Einrichtung zur gewinnung von elektrischem strom und/oder wärme

15-01-2012 дата публикации
Принадлежит: Lenz Bernhard
Номер заявки: 9292010
Дата заявки: 07-06-2010


The available invention concerns a mechanism for the production of electric current and/or warmth, in particular Warrnwasser, from sun exposure, whereby the mechanism exhibits at least a cover plate and at least a baseplate and at least a one, in particular umlausende, side panel and the cover plate and the baseplate and the side panel a cavity begrenzen.


Would genericin accordance with-eat mechanisms frequently also as solar heat collectors are designated. They can serve the production of electric current in addition, the production of warmth, in particular for the warm water preparation. There is would also genericin accordance with-eat mechanisms well-known, with those both electric current and warmth won wird.


For the transmission of the warmth on a heat transmitting medium with the state of the art into genericin accordance with-eaten mechanisms absorber bodies are used. These usually flowed through from a Wärmeübeßragungsmedium. The heat transmitting medium takes up the warmth registered by the sun exposure in the absorber, in order to then transport it to heat exchangers, Warmwasserboilern and such a thing. With the state of the art it is well-known by obvious prior use, the absorber bodies fixed at the cover plate of the genericin accordance with-eaten Einrichtun9, e.g. through glues to fasten, around as good a heat transmission of the cover plate as possible on the absorber body too gewährleisten.


With genericin accordance with-eaten mechanisms in accordance with the conditions the technology it was however in practice observed that it caused through thermally tensions to BeeinträchtiBankverbindungen Austrian postal savings bank account No. 92111,622, BLZ 60000 Swift-cool: 0 PSKATW'W fSAN: Al'55 60000000 92ii 1622 savings bank of the city Feldkirch account NR 0400-006300, BLZ 20604 Swift code: SPFKAT2B IBAN: A'f-/0 2060 4004 0000 6300 T +43 (0) 5522 73! 37 P +43 (0) 5522 73 359 M office@vpaLat I www.vpat t VAT ATU 641%033 n /n 9NIN MN 14.1Q [“# D? AgNI NNR .14:16 FAX of +43 5522 patents .tiIe f °, œ tt le Al • mo 0007/0018 gungen come kann.


Task of the invention is it to improve genericin accordance with ße mechanisms in such a way that it better the stepping large thermal differences outer in the practical enterprise verkraften.


The task is solved, by at least an absorber body for the admission of warmth, preferably made of metal, freely of stoffsch [üssigen attachments in the cavity arranged ist.


Preferentially it is intended that at least absorber bodies freely swimming in the cavity between cover plate, Grundp [and side panel atte is arranged. This means in particular the fact that the absorber body nowhere material-conclusively fastened and/or fixed is and in particular neither to cover plate, baseplate still side panel is material-conclusively fastened. All material-conclusive attachments of the absorber body like a sticking together, a soldering, a welding and such a thing are thus avoided e.g. Preferentially also all forms¢hlüssigen attachments of the absorber body are avoided like e.g. a riveting, screwing on. A substantial effect participates the fact that preferably made of metal existing or preferably metal exhibiting absorber bodies can expand or pull together according to warmth and/or sun exposure the affecting it without thereby too thermally caused it tensions in the mechanism kommt.


In order to ensure a good thermal heat transition of the cover plate to the absorber, preferential remark examples according to invention plan that the absorber is pressed in slightly to the cover plate. Preferred remains thereby however at least toward to the side panels a play, so that a fixed attachment is avoided also in these arrangement forms. The absorber can thus e.g. exclusive reibbzw. actuated in the cavity held its. Further is it favorable, if the means, with which the absorber is pressed in slightly to the cover plate, is flexibly trained. Preferential arrangement forms plan with the fact e.g. that in the cavity additionally to the absorber body a supporting body is arranged to the cover plate for pressing the absorber body in slightly. This supporting body is favorable-proves flexibly trained. Preferentially the Stütz_körper is heat insulating trained. Further it is preferentially intended that the supporting body is laminar expanded. In order to ensure both a pressing in slightly and the lagging, e.g. cellular flexible plastics can like e.g. temperature-steady PU-Hartschäume assigned werden.


