wherein the cold storage medium is disposed in the freezing compartment claim 2 , and the controller ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049390A1
Автор: IKEDA Takayuki
Принадлежит: Yanmar Co., Ltd.

A hybrid heat pump system including, as a compressor for a refrigerant circuit, an engine-driven compressor and an electric-motor-driven compressor to achieve a rational structure with redundancy. The hybrid heat pump system further includes an operation control unit and a power source unit. The operation control unit is comprised of an engine control unit controlling the operation of an engine and an electric-motor control unit controlling the operation of an electric motor, which are individually provided. The power source unit converts commercial electric power into operating electric power and supplies the operating electric power to the operation control unit. The power source unit is comprised of an engine-side power source unit supplying the operating electric power to the engine control unit and an electric-motor-side power source unit supplying the operating electric power to the electric-motor control unit, which are individually provided. 1. A heat pump system comprising:a compressor for a refrigerant circuit in which a refrigerant circulates, the compressor including an engine-driven compressor configured to be driven by an engine to compress the refrigerant and an electric-motor-driven compressor configured to be driven by an electric motor to compress the refrigerant;an operation control unit; anda power source unit configured to convert commercial electric power into operating electric power and supply the operating electric power to the operation control unit, wherein:the operation control unit includes an engine control unit configured to control operation of the engine and an electric-motor control unit configured to control operation of the electric motor, andthe power source unit includes an engine-side power source unit configured to supply operating electric power to the engine control unit and an electric-motor-side power source unit configured to supply operating electric power to the electric-motor control unit, the engine-side power source ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051961A1
Принадлежит: OxiCool Inc.

A method of operating a cooling system that has at least one evaporator containing a refrigerant and at least one adsorbent chamber containing adsorbent configured to provide adsorption of vaporized refrigerant from the at least one evaporator in a cooling mode and provide desorption of the refrigerant to the at least one evaporator in a recharging mode, the method including; controlling the adsorption and desorption of the refrigerant of the at least one adsorbent chamber between the cooling modes and recharging modes during a cooling cycle; ceasing desorption of the refrigerant from the at least one adsorbent chamber; allowing adsorption of the vaporized refrigerant from the at least one evaporator; and maintaining the at least one adsorbent chamber in an adsorbed state at the end of the cooling cycle in a storage mode. 1. A cooling system comprising:at least one evaporator containing a refrigerant;at least one adsorbent chamber fluidly coupled to the at least one evaporator and containing adsorbent configured to provide adsorption of vaporized refrigerant from the at least one evaporator in a cooling mode and configured to provide desorption of the refrigerant to the at least one evaporator in a recharging mode; anda control system configured to control the adsorption and desorption of the refrigerant of the at least one adsorbent chamber between the cooling modes and recharging modes during a cooling cycle,wherein at the end of the cooling cycle the control system is programmed to cease desorption of the refrigerant from the at least one adsorbent chamber, allow adsorption of the vaporized refrigerant from the at least one evaporator and at the end of the adsorption cycle continue to maintain the at least one adsorbent chamber in an adsorbed state in a storage mode.2. A cooling system comprising:at least one evaporator containing a refrigerant;at least two adsorbent chambers fluidly coupled to the at least one evaporator and each containing adsorbent configured ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Methane safety systems for transport refrigeration units

Номер: US20200055375A1
Автор: Loïc RENAULT
Принадлежит: Carrier Corp

A system comprising a refrigeration engine (132) and regulator (250, 350, 450, 550, 650) positioned within a housing (144, 244), the regulator (250, 350, 450, 550, 650) controlling fuel to the engine through a fuel line (354), a lock-off valve connected to the regulator (250, 350, 450, 550, 650) to shut off fuel supply through the regulator (250, 350, 450, 550, 650), a controller operably connected to the lock-off valve and/or the regulator (250, 350, 450, 550, 650), a guide (462, 562) positioned within the housing (144, 244) and proximate to the refrigeration engine (132), the regulator (250, 350, 450, 550, 650), and/or the fuel line (354) to direct gases leaking from the refrigeration engine (132), regulator (250, 350, 450, 550, 650), and/or at least one fuel line (354), and a methane sensor (566, 666A) positioned within the guide (462, 562) to detect the presence of methane within the guide (462, 562) that is directed by the guide (462, 562), the methane sensor (566, 666A) in communication with the controller and configured to transmit a signal to the controller when methane is detected by the methane sensor (566, 666A). The controller performs a safety action when the signal from the methane sensor (566, 666A) is received.

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140137813A1

A dual fuel—gas fuel and electric heat pump—water heater is provided that captures waste heat from the exhaust flue of the gas fuel heating system and utilizes it in the evaporator of the electric heat pump. Multiple mechanisms are disclosed for the transfer of heat from the exhaust flue gases to the evaporator. Heat from the exhaust gas that would otherwise be lost is used to help heat refrigerant in the evaporator to improve the efficiency of the system. This heat can also be used to prevent or remove frozen condensate on the evaporator. 1. A water heater , comprising:a tank for holding water;a gas fuel heating system configured for heating the water in said tank, said gas fuel heating system comprising an exhaust flue, said exhaust flue defining an exterior surface;a heat pump heating system configured for heating the water in said tank, said heat pump heating system comprising an evaporator;a pipe in thermal communication with said exhaust flue and said evaporator, wherein said pipe is configured for transferring heat from said exhaust flue to said evaporator; anda fan configured for causing a flow of air past said exhaust flue and over said evaporator.2. A water heater as in claim 1 , wherein said pipe is comprised of a solid material for conducting heat between said exhaust flue and said evaporator.3. A water heater as in claim 1 , further comprising a single phase transfer fluid transported within said pipe for conducting heat between said exhaust flue and said evaporator.4. A water heater as in claim 1 , further comprising a phase change fluid contained within said pipe for conducting heat between said exhaust flue and said evaporator.5. A water heater as in claim 4 , wherein said phase change fluid is selected from the group consisting of dichlorodifluromethane claim 4 , trichlorofluromethane claim 4 , benzene claim 4 , methanol claim 4 , ammonia claim 4 , water claim 4 , mercury claim 4 , and mixtures thereof6. A water heater as in claim 1 , wherein said ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063063A1
Автор: GENTRY Todd
Принадлежит: HyperBorean, Inc.

