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20-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2185623C2

Изобретение относится к испытательной технике и может быть использовано при полигонных газодинамических исследованиях воздействия ударных волн на различные объекты. Сотовая взрывная камера состоит из отдельных модулей, соединенных между собой, для размещения зарядов взрывчатого вещества (ВВ), при этом каждый модуль представляет собой соосные трубы, установленные с зазором между обращенными друг к другу торцами, для размещения в нем плоского заряда ВВ, модули установлены параллельно друг другу с осевым смещением таким образом, чтобы зазор каждого модуля находился напротив стенки соседнего модуля, при этом величина зазора Δx выбрана из условия 2hвв<Δx≤5hвв, a поперечные размеры трубы выбраны из условия где hвв, Rвв - толщина и радиус заряда ВВ соответственно, Rвн - внутренний радиус трубы. Данное устройство позволяет обеспечить воздействие на объект испытаний ударных волн заданной длительности и амплитуды за счет последовательного подрыва расположенных параллельно друг другу зарядов ВВ. 2 ...

27-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2497096C2

Изобретение относится к области проведения испытаний и измерений и позволяет исследовать влияние температуры нагрева образца на его физические и механические свойства, изменяющиеся при воздействии плоскими ударными волнами. Устройство включает в себя основание, на котором расположен плоской формы образец 2 материала, ударник 3 для формирования ударной волны в образце 2 в виде алюминиевого диска, который установлен на расстоянии над основанием с образцом, генератор 5 плоской ударной волны для разгона ударника 3, состоящий из заряда ВВ с парафиновой вкладкой, инициируемого от детонатора, при этом устройство снабжено нагревателем 7 с плавной регулировкой температуры разогрева спирали, заключенной в керамический корпус, и который через металлическую пластинку 8 прижат к поверхности образца 2, и термопарой 9, располагаемой между ними, при этом керамический корпус нагревателя 7 выполнен с центральным отверстием для пропуска зондирующего луча 10 лазера интерферометрического измерителя скорости ...

06-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2637718C1

Изобретение относится к испытательному оборудованию и может быть использовано для испытания систем виброизоляции. Способ заключается в том, что на основании располагают дополнительные плиты с закрепленными на них виброизолируемыми объектами, и настраивают регистрирующую аппаратуру, а на основании устанавливают два одинаковых бортовых компрессора для получения сжатого воздуха на борту летательного аппарата. При этом один компрессор устанавливают на штатных резиновых виброизоляторах, а другой компрессор устанавливают на исследуемой двухмассовой системе виброизоляции, включающей в себя резиновые виброизоляторы и упругодемпфирующую промежуточную плиту с виброизоляторами, например, в виде пластин из полиуретана, которые так же, как и штатные резиновые виброизоляторы компрессора, устанавливают на жесткой переборке, которая через вибродемпфирующую прокладку установлена на основании. На жесткой переборке, между компрессорами, закрепляют вибродатчик, сигнал с которого направляют на усилитель и регистрирующую ...

10-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2354951C1

Изобретение относится к испытательной технике и может быть использовано при испытаниях на высокоинтенсивные ударные воздействия различных приборов и аппаратуры. Устройство состоит из сотовой панели для установки испытуемой аппаратуры и источников ударных воздействий, выполненных в виде многослойных амортизационных стержней с пиротехническими устройствами, причем слои выполнены из материалов с различной акустической податливостью. При этом амортизационный стержень с пиротехническим устройством соединены с сотовой панелью через переходное устройство. В набор слоев-вкладышей амортизационного стержня входит хотя бы одна шайба, выполненная из сотовой панели, внешний и внутренний диаметры обшивок которой совпадают с внешними и внутренними диаметрами сопрягаемых вкладышей. При этом ударная жесткость шайбы меньше ударной жесткости сопрягаемых вкладышей, а суммарную площадь поперечного сечения сот шайбы определяют по формуле. Технический результат заключается в возможности широкой регулировки ударного ...

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2607361C1

FIELD: test equipment. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to equipment for testing instruments for vibration and impact effects. Method involves installation of two identical analyzed objects on different systems of vibration isolation thereof and carrying out measurements of their amplitude-frequency characteristics. Then the obtained characteristics are compared and conclusions are made on vibration isolation efficiency of each of the analyzed systems. Herewith to determine fundamental frequencies of each of the analyzed systems of vibration isolation performed is simulation of impact pulse loads on each of the systems and recorded are waveforms of free oscillations. Besides, for measuring amplitude-frequency characteristics of the base an additional sensor is installed, the signal from which is directed to an amplifier, and a spectrometer for producing the vibration transfer coefficients from the base through a rigid bulkhead with installed onboard compressors, and when processing the obtained amplitude-frequency characteristics found are optimal characteristics: rigidity and damping factor of each of the vibration isolation system. EFFECT: expanded process functionality of testing objects having several flexible links with aircraft structural parts. 1 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 607 361 C1 (51) МПК G01M 7/08 (2006.01) G01N 3/313 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ На основании пункта 1 статьи 1366 части четвертой Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации патентообладатель обязуется заключить договор об отчуждении патента на условиях, соответствующих установившейся практике, с любым гражданином Российской Федерации или российским юридическим лицом, кто первым изъявил такое желание и уведомил об этом патентообладателя и федеральный орган исполнительной власти по интеллектуальной собственности. (21)(22) Заявка: 2015133160, 10.08.2015 10.08.2015 (73) Патентообладатель ...

26-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU196333U1

Полезная модель относится к области техники взрывных работ и исследования быстропротекающих гидродинамических процессов, в частности к проведению исследований физических и механических свойств материалов при интенсивных динамических нагрузках, создаваемых нагружающими устройствами, с использованием взрывчатых веществ (ВВ). В этих исследованиях для защиты окружающей среды и оборудования от воздействия продуктов взрыва и осколков применяются локализующие устройства и взрывные камеры. Техническим результатом является повышение информативности получаемых результатов исследований за один эксперимент. Устройство содержит наружную герметичную взрывозащитную камеру, центральная часть корпуса которой и днища снабжены противоосколочной защитой, а в полости размещена измерительная сборка, выполненная в виде набора отделенных друг от друга капсул, расположенных в несколько рядов вдоль оси камеры и закрепленных на общем каркасе, установленном в ее центральной части. В каждой капсуле последовательно ...

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2586689C1

FIELD: machine building. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to methods for determination of explosion protection efficiency in the test model of an explosive facility. Installed in a box is a model of an explosive facility, and on its internal and external perimeters there are video cameras for video surveillance. Video cameras are made in explosion-proof design, and outputs of the video cameras through inner cavity of spacers are connected to the unit by means of which there is performed recording and registration of current processes of parameters' change in the model. One records, by means of a system of analysers of recorded waveforms of current processes, technological parameters' change in the model of an explosive facility. In the ceiling part of the model one makes an aperture closed by an explosion-proof element installed freely on three elastic pins, wherein one end of every pin is rigidly fixed in the model ceiling, while on the second end one fixes a horizontal bar. Between the explosive fragmentation element and the aperture one installs a three-dimensional pressure sensor in explosion-proof design whose output is connected to the input of the recording and registering equipment, and on both sides of the pressure sensor one installs temperature and humidity sensors, controlling termal-humidity mode in the model. Outputs of the sensors are connected to the input of the recording and registering equipment. Inner and outer surfaces of the model enclosures are glued with strain sensors, outputs of which are also connected to the input of the recording and registering equipment. After processing of the obtained experimental data one forms a data base on development of an emergency situation in case of an accident at the explosive facility and draws up a mathematical model forecasting prevention of the emergency situation in case of an accident at the explosive facility. EFFECT: higher efficiency of process equipment protection against explosions by ...

20-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2582167C1

Изобретение относится к взрывным метающим устройствам, которые могут быть использованы при испытаниях военной техники. Способ задержки прорыва продуктов взрыва по краям метаемой пластины-ударника во взрывном метающем устройстве включает заглубление краев пластины-ударника в пазы, выполненные в примыкающих к ней элементах взрывного метающего устройства. Края пластины-ударника и ответные пазы выполняют с клиновидным профилем, при этом грань пластины-ударника, обращенную к заряду взрывчатого вещества, выполняют с большей площадью, чем площадь ее противоположной грани. Обеспечивается отсутствие разрушения краев метаемой пластины-ударника, уменьшение градиента скорости, возникающего вследствие деформации периферийной зоны пластины-ударника, и обеспечение плотного контакта периферийной зоны пластины-ударника с примыкающими элементами взрывного метающего устройства. 1 ил.

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2574519C1

Изобретение относится к области испытания материалов, к исследованиям поведения веществ при динамическом воздействии на них и может быть использовано в любой области техники, где необходимо знание, например, прочностных свойств перспективных конструкционных материалов, жидкостей, газов при динамических нагрузках. Сущность: образец исследуемого материала размещают внутри металлической оболочки, которую выполняют в форме кругового усеченного конуса, окруженного слоем взрывчатого вещества (ВВ), в котором инициируют детонацию, распространяющуюся в скользящем режиме по поверхности оболочки, обеспечивая продуктами взрыва ВВ ее перемещение с последующим динамическим нагружением образца, по поведению которого определяют свойства исследуемого материала. Формируют взрывную волну на поверхности инертных слоев, которыми окружают образец, обеспечивая при их прохождении трансформацию ударно-волнового импульса в квазиизэнтропический импульс, которым воздействуют на образец, осуществляя его динамическое ...

20-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000119572A

Сотовая взрывная камера, состоящая из отдельных модулей, соединенных между собой, для размещения зарядов взрывчатого вещества, отличающаяся тем, что каждый модуль представляет собой соосные трубы, установленные с зазором между обращенными друг к другу торцами, для размещения в нем плоского заряда взрывчатого вещества, модули установлены параллельно друг другу с осевым смещением таким образом, чтобы зазор каждого модуля находился напротив стенки соседнего модуля, при этом величина зазора Δx выбрана из условия 2hвв<Δx≤5hвв, а поперечные размеры трубы выбраны из условия где hвв, Rвв - толщина и радиус заряда ВВ, соответственно; Rвн- внутренний радиус трубы.

10-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2442122C1

Изобретение относится к области динамических (ударных) испытаний узлов изделий, преимущественно узлов ракетных и артиллерийских снарядов. Сущность: динамически воздействуют на испытуемый узел и осуществляют последующую оценку состояния испытуемого узла. В процессе динамического воздействия дополнительно обеспечивают на испытуемый узел нагружение, имитирующее инерционно-упругое воздействие смежных узлов снаряда, в состав которого входит испытуемый узел. Стенд содержит подвижный стол с элементами крепления на нем испытуемого узла и формирователь динамического воздействия подвижного стола. Стенд снабжен формирователем инерционно-упругих воздействий, выполненным в виде упругого элемента, установленного между подвижным столом и испытуемым узлом и скрепленного с ними. Жесткость упругого элемента равна эквивалентной жесткости смежных узлов изделия, через которые передается динамическое воздействие на испытуемый узел в натурных условиях. Инерционная масса, воздействующая на упругий элемент, равна ...

29-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2655695C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для исследования ударно-волновых явлений в конденсированных средах и может быть использовано для получения нестационарных затухающих ударных волн (волн Тейлора) в конденсированной среде (в частности, в воде). Устройство состоит из ударной трубы, включающей взрывную камеру и соосно состыкованный с ней ускорительный канал, и кюветы с исследуемой конденсированной средой, размещенной со стороны выхода из ускорительного канала соосно и с зазором относительно его. В ускорительном канале размещен ударник с возможностью перемещения под действием продуктов взрывного процесса газовой горючей смеси. Взрывная камера выполнена из двух соосных и примыкающих друг к другу отсеков, отделенных друг от друга плоским поршнем, масса которого превышает массу ударника. В стенках отсеков взрывной камеры сформированы газовводы для соединения с источником газовой горючей смеси. Отсек взрывной камеры, противоположный ускорительному каналу, снабжен средством инициирования взрывного ...

14-10-2019 дата публикации

Способ исследования физико-химических процессов на нагруженном контакте

Номер: RU2692397C9

Изобретение относится к методам контроля физико-химических процессов, вызывающих разрушение рабочей поверхности в парах трения при предельных нагрузках. Подготавливается образец, состоящий из двух пластин или из двух коаксиальных отрезков трубы, материалы которых соответствуют материалам испытываемого контакта, на одну из сторон образца наносят слой взрывчатого вещества, с обратной стороны обеспечивают контакт образца с твердой или демпфирующей средой, нагружение осуществляют путем подрыва взрывчатого вещества, образец пилят так, чтобы зона контакта была доступна для исследования, и проводят необходимую пробоподготовку для удаления остатков абразивного материала от инструмента, исследуют зону контакта на предмет появления продуктов механо-химических процессов, прошедших в нагруженной зоне, судят о физико-химических процессах на границе по составу, количеству и морфологии продуктов, фиксированных в зоне контакта. Технический результат: обеспечение возможности установления механизмов разрушения ...

27-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011120686A

Способ определения откольной прочности, заключающийся в том, что на образец испытуемого материала воздействуют косой ударной волной, регистрируют с помощью импульсного проникающего излучения факт наличия откола конечной толщины, форму передней и задней границ откола и форму фронта ударной волны, и отличающийся тем, что с ненагружаемой стороны образца на него кладут слой материала, акустическая жесткость которого меньше акустической жесткости испытуемого материала образца, а толщина слоя составляет /1/4-1/2/ от толщины материала образца;(ρС)<(ρC),получают пару соответствующих друг другу значений величины откольной прочности испытуемого материала по формулеи скорости деформации материала в области разрыва,где ρ - плотность;С - скорость звука;ΔV - разность скоростей передней границы откола в момент начала ее движения и в момент начала разрыва;l - толщина откола,в серии опытов с разными материалами слоя получают зависимость σ(έ) откольной прочности от скорости деформирования для испытуемого ...

10-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012103158A

Устройство для регистрации профилей скорости свободной поверхности при повышенных температурах, характеризующееся тем, что включает в себя основание, на котором расположен плоской формы образец материала, ударник для формирования ударной волны в образце в виде алюминиевого диска, который установлен на расстоянии над основанием с образцом, генератор плоской ударной волны для разгона ударника, состоящий из заряда ВВ с парафиновой вкладкой, инициируемый от детонатора, при этом устройство снабжено нагревателем с плавной регулировкой температуры разогрева спирали, заключенной в керамический корпус, и который через тонкую металлическую пластинку прижат к поверхности образца, и термопарой, располагаемой между ними, при этом керамический корпус нагревателя выполнен с центральным отверстием для пропуска зондирующего луча лазера интерферометрического измерителя скорости.

27-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2566573C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению. Установка содержит взрывной сосуд, в котором производится взрыв горючей смеси. Узел крепления мембраны установлен в гнезде взрывного сосуда. В торцевой части сосуда, закрытой предохранительным экраном, имеется механический индикатор давления с тумблером включения двигателя индикатора. Взрывная камера расположена соосно и оппозитно торцевой части сосуда, закрытой предохранительным экраном. Камера имеет штуцеры для продувки взрывного сосуда после проведения эксперимента. В торцевой части взрывной камеры расположена свеча зажигания, имеющая кнопку включения зажигания. Штуцер для заливки горючей жидкости с установленной на нем пробкой закреплен в стенке сосуда и расположен над контактами свечи зажигания. Штуцеры для продувки взрывного сосуда оснащены вентильными устройствами, блокирующими прорыв продуктов взрыва горючей смеси. В торцевой части сосуда, закрытой предохранительным экраном, устанавливается датчик давления, выход которого соединен с усилителем ...

29-12-2016 дата публикации

Prüfstand für detonative Untersuchungen

Номер: DE102015110318A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Prüfstand (1) für detonative Untersuchungen mit einem Schlittenturm (2) zur Aufnahme eines durch eine Detonation unterhalb des Schlittenturms (2) vertikal verlagerbaren Messschlittens (3), wobei eine Gewichtskraft (G) des Schlittenturms (2) mittels auf Druck beanspruchter Stützstreben (4) gegenüber einem Aufstellgrund (5) abgestützt ist.

21-12-2016 дата публикации

Inner tube expanding speed measuring device during tubular metal resonator explosive cladding

Номер: CN0205826441U

22-12-2020 дата публикации

Номер: CN0212206934U

05-07-2017 дата публикации

폭발 인화시험용 지그

Номер: KR0101754081B1

The present invention relates to a jig for performing an explosion test of an explosion-proof electric machine and apparatus in an explosion test tank, and it is unnecessary to replace the entire explosion test tank with an explosive gas, thereby reducing the amount of explosion test gas used, The purpose of the test is to shorten the time required for the test. To this end, the present invention is a jig (10) for explosion test for injecting a test gas into an enclosed explosion test tank (100) and performing an explosion test of an explosion-proof electrical machine / instrument test sample (300) The explosion test jig 10 includes a jig main body for explosion test which is seated in the explosion test tank 100 and a vinyl foil 20 for forming a closed space by surrounding the explosion test jig main body, And a ratchet band 30 for sealing the vinyl foil 20 to the explosion test jig 10 so that the sealed space for the explosion test can be variably controlled according to the test sample 300 .

27-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2269105C2

Изобретение относится к испытательной технике и может быть использовано для испытаний на высокоинтенсивные ударные воздействия приборов и оборудования. Стенд для испытаний состоит из вибростенда и приспособления для крепления аппаратуры, вывешенного на гибких тросах. В качестве приспособления используют сотовую панель с закладными для установки испытуемой аппаратуры и источников ударных воздействий, выполненных в виде многослойных амортизационных стержней с пиротехническими устройствами. Амортизационный стержень соединяется с сотовой панелью через переходник, выполненный в виде стакана на цилиндрической ножке, входящей как втулка в цилиндрическое отверстие закладной. Внутренние стенки стакана сопряжены с ответной частью амортизационного стержня при помощи резьбового соединения. 4 ил.

27-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2239168C2

Изобретение относится к испытательной технике для динамических испытаний объектов. Стенд для динамических испытаний, содержащий газодинамическое ствольное разгонное устройство, разгоняемую подвижную часть, установленную напротив дульного среза ствола с возможностью поступательного движения вдоль его продольной оси, узел крепления испытываемого объекта, установленный снаружи ствола, отличается тем, что стенд дополнительно содержит по крайней мере одну установленную снаружи ствола вдоль его продольной оси направляющую для перемещения по ней подвижной части в сторону испытываемого объекта, установленного при помощи узла крепления на той же направляющей. При этом на дульном срезе ствола разгонного устройства может быть установлен насадок с соплом, диаметр критического сечения которого меньше диаметра канала ствола, разгоняемая подвижная часть может содержать узел крепления испытываемого объекта, а на дульном срезе ствола разгонного устройства также может быть установлена разрывная мембрана.

10-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2335747C1

Изобретение относится к испытательной технике и может быть использовано при испытаниях на высокоинтенсивные ударные воздействия различных систем, состоящих из функционально связанных приборов. Устройство состоит из вибростенда, источников ударных воздействий, приспособления для крепления аппаратуры, вывешенного на гибких тросах, с установленным на нем аппаратурой и регистрирующими датчиками, переходника для стыковки многослойных амортизационных стержней с приспособлением для крепления аппаратуры. Источники ударных воздействий выполнены в виде многослойных амортизационных стержней с пиротехническими устройствами. В качестве приспособления для крепления аппаратуры, амортизационных стержней и вибростенда используют усеченную коническую оболочку с фланцами. При этом многослойные амортизационные стержни с пиротехническими устройствами крепятся к фланцу в местах крепления приборов и оборудования в области большего основания, а вибростенд крепится к фланцу в области меньшего основания усеченного ...

