The invention concerns a mechanism for adjusting a Extrudats on a finished worked on length and for merging the ends of the same, with a filler device for filling in and aligning roughly cut Extrudaten, which delivers aligned Extrudate at the discharge opening, whereby a swivelling carrier with a multiplicity of with distance is present holding devices from each other arranged, which are movable by the turning carrier at the discharge opening past, in such a manner that each holding device a Extruclat transferred to the discharge opening decreases in each case, if the carrier the holding device at the discharge opening past gewegt.
Nowadays pencils in a continuous procedure become by extruding a thermoplastic mixture over a thermoplastic marking core hergestellt.
The coherent Extruclat is cooled down after withdrawing from extrusion, around the Extruclat to veffestigen, and then on a certain length cut off. Thus the Extrudat smoothed around a surface, which is suitable for a coating to produce. In the following the treated Extrudat is coated in a continuous way and on the approximate, completely worked on length of the pencil cut off. Because for the pencil production further automatic working on stages are necessary, it is important that the roughly cut lengths on a certain length balanced werden.
Purpose of the invention is the creation of a mechanism for adjusting a Extrudats on a finished worked on length, which an advancement of existing mechanisms clarstellt.
The effindungsgemässe mechanism for adjusting a Extrudats on a finished worked on length of the kind initially specified is characterized by it that two, swivelling longing oath disks more võneinander arranged in the distance are arranged relative to the carrier, in order to cut the Extrudat on the finished worked on length, if this is moved past at the cut disks, and that a device is present for warming up the cut disks, around the ends of the Extrudats at the same time with adjusting too verschmelzen.
A remark example of the mechanism according to invention becomes following on the basis the design more near erläutert.
Fig. 1 a plan view of a mechanism, Fig. 2 a side view of the mechanism after Fig. 1, also away-broken parts, in order to represent the component of the mechanism more clearly, Fig. 3 a cut along the line 3-3 in Fig. 2 in larger yardstick and Fig. 4 a side view of the filler device and the magazine of the mechanism of Fig. 1 with broken off parts, in larger Massstab.
lu a mechanism 10 is represented to the design, which serves 12 for adjusting roughly cut pencil Extrudaten on a finished worked on length. From Fig. 4 it comes out that each Extrudat 12 exhibits a layer 14, which surrounds a core 16 from graphite. While in Fig. 4 Extrudate shown a round cross section have, can them just as well e.g. hexagonal cross sections exhibit. The Extrudat is manufactured in a continuous way by means of a device not shown, in which a thermoplastic mixture is extruded over a core. After the Extrudat left extrusion, it is conditioned by means of a mechanism not-shown, in which the coherent Extrudat will provide cooled down, on a certain size brought and then with a smooth surface. After this treatment the Extrudat is coated and cut then on an approximate length. This Extrudate 12 becomes of a feeding device 18 (Fig. 1) filled into a filler device 20, those in accordance with Fig. 4 a funnel 22 and a magazine 23 einschliesst.
Of the feeding device 18 the funnel 22 supplied Extrudate it is in such a way aligned that its axles hoping hone valley run (Fig. 4), whereby they fall between two each other oppositely arranged side panels 24, 26, which between firmly arranged front and rear framework elements 28 of the mechanism is installed. Each side panel has a triangular cross section and by two lying apart staffs 30, that are installed in ball bearings 32, is in such a manner carried that a limited horizontal shift of the side panels is possible. The lower surface 34 of the side panels is on two plates 36, 38, those adjustable by means of screws 40 because of retaining strips 41 installed sind.
The retaining strips are connected with the framework, so that between the retaining strips a gap 42 can be adjusted, around Extrudate with different diameters take up too können.
The sides of the funnel are locked by means of plates 43, which exhibit bent surfaces, which with the ends of the Extrudats to cooperate, in order to be able to move it in a correct position concerning the gap 42, as this is descriptive in the consequence more near. In order to facilitate the supply of the Extrudats from the funnel into the magazine by the gap 42, two guidance handles 44 linked up by feathers/springs are intended. These handles extend by slots 46 in the side panel 24, like this in Fig. 1 is represented. Furthermore a shaking device 50 is intended, which is arranged to a a side panel the 24. The shaking device 50 contains a bar 52, which are firmly with the free ends of the staffs at the side panel 24 connected, whereby an eccentric lever 54 swivelling in a camp 56 is installed at the framework and a member of 58 dcn levers 54 with the bar 52 verbindet.
