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20-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2568795C2

Устройство для обработки белья включает в себя корпус, формирующий внешний вид устройства для обработки белья, пространство для вмещения, предусмотренное в корпусе для размещения белья, и участок выпуска, выполненный с возможностью выпускать воздух, находящийся в пространстве для вмещения, из корпуса. Устройство для обработки белья также включает в себя участок подачи, выполненный с возможностью подавать воздух в пространство для вмещения, и участок понижения давления, выполненный с возможностью выпускать воздух, находящийся в пространстве для вмещения, из пространства для вмещения в корпус, если давление в пространстве для вмещения становится равным заданному опорному давлению или превышает его. 3 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2511847C2

Предложена машина для обработки белья, предназначенная для стирки белья. Эта машина для обработки белья включает в себя корпус, придающий внешний вид и содержащий основание, бак, неподвижно и жестко установленный на основании корпуса за счет узла опор, связанных с основанием. При этом узел опор включает переднюю и заднюю опоры, установленные по центру соответственно на передней и задней частях основания, и удерживает бак от вертикального и горизонтального перемещения. Барабан машины для обработки белья имеет упругую независимую от бака подвеску, при этом загрузка белья осуществляется через отверстие, совмещенное с отверстием в баке, выполненное на передней стороне бака. Такая компоновка позволяет увеличить вместимость машины для обработки белья. 5 н. и 26 з.п. ф-лы, 16 ил.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2485231C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к машине для обработки белья, имеющей конструкцию узла подвески, который демпфирует вибрацию и поддерживает барабан. Поддерживающий узел подвески включает в себя, по меньшей мере, три подвески (500, 510, 520), расположенные в форме треугольника, две из которых расположены перед центром тяжести сборки барабана и узла привода, а другая расположена позади центра тяжести. Жесткость пружины задней подвески (500) может быть меньше жесткости пружины передних подвесок (510, 520). Усилие пружины, направленное наверх и приложенное задней подвеской, больше усилия пружины, направленного наверх и приложенного передними двумя подвесками. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2655254C1

Бытовой прибор для обработки белья, содержащий барабан для приема белья, установленный с возможностью вращения вокруг горизонтальной оси (А), и крестовину, расположенную за задней, если смотреть в направлении оси (А), стенкой барабана, соединенную с барабаном и содержащую несколько консольных балок, проходящих в радиальных направлениях, причем между каждой из консольных балок и задней стенкой барабана выполнено расстояние (d) в осевом направлении таким образом, что между консольными балками и задней стенкой образован сплошной, если смотреть в направлении вращения вокруг оси (А), зазор для протекания, причем со стороны консольных балок зазор для протекания ограничен стенкой, содержащей первый участок стенки, ориентированный относительно плоскости (Е), перпендикулярной оси (А), под первым углом (α), составляющим от 20° до 70°. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2563773C1

Предложена стиральная машина, содержащая корпус, задающий внешний вид, бак, расположенный в корпусе, основной барабан, свободно вращающийся в баке, вспомогательный барабан, установленный внутри основного барабана, чтобы вращаться относительно основного барабана, внешний вал для вращения основного барабана, внутренний вал для вращения вспомогательного барабана, расположенный внутри внешнего вала, и приводной двигатель. Приводной двигатель имеет статор, внешний ротор, соединенный с внутренним валом и расположенный снаружи статора, и внутренний ротор, соединенный с внешним валом и расположенный внутри статора, при этом приводной двигатель выполнен с возможностью вращения основного барабана и вспомогательного барабана в разных направлениях и/или с разными скоростями вращения. 4 н. и 26 з.п. ф-лы, 80 ил.

10-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011147482A

... 1. Машина для обработки белья, содержащаябак для содержания воды;барабан, установленный с возможностью вращения в баке;узел привода, включающий в себя вал, соединенный с барабаном, корпус подшипника для поддержания с возможностью вращения вала и электродвигатель для вращения вала; иузел подвески для уменьшения вибрации барабана,при этом общий зазор (G1+G3) помех в направлении вверх и вниз между барабаном и баком больше общего зазора (G2+G4 или G5+G6) помех в направлении вперед-назад или влево-вправо между ними.2. Машина для обработки белья по п.1, в которой общий зазор (G2+G4) помех в направлении вперед-назад больше общего зазора (G5+G6) помех в направлении влево-вправо между ними.3. Машина для обработки белья по п.1, в которой зазор помехи в направлении вверх-вниз между передними нижними участками барабана и бака больше зазора помехи в направлении вверх-вниз между их передними верхними участками.4. Машина для обработки белья по п.3, в которой зазор помехи в направлении вверх-вниз между ...

10-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009101069A

... 1. Модульная система для моечных барабанов техники для ухода за бельем, такой, как стиральные машины или сушильные машины для белья, включающая в себя аналогично выполненные основные корпуса (10), а также по меньшей мере два комплекта по-разному оформленных функциональных элементов (3), которыми оснащаются основные корпуса (10), отличающаяся тем, что основные корпуса (10) и функциональные элементы (3) идентичны в области соединения друг с другом и взаимозаменяемы. ! 2. Модульная система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что функциональные элементы (3) представляет собой захваты, амортизирующие элементы, измерительные датчики, составные части системы циркуляции жидкости, системы дозировки моющего средства и добавок или системы подачи или отвода воздуха. ! 3. Модульная система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что функциональные элементы (3) представляет собой встраиваемые детали (5, 18). ! 4. Модульная система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что функциональные элементы (3) модифицируются при помощи по меньшей ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014105427A

... 1. Барабан (1; 71; 101) для стиральной машины (W), содержащий боковые стенки (50, 51, 52, 53; 110, 111, 112, 113), образующие приемное пространство (53; 113) для белья, причем по меньшей мере одна (50; 110) из боковых стенок (50, 51, 52, 53; 110, 111, 112, 113) является круглой и имеет множество отверстий (41; 161) для прохождения через них жидкости, отличающийся тем, что он содержит по меньшей мере кольцевой элемент (55; 65; 115), по окружности присоединенный к внутренней части (50а; 110а) круглой боковой стенки (50; 110), причем кольцевой элемент (55, 65; 115) образует камеру (59; 119), предназначенную для приема жидкости от по меньшей мере одного приемного отверстия (43; 163) из отверстий (41; 161) и имеющую по меньшей мере одно отверстие (66; 126; 266), расположенное напротив приемного пространства (53; 113) для белья и предназначенное для изменения потока жидкости из по меньшей мере одного приемного отверстия (43; 163) к приемному пространству (53; 113) для белья.2. Барабан (1; 71; ...

20-08-1992 дата публикации

Washing textiles in automatic washing machine - by using twin drum principle and recycling container to store solns.

Номер: DE0004104450A1

Process is effected in a fully automatic washing machine using the twin drum principle, and for storing the solns. The process starts with the flooding through of the washing with rinsing soln. from the recycling container without adding cleaning agents and with a high surplus of free soln. Before thesoln. is supplied into the drum, a small proportion of rinsing soln. is pumped into the sewage system out of the recycling container. After the flooding of the washing, the free soln. and the soln. that becomes free through spinning are pumped back into the recycling container. Specific spinning speeds are stipulated for different materials. After the spinning process, the drum revolution speed is reduced and a fresh water detergent mixt. is fed into the core for a short while. The washing process is interrupted at intervals by spinning. ADVANTAGE- The process and associated washing machine cut water, energy and detergent consumption while requiring little expenditure in technology.

19-07-2018 дата публикации

Wäschepflegegerät mit einer Steuerung

Номер: DE102017200513A1

Die vorliegenden Erfindung betrifft ein Wäschepflegegerät (100) mit einem Laugenbehälter (113) zur Aufnahme von Waschflüssigkeit, einer in dem Laugenbehälter (113) drehbar gelagerte Wäschetrommel (111) zur Aufnahme von Wäsche, einem in der Wäschetrommel (111) angeordneten Einsatz (121) zum Begrenzen eines ersten und zweiten Unterbereichs (122, 123, 124) der Wäschetrommel (111), einem Trommelantrieb (115) zum Rotieren der Wäschetrommel (111), einem Positionssensor (143) zum Erfassen von Rotationspositionen der Wäschetrommel (111), und einer Steuerung (119) zum Steuern des Trommelantriebs (115). Die Steuerung (119) ist ausgebildet, den Trommelantrieb (115) während eines Zeitabschnitts zu steuern, um die Wäschetrommel (111) zu rotieren, wobei der Positionssensor (143) ausgebildet ist, eine erste Rotationsposition und eine zweite Rotationsposition der Wäschetrommel (111) zu bestimmen, wobei in der ersten Rotationsposition der erste Unterbereich (122, 123) in Kontakt mit Waschflüssigkeit steht ...

06-10-1994 дата публикации

Washing machine with a casing-loadable laundry drum mounted horizontally within a tub

Номер: DE0004310594A1

So that, in a casing-loadable drum-type washing machine with a tub, the laundry located in the drum can be wetted more quickly and flooded more effectively with lye, the laundry drum is mounted on one side and a feed device for freshwater or lye is arranged on the bottom disc located opposite the bearing. ...

06-04-2006 дата публикации

Tragstern für eine Waschmaschine

Номер: DE102004047996A1

Ein Tragstern, der vor allem zur Stabilisierung der und zur drehbaren Montage einer Wäschetrommel 4 einer Waschmaschine vorgesehen ist und mindestens drei im Zentrum 25 des Tragsterns wurzelnde Arme 33 bis 35 aufweist, besteht regelmäßig aus einem hohlen Gusskörper mit kastenförmigem, offenem Profil. Im Abstand von vorzugsweise etwa auf der halben Länge jedes Arms 33 bis 35 sind Stützpunkte 36 bis 41 vorgesehen, die zur Abstützung gegen die Rückwand 14 der Wäschetrommel 4 dienen. DOLLAR A Zur Einsparung von Material und Kosten besteht das offene Profil der Arme 33 bis 35 aus einem Paar von untereinander nicht verbundenen, einem flachen Rechteck wenigstens ähnelnden Flächen, die den Querschnitt von Trägern 27 bis 29 bilden und mit einer ihrer kurzen Seiten zur Rückwand 14 der Wäschetrommel 4 weisen. Die beiden Träger (z. B. 27-1 und 28-2) sind mindestens an den Stützpunkten (z. B. 36, 41) durch je einen dritten Träger (z. B. 44) ähnlicher Querschnittsfläche von Arm 33 zu Arm 35 mit einem ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации

Waschmaschine mit einem universellen selbstzentrierenden System zum automatischen Ausgleich von Lageabweichungen einer Trommelwelle einer Waschtrommel der Waschmaschine

Номер: DE102016007046B4
Принадлежит: DEGTJAREW ALEXANDER, Degtjarew, Alexander

Waschmaschine mit einem universellen selbstzentrierenden System zum automatischen Ausgleich von Lageabweichungen einer Trommelwelle (14) einer Waschtrommel (28) der Waschmaschine, wobei das selbstzentrierende System zwei Basiselemente (1, 2) aufweist und dieses selbstzentrierende System ausgebildet ist, ein Antriebsmoment auf die Trommelwelle (14) zu übertragen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass ein inneres Basiselemente (1) zumindest zwei innere Scheiben (3, 4, 5) mit jeweils einem Ritzel (16, 17, 18) umfasst und dass das Antriebsmoment von dem inneren Basiselement (1) mittels dessen Ritzeln (16, 17, 18) auf die Trommelwelle (14) übertragen wird und dass ein äußeres Basiselement (2) mit einer Drehachse (23) zumindest zwei drehbar gelagerte äußere Scheiben (6-11) und zumindest eine drehbar gelagerte und radial zur Drehachse (23) gegen ein Federelement (13) verschiebbare Scheibe (12) aufweist und dass ein geschlossener . Riemen (15) um sämtliche Scheiben (3 - 12) geführt ist und dass der Riemen ...

10-03-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002537635C2

13-09-1973 дата публикации

Номер: DE0007212718U
Принадлежит: LAMBERS J

19-02-1914 дата публикации

Improvements in Washing Machines.

Номер: GB0191310355A

... 10,355. Gibbins, W. G. May 2. Washing-machines with closed rotary receptacles. -A rotary washing - machine is provided with lifters which successively raise, squeeze, and drop the clothes. The lifters l are mounted on shafts j which extend beyond the receptacle at one end and are there furnished with an arm having a roller running in an eccentrically disposed groove cam n. The cam is pivotally mounted at p and is held in position by a spring-controlled arm q.

07-12-1911 дата публикации

An Improved Power Machine for Washing, Boiling and Rinsing Foul Linen and Clothes, and for Laundry Purposes generally.

Номер: GB0191103554A

... 3554. Perceval, F., and Horsburgh, D. Feb. 13. Washing-machines with closed rotary receptacles.-The rotary cylinder is supplied with water or steam through its perforated lifters A which communicate in succession with a steam supply port D, a draining port, and a vent port E. At the opposite end of the cylinder, the liquid is removed by buckets, which are carried by the cylinder end and communicate through a hollow trunnion with a discharge-pipe.

07-04-1932 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to washing or cleaning machines

Номер: GB0000370105A

... An apparatus, for use in dry-cleaning fabrics, consists of a rotatably mounted vessel, having a lid which is closed by clamps, each comprising a lever pivoted on the side of the vessel, and connected through a link to a U-shaped member engaging the rim of the lid. A circular or square-shaped vessel 11, Fig. 1, is supported obliquely in bearings mounted on a stand 31, through hollow stub-shafts 27, one of which acts as a vent to the vessel 11 and is connected to a drip can 30, and the other is provided with a crank 28. The lid 14, Fig. 10, is tightly closed by four clamps each consisting of a lug 17 upon which a lever 19 is pivoted, and is connected to a U-shaped wire link 22. The upper ends of the link 22 pass through a groove 24 in a member 25 of U section, which engages with the rim 15 of the lid 14. A rubber gasket 16 may be provided. The vessel 11 may have a corrugated interior surface, or may have baffles mounted therein. The open end of the ...

25-12-2013 дата публикации

Cleaning method and apparatus

Номер: GB0201319782D0

05-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000817960D0

09-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001597570A

22-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001501652A

... 1501652 Washing - machines ENGELHARDT & FORSTER 22 Jan 1975 27497/77 Divided out of 1501651 Heading D1A A continuous laundry washing machine comprises a horizontal, rotatable apertured drum 3 within a casing 1, both the interior of the drum and the gap between drum and casing being divided radially into chambers by partitions 9a, 9b etc. which project outwardly of the drum and make a fluid tight seal with the casing which is also preferably composed of segments 16a, b, c etc., the partitions 9 being formed with an aperture and the chamber within the drum, having conveyors 27a, b, c etc., so that batches of laundry may be advanced along the drum through different baths in the respective chambers. The drum is supported and driven (oscillated for washing and rotated to advance the laundry) by belts 13a to d etc., driven in turn by an electric motor 19 via a shaft 14. The belts also serve to make said fluid tight seal. The drum rests on the floor of the casing when not in use and is raised ...

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000413485T

10-04-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000361886B

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000358204T

27-07-1987 дата публикации

Drum for drum-type washing machines

Номер: AT0000383626B

The invention relates to a drum for drum-type washing machines, which consists of two parts connected to one another along outwardly directed peripheral flanges, water inlet and outlet orifices being provided between the flanges. For the purpose of improving exchange of washing fluid between the drum interior and the tub surrounding the drum, the orifices 6 for the water inlet and outlet run at an inclination with respect to the radial direction of the drum 1, and, if appropriate, laundry driving ribs 7 are integrally formed into the casing region of the drum parts 2, 3 which is adjacent to the orifices 6. ...

11-09-1972 дата публикации

Drum for washing machines

Номер: AT0000301478B

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000325914T

15-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000428014T

15-12-1986 дата публикации


Номер: ATA107685A

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000552370T

15-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000441478A

10-07-1974 дата публикации

Device for the wet treating of skins with a drum shiftable in turn

Номер: AT0000316468B

15-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000348908T

10-05-1967 дата публикации

Carrying star for washing machine drums

Номер: AT0000254110B

16-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035389067T

18-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037972026T

07-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039963385T

08-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039697428T

10-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035895229T

09-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032155391T

24-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033680878T

20-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031551787T

11-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032524970T

11-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039118686T

01-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039801460T

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Washing machine

Номер: AU2019415665A1

A washing machine according to the present invention comprises: a water-storage tub in which water is stored; a washing tub rotated by a dewatering shaft inside the water-storage tub; a motor for rotating a driving shaft; a pulsator disposed in the washing tub and rotated by rotational power delivered from the driving shaft; a coupler spline-coupled to the dewatering shaft such that, in a connect position, same axially joins (connects) the driving shaft and the dewatering shaft and, in a disconnect position lifted from the connect position, same is separated from the driving shaft; a solenoid for forming a magnetic field when an electric current is applied thereto; a clutch having a following protrusion elongated in the upward/downward direction, the clutch being disposed to be able to move upwards/downwards along the axial direction while supporting the coupler such that the clutch is lifted by the magnetic field; a clutch supporter having multiple support surfaces formed to be spaced ...

16-12-2004 дата публикации

Drum for washer and dryer

Номер: AU2004245856A1

30-11-2006 дата публикации

Drum type washing machine and method for fabricating drum therefor

Номер: AU2006250175A1

08-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AU2009299612A1

21-11-2019 дата публикации

Laundry washing machine and method for controlling a laundry washing machine

Номер: AU2014375413B2
Принадлежит: Halfords IP

Laundry washing machine (1) comprising an outer casing (2), a washing tub (3), which is arranged inside the casing (2), a rotatable drum (4), which is arranged in axially rotating manner inside the washing tub (3) and is designed to receive laundry to be washed, a detergent dispensing assembly (12), which is designed for supplying laundry detergent into the washing tub (3), a water softening system (14), which is designed to receive fresh water from a water mains (13) and to reduce the hardness degree of the fresh water in order to supply softened water to the detergent dispensing assembly (12) and/or to the washing tub (3), during one or more softened water laundry washing phases of a laundry washing program, a user control panel (28) configured to allow an operator to input information associated with the kind of laundry to be washed, an electronic controller (15) configured to receive information and to control the water softening system (14) in order to perform one or more softened ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Control method of laundry treatment apparatus

Номер: AU2016224320B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

A control method of a laundry treatment apparatus is disclosed. The control method includes supplying electric power to a first load unit to execute a first cycle set in a first treatment device (a first step), supplying electric power to a second load unit to execute a second cycle set in a second treatment device (a second step), when an amount of current per unit time that is supplied to the laundry treatment apparatus is equal to or greater than a predetermined reference current amount, terminating the second step and executing a third cycle set in the second treatment device so as to consume a lower amount of current than an amount of current per unit time necessary to execute the second cycle (a third step), terminating the first cycle of the first treatment device (a fourth step), and executing the second cycle of the second treatment device after completing the fourth step (a fifth step).

17-12-2020 дата публикации

Washing machine and method for controlling same

Номер: AU2017338586B2

The present invention relates to a washing machine and a method for controlling the same. According to the present invention, laundry introduced into the washing machine can be quantitatively measured by using the gravity and inertia acting during motor operation to accurately calculate the amount of the laundry. The minimization of the influence attributable to the initial position and movement of the laundry, and the utilization of a current value of the motor which is acting make it possible to measure an amount of the laundry irrespective of sensorless characteristics. Further, the washing machine can measure an amount of the laundry with improved accuracy and in a short time and thus easily proceed to a dewatering operation, with the resultant reduction of washing time and energy consumption.

24-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000632439B2

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Gas-liquid separator and clothes treatment device having same

Номер: AU2016385262B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Disclosed is a gas-liquid separator comprising: a casing having an accommodation space therein; a suction hole formed in the casing and suctioning a refrigerant-mixed fluid into the accommodation space; and a discharge hole formed on the suction hole side and discharging a gaseous refrigerant separated from the refrigerant-mixed fluid.