23-04-2024 дата публикации

Метод тестирования материалов внешних оболочек космических летательных аппаратов от повреждающего воздействия фракций пылевых частиц на орбите Земли

Номер: RU2818023C1

Изобретение относится к области испытания материалов конструкций внешних оболочек космических летательных аппаратов от множественного воздействия пылевых метеорных частиц и их сгустков, а также от микротел техногенного происхождения. Сущность: используют кумулятивный заряд для метания микротел. Кумулятивный заряд является удлинённым и с увеличением массы заряда по длине, в кумулятивную выемку которого облицовывается метаемый слой частиц-имитаторов пылевых метеорных и техногенных частиц и их сгустков в соответствии со спектром физико-механических характеристик, расположенных соответственно по закону увеличения крупности вдоль заряда, что формирует продольно-протяжённое распределение в пространстве потока микротел в диапазоне скоростей 1-11 км/с, проникающих в фазе сверхглубокого проникания в материал. Технический результат: повышение надёжности в результате подбора материалов конструкций внешних оболочек космических летательных аппаратов, внешних корпусов спутниковых объектов под воздействием ...

10-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2335748C1

Изобретение относится к методам испытаний на ударные воздействия и может быть использовано при испытаниях на высокоинтенсивные ударные воздействия различных приборов и оборудования. Способ заключается в ударном нагружении объекта испытаний пиротехническими устройствами с заранее заданными ударными спектрами ускорений с последующей регистрацией ускорений в контрольных точках. Первоначально подрыв пиротехнических устройств производят в непосредственной близости от точек их крепления, при этом передача ударного воздействия на объект испытаний происходит только через воздушную среду. Затем выполняют регистрацию ускорений, создаваемых воздушными ударными волнами, и получают в контрольных точках ударные спектры ускорений от воздушных ударных волн. Далее к объекту испытаний присоединяют пиротехническое устройство и проводят ударное нагружение, после чего получают в контрольных точках ударные спектры ускорений от суммарного воздействия волн деформаций и воздушных ударных волн. После этого из ударных ...

24-06-2019 дата публикации

Способ исследования физико-химических процессов на нагруженном контакте

Номер: RU2692397C1

Изобретение относится к методам контроля физико-химических процессов, вызывающих разрушение рабочей поверхности в парах трения при предельных нагрузках. Подготавливается образец, состоящий из двух пластин или из двух коаксиальных отрезков трубы, материалы которых соответствуют материалам испытываемого контакта, на одну из сторон образца наносят слой взрывчатого вещества, с обратной стороны обеспечивают контакт образца с твердой или демпфирующей средой, нагружение осуществляют путем подрыва взрывчатого вещества, образец пилят так, чтобы зона контакта была доступна для исследования, и проводят необходимую пробоподготовку для удаления остатков абразивного материала от инструмента, исследуют зону контакта на предмет появления продуктов механо-химических процессов, прошедших в нагруженной зоне, судят о физико-химических процессах на границе по составу, количеству и морфологии продуктов, фиксированных в зоне контакта. Технический результат: обеспечение возможности установления механизмов разрушения ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2507498C1

Изобретение относится к области испытания материалов при ударных нагрузках и может быть использовано для получения информации о механических свойствах материалов при кратковременном интенсивном воздействии. Сущность: формируют плоскую ударную волну, действующую симметрично и одновременно в двух противоположных направлениях, в одном из которых размещен испытуемый образец.Одновременно регистрируют кинематические параметры ударной волны, распространяющейся по испытуемому образцу, и ударной волны, распространяющейся в противоположном от испытуемого образца направлении, после чего по их различию определяют механические свойства испытуемого конструкционного материала. Технический результат: повышение точности определения механических свойств испытуемых конструкционных материалов в условиях ударно-волнового воздействия за счет получения дополнительной информации в одном эксперименте, что связано с сокращением времени определения механических свойств, удешевлением способа их определения и снижением ...

20-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002122582A

... 1. Стенд для испытаний изделий на ударное воздействие, содержащий разгонное устройство в виде стволика, зарядную камеру с пороховым зарядом и инициатором, каретку для установки испытываемого изделия, соединенную с помощью проушин с направляющими, и тормозное устройство, отличающийся тем, что в нем разгонное устройство установлено на стволе артиллерийского орудия через опору, оправку с хомутом, а направляющие выполнены гибкими из стальных канатов, пропущеных через пазы в опоре и натянутых вдоль ствола орудия, при этом они выполнены расходящимися под углом друг к другу в направлении движения каретки, а опорная поверхность проушин взаимодействует с направляющими по лучу их расхождения к продольной оси стенда. 2. Разгонное устройство стенда для испытаний изделий на ударное воздействие, содержащее зарядную камеру с пороховым зарядом, донную крышку и инициирующее устройство, отличающееся тем, что в нем инициирующее устройство выполнено в виде форкамеры, в которой размещен дополнительный пороховой ...

20-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010124192A

... 1. Способ механических испытаний узлов изделий, включающий динамическое воздействие на испытуемый узел и последующую оценку состояния испытуемого узла, отличающийся тем, что в процессе динамического воздействия дополнительно обеспечивают на испытуемый узел нагружение, имитирующее инерционно-упругое воздействие смежных узлов изделия, в состав которого входит испытуемый узел. ! 2. Устройство для реализации способа по п.1, включающее подвижный стол с элементами крепления на нем испытуемого узла, формирователь динамического воздействия подвижного стола, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено формирователем инерционно-упругих воздействий, выполненным в виде упругого элемента, установленного между подвижным столом и испытуемым узлом и скрепленного с ними, при этом жесткость упругого элемента равна эквивалентной жесткости смежных узлов изделия, через которые передается динамическое воздействие на испытуемый узел в натурных условиях, а инерционная масса, воздействующая на упругий элемент, равна инерционной ...

15-05-1993 дата публикации

Способ определения динамических характеристик материала

Номер: SU1623410A1

Изобретение относится к шлифованию прочностных свойств материалов. Целью изобретения является повышение информативности за счет определения динамического предела текучести. Для этого в способе определения динамических характеристик материала, по кото ,рому на трубчатый образец исследуемого материала наносят слой заряда взрывчатого вещества (ВВ), осуществляют обжатие образца вэрыоом заряда ВВ, измеряют радиус образца после обжа. - тия, по которому определяют динамические характеристики материала образца, слой заряда ВВ заключают в жестко связанный с ним по боковой поверхности экран, а динамический предел текучести определяют по энергии заряда ВВ, отношению масс образца и экрана, и геометрическим размерам образца до и после обжатия с помощью расчетного соотношения. Осуществление ударного обжатия образца с использованием экрана , в который заключен и жестко свя- t эан с ним по боковой поверхности слой заряда ВВ, позволяет через параметры образца, экрана и заряда ВВ записать законы сохранения ...

11-04-2016 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000111276C2

25-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000127317U

10-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000126738U

21-06-2019 дата публикации

Coal and gas outburst simulation test specimen box

Номер: CN0109916750A

12-12-2017 дата публикации

Blasting experiment device for injection hose assembly of wheeled fire extinguisher

Номер: CN0107462461A

20-04-2016 дата публикации

Vapor tight tank combustible gas dynamic response test device that explodes

Номер: CN0205175843U

01-07-2015 дата публикации

Method for simulating roadway rock burst based on coaction of static load and blast load

Номер: CN103344491B

30-05-2023 дата публикации

Individual soldier protection test target frame and test method

Номер: CN116182639A

The invention discloses an individual soldier protection test target frame and a test method. The individual soldier protection test target frame comprises a target mold, a supporting frame, a rotation driving device, a lifting support device and a movable base device, and the rotation driving device is connected with the supporting frame through a clamping groove; the supporting frame is rotationally connected with the rotation driving device, the rotation driving device is connected with the lifting support device, and the lifting support device is connected with the movable base device. Meanwhile, the invention discloses a testing method for testing the performance of the individual soldier protection product based on the individual soldier protection testing target frame. When a bullet simulates a target after penetration protection, lifting and rotation of the target frame can be remotely controlled, the position and the incident angle of an impact point are changed, the test safety ...

20-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2519619C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению, в частности к установке для исследования взрывозащитных мембран. Установка для исследования взрывозащитных мембран содержит взрывной сосуд. В сосуде производится взрыв горючей смеси. Узел крепления мембраны установлен в гнезде взрывного сосуда параллельно его оси. Параллельно оси узла крепления мембраны, в торцевой части сосуда, закрытой предохранительным экраном, имеется механический индикатор давления с тумблером включения двигателя индикатора. Взрывная камера расположена соосно и оппозитно торцевой части сосуда, закрытой предохранительным экраном. Камера имеет штуцера для продувки взрывного сосуда после проведения эксперимента. В торцевой части взрывной камеры, соосно ей, расположена свеча зажигания, имеющая кнопку включения зажигания. Штуцер для заливки горючей жидкости с установленной на нем пробкой закреплен в стенке сосуда и расположен над контактами свечи зажигания. Штуцера для продувки взрывного сосуда оснащены вентильными устройствами, блокирующими ...

29-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2659306C1

Изобретение относится к испытательному оборудованию. Способ заключается в том, что на основании располагают дополнительные плиты с закрепленными на них виброизолируемыми объектами и настраивают регистрирующую аппаратуру, а на основании устанавливают два одинаковых бортовых компрессора для получения сжатого воздуха на борту летательного аппарата. При этом один компрессор устанавливают на штатных резиновых виброизоляторах, а другой компрессор устанавливают на исследуемой двухмассовой системе виброизоляции, включающей в себя резиновые виброизоляторы и упругодемпфирующую промежуточную плиту с виброизоляторами, например, в виде пластин из полиуретана, которые, так же как и штатные резиновые виброизоляторы компрессора, устанавливают на жесткой переборке, которая через вибродемпфирующую прокладку установлена на основании. На жесткой переборке, между компрессорами, закрепляют вибродатчик, сигнал с которого направляют на усилитель и регистрирующую аппаратуру, например октавный спектрометр, работающий ...

19-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2658095C1

FIELD: test equipment. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to testing equipment. Device contains a base on which additional plates with fixed to them vibration-proof devices are arranged and recording equipment, on the base the aircraft equipment is installed, for example, two identical onboard compressors for obtaining compressed air on board the aircraft. At that, one compressor is installed on the standard rubber vibration isolators, and the other compressor is installed on the investigated dual-mass vibration isolation system including rubber vibration absorbers and a resiliently damping intermediate plate with vibration absorbers, for example, in the form of plates from polyurethane, which like the standard rubber vibration absorbers of the compressor are installed on a rigid bulkhead, which via a vibro-damping gasket is installed on the base. On the rigid bulkhead, between compressors, a vibration sensor is secured, signal from which is supplied to the amplifier and recording equipment, for example, octave spectrometer operating in the frequency band (Hz): 2; 4; 8; 16; 31.5; 63; 125; 250; 500; 1,000; 2,000; 4,000; 8,000 Hz, and then the obtained amplitude-frequency characteristics of operation of each of the compressors are compared and conclusions on vibration isolation efficiency of each system, where they are installed, are made. EFFECT: technical result is expansion of technological capabilities of testing objects having several flexible links with the aircraft structural parts. 1 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 658 095 C1 (51) МПК G01M 7/08 (2006.01) G01N 3/313 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ На основании пункта 1 статьи 1366 части четвертой Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации патентообладатель обязуется заключить договор об отчуждении патента на условиях, соответствующих установившейся практике, с любым гражданином Российской Федерации или российским юридическим лицом, ...

20-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2285892C1

Изобретение относится к военной технике, а именно к экспериментальным устройствам для отработки процесса разделения реактивных снарядов. Устройство содержит макет головной части с отсеком разделения и макет ракетной части, которые размещены на жестком основании лоткового типа. Основание выполнено в виде внутренней и внешней опорных направляющих швеллерной формы, симметрично скрепленных между собой основаниями и взаимодействующих боковыми полками с поверхностями макетов головной и ракетной частей снаряда в вертикальном и горизонтальном направлениях. Устройство снабжено тормозными блоками, размещенными на основании перед макетами разделяемых частей на расстояниях, соответствующих путям разгона разделяемых частей снаряда на траектории. Тормозные блоки выполнены в виде цилиндров, торцевые поверхности которых снабжены осесимметричными внутренними и внешними фиксирующими поверхностями конической формы. Масса тормозных блоков выбирается из условия обеспечения осевых перегрузок, не превышающих ...

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2558678C1

Изобретение относится к испытательному оборудованию и может быть использовано для исследования систем виброизоляции. Стенд содержит основание, на котором расположены дополнительные плиты с закрепленными на них виброизолируемыми аппаратами, и регистрирующая аппаратура. На основании установлена аппаратура летательных аппаратов, например два одинаковых бортовых компрессора для получения сжатого воздуха на борту летательного аппарата, при этом один компрессор установлен на штатных резиновых виброизоляторах, а другой компрессор установлен на исследуемой двухмассовой системе виброизоляции. Данная система включает в себя резиновые виброизоляторы и упругодемпфирующую промежуточную плиту с виброизоляторами, например, в виде пластин из полиуретана, которые так же, как и штатные резиновые виброизоляторы компрессора установлены на жесткой переборке, которая через вибродемпфирующую прокладку установлена на основании. На жесткой переборке, между компрессорами, закреплен вибродатчик, сигнал с которого ...

07-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2627346C1

Изобретение относится к области испытательных и экспериментальных исследований по определению параметров элементов осколочного фронта различных боеприпасов. В способе применяют в качестве регистратора фактов пробития жесткую каркасную систему, состоящую из 6 квадратных рамок, выполненных из деревянного бруса квадратного сечения со стороной длиной 20 мм с прикрепленными к ним преградами из пенопласта или пенополиуретана со стороной длиной 1080 мм и толщиной 15 мм, разнесенных на равном расстоянии. На преграды нанесены размерные линейки. Для регистрации временных моментов фактов пробития используется цифровая высокоскоростная камера с разрешением не менее 640×480 пикселей при скорости в 19000 кадр/с, установленная за защитное сооружение на штатив с высотой h, равной 500 мм. За наиболее удаленной от эпицентра взрыва рамкой с преградой устанавливается осколкоулавливатель, состоящий из деревянной плиты толщиной 300 мм с квадратным сечением со стороной длиной 1080 мм, и баллистический тканевый ...

06-06-2022 дата публикации

Способ сравнительной оценки бронеэлементов на противопульную стойкость

Номер: RU2773567C1

Изобретение относится к области испытаний средств бронезащиты личного состава от воздействия пуль стрелкового оружия. В частности, при стрельбовых натурных испытаниях при оценке результатов высокоскоростного импульсного взаимодействия системы «ударник - бронеэлемент». Способ сравнительной оценки бронеэлементов на противопульную стойкость реализуется в два этапа. Первый, где путем обстрела по нормали в бронеэлемент пулями патронов из образцов стрелкового оружия определяются различные показатели: количество кондиционных пробитий тестируемого бронеэлемента при заданных дальности обстрела и начальной скорости пуль; опытная величина предела кондиционного поражения бронеэлемента; живучесть бронеэлемента при многократных ударных воздействиях в единицу площади его поверхности. Второй этап состоит в определении интегрального критерия качества бронеэлемента в виде средней скорости торможения пули и вероятностного показателя в виде вероятности безотказной работы бронеэлемента. Технический результат ...

14-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2616353C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для испытаний на ударные воздействия и может быть использовано при испытаниях на высокоинтенсивные ударные воздействия различных, в том числе и пространственных систем. Стенд состоит из приспособления в виде панели с установленными на ней испытуемой аппаратурой и регистрирующими датчиками, пиротехнических устройств, при этом панель выполнена в виде сменной металлической плиты, установленной на пневмоопоры с помощью зажимов, а пиротехнические устройства выполнены неразделяемыми с резьбой на цилиндрическом корпусе и подвижным сменным бойком, которые установлены в переходные элементы, выполненные в виде полого цилиндра с днищем с одной стороны цилиндра, причем в днище цилиндра выполнено отверстие с резьбой для крепления пиротехнического устройства, и с фланцем с отверстиями с противоположной стороны для крепления переходных элементов с пиротехническими устройствами на регулируемые опоры, при этом оси симметрии бойков лежат в срединной плоскости панели или перпендикулярны к ней, а сами бойки расположены от торцов верхней и нижней плоскостей плиты на расстоянии, меньшем хода бойка. Технический результат заключается в повышении качества испытаний приборов и оборудования на ударные воздействия высокой интенсивности в более широком диапазоне воспроизводимых нагрузок. 5 ил., 1 табл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 616 353 C1 (51) МПК G01M 7/08 (2006.01) G01N 3/313 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2015149144, 16.11.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.11.2015 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 16.11.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 14.04.2017 Бюл. № 11 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2269105 C2, 27.01.2006. RU 2394217 C2, 10.07.2010. RU 2331860 C1, 20.08.2008. 2 6 1 6 3 5 3 R U (57) Формула изобретения Стенд для испытаний приборов и оборудования на ударные воздействия, ...

17-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2762322C1

Изобретение относится к области взрывных работ, а именно к малогабаритным нагружающим устройствам, и предназначено для формирования взрывной волны заданной формы в заряде взрывчатого вещества (ВВ) путем его синхронного с минимальной разновременностью подрыва с помощью многоточечного инициирования. Взрывное устройство для динамического нагружения содержит основной заряд ВВ, который выполнен многослойным и контактирующим с инертной пластиной из материала, скорость прохождения ударной волны в котором меньше скорости детонации ВВ основного заряда, узел инициирования основного заряда, включающий матрицу с промежуточным зарядом взрывчатого вещества и средством его инициирования, подслой из взрывчатого вещества толщиной h, установленный на выходной поверхности узла инициирования. В качестве узла инициирования основного заряда использован формирователь многоточечного инициирования, в котором матрица выполнена многослойной, а промежуточный заряд выполнен в виде сети детонационных каналов, проходящих ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Устройство для нагружения объектов воздушной ударной волной

Номер: RU2678704C1

Изобретение относится к области прикладной газовой динамики, а именно к устройствам для регулирования параметров избыточного давления воздушной ударной волны в канале ударной трубы, и предназначено для нагружения объектов воздушной ударной волной с заданным избыточным давлением. Устройство содержит ударную трубу с открытым и закрытым торцами для размещения объекта испытаний, источник ударной волны, экран для гашения ударных волн. Экран выполнен в виде жестких пластин, закрепленных за открытым торцом ударной трубы перпендикулярно ее оси, при этом пластины имеют соосные ударной трубе и равные внутреннему контуру ударной трубы отверстия, а дальняя от открытого торца ударной трубы пластина отверстия не имеет, кроме того, пластины закреплены с зазором между собой и открытым концом ударной трубы. Технический результат - обеспечение возможности нагружения объектов воздушной ударной волной в ударных трубах с заданным избыточным давлением при увеличении эффективности процесса регулировки и расширения ...

27-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2091746C1

Использование: исследование прочностных свойств материалов. Сущность изобретения: объект последовательно нагружают двумя импульсами сжатия и при нагружении первым импульсом формируют в объекте поле когерентных ударных волн. Нагружение производят метаемым ударником, содержащим две пластины. Поле когерентных ударных волн формируют путем выполнения непосредственно контактирующей с объектом пластины в виде комплекса элементов, обладающего периодической в плоскости удара структурой. Благодаря созданию в объекте поля когерентных ударных волн повышается уровень напряжений. 2 ил.

27-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2377532C1

Изобретение относится к нагружающим устройствам для создания кратковременных интенсивных импульсов давления и может быть использовано для определения механических свойств материалов в экстремальных условиях нагружения (высокие давления и скорости деформирования). Устройство состоит из конденсаторной батареи и узла нагрузки, представляющего собой прямой и обратные токопроводы. В качестве обратного токопровода используют токопроводяшую шину, состоящую из участка, расположенного ниже уровня взрываемой фольги и ток в котором течет в противоположном направлении току взрываемой фольги, участка, ось симметрии которого проходит через плоскость взрываемой фольги и направление тока в котором совпадает с направлением тока взрываемой фольги, а также участков, соединяющих верхний и нижний участки обратного токопровода. Расстояние до обратного токопровода, его высоту, глубину расположения нижней части обратного токопровода и длину верхней части обратного токопровода выбирают исходя из условия равенства ...