Furthermore an engine is 60 (Fig. 2) and a transmission 62 intended. The lever 54 is propelled by an output shaft not-shown of the transmission over a flexible member, which can be z, B. a not-show-V-shaped belt. The side panel 24 is shifted by the Rüttelvorriehtung 50 in the 618,378 longitudinal direction of the Extrudate, which lie between the side panels 24 and 26, in vibration. The handles 44 essentially maintain their situation. By the combination of the vibrating side panel 24 and the handles 44 a kontinuierliehe supply of the Extrudate is caused into the gap 42 at the entrance to the magazine 23, whereby the gap limits 36 and 38 by the edges of the plates ist.
Each plate 36 and 38 has two in the distance vertically aligned walls 66 from each other arranged, which lead the ends of of the roughly cut Extrudate and which magazine 23 form, which exhibits down an opening 68, by which the horizontal arranged Extrudate due to its weight on the carrier 70 fall. The distance between the walls 66 can do that by attitude screws 40 adjusted weris. The Extrudate lies on top of each other and can so successively decreasing from the carrier 70, which moves relative to the opening 68, werden.
The carrier 70 points two mother boards 72 (Fig. 3) up, which at the ends of a hollow hub 74 arranged sind.
The hub is arranged on one while 76. The wave 76 is swivelling installed in camps 78, which are arranged at the framework elements 28. The length of the hub is in such a manner leg-eats that the axial distance between the exterior surfaces of the mother boards is smaller 72 than the length of the roughly cut Extrudate. 'At the carrier 70 a multiplicity of with distance holding devices 82 from each other arranged is intended, which are moved past by the turning carrier at the opening 68. The holding devices 82 are as Aussehnitte 84 (Fig. 4) trained, which are arranged in the distance on the extent of the mother boards, whereby the cutouts are aligned in the plate with the cutouts in the other plate. The cutouts 84 have in each case a semicircular basis section, a first wall section 88 and 3 one extending in radial direction diagonally to the Umfangsfläehe of the mother board 72 verlaulenden second wall section 90.
The carrier 70 is in such a way in the framework arranged that the mother boards 72 at the extent 86 directly in each case below the Õffnung 68 in the magazine (Fig. 4) is arranged, whereby the wave 76 with the longitudinal axis of the opening aligned ist.
Furthermore the axial position of the wave is in such a manner selected that the Aussenfläehen 80 of the mother boards 72 is centered relative to the axial ends of the opening 68. The mother boards 72 by the wave 76 toward the arrow A turned 4s (Fig. 4).
The wave 76 becomes over a chain wheel arranged at an end of the wave 91 (Fig. 3) by means of a chain not shown of an output shaft of the transmission 62 angetñeben.
The number of revolutions is stopped in such a manner that the carrier in everyone zo remove cutout 84 in each case a Extrudat from the magazine kann.
By means of the execution described above the carrier in the direction of the arrow A is propelled, whereby the Extrudate falls successively and separately in each case into the aligned cutouts 84, if the cutouts under the opening 68 move by themselves. The depth of the cutouts is so limited that a Extrudat fallen into the aligned cutouts is held during a turn of the mother boards by at least 90° in this, i.e. until the Extrudat falls out by its dead weight of the cutouts. The Extrudate fallen into the cutouts exceeds with the ends over the exterior surfaces 80 of the mother boards 72. These out-standing ends are adjusted by a Schneidevorfichtung 92, which is arranged under an angle of less than 90° before the axle of the magazine, like this in Fig. 4 is represented. Made this relative angle position possible that the Extrudate is held during the alignment procedure by the carrier it is absorbed, weiI the pressure expenditure-practiced by the Schneidevorrichtung on the Extrudate, which in two aligned 618,378 - 4 cutouts is arranged, by the plate, without the Extrudate verse-lifted werden.
The Schneidevorñchtung 92 is formed by two Schneidscheiben 94 from each other arranged with distance, which an extent part of the exterior surface 80 the Träs gerplatten in each case affected, like this in Fig. 3 shown is. Each Schneidscheibe is in a circle trained and between two flanges held at a hub 100 and a backing plate 102, which are installed at the flange. The hub 100 is installed at a spindle 104, stored which swivelling in a camp 106 lo is, which is fastened to a Veflängerungshebel, which is firmly with the main part of a framework 108 connected, to which the elements 28 fastened sind.
One of the hubs is connected with a wedge connection 110 with the free end of a drive shaft 112. Dic wave Is 112 becomes of an arrangement with a chain and a chain wheel, which is not represented, of the AbtriebsweUe of the transmission 62 angetrieben.
The waves 112 and 104 swore with one another and are parallel to the while 76 arranged, so that, the flat front surface 114 of each Schneidscheibe directed inward runs 94 perpendicularly to the axis of rotation the same. Each Schneidscheibe is provided with a radially arranged, tapered gumption part of 116, so that the gumption part cuts each end off of the Extrudats, if this by the carrier led past the Schneidscheibe wird.
