Open-porous polyurethan-foam and procedure for its production

10-03-1975 дата публикации
Принадлежит: Tenneco Chem
Номер заявки: 180672
Дата заявки: 03-03-1972


The invention concerns a open-porous Polyurethamchaum as well as a procedure for its production. Cellular ones, designated firm polymers, often also as foams, can be manufactured, as during the Polyrnerisation of the liquid Reaktionsrnischung a gas is formed. The formed gas causes the Sehäu - mung the Reaktiommateäals, which is normally present in plastic or liquid condition. The Polymerisatiomreaktion runs off, while the sudsy takes place, until the Polyrnere hardens or gels in by the Schaurnblä formed cellular form. Solidified polymers so those becomes generally a firm cellular mass, although somewhat inexact, when foam is designated. Polyurethamchäume generally become by reaction active hydrogen of an abstention connection, like by the ZerewitinoffReaktion assignable, usually a Hydroxylgmppe containing connection, with a polyisocyanate in presence of a propellant, like water, as well as usually a catalyst and a foam stabilizer saves - places. The cellular firm Polyrnere contains a skeleton stand from rather strong walls, which forms the support for the Zellstmktut. The walls of the skeleton stand are usually connected by very thin diaphragms or Femter, which form the walls of the cells. In open-cellular foams a part or the whole of the windows is missing, or they are openly, so that between the individual cells connections exist, by the liquid to flow can. For many purposes also the form of the netlike open-cellular foams worked compared with the less open foams, how they will keep direct by the polymerization. If the Schaurn finds e.g. as isolating fodder for Textilrnaterialien use, the intact cell walls or windows result in unerwümchtes sparkling or a gloss, which can shine through by the textile material, if not an expensive, closely worked or woven material is used. With, the flexible polyester-like Polyurethamchäurnen in the trade a part of the cell walls divides spontaneously during the Schäumnng, so that a porous, cellular solid develops, which is called open cellular. Such open-cellular foams are generally however not porous or open cellular enough, in order to permit the passage from liquids to, what you would be necessary the use as filter or as diffuser zurVerhindernng of explosions. Accordingly it has with attempts to improve the characteristics of such open-cellular Schaurnstoffe and for breaking open or removing the Zellfemter given different proposals to the Nachschäurnen, to the increase of the open porosity. Such-honour open-cellular foams are more permeable for liquids, as is to be expected, have another density and generally a larger softness or a softer grasp. For example one suggested removing the cell walls by the hydrolyzing effect of water in presence from alkali hydroxide to. By controlling the conditions during the hydrolysis reaction carefully, allegedly all Zellfemtet can be removed, without the skeleton stand is unfavorably affected. The net formation can be achieved also by melts of the Zellfemter, e.g. by a hot-air stream, which heats the Femtet or walls up over the Schmelztempetatur the polymers. Also in this case so11 by careful Eimtellung of the conditions, on which this procedure is accomplished, melting the cell windows without unfavorable influence on the skeleton hurry to be reached. Also some purely mechanical means were suggested for net formation in flexible and rigid foams. For example a procedure for kneading and winding a flexible foam is for opening of the pores well-known, over the material as sound-isolating or scha after the state of the art! to make more suitable labsorbietendes medium. Foams were treated for the improvement of the Schallabsorptionseigemchaften also with overheated Wasserdarnpf with 140°C or with compressed air or liquids with high speed. Whatever subsequent treatment is always used, it must have necessarily a certain effect on the Skelettstrnktur of the foam, even if this may be only small. In many cases becomes, if it concerns colored foams, which decrease Farbintemität substantially, if after the polymerization a treatment of the descriptive kind is made. This requires the additional step of the creation of a surface color. For the reasons mentioned it would be of advantage to have a procedure for the order by which without the necessity for an additional subsequent treatment a open-cellular, not shining foam material will receive can. Wenigstem a tetlweiser success was already obtained with the production of open-cellular Polyäther PU, as the PU is made of a Hydroxylgmppen containing Polyäther as active hydrogen containing Reaktiomkornponente. For example after the USAPatentschtift No. 3.433.752 a open-cellular, rigid Polyurethamchaum on basis of a Polyäthers by addition of an alkali salt of one o-sulfonierten hochrnolekularen fatty acid manufactured. In the Canadian Patentsehrift Nr.797, 893 will-will those production of a Polyalkylenäther Polyuretham with open structure described, which the addition of a liquid Petroleamkohlenwasserstoffes, like kerosene or mineral oil, when Zellöffnurtgsrnittel covers, which causes a tearing of the Zellrnembranen up during the Schäurnung and so an allegedly open-cellular material results in. The intention, which lies behind this procedure, is it, to avoid a shrinking of the foam during the cooling what often arises with an essentially completely closed cell structure. This procedure is limited however express to Polyalkylenäther PU and results in no completely open structure, but only one, in which sufficient diaphragms are distant, in order to cause a certain Dumhlässigkeit for liquid in the internal Schaurnstruktur. In this connection also the USA patent specification No. 3.454, 504 is to be mentioned. After the Canadian patent specification Nr.797, 892 is 10 (Y'/oig open-cellular Polyäther polyurethan-foam from reaction hydroxyl groups of a containing Polyäthers with an organic polyisocyanate and a TreibmitteI in presence of an inert organic liquid solvent, like dichloromethane, acetone, hexane or pentane, to result. The USA patent specification No. 3, 178, 300 describes a procedure for the production of a “PU stand foam” by mixing an organic Polyisoeyanats with Rictnusöl in presence of a AlkylsilanOxyalkylen Blockcopolymeren (oberfläehenaktivesMittel), a propellant and an organic monofunctional compound with a functional group, like a mono alcohol or a mono carbonic acid. This material is described only for the use as filter as useful. It has however a limited usefulness because of the small stmkturellen firmness, effectuation by the Kettenabbmch by the monofunctional additive and the relatively rough Zellstmktur. This material would not be usable from there for textile laminates. In addition Ricinmöl is difficult as only Polyhydroxymagem to handle. The reaction with Ricinusöl is strongly exothermic and effectuation often in verse towards or even burning the foam. Often also by-products with unpleasant smell develop. For the use in textile laminates the product would be too rigid. The USA patent specification No. 3.165.483 describes a procedure for the production of a stand foam by reaction of a polyisocyanate with either Ricinusöl or a Hydroxylgmppen containing Polyätherin presence of a silane Oxyalkylen Blockcopolymeren and a not reactive hydrocarbon or stops of towards hydrocarbon, ester, aldehyde and/or Ketons. Also of these materials it is said that they are useful as filters. During the production of Urethamchäumen different silicone-like surface-active materials ein95 were set, and zw. because of their strong surface activity and to start depending upon such a Silicom, their emulsifying strength, their ability, the cell formation and their foam stabilization strength. During the production of foam to courses on a continuously moved, open usually above and/or at the end open promote - bound requires the essentially continuous, immediately arising sudsy reaction an additive with strong emulsifying effect. During the production of polyätherartigen foams in a closed form is against it a Emulgation sneezes necessarily, and a hydrophobes, surface-active OrganosiliconPolymeres, which serves primarily as cell starting means, can be used. These hydrophoben surface-active means on silicone basis are free from hydrophilic and with isocyanate reacting groups and e.g. cover Dihydrocarbylsiloxane, like Dimethylsiloxan. A study of different kinds of OrganosiliconZusätzen for foams became in “decaying plastic”, January., under which title publishes “How of silicones Surfactants Affect PU Foams” from Boudreau. Hydrophobe Dimethylsiloxanöle as starting means for the sudsy of Polyäther PU and even as foam stabilizers for Polyätherolyurethane, where a emulsifying, hydrophobes surface-active means is not necessary to use manufactured in closed molds, is well-known. With the usual polyester urethane foams available in the trade, which were manufactured in a continuous procedure as courses, such hydrophobe silicone oils cause however one broke down the foam structure, even if them only in small quantities, e.g. 0, 1 thread - % on basis of the resin component, in the polyester isocyanate, which is usually used for such procedures, are present. In very small or trace quantities kön - silicone oils of the kind of the Dimethylsiloxam very rough, uneven foams, which can find only as synthetic sponges use, nen cause. A very comprehensive study of PU systems is in “PU; Ghemistry and Technology”, Saunders and freshness to find published of lnterscience Publishers (New York). With the Durehführung the sudsy polymerization reaction of the urethanes it is well-known after the state of the art since long time that a suitable equilibrium between all different components, which are present with the reactants together is to be kept with difficulty upright necessarily, but, so that a foam material will receive from desired density and consistency, which an even cell size and a pleasant optical exterior have. For certain application purposes, e.g. for sponges or filters, on the other hand uneven or rough cells are permitted or even desired. For such purposes tiny quantities of boraxes, hochrnolekularen hydrocarbon oils or others, which are used cells increasing means, can do in order a particularly rough and irregular, to result in but to a considerable degree open-cellular SchaumS5 product. Such products are not useful however for the main areas of application, like as clothe fodder, insulating material, for medical purposes, e.g. bandages, for cosmetic purposes, e.g. as Puderquasten, and as feingradige filters. The polyester PU foams were found as particularly useful for certain purposes, since they possess large elasticity and firmness compared with Polyumthanen on polyether base. A main field of application is the production of isolating Schaumfuttem for textile materials. For this purpose polyesters are suitable, since they can be split up easily to the necessary thin sheets. According to invention highly porously, more open-porously, essentially manufactured by diaphragms free, not shining foam, by a Polyhydroxyverbindungen of containing polyesters and water with an organic polyisocyanate Inge-towards-wait a catalyst and a hydrophilic, foam-stabilizing oberS flächenakttv n of means with Emulgatoreig¢nschaften by the common effect of a small quantity of a Polyätherpolyolreagens and hydrophoben, schaumverhindemden Organosilizinmv¢rbindung, as are brought a Polysiloxan, to the reaction. Preferably the surface-active means with emulsifying agent self-work is a hydzophiles Organosilicon polymere, which was created for those use with the production of urethane foam from a Polyäth¢rpolyol and an organic polyisocyanate and water. ! 