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Clothes treating apparatus

Номер: AU2016384539B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

The present invention relates to a clothes treating apparatus having a touchscreen for displaying visual information. The clothes treating apparatus comprises: a first wash tub; a touchscreen which outputs icons associated with functions executable by the first wash tub; and a control unit which controls the touchscreen so that, when the present invention is connected, within a preset distance, with an external device having a second wash tub, a first graphic object and a second graphic object are outputted, the first graphic object being formed so as to have the first wash tub selected, and the second graphic object being formed so as to have the second wash tub selected.

15-09-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001185976A

03-06-1998 дата публикации

Washing machine

Номер: AU0004955597A

28-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002762793C

The patent application relates to a laundry machine comprising a tub, a drum, a drive assembly, a bearing housing and a suspension assembly to reduce vibration of the drum wherein a total interference gap (G1 + G3) for an up-and-down direction between the drum and the tub is greater than a total interference gap (G2+G4 or G5+G6) for a front-and rear or left- and right direction therebetween.

02-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002760663A1

A manufacturing method of a laundry machine is disclosed. The manufacturing method of the laundry machine includes a suspension preparing step configured to prepare a suspension unit configured to flexibly support a drum, a tub rear securing step configured to secure a tub rear to the suspension unit, a drum securing step configured to secure a shaft of the drum to the suspension unit via an inside of the tub rear, a tub front coupling step configured to couple a tub front to the tub rear, a tub seating step configured to seat the tub front and the tub rear in a cabinet base, and a suspension securing step configured to secure the suspension unit to the cabinet base.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3107735A1

Tambour (1) pour machine à laver destinée au lavage et/ou à l'essorage des matelas (8), pouvant tourner autour d'un axe (2) sensiblement horizontal, ledit tambour (1) comprend au moins un compartiment (4) de forme parallélépipédique ...

08-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002748851A1

The present invention relates to a laundry machine for treating laundry. One embodiment of the laundry machine may include a water supply valve, a drum (30) in which laundry is placed, a tub (20) in which the drum (30) is rotatably placed, the tub (20) having an extended portion (23a) which extends forward and have an opening at a front portion thereof for laundry entrance, and a tub water supply portion (140), and a water supply line to guide water from the water supply valve to the tub water supply portion (140).

08-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002748846A1

The present invention relates to a washing machine (100) including a cabinet (110) having a base (1.11 ), a tub (120) fixedly secured to an inside of the cabinet (110), a drum (130) rotatable provided in the tub (120), a rotation shaft (140) passed through the tub (120) from a rear of the drum (130), a bearing housing (150) connected to the rotation shaft (140), a suspension assembly (170) for buffering and supporting a structure connected to the bearing housing (150), a driving motor (181 ) provided to the suspension assembly (170) and a power transmission member (182) for transmission of the rotation force from the driving motor (181) to the rotation shaft (140), thereby permitting to increase a capacity of the washing machine (100) by changing the structure or the washing machine (100) and increase the rotation efficiency of the drum (130) by providing a driving structure which rotates the drum (130) and has an increased capacity by thus effects.

10-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002748846C

The present invention relates to a washing machine (100) including a cabinet (110) having a base (1.11 ), a tub (120) fixedly secured to an inside of the cabinet (110), a drum (130) ro-tatable provided in the tub (120), a rotation shaft (140) passed through the tub (120) from a rear of the drum (130), a bearing housing (150) connected to the rotation shaft (140), a suspension assembly (170) for buffering and supporting a structure connected to the bearing housing (150), a driving motor (181 ) provided to the suspension assembly (170) and a power transmission member (182) for transmission of the rotation force from the driving motor (181) to the rotation shaft (140), thereby permitting to increase a capacity of the washing machine (100) by changing the structure or the washing machine (100) and increase the rotation efficiency of the drum (130) by providing a driving structure which rotates the drum (130) and has an increased capacity by thus effects.

28-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002748840C

A laundry machine for washing laundry is disclosed. The laundry machine includes a cabinet to form an outer appearance, the cabinet comprising a base, a tub arranged in the cabinet, and a support unit provided at the base, to support a vertical weight of the tub. There is an effect of increasing the capacity of the laundry machine in accordance with a variation in the structure of the laundry machine. It is also possible to enhance the support stability of the capacity-increased tub by vertically supporting the weight of the tub.

05-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002722799A1

A laundry machine includes a first laundry treatment space (12) configured to receive laundry therein, a second laundry treatment space (14) configured to receive laundry therein, and an air supply unit (40) configured to supply air to the second laundry treatment space, the air supply unit (40) comprising a fan (51 ), a heating part (60), a first sensor part (70) for sensing a temperature of air supplied by the air supply unit (40), and a control part for controlling a temperature of the supplied air to be within a predetermined range.

29-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002722799C

A laundry machine includes a first laundry treatment space (12) configured to receive laundry therein, a second laundry treatment space (14) configured to re-ceive laundry therein, and an air supply unit (40) config-ured to supply air to the second laundry treatment space, the air supply unit (40) comprising a fan (51 ), a heating part (60), a first sensor part (70) for sensing a temperature of air supplied by the air supply unit (40), and a control part for controlling a temperature of the supplied air to be within a predetermined range.

06-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002026844A1

16-02-1912 дата публикации

Drum for laundry and Färbereimaschinen

Номер: CH0000053424A
Принадлежит: PLUGGE & HOLTFORT

31-10-1949 дата публикации

Machine à laver.

Номер: CH0000264575A
Принадлежит: JACOBS CO F L, F.L. JACOBS CO.

15-04-1951 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000274481A

29-02-1960 дата публикации

Trommel für Waschmaschinen

Номер: CH0000344703A

30-04-1960 дата публикации

Trommel für Waschmaschinen

Номер: CH0000345862A

31-10-1964 дата публикации

Kunststofftrommel, insbesondere für Waschmaschinen

Номер: CH0000383317A
Принадлежит: INDIVE GMBH

31-03-1965 дата публикации

Macchina lavatrice domestica

Номер: CH0000389556A

29-02-1956 дата публикации

Tambour rotatif pour machine à laver

Номер: CH0000312714A

15-11-1966 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000423691A

31-12-1963 дата публикации

Machine à laver

Номер: CH0000374051A

15-11-1967 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000446254A

27-03-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000560275A5

15-05-1961 дата публикации

Panier de machine à laver

Номер: CH0000354054A

28-02-1963 дата публикации

Trommel für Waschmaschinen

Номер: CH0000367471A

28-02-1971 дата публикации

Trommel für Waschmaschinen

Номер: CH0000503826A

15-02-1979 дата публикации

Washing drum for a continuous-flow washing machine

Номер: CH0000609112A5

A rotatable washing drum for a horizontal continuous-flow washing machine has at least one washing chamber (2). This chamber (2) is delimited by two partition-wall halves (3, 3') arranged perpendicularly to the drum axis (4). A multiply angled connecting part (6) connects the partition-wall halves (3, 3') to one another so as to leave a laundry passage orifice (7) free. The connecting part (6), partially bearing with its edge against the drum wall, has a plurality of sliding planes (9, 9', 10, 11, 11') for the laundry, the planes (9, 9', 10, 11, 11') being inclined relative to the partition-wall halves (3, 3') and to the drum axis (4) in such a way that the laundry can be transported forwards or backwards into the chamber (2) or out of it by an appropriate choice in the direction of rotation of the drum (1). As a result of this design of the chamber, a careful transport of laundry in both directions is guaranteed by constructively simple means. ...

15-07-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000589743A5

15-07-2016 дата публикации

Washing machine with reduced water consumption.

Номер: CH0000710594A1

Die Waschmaschine besitzt einen Bottich (4), in welchem eine Trommel (2) angeordnet ist. Das Prozesswasser aus dem Bottich (4) wird über eine Zirkulationspumpe (19) und eine Zirkulationsleitung (20) in die Trommel (2) hochgepumpt. Dabei wird die Förderleistung der Zirkulationspumpe (19) so gewählt, dass der Prozesswasserpegel im Bottich (4) gegenüber jenem in der Trommel (2) wesentlich absinkt, wodurch der Wasserverbrauch des Geräts reduziert werden kann. Um einen solchen Pegelunterschied bei moderaten Förderleistungen zu erreichen, wird die Zahl der Perforationen an der Mantelfläche der Trommel (2) reduziert. Vorzugsweise erstreckt sich der perforierte Bereich (22) der Mantelfläche ringförmig um das vordere Trommelende. Die Trommel (2) besitzt deshalb eine Kegelstumpfform und weitet sich gegen das vordere Trommelende hin auf, und sie besitzt weiter eine Rinnenstruktur, so dass das Wasser beim Zentrifugieren der Wäsche besser zum perforierten Bereich abläuft.

14-12-2018 дата публикации

Washing machine with reduced water consumption.

Номер: CH0000710594B1
Принадлежит: V ZUG AG, V-ZUG AG

Die Waschmaschine besitzt einen Bottich (4), in welchem eine Trommel (2) angeordnet ist. Das Prozesswasser aus dem Bottich (4) wird über eine Zirkulationspumpe (19) und eine Zirkulationsleitung (20) in die Trommel (2) hochgepumpt. Dabei wird die Förderleistung der Zirkulationspumpe (19) so gewählt, dass der Prozesswasserpegel im Bottich (4) gegenüber jenem in der Trommel (2) wesentlich absinkt, wodurch der Wasserverbrauch des Geräts reduziert werden kann. Um einen solchen Pegelunterschied bei moderaten Förderleistungen zu erreichen, wird die Zahl der Perforationen an der Mantelfläche der Trommel (2) reduziert. Vorzugsweise erstreckt sich der perforierte Bereich (22) der Mantelfläche ringförmig um das vordere Trommelende. Die Trommel (2) besitzt deshalb eine Kegelstumpfform und weitet sich gegen das vordere Trommelende hin auf, und sie besitzt weiter eine Rinnenstruktur, so dass das Wasser beim Zentrifugieren der Wäsche besser zum perforierten Bereich abläuft.

14-07-2017 дата публикации

Washing machine with water supply through the drum back.

Номер: CH0000712014A1

An der Rückwand (14) der Trommel (2) einer Waschmaschine nicht-achsial angeordnete Einfüllöffnungen (22) erlauben es, mithilfe einer ersten Wasserdüse (10) von hinten her Prozesswasser in den Innenraum der Trommel (2) einzuführen. Zusätzlich ist eine zweite Wasserdüse (11) im Bereich der Benutzertüre (5) der Trommel (2) vorgesehen, um Prozesswasser von vorne in die Trommel (2) einzuspritzen. Auf diese Weise ergibt sich eine allseitige, gleichmässige Benetzung der Wäsche.

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Laundry machine

Номер: US20120006070A1

The present invention relates to a laundry machine for treating laundry. One embodied laundry machine may have an opening in the rear of the tub. A flexible material is connected between the drive assembly and the rear opening of the tub for sealing therebetween. The flexible material allows the drive assembly to move or vibrate relatively to the tub. The flexible material may be referred to as a flexible sealer.

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Drum type washing machine

Номер: US20120006076A1
Автор: Jae Won Chang

A drum type washing machine has a cabinet forming an outer appearance of the washing machine, a tub fixed inside the cabinet for storing the washing water, a drum disposed in the tub and having both side surfaces supported by the cabinet to be rotatable and an inlet through which laundries come in/go out on a circumferential surface thereof, and a driving motor fixed on one side surface of the drum to rotate the drum. Washing capacity can be increased while maintaining the entire size of the washing machine by increasing a diameter of the drum without increasing the size of the cabinet, and the entire size of the washing machine can be compacted by minimizing the installation space of the driving motor.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Laundry machine

Номер: US20120011899A1

A laundry machine is disclosed. A laundry machine includes a tub to receive wash water, a drum rotatable placed in the tub, a shaft connected with the drum, a bearing housing to support the shaft, a tub back ( 130 ) comprising a rim part ( 136 ) extended in a front/rear direction and coupled to the bearing housing at a front part thereof, a rear gasket ( 250 ) coupled to the rim part ( 136 ) of the tub back ( 130 ) and a suspension unit configured to reduce vibration of the drum. The rear gasket ( 250 ) is connected between the tub back ( 130 ) and the tub rear.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Laundry machine

Номер: US20120017649A1

The present invention relates to a laundry machine for treating laundry. One embodiment of the laundry machine may include a water supply valve, a drum ( 30 ) in which laundry is placed, a tub ( 20 ) in which the drum ( 30 ) is rotatably placed, the tub ( 20 ) having an extended portion ( 23 a ) which extends forward and have an opening at a front portion thereof for laundry entrance, and a tub water supply portion ( 140 ), and a water supply line to guide water from the water supply valve to the tub water supply portion ( 140 ).

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Laundry machine

Номер: US20120060567A1

The patent application relates to a laundry machine comprising a drum in which laundry is to be placed, a drive assembly including a shaft ( 351 ) connected to the drum, a bearing housing ( 400 ) to rotatably support the shaft ( 351 ), a motor to rotate the shaft ( 351 ), and a suspension assembly to reduce vibration of the drum. The suspension assembly further includes at least two suspension units which are arranged one in front of the other and the front unit of which is located before a weight center of an assembly of the drum and the drive assembly.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Washing machine

Номер: US20120169193A1

A washing machine including a main body and a control panel mounted to the main body. The control panel includes a control panel frame assembled to the main body, a circuit board housing coupled to a rear side of the control panel frame and having an open rear side, and a circuit board accommodated in the circuit board housing. The circuit board is inserted into the circuit board housing through the open rear side of the circuit board housing such that a front surface thereof, on which light emitting elements to display operational modes of the washing machine are mounted, faces an inner wall surface of a front wall portion of the circuit board housing.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Washing machine having enhanced coupling structure and control method of the same

Номер: US20130026895A1

A washing machine including a tub which is configured to accommodate water; a rotating tub which is disposed at the inside of the tub; at least one boss which is protruded from the tub and equipped with a coupling hole; a weight balance which is equipped with at least one insertion hole at which at least one boss is inserted; a pin body which is inserted at the coupling hole of the boss, and a pin which is equipped with a pin head which is extended from the pin body for preventing the weight balance from separating away, and the pin body includes at least one boss weld metal zone which is metal-welded at the inner surface of the coupling hole for the pin to be fixed to the boss.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Washing machine

Номер: US20130036774A1

A washing machine includes a rotary tub having a diameter progressively increasing from a first end side thereof to a second end side thereof located opposite the first end side, dehydration holes arranged at the second end side of the rotary tub, and a dehydration hole switching unit to open and close the dehydration holes. The dehydration holes are opened depending on increase of a rate of rotation of the rotary tub.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118212A1

A washing machine includes a main body defining an outer appearance, a tub disposed within the main body, a main drum rotatably mounted in the tub, a sub drum mounted in the main drum to be relatively rotatable with respect to the main drum, an outer shaft for rotating the main drum, an inner shaft for rotating the sub drum, being disposed inside the outer shaft, and a driving motor having a stator, an outer rotor connected to the inner shaft that is rotatable outside the stator, and an inner rotor connected to the outer shaft that is rotatable inside the stator, wherein the driving motor independently drives the main drum and the sub drum. 1. A washing machine including:a main body defining an outer appearance;a tub disposed within the main body;a main drum rotatably mounted in the tub;a sub drum mounted in the main drum to be relatively rotatable with respect to the main drum;an outer shaft for rotating the main drum;an inner shaft for rotating the sub drum, being disposed inside the outer shaft; anda driving motor having a stator, an outer rotor connected to the inner shaft that is rotatable outside the stator, and an inner rotor connected to the outer shaft that is rotatable inside the stator, wherein the driving motor independently drives the main drum and the sub drum.2. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the driving motor drives the inner rotor and the outer rotor independently claim 1 , and wherein the main drum and the sub drum are driven independent of each other.3. The washing machine of claim 2 , wherein an independent drive between the outer rotor and the inner rotor induces rotations of laundry by a difference in rotation speed between the drums.4. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the main drum and the sub drum move the laundry in a direction by virtue of relative rotations therebetween claim 1 , allowing the laundry to perform three-dimensional motions while rotating within the main drum and the sub drum.5. The washing machine of claim 4 ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Laundry treating apparatus

Номер: US20130340277A1

The present invention relates to a laundry treating apparatus that smoothly agitates laundry with as large space as possible for receiving laundry. The laundry treating apparatus includes: a rotatable drum that receives laundry, has open front and rear, and is formed to have a non-circular closed cross-section; a front panel closing the open front of the drum and having a plurality of discharge holes through which air in the drum is discharged; and a suction duct coupled to the front panel and sucks air discharged through the discharge holes.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Laundry treating apparatus

Номер: US20140053613A1

The present invention relates to a laundry treating apparatus that smoothly agitates laundry with as large space as possible for receiving laundry. The laundry treating apparatus includes: a rotatable drum that receives laundry, has open front and rear, and is formed to have a non-circular closed cross-section; a rotatable upper circular guide that is disposed with the rotational center higher than the rotational center of the drum and supports a portion having a uniform curvature at the upper portion of the drum; a rotatable lower circular guide that is disposed with the rotational center lower than the rotational center of the drum and supports a portion having a uniform curvature at the lower portion of the drum; and a driving mechanism rotating the drum by rotating the upper circular guide or the lower circular guide.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069149A1

A washing machine includes a main body defining an outer appearance, a tub disposed within the main body, a main drum rotatably mounted in the tub, a sub drum mounted in the main drum to be relatively rotatable with respect to the main drum, an outer shaft for rotating the main drum, an inner shaft for rotating the sub drum, being disposed inside the outer shaft, and a driving motor having a stator, an outer rotor connected to the inner shaft that is rotatable outside the stator, and an inner rotor connected to the outer shaft that is rotatable inside the stator, wherein the driving motor independently drives the main drum and the sub drum. 1. (canceled)2. A washing machine , comprising:a main body defining an outer appearance;a tub disposed within the main body;a main drum rotatably mounted in the tub;a sub drum mounted in the main drum, the sub drum configured to rotate relative to the main drum;an outer shaft connected to the main drum;an inner shaft disposed inside the outer shaft, the inner shaft connected to the sub drum;a driving motor comprising a stator, an outer rotor connected to the inner shaft and configured to rotate outside the stator, and an inner rotor connected to the outer shaft and configured to rotate inside the stator; andan inner rotor nut coupled to the outer shaft, the inner rotor nut connected to the inner rotor.3. The washing machine of claim 2 , further comprising a spring washer provided between the inner rotor and the inner rotor nut.4. The washing machine of claim 3 , wherein the spring washer comprises a concave-convex member having a protruding portion and a concaved portion.5. The washing machine of claim 3 , further comprising a connection part between the outer shaft and the inner rotor claim 3 , wherein the spring washer is fitted into the outer shaft at the connection part between the outer shaft and the inner rotor.6. The washing machine of claim 3 , wherein the spring washer is an annular member which encloses an outer ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002878A1