27-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2526601C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано для взрывозащиты технологического оборудования, в частности защиты аппаратов от разрушения при взрыве горючей смеси разрывной мембраной. Стенд содержит взрывной сосуд, оснащенный узлом крепления мембраны, который установлен в торцевой части сосуда, закрытой предохранительным экраном, параллельно с механическим индикатором давления с тумблером включения двигателя индикатора. Взрывная камера со свечой зажигания, имеющей кнопку включения зажигания, расположена оппозитно торцевой части сосуда, закрытой предохранительным экраном. Сосуд укомплектован штуцерами для продувки взрывного сосуда. Штуцер для заливки горючей жидкости с установленной на нем пробкой, закреплен в стенке сосуда над контактами свечи зажигания. Элементы, участвующие в испытании: индикатор давления, свеча зажигания, штуцер для заливки горючей жидкости, штуцера для продувки взрывного сосуда подбираются по прочности на «разрыв», превосходящей прочность исследуемой ...

25-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2707246C1

Изобретение относится к испытательной технике, к исследованию высокоскоростных ударных явлений, в частности к метательным установкам ствольного типа для проведения экспериментов по ударно-волновому нагружению исследуемых образцов при исследовании их динамических прочностных свойств. Установка включает ударник, размещенный в ее разгонном стволе, переходник ствола, вакуумную камеру, присоединенную со стороны среза разгонного ствола, систему вакуумирования, приемное основание для установки исследуемого образца, являющееся элементом вакуумной камеры, в которой также размещены средства регистрации, необходимые для проведения исследования в соответствии с требуемой методикой. Вакуумная камера выполнена из легкоразрушаемого под действием ударных нагрузок материала, переходник ствола соединяет ствол с вакуумной камерой. Приемное основание и корпус вакуумной камеры выполнены в виде единого конструктивного элемента. Свободный торец камеры закрыт съемной крышкой, а приемное основание делит общий объем ...

11-01-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2811130C1

Изобретение относится к инициирующим устройствам для подрывных зарядов, к области взрывного дела, а также к разработке средств и систем бортовой взрывной (пиро-)автоматики, и может быть использовано на объектах ракетно-космической, авиационной, нефтяной, специальной техники социально-экономического, научного и военного назначения, а также взрывной техники - к области формирования взрывных волн - и может быть использовано при создании взрывных устройств, инициирующих детонацию во взрывчатых веществах (ВВ), с пониженной детонационной способностью низкочувствительных ВВ. Нагружающее устройство включает расположенные соосно источник инициирования, средство инициирования и основной заряд взрывчатого вещества (ВВ). Устройство снабжено детонационной задержкой, расположенной в контакте со средством инициирования, выполненным из двух или трех слоев ВВ, расположенных соосно и выполненных из ВВ с разной дисперсностью. В случае выполнения из двух слоев начальный слой ВВ, контактирующий с детонационной ...

20-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004110670A

Стенд для испытаний на высокоинтенсивные ударные воздействия приборов и оборудования, состоящий из вибростенда и приспособления для крепления аппаратуры вывешенного на гибких тросах с установленным на нем аппаратурой и регистрирующими датчиками, отличающийся тем, что в качестве приспособления используют сотовую панель с закладными для установки испытуемой аппаратуры и источников ударных воздействий, выполненных в виде многослойных амортизационных стержней с пиротехническими устройствами, причем слои выполнены из материалов с различной акустической податливостью, при этом амортизационный стержень с пиротехническим устройством соединяется с сотовой панелью через переходное устройство, выполненное в виде стакана на цилиндрической ножке, входящей как втулка в цилиндрическое отверстие закладной, а внутренние стенки стакана сопряжены с ответной частью амортизационного стержня при помощи резьбового соединения, причем площадь контактной поверхности переходника с сотовой панелью больше контактной ...

15-09-1989 дата публикации

Способ исследования дробления конструкционных материалов

Номер: SU1508130A1

Цель - повышение точности путем исключения влияния случайного расположения очагов разрушения по объему материала образца. При этом способе подвергают разрушению серию одинакового материала путем нагружения внутренним импульсным давлением заданной величины, устанавливают распределение всей совокупности образовавшихся осколков по массе. Нагружению подвергают одновременно ряд образцов одной серии, для чего их перед испытанием нанизывают на общий центрирующий лейнер, внутрь которого соосно помещают равномерно распределенный вдоль оси источник импульсного давления. 3 з.п. ф-лы.

23-09-1984 дата публикации

Устройство для динамических испытаний материалов

Номер: SU1114920A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ДИНАМИЧЕСКИХ ИСПЫТАНИЙ МАТЕРИАЛОВ, содержащее накопитель электрической энергии с зарядным устройством, подключённый к накопителю через разрядник взрывающийся проводник в виде фольги, держатель фольги и приспособление для крепления образца испытуемого материала ,о тли чающее с я тем, что, с целью повьшения точности испытаний путем устранения неплоскрстности фольги, держатель фольги выполнен в виде диэлектрической подложки , толщина ( которой выбрана из условия 2 где С - скорость звука в материале подложки; t - продолжительность взрыва фольги.. 4 / ////// ...

23-09-1992 дата публикации

Баллистическая испытательная установка

Номер: SU1763923A1

Изобретение относится к технике ударных испытаний конструкций и материалов. В баллистической испытательной установке камера высокого давления и труба, служащая для разгона в ней метаемого тела, например ударника, разделены разрывной диафрагмой (7) из высокопрочного материала . Диафрагма выполнена с острыми прямо- линейными надрезами 9 на лицевой поверхности, пересекающимися в ее центральной зоне. На периферии диафрагмы образована кольцевая пластичная зона (10), в которой расположены концы надрезов. Ширина этой зоны выбрана в диапазоне от ширины зоны защемления диафрагмы от 0,3 радиуса диафрагмы. Такое выполнение диафрагмы исключает отрыв образующихся при ее раскрытии лепестков и обеспечивает снижение времени раскрытия. Благодаря этим свойствам возможно повышение надежности установки и скорости нагружения 4 ил. со ...

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000491147T

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002854942A1

A process for vibration analysis, including the steps of: receiving synchronized motion measurements of particle motion in two or three orthogonal dimensions over a selected period of time at a plurality of different measurement locations; and determining one or more strain waveforms in the orthogonal dimensions in regions spanning the plurality of measurement locations using the motion measurements.

21-08-2020 дата публикации

Performance identification test method for high-reliability rubber expansion joint

Номер: CN0111562179A

24-02-2016 дата публикации

Test device for closed tank dynamic response under action of combustible gas explosion

Номер: CN0105352825A

11-08-2017 дата публикации

Method for indoor testing of rockburst impact tendency of deep surrounding rock

Номер: CN0107036917A

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: WO2018148985A1

Disclosed is a mechanical experiment system for a perforated string during down-hole perforation explosion of an oil-gas well, the system comprising an experiment water tank (1), a perforated string (2) provided in the experiment water tank (1), and a signal amplifier (3), an A/D converter (4) and a computer (5) provided outside the experiment water tank (1) and electrically connected in sequence, wherein the perforated string (2) comprises an oil pipe (6), a packing pipe (7), a sleeve (8), an acceleration test short joint A (9), a shock absorber (10), an acceleration test short joint B (11) and a perforating gun (12), wherein same are connected in sequence from top to bottom. Further disclosed is an experiment method for the experiment system. The beneficial effects of the experiment system and the experiment method are that dynamic data of a down-hole pressure field can be acquired during perforation, the data including acceleration time-domain variation values of an annular pressure ...

15-07-1983 дата публикации

Ударный испытательный стенд

Номер: SU1029022A2

УДАРНЫЙ ИСПЫТАТЕЛЬНЫЙ СТЕНД по авт.св. № , отличающийся тем, что, с целью получения стабильных значений воспроизводимых ударных импульсов, взрываемый про,водник из легкоплавкого сплава выполнен в виде стакана, а разгоняемое тело имеет со стороны проводника выемку , поверхность которой образует с внутренней поверхностью камеры зазор, в который вставлена стенка стакана.

01-01-1948 дата публикации

Способ определения крепости горных пород

Номер: SU72684A1
Автор: Малахов Г.М.

10-10-1960 дата публикации

Установка для динамического растяжения металлов

Номер: SU131128A1
Автор: Беляев В.И.

02-01-2002 дата публикации

Dynamic pyrotechnic propellant-press test device

Номер: AU0006919401A

17-11-2020 дата публикации

Continuous multi-time equal-pulse-width collision impact test device and test method based on bar

Номер: CN0111948074A

05-08-2015 дата публикации

A cylindrical explosive container axial load measurement device and measurement method

Номер: CN103353426B

11-09-2020 дата публикации

High-flow-rate air valve for air cannon launching device

Номер: CN0211476873U

21-12-2001 дата публикации

Pyrotechnic press for dynamic testing of industrial products in which gas generators of various sizes and combustion duration are used

Номер: FR0002810400A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif permettant d'effectuer industriellement des essais dynamiques sur des structures en leur appliquant des efforts continus ou discontinus, avec des profils aléatoires, recherchés ou normalisés. Les structures sont soit libres en mouvement, soit bloquées par un contre appui. Le dispositif selon l'invention est constitué principalement d'un générateur d'effort-1- comportant un support d'alvéole -7- recevant des générateurs de gaz de tailles et de durées de combustion variables et sur lequel sont fixées directement des tuyères pilotables d'éjection des gaz et des obturateurs de sécurité. Ces tuyères pilotables sont à ouvertures modulaires et réversibles par l'intermédiaire d'une bague libre en translation actionnée par un vérin pyrotechnique réversible. Elles contrôlent la pression dans le générateur d'effort. Les efforts sont transmis par l'intermédiaire d'un piston -2- se déplaçant dans le tube de poussée -17-. Les gaz sont récupérés par deux caissons d'insonorisation ...

31-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009000897A1

The shock table comprises at least one plate (2, 8), an item of equipment to be tested (12) being fixed on the plate (8) and an explosive charge being fixed under the plate (2). A circular explosive support washer (16) is inserted between the plate (2) and the explosive charge (16).

09-05-2023 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for testing combined dynamic-static loading strength of rock-like material

Номер: US0011644398B1

An apparatus and a method for testing combined dynamic-static loading strength of a rock-like material are provided. The apparatus and the method can test the combined dynamic-static loading strength of the rock-like material. The apparatus comprises an explosion load loading device, a static load loading device, and a stress wave rod transferring device. The explosion load loading device is connected with one end of the stress wave rod transferring device. The stress wave rod transferring device is connected with a rock-like material specimen. The stress wave rod transferring device is connected with the static load loading device.

27-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2235302C2

Группа изобретений относится к области испытаний изделий на ударное воздействие. Стенд для испытаний изделий на ударное воздействие содержит разгонное устройство в виде стволика, зарядную камеру с пороховым зарядом и инициатором, каретку для установки испытываемого изделия, соединенную с помощью проушин с направляющими, и тормозное устройство. Разгонное устройство установлено на стволе артиллерийского орудия через опору, оправку с хомутом, а направляющие выполнены гибкими из стальных канатов, пропущенных через пазы в опоре и натянутых вдоль ствола орудия, при этом они выполнены расходящимися под углом друг к другу в направлении движения каретки, а опорная поверхность проушин взаимодействует с направляющими по лучу их расхождения к продольной оси стенда. В предложенном техническом решении также раскрыты конструкции разгонного устройства стенда, а также его тормозного устройства. Данная группа изобретений обеспечивает получение информации о прочности и работоспособности изделий и их элементов ...

10-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2343449C1

Изобретение относится к области импульсной техники, в частности к области создания импульсного давления посредством электрического взрыва проводника для образования кратковременной ударной волны с высокой амплитудой давления, и может быть использовано для испытания объемных образцов на прочность к импульсному поверхностному воздействию, деформирования заготовок, синтеза сверхтвердых материалов и т.п. Техническим результатом является расширение функциональных возможностей заявляемого устройства и возможность профилирования амплитуды импульса давления по поверхности образца сложной формы. Технический результат достигается тем, что по сравнению с известным устройством, содержащим диэлектрический корпус, фольговый электрически взрываемый проводник, диэлектрический слой и образец, в заявляемом устройстве корпус выполнен, по меньшей мере, двухслойным. Наружный по отношению к образцу слой выполнен монолитным, внутренний слой выполнен разной толщины из пористого материала, а образец установлен ...

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Shock and impact testing device and method

Номер: US20130014558A1

A shock and impact testing device includes a shock and impact module and a control module. The shock and impact module includes a base, a platform, an elastic cushion positioned on the base, an elastic impact pad positioned on the platform facing the cushion, and a lifting structure connected to the platform to drive the platform to rise and then release the platform to allow the platform to fall down until the impact pad hits the cushion. The control module includes an interface configured for inputting impact parameters, a converting unit and a control unit. The converting unit calculates corresponding testing parameters according to the impact parameters. The control module controls the lifting structure to drive the platform to rise according to the testing parameters.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method to measure back face signature of armor

Номер: US20130055790A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

An apparatus and method for evaluating the backface signature of flat panel ballistic resistant composites with accuracy, repeatability and improved correlation to the expected backface signature of shaped ballistic resistant composites in actual field use.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213113A1

An impact testing device used for testing impact resistance of electronic devices is provided. The impact testing device includes a supporting assembly for supporting the electronic device, a falling assembly for an impact head to fall through to hit the testing points of the electronic device on the supporting assembly, and a controller box, electrically connected to the supporting assembly. The controller box controls the supporting assembly to adjust the positions of the electronic device for the impact head to hit different testing points of the electronic device. 1. An impact testing device used for testing impact resistance of electronic devices , the impact testing device comprising:a falling assembly for an impact head to fall through to hit the testing points of the electronic device at a desired height;a supporting assembly for supporting the electronic device; anda controller box electrically connected to the falling assembly and the supporting assembly, the controller box controlling the falling assembly to adjust the falling height of the impact head, and controlling the supporting assembly to adjust the positions of the electronic device for the impact head to hit different testing points of the electronic device.2. The impact testing device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the supporting assembly comprises a first adjusting module and a second adjusting module located on the first adjusting module for supporting the electronic device thereon claim 1 , the first adjusting module drives the second adjusting module and the electronic device to remove along a first direction claim 1 , the second adjusting module drives the electronic device to remove along a second direction which is vertically to the first direction.3. The impact testing device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first adjusting module comprises a first cylinder claim 2 , two first sliding rails claim 2 , and a connecting board claim 2 , the two first sliding rails are arranged in ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Seat belt test apparatus

Номер: US20130233050A1

A test apparatus collects performance data for a seat belt system having components providing operating stages of pre-tensioning, locking, and load limiting of the seat belt. A bench plate mounts the components of the seat belt system and includes first and second pulleys spaced apart on the bench plate and having the seat belt extending horizontally therebetween. At least one load sensor senses the load experienced by the seat belt. A resistor engages the seat belt between the first and second pulleys and pulls downwardly to introduce slack in the seat belt. An impactor mass is suspended above the seat belt and is released to free-fall onto the seat belt and impose a load on the seat belt simulating the load of a seated occupant being imposed on the seat belt. A control module energizes the pre-tensioning stage and a plotter records force versus time performance data.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

System For Sensing Human Movement and Methods of Using the Same

Номер: US20140051519A1
Автор: Pelletter Michael J.

A system and method are provided for translating gross human movement into electronic signals and therapeutic, training, or educational uses for the system. An exercising or video gaming system, comprising: a floor pad controller, and a striking controller. The floor pad controller having force sensor(s) and/or placement sensor(s) arranged in a pattern in the plane of a ground or floor. The striking controller having force sensor(s) and contact sensor(s) arranged in an curved grid between the outer layer of the striking controller and an inner core. Applying force to any sensor(s) in the floor pad controller or striking controller executes an action in response to an instruction from the exercising or video gaming system; and an inner core returnably coupled to a ground or floor of a room, so that the striking controller returns to an upright position after being struck by the user. 122-. (canceled)23. A striking controller , comprising:an outer shell; and wherein the outer shell comprises sensor(s),', 'wherein the sensor(s) are selected from the group consisting of force sensor(s), placement sensor(s), and both force sensor(s) and placement sensor(s),', 'wherein the sensor(s) sense force applied against the striking controller,', 'wherein applying force to any sensor(s) executes an action in response to an instruction from the exercising or video gaming system,', 'wherein the inner core is returnably coupled to the ground or floor of a room, so that the striking controller returns to an upright position after being struck by the user,', 'wherein a kick executes an action in response to an instruction from the exercising or video gaming system, and', 'wherein the sensors are vertically longer side buttons that advantageously allow a more flexible user to kick higher while a less flexible user can still kick, but lower, without injuring themselves, the user thereby customizing their difficulty., 'an inner core,'}24. The striking controller of claim 23 ,wherein the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Testing Stand with Thumping Assembly

Номер: US20170003193A1

A testing device is provided which can provide a testing force to smoking articles of various types, in order to determine if ash breakage is appropriate or if the heating element of a heat not burn smoking article becomes loose under normal working conditions. 1. A smoking article testing assembly , comprising:a frame;at least one smoking article holder which holds one or more cigarettes;at least one valve which is in vacuum communication with said smoking article holder;an actuator to thump a smoking article; and,a thumper bar operably connected to said actuator, said thumper bar movable to tap said one or more smoking articles in said at least one smoking article holder.2. The smoking article testing assembly of claim 1 , said actuator being a linear actuator.3. The smoking article assembly of claim 1 , said actuator being a rotary actuator which produces linear motion.4. The smoking article testing assembly of claim 1 , said actuator being a single acting actuator.5. The smoking article testing assembly of claim 1 , said actuator being a dual acting actuator.6. The smoking article testing assembly of claim 1 , said thumper moving at an angle of between 45 degrees and 135 degrees to the smoking articles.7. The smoking article testing assembly of claim 1 , said actuator disposed adjacent to said at least one holder.8. The smoking article testing assembly of claim 7 , further comprising a seat for the smoking article claim 7 , said seat having a spring for said one or more smoking articles.9. The smoking article testing assembly of claim 1 , said frame having an actuator support.10. The smoking article testing assembly of claim 9 , said actuator support disposed adjacent to said smoking article holder.11. The smoking article testing assembly of claim 10 , said actuator disposed on said actuator support.12. The smoking article testing assembly of claim 11 , said thumper bar moving with movement of said actuator.13. The smoking article testing assembly of wherein ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Mechanics experiment system and method for perforated string in underground perforating blasting of oil-gas well

Номер: US20190010760A1

A mechanics experiment system for a perforated string in underground perforating blasting of an oil-gas well. The system includes an experiment water pool, a perforated string arranged in the experiment water pool, a signal amplifier, an A/D converter and a computer. The signal amplifier, the A/D converter and the computer are arranged outside the experiment water pool and are sequentially electrically connected; the perforated string includes an oil pipe, a packing tube, a sleeve, an acceleration testing short joint A, a damper, an acceleration testing short joint B and a perforating gun which are sequentially connected from top to bottom.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010904A1