0 the surprising effect of this invention, i.e. in International Telecommunication Union production of not shining, open-cellular, essentially diaphragm-free Urethanpolymerschäum¢n on basis of Polyestem, aimed at for a long time, one reaches by substitution of a small part of the polyester Reaktiomkomponente by an equivalent Mengean a Polyätherpolyol and an additive of a hydrophoben, schaumverhindemden OrganosillconPolym “rverbindung. When further surprising aspect of this invention become than surface-active means with emulsifying agent effect the vomugsweise hydrophilic Organosili lumpolymeren used, which was developed for the use with the production of foam at the Polyäther and an organic polyisocyanate and water. According to invention the manufactured the product is not more shining, an essentially open foam, which is to a large extent free by diaphragms or the Re.sten of diaphragms and a mixed a polyester PolyätherUrethanpolymeres contains, which is made of polyester and a small quantity of a Polyäthers and which hydrophoben remainders of a hydrophilic, emulsifying, surface-active Organosiliziumverbindung as well as, schaumverhindemden Organosilizinmverbindung contains. The procedure according to invention knows method, which Quasipräpolymermethode or the Präpolymermethode are accomplished using the “One SHOT” -. The Polyätherpolyol should be present in a quantity of we2 nigstens 5 thread - % on basis of the entire polyole reactants, i.e. polyesters plus Polyäther. Usually any more than about 85% Polyätherpolyol on basis of the weight of the entire Polyois should not be used. Preferably about 10 to approximately 2 Gew lies. - % Polyätherpolyol in the polymerization Reaktinnsmischung forwards. Generally one results in too large-mixes at the Polyätherpolyol a too soft foam. Wishing case can be pre-mixed the hydrophobe Organosiliziumverbindung with the Polyätherpolyol and this combination of the Reaktiommischung be admitted. The hydrophoben Organosiliziumverbindungen for the procedure according to invention is vorz gsweise such, those the chemical reaction between the polyisocyanate, which Polyhydroxyverbindungen and water do not impair. Hydrophobe, organically substituted, polymere Sfizinmverbindungen, like the silicone oils, are well well-known after the state of the art. The silicone oils so far used with the production of Urethanschäu8 men in closed molds. These silicone oils are generally hydrophob and inert opposite the PU Sch umungsreaktion. The useful silicone connections do not cover polymere Verbindun - towards, e.g. with the structure R-S SI-- SI-- R-S, are however preferably polymere connections with the recurring group ( -- RzSiO) n " although theoretically no upper border for the molecular weight of such polymere Silictumverbindungen exists, is the silicone connections preferably oily or füssige materials most useful for the invention, not however harztge or gummiariige materials. Therefore the molecular weight is limited by the permitted viscosity. The viscosity of such oily, .hydrophober Siliziumverbindungen is subject only to the condition that they must be evenly and finely in the reaction mixture dispersable during the sudsy reaction. Therefore in practice a silicone oil with a viscosity over approximately 60,000 was found useful cS with 25°C for the usual Mischeinrichtungen no more than 4ö, available in the trade. Can do however very viscous oil or even purify-hasty solids to be used, if special, particularly effective distribution devices to be available. Generally n in the formula to approximately 100, indicated above, can amount to, although gewünsehtenfalls, as describes, which values can high-lie. Preferably n is appropriate for x SI within the range of 2 to the silicone oils easily available in the trade is polymers with the formula RI I gO (R) - (SiO) n--- Sf - R-S I blank 4-X (i) other, less preferred Organosiliziumverhindungen the Polysilazane and the Polysiloxynyl - sulfates, with the formula cover bzwo R! I R3 SI NH (i NH) n SiR3 blank R! I R SI 0 (SfOSO - OSiO) - sir R! (I!) (llI) other kinds of Organosiliziumverbindungen cover the reaction product by Siloxanan with few a silanischen hydrogen atom, which is bound to an organic, äthyleniseh or acetylenisch insatiated connection, like it in the USA patent specifications No. 2, 970, 150 and No. 3.577, 362 (Polyvinylsilane) are descriptive. In the above formulas individual R and R can! arbitrary hydrophobe organic remainders its and can be in the polymer molecule all same or different. The groups of R and R' are bound over a carbon atom to the silicon atom and cover aromatic, hetero-cyclic, aliphatic and cyclo-aliphatic groups. In at the easiest erhälüichen, cheapest and from there to most preferential hydrophoben silicone connections for the invention are the Gnappen E and E! above all hydrophobe groups of hydrocarbons with up to approximately 20 C-flavours, preferably up to approximately 12 C-flavours. Usually the silicone oils available in the trade contain R-groups with t to 7 C-atoms. These hydrocarbon remainders can be inertly subsütuiert t5, e.g. with halogen. The preferential hydrocarbon remainders are completely inert in the Reaktiommischung and satisfied aliphatic or cyclo-aliphatic or aromatischeGmppen. Inertly suhstituierte groups of this kind are likewise very well usable. Groups, which could react if necessary with certain components in the urethane reaction mixture, if they can be present a sufficient long time with it in contact, in the silicone foam inhibition means, if they do not disturb the expiration of the sudsy and the Polymerisatiousreaktion and no dismantling of the finished foam product to cause and if is ensured that the foam those with any reactive material before the production of the foam one mixes only directly. Suitable groups of hydrocarbons are e.g. alkyl groups, like methyl, ethyl, Isopropyl, n-Buty1, n-Octyl, 2-Äthylhexylund n-Dodecylgruppen; Groups of alkenyls, e.g. the Vfnylund allyl group; Cycloalkylgmppen, e.g. the group of cyclohexyls; Groups of aryls. e.g. the Phenylund Naphthylgruppe; Aralkylgruppen, e.g. dle Benzylund Phenyläthylgruppen; and groups of alkene aryls, e.g. the Tolyl, Xylyl, Äthylphenylund n-Hexylphenylgruppen. The hydrocarbon remainders can be substituted inertly, e.g. with fluorine, without by it the effect of the Siloxans for the procedure according to invention was affected. Generally these foam-restraining means have a very strong effect on the Schäumungsreak - tion the PU, and very small quantities are already sufficient from there. How it is always with the sudsy of urethanes the case, an equilibrium of the components must be kept, including the foam-restraining means, the catalyst (or the catalysts) and the foam-stabilizing emulsifying agent also in this case. It was however found that already 10 parts of foam those per million parts of Polyhydroxyreagenten, i.e. polyesters plus Polyäther and water, which can improve porosity and lower the gloss of the foam, if this is used together with a small quantity Polyäther in the procedure according to invention. Usually also more than about 10 parts foam-restraining means per 100 part of Polyhydroxyharz are not necessary and increase the danger of a complete Zusamm of the enbruches foam. For most cases at least about 0, 1 parts and preferably no more was found of Polyhydroxyansgangskomponenten than extremely effective as approximately 3 parts foam-restraining means per 100 part for the invention. According to invention the Polyesterpolyole useful for the procedure is arbitrary, usually for the production of flexible and halfflexible-urethane-polymere-foams used materials. The PolyhydroxyPolyesterkomponente has usually a molecular weight of at least about 400, in the most favorable case between approximately 500 and 5000. The Hydroxylzahl of the connection lies accordingly within the range of approximately 15 to for instance 300o usually is difficult a polyester with a molecular weight over approximately 10,000 to handle, since a so very viscous connection can be mixed only heavily in commercial plants with the Reaktiommischung completely homogeneous. If however a Bgaktionsprodukt of high molecular weight iat desired and if a suitable strong Mischeinrichtung is available, connections with higher molecular weight can be used. The only substantial condition is being present at least two active hydrogen atoms, preferably hydroxyl groups, in the connection. The preferential HydroxylfunktionaIität for the polyester resins lies between 2 and about 3, 0. Ftlr the production according to invention of Polyurethamchäumen useful polyester polyole connections are good the specialist well-known and can e.g. by reaction of a Polyhydroxyalkohols and a one po. lycarbonsäure, of which everyone possesses about 2 to 36 C-atoms in the molecule, to be manufactured. With the Poly - carbonic acids should be also Vorstufenm tumfaßt, like the appropriate Säureanhydrid or Säurehalogenid or even e.g. alkyl ester. The preferential acids are the dicarbonic acids with approximately 4 to 12 C-atoms in the molecule. Examples of such preferential carbonic acids are aromatic acids, how Phthalsäure, Terephthalsäure, Isophthalsäure, Tetrachlorphthalsäure, cyeloaliphatische acids, how dimerisierte Linolensäure maleinierte or fumarisierte, Kollophoniumsäureu and cyclohexane! , 4-diessigsäure, but in particular the aliphatic acids, like Tricarballyl, Oxydipropion, amber, glow acre, Adipin, Azelain, suberin, sebacic acid or their combinations. The Polyesterpolyole can be received also from the appropriate Lactonen, like - Butyrooder - Caprolacton. The used Polyalkohol derPolyesterpolyole for the production is usually a mixture from a Diund a Trioder PolyaIkohol with more highly Hydroxylzahl. Preferably a mixture of Polyolen, whose main quantity has a functionality of two and their Nebenmenge a functionality of three, is used. This mixture out diund trifunctional Polyolen results in desired functionality between two and three. A functionality of over two is desired, in order to make a Quervemetzung possible between the polyester polyole and the polyisocyanate, so that a flexible, but firm foam develops. It was