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20-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2165378C2
Автор: Дудин В.Г.

Изобретение относится к средствам для подвески грузов на пилоны летательных аппаратов. Грузоподъемное устройство содержит гибкие ленты, охватывающие груз, и ложемент. Количество гибких лент равно двум, а устройство снабжено скобами и пряжками для крепления этих лент к пилону летательного аппарата, причем ложемент снабжен петлями для гибких лент, охватывающих груз при помощи этих петель, и подъемным рычагом с рукояткой. Изобретение обеспечивает уменьшение габаритов устройства. 6 ил.

10-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2312044C2

Изобретение относится к области погрузки в грузовой отсек (1) самолета и выгрузки из грузового отсека (1) самолета неупакованного груза (6), например отдельных предметов багажа. Система включает средство перемещения неупакованного груза (6) к внутреннему краю грузового отсека (1) при погрузке или от него при выгрузке между уровнем бетонированной площадки и отверстием грузового отсека. В системе при погрузке неупакованный груз (6) может перемещаться в фюзеляж в поперечном направлении относительно продольной оси самолета, а также в продольном направлении самолета и размещаться в грузовом отсеке (1). Неупакованный груз (6), при выгрузке перемещаемый назад в плоскость отверстия грузового отсека, может перемещаться в поперечном направлении относительно продольной оси самолета через отверстие грузового отсека. Дополнительно предложено средство (2) промежуточного конвейера. Определены дополнительные альтернативы для системы, а также для средства промежуточного конвейера и блока конвейера соответственно ...

10-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2438934C2

Изобретение относится к аэродромному оборудованию для обслуживания летательных аппаратов, в частности к устройствам для подъема и перемещения коробок самолетных агрегатов и генераторов. Устройство содержит несущую раму, лебедку с тросом, направляющие ролики, грузозахватный кронштейн и страховочный механизм. Несущая рама снабжена опорами и двумя крепежными болтами для крепления к фюзеляжу. Страховочный механизм выполнен в виде прикрепленной несущей раме опоры, в которую вмонтирована направляющая с подвижным упором, взаимодействующим с осью грузового троса, на которой подвешен грузозахватный кронштейн. Несущая рама снабжена консольной балкой, на которой смонтирован рычаг, выполненный с возможностью вращения в вертикальной и горизонтальной плоскостях. Рычаг снабжен переходником с тросом, который соединен с одним концом Г-образного кронштейна, в другой конец которого вмонтирован держатель со способностью вращения вокруг оси и снабженный хомутом. Держатель и хомут взаимодействуют с одним из ...

27-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU57715U1

Полезная модель относится к средствам аэродромного оборудования, необходимого для наземного обслуживания вертолетов типа МИ-8. Приспособление для обслуживания лопастей несущего винта вертолета содержит стремянку 1, стрелу и лебедку 5 с тросом для подвешивания за крюк 7 съемного стропа 2. Стрела состоит из двух плоских трубчатых ферм 4 и 6, на ферме 4 закреплен ролик, а на ферме 6 установлена лебедка 5, трос которой перекинут через упомянутый ролик, при этом одни концы ферм связаны между собой, а другие концы фермы 4 с роликом закреплены за узлы крепления на площадке 10 стремянки 1, а фермы 6 с лебедкой 5 - за узлы крепления на ограждении 8 площадки 10. Ограждение 8 площадки 10 усилено металлическими лентами 9, связывающими узлы крепления фермы 6 на ограждении 8 площадки 10 со свободными узлами крепления на самой площадке 10. На нижней опоре стремянки 1 закреплен груз-противовес 11 для предотвращения опрокидывания стремянки 1 с подвешенной на тросе лебедки 5 лопастью 3. На колесных опорах ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Тележка для транспортировки воздухозаборника авиационного турбореактивного двигателя

Номер: RU183207U1

Полезная модель относится к аэродромным тележкам для транспортировки к местам стоянки самолета воздухозаборника авиационного турбореактивного двигателя. Техническим результатом настоящей полезной модели является приспособление грузовой платформы для бережной фиксации на ней воздухозаборника авиационного турбореактивного двигателя, удобство доступа при погрузке и улучшение маневренности тележки за счет поворота передних колес на угол более 90 градусов в обе стороны и торможения передних колес стояночным тормозом. Выполнение грузовой платформы в виде пространственной рамной конструкции с рабочей наклонной поверхностью для фиксации обечайки воздухозаборника с помощью мягких опор и упоров, расположенных вокруг центра рабочей грани рамы обеспечивает надежность фиксации груза при транспортировке и позволяет уменьшить габариты грузовой платформы по ширине. Нижнее откидное шарнирное боковое ограждение, установленные на наклонной грани рамы обеспечивают удобный доступ к местам фиксации воздухозаборника ...

20-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2126346C1

Сооружение представляет собой комбинацию устройств для причаливания и обработки грузов для летательного аппарата 62 ЛА. Предусмотрена несущая груз конструкция, прикрепленная к днищу ЛА и проходящая вдоль по меньшей мере части его продольной оси, имеющая множество проходов 100А - F с открытыми концами. Проходы 100А - F приспособлены для одновременной выгрузки грузовых контейнеров 54 из одного конца прохода и загрузки грузовых контейнеров в противоположный конец. В сооружение входит платформа 12, имеющая центральную секцию 16 для приема причаленного ЛА, первую боковую часть 20, предназначенную для приема грузовых контейнеров, выгружаемых из судна; вторую боковую часть 18, предназначенную для размещения грузовых контейнеров 54, которые одновременно погружаются, первое средство для вращения платформы вокруг оси вращения и второе средство 22 для крепления судна 62. Предусмотрено средство для транспортировки 40, 42, предназначенное для приема грузовых контейнеров 54 и доставки их к удаленным ...

27-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2172708C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для загрузки-разгрузки самолета или других транспортных средств. Эстакада содержит устанавливаемый на основании наклонный трап, связанный с корпусом эстакады, погрузочную площадку, которая снабжена закрепленными на ней направляющими и выполнена с возможностью перемещения в вертикальной плоскости. Корпус эстакады выполнен из нескольких типовых секций, а упомянутый наклонный трап содержит не менее двух секций, при этом все секции корпуса эстакады и трапа установлены в два параллельных ряда и состыкованы между собой при помощи стыковочных узлов. Каждая секция корпуса эстакады выполнена рамной конструкции и содержит нижний силовой пояс и верхний силовой пояс, который выполнен, например, в виде четырех швеллеров, связанных между собой по передним и задним краям уголками, а в нижней части трубой. Верхний силовой пояс также снабжен упомянутыми направляющими и двумя поперечными балками, связанными между собой двумя трубами, на каждой поперечной балке смонтированы ...

10-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU125160U8

... 1. Погрузочное устройство, содержащее эстакаду, корпус которой выполнен из двух секций, которые установлены в два параллельных ряда и выполнены с возможностью стыковки этих секций с дополнительными секциями в рядах при помощи стыковочных узлов, а каждая секция корпуса эстакады выполнена рамной конструкции и содержит опоры, закрепленные на опорах верхний силовой пояс, образующий погрузочную площадку, выполненную с возможностью перемещения в вертикальной плоскости, и нижний силовой пояс, причем эстакада выполнена разборной с возможностью изменения расстояния между рядами секций в зависимости от потребной ширины колеи и с возможностью изменения длины и высоты эстакады за счет изменения количества и высоты секций, при этом упомянутые опоры выполнены регулируемыми по высоте, а погрузочная площадка снабжена грузонесущими направляющими, закрепленными на ней и выполненными в виде Ш-образного профиля с возможностью установки в его пазы роликовых приспособлений, с помощью которых обеспечивается перемещение ...

20-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: SU1085143A1

Тележка для монтажа и демонтажа составных длинномерных объектов с кольцом-гайкой, содержащая раму с поперечными ложементами и колесами, имеющими независимые поворотные оси, отличающаяся тем, что, с целью повышения производительности при монтаже и демонтаже длинномерных составных объектов, рама тележки выполнена разъемной в средней части и сочленена дополнительно введенными съемными шкворнями, причем одна из полурам снабжена червячной парой, шестерня которой выполнена разъемной и имеет возможность взаимодействия с кольцом-гайкой объекта, при этом поперечные ложементы выполнены с возможностью осевого перемещения относительно полурам.

27-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: SU1336440A1

Устройство для хранения и обслуживания подвесных агрегатов, содержащее смонтированную на колесах раму, выполненную в виде соединенных между собой продольных и поперечных балок, отличающееся тем, что, с целью расширения эксплуатационных возможностей путем обеспечения обслуживания подвесных агрегатов, на каждом конце поперечной балки закреплена посредством шарнира горизонтального разворота Г-образная стойка, снабженная фиксатором, выполненным в виде регулируемого звена типа тандера, закрепленного на поперечной балке и взаимодействующего с упорами, установленными на Г-образной стойке.

20-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: SU520760A1

Устройство для транспортирования длинномерных объектов самолета, содержащее опорную раму, на которой расположены грузовые ложементы в виде гибких ветвей, огибающих направляющие блоки, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения эффективности работы, направляющие блоки смонтированы на установленных рычагах, шарнирно закрепленных на опорной раме, а на свободных концах гибких ветвей грузовых ложементов подвешены балансирные траверсы, установленные посредством шарового шарнира на поворотных пальцах, закрепленных на опорной раме.

23-12-1991 дата публикации

Погрузочно-разгрузочное устройство

Номер: SU1074037A1

30-06-1983 дата публикации

Транспортер-погрузчик пакетированных грузов

Номер: SU849701A1

... 1. ТРАНСПОРТЕР-ПОГРУЗЧИК ПАКЕТИРОВАННМХ ГРУЗОВ, содержащий седельный тягач и полуприцеп с кормовой частью, аутригерами и основной несу1дей платформой, оборудованной приводными рольгангами, отличающийся тем, что, с целью , повкшения производительности погрузочно-разгрузочных работ и сокращения эксплуатационных расходов, в кор мовой части полуприцепа установлена дополнительная платформа, снабженная механизмом подъема, приводными рольгангами , и устройством для автоматического установа дополнительной платформы на уровнях перегрузки. 2. Транспортер-погрузчик пакетированных грузов п6п.1,отличаю щ и и с я тем, что устройство для автоматического установа дополнительной платформы на уровнях перегрузки выполнено в виде кронштейна с датчиО ) ком, закрепленного на платформе и регулируемого упора с пятой, закрепленной на полу перегрузочного средства.

07-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069426535T2

12-07-2001 дата публикации

Stetigförderer, insbesondere Gepäckförderer

Номер: DE0019981644D2

24-12-2008 дата публикации

Gepäckförderband mit Überwachungseinrichtung

Номер: DE202008010150U1

04-10-2001 дата публикации

Handling luggage in airports involves moving dolly directly to unloading device to align with loading station, securing container to station, tilting container so items slide onto conveyor

Номер: DE0010015778A1

The method involves transporting containers (18) with suspensions devices or dollies (16) to a luggage conveyor system, where a dolly with a loaded container is next to a luggage conveyor belt, e.g. leading to a luggage output. The dolly is moved directly to an unloading device to align with a loading station (14). The container is secured to the loading station and is tilted forwards so the items slide under gravity onto a conveyor belt. Independent claims are also included for the following: an arrangement for implementing the method.

14-09-2006 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Kontrolle von Handgepäck und anderen mitgeführten Gegenständen

Номер: DE102005011054A1

Bei einem Verfahren und einer Vorrichtung zur Kontrolle von Handgepäck und anderen von Flugpassagieren mitgeführten Gegenständen beim Check-In wird in einer ersten Prüfeinrichtung (3) die Komplexität eines Gegenstandes im Hinblick auf die Prüfung automatisch bestimmt. Anschließend werden in Abhängigkeit von der ermittelten Komplexität unterschiedliche weitere Prüfschritte durchgeführt.

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Fortbewegungsmittel sowie System und Verfahren zum Transport von Gepäck in ein Fortbewegungsmittel

Номер: DE102017127324A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein System zum Transport von Gepäck in ein Fortbewegungsmittel (1), das mindestens eine Frachtraumöffnung (13) und mindestens eine Passagierraumöffnung (12) aufweist, die auf gleicher Höhe außen an dem Fortbewegungsmittel (1) angeordnet sind, wobei das System mindestens ein Gepäcktransportelement (22); und mindestens eine Passagierbrücke (20, 20') für Passagiere aufweist, wobei die mindestens eine Passagierbrücke (20, 20') einen Durchgangsbereich (21) aufweist, der gleichzeitig mit der Frachtraumöffnung (13) und der Passagierraumöffnung (12) verbindbar ist, wobei das Gepäcktransportelement (22) ein Gehäusemodul (23) zur Aufnahme von Gepäck und ein Bewegungsmodul (25) zum Transport des Gepäcktransportelements (22) aufweist, und wobei das Gepäcktransportelement (22) mittels des Bewegungsmoduls (25) durch den Durchgangsbereich (21) und die Frachtraumöffnung (13) transportierbar ist. Die Erfindung vermeidet Verzögerungen beim Einstieg der Passagiere und vereinfacht den ...

25-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003328705A1

27-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002341057A1

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE102011115924A1

Damit Container (50) von einem Dolly (52), dessen Rollen (56) in der Ladefläche (53) keinen Antrieb besitzen, auf den Containertransporter (1) nicht manuell hinüber geschoben werden müssen, besitzt der Containertransporter (1) eine Übernahmevorrichtung (4) mit einem motorischen Antrieb (5), der aus einer der drei freien Seiten des Containertransporters (1) ausfahrbar ist und Container (50) herüberzieht mittels einer an einer Dolly-Rolle (56) angelegten antreibbaren Übernahmerolle (6).

28-12-2000 дата публикации

Einrichtung zum Transport von Lasten

Номер: DE0020011180U1
Принадлежит: ABB PATENT GMBH

23-11-2012 дата публикации

Förderorgan zum Transport von Stückgut zwischen einem Rollfeld und einem Flugzeugladeraum, sowie System zum Be- und Entladen von Stückgut aus einem Flugzeugladeraum

Номер: DE202004021905U1
Автор: [UNK]

Hauptförderorgan (2) zum Transport von Stückgut von einer oberhalb eines Rollfeldes (1) befindlichen Ausgangslage zu einem Laderaum eines Flugzeugs und zurück zum kontinuierlichen Be- und Entladen des Flugzeugladeraums, wobei das Hauptförderorgan (2) auf dem Rollfeld (1) verfahrbar ist und wenigstens bis an eine Laderaumöffnung des Flugzeuges reicht, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß an dem der Rollfeldebene (1) zugewandten Ende (6) des auf dem Rollfeld (1) verfahrbaren Hauptförderorgans (2) ein zusätzliches zweites Förderelement (8), vorzugsweise ein Förderband (24), angelenkt ist, das vertikal und horizontal verschwenkbar ist. Main conveyor element (2) for transporting piece goods from a starting position above a runway (1) to an aircraft hold and back for continuous loading and unloading of the aircraft hold, the main conveyor (2) being movable on the runway (1) and at least extends to a cargo hold opening of the aircraft, characterized in that an additional second conveyor element (8), preferably a conveyor belt (24), is provided at the end (6) of the main conveyor member (2) which can be moved on the taxiway (1) and faces the runway plane (1). , is hinged, which is vertically and horizontally pivotable.

03-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007901619U1
Принадлежит: TREPEL AG, 6200 WIESBADEN

16-10-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DE0008010934U1
Принадлежит: TREPEL AG, 6200 WIESBADEN

11-05-2006 дата публикации

Vorrichtungen zur automatisierten Entladung von Gepäckwagen auf Flughäfen

Номер: DE102004053081A1

Vorrichtung zum automatischen Entladen von Gepäckwagen mit einer Kippeinrichtung (2) zum seitlichen Kippen des Gepäckwagens (6) und einer der Kippeinrichtung zugeordneten, den gekippten Gepäckwagen abstützenden Wand (7) sowie mit einer Hubeinrichtung zum fortschreitenden Anheben des gekippten Gepäckwagens relativ zu der Wand, so daß die Gepäckstücke schichtweise über die Wandoberkante auf eine Abfördereinrichtung (4) abrutschen können.