Disclosed is a washing machine including: a gasket, wherein the gasket includes a plurality of nozzles and a plurality of port receiving pipes communicating with the plurality of nozzles, respectively; and a distribution pipe, wherein the distribution pipe includes a transport conduit and a plurality of outlet ports protruding from the transport conduit toward the gasket body. The transport conduit may include a first portion spaced apart from an outer circumferential surface of the gasket body. Among the plurality of outlet ports, a first lower outlet port protrudes from the first portion, and the first lower outlet port and the first lower port receiving pipe are coupled to each other in a space where the first portion of the transport conduit and the outer circumferential surface of the gasket body are spaced apart, so that the gasket and the distribution pipe are connected tightly. 1. A washing machine comprising:a casing that defines a laundry entry hole at a front surface of the casing;a tub disposed in the casing and that defines a tub opening at a front surface of the tub;a drum rotatably disposed in the tub and configured to receive laundry; a gasket body that defines a passage connecting the laundry entry hole to the tub opening,', 'a plurality of nozzles disposed at an inner circumferential surface of the gasket body and configured to spray water into the drum, and', 'a plurality of port receiving pipes that protrude from an outer circumferential surface of the gasket body and configured to communicate with the plurality of nozzles, respectively;, 'a gasket comprisinga pump configured to circulate water discharged from the tub, anda distribution pipe configured to supply, to the plurality of nozzles, water pumped by the pump, a transport conduit disposed on the outer circumferential surface of the gasket body and configured to guide water pumped by the pump, and', 'a plurality of outlet ports that protrude from the transport conduit toward the gasket body ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002879A1

A washing machine includes a gasket including a gasket body that connects a casing to a tub, and a plurality of nozzles spraying water into a drum. The gasket body has a first area and a second area corresponding to bilateral areas. The nozzles include a first nozzle and a second nozzle disposed in the first area sequentially in a bottom-to-top direction. The washing machine includes a distribution pipe for distribution circulating water to the nozzles, and the distribution pipe includes a first outlet port and a second outlet port for supplying water to first and second nozzles, and a third outlet port and a fourth outlet port for supplying water to third and fourth nozzles. The first and second outlet ports extend parallel to each other, and the third and fourth outlet ports extend parallel to each other. 1. A washing machine comprising:a casing that defines an entry hole at a front surface of the casing;a tub disposed in the casing and configured to receive wash water, the tub defining an entrance hole at a front surface of the tub;a drum rotatably disposed in the tub; a gasket body that defines a passage connecting the entry hole to the entrance hole of the tub, the gasket body having a first area and a second area corresponding to bilateral areas of the gasket body, and', a first nozzle and a second nozzle that are arranged in a bottom-to-top direction at the first area of the gasket body, and', 'a third nozzle and a fourth nozzle that are arranged in the bottom-to-top direction at the second area of the gasket body;, 'a plurality of nozzles configured to spray wash water into the drum, the plurality of nozzles comprising], 'a gasket comprisinga pump configured to circulate wash water discharged from the tub;a circulation pipe configured to guide wash water discharged from the pump; anda distribution pipe configured to distribute, to into the plurality of nozzles, wash water guided through the circulation pipe, an inlet port connected to the circulation pipe ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002880A1

A washing machine includes a casing, a tub, a drum, a pump for circulating water from the tub, a gasket connecting an entry hole of the casing to an entrance hole of the tub and including nozzles for spraying water to the drum, and outlet ports for supplying water to the nozzles. The nozzles are arranged at an inner surface of the gasket at both lateral sides of the gasket in a vertical direction. The gasket includes port receiving pipes that receive the outlet ports, respectively, that are arranged in the vertical direction at an outer surface of the gasket, and that extend parallel to each other. 1. A washing machine comprising:a casing that defines an entry hole at a front surface of the casing;a tub disposed in the casing and configured to receive wash water, the tub defining a tub opening at a front surface of the tub;a drum rotatably disposed in the tub; a gasket body that defines a passage connecting the entry hole to the tub opening, wherein the gasket body includes a first area and a second area that correspond to bilateral areas of the gasket body,', 'a plurality of nozzles disposed at an inner circumferential surface of the gasket body and configured to spray wash water into the drum, and', 'a plurality of port receiving pipes that protrude from an outer circumferential surface of the gasket body and that are configured to communicate with the plurality of nozzles, respectively;, 'a gasket comprisinga plurality of outlet ports inserted into the plurality of port receiving pipes, respectively; anda pump configured to circulate wash water discharged from the tub to the plurality of outlet ports,wherein the plurality of port receiving pipes comprise a first port receiving pipe and a second port receiving pipe that are arranged in a vertical direction at the first area of the gasket body, andwherein the first port receiving pipe and the second port receiving pipe extend parallel to each other.2. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the first port ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Laundry treating appliance and method of operation for a laundry treating appliance

Номер: US20150005943A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

A laundry treating appliance and a method operating a laundry treating appliance having at least one automatic cycle of operation, a plurality of components selectively operable by a controller to implement the at least one cycle of operation on a load of laundry received within a treating chamber of the appliance with the controller having a user interface for receiving input from a user and a door for closing an open face of the treating chamber, the method comprising determining a movement of the door in a closing direction and actuating the user interface when it is determined the door is moved in the closing direction.

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Tangential fluid discharge for appliance washing machine

Номер: US20150007617A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A tub for a washing machine appliance is configured to create a tangential discharge of fluid from the tub. A sump portion is configured so that fluid is ejected from a main portion of the wash tub along a direction tangential to the circular direction of rotation of the wash basket. A drain outlet is connected to the sump portion and can be positioned with an opening aligned with the tangential discharge so as to facilitate the movement of fluid into the drain outlet.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010278A1

A noise leakage preventing device for a clothes treating apparatus is provided. The device may include a base located at a lower portion of a cabinet and forming a bottom surface of the clothes treating apparatus, and a noise blocking rim attached along a periphery of a lower surface of the base and located between the base and the ground. The noise blocking rim may prevent noise generated from the clothes treating apparatus from being transferred or emitted out the base. 1. A noise leakage preventing device for a clothes treating apparatus , the device comprising:a base located at a lower portion of a cabinet and forming a bottom surface of the clothes treating apparatus; anda noise blocking rim attached along a periphery of a lower surface of the base and provided between the base and a ground so as to prevent noise generated from the clothes treating apparatus from being emitted out through the base.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the noise blocking rim is compressed by a load of the cabinet applied toward the ground.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the noise blocking rim has a height greater than a distance between the base and the ground.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the noise blocking rim surrounds a plurality of legs at an outside or inside of each of the plurality of legs claim 1 , the plurality of legs being fixed to the base to support the cabinet.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the noise blocking rim is formed by stacking two layers of different materials.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the noise blocking rim includes:a first layer made of a compressible material; anda second layer attached to the first layer and made of a material having density greater than a density of the first layer.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein the first layer and the second layer have different heights from each other.8. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a noise blocking panel formed in a rectangular plate shape and having vertex portions bent toward a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034021A1

A washing machine includes a gasket that includes a plurality of nozzles and a plurality of port receiving pipes communicating with the plurality of nozzles, respectively, and a distribution pipe that includes a transport conduit and a plurality of outlet ports protruding from the transport conduit toward the gasket body. The transport conduit includes a first portion spaced apart from an outer circumferential surface of the gasket body. Among the plurality of outlet ports, a first lower outlet port protrudes from the first portion, and the first lower outlet port and the first lower port receiving pipe are coupled to each other in a space where the first portion of the transport conduit and the outer circumferential surface of the gasket body are spaced apart, so that the gasket and the distribution pipe are connected tightly. 1. A washing machine comprising:a casing that defines a laundry entry hole at a front surface thereof;a tub disposed in the casing, the tub having a tub opening at a front part thereof;a drum rotatably disposed in the tub;a gasket having a cylindrical shape, the gasket connecting the laundry entry hole and the tub opening;a first nozzle disposed at the gasket and configured to spray water into the drum;a distribution pipe extending along a circumference of the gasket; anda pump configured to pump water discharged from the tub to the distribution pipe, an inlet port connected with the pump,', 'a transport conduit extending from the inlet port, the transport conduit including a guide section extending along a circumferential direction of the gasket, and a first port section connected to the guide section and spaced apart from the gasket further than the guide section, and', 'a first outlet port protruding from the first port section and connected to the first nozzle., 'wherein the distribution pipe comprises2. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the first port section is spaced apart from the gasket in a radial direction of the gasket.3. ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016727A1
Автор: HEO Kwangchul, SUNG Kijung

A control method of a laundry treatment apparatus is disclosed. The control method includes supplying electric power to a first load unit to execute a first cycle set in a first treatment device (a first step), supplying electric power to a second load unit to execute a second cycle set in a second treatment device (a second step), when an amount of current per unit time that is supplied to the laundry treatment apparatus is equal to or greater than a predetermined reference current amount, terminating the second step and executing a third cycle set in the second treatment device so as to consume a lower amount of current than an amount of current per unit time necessary to execute the second cycle (a third step), terminating the first cycle of the first treatment device (a fourth step), and executing the second cycle of the second treatment device after completing the fourth step (a fifth step). 1. A control method of a laundry treatment apparatus comprising a first treatment device having a first load unit for treating laundry and a second treatment device having a second load unit for treating laundry , the control method comprising:supplying electric power to the first load unit to execute a first cycle set in the first treatment device (a first step);supplying electric power to the second load unit to execute a second cycle set in the second treatment device (a second step), the second step being performed during performance of the first step;when an amount of current per unit time that is supplied to the laundry treatment apparatus is equal to or greater than a predetermined reference current amount, terminating the second step and executing a third cycle set in the second treatment device so as to consume a lower amount of current than an amount of current per unit time necessary to execute the second cycle (a third step);terminating the first cycle of the first treatment device (a fourth step); andexecuting the second cycle of the second treatment device ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018007A1
Автор: Davis Paul Owen

A washing machine appliance, including one or more methods of operation, is provided herein. The washing machine appliance includes a wash basket rotatably mounted within a wash tub and being supported by a front bearing and a rear bearing. A method of operating the washing machine appliance includes rotating the wash basket within the wash tub at a basket speed and obtaining a front displacement amplitude, a rear displacement amplitude, and a wobble angle of the wash tub. Based at least in part on these measured values, front and rear bearing force amplitude thresholds and virtual bearing force values are calculated and compared. If the virtual bearing force value of either the front or rear bearing exceeds the respective bearing force amplitude threshold, an operating parameter of the washing machine appliance is adjusted to limit bearing forces resulting from out-of-balance loads. 1. A method for operating a washing machine appliance , the washing machine appliance having a wash tub , a wash basket rotatably mounted within the wash tub by a drive shaft , and a front bearing and a rear bearing for supporting the drive shaft , the method comprising:rotating the wash basket within the wash tub at a basket speed;obtaining at least one displacement amplitude of the wash tub;obtaining a wobble angle of the wash tub;determining a bearing force amplitude threshold;calculating a virtual bearing force value based in part on at least one of the displacement amplitude and the wobble angle;determining that the virtual bearing force value is greater than the bearing force amplitude threshold; andadjusting at least one operating parameter of the washing machine appliance in response to determining that the virtual bearing force value is greater than the bearing force amplitude threshold.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bearing force amplitude threshold is a function of a bearing force limit and the basket speed.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the at least one ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024703A1
Принадлежит: Electrolux Appliances Aktiebolag

A laundry washing and/or drying appliance () includes a cabinet () containing a rotatable drum () that can be loaded/unloaded with laundry. The cabinet () is provided with a loading/unloading opening () for accessing said drum (). A door locking device () is fixed inside the cabinet () and is accessible from outside the cabinet (). The door locking device () includes a support housing () provided with an opening () for the introduction of a hook member (). The opening () is accessible from outside the cabinet (). A door () for closing said loading/unloading opening () is movably connected to the cabinet () and includes the hook member () adapted to engage with the door locking device (). The door locking device () has a retaining member () mounted to move with respect to the support housing () between a rest position in which it enables the hook member () to be introduced into and extracted from said opening () and an operating position in which it retains the hook member () in a closing position, when the hook member () is introduced into the opening (). A safety member () can move in the housing () between a retracted position, in which it enables the retaining member () to move from the operating position to the rest position, and an extended position, in which it prevents the retaining member () from moving from the operating position to the rest position. An electrically powered control element () is adapted to control the position of the safety member (). The door locking device () includes at least one guiding element () provided in the support housing for guiding an emergency-opening tool () to a safety member location () from which the safety member () extends when it is in its extended position. 2. A laundry washing and/or drying appliance according to claim 1 , wherein said cabinet comprises an emergency through hole allowing the insertion of said emergency-opening tool into said cabinet and its coupling to said at least one guiding element.3. A laundry ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023241A1

A laundry treatment apparatus is disclosed. The laundry treatment apparatus includes a receiving unit for providing a laundry receiving space, an introduction port for allowing the receiving unit to communicate with the outside of the laundry treatment apparatus, a door for opening and closing the introduction port, an actuation unit provided at the door such that the actuation unit reciprocates between a first position and a second position, and a fixing unit for fixing the door to the introduction port using an attractive force when the actuation unit is positioned at the first position and for separating the door from the introduction port when the actuation unit is positioned at the second position. 1. A laundry treatment apparatus comprising:a receiving unit configured to receive laundry;an introduction port configured to allow the receiving unit to communicate with an outside of the laundry treatment apparatus;a door configured to open and close the introduction port;an actuation unit provided at the door and configured to move between a first position and a second position; anda fixing unit that is configured to fix the door to the introduction port by an attractive force based on the actuation unit being positioned at the first position, and that is configured to separate the door from the introduction port based on the actuation unit being positioned at the second position.2. The laundry treatment apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the actuation unit comprises an actuation body provided at the door and a magnetic body fixed to the actuation body, the actuation body being configured to move between the first position and the second position, andthe fixing unit comprises a magnet fixed to the receiving unit and configured to apply an attractive force to the magnetic body based on the actuation body being moved to the first position.3. The laundry treatment apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the actuation unit further comprises a non-magnetic body ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024281A1

The present invention relates to a laundry processing apparatus and a control method therefor, and to a laundry processing apparatus having a plurality of washing parts for performing washing independently of each other, the apparatus: determining whether the plurality of washing parts simultaneously perform washing; and determining whether a simultaneous operation is performed on the basis of the time required when water is supplied, so as to determine an error for the simultaneous operation on the basis of a standard different from an error determination standard during a single operation, thereby reducing the errors frequently occurring because of the simultaneous operation in a normal state. 1. A laundry processing apparatus comprising:a first washing part having a first tub;a second washing part having a second tub and operating independently of the first washing part; anda controller for controlling the first washing part,wherein the controller determines whether the first washing part and the second washing part operate simultaneously, sets a simultaneous operation mode, andwhen the simultaneous operation mode is set, changes standard data for determining operating state of the first washing part, and controls operation of the first washing part according to the changed standard data.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising: a water level sensor for detecting level of wash water that is supplied to the first tub claim 1 ,wherein the controller determines a water level change in response to water level data of the first tub inputted by the water level sensor and, when the water level change is equal to or less than a set value, determines that water supply is performed simultaneously due to the simultaneous operation of the first washing part and the second washing part, and sets the simultaneous operation mode.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the controller determines that failure of water supply is occurred and outputs an error when water level ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024292A1
Автор: Kim Kyungjin, Lee Jihong

A laundry treating apparatus includes a tub, a drum, a cover defining a detergent inlet, a storage body configured to store the detergent, a barrier partitioning an interior of the storage body into first and second detergent spaces, a storage unit water supply nozzle configured to supply water to the first detergent space, a first body through hole defined at a bottom surface of the storage body, a first discharge pipe, a second discharge pipe, a siphon formation pipe surrounding the first discharge pipe and being configured to flow liquid from the first detergent space to the first body through hole based on a liquid level inside the first detergent space, and a space communication unit configured to flow liquid from the first detergent space to the second detergent space based on liquid not being discharged to an outside of the first detergent space through the first body through hole. 1. A laundry treating apparatus comprising:a tub defining a space configured to receive water;a drum rotatably provided inside the tub and configured to receive laundry;a cover defining a detergent inlet configured to receive detergent;a storage body arranged below the cover and configured to store the detergent received through the detergent inlet;a barrier provided in the storage body, the barrier partitioning an interior of the storage body into a first detergent space configured to store the detergent received through the detergent inlet and a second detergent space separated from the first detergent space;a storage unit water supply inlet configured to supply water to the first detergent space;a first body through hole defined at a bottom surface of the storage body, the first detergent space communicating with the tub through the first body through hole;a first discharge pipe protruding from the first body through hole toward the cover;a second discharge pipe provided at the bottom surface of the storage body, the second detergent space communicating with the tub through the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025100A1

A drum washing machine includes a tub; a drum rotatably provided in the tub; an agitator rotatably provided in the drum; a driver in transmission connection with the drum via a main shaft, and the main shaft transmitting a torque of the driver to the drum; a planetary gear assembly in transmission connection with the main shaft and the agitator separately, and transmitting the torque of the main shaft to the agitator; and a brake linked with the planetary gear assembly. 1. A drum washing machine , comprising:a tub;a drum rotatably provided in the tub;an agitator rotatably provided in the drum;a driver in transmission connection with the drum via a main shaft, and the main shaft transmitting a torque of the driver to the drum;a planetary gear assembly in transmission connection with the main shaft and the agitator separately and switchable between a first state and a second state, wherein in the first state, the planetary gear assembly transmits a torque of the main shaft to the agitator, to rotate the agitator and the drum in a same direction, and in the second state, the planetary gear assembly transmits the torque of the main shaft to the agitator in an opposite direction, to rotate the agitator and the drum in opposite directions; anda brake, comprising:a brake disk linked with the planetary gear assembly, wherein when the brake disk is allowed to rotate freely, the planetary gear assembly is in the first state, and when the brake disk is braked, the planetary gear assembly is in the second state;a brake seat provided with a slideway;a brake pawl provided to the brake seat and switchable between a tightening state and a releasing state, wherein in the tightening state, the brake pawl holds the brake disk tightly to brake the brake disk, and in the releasing state, the brake pawl releases the brake disk to allow the brake disk to rotate freely;a brake lever slidably fitted with the slideway between an extending position and a retracting position and linked with ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025102A1

In accordance with an embodiment of the present invention, a washing machine may be provided to be able to automatically add a liquid detergent into a tub. The washing machine in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention includes a detergent box for containing a detergent or rinse; a detergent supply pump for pumping the detergent or rinse contained in the detergent box; a connection pipe connected to the detergent supply pump and a tub; and an open/close unit for opening or closing the connection pipe, wherein the open/close unit is configured to open the connection pipe only when the detergent or rinse is pumped by the detergent supply pump. 1a detergent box for containing a detergent or rinse;a detergent supply pump for pumping the detergent or rinse contained in the detergent box;a connection pipe connected to the detergent supply pump and a tub; andan open/close unit for opening or closing the connection pipe,wherein the open/close unit is configured to open the connection pipe when the detergent supply pump is operated to pump the detergent or rinse, and block the connection pipe in order not to supply the detergent or rinse to the connection pipe when the detergent supply pump is not operating.. A washing machine comprising: The present application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/128,097 filed on Sep. 21, 2016, which is a 371 of International Patent Application No. PCT/KR2015/002634 filed on Mar. 18, 2015, which claims priority to Korean Patent Application No. 10-2014-0166185 filed on Nov. 26, 2014, Korean Patent Application No. 10-2014-0033572 filed on Mar. 21, 2014, and Korean Patent Application No. 10-2014-0033494 filed on Mar. 21, 2014, the disclosures of which are herein incorporated by reference in their entirety.The present invention relates to a washing machine that is able to automatically add liquid detergents.Washing machines are devices for washing laundry by rotating its cylindrical rotating tub that contains ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030633A1