found, since for the achievement of this additional functionality with the formation of the polyester polyole the Trioder polyole in a smaller quantity should be preferably used. For the production of flexible foams the Polyole preferably contains a glycol, like Neopentylglykol, ethylen glycol, Diäthyleäglykol, hexadecimal hexadecimalglycolhexadecimal glycol, I, 4und I, 3-Butylenglykol, I, 3und 1, 2-Propylenglykol and the entsprechendenDipropylenglykole. Most useful monomers the Triole cover the aliphatic Triole, like Trimethyloläthan, Trimethylolpropan, 1, 2, 4-Butantr ol, I, 2, 6-Hexantriol, Glycerin and tri ethanol amine. Aromatic Polyole can be used also, e.g. Trihydroxymsthylbenzol. One points out that some connections, which are usually regarded on this field of activity as polyester resins contain also different Bindungeä, e.g. the esters of Dipropylenglykol. As a primary character of such connections however the one ester one accepts. The organic Polyisocyanate for the procedure according to invention is likewise the usual. They contain at least two groups of isocyanates per molecule. Preferably those-selected isocyanate mixture has an isocyanate functionality from approximately 2 to approximately 3, 0. Useful isocyanates e.g. cover the aromatic, aliphatic, cyclo-aliphatic and hetero-cyclic Polyisocyanate. Suitable ones organic Polyisocyanate are e.g. n-Butylendiisocyanat, Methylendiisocyanat, m-Xylylendiisocyanat, p-Xylylendiisocyanat, Cyclohexy1-1,4-diisocyanat, Dicyclohexylmethan-4, 41 -, m-Phenylendiisocyanat diisocyanat; P-Phenylendiisocyanat, 3 (A-lsocyanatoäthyl) - phenylisocyanat, 2,6-Diäthylbenzo1-1,4-di3fi isocyanate, Diphenyldimethylmethan-4, 41 - diisocyanat, Äthylidendiisocyanat, Propylen-1, 2-diisocyanat, Cy - clohexylen l, 2-diisocyanat, 2,4-Toluylendiisocyanat, 2, 6-Toluylendiisocyanat, 3.3, - Dimethyl-4,4w-biphenylendiisocyanat, 3, 3W-Dimethoxy-4,4' biphenylendiisocyanat, 3, 3 - Diphenyl-4,4, - biphenylendiisocyanat, 4,4T-Biphenylendiisocyanat, 3, 31-Dichlor-4,4W-biphenylendiisocyanat, I, 5-Naphthylendiisocyanat, Isophorondiisocyanat. The aromatic Diisocyanate is measures less expensively and the most reactive of the available Polyisocyanaten, why they are preferred. The aromatic Diisocyanate, the imbesondere ToluylendiisocyanatIsomeren, industrially pray the production of foams begun by the “One Shot' method. For certain purposes however different Polyisocyanate, in particular aliphatic, is Aralkylund Cycloalkylpolyisocyanate, valuable and can be used alone or gewünschteufalls in mixture with e.g. Toluylendiisocyanat. The Aralkyl, aliphatic and cyclo-aliphatic Polyisocyanate is particularly suitable, if ruggedness against dismantling and decolorization are demanded by oxidation or light. The ArMkylpolyisocyanate is not particularly useful usually for itself, can be used however for special purposes as well as other Arteu. Generally only the Isocyanatgmppen is and di important to active hydrogen for the execution of the Urethanpolymertsatiomreaktion in the reaction components. Any other group can be present in the Reak - aunts and in urethane polymers, as long as this group does not step with the fundamental isocyanate hydrogen reaction into reciprocal effect. Acycli, alicyclische, aromatic and groups of hetero-cyclic are possible substituents for the connection with active hydrogen and the polyisocyanate. In the procedure according to invention, in soft both a Polyätherpolyol and a polyester polyole to be used, the Polyätherpolyol can be selected also from one the numerous Polyhydroxypolyäther, which are used available and on this field of activity üblicherwetse for the production of Polyäther PU. At most used Polyätherpolyole, i.e. the Polyoxyalkylenpolyätherpolyole, is generally manufactured by reaction of a A1kylenoxyds with a Polyhydroxymonomeren. The Polyhydroxymonomere can be selected under the same Polyhydroxyalkoholen, as they were called above for the production of polyesters. Preferably however for a Polyätherpolyol is used a connection with higher functionality. Therefore a larger portion of a Tfiol, like Glycerin, is used Trimethyloläthan and Trimethylolpropan, or a polyole with more than three hydroxyl groups, like Pentaerythrit, Arabit, Sorbit and Xylosit, into the mixture from monomers for the production of the Polyätherpolyole. The alkyl oxides used for the production of the Polyäther are preferably contained die2 to approximately 4 C-atoms, e.g. ethylen oxide, 1, 3-Propylenoxyd and 1, 2-Butylenoxyd and their Homound other Reaktionsteilnehmex of Glycidolund cyclische ethers, like Diund Tetramethylenäther, such, can likewise with the production desPolyhydroxypolyalkylenäthers be used, e.g. and Epihalohydrine, e.g. ° epichlorohydrin. The Polyaralkylenätherpolyole, which is derived e.g. from the appropriate Aralkylenoxyden, like styrene oxide, however or mixed with alkyl oxide, is likewise usable. lm general are propylene oxide, i.e. the 1, 2-Propylenoxyd, and mixtures of 1, 2-PropyIenoxyd with ethylen oxide filr the production of the Polyätherpolyolreaktanten prefers. The Polyäther for those use in the invention has preferably a molecular weight of approximately 2000 to 4500, in particular from approximately 2800 to approximately 3800, and a Hydroxyfunktionalität of at least 2, 0 to approximately 8, 0, preferably an average Hydroxyfunktinnalität of approximately 2, 5 to approximately 5, 0. Further examples of the usual reactants mentioned are to be inferred from the literature. Usually the One SHOT technology for the production of üexiblen urethane foams is used preferentially, but can in bestixnmten cases also the Präpolymerund Quasipräpolymer technology for flexible foams be used, it is not well-known after the conditions that technology that the production of commercially valuable foams requires careful co-ordinating of a large number of different factors, what only the primary reactants mentioned concerns, but also the catalyst, surface-active materials, the temperature, are the speed of the feed of the foam mixture etc. in the procedure according to invention however the quantity and the kind of the foam-restraining connection additional factors, which must be included into the equilibrium. The general procedure way and the problems with the preparation of a balanced mixture are the specialist in this area trust. It is a thing of the routine for the specialist to prepare for a given procedure and a device the available a balanced mixture. For example those quantitative proportions can be amended from polyisocyanate to all Polyhydroxyreaktanten, including water, which represents a possible means for the change of the characteristics of the desired urethane foam. Usually the Gesamtflquivalent of the groups (- NCO) should be in the comparison to the equivalent of the whole the active hydrogen, i.e. Polyätherund polyester hydroxyl groups as well as water, about 0, 7 to for instance I, 3, preferably for instance i, 0 to I, 1. Other conditions are possible. Preferably however a surplus of isocyanate component is used, in order to result in a useful, fully polymerized and stable product. Foam with special characteristics often requires the use of less than i, 0 ÄquivalentNCO, e.g. a hydrophilic foam; in this case an equivalent can be used of 0, 2, if a higher Polyalkohol is used. The preferring sudsy means for the usual production of foam is water; Water is a Rcagens, which enters those urethane polymerization reaction, and it becomes with or without a secondary sudsy means uses depending upon the desired density of the final product. The water reacted with isocyanate and sets carbon dioxide free as volatile by-product. Therefore water must be ranked among the hydroxyl connections, if the relationship is computed vonNCO to active hydrogen. If water is used, this is usually present in a quantity of approximately 0, 5 to approximately 6 thread - % on basis of the total weight of the reacting Polyole. Propellants, which do not react with isocyanate, can be used, usually as addition of water. Diese'umfassen components, which are evaporated with the temperature resulting from the exotherms reaction between isocyanate and hydrogen. The different propellants are good on this field of activity well-known and no part of the invention, other Trefbmittel, which prefers use finds, are halogensubst tuierte aliphatic or cyclo-aliphatic hydrocarbons with boiling points between approximately -40 and +70°C, including dichloromethane. Fluorocarbons, how tri chlorine mono fluorine methane, you! ordifluormethan and 1-Chlor-2-fluoräthan; low simmering hydrocarbons, like m-propane, Cyclopropan, butane, ISO butane, pentane, hexane, cyclohexane and their mixtures, and different-thermally instabtle connections, which set gas free, e.g. N z, like N, with heating up N T-Dimethyldinitrosoterephthalamid, are sometimes used. The quantity of sudsy means is selected according to the desired density of the cellular polymer product. The quantities are on this field of activity well-known and no part of the invention. It is to be completely generally stated however that for ever 100 g reaction mixture with an average relationship from isocyanate to active hydrogen of approximately 1: 1 about 0, 005 to 0, 3 mol gas, like the CO and/or evaporated propellant, e.g. of the type of the Pluorkohlenwasserstoffe, formed by the reaction between isocyanate and water, to be used can, in order to receive densities between 0, 016 and 0, 48 g/cm3. With commercial procedures for the production of foamed PU a catalyst is usually used. Usually a combination of two catalysts is used, in order to catalyze two different Reaktioueu, which arise, if water finds use as Sch umungsmittel. A first catalyst supports the polymerization reaction between isocyanate and the Hydroxyverbindung, a second catalyst serves the reaction between water and isocyanates. The different useful catalysts for each Reaktiomart are the specialist well admit (S. e.g. Saunders and freshness, above). It is generally accepted that tertiary amines are effective and the reaction between isocyanate and water favour and that transition metal salts and - the complex polymerization reaction with the polyole begün - stigen. The ammeisten preferring metal catalysts cover tin connections and other metal connections, which can be used, are connections of cobalt, lead, vanadium, chrome, tungsten, antimony and titanium. Examples ftir terttäre amine catalysts are trichloroethylene thylendiamin, N-Äthylmorpholin, N, N, NI, NI-Tetram ethy1-1, 3butandiamin and BIS-2 (N, Ndimethylamino) - ethyl ethers and similar connections. Useful Zirmverbindungen covers Stannosalze, e.g. Stannooctoat, Stannoacetat and Stannooleat, as well as Staimisalze, e.g. Stannidiacetat and Stannidtoctoat, and bound Organoziunverbtndungen kovalent, like Dibutylzinn and Tributylzinnoxyd. Mixtures of the tertiary amines are usually used for commercial purposes; mixtures of a tertiary amine catalyst and a tin connection are preferential. Each kind of catalyst