Hubfahrzeug, insbesondere fuer die ver- und entsorgung von flugzeugen
The invention concerns I-lubfahrzeug, in particular for Verund disposal of airplanes, with a chassis, a driving cab and a load container appropriate behind the driving cab od. such, which are raisable by means of one by dmckmittelbeaufschlagten place-rubbed operated shears lifting gear beyond the height of the Fahrerhanses, whereby at the chassis and/or load container the driving cab-lateral ends of the shears thighs are preferably adjustably stored linked and the ends of the Seherenschenkel at longitudinal guidance, rejecting of the driving cab, and at least with the load container raised over the driving cab hebund more lowerable, telescopic over the driving cab of shove outable load arms is intended.
With stroke vehicles besUmmten for Verund disposal of airplanes is usually designed as load suit-case the load container, which takes up the goods which can be transported preferably in mobile containers, so-called Trolleys. There is Hubfahr'zeuge well-known, with which the load arm would place-rub completely into the load container concealably and from this to the Andocken to the airplane od. such with raised load container over is telescopic shove outable. With other stroke vehicles a bath platform is abbewegbar attached aufund above the driving cab, which is carried forward with the raising of the load suit-case by this over drivers, whereby it is then on same height with its ground and some usually schmäleren by swivelling or shifting at least over the width of this bath platform adjustable load arm carries, which can be telescopic adjustable in its length. So that relatively deeply appropriate load openings of airplanes become attainable, it is also well-known to attach the upper section of the driving cab insertable which is possible with vacant driving cab in the NormalfaU only.
By wrong actuations of the control equipments, by failure of controls or by Leitungsbmch it can occur that the shears lifting gear is lowered, while the load arm still drove and/or still operating personnel out in the load suit-case, on the Ladeplatfform or in the load arm is. There is then the danger that the load arm impacts on the driving cab and/or persons, who are around transition of Ladeplattform and load suit-case, by which further lowering of the load container under the height the driving cab are endangered.
Task of the invention is it to create a simple mechanism by also with faulty operations, misguided policies or Steuerungsbzw. Line errors Beschitdigungen at the vehicle, at vehicle parts one prevents and a Getährdang of the operating personnel in the case of such errors.
The task posed is solved thereby that a support, in particular to a shears thigh einund the ArbeitssteUung swing-out more stored, securing the shears of the shears lifting gear in at least a Ausfahrstellang against bringing in, is intended with an attack of zusarnmenwirkender distance owners appropriate at the other shears thigh at the same side of the shears joint, whereby preferably the distance owner place-rubbed over a his own with driven out load arm into the working position is swing-out.
During the simplest execution into the Sichernngsstellung support present lowering the load container prevents under the height of the Fahrerhanses, whereby still another safety margin can be kept also here. Thereby in the case of occurring errors breaking the arm open is prevented on the driving cab and/or further lowering of the load container, after the arm reached the height of the driving cab, surely. The support can be used also as work support for the additional stabilization of the driven out from shears lifting gear and load container of existing system in one or more working positions, for which purpose one will then preferably plan a support adjustable on several Gegenanschläge for the determination of the different supporting heights. Apart from the preferential execution also from a shears thigh einund swing-out distance owner can one also supports plan, which are issuable over the longitudinal guidance and with lowering the shears lifting gear a far adjustment of the adjustable shears thigh and thus prevent a further lowering of the Scherenhnhwerkes.
Preferably the shears thighs of the shears lifting gear are in well-known way leader-like with two cross-beams held together by cross connections constructed, whereby the adjustable shears thigh ends are connected by continuous transverse axes, on those guiding roles store, with which the shears thigh ends at the longitudinal guidance push away. Here the thrust ring from an appropriate transverse axis at the other, adjustably led shears thigh end is swinging out stored trained distance owners at a Queraehse of the adjustably led shears thigh end from the shears thigh in an educated manner after a further arrangement of the invention article than support and, whereby the support at its free end of photographs for these carries Quer'achse bathing the attack.
After a further training common control equipment is intended for the adjusting the load arm place-rubbed and place-rubbed the distance owner, which place-rubbed when driving the load arm out the distance owner in the sense of swinging out into the working position and only with fully brought in load arm in the sense of the resetting heads for.
Further details and advantages of the invention article one infers from the following description of design.
In the design the Erfmdungsgegenstand is for example illustrated. Fig show. 1 schematizes a stroke vehicle in the Fahrstellung and Fig in side view. 2 the stroke vehicle with raised load container, driven out loadto-casually and in the safety device position of engaged support.
The represented stroke vehicle possesses a chassis (1), at which in front a deeply set driving cab (2) No. 389683 is attached. Hydraulically extendable condition supports to the additional support of the chassis with the raising one as load suit-case (3) of trained load container can be intended, were however not represented.
The load suit-case (3) is over a shears lifting gear (4, 5) liftable attached at the chassis. This Seherenhubwerk possesses shears from the Seherenschenkeln (4, 5), which can be composed leader-like of Seitenholmen and transverse rungs, whereby at the Sehenkelenden Quer'achsen are present as final rungs.
The Seherenschenkel (4, 5) are connected by a shears joint (6). The shearing handles (4, 5) with their ends at the chassis (1) and at a lower carrier part (7) of the load suit-case (3) around transverse axes (8, 9) are driving cab lateral tiltable stored. Of the driving cab (2) rejecting ends of the shears thighs car Lauflollen (10, 11), with those it on Längsführnngen (12, 13) of the chassis (1) and/or the ground of the load suit-case (3) are adjustable. To both sides of the shears joint (6) is between the Sehenkeln (4, 5) also pneumatically operatable (not represented) would place-rub hydraulically, if necessary to the Ausund bringing the shears lifting gear (4, 5) in attached. The load suit-case can over the shears lifting gear e.g. 5 m over the space occupied of the vehicle to be raised.