The present disclosure provides a method and an apparatus for evaluating a degree of injury of a rider's head colliding with a pavement and a test method for testing the apparatus. An impact acceleration of a head model falling from a certain height and hitting the pavement is obtained through a self-made test apparatus, a TBS value is calculated after processing the obtained impact acceleration, and a possibility of the degree of the injury to the rider's head colliding on a test pavement after falling is obtained by inquiring a look-up table of possibility of injury degree of the head of the rider corresponding to the TBS provided by the present disclosure, for evaluating safety hazard when falling on the pavement. Compared with the related art, the method and the apparatus provided by the present disclosure for evaluating the degree of the injury of the rider's head colliding with the pavement is of great significance for quantitatively describing whether the pavement can guarantee safety of a bicycle rider to the greatest extent, so as to provide effective methods and tools for construction of urban bicycle lanes and evaluation of urban bicycle lanes. 2. The method for evaluating the degree of injury to the rider's head colliding with the pavement according to claim 1 , wherein the pavement comprises an asphalt pavement claim 1 , a concrete pavement claim 1 , a sidewalk pavement claim 1 , a bicycle lane elastic pavement claim 1 , a bridge deck pavement claim 1 , a sports ground or a safety floor.3. An apparatus for evaluating a degree of injury to a rider's head colliding with a pavement claim 1 , comprising:a collision impact system configured to test acceleration;a data acquisition system configured to acquire the tested acceleration and store or transmit the tested acceleration; anda data analysis system configured to receive and analyze the acceleration transmitted from the data acquisition system.4. The apparatus for evaluating the degree of injury to the ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018285A1

A method for extracting material and mechanical properties of a cylinder subject to expansion cause by an explosion so as to better understand the evolution of damage. The method is directed towards obtaining material and mechanical properties of the cylinder between an undeformed state and a state of deformation prior to total fracture. The method includes the steps of providing: (1) a plurality of cylinders, each of which have the same physical dimensions; (2) a plurality of charges, each of the plurality of charges having a different diameter and hence explosive force; and (3) a fluid having a shock impedance less than a shock impedance of any of the plurality of charges. The method further includes the step of placing the charges in a respective cylinders, tilling the cylinder with the fluid and detonating the charge, and recording the cylinder radial velocity during radial expansion and post-mortem material properties.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025590A1

A vehicle may include an operative sub-system positioned within a body of the vehicle, and a sensor assembly secured to the operative sub-system. The sensor assembly may include at least one sensor configured to detect vibration or shock energy, directed into the operative sub-system; and a processing unit configured to determine damage to the operative sub-system as damage data that is based on one or both of a magnitude and duration of the vibration or shock energy detected by the sensor(s). The sensor assembly may be self-powered. 1. A vehicle comprising:an operative sub-system positioned within a body of the vehicle; anda sensor assembly secured to the operative sub-system, wherein the sensor assembly includes: (a) at least one sensor configured to detect vibration or shock energy directed into the operative sub-system; and (b) a processing unit configured to determine damage to the operative sub-system as damage data that is based on one or both of a magnitude and duration of the vibration or shock energy detected by the at least one sensor.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the sensor assembly further comprises a memory in communication with the processing unit claim 1 , wherein the processing unit is configured to determine a remaining life of the operative sub-system as a function of the damage data and full life data stored in the memory.3. The vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the full life data is empirically determined and stored in the memory.4. The vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the full life data is pre-set and stored in the memory.5. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sensor comprises a piezo ceramic sensor that is configured to generate an electrical signal in response to the vibration or shock energy claim 1 , wherein the processing unit is powered through the electrical signal claim 1 , and wherein the processing unit analyzes the electrical signal to determine the damage data.6. The vehicle of claim 5 , wherein the sensor assembly ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

High-G Shock Testing Machine

Номер: US20200025645A1

A shock testing machine including: a test platform upon which one or more objects to be tested are mounted; one or more rails upon which the test platform is movable in a longitudinal direction; and a braking station for retarding a relative motion between the test platform and the braking station, wherein the test platform and the braking station include at least one portion interfering with the relative motion of the test platform and the braking station such that relative movement of the test platform and the braking station past the at least one portion produces a shock lateral to the longitudinal direction 1. A shock testing machine comprising:a test platform upon which one or more objects to be tested are mounted;one or more rails upon which the test platform is movable in a longitudinal direction; anda braking station for retarding a relative motion between the test platform and the braking station,wherein the test platform and the braking station include at least one portion interfering with the relative motion of the test platform and the braking station such that relative movement of the test platform and the braking station past the at least one portion produces a shock lateral to the longitudinal direction.2. The shock testing machine of claim 1 , wherein the at least one portion comprises one or more protuberances on the test platform and one or more protuberances on the braking station claim 1 , wherein the one or more protuberances on the test platform overlap with the one or more protuberances on the braking station in a direction lateral to the longitudinal direction.3. The shock testing machine of claim 2 , further comprising one or more actuators for varying an amount of the overlap in the direction lateral to the longitudinal direction.4. The shock testing machine of claim 3 , wherein the one or more actuators comprise one or more piezoelectric actuators.5. The shock testing machine of claim 1 , wherein the test platform is rotatable about a ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220050021A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a collision performance evaluation test method and apparatus that achieve a part collision test that satisfactorily reproduces the state of an actual automobile body collision, allow the test to be performed in a high-speed region, and increase the economic rationality of the test. A motion control mechanism formed of a translation control mechanism or a rotation control mechanism is provided in at least one of a support jig that supports one end portion of an automobile body part and a support jig that supports the other end portion of the automobile body part. The motion control mechanism includes a fixed member fixed to a motion restriction member in the support jig and a movable member so connected to the fixed member as to be movable and fixed to the one end portion or the other end portion of the automobile body part. A compression member protruding from one of the fixed member and the movable member toward the other is fit into a guide portion formed in the other one of the fixed member and the movable member so as to extend in the movable direction of the movable member and disposed with an energy-absorbing member therein. The motion of the movable member with respect to the fixed member deforms the energy-absorbing member to apply reaction force in the direction opposite the direction of the motion to the movable member. 1. A collision performance evaluation test method for an automobile body part for conducting a collision performance evaluation test for an automobile body part , characterized bysupporting one end portion and the other end portion of the automobile body part with a support jig, respectively, anddisposing a motion control mechanism on at least one of the support jig that supports one end portion of the automobile body part and the support jig that supports the other end portion of the automobile body part, in which:the motion control mechanism has a fixed member that is fixed to a motion ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033488A1

An impact test device includes a control rail and a carriage assembly moveable along the control rail in a plurality of directions including a first direction and a second direction opposite the first direction. The carriage assembly includes a catch configured to engage the control rail to control movement of the carriage assembly. Movement of the carriage assembly in the first direction urges the catch to disengage from the control rail, and movement of the carriage assembly in the second direction urges the catch to engage the control rail. 1. An impact test device comprising:a control rail; anda carriage assembly moveable along the control rail in a plurality of directions including a first direction and a second direction opposite the first direction, the carriage assembly including a catch configured to engage the control rail to control movement of the carriage assembly, wherein movement of the carriage assembly in the first direction urges the catch to disengage from the control rail and movement of the carriage assembly in the second direction urges the catch to engage the control rail.2. The impact test device of claim 1 , wherein the carriage assembly includes a carriage plate and an impactor extending from the carriage plate claim 1 , the control rail extending through an opening defined through the carriage plate.3. The impact test device of claim 1 , wherein the catch is moveable between an engaged configuration and a disengaged configuration claim 1 , the carriage assembly restricted from moving in the first direction when the catch is in the engaged configuration and allowed to move in the first direction when the catch is in the disengaged configuration.4. The impact test device of claim 1 , wherein the carriage assembly includes a carriage plate and a hinge coupling the catch to the carriage plate.5. The impact test device of claim 4 , wherein the catch includes a stop configured to limit a rotation of the catch.6. The impact test device of claim 1 ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140128227A1
Автор: Ladas William

An apparatus for physical conditioning and strike training is provided and includes an upright cylindrical member extending upwardly from and mounted in a base. A spinning assembly has at least one radially outwardly extending arm that has a first end and a second end. The first end of the arm is rotatably mounted on the upright cylindrical member. A strike target is positioned at the second end of the arm and the strike target is rotatable about the upright cylindrical member. 1. An apparatus for physical conditioning and strike training comprising:an upright cylindrical member extending upwardly from and mounted in a base;a spinning assembly having at least one radially outwardly extending arm, the arm having a first end and a second end, the first end of the arm rotatably mounted on the upright cylindrical member; anda strike target positioned at the second end of the arm, the strike target being rotatable about the upright cylindrical member.2. The apparatus for physical conditioning and strike training of claim 1 , the base having a hollow interior and at least one sealable aperture for accessing the hollow interior.3. The apparatus for physical conditioning and strike training of claim 2 , the hollow interior of the base being filled with a weighted medium.4. The apparatus for physical conditioning and strike training of claim 1 , further comprising a central cavity formed substantially in the center of the base in which the upright cylindrical member is mounted.5. The apparatus for physical conditioning and strike training of claim 1 , the first end of the arm of the spinning assembly being rotatably mounted on the upright cylindrical member between an upper stop and a lower stop claim 1 , the upper and lower stops being lockingly and releasably secured to the upright cylindrical member.6. The apparatus for physical conditioning and strike training of claim 1 , the first end of the arm of the spinning assembly including a sleeve through which the upright ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074734A1
Автор: Tsai Kevin Chunhao

A rotating force sensing kickboxing apparatus is disclosed. An example apparatus includes a support member including a first connector located at a bottom portion of the support member and a body. The apparatus also includes a sensor attached to the body, the sensor configured to detect an object striking a portion of an exterior side of the body. The apparatus further includes a stand including a circular recessed channel and a second connector secured within the circular recessed channel and configured to connect to the first connector. The second connector is configured to rotate within the circular recessed channel. The connection of the first connector to the second connector enables the body and the support member to be rotatable with respect to the stand. 1. A rotating boxing apparatus comprising: an exterior surface, and', 'an interior surface,', 'wherein a bottom portion of the inflatable support member includes a first connector configured to enable the support member and the body to be rotatable;, 'a body connected to an inflatable support member, the body includinga sensor attached to a portion of the interior surface of the first body, the sensor configured to detect an object striking a portion of the exterior surface of the first body; and a stand positioned inside the base and defining a circular recessed channel, and', 'a second connector secured within the circular recessed channel and configured to connect to the first connector of the support member, the second connector configured to rotate within the circular recessed channel,, 'a base configured to be connected to the bottom portion of the body, the base includingwherein the connection of the first connector to the second connector enables the body and the support member to be rotatable with respect to the base.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second connector includes:a rolling-element bearing configured to enable the second connector to rotate within the circular recessed channel of ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Shock Gauge System

Номер: US20210080483A1
Принадлежит: US Department of Army

One example is a shock gauge system for measuring an external blast to a hull. The shock gauge system includes at least one accelerometer to produce acceleration data in response to the external blast, a mass with an accelerometer affixed to it, a crush block, a linear displacement potentiometer (LDP), a camera, and a processor logic. The LDP device generates displacement data of a mass being pushed into the crush block when reacting to the external blast. The camera captures images of movement of the mass. The processor logic verifies if the acceleration data is valid by correlating the acceleration data to the displacement data, the images, and/or an amount of displacement into the crush block by the mass. When the acceleration data is valid, the acceleration data may be used to create a more blast resistant hull.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170082519A1

A microelectromechanical device includes a semi-flexible proof-mass comprising a primary part, a secondary part and a stiff spring suspending the primary part and the secondary part. The spring causes the parts to move as a single entity when the device is in its normal range. A first stopper structure stops the primary part. The proof-mass is configured to deform through deflection of the spring, when the device is subjected to a shock having a force that is beyond the normal operation range. While the shock causes motion of the proof-mass in one direction along an axis of movement, the spring is configured to cause a restoring force causing the secondary part of the proof-mass to be driven into a restoring motion in a direction opposite to motion along an axis caused by the shock. Momentum of the secondary part causes the primary part to dislodge from the first stopper structure. 1. A microelectromechanical device , comprising:a substantially planar semi-flexible proof-mass comprising at least one primary part and at least one secondary part, and at least one stiff spring coupling the at least one primary part and the at least one secondary part of the semi-flexible proof-mass, the at least one stiff spring substantially causing the at least one primary part and the at least one secondary part to move as a single, rigid entity when the device is in a normal operation range;at least one main spring coupled to the at least one secondary part, the main spring coupling the semi-flexible proof-mass to a suspension structure; andat least one first stopper structure configured to stop the at least one primary part,wherein the semi-flexible proof-mass is configured to deform through deflection of the at least one stiff spring, when the device is subjected to a shock that impacts the device with a force that is beyond the normal operation range of the device, the shock causing a motion of the semi-flexible proof-mass at least in a direction along an axis of movement, ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Sealant testing for aircraft fuel tanks

Номер: US20170089815A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Embodiments described herein provide apparatus and a method for simulating a mechanical stress applied to a sealant from a lightning strike upon an aircraft. One embodiment comprises a specimen, a test fixture, and a capacitor. The specimen comprises an electrically non-conductive sealant for an aircraft fuel tank having a cylindrical shape, and an electrically conductive wire centered axially within the sealant. The test fixture secures the specimen during testing. The capacitor is electrically coupled to the test fixture, and simulates a lightning strike upon the aircraft by vaporizing the wire with a current to generate a mechanical shock to the sealant.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086445A1

The present invention is directed to an automatic impact inducing device for inducing an impact on an object wherein, in particular on a machine tool. 1. An automatic impact inducing device for inducing an impact on an object wherein , in particular a machine tool , comprising:a bolt unit arranged in a housing and being moveable in the axial direction of the bolt unit,a sensor unit fixedly mounted in the front of the bolt unit including a tip for contacting the object and a force sensor arranged between the tip and the bolt unit for measuring the force acted on the object,a pullback mechanism operationally connected with the bolt unit and arranged behind the bolt unit, wherein the pullback mechanism is configured to store the energy required for inducing the impact in a storage element by pulling back the bolt unit,wherein,the pullback mechanisms includes an actuator and a coupling mechanisms, which can couple the bolt unit and the actuator to pull back the bolt unit and decouple the bolt unit from the actuator to release the bolt unit for inducing the impact on the object.2. The automatic impact inducing device according to claim 1 , wherein the pullback mechanism comprises an electromagnet mounted on the actuator and wherein the bolt unit can be coupled with the actuator by activating the electromagnet and decoupled from the actuator by deactivating the electromagnet.3. The automatic impact inducing device according to claim 1 , wherein a control unit is provided to control the pullback mechanism to pull back the bolt from an initial position to a desired position such that a pre-determined energy can be stored in the storage element.4. The automatic impact inducing device according to claim 1 , wherein the energy storage element is an elastic element claim 1 , in particular a spring.5. The automatic impact inducing device according to claim 4 , wherein the control unit is configured to adjust the spring compression of the spring to change the stored energy.6. The ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220168621A1
Автор: DALESIO Gionata

Disclosed is an apparatus for performing motor activity of punch bag or similar type, the apparatus is capable of generating sensory stimuli and included a body having light sources controlled by a control unit and a sensor. 1. An apparatus for performing motor activity comprising an elongated body with a substantially circular or polygonal section to be positioned with its a main axis of extension substantially vertical , the outer surface of which is adapted to be hit by at least one person with the hands , feet or other parts of the body , said surface at least partly consisting of or covered with a soft or yielding material , the apparatus further comprising:a plurality of light sources arranged in angular sectors spaced angularly along the perimeter of the body, housed in respective spaces obtained in the outer surface and positioned flush or recessed relative thereto;first sensor means adapted to detect proximity or contact of a part of the body of the person with the apparatus;second sensor means adapted to detect the position of the person relative to the perimeter of the body of the apparatus;a control unit configured to switch on or off the light sources positioned in a given angular sector of the body of the apparatus as a function of the position of the person detected by the second sensor means.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said second sensor means are adapted to detect the angular position of the person relative to the axis of the body of the apparatus.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein said second sensor means are configured to detect the presence of the person in a plurality of areas A-Aarranged substantially along a circumference around the body of the apparatus.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said second sensor means are adapted to detect the distance of the person from the body of the apparatus.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said light sources are arranged along vertical rows equally ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180103709A1

A testing apparatus to assess ballistic performance of helmet personnel protective equipment having a flat helmet analogue with a helmet shell material in flat panel form and at least one helmet suspension pad; head surrogate components including a skull skin surrogate, a skull bone surrogate, and a brain tissue surrogate; a pressure indicating film adjacent to the head surrogate components; and one or more pressure sensors in the brain tissue surrogate. Also disclosed is the related method for assessing ballistic performance of helmet personnel protective equipment. 1. A testing apparatus to assess ballistic performance of helmet personnel protective equipment , comprising:a flat helmet analogue, comprising a helmet shell material in flat panel form and at least one helmet suspension pad;head surrogate components, comprising a skull skin surrogate, a skull bone surrogate, and a brain tissue surrogate, wherein the flat helmet analogue is adjacent to the head surrogate components;a pressure indicating film adjacent to the head surrogate components; andone or more pressure sensors within the brain tissue surrogate.2. The testing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the responses of the flat helmet analogue are representative of responses of a 3-D helmet.3. The testing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the testing apparatus provides data on dynamic impact force claim 1 , deformation claim 1 , and skull surrogate damage.4. The testing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the helmet shell material comprises an aramid-phenolic composite.5. The testing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the flat helmet analogue additionally comprises a ceramic tile.6. The testing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the head surrogate components have specific geometric features and material properties that are representative of those for a human head.7. The testing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pressure indicating film is between the skull skin surrogate and the skull bone surrogate.8. The testing apparatus ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus and method to measure back face signature of armor

Номер: US20160109342A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

An apparatus and method for evaluating the backface signature of flat panel ballistic resistant composites with accuracy, repeatability and improved correlation to the expected backface signature of shaped ballistic resistant composites in actual field use.