is admitted usually in a quantity of approximately 0, 05 to 2 thread - %, preferably of approximately 0, i to I thread - %, computed on basis the total weight the hydrogen containing connections vofltegenden in the reaction mixture, d° to h. the polyester polyole and the Poly therpolyols. It is well-known after the state of the art, a foam-stabilizing emulsifying agent with Oberflächenakttvit t and einSch umuugsmittel in balanced-mixes to use, in order a foam with the desired cell size, - structure and - seals to receive. Generally the quantity is set on oberfl for chenakttvem emulsifying agent with the quantity of catalyst and water in the equilibrium, in order to result in the desired foam. With invention in accordance with f EN procedure likewise the quantity of surface-active emulsifying agent against the quantity of foam-restraining hydrophober silicone connection, which to the reaching of a open-cellular, not shining product with the desired foam structure and - seals one uses, is co-ordinated. The surface-active emulsifying agents for the use in the invention are Organosiliztumverbindungen, usually polymers, hydrophtl and preferably water-solubly, as well as in at least one the Polyole are soluble. Such Organosiliziumemulgatoren is well well-known the specialist, in detail in the literature is described and is evident in the trade. The Organosiliziumverbindungen with surface-active characteristics and emulsifying agent effect, erhaltIichen in the trade, is usually sold together with special remarks regarding its stability for Poly th rpolyot or Polyesterpolyol Urethansch ume. Usually an surface-active emulsifying agent suitable for a kind of polyole is not suitable for the use with the Sch umungs - reaction to basis of the other kind of polyole. In addition the surface-active emulsifying agents are branded articles, which are sold without delivery of their accurate chemical Auflaufs. It is however well-known that the surface-active emulsifying agents for Poly lower therpolyol containing reaction mixtures the surface tension in a larger extent than the Organosiliziumverbindungen used together with Polyesterpolyolen. In invention in accordance with l EN procedure, where the urethane foam of a reaction mixture, which as Hauptbe - part a polyester polyole contains, is made, is it however surprising that the most effective obetflächenaktiven emulsifying agents cover also that kind, which usually pray Polylitherpolyolen are used. 4-5 at the " easiest available oberflächenakfiven Organosiliziumemulgatoren is polymers, which contain a multiplicity of silicon atoms (form the one part of the hydrophoben part of the polymer molecule) and a langkettige hydrophilic group, e.g. a Polyoxyalkylen thergruppe. In the usual Organosiliz umemulgatoren is present the silicon as Siloxangmppe, i.e. as I - StO -, l. A large multiplicity of molecular structures, which contain these two necessary elements, i.e. the langkettige hydrophilic group and the silicon atoms, were used. For example a possible connection is a polymere with a chain of Sfloxangruppen, i.e. I SI-- 0 I R L the one backbone for the molecule form, that as Seitenketten or branched chains more eineoder several langkettige hydrophilic groups, i.e. one of the groups of R hangen. In another kind of connections a chain forms out alternating Siloxanund hydrophilic groups. e.g. Oxyalkylengruppen. a backbone for the molecule. In a third, somewhat less usual connecting class the molecule back GMT becomes by a Koh - lemtoffkette in an educated manner, at which Seitenketten, which contain a silicon atom and a langkettige hydrophilic group, are feared for. Also different connecting groups in the kinds mentioned of silicon and hydrophilic groups containing polymers can be present. These e.g. cover A1kylengmppen, groups of carboxyls, Carbamylgmppen i0 and amino groups. The first kind of Polysiloxanrückgrate etlthaltenden polymers can be shown by the formula oo.o I moooo V'/L, where L is the number of the Siloxangmppen meant and at least 2. Usually L is not larger than i00, but lies within the range of approximately 5 to 20. At least one of the groups of R and RI in the molecule is a langkettige hydrophilic group, as e.g. a group, which holds a Polyoxyalkylengruppe (C_H2pO) for m entP, where m represents the number of the Oxyalkyleneinheiten, which can be verkntlpft to the silicon atom over a connecting group, like a group of alkyls or an oxygen atom, to p can a number from approximately 2 to 6 be, but preferably contain the group of Oxyathyleneinheiten, i.e. p is 2, in particular in mixture with Oxypropylenoder other Oxyalkyleneinheiten. Like that p is in the preferential case an average value, which depends on which Oxyalkylengruppen in which quantities is present. The remaining groups of R and R, are hydrophobe groups, preferably hydrocarbon remainders. The hydrocarbon remainders cover those, which contain C-atoms up to approximately 20, but preferably concern it low Alkylgmppen with up to approximately 6 C-flavours, Cycloalkylgmppen with approximately 5 to 7 C - atoms and aryl, Aralkyloder groups of alkene aryls with approximately 6 to 12 C-atoms. In the materials available in the trade R is however very hanfig the other hydrocarbon remainders of R and R' is Zo B. Äthyl-, n-Propyl, lsopropyl, n-butyl, phenyl, o-Toluyl, Cyclohexyl-und 2-Methylcyclohexylgmppen. Examples filr this first kind of Organosiliziumemulgatoren with upper flat activity are connections with the following general formula SiR3 n where P one of the groups -- O (CpH2pO) mA and (CpH2 pO) A means. The kind of second of polymers, whose hydrophilic group is part of the polymer backbone, covers connections, whose general formula the e.g. following is: RSi [0 R L (CpH2 pO) mA] 3 R3SiO - (sir zO) L [sir = (OCpH2 p) m O] -- SiR3 and R, O [(RZ SiO) x] A [(CpH2 pO) y] bRù. In all these formulas means A hydrogen, a low Alkyloder a group of carboxyls with up to 6 C-atoms, like the Butylund acetyl group, n is at least i and should not over approximately 30 lie and is preferably 2 to approximately 20, and m is at least 2, generally not over i00 and a number from 15 to 50. p is preferably a number from 2 to approximately 6, preferably 2 to 4, in particular an average value zwischen2 and 3rd L is the number of the Siloxaneinheiten and at least 2; n and L units can be present in blocks or statistically distributed in copolymers; R, check valves and Rn are hydrocarbon remainders, preference/advantage - point low alkyl groups also! to 10 C-atoms: R and blanks are univalent Endgruppen: Blank can be an alkyl group with 1 to approximately 10 C-atoms, if it is bound to a Siloxangmppe, and R " can mean also a hydrogen atom, if it locks a Polyoxyalkylengruppe; x is a whole number of at least 2, preferably up to approximately 20; y is a whole number of at least about 5, preferably up to approximately 20; n is a number from 2 to 4; and A and b are whole numbers and have values from approximately 2 to the connections and different specified, relatives, similarly useful polymers are more exact preferably in the USA PatentsehriftenNr. 2,834,748, No. 3.145.185, No. 3.398.104, No. 3.402.192, No. 3.505.377, No. 3, 525.705, No. 3, 600, 418, Nr.2, 970, 150 and No. 3.230, 185 besehrieben. Other-hydrophilic Organosilizium Oxyalkylen copolymers, which than emulsifying agents with surface activity are useful, are described in the Belgian Patentschrlft No. 743, 889 and contain a Oxyalkylengruppe, the fibre a Carbamatgmppe, i.e. the group! 5 PJ! I ( -- R " -- NCOO) (CpH2 pO) y R or over a Carboxylgmppe is linked with the Sfliziumatom. Other Orga nsiliziumemulgatoren becomes in the Canadian Patentschrlften No. 873. 390, No. 860, 995, No. 849.038 and No. 851.239 and the USA Patentsehriften No. 3.541, 031, Nr.3, 404, 105, No. 3.230.185, Nr.3, 278.465, Nr.3, 577.362 and No. 3! 65, 843 geoffenbart. The Canadian patent specification No. 873.390 and the USA patent specifications No. 3.404.105, Nr.3, 278.465, No. 3.230, 188 and No. 3.165, 843 (example 4) show in particular such polymers, which were developed particularly for the use as surface-active emulsifying agents for Poly - ätherpolyole. It becomes also on the article of Boudeau in the expenditure of January. of “decaying Plasties” (see above) and on the remarks over urethane polymers of Saunders and freshness (see above), as well as on Synthesis and Properties OF Siloxane Polyether copolymer Surfaetants” Kanner et al., I & E¢ Produet Research and development, June, 6, P. 88 referred. The descriptive surface active emulsifying agents on basis of Organosiliziuhapolymeren contain a substantial portion of hydrophilic groups, in order to make the connections water soluble, and hydrophobe Siliziumgmppen, which are oil soluble. Being present these groups working opposite results in the surface activity and the emulsifying signing of the material, which the reason for their choice is. In contrast to it the sehaumhemmendenVerbindungen essentially no hydrophilenGmppen contains. Therefore these connections have the inclination to destroy the Polymersehaum and they do not have emulsifying effect. The hydrophilic, oberfläehenaktiven Organosiliziumemulgatoren, like the Polysiloxan Oxyalkylen copolymers, can in quantities from approximately 0.1 to approximately 5 Gew. - %, vomugsweise of approximately 1, 0 to approximately 4 thread - %, on basis of the Gesamtgewiehtes of the organic Polyhydroxyverbindungen, i.e. the Polyätherund Polyesterpolyole, are present. Other foam-stabilizing emulsifying agents, which are available for polyester polyole PU foams, can be preferably used, together with the Organosiliziumemulgatoren described above, ftlr the invention. Such useful emulsifying agents cover in particular nichtionische emulsifying agents, like oxyäthoxyliertes Tallöl and äthoxylierte alkyl phenol, some anionische surface-active materials, like Natriumlaurylsamosiriat, and different oil-soluble Sulfonate. It is also well-known that different materials, which are used as softeners for synthetic resins can stabilize foams. Such materials cover Tricresylphosphat; Polyester, e.g. the reaction product of a glycol, like ethylen glycol, and a dicarbonic acid, like adipic acid, with Endgmppen, which are derived from a Monoearbonsäure, like acetic acid, or a mono alcohol, like ethanol. In addition all usual pigments and fillers can be added, inclusively soot and the different white or colored pigments. Such teilchenförmige Fülistoffe has preferably a Teilchengröfle from approximately 1 to for instance 50/z. Pigments lie usually inMengen from approximately 0, 5 to for instance 15Gew. - % on basis of the Gesamtgewiehtes of the reaction mixture forwards. For special purposes to a considerable degree a geS0 filled Sehaum with 50% or more filler used. Pigments or fillers are added preferably as dispersion, and zw. in more aqueous or in not wässerlger dispersion. Although teilchenförmige mA - terial as powders to the urethane reaction mixture to be given can, it is more usual. before-dispersed to use in the trade available materials. Inhibitors against decolorization and aging, materials for the prevention of inflammability and other Mate5fi rialien can gewünschtenfalls for the special purpose, for which the foam is intended, be admitted. With Dumhführung of the procedure according to invention after the “One SHOT” - method will the different reactants and additives of a mixing chamber in the desired quantitative proportions supplied and mixed before filling into the form fast, the foam can in each usual procedure for the Hemtellung of Polyesterpolyurethamchäumen be made according to invention, under addition of the gewümchten quantities of Polyätherpolyol, the descriptive hydrophoben Organosiliziumverbindung and the hydrophilic foam stabilizer for urethane of Polyätherpolyol and/or, a oberüächenaktiven emulsifying agent. Different kunfinuierIiche procedures are well-known, with which the Sehaum in forms with reehtwinkeligem or round cross section is formed or even with toroider form. For the production of the particularly preferred round bodies z becomes. 