RK 395,576 B DieErf'mdung refers up in procedures for the HersteUen of piles from flexible, flat steel bar ichigen products, in particular printing products, with which the products aufden successively piles are postponed. Further the Erf'mdung concerns a device zar Durchftihrung of the erfindungsgemliBen procedure.
A procedure and/or a device of this kind the F& is bakannt e.g. to the US-PS the 3,700:232, with which and/or with the Bl resulting in shed formation is iibemommen more ttter dnrch F0rderb arranged next to each other with hodzontaler F0rderdchtung and against Ansehlagfinger gef rdert, yon; crude ancestor are away upward. The first product of S chuppenfonnation lltuft with the front edge on the something gekriimmten Ansehlagfingeraufmadwirdnach turned back above. DienaehfolgendenProdukte are then postponed up that in each case rear product of the pile. In this way a lying pile is formed, which takes yon after the stationary Anschlagf'mgem riickw ts wiichst and in that the Bliitter an upright position.
The-form-pile-lain dauemd circulating F aufden rderbandern up. Through those between latter WAD the lower edges that-stacked BHitterherrschendeBeriihrungwerden dieBlllttermitgenommen to what-to-follow-have which is zusarnmengepreBt S tapel on its lower surface. That can fiihren now to the Auffllchem of the Blotter anf the top side of the pile. Around the Reibungskrafte between the F0rderbltndern, now their I ge recesses v is seen and to the Slattern to verringem in the pile edition more tiber a part, in which the F0rderbitnder runs.
DieseMaBnahmeistmit a certain konstrukdven expenditure connected and is able to eliminate the danger of the Auff ichems the pile vollst dig. By this dauemde Vorbeischleifen of the F0rderbander at the lower edge more gestapeltenBlatter the latters can besides are beschadigt. In additionist to notice, dab a certain friction taking along animal stacked BlOtter dutch the F0rderbander is actually erwiinseht, since otherwise with increasing pile the Batter slips ever more in Sehrltglage advisablely and after riickwarts from the pile wiirden.
With from the DE-OS 2,421,271 well-known password the I which can be stacked) jerk-bent by a horizontal Randf6rderer in shed formation of a being certain pile place zugefiihrt, in which two detour fingers a Omlenken the printing sheet at their forward-moving edge cause upward. To the Absttitzung the turned back printing sheet client according to the Llingenzunahme of the pile adjustable Stiitzeinrichtung, which exhibits around 45° to horizontals bent Stiitzfliche. The first printing sheet will onto this Stiitzfl before pushed, wiihrend the following printing sheet anf the rear in each case printing sheet of the pile will aufgestoBen.
Because of the ausgepriigten Schriglage of the gestapeIten Druekbogen the danger of a Aufftichems of the pile exists not, but bends the Dmckbogen to slip away after riickwirts. In order to avoid this, AnscMiige miissen to be planned, which however to AnlaB to injuries the printing sheet can give. Besides a Schr is not erwtinscht igstellung the printing sheet in the pile around 45° in certain Ftillen.
Dureh the CH-PS 108,064 a procedure admits, with on the product a pressure aufzusehiebende on a pile ausgefibt wkd.
With this well-known procedure the products are zugefiihrt horizontal a vertical pile. The press product running into the pile is erfaBt by Kugellagem and up to an attack carried forward and at the same time niedergedriickL thereby arises however the disadvantage, dab it protecting postponing anfgmnd the friction of the anfzusehiebenden product, e.g. a Zeimng, on which pile already formed to shifting the individual Bllitter and thus to a formation of wrinkles comes.
Further 2,884,243 became a procedure of the initially erwiihnten kind admits by the OS-PS, with which the press products which can be pushed onto an existing pile are postponed by means of FOrderbilnder and gedriiekt toward the end of the pile. Also with this well-known password from there the disadvantages erwiihnten above result.
Further 12 40 725 became a mechanism admits by the DE-PS, with which deflection pins stationarily held are intended, which take the lower edge off of a folding box eingestapeIten last yon dutch the conveyor and transportation belt formed FOrderbalm. These deflection pins stationarily held a Druek iiben on the rear Faltschaehtel its lying pile out, his the nitchsffolgende Faltschaehtel zwisehen this folding box and the deflection pins are eingefiihrt; starting from this moment the AblenkboIzen waken on still the folding box which is in postponing and presses these against the pile already existing. Aueh this procedure plans thus a pressing of the property w which can be stacked thrend postponing anf S already existing tapel. This may haven when stacking yon relatively steffen folding boxes no negative effects, with sensitive products, like evenly press products, arises in the case of such procedures the disadvantages already erwahnten, like evenly formation of wrinkles and possibly also a Einrei n yon sides.
A goal of the invention is it to avoid this well hteile and a procedure that initially erw hnten kind to suggest, which ermSglicht a careful stacking anch yon sensitive Dmckerzeugnissen.
ErfindungsgmliB is reached this by it, dab product of rear of the lying Stapols in a place in postponement direction of the n of ichsffolgenden product and/or product package always vet up that in each case its forward-moving edge lies, a Dmck is ausgetibt and the effect place of this pressure w it-ends the RK 395,576 B Aufsehiebens of a product and/or a product package with this in its postponement direction is along-shifted.