24-07-2014 дата публикации

Intelligent Heavy Bag System

Номер: US20140206504A1

An intelligent heavy bag system having a sensor system and an illumination system adapted to provide performance feedback to a user. 1. An intelligent heavy bag system , comprising a body including:a central core disposed within inner and outer layers, the central core and the inner layer having corresponding holes through a thickness thereof,an illumination system comprising a plurality of illumination elements disposed in the body such that visible light is capable of transmitting through the plurality of holes; anda sensor system configured to detect impact upon the body of the intelligent heavy bag.2. The intelligent heavy bag system of claim 1 , wherein the system is capable of providing feedback to a user on his performance.3. The intelligent heavy bag system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor system consists of a first sensor disposed at a top section of the body of the heavy bag and a second sensor disposed at a bottom section of the body of the heavy bag.4. The intelligent heavy bag system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor system includes at least first and second sensors claim 1 , the first and second sensor comprising piezoelectric transducer system mounted to an integrated circuit.5. The intelligent heavy bag system of claim 4 , wherein the piezoelectric transducer system include first and second piezoelectric transducers disposed at ninety degrees of each other.6. The intelligent bag system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor system is capable of determining both vertical and angular location of an impact upon the body of the intelligent heavy bag.7. The intelligent bag system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor system is capable of determining both vertical and angular magnitude of an impact upon the body of the intelligent heavy bag.8. The intelligent heavy bag system of claim 1 , wherein the illumination system elements include an internal LED matrix claim 1 , and further wherein the LEDs are high intensity LEDs.9. The intelligent heavy bag system of claim 8 , ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160131552A1

A micromechanical shock sensor includes a proof mass coupled to a surface of a substrate and a projection element extending laterally from the proof mass. The shock sensor further includes a latch mechanism and a retention anchor. The latch mechanism has a latch spring attached to the surface and a latch tip extending from a movable end of the latch spring. The retention anchor is attached to the surface and is located proximate the latch tip. The proof mass is configured for planar movement relative to the substrate when the proof mass is subjected to a force of at least a threshold magnitude. Movement of the proof mass in response to the force causes the latch tip to become retained between the projection element and the retention anchor to place the shock sensor in a latched state. The latched state may be detected by optical inspection, probe, or external readout. 1. A micromechanical shock sensor comprising:a proof mass coupled to a surface of a substrate and configured for planar movement relative to said substrate when said proof mass is subjected to a force of at least a threshold magnitude;a projection element extending laterally from said proof mass;a latch mechanism having a latch spring attached to said surface and a latch tip extending from a movable end of said latch spring; anda retention anchor attached to said surface and located proximate said latch tip, wherein movement of said proof mass in response to said force causes said latch tip to become retained between said projection element and said retention anchor to place said shock sensor in a latched state.2. The micromechanical shock sensor of wherein said latch spring comprises:a spring anchor attached to said surface of said substrate;a first beam structure having a first end coupled to said spring anchor; anda second beam structure, said first and second beam structures being suspended above said surface of said substrate, said second beam structure having a third end coupled to a second end ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Relative response system including reprogramming capability for autonomous or interrelated stimulus and sensor systems for measuring biological response data relative to either an absolute reference and/or relative to other biological response

Номер: US20170135609A1

A wireless system of a plurality of independent pods initiates, collects, and processes absolute and/or relative response data of a biological system to stimulus. The data is then wirelessly transmitted to any one or combination of external communication devices via a bridge pod. The system is well adapted to collect response measurement data related to a plurality of sequences of stimulus. 1. (canceled)2. A relative response system for interrelated stimulus and sensor systems having a plurality of sensors for measuring biological response data based on a time synchronized stimulus , the system comprising:a wireless network adapted to provide data transmission between at least one CPU pod and at least one CPU bridge pod, the wireless network further adapted to enable a transmission path for software re-programming of any combination of the at least one CPU pod and the at least one CPU bridge pod;an integrated wireless negotiation and micro-processor coupled to a power source and in data communication with the at least one CPU pod and the at least one CPU bridge pod, the integrated wireless negotiation and micro-processer further configured for executing at least one sequence of a stimulus-response either synchronously or asynchronously;wherein the at least one CPU bridge pod further comprises a communication connection from the wireless network to an external communication path, and further the at least one CPU bridge pod is adapted to bidirectionally and wirelessly communicate data to the at least one CPU pod;wherein the external communication path further comprises the ability to upload or download executable programming data between the at least one CPU bridge pod and a plurality of external communication devices;a stimulate device in data communication with the at least one CPU pod wherein the stimulate device stimulates the biological response;a response sensor for sensing the biological response, the response sensor in data communication with the at least one ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160145887A1
Автор: GATTO Matteo

The invention relates to a method for the realization of a survival module which comprises the following steps: a) forming a prototype of the module provided with a structure theoretically resistant to the stresses determined by the collapse of a building by means of the calculation of the force exerted; b) dispose, within said prototype, measuring instruments capable of recording data relating to acceleration and pressure; c) set a threshold value for the data detected by said measuring instruments; d) placing the prototype so equipped inside or in the vicinity of a building, in an area affected by the collapse or its consequences; e) determine the building to collapse, and: f1) in case of exceeding said threshold value, repeating the design of the prototype; f2) in case of not exceeding said threshold value, using the design data of the prototype for the subsequent production of survival module 1) Method for the realization of a survival module usable , in particular , for the protection against damage caused by the collapse of buildings during natural events characterized in that it comprises the following steps:a) forming a prototype of the module provided with a structure theoretically resistant to the stresses determined by the collapse of a building by means of the calculation of the force exerted to the module based on static and dynamic parameters of the building subjected to the forces of the natural event;b) dispose, within said prototype, measuring instruments capable of recording data relating to acceleration and pressure inside the prototype;c) set a threshold value for the data detected by said measuring instruments corresponding to a suitable value to ensure the survival of a living being placed inside the said module;d) placing the prototype so equipped inside or in the vicinity of a building, in an area affected by the collapse or its consequences;e) determine the building to collapse, and:f1) in case of exceeding said threshold value, repeating ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Mechanical High-G Shock Testing Machines

Номер: US20160161362A1

A shock testing machine including: a movable impact mass upon which one or more components to test are mounted; one or more rails upon which the impact mass is movable; and a brake operatively engageable with the movable impact mass after the movable impact mass has moved a predetermined distance to retard the movement of the movable impact mass such that the components to be tested experience a deceleration profile. 1. A shock testing machine comprising:a movable impact mass upon which one or more components to test are mounted;one or more rails upon which the impact mass is movable; anda brake operatively engageable with the movable impact mass after the movable impact mass has moved a predetermined distance to retard the movement of the movable impact mass such that the components to be tested experience a deceleration profile.2. The shock testing machine of claim 1 , wherein the one or more rails comprises two or more rails.3. The shock testing machine of claim 2 , wherein the brake comprises a brake element corresponding to each of the two or more rails.4. The shock testing machine of claim 1 , wherein the brake is fixed to the movable impact mass.5. The shock testing machine of claim 4 , wherein the brake is movable on the one or more rails.6. The shock testing machine of claim 1 , wherein the brake is movable on the one or more rails.7. The shock testing machine of claim 6 , wherein the one or more rails comprises two or more rails and the brake comprises a brake element corresponding to each of the two or more rails claim 6 , the shock testing machine further comprising a rigid member connecting the brake elements such that the movable impact mass engages the brake elements at the same time after moving the predetermined distance.8. The shock testing machine of claim 1 , wherein the brake is disposed on the one or more rails at the predetermined distance from the movable impact mass and the brake is preset to be engaged with the one or more rails.9. The ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Rocket Launch Acceleration Testing Machines

Номер: US20220299400A1

A shock testing machine including: a carriage for holding a component to be tested, the carriage being configured to be movable in a linear direction along one or more elongated rails; a drum rotatable on a shaft, the drum having a circumferential surface; a cable having one end connected to the carriage and an other end connected to the drum; a motor having an output connected to the shaft to rotate the drum under the motive power of the motor to wind the cable on the circumferential surface of the drum; and a clutch disposed in a power train operatively connecting the motor to the drum, the clutch having a disengaged state and an engaged state. Where the motor is controlled to disengage the clutch while the motor reaches a predetermined rotational speed or predetermined rotational torque and to engage the clutch when the motor reaches the predetermined rotational speed or predetermined rotational torque to accelerate the carriage and component to be tested in the linear direction. 1. A shock testing machine comprising:a carriage for holding a component to be tested, the carriage being configured to be movable in a linear direction along one or more elongated rails;a drum rotatable on a shaft, the drum having a circumferential surface;a cable having one end connected to the carriage and an other end connected to the drum;a motor having an output connected to the shaft to rotate the drum under the motive power of the motor to wind the cable on the circumferential surface of the drum; anda clutch disposed in a power train operatively connecting the motor to the drum, the clutch having a disengaged state and an engaged state;wherein the motor is controlled to disengage the clutch while the motor reaches a predetermined rotational speed or predetermined rotational torque and to engage the clutch when the motor reaches the predetermined rotational speed or predetermined rotational torque to accelerate the carriage and component to be tested in the linear direction.2. ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

High-G Shock Testing Machine

Номер: US20190154542A1

A shock testing machine including: a test platform for holding one or more objects to be shock tested, the test platform having an impact surface; a fixed member having a surface disposed a predetermined distance from a corresponding surface of the test platform, the test platform being movable such that the surface of the test platform can contact the corresponding surface of the fixed member upon an impact to the impact surface; and a flywheel having one or more cams for contacting the impact surface upon rotation of the flywheel such that the impact of each of the one or more cams on the impact surface causes the surface of the test platform to impact the corresponding surface of the fixed member to produce a shock in the one or more objects to be tested. 1. A shock testing machine comprising:a test platform for holding one or more objects to be shock tested, the test platform having an impact surface;a fixed member having a surface disposed a predetermined distance from a corresponding surface of the test platform, the test platform being movable such that the surface of the test platform can contact the corresponding surface of the fixed member upon an impact to the impact surface; anda flywheel having one or more cams for contacting the impact surface upon rotation of the flywheel such that the impact of each of the one or more cams on the impact surface causes the surface of the test platform to impact the corresponding surface of the fixed member to produce a shock in the one or more objects to be tested.2. The shock testing machine of claim 1 , further comprising a biasing member for biasing the surface of the test platform away from the corresponding surface of the fixed member.3. The shock testing machine of claim 1 , wherein the impact surface comprises first and second impact surfaces claim 1 , the fixed member comprises first and second surfaces each disposed a predetermined distance from a corresponding first and second surface of the test platform ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Self-Contained Rapid Modal Testing System for Highway Bridges

Номер: US20170160165A1

A system for measuring structural integrity includes a self-contained rapid modal testing trailer that delivers an impact load to a structure being tested and records data resulting from the impact load, and a data processing software that extracts modal parameters of the structure, such as frequencies and mode shapes. The parameters are used to determine anomalous behavior as well as provide experimental data for finite element model calibration. 1. A system for measuring structural integrity comprising:a self-contained rapid modal testing trailer that delivers an impact load to a structure being tested and records data resulting from the impact load in a data acquisition program, the testing trailer comprising:an impact device that delivers the impact load; anda sensor assembly that extends from the testing trailer to engage the structure.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the impact device comprises a falling mass that impacts a strike plate to deliver the impact load.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein when the falling mass strikes the impact plate claim 2 , a rebound control assembly is activated to catch the falling mass from striking the strike plate a second time on a rebound.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the rebound control assembly comprises a rebound control actuator and a rebound control arm claim 3 , and upon a hall sensor detecting the falling mass striking the strike plate claim 3 , the hall sensor communicates this contact to a controller that activates the rebound control actuator claim 3 , which extends the rebound control arm to catch the falling mass.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the impact load is adjustable.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor assembly engages the structure to be measured via a stabilizer foot.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the sensor assembly extends from the trailer via activation of an actuator.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the impact device is controlled using a controller.9. The system of claim 1 ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Punching Bag Training System

Номер: US20220305363A1
Принадлежит: Fit Science And Technology LLC

A punching bag training system has a monitoring device, a group display, and training stations. Each training station has a station computing device, a punching bag, a punching sensor, and a training station identifier. The punching sensor has a punching sensor transmitter. The punching sensor is configured to wirelessly transmit punching sensor data utilizing the punching sensor transmitter. The punching sensor data may contain punch count, punch power, power punch, punch direction, and combinations thereof. The station computing device is configured to receive the punching sensor data.

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210197057A1
Автор: Manuilov Mikhail

A method for interactive exercising comprises performing punches to a target portion or throws of throwing implements to a target portion by an athlete and setting the exercising complexity. 1. A method for interactive exercising , comprising:performing punches to a target portion or throws of throwing implements to a target portion by an athlete; andproducing forced oscillations of the target portion by setting the target portion in motion via at least one drive; anddetermining whether the target portion is hit via at least one sensor,wherein forced oscillations of the target portion are produced in the form of a sequence of forced oscillations of various kinds: periodic, and/or damped, and/or aperiodic,the mode of the target portion oscillations being adjusted immediately during an exercising session by varying the oscillation parameters: period, and/or amplitude, and/or damping factor, and/or central position about which the oscillations are produced.2. The method for interactive exercising of claim 1 , wherein:variations of said target portion oscillation parameters are done randomly or pseudo-randomly.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said target portion oscillation parameters are varied subject to the target portion hit detection results claim 1 , and more specifically claim 1 , in response to detecting more frequent target portion hits claim 1 , the average oscillation period is reduced claim 1 , and/or average amplitudes are increased claim 1 , and/or central position variations are increased claim 1 , while in response to detecting rarer target portion hits claim 1 , the average oscillation period is increased claim 1 , and/or average amplitudes are reduced claim 1 , and or central position variations are reduced claim 1 , respectively.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the target portion is forced to oscillate independently in the direction left/right and in the direction back/forth relatively to the trainee.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the target ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210197058A1
Автор: Margareten Isamar

The present invention provides a gaming system for playing a boxing inspired game. The gaming device includes two vests that communicate with each other and keep score via wireless technology. The game is played by two players at a time with the general objective being for a player to hit their opponent's vest as many times as possible within the designated time period. The device allows players to engage in three different modes. Score tracking is announced by audio and does not require any additional devices for viewing the score. 1. A boxing game system comprising: a first wireless transceiver;', 'a first controller coupled to the first wireless transceiver; and', 'a first breast plate having a first plurality of lightable target pads, wherein each lightable target pad includes a sensor and a light that are each coupled to the first controller;, 'a first wearable vest comprising a second wireless transceiver configured to communicate with the first wireless transceiver in the first wearable vest;', 'a second controller coupled to the second wireless transceiver;', 'a second breast plate having a second plurality of lightable target pads wherein each lightable target pad includes a sensor and a light that are each coupled to the second controller; and, 'a second wearable vest comprisingwherein the first controller of the first wearable vest is configured to communicate with the second controller of the second wearable vest via the first wireless transceiver and the second wireless transceiver, respectively.2. The boxing game system of claim 1 , wherein the first wearable vest and the second wearable vest each include an audio speaker coupled to the first controller and the second controller claim 1 , respectively.3. The boxing game system of claim 1 , wherein one of the first controller or the second controller is configured to activate a predetermined game when a sensor of a selected lightable target pad of the first plurality of lightable target pads and the ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Full Head Surrogate with Live Neurons for Helmet Testing and Evaluation

Номер: US20160178476A1

A system for testing a helmet includes a simulated skull comprising a cranial cavity; a brain surrogate disposed inside the cranial cavity; and a cell pack comprising at least one culture well suitable for three-dimensional growth of live neurons therein, the cell pack comprising a retaining plate having at least one opening exposing a portion of a flexible membrane containing the at least one cell culture well, the exposed membrane portion being substantially flush with an exterior surface of the retaining plate, wherein the brain surrogate is configured to closely surround the cell pack inside the simulated skull. Also disclosed is a method of using the system. 1. A system for testing a helmet , the system comprising:a simulated skull comprising a cranial cavity;a brain surrogate disposed inside the cranial cavity; anda cell pack comprising at least one culture well suitable for three-dimensional growth of live neurons therein, the cell pack comprising a rigid retaining plate having at least one opening exposing a portion of a flexible membrane containing the at least one cell culture well, the exposed membrane portion being substantially flush with an exterior surface of the retaining plate,wherein the brain surrogate is configured to closely surround the cell pack inside the simulated skull.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a simulated skin on said simulated skull.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said brain surrogate comprises two separable sections adapted to hold said cell pack therebetween.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein said separable sections are made of different materials.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a helmet.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a three-dimensional culture of live neurons within said at least one culture well.7. The system of claim 6 , further comprising at least one sensor inside or attached to said cell pack.8. A method of testing a helmet claim 6 , the method comprising: a simulated skull ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140283579A1

A testing equipment for crash simulation tests is specified which has a rail arrangement, a first carriage arrangement which is arranged displaceably along a longitudinal axis of the rail arrangement, and an acceleration unit via which a force can be transferred to the first carriage arrangement in order to accelerate the carriage arrangement. With the aim of preparing parts to be tested outside the testing equipment, quickly introducing them into the testing equipment, and keeping low the overall mass composed of carriage arrangement including object to be tested, the testing equipment further has a second carriage arrangement, which can be mounted on the rail arrangement and can be displaced therealong and is designed to support a test superstructure with at least one component to be tested in the crash simulation. The first carriage arrangement further has a detachable clutch for transferring a force to the second carriage arrangement from the acceleration unit via the first carriage arrangement. 2. The testing equipment as claimed in claim 1 , in which the acceleration unit is arranged immovably relative to the testing equipment.3. The testing equipment as claimed in claim 1 , in which the first carriage arrangement has a sensor for recording measured acceleration values of the first carriage unit.4. The testing equipment as claimed in claim 1 , in which the rail arrangement is designed for mounting the second carriage arrangement on the rail arrangement by moving in a plane in which the longitudinal axis of the rail arrangement lies.5. The testing equipment as claimed in claim 4 , in which at a first end claim 4 , lying opposite the acceleration unit claim 4 , the rail arrangement is designed in an open fashion in such a way that the second carriage arrangement can be mounted on the rail arrangement by moving along the longitudinal axis of the rail arrangement.6. The testing equipment as claimed in claim 4 , in which the rail arrangement has a swivel unit which ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180195919A1

A displacement measurement system enables accurate and easy measurement of the maximum displacement formed on plates which are used for military or civil purposes, especially in vehicle manufacture, and which are subjected to a blast or crash test. 1. A displacement measurement system used to measure the displacement due to deformation caused by the load created as a result of a blast or crash on plates subjected to a blast or crash test , characterized by comprising a conical measurement end2. The conical measurement end according to claim 1 , characterized by comprising a contact opening and a connection surface.3. The displacement measurement system according to claim 1 , characterized by comprising a worm gear claim 1 , a main body claim 1 , a platform claim 1 , a beam claim 1 , a connection plate and supporting plates. The present invention relates to the measurement of maximum displacement occurring due to load created by an blast or crash, on plates subjected to blast or crash test.The present invention specifically relates to a displacement measurement system that enables accurate and easy measurement of the maximum displacement on plates subjected to blast or crash test.During blast or crash displacement measurements are made to explore the behavior, strength properties and deformation rates of plates used especially in vehicle manufacture for military or civil purposes.Two types of deformation occurs on a plate that is affected by the load created by an blast or crash: plastic deformation and elastic deformation. Elastic deformation is the maximum deformation that the plate can attain and is temporary. Plastic deformation, on the other hand, is the last deformation that the plate experiences and is permanent. The sum of elastic and plastic displacements is called as total displacement. Various ways are being used to measure total displacement.The most commonly used method for the measurement of the displacement created on the plate as a result of the blast ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170203177A1
Автор: CHIU Ka-Hong Martin

An intelligent striking practice system includes a gravity sensor circuit and a striking data analysis program. The gravity sensor circuit is disposed on a striking practice device for generating a striking data according to an external impact applied to the striking practice device, wherein the striking data is transmitted to an electronic device by a signal transmitter. The a striking data analysis program is installed in the electronic device and executed by a processor of the electronic device for enabling the processor to perform an analysis on a specific group of striking data in a specific time period, so as to generate a striking indicator displayed on a display device, wherein the analysis includes obtaining a specific force value, a specific speed value and an endurance value from the specific group of striking data. 1. An intelligent striking practice system , comprising:a gravity sensor circuit disposed on a striking practice device for generating a striking data according to an external impact applied to the striking practice device, wherein the striking data is transmitted to an electronic device by a signal transmitter; anda striking data analysis program installed in the electronic device and executed by a processor of the electronic device for enabling the processor to perform an analysis on a specific group of striking data within a specific time period, so as to generate a striking indicator displayed on a display device,wherein the analysis includes obtaining a specific force value, a specific speed value and an endurance value from the specific group of striking data.2. The intelligent striking practice system of claim 1 , wherein the striking practice device includes a bottom base capable of being fixed onto a floor and a buffer member combined with the bottom base claim 1 , such that claim 1 , when an external impact is applied to the striking practice device claim 1 , a part of the buffer member generates an instantaneous displacement and the ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210231531A1

A testing device for an airbag module includes a support structure to which an airbag module containing an airbag can be fastened, the support structure forming a passage which can be penetrated by the airbag, at least one lid movably fastened to the support structure by fastening means between a closing position in which the lid closes the passage and an open position in which the passage is opened, and a closure device that closes the lid in the closing position by applying a closing force to the lid, wherein the lid comprises at least one first force sensor measuring the opening force applied to the lid by the airbag when moved out of the closed position by the airbag. 1. A testing device for an airbag module , comprising ,a support structure, an airbag module housing, an airbag, the airbag module to be fastened to the support structure, said support structure including a passage for penetration by the airbag;a lid movably fastened to the support structure by fastening means between a closing position in which the lid closes the passage and an open position in which the passage is opened, anda closure device that closes the lid in the closing position by applying a closing force to the lid, said lid comprising at least one first force sensor measuring an opening force applied to the lid by the airbag when the lid is moved out of the closed position.2. The testing device according to claim 1 , wherein the lid comprises an acceleration sensor measuring the acceleration of the lid when the lid is moved out of the closed position by the airbag.3. The testing device according to claim 2 , wherein the lid is fastened to the support structure by a flexible belt claim 2 , the belt cooperating with a second force sensor measuring the hinge force applied to the belt when the lid is moved out of the closed position by the airbag.4. The testing device according to claim 3 , wherein the belt claim 3 , at least partially claim 3 , encloses the lid.5. The testing device ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160220881A1
Автор: III Eras R., Noel