13. on the USA patent specifications No. 3, 281, 894, No. 3, 296. 658 and No. 3.476, 845 referred. The following 13eispiele describes according to invention-muddled and in such a way manufactured product and is not the invention not to eimchränken. Into the following 13eispielen the different manufactured foams were examined after iu the ASTM D -1564 descriptive Staadardvetsuchen for the determination of the physical characteristics by PU foams. In this tests the air permeability was determined by fairs of the necessary air flow to the maintenance of a constant Dmckabfalles by 0, 5 cm water straight through a foam sample by 1 cm thickness with a size of 2 x 2 cm. The per largest quantity of the necessary air flow per min is, in order to receive the necessary decrease of pressure, is the larger the Luftdumhlässigkeit. The splitting barness of the foams, a measure for ihreVetwendbarkeit in procedures with use of Schneidbacken, was determined, as a piece of foam with a thickness was put by 2, 54 cm under a stamping machine with the dimensions 6, 35 × 5, 7 cm. The test is positive, if in this way cut out piece sharp-edge on all sides has and after cutting its umprüngliche thickness and form maintains. The viscosities of the different polymere organic Sfliziumverbindungen were accomplished after the 13rockfieldmethode at a temperature of 25°C. 13eispiel 1: The following materials became umungsanlage into a usual Sch the formation of foamable PU mixtures with the continuous production of rectangular Körpemeingefüllt: Besta ndteile Poly (di thylenglykoladipinat) (mg = 2000) Toluylendiisocyanat (80/20) äthoxypropoxyliertes Polysiloxan (Viskosit t with 25°C = 1700 cS) surface-active material for polyester urethanes (viscosity with 25°C = 500 cS) water tert, amine Stannooctoat aqueous Rtußdispersion (58% H 2 O) of propoxyliertes Glycerin, (Polyäther) - triol (mg = 3500) a Polydimethylsiloxau (hydrophobes oil) viscosity = 50 cS bei25°C comparison example thread - parts of 1, 2 0, 0, 8 0, 05 6, 0 IOO 13eispiel 1 thread - parts ioo 1, 88 0 0 0, 375 0.25 6, 9 I, these components became at the same time into one usual mixing apparatus for foamable PU - reaction mixtures fed and mixes. The agitator was operated with 4000 to 6000 Umdr/min. The Polydimethylsiloxan was dispersed in the PoIyätherpolyol. The mixed Reaktiomkomponenten was applied on with paper supported and with a material, which facilitates a removing of the finished product, überzogeneu a casting volume and foams and solidifies left. For everyone the Amätze was cut off a piece of the poured foam at the end of the casting volume, and the physical characteristics were measured after cooling on ambient temperature. Some layers foam with a thickness of approximately 1 mm “were peeled by each sample”. Both samples were easily in this way divisible, in agreement with the preferential characteristics of the polyester PoIyurethamchäume. In similar way it showed up that during the processing by means of the usual Hammen Laminierungstechnik both-foamed charakteristischeLaminierbarkeit to a woven cotton textile material exhibited. The appearance of situations from the foam samples was different in remarkable way. The material after the comparison example, a usual foam available in the trade, was tidy from steal-grey color and except - shining, with a sparkling gloss. According to invention manufactured the foam in accordance with example 1 had essentially matte.s, jet black appearance, practically without gloss. In addition a abgeschalte situation of the comparison material had a hard grasp, while the foam was after example 1 soft and almost samtig. The following physical characteristics were determined: Comparison example example 1 density (g/cm s) 0, 025 0, 029 Räckprallelastizität (%) 27 41, 7 air permeability (m3/min) < 0, 0085 0, tensile strength (kg/cm z) 2, 22 1, 46 stretch (%) 407,426 lasting deformation: 90% - 22 h (%) 61, 0 9, 8 90% - 6h (%) 13.0 6.4 cell counting (Zellen/cm) in addition 19, 7 19, 4 splitting barness the permeable, essentially not shining, more intensively colored foam of example 1 is not good from there particularly suitably than isolating fodder for textile mould Al it is breathable, particularly soft and has a good flame laminating barness. With s pi el 2: A jet black foam with larger cells was won by Trade Union of German Employees procedure after example 1, whereby however a propoxyliertes Polyäthertriol with a molecular weight was used of 3000 and dry nitrogen gas into the Misehkammer in a quantity of 0, 1 thread - % the entire Reaktiommischung flow were left. The Stiekstoffgas serves as if starts for the cell formation. The procedure way of example 1 was used, and a jet black, open-cellular foam with a soft and pleasant grasp was received; it had the following characteristics: Density (g/cm3) 0, 0207 Päickprallelastizität (%) 44, air permeability (ms/min) 0, 274 Zugfesfigkeit (kg/cm) O, 11 lasting deformation: 9o% - 22 h (%) 8, 90% - 6h (%) 5.0 cell counting (cells/ere) splitting barness 11, 8 excellently. This product is particularly suitable for the filtration of liquids and gases, e.g. in air conditioning systems, since it has a high porosity. Example 3: A fine-cellular, essentially dull, fleisehfarbener Sehaum was made in the procedure way by example 1 of the following components: Thread - parts of Poly (diäthylenglykoladipinat) (mg = 2000) Toluylendiisocyanat (80/20) äthoxypropoxyliertes Polysiloxan (viscosity with 25°C -- 1700 cS) water tert. Amine Stannooctoat pigment dispersion (Trtcresylphosphat as connecting devices) of propoxyliertes G1ycerin (mg = 3000) Polydimethylsiloxan (viscosity = 50 cS with 25o¢) IOO 4, 38 4, 0, 0, 125 10, 0 I, 88 the foam samples following enumerated: from this mixture were examined, and its physical Eigemchaften is after-close (g/cm3) 0, 026 Rückprallelastizität (%) 36, 0 Luftdurchlässfgkeft (m s/min) 0, 21 tensile strength (kg/cm) 1, 63 stretch (%) 27 6 lasting deformation: 90% - 22 h (%) 4, 9 90°/o6h (%) 4.0 cell counting (Zellen/cm) 15, 7 splitting barness excellently. The manufactured foam had a matte, rose-pink meat color and a soft urtd artgenehmenGriff. The surface of the Sehaumes was essentially free from gloss. Such a foam w RH particularly suitably for bandages and other materials, which are to be set directly on the KtSrper, since it has an excellent breathing ability. That extraordinarily soft, open-cellular foam of example 3 was compared with a soft foam available in the trade, which became to receive by application of of a thermal Explosiombehandlung, which melts away the cell windows after the production of the foam. The two foams had essentially the same permeability, but the foam of example 3 was found as superior, if it were gepriift on those present of unerwümchtem, extractable material. The foam available in the trade contained 8, 9 thread - of % water-extractable materials and 15, 8% Mateñalien exttahierbate in dichloromethane. The product manufactured after the above example contained however only 0, 75% water-extractable and 2, 8% materials extractable with Methylenchlortd. This is a further confirmation for the advantages of in International Telecommunication Union production of open-cellular foams according to the invention compared with that so far admitted to best subsequent treatment procedures. How already describes, the subsequent treatment must cause necessarily a certain chemical dismantling the Sehaum of forming polymer mould valley. B e is pie I 4: A not pigmented, naturfarbener foam was manufactured in a amatzweisen procedure by mixing the following components: - - No. 320994 component thread - parts of Polydiäthylenglykoladipinat (mg = 2000) of propoxyliertes Glycerin (mA = 3000) of äthoxypropoxyliertes Polysiloxan (viscosity with 25°C = 1700 cS) tert. Amine (in Dipropylenglykol as solvent) Zirmoctoat water Toluylendiisocyanat (80/20) Dirnethylsiloxanpolymer (viscosity with 25°C = 50 cS) 3, 0.4 0, 2,3.6 44 1, after complete mixture was filled the material into a cylindrical mold; the sudsy time for the foam amounted to 50 seconds. The Gießfonn became then for further 5 min into a furnace einge - broke, which was held 80°C. No Zusammeminken of the foam, as soon as he was in the mold, essentially arose. In such a way manufactured foam was softly, highly porous and essentially free from each Glanz° with s p i el 5: The following materials in the indicated quantitative proportions were brought at the same time by separate charging holes into a usual mixture arrangement: Component thread - Divide polyole: a) Polydiäthylenglykoladipinat (mg = 2000) b) of propoxyliertes Glycerin (mg = 3.500) Toluylendiisocyanat (80/20) äthoxypropoxyliertes Polysiloxan (viscosity with 25°C = 1700 cS) Organozinnkatalysator (in Tricresylphosphat) amine activator Vv¢asser Ru - Hgment (12% pigment in Tficresylphosphat) Polydimethylsiloxan (viscosity = 50 cS with 25°c) ioo 26 47 3, 0.2,0.4,3.6 7.45 1.5 I0 the table arrangement 70 a mm mixing chamber contained. The mixer was operated with approximately 5400 Umdr/min and had a nozzle with 20 mm inside diameters. From the mixer nozzle the mixture was applied into the center of a continuously running casting volume, which was covered with a paper coated with PL and exhibited an essentially rectangular cross section. The casting volume was operated with a transportation angle of 1, 5°, had a run speed of 3, 8 m/min and was about 6, 1 m long. The body removed from the conveyor was left to cool down and split up for examining into thin situations. The Porengröße was controlled 6 Poren/cm for 7 and 12, in following violets easily within the range between 4, either by Eimtellen of the Düsenquerschnittes or by mixing Niederdmckmit high pressure Toluylendiisocyanat. The received rectangular body from black foam had the following characteristics: Density (g/cm3) air permeability (mA/min) cell counting (Zelleu/cm) Zugfestigkeßt (kg/cm