Embodiments of the present invention reduce the amount of energy required to operate air-conditioners and refrigerators by providing a vapor-compression system that harnesses a low- or no-cost source of energy, namely, heat, and uses the harnessed heat to power a new kind of compressor, called a “burst compressor” and a new kind of pump, called a “vapor pump.” The heat-driven burst compressor pressurizes the refrigerant, while also providing “push and pull” vapor refrigerant to the vapor pump. The vapor pump, actuated by the high pressure refrigerant in gaseous form provided by the burst compressor, is configured to pump a combination of gaseous, vaporous and liquid refrigerant out of the receiver tank and inject that low pressure refrigerant mix into the burst compressor, where it is heated to change the state of the refrigerant to a heated, pressurized gas. Then the heated, pressurized gas is released in bursts into the other components of the vapor compression cycle. Thus, embodiments of the present invention use heat to provide cold. Because of this arrangement, vapor-compression systems constructed and arranged to operate according to embodiments of the present invention are able to provide air-conditioning and/or refrigeration much more efficiently and with much less expense than traditional vapor compression systems for air-conditioning and refrigeration. 1. A system for cooling air in an enclosed space , comprising:(a) a refrigerant;(b) an evaporator located within the enclosed space where the refrigerant is allowed boil from the heat of the air, thereby absorbing heat from the air in the enclosed space;(c) a receiver tank that receives the refrigerant from the evaporator;(d) a primary condenser located outside of the enclosed space, which condenses the refrigerant and permits the refrigerant to release the absorbed heat into a second space;(e) a closed-loop circulation system, fluidly connected to the evaporator, the receiver tank and the condenser, which ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200059173A1

A motor control device includes an inverter configured by a plurality of arms, a smoothing means supplying a direct-current voltage to the inverter, a shunt resistor inserted between a lower-arm switching element for each phase of the inverter and a negative-electrode side of the smoothing means, a master motor current sensor outputting a voltage according to a current flowing in a first motor connected in parallel to the inverter, and a computing unit generating driving signals for a plurality of switching elements based on an output of the master motor current sensor and an output corresponding to a voltage drop on the shunt resistor. 1. A motor control device comprising:an inverter configured to have a plurality of arms;a direct-current power source to supply a direct-current voltage to the inverter;a shunt resistor inserted between a lower-arm switching element for each phase of the inverter and a negative-electrode side of the direct-current power source;{'b': '1', 'a current sensor to output a voltage according to an electric current flowing in n- motors of n motors connected to the inverter in parallel; and'}a computing unit to generate driving signals for a plurality of switching elements based on an output of the current sensor and an output according to a voltage drop on the shunt resistor, whereinthe n is an integer equal to or larger than 2.2. The motor control device according to claim 1 , comprising:an inverter-overcurrent detection unit to perform overcurrent detection in accordance with a voltage drop on the shunt resistor; anda motor-overcurrent detection unit to perform overcurrent detection in accordance with an output voltage of the current sensor.3. The motor control device according to claim 2 , comprising:n−2 relays inserted between n−2 motors of n−1 motors for which the current sensor is provided and the inverter; anda relay inserted between a motor to which the current sensor is not connected and the inverter.4. The motor control device ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068239A1

The present invention provides a solar cooling system which is so small in size so that it can be used as a building material. The design based on absorption and adsorption refrigeration cycle has been developed to fulfill this objective. The design has been developed such that the system is completely independent and does not require any other source of energy apart from solar heat. Also an effort is made to design the system so that the cooling capacity is automatically increased or decreased based on available solar heat energy. 1. a solar cooling system of miniature size in form of a tile or brick so that it can be used as a building material;21. an absorption based solar cooling system which meets the requirement of claim ();31. an adsorption based solar cooling system which meets the requirement of claim ();41. an absorber-based cooling system n claim () which uses a high density liquid head to maintain pressure difference between the absorber and the generator chambers instead of a mechanical pump.51. a solar cooling system of claim () with variable capacity and it changes capacity with increase or decrease in available solar energy;623. an absorption or adsorption based cooling system of claims () and () in which the refrigerant is cooled in condenser then it is circulated in absorber/adsorber chamber to cool down the absorber/adsorber , then it is again cooled down to close to ambient condition using a second condenser before discharging the refrigerant inside the evaporator chamber;72. an absorption cooling system of claim () which uses reverse osmosis membrane to transport refrigerant;82. an absorption cooling system of claim () which uses capillaries to transport the absorber and refrigerant;93. an adsorption cooling system of claim () which comprises of a rotating adsorber to convert batch process of adsorption cycle in to a continuous cycle: The present invention relates a solar powered cooling system used in HVAC (Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075198A1

An engine driven heat pump is such that when a self-sustaining switch is turned on during power failure, and a self-sustaining signal is received, it switches to a self-sustaining mode and start an engine and a generator, and when output power from an inverter is received, it supplies the output power to a power supply circuit and a battery charging circuit by means of an independent power supply relay, and it supplies the output power to the outside via an independent output unit, and during the supply of the output power, it maintains cutoff with respect to connection between a system, and the power supply circuit and the battery charging circuit by means of a system cutoff relay and maintain the output of the output power until the self-sustaining signal is interrupted, and it recovers the connection when power is restored and the output power is interrupted. 1. An engine driven heat pump , comprising:an engine;a compressor configured to be driven by the engine;a refrigerant circuit configured to flow a refrigerant sucked and discharged by the compressor;a generator configured to be driven by the engine;an engine actuation battery configured to actuate the engine;a battery charging circuit configured to charge the engine actuation battery;an inverter configured to convert output power from the generator into a predetermined voltage and a predetermined frequency;a power supply circuit configured to supply power to electric instruments in the engine driven heat pump;a system cutoff relay configured to supply system power from a system to the power supply circuit and the battery charging circuit, whereas the system cutoff relay configured to cut off connection between the system and, the power supply circuit and the battery charging circuit during power failure;an independent power supply relay configured to connect in parallel to the system cutoff relay with respect to the power supply circuit and the battery charging circuit and configured to supply output power ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140150484A1
Автор: Boarman Patrick J.

A refrigerator is provided that includes a low energy refrigerator heat source. The refrigerator includes a heat source positioned at a source of latent heat. The heat source harvested heat from the source of latent heat and stores said heat in a fluid within that heat reservoir or heat exchanger. The warmed fluid is then supplied via a fluid pathway to an application requiring a heat output. Thus, the heat reservoir provides heat to the application without use of an energy-consuming device, which reduces the energy consumption of the refrigerator. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a cabinet body and a door that provides access to the cabinet body;a heat reservoir positioned at a source of latent heat, the heat reservoir harvesting heat from the source of latent heat;an application having a heat output, the application at a location generally remote from the heat reservoir;a fluid pathway between the heat reservoir and the application for supplying the heat output at the application from the heat reservoir;a pump in operable communication with the fluid pathway for moving fluid through the fluid pathway between the heat reservoir and the application.2. The refrigerator of wherein the heat reservoir comprises a heat storage battery.3. The refrigerator of wherein the heat reservoir includes a heat exchanger.4. The refrigerator of wherein the heat reservoir is positioned on an exterior surface of the cabinet body for harvesting heat from ambient air.5. The refrigerator of wherein the source of latent heat comprises ambient air.6. The refrigerator of wherein the source of latent heat comprises a condenser coil.7. The refrigerator of wherein the application is selected from the group consisting of:a. an icemaker having an ice mold with the heat output for harvesting ice from the ice mold supplied from the heat reservoir;b. a defrost operation with the heat output for defrosting supplied from the heat reservoir;c. an anti-condensation operation with the heat output supplied ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220094166A1