Since on the pile a pressure is always ansgeiibt, on the anfgeschobene in each case product however not, wkd is reached, held together dab the pile, which can effolgen postponing the products jedoeh dmckfrei.
Thus a BeschMigung of the products with postponing and the danger of a friction taking along of the rear product of the pile are avoided by the postponed product.
After a far CREN characteristic of the invention can be vorgesehcn, actually high-bend itself daft in bekanntcr way the products before pushing onto the pile in the range of their in demand direction erstrcckenden Rider.
By bending upward press product with postponing aufden pile the press products a reinforcement, whereby one avoids, effahren daB see the Druekerzeugnisse w standing with the Aufsehieben under no printing effect rend postponing within the range of their forward-moving edge back-bending or to-tick-roll be able.
With products resulting in Sehuppenformation to the zugefiihrten products before postponing packages are preferably formed, in which two lie or more products more iibereinander. These packages are more rigid, since they are also formed to several products high-curved Seitenr', tndem, in itself than the individual products and bring still the advantage, dab the danger of a Hochstoflens yon products fibre the upper side of the pile outside are continued to reduce.
A further goal of the invention is it to suggest a Vorriehtung to the Durchf'fihrung erfindungsgerna of the n of procedure.
During a device with a Zufiihreinrichtung to the Zufiihren and Aufsehieben of the products on the pile and a pressure mechanism, from there the Andriiekeinfiehtung becomes into actually well-known Wise several, along a kreisf6rmigen course circulating propelled, freely swivelling stored roles exhibits after a further characteristic of the invention vorgesehlagen, daB, and dab these roles of w lrend a section of their orbit at the rear in each case product of the pile to the plant to come, lind dab the Zufiihreinrichtung the products on the lying pile anfschiebenden F6rderer with at least one synchronously with the Andriickeinfichtung circulating propelled demand organ exhibit, which is provided also in mutual Abstinent attached driver organs, which attack at the nachlanfenden edges of the products.
To be made possible Dttrch this Mal3nahmen is it mOglieh a pile already formed in a simple manner under Druek to be kept nevertheless st dig and a pressure-free outer fschieben yon press products anf this pile. By those use yon roles, daB dieanfdem pile postponed Durckerzeugnisse is guaranteed practically no Reibungskr also ten by the Andiiickeinrichtung is suspended.
Further characteristics and Ausfiihrungsformen of the invention emphasized in the Unteranspriichen are details erlitutert now on the basis the Zeiehnung. Show purely sehematisch:
Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig.
Fig. 6 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 in side view an investor with one erfindungsgemal e device a Beschieknngsvorrichtung exhibiting to the Bflden of a buffer pile, in gegeniiberFig. 1 vergrOIlertem MaBstab and in side view denI Iauptteil of the device for forming the buffer pile, and 4 in one the figure 2 appropriate representation and in more gegeniiber this figure 2 vergrO rtem MaBstab the range of the pile place of the Vorriehtung ingeniously Fig. 2 in successive times of the postponement procedure, in more gegeniiber the figure 2 vergrOl3ertem MaBstab a Dmufsicht on the pile picture device in Riehtung of the arrow (A) in Fig. 2, and/or 7 in more gegeniiber the Fig. 2 to 5 vergr6Bertem Mal3stab a section of a F6rderkette with a driver organ in side view and/or in plan view, in the Fig. 2 to 4 ensprechenden side view the i] auptteil a further Ausfiihrungsform of a device for forming a pile yon products, and in gegeniiber Fig. 8 vergr6Bertem mA tab a plan view up those Stapelbildevorriehtung toward the arrow (A) in Fig. 8.
Into de. Fig. 1 is purely schematically an investor (1) represented, who is yon well-known Banart. This investor (1) is a Beschiekungsvorrichtung (2) assigned, which a Stapelbildevordchtung (3), those exhibits in these Fig. is only sehematisch represented and on the basis the Fig. : 2 to 7 one will still more ausfiihrlicher describe. By means of the Stapelbildungsvorfichtung (3) a lying Smpel on still too erl tutemde Wise (4) becomes formed, dessert long axle (4a) more gegentiber the horizontals somewhat bent is. This Smpel (4) stiitzt itself at its front end because of an attack (5) off and is on an edition (6) up. In Fig. 1 is the far collecting chain (7) an RK 395,576 B of collecting temporary fastener or a forms collecting machine shown, which interconnects several one behind the other arranged investors in well-known way. The investor (1) does not point represented mechanisms for taking the products yore piles off (4) and presenting to the collecting chain (7) up. In the following becomes now on the basis the Fig. 2 his 7 the structure of the pile picture device (3) more namer erlautert.
This device (3) a Zufiihreinriehtung (8) wrist anf, those the products (9), e.g. Printing products, which are in the available case folded sheet and result in Sehuppenformation (s), a pile place (10) zufiJhrt. In zugefdhrten S chuppenforrnation (s) lie in each case each product (9) on the vorauslanfenden product up. This means, in which in wesenflichen shed formation (s) in each case the forward-moving edge (ga) of the products (9) zugefiihrten in horizontal direction lies exposed. The running after edges (gb) are formed dutch the crease edge. The Zufiihreinrichtung (8), to a further exhibits to a Bandf0rderer (11) FOrderer (12) anschlieBt, who the products (9) in way still which can be described onto the pile (4) pushes.