A laundry system performs a washing function to wash multiple load of fabric items. The system can include a first wash chamber for washing a first clothes load, a drawer below the first wash chamber, a tub supported by the drawer, and a wash basket rotatably mounted within the tub and defining a second wash chamber, which has a low capacity relative to a capacity of the first wash chamber. The laundry system is capable of performing a washing operation in the second wash chamber independently of a washing operation performed in the first wash chamber. 1. A laundry system comprising:a first wash chamber for washing a first clothes load; and a drawer capable of forward extension relative to the first wash chamber;', 'a tub supported by the drawer; and', 'a wash basket rotatably mounted within the tub and defining a second wash chamber;', 'wherein the second wash chamber has a low capacity relative to a capacity of the first wash chamber; and', 'wherein the washing unit is capable of performing a washing operation independently of a washing operation performed in the first wash chamber., 'a washing unit below the first wash chamber for washing a second clothes load, the washing unit comprising2. The laundry system of and further comprising a control panel for the washing unit separate from a control panel for the first wash chamber to enable a user to select a wash cycle from among a plurality of wash cycles claim 1 , wherein the control panel is capable of:receiving input from the user regarding operational modes for the washing unit; andcommunicating output related to an operational status of the washing unit to the user.3. The laundry system of claim 1 , wherein the drawer is movable relative to the first wash chamber between a closed position claim 1 , in which the second wash chamber is inaccessible to a user claim 1 , and an open position claim 1 , in which the drawer is extended forwardly of the first wash chamber and the second wash chamber is accessible to ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030634A1

A laundry system performs a washing function to wash multiple load of fabric items. The system can include a first wash chamber for washing a first clothes load, a tub, and a wash basket rotatably mounted within the tub and defining a second wash chamber, which has a low capacity relative to a capacity of the first wash chamber. The laundry system is capable of performing a washing operation in the second wash chamber independently of a washing operation performed in the first wash chamber. 1. A laundry system comprising:a first wash chamber for washing a first clothes load; and a tub; and', 'a wash basket rotatably mounted within the tub and defining a second wash chamber;', 'wherein the second wash chamber has a low capacity relative to a capacity of the first wash chamber; and', 'wherein the washing unit is capable of performing a washing operation independently of a washing operation performed in the second wash chamber., 'a washing unit vertically above or below the first wash chamber for washing a second clothes load, the washing unit comprising2. The laundry system of and further comprising at least one control panel to enable a user to select a wash cycle from among a plurality of wash cycles for the washing unit and a wash cycle from among a plurality of wash cycles for the first wash chamber.3. The laundry system of claim 1 , wherein the washing unit is a stand-alone unit.4. The laundry system of claim 1 , wherein the washing unit is a stand-alone modular unit that does not require physical connection to a laundry appliance for operation.5. The laundry system of claim 1 , wherein the first wash chamber is part of a laundry appliance claim 1 , and the washing unit is coupled to the laundry appliance as a requirement for operation of the washing unit.6. The laundry system of claim 1 , wherein the washing unit comprises a detergent dispenser.7. The laundry system of claim 1 , wherein the washing unit is adapted for gentle washing of fabric items.8. The ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030640A1

A steam generator and a laundry treatment machine having the same are provided, in which the steam generator includes a housing, a heater and a temperature controller, in which the housing defines a steam generating cavity therein and has a water inlet and a steam outlet in communication with the steam generating cavity, and the heater is disposed in the steam generating cavity, the temperature controller is disposed in the steam generating cavity and is connected to the heater, and the temperature controller is configured to detect the temperature of the heater, the temperature controller controls the heater to heat up and the water inlet to close when the temperature of the heater is below a predetermined temperature, and controls the heater to stop heating and the water inlet to open when the temperature of the heater reaches a predetermined temperature. 1. A steam generator comprising:a housing, wherein the housing defines a steam generating cavity therein and has a water inlet and a steam outlet in communication with the steam generating cavity;a heater disposed in the steam generating cavity; anda temperature controller disposed in the steam generating cavity, being connected to the heater and configured to detect a temperature of the heater, wherein the temperature controller controls the heater to heat up and the water inlet to close when the temperature of the heater is below a predetermined temperature, and controls the heater to stop heating and the water inlet to open when the temperature of the heater reaches a predetermined temperature.2. The steam generator according to claim 1 , further comprising a water inlet valve disposed in the water inlet claim 1 , being connected to the temperature controller and controlled to be opened and closed by the temperature controller.3. The steam generator according to claim 1 , wherein the heater is disposed on a bottom of the steam generating cavity and the water inlet is disposed adjacent to the heater.4. The ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Laundry processing apparatus and control method thereof

Номер: US20190032268A1
Автор: Yonggyung BAE

The present invention relates to a laundry processing apparatus and a control method thereof. A laundry processing apparatus operated by means of a motor, which has a plurality of washing units for performing washing independently of each other, charges a current generated during braking of a motor provided in each of the first washing unit and the second washing unit in a battery provided therein and uses the charged power at the next driving of the motor, thereby preventing the wasting of energy and reducing energy consumption even when power consumption is increased due to a simultaneous operation of the first washing unit and the second washing unit.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032269A1

A laundry treating appliance having a cabinet defining an interior of the laundry treating appliance. The laundry treating appliance also having a treating chamber located within the interior and having an access opening and a door movably mounted to the cabinet between opened and closed positions to selectively open/close the access opening. A door stop assembly carried by one of the cabinet and door and operable between a non-venting position, where the door is movable between the opened and closed positions, and a venting position, where the door is prevented from moving to the closed position. 1. A laundry treating appliance comprising:a cabinet defining an interior of the laundry treating appliance;a treating chamber located within the interior and having an access opening;a door movably mounted to the cabinet between at least open, venting, and closed positions;a door stop assembly comprising a door stop carried by the cabinet moveable between at least a venting position where the door is maintained ajar and a non-venting position where the door is in a closed position;the door stop assembly operable to engage the door in the venting position and automatically move the door to the closed position in response to a user input.2. The laundry treating appliance of wherein the user input is based on a user selection of one of power on claim 1 , cycle select claim 1 , or start.3. The laundry treating appliance of further comprising a user interface and having the user input operably coupled to the door stop assembly.4. The laundry treating appliance of wherein the door stop assembly is automatically activated at the end of a wash cycle.5. The laundry treating appliance of further comprising a door catch carried by the door and a latch carried by one of the cabinet or door stop assembly and engaging the door catch when the door is closed.6. The laundry treating appliance of wherein when the door catch is engaged with the latch claim 5 , the door stop is in a ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037555A1

A laundry treating machine is provided. The laundry treating machine may include a tub to receive wash water, a drum rotatably provided in the tub, an air supply device to supply air to the tub, a lint filter to filter lint from the air circulated by the air supply device, a filter cleaning device to supply cleaning water to the lint filter to remove the lint from the lint filter, and a cooling water supply device to supply cooling water to an inner surface of the tub such that moisture contained in air is condensed at the inner surface of the tub. 1. A laundry machine , comprising:a tub to receive wash water to wash laundry, the tub having an inner surface at which cooling water is supplied such that the inner surface of the tub is cooled to form a condensing surface;a drum rotatably provided in the tub;an air supply device provided at an upper portion of the tub to circulate and supply air to the tub;a lint filter provided in a channel of the air supply device to filter lint from the air moving along the channel;a filter cleaning device to remove the lint from the lint filter using cleaning water; anda valve assembly to selectively or simultaneously supply the wash water and the cleaning water from an external water source.2. The laundry machine according to claim 1 , wherein the air supply device includes:an air collection port provided through an outer circumference of the tub at a rear upper portion thereof;a fan provided at an upper portion of the air collection port to introduce the air into the tub through the air collection port;a heating duct to heat the air moved by the fan; andan air discharge port to supply the air heated by the heating duct to a front of the tub.3. The laundry machine according to claim 2 , wherein the filter cleaning device includes a cleaning water supply device to supply cleaning water from an inside of the air collection port to the lint filter claim 2 , the cleaning water supply device having a nozzle.4. The laundry machine ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037556A1

A laundry module performs a washing function to wash a load of fabric items and has a drawer supporting a tub and wash basket, and a control panel mounted on the drawer to enable a user to select a wash cycle from among a plurality of wash cycles. The laundry module can be part of a modular laundry system including a laundry appliance. The laundry module can be vertically arranged with a laundry appliance, such as by supporting the laundry appliance thereupon. 1. A horizontal laundry module for washing a load of fabric items , the horizontal laundry module comprising:a cabinet having an open face;a drawer mounted to the cabinet and capable of forward extension relative to the open face of the cabinet;a tub supported by the drawer;a wash basket rotatably mounted within the tub and defining a wash chamber; and receiving input from the user regarding operational modes for the horizontal laundry module; and', 'communicating output related to an operational status of the horizontal laundry module to the user; and, 'a control panel mounted on the drawer to enable a user to select a wash cycle from among a plurality of wash cycles, wherein the control panel is capable of a closed position, in which the drawer closes the open face of the cabinet and the wash chamber is inaccessible to the user; and', 'an opened position, in which the drawer is extended forwardly from the cabinet and enables the user to access the wash chamber; and, 'wherein the drawer is movable relative to the open face of the cabinet between a height of the horizontal laundry module is less than 26 inches;', 'a width of the horizontal laundry module is greater than the height of the horizontal laundry module; and', 'a depth of the horizontal laundry module is greater than the height of the horizontal laundry module., 'wherein2. The horizontal laundry module of claim 1 , wherein the horizontal laundry module requires physical connection to a front-loading washing machine for operation of the horizontal ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037557A1

A laundry system for treating fabric items according to the invention includes a front-loading washing machine for washing a first load of fabric items and a horizontal laundry module for washing a second load of fabric items stacked vertically adjacent to the front-loading washing machine and having a low capacity relative to a capacity of the front-load washing machine. 1. A laundry system for treating fabric items , comprising:a front-loading washing machine for washing a first load of fabric items; anda horizontal laundry module for washing a second load of fabric items stacked vertically adjacent to the front-loading washing machine and having a low capacity relative to a capacity of the front-load washing machine;wherein the horizontal laundry module has a height less than a height of the front-loading washing machine; and a cabinet having an open face;', 'a drawer mounted to the cabinet and capable of forward extension relative to the open face of the cabinet;', 'a tub supported by the drawer;', 'a wash basket rotatably mounted within the tub and defining a wash chamber; and', receiving input from the user regarding operational modes for the horizontal laundry module; and', 'communicating output related to an operational status of the horizontal laundry module to the user; and, 'a control panel mounted on the drawer to enable a user to select a wash cycle from among a plurality of wash cycles, wherein the control panel is capable of], 'wherein the horizontal laundry module includes a closed position, in which the drawer closes the open face of the cabinet and the wash chamber is inaccessible to the user; and', 'an opened position, in which the drawer is extended forwardly from the cabinet and the wash chamber is accessible to the user., 'wherein the drawer is movable relative to the open face of the cabinet between2. The laundry system of claim 1 , wherein:the horizontal laundry module has a left wall and a right wall and the front-loading washing machine has ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038035A1

A laundry appliance for treating a load of laundry according to a cycle of operation comprises a cabinet and a tub assembly housed within the cabinet and comprising a front tub section, a rear tub section and at least one middle tub section provided between the front and rear tub sections. 1. A laundry appliance for treating a load of laundry according to a cycle of operation comprising:a cabinet; a front tub section having a first side wall with a first draft forming a first acute angle relative to the longitudinal axis;', 'a rear tub section having a second side wall with a second draft forming a second acute angle relative to the longitudinal axis; and', 'at least one middle tub section provided between the front tub section and the rear tub section, each of the at least one middle tub sections having at least a third side wall with at least a third draft forming a third acute angle relative to the longitudinal axis;, 'a tub assembly having a longitudinal axis, housed within the cabinet and comprisingwherein the front, rear and at least one middle tub sections are assembled such that an angle formed by the meeting of any of the first, second, or the at least third side walls opens away from an interior of the tub assembly.2. The laundry appliance of wherein the front tub section is coupled to the at least one middle tub section by at least one of a mechanical fastener or a weld claim 1 , or both.3. The laundry appliance of wherein the rear tub section is coupled to the at least one middle tub section by at least one of a mechanical fastener or a weld claim 2 , or both.4. The laundry appliance of wherein the front tub section is coupled to the at least one middle tub section by a mechanical fastener or a weld and the rear tub section is coupled to the at least one middle tub section by the other of the mechanical fastener or weld.5. The laundry appliance of wherein at least one of the front tub section claim 1 , the rear tub section or the at least one middle tub ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150042219A1

A washing machine including a cabinet, a tub placed within the cabinet, a wash tub located within the tub to receive laundry therein, an element receiving unit in which elements are received, the element receiving unit being coupled to one side of the cabinet, a coupling panel provided at the element receiving unit so as to be coupled to the cabinet, a receiving panel provided at the cabinet so as to receive at least a portion of the coupling panel, a first holder and a second holder formed at the coupling panel, and a first receiving hole and a second receiving hole perforated in the receiving panel to receive the first holder and the second holder respectively therein. The coupling panel is pivotally rotated after the first holder is positioned into the first receiving hole, causing the second holder to be fitted into the second receiving hole. 1. A washing machine , comprising:a cabinet;a tub placed within the cabinet;a wash tub located within the tub to receive laundry therein;an element receiving unit coupled to one side of the cabinet;a coupling panel disposed at the element receiving unit so as to be coupled to the cabinet;a receiving panel disposed at the cabinet so as to receive at least a portion of the coupling panel;a first holder and a second holder formed at the coupling panel; anda first receiving hole and a second receiving hole perforated in the receiving panel to receive the first holder and the second holder, respectively, therein,wherein the coupling panel is pivotally rotated after the first holder is positioned into the first receiving hole, thereby fitting the second holder into the second receiving hole.2. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein each of the first receiving hole and the second receiving hole includes a first circle and a second circle claim 1 , such that the first holder and the second holder are separably fitted into the first receiving hole and the second receiving hole claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , andwherein the first ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040563A1
Автор: BAE Yonggyung

The present invention relates to a laundry treatment device and a method for controlling the same, the laundry treatment device comprising: a first washing unit having a first tub; and a second washing unit that has a second tub and which operates independently of the first washing unit, wherein: the first washing unit comprises a heater for drying the laundry inside the first tub, a switch for tuning on/off the operation of the heater, a heater driving unit for controlling operating power supplied to the heater, and a control unit for controlling the switch such that the heater operates or stops operating, the control unit applying a control signal to the heater driving unit; when the first washing unit and the second washing unit operate simultaneously, the control unit applies a control signal following the simultaneous operation to the heater driving unit; and the heater driving unit controls operating power supplied to the heater such that power consumed by the heater decreases, in response to the control signal. The laundry treatment device, which has a plurality of washing units that perform washing independently of each other, is advantageous in that, when the plurality of washing units simultaneously conduct washing, the operation of the heater is controlled such that the amount of consumed power is adjusted, simultaneous washing can be conducted without stopping one of the plurality of washing units, the life of provided components can be increased, and any abrupt increase in the amount of consumed power can be prevented. 1. A laundry treatment device comprising:a first washing unit having a first tub; anda second washing unit that has a second tub and which operates independently of the first washing unit,wherein the first washing unit comprises:a heater for drying a laundry inside the first tub,a switch for turning on/off an operation of the heater,a heater driving unit for controlling operating power supplied to the heater, anda control unit for ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040513A1
Автор: Renz Daniel Stephen

A laundry appliance defines a vertical direction, a lateral direction and a transverse direction that are mutually perpendicular to one another. The laundry appliance includes a cabinet defining an opening. A clothes vessel is rotatably mounted within the cabinet. The clothes vessel comprises a base and a hoop with a helical seam extending around the hoop. The clothes vessel is configured for receiving laundry articles to be rotated therein via the opening of the cabinet. 1. A laundry appliance defining a vertical direction , a lateral direction , and a transverse direction that are mutually perpendicular to one another , the laundry appliance comprising:a cabinet defining an opening; anda clothes vessel rotatably mounted within the cabinet, the clothes vessel comprising a base and a hoop with a helical seam extending around the hoop, the clothes vessel configured for receiving laundry articles to be rotated therein via the opening of the cabinet.2. The laundry appliance of claim 1 , wherein the helical seam comprises a weld joint.3. The laundry appliance of claim 1 , wherein the helical seam comprises a lap weld joint.4. The laundry appliance of claim 1 , wherein the helical seam comprises a butt weld joint.5. The laundry appliance of claim 1 , wherein the helical seam comprises a folded joint.6. The laundry appliance of claim 1 , wherein the helical seam comprises a folded and crimped joint.7. The laundry appliance of claim 1 , wherein the helical seam comprises a lapped joint with adhesive.8. The laundry appliance of claim 1 , wherein the laundry appliance is a dryer appliance and the rotatable clothes vessel is a drum of the dryer appliance.9. The laundry appliance of claim 1 , wherein the laundry appliance is a washer appliance and the rotatable clothes vessel is a basket of the washer appliance.10. A method of making a rotatable clothes vessel for a laundry appliance claim 1 , the method comprising:helically wrapping a rectangular strip of material;joining ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170044702A1

A laundry treating machine is provided. The laundry treating machine may include a tub to receive wash water, a drum rotatably provided in the tub, an air supply device to supply air to the tub, a lint filter to filter lint from the air circulated by the air supply device, a filter cleaning device to supply cleaning water to the lint filter to remove the lint from the lint filter, and a cooling water supply device to supply cooling water to an inner surface of the tub such that moisture contained in air is condensed at the inner surface of the tub. 1. A laundry machine , comprising:a tub to receive wash water;a drum rotatably provided in the tub;an air supply device provided at an upper position of the tub to heat air discharged from the tub and introduce the heated air into the tub; anda cooling water supply device to supply cooling water to a rear inner surface of the tub such that the rear inner surface of the tub serves as a condensing surface and the cooling water allows condensed water to be formed at the condensing surface.2. The laundry machine of claim 1 , wherein the cooling water supply device passes through and is fixed to the tub.3. The laundry machine of claim 1 , wherein the cooling water supply device is provided at a rear upper position of the tub to supply the cooling water to cool the inner surface of the tub.4. The laundry machine of claim 1 , wherein the cooling water supply device is provided at a position that is separated from a center of a rear upper side of the tub in a circumferential direction.5. The laundry machine of claim 1 , wherein the cooling water supply device distributes the cooling water widely throughout the rear inner surface of the tub.6. The laundry machine of claim 1 , wherein the cooling water supply device includes:a cooling water nozzle fixed to the tub to supply the cooling water to the rear inner surface of the tub; anda cooling water line through which the cooling water is supplied to the cooling water nozzle.7. The ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064841A1

A washing machine includes a gasket including a gasket body that connects a casing to a tub, and a plurality of nozzles spraying water into a drum. The gasket body has a first area and a second area corresponding to bilateral areas. The nozzles include a first nozzle and a second nozzle disposed in the first area sequentially in a bottom-to-top direction. The washing machine includes a distribution pipe for distribution circulating water to the nozzles, and the distribution pipe includes a first outlet port and a second outlet port for supplying water to first and second nozzles, and a third outlet port and a fourth outlet port for supplying water to third and fourth nozzles. The first and second outlet ports extend parallel to each other, and the third and fourth outlet ports extend parallel to each other.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054555A1

A drum-type washing apparatus includes: a housing including a door in a front thereof to be opened and closed; and a washing tub supported to spin inside the housing, having a cylindrical shape opened toward the door to accommodate laundry therein, and including a pattern on which a plurality of dewatering holes for discharging wash water are arranged on an inner circumferential surface thereof, the pattern including: a first pattern including an even area provided at least one side of a first dewatering hole along the inner circumferential surface, and a second pattern provided at least one side of a second dewatering hole different from the first dewatering hole along the inner circumferential surface and including an uneven area having lower flatness than the even area. 1. A drum-type washing apparatus comprising:a housing having an opening in a front of the housing;a washing tub, having a cylindrical shape, supported to spin inside the housing and arranged to receive laundry through the opening; anda door to open and close the opening, a first pattern on an inner circumferential surface of the washing tub, and including an even area, a recessed area adjacent to the even area and recessed with respect to the even area, and a dewatering hole in the recessed area, and', 'a second pattern on the inner circumferential surface of the washing tub, and including an uneven area, a recessed area adjacent to the uneven area and recessed with respect to the uneven area, and a dewatering hole in the recessed area., 'wherein washing tub has'}2. The drum-type washing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the even area of the first pattern surrounds the recessed area of the first pattern.3. The drum-type washing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe first pattern includes a plurality of dewatering holes in the recessed area of the first pattern, and that are arranged along a direction that is parallel with a spinning axis of the washing tub, and/orthe second pattern ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074103A1