The axial distance of the Schneidscheiben at the spindle 104 is so limited that the front surfaces 114 rest against the exterior surfaces 80 of the mother boards 72. For the maintenance of the tolerances at the balanced Extruden it is preferred that the front surface 114 of each Schneidscheibe with the exterior surface 80 stands in sliding contact, so that the contact of Andruckrädem will maintain 118. Each wheel 118 is swivelling installed at an owner 120, which is fastened to the framework elements 28. The printing wheels rest to the tapered cut part of 116 of the Schneidscheibe 94 within the range, in which the Stirnflä¢he 114 of the Schneidscheibe with the exterior surface 80 of the mother boards stands in contact against 3s. Consequently each end of the Extrudats is led past to the cutting hurrying and becomes crosswise concerning that CO longitudinal axis abgeglichen.
Additionally to adjusting the roughly cut Extrudats on finished worked on lengths melt the Schneidevorrichtung 92 furthermore at the same time the material of the Extrudats, where it comes with the Schneidscheiben 94 into contact. This 4s fusion effect serves for locking the ends the lead, stiffs. The Schmelzoder conclusion effect is reached by the fact that the Schneidscheiben are warmed up. Consequently a device 122 is intended for the heating up of the Schneidscheiben 94. From Fig. 3 it comes out that the Vorñchtung exhibits an electrical resistance heating element 124, which is festgeklammert at the Stimfläehe the Schneidscheibe 94 in relation to the surface 114. A circular molding 126 is fastened on a Rfickplatte 102 and wedges the element 124 at the Schneidscheibe. ss an electric current is supplied to each heating element by way of a device 128. The device exhibits spring-tensioned carbon brush conductors 136, 137, those to sliprings 130; lie close to 131, which are fastened to the Isolierkölper 126. Each slipring has a bus bar 132, which the Schleifóo ring with one of the clamps 134 of the heating element verbindet.
The Kohlenbürsten 136, 137 become over wires 138 with electric current gespeist.
After the Aussehnitte carried 84 a Extrudat over the Seheidevorriehtung 92 outside, it becomes due to the ó5 turn of the carrier 70 to the cutouts herausfallen.
The Extrudate becomes in the cutouts directed downward by the k - eisförmigen edges 140 of the guide plates 142 held, which to the elements 28 of the framework is fastened and is in a distance from each other arranged, smaller is than the distance between the exterior surfaces 80 of the mother boards 72. The edges 140 end at the lowest point of the circle, so that, described by the extent of the mother boards 72, if two sections a finished cut Extrudat carry over this point of the guide plate, this Extrudat along the edges 90 (Fig, falling out of the cutouts. 4) slides and onto a promotion device 146 falls (Fig. 2), which is fastened at the framework 108 of the mechanism, the photograph side 148 of the promotion device is vertically arranged underneath the mother boards 72, in order to remove the balanced Extrudat, if itself the carrier dreht.
The promotion device 146 (Fig. 2) exhibits a first promotion device 150, which with two waves lying apart 152 is provided, which are stored swivelling in within the framework 108 planned camp holes 154 and 156. Each wave carries a pair from each other of beabstandeter, V-shaped wheels 158, which are one on the other aligned (Fig. 1). Each pair of wheels is connected by a V-shaped belt 160. The tension of belt can be stopped by a screw 161, whereby a sliding support 154 by means of a mother 164, that is fastened at the framework 108, along a rail 168 shifted wird.
A rigid drive shaft 152 of the first promotion device is installed in a firmly arranged camp block 156 and carries at an end a chain wheel 162 (Fig. 1), which intervenes in a Kettenantrieb not-shown, which is connected with the AbtriebsweUe not shown of the Getñebes 62. The upper Trum of the V-belt 160 moves in the direction of the arrow B and takes up balanced Extrudate, as this is suggested by the arrow C, if this of the turning carrier abfallen.
From Fig. 1 and 2 comes out that the finished Extrudate with its melted and final ends of the first conveyor 150 to a second conveyor 170 is transported. The second conveyor 170 has two drums 172, over which a volume 180 runs. The drums 172 are arranged on waves 174, which are stored in camp blocks 176 and 178. The camp blocks 176 are arranged at the framework 108. The camp blocks 176 between the camps 154 and 156 of the first conveyor are firmly installed at the framework elements 28. Furthermore the highest position of the belt 180 lies " roughly, where it runs over the drums 172, not more highly than the Oberieil of the first conveyor, so that the balanced Extrudate can be transported freely over the volume 180. The volume 180 runs then below an open-circuited role of 182, which swivelling at a not adjustable wave 152 between deh wheels 158 is arranged, and continues to run horizontal, until the volume passes the drums 172. The tension in the belt 180 becomes in the same way as during the attitude of the V-belt of the first conveyor durchgeführt.