This FOrderer (12) exhibits two parallel to each other and in a distance running, as cements trained demand organs (13), yon those in the Fig. a F0rderorgan is recognizable only. Each F6rdemrgan (13) liiuft more tiber stationary Kettenrlider (14), (15) and (16), yon those is propelled the chain wheel, e.g. the chain wheel (14). DieF - that organs (13) point a demand direction (B), (B') anf, dieim wesenflichen parallel to L gsachse (4a) of the pile (4) run and therefore ebenfaUs more gegentiber the horizontals somewhat bent is. At each F0rderorgan (13) are in regelrn igen Abst lnden Mimehmerorgane (17) arranged, which is trained in form yon cams. Like the Fig. 6 and 7 shows, is tiltable stored each Mimehmerorgan (17) on one after the Seim verl switches chain pin (18). The driver organs (17) are arranged between the FOrdemrgan (13) and a pi ttchenf0rmigen retaining element (19), dessert distance yore F0rderorgan (13) dutch a distance owner (20) (Fig. 7) is fixed. The latter is pushed onto linen likewise laterally managing chain pin 12 I. The ii-old person element (19) is by means of a itself rank clip (22) in its situation on the Kettenboh: n (18) and (21) secured. Both at the Mimehmerorgan (17) as well as at the retaining element (19) is a pin (23) and/or Zwisehen this fastens 124 J beidan pins (23), (24) is arranged a tension spring (25), those the Mitnehmerorgancn (17) in its acting like position stop, in which he lines up at a not ersichflichen attack and manages upward becomes up those driver organs (17) of inRichtungdes arrow (K) (Fig. 6) einegentigend grope Kraft ausgetibt, the taking along organ (17) soktppt after upper turn of a breakdown point under effect of the tension spring (25) into one in Fig. 6 dashed represented situation zuriick. To the Zurtickstellen of the Mimehmerorganes (17) a Rtickstellanschlag is 126) (Fig. 2) available, with which the Mitnehmemrgane (17) cooperates with a projection/lead (17a).
In the range of its demand-effective Trumes (13a) the F0rderorgane (13) in a Ftihrung (27) is gefiihrk as from Fig. 2 evident, S-fOrmig trained is and one against the pile place (10) rising section (27a) exhibits. This Fiihrung (27) forms Tell of a carriage (28), which by means of roller bearing (29), (30) langs two Fiihrungsschienen (31) is adjustably gefiihrt, yon those in the figures only some Ftihrungsschiene visibly iSL the carriage (28) points more femer two Seitenwande (32) and (33) anf, which in one dsr width of the products (9) corresponding distance are arranged. For adjustment to different product widths the two Seitenw inde (32) are adjustable, (33) not represented Wise in their distance. At its einlaufseifigen end (32a) the Seitenw de (32) is bent, (33) something after outer n.
At the side panel (32) itself upward erstreckendex an arm (34) is fastened, which an arm (35) carry, that itself extended toward against the gegentiberliegende side panel (33) (Fig. 5). In this arm (35) is one-waves (36) stored, to whose an end a Tr gerscheibe (37) is fastened. To these Tritgerseheibe (37) eight itself Anne (38), extending in radial direction, are fastened, which are arranged in sign-refreshed tnden same and more tiber the Tragerscheibe (37) manages. These arms (38) carry stored Anddiekrollen (39) at their managing ends freely swivelling. At the T gerscheibe (37) gegentiberliegenden end of the Wells (36) are up this a chain wheel (40) fastened, more tiber a driving chain (41) the l air, which stands with a chain wheel (42) in interference.
The latter sits anf a wave (43), which stands a second chain wheel (44) tr gL this in interference with a driving chain (45), for AndriickroUe (38) tibt now on the pile (4) a Andrtickkraft out, which causes, zurnindest the rear products (9) of the pile (4) an easy V-type receive, as from Fig. is evident to 5. This V-type has among other things a reinforcement of the products (9) to the consequence. Because of this reinforcement exists with these products (9) the danger, dal3 it with one allt less illigen Ansto n at the attack sheet metal (50) to the rear bent warden.
Dutch the belt conveyors (11) for instance in horizontal direction zugefiihrten products (9) yore F0rderer (12) warden tibemommen, that the products (9) to the pile place (10) f0rdert. In this pile place (10) the products (9) on rear in each case product (9 ') of the pile (4) toward the arrow (C) become postponed, lm course of this postponing the products mtissen more gegentiber their Zuftihrrichtung, i.e. the F0rderrichtung of the Bandf0rderers (11), at approximately 900 turned back warden. This turning back takes place now not at one time, but in two steps. One only detour more finder with the upper course into the rising section (27a) the Fiihrung (27) instead of.
A second detour takes place when accumulating up that product of rear (9 ') of the pile (4). Aufdiese way is avoided RK 395,576 B, dab to the Slapelstelle (10) the gesarnte 90°-Umlenkung mu6 take place.
Transport animal of the F6rderer (12) products (9) taken place via the Mimehmerorgane (17) iibemommenen, which in the process of the F6rderweges zurn attacking at the nachlanfenden edges (9b) of the products (9) come.