An apparatus for measuring athletic performance includes a swivel joint that includes a housing, a coupling member and a sensing device. The housing includes first and second arms, each arm defining an aperture therethrough, the arms defining a gap and being oriented with the respective apertures aligned across the gap from one another. The coupling member includes an axle that passes through the apertures, is rotatable with respect to the housing, forms first and second attachment points, and forms a protrusion that extends outward from the axle. The coupling member further includes a bar that couples with the attachment points, and curves sufficiently to clear ends of the arms as the axle rotates within the apertures. The sensing device is responsive to produce an electrical signal representative of athletic performance when rotation of the coupling member moves the protrusion through a predefined rotational position within the gap. 1. Apparatus for measuring athletic performance , comprising: [ each arm defining an aperture therethrough,', 'the first and second arms defining a gap therebetween and oriented with the respective apertures aligned across the gap from one another;, 'a housing, comprising a swivel post coupled with first and second arms,'}, an axle that passes through the apertures and is rotatable with respect to the housing, the axle forming a protrusion that extends radially outward from the axle in a first radial direction, the protrusion being axially aligned with the gap; and', 'a bar that couples with the axle, a dimension of the bar being sufficient for the bar to clear ends of the first and second arms as the axle rotates within the apertures, the bar extending radially in a second radial direction; and, 'a coupling member, comprising, 'a sensing device that is mechanically coupled with the housing, and is responsive to produce an electrical signal representative of the athletic performance when rotation of the coupling member moves the ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации

Reusable Energy Absorbing Lab Seat

Номер: US20150226635A1

The reusable energy absorbing lab seat includes a seat bucket for holding an anthropomorphic test device, a seat support structure, an energy absorbing system, a false floor structure, and a fail-safe system. The seat support structure is for securing the seat bucket to a sled that corresponds to a horizontal accelerator. The energy absorbing system is for absorbing energy imposed by the horizontal accelerator on the seat bucket and the anthropomorphic test device. The false floor structure is for simulating a real floor of a vehicle or aircraft. The fail-safe system is for reducing damage to the reusable energy absorbing seat, the anthropomorphic test device, and lab facilities in case the energy absorbing system fails. 1. A reusable energy absorbing lab seat , comprising of:a seat bucket for holding an anthropomorphic test device;a seat support structure for securing the seat bucket to a sled, the sled corresponding to a horizontal accelerator such that energy may be imposed by the horizontal accelerator on the seat bucket and the anthropomorphic test device;an energy absorbing system for absorbing energy imposed by the horizontal accelerator on the seat bucket and the anthropomorphic test device;a false floor structure for simulating a real floor of a vehicle, the false floor structure being able to be adjusted based on the size of the anthropomorphic test device; and,a fail-safe system for reducing damage to the reusable energy absorbing lab seat, the anthropomorphic test device, and lab facilities in case the energy absorbing system fails.2. The reusable energy absorbing lab seat of claim 1 , wherein the energy absorbing system is a pneumatic brake system.3. The reusable energy absorbing lab seat of claim 2 , wherein the seat bucket is disposed in a vertical orientation claim 2 , such that the anthropomorphic test device is on its back.4. The reusable energy absorbing lab seat of claim 2 , wherein the seat bucket is disposed in a non-vertical and non-horizontal ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for detecting shock

Номер: US20160231196A1
Автор: John M. Evjen
Принадлежит: Individual

The problem of detecting when a traumatic force has been sustained by the brain of an individual is solved by a shock detection device that can be installed in wearable equipment. The shock detection device can include one or more deformable supports that maintain at least one suspended weight at a specific location within a housing. When a shock of a pre-determined force is sustained by the equipment, the suspended weight and/or the one or more deformable supports will provide an indication that such a shock has occurred. Such indication can be a change in the position or state of the at least one suspended weight and/or the one or more deformable supports. Visual indicators can also be utilized to better signify when a sufficiently forceful shock has occurred.

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150238836A1
Автор: Tsai Kevin Chunhao

A force sensing kickboxing apparatus is disclosed. An example apparatus includes a body including an externally facing first side and an internally facing second side and a base connected to the body configured to enable the body to be rotated with respect to the base. The example apparatus also includes an electronic device connected to the base and configured to provide information associated with the body. The example apparatus further includes a sensor housing attached to a portion of the second side of the body forming a pocket between the sensor housing and the portion of the internally facing second side and a sensor positioned within the pocket and communicatively coupled to the electronic device. The sensor is configured to detect an object contacting a portion of the first side of the body in proximity to the sensor. 1. A force sensing apparatus comprising:a body including an externally facing first side and an internally facing second side;a base connected to a bottom side of the body configured to enable the body to be rotated with respect to the base;an electronic device connected to the base and configured to provide information associated with the body;a sensor housing attached to a portion of the second side of the body forming a pocket between the sensor housing and the portion of the internally facing second side; anda sensor positioned within the pocket and communicatively coupled to the electronic device, the sensor configured to detect an object contacting a portion of the first side of the body in proximity to the sensor,wherein the electronic device is configured to count a number of strikes of the body based on data received from the sensor.2. The force sensing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is wirelessly coupled to the electronic device.3. The force sensing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the base includes a rotor configured to enable a user to rotate the body with respect to the base.4. The force sensing apparatus of claim 1 , ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Cineradiography-based method and apparatus for testing protective headgear

Номер: US20200225133A1

A method and apparatus for testing the response of protective headgear to impact forces. A high-speed cineradiography imaging system is used to obtain full-field, time-resolved internal monitoring and measurement of headgear component (pads and liners ) deformation and interaction with a head surrogate (headform ), deformation of headform components, and stress and strain transfer into the headform. Radiopaque contrast materials ( & ) and integration techniques are used to highlight specific regions of interest within the headgear and headform components during the impact loading events. 1. A method for testing a helmet comprising the steps of:placing a helmet upon a headform;placing said headform between the X-ray source and scintillator plate of a cineradiography system;imparting an impact force to the helmet; andobserving the impact-induced deformation and motion of the helmet and its component, the deformation and motion of the headform, and the interaction of the helmet components with the headform using said cineradiography system to record this dynamic deformation process, wherein said cineradiography system comprises a rotating anode X-ray tube source that produces a flux of X-ray oriented in a direction perpendicular to the line of action of the impact force, a scintillator plate that converts X-ray into visible light, and a high-speed video capture system that records multiple consecutive frames.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the rotating anode X-ray tube source is replaced by a multi-anode flash X-ray source.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the high-speed video capture system is optically-coupled to an image intensifier.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein an anti-scatter grid is placed between the X-ray source and the scintillator.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cineradiography system consist of a rotating anode X-ray tube source and an X-ray image intensifier optically-coupled to a high-speed video capture system claim 1 , wherein said X-ray ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170239548A9
Автор: Tsai Kevin Chunhao

A rotating force sensing kickboxing apparatus is disclosed. An example apparatus includes a support member including a first connector located at a bottom portion of the support member and a body. The apparatus also includes a sensor attached to the body, the sensor configured to detect an object striking a portion of an exterior side of the body. The apparatus further includes a stand including a circular recessed channel and a second connector secured within the circular recessed channel and configured to connect to the first connector. The second connector is configured to rotate within the circular recessed channel. The connection of the first connector to the second connector enables the body and the support member to be rotatable with respect to the stand. 1. A rotating boxing apparatus comprising: an exterior surface, and', 'an interior surface,', 'wherein a bottom portion of the inflatable support member includes a first connector configured to enable the support member and the body to be rotatable;, 'a body connected to an inflatable support member, the body includinga sensor attached to a portion of the interior surface of the first body, the sensor configured to detect an object striking a portion of the exterior surface of the first body; and a stand positioned inside the base and defining a circular recessed channel, and', 'a second connector secured within the circular recessed channel and configured to connect to the first connector of the support member, the second connector configured to rotate within the circular recessed channel,, 'a base configured to be connected to the bottom portion of the body, the base includingwherein the connection of the first connector to the second connector enables the body and the support member to be rotatable with respect to the base.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second connector includes:a rolling-element bearing configured to enable the second connector to rotate within the circular recessed channel of ...

08-09-2016 дата публикации

High-G Shock Testing Machine

Номер: US20160258837A1

A shock testing machine including: a test platform upon which one or more objects to be tested are mounted; one or more rails upon which the test platform is movable in a longitudinal direction; and a braking station for retarding a relative motion between the test platform and the braking station, wherein the test platform and the braking station include at least one portion interfering with the relative motion of the test platform and the braking station such that relative movement of the test platform and the braking station past the at least one portion produces a shock lateral to the longitudinal direction. 1. A shock testing machine comprising:a test platform upon which one or more objects to be tested are mounted;one or more rails upon which the test platform is movable; anda braking station having one or more braking elements operatively engageable with one or more corresponding braking surfaces on the test platform after the test platform has moved a predetermined distance relative to the braking station,wherein the one or more braking elements are movable to vary a gap between the one or more braking elements and the one or more braking surface.2. The shock testing machine of claim 1 , further comprising one or more actuators for moving the braking elements.3. The shock testing machine of claim 2 , wherein the one or more actuators comprise one or more piezoelectric actuators.4. The shock testing machine of claim 1 , wherein the one or more braking elements comprise a beveled region such that a portion of the braking element in the beveled region has a thickness that increases with a direction of travel of the test platform.5. A method for shock testing one or more objects claim 1 , the method comprising:mounting the one or more objects to a test platform;movably disposing the test platform on one or more rails;moving the test platform a predetermined distance relative to a braking station;varying a braking amount of the braking station by varying a gap ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160263458A1

Sensor systems and methods for quantitative assessment of sports performance are disclosed. In one embodiment, a boxing data server comprises a memory storing predetermined profiles of arm acceleration or rotation over time for one or more types of punches, a radio for communicating with one or more sensors on one or more boxers, and one or more processors. The one or more processors may be configured to receive, via the radio from the one or more sensors, one or more streams of sensor values indicating: (1) accelerations of a boxer's arm within a first range of acceleration, measured by a first acceleration sensor, (2) accelerations of a boxer's arm within a second range of acceleration, measured by a second acceleration sensor, and (3) rotation of the boxer's arm measured by a gyroscope sensor. The one or more processors may be configured to determine, based on the received sensor values from the first acceleration sensor, whether a punch landed but not to measure a force or velocity of the punch. The one or more processors may be configured to determine, based on the received sensor values from the second acceleration sensor, at least one of a force or a velocity of the punch but not to detect whether the punch landed. Additionally, the one or more processors may be configured to determine, based on comparison of variations in the rotation of the boxer's arm and on variations in the acceleration of the boxer's arm measured by the second acceleration sensor to known punch gestures, a type of the punch. 1. A punch sensor , comprising:a first acceleration sensor for measuring a first range of acceleration of a boxer's arm, wherein the first acceleration sensor is used to detect that a punch has landed but not to determine a speed or a force of the punch;a second acceleration sensor for measuring a second range of acceleration sensor of the boxer's arm, wherein the second acceleration sensor is used to determine at least one of the speed or the force of the punch but ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140364278A1
Автор: Le Vu, Mahdavi Abtin

In one preferred form of the present invention, there is provided a strike measurement system () for a punching bag (). The measurement system () includes an accessory () for being installed on the punching bag (). The accessory () has a number of sensors () for receiving strike data, and a communications facility () for use in transmitting strike information to a computing device (); wherein the system () is adapted for utilising an intermediate computing device () between the computing device () and the communications facility (). In the system () the intermediate computing device () configured for assisting with the transmission of the strike information to the computing device (). 1. An accessory for a punching bag comprising: an accessory body adapted to wrap around the body of the punching bag , the accessory body including a number of sensors to measure the performance of a user with respect to the accessory; the accessory being of a width wherein a single accessory is able to be positioned by a user to be suitable for measuring the performance of selected one from the group comprising leg directed strikes , torso directed strikes and head directed strikes; the user requiring multiple accessories to be positioned on a full length punching bag to concurrently measure the performance of leg , torso and head directed strikes.2. An accessory as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the accessory can be positioned at a lower position on the punching bag to measure and categorise claim 1 , left claim 1 , right and central leg strikes.3. An accessory as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the accessory can be positioned at a middle position on the punching bag to measure and categorise left claim 1 , right and central torso strikes.4. An accessory as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the accessory can be positioned at an upper position on the punching bag to measure and categorise left claim 1 , right and central head strikes.5. An accessory as claimed in any claim 1 , wherein the user ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации

Vibration analysis for blasting

Номер: US20140365143A1

A process for vibration analysis, including the steps of: receiving synchronized motion measurements of particle motion in two or three orthogonal dimensions over a selected period of time at a plurality of different measurement locations; and determining one or more strain waveforms in the orthogonal dimensions in regions spanning the plurality of measurement locations using the motion measurements.

18-12-2014 дата публикации

MMA Glove Incorporating a Tightly Secured Wireless Impact Processing Circuit

Номер: US20140372440A1
Автор: Cains Steven

An improved mixed martial art (“MMA”) glove includes an impact sensing circuit board that holds a microcontroller, a three-axis accelerometer, a wireless interface chip, and is coupled to an impact sensing circuit. The circuit board is securely mounted to the wrist portion of the improved MMA glove by one or more sewing holes. 1. A mixed martial art glove including a striking surface and an upper wrist surface , the mixed martial art glove comprising:i) an impact sensing device incorporated into an interior portion of the striking surface, the impact sensing device providing an impact signal; 1) a PC board;', '2) a sewing hole formed into said PC board and adapted to allow the secure joining of the PC board to the interior portion of the wrist surface;', '3) a microcontroller coupled to the impact sensing device; and', '4) a wireless transceiver coupled to the microcontroller;', '5) wherein the microcontroller acquires the impact signal and transmits a digital version of the impact signal using the wireless transceiver., 'ii) an impact processing circuit incorporated into an interior portion of the upper wrist surface, the impact processing circuit including2. The mixed martial art glove of wherein the impact processing circuit further comprises a signal conditional circuit coupled to the impact sensing device; the signal conditioning circuit conditioning the impact signal before the microcontroller acquires the impact signal.3. The mixed martial art glove of wherein the signal conditioning circuit includes a single supply rail-to-rail amplifier.4. The mixed martial art glove of wherein the signal conditioning circuit includes a low pass filter.5. The mixed martial art glove of wherein the low pass filter has at least one pole located at a frequency of 50 Herz or greater.6. The mixed martial art glove of wherein the wireless transceiver is adapted to communicate with a wireless mobile device.7. The mixed martial art glove of wherein the wireless mobile device is a ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200278270A1

A shock testing apparatus comprising: 1. A shock testing apparatus comprising:an impact table for supporting an object to be tested;a tank;at least one float;one or more airguns;wherein the at least one float is arranged to float upon a fluid held within the tank and is movable within the tank to impact the impact table in response to the firing of the one or more airguns.2. The shock testing apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the tank is a substantially open topped fluid-tight vessel defined by a plurality of upstanding sidewalls which extend substantially perpendicularly from a base of the tank.3. The shock testing apparatus as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the one or more airguns are located in the tank at a location between the base of the tank and at least one float.4. The shock testing apparatus as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the one or more airguns are mounted on one or more airgun support frames located proximate to the base of the tank.5. The shock testing apparatus as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the one or more airguns include at least four airguns.6. A The shock testing apparatus as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the one or more airguns are arranged in a symmetrical array.7. The shock testing apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least two of the one or more airguns are arranged in pairs.8. The shock testing apparatus as claimed in claim 7 , wherein each pair of airguns is located on a dedicated airgun support frame.9. A The shock testing apparatus as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the spacing of the one or more airgun support frames from the base of the tank is adjustable by means of variable height spacers.10. The shock testing apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the one or more airguns are seismic airguns claim 1 , the firing of which is configured to cause a transient acoustic pulse or wave to propagate into the fluid held within the tank to affect motion of the at least one float in the direction of the impact table thereby imparting ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200278271A1

A method is disclosed for determining mechanical robustness of an overhead stowage bin for an aircraft includes repeatedly effecting an impact of a test body against an impact surface of the overhead stowage bin with a predefined impact force by a robotic arm of a manipulator, and investigating damage parameters of the overhead stowage bin. 1. A method for determining mechanical robustness of an overhead stowage bin for an aircraft , the method comprising:repeatedly effecting an impact of a test body (T) against an impact surface of the overhead stowage bin with a predefined impact force by means of a robotic arm of a manipulator; andinvestigating damage parameters of the overhead stowage bin.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the impact of the test body is effected by performing an impact cycle claim 1 , the impact cycle comprising:accelerating the test body (T) towards the impact surface to a predefined velocity relative to the impact surface using the robotic arm of a manipulator, the test body (T) being coupled to the robotic arm by a guiding device, the guiding device comprising a carrier part attached to the robotic arm and a guide mechanism, the guide mechanism defining a guide track and being mounted to the carrier part, wherein the test body (T) is movably guided relative to the robotic arm along the guide track by the guide mechanism; stopping movement of the robotic arm so as to cause the test body (T) moving along the guide track away from the robotic arm and impacting to the impact surface; andretracting the test body (T) from the impact surface by retracting the robotic arm.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the guide mechanism defines a linear guide track.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the impact cycle further comprises:releasing an interlocking mechanism which interlocks the test body (T) stationary relative to the carrier part before the robotic arm stops; andinterlocking the test body (T) relative to the carrier ...

24-09-2020 дата публикации

System and Method for Reconstruction of Explosion Blast and Blast Loading on Humans Using Pressure Sensor Data

Номер: US20200300720A1
Принадлежит: CFD Research Corp, US Department of Army

A system for reconstruction of an explosion blast loading on a subject can include at least two pressure sensors and a computing system configured to: receive sensor data from the at least two pressure sensors, the sensor data being generated in response to an explosion blast wave; compute an explosion location and explosive charge mass of an explosive that caused the explosion blast wave based on the sensor data; and compute explosion blast loading on a subject from the explosion location and explosive charge mass. The pressure sensors can be configured as wearable pressure sensors or on equipment. The computing of the explosion location and explosive charge mass includes processing the sensor data through an inverse problem solver (IPS); and/or the computing of the explosion blast loading on the subject includes simulating the explosion blast wave with a forward problem solver (FPS).

17-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190316991A1

A testing apparatus and testing method capable of efficiently evaluating the strength and durability of a lower-limb-type wearable motion assistance device without being affected by the gravity are implemented. Regarding the testing apparatus for evaluating the strength and durability by repeatedly applying an impact force to the lower-limb-type wearable motion assistance device, when a piston rod is excited at predetermined stroke length and operating speed in a state where a dummy doll wears the wearable motion assistance device, a reciprocable area of a stage relative to an impinging surface of a base is adjusted to make a measured value of a load cell exceed a predetermined reference value. 1. A testing apparatus for evaluating strength and durability by repeatedly applying an impact force to a lower-limb-type wearable motion assistance device ,the testing apparatus comprising:a base at one end of which an impinging surface is formed along a vertical direction;a vibration exciter that is secured at another end of the base and causes reciprocating motion of a piston rod by driving an actuator to excite the piston rod in a horizontal and straight linear direction;a stage that is connected to a tip of the piston rod and can be moved freely slidably on the base integrally with the piston rod;a dummy doll that is secured and retained on the stage and partially imitates at least a lower back part and legs of a human body; anda load cell that is provided on a tip of the piston rod or the impinging surface and measures, via the stage, distortion caused by application of a load on a foot part of the dummy doll,wherein when the piston rod is excited at predetermined stroke length and operating speed in a state where the dummy doll wears the wearable motion assistance device, a reciprocable area of the stage relative to the impinging surface of the base is adjusted to make a measured value of the load cell exceed a predetermined reference value.2. The testing apparatus for ...

17-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150360110A1
Автор: Burt, JR. Amzi B.