n /nR gala Mfl 141 I£ /P 1 P 74201 WHETHER? 14:16 FAX +43 5522 73359:: “i. “” i ii”:


A i • • m “Bo • • f tons oa oo, 1 “, 0 0008/0018 F_.rfindungsgemä6e mechanisms can be exclusively for the production laid out by electric current. It is however just as well possible to out-arrange mechanisms according to invention only for the production of warmth. Preferential arrangement forms plan however that mechanisms according to invention are trained by warmth both as the production by electric current and. In particular with the variants to the Gewinnüng of elel< trischer river can be e.g. intended the fact that the Deckp [atte is multilevel developed, whereby between two carrying layers at least a layer with one or more Photovoltaikmodulen for the production is arranged by electric current. In particular with such arrangement forms an additional Egekt is reached by preferably directly the absorber pressed in slightly to the cover plate, by contributing to the cooling of the Photovoltaikmodule, with which their efficiency and thus the electrical yield are increased. The warmth registered thereby into the absorber body can be used over an appropriate heat transmitting medium, as it admits with the state of the art in different Ausgestaltungsforrnen is, as heat queues for a Warmwasserboi} it, a heat exchanger or such a thing. The absorber body ka nn preferentially A US an A Bfech ufgekanteten bestehen.


The supporting body can form a heat insulating bed, so that no warmth is lost toward baseplate. Further preferential arrangement forms see for as effective a heat transmission between Deckp as possible [and absorber body atte forwards that the absorber body, preferably full-laminar, directly or under between [a9e of a heat transmission gel to the DecJ< p] atte antiegt, preferably to the cover plate pressed in slightly ist.


Further it is favorable, if the absorber body at least a bereichsweise hollow body with at least an inlet and/or expiration for at least a heat distribution medium medium ist.


The absorber body can trained in most different arrangement forms sein.


E.G. it is possible to use as absorber bodies one, in particular for schlangenförmi9 running tubing system. To this additionally an absorber sheet metal can be attached. For the training of a hollow body preferential Ausgestaltun9sformen plans however above all that the absorber body exhibits £oflbondingblech and/or a Kurpferabsorber or ist.


Rollbondingbleche are well-known with the state of the art. They develop, by joining two sheet metals by a rolling procedure with large pressure. During this procedure one speaks also of the so-called roll bond procedure. The cavities in this 07/06 2010 ¾ 0 14:19 [SE/E) I NR 74201 008 14:17 FAX of,48 5522 73859 patents d$ef g,• • t• : :. :: … l .l.


• I @ • • • • • @ “oœ • oa e o4 IP• • •• 0009/0018 Rotlbondingblech can be e.g. produced, as with bugs of the two sheet metals of certain parts of the sheet metal are left blank and/or treated with parting agents, so that itself the sheet metals within these ranges not connected. Subsequently, these ranges can be blown up, so that there channels and/or cavities in an educated manner werden.


Preferential arrangement forms of the invention plan the fact that the cover plate and/or at least a basic layer of the cover plate and/or the baseplate exhibit glass and/or exhibits or is designed as Glaspfatte and/or is. When, preferably umlau {end, side panel can be used most diverse frame-like things. Particularly simply producible in addition, permanently flexibly the side panel can be out-arranged, by the side panel at least toward its extending between cover plate and baseplate to at least 90%, preferably completely, when adhesive body is trained. Further preferential arrangement forms plan, dsss in the side panel and/or between the side panel and the cover plate and/or between the side panel and the baseplate and/or in the cover plate and/or in the baseplate at least a ventilation opening are trained. By the Entbzw. Ventilation openings can be prevented a humidity-conditioned fitting of the insides by Deckund/or baseplate. Around also according to invention the staff necessary with wide mechanisms; lität to reach, it can be intended that the cover plate and the baseplate are connected to several, the cavity crossing Stützstegen by means of or and that or the Stützstege with play are passed through recesses in the absorber body. The play mentioned can be achieved, by the diameter of the Stützsteges than the cross-section areas of the recesses in the absorber body are accordingly smaller, so that the absorber body defies itself the Stützstege thermally expands and pull together can, without it thereby to thermal spannings in the mechanism according to invention kommt.