It is not compellingly require-borrowed, dab the belt conveyor (U) the products (9) in beziiglich the Mimelanerorgan (17) phased situation zuftihrt. Those products (9), those with the Ubemahme by the F6rderer (12) nieht yon a Mimehmerorgan (17) erf t become k0nnen, slip up to the Ansehlag at a Mimehmerorgan zuriiek, as soon as they are bent into an upright situation. Is thus they-manufactured, Trade Union of German Employees pushing of the products (9) onto the pile (4) taken place in fixed, dureh the driver organs (17) besfimmten Abstlinden.
This Aufsehieben of the products (9) in given Abstinent, on latter abgestimrnten Abst nden between the Andriiekrollen (39) as well as the synehrone Anlreiben of the demand organs (13) and the Tragerscheiben (37) with the AndriiekroUen (39) offers now the Gewgdlr daftir, to w lhrend postponing the tiber Kettenr more tder (46) and (47) is geftihrt and with further Kettenradem (48) and (49) in Eingfiff steM. The two Kettenriider (46) nnd (47) are angeaxdnet on the same Wells as the Kettenr it (14) and (16), fibre those the demand organs (13) run.
The Aniriebskette (45) is ago circulating angetdeben of the chain wheel (46). Upper the Kettenrlkler (44), (42), the chain (41) and the chain wheel (40) propels the driving chain (45) Tr', the agerscheibe (37) in Riehttmg of the arrow (D). The Andrtickrollen (39) is thus moved along a kreisbogenf0rmigen orbit likewise in Riehtung of the arrow (D).
At the arm (35) a far Ansehlagblech (50) is fastened, in a distance yon the pile edition (6) verliuft, for instance the H6he of the pile entsprieht.
In the figures far is purely schematically one itself into the investor (1) inside erslreckende driving chain (51) represented, the fibre a chain wheel (52) is geftihrt, that on the same wave sits as the chain wheel (15) f'tir the F6rderorgan (13). Uber these driving chain (51) become of the FOrderer (12) Banteile of the investor (1) ago propelled.
Furthermore is in the Fig. 2 to 4 still another Luftausblasditse (53) shown, below S tapelau the flage (6) in B ereich the pile place (10) angeordnetist. From dieserDiise (53) auslretendeLuft gelangtin the gap between the last product (9 ') of the pile and the n tchsten postponed product (9 "). The Luftauslalkltise (53) is fastened and with this adjustable to the Sehlitten (28). Instead of only one box (53) k6nnen aueh several fibre the width of the pile (4) distributed Dtisen to be planned.
In the following now in particular inter becomes reference to the Fig. 2 his 4 the impact of S tapelbildevorrichtung n it erl iutert.
From Grtinden, on which still zuriickzukommen will be, again and again a Andrtickrolle (39) at the last product (9 ') of the pile (4) comes to the plant. The SteUe, against which this Andrtickrolle (39) rests this last product (9 '), walks due to the turn of the T gerscheibe (37) after aufwarts. Because of the Schraglage toward the arrow (e) adjustable Sehlittens (28) is the latter anxious, see along after its Ftihmng (31) abwarts, i.e. in the Fig. naeh left to move. In each case in the center of the pile (4) to this lying close its product (9 ") see on clas the rear product (9 ') of the pile (4) driiekende role (of 39 ') scarcely before the forward-moving edge (ga) of of the aufgesehobenen product (9 ") bef'mdet and see upward moved with latter in its postponement direction (C), as from the Fig. 2, 3 WAD 4 comes out, in which the postponement procedure is represented in three following each other times. Protecting postponing will thus ausgetibt on the rear product (9 ') dureh a Andriiekrolle (39) continuously a Dmck to stand be postponed protecting the next product (9 ") without under Druekeinwirkung can.
Now the postponed product (9 ") erreieht its end position (Fig. 4), then the ehste Andriickrolle (39 ") on this just now postponed product (9 ") comes to the plant. This Andrfickrolle (39 ") walks now, as already erlautert, with the n ichsten postponed product (9 ' “) naeh above.
The pile (4), like already the fr0her erwahnt, at its front end at a omfesten attack (5) (Fig. 1) lines up, to stem thus continuously under a Prelldmek. A Auff hem of the stacked products (9) thus one avoids. Since the products (9) w do not it-end postponing against the pile to be gedrtickt, aueh diinne products w thrend postponing are nieht injured. In the further, dab the aufgesehobene product (9 ") is prevented the rear product (9 ') due to friction zwisehen the two products naeh carries forward above.
S ollte this in certain Fiillen nevertheless still the case its, then the attack (50) prevents a further friction taking along of this rear product (9 '). By injecting yon air by means of the Luflauslalkiiise (53) into the gap between the rear El'zeugnis (9 ') and the postponed product (9 ") can be prevented to a large extent, be come with one another dab the two products protecting the postponement procedure into such a close Beriihrung, dab one effolgt. Depending upon the kind those which can be stacked of the Emeugnisse (9) and their Obertl henbeschaffenheit the attack sheet metal (50) and/or the Luftauslal3dtise (53) can be omitted.