z) Bruchdehuung (%) ultimate tensile strength (kg/cm 2) Rückprallelastizität (%) 1LD (5, 08 cm, 25%7 lasting deformation 90% - 22 h (%) 12, 5. it resulted in 0, 024 0, 51 8, 7,1.1,301 0, 22 33, 3 13, a comparison of in such a way manufactured foam with, later open cellular a made foam available in the trade, which exhibits a similar permeability and a structural firmness, that according to invention manufactured the foam has an excellent splitting barness, i.e. easily with templates can be punched, against what the foam gehaltliche in the trade exhibited only a bad splitting barness. The commercial foam was received by a subsequent treatment by explosive Auhveitung of a normal PolyesterPolyumthamchaumes. Example 6: Procedure way of example! , whereby the following materials were brought into the mixture head, with a throughput of 60 kg/min polyester polyole was repeated. Polyole a) Poly (dläthylenglykola dipinat) (mg = 2000) b7 Polycaprolacton (mg = 5007 c) of propoxyliertes Triol (mg = 3500) Toluylendiisocyanat (80/207 äthoxypropoxyliertes Polysiloxan (viscosity with 25° = 1700 it) water Polydimethylsiloxan (viscosity = 50 cS with 25°C) amine activator tin catalyst (1: 1 in Tricresylphosphat7 soot: Dispemion (in water) component thread - parts altogether I00 77, IO 12, 49, 6 3, 2.5 0, 125 0, 0, 3 the product was from tough rem, harder grasp than that one from example 1. the use of the Triols of the kind of the Caprolacton polyester instead of a part of the before used Polyäthertriols gave to the foam made of it one brittle-seized. The manufactured foam body was split up in usual procedures into sheets of a thickness by 6, 35 mm. Also the foam after example! in ähulicher way one split up. A surface of each sheet became after standard techniques to a leotard from polyamide fibers flammenlami -, the other surface at a standard knitting off niert. A usual polyester polyurethan-foam sheet available in the trade was likewise laminated in the same procedure, and the connection strengtheningnesses at each boundary surface, after chain and shot, was determined some hours according to the formation of the Verbundkörpem. The Bindungsfestigkeiß of the foam after example! , which had a rather soft grasp, was mindestem equal to the inspection sample from standard polyester foam, which had a substantially harder grasp. The connection firmness of the foam after example 6 was substantially larger than those of the two audern samples. The foam vou example 6 had a somewhat harder grasp than that of the standard polyester Polyuretham. B e i s pi e 1 7: The procedure way of example 3 was repeated using folgeuder output components: Thread - parts of Poly (diäthylenglykoladipinat) (mg = 2000) Toluylendüsocyanat (80/20) äthoxypropoxyliertes Polysiloxan (viscosity bei25°C = 1700 cS) water teß. Amine Stannooctoat pigment dispersion (polyester from glycol and dicarbonic acid with hydroxyl final's groups) propoxylierte Glycerin (mg = 8000) Polydimethylsiloxan (viscosity = 50 it with 25°C) nichtionischer foam stabilizer I00 4, 38 4, 0, 0, 22g 1, 88 foam stabilizers not siliciumhaltige according to table 1 further one to the mixture in the quantities specified in the table I were admitted. As evident, essentially no change in the characteristics of the soft foam suitable for cosmetic application purposes arose, but the ease of the production was increased, since many well-known mechanical parameters became less critical. Table 1 stabilizer no (control) Tallölstiureester of PL glycol Tricresylphosphat Poly (1, 3butylenglykoladipinat), with Aeetylendgruppen Teile/100 of parts polyole 8, 0 5, 0 I0, 0 10, 0 air permeability 0, 22 0, 22 0, 22 0, 21 0, 24 cell counting (Zellen/cm) 15, q of 15, 0 17,3 15, 7 15, 7 examples 8 to i 0: A beginning-wise procedure was used for the production of the following foams, by the parent compounds in a mixer of laboratory size ven nischt and were poured by hand into an open above mold. The following mixtures were manufactured: Component Poly (di äthylenglykoladipinat (mg = 2000) Gopolymere of Diäthylenglykoladipinat and a small part of a Triols *) Polycaprolaeton (viscosity = 2000 cS with 25öC) propoxylierter Triolpoly/lther (mg = 3500) of äthoxypropoxyliertes Polysiloxan (Viskositat with 25°C = 1700 CS) Dimethylsiloxan (viscosity bei25°C = 50 cS) Toluylendiisocyanat (80/20) amine initiator tin catalyst RaI (w sserige Suspemion) example 8 0 1.5 0, 44 0, 3 0, 6, 2 thread - parts example 9 0 1,5 0, 44 0, 3 0, 6, 2 example IO 1.5 0, 44 0, 8 0, 6, 2 *) the polyester of example 9 was more highly branches out than that one from example 8. The foamed products were let set off in the forms and cool down on ambient temperature, Ieder of the three polyesters used in these examples let themselves gleieh well process and gave essentially identically good open-porous Schaumpr lukte with high Luftdumhlässigkeiten. The product of example I0 had to test the grasp, that one from example 8 at few the hard grasp. B e i s p i e I e 1 1 u n D 12: The procedure way of example 8 was repeated, whereby - attitude nit by Polyesterzu Poly therpolyol, as in the following exhibition was shown, varied: Component Poly (diathylenglykoladipinat) (mg = 2000) of propoxyliertes Triol (mg = 3500) ä hoxypropoxyliertes Polysiloxan (viscosity with 25°C = 1700 cS) Dimethylsiloxan (viscosity with 25°C = 50 cS) Toluylendiisocyanat (80/20) amine initiator tin catalyst w/Isserige suspension Gew, - parts example example 11 12 90 0 1,5,1.5 0, 5 0, 44 44 0, 8 0, 8 0, 15 0, 6, 2 6, 2 in each case more zufriedemtellender, essentially completely openly, highly permeable I0 foam was received, but was softer the foam after example 12. With s p i e I 1 8: Example 11 was repeated, whereby in place of the 80/20 - isomer mixture by Toluylendiisocyanat a 65/35-Isomemaischung was inserted. In such a way manufactured foam was of harder grasp than the product of example 1!. Hard foams are particularly desired for materials, which should together with textiles used. Example 14: Example 9 was repeated, whereby however the relationship from Polyäther to polyester of 85: 15 and a 65/35-Isomerverhältnis for Toluylendiisocyanat guarantee became. This 3chaum had a particularly hard grasp, was however open cellular and just as fine pored as the foam after example 9. B e i s p i e 1 1 5: Example 8 was repeated, however a Polyäthertriol with a molecular weight was used of approximately 3000. This mixture resulted in a foam, which was somewhat rough cellular as that one of the example 8, however otherwise a satisfying open-cellular Schaurn represented. B e s p i el 1 6: Example 8 was repeated, however in place of the Polyäthertriols a PolyätherAcrylnitril styrene Terpolymeres was used, with a molecular weight of approximately 4000. To a considerable degree more permeable, essentially completely open-cellular foam with a particularly firm grasp and with excellent Durehlässigkeit was received. B egg s p i el 17: Example 8 was repeated, whereby the used quantities of polyester to 65 and of Polyäther were amended to 35 parts. An open foam with a firm grasp was received. B e i s p i e 1 1 8: The procedure way of example 8 was repeated, but used as Polyäthertriol a hydrophilic Polyäthertriol with a high Oxyäthylengehalt and a molecular weight of approximately 4000. From this mixture more useful, hochdumhl more ssiger, essentially completely open foam with increased Hydrophilität was received. Examples 19 to 2 1: The procedure way of example 8 was repeated with the following raw materials: Component thread - Divide Poly (DL äthylenglykoladipinat) (mg = S000) Polytithertriol (mg = 3500) organic 3iliziumemulgator Dimethylsiloxanpolymere (viscosity with 25°C = 50 cS) Toluylendiisocyanat (80/20) Amintnttiator tin catalyst call (aqueous suspension as in table 0, 44 0, 3 0, 6.2 in this mixture the following emulsifying agents were used: Example 19 21 organic 3iliziumemulgator not hydrolyzable propoxyäthoxyliertes Polysiloxan hydrolyzable äthoxypropoxyliettes Polysiloxan Silylamin thread - parts of 1, 1.8 I, in each case more useful, to a considerable degree more permeable, essentially perfectly open foam became erhalteu. Examples 2 to 2 6: The procedure way of example 8 was repeated with the same components, however those viscosity of the hydrophoben Dimethylsilikons, which finds as foam-restraining means use, was shown in the following, varied as: Example 22 23 24 26 viscosity of Dimethylsiloxanpolymere with 25°C (cS) 100,500 in each case was received more satisfactoryly, essentially completely openly, to a considerable degree permeable foam with essentially the same characteristics as the foam after example 8. B e is p i e 1 2 7: The procedure way of example I was repeated, using folgendenA usgangsmischung: Components thread - Divide Polydiäthylenglykoladipinat (mg = 2000) of propoxyliertes Glycerln (mg = 8000) Toluylendiisocyanat (80/20) äthoxypropoxyliertes Polysiloxan (viscosity with 25°C = 1700 cS) tin catalyst amine initiator aqueous soot pigment Dimethylsiloxanpolymem (viscosity with 25°c = 50 cS) 19 I, 0, 2 0, 3,5.5 the formed rectangular bodies to situations of a thickness by 6, 35 mm were split up. A surface of samples of these foam situations was then bound after the standard techniques used in the textile industry to a leotard material from Polyamidfasem and the other surface at usual knitting off from polyamide fibers by flame laminating. In the trade available, usual polyester polyurethan-foam fabric plies the same thickness were likewise flame-laminated using the same standard technology to the same materials. The laminates were then examined for honour connection firmness for each boundary surface, in Kettenund in firing direction, immediately after laminating, after 5 Wasehzytden and after 5 dry cleaning cycles. The results are the following: Initially after 5maligem washing after 5maligem drying - test conditions knitting off deseam average connection chain/shot leotard average connection chain/shot Delaminierung concentration knitting off average connection chain/shot leotard, average connection chain/shot Delaminierung concentration knitting off, durchschnitüiche connection chain/shot leotard, average connection chain/shot control polyester 8, 2/7, 7 8, 0/5, 7 leotard 8, 3/6, 7 no no 5, 0/4, 7 1, 7/1, 7 No. 320994 example 27 13, 0/9, 0 9.5/8, no no 11, 5/8, 0 8, 5/5, no no 11.0/8.0 7, 0/6, 0 as evident, form efftndungsgemäß the manufactured foam a stronger connection at the boundary surfaces compared with the standard Polyesterpolyumthamchaum, whereby it in addition open cellular is and from there a strongly improved Luftdurchlllssigkeit possesses, which makes him more pleasant when carrying wesenfllch. The foam after Beispiel27 was not delaminiert also after maligem washing, against what 50% derTrikotlaminterungen with the inspection sample delaminierten. For the product after example 27 the connection firmness was well maintained after the dry cleaning compared with the inspection sample made of polyester urethane foam.