23-02-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE8815684U1

17-10-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE8524797U1

29-10-2003 дата публикации

A materials handling system

Номер: GB0000322406D0

10-05-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008408346D0

30-08-2006 дата публикации

System for loading and unloading loose cargo in a cargo hold of a plane, and intermediate conveyor means or conveyor unit herefor

Номер: GB0002403205B

At least one intermediate conveyor device (2) is located between the aircraft end of the runway conveyor (4) and the front end of the transport device (14) inside the cargo hold (1). During loading, the load (6) is initially transported in the width direction of the aircraft towards a deeper position inside the aircraft fuselage and then transported in the aircraft length direction to the front end of the transport device. During unloading, the load is transported in the width direction of the aircraft from the front end of the transport device and out through the open cargo hold door. Independent claims are also included for (a) the intermediate conveyor device and (b) a conveyor unit comprising the intermediate conveyor device and runway conveyor.

18-09-1985 дата публикации

Aircraft belt-loader vehicle

Номер: GB2154968A

A battery-powered aircraft belt-loader vehicle (10) with a low profile comprises a pair of steerable ground-engaging front wheels (14), a pair of ground-engaging rear drive wheels (16) driven by a pair of electric motors (38), a battery pack (28) connected to power the motors and supported on the vehicle frame (12) to one side of the frame center line (18), and a belt conveyor (50) mounted on the frame (12) on the other side of the center line (18). The belt conveyor can be raised and tilted by power cylinders (62,72). Personnel tending the belt conveyor can stand on horizontal surfaces of a battery cover (30), wheel cover (36), control compartment cover (42), and hydraulic equipment compartment (80). The covers (30,42) are hinged to facilitate servicing access. ...

03-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002154968B

18-05-2005 дата публикации

Airborne platform apparatus

Номер: GB0002370822B

03-08-1983 дата публикации

A vehicle

Номер: GB0002113175A

A vehicle for loading and unloading aircraft comprises a front unit (1) and a rear unit (2). The front unit (1) comprises a chassis (11) on which a front loading platform (13) is mounted by means of a lifting mechanism (6). The rear unit (2) comprises a subframe (5) on which a rear loading platform (12) is mounted by means of a lifting mechanism (6). The subframe (5) is vertically adjustable between a lower position, providing easy access to and from the rear loading platform (12), and an upper position which increases the ground clearance of the vehicle sufficiently to enable it to be driven, for example, up a ramp and into an aircraft. ...

12-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002553636B

14-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002553636A

An airport ground transportation container dolly 5 has a draw bar 1 with a flexible hoop 8 connected at one end to a rear of the draw bar and at a second end connected to a front of the draw bar and extending upwards to provide a safety barrier against a person stepping over the draw bar. The hoop 8 can be plastic with a semi-circular profile. The dolly has an over-run brake with a sliding bar (20, fig 3) acting on a brake lever (25, fig 3). The draw bar 1 can be pivotally mounted on a turntable (11, fig 2), with gusset plates (160, figs 4-6) to prevent contact with a towing vehicle. Rotation of the draw bar 1 about a horizontal axis above or below towing height activates the brakes. The draw bar can have a lifting handle (9, fig 3) separate from the hoop 8. The dolly has rollers 7 for aircraft luggage, with snatching damped when in a train.

03-03-2021 дата публикации

Boom conveyor

Номер: GB2583037B
Принадлежит: SOVEX LTD, Sovex Limited

24-11-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001254490A

... 1,254,490. Motor vehicles. NORD-AVIATION SOC. NATIONALE DE CONSTRUCTIONS AERONAUTIQUES. 8 Oct., 1969 [8 Oct., 1968], No. 49405/69. Heading B7H. [Also in Division B8] A self-propelled truck comprises a plurality of articulated sections (Fig. 10) two pairs of steering and driving wheels Cr1, Cr2 below front and rear sections respectively, a control cabin 124 for controlling steering and driving movements of the wheels, and further undriven wheels, the wheels being pivotable about vertical axes. The vehicle, particularly for handling airmail freight or passenger traffic, includes four elements 1 to 4 articulated together. Elements 2 to 4 have pivoted rollers 22 and retractable guides 24 for load-handling, while element 1 may include a plate 14 inclinable relative to a chassis 11 to permit the plate to adopt the height of a loading or unloading base. The wheels Cr1, Cr2 are steerable through an arrangement (Fig. 16) which includes a servomotor 34 and worm screws 30, 31. A finger 49 rotatable ...

18-08-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001243215A

... 1,243,215. Load handling. DORR-OLIVER Inc. 19 July, 1968 [21 July, 1967], No. 34611/68. Headings B8A, B8E, B8H and B8Q. Apparatus for handling aircraft cargo pallets comprises a self-powered loader 22 provided with driven friction rollers 84 which, by engagement with the adjacent end roller 38 of a dolly 20, cause a loaded pallet to be transferred between the dolly and an elevator platform 66 of the loader. The platform comprises ball or castors 72 and powered rollers 74, 76. The rollers 38 of the dolly are interconnected by chains and sprockets but a ratchet mechanism permits the rollers to rotate, under manual control, in one direction or the other. For individually manoeuvring a dolly, a tractor 24 may be detachably secured to the dolly such that the axis of the non-dirigible wheels of the dolly is vertically aligned with the axis of the rear wheels of the tractor. In a loading operation, a dolly is manoeuvred to the position shown, with the rear roller 38 of the dolly forced into contact ...

27-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002039263B

01-09-2021 дата публикации

Transport safety system

Номер: GB2581416B

27-09-2023 дата публикации

Airport freight and cargo transfer system

Номер: GB0002602377B

10-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000389683B

An elevating vehicle, particularly for loading and unloading aircraft, has a chassis (1), a cab (2) and a load container (3), which is fitted behind the cab (2) and can be raised beyond the height of the cab by means of a scissors-type lifting gear (4, 5) operated by servo drives acted upon by pressure medium. The ends of the scissors limbs (4, 5) on the cab side are pivoted on the chassis (1) or load container (3), and the ends of the scissors limbs pointing away from the cab (2) are mounted adjustably on longitudinal guides (12, 13). A load outrigger (14) is provided which can be extended telescopically over the cab (2) and can be raised and lowered together with the load container (3). In order to increase the operating safety and the stability when the scissors-type lifting gear is extended, a support (17) is provided which secures the scissors (4, 5) of the scissors- type lifting gear against retraction in at least one extended position and consists of a spacer, which can be swivelled ...

15-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000477947T

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000452070T

15-11-1985 дата публикации


Номер: ATA266584A

15-11-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000266584A

15-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000091588A

15-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000377572T

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000473937T

25-06-1986 дата публикации

Номер: AT0000380659A

15-04-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000025948T

15-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000037007T

15-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000333411T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000338683T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000338682T

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000343496T

15-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000273834T

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000263727T

04-08-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008183887A

30-01-2002 дата публикации

Airport baggage handling conveyor system

Номер: AU0008454001A

19-11-1998 дата публикации

Dual mode cargo transport apparatus and method of using same

Номер: AU0006283098A

19-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001144896A1

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002697117C
Принадлежит: SBS, SQUARCLE

L'invention concerne un conteneur (10) à bagages comprenant au moins une plateforme de chargement (14, 16) de bagages individuels à main (12), lesdits bagages présentant respectivement une embase surmontée de deux flancs latéraux opposés, ladite plateforme de chargement comprenant des moyens de réception (60, 56, 58) de chacune des embases desdits bagages pour recevoir lesdits bagages en appui sur leur embase et en rangées de façon que lesdits flancs desdits bagages soient sensiblement parallèles entre eux; selon l'invention lesdits moyens de réception comprennent des moyens de retenue de chacune desdites embases; et lesdites embases sont adaptées à être engagées dans lesdits moyens de retenue lorsque ledit bagage est chargé dans ledit conteneur (10), de façon que lesdites embases coopèrent avec lesdits moyens de retenue pour maintenir ledit bagage en position fixe sur ladite plateforme de chargement (14, 16).

11-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001317558C

Société dite : TOUTENKAMION "Dispositif et élément de manutention-roulage pour conteneurs ou analogues". (Invention de GIRERD Marc) P R I O R I T E 24-04-86 - Brevet FRANCE 86 05968, au nom de la Demanderesse Le dispositif de manutention-roulage est destiné à être monté sur roues (15), et adapté à soulever une extrémité d'un conteneur (1) et le maintenir en position soulevée pendant un déplacement ou une manutention du conteneur. Il comprend un châssis (6), un tablier articulé (9), muni de moyens (11) de fixation amovible à une face du conteneur, et des moyens (12, 13) pour régler l'angle entre le tablier (4) et le châssis (6). Le tablier (9) est articulé à un chariot (8) déplaçable le long du châssis (6) selon une direction transversale à l'axe d'articulation (10). Après levage de l'extrémité de conteneur par extension du vérin (12), le châssis (6), actionné par le vérin (12), coulisse sous le conteneur par rapport au chariot (8), tandis qu'une biellette (13) amovible bloque l'angle entre ...

27-03-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001267109A1

25-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002487497A1

An air cargo container assembly (10) for rapid air shipment of emergency and other supplies, without netting, includes sub-containers (12, 14) attachable to a base plate (20) via locking mechanisms (29) on the sub-containers. The locking mechanisms pas through openings (34) in the base and engage a downward- facing surface of the base. Each locking mechanism includes a latch having a rotatable shaft (40), a head (46) connected to a bottom end of the shaft, and a plate (42) connected to a top end of the shaft. A spring (44) biases the plate toward the bottom surface of the sub-container. A lever (48) is attached to the shaft between the head portion and the spring. The shaft and head portion are rotatable between an unlocked position and a locked position via the lever. One or more guide members (30, 32) may be mounted on the base to help align the sub-containers.

22-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002590636A1

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003004947A1

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for transporting a payload is provided. The UAV comprises a body and one or more propellers rotatably connected to the body. The UAV further comprises a battery mounted to the body. The battery is releasable from the bottom of the UAV. The UAV further comprises a payload container mounted to the body. The payload container is releasable from the bottom of the UAV to a landing platform associated with a UAV station.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003068939A1
Принадлежит: ANGLEHART ET AL.

The disclosure provides a system and method of delivering packages. The system may include a plurality of land vehicles that transport a plurality of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to locations within a distance of delivery destinations. The system may determine, based on a number of packages to be delivered to destinations in a geographical area, a number of land vehicles to carry the packages to within a UAV round-trip range of each of the destinations. The system may allocate the number of packages to the number of land vehicles. The system may determine a route for each land vehicle that brings the land vehicle within the UAV round-trip range of each destination. The system may dispatch the UAVs carrying the packages from the land vehicle at dispatch locations along the respective route.

19-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002396198A1

24-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002669553C

A barrier system for an aircraft loader having a bridge platform and an elevator platform. The system has first and second guiding elements respectively attached to the bridge platform on each side thereof, and first and second supporting elements respectively mounted on a corresponding side of the elevator platform. The barrier system is provided with an inverted-U-shaped element having first and second legs and a transverse element extending therebetween, each of the legs being slidably mounted inside a corresponding guiding element and cooperating with a corresponding supporting element adapted for supporting the legs and driving the inverted-U-shaped element with the elevator platform. The inverted-U-shaped element is slidable between a raised position providing a passage for loads thereunder when both platforms interface and a lower position wherein the transverse element extends across the passage for providing a guardrail between the platforms when the elevator platform extends below ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002937636A1

... ² Disclosed herein is a processing station (10) for registering a passenger's ²luggage for a trip. The processing station (10) comprises an injector (14) for ²receiving a ²piece of luggage associated with the passenger. A plurality of sensors (16a-²16i) are ²associated with the injector. A weighing machine (18) is also associated with ²the injector ²(14) for weighing the piece of luggage whilst in the injector (14). The ²luggage processing ²(station 10) also comprises a user interface (20) for receiving various inputs ²for ²confirming that a passenger has checked-in and to display information to the ²passenger ²during processing of the piece of luggage. A controller (28) is associated ²with the ²sensors (16a-16i) and weighing machine (18) and the user interface (20). The ²controller ²(28) is adapted to accept the piece of luggage if the input received via the ²passenger's ²boarding pass or identification card indicate that the passenger has checked-²in for the ²trip, feedback from the sensors ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002917705A1

A system and method of operating a checked bag reconciliation area of an airport. The method includes transporting a luggage item from an entrance mechanism to one of a plurality of inspection stations. Once the luggage item is at the inspection station, the method proceeds by conducting an inspection of the luggage item by the agent at the inspection station. The step of transporting the luggage item includes transporting the luggage item to the inspection station with the luggage item disposed on an automatic material handling device, and the step of conducting an inspection of the luggage item by the agent includes conducting the inspection of the luggage item while the luggage item is disposed on the automatic material handling device.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002851050A1

The invention relates to a method for transporting containers (30), in which a group of containers comprises a sub-group M assigned to the transportation of goods and a sub-group V assigned to the transportation of a vehicle (10) that can be dismantled, and in which: prior to transportation, the dismantled vehicle (10) is loaded into the containers (30) of sub-group V; between the initial handling centre (1) and an intermediate handling centre (2), the group of containers including sub-groups M and V is transported by a first transport means; between the intermediate handling centre (2) and the final handling centre (3), sub-group M of containers (30) is transported by the vehicle (10) that can be dismantled; and the dismantlable vehicle (10) is a modular multi-lift aircraft formed by modules that can be housed in the containers (30) of group V.

14-03-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000559643A5

28-02-1969 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000468917A

15-11-1983 дата публикации

Elevating truck for loading containers into aircraft

Номер: CH0000639326A5

On a series production-type chassis (1) of a lorry, a driver's cab (4) and, by means of a scissor-type lifting device (5), a box (6) in the form of a large container are arranged. A loading platform (15) which serves to convey into an aeroplane (10) the containers which are to be loaded is arranged on the box (6) above the driver's cab (4) so as to be displaceable in relation to the box (6). So that aircraft whose sill (8), leading to the loading area, is located at a relatively low position above the ground can also be loaded and unloaded, the upper part (24) of the driver's cab (4) can be lowered with respect to the chassis (1) by a certain degree (8). In such a design, the driver's cab is at its full size when the upper part is not lowered so that when such an elevating truck is travelling normally there is no obstruction whatsoever for the driver and also the seating space for the front seat passenger is completely retained. ...