An apparatus for treating laundry includes a cabinet and a drum. The cabinet includes a base panel, a support panel fixed to the base panel, and a fixed panel fixed to the base panel. The drum includes a cylindrical drum body and a drum entrance defined at a front cover of the cylindrical drum body. The apparatus further includes a support panel perforated hole defined at the support panel and in communication with the drum entrance, a drum connecting body provided at the support panel and connecting the support panel perforated hole to the drum entrance, and a drive part. The drive part includes a stator configured to generate a rotating field, a rotor configured to be rotated by the rotating field, and a power transmission part that is fixed to the fixed panel and that is configured to transmit a rotational motion of the rotor to the drum. 1. An apparatus for treating laundry , comprising:{'claim-text': ['a base panel,', 'a support panel fixed to the base panel, and', 'a fixed panel that is fixed to the base panel and that is located to face the support panel;'], '#text': 'a cabinet comprising:'}{'claim-text': ['a cylindrical drum body that is open at a front side and a rear side;', 'a front cover fixed to the front side of the cylindrical drum body;', 'a rear cover fixed to the rear side of the cylindrical drum body; and', 'a drum entrance defined at the front cover;'], '#text': 'a drum located in the cabinet, the drum comprising:'}a support panel perforated hole that is defined at the support panel and that is in communication with the drum entrance;a drum connecting body that is provided at the support panel and that connects the support panel perforated hole to the drum entrance;{'claim-text': ['a stator configured to generate a rotating field,', 'a rotor configured to be rotated by the rotating field, and', 'a power transmission part that is fixed to the fixed panel and that is configured to transmit a rotational motion of the rotor to the drum;'], '#text': ' ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055688A1

A washing machine includes a tub. The washing machine includes a drum rotationally provided inside the tub to receive an object to be washed. The washing machine also includes a pulsator rotationally provided inside the drum. The washing machine further includes an outer shaft connected to the drum and including a cavity. The washing machine also includes an inner shaft connected to the pulsator and arranged in the cavity. The washing machine further includes a first pulley including a first axial coupler to be coupled to the outer shaft. The washing machine also includes a second pulley including a second axial coupler protruding toward the tub. The second axial coupler arranged in the cavity and coupled to the inner shaft. 1. A washing machine comprising:a tub;a drum rotationally provided inside the tub to receive an object to be washed;a pulsator rotationally provided inside the drum;an outer shaft connected to the drum and including a cavity;an inner shaft connected to the pulsator and arranged in the cavity;a first pulley including a first axial coupler to be coupled to the outer shaft; anda second pulley including a second axial coupler protruding toward the tub, the second axial coupler arranged in the cavity and coupled to the inner shaft.2. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the cavity comprises a center cavity formed at a middle portion in a longitudinal direction of the outer shaft claim 1 , and an end cavity including a larger diameter than the center cavity and formed at an end in the longitudinal direction of the outer shaft claim 1 , andwherein the second axial coupler is arranged in the end cavity.3. The washing machine of claim 2 , wherein a diameter of an outer circumference of the second axial coupler is smaller than the diameter of the end cavity.4. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein at least a half of the second axial coupler in a longitudinal direction is arranged in the cavity.5. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the first ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057995A1

A laundry apparatus includes a drum rotatable on a shaft and including at least one predetermined region made of metal; a tub surrounding the drum; an inductor provided on the tub and heating the drum by generating an electromagnetic field; and an air passage duct including a first duct provided as a passage for exhausting air outside the tub, a second duct provided as a passage for sucking air into the tub, and a fan for generating air flow, wherein the air drawn into the tub via the second duct is supplied to an internal space of the drum via a penetrating hole provided in a circumferential surface of the drum by the fan and then exhausted to the first duct after passing through a drum opening provided in a front portion of the drum. 1. A laundry apparatus comprising:a tub;a drum rotatable on a shaft and provided in the tub, the drum having at least a predetermined region of a surface made of metal;an induction heater heating the at least predetermined region of the surface by generating an electromagnetic field;an air passage duct including a first duct and a second duct; anda fan generating air flow through the air passage duct,wherein air provided into the tub via the second duct is supplied to an internal space of the drum via a plurality of penetrating holes provided in a circumferential surface of the drum by the fan and then exhausted to the first duct after passing through a drum opening provided at a front portion of the drum.2. The laundry apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the tub includes a tub body and a tub opening formed at a front of the tub claim 1 , the first duct being in communication with the tub opening or the tub body claim 1 , and the second duct being in communication with the tub body.3. The laundry apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first duct is in communication with a hole in either a front surface of the tub body or a circumferential surface of the tub body.4. The laundry apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the second duct is in communication ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057996A1

A laundry apparatus is provided. The laundry apparatus may include a cabinet, a tub provided in the cabinet and defining an internal space, the tub having an opening formed in a front of the tub, a drum rotatably provided in the internal space of the tub and being made of a conductor, and an induction heater provided at an outer circumferential surface of the tub. The induction heater may heat the drum by generating an electromagnetic field and may include a coil that uses a supplied electric current to generate an eddy current in the drum by generating a magnetic field, and a coil arranging portion provided at the outer circumferential surface of the tub. The coil may be arranged on the coil arranging portion such that coils of the coil are spaced a predetermined distance apart from each other while being wound from a front direction to a rear direction of the tub. 1. A laundry apparatus comprising:a cabinet;a tub provided in the cabinet and defining an internal space, the tub having an opening formed in a front of the tub;a drum rotatably provided in the internal space of the tub and being made of a conductor; and a coil that uses a supplied electric current to generate an eddy current in the drum by generating a magnetic field; and', 'a coil arranging portion provided at the outer circumferential surface of the tub, wherein the coil is arranged on the coil arranging portion such that coils of the coil are spaced a predetermined distance apart from each other while being wound from a front direction to a rear direction of the tub., 'an induction heater provided at an outer circumferential surface of the tub, wherein the induction heater heats the drum by generating an electromagnetic field and includes2. The laundry apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the coil arranging portion includes:a coil arranging plate provided at the outer circumferential surface of the tub, wherein the coil is wound on the coil arranging plate.3. The laundry apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062387A1

A washing machine drum assembly includes: a drum having a hollow cylindrical shape, including a front end flange formed at a front end of the drum and a rear end flange formed at a rear end of the drum, and including a plurality of coupling holes formed adjacent to the rear end flange; a front surface plate mounted on the front end of the drum; and a rear surface plate mounted on the rear end of the drum and including a plurality of rear surface holes corresponding to the plurality of coupling holes of the drum, wherein a rear end positioning mechanism configured to position the rear surface plate with respect to the drum is formed in the rear end flange of the drum and the rear surface plate. 1. A washing machine drum assembly comprising:a drum having a hollow cylindrical shape, and including a front end flange formed at a front end of the drum and a rear end flange formed at a rear end of the drum, the drum including a plurality of coupling holes formed adjacent to the rear end flange;a front surface plate mounted on the front end of the drum; anda rear surface plate mounted on the rear end of the drum and including a plurality of rear surface holes corresponding to the plurality of coupling holes of the drum,wherein a rear end positioning mechanism configured to position the rear surface plate with respect to the drum is formed in the rear end flange of the drum and the rear surface plate.2. The washing machine drum assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rear end positioning mechanism includes:at least one notch formed in the rear end flange of the drum and having a predetermined positional relationship with the plurality of coupling holes; andat least one protrusion formed in the rear surface plate and coupled to the at least one notch to prevent the rear surface plate from rotating with respect to the rear end flange, andwherein a positional relationship between the at least one protrusion and the plurality of rear surface holes of the rear surface plate ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062393A1
Автор: JANG Hunjun, JUNG Sungwoon

A support member and a clothes treating machine having the same are described. A support member supports a dispenser assembly, in which a drawer is inserted, from a rear side. The support member is inserted through a rear surface of a housing. A support hollow portion is formed in one side of the support member facing the dispenser assembly. A rear protrusion of the dispenser assembly is inserted into the support hollow portion. With the configuration, a rear side of the dispenser assembly is supported by the support member. Therefore, the dispenser assembly can be stably supported. Also, a support rib portion extends from an outer circumference of the support member in a lengthwise direction. Accordingly, rigidity of the support member in the lengthwise direction can be reinforced. Therefore, the support rib portion can stably support the dispenser assembly. 1. A support member for a dispenser assembly of a clothes treating machine , the support member comprising:a support body portion that extends in a lengthwise direction; anda support head portion located at a first end portion of the support body portion in the lengthwise direction,wherein the support body portion defines a support hollow portion that is recessed from a second end portion of the support body portion, that extends toward the first end portion of the support body portion by a predetermined distance in the lengthwise direction, and that is configured to receive a rear protrusion of the dispenser assembly.2. The support member of claim 1 , wherein the support body portion comprises:a first body part that extends from the second end portion in the lengthwise direction by the predetermined distance; anda second body part that extends from the first body part to the support head portion.3. The support member of claim 2 , wherein the second body part defines a support space recessed from an outer circumference of the second body part.4. The support member of claim 3 , wherein the second body part ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081826A1

A laundry treating apparatus includes a first nozzle water supply conduit which is disposed, on the gasket, in the one side with respect to the vertical line and guides water discharged through the first circulation port to the pair of first nozzles; and a second nozzle water supply conduit which is disposed, on the gasket, in the other side with respect to the vertical line and guides water discharged through the second circulation port to the pair of second nozzles. 1. A laundry treating apparatus comprising:a cabinet having a front surface that defines an input port;a tub located in the cabinet, the tub having a front surface that defines a tub opening;a drum located in the tub and configured to rotate relative to the tub;a gasket that defines a channel that extends between the input port of the cabinet and the tub opening;a plurality of first nozzles located at an inner circumference of the gasket and configured to spray water into the drum, the plurality first nozzles being arranged at a first side with respect to a vertical line passing through a center of the gasket;a pump configured to pump water discharged from the tub, the pump comprising a first circulation port that is configured to discharge water to provide water to the tub; anda first circulation conduit connected to the first circulation port of the pump;a first conduit portion that is located at the first side with respect to the vertical line and that extends from the first connection port along an outer circumference of the gasket;a first connection port provided at the first conduit portion and connected to the first circulation conduit;a plurality of first nozzle water supply ports that protrude from the first conduit portion that are coupled to the gasket; anda plurality of first nozzles that located at an inner circumference of the gasket, that are arranged at a first side with respect to a vertical line passing through a center of the gasket and that connected to the plurality of first nozzle ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062980A1
Автор: DANIELS Ralph G.

Method and system for system for controlling dispensing of laundry chemistry from a laundry chemistry dispenser to a washing machine to minimize use of the laundry chemistry. The method and the system comprise an ozone monitor for determining a current ozone concentration level in the washing machine at a time that the washing machine requires dispensing of the laundry chemistry from the laundry chemistry dispenser; a control panel being coupled to the ozone monitor for receiving a signal indicative of the currently determined ozone concentration level in the washing machine; and the control panel is coupled to the laundry chemistry dispenser for controlling a dispensing operation of the laundry chemistry from the laundry chemistry dispenser based upon the currently determined ozone concentration level in the washing machine. When the ozone concentration level is low, less laundry chemistry is dispensed while when the level is high, more laundry chemistry is dispensed. 1. A system for controlling dispensing of laundry chemistry from a laundry chemistry dispenser to a washing machine in order to minimize use of the laundry chemistry during a wash , the system comprising:an ozone monitor for determining a current ozone concentration level in the washing machine at a time that the washing machine requires dispensing of the laundry chemistry from the laundry chemistry dispenser;a control panel being coupled to the ozone monitor for receiving a signal indicative of the currently determined ozone concentration level in the washing machine; andthe control panel being coupled to the laundry chemistry dispenser for controlling a dispensing operation of the laundry chemistry from the laundry chemistry dispenser which adjusts the amount of the laundry chemistry to be dispensed based upon the currently determined ozone concentration level in the washing machine.2. A system for controlling dispensing of laundry chemistry from a laundry chemistry dispenser to a washing machine in ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063316A1

The present invention relates to an apparatus for treating laundry, including a cabinet having an entrance for inserting laundry and a door opening and closing the entrance, a tub positioned in the cabinet and having an opening for allowing the laundry to pass through, a drum rotatably positioned in the tub to receive the laundry, a vibration insulating part maintaining a watertight seal by connecting the entrance and the opening, a balance weight positioned in a front side of the tub to increase a weight of the tub, and an annular passage part extending between the vibration insulating part and the balance weight, the annular passage part fixedly supported by the balance weight, the annular passage part having a plurality of nozzles spraying wash water into the drum through the vibration insulating part. 1. An apparatus for treating laundry , comprising:a cabinet having an entrance for inserting laundry and a door opening and closing the entrance;a tub positioned in the cabinet and having an opening for allowing the laundry to pass through;a drum rotatably positioned in the tub to receive the laundry;a vibration insulating part maintaining a watertight seal by connecting the entrance to the opening;a balance weight positioned at a front side of the tub to increase a weight of the tub; andan annular passage part extending between the vibration insulating part and the balance weight, the annular passage part fixedly supported by the balance weight, the annular passage part having a plurality of nozzles spraying wash water into the drum through the vibration insulating part.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , the annular passage part comprising:an inflow portion supplied with the wash water;an extending portion extending from an end portion of the inflow portion to an outer circumference of the vibration insulating part; andat least one nozzle positioned at the extending portion to spray the wash water into the drum by perforating the vibration insulating part.3. The ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063318A1

The present disclosure relates to a laundry apparatus comprising a cabinet, a tub coupled the cabinet, a drum rotatably mounted in the tub, and a drive unit comprising a stator and a rotor. The laundry apparatus further comprises a shaft coupled to the drum and connected to the drive unit via a rear wall of the tub, a bearing rotatably supporting the shaft, and a bearing housing insert-molded in the tub and securing the bearing. The bearing housing comprises a housing body, comprising a shaft insertion hole securing the bearing, formed in a cylinder shape, a first flange formed in a ring shape arranged in an outer area with respect to a radial direction of the housing body, a plurality of first connection ribs connecting an outer circumferential surface of the housing body to the first flange, and a first insertion hole disposed between the first connection ribs. 1. A laundry apparatus comprising:a cabinet;a tub disposed in the cabinet and configured to hold water;a drum rotatably mounted in the tub and configured to hold laundry;a drive unit comprising a stator configured to form an electromagnetic field and a rotor rotatable by the electromagnetic field;a shaft fixed to the drum and connected to the drive unit via a rear wall of the tub;a bearing rotatably supporting the shaft; anda bearing housing insert-molded in the tub and configured to secure the bearing,wherein the bearing housing comprises,a housing body in a cylinder shape and comprising a shaft insertion hole configured to secure the bearing;a first flange in a ring shape arranged in an outer area with respect to a radial direction of the housing body;a plurality of first connection ribs connecting an outer circumferential surface of the housing body to the first flange; anda first insertion hole disposed between the first connection ribs.2. The laundry apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a longitudinal axis of each of the plurality of first connection ribs is perpendicular to a circumferential surface of the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Washing machine

Номер: US20210071343A1

An inner drum of a washing machine has a plurality of hollow lifting ribs arranged on the side wall of the drum that communicate with the interior of the drum. At least one drainage port communicating with the hollow portions of the lifting ribs is formed in the side wall of the drum. A sealing valve is located inside each lifting rib at each drainage port. During high-speed rotation of the drum, valve bodies of the sealing valves move along a radial center direction of the drum under a centrifugal force, to open the drainage ports. Through this arrangement, discharging water flow in the drum to the outside from the hidden drainage ports is achieved. Meanwhile, centrifugal force during the high-speed rotation of the drum is used to control valve cores of the sealing valves such that the drainage ports are automatically opened for drainage from the drum.

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Pump motor and washing machine having the same

Номер: US20190071813A1
Автор: Hyun-Woo Song

A pump motor is disclosed. The pump motor includes a case; a socket part disposed in a portion of the case and provided with a terminal part thereinside; and a cover part detachably coupled to the case and configured to open and close the socket part, wherein the socket part includes a moisture blocking member configured to block a gap between the case and the cover part.

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180083556A1
Автор: Inoue Hiroyuki

A laundry treatment apparatus is disclosed. The laundry treatment apparatus includes a cabinet () defining the appearance of the laundry treatment apparatus, a drum () rotatably disposed in the cabinet (), and a drive unit () for rotating the drum (), wherein the drive unit () includes a first drive unit () for generating rotational force required to rotate the drum (), and a second drive unit () for changing the ratio of rotational force generated by the first drive unit () and rotational force transferred to the drum (), wherein the first drive unit () includes a first stator () for generating rotating magnetic fields, a magnetic flux converter () rotatably disposed radially outside the first stator () to change the magnetic flux of the magnetic fields generated by the first stator (), and a first rotor () disposed radially outside the magnetic flux converter () and rotatable by the magnetic fields, wherein the magnetic flux converter () is configured to rotate with the second drive unit (). 1. A laundry treatment apparatus comprising:a cabinet defining an appearance of the laundry treatment apparatus;a drum rotatably disposed in the cabinet; anda drive unit for rotating the drum, a first drive unit for generating rotational force required to rotate the drum; and', 'a second drive unit for changing the rotational force generated by the first drive unit,', a first stator for generating first rotating magnetic fields;', 'a magnetic flux converter rotatably disposed radially outside the first stator to change flux of the magnetic fields generated by the first stator; and', 'a first rotor disposed radially outside the magnetic flux converter and rotated by magnetic force from the first rotating magnetic fields,', 'wherein the magnetic flux converter rotates with the second drive unit., 'wherein the first drive unit comprises], 'wherein the drive unit comprises2. The laundry treatment apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second drive unit comprises:a second stator for ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087737A1

The present disclosure relates to an agitator for a drum washing machine and a drum washing machine. The agitator comprises a first agitating subsection and a second agitating subsection, and an agitating rib of the first agitating subsection is provided with water spray holes, the second agitating subsection and the first agitating subsection are separate parts, and the second agitating subsection and the first agitating subsection are mounted and jointly define a water spray channel in communication with the water spray hole. 1. An agitator for a drum washing machine , comprising:a first agitating subsection having an agitating rib facing a washing cavity, the agitating rib of the first agitating subsection being provided with water spray holes; anda second agitating subsection, wherein the second agitating subsection and the first agitating subsection are separate parts, and the second agitating subsection and the first agitating subsection are mounted and jointly define a water spray channel in communication with the water spray holes.2. The agitator for a drum washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the agitating rib of the first agitating subsection are configured with a plurality of agitating ribs spaced apart from each other along a circumferential direction thereof claim 1 , the water spray channel corresponds to a position of at least one of the plurality of agitating ribs claim 1 , and the water spray holes are arranged in the at least one of the plurality of agitating ribs.3. The agitator for a drum washing machine according to claim 2 , wherein one of two adjacent agitating ribs corresponds to a position of the water spray channel and is provided with the water spray holes in a circumferential direction of the first agitating subsection.4. The agitator for a drum washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the first agitating subsection claim 1 , the second agitating subsection is a spray frame claim 1 , the spray frame is mounted in the ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136163A1

A lifter for a laundry treating apparatus includes a first member mounted at an inner side of a drum; and a second member mounted on the first member and protruded toward an inside of the drum, wherein the first member includes a hook protruded and formed along a circumference of the first member, at least part of which is disposed to cover an inner circumferential surface of the drum when inserted into a fastening hole of the drum and then slid in one direction; and a shield protruded and formed at an inner side of the first member and configured to completely cover the fastening hole when the hook is inserted into the fastening hole and then slid in one direction.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087828A1