A method and system for power supply integration, comprising interfacing at least one of: i) an AC power supply and ii) a DC power supply, and supplying, from the at least one of: i) an AC power supply and a ii) a DC power supply, DC power to the at least one DC load. The energy supply to the at least one DC load from the at least one AC power supply and the at least one DC power supply is controlled so as to selectively supply power from renewable energies for example. 1- A system , comprising a power control module , at least one power supply and at least one DC load , said power control module interfacing said at least one DC load and the at least one power supply.2- The system of claim 1 , wherein said at least one power supply comprises at least one AC power supply and at least one DC power supply claim 1 , said power control module claim 1 , from said at least one AC power supply and said at least one DC power supply claim 1 , supplying DC power to said at least one DC load.3- The system of claim 2 , wherein said power control module controls energy supply to the at least one DC loads from the at least one AC power supply and said at least one DC power supply4- The system of claim 2 , wherein in case of excess energy claim 2 , said power control module at least one of: i) feeds back excess energy to the at least one AC power supply and ii) causes storage of extra energy.5- The system of claim 1 , wherein said at least one DC load is one of: high voltage DC loads and low voltage DC loads.6- The system of claim 1 , wherein said at least one DC load comprises a chiller comprising a DC powered compressor.7- The system of claim 1 , wherein said at least one DC load comprises comprising a chiller comprising a DC powered oil free magnetic bearing compressor.8- The system of claim 1 , wherein said at least one DC load comprises a chiller comprising a DC powered oil free magnetic bearing compressor claim 1 , DC powered controls and powered valves.9- The system of claim ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140158321A1

The field of the invention relates to systems and methods for exchanging heat from the degradation, decomposition, and chemical/biochemical transformation of municipal, industrial, and other types of waste. In one embodiment, a heat extraction system may include a closed-loop fluid circulation piping channeled throughout at least one heat extraction well oriented throughout a waste mass. The piping is fluidly coupled to a heat exchanger. A first circulation fluid is circulated through the closed-loop circulation piping into various depths of the waste mass to transfer thermal energy between said mass and said heat exchanger. In one embodiment, the transfer of thermal energy between the waste mass and the heat exchanger is used as alternative energy method and to control at least one of shear strength, compressibility, and hydraulic conductivity of the waste mass. 1. A temperature control and heat exchange system comprising:a closed-loop fluid circulation pipe;at least one heat extraction well providing a channel for the closed-loop fluid circulation pipe, the heat extraction well intermittently filled with a highly conductive granular backfill providing a thermal encasing for said closed-loop circulation pipe;wherein the at least one heat extraction well is installed throughout a waste mass;a heat exchanger having an inlet and outlet for a first circulation fluid and an inlet and outlet for a second circulation fluid;a circulation pump operatively coupled to the closed-loop circulation pipe to provide fluid flow for the first circulation fluid; andwherein the heat exchanger is fluidly coupled to the closed-loop fluid circulation pipe at the inlet and outlet for the first circulation fluid such that the first circulation fluid, when circulated through the closed-loop fluid circulation pipe via the circulation pump into the at least one heat extraction well distributed throughout said waste mass, transfers thermal energy between said waste mass and the second ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190077216A1
Автор: Andrews Michael

A vehicle heating and cooling system has a vehicle evaporator coil, a vehicle HVAC user interface, a compressor, a compressor coil, and a controller. The controller is connected between the vehicle HVAC user interface and the compressor. The compressor and compressor coil are connected to the vehicle evaporator coil. 1. A vehicle heating and cooling system comprising:a vehicle evaporator coil;a vehicle HVAC user interface;a compressor;a compressor coil; anda controller connected between the vehicle HVAC user interface and the compressor; whereinthe compressor and compressor coil are connected to the vehicle evaporator coil.2. A vehicle heating and cooling system as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a vehicle internal combustion engine claim 1 , where the compressor is not mechanically connected to the vehicle internal combustion engine.3. A vehicle heating and cooling system as recited in claim 1 , further comprising:a vehicle battery; anda control system configured to operatively connect the vehicle battery to the compressor.4. A vehicle heating and cooling system as recited in claim 1 , further comprising:an auxiliary battery; anda control system configured to operatively connect the auxiliary battery to the compressor.5. A vehicle heating and cooling system as recited in claim 1 , further comprising:a vehicle battery;an auxiliary battery; anda control system configured to operatively connect at least one of the vehicle battery and the auxiliary battery to the compressor.6. A vehicle heating and cooling system as recited in claim 5 , in which the control system comprises a disconnect switch configured to disconnect the vehicle battery from the auxiliary battery and the compressor.7. A vehicle heating and cooling system as recited in claim 3 , in which:the vehicle heating and cooling system further comprises a vehicle charging system operatively connected to a vehicle internal combustion engine; andthe vehicle battery is operably connected to the vehicle ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210083335A1

The invention relates to a battery-based system for powering refrigerated transport and other industrial applications. It includes a battery-based system for supplying power comprising a housing encasing a battery unit, a battery management system connected to the battery unit and operable to manage battery unit, and a power management unit connected to the battery unit and operable to convert battery power from the battery unit to 3 phase power of between 380 and 480 Vac. One exemplary application of the invention is to replace diesel gen-sets in refrigerated transport with more reliable and reduced emission battery power. 1. A battery-based system for supplying power comprising: a battery unit;', 'a battery management system connected to the battery unit and operable to manage the battery unit; and', 'a power management unit connected to the battery unit and operable to convert battery power from the battery unit to 3 phase power of between 380 and 480 Vac., 'a housing encasing'}2. The battery-based system for supplying power of claim 1 , further configured to provide 3 phase power of between 380 and 480 Vac for a period of between six and forty-eight hours on a full charge.3. The battery-based system for supplying power of claim 1 , the battery-based system configured as an aftermarket part to replace a diesel gen-set.4. The battery-based system for supplying power of claim 1 , the battery-based system further configured to be the primary power source for an industrial appliance.5. The battery-based system for supplying power of claim 1 , the battery-based system further configured to be the sole power source for an industrial appliance.6. The battery-based system for supplying power of claim 1 , further comprising a heating and cooling system for regulating temperature within the housing.7. The battery-based system for supplying power of claim 1 , further comprising a means for recharging the battery unit.8. A battery-based system for powering refrigerated ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084540A1

An adsorptive heat transformation arrangement includes at least two adsorbers which are connected to at least one pump, an evaporator, and a condenser, a heat store comprising a plurality of horizontal loading and unloading devices for simultaneously stratifying and/or withdrawing a heat transfer fluid, and two or more supply lines fluidically coupled to one another and fluidically coupled to at least one adsorption module. Each horizontal loading and unloading device can be supplied with heat transfer fluid via at least one of the two or more supply lines. 1. An adsorptive heat transformation arrangement comprising:at least two adsorbers which are connected to at least one pump, an evaporator, and a condenser,a heat store comprising a plurality of horizontal loading and unloading devices for simultaneously stratifying and/or withdrawing a heat transfer fluid; andtwo or more supply lines fluidically coupled to one another and fluidically coupled to at least one adsorption module,wherein each of the horizontal loading and unloading devices can be supplied with heat transfer fluid via at least one of the two or more supply lines.2. The adsorptive heat transformation arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the arrangement comprises an adsorption module having the at least two adsorbers claim 1 , or the arrangement comprises two adsorption modules each having one of the at least two adsorbers.3. The adsorptive heat transformation arrangement according to either claim 1 , wherein two of the at least two adsorbers can be connected to the heat store by at least two selection valves for a forward flow and return flow of the heat transfer fluid claim 1 ,wherein each of the at least two selection valves has a port respectively being connected to a respective one of the loading and unloading devices of the heat store.4. The adsorptive heat transformation arrangement according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one adsorption module has two adsorber chambers for one of the at ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for low grade heat recovery in an electric vehicle