13-07-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000644072A5

31-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000678045A5

31-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000671379A5

11-07-2016 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000112017C2

10-05-2019 дата публикации

Six-degree-of-freedom loading and unloading platform vehicle

Номер: CN0109733633A

12-05-2020 дата публикации

Pure electric food car

Номер: CN0210503242U

26-10-2018 дата публикации

Bullet device is hung to guided missile based on omniwheel

Номер: CN0208007313U

29-01-2014 дата публикации

Net buckle

Номер: CN0203410629U

04-12-2020 дата публикации

Unmanned aerial vehicle automatic loading and unloading equipment

Номер: CN0112027101A

07-12-2016 дата публикации

Unmanned electric remote-control intelligent ammunition carrier and hanging comprehensive support vehicle

Номер: CN0106184806A

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158700A1

A cargo loading system for a cargo compartment of a means of transport, for example a cargo aircraft or a passenger aircraft, is provided. The system includes at least one power drive unit for transporting cargo of the means of transport. The power drive unit and a control module are coupled to a BUS system. The control module generates control signals for the power drive unit and maintenance data of the power drive unit for the control and maintenance of the power drive unit. The BUS system transmits the control signals and maintenance data of the power drive unit between the control module and the power drive unit. In this manner an existing hardware platform of the means of transport can be used, and weight and cabling as well as the number of control boxes of the means of transport can be reduced. 1. A cargo loading system for a cargo compartment of a means of transport , with the cargo loading system comprising:at least one power drive unit for transporting cargo of the means of transport;a control module that generates control signals for the at least one power drive unit and maintenance data of the at least one power drive unit for control and maintenance of the at least one power drive unit; anda BUS system including a BUS, with the at least one power drive unit and the control module coupled to the BUS by means of data lines,wherein the BUS system transmits the control signals and maintenance data of the at least one power drive unit between the control module and the at least one power drive unit.2. The cargo loading system of claim 1 , wherein the control module controls the BUS system.3. The cargo loading system of claim 1 , further comprising:a control system, the control module coupled to the control system,wherein the control system transmits and receives the control signals and maintenance data of the at least one power drive unit by means of the control module and of the BUS system, and processes the control signals and maintenance data.4. The cargo ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Multi-functional cargo transfer vehicle and method

Номер: US20220001787A1
Автор: Yuxin Zhang

A multi-functional cargo transfer vehicle and method. The multi-functional cargo transfer vehicle comprises a vehicle body, a cargo conveying rack, a lifting mechanism, and a control system; the vehicle body is located below for providing a platform and support; the cargo conveying rack is located above the vehicle body and includes a plurality of layers for loading and unloading cargoes; the lifting mechanism is located on the outer side of the cargo conveying rack for lifting the cargo conveying rack; the control system is located on the vehicle body for controlling omni-directional driving, accurate butt joint, and automatic loading and unloading of the multi-functional cargo transfer vehicle. Accordingly, a multi-functional cargo transfer vehicle is adopted such that the multi-task functions of loading and unloading, transporting, and conveying of cargoes are simultaneously realized, thereby efficiently completing the transferring process of cargoes from a storage place to a transporting carrier.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022473A1

A device for automatic detection of whether an item is correctly routed is provided, the item including at least one radio frequency tag, wherein the device includes an RF communication mechanism for receiving at least one reading from the RF tag, said device being adapted to be arranged at a read point in proximity of the conveying mechanism, which conveying mechanism is operable to transport the item towards a destination, wherein the device is configured to extract identification and/or destination information from the reading received from the item on the conveying mechanism crossing past the device and to verify whether the item is correctly routed. Also, provided is a method for automatic detection of whether an item is correctly routed. 18- (canceled)10. The device according to claim 9 , wherein the device further comprises a GPS receiver for determining a position of the device and for identifying a parking stand in the airport and identifying an airplane currently being loaded by the conveyor; and for checking on the basis of the reading whether the item is correctly routed.11. The device according to claim 10 , wherein the device comprises a casing inside which there is provided the RFID antenna claim 10 , the RFID reader claim 10 , and the GPS receiver; wherein the casing further comprises a connector for functional connecting the device to a controller of the conveyor claim 10 , and wherein the device is configured for automatically stopping the conveyor whenever a routing error is detected.12. The device according to claim 11 , wherein the device further comprises a lamp or a horn or both as a warning mechanism for warning a user of the device whenever a routing error is detected.14. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the device comprises a GPS receiver for determining a position of the device claim 13 , and the method further comprises determining a GPS position of the device claim 13 , from the GPS position identifying a parking stand in the ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053699A1
Автор: Carpenter Michael D.

A baggage processing system includes a storage array having a plurality of cells, each cell being configured to contain a single baggage item which is associated with a flight. The baggage processing system further includes a loading conveyor that receives baggage items retrieved from the storage array. A control system prepares a sequenced list of baggage items and controls the retrieval of baggage items from the storage array based on the sequenced list, whereby the retrieved baggage items are placed on the loading conveyor in an order conforming to the sequenced list. The baggage processing system also includes a queue of carts, where each cart is positionable to receive baggage items in sequence from a loading point on the loading conveyor, for transporting the baggage items to an aircraft. The sequenced list of baggage items defines a sequence of loading baggage items from the carts to the aircraft. 1. A baggage processing system comprising:a storage array comprising a plurality of cells, each cell being configured to contain a single baggage item which is associated with a flight,a loading conveyor configured to receive baggage items retrieved from the storage array,a control system configured to prepare a sequenced list of baggage items and to control the retrieval of baggage items from the storage array based on the sequenced list, whereby the retrieved baggage items are placed on the loading conveyor in an order conforming to the sequenced list, anda queue of carts, each cart being positionable to receive baggage items in sequence from a loading point on the loading conveyor, for transporting the baggage items to an aircraft,wherein the sequenced list of baggage items defines a sequence of loading baggage items from the carts to the aircraft.2. The baggage processing system of claim 1 , further comprising a cart conveyor on which the queue of carts is arranged claim 1 , the cart conveyor being controllable by the control system to control a movement of the ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061560A1
Автор: ALON Zohar, Jetten Jan
Принадлежит: ALON GROUP LTD.

An unloading system comprises an upper-opening chamber for receiving airplane-derived refuse; a chute; a chute-connected safety gate which is settable in falling preventing relation with respect to an access door of an airplane from which the refuse is unloadable into the chute and to the chamber; and an air brake assembly for immobilizing the safety gate when the chute ceases to be vertically displaced. A compacting system comprises a main platen mount with an occluding surface for occluding the opening; an auxiliary platen mount for movably supporting the main platen mount; a holder assembly underneath the auxiliary platen mount; and force transmitting elements always retained within a compaction chamber interior. The main platen mount is linearly driven between a first position completely forwardly of the opening and a second position at which the opening is completely occluded, and is additionally driven to discharge the received refuse. Methods are also disclosed. 1. A safe airplane-derived refuse unloading system , comprising:a) a chamber for receiving airplane-derived refuse;b) a chute in communication with said receiving chamber, along which the refuse gravitates and from which it is dischargeable to said receiving chamber;c) a safety gate connected to said chute and which is settable in falling preventing relation with respect to an above-ground access door of an airplane from which the refuse is unloadable, said safety gate configured with an upper border element over which refuse elements are transferable via said access door into said chute; andd) a mechanical spring-based brake assembly operatively connected to said safety gate, for immobilizing said safety gate when said chute ceases to be vertically displaced, to prevent personnel from accidently falling through said access door.2. The unloading system according to claim 1 , wherein the receiving chamber is fixedly mounted on top of a platform of a transport vehicle and the chute is displaceable along ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Intermodal Luggage Tracking System and Method

Номер: US20170068930A1
Автор: Attar Michael J.

A luggage tracking and routing method which is compatible with different luggage handling systems and provides a user with tracking data during travel. The method includes receiving boarding pass data through a dispensing kiosk from a plurality of service kiosks. The boarding pass data is then programmed onto an electronic tracking tag, and the electronic tracking tag is dispensed to be attached to a piece of luggage. The electronic tracking tag broadcasts a routing identifier from the boarding pass data with the electronic tracking tag. A plurality of luggage detection devices is used to track and monitor the electronic tracking tag. Tracking data is compiled with a remote server from each detection instance of the electronic tracking tag. The tracking data is then displayed to user with a user computing device. Finally, the electronic tracking tag is submitted to be refurbished by a reclaiming kiosk from services kiosks. 1. A method for tracking luggage through intermodal transportation services comprises the steps of:(A) providing an at least one electronic tracking tag and a plurality of service kiosks, wherein the service kiosks are communicably coupled to a remote server;(B) providing a plurality of luggage detection devices, wherein the plurality of detection devices is communicably coupled to the remote server;(C) receiving boarding pass data through a dispensing kiosk from the plurality of service kiosks, wherein the dispensing kiosk physically stores the electronic tracking device;(D) programming the boarding pass data onto the electronic tracking tag with the dispensing kiosk, wherein the boarding pass data includes at least one routing identifier;(E) broadcasting the routing identifier with the electronic tracking tag, wherein the electronic tracking tag is physically attached to a piece of luggage;(F) compiling tracking data for the piece of luggage with the remote server from each detection instance of the routing identifier by the plurality of luggage ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160075449A1

An airport baggage handling system includes a sorting conveyor system transporting baggage pieces to sorting targets on conveyor routes with switch points, being settable in conveying directions and having a superordinate control system and control units for switch points. A departure processing system registers a baggage piece, accepts baggage piece attributes and provides identification data of the baggage piece. A baggage notification system forms a baggage piece notification from the identification data and attributes and transmits it to the control system. The control system produces a notification list from notifications and a sorting plan with identification data-sorting target assignments and determines route tables with sorting target-conveying direction assignments for switch points. An auxiliary handling system accepts entered attributes and identification data from the departure processing system, forms the notification and transmits it to the control system, permitting sorting conveyor system operation upon baggage notification system failure. 14-. (canceled)5. A baggage handling system for an airport , comprising:a sorting conveyor system for transporting baggage pieces to sorting targets on conveyor routes with switch points to be set in different conveying directions, said sorting conveyor system having a superordinate control system and control units assigned to said switch points;a departure processing system for checking-in a baggage piece for a flight, said departure processing system accepting baggage piece attributes assigned to the baggage piece, including an airline code, a flight number, a travel class and an itinerary and issuing an item of identification data assigned to the baggage piece and transferring said item of identification data to a tag element to be linked to the baggage piece;a baggage notification system for a baggage piece to be transported, said baggage notification system forming a baggage piece notification from said ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Electronic baggage stowage system and methods

Номер: US20180086464A1

An electronic baggage stowage system for an aircraft comprising a first detector to detect free space in a cabin stowage space, wherein the first detector is configured to output cabin stowage space data based on the detection, a processing unit communicating with the first detector, wherein the processing unit is configured to process the cabin stowage space data, receive and process baggage size data indicating the size of one or more baggage items, and output baggage stowage mapping data in response to the processing of the cabin stowage space data and the baggage size data. The baggage stowage mapping data indicates one or more target positions in the cabin stowage space at which the baggage items are to be placed. An indicator communicates with the processing unit to provide the indication of the one or more target positions to a flight attendant or passenger of the aircraft. 1. An electronic baggage stowage system for an aircraft comprising:a first detector for detecting free space in a cabin stowage space, wherein said first detector is configured to output cabin stowage space data based on said detection; process said cabin stowage space data;', 'receive and process baggage size data indicating the size of one or more baggage items; and', 'output baggage stowage mapping data in response to said processing of said cabin stowage space data and said baggage size data, wherein said baggage stowage mapping data indicates one or more target positions in said cabin stowage space at which said one or more baggage items are to be placed; and, 'a processing unit in communication with said first detector, wherein said processing unit is configured toan indicator in communication with said processing unit for providing said indication of said one or more target positions to a flight attendant or passenger of said aircraft.2. An electronic baggage stowage system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said detection of said free space comprises detecting whether a baggage slot ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220135250A1

A universal payload manipulation tool employs a segmented ring captured in a telescoping cradle to perform the positioning functions of both a workstation and a loading adapter. The ring rotates over a range of 360 degrees to perform the position functions of the workstation. With the upper ring segment removed, the telescoping cradle rotates and the lower ring segment rotates and extends from the telescoping cradle over a combined range of rotation to position the payload at a specified angle for unloading to perform the position functions of a loading adapter. This configuration allows the universal tool to access confined spaces while supporting a range of rotation required in many applications for unloading the payload (loading the payload to another platform such as an aircraft). The manipulation tool may also be configured as only a loading adapter.

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Method for automated and orderly processing of luggage in an aircraft

Номер: US20140175229A1

A method for automated processing of luggage in an aircraft is provided. The hold of the aircraft includes a device for automated processing of the luggage. The method includes the device for automated processing operating in an autonomous manner to load the luggage into the hold of the aircraft, with each item of luggage being packaged to this end in a packaging wrapper comprising visual markers. The method includes the device for automated processing viewing these visual markers.

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114804A1

A container for transporting luggage items in an airport sorting system using a conveyor system for conveying the luggage items, includes a bottom region for coupling to a conveying unit of the conveyor system and a transporting region supported by the bottom region and receiving a luggage item to be transported. The bottom and transporting regions are each produced from x-ray transparent or radiolucent material. In order to provide a container which can be produced with low expenditure, is robust with regard to transport processes and is as homogeneous as possible with regard to being x-ray transparent or radiolucent, the bottom and transporting regions are formed from a basic body produced in one piece and from an x-ray transparent or radiolucent material and the basic body is formed from a foam perform or molded part. A sorting system for airport luggage items is also provided. 113-. (canceled)14. A container for transporting items of luggage in a sorting system at an airport using a conveying system for conveying individual items including items of luggage , the container comprising:a bottom region configured to be coupled with a conveying unit of the conveying system;a transporting region supported by said bottom region and configured to receive an individual item of luggage to be transported;said bottom region and said transporting region each being produced from a radiolucent material; anda one-part basic body of a radiolucent material forming said bottom region and said transporting region as a foamed material molded part.15. The container according to claim 14 , wherein said basic body is formed from a structurally rigid foam of thermoplastic material.16. The container according to claim 14 , wherein said foamed material molded part includes a thermoplastic-based particle foamed material.17. The container according to claim 16 , wherein said foamed material molded part includes a polypropylene-based particle foamed material.18. The container according to ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111700A1

A dual-sloping carousel is disclosed. According to the present invention, the carousel comprises forward-sloping and reverse-sloping sections, so as to reduce the risk of falling baggage, thereby preventing the baggage from being damaged. 1. A dual-sloping carousel including a conveyor belt outside the dual-sloping carousel , the dual-sloping carousel comprising:a plurality of slats consecutively disposed to allow a transferring surface of the carousel to form a closed loop;a connecting portion configured to allow the slats to slope downward from an outer side to an inner side of the dual-sloping carousel, the connecting portion provided on a portion on which baggage is transferred from the conveyor belt; anda pickup portion configured to allow the slats to slope downward from the inner side to the outer side of the dual-sloping carousel, the pickup portion to be spaced apart from the connecting portion by a predetermined distance,wherein a slope direction of the connecting portion is opposite to a slope direction of the pickup portion.2. The dual-sloping carousel of claim 1 , wherein slope angles of a front section and a back section of the connecting portion are less than a slope angle of the connecting portion.3. The dual-sloping carousel of claim 1 , wherein the connecting portion slopes downward from an outer side to an inner side of the dual-sloping carousel and slopes at an angle of approximately 20 degrees with a floor.4. The dual-sloping carousel of claim 1 , wherein the pickup portion slopes downward from an inner side to an outer side of the dual-sloping carousel and slopes at an angle of approximately 20 degrees with a floor.5. The dual-sloping carousel of claim 1 , wherein a height of one side of a slat close to the conveyor belt corresponds to a height of the conveyor belt claim 1 , and another side of the slat slopes downward.6. The dual-sloping carousel of claim 1 , further comprising:a connecting device disposed below each of the slats to adjust ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220177158A1

Provided are a system and method for managing airport baggage. The system includes an electronic tag attached to baggage of each passenger and storing baggage information, a plurality of readers installed on one side of a conveyor, which automatically conveys the baggage to a gate and configured to recognize the electronic tag attached to the baggage passing therethrough, and an airport management server installed at each airport and configured to generate, when baggage check-in information is input, a baggage data table of a corresponding passenger and record, when baggage recognition information including reader identification information and baggage identification information is received from the reader, normal baggage recognition in a baggage data table corresponding to the baggage recognition information. 1. A system for managing airport baggage , the system comprising:an electronic tag attached to baggage of each passenger and storing baggage information;a plurality of readers installed on one side of a conveyor, which automatically conveys the baggage to a gate and configured to recognize the electronic tag attached to the baggage passing therethrough; andan airport management server installed at each airport and configured to generate, when baggage check-in information is input, a baggage data table of a corresponding passenger and record, when baggage recognition information including reader identification information and baggage identification information is received from the reader, normal baggage recognition in a baggage data table corresponding to the baggage recognition information.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the airport management server generates a baggage data table with identification information of the readers provided in a baggage handling system claim 1 , which will handle the baggage from a departure airport of the passenger to a destination airport claim 1 , as a first axis and the baggage identification information of the passenger as ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200122858A1

The present disclosure provides an end-to-end cargo handling system. The end-to-end cargo handling system comprises a transportation unit comprising a first sensing agent, a lift unit comprising a second sensing agent, and a control module in communication with the transportation unit and the lift unit via a network, wherein the transportation unit and the lift unit are configured to move a cargo unit from a first location to a second location autonomously. 1. An end-to-end cargo handling system , comprising:a transportation unit comprising a first sensing agent;a lift unit comprising a second sensing agent; anda control module in communication with the transportation unit and the lift unit via a network, wherein the transportation unit and the lift unit are configured to move a cargo unit from a first location to a second location autonomously.2. The end-to-end cargo handling system of claim 1 , wherein the first location is located in a cargo warehouse and the second location is located on a cargo deck of an aircraft.3. The end-to-end cargo handling system of claim 1 , wherein the first location is located on a cargo deck of an aircraft and the second location is located in a cargo warehouse.4. The end-to-end cargo handling system of claim 1 , wherein the first location is located on a freighter and the second location is located on a cargo deck of an aircraft.5. The end-to-end cargo handling system of claim 1 , wherein the transportation unit is configured to self-load the cargo unit for transportation.6. The end-to-end cargo handling system of claim 5 , wherein the lift unit comprises one of a scissor lift claim 5 , fork lift claim 5 , conveyer belt claim 5 , or overhead crane.7. The end-to-end cargo handling system of claim 6 , wherein the control module is configured access one or more databases concerning a status of the cargo unit.8. The end-to-end cargo handling system of claim 7 , wherein the lift unit comprises a sensor capable of sensing a presence of a ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210179291A1