A boxing trainer is provided. The boxing trainer may include a housing and a controller. The housing includes a plurality of targets. Each of the plurality of targets includes a target pad and a light operable to illuminate the target pad. The controller includes a plurality of target commands. Each target command is linked to and corresponds with one of the targets. Therefore, activating one of the target commands will activate the light of one of the target pads that the target command is linked with. 1. A boxing trainer comprising:a housing comprising a plurality of targets, wherein each target comprises: a target pad and at least one light operable to illuminate the target pad; anda controller comprising a plurality of target commands each linked to the light of one of the targets such that activating one of the target commands activates one of the lights.2. The boxing trainer of claim 1 , wherein the target pads are numbered and the plurality of target commands are numbered claim 1 , wherein activating one of the target commands activates the light of the target pad with a matching number.3. The boxing trainer of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises a body portion representing a body of a human claim 1 , and a head portion representing a head of a human.4. The boxing trainer of claim 3 , wherein the body portion comprises a divider dividing the body portion into a right side and a left side.5. The boxing trainer of claim 4 , wherein both the right side and the left side comprises the plurality of targets.6. The boxing trainer of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of targets further comprise an indicator operable to indicate to a user to punch with either a right hand or left hand.7. The boxing trainer of claim 6 , wherein the indicator comprises at least one of a first colored light and a second colored light.8. The boxing trainer of claim 1 , wherein the controller further comprises a speed command operable to control a duration in which the lights are ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150369694A1

The present application is concerned with a system for assessing injury risk or damage to an object in response to a blunt impact, and especially skull fracture risk beneath a helmet in response to a blunt impact. The application is also concerned with the use of a force sensor for evaluating the response of materials for use in a helmet shell to a blunt impact. 1. A system for assessing the risk of injury or damage to an object in response to blunt impact , the model comprising a hollow shell , having an inner surface and an outer surface , defining the shape of the object , and a force sensor displayed at or beneath the inner surface of the hollow shell , wherein the force sensor is moveable to circumscribe the whole or a substantial part of the inner surface of the hollow shell to record a force at a point or area on or beneath the hollow shell.2. A system according to wherein the system is a blunt impact head injury model system for assessing skull fracture risk beneath a helmet in response to blunt impact conditions claim 1 , wherein the hollow shell defines the shape of a human skull claim 1 , or a part thereof claim 1 , to support the helmet.3. A blunt impact injury model system according to claim 2 , wherein the shape of the hollow shell defines at least the frontal bone and the parietal bone claim 2 , or a substantial part thereof claim 2 , of the human skull.4. A blunt impact injury model system according to claim 2 , wherein the shape of the hollow shell defines at least the neurocranium claim 2 , or a substantial part thereof claim 2 , of the human skull.5. A blunt impact injury model system according to claim 2 , wherein the hollow shell is an artificial human skull.6. A blunt impact injury model system according g to claim 1 , wherein the hollow shell is comprised from materials able to transmit loads to the force sensor.7. A blunt impact injury model system according to claim 6 , wherein the hollow shell is comprised of high impact polystyrene (HIPS) ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации

Shell for a radiation sensor

Номер: US20150369933A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Ceramics and Plastics Inc

A shell for a radiation sensor comprising a body defining an aperture adapted to receive a radiation sensing component; and a plurality of fins outwardly extending from the body, wherein an axial distance between a first pair of adjacent fins is different from an axial distance between a second pair of adjacent fins.

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170370799A1
Принадлежит: Freescale Semiconductor Inc.

Methods and apparatuses are provided for evaluating or testing stiction in Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) devices utilizing a mechanized shock pulse generation approach. In one embodiment, the method includes the step or process of loading a MEMS device, such as a multi-axis MEMS accelerometer, into a socket provided on a Device-Under-Test (DUT) board. After loading the MEMS device into the socket, a series of controlled shock pulses is generated and transmitted through the MEMS device utilizing a mechanized test apparatus. The mechanized test apparatus may, for example, repeatedly move the DUT board over a predefined motion path to generate the controlled shock pulses. In certain cases, transverse vibrations may also be directed through the tested MEMS device in conjunction with the shock pulses. An output of the MEMS device is then monitored to determine whether stiction of the MEMS device occurs during each of the series of controlled shock pulses. 1. A method for testing stiction in Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) devices , the method comprising:loading a MEMS device into a socket provided on a Device-Under-Test (DUT) board;after loading the MEMS device into the socket, generating a series of controlled shock pulses transmitted through the MEMS device utilizing a mechanized test apparatus; andmonitoring an output of the MEMS device to determine whether stiction of the MEMS device occurs during each of the series of controlled shock pulses.2. The method of wherein generating comprises controlling the mechanized test apparatus to move the DUT board in a manner repeatedly directing the MEMS device along a predefined motion path to generate the series of controlled shock pulses.3. The method of wherein controlling comprises controlling the mechanized test apparatus to rotate the DUT board in a manner repeatedly guiding the MEMS device along a predefined arcuate motion path.4. The method of wherein controlling comprises controlling the mechanized test ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180372580A1

According to one embodiment, a structure evaluation system includes an impact imparting unit, a sensor, and a structure evaluation device. The impact imparting unit applies impacts to a structure. The impact imparting unit applies the impacts at a frequency equal to or less than a frequency determined in accordance with an intensity at which the impacts are imparted. The sensor detects elastic waves. The structure evaluation device evaluates a deterioration state of the structure on the basis of the detected elastic waves. 1. A structure evaluation system comprising:an impact imparting unit configured to apply impacts to a structure;a sensor configured to detect elastic waves; anda structure evaluation device configured to evaluate a deterioration state of the structure on the basis of the detected elastic waves,wherein the impact imparting unit applies the impacts at a frequency equal to or less than a frequency determined in accordance with an intensity at which the impacts are imparted.2. A structure evaluation system comprising:an impact imparting unit configured to apply impacts to a structure;a sensor configured to detect elastic waves; anda structure evaluation device configured to evaluate a deterioration state of the structure on the basis of the detected elastic waves,wherein the impact imparting unit applies the impacts at an intensity equal to or less than an intensity determined in accordance with a frequency at which the impacts are imparted.3. A structure evaluation system comprising:an impact imparting unit configured to apply an impact to a structure;a sensor configured to detect elastic waves; anda structure evaluation device configured to evaluate a deterioration state of the structure on the basis of the detected elastic waves,wherein the impact imparting unit applies a second impact to a position spaced a predetermined distance from a sensor that detects elastic waves caused by a first impact.4. The structure evaluation system according to claim ...

25-11-2010 дата публикации

Crash simulation system for simulating crash or accident of motor vehicle, has cameras translationally movably guided in movement section in same direction like simulation slides by guiding system independent of guide of simulation slides

Номер: DE102009021686A1
Автор: Walter Rentschler
Принадлежит: Dr Ing HCF Porsche AG

The simulation system (1) has cameras (11-13) e.g. high speed cameras, translationally movably guided in a movement section in a same direction like simulation slides (4) by a guiding system independent of a guide of the simulation slides. The guiding system has camera slides (21-23), which are mechanically attached to the simulation slides in the guided movement path using a coupling device. The guiding system has a decoupling device for automatically decoupling the camera slides from the simulation slides when the camera slides pass through a defined section in the guided movement path. An independent claim is also included for a crash simulation method for simulating crash or accident of a motor vehicle.

03-08-2004 дата публикации

Instrumented torso model

Номер: US6769286B2

An instrumented torso model that simulates anatomical features and measures the effects on a body caused by various types of impacts. Simulated bone having material properties similar to that of healthy human bone is surrounded by simulated tissue. At least one sensor array is attached to either or both of the simulated bone and the simulated tissue for measuring the effects of the impacts.

26-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN106596026A
Автор: 金益
Принадлежит: Suzhou Siliyo S & T Co ltd


28-03-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for standard penetration test investigating geological features of the sea bottom

Номер: KR101130833B1
Принадлежит: 한국해양연구원

PURPOSE: An SPT(Standard Penetration Test) device for submarine geology is provided to easily perform an SPT with a simple structure. CONSTITUTION: An actuator(1) moves a gripper(3) up and down. The gripper is combined with the top end of a piston which can move with the gripper. When a state that the gripper grips a hammer(5) is released, the hammer falls by the self weight. A grip release member is combined to the lower end of a hydraulic cylinder(17) of the actuator. A base member(11) is arranged in the lower side of a guide(9) within a fixed distance apart from the grip release member. A connecting rod(13) is arranged in the center of the lower side of the guide. The connecting rod is hit by the falling hammer and connected to a sampler which is moving downward.

02-01-2013 дата публикации

Impact experience device of safety hat

Номер: KR101217610B1
Автор: 황규현
Принадлежит: 대림에스엠(주)

PURPOSE: An impact experience device of a safety hat is provided to add a virtual impact on a lateral surface of the safety hat, thereby educating the wearer to feel aware and necessary for them to wear a safety hat and a chin strap. CONSTITUTION: An impact experience device of a safety hat comprises a body which is installed in a structure at constant height, a hitting member, a first driving unit(300), a controller(400), and a height adjusting member. The hitting member is horizontally axis-joined in the lower part of the body and a hitting end portion rotates and hits a lateral surface of the safety hat of the wearer standing by in a downward side around a rotation center. The first driving unit is installed in the inside of the body and delivers a torque to the hitting member by air pressure supplied from the outside, thereby vertically rotating the hitting end portion. The controller controls the operation of the first driving unit and controls the hitting member in order to hit the safety hat and return to its original position. The height adjusting member varies the height of the body according to the height of the wearer. [Reference numerals] (300) First driving unit; (400) Controller; (410) Operation switch; (510) Second driving unit; (520) Detection sensor

06-12-2017 дата публикации

Stand for researching shock loads of vibration insulation systems

Номер: RU2637719C1

FIELD: testing equipment. SUBSTANCE: stand comprises a base whereon additional plates with vibration-insulated devices and recording equipment are located, aircraft equipment, for example, two identical on-board compressors for obtaining compressed air on board the aircraft, are mounted on the base. One compressor is mounted on standard rubber vibration insulators and another compressor is mounted on the examined dual-mass vibration insulation system. The latter comprises rubber vibration insulators and an elastically damping intermediate plate with vibration insulators, for example, in the form of plates made of polyurethane, which are placed on the rigid bulkhead mounted on the base through the vibration cushioning gasket, as well as the standard rubber vibration insulators. A vibratory sensor is mounted on the rigid bulkhead, between the compressors, a signal from the vibratory sensor is sent to the amplifier and recording equipment, such as octave spectrometer, operating in the frequency band (Hz): 2; 4; 8; 16; 31.5; 63; 125; 250; 500; 1000; 2000; 4000; 8000 Hz, and then the obtained amplitude-frequency operation characteristics of each compressor are compared, and the conclusions about the effectiveness of vibration insulation of each system on which they are mounted are drawn. EFFECT: expanded technological capabilities of testing the objects having several elastic couplings with the body parts of the flying object. 2 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 637 719 C1 (51) МПК G01M 7/08 (2006.01) G01N 3/313 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ На основании пункта 1 статьи 1366 части четвертой Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации патентообладатель обязуется заключить договор об отчуждении патента на условиях, соответствующих установившейся практике, с любым гражданином Российской Федерации или российским юридическим лицом, кто первым изъявил такое желание и уведомил об этом ...

18-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN109238618A


19-05-2005 дата публикации

Automatic hammer system for standard penetration test

Номер: KR100490661B1
Автор: 김기영, 김범상, 한일영
Принадлежит: 에스케이건설 주식회사

본 발명은 자동 표준 관입 시험장치를 개시한다. 본 발명은 양단이 상·하판에 지지되는 복수의 수직 가이드로드와, 수직 가이드로드에 이동 가능하게 결합되는 슬라이더와, 픽업헤드를 상면에 돌출되게 가지며 슬라이더의 하부에서 수직 가이드로드에 이동 가능하게 결합되어 샘플러를 장착한 모루를 타격하는 해머와, 픽업헤드를 파지하여 해머를 모루로부터 소정높이의 낙하위치까지 끌어올린 후 자유낙하시키는 해머인양낙하수단과, 해머의 타격으로 지반에 관입된 샘플러의 관입깊이에 대응하는 높이만큼 슬라이더를 하강시켜 주는 타격위치조정수단과, 해머의 타격에 따른 샘플러의 관입량과 타격횟수를 측정하는 관입량 측정수단 및 관입량 측정수단으로부터 얻어진 데이터를 통해 해머의 타격수행을 제어함과 함께 N값을 산출하고 시험결과를 기록 및 표시하는 제어수단으로 구성된다. The present invention discloses an automated standard penetration test apparatus. The present invention includes a plurality of vertical guide rods, both ends of which are supported on the upper and lower plates, a slider movably coupled to the vertical guide rod, and a pickup head protruding from the upper surface, and movably coupled to the vertical guide rod at the bottom of the slider. The hammer which hits the anvil equipped with the sampler, the hammer lifting pick-up means which grasps the pick-up head to raise the hammer from the anvil to the drop position of the predetermined height, and freely falls, and the sampler penetrated into the ground by the hammer strike The hammer strikes through the hammer position control means for lowering the slider by a height corresponding to the depth, and the data obtained from the penetration measurement means and the penetration measurement means for measuring the penetration amount and the frequency of the sampler according to the hammer strike. Control means to calculate the N value and to record and display the test results. 본 발명은 매 타격시 해머의 낙하높이를 일정하게 유지시킬 수 있음은 물론 해머가 모루를 직접 타격하여 타격에너지의 누설 없이 정확한 타격을 보장할 수 있으며, 타격횟수와 관입량을 센싱으로 정확하게 측정함으로써 일련의 시험절차를 자동으로 수행한다. The present invention can maintain a constant drop height of the hammer at each strike, as well as to ensure accurate hitting of the hammer directly hitting the anvil without leakage of hitting energy, by accurately measuring the number of hits and the amount of penetration by sensing Perform a series of test procedures automatically.

10-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN110375945B


04-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN108931351A
Автор: 任新根
Принадлежит: Individual


15-08-2017 дата публикации

A kind of test-bed for detecting the anti-rejection attaching means performance of pipeline

Номер: CN107044909A


23-11-2018 дата публикации

A kind of exterior-wall heat insulation Anti-shock test device

Номер: CN108871720A
Автор: 代群, 浠g兢


04-01-2017 дата публикации

Spark arrester explosion arrestment method for testing performance

Номер: CN106290018A


30-04-2021 дата публикации

Method for researching gradual change degradation rule of strength of water-saturated weak structural plane under blasting vibration

Номер: CN109142671B
Принадлежит: China University of Geosciences


19-09-2017 дата публикации

Method for predicting emergency development

Номер: RU2631190C1

FIELD: physics. SUBSTANCE: monitoring system is used with the processing of the received information on the danger zone for making a decision to prevent an emergency. In the test box, a layout of an explosion hazardous facility is installed, and on its internal and external perimeters video surveillance cameras are installed for the emergency development at the accident of the explosion hazardous facility, which is simulated by installing an explosive fission element in the layout with the explosion initiator. Video cameras are made in explosion-proof design, and outputs from the video cameras through the internal cavity of spacers are connected to a block, through which the recording and registring of the process of changing technological parameters in the layout is performed. Changes of the technological parameters in the layout of an explosion hazardous facility are recorded through the system of analyzers of the recorded oscillograms of the ongoing processes. The opening is made in the ceiling part of the layout, which is closed with an explosion-proof element. A three-dimensional pressure sensor is installed between the fission element and the opening, wherein the output of the sensor is connected to the input of the recording and registring equipment block. The internal and external surfaces of the layout fencings are pasted with strain gauges, the outputs of which are also connected to the input of the recording and registring equipment block, after processing the obtained experimental data, an information database is formed on the emergency development at the accident of the explosion hazardous facility, and a mathematical model predicting the prevention of an emergency accident in the explosion hazardous facility is made. EFFECT: increasing the protection efficiency of the technological equipment and human resources from the emergency by the possibility of the emergency prediction at the accident of the explosion hazardous facility. 2 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ...

10-10-2009 дата публикации

Device for assessment of remaining service life of shot-firing container, method for assessment of remaining service life and shot-firing complex

Номер: RU2369829C2

FIELD: weapons and ammunition. SUBSTANCE: invention is related to device and method for assessment of remaining service life of shot-firing container. Tensometric detector is fixed on shot-firing container. Tensometric detector measures high-frequency repeating deformation caused in shot-firing container during each explosion. Data of deformation signal obtained by tensometric detector are analysed to calculate accumulated extent of fatigue damage, provided by high-frequency repeating load applied to shot-firing container during each explosion. Remaining service life of shot-firing container is assessed on the basis of accumulated value of accumulated extents of fatigue damage. EFFECT: easier planning of works and elimination of decrease in efficiency or increase of operational costs. 11 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 369 829 (13) C2 (51) МПК F42B 33/06 (2006.01) F42D 5/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007141300/28, 28.02.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.02.2006 (73) Патентообладатель(и): КАБУСИКИ КАЙСЯ КОБЕ СЕЙКО СЕ (JP) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.05.2009 2 3 6 9 8 2 9 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2009 Бюл. № 28 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2104474 C1, 10.02.1998. JP 2002022632 A, 23.01.2002. RU 2175120 C2, 20.10.2001. RU 2154255 C2, 10.08.2000. US 3772958 A, 20.11.1973. 2 3 6 9 8 2 9 R U (86) Заявка PCT: JP 2006/303665 (28.02.2006) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата перевода заявки PCT на национальную фазу: 08.11.2007 (87) Публикация PCT: WO 2006/112152 (26.10.2006) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул.Б.Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", пат.пов. А.В.Мицу, рег.№ 364 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОЦЕНКИ ОСТАТОЧНОГО СРОКА СЛУЖБЫ ПОДРЫВНОГО КОНТЕЙНЕРА, СПОСОБ ОЦЕНКИ ОСТАТОЧНОГО СРОКА СЛУЖБЫ И ПОДРЫВНОЙ КОМПЛЕКС (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к устройству и способу для ...

14-06-2019 дата публикации

A kind of fighting training system

Номер: CN107308629B
Автор: 施融融


08-10-2021 дата публикации

Method for testing structural materials under dynamic influence and device for its implementation

Номер: RU2756992C1

FIELD: material engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the study of the strength properties of materials. Essence: the impact on the sample of the tested material is carried out by a shock wave created by the explosion of the charge. To conduct the test, a foundation is installed, on which a matrix base is installed, on which the test sample is placed, on both sides of which a radial grid is applied, on which a water tank is installed, in which an explosive charge immersed in a tank with water is installed at a certain elevation from the sample with the help of slats. To create a shock wave, a non-contact charge explosion is produced, and the residual plastic deformation is estimated by a radial grid applied on both sides. The device contains a foundation on which a matrix base is installed, on which the test sample is installed, on both sides of which a radial grid is applied, on which a water tank is installed, in which an explosive charge is placed on rails immersed in a tank with water and connected to a detonator. EFFECT: possibility of testing structural materials under dynamic influence on samples of full-scale dimensions, as well as the ability to evaluate both the behavior of structural materials separately and as part of the structure in thicknesses up to 100 mm. 4 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 756 992 C1 (51) МПК G01N 3/313 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01N 3/313 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020142609, 22.12.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 08.10.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 08.10.2021 Бюл. № 28 2 7 5 6 9 9 2 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2221233 C2, 10.01.2004. RU 2574519 C1, 10.02.2016. SU 676905 A1, 30.07.1979. CN 207133142 U, 23.03.2018. (54) Способ испытания конструкционных материалов при динамическом воздействии и устройство для его осуществления (57) Реферат: Изобретение ...