Номер: US20210086583A1
Принадлежит: Jaguar Land Rover Ltd

Embodiments of the present invention provide a heat recovery system for an electric vehicle (1), comprising first and second switchable heat sources (65, 19) and a control means (20) operable to selectively switch one of the heat sources into thermal communication with a compressor (11) in a thermodynamic cycling system (12), the thermodynamic cycling system being in thermal communication with a heat sink (59, 159); and a detection means (39, 71, T3) operable to detect a temperature differential between each of the switchable heat sources and a fluid entering the compressor; wherein the control means is operable (adapted, arranged) to switch one of the first and second switchable heat sources into thermal communication with the thermodynamic cycling system when a temperature differential is detected between the fluid entering the compressor in the thermodynamic cycling system and the heat available from the switchable heat source, the temperature differential being such that the compressor (11) is operable to upgrade low grade heat from the switchable heat source (65, 19) to a higher grade heat upon operation of the compressor (11).

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Method for chilling a building

Номер: US20140165627A1
Принадлежит: PURIX APS

A method for chilling a building includes the steps of: heating a working solution contained in a solar panel using solar radiation, separating the heated working solution in vapor and a concentrated working solution, condensing the vapor to liquid refrigerant, evaporating the liquid refrigerant, (i) in a building to be chilled or (ii) outside a building to be chilled, wherein the cooling obtained by evaporation is transferred to a cooling liquid outside the building and transported to the building to be chilled for delivery of the cooling, absorbing in an absorber the vapor in the concentrated working solution, and returning the working solution to the first step.

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087786A1
Автор: Williams Donald

A system and method for power generation and/or distribution and for providing air conditioning is disclosed, that is particularly suitable for localized consumption. Power generation includes a combined cooling, heating and power system (CCHP) containing a gas or liquid fueled internal combustion engine with a generator and heat recovery system for providing electrical power and heat for local consumption. The CCHP system includes an integrated cooling system for cooling a local environment, using either vapor compression and/or heat pump and/or evaporative cooling technology. The CCHP system also contains an energy management unit allowing CCHP system and local area electrical needs in whole or in part to be powered by either the CCHP generator and/or a communal electrical grid and/or renewable energy sources and/or a battery storage network. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. A method of supplying air-conditioned air to a residence or other target space interior , said method comprising:positioning a heat and mass exchanger to discharge conditioned air into the residence or target space;positioning a rotatable desiccant wheel dehumidifier in fluid communication with the heat and mass exchanger; andreceiving and treating supply air in the dehumidifier, thereby supplying dry air to the heat and mass exchanger and exhausting hot humid air;wherein the heat and mass exchanger is positioned and configured to received dry air from the dehumidifier and supply cooler dry air to the residence or target space.19. The method of claim 18 , further comprising communicating dry recycled air from the residence or target space as supply air received by the dehumidifier.20. The method of claim 18 , further comprising receiving outdoor air into the heat and mass exchanger for treatment. ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190086138A1

An engineless transport refrigeration unit includes a compressor constructed and arranged to compress a refrigerant, and a compressor motor configured to drive the compressor and operate at a voltage range of two hundred (200) to six hundred (600) volts. A battery of the engineless transport refrigeration unit provides the power to the compressor motor. 1. An engineless transport refrigeration unit comprising:a compressor constructed and arranged to compress a refrigerant;a compressor motor configured to drive the compressor and operate at a voltage range of two hundred to six hundred volts; anda battery for providing power to the compressor motor.2. The engineless transport refrigeration unit set forth in claim 1 , wherein the power is direct current and the compressor motor is a direct current compressor motor.3. The engineless transport refrigeration unit set forth in further comprising:a condenser heat exchanger operatively coupled to the compressor;a condenser fan configured to provide air flow over the condenser heat exchanger; andan electric condenser fan motor for driving the condenser fan.4. The engineless transport refrigeration unit set forth in claim 3 , wherein the electric condenser fan motor is a direct current condenser fan motor.5. The engineless transport refrigeration unit set forth in further comprising:an evaporator heat exchanger operatively coupled to the compressor;an evaporator fan configured to provide air flow over the evaporator heat exchanger; andan electric evaporator fan motor for driving the evaporator fan.6. The engineless transport refrigeration unit set forth in claim 5 , wherein the electric evaporator fan motor is a direct current evaporator fan motor.7. The engineless transport refrigeration unit set forth in further comprising:an evaporator heat exchanger operatively coupled to the compressor;an evaporator fan configured to provide air flow over the evaporator heat exchanger; andan electric evaporator fan motor for driving the ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170089617A1
Автор: Choi Minhwan

A gas heat-pump system is provided. The gas heat-pump system may include an air-conditioning system including at least one compressor, an outdoor heat exchanger, an expander, an indoor heat exchanger, and a refrigerant pipe; an engine configured to provide power for an operation of the at least one compressor, and in which a mixed fuel, in which a fuel and air are mixed, is burned; a cooling water pump which pumps a flow of cooling water that cools the engine; a cooling water pipe connected to the cooling water pump, and configured to guide the flow of the cooling water; an auxiliary heat exchanger in which heat exchange between the cooling water flowing through the cooling water pipe and a refrigerant flowing through the refrigerant pipe is performed; a hot water heat exchanger, in which heat exchange between the cooling water flowing through the cooling water pipe and a fluid supplied from a hot water supply tank is performed; and a plurality of flow switches installed at the cooling water pipe, and controlled so that the cooling water discharged from the engine is guided to the auxiliary heat exchanger or the hot water heat exchanger. 1. A gas heat-pump system , comprising:an air-conditioning system including at least one compressor, an outdoor heat exchanger, an expander, an indoor heat exchanger, and a refrigerant pipe;an engine configured to provide power for an operation of the at least one compressor, and in which a mixed fuel in which a fuel and air are mixed is burned;a cooling water pump that pumps a flow of cooling water that cools the engine;a cooling water pipe connected to the cooling water pump, and configured to guide the flow of the cooling water;an auxiliary heat exchanger, in which heat exchange between the cooling water flowing through the cooling water pipe and a refrigerant flowing through the refrigerant pipe is performed;a hot water heat exchanger, in which heat exchange between the cooling water flowing through the cooling water pipe and a ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220134842A1

A vehicle air conditioner having a compressor to compress a refrigerant, an air flow passage to supply air to the vehicle; a radiator; an outdoor heat exchanger; a battery temperature adjustment device for letting a heat medium circulate through a battery mounted in the vehicle, thereby adjusting a temperature of the battery; and a control device. The battery temperature adjustment device has a refrigerant-heat medium heat exchanger for performing exchange of heat between the refrigerant and the heat medium. The control device is configured to execute: a radiator and outdoor heat exchanger heating/battery cooling mode, and an obstruct inflow heating/battery cooling mode.