The present disclosure provides an end-to-end cargo handling system. The end-to-end cargo handling system comprises a transportation unit comprising a first sensing agent, a lift unit comprising a second sensing agent, and a control module in communication with the transportation unit and the lift unit via a network, wherein the transportation unit and the lift unit are configured to move a cargo unit from a first location to a second location autonomously. 1. A multifunction unit for a cargo handling system , comprising:a transportation unit comprising a first sensing agent and a transportation unit transceiver; anda lift unit comprising a second sensing agent and a lift unit transceiver, the second sensing agent coupled to the transportation unit, wherein the multifunction unit is configured to operate autonomously to move a cargo unit from a first location to a second location, wherein: receive, via a control module and through the transportation unit transceiver, the first location corresponding to an initial location of the cargo unit,', 'receive, via the control module and through the transportation unit transceiver, the second location corresponding to a cargo unit destination location, and', 'transport the cargo unit from the first location to the second location, and the lift unit is operable to receive, via the control module and through the lift unit transceiver, instructions to lift the cargo unit to an elevation of a cargo deck of an aircraft., 'the transportation unit is operable to2. The multifunction unit of claim 1 , wherein the transportation unit transceiver and the lift unit transceiver are configured to communicate over a network.3. The multifunction unit of claim 1 , wherein the first sensing agent and the second sensing agent each comprise a sensing module claim 1 , a computing module claim 1 , and a communication module.4. The multifunction unit of claim 3 , wherein the lift unit and the transportation unit are configured to communicate via ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150158599A1
Автор: Sisko Michael

A delivery support system accommodates and supports the delivery of packages, parcels and other items via an unmanned aerial vehicle. The system includes components to appropriately position a landing platform at a position and orientation that is away from general traffic areas and thus minimizes the potential for interaction with, and injury to individuals what may be in the area. The system further includes handling accommodations to cause delivered items to be transferred to a location readily accessible by an individual or person. The platform further includes systems to communicate with the unmanned aerial vehicle to aid in the delivery operations, and to confirm appropriate delivery of items. 1. An delivery support system to accommodate the delivery of items from unmanned aerial vehicles , comprising:a platform sized to accommodate the operation of an unmanned aerial vehicle;a support structure coupled to the platform to hold and position the platform at a desired location and orientation away from potentially interfering hazards; anda handling structure configured to receive the delivered items at the platform and transfer them to a desired transfer location which is accessible by an individual to retrieve the item.2. The delivery support system of wherein the support structure is a free-standing tower like structure for positioning the platform a predetermine distance above the ground.3. The delivery support system of wherein the support structure is a roof mounting structure for attachment to the roof of a building claim 1 , and thus positioning the platform at a location near the roof.4. The delivery support structure of wherein the support structure is configured to accommodate attachment to the side of a building.5. The delivery support system of wherein the platform further comprises an opening for receiving the item and accommodating the transfer to the handling structure.6. The delivery support system of further comprising a communication system for ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220292273A1

There is provided an article handling system, method and computer program product for uniquely identifying an article. The system comprises a mobile device having scanning means that obtains a first article identifier and a second article identifier from one or more article tags associated with an article. A mobile application on the mobile device generates a message comprising a first message line including the first article identifier and a second message line including the second article identifier, and sends the message to a destination location. In this way, the article may be subsequently identified at the destination location using either or both of the first article identifier or the second article identifier. 1. An article handling system comprising:{'b': 101', '102', '101', '102', '101, 'one or more article tags () associated with an article (), the one or more article tags () configured to provide a first article identifier associated with the article () and a second article identifier associated with one of the article tags ();'}{'b': '104', 'a mobile device () having scanning means for scanning the one or more article tags to obtain the first and second article identifiers; and'}{'b': '104', 'claim-text': [ i) a first message line including the first article identifier, and', 'ii) a second message line including the second article identifier; and, 'a) generate a message comprising, 'b) send the message to a location;, 'a mobile application stored on the mobile device (), the mobile application configured towhereby the article may subsequently be identified at the location using either or both of the first and second article identifiers.2. The article handling system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the one or more article tags is an electronic radiofrequency article tag claim 1 , and preferably wherein the at least one electronic radiofrequency article tag includes a memory chip storing a tag identifier (TID) that uniquely identifies the tag claim 1 ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for an Unmanned Aircraft Systems Mail Delivery Receptacle

Номер: US20160157653A1
Автор: Manitta Salvatore

A package box and mailbox, which is a secure receptacle with a pole extending thru the top part of the box by way to except container held mail and parcel packages. Reusable shipping containers filled with merchandise, or mail slide down the pole by gravity and into the receptacle after an Unmanned Aircraft Systems (drone) delivery provider aligns and detaches from the pole. Ownership Identification is integrated into the receptacle. Weather protection is provided by the receptacle and shipping containers. The receptacle and pole can be mounted by a bracket. 1. The apparatus and method is a secure receptacle with a pole extending thru the top by way to except container held mail and parcel packages , sliding down the pole by gravity and into the receptacle after an Unmanned Aircraft Systems (drone) delivery provider aligns and detaches from the pole.2. A feature of the apparatus of is a magnet enclosed inside of the top cap of the pole.3. A feature of the apparatus of are two flashing claim 1 , colored led lights inside of the top cap of the pole.4. A feature of the apparatus of is a one way latch mechanism near the top of the pole.5. Features of the apparatus of are hinged doors at the top of the receptacle.6. A feature of the apparatus of is a lockable access door at the front of the receptacle.7. A feature of the apparatus of is a receptacle base designed to except a mounting bracket.8. A feature of the apparatus of is a visual identification letter: “U” (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) on the top surface of the receptacle.9. A feature of the apparatus of is an electronics compartment in the base of the receptacle.10. A feature of the apparatus of is a remote control switch.11. A feature of the apparatus of is identification lettering and numbering.12. A feature of the apparatus of is water drainage holes in the base of the receptacle.13. A feature of the apparatus of is a reusable claim 1 , hinge removable waterproof shipping container with a hole sized to the ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Drone Docking Station and Delivery System

Номер: US20160159496A1
Автор: OToole Dan

Disclosed herein is a system and device for a drone docking station for deposit of items delivered by drone. Items may include food items, groceries, parcels and others. A secure porch, roof, window or otherwise building mounted box may be secured through to an existing edifice or may be configured to mount to an existing mailbox post or actually take the place of the mailbox. The basic elements making up the components of the box enable it to carry out efficient and secure delivery of goods to a container box located at a specific address, and to securely hold those goods until they are picked up; regardless of duration, weather, or otherwise. The drone dock may employ different technological devices to provide for communication between the drone dock and a drone, to provide for security and for the preservation of the delivered goods before during and after delivery. 1. A drone docking station comprising:A container for accepting deliveries of food items, groceries or parcels;Said container mounted to a building, house, post, porch, roof, window or existing mailbox; andA device mounted on the container for communicating with the drone.4. The docking station of further comprising:The container including a device capable of communicating GPS information to a drone to facilitate docking with said container.5. The docking station of further wherein disengagement of a drone from the docking station triggers the container to securely close.6. The docking station of further comprising a curved bottom in the interior of the container to mitigate the abruptness of dropping an item into the container.7. The docking station of further comprising a soft material in the bottom of the interior of the container to mitigate the abruptness of dropping an item into the container.8. The docking station of wherein the container is temperature controlled.9. The docking station of claim 5 , wherein the docking station includes a power source claim 5 , said power source being any of a ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160159498A1
Автор: SAFIR André
Принадлежит: SBS

A control installation for handling luggage () in a handling space (). The handling space () has a reception entrance and a discharge exit. Said installation includes a plurality of locking devices () to enable each of said pieces of luggage to be kept locked when said luggage is received at said reception entrance. Each of said locking devices () includes a control transmitter capable of transmitting an identification signal () and an unlocking signal () when said locking device () is unlocked, while said handling space () comprises control receivers () to receive, on the one hand, said identification signal (), and, on the other hand, said unlocking signal (). 1. An installation for luggage handling control in a handling space for air transport , said handling space having a reception entrance for receiving a plurality of pieces of luggage and a discharge exit for discharging said plurality of pieces of luggage , said installation further comprising a plurality of locking devices , each of said locking devices being capable of being mounted on a piece of luggage of said plurality of pieces of luggage so that each of said pieces of luggage can be kept locked , when said luggage is received at said reception entrance ,wherein each of said locking devices comprises a control transmitter capable of transmitting an identification signal and an unlocking signal when said locking device is unlocked, while said handling space comprises control receivers to receive, on the one hand, said identification signal for supplying the position of the locking device within said handling space, and, on the other hand, said unlocking signal.2. The control installation as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a trigger transmitter located at said reception entrance so that it can transmit an activation signal for activating said control transmitter of each of said locking devices.3. The control installation as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said trigger transmitter is also capable of ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180155059A1

A system for handling of luggage or parcel items comprises a principal conveyor for conveying the items to respective unloading positions along the principal conveyor, and a first item buffer section comprising a number of first item accumulation units arranged at the unloading positions of the principal conveyor. Each of the first item accumulation units comprises a plurality of shelves for storing a plurality of items on each shelf. At least one directing apparatus at each unloading position is provided for directing the items onto the shelves of the first item accumulation units. A second item buffer section comprises second item accumulation units comprising a plurality of shelves for storing a plurality of items on each shelf. An item transfer apparatus is arranged to receive items unloaded from the first item accumulation units. A control system controls operation of the item transfer apparatus. 117.-. (canceled)18. A system for handling of luggage or parcel items , comprising:at least one principal conveyor for conveying the items to respective unloading positions along the principal conveyor;a first item buffer section comprising a number of first item accumulation units arranged at the unloading positions of the principal conveyor,wherein each of the first item accumulation units comprises a plurality of shelves for storing a plurality of items on each shelf, each shelf extending in a longitudinal direction from an inlet end of the first item accumulation unit to an outlet end thereof; andwherein at least one directing apparatus at each unloading position for directing the items onto the shelves of the first item accumulation units;a second item buffer section comprising a number of second item accumulation units, wherein each of the second item accumulation units comprises a plurality of shelves for storing a plurality of items on each shelf, each shelf extending in the longitudinal direction from an inlet end of the second item accumulation unit to an ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Storage station for storing containers transported by unmanned vehicles

Номер: US20190152701A1
Автор: Brandon Eck, Brett Wagner
Принадлежит: Individual

A storage station includes a housing defining an inner space, and having a top and side passage for passage of a container. One or more funnels are provided at the top passage for guiding the passage of containers therethrough, and an actuator system is provided for, selectively, engaging a container with a suspension system and disengaging a container from a suspension system. Also provided is a transfer system that is inclusive of the storage station, a UAV, a reusable container; and methods of transferring reusable containers between UAVs, the storage station, and other transport stations.

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150197348A1

The present invention relates to an apparatus and method for taking airport baggage. In an embodiment of the present invention, there is provided a control apparatus for taking airport baggage comprising: a baggage information receiving part receiving baggage information in a tag from a tag reader which recognizes the tag attached to a baggage moving on a conveyor belt; a receipt information generating part generating receipt information with which a baggage owner is able to take the baggage on the basis of the baggage information; a receipt information providing part providing the receipt information to a terminal of the baggage owner; a movement request receiving part receiving a request for movement path of the baggage from the terminal of the baggage owner; and a movement controlling part moving the baggage to a particular location on the basis of the request for movement path of the baggage. 1. A control system for taking airport baggage comprising:a conveyor belt moving a baggage discharged from a baggage discharging part;a tag reader recognizing a tag attached to the baggage moving on the conveyor belt; anda control apparatus for receiving baggage information in the tag from the tag reader, generating receipt information on the basis of the baggage information, providing the receipt information to a terminal of the baggage owner, receiving a request for movement path of the baggage and moving the baggage to a particular location according to the request.2. A control apparatus for taking airport baggage comprising:a baggage information receiving part receiving baggage information in a tag from a tag reader which recognizes the tag attached to a baggage moving on a conveyor belt;a receipt information generating part generating receipt information with which a baggage owner is able to take the baggage on the basis of the baggage information;a receipt information providing part providing the receipt information to a terminal of the baggage owner;a movement ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210221535A1
Автор: HOTTA Tomoyuki

An information processing device includes an association information acquiring unit, a first position information acquiring unit, and an output control unit. The association information acquiring unit acquires association information in which first identification information used for identifying baggage and second identification information used for identifying an owner of baggage identified by the first identification information are associated with each other. The first position information acquiring unit acquires position information of target baggage that is baggage identified by the first identification information included in the association information. The output control unit causes a mobile terminal held by a target owner who is an owner of the baggage identified by the second identification information associated with the first identification information relating to the target baggage in the association information to output information based on the position information of the target baggage. 1. An information processing device comprising:an association information acquiring unit configured to acquire association information in which first identification information used for identifying baggage and second identification information used for identifying an owner of baggage identified by the first identification information are associated with each other;a first position information acquiring unit configured to acquire position information of target baggage that is baggage identified by the first identification information included in the association information; andan output control unit configured to cause a mobile terminal held by a target owner who is an owner of the baggage identified by the second identification information associated with the first identification information relating to the target baggage in the association information to output information based on the position information of the target baggage.2. The information processing device ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

System and Method for Object Screening and Handling

Номер: US20200191990A1

Systems and methods for automated security inspection and routing of in-transit objects are described. In one embodiment,a plurality of security screening devices are provided, each operable to output screening data of an in-transit object, including a first screening device located in a sealed environment of a vehicle for transporting the object towards a conveying system,including one or more measuring devices operable to measure screening parameters of the object when located in the sealed environment,and a second screening device in combination with conveying and routing components of the conveying system used to transport said objects from an ingress point through a conveyor junction to reach the second screening device. A control unit is assigned to the conveyor junction, wherein the control unit is configured to receive security data assigned on the basis of the screening data from the first screening device to the object upstream of the conveyor junction, and in response, to determine and set a routing direction on the basis of the assigned security data, whereby the object is directed downstream to a screening route for further screening by the second screening device, or to a loading route for objects cleared for loading. Other embodiments are also described and claimed. 1. A system comprising:a conveyor device in a sealed environment of a vehicle, the conveyor device operable to displace a baggage item from a resting position into a moving position in a fully automatic manner by means of a motor; and receiving, from one or more measuring devices in the sealed environment of the vehicle, screening parameters of the baggage item;', 'verifying the measured screening parameters against corresponding security parameters; and', 'responsive to verification that the security parameters are observed, outputting a control signal to cause a displacing movement of the conveyor device., 'a control module configured to control the conveyor device by2. The system of ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190197268A1

A method of tracking bags including associating a bag with a customer, scanning the bag at a drop off location, scanning the bag at a sorting station, scanning the bag at a gate, and scanning the bag at an airplane. Also, a system for tracking bags including a bag having a tracking element, a tracking element reader disposed at a drop off location, a second tracking element reader disposed at a sorting station, a third tracking element reader disposed at a gate, and a fourth tracking element reader disposed at an airplane. The bag is scanned at the drop off location, the sorting station, the gate, and the airplane and the tracking element is configured to provide bag information and the tracking element reader is configured to provide location information and time information at each of the drop off location, the sorting station, the gate, and the airplane for the bag. 1. A method of tracking bags , the method comprisingassociating a bag with a customer;scanning the bag at a drop off location;scanning the bag at a sorting station;scanning the bag at a gate; andscanning the bag at an airplane.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the scanning includes recording a global positioning system point at the drop off location claim 1 , the bag sorting station claim 1 , the gate claim 1 , and the airplane.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the scanning includes recording a time stamp at the drop off location claim 1 , the bag sorting station claim 1 , the gate claim 1 , and the airplane.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the scanning includes recording a global positioning system point and a time stamp at the at the drop off location claim 1 , the bag sorting station claim 1 , the gate claim 1 , and the airplane.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the scanning comprises a static point location identifier disposed proximate at least one of the drop off location claim 1 , the bag sorting station claim 1 , the gate claim 1 , and the airplane.6. The method of claim 4 , further ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200198802A1
Автор: Rodenkirch Mark James