07-12-2016 дата публикации

Fall acquisition method and the terminal unit of data

Номер: CN106197803A
Автор: 周金虎


20-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007141300A

1. Устройство для оценки остаточного срока службы подрывного контейнера, предназначенного для подрыва объекта, подлежащего переработке, содержащее: ! средство для количественной оценки степени усталостного повреждения подрывного контейнера при каждом подрыве; и ! средство для вычисления величины остаточного срока службы подрывного контейнера на основании анализа. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором средство для количественной оценки степени усталостного повреждения подрывного контейнера содержит: ! устройство измерения деформаций для измерения высокочастотной повторяющейся деформации, вызываемой в подрывном контейнере взрывом, при каждом из взрывов, при этом устройство установлено в подрывном контейнере; ! средство вычисления накопленной усталости для анализа данных сигнала деформации, полученных устройством измерения деформаций при каждом из взрывов, для вычисления накопленной степени усталостного повреждения, обусловленного повторяющейся нагрузкой с высокой частотой, которая прилагается к подрывному контейнеру взрывом при текущем подрыве; и ! средство хранения накопленной величины для хранения накопленной величины накопленной степени усталостного повреждения с начала применения. ! 3. Устройство по п.2, в котором средство вычисления накопленной усталости определяет амплитуду деформации из данных сигнала деформации, полученных устройством измерения деформаций при каждом из взрывов, и сравнивает выведенную амплитуду деформации с кривой усталости материала для подрывного контейнера, для вычисления и суммирования степени усталостного повреждения, создаваемого в подрывном контейнере деформацией РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2007 141 300 (13) A (51) МПК G01N 3/32 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007141300/28, 28.02.2006 (71) Заявитель(и): КАБУСИКИ КАЙСЯ КОБЕ СЕЙКО СЕ (JP) (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 08.04.2005 JP 2005-112426 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.05.2009 ...

27-12-2016 дата публикации

Test bench for testing impact loads on vibration isolation systems

Номер: RU2605668C1

FIELD: testing equipment. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to testing equipment. Test bench comprises a base supporting two identical side compressors, herewith one of them is on standard rubber vibration isolators and the other one - on the tested two-load vibration isolation system. This system comprises rubber vibration isolators and a resiliently damping intermediate plate with vibration isolators, for example, in the form of plates from polyurethane, which, just like the standard rubber vibration isolators of the compressor are installed on a rigid bulkhead, which via a vibro-damping gasket is installed on the base. On the rigid bulkhead, between the compressors, a vibration sensor is fixed, the signal from which comes to an amplifier and a recording equipment, for example, an octave spectrometer. Herewith the obtained amplitude-frequency characteristics of each of the compressors operation are compared and conclusions are made on vibration isolation efficiency of each system. To determine fundamental frequencies of each of the analyzed vibration isolation systems simulated are impact pulse loads on each of the systems with the help of a diagnostic impact device. On the base there is a sensor for measuring amplitude-frequency characteristics of the base, the signal from which comes to the amplifier and the spectrometer. EFFECT: provided is expansion of technological capabilities of testing objects having several flexible links with aircraft structural parts. 1 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК G01M 7/08 (13) 2 605 668 C1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ На основании пункта 1 статьи 1366 части четвертой Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации патентообладатель обязуется заключить договор об отчуждении патента на условиях, соответствующих установившейся практике, с любым гражданином Российской Федерации или российским юридическим лицом, кто первым изъявил такое желание и уведомил ...

27-11-2016 дата публикации

Method of analyzing two-mass vibration isolation systems

Номер: RU2603826C1

FIELD: testing equipment. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to test equipment and can be used for investigation of vibration isolation systems. Method consists in installation of two identical analyzed objects on different systems of vibration isolation thereof and carrying out of measurements of their amplitude-frequency characteristics. Then obtained characteristics are compared and conclusions on vibration isolation efficiency of each of analyzed systems is made. At the same time to determine fundamental frequencies of each of analyzed systems of vibration isolation simulation of impact pulse loads is performed on each of systems and waveforms of free oscillations are recorded, decoding of which shows intrinsic frequencies of system and logarithmic decrement of oscillation damping of each of investigated two-mass vibration isolation system. EFFECT: technical result is expansion of technological capabilities of testing objects having several flexible links with aircraft structural parts. 1 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 603 826 C1 (51) МПК G01M 7/08 (2006.01) G01N 3/313 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ На основании пункта 1 статьи 1366 части четвертой Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации патентообладатель обязуется заключить договор об отчуждении патента на условиях, соответствующих установившейся практике, с любым гражданином Российской Федерации или российским юридическим лицом, кто первым изъявил такое желание и уведомил об этом патентообладателя и федеральный орган исполнительной власти по интеллектуальной собственности. (21)(22) Заявка: 2015130851/28, 27.07.2015 27.07.2015 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кочетов Олег Савельевич (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 27.07.2015 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2335747 C1 10.10.2008. RU 2269105 C2 27.01.2006. RU 52178 U1 10.03.2006. SU 412513 A1 25.01.1974. 2 6 0 3 8 2 6 R U (54) СПОСОБ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ ...

15-10-2021 дата публикации

Hit of spot-check badminton and hit experiment ware

Номер: CN113504022A


21-08-2018 дата публикации

Method for determining the parameters of the damage from the pressure impact of the gas jet in case of accidents at the high pressure gas pipelines

Номер: RU2664589C1

FIELD: security facilities. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities and can be used to determine the areas of human injury and damage the infrastructure facilities from the pressure of the gas jet in accidents with the guillotine rupture of high pressure gas pipelines. According to the method, P g0 – working pressure of the gas in the depressurization object, gas density in the pipeline go and the coordinates of the location of the potential gas pipeline section is determined. Then, the length of the sound portion of the gas jet, the diameter of the sound section of the gas jet and the mass of the gas participating in the creation of the damaging factor "pressure effect" are determined after flowing from one end of the pipe. Then determine the distribution of dynamic pressure at given points in space and assess the degree of damage to the object under study. EFFECT: expansion of the functionality that consists in establishing a picture of the spatial distribution of the parameters of the damage from the pressure action of the gas jet generated during the emergency depressurization of pipelines with natural gas (methane) under high initial pressure, and ensuring the ability to prevent human injury and damage to infrastructure by the dynamic impact of high-speed gas jets. 1 cl, 2 dwg, 2 tbl РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 664 589 C1 (51) МПК G01M 7/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01M 7/08 (2018.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017132192, 14.09.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 14.09.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 21.08.2018 Бюл. № 24 2 6 6 4 5 8 9 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: Гамера Ю.В., Овчаров С.В., Петрова Ю.Ю. Новые методические подходы к оценке воздействия поражающих факторов аварий без возгорания газа на опасных ...

01-01-1997 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for impact testing for electric generator stator wedge tightness

Номер: CN1033716C
Принадлежит: Westinghouse Electric Corp


03-09-2019 дата публикации

A kind of submarine pipeline junk shock simulation experiment system

Номер: CN108489699B


24-08-2018 дата публикации

Impact test bench

Номер: RU2664968C1

FIELD: testing equipment. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the testing equipment, in particular to the test benches for the articles testing for vibration and shock impacts. Device comprises foundation, on which the shock pulse generation device is arranged, tray mounted on the rammer with possibility of movement and impacting with the shock pulse generation device. In addition, a device is introduced, consisting of base and cover, on which the tested object is installed, interconnected by fastening elements from the cover upper end side. At that, between each fastening element and the cover upper end at least one resilient element is installed for the cover to the base pressing, which is rigidly connected to the tray by means of fasteners. EFFECT: technical result consists in provision the possibility of the positive polarity multiple sinusoidal shock pulse (without transition to the shock acceleration negative region) reproduction on the tested object, of the same amplitude and duration during the device one loading (one experiment) with given parameters with the device loadings on the impact test bench. 1 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 664 968 C1 (51) МПК G01M 7/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01M 7/08 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017119674, 05.06.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 24.08.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 24.08.2018 Бюл. № 24 Адрес для переписки: 607188, Нижегородская обл., г. Саров, пр. Мира, 37, ФГУП "РФЯЦ-ВНИИЭФ", зам. начальника службы по инновациям и инвестициям начальнику управления В.Е. Миронову 2 6 6 4 9 6 8 C 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2242731 C2, 20.12.2004. SU 1613903 A2, 15.12.1990. RU 2249804 C2, 10.04.2005. JP 2015187580 A, 29.10.2015. (54) УДАРНЫЙ ИСПЫТАТЕЛЬНЫЙ СТЕНД (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к испытательной технике, в частности к стендам для испытания изделий на ...

30-06-2020 дата публикации

Method of reproducing the action of an air shock wave of high duration, which is refracted into water, on underwater engineering ammunition in open water reservoir conditions

Номер: RU2725188C1

FIELD: testing equipment.SUBSTANCE: invention can be used in preliminary and acceptance tests of weapons, military and special equipment (WMSE). Method of reproducing the action of high-duration air shock wave (ASV), which is refracted into water, on underwater engineering ammunition in open water reservoir conditions refers to testing equipment. Method includes installation of test object in water area, placement of concentrated charge of chemical explosive in air at some height above water surface at specified distance from test object and explosion of charge. Direct action on the test object of the refracted underwater shock wave (USW), which is formed during passage of ASV of increased duration over the water surface, is provided with a combination of action of dynamic and static pressure phases. Dynamic phase is formed by blasting explosive charge, for which mass of charge, height of its installation above surface of water and distance to UEM is set, based on the condition of the parameters of the refracted USW for parameters of the diffraction action on the UEM. Static phase is created by action of hydrostatic pressure, for this purpose test object is placed at depth providing required parameters of action.EFFECT: technical result of the invention is to reduce the amount of chemical explosive required to reproduce the action of the extended-duration ASV on underwater engineering munitions (UEM).1 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 725 188 C1 (51) МПК F42B 35/00 (2006.01) G01M 7/08 (2006.01) G01N 29/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F42B 35/00 (2019.05); G01M 7/08 (2019.08); G01N 29/04 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019101310, 15.01.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 30.06.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 30.06.2020 Бюл. № 19 2 7 2 5 1 8 8 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2620902 C1, 30.05.2017. RU 2207497 C2, 27.06 ...

13-08-2019 дата публикации

A kind of Sub-Level Caving bastard coal impact vibration experimental rig and its application

Номер: CN108444667B


28-08-2020 дата публикации

Device and method for reducing impact load on test object

Номер: RU2731031C1

FIELD: test equipment. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to test equipment and can be used for dynamic testing of objects at impact of overload. Method comprises selecting stiffness characteristics of hollow cylinder, testing object is arranged in container, on nose part of which rigid tip is fixed, container is installed in barrel of impact bench, hollow cylinder is installed on impact bench on the side of the tip coaxially to the longitudinal axis of the test object and fixed on the side opposite to the container, the container with the tip and the test object are accelerated, the container with a rigid tip is introduced into the hollow cylinder. Implementation of the method to reduce the impact load on the test object is carried out in the test bench for impact load simulation. EFFECT: reduced number of manufactured structural elements and dimensions of the impact bench, as well as reduced impact on the test object during braking in the catcher. 3 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 731 031 C1 (51) МПК G01M 7/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01M 7/08 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019133805, 24.10.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.08.2020 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 24.10.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 28.08.2020 Бюл. № 25 2 7 3 1 0 3 1 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: В.А. Афанасьев и др. Экспериментальная отработка космических летательных аппаратов / Под редакцией Н.В. Холодкова. - М.: Изд-во МАИ, 1994. - 412 с.: ил. - С. 127-128. RU 2369853 C1, 10.10.2009. RU 2611695 C1, 28.02.2017. RU 2235302 C2, 27.08.2004. (54) Устройство и способ снижения ударной нагрузки на объект испытаний (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к испытательной разгоняют контейнер с наконечником и объект технике и может быть использовано для испытаний, внедряют контейнер с жестким динамических испытаний объектов на воздействие наконечником в полый ...

28-08-2019 дата публикации

Method of testing a construction structure on pliable supports with a spacing at excessive impact action

Номер: RU2698517C1

FIELD: construction. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to construction and can be used in testing elements or structures of buildings and structures for evaluation of stress-strain state under action of excessive short-term dynamic loads. During the method implementation, evaluation is performed by means of comparative analysis of test results of tested structure on pliable supports and similar structure on rigid supports at equal test conditions. Both structures are exposed to an excessive impact action and the beginning and the end of impact action are fixed. Instantaneous values of short-term dynamic load are measured using a force meter in a fixed time interval. Instantaneous values of accelerations and displacements of each building structure along its length are measured. Force of inertia is determined in fixed time interval proceeding from number of accelerometers, masses of sections and accelerations corresponding to arrangement of accelerometers. Instantaneous values of short-term dynamic load and value of inertial force are used to define force directed to deformation of each structure, and value of averaged deformation energy is determined from it and average value of structure displacement in time. Energy ratio is calculated from the ratio of averaged energy values, which is used to determine reduction of active energy to the building structure using flexible supports. Based on the energy directed to deform the support, and the total energy acting on the structure and supports, the efficiency of pliant supports application is assessed. EFFECT: possibility of evaluation of stress-strain state of structure on pliable supports. 1 cl, 12 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 698 517 C1 (51) МПК G01M 7/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01M 7/08 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018145189, 18.12.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 28.08.2019 (45) ...

31-08-2016 дата публикации

High-speed bump test machine with buffer control

Номер: CN105910787A
Автор: 缪磊
Принадлежит: Suzhou RS Technology Co Ltd


15-04-1986 дата публикации

Reflex training device

Номер: CA1203258A
Принадлежит: Individual

ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE A reflex training device is disclosed which has a display panel with a light transmitting cushion member mounted thereon. A plurality of light sources are mounted behind the cushion member in a matrix. A plurality of sensor switches are mounted between the cushion member and the light sources, at least one sensor switch being in line with each light source, the sensor switches being activated by contacting the cushion member at the position of the illuminated light sources. Means are provided for activating the light sources in seriatim, either in a predetermined sequence or in a random sequence. A timing device is provided for measuring the reaction time intervals between the illumination of the light sources and the activation of respective sensor switches. The cushion member can include a pressure sensor and means can be provided for measuring the force of contact with the cushion member. A matrix of sensor switches can also be employed for measuring the accuracy with which the cushion member is contacted. Scoring means are provided for evaluating or scoring the reaction times, contact forces, and contact accuracy.

24-08-2018 дата публикации

A kind of combined type pendulum stand

Номер: CN106092486B
Автор: 赵龙


28-01-2021 дата публикации

Ballistic bench for high-speed throw of solid bodies when testing power plants of aircrafts

Номер: RU2741779C1

FIELD: aviation. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to aircraft engineering and flight safety and can be used to investigate impact interaction of aircraft structural elements and its power plant with solid (foreign) objects and small birds. Proposed device comprises base, gun carriage with propellant plant, descent mechanism, balloon ramp, target environment, control unit and registration unit connected in series, control panel second output is connected with descent mechanism. At the same time on the base on one side a platform is installed, on which there is a gun carriage with a propellant installation, equipped with a movement mechanism along an axis perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the gun carriage, and on the opposite side - an armored cabinet, in which the target environment is located. Platform and armored cabinet are equipped with mechanisms of their movement in vertical plane, at that third, fourth and fifth outputs of control panel are connected to inputs of mechanisms of movement of platform, carriage and armored case respectively. Armor cabinet contains a frame made in the form of rigid parallelepiped, one face of which is open, other faces are equipped with detachable walls with shutoff devices, at least in one of side walls there is a cutout, in which armored glass is installed, on the rear wall from the inside there is a bullet trap. EFFECT: technical result consists in improvement of processability during testing of power plants, shorter time for preparation for shooting during series of tests, higher level of safety. 1 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 741 779 C1 (51) МПК G01M 7/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01M 7/08 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019145680, 31.12.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 28.01.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 28.01.2021 Бюл. № 4 Адрес для переписки: 394064, г. Воронеж, ул. Старых Большевиков, ...

13-09-2003 дата публикации

Large Cyclic Triaxial Testing Apparatus

Номер: KR100397072B1
Принадлежит: 한국수자원공사

본 발명은 대형 진동삼축시험기에 관한 것으로, 댐 등의 토목구조물 축조용 조립재료의 전단강도 및 응력-변형률 특성을 파악할 수 있고, 방파제, 안벽(Quay Wall)등의 항만시설 설계를 위한 설계정수의 산정이 가능하며, 철도 발라스트재료의 동적특성을 파악하거나, 도로축조용 조립재료의 전단강도특성 등 각종 모래, 자갈 및 쇄석 등의 전단강도 및 응력-변형률 특성의 파악이 가능하며 기타 토질재료의 대형 진동삼축시험 및 정적삼축시험이 가능한 대형 진동삼축시험기에 관한 것인바, 직경 300mm 높이 620mm의 공시체(S)가 내부에 설치되는 삼축실(100)과, 이 삼축실(100)에 설치된 공시체에 등방압력을 가하기 위한 구속압발생장치(200)와; 상기 삼축실(100)에 설치된 공시체(S)에 수직으로 압축력을 가하는 연직재하장치 (300)와; 이 연직재하장치(300)를 작동시키기 위한 유압발생장치(400)와; 상기 연직재하장치(300)의 작동에 따라 상기 삼축실(100)에 설치된 공시체(S)에 걸리는 연직하중과 연직변위, 구속압력, 간극수압 및 체적변화를 측정하고 상기 삼축실(100)과 연직재하장치(300)를 시험조건에 따라 제어하기 위한 전기적 계측 및 제어장치 (500);를 포함하여 이루어진다. The present invention relates to a large-scale vibration triaxial tester, which can grasp the shear strength and stress-strain characteristics of the assembly materials for construction of civil structures, such as dams, and provide design constants for the design of port facilities such as breakwaters and quay walls. It is possible to calculate dynamic characteristics of railway ballast material, shear strength characteristics of various sand, gravel and crushed stones such as shear strength characteristics of road building assembly materials, and stress-strain characteristics, and large vibration of other soil materials. It relates to a large vibration triaxial tester capable of a triaxial test and a static triaxial test. The triaxial chamber 100 having a specimen S having a diameter of 300 mm and a height of 620 mm is installed therein, and isotropic pressure on the specimen installed in the triaxial chamber 100. Restraint pressure generating device 200 for applying a; Vertical loading device 300 for applying a compressive force perpendicular to the specimen (S) installed in the triaxial chamber (100); A hydraulic generating device 400 for operating the vertical loading device 300; According to the operation of the vertical loading device 300, the vertical load and vertical displacement, the restraint pressure, the pore water pressure and the volume ...

21-03-2018 дата публикации

Method of testing multimass vibration isolation systems

Номер: RU2647987C1

FIELD: test equipment. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to equipment for testing instruments for vibration and impact effects. Hard bulkhead with a vibration level sensor is fixed on the base, two identical on-board compressors are installed on various vibration isolation systems and their amplitude-frequency characteristics are measured. One compressor is installed on the regular rubber vibration isolators, and the other compressor is installed on the analyzed two-mass vibration isolation system. Vibration level sensor is attached to the rigid bulkhead, said sensor is connected to an amplifier and spectrometer, then the first compressor is turned on and the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the system are taken, after which the first compressor is turned off and the second compressor, installed on the investigated two-mass vibration isolation system, is turned on. Amplitude-frequency characteristics are taken, then the obtained characteristics from the operation of each of the compressors are compared, and conclusions about the effectiveness of the vibration isolation of each system are made. To determine fundamental frequencies of each of the analyzed vibration isolation systems simulated are impact pulse loads on each of the systems with the help of a diagnostic impact device, comprising a body, piezoelectric dynamometer, impact element and additional mass. Additional mass of the diagnostic impact device is made in the form of a cylinder and placed above the main mass, which contains a cavity filled with rigid balls, which, in determining the fundamental frequencies of each of the analyzed vibration isolation systems, serve as a random stochastic impact imposed on the impact load. EFFECT: expanded process functionality of testing objects having several flexible links with aircraft structural parts. 1 cl, 6 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 647 987 C1 (51) МПК G01M 7/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ...