Further details and characteristics of preferential Ausgestaitungsformen of the invention become on the basis in the Fig. Ausführun9sbeispiele shown describes. Show:


Fig.1 to 3 Fig. 4 to 7 Darstel} ungen to first erfinc ungsgemäßen Ausführungsbeispie! and representations to a second Ausführungsbeispiel.


according to invention #N1N Mfl 14:19 takes r£E/M NE 74201 009 14; 17 FAX of +43 5522 73369 patents D efo 3, oo o. , 1 • i • Q i • o • 1.1t • oo e o 14 • j 0010/0018 in Fig. 1 concerns it a mechanism according to invention in form of a Solarkoltektors, which serves excluding the WärmegewJnnung. With the baseplate 2 and the cover plate 1 it concerns preferentially glass plates. The side panel 3 is preferentially implemented as a circulating sticking crawler-type vehicle. Suitable adhesives are well-known with the state of the art. They can be manufactured e.g. on Silikonoder epoxy basis. Between cover plate 1, Grundptatte 2 and the side panel 3 is the cavity 4, in which the absorber body 5 is arranged. With the absorber body 5 it concerns a hollow body, which is flowed through in the enterprise by a heat distribution medium medium. Fig. the VOL shows 2] ständigkeit half a Zuund/or expiration 7, over which the heat distribution medium medium can leak out into the interior cavity of the absorber body 5 einund/or. The absorber body 5 can consist e.g. of a break formed absorber sheet metal, e.g. a Rollbondingblech or a copper absorber and be inserted into an isolation bed formed from the supporting body 6. Lsolierbett and/or, the supporting body thereby two tasks can fulfill 6. On the one hand that thermal losses are to a large extent as avoided as possible toward baseplate 2, the first task of the supporting body 6 is thereby reached is thus the thermal isolation. Further that, preferentially flexibly trained, can ensure supporting body 6 that the absorber body 5 can do it for optimal thermal transmission to the cover plate 1 pressed in slightly wJrcI, with the supporting body 6 itself e.g.


around an PU-expanded polystyrene act. Between absorber bodies 5 and cover plate I can be arranged a heat transmission gel. In accordance with the invention the absorber body is fastened nowhere material-conclusively, but is freely arranged of stoffschtQssigen attachments in the cavity 4. Thereby that, usually made of metal formed, can expand and pull together absorber body 5 thermally conditionally, without it comes thereby to tensions in the mechanism according to invention. E.G. it can be intended that the absorber body 5 with play 14 in the supporting body 6 lies. Further 6 also thermal changes of the absorber body can know balanced werden_ to the support of the absorber body 5 additional edition bars 13 to be intended by the flexible training of the supporting body. Also at these the absorber body 5 is not material-conclusively fastened. Over appropriate flexible training and pre-loading of the side panels 3, if necessary additionally for the supporting body 6, a permanent pre-loading can be likewise produced, which ensures that the absorber body 5 is pressed in slightly to the cover plate 1. In this sense it can be intended that the Deckptatte 1 and the baseplate 2 are toward one on the other too linked up to trained, side panel 3 by means of that, preferably flexibly. This pre-loading can do also by at least one or more if necessary existing, vorzu9sweise flexibly trained, Stützstege 11 between cover plate 1 and baseplate 2 supported or produced wero7/o6 2olo M0 14:19 ISE/E NR 74201 Ol0 20] 0 14:17 FAX of +43 55 2 73355 patents efeß. oo….


Q • æ i, O. m • 9 • all GM, in -- q IO 0011/0018 that. Also with these arrangement forms a swimming reconciliation of the thermal expansion and thermis¢h conditioned pulling together is also accordingly between the different Materia4 [EN guaranteed. Fig. still another schematic plan view shows 3 to the absorber body in accordance with 5 the Fig. 1 and 2 within the range of a Zuund/or expiration 7. in another arrangement form can be intended that the preferably up-edged Absorberb [ech with the 5tützkörpe “6 bzw.


the isolation bed, into which it is inserted, to a group one sticks together. The greenhouse effect is obtained by the Lußraum thus developed. It does not concern thereby however nevertheless one stoffsch [üssige attachment of the absorber body in the cavity 4.