An aircraft loader includes an upper loading platform and an underlying frame with the frame utilizing the bogey suspension system , as well as carrying auxiliary lift system at the rearward end thereof for assisting in the initial lifting of the platform relative to the frame. Powered roller assemblies , and , composed of hollow drive shafts, may be conveniently assembled and disassembled from the underside of loading platform . A plurality of upwardly convex-shaped static slider elements facilitate unidirectional movement of loads on the platform . At the forward end of the platform, a guard or side rail is rotatable from a retracted position within the confines of a control platform to a forwardly directed position toward the fuselage of the aircraft. The side rail is shaped to resemble the exterior cross-sectional shape of the fuselage, thereby to close the gap between the forward end of the loading platform and the fuselage, for the protection of loader personnel. 1. An aircraft loader for transferring loads into and out of an aircraft , comprising:(a) a ground-engaging frame;(b) a loading platform adapted to raise and lower relative to the frame;(c) wherein the loading platform comprises an upper deck having a top surface; and(d) a plurality of static upwardly convex cargo slider elements disposed on the upper deck of the loading platform to project above the upper deck to support loads carried by the loading platform and facilitate movement of the loads about the loading platform.2. The aircraft loader of claim 1 , wherein the upwardly convex cargo slider elements comprise an upper surface disposed substantially parallel to the top surface of the upper deck of the loading deck to define a bearing surface for bearing against loads being transferred.3. The aircraft loader of claim 1 , wherein the cargo slider elements are in the shape selected from the group including a truncated dome claim 1 , a truncated dome with a base claim 1 , a truncated cone claim 1 , ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210261272A1

A bag unlocking method includes receiving, by a bag handling system, a bag during a check-in process. The bag handling system identifies, from a travel carrier system, traveler information corresponding to the bag. A securing device of the bag is programmed, using an unlock code pertaining to the traveler information. The bag handling system reads a bag tag of the bag at a baggage inspection station, and determines the unlock code pertaining to the bag tag. The bag handling system transmits the unlock code to cause the securing device to unlock at the baggage inspection station. 1. A bag-unlocking method , comprising:receiving a bag during a check-in process;identifying traveler information, from a travel carrier system, corresponding to the bag;programming a securing device of the bag using an unlock code pertaining to the traveler information;reading a bag tag of the bag by a baggage handling scanner of a baggage handling system just outside a baggage inspection station;matching the bag with the traveler information through the bag tag when the bag is presented to the baggage handling scanner just outside the baggage inspection station;in response to electronically matching the bag with the traveler information through the bag tag, transmitting the unlock code obtained through the check-in process to the baggage handling scanner just outside the baggage inspection station to unlock the securing device outside the baggage inspection station; andtransmitting the unlock code from the baggage handling scanner to the securing device on the bag at the baggage handling scanner, acceptance of the unlock code by the securing device causing un-securing of the securing device of the bag just outside the baggage inspection station.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising receiving the unlock code from a traveler during a travel reservation process operated by a reservation system of the travel carrier system.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the securing ...

03-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150246735A1
Автор: Roux Damien
Принадлежит: IER

A system is provided for the automatic drop-off of at least one object on a conveyor belt for the purpose of the transport of the at least one object. The system includes: 1. A method for the automatic drop-off of at least one object on a conveyor belt , for the purpose of transporting said at least one object , at a drop-off area , delimited and allowing access to said conveyor belt , said drop-off area comprising at least one point of entry and at least one point of exit , and said method comprising , during the drop-off of at least one object by at least one user: first reading, of an item of said drop-off area access authorisation data provided by said user; and', 'when the read item of authorization data is valid, authorization of said user to enter said drop-off area; and, 'a drop-off area entry phase, comprising the following steps second reading, said item of authorisation data inside the drop-off area;', 'if the authorization data read during the second reading is an item of data read previously during the first reading, creating and delivering a tag, for identification of said object comprising at least one item of data relating to the transport and/or the identification of the object;', 'affixing said identification tag to said objects; and', 'drop-off of said object on said conveyor belt by said user., 'a drop phase, comprising the following steps2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the step of creating the tag comprises a step of printing the at least one item of data on a media and/or a step of writing the at least one item of data in digital form to a memory claim 1 , such as an RFID chip claim 1 , integrated in the tag.3. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the item of authorization data is written on a bar code boarding card or in digital form in a memory claim 1 , such as an RFID chip.4. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the phase of entry to the drop-off area comprises a step of ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации

Method And System For Automated Luggage Security Inspection

Номер: US20160244184A1

A system and method of operating a checked bag reconciliation area of an airport. The method includes transporting a luggage item from an entrance mechanism to one of a plurality of inspection stations. Once the luggage item is at the inspection station, the method proceeds by conducting an inspection of the luggage item by the agent at the inspection station. The step of transporting the luggage item includes transporting the luggage item to the inspection station with the luggage item disposed on an automatic material handling device, and the step of conducting an inspection of the luggage item by the agent includes conducting the inspection of the luggage item while the luggage item is disposed on the automatic material handling device. 1. A method of operating a checked bag reconciliation area , said method including:transporting a luggage item from an entrance mechanism to one of a plurality of inspection stations;conducting an inspection of the luggage item at the inspection station; andwherein transporting a luggage item from an entrance mechanism to one of a plurality of inspection stations includes transporting the luggage item to the inspection station with the luggage item disposed on a search table of an automatic guided vehicle, and wherein conducting an inspection of the luggage item includes conducting the inspection of the luggage item while the luggage item is disposed on the search table of the automatic guided vehicle.2. A method as set forth in further including programming at least one bag ID into a control system claim 1 , wherein the bag ID includes information related to the at least one luggage item claim 1 , and said method further includes determining an inspection station to transport the luggage item to based on the bag ID claim 1 , and transmitting instructions to the automatic guided vehicle from the control system to transport the luggage item to the determined inspection station.3. A method as set forth in wherein transporting a ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Loader for aircraft

Номер: US20180237160A1
Автор: Mark James Rodenkirch
Принадлежит: John Bean Technologies Corp

An aircraft loader ( 54 ) includes an upper loading platform ( 50 ) and an underlying frame ( 52 ) with the frame utilizing the bogey suspension system ( 60 ), as well as carrying auxiliary lift system ( 400 ) at the rearward end thereof for assisting in the initial lifting of the platform relative to the frame. Powered roller assemblies ( 100,110,120, and 130 ), composed of hollow drive shafts, may be conveniently assembled and disassembled from the underside of loading platform ( 50 ). A plurality of upwardly convex-shaped static slider elements ( 200 ) facilitate unidirectional movement of loads on the platform ( 50 ). At the forward end of the platform, a guard or side rail ( 316 ) is rotatable from a retracted position within the confines of a control platform ( 68 ) to a forwardly directed position toward the fuselage of the aircraft. The side rail ( 316 ) is shaped to resemble the exterior cross-sectional shape of the fuselage, thereby to close the gap between the forward end of the loading platform and the fuselage, for the protection of loader personnel.

08-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160257425A1

A rail transport system comprising at least two runners having a shaped profile, a transport rail, and a transport carriage, the runners with a shaped profile being extended over a staircase or over a flat section and the transport carriage being moved along the transport rail. The transport carriage is provided with at least one electric motor. The runners having a shaped profile and the transport rail are stored in the transport carriage. A method for constructing a rail transport system and for transporting at least one container for loading or unloading the galley of an airplane, and a system for simultaneously loading and/or unloading the galley of an airplane. 1. A track transport system comprising a transport carriage adapted to accept and to contain an associated carriage , the transport carriage comprising:two shaped-profile rails engaged with the transport carriage;a base plate having at least two guide rails, the guide rails being adapted to limit the movement of the associated carriage by confining twin wheels thereof; a lateral sail chamber,', 'a cable chute incorporating a cable guide therein,', 'a spindle displaced within a spindle tube,, 'side walls inserted into the shaped-profile rails, the side walls including a first elongated side wall and a second elongated side wall parallel to and offset from the first elongated side wall, each side wall having'}wheels operationally engaged with the transport carriage and adapted for rolling transport of the transport carriage, and operationally engaged with a parking brake; a first elongated profile rail engaged with a first elongated toothed track,', 'a second elongated profile rail engaged with a second elongated toothed rail wherein the first and second elongated profile rails are connected by a plurality of laterally extending connecting bars,', 'an L-shaped angle engaged across the connecting bars,', 'a transport track slidably engaged with the first elongated profile rail and the second elongated ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190248512A1
Принадлежит: BEUMER Group A/S

There is disclosed a method of passengers () claiming their baggage pieces () at an aircraft baggage claim area () of an airport. In order e.g. to provide such method which improves usage and availability and user experience in view of reference systems, the method includes providing () a plurality of destinations () at the aircraft baggage claim area of the airport and along each of two lateral sides (), () of the material handling equipment, and choosing () towards which of the two lateral sides (), () the one or more pieces of aircraft baggage () should be automatically and actively discharged into at least one of the plurality of destinations (). The method further includes actively discharging () the one or more pieces of aircraft baggage () from the material handling equipment and into at least one of the destinations (), and that the one or more aircraft passengers () are claiming () the one or more pieces of aircraft baggage () paired with the one or more aircraft passengers at the at least one destination when the one or more pieces of aircraft baggage is at rest and has stopped moving. 1. A method for handling aircraft baggage from an incoming aircraft in an airport , and for letting one or more aircraft passengers claim their one or more pieces of aircraft baggage , the method comprisingpairing the one or more aircraft passengers with the one or more pieces of aircraft baggage belonging to the one or more passengers,moving the one or more pieces of aircraft baggage on one or more conveying surfaces of automated material handling equipment in a moving direction, where the material handling equipment has two lateral sides transverse to the moving direction,and where the material handling equipment is capable of actively discharging the one or more pieces of aircraft baggage from the one or more conveying surfaces and into a destination towards one of the two lateral sides,providing a plurality of destinations at the aircraft baggage claim area of the ...

21-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210323696A1

A baggage cart is disclosed. The baggage cart is used for security inspection in an airport, comprising: a cart body, comprising at least one compartment having a door; and a locking device, coupled to the compartment and configured to lock the compartment in response to receiving an indication signal. 1. A baggage cart for security inspection in an airport , comprising:a cart body, comprising at least one compartment having a door; anda locking device, coupled to the compartment and configured to lock the compartment in response to receiving an indication signal.2. The baggage cart of claim 1 , further comprising:a scale, disposed on at least one side of the compartment and configured to measure a size of a baggage.3. The baggage cart of claim 1 , further comprising:a weighting device, disposed under the cart body and configured to measure a weight of a baggage.4. The baggage cart of claim 3 , further comprising: a display and/or a speaker claim 3 , configured to reminder a user in response to the weight of the baggage exceeding a pre-defined value.5. The baggage cart of claim 1 , the compartment is made of an explosion-proof material.6. The baggage cart of claim 5 , the explosion-proof material is composed of at least one of polycarbonate material claim 5 , fiberglass claim 5 , carbon fiber composite material claim 5 , and polyurethane.7. The baggage cart of claim 1 , further comprising an X-ray detection device claim 1 , comprising:at least one X-ray source point;a detector, configured to receive an X-ray; a controller, configured to control the X-ray source point to emit the X-ray in response to the door of the compartment being closed, and control the detector to receive the X-ray penetrating through the baggage and generate an electrical signal based on the received X-ray;a collecting device, coupled to the detector and configured to convert the electrical signal into a digital signal; anda processor coupled to the collecting device and configured to process ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации

System and method for improving efficiency of aircraft gate services and turnaround

Номер: US20150274284A2
Принадлежит: Borealis Technical Ltd

A system and method is provided for improving efficiency of aircraft gate services and reducing time spent by an aircraft parked parallel to an airport terminal wherein aircraft utilities and gate services provided during turnaround are supported by an arrangement of flexibly movable, service and utility-carrying extendable passenger boarding bridges that enable passenger and baggage exchange concurrently with connection of utilities and provision of gate services to the aircraft. Baggage transfer is facilitated by conveyors mounted on one or more loading bridges and designed to provide a direct connection between an aircraft and a terminal. Aircraft are maneuvered by a pilot into and out of a parallel parking location in a forward direction by an engines-off electric taxi system, enabling loading bridge, utility, and service connections to be made to multiple aircraft doors as soon as the aircraft reaches a parking location and then quickly disconnected upon departure.

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140356111A1
Принадлежит: Crisplant A/S

An example of an aim with the disclosed method and system may be seen to provide a method and system which does not require more square meters of footprint than existing solutions or even requires less square meters of footprint, while still being as effective as, or even more effective than reference methods and systems. The handling system comprises a moveable unit 101 adapted to move linearly in a travelling direction 406 of said moveable unit, where the moveable unit comprises a loading device 100 adapted to load one or more objects 102 at a time into or onto the airport trolley by activation of the loading device 100. 1. A method of handling a variety of objects of different size , shape and weight in an airport , the method comprising:determining a destination for an object using scanning equipment,moving the object in accordance with the destination using conveyors and/or one or more sorters, andloading the object into or onto a moveable storage device using a loading device, wherein said storage device is to be used for moving a plurality of objects to an aeroplane for the destination, and wherein said moveable storage device is an airport trolley.230-. (canceled)31. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said airport trolley has a bottom and a number of sides claim 1 , which sides extend upwards from the bottom and surround the bottom claim 1 , which bottom and sides claim 1 , when no objects are present in the airport trolley claim 1 , form an empty space without hindrances claim 1 , which space can be filled with objects claim 1 , to form a bulk of objects in said airport trolley.32. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising preparing for loading the object into or onto said airport trolley by moving the object parallel with or substantially parallel with an airport trolley length or length direction of said airport trolley.33. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising preparing for loading the object into or onto said airport ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200269994A1
Принадлежит: BBHS A/S

A system and a manner of handling luggage items, such as in an airport, where the luggage items are stored in a plurality of buffers, where the luggage items of one buffer are provided into one container which is configured for loading into and transport on airplanes. The luggage items may be sorted into the buffers so that e.g. high priority luggage items are stored in containers separate from containers holding lower priority luggage items. 1. A system for handling luggage , the system comprising:a luggage receiving portion for receiving a plurality of luggage items,a luggage sorting system comprising a plurality of luggage buffers each for storing one or more of the luggage items, the luggage sorting system being configured to receive luggage items from the luggage receiving portion and provide each luggage item in a luggage buffer,a plurality of luggage containers each configured toreceive a number of the luggage items,be positioned inside an airplane andbe transported by the airplane,a luggage transporting element configured to transfer luggage items from a luggage buffer to a luggage container.2. A system according to claim 1 , wherein each luggage item is correlated with one or more parameters claim 1 , where the luggage sorting system is configured to determine a luggage buffer from the parameter(s) of a luggage item and provide the luggage item in the determined luggage buffer.3. A system according to claim 2 , wherein the luggage sorting system is configured to provide luggage items with the same parameter(s) in the same luggage buffer.4. A system according to claim 2 , wherein one of the parameters is a weight of the luggage item claim 2 , and wherein the luggage sorting system is configured to determine a luggage buffer claim 2 , so that all luggage items provided to the luggage buffer have a combined weight within a predetermined weight interval.5. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the luggage transporting system is configured to transfer luggage ...