With the remark example is from the load suit-case (3) forward a load arm (14) by means of a position impulse (15) outer blowable, that if necessary telescopic from several against each other adjustable sections exists and a Andocken to a load opening of an airplane made possible.
Between the castors (10) is tiltable stored on the axle (16) a support (17), for which place-rubbed own more pneumatically or hydraulically (18) is intended. In the resting position the support (17) is with brought in place-rubbed (18) between the cross-beams in the shears thigh (5) sunk. Becomes with totally or partly raised with its ground over the driving cab (2) load suit-case present (3) the arm (14) driven out, then over the admission of the position impulse (15) steering control equipment also place-rubbed (18) subjected, so that it the support (17) in figure. 2 represented relative swiveling relative to the shears thigh (5) swings out. The control is so adjusted with the fact that place-rubbed (18) only again with fully brought in load arm (14) in the sense of bringing in be subjected can and then the support (17) einlappt.
Becomes the shears lifting gear (4, 5) with still driven out load arm (14) in the sense of bringing in or comes it subjects by line break, failure of the feed pump. a control valve or the control equipment to lowering the shears lifting gear and thus the load suit-case (3), then di6 support (17) is in Fig. 2 represented wait position and the upper transverse axis (19) of the castors (11) can into photographs engage, before still the arm (14), planned at the upper end of the support, the driving cab (2) hits. The support (17) holds thereby the shears lifting gear in Fig. 2 represented situation. A further lowering of the load suit-case (3) is only possible after the shears lifting gear (4, 5) up to the solution the axle (19) by the photographs of the support (17) one raised and one brought in the arm (14).
After a variant one can plan emergency control equipment, which from over a Dreioder multiple way valve would essentially place-rub a closable line connection between the cylinders the shears lifting gear (4, 5) and the cylinders would place-rub (15, 18) exists. In this case becomes when failing the Druckmittelversorgnng by the weight of the load suit-case (3) produced for pressure in the place-rubbed of the shears lifting gear for bringing the arm (14 in) used, whereby also one place-rubbed after bringing the arm (14 in) over (15) place-rubbed (18) in the sense of bringing in to subject and thus can swing the support (17).
With the remark example is attachable the support (17) between the axles (16) and (19). The support could also because of other place, for example being between two shears thighs (4, 5) at the same side of the shears joint (6) to be attached. One could plan also a support, which possesses photographs for Gegenrasten in longitudinal distances to shears thigh bringable with it in interference, so that the shears lifting gear becomes feststeUbar with the help of the support in several positions. Also finally use can to find for the manipulation of the support (17) more mechanically or electrically place-rubbed. After another possibility one plans an issuing feather/spring for the support and uses one place-rubbed, which can be formed then also by a push pull cable or a lever system, only in order to reset the support into the resting position.
No. 389683 An elevating vehicle, particularly for loading and unloading aircraft, has a chassis (1), a cab (2) and a load container (3), which is fitted behind the cab (2) and can be raised beyond the height of the cab by means of a scissors-type lifting gear (4, 5) operated by servo drives acted upon by pressure medium. The ends of the scissors limbs (4, 5) on the cab side are pivoted on the chassis (1) or load container (3), and the ends of the scissors limbs pointing away from the cab (2) are mounted adjustably on longitudinal guides (12, 13). A load outrigger (14) is provided which can be extended telescopically over the cab (2) and can be raised and lowered together with the load container (3). In order to increase the operating safety and the stability when the scissors-type lifting gear is extended, a support (17) is provided which secures the scissors (4, 5) of the scissors- type lifting gear against retraction in at least one extended position and consists of a spacer, which can be swivelled out on one scissors limb (5) in its working position and cooperates in its working position with a stop (19) attached on the other scissors limb (4) on the same side of the scissors joint (6). When the load outrigger (14) is extended, the spacer (17) can be swivelled out into the working position via a servo drive (18). <IMAGE> 1. I-Iubfahrzeug, in particular ffir Verund disposal of airplanes, with a chassis, a driving cab and an appropriate a load container behind the driving cab od. such, which are raisable by means of one by argument-subjected place-rubbed betäägten shears lifting gear beyond the height of the driving cab, whereby at the chassis and/or load container the driving cab-lateral ends of the shears thighs are adjustably stored linked and the ends of the shears thighs at long guidance, rejecting of the driving cab, and preferably loadlay out at least with the load container raised over the driving cab hebund more lowerable, telescopic over the driving cab more anssehiebbarer “are intended, thereby characterized that the shears (4, 5) of the shears lifting gear in at least one down position against bringing securing support in (17), in particular on a shears thigh (5) einund into the working position swing-out more stored, with one at the other shears thigh (4) at the same side of the shears joint appropriate attack (19) cooperating distance owner it is intended and that preferably the distance owner place-rubbed over a his own (18) with driven out load arm (14) into the working position is to tiltable. 2. I-Iubfahrzeug according to requirement 1, by characterized that the trained the distance owner (17) at a transverse axis (16) of the adjustably a led shears thigh end from the shears thigh (5) auslappbar and the thrust ring from an appropriate transverse axis (19), as support, at the other, adjustably led shears thigh end stores is formed, whereby the support at its free end of photographs for these balances the attack screen end transverse axis. 3. Stroke vehicle according to requirement 1 or 2, by characterized that for the load arm (place-provided 14) adjusting (15) and (18) the distance owner (17) common control equipment place-rubbed is intended, which place-rubbed when driving the load arm out the distance owner in the sense of swinging out into the Arbeitsstellang and only with fully brought in load arm in the sense of the resetting heads for.