1370713 Laminates TENNECO CHEMICALS Inc 17 Feb 1972 [5 March 1971 27 Dec 1971] 7447/72 Heading B5N [Also in Division C3] Nylon knit and tricot fabrics are flamelaminated to sheets of non-lustrous, open-pore cellular solid polyurethanes prepared by reacting tolylene diisocyanate with a mixture of poly(diethylene glycol adipate), propoxylated glycerol, ethoxypropoxylated polysiloxane from stabilizer, tin catalyst, amine initiator, aqueous carbon black pigment and polydimethylsiloxane hydrophobic anti-foaming compound.

1. Not more shining, essentially open-cellular, fexibler Urethanpolymemchaum, which is essentially free of diaphragms oderResten of diaphragms, D ad urch characterized that it consists the remainders of a hydrophilic of a mixed polyester Polyäther Urethanpolymemn of Polyesterpolyolund of a smaller quantity of a PolyätherpolFol and a water and, oberfläehenaktivenOrganosiliziumemulgators and hydrophoben, foam-restraining Organosiltziumverhindung contains.

2. Urethane polymer foam nachAnspmch 1, by characterized that the foam-restraining connection a Polysfloxan with units-- (R zSiO)-- it is where the groups of R at each silicon atom are hydrophobe organic groups. to the respective silicon atom over a Kohlemtoffatom are bound.