17-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150360258A1

An airport baggage handling system is described for transferring baggage between airport passenger stations and aircraft loading zones. The airport baggage handling system includes in-line screening devices including at least one high resolution or high risk screening device and at least one low resolution or low risk screening device. Each piece of checked baggage is provided with a tag including, inter alia, information regarding the security status of the piece of baggage. A computer control system for controlling operation of the baggage handling system uses the information regarding the security status of the piece of baggage to selectively route the piece of baggage through one of the high and low risk scanning devices. In one embodiment, the security status of the baggage is derived from the security status of the passenger associated with the baggage. 1. An airport baggage handling system comprising:a screening station including a first in-line screening device configured to perform high risk screening of baggage and a second in-line screening device configured to perform low risk screening of baggage;a first transport system configured to transport baggage from an initial location to the screening station;a second transport system configured to transport baggage from the screening station to a second location;a computer control system adapted to control routing of baggage along the airport baggage handling system;a tag secured to each piece of baggage;wherein the tag, and/or the computer control system storing information pertaining to each piece of baggage, the computer control system being adapted to control the first transport system to direct each piece of baggage to a selected one of the first or second in-line screening devices based upon the information.2. The airport baggage handling system of claim 1 , wherein the information relates to a security status of each piece of baggage.3. The airport baggage handling system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации

A Cart and a Method for Transport and Storage of Items

Номер: US20170349225A1
Принадлежит: BBHS A/S

A cart for transport and storage of items, including odd-size or over-size luggage of airline passengers, comprises a chassis comprising a plurality of wheels, and a storage section comprising at least one shelf. A drawer is provided below the storage section, the drawer comprising a compartment, which is inaccessible when the drawer is in a closed state, in which the drawer is overlapped by a bottom portion of the storage section. The compartment is accessible when the drawer is in an open state, in which the drawer is extracted from and extends beyond the bottom portion of the storage section. 115-. (canceled)17. A cart according to claim 16 , wherein the storage section and the at least one shelf are sized and configured to accommodate items having a dimension or volume not exceeding a first maximum dimension or a first maximum volume claim 16 , and wherein the compartment is sized and configured to accommodate odd-size items having a dimension or volume exceeding the first maximum dimension or the first maximum volume.18. A cart according to claim 16 , comprising structure for releasably locking the drawer in a selected one of a partly extracted position and a fully extracted position.19. A cart according to claim 16 , further comprising a connecting element claim 16 , the free end of which is configured to connect the cart to another cart claim 16 , the connecting element extending from the chassis of the cart below the drawer in the direction of extraction of the drawer claim 16 , wherein the free end of the connecting element extends beyond the drawer when the drawer is in an extracted position.20. A cart according to claim 18 , wherein the free end of the connecting element extends beyond the drawer when the drawer in the partly extracted position claim 18 , and wherein the free end of the connecting element does not extend beyond the drawer when the drawer is in the fully extracted position.21. A cart according to claim 16 , wherein the bottom portion of ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации

System and method for validating physical-item security

Номер: US20190339070A1
Автор: H. Sprague Ackley

Validating security may include obtaining, by first computerized equipment in a first area, data indicative of a measurement of a characteristic of a physical item in the first area; obtaining, by second computerized equipment in a second area, data indicative of a measurement of the characteristic of a physical item in the second area, and data indicative of a unique identifier of the physical item in the second area; retrieving, by a processor, using the unique identifier, the measurement of the characteristic of the physical item in the first area; determining, by the processor, a difference between the measurement of the characteristic of the physical item in the first area and the measurement of the characteristic of the physical item in the second area; and providing, by the processor, if indicated by a comparison, an indication of invalid security for the physical item in the second area.

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160368622A1

The invention provides a multiple decked cargo container, suitable for use inter alia in aircraft catering operations. The container comprises a floating deck and vertically moveable roof, to allow for an increased load carrying capacity via two vertically stacked storage areas, whilst meeting height restrictions and providing sufficient headroom for ground crew to access the interior of the container. 112-. (canceled)13. A movable vehicle comprising a cargo container , the cargo container comprising:a generally horizontal floor capable of supporting cargo,a generally horizontal movable roof,a generally horizontal floating deck capable of supporting cargo disposed between the floor and the roof,side walls, end walls and at least one entrance for allowing loading and unloading of cargo, whereinthe roof is vertically movable relative to the floor so as to vary the height of the cargo container,the floating deck is independently vertically movable relative to the floor,the cargo container is mounted on the vehicle body via an interposing lift, allowing the cargo container to be raised and lowered, andthe floating deck is provided with an interconnecting hatch, and an interconnecting ladder which is stowable.14. A movable vehicle according to claim 13 , whereinthe floor is provided with two first side walls,the floor and first side walls together forming a generally U-shaped cross-section,the roof is provided with two second side walls,the roof and second side walls together forming a generally inverted U-shaped in cross-section, whereinthe floor and first side walls slidably engage within the roof and second side walls.15. A movable vehicle according to claim 13 , wherein an entrance is provided in an end wall.16. A movable vehicle according to claim 15 , wherein entrances are provided in both end walls.17. A movable vehicle according to claim 15 , wherein the entrance or entrances are closable by means of a roller shutter.18. A movable vehicle according to claim 13 , ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160371306A1

An apparatus and a method for a luggage conveying device. The apparatus has an image capturing device for taking at least one image of pieces of luggage that are to be conveyed, a database in which the image or data that is generated from the image and is specific to the piece of luggage can be stored at least in part, and an output device for outputting the stored image or the stored data on a piece of luggage that is to be identified. 115-. (canceled)16. . An apparatus for a luggage conveying device , the apparatus comprising:an image capturing device for taking at least one image of a piece of luggage to be conveyed;a database configured to store, at least in part, the image or data generated from the image and specific to the respective piece of luggage; andan output device configured to output the stored image or the stored data on a piece of luggage to be identified.17. The apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein said output device is configured for a pictorial output of the image or data.18. The apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein said output device is selected from the group consisting of a handheld claim 16 , a head-up display and a smartphone.19. . The apparatus according to claim 16 , which comprises a data processing device configured to assign an identification code to the pieces of luggage and to link the image or data to the identification code.20. The apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein said database is configured to store one or more of a name of an owner of the piece of luggage claim 16 , a flight number claim 16 , a flight date claim 16 , or a flight time for the piece of luggage.21. The apparatus according to claim 16 , which comprises a comparison device configured to compare images or data on pieces of luggage claim 16 , among which the piece of luggage to be identified may be located claim 16 , to the image or data on the piece of luggage to be identified.22. The apparatus according to claim 21 , wherein said comparison device is ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190359429A1

A method of sorting baggage at an airport, the method comprising: acquiring a digital image of an identification label for identifying a piece of baggage, the label including an identification code designed to correspond to a set of items of data from a first database compiled as the baggage is being checked in; the method further comprising the following steps: retrieving information that is printed on the label from the image; comparing the information with data that is recorded in a local second database at the airport before the label is printed, the second database being distinct from the first database, the data from the second database being representative of a list of flights to or from the airport; and, in response to a match being detected, transmitting data representative of a flight number corresponding to the piece of baggage to a conveyor system. 1. A method of sorting baggage at an airport , the method comprising:transporting the baggage by a conveyor system;acquiring at least one digital image of a label that is attached to a piece of baggage and that was printed out to identify said piece of baggage unambiguously, the label including a machine-readable identification code designed to correspond to a set of items of data from a baggage first database compiled as the baggage is being checked in;attempting to identify the piece of baggage by reading said identification code; and,based on said image, automatically recognizing a flight corresponding to said piece of baggage so as to control said conveyor system and so as to direct said piece of baggage at the airport; said method further comprising:retrieving textual information that is printed on the label from said digital image;comparing said textual information with data that is recorded in a local second database at the airport before the label for identifying said piece of baggage is printed, said second database being distinct from said baggage first database, the data from the second database ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации

Autonomous Swarm for Rapid Vehicle Turnaround

Номер: US20180373246A1

An example computing device may detect through a sensor that an aircraft started a particular phase of flight. The computing device may autonomously take independent actions on behalf of service operators to automatically allocate and assign resources to the aircraft based on availability of the resources and the flight phase of the aircraft. The computing device may thus trigger preparation of a particular service ahead of arrival of the aircraft, such that the associated service equipment is ready when the aircraft arrives at the gate. 1. A method comprising:determining by a computing device, based on information received from a first group of sensors in communication with the computing device, that an aircraft is in a descent flight phase prior to the aircraft reaching a gate at an airport by a first predetermined amount of time;responsively, triggering, by the computing device, preparation of servicing equipment associated with servicing the aircraft to be ready for a subsequent flight, wherein preparation time of the servicing equipment is substantially equal to or less than the first predetermined amount of time;determining by the computing device, based on information received from a second group of sensors in communication with the computing device, that the aircraft landed and has started a taxi-in flight phase prior to reaching the gate by a second predetermined amount of time;responsively, triggering, by the computing device, deployment of the servicing equipment toward the gate, wherein arrival of the servicing equipment at the gate takes substantially the second predetermined amount of time or less;determining by the computing device, based on information received from a third group of sensors in communication with the computing device, that the aircraft has arrived at the gate; andresponsively, triggering, by the computing device, use of the servicing equipment to prepare the aircraft for the subsequent flight.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

10-01-2002 дата публикации

Reversible transport arrangement for single item goods has conveyer belt mounted on vehicle, item conveyor on displacement structure, guiding/protective housing and transition station

Номер: DE10007332A1
Автор: ROLAND Guenther
Принадлежит: ROLAND Guenther

Arrangement has a base vehicle (1), conveyor belt (2) mounted on the vehicle, an item conveyor (6) on a displacement structure (5) and within a guiding and protective housing (6.1) and a transition station (4) for transferring items from or to the item conveyor. Item conveyor can be adjusted in height and inclination and the working platform and transition station follows this adjustment.

03-12-1998 дата публикации

Auxiliary apparatus for manually loading and/or unloading loose cargo items

Номер: WO1998054073A1
Принадлежит: Nia Tno B.V.

An auxiliary apparatus for manually loading and/or unloading loose cargo items, which apparatus (1) comprises a feed and/or discharge track (2) and a table (3) which connects to one end of the feed and/or discharge track such that the cargo items to be loaded and/or unloaded can be slid from the feed and/or discharge track onto the table or vice versa. The auxiliary apparatus comprises lift means (4) by means of which the height of inter alia the table is adjustable. The dimension of the table viewed in the conveying direction is such that a loader can reach across the table. The dimension of the table viewed in a direction transverse to the conveying direction is considerably greater than the width of the feed and/or discharge track, so that the cargo items are displaceable in transverse direction over the table and slidable directly from the table onto a desired stack from a row of stacks to be formed.

19-07-2001 дата публикации

An apparatus for loading and unloading aircrafts

Номер: WO2001051356A1
Автор: Lars Thøgersen
Принадлежит: Rampsnake A/S

An apparatus for loading and unloading aircrafts comprises a tiltable first conveyor part (7) adjustable in height and provided with a conveyor path (11) advancing and removing luggage (59), such as suitcases, parcels and the like cargo items, to and from the apparatus. The apparatus comprises further a second conveyor part (8) extendable from the first conveyor part and being adapted to be moved through an opening in the aircraft and into the cargo compartment of said aircraft. This second conveyor part (8) comprises a conveyor path advancing or removing the luggage to or from the storing site inside the cargo compartment. The second conveyor part (8) comprises a plurality of pivotally interconnected conveyor units (30, 31) with their respective activatable conveyor paths and their respective sets of wheels (44).

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Electronic luggage stowage system and method

Номер: DE102016218307A1

Es wird allgemein ein elektronisches Gepäckverstauungssystem für ein Flugzeug beschrieben, umfassend: einen ersten Detektor zum Feststellen von freiem Raum in einem Kabinenstauraum, wobei der erste Detektor zum Ausgeben von Kabinenstauraumdaten aufgrund des Feststellens konfiguriert ist; eine Verarbeitungseinheit in Kommunikation mit dem ersten Detektor, wobei die Verarbeitungseinheit konfiguriert ist zum: Verarbeiten der Kabinenstauraumdaten; Empfangen und Verarbeiten von Gepäckgrößendaten, die die Größe von einem oder mehreren Gepäckstücken anzeigen; und Ausgeben von Gepäckverstauungs-Mappingdaten als Reaktion auf das Verarbeiten der Kabinenstauraumdaten und der Gepäckgrößendaten, wobei die Gepäckverstauungs-Mappingdaten eine oder mehrere Zielpositionen in dem Kabinenstauraum anzeigen, in dem das eine oder die mehreren Gepäckstücke unterzubringen sind, and eine Anzeigeeinrichtung in Kommunikation mit der Verarbeitungseinheit zum Bereitstellen der Anzeige der einen oder mehreren Zielpositionen an einen Flugbegleiter oder Passagier des Flugzeugs. An electronic baggage stowage system for an aircraft is generally described, comprising: a first detector for detecting free space in a cabin stowage space, the first detector configured to output cabin stowage data based on the detection; a processing unit in communication with the first detector, the processing unit configured to: process the cabin bin data; Receiving and processing baggage size data indicating the size of one or more pieces of luggage; and outputting baggage stowage mapping data in response to the processing of the cabin stowage data and the baggage size data, the baggage stowage mapping data indicating one or more destination locations in the car stowage space in which the one or more pieces of baggage are to be accommodated, and a display device in communication with the processing unit for providing the indication of the one or more target positions to a flight attendant or passenger of the aircraft.

29-12-2022 дата публикации

Method for Multimodal Transportation and Apparatus for the Same

Номер: US20220411211A1
Автор: Ha Jae Jun, Moon Young Jun

An embodiment method for multimodal transportation in a multimodal transportation system includes confirming freight transfer approval information provided by a freight transfer object that approaches a multimodal transportation facility, setting an entry lane for freight handling in a stop facility in response to a demand for freight handling of the freight transfer object, and controlling freight loading or unloading of the freight transfer object that passes the set entry lane for freight handling. 1. A method for multimodal transportation in a multimodal transportation system , the method comprising:confirming freight transfer approval information provided by a freight transfer object that approaches a multimodal transportation facility;setting an entry lane for freight handling in a stop facility in response to a demand for freight handling of the freight transfer object; andcontrolling freight loading or unloading of the freight transfer object that passes the set entry lane for freight handling.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein setting the entry lane for freight handling includes:setting the entry lane among a plurality of entry lanes for freight handling, the plurality of entry lanes being prepared in the multimodal transportation system; andproviding the entry lane to the freight transfer object.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein controlling the freight loading or unloading of the freight transfer object comprises loading or unloading freight of the freight transfer object located on the entry lane for freight handling by controlling a freight transfer apparatus.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein loading or unloading the freight of the freight transfer object comprises transferring the freight to the freight transfer object located on the entry lane for freight handling by controlling a freight transfer element provided in the freight transfer apparatus.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein loading or unloading the freight of the freight transfer object ...

26-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: CN110099850B
Автор: U·吕克加德
Принадлежит: Berman Group AG


26-05-2011 дата публикации

Guard for protecting an aircraft cargo door

Номер: US20110121135A1
Автор: Terry Michael MAGUIRE
Принадлежит: Maguire Terry Michael

This disclosure relates to a guard for protecting an aircraft cargo door during loading and unloading of cargo is provided, comprising a panel member adapted for covering at least a portion of an external skin of the cargo door, and one or more attachments for holding the panel member adjacent to the cargo door in use. Advantageously, the panel member is adapted to protect at least a portion of the external skin of the cargo door from being damaged during loading and unloading of cargo. In this respect, the panel member may be adapted to cover the portion of the external skin of the cargo door most prone to being damaged.

24-02-2021 дата публикации

Apparutus and Method to control taking Airport Baggage

Номер: KR102219731B1
Автор: 김동호, 나동길, 송재관
Принадлежит: 한국전자통신연구원

본 발명은 공항 수하물 수취 제어장치 및 제어방법에 관한 것으로, 본 발명에 따른 다른 실시예는 컨베이어 벨트에서 이동하는 수하물에 부착된 태그를 인식하는 태그 리더기로부터 상기 태그에 기록된 수하물 정보를 수신하는 수하물 정보 수신부, 상기 수하물 정보를 기초로 상기 수하물 소유자가 상기 수하물을 수취할 수 있는 수취정보를 생성하는 수취정보 생성부, 상기 수취정보를 상기 수하물 소유자의 단말기에 제공하는 수취정보 제공부, 상기 수하물 소유자의 단말기로부터 상기 수하물의 이동 경로에 대한 요청을 수신하는 이동요청 수신부 및 상기 수하물의 이동 경로에 대한 요청을 기초로 상기 수하물을 특정 장소로 이동시키는 이동 제어부를 포함하는 공항 수하물 수취 제어장치를 제공할 수 있다. The present invention relates to an airport baggage claim control device and a control method, and another embodiment according to the present invention is a baggage receiving baggage information recorded on the tag from a tag reader that recognizes a tag attached to baggage moving on a conveyor belt. An information receiving unit, a claim information generating unit that generates claim information for the baggage owner to receive the baggage based on the baggage information, a claim information providing unit that provides the claim information to the baggage owner's terminal, and the baggage owner To provide an airport baggage claim control device comprising a movement request receiving unit for receiving a request for the movement route of the baggage from the terminal of the terminal and a movement control unit for moving the baggage to a specific place based on a request for the movement route of the baggage. I can.