It is open-see-borrowed, dab sees with increasing pile (4), i.e. with each again postponed product (9), the pile place (according to 10) moved rttekwats. That means also, Trade Union of German Employees the Sehlitten (28) toward the arrow 90 RKs 395,576 B 0g) to the rear move mull this movement effected now selbsttatig, as during each accumulating a Andrtickrolle (39) on the product postponed last (9 ") the carriage (28) is gt zuriickgedr. With the carriage (28) also the Fiihrung (27) moves ftir the Ftirderorgane (13) naeh rtickw RTS, so the rising section (27a) the Fiihmng (27) beziiglich the end of the pile (4) always the same situation takes.
As from the Fig. 2 and 4 comes out, affects the driver organs (17) so long the following edge (gb) of the products (9) in, to these vollstandig onto the pile (4) are pushed. Since the driver organs (17) however still in a direction (B'), which in the wesenflichen reehwinldig for the level of of the rear product (9 ") of the pile (4) stands, to be moved on, becomes from the pile (4) on this Mimehmerorgane (17) toward the arrow OK ONES) (Fig. 6) working Kraft ausgeiibt, those, as already erw nL after Uberwindung of a dead center situation a Zurtickkippen of the driver organ (17) causes. Into these zurtickgeldppten position liking ability the Mimehmerorgane (17) trend of their moving on underneath the pile (4) not on the lower edge of the stacked products influence (9). Thus a Andrticken of the lower edge (gb) of of the stacked products (9) to the pile (4) caused, dutch the Mimehmerorgane (17) becomes however avoided an injury of these lower edges. W it-end its Riicklanfes become the driver organs (17) by the Riickstellanschlag (26) (Fig. 2) again into their acting like position high-tilted.
Protecting the descriptive education of a pile (4), that, how already more friiher erwahnt, as buffer piles for the supply of the investor (1) serves, effected at the front end of the pile (4) taking off yon products (9). That means, depending upon the Verhalmis between the departure speed and the pile speed of the piles gr6Ber or becomes smaller. Dureh this buffer pile is it m6glich, which investor (1) protecting a certain time anch in the enterprise too hallzn if the supply yon products (9) tiber the Bandf0rderer (11) one interrupts.
The AufstoBen of the products (9) by means of the driver organs (17) WAD the AndriJcken by the feed rolls (39), which synchronously to rate of motion the Mimehmerorgan (17) is circulating propelled, makes possible not only stOmngsfreies stacking if the products (9) within the shed formation (s) unequal distance have, sondem, even if in this shed stream Lticken are present. For the same reason it is also possible to stack in shed formation not resulting, flat steel bar chige products, which do not miissen compellingly products its, stfrungsfrei.
The pile picture device (3) can being trained shown in different parts also differently than. In the following only some few are hnt by the m0glichen variants erw.
Kraft, with the Andriickrolle (39) against the pile (4) drticken, can be vergrOBert thereby, dab at the carriage (28) einZusatzgewichtbefesligtwird, that for example along the carriage movement more gehobenoder lowered wkd. Selbstverstandlich are still different suitable means mSglich for the production of the gewiinschten Andriickkraft.
The-descriptive selbsttlifige shift of the carriage (28) does not have the advantage, daB f'ar the Schlittenverschiebung zusatzlichen mechanisms is necessary. It is however also conceivable to plan control devices dutch those the carriage movement is steered. With a m0glichen AusfiJhrungsform of this kind the Tragerscheibe (37) with the carriage (28) one connects, but at for a tiltable stored not firmly lever befestigL with itself andemder GrOl] e of the pile (4) also the Steilung of the Tr igerscheibe (37) and thus anch the swiveling situation of the lever andert itself one. This swiveling situation can be benfitzt now in addition, the Schlittenverschiebung to steuem.
With descriptive S tapelbildevorrichtung (3) cannot groove buffer pile, which serves Anlegem and other work liking machines for the supply yon be formed amplifiers tndlich. With the same WAD pile-picture-pre-adjust-likes to leave piles manufacture itself, which are again reduced not at the same time with postponing yon products at the other end, sondem either than piles are processed or after a allfalligen Zwischenlagemng at another Smile far the subsequent treatment of the individual products are again reduced in the descriptive way also.
, Dab the pile place (10) understands itself also stationarily to be arranged, which causes then, dab itself the Abniitzung in its situation, present on the other end of the pile, can otherable its muB. With such L0sung is not then necessary it to plan an adjustable carriage (28).
With that to managing it can seem described pile picture device now before aUem with dtinnen products, zuriickbiegen itself or to-tick-roll dab these wiihrend postponing within the range of their front edge, which can fiihren to bends or different Beschadigungen, which have an unfavorable effect with following reducing of the pile as well as with the anschlieBenden Weiterverarbeimng of the products k0nnen. In the further it is possible, dab despite in the postponement place (10) of the products (9) existing, itself along that top side of the pile (4) attack sheet metal (of 50) products of certain (9) to world erslreckenden upward pushed warden WAD therefore more tiber the pile manage (4). Such products cause splinter breakdown stomach when reducing the pile. These disadvantages become with the Ausfiihrungsform gems the Fig. 8 and 9 avoided.