A method for controlling a laundry washing machine. The method includes: performing a tub loading process comprising operating supply valve(s) to provide a first volume of water through a detergent supply system and into a tub to fill the tub with wash liquid; performing a washing process comprising rotating a drum to agitate laundry in in the presence of the wash liquid; performing a static rinsing process comprising operating a pump to remove any free volume of wash liquid from the tub without rotating the drum; and performing one or more rinsing processes comprising: operating the supply valve(s) to provide a volume of clean rinse water to the tub, operating the pump to remove the rinse water from the drum, and operating the motor to spin the drum at high speed to extract rinse water from the laundry, while continuing to operate the pump. 1. A method for controlling a laundry washing machine having a tub , a drum rotatably mounted within the tub , a motor configured to selectively rotate the drum , one or more supply valves connectable to a water supply system , a detergent supply system and a water draining pump , the method comprising:performing a tub loading process comprising operating the one or more supply valves to provide a first volume of water through the detergent supply system and into the tub to fill the tub with wash liquid;performing a washing process comprising operating the motor to rotate the drum to thereby agitate laundry in the drum in the presence of the wash liquid;performing a static rinsing process comprising operating the water draining pump to remove any free volume of wash liquid from the tub without operating the motor to spin or rotate the drum; and performing a tub loading process comprising operating the one or more supply valves to provide a volume of clean rinse water to the tub,', 'operating the water draining pump to remove the rinse water from the drum, and', 'operating the motor to spin the drum at high speed to extract rinse ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087830A1

A drain pump of a washing appliance includes a volute defined between an inlet and an outlet. The volute defines an axial direction, a radial direction perpendicular to the axial direction, and a circumferential direction extending around the axial direction. The volute further includes a groove formed in an internal surface of an upper portion of the volute. The groove is configured to divert a portion of fluid inside the volute towards the inlet. 1. A washing machine appliance defining a vertical direction , a lateral direction , and a transverse direction , the vertical direction , the lateral direction and the transverse direction are mutually perpendicular , the washing machine appliance comprising:a cabinet extending between a top and a bottom along the vertical direction;a wash tub mounted within the cabinet and configured for containing fluid during operation of the washing machine appliance;a wash basket rotatably mounted within the wash tub, the wash basket defining a wash chamber configured for receiving laundry articles; anda drain pump positioned below the wash tub along the vertical direction within the cabinet, the drain pump comprising a volute defined between an inlet and an outlet, the volute defining an axial direction, a radial direction perpendicular to the axial direction, and a circumferential direction extending around the axial direction, the volute comprising a groove formed in an internal surface of an upper portion of the volute, the groove configured to divert a portion of fluid inside the volute towards the inlet.2. The washing machine appliance of claim 1 , wherein the groove is one of a plurality of grooves claim 1 , each groove of the plurality of grooves extending generally along the radial direction.3. The washing machine appliance of claim 2 , wherein one or more grooves of the plurality of grooves are positioned in an upstream side of the volute away from the discharge side.4. The washing machine appliance of claim 2 , wherein ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087835A1

A laundry washing machine having a casing, a washing tub located within the casing, a drum mounted within the washing tub and configured to rotate relative to the casing, a door attached to the casing and being openable to provide access to the drum, a receptacle configured to receive a unit dose package comprising a water soluble pouch containing a dose of cleaning product, a tub supply pipe fluidly connecting the receptacle to washing tub, and means for mechanically breaking the unit dose package. 1. A laundry washing machine comprising:a casing;a washing tub located within the casing;a drum mounted within the washing tub and configured to rotate relative to the casing;a door attached to the casing and being openable to provide access to the drum;a receptacle configured to receive a unit dose package comprising a water soluble pouch containing a dose of cleaning product;a tub supply pipe fluidly connecting the receptacle to the washing tub; andmeans for mechanically breaking the unit dose package.2. The laundry washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the means for mechanically breaking the unit dose package is located in the receptacle.3. The laundry washing machine of claim 2 , wherein the means for mechanically breaking the unit dose package comprises one or more blades and/or pins.4. The laundry washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the means for mechanically breaking the unit dose package is located in the tub supply pipe.5. The laundry washing machine of claim 4 , wherein the means for mechanically breaking the unit dose package comprises one or more blades and/or pins.6. The laundry washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the means for mechanically breaking the unit dose package is located in a space between the washing tub and the drum claim 1 , and comprises one or more protrusions configured to strike the unit dose package upon rotation of the drum relative to the washing tub.7. The laundry washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the means for mechanically breaking ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for cleaning laundry

Номер: US20200087837A1
Принадлежит: Electrolux Appliances AB

A laundry washing machine having: a casing, a washing tub located within the casing, a drum mounted within the washing tub and configured to rotate relative to the casing, a door attached to the casing and being openable to provide access to the drum, an additive loading and supply system configured to receive loose detergent, one or more valves configured to selectively provide water to the additive loading and supply system, a tub supply pipe fluidly connecting the additive loading and supply system to the drum, a receptacle configured to receive a unit dose package comprising a water soluble pouch containing a dose of cleaning product, and means for breaking the unit dose package outside the additive loading and supply system.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087838A1

A laundry washing machine having a casing, a washing tub within the casing, a drum within the washing tub, a door to provide access to the drum, an additive loading and supply system configured to receive one or more cleaning products, a soaking chamber configured to receive and hold a unit dose package and at least a first volume of liquid, a tub supply pipe connecting the soaking chamber to the washing tub and/or drum, valves to dispense water into the soaking chamber, and a control unit operatively connected to the valves. The control unit has instructions that, when executed: cause the valves to supply the first volume of liquid to the soaking chamber, allow the first volume of liquid to reside in the soaking chamber for a predetermined amount of time, and subsequently release the first quantity of liquid from the soaking chamber to the tub supply pipe. 1. A laundry washing machine comprising:a casing;a washing tub located within the casing;a drum mounted within the washing tub and configured to rotate relative to the casing;a door attached to the casing and being openable to provide access to the drum;an additive loading and supply system configured to receive one or more cleaning products therein;a soaking chamber configured to receive and hold a unit dose package and at least a first volume of liquid, the unit dose package comprising a water soluble pouch containing a dose of cleaning product;a tub supply pipe fluidly connecting an outlet of the soaking chamber to the washing tub;one or more water supply valves configured to dispense water into the soaking chamber; and cause the one or more supply valves to supply the first volume of liquid to the soaking chamber,', 'allow the first volume of liquid to reside in the soaking chamber for a predetermined amount of time, and', 'release the first quantity of liquid from the soaking chamber to the tub supply pipe after the predetermined amount of time has elapsed., 'a control unit operatively connected to the one ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087841A1

The disclosure relates to a draining structure of a washing machine and a draining method. An inner drum is installed in a housing of the washing machine. The inner drum is a tapered drum with a smaller diameter at one end and a larger diameter at the other end. A draining flow passage is arranged at the larger diameter end. One end of the draining flow passage communicates with the larger diameter end. The other end of the draining flow passage penetrates the inner drum and communicates with a drain pipe. The inner drum rotates and washing water flows to the larger diameter end along the tapered inner wall by centrifugal force. Washing water is drained out from the inner drum through the draining flow passage arranged at the larger diameter end and then drained out through the drain pipe to realize the discharge of washing water. 1. A draining structure of a washing machine , wherein: the washing machine comprises an inner drum installed in a housing of the washing machine ,the inner drum is a tapered drum with a smaller diameter at one end and a larger diameter at the other end, anda draining flow passage is arranged at the end with larger diameter of the inner drum;a first end of the draining flow passage is communicated with the inner drum, and a second end of the draining flow passage penetrates the inner drum and is communicated with a drain pipe of the washing machine.2. The draining structure of the washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein: the inner drum is the tapered drum that gradually increases in diameter from an opening of the inner drum to a bottom of the inner drum claim 1 , anda center of the bottom of the inner drum is installed on an inner drum support via a rotating shaft; andthe draining flow passage is arranged on an inner side surface of the bottom of the inner drum, andthe first end of the draining flow passage is arranged at an intersection of the bottom of the inner drum and a side wall of the inner drum, the second end of the ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Method Of Heating The Clothes Load In A Tumbling Combination Washer/Dryer

Номер: US20220145507A1

A combination washer/dryer machine has a cabinet with a tub and drum positioned in the cabinet. The drum is rotatably positioned in the tub. A heater is secured to the tub. The heater includes a duct to provide heated air from the heater. The duct is coupled with the tub to supply heated air to the drum. 1. A combination washer/dryer machine comprising:a cabinet;a tub positioned in the cabinet;a drum rotatably positioned in the tub; anda heater secured to the tub, the heater including a duct for providing heated air from the heater, the duct coupled with the tub for supplying heated air to the drum.2. The combination washer/dryer machine of claim 1 , wherein the duct is secured to the tub.3. The combination washer/dryer machine of claim 1 , wherein the tub includes at least one opening to receive heated air from the duct.4. The combination washer/dryer machine of claim 1 , wherein the drum includes apertures in its end portion providing at least 50 cmof open area of the area of the end portion.5. The combination washer/dryer machine of claim 1 , wherein the heater includes a metal housing to secure the heater with the tub.6. The combination washer/dryer machine of claim 1 , wherein the heater duct is metal.7. The combination washer/dryer machine of claim 6 , wherein the heater duct is an independent part separate from the heater.8. A combination washer/dryer machine comprising:a cabinet;a door enabling access into the cabinet;controls for operating the washer/dryer machine;a washing circuit;a drying system;a tub positioned in the cabinet;a drum rotatably positioned in the tub; anda heater secured to the tub, the heater including a duct for providing heated air from the heater, the duct coupled with the tub for supplying heated air to the drum.9. Combination washer/dryer machine of wherein the duct is secured to the tub.10. The combination washer/dryer machine of claim 8 , wherein the tub includes at least one opening to receive heated air from the duct.11. The ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Method Of Heating The Clothes Load In A Tumbling Combination Washer/Dryer

Номер: US20220145509A1

A combination washer/dryer machine has a cabinet with a tub and drum positioned in the cabinet. The drum is rotatably positioned in the tub. A heater is secured to the tub. The heater includes a duct to provide heated air from the heater. The duct is coupled with the tub to supply heated air to the drum. 1. A combination washer/dryer machine comprising:a cabinet;a tub positioned in the cabinet;a drum rotatably positioned in the tub; anda heater secured to the tub, the heater including a duct for providing heated air from the heater, the duct coupled with the tub for supplying heated air to the drum.2. The combination washer/dryer machine of claim 1 , wherein the duct is secured to the tub.3. The combination washer/dryer machine of claim 1 , wherein the tub includes at least one opening to receive heated air from the duct.4. The combination washer/dryer machine of claim 1 , wherein the drum includes apertures in its end portion providing at least 50 cmof open area of the area of the end portion.5. The combination washer/dryer machine of claim 1 , wherein the heater includes a metal housing to secure the heater with the tub.6. The combination washer/dryer machine of claim 1 , wherein the heater duct is metal.7. The combination washer/dryer machine of claim 6 , wherein the heater duct is an independent part separate from the heater.8. A combination washer/dryer machine comprising:a cabinet;a door enabling access into the cabinet;controls for operating the washer/dryer machine;a washing circuit;a drying system;a tub positioned in the cabinet;a drum rotatably positioned in the tub; anda heater secured to the tub, the heater including a duct for providing heated air from the heater, the duct coupled with the tub for supplying heated air to the drum.9. The combination washer/dryer machine of wherein the duct is secured to the tub.10. The combination washer/dryer machine of claim 8 , wherein the tub includes at least one opening to receive heated air from the duct.11. The ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145513A1

A compact washing machine capable of improving detergency or reducing a washing time is provided. A drum may be rotatably installed in a tub installed in the inside of a housing in the state in which an opening is toward an opening of the drum A pulsator having a protrusion extending in a radial direction may be rotatably installed on a bottom of the drum During washing operation, a controller may control a driving device to rotate the pulsator and the drum in opposite directions. 1. A front-loading washing machine comprising:a housing having an opening through which laundry is put into or taken out of the housing;a tub positioned in an inside of the housing, and configured to store washing water;a drum rotatably positioned in an inside of the tub; and a disc portion, and', 'a protrusion extending in a radial direction of the disc portion,, 'a pulsator positioned in an inside of the drum, and configured to rotate with respect to the drum and includingwherein a height of the protrusion from the disc portion increases toward a circumferential part of the disc portion from a center part of the disc portion.2. The front-loading washing machine of claim 1 , wherein:a gap is made where an outer circumferential surface of the protrusion is spaced apart from an inner circumferential surface of the drum, andan outer circumferential surface of the protrusion and the inner circumferential surface of the drum along the gap include a functional surface configured to contact the laundry and apply a force to the laundry.3. The front-loading washing machine of claim 2 , wherein:H is a maximum height of the protrusion,ΔR is a distance between the outer circumferential surface of the protrusion and the inner circumferential surface of the drum, andthe H and the ΔR satisfy equation: 0.5≤H/ΔR≤1.0.4. The front-loading washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the disc portion on which the protrusion is formed includes an inclined surface inclined downward from the center part of the disc ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Laundry treating apparatus

Номер: US20220145514A1

A laundry treating apparatus includes a drum and a lifter disposed on an inner circumferential surface of the drum and configured to rotate with the drum. The lifter includes a lifter frame installed on the inner circumferential surface of the drum and a frame cover coupled to the lifter frame. The lifter frame includes a frame base coupled to the inner circumferential surface, a frame upper plate having a first water flow through-hole, and a frame sidewall that connects the frame upper plate to the frame base and that defines a second water flow through-hole. The frame cover includes a cover upper plate having a water flow discharge hole configured to discharge, into the drum, washing water having passed through at least one of the first water flow through-hole or the second water flow through-hole, and a cover sidewall that extends from the cover upper plate to the frame base.

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170096769A1

A method for controlling a washing machine is provided. The method may include determining an amount of laundry in an inner tub, setting a supply water level according to the amount of laundry determined, supplying the water into the inner tub until a water level in an outer tub reaches the supply water level set, setting a rotation speed of a pump motor according to the amount of laundry determined, operating the pump motor at the rotation speed set, and alternatively rotating a pulsator in different directions. 1. A method for controlling a washing machine including an outer tub , an inner tub to receive laundry , the inner tub provided in the outer tub and being rotatable about a substantially vertical axis , a pulsator rotatably provided in the inner tub , and a pump to pump the water from the outer tub to a circulating nozzle that sprays the water into the inner tub , wherein the pump includes a pump motor with variable speed and an impeller rotated by the pump motor , the method comprising:determining an amount of laundry in the inner tub;setting a supply water level according to the amount of laundry determined;supplying the water into the inner tub until a water level in the outer tub reaches the supply water level set;setting a rotation speed of the pump motor according to the amount of laundry determined;operating the pump motor at the rotation speed set; andalternatively rotating the pulsator in different directions.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the supply water level is set to be increased if the amount of laundry is increased.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein setting the rotation speed of the pump motor further includes setting the rotation speed to increase if the amount of laundry is increased.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein supplying the water into the inner tub further includes introducing detergent into the inner tub together with supply of the water into the inner tub.5. A method for controlling a washing machine including an outer tub ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200095716A1

A laundry treatment device according to an embodiment of the present invention includes: a cabinet; a drum accommodated in the cabinet; a tub configured to accommodate the drum; and a dynamic absorber provided to absorb oscillation of the cabinet, wherein the dynamic absorber includes: a support plate coupled to the cabinet; and a moving mass placed movably on the support plate to absorb oscillation transferred to the cabinet, and a partition wall configured to partition a top surface of the support plate, on which the moving mass is placed, into a first accommodation part and a second accommodation part protrudes from the top surface of the support plate. 1. A laundry treatment device comprising:a cabinet;a drum accommodated in the cabinet;a tub configured to accommodate the drum; anda dynamic absorber provided to absorb oscillation of the cabinet,wherein the dynamic absorber comprises:a support plate coupled to the cabinet; anda moving mass placed movably on the support plate to absorb oscillation transferred to the cabinet, anda partition wall configured to partition a top surface of the support plate, on which the moving mass is placed, into a first accommodation part and a second accommodation part protrudes from the top surface of the support plate.2. The laundry treatment device according to claim 1 , wherein the moving mass comprises:a first moving mass placed in the first accommodation part; anda second moving mass placed in the second accommodation part,wherein a mass of the first moving mass is greater than that of the second moving mass.3. The laundry treatment device according to claim 2 , wherein the support plate comprises:a plate body placed on a top surface of the cabinet; andan outer wall protruding upward from a top surface of the plate body, the outer wall being surrounded along an edge of the plate body,wherein the first and second accommodation parts are disposed inside the outer wall.4. The laundry treatment device according to claim 3 , ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107656A1

In accordance with an embodiment of the present invention, a washing machine may be provided to be able to automatically add a liquid detergent into a tub. The washing machine in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention includes a detergent box for containing a detergent or rinse; a detergent supply pump for pumping the detergent or rinse contained in the detergent box; a connection pipe connected to the detergent supply pump and a tub; and an open/close unit for opening or closing the connection pipe, wherein the open/close unit is configured to open the connection pipe only when the detergent or rinse is pumped by the detergent supply pump. 1. A washing machine comprising:a detergent box for containing a detergent or rinse;a detergent supply pump for pumping the detergent or rinse contained in the detergent box;a connection pipe connected to the detergent supply pump and a tub; andan open/close unit for opening or closing the connection pipe,wherein the open/close unit is configured to open the connection pipe when the detergent supply pump is operated to pump the detergent or rinse, and block the connection pipe in order not to supply the detergent or rinse to the connection pipe when the detergent supply pump is not operating.2. (canceled)3. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the open/close unit is opened by a force of the detergent or rinse pumped by the detergent supply pump claim 1 , which presses a side of the open/close unit.4. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the open/close unit comprises a first blocking unit with an opening formed thereon and opposite internal sides to come into contact with each other claim 1 , and a second blocking unit connected to the first blocking unit and fixed on an internal side of the connection pipe.5. (canceled)6. The washing machine of claim 4 , wherein the connection pipe is blocked by the internal sides of the first blocking unit coming into contact and being closed claim 4 , if the detergent ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107657A1

Disclosed herein is a washing machine that includes a tub disposed in a main body of the washing machine to store water. A circulation apparatus includes a circulation pump operable to circulate the water in and out of the tub. A detergent supply apparatus is coupled to the circulation apparatus to discharge detergent to the circulation apparatus so that operation of the circulation pump causes the discharged detergent to be supplied to the tub. 1. A washing machine comprising:a tub disposed in a main body of the washing machine to store water;a circulation path comprising a circulation pump to circulate water in and out of the tub, a first water path extending between the tub and an inlet of the circulation pump, and a second water path extending between the tub and an outlet of the circulation pump; anda detergent supply path connected to the circulation path to supply detergent to the tub.2. The washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the detergent supply path is connected to the first water path of the circulation apparatus.3. The washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the detergent supply path comprises a detergent supply pump to discharge detergent to the first water path.4. The washing machine according to claim 3 , further comprising a detergent container connected to the detergent supply pump claim 3 , andwherein the detergent supply path further comprises a detergent path extending between an outlet of the detergent supply pump and the first water path.5. The washing machine according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first detergent container, anda second detergent container; andwherein the detergent supply path comprises a first detergent supply path extending between the first detergent container and the first water path, anda second detergent supply path extending between the second detergent container and the first water path.6. A washing machine comprising:a tub disposed in a main body of the washing machine to store water;a ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114489A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