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160097571A1

Provision of electricity to an electrical grid is controlled such that the electricity supply from the power plant is reduced to the current electric power demand by charging a thermal energy store(s). As a result, the provision of electricity by renewable energy sources to the electrical grid can be given precedence. The power plant can be connected to a heat pump and/or a refrigeration unit by the thermal energy store(s). The thermal energy store(s) can be used for district heating/cooling networks. 114-. (canceled)15. A system , comprising:a power plant including a condenser;at least one thermal energy store, including a first thermal store thermally coupled to the condenser of the power plant; andat least one energy conversion device configured to load the at least one thermal energy store during a period of excess power supply.16. The system as claimed in claim 15 , further comprising an adjusting device adjusting provision of power to a power grid claim 15 , configured to reduce the power supply from the power plant by charging the thermal energy store to the power demand that applies during a period of time and prioritize power from renewable sources of energy to the power grid.17. The system as claimed in claim 15 , wherein the power plant operates most efficiently under constant full-load operation.1815. The system as claimed in claim 15 ,wherein the at least one thermal energy store includes a heat store and the at least one energy conversion device includes a heat pump, andwherein the system discharges the heat store via a district heating grid.1915. The system as claimed in claim 15 ,wherein the at least one thermal energy store includes a cold store and the at least one energy conversion device includes a refrigerating machine, andwherein the system discharges the cold store via a district cooling grid.20. The system as claimed in claim 15 ,wherein the at least one thermal energy store includes at least one of a heat store a cold store,wherein the at ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Evaporator Freeze Prevention Systems and Methods

Номер: US20190092117A1

An air conditioning system of a vehicle having an internal combustion engine includes a condenser configured to receive refrigerant output by an electric compressor and transfer heat from the refrigerant within the condenser to air passing the condenser. A first evaporator is configured to receive refrigerant from the condenser when a first control valve is open and transfer heat from air passing the first evaporator to the refrigerant within the first evaporator. A first blower is configured to blow air across the first evaporator to a first section of a cabin of the vehicle. A second evaporator is configured to receive refrigerant from the condenser when a second control valve is open and transfer heat from air passing the second evaporator to the refrigerant within the second evaporator. A second blower is configured to blow air across the second evaporator to a second section of the cabin of the vehicle. 1. An air conditioning system of a vehicle having an internal combustion engine , comprising:an electric compressor;a condenser that is configured to receive refrigerant output by the electric compressor and that transfers heat from the refrigerant within the condenser to air passing the condenser;a first control valve;a first evaporator that is configured to receive refrigerant from the condenser when the first control valve is open and that transfers heat from air passing the first evaporator to the refrigerant within the first evaporator;a first blower that is configured to blow air across the first evaporator to a first section of a cabin of the vehicle;a second control valve;a second evaporator that is configured to receive refrigerant from the condenser when the second control valve is open and that transfers heat from air passing the second evaporator to the refrigerant within the second evaporator;a second blower that is configured to blow air across the second evaporator to a second section of the cabin of the vehicle; anda control module that is ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Modular, portable cold room storage system

Номер: US20210095917A1
Принадлежит: Rasp LLC

The disclosed invention provides portable cold room storage system that includes an improved solar panel racking system. The portable cold room storage system provides solar power for the cold room storage system. The portable cold room storage system includes a cold or cool room, one or more power sources to generate energy, a battery storage to store the energy generated by the one or more power sources and to supply the energy to the cold or cool room, and a racking system to mount the one or more power sources.

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Fresh Water Generation System Using Coastal Atmosphere And Ocean Water

Номер: US20170101764A1
Автор: Vaughen Stephen K.

This invention is designed to create potentially unlimited commercial fresh water at a significantly reduced cost in relation to existing fresh water creation systems such as sea water desalination. This invention pumps coastal atmospheric air through sealed pipes to ocean water depths (ideally) of approximately 100-305 meters, or (ideally) into the local ocean's thermocline layer. Fresh water condensation occurs inside the sealed air pipes as cold ocean water chills the outside of the pipes. Condensation fresh water flows via gravity to the low point in the sealed air pipes where a powered fresh water pump is located. This powered fresh water pump then pumps the accumulated condensation water to the ocean surface and then on to shore as usable fresh water. The pumped-in air, now dehumidified, is piped to the surface and returned to the atmosphere. 1. A fresh water generation system using coastal atmosphere and ocean water for creating cost effective fresh water for municipal water supplies and irrigation , comprising:means for pumping accumulated condensation fresh water to the ocean surface;means for creating airflow hesitation and compression of pumped in atmospheric air;means for delivering atmospheric air from ocean shoreline to ocean depths also acting as fresh water condensation contact and heat conduction surface and downhill flow channel for condensation fresh water to flow to low point in system;means for pumping atmospheric air into the airflow delivery and condensation pipe, rigidly connected to said means for delivering atmospheric air from ocean shoreline to ocean depths also acting as fresh water condensation contact and heat conduction surface and downhill flow channel for condensation fresh water to flow to low point in system;means for utilizing natural slope of sea bed for fresh water condensation to flow via gravity to low point in system;means for returning the dehumidified air back to the atmosphere also acting as fresh water condensation ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160109139A1

A heat pump has an evaporator for evaporating water as a working liquid so as to produce a working vapor, the evaporation taking place at an evaporation pressure of less than 20 hPa. The working vapor is compressed to a working pressure of at least 25 hPa by a dynamic-type compressor so as to then be liquefied within a liquefier by direct contact with liquefier water. The heat pump is preferably an open system, wherein water present in the environment in the form of ground water, sea water, river water, lake water or brine is evaporated, and wherein water which has been liquefied again is fed to the evaporator, to the soil or to a water treatment plant. 1. A heat pump comprising:an evaporator for evaporating water as a working liquid to generate a working vapor, the evaporator comprising an evaporation chamber and being adapted to generate an evaporation pressure of less than 20 hPa within the evaporation chamber, so that the water will evaporate at temperatures below 18° C.;a dynamic-type compressor coupled to the evaporator for compressing the working vapor, the compressor being adapted to compress the working vapor to a working pressure of more than 5 hPa above the evaporation pressure; anda liquefier for liquefying a compressed working vapor, the liquefier being adapted to output a heat which has been acquired during the liquefaction to a heating system,wherein the liquefier comprises a drain to drain off liquefied working liquid, andwherein the drain to drain off liquefied working liquid comprises a portion arranged within the evaporator for providing a nucleating effect for a bubble evaporation within the evaporator.2. The heat pump as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the evaporator is adapted to evaporate water which is present in the environment in the form of ground water, sea water, river water, lake water or brine, andwherein the liquefier is adapted to feed liquefied water to the evaporator, to the soil or to a water treatment plant.3. The heat pump as ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210123643A1
Автор: Temple Will John