The pile picture device gems the Fig. to 8 WAD 9 corresponds to a large extent in the Fig. 1 to 7 RKs shown 395,576 B pile picture device. In Fig. 8 Stapelbildevorrichmng marked with 3 is Toil liner Beschickungsvorriehtung (2) for an investor (U) yon well-known design is. By means of this pile picture device (3) lying pile on still too efl tutemdeWeiseein (4) becomes formed, dessenl lngsachse (4a) gegeniiberderHorizontalen approximately are. This Slapel (4) see at its front, stiitzt in the figures nieht end shown off and continues to be on an edition (6) up.
The pile picture device (3) a Zufiihreinrichtung (8) points up, those the products (9), the Sehuppenformation (s) result, a pile place (10) zuffihrt. In shed formation (s) in each case each product (9) on the preceding product up, sodaB in each case the front edge (ga) of the products (9) is appropriate for the resulting fmiliegt. The Zufiihreinrichtung (8), to a further exhibits to a Bandf6rderer (11) FOrderer (12) anschlieBt, who the products (9) on Wise still which can be described onto the pile (4) pushes. This FOrderer (12) exhibits two parallel to each other and in a distance running Fordororgane (13), designed as chains, yon those in the figure 8 only a demand organ recognizably isL each F0rderorgan (13) liiuft fibre a stationarily arranged Kettenr (14), (15) and (16), yon those the chain wheel (14) in way still which can be described propelled isL from each F6rderorgan (13) is Mimehme*organe (17) arranged. The distance between the driver organs (17) is rough as the shed distance (A), i.e. de, distance between successive in each case products (gj in the shed formation (s). With the lying Ausfiihrungsbeispiel the distance between dcn Mimehmerorganen (17) betriigt for instance the triple of this shed distance (A). The driver organs (17) correspond to m of their training in the Fig. 2 to 4 as well as 6 and 7 driver organ shown and is likewise tiltably on & , t F6rde*organen (13) fastens.
In the range of its fSrderwirksamen Truces (13a) the F6rderorgane (13) in a Fiihmng (27) is gefiihrt, D one against the pile place (10) rising section (27a) anfweist (Fig. 8). This rising Fiihrunl cut (27a) serves at the same time as edition fOr the center section off of the products (9). This Fiihrung (27) biklct “I cl a carriage (28), de* aufnieht more nliher represent-wise lilngs two Fiihl " ung sschienen (31) is adjustably gel ulart, yon those in Fig. 8 only some Fiihrungsschiene is visible. The carriage (28) exhibits more fe*ner two pages andt, those in Fig. 9 is omitted and yon those in Fig. 8 only the one side panel (32) isL de* side panel (32) itself upward e*streckende* an arm (34) is on visibly fastened, de, a Auslege* (35) (Fig trltgL in this arm (35) is a wave (36) (Fig. 8) stored, on de*en an end a Tr ige*scheiht13.” is fastened. At these Trligerscheibe 07) eight Anne (38), extending in radial direction, are attachment-meet themselves, D in sign-refreshed inden same arranged are and yon those in Fig. 8 not all are represented. This Armc 1 i tmgen at its managing end freely swivelling stored Andriickrollen (39). To the Tr ge*scheibe (37j gegeniiberliegenden end animal wave (36) is fastened on this a chain wheel (40), fibre a Antriebskctte (41) liiufL with a chain wheel (42) at the andem end of the arm (34) an interference stands.
The chain wheel (42) sits on a wave (43), which stands a second chain wheel (44) triigL this in interference with a Anlriebskette (45), which is propelled more niiher not represented way. By this driving chain (45) the T gerscheibe (37) is circulating propelled ago toward the column (D).
At the Auslege* is fastened a far attack sheet metal (50), which in a distance yon the pile edition (6) route card that about de* H0he of the pile (4) corresponds.
The belt conveyor (11) like anch the anschlieBende F6rderer (12) differ in their Konstrukdon something veto Bandf6rderer (U) and/or veto F6rderer (12) in the figures of the 2 to 7 represented Ausfiihrungsform. The belt conveyor (11) exhibits a conveyor (60), the fibre in not more niiher represented way the propelled drive wheel (61) bowie around a stationarily stored detour wheel (62) is geftihrt. This conveyor (60) run welter fibre Umlenkriider (63), (64), (65) and (66), which is stored all at the carriage (28). The detour wheel (65) sits thereby on de*selben wave like the Kettenriide* (14), fibre those the Forde*organe (13) of the FOrde*em (12) is geftihrt. Dutch that circulating propelled F6rde*band (60) is propelled the detour wheel (65) and with this anch the Kettenriide* (14).
On both sides the Ffihmng (27) are in the path of the products (9) of two bracket sections (67) and (68) arranged, which are likewise to the carriage (28) fastened. A thigh of these bracket sections (67) and (68) serves as guidance organ (69) and/or (70) fOr the Seitenrander (90, (9d) de, products (9) and a Leitfliiche (69a) points and/or.
(70a) up. The other thigh of the bracket sections (67), (68) is than Seitenriehtwand (71) hzw. (72) trained. The guidance organs (69) and (70) rise likewise against the pile (4) on. The upward gradient of these guidance organs (69), (70) is however gr6Ber as the upward gradient of the Fiihrungsabsehnittes (27a). Like the Fig. 8 shows, lies the initial sections (69 '), (70 ') the guidance organs (69), (70) more deeply than the top side of the Ffihrungsabschnittes (27a). About on de* with (place run the guidance organs (69) marked F), (70) approximately on same high one as the top side of the Ftihrungsabschnittes (27a), in order to run more naehber above the latter. In Fig. 8 the distance is bezeiehnet, around that the guidance organs (69), (70) fibre of the top side of the Fiihrungsabschnittes (27a) is arranged with (B).