The present invention relates to a washing machine () comprising a washing chamber () for receiving a wash liquor and textile substrates to be cleaned, and a decoloration device () which has an inlet () for introducing wash liquor from the washing chamber () into the decoloration device () as well as an outlet () for discharging wash liquor from the decoloration device () into the washing chamber (), and which, moreover, has at least one activator that is suitable for initiating, within the decoloration device (), a process for forming free radicals in the wash liquor. According to the present invention, the washing machine includes a reservoir containing water-insoluble solid particles. Furthermore, a method for washing textile substrates in such a washing machine is also disclosed. 1. A washing machine comprising a washing chamber for receiving a wash liquor and textile substrates to be cleaned , a reservoir for a large number of water-insoluble solid particles , and a decoloration device which has an inlet for introducing wash liquor from the washing chamber into the decoloration device as well as an outlet for discharging wash liquor from the decoloration device into the washing chamber , wherein at least one activator is housed within the decoloration device , and wherein the at least one activator is suitable for initiating a process for forming free radicals in the wash liquor.2. The washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the activator comprises a UV radiation source.3. The washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the decoloration device contains a photocatalyst for photocatalytic water splitting.4. The washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein at least one additional pump is provided claim 1 , said pump pumping the wash liquor out from the washing chamber into the decoloration device and/or out therefrom.5. The washing machine according to claim 1 , further comprising a control unit for regulating the use and/or the intensity and/or the ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150121970A1
Автор: KIM Hye Ung
Принадлежит: Dongbu Daewoo Electronics Corporation

Disclosed is a drum type washing machine, including a housing; an internal housing in the housing; a withdrawable drum in the internal housing, having an opening on an outer peripheral surface thereof; a door coupled to one end of the drum; and a guide between the door and/or drum and the internal housing, configured to slide the drum. 1. A drum type washing machine , comprising:a housing;an internal housing in the housing;a withdrawable drum in the internal housing and having an opening on an outer peripheral surface thereof;a door or handle coupled to one end of the drum; anda guide between the drum and the internal housing, configured to slide the drum.2. The drum type washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the guide is configured to slide the drum out of and into the internal housing and/or housing.3. The drum type washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the guide includes:a guide slot or groove in the internal housing guiding movement of the drum; anda slide rail coupled to the door and/or the drum, configured to move along the guide slot or groove.4. The drum type washing machine of claim 1 , comprising the door.5. The drum type washing machine of claim 4 , wherein the door further includes the handle at one side of the door.6. The drum type washing machine of claim 5 , wherein the handle is on or in an upper half of an external surface of the door.7. The drum type washing machine of claim 1 , further comprising:a cover configured to open and/or close the opening.8. The drum type washing machine of claim 7 , wherein the cover comprises a sliding connection configured to sealably slide into place over the opening to the drum.9. The drum type washing machine of claim 7 , wherein the cover comprises a plurality of hooks or tabs configured to mate with corresponding connection openings in the drum adjacent to the opening and thus seal the opening.10. The drum type washing machine of claim 1 , further comprising:a rotary driving member in the housing configured to ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112748A1

Disclosed is a washing machine including: a tub provided inside a cabinet and storing washing water; a drum rotatably provided inside the tub and accommodating an object to be washed; a circulation pump for circulating, inside the drum, the washing water discharged from the drum; an air pump for compressing air; an air mixer for mixing the washing water supplied by the circulation pump, and the air compressed by the air pump; and a plurality of nozzles for spraying, toward the object to be washed, a mixed fluid in which the washing water and the compressed air are mixed by the air mixer. 1. A washing machine , comprising:a tub provided inside a cabinet to store washing water;a drum rotatably installed in the tub and accommodating an object to be washed therein;a circulation pump circulating the washing water discharged from the drum back into the drum;an air pump to compress air;an air mixer to mix the washing water supplied by the circulation pump with air compressed by the air pump; anda plurality of nozzles to inject a mixed fluid that the washing water and the compressed air are mixed by the air mixer toward the object to be washed.2. The washing machine of claim 1 , further comprising:a circulation flow path connecting the circulation pump, the air mixer and the tub therethrough, to guide the mixed fluid into the drum, the mixed fluid containing the washing water circulated by the circulation pump or the washing water mixed by the air mixer and the compressed air; andan air flow path connecting the air pump and the air mixer therethrough to guide the compressed air compressed by the air pump into the air mixer.3. The washing machine of claim 2 , wherein the air mixer comprises:a housing having a mixing space for mixing the washing water and the compressed air;a plurality of water inlets formed through the housing to introduce the washing water into the mixing space therethrough;an air inlet formed through the housing to introduce the compressed air from the air ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160122932A1

The invention provides an apparatus and method for use in the treatment of substrates, the apparatus comprising housing means () having a first upper chamber having mounted therein a rotatably mounted cylindrical cage (), a second lower chamber located beneath said cylindrical cage (), at least one recirculation means, access means, pumping means, and a multiplicity of delivery means, whereby both the apparatus and the method find particular application in the cleaning of soiled textile fabrics. 2. An apparatus as claimed in wherein said access means may be closed so as to provide a substantially sealed system.3. An apparatus as claimed in or wherein said access means comprises a hinged door mounted in the casing.4. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , or wherein rotation of said rotatably mounted cylindrical cage is effected by use of drive means.5. An apparatus as claimed in any one of to wherein said collecting and transferring means comprises at least one receptacle comprising a first flow path facilitating ingress of fluids and solid particulate material from said rotatably mounted cylindrical cage and a second flow path facilitating transfer of said fluids and solid particulate material to said recirculation means.6. An apparatus as claimed in wherein said second flow path comprises at least one orifice in the side wall of said rotatably mounted cylindrical drum claim 5 , said at least one orifice having a diameter which allows said solid particulate material to transfer to said recirculation means.7. An apparatus as claimed in or wherein said collecting and transferring means comprises regulating means claim 5 , located in said second flow path and adapted to control the transfer of said solid particulate material to said recirculation means.8. An apparatus as claimed in wherein said regulating means comprises an openable door or flap.9. An apparatus as claimed in wherein said regulating means comprises a revolving door.10. An apparatus as claimed in claim 8 ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140202217A1

Provided is a laundry treating apparatus including a drum, a circular guide, and a panel. The drum holds laundry, has a front side and a rear side opened, and has a cross-section of a noncircular looped curve in which a distance from a rotation center is not uniform. The circular guide rotatably supports a portion of the drum in which a section curvature is uniform. The panel is provided on a front side or a rear side of the drum and supports the circular guide such that the circular guide is rotatable. 1. A laundry treating apparatus , comprising:a cabinet;a drum rotatably disposed in the cabinet to hold laundry, the drum having a non-circular closed curve cross-section; anda first circular guide coupled to the cabinet and supporting a first portion of the drum having a uniform cross-sectional curvature.2. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first circular guide has an annular shape and is rotatably provided in the cabinet.3. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first circular guide supports a load of the drum and rotates together with the drum.4. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a circular guide supporter coupled to the cabinet and rotatably supporting the first circular guide.5. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the circular guide supporter comprises a panel provided at a front of the drum or a rear of the drum that is fixed to the cabinet such that the first circular guide rotates with respect to the panel.6. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the circular guide supporter is disposed at an interior side of a front wall of the cabinet or at an interior side of a rear wall of the cabinet.7. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the first circular guide comprises:a friction-reducing device contacting the circular guide supporter; anda circular guide bracket coupled to the friction-reducing device and supporting the inner surface of the drum.8. The ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140202218A1

Provided is a laundry treating apparatus including a drum, a circular guide, and a panel. The drum holds laundry, has a front side and a rear side opened, and has a cross-section of a noncircular looped curve in which a distance from a rotation center is not uniform. The circular guide rotatably supports a portion of the drum in which a section curvature is uniform. The panel is provided on a front side or a rear side of the drum and supports the circular guide such that the circular guide is rotatable. 1. A laundry treating apparatus , comprising:a drum to hold laundry, the drum having an opened front axial end and an opened rear axial end, and the drum having a noncircular closed curve cross section;a panel provided at a front or a rear of the drum to seal the front axial end or the rear axial end of the drum;a circular guide coupled between the panel and the corresponding axial end of the drum to support the drum; anda panel seal provided between the drum and the panel.2. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the panel seal is coupled to the panel such that the panel seal maintains contact with an inner surface of the drum.3. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the panel is positioned along the inner surface of the drum claim 1 , with the panel seal closing a gap between an outer periphery of the panel and an inner periphery of the drum.4. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a shape of the panel corresponds to a cross-sectional shape of the drum.5. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the panel further comprises a circular guide supporting part supporting the circular guide.6. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the drum comprises a drum body that defines a peripheral wall of the drum claim 1 , and a drum seal provided along an edge of the drum body so as to contact the circular guide.7. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the drum seal surrounds the edge of the drum body ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170121883A1
Автор: Hwang Ui Kun, Lee Ju Dong

A wall-mounted drum type washing machine includes a rear panel mounted on a wall surface; a tub supported by the rear panel and containing wash water; a front panel on the tub and having an opening therein; a rotatable drum in the tub; a driving unit providing power to the drum; a box unit in the tub and surrounding the drum; and a cover unit coupled to the box unit, and covering the front panel. 1. A wall-mounted washing machine comprising:a tub configured to contain washing water,wherein the tub comprises a tub sidewall and a tub rear panel integrally formed with the tub sidewall,wherein a diameter of the tub rear panel is greater than a diameter of the tub sidewall, and wherein the tub rear panel is operable to serve as a mounting member operable to mount on an external wall;a tub front panel coupled to the tub sidewall; anda rotatable drum disposed in the tub, wherein a diameter of the rotatable drum is greater than a depth of the rotatable drum.2. The wall-mounted washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the depth of the rotatable drum is approximately 120 mm to 130 mm.3. The wall-mounted washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the diameter of the rotatable drum is approximately 3 to 3.2 times greater than the depth of the rotatable drum.4. The wall-mounted washing machine of claim 2 , wherein the diameter of the rotatable drum is approximately 3 to 3.2 times greater than the depth of the rotatable drum.5. The wall-mounted washing machine of claim 1 , wherein an opening is formed on a front surface of the rotatable drum claim 1 , and wherein a shortest distance from a circumference of the rotatable drum to a circumference of the opening is approximately 0.4 to 0.8 times of the depth of the rotatable drum.6. The wall-mounted washing machine of claim 2 , wherein an opening is formed on a front surface of the rotatable drum claim 2 , and wherein a shortest distance from a circumference of the rotatable drum to a circumstance of the opening is approximately 0.4 to 0.8 ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170121887A1
Автор: Hwang Ui Kun, Lee Ju Dong

A wall-mounted drum type washing machine includes a rear panel mounted on a wall surface; a tub containing washing water, supported by the rear panel; a front panel on the tub; a cover unit covering the front panel; and a detachable detergent box inserted through the cover unit and into the front panel. 1. A wall-mounted washing machine comprising: wherein the tub comprises a tub side wall and a tub rear panel integrally formed with the tub side wall, and', 'wherein the tub rear panel is operable to couple the washing machine on an external surface;, 'a tub configured to contain washing water,'}a tub front panel coupled to the tub side wall;a rotatable drum installed inside the tub and comprising a drum shaft extending through the tub rear panel; anda driving unit configured to drive rotation of the rotatable drum, wherein the driving unit comprises a driving motor having a driving motor shaft for providing driving force to the rotatable drum shaft installed on the front surface of the tub rear panel and the outside of the tub; anda driving unit connecting the driving motor shaft and the rotatable drum shaft.2. The wall-mounted washing machine of further comprising:a rotation hole in the tub rear panel; and a bearing installed in the rotation hole to support the drum shaft.3. The wall-mounted washing machine of further comprisinga drain hole formed at a bottom of the tub side wall and configured to drain washing water from the tub.4. The wall-mounted washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the tub rear panel and the tub side wall are integrally formed using an inserting and/or an injection molding process.5. The wall-mounted washing machine of claim 1 , wherein the driving unit further comprises:a driving wheel coupled to the drum shaft; anda belt configured to transfer rotational force from the motor to the driving wheel.6. The wall-mounted washing machine of claim 5 , wherein the motor comprises a driving motor shaft that extends through the tub rear panel.7. The ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Wall-mounted drum type washing machine

Номер: US20170121892A1
Автор: Ju Dong Lee, Ui Kun HWANG
Принадлежит: Dongbu Daewoo Electronics Corp

A wall-mounted drum type washing machine includes a rear panel mounted on a wall surface; a tub containing washing water, supported by the rear panel; a front panel on the tub; a cover unit covering the front panel; and a detachable detergent box inserted through the cover unit and into the front panel.

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220275562A1
Автор: SONG Hyun-woo

A pump motor is disclosed. The pump motor includes a case; a socket part disposed in a portion of the case and provided with a terminal part thereinside; and a cover part detachably coupled to the case and configured to open and close the socket part, wherein the socket part includes a moisture blocking member configured to block a gap between the case and the cover part. 1. A pump motor comprising:a case; anda socket part, a terminal part; and', 'a body part housing the terminal part,', 'wherein the body part includes a plurality of drain holes provided in a lower portion of the body part., 'wherein the socket part includes2. The pump motor of claim 1 , wherein the body part comprises an inclined surface inclined toward the plurality of drain holes.3. The pump motor of claim 1 , wherein the terminal part includes a first terminal and a second terminal claim 1 , andwherein the body part includes a plurality of barriers partitioning between the first terminal and the second terminal and a plurality of drain holes with the plurality of barriers in between.4. The pump motor of claim 1 , further comprising a moisture blocking member configured to block moisture from flowing into the socket part. This application is a division of application Ser. No. 17/304,833, filed Jun. 25, 2021, which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 16/780,675, filed Feb. 3, 2020, which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 15/767,118, filed Apr. 9, 2018, now U.S. Pat. No. 10,550,505, which is the National Stage of International Application No. PCT/KR2016/015162, filed Dec. 23, 2016, which claims priority to Korean Patent Application No. KR 10-2015-0186745, filed Dec. 24, 2015, the disclosures of which are herein incorporated by reference in their entirety.The present disclosure relates to a pump motor having improved safety and a washing machine having the same.In general, household appliances using water, such as washing machines, dishwashers, and the like, can discharge the used ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210164151A1

The present invention relates to a clothes treatment apparatus and, more particularly, to a clothes treatment apparatus for directly heating a drum accommodating clothes. According to an embodiment of the present disclosure, provided is a clothes treatment apparatus comprising: a tub; a drum, made of a metal, which accommodates clothes and is rotatably provided inside the tub; and an induction module, provided in the tub so as to have a spacing from a circumferential surface of the drum, for generating an electromagnetic field to heat the circumferential surface of the drum, wherein the induction module comprises: a coil which is formed by winding a wire such that electric current is applied thereto to generate a magnetic field; and a base housing mounted on an outer circumferential surface of the tub, wherein the base housing is provided with a coil slot for defining the shape of the coil in such a manner that the wire is mounted therein so as to have a predetermined distance between wire and wire. 1. A laundry treatment apparatus comprising:a tub;a drum rotatably disposed inside the tub and configured to receive laundry therein, the drum being made of a metal material; andan induction module disposed on the tub and spaced apart from a circumferential surface of the drum, the induction module being configured to generate an electromagnetic field to heat the circumferential surface of the drum, a coil comprising windings of wires, the coil being configured to generate a magnetic field based on an electric current being applied to the coil, and', 'a base housing mounted on an outer circumferential face of the tub, the base housing comprising fixing ribs that protrude upward from a bottom surface of the base housing and that define coil slots configured to receive the wires, and, 'wherein the induction module includeswherein each of the coil slots defines a predetermined spacing between adjacent wires among the wires of the coil.2. The laundry treatment apparatus of ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Washing Group for Laundry Washing Machines

Номер: US20170137984A1
Автор: Perosa Vittorio

A washing group () for laundry washing machines has a hollow washing tub (), a revolving drum () fitted in axially rotatable manner inside the washing tub (), and a motor assembly () which is rigidly attached outside the washing tub () and is capable of driving into rotation the revolving drum () inside the washing tub (). The motor assembly () has a drive motor () and a supporting structure () provided with a number of connecting arms () each of which juts out from the drive motor () towards the peripheral wall () of washing tub (), and has the distal end fitted onto a corresponding coupling pin () which cantilevered extends from the washing tub (). Each coupling pin () is substantially ogival-shaped and the distal end of each connecting arm () having a substantially ogival-shaped, hollow seat () which is substantially complementary in shape to that of the corresponding coupling pin () so as to be axially engaged by said coupling pin (). 1. A washing group for laundry washing machines comprising a hollow washing tub , a revolving drum fitted in axially rotatable manner inside the washing tub , and a motor assembly including a drive motor which is rigidly attached outside the washing tub and is capable of driving into rotation the revolving drum inside the washing tub;the motor assembly also including at least one connecting part having an end portion fitted onto a corresponding coupling pin extending from the washing tub or vice versa;wherein each coupling pin has a frustoconical-shaped distal portion and an adjacent, cylindrical-shaped mid portion adjoining said frustoconical-shaped distal portion; and the end portion of the connecting part has a hollow seat which is substantially complementary in shape to that of the corresponding coupling pin so as to be axially engaged by said coupling pin.2. The washing group according to claim 1 , wherein said cylindrical-shaped mid portion adjoins the frustoconical-shaped distal portion to a proximal end of the coupling pin ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220282419A1
Автор: Xu Sheng, ZHAO Zhiqiang

Washing appliance and a determination method for locking of a drum thereof. The washing appliance includes a drum for containing washing water, a drum motor for driving the drum to rotate and a locking structure for locking the drum. The drum motor drives the drum to rotate at a set power output, the locking structure generates a locking action for locking the drum, and until an output current of the drum motor is larger than a rated current, it is determined that the drum is locked by the locking structure; by comparing the output current of the drum motor with the rated current, until the output current of the drum motor is larger than the rated current. Whether the drum is locked by the locking structure or not can be accurately determined through the above determination, and therefore the drum locking accuracy can be improved. 1. A determination method for locking of a drum of a washing appliance , the washing appliance comprising a drum motor for driving the drum to rotate and a locking structure , the determination method comprising:driving the drum to rotate at a set power output by the drum motor,taking a locking action for locking the drum by the locking structure, anddetermining that the drum is locked by the locking structure when an output current of the drum motor is greater than a rated current.2. The determination method for locking of the drum of the washing appliance according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the locking structure takes the locking action for locking the drum claim 1 , the drum motor drives the drum to continuously rotate at the set power output claim 1 , and the output current of the drum motor is detected to obtain the output current Iof the drum motor after the drum rotates for a certain time t; and if I>I claim 1 , the drum is locked by the locking structure; and if I Подробнее

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220282420A1
Принадлежит: Electrolux Appliances Aktiebolag

A laundry washing machine having: a casing; a washing tub in the casing; a rotatable drum mounted within the washing tub; a door to provide access to the drum; a receptacle having a volume configured to receive a unit dose package comprising a water soluble pouch containing a dose of cleaning product; a tub supply pipe connecting the receptacle to the washing tub; one or more protrusions movably mounted to the casing to move between a first position in which the one or more protrusions are not located within the volume configured to receive the unit dose package, and a second position in which the one or more protrusions are located within the volume configured to receive the unit dose package; and a motor configured to move the one or more protrusions from the first position to the second position. Methods for operating a laundry washing machine are also provided. 1. A laundry washing machine comprising:a casing;a washing tub located within the casing;a drum mounted within the washing tub and configured to rotate relative to the casing;a door attached to the casing and being openable to provide access to the drum;a receptacle having a volume configured to receive a unit dose package comprising a water soluble pouch containing a dose of cleaning product;a tub supply pipe fluidly connecting the receptacle to the washing tub;one or more protrusions movably mounted to the casing to move between a first position in which the one or more protrusions are not located within the volume configured to receive the unit dose package, and a second position in which the one or more protrusions are located within the volume configured to receive the unit dose package; anda motor configured to move the one or more protrusions from the first position to the second position.2. The laundry washing machine of claim 1 , further comprising a control unit configured to operate the washing machine claim 1 , where in the control unit is configured to operate the motor.3. The laundry washing ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136438A1

