Carrying star for washing machine drums

10-05-1967 дата публикации
Принадлежит: Bosch Gmbh Robert
Номер заявки: 76865
Дата заявки: 28-01-1965


The invention concerns a carrying star for washing machine drums, with u-shaped formed arms, which are fastened with an end to a Tragstttck arranged at the drive shaft and with the other one to this course-turned Stimwand of the wash drum. With such drum washing machines it is used sheet metal form drawing hurry of doublez-shaped Querschuitt whose is connected an end with a hub which can be put on on the drum wave in the way that with dec a face of the hub is welded at the center section of the profile of arranged Anschweil rag and with the other Stlmseite a sheet metal ring, at which the Seatenteile de Profils parallel to the center section is welded as support arms, this additional sheet metal ring conditionally increased Materialund Herstellungskostea. Also the support arms are verhälmismäßig expensive, since by the different Aussclmitte outer their plates particularly because of the ilberstehenden welding rags much material is to be bent abf'gllt and furthermore the double Z-profile pedantically. After the invention now with carrying stars of the initially described kind fär washing machines these disadvantages are avoided by the fact that the support arms with the inside of their bar against the Stimflache and with the inner edges of their thighs at the coat of the disk-shaped Tragstflckes rest and is directly welded with the same. Hiedurch is reached that except the Tragstllck and the support arms no additional construction units are needed for fastening the support arms, and that the support arms are abfallos and simply producible. whereby Materialund manufacturing costs to be lowered; in addition the thigh impact edges of the support arms on the round-cylindrical surface of the carrying stucco form always safe and suitable Stiltzen, whose Ubereimtirnmende axial situation is fixed on the Tragstllck by the attack of the bar inner surface to the Tragstackstimfläche. With a preferential Ausfllhmngsform of the carrying star the support arms at their have dern carrying stucco course-turned Stimkante two Ausnehmuugen, by whose everyone a bending edge of the channel runs. Thus the advantage is obtained that the ingates for the arms can be bent accurate to size from the tape material gestauztund to the channel, without due to this material deformation also the trailing edges already cut in the finished form are deformed by the roundnesses (Biegewfllste), developing when bending the thighs upward. In the designs a Ausfährungsbeispiel the according to invention of the carrying star is represented. Fig show. 1 a side view of a drum washing machine with caustic solution container and wash drum, partly cut, Fig. 2 an only partly represented carrying star flir the wash drum after line II-II in Fig. 8 and in larger yardstick than in Fig. l, Fig. 8 a side view of the Tragstemes after Fig. 2 toward the arrow A seen, Fig.4 the Enäe of a support arm plate before bending the Tragarmes0 Fig, which can be welded at the Tragstilck. 5 a broad strip with the Sctmittlinien ffir the abzusclmeidenden plates (cuts) flir the support arms. In the washing machine Z a caustic solution container 2 is arranged, onto its senkrechten ground 3 a camp body 4 is screwed, flying in the camp body a wave 5 stored carries at its end a Tragstem 6 projecting into the caustic solution container, to which the Waschrrommel 7 with screws 8 is fastened. The Tragstem consists of a Tragstttek 9 (Fig.2), which by a disk-shaped staving the wave 5 is formed, and four support arms 10 with u-shaped Qnerschnitt. These support arms are in such a way trained at their carry-piece-lateral end that a Endabsehnitt 11 of the support arm bar 12 against that and the inner edges 14 the thigh 15 outer its lateral surface 16 can rest to the width 5 cleared away Stimfläche 13 of the Tragstllckes there and be welded. The edges of the thighs 15 and the bar lg have, as particularly evident from Fig.4, l ice-arc-shaped Ausnehmungeù 17. The bar 12 becomes constantly broader the free end of the support arm, while the hell of the thighs 15 decreases. At the free end the bar is as broad as the driver ribs 18 the Wasehtrommel. The wash drum is in such a way fastened to the carrying star that each support arm of a driver rib gegentthexliegt. In the section lying over the driver ribs the support arms a Durchgangsloeh 19 have fllr the fixing bolts 8. in Fig. and a section of the wash drum 7 represented 3 with a driver rib 18 is strichpunktiett and a fixing bolt 8. The Sregkante at the free end of the Tragatmes has, how is shown in Hg.3 particularly, a middle section 20 and two zurllckgesemte, lateral sections 21, which are like aucham other support arm end by one ltteisbogenförmige recess each 17 from each other separated. The middle section 20 runs after a circular arc, which has the same radius as the inside of the Bötdelrandes 22 at the Wasehtrommelboden 23. The two outside sections 21 are to be somewhat-jerk-set in relation to the middle section 20; they run just and perpendicularly to the thighs when putting the wash drum 7 on the carrying star 6 on are the middle sections 20 the Sregkanten because of the flanged rim of the wash drum ground kind and center the Wasehtrommel, while the sections 21 with bent SchenkeIn 15 in a certain distance from the flanged rim 22 lie and do not disturb from there, manufacturing the support arms become, like Fig. , a Bleehband shows 5 used, from which first groups of three Löchem each 19 and 24 in one are from each other punched out the support arm length emspreehenden distance. The hole 19 of each group is on the center line of the Bleehbandes and serves at the finished support arm as Durehgangsloch ftlr the screw 8. the two other holes 24 lies symmetrically for the center line in a mutual distance, to which the width of the support arm bar at the end which can be welded with the piece of carrying corresponds. When cutting a support arm plate of the Bleehband the two holes 24 by the dividing line 20, are approximately halved 21 so that thereby the ice-arc-shaped recesses 17 (s.Fig.8 and 4) at both ends of each plate to be formed. The middle section g0, which has the same radius as the inside of the flanged rim 22 at the Wasehtrommelboden, forms a centring edge at the free end of the support arm. At its other end the form of the edge without meaning, there the support arm bar not with the edge, is but rests to its inner surface with a section 11 against the Sttrnfläche of the carrying stucco. Both outside sections 21 of the dividing line run straight and perpendicularly to the bending edges 26 of the channel, so that with the finished support arm the Inuenkanten 14 its thigh 15 fits to Mantelfäehe perpendicularly to the surface of the bar 12 and, if the support arm 10 to the TragstUek 9 is added, at its 16. Since at the end which can be welded with the Tragsttlck 9 the thigh bend lines in the recesses 17 end, the roundnesses developing when bending the thighs upward withdraw in relation to the thigh edges something, so that perfect presenting of the support arm inner surfaces at the Tragstilck is ensured. To end of the support arms is prevents the recesses 17 that the form of the Zentriexkante 20 is changed with bending. The carrying star can have also another number of support arms it is however to the number of the Mitaehmertippen to correspond. Also the Tragstllck can be differently trained, e.g. as hexagonal, eight-Kant or than cone. Furthermore the support arms can be bent also to the Wellenachse in another angle and run parallel to each other the Bfegelinien.

1. It formed carrying star for washing machine drums, with u-shaped arms, which eye-arranged with an end at one at the drive shaft Tragstüek and with the other one to this course-turned Stimwand of the Waschttommel are fastened, by the fact characterized that the Ttagarme (10) along that Innenseitt of their bar (19.) to the Stimfläche (13) and with the inner edges (of 14) their thighs (15) at the coat (1) of the disk-shaped carrying stucco (9) lie close and directly with the same smolderable are.

2. Carrying star according to requirement 1, by it characterized that the support arms (10) at their the Tra tück (9) course-turned Stixnkant two Aumehmungen (17) have, by whose everyone a bending edge (26) of the channel runs.

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