The impact in the Fig. 8 and 9 represented Vorriehtung, which on the basis the Fig. 2 to 7 eflliuterten impact corresponds, is as follows:
RK 395,576 B by the Bandf6rderer (U) in horizontal direction of zugefiihrten products (9), which lie roofing tile-like more tibereinander, by the rising Ftihrungsabschnitt (27a) are turned back upward and toward the arrow 011) against the pile place (10) pushed. Approximately to with to influence (F) designated SteUe begin the guidance organs (69), (70) up those lateral Rider (9c) and (9d) those certifications (9), which means, dab this Seitenr the gegeniiber center section of the products (9) to be high-bent. The pitch angle of the Fiiitrungsabschnittes (27a) is in such a manner roughly gewgthlt, dab the individual products (9) again to-tick-slip, to it at their following edges (gh) either at the serving the detour wheel (63), as attack, f'tir the F rderband (60) or at a driver organ (17) of the F6rderers (12) to-rave. There the distance zwisehen the driver organs (17) about three times is as rough as the distance (A) between successive products (9) in the shed formation (s), become along the rising Fiihrungsabschnittes (27a) from in each case three products (9) a package (73) and/or (73 ') in an educated manner, which then yon a driver organ (17) at the running after edges (gb) of the products (9) erfaBt and toward the arrow (C) onto the pile (4) one pushes. With (73) the designated package are the three of this forming product line up (9) so far zuriickgerutscht, dab it with its rear edge (9b) at the detour wheel (63). This pack (73) demruichst yon with (17 ') designated Mimehmerorgan (17) to be erfaBt and along the Fijhrtmg (27) be pushed upward. Wiflarend of these Vorwltrtsbewegung of the package (73) become the Seitenkanten (ge) and (gd) animal of products (9) of this package (73) by the guidance organs (69), (70) high-curved, w rend the center section of the products (9) of this package (73) on the rising Ffihrungsabschnitt (27a) rests upon. The products (9) of each package (73), (73 ') thus for instance Ubzw become. V-fSrmig curved, whereby a reinforcing effect is obtained.
Thus, dab the printing products (9) by high bending of their Seitenrander (ge), (gd) a reinforcement and besides not separately, sondem in packages onto the pile (4) to be pushed, can be avoided effectively, dab itself the products (9) with postponing experience zuriickrollen or - to bend. Thus to leave see also thin products with verhalmismal3ig of small inherent rigidity without difficulties and without Bescl digung aufden to pile (4) to postpone.
By forming yon packages (73), (73 ') due to Zurtickrutschens of the products (9) within the range of of the rising Fiihrungsabschnittes (27a), formed dab between successive packages (73), (73 ') a Zwisehenraum (74) is reached, in which the driver organs (17) intervene. Thus, which products (9) on the fibre the top side of the Fiihrang (27) managing Mimehmerorganen (17) zttr edition kommen.DieMimehmerorgane (17) kennel geniigend highly to be thus trained, with one can be avoided sichereMitnahrne of the packages (73), (73 ') yon products gew is it-performed.
W it-end the Aufsehiebens of the packages (73), (73 ') yon products works anf rear in each case product (9 ') of the pile (4) a Andriickrolle (39) in, those together with the postponed package (73 ') in its postponement direction (C) moves upward, like that managing on the basis the Fig. 2 to 7 erlnutert is ausfiihrlich. Mitwachsendem piles (4), i.e. each again postponement package (73), move itself the pile place (according to 10) riickwarts. The carriage (28) m now like already erwahnt this movement of the pile place (10) follow, i.e. it moves toward the arrow 0E) in Fig. 1 to the right.
It can be zweckmaBig, the F6rderband (60) from m ehreren Einzelb ndern to form, which are arranged in a gegenseifigen distance running next to each other. The printed products are slid upon the rearmost printed product in order to form a stack in a lying configuration. For this purpose there is provided a conveyor having at least one circulating chain at which entraining cams are mounted in a regularly spaced relationship. The entraining cams act upon the trailing edges of the printed products. A multiple number of pressing rollers press the stack, and these pressing rollers are mounted at a support disc. The support disc is driven for rotation synchronously with the conveyor chain. Each pressing roller in succession presses upon the rearmost product of the stack. The pressing roller which acts upon the stack is always located just in front of the leading edge of the product which is slid onto the stack and the pressing roller moves upwardly conjointly with the product in the product slide-on direction thereof. While the stack is thus always under compression, the next following product can be slid onto the stack without experiencing a pressing action. 1. Procedures for manufacturing piles from flexible, flat steel bar higen products, insbesondereDruclcprodukten, with which the products are postponed successively anf the pile, thereby characterized, dab on the rear in each case product (9 ') of the lying StaI Is (4) in a place in Aufschiebefichtung (C) of the nachstfolgenden product (9 ") and/or product package (73 ') always before dessert is appropriate for forward-moving edge (ga), a pressure is ausgeiibt and the effect place of this pressure wiihrend postponing a product (9 ") 8) 2. Procedure according to requirement 1, by it characterized, dab the pile (4) more gegentiber the horizontals bent is.