20-02-2010 дата публикации

System for temporary storage of things, particularly luggage

Номер: RU2381976C2

FIELD: transport. SUBSTANCE: proposed system for temporary storage of things (23), particularly luggage, comprises multiple racks (21) arranged in parallel and having storage positions (22), elevators (27) moved along luggage input/output ways (26, 22), luggage feed (24) and discharge (25) stations arranged between elevator ways, system of luggage feed conveyor and luggage discharge conveyor system. Both said system comprise two common conveyors with branches (29) of feed conveyor running to feed station and branches of discharge conveyor running to common conveyor (28). EFFECT: expanded performances. 16 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 381 976 (13) C2 (51) МПК B65G 1/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006102859/11, 30.06.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.06.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ВАНДЕРЛАНДЕ ИНДАСТРИЗ НЕДЕРЛАНД Б.В. (NL) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.08.2007 2 3 8 1 9 7 6 (45) Опубликовано: 20.02.2010 Бюл. № 5 2 3 8 1 9 7 6 R U (85) Дата перевода заявки PCT на национальную фазу: 01.02.2006 C 2 C 2 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 0301007 A1, 06.02.2003. US 6139240 A1, 31.10.2000. RU 2161114 C2, 27.12.2000. RU 98117912 A1, 20.06.2000. RU 958273 A1, 15.09.1982. SU 761386 A1, 07.09.1980. SU 1164158 A1, 30.06.1985. SU 239848 A1, 04.09.1969. (86) Заявка PCT: NL 2004/000466 (30.06.2004) (87) Публикация PCT: WO 2005/002999 (13.01.2005) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б.Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", пат.пов. С.А.Дорофееву, рег.№ 146 (54) СИСТЕМА ДЛЯ ВРЕМЕННОГО ХРАНЕНИЯ ВЕЩЕЙ, В ЧАСТНОСТИ ПРЕДМЕТОВ БАГАЖА (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к перегрузочному оборудованию складов. Система для временного хранения вещей (23), в частности предметов багажа, содержит множество расположенных параллельно один другому рядов стеллажей (21), каждый из ...

29-03-2022 дата публикации

Common support bracket adapted to multiple ammunition

Номер: CN109665116B
Автор: 唐宵东, 张志富, 张海涛


31-10-2017 дата публикации

Aerodrome forklift truck

Номер: RU2634518C1

FIELD: transportation. SUBSTANCE: forklift truck contains a bogie (1), the transverse displacement mechanism (26), the lifting mechanism (10). The transverse displacement mechanism has a fixed frame (25) with calenders (43) fixed to it, an inner movable frame (44) and a hydraulic cylinder (45). The lifting mechanism (10) is made in the form of two double-crank-type parallelograms formed by two outer (11) and inner frames (14). One U-shaped ends of the frames are connected to the bogie frame (2) by the joints (21), and the other U-shaped ends of the frames are connected to the frame (25) of the transverse displacement mechanism (26) by joints (33). Each of the frames of the lifting mechanism (10) is connected to the two hydraulic cylinders of the lifting of the outer and inner frames, respectively. EFFECT: improving the performance characteristics of an aerodrome forklift truck when operating in a confined space. 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 634 518 C1 (51) МПК B64F 1/32 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016133206, 11.08.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.08.2016 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 11.08.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 31.10.2017 Бюл. № 31 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: "ЗАРУБЕЖНОЕ ВОЕННОЕ 2 6 3 4 5 1 8 R U (54) АЭРОДРОМНАЯ ТЕЛЕЖКА-ПОГРУЗЧИК (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к обслуживанию авиационной техники. Аэродромная тележка погрузчик содержит ходовую часть (1), механизм (26) поперечного перемещения, механизм (10) подъема. Механизм поперечного перемещения имеет неподвижную раму (25) с закрепленными на ней катками (43), внутреннюю подвижную раму (44) и гидроцилиндр (45). Механизм (10) подъема выполнен в виде двух двухкривошипных параллелограммов, образуемых двумя наружной (11) и внутренней рамами (14). Одни П-образные Стр.: 1 концы рам соединены с рамой (2) ходовой части шарнирами (21), ...

26-10-2021 дата публикации

A device that is used for many rotor unmanned aerial vehicle auto-control handling goods and trades electric unmanned station

Номер: CN113548192A
Автор: 翁克彪, 裴植
Принадлежит: Zhejiang University of Technology ZJUT


17-02-1995 дата публикации

Rear platform lift for aircraft loader

Номер: KR950001345B1
Автор: 알. 스터츠 챨스


10-08-2013 дата публикации

Working tool with manual control

Номер: RU2489249C2

FIELD: process engineering. SUBSTANCE: intention relates to working tools with manual control. Proposed working tool comprises, at least, one control handle. Said handle is coupled with drive motor via, at least, one damping element. Said damping element comprises helical spring with, at least, one end fitted on guide. Helical spring is spaced from guide in first radial distance for first distance. Said first distance is measured in the first plane located perpendicular to working tool lengthwise axis. In second radial distance, helical spring is located at second distance from said guide, smaller than that in the first direction, or said distance equals zero. Second distance is measured in second plane located in transverse direction z and in lengthwise direction x and perpendicular to vertical direction y. Helical spring has central lengthwise axis directed, in fact, in transverse direction. Guide and/or helical spring feature shape other than a circle. At least, one section of said guide features oblate-ring-section and/or helical spring one section is oblate on, at least, one side. EFFECT: better damping properties. 21 cl, 26 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 489 249 (13) C2 (51) МПК B25F B25F B25G B25B F16F 1/00 5/02 1/01 17/00 1/12 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2008139966/02, 09.10.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 09.10.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Андреас Штиль АГ ЭНД Ко., КГ (DE) R U Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 11.10.2007 DE 10200704887.6 (72) Автор(ы): ЦИММЕРМАНН Хельмут (DE) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.04.2010 Бюл. № 11 2 4 8 9 2 4 9 (45) Опубликовано: 10.08.2013 Бюл. № 22 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: DE 10334906 A1, 26.02.2004. RU 48855 U1, 10.11.2005. SU 870084 A1, 07.10.1981. SU 650805 A1, 26.02.2004. DE 4320859 A1, 20.01.1994. 2 4 8 9 2 4 9 R U (54) ...

10-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006114672A

ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß RU (19) (11) 2006 114 672 (13) A (51) ÌÏÊ B64F 1/32 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÇÀßÂÊÀ ÍÀ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈÅ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2006114672/11, 01.10.2004 (71) Çà âèòåëü(è): ÒÅËÝÐ ÈÍÒÅÐÍÝØÍË ÀÁ (SE) (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 02.10.2003 DE 10345998.7 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÁÅÍÃÒÑÑÎÍ Õàíñ (SE) (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 10.11.2007 Áþë. ¹ 31 (87) Ïóáëèêàöè PCT: WO 2005/032940 (14.04.2005) R U (54) ÑÈÑÒÅÌÀ ÇÀÃÐÓÇÊÈ È ÐÀÇÃÐÓÇÊÈ ÃÐÓÇÎÂÎÃÎ ÎÒÑÅÊÀ,  ×ÀÑÒÍÎÑÒÈ ÑÀÌÎËÅÒÀ, ØÒÓ×ÍÛÌÈ ÃÐÓÇÀÌÈ (57) Ôîðìóëà èçîáðåòåíè 1. Ñèñòåìà (1) çàãðóçêè è ðàçãðóçêè ãðóçîâîãî îòñåêà (41), â ÷àñòíîñòè ñàìîëåòà (4), øòó÷íûìè ãðóçàìè, ñîäåðæàùà òðàíñïîðòíîå ñðåäñòâî (2) äë òðàíñïîðòèðîâêè øòó÷íûõ ãðóçîâ ìåæäó ëåòíûì ïîëåì è ò.ï. è ëþêîì ãðóçîâîãî îòñåêà, ïðè÷åì òðàíñïîðòíîå ñðåäñòâî (2) ñîäåðæèò òðàíñïîðòèðóþùèé îðãàí (21), ê òðàíñïîðòèðóþùåé ñòîðîíå (24) êîòîðîãî øòó÷íûå ãðóçû ïðèëåãàþò ïðè çàãðóçêå è ðàçãðóçêå, à òàêæå ïðîìåæóòî÷íûé òðàíñïîðòåð (3), êîòîðûé â çîíå êîíöà òðàíñïîðòíîãî ñðåäñòâà (2) ñî ñòîðîíû ãðóçîâîãî îòñåêà (41) óñòàíîâëåí íà åãî òðàíñïîðòèðóþùåé ñòîðîíå è çàõîäèò â ãðóçîâîé îòñåê (41) äë òðàíñïîðòèðîâêè ïðèëåãàþùèõ ê òðàíñïîðòèðóþùåé ñòîðîíå (37) ïðîìåæóòî÷íîãî òðàíñïîðòåðà (3) øòó÷íûõ ãðóçîâ ìåæäó òðàíñïîðòíûì ñðåäñòâîì (2) è ãðóçîâûì îòñåêîì (41), îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî òðàíñïîðòèðóþùèé îðãàí (21) â íàïðàâëåíèè çàãðóçêè ïåðåä óñòàíîâëåííûì ïðîìåæóòî÷íûì òðàíñïîðòåðîì (3) îòêëîíåí ïåðïåíäèêóë ðíî ê ïëîñêîñòè òðàíñïîðòèðîâêè â íàïðàâëåíèè òðàíñïîðòèðóþùåé ñòîðîíû (37) ïðîìåæóòî÷íîãî òðàíñïîðòåðà (3), ÷òîáû íàïðàâë òü øòó÷íûå ãðóçû íà òðàíñïîðòèðóþùóþ ñòîðîíó (37) ïðîìåæóòî÷íîãî òðàíñïîðòåðà (3). 2. Ñèñòåìà ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî òðàíñïîðòèðóþùèé îðãàí (21) ñîäåðæèò ëåíòî÷íûé òðàíñïîðòåð (23), íàõîä ùà ñ íà òðàíñïîðòèðóþùåé ñòîðîíå (24) âåòâü êîòîðîãî îòêëîíåíà ïîñðåäñòâîì âûñòàâíîãî óñòðîéñòâà (5). 3. Ñèñòåìà ïî ï.2, îòëè÷àþùà ñ òåì, ÷òî âûñòàâíîå óñòðîéñòâî (5) ïðåäñòàâë åò ñîáîé ñêîáó (51; 55 ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации

Apparutus and Method to control taking Airport Baggage

Номер: KR20150085388A
Автор: 김동호, 나동길, 송재관
Принадлежит: 한국전자통신연구원

본 발명은 공항 수하물 수취 제어장치 및 제어방법에 관한 것으로, 본 발명에 따른 다른 실시예는 컨베이어 벨트에서 이동하는 수하물에 부착된 태그를 인식하는 태그 리더기로부터 상기 태그에 기록된 수하물 정보를 수신하는 수하물 정보 수신부, 상기 수하물 정보를 기초로 상기 수하물 소유자가 상기 수하물을 수취할 수 있는 수취정보를 생성하는 수취정보 생성부, 상기 수취정보를 상기 수하물 소유자의 단말기에 제공하는 수취정보 제공부, 상기 수하물 소유자의 단말기로부터 상기 수하물의 이동 경로에 대한 요청을 수신하는 이동요청 수신부 및 상기 수하물의 이동 경로에 대한 요청을 기초로 상기 수하물을 특정 장소로 이동시키는 이동 제어부를 포함하는 공항 수하물 수취 제어장치를 제공할 수 있다.

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Baggage conveyor and procedures for its operation

Номер: DE102018124587A1
Автор: Holger Wössner

Um bei einem Förderbandwagen (1) zu vermeiden, dass bei der betriebsbedingten Höhenverstellung des hinteren Endes (3b) des Hauptförderers (3) unerwünschter Weise das vordere Ende (3a) des Hauptförderers (3) seine Höhenlage und/oder Längsposition verändert - was Kollisionen mit dem Flugzeug (100) bewirken kann - werden die unteren Schwenkachsen (5'a, 6'a) der vorderen (5) und/oder hinteren (6) Stützen des Hauptförderers (3) in Längsrichtung (10) verfahrbar ausgeführt, wobei insbesondere die Steuerung (1*) des Förderbandwagens (1) automatisch die Beibehaltung der Position des vorderen Endes (3a) bewirkt durch Längsverfahrung mindestens einer der unteren Schwenkachsen (5'a, 6'a) und/oder Bewegung einer der Stützen (5 ,6). In order to prevent a conveyor belt wagon (1) from undesirably changing the height and / or longitudinal position of the front end (3a) of the main conveyor (3) during the operational height adjustment of the rear end (3b) of the main conveyor (3) - which causes collisions with can cause the aircraft (100) - the lower pivot axes (5'a, 6'a) of the front (5) and / or rear (6) supports of the main conveyor (3) can be moved in the longitudinal direction (10), in particular the Control (1 *) of the conveyor belt carriage (1) automatically maintaining the position of the front end (3a) by longitudinal movement of at least one of the lower pivot axes (5'a, 6'a) and / or movement of one of the supports (5, 6) .

10-09-2001 дата публикации

Aircraft loading and unloading apparatus

Номер: DK173750B1
Автор: Lars Thoegersen
Принадлежит: Scandinavian Airlines System

18-07-2006 дата публикации

Apparatus for loading and unloading a cargo compartment of an aircraft

Номер: US7077615B2
Принадлежит: RASN AS

A ground apparatus for loading and unloading a cargo compartment of an aircraft. The apparatus comprises a frame, a first conveyor frame comprising a first conveyor with a flat cargo-engaging surface, a first actuator, a routing station for receiving cargo advanced thereto by the first conveyor, a second conveyor frame comprising a second conveyor with a flat cargo-engaging surface, a second actuator, a third conveyor, and controls for activating the third conveyor. The second conveyor frame is pivotally supported at the first end of the second conveyor so as to be sideways movable, and the third conveyor is arranged at the routing station. The routing station allows selective routing of the cargo received from the first conveyor onto the second conveyor or onto the third conveyor.

23-04-2009 дата публикации

luggage conveyor

Номер: DE102007048876A1

Fahrbare Gepäckförderer für das Flughafenvorfeld bestehen meist aus einem Hauptförderer und ei9nem an deren hinteren Ende angeordneten Zuförderer mit einem den Übergang abdeckenden Zwischentisch. Anstatt dabei das hintere Ende des Hauptförderers und auch den Zwischentisch immer auf der gleichen Höhe zu belassen und nur das vordere Ende des Hauptförderers für den Arbeitsbetrieb einzustellen, wird erfindungsgemäß vorgeschlagen, auch das hintere Ende des Hauptförderers höhenveränderbar zu gestalten und an diesem hinteren Ende den Zwischentisch und das vordere Ende des Zuförderers direkt zu befestigen. Dadurch wird durch die Einstellung der Höhenlage des hinteren Endes des Hauptförderers eine Grobeinstellung auf den jeweiligen Arbeitseinsatz durchgeführt, die während des Ladevorganges nicht mehr verändert wird. Kleinere notwendige Anpassungen werden anschließend durch Höhenveränderung des hinteren Endes des Zuförderers bewältigt. Mobile luggage conveyors for the airport apron usually consist of a main conveyor and a feeder arranged at the rear end thereof with an intermediate table covering the transition. Instead of always leaving the rear end of the main conveyor and the intermediate table at the same height and adjust only the front end of the main conveyor for working, the invention proposes to make the rear end of the main conveyor height adjustable and at this rear end of the intermediate table and attach the front end of the feeder directly. As a result, by adjusting the altitude of the rear end of the main conveyor a coarse adjustment to the respective work performed, which is not changed during the charging process. Smaller necessary adjustments are then overcome by changing the height of the rear end of the feeder.