A laundry treating apparatus includes a first nozzle water supply conduit which is disposed, on the gasket, in the one side with respect to the vertical line and guides water discharged through the first circulation port to the pair of first nozzles; and a second nozzle water supply conduit which is disposed, on the gasket, in the other side with respect to the vertical line and guides water discharged through the second circulation port to the pair of second nozzles. 1. A laundry treating apparatus comprising:a cabinet having a front surface that defines an input port;a tub located in the cabinet, the tub having a front surface that defines a tub opening;a drum located in the tub and configured to rotate relative to the tub;a gasket having an inner circumferential surface that defines a channel that extends between the input port of the cabinet and the tub opening;a pair of first nozzles located at the inner circumferential surface of the gasket and configured to spray water into the drum, the pair of first nozzles being arranged at a first side with respect to a vertical line passing through a center of the gasket;a pair of second nozzles located at the inner circumferential surface of the gasket and configured to spray water into the drum, the pair of second nozzles being arranged at a second side with respect to the vertical line opposite to the first side;a pump configured to pump water discharged from the tub, the pump comprising a first circulation port and a second circulation port that are configured to discharge water to provide water to the tub;a first nozzle water supply conduit that extends along an outer circumferential surface of the gasket, that is located at the first side with respect to the vertical line, and that is configured to guide water discharged from the first circulation port of the pump to the pair of first nozzles; anda second nozzle water supply conduit that extends along the outer circumferential surface of the gasket, that is located ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170145620A1

A method of operating a laundry treating appliance includes controlling rotation of a drum during a cycle of operation by a controller communicably coupled to a motor, sending an excitation signal to a controller that randomly fluctuates an acceleration command to affect acceleration of the motor, determining, by the controller during excitation, one or more inputs sensed from the motor, and estimating with a parameter estimator parameter values of a laundry load in the drum based on the inputs. The cycle of operation can then be adjusted based on the estimated parameter values of the laundry load. 1. A method of operating a laundry treating appliance having a drum at least partially defining a treating chamber for receiving a laundry load for treatment according to a cycle of operation , and a motor operably coupled with the drum to rotate the drum , the method comprising:controlling rotation of the drum during a cycle of operation by a controller communicably coupled to the motor;sending an excitation signal to the controller wherein the excitation signal randomly fluctuates an acceleration command to effect acceleration of the motor;determining, by the controller during excitation, at least one input sensed from the motor;estimating with a parameter estimator parameter values of a laundry load in the drum based on the at least one input; andadjusting the cycle of operation based on the estimated parameter values of the laundry load.2. The method of wherein the excitation signal is derived from a uniform white noise sequence.3. The method of wherein the uniform white noise sequence is generated by a logic for a fundamental period comprising:{'br': None, 'sub': Exc', 'WN, 'i': →A', '*U[−, '{dot over (ω)}*1,1]'}{'sub': 'WN', 'where Ais an amplitude and U[a,b] denotes a uniform random number in an interval [a,b].'}4. The method of wherein the excitation signal is tunable in amplitude or duration.5. The method of wherein the excitation signal is derived from a pseudo- ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Laundry treating appliance and methods of operation

Номер: US20170145621A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

A method of estimating water mass extraction in a laundry treating appliance where the geometry changes in a laundry load affect inertia estimations includes accelerating rotation of the drum during a water extraction cycle to at least two distinct speeds, each for a dwell time, by way of acceleration ramps; determining, during the accelerating rotation, by a controller communicably coupled with the motor, a torque of the motor, an acceleration of the drum, a speed of the drum, and/or an angular position of the drum; and estimating with a parameter estimator inertia values of a laundry load in the drum, based on the torque, acceleration, speed, and/or angular position of the drum at the beginning and the end of each dwell time. The estimated inertia values are transformed based on differing geometries of the laundry load, and water mass extraction is determined based on the transformed estimated inertia values.

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220290350A1

A laundry appliance includes a cabinet that has a front panel. A tub is positioned within the cabinet. A door is coupled to the front panel of the cabinet. The door moves vertically between a closed position and an opened position. A bellows assembly is coupled to the front panel. The bellows assembly extends between the cabinet and the tub. A sealing assembly includes a first seal and a second seal that are each coupled to the bellows assembly. 1. A laundry appliance , comprising:a cabinet having a front panel;a tub positioned within the cabinet;a door coupled to the front panel of the cabinet, wherein the door moves vertically between a closed position and an opened position;a bellows assembly coupled to the front panel, wherein the bellows assembly extends between the cabinet and the tub; anda sealing assembly including a first seal and a second seal that are each coupled to the bellows assembly.2. The laundry appliance of claim 1 , wherein the door includes a gasket claim 1 , and wherein the gasket is configured to align with the second seal when the door is in the closed position.3. The laundry appliance of claim 2 , wherein the first seal includes a first mating interface claim 2 , and wherein the gasket includes a second mating interface claim 2 , and further wherein the first and second mating interfaces align with one another when the door is in the closed position to form a watertight seal.4. The laundry appliance of claim 2 , wherein the gasket is disposed on an inner surface of the door claim 2 , and wherein the gasket includes opposing ends that extend beyond an outer edge of the door.5. The laundry appliance of claim 1 , wherein the first seal is coupled to the cabinet and extends around a first portion of a front opening defined by the front panel claim 1 , and wherein the second seal is coupled to the cabinet and extends around a second portion of the front opening.6. The laundry appliance of claim 1 , wherein the bellows assembly defines a ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145039A1

A modular laundry system includes a washing machine defining a single width and a single width horizontal module below the washing machine. The single width horizontal module below the washing machine includes a cabinet capable of supporting the washing machine thereupon and having an open face. A drawer is slidably mounted to the cabinet for movement between an opened and closed position relative to the open face. A tub is provided within the drawer, and a wash chamber is provided within the tub. 1. A modular laundry system comprising:a washing machine defining a single width; and a cabinet capable of supporting the washing machine thereupon and having an open face;', 'a drawer slidably mounted to the cabinet for movement between an opened and closed position relative to the open face;', 'a tub provided within the drawer; and', 'a wash chamber provided within the tub;, 'a single width horizontal module below the washing machine and comprisingwherein the height of the cabinet is less than the height of the washing machine.2. The modular laundry system according to wherein the horizontal module comprises a control panel for the selection of a wash cycle.3. The modular laundry system according to wherein the control panel is mounted on the drawer.4. The modular laundry system according to wherein the washing machine comprises a horizontal axis washing machine with a control panel on a front of the washing machine.5. The modular laundry system according to wherein the height of the horizontal module is less than half the height of the washing machine.6. The modular laundry system according to wherein the horizontal module comprises a wash basket supported by the drawer and defining the wash chamber.7. The modular laundry system according to wherein the wash basket is rotatably mounted within the tub.8. The modular laundry system according to wherein the horizontal module comprises a detergent dispenser supported by the drawer.9. The modular laundry system according to ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200141039A1

Disclosed herein are a washing machine and a method for controlling a washing machine. The washing machine may include: a body; a tub provided inside of the body to store water; a detergent supply unit disposed adjacent to the tub to supply detergent to the tub during an operating mode for washing laundry and to receive water during a cleaning mode; and a controller configured to allow a cleaning of the detergent supply unit to be performed by controlling a flow of water of the detergent supply unit and the tub during the cleaning mode of the detergent supply unit. 1a body;a tub provided inside of the body to store water;a detergent supply unit disposed adjacent to the tub to supply detergent to the tub during an operating mode for washing laundry and to receive water during a cleaning mode; anda controller configured to allow a cleaning of the detergent supply unit to be performed by controlling a flow of water of the detergent supply unit and the tub during the cleaning mode of the detergent supply unit.. A washing machine comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. National Stage application Ser. No: 15/307,193, filed Oct. 27, 2016, which claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. § 371 of PCT International Patent Application No. PCT/KR2014/006920, filed Jul. 29, 2014, which claims the foreign priority benefit under 35 U.S.C. § 119 of Korean Patent Application No. 10-2014-0052552, filed Apr. 30, 2014, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.Embodiments of the present disclosure relate to a washing machine having a detergent automatic supply unit and a method for controlling the same.A washing machine is configured to remove contaminants from laundry by applying energy, e.g. water current, to the laundry, and the washing machine may be classified into a pulsator washing machine, an agitator washing machine and a drum washing machine depending on a method of applying the energy to the laundry.The pulsator washing machine is configured to ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152621A1

A fabric treating appliance for treating an article according to a cycle of operation includes a chassis defining an interior. An extruded tub is provided in the interior and mounted to the chassis including a sump aperture, and defining a liquid chamber. A sump is provided in the sump aperture. A rotatable drum is located within the tub to define a treating chamber. 1. A method of forming a tub for a fabric treating appliance , the method comprising:extruding a predetermined annular length of material to form the tub;removing a portion of the tub to form a drain space; andcoupling a sump assembly to the tub at the drain space.2. The method of wherein extruding a predetermined rounded length can further include extruding a predetermined length having a circular profile claim 1 , an elliptical profile claim 1 , or an egg-shaped profile.3. The method of wherein removing portion of the tub comprises removing a portion from a sidewall of the rounded length of material.4. The method of wherein coupling the sump assembly to the tub comprises welding the sump to the tub.5. The method of wherein welding the sump assembly includes sonic welding.6. The method of wherein extruding includes direct extrusion.7. The method of wherein the drain space is sized to the sump assembly.8. A method of forming a tub for a fabric treating appliance claim 1 , the method comprising:extruding a sheet of material to a predetermined length and having opposite edges;shaping the sheet of material into a partial cylinder shape with confronting and spaced edges to form the tub with a gap; andcoupling a sump assembly to the tub to close at least a portion of the gap.9. The method of wherein coupling the sump assembly to the tub closes the gap.10. The method of wherein the gap is sized to the sump assembly.11. The method of wherein coupling the sump assembly further comprises welding opposing edges of the sheet of material to the sump assembly.12. The method of wherein welding further comprises sonic ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152623A1

A fabric treating appliance includes a chassis defining an interior. A tub is provided in the interior defining a liquid chamber. A rotatable drum is located within the tub to define a treating chamber for treating laundry articles according to a cycle of operation. A rear drive plate is provided at one end of the drum. A motor is provided within in the liquid chamber of the tub and extends through the rear drive plate to rotate the drum according to the cycle of operation. 1. A fabric treating appliance for treating a laundry article according to a cycle of operation , the fabric treating appliance comprising:a chassis defining an interior;a tub located within the interior and mounted to the chassis, with the tub defining a liquid chamber with an access opening providing access to the interior;a rotatable drum located within the tub and defining a treating chamber and further defining an axis of rotation;a drive plate located within the liquid chamber and mounted to one of the chassis and tub, wherein the drive plate is spaced from the tubby a gap;a motor having a drive shaft coupled to the drum to rotate the drum; anda labyrinth seal providing a labyrinth path around the motor for liquid passing through the gap.2. The fabric treating appliance of wherein the tub includes a rear opening for locating the motor and the labyrinth seal prevents fluid from entering the rear opening.3. The fabric treating appliance of wherein the labyrinth seal includes a front plate coupled to the drive plate and a rear plate coupled to the tub.4. The fabric treating appliance of wherein the rear plate at least partially extends through the rear opening to fluidly seal the rear opening.5. The fabric treating appliance of wherein the labyrinth seal further comprises a front plate and a rear plate with concentrically arranged flanges to define the labyrinth path.6. The fabric treating appliance of wherein either the front plate is coupled to the drive plate claim 5 , the rear plate is ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152624A1

A fabric treating appliance includes a chassis defining an interior. A two-piece tub is provided in the interior defining a liquid chamber including an upper section and a lower section. A seam is formed at the junction between the upper section and the lower section. A rotatable drum is located within the tub to define a treating chamber rotatable about an axis of rotation. 1. A fabric treating appliance for treating a laundry article according to a cycle of operation , the fabric treating appliance comprising:a chassis defining an interior;a two-piece tub located within the interior and mounted to the chassis having a central opening and being split into an upper section and a lower section that are joined along tub seams that extends longitudinally from a front of the tub to a rear of the tub; anda rotatable drum located within the interior and defining a treating chamber and rotatable about an axis of rotation.2. The fabric treating appliance of wherein at least a portion of the tub seam is disposed horizontally.3. The fabric treating appliance of wherein the tub seam extends from between the upper and lower sections across a centerline.4. The fabric treating appliance of wherein the tub seam is generally diagonal between the upper and lower sections along at least one of a front and rear of the tub.5. The fabric treating appliance of wherein the tub seam extends diagonally from 4:00 to 10:00 relative to a clock-face positioned at the central opening.6. The fabric treating appliance of wherein the lower section defines a sump and the tub seam lies above the sump.7. The fabric treating appliance of wherein the lower section defines a max liquid level and the tub seam lies above the max liquid level.8. The fabric treating appliance of wherein the tub seam includes an L-shaped portion to create a wider area for the tub seam at a lower edge claim 6 , minimizing the potential for leaking at the tub seam.9. The fabric treating appliance of wherein one or more ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152625A1

A fabric treating appliance includes a chassis defining an interior. A tub is provided in the interior defining a liquid chamber. An exoskeleton is disposed within the liquid chamber and houses a drum defining a treating chamber for treating an article of laundry. A rear drive plate is provided at one end of the drum and at least partially defines the exoskeleton. One or more braces can couple to the rear drive plate to improve structural integrity of the exoskeleton housing the drum. 1. A drive hub assembly for a fabric treating appliance comprising:a front plate having a first central opening;a rear plate in confronting relationship with and coupled to the front plate to define an internal cavity between the front and rear plates, the rear plate having a second central opening aligned with and spaced from the first central opening; anda bearing carrier provided in each of the first and second central openings to collectively form a drive opening.2. The drive hub assembly of wherein the front plate and the rear plate each have an outer mounting surface and the front and rear plates couple to one another at the outer mounting surface.3. The drive hub assembly of wherein the front and rear plates have confronting concave shapes to define the internal cavity.4. The drive hub assembly of wherein at least one of the front plate and the rear plate include joints for coupling the rear plate to the front plate.5. The drive hub assembly of wherein the joints are organized complementary between the rear plate and the front plate to couple the rear plate to the front plate at the joints.6. The drive hub assembly of wherein the front and rear plates include inner joints and outer joints claim 5 , with the outer joints positioned radially outside of the inner joints relative to the bearing carrier.7. The drive hub assembly of wherein the front and rear plates couple to one another by welding the joints.8. The drive hub assembly of further comprising at least one pillar formed ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Washing machine and washing method

Номер: US20140237731A1
Автор: Chunfeng LAO, Zhengbao HE
Принадлежит: Haier Group Corp

A washing machine and a washing method, comprises an inner cylinder, an outer cylinder, and solid particles as a washing medium. The inner cylinder is driven into rotation by a driver unit. A side wall of the inner cylinder is spirally shaped and drives the particles into a spiral movement and flipping within the inner cylinder. When the inner cylinder is spinning, the screw thread drives the particles into flipping in all directions, back-and-forth and up-and-down, within the inner cylinder, thus allowing for increased mixing between clothes and the particles, for simplified washing process while also for improved cleaning rate, and for facilitated recycling of the particles.

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Laundry treating apparatus

Номер: US20220298699A1
Автор: Yongdeok Kwon

A laundry treating apparatus having a tub, a drum rotatably disposed inside the tub and configured to store laundry therein, and a connector connecting the drum to a rotary shaft of a motor for transferring a rotation power to the drum. The connector includes a first body having a first body hub fixed to the drum and a first body arm extending from the first body hub fixed to the drum, a second body having a second body hub coupled to the rotary shaft and a second body arm extending from the second body hub along the first body arm, and connecting portions connecting the first body and the second body in a manner that the first body is spaced apart from the second body. The connecting portions are spaced apart from each other along a longitudinal direction of the first body arm to allow water to pass therebetween.

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220298700A1
Автор: KWON Yongdeok

A laundry treating apparatus having a tub configured to store water, a drum rotatably disposed inside the tub and configured to store laundry therein and a connector connecting the drum to a rotary shaft of a motor for transferring a rotation power to the drum. The connector includes a body hub fixed to the drum and coupled to the rotary shaft, and a body arm fixed to the drum and extending from the body hub in a direction away from the body hub. The body arm has holes penetrating the body arm and allowing water to pass therethrough. 1. A laundry treating apparatus comprising:a tub configured to store water;a drum rotatably disposed inside the tub and configured to store laundry therein; anda connector connecting the drum to a rotary shaft of a motor for transferring a rotation power to the drum, a body hub fixed to the drum and coupled to the rotary shaft, and', 'a body arm fixed to the drum and extending from the body hub in a direction away from the body hub, and, 'wherein the connector compriseswherein the body arm has holes penetrating the body arm and allowing water to pass therethrough.2. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the body arm extends to a rim of the drum.3. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the drum comprises:a first surface comprising a drum inlet configured to allow laundry to be loaded or taken out therethrough,a second surface facing the first surface, anda circumferential surface connecting the first surface to the second surface, andwherein the body hub is fixed to the second surface of the drum, and the body arm extends toward the rim of the second surface.4. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the body arm extends along a radial direction of the drum.5. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the holes are spaced apart from each other in a radial direction of the drum.6. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the holes extend along a rotating direction of the drum.7. ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220298701A1
Автор: KWON Yongdeok

A laundry treating apparatus having a tub configured to store water, a drum rotatably disposed inside the tub and configured to store laundry therein, and a connector connecting the drum to a rotary shaft of a motor for transferring a rotation power to the drum. The connector includes a body hub fixed to the drum and coupled to the rotary shaft, and a body arm fixed to the drum and extending from the body hub in a direction away from the body hub. The body arm includes paths allowing water to pass therethrough, the paths extend in a curved manner or a bent manner inside the body arm. 1. A laundry treating apparatus comprising:a tub configured to store water;a drum rotatably disposed inside the tub and configured to store laundry therein; anda connector connecting the drum to a rotary shaft of a motor for transferring a rotation power to the drum, a body hub fixed to the drum and coupled to the rotary shaft, and', 'a body arm fixed to the drum and extending from the body hub in a direction away from the body hub, and, 'wherein the connector compriseswherein the body arm includes paths allowing water to pass therethrough, the paths extend in a curved manner or a bent manner inside the body arm.2. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the body arm extends along a radial direction of the drum claim 1 , andwherein the paths are spaced apart from each other in a longitudinal direction of the body arm.3. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the paths extend along a rotating direction of the drum.4. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 3 , wherein a length of one of the paths defined in the longitudinal direction of the body arm is different from a length of another one of the paths.5. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 3 , wherein lengths of the paths are decreased as being closer to the body hub.6. The laundry treating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the paths penetrate the body arm to allow water to pass through the body arm.7. The ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Washing machine and method for controlling washing machine

Номер: US20170159221A1

Disclosed herein are a washing machine and a method for controlling a washing machine. The washing machine may include: a body; a tub provided inside of the body to store water; a detergent supply unit disposed adjacent to the tub to supply detergent to the tub during an operating mode for washing laundry and to receive water during a cleaning mode; and a controller configured to allow a cleaning of the detergent supply unit to be performed by controlling a flow of water of the detergent supply unit and the tub during the cleaning mode of the detergent supply unit. The present disclosure may be possible to keep the washing machine clean by automatically cleaning a detergent supply unit. In addition, it may be possible to improve the quality and the reliability of the product by automatically cleaning a detergent supply unit by using an input.


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