RK 395,576 B 3. Procedure after Anspmch 2, by it characterized, daB into actually well-known way the F_ which can be stacked, rzeugnisse (9) in horizontal direction zugeftihrt in shed formation (s) and far postponing upward 4. Procedure after one the requirement 1 to 3, thus, daB the pile place (10), in which the products (9 ") gekennzeiehnet on the pile (4), the respective pile-rough accordingly shifted Veffahren anfgeschoben after one the Anspriiche 1 to 4, dadnrch marked, daB into actually well-known Wise the products (9) before pushing onto the pile (4) within the range of their itself in F&derriehtung (B) extending 6. Procedure after Ansprueh 5, dadureh characterized, daB before the Aufsehieben animal of products (9) on the pile (4) from zugefiihrten the products in shed formation (s) (9) packages (73) to at least two 7. Veffahren according to requirement 5 or 6, by it characterized, dab the products (9) also at their rear edge 8. Application of the procedure according to requirement 1 for education of that intermediate storage of the products (9) 4, 8) 9. Device to the Durchftihrung of the procedure after Anspmch 1 marked by a Zufiihreinrichtung to the Zufiihren and pushing the products onto the pile and a Andriiekeinfiehtung, dadureh, dab the Andriickeinrichtung in actually well-known way several, along a circular course circulating propelled, freely swivelling store-roll exhibit, unddaB this-these to w of threndeines section their orbit amjeweils rear product (9 ') of the pile (4) to the plant come, and daB the Zufiihreinrichtung (8) the products (9) on the lying pile (4) dilatory FOrderer (12) with at least one synehron with the Andriickeinrichtung (37, 38, 39) circulating propelled demand organ (13), that exhibits in gegenseifigen was also away attached driver organs (17) provided, those is in the running after edges (9b) of the production device according to requirement 9, by it characterized, dab the pile (4) more gegeniiber the horizontals bent 11. Device according to requirement 10, dadureh characterized, daB the Zuf'tihreinrichtung (8) the products (9) in horizontal direction and in a shed formation (s) zufiihrt and dureh the F0rderer (12) fixed demand course yon the pile place (10) in actually well-known way one against the pile (4) rising section 12. Device according to requirement 9, dadureh characterized, dab the F6rderer (12) at least in the Bereieh of the pile place (10) one crosswise, preferably about right-angled to the level of rear of in each case product (9 ') of the 13. Device according to requirement 9, by it characterized, daB the driver organs (17) are tiltably stored and with the Ansto n in the pile (4) from the acting like position to be away-tilted and daft a Riickstellein can 14. Device according to requirement 9, by it characterized, dab those through the F6rderer (12) fixed demand course device after one the Anspriiche 9 to 14, dadurc5 characterized, dab the Andriickeinrichtung to 4, 8) RKs 395,576 B 16. Device after the Anspriichen 14 and 15, by it characterized, the demand organ (13) stationarily arranged is and at least its f6rderwirksamer Trum (13a) synchronous into the rising demand course section (27a) specifying Ftihrungsteil (27) verl iuft, that with the Andrtiekeinrichtung (37, 38, 39) in I gs 17. Device after Anspmch 16, by it characterized, NaB of the FtihrungsteiI (27) and the Andrtickeinrichtung (37, 38, 39) on a carriage (28) are arranged, which along a bent and against the pile (4) sloping Ftihrung (31) is geftihrt, whereby the Andriickeinrichtung (37, 38, 39) preferably under the force of gravity 18. Device after one the Ansprtiche 9 to 17, characterized dutch an actually well-known attack in 19. Device after one the Anspriiche 9 to 18, characterized by a mechanism (53) zam injecting a gaseous medium, preferably air, between rear in each case product (9 ') of the pile (4) and device after one the Ansprfiche 9 to 19, characterized by one on itself extending the reader in F0rderrichtung (B) (9c, 9d) by the Zuftihreinrichtung (8) products (9) zugef'tihrten for effect 21. Vorriehtung according to requirement 20, by it characterized, NaB the arrangement for the high bending of R (9c, 9d) the products (9) lateral, in the path of the products (9) arranged and on R more mder 22. After device 21, by it characterized, since each guidance organ (69, 70) exhibits a Leilfl he (69a, 70a), those addressed in a distance (B) more tiber an edition (27a) fur the center section of the products (9) run and on those the products (9) w it-end to its movement longs its F0rderweges rnit its decaying (9c, 9d) 23. Device after the Anspriichen 9 and 20, by it characterized, there the distance between the driver organs (17) gr013er is roofing tile-like as the distance (A) between aufeinanderfoIgenden and tiberein 24. Device according to the requirements 16 and 21, by it characterized, dab the guidance organs (69, 70) in against 25.Vorrichtungnach Anspmch 24, F6rderbahnabschnittes (27a), the-rising thereby characterized within the range, preferably in its beginning, an attack (63) fiir along this F6rderbahnabschnittes (27a) after 26. Use of the device according to requirement 9 for education yon the intermediate storage of the products (9) serving buffer piles (4) for the supply of processing machines (1), in particular yon Anlegem.