The second conveyor is propelled by means of a chain wheel 184, that at a not adjustable wave 174 (Fig. 1) is fastened, with transmissions 162 not-shown from a chain propelled, in interference stands. The upper Trum of the volume 180 is propelled in the same direction as the upper Trum of the V-belt of the first Förderbandes.
The finished worked on Extrudate at the first conveyor will Croatian news agency-ISD-carry in the upper section of the same over the photograph side of the second conveyor. If the Extrudate reaches the end of the first Fõrderbandes, they fall in the direction of the arrow D toward the flat volume 180 and become then packing or the further processing wegbefördert.
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Apparatus for trimming an extrudate to finished length and fusing the ends thereof, comprising: a. hopper means for receiving and orienting rough-cut lengths of extrudate, and having an outlet through which oriented lengths of extrudate are adapted to pass; b. a movable carrier having a plurality of spaced holder means operatively passing the outlet as the carrier moves; c. each holder means adapted to releasably capture a length of extrudate from the outlet as the carrier moves the holder means past the outlet; d. a pair of spaced, rotatable cutter discs operatively positioned relative to the carrier for trimming each end of a length of extrudate captured by a holder means as the carrier moves the holder means past the cutter, discs and e. means for heating the cutter discs whereby each end of the length of extrudate is fused simultaneously with being trimmed. 2. Apparatus according to claim 1, wherein each holder means releases a captured length of extrudate after the carrier moves the holder means past the cutter discs, the apparatus including conveyor means for receiving trimmed extrudate released by the holder means. 3. Apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the hopper means includes a magazine for horizontally orienting the lengths of extrudate, one above the other, the outlet of the hopper means being an opening in the bottom of the magazine through which the lengths of extrudate are fed by gravity to the movable carrier. 4. Apparatus according to claim 3, wherein the carrier includes a pair of carrier plates mounted for rotation about a horizontal axis, the plates being axially spaced apart a distance less than the length of any of the rough-cut lengths of extrudate, each holder means having notches spaced around the periphery of the plates, the notches in one plate being aligned with the notches in the other, the carrier plates being operatively positioned below the opening in the bottom of the magazine so that a pair of aligned notches on the plates is adapted to receive a length of extrudate when such pair is positioned below the opening, the plates being axially positioned relative to the opening such that the axial ends of an extrudate received in a pair of aligned notches projects beyond the respective axial end faces of the plates. 5. Apparatus according to claim 4, wherein the cutter discs are respectively engaged with a peripheral portion of the outer axial end faces of the carrier plates. 6. Apparatus according to claim 5, wherein each cutter disc has a flat surface generally perpendicular to the axis of rotation with a tapered periphery, the flat surfaces of the discs partially overlying and being slidably engageable with the respective outer axial end faces of the carrier plates. 7. Apparatus according to claim 6, wherein the aligned notches of the carrier plates comprise notches which are substantially semi-circular defined by a radially extending side and an inclined edge on its leading side. 8. Apparatus according to claim 7, wherein the knife discs overlie and slidably engage the carrier plates at a vertical location intermediate the axis of rotation of the carrier plates and the top-most periphery thereof. 9. Apparatus according to claim 6, including means engaging each cutter disc for maintaining the axial spacing between the flat surfaces of the discs. 10. Apparatus according to claim 6, wherein the means for heating the cutter disc includes a resistance element connected to each disc in heat-transfer relationship, and a pair of slip-rings mounted on each disc and electrically connected to the resistance element, and a pair of stationary brushes for each pair of slip-rings and operatively engaged therewith for electrically connecting the resistance elements of a power source. 11. Apparatus according to claim 7, including conveyor means having a receiving end located vertically below the carrier plates for receiving trimmed lengths of extrudate. 12. Apparatus according to claim 11, wherein the conveyor means includes a first conveyor having a pair of spaced shafts rotatably mounted below the carrier plates, each shaft carrying a pair of spaced V-belt pulleys so that the two pairs of aligned pulleys are defined, and a V-belt operatively engaged over each aligned pair of pulleys. 13. Apparatus according to claim 12, wherein the conveyor means includes a second conveyor having a flat belt with a run located below the level of the tops of the V-belt pulleys and being located partially between the two shafts. 14. Apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the hopper means includes, a hopper for receiving lengths of extrudate in a horizontal position, the hopper having a pair of spaced side walls elongated in the direction of the axis of the extrudate and means for vibrating one of the side walls in the horizontal direction. 15. Apparatus according to claim 14, wherein the hopper means includes a magazine for horizontally orienting the lengths of an extrudate one above another, the magazine having vertically oriented walls that are adjustable to vary the spacing therebetween to accommodate extrudate of different cross-sectional sizes.