The present disclosure generally relates to hot water heaters that are for the use of using electricity to store heat energy for current or later use. In some embodiments, the heat energy is stored in Thermal Energy Storage (TES) to store excess electrical energy for the later use of heating water. The present disclosure also relating to several species of the invention which relate to the water tank being a Grid Interactive Water Heater (GIWH). Some of the embodiments disclose methods of storing heat energy at a lower temperature than the hot water in the tank, which avoids being limited to phase change materials that phase change withing the narrow range of the hot water temperature. Another embodiment makes hydrogen for the use of heating water. Another uses the exhaust heat from a heat engine to improve the overall efficiency over common CHP water heaters. 1. A hot water heating system comprising some water , and a TES , wherein the TES comprises thermal energy storage , wherein the TES comprises phase change materials , and wherein electricity is consumed to store heat energy in the TES , and wherein the TES heats the water.2. The invention defined in claim 1 , wherein the phase change materials and the water are in direct thermal contact.3. The invention defined in claim 1 , further comprising a heat pump claim 1 , a fluid claim 1 , and one or more heat exchangers claim 1 , wherein at least one of the heat exchangers is upstream of the TES and exchanges heat energy with the fluid in the same direction as the TES.4. The invention defined in claim 3 , wherein the fluid is refrigerant.5. The invention defined in claim 1 , wherein the hot water heating system is grid interactive and an electricity consumed comes from the power grid.6. The invention defined in claim 1 , further comprising a control system claim 1 , wherein the control system determines or estimates the storage capacity of the TES.7. The invention defined in claim 6 , wherein the control system ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111441A1

A transport refrigeration unit () configured to refrigerate a cargo space () of a vehicle in which a perishable product is stored during transport is provided including a compressor () having an electric compressor drive motor () disposed therein for operating the compressor (). A heat rejection heat exchanger () and a heat absorption heat exchanger () are fluidly coupled to the compressor (). At least one fan assembly () has at least one fan that is configured to provide an air flow over at least one of the heat rejection heat exchanger () and the heat absorption heat exchanger (). The transport refrigeration unit () is configured to operate in a first mode and a second mode. At least one onboard power source () is configured to produce sufficient power to operate the compressor drive motor () and the at least one fan () in the first mode. An external power source () is configured to produce sufficient power to operate the compressor drive motor () and the at least one fan () in the second mode. 1. A transport refrigeration unit configured to refrigerate a cargo space of a vehicle in which a perishable product is stored during transport , comprising:a compressor having an electric compressor drive motor disposed therein for operating the compressor;a heat rejection heat exchanger fluidly coupled to the compressor;a heat absorption heat exchanger fluidly coupled to the compressor; andat least one fan assembly having at least one fan configured to provide an air flow over at least one of the heat rejection heat exchanger and the heat absorption heat exchanger, the unit being configured to operate in a first mode and a second mode, wherein at least one onboard power source is configured to produce sufficient power to operate the compressor drive motor and the at least one fan in the first mode, and an external power source is configured to produce sufficient power to operate the compressor drive motor and the at least one fan in the second mode.2. The transport ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Refrigeration cycle device

Номер: US20160116197A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

When a defrosting of an exterior heat exchanger is performed, a refrigeration cycle device switches to a refrigerant circuit, in which a refrigerant discharged from a compressor dissipates its heat at an interior condenser and the exterior heat exchanger, the refrigerant dissipating the heat at the interior condenser and the exterior heat exchanger is decompressed by a battery expansion valve, and then the refrigerant decompressed by the battery expansion valve evaporates at a battery heat exchanger to be drawn into the compressor. Thus, the heat absorbed by the refrigerant from a secondary battery via a battery ventilation air can be used to defrost the exterior heat exchanger, while sufficiently heating the interior ventilation air at the interior condenser.

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140196482A1
Автор: Pelligrini Gianfranco

A heat pump system () comprising a first hydraulic circuit () suitable to carry out a heat pump cycle in solution with a first operating fluid which, during part of said cycle, is combined with at least one auxiliary substance so as to form a material system therewith, and a second hydraulic circuit () adapted to carry out a compression heat pump cycle with a second operating fluid. The first hydraulic circuit () comprises a first treatment device () for the material system for separating from the material system at least a fraction of the first operating fluid; a first condenser () for at least partially condensing the first operating fluid which has been separated; a first evaporator () for at least partially evaporating the first operating fluid which has been condensed, and a second treatment device () for the material system for again incorporating in the material system the first operating fluid which has been evaporated. The second hydraulic circuit () comprises a second condenser () for at least partially condensing the second operating fluid and an evaporator () for evaporating the second operating fluid which has been condensed. The second condenser thermally coupled with the first treatment device () of the material system for transferring heat released from the second operating fluid at the second condenser () to the first treatment device () to separate said at least a fraction of the first operating fluid from said material system. A method of cooling and/or heating implementable by means of said heat pump system () is also described. 1. Heat pump system comprising:a first hydraulic circuit suitable to carry out a heat pump cycle with a first operating fluid which, during part of said cycle, is combined with at least one auxiliary substance so as to form a material system therewith, said first hydraulic circuit comprising:a first treatment device for said material system, in correspondence of which at least a fraction of the first operating fluid is ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160123633A1

A solar air-conditioning and solar cooling system that relies upon solar energy and a coolant chemistry apparatus for cooling the interior of a residence, machinery or other structure and for the production of cool air for refrigeration or freezing. The solar powered cooling system described has two main modes of operation: (1) it can serve as an air-conditioning unit, and (2) it can serve as an ice maker unit as well as a refrigerator unit. The solar powered cooling system is portable, autonomous, and smart as it can automatically regulate itself to keep the room at a specified temperature and can programmed to different temperatures for refrigeration as well as freezing cycles by the use of an on-board computer, which powered by rechargeable batteries charged by solar panels. The device operates on a day and night cycle concept whereby during the daylight hours, the system uses the sun's radiation to heat up the solar refrigerant compound to its vapor state, followed by a cooling cycle of the vapor through condensing coils. During the night cycle the coolant's absorbing chemical forces the coolant compound to absorb heat from the cooling tank, thereby causing the cooling effect, and forces the coolant to evaporate back up to the solar heating element to prepare for the start of the next cycle. 1. A portable solar powered air-conditioning device that provides the production of cold or cooled air with an absorption based coolant chemistry system comprising:a. a transparent enclosure of sufficient thickness to amplify the heat generated by the sun's radiation to heat said coolant to its vapor state,b. a set of solar panels used to charge the batteries of the autonomous system,c. a condensing tank comprising of a condensing coil and a condensing valve, which supports the heating process of the coolant during the daylight hours, and an evaporating coil, and an evaporating coil valve which supports the cooling process of the coolant,d. a cooling tank comprising of an ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180120000A1

A machine quantity controlling device which controls a quantity of a heat source device to operate in a heat source system including a first heat source device and a second heat source device, the first heat source device being a waste heat recovery type absorption chiller, the second heat source device other than a waste heat recovery type absorption chiller, the machine quantity controlling device including an acquisition unit that obtains a waste heat utilization maximum load which is a maximum load when the first heat source device receives only supply of the waste heat; a determination unit that determines a predetermined load range from the waste heat utilization maximum load to be a first optimal load range as an optimal load range of the first heat source device; and a machine quantity control unit that controls a quantity of the second heat source device to operate so that the sum of a total of minimum values of the optimal load range of the first heat source device to operate and a total of minimum values of a second optimal load range of the second heat source device to operate is smaller than or equal to a load required for the heat source system, and the sum of a total of maximum values of a first optimal load range and a total of maximum values of the second optimal load range is equal to or greater than the load required for the heat source system, the second optimal load range being an optimal load range of the second heat source device to operate. 1. A machine quantity controlling device comprising:an acquisition unit that obtains a waste heat utilization maximum load based on information indicating a relationship between a temperature of cooling water of a first heat source device and the waste heat utilization maximum load and a current temperature of the cooling water, the waste heat utilization maximum load being a maximum load when the first heat source device generates chilled heating medium by receiving only supply of a waste heat, the first ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120725A1