18-05-1965 дата публикации

Portable conveyor system

Номер: US3184045A
Автор: Edwin L Fry
Принадлежит: FRY AND CO

12-09-1967 дата публикации

Elevator control system

Номер: US3341042A
Автор: Victor H Carder
Принадлежит: American Sugar Co

25-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: FR2560566B1
Принадлежит: FMC Corp

04-11-1986 дата публикации

Side guide for aircraft belt loader

Номер: US4620629A
Автор: William C. Dean
Принадлежит: FMC Corp

A side guide for an aircraft belt loader including a guide rail positioned laterally adjacent to the belt loader conveyor and pivotally supported on the belt loader conveyor frame by a plurality of links. A bell crank attached to the guide rail and the conveyor frame includes a control lever for manual rotation of the bell crank to move the guide rail between lowered and elevated positions relative to the belt loader conveyor.

03-11-1989 дата публикации


Номер: IT1211805B
Автор: Pietropaoli Paolo
Принадлежит: Sefind Srl

03-07-1997 дата публикации

A loading/unloading conveyor

Номер: AU1092797A
Принадлежит: Caljan AS

01-12-1998 дата публикации

Auxiliary device for manual loading and / or unloading general cargo.

Номер: NL1006134C2
Принадлежит: Nia Tno B V

16-12-2021 дата публикации

Baggage conveyor and procedures for its operation

Номер: DE102018124587B4

Förderbandwagen (1) mit- einem Chassis (2)- welches vier Räder (4a - d) aufweist, von denen mindestens zwei Räder (4a, b) lenkbar sind,- einem anhebbar auf dem Chassis (2) angeordneten Hauptförderer (3) mit einem höher als das hintere Ende (3b) anhebbaren vorderen Ende (3a),- einer vorderen Stütze (5) und einer hinteren Stütze (6), die jeweils einerseits am Hauptförderer (3) einerseits und am Chassis (2) andererseits schwenkbar um jeweils einen quer verlaufende Schwenkachse (5'a, 5'b, 6'a, 6'b) schwenkbar befestigt sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass- die unteren Querachsen (5'a, 6'a) in Längsrichtung (10) entlang des Chassis (2) gesteuert verfahrbar sind,- eine Steuerung (1*) vorhanden ist, die zumindest alle beweglichen Teile des Förderbandwagens (1) in ihrer Bewegung steuert. Conveyor belt trolley (1) with - a chassis (2) - which has four wheels (4a - d), of which at least two wheels (4a, b) are steerable, - with a main conveyor (3) which can be lifted on the chassis (2) a front end (3a) that can be raised higher than the rear end (3b), a front support (5) and a rear support (6), each of which can be pivoted on the one hand on the main conveyor (3) on the one hand and on the chassis (2) on the other hand a transverse pivot axis (5'a, 5'b, 6'a, 6'b) are pivotably attached, characterized in that - the lower transverse axes (5'a, 6'a) in the longitudinal direction (10) along the chassis (2) can be moved in a controlled manner, - a controller (1 *) is available which controls at least all of the moving parts of the conveyor belt vehicle (1) in their movement.

25-06-1987 дата публикации

Galley lifting vehicle with an integrated driver's cab for supplying aircraft

Номер: DE3545408A1
Принадлежит: FRANKE HUENERT GmbH

29-01-1998 дата публикации

Container return slide for baggage inspection systems

Номер: DE29721251U1

30-12-2008 дата публикации

Conveyor system for loading and unloading aircraft baggage

Номер: US7469782B2
Автор: Neil Hutton
Принадлежит: DEW Engineering and Development ULC

A cargo conveyor for use in loading and unloading a cargo compartment comprises: a plurality of conveyor units for being disposed within the cargo compartment and for being temporarily arranged to support a loading or unloading conveyor path having a length that varies during a same loading or unloading operation, the conveyor path for being lengthened during the unloading operation and for being shortened during the loading operation, the plurality of conveyor units for being coupled with and decoupled from the conveyor path for lengthening the conveyor path during the unloading operation and for shortening the conveyor path during the loading operation, respectively.

12-02-1970 дата публикации

Loading and unloading device for aircraft and the like.

Номер: DE1556282A1

18-09-2003 дата публикации

System for loading and unloading unit loads into a cargo hold, in particular of an aircraft, and intermediate transport device or corresponding transport unit

Номер: WO2003076267A1
Автор: Anders Helmner

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein System zum Be- und Entladen von Stückgut (6), wie insbesondere Gepäckstücke oder dergleichen in einem Laderaum (1) eines Flugzeugs, mit einer Förderung des Stückgutes (6) in Richtung auf das innere Ende des Laderaumes (1) beim Beladen bzw. von diesem weg beim Entladen, und mit einem Transport des Stückgutes (6) zwischen der Rollfeldebene und der Laderaumöffnung. Bei dem erfindungsgemässen System ist das Stückgut (6) beim Beladen in Querrichtung zur Flugzeuglängsachse und auch in Flugzeuglängsrichtung in den Flugzeugrumpf hinein förderbar und im Laderaum (1) ablegbar. Beim Entladen in die Ebene der Laderaumöffnung zurück gefördertes Stückgut (6) ist quer zur Flugzeuglängsachse durch die Laderaumöffnung hindurch weg förderbar. Weiterhin schlägt die Erfindung eine Zwischenfördereinrichtung (2) hierfür vor. Ferner gibt die vorliegende Erfindung weitere Alternativen zum System als auch Zwischenfördereinrichtung bzw. Fördereinheit an.

01-09-2010 дата публикации

System for loading and unloading unpakced cargo and intermediate transport device or unit

Номер: CN101239657B


27-02-2008 дата публикации

System for loading and unloading unit loads into a cargo hold, in particular of an aircraft, and intermediate transport device or corresponding transport unit

Номер: CN100371216C


29-12-2004 дата публикации

System for loading and unloading unit loads into a cargo hold in particular of an aircraft and intermediate transport device or corresponding transport unit

Номер: GB2403205A
Автор: Anders Helmner

The invention relates to a system for loading and unloading a unit load (6), such as in particular items of luggage or similar, into a cargo hold (1) of an aircraft, comprising the transport of the unit load (6) to the inner end of the cargo hold (1) during loading and its transport away from said end during unloading and the transport of the unit load (6) between the apron area and the cargo hold opening. According to said system, the unit load (6) can be conveyed during loading in a transversal direction to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft and also conveyed into the aircraft fuselage in a longitudinal direction and stored in the cargo hold (1). During unloading, the unit load (6) that has been transported back to the plane of the cargo hold can be conveyed through and away from the cargo hold opening transversally to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. The invention also relates to an intermediate transport device (2) for use with said system. The invention further relates to additional alternatives to the system and also to the intermediate transport device or transport unit.

30-12-1998 дата публикации

Auxiliary apparatus for manually loading and/or unloading loose cargo items

Номер: AU7677398A
Принадлежит: NIA TNO BV

27-03-2013 дата публикации

System for loading and unloading unpakced cargo and intermediate transport device or unit

Номер: CN101239658B


29-04-1993 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for loading and unloading of goods

Номер: WO1993008078A1
Автор: Tord Liljevik
Принадлежит: Sas Region Sverige Ab

A method and an apparatus for loading of goods into and unloading of goods from spaces which are located at least some distance above the ground level, especially loading into and unloading from narrow and highly located spaces like holds in an air plane, while using a specially designed load truck formed with drive and steering means (1') so that the truck can be driven from one place to another, a load lift means (2') suited for lifting a complete load unit (11), and a person's lift means (3') for making it possible to move the driver of the truck some distance up and down respectively to a suitable position for handling of the, at any time, uppermost layer of luggage on a transport carriage (11) having a load unit, and whereby the loading and unloading is made in the same way but in the opposite order, whereby the truck lifts the entire carriage (11) with the goods and keeps it in a, step by step changed, height position suited for loading and unloading the goods respectively.

08-01-2003 дата публикации

Vehicle for loading and unloading aircraft

Номер: EP1273517A2
Автор: Lars Thøgersen
Принадлежит: Rampsnake AS, RASN AS

A ground apparatus for loading and unloading an aircraft (53) with a cargo compartment (52), the apparatus comprising a conveyor (8) having a first end and a second end and being at least partially extendable from said apparatus into said cargo compartment (52), said conveyor (8) including a succession of conveyor units (30, 31, 70, 90), wherein each conveyor unit (30, 31, 70, 90) has a set of wheels (44, 76, 101, 102) and wherein the conveyor units (30, 31, 70, 90) are mutually interconnected by means of coupling members (38, 81, 82) that allow for a sideways mutual pivotal movement of said conveyor units (30, 31, 70, 90) and for a mutual pivotal movement of said conveyor units about an essentially horizontal axis (83, 84). Each of the conveyor units (30, 31, 70, 90) define a respective activatable conveyor path and the apparatus is constructed for storing the second conveyor (8) in a state wherein at least two successive conveyor units are mutually pivoted about said essentially horizontal axis (83, 84).

10-12-2003 дата публикации

Vehicle for loading and unloading aircraft

Номер: EP1273517A3
Автор: Lars Thøgersen
Принадлежит: Rampsnake AS

A ground apparatus for loading and unloading an aircraft (53) with a cargo compartment (52), the apparatus comprising a conveyor (8) having a first end and a second end and being at least partially extendable from said apparatus into said cargo compartment (52), said conveyor (8) including a succession of conveyor units (30, 31, 70, 90), wherein each conveyor unit (30, 31, 70, 90) has a set of wheels (44, 76, 101, 102) and wherein the conveyor units (30, 31, 70, 90) are mutually interconnected by means of coupling members (38, 81, 82) that allow for a sideways mutual pivotal movement of said conveyor units (30, 31, 70, 90) and for a mutual pivotal movement of said conveyor units about an essentially horizontal axis (83, 84). Each of the conveyor units (30, 31, 70, 90) define a respective activatable conveyor path and the apparatus is constructed for storing the second conveyor (8) in a state wherein at least two successive conveyor units are mutually pivoted about said essentially horizontal axis (83, 84).

10-06-2004 дата публикации

An apparatus for loading and unloading aircrafts

Номер: AU774012B2
Автор: Lars Thøgersen
Принадлежит: RASN AS

17-05-2005 дата публикации

Apparatus for loading and unloading aircrafts

Номер: US6893200B2
Автор: Lars Thøgersen
Принадлежит: RASN AS

An apparatus for loading and unloading aircrafts comprises a tiltable first conveyor part ( 7 ) adjustable in height and provided with a conveyor path ( 11 ) advancing and removing luggage ( 59 ), such as suitcases, parcels and the like cargo items, to and from the apparatus. The apparatus comprises further a second conveyor part ( 8 ) extendable from the first conveyor part and being adapted to be moved through an opening in the aircraft and into the cargo compartment of said aircraft. This second conveyor part ( 8 ) comprises a conveyor path advancing or removing the luggage to or from the storing site inside the cargo compartment. The second conveyor part ( 8 ) comprises a plurality of pivotally interconnected conveyor units ( 30, 31 ) with their respective activatable conveyor paths and their respective sets of wheels ( 44 ).

23-05-2012 дата публикации

Equipment for unloading and unloading aircraft

Номер: JP4937476B2

25-04-2006 дата публикации

Apparatus for loading and unloading aircrafts

Номер: US7033125B2
Автор: Lars Thøgersen
Принадлежит: Rampsnake AS

An apparatus for loading and unloading aircrafts comprises a tiltable first conveyor part ( 7 ) adjustable in height and provided with a conveyor path ( 11 ) advancing and removing luggage ( 59 ), such as suitcases, parcels and the like cargo items, to and from the apparatus. The apparatus comprises further a second conveyor part ( 8 ) extendable from the first conveyor part and being adapted to be moved through an opening in the aircraft and into the cargo compartment of said aircraft. This second conveyor part ( 8 ) comprises a conveyor path advancing or removing the luggage to or from the storing site inside the cargo compartment. The second conveyor part ( 8 ) comprises a plurality of pivotally interconnected conveyor units ( 30, 31 ) with their respective activatable conveyor paths and their respective sets of wheels ( 44 ).

07-06-2006 дата публикации

Vehicle for loading and unloading aircraft

Номер: EP1666357A1
Автор: Lars Thøgersen
Принадлежит: RASN AS

A ground apparatus for loading and unloading an aircraft (53) with a cargo compartment (52), the apparatus comprising a conveyor (8) having a first end and a second end and being at least partially extendable from said apparatus into said cargo compartment (52), said conveyor (8) including a succession of conveyor units (30, 31, 70, 90), wherein each conveyor unit (30, 31, 70, 90) has a set of wheels (44, 76, 101, 102) and wherein the conveyor units (30, 31, 70, 90) are mutually interconnected by means of coupling members (38, 81, 82) that allow for a sideways mutual pivotal movement of said conveyor units (30, 31, 70, 90) and for a mutual pivotal movement of said conveyor units about an essentially horizontal axis (83, 84). Each of the conveyor units (30, 31, 70, 90) define a respective activatable conveyor path and the apparatus is constructed for storing the second conveyor (8) in a state wherein at least two successive conveyor units are mutually pivoted about said essentially horizontal axis (83, 84).

02-01-2007 дата публикации

Apparatus for loading and unloading aircraft

Номер: US7156604B2
Автор: Lars Thøgersen
Принадлежит: RASN AS

An apparatus for loading and unloading aircrafts comprises a tiltable first conveyor part ( 7 ) adjustable in height and provided with a conveyor path ( 11 ) advancing and removing luggage ( 59 ), such as suitcases, parcels and the like cargo items, to and from the apparatus. The apparatus comprises further a second conveyor part ( 8 ) extendable from the first conveyor part and being adapted to be moved through an opening in the aircraft and into the cargo compartment of said aircraft. This second conveyor part ( 8 ) comprises a conveyor path advancing or removing the luggage to or from the storing site inside the cargo compartment. The second conveyor part ( 8 ) comprises a plurality of pivotally interconnected conveyor units ( 30, 31 ) with their respective activatable conveyor paths and their respective sets of wheels ( 44 ).

23-12-2008 дата публикации

An apparatus for loading and unloading aircrafts

Номер: CA2396198C
Автор: Lars Thøgersen
Принадлежит: RASN AS

An apparatus for loading and unloading aircrafts comprises a tiltable first conveyor part (7) adjustable in height and provided with a conveyor path (11) advancing and removing luggage (59), such as suitcases, parcels and the like cargo items, to and from the apparatus. The apparatus comprises further a second conveyor part (8) extendable from the first conveyor part and being adapted to be moved through an opening in the aircraft and into the cargo compartment of said aircraft. This second conveyor part (8) comprises a conveyor path advancing or removing the luggage to or from the storing site inside the cargo compartment. The second conveyor part (8) comprises a plurality of pivotally interconnected conveyor units (30, 31) with their respective activatable conveyor paths and their respective sets of wheels (44).

08-09-2010 дата публикации

aircraft loading and unloading apparatus.

Номер: BR0107552B1
Автор: Lars Thøgersen
Принадлежит: [UNK]

14-07-2004 дата публикации

An apparatus for loading and unloading aircrafts

Номер: EP1248726B1
Автор: Lars Thøgersen
Принадлежит: RASN AS

A ground apparatus for loading and unloading an aircraft (53) with a cargo compartment (52), the apparatus comprising a conveyor (8) having a first end and a second end and being at least partially extendable from said apparatus into said cargo compartment (52), said conveyor (8) including a succession of conveyor units (30, 31, 70, 90), wherein each conveyor unit (30, 31, 70, 90) has a set of wheels (44, 76, 101, 102) and wherein the conveyor units (30, 31, 70, 90) are mutually interconnected by means of coupling members (38, 81, 82) that allow for a sideways mutual pivotal movement of said conveyor units (30, 31, 70, 90) and for a mutual pivotal movement of said conveyor units about an essentially horizontal axis (83, 84). Each of the conveyor units (30, 31, 70, 90) define a respective activatable conveyor path and the apparatus is constructed for storing the second conveyor (8) in a state wherein at least two successive conveyor units are mutually pivoted about said essentially horizontal axis (83, 84).

29-04-2003 дата публикации

An apparatus for loading and unloading aircrafts

Номер: NZ520399A
Автор: Lars Thøgersen
Принадлежит: Rampsnake AS