3. Cellular solid according to requirement 2, by characterized that the organic groups are R of hydrocarbon remainders.

4. Cellular solid after Ampruch 1, by it characterized that the foam-stabilizing surface-active emulsifying agent is a polymere with a multiplicity of silicon atoms and a langkettigen hydrophilic group, cellular solid nachAmpruch 1, by it characterized, from there in addition tei! chenförmiges pigment contains.

6. Cellular solid according to requirement 5, by characterized that the pigment is soot.

7. Procedure for the production flexible, cellular, firm urethane polymers after Ampruch! , from a polyisocyanate, a Polyhydroxypolyester and water in presence of a hydrophilic, foam-stabilizing surface-active emulsifying agent, thereby characterized that 5 to 35 Gew. - % one with isocyanate Polyätherpolyols on basis of the total quantity at Polyhydmxypolyester r¢aktiven and - poly more ther einge - set become and the reaction mixture as schaumstabüisierender, surface-active emulsifying agent a hydrophilic Organosiliziumverbindung, as they were developed for the use with the production of urethane polymers from a Polyätherpolyol and a polyisocyanate and in use, and a hydrophobe, foam-restraining Organosiliziumverbindung are admitted.

8. Procedure according to requirement 7, by characterized that the cellular is manufactured solid by the One SHOT method.

9. Procedure after Anspruch7, thereby characterized that the foam-stabilizing, oberüächenaktive emulsifying agent is a Organosiliziumpolymeres with a multiplicity of silicon atoms and a langkettigen hydrophilic group. Procedure according to requirement 9, by characterized that the surface-active emulsifying agent is a Copolymeres from a Polysiloxan and a Polyalkylentither.

11. Procedure according to requirement 10, by the fact characterized that the Polysiloxan PolyoxyalkylenCopolymere at least for instance i50xyalkyleneinheiten (degrees of H) contains, where p lies between 9. and about 6. p 2p.

12. Procedure according to requirement 11, thus gekennzeicnnet that p is in average value, which is derived from a mixture from Oxyalkylengruppen, where p means on the one hand 2, on the other hand 3 or 4.

13. Procedure according to requirement 11, by characterized that the surface-active emulsifying agent is a polymere, which a Räckgrat from Siloxangmppen and as Seitenkette contains at least a Polyoxyalkylengruppe.

14. Procedure according to requirement 11, by characterized that the obezflgchenaktive emulsifying agent is a polymere, which a Räckgrat exhibits out alternating Siloxanund Oxyalkylengmppen. Procedure according to requirement 14, by characterized that the Siloxaneinheiten the formula - SiO RI have, where R and R are hydrocarbon remainders.

16. Procedure according to requirement 15, by characterized that R and blanks are alkyl groups with 1 to approximately 4 C-atoms.

17. Procedure according to requirement 16, there through characterized that R and KT are groups of methyls.

18. Procedure according to requirement 11, by characterized that the Polyoxyalkylengruppe from a mixture of OxylIthyleneinheiten and Oxypropyleneinheiten is formed, so that p has an average value between 2 and 3.

19. Procedure according to requirement 7, by characterized that the foam-restraining connection is a Polysiloxan with the recurring group (RIU it), where K and Kl mean hydrophobe organic groups, which are bound to the silicon atom over a carbon atom.

20. Procedure according to requirement 19, by characterized that the organic groups are approximately Kt of hydrocarbon remainders.

21. Procedure nachAnspmch 20, by it characterized, siloxan) is.

22. Procedure according to requirement 21, by it characterized, siloxan) is.

23. Procedure according to requirement 7, thereby is marked, made teflchenförmigen pigment.

24. Procedure after Anspmch 23, by it characterized, wässerfgen medium dispergieß is.

25. Procedure according to requirement 23, thereby is marked, dispersed serigen medium. 9.6. Procedure according to requirement 7, by the fact characterized that oberflächenaktiveEmulgatorin the quantity of approximately 0, 1 to approximately 5 thread - parts per 100 part of total quantity at Polyäther and polyesters is present.

27. Procedure according to requirement 26, by characterized that the surface-active emulsifying agent in a quantity of approximately 1, 0 to approximately 5 parts per 100 part of total quantity of Polyhydroxyverbindungenvorliegt.

28. Procedure according to requirement 7, there through characterized that the foam-restraining Organosilidaß the Polysiloxan a Poly (d/alkyldaß the Polysiloxan Poly (dimethyldaß the reaction in present one that the pigment kiss is, derin one that the pigment in one nichtwäs - 22 - No. 320994: ziumverbindung in a quantity of approximately 0, 1 to approximately 3 parts per I00 of parts of total quantity of PolyhydroxyReaktionskomponenten is present. Pressure: Engineer E. Voytjech, Vienna