An absorption cycle based system is disclosed for using waste heat from a vehicle and providing selective heating, cooling, and dehumidifying to a vehicle compartment. The system includes a waste heat loop in thermal communication with a power generating unit of the vehicle, and a vapor absorption subsystem. The vapor absorption subsystem may include a thermal compressor in thermal communication with the waste heat loop, a radiator unit, a condensing unit for heating the vehicle compartment, an evaporating unit for selectively cooling and dehumidifying the vehicle compartment, and a plurality of valves configured to selectively direct refrigerant through the vapor absorption subsystem. The vehicle compartment may include at least one of a passenger cabin, an electronics housing, a battery pack, an engine compartment, and a refrigeration compartment. 1. An absorption cycle based system for using waste heat from a vehicle and providing selective heating , cooling , and dehumidifying to a vehicle compartment , the system comprising:a waste heat loop in thermal communication with a power generating unit of the vehicle; a thermal compressor in thermal communication with the waste heat loop;', 'a radiator unit;', 'a condensing unit for heating the vehicle compartment;', 'an evaporating unit for selectively cooling and dehumidifying the vehicle compartment; and', 'a plurality of valves configured to selectively direct refrigerant through the vapor absorption subsystem., 'a vapor absorption subsystem comprising2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of valves comprises:a first valve configured to selectively direct refrigerant from the thermal compressor to the radiator unit and the condensing unit; anda second valve configured to selectively direct refrigerant from the condensing unit to one or both of the evaporating unit and the thermal compressor.3. The system according to claim 2 , further comprising a throttling valve disposed between the condensing ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Heating and Cooling System for a Vehicle

Номер: US20170120726A1
Автор: MOORE Paul, STRASHNY Igor
Принадлежит: Perkins Engines Company Limited

A heating and cooling system for a vehicle having an internal combustion engine is provided. The system comprises at least one exhaust pipe conveying exhaust gases away from the engine, and a reactor vessel located in the exhaust pipe and containing an absorbent salt and a refrigerant fluid. A condenser is in fluid communication with the reactor vessel, and receives refrigerant vapour from the reactor when exhaust gases heat the reactor vessel in the exhaust pipe. An evaporator is locatable in a cab of the vehicle and is in fluid communication with the condenser and the reactor vessel. The evaporator receives condensed refrigerant from the condenser so as to cool the air surrounding the evaporator, and returning refrigerant vapour to the reactor vessel. A method of cooling a driver environment of a vehicle having an internal combustion engine is also provided, as is a vehicle incorporating the heating and cooling system. 1. A heating and cooling system for a vehicle having an internal combustion engine , the system comprising:at least one exhaust pipe conveying exhaust gases away from the engine;a reactor vessel located in the exhaust pipe and containing an absorbent salt and a refrigerant fluid;a condenser in fluid communication with the reactor vessel, the condenser receiving refrigerant vapour from the reactor when exhaust gases heat the reactor vessel in the exhaust pipe; andan evaporator locatable in a cab of the vehicle and being in fluid communication with the condenser and the reactor vessel, the evaporator receiving condensed refrigerant from the condenser so as to cool the air surrounding the evaporator, and returning refrigerant vapour to the reactor vessel.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an air/fuel burner in fluid communication with sources of air and fuel claim 1 , the burner selectively operable to introduce an or an air/fuel mixture into the at least one exhaust pipe upstream of the reactor vessel.3. The system of claim 1 , further ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150128622A1
Принадлежит: Logos Technologies, LLC

An exhaust gas water extraction system includes an evaporator component in a diffusion absorption refrigeration ('DAR″) unit. The system also includes an exhaust gas input duct comprising an input opening to receive exhaust gas from an exhaust gas source. The exhaust gas input duct operates as a heat source to power the DAR. An evaporator heat exchanger is connected to receive the exhaust gas from the exhaust gas input duct. The evaporator heat exchanger is disposed to generate a heat exchange between the evaporator component and the exhaust gas that cools the exhaust gas to below the dew point. A water collection container receives water condensing from the exhaust gas during the heat exchange with the evaporator component. 1. An exhaust gas water extraction system comprising:an evaporator component in a diffusion absorption refrigeration (“DAR”) unit;an exhaust gas input duct comprising an input opening to receive a hot exhaust gas from an exhaust gas source, the exhaust gas input duct configured to operate as a heat source to power the DAR;an evaporator heat exchanger connected to receive the exhaust gas from the exhaust gas input duct and disposed to generate a heat exchange between the evaporator component and the exhaust gas to cool the exhaust gas to below the dew point; anda water collection container disposed to receive water condensing from the exhaust gas during the heat exchange with the evaporator component.2. The exhaust gas water extraction system of further comprising an intercooler disposed between the exhaust gas input duct and the evaporator heat exchanger.3. The exhaust gas water extraction system of where the intercooler comprises a gas-to-air heat exchanger.4. The exhaust gas water extraction system of further comprising:a cooled exhaust gas output duct configured to receive cooled exhaust gas after the exhaust gas has been cooled by the evaporator component and to provide a flow path for the cooled exhaust gas; anda recuperator heat exchanger ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190120530A1

A transport refrigeration unit () includes a compressor () constructed and arranged to compress a refrigerant and an electric compressor motor configured to drive the compressor. A generator () of the unit is configured to provide electric power to the compressor motor during standard set point conditions, and an energy storage device of the unit is configured to supplement the electric power to the compressor motor during temperature pulldown conditions. 1. A transport refrigeration unit comprising:a compressor constructed and arranged to compress a refrigerant;an electric compressor motor configured to drive the compressor;a generator configured to provide electric power to the compressor motor during standard set point conditions; andan energy storage device configured to supplement the electric power to the compressor motor during temperature pulldown conditionsat least one heat exchanger operatively coupled to the compressor;at least one fan configured to provide air flow over the at least one heat exchanger; andat least one electric fan motor configured to drive the at least one fan, and wherein the generator is configured to provide electric power to the at least one fan motor during standard set point conditions.23-. (canceled)4. The transport refrigeration unit set forth in claim 1 , wherein the energy storage device is configured to supplement the electric power to the at least one fan motor during temperature pulldown conditions.5. The transport refrigeration unit set forth in claim 4 , wherein the at least one heat exchanger includes an evaporator heat exchanger claim 4 , the at least one fan includes an evaporator fan claim 4 , and the at least one electric fan motor includes an evaporator fan motor.6. The transport refrigeration unit set forth in claim 5 , wherein the at least one heat exchanger includes a condenser heat exchanger claim 5 , the at least one fan includes a condenser fan claim 5 , and the at least one electric fan motor includes a ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190120531A1