With dern remark example in accordance with the Fig. it concerns 4 to 6 a edindungsgemäöe mechanism, which serves both for the production of electric current and of warmth. The Deckptatte 1 is here multilevel trained. It points to two basic layers 8 and 9 outer {, between which a layer with one or more Photovottaikmodulen 10 is arranged by electric current for the production. With the basic layers as well as with the baseplate it acts 8 and 9 günstigerwe; SE again around glass plates. In addition, in particular with the baseplate 2 other materials can be used. For the side panel 3 for the first remark example the saying is valid. Also here it concerns favorable-proves a Klebstoffkörpe to which a flexible pre-loading to produce can. Also with this AusfQhrungsbeispiel the absorber body is 5, which in principle again in the Ausgestattungsformen specified already implemented its kan n corresponds, between egg nem to flexible, preferably full surface Stüt2körper 6 and the De@platte t inserted. The absorber body is exclusive also here swimming stored. In order according to thermally conditionally expand and to pull together to be able, without thereby tensions are produced, is favorable-proves in the drawn in places in each case a play 14 intended. Also with this remark example the absorber body 5 without gluing or such a thing rests against the back of the cover plate 1. In order to achieve a full surface edition of the absorber body at the cover plate 1, the group from baseplate 2, cover plate 1 and side panel together 3, is stuck preferably under a Flächendruck, whereby absorber body 5 and supporting body 6 without fixed attachment freely into the cavity 4 are inserted if necessary over with wide out-arranged variants of the invention cover plate 1 and baseplate 2 not only in the range of the 5eitenwand 3 to strut with one another bzw.


to together support, can, as in Fig. 4 drawn in Stützstege 11 additional in preferential arrangement forms intended its, which connect the cover plate 1 with the baseplate 2. Also with the Stützstegen! 1 can do it itself around sticking bodies bzw.


07/06 2010 MO 14:19 ISEiEM NR 74201 011 07/06 2010 14:17 FAX of 43 5522 75559 patents [tefel RK œœ tt o• • tons of 0012/0018 point gluings act. These can likewise provide together with the flexible insulating layer in form of the supporting body 6 for a permanent pre-loading in the finished manufactured group. By swimming inserting of the absorber body the different thermal expansions can do 5 into the cavity 4 of this group bzw.


thermally caused pulling together between glass, Met01t and insulant become balanced. Fig. 5 shows again a cut by this remark example in the range of a Zuund/or abbott on the 7th Fig. 6 again a subrange of a Draufl view shows to the absorber body 5 in the range of the Zuund/or expiration 7. the Photovoltaikmodule 10 lying over it is broken angedeutet.


Fig. still schematically a plan view shows 7 in the range Stützsteges 11 of a passed through the recess 12 in the absorber body 5. Here it is to be seen that around the Stützsteg 11 around in the recess 12 still sufficiently play 14 is intended, so that the absorber body 5, which usually consists of metal, can expand and pull together thermally conditionally, without it thereby to the collision with the Stützszeg 11 kommt.


In both remark examples shown one or more ventilation openings can be trained, around fitting too vermeiden.


in the side panel 3 and/or between the side panel 3 and the cover plate 1 and/or between the side panel 3 and the baseplate 2 and/or in the cover plate 1 and/or in the baseplate 2 BT] NR 9NtN MN 14:1 BY NR 74201 0|2 07/06 2010 14:17 FAX -4 5fi22 of 73359 patents Hefel…. : : "" i “':


• • i i t ù:: :: “: : “i”: i m t t “oo • D 0013/0018 1 cover plate 2 baseplate 3 side panel 4 cavity absorber body of 6 supporting bodies 7 Zuund/or expiration 8 basic layer 9 basic layer Photovoltaikmodu! 11 Stützsteg 12 recess 13 Aufiagensteg 14 play legend zudenHinweisziffern:


aT/a o o Ifl 14:19 ISE/IgM NR 74201 Ola 14:17 FAX *43 of 5522 73359 patent lawyers Hefel& Hofmann patents Ilefel cm m e! “o oeQ @ • i • • t i • @ @ i eQ #i @# it i i# 0014/0018 Patentanwä|Te European patent Attorneys European trademark Attorneys DL Herbert lever (until 2006) Dr. Ralf Hermann Dr Thomas Fechner 6806 Feldkir¢h. Austria Ege [seestr 65a. P.o. box 6! 23049t34tir t 00531