An energy supply system recycling data center waste heat comprises: a cooling system recycling data center waste heat, the cooling system recycling a high-temperature coolant outputted by a data center, and transferring heat of the high-temperature coolant to an absorption refrigerator using a heat exchanger, to enable the absorption refrigerator to absorb the heat of the high-temperature coolant and make the heat into cold for cooling a to-be-cooled apparatus; and a heat supply system recycling data center waste heat, the heat supply system recycling the high-temperature coolant outputted by the data center, and transferring the heat of the high-temperature coolant to a to-be-heated apparatus using the heat exchanger; where the data center comprises a plurality of liquid cooled cabinets, the liquid cooled cabinets absorbing heat of the data center to generate the high-temperature coolant. 1. An energy supply system recycling data center waste heat , comprising:a cooling system recycling data center waste heat, the cooling system recycling a high-temperature coolant outputted by a data center, and transferring heat of the high-temperature coolant to an absorption refrigerator using a heat exchanger, to enable the absorption refrigerator to absorb the heat of the high-temperature coolant and make the heat into cold for cooling a to-be-cooled apparatus; anda heat supply system recycling data center waste heat, the heat supply system recycling the high-temperature coolant outputted by the data center, and transferring the heat of the high-temperature coolant to a to-be-heated apparatus using the heat exchanger;wherein the data center comprises a plurality of liquid cooled cabinets, the liquid cooled cabinets absorbing heat generated by electronic devices in the data center to generate the high-temperature coolant.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger comprises a first liquid inlet and a first liquid outlet;the first liquid inlet is connected ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200116399A1

A method for controlling a heat pump system. The heat pump system includes a compressor for compressing a working fluid of the heat pump system and an electric motor for providing an output torque for driving the compressor. The method includes the steps of recovering heat emitted from the electric motor by heating the working fluid, providing a first control mode and a second control mode for the electric motor, and controlling the electrical motor in a way creating higher heat losses of the electric motor for a given output torque of the electric motor in the second control mode than in the first control mode. 1. A method for controlling a heat pump system , the heat pump system comprising a compressor for compressing a working fluid of the heat pump system and an electric motor for providing an output torque for driving the compressor , comprising the step of recovering heat emitted from the electric motor by heating the working fluid , providing a first control mode and a second control mode for the electric motor , and controlling the electrical motor in a way creating higher heat losses of the electric motor for a given output torque of the electric motor in the second control mode than in the first control mode.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the electric motor is controlled according to the second control mode upon receiving a control signal indicating that a predetermined condition is fulfilled.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the electric motor is controlled according to the second control mode upon receiving said control signal indicating a heating capacity demand on the heat pump system exceeding a threshold value.4. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the electric motor is controlled according to the second control mode upon receiving said control signal indicating an amount of the working fluid claim 2 , to be entered into the compressor claim 2 , being in liquid state exceeding a threshold value.5. A method according to claim ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Systems and methods for temperature control and heat extraction from waste landfills

Номер: US20150136354A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The field of the invention relates to systems and methods for exchanging heat from the degradation, decomposition, and chemical/biochemical transformation of municipal, industrial, and other types of waste. In one embodiment, a heat extraction system may include a closed-loop fluid circulation piping channeled throughout at least one heat extraction well oriented throughout a waste mass. The piping is fluidly coupled to a heat exchanger. A first circulation fluid is circulated through the closed-loop circulation piping into various depths of the waste mass to transfer thermal energy between said mass and said heat exchanger. In one embodiment, the transfer of thermal energy between the waste mass and the heat exchanger is used as alternative energy method and to control at least one of shear strength, compressibility, and hydraulic conductivity of the waste mass.

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130995A1

The field of the invention relates to systems and methods for exchanging heat from the degradation, decomposition, and chemical/biochemical transformation of municipal, industrial, and other types of waste. In one embodiment, a heat extraction system may include a closed-loop fluid circulation piping channeled throughout at least one heat extraction well oriented throughout a waste mass. The piping is fluidly coupled to a heat exchanger. A first circulation fluid is circulated through the closed-loop circulation piping into various depths of the waste mass to transfer thermal energy between said mass and said heat exchanger. In one embodiment, the transfer of thermal energy between the waste mass and the heat exchanger is used as alternative energy method and to control at least one of shear strength, compressibility, and hydraulic conductivity of the waste mass. 1. A temperature control and heat exchange system comprising:a closed-loop fluid circulation pipe;at least one heat transfer well providing a thermal encasement for the closed-loop fluid circulation pipe, the heat transfer well filled at intervals with a highly conductive granular backfill;wherein the at least one heat transfer well is installed in a waste mass;a heat exchanger having an inlet and outlet for a first circulation fluid and an inlet and outlet for a second circulation fluid;a circulation pump operatively coupled to the closed-loop circulation pipe to provide fluid flow for the first circulation fluid; andwherein the heat exchanger is fluidly coupled to the closed-loop fluid circulation pipe at the inlet and outlet for the first circulation fluid such that the first circulation fluid, when circulated through the closed-loop fluid circulation pipe via the circulation pump into the at least one heat transfer well distributed in the waste mass, transfers thermal energy between the waste mass and the second circulation fluid through the heat exchanger.2. The temperature control and heat exchange ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Valve System and Methods

Номер: US20220275951A1
Автор: Feria Ralph

A water distribution apparatus and method including cold and hot water supplies, a fan coil (or chilled beam device), a control valve having cold and hot water inlets and outlets, cold and hot water outputs configured to supply cold and hot water to the fan coil, cold and hot water return inlets configured to receive from the fan coil the water supplied by the cold and/or water outputs and outputting the cold and/or hot water to the cold and hot water supply lines, respectively, via the cold and hot water outlets, respectively. Cold and hot water is supplied from the cold and/or hot water outputs to the fan coil and received into the cold and hot water return inlets, respectively, and the cold and hot water supplied by the cold and hot water outputs to the fan coil is output to the cold and hot water supply lines, respectively. 1. A system for controlling water distribution in systems used in at least one of a heating , ventilation , air conditioning , refrigeration , fluid heating and chilling configuration for heating or cooling a space or a fluid , the system comprising:a cold water supply adapted to supply cold water;a hot water supply adapted to supply hot water;a plurality of fan coil devices;a cold water supply line in fluid communication with the cold water supply;a hot water supply line in fluid communication with the hot water supply; a cold water inlet in fluid communication with, and configured to receive cold water from, the cold water supply line;', 'a cold water outlet in fluid communication with, and configured to supply cold water to, the cold water supply line;', 'a cold water output in fluid communication with, and configured to supply cold water from, the cold water supply to at least one of the plurality of fan coil devices;', 'a cold water return inlet in fluid communication with, and configured to receive from, at least one of the plurality of fan coil devices, the cold water being supplied by the cold water output, and the cold water being ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Fuel vaporization using data center waste heat

Номер: US20160141937A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Systems and methods are provided for data center cooling by vaporizing fuel using data center waste heat. The systems include, for instance, an electricity-generating assembly, a liquid fuel storage, and a heat transfer system. The electricity-generating assembly generates electricity from a fuel vapor for supply to the data center. The liquid fuel storage is coupled to supply the fuel vapor, and the heat transfer system is associated with the data center and the liquid fuel storage. In an operational mode, the heat transfer system transfers the data center waste heat to the liquid fuel storage to facilitate vaporization of liquid fuel to produce the fuel vapor for supply to the electricity-generating assembly. The system may be implemented with the liquid fuel storage and heat transfer system being the primary fuel vapor source, or a back-up fuel vapor source.