The device has a cover plate (1), a base plate (2) and a side wall (3) defining a hollow space (4), and an absorber body (5) e.g. roller bonding sheet and/or copper absorber, arranged in the hollow space. The absorber body accommodates heat, is made of metal and is free from material-fit fastenings. A heat-insulating and/or planar support body (6) is arranged at the cavity for pressing the absorber body at the cover plate. The cover plate and the base plate are connected together by support bars, which traverse the cavity.

Mechanism for the production of electric current and-blaze warmth, in particular warm water, from sun exposure, whereby the mechanism at least a cover plate (1) and at least a baseplate (2) and at least one, in particular circulating, side panel (3) outer {and the cover plate (1) and the baseplate (2) and the side panel (3) a cavity (4) points limits, by the fact characterized that at least an absorber body (5) for the admission of warmth, preferably made of metal, rei of material-conclusive attachments in the cavity (4) arranged ist.

Mechanism according to requirement 1, by the fact characterized that in the cavity (4) additionally to the absorber body (5), preferably heat insulating and/or laminar supporting body (6) for pressing the absorber body (s) in slightly to the cover plate (1) arranged ist.

Mechanism according to requirement 1 or 2, by the fact characterized that the absorber body (5), preferably vollflächi9, directly or under span of a heat transmission gel at the cover plate (1} rests, preferably against the cover plate (1) pressed in slightly ist.

Mechanism after one of the requirements 1 to 3, by the fact characterized that the Absorberk6rper (5) at least a bereichsweise hollow body upon at least an inlet and/or an expiration (7) for at least a Wärmeträ9ermedium ist.

5, mechanism after one of the requirements 1 to 4, by the fact characterized that the absorber body exhibits (s) a Rollbondingblech and/or a Kurpferabsorber or ist.

Banks account Osterreichl building society Ko” ton of No. 92.111.622, BLZ 60 (300 Swifz code: OPSKATWW IBAN: AT55 000 0000 92.11 1622 savings bank of the city Feldkirch account No. 0 “4-00-006300, BLZ 20604 Swift code: SPFFJ T2B IBAN: AT70 2060 4004 0000 6300 T +43 E))5522 73 137 F -43 (O} 5522 73 359 M offi¢e I www.vpat.at VAT ATU 64196033 pat.at 07/06 2010 “0 14t19 [SE/EM NR 74201 014 ù07/06 14:18 FAX ù43 of 5522 73 59 patents Hefel • • • i Irish • • • • • * b m • , t • ao*o • D m • • o o • m 0015/0018 mechanism after one of the requirements 1 to 5, by the fact characterized that the cover plate (1) and the baseplate (2) by means of or several, the cavity (4) crossing Stützstegen (11) is connected to the vein the Stützstege (11) with play and by recesses (12) in the absorber body (5) passed through sind.

Mechanism after one of the requirements! to 6, by the fact characterized that the cover plate (1) and/or at least a basic layer (8, 9) of the cover plate (1) and/or the Grundptatte (2) glass amflNeist and/or exhibits or as Glasptatte is trained and/or sind.

Mechanism after one the Ansprü¢he 1 to 7, by the fact characterized that the side panel (3) at least Tn direction of their extending between cover plate (1) and G rundplatte (2) as at least 90%, preferably completely, trained as adhesive bodies ist.

Mechanism after one of the requirements 1 to 8, by the fact characterized that in the side panel (3) and/or between the side panel (3) and the cover plate (1) and/or between the side panel (3) and the baseplate (2) and/or in the cover plate (1) and/or in the baseplate (2) one or more ventilation openings are trained.

10. Mechanism after one of the requirements 1 to 9, by the fact characterized that the Deckpiarte (1) and the baseplate (2) by means of that, preferably flexibly trained, side panel (3) and/or by means of at least, the cover plate (1) with the baseplate (2) connecting, preferably flexibly trained, Stützsteges (11) toward one on the other too linked up sind.

07106 2010} IO 14:19 [SEIEM